HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 5 LIONSHEAD CENTRE UNIT 212,'-[*]t o VCI^,\ Ll+ C!^t^r Cn,"AN, T0t"lN trF VAIL, COLoRADO FOR INSF.ECTIT]N NORK SHEETS FORI 7/ 16198 7/16/95 Typel A-BUILD Statr-tsr ISSUED Constr"r ADUtr AddneEsr 3?Q LIONSHEAD MALL Locationr 5P0 LIONSHEAD CIRDLE *ele (LH CENTER) FarceL r ElOt-O7t-Ct3-r413 Occ: Use: Deser"iptionr MUUE KITCHEN TO DINING RM/ NEW BATH Applicant: BOB TAYLBR CONST Fhone: 3O394971E4 Owner: JOE FOLEY F,hone: _::li:::::::_:::_I1::::_:!YI_________ ::::::_:::?:7!!=:______________._ o ,l t Inspection Request Information..... Requestor: BOB TAYLDR F,hone: 390-4153 Req Tim€ ! TlFig&-conments .P/7- /,'eO ltens r'equested to be Inspected... Action Comments rA0060 BLDE-Sheetrock Nai I ::"* ^'lo-.""^' F u, i REtrT 1 31 il7 /16/94 Q7 ;66 REOUESTS Activityr 89g-tZt13l F.A6E AREA: trD {{ll i r Ti me Exp rc" Inspeet i on History..... It em : 0g1036 BLDG-Fram ing A6/ 17 /9A Inspector": JRM It em : AQO1A BLD6*Insr-rlat ion Item: AAA6A FLD6-Sheetr"oek NaiI A6/L8/94 Inspector: CD Notes : COMFLETE FIDDITIONAL Iten: AAOA0 * * Not On File * * Item: AAq70 BLD6*Misc. Item : OAA9rzr BI-DG*Final Item: OOSJIZI BLDB*Temp. C,/Q Item r erfi54rzt Bl.-.DG*Final C,/O Act i on : AF.PR AF.F.ROVED Action: AFCR SEE NOTES FASTENERS IN THE FIELD /-- ,r.1.,\: I REF,] r 3l TOWN OF VRIL. EOLORRDO F.AGE 19 ARER: CD A7/14/9A fi72T3 RET]UESTS FOR INSF.ECTION UJNRK SHEETS FOR: 7/T4/94 flddress: SEO LIONSHEAD MfiLL Locat i on: SEttr LIONSHEAD cI R *PlE Par"ceI r ElrZtl-O7 1-83-8 13 Descript ionr INTERIOR REMODEL-ADDING Ftpplicant! A 8.C ENTERFRIZES 0wnerr FRESSDN RUBERT R - BYRD Cantt'actor.: A & C ENTERPRIZES BATH DEBORAH Bec:Us e : F,hcrne = 97Q*87 A-'3447 Fhone: Fhonez 97@-878-5447 Inspeet i on Reqr.rest Requestor: HARRY Req Tiner O8:EtD Items requested to OAA9A PLMB-Final Inf or.mat i on. . . Comment s: UNIT be Inspected.. Fhone: 4rZrl-O157 gla (coMBIN. ON DOWNSTAIRS DO0R-754) Act ion Comments Time Exp ,/r7(, {*/zs, Inspect i on History..... rA0g I rzr F,LlilB-UncJ er.ground AEee0 F,LMB-Ror"rqh/D, t . V. Q6/AE:/98 Inspector': 6RB IA@EE5 FIRE-SF'RINKLER ROUGH qr0F:38 F,LMB-Ro r-rqh /telat er" Q6/A3/98 Inspector.: 6RG erae40 F,LMB-Ga9 F,ipinE ratAeSE FL.MB-F oo 1/Hot -I.t-tb ra0e6tA FLMF-Mi sc. 'afiflgCr Ft-ltlB-FinaI Ii'IZIs3g FIRE_FINAL C/O Item: Item: It em: Itemr It en: Item: Item: Item: Item: Act i on ; AF'F R Aetionr AFtrR 6r'avity water test = 0K I ine pr'essLr.Y'e-no leaks I I I I I I l I TOI^IN.OF VAIL 75 S. FRO}fTAGE ROAD VATL, CO 8L557 970-479-2138 APPLICANT BOB PO CONTRACTOR BOB PO OWNER .]OE Description: MOVE KITCHEN TO Occupancy: Job Address: Location. . . : Parce] No. . :Project. No.: TAYLOR CONST BOX 5034, VAIL TAYLOR CONST BOX 5034, VAIL FOLEY DEPART'IVIE}TT OF COMMI]NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT PETMiT #: B9B-0131 520 LIONSHEAD MALL sLatus...: APPRoVED 520 LIONSHEAD CIRCLE g212Apptied. . : 05/26/L998 2101-071-03-013 Issued...: OS/26/Lg9B PRJ98-0082 Expires..: LL/22/1,998 co 816s8 co B16sB Phone: 3039497L24 Phone: 3039497L24 DINTNG RM/ R1 NEW BArH Clean-up approved Multi -FarnitmOUnt TOV/C Dev. date -t I )t ,'tt #Of Gas t,ogs:*of wood/Pallet: FEE SUMMARY 195.00 ResluaranE Plan Review--> .OO Type Corlstruction: ValuaLi-on: Fiteplace InfolmaLion: R€st.ljicted: BuiIdj.ng-----> Plan Check- --> Inve6Ligatior> wi l1 call- 15, 000 Add Sq Fr: *of cas AppLiances: ),26.15 DRts Fee--------- .00 RecreaE.i.on Fee- -------, 1.00 CIean-Up Depo€it--------> 'I'OTAL FEE5- - . Tot.al. calculated Fces- - - > A{tdil.ional Fees----- - ---} TocaL Pet:mi! Fee--------> tla) nentn-------- BAI,ANCE DUE 50.00 .00 100.00 .oo 474.7\ .00 414 .75 I!g!l;..051q0 BUTLDING DEPARTI4ENT Depr: BUTLDING Divisi_on:95/26/a998 JRI( Action: AppR AppRovED JRM--' --' Iqem: .05400 PLANNING DEP.ARTMENT -bept: pLANNING Division:05/26/1,998 JRM Action: AppR N/A I!eq'i. .q5qq0 !' ,RB DEPARTMENT ' Detrr: FrRE Division:05/26/1998 JRM Action: AppR N/A Irem: 05500 PTJBLIC WORKS " Dept: pLlB woRK Division:05/26/a998 JRM Act.ion: AppR N,/A See Page 2 of t.his Document. f or any cond.itions that may apply t.o this permit. DECI,ARATTONS r hereby acknoeledge Lhat I have l'ead this application, filled out in fu1l rhe infotration rjequired, conpleted an accurate ploL plan' and 6taLe thal all the infor:rnatiotl plovided as requiled is colrecE. r agree to comply with the info|marion and prol ptan,Lo cc'mply eith all Tovn ordinances and state laws, and to build Ehis BEructure according to Lhe Tolurl,s zoning and subdivision codea, deo-i9n r:evier approved, unifor-m Buirding code and oLhe'' ordinances of Eh€ Tc,!n app]icabre lhe1eLo. REQUESTS FoR INSPESIIoNS sltAIJL BE MADE 'II'JBNTY - FoUR HouRs IN ADVANCE BY TEIJEPHoNE AT 4?9-2t18 oR AT oUR oFFIcE FRoM a:00 AM 5:oo pM send clean-Up Deposit To: BoB TAYIOR coNgT SICMTURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF'AND O}INER ''rii.'..r''rr. TOOIf OP VIIL, COIJOnADO gCrC6En! rrrrrrrratftt*aa ,r r i r r r t r r t , r . r r i * r SlaC.Enl Nunb.r r REC-0406 ADounC I Pryn€nl l4stshod: CK NoEtElont 2542 s3 .00 05/26198 11 :1? P6rei I No, E98-01Lr T}?s. B-EIEC EIJECTRTCIT pER!,tff' P.Eccl No : 2LO1-0?1-03-013 gIcG AddE66r: 520 T,IONSHBAD r.rAtJL Loc.Cion. 52O LIOTTSHEAD CIRCITE *2I2 Inlt.: MAVI Totsal Fees: PrlErsn! 53 . 00 Total, Il,t p[rcs: s3. o0 53 .00 .00 AsounE 50. 00 3. OO sq( f-., l? -L/t-.Balancc: Accoun!, Code Dc6cripclon EP OO10OO03111{OO EIJECTRICAIJ PERMIT FEES wc 0o100oo3It2soo wIIrL catL INSpECTION FEE ii rila+,rrt t\t* J*tr 1i t rr+rarari t*tlt trrttr *r*rrr.rrii **++fi',attr*,Ja I TovrN oF VAIL, COLoRADo Ssrr.ltlnc iirrirrrr;r.rrr SEaEan.rlE Nur|bcr I REC-O4O6 .BrounE: Pa]rnont t{aehod: CK NoEar,lon: 2S{2 t34.2s OS/26/95 7r.79 IniE: tlAW PeTdII No: P9B.OO52 TyP€: B-PIJMB PIJUuBING PERMIT Parcal No: 2101-07I-03-013 gite Addrcd6: 520 LTONSHPID MALL LocaEion: 520 LIONSHSA.D CIR *212 lSqg - ct*\ I loCal FeeE: This Pa! nenE 134.25 Total ALL pntEi Brlanc€: !.34.25 .00 ArrounE 105.00 26 .25 3.00 Account. Codc DeEcript.ion PP OOlOOO03],1].200 PIJUUBINC PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOO031123OO PIJAN CHECK FEES 9{C OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJL CAIJI' INSPECAION FEE rtrli.trtttrt.rtttt r a r i I r r r r r i r r r r Lr ,r r r r t t r t r r * aI *ttraa aa *, rrJr.rr To9[{ oP vAfI], COI/oRtDo glrEeDn, rrrrrrrtr r;rrrr ti rt rt rri rtrrrr.rrrrr,rt**l|,rtt + i i r r , , r r . r r r r fi r r * gEaEcrln! NuEbar I REC-040d tdoun! 3 Pa)mcnt. MaEhodl CK NotaEion! 2s4a 474.75 05/26/9a J,ttL6 Inic: Mltw cI A-BUTIJD }.DD/ATT s8R BUILD PE Tocal Fcc6: Thi6 Prynen! 4i4.7s ToEaI AIrIJ pEts: BaLancr: AccounE CodG DG6c!i.pEion BP OOlOOOO3IIllOO BUILDING PERI,II? REES DR 00100003112200 DEStc RgVIeW FEES PP 00100003112300 prrAr\l cHEcK FEES AD O0100002{03100 CT,AANUP DEPOSItS wc 00100003112800 wrr,L cAltr INspEqtIoN FEE 414.15 474.75 .00 AmounE 195.00 50. 00 r.00.00 3.00 P.rdi.t N Parcal No-!1-O?1-03-O13 glEc AdclrcsE: Loctt.ioD; 520 LIONSHEA.D T{AI,I] 520 LIONSHEAD CIRCLE #212 TOWN O.F VAIL 75 S. FRO}fIAGE ROAD VATL, CO 81,657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMEI,IT OF COMMTTNITY THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/AI-,,T SFR BUILD PERMIT NOTE:ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: B9B-01-31 APPLICAI{T COIVTRACTOR OhINER ilob Address LocaLion. . . Parcel- No. . Project No. BOB TAYLOR CONST P O BOX 5034, VAIL BOB TAYLOR CONST P O BOX 5034, VAIL JOE FOLEY 520 LIONSHEAD MALL 520 LIONSHEAD CIRCLE 2101-071-03-013 PRJ98 - 0 082 Status.. #212App1ied.Issued.. Expires. .: APPROVED .: 05/26/a998 .: 05/26/L998 .: LL/22/L998 co co 81558 81658 Phone: 303949'7L24 Phone:. 3039497L24 Description: MOVE KITCHEN TO DINTNG RM/ NEW BATH Occupancy: Rl Tlpe Construction: Valuati-on:15,000 FlrepIace Ir)format ion: Reetri cl-ed: MuIti -Family Add Sq Ft: #of sae Appliances: Brrilding----: Plnn.-'her:k---, InveBt igal i on:- Wi.tL Cal1--- ] Total Fer:mi t- t'ee- - - - Payment.6 BALANCE Du8-------- 195. OO t26 - t, .00 1.OO R.'!rl uarant PIan Revi-w--, .OO Total Cal.cuIaLed Fees- - - -'474 - 15 50.00 A,ld i Lional Fee6 .oo Recr:eaLion Fee . oo Cleatl Up DepoeiL- -100.00 4t4. t5 4 t4.-t5 .o0 414,15 3_fy9 *of Gaa Logs:#of wood/Pa11et: FEE SUMMARY e e e e tr 5 t 5 t 5 t I 0 I 0 I 0 I m a m 2 m a m 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 6 0 8 0 1 9 q 5 9 5 5 9 5 9 5 9 5 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 6 6 6 BUILDING DEPARTMENT DepL: BUILDING Division:JRM Action: APPR APPROVED JRM- ILCM: O55OO PI]BLIC WORKS 05/26/L998 JHII Action: APPR PLANNING DEPARTMENT JRM AcLion: APPR FIRE DEPARTMENT JRM ACTiON: APPR Dept : PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Diwision: N/A N/A N/A See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknol,ledge t-hat. I have r:ead thiB application, fil1ed out in fuII Lhe information ):equired, conpleLed an ^(icutace plot plan, dnd state thatr all Lhe infomaLion plovided as r€quired i6 cor:rect. I agree to conply rith the infolmarion and pt..t p1an, t', comply trith all To!,tn or:dinancee and state lalrs, and ro build this strucLlrre accolding to Lhe Town'6 zoning and oubdivieion codes, deaj.gn r:eview approved, Uniform Building code and other ordinances of the Tc'un applicable thereto- REOUESTS FoR IN6PECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TIIENTY- FOUR HOURS IN ADVANTjE aY TDTEPHONE AT 4?9-2133 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AIrI 5:u0 pM Send Clean UD Depoeit To: BOB TAYLOR coNST SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR (:ONTRACIOR FOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNER Page 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDTTIONS Permit #: 898-0131- as of O5/26/98 Status---: AppROVED *********************:t********************************************************** Permit. T14qe: ADD/ALT SFR BUITD PERMIT Applied--: 05/26/1,998 Applicant--: BOB TAYLOR CONST Issued---: O5/26/L998 3039497124 To Expire: LL/22/L998 Job Address: 520 LTONSHEAD MALL tocation---:. 520 LIONSHEAD CIRCLE #212 Parcel No--: 2101--071-03-013 Description: MOVE KITCHEN TO DINING RM,/ NEW BATH * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 . FIEI.,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1-991 IJBC. TOV{I'I QF VATL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81,657 970-479-21,38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTIVIENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVETOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E9B-0111 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 520 LTONSHEAD MAIJL Status...: AppROVED Location...: 520 LTONSHEAD CIRCLE #212App1ied. .: 05/26/a998 Parcel No..: 2101-071-03-013 Issued.. . : 05/26/]_998 Project No.: pRJ98-0082 Expires..: Il/22/L998 MOI]NTATN MAINTENANCE & ELECTRIC PhONE: 9'7O_524-7IL5 P. O. BOX 131, 105 RTVERVIEW ROAD, cypSIlM, CO Bl_537 MOIN{IAIN MAII{TENANCE & ELECTRIC PhONE Z 97O,524-7tT5 P. O. BOX 131, 105 RTVERVIEW ROAD, GypSIlM, CO 81537 PRESSON ROBERT A - BYR-D DEBORAH 420 CHRISTMAS TREE DR, BOIILDER CO 80302 DescripLion: ITITERIOR REMODEL Valuation:1_, 500 .00 FEE SUMt4ARy Electrica.I DRB Foc Invest igaL i on ) l"li1l (:all----] TOTAL FEES. - . ToCal Calculated Fee€---) Arldi tional Fees- Total Pelmi t Iee--------r L'ayment6 - - BAI.ANCE I)UE--_ --- -- - 50.00 -00 .00 l. or) 51 .00 53 .00 .oo 5l.oo .00 Item:06000 05 /26 / t99B Item:05600 os/26/L998 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT .JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED FIRE DEPARTMEI\TT JRM ACtiON: APPR N/A Dept: BUILDING Diwision: JRM.Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I heleby acknorledge that I have read thiE application, filled ouE in futl the infor:malion required, completed an eccur-ate plot Ptan, and ot-aLe that all bhe infornaLiDn provided as required is correct. I agree to comply olir.h tshe infomation and ptoh plan, to cohPly sith all Town ordinances and stsate lawn, and to build this Btr:LrcLure according to the To!l'l,o zoning and eubdivieiorl 'Jodes, deaign rjeview approved, Uniform aLrildinq code and other ordinances of Ehe lown applicable the!-cto. REQUEIITS FOR INSPECTIONS stlALL BE MADE T}IENT!-FOUR HoURs IN ADVANCE BY TELEpHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT oUR oFFIcE FROM g:OO AM s:00 pM SIqNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACI]OR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER TOWN QF VAIL DEPARTMEMT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMEI{T 75 S. FROI{'TAGE ROAD vArL, co 81,657 9'70-479-21,38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLI]MBING PERMIT Permit #: P9B -0062 .JOb AddrESS: 520 LIONSHEAD MALL SI.ATUS., .: APPROVED Locarion...: 520 LTONSHEAD CrR #21_2 Applied..: 05/26/r99e Parcel No..: 21-OL-O7L-03-013 Issued...: 05/26/a998 Project No.: PRiI98-0082 Expires . .: L1_/22/1_999 APPTICAI{T A &CENTERPRTZES PhONC: 970_878-5447 P.O. BOX 718, MEEKER, CO 81541_ CO}TTRACTOR A & CENTERPRIZES PhONC: 970-878-5447 P.O. BOX 718, MEEKER, CO 81541 OIiINER PRESSON ROBERT A - BYRD DEBORAH 420 CHRISTMAS TREE DR, BOULDER CO BO3O2 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL-ADDING BATH Valuation: 7,000.00 PEE SUHMARY Plumbing-----> 105.i10 Reotuaran! plan Review--> .00 Tolal calculaied fees---> tJ4,25 pIaD clrecrk---, 26.25 TOTAL FEES a34.25 Additional Fees .oo Inve€tigation) .OO ToLal permir tee--------> I34-2t wilr (ra11----' r'oo :ixffi::'","-------------l ,,.::: ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DCPT: BUILDTNG DiViSiON:05/26/1.998 JFJM .T AcTlon: APPR APPROVED JRM.IICM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DEPT: FIRE DiViSiON:05/26/L998 JRI4 Action: AppR N,/A CONDITTON OF APPROVAIJ DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read Lhis application, fi11ed out in fu11 Lhe infolmation required, completed an acculaLe plot plan, and ataLe thaL all th€ infotmalion provided as lequired iB currect- I agr_ee Eo comply rrilh che information and plot plan, to comPly $ith al.l Town ordinanceo and state law€, and to buiLd this stsr.uccure according t-o the Torn,s zoning and subdj.vieion codea, deaign review apprioved, Uniform Buj,Iding code and other: ordinancee of the To!,,n applicable therelo. REQUESTS FOR iNSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENfY-FOUR HOURS IN AD\TANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI4 g:00 AM 5:oo pM SICNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEIJF AND OWNER 75 roulh lronlsge road vtll, colora do 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 o lflco ol "orrnunity devolopmerrt EUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCT TII.,II FMI,IE If this permr:t ".qrJ;::;-t j?l1l of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer's (.publ ii wortsj ;;;;.;'anl'app.ovar, a pianning' Departrnent rev r ew or Hea'r th 0ep. artm6nt. iev i ew, -u nr' u- ;;;i u; lv".iil"iri r ai ng Sioi[l3;",j;ulll "rrrruted time ro.'u-iotur review may take as lons All commercial (iur?:^:l small) and alt mutti_family permits will have to fo'l low the abov_e rnentioned ri*in'un requirements. Residentia.l and small projects shourd ilk;-;-i";;!r amount of time. However, if residentiar or snrar ter projecir-i;;;;;' the various above mentioned departments vith rega.rd to-necesiiiy-ievi"*, these projects may also take the three week period Every attempt vriil be made bv thiq dnn;rrfn,o,.,+ +^ ^...__r:!- r pe'mrlt.as. s.qon.t oi:rTif:.bv this departnrent to expedite this l:,ilr undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time Trame. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS MAY g, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the following queliioinffi I have read and answered a tl lhe above questions. Conlractofs Sighat ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of-ihe right of way, easemenls or public flropely? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecling the righl olway, easemenls, or public property? ls a "Re.vocable Right CI Way permit, required? B) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used lor staging, parking or iencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community .Development? . .. lf-r9u- allwered yes to any of lhese questions, a "Public way permit" must be obtained.?ublic way Permit" applications miy be obtained at the"public work,s office or at c.o.qT1u1ity Deve.lopm.elt: ]f loy n1v^e -a1y euestions prease cail charrie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479_21Sg. NO ,/ ,/ 1) 2) YES 'Public Way Permit': a\ 4) 5) b) 7) Date Job /.4tTf :onracc Eaglo Councy Asscssors Offlce ac 970-328-8640 for Parcel-/. TowN oF vArL coNsrRUCTrON pEtu\lrr /i \VeL tjt 'L/D/' O-7/- 03- Ott pERMTT AppLICATION i6:K '.-:--:1. iirii'11#tilp'"N Tptt t_ o6f, L / APPLTCATToN l{ttsr BE FrLLE-D ouT CoMPLETELY oR IT MAy Nor BE AccEprED Legat Description: Lot-_- Block__ Filingg rr.rners Nane: Jn, {*4*, ' ,, /; r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT TNFORHATIoN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,. * * * * * * * * * ,\ ?(-{-Bui}ding [ ]-Ptumbing [ ]-Electricar [ ]-Mechani'car [ ]-other rob Nanre, tol.i' lr;".,3r1r 1 ;/Vlt ^z/\rchitect'. .\ E:( f arf rtrace.al.!i\r i c5>; -- D'^ leneral Description: ,tr/)U< k;, tork class: [ ]-New taf-Alteration lumber of Dwelling Units: / 7t iur"or*" , r ffi.gl&'6,r QlQ''"oo Er,EcrRrcAl,r g 1f oo. ac o',rp. $ lttw or ;:= -" - ---------3r,' fmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances cas rogs/Wood/PelIet i*****************;:,:.::::::****** VALUATIONS *******.,r********)r.,?,************** [*******1**: Phone llunber = 47t- biT l-Additional [ ]-Repair[ ]-other Nunber of Accommodation Units: 3-p ,lumbing rddress: lechanical Contractor: iddress: '7/ contr .Pt, 4,1 r Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunrber: g7ti, q+'{.' :rt*>f >trt:t * *** ** **** * *** * * * *.* ****i.* ]UTLDING PERMIT FEE:,LUMBING PERMIT FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: |LECTRTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: r,':' )RB FEE: Town of VaiI Req. NO. Phone Nur'lber: FOR OFFfCE USE **** **'t* * x***** ****)r* ***** ** ** x BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PLAN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PER.I.,TIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: ** *yr***r, **r* qONTRACTOR Lo4 J(za/4r UAt"aT, GROUP lomnenLs: VALUATION , CLEA.N UP DEP.OSIT REFT]ND TO: