HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 6 UNIT 4C LEGAL.pdf1r r.t*e" L.t,fk t,t ( Vuit t lL t(k TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 APPLICAI{T COTflTRAC'IOR O'WNER Job Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..: Project. No.: 452 E LIONSHEA.D 452 E LIONSHEAD zroL-064-04-023 PR,t98 - 02 05 Status ' . (TREE Applied. Issued. . Elq)Ires. ISSUED 08/25/1,998 09/oa/L998 02/28/Leeg DEPARTT"IEI{T OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMEI{T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ']OBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit fr B98-0242 CR CR DescriPtion: inrnnrbn oNLY KrrcHEN AND BATH REMoDEL KLAHR CONSTRUCTION INC P o Box 1505, EAGLE CO 8l-631 KLAIIR CONSTRUCTION lNC P O BoX 1s05, EAGLE CO 81-631 TIERNEY CATHERINE D TRUSTEE & TIERNEY .JAMES P, 25OO MUTUAL Phone t 970-328-L5]-4 Phone 970-328-L5I4 LrFE BLDG -2345, KANSAS CITY MO 641 TOViComm. Dev. Add qnBount odaF"""", occupancy, \! / 12 _,- [*l' ; T"T1]X,,]. " t uUE"a l{/uF"De p osit R ef u n d Tlpe construEtion: II 1-HR Type II 1-Hour rtt approveo TIT)e Occupancy: valuaEion: 35,500 Fi:.eDlace Infoirnation: Rcetsricted: y *of Gas APPIianccs: FEE SUI4MARY Buitding-----> 392'oo ReECuarants Plan Review-_> 'oo Totsal calculaEed Fees---> 949'ao Plan Check---> 2s4 '80 DRB Fee-------- Investigation> 'Oo Recleation Fee----_---'_> 'OO Total PefitriC Fee----_--_> 949 '90 ,,i,l ca,r----> ,:;; ilii:t::":::::t:----:---: 3ll:li ;iff::";;;---- .-- --"' -: "':3i ITem: O51OO BUILDING_DEPARTTVIENT -PEPI: BUILD]NG DiWiSiON: 687 ) i; t 1 gi6-,r-nfr - -- -. - -as g rsl.' -[-p:e APPRovED irpM- rtbm: 05400 PLANNrNG, oneenfua-e'n1 6b7)sZiSsb ;RM Asti-q[: APPR N/A Trbm: 05600 FrRE DEPAnrrqnwi Dept: FrRE Division: 6bTzsZi6ie ,IR1i,1 -ggF-ion: APPR N/A rtem: ossoo PlIBLrc wQRK$ ' ::-^: ::',: DepL: PIIB woRK Djwision: 6b7isZi65b .rrua Actr'on: APPR N/A Iherebyackdo*ledgethatlhavereadEhieaPplicalion,filledourinfulltheinfonraEionrequired,comPleledan plan,andslatethat'alltheinformat'ionptovideclasrequirediBcorrech'Iagrce!ocomPlywiththej.nfornation tocomp]'ywithallTownoldinancesandEtsaleIa!.s,andtobuild!hi6struclureaccordlngtsolheToi.,n,6zoningand code6,de€i.gnrevrewapproved,Uniforrleuildingcodeandolherordinance6oflheTo!'napp].icabletheleto. see page 2 of this Document for any condiEions that may apply to this permit ' DE CLARATI ONS acculaLe Plot: alld plob plan, subdivisi on RseuEsrs FoR rNsPEcrroNs SKALL BE MADE rwENrY- FouR HouRs rN ADITANCE BY teLeeuo.W a1e-2ffT ryff Il"" 'Y sena clean-uP DePoEit To: KLAHZ coNsT sTENT.JTTNE OF OhNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSET,F AND OWNER *****************:t**************************************************!t*********** CONDITIONS permiL #: 898-0242 as of 09/0L/98 status: rssuED ************************************************************************:}******* permit. Tlpe: ADD/Ar,T MF BurLD-PERMrr Applied: oe/25/L998 Applicant, xr-,Afun coNSTRUgrIoN INC tssued: ,9/OL/L99B g7o-328-t5: 4 To E>qrire z o2/28/t999 ilob Address: Location t 452 E LIONSHEAD CR (TREE TOPS #4C) Parcel No: 2101-064-04-023 DescripEion: INTER-IOR ONI-,Y KITCHEN AND BATH REMODEL Conditions: 1-.FIELDINsPEcTIoNsAREREQUIREDTocHEcK-FoRcoDECoMPI,IANCE'2- ALL PENETRATIONS IN WAI_,LS,CEII-'INGS,AND FIJOORS To BE SEALED WITTI AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAI'. 3.sMoKEDETEcToRsAREREQUIREDINALLBEDRooMSANDEVERYSToRY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 I'BC. 4.FIREDEPARTMET{TAPPRoVAI.,IsREQUIREDBEFoREANYWoRKcANBE STARTED. .**t+'J*t**ittf t*rtf attrr**f rt**}tt|rf t*f r+*'{rr{rttt*ttitt}rtl!|}'r], TOt$l OF VAII,, COLOR.ADO sEeE€EnE 4tr** it !r rr.} | * *i.r i *t, r t t * t *t t* l.}l}r* t tt r*tai t**ttt****rtt rtir'rir+t gE.ts€trng Nuub.i ! REC-O443 Arnoutlt: 94i.eo O9/O1/9e 09146 B.yn6nts ldeLhod I CK Nobttignt 5'ro7 Init: rt? P.r.l!ic No: Bta-o242 Tyttc: A-t'tF ADD/ar'T uF BmrrD PER I'a::ccl lfq | 2101- o54 -04 -o23 glta add!.EE: {5? E LIol{st{EAD cR l,oeation: 452 E Lto(sHEtrD cR (TREE TOPS f{c) Tolal Fccgi 9{9. e0 thlE P.YEcttE 949.80 Totrl trLL PstEs I 9{9'eo Balarrccr .00 *r€rrttif.a*itrttittrrf t*llt.i,*atl.!|,'*tr''rtait*l*trtff trt***lt*** Aecount Codc Dc6cripELor1 Bp OOi.OOoO3llIlOO BUIITDING PERi'lIt FEBS DR OO1OOOO31121OO DESIqiT nwrEw FEES PF OO1OOOO3I1I3OO PLAI CHECK FEES AD D2 -DEPOA Cf,lE,AI{UP DEPOAXTS wc ooloooo3lllgoo wILtJ c.lhrr rr{gPEqrlor FEE 3'00 loount 50. oo e54. S0 250. OO i/::"Tjfi ;,-i;$. S I *i'rli:: it " ''T;; oF vAr L coNs rRucr,"} ate R ec e iv g*,, "E'ARCEL #:-r\o[ -ots**og- si -iinorrr appr,rcerioiigow AuG z+ rgg' pERr'rrr iJ tv o?) oeri-i g-:iii:4s Legal Description: f,ot Block Filing owners N.r"M Address: Archirecrt *l/* , |,ddress: ceneral Description: Work Class:- [ ]-New I teratiori t j-Additional [ ]_Repair [ ]_other Number of Dwelling Units: t Nunber of Accommodat.ion Units: 3 *:::-::: :""" of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas Loss_Jawoodlpeller_ lT***:t***"*"1*t*"*****:r************ vALUATToNs ********************************* i:J"t|iil!: I )b, ' *''c o ELEcrRrcAr.,: $--]f,'e o,) ^ orHER: $rl------.'". r . r, O O rr MECHANfCALz f.---*EE-t> C>_ mnrnr r - d______-:_=__-:=.-_ Affi=>r B.*-- i so' -t?tg;H""$"ff::, aes. no. iii- 6^ Phone Nurnber: FoR oFFrcE usE ******************************* Electrical Contra Address: PLUMBTNG PERMTT FEE:MECHANICAL PERUTT FEE:ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: L/l(t' .b !jI; : Alt, Ot.j'l / Town of Vail Reg.l{,1-E BU-TLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: IISPING Pr,AN cHEcK FEE:IIgIll.rrcAL prAN cHeck rnn:RECREATION FEE:CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATURE: i l-i-ll t---ll "oGdis:- ----' -rt f a**a * rr ir * r * r t * * *|.*t' r * r a; Towlr oF vAr!, eoro6o! - - - -*t'rt'e'rt'}*r'*l.r*itN*rtt'tr**tt*t*r *rta*t*.trtr*r****rrr+i$*rrrr gEataErt ,**air+r*{a*tr{r*rr*}rrr*,rr*irhrrr* stsaEcnnt Nrnilbr-: REC-04{1 Arrount.: 93.00 Oa/27/98 o|:sz Payn|eht lctshod: Cl( Netation!. 62os hlc: TD PcmiE No.i E9a-o197 TyF6: a-ELEc sr,EcTR:clL peRM:r P-!c€l !{o: 2101- 06{- o{- 023 gite Add'fe€5: 452 E trroNsHalD cR Loc{rian: 452 E LToNSIiEAD TREEI.OPS #ttc csd4'f-l*fl r Toetl Fee€: Thie p.ldtcn! 9r - oo Tor,aJ. .tLL trhts: Balanca: *tr*r*rt **t*+r!rrt!*a*rifi rrr!rrltl}rrriarr**r*trrr*t.ttt*tti,ararrtr**r Account CodG Dcccriptio.n EP Oo10ooo311t40o 8ll8crRrcar] pE I? FEEg ne 00LoQoo!11260o wrD! cAIr! TNSFECIION FEE 93,O0 93, OO .00 .Andunt 90.oo 3, 00 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado Bl65Z (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROI'I : DATE: QTIET YE .TM . o ltlce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOIfN OF VAIL ToLrN oF VAIL puBLIc woRKS/coMr"ruNITy DEVELOPI,IENT I'lARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & }TATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfu1 for any person to lirter, rrack or a"f".ir,;;;-=liri-rIcK, sand, debris or materiaf including tr"=ir-SJrpsters, portable toilets and worknren vehicles. lpon-any street, sia"waiil";ii;y or public plgg" or anv porrion tr'"i""i- rr. rign[-oi-;;;'"" arr rown of var-L sr.reets and roads is approxi*.i"iy-u"it]-Iaf pavement.rhis ordinance :1ll_!:.;;.;:ii; enforcld r,v-ir," rown of Vair Public works Department. p"rsln,'i"".a*"it"r;i;"n this ordinance r'ri'1 be given a 24 hour r.itlon^',otice t"^i"i;"! said materiaL.In the event the person so notified.ao.=-nlI.,,J"*pfy with the notice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the public works Departnent will remove said mateiiur .t inJ^'I*p!"se of person notif ied' The provision= "r- ttri= ordinance =i-rrir not be applicable to cbnstruction, ^ui.t".u.ge gI repair projects of any srreet or a11ey or any "fiii.ti""" in the ,Ight_u_"uy- To review Ordinance No. O in f uII., please stop by the. Town of :::i"::ii:i"9"";f,i:'Xl:"::""iiuin a copv. rf,unr. you ror your and ac wledged by: onlReIa (i.e. contractor, owner) TO: FROM: DATE: FIE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT" DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED 1) 2\ Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding lhe ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed lo site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done alfecling the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Fevocable Right CI Way permit' required? 8) A, ls the right of way, easemenls or public property to be used for staging, . parking or {encing? B, l1 no to BA, is a parking, staging or {encing plan required by Community Development? need for a'Public Way Permit": YES NO e\ d\ tr\ 6) lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' musl be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Conslruction lnspector, at 479-215B, I have read \ nd answered allthe ve que or's Signat Q- )*-1q Date Job Name Contrd Klahr Construction Inc. P.O. Box 1506 Eagle, Co. 81631 Town of Vail Community Development Dept. Vail, Co. 81657 4c This application fior a building permit is for unit P at Treetops Condominums. This is a basically a kitchen and bath remodel. No exterior work will be done. I have remodeled 12 units in this building in the past. Enclosed is set drawings for the remodel. All electrical will be done by Best Electric. Smoke detectors will be added as required by code. Plumbing will be done by Royal Flush Plumbing. Please call if you have any questions Resoectfu llv submitted. iz--- 22*-: Thomas L. Klahr Klahr Construction Inc. -/Torsnnofvall - OFFICE COPY BqT' ot'*z- LIUIHE Ht{ l8' -7 1/9" EDHI,I * I IO',-3 4f8' 14, -g l4/6i' lf'-7 l/8" BoRH *2 12'-E l/8" Tr e e t o ps Un rt 5C Uo i I' Eo. Eur ldrng 81658 II Dr ann bIi Klahr const. Ino, O E I l^trl VAIL HOM RENTALS 143 East Meadow Drive - Suite 397 Vai l, Colorado 8 1 657 (97o) 476-2221 Office . (970) 476-2684 Fax 1 -800-525-9803 Toll Free e-mail: va il-ho me- renta ls @ tos ki. com http://www.toski.com/vhr August24, 1998 Town of Vail Community Development To Whom It May Concern: Treetops Condominimum Association authorizes Klahr Construction to remodel unit #4C for Jim and Kitty Tierney. in September of 1998. {'e-1'471' Vail llbme Renflls Managing Agent for Treetops Condominiums ffqg- oz{t' (,u 'OWII OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 8L657 970-479-2t38 FEE SWMARY DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAI-, PERMIT JOb AddTESS: 452 E LIONSHEAD LOCALiON. ., Z 452 E LIONSHEAD Parcel No.. : 21,0L-064-04-023 Pro-i ect No. r PRJ98-0205 APPLICANT BEST ELECTRIC, THE P O BOX 273, F.AGLE CO 81531- CONTRACTOR BEST ELECTRIC, TIIE P O BOX 273, EAGLE CO 81631 OWNER TIERNEY CATHERINE D TRUSTEE T TIERNEY .JAMES P, 25OO MI.ITUAL LIFE BLDG DescTipEiON: ELECTRICAL FOR KITCHEN REMODEL/BATH ON .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiL #: E98 -or97 CR Status...: ISSUED TREETOPS Applied. . : 0B/2s/L998 Issued...: 08/27/1998 E>cpires. . : 02/23/]-999 ElectsricaL---> DRB Fee Inw€stigat ion> will call,- -- - > TOTAIT FEES- - - > 90,00 , oo ,00 3 .00 93.00 Phone: 970-32816A0 Phone: 9'10-328L6L0 -2345, KANSAS CrTY MO 641 Valuati-on:5, oo0. oo Totsar calculatsed Fees---> 93'oo Additsional Fees----__---> .oo Tolal Permit Fee----___-> 93 oo Palmente-- --_- -- 9l _oo BAIANCE DUE--.-- .OO IEem:06000 08/25/a998 ftbm:05600 08/25/L998 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEITT -P-ePt:.]RM - ACt,iON: APPR APPROVED ,J8M -Fins DEPARTMEIcT Dept:JRM Action: APPR N/A BUILDING DiViSJ.ON: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAI, DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowledge tshat I have read hhj.d application, filled outs i.n full the information required, conPlebed an accurate plot plan, and 6tate Lhag all che information provided as required ie correcL- r agree to comPly sith the infotmation ana plot plan, Lo comply rith all Towd ordinanceE and statse laws, add Eo build LhiB scruciure according Eo Lhe Toen's zoning and aubdivislon code6, design review approved, Uniform Building code and oEher ordinances of the Town aPPlicable LhereEo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SIIAI,L BE MADE TTIE}ITY - FOUR HOURS IN ADI/A].ICE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFTICE FROM S:OO AM 5:OO PI"I o rrr*a* r*i r**ri* r TO'I}I OF VAIL, COIJORiIrc gEaEconE NuEbrr: REC-0441 Anount: PalrncnE Mechod: CK Notagion. 6205 93 . oo os/27/98 o9 r53 fuit! ID Stsaccnnts Pcrnit. No: E9B-0197 TtlPe: B-EIJEC ELECTRICAIT ParceL No: 21Q1-054-0{-023 siL. Add!e66: ,152 E IJIoNSHEAD cR Localioni 452 a LIoNsHgeD TRBEToPS #4c aotal FeeE: Thi6 Pryucnt 93.00 TotaL ]\LL Pnta: Account Codg De6c!ipEion EP o0L00003111400 ELECTRIeA'T PERI.IIT FEES rfc o01oooo3112goo nrI,I, c.l!L rNsPEcTroN FEE PERI{IT 93.00 93 .40 Belancc: .o0 *t*rirrrtt*ar*arrttit****rtitit *trr*r*t*{'r'r.rr*, AmounE 90.00 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTT\4EII"T OF 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8T657 970-4.79 -2]-38 COMMI]NITY DEVBLOPMENT NOTE: THIS pEP.l4IT I4UST BE POSTED ON PLUMBING PERMIT JOBSITE AT Permit #: ALL TIMES P98 - 0r-11 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR ,-r hl srt JOb AddTCSSZ 452 E L]ONSHEAD Location. . .: 452 E LIONSHEAD Parcel No. . : 2101-064-04-023 Project No. : PRJ9B-0205 ROYAL FLUSH PLT'MBING & HEAT POB 1168, EAGLE CO 8l-631- ROYAL FLUSH PLUMBING & HEAT POB 1158, EAGLE CO 8]-63]. Phone: 9'70-328-52L3 Phone: 970-328-62a3 _2345, KANSAS CITY MO 541-TIERNEY 'JAMES P,2600 MI]IUAL LIFE BLDG DCSCTiPTiON: REMODEL KITCHEN AND BATH Valuatlon:5, 000. 00 FEE SUI"IMARY ToEal calcuLaeed Fees- - -> 96'75 Plurr.5:rrg--_--> Plan check---> investsigation> wil l" call----> 75.00 . oo 3.OO . oo . o0 ResLuarant Plan Review-_ > TOTAT, FEES-----Additional FeeB----- -- --> Total PermiE Fee- ----- - -> Pa)mentsE------- BAIANCE DI'E- -.. .OC Depu : BUILD1NG lJ]-V].SION: JRIVI- T\ ^-+ . t''rriTr n] - ''i a -i ar -""r'- It.em:05100 08/2s/L998 rrbm:' 05500 BUILDING DEPARTMENT JRM AcLion: APPR FIRE DEPARTMENT Action: APPR APPROVED N/A codes, design review approved, uniform Building code and otsher ordinan-.3 of Lbe T7 aPplicable thereE-o. REeUEsTs FoR rNSpEcTroNs sHAtL BE MADE T!,iENTY-FoI,'R HouRs rN.A.D.,ANCE BY tarcexo2t{Syfut e -:r: e {e AT otrR oFFIcE FRoM s:o >/ ri-.--' )4---. *----"'z SIONAIL'RE OF OWNER OR CCNTRACTOR FOR HIMSE],F 08/25/a998 JRt[ CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoqledge that r have read thie application, fi1led out in fu11 the information req'-rired, compleced an accurate plot p1a:1, anil slate thats atl the informatsion provided as required is correcE. I agree ro comPly with the informatsion and p1ots plan' Lo comply with all Toivn ordinaoces and stsate lalrs, and to build this sLructure according Eo the To{n's zoning and EubdiviEion CR Status...: fSSUED CR TREETO-App1ieu. . ; s8/25/1998 Issued.. . : 1'2/La/a998 E;rpires. . : 06/09/a999 o *ir * * ****r **ri ** i ** * ** **tt*t * r r * ** ** * * i *,r ** * ****r* rt*** * * t ** i** * ?O'{N OF VAIL, COLORA.DO Stat,ennE Nulnb€r: REC-0494 Alnoun!: PaltfienL Method: cK Nocatlon: 4512 SEat'€drlr! 96,75 )"2/rO/9e 15 t20 IniE: ,tN Permie No: P98-O11,1 q?e: B-PLMB PLUI4BING larcel No: 2l-O1- 064 - 04- 023 site lddress: 452 E ITIoNSHIAD cR LocaEion: 452 E LIONSHEAD CR TREETOPS {C foEal Fees: ThiE Pa],menE 95.75 ToLal AL! Pmtse r Balance: AccounE Code DescripE.ion 95.75 96 .'15 .o0 PP OO1OOO031112OO PLUI{BING PERMIT FEES PF 00100003112300 pLAN CHECK FBBS wc 00100003112800 WILL cALl, INSPECTION gEE ,AmounU 7s. o0 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL .i 5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD i.,AII-,, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAI{T CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COM\4UNITY DEVELOPMENT iIOb AddTCSS... : 452 E LIONSHEAD CR Loeation : 452 E LTONSHEAD CR Parcel No.... -: 2a0L-064-04-023 Project Number: PR'J98 -0206 SLatus..-: ISSIIED TREETOPS 4CApplied. . : 08 /25/1-998 Tssued...: 12/AO/1998 ExPires..: 06/OB/1999 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECIIANICAL PERMIT ON ']OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M9B -0L62 Phone: 970-328-62L3 Phone .: 97 0 -328 - 62L3 BLDG -2345, KANSAS CrrY MO 641 Valuation: 500.00 #of cas Logs:+of wood/Pa]1eL: ROYAL FLUSH PLUMBING & HEAT POB 1168, EAGLE CO 8]-53]. ROYAL FI-,USH PI-,UMB]NG & HEAT POB r-158. EAGLE CO 81631- TIERNEY CATHERINE D TRUSTEE ? TIERNEY 'JAMES P, 2600 MUTUAL LIFE Description: MECH FOR KITCHEN AND BATH REMODEL Fireplace rrlformation: ResEricted: Y #of Gas Appliances: Regtualant Plan Revierl- - > DRB Fee--- --- -- TOTAL FEES -.. - - Totral Cal.culated Fees-__> 2e'00 l-dditsional Fees- - -- *-- -- > ToLal Pernit Fee- --- -- --> Pa)'nenEs__-----_ .00 2S.00 2e.o0 BAI.ANCE DUE-. - - - .OO t4echanical---> 20.oo Plan check- -> 5'oo InvestigaLion> . oo will call- ---> 3 ' oo .00 . oo 28 -00 Irem: 0s100 BUILDING DEPARIMFNIT- -6d-t ds t lgge -.lRI'{- Action: APPR APPRoVED irbm;' 05600 FrRE DEPARTMENT 687 )s t1666",rFwt--- ---;ic-aion, appn ll/a CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FrELD rNsrxcrroNg 4R-E--BEQgr!'PD To cHEq4 !'qP'-coDE Co}{PLTANCE ';'. bolaeusrloN-AiR"is +eoqiBFD_gnn snc. eoz_gr_TEE r-ee1 IIMC. 3 - TNsTALIATT or.r *iiu3T'C6frro-lt-fQ- t'iatwraciuBes INSTRUCTI oNs AND "' io*Appslrnrr cHAPTER 2-1-o-q-TgF L99L.ullg-.-- -^ ^- + . dxs- abFt raiicElilsnEi,r_,-en__y4ry1so-Aeeon-ortge _ ro_qHAPTER e AND sr{ALL rERMrNEiE"as-s-pEq-r-lrgn--ttr ste .9-oe gE-IHF 1ee]- uMc' s . x'ctEss-ro'nEfiiimGlE6urpMtlff-u0sr-e0uPlY wIrH sEc. 50s AND 703 OF THE 1991 I]MC.a. e[iLEitS^-staii-frn"i"i,J9ryr$9--9i\^-FLooRs 94 rygnugiuBus'r'r-B1,E CoNSr""' iINiES-s - L r -srEil FoR -EqLIN:r-r-Nq- -qry coMBqgr-rBL-E ^ E LQoRTNG' 7. F'EilfrIi,Fr,ANS"ANr"cdnE 4N4Iy_5Js-r'ri0sr BE PosrED IN MECHANICAL " i{ooM-Ffrron io AN INsPEC1IQ1!^REQUEST. a . ijiifNAer - cjr' -Me'iiiAfrtbA!_n0Qryig - edNfArnrnc 4FAT-ING oR Hor -wArER supply BorlEds-'srs.ii-er-'E0itrpFED-witu A FLOOR DRArN PER sEC- 2irg op rHE l-991- rrt,tc. lkrkJ<*rkrtr()k*Jr******rr******tr****************)k***trtr*:t*J<*****rk************************ T'larrl- . ,.TRI!'l-T'|6r-\| . BUILDING DiViSiON: FIRE Di-vision: DECLARATIONS r hcieby acknowledge tshac r have r6aal this aFplicabion, fill€d outs in full the Lnformatsion lequired, eonpleted an accurage plot plan, and stale that all Ehe j,nfofination provideal as required ie coxrecb. r agree to conpLy with the infonnaeion and pLor plan' io "o*pty l{ith all To!,n oralinances and state ]aw5, and rg build thi"6 Etruclure according to Lhe Toqn'E zoninE and eubdiwieion codes, design reviell approved? Udiforn Building code anil othel o'dinanceg of the Tor,n apPlicable theretso ' RSQUSSTS FOR INSPE(=IOIIS SttA],L BE MADE T?iE!fIY-FOT'R HOURS SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMAEI'F AND OWNER TELEPHoNE AT {?9-2139 OR AT oUR OFF:CE FROM s:0o Al't 5:oo PM SEatefimt Number: REC_0484 AmoilnE : Payrnent Metshod: cK Notation: 4512 Pemih No: M9s-0152 fype: B-MECH MECHjINJCAL ?ERldrT Parcel No: 2101_054-O4-023 sire Addless: 452 E LIoNSHSAD cR LocaLion: 452 E LIONSHSAD CR TREETOPS 4C Totsar Fees: 2g 'oo This Pa!.menL 28.00 Tohal ALL Pmts: 2a'00 Balance: .00 *l*******a**+i* IOWN OF V1IL, COT ORADO SEaEenrn!, 2A .aO 12 /ao ./9 e Ls:23 Inits: .lN Accounts code Descr.iption trnounts MP Oo10OOo31113OO MECHANICA! 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