HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL MEADOWS FILING 1 LOT 21 LEGAL.pdfTOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2t38 Building---- > S153.25 Restuarant Plan Review--> Plan Check--> $99.61 Recreadon Fee------- > Investigation-> $0.m TOTAL FEES-------------- > Will Call----> $3.m DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Lo\ l\ FEE SUMMARY )t+i+***'lr**'t****i(*)t**!*********l**{'****'i'i'*'l**:t'*******{('q(***'ti(t' m.00 Total Calculated Fees- > $255.86 m.00 Additional Fees----->$0.00 $255.86 Total Permit Fee-----> $255.86 Paymen6--------- > $255.86 BALANCE DUE---->$o.00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENT 08/02/2006 JRjM Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEI:flI 08/02/2006 JS Action: AP See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge ttrat I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design U;( UA--J"---. \ J NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 806-0220 Project # PRI06-0308 Job Address: 5042 SNOWSHOE LN VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 5O{2 SNOWSHOE LANE Applied. . : 0810212W6 Parcel No...: 20991821m1,6 Issued. .. : O8/29/2ffi6 Expires. ..: 02125/2W7 owNER BTGGS, BRErfr & KAREN J 08/02/2006 5042 SNOWSHOE I-,N VAII, co 81657 APPr.,rCAlirr c & H coNsrRucrroN, LLc 08/02/2006 Phone: 949-]-502 PO BOX 341 AVON coloRiaDo 8L620 License t 822'8 COIfl|RACTOR C & H CONSTRUCTION, L,LC O8/02/2OOG Phone: 949-L5O2 PO BOX 341 AVON coL,oR..,ADO 81620 License z 822-8 Description: CHANGE PITCH OF SMAI,I, FI,AT ROOF TO SHED WATER AND SNOW TO MATCH EXISTING Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: $7,500.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 0 review 4proved, Iniernational Building and Rmidential Codes aod other ordinances of the Town aprplicable thereto. REQT]ESTS TON.INSFECTON SEALL BE MADE TWINTY-XIOIJR EOI'RS IN ADVANCE BY AM..IPM. AT*?}2149 ORAT OUN !t:t.:t.*'tx.,tt*'t**i.*'t.'t{.{.{.*{.!i.{.{.i.:t.*:|.{.:fi.,t{.*{.**{.{.:t.{.*'|t**'.*,l************ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: BM-0220 as of 08-29-2006 Status: ISSUED *****d.*:t ***********.**X.********tt{.{t***'t*'f ***!**:1.*:1.***!*'r**!t'*1.**1.**{.*{.i.'t ,*!t {.****************:F**********!**,lt*,f *r* Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BLiILD PERMIT Applicant: C&HCONSTRUCTION, LLC 949-1502 Job Address: 5042 SNOWSHOE LN VAIL l.ocation: 5042 SNOWSHOE LANE ParcelNo: 209918219016 Applied: 0810212006' Issued: 08129120{]f, To Expire: A2/2512W Description: CHANGE PITCH OF SMALL FLAT ROOF TO SHED WATER AND SNOW TO MATCH E>(ISTING x.{.**1.*:|.'i:t.*:|.{ti(*i.***{.*!r**********,t*'l:f't:t't'l.*:t:f*!F*:|.*:***Corrditions**:t:t*****'t*,t*******:8:***!*'*********** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQIJIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R313 OF TIIE 2OO3 IRC. +*+*+****++**+*+****+****t**+***********************'*+*++**+*******+*'l**++'i***************** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ti*****+**a++******at***f*t******tt***r!**********+++************+********************l+i**** statement Number: R06000132? Amount: $102.61 08/29/200509:51 AM Palment Method: check Init: DDG Notation: C & H Construction LLC 5118 Permit No: 806-0220 T]E)e: ADD/AIT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parce1 No: 2099-182-1901-5 Site Address: 5042 SNOWSHOE I,tiI VAIL Location: 5042 SNOWSHOE LANE Aotal Feea: $255.86 This Payment: $102.61 Total ALL Pmts: $255.86 Balancer $0.00 **********t'********'i.***'t'*******+*{.****++**'t't****++*******:}++l'*t*********f * * * ****+**+* ++++**1. ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description curent Pmts pF 00100003112300 PIrAlit CHECK FEES WC 00100003112800 V|IIJIJ CAITIJ INSPECTION FEE 99.51 3.00 ,,.m 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG Project #:b-q308 ilding Perr!it #; ON Separate Perm are required for cal, plumbing,cal,etc.l CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor:ulA Cur.lruuliutr-t Town of Vail Reg. No.: 8}L. E Contact Person and Phone #'s: R,iA Coplr 3Eo 4eq* Fax #: q./Q- I t,//Emailaddresst Kd 7b (n) Uail. tJcl- contractor ",n""t",. 4 //ln PLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ 1,5OO.Do MECHANICAL: $roTAL:$ ), <OD. For Parcel # FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ,y '.1,, 0 2 2096 0409lzws /-\ r: i1^il .. *,iL Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Parcef# >oqq-t gJ - lqol -b JobName: Brru, RLt R.oof JobAddress: to./t Srtoaglrc Lrl LesalDescription ll r-ot )-1 ll alocr: { ll ririns: ! ll subdiui"ion, Uail fAea/OUf KfEttF{fhrtn R,oo, llAddress:5?ql fnousl,"t (A4 v^"1 ll Phone:gt 6- €b,t.l ArchitecVDesigner: ' 'Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work' / / (24 b ---K;ril(' Flnt &ren - pnet, To 0r^;. ooplt'/ D;-i;, WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel (f{. Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) {" A Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior p( Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) ruo (X Type of Bldg.: Single-familyfr Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No. of Accommodation Units in this building: I No/TypeofFireplacesExistinq: GasAppliances( )GasLoqs( )Wood/Pellet( )WoodBurnino( ) /U* No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnins (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No K Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\buildingjermit.DOC Page 1 of 16 **********+***+**+**********+f*++*:**+***+*+*+**+****'**+*****+*********+*+++**++*****+***+++* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement l*+**************++**++*****t*************+t******'|*******+******+*++*t****************+**** Statement Nunber: R050001135 Amount: $153.25 08/02/200603340 PM Payment tilethod: Check Init : iIS Notation: 4936/c&H CONSTRUCTION Permi t No: 805-0220 Type: ADD/AIT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2O99-LA2-L9OL-6 Site Address: 5042 SNOWSHOE IJN VArL, L,ocati.on ! 5042 SNOWSHOE LANE Total Fees: 5255.85 This Pa)ment: $153.25 ToEaI AIrIr Pmts: $153.25 Balance: S102.61 ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Accor]Ilt Code Description BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUII,DING PERMTT FEES Currents Etnts 153 .25 ASBESTOS TESTTNG REQUIREMENTS THE TOWN OF VAIL AND STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBTIC HEALTH REQUIRE ASBESTOS TESTING ANY TIME WHEN MORE THAN 160 S.F. OF MATERI,AL WILL BE DISTURBED OR REMOVED. AN ASBESTOS TEST AND REPORT IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUiLDING PERMTT APPUCATION FOR ALL REMODEL, ADDMON OR OTHER PROJECTS INVOLVING ANY DEMOLITION OR REMOVAL OF BUILDING MATERIALS THAT MAY CONTAIN ASBESTOS. BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED AFTER OCTOBER 12, 1988 THAT HAVE NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERI.ALS ARE E(EMPT. A COPY OF THE REPORT MUST BE SUBMTTTED VUTH YOUR BUILbING PERMTT APPLICATIoN . I have included the asbestos test and repoft with my building permit application applicant signature OR date o I certiff my project will not disturb or remove more than 160 s.f. of building material. The construction plans submitted with my application clearly indicate this information. ffhis will be verified during plan review,Tand will your project if found to be inaccurate) 'o o The building was 12, 1988. The date of construction was constructlon date F: \cdev\FO RMS\Permits\Building\buildin gjermit. DOC Page 4 of 16 .ffi8 02109/200s r-1 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: oate: ?OI,CA F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\buildingjermit.DOC Page 5 of 16 o2lo9/200s 12c-11fr006 rnseec$3,T FedryFil;ffPorting eag" st Request€d lnspec{ Date: Friday, December 15, 2006 ' lnsoection Area: JRM - Slte Address: 5042 SNOWSHOE LN VAIL 5042 SNOWSHOE LANE t\ \\ \. ) /i { N\\i /\l\\\ ,p \'lt\N .'I\ B\' \ A-BUILD SubTUpe: ASFR Status: ISSUED lnsp Area: JRM Reouested lnsoection(s) ) Phone: 9491502 ) Phone: 949-1502 FLAT ROOF TO SHED WATER AND SNOW TO MATCH EXISTING Requested Time: 08:00 AlUl ' Phone: 37S5373 Entered By: DGOLDEN K Item: Requestor: Assiohed To:- Action: REPT131 Run Id: 6L28 Cff ^t{w C€l,ELOP|e}'fi VrAftuzdons 4t{trtq t Design Review Board ,' , ACTION FORl,l / of V I Department of Community Deyelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tet? 970.479.2L39 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: BIGGS RES. ROOF Project Description: FINAL APPROVALTO DO A MINOR (SEVERAL INCHES) CHANGE TO THE EXISTING PITCH OF SMALL FLAT ROOF TO SHED WATER AND SNOW. WILL MATCH EXISTING ROORNG MATERIALS. Participants: OWNER BIGGS, BRENT&KAREN J 07IT712006 5042 SNOWSHOE LN VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT C & H CONSTRUCTION, LLC 07lt7/2006 Phone: 949-1502 PO BOX 341 AVON coLoMDo 81620 License: 822-B CONTMCTOR C & H CONSTRUCTION, LLC 0711712006 Phone: 949-1502 PO BOX 341 AVON coLoMDo 81620 License: 822-8 Project Address: 5042 SNOWSHOE LN VAIL Location: 5042 SNOWSHOE I-ANE Legal Description: Lot: 21 Block 19 Subdivision: VAIL MEADOWS RL 1 Parel Number: 2099-182-1901-6 Comments: See Conditions DRB Number: DR8060313 Motion By: Second By: Votei Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalt 08/0212006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Condl 202 Approval of this pncject shall lapse and become void one (1) ymr following the date of final approlal, unless a building permit is issued and onstruction is commerrced ard is diligenUy pursued toward completion. Planner: Wanen Campbell DRB Fe Pald: $20.00 'Ju1,20, 2006- 1:40PM Peak land consu ltants, inc Minor Exterior AlteraUons *ffi Application for Design Review Depa.rn€nt d Cqnrn$iv Danbpnrent 75 Souttr ftoffilE nora, Vf1 Aorado afesZ H! 97U$9.2123 fac 97!.479.3152 web: wtw,wrlgw,com General Inforilaffonl Al roiecb reqddrE dccgn rwte,' must r€ceive +Dmval Frior b nrbnittrng a hrkhg peflnit aprtcadn. please !9 F.t. t bTBl E$lFmoF ro..uro ertotLiapri"iGt.r r"qaieo,- il#ffifi]i* Decan Ra/iev,@mot E aq?bd Tdr ail r€qr€d.imqmadon fs ri&rwo uym -6mGty Dd!6d'ir.earunenr. The lruje(t may also need u ue rs,ievueo W Ure ronr courcl ar,lfor EF pbnnlv, ard Envfioiltstbl conunlssion,Deslgn rantrw apprord hpces unie"i o hrHrngE;it E'bEra ;d-d;;,#;-ffimences wirtrin one year of $e apprunl Dscdption of ReqrrGC loca$on of tfi e propossl:.'..*1lanx;. ? suaar,vuo.,, Farcer rfo.: ?4r- l*r- lqd6 (onrad hsre co. Asessor at 970-32&8&10 br parcer no,) Zonhgt !lame(s) of O$rnor(e): MailingMdrues: Phone 4) Owner(s) Signahre(c)l Narne of Appllcanb tlalllng Addrese:'Jrlr. ta E+nall Address: $50 glg€ f t,Oo per equaG fod of ht Egn arca. No Fee tr-g Foror&udon of a new buildrng orderm/rebuiH.S300 For at adtdon wtrere sCud€_dtageE iiOea'io any ,estder{al or a,E^ g|l1:Id-Iryjq(lrdlFs zso a&ftrorc e rrurr ionnrsorisj. ' +zru AIry qpf= b hfitr|IF r,td-silE rnprovemeili rdr 6,*JY|l|(|, p.inEE ltfdow addiuo'|3, tardsplrg, fend ad r€ctidns wa||$ &$20 Forrdmf darEesto Uuitaff a{_Steirpru,/emenE srdta+r+.rmfiEL Fhths, $rhdow dftiorrq' enos]aiini,- cnd& ano rsbhlng $dls, eb.$20 ftr.revldms b ptils atr€dy appmv€d by Hannirng Sbff q 66 Design Revr'ar Eoad, llo fte 'r'.N0,2486 r.P, 1 U F) w o r o w D %t( lYpe of Revtew and Fee:tr Sgns tr ConcephnlRerilal tr ltbv@nfirdion tr Addrtton E l{inorAbra[on (muntfrtnff/orrynerdd) MirFUrraun (s'rple-fa fl lylduples) Qa6es bApprwed Ham SepsrdUon Fqtest tr tr PhyEical Address: TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Sratement ******* * * ****+**++*+*f *** * * ********** **'t**:lf{.:t*+* * * * ****+** 'lt *+* '1. * * *i.*.1.**** ***lr*1.*{.***f***** * Statement Nuniber: R050001003 Amount: $20.00 07/L7/200611 :48 AM Palmene Method: Check Init: ,fS Notation: 4688/C&H CONST. IrIJC Permit No: DRBO5O313 Il4)e: DRB-Minor AIt,SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2099-a82-f9OL-6 Site Addrees: 5042 sNowsHoE IniI VAIL Location: 5042 SNOWSHOE LANE Total Fees: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total AL,L PmtE: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriptsion DR OO1OOOO3IT22OO DESTGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmt6 20.00 PROPOSED MATERIAIS Buildino Materials Tvoe of Material Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia SofRts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Ughting Other Q-(6r. -n^rar4': T (no Notes: Please speciff the manufachJrer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. F:\cdev\FoRMs\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb-minor-alt_11-23-2005.doc Page 6 of 13 1112312005 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te,: 970.479.2139 fax: 97a.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com t:(hljkirt fii!'f LrSit€|i; Project Name: BIGGS RESIDENCE Project Description: Project Address: LOT 21 VAIL MEADOWS Legal Description: Parcel Number: DRB Number: DR8050457 SEPEMTION REQUEST (FUTURE 2ND DWELUNG UNIT) Pafticipants: owNER FURSETH, DALrS M. & BYRON ).08/29/2005 711 MAIN ST LOFT 1OO3 HOUSTON IX 77002 APPLICANT BRENT BIGGS C/O PEAK LAND CO0B/29/2005 Phone: 476-8644 1OOO UONS RIDGE LOOP SUITE lD VAIL co 81657 5042 SNOWSHOE LN VAIL RUNG 1 Location: Lot: 21 Block: 19 Subdivision: VAIL MEADOWS FIL 1 2099-182-1901-6 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Planner:Bill Gibson Action: CONCEPT Date of Approval: DRB Fee Paidr $20.00 TOIVN Applicationtfor Design Review Dc9attlent of Communlty DevelspmBr't --z So-'if-fr i.ntaOe Road, vaL Cotorado 81657 - - el: 9?0.479.2i39 far; 90"t79'2{57 vveb: ryww.d.vdil.io.us fiilripll?jff1;t:.1;" rev,c,,v nurr recer..e a.Rrrwllgrhr ro subn*ins a bu'di^s oermit appriodon' 'c,er ,o u,4 .*ubrn,*i.sr **,,-.ll i#il;ei'5i:fdE nl*::**;TiSgH:li E BA'i ,crerfo U 14 .q,ubrn t*iFs t reoup.mEBi5 ror urrt rFi r'rsrp' a'v''t-'Uu Oa .:orr*Ey DarebOment Dap6ruicnl l#.i o.'.ii.oiJ u^i,-.ri requlred lttformanon ii rece'ed gorectm'va,s!need,o.".'it"l'iloliiij.S-+]*:llu,'*:T"tgg*Jf ffi "t#1 urorect m8v ars! neeo ." ". ';:;;i;l "'i"iiris ;-ii isrssued and coGtruction oorntcnc2s gerrgn reriew agPt uvrl- l'9se3 unless a surl9r'r9 v<r "'rt nnc tctr ottfrc lPProYrl' -, OesgriPticn of (he Reqr€s(: Location of the Propor d: Lorc 7 | Block:- Subdlvision: PhYsical Address: Farcer rro.: Lt {l, ?z !1o lco ?.oning:fr. ti Name(s).of gwner(s): !/'o Mailing Addressr '+i /A,tal f, o.."et{r) signahrre( Name of APpllcant: Type of Revlc'w ond Fa€l : s:9n5 a conceFNal Re$ew O Nev{ Consrucljo^tr Addi:ion t- t4rrrof AlteratbF (mLlti f dntlly/comritercial ) ll Minor Allnrnt)on (sino l+far'.it1/duPtex) u charges lo Apptovctl iuns F Se9aratlon fieaui:s! 3sc No Fee t65a $30o JZs0 $20 elut 31.00 9er scuar€ bocof brdl rlgn amr' For €onstrudon of ! new bullding or demo/Ebuitd' --il in .oartion whe't square-fm69c. is 6ddcd E onv I]rr."rui uritainf ltnouoes 250 addtions & intcrlof conveYFo ili'rir* ".ir,s*-to urttoing! ard slte i'np.fwem€"Y: tT.T: ;ioii{, xtnt"g, windov{ addldons, l'n@plng' fencEl rqtrlning wrlls, eE ;;;;ffi."d.c* to buildings lnd site ltuprownens' sugh as' ;.;iil;; -iiirio"g, mndow adctiionr, landtc!9ingr'tcnces .rtrlnlng FGIS, etc s20 ;;'rw'ls{on;-'b glans rlrcadv aeercved bv Pbnclng soff Dedgn Review Eorrd. Nc Frt Pt!/4 P.A2 9L91A479?452 TO:o ORGRNI 1Lp.4T6934 L TRX o RUG-AS-2445 lE:18 FROM:SHELL OI AUG-:i} ' 29t65 I rt : Eti ttM I on c on o d o 4 o n \t (Conact dtgrc co. Assessor at 97{F328'8e{0 for garcel 'Phone: aor sd and the gf%y:ygfffloa'si''nv o '* F*#:*',f TT.,"$,nu $ n, #'lilfo *- I 1 il J 1 o a I tc ll l't r1 l.r t5 t6 ls lt) 20 /l 1: :r 3-4 ?r\ ALJG-28-aAA5 la:1e HUr-- ,{r*.-;|,135 L O FROM:SHELL O :37 All oRGRNI 113?41,6934 IL TRX o I tJ:o 9t91A479e4s?P.e/4 P "83 Suranne J, Dugan Brstrer F.O. Box 3768 Vall, GO El65E Phone:9?0€7;Jga4, Far: 970476'?594 |, This agregrncnl amctrd3 thc contrad dand *nsrrc--19-'29g1- bgnrecn Drlrr H 8u!!qth t lrRolr J Futaf,tJl ,(Scllcrl rnd lFnE Drglt' And OR Asrigar . lBuycr} :cLrting to the rete atrl Prm'hase of the following decstibed ftal esfdc i$ d$ Cotnry of *lonno;*. lbsdor' Fllaie t krurwn as No. i-E-2. -3-I}oriMlc!-'.-l4 ' ( , (PtoPcttY)' ! ltc ziP civ Sh*t Atldre.ss { ?d(1)& $ Ea $ri nle* Otfit"t Rctusal Dcsdline FTEPAnEU Bl: SuranF.J D||!'n F oL'7 -"T;iJo; lq-*tue 'rr ''i ^reHo';*IEND cottrr'Acr cobr..o Rod =rtrt! c'nrnl'rbn h..rr.^rro sors.re. oco05, ,/,rrncn s !;'ffi]" *'*t o- u.,""'' t t#:;j"iffi,J ouFn g.t'r A.y^4^) *,, - t Gilrti,u-oo*"renrso-bjccriorDEadlLF .l F.g. 'l ot3 7tt :9 30 tl 12 l1 -1.1 RUG-A8-EAAS 1A:1E FROM:SHELL r}t-tE - ii.3,- tttt U tO:57 AM rt7 AX ORGFNI 7T3?416934 fOt9L97Hl9?45?OIL T o P.3/4 P -94 rnd ths li JL- !-- nl] UttEr 'Jlrles or desdlinF s(t fonh in tlra sontoct shsll bG chonged as follo'w: 3. N.F, {. Addiriorralarnendmcntr: A, nallele sqre€ to r>gin tbr fcvn of vltl " 3t|)Gcetion nFqp'rt'' o:r cr bclore-lugnrrt 20r 2c05. rhlt spPrrcatl'o" 'iit-'* totG to serrcEs ' -' i;pltcrtron 8'|5g ut thE :e'! Dtl i]il",. iil'.ob;-* l-li:: #'ff $lrlt"llSTffon'-oo..."-'T*, u.sit d F 'p?rr Fe! 10. rt.sPe-tior .'iiii-Ji- ir - )n -a-J;; i rear tba; lurt tlEoutb th. t.h!.s lot. Du€ to berlrg 10 ;;;;; G ,r:.i ""j :""L:{#[I'E ffitH i:i:q:4"::=1r# *T Co tutE|J'r, nt' Elleir corE, tlrc apPlicFtioo ErrIE Di tif"k-fr- * our€! -!o llobit c'c -tr" tsto ' Dr Drrt of hryalr ;;d;;"ducd:rlf r1:-ffi J.*;=";l.f "S.X1i=ilfi!$,-trJ*it Co.rlrr.t rt!. Lt' G,f (:|,flttlucEr' , i' -o,,.r,.,i " s .o:. 1' :ad#ff #":ELTS :S*,ffi, $||ii#l;"X rr Jrstrndrnq anytblr.s .""'+1., -1'.ll:.::=:;aJ.., .c *ryir'e rcre 4iroresioa :iFis:,lT::'* ;:ml* :Fl:1{'E?:";n ; iiilr *"i *:rost a"a co.rsrflcEron oe *rc r:o;itTT] ;;;ti;; rldr. tucb traarllrrtv Eo 'ocrud' .o 'v^r lr'brtrbv o: rrtre'cre il'';;:il;;dditiriqr' 'alra ot.Ircc flcvEgtlt-t'l retnLgicar ' Frotact-ive cowqoanE -"t'i'i"il] Lriq! rotior uot-i prtriJggty 'IPEeval 'rld ultlrBl.t ' rs jn 3? 3E J9 40 4t ,\ll oth€r tornrs arxl condirions of thc contr*t sball temain thc srne' llihHi:*i$,l,iT,iT"illfi#"T$*iHlf S'S.:*S#H1**ffi#lF":915 Time DT:!G erlr.nt -/Xl 3^tlt H luf cErrlLF _. Dy|len it liitPARS lY' 3.tin'|.J O.€ln gt9"r ;;;;;;. .d;Auerrr r(i at"exorcxisxo coN'rmcr ccoruo ixl Eg'b cdinmpn ,rc.I r\clo sorrt G.92O05 vijrlo'l trc;ttt'rtnE tr'd F Srattrrt J Diertl 8u2anrri gu0'n Btcirr 0"?E'05'tl0o' fJ(yn(i: - - Pl|rl dr FIJG-eA-e@s 1e: 13 FRO'I:SFELL *ur- )fl-zElab lE:Ea pll "t5* (ncFhrr 7t3F-.4L6s34,TO:919764?9Bl5e F,t('R !E3tt' I0ITB rttd Of, Allif,r' enEPrnEO at |.ricJ D|i}1 lrlLt ;;fi;;"icltgl'-rEetbxlixrrn.o Enri'lcr c-d il-lrlt'iqiir.ti ;;;i;i...;-caoel r'.r.ot r're' dort- rltb.db.srd t Hm;* * P2 4/4 P.95 7101 West Yale Avenue, No. 60.1 Denvei Co orado 80227 303-986-6658 R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. September 1, 2005 PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS. INC. 1000 Lions Ridge Loop, Suite 1-D VailCO 81657 Attn.: Mr. Brent Biggs Re: Engr. Geologic Hazards Investigation, Lot 21, Vail Meadows Filing No. 1(50/'2 Snowshoe Lane), East Vail, Colorado. Job No. 612 Gentlemen: In response to a request by your Mr. Brent Biggs, we have studied geologic conditions pertinentto Lot21 of theVail Meadows Filing No. 1 in EastVail, Colorado. A duplex structure is to added to the house constructed already on this lot. That house has an address ot 5042 Snowshoe Lane. lt is in the SW1/4, SW1/4, NW1/4 Sec. 18, T. 5 S., R. 79 W. about 2 miles southeast of the East Vail exit from lnterstate Highway l-70, This site topographically is on the southwestem side of the floor of the Gore Creek Valley about ,|000 feet southwest of the confluence of Gore Creek, Black Gore Creek, and an unnamed creek that intermittently flows in a ravine that drains a part of the southwestern slope of the Gore Valley immediately upslope from the filing. The narow, shallow channel of the unnamed creek passes onto the floor of the valley only about 150 to 200 feet west of Lot 21 . Our objedives have been to generally outline geologic conditions across Lot 21 and vicinity in order to determine whether those conditions might promote (or have promoted) any adual or potential geologic hazards, such as debris lows, landslides, and rock slides, that could pose a risk to the construction and utilization of a duplex unit proposed probable there. as an impacts addition to the home on this site. Conversely, we will assess the of the proposed construction activities on the geologic environment During the course of our work we have researched published and open file geologic maps pertinent to the study site and vicinity, as well as reports in our own files; stereoscopically studied aerial photographs provided by the U. S. Forest Service, and geologically reconnoitered the site and vicinity (on August 30, 2005), We have prepared a geologic map of the lot and vicinity to illustrate and document our geologic interpretations. That map is attached. SITE GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS t/ere4' Gore Creek and Black Gore Creeklhave been eroded by their streams and by glaciers that occupied those valleys repeatedly during the 2 million year long lce Age, Consultant to Designers, Contractors, Planners R, J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. which ended in this part of the Northern Rocky Mountains about 8,000 years ago. Bedrock beneath the northeastem side of the floor and lower slope of the Gore Creek Valley at its intersection with the Black Gore Creek Valley comprises gneisses and pegmatites. This rock mass is blanketed, for the most part, within the mapped area by moiainal soils (that is, soils deposited by glaciers), but several small outcrops of that rock are scattered about the area. The morainal soils extend up the slope from the valley floor about 500 to 600 feet in elevation. They may underlie the floor of the valley' but may have been eroded away, in part or entirely, by the high energy floods that coursed from the last glacier to come down the valley during the retreat of that glacier by melting. The gneisses, of Precambrian-age (about 2 to 3 billion years ago), are banded, graniteJiki metamorphic rocks formed mainly of quartz, feldspar and biotite. They iypically are strong (unconfined compressive [Uc] strength on the order of 20,000 psi)' anO tneirioints typically are widely spaced. The pegmatites are very coarsely crystalline igneous dikes several inches to several feet wide. They are formed of quartz and tetOspar. The morainal soils typically are a heterogeneous mixture of sands and gravels in a si1y to clayey matrix. They are estimated to range from a few feet to a hundred feet or more thick within the study area (Fig. 1). The Precambrian-age rock crops out also at several sites across a low, moraine- manled ridge on the valley floor immediately south of Lot 21; but othenrise bedrock beneath the southwestem slope of the valley, as well as the valley floor southwest of the channel of Gore Creek, is underlain by the several thousand foot thick, Pennsylvanian-age (about 286 to 325 million years ago) Mintum Formation' These sedimentary rock strata are blanketed across the bottom 500 to 600 feet (in elevation) of the slope by morainal soils similar to those on the opposite slope and by slopewash and residual soils above that elevation. The Minturn Formation comprises thin to thickly interbedded sandstones, siltstones, shales, and several prominent, areally extensive limestone layers. Typically the sandstones are fine to coarse grained, moderately well cemented (by calcite and iron oxide) and have low intergranular permeability. Their unconfined compressive (Uc) strength typically is on the order of 7,000 psi to 10,000 psi. The silts and shales are fissile and weak mainly, but some are strengthened by impregnation by calcium carbonate (calcite). Their Uc strengths, consequently, typically range from about 500 psi to 2,000 psi. The limestones are dense and strong, with Uc strengths on the order of 25,000 psi. Typically the joints of this rock mass are widely spaced. The beds of the Minturn appear to strike northward to northwestward and dip a few degrees westward to southwestward, thus into that hillside. The U. S. Geological Survey' has interpreted the conlacts between the metamorphic rocks and the sedimentary rocks to be mainly faufts, some of which trend across the Vail Meadows Filing No. 1 area. We conclude, instead, that the contacts are due to a topographically inegular erosion surface developed on the metamorphic rock R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. body upon which the sedimentary rocks were initially deposited. When the Gore Creek and'Black Gore Creek Valleys were created by erosion 300 million years later, that topographically irregular surface faced by the metamorphic rock was exhumed from pticJ to ptace, expoling knobs of the metamorphic rock poking through the sedimentary rock cover. Both Gore Greek and Black Gore Creek have deposited thin, ribbon-like bands of sands and gravels across the floors of their channels within the study area. And several ravines, incl-uding the one that enters the valley floor on the southwestem side of the Vail Meadows Filing No. 1 area, drain sectors of the southwestem slope of the Gore and Black Gore Vat6ys. Large, coalescing fans of soils and rock debris have been built up across the floor of the valley from the mouths of those ravines to the channels of Gore and Black Gore Creeks and from about the confluence of the 2 creeks northwestward for at least a half mile by repetitive discharges from the ravines during and since the lce Age. The deposits were derived in part as fast flowing floods of surface water carrying large bed loads of soils and rock debris; in part as debris flows of wet, fluid soils and rock debris; and probably in part as soils and rock debris canied off the hillside by avalanches. ASSESSTENT OF GEOLOGIC HAZARDS We conclude that floods, debris flows and avalanches potentially debouching out across the Vail Meadows Filing No. 1 area generally, and across Lot 21 specifically from the ravine that drains the ridge up slope southwest of that area, as well as rock falls, constitute a geologic hazard for Lot 21 and the filing in general. We consider the risk associated witn tnose hazards, however, to be lo# in the short term and only medium from about 50 years from now out to several hundred years. We found no evidence of landsliding or incipient landsliding on the southwestern slope of the Gore Creek Valley neighboring the study area, although a large, old, mud-flow-type landslide is evident on the eastern slope of the Black Gore Creek Valley about 1000 feet up-valley from Lot 21. That landslide does not constitute a reactivation threat to Lot 21. The fan on which the homes of Filing No. t have been built has been construcled by repetitive floods-water, mud-flows and avalanches-that deposited soil and rock debris onto the floor of the valley with each major event for many thousands of years. Those processes assuredly will continue for many thousands of years hence. The issue is not whether but how often and how large will the events be. Aerial photographs taken for the U. S. Forest Service in 1950, 1962, and 1990 seem to indicatethatfloods of water, mud-flows, or avalanches have not coursed down the ravine in sufficient volume to escaDe the stream channel since well before 1950. Moreover, even small events of these types have been quite rare in the general Vail sector of the Gore Creek Valley. Significantly large events, we conclude, have been widely spaced in time in the past' 2 Our assessments of geology-related risk are intentionally couched in qualitative, empirically-derived terms (high, medium, and low). The state of the geologic art does not permit a rational quantitative analysis. R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. thus are expected to be widely, although erratically, spaced in time in the future. From that we conclude that the risk of a recurrence of any of these events in the Lot 21 area during the next 50 years is low, the risk past 50 years out to 200 years.is medium, and OeyoiC 200 years probably is high. That, of course, is the nature of geologic risk in high Alpine valleys such as the Gore Creek Valley Cobbles and boulders are scattered in the forested southwestern slope of the Gore Creek Valley adjacent to the Vail Meadows Filing No. 1, and are scattered across the long narrow ridg! on the valley floor immediately south of the southwestern sector of that Filing. Lot 21,-in fact, abuts the northem foot of that ridge. We conclude that the risk of boullers escaping their lodgement in the soils of the steep valley slope is minimal because most of them are partly buried in the soils. Moreover, their passage would be blocked by the trees and dense brush on the slope. The loose rock rubble on the north- facing slope of the scantily forested hill abutting Lot 21 to the south, however, should either be stabilized on the slope or removed from the slope. That is common proceclure and not at all difficult, and would reduce the risk of rock falls into Lot 21 from medium to low. According tothe U. S. Geological survey, Lot 21 of the Vail Meadows Filing No. 1 is potentially subjecl to earthquake-generated, interpreted, probabalistic peak ground accelerations of 0.0569., with a 10% probability of exceedance for a 50-year period. lf cut slopes in excess of 5 feet high are required to create a building pad on the lot, or an access driveway to it, these cut slopes should be designed by an experienced geotechnical engineer. Othenrvise, so long as the construction of the planned dwelling does not materially change the existing ground conditions (and this should be avoidable), the stability of the existing soils and/or bedrock at this site should not be impaired. The construction as planned should not increase the geology-related hazards to other property or structures. orto public buildings, roads, streets, rights-of-way, easements, utilities, orfacilities. we have appreciated the opportunity to work with you on this project. lf you have any questions, however, or would like to discuss any aspects of our report, please call. UM o :EK REE MAINLY SANDS AND GRAVELS, SILry TO CLAYEY, WITH THE FLOOR OF THE VALLEY BOTH BY GORE CRIEK GLACIAL MORAINE SOILS. PROEAELY FAILED AS A SOILS DEPOSITED PARTLY BY STREAMS FLOWING VI STEIP-SLOPED RAVINES DRAINING THE SOUTHWESTERN : CREEK VALLEY IN THE PROJECT AREA, AND PARTLY BY TCHING FROM THOSE RAVINES. AVAI.TCNCHES CARRYING SOILS ;E ROCK DEBRIS ALSO MAY HAVE CONTRIBUTED CONSTRUCTION OF THE FAN. IDUAL SOILS COVERING MINTURN FORMATION STRATA. THE )LAYEY TO SILTY. ANGULAR SANDS AND GRAVELS; THE COMPRISES INTERBEDDED SANDSTONES, SILTSTONES, ONES. LS BLANKflING MINTURN FORMATION STRATA; THE INLY SANDS AND GRAVELS IN A CLAYTY TO S1LTY MATRIX, Y DEPOSITED. THE MINTURN STRATA CROP OUT LS COVERING PRECAMBRIAN_AGE GNEISS AND PEGMATITE. NEISS AND PEGMATITE (U N DIFFERENTIATED). OLOGIC MATERIALS, INTERPRETED, LOCATED lo\ t '..'tN i'lra n\ Qaf/ . \r! N N I I \ rm,r'r \\ \ N\:'"*]Y 500 1000 2000 - SCALE IN FEET =.=a?;+ R.J. IRISH CONSULTING ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST, INC. GTOLOGIC MAP LOT AT 5042 SHOWSHOE LANE AND VICINITY IAST VAIL. COLORADO JOB NO.: 612 s/1/os I tb. I fign Review Action FOr TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Date Project Name: Building Name: Projec't Description: Owner. Address and Phone: ArchitecVcontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block- Subdivision Zone District Proiect Street Address: Comments: Motion by: -Aoartr/ Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: D Approval ! Disapproval 3 StaffApproval Conditions: Town Planner Date:DRB Fee Pre-paid I t v DRB APPLTCATTON - TOWN OF ITAII,, DATE APPLICATION RECETVED : DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: 9Vrr ! ' '\ TSfS APPLICATION WIIi NOI BE ACCEPIED ..r, Ar Frf nNrrL Ar.L REQUTRED rNFoR!,rArroN rs suq{I$r:qqli!;i"l uLV,,UErl.*t******** '. i Vwttitt ' v I.PROJECT TNFORMATTON: n E. F If property is described by description, please provide attach to this application. ZONING: tOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing NAME OF APPLICANT: applicant Lot. area. a J. I. FEE PATD: '?4 U'?/r{ ru'6npu-FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 @ J "erris ad 9/a/9L . **********JlJH 1g95 A. DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW:Wq'4 New Construction ($200.00) Addirion ($50.00) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot :-\ \ Block f. }.. -q1 Subdivision l*nor Alteration ($20.00) / Conceptual Review ($0) a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and must provide a current tr :\\\ Phone NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: i't8I IVE \+ TT( Y? Mailing Address: _ I.NAME OF OWNERS.-' *STGNATURE (S) :.Mailing Addresdi Phone tn 1 l, Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at t,he time of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the f^accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail .l,frlO4o will adiust the fee accordinq to the table below, to y1 ' 'will adjust the fee according to the tabl-e below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ 0 - $ 10,000 $ 10,00L - $ 50,000 $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - I 500,000 $500r 001 - 91r 000,000 $ Over $1r 000,000 * DESIGN REVIEW BOARD :TPPROVAI.. EXPIRES ONE YTAR AFTER FINAI.. APPRO\IAI/ qNLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED A}TD CONSERUCTTON IS STARTED. **NO APPIICATTON WIIL BE PROCESSED WIIHOUT OWNER'S SIGNAIURE 1 ir . "*"-*""r.ot r"rrr*n, III A pre-application rneeting with a member of the planning staff is. strongly encouraged to determine if any additional application inforrnation is needed. It is the applicant's responsibitity to make an appointment with the slaff to determine if there are additional submittal requirements.Please note that a coMpLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, building tines and building corners. A11 trees to be removed must be taped. AII site tapings and staking rnust be completed pri.or to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that stakinq done during the winter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual approval and a final approval. Applicants should plan on presenting their development pioposal at a minimum of two meetings before obtaining finai approval . Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked i-n advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB docket until such time as the item has been republished. The following items may, at the discretion of the zoning administraLor, be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e. a formaL hearinq before t.he DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior chanses which do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building addition proposals not visible from any other lot or public space. At the time such a proposal is submitted, applicants must incLude Ietters from adjacent. property ovrners and,/or frorn the agent for or manager of any adjacent condoninium association stating the association approves of the addition. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris f1ow,wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town planner prior to DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. For all residentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insioe faee of the exterior structural walls of the buiJ.ding; and b. Indicate with a dashed Line on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the building wal1s or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, aLl conditions of approvat must be resolved prior to Town issuance of a building pernit. t A. B. D. n F. G. IJTST OF MATERTAI,S NAME OF PRO.TSCT: >>*\r\ fqA\€\\ LEGAL DESCRTPTTON: LOT-.jaL BLOC suBDrvrsroN \rcr( L rA^Arr\xsl-t STREET ADDRESS:rt\ The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUTI,DING I,IATERIAI-,S: required for submitt.al approval can be given: TYPE OF I.T,A?ERIAIJ E.o the Design COIJOR Roof Siding OLher Wa11 MaL,erials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Rebaining Walls Exterior LighE.ing Other LANDSCAPING: Name of \n^ |(yV\q g N,cr^rl-1 l\ (\ 2 \\ [( it Designer: Phone: B. .oJ*u*. c. LANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixLures and locaE.ions on a separat.e rightlnq plan. rdent.ify each fixLure from the righting plan il the space below and provide Lhe height above qiade,-cype of right proposed, rumen out.put., ruminous area and i cut. shaeE. of the 1ighE. f ixr.ure . ( Secr.ion t_g . 54 . 050 J) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. rndicate height.s of-recainini hralls. Maximum height of warls within the front. setback ii 3'. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the properLy is 6, PLANr uarnts, PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Bolanical Name Ouantiiv Size* *IndicaLe caliper for deciduous trees. t.rees. Min heioht f * *Indica E.e 5 qallon.size of proposed shrubs. Tvpe GROUITD COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRTGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Sguare FooE.aqe n ' t'Project Application ,^,. t uf ro/ ?o L. /Zo Pro,ect Projecl Contact Name: Descriplion: Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: i-a / w .'()'1,,-n L t-t /.o,- L o-,t-u Legat Description, t-ot 1J . etoct< / . nting oJot'' s Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPFOVAL QISAPPROVAL Z e^ o/0.-L Town Plan ner , /,1/ ?rl oate / $// t Staff Approval .I t ; DATE DNB APPIJICATION APPLICATION RECEIVED3 DATE OF DRB UEETING: *T*T*THIS APPLICATION I{ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED I'NTIL ALL INAORMATION IS SUBI.IITTED***** r.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING : A pre-appticatlon neeting with a plannlnE staff nenber is stiongfy- suggested to detemine lf 9ny addltional infomation Ls needed. . It ls the appllcant's respons ity to nake an appointnent with the staff to flnd out- about additlonal subnittal reguirements. Please note that a COMPLETE appllcatlon wlll streamline the approval process for your proJect by decreasing the-number of Londitlons oi appiovit ttrat the DRB nay stipulate. ALL condltions of apbroval rnust be resolved before a bullding petnit Ls issued. Applicatlon will not be processed without ownerrs Sl.gnature. A. pRorEcr DEscRrprro': Lo'i- z-l VAtt- mgrDoJ5- f(L (ot'z sNov\ sat€ LA^lg B. I'CATION OT PROPOSAL: Address Legal Description Lot 7-l EIock Subdivision c. D. NAI.{E oF AppLrcAl{rr {owt A"lp vrZ,g,JrA LErZor ltailing Address: Phone +lu:frt<-- NAI{E Of APPL,fCANTTS REPRESENTATTVE3 *1tt€ :-_ Malling Address: Phone E.NAI-|E OF OWNERS:rnllA SrcNAruRE(8r: llalling Address: Phone Zonlns-4 > Vttz,r-,JrA L@q(_ Condoninium APproval if applicable. DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the'tine a buildlnq Dernit ls naid for. VALUATION FEE 9lo.oo I2s.oo I50.oo 9100. OO $200.00 $3OO.0O F. G. I o- $ 10,001 -I 50,001 - $150,O01 - s500,001 -$ Over $ 10,OOO s 50,0oo s 15o,ooo s 50o,0oo $1,000, 000 91, O0o, 000 D' II. TMPORTAI{T NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUB!.TISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. fn additlon to neeting subnittal reguirenents, the applicant uust stake the site to lndicate property l-ines and bullding corners. Trees that wlll be removed nust also be narked. This work must be conpleted before the DRB vl.sits the slte. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will nomally involve two separate rneetlngs of the Design Review Board, so the appll.cant should plan on at least ttto meetings for a final approval . c. Applicants who fail to appear before the Deslgn Review-goard at their scheduled neetLng and vho have not asked for a postponenent rrill be required to be republlshed. D. At the dlscretion of the zonlng adninlstrator, the followlng itens may not have to be presented to the Design Revlew Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Plannlng DepartDent for approval: a. llindows, skylights and sluilar exterl'or changes that do not alter the exlsting plane of the building; and b. Building addltions that are not vl'eued fron any other lot or public Epace, uhich have had letters subtritted froir adjoinl.ng property owners approving the addltion; andr/or approvaL fron the agent for, or Danager of a condoninium assocl'atlon. E. you may be reguired to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your propeity (1.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris flol, vellands,-etc). You should check with a Town Planner before Proceeding. o o z a {7 c c){o 2 !m n ={ ll -o Or- z= z==o z --I -.t m Iq !- o l- tt :o >zl :6 al X,.;o Po ho ;E o< ::|D (J<;g a;o >t =^E iii o 'tl .It m I'3 f lxlflf-l FEE I; ;fr; ll '- l=tr!n az -q mt l>r lcl 19o lad o lF{ Il l<lUo t-n .l.'| =m 6< -r -{o @ m x m .I, I z (- ID 2 -t m C ,/..("' .' -./ z IT l- t- z; P< 1Z (Jc) m o --.{ F T- z --{ (, --{ o 2o -tm 7z >m --t >or-=m -t z,o an m o - z z --.{ -t n -n t- = OB fF <F F1 lo <H nv -l I I l _El rl o, l rl s'l \ol Gl I l-{lo l€ lz to lit t< l= l* lo c)B =t><F l> rn w Y I I I -ol -l I I I +ll mlo rl; to l-n t<l> lr- tm lo f lz lo I I I I l-r to l€ lz ll I> lF l:o lm lo f l6 3 >t-r-rf| € ea lr |o l€ lz lo -lI 5l> tl- rlI il= t9 I tH lF tY- lF! I I I lF J]'tm lP lz - q. 0ro-(O O -r.630 op-d nou o i'\< R AP l:- 9sr 5 -<Q{ {Eo 4il-o *do o:a= =+-o= qlo)i- <*rD(u Q'd a r Lt = 9**ai r a -6'g. J-e !, gtE -f +i6 ..6 i- oo* T!fO .; q! o.-\ =.<OO =.r c ordr =< =.:*=vX+5 g:r iato fci P :'3 XX=. ii a'3 38A o=:(,to=. ;i t I f o c J o q o A)o o o { {J N -(o o { o o t = (D c -' o = ,g)m .Tl €z m z It It 'n r U> m t--n z -l -{I m o €z m ! , z a r--T-- o m tl)r :z o =o z 1t m 5 a) z m m m l<' lz lz =t t- 3 lo l= r I fro<>'r1)-im m m o a llm o-- i€l> F a I o t I I z (,c t- =z | -.{ l=tx 1z 1: F F - IO tr: 1F -z ZA .z = z>eR r6 n<r.Il< >0 o4 mf l/> o z c z tl I tt tl z m € t- m ^z F #X =z f' m ! --l m c P fl c z K rl (/r 4 H I € F-l F 'dl c)H H z -l trtl 'l zl frl {l El ol HI f'j I Fl Ftl :l -l €l PI HI FJI :l |nI FI 'l e.l ONts V2 e1 2T dH ..P io tso 3l ADI 6U 'a3 ;A 'oIo6u =o= E b =z q, - -.{q'o 6 o *-n2Z *€bo ts+ t\) B H |n H F P td I l, l i L € o o =z F c F FI 2 z o { m U' z z z -l i --t m r1z cno I <o'!l \,:.: I u)>' rl Fr I I I I Fl 6) l( (/)Olt rJ> |-;l; N)\o ll r 3rl -ll I 3 -1 :i n I -{ -.l t-\,m n =...'| -n m m at, c m -l x t-m 7 .It m o g m o z m m € m m --.t z m aT! =m o z o m l-m --l () t- z o x g t- z m =i m ='Tl m m (t VALUATION !m v = =z o H ri =tn z t- t- =z m t-m o u t- F z o CR#8?O8 W rNsftnoN TOWN OF REQUEST' VAIL INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NA|L|NG , EI'G}S PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB N SHEETROCK NAIL tr n o O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FtFiAL tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOA'... ,"rl"rroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI 'Pttt READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND . tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W.V. - tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER . a.rn tr g autrtra T'1 ..'"'' O GAS PIPING -" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - O POOL / H, TUB -D SHEETROCK NAIL tr - '1 r-r - D FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR --t r'r _ tr FINAL tr FINAL n Appnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED I] REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 3y'/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT r rNsttoN TOWN OF REQUEST'VAIL I I I JoB NAME c-I i .-l DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: 1:a) WED THUR FRI 1.,',,,i t. (tr.'r CALLER TUES LOCATION:L- ---'>-'-i.L ..,: ,, / (t;. 7"<--' \\t','.'\ \*-'....$ BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE. tr o tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATlON SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr u FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr FINAL - tr-suPPLY.A\R i\ *::-;z---,\' -'h.t^ot -+ ffi {Kppaoveo tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPEC ,*rl"toN PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR TOWN OF REQUEST'VAIL " NAME"- CALLER -"----- BUILDING:Pt-UttrtgtNG: FOOTINGS / STEEL tr tr tr tr o D tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER o tr D E o FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL 6?rr'rnr-^t.,,ct-- ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E tr tr tr ROUGH tr D tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL \PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIBED ,.'\\ o o z 2 7 c o -{o z !m F ={ --- o m E*r-,h E l<: :l*i a l9s 3 lri g lmP o liq 3 l=t i r5 o<1e d9 n&ctt >1 7E ii= T m 3 -{ IIEE a q. 3tr@ t=z =oo !) > l- f-tFt-t__J t-, L __.1 -Tt !Or- z= 2=oo z E6 mt I 3an EU 'o r$< .t'o 'n sf; f -l o @ m x m -It -{o 2 (-o (D a I m C t- C. (- 2 /'\ an o =m _r z ^ z --t -l z; -l a-p< 1,= r-m -.t u r 2n nz >m on -t>or z =m -n tr z c) o rl{mlo Fl= IO II t> lF tm t: I I I l-.{to l=lo l-r t<l>l- lF tz c)B =tr <F r p p rtl Y I I *l -l I I I =m o (D aJ rD Frl (D o l-{to t€ lz lo rn t< t> t; td t;l€F tzl lo E1 |iIF Fltn t!l IB 15'lz lI |'T tl tl |l 0) x { (o ot o d 0) J g, o o 9) o o = o 5 o = o o !ro (oo o!*6'(, f'Rii =ot =f, <o *3 3g *o o:a -.o f+o:a :!)Jf +O, ^l ls rt ol F= fr F.rf =- ot r< =;-<o >.5 3o 0ro =<.{o,vx lgt vl s;,:c f(I| vt u1 $o O- ao AF s.{ O_@ {o) !, =l cio 8.E cd Oq,ic ei :-- 5'.o (o at o8 oo t4 3'B cL-C no l= s.\96 \-)4: $ ga -\ oFf i\ 65 S ,E;N 3o,Of - ...3 e X;E }R w 9\o .J lr!t!\1 :o\\ J !9/ oo.fo : al, (o' J 20 m 'Tl Po '|I I 3 @ m -_rl lo m l- I t- I i l z l- rt m --{t,z m m m l<' fio<>-n!-.{ m olm ilo ri I I I I O ll- II tl m € t-t- z a c r i z I = z m l-t-c m I g I -l 2 J z I t m o m €m t- =z c z -t o o = { z =-t z m € --{tn =z =z |- x m m o 'n t- t =z ft !-o-{ ct3 €li >.n 2O e9 o .t2 AN €i 6 z SH =,tl cf; 5g f4-olY 50S zgt 9o6 -in 2 *6 o*ii'<> IN EI N ;t q, ^1 5 6l =, to o l\) € o @ o o > lz_2 t=|,, |>F to o l=c lz l- | tt,: ti =l;YI ml t4 l m I a cl A,V'z'c-'"ol.: o:(^" TI :s lc\ L tF\. t?t I I $s Rs n l-u I I I I { t- 'o m n =-'l 'Tl m m (t a m -{ x t-m z !0 m g I m 2 m rn { o u m o m z .tl m m =m o z t- =z m |-m .)--{ 6 !t- z m x =z m =. m =-n m m (t, VALUATION 3 m z o r t-c @ z o m t-m o { o t- -0 z o +o o D f c f !m F = 2 9 I O)(^t ('l (tl o o o o o o f\)(Jr o o (.^) (Jr (,o (^)(Jl o o + N (t s o (Jl o *f'Tfrt?5lub l)" INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL "'l .- ''tr {t ' DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON ';-" ,' CALLER T,UES r. f-' THUR FRI i" t: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr E} tr tr tr o UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D-W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr r-1 ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL & rrrurl tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: o tr tr tr HEATING tr tr tr BOUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FrN/\f'7 tr FINAL ROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: i '-<(\ .-DATE INSPECTOR t PE CTION TOWN OF -ri-nt ir, 4. REQUEST VAIL $:' INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI ,,.1';,,DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM tNsl BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRA[/ING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr D tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL +TqPPROVED CORRECTIONS: N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE a -SPE i/ IN l_, hrf; CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: -' -.1 (r' r- JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBlNG: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER (rnevrruc tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr D tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FryAL tr FINAL - PPROVED D DISAPPROVED EINSPECTION BEOUIRED 4 _ .,74/-.,- CORRECTIONS: :)''?/','/1/ ./ . 'i' INSPECToR -* 'e4':r ,7i z-'ttt-'""-- - - ( h€ Prlni..Y'ra!l DATE DATE ,*rt"noN nEouesr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. r] ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL o tr E FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR B tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr OISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ri:4t-f, INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES TfiUR,i FRI PM LOCATION: BUILDING:PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: LT tr tr D tr o tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL g-yCoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: LJl"\ I E INSPECTOR 75 south fronlage road veil, colorado 81657 (3o3r 476-7ow) March 21, 1983 Tom LeRoy 5042 Snowshoe Lane Vai'l , Co1o. 81657 Dear Tom: 0n March 16, 1983 the Design addition as submitted. Si ncerel y, RE: DRB Submittal of Review Board approved the Leroy garage 3-21-83 I -l ?-'- /..-^7,-- Jinl Sayre Town Planner JS:df Project Application o^," Il\, v4\ 1r'.' lb4 Project Name: Project Description: i Contact Person and Phone Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot t .1--:, Filing Zone - Owner, Address and Phone: Com ments: Design Review Board Date fltt",tr i- i Motion by: Seconded by:fr<l r'i -'. t)2 -. DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: E Statt Approval 5N0v{ 3it0l LA tl r' t4'55 E'1pr,.c 'E?; NE I I I I I I I t- \ I t I I I t I \\ \\, \\\\ \ --i I , 1 \l \l 'l R. Lor ?0 \I I \\ 7.71 D tcc L --7 Lor l?lor ?2 Lor 2t Vail lleodows Eogle Count y, Filinq No. I Colo7ado Sca lc: l'=70' o$to20 o .Rebar Found 10 d t$ Two Sfory framc tiouse /- F\a \/ I hereby certlfy that thls lnprovencnt locatlon certlflcate ras prepared for A1p1ne Federal Sav tn6s errid loan Assoclatlon' the 'r*pii".r. nt location belng based' on prev lous property survey that has been tnonumented by others arrd that li 1s not to be relled uDon for the establini'ttt't-of fence' buildlng' crr ottrer future Gprovement 1lnes. "i'-rt-tttf'tt ce::tlfy that the lnprovements on the above descrlbed parcel on t'h ls d'ate ' -except ut1l1ty connectlons' are entirely ulthrn ii"-t*"aoties of the'parcel' -except as shoun' tlrat there are no "ngr:orci*"nts upon the described prernlses by lnprovernentt or, .ny--"djolnlng p-u'ni=""' except i: ll]:ttd'' and that there r" ,,o tt'td"i"t ot-"ign of any ease'rent cross ing or burdening any part "f t"ra p*r"I]' er'cept as noted' ii'ir iii j\rl;l'li.1;'1' J,l/,1'i ( . r ',; i i-l cA'i i' I [It 2t VAIL l4liADL)',i'jt !'11-il;i; iirJ' i' Ilrgle CciurrtY, Cr:l o: :r-do Registered Gi[- surv.yor 9)3?Surveyed bY: May 1J, 1PB1 ! W TREES --f---T- lV, b,, t krcd. /'".nt,vJ Y2.t rt /ln^*mt 2 .',.An'te LueettY b 5h2L Le>__24A- ldAr __La -€ zA+ h+t Lr* .Fsuuo bg 6rr**,',s-Q.a-. A't*k+z- _-t- br*-glJtatw- -U A --__4_.4 4 --i--.-f- !,v+ui ,)*trrsn-1,fueq't D.qJa( llou rd lrr'! r, rr: il f i.nil I ;rpprova I Foof Sid ing Othcr I'ial I Material s Fasci a Soffits Windor.rs llindow'l'rirn Doors Door Trin Hand o:'Dcck Flues Fleshj rrgs Chinneys Rai 1s Trash [rrclosures Grccnirorrs es Other B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS Botani ca'l Name SHRUBS 5o+Z Er.{o^lE rr.(irrrl,-'(l f <.r r irlrr,rit;rl b,v tilt: a|Plr,.,iri l0 tlfC Dc:,i:t.r ll, lir..; c;rrr lrc IIiv.rtt: -.RFe.t_.a7 V.9- <-Q(Lttz v+aWPAJa.-: b\Qllbs o@z.., Common Name Quanti ty Si ze /' 4 ',e U 5efr 4/t'/o- ' d(15'Tl "{t- AtN^4€ I p2'41ppora^t &uwt^swovthqa+p*,' ft4ww+l Vr I 4ro- - :;irOO aoil& Iao b 46il -brt /vv E=ld,rlq - squARE F0OTAGE / ' b s0D SEED Vr,r\, o*V,"l, ff 'QUARE FoorAGE 3"J hV24 'fnb .l'\tt7."t4P1't L TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. Other Landsc pe Features (retaining wa] 'l s,fences, swimm.ing pool s,Please specify.etc. ) LL SnOwshoe Lane Lot 21 Ftn o ffi:i;::';' Lot 20 Lot 22 Lot tg .F.p.F.o ar: htrr-Xoutrlr h3h+*lr; rrr. s aa-TodT A.o.r C.ro.a.to lt:.ntsil g'|a..ada O J \ \ \ \ b \f I I I I I 238.t4' LQT !9 -2t291 LCT 20 .l!;rJPlAffg9 5 o8o04'27" E {06'n'4a =o tr -o ro LOT 22 till zl ::\ _31 rtl ;trl R R;(r) =9 (n \set pinacop t I I n r--J 1\ lr \1 \1 \) /\/\ TWO STQRY \ FRAME HOUSE \ \ \ ) /->/,' r- T-F-E- v1-w- 5 -5-//\- _-- 1:..v/--. r- t. -../ \r) lt \/\/\\ ---\z= LOT 2t o co s 23.7 R,h \t rt se ,,H Ll* >*d5 UH: EE q {, r.- tL (9o tn R5 tr(') 23'7' t! It7l0 !* ki;l:..:n:::.:D 5-0F g,r! h} tnri., i'r'Iourrt.,oi* ,m-1, ;t t{[ fte ering r.,a. IMPROVEMENT SURVEY OF GARAGE Pir.;f .r Ho v _ 3O74s oA:r rasrr€o' 7/zg,/a3 ' lt'. 2Q'h' tof I LOT 2t , vAlL MEADOWS, F|LING NO. I TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLORADO Inter-Mount1l1 Fngineeringul September 29, L982 To Whom it may concern; 0n September 15, 1982 a survey crerr, from th'is office measured the elevation of the asphalt on Snowshoe Lane in front of Lot 21, Vai'l lteadows, Filing No. 1. The elevations obtained are shown on the enclosed'sketch. The benchmarl< used was the invert of l|anho]e 884 which has an elevation of 8657.7' as shown on the as built drawings of the Upper Eagle Va'lley Sanitation District. If this. office may be of any further assistance please don't hes i tate to ca] I . 80xGts AVON. CO 61620 9,'l$5072; DENvER 893-r53t 1'I20 VANCE STREET LAKEWOOD. CO E0215 82-Or5E Spanel , o PLA Dan Corcoran Diana Donovan Jim Morgan Duane Piper tli'11 Trout Jim V'iel e PRESENT FOR SITE INSPECTION NNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION October 'l'l , 1982 1:00 Pm PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Peter Jamar Jim Sayre Jenny BeIl COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE Ron Todd Diin Corcoran Diana Donovan Duane Piper ABSENT Scott Edwards Corcoran, chairman, called the meeting to order at l:I5 pm. Approva'l of minutes of meeting of September 27, 1982. comection rnde was the reference Peterson had rnde to the staff regarding Inalin request. liith that correction, Trout moved and Donovan seconded to approve minutes. The vote was 5-0 (Morgan had not yet amived. ) est for a front setback Varia ce in order to construct a va] | fleaoows l-'t I 'tng cants : Peter Patten reviewed the memo and stated that the staff recorunended approva'l of the varjance because of the physical hardship. P'iper was concerned about soil tests. the garage is in the moderate ava'l anche zone. Donovan felt that four garage doors might be imposing. More discussjon followed concerning whether or not the garage could be placed further back from the road. Trout moved and Morgan seconded to approve the front setback variance with a zero setback variance. The vote was 6-0, unanimous approval 3. Variance request to move parkinq spaces alonq Lionsridqe Loop partiallv onto Peter Patten reviewed the memo and added that the Council in a work session exp'lained that it was not a town polic.y to lease parkinq spaces. He stated that the staff was in favor of the reqirest in order to'al'leviatb traffic congestion. Morgan ques- tioned exclusive use of the parking spaces. Patten answered lhat Breakaway West cou'ld not have exclusive use. Piper fe1 t that there was no real benefit tb the town to grant a varjance which would 'lessen the landscaped area. John Perkins, representing Breakaway l,lest, stated that an additional five feet for traffic would be an 'improvement to a dangerous situatjon. Trout moved and Morgan seconded to approve the relocation of the parking spaces 5 feet onto Ereakawiy West's property. The vote was 5-l in favor. Patten stated I shrub and a tree should be rep'lanted. lhn l. 0ne the the 2. PEc lolu -2- I 4. Request for variances to construct roximately STeet-i tion' Peter Jamar presented the staff memo and explained that there were two variances requested, and that they ought to be treated as separate items. The first variance requested by the app'l icant was a five foot variance into the required 50 foot setback from Gore Creek. Jamar explained that the "building envelope" upon the lot was quite restrictive due to the configuation and the setback requ'irements. He explained that variances for similar situations had been granted to adjacent propert'ies in the past, and that the encroachment would not be creat'ing any impact upon the creek which the ordinance was designed to protect. Piper moved and Donovan seconded to approve the setback variance. The vote was .) The second variance request was a height variance to allow the structure to be built 8.5 feet above the allowable height ljmitation of 33 feet. Jamar reviewed the staff memo and explained that the staff was recommending denial because there was no hardship experienced nor any positive result from granting the variance. He said that the staff did believe the applicant's desire to have-a 12/:,2 roof pitch was not sufficient reason to grant the variance. Much discussion fol'l owed concerning the height of the structure in relationship to the adjoining structures. John Perkins, representing the app'l icant, stated that the lot was a "hole" due to the fill which was placed under the structures adjacent to the site. Ron Todd, who was the cpuncil representative, stated that he felt that possib'ly the variance was warranted because of the small portion of the site which could be built upon, and that possibly going higher with the structure to gain more GRFA was a good so1ution. Jamar stated that there was no useable GRFA in the area of the house which violated the height requirement. After more discuss'ion regarding the intent of the height requirements, the method of calcu]ation, and the relationship of the structure to the neighboring houses, Piper moved and Donovan seconded to;llow a heiqht variance of 4 feet rather than th Perk ins Perkins questioned why the cornmission would only grant a 4 foot variance and requested that the item be tab'led until the next meetinq so that he and the until the next meetinq so that he and the staff cou'l d have measurements taken to determine the relationship between the proposed house and adjacent structures. Vie'l e moved and Pioer seconded to table uirtii tOZ house and adjacent structures. Vie'l e moved and Piper seconded to table u:ntil IO/ZS/AZ. The vote was 5-0 in favor with 5. Application for a conditiona'l use permit for Vail Guides to operate a service Peter Jamar expla'ined the memo and stated that the staff reconrnended approval of the conditional use permit. He went through the proposal and explaineh'that all vehic'l es would be parked along side and behind the building on the lower leve'l ,basica'lly_out of sight. He said that because of the nature of the scheduling of the vehicles coming and going from the site, the staff did not feel that any traffic PEC o 10/11/82 -3- Guides said that the same use did not forsee any problems is to add studios and to c'larify proposed amendment if the circula- .Patten explained the difficu'lty interest on the part of the oth6r problems would be created. Jim Rea representing Vail at the Texaco site had not been a problem, and inat he at the old Town Shop site. Donovan moved and Viele s-econded. to approve the conditonal use permit. The vote was 5-0 to approve with Morgan abstaiiring. 6.uest to amend the rmitted use section of the Arteria] Business District an ev't s't on roa ocas t'l n q.os ano o r amen nts to clar n rteria us'iness cfr ct.pplicant: Town 0t va Patten explained that the only substantive change horizontal zoning.. Morgan asked why there was a tion plan had not yet been approved for the ABC.in coming up with an access plan and the lack of.property owners. P'iper moved and Oonovan seconded to vole }1Jas 5-u tn avor w amend the zonin code an aDs the staff memo - TO: FROl'l: DATE: SUBJECT; MEMORANDUM P'lanning and Environmental Commission Department of Cormun'ity Devel opment September 30, 1982 Front setback variance request to build Filing No. l. Applicant: Virginia and a garage on lot 21, Vail Meadows Thomas LeRoy 0n June'14,'1982 the PEC denied a variance to the hazard regulations for the LeRoys to construct a garage in a high hazard avalanche zone on the southwest corner of' his 'lot. Mr. LeRoy now proposes to construct the garage qn the northwest corner of his lot, but this requires a zero front setback due to avalanche, topographic and drainage conditions on the Iot. The proposal is for a 4 car garage to be'located on the front propelty line (0 setback) whjch wbuld be a'lmost entirely buried into the hillside on the southeast corner. He proposes to place the garage in a b'lue hazard ava'lanche zone which wil'l require investigation.as to avalanche nritigation measures to be taken. CRITERIA ANO FINDINGS Upon review of 4ri,{tee,ia..and R,indings. Section'.}8'62.060 of the,Munieipa,l ,Code, the Dbpartment of Community Development recommends approval of the requested variance based upon the following factors Consideration of Factors The re] ationsh'ip of the requested variance to other existing_gr potential uses ant{ * --- --t, * *..ny negat'ive impacts upon surrounding structures or uses. BACKGROUND which rel ief from the at'ion is necessa tment amonq sites in the vicin strict or l itera'l inte retati on and enforcement oac eve and un ormi t s tit The t.tithout grant of special privilege. There definitely are a number of physjca'l handships on this lot which mandate a garage in the proposed area. The structure cannot be bui1 t on the south half of itre iot becausb it is all high hazard avalanche. The garage cannot be noved off the street too far because there wi'l'l be grade pioblems, and the driveway w'i'l 'l be too steep. The lot also contains a high water table which affects the location of the girage. Due to these physica'l conditions, the granting of the variance muld not be a special privilege. or to attain the LeRoy -2- 1A/4/82 The effect of the requested variance on'l ight and ajr, distrjbution of population, Fu6llE safaE. There will be 2'l feet from the front of the garage to the edge of pavenent which should allow sufficient room for snow removal . Some utilities may have to be re-located. This wi]l be studied in more detail at the DRB level. lqci other factors S!{gjlelfa q_Lhq commission deems applicable to the proposed FINOINGS The Pl=anning ald Environmenta'l Commission sha'l'l make the fo]l owing findings before granting a varjance: That the granting of the variance wil'l not constjtute a grant of special privileg'e jnconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified jn the same district. That the granting of the variance wiJ'l not be detrimental to the public health,safety, or we'lfare, or nnterially injurious to properties or imprbvements in the vicini ty. That the varjance is warranted for the fo1 lowing reasons: There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply general'ly to other properties in the sanE zone. Lllc,,:'e,,i':.,. -l-j 'r-iiii"ie .;.,, i-,rr,-i;..,.- ,;.;.-io;, li.iJ;.i-:-.:. ', -.' ,.'inici.Fi, ' .. ..i;.;" The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the speciffeld regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other-properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Department of Community Development 'variance. l,le fee'l this proposal is the recorrnends approval of the requested best solution for the difficu]t site. otlu, AND ENVTR.NMENTAL ,orr,rrill October 11, 19Bz 5. 6. 'l2:00 Site Inspections I :00 Publ ic Hearing l. Approval of minutes of ''septembe r 27, 1982 2. Reque-st for-a front setback variance in order,rto constbuct a garage on Lot 2.|, Vail Meadows Fir'ing #r,5042 snowshoe line. -appri.uni, "virginia . and Thonns LeRey. 3. varjance'.request to nnve parking spaces a'l ong Lionsridge Loop partia.l ly onto their own property. Appl icant: Breakaway r,rest condominium Owners, Association 4. Rgguest for variances to construct a sjngle family dwelling on 1ot 12,block 2, Gore creek subdivision. The fiist varia-nce is to-encroach approximately 5 feet into the required 50 foot setback from the centerline of Gore creek, the second is to construct the house g.5 feet over thd.33-:.-foot height I imitation .Appl icant: Bernard Gottl ieb Appl ication for a cond_itional use permit for vail Guides to operate a service yard for vehicles at the 0ld Town shops at.g90 south Frontage Road Applicant: Vail Guides, Inc. Request to amend the permitted use section of the Arterial Business Distrjct to permit radio and te1 evision broadcasting studios and other amend-ments to clarify wording in the Arterial Busfness Distrfct.Applicant: Town of Vail lgcuest to..amend the subdivjsions Regulations of the Town of vail, Title l7 of the Vail Municipal Code. Applicant: Town of Vail 7. Published in the Vai'l Trail 0ctober g, lgg?. oa App 1 ica r i"" ff*elUer;_1,_L9ga_ I. APPLICATION This procedure is requj-red The application vrill not be ITORI'I FOR A VLIIIAI'ICD for any projcct requesting a Variance. accer:ted until all information is subnritted. A. NAr.rE oF AppLIcANT Thomas a.nd. Virginia LeRoy ADDR-ESS 5042 Snowshoe Lane, Box 952. Vail, 81659PHONE47ti-4915 . ----- NAME OF APPLICANT'S P.EPRESENTATIVE Same as above ADDRESS PHONE C. AUTHORTZATION OF PROPERTY OT^INER B. SIGNATURE ADDRESS Same ils above PHONE D.I,OCATTON ADDRESS OF PROPOSAI 5042 Snowshoe Lane (Vaif ilieadovs) east Vail r! E. ir i'- LEGAL DESCRIPTION Tot 21 block Filing I, Vai]. I{eaclows FEE. $100.00 plus an anount equal to thc then current first*class postage rate for each property owner to be notified herewrder. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property and their addresses. 'Stan CoIe F. t"l ,{Yl" i,u 1l'"1 Box 1982 Vail, 0olorado 8L6j7 I Verrnont 9,{€ -ovkv(- 377 A. Tsonas on Vtnclwu LnRov MARK.ETING, ADVERTISING CONSULTANT 5043 SNOTySUOE I-\., BO.r O52 476-4915 YAIL. COLO. ar 65A ?J-)7 -:e tr-z- Pfl{;s.""*-rcl/ - $ l.c' 2930 {-TBAJ{(**. PH. a76-5646 17 VAIL ROAO vAI- COLORAIIO 81657 il.O0 eq l0il' "tl lO 2 lO I 5 tqr: .oRADO 41657 t z\Pll-tcffift.lr-f 15 q5elr. OLI-ARS grco;l HoYrQ lw-t+/' <lz-< tUJ-Jfl'e V'AIL, ( oto7A oo art-t'l g\e .sTA ^\ tot'€ te-t+z'( =-l u< n5{r}* tssae++*wett:> Viru, eo t"o{'A Po' btLs-l 'T- ,--.-\- | ..-\ _J --/'-r> J C\ > o&l \cAug\z- terFzt- E I Z{ t(AJ>t>{.€ VAtt, LolP(LLDo AL6SI teX'&),e ?-Ars V.o-%:fz4u 11p6tov\, Vdt+*T o€UL -z- 1u1-*zz- ; ot oo September 13, I982 T.0.V. Zoning Commisssion lly rrife and f own a lot i<r:ovm as tot 2I , filing #1 VaiI meadows. We have a particular problem that noerits us requesting a 20 foot set back variance. The entire front portion of ny lot whicb borilers Jncwshoe Lane is either Eigh Hazard or Mediun Hazarcl avalanche zone. Earlier this sunmer we applied for a variance to erect our proposedl garage v,'here our present driveway 1s which is in high bazard. avalanche path. We were denieC. We then vrure aclviseil that lve ivould. be alloaed to build in the medium }:.azard. portion of our l-ot. After having the lot re-surrreyeil we novr realizei tbat the location of snorvshoe lane is some 20 to 22 feet from our property l-ine. "Ye are requesting a 2O-foot front set back variance so we can place our Aarage on our front property line. Yle rvill still be 2O to 22 feet from Snorvsboe.'L,nne. : . -. , ,. lYe have a natural sp:eing and. summer d.rainage creek which nrns through our front yard. It is considlerably higher than tbe roof elevation of our pronoseil garage. By keeping the garage as close to the front property lj-ne as possible we will- not disturb the flovr of the creek. Also by granting us the variance we wlll be able to neet our driveway slope requirements and the garage roof elevation will remain above ground. If vre were required to set back the gar::ge by 20 feet the garage vvould be rvi.thin about 5 feet of the creek and the roof of the gara6;e n'ould then be lowei thafi the bottom of the creek bed. 1{e believe that the request for the variance vrould be the most practical thing to do und.er tbe clrcumstances and it would prevent us from disturbing the flovr of ihe creek. iVe tbank you for your consideration and attenti-on. a trut_tjil Sco tt Edi,ra rd s lrli I I Trout Dan Ccrcoran Diane Donovan I at.er Duane f i lrer ABSINT PLANNIr,{C /\ND Eil\rIRClll4iillAL C0lil'lIS5itriI June i 4, "l 9i12 STAFF Peter Patten D ick Ryan Jinr Sayre La rry Eskr.r'i th I3etsy Rosol ack COUNCIL REP Chuck Anderson Jin Viel e J irn Morgan Dan Corcoran, chairman, ca11ed the meet'ing to order at 2:'|5 after a visit and after rev'ierving a.ppf ications for exterjor alterations and jn Coiirrnercial Core I and Il. Donova.n mcved and Trout seconded to approve the minutes of May 24, lhe vote was 3-0 in favor lvith Edwards abstaining. si te modi fications 1982. Reqqq.illg1_g_yg11ercg__lo construct a -"q_a1qge in a tq{on l-ot 2l , Vail Meadojts_!_l"j!S__#l-j_ Appl icant: -fhonfi.LeRoy al ancire zone Peter Patten explained the memo and sholed the site pl an. He er.plained t.hat the staff rvoLrld first address the avalanche problen, then the seiback va:iiarrcc. He stated that the house did receive a secback variance t,lhen it was buil'i., and since the staff vtere not avalanche experts, they were r'eferring to the I'ie.rrs study. lle read the portion of Mears' letter' tha.t stresse,j that it was 'itupor'lant for the Tor,rn of Vail to ensure that no resiciential construction be done in the high hazard zone. LeRoy refemed to the s'i te p1 an and explained that he r^ras told that the l jne showing the edge of the high hazarri area could he plus or minus 25 feet, and that perhaps all of h'i s lot was high hazard or perhaps all of it uas nredium hazard. lie slrol,Jed photos of the accumulation of snolv on his 1ot stating that he cou'l d not build steps because he could not nrainta in thenr in the vrinter tinre. l'le added that he vrould bury the garage jnto the grounci orr the uphi11 side adding that jf hc placed the garage wltere it was original 1y planned to go, there would be djsturbance by riinof f . [drvards felt that the applicant should have a nrore detailed study nnde to ensure that the garage would be only in the rnoderate hazard zor:e, because it did secrt that the stream rlas a hardship if the garagc had to be placed where origin.illy pl an ned. v Frl,- (i/tt+/Bz Trou1. riucsti cn<td the si ze c,f the garagc i:l.i LeRoy :;tated 1.lra I he wanted to park 4 cars in thc garage, tt;o deep. Donovan felt that she couldn't approve a {jirage in a red hazard zone, and wanted to be certain just wher'e the I ine betvrecn iire tvro zories 1ay. She felt 1.hat ihe strr:anr r,ras a physica'l hardship. LeRoy ansltered thar he fel i: that the entire fronl of his lot t"tas 'i n the high hazard zone. Corco,-an stated that the l ine as il ey.ists on the avalanche study was not absolute, but that the Conrnjssion nrust work vrith tireL. Ryan added that jf the applican'u believes that the high hazard zorle vias nqrt- 0n his lcrt, he should have a detailed stuciy rnade. P.yan added that lulcars felt strongly thiit the Torvn of Vail should keep structures out of ihe high hazard crvalanche zones. Trout asked Eskwith wlrc,ther or not the Toirn would bc liable if they vrere t0 grant a variance. Eskwith ansvrcred that there'rtas a chance that the Tov"n could be found Iiabl e. LeRcy said that he was yriliing to take full responsibiiity against physical and financial danrage. After more discussion of respons ibil ity, Donovan nroved and Corcoran seconded to deny the request for a variance as per the staff memo dated June .i0, 1982. The vole vras 4-0 to deny the variance. LeRoy mentioned that in the same letter, I'1ears stated that the TOV should look into ncving the water. tank. Eskw'ith answered that the r,iater tank was a separate issue, and that at the mcment, the commjssion was dealing vrith the variance reques L, The setback variance vras then considered, Peter Patten explaining that the PEC must consider both, in case LeRoy should appeal the decisions, so that the Councjl would have some background upon whjch to base thejr decisions. Corcoran moved and Edwards seconded to deny the setback variance request per the staff memo dated June .|0, .|982. The vote was 2-l with Trout against denial , and Donovan abstaining hecause she felt she couldn't vote t'rithout ktrovring whether or not there might be a physical hardship non knowing whether or not the avalanche hazard zone would affect it. 2. seguest for rezQniry_of !S!_l_-,_!qr-l__Yj,l_iage_2nd Fil itg f ro.!_Be:1l9qlfql_Lftlqry.l- Seconrlary to Speciai De,,i9l_SpllL9ll_ !-i_$ru! ]i!_qr' _qff!q|yq,o,_ zotg-p.1|_ l]jgll Density llqLlilqff_lX_L0_qllow f lve dweel ing unitq.. l\ppl icant: Ron J. Byrne Peter Patten explainedthat the tlras the sanre appiication that had been subntitted on l'larch B and which the P[C denied by a I'c'te of 5-l and r,rhich was then appealed to the Council and was defeated unaninrously. Byrne explained that at tlre last nreeting an argunrerrt ensued rvith regard to the prescntation. Eskwith felt that jt was l:etter to prescrrt both the rezoning request for SDD and the IIDMF at the sante tirne. He explaincd to Byrne that the zoning larvs had been arlended to that thc SDD areas r,{cre Iinrjted in use and dcnsity and to the zoningl district in lvhich they rverc located. Byrne showed slides attd added that his jrnmediate neighbors did rrot object to the rezoning. lle said tltat he iiail .t.ound scr,rr:ral casc:s of upzon'ing in'Lil:,'area. ilr:;rddcd'Lliat thercl l:as a real cl iffr:rencr: in thc archileci.irrli scrlr: in t.he ai^ea 01'his lot. fil'statcd t.hat tiir pr-r.:jcct was vcry 'f lexible ancl vr,.ruii1 r^iorll dir Lrt:t.iy i'rith the staJ'f in uny li f.i.i""ni solutjon. l-lc gave st,rii::tit.r; cirtlcernir'q lhe rilass, heigiil iiii.i (iellsities i,:f fnn surrounding properiiei anci also I i:te,.i dates oi- r.lpzonings of thcrst= lrrojects. I.le felt that Gore-Creek';tould be a uore'l o1.i ical buffer betr'reen zorres and that the duillex vlas not the nost appropriate buiiding fot'his site' It was cxplained to Byrne that he nust provi('k'.: a bufi'cr zotre between hjs pro-iect ancl the duplexes to tlre rr'cst. Byr'ne saicl tiiat he was vtjl'1 ing to change.the.design to allol,r for more open land to the wcst, but felt the planners' responsibility v1as to he1 p plan. He repeated the renrark'[nai) ntany prc'perties had been charged in zonirig to'allor,r greatbr dens jty, height aircl massii^.9. Ryan stated that thttt u/as tlre exact reason that in 1977 the'i-olvn o'F Va'il urcnL through downzoning, and then trto years alo changed the definition oi tre'i ght. The track record for the past. few yeais r^,as ihat the Tor"rn has not allowed up zoning and thel'e were new heighi regulat1 ons since the buildjr,g ipanema. Florgan Douglas, nearby property ov,,ner, explained l.tul lis^was a single family hom6 vrith i guest apaitmcnt, not 3 units as described by Byrne. He added his objeci;ion to the rezoning. Ben tsotel of tfre Alphorn_said.that there hacj been l9 lciter-s to the feC prdtesting the rezonjng, 'He also stressed that the Alphorn had spent. $50,000 on landscaping and \'lere proud of their building' P!.C -3-.b/14/LiZ Frank Havrel of the A1 phorn stressed that the projeci and that if the lot next to it were built to the sante with their view. Edwar-ds stated that he hras on the PEC to try to change indiscriminate upzoning. He added that he had difficulty seeing why there was a need for a transibion fron ipanema. iie stated that he ttoulcl rather see it stay duplex, but poss'ib1y gjve a vilriance jn hejght to make that transit'ion. Trout sa'i cl that he was syrtpathet'ic to the prcperty aesthetically, though he yrould vote against 5 unjts, but possibly for 3-112 uniis because he felt that the transition made sense. Corcoran felt that the issue of Ipanena should be disi'egarded totally. Donovan felt that the increase'in units vras insignificant jn relation to the size of the project. lijth regard to safety, the pr"oiect would increase traffic on an al ready-busy road. The project would violate seciion .i8.58.300' violates the generai purlrose of the zoning, (.|8.02.020 85, maintaining conmunity qual ity), ind she aaObA tnat people buy property w'ith a clear jdea of the existing zonitrg, and expect that zon'inE to renra'in. Donovan also added that the use was not appropriate and that there would be less open space. Corcoran stated that he did nor feel that the conununity needed 5 units nor lllore hei ght. Corcoran move<j ancl Donovan seconded to cleny the request to rezone to Sdd for the reasons stated and as per the staff tnetrios dated 5/1 9/82 and 3/4/82. The. vote was 3-l r.rjth Trout voting against denial . The applicant lvas rentinded that he had 10 days with r'rhich to appeal the decision to Tot'rn Council. interfered with bheir viett, he j ght , i t, too \'ioul d i nterf ere Pii-c -4- 6/14/8? 3. [citi,!it_lqf a c,o_nd_oriiiriutn convct'!_i.otL {1r at _J_!tlLt !-u-t-t_!_ii1i 9i1l_g!_92._,__[q-i.]_ V.t-llqUe-tl:st, F i-l._r_l!it- j'lL._ Appl icant: I)cnnis 5ltjrr.i;n fcrrcoran st,rtcd that the appl icant had |'crjuested to t.ablc l.tr is itent. [Jonotait movcd and [dwards sccondcd to table as p]i'appiir.attt's rcqucsl. Vote ttas 4-u 'i n f avor. At this point, Edvrards left the meeting and Piper entered. Request for t\.ro side setback variances to allow the construction of a residence :-_: ' -_-_:-_ on]._qll&_tg.Ll_ULl:.t9e- H-esL Fil ing :i2. Appl icant: Gottf ried Angleitrrer Jim Sayre explained that this was a third presentation for this lot, arrd showed the differen'u presentations, He sajd the staff fclt that this one was much itrtproved and recomnrended appi'clva1 . The drive,lra,v had been changed to the front, and the setback request was for 4.5 feet on the east and 5 feet on the west Al Johnson, the architect, showed p'l ans staff concerns regarding the design. He proFerty or',rner to the east, three tinres Fischer was opposed to the building. He be any other variance requests. and stated that he was will'ing to satisfy added that he had ta'l ked with Fischer, and offered to change the building, bttt assured the staff that there would not Piper moved and Donovan seconded to approve the setback variance requests as per the staff memo dated 6/1/82, The vote was 4-0 jn favor. 5. Request for a front setback variance to al'l or^r the construction of an addition on-l oC-lll-lqatterho rn-llil-l a s e ;-v1T1 n s_1q.-l:lp-p tffi Peter Patten explained that the encroacfrment wou'ld be for 3 feet in the front of the lot, and that the staff felt that a design solution could be accornplished within the setbacks rvjth minor design ch('inges. l^Iilliams showed his site plans and elevatjons and stated that he did not want to push the garage farther back as that wou'l d change the doors and would entail digging further into the bank. Duane fe'l t that the addition could be accornplished with other solutions. Trout agreed. Trout moved and seconded to deny the request for a frorit setback.variance as per the staff memo dated June .l0, 1982. The vote was 4-0 to deny. Patten offered the staff's he1 p to l4r. l,J illjams in redesigning his addition. 6 . !S_q_q9$_Iq_!_!9!gj!fqpl_!fe_ff rmi!_t_o cons truc t -q !_g!q !!iS[ to the eas t end g1-1:!Ug brli -tg_U__lqSate,t at the town shop Appl icant: Town of Vaj I Patten showed elevations and floor plans and explajrred that the building was planned originally to add on as shown on the drawings. Trout moved arrd Donovan seconded to approve the conditional use permit as per the staff memo dated 5/17/82. The vote rvas 3-0 with Corcoran abstaining. a PLANliiliC /rilD il{VIRClii'il-ir lii! C0Ml'l1S:I0N Junc'14. i!iii2 1 2 :45 pnr S i te 'i rrs pcct j on 1:15 pm Prel inrjnary revic.w of appl ications for extcrior altcrirLions and ' rnodificatibns in Coirrncrcial Core I and II. Detcrnrined r^rill be whetltcr cach projcct has a lrajor or minor irnpact and the approgtriate revie!/ Period for each Project. CCi Entry and facade renicdeling for Bridge Street Real Estate and investment Company, Liquor Store Euilding. Entry reorganjzed on the Covered Bridge Building. Enclose north deck of Cyrano's. Enclose sunken patio south of bar to enlarge bar of Hong Kong Cafe. Enclose one-half of pool wjth air-supported structure for winter-tjme enclosure over Lodge at Vail slirnining pool Expand second floor office of Chrjsty Sports. Exterior seating for Le Petjte Cafe at One Vail Place. CCII Exterior seat'ing for Le Petite Cafe at Lionshead Gondola Bujlding. Extend shop fronts toward Lions Pride Court and add awnings at Lions Pride Building. Change one enclosed park'i ng garage to a ski repair shop on second story garage of Village Center ShoPs 2:00 pm l. Request for a variance to construct a garage in a red hazard avalanche zone on Lot 2l , Vail l'leadot'ts Fil ing #l. Appl icant: Thornas LeRoy 2. Request for rezon'i ng of Lot I, Vail Village 2nd Filing from Residential Primary/Secondary to Special Devclopment Djstrict urith an underlying zone of High Density Multi-Fanily to allow fjve dlelling units. Applicant: Ron J. Byrne 3. Request for a condominium conversion for a 3 unit building on 1ot 42, Vai'l Vi'llage l,lest Fjling #.l. Applicant: Dennis Shimon 4. Request for two side setback variances to allow the construction of a resjdence on'l ot .|2, Vail Village West Fiiing No. 2.' Applicant: Gottfired Angleitner 5. Request for a front setback variance to allow the construction of an add'ition on lot ll; Matterhorn Village Filing No. 1. Applicant: James R. hlilliams. 6. Request for a conditional use permit to construct an addit'ion to the east end of the existing bus barn located at the Town shops,in a PUD zone district. Appl i cant : Totr'tt of Vai I 7. Request for approval of the gencral circulation ancl access plan for . the Arterial Business District- Applicants: Property orvners jn the proposcd Arterial tsusiness Djstrict MEMOMNDUM T0: Plann'i ng and Environmental Commissjon FROM: Community Development Department DATE: June 10, l9B2 SUBJECT: Request for a variance to construct a garage in the red hazard avalanche zone and a request for a iecond variance--a setback variance of l0 feet on the west side of lot 2,| , Vail l4eadows Filing l, to bui'ld the garage. Applicant: Thomas LeRoy DESCRIPTION OF VARIAry!.!: REQUESTED l4r. LeRoy wishes to bujld a structure, a garage, in a red hazard ava'lanche area. The app'l icant is seeking a variance from Sectjon .l8t69.040 of the hazard regulat'ions: "No structure shall be built in any floodplain, or red avalanche hazard area." The applicant wishes to place this garage five feet away from the western boundary of loi'21; thus a l0 foot side setback varjance is requested from Section .l8..|2.060 whjch requires a setback of l5 feet. PROCEDURE ThePlanning nnd Environmental Commission: should first consider and act upon the request tobuild in the high hazard zone. If the commission does grant the variance from the hazard regulations, they can proceed to consider the setback varjance. The two variance applications should be viewed as separate issues. The setback variance is addressed in Part II of the memo. I. AVALANCHE VARIANCE -l CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18-62'060 of the Municipal Code' the Conrnunity Development Department recommends denial of the requested avalanche varjance based upon the folIow'ing factors: Consideration of Factors The relatjonshjp of the requested variance tq other existing or potentjal uses lrnd structures in the vicinily. The existing residence js located to the east of the avalanche run-out on lot 21 . The high hazard avalanche area is to the south and east. A triangular area of moderate hazard lies in the northern portion of the lot, adiacent to Snowshoe Lane. -t ,U, , Vai 1 Meadowq #1 The applicant does not need to build a $arage in the high hazard zone. A less dangeibus alternatjve exists: Locate the garage to the east within the moderate hazard zone. -T_!e-4egl9glq-.wh jch -1e1ief JLqm the strict or 1itglLl interp-!'9;tg!io! an{ inlgrcs I'ren t :l_f a +e-c;Faa-r-eg u-t tt t on--fnecd t sa qr !o at o'|l[9l@@ the,-obi ecti ves of th i s TitTe rl rTnouT-s ra-nT- bT-pecE f pIl vil ejs . To grant the avalanche varjance wou'l d be a grant of special privjlege, it would not result in a uniformity of treatment of sites in the vicinity, and would contradict the objectives of the hazard regulations. lt must be emphasized that this is a request to build jn a red hazard zone, where the frequency of avalanches is greater than in the nroderate hazard zone. The residence across the street is in the moderate hazard zone. Other residences and structures in Bighorn which have been built since the hazard regu'l ations have been passed have been built in the moderate--not high--avalanche zones' Also, the purpose of the hazard rcgulations is to "protect the public health, safety and wel fare." To grant this variance would defeat the purposes of the hazard regulations. The effect of the uested variance on I i ht and air transportation a tra acil ities and puDllc satety. The key phrase here is "public safety." To grant const'itute a dangerous and far-reaching precedent. red hazard zone would encourage human activity in Listen to the words of Arthur Mears in the letter construction in this avalanche run-out: distribution of ul ati on ities and util ities the avalanche variance wou'ld To place the garage in the a dangerous area in the winter. of March, 1979, concerning Once again I wou'ld like to reemphasize that high hazard zones jn the Town of Vail are {istinguised from moderate hazard iones jn terms of avalanche pressures and avalanche return periods, Thus the frequency of avalanches jn the higtr-Tazard zone is considered to be too great to p"ermit residentia'l construction regardless of the details of the structural design. Remember;the persons one wjshes to protect may not be insjde the safely-designed stiucture when the design avalanche occurs. The moderate, hazard zone ji djff6rent in that the avalanche frequency'i s less (the return period is longer), thus the.probab'i lity of encounter with an avalanche while'outsjde the ipeiially designed structure js considered to be negligible. tarsonatt.v. t teel I!-i? verv inporlant. for the.Towrlof_lgil to-ensure tha'@trug-liin !e done jt the hjih hazaid zo!-re.. Thjs could@enr. Eow.,,for example. could the Town oi Vajl [g5triE!_anv future EonstrucjLjon h hazard zone, neQardless of location?,ln closin d a. variance for constj"uction in the_L!-qh hazard Zone for the reasons stated E!g!e_. (Emphasis added) Lot zlJail Meadows #l -3- Physjcal Hardship and Publjc He{]th, Safety and l.leifare Among the findings that the Planning Commission makes before granting a varjance is that the applicant has demonstrated a physical hardship and the granting of the variance "will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or material'ly unjurious to the propei"ties or improvements in the. vicinity." A physical hardshjp has not been demonstrated. The applicant may simply relocate the proposed garage in the moderate hazard portion of the lot, thus e1 iminat'ing the need for a variance from the hazard regulations. Also, to locate the garage in the high hazard zone would be detrimental to the public safety and would be nnterjal'ly injurious to property. FINDiNGS: The Planning ald Environmental Commission shall make ths fol.lowing findinqs before granltn9 a varlance: That the granting of the variance will not inconsistent with the limitations on other district. That the grant'ing of the yarjance will not safety, or welfare, or materially injurious the vicinity STAFF RECOI4MENDATI ONS constitute a grant of special privilege properties classified in the same be detrjmental to the public hea'lth, to propert'i es or improvements in The Department of Community Development recornrnends denial of the avalanche variance. The strjct interpretation of the hazard regulations wjll not result in unnecessary physical hardship jnconsistent with the objectives of the regulations. There are no extraordinary circumstances app'l icab'le to the site of the variance that do not app)y generaliy to other properties jn the same zone. The app'l icant has not demonstrated physical hardship or extraord'inary circurnstances. A hazard ordinance variance can be avoided by moving the location of the proposed garage to the moderate zone. Other garages near the sjte are built in the moderate hazard zone. To grant the variance would constitute a danger to the public safety. Remember the language of Arthur Mears, "Hotv, for example, could the Town of Vail restrjct any future construct'ion jn the h'i gh hazard zone, regardless of location?...I strongly disagree with the idea of granting a variance for constructjon in the high hazard zone..." Mr. Mears' letter speaks for itself. Human activity of any sort should be discouraged in red avalanche zones during the winter. The constructjon of garages, whether structurally protected from a design avalanche or not, in moderate hazard zones is another issue. { Lot l'leadows #l -4- II. AVALANCHE VARIANCE REQUEST The applicant wishes to construct a garage to within 5 feet of his wester'ly property Iine. Mr. Leroy has several reasons why he feels that the setback variance should be granted: l. The area he wants to build the garage in is now an existing parking area he has "found it to be the only location that affords the least difficult access to our property. 2. They have designed the garage "to set into the existing slope in order to decrease the slope of the driveway. " And 'if he were "to set the garage (withjn) the required setback that it would literal'ly have to be dug'into the hillside." Mr. Leroy argues that his excavation and overall costs would then increase and that "it would not be appdaling, would be difficult to make easy access to our home and it would make drifting snow removal much more di ff i cu] t. " 3. The lot to the west, Lot 22, is "not buildable due to the fact it is completly covered in high hazard avalanche zone." Thus, the garage won't crowd any other existing build'ings. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS review of Criteria and Findin Section 18.62.060 of the Munici nt ot uommun t recommends den e reques varl ance upon tne tollowrng Mr. Leroy has out1ined and emphasized in written and oral form to the staff and Planning Commission that the water tank poses a threat to his property. If so, the proposed location of this garage is not in a positive relationship to that ha zard. The d rAA to which rel ief from the strict or I iteral i nte retation and enforcement AS requ ati on s necessary to ac eve c LI tv an uni formi t e v'tctn ecti ves grant of spec prl v ege. It is interesting to note that Mr. Leroy has been in violation of his approved DRB and bui.lding permit pl ans for almost three years now. When approved, he proposed a driveway up into the lot with the parking area less than 25 feet from his front door. Enclosed is a signed and notarjzed agreement between the Town and Mr. Leroy stating that he wil'l construct the driveway and plant conifers (see DRB approval) to screen his cars. He has chosen to do nothing but construct an i'l legal parking area where he now parks--and then use this as one of the argu- ments for approval of a setback variance. He also argues that if he had to put the garage within the setbacks 'it wou'ld "ljterally have to be dug into the hillside." Mr. Leroy has proven this not to be true according to his approved site p)an presented to the Town in 1977. In fact, he has shown with this origina'l]y approved plan a way to get onto the site with a l% difference in grade than he is now propos,ing and in the same method a way to solve hjs problem of carrying groceries, etc. a long distance to his house. ,,,us ^ Thus, l'1r. Leroy has previously shovrn how park within close proxinity to the house reason, we feel that he has shoiln there of a setback variance. 0therwise, this Lot 2l ,Vail Meadow #'l -5- it is possible to access his site and within his required setbacks. For this affigranting would clearly be a grant of special privilege, The effect of the regues_ted variance on light and gjr, distributj on of population, ljties, and _.r_?--:L_...:-__ pup | 't c saf ety. Refer to part I of the memo for comments on publ ic safety. Such other factors a!{ crrteria as the commiss ffi FINDINGS: The Planning and Environmental Conrnission shall make the fol That the grant'ing of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same di stri ct. That the granting of the variance wjll not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements'in the vicinity. That the variance 'is warranted for the fo1 lowing reason: The strict or 'l itera'l interpretation and enforcement of the spec'ified would result in practical d'ifficulty or unnecessary phys'i cal hardsh'ip with the objectives of this title. RECOMMENDATION regul a ti on inconsi stent The Community Development Department recormends denial of the proposed setback variance. Mn. Leroy is a'lmost three years in violation of an agreentent with the town saying he would construct his dri veway and landscaping as originally approved. He has shown and agreed to build a drive and parking area with'in his setbacks. lle feel he should uphold his previous agreement and construct it as approved.. He, himself, has demonstrated an alternative to his proposal which works within the confines of the zoning regulat'ions. O PLANN l:00 Site visits 2:00 Publ ic Hearing 'l , Approval of minutes of May .l0, .l982 2. Request to install a game parlor on Gondola Building, Appl icant: Vail 3. Request for rezoning of iot 1, Vail Village 2nd Filing to change from Primary/Secondary to Spec'ia1 Developnrent District with an underlying zone of High Density Multi-Family. Appl icant: Ron Byrne 4. Request for an amendment to the town municipal code, section 18.69.040(A)to allow unjnhabited structures to be constructed in red (high) hazard aval anche areas . Appi icant: Thomas LeRoy 5. Request for a name change for the Pjtl<in Creek Townhouses. Applicant:Pitkin Creek Townhouse Association. Published in the Vail Trajl May 2.l,'|982. Request for an amendment to the municipa'l code to d.isallbw the revjew of an application by Design Review Board arrd Planning and Envjronmental Commission if the application is substantialiy sirnilar to one revievred within the previous year. Applicant: Town of Vail Request for an amendnent to the munjcj pa1 code to remove a portion of item J of Section .l8.69.050 Specjal Restrictions for developments on lots where the average slope of the site beneath the proposed structure and parking js 'in excess of thirty percent in single-fam'i1y residential , two-fantiiy residential ,:,and tlo*famiiy primary/secondary res.i dential zones. The portion to be removed requires that developrnents fall ing under this section be restricted to that one of the units shall not exceed 40 percent of the allowable GRFA' Applicant: Town of Vajl. Request for revisions to Sect'ion .l8.52 Parking and Loading. Applicant: Town of Vail Ii,IG AND ENVIRONI,IENTAL COI4MISSION l4ay ?4, 19Bz the basement level of the Lionshead Associates, 6. at. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANOUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development May 17, -'1982 Request to amend the zoning code to allow the construction of unjnhabited structures, such as garagesr. water tanks and mechanical pump stations, in high (red) ava'lanche hazard zones. Appl icant: Thonns Leroy .-TE-B!SL Mr. Leroy wishes to build a garage in a high hazard avalanche zone on his 'lot, located at 5042 Snowshoe Lane (lot 21,'Vai1 Meadows subdivision). There are at least two reasons for this request: 'l) The location of the proposed garage is where the applicant now parks his cars, 2) To build the garage on the other side of the 1ot, wh'ich js within the moderate avalanche zone, would disturb the natural topography of the lot and wou'ld requ'ire the relocat'ion of utilities-- a more expensive alternative, (See attached map. ) ]he applicant wishes to amend Section'18.69.040, Paragraph A, of the hazard regulations. The section now reads "No structure shall be built in any fl 6odplain or red ava'lanche area,,. The tenn rstructure" as used in this section does not include recreational structures that are jntended for seasonal use, not including residential use. t' Mr. Leroy wishes to amend the code to read,."The term 'structure' as used in this sect'ion does not'include recreational structures that are intended for seasonal u.se, 'gr\![qb'itqa structures such as garages, water tanks and mechanica] . gump stgcJlbni,l ..slJRRtiunoriric LAND \rsEs nlro XvALRlrcue. HAZARD Mr. Leroy's lot can be roughly divided into thirds in terms of avalanche hazards: The residence is located to the east of the ava'l anche run-out in the zone of possible avalanche influence; the proposed location of the garage lies in the -high hazard zone on the westerly portion of the lot; the northern portion is in the moderate zone. The design of Stan Cole's house of lot 25 included avalanche mitigation rneasures. Lot 22 is vacant and will never be developed due to the high hazard zone. In his letter of application, l4r. Leroy states that a variance rather than an arendment to the zoning code would be more appropriate in this case. The staff disagrees. To a'l'low construction of other than summer.oriented, recreational uses in a high hazard zone would create a far-reaching and dangerous precedent. 41 so,-to allow the would be contrary tions are enacted generai welfare of of Vai] is one of construction of garages, even through a to the fundamental purpose of the zoning for the purpose of promot'ing the health, the town.... " To protect the health anci the basic premises of the zoning code. Leroy -l- sttttaz variance procedure, code: "These regul a- safety, morals and safety of the c'i tizens THE DANGER: AVALANCHE There is no question that the construction of a garage in the high hazard zone on lot 2l would create a dangerous precedent. The avalanche hazirds on this lot have been assessed. when 1"1r. Leroy first came to the town to build his existing house, he wanted to place jt within the high hazard zone. Arthur Mears, an avalanche consultant who has completed numerous studies of avalanche hazards -in Vail' wrote to Jim Rubin, a past director of Community Development, expressing ltis concerns about development in this avalanche run-out. Portibns of tn.is letler,dated March 90.1979,.'are ieproduced below, 0nce again I would like to reemphasize that high hazard zones in the Town of Vail are d'i stinguised from moderate hazard zones in terms of avalanche pressures and avalanche return periods. Thus the frequency of avalanches in the higfi-fi'azard zone is considered to be too great to pirmit residential construction regar!less of the details of the structural design. Remember,the persons one wishes to protect may not be inside the safei!.designed stiucture when the design avalanche occurs, The moderate hazard zone j! different in that the avalanche freguency is less (the return period is longer), thus the probability of encounter with an avalanche while outside the ipecially designed.structure is considered to be negl igibie. personally, I ieel it-is very important for the Town of Vail to ensure that no resiiential construc-tion be done in the high hazard zone. Th.i s could establish a dangerous precedent. How-..-for example, could the Town of Vail restrict any future construction i'n the high hazard zone., regardless of'l ocation?..,. In closing, I would ljke to once again state that I strongly disagree with the'idea of granting a variance for constructign in the hiqh hazard zone for the reasons stated above. The central issue is whether to allow the construction of a structure which would be used in the winter in a high hazard zone. One of the purposes of the high hazard zone is to keep people away from these dangerous avalanche areas. To _grant this amendment would defeat the purposes of the hazard regulations, ,.STAF F R.ECOMMENOATI ON The staff strongly recommends denial of the proposed amendment. To approve the hrBndment would defeat the purposes of the zoning code and the hazard reguiations and wou'ld creat a dangerous precedent. A more agreeable proposal would be to bui'l d the garage on the other side of lot 21 , in the moderate hazard zone,with q'the necessary mitiqatinq nreastr.es. F R>\/tl lt tl ll n tl Ui llt /il J .=0,.l I .\=l-l5rr HAZARD ,*W I t29 \\) 27 \\- ,MODERATE / .,o fr :ipri.1 !15t 79U2 .,'lttc,-rtj on: P'l ::rl-^j rt.T and Zcrr j.tl.-, ':. -: i,.;1 i-levj..;r': : ''..',: ircr: '-L'honas antl. ,':i'gi.r:.i-a Lr,iio; , 5J42 Snov,';ho,: I ; 'ier Vait. G entl ci;ten arirl La.di es I \i e hi;ve been reqir-cs'bcd to ab tcnpi 'r,o itenii:ze :'nci ,lr:stify thc l'ariance tha.t ire ar(i reqlresting. Ou:' lJri"r;cr',,i:y :i,l; t)resently loeaiccl in the sarne place tirat cr-l/' ]tt:oposerl ,'1arc.;1r: '1i11 be ]ocated.. f t 1s iocat,ed in the nl:"-.h vrester.l iiios'; oorner of our }ot. lVe have been using this location ever slncc se built our hone a:rd, have fou.nd it to be the only locatior that affords the least d.ifficult access to our propertlr. snolvshcre lane is a dea,c end roacl iincl has a coilsicerabre grade off of irialn Gore Drj.ver which is a.lso a reaf:ollalrl;r steep grade. Access to our honre.is 90 degrees tc Snovrshoe. T!i,:: grad,e to our house is steep r:,::d particularly dif'ficirlt in 'iire winter months. Coupled v,'i Lh the grade problera v,'e are particul@fly p1a61recl by the windr: and drifting snorv. iVe have rlesi1,ner1 R gi:*'aGe ihat is e.s conplinr,:r:1tar,u io our house:rs pos:iblc and ha.r'e; designerl it to seb rn'!,-- tlre existi"ng slope in orderr to rlecrease the slcrpe of the <.l.rivcr.;i..,'. \'Ie feel that if lye t"/ere to set the 6araE;e the reqrr-ir:cd sc-[b:rc]< that it lvould literally ha.r'e to be dug into the hi]lslrle. Not only lvill this inerea.se an excavation ccrst and. over:rlL cost of ilre garage but it rvould not be appea-1ing, rvould be dif:ticult to make ee-sy access to our hoiue and ii rvould rnake clrifting snow renoval nuch, rnore diff.icult. The north rvestern rot or also krrol"n as lot 22 verir i,ieadows is vacant and not lru.ildat'l e due to -i}'re fact that it is completely eoverecl in high lrirzal'.d avalanche :zone. lhis 1s 1;he setback side oi' i;he lot that f am requelrtnil the varlence. Orr garage O o .i.l: :r'11 2i , i9t32 /tttention: ?lanniitg anil Zotrin;1r i)L:sign .'icvie'i; l-:r-lr:-ci I'r'c,;:ii Ti:o::r;:s anC Yiri--inia L,eRoy t \J!,2 Snolishoe -fl: ''r Vai1. .:-cliiressing the Ha.zard. ?'o!\e. llir: eutire front of our house is ccivered in liazi'lril [one. That is jrr,st iibcr:.t alL property fron the dvrelling to l;i:c tlQce6$ of Srroi.rshoe lane. .A11. parlting and. c,11 access fol: l;]te hOrge is in r.ricl tbr'or;g;h a hazzrd area. ile t'iir ha're ihe po'!c;.iial hazarc either rvay; vrith or without a grzte.ge as 1'/e have co:1e for the paet five l:rintere. To live in llast Vail and particularl-y on Snovrshoe la:le without a garage is a monurner:tal task eacii lvinter. Dae to tlte slop€ of our Iot our parking area i-s far from our house. Groceries if 5'o1r. rviU is a choTe for ny rvifc, To be abJ-e to prepare for the vralk in the conforts of a garai.;e inclosure ivoul.d nost asstreilly aid the problen. I{eed. I mention the coni'enience of enclosed parki.ng and Iawn tool stora€ler etc. Lot 22 is corrrpletel.;r ssv*red i.n illgh l{aza:rd Avalanche Zone. Accord,ing to the present Torvn of Vail practice thr:re will ne1'er be an inhabited dwelling or. strrctr:re built on that 1ot. This J,a:ot'ledge in part is tvhy lve have requestcd a side property line set back variancc. Coupled rtfith ntost practicalr functionai and least slope frorn the :load to a Sarage;i.Lt therefore i-s the best iocation 0n the 1o:b for .our' .$aragee Tire present policy is that no structures be erected in bigh lrazcrrd &r'eaSo The entire front of ny lot and the only access to our home is throug,h a hazard zone. I don't believe tbat our reqnest be deniecl rvhen in foct the Tourn of Vnil has allov,'ed a 50OrO00 6aJ-lon vratcr trn-l'. to remein 1n ri. high ha:zard zot'.re d,irec Ll".y abovc tly )io,'lie,. f]rere should be a study / o 2- dollc 'uri cifher enginccr the rv:i.i;i15' *tln,k or cli-vclrl. Il r avaftj,n(:.il so r-rfi not to be an e.,,ilitiona:. it:.t', r-fl tn the cvcnt .rf aJl e.valr,nchc. .trr tlic origionrll and only ava..l.,r.Iichc l;tuclir tr.onc cj 'l,he Vail l.c,:rlc'.,'i nriLlrv:ehe p:.'ol;alliliticr; r"rtc lrerl.ltitcr"c cf 'rlsitructior: ; 1'he 1976 study c1errl;'r states thrt there ws]"e 1)c',r't)r a..rly en5ince:ri.ng studies clo:re on tire vulncrabili'brl' pf i;h': water teni< rrl the event o.! nrt avalnat:.i:.e. f ni5;iii ad at thie po.i"nt that--rjie r';:'.Ler Laiil'; r::t ':irl.f a.s the eere1e tlrat I have proposed to erect are both unir:hrbited stn:ctures. Either viay our csrsr in a garage or not as r','elI as the route of access to our hone is rnrLnerable in the event of an avalanche. 'Ihere iire garages in hazard arcas in Vail the.t are not d.esi6ned. to r^rithstand the avalanche forces as tbe hones are"' They were designed rrnder normal b1dg. coile specificatiorrs and. snow roof loads but they rvil1 be destroyed in fact when suclr s haaaril sbould happen. Because of our Iot loeation and it's particular problen corrsisting of the hazard area, ex'tremely steep grades, a:'rd excess snoly drifting in the rvinter monthts lrils forced us to aek the ?lannin6 and Zoning Dept. and. tlre Deeign Revievr BolLrrl to ac'b in favor to our problem. lYe are a\"'a.Te of the po'bential loss in the event of a sl1de and are willj-ng to assume a.11 costs arrd responsibility of such an event. \{e are vrillj-ng to share the sane responsibi"lity tha.t the Tornrn of VaiI has with a3-lol'ring the rzater tank of 5001000 gallons to be left unprotecterl in a high hazard avalanche zone. Tlrey both are uninhabitecl structures. Thank you for your a-b'i;ention and consideration, Thomar J,elioy 470-49r.5 PEc -2- 5/24/BQ Byrne showed a few sljdr:s of tlre neighborhood. Larry: Eskvritlr stated that coming to PIC with a spccific bur'ldinq vls inappropriate, since the quesrion l,/as one of rezoning or not. Byrne objccted arrd asked vrhy he hadn't been told t.his at the prgvious neeting during lihich tinri: he had follovled the same procedure of shovting a specific building to place on ihe property in question. Larry Eskwith repf ied that t3yrne hadn'l been informed because he (Eskviith) r.rasn't at the nreeting. Dick Ryan pointed out ihat the probleni has tvro parts. l) is it appropriate to rezone, and 2) is it appropriate to approve the Special Development District? Byrne responded that the square footage that the Tolln allows was not, in his opinion, adequate for the site. Larry Eskvrith repljed that the key question was density'. After ntore explanations, Byrne asked to table his requesr until the June 14, 1982 neet'ing. Morgan moved and Viele seconded to table the item untii June .|4. The vote to table vras 4-l (Donovan against). Donovan rernjnded the neiitbers that there viere pbrsons in the audience frorn out of state who had come expressly for this nreeting. Corcoran asked them to speak, and Mr. Douglas, who ovrns a residence on l,Jest l''leadorv Drive spoke in opposition to the rezoning, agreeing with the PEC nrembers that what could follow was more requests to rezone to higher density fronr neighbors. 4.uest for an amendment to the town mu I code Section .|8.69.040 o allow un I nna s tructures areas App cant:eRoy Jim Sayre, presented the staff memo g to an excerpt of a letter from Arthur Mears regarding the adjacent 1.'ot_, 22, oit page Z of the rnerrru, irr rvhjclr t1r.Mears etated, "..it is very important for the Toi,rn"of Vail to ensuie ttrit'.no'ibii-dential constructjon be done in the h'igh hazard zone...rr Sayre also added that the PEC members had received that day a report on the avalanche entitled, "Vail Meadows Avalanche Dynanrics Study" by Arthur llears in vrhich it is suggested that the effect of avalanche impact on the water tank should be analyzed.-- LeRoy read a letter explaining his position and his displeasure at receiving the staff memo as late as Friday. He then read parts of the avalanche study and expiained to the PEC that upper Eagle Valley workers were on 'lot 22 onA daily basis attending to the water tank, and that they assured him that jt was difficult to keep 1t 75% full because of valve failures, etc. Mark cadmus spoke as a friend who voiced approval of the amendment. Donovan wanted to know more about the streams jn the vicinity, and askecl LeRoy whether or not he had planned to put a workshop into the garage. LeRoy answeied that he would give to the Town of Vai'l a letter assuring them-that he would not put in a wonkshop. Larry Eskwith explained that the water tank had been bujlt in 1974, and the hazard ordinances were not written until .l978, indjcating that it was a pre-existing 1ega1 norr-confornting use. Patten felt that the issue was not the water tank, nor specifically LeRoy's lot,but rather the anendment of the zoning code. He added that if the PEC ailowed the anrendnrent to the code, Lhey would also be allorving peopie to build decks, storage, etc. and could create activity'in the red (high) avalanche zone. constructed i n PEC -3- 5/7_4 /82 l4organ suggc'sted th.rt the request for the gara,:Jc woul d br: better deal t wi th as a variance rathcr than as an arrterrdircnt to the zoning ordinance. Corcoran,Piper and viele agrecd that they could not support an alrcndrrrent, but could possibly consjder a variance. Viele.rdded that it was his experience that lines dravln to indicate an avalanche path wcre not precise as r,Jere the lines indicating a flood p1ain. Eskwjth expla'ined that LeRoy could apply for a variance, and that the PEC couldn't consider a variance at this meeting, for there vrere different standards to be applied, and the staff should study a variance before the pEC ruled on it. LeRoy asked to withdrar,J his request to amend the zoning code. he would apply for a variance for the neeting of June .l4. 5. Eequest for a name qhange__for the_Pitkjn Creek Townhouses. Patten read ihe meubers a letter requesting to change the name Townhouses to The Falls at Vail Townhouses. Donovan moved and to permit the change in name. The vote was 5-0 jn favor of the 6. RgQuest- t-o remnve from tho znninn rndo v.onrrir aman* f^n nn.irn He indicated that of Pitkin Creek Piper seconded cnange. Vail l:!"i fqtlsn,explained that the staff could see no reason for the requiremerrt ano salcl tnat the staff recommended that it should be removed from the zoning code.Piper pointed out that since a steep slope is highly visible, rhat that may 6ave been !,he reason the requirenrent had been jnc'l udei, -but that ihere-wii iuifi iiie'DRB to poiice the appearance of buildings. Piper moved and Viele seconded to recomnend to Town Council that the zoning code be amended to remove the following wording from .l8.69.050 (J): uOn any site containing two dwelling units, one of the unirs shall not exceed 40 percent of the allowable totar gioss floor area (GRFAj and shall not oe substantial 1y similar in design to the prinnry unjt." The vote was 5-0 in favor. Request for revisions to Section .l8.52 parf.ing and Loading qq Patten.explained the changes on the marked pages of the zorring code. Afcer much discussion and concern aoout amount of pirking required,"slopes of ariuoways,and types of uses for commercial buildings, it was'decidcd to tabi e thjs jtem.Piper moved and Donovan seconded to table to an indefinite future date. The.vote was 5-0 in favor. Corcoran requested the staff to ask Larry Eskwith to be at pEC neetings, and iu lvas suggested that those jtems whjch nright involve Larry be grouped t69ether,possibly at the beginning of the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 5:.l0. 7. Request to remove from the zoning code r3q[irement for prima jcant: Town of ?* :I .,I ,g 3 fl iI HI t 5 il sl nl il FI il il CHAPTER VI CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Concl usions The Gore Va'l1ey l^later District storage tank is located in the lower end of the left or west leg of the Vail Meadows Avalanche runout Zone A major climax avalanche (recurrence interval Z 20 to 30 years) could impact the tank. A 100 year+ recumence interval . ava'l anche as defined herein would create peak impact pressures of s.2 T/n2 (ASl nlft?) and a total integrated load of 373 metric tons. Based upon these defined loadings, the tank js stab'l e for overturning, but unstable for sliding when the tank is less than 751 full. Buckling and probable rupture would be a problem if the tank is Iess than 80% full and struck by the design avalanche. The sliding weakness could be remedjed by adding a bolt ringqteJhe base, but the buckling would stil'l be a problem without maior structura'l modifications to the tank. Failure of the tank is a fairly remote probability, but certain'ly -1 possible. Considering the location of the tank, configuration, and relative volumes of the water versus the avalanche vo1 ume, aggravation of any detrimenta'l effects from major avalanches to habitations in the vicinity of Snowshoe Lane (assum'ing no buildjng in the prev'ious'ly defined High Hazard Zone) by failure of the tank wou'l d be inconsequential . il :T .l -15- I . .. I t B. Recommendbtions (l) If the potentia'l replacement cost and interruption of servjce t problems are deemed sufficiently serious, then a detajled design and 'l construction of a protetction structure, such as the sp1 itting structure I shown on Figure III, shou'ld be comp'leted.I (Z) The Water District should verify with the Town of Vai'l that no T I structures wil'l be built in the High Hazard Zone as defined by the I "Vail Meadows Ava'lanche Dynamics Study". I il I I t n il il il t !t .f JT I il l 3 il.-= -16- \/r i t i't iri 0,., s AV/ir-/ri.lctiE Ijyl,^.ii l cs Srr.rnr VntL, CoLor.i r,i; Jui:r -l.l-.1, )i.' ir,; l1('],rr,.j1,i.1.,, Sc.rrt t j) (.0>:., lirr:,, irltrl I)t:ii, C0l,ltil..,i,r I I 76t 38 VAI L AVALANCHI: VAIL, J une }iE A DO\JS DYIIAI'IICS STUDY c0L0 RAD0 10, 1976 SUHI4ARY The design avalanche in the Vail Meadovrs avalanche path is a mixed dry- flowing and powder avalanche. Wet snow avalanches maY also occur but will be smal ler than the des ign avalanche. The powder avalanche cotrponent of the design avalanche will be deflected over d 25-nreter-higf' (80 ft.) hill at the bottom of the track and will not affect proposed development on Snowshoe Lane. Approximately one-hal f of the mass of the dry-flowing component is deflected by this hill toward Snowshoe Lane (Figure l). The deflected aval anche will irnpact an existing water tank located in the runout zone and will stop approximately 75 nreters (Z5O ft.) north of Snowshoe Lane, impacting several residential lots both north and south of Snowshoe Lane and the existing building on Lot 23. The water tank wi ll also be reached by avalanches srnal ler than the design ava I anche . A study to determine the effect of the .lvalanche on the "rirting water tank should be undertaken before new construction is permi tted below the tank site. lf necessary, the tank should be defended. Additional defenses should be constructed if mitigation of the avalanche hazard within the Vai l. Headows Subdivision is desired. Avalanche defenses should be based upon the criteria deve loped in this study. INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES OF STUDY Two previous studies 1975) indicate that reach the gene ra I vi l,l,eadorvs Filing No. I , (1. Krebs, et. al. , 1973: Colorado Geological Survey, snow avalanches in the Vail Meadows avalanche path can cini ty of proposed deve lopment on Snowshoe Lane, Va i I , Vail, Colorado (figure l). However, maps produced for these stu<Jies hrlve a scale of l:2q,000 (1" - 2,000') and, al thouglr they give a general indication of hazard intensity, they do not provlde the detail necessary for planning bui ldin9. locations or designing avalapche defenses. This study derives the dynamics of the design ava lanche on the Vail lleadows path through determination of avalanche l. Types 2. Freq uenc i es 3. Velocities 4. Di scharges 5. Flow Depths 6. Runout Distances 7. Stagnat ion Pressures. The design avalanche is defined as an ava lanche of the magni tude that is expected to recur at an average return period of approximateiy 100 years or more; i.e., having an annual occurrence probabi lity of I percent or less. This statement of probabi I i ty does not specify the distribution . of design aval anches through time.. Hence, they rnay occur in two or more success ive years without changing the occurrence probabil ity in succeedi ng years. Avalanches larger than the design aval anche can occur' but the occurrence probability is small enough so they can be disregarded in plan- ni ng. The methods used in calculating the dynamics of the design aval anche employs the rpst recent available research on the subject (Voet lnry, 1964; Somnrerhalder, 1967; Salm, 1975; Schaerer, 1975; Mears, 1976). Details of the dynamics are summarized on Table l, page 9. -2- LOCATITJN AIID DESCRIPTION OF THE DTSIGN AVALAII(:iIE The Vail Meadows avalanche path is sholn in Figure l, an air photo tak.en in Septcmber, 1975. The photo scale varies from ridge top to valley bot- tom and averages about l:9,800 (1" = B20') ouer the length of the avalanche path. The total vertica'l drop of the avalanche path is about 82-0 rneters (2,700 ft.). There are two distinct starting zones, or major locations where the unstable snow breaks away and ava lanches begin, The upper location, Starting Zorre A, consists of approxinrate ly 18.6 ha. (45 acres) between elevations of J,200 and 3,450 meters (10,500 ro 11,300 ft.). This area is oriented toward the east and northeast, receives little sunlight during tlre winter, and readi ly accumulates windblown snow. Under certain conditions, the entire area of Zone A will develop into a snowslab capable of transmitting stresses over long distances. When the downs lope components of stress within the snowslab exceed its strength, brittle failure can occur and a large, wide avalanche can be released. Failure and release can take place across the entirc top of Zone A. The trees gr-ovring in this area wil I not prevent avalanches from occurring and r'rill not significantly reduce avalanche velocity. Extens ive damage to trees in this starting zone suggest that mi xed dry-flowing and powder avalanches have occurred in the past. Com- parison of 1962 photos tal<en of this area with the l!/! photos show that very little timber growth has taken place in the starting zone during the | 3-year period; therefore, afforestat ion of the starting zone will not reduce avalanche hazard in the near future. The released slab of soft, dry snow can quickly evolve into a dry-flowing avalanche'rvith a wel l-developed, porvde r-a va I a nche component. The dry- flowing component of the avalanche flows fairly close to the ground. lt fo'l lows gul I ies and is deflected by ridges. The dry-flowing componenE was assuned to have a specific weight of 200 kg/ nt3 (12.8 lts/rt3) in calcula- tions in this study. The powder-ava lanche portion is fornred as the dry- f lorving avalanche attains lrigh velocity and snrall snorv particles are placed into suspension. The resulting porvdcr-avalanche flow depths in the vail -3- Ht'adows path rcach as rnuch a., JJ na ters (ll5 f t), and velocit ics are increased over those of the dry-flowing component. There is probably no sharp bounda ry between these two parts of the design avalanche as the density decreases gradual ly with distance above the ground. Hovrever, in nndel ing the flow in the analysis, both componen[s viere considered. The design dry-flowing/powder avalanche can reach a velocity of about l0 meters per second (65 mph) on the 30o to 35o slopes of Zone A, At Point l, Figure l, the avalanche will become confined in a straight, steep-sided channel which serves as the avalanche track. As snow released f rom the wide, large starting zone flows into the relatively narrow channel and accelerates, the porvder-avalancl,e port ion becomes npre fully developed and accelerates dorvnslope, reaching the bottom of the track before the flovring avalanche, Broken tree trunks and stripped limbs in the lower starting zone and uppcr track give an indication of the flow depth of powder avalanches of the past. At Point 2, Figure l, tlre design f lowing avalanche velocity is 39 meters per second (88 mph) and the powder avalanche velocity is over l0 meters per second (ttZ mptr). At Point l, the lower starting 'eng (Zone B) can be triggered as the avalanche from above passes. lt releases about 3.3 ha (B acres) of snow from slopes of 35 o to 40o and also flows into the main channel, increasing the total discharge. Zone B can also release independently of Zone A, but wi I I resul t in a much sma I ler ava lanche. At Point 4, the gradient of the track decreases from 23o to l8o and widens onto a broad, unconfined bench. snrall- to medium-sized avalanches can stop or deposit some of the snow on this bench, but the design avalanche passes over it, leaving littlc snow behind. The design, dry-f lorving avalanche reaches the top of the runout zone (point 5) at a velocity of 16 meters per second (80 mph). The runout zone of thc Vail Headorvs avalanche extends from point 5 to the lowcr hazard boundaries indicated in Figure l. The runout zone is solit -4: by a hi ll approxirrrately 25 rneters (80 f t) hiqtr rvhich is located at the bottom of the track. In thc calculations, the, assumption was rna de that !0 percent of the nnss of the design f lowing avalanche would be deflected tovsard Snovrshoe Lane, 25 percent r.rould be deposited against and on top.of the hill, and 2! percent would be deflected to the south of the hill. The powder avalanche portion uroul d reach Point 5 at a velocity of 45 to 50 neters per second (100 to t35 mph). Because of this high velocity, it would be deflected up and over the hill and would dissipate its energy in the forest on the north side. Consequently, powder avalanches should not be a design consideration for building near Snowshoe Lane. Timber damage on top of the hill suggests that some avalanche in the past had sufficient energy to cl imb the h il | . The s ncr',v def lected toward Snowshoe Lane wi I I be conf ined in a 60-meter- wide (200 ft) valley for a distance of about 200 meters (650 ft). A 500,000-gal Ion urater tank is located within this constricted. portion of the runout zone (Point 6, Figure l), and is endangered by the design aval anche (see recommendations section). As the avalanche leaves the con- stricted portion of the runout zone, it will spread laterally, crossing Snowshoe Lane, and stopping approximately 75 meters (250 ft) north of it. Al though the design avalanche in the Vail Meadows path is a dry-flowing/ powder avalanche, large, wet-snow avalanches can resul t f rom fail ure of a large, wet slab. Such a large, wet-sno\^, avalanche could reach the bottom of the. track, be deflected by the hill, and reach the water tank mentioned above. lt will not run as far as the design, dry-f loi.,,ing avalanche con- sidered in this analysis, but may cause forces large enough to damage the tank. (The dry-flowing avalanche constitutcs the design avalanche at the tank) . Tree cores were taken by Glenn (t974) f ronr the Vai I Heador.vs .rvalanche path in order to estimate the annual probability of large avalanches. The tree ring analysis indicated an annual probability of one to two percent for avalanclres large enough to reach the hilltop at the base of the track and -5- i I large cnough to reach .-rbout 50 rnc ter-s (165 f t) <lorvrrlrill of tlre w.rtt-r' t.rrrl., Dead logs located irr t lre vicinitv of' tlre w.rler.l;rrrL ;rn{l (ln tlra hill na j.,t of the tank indicate that an avalanche renched that location bctween 1950 and 1960. Trees were not sampled north of Snovrshoe Lane because of the pauci ty of datable trees, but the annual probability of aval anches which can reach this location must be smaller than that found from tree-rinq analysis higher in the path. GENEML RECOMHENDATIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL LAND USE IN AI.,I AVALAIICHE PATH As shorvn in Figure 2, the Vail Headows avalanche appears to affect portions of Lots 21 ,22,23,2\,25,26,28, and 30 of Vail Headows Filing No. l. The hazard zone bounda ries shown on Figure 2 are dravrn with respect to topographic maps (scale of lrr= 100') owned by the Town of Vail. Neither land corners nor subdivision lines are presently accurately keyed to that topographic nnp; therefore, the relationship between lot I ines and aval anche hazard zone boundaries as s hor.rn on Figure 2 are approximate and were determined by arrbest fit based on physical features such as roads and buildings of subdivision I ines to topograph ic map features, The Town of Vail'i s in the process of developing maps showing an accurate relation- ship between the lot lines and topographic map in the Vail l'le.r dows area. These maps should be available by July l, 1976, at wlrich time Figure 2 may be refi ned by adjusting the position of the lot lines rvi th respect to the map features shown to correspond to the n ei.r maps. The aValanche path is subdivided into two zones of hazard iniensity follorvi ng recent Swiss (Frutiger, pers. comm. , 1975) recommencJat ions, and the recom- mendations of the Colorado Geological Survey (1975) . This subzonation is defined in terms of stagnation pressures and annual probabilities as follows: l. High Hazard: Stagnation pressures within this zone are greater than 3.0 tlnt (615 psf)'\ and/or annual probabili- ties are nrcre than 4 percent. Rcsidential construction ls not reconrncnded within the high hazard tone. 7 '! I t/m- = I ton per square meter = 20! pounds per square foot (psf). -6" / 2. Hoderate tlazard: Staqnat. ion pressures are less than 3.0 t/m- and annual probabilitics are- I percent to 4 percent, approximately. Residential construction is recornnended within the noderate hazard zone only if specific avalanche defenses designed on the basis of an accurate avalanche dynamics study are provicled. A third hazard zone, a powder-ava lanche blast zone, does not effect lots on Snowshoe Lane. The critical factor in drawing the high/nroderate hazard zone boundary in Figure 2 is stagnation pressure ratlrer than annual probability. For examp!e, the annual probabil ity of avalanches affecting Lots 21 ,22, and 2) appears to be between I percent and 4 percent, but, because of the dynamic characteris- tics of the design avalanche, the lots are located where stagnation pres- sures are rnore than 3.O t/nz . The stagnation pressures given at the high,/moderate boundary and on Table I are reference pressure levels. The actual pressure or force per unit area on an exposed object, depends on the size, shape, and orientation of the object. Thus, an object pl aced in the,,high hazard zone could be designed so that pressures of tess tlran 3.0 t/n" (615 psf) rvould affect it. Con- versely, it is possible that objects in either hazard zone coutd experience pressures in excess of stagnation pressures. SPEC I FI C RECOI'IHENDATI OIIS The fol lovring recom'nendations are made by taking the frequency and dynamics of the design avalanche into consideration: l. As a first step, the effect of avalanche impact on the 500,000- gallon water tank should be analyzed to determine lvhether it must be protected by an appropriate avalanche defense systcn- No at tempt has been made to analyze the effect of the rrptLrre of this tank. -7_ However, the f lood surge following rupture would probably extend the runout zone of any avalanche, including those smaller than the design avalanche. This r,rould increase the annual probability of avalanches in Vail Headows Subdivision. Avalanche defense construction for the \,rater tank should take place prior to any new construction in the general area from the tank site to Gore Creek if it is determi ned that the unprotected tank cannot withstand avalanche impact. The design of such an avalanche defense system should be based on this study. 2-. Because of the magnitude of the flow depth, velocity, and pressures of the design avalanche, no new construction should take place within either the high or nnderate hazard zones (shown in Figure 2), until a defense system is provided whi ch alters the dynimics of the design aval anche. A wel l-designed defense systen should reduce f I or.r depth, velocity, stagnation pressure and runout distance belorv the defenses, and alter the _hazard zone boundaries within the Vail Meadows Subdivision. The design of such an avalanche defense system . should be based upon this study. -8- :t i TABLE 'I - DEI IGN AVALANcIIE DYNAr'1lcs Flow HYdr. Stagnation Depth Radius Velocity. oirscharge lfu2t": E p^:-+ --rl m-ft' m/s - moh m-ls - cts t/m - psT | 2.55 - * 29'6 - 19,600 - 5'0 - 8-.36 - 66.\ 692,000 | '220 2 18.3 - 8.2 - 39.3 - 27,tOO - l5'8 - 60.0 27.O B8.o 955'ooo 3,230 S 3.3- :t 36.5- 27,lOO- 13.6-- 27 .2 8l .8 956,000 2,79a 6 6.2 - ;t ll.l - 13,550 - 9.9 - 20.3 69.7 478'o0o 2,020 7 6.2- x 17.7' 13,550- 3.2- 20.3 39 '7 478 'ooo 660 Point l. Bottom of starting zone Point 2. Bottom of channeled track Point 5. Top of runout zone ' Point 6. Water tank Point 7. Snowshoe Lane * Same as flow depth. Note: Powder avalance dynamics are not sumrnarized on Table l. ADDITIONAL HAZARDS The potential for mud or debris f lorvs also exists in the Vail lleadows avalanche path. These flows would result when steep water-saturated slopes slide and eventual ly f low as a viscous slurry. Such flows have a very formidable transport capacity and large blocks can be carried on top of the nroving mass of water, mud, and rock. These flows nrove much rnre slowly than snow avalanches, but, because of their very high specific weights, can be very destructive. -9- Future mud or debris l'lows will probably originote from avalanche Starting Zone B, and will fol low existing gullies towa rd.. snowshoe Lane. Al though mud and debris flows are a Possibility at this location, they have not occurred recently and annual probabilities have not been estimated in this study. lf new flows do occur, they should be studied to determi ne appropri a te act ion . FUTURE WORK Additional work is needed in order systems which will protect property path. tc recomfi)end specific avalanche defense located within the Vail lileadows avalanche It appears that the rnost viable defense would be one des igned to reduce the flow depth, velocity, and runout distance of the design a'valanche prior to its reaching private property. Direct protection for individual objects may be appropriate at some locations. Future study woul d determine the effect of specific defenses on the dynami cs of the avalanche, how the hazard boundaries of Figure 2 should be changed as a result, and what defenses are rnos t practical at various locations. we feel it practical to design such a defense system. The goal of future work woul d be to recommend the optimum system which is consistent with present land-use pol icy in Vail, based on technical, economic, and aesthetic considerations. - 10- RE FERE I'IC E S l. de Quervain, M. , 1975' Avalanche Format ion, -!g Aval anche Protection in Switzerland,'US-OR'forest Service, Gen. Tec6l Rep. RH-!, l6$pp. 2. Krebs, P.V. (Ed. ), 1973. Evaluation of the Snow Avalanche Hazard . in the Vail Area, Eagle County, Colorado, (UnPubl. lI{STAAR rept. to Town of vail), 34pp. 3. Hears, A.1., 1975, Snow.Avalanche Hazard Zones of tlre Vail Area' - Eagle County, loi o."ao (6pen File rept. of the Colorado Geological Survey) , l2pP. ' 4. l4ears, A.t.,1976. Guideline and Methods for Detailed snow Avalanche Investigations in colorado, colorado Geol. Surv. spec. Publ. No. 8, I 28PP. 5. schaerer, P., 1975, Friction coefficients and spread of Flowing Avalanches, inow ltlechanics Symposi um, Grindelwald, Switzerland, April l-5, 1974, Proc. IAHS Publ . 6. sommerhalder, E. , 1965. Avalanche Forces and the Protection of 0b- jects, USDA Forest Service Trans. No- 6, llrpp. 7. Voellnry, A., 1954. 0n the Destructive Force of Avalanchls, USDA Forest Service Trans. No. 2, 64PP. 8. Glenn, H. r 1974. Tree-ring Dating of Colorado Aval anche Paths '. Jour. Colo.-!Jyo. Acadenry of Sciences, (Abstract)' -t l- \ I l I t 'n--t\tl (l .\) \.-u' (-)e A ll il u (-'--\ \----a IY \1,33nl v J/,1 - It li )\ --= --\.- \\ /\tix >* H IGH AZARD \ it -a ^.(r. \ '' 'J \-n$\ Y\ ,/ .'\ \ r \.rr "d.'tls \\ lt ,IvIODERATE /20 /')l'l J)/l (-'-'--i/ * Finuro 2 23 22 76138 O YCR LHCAD CANP no ao RIC CRI STEC BOX 277 r, SM |THERS, B.C.VOJ zNO 604 / 847 -33rO BOX 952, VAf L, COLO.81558 303/475-4915 May 25, 1982 Bui.lding Dept. staff Town of Vai-l Vail, CoLorado 81658 G entlemen: As requested by the staff please eonsicler this letter my request to correct the present variance application not only a set back varj"ance but a vari.ance to all-ow my €farage to be erected in a red aval-anche zone. Therefore the variance is two fold; we are requesting a set back variance as j.n the origional variance apnlication and to be j-nclud.ed" is our request to allow a variance to the seetion 18.b9.040, paragraph A, of the hazard regulations. Thank you for your ti-me anil consideration. oo O May L3, 1982 Pla.nning and. Zoning Town of Vail- \laiIp eoloratlo 81658 Gentlcmen,: ty nbigbbors, Ion end Gigi LeRoy have requesteal a va.rianec to buil.at a unattacbecl garage and I roultl likc thc towrl to blot that as their ncigbbore I do not ninrl if th.elr rcquest is grentetl. I am the lot irnnccliatc adjaccnt to tbcirg; Lots 2O ancl 19. Thank you for your atteution. Sincerely, i @ John Nickel P.O. Box 1982 5155 E. Maiu, Gorc Drive VaL1, Coloraclo 81658 O t o a o o 4e J'///rz f"zr>ta{ Z-/ //o", JL"t az.a/ 4az*q 2q/ /o-y', /c.z.r"74 ilrsz' 7t afy'*, eaz7c",zt.' &o '-*.5,22-'- ct' 7a>z 277 oo /u,dzr@ -Z<Z "*4 Ar".Z9.' ,--,?ooa%' ZZ*-t aE /dfut Jo atlee'*az- 6 fA /'*/2-'i -#4 **2"- 2;'*aEb=--2)aazk' 'u"/oti o= -.t-/t /t 7"2 ie'"d/P":'z-U 42"< trn, '-22.7-/{*/*a ^r &u Jim Colburn Box 1956 Vail, CO. 81658 lMay 23, L982 Zoning and Planning Board Town of Vail Vail , Colorado To the Members of Uhe Zor.ing and Flanning Board: I am aware of the situation and circumstances surrounding Tom LeRoy's application for a pe::urit to build a garage on his property in East Vail . I urge you to allow him to build this garage subject to his taking all responsibility for the possible damage or destruction of the garage due to an avalanche; thus, relinquishing any clains againsc Ehe Town of Vail . Sincerely, h UJin Colburn l:00 Site visits f, 2:00 Publ ic Hearing '1, Approval of mjnutes of May .l0, lggz ?' Request to instail g sgT" parlor on the basement reve'r of the Lionshead Gondola Building. Rppt icairt: Vait nrro.iii"i, 3- Request for rezoning of 1ot_1, vail village znd Fjring to change fron Primary/Secondary. to.special Deveropment District wit[ an underlying zone of High Density Mutti-Famity, -Appilcant: Ron Byrne- - 4. Request for an amendment to the town municipal code, section Ig.69.040(A)to allow unjnhabited structures to be constiucted ii reO (high) hazard avalanche areas. Applicant: inoru, l"noy 5' Request for a nane change for the pitkin creek Townhouses. App) icant:Pitkin Creek Townhouse Association, 6' Request for an amendment to the munfcfpal code to remove a portion of item J of Section .|8,69,050 Special Restrictions for deve'l opments on lots where the-average s1 ope of the site beneath the proposed structure and parking is in excess of thirty percent in single-famiiy residential, two-family-residentiali,,and two-family prinnry/secondary residential zones. The -poriion to be removed requires that developments falling under this section be'restricted to that one of the unjts shall not exceed 40 peicent of the al'l owable GRFA,Applicant: Town of Vail. Request for revisions to Section 18.52 parking and Loading.Applicant: Town of Vail ) ilt*nn AND ENVTR'NT4ENTAL co'Mrsm l{ay ?4, .|982 Published in the Vajl Trail t4ay 21,.1982. I'ior ,rn '{ AN -Tio't^ \Way Vq7kvla"lGstY 4WW t nY ilt@ 6b\ ^ bJ'D t-1Y ?"0o gb'C. i,Wfru,b o^? O+-tU$ . b\tQ- As"'t€ c s iwenn-> *( 5O4Z €r.tb"\ s,WU.l^€lU6. Vool--- IffiU PLg r-I^l,.J t 4..r> r-vrltlrZ$N htr^ltrA L ll C;vn+v%,.r-{. r aA yurzrA-Ee_DrtP4n-aEn krk6< tW Qo%qe- effrcALS r+grtrs 1=FJ fr?tos" cg?Lffi 4'd- | ';Lvi@t- A$4w> rW y1#- E|EZ, r&st'g'Jd-flW \dW $t+9Ab'ntfA A/D Pt>Qtvtx#\ BY"* 'l{tl€ t-tffitsa-- F{Atuv\ TIXG -q7^@1o ',t, fu Wp(Ly r2er{,tz- -r TAe\fz- r,rtrtgsi-tgAnlal^J 4nrr) * PAteUY cgvvtPtuer n1eeL/_ fi+x2,^}1.c9 -{a6d v €1ar; Frre 9a1F DEa,Jr>r.tL ffY e'cl'F WW r rft4g*- IAND {W€- caea5uAu* -la> ",ffie-Sata r4Y P?aar5dxL. rrAV I i .{g-,ter t\.?\(- A,I- Y14,u, >rrl/git-ETqd * DAJ= 'r4g- ffiCtALS \-A&tr L-EG\ER- g€fE>,4*rs-'{&(+ [u,*a': r1W r nbtl WPA>s ^?Y3{1-F \ftf onluY rc -r* € Wd^rN!.^lt \,^A rz.Nrttzl"( ru$f,t\ I^cbl.rd'rrgEo\f 96-'ru€ grA'W ;1116 5o ?ffiftLY Dto q*d€rQ_:bg &f.{>qei / o o r€Ar.l,E @gVs\tr 6zWE t, +-.T1X1v- p-1y l:,WaXg,,.l,r, €$tL-f42 a HbD, xl,G 6? aM l\...-....--, - | a.r I ;.--l\z .:l2-= n f ,- (l na <*- s^ .t "',-Zt^L,N\2 @W- '!b Aqz'.$ 11.€ € c4yJsflrtt t,',y'\, @{7AW HiY FA'-Iv-i ', r^\til^A u,E ko e eJ u?- a A @ /\Ut-w,o<"u^,\ g H AD6, I - . ,.t I i^|,3:utr.JVf 4e. r,-l 'fUe @ Y2€ lnr^t+, +U L-{> qn\rtt2-o^l &4JqrtrL*rtn -=*.f ','6( ilAi; flV ftBZ .i,le varv*-: ii r^1. .TAe rcr<->( PAqJ\4ZL/U rf r,s rTtylw>kN>{n)V euil*,NfirlZ srcE nhsoun E ,tonE 6.fur'\EtV'€ 1tr9 r-lu. J-- W 1@ r6AZD -2At? 6?- 4tW ?-OZa-t6r*J * qLL.' t-YzLrl-(rS ';A,x> /t M. D\+-lv?e,dk= F -Try "\A;nre-ryf-i z-rer?orsazb o*y eF- a,Jz- ,K. (.^f q y 't tvr@" & (MQug t+1ffi -nt4flA:4r@ ,,,A14'{E furv€- dF. <*e A&yJ,9 b':( -tt&4k, i'd@E r-<a;f a?s?- colSg' agBQfl-taa-lus flq'46-ttslgtE l't.rel& raqe- . .<Qs(;tA$tlT--b-(>s ]-r p+^l -,M c,^]JaS grz.rr;D- etr-t c+A^Q,tff -fW bffiaLa\k AzflJL'z*\9 17W -TLso r.-octf,LaxL9 hrNg a1X€ {bPf /ff{Z- /YLJg,+-E,P l@ c>4- rJ4.nng glT6nr9' .,t€ Sg'co'-r'\ l?e(&tvrrT, -fiW. t*CE> D9l'77tJ1- e= 9o-tdh( cl..^0 gNE{*+oe Ld^,€ UD,nl Qug4tcpto1--1*€: 5,8 -da F't-f Un-aTRqq.- ' 9 ,"{ tatZ')tvrt vAZaA^4 +2+v+/'{€ 4 bi$n$Ue Lcrc-,Snra> r s\ -r@ /Yra5r up,l !qne42A ',fXrLEX xlt,ot> PgQ.:ge rT--rt .]fiE t/s^^4r$ry lll-@ *'^/> A grl<1.J6 T+€ LZflg;a.1O =;fl?ra'ao.,r T-4AT- Nbn{ Rt^tS rrl q1vz44f-7 (^I el2-<>^! \- & cs\E. l1d.^4,t.- L o o t,{W DAA-"",Ntnr^^l .}F TJ-LS utvtrae* l,^..^ t,a }a*'a\t,W-},lo:( HW6 ru.y'r>) -,*us ,A^r'db tAFl -f,1u1* TAof -r&'--'-^JJ NII.L_ii^[rt< nzt*^fl n ov .---{?. ; ^bf &!td AJY "e!*g*^eg rc ?€ gu*f ae_H:ll ir:H1ry^- effi{ z+*,8. ,,W,trE,fu Ar'> -;78 t:t^lte+gt- ',Q:y,a; rJtJY.nUA I,$Ag .rrs€- -*r^l ,-"*K^ trnan c,a^Pl\-- -r+lz+E: t g cq:/z{z€rcz- 6 5 r.-tfutTc-1{ Oar> la^( , ?-l;"\r> v.Runl-rq€_ irgtrarL- -,o & a-(bzTGJ€= K_bO€: 1l ,PA'IZA 5P,.'A.D+ ,* !1 TM-61 rtt.*srvz9 vr> *twtgrV s,sg i+exa:rl * tM (4,aj,LT1> cr2-:ia":, +&w_I Tu. re , I t)r t '4t4 ke> ' tdeN\ t efz- lA" :, +{_@_ ir, .4ct"er^I, Jt ,t roo c-a,<-tnJ 'JN'GJ"_,trO ,$tC -rO ^ffi tqf- t*-<-> n-tnr-n d t- J7^ - ..-t g \o A - |in^tL ^Wtzf tf,o n|-f'vu1.'-- c.*r?:;^^a nyeos)€ i)nl fv ft+'/L- FAz+k) a(Aa _ vT rS r^l ge,f A ffiucfuYE: --- Nr>{ v9 c..^J .,,1 lfAA {,fc_c J _,sf_4iW coarae k9 i-y @nfr€ ..,€qqffi: t? 4tJt€ -rc,^rJ AtO€pru> -,&€ A^fAtA^lC4g- 1',6vDV ^^!€ c^^1 --r7&t yae-+ Ac\A #ii'rW l,D{ttlG radg & 14ry q{Zs "{o^l ,,oY -T8ta"l t*€ ^L6i1dL_ -r-a^I,\(-- eesv)',,y€ Pt+ncsUa> oft- r&€ -Z^s,41.+t<--La{hJ iiA*T3€o so t rDs -+rf 6utuJ- 4{uil' N*"ABu$<t gfa/(Ttj{8. r r.g.uL ,=,',ejT4ka S rscr-,9S -tEsE' AVAtAr.lC4g- sf9A7 rlar>t=tr-- ,,** -ran\(- *txza6-,r-- I oo.J \ grq- CsA/7l11-{ \aLCt}A ( .f W W>rr7j\Q6i;€ tttl>t r1 6{5^l{Aa4U-ry I ='O-d Cf{d 17M rJ[tA9rr1fi t, o o 'agdtun\ & aM ag-ue$ u) T-( 2€9*w> ,fa flacyt--- 4rrrQ.- -ftW 6@l pflb'l,c(4\_ lryN t;aa-:'l.W. 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(\la C.,f -rlw Ertat_ Ope"^tS.gS u€- ', --, tv -@,^-Zonl.d(c cgl€. t\cAI Ltsg v^/ruz_..ro -fTye. a44t d,.t4lE g"-\"/)y, -n{.ar ^F*5:-tr-q$. ry ioa i I Cla4tl't-"nV^t, TtW tk1t| utJe tg J^1,14{K- ,i{lW *UtJ-- 19.<@ Nry4-1g./l_-rtt^lL E>s,\yt', rJ teo ryciuL> @4 +^ rnY A6v1€ t/pftff\+r@s ;.r< @,,*l -Mvtu^Wre 3 ,] tN 4nlgt-+,1LM 4J{> Ao^l Ca\,,,tE: I-/1-€dt"^rA AClrlU -Ib61E.-.-- X1\t€6hl"{ r{ta-vt, | --;. --' ^ r-^ r irtaS Nlurn\U,qe €\a? .ejp \re*ta dActn- srp 6{4L ^t;J.-€ -rF {&€ fltlreZ- -TA^I\L %rvtA,dS "I-4-^J t ft91--- ',11 )($tat> W 4t,tr:x0krA rb J-=?_e<g- t-{Y iit-"1 |Al A{4'rS u^aA(E. ruI&t5sd t HlO0Et {,,r2 l-Ja-+ 'CsQ-\ r4Ttr- A,aeo{4\- r { ltl? rcL ^fy Vft+;'JC r"L*^r€ I nt+g ab -i<z€,fr- 1Tw alon4f.-lLll€ sLD)r N4S .r^$ Rd-{- I iApaplr.O .,t-\ ?Utl--- &>- -rfV€ -Tor{ JS (er-,tffi Lr,rl$. 11*UZ€A1E; yle- rL67E A'r>&AN,F @ WUF -r E4*{ t14-t-. 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(e3 .04o PADA eap4 A_ op {*€ *oUrtn {?a,,r+?$^/S, lla_,g E Hy I rcq24n;,iiSp.lrs^$ :1Aa-g_ _TJ€ 7, ffi*_@oer ll -\ \- '-" ' ':<l-r'--r' - -:-\+r*:+- t- ;"1 o o I d CI@ECI-L7 A v> r tLgGo.WY (Z&e>*. l-r.'a 0f-qU g ,J g/?-,t^t(- ,,\L --A€{dr(_l€+cL :rW,Q>=!T- _ dz-r4,t €\aa '_ t ntutt--p YrlL€ -Tb @t={6LnE 'i11>q{ flY rZsDUs=a- \e e.le €- D=z-t> G"J C,--,>A .'e).aY FDmt uY:@ : I rl -fW-nv'9 c"- rc.-a-;-e*J Dt- rJY C-r"124 re flW€ Itls A Dr@wtc-€ € Z7' 'r-o 11J€ LLTwr\taf€ 1i+sU' b,€?. t? @-te<15' QrffSrc4L-6> i,@,- O;\Qopa1P 1e @-E 1F llw^{rN(r-h9t@_=iTzt@]]JQr-_ _r lt& -. r\r . ,f,@ EY_@4L.*- eo JooS. €lTDq1 r,Jor- ]lt l+s\t€ N *t\?aQ-D r dr^r t-{,tut.ntt qb K'\(Z (L\)- e€r?e$e I A+ r:€ c-le .tfxc{ +\}- e€r?e$ 9 | A-L Tx c-,|'La 1l t, \ | ,iit- t-bVf Szlu<aL- t-tr't6rZs F{N\ o*-r?-lt.lf-trtVrag,ea tfrM- 44€ Dutr^@- * o{fa l,lo n- -" -iiVaW Atr> :!Wl ?_1'r % e?*UwSLy jt;nsa lA ysp ao AEA\E-a- TE6 apD{hrlA,t- ',@ "? 6\xz- C=+tZ+x:€ D'3 Lr{5(l- '1l-cz --gft LJd -1trC.Jt- QtLt- A'a=Pc-r\S (tLtTY ,h9 I tU>4€ g1 ,11V2 r'i> 9b .,',\ A7IW<Z-RP^'^ ',i?,rla"t2 E, a t tl 1-t t(' t g 5l-(2- Cc-^J Trc,-.trt,r^{ -r r\ As-- f*e- ST{-f,F , f1f 9 UZ? e€bL,:.Ln a\ 9r=-J<^€,l:qt- f':-955 -tb }tr) ,l r,.t!.-jAc* U'aru4-) l-Url.E PA^hbD >ttl>LY li ( /r o rl rl {- q{-.r-4 o t Au4e 71A@ !{> aet-Oa6-Y)'.,^ @G,>A,a ftu rry 1g-ntru1fg > gfirTyi S,od:- €<'uX ?TM€ ryu & o,,rz- (21'k3io',15_ -' kfz- €tW QdsPa?l{> }(l€n @ He- F:^@<nf<- b*"nTrz^*,-) T72ro,5- lVE- 6*^\ A. \OrC :4 ',NoWrJq- 1# _4U0I4*\LU.€ $!Uf _ '98<*e "A€S:Q44( ?*.a-- -rrx€- t-\t'ztz<b tA,-rt.4 f)rA RJ ,r.:r- - l-.1 --;- A.a e D,-:i- A rl.A. t-t\r t,CQ4 QrO 9LA?4 1'tL7 Dr9-S€gLr4P6 f1T lfi^"t u* 9L41t \-4r> t-e} ^lEJGr{Bctl ;fffsf Ae,{E aa-l^t6, rA€ {24S,+q--b 3urr.,€ 9+Lsxt -r-U€ @' Lfllrrz- lar{f-gig.cb.z€ ",&2, <te {Lte'Yio<tf go rANIY 1-,nFS sl-eae* -i-A 5{ U.tg92 1T€ iJM-k{Z- ra"$a1- rs 3()PLO 4tW 4€a 3'4f ruS r>-G47hrc. r# //L o o waJq4>. Ldr>a€ ri} CrArL^tE *aotZ | )+t.Jz-Oabug-SarrD 'I HfLt--@W ^V€ rt3_o_Eg> (b tyr_;z_ A<vrt= W4T_Q- 1"(fu=Lte9'i-su:oPvtE > La. nt€ >L.rtrrb/z- Br,f.,, i'1ffio oariltvrL t uQa-fl4€ rtuL @e?atslary ',Pn 4t1 oaQwg.Jt'*+l<-\tp 6oft\le .nte 4"rnuNr>rrr.*lr.-*9 r \.\4^jg O€A6E-gr€g ' .i ijDrt,lqr,vgr,J(, lAts @ze{ddG gar,J r^{rlL- ',|tJr+"tzE ttJ€ LasDL- vtt=tlf-Tb ,"sL15N/ i-r-n€ sProoo crrrr-uil Nt?u€_ r-n4C To ilW-A.Jlnt p' Ab{> tltznu) zo.E. € rFTilts 'l+TVt c4@€ fZLd"A,{ g .J a- gerr> A\-Z /-4>-z"xJtz -T7!€ ^l *e- \;;.c._ttr) Et= ,on_ovre*r) ii-fU€ A'vt t=^/) ne$- D-(> -l7tL{G-fr?-<1U€1 ,,i*O*' -rO L{Leu- bvz-&tczae"e-. I '-i-AAr-llL Y6J Fre_ yO-u,A_ drfdNrrvJ. i I I ; l /? i o .AW-:::':' r:'i,' nid-W€- $n-rU2i fI"{> 61t€PdL (Za\4{-z.f- W e. io+r '*Za+{o>" AEPa*5,+C €^-c.6: L-?A4*% 69- \ft-W-, o iv\Lg,W 16 -{tx{W V':QELW',<nq^J s l".IeetlA *:rW Yr*rZ- vAl 4.,et Ae Ay_6+1@{,f(+g[[(E A tg ln*e- dr+ -Wa +,etui JaZft 'fi ru.t-a0t q414V"t)r4'41 . /s' Applicatio,r o.C 4-23-t 92 APPLICATION This procedure is required The application will not be Mr. John Nickel Mr. Stan Cole Box 1982 2965 l$ar:o.rs Raneh ,L55 E. Main Gore Drive Vailr Colo. Vail-, Colorad.o 81658 I. FORM FOR A VARIA}ICE for any project requesting a Variance. accepted until all information is submitted. 476-49L5 Postage the Lot 22 Georgc Rau Road. .p.O. Box 246 81658 lloscow, Ve::nont 01662 B. c. A. NAII{E OF APPLICAIVT a leloy aDDnUSS 5042 St**bo" I"t.r HONS NAII{,E OF ADDRESS APPLICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE AUTHORIZATION SIGNATURE PERTY O"fltER Tho ADDRESS Samc as abo D,LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 5O42 Snow shoe LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN lot 2I block Filing FEE. $f00.00 plus an anount equal to the then current first-class rate for each property ouner to be notifi.ed herewrder. A list of the names of owners of al-I property adjacent to subject property and their addresses, ],ot 20 l,ot 19 Lot 25 E. F. "\' ,"/,/ h 1- z-6 -,,'i t'J'- \^ u, v.,'-'{t "ioJ" Jkvi,-, k{,uqu I / R, F-Dt-'-{l+u'\'l))LL- t t fl u u'-r/ Thomas. Vir .'Jtt a A/,/ ' oq */t-r,r/.y'n tition forn for Amen.Zoning ord to -L t IL. Four (4) copies of the following information: A. The petition shall include a sumrnary of the proposed revision of t.he regulations, or a complete description of the proposed changes in district boundaries and a map indicating the existing and proposed district boundaries. Applicant must subnit written and/or graphic nEterials st;rting the reasons for request. IfI. Time Requirements The Pl,anning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4tb l"Iondays of each month. A petition with the necessary accompanying naterial must be submitted four weeks prior to the date of the meet-ing. Following the Planning and Environmental Comrnission meeting,all- amendments to the zoning ordinance or district boundary change must go to the Town Council for f,inal action. 18. 69. O4O DEVEI.OPMENIT RESTRICTED, The eru rbtnrcturarr as uscd in this sect\io[ tloes not include reereational stt:uctures that are intendecl, for seas use t or Request for change in boundaries usinhabited" stnrcturcs sueb as garagear water tanks and me stations but not including inhabitetl residenti Note:: the intention of this amendnent is to define the word str:ucture so as to deflne it as inhabitett or an uniinlrabited stnrcture. Do inlrabited stnrcture should bc pemitted in such a zone but there b.as alreadJr been ellowed. a structure in a red zona but lt is a,rl uninhabited struature. Frankly a Ya?iance to this zoning regulation wouldbe the most advantageoug routc as in sec,tion B. there have been stnrctrrres sucb as garages that beve not been designed to d.ea1 with the hatard possibilities. Owners take f,uII responsibility if in fact their garage shoultl fail in the event of a sl-i.d.e. Homeg have been engineered to withstand sucL a bazar:d. but tberc are several garage ustrtrcturessr tbat have becn built in blue hazartl areas tbat proper mitigating measures have not been taken except for responslbility by the owner to replace at his ow:n expense. I rni.ght add. that tbere is a IOOTOOO gallor water tanl< rrstmcturel in a red. zonc just a.bove ny h.ome. It is the sa,nc red zone tbat we are requesting d.efinition and a^ncndnent to regulation 18.69.040. PUBLIC NOT]CE N0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Plann'ing and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section .|8.66.060 of the municipa'l code'of the Town of Vail on June .|4, ]982 at l:.l5 p.m. in the council chambers in the Vail municjpal building. 1:15 p.m. Preliminary review sessjon of applications for exterior alterations and modifjcations in Commercial Core I and II. Determined will be whether each project has a naior or minor impact and the appropriate review period for each project. Projects to be revjewed are: In ccl,One Vajl P'lace patio addjtion, christy sports/P'laza'Lodge Buirdinq balcony encrosuies,^cv.inb's iemooei,-ilr;il Bridge Buildjng remodel, -Loa99 po6t uuuute,. Hong Kong-caie aoaition,-ani e"ii9i"st"u"t Real Estate remode'|. -ln ccII, Lioniheao"conJ6ra-ariioing patio add.ition,Lions Pride Building shop expansions, and Village center Building shop expansion. 2:00 p.m. l' Request for a variance to construct a garage in a red hazard avalanche zone, according to Sections .l8.69.040(A) and .|8.69.060 and a request for a second variance, a setback varjance of l0 feet on the side property line to construct said garage in a Resjdential Zone District. Applications wjll'follow procedures in Chaprer .|8.62. Appl icant: Thomas LeRoy 2' Request for a rezoning of lot 1, Vail Village 2nd Filing in accordarrce with Sections l8'66'.l00 through .|8.66..l60 of the Vajl Municipal code. The proposal is to rezone from a Residential Primary/Secondary to Special Deveiopment District with an underlying zone of High Density Mult'i -Family to allow five dweiling units. Applicant: Ron J. Byrne 3' Reguest for a condominium conversion in accordance with ordinance 2g, Series .|978 for a 3 unit building located on lot 42, Vail Vil'lage West Filjng #l,l8z8 Alta Circle in accordance with Section 17.40-ol0 of the Vail Munic.ipal Code. Appl icant: Dennis Shimon 4' Request for two side setback variances in accordance with Chapter .|g.62 of the Vail Municipal Code to allow the construction of a residence on lot .12, Vail village |dest Firing No. 2. Applicant: Gottfried Angleitner 5' Request for a front setback variance in accordance with Section lg;62 of the Vail Municipa] Code to allow the construction of an addition on lot ll, Matterhorn Village Filing No. r at r72z Geneva.Drive. Applicant: James R. r.,iiliams. 6' Request for a conditional use permit jn accordance with chapter .;g.60 to construct an addition to the east end of the existing bus barn located at the Town shops,'in a PUD zone district. Appliant: Town of Vail 7' Reguest for approva'l of the genera) circulation and access plan for the Arterial Business District according to Ordjnance #5, series of .l9g2, chapter .lg.29 of the Vail Municipal code. Applicants: Property owners in the proposed Arterial Business District. The applications and information relating.to the proposals are availab1 e in the zoning ,administrator's office during regu'lar buiiness nol.s'ior'review'oi ;nip".iion oy the publ ic. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT A. PETER PATTEN, Zoning Administrator Published jn the Vail Trai'l May Zg, lg}z a - zoNlN(; the town clerk, whcrc it may bc inspectcd by:rny intcrested party .luring norntal busirrcss hours. {Ord. l2(1978) $ 4 (part)') 18.69.032 Supplenlent:rl sludies. The town ntanagcr. with the advice and ilpproval of the planning conrtrission, shall contintre to stu<ly lrrd accumulate informiti.rn as to huzartl arcas" Wltcn additionrl inlorrllation is availablc. it shull be revicwed by the planning conrnrission and added to the rnastcr hazurd plans. (Ord. | 2( 1978) S 4 (part).) 18.69.033 Supplemental studies-lndividual. lf an applic'ation is made to build in an irlcntifietl avalanche hazard zorie of influence or nrodification to tlle floodplain, the zoning atlnrinistrator tnay require the appliclnt to conduct supplemerrtal studies as specified in this cltapter' Th' iniormation submitted by the applicant follorving completion of said stu<Jies shall bc vierved by ttre torvn staff and the planning comn:ission atrd may be added to thc nlaster hazard plans. (Orrt. l2(1978) S 4 (part).) 18.69.034 Report to torvn council. The town nl nagcr shall report to the towrl council not less than once each year on any additions thlt huve been made to the masler hazard plan. tOrd. l1(1978) S 4 (part)') 18.69.0{0 Developnrerrt restricted. A. No structure slult be brrilt in any floodplain, or red avalanche luzard lrca. No strttctttrc shall trc lruilt on a slope of forty perccnt or grL'lter exccl)t irl single-fantil)' residential. irvot'anrily rcsidentirl. or trvo-frrrnily primary/ -.- '-- sccontlrry residr'ntial zonc rlistricts. @ I t u sedjn-ll+is-stct io n tlocs Irot inclrrdc rc!^rc+tion:rl structqres I I th@al-u5g, llot illclrrdltl{ rcsloenttal-J-, use. Fn{,rtes tnay lre btrilt in blttc avrtlutrcltc ltlz-rrd arcas provitL'rl that propcr nritig:rting lllcilstlrcs lt:,rvc trccn taketr' (Vril9.t5-78)498-2 t FOR This procedure is required for any amendment to the zoning ordinance or for a reguest for a district boundary change A. NAI4E OF PETITTONER_ ___TbSEasJ,cRgy ADDRESS 5042 Srowshoc l,aner Yai].l Colorado 81658 PuoNE 476-49L5 B. NAI,TE OF PETITIONERIS REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS PHONE C. AUTHORTZATION OF PROPERTY OWNER PETITION FOR}I Petitlon Date AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OR REOUEST FOR IN DTSTRICT BOI'NDARIES A CHANGE I. 4-28-.B SIGNATURE Thomas lrcRo ADDRESS galne as above, D.LOCATTON Ot' PROPOSAI, ADDRESS Lot 21. Vail Mcad.ows 5042 Snowsboa f,ane PEONE E. F. LEGAT DESCRIPTION lot block filin FEE $100'00 plus an anount equal to the then current first-class postage rate for each property owner to be notified herewrder. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property, and their rnailing addresses. A]1 add.resses on Vari.ance applicatioa a].so encloeed. I.This procedure The application APPLICATION is required will not be Applicatio" ofa-.I' c" FORM FOR A VARIANCE for any project requesting a Variance. accepted until all inforrnation is submitted. A. NA}'E OF ADDRESS APPLICAT.IT Thonas Vir a leHoy 042 Snowshoe Lane Box 952, Vail B.NAITTE OF APPLICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS C. AUTHORIZATION o PERTY Ol.lI'lER SIGNATURE Tho eRo ADDRESS Same as abo LOCATION ADDRESS OF PROPOSAI LEGA-L DESCRIPTTON 1ot 2I block Filing pHoNE 475-4915 PHONE PHONE D. I dLt 41,'f 'l o g" LE. F. FEE' $100'00 p1:: 1: rmort equal to the then current first-class po-stage rate for each property ou''er to be notified heret'aer. A list of the names of owners of all property ad.jacent to the subject property and their addresses.I r,ot eofr'! Uf4<lzU €116^l cotE zlAS HArl,{s orlerc.{ brsrs v*rL, coLo at5fts 4 t iir. John liickel Eox 1982 5L55 E. liain Gore Drive Vaill Colorado 81658 CL ..[- O N^;dri,c|;;zii&Gffsli'Hrur -2 Eort Gorhk Avrnuo r,,runht|orr, Cotorodo g l&tiB) 6.t\"b6 llt i5 ffff::tff:t ilT:-:: is aecessary r rould reconrnend prlor to rt"-""""nr.*inJl; Iilt"ttv, and runout arstancJ 1I*y"1" defense deslsned or the desigfr avalanehe on or rrease contact nelafter Thursd.ay, tlarch 1, L of 12- (/a',1 llilc.t.-, Fetruary Z), lg?9 Irrr. Jtn Rlbtn Town of yall ValI , Colorado g7657 Dear l'lr, Rubln: f have recelved frorn l;*";:;#-r l'T"ii,,J':"ff:l::T H:fld: i,ii:ilil'"ll,,lil'i;,J*L, lf you have any questlons. t . f assurne "o'prut"dtlE"odillll"r:t ::;l"l"nche. structural cresign have been comrnents on the a*Lii.' Ji"fi"T::ffiiona1 stand."a" ioa- f,"iu"iJ"2' l$Fli.t:3fll3.tltln the rrnnout zone or the vair lreadors avalanche a. d.ynanlc thrust nornal to - conpres"r-lriiiy'"iilirJl tn" flow dlrectlon, lnclud.rns snow l. SU;I"' snear stres;Ell1:r. to the u_or directlon, and. , .":#i,i;xi tiil*lx"ft3:*If i"'''*'"i"rl"'Ln" uu*, " J,, ti,. srtuatronl rriftri}i I:XJ:::X"ff ;::ff. that a1r rhese loadins 3, The p,roposed structure lles w "nrgh Hiza"d,, zone. *""u "r.1ll_tn, the deslgnated Red zone, or ff "*3iilJ""li*;"':ril""ff :F."il'i,"ii.nut*mJ"r"'":*1"such as tr,. oi"lin"l.i*i$"rPerlods' A dlrect protectlon struciure,ii*fftid"i.H::::.i,:""H{::ii :l,r:,ii:j!i";:*fr !13,."",;; ;, Ji:i:fii{.i*:ff m::. :ys"t,,j,:#*_prof esslon;i_;;i;i""structures in- the u.a""I."iljllln" il-lu.rgn avalanches nore o;l.;-il;to bultd "uJa""i,;T*::'::,:tzatd zone. rt is. in lncreased i."1,1"ltt"t structures rn the Hign uazarJ ny oplnlon, undeslreable when the ullAt: persons who may u" nuol'url.fr;'onu because of the )slgn avaLaJrche occurs. inslde of the structure ;l*iili"?I["ffii'*L1,"::]i.lii',j,""1.::rnrortabre rn recornnendlng a varlance oe eau se o r the tn ou"_"*_ roLuiiit!-;i"j":iil:ly; *#:"rt gn uazard "Zon e - -* ,1,1.".'s*Jllq or such a 'arr.ance ""ria-""iJiirTln"" 3::Ttel a! ti'""JioJItioru.vair such that the u"r.ilii"i=o!_il".lr"ill:,rl=l a precedent .wirhtn the Town of becones *iipr"i.it\renarcation between "High" and ;r.iod"rJl",' n."..t zo'u. ,r,r* ,.,,=, ,0,',., ,^ nr,r,,l,-lJ,r*,ilu_,,_,H fu* ) PE our experience rlth- avaranche galrerles suggests that 1t ls very lnporta.nt for the galerles to be longer trt"t"tr,r-"i"i*che path r.u *iJu.- Na"'o*er structures becone burlect by large-avatancnes -as 'il"., avalanches aecelerate and deposrt snow. A rough lnspe-tron of trre r,"ia:J nap you sent ne lndrcates that a garrery I#L:f,:: to be at Least zoo r""r "ral to-"."oroa"t" tt"'I.s1gn Varl Mead.ons rn c1oslng, t worlra like to once agaln state that r strongry dlsagree rlth the ldea of grantlng a varr.amce sot "oi"tr.."t_rgn rnJn. iisi'f;""..d zone for the reasons state. above. Furthermorer-i-"""rt-u"-""e!""i3 ail"u"" these rd.eas rlth you rf you can contact r" ;n-r'iona"y, Marc' rz,. ,qit"-u*".r, 12 r w[1 be *::n:- ror consurtins work i; ;i.;k;;a w'i- re-un"""ii"ui" ror abour one -nr. rrf-n nuDln _: p€e- 2; Slncerely, 0^!1,^,1 Woall Arthur I. Mears, !E I NAilAliil;iRDs coNsutrAN r Zt2 Eqtt Gofilc Av.nua Gunntron. C.olorodo 8I f (cl) 6.1-3txl6 March 9' 1979 Mr. Jlrn Bubln Torm of Yall Yall, Colora.do 8L657 Dear Jlrn I OnceagalnrlhavereceLved'acoPyofaproPoseddeslgn-forsnowaval-anche hazard. nltigatlon for f,ot 22, vaLl Mead'ons Flllng 1' a 1ot-whlch' accordlng to pnevtous avatanctre studles, lles wLthln the "61gh hazard zone"' My corurents on ihls proposal .".-.JrrLrrrra rr, ry retier to you dated February 2J; addltlonal connents are glven below. Onceagalnlwoulctllketoreenphaslzethathlghhazard.-zoneslntheTornofVail are dlstlngulshed frorn rnoderate hazard zones ti terns of avalanche pressures 94{ avalanche return p"ttoa". Thus ihe frequency of-avalanches ln the hlgh hazard zone ls conslderect to be too 6reaL to pi*it resldentlal constructlon regasdless of the d.etalls of the siructr:ra1 deslgn. Renenber, the persons one wlshes to protect nay not t. in.ia" the safely-deslgned "!tu9lYt.:hen the tteslgn avalanche occurs. The rnoderal.-tr"r"ta zone li.dlffirent ln that tbe avalanche freguency ls less (the return-;.;i;d i" longer)r-thus the prrobabillty of encounter wlth an avalanche rh1le outsia" tu. speclllty designed strugt:. e ls consldered to be negltgible. r"t"ottfiy, f fe-e1 1* 1! veiy-lnportan! fo1. the Town of ValL to ensure that no resrdeniiaL constructlon tL aoie ln the hlgh hazard zone. thls coufd establlsh a d.angerous prrecedent ' Hor, for exannple ' could' the Town of Yall restrlct any future constructioi to tn" hlgh hazard zone, regardfess of locatlon? In ierrns of the detalls of the avalanche structure, 1 assurne lt was cornpleted by Jotrnson - Vollancl - et"tt"f.t", Inc', of Arvad'a' Is thls co:rect? If so' I assunethedeslgn"".co'pr"t.a.."o'ar',stonorrnal.grofesslonalstandardsand offer no cornmenis on-the iu.rrarty of the cleslgn. However, lt 1s not clear to ne how the 550psf foaaing crlterla iras chosen. fro avalariche study f a'rn fanlllar wlth .p""fif"u tirat thls lfadlng condltlon nould exlst ln the hlgh hazard zooe' In a report Oatea.lune tOr'tgZ6 by.myself and 1icDowell' Scott, ald Coxt Inc' t ne speclfy u. st".En"t1o;--t"s-=ut"'or !5oisr domh11l frorn the boundary between the iriet, ;a ,ffi. As stated on page 7 of thls report ,.Thesta€natr"n-p"'"=*."o.referencepressurelevels.Theactualpressures or force p"r unit a:cea on an exposed object, clepencls on the slae, shape t and orientatlon of the object. Thus, ai obiect-placed ln thq hlgh bazard zone could be cleslgned so that gressrlres of less ltvtt 3.Ot/nt (6L5psf) would affect-li:- Eonversely, tt ts posslble that objects ln elther hazard zone could experlence gressrlres ln eicess of stagnatlon gressures "' The sanre leport r on page 8, goes on to tecorunend tbat 'Because of the flow deptht velocity, ana pressr:iel of'the deslgn avaaanche, no new constructlon should take olace withln eltner tlre rrrgh or uloderate hazard. zones...." I agree with thls ;;;;;;i";' -i;;. al-so ilv Fetrruarv 2) Le+'tex) ' I L L The groposed tleslgn apPears to be of the fonr of a.n avalanche galleryr or "snow shed,, , sonewhat .r,*iil"Jo design used to grotect hlqhways and railroads. I do not feel thls type oi aestgn ls leneralLy appllcable for bulldlng grotectlon'I ,/ Avoloncho Dymmkr, Dobn|r, Zoning a tylorrnloln Torr.nt Anolyrlr o SloF Srobiltt -----..,,10 :'1rlr , vail. colorado 81652 (s03l 476-s613 de;:artnrent of cornmunity dcvelopment Januarry B, Lg?g -.. ! r tLltl clay of Tom Leroi Box 952 Vai1, Colorado B16b? Dear I\Ir. Leroi conditional certificate of occupancy has been issued on your duplex with the understanding that irt.-in"ing of your driveway and landsg"pilg.n" ."n.,pfuted by July 1, 'g.g. If these items are not compleled-trre Torvi of vail Builcring offical may cause them to be completed at your expense. . Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated. rf there are any further q".*ii""I please contact me. I have read and understancl Conditional Certificate of Occupa"cy. Mark Chief V/. illarchus Building Official SEAL Subscribecl and 7979.,sworn to before me this pbo -l e ==, e,.?l E E r I z o E m ! 3 -{ tt ;'o-{o<o!cm >;z^ ri 4t t{o,E5 j z 9>So =-6 oL}l 'zr\L =t\t, VALUATION -l -l t- m m ln 3 m z r.d>F >=r!t4 €+o>ct'- < tt r>-i O C' ' t);2 € z z .l a F' t t t f'9 9z .|'Z .'o o li!ot,) z m , m ->z o m o t- tn =-{+ z 'l .l =: < 3Fi i a z .l c z -l o .t N: o<o!cm >;z^ox 66 ,i 9V ;d I 2 9> o"Z^= N1l ::o \-t - z ln t- c,m ={ z 1t € !x !tr! 3I I -l r 11 t- lll -l F t- -.t D t m .lt |-o m -l m m =m z i z o m m D} 9F P6 ;l z ;z ln E G' € c o t z z ,l d t!.t .i -l l! I N a\i\iN Ntf t -{e - -, G' -l E E l-I z o $ uvseecrlru TOWN OF FrEeuEsT VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED .] AM PM CALLER D ornen E pnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED TUE AM PM MON COMMENTS: .THUR FRI ElnppRovED D otseppRovED I unorrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNSl D nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS DAIE :/ '? f. "'. t f" INSPECTOR rNsPEcriru TOWN OF FTEO|'JEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RE e rvrri- eru pnn cALLER E ornen E penrrll LocATroN READY FOR INSPECT]ON /t'L>rylh MON COMMENTS: (9 THUR fl aeeRovED E otsnppRovED IJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS D nerNsPEcr 1,.-r'7:., '."\r*>-,t + ; <)/_-jx'.*..]'r--b:._t : 't 1'O\t'N -/"'/ ol:FlcE i---- I i L ' ,'':(t .J r,* :,- '.. '. I .----tt -t2! !:!,t ;i r4,1it,ttsr4jJ I orHen: A,9C. Grstu /or NOTE: -4PW 4-.!-,r],1 ;€'.6"€t",y'{t Dnc -e{/-z(@*.;_---,// _a!EE/44 ii*ss ilrutie* ! ?j q' \ { ]4 -i rrl I |i iJ ,,.n &r.,!ot ail fr'*i;:r: yg }TST T C ]S THIS BUILDING Has Been lnspected, and n ceruenaL coNsrRUCTroN V*oro**"/]- LJ WARM AIR FURNACE I GAS FITTING AND VENTING fl zoNtNG CONCRETE PLUMBING ELECTRIC WIBING NO BUILDING PERMIT or; \,'AtL. C(Jl_oRAI)O OIj I]t-il LDIN (] ()FFICIAL D il D tr gS ii#g AfiilfrFTED 'r"l?- 7f 378i':P:],\'or. lSuilding I rtspector ()l'liec ot' lltrihlin.rt Ot'l.icirl. 'l Of,'N OF \1,\11", COt.Oli,\lX) SINGLE TAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDENTIAL ZONING CHECKLIST Distance Betrieen Buildings: Required -23tr ba*eft 47, 14 c.R.r'.A. Alloweai-guirfrable Area zJffiLx .2/ % //x Z 2/r,vrr Actual 7%Slope Actual Legal Descripti on: 4 ?/, VA/L 4.tn*AuS ,plZl4bM. / Zone Distriet: ,e. Profosed Use: 8N4 ta*tttZY pe:s. Owner I fO// Z.E/<Dtr Architect : Ot <'&e, _ . Sldes 1Or + Lot Area ,zLfiErffilits Hazard Area , t uarW% f*g 7v .77'6s Equals Buildable Area:4/z/q 36 I,rr Height: Aetual 20,q Hoztn Setbacks: Required - Iront 20 1 Sn'/ft ,Rear2Ot +WEWTZF- Actuat - Front 7/q .site Coverage : Allorved Landscaping: Required Parking:Required Drivel Slope Permitted Parking and Drives Must Environme ntar- / Hazar d : Comments: Lot Area Lot Area //x?o Be Paved Avalanche Tlood Plai-n Slope Distance From Creek Trees Removed ActuaI tdotu 'r,t ear 3/,€ = 467/ Actus-l /54&/T % = 1843 Aa 6a%= Zoning Appro 7reeE /s 4/s *u"pt ?aT bnrse 4s PEtz-7 -rf oF '4ft ./aa. uuseeclru FrEGrqFs VAIL TOWN OF DATE JOB NAME CALLER ! orxen fl pnnrral. LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM MON COMMENTS: ! appRovED n or snpp Rov E D ! nerNsPEcr Ll upottt rHE FoLLowtNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE I NSPECTO R PLUMEIIIUGi./ MECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL OF BUILDING: oF woRK: n ruew ! noorror,r ! nerrnooel f] nepnrn RIPTION OF WORK: E nppnoveo TOTAL FEES: $ PLUMBING: NUMBER 3'' - P MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $VA,LUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE E orsnppnoveo DATE .o PLUMBING/MEGHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL won= IEEO/ oooness 2 7/ OF BUILDING: oF woRK: Xnr.w ! noornon E nennooel E nEpntn RIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER &.P MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALUArloN $ /€OO I VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: ;.\ PERMIT FEE/ Fls oo )PERMIT FEE v\fi^t1 Ury xd, q\to APPRoVED ! otseppnoveo /r d./,x,frir-ea ToTAL FEES: S' "/ >- "or, 7/3. 77 U \, ot4 zi ,..1 L-.,{ ,4 4to tll 9 i" >3 --- O !D 'g c. o .l z i E* rt;irr? X qq'O s, = A-;t 'D *',i se -.3:r3 3'= i ;;tf;Ei;*6 3r.i *' eC:: F rsiitg?gE i iFl}iaEii g Fseeills;r g. ac:!:;d.I * h:1lg B:: E i[if ;;fs r i;917s3'i o. =. 1i, f,;; F1 d^ a lllig;:f ; 10s3-18*e =- r€saeEIs t=l<I to II l.tJ!l:. tcJ t<l- o)P'(O- 3 { o T € € .ct i '3 d"-a | .1. $ t9 L '.t r.)Ft h, {9 =i . iilti;'lifl;irlri*I ; ir:i:l ;,i{=.i;il i;,i8.'ii:i; iiii iiilii i:ii: :iitfiiii ;iiiii ;;;i, t*;$r:l;:a e e' o l! d { o I |-\ I I I xd E.l! I 5-:3'3-,Y=€ft o.9 o € .D p =t N"l\ =' 6' E lD K(o F' t\^N a;t alL :- o.6 d { lD o it ! .D a 1 a o i P r-t \. ffi MfMAER 2305 CANYON BOULEVARO BOULDER. COLORAOO 80302 444-1951 Consulting Engineers JOHN SON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA, INC. June 5, 1978 !tr. Ton LeRoy hx 952 VaL1, Colorado 81.65? Re: Resldence at Lot 2t, YatI Meadore, Filirg No. 1 Dear l,{r. LeRoy: We heve reviered certain ltructural elenents of the octagonal resldence under eonstructlon at the above sl.te. The prlnary lten whleh ve rlere rpecifically asked to investLgate ls the loed-esrrXdng nes onrX/ pler at the center of the house. In ry oplnton, thia clrcular rree onry ars enb\r rr111 be eapable of carrylng the loadr to rhieh lt nay be subJected' nanely, two structural floore and a roof. lhe foundation belor eLto appearlr to be satisfactory. Thlr oplnlon ia based on a revleu of the eontract drawlngr, exanlnatlon of constructlon photographr, dLseusslon nith you about the pnoeedurer ernployed, end ealculatiorre nade by ur. Ag I understand lt' tbe bulldtng offlclals rtere coneenled prt-narily about the anount ol na tonry reualnlng at bean bearlng to support the nass of stone and bloek above. Olr colp- utationg lndleate that the glout between bean ends ia capeble of supportlng the naterlals abovo vlth tolerable stresses. The addltl-on of ctone iYeneern et thls point will further reduce bearlng stresset' although our ealc- ulations neglected any supoorting capability of the ctone. The stone and l-tg nethod of appttcatlon 1111 provide e noans of uttllzlng the cavlty between stone and bloek ac a relnforced grouted Ilntel' lf nex barg ere added th thla ape,ce. Although thls llntel night perfonn properly as La, I rrould consider sone special effort ln thle area ar good tnsuranee. l{e r11l bave soneone ln ValI near the end of thLs week. They eould revlerr 1n person the construetlon of thle nasonry, !f you desire. I rould strongly reconaend an lnspactlon of thls sort. at sone tl-ne prior to completlon. Very truly yours, Robert H. Voiland, her. rhv:v o JOHNSoN- VoTLAND-ARCSULErA, I a\a o )rFlE 6,1?* t'o al',t€ .|rfbtlDNl eF Tt^lN otr v41L tstrup.s\b rr\gkzzoz rl0f.ttc M4€o-ltls : Lg OtScuega a^\ Juote 5$- , "I rle ffiL6 € -roArl=o$ - Vgttntl df> - AZcrduLgT4- rr.\Cr' ccr\futrt$b en[6rnee9; flte HAg,o{4W n4g.'\tg,Vt r$asP69,€ ae- cAZBYr,rlu /f4J,- vetvog rT flonl ffis,/vt€ 9e65gI5 'iD. i-fD A,frV*cC- rt%@e ccr"J*:lpcnur..I , nE ',ezLaof ltT qe$ aontr.t&f1ur.l 4l,ruL '8r- OAtP?ao A hlbY ,l^r2 f2g6qrurrar> +( rttr+ ?Ae%$/r +TVlt€ , Agj-pur^c:> ,F eF\ afue, V€r{etaa- +ttt6e A+ rf r+ r{oeda0LY r&taA cAap *F, I ^Itl'L rt9(-o ao{\rfr^lrt6 Cr{\.\ <lw roLvflr-l uter+ iv!.r.ldL f\€9 69 ABr-- tlg t'1 l'*€"uE€ &I v!.^lwL- 1 talg$ <>^\[\),-. qrt+1^[\a 6's.n4ptlEt1e\'- C^O"f-.rff f[ . :=_-r.1",8)'iAQPtltuAD\- Erur-g cF qtA- t3flr^l'lda^l lYll^lk1ea- o/..> ^,109odaeY 1o ?J'?zc1f.?- ,'.1: v9,€ L,r{Tra'L @Ef Al tua.r.g.4*}^lTa{ 1€ & t(g ?rtz' 'g'v{tTL..( w,.ax> hFD @,A€XL(.,/e{> iu'.lta-- a o T ' o' * /s PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that Thomas and Virginia Leroy applied for a variance from the provisions of Section 18'12.060 of the Municipal Code for the Town of Vail in order to construct a single family residence on Lot 2I, Vail Meadows, Filing No.1, in non-conformance with the setback regulations to locate residence outside the Avalanche Zone. Applieation has been made in accord with Chapter 18.62 of the Municipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on September 1, 7977, at 3:00 P.M. before the Town of Vail Planning Commissj-on. Said hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal Building. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Diana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator Published in the VaiI Trail August 12, l.977 ' I APPL ICAT ION FOR VAR IA And/Or COND I T IONAL USE FERMIT 0rdinance No. B (Series of 1973) t.-5 -11 Pub I icaf ion 0ate Hearing Fee o NCE Application Da te Hear ing Da te Fin3l Decision date for Town Councll (we ) ( S ta te ) wssz (Address) , VAIL. Ph"""47L.4516 ( C i ty ) do hereby request permission to appear before the Vail Planning Commiss ion tc req uest the lo I low ing: {Yarience f rcn Ar-ticle tB , secf t, rlt.l2,!5O ) Toni ng Change from . to ) Park ing Varlance ) Conditional Use Permit to allow i n Zone, For the following described property: Lol/tract Zl , B lock Firine N,,b.. vAtL ngAcd{s trtL\ 16 Np# I _t Clearly state p u rpose and inten-f of fhis app lication lfl What do you {ee I is the basis for hardsh ip in fhi, .ur"f AEOIJ 1- I ( Ap P i ca n t ) alure b \ I lt / tl ,l )ao \\ ll tl tt tt J ? I I \N N_\ tt I t- )\ A ssl I v I I I \\ /\tix >s_=- 3r \t -/ ^n<{r'\l ,- \t )',,, .\ -/ -...( -nN ^()S-_ n \,, -t|:\\-' 'ra \ - ,<V \- ' \v -rl\\Y fr \\a) .MODERATE /n "-"V 23 76r38 r.- o MEMORANDUM TO: FBOM: DATE: RE: PLANNING COIdilIISSION DEPART}4ENT OF COMIIUNITY DEVELOPMENT SEPTEMBER 1, 1977 NEQUEST FOR SETBACK VARIANCE - TOil{ AND VIRGINIA LEROY LOT 21, VAIL ilIEADOIYS IILING # 1. !, .. The applicants have requested a six foot side setback instead of the required L0 feet on the Easterly side of their lot. 'fhe variance has been requested so that a singl-e-family resi-dence can be built on the lot outside of an avalanche zone. The Department of Community Development has reviewed the criteria and findings provided for in Section i8.62.060 of the Zoning Ordinance and our conclusions are as follows: CONSIDERATION OF FACTORS 1. The. relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Tbe distance betlveen the proposed house. on Lot 21 and the existing house on Lot 20, the lot directly to the East, is approximately 6O feet. The minimum required distance between buildings is only 2O feet, so that the distance between the structures on the side where the setback varj-ance is being requested is 3 times what l-s required. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or llteral interpretation and enforcement . of specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibi.lity and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives f this ordinance without grant of special privilege. The reason for the requested variance is so that a single- family residence can be built outside of an avalanche zone. Over * of the lot is in either a high or moderate hazard zone (mostly in the high zone), and this makes the lot very difficult to be built upon. The back side of the lot, the rentaining part outside of the avalanche zone, is very steep rvhiclr.dictrtes the proposed Iocation of the house. The applicant has proposed to put only a single-family residence on the lot rvlric.h is j.n accordance the purcl:asecl haz:rrd ordinance. Duc to thc unusnal circunstances described above anct thc owners proposrl to clear rvith bhese circunrsttnces, rve do not fcol that it would be a grlnt of special privilege to i.ssue this varl.ance - i I o ' 'pacu z ' LEROY VARIANCE 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and trafflc facilitles, public facilities and utilities, and public safety l9e do not foreseen any ad.verse effects upon these'factors CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The Department'. of Commirnity Der,'elopment f inds that: 1. That the granting of the varianse will not constitute a grant of special privilege in- consistent with the limitations on other prcperties classified in the same district. There are very few properties in avalanche zones faiing the difficulty presented by this 1ot. Because of the development.limitations in these zones, efforts should be made to allow reasonable development, if possible. The proposal of the applicant requests only a setback variance of 4 feet to alLow sohstruction totally outside of the hazard area. This should not be considered a special privilege. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health,. safety, or welfare, ot materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. .' (See number 3 under CRITERIA AND FINDINGS) 3. That the variance is warranted, for one or more of .the following reasons: ' a. The strlc.t or literal interpretation ' and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical ,/ hardship inconsistant rvith the objectives of this ordinance- b. There are exeeptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applieable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The avalanche zone on thib property'causes difficulties and extraordinary circumstrnces not comrnonly experienccd by property o\ryners. For this reason, the Departrnent of Community Development reconrmends approval of tbe fequested setback variance, T. 'lEW Lpr * '.--..-- 7l eyq VarL - t{sA@hlg <uroarrcn\gt-o^l I I I ra' -r'--I- I @$@wr@ Nf'te:. fuw-24 o* uatf@ 6t tarw*L.Dr?e:'tgrl ,aa"\M {-c /-, q-r]6l\ r?alL \- C.D/?t{eV-,- P&- Dl gq@ dtrE -l -O .b\ :l il e-; ll --'l rl )trt.+€ e*aee l'@uhrD @)raVtErz- €l-O\9 tlTwz A-i /l 4'ocr @1@(** P.A(E o^\ co€.{e6 & ^rE vJAll- 15 e{ celf urtl€ ug€ ANCJl'6L ,f'(anrla eeAir4rc w t .4'Zn F@frorra164 4tAle, Y'l= t''gl o Ea- ---'---'- E * ,.--' O " --'' 5E (s I tq ilil t(;-d'rlfp.v rc"PotP VaraX\C/ r0n* qe VA\-- t)7 J b J % cof.Aetz HF€{"F 1b BrE-. C€tVrEra- tgAfTbll Drn"rN's Town of VaiI FT,NCITIICAL PERMIT ror Name....,/ ffiO/ ........ R€S-,..-. Electrical Contractor Applicant.---.-..---------...-.: Sl8!atura APPROVALS Date or Apprication-..- 7 :./-3 :.7..7-..,n..7-.7 N9 Building Valuation 467 Datc 7'/ 3 '77 elR--THIS FORM T3 TO BE POSTED 01{ JOB SITE DURING COilSTRUCTION 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQIIIRED FOR INSPECTIONS ,.53Af-ae Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Paid-...... Received By..--...-..-..-....-... $32* Pl!! Chcckct ,.t-' MEMOBANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: BE: PLANNING COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SEPTEMBER t, t977 - TOM AND VIRGINIA LEROY 2t,FILING #1 The applicants have requested a six foot side setback instead of the required 10 feet on the Easterly side cf their lot. The variance has been requested so that a single-Iamily residence can be built on the lot outside of an avalanche zone. The Department of Community Development has reviewed the criteria and findings provided for in Seetion 18.62.060 of the Zoning Ordina"nce and our conclusions are as follows: CONSIDERATION OT' FACTORS 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The distance between the proposed house on Lot 21 and the existing house on Lot 20, ttre lot directly to the East, is approximately 6O feet. The minimum required distance between buildings is only 2O feet, so that the distance between the structures on the side where the setback varianse is being requested is 3 times what is required. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict ' or literal interpretation and enforcement of specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this ordi-nance without grant of special privilege. The reason for the requested variance is so that a single- family residence can be built outside of an avalanche zone. Over * of the lot is in either a high or moderate hazard zone (mostly in the high zone), and this makes the 1ot very difficult to be built upon. The back side of the. tot, the remaining part outside of the avalanche zane, is very steep which.dictates the proposed location of the house. The applicant has proposed to put only a single-family residence on the Iot which is in accordance the purchased hazard ordinance. Due to the unusual circumstances described above and. the owners proposal to deal with these circumstances, we do not feeL that it would be a grant of special privilege to issue this variance. \ RE X"OR €S{$A€K VAIL MEADOWS o PAGE 2 LEROY VARIANCE 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic faciLities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. We do not foreseen any adverse effects upon these factors. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The Department'. of Commirnity Development finds that: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constltute a grant of special privilege in- consistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district, There are very few properties in avalanche zones facing the difficulty presented by this lot. Because of the development limitations in these zones, efforts should be made to al1ow reasonable development, if possible. The proposal of the applicant requests only a setback variance of 4 feet to allow construction totally outside of the hazard area. This should not be considered a special privilege. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health,. safety, or welfare, or materially lnjurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. (See number 3 under CRITERIA AND FINDINGS) 3. That the variance is rnarranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict or literal interpretation ' and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practieal ,/ hardship inconsistant wi-th the objectives of this ordinance. b. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The avalanche zone on this property causes diffieulties and extraordinary circumstances not conunonly experienced by property owners. For this reason, the Department of Community Development recommends approval of the. requested setback variance, &-ryWnr^*:,F|EEUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orHen ! pnnrrnl. LocAloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR MON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM 'l fl eppRovED ! orsnppRovED E netNSPEcr fl uporv rHE FoLlowtNG conRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR .ll,r l-\ t DATE ,I J- JOB NAME lNstTloN REQUEsT TOWN OF VAIL -'.,,"'oALLER .(,.1{,-'"'1 I INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W-V. tr ROUGH /WATER N FOUNDATION / STEEL n o tr tr tr FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL D POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR LI tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE - _, ,.,/,,,_ _ ;,- Leroi Duplex Lct 21, Vail Meadows 1st tr'i1ing box lfl! vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-$613 department of community development January 8, 1979 Tom Leroi Box 952 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Leroi: A Conditional Certificate of Occupancy has been issued on your duplex with the understanding that the paving of your driveway and landscaping be completed by July 1, 1979. If these items are not completed the Town of Vail Building Offical may cause them to be completed at your expense. Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated. If there are any further questions please contact me. I have read and understand Conditional Certificate of Occupancy. Mark Vl. Marehus Chief Building Official DATE SEAL Subscribed and srtrorn to before me this ,X day of 1979. {:iy 0r-:t*i;ri=:ie"'i ;:';';l'' J:;;' i' lto1 e '/./s,,',1.)., lNSGrloN REQUEST WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:,;/ MON CALLEB TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING D INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB D FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB T] FINAL i4APPRovED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED :"r4 l),1 i" TNSPECTOR t"' r Cot-/-tez i '.r rl -.r- -tt Prolect Application <,/- t /- -7 -srls -/ -,/ /- / 7 Project Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phbnel Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: o^r" .7- /?-7E DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL Date: Zoning Administrator Dale: Chief Building Off icial