HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL MEADOWS FILING 1 LOT 16 LEGAL.pdf?.g"r+, M^^o1.. -f-o,n 3t-t Q@ -7hS 75 South Prontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 wuw.uailgou.com December 12,2O11 Brian Reske 5945 W. 700 North McCordsville, lN 46055 Sent Certified Mail Receiot No.: 70100290000287284855 RE: 5'194 Main Gore Drive/Lot 16, Vail Meadows Filing 1 Departmmt of Comm*nity Deaeltpment 970.479.2 t 38 fx. 970.479.2452 Dear Mr. Reske, My name is Warren Campbell, and I am the Chief of Planning for the Town of Vail. I am writing this letter to inform you of zoning violation which is present on your property located at 5194 Main Gore Drive. The violation is the installation of a gravel parking spot adjacent to the approved driveway. Pursuant to Section 14-3-2, Other Requirements, Vail Town Code, unimproved parking areas are not permitted. 14-3-2: OTHER REQUIREMENTS: (in part) B. Suffacing: All parhinq areas shall be an improved paved suiace. Double track driveways are permifted. F. Location: Parkinq spaces. aisles and turning areas shall be entirely within lot lines and shall not encroach on anv public riqht of wav. No parked vehicle shall overhanq anv public riqht of wav. In reviewing the Town's files our records include a copy of the approved 1978 and 1995 site plans which do not depict the gravel parking area. These site plans are attached for your reference, At some point subsequent to these approvals gravel was added to the site to create an additional parking space in violation of the Town's Design Review requirements. For the past several months the Town has been issuing tickets to your tenants for parking on the gravel. At this juncture the Town requests that no further parking occur on the gravel area and that it is not plowed io prevent parking on the gravel. In reviewing the site plans we have on file I believe you have the space to add an additional paved parking space. Should you so desire, please submit an application to have the addition of an improved parking space reviewed for compliance with the Vail Town Code. Please submit this application by no later than March 31,2012. lf you choose not to construct an improved parking space please remove the gravel and reinstall grass and other vegetation in this area by no later than June 30, 2012. As stated above no parking shall occur on the gravel area moving fonvard. I Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is deslred.I Print your name and addrcss on th€ lev€rse so that we can retum the card to You.I Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece' or on the front if space Permits. 1. Adicle Addressed to: '8.,o^R*k 51LtS tJ -7oo,tJ*+h N\.C * J* ll, lIN t'l l, D 5 5 2. Arti:le Number (Tmtsf*trom *rvl6 @el) 3. Servlce TYPe X C",tin"o Uuif n Ealass Mail El RegiElaEd trl Retum Bslpt for Melchddise E lnsumd Mail El C.O.D. 4. Ft€sfifcd Dsliv€ry4 (E,tta Fee)E Yes ?ill,E 0a5D 0E0e B?e8 qE55 D. ls dellvery add€ss diffe€nt lrom ltem 1? lf YES, enter delivery address below: Yes PS Form 381 1 , February 2004 PostagG Certilied Fee Retum Receipl Fee (Endors€menl Bequired) Restdcted Deliwry Fo€ (Endolsement Requircd) Tolal Postago & Foes 'l t ,.< i \ \, o. \,.'-*i Dom€sdc R€tum R€c€lpt '| 0595"02-M-'|5,10 14 lJl EO EO ru f- cO ru E lr ru E trl rl o r! {iffilfgA I_ _U.S_g 75 South Fronuge Road VaiL Coltrado 81657 www.uailgou.com Departnent of Communiry Deuebpmcnt 970.479.2t38 fx. 970.479.2452 Please contact me by email at wcampbell@vailqov.com or by phone a|970479-2148 if I can answer any questions and to inform me of your goals moving forward towards the dates identified above. Should parking not cease to occur immediately upon receipt of this violation letter, the Town may pursue the issuance of a citation for the violation. I appreciate your immediate attention to this mafter. Sincerely, 4,k,h. cryIJ!_ Warren Campbell, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail Attachments: 1978 and 1995 Approved Site Plans Cc: Code Enforcement File ,,t I ,./l I I It rl t4 /.r I i" I j ln{ 1n "{I u t" <i $rE llr lt- ri I t d u 4 il r .l '.; t ll (\' s, ill \l 0 a Fl -tl r 7 fq qo ff -3 $g +H it' ; i/N iliI ilit ls J lF *l9 r lt B . . ..t.;liii;Id-logr 99. II ;_r t; h i :l WAGNER @ - -\ d.j li !:\ :,tr ..i == qO li !:\:,tr i.i == qO ij=s< \ti Myriam PO Bo)( e€) Dilbn,Colo 80435 303/468-6190 RESilDENGE ,'" f \ r5 \tl h s- -1@ tC r$ 5t 96 p HENAUUT ADDTTION 5194 MAIN GORE SOUTH LOT 16, VAIL MEADOWSfILING #1 n. Warren Campbell From: Sent To: Subject: Rob Mattes < mattes.rob@g mail.com > Friday, Decemb er O2, 2011 4:41 PM Warren Campbell Fwd: 5194 main gore dr Forwarded message From: Rob Mattes <mattes.rob@gmail.com> Date: Fri, Dec 2, 2Ot7 at 4:22 PM Subject: 5194 main gore dr To: wcampbell@vail.sov Brian Reske (owner of 5194 main gore drf contact information: 3t7-374-6700 brianreske@ aol.com 5945 W 70O North McCordsville, lN 45055 The property manager's name is Tom he can be reached at 317-260-0735 S\ t\ L--. December 9,2011 U"^Y$ Brian Reske 5945 W. 700 North McCordsville, lN 46055 \TJ [:'fi LirrJ * ' oere*+ J Ctr fen TX',,K, )-irr rll i a1- \g nil 7 I RE: 5194 Main Gore Drive/Lot i6, Vait Meadows Filinq 1 Dear Mr. Reske, My name is Warren Campb,ell, and l.am.lhe Cniej 9t Planning for the Town of Vall. I am writing this letter to_inform you ofponing violation which is present-on your property tocated at 51g4 Main Gore Drive. The vicjlation is the installation of a gravel 'part<ing spoi adjacent to the approved driveway. Pursuant to Section 14-3-2, Othei Requireme-nts, Vail Town Code,unimproved parking areas are not permitted. 14-3-2: OTHER REQUIREMENTS: (in part) B. Surfacing: All parking areas shall be an improved paved surface. Doubte track driveways are permitted. F. Location: Parkinq spaces. aisles and turning areas shall be entirety within lot lines and shall not encrpach on anv public riqht of wav. No parked vehble shall overhano anv public riqht of wav. In reviewing the Town's files our records include a copy of the approved 1978 and 1995 site plans which do not depict the gravel parking area. These site plans are attached for your reference. At some point subsequent to these approvals gravel was added to the site to create an additional parking space in violation of the Town's Design Review requirements. For the past several months the Town has been issuing tickets to your tenants for parking on the gravel. At this juncture the Town requests that no further parking occur on the gravel arel and that it is not plowed to prevent parking on the gravel. In reviewing the site plans we have on flle I believe you have the space to add an additional paved parking space. Should you so desire, please submit an application to have the addition of an improved parking space reviewed for compliance with the Vail Town Code. Please submit this appfication by no later than March 31 ,2012. lf you choose not to construct an improved parking space please remove the gravel and reinstall grass and other vegetation in this area by no later than June 30, 2012. As stated above no parking shall occur on the gravel area moving forward. Please contact me by email at wcampbell@vailqov.com or by phone at970-479-2148 if I can answer any questions. Should parking not cease to occur immediately upon receipt of this violation letter, the Town may pursue the issuance of a citation for the violation. Sincerely, ,l\ ,l t r 0il/l t/,,0/vtt'*- W. V6-*P(IQ,r',x- Warren Campbell, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail Attachments: 1978 and 1995 Approved Site Plans Cc: Code Enforcement File Page 1 of 1 FILT COPY Bill Gibson - 5194 Main Gore Dr, East Vail From: To: Date: 041231200810:03AM Subject: 5194 Main Gore Dr, East Vail Hi Bill After we received our Final DRB approval for 5194 Main Gore Dr, S, East Vail, I promised you a revised set of plans to address the concerns in your e-mail letter datd2/18/08. The major comment seemed to be the with the Siteilandscape Plan and the proposed slope exceeding2:|. We are having a Colorado Professional Engineer design the proposed slope and stamp a grading plan which will have a slope of approximately 1.5 :l . However he wants to see if there is any spike of seasonal ground water before he completes his design. I wanted to include the stamped grading plan, and that is why I have not yet submitted the revised set of plans, that I promised you. We have addressed the other comments and I could submit those to you without the stamped grading plan. However I would prefer to wait until the slope design is complete in a couple of months, and that way you can let me know if there are any other problems before I submit plans for Building Permit. Thanks for your help Brian Reske 317-374-6700 Get the MapQqeStToolbar, Maps, Trafiic, Directions & More! Get the InatrQ'eg! Toglbar, Maps, Traffic, Directions & More! file:/iC:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\TempU(Pgrpwise\480F09... 05i15/2008 DRts 68 - ooLl Bill Gibson - 5194 Main Gore Dr. East Vail FlLt C[PfPaserorr From: To:Date: 04123/2008 l0:03AM Subject: 5194 Main Gore Dr, East Vail Hi Bill After we received our Final DRB approval for 5194 Main Gore Dr, S, East Vail, I promised you a revised set of plans to address the concems in your e-mail lefter dated 2/18i08. The major comment seemed to be the with the Siteilandscape Plan and the proposed slope exceeding2:7. We are having a Colorado Professional Engineer design the proposed slope and stamp a grading plan which will have a slope of approximately 1 .5 : I . However he wants to see if there is any spike of seasonal ground water before he completes his design. I wanted to include the stamped grading plan, and that is why I have not yet submitted the revised set of plans, that I promised you. We have addressed the other comments and I could submit those to you without the stamped grading plan. However I would prefer to wait until the slope desigrr is complete in a couple of months, and that way you can let me know if there are any other problems before I submit plans for Building Permit. Thanks for your help Brian Reske 317-374-6700 Get the [/LapQuest Toolbar, Maps, Traffic, Directions & More! Get the UlEr_Quest Toolbar, Maps, Traffic, Directions & More! file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\TempUGgrpwise\480F09... 04124/2008 T1 t 3 jl:j &6ttuea,]Y *.\,tt.swxf Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FOR1I Department of Community Sevelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, colorado 81657 lel:970.479"2139 fax:970.479.245? web : !Yx,nrr. va i l gov,{onr Project Namer RESKE NEW SFR Project Description: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: DRB Number: DR8080021 FINAL APPROVAL FOR THE CONSTRUCilON OF A NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Participants: OWNER RESKE, BRIAN C. - BRYAN T. B O1/28i2OOB 5945 W 700 N MCCORDSVILLE rN 46055 APPUCANT RESKE, BRIAN C. - BRYAN T. B O1/28/2OOB 5945 W 700 N MCCORDSVILLE IN 46055 5194 MAIN GORE DR S VAIL Location: 5194 MAIN GORE DRIVE SOUTH Lot: 16 Block: Subdivision: VAIL MEADOWS FIL 1 2099-182-2000-8 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: DANTAS GILLETTE 5-0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval= O2/2012008 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0009764 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72 (2002 edition) and VFES Standards. Cond:CON00O9765 Fire sprinkler sptem reguired and shall omply with NFPA 13R (2002 edition) and i VFES Standards. Cnnd: CON0009788 Prior b applhation for a building permtt, dre applicant shall submit plan corrections ldentified in Staffs Feb. 18, 2008, ernail for revjew and approval' Plannen Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paad: $650.00 New Construction Application for Design Revie Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81G57 tel: 970.479.2t28 f ax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.@m $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addibons & interior conversions).$250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re.roofing, painting. window additions, land{aping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee reErvE JAN 28 2008 TOWN !E-VA!I one year ofthe approval. t) -l DescripuonoftheReques,, Ne.., S.-..=\. For{,J*.' K.=r.j."-.-- /V All projects reguiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to.the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requeied. an aFpticauon for Design Review n I cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community oevitbpment Departmenl The ? I qroject may also need to be reviewed by the Town council ani/or the planning and Environmentat commission- L t Design rcview approvat lapses unless a boilding permit is issued and construction commences within \Z- g)TLP General Informationl Physical Addressr Name of Applicant: Itlailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: I Signs I Conceptual Review ialru"r" C-onstruction D Addition E Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) C Minor Alteraton (single-family/duplex) tr Ctraqges to Approved Plans D Separation Request Parcel No,: 'z otiti lazzoooSl fcnnracf Fante r-n accpcc..'r >r Q7^-?)a-a(an fnr na'^t ^^ \ UF I cr Name(s)of owner(s): L-\ci-'- i(e..tL:c fjf.-.,,.^- (5..rr..- ll.,.t Name(s)of owner(s): L-lCi-'- i\e..skc , L1f\.,.^_ f5.;:*ne-. ir,-,.t /4 Mairins Addressr 5r^:\l i : lco hi-,-i'L.t .\,01. C-rJs-r l{! i fu ve oss Y. r,l -, Locat,on of the proposat, tot: I 6 atu:i: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Owner(s) Signature(s): lTff*eFo{g= ".xn"., 7?( Meeting Date: ,' r _ DRB No.: t[\t1 ( Planner: L\ \C project No.: 1t f, e.., ,l . \ v\l " -.. c''^,--j rj I-ll {-\ f r+.v .a TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO Statement Number: R080000104 Amount: $550.00 Ol/28/2OO9O1 :39 pM Statement Init: JS NOtAtiON: 991/BI,UE DEVIIJ Palment Method: Check BUIIJDERS INC Permit No: DRB08002L T14)e: DRB - New Construction Parcel No: 2099-182-2000-8 SitC Address: 5194 MAIN GORE DR S VAII, Irocation: 5194 MAIN. GORE DRIVE SOIITH Total FeeE 3 This Pavment:$5s0.00 TotaL AIIJ Prnts: Balance : + * t'**.t*'i** * *** * ****+** ** ***+**************:]*++ *{. +{.* * * * * *+++**+*+****+* * +,}t**+*+****+**++* * * * $6s0.00 $6s0.00 $0.00 Current Pmts 6s0.00 ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES NEW CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: The review process for new consttuction normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Eoard: a conceptual review and a final review. lppliians should plan on pr"r"iting their developmdnt proposal at a minimum of two rneetings before obtaining final approval. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** 'l f All pages of Applicatrbn is complete d Checklist is completed and signed d stampeO Topogiaphic Surveyi d/ Site and Grading Plan*d. Landscape plan* d/ Arch itectural EleyaUonsx d . Exterior color and material samples and specifications.s' Architectural Flmr plansx d, Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures v/!!ae report, incruding schedures A & B to verify ownership and easementsx c' Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where appricabre.o Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable o Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicablex o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings,specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary -to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proqosal is not dearly indicated. Please subntit three (3) copies of the materials nored vith an asterisk (+). x+For interior conversions with no exterior chanqes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a tifle report, and written approval from a condominium issociation,landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. r have read and understand the above risted submittar requirements: Project Name:lq.l Contractor F: \cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\P|anni rE\d rb_new_construction_ 1 1-23-2005.doc Page 3 of 14 7Ll23l20f.s Description of the Character of the proposed Structure For the Single Family Residence ar 5194 Main Gore Dr S., East Vail Lot 16, Vail Meadows, Filing l, Eagle County Colorado The lot has 0.70 acres or approximately 30,544 square feet. The Single Family Residence will have approximately 7,400 square feet of GRFA on three levels plus a mid garage level. The foot print of the building has a site coverage of 4604 square feet including the 3 car garage of 864 Square Feet. The exterior finishes ar" iton", stucco and wood siding. There will be 5-6 bedrooms and 6 zz bathrooms. some proposed and All6 D,t?t a-." -- 3o,z74S Site Coverage Garage Size GRFA Main trvel GRFA Lower Level GRFA Upper Level GRFA Total Driveway Size Proposed 4604 Square Feet 864 Square Feet 3,740 Square Feet 3,000 Square Feet 660 Square Feet 7,400 Square Feet 1,684 Square Feet Allowable L,o{ffi q5z/ r ?5 -- VCtt jsgglquare Feet P fioo) o 3030 3295 I tt =:___ L,lrobq '1 ,gzt -e^*n^l3!A2Tquare Feet P 6,108 Square Feet lLn rg oD tq6b _9- bJLb L/+ 3o, z?4 -(,rtt , q;6h) ' zt,' 7(/ F 1U,/L/ rt PROPOSED LANDSCAPING PROPOSED TREES ANO SHRUBS Csrrrynon Name i1 i .I lJl wc \ p:-,..,c< .J Size iZ- r3'r-'-tr Botanical Name Ouantity l!J EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Deciduous Trees - 2" Calioer Coniferous Trees - 6. in heiaht Shrubs - 5 Gat- Tvpe souare Footaqe h,i.t,'.,i (.*,.** , t(;, Please specify other randscape features (i.e. retaining wa[s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) F :\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\ptanning\drb_nery_@ns&ucfr on_r 1_23-2005-doc Page I of 14 11/23/2005 Page I of2 Bill Gibson - Re: 5194 Main Gore Dr, East Vail'DRB Final FILE C ti:r;4x.*',91*ri!!ll,-1aii,i!i:1e!1t;,t'i"i9tt, !tr 'i;ijjji'l:".i'1.!4;tt: ;! r'jili ti t From: Bill Gibson To: brianreske@aol.com Date: 02ll8l20OB 3:20 PM Subject: Re: 5194 Main Gore Dr, EastVail, DRB Final Hey Brian, Grades between 2:1 and 1:1 can be approved if the final grading plan is designed and stamped by a Colorado Professional Engineer. Bill Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81557 (97O) 479-2L73 (970) 479-z4sz fax >>> <brianreske@aol.com> OZlLE|Z0OS 3:13 PM >>> Hi Bill We were planning on having the slope engineered for slope stability with Geogrid in conjuction with the retaining walls. Can the slope exceed 2:1 if it is engineerecl Thanks Brian ----Original Message----- From: Bill Gibson <BGibson@vailgov,com> To: brianreske@aol.com Sent: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 4:30 pm Subject: Re: 5194 Main Gore Dr, East Vail, DRB Final Hey Brian, The DRB saw the site at the conceptual review, so I don't believe that will 9o out there again this week' Here is a list of the review comments concerning the recently revised plans: On the site/landscape plan: r Show the limits of disturbance fence. o Label the snowstorage area size in sq'ft. (min. 10o/o of driveway area). r Ensure that no new grades exceed a slope of 2:1 (back of house aPpears to exceed limit). o Move the lower rear retaining wall uphill to ensure construction activities for the wall do not disturb the wetlands. Topographic Survey: r Submitted a signed copy of the survey. r The survey must note what data the floodplain line is based upon (contact Public Works for latest date). fi|e://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4789A2..' 02/1812008 Page 2 of 2 Floor Plans: o The crawlspace on the lower level shall not exceed 5 feet in height from the earth to structure above. Label max. height of 5 feet,r Any vaulted or open-to-below areas shall not exceed a height of 16 from finished floor to structure above to not be calculated as additional GRFA. Label max. height of 16 feet. Elevations: o Label the exterior materials and colors; or bring a colored elevation to the DRB meeting. Lighting Plan: r Revise the plan to comply with the max. fixture count of 30 lights. Others: o A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit will be required for all improvements in the street right-of-way. r Submit a color and material sample board for the DRB meeting' r Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 (97O) 479-2173 (970) 479-2452 fax >>> <bria,nreske@aol.egnD> OZ|IB12O9E 9:59 AM >>> Hi Bill We have our final DRB meeting Wednesday for 5194 Main Gore Dr. S in Eat Vail. I don't know if you 9o on the site visi! but if you could let the DRB members know about a very similar house just off Main Gore Dr on Grouse Ln that I am currently building with Greg Cummings. Our proposed design on Main Gore has the same stone as well as truss and wood colors and level of quality as the house being built at 5142 Grouse Ln' The house at 5142 Grouse, which is the last left hand turn before our cul-de-sac, can be seen from Main Gore Dr, S. I will bring a picture in case they are unable to visit the site' Thanks for all your help Brian Reske 3r7-374-6700 More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail! fiie://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4789L2... 0211812008 Buildins Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows W;ndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: PROPOSED MATERTALS Tvpe of Material Color h*J\.** 1y sr'J< Lt -ll sc.r,..- f fcc*:ssi ...-o \. C!,*".& t CLt< Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number anC attach a color chip. :tlo''c \:.,,L+ bru,.,-. ,J,- .i.u-L D.-L'. S',t*,.r -\'..j -...1 SiL= L* {Sil.;. .t" F:\cdev\FoRMs\pERMlTs\ptanning\drb_ne{r_aonsauction_11-g-m05.doc ot{1e7 ot 14 1U23l20ss LAMPS PLUS: Print Product Photos Page l ofl lAllPtt ruJt, Casa Sevillen lron Scroll 18112" High Outdoor Light (720611 An elegant and lavish outdoor lighting look with a meeting of metal scrolls and hand-blown glass. lron scroll outdoor lamp comes in a handsome dark walnut finish. Scroll accents and metal delailing is enhanced by the tea-colored water glass panels. Add a touch of Spanish-style home fashion design to your outdoors. o Dark walnut finish.. Water glass panels.r Uses one 60 watt bulb (not included). o 18 1/2" high. e 7 3/4 wide. o Extends 11 114' trom the wall. f,1C Lu.r,.e,rs Originally at $99.99 Ships in 3 Days - This ltem Ships FREE ' Sale Price $84.95 through 01127108 http:/rwww.LampsPlus.com 1 {00.782-1967 ' Offer applies only to shipments made to the 48 continental US States. lL ,_-tt r\d r ?.. :- "1 "A,.1 ':. )"s ;: ., ^t,. 6" ECONOMY UNIVERSAT rc HoustNG INCANDESCENT AMPS tc22 tFtlt:r ._ (_) *-*i. &r,1,C,,r!\4 e Ccne 27C{NH XlCr!{trl 2:lc,B 27tIZ-tNH 27WI{Z-WH 27v ;ia-a! r. 23|C-WH l, L,iplj.r .Cleo Alzok.231Crl^r}l r\11 I rrlier Gc,ld Atzot,23|W-WH Muit p rer ,G oss \ /lrite 2?lr-WH @ifrH 228-WH BR3C t./eboll in Bloci Boffle BR30 Eieix)ll in BIock Soffle BR3C:yeL.ol] in Whie Boffie 2|I68"WH Blocl C5,{,, :er *r 8{:c[ Bo4 zl6w-urit y;:-2., [.,,In,i"ei" 24/lB-V*l C:.'rtr:rlBlockEr:llle 2tYlW.WH Conicol \Mire Bof{ie Al<-Wll Cone- C eor Alzck,247e,Wrl Cone- Gold Alzo!,247B.rMl Cofe , Blo( k AlzoL A7|12-WH Cone , Hoze 247W!lZ-lll!l Cone . 'y'Jheor Floze Cinicl Co.re n Cleor Alzck. Ccnr-rrlC.ne rn Gdd Alzch' C,rlici::C'rre irr Gdd Alzoir Conirr; C,v,e io Blo,--l AL:ok. C(tri.olC.re in Pelnef Alzo[- Csr r<rlCue in Gloqs ,,!l.ite Cr-,t,,:rrl C,rnt- in Hoz" a,ri( ol {:,,xe n t\heol Hcze Cori ol.l,;rre tr Whtrcl H€e ox- lorr|p Roting 50\,'v PAR3C 75i J ?AF3CL 65w 8R30 5O\,\i PAR30 65\ry BR30 60w A I 9, 65W BR30 75W PAR30./30t 9OW PAR3B gOW BR4O @w Atg 65W8R30, 75\^/ ?.AF30/'30t. 90,,,v PAR38. 90\ "/ BR4C 50r'v PAR30 75\i,/ PAR30, 65w BR30 60wAr9 50w PAR20/R20 Z5W PAR3Ot. 55v\, BR3C 50w PAR20./?20 75W PAR3oL o5\,^v BR3C 6OW PAR 16 75W PAR3o| 60!^/ PAR30, 65W 8R30 Z5W PAR3OI, 65W 8R30, 75W PAR3O e;fffi" 24W-Wt{ TRIMS 248.Wll Dercnption C,:rricclElocl Bollle Cr'nirr' Blorl Eolle Co'ri(c Bb.k Bollle Co'cr-riBlcck Bcflle C(r1,, ol W'l,ile Bolfie Sroiqhl eb.k BoFle Sl'('iqll Blo.l Bofile Slr.iqlri Block Bollle 3'.i.rhr \ /hite Bcllle Co[ f,fo. Dcs<rbtb.r 25GWH Ooen Fromc , '=- , 25GPB Open hc,me ' \2/ 2** Open Frorne 25GAAZ Open Frorne -:;:::-- I .:_ )) 2s2-wH P,egresed Open F'om: PAR30 Miu:tobb 81or-k Bol{Je PAR3O Miusroble - Whib Bofi le ftfox. fomp Foting 65W BR30 Z5W R/BR3O 5OW PAR3O 5OW PAR3O 40\,t A l9 45W PAR38 50w PAF30 65W 8R30. 75W PAR30 5CW PAR3O,65W BR3C, 75\ ,/ PAR3oI 5OW PAR3O 65W BR3O, Z5W PAI3O 65W BR3C 5OVV PAR3O, 75W PAR3Ot Z5W PAR3O 25FWD| /t------i\ 25E PB \\--_r_/ 25B"SC 25U,-WH 288-WH ta Co,r,cc Bb,:k Bclie 28W-WHaa Corrr:o \ /hiie Bo{ite 'lFrl=t ,6l tlrr:t I (-l )-l bTc.l/ol oALlOA :, srt_rble.Clrc.Azol.267C,Wl PAR lO AdiusroU: Gokl Alzor 26'TD.Vttrl fAiJ0 Aoi' a.cble - Ebd 4ztrt bTllz-Wjl PAP3O Adiurabte. Flaze 267WI{Z-WH PAR30 Mjusroble ! vh<rrrHoze 2al-WH a Dop Orrrl r,irh Rellettr,r 241:nN a ShowerZCber iiohr 2a2-V{tl a Sf..+er Tr;nr. 242-*, 1a Frcs'ed lens wirh Cteor Cenrer 2';2-r;Et a Lrn_,:rcrs Disc LumlryJ{ls Ds( Lumirous CcJlcr @ R20 Re,rr:sstd Eyei,o BF30 RrrlerseC Eyebcli BR30 ?err.s.r. I Eveboll BR -10 Rtrl.t,ssec Ereboll BR30 Fo;'ess;d Eyet: I 7t1!E!:l @ /.€-;\ 229_pB \-\-L1 229.sc 429-AAZ @ 248r,v-wH r,2ot,,: :,: r vV'r.Born. . --. 2498 U6 '. r lffi^ -o ?,,r- l3OC S. Woll Rocd . PO. tscx 5055 o Des pioires. tL l*r#;-* 220 Chrysler Drive . Brompron. Onrorio . Concdc iO! Visit !s ot ww\^r' iu,rol ghtinggroup com Xn3Of Of WH A\4O Souore G mbotRtnq-vlhir Xl3olollL A,,lO foe1e cinbot R;.8.-L"XllllOlOlcP A)rlC \Lr,: e Cnir: p..i G.oor,u:Xt3OlOlSL A!1O foror: GnrrtP,ne $te, Tr:m $ze:_y'I' O.D (e.xcef, Cot. Nos. 228. ZZ9, 241, 24,.8" O.D.,Cat.No.97@-Vl' O D j Trrm-tinish. ABZ . Closs'c iged Bronze, BL - Bloct, Gp - Grophit, P8_ Pol,shed Bross, PW - Pl; c White ipolycorbonore moreiiol shower rrrm),5C. Sorin Chrome, St-Silver, WH-White Alzol is o regiJterod hodemork ol Alcoo Coro. Note: In Conodo when insulotioo is pesent, iype C fiiures must be used. nmt ry1O,1C no,1.1ngs meer |ECC Energy- Code requrremenrs per ASTM E283.Arr-Loc' roreo rrrns ore pregosketed lor r,tin;mum o;r leokoge wifi lC hor,5ing5 r) UL lhtred br use in wet locotion. f ll UL UsCd b r:se in vaet lcrotioar with oudoor roCd hmp. 600 I 7-5065 r Phone l84Zl B279BBa o tox l84Zl 827.2925 686 r Phone l905l292-t335 r Fox l9o5l 79aZOO;64 prinbd in U S A. O20O5 JrJno Uglh€, Inc. Cot l'lo. /7:\ 26tB-wH \-,/ 264W-WH 4ft1 932a.p3 f"_G-_J 932+3C @-. @ 9o24w-wH \Mikr ocbgonot wil\Mie &,I{te t-@ ##fi Bf;fft'"", JUNO Proiect: Fixture Type: [ocqlion:tc22 Contoc/Phone: PRODUCT DESCRIPTION lC Air-Loc" Housing . Energy elficient, seoled housing . fq6 le completely covered with insulotion . When used wi$ Airloc Goskel {see occessoriesl, stops infiltrolion ond exfiltrotion of oir, reducing heoling ond cooling costs . Trims shown wiih Air-Loc symbol 7iftF do not require o gosket. PRODUCT SPECI FI€ATIONS lomp [omp rofings bosed on trim selecbd-see reverse, Socker- Mediurn bose porceloin with nickel-ploied copper screw shell r Adiusbble socket plqte ond debchoble socket with 5nop'n springs to qccommodole vorious lomp ond trim combinotions o Socket plo|e secured ot lwo points for consistent, shoight hmp posilioning lrims Jrim seleclion shown on reverse. tobels U.t. listed for through-bronch wiring, domp locotions ond lP.. Producf thermolly_prorected ogoinsl 'mproper use of lomps . UL Lisled/CSA cerl;fied . Irims 241 , 242 orc wet locolion opproved for covered ceiling opplicotions o Trims 28, 29 ore wel locolion opproved lor covered ceiling opplicotions. when u5ed witfi outdoor roted lomps. lerring - All reporls ore bosed on published indusky procedures; lield performonce moy differ from loborotory performonce. Product specificolions subiecI to chonge withoui notice. INSIATIATION Reql Noil3 Bqr Hongers Telescoping, potenl-pending Reol Noil 3 system permits quick plocement of housing onywhere within 24', O.C. iorsts or suspended ceilings . Integrol T-bor notch ond clip secures housing in suspended cerling grd - no occessory clips required . 24' exponsion stop ollows qlick plocement of fixture in slondord grid spoc.ng . Bo.s scored in Mo locotions for fost, cleon breoking, ollowing housing iostollotion in tighl oppl;cotions . Bors.coptive lo mounting frome . Edge.mounbd for extro slrength o Coptive bugleheoded ring shonk noil lor quick one-step instollotion ond eosy removolwith clow hommer for fixture relocotion o Quick-loc slot ond oversized lockinq set screw lock fixture in position . Bor honger foot contoured td olign to boltom ol consiruction ioist . Alternote mounling holes included. Junciion Box Prewired iunclion box provided with {5 ) Z" ond {l } 7." knockouts, (4} Romex connectors ond ground wire, U.L. lisied/CSA certified for ihroughbronch wiring, moximum 8 No. I 2 AWG 90' C bronch circuif conductors (4 in, 4 ou{ . Juncljon box provi&d with removoble occess plotes r Knockor,rts equipped wilh pryout slots. Mounting Fr.me 22gouge die.formed golvonized steel mounting frome . Roughin section {iunction box, mounlinq frome, housing ond bor hongers) fully ossembled for eose of inslo-llotion. Housing lC housing, .032" oluminum seoled for Air-loc Complionce . Housing is verticolly odiustoble to occommodote up lao I " ceiling thickness. PRODUCTCODES 6 7,/8" CEILING CUTOUT ACCE5SORTES (ololog llo. Dessiptloo A[.to( 66ket 'o dd€,. :p-,f, .oroh€ iuiib., 6" ECONOMY UNIVERSAT IC HOUSING INCANDESCENT LAMPS DIIVIENSIONS l(22 l?0V Al94R30/8R40/4ARt6//pAiZ0/pAR30/pAR30t/pAR3B/R20 6ee reverse fu mn. fiim oling) REV-4/05 ,o t-D Suruey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Cornmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado g1657 tel: 97O-479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.mm *This dtecklist must be submitted prior to Pubtic Works review of a proposed development nppti.untr 31,--.- R.er,..Lae phone Number: -ll-7-:s? y- 6?c..C) d { o Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris , flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) 8/, Watercourse setbacks (if applicable) d-Trees o/ LaOetea easements (i.e. drainage, utitity, il )Uttlittl locations a/ Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of Submittal --ct Stamped survey of property :-t Civil/Site plans Survev Reouirements: 6, Surveyor's wet stamp and signature 7 .. Date of survey :r/ North arrow c1r Proper scale (1"=10'or 1"=20J Qi,, Legal description Or' Basis of bearings / Benchmark a,' Spot Elevations qr' Labeted right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. o Lot Size o Build able Area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 409o, and floodplain) Site Plan Reouirementsi asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction . from property. { Landscape plan Itle Repoft (Section B) pedestrian, etc...) Topography I. / Access (check all)s/ Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan.a Unheated s,/ Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone)/ Sno* storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30o/o of driveway area if , unheated; 10o/o of driveway area if heated)o/ All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development . Standards, p. 11. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade):--tr/ Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 II. _ Construction Site (check all)f}/ Location of all utilitbs and meter pits are shown on the site plan,E/ Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan.g' I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic C-ontrol Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction.s' I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit wilt b€ required prior to construction. F:\cdev\FoRMs\PERMlTs\Planning\drb_new_constffition_11-23-2005.doc page 12of 14 r1/2312OO5 ill Drainage (check all that apply): nu required valley Pan is shovrn on the site plan as per Development standards, p. 12.o (Note: Valley pan must not be heated) . rt'' 4 Foot Concrete Pan B g Foot Concrete pan tr}' Positive and adequate drainage is mainbined at all times within the DroDosed site.t-t culverts have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the siie plan.lr A Hydraulic report has been provided. (As requested by Town Engineer) IV. Erosion Control (Check aU that apply)a Disturbance area is greater than one half acre.o,/A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and pE slamped.ttrl Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion control devices are shorvn on the site Dtan. V.. Floodplain (check all that apply) cr'- The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Ftoodplain.rt" 1O0 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan.a A Floodplain study has been provided. (Reguired if floodplain is within construction limits or as requestd by Town Engineer)-: The proiect does not lle within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain Vi. GeologicayEnvironmental Hazards {check all that apply)3 The Droiect lies within a Geologir/Fnvironmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. z0)3 A Hazard Report has been provided a/Ihe project does not lie within a Geologi{Environmenbl Hazard area. Vii. Grading (check all that apply) \r/. Existing and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site olan.u-,' All disturbed areas have been returned to a 2:1 grade.u All disfurbed areas not returned tc 2:1 qmde have been Professionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stable soils. pE stamped details are provided'within plans.u only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no prooosed grading. VIIL Parking {check all) B" All residential and commercial parking spaces conform to the Development Standards, pp. 12&15. IX.. Retaining Walls (check all that apply)e/ All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development standards, p. 19.n All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Pn:fessionaliy Engineered and a pE stamped detail has been provided wilhin ttre ptans. e// All retaininq walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction.u No retaining walls are reguired for this project. X. . Sight D'stance (check all that appty) D/ Proper sight distance has been atbind and stpwn on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12.! Proper sight distance has not been athinel^ Exnlanation whv: Additional Comments Please provide any additional comments that rrtain to public Works Revierv- ?"'.J,'\=.--Applicants Signature F:\cdev\FoRM5\PERI4lls\planninq\drb_ne'/y_cor!*ruction_11-23-2005.doc page 13 of 14 i r/23/200s &rr li,t.,, r'l' Ll,t'i, l','. lr.: ,', _:tir. ll\tlt ' . ..1 ll, , , .' r " l IJEPWORTH PAWLAK (]EOTECHNICAL October 5,2007 Real Estate Consulting Services, Inc. Attn: Brian Reske 5945 W. 700 North McCordsville, tndiana 46055 Subject: Job No. 407 0266 Wetlands Delineation, Lot 16, Vail Meadows, Filing I, Eagle County. Colorado. Dear Brian: As requested, Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical (H-P Geotech) has performed a wetlands dclineation and prcpared this wetlands delineation report for the subject lot located at 5194 Main Gore Drive in Vail, Colorado. This report 1r'as prepared in accordance with ow written agreement with you dated August 3,2007 - The data obtained and our findings are presented in this report. Purpose of Study: 'l'be wetlands delineation was performed to determine the wetland boundary on the lot. with regards to future construction. It is our understanding the existing residence wilt be demolished and a new residence will be built. Site Conditions: The site is located at 5194 Main Gore Drive. An existing residence occupies thc site and is perched on the crest of an cxtremely steep (approximately 1.5 horizontal to 1 vertical) slope. The slope is about 40 feet high. Gore Creek is located east of the stope and flows south to north. Frrrther to the east lies an undeveloped lot (Lot l2) and property owned by the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. To the north and south lie developed lots, Lot l5 and Lot 17, respectively. Literature Review: Below is a list and explanation of the literature that has been reviewed tbr this report. Real Estate Consulting Services, Inc. October 5,2007 Page2 Topographic Maps: The site lies rvithin the USGS 7.5 minute Vail, Colorado Quadrangle. A portion of the topographic map showing the approximate site location has been provided as an attachment- Soil Survey: The United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service has not completed a soii survey for the Eagle County area to date. National Wetland lwentory Maps: Due to the small size of the lot, National Wetland lnventory Maps were not reviewed for the study area. Aerial Photographs: An aerial photo was reviewed and is provided as an attachmcnt. Black Gore Creek willows adjacent to the creek are easily distinguished on the aerial photograph. Site Reconnaissance: A wetlands delineation rvas performed on the property by I{-P Geotech personnel on August 3l,2OO7 following procedures outlined in the 1987 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual. Wetland boundaries were flagged and numbered. Two locations were chosen to complete Wetland Data Sheets, which have been provided as an attachment to this report. The Data Sheet locations are shown on Figure l. Wetland Descriptions: l'he wetlands at the site are Riverine, Upper Perennial, Rock Bottom (R3RB) as classified by the Cowardin Classification System. The wetlands on the property were prcsent along the length of the Black Gore Creek. The wetland vegetation is dominated by a variety of ground cover species, primarily Nebraska Sedge, Mountain Willow, Shrubby Cinquefioil and Mountain Hairgrass. The wetland hydrology source for the wetland complex at the site is primarily seasonal shallow groundwater and overflow from the nearby Black Gore Creek. No protected fen wetlands were found to be present on the site. Care should be taken during construction activity to not disturb any Job No. 407 0266 G5&ed''' TOPO! map printed on lO/O3/07 from "Untitled.tpo" 106017.000'w NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC z I o+rs IW nfunr ['' (Jl 5 s) =' o a =.o t_t' .,' i 3 '-,i--' t^ 3 :i !,irii :iiii ii& ,,ti Lot 16. Vail lUeadowq F-l Rcal listale Consulting Servicqs, PROJECT StTE: APPLICANT/OWNEtll INVI:STIc-\lOR DATE: COUNTY: STATE: PLOT t.OC.,\TlO)i lD,l DO NQII\{-,\L CIRCIT'IVISTANCES E)OST? IS TH': Si.IE SICNIFICANI'LY DISTURBED? IS T}IN NREA POTENTIAL PROI]LEi\,I AREA? lndicator rACU FACU+ PERCENT OF DOMNnrr"T SPECIES TttAt' ARE OBL. FACW, OR FAC (EXLUDtNG FAC-): Domincnt PIant Specics Common Name - RECORDLD STREr\Ni DATA (DESCRBE lN REMARIiS)I - S]]I€-ANI, LAKE OR TIDE G UCE X AERL.\LPI.IOTOCI{APHS OTIIER NO ITECORDED DATA VAILABI,I] FIELD O3SERVATIONS DEPTIJ TO SURFACE wn TIjR - (in.) DEPTH To FR[o lVrvfER ],tn.,DEPTI.I TO SA'tURATIjD SOIL - is (;n..i !VIIT[-AND I IYDROLOCY IN DIC.A,TORS PRIVARY INDICATORS INUNDT\TED SA'TURq.TED IN UPPER I2 NCTIES W.,\TI]R MARKS DRTFI- I,INES SIDIIVIEN'I DEPOSITS DL\INAGE PATTI]T{\S SI]CONDARY INDICATORS oXID|ZED ROOT CHN \\ELS IN UPPFR I2 NCIIES IVATER..S"IATNF D LE,,\VES LOCAL SOIL SIJI{VEY DATA IJAC.NEUTR.\I TEST ol rrER (EXP|_AIN rN RENIARKS) KS: During rhc high nrn-offseasorllhe tocatron or DS i rnay bc inunliGfiiiii .. 1VETLTIND DATA FORM ROUTTNE }Vf,TLAND DETERIVT INATION Pagel PROJI:C'I' SI'I'E: APPL-ICN N'UOW\HR: INVESTICA'IOR DATE: COUN'I Y: S"I'ATE: PLOI t OCAI-ION ID? DO NORN'\L CIRCUMSTANCES EXISI'I IS TIIE SN'E SIONIFIC,{NTI-Y DISTURBID? IS l IE AREA A PO1'ENTIAI- PROBI-EM AREA? t ominant Plont Spccrcs l) Salix pscudomonticola Ilountain Willolr PLRCIjN I OF DOI\,llNr\N I SPECIES TIIAT ARE OBt,, F_{CW, OR F C (EXLUDINC FAC_): _ Mountain l{airgrass - Rl:coRDt_t) sIREANI DATA ([)ESCRI]E lN RLMARKS): STREAM, LAI(E OR TtDE CAUCE AI:RLAL PTIOTOCRAPHS - oT ER . NO RECORDED DATA AVAILABII t-Il:t_D oBstil{vA]'toNs DLPI'I I TO SUIIIJACT: WATER DEPT}I TO FRI]I: I,\'ATER DltPTlt 1 0 s.{'rtiRATED _sOtL _ (rn.) l1 (in. ) vv l:TLAN t) IIYDROLOCY TNDICATORS PRI\IARY INDICA'TORS _ tNriNI)ATED X :JATIJIIATED IN LJPPER I2INCHES SI:CONDAR Y INI)ICATOITS OXIDZF:T) ROOT CITANNELS IN UPPIIR WATER-STAINED I.F-AVES LOC L SOII SURVEY DATA FAC.NEUTRT\L TEST OTflElt ([XPL-At\ lN RETV.ARI$) : During rhe h igh run-off sc son.the location of DS2 rna;.. b. inurxJ,*- ,, itf,-.r.-irc, WETLAIIi D DATA FORNT ROI-'TINE WETLAND Df, TERMINATION Page I IIV'AP UNIT (SERIES AND PFIASE): DMNAGE CLASS: TAXONOIT,IY: CONFIRMED MAPPED TYPE: PROTLE HO[-E DESCRIPTION DEpTll (tNcHES): I.IORIZON: MATRIX COLOR: MOTTLE COI,OR: MOTTLE ABUNDANCE: TEXTI-'RE: HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS _ lsTosol to 5YR 3,2 ta 7.5\? l/: CONCRETIONS _ lnsTlc EPTPEDON x sulFtDtc oDoR (WEAK) _ AQUTC MOTSTURE REGITVE _ REDUCINC CONDTTTONS _ LOW CHROMA SOTLS _HIGH ORCANTC CONTENT tN SURFACE LAYER (sANDy SOTLS)x oRcANlc STREAKINC (SANDY SOn.S) LISTED ON I-OCAL HYDRIC SOILS LIST LIS|ED ON NATION.AL HYDRIC SOILS LIST OTHER (EXPI.AFJ IN REMARKS) RENI.ARKS: TVETLAND DETOR}tINATION: I IYDROPI IYTIC VEGETATION: W€TLAND HYDROLOGY: HYDRIC SOILS PRESENT: Yes Ycs Y€s IS 1'TIIS SAMPLINC POI\T WIT1IIN A WEIr-AND? RI:ttlARKS: WETLA:{D DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION Page2 t Bill Gibson - Re: j ,,:,__,1 . ',;, .i -.:::i r:i :.i :i;,:':, .lt . : r-^ Pagelof2 51e4 Main Gore Dr, EastVail, DRB Finar r ILE SEJD $t From: Bill Gibson To: brianreske@aol.com Date: OZ|LB|Z09B 3:20 PM Subject: Re: 5194 Main Gore Dr, East Vail, DRB Final Hey Brian, Grades between 2:1 and 1:1 can be approved if the final grading plan is designed and stamped by a Colorado Professional Engineer. Bill Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 (970) 479-2173 (970) 479-2a52fax >>> <brianreske@aol.com> O2|IB120OB 3:13 PM >>> Hi Bill We were planning on having the slope engineered for slope stability with Geogrid in conjuction with the retaining walls. Can the slope exceed 2:1 if it is engineered Thanks Brian -----Original Message----- From: Bill Gibson <BGibson@vailgov.com > To: brianreske@aol.com Sent: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 4:30 pm Subject: Re: 5194 Main Gore Dr, East Vail, DRB Final Hey Brian, The DRB saw the site at the conceptual review, so I don't believe that will go out there again this week. Here is a list of the review comments concerning the recently revised plans: On the site/landscape plan: r Show the limits of disturbance fence. o Label the snowstorage area size in sq.ft. (min' 10o/o of driveway area). r Ensure that no new grades exceed a slope of 2:1 (back of house appears to exceed limit). o Move the lower rear retaining wall uphill to ensure construction activities for the wall do not disturb the wetlands. Topographic Survey: o Submitted a signed copy of the survey' o The survey must note what data the floodplain line is based upon (contact Public Works for latest date). file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4789A2... 02122/2008 Page 2 of2 Floor Plans: r The crawlspace on the lower level shall not exceed 5 feet in height from the earth to structure above' Label max, height of 5 feet. r Any vaulted or open-to-below areas shall not exceed a height of 16 from finished floor to structure above to not be calculated as additional GRFA' Label max, height of 16 feet' Elevations: o Label the exterior materials and colors; or bring a colored elevation to the DRB meeting' Lighting Plan: r Revise the plan to comply with the max. fixture count of 30 lights' Others: r A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit will be required for all improvements in the street right-of-way. r Submit a color and material sample board for the DRB meelingl o Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 (970) 479-2L73 (97O) 479-2452 tax >>> <brianreske-@,a-o,l.eam> OLlL9lzOoB 9:59 AM >>> Hi Bill We have our final DRB meeting Wednesday for 5194 Main Gore Dr. S in Eat Vail' I don't know if you go on the site visit, but if you could let the DRB members know about a very similar house just off Main Gore Dr on Grouse Ln that I am currently building with Greg Cummings. Our proposed design on Main Gore has the same house at 5142 Grouse, which is the last left hand turn before our cul-de-sac, can be seen from Main Gore Dr, S. I will bring a picture in case they are unable to visit the site. Thanks for all your help Brian Reske 3r7-374-6700 More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail! file://C:\Documents and SettingsrAdministrator\Local Settings\TempU(Pgrprvise\47B9A2... 0212212008 Zone Check Date: 4,s1ot Legal description: Lot /6 Block Zone district ft^ro - ft,ntlo Lot size 'lo.L?q 4 /o'. CFa.-.,,sl Filing Address <l?,/ rta;t Gn-- I;c,,*- 3rz - 37r- ,r- TotalGRFA Total Remainino d@te*rcrrt7 '7,t3C tl" +lae,^al (30) (33) Front Sides Rear 26 -7 z- 23,97./z!)17{ Srro 4",n f ,. ?oo { (t^.tdd) (3oo)(6oo[6--g)f(i2o-O)-7 l-"A,Ilh-qJ Permitted Slope o/o Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Are finished grades less than 2:1 (50o/o) Environmental/Hazards % Proposed Slope No l.?.f Yes Yes 1) PercentSlope@ 3O%) 1b6uJq Lawc 2) Floodplain BtdtL l,-.a &&.e 3) Wetlands yat 4) Water Course Setback (30) (50) Yet 5) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow No Previous conditions of approval (check property file): ul* Proposed use 9\n,-f r r . ._ !'tlfl: AJ Buildable arca N/* Allowed Existino Prooosed \lab Jeno 73ab @iorr- Site Coverage 4,of1^ )w+ qtctb = tlLt6 t,139 Is more than 60% of the site being disturbed (per Section 12-21-14E Restrictions in Specific Zones on Excessive Slopes)? ^tlrt Height Setbacks Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Driveway Minimum Required ,/dptt, 20' 1s', ,t 4, /r."a ls the Property non-conforming? Describe: suo!13lJlseJ leld sseccv eJll eoeJols iv\ous (epe:6 pue ssecce) Iemanug snrpeu 6u;u.ln1 e6eleg 7 6ug1te4 secueuen SJoPUJoC /Y\eln (punor6repun) selttt11n se16uy epeqs / unS uollEc[uan'o'c se;drues leUeteuJ 6u1p11ng els Jo soloL,ld r,r,rJo; uorlec4Jen fltlnn (gtV) uodat etU leno:ddy opuoO sea4 pesodot4 see:1 6u11stx3 r{cl!d }oou slBuelew / roloS snofN\n139sll,ll . NV-'td :ldvcsoNVl elecs sNotrv^t-]3 0Nl0llng sacual s;1e11 6utureleg edolg 7 eperC alls uorloeuuoo ebeteg seruosleS / s)lcso (,,y) s6ueqran9 / sa^e3 slceqles slueuq3Borsu3 lqbrapl 6urpltng elecs suorleaa;e lodg suo11eco1 [111111'1 sesrl spJBzEH leluauiuoJ!^u3 Iseqlss ssJnoc JeleM . ureld poog 'JI OOL ,(qdel6odol slueuresE3 eerv elqEpllng ezls l0l uoqducsep 1e6e1 NV']d ]JS ! Afnuns tr nHl ecedg c;1gy 7 ltvtetg vlue leuolllppe 092 VIUE elms sNv']d uooll D lslllcEtlC /ns!^ou u6lseg elEcs :1ca[or6 @\lltJtrlir IEVELOFIIE|.-r Design Review Board ACTIOH FORM Department of Community Deyelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel; 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: RESKE CONCEPTUAL Project Description: CONCEPTUAL REVIEW FOR A NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Participants: OWNER RESKE, BRIAN C. - BRYAN T. BTU26I2OO7 5945 W 700 N MCCORDSVILLE rN 46055 APPLICANT RESKE, BRIAN C. - BRYAN T. BILI26I2OO7 5945 W 700 N MCCORDSVILLE IN 46055 ProjectAddress: 5194 MAIN GORE DR S VAIL Location: 5194 MAIN GORE DRIVE SOUTH Legal Descriptionr Lot: 16 Block: Subdivision: VAIL MEADOWS FIL 1 Parcel Number: 2099-182-2000-8 Comments: DRB Number: DRB070679 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT Conditions: Cond: 200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Planner: Bill Gibson 75 Sqift Rontage Road, VaiL Colorddo 8165/ tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 97Q.479.7452 web: hflflw.vaflgov.@m General f nformatinn; All projeds requirlng design revle$, must recdye approvel trbr to submlting a builCing p€rmit appli@trbn. Pl€ase refer to the srbmir"tal requirernents fu'r the parfrrlar aprovd that b requested. An application for Design Revierv cannot be ace@d unfil all required informatbr is rceived by the Corununity Dsrdopmert Depaftment. Th€ project may also need b be reuleyred by tfte Tawn Cctncfl and/or the Planning and Erwironmental Cotnmidon. Desigrr review app.oual bpses ur{cec a buildfuE Ffirrit b is$ed and corriurlcdofl @mtrrettoes vrithin one year of the aFrorral. Descdption of ttre Requcu -Conc9fild revisr{ a r€M, singh famity resilence at _5194 Main Gore Dri\re South, Vail, Colorado Location of the Propocal: Lot: 16 A@:-- SuMivislon: VnilEeado,vs Filing One Physlcal Addrees: -5194 Main Gote Drlve Soufl Parccd llo.l 20991822m08 (Contad Eagle Co. Assgsor a! 970-328-8640 for parcl no.) Zoring: Two family res:idenfial a --l A'a vv 0 v f- {\a Name{s) of thrner(s): Bryan gumey Briian Rd(e New C.onshrction Addfdon Minor Albrdon (multt-f andly/@rnrnercEl) Minor Albrafid! (singlcfamily/dude'o Changes 6 4p9pu"6 P'6na Separadon Reques Irlailing Addre$s:-5637 W 700 N, McCordwille, iN 46055 Phone:-335-2999 Own€r(s) SignaBr{s}: ilame dAplic.nt: Sian Irlailing Addre; -5945 W 700 N, McCordsvilig iN 46055 Phone: 317-335-3138 E-mail Address; _brianreske@aol.com -Fax: 317-33H170-- Typ€ of Rwisrv and Fe€! $$ Ptus $1.0O per sguare foot of btal 4?n area. No Fee f550 For cqsbucton of a nerv bullding or demo/€buttd, $30O tur an additbn where square fccrtage ls added to arry t€sidential or cornn€njd buildirg (indudes 250 addttions & interior conterdons). $250 fur mlnor dBnges to htildingG and site improt/ements, sudr as, re-rcotrrg, painting, wlrdol^t addluons, hrds@ping, fences and reBlrihE vralls, eE: $20 For n{nor dlang€s to bulldings and site imprwements, s'|ch aq reroofing, pdnting, vdtdo$, addfrions, lardscaping, fenc atd r€taining walls, €tc $20 For r€ryldons to phns already approveci by Phnning Staff or the Deslgn Revls,v Board. lb Fee For Office t se Only: Paid: - Cfteck llo.:- By: x tr tr tr t-t a-t ****,". /Z-(f-6/ onn QF VAIL b6 ?Rloz - ''i,: Iiescrjr:rticr. of tce Character of the Fraposed Structure ilr ine Single Far.-rily Resider'ce a'i i i 94 Mah Gcre Dr S., East \tai1 Lot I6. Veii Meadorvs, Filing i, Eagle Co,;rii' Cclcredo '::u,.-.1 .lris -1.1C s.cr:s ,1: appro:{:matel)' JC,544 sqi:a= ieei. ]}e S::;gi: ira"r::-] fi.:siiersc '"vili ha,,e appmrimalely 7,400 souare ieet of GRFA on u::ee ier',r,s : us a. r-:' , *aiege .e,r:i- T';:e l'oot pr1il cfthe buildirg has a site ccr'erage ci4604 s:rr.iale iFi{ ::.cll;,d:n.e -h: 3 cai garage of 354 Squale F'cet. ihe e:;ferior fuislr.s .:e st.1qe. sf,.i.ci a.. 1 ':,roc sid:lg- There w:11 be 5-5 M'oonx mC 5 t'': -rariroocrs. Sofie Picpcsr and A l'.:rwablr siz.* are shoun below. iic:cs:d Site Co,..erage 4604 Sqeare Fcct (-ir,ragc $izc 864 Square Feet '-?D,FA Man i.evel 3,740 Square Feei (ilrFA Lo','"er Le.,'ei 3,000 Squa:€ irse: CRI.A Upper i-:'rel f50 Squa* Feei G,?FA Tctai 7.44{ Squane F,-e: Mveway 1i,:t i,684 Square -ieer i,iic'"1,a,1ie 5.i08 Sqtar-- Feei * 1i? {:- c-. :- \', 5.i 3 Scaar le:i. o rfr,'f n'n-tn- ' ' NOTE: THIS PERI"IIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES o TOWN AFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2138/ 479-21 39 Job Address FAX 303-479-2452 Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: DORMER 8ui tdi ng-----> Pian Check---> Invest i gation> l,litL CaIt----> GR.qY-STONE CONSTRUCT]ON P O BOX 721, MTNTURN CO 81645 GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 721, MTNTURN CO 81645 HENAULT PHILIP A & BONNIE J PO BOX 2909 | VANCOUVER WA 98668 245.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi e''--> 159.25 DRB Fee-------- .00 Recreation Fee----------> 3.00 c[ean-tjP DePosi t-------> TOTAL TEES----- Phonez 303827523I Plrone z 30382'1 523L T0iir'Comm. Dev. Ciean-up Depqsit Refund approved '#--- 5194 MAIN GORE DR 2099-182-20-008 Deparunetft of Connuniry SOUTH Status. . . Apptied.. Issued... Expires. . Developtnent ISSUED 05 /26 /tees 05 /26 /1.ee5 1L/22/Lees occupancy: R3 single Famity Residencealriful-tl Type Con3tructj-on: V N Type v Non-Rated {:i-lli"t) Valuation: 20, 000 Add Sq Ft: 160 .oo 50.00 21.N 100.00 581 .?5 EALANCE DUE TotaI CaIcutated Fees---> Additicnat fees---------> TotaI Perrni t Fee--------> Peymen +ilu(r,t sEl .25 581 .?5 581 .25 .00 Fi rep[8ce Infornation: Restr i cted:dof Gas App Li ances:#of Gas Logs:fof l,lood/Pa t tet:trrepLace InTorIEIlon; restrlcLcu. ,vt ea5 ^PP\rqrrlse. #rt#ffi***t******ffi*it#***ri*t***t**{t********** FEE sut lARy ***ir***t*******t**rrl******ffi*****t#itr#rr*#r*tr*#rt ffilir#tdrffirr*ri.l***** *rrritd*:t.**.ht***i****lrt****tr**#****fft*tr***i**i*irrr'h*ffiff****+***t *****Jr*#*ffi*it*****************Jr ITem: O51OO BUILDING DEPAR,T]-IENT 65/26/L995 DAN Action: APPR Itbm:, O54OO PL.ANNING DEPARTMENT 65/30/7995 RANDY Action: APPR see It'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTI"IEIiT 05/26/1995 DAlr Action: APPR Itbm:' O55OO PUBLIC I{ORKS 65/25/1995 Dpfr Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division:conditiohs ---'-- -DeFt : FIRE Divis j-on : Dept: PUB WORK Division: **ffi**1t*Jr***trt*ffiffi**trffii***Jr******Jc***irriH***********t#**rr*******t***i*ff***tr*#r.ffitr*r(****trffic*ff*ffi*I**rr****tri See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that t hEVe read this appIication, fitted out in futt the information required' compteted.an ft.n, "|O state thf,t att the inforintion provided as required is correct. I agree to comPty Hith the 'infofmation i;-;;";'at *tifr "ii Toun ordinances and stite [aus, and io buil,d ihis stfucture according to the ToHn's zoning and codes, disign review approved, Uniforrn Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Totn aPPtFbte REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE hADE TI,'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: GRAY-STONE accurate plot and Pl.ot PLan, subdrvision FICE FRoll 8:00 Al'l 5:@ PH Page 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: B95-0135 as of o5/3a/95 status---: rssuED **************************************************************!***********:l****** permit rype: ADD/ALT sFR BUrLD PERMTT Applied--, 0^?/,?9/,!222 Rpplicanll-: enev-sToNE coNSTRUcrIoN rssued---, 9?/}9/,1222 303827523L To ExPire z Il/22/7995 Job AddrCSS: 5194 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH Location---: Parce.l No--: 2099-182-20-008 Description: DORMER * r. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * conditions * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. 1. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AS PER SEC. 1210 0F THE 1991 UBC. 2. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAY HAVE APPROVE STRUCTUAL FRAMING BEFORE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL OKAY FRAMING INSPECTION. 3. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. all finish materials and colors to rnatch existing. photo indicates asphalt shingle are existing materials, but permit calls out cedar shakes as mew roof material. if cedar shake to be used on addition, then entire roof must be changed to cedar shakes. 3. driveway must be paved before tco can be issued or approved' * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statennt **************************************************************** Staternnt Number: REC-0026 Amount: 531 .25 05/30/95 L2:37 Palrment Method: CHECK Notationz *4104 Init: LRD 895-0136 Type: A-BUILD ADD/AIT SFR BUILD PE 2099-L82-20-008 5194 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH Total Fees: 531.25 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: This Paynent Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 4L336 581.25 s81 . 25 .00 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSISS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Anount 195.00 s0.00 L59.2s 100 .00 24.00 3.00 +, ************************ TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO o **************************** ****************************J.*********************************** statemnt Number: REc-0026 Amount: 50.00 05/30/95 07256 Palment Method: CK Notation: PRE-PAID DRB Init: DS A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PE SOUTH Total Fees: 50.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES o ************ Statemnt **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 895-0136 Tlpe: 2099-182-2 0-0 0I 51.94 MAIN GORE DR s81.25 50. 00 53I.25 Amount 50. 00 Ja??-l tz-z<t -<tag i !:s O rovrN oF vArL coNst*U"rrl APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLED oUT CoMPLETELY oR IT ItlAy NoT BE ACCEPTED L)Lt r J-Lu)t/u \.ru L rerJxlrJ.rErtl Ir I V.t( t I nAI Ng't lt.U ACCEPTED .: , ,.:1.Ir***************************** pERufT rNFoRl{ATfgy *i******i**Iiii$g************ .v IA -BuildinS,,,t_ .hlL"SinS, [ ]:Electrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other Job Name:?/,,n Job Address:\, Legal Description:Block Address:Ph. Architect: General Description: PERMTT APPLICATTON DATE: work class:''{ l-New'ya-f=l]-teration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair I i-other Number of Dwellino Units: / PER}IIT iI ;rFoRI.t Number of Acconrnodation Units: Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet ********************************* OTHER: $ MECHANICAL: $ToTAL:$@ -w /od '- :8/ 23 ****:t R INFORI{ATTON *************************** Town of Vait Reg. No.11 Phone Number: t/7{- Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: f-o t lcp Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. ********************************FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MEC}ANTCAL PERUIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE:i.-rqci*_ DRB FEE: pl BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBTNG P].AN CHECK FEE: I'TECHANTCAL PI,AN cHEcK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: VALUATION BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CI.EAX IIP I}EPOSIT REFTIND T.O:&": * -\'C/d4 ',hY f.:git' MEMORANDUM o TO: FROM: DATE: RE: ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS DEPARTMENT PERMIT'IS REQUIRED YEs No - -- /"' ,a' /' "tt' '.,.. 1) 2) Job Name: Date: Please r the ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right CI required? A. ls the right of way, Way Permit" ollowing questionnaire regarding the need ior a "public Way 3) 4) s) /' 6) 7) 8) public property to be used parking or lencing? easements or for staging, B. It no to 8A, is a parking, staging or {encing plan required by Community read '4^/,tt,/ Development? lf you, answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit. must be obtained.?ublic Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at C9.r.n1u1ity Development. ll you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction lnspeclor, at 47g-2158. Job Name answered all FI o? EI T rFl ov o5 .o o!E ; F -z 'ID fl8 8s. aia 20 E!4 9 t o OA ct N >(.)dr !a tr Or A (,., x AFI oo I i0 lr tsl c F. F F q F lll F. () I (9 AF zz DD g.o qE d EI F t{F az zo t{I B a F,H az lr lE H( o E HFi AZ oo fr:a t{ t2 E lr 6 L n :i EA.:(J EBr a Fq EE k do D tq U(J ET D U F F ti E A E x 2 E i l. I E E>o 4l I rr.|!td o 1&a(,t EO t ad o o f:/i** // NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 895-01?1 TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97 0-479-2 t 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: D ep artment of C ommunity D eve lo p me nt Job Address:Location...: ParceL No..: Project No.: 5]-94 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH 2099-182-2 0-00 8 Status. . . Applied..Issued... Expires. . ] SSUED o8 /25 /Lee5 08/28/ree5 02 /24 /tee6 WHITE R]VER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 WHITE RTVER ELECTRIC P O BOX l-118, AVON CO 81620 HENAULT PHILIP A & BONN]E J PO BOX 2909, VANCOWER WA 98668 DD LIGHTING Phone: 3039491403 Phone: 3039491403 Valuation:s00.00 FEE SUI'lllARY ##****#ffi*fi *#*rrff ,rHtr**J**#****ffi ******** E tect ri ca [---> DRB fee lnvest'i gat i on> tli Lt Cat t----> TOTAL FEES---> 50.00 .00 .00 5.00 53.00 TotaI Ca Icu lated Fees---) Additiona t Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee-------> Paynents BALANCE DUE---- 53.00 53.00 53. 00 .00 Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 08/25/1995 DAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: ffiffitfffiffiriffilrtit**rr******tt**Jrffitrlii*****ff(**l**tri****ffi*****ffi*t****ti***ffi*J#**ff*****i#l**********t CONDITION OF APPROVAL *i***ff***ffffilikh}**til*ffi****ffii#t*#('f#**iffi***rr***********ffi*tr*#S***ffi**lr#ffi*rrtritffitr*trffi*r( DECLARATIONS I hereby acknow(edge that I have read this apptication, til,ted out in fut! the information required, conpleted an accurate plot Ptan, and state that alt the information provided as requi red is correct. I agree to cornpty with the information and plot pl,an,to compty !,ith at! Town ordinances and state taws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design revie!, approved, Uniforn Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the ToHn appIicabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SIIALL BE I.IADE TI.'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY {p^"*u"u"* o -**************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0058 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: 15007 s3.00 08/28/95 LLz46 fnit,: LRD Permit No: Parcel No!Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 895-0171 Type3 B-ELEC 2099-182-20-008 5194 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH ELECTRTCAI.. PERMIT 53.00 Total Fees:Total ALL Pmts:' Bal.ance: Description ELECTRTCAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 53.00 53.00 .00 **********!****************************************************** Anount . s0. 00 3.00 , AppLrcATroN MUST BE FILT,ED OUT COUPLETELY OR IT U x* * ** * * * * * * * * * * * **** ** * * * * * ** * pERlttIT rNFORl,tATroN * *rl !$*" o' Address: BE lq, r.'{tfr **** Job Name: Legal Description: -Electrical [ ]-I'techanibal [ ]-Other - i-,- r-r /t-1 Job Address: '/Zy' J'. /4a.., (-e uA---- Block_ Filirg suBprvrsro*rz2 I .t/ /.Oqrners Name: ^/ / ,'/-r ' 4t-,,")/ Address:Ph. Architect: ceneral Description:f a\-\--- Work Class: [ ]-Nen [ ]-Alteration Number of Dwelling Units: l)'AddLtional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nuuber of Acconmodation Units: ff3::::, cryir;cto=' F% - r 1L-,'{o,, t l:1i^".f--y:il nes, i'q Phone Number: -'"""7"'""'- - {pnber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas appliances_ Gas r,ogs_ wood/pellet_v D************!ft******************** VALUATTONS * * ********* ********************** durr,orue : $ Er.EqrRrcAL, $.fo_q_ orHER: t PLITMBTNG: T- uncnlxicii' i- m.imt,. .--.-rr'lurvllrrNc: r _ IIIECHANICAI,:l - v ,u:::i.::;i:::i****"p)ffi :o:ffi lcrD-IpEoRMArro ' INEORMATf ON * * * * * * * * * * * *** !t !t * * * !* a.* * * * * *-r''/ . Town of Vail Req. NO.Z/ZJ TOTALs Electrical Contractor: Address:Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO.Plunbing Contractor: Address: llechanical Contractor :Reg. NO. ******************************** FOR oFFrcE usB ** ******************* *** ** *** **BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLWBTNG PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: EI,ECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLWBING PI.AN CHECK FEE3 I,IECHANfCAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI.,&AN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI'IIT BUILDTNG: STGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: SIGNATTIRE: !:LEAN rP rlEPosIT nEFIn|D ilign Review Action FOn TOWN OF VAIL \ Category Num Project Name: Building Name: Proiect Description:t'i'r i,. ArchitecVContact,' Address and Phone: t: Legal Description: Lot ' t; Block Zone District !:: Project Street Address: Comments: ,,i l' rli Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: ?fi' Seconded by: ! Approval I Disapproval f StatfApproval Conditions: Town Planner t! '.1 IJALE.DRB Fee Pre-paid (J o il' ;i, ,l ! \, z o '-rt J,t *|:r m r rn f -f 6 z. <" \ I i { ,1. i(.1 { $$J )(-[ ( iF{rd -rt"'i i 'jits ;!\ 't' I involved wilh employee housing at this lime, but feels it's a separate issue. Dallon Williams feels the VRD should be concerned with employee housing and noted thal the PEC should be requiring'this in lhe tulure. Jeff Bowen made a motion for a zone change from Natural Area Preservation District to General Use Dislricl be approved, second by Dalton Williams, passed unanimously by a vote of 5-0-1 , wilh Bob Arrnour abslaining. 3. A requesl for a condilional use to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit (EHU) 1o be localed at 126 Forest Boad/Lot 5, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Ron Byrne Planner:Lauren Walerlon Lauren \{alerlon reviewed this issue rvith the Board and staff is recommending approval. Bill Feslock, the architecl, was presenl. Bill Reslock and Jay Peterson presenled the model and drawings for this properly. Gregg Moffet abstained from this ilem. Lauren Waterlon explained there are 5 indoor parking spaces, and 3 ouldoor parking spaces. The Board wanls the employee housing unit residenls 10 park indoors. Jetf Borven made a motion tor a conditional use permit lo allorv for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit (EHU) be approved, second by Dallon, passed unanimously, by a vote of 5'0'1, with Greg Motfet abslaining. 4. A requesl for a fronl selback variance to allow for a second s1ory addition localed al 5194 Main Gore Drive Soulh/Lol 16, Vail Meadows Fitsl Filing. Applicanl: Philip Henault Planner:Randy Stouder Harry Gray was present representing the applicant. Randy Stouder reviewed the projecl with the Board. Slaff linds the exisling slruclure and the sleep siie warrants the approval of the setback variance. Bob Armour asked for public input. There rvas none. The Board members had no furlher questions or concerns regarding this project. Dalton Williams made a motion lo approve a fronl setback variance for a second story addilion per the slatt merno, wilh the condilion that the driveway be paved. The motion was seconded by Jetf Bowen and passed unanimously, by a vote of 6-0. 5. A request for a conditional use permit to allow an ouldoor dining deck 1o be localed adjacent to the Garton's Saloon located al 143 Easl Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village 1 sl Filing. Applicanl: Dave Garlon Planner: Randy Slouder F:b!ryon.'pcc'oinur.s\0508 95 O ff |- A.rlr.-.no TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 E / 479-2 I s e FAX 303-479-2452 May 12, 1995 D e parnnent of Conun uniry D ev e lo pme nt Philip Henault 5194 Main Core Dr. South Vail, CO 81657 Dear Phil: At their meeting on May 8, 1995 the Planning and Environmcntal Commission (PEC) approved your front setback variance request to allow for the construction ofa second story addition onto the existing residence located at 5194 Main Gore Drive South/Lot 16, Vail Meadows First Filing. The PEC voted to unanimously approve the setback variance request with the condition that you pave your driveway prior to receiving a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) for the proposed addition. I reviewed your Design Review Board application and staff approved the addition, as proposed, with the following conditions: o All materials are to match the existing materials; o All colors to match existing colors; o The driveway must be paved prior to TCO; o A building permit is required before construction can begin. Approval of the variance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and constuction not cornmenced and diligently pursued to completion within two years of the PEC approval date. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to call me at4794138. Sincerely, ,6-/rK4- Randy Stouder Town Planner F:\everyone\randylettertlanault.5 I I (llign Review Action }|t TOWN OF VAIL Category *u U" Date 3 t Building Name: owner, Address ana enone: f'y'' Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: LegarDescription:tot /b Block - suoaivision y'p,-/ y'fua/a>tt zoneDistrict 44y Proiect SVeet Address: F-ep trl,a-> 't-'< Comments: Motion by: Board / Statt Action Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval S satt Rpproual '\-4-\ Town Dale: /n"inn, .,/totot cnFa / [,tu,+ (>{ = ZONE CHECK FOR Residence, <QgP1dxr, ZONE DISTRTffPS '/Liqhting ordinance X/a fVaS'* I '\ :'Go) (so) it -/y'--.,,-!-neqrd (3oo) ('Eio)(eoo) (1200) -r'' / Permittcd slope % Proposed To t.a1 Single ramiIY primary/ secondarY LEGAL DESCRIPTIPN :' LoL I'i ADDRESSi 4l-'' lt"' \* DATE: OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE ry : tg Block subdivision I/a'Jf'Lti''i'i;" / - PHONE PHONE Allowed (30) (33) 5/rY I {V''l..,t BUIIJDABLE Exi. s tinq ,') ''(, LOT AREA Proposed 7t,t 7 d'r;e\ i ntu rh ' ',1 )'-zSetbacks, , t | 1ts1 , i;, l7'\ l-) ( '' 'lr f /si"" coverage k Landscaping "-/-Rel-aining WaIl L-.Parking '- Carage Credi t FronL Sides Rear Z, "l ,, ir, l- Heights 20' L5', 15', 1ti-t - t< l. --- 3'/6', ?- Encl t-'''Drive:SIope No ,.--- Complies wiLh T.o.v. u'tiaLer Course SeLback u--Do rinish crades Exceed 2:1 (50%) /\ ' J YES- ',.,/Env i ronmen La 1,/I-la z a rds :J1.) Flood Plain t':' -C='=- v 2) Percent. slope (< > 30%) lll Geologic llazards a) Snow Avalanche b) RockfalI c) Debris Flow we t lands ", $f"iew Corridor Encroachment:Yes No Does this req-desl invoive a 250 ridciiLiott?/1.: How muctr of cne iflowed 250 Addit'ion is used wiLh Lhis ll'ffin.r1eus condiLions of approval (check properLy f i1e): 'la reguesL? fq,,, X., l^{'t r_0 G. MEMoRANoUM -- TO: ALL COIiITRACTORS FROM: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DATE: MAY 9,1994 RE: WHEN A "PUBUC WAY PERMTT'tS REOUTRED Job Name:Date: ; Please answer lhe following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way permif : YES & 1) ls this a new residerrce? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the uss of the right of way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different aooess needed to site other than existing driveway? ,: 6) ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easemsnts, or public property? 7l ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit. required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to bE used for staging, pafting or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Gommunity Development? !t_V99. a19wet9d y"s to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' must be obtained.?ublic Way_ Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at c.o.TT{itv Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie ojvis, irre iown ,: of Vaif Construstion lnspector, al429-2159 I have read and answered allthe above questions. Job Name Contractor's Signature Dat- UBUC WAY PERMIT PROCE 1) How it relates to BuiHing permit: Note: rThe above prooess ls for work In a rfght_of_way only. Fill o.,t th€ our ctred< rist provided with a buirdino oermit aoorication. lf yes was answeredto any of the above questions then a'public way permit, is required. You can .gicrlp an apprication d either community Deveropment,tocaied ar 7s s. Fronrase Rbad or Fuoric wo,k , i;d;i;iidiin, varey Drive. Notice sigh offs for utirity. companies. Ail utirities musit fierd vedry (rocate)respective utitities priorto signing'application. Som" "t iirir-irip"nies require up to a 48 hour noticE to schedute i 6&te). A conslruction trafric@rtrorpran must,be prrag or a s€parate sheet o, paper.This plan wiil show rocations of a[ tratfic 6ntrord€vic€s (signs, "onss, €tc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.; sketch of work being performed must be sub_mitted indicaling dimensions (tength,widrh & depth ot work). This may be orawn on the ramc bniror phn or a sire plan for the job. :1TI q.moreted appncarion ro the pubric !{grk', offie for review. I required,rocates wiil be schedured forthe Town of vair Ereadriilft'ililion crew. ThE locates are take prace in the moming, out r"y require up to 4g hburs to perform. The Public work's construction Inspector will review the application and approve ordisappove the permit. You will de conraaeo as to th6 dfi;;; any changes that may be needed. Mos permits "re ,ereas"o within 4g houi" oJo"ing received,but please allow up to one week to proceir. As soon as permitis plocess_ed, a "opy wiil be faxed to community Deveropment atlowins rhe 'Buirdins p.glr*'to ue ,ireas;J.- H'i;il;;ilire the .pubric way Permif with a'Buitding permit'io oo ilo* on i prol* "ir"'irr"rt 2l 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 'Publlc Way permlt'" "r" 'A new Publlc Way permlt ls requlred each year. ' Tbwn of Vait - coorhtno IMPORTANT CflECKPOINTS DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS Obtain All Zoning and llesign APProvals . PEC: Variances, Condiriond Use Permit$ Special Development Districts . DRB: Reviews Exterior Building, l,andscaping, Signs, Exterior UghA .., Saff Approvals: Minor Exterior Changes, etc. After Building Permit is Issued . Tenporry Access & Drainage Inspecrion . Foundationlnspection - check driveway grades, building location, & retaining walls . Pre-Framing - TOV reviews Improvement Location Cenificadon (ILC) ro check setbacks & building beiglt (dlow 48 brs.) . Framing Inspection - building inspectors check floor plans witb building permit plans . Drivcway Rougb Grade Inspection (optional) - If requeste( Public Works will come to sirc to check drainage, public way, ud driveway grades . he-Temporary Cenificate of Occupancy (TCO) - issued upon completion of all exrcrior finisb worh frnal grarb check, drainagc, and road cbeck if driveway is completed - developer's agreement and lener of credit u bond to ensure completion of site improvements . Final Cenificare of Occupancy (CO) - issued upon satifacrory completion of final inspecrion on tbe driveway, public way, site drainage, and landscaping Submitting for a Building Permlt . Subnit 2 Sets of Plans with a Building Pernit Applicadon . Address PEC & DRB Conditions of Approval - i.e. employee bousing agreemen6 hazard reports, revocable Right-of-V/ay @OW) permits . Provide Suging Plan - construction parking, dumpster, material delivery, and staging plan (not needod minor permiu) . Driveway Standards (2 Dwelling Units or less) . hrblic Way Permit (previously called streel-cut permit) - auached to Building Permit Application - submit Consruction Traffic Conuol Plan - reviewed/approved by Public Works . Fue Departnent Isucs TOITN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2138 / 479-21 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Dep artme nt of Comm un iry Deve loprnenr .. TOWN OF VAIL DEVELOPMENT BEVIEW PROCESS lf you are inlerested in making any improvemenF or changes to your property, the Town of Vail community Development Department would like to give you some pointers on the development review process. The Town of Vail has a zoning code, design review guidelines, sign code, and building code. All of the codes provide important information which may apply to your construction project. lf you are unclear if you need an approval, please call our office to ask for assistance. Any change to your property which departs trom the development standards (setback, height, etc.) will require review by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). This Board is made up of seven members who are appointed by the Town Council. They meet lhe second and tourth Mondays of every month. Submittal dales normally fall four to five weeks before each meeting. Once all of your zoning issues have been addressed, your proposal will need to be approved by the Design Review Board (DRB). This board is made up of live appointed members. One member of the PEC always serves on the DRB. The focus of this group is to review the exterior of a building (i.e. design, materials, landscaping, exterior lighting). Signs are also reviewed by the DRB. The DRB meets the first and third wednesdays of every monlh. Submittals musl be made approximately lour weeks in advance of these meeting dates. The next step in the development review process is to receive a building permit. We ask that you submit two sets of plans with the building permit application. Depending on the complexity of the project and the time of the year, building permit review requires up to three weeks. The building season in Vail is short so May through November are very busy. Please allow adequate time for review of the permit. The Town ol Vail Community Development Department is here to help you through the development review process. We encourage you to call our otfice to get advice on your proiect and the review process. A planner and building inspector are available daily to answer your questions. Please give us a call at 479-2198 and let us help you. Sincerely, Klhf"[ Community Development Director sgg H gsE €ss EFS Ei€ FgF : E** €EE E$g S€a .E €EE gE$ $g$ l€E ls5 lg EFI sEl 'ffi II lr' I't! tJ o tq o tc =l;T l'f !!t 1 c: o (D =T c? tl o ct o 3 C' t! al, = g o o s o o () t,a qt o = o lp =t9 o qt 3 lil I ol ut >.t >Gt r!olo clt ct gt c :H:ot Cr =l=NIA' t0 t o x x x x x x x x x X (! E o x x x { 3 o o x N x o o o e x x x x o D o x "s x x x x x x x x x g E E& go€ E s x x x x x x X x x x x x (x x x x t\g vrl PT E€s x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x $g $g x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x tl ll l-t EI gt EI !ti o l'!ctr otl tt:€ls Eli ;ti 3l.i i ltl tli ili ?ti iti lr J;;li 3t1 Ets tl "T sl 3l ili rJ:,l> ll t ll It l.i ,li ;ti iti =li -l! itj )l I :IE ;lr iil il: rlt 't!itd : is€t igE i igEE] iFcEI ieg 5l flt: flil ft ?l !h :l; rli r l,i !li !t; ?t,r 5 t.! tr l.:tt::t:4lr il! :IJ ;t ag-ito :E .E 3ri to I :-'!1 r.= (D iiHl ie6l r9 3l I '( vl l5;l lo t n|II g g v, 'E 5A 9c == 'E FE .'6 crc ;o io o o t!x E11 tli >t,r! ti :ti El: ill ili I I (/ '-l sl 0rl $l 9t I Et l gll Jl I ;l I iI trl 3lr ili ili ( t>:lr ,t( 1tu,illi l; l! l! ill ili ) J ill ill 1' a 0 ol =b ol ;l tl il :l o u)tu o o cc o- 3 UJ 5 TU J U)o 0-o tr A o o :1.* ii .Fi E3 is F$rF CE $B $i g1 1E FA 3; iiii$F rr Ef 'F E3 i I c o 1! rr Oq F1 E6's3 l3 "F IL lco E'A -sf t:t i.;oa 'FF Fg E* o <ir 6-6 ts.gE o! EH 9q =' . ll approved E8 * ; EH E 9 6i;P E AB F : P9 9 : EtrN 6 : EEg - = -"f r! r! FEr p ts ;Eur E g €54 ; E :P;': Fi 5iF E E9 -aEE d' -E FsE ; E: FEE = .drE PE6 E 'JE EEE- E f,; €EH s sg €;i =fi '"= 3EP i€ E: FEe tv o.(! 9..@ 4E gg eEP E€ iF E=E :+o EI (-)a . ! Hl gE$E*H r,,^ ro ssE.s asHss {e El :: i=_ i; Ee EE gE eE f,l ;; ffi ;! i! 3i EI €c ls !sei g! E! g; gF FF ee EE EE eE 33 eq aa 99 -B EE EE:s Ee_:r :R EE ;R iF EF ;; ZZ c9 66 n.6 E9 dcD od ::ee E3 66 22 o F EE EE EE ; I F El oro El EP eE EE (,r.)EI o,t ri 6t= =-- RE .l'v)Of ;cv -ct 7Y 9D o)-l nl ;R :.1 ;:' 3e =I EE FF EE :: 9S 51 3S == HH EP +F =t 66 h> if,fi .!.! i-(''l ocl .;-; l!t! >= et Bt *E HH,o", eB EE -s EE il :; ;; sE EE HE qq eA i; ;[ ;; ;g El ;; ea:r sJ 3i iq;;;; €€ tE €€g EE f;€ gs FE 99 €g ii 9t r*r* ou 22 I o)-e E.S2 ol ** PB 'r d) Ei EE EF HE (,{n E- ,e!o EE- ss EE il ;g ;: :: :: aa EE Eq aa i; ;[ ;3 :e :t €€ -r sE :1 -_'$ pe ss fi ;; eE nE EE Ft hE 55 Ei 55 :;l ga EE FF !E FF ss gg i5 FF '*F tt ;g 6 g oA <:,(t'E .n 0)-c, =>ge >: rfo z.=o€o3 9JO u_ O'E U' o(D 88 eB i{ pe FE Es ii ,F .9E E;r-9 i;e EgF .e:'z sE S EEE L S; e 3 EE €p :E^ e 5r cE' E 8.5 :! E ct/, :i 3E ;; €Fe !E 5 =o = ; ;;Efig EE E: gE Eg ;6 €E E; gE i€ r6i E5 FI f;F ,-i <ri .o .D oo oo z 6 a >it .t= JO) E.E =E ->2e o6 >9 z.= TIJ D oB ZQ <'6 \-, =ztr zE z,i -l lo t REVIEW BOARD t.vt..d 7/14/91 DESIGN )- APPL,ICATToN - TOWN OF vArL, CoLORADO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: !t***!rt**** 'S ITAY !t**t******r. A DESCRIPTION: R TYPE OF REVIEW: _ New Const,ruction ($200.00)k Addirion ($5o.oo)Minor A1 teration (g2O.OO) ConcepE,ual Review tEOl D. ADDRESS: 5l LEGAL DESCRIpTTON: Lor Subdivision \.'rAtt l-!1L- If properby is described by descript.ion, please providL to this applj.cation- Block a meets and bounds on a s epara t.e sheet legaI and aLt.ach r-.ZONING: I\I.^MET ^F t\ Y.th? r^t ir-r.lIrr-r! Llr AP.HLI CANT :Plr' I'A trlr Mailing Address:-o a:. Phone LT NAME OF OWNER(S) : - NAME OF APPLTCANT'S Mailing Address:REPRESENTATTVE:NJA Phone Ph,A.ErOA Maitinq Address:,it l)ln r ;f Rt-,jb I. .J. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATTON $ c $ Lo.ooo $ 10, 001 $ s0, 000 $ 50, 001 $ 1s0, 000 $1,s0. 001 $ s00, 000 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ over $1 ,000,000 FEE $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00. 00 ONE YEAR AFTER FTNAI,ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTION BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES SS A BUTI.,DING PERMIT IS 'c; {4L';1 DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are Lo be paid aE the Lime of submi.."l..?l tne-oila-lipirpu.rorr. Larer, when applying for a lu1]flne permit,'please identify t.he accurare varuation of che p.roposal. The iown ot vair wiri adjust the I:"o3:::tdins co tne'raui" b;1;':'ro ensure rhe-correcr ree Phone APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WTTHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE Condomi-nium Approval if applicable. iO\/. COl\4l\4, DEV. DEPI I'I . A pre-application meelinq with a member of Ehe planning staff is encouraged to deL,ermine if any addit.ional application informaL.ion is needed. IE is the applicant,s responsibility t.o make an appointment with the ltaff to determine if E.here are addicional subnit.tal reguirements.Prease note that a coMpLETE application will sLreamline Lhe review process for your project. Irr. A. . In-addition to meeE.ing subrnitt.al requiremenr.s, the applicant. must slake and tape the project sit.e to indicat.e properry lines, building Lines and building corners. AIl crees to be removed must. be taped. All siee capings and staking musc be completed prior t.o t.he DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure Lhat st.aking done during t.he winter is not. buried by snow. B- The review process for NEw BUILDTNGS normally requires - -+wo -separate meeLings of the Design Review soardi. a concepEual review and a J-intl c- Applicants who fail co appear before the Desigm Review Board on t.heir scheduled meeE.ing dat.e and who have nos asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their iE.ems removed from the DRB agenda until such Lime as the item has been republ i shed. D_ The f ollowing iLems may, at t.he discreLion of the zoning adminisLraLor, be approved by the Communicy DevelopmenL Departmerit sLaff (i.e. a formal hearing before Lhe DRB may noL be reguired): a. Windows, skylighrs and similar exterioi changes which do noL alLer Lhe exisLing plane of Che buildinq; and b. Building additions not visibLe from any other 1oL or public space. AL E,he time such a proposal is submitted, applicants must include leccers from adjacenL properEy owners and/or from the agent for or manager of any adjacenE condominium association sLaLing Lhe associaLion approves of the addition. E. rf a properLy is locat.ed in a mapped hazard area (i.e.snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,weLland, eLc.), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing Lhe hazard report prior Lo Lhe issuance of a buiidinq pernit.Appricants are encouraged t.o check with a-r-own pranner prior to DRB apprication to deEermine the relaLionship of rhe property to atl mapped hazards. F. For aII residenLi_aI conscrucLion: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of t.he exLerior st.ruct.ural walls of the building; and Indicat.e wiLh a dashed line on the site plan a fot+r-fso€ 4iqtancsfrom the qxterior facl of the building walls or supporting columns. If DRB approves the applicaEion with condiLions or modifications, aIl condiEions of approval must be addressed prior to t.he application- ior a buildi_ng permi t. . b. rv. z 3 ?hree copies of a_recent,_ topographic survey, stamped by a Colorad.o professional r,icl"i"a'i"roeyor, aE a stare of 1', = 20' or larger, on which the following inforrnation is provided: IJot. area, and buildable area when different than 1ot area. Legal description and physical address. . ft^ro fooL cont.our intervals unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5,- contour inLervals may be a"cepl"a. Existing Lrees or groups of trees having trunks wit.h diamerers o-f 4" "i *oi.,-ii ,..".rr.d from a point one foot above graae. -' Rock outcroppings and oEher significant, naEurar teatures (large boulders, intefriia;;-";;;;;;etc. ) . Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.),centerline of stre$:_9r creeks, required creek or stream seLback, and 100-v"ui-iiooit pIain, if applicable. Slopes of a-Ot o, .o.. shall be clearly delineaLed by cross-irulJiri"q. Ties to existing benchmark, either uscs landmark or sewer inverL. This information must be clearly stat.ed on the survey so that all measurements are based on Lhe same starting point. This is l:I:::"t"rly imporranr foi -aeceiminins buildino nelshL and driveway stope. see poii;; O;-;;;Ey InformaLion, for more ii.tor*.tioi regarding surveys. LocaLions of Ehe following must be shown: a. Size and Lype of drainage culvert.s, swales,etc. b. ExacL loca!.ion. of existing utiliLy servj_ce lines from Lhelr source to ttre "E;";a;;;;-including: 5. Cable TV Telephone Sewer WaLer Gas EIec Lric c. A11 utility meter locations, including any pedesLals Lo be.locat.ed on-siue or in the riqhr.-of -way adjacent. i"-fn.- sit,e. d' ProperLy rines - disLances and bearings and a basis of bearing. 9. provide spot elevat,ions at Ehe edge of asphalt,along the sLreet frontage oi trr. pr"p.rtv-ul-rw€rrr!-tlve tooL incervits (25, ) ,- uni-i-i.iii*ll* ot one spor elevaEion on eit.her siae Ji-r;"-'i;;:, site plan 1. Locations of Che following must be shown: e. IndicaLe all easements subdivision p1at.idencified on the a. Existing and finished grades. b. proposed surface drainage on and off site. ' c.lnrooo"ed driveway, i".l.#q percenr. slope and spot elevaEions aL the property line,garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of t,he drive E,o accurately ref lect driveway grade d. A 4, concrete drive pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways EhaE, exit Lhe street. in an uphilI direction. 2 . A11 exis t.ing improvernents including s t ructures ,rcee=*eai' s"r-t"; age areas,- wa1ks, driveways, off-street parkingF _ areas, ret.aining walls (with top and bottom of wall spoE elevaLions), and ot.her existing sit.e improvemenLs. 3. rn order to determine proposed building heights elevations of all top roof ridges, and eavei when determined necessary by t.he zoning administraLor,shall be indicated on the sit.e plan with existing and proposed contour lines shown underneath. C. Landscape Plan (1,' - 20, or larger) - 3 copies reguired D. 1,. At a minimum, the following information must, be provided on Lhe landscape plan: a. Location of exisLing Lrees 4,' diameEer or larger. b. Type, size and location of all existing and proposed plant material, c. LocaL j,on of a1l trees t.o be Eransplanted, d. A detailed legend of aII proposed plant maLerj.aL i.ncluding common and Lat. j-n names. 2. The location and type of existing and proposed waLering systems Lo be employed in caring- for plant. maLerial f ollowing it.s inst,allation. 3. Existing and proposed contour 1ines. ReLaining walls shoul_d be included wiE.h the contour inf ormat.ion wi Lh top of wall and boE,t.om of waII elevaLi.ons lisced. Complete Lhe aItached landscape materials Iist. Sjgn gff f{om eaqh uriliCv companv verifying the l-ocaLj-on of uri"Iity service and availabiliri (see atLached uLiliry verificat.ion form) rel imina .ti Sch d B must accompany all and identify property. submittals,aI1 easemenEs to insure af fec eing property ownership the subj ect. ArcbitecLural Plans (!/gn = 1, or larger, !/4" is preferred scale for review) 3 copies ire required. Floor plans and all elevations of the development drawn to scale and fully The elevaLion drawings must show bot.h finished grades. One set of f loor plans must be ',red-lined,, Lo show how Lhe gross residential floor area (GRFA) was caI cul a Led. ExLerior materials and colors shalt be specified on Lhe atLached materials list.. fhis macLrials lj.st musL be complet.ed and submiLced as a parE, of the applicat,ion. Color chips, sidinq sampies etc., shall be present.ed at the Design n-eview proposed dimensioned.existing and BGt meeting. Details incrrllE, bur nor. rimired to fascia, trim, railings, chimney cap, meter locaE.ions, etc. must be shown graphically and fulIy dimensioned. Zong chegk lise (aUUached) must be completed if the projecE. is located within the Single-Family,Primary/Secondary or Duplex zone districts. Photos of t.he exisLing site and where applicable, of adjacent structures. The Zoning Administrator and,/or DRB may require the submission of additional p1ans, drawings, - speeifications, samples and oLher materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project, will comply with Design Guidelines. Photos or skeLches which clearLy convey Lhe redevelopment.proposal and the locaLion (site plan) of the redevelopment proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal reguirements set forth above, provided all important specificat.ions for the proposal including colors and mat.erials b,o be used are submitted. ADDTTTONS - RESTDEIVTIAI, OR COMMERCIAI, original floor plans wit.h all specificat.ions shown. Th1ee seLs of proposed floor plans !/8,, = L, or larger (1/4" = 7' is preferred) Three copies of a siLe plan showing exisLing and proposed const.rucLion. IndicaLe roof ridge elevaLions wiLh existing and proposed grades shown underneath- ,r' o. Elevations of proposed addiLion. L,-"E. Photos of Lhe exisLing structure. L,.8. SpecificaLions for all maLerials and color samples on materi.als lis L (aLLached). AE. the request of the Zoning administrator you may also be required E,o submib: A staLemenL from each ut.ility verifying location of service and availability. See at.tached uCility IocaLion verifi-cation form. A siLe i-mprovemenL survey, stamped by registered Colorad.o Professional l_,icensed. surveyor. A preliminary Litle reporL, to verify ownership of property, which lists all easemenLs. VII. FTNAL STTE PLAN Once a butlcltng pcrlr.ri has been issu€d, and consLruct.ion is underway, and before the Buildlng Department will schedule a framing inspecEion, two copies of an Improvement. Location Cert.ificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer musL be submit.t.ed. The followincl informaLion must be provided on the ILC: A. Buildinq locaLion(s) wit.h Eies to properEy corners,i.e. d.ist.ances and angles. B. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot.. G. ,.4. ,4. v/'a. n Er H. .- arr uttv service line as-builEsishowing cype of mat.erial used, and size and exact location of lines Basis of bearing to Bie t.o sect.ion corner. A11 property pins are to be either found or seE. and stated on improvement survey. A11 easements. carage slab elevat.ions and wit.h exisE.ing and proposed lines. . all roof ridge elevations grades. shown under the ridge VIII. CONCEPWAI, DESIGN REVIEI{ A.SUbmittat fecruirements: The owner or aut.horized agent 9f any projecL regui-ring design approval as prescribed by t.his chapter may submit plans ior concepti:al review by t.he.Design Review Board to the Department of Community DeveLopment. The conceptuif revi.ew is i.nE.ended to give t.he applicant a basic underst.anding of Che compat.ibility of their proposal with the Town, s Design Guidelines. This procedure is recommended primarily-for applications more complex than single-family and two-family residences. However, developers of single-family and Er^ro-family projecLs sha1l not be excluded from lhe opportunicy to request a conceptual design review. comprete apprications musL be sulmitt.ed 10 working days prior Lo a scheduled DRB meeting. The following information shall be submiLE.ed for a conceptual review: 1. A concepLual siLe and tandscape plan at. a minimum scal_e of one inch equals Lwent.y feet; 2. ConcepLual elevations showing ext.erior materials and a descripLion of E.he charact.er of the proposed s E ructure or strucLures; 3. Sufficient informaLion to show the proposal complies with Lhe development standardl of che zone districr in which t.he project is co be locaLed (i.e. GRFA, site coverage caIculaLions,number of parking spaces, etc.); 4. CompleLed DRB application form. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application for concepEual design review, the Department of CommuniLy Deveropment shal1 review t.he submitted materials for general compliance with the appropriaLe requiremenLs of the zoning code. If the proposal is in bJsic compliance wiLh the zoning eode reguirements, the project shall be forwarded to ttre pne for conceptual review. If the application is not generally in compliance wit.h zoning code requirement.s, Lhe appricati-on and submitLal materiars sha11 be returned to t.he applicant viri.th a writ.ten explanat.ion as to why Lhe Corununiey DevelopmenE Department st.aff has found the projecL not. Lo be in compliance wittr zoninq c-de regutremenLs. Once a compleEe applicaCion has been received. the DRB shalr review the submitted conceptual review.application and supporting mat.erial in order co determine \4rherher 9I n9E tfre projecL generally complies with the design guidelines. The DRB does noc.-vote on concept,ual reviews. The propert.y owner or his representative shatl be present ac the DRB hearinq. B. I,IST OF MATERTALS o NAI'{E OF PROJECT:6A,''A ALT DAN LEGAL DESCRTPTTON:LOT II,. BI,OCK ST'BDIVISION srREEr ADDRESS , s | 7 tL l1\n t r: 6 0r2e So. Ft'l)pNo. I The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUTIJDING MATERIA].,S: Roof Siding OLher Wa11 Maberials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Tr1m Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenbouses ReLaining Walls ExLerior Lighting Other LANDSCAPING: Name of required approval TYPE OF for submitLal can be given: MATERTAIJ AA IL M EAT-VilJS to Lbe Desiqn COITOR ,. l( l( ll ,l Ir l-r4 L)A UA UA NA AIA NA NN Designer: Phone: B.NiA Botanical Name Ouant.itv Size* Nf *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate Lrees. Mi **Indicate size of proposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is 5 qaIlon. Square Footaoe GROT]ND, COVERS s\r]{rr \ \\t\\ t c. LANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exLerior lighting is proposed, prease show the number of fixtures and locations on a separaEe liqhtinq plan. rdentify each fixture from the ri.ghtinq pran in the space berow and provide Lhe height above grade,-t.ype of liqht proposed, lumen ouLpuL, ruminous area and a cut snbLt ot the liqht fixrure. ( Secrion 1B . 54 . 050 J) orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining warls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) prease specify. rndicate beights of recainini warls. Maximum height of walrs wiLhin t.he front. set.back is 3'. uaximum heighL of walfs elsewhere on tne-piop"rey is 6, PLANT MATERN, PROPOSED TREES A}TD SHRUBS Minimum caliper for heighE for coniferous soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL TTI.,TTY I/OCATION SUBDTVISTON JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The locat.ion and availabil\t.ypqf_ utilities, whether :;it5, 1 il "i, i i, E i33. ; : : $A\R5U:"ti;i;i i:fi ;lil:\ " Authorized Siqnature U.S. west ComsrunicaEions 1-800-922-L987 468 - 6860 or 949 - 4530 Public Service Company 949 -578L Gary HaI1 Holy Cross ElecLric Assoc. 949 - 5892 Ted Husky/Michael lJaverty Heri t,age Cablevision T.v.. 949 - ss30 Steve Hiact Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation Dist.rict * 4'76-7480 Fred HasIee NOTE: they be main verified by t,he 'Date 1.This form is Eo verifv locaLion. This shouli preparing your utility installations. and to.gbtain_gririrv roc-ations Uefore diqqini ii any_publi.c right-of -o, 2 6. * Please bring obtaining Upper flow needs musL Installation of service lines responsibilit.y of Lhe property are at the expense and owner. service availability and be used in conjunccion with plan and schedulino For any new construcCion proposal, the applicant must provide a compler,ed irtiiitv verificition iorm. ff a ut.ility company has concerns with the proposed consLrucL.r.on, the utility representative snb"i-a-"oc direccrv on Lhe uririr.y ireri^ricirion form-frrur-t.ii"r"is a problem which ,r.eds to l"-i."olved. The issue should then be spelred out in aetair in an-atti"i.a leLcer Lo the Town of vai1. - Hor"rr"r, please keep in mind thar ic is rhe.responsiUiiitv of the urilit.y company Lo resolve ident.if ied problems. If the_utiIj.ty verificat.ion form has signatures from each of the urility companies, and no ."**."i"-ui"made directly on lhe form, Lhe Town will presrr*"--Lha! there are no problems and that gire a'eveiopment can proceed. These verificarions d.o not relieve the contracLor of his responsibilit.y Lo obtain a st.reet cut permit from the Town of VaiI, oepartmeni of publil woif" \7.a i I rm A street cut permiL musL be obLained separatefy. a site plan, floor plan, and elevaE.ions when Eagle va1ley war,er & Sanir,ation signai";;;. Fire be addressed. ilu zoNE eHEeK ^a - ffi r Single Family Residence, Duplex. primary/Secondary ZONE DISTRTCTS DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTfON: Lot _ Block - Subdivision ADDRESS: OhINER PHONE PHONE ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRTCT . PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE BUITDABLE LOT AREA allowed Existinq proposed Total Height (30) (33) TOTAI GRFA Primary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Si Le Coverage Landscaping +425= Secondary GRFA + 425 = 20, 15, 15, ReLaining WaI1 HeighLs 3'/6, Parking Reqrd Encl Garage CrediC Drive: (300) (600) (900) (L200) Permitted Slope % proposed Stope % Complies h'ith T.O.V. LighLing Ordinance yes No Water Course Set.back (30) (s0) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (508) yES Environmental,/Hazards: 1) Flood plain 2l Percent Slope (< > 3O%) 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris FLow 4 ) wetlands View Corridor Encroachment: yes Does Lhis reqijesL irrvuive a 2SA Addition?How much of the arlowed 250 AddiEion is usel-ffiTis request? Previous condiLions of approval (check property file): NO 10 a,-. o o €f THts trEM MAy EFFEcT youR pRopERTy fa PUBLTc NorcE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and EnvironmentalCommission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on May 8, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a conditional use permit to allow an outdoor dining deck to be located adjacent to the Garton's Saloon located at 143 East Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Dave Garton Planner: Randy Stouder 2. A request for a zone change from National Area Preservation District to General Use District to allow for a renovation to the Vail Recreation District office, located at 1278Yail Valley Drive/Parcel E, VailVillage 7th Filing. Applicant: VailRecreationDistrict Planner: Russell Forrest |' --b,/ S. A request for a front setback variance to allow for a second story addition located at 5194 -'iti\ Main Gore Drive South/Lot 16, VailMeadows First Filing. V Applicant: Philip Henault Planner: Randy Stouder 4. A request for a work session for an amendment to the Ford Park Master Plan to allow for an expansion to the Betty Ford Alpine Garden located at 183 Gore Creek Drivei An unplatted parcel of land located in the NE 1/4 Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at the southwesterly corner of a parcel of land knows as the Ford Amphitheater Parcel, whence the northeast corner of The Wren, A condominium Project, according t0 the map thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, bears N36"08'15"W 1165.76 feet; thence N54"05'59"W 71.45 feet;thence 268.84 feet along the arc of a non tangent curve to the left, having a radius ol 164.91 feet, a central angle of 93'24'19" and a chord that bears N02'38'17"W 240.04 teeli thence N67"15'14"E 16.98 feet; thence N07"23'17"E 38.63 feet thence N19"24'25"E 87.07 feet; thence S78"37'08"E 227.90 feet; thence S87'48'38"E 47.25 feet to the northerly angle point of said Ford Amphitheater Parcel thence the following four courses along the northwesterly line of said Ford Amphitheater Parcel: 1) S78"13'55"W 65.50 feet;2)s46'25'47"W 144.61 feet;3)519"11'18"W 112.31 feet;4) 518"18'56"W 150.85 feet to the Pint of Beginning, containing 1 .019 acles, more or less. Applicant: Betty Ford Alpine Gardens represented by Helen Fritch t 5. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for exterior seating at the West Vail Mall located at 2151 North Frontage RoadAot 2A, Vail Das Schone, Third Filing 7. Applicant: West Vail Mall Corporation A request for a parking variance and condiional use permit io allow for a temporary building to house a laboratory for the Vail Valley Medical Center, located at 181 West Meadow DriveAots E & F, VailVillage Second Filing Applicant: Dan Feeney for the Vail Valley Medical Center Planner: Randy Stouder A request to amend the Vail Land Use Plan lor 16 properties throughout the Town of Vail. Fifteen properties are proposed to be changed from their current designation to open space and one property would be changed to the public semi public designation. See Attachment 1 for legal descriptions. Applicant: Town of Vail Planners: Jim Curnutte and Russell Forrest oo oo 3. The efiect of the requested variance on light and air, distrlbution of population, transportation and trafflc facilities, publlc faclllties and utllltles, and publlc satety. The proposed addition will have no impact on adjacent properties light, air or vielvs. B. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the lollowing findings before granting a variance: 1. That the granting ol the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimentalto the public health, salety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site ol the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforc€ment of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDANON Stafl recommends approval of the front setback variance request. Staff believes that the proposed addition will not adversely aflect adjacenl struclures or uses and will not have any impacts on traffic, transportation, public utilities or facilities. Staff feels that the approval of the proposed addition is not a grant of special privilege, due to the steep slopes to the rear of the existing house and the location of the existing structure. Staff believes that the variance is necessary to allow the applicant to provide a reasonable improvement to the existing structure in a lashion that would produce minimal impacts to the surrounding properties. Under the current Town regulations, the applicant must pave the existing driveway since GRFA is being added to the house. f :beryone\pec\momosusnarlt.508 oo APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE Application Date: April 1 1995 PEC Meeting Date: Name of Applicant: Philip A. Henault Acldress: 519.4 Main Gore South East Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 47&42s8 Business: (2OO) 254-2020 Legal Description: Vail Meadows, Filing 1, Lol 16 UNDER VARIANCE REGULATION 18.62, | | t:A, I am fiting the foilorrring apptication: I am requesting a Variance from the Town of Vail to build a dormer on the front of my home. The Town originally granted a Variance on July 25, 1978, for the construcilon of this home and allowed a portion of the front of this building lo be closer lo the street than normal. This was allowed due the steep topography of this property. only about half of the proposed addition ac{ually falls in the variance erea; approximately 20 square feet. The original architecture of this home, buill over fifteen years ago, lacked dimension with respect to its roof lines. The proposed addilion will break up the box appearance of the front of the house and make il more compatible with the neighboring dwellings. From an inlerior slandpoint, the dormer will covert unusable attic space into usable square foolage. lt should be noted that the proposed addition does not extend beyond lhe fmnt of the cunent building. Infaci, the additional space is completely over lhe existing front porch. Though lhis addition does nol increase in an)rway the already approved and existing Vanance, we understand it is necessary to apply for this variance within the variance inorder to streamline approval for a building permit. I believe this addition will have absolutely no effed on light and air, dislribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utililies or public safety. Please refer to topos, surveys, preliminary buitding plans, floor plans and photographs enclosed with this application. oo o 1+ i$\ ,$ $ ul u z $r A 6$r $I .EF DL EF z J o- LU F --a cr) UI E u\ N Jq$ $$5 / "9;>_qBe F; oui : ,e ilI J o_ $z zo rDtr _aE OA u.< e$ -'*,F-v it! F 5$\sc .se $\A -f ..s c.l -\t ta E o 9 LL E TU o- o-l fl F a 9 $l 3.1 -fJ=:rt o =,i P oo oo + q$ oo d 7 J cf s z 5 x \$ H$g$$i$$i d$ PiH$B:g $q $ $i:* $ ggsll*i*l aaa z o .-J-'t;- l-l st 2 tr|J tI| F CD tU = & F I Q \ll K d o s t zld q$ 2 o E { & [] L] I illirl IFN iltl IIJ.I t'r ll.lril 1----r r;oo zfr"oil: l- =K tr|J tU IF I F E o z z o F a ul $a & u) 8 I ia $$ L------- ---- oa oo TO: pno.lebr: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: GREG HALL //u,to^u DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING TODD Relurn to OPPtrt\,ill- iMEF. M}IDY STOUDEII Town Plannc.r Landscaping: Date: Dale: .u4at-- Darc: ?,2€ , / -,-z-/O ()4Vaz-'-zor'S BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: l'y' lulrl !^W*r/,r^a,-f, ,X" Crh dl^o/-/rl er euwL{a'/-- kry4 a/^a,f du f-*1 ru4 Enginoering: Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Commcnts: Firo Dept.: Reviewed by: Commcnls: ,l Distributcd to the Fire Dcpartmcnt, pubric works, and Landsc apins onfl_T -il- TO: MIKE McGEE PROJECT: DATE SUBM INTER.D EPARTMENTAL R EVI EW DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED AV: 4*W Enginoering: Reviewed by: Ter(trlc^rnie& Dalc: Aprrr i1 rqqa Comments: l,loco*rrynv. Landscaping: Reviewed by:Date: Comments: ODD O PPFt\il-i l- llvt E,i Return to MNDI srcuDEF' Town Planner Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Commcnls: Datc: Distribuled to thc Fire Dcparrment, pubric works, and Landsc uping on (//) -f- oo oo TOWN OF VAIL RECEITT NO. NA]IIE- I I DEP.rRlltE\r oF coll)Illrrl DE\TL.P'\IEr-T 10.,-12,4, /_{ ADDRISS ,/o PROJEC'T-7i ,, , ru . -.,) CHECKS ]II.ADE PAYASLE TO TO\TTI OF vAIL Accoufit \o.ITEII NO. TAX COSTE& TOT-4I 0l 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS IV'APS s5.00 0 | 0000 4:.1 I 5 ffi s54.00 0 I 0000 .+2.11 )W 519.00 0r 0000 424t5 -N I F o R M M E C I I A N I C^ L C O D I--s i 7.00 0l 0000 424 | 5 Urr\'t l'oRl\.{ }-t Rlt coDD s 3 6.00 0l 0000 .[-1 I 5 ].I,TTIONAL ELECTRICAL CODIl s37.00 n r nnnn /r1r<OTIItR CODI: B()OKS 0l 0000415,18 -BLCETilNTS rNl\'L^RSt s7.00 0l 0000 42412 _TROXCOPIES s0.25 0 | 00fi) 4t-l I l STUDIF-S 0l 0000 .lt+ I l TO\' FIli:S (-O\l PUTI:R PRC)C R-A M s5.00 O, OO69 4Z-171 PF-\\LT\' FI:TS,, RE-T\ SPECTIONS 0t 01100 4ltt2 PLi\N REVII:W RE-CIIECK FEI-: ISIO PI]R IIR. 0t 00i)0 42jil ffi nr /inrrn 4 |.l r l CONTRICTORS LIcI.NsI: s FI: I:s 0l 0000 .+ l.i i -i SICN APPL]C.,\TION FEI:s20.00 0l 00(X).114ll ,\DDTTIONAL Sl(iNA(il: f l.l: [S1.00 PI-R SQ FT.] 0tl0(J -ll-+-+t)TTC ,\RTTR(il.-CT DON,\-I IO\ 0l 00()0 4l.r-i TRL PAID DITSIGN RI,VIlrw BOARD FElr 0r 0000 4:i7l lN-'vETieA TtoN' t Fl-i ( ]lu I L D I NG ) 3 I 00tr0 451 | 0 TOV PARKINC I.UND OI OO0O 22027 ITOV NI1WSP,'\PI--R DISPENSER FUND + 0l 0000 211I z T^ITELEZ 1-. (ST,\TE) " 0l 0000 Jl0l0 TI\,\BLE a Jo,," (To$ \) 0l 0000 42_r7l BU]IDI x:6 N VI : STIC,\ TI ON OTIII--R !: PEC APPLICATION FEES 010000 413-jr)I-DITK) i\' A L c R l-,\ ":5{ t"sl00.iltl mLUSI:PERNilr s100.00 0l 0000 41i,10 EXTI-.RIOR ALTI:RnTlON ILl-.SS TIIAN 100 SQ.Fll s100.00 0l 0000 413i0 EXTERIOR n LTER^TION [\IORI- TIIAN 100 sQ.Fr.l s500.00 0l 0000 4 ri30 s I,i00.00 0l 0000.1ti1i)ffiSTRICT TMAJOR AN,IEND s I,000.00 0l 0000 413i0 SPECIAL DI:\'LLOPMLNT DISTRICT [N{lNoR AN{HNDI s200.00 0l 0000 413-10 w !+ ,af-0000 4!jio-VIRNNE-s250.00 .*-'(,-', 0l 0000.+l_r-i0 ZONINC CODE A\'ll:NDMLNTS s250.00 +0l 0000 4lji0 RIJ - ZONINC s200.00 rlT]J I: D OTHER llurnL: .^ ------.-.---:7..* :.!t: s cAss r -. - ,-., [2qa r]i.ol l REC.BY: (+d lo oo TBKIH E|F I,JF I L- .'i ; "J: i{ .,,}r YA ri Hccturrt # l:Fi # 1:4? HEHgULT."\1ffEI gl.{cE f,nr':un t- tend* red j'' Itefit Psid Er l EtgffEl4l f,f,elEEE Ch.rnge ret.urned "\ ?58. BE fusrnt Paid 3EE. B[t fr. FE THFIH}< a/OIJ \tc,ur ca';hier F:EHTHF TF!:"TF-F| YrtFSF!'l7T D,fIE Ifl RECETVEDFROM A.DDRESS Permit Numbers HowPAID-ca*-^*W * {6fil7 ::w L-_________ oo 6-*U-p ADJACENT TO. BEHIND AND ACROSS THE STREET TO RTY: Suzanne and Eric Berg 5195 Main Gore Drive P.O. Box 3002 Vail, Co. 81658 Art and Anna Keimer 5'174Main Gore Drive Vail, Co. 81657 or Preferred Realty 2355 Old Trail Road Avon, Co. 81620 Larry and Sue Ast 5174Main Gore Drive Vail, Co.81657 or Hightech Signs 910 Nottingham Road Avon, Co,81620 Richard and Barbara Devoe P.O. Box 1098 Naples, Florida 33939 - 1098 Wayne and Paula Lallier P.O. Box 399 Salida, Co. 81201 VailMeadows: Filing 1 Lot 17 Lot 14 Lot 14 Lot 18 ,*S2r '/t'*' ENAULT P .. rst\E$$uw'k I MA?R11$e5 '0\ 'c0t\\\\I\'D[tt' trLr t Lot 15 fu,u N c"f fo oo /ry zair.a '7 5<"L)/- ,fu/" / + r._ Xt oo o PER 4(' THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PRO PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18,66.060 of the Municipal Code of ihe Town of Vail on lvlay 8, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a conditional use permit to allow an outdoor dining deck to be located adjacent to the Garton's Saloon located at '143 East Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Vlllage 1st Filing. Applicant: Dave Garton Planner: Randy Stouder 2. ' A request for a zone change from National Area Preservation District to General Use District to allow for a renovation to the Vail Recreation District office, located at 1278 Vail Valley Drive/Parcel E, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicanl: VailRecreationDistrict Planner: Russell Forrest A request for a front setback variance to allow for a second story addition located at 5194 Main Gore Drive South/Lot 16, Vail Meadows First Filing. Applicant: Philip Henault Planner: Randy Stoude( A request for a work session for an amendment to the Ford Park Master Plan to allow for an expansion to the Betty Ford Alpine Garden located at 183 Gore Creek Drive/ An unplatted parcel of land located in the NE 1/4 Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at the southwesterly corner ot a parcel of land knows as the Ford Amphitheater Parcel, whence the northeast corner of The Wren, A condominium Project, according to the map thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, bears N36"08'15"W 1165.76 feet; thence N54'05'59'W 71.45 feet;thence 268.84 feet along the arc of a non tangent curve to the left, having a radius of 164.91 feel, a central angle of 93"24'19" and a chord that bears N02'38'17"W 240.04 teel; thence N67"15'14"E 16.98 feet; thence N07"23'17"E 38.63 feet; thence N19"24'25"E 87.07 feet; thence S78"37'08"E 227.90 teel; thence S87'48'38"E 47.25 feet to the northerly angle point of said Ford Amphitheater Parcel thence the following four courses along the northwesterly line of said Ford Amphitheater Parcel: 1) S78"13'55"W 65.50 feet;2)s46"25'47"W 144.61 feet;3)S19'11'18'W 112.31 feet;4) S18'18'56"W 150.85 feet to the Pint of Beginning, containing 1.019 acres, more or less. Applicant: Betty Ford Alpine Gardens represented by Helen Fritch Planner: George Ruther 4. ,$i {\,I 1,.'; I revised APR 1 0 1s$5 ApplicaLion PEC MEETING A \IARIA}ICE Philip A. Heanult Dare /V-zs- { i r"r,f ll,il ,',, } . , ;l,t .uUlUftY','...''"' APPLICATION FOR I. /6 n STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 4. -\f /-/rasaS<rsftad€4 4/y'lrafrr,:( I. .- The relationship of the requested variance to the vicinitv. oo DATE This procedure is required for any project reguesting a variance. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS 5194 Main Gore South East Vail, Colorado 81657 PHONE A,76-42qA NA.I.4E OF APPLICANT' S ADDRESS REPRESENTATTVE N/a PHONE NAME OF OWNER (S) ADDRESS Phili A. Henault and (-OWNER(S) (type ot STGNATURE (S) PHONE LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCKiF- FILING 1 Lot 16 ADDRESS Main Gore South E. FEE $2so . oo p}Jo l,? G cx *L\ THE FEE MT'ST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. "/-Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a list of their names and mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. // "'II. A pre-application conference with a planning staff member j_s strongly suggested to determine if any additional i-nformation is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include al_I items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicantrs responsibili-ty to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additionaf submittal requirements. IIIT PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPTETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLTNE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDiTIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLTED WITH BEFORE A BUTLDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. " roun (a) coprEs oF THE FoLLowrNG MUST BE suBMrrrED: "',_\ . -"/A.,i TA WRITTEN STATEMENT oF THE PRECISE NATURE oF THE LY VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATIoN INVoLVED. THE niezJ-z.Henaull (''f'n fi frU,o (t& ((u t,' specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. The effect of the variance on light and air,distribution of popuJ-ation, transportation,traffic facilj.ties, utilities, and public safety. How your request complies with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. f "r{ r,- c. ,l rF Ml\c. A. v. 4+.ne./ o topographic and,/or improvemenr survey at a scaie of at least L" - 20' stamped by a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of all- exj-sting j-mprovements, including grades and elevations. Other elements which must be shown are parking and loading areas, ingress and egiress, landscaped areas and ut.ility and drainage features. A site plan at a scale of at least 'J," = 20t showing exlst.ing and proposed buildings. /la, < o { an preliminary building elevations and ffoor plans sufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spaces existj-ng and proposed on the site. A preliminary title report to verify ownershj-p and easements. If the proposal is Located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners' association, then written approval- from the association in support. of the project must abe received by a duly authorized agent for sai-d associati-on. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator. For interior modifications, an improvement survey and qi t-o nl -an merz l p+\-s Hrc.rr .re1, De waived by the zqn1ng administrator. IV. TIME REQUIREMENTS The Planning and Envi-ronmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the pEC public hearing.No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoning administrator) wiII be accept.ed by the planning staff before or after the designated submittal_ date. All PEC approved variances sha1l lapse if construction is not commenced within one year of the date of approval- and diligently pursued to completion. If this application requj.res a separate revj-ew by any local, State or Federal agency other than the fown oi Vail. the application fee shal1 be increasert bv $200.00. Examples of such review, may includel but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsi_ble for paying any publishing fees which are i.n excess of 50? of the application fee. If, at the applicant,s reguestr dny matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, Lhen, the entire fee for such re-publication shal1 be paid by the applicant. B. ?^3:f l:ffinQHT:""?;"lli"::vu:n:Q.,a",,3t' o, other issues which may have a significant inpact on thd cornmuniLy may reguire review by consultants other that town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Communlty Development may hire an outside consultant, i-t shall estimate the amount of money necessary to Pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Toltn by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consuftant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant. shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. D !F TOWN OF VAIL RECEIPl'NO. r3 /" V<DATI!=l CHECKS MiDE PAY,{BLE TO TOWN OFVAIL ACSOITNT NO.ITIM NO. TAX COSTAT{- TI'TAL 0 0000 41 540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0 oooo 424 5 UNIFORM BUILDING CODI.$54.Url 0 oooo 424 )UNIFORM PLUMBINC CODE sr9.00 0 0000 424 J UNI FORM MLC] I.ANIC.,1.L CODE s3 7.00 0 |]{J(N 424 )UNI|ORM T IRb CODI $l6.00 0 0000 424 NN I IONN L bLL,C I'RlCAL COL}I:!;J 7.00 0 0000 424 5 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS}$ 7.00 *'1 0 ooa) 424 2 XTROX COPIF-S $0.25 0 0000 424 2 STUDIIS 0 0000 424 2 TOVFEIJS COMPUTER PROGRAM s5.00 0 0000 42171 PENALTY FEES i RE.INSPECTIONS 0 0000 4 I t32 PLAN REVIITW RI:-ClII:CK l'l-.1: I$40 PI:R llR.l 0 0000 423 2 OFF IIOURS TNSPI]CTION FEES 0 0000 414 )CONTRNCTORS LICI-NSLS FI.F.S 0 0000 4l4ll SIGN APPLICATION FEI]s20.o0 0 0000 414 l ADDI I IONAL SIUNA(il: l'lrl: lSl.00PLRSQ.Fl.l lJl P F H 4 Ii ct H *! s 0 0000 4244q vl('n RT PROJI:(-T DONATION 0 000[4 | 33]PRL PAID DI;SICN RF-V|E\\'BOARD FI.E .ral) . 0 0000?2T71 INVESTICATION FEIr ( IIUILDINC )*]3l 0000 451l0 TOV PNRKINC FUND -T 0 otJo0 22027 lI)V NLwSPn Pl;R DISPI:NSI:R f UND il *0l 00002tIt2 'I AXABLE far 47o (S'l'41'EI ::i1 * 0I 0000 41010 TAXABLE fa .{9/. (TOrd'\ } .r.l 0 t 0000 42171 BUILDINC TNVESTIGATION ()TIIIR J 0 0000 4l 3 30 CONDITIONAL UST: PI.RVIT 520U.(ru 3{0t 0000 41330 EXTIIRIOR ALTI:RATI()N TLLSS Tlln N I00 SO.FT.l $200.00 4 0 0000 4l 330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IMORI: TIIAN 100 SQ.FT.l 5500.00 il 0 0000 41330 SPECIN L DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT INF:W]s l,)w.00 i:l 0 0000 4l 330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT I-MAJOR AMEND s I,000.00 il 0 0000 4l 330 SPECIAL DIJVI]LOPMI]NT DISTRICT IMINOR NMEND $200.00 trl U (.xr00 4l ji0 SUBDIVISION :l 0 0000 4l 330 VAzuANCE s250.00 :,1 0 0000 4l 330 ZONING CODE AMI:NDMIiNTS s25U.00 0 0000 4l 330 R]J - ZONINC szOu.00 OTIIIIR OTTIER *llUlAL: \= C/' ,,,,,u*,,, 4ff1 11b; 6or"-' /)r^"rr.--' cAsf, r - r,*,, r/Y)/,".0,,*u,u",/y'P T|--rl.|-ltl rrF tJlaIL l'li=cei l erreaug tl'ssh t:1i-t:ii-'15 t:1?11;:l:r ii*i*i.Et + 1b':rii= fii(:nr-irit. g i:i;' 'i+ i l:; 'rlLi.ilil-lL.T'.irFlE; FEE !1111r-,rr t i.+rrde i+'j : I teni P=id r:j l 'JBtJi-r.'f i ll l f:! -'1ij i.i-r.lfrqe t'P t'!-r i-rretj '' 5ti ' [1i]1 F{rn,:run t Ft'=i tj f i;r. [t'i r.l ii!:r -FHlal{}{ 'a-'f-rlJ '.1o',, t' ; 1!1, i s r- FlEl-t iflfl COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 108 South Frontage Road P,O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 (3431 476-2251 cp,i^$.,isn"o, n 0n I t/ I A ^f |i\fu.s"n-g-. _ U{. St&''k- Validating Olf icer Representing: jrtre ['usu*nruce f,cr,ten*v or )4 ft{'** ESorA .$?lalJaS,Oj l. r-F-rft__-=?- vros:rur.rrffi Jo ANvdurot r*-rvunsrul rir.rl 'l;otruSrs pezuoqlns raqlo Jo :ecg3o Surlepqerr e .(q peu8rsrelunoc uoq,{ prle^ oq ol 'V eFpoqcs ul ul\olls elep er{} uo srar$Jo pqz-Iloqpr ,{1np s1t ,(q pexg;e otunarcq aq ot IBas pu? srusu elrlodroc sl! posnet seq Bloseuull4l .1o ,{uCdtuo3 rcuernsul epll 'COEUgHltl SSENJIII1 NI 'lueulnutuoJ sJqt ,tq pere,roc uoeraql aSeEl:oul lo lsslelul lo alelso aql snlel toJ pto3ar go sennbce pernsur pasodord eql alBp aql ol toud lnq Joelaq alEP e^llJoJJe eql o1 tuanbasqns 3ur-qcells ro sproJar rqqnd aqt ur Srn.readdz istu 'pal?erc ',(ue gr 'sre11eur reqlo Jo stuIEIJ esjs^p? 'seJuBlqrunrua 'suoll 'slJeJaO 'S 'sp:ocer cJlqnd aqt ,{q uatoqs lou pue /.rel dq pasodul 'peqsrutnJ louDoJerl Jo aroJolareql Fllel8ur ro Joq?l 'secl^Jos JoJ 'uell ? ol lq?lr :o 'uot1 ,iuy 'n 'sprora.l :t1qnd aqr ,{q u,notp lou eJB I{lIq,^A pu€ asolJslp p1no,* sasnuard oql3o uoliredsul pug .{s1lns peJJoJ ? qcrqan slrei ,{ue pue 'sluaurqc?orcuo '?er? ut a8eyoqs 'sau11 ,{repunoq ur slstguoJ 'sotcuudercstg 't 'sp:oca: ctlqnd eqt r(q ulroqs 1ou'sluouras?oJo surelc lo'sluoureseg '7. 'sprocer rtlqnd aql trq u,troqs 1ou uotssassod u1 setpzd 3o srurelc ro qq?ry 'l :8ur,tro1;o; aql ol lcafqns osl? sl luotltlIUlIJoJ sr,ql 'ol perJeJar a^oqE e8eraao3 uo{ suorsnlJxA puu suorleJndrl5 pu? suorlrpuoJ aql q paq?tuoc sleltPru oql ol uolllppB ul SNCIId:3X] CUVCNVI-S 'luaulllululoJ sTql So suorsr,rord eqt ol tralqns ale Pue uo Psscq aq $nu luaullluruloJ slrn Fq pare,roc uoareql ateSuoru sql Jo snlels orF Jo lsarelq ro el?ls_a eql ol alllt eql Jo snlels aql Jo lno turspe ,{uzduro3 eqt tsupEa 8q:q ,{etu :o aleq ,{eur pamsul pasodo:d eql lBq} uol}38 Jo slr{8u ro suollrs lo uotlc? AUV 't 'ureJeg paurpour ,(lssardxa se ldecxa luourllrurroC srql jo ped ? aperu pue aruareJer ,(q pelerod.rocur [qaraq are qclq,^\ pernsul pesodord oql Jo lo^eJ 4 ]oJ_palllur -ruoc iolcqolo ,(iy1od 3o rurb; eqi go a8e:a,r63 uorj suoisnlcxa aql'pue'suor1elnd11s puB suoJupuoJ aql pu? suo6!^ord 3umsur eqr or tiafqns s1 ,{tqtqefl qcns pua rog pallruru.roc sarcrrod ro ,{rlod aql roJ V elnpeqcs q pel?ls lunoue oql peatxe Al[rqEll qrns Ipqs luaAa ou u1 '1ueu11u:uroj slql ,(q parartoc uoaraql e3eElrour Jo lsarelrn ro al?lsa aql eleerc,lo a:1nbre o1 (c) ro 'g alnpeqJs r! rinoqs suondacxa aleuluJllaol (q):o3oareq sluaurarrnbal orlt qll^i ,(Fu:oc ol (?) t{IeJ pooS u1 8uy1el:apun ut uoararl a3uEll -er u! perrnou! ssol lenlrE :o; ,{1uo pup loJ pat}ruluor sarollod ro ,{c11od Jo urroJ aql ut pernsul _Jo uonnntap eql Jepun Papnlc .ul silirad qrns pui parnsul paioddrd petuiu aqt ot lluo eq geqs lueurlltutuo3 sr-t{l :apun ,(uedruo3 eqt jo ,(11tqet1 'g 'suoqe1ndr15 pu? suollpuoJ asal{l Jo t rlde.r8ured o1 luensrnd pallncul {lsnourcrd i{1ryquq uorg {ueduro3 aql e^elloI }ou lleqs }uaulpueu? r{rns lnq ',{lSutprocee luaullrr4uoC sFil Jo g alnpeqrs puotllz ,{etu uoiligo irt rr iusdu:o3-aqr ":arrerir raqro io iuralc eirer,pu 'aiue:qruircui 'uiJ1 'rcagap qc-ns {ue 3o a8pal,toul pnlce sarlnbcr asptr .raqto {uedruo3 oqt;J ro 'r(ueduroJ aq1 ot a8palmou:1 qcns osolrsrp g€qs pernsul pasodord eqt 31 'aEpa-1,ttoul qrns asoltslp os ol perirsul pasodo'la Jqi'go ornle; ,tq paSlpnferd s] .(ueilruo3 eql tuelxa aql-ol uoereq asueller Jo 1cu ,(uu tuotg 3u1t;nsa.l a3uuep to ssol {ue ro3 dugqell urotj palafle] aq neqs ,(uedruo3 eqr'tutl:,,r' ur ^ueduloC aqt ol a8pal^\ou'4 qcns esolcslp or IleJ ll?qs pw loera! g apieqcf ur'irmoql -asoqr wr{t Jeqlo luaulpuuro3 sr-q Iq pa:e.roc uo-:aq} a8e3lroru to lsarelu ro alBlse aql 3ultra;.;e .rollsur raqlo ro u4e1c asraape'aouirquncua''uaJ1 'lceyep dul go atpalarorq pnlcu sernb:e ro ssrl pamsul pesodord aql 31 'e 'luarunrtsur I1lncas raqlo ro'p€ep lsrul'lsnrtJo paap apnlcur llBqs'uraraq pesn ueq,n'..a8ttpour,, ural eql 'l Si\OlIVlndl rS CfiY SNOlIiCiiOS .Iwduro3 aql Jo llnq eql lou sl sey:god.ro ,(cqod qrns enss! ot ernllBJ eql lpqr popl^ord 'slncto tsrlJ re^aqrr-q^\ 'onssl lleqs roJ pelltururoo sabllod ro,(llod aql uarlr ro Joaraq al€p e^IlcaJJe aql reu? sqluolu xls el?uulJel puB-es?at lJ?qs JapunoJeq suoll -e51fqo puu ,tll[qeti [e pue aiuemir4 apn go salrilod :o ,{c11od qpns Jo aru?nss! eql ol f:euunlard sI luaurllutuo3 slql, 'luausseJopua luanDosqns Aq Jo luaulltuuroC slql Jo aru?nssl ar{t Jo ourll eql lE raqlla ',{ueduro3 aql fq yoaraq y alnpaqcs u-r pauesuJ uoaq 0 Eq IoJ pollruuot sal3ylod ro ,$11od oqt 3o tsnouip aql pu€ parnsul pxodo:d egl 3o fi_qurp1 aqt uaq,$ .,(Fo a^llreJJa aq lpqs lueurlltutuoJ slliJ 'goaraq suoJlulndlls pu? suotltPuoJ aql ol pue I pu? V salnpaqrs 3o suorsraord eql ol lcalqns IIB:roJoler{l saEreqc pue surnpua:d aqt go luau,(sd uodn 'y einpelps u! ol pel]_aJaJ io paqgcsip duiieqr uI iqareq pelo or lsarotul ro 31e1sa aq1.;o aiEe8lroui ro raumd se 'v alnpeqts u! peuBu parnsul pasodord aqi 1o ro,rtig q,y ilnpaqig ri1'pegpuapl sE'a3usrnsul epli Jo salollod ro .{c11od slr aflssr ot stlulurot ,{qareq 'uorleraplsuor aJqehp,r e io3 'lueduro3 eql palpc rnaraq 'uotlerodror elosournl,11 8 'VIOSSNNII4I JO ANVdI{OJ AJN\rU1SNI iIlIlI clossuul w 'sr1odeauuly11 1o AueduroS lcols e Illftir tllOSSi'{Nti/if JO ANVdir'iO,l r3N?UftSiJl r"r-i ii tIU U L .. '^aH 046! 'rN3!\|Ill IWOC NOITV|COSSV 3-lllr qNV'l NVCIU]hlv ao to ,6c2 lu,lo J l ll I oo ALTA L]I]HT-I :J';HETII-ILE ITT4EIJT t-t S41:lX. {}(, c nr'r al al *,/- :' .:,n $ 1f-}. rl(i *7:5.:C r€ier to V1{:tglg. 1 :. S:rl$" i::i:r(:l . r.r i-:,1:t.|:<ll!l .'l 1.i nf er'est invsr'g,i h;"i"e:i n i si ar" th+ vest-ed iri: EIfNI.JIE '-!. HENAULT f ':' i I ! r_! _!- PLAT ol Appi j.catirn f'jr-,, V1{,;rt* Fir r fni:r,r'rr;ati*i-r firrii. - Ehar'Ses - ALTA LENETER FI:ILITjY Eridi snrt * ltptl,0O Endr.srrrt i+ 1iltt,,!*1t Errdrsmt # lE:-t, 1 --T']TAL_- I lditl-i tc'ur rlLar'ittanr:E pl ease Et:f ect ivr., f:4te; *!r.1ne 12, l?:17 at €ll {:r] A.lr1" F'r I icy t'r t( i.+aued' arid pr*R.,sed InFUr't-'j: I 'rnLTA" Lrian lFr, I i,:1" 1'.77(:! R*visiin, I F r',iPc,sed Irtslured : I r::F:i t4irFlTliflitEl t:i:tRFCIRATIifl'j, Its :lrjc*essir'!: Air'1 ,/i:ri. Th* estate ,r l' interest in thrr I arrd des;r'ibe d *r' r'ef er'r'ed t,r irr thi= f,rrn:mitmfrrt a.nC r:r:rv€r'€d fierein is: A Fer: Eimrl e I Titie t,: the L:,sta.t€ ni' efi*ctivl-" date her'eal: F'|"{ILIF A. HE||AULT and 'I arrd r'ef dr*red tr ir' this tl:':rrnri tr:.:nt i-c 'icsc;-.i1.*Li a=. 11., vAIl- ll'"iEstir:rtd:::, FILINTS l.jil. l- Fil:t::r:'RliIi,itS T'1 THE FEi":'lFi[iEri THEREI:IF, T:I:IUT.ITY OF EAFLE, 5TA'IE IIF f,iJI-fJFAfIfi. FFIIiE oo ALTA rl8f{ itITl'1 El'lT SrHEI'|-!LE B-1 {Requirerrerrts) Appli;ati.t'n l'lo. V1{:t:3tg Thc. f i l I *rr;ins af'e the FLaquircmr.rnts tc' b,e t,:,rnpl ir"d trlith: t. Favment tn Cr r: f or' the ar,:or:rrt sf the gr'ant,lrs i'r m,trtgagsrs rrf the f ul1 cc'rtsi der'ati,.rn f *r the eFtat€ '*r interest ts b'e ineured. il. F'r,:rF€r' i rrstriunrerrt (s) cr'c.at ine the rist-ati" c,i ii;ter'eEt t,:, be insured :rrust be e:rEcutre'i arrd dul r f iled f *r r'e:nrd' tc,--lrtit! ;J, FELEA::F t::F OEEfr tiF TRU:]T FATEIT fr,rcrinL,er O4, J.:.r7r-t , Fi-{t:lfl l,'lirHAEL l,,lAr::tiEH Ai''iB f:ATFIY I,JAL;hIEfT Ttr THE FUBLII: TRLISTEE NF EAIiLE I::I:ILII'I'TY FI:IFiTHE UEE IJF THE Ei"iFIFiE E*VINI=F, FilILTIIT-Jt:i AIJN L':IAT.J *::i::;I:I'-jIATIi:iN Ti] SETURE TFiE FUI'i CF *1?1" 7.5t1. {:x:r REt:rJRttEir ,-ianr:ar.'r lrJr L':r7',:r, ilJ EiiJcri{ ltlo AT r'AEE 5:?7. nI''iFUR'.;iER'g l{r:rTIrlE I}.J Cr:'tjNECTInFJ HITfI g*In ErEEn t:rF TRlj::i-l- l^JA:i l.rl:i::r::i-(E:afr '-lanu;.r.r' lO, L:.!7?., 1!',J Ftff!'.: :Ei{, AT FAtIE 5--.:fl, A:l,.:;lflFTIi:iJ.J AG,lEEiiEi,iT Ii! rl:i1l".ii'.lIrl:Ti,-il.l trr-TiJ::;A:::; E:EFI| irF Ti;!-i,:,T ldA:: FEC:tFit::ii ::;!3''t€n'lh€r. :jct? 19Iti, JN Ei:tirl{ :,1!':, AT FAEiE /:46, .4. trEElr CF TRU:!iT FR,:rf.t FHILIF A. t-tEliAr-.:LT and E.-rl..l$i- J. H;riJ:ii-il T T':r Tl-i* Fl-lEl-Irl: TRUE;TEE I]F HIATiLE I::I:IUI'JTY F';tR THE LI:::E I:IF TF's III:IKTGAIJE I::TItFt]R'iTITi'J' itA :!urce:-sr.i-s Aiid/l:ii Assicris lt:r .qEtll:itE THE 5lji"i t:li: i:t(:li, t-:i:;i:i. {:ir. ].HE I::I:ILIruTF [:LERF; ANTI REI::IJRNEE:-q BFFIC:E REI"TLIIREi:I: TiITI-:F{I{ AirfiF::EtSE*l nFl 1r:il:Ul-jEl.JTt EEi!T F$R fr=f,i:iRli:Niil I oo IrAriE t oo .o ALTA r:: rll"l i'j 1Tfi fiii ,_;L_,i_Jgr;:_jlE F_.: (Eilr;1=p1ii'ns ) tlpt* j i iai'i '-rir i'iri. V it-)t:::l:: The r',:l i lL' r,r' pi'l icie:- t':' ie i sir.J*'j rrrilI ,:nntain €::::;e Ft i t,ri; t'r the l: t, I I c,ui rr= u!-rless the sEilie arL1 d i si',:=,-=d c,f t,: the ;ati3{attirl'ir r:f t hL: !::t'rrParrl': 1.. Etar'da.r''J E:,i':eFt i c'n:- 1 thr't,r.iei-r i rr'i nti-:d +rr tirg ;i'v'ET qher,'t' li. T;;,.';1= 5 ari d as5€Fsr;€i-its i,t:, f ;ret ,iue ::rr t.il'r'ah le iLn,l 5F€.:ial a s s i3 s s iriLr i, t ; rr,:t rgt ;*;.tif ii',i t,r the T;- eas:.:r'L1t''3 r-'r'f t:iis' 7. Arr',' r:ri paiJ talii?s ,:,r' ass!:s=ir,eii t3 esai i-r s.t 5ai'i ien'J. :3. Li.-:riF l:t:,j- l..lnFa.i,i u,atL=r' E.ii,i 3i:u!';F ;l-i.}i sE-i, i1: ar,t'. ',, . Fi i ijHT r:rF F fii:rF'i-i:i ETi::i.-{ fiF A !,E I i.i i::::i L:::::'E .l-!J !: X I-fiF:il::T iii';fi FjEi'l1:tijE i-i ]::; r:'i-.:E T:-lrREFFtr:ri$ ::;Hr:rr_:Lir ]-ilE 5i1r'iE FE Fi:;l-ii{tt .1-!:i l'-'El{lTiiiiTE f;i-{ l i".l:"i:.j:i::ili:r l-HF FilEi'i 1:lrit *:: FiE::iEFiVEir ii.j tj[]1TE_r i:TA;E:l F,*TFi\iT iiEr-.l,FiirEit r:;!:'. 1.*iiiL'€r. 1::i, l'lrt];:, 1l.l 8i:r-:ii 4ir ,i i a'Fi i-1E r+ :/ J , 'l'l_l= f XI::;l';j..jt::E r-;F Ti-i!l f,l j: iiLliA!- i:Xi::=FTl:::iil Ar\rI;..'r-jii F;E:]:Ifi."''AT Ii:ril :rl-;i:i',;ii Ar:: iTi"-;'; 1:r, :;L;FiEi:LrLE F*:, ii I LL i..|:iT AFFEf:T !:iL:R A5i I L i l"Y T,,:i A1'Tii[:;l :::[rLi]Fii-liiI Ei{iil:i-':j:i'iEhiT l.iri " J. {Ji:i . :..;. Tr:i r-lllFi i'1i.--:ilTrl$r-rE= '::; F r:ii.- I i:Y ili'lltriJ J::ir::rliErr . 1 (:i. R 1r:iHT frF ilF.i'y' FilR ir I Tr::HE:f r_'i{ ;iri.lAL:; r::lt.ri::;'i-r-iLlrlTilIi FY Tl-iE ALiTI-i::Fi I TY r:iF Ti;r t_l!.,jTTfIr ::;TAT[::: A= li=::;:ri'.lEal Iij l_iin]:T=rr :lIATr:_l i:,,1TEi.JT R=r::r:rliLri:i:r 5.:'ptenir,ei i3, it!:rr" Il.J Fr_-'8ii qE AT FAI:E 4'? j., TFir EXIF_:TEl.,lr:E ilF Tlii r*:::::l-iEhrT r-:il-li:ii.Jl''J A::; ITEiI i'.ilr:r, 1.!-t,. Fn::HF-t:]-.iLF F:-:3' l.iILL;'i'r-]7 *FFEr::T ';UR AEILIT{ Ttr Al-TAi:t-l r::[rLarftAfiir Ei'i|lr:!R]:;El'iEi'.iT Nr:r . irj:1. I Iir r:rLli{ iir::FiTrlA::iEf:.:;: F r::L 1'::Y hjil[;..] I;:;::l-iiri . 11.. liESTRIt::TIVE L:t:rUEi,,jlil{T::, Ll:JJ:::H Iiir iiirT a:r-il'JTAii,l A FiiFiFE;-ii-iRE llir i:iEVEFiTEFi rLAr_:::;E, Bi_iT t::ilITTifdrj FiEi:;TRii::TIirij::;: jF Ar',,1Y" L,A:::i:It r:;i.J fiAr::E" r::i-:Li:!ri, iiELii-l1t:ri!' irFi NATir:riiAL i:rRIt:.iIi..l, +$ LiiljTAll.ifir :ll.l iti::;Tf{lji'iEi"rT FiEj::r:tFiilEi! Itcreri;!,cr.t-!i,r, L'.'1:.!:', Tl.J Er:il:rl.,::{:}5,+T FArjE J. Al'Jir Atr Al*jn'JFEir IN Li'j::;;Fil-li*;E:\iT REI:iiFiIr[Ir ,-i!l"r {:)i, :.':i7..:i, "J r--t..'i.::: ::11:r AT F'A*E r:t5 f-tliili H'i ii-1[:iinH:t ifJ ]f..j:ITFil-iilEi'J'I Fii:t:i:-i;iiiEit iir-'r'r i i:i! ' 1.':.ti=t7 1 i i'i Fi:lr:rll ti*'r:l AT F Ar::r :_i.';_4 = jt-j" r-rTII-1Iy EA::tillEf.jT TEfi FrET Ii.i tili--iTH *Lr::i{i:.i THr EA:irEFiLY LirT l-It.jE r:rF'.:;1.-iL'.-lEr::T F.FiI:iF'EFiTY. F AiiE ::r oo AL'1-A i:AFj r.lITf"i El.lT '::a UFfil :l 5 ltr*'? (H:',:c+ptinns)Appl i,:at i,:r"r Fl,:,. V1(JgiE 13. RI':HT I:'F I4AY FF I:iI:.RE I::REEI{ A:I IT AFFEtrTS:1UBJEI::T FRI:IF'ER'IY. ITEI'iS 1, !]AT.IEI.3 EF TiiE STANTIARTI EXCEFTI$I'J'; I^'ILL EE NELETEB FFCII'"I THE I'IBRTIiA|:"EE"$ TITLE PI:ILII:Y LiFCIf'J REI:EIFT i:F A :lATI:;FAI:TTIRY :I.':F'frI:II'ET'IEhIT LtrI::ATII:II'J';URVEY. LII.IRVEY }lLIgT gET t,-1UT TI{E EASEilET{T::; .3FT FflFiTH II.I :;f:Fi[tILiL*: B-: A5E FRTIVITIE LANII TITLE ']I-'ARANTEE ':Gi{FAF{Y '.'ITH TFiE I^(AI'IE IIF THE AhiN LJE IdILL E;ENN CI]FIE5 NF THE FJEI:;5EARY TIL|trUI'1EN-IT. FIIF{II 10{l TJILL 15:;UEE EASEB UFBTJ TFiE I:TII.,IF*I'{Y"= ftEViEI^I LIF TFiE :IURUEY Ali SET FI]RTH I']BTE: iF THE II'IFFiL-1VEI.IENT LLI|]ATIiII.J TLIFVEY IS I.JI:IT RE':FIVEN T'Y L*T,iTI TITLE GIJARANTFE fffl{FANY Il'{ 5i-lFFIr::IEt{T TIl,iE Tr:' REVIEtI ,it';n Ei'jf"::REE TFiE tl:ilttiillTlirEtjT FRI*R TA r:[-r:r$Ii.JG, *IrnlTir:r!.iAt- EX|:FFTIT_]fi= T:1 Tl-iE Fr:rLir-Y r::r:rt-ll.lr BE EXr::L*IigL, FRrltl F*RH [{rC tr:rVEFrAi;E, ITEM 4 TJILL HE fiEi-ETEI! FFt:iil;.iirFiiGAt:iEf'5 F'[rLi';Y l.-iF,r-:iJ F|IL:EIFT T:rf: A :jATI :::FA|::T|_1FY LIEl.l AFFlirAVIi. rt FiNTHT :JA I HEREI.N. FL LiURVEYING COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 108 South Frontage Road P,O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 (3431 476-2251 cp,i^$.,isn"o, n 0n I t/ I A ^f |i\fu.s"n-g-. _ U{. St&''k- Validating Olf icer Representing: jrtre ['usu*nruce f,cr,ten*v or )4 ft{'** ESorA .$?lalJaS,Oj l. r-F-rft__-=?- vros:rur.rrffi Jo ANvdurot r*-rvunsrul rir.rl 'l;otruSrs pezuoqlns raqlo Jo :ecg3o Surlepqerr e .(q peu8rsrelunoc uoq,{ prle^ oq ol 'V eFpoqcs ul ul\olls elep er{} uo srar$Jo pqz-Iloqpr ,{1np s1t ,(q pexg;e otunarcq aq ot IBas pu? srusu elrlodroc sl! posnet seq Bloseuull4l .1o ,{uCdtuo3 rcuernsul epll 'COEUgHltl SSENJIII1 NI 'lueulnutuoJ sJqt ,tq pere,roc uoeraql aSeEl:oul lo lsslelul lo alelso aql snlel toJ pto3ar go sennbce pernsur pasodord eql alBp aql ol toud lnq Joelaq alEP e^llJoJJe eql o1 tuanbasqns 3ur-qcells ro sproJar rqqnd aqt ur Srn.readdz istu 'pal?erc ',(ue gr 'sre11eur reqlo Jo stuIEIJ esjs^p? 'seJuBlqrunrua 'suoll 'slJeJaO 'S 'sp:ocer cJlqnd aqt ,{q uatoqs lou pue /.rel dq pasodul 'peqsrutnJ louDoJerl Jo aroJolareql Fllel8ur ro Joq?l 'secl^Jos JoJ 'uell ? ol lq?lr :o 'uot1 ,iuy 'n 'sprora.l :t1qnd aqr ,{q u,notp lou eJB I{lIq,^A pu€ asolJslp p1no,* sasnuard oql3o uoliredsul pug .{s1lns peJJoJ ? qcrqan slrei ,{ue pue 'sluaurqc?orcuo '?er? ut a8eyoqs 'sau11 ,{repunoq ur slstguoJ 'sotcuudercstg 't 'sp:oca: ctlqnd eqt r(q ulroqs 1ou'sluouras?oJo surelc lo'sluoureseg '7. 'sprocer rtlqnd aql trq u,troqs 1ou uotssassod u1 setpzd 3o srurelc ro qq?ry 'l :8ur,tro1;o; aql ol lcafqns osl? sl luotltlIUlIJoJ sr,ql 'ol perJeJar a^oqE e8eraao3 uo{ suorsnlJxA puu suorleJndrl5 pu? suorlrpuoJ aql q paq?tuoc sleltPru oql ol uolllppB ul SNCIId:3X] CUVCNVI-S 'luaulllululoJ sTql So suorsr,rord eqt ol tralqns ale Pue uo Psscq aq $nu luaullluruloJ slrn Fq pare,roc uoareql ateSuoru sql Jo snlels orF Jo lsarelq ro el?ls_a eql ol alllt eql Jo snlels aql Jo lno turspe ,{uzduro3 eqt tsupEa 8q:q ,{etu :o aleq ,{eur pamsul pasodo:d eql lBq} uol}38 Jo slr{8u ro suollrs lo uotlc? AUV 't 'ureJeg paurpour ,(lssardxa se ldecxa luourllrurroC srql jo ped ? aperu pue aruareJer ,(q pelerod.rocur [qaraq are qclq,^\ pernsul pesodord oql Jo lo^eJ 4 ]oJ_palllur -ruoc iolcqolo ,(iy1od 3o rurb; eqi go a8e:a,r63 uorj suoisnlcxa aql'pue'suor1elnd11s puB suoJupuoJ aql pu? suo6!^ord 3umsur eqr or tiafqns s1 ,{tqtqefl qcns pua rog pallruru.roc sarcrrod ro ,{rlod aql roJ V elnpeqcs q pel?ls lunoue oql peatxe Al[rqEll qrns Ipqs luaAa ou u1 '1ueu11u:uroj slql ,(q parartoc uoaraql e3eElrour Jo lsarelrn ro al?lsa aql eleerc,lo a:1nbre o1 (c) ro 'g alnpeqJs r! rinoqs suondacxa aleuluJllaol (q):o3oareq sluaurarrnbal orlt qll^i ,(Fu:oc ol (?) t{IeJ pooS u1 8uy1el:apun ut uoararl a3uEll -er u! perrnou! ssol lenlrE :o; ,{1uo pup loJ pat}ruluor sarollod ro ,{c11od Jo urroJ aql ut pernsul _Jo uonnntap eql Jepun Papnlc .ul silirad qrns pui parnsul paioddrd petuiu aqt ot lluo eq geqs lueurlltutuo3 sr-t{l :apun ,(uedruo3 eqt jo ,(11tqet1 'g 'suoqe1ndr15 pu? suollpuoJ asal{l Jo t rlde.r8ured o1 luensrnd pallncul {lsnourcrd i{1ryquq uorg {ueduro3 aql e^elloI }ou lleqs }uaulpueu? r{rns lnq ',{lSutprocee luaullrr4uoC sFil Jo g alnpeqrs puotllz ,{etu uoiligo irt rr iusdu:o3-aqr ":arrerir raqro io iuralc eirer,pu 'aiue:qruircui 'uiJ1 'rcagap qc-ns {ue 3o a8pal,toul pnlce sarlnbcr asptr .raqto {uedruo3 oqt;J ro 'r(ueduroJ aq1 ot a8palmou:1 qcns osolrsrp g€qs pernsul pasodord eqt 31 'aEpa-1,ttoul qrns asoltslp os ol perirsul pasodo'la Jqi'go ornle; ,tq paSlpnferd s] .(ueilruo3 eql tuelxa aql-ol uoereq asueller Jo 1cu ,(uu tuotg 3u1t;nsa.l a3uuep to ssol {ue ro3 dugqell urotj palafle] aq neqs ,(uedruo3 eqr'tutl:,,r' ur ^ueduloC aqt ol a8pal^\ou'4 qcns esolcslp or IleJ ll?qs pw loera! g apieqcf ur'irmoql -asoqr wr{t Jeqlo luaulpuuro3 sr-q Iq pa:e.roc uo-:aq} a8e3lroru to lsarelu ro alBlse aql 3ultra;.;e .rollsur raqlo ro u4e1c asraape'aouirquncua''uaJ1 'lceyep dul go atpalarorq pnlcu sernb:e ro ssrl pamsul pesodord aql 31 'e 'luarunrtsur I1lncas raqlo ro'p€ep lsrul'lsnrtJo paap apnlcur llBqs'uraraq pesn ueq,n'..a8ttpour,, ural eql 'l Si\OlIVlndl rS CfiY SNOlIiCiiOS .Iwduro3 aql Jo llnq eql lou sl sey:god.ro ,(cqod qrns enss! ot ernllBJ eql lpqr popl^ord 'slncto tsrlJ re^aqrr-q^\ 'onssl lleqs roJ pelltururoo sabllod ro,(llod aql uarlr ro Joaraq al€p e^IlcaJJe aql reu? sqluolu xls el?uulJel puB-es?at lJ?qs JapunoJeq suoll -e51fqo puu ,tll[qeti [e pue aiuemir4 apn go salrilod :o ,{c11od qpns Jo aru?nss! eql ol f:euunlard sI luaurllutuo3 slql, 'luausseJopua luanDosqns Aq Jo luaulltuuroC slql Jo aru?nssl ar{t Jo ourll eql lE raqlla ',{ueduro3 aql fq yoaraq y alnpaqcs u-r pauesuJ uoaq 0 Eq IoJ pollruuot sal3ylod ro ,$11od oqt 3o tsnouip aql pu€ parnsul pxodo:d egl 3o fi_qurp1 aqt uaq,$ .,(Fo a^llreJJa aq lpqs lueurlltutuoJ slliJ 'goaraq suoJlulndlls pu? suotltPuoJ aql ol pue I pu? V salnpaqrs 3o suorsraord eql ol lcalqns IIB:roJoler{l saEreqc pue surnpua:d aqt go luau,(sd uodn 'y einpelps u! ol pel]_aJaJ io paqgcsip duiieqr uI iqareq pelo or lsarotul ro 31e1sa aq1.;o aiEe8lroui ro raumd se 'v alnpeqts u! peuBu parnsul pasodord aqi 1o ro,rtig q,y ilnpaqig ri1'pegpuapl sE'a3usrnsul epli Jo salollod ro .{c11od slr aflssr ot stlulurot ,{qareq 'uorleraplsuor aJqehp,r e io3 'lueduro3 eql palpc rnaraq 'uotlerodror elosournl,11 8 'VIOSSNNII4I JO ANVdI{OJ AJN\rU1SNI iIlIlI clossuul w 'sr1odeauuly11 1o AueduroS lcols e Illftir tllOSSi'{Nti/if JO ANVdir'iO,l r3N?UftSiJl r"r-i ii tIU U L .. '^aH 046! 'rN3!\|Ill IWOC NOITV|COSSV 3-lllr qNV'l NVCIU]hlv ao to ,6c2 lu,lo J l ll I oo ALTA L]I]HT-I :J';HETII-ILE ITT4EIJT t-t S41:lX. {}(, c nr'r al al *,/- :' .:,n $ 1f-}. rl(i *7:5.:C r€ier to V1{:tglg. 1 :. S:rl$" i::i:r(:l . r.r i-:,1:t.|:<ll!l .'l 1.i nf er'est invsr'g,i h;"i"e:i n i si ar" th+ vest-ed iri: EIfNI.JIE '-!. HENAULT f ':' i I ! r_! _!- PLAT ol Appi j.catirn f'jr-,, V1{,;rt* Fir r fni:r,r'rr;ati*i-r firrii. - Ehar'Ses - ALTA LENETER FI:ILITjY Eridi snrt * ltptl,0O Endr.srrrt i+ 1iltt,,!*1t Errdrsmt # lE:-t, 1 --T']TAL_- I lditl-i tc'ur rlLar'ittanr:E pl ease Et:f ect ivr., f:4te; *!r.1ne 12, l?:17 at €ll {:r] A.lr1" F'r I icy t'r t( i.+aued' arid pr*R.,sed InFUr't-'j: I 'rnLTA" Lrian lFr, I i,:1" 1'.77(:! R*visiin, I F r',iPc,sed Irtslured : I r::F:i t4irFlTliflitEl t:i:tRFCIRATIifl'j, Its :lrjc*essir'!: Air'1 ,/i:ri. Th* estate ,r l' interest in thrr I arrd des;r'ibe d *r' r'ef er'r'ed t,r irr thi= f,rrn:mitmfrrt a.nC r:r:rv€r'€d fierein is: A Fer: Eimrl e I Titie t,: the L:,sta.t€ ni' efi*ctivl-" date her'eal: F'|"{ILIF A. HE||AULT and 'I arrd r'ef dr*red tr ir' this tl:':rrnri tr:.:nt i-c 'icsc;-.i1.*Li a=. 11., vAIl- ll'"iEstir:rtd:::, FILINTS l.jil. l- Fil:t::r:'RliIi,itS T'1 THE FEi":'lFi[iEri THEREI:IF, T:I:IUT.ITY OF EAFLE, 5TA'IE IIF f,iJI-fJFAfIfi. FFIIiE oo ALTA rl8f{ itITl'1 El'lT SrHEI'|-!LE B-1 {Requirerrerrts) Appli;ati.t'n l'lo. V1{:t:3tg Thc. f i l I *rr;ins af'e the FLaquircmr.rnts tc' b,e t,:,rnpl ir"d trlith: t. Favment tn Cr r: f or' the ar,:or:rrt sf the gr'ant,lrs i'r m,trtgagsrs rrf the f ul1 cc'rtsi der'ati,.rn f *r the eFtat€ '*r interest ts b'e ineured. il. F'r,:rF€r' i rrstriunrerrt (s) cr'c.at ine the rist-ati" c,i ii;ter'eEt t,:, be insured :rrust be e:rEcutre'i arrd dul r f iled f *r r'e:nrd' tc,--lrtit! ;J, FELEA::F t::F OEEfr tiF TRU:]T FATEIT fr,rcrinL,er O4, J.:.r7r-t , Fi-{t:lfl l,'lirHAEL l,,lAr::tiEH Ai''iB f:ATFIY I,JAL;hIEfT Ttr THE FUBLII: TRLISTEE NF EAIiLE I::I:ILII'I'TY FI:IFiTHE UEE IJF THE Ei"iFIFiE E*VINI=F, FilILTIIT-Jt:i AIJN L':IAT.J *::i::;I:I'-jIATIi:iN Ti] SETURE TFiE FUI'i CF *1?1" 7.5t1. {:x:r REt:rJRttEir ,-ianr:ar.'r lrJr L':r7',:r, ilJ EiiJcri{ ltlo AT r'AEE 5:?7. nI''iFUR'.;iER'g l{r:rTIrlE I}.J Cr:'tjNECTInFJ HITfI g*In ErEEn t:rF TRlj::i-l- l^JA:i l.rl:i::r::i-(E:afr '-lanu;.r.r' lO, L:.!7?., 1!',J Ftff!'.: :Ei{, AT FAtIE 5--.:fl, A:l,.:;lflFTIi:iJ.J AG,lEEiiEi,iT Ii! rl:i1l".ii'.lIrl:Ti,-il.l trr-TiJ::;A:::; E:EFI| irF Ti;!-i,:,T ldA:: FEC:tFit::ii ::;!3''t€n'lh€r. :jct? 19Iti, JN Ei:tirl{ :,1!':, AT FAEiE /:46, .4. trEElr CF TRU:!iT FR,:rf.t FHILIF A. t-tEliAr-.:LT and E.-rl..l$i- J. H;riJ:ii-il T T':r Tl-i* Fl-lEl-Irl: TRUE;TEE I]F HIATiLE I::I:IUI'JTY F';tR THE LI:::E I:IF TF's III:IKTGAIJE I::TItFt]R'iTITi'J' itA :!urce:-sr.i-s Aiid/l:ii Assicris lt:r .qEtll:itE THE 5lji"i t:li: i:t(:li, t-:i:;i:i. {:ir. ].HE I::I:ILIruTF [:LERF; ANTI REI::IJRNEE:-q BFFIC:E REI"TLIIREi:I: TiITI-:F{I{ AirfiF::EtSE*l nFl 1r:il:Ul-jEl.JTt EEi!T F$R fr=f,i:iRli:Niil I oo IrAriE t oo .o ALTA r:: rll"l i'j 1Tfi fiii ,_;L_,i_Jgr;:_jlE F_.: (Eilr;1=p1ii'ns ) tlpt* j i iai'i '-rir i'iri. V it-)t:::l:: The r',:l i lL' r,r' pi'l icie:- t':' ie i sir.J*'j rrrilI ,:nntain €::::;e Ft i t,ri; t'r the l: t, I I c,ui rr= u!-rless the sEilie arL1 d i si',:=,-=d c,f t,: the ;ati3{attirl'ir r:f t hL: !::t'rrParrl': 1.. Etar'da.r''J E:,i':eFt i c'n:- 1 thr't,r.iei-r i rr'i nti-:d +rr tirg ;i'v'ET qher,'t' li. T;;,.';1= 5 ari d as5€Fsr;€i-its i,t:, f ;ret ,iue ::rr t.il'r'ah le iLn,l 5F€.:ial a s s i3 s s iriLr i, t ; rr,:t rgt ;*;.tif ii',i t,r the T;- eas:.:r'L1t''3 r-'r'f t:iis' 7. Arr',' r:ri paiJ talii?s ,:,r' ass!:s=ir,eii t3 esai i-r s.t 5ai'i ien'J. :3. Li.-:riF l:t:,j- l..lnFa.i,i u,atL=r' E.ii,i 3i:u!';F ;l-i.}i sE-i, i1: ar,t'. ',, . Fi i ijHT r:rF F fii:rF'i-i:i ETi::i.-{ fiF A !,E I i.i i::::i L:::::'E .l-!J !: X I-fiF:il::T iii';fi FjEi'l1:tijE i-i ]::; r:'i-.:E T:-lrREFFtr:ri$ ::;Hr:rr_:Lir ]-ilE 5i1r'iE FE Fi:;l-ii{tt .1-!:i l'-'El{lTiiiiTE f;i-{ l i".l:"i:.j:i::ili:r l-HF FilEi'i 1:lrit *:: FiE::iEFiVEir ii.j tj[]1TE_r i:TA;E:l F,*TFi\iT iiEr-.l,FiirEit r:;!:'. 1.*iiiL'€r. 1::i, l'lrt];:, 1l.l 8i:r-:ii 4ir ,i i a'Fi i-1E r+ :/ J , 'l'l_l= f XI::;l';j..jt::E r-;F Ti-i!l f,l j: iiLliA!- i:Xi::=FTl:::iil Ar\rI;..'r-jii F;E:]:Ifi."''AT Ii:ril :rl-;i:i',;ii Ar:: iTi"-;'; 1:r, :;L;FiEi:LrLE F*:, ii I LL i..|:iT AFFEf:T !:iL:R A5i I L i l"Y T,,:i A1'Tii[:;l :::[rLi]Fii-liiI Ei{iil:i-':j:i'iEhiT l.iri " J. {Ji:i . :..;. Tr:i r-lllFi i'1i.--:ilTrl$r-rE= '::; F r:ii.- I i:Y ili'lltriJ J::ir::rliErr . 1 (:i. R 1r:iHT frF ilF.i'y' FilR ir I Tr::HE:f r_'i{ ;iri.lAL:; r::lt.ri::;'i-r-iLlrlTilIi FY Tl-iE ALiTI-i::Fi I TY r:iF Ti;r t_l!.,jTTfIr ::;TAT[::: A= li=::;:ri'.lEal Iij l_iin]:T=rr :lIATr:_l i:,,1TEi.JT R=r::r:rliLri:i:r 5.:'ptenir,ei i3, it!:rr" Il.J Fr_-'8ii qE AT FAI:E 4'? j., TFir EXIF_:TEl.,lr:E ilF Tlii r*:::::l-iEhrT r-:il-li:ii.Jl''J A::; ITEiI i'.ilr:r, 1.!-t,. Fn::HF-t:]-.iLF F:-:3' l.iILL;'i'r-]7 *FFEr::T ';UR AEILIT{ Ttr Al-TAi:t-l r::[rLarftAfiir Ei'i|lr:!R]:;El'iEi'.iT Nr:r . irj:1. I Iir r:rLli{ iir::FiTrlA::iEf:.:;: F r::L 1'::Y hjil[;..] I;:;::l-iiri . 11.. liESTRIt::TIVE L:t:rUEi,,jlil{T::, Ll:JJ:::H Iiir iiirT a:r-il'JTAii,l A FiiFiFE;-ii-iRE llir i:iEVEFiTEFi rLAr_:::;E, Bi_iT t::ilITTifdrj FiEi:;TRii::TIirij::;: jF Ar',,1Y" L,A:::i:It r:;i.J fiAr::E" r::i-:Li:!ri, iiELii-l1t:ri!' irFi NATir:riiAL i:rRIt:.iIi..l, +$ LiiljTAll.ifir :ll.l iti::;Tf{lji'iEi"rT FiEj::r:tFiilEi! Itcreri;!,cr.t-!i,r, L'.'1:.!:', Tl.J Er:il:rl.,::{:}5,+T FArjE J. Al'Jir Atr Al*jn'JFEir IN Li'j::;;Fil-li*;E:\iT REI:iiFiIr[Ir ,-i!l"r {:)i, :.':i7..:i, "J r--t..'i.::: ::11:r AT F'A*E r:t5 f-tliili H'i ii-1[:iinH:t ifJ ]f..j:ITFil-iilEi'J'I Fii:t:i:-i;iiiEit iir-'r'r i i:i! ' 1.':.ti=t7 1 i i'i Fi:lr:rll ti*'r:l AT F Ar::r :_i.';_4 = jt-j" r-rTII-1Iy EA::tillEf.jT TEfi FrET Ii.i tili--iTH *Lr::i{i:.i THr EA:irEFiLY LirT l-It.jE r:rF'.:;1.-iL'.-lEr::T F.FiI:iF'EFiTY. F AiiE ::r oo AL'1-A i:AFj r.lITf"i El.lT '::a UFfil :l 5 ltr*'? (H:',:c+ptinns)Appl i,:at i,:r"r Fl,:,. V1(JgiE 13. RI':HT I:'F I4AY FF I:iI:.RE I::REEI{ A:I IT AFFEtrTS:1UBJEI::T FRI:IF'ER'IY. ITEI'iS 1, !]AT.IEI.3 EF TiiE STANTIARTI EXCEFTI$I'J'; I^'ILL EE NELETEB FFCII'"I THE I'IBRTIiA|:"EE"$ TITLE PI:ILII:Y LiFCIf'J REI:EIFT i:F A :lATI:;FAI:TTIRY :I.':F'frI:II'ET'IEhIT LtrI::ATII:II'J';URVEY. LII.IRVEY }lLIgT gET t,-1UT TI{E EASEilET{T::; .3FT FflFiTH II.I :;f:Fi[tILiL*: B-: A5E FRTIVITIE LANII TITLE ']I-'ARANTEE ':Gi{FAF{Y '.'ITH TFiE I^(AI'IE IIF THE AhiN LJE IdILL E;ENN CI]FIE5 NF THE FJEI:;5EARY TIL|trUI'1EN-IT. FIIF{II 10{l TJILL 15:;UEE EASEB UFBTJ TFiE I:TII.,IF*I'{Y"= ftEViEI^I LIF TFiE :IURUEY Ali SET FI]RTH I']BTE: iF THE II'IFFiL-1VEI.IENT LLI|]ATIiII.J TLIFVEY IS I.JI:IT RE':FIVEN T'Y L*T,iTI TITLE GIJARANTFE fffl{FANY Il'{ 5i-lFFIr::IEt{T TIl,iE Tr:' REVIEtI ,it';n Ei'jf"::REE TFiE tl:ilttiillTlirEtjT FRI*R TA r:[-r:r$Ii.JG, *IrnlTir:r!.iAt- EX|:FFTIT_]fi= T:1 Tl-iE Fr:rLir-Y r::r:rt-ll.lr BE EXr::L*IigL, FRrltl F*RH [{rC tr:rVEFrAi;E, ITEM 4 TJILL HE fiEi-ETEI! FFt:iil;.iirFiiGAt:iEf'5 F'[rLi';Y l.-iF,r-:iJ F|IL:EIFT T:rf: A :jATI :::FA|::T|_1FY LIEl.l AFFlirAVIi. rt FiNTHT :JA I HEREI.N. FL LiURVEYING COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 108 South Frontage Road P,O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 (3431 476-2251 cp,i^$.,isn"o, n 0n I t/ I A ^f |i\fu.s"n-g-. _ U{. St&''k- Validating Olf icer Representing: jrtre ['usu*nruce f,cr,ten*v or )4 ft{'** ESorA .$?lalJaS,Oj l. r-F-rft__-=?- vros:rur.rrffi Jo ANvdurot r*-rvunsrul rir.rl 'l;otruSrs pezuoqlns raqlo Jo :ecg3o Surlepqerr e .(q peu8rsrelunoc uoq,{ prle^ oq ol 'V eFpoqcs ul ul\olls elep er{} uo srar$Jo pqz-Iloqpr ,{1np s1t ,(q pexg;e otunarcq aq ot IBas pu? srusu elrlodroc sl! posnet seq Bloseuull4l .1o ,{uCdtuo3 rcuernsul epll 'COEUgHltl SSENJIII1 NI 'lueulnutuoJ sJqt ,tq pere,roc uoeraql aSeEl:oul lo lsslelul lo alelso aql snlel toJ pto3ar go sennbce pernsur pasodord eql alBp aql ol toud lnq Joelaq alEP e^llJoJJe eql o1 tuanbasqns 3ur-qcells ro sproJar rqqnd aqt ur Srn.readdz istu 'pal?erc ',(ue gr 'sre11eur reqlo Jo stuIEIJ esjs^p? 'seJuBlqrunrua 'suoll 'slJeJaO 'S 'sp:ocer cJlqnd aqt ,{q uatoqs lou pue /.rel dq pasodul 'peqsrutnJ louDoJerl Jo aroJolareql Fllel8ur ro Joq?l 'secl^Jos JoJ 'uell ? ol lq?lr :o 'uot1 ,iuy 'n 'sprora.l :t1qnd aqr ,{q u,notp lou eJB I{lIq,^A pu€ asolJslp p1no,* sasnuard oql3o uoliredsul pug .{s1lns peJJoJ ? qcrqan slrei ,{ue pue 'sluaurqc?orcuo '?er? ut a8eyoqs 'sau11 ,{repunoq ur slstguoJ 'sotcuudercstg 't 'sp:oca: ctlqnd eqt r(q ulroqs 1ou'sluouras?oJo surelc lo'sluoureseg '7. 'sprocer rtlqnd aql trq u,troqs 1ou uotssassod u1 setpzd 3o srurelc ro qq?ry 'l :8ur,tro1;o; aql ol lcafqns osl? sl luotltlIUlIJoJ sr,ql 'ol perJeJar a^oqE e8eraao3 uo{ suorsnlJxA puu suorleJndrl5 pu? suorlrpuoJ aql q paq?tuoc sleltPru oql ol uolllppB ul SNCIId:3X] CUVCNVI-S 'luaulllululoJ sTql So suorsr,rord eqt ol tralqns ale Pue uo Psscq aq $nu luaullluruloJ slrn Fq pare,roc uoareql ateSuoru sql Jo snlels orF Jo lsarelq ro el?ls_a eql ol alllt eql Jo snlels aql Jo lno turspe ,{uzduro3 eqt tsupEa 8q:q ,{etu :o aleq ,{eur pamsul pasodo:d eql lBq} uol}38 Jo slr{8u ro suollrs lo uotlc? AUV 't 'ureJeg paurpour ,(lssardxa se ldecxa luourllrurroC srql jo ped ? aperu pue aruareJer ,(q pelerod.rocur [qaraq are qclq,^\ pernsul pesodord oql Jo lo^eJ 4 ]oJ_palllur -ruoc iolcqolo ,(iy1od 3o rurb; eqi go a8e:a,r63 uorj suoisnlcxa aql'pue'suor1elnd11s puB suoJupuoJ aql pu? suo6!^ord 3umsur eqr or tiafqns s1 ,{tqtqefl qcns pua rog pallruru.roc sarcrrod ro ,{rlod aql roJ V elnpeqcs q pel?ls lunoue oql peatxe Al[rqEll qrns Ipqs luaAa ou u1 '1ueu11u:uroj slql ,(q parartoc uoaraql e3eElrour Jo lsarelrn ro al?lsa aql eleerc,lo a:1nbre o1 (c) ro 'g alnpeqJs r! rinoqs suondacxa aleuluJllaol (q):o3oareq sluaurarrnbal orlt qll^i ,(Fu:oc ol (?) t{IeJ pooS u1 8uy1el:apun ut uoararl a3uEll -er u! perrnou! ssol lenlrE :o; ,{1uo pup loJ pat}ruluor sarollod ro ,{c11od Jo urroJ aql ut pernsul _Jo uonnntap eql Jepun Papnlc .ul silirad qrns pui parnsul paioddrd petuiu aqt ot lluo eq geqs lueurlltutuo3 sr-t{l :apun ,(uedruo3 eqt jo ,(11tqet1 'g 'suoqe1ndr15 pu? suollpuoJ asal{l Jo t rlde.r8ured o1 luensrnd pallncul {lsnourcrd i{1ryquq uorg {ueduro3 aql e^elloI }ou lleqs }uaulpueu? r{rns lnq ',{lSutprocee luaullrr4uoC sFil Jo g alnpeqrs puotllz ,{etu uoiligo irt rr iusdu:o3-aqr ":arrerir raqro io iuralc eirer,pu 'aiue:qruircui 'uiJ1 'rcagap qc-ns {ue 3o a8pal,toul pnlce sarlnbcr asptr .raqto {uedruo3 oqt;J ro 'r(ueduroJ aq1 ot a8palmou:1 qcns osolrsrp g€qs pernsul pasodord eqt 31 'aEpa-1,ttoul qrns asoltslp os ol perirsul pasodo'la Jqi'go ornle; ,tq paSlpnferd s] .(ueilruo3 eql tuelxa aql-ol uoereq asueller Jo 1cu ,(uu tuotg 3u1t;nsa.l a3uuep to ssol {ue ro3 dugqell urotj palafle] aq neqs ,(uedruo3 eqr'tutl:,,r' ur ^ueduloC aqt ol a8pal^\ou'4 qcns esolcslp or IleJ ll?qs pw loera! g apieqcf ur'irmoql -asoqr wr{t Jeqlo luaulpuuro3 sr-q Iq pa:e.roc uo-:aq} a8e3lroru to lsarelu ro alBlse aql 3ultra;.;e .rollsur raqlo ro u4e1c asraape'aouirquncua''uaJ1 'lceyep dul go atpalarorq pnlcu sernb:e ro ssrl pamsul pesodord aql 31 'e 'luarunrtsur I1lncas raqlo ro'p€ep lsrul'lsnrtJo paap apnlcur llBqs'uraraq pesn ueq,n'..a8ttpour,, ural eql 'l Si\OlIVlndl rS CfiY SNOlIiCiiOS .Iwduro3 aql Jo llnq eql lou sl sey:god.ro ,(cqod qrns enss! ot ernllBJ eql lpqr popl^ord 'slncto tsrlJ re^aqrr-q^\ 'onssl lleqs roJ pelltururoo sabllod ro,(llod aql uarlr ro Joaraq al€p e^IlcaJJe aql reu? sqluolu xls el?uulJel puB-es?at lJ?qs JapunoJeq suoll -e51fqo puu ,tll[qeti [e pue aiuemir4 apn go salrilod :o ,{c11od qpns Jo aru?nss! eql ol f:euunlard sI luaurllutuo3 slql, 'luausseJopua luanDosqns Aq Jo luaulltuuroC slql Jo aru?nssl ar{t Jo ourll eql lE raqlla ',{ueduro3 aql fq yoaraq y alnpaqcs u-r pauesuJ uoaq 0 Eq IoJ pollruuot sal3ylod ro ,$11od oqt 3o tsnouip aql pu€ parnsul pxodo:d egl 3o fi_qurp1 aqt uaq,$ .,(Fo a^llreJJa aq lpqs lueurlltutuoJ slliJ 'goaraq suoJlulndlls pu? suotltPuoJ aql ol pue I pu? V salnpaqrs 3o suorsraord eql ol lcalqns IIB:roJoler{l saEreqc pue surnpua:d aqt go luau,(sd uodn 'y einpelps u! ol pel]_aJaJ io paqgcsip duiieqr uI iqareq pelo or lsarotul ro 31e1sa aq1.;o aiEe8lroui ro raumd se 'v alnpeqts u! peuBu parnsul pasodord aqi 1o ro,rtig q,y ilnpaqig ri1'pegpuapl sE'a3usrnsul epli Jo salollod ro .{c11od slr aflssr ot stlulurot ,{qareq 'uorleraplsuor aJqehp,r e io3 'lueduro3 eql palpc rnaraq 'uotlerodror elosournl,11 8 'VIOSSNNII4I JO ANVdI{OJ AJN\rU1SNI iIlIlI clossuul w 'sr1odeauuly11 1o AueduroS lcols e Illftir tllOSSi'{Nti/if JO ANVdir'iO,l r3N?UftSiJl r"r-i ii tIU U L .. '^aH 046! 'rN3!\|Ill IWOC NOITV|COSSV 3-lllr qNV'l NVCIU]hlv ao to ,6c2 lu,lo J l ll I oo ALTA L]I]HT-I :J';HETII-ILE ITT4EIJT t-t S41:lX. {}(, c nr'r al al *,/- :' .:,n $ 1f-}. rl(i *7:5.:C r€ier to V1{:tglg. 1 :. S:rl$" i::i:r(:l . r.r i-:,1:t.|:<ll!l .'l 1.i nf er'est invsr'g,i h;"i"e:i n i si ar" th+ vest-ed iri: EIfNI.JIE '-!. HENAULT f ':' i I ! r_! _!- PLAT ol Appi j.catirn f'jr-,, V1{,;rt* Fir r fni:r,r'rr;ati*i-r firrii. - Ehar'Ses - ALTA LENETER FI:ILITjY Eridi snrt * ltptl,0O Endr.srrrt i+ 1iltt,,!*1t Errdrsmt # lE:-t, 1 --T']TAL_- I lditl-i tc'ur rlLar'ittanr:E pl ease Et:f ect ivr., f:4te; *!r.1ne 12, l?:17 at €ll {:r] A.lr1" F'r I icy t'r t( i.+aued' arid pr*R.,sed InFUr't-'j: I 'rnLTA" Lrian lFr, I i,:1" 1'.77(:! R*visiin, I F r',iPc,sed Irtslured : I r::F:i t4irFlTliflitEl t:i:tRFCIRATIifl'j, Its :lrjc*essir'!: Air'1 ,/i:ri. Th* estate ,r l' interest in thrr I arrd des;r'ibe d *r' r'ef er'r'ed t,r irr thi= f,rrn:mitmfrrt a.nC r:r:rv€r'€d fierein is: A Fer: Eimrl e I Titie t,: the L:,sta.t€ ni' efi*ctivl-" date her'eal: F'|"{ILIF A. HE||AULT and 'I arrd r'ef dr*red tr ir' this tl:':rrnri tr:.:nt i-c 'icsc;-.i1.*Li a=. 11., vAIl- ll'"iEstir:rtd:::, FILINTS l.jil. l- Fil:t::r:'RliIi,itS T'1 THE FEi":'lFi[iEri THEREI:IF, T:I:IUT.ITY OF EAFLE, 5TA'IE IIF f,iJI-fJFAfIfi. FFIIiE oo ALTA rl8f{ itITl'1 El'lT SrHEI'|-!LE B-1 {Requirerrerrts) Appli;ati.t'n l'lo. V1{:t:3tg Thc. f i l I *rr;ins af'e the FLaquircmr.rnts tc' b,e t,:,rnpl ir"d trlith: t. Favment tn Cr r: f or' the ar,:or:rrt sf the gr'ant,lrs i'r m,trtgagsrs rrf the f ul1 cc'rtsi der'ati,.rn f *r the eFtat€ '*r interest ts b'e ineured. il. F'r,:rF€r' i rrstriunrerrt (s) cr'c.at ine the rist-ati" c,i ii;ter'eEt t,:, be insured :rrust be e:rEcutre'i arrd dul r f iled f *r r'e:nrd' tc,--lrtit! ;J, FELEA::F t::F OEEfr tiF TRU:]T FATEIT fr,rcrinL,er O4, J.:.r7r-t , Fi-{t:lfl l,'lirHAEL l,,lAr::tiEH Ai''iB f:ATFIY I,JAL;hIEfT Ttr THE FUBLII: TRLISTEE NF EAIiLE I::I:ILII'I'TY FI:IFiTHE UEE IJF THE Ei"iFIFiE E*VINI=F, FilILTIIT-Jt:i AIJN L':IAT.J *::i::;I:I'-jIATIi:iN Ti] SETURE TFiE FUI'i CF *1?1" 7.5t1. {:x:r REt:rJRttEir ,-ianr:ar.'r lrJr L':r7',:r, ilJ EiiJcri{ ltlo AT r'AEE 5:?7. nI''iFUR'.;iER'g l{r:rTIrlE I}.J Cr:'tjNECTInFJ HITfI g*In ErEEn t:rF TRlj::i-l- l^JA:i l.rl:i::r::i-(E:afr '-lanu;.r.r' lO, L:.!7?., 1!',J Ftff!'.: :Ei{, AT FAtIE 5--.:fl, A:l,.:;lflFTIi:iJ.J AG,lEEiiEi,iT Ii! rl:i1l".ii'.lIrl:Ti,-il.l trr-TiJ::;A:::; E:EFI| irF Ti;!-i,:,T ldA:: FEC:tFit::ii ::;!3''t€n'lh€r. :jct? 19Iti, JN Ei:tirl{ :,1!':, AT FAEiE /:46, .4. trEElr CF TRU:!iT FR,:rf.t FHILIF A. t-tEliAr-.:LT and E.-rl..l$i- J. H;riJ:ii-il T T':r Tl-i* Fl-lEl-Irl: TRUE;TEE I]F HIATiLE I::I:IUI'JTY F';tR THE LI:::E I:IF TF's III:IKTGAIJE I::TItFt]R'iTITi'J' itA :!urce:-sr.i-s Aiid/l:ii Assicris lt:r .qEtll:itE THE 5lji"i t:li: i:t(:li, t-:i:;i:i. {:ir. ].HE I::I:ILIruTF [:LERF; ANTI REI::IJRNEE:-q BFFIC:E REI"TLIIREi:I: TiITI-:F{I{ AirfiF::EtSE*l nFl 1r:il:Ul-jEl.JTt EEi!T F$R fr=f,i:iRli:Niil I oo IrAriE t oo .o ALTA r:: rll"l i'j 1Tfi fiii ,_;L_,i_Jgr;:_jlE F_.: (Eilr;1=p1ii'ns ) tlpt* j i iai'i '-rir i'iri. V it-)t:::l:: The r',:l i lL' r,r' pi'l icie:- t':' ie i sir.J*'j rrrilI ,:nntain €::::;e Ft i t,ri; t'r the l: t, I I c,ui rr= u!-rless the sEilie arL1 d i si',:=,-=d c,f t,: the ;ati3{attirl'ir r:f t hL: !::t'rrParrl': 1.. Etar'da.r''J E:,i':eFt i c'n:- 1 thr't,r.iei-r i rr'i nti-:d +rr tirg ;i'v'ET qher,'t' li. T;;,.';1= 5 ari d as5€Fsr;€i-its i,t:, f ;ret ,iue ::rr t.il'r'ah le iLn,l 5F€.:ial a s s i3 s s iriLr i, t ; rr,:t rgt ;*;.tif ii',i t,r the T;- eas:.:r'L1t''3 r-'r'f t:iis' 7. Arr',' r:ri paiJ talii?s ,:,r' ass!:s=ir,eii t3 esai i-r s.t 5ai'i ien'J. :3. Li.-:riF l:t:,j- l..lnFa.i,i u,atL=r' E.ii,i 3i:u!';F ;l-i.}i sE-i, i1: ar,t'. ',, . Fi i ijHT r:rF F fii:rF'i-i:i ETi::i.-{ fiF A !,E I i.i i::::i L:::::'E .l-!J !: X I-fiF:il::T iii';fi FjEi'l1:tijE i-i ]::; r:'i-.:E T:-lrREFFtr:ri$ ::;Hr:rr_:Lir ]-ilE 5i1r'iE FE Fi:;l-ii{tt .1-!:i l'-'El{lTiiiiTE f;i-{ l i".l:"i:.j:i::ili:r l-HF FilEi'i 1:lrit *:: FiE::iEFiVEir ii.j tj[]1TE_r i:TA;E:l F,*TFi\iT iiEr-.l,FiirEit r:;!:'. 1.*iiiL'€r. 1::i, l'lrt];:, 1l.l 8i:r-:ii 4ir ,i i a'Fi i-1E r+ :/ J , 'l'l_l= f XI::;l';j..jt::E r-;F Ti-i!l f,l j: iiLliA!- i:Xi::=FTl:::iil Ar\rI;..'r-jii F;E:]:Ifi."''AT Ii:ril :rl-;i:i',;ii Ar:: iTi"-;'; 1:r, :;L;FiEi:LrLE F*:, ii I LL i..|:iT AFFEf:T !:iL:R A5i I L i l"Y T,,:i A1'Tii[:;l :::[rLi]Fii-liiI Ei{iil:i-':j:i'iEhiT l.iri " J. {Ji:i . :..;. Tr:i r-lllFi i'1i.--:ilTrl$r-rE= '::; F r:ii.- I i:Y ili'lltriJ J::ir::rliErr . 1 (:i. R 1r:iHT frF ilF.i'y' FilR ir I Tr::HE:f r_'i{ ;iri.lAL:; r::lt.ri::;'i-r-iLlrlTilIi FY Tl-iE ALiTI-i::Fi I TY r:iF Ti;r t_l!.,jTTfIr ::;TAT[::: A= li=::;:ri'.lEal Iij l_iin]:T=rr :lIATr:_l i:,,1TEi.JT R=r::r:rliLri:i:r 5.:'ptenir,ei i3, it!:rr" Il.J Fr_-'8ii qE AT FAI:E 4'? j., TFir EXIF_:TEl.,lr:E ilF Tlii r*:::::l-iEhrT r-:il-li:ii.Jl''J A::; ITEiI i'.ilr:r, 1.!-t,. Fn::HF-t:]-.iLF F:-:3' l.iILL;'i'r-]7 *FFEr::T ';UR AEILIT{ Ttr Al-TAi:t-l r::[rLarftAfiir Ei'i|lr:!R]:;El'iEi'.iT Nr:r . irj:1. I Iir r:rLli{ iir::FiTrlA::iEf:.:;: F r::L 1'::Y hjil[;..] I;:;::l-iiri . 11.. liESTRIt::TIVE L:t:rUEi,,jlil{T::, Ll:JJ:::H Iiir iiirT a:r-il'JTAii,l A FiiFiFE;-ii-iRE llir i:iEVEFiTEFi rLAr_:::;E, Bi_iT t::ilITTifdrj FiEi:;TRii::TIirij::;: jF Ar',,1Y" L,A:::i:It r:;i.J fiAr::E" r::i-:Li:!ri, iiELii-l1t:ri!' irFi NATir:riiAL i:rRIt:.iIi..l, +$ LiiljTAll.ifir :ll.l iti::;Tf{lji'iEi"rT FiEj::r:tFiilEi! Itcreri;!,cr.t-!i,r, L'.'1:.!:', Tl.J Er:il:rl.,::{:}5,+T FArjE J. Al'Jir Atr Al*jn'JFEir IN Li'j::;;Fil-li*;E:\iT REI:iiFiIr[Ir ,-i!l"r {:)i, :.':i7..:i, "J r--t..'i.::: ::11:r AT F'A*E r:t5 f-tliili H'i ii-1[:iinH:t ifJ ]f..j:ITFil-iilEi'J'I Fii:t:i:-i;iiiEit iir-'r'r i i:i! ' 1.':.ti=t7 1 i i'i Fi:lr:rll ti*'r:l AT F Ar::r :_i.';_4 = jt-j" r-rTII-1Iy EA::tillEf.jT TEfi FrET Ii.i tili--iTH *Lr::i{i:.i THr EA:irEFiLY LirT l-It.jE r:rF'.:;1.-iL'.-lEr::T F.FiI:iF'EFiTY. F AiiE ::r oo AL'1-A i:AFj r.lITf"i El.lT '::a UFfil :l 5 ltr*'? (H:',:c+ptinns)Appl i,:at i,:r"r Fl,:,. V1(JgiE 13. RI':HT I:'F I4AY FF I:iI:.RE I::REEI{ A:I IT AFFEtrTS:1UBJEI::T FRI:IF'ER'IY. ITEI'iS 1, !]AT.IEI.3 EF TiiE STANTIARTI EXCEFTI$I'J'; I^'ILL EE NELETEB FFCII'"I THE I'IBRTIiA|:"EE"$ TITLE PI:ILII:Y LiFCIf'J REI:EIFT i:F A :lATI:;FAI:TTIRY :I.':F'frI:II'ET'IEhIT LtrI::ATII:II'J';URVEY. LII.IRVEY }lLIgT gET t,-1UT TI{E EASEilET{T::; .3FT FflFiTH II.I :;f:Fi[tILiL*: B-: A5E FRTIVITIE LANII TITLE ']I-'ARANTEE ':Gi{FAF{Y '.'ITH TFiE I^(AI'IE IIF THE AhiN LJE IdILL E;ENN CI]FIE5 NF THE FJEI:;5EARY TIL|trUI'1EN-IT. FIIF{II 10{l TJILL 15:;UEE EASEB UFBTJ TFiE I:TII.,IF*I'{Y"= ftEViEI^I LIF TFiE :IURUEY Ali SET FI]RTH I']BTE: iF THE II'IFFiL-1VEI.IENT LLI|]ATIiII.J TLIFVEY IS I.JI:IT RE':FIVEN T'Y L*T,iTI TITLE GIJARANTFE fffl{FANY Il'{ 5i-lFFIr::IEt{T TIl,iE Tr:' REVIEtI ,it';n Ei'jf"::REE TFiE tl:ilttiillTlirEtjT FRI*R TA r:[-r:r$Ii.JG, *IrnlTir:r!.iAt- EX|:FFTIT_]fi= T:1 Tl-iE Fr:rLir-Y r::r:rt-ll.lr BE EXr::L*IigL, FRrltl F*RH [{rC tr:rVEFrAi;E, ITEM 4 TJILL HE fiEi-ETEI! FFt:iil;.iirFiiGAt:iEf'5 F'[rLi';Y l.-iF,r-:iJ F|IL:EIFT T:rf: A :jATI :::FA|::T|_1FY LIEl.l AFFlirAVIi. rt FiNTHT :JA I HEREI.N. FL LiURVEYING o o z Q {F c o =o z T rn 7 ={ r -I ..| m I4 LO .Ltt l-{ l+ o I<X f I'T' Y :lm: 6 l9s 1 h* g l=q g r=[ i ;=.o€1o.d3 ;9 -aO cl,>t 40 hi:o 'n m - <mt! -t-- T \,1 ;-tn> = /_r /a\ 9P"'t- E!tr =Xf o=;R>= (tr>=8:6 ;> 5 tJr ct a Ttr!-o I ,l E6 mt l;t l<o l.:" I l-<tse q)T m I -{ -.1 o t! m x m !J, o z (- o.II'L -{m (- C. l. (-. L- o Za\ an o _T. z o z --{ i o c)Ot 2;-lc 8E d6 t-m -{ = t- z -{n -t n o 2"-tm vz >m on -l>or- z =m I I t; I o, =(D o, € a _Tl (o *lg lo E l>l- tm le,lz lo I I I I t+lo l€ lz lo l'n t<t> lF II lm ls,lz l{ t€ lz lo II t> F m le, 16 l! lz lo li II lfl lz la l€ lz lo ll l> t5 la tz c)B =b <F r p p tn Y I I -l -l I I I E F E r t-- l(D lg (J|l- --.{ cts rol.+I =13 ol-,. -I.IJ =l-.fo Crl ot>:l '-l I f o 5 l\)(Jl @ aro- H3d oP-o 6 *'g O ii at 9_-O I:F -R{{E6- =*fr (D:J -.O 0)=--o=:0rf =.= P Eoo q ad ? E-*o f 9+,OKo) -=E L o!' D -:'-r +L; a16 oo* .rt=o €30 =99 otdf =s.F ;E =5 gf jB9 q=i F ii= 6 a'3 38A o -=:o(D=. 0t {v, c 6' o o 0,o o o .'(o o o -l o { 0) o t l 3 gt c. 5'(o o o 0) CL o A)q (D n 'r m --n z --l T m €z m ! I x z o =z r- m ! =-{ CN z m m m l<'- lz I2 lr It tr lm >: t- € oi n-D m z a c f' -t z I 6 z m t-c rll I q o i 2 I I z n n !t- l'l €m r tr z o c z f I 3 = I z c z =g, I z m € tn I -z =z t- m :o @ Irl n t-G o z le t-O-l 8!Eli >'n 7a \z c) tt o 3!; Eb 66 zz E< = =2 # t"S <+0 ?i (D! -a6 =z U'O ctn o{'--o --4 9r:.1' =l I I I I I I ztz 217 F ts E l=t- ta : li'I ld ^ l--ll ml 2l J m =t-o z .r| !o t- --.u ml r IA 5 \ ,op o -t t- m n = ='Tl m tTl U' c at m -.{ x t-m z m ! E -.t m L o z m s m { I! o m u m F z n m m =m o z - !t- =z m t-m o {3 o ! z o m x c (-0 z m 3 --l m =_tt m m U' VALUATION !m 7 =-t z I I 3 m 2 o |- a' =@ z o Itt l-m -{ 6 - g t- z o (tl o o o \t (Jl o o i.^) { \ N) F (tl o (w#4360--a i/b//s '/rLK- C=* { m la :,- o | --r li o l<x f tlY:lm: 6 lC; a t l'n X '4 l.pi S leP o laf in O l< -{ t l-m=t-1 aJ 'ac o< I ,.1 :!o (J<-o (io >T 16 m- 'n _o m 3 a ftr-tt-l <trq ;=v z=z^ = \./ l.J YP r o o z (n -{n c o -{o z !rn n ={ Etrtr c-a_ -11 !i; or-r>= 39= E ao -"> (A s s { az lq m; l^-r F-\- ^ NjH lsi l, m =-_t -l @ m x m .I i z (-o @ 2'i m |-(- --l I m z 8=zA tt --{ ^9T o Oa Zt--"1 (_3< 1z 2{ >= -tO o> cl\ aa vz >m --1 >or- I =m \ €z m h(z m llr o> -T1 r- ,- v, zl ol I N f--.\F\|..l l-Sl tsF Nt^ l".l NI ls-. I $l t..' I --{ m t-m -.{ {z .'|l 7 m o z I I {z o -D - m z I { tTl l- m li lo l> l- lm lo I = m l- m ld t;t<l> l- lm lo l_z I lo l€ lz lo l-n t<t>t- lr- IH 6-' z v I I I m f .) i F. N- T .J tr :J !a\ l- p rn U ; A s e F F p Ftr f-l K_lr--* T1- l-l.!? =ro .r- a)t -.t DO-roo'r ;r6 .u:ao rog u d\< R aq l=- -!€{Io -o o (D :a:t )+- o: =j'Z +o (e -': -i o-o *o f C*o o ilo, 3 =3 -ru: 't1 f(D ..=9o 5gP ordr ==.-Jo=oq-E *r l(D: lhvr= ER6 A-!.,dS € D)l o g. o :' 6' c c o 0) 5' =(D _-1 ; f c s. 2. f o o :, o o 2. f z -J I m { m o o { 9) d t f, o - = 5'(o o o q) \o \\r o 3\.\\N\v_l\ \\ a)-\ \\o o\\€t\\ o E|\ \\: '\N SN.NS iN\> [\r E 9h\ - .11$ ql ;t\ o - ln\gil\ =-[ \ (D fNn 5 z 0 o l z t- .D m It =vt z m m m i-< ' tz iz l=l> :r c -.t --T-- I I --T-- I I I (t I z fro-<l>n!l-t m m o t It lo li- tl ln --l €ll z (!t C - z I o z c m IO a: ri- -z zc) '' z = z>pR Ici *=Lis >a o>m_:(,o z c z =ll tl tl ll z m € l--t m 4 :z o =z m ! --{ m j r1 >i c z Ni-R1 iif ,86 rzO oo -<z ,Aa, o tz ^-lr z\.\m rrl t: Av {J Y :lo =-z lJ,00 0 "nz :{ D i' - -l Dl N i.l l' | (, tl 5 'l I t,v o € o Nt --l l- m ='Tl m m !J) c ut m x m z c m I m ^z rtl ={ m z m m m o - z m 2 z I o c . m ='Tl m rn <n VALUATION m =z m c)I z c @ z rn m --t o l- c z o *f p \s 4 d t :.rJ 0 (.1 \(,\ l \ 'n : !\ L1 { '1 o t sR$t$F* sT^N$-s I fH, BF$ $[$ \-\\t'cr\ ). l- N-N. T S Ln'- N. 0 N\ Sp R, N' N$:.{ { $. -l{'F}.F" N:R t C* .f-S N-NTN.F N FNs NR NF t-\P N\ This freescanding stove requires some pre-inscarraclon asseurlrly Co nl^ke the installacion an easier cask. This wiII include ASSE},IBLY (1) Secondary DrafE Conrrols (2) Open Sp.ringi H;urwrtrcs (3) Ash Fender (4) Prinary Drafc Controls (5) Loading Doors (6) Hfgtr Teup. Glass (7) etr uash (8) 5/8" Hinge Pin vaI of the doors and che inscailacion of rhe glass. Below we have provided a general cuc-away illuscarion of our f,or you [o acquaint yourself wlth the parts and operatlons thar nenEloned wtEhln the cexc of chis manual [( (M 4l be I I e 1 ,h wiI (9) Coo}.. Air Intake (f0) Sculpt.ured, I qgs. (Il) Air FIow Charnber (12) Firebrick (13) Firebrick Retainer (14) Free Floaring SEeeI BaffIe (15) Flue Collar (15) Warm Air Exir '.;l l ; A.SSE!tsLI C0nr.ll'il irr'l 1 *toti" ::lf t""""randing sEove will come crerivered in rh,ocarcons.ftege willlcongisr of: 1' Ttre uto{r - (rncludes hardware, Baffre, Firebrick, Handles)2. Ttre Cfa{s - (Incl.udes Z cfass panes, Recaining Clips, Screwe)rl I .t:t".": bJeinnins work on rhe irisralrarion of this srove ir. 's advlsable jo liShten it as much as possible to allr ___ __ ._ __i-u.E ru arlold ease in moving.'r'o do this irernove loadrng doors on the stove and renove conteits.To reuove le"arog doors.carefurly pry out hinge plns wich screwdriver. :l:: ::tt.lae been done one is readv co insrall the Hish reop. Glass Lnro che dolrs a \ INSTALT.A,TION OF STOVIi : lnstalling your sEove requlres some preParation and home work' Learn your local building' codes;it may be required co ger a buildir p6rmicbeforeinstallingyourinsert.YourlocalBuildinglnspecElon DepE. trlll be happy to Eive you information regarding safety require- menCs in your area, AIso ntlLi iy your lronrc irr:;ur;t e c colnP tly tltlrL you Jll rr r'o j'nstirll a wootlburning s crrve in Your home Before ever using your scove, have iu inspected and approved in wriring by your local buildrng insPecEor' HINT NO. 2 . CARELESS INSTALI.A'TION IS HAZARDS. CHECK ALL LOCAL BEFORE INSTALLATIONI THE }'lA"]OR CAUSE OF SAFETY BUILDINC AND SAFETY CODES SET - UP Your stove is a heavy piece of equiprnenc and 'Lwo Fe()l) lt' t-o nttlvc i r l;;t l'c Iy . 1'llc :i t ()v\r t';rn he mishirndlirrg,. Before installing your scove, ":elecc a fIoor or exceed the following: requires aL least: lr;rtl ly d.tm;lgctl hY pad th;rc wiII meer must excend at leasr 18" beYond and must exEend ac least 8" an<l be at a mininlum, 3/8" It is requirerJ char alI tiearth Pads the fronc of the sEove loading dtlors, beyorrcl borh s ides and back of s c()ve ' non-combustiblc cotlstruccion, such as l/[i" thick asbtrsros nrillboard' CLEARENCES TO COMEUSTAIJLti:J ,,i (" Placement of your stove must m(jec fhcse re(luirenlcnCs : l"l-520 - Installation musf l.re no closer then- A 43" from chimney pipe Eo side walls 6 31" from chimney pipe Eo rhe back wall C If scc ac a 45% anlllc - scc 4J', fronr chc clrimney pipe M-380 - Ctr any wall A 6 c lns Ctrl laEion turrs c be 33" from chinnrey pipe 23f' from, chimney. pipe If sec ac 45"L angle - no ql.oscr thon- ro side walls Eo the back wall set J3" from Ehe chirnney pipe to any wall --Tl '. ------r M- 5ao Ttre use of an approved scove pipe reduce the clearances fron che back M-380. 0n a 4SL angLe insrallarion, for the M-520 and 23,' on Ehe M_3g0. HINT NO. 3 _ When a sEove pj.pe use sceel spacers prevenC drawlng of shield or Durdvenrs DVL pipe wiII wall co 15" for boch rhe M_520 and clearances may be reduced to 33,, shietrd is golng to be used, be sure co between the shield and the stove pipe co fIe metal during actual use- requires thac you The manufacEurer does not supply.stove pipe and purchase the following; For the M-520 g" diamecer uL lisced chiurney pipe and connecEor 26 gauge thickness rninimum. :d chinney pipe And connecEor 25 gauge thickness minimum. We requlre Ehat all leaet rwo sheet rneEal stove plpe be connecced Eo screhrs. Consult your dealer flue co llar by ar as Eo proper procedures FIREBRICK AIiSEMBLY: Firebrick is provided to protect and extend the life of rhe sceel and help radiate heaE evenly EhroughouE che sEove. Below are Ehe inscallation lnstructions for each model- M-520 (I) Place four firebrick on each side. (2) Place five firebricks along the back. (3) Place ten firebricks along the floor of the stove. (see diagram provided. ) M-380 (1) Place four firebricks alonB each side. (2) Place four firebrlcks along rhe back. (3) Place eighc flrebricks along Ehe floor of rhe scove, (see diagram and order of posltioning provided below.) I Each Einre thc sLQvc iri rcftrclc,.l , allow thc I ire go burtl hoL itlr: itboul l5 rrrin ,iEh Ehe Primary tlratc controls wide open' 'l'lris :rI luwu Llrr cheu:j:i w()dr-l ioisture to evaporaEe and ger: wood burnlng elficienrly' once wood i$ burning ,rdJust draft conErols to your desired seEting' !'or ove.r.nighc burning load wood onco exisEing hoc coals'burn ltide oPen for abouc 15 minutes,. then close dol{n draft.conrols Eo a mininlum for a slow alI nig,hr burn. s"{l;E'fY yRUCAU'rl()Ns IN ol',t':l{A'rloN t. Use only dry seasoned wood ( dried ac leasc one year)' 2. Never use gasoline, or gasoline EyPe lantern fuel ,'kcroscne, charcoal lighCer or sluilar liquids Eo scart or "Freshen uP" a fire. Keep all such liquids well away from rhe sEove while in use' 3. 4. 5. DO nof usc Llle sf oV.-: for any otlte r purPosc but f ()r' lrcilr i ri1] ' Do noE load fuel in uniE when f ire is burning !:Lroltl),ly' Do noc allow scove. co g,ec inc.' ;ln "OverIire Crtndi-riott", t.hlrt i s Lo bui.l.cl rr f ire [?rr]aer trnd hot'Ler -r-h:rn trcce:,:jlry . Do noc burn llr;.;u c;ui.rnEicies of pal)cr or cc,urbr::;t i!ilu rr;rLe r.i.rli, EhaE cotrld e r.cat-e an exCr€.urcly hr_r f qulck Iire. Kccp irlI lr.ru:;elttr I tl t.orllru:;t. iblcs uL I c;r:.; t. -] tcr.r rrr,rr ri,.rl I Do not use grates or andiron or other met.hods of supporcing 'f ucl irr y1J''1t- uni c - build che f ires tlireccly upoll Ltrc brie li lrt-..rr r !r Educare childrcn .rs Eo safeCy around che unic. b. i. It. ). - LOPI INTERNATIONAL, LTD. (the company) warrants this LoPI woodburning rrnit against defects in metal components and work- manship as follows: Durj-ng the first three (3) years from date of purchase,the Company will replace defective parts at no charge to the origina-I purchaser, and will pay reasonable repair charges asso-crated wjth replacement of said defective parts; provided, however,the purchaser must obtain prior agreement from the Companl, as to the extent saj-d repair chaiges a16 reasonable. During the forrrth (4th) and fifth (5th) years following the date of purchase, the Company will supply repllcement parts to the purchaser at the current factory costs regularly charged to dealers and will not assume responsibility for labor costs, EXCLUSTONS: This limrted warranty sharr not incrude or extend to: paint, firebrick, glass, nickel or brass trim, or to f .rne Frrrlhrrr , ,lo. warranty is extended to damage caused by or resulting from accidgnt, improper haldting or.operatron, abuse or misuse, improper installation (including failure to comply with local building codes) or any mociifications or repairs macle or attempted. THTS LIMTTED iVARRANTY IS THE ONLY WARMNTY SUPPLIED BY THE COMPANY. ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR, IMPLIED, ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED, AND PURCIIASER'S RECOURSE rS EXpREssLy LIMITI]D TO TTIE WARRANTIES SET FORTH HEREIN. To make claim under this warranty, contact the dearer from whom you purchased this unit. If lour ds3]si- cannot be reachc<-l 9: i" unab]e to provj-de service, contact the company. r'the event the unit must bt: rcturned to thr,: f actory for inspccti.rn or rcp,.-rir,'purcnaser must ship the same shipping prepaid. DATE PURCITASIJD LTMITED WARRANTY MODEL SERIAL # DETAC}{ PURC}IASER'S NAME ADDRESS AND RETURN WITHIN IO DAYS OF PURCIIASE PTIONE CITY STATE ZIP UNIT MODEL SERIAL # DATE OF PURCHASE DEALER'S NAME AND ADDRESS MAIL TO: LOPI INTERNATIONAL, LTD., 10850_IL7th pl N.E., KirkJ.and, irlA. 98033 INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL -7 t.,/ - / .:;:DATE JOB NAME READY FOR t.OCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL [I FOUNDATION / STEE- Lr FFAMING THUR FRI {*. ,' PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER rr ROOF & SHEER -, PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING N INSULATION D SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB D D tr tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR N FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR \ t ,s .o l-t f l<1 lHg lq; l "rr +Itr8 t:3 f-{ =: o s o tt 3 o <g@ Iir= --o :l."iB'r-o o z (n -{n c o =o z !m v ={ trtr!€ --GT trtrtr -n!o- z< >= oo z z t- Za) 4T X<2'A .-t \/3i oz -l A \J> o Oa Z. t---t c P= -1 Z (-l - r!l >; o>)o t- 2" nz >m -l> o - =m --t n m -t m o=3hi o>'t- r J- 'Tt =z o = _0 0 m -n F I m I =r m T 3 = f' m I E - n a --t T I- o m a (n I a -l z m o I m o (- m o { z o ON = 6 =n I #F io =za)aao o1z rez Io 6p o= S 5 zq -nz.z € x F> Sm= 1aI 5-v< ozrooo qom9r€ ;-nA=rF uv+=>r mm-!=:-zoo ;ilj= t ^ui ? =Zut cz@ zo-a)=?d)rnf-=nanP 3;+ i=xl z n@ mmO u\oo >A FE=z<ro ;\\>z=a= z m € r m 4 -z =z. l- m r VALUATION .t > F >:lrt =;c>'r- <tr -> :_3F6;i > o>:at!Jc :;ii<:ztrlo> t'a-, lx =="4<-YZ.z"-9z=>:7> - Zii :ir:s E- Ulr q> a;t a z a-: > - ar .?cl- =fz"':r 7,ri;i I I I Er -l I I c, -l Ol 2l ol 'nl 'nl 5r ;l -l I I I i I I ol ill +F t< /,?,,lZ -t/}_-F= -o m n 3 z o ()o z a {n c o =o z T m n =-{ !trr t It]! F - E 6 E g i (D = o o o 3 c ;' o g 3 I -{ m TI m = = <I@ tn> =-oc)YF l- 'r1 -!Or- 2= >= z. z t- o 2.1 = --.r T1 T- r- 'l oB =l><F t> lo r I +l I I B l> F t> IE l< l=t> E l< ll l= ln l- l<t>l tal la t!l l'l II il ll tl I<l> F t> l3 -m T n (- m -.1 z N l) l'J l\)s -t m n = z o o qt ct =to C -n C --l z m ; =z -T1 € x lo i- xt =^>_n zo 29 Oo nAn Zc: =^zz n1 >F \z (r- 6 dE =N NI t\ t-t\ t\lsl (D>mO o=o<so @O -i z c z o m .)t t- --t L ri t\) I m --t c 4 z --{ m =2 lJ, r fn o - =n :r I lN lN -1 ---l C I €m , t. l(^) z 'n m m I N z I =tn I o m m x z I IN z TN m -0 7 z c) I IN z m € t- m -1 z _= 2 r m _o rn X --1 -OEX _n>; l- z c r --t 2 m o ;t-z i m l- € -{m eo z l,:r -l -0 rn m i I o z m (- \'c TN m ='Tl m m a VALUATION t-m z a m q I m x z m m €(! m m z -n m m l-c = r z o I m (!c r I 2 o m =a 6t P:t Q>. --z zz> *zi o-:tq-) l,::-- -= - ir:!-l>-:<"-l &**t -lt -J 6 = t-r I {z E 4 o -l I r. € Y 5 X 2 a 5 -0 o 3 z -l 'a : i Fi$ N !il }N rN\ $ I z z o ==-t z z z I m --t o -{ r !m = =-n m m u) t- 2 D lll -z @ ! m o { -o F nr o c m a { F o z o ll m n =z o -l m IL\ll ll lu fr lr $ (-o o z m L o (D ll m Ut @ r o -{ -l 1l m o .Tl tr z a T o o z -l -t o t a m z @ T m o I z 'Tl m m TI l,r 6 z + rn c .I z -Tl .Tt t r- r z o (f o 6 -6 t o O LIW(u+ ,"p6) T+t* ,whSrlup- €lFt, KI]FH- W*LJ*b *a+6flE- /Gg NPN * LcIAT;> EEA.RINq?Ti l{-",r.ffiE- I€do' - BEA€INq FNAP- W41_* -,*' W,F, l-w-Mrse'ffiN t-|a aAyS W fd*L QeT -roffi, +-+A+/H qU€"6eTtE) /.LL -fFE- ANP 6,F '*dee-\&p \YF UWAI.l t4,{; FUHN/^{q LL€; To T/-+€ W&t_u+. wpl+LD hl-@ U& To A 'LJIvlElhtE Falq *.lH r N€trecrcil VK \n/€D. t-Er;.H . rorA€,E. tE&r4EffiME td,+69-.690 I.J,AK. 4.rt.*.i o 2145 s. clermont st. / denyacolo. 80222 | QOS\758-4349 t +r ;ri ;;:,.6 February 2I , L979 ihlenfcldt, pctcruon & osrocioter, incorporoted struclurol engineen Vai 1 Town RE: Bu{1di of Vai I !|agner Dear Si rs: This letter connecti ons The 5/ 3/4" d |rJith this c Department Col orado si dence tt Lot 16 Vail Meadows, Filjng No. I is to verify that our firm authorized the change in bol ted beam on this pro.ject as foJlows: " djameter through-bo'l ts may be replaced by the same number of ameter lag bolts at all locations. ange the connections will still be structurally satisfactory. ,rco . vrr't t--.- |-/ ,-:) f.. Projecl Application erolect l,tame: i1U #+ 7i //,t)Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Legal Description: Lot Zoning Approved: Motion by: Seconded by: Summary: Design Review Board ,^," ifrQ )oqi DISAPPROVAL f{-! - bfil 2? g Administrator Chiet Building Ofiicial o t o PUBLIC NOTICE ] tlotrce IS gEruBY GMN that Michael & cathv wagner have reduested a varlance from the provisions of Section 18.12.060 Setback$, of the 1lunicipal Code of the Town of Vail in order to a1lo* construction of a residence on Lot 16, Vail Meadows Filing So. 1. Applieation has been made in accord wi'tb Cbapterl]-g.Az of the Municipal Code. Section at 3:00 A Public Eearing will be held in accordance with 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on June 27' L978 Conmis Build nang P.M. before the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental on. Said Hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal VAIL OF COMMUNITY DE'TEIOPMENT ln e' . Toughill Adminstrator Publis ed in the Vail Trail June 9, L978 Br{ o o o oo SINGLE FA}IILY RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDENTIAT ZONING CHECKLIST Legal cription: 'u,,(f { Minus Eazard Area:Lot AreE: ' o fe il f, ^-^ -,l f Bo,z-t Y Equals Buildable Area: Height:1 Actual 'l Sides 10r +,Rear2O' + il:'-* ,Rear 5O Parking: I Required L' Actual ztC Drive:'Slope Permitted O t'o Slope Actual /,2 Parking ahd Drives Must Be Paved Environmeptal/Eazard: Aval,ancbe Flood Plain Slope Distance From Trees Removed Creek Corments:dL- ioval;App Setback$: Required -j e.tr*r - Front l|U , sides Distance Between Buildings: Requir"d 4 Actual 7-,A c-R.F.A.l Altowed: Buil-dable Area * l4 = -f2J+ 'Actual -?3f), _ 17 /27?5 |Site Coverage: Allor'.'ed - Lot Arez3orz?4- x Zo % = 6a54'8 '-''/* ) Landscaplng: Required - Lot Area x 60 % Zoning Zoning Adminj.strator Date oo l?a1xtea -R5i oo L /4 l,/atC ,Vn*tt"^r - :4@@2.{:1n* /3/ L * 3QY Z8 lt <-rF- l-+)u.rr | * tcltrz- 4noa r zt4 la.-/ z5@ zoo a = IOOB 3tL 6o .---.- Tr.ltoO l0ob 1L e3{ '::. bUtoO szo - 32- 3,2{ 3.5' zf zqq t / 5,Zo 3€9. zo oa at ly, ) J ! llord & Associotes Consulting Engineers llovember ?1 , 1978 Town of Vail Town Hal I Vai1, Colorado 8.l657 Attn: Mr. Kent Rose, P.E. Subject: Request for Street Cut Permit Water Main Extension VaiI Meadows Subdivision Our Project # 7857 Gentl emen: This letter is written at the recuest to clarify their request for a street normal deadl ine. (: of our cl i ent , The lilyri am Corporati on ,cut permit after expiration of Our firm has designed a 4 inch water main extens'ion at the far east end of Main Gore Drive in the Vail Meadows, Filing # 1 Subdivisjon. Total leng'uh of the proposed extensjon is approximately 250 feet. 41 though the majority of the proposed extension would be outside of the travelled roadway, the proposed trench would need to cross the asphalt at the radius of the Cul-De-Sac. This construction would probabiy involve the removal of approximately 75 lineal feet of asphalt. We feel that the subject request should be given a favorable consideration for the following reasons: l) The Myriam Corporation already has one house under construction that wil'l require service from the proposed water main ex-tension. Delay of this extension will obviously delay occupancy of the home. 2) The Myriam Corporation attempted to get this project under construction prior to the expiration date for granting street cut permits but was unable to obtain a contractor to do the necessary work. Numerous excavating contractors in the Vail area were contacted and all were too busy to accept any additional work. 3) The location of this proposed street cut wil'l not seriously interfere with traffic or snowplowing operatjons. As stated earlier, it is at the very end of Main Gore Drive and no through traffic is required. The location of the street cut is beyond any ex'i st'ing homes or driveways. The contractor has been adv'i sed and has agreed that, if he is allowed to proceed, all excavations beneath the asphalt or shoulder of the road will be backfilled with road base material for the entire depth and tho'oughlycompacted. Thjs should eliminate any frozen materials and/or potential freezing or settling pioblems. ?C 3ox21l7 Drlton Colo'cCo 8C435 303-468-628r Town of V November page 2 This firm and, in ou it is dili If a permi see that i project an Please fee need addit Very truly ROBI LLARD Craig k Pres i dent CFR: ss Gore V Loca I Myri am ently pursued and proper construction techniques are used.is granted, this firm wil'l inspect the construction to comp'lies with the technical spec.ificat.ions for the the conditions of your permit. il I, 1978 lso serves as engineer for the Gore Valle.y Water District )v - )Er yE) d5 e g I eer ror Ine f:ore va I ley water u.l str opinion, this project can be completed this season if free to contact thjs office if you have any questions or onal information. 'ley Water District vernemnt Management Consultants rporati on yours, ASSOCIA illard, to .52cAc ,o h . \c'' '. 1 \J I., o 'zt' 2 7" 2 82' t2 84c. . i JL? I-{. :o -tg .5594c o^t F - - -1 6o'--' t5 .594.4c & ji o 'e\ t9 i4J A,- 'ffi do-)- : o - ' ,4c -t:9a-82r g' -i : ,r' \s.X<" rO-Ja) \s \-*. \ |. t4 <12 1 4 i'*t i t - -rt <- ii<p - =:-S-.s -..)\: ' \ ,z 17 \e' ' 9^'7Ac i-. 3A \^ 's' 1 ,N .\ \'\' \ a:. - l \'- \-,\e l rh .'t . ;\ \ _-.; oY" .t.c) \s > \.e 9 \to 'r . \5. :,- >' \i!.. , '\, \,r \.' \t 'a\ 1"'\b -\l i 207.O'- tj- ' 2-' : --1<t\ \ \t t6 :i_-V I t'fi :.rr' - tr; I \ It ':t, ,I t',Oro" .r,. l, ,z+ B_z'- b-i'\r{- ,.cl\\\\-\t-'- il 3\ :l 'r:lc t $ l-j trs 1i 'i\ fi \r-l \\\ I 'l q' ') 'l ,;:-.-'to -.,r)q,j --- -- a\'€ r (a , .., -1. (l '-._) Project Application y/r ,.rr. J'.J Architect Address and ,.',t ..1.-4r .r 4/..,: Legal Description: Lot Zone: Zoning Approved: Motion by: Seconded by: Summary: Design Review Board Filing Io ,.--, {; Li rCo APPROVAL au(0ut DISAPPROVAL (J Administrator Chiet Building Ofticial t,t 1' ,}L r- l| a. \ tr (|\ Yu, t,l fi Ir t.UI tl t.l .t \) ] notrcn Is ITEREBY cMN that Michael & cathy wagner have reQuested a variance from the provisj.ons of section 18'12'060 Setbackg, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail in order toa11o*constructionofaresidenceonLot16,VailMeadows Filing }{o. 1. Application has been made in accord with Chanter] L8.62 of the Municipal Code' I e euUfic Hearing wrll be held in accordance with I Sectiorl 18.66.O60 of the Municipal Code on June 27, 1978 at 3:Od p.M. before the Torryn of Vail Planning & Environmental Commisbion. Said Eearing will be held in the Vail Municipal I Buildips. TOWN VAIL o Yi'i4, j \ tl i /ll \r . PUBLIC NOTICE O}' COMMIJNITY DEVEI.,oPMENT DEP . Toughill nl Adminstrator eubli/shed in the Vail Trail June 9, 1978 SENT 11) ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: Lo{ 15 - La11ier, wagner I Box 399 I Sarida, Co1o. 81201 Lot 17 - Frank Furar 293 Blooming Bank Rd. Riverside, I11. 60546 e Val1ey Water District 5 Avon Rd.n, Colo.81620 Golr o!a oJ" I PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that Michael & Cathy lVagner uested a variance from the provlsions of Section 18.12.060 Setbabks, of the Municipal Code of the ?own of Vail in order on Lot 16, Vail Meadows made in aecord with Hearing will be held in accordance witb Sectibn 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on June 27, L978 at 3:bO P.M. before the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commilssion. Said Hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal Buildling. TOT{N VAIL DEP OF COMMiINITY DEVELOPMENT . Toughill n1 g Adminstrator shed in the Vail Trail June g, 1978 Publ oo APPL ICAT ION I'OR VAR IAI.ICT And/Or , COND I T IOIIAL USE PERI.I I T Ordinancc llo. B (Scrics of l'971) App I ical ion 0otu@Pub I ication Da+eJUne-J9r-LZl3- Hearlng Date ,June 27' 1978 ]learing Fee@ F1p31 Declsion date Jor Town Councll | (ve) Michael c Cathy Waqner of (APPlicant) Pennsylvania Pittsbmrgh Phone (Sfatc)(Cl+y) dc hereby rcqucst permission to aPpear before fhe Vail Planning Co.nmission to request the foll6ving-:1y' ) Variance r.o' A.t r.r!!'glsection ) 7.on ing Change f rom ) Park i ng Variance ) Cond it iona I Use Permit to allow I n Zone. For the follovring describe d property: Lot,/ f'r'o=f--.-l6--, B.t oct,' Fl ling l.lumuer Vail Meadows, First Filing Clearly state purpose and intent of this applic.ation It is requested that a v'ari-ance be granteil to have the . ,or. ctaracf e. -house,/not'fes3-that 10 feet set back from the front lot line. llhat do you feel is 1he basis for hardship in this case? lloes not allow enough space for trui lriing- TO I ti The dlstance from the front lot li.ne to a sheer drop off gna"rure ' X,nr|vriaiir Gorporation 19 June,/'nru VAI L vAl L, COMMI SS TON l-o keep it there in order to use it as a and to keep the southern porfion of the lot a reas . PLAT1N tNG c0l816'/ Dear Vai I Plannlng Commission: Please find enclosed two sets of the proposed plans for the l4ichael and Cathf Wagner resldence on Lot 16, Vail Meadows Filing #1 , Town of Vail,iEagle County, Colorado. As you cgn see from the site plan, there is a severe drop in the topograpfry to the east which severely limits the flat buildable area beyond lhe setbacG. This slope has been lncorporated into the main body of lthe house by using the basement area as a bedroom level. HoweverJ it would be unwise to extend the garage porlion into the slope at'eas because It would create excessive excavation and foundation work. This would result in f ur-f her scarring of the lot and higher construcition costs. There would also be a greater amount of exposed concretO. For the$e reasons we request a variance of approximately f ive feet info thp setback area. Please keep in mind that the location of the garage fannot be changed because as [t exlsts now, it is to the north of the [ot, and we wish thermal and wind barrier for u Since Robert lLee Architect, State of Colorado 81366 EncJos!rres cc: Mfchael and Cathy Wagner Bpb Frifch se] as outdoor I i Archilectural Division 303'468'6190 PO Elox 1629 Dillon, Colorado 80435 MEMORANDUM ro FROM DATE REF The the front order to The critbria the Munic The exis vac The verse a the struc cul-de-s The .1-N is tre obj Pri One the env proposed objecti oo NG & ENVIRONMENTAL T OF COMMTJNITY m COMMISSION DEVELOPI{ENT une 1.978 FOR FRONT SETBACK VARTANCE & CATHY WAGNER 16, Vail Meadows, Filing No. 1 plicant has requested a setJrack of 15.5 feet from roperty line in lieu of the required 20 feet in nstruct a Single FanriJ-y residential unit. partment of CoruIrunity Development has reviewed the findings provided for in Section 18.62.060 of pa1 Code and our conclusions are as follows: elationship of the requested variance to other ng or potential uses and structures in the ty. lans for the proposed structure would ct on proposed structures j-n the area have little as the size ad- of ofa ure is relatj.vely sma}l and is ]ocated on the end egree to which the relief from the strict or literal pretation and enforcement of a specified requlation ecessary to achieve compatibility and uniforrnity of tment among sites in the vicinity or to attaj-n the ctives of this ordinance without grant of special ilege. of the objectives of the Zoning onment by discouraging excessive Location of the residence is in ordinance is to Protect cuts or fills. The keeping with this L propos Page 2" Request f Michael a PEc-6/28/ The appli the area has been The air,traf and tt Front Setback Variance thy Wagner, Lot 16, VaiI Meadows Filing No. 1 ant states that the steep topography greatly restricts vailable for building on the site and the structure signed and sighted to minimize the site disturbance. ffect of the requesteil variance on light and distribution of population' transportation and ic facilities, puUtic facilities and utilities lic safety. not foresee any ad.verse affects upon these factors'Wed The the partment of Community DeveJ-opment finds that lnting of the variance will not constitute grant cial frivilege inconsistent with the lirnitations er prbperties classified in the same district' the granting of the variance will not be detrimental e pu6lic heilth, safety, or welfare, or materially rioirs to propoerties or imProvements in the vicinity' the variance is warranted for the followlng reasons: The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulLy or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. There are ei<ceptional or extraordinary cir- cumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the sarne zone. s variance request is for 4\ feef, for just the garage e rest of the proposed structure conforms with the dgulations. The house proposed for the.site is srnall s to rninimize disturbance to the existing terrerin' We t ilue to the steepness of the site and the applicantrs of on Tha to inj Tha area. zoning and tri feel th a. b. of it, that the variance is warranted. of Community'Development recommends approval treatment Department of requested front setback varianie- DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER I)' PM AM;READY FOR LOCATION: INSTETION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t\ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / S]TEEL tr tr tr tr EI o o UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB E FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT T] SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL F, APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ,/!r, - ft* D6&'^/V rr.rsilcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL oor, S- 3D-UJ.B NAME INSPEOTION: ,/)' CALLER MON TUES BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL pr-uMBlNG:O/.- It D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING O INSULATION O GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL E POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS N CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL READY FOR LOCATION: @'*' D APPBOVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION BEQUIRED coR'EcrloN s t,fuLa Fav Ca *o p t of , orn, , Ut*, ,, "uo- .or. ,1I'- )/ -- z-o rNSPEcroR I I BUILDING DEPARTMENT P. O. Box D Avon, Colorado 81620 949-4280 DATE - TIME RECEIVED- AM Il . 1/) TOWN O F .trffi o Ll TNSPECTTON REOUEST ! ne-rruseecroN REouEST JOB NAME CALLER E orxrn ! panrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED FRt ././ :lAM pnr flappRovEp D orsappRovED I uporu rrle rollowrrrrG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! nerNsPEcr !ree enro DATE INSilbTION REQUEST JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED READY FOR LOCATION: tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: /nerr'rseecroN REQUTRED +-i.2J '7 y'orsnppnovro INSPECTOR /t TOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. MECHANICAL: tr HEATING EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR ruTAia4-/,g* t- o ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr FINAL Ecf,(, t i,vrpe ct-/E^/ roEz-Nr t I- ilo7i.fl-lf ,Z*UfrWZr- rNsacrroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER ,:iUES ; WED ,IHUR , FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: ,o UNDERGRoUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR "H neenoveo CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INS|ICTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL THUR FRI , | ,tLf . DATE JOB NAME TION:MON !.r['Q,wro CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: ,-'::1, ,',/ ,.,/ ;)':! /n., ,,'-,1 I /(p BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBfNG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ O FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION E SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING D POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D BEINSPECTION REQUIRED oett'-'1;' '- 1,''',INSPECTOR LU co READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEC JOB NAME MON AM PM 9 roN:?^// INSITION REQUE,ST 2oa WED THUR FRI TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATON / SrrE- FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK D GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH U EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL CALLER $. neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED lNSPEcroR '-'1,/'DATE ?/*/ -- 'L-' - o o'rNsfttTroN REeuESr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON ,HUR FRI i'PM\ CALLER :)r Tt ttre .' tA/E n TOWN OF VAIL 't ,la, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL INSULATION SHEETROCK D GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED p neenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPBOVED DATE INSPECTOR Fs--€ - INSGTION REOUEST DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME TOWN INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEE PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROUGH,/ WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS N CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL N APPROVED CORRECTION DISAPPB / nerruseecroN REQUTRED Jj i',:-.rr .- rne ,B L(, c L{ DATE INSPECTOR Dr/ 0 n tt .*;v,,lt'rvsftrroN REeuEsJ OWry t, Tr\\A/Nt n tr \/A NAME CALLER TUES DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATTON / S,TEEL tr FRAMING =/ti),-.--.ELROUGH / WATER D INSULATION D SHEETROCK D O GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING O ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL { tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR 7 7n,. ti)SLt.' F-A , O t 7r1, ,4 e z TV rn a Cl /'t ,rr'' +i L 't rZ?,+'/, lxsillTroN REou.EST TOWN OF DA'|E // n '/ .,/ ') JOB NAME CALLER TUES 7F;04 0-READY FOR INSPEC LoCATtoN: L'" li toN: ,i/,i"4Y ! neenovro CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: D FOOTNGS / SrEqL PLUPBfNG: / / _ " - 7,t,,-._ dluruoenonggsl'- t tzt/)€2 ):;,LAR D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL DATE INSPECTOR rNseecrCru TOWN OF .:..?. FE(ruEqT VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED ! orHen El nppRovED ! uporu rn CORRECTIONS JOB NAME AM"PM CALLER f]pannal LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR florsapPRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: AM PM fl netNsPEcr DATE INSPECTO R hr ,o-,r'.) 6*G F*:t-firy INSPECTYG!N FIEBlJEST WN OF VAIL JOB NAME t" o"@ E panrrll LOCATION D orsappRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTI ONS: v,*Baz/ f]orxen ElApp RovE EI uporu rn E nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR DATE '4 _ 2?-..7 7' -ro"*o*, "1.t TIME RECE{VED PM CALLER t il\tseecrlru TOWN OF FEouEqT VAIL I-I OTHER \ /l r' MON l I pnnrral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR A" fc I nerNsPEcr fiaeeRovED n orsnppRovED ! uporu rue lrollowr'tG coRRECTToNS: coRRECTIONS ,,..1,<:' t) ,,. -i -41 .-'){-.'< INSPECTOR ||. Prlnl.r, vln ..' 2- ./ "-':J /