HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL MEADOWS FILING 1 LOT 22 LEGAL.pdft t.--, .. .f-i i'l :r..J FLEMING, HAILE & SHAW P.A. ATTORNEYS PARK CENTRE. SUITE lOO 440 RO/AL PALM WAY PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33480 Telephone: (561) 833-5600 Facsimile: (561) 833'5604 August 27,1998 Mr. Brent Wilson, Planning Liaison Officer Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 So. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Wilson: Thank you for your very kind letter of 8124198. As you may know from your records, my family acquired the property in October of last year and we are still learning. Obviously, we will take the necessary steps to remove the fence in order to avoid any difficulty or concern for our neighbors, you or the Town. Again, thank you for your kind note and your courtesy. Sincerely yours, Joshua M. Fleming, Esq. iI NORTH PALM BEACH OFFICE: THBEE GOLDEN BEAR PLAZA . SUITE 3OO ' 11780 U.S. HIGHWAY ONE ' NORTH PALM BEACH. FL 33108 TELEPHONE (s61) 6t-8100 . FACSIMILE (561) 622'7603 I TOWN OFVATI Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 August 24,1998 Mr. Joseph Fleming 5032-A Snowshoe Lane VAil. eO 816s7 Re: Lot 22, Vqil Meodows Filing #l Mr. Fleming, Pursuant to Section 12-14-2, Town of Vail Municipal Code, the design and construction of residential fences within the Town are subject to design review. It has come to our attention that a fence exists on your property which was not approved by the Town of Vail Department of Community Development. Additionally, it appears as though your fence may encroach upon an adjacent owner's property. This letter is being sent to notifr you ofthis situation as a courtesy to an adjacent property owner. Although the Town of Vail is not taking issue with your fence, we request that you please take the necessary measures to resolve this issue with adjacent property owner(s). If I can be of assistance in this matter, please contact me at (970) 479-2128. ' Sincerelv. D ->- a-- ---,-- Brent Wilson Planing Liaison Officer {g*,,o 3 Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Fleming deck ProjectNumber: PRJ99-0252 Project Description: Pour slab to support relocated spa; demo and remove existing Stucco parapet wall Owner, Address, and Phone: Joe and Barbara Fleming 5032A Snowshoe Lane Vail Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Charlie Sherman Sherman Construction Box 2525, Vail, CO 471-l2ls Project Street Address: 5032A Snowshoe Lane Legal Description: Lot22 Vail Meadows Filing #1 Parcel Number: 209918219030 Building Name: X'leming Residence Comments: Deck built without final DRB approval; submittal requirements not satisfied by applicant (ie. site plan and elevation drawing) Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 02124100 Project Name: Fleming deck Board/Staff Action Action:Staffdenied DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 PL{qq -a};a- qu.stiousf l fhc Pll; riiin g Starl' u. .i,'i --l i 2 li APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign revicw must rcccivc Design Rcview approvai prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the submittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval thatis rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc requircd irrlbrmation is subrrrittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvic.,vcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc planning and Environnlctttal Conrrrrission. Dcsign Rcvicrv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcsp a building permit is issued and construction is started. A.DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:trlPt-l.,A Dt+z 4f Pnfrt- lF hbwt€ TAy/N OFVAA, '00L 73 F(F_1Y+,TV)b S7uCco /,it+?af /u,hl-1- B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LoT: LL BLOCK:-FILING: PHYSICAL ADDRESS:fO3> ,+ f,uac.tS'toa-E_ PARCEL #: ZONING: 8i !,nta !c Office at 970-328-8640 for oarcel #)c. D. E. F. G. NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: OWNER(S) STGNATI]RE(S) : H. NAME OF APPLICANT:c, ryPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr Ncw Construction - $200 O Addition - $50 ! minor Alteration - $20 DRB fcep are to be paid at the timc of submittrl. Latcr, whcn appllng fora building permit. please identiS thc accurate valuation ofthc project. The Town ofVail will adjust the fce according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLTCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPIVIENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL, COLORADO 8I657. Construction of a new building. Includcs any addition rvhere square footagc is addcd to any rcsidartial or comrncrcial building. Includcs nrinor changes to buildings and site improvcmcnts, such as, reroofing. painting. window additions. Iandscaping. fences and retaining walls, etc. ?ar,4n t erfuZrZacfAaa/ MA]LING ADDRESS: pHo$r, 17/-/)tf \ o EI MINOR ALTERATIONS TO TIIE.EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS GENERAL INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any alteraion in which additional building square foobge is added will require an'hdditions" application. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTF Pho{os or sketches wbich clearh convey }he existing conditions. Photos or sketches whicb clearlyconvcy the proposed building or site alteration(s). All relevant specifications for tic proposal inctuding colors and materials to be used. Condominium Association approval (if applicable). If the intent of the proposal is not clearty indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the rwiew of the application. u tr n WNOFVIIIL I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE PoSTED oN ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ,/^1-_ 4 f l.'rlrilo*ft JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0095 APPLICANT SNOWSHOE DEVELOPMENT 5032 SNOWSHOE LANE/ VArL, CONTRACTOR SNOWSHOE DEVELOPMENT 5032 SNOWSHOE LANE/ VArL,OWNER BORNE ROBERT P & JANE D 5032 SNOWSHOE LN, VArL CO Phone : 3O347 65263 Phone': 30347 65263 Hof Gas Logs:#0f l,lood/Pa L Let : Deptr BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Dj-vision: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Divisionl FICE FRO}I Job Address Location. . . ParceI No.. Project No. 5032 SNOWSHOE LN 2099-L82-19-030 Status. . .Applied.. Issued... F'vn i rac I S SUED 05/05/reel 0s /os /7ee7 7r/07/7ee7 co 81657 co 81657 UIOS / Descripti-on: REPAIR SOFFIT AND SIDING FROM ICE DAM Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation: 900 Add Sq Ft: Fi reptace Information: Rest r i cted:#0f Gas App t i ances: ****i****************************************************** FEE SUtltlARy *****************************************ff***************Buil.ding-----> 32.00 Restuarant plan Review--> .OO Totat CalcuLated Fees___> 55.80 Plan check---> 20.80 DRB Fee--------Investigation> .O0 Recfeation Fee----------> .OO Totat permit tee_____-__> 55.g0 t,i|.LcatL---->3'0oc|.ean-tJpDeposit_---__-->.ooPayments---_----=-------> *************,r************************]llll*liii;;;;;;;;;;;iiii***********?i;lg*******llillfl-ll5;;;;;;;iiiiiii********----tll--- dli8izi i i ? loRH' "o'*"oBEI3*T'RHF* [E1E A ti1to 0 DILANN T Nc oB FAn'ir'tif r.rt- - Iteq!'.os60o FrRE DEptfiFfrSfi' eeen n/a ?i4*?{63330o$U""r" Ac'io;i; aeen u/e o5/O5/I991 DAN Action: AppR N/A **********)t**********************************rct***********i(***********i*****rr*********************ff**********************t******* see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS r hereby acknowtedge that r have read.this apptication, fi .ed out in ful,l the information.required, compteted an accufate ptot ptan, and state that al'[ the information pro;ided as riquired i" "o.r""i. i "g";" t" compty uith the iniormation and pLot p1an,to compLy Hith alI To],n ordinances and state [aws, and to buil.d this structure'according io'tn" ronni"-r"^i"g *o subdivision codes, design review approved, unifofm EuiLding code and othef ordinances of the iown appt.icabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE l4ADE T!'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Ctean-Up Deposi t To:OF OI.INER OR FOR }III"ISELF AND O}'NER Page 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permj-t #: 897-0095 as of o5/07/g7 status---: rssuED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMTT Applicant--: SNOWSHOE DEVELOPMENT 30347 65263 Job Address: 5032 SNOWSHOE LN Location---: ParceI No--: 2O99-L82-19-030 Description: REPAIR SOFFIT AND SIDING FROM ICE DAM Applied--t 05/0s/r9e7 rssued---: Os/Os/1,997 To Expire:. LL/Ot/1997 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Conditions * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. I t. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *!t** * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO *********************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0220 Amount: ********************* Statemnt ***************************** ss. B0 os/07 /97 15: oB fnit: CD Payment Method: CHECK Notation #268j, permit No: ParceL No:Site Address: This Payment ***************** Account Code 01 0000 4131.0 01 0000 47332 01 0000 41336 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 897-0095 Type: A-BUILD 209 9-782-19 -0 3 0 5032 SNOWSHOE LN ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PE Total Fees:55.80 Tota1 ALL pmts: BaLance:**rk******************************************** 55.80 5s. B0 .00 Amount 32.00 20. B0 3.00 ij*r;*'?q;i'l+;';Uttt?'ffi ?ilx#i,Eiiliril"F3#.Y ownzl2f-?7 . ' APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY oR IT MAY NoT BE ACCEPTED U Ir***************************** PERMJT INFORI,fATTON *****************************7l [yl-Building [ ]-prumbing [ ]-Electricar [ ]-Mechanibal I i-other <-'-') Job Name: ?U-U< KeSOPtu.G Job Addre"", !07>,_ Sap,"or4u< (aa4. Lesar o"""ffi--L--;trt., owners Narne: 'tr($a{tl'tf _ Address z 5O32-9A4)qDLs.( .fer.t_pn..q76^?0t3 Architect, -;."==; cenerar o"".,,.n.;t;;ilr:::;";; i.@- Work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Altera.r" PER.I-IIT /I Nunber of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: BUILDING:t .i tog-oo2-EMCTRICAL: $PLUMBTNG: $r-MECHANICAL: $ it Reg. No,l '6 d B,:x ?>,o7-- uz,t-ERt Phone Nunber: qZ6-S2E -Electrical Contraccor: Address: Address: PJ-urnbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBTNG PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg, NO. FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI.,AN CHECK FEE !},IECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE; RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE:Colnnrents: - VALUATION CLEAN T'P DEP,OSIT REFI]NI) o o z a {n o {o z !rrl v ={ =t -E J m Iq i-- o t.-,, h E l<x f llE 3 o fOa)f;x.+l!: 9.lmP o l'u ir o I< -J I f-: m =t '-r a 3 o< to (J<;E iio >t ic tra o 'n !m = Tn rn n2 l- t lt l 'n'T1 Or- z= >= z Its o Z .') an R<zA i- rr>6z i^Y> o z;--l c 3< /,= om =fr n \{>=o= ci y nr o zA --l m nz >m --{ >or- -r =m --l =z m z. 3 m z F' Fll o=3ci o>'f-3 ITI o T z o t- tr -n r- t- -i zl 'l l*,t*EI FI l(D E;trl pl tl rl F+ l-rJ -{ l-{mlO 5l€:tz lo l-n t<t> lr- l:o lm l9r 12 le I I I I I I I =*l!l=,lzl tol Il t>l l-l lHl lel 16 I tl ll l+ lo l{ lz o I F m z I = 'n l{ j= lz lo ll t> l* lF, -J l-i in mlol;.l=l= I' In lt!-J lX lo Y t< |*G 13 ltr N l' to o' lr Ird UJ IT IZ 16 l ll lFl tot lLr I lrl tl tl =|- tn l-n l< I lz ..\ c)EE =br><Fl<bl.< 19 ltp >lY lo H lfr ir!c- l@ |l(, lt!ol lo H ln lrd 6p lz ur L! t{-H ,rl l- | izl o\E I tt, I (ntE NJt) |o, t4 |url I rrl zl 0z lq mt lor lc) |lHo lFo lrrt -L Itd < lr" O lrn Tl -ll ,-H ;<url J o rn x m -{ z (-o (D I -l m ar-\ l.\ a-l-) ln Ot .: )]t;;5 q isis.g E i: qi o9:$o cL !_< o < ro{Eo-' *;=*e f q, O:aJ HE lo - =5i5s '"4 e 3f;OO",@X o-'c!I o' * ^, i *iD:t i(6p -6'o*o-*o, n O t33 *+9qB E.-3;3 9:l*6 i 3rs3r "r-'5i= E qeli 3a+:i ilE'd=.x=<=--{ B .= L 9 g "tq:5 F=;e' E6:3.n 3 F; H dI +&ua'=0-'qR6 e+ai*olXqto=. >a ZA -l> mc YlT| m _rl €z m o ft o z {It o I o -n =a m l'_n fio<>-n!-l : z -T m I =-l c/>z m m o m l<' lz z a C t- -.t z -l I o z ! c m rcl tr€OB {i- -z ZO -1 z>eR ,!o I<+< >o o>m-tta z c z_ 1t tl I z m € m : z =z -! *. >4 --i -D m c I 'n r c --{ z tz ti tF, tt I{ IF ttl lc/r li tH t tzl tc) lr tr It Iln II. lur Ic t'lt-tlr l> lc lEl tln p ltc l> t. r': lE XIF HI U)P HIF HIF ZF C)K P I F I Nf-o-i o_<^'U 2.1 ,.-\ x 1> AU) 'E \,{ ^2 ,< 3 =9 z l\) m 2 fi m o - =z { d 0 -l o .l i ) "l r! I ) :1 1 I r r ;IA > ltd ol fq lP. I €t{..\t> IH (n IFI > lzd <l t! lc/) >lH ., F"J It-Irl ltt XI tA lz FT IE ztF c' t- 'dto o l'.r FN IH 'lz t-- H h ;N trt @l ;9l:rs Ett: ^= l=rF erE :3lE;: ii* iE l=iF lrE n= l a.l- :JI|n (J t=H > tri r E lltB -r l= l;, I i: I I ln | | V' I lr- ,F trl o lo E I lr I I F4 | rN) lN)trI I F NJ ;Bl ls rs r-I (, rur rpl | |Dpol | _, r t^ | r,''i E l-r ;r .El-r I rEl ; I <tr, | ' r l.'- | , I l$l | |io I i -l i t- m - 'Tl m m a {-l -:- - :r c 6 m -l o t-rn 7 c an g -"1 o m I o z m m € @ m o m I z 'n m m tTt 2 o c z m ltl -J o |. .It z -m c)I c t- z T rn = m =-I.1 m m VALUATION m =- z o =m z (-) l-c =c, m t-m o I o c ; =o ! f, F.\o -J JI F N) o N ,u*ffl(4fu?TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTIO PERMIT APPIJICATION FORM DATE! ,-r.-zl -{ 5 , APPLfCATToN MUST BE FTLLED OUT CoMPLETELy oR IT I'{AY NoT BE AccEpTED r****************************** PERMTT TNFORMATTON *********************:l*******fl I J-Building [ ]-plumbing [ ]-Erectrical I J-Mechanical [ ]-other ) Job Name: -j:l-[ l;,' t"'.-a Job Addre"=, .)', ) - f;. '.-1,1-,,..',- ,i r,( Lr p:: ^ 4 L.+,L /L4.(AOd-{t * t Legal Description: Lot2 4 Block_ fili"S "" SUBprVrSroN,\ f, . -t -'-' Architect:./\ .)- /:-.''Address:Ph. ,l .{beneral Description : .,...: :1./ ti'. t, ./,t-:I{ork Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional t l_Repair t l I -Other Number of Dwe]ling Units !Nurnber of Accommodation Units: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Itlechanical Contractor :Address: PLttrilBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: - ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: PLI]I'IBING PI,AN CHECK FEE8 MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. ****************************tt*rt FOR OFFfCE USE *** *** * * * ***** ******** **** *****BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: '/" BUILDTNG PI,AN CHEEK FEE: 4Q -i*it*t 4',i -BUTLDTNG pERMrr FEE: 41-BUILDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: _ ,,r, ,. . rt ,,RECREATION FEE: .'<, * (.ULL'' (ZIA, CLEAI{-UP DEPOSIT : TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: VALUATION cLEAI up DEp.osrr REFTIND 110: fanF (rsQ€- 4'4rttG-/ei /3'faU fi'r-'J?-Pt-(s' t'1 al<e5. Fr;l-6 *- ftFpLv r=ul/ 1(stw4rP/2.S4re(q ///r>(4 R-O 0f rruc- 5 L,t4/A(€ < 'LQ-e?r,1 ..- F- h,;y-r, S4/vI F 49 F.1z< >,a,r Eat[- e fvl F't F+ d0 rt -r f-l a+F)F+fg tsr x Ft r^(q-E9 F1 11 fJ =t a F a+-a {1 fF.\- cl Fr H a-l-rt .+F) .-\.r-'\E9 Ft |-tt rr|a F {r+r f- E+l F x F v Fl.a+ Itl E r!'.f+ erl Ft l.+FI {!t a.? H :<a--:>|;i .>t=*X-ia s:+:)C.,: .-- r a:-1 -...: 4 -j -^-z-i <=-j-rj ^\Jil\\r=+\,:5+=>a=i z+it -?r {cir '-:Y -i '-: -- ifi=;-'1 ," a-. >JZ {--.-j Z:-:x=c :'i --- ->-:\=-r-F il :li -..i ..i ,! :!1 z:(]/'\--\] /) \ E{! =x>r': > -r't : iiz z:--1.a\ \ !/l .in Z;:w? C.. -\ "! Cn io3 -.i v a,o3!' :-:? l>*<z-a-'! /1 \ a^" o x<> --":A :- --l rl Kro *.1 -F E ^,'{ v z = z trt H z ?. I i H z Fi i =. = == Z i .!.. l@ I I i ...'; - == = I l<il iz I I =.s F lg t!-!t4 l: IP lz fq =. -.E c-a- I (,l' icn z € 2 F z F tb l- I r.J INJ r i ts € I | /'\ I Ft GI cl| F= ; 5' ? ! i.=-=-.- - = =: X= .t= t ! =. =;7 F' i=lii= = :. t F L? < : -.. = --.-. -i -::;].: ?::i-:; ^==->Z :-:::i-a _ . 7 . i. l 7 = ali 7 -l-4'-! 1i rii ) t : z.+ 7 j a;" j:: iri3 . ^ t --/.,:.; l: z. i:ii?i OJ fN o "N i.\" :\'= =l =Jr,2.\ =\F I Vii'. 7 -'-,-}. a: = I I I I U) -{ o o z o c a f o m 7 5 Sottb Frontage Roail Vail, Colorado 81657 t 0 ) -47 9 -Z 1 t I / FAX t0t -47 9 -2 I 66 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Department of Pablie Work s/Transportttion MEMORANDIIM 3::n";:li*/)y, Septeurber 9, l-99i-fljZ snowshoe Lane, Temporary Certificate of Occupancy rnspecE,ron. Dan, the following will need to be corrected. 1) The landscaping berm dohrn stream of the culvert hrill need to be pushed back to arlow for the potential for a widened cul-de-sac bulb. The Town will need to stake this out in the fierd to be able to agree how far back the berm would need to be cut back. 2) The existing edge of asphalt and the concrete drive wirr need to be tied together. The Town wirr not be abre to construct the f+"_"r product for some tine as the street project funding is in linbo. rf you have any questions about the comments please contact me at 2160. cc:Pete Burnett cH/jw PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: I NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR INSPECTION REQUEST TQWN OF VAIL NUMBER BUILDING: E] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D FOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER :. PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATIbN tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEE:TROCK NAIL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL p-aernoveo' COFRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D FIEINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rhe lterns 0.,.**,:-::':::1":"'::::"" t glvlng Pleas e FINAL a pernit a flnal check off ia the CofO. box provlded. l],,ll PLI'MBINC I DATE:tl FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: T IMPROVEMENT ST'RVEY RESID. FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: Dlg:E: /O- )-7/ DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY /.zt-?-A'/narr.. //)- ) // LANDSCAPING DUE DATE: REQUEST VAIL ::'li": rnrs#broN TOWN OF NAME (-l JO PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: {-,' AM PM THUR FRI BUILDING:PLUMBING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER Qor*ootoN / srEEL E FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING U INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL i H. TUB NAIL D tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR IJ tr FINAL tr FINAL R\PPRoVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor= ,,''.1.- l() - /r)INSPECTOR REQUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO 2qi> CALLER TU WED THUR /.<.1-'gq-- (neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr -7; -(,) DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING:PLUMBING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL . tr UNDERGROUND -6 ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER P6OUruonrON / srEEL O FRAMING n BOOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL n r'1 FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS EI CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR o o tr FINAL tr FINAL L \/ -SC DArE i l- cv I TNSPECTOR ffisllop ' 't\s\ | PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT onrr\i\.\ JoB NAME ,*ril"roN TOWN OF so\ os\ggo REQUEST VAIL i:\\-.CALLER ON:MON trJ WtLl Gi- .r'.\\ . FRI READY FOR LOCATION: \'r .-\ BUILDING: f] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWoOD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL E FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,'t rl *iFsnop / / a - c)-,DATE 7/1-t ,/'J INSPECTOR rr.rstcrroN E;WN OF REQUEST VAIL PERMIT LJAIE READY FOR LOCATION: NUM (-l JOB rTi(JJ tr o NAME \,ALLtrF{ MON , TUES WED TH INSPECTION: \/,.2, ? --., r_' J _ BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOOTINGS / STEEL OUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. tr D tr tr tr tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED IN s ON NOF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAIVE MON L/A L L El-1 TUES WED HUR -l FRI LOCATION: :APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: - BUILDING: (roor,*o. / srEEL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr FRAMING o - ROOF & SHEEB - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr o E EINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER r ,t tr HEATING D ROUGH ,,tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR ffisr:cc I '-i )'; PERMTT NUMBEF atr pnodEcr l{ i .--' i (DATE 'J JOBNAME REQUEST VAIL -:-::\ CALLER INSPECTION:\11O_l$' ruES wED rHUR FRI --AM PM D REINSPECTION REQUIRED ON NOF INS '1..c,' READY FOR LOCATION: E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION i STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER D HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED DATE INSPECTOR r.J tr t.\:-!ilr*: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROUECT TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE \JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES fto,*,o WED ------@) pM READY FOR LOCATION: M a-..N i{. Ineenoveo BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. - ROUGH / WATER D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING U INSULATION D SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB E FINAL FINAL MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oare l:s - 3- 7,INSPECTOR , ,/..-' -, ,-n 4 ^, "J ,\'( '-z I <-' )INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL !,.) u'l-wQ-- CALLER TNSPECT_IQN:MON Tt tEe / rirEn \==_THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER D FRAMING r-l ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL ! tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr F FINAL tr FINAL /,Neeeaovto .-'',tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: D^rE I' z 5- y'/ rNSpECroR 4=tr PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: Pf /a OF .') BEF /7 NUM q I JOB OJEC NAME ,-) IlratrEv I l\.rlr nEl r,/* ., TOWN OF VArL /,_..-.t' L-4 \_\= . .) INSPECTION REQUEST tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTION:MON ![neenoveo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED CALLER BUILDING: N FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAIVING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING N INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING tr ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT,tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR ,457i * /REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOF LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME [/oN CALLER ES WED THUH FRI 1L44 BUILDING:) L/\- -=-7 '1 PLUMBTNG: OOTINGS / STEEL \UNDERGROUND J],trOUGH / D-W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr tr D E o tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS N CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL Rrppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PE R M I rAu M:'5-" o? i: o""' DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION i STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V, D ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEF " PLYWOOD NAILING N GAS PIPING tr INSULATION ! POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n L-l ! b rrrunl tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. PO MECHANICAL: WER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: '' i' 'tr DISAPPROVED C REINSPECTION REOUIRED LJA IE . 1-', ,/',a INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NUMBER OF 7 , tt - PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER ED THUR -9'* INSPECTION: <-,,\ TOWN OF B D tr ! tr tr \.p tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAIL INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr ! TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT f] SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D.FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oarc i4--r"ai-- i7;' rNSpEcroR OF --r INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CALLER READY FQR INSPECTI LOCATION: F{'t*oueo CORRECTIONS: \t\clt PERMIT NUMBER PROJECT DATE JOB NAME tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB _tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL D FINAL .\, t/, n/onte /-tL't- '' TNSPECT'R r(q{ t INSPECTION: PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: SOJECT lat Ll /II JOB NAIVE INSPECTION ; TOWN OF fv-t t.i:, z^-a._ REQUEST VAIL CALLER @).rues WED THUR r ) i/,--t< \ BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEE. tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER p,cns PtPtNG ! pivwob-o'riiirrr.rc M tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR o _tr O FII*AL U FINAL Xnppnbveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo-, 7- E-2/ rNSpEcroR , r ,rg.r 45qK t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMTT NU.MBFI Ot PBOJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FbR INSPECTION: LOGATION: f;-neenoveo T] DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,'\ J qL"*l ,1 -t-- a lUlt-Ott'tC: I roorrr'ros / srEEL (-/ PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATTON / STEEL ,& FRAMING - FIOOF & SHEER ll ^....^,^^^ GH / D.W.V, PLYWOOD NAILING ! j8$ucalwArER @,s ererNc J tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK N POOL / H. TUB NAIL o tr o tr FINAL - tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr_ tr FTNAL __________,__ {, tr FINAL CORRECTI n -tt.-q I DArE / -t tl TNSPECTOR hlGsgop INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ,t'/. ., /.,,-,.-';L Lzl e{- OF READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON Oa- CALLER TUES THUR FRI " // i-<)1 (.r,4'LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING O ROUGH / WATEFI ,_ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED-' CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE :/,t - ././ t / ,--' ..2)/">/ t. .-4 \/-1- -2 /O INSPECTION REQUEST ] TOWN OF VAIL T JOB NAME L,l\L L E 11 Tt ttrc wED .6D rnr READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON tl tt s'4 , '.-s- OJEC R P ROF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH fl EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL filneenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED rArl ootr {o * fl6 *9 | TNSPECT'R '/'.'/t(PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oarc t+ ,3 l/ JoB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL /: ! ie! tti-'- 4 READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED ., -'_\AM PMI ,:/)a.).) ,-:- . BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE. tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLvwooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING 'pl trusulnrroN tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr o I E FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: '--.MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL Frr-.,*tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR .// "'"' . -' !' r,,' - ': + '"< ?. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT Lq '// - t SPE DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: IN CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES IL /. ,- h.. )+PPRovED CORHECTIONS; '1 D DISAPPROVED B REINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOOTINGS /STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL p noucn i D.w.v. iRAMING q ROUGH / WATER HOOF & SHEER doot PIPING t i f/ d-)ia /r-L'-! pLvwo-bii'r.rli r-r N c tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR N FINAL ome 6'/J'f/ rNSPEcroR PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT DArEb-\A JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL THUR FRI tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t\, N s r\J \ \ CALLER ffneenovro ;tr DISAPPROVED TUES BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER D D tr FOUNDATI FRAMING ON / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr n FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. P WER tr HEATING OUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALTER TU .1. ! ,/ 1/ ER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUMBING: / STEEL _ /\yNDERGROUND 1 FEOUGH / D.w.v.ON / STEEL n/noucn / WATER - ROOF & SHEEF " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr u tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL (tt*outo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR TO: FROI!! DATE: R8: Planning and Environmental Connission Coununity Development Department Septenber 24, t99O A request to amend the Town of Vailrs Snow Avalanche hazard map in the generat vicinlty of Vail Meadows,Filing #1, pursuant to Section 18.69 of the Town of VaiI zonLng code.Applicant: Tortn of Vall DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The Town of Vail is requesting to amend the Snow Avalanche Hazard Map for the Vail Meadows avalanche path. The amendment is a result of the reevaluation of the runout distances and the hazard zonation of the area completed by Art lttears. The proposed changes will affect the following lots in vail ueadows, Filing No. 1 as specified: A. Lot 2L 22 23 24 25 26 2A 29 30 B. Existing Desiqnation Blue Red Red,/Blue BIue Blue Blue BIue BIue BIue Pror]oseg Blue (decreased area) Blue BIue (increased area) BIue (increased area) Blue BIue (decreased area) Blue BIue Blue (Lncreased area) BACKGROUND The exl-sting hazard zonation map by Art Mears and McDouell, Scott and Cox for this area was adopted in 1976 (See Exhibit A). This study used Swiss procedures and equations derlved in the 1950 and 1960's. The results produced by these procedures are somewhat subjective, particularly within the 8 to 10 degree slopes of the Vail Meadows runout zone, because they depend upon friction coefficients whl-ch are not known, but must be assumed. -t c. Recently, an apptication for development was submitted for Ifr|- 22, Vail Meadows Filing No. 1. Because the entire lot is currently designated red trazard, it was necessary for the applicant to provide a site specific study which sitLsfactorily showed that the designation of the area of the lot to be built should be amended to a blue hazard zone. The change of designation is reguired because the Town of vail nazird Regulations do not allow development to occur in red hazard avalanche zones. The applicant submitted a site specific study conpleted by Hydro-Triad, which again used the Swiss method discussed above. This study changed the zones for botlr the red and blue hazard areas (Exhibit B). The zones noved approxfurately 150 ft. uphill to the east. Thls change would enable the owner of Lot 22 t-o develop an area of the property with proper nitigation. Because of the differences between the two studies, both of which used the Swiss nethodolog:y, the Town elected to have a third study cornpleted which utj-lized the current rrstate-of- the-arttr nethods now in use throughout North America and Europe. This studY, bY Art Mears, changes both the red hazard zone and blue zone for this avalanche path. The red zone boundary moves further up the slope to the east lrhile area of the LIue zone will increase as shown on Exhibit c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommendation is for approval of the proposed amendnent. As per Section 18,69.030, the master hazard plans rnay be allered to conform with new inforrnation or existing conditions. Staff feels that the change should be urade as-per rrQuantitative AnalysJ-s of Runout Distancet Energy and Avalanche zoning Irnplications Vail Meadows Avalanche, Vail, Coloradorr by Art lilears (Septenber r-990). UppEn EleLe Vlllev WAIER ANO SANITATION DISTRICTS 8a6 FoREST 8OA0. V rL.CoToRAOO 557 (303) 475 7480 Sept€sber 17, 1990 t. l€. Sbelly lbllo, Pla;uEr llrsr of Vall ?5 south Fgrt4F REd Vall, Colorado 81657 Re: Lot 22, Vatl lGadcreE Flllng lb. 1 Dear lb. lGllo: ItE Dlstrlst tre reertly been inford b'y llF. Robert Borze that t}le nater tank located aborn lot 22, Vall lGadcrrs Flllrg No. 1 le reqtrfrcd to h.\re a p$tectt\re structure abo\re lt to pnotect the tank frcm arralanctp dangBrE ard reduce the lnzard to a;3Eol5dtIEI foPerty. t't.. BotTE pesentea to the Dletrlst a relprt peprea b'y tttde&.lad, dated Jtrp, 1990, drtch referstced a lnetrlors retprt preprcO tty llidro-:ll.l€d ln Aprtl, 1977. Ttre Distrtct has aoqtrft€d tlE 19?? relprt, and bsed qut tha earller rcctdrrdatlqts to cqptnrct a s;plitttrg stnrcture as a dsfense Echanlsrl, tras retalned an erglrnertrg flm to araluate both reprte ard d€-l€F a lrrotectfiE stnrcture t}at t€utd be adequate to gustaln tlre ecrnre aralanctree tbat cqrtd be elpected tn the high lEzatd ?Ene. ltE 1990 lelnrt frco ltdrrefriad references the 1977 relDrt that qtcltded t'If the tanlr rpre nlntalrpd at 808 firff dhlllrg tle avalancte hazard perlod ad cquipped wlttr a sheer rtng tle to t}e fordatlqr, tlr tank tsilcl rpt fall or be a sigrrtficarrt a.r.rrttve elmrt to tlre anafanc,lre, as lt tsrld effect tie reslderrttal lote alcrg $or€boe Lane.rt the tank le ntntaircd at 80ft firll or gl€ster Ghrrlr€ rgm'I qrratlcrr of tl|e r'Eter 6!'Etet0 tnrotStout tbe rrlnter 6g6rtfrs. The streer rlng tle to tlre fcnudatlsr, tu$t\rtr, tras rpt been tnstalled. Based rpcr lnttlal erraluattcn by tlE Dlstrlctts erptlrnere, th€tlt LE\re qtcltded tnat tle elreer rlqg tle r.culd rpt be aaequate and are tlrerefone poeedtrg wlth f,r:rtler eva.Iuatlan ard deslgn of the spUtttrfg stnrcture. If yprn tlg\re any firrtfnr qrreetlcrs regarefre ttrls natter, plee feel f:nee to ccrtact re at 476-?t[8O. Strerely, !t'r'-/'?2rJ'- Jerra Berder Dlrector of llater O1=ratlcts JB:sk cc: Efurd H. IDtager, Jr. Iiesrt R€e FoJect Ftle ll tl z-. I ll ?lrl|G|tarrxa oF?ttctt - aFTRowHEAD METFO WATER a AVON METRO WATEF a BEAVER CREEK MErRO \.|ATEF| a EERRV CREEX METRO WAYE" /_ C-!:ar _\.A\t - ;;;.; ";;,-;l'i^l',^.,o"',o.o,,:j::::::::S::jfiTtrffJ';;::l'":T;;;:::vacLEY coNsou?arEo sar'-A'cN @ :r -r valL vaLLEv CoNSOlloatEu, wAtER a val|- waTER aNo 5aNITAYTON OIIAITTITATIYE AIIATYSIS OF R'IIOUT DISTAIICE' iiinev Ato AyALAttcnE-zoltlllc IlPLIcATIotls YAIL IGADWS AYALATICHE, YAILT COLORADO f,tD'osEP13iii0 Qltilt8rrtlflvl lttlLlSrs oF nuNollf DlSrlNel, ufERGv ItrD IVI'IIIICEE-SONINC II|PIICAIIoIIA YAIL tElDOfB lvl!ilfclEr VIIL' COLORIDO Pa.prri6 For tDc lorlr ot Yall Prepared BY .artbul I. ueara, P.E.r Inc. Gunnlson, Colorado Septenber' 1990 1 fntroductl.on and Purpose This re-evaluatLon of runout distances and hazard zonatLon l-n the Vail lleadows avalanche path, East Vail waE requested by the Town of vail. tlrhe re-evaluation uaE reguested becauge a eite speciflc study recently eonpteted by Hydro-Trlad (1990) for the osner of Lot 22, at the rest end of Snowshoe tane, changed the bazard zonation whl.ch was previously defined .ln 1975. llowever, tlre Ilydro-lltiad study apparently used methods whlch bave been superceded, by recent research (McClung and Lied, 1984i }|cClunE and LLed, L9a7i Uears, 1988i Ucclung' ltears, and Schaerer, 1988i ltears, 1989a; Uears, 1989b; Dtears ttn preP.l). In partlcular, the avalanche-dynamics eguatlons used ln the Eydro-IEl.ad study to define avalanch-e runout linlte apparentlll fo1low Swlee procedures and equations derived in the 1950rs and 195014 (e.9., Voellmy, 19551 ,- as dLscussed Ln llears (1976). The r'esults produced by applicatlon of these equations are souewhat subjectLve,piiticutarty within thJ 8o-to-loo slopes of the VaIl l'teadows iunout zone, because they dePend heavlly upon frictlon coefficients whl.ch are not known but must be assumed. tinltations to the use of avalanche-dlmanics eguatlons are discussed .ln in appendlces 'rAr nBrr and "C.rl This etudy has quantified the dynanics and runout of the Vall lteadows avalanche in accordance with current rrstate-of-the-artrl methods in reg'u1ar use throughout North Anerlca and Europe. 2 llethods used Ln analvsis a. Tlre vall ueadows avalanche profile U'as subdLvlded lnto ta slope segments short enough such that each segnnent eould be assirned to have constant slope (Table 1). The proflle was Cortstructed from the 1s24rOOO seale rrRedcliffrr quadrangle (above 9r2oo feet elevation) and the 1:11800 (ln =, 150r) scale . -t6pograpbic uap prepared by Hydro Triad (below 9,200 feet). b. The nurout zone was defined as begt-nning at the 1oo-profl.le point, at 8.8O0 feet elevation, ae is consistent wlth current Itattittcal nethods, appendices oArt nBrn and nc.rl c. Becauee the avalanche Lnpacts a 75-foot blgh lluestone knoll at the beginnlng of the runout zo-ne-, a xslmthetl.cn profLle was _q<tended €frrougf, the knoll toward the nort'beast at an angle of 5 degi'rees (segs 76', Lt ', 18'!. -Thle I's the directl'on ttre avitanctri would advance in lf lt were not deflected. The 5 degtree elope ls the Dean runout zone slope_ of a data baee coi=f "titt i of LLZ desigrn-uagnltude avalancbes sarnpled throughout Colorado. d. The iBetan angle and the length oxgrr (eee_ Appendicl.eB_.A, E, i"a Cl-t"i aJfint€tons), were thtn nea-sured fro-n the profile. Iheee'two angle and el6pe paraneters were found to be elitisii"airi-irgnirtcairt in regrression anarysl's of tbe colorado database. e. lltre nAlphar angle (UcClung and Lled, 1984), the point at whLch tlre deslgn avalanche stoPs' was then computed from the Colo:ado databaEe regression eguation. The computed Alpha angle, down to the 95t confidence llnit was 22.00. f. llhe PCt{ avalanche-dlmanics equation (Perla, Cheng, and DfcClung, 1980) was then fit to the synthetic profile' and forced, by euccessl.ve lteratLons to stop at Alpha = 22.oo. The Pcl'! aialanche-dlmamLcs coefficients-thus detemlned by I'teratLon rreres !f,ID = ?55ui mu - 0.2 (assumed Ln Lteratlons). tt. A second slope Proflle was then constructed ivalanche path rhich ls deflected to the north tank, andl over I'ot 22 and Snowshoe Iane (Table h. 'llhe PCll-model vas then applled to the actual slope proflle, using nu and l,l/D as dlscussed ln etep rrfrrr- above. Because thLs avalinche ls deflected to the north through a mean angle of apprgxlnately {oo, a uouentum-correction factor (egual to [cos zlo6!2 : 0.88t was-applied to reduce veloci-tY below 8-'8oo feet eleiatLon. bfre run-out dietance and veloclty decay in the runout was then computed using the coefficients deternined by tbe -statistical/-iteration nethod. Segrnent veloclties on the actual proflle are glven ln Table 3. t- The Red/B1ue h the polnt oir the proflle at whlch-the velocity decreased to,24.2 ;7;,-th; polnt af which the kinetfc:energy^denslty (stagnation pleisure) decreased to 3,000 kg/rnz 1615,psf)-, assuming a .hisper""i nean flow density of-ioo kglnl. The relatlonshlp used for-this deteruLnation vaE sirnply 17 - f2PllllOolo's, wlrere P = 3rooo kg/D3r aDd g = 9.8 mle2. This point, which rnarks the bottorn of the Red Zone, ocsurred at the b-otton of segrment 16, about 200 feet E@ Lot- 22' J. Ttre ter:nlnal posttlon of the deslgn-avalanche runout zone iionli-ena of ttrdBlue Zone), was_computed to-be at 81919 fee!' .dievatlon, there the avalandhe wlll Just touch two bulldlngs but wl.Il not Posaeas energry sufficient to produce any dSlaSet^-P"^.-^ otfr& bulid1ngs on tle-north eide of Snosshoe Lane lle within the iiu"-2""e, bu€ theee bulldlngs have previously been deslgmed for avalanclre loade. Ilre results of, tlre avalanche-zonlng analysls, tncludlfg- tie rork e-i;;;;e-in sectlon 3' ls su5aarlied on- Figrure 1,-.whlch vas ;;i;a from tlre stuay iy Hydro-Triad, Ltd. This flgure- ahow6 the ;;f;d R;efiiue lou'naa-ry lupnfll from tlre ltydro-rriad boundary) ;;i1il a;#$iii i"iiin"it"'1iuits (dounhill iron that shown ln the ttydro-Trl'ad study) - of the actual past the sater 21 . 3 Fleld work and alr-nhoto Lnterpretation ouring the eurnmer of 1973 and 1976, at leaet 1-o nan-daye fleld tlme ias epent wlthln the vall l{eadows avalanche path to- fanLlLarlz-e nyself and researchere wlth the Universlly 9f -Colorado, tnslitute of Aretlc and Alplne Research (INSTAAR) rlith the pattr-terrain. Startlng zones and lateral boundariee of t[e tracft vere dets:nl.ned, and destructlve effecte of paet-events were etudied. In Parilcular, the retrrrn Perlode of naJor avalanchea were eetl.nated by extractl.ng and studying cores fron nu[erous treee that had suffered avalanche lnpact. lhe foreet rritlrln the boundarl.es of Lot 22 ehOsed no obvLous evldence of avalanche lmpact, but noet treee sere less ttran 100-years-o1d ln thls area. .ls discuesed {n lppendl'x nAro bowever, 19ck of an avalanche for a even a 100-ye-i perlod does not Pfolide convlnclng evidence ttrat thl sttE ls beyond the llnlts of tbe rrloo-yearr avalanche. ln addition to the field work descrlbed above, the dlrect history of avalancheE in the vall ueadowe path was extended by atereo- photo Lnspectlon of U.S. Forest Service photos laken ln 1939, isso, Lg6r, L974. and 1984. The 1939 photos lndlcate that a targi avalinche ieached lnto tbe runout zone early thls century lpeitraps before 1920), and nay have extended to the general ii"l"fEy of rhat sas-io becorne Snoushoe Lane. There aleo le clear eiidence that a large avalanche ran at least to the 81800 foot level, probably lnpa-ting the linestone knoll/water tank area betwein fgSO ana f9eZ. This avalanche extended the ivatancne track laterally. Scars Ln the forest are guite fresh- Ln the teez photos, lndlcating thie laEt event nay haye- occurred slrortly befole the Forest ServLce qerlal photos uere talten ln Augrustl 1962. This seeus likely, because alanuary' 1962 produced najor ivalanches at other Colorado locations' The aerial-photo analysis and the tree-cores studied botlr sugqest that lpt 2el snowshoe-Lane, and posslbly terrain north of SnowsJroe lane are witntn ringe ol the rtl0Q-yearn avalanche. Thle cJnci.usfon le sulsiintiated 6y the statlstlcal/dynaulca analysls descrl.lred Ln section 2. the avalanche shlch uas detenlned as dlecusged ln thl'e report -le iG e;f;ii:rig"ii"de avalanche, which hae an f,order-of-ragnltuden ;aurn p6rioe-of lgg-yearE. Becauae thls Le an order-of,- uignff"iJee€lnate, tire actual_ return Eay lle betreen 30 and 300 Fil;-ii constant innual probablllty fytng between O'3 and 3t) ' The deEl.gn cv€nt la aseuDed to conelst of dry-ftoslng Enorf at tilf"-i*i€ton. '1hls avalanche, in accordance j;lth nuDerous oleervatignr obt;lnia ly the author throughout Norttr America, niitb" aieperee--upwari to_a helght.gt .i leaEt_3m {10 feet)., ae it-cro""es i,ot Zi. -ffre deslgn veioctty ?!_Ift 22, vlrlctr.f: qt: ;;"t ;;;ieii-"r.p""ed resldeittar lot,-w111 be approxluately 1e D/s (43 mph)at the top of the lot and Ll mls (38 !ph) at the botton. Thls-vill produce an enerEry-density range of 380 lbs/ftz to 3Oo lbs/ft2 acrois the lot. Thii should:not be used Ln design, hosever, because the energry-denslty figrures do not consl.der structure 6hape, size and orlentation. Because the avalanche uust pass tlrrough treesr ttre flow trlll contal.n tree trunks and other vegetative debrle which ulll produce polnt loadE on exlrosed eurfaces. 'llhe requl.red deelEn helght of surfaces rel.nforced for avalanche Lnpact wlll usually be conEiderably uore than the flow heJ.ght ln fast-novlng dry-snow events. Tbls addltlonal helght reguirenent l{, wLIl, lre t}re sun of three conponents 8 - hs + he + k(vzlzer, uhere h. = strowltack depth, h^ = avalanche flow height, k =oil.entatfon/energy dis-slpation factor, V Ls avalanclre velocity and g ls gravLtational accel.eration. wet-snow avalanches have not been speclflcally considered in the inalytical portion of thie study because such avalanches did not produce the longest-runnlng avalanches in the Colorado database used ln the regiessLon analyeis. llowever, the terraln, because. it slopes towaid Snosshoe Line at 8o - loor.can convey deep, wet- snow avalanches to snowshoe Lane' where f,Iow will stop at the Iesser gradients of the street. Such events have been observed at nuneious siroilar locatl.ons throughout Colorado and other parts of Norttr AnerLca. There is no reaton to belleve they would not also oceur here even t.lrough they uill probably wiII not travel as far as the design-magnitude dry-snow avalanclres. However, lt will be posslble fot set sLides to produce static loads on ex;rosed etructures on I'ot 22 which are in excess of those produced by dry-flowLng avalanches. Depositlor-ral loads 9ay be. larticularly llrge on horizontal eurfaces. This neans that wet--gnow avalanihes 6outd constitute the deslgm case for certaln exlrosed structure orlentations. An additional conp|-1-ca!-inV. eflect of wet-snow avalanches is often aesociated with the lnpact of abundant solld and vegetative debrls tlplcally eltrained by tlrese denee, wet events.- llherefore, eubstantial polnt loade uay be produced-agalnst ercposed vertlcal a-urfaces, possLbly-up to a tloir nelEtrt oi rs feet. The vall lteadowe avalanche would deflnLteiy entraln debrle before Lct 22 le reached becauEe the flou uoul- pass tlrrough the foreEt on tlre way to the lot. l{et-Bnow avalanches wlll probably not extend-below Snouahoe Iane because tlre reduced gradi-nt sould stop the. low-veloclty advance of set-snoY avalanches. TABLE 13 PROFILE FOR DETERITINATION OF PCU COEFFICIENTS Sec Y(topl lfbot) !U tl[ L(nL Anq l(co-ordl X(co-ordl O 3415u 1 11,2OOr 11O8Or 1201 1701 63 35.2 3378 2 11080 10960 120 t.00 48 50.2 3341 3 10960 10720 240 400 L42 31.0 3268 4 10720 10400 320 570 199 29.3 31?1 5 10400 9920 480 1200 394 2L.8 3021 6 9920 96{0 280 520 180 28.3 2939 ', 96{0 9200 440 1020 339 23.3 2805 8 9200 9175 25 150 46 9.5 2797 9 9175 9130 4s 90 3t 26.6 2?84 10 9130 9040 90 340 107 1!1.8 2756 11 9040 8950 90 200 67 24.2 2729 L2 8950 8875 75 90 36 39.8 2706 13 8875 8850 25 60 20 22.6 2698 14 8850 8825 25 80 26 t7.4 2691 15 8825 8800 25 110 34 12.8 2683 (Botton of Track)16f 8800 8730 70 800 245 5.0 2662 Lt. 8730 8710 20 229 70 5.0 2656 18f 8710 8706 4 46 14 5.0 2555 * Beta = 25.2oi X. - 1555n. Regression Eq.: Al-pha = -3.0 + O.?9 Beta + 0.0036 XB.r*-Alpha = 2i.oo (65t c.r. = 22.oo to 22.90) o (Startl.ng point of avalanche profile) 3415n 1 11,200! 1lO8Or 120r 170r 63 35.2 3378 2 11080 10960 L20 100 48 50.2 3341 3 10960 LO720 240 400 L42 31.0 3268 4 LO720 10400 320. 570 199 29.3 3171 5 10400 9920 480 1200 394 21.8 3024 6 9920 9640 280 520 180 28.3 2939 7 9640 9200 440 1020 339 23.3 2805 8 9200 9L75 25 150 46 9.5 2797 9 9175 9130 45 90 31 26.6 27A4 10 9130 9040 90 340 107 1{.8 2756 l'1 9040 8950 90 200 67 24.2 2729 L2 8950 8875 75 90 36 39.8 2706 13 8875 8850 25 60 20 22.6 2698 1{ 8850 8825 25 80 26 17.4 269L 15 8825 8800 25 110 34 12.8 2583 (Correctlon for 4oo deflectlon betreen 15 & 16) 15 8800 8735 65 400 l,24 9.2 2663 1? 8?35 8?00 35 260 80 7.7 2653 18 8?00 8670 30 180 56 9.5 2643 19 8670 8565 s 60 18 4.8 2642 20 8655 8635 30 205 63 8.3 2633 TABLE 2: TERRAIN PROFILE USED IN PCM APPLICATION Secr Y(tonl Y(botl Cy dX L(n) Ano Y(co-ord) X(Co-ord) On 52 82 204 37A 744 902 1213 L259 L287 1390 1451 1479 1497 1521 1555r L799 1869 1883** Orn 52 82 204 378 744 902 1213 L259 L287 1390 1451 ll79 L497 1521 1555 t677 a756 1811 LA29 1892 TABLE 33 RESIILTS OF PC}I ACCETERATION NIALYSIS BY SEGUENT SEG 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I I 10 11 t2 13 14 15 V(topl O. On/s 2L.7 29.6 37.4 41.8 38.8 41.9 39.4 36.7 36.6 33. s 34.8 36.1 35.1 35.5 V(botl 2t.7mle 31.3 37.4 42,2 38.8 42.1 40.6 36.? 3?.4 33.5 34.8 37.8 36.2 35.6 34.2 correction)24.2 (Botton of Red Zone) (tateral deflection 16 30.1 L7 24.O 18 19.3 19 17.0 20 15.3 (stops [End 19.3 1?. O 15.3 11. ? of BIue ZoneJ at 8630 ft) NEtrEREITCES ucclung, D.tlt., and Lled, K.' 1984. Statistical Avalanche Zoning. Proceedings, fnternatJ.onal Snow Science l{orkshoP, pp. 95-98. t{cclrrng, D.I,t., and Lied, K. ' 1987. Statlstlcal and geometrical defint€ion of enow avalanche runout. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 13:Lo?-119. (Appendlx C, attached). uears, A., 1989. Regional conparl,eons of avalanehe-prof,lle and runout data. Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 21' No. 3, PP. 2A3-2A7. (ApPendix B, attached). Itears, t., 1989- Avalanche runout dLetances and dynanlcs' eureirt nitnoae and llnitatlon. Workbook uaterlal for ttre National Avalanche Sctrool, Iakewood, Colorado. (Appendix Al ueara, A. (ln prep.). Snow-aValanche analysis for engineerlng and lind-uie planning. Colorado Geologlcal Survey. Perla, R., Cheng, T.T., and ltcClunE, D.lt., 1980.-A !w9-P?I!D:!:r uodel-of inor-aiifancfri uotlon. Jour. or GIac, 26(941 , L97-2O7. voellny, A., 1955. Uber die zeratorungsllaft-von latfinen. Scfrwefiirisitre Bauzeitung, 73 (L2l2 159-t62, (L5l z 212-2L7 , (17) : 216-219t (r9): 2AO-295. t:APIBTDIX A AVALANCHE RUNOUT DISTANCES AND DYNAMICS CURRENT METHODS AND LIMITATIONS by ART MEARS Rcprinted with pcrmission ol thc Amcrican Association o! Avalanchc Prolessionals THE "DESIGN AVALANCHE' Thc two bcforc-and-aftcr photographs f Figures I azd 2), illustratc thc cffcct of a'!00-ycar-avalanchc'in thc Dcadman Gulcb path. Coforado Front Range. Figure I, takca in l9?5. shows thc rcsultt of regcatcd small avalauches ovcr a gcriod of dccadcs, Most slidcs had bccn channclizcd down thc gulty oa thc tcft sidc of thc fan, whircas ao occasiooal lar8er slidc had ovcrtoppcd thc Sully and ruD out oD thc stccp alluvial fa* Figurc ? was taftcn io May, l9t4 aftcr a major dry-snow/powdcr avalanchc. This cvcnt far cxcccdcd privious path boundarics aqd dcstroycd maay acrcs of lodScpolc pinc forcst that had coloaizcd lhc runout zonc since thc tast major avalaochc occurrcd at lcast 100 ycars carlicr, This Dcadmao Gulch scqueqce providcs vsluablc bcforc-aad' aftcr documcntatiou of thc'dcsigu avataachc,'ia this casct an avalanchc with a rcturn pctiod of approrimatcly 100 ycrrs. Similar to thc traditions aircady cstablishcd in hydroloS,y rnd floodglain planning, cxtcnt of thc dcsigu avataochc is oftcn information rcquircd io planning mouotain lrcas. This is particularly truc whcn fixcd facilitics of'high risk'(buildings' parking arcas, public facilitics, ctc.), arc plaancd lcar potcntial ruDout zoncs. O -t Fron Natlonal Analanche Sotrool rorkbook' 1p8t. Rcscarch ot thc charactcristics and cffccts of the design avalanchc has bccn ao importani topic for thc past threc dccades ia parts of Europc. Many Europcan arcas havc had dcnsc mountain populations for dccadcs or ccoturics rvith numcrous activitica rnd structurcs cxposed to avalanchcs. llowcvcr, similar rcscarsh cfforts havc not takcn plac€ in rhc UnitcJ Statcs which has only scccotly scc! sig,oificant cxpaDsion of ycar-rouad populrtion into avalanchc tcrraio. Avalanchcs, in contrast to floods, for cxrmplc, affcct only a vcry small part of thc U.S.populatioa. Thcrcforc rvalanches. unlikc ftoodsr arc aot considcrcd to bc'aatiooal problcms'aod very littlc tradition cxists within thc United States with rcspcct to planning for unusual avalaochcs. Gcologists aud cnginccrs canoot rcccivc training in thc mcthods availablc for'dcsign-avalaachc' dcliocatioa and planning. Thc US. Govcrarncot Do loDget sponsors rcscarch on avalanchc-cng,ioccring problcms. Cooscqucatly, lhc community of avalanchc profcssionals in thc U.S. must rcly primarily on r€scarch conductcd in othcr couatrics and on analogics with othcr sioilar teophysical proc€sscs in ordcr to dcfine thc dcsiSn cvcot. This articlc discusscs thc problems and mcthods uscd to cstimatc dcsign avalaachc lizc and discuss€s ia gcncral tcrms some of thc approachcs uscd in cnginccring analysis. Mcthods availablc includc (a) dircct obscrvatioDs and avalanchc history. (b) statistical ruBout-distancc modcls, and (c) ph ysical (mathcma tical) modcts of ayalanchc motidn.; Each mcthod has important advantagcr aud limitations, as bricfly discusscd. I: U E +to >!ko org od DA ocl (H< oa >h dd rlO r{ >r n{l po do .O -1 o3 I.' o 20 40 60 80 loo 0bservatlon Ferlod (Iears)r Figurc 3 Thc Probebltlty of Obrcrrhg thc '199'ycrr" Avrlrachc In my opinion. thc most . promising mcthods for dctcrmining avalanchc runout u$c statistical motlcls. The drta scts uscd ii statistical models cotrsist cDtircly. of rarc Gvcnts with approrimatcty 100-year rcturn pcriods obtaincd in thc mouotain rangc of intcr_cst. Although rhc 1O0-ycar cvcnt js by dcfinirion a rlrc evcnt iB ltty particular pathi Eany 3ucb cvcnts occur throughout an cntirc mountain rstrgc. My gcrsonal obs€rvations in many mountain arcas indicatc tbat lOd.ycar svatanchcs occur somcwhcrc io cash noutrlain rsngc cvcry fcw ycars becausc utriquc snowpack sad soow-loading conditioos dcvclop at tcast in somc isolatcd arcas in eU but vcry dry wintcrs. Naturc is always ia thc proccss of runniDg I grcst cxpcrimcnt on all naturil phcnomcna. iocluding avalanchcs. Thc statistical mcthod simply usca thc cxistiag data rlrcady providcd by aature's big experimcni. Rcscarch on ststittical runout-distancc Eodck conductcd during thc past l0-15 ycars has observcd cramplcs of extrcnc avalanchi ruDout distancca.and has rclatcd thcse mcasurcd distanccs to other fcaturcs of thc avalaDchc path that could also bc measurcd. Onty tarc evcnts werc includcd in data collcation. Ia ordcr to bc includcd in thc data sct, avalanchcs had to havc rcsched populated arcas prcviously uDtouchcd by slidcs for a ccntury or morc or had to dcstroy portions of forcsts at lcast s ccntury old. Avalanchcs of all sizcs, shaDcs and oricntations wcrc uscd in thc d!t! sets collcctcd in Norway and North Amcrica. Thc statistical modcls havc bccn applicd most succcssf ully within the Wcstcra Fjords of Norway by thc NorwcSian Gcotcchnicat Institute (thc 'NGI Mcthod'), whcrc a long bisrory of many avatanchc paths is available io populatcd arcas. This mcthod is diagrammcd il'Figurc I whcrc an ayalanchc prol'ilc is shown and thrcc obscrvations arc rccordcd: I) Thc alpha anglc ( o. ) is ocasurcd from thc crown location to thc tip of rhc runout;2) thc point whcrc thc local profilc slopc bccomcs l0ois idcntificd: and 3) thc bcta aaglc ( p) is mcasurcd fron thc t0'point to rhc crown location. Statistical analysis of morc than 200 crtrcmc avatanchc cvcnts in lrYcstcrn Norway has showr that thc alpha angle cao bc prcdicted simply by mcasuring the bcta anglc and applying a simplc statistical rclatiooship which has bccn dcrivcd fronr thc data: or - Xrf + Xo (l) whcrc vatues for X' rnd Xa rcsult from analyris of thc <lata. PHYSICAL (MATHEMATICAL) AVALANCHE MODELS of thc arcas, Atthough thc atatistical mcthods do providc I rarional and objcctivc basis for prcdicting dcsign-avalanchc rtopping Dosition, thcy do not prcdict lvalanchc latcral cxtcnt or velocity. Latcral ixtcnt must bc detcrmincd subjcctivcly, bascd oir koowtcdgc of avalaucbc bchavior in thc arca or thc locstions of topographic barricrs.- Vclocity, howcvcr, should bc calculated rathcr than cstimatcd bccausc it is very important in cnginccrcd dcsign of avatanchc dcfcnsc structurcs. For such calculationsr x'c must turn to Dhysical modcls, as discusscd trcxt. Physical nodcls bavc bccn uscd to prcdict avalaochc vclocity and rulout distaocc sincc thc 1950's particularly ia Ccntral Europc and to a lcsscr crtent in North Amcrica aud Japaa. Io somc arcas tbcy arc uscd iq dcvclopncot of avalanchc-zotring plaus rnd in dcsigo of struciural dcfcnscs. Bccausc cstimatcs of potcotial vclocitics and forccs are critical in cnginccrcd dcsign ofstruclural dcfenscs thcy oust bc dctcrmincd by somc objcctivc critcria as is traditional ia rll gcophyqical analyscs. Early modcls trcttcd avalanclc motion as a modificd fluid or as a ccotcr-of-mass Eoving Cloig the path profilc. Morc rcccnt modcts arc [css restrictivc, allowing prcdictcd avalanchc stopging positions to bc specificd in 2 or 3 dimcusionsr thcrcby adding hcight and width to thc lcngth dimcnsion of carlicr uodcls. Thcsc physical or mathcmatical modcls tcnd to be must morc compl jcatcd thaD thc simple statistical Eodcls discusscd in thc prcvious scction bccausc th€y Eust carcfully rcptcscot evalanchc tcrrain lnd iatcrnal Eatcriel propcrtias and coosidcr thc intcraction of atl thcsc factors in calculatioos of vclocity asd ruoout distance. Atl physical modcls work csscntially as diagramncd in Figurc 5. a. Thc physical modcl is writtcn so that vclocitics and b. Thc tcrrain (stccpncss, roughncss, curvaturc' lcngth' channclizetion, cic.) arc mcasurcd lnd uscd by thc ph ysical modcl; c. Avalaqchc mrtcrial propcrtics (turbulcncc, viseosity. partictc sizcs, dcasitics, ctc.) 8rc assumcd. based on thc -xpcricocc of thc u3er. gnd arc also storcd in thc modcl: d. Thc modcl is run, use! thc valucs of tcrrain and matcrial propcrtics, rnd computcs vclocity, stopping position, and possibly vcrtical gnd latcral cf,tcnt. path tcrrai! rnd avelaachc matcrial propcrtics; I l; COMBINATIONS OF TECHNIQUES TO CALCULATE RUNOUT AND VELOCITY thc usc of physical modcls may bc somcwhat subjcctivc bccausc thc stopping position (and velocitics) dcpcnd upon sclccrion of friction tcrms cvcn thoug,h wc may havc no ctcirr knowlcdgc of whcthcr wc arc using thc propcr tcrms, thc propcr valucs for thcsc tcrns. or cvcu thc gropcJ oodcl! Although usc of a physicat model may bc vcry appcating to tomc,(tcrraio, frictioo. aod matcrial propcrtics are pluggcrl io .nd thc conputcr spits out vclocity end ruaout cxtcnt!), thc assumptioos uscd in thc modcls arc largcly unsupportcd !t thc prcscnt timc. Thcrcforc, bccsusi of thc problcms discusscd abovc in obtaining grould truth in major avalaachcs. thc physical nodcls shoutd not, ia my opiaioo, bc uscd rs thc oaly rDcthod to prcdict avahnchc rutrout distaocc. Howcvcr, bccausc thc physical oodcls ere csscutial ia prcdictiag vclocily, thcy Euit oftcn bc ured in practicc in spitc of thcir limitatioos. As mcationcd in tbe bcgianing of tbis articlc, rvataachcs, rlthough thcy arc spccial lo us, arc also roalogo$ to msny othcr gcophysicat proicsscs. Ftoods arc a particularly uscful aaalogy end as ncotioncd, dclincatiou of the'1O0-ycar'flood has rcccivcd thc attcntiog of rnauy scicntists and cngiuccrs worldwidc for most of this ccotury. Avalauchc-cngioecring spccirlists should look closcly et proccdurcs uscd ia eoalysis of cimilar gcophysical proccsscs bccausc so littlc rcscarch is bciag conductcd in our ficld. Drawiog r flood bouadary is similar to drawiag, au lvalaochc rurout-zoDG boundary aad oftca procccds as follow$ a. Thc flood CiSClgI8g, or volumc of waicr flowin3 past a point pcr sccood, is calcutatcd by st.,dving thc flood history of thc region, s statistical mcthoo. b. Thc flood boundarics arc calculatcd by using thc dischargc (celculatcd iu stcp'a'), in r physical modcl that considcrs tbc strcam bcd roughocss, slopc, end cross- scctioDal shepc. Although evalanchcs only rercmblc floods rupcrficiatly, thc ruDout-distaDcc ald velocity calculation proccdurcs can bc quitc similar to tltosc uscd in flood studics. A rccommcndcd two-stcp groccdurc could bc gs follows: r. Thc runout distancc ir dctcrmiaed from thc historical rccord whca thc rccord is Le!S-1trd-e9!$!.uq11g by vcSctatiou damagc or tbc gcological rccord whcn this is uamistakeblc. and from statistical modcls dcrivcd from thc mouatain rcgioa of iutcrcst. Thc rtoppisg, positioo il.0Ql calculatcd from a physical modcl. b. Avalaochc Srlegitr is calculatcd by usiog e physical nodcl, howcvcr-that nodcl is forccd to stop at thc position J- APMIDIX B Arctic ond Alpine Ruearch, Vol, 21, No. 3, 1989, pp. 283-287 REGIONAL COMPARISONS OF AVALANCHE-PROFILE AND RUNOUT DATA Anrsun I. Mrens 222 E, Gothic Avenue Gunnison, Colorado 81230, U,S.A. ABSTRACT Statisticat comparison of avalanche-patl-protile data frorn four widcly separated mountain ianges (coastal Alaska, California Sicrra Ncvada, C.olorado Rocky Mountains, and westcrn Norway) arc comgared and prescnted in tabular form. Only unusual (approx. lo(Fyr retutn period) avdanches werc comparcd. lnspcction of the data lcads to thc following conclusions: (l) The avdanche paths in Norway and Alaska are largcr and steep€r then thosc rampled in Colorado aad California; (2) Thc best rcgrcssion gquatioa for predicting tbe a angle developed from Norway data predicts a which is too targe in Colorado, thc Sierra Ncvada, and coastal Alaska;- (3) The cxtrcme avalanchc runout distances, as defined by the dirnensionless'Runout Ratio,' I measure of runout disranc€ with respect to path size, are significantly larger in California and Colorado; (4) Larger runout ratios are associated with shorter path lengths in the Colorado and Sierra Ncvada data; (5) The observcd ilifferences bctwecn runout distances suggcsts tbat statisticd runout cquations devcloped in one mouutain area should trot be applicd to othet arcas. TNTRODUCTION I Thc maximum nrnout distance cxpcctcd in 8n avalanche path during qocptional @nditions (thc "desi8n avalanche') is an isiportant paramaer in planning, land- uscr ctrgincedng,, and sirurtural dcign in avalanchc-prone arcas. At first, tbc prediction of runout distence involvcd a pbyticdly based modding approach (Vocllmy, 1955; Pcrla a d., 1980). Morc tccerrtly, the ccrphasis bas shiftod to modcls bascd on analysis of tcnab variablcs (Bovis and Mcars, 19?6; Licd and Bakkehdi et al., 1983; - McCXung and Licd, lgBJ; Licd and Toppe, in press). Thc - etatirticat modcls bavc usd obscrvcd cnrcmc-avalanchc runout data from a givcn mountaia area to predict, throuffr sdcction and aualysis of terrain variablcs, wbat V,{RIABI,ES CONTROLLING RTJNOUT DISTA}ICE, migbt occur wherc runout data arc not available. Data from only onc Droutrtain area (wcstern Norway) havc becn used in previous statistical models, but Do attempt ias bccn madc to oomparc data from widcly ecparatcd mountain regions. This study compares avalancbc prolilcs from vcstern Norway, thc Colorado Rocky Mountains, the Cdifornia Sierra Nevada, and coastal arcas of south'central Alaska to dacrminc if tcrrain and runout distanses differ sig' nificantly. ln addition, avalanche-puh leogtb i8 analyrcd to daerminc if it b.s an important intluencc on ruaout distancc. conditions, (2) nturn pcriod Grobability), and (3) tc''ain. Although thc wcathcr and rnowpack cooditions durilg Thc variables that control maximum runout distancc fall ico thrcc broad cetepria: (l) watbcr and snowpack o1989, Rclpnrs of tbe Uniwrrity of Colorado I I A. I. MEArs / 283 I I t_ I t- I APPLICATION OF NORWAY RTJNOUT EQUATION Rqlcssion equations developed from wcstcrn Norway $estcrn Norway avalanche paths (Licd and Toppe' in data tcnd to sysiematically underestimate the runout dis- press). Predictcd c angles (from cguation l) werc then tances in Colorado, tbc Sicrra Nevada, and coastal iomparcd with the mcasurcd a angles in thc threc North Alaska. The alpha angles in tb6e threc mountain arcas Amcrican mountain ranges, and thc'tcsidual"wT Pm- scre calculated by thi cquation puted for cach path by subtracting thc value obtaincd irom equation (l) from thc measured valuc. Therefore' c = 0.966 - l.?o (l) a vatuc ofzero would bc a pcrfcct fit for a givcn path, a negative value indicates the prdictcd dpha is too large' u'hich was shown to be the most reliablc rclationship for and a positive vduc iadicates tbc prcdictcd alpha is too much stronger in Norway than in the U.S. data. How- cvcr, the differcnce betwcen p and o differs significantly among the four regions. This diffcrence betwccn d and c can also be reprcscntcd by thc runout ratio (RR) (tablc 2). TerI.r I Profrle and runoul disldnce comparisons, coastal Alaska, Sierra Nevada, Colorado, western Norwaf Coastal Sierra wcstcrn Alasta Ncvada Colorado NorwaY Paramcter (N=52) (N=90) (N= 130) (N= l13) Thc measurcs of avalanche runoul given in Thble 2 sug' gest that although a can bc prcdicred from p in all four regions, unique statistical rclationships must be dweloped for cach arca, as discusscd in rhe following scctiotrs. NORWAY ALASKA o COLORADO SIERRA mia mcd avg rtd max min mcd av8 std mat min mcd avg 3td maJl min med av8 std mar min ncd rv8 5td ltar nin mcd rvg dd mtr min mcd rvt $d Dar Xt t8.9 25.3 25.4 3.2 34.2 23.0 29.5 29.6 3.3 38.2 0.0 5.8 s.2 3.1 9.5 320 125 765 u5 lif00 EO 280 t02 t65 ?90 sm 1390 l3r8 4t3 23E0 0.07 0.20 0.25 0.1/t 0.66 t4.0 t9.8 20.t 3.6 35.9 r6.J 25.9 26.3 4.1 &.7 0.0 5.2 4.8 2.7 9.0 lu t57 129 237 I t45 107 295 3v n2 t433 r60 7U tn 6l 22$ 0. r5 0.42 0.49 0.?s t.35 t5.3 /2.2 z2.l 3.2 30.7 18.8 21.1 27.5 3.6 37.1 -2.9 5.4 5.1 3.4 t0.2 128 v9 5,13 n6 I134 76 2n 3v 184 t200 tE3 9v 9v) 5(X 27t0 0.07 0.33 0.41 0.?t t.57 tr.0 27.3 28.2 5.8 4.0 21.1 30.1 3 r.3 5.8 52.3 N/A 860b 2@b dx 230b l50b t430b 540b 0,17b 0.llb tDatr rrc givcn in degrccs lld maars' tCalculated from Ucd and fbppc (in prcss). Ftourr 2. Frcquatcy distribulions of rhc rcsiduals rcsulting from epptication of thc Norway rcSrcssion cquation o - 0.95F - I .7' tiicO ena Toppc, in pr6s) to obscrvcd rvdanchc runouts in iour noutain rcgions. Tlpical numbcrs of dats poing rrc rhown. A. t. MEARs / 285 relations werc obtained for both Cotorado (r. = -0.93, Z : -2.781aad the Sicrra (r, = 4.93, Z = -2.64). Such a grouping of data is required bccause it minimizcs the effect of random errors in rcturn pcriod (e.9.. "SGyr" and '200-yr" avalanchcs arc avcragcd within each group), On the basis of lhe correlation analysis discusscd ebove, path lengtb (as rcprcsented by Xr or r!l) does cppcar to dfcct thc runout r4tior which, ibercforc, cannot bc assumcd indepcndcnt of tcrrain in Colorado or tbe Sierra. Although patb lcngth cffects oa R.R have not appearcd ln Norwsy or Alaska data, tbc Colorado and Sicrra data rcpresent an 'ordcrof-magnitude" range tn Xr (or Il). Norway and Alaska data both vary less in size, thcrcforc length cffccts on runout axc cxpcctcd to bc less. CONCLUSIONS Thc following conclusions may bc draum from the data (5) Thc obscrved diffcrcnccs in avalanchc runout and analysis prcseDtd hcrc. (! I &lrail steepness and data sets collccted in this analysis, arc greatcr in western Norway and coastal Alaska than in Colorado or the Sicrra Ncvada. (2) Regression cquations derivcd from wcstern Norway data tcnd to over predict o-angles (under predict runout distanccs) in C-olorado, the Sierra Nevada, and coastal Alaska. (3) Extrcme avalanche runout distances, as exprcssed by the runout ratio (RR), arc significantly gtreater in Colorado and tbe Sicrra Nevada than in Norway or coastal Alaska. (a) Thc shorter avalanche paths in Colorado and the Sietra Nevada arc correlated with the longer runout ratios. stronsly 'hrt statistical ruDoutdistancc cquations otber arcac. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I want to tbank Nqrnrn Wilson, Durfol Whitmorc, aDd Larry Hcnvood (Alpine Mcadows Ski Atca) for essistance in the col' lcction of data from rhe Sicrra, Drvid llrrtrc and Douglas Fcsler (Alasha Mounhin Safay C.nrct) bolh guided mc ro er- uerne avalanchc nmouts in Alaska. Mrny of thc idcas discussed herc were sdmulatcd through discussionr with David Mc€lung of Oc National Rcccarch Council of Crnada and Katsteil Lied of thc Norwegian Creotecbnicd hstitutr, Oslo, Norway. REFERENCES CITED Bakkchti, S., Domaas, U., and Lied, K., 1983; Calculation of saow avalanchc runout. /(nnals of Glaciology, 4t 24-29. Bovis, M. and Mcars, A., t976: Sratistical prcdiction of gnow avalaachc runout fron tcrrain variablcs in Catoredo. z{rc- tic and Alpine Raesrch, 8: lt5-120. Ucd, K. and Bakkehri, S.. 1980: Ernpirical calctlations of snorr-avdanche nrn{m distanca. Journal ol Glaciolog, 26(941:. 165-177. Lid, K, lod Toppc, R., ir prcss: Calculation of maximum strow evelanchc runout distancc by usc of digitd tcrrain modcls' Journal oJ Glaciology, McClung, D. M. ud Licd, f,., t984: Statisticgl evdancbe zon- lng. houdings of tfu Inunotional Sno* So,ene Work- shop, Agn.95-98. -, t987: Statistical and fomctrical dcfmitftm of snow ava- lanchc runout, Cold Regtotrs Scictut and Tcchnologlt, l3z l07-rr9. Pcrla, R,, Chcng, T, T., rnd McClung, D. M., l9E0: A two- parameta modcl of mow{vdaachc rction. Jounul of Gla' ciologlr, 26194ll ln -?fil. Vocltny, A., 1955: Obcr dic Zcrstorungskraft von Lawincn. *hweizerbclp Bouztttun,, 73(l2l: I J9-162, (15): 212-217' (r7)t 24G219, (19)r 28G'285. Ms sbmitted Augtsl I98E A. I. ItlEArs / 287 AIIB'IDIX C STATISTTCAL AVAI.ANCHE ZONINC D.M. l{cClrurglana K. Lteaz lbsBrrct.-nurou! for thc Grt rG[G avcnc o1l an rvllmchc pach le crlculatrd froo confldenc€ llqlt! on a regr"ator rnelyete of Plth toPogrephlc pet$etcrt. lhls reBults ln rcdeilnltton of thc trldltlmel zonlng problcn hy dlvldlng tl lnto m estl[ltlon of runout dlstslce by .n cnglnecrlng dectston ofl th€ cholc€ of corrfldencc llltt to the rstltrata' and e dpeatc ptoblcn Yllh bouldrry condltlqls daftncd by thc chos€n Ilm1t. lNTROllUCTLl)N Thc ttadltlonrl lEthoil of avtlenche ronlng lnsolvea thc Jolnt solutlon of thc avrlaflche tunout and dFrolca Ptobleos by relcctlng rpproprlriQ frlcllon cocfftclq{rts for rtl e"ifrnctrc dynenlca oodel. Ttre physlcal Problen lnvolvca I touplcl tranEltton of stltea ttlth teny rnknormr lneludlng: frtcrlon coefflclcnte 'costltutlva lau8 and ProPertl€s of florlng anor' th.se gap. ln knoulcdge !r! slgnlflcant; cle8ly thc problGl fu frt froo I .olutLon. Thc rvelenchc lonlng Problel !!Y b. tcdcltncd by rcprrltlon tnto luo Psat.:(l) eutlrntlur rrf tlrc rurout dlcuorlcc for thc atlrce Gvant on a Plth bltcd on 8 tcgr'sslon equrttar lnvolvtng topographtc -par.ctaro -and 'rjlcctcd confldenee ltnlL rnd (2) Gstlnatton of rpccdr rlorg th€ lncltne bctruGn thc airrt olrltlqr .nd runout PorlElon. ltc lettat ;oritt6 1l dcflned by cholc€ of r cqrfldcnce ilult brgcd $pon in cngtneertng dGclrton. thlt D3Der peit I of the problcn tr lntroduced ln ttrc r-Uptcai r.nncr !o lllu.trrtc thc Fthod; furBh.r dct.llr 1111 br Ptovldcd ln ' forthcolt'n I ?rPCr. AlIATTSls OF IOBOCRITITIC PTII}GIERS llE d.tr .ct u.cd tn chc prceent annlyell c6.lt3a of GrtluG.t tot 212 rYrhtchc plEhr tror th .rtltl* clhetc r.81c of lfc'tero lorTrt. kts3- asnon! for tlI rcllcr of lt lenat, l0tl ycrtta Yac rcrurtred lrt tlrc f [etrl nrrrl u nunbcr of olhet garlsrtcra tor thc prlhs rcr€ deterElned. Tra prpcrr bt lJaal rnd Bekkchdl (t980) rnd Brkkchol ' Dooaer lrd Llcd (1983) hevc provldcd detrucal descrlPtlona ol ih. d.t! .tgt lncludlng lcthods rnd eceurlcY. thc paranetere uecd ln thc gtcscnl lrrlyst3 cqnstat of angles Plciur€d ln flgurc I rnd deflned by the follootng cqustlont: .-,"-fo{ote;*-h xo (?) (3) I I A fourth grrlaeEer 16 3hc atrrtlng zonc alglc 'nhlch ta deftned by t|ngr thc .ecs.8! .loPa tn thc flr3t 100 I of thc .vrhrchc tt.rt1n8 tonc' For slnPllclty the orlgln of tloctry 1a choaln rt the artrere ttP ot thc ntnout (s golnt) |I|d the I Potnt (att, ax) 1r choem .. lhrt tor thtch thc rlopc anglc ftrlt cqullr lO' ?rocccdlng ddnralope froD lhc evehnchc atrrc Poalttqr' thc t polot l. chotqr Dosltlqr I rot rhlch tuaolt t8 the avltage eloPc ln thc rr e tefcranco le lrrt:d ao lhal t.rro tunout tcrc. Uelng lPrpcr pteectttcd rB thr tntcrnrrlorul Slow- ecf cncc-i;ttrttoP, A! pm' Golorrdo, octobcr 2t-27' 19E{.2D.I. t{cclung, nllcrrch offlccr' nrtlonll &taarch Councll f,tn.dr' vancouYcr' E.C' 3K. Lled, Group kader. Avllinchc Sectlon' btratlE Gcotcchntcal Int!13u3€ r os lor Nontty' )- the I polnt aa | ?Gro rcfcrrnec -!nr thaC ntnoul cJ| bG rGglrdln8 .r t.ktng Po.ltlYc' !.Ro-oa n.8ttlve veluca lf the rerhrcha atoD Dollclql lr bcior, rt or rborc Ghc t golotr a.aPacrttclt' ?or I tcgr.!.tqr !l.1tt1. .PPro.ch' !rct!. ruaout ta brlcd on r prcilletlal of tha tlolrr| vslue of cr gtv€n vlluca of lhc Aotanrhl - -orcdlctor v.llrble. (Br 0. .qd it)' fbc of t 't I grcdtctor Ylrllblc la thl3cd to c'rc' ehcr' thc runo,rt "onc te kn crn to bG at I Gotratlrt rngl't ruch aa e flet vellcy floor. For Ch' Prctcot d8!a a.B' l3l P!th6 hrvc lncn 6 roglcr' t"nF -trll ,:'1,.-fr t*e - L t3' (*P* -t* 96 Correletlon coeftlclent! (R) ec re c.lculrtcd for q rrlth reepect to Br 0 (212 geths) end 6 (t3t grths). lhe rcrultr geve: 0.919, 0.38E end -O. lll, rc6pcctlvely. Thts .ugg€rts th.t the be6! on€ ptrareter nodel ls a - f(E) rnd !h1, e.9 con flroed by r.gresBtq| analyalo. An c*rahrglo.r of real{url plota for lfuteer regrGrstdr of q ulth I rhored thit th. pr.dlcllvc €qrr.!ldr Drovldcs blsred Gitlo.lCt. Ttlt Juggeatr r tsarafor.rtlo.r on tlre seaPdrae vartablc o. Poncr lav rc8rcr.too Sava r good unbtaeed rclalt6ahl9 fot 212 tvslerrchc p.th!! f, - s.73gsr.06 ({) ctrh 82 - O.E6f rnd S - 0.0754 r thc lrttct qusntlry b?tng lhe .t.nd.rd craor. For colpertlm the llncer aegr..slq! Srvc l.2 - 0.845 lnd S - 2.52'. lnother tr.nsfonltlon ctplorcd rar 6. For tht6 cr8€ lhc rcgr.sslofl cqultlon 13: .G - O.o879B + 2.57 (5) rrlth R2 - 0.853 anil S - 0.218 . Ihls equrtlot aerove3 goe of lhe btas ln calt'rrlrB over I llnear regrcaelon lodel bug lt ls not .t Sood ln that reapecE ee cquatlon (4). Equ.tto (5) 13 tntroduced becaucc lt aPPcarc lorc ugeful 1n zonlng eppJ,1e.tldt5! .s utll bc dlacurscd bclon. . A nuober of GrlttPle regresalon cqutlloos uera dertved ln sn lttenPt to lnProve the prcdtctly€ achcres by .ddttlotl of 0 t3 r aecond vartablc. Eorcver, lt t'rs not found Posslbl€ to lqrov. the predlcttye lcheue €lrough lo s.rrlnt lnclurlqr of 0. Addltlm of t tr . prcdlctor vrrleblc doce ..lqrov. thc prcdtct,tec GqurElqla but thla hlt .-very llotteil .ppltcrtlm .nd rhclefore 6 18 noE tniroduccd hcrc. lo f8uor ol slrPllclty. lnoth€r pos.lblllly for cstlllttnt runoul eh€n rtlstrnccs aasoctatc.l tlth Ehe anglcs lre tnotn for Ghc aitllenche Plttre' 15 th. calculatloa of horlzontll re.eh (Ax) froi the E Polnl. lb lng cqurtldrt (l) to (3) (frt. f) 1B l. ..tl'lt .hontl th.t: llI - ttnB - tsra (6) X- tJro - ttn6 D ard tr - ls.l ax--E- t- (teno - ten6) toc^l slolT HP ffo rl {r., L I lxctt J J I l1' (7) Flgure t.-Deflnttlon3 ot Jrgler rnd lcngth rcelca for rn aulllochc p.th. Eegreealor .nllysea thoted that. $ ana ![xe lla lre .lrllsilcrlly lnilgpendcnt ot F, 0 ind 6 16 r good rpprorlnatfdl (Rz - 0). STATI, S.rT CAL AVALANCIIE RINOUT Clven the I polnt re r reference, calculaltqr of crt rcne runout depends on r predlctldl of the olnlouo value of a cxp€clcd for r glven nodel. Ite crlt.?lon ueed ln Ehls prper correaponde to the best fltElng ugpcr cnvelope on the dlslrtbutlqr of B (ordlnace) v$au8 q (abckca, ffg. 2). Uppcr cnvelopcs rere detarElned by cllcul.llng conftdence llElta aot c - f(B) for llnetr Eegrcsslon' porer he regre.stcn lcquatlon (4)l end lhc .quare root trrnrfonatlo of :querlo (5). 'fhe bcsl flr Eo thc uPper lloll qr tbe 3 - a dlrtElbutlor throughout the smgca of 9 rnd q sar fouod tror confldcncc lt!.tta of cqutttcn (5). fy 3trndlrd *Choda rsd usl.ng.oc rpProxb.rldr3 for rhe hrte nuober of drtr Poloca, rn csllralc of the confldence lhlt for rlnlqrr veluc of q lc llven by: /E; - o.087er + 12.57 - 1o.zls)!11_L)l (8) "h.. a(t-_!_) l. r vrluc of thc E dlslrlbuBlon for 210 a.l?3"" of freedoo. Equ.ildr (8) strtcs thr! PI of rvelrnchcs heve o vrlucr gr€.tcr thln co for 50 < P < 100. For cu4lc, for a 991 u'pper confldcnc: llott. tn nr ll 2.325 (t ak:n a0. I ,r' t0' 2t' ?0' lt' ,/'3 r: tc.6 /4 c lc-floci-cc *F*"' Flgurc 2.-Plot of t versus c for 212 .vsknche prtha froo lfeat.ro Norray. - Regra.rlcr lln€ tor .qu.re root trrnelonatlon on Equallon (5 ). - Prcdlctlo for cxtrcr€ runouc (o99) for the rcgtcaaton llnc rhqn. ltulttpla plotted polntr rt thc cenc locetlon or chc greph rre denotcd ttlth ertra blrs ltttchcd to thc clrcl., G.g. U reprclcnBr 3 d8t8 polnts. grgln of aef.tt dcslrcd, corpled co ltrorrlcdgc of locll cllDatc racotdg rnd avallnehc r.tutn gerlodr. ta runy tnatrnccg r 901 confldcncc tlllt Dt bc adcqutlr for a3thstlog thc c*tr.e noouc ill.!&c.. I$oth.r po..lbllltt foa clcltrtl.n ol crtrGe nmouC dl.urc..$on81i$t of crtt.Pohtlon !o the uppcr llrlt. of F ot # glvca rcen veluca 'rala .nd rt&drrd dcvlrtlone.- SlncE lhcec qusntltlc! trc .trtl.ttcrttt hdcpcndeot of thr glcdlctor relucr' tha ratnqll,on lha! lhat erc Gruerkn ..rlebloe .u8ga.r. thc Ddcl: Srh - 0.276 + o.re? [r(r.LJl 97 .{ ,5' t0' a5' For the prctrn! data !ct, thGra trG tno dlgadvrnhteB to equ.llqr (9) ce a prcdlcttyG cquatlon: (l) calcutetlons ytth lcturl cxrrpl,ce ahov thlt lhc lccurrcy la not ad gooal thBoughout th€ rmgcs of F eod c aa coDpara.l to cqurtlon (8); (2) valuee of f,o md Xo Gr. oo! ecaurcd for thc pEalcnt drtr-rct rni lt lr rmknosr ehlther 6)( lr propostlmd !o ll. or Io u l rodcl, .. equrtton (9) vould trryty. Tn tplEc of thclc dlredvrncrger, a tough .!Clr|Cc of runou3 crn ba glvcn onca . rrlu! of t(l_ p ) ta dltcrllncd Dy rn cnglnrcrtng dcctrton. 100' . DISCUSSION Pradtctlqr of rrtrcrc avrlmchc runout dt.trtcc h|| becn grc.entcd fos tr.o ttpa! ol rodclr exprctred by .qurtlonr (8) rnd (9). Elthcr of thcao r8y be uaed to prcglre r .tstlrttcsl rrp of confldence ltrltt for calc{lettm of tunort. Cholcc of a lld! dcPmds upon &r cnglnccrlng d€clllon, ]ld thla phcca lhc aonlng problel ln th! aroe hngregc thr! othcr prob lcrr conccrncd elth rl.t ]|d refcly trc phrrscd to lodern psrctlce, l\lo rdvmtrgea of the rpproech prcrcntcd .re! (l) lt clhinrt.s the n.ccsrltJr for rolvlng evelenchc d'nealcr equrtlona to detcnlnc aurouc u!1ng rn lrbttalry cholcc of frlctlorl coefflclcnlr, aa la uaual!,y dqrc; (2) the dynanler probleE 1. rcduccal to prcdlctlgl ol rpcede rlong tha lncl1nc bctrlcn tha rtrrt porltlon rnd ltop poslt'too, o8c. r givcn confldence lirlt ta choren (1.c. r ect of bound.ry condlllds for thr dtn8lcr probl:n la defln€.| by cholec of r confldcnce ltltt). llllrt o|rtrrs€rad quaaBlona nGGd to bc lnvcstlg.t.d s13h rcgrrd to th. pr.sanE .pprolch to runout. for cxeuple, flcld crtcrlcnce rtrongly lndlc.tcs thlB strrrlt8 ronc rlge rhould hrve an lnflucrrcc. Alao, thG Gffcct of clllltc regle arcde to bc qurttlflcd. Thc mc prr.!.tes lodcl lr u.cfu1 b.crurc .rtrce rvehrchcr rcech rlopc oglcr scet l0'. A aolutlo of lhc dtn.dc. problcr rcqulr.. .6 uodcrltandlng of tta d€pardarca on thr rclcyrol lm8th ac.lG| and thc affcct of E|r.Etlrr auch re evahrchc .trs; thlr rry r*rge fton I rolutlo of thc ri,trout ploblcr. lhrll ch.a€ qucltldr. lrc mrnarcd and mcll r good phyrlcrl rodcl for florlng mon l. drvcloDcd, rolutlm of thc runost and dFarlca problcrr Bog.tharr at lt corsr !n Dlrcal,ca, arour Bt 3o nothlng Frc than . curvc ftBthg cr.rclrrFbt .aUo.cnc of fsletlo cocf llcl6t.. ,' 50'a5'a0.tr't0'2r'20'lt' Dd r rtEtl.s .4r.r.1n 5e1 (-S), rry bc dcrlrcd. (e) 98 I TSFENENCES I Erkkchdr. S., U. Dorr.. .nd X. Llrd. 1983. Calculatlon of rnor .vaknchc rurou!. Annrk of Gl.clolog (4): 24-29.Lled' K. rnd S. bktchdl. 1980. Elplrtc.l crlculatl63 ol anorrvrlrnchc rurout brled on topoSrrphlc prr.r!Ecr.. Journ:l of Cl.cloloiy 26(94): l9r-207. lctrxorfL8DcFxEr{T Thc plqr€crlng rork rnd ldcee of S. Aelkehdl rte grrtcf,ully .clnq.l.dged ln rel.tt6 to thlr problct!. nrlr paper lt . contrlburlqr of thc Dlvlrloo ol Bulldlng Lscarch, tlrtlorl lcarrrch Councll finrde, rnd le publtrhcd rllh tha rgprovel of rhc D!,rcctor of th. Dlvl.lfi. Sept 6, 1990 Town of Vail Engineeri-ng Dept -Vai1, Colorado 81657 Att: Mr. Greg HalI Town Engineer Re: Lot 22 Vall- Meadowe Dear- Mr- Hall, I appreciate the time you and Shelly Me11o spent with me last Friday discussing the above referenced proiect- I thought I ohould put my request for engineering clearance on my planned proiect on 7ot' 22 in writj-ng. Specificallv I wouLd requeat bhat portions of my Lot be plaeed in the blue hazard zone which would then enable me to construct my home i.n that area with the proper nitigation- I base my requeat on the regults of my recently performed site specific study of the Vail Meadowe Avalanche zone Performed by Mr- Ron Hal1ey of Hydro Triad Inc- This study hag been furnished to the town on July 1, 1990 and aleo his letter of SePt 5, 1990 which I enclose herewith- Additionally f base my request on a detailed reading of the more E:eneral study done by Art Mearg in 1976- lrlhile the two studieg at first seem to offer different results, as I pointed out at the meeting they are actually in close agreement- The onJ-y real iggue aeems to be the place where the high hazard flow wiLl stop- There appears to be a difference of 1OO to 3OO+ feet between the two regorts- Thie footage, while insignificant in compariaon to totaL distances, ig the difference between my being able to buifd ny home on the Lot or not- Mr Mears study, whiLe not in as nuch detail or as new ae the Halley report states cLearfy that the runoff zone wi.ll be confined to an area of 60 meters (2OO feet) by about 2OO meters (650 feet) from the point where it deflects towards Snowshoe Lane aa it hits a high knoll at the end of the release zone and approximately 50% of its snow is deflected elsewhere- f have enclosed herewith an exhibit drawn by Inter-Mountain Englneering Company that elearly showa the relatj-onship of that 2O0 x 650 feet runoff zone to my lot. You have tofd me that in the table at the end of the Meara report he references point 7 as Snowghoe Iane and the end of the high runoff zone- This obviously ia a direct contradiction of hie own words which previougly describe a 2OO x 650 foot zone- I an not an engineer, however I believe that when complicated calculationg of this type are made they reeult in an anawer in feet. They do not reeuLt in an answer of streete and I believe that the reader is entj-tfed to accept the specific dimengions mentioned. Additionally the 1976 report states that the actual plotting of those dietances wag done from old aerial photographs with no actual means of referencing lot corners or gubdivision lineg and were therefore done on a "best fit basis" - It further atates that if newer more aecurate topographical maPs were available that the relationships of lot lines to topographic featureg wiIl Iikely change _ I have gubmitted brand new aerialg together with other topoEraphicaL maps which enable the runoff to be plotted aceurately ( see Inter-Mountain exhibit). They show that the distance from the deflection point ie between 9OO to ]OOO feet to Snowshoe tane, a difference of some 5O% and since ny ]ot averages about 190 feet in depth it ie welL outeide the 2oo x 65O feet red runoff zone - I mentioned earlier that I iust reeeived a facgimile from Ron Halley of Hydro-Triad- In it he makes some imPortant points regarding his analysis of the Mearg letter forwarded to hj-m- He points out the locationg of the tree sampling and most inportantly points out the resultant loss of energy the rernaining 50% of the snorrv flow will have when it makag an approximately 51 degree turn ag it hits the knoll and begins its runoff- This calcufation is vitally important to a site specific study of this type. The mogt important isgue here for the Town is that Mr- Halfey is an exceptionally recognized and qualified geologiet- One whon hag been employed by the Town of Vail in the past - He has sealed the study and ie prepared to defend and standby it. Does tris seal not provide the Town with the evidence it needs and place the reeponsibiLity for the report clearfy on him and me- Additionally I have diecuseed the possibility of employing the " statistical method" for figuring the runoff of thie particular avaLanche- He informs me that of the fol"lowing: 1- In the LS76 study the table indicates that the maker employed the Voelemy formulag to achieve his results- Theee are the game formulag that he is criticizing the Halley study for employing. 2- ?he statietical method in inapplicable to this Particular avafanche path- Thi.e nethod emt>loys the gathering of runoff data from other avalanches alf over the state of Colorado- Mogt of the data avail-able would be from relativel-y straight avalanche Patha. The Vail Meadows path i.s different- It trawels to a high knoll, dissipatea energy and makeg a 57+% turn before atarting into the runoff zone- He emphatically states that the statistical method is not applicable to this parti-eular avalanche and that each avalanche has to be studied individuafly as he hae done in thie cage - \ We have digcussed that one or two of the neighbors have objected to my gubmission- In response to that I submit to you that I have followed the procedureg outlined in the Town hazard ordinance- I have followed the ruLes, provided a new site apecific study and still seem to be caught in a situation brought on by people who have no standing in this issue- How would the Town or the letter writerg be hurt by my building my home on my lot which I paid for, took a ri.gk on and finally waet able to prove my point. I honegtly feel that if thege ]etters had not come in f would be in construction by now- ff you read them clearly their only real complaint is that they wanted to buy this very same 1ot and did not read the hazard regulationg, foll-ow ite guidelines and therefore did not Broceed with the purchase of lot 22- Whv should I be penalized for their greed. I an being damaged more each day that I am prevented from filing my plans and prevented from starting my home. I have over $ 75,00O-OO in the project- Because of the time lost to date I am not able to enclose the building before the winter sets in, I am about to Lose my mortgage conmitment, f cannot complete my appraisal and now if I am still not able to proceed will not be able to place a foundation before the winter, so that I can start framing at the break of Spring and thereby secure the trades necessary to complete my hone. Mr- Haf], I have first gubrritted my report on July 1, 1990, secured my DRB approval one month later and sti11 am not perrritted to fiLe my plans for permit approval- I have been told that pfan revj.ew will take two to three weeke. I have acted in good faith, folfowed the rulee and believe that in all fai"rnegs I am entitled to be able to proceed- I therefore respectfully requeet that the engineering hold placed on my applieation be removed ao that the building official can imroediately begin reviewing my plane for approva] and permit isguance. I wieh to take this opportunity to thank you for your courteeies extended in my behalf. Very fur Bob Borne copy: She11y MeIlo HYNNO.TRIADI.ID 1310 VJadsworth Bcrltevard, SL.ie 100 LEkewooc, Colorado 802i 5 Teieohone 303/238-6022 FAX 303/A39-8382 September 5, 1990 Hr. Roberi Sorne P.O. Box ,{205 Vall, Colorado 81658 9oar Hr, Borna: . You have requested my cotnn€nts on Arlhur ltEars letter of August p5, l0g0 whlch was ln response to e rgqucst by 6reg Hal] of the Town of vril to rsylay my rgcent report 0n tho Vall l,{sadovs Avs'lanche. Sevgral aepects ara psrtlilBnt to the rathar tnlnor dlffsrences betueen tho 1976 r€port by l'lsar6 and ny 1990 report. Tha msin aspects ara: L Freouency JReturn Perlod) tthi'le Mr, l,learg csncludad that both studles $ErE ln agrrment, on thl$, a key considerEtlon ls that Hs. HoodhoueeE dsndrochronology vork (rhtch raE lnc'luded rl'lth the flydro-tr1ad, Ltd. report) furthar c'larifiEd the work performed by 0lenn (i9?4) (ref. llearE 19IE report page 5). Tha locatlon of three of the trees eamp]ed by l{oodhouse wara not a "ghort dlstanca abovs lot 22" but rather lmfisdlate]y belox the louar cllff ar6a, E distence of approxlnately ?50 faet above lot 22. Frequency and r€turn perlod detarmlnatlons are a epec'la'l lred utlllestion of strtiBttcal ana'lyses and should be consldored ln total spectrun of dats and analys€s for runoqt dlstances. Thls ie cone{etgnt wlth the cofiment contslnid ln "Guide] ines and ttethqds for Oetallsd Snor AvElEnche Hazard Investlgation ln Celorado 1975" for uh{ch ttr. H€srE rss the prlilary ruthor J.e. "Becausg all lndirect methods of avalanche analysls f,rs subJsct to an undefinable degree of uncertalnty it ts lmportant t0 €mploy as mrny lndep6nd6nt methods rs posslble. If thsse lndependent mathods lndlcata sin.llar rssu'lts, the resulte nay b€ used wlth graater confldEncE." 2, Inpect-ProssurF Fgtsntlal lrfr. [fgars in his AuguEt 25, 1990'letter lndtcates that hts aseunptlons on runout dlEtanca and thc demarcat'lon between ths htgh/ modorate (red and blue) zonee t+ere based upon calculat'tons and o "doep, hlgh-danslty yet snou ava'lanche." Thls ls not conglstent rith the Etat€msnte on thg design avalancha contalnsd in the 1t?0 r€port. li,lr. Roberf Eorne September 5, 1990 Page 2 HowevEr the mo6t 'lmportant aspect 16'latlve to thle partlcular rvalenche 1s the ExistEnce of ths large limeetone knoll dtrect'ly 1n the sl ide path traJ€ctory. t{hl le Mr. l.taars acknouledges ths sxistence of the knoll and the traJoctory angle changc ln th€ 1g?B report, no apparant corroctlon for energy loss created by thle i0 plus degrse f'lorr dlrectlon changE res lncludad (a reduct'lon tn f'loy volume was lncluded). tJee of a regreeslon cquatlon on runout dlstancc dsrived from numerous rela!ivelv etralsht avalanche prthg is not n€cassarl 1y correct appllcatlon for thls partlcu'lar and someyhet unlquo avalanchE path. Incluslon of the obvlous tnargy'loss created by ths dlrectlon change and kno'l i would more than account for the approxlhgtg]y 100-150 foot eh'lft ln the hlgh/modarate hazard zon6 boundery. In surh&ry, th€ 8dd'ltlonal dendrochronology work, fleld investigrtlon and ftors Eocurate mapplng (and photo's) that are avai'lrb]e in 1990, p'lus slta speclflc calculatlons hcvE lad to a Emall change'ln the hlgh/moderatE hazard boundary. ThE overel'l runout lknlts arE st'l'll very s'lmllar to the origlne1 work perfoffiEd when lesE mapplng and detailE wars aval'labl€. The 'llmite and boundary as deflned ln the 1990 study ere baeed upon more detal'led lnfomatlon and ca'lcu'latlonE and ars consistent wlth ths lntsnt rnd purposes of th6 vail svqlanche ordtnanc€. If you have any further quast'ione plesse contact ms. ' LT0. "t? fuo{t/ ,r*Halley, P.E.Rona'ld L. Prasldent RLH: Jm xc: 381-001 A. Mears _.4 , n iioFr Town of Vail 0ffice of CorDunity Vail, Colorado 81657 Att: Shclly llello Town Pl anne r ' Robert Borne 5550 26th St. Uest Bredenton, Florlda 34207 Developlent Dec 8, 1990 Dcar SheLly, I al wrltlng to you wlth regard to the dupler that I ar dolnt on Lot 22 on Snowshoe Lene. I would llke to change thc color of the Aluninuu Claddlng on Dy windows end doors. In ny orlglnal DRB appllcetlon I stated that they roul,d be nanufactured by Crestline and be finlshed ln a Pcwtertone.I al requestlng the right to change to a white finish.I ar enclosing a crestline catalogue that I borrowed for you to lool at. On Date 73 a door iB shown ln pewtertone and on Petc 89 in rhltc. I wouLd greatly appreciate your inforning ue 1f such a changc is acceptable to you as I will be ordcring the windows and doore ln a ahort tine. Additionally I would like to request Pernission to install a tas fireplace in cach unit. This rould be 1n addition to the re6ular firc place shown on thc Plans. They would be instal.Led in the dorn- stairs bedrool in the Ieft hand unlt end in the rastcr bedrooo in the rlght hand unlt. f also want once agaLn f or to wlsh you a 6rcat holiday season and to thank you aIL of thc bclp you rere on ny project. Very truIy, Bob Bo rne .7 y'V-- r- Ve ry +'l-b 5A6e L lt ,:l - ,,,j..,,i1 .:rW .i rl',- i.lil ,'a r, l.'r ','. .,,..,,,-rhl'i :r'qll.ii (] [.lv.r'rrl -' ".11 , :, '! F,l f '-! ritlr.ri I [fIJ i.., t,d i,, :rO;;" -.r-r J 5-.,';.{ '..: :t,, 1i..-:-r..{ is. -':i i l.:ti:;tr ru ,i r, i b,lrj ,irr r l d i'.,r. 'ror l.: .'. ,'r' 'i.' .1. .rJ:i,.1:l -' .i.' .. .rf reo,:.dr i :.i.,; ;'r ii..r,., -l r,-1 r,' ., i,r -' l':t;OT1r,'i ,rIi!:] it .. i; Jw 4 , -:r-' l rr br{i. " ' i' I.r 6rc i:t.'i 1: lrw; r':j ",.,ii,I, ) r: .J.ill:. . r. i,br', . :tr.'; rri\r. v, j-.:.dl : JJ:". 'r 1,tr'itJ [ ] ,rrr0'l' .r.' '-., i,:l .i 'i,Ir:i6ti , i' 'l .'ra i1 ./F ,. :.i a!.1 O.] 1, lrrtr: ,:q.ri,rr 'rc,r;ij I,r r-t 1.i : ' :'':' 'u.[ir;v ii :i :.H . i '..1 /l .r,] rj _nl , t : i. -. f :1:J nI I'frjlCJ;.nt ;ii j;-l jr., ,r -,'.i ,;..r,,.,.i rd i;, , - ir.: r;.ll 'r1i:i ,i'../Ji i.J 'i 3 !.,:EnI .:i,1 rr birr ;-n,: Lirr. I 'l -i rr)l : - , ;1,:.'i :,.Lt.! t .:l ,,r ,,,.rt -'lri r,: grl ,l ii Jt.',l .1. ,. "r,i t. . .i"t i.rw.t ,r:-ri ri i., I l,f. -Jt I rj.F.rr. i-t:,., nroe Engineering Consultants, Inc. October 4, 1990 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81557 Attention: Ms. Shelley Mello RE: Borne Duplex (Lot 22, Vail Meadows, VaiI, CO) MEC#559 Dear Ms. Mello: Monroe Engineering Consultants, Inc. is the structural engineer for the project. In our foundation and superstructure design we used the avalanche (snow) loadings provided by Hydo-Traid, Ltd. In our opinion, the structural frame or the residence as current-1y shown on our plans is in conformance with the criteria provid- ed. If you have any questions, please call. Very truly yours,ffi President PDM/m1p PO. Box 1597 48 E Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 FAX 303-949-1959 st I'\{, 75 south lronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 (303) 479-2139 olfice of community developmenl October 4, L990 I{r. Bob Borne 5550 25th St. West Bradenton, FL 34207 RE: LoL 22, Vail Meadow Filing No. 1-, Building Permit Dear Bob: As we discussed today, the following revisions to the approved plans for the above rnentioned lot shall be reguired to be submitted by October L5, L990: l-. The edge of pavement shall be relocated to 1,2 ft. from existing edge. 2. A two to four foot pan shall be installed at the new edge of asphalt. Coordination with the Town of VaiI Engineer will be reguired prior to construction of the concrete pan or placement of asphalt. Up to 9.5* grade will be allowed fron the edge of pan to the garage elevation of 76 ft. Proposed grades shall be revised so that site walls will not exceed six feet. A revocable right-of-way must be approved prior to the installation of any landscaping in the right-of-way. 3. 4. 5. I,ETTER, PAGE 2 I{R. BOB BORNE These issues shall be addressed in a revised grading and landscaping plan submitted for approval by october 15, 1990. If the Town does not receive the revised drawings by october L5, 1990 a rrstop Work orderrr wiII be issued for the project. f\tuxlr- above: Bob Borne, Owner sMlpp cc: Greg HalI Sandra Spaeh, AIA shelly MeIl Town Planner tions listed HYD,nO{lqtlD 1310 \,1hdswotth BoulewlSuitE 100 Lakewood, CoEo80215 Telephone 303/238'6022 FM 3eS&6382 octoh 3, ls90 Hr. Fob€tt Born€ P.0. Box 4205 Vall, Coloredo 8165t D€ar llr. Bornc: Subeequent to my def'lning ths-a-valat* locatcd on iot 22, val'l l{eadorg Ftltng l' ioiioiinc drarlngs prepared by Hennae Sprlh loadlngs on the ProPoE€d fuoture 1, Toun of Vell, I ravbd the of llonroc Engln|grlng. Tltls l. Borne *3 Rosld.nc. Snowsho* Lans Vatl Propoeed Concrete Avalanche Dafensa fal'lE 2, South tja'|l (concrets) 8mr load deelgn bY HYdnrTrt' Ltd' Theee two drewlngs reflect the deell rseultlng from snou load. r cannot epeak to tho structtal de3lgn; DUE corruct avalrnchc load'lngs. If you have any queet Date s/2c/90 9/2A/SA thr drf lned nlanchs the load'lngrro thg RLH: JM xc: |lanneg Spaeth' 3t1-001 ilonraa Engr. \ HYDBO-TBIAqUD 1310 !'/adsworih Bou e',,ard. Surle 100 -akewood. Colorado 80215 Telephcne 303i 238-6022 FAX 303 /238-6382 october 1, 1990 I'lr. Robert Borne P.0. Box 4205 Vail, Colorado 81658 Dear Mr. Borne: I have completed a site specific avalanche and geologic invest'i gation of the Vail Meadows Avalanche, Bighorn, Town of Vai'l . The report summarizing the find'ings was sent to you and the Town of Vail in June 1990. Subsequently the Town ofVajl engaged Art Mears to update his report on the VaiI Meadows Avalanche date 1976. My report showed 1ot 22, Vail Meadows Filing No. 1 to be partial] y outs'ide of the high (red) hazard zone for this avalanche path. The updated (1990) Art Mears evaluation and report showed 1ot 22 to be completely out of the high (red) hazard zone. Subsequent to my completion of the June 1990 report, your architect and structural engineer have examined various structure footprints and oflientation for a house on lot 22, Vail Meadows filing 1. The final footprint is shown on Figure I and is located completely outside of the high (red) hazard zone for th'is avalanche path. The ava lanche (snow) loadings on the structure inc'luding the impact wall/deck support facility ar"e shown on Figures II and III. The peak loading-9n the impact walI is 303.8 */ftz and on the south side of the house is 383.4 */ft'' The variations of these loading patterns are also shown on the Figures. If the st,ruciura i design of the impact waii and the house has consiciereci these ava]anche 1oadings as weli as the normal structural loadings typical of the Vail area' the resultant structure wilI have mitigated the avalanche hazard to reasonable ]evels. Windows on the south side should be minimized and the windows required should be narrow horizontally and with double or tliple pane safety glass with mesh. f,lr. Robert Borne October 1, 1990 Page 2 l{ith these m'itigation m€asures proper'ly engineered, the resu'ltant structure can be constructed. These measures yill reduce the danger to the public health, safety or to property due to prob'lems related to geologic sensjtivjty to a reasonable'level. Further the structure on ]ot 22wtll not increase the hazard to other propertjes or structures, or to public bui ldings, rights-of-way, roads, streets, easem€nts, utilities or faci'l ities or other properties of construction. The ava'lanche mitigation portion of the proposed house wil'l also provide protectlon from mud or debri f'low which is very unlikely to trave'l this distance down the runout zone. RLH: jm Encl.: Figure xc: Torn of 381-001 I, II, III Vai 1, Comnunity Developnent office Ronald itlr,t S'3W#9 onroe Engineering Coneultants gH€gT Mt.- of-ll a^ cat.c::r^tEo aY-guz- oar!C-26-1o 48 E, Eeav€r Cr?.k 3lvd,. ,3O7 Avon. Col€raCo 815?0 303-94$.7768 cFSCr(€O 8Y r<5g'ou€; *z.c^**tr.lt €.r titt iarElt |.a€l{al JL[] i5 '3O 1ff:4i \I]DEE EI.IGINEEFS l"lIL onroe Engineering Coneultants 48 E. Beaver Creok Blvd., #307 Avo6. Coi9rado 81530 303-94+7768 ' r, OO ?rl:-,_r.131,15'-r r F. 2"4 """ ?>ozt?,]*.fb ._ cHEC(€O gV rtcarcl er,Ej 4 !i:a^ rlr. 2l.i:- Io qr i€I: iC!], it:a flG:talat /a/6/,{E October 1, 1990 Town of Vail Attention: Shelley Mello 75 S. Frontage Road West Vai1, CO 81657 RE: Borne Duplex Snow Shoe Lane Dear Shelley: Attached are revised drawings addressing the only 3 architectural issues which are now effecting the issuance of the building permit per our discussj-on on September 26, 1990. 1. The back wall has been lowered and grading adjusted to minimize wal1 heights within 5 feet. The avalanche engineer is to have a letter approvj-ng this reduction,in your office today. (see the attached sketch) 2. Grades in the west setback have been altered to mini- mize the deck height to within 5 foot of grade. 3. The roof ridges have been lowered and garage driveway grades have been redesigned to accommodate the last minute cul-de-sac enlargement plans by the town of Vail. A11 plate heights have been recalculated throughout the structure. Our understanding is that with the delivery of the revocabLe right-of-way permit (to be delivered by Bob Borne to your office) and the resoluti-on of the above items there are no further issues delaying the issuance of I,1r. Borne's building permit. If you have any questions, please call. Saundra Spaeh, A.I.A. Sincer HS/mlp '.11b-bllv To: From: Date: Re: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MANATEE Vail Building Department Robert and Jane D. Borne September 26, 1990 Geol ogri c Evaluation Lo+- 22 Vail Meadows Subdivision Vai1, Colorado The undersigned have read the Quantitative Analysis report prepared by Arthur f. Mears, P.E., Inc. We understand from the conclusions that the proposed building location appears to be in the Blue (moderate) avalanche zone, as well as in a debris flow area, and that there is the potential hazard of same reaching the proposed house and causing damage. We are prepared to accept those facts and request the building department grant us a permit. I '"' . The foregoing instrumenL was acknowledgied before me this 26Lh day of September, 1990, by Robert Borne, knovn to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. t twr?r&*Flhf, ," $rr?r" r ffr P,',ir'.? ?r',s, My Commission Expires March 14, 1993 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MANATEE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before rne this 26th day of September, 1990, by Jane D. Borne, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the sane for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. My Commission Expires: Notary pultic, State of Florida at Large Uy Conmission Expires lt4arch 14, tg93 I ""' Robert Borne, Owner Borne, oo ARTHURI.MEARS, P.E., Natural Hazardc Consultanrs INC. 222ExC-ahrc Ave. Gunnion, Glorado 81230 n3-u1.J216 August 25, 1990 Mr. creg HaIl Building Department Town of Vail Vaj-l, CO 8L657 Dear Mr. Hal1: This letter responds to your request for a review of the Vail Meadows Avalanche study prepared by Hydro-Triad, Ltd. in June,1990. As I understand it, this review hras requested because the Hydro-Triad study identified LoE 22 as lying partly within the rrmoderaterl hazard zone vrhich means it is buildable with structural nodifications. This conclusion is different from that reached in a previous study (Mears, L976), in which Lo|- 22 was found to be in a rrhighrr hazard zone. Avalanche-hazard designation in Vail has always been based on (a) frequency (or return period), and (b) destructive energy (irnpact- pressure potential). Both ilatr and rrbrr are discussed below and related to the 1976 Mears study and the current Hydro-Triad study. Frequency (Return Periodl Town of Vail ordinance defines rrhigh-hazardrt areas as having return periods of 25 years or less, regardless of impact-pressure potential. Frequency, therefore, is an important criteria in deternining hazard-zone designation and land-use practice. Glenn, (1974), in a dendrochronology study of the VaiI Meadows avalanche, indicated a return period of 50-to-L00 years near the southern boundary of Lo1i- 22. The Hyoro-Triad study (1990)contains a letter report by Connie A. Woodhouse that sanpled 4 trees in the runout zone and suggests that at least one major avalanche and possibly thro reached the runout zone a short distance above Lot 22 since approximately l-930. Both studies,therefore, indicate that avalanches can reach the general vicinity of Lot 22 and have had return periods of 30-to-100 years at or just above Lo1i- 22. The linited data indicate, therefore,that Lot 22 ts beyond the linit of avalanches with 25-year return periods. Both studies are in agreement on that point. Impact-pressure potential Town of Vail ordinance also defines rrhigh-hazardrr areas as being subject to a rrtotal static and dynamic pressure in excess of 615 1bs/ft' on a flat surface nornal to the flow.rr The Hydro-Triad llw Warting o AmlancAes . Amlanche ContalEngineeang oo oo study deterrnined fron an analysis based on the Voellny equations (Swiss avalanche-dynarnics equations), that the high-hazard area would reach into the southern part of Lot 22. In contrast to the Hydro-Triad study, I assurned in rny 1976 study that the high-hazard area (defined by both irnpact and depositional-pressure criteria), should extend completely over Lot 22, stopping at Snowshoe Lane. I based this assunption on calcuLations an3! on the assurnption that a deep, high-density wet-snow avalanche would not stop on the 10o slope of Lot 22, bu|u would continue until stopped by the abrupt gradient change of Snowshoe Lane. This avalanche would probably also contain trees and other entrained debris which complicate irnpact characteristics. The pressure criteria used to define the high-hazard zone, in accordance with Vail ordinance, was then based on a combination of static and dynamic pressures. With respect to the theoretical pressure specifications, you should be aware that the calculations of avalanche dynamics require naking assunptions about friction coefficients that cannot be measured and therefore rnust be assumed. ltore recent studies published by rnyself and other researchers during the past decade rely on statistical procedures to determine avalanche runout distance. With the runout distances are determined by these objective statistical methods, the avalanche dynamics can then be computed with more confidence. This conbination of statistical and physical rnodeling should, in my opinion, be used where good historical data or cLear botanical and/or geological evidence is not available (such as in the VaiI area. ) In conclusion, you should note that the results of ury 1976 study and the 1990 Hydro-Triad study are quite similar. The apparent Itdisagreementrr about the high/noderate hazard boundary is onJ.y roughly 100-l-50 feet. This is a very short distance when cornpared with the total- length of the avalanche path (over TOOO feet, from top to bottom). Given all the uncertainties in applying the VoeLlmy method (now considered outdated by many researchers) , I prefer the nore conservative assumption that the avalanche high/noderate boundary stops at Snolrshoe Lane. Please contact me if you have any additional questions. SrlncereIJ,| \ t AII -l6ilww Arthur f. Mears, P.E.Avalanche-control engineer cc: Ron HaIIey CONSULTING EXPERIENCE STATEI{ENT' I972-L990 The following summar j- zes I8 years of consutting services. Arthur I. Mears, P.E., has specialized in geotechnical and avalanche- control engineering for architects, engineers, geologists 'planners, uid land o-wners in AIaska, California, Colorado, Idaho' br"gor,, washington, Wyoming, ald Canada' Over 220 consulting u""igr,*"nts have been cornpleted on time and within budget- Some typical consulting specialities are described below' HIGHWAYS Terra j-n, weather, and snow-climate analysis; Design ( "100-year" ) avalanche runout computations; Des ign-ava l anche dynamics calculations; avalinche-hazard zonation ("Red" and "81ue" zones); Avalanche defense recommendations and design; Public meetings; Clients include the Alaska Department of Transportation, the California Department of Transportation, the Colorado Department of Highways, th. Wyoming Highway Department, and the Washington Departlmen€ of Tran=portulion. rhis speciality has accounted for ap-proximately 2 3B of the total consulting work ' Typical services have included:* Avalanche risk quantification;* Weather and snow-climate analyses;* Terrain ana Iyses;* Ava l anche-dynamic s computatlons;* Ava I anche- impa ct analYses;* Performance specifications for structures;* Recommendations of non_structural control methods; * PubIic meetings and technical presentations' iJAZARD AI{ALYSIS AND LAND PLA}iT.,iING clients include the Municipality of Anchorage (AK), Mono County (CA), Placer County (Ca;, Inyo County (CA), St?te of Colorado' Town of Vail (CO), town of Mt. Crested Butte (CO)' City of Aspen ico), city of Ketchum (rD), city of Sun Va11ey (rD), Town of AIta (uT). this speciali_ty has accounted for approximately 218 of the total consulting work. Typical services have included: ARTHLJR I. MEARS, P.E., Natural Hazardr Consultants tNc. 222 Ea:t Gothic Ave. Cunailon, Glondo 81 230 303 - U1.1216 :t * * * * Mats Waling e Auhnches ' Aulanche Conlnl Englncalng I'Project Application oxe E' /' ?O Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Archirecr, Address and phone: 1 , - .^- 1rU I u7A - Xt f f Legal Descriptio n: tor 72 Block -r,ting Uo.J /42,*L',-- . zone - 5 03 ? 3.,-,- ^-aA--c ./- o^.-.-Com ments: Design Review Board Motion by:/ d,*-lr Seconded bv: APPROVA DISAPPROVAL - 4-O Su mmary: Town Plan ner Date: E Statt Approval a a To: Town of Va1l' Dealgn Revlew Board' and Plannlng Comleslon Re: Lot *22 lfaLl Meadows (Bob Bornete lot, dlrectly belor the water We are rrltlng ln regard to the proposed bulldlog on the above property because se are very upset at the events that have transplred ln connectlon t'ith thls property, end wlth the fact that lte have not been notlfied. Several years ago we proposed a home deslgned and englneered to deal nlth the loads and hazarde of htgh hazard zoues. At that tLme' no habltable dwelling could be bullt on a htgh hazard lot. We can only aseume that the ordinance has not been changed in thls regard. The lot ln questlon' accordlng to a study by Art Mears, ts a hlgh hazard avalanche zone. The land ovner has apparently successfully changed thls study to show the lot as a nedium hazard zone which, whlle needlng nltlSatlon, ls now bulldable. The questlon renalns as to vhich study ls correct' safe' and respooslble to all contlguous resldents. Based on the original study by uear6 great addltlonal coste rtere the burden of all the contlguous lots includlng ours. Some of us moved our homes out of hazard zones requlrlng set back varlances and other needed structural nitigatl.on. These were not only costly but based on th18 apparent new study were not necessary at all. Being the contiguous slde nelghbor, we are very concerned that the nltlgatlon that n111 be required for lot #22 wILI affect our home and the safety of our fanily. The potentlal dlverelon of an avalanche wlll inpact our houe. Our home was uoved out of the nedlum and htgh hazard zone, and therefore dld not require structural ultigalon. With a structure on lot #22, aa avalanche path would be altered, and w111 now lnpact us. The water tank ls also an lssue northy of note. The water tank is requlred to be 80 percent full at all tiDes' yet that ls not the case. While the attempt is there, lt ls not always possible. Therefore, the tank needs Ditigation as we1l, to protect our home in particular. It ls also oy understandlng that when a variance ls requested that the contlguous neighborlng lots be notlfled. We have not been notlfled of the events at issue here. If the new study ls ln fact accepted by the town as a uew or nodlfled atudy and a houe ls actually bullt ln what we believe ls a high hazard zone' we are sure that the Town of Vall, the ProPerty oEner' and the englneers Lnvolved wl1L all be subJect to a class action sult for the damages lncurred by those of us that had the burden of nltlgatlon costs based on the orlginal hazard study. In our case' our hone w111 be dlrectly affected by a structure on lot #22, as tt wlU divert the hlgh hazard snow slide potetrtlal. As we are away ln Alaska for the su[mer ' we cannot be lnvolved ln person ln thls Datter; however, lre are very conceraed about lt. Belng affected by these events, rre request that development be denled and tabled untll July 31, 1990 tank). t November rhen we can be there to Thank you for your coneideratlon lntetests. to thls lmportant [atter. defend ouE own ard attentlon Regretfully, -- - / ,'\-' I n^ u( S.*. Ton and Gtgi LeRol! L \An\ArrEve REALESI{IE 228 BRIDGE STREET VAIL, COLORADO 81657 (3O3) 476-8250 i)u BROKERS INC. July 18, 1990 Shelly Mello Town of Vail Planning Department 181 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Via Fax: Dear Shelly, I own a home on lot 28 Vail Meadows which is below the subject property of my letter. I am unable to attend today's design review board meeting and wanted to voice my concerns over a duplex being constructed by Robert Borne on Lot 22 Vail Meadows. My first concern is the validity of the avalanche study. As long as an applicant is paying for a study there appears to be a propensity for the study to reflect favorably on the applicants project. I do not mean to impugn the credibility of the people doing the study. It just seems to be the nature of the process. Who then is the publics advocate? None of the previously commissioned studies were not as generous in their opinion of this site or the others originally in the impact area. Also it appears that recommendations for the safety and integrity of the water storage tank have not been complied with. (see paragraph IV of the avalanche report). The recommended sheer ring is not now in place and there are no records offered into evidence to show that the tank is being maintained at 807o capacity as recommended. I would like to see these issues addressed by the Town and the applicant. As to the design of the structure. This individual has built two houses of similar quality in East Vail and I feel as do many of my neighbors that they are not prime examples of Mountain Design. In fact they look like "imports from suburbia". The design submitted has a mirror image look and could be a lot more innovative, particularly on a high profile site such as this one. I also object to the use of asphalt/fiberglass shingles as a roofing material. Again because of the high visibility of the subject property. So to Summarizo my objections 1) I think the avalanche needs a more study from a unbiased soruce to confirm the submittal of the applicant. The safety of the occupants of this project and the neighboring properties are of concern to me. 2\ The design of the house needs more work to make it compatible with the neighborhood ie get away from the mirror image and use a more appropriate roofing material. Very trulyryours, <fi--ryrlL Frank D. McKibben, Broker / Owner .--*-I 4t*n A o -l Efqc O rA A P.E E eard mz,,rnA.-**''ruL 1 L'nn,,,u!4bt o, -nilf, ltet-.afr itt A qPfi$, ,p/"nQ rurrD fD "8 sl^d,p-s d;d 4h;i '(n /fr' a,to/un"4D e"tD Aavi.e A du ?fl Eoa Eo,vt-{apU /r{"re-- l/u"/ VQ."don" 0h ru;alJonl*d z' !/..*d. *"*A /*A &u*/-b 6 d.,xlqxd oy) //x /u/, W, /,sband L/O oaD tD /o/ rrart g Erl Eo^hcs /ut xd, lD A{A A nui,d ,0 4*-) A gD ,1'l+ q0 ch,6 Da,y *1"* A o*/d J*4 ?/ "s rnenq ft^^ een/;e fu d-srqn"d ah andeoa I -Uqrouod ,4rrr-e ,4, Bu*rt /rt ftruot<b 4"O*D""6d 1A*'(r/ n, )/ftu4 \ ln t hcqh' 'ja7dtU flotzQ)ilJ tD ,-ddLtt =b -sG/./ c{n).*et A l.,A ltras Jq/*r,qflu A_L fu /? 677124 qtaq 'z;tftLL /r/,-D/*t, ro r'r)*{/ o#--us ?D ItP "A'r* Qtnr) )fl^& /, tl / ThEs r-bu,/dtns ol*4n/ DA ^p;/r)a) \OU/_lU/nq tLU- he 'k, 'oed fuO aPtun 0JLrY) oW, q /"gr/ JD /;// ln A hra% t//./,^/r't ,bern C/t'tted asflreft/. Cls m /"@ a( AIdr6 /',;1d rcta'bu?9 D"/G tb /rwC-rD ,/n uodtU % '/^b /b V;t a c/ aaQ-?(uUed d ?/cnss =Hz/il/lo c/csLq n ,/4 5e'4q**,.*-) Csr: h /nrcs#ee0 *D aEEyb/, atyhdfrs*^d Y"A' //,4,s furo rnee 4,) q*fi ,o/4^/", Id lrlf d ,/ t/5,r:t*/7,t/n dq (y7t \ct /frD {0 S*drAe /,o. o t*t*, IECT: suintTTEo: 1 t-1)__c19_ t'ls ITEEDED BYt-bW- PUBLIC HEARING -7,1o-?D .-SCR,IPTIOIi OF THE PROPOSAL: \ lh*t*J ".f^'+.4.. cj eui U--eate Y4 E*ffi-1" L'( s/-,n:l/ Aa*L u> L-> c-*'4t aQ)u +0.+ -) =f appw,*.L, com*a,L c.v<.- 45 llU-.. - u.-rC Jr".Rt*J vL4'1 0 utn*.'Itr Lo+ 4^<--c\_ -+-.- FI RE DEPI.R'|I.,ENT en+oll;'h 4 oatln*L n o J; --e.-[ Lt cu I L a6,.4,Reviewed by: Coments: h q lb ,( s';; Jtn lz' of bulL'.o'*- Ln 4% Yf"r7 tp : l,L Lcurt>z- : o o 1b% 4 r=4r-t'+- lB rn;h'ry-hoi.^.- M"(* f^^hq4*1ov^.- ) N/rd, wb ^W*l kA-"^"- Wrl r-ua,4/( ,i,tku v*rz'f P u',t'lb W Y\o \Mo'|"D, 1.n'"^'-- f4lb.o/ fi"*r^ \odr""A -1'\/ " n .J-(--{"V tnil,rO-rt I luv'\ bld &rr.t"wa)Ag 6n 0 \N^^^iul, {o '* &d ffib- fu,,*- Wrvrl- - LVI/il,*.A' ,ft^Au--1s UW-- ,nt,k r3it[ Vvllo","- vthA.f v6V \J"/4) VX wYa^.r'd M<' lt orrlrnv\Nt- ^..n U.4._n-f -- ^wW^W,-3 I+^'/ ?fWwsr"*^q \4 CB-'^4|\',et 41tv\^+t)v-=, Ob.^-916^-u/ rc-k'-.fq ;v^-o1<- DRA IPPLICIIION DATE APPLICATION RECETVED: DATE OF DRB UEETING: R$D I2 iggO JuIv 2. 1990 JuIv 18. 1990 r****THIS APPLICATfON WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED ITNTIL ALL INFORI'IATION IS SUBMI:TTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION I{EETING: A pre-appllcation meeting with a Planning staff nember is etiongly suggested to detetnine if any additional infonation is needed. No application will be acceoted responsibifity to nake an appointnent with the staff to find out about additional subnittal requlreDents. Please note that a COI.IPLETE application will streanline the approval process for your project by decreasing the nunber of conditions of approval that the DRB nay stipulate. ALL conditions of approval rnust be resol.ved before a building It is the appticantra per:mit is issued. Application uiII not be processed without ownerrs Signature. PROJEEI DESCRIPTION: c0 ^JST? Oqtr o,rJ OF?oo e L8< A. B.I.OCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address -5-a3A SdotPSAoe LaNG Legal Description f,Ot e?Z Block Subdivisi on ly'h1 rn(ee oa$ Zoning gr.l PL q< c. Ner{E oF APPLTcANT Ro a€.-er BoeN€ 6g€0.Zart 9.ctt6t Mailing Address: BF.EDen To ^t / fLo nroft 34&67 Phone D. NA}TE OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATTVE: llairins Address . P 'O ' kY +5Y Phone E. NAI,IE OF OWNERS:o AIUG SIGNATURE(g) 3 Mailing Address:ts"56 a6Ftt Sf.'{/, i3 Anpeu rott, f{o6tOa j,lalD phone F. Condominiurn Approval if applicable. G. DRB FEE: The fbe will be naid at the tine a buildlng rermit is paid for. EEE $ 10. oo $ 25.00 $ 50. oo $100. oo $200. oo 9300. OO VALUATION s o- I 10,001 -$ 50,001 - $150,001 - $500, OO1 -$ over $ 10, O0O I 50, ooo $ 150,000 s 500, 000 91, oo0, 000 sl., ooo, ooo L, b 8/b58 (0vER) II. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDTNG ALL SUBIITSSIONS TO TTTE DRB: A. fn addition to meeting subrolttal reguirements, the ap.plicant nust stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will 6e rLnoved nust also be uarked. This sork nust be conpleted before the DRB visits the site. B. The revl.en process for NEt{ BUIIJDINGS will nor.naLly involve two separate meetings of the Design Reviei Board, so the applicant should plan on at Least two neetings for a final approvai. a D. rn*l I 5+rlrt 4 Board for a neeting and sho have not asked be required to be republlshed. At the.discretion of the zonlng adni.nlstrator, the following ltens may not have to be presented io the Deslgn Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Planning Departnent for approval: a. Windows, akylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space, which have had letters subnitted frorn adjoining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for,or manager of a condorninium association. you nay be reguired to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town planner before proceeding. at their scheduled postponenent will E. IJIST OF I,TATERIAI,S NA}TE OF PROJECT:Borne Duplex on Snowshoe Lane L,EGAL DESCRIPTION: InT-ZL BIPCK STREET ADDRESS:5032 snnwqhcrc r.ane DESCRIPTION OF PROJEEIS Construction of Duplex SUBDTVISION Vail Meadows A. The following inforaation is Review Board before a final BUIL,DING I{ATERIALS: Roof Siding Other tlall !{ateri.als Fascia Soffits I{indows Window frin Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other I-.ANDSCAPING: NAME Of reguired for subnittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OT UATERIAI,COIOR tritrcrg:-as-s--sli@ V sr-8 Stucco Acaderny Grey 17 537 -1 2 x Wood R-S- Aqh 17R1 1-1 r{^.,c }sh 17813 1 A irrrrli nlrnr Flarthtone 2 x Wood So-f,i.-Tsupe -,t6921 Wood/glass 2 x Wood Woci MetaI Academy Grey Metal Academy rey Stucco Academy Grey 11t! B. PI,ANT }TATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES Designer: Phone: Botanical Nane ouantity Size* S^eesite Flan Comrnon Name eFruec Asoen EXISTING TREES TO BE REUOVED S-ee-SiLeLla-p- caliper for deciduous trees.t{inimum caliPer for I. *Indicate decjduous Indicate height for coniferous PI,ANT }IATERIAI,S: PROPOSED SIIRUBS EXISTTNG SHRUBS TO BE REIIIOVED *Indicate size 5 <rallon. GROI'ND COVERS Botanical Nane Common Name ouantity Size* See Site PIan NA of proposed shrubs. Tvpe See Si-te Plan ![ininum size of shrubs is scruare Footaqe See Site Plan soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR UETHOD OT EROSION CONTROL See Site Plan Underground bubblers/spray Hydro mulch C. OTHER LANDSCAPE fEATttRES (retaining walls' fences, sltiDning pools, etc. ) please specify. Indiiate heights of retaining iiiir. Uaximurn height-of wllls uithin the front setback is 3 feet. llaxinum height of wa1ls elsewhere on the ProPerty is 6 teet. Stucco faced concrete retalning/mi tiqation walI a of r)ropert-Y- SeF si f 6 Dl an. ZOI{E CHECK FOR sFR, R, R PrlS ZONE DTSTRTCTS DATE: July 2, 1990 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 22 Block - fif ing Vajl-M.ea-d-ous I:DDRESS ! 5of 2 Snowshcre T,ane OWNER Janp anrl Rotrert Rorne PHONE 8'' 3-756-0674 ARCHfTECT Saundra Spaeh PHONE 47 6-A996 ZONE DISTRICI Duofex PROPOSED USE I-oT SrZE 22 . s20 -s2 SO -FT . Wy Ileight Total GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear llater Course Site Coverage Landscaping Fence/Retaining WaI1 Heights Parking Credits: Garage Mechanical Airfock storage Allowed Proposed U:9 fttnt (30) (33) 33 527 * 4s02.n 4255 4b+t,,llb 222a -38 ]3aB 7bL( NA 2026 -s6 ',7c: TO2tl35 20 td- dl 15 6V oV .o e\1.- olL (30) (so) ,..L 4504.1 max 3222 i?l6zzw 1_l_512.3 nro W. t,lL, dL Eront 31 NA O@ax 9L 4 on site 4--sga.ce.Lmin 4-elcl-o.sed (3OO) (600) 54ASJS_-A(q /ttz- 201 15 1 15t (e00) (1200) (50) (1oo) (25) (sO) s0 dt '+i (200) (400) *o1l L-1 t33 100 trit ri) Drive: stope Per::altted 1'g4 t':'' "i|f slope Actual BE Environmental/Hazards: Avalanche see site Plan Flood Plain NA Slope Geologic Hazards NA Zoning : ApprovedrrDisaPProved Date: Staff Signature G'rr., ,'1tt( t*,rtt,6- .- rrr{-'t ry(L(ill-,t !2ttf- .lr+nf ( tii,'iiti.,( C' ,:Ll r ,,T v\r i tt-l) 'tluo,.lt 2; -' UTILTTY IoCATTON VERIFICATTON SUBDTVISI JOB NAIIIE / -^tr 70 HoIy Cross Electric 949-5492 Ted Huskyr/Michael Heritage Cablevision 949-5539 Gary Johnson NOTE: Assoc. ,"., LaVerty T.V. / -254r- [- z5-lo (/- 2-7- 10 Upper Eagle Valley water & Sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibitity to obtain a street cut petmit from the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utilitv locations Pefore digqing ln.lny public ;Itht-of-way or easement in the Town of vail. A buildinq rcermit is not a street cut oennit. A street cut pernit must be obtained separately. This fom is to verify serrrice avall'ability and. Location. This shouta Ue used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. * Please bring a site pLan vhen obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. n r6C .i I t()T. IOT A /- BrocK ADDRESS The location of utilities, vhether they be nain trunk lines or proposed lines, nust be approved and verified by the following utilities for the acconPanying site p1an. Authorized Sianature Date /TILING U.S. West Comruunicatioits 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service company 949-5781 Gary Hall UTILITT LOC.\T:C:: VEP.I::Ci?IC:I pf naq' OE ved \ t:unk linEs or proPosed llnes 'ucili:les fo: che acconpanying Daie SUBDIVISiO}I_ -:loB NA"ttE l-l I .o, F;='t\l'i . ' )DRESS I ..-:- 1 ftre locacion BusE be apPro site plan. ucil{t,ies, uheEher rhey be nain and veriiied by che followtng ., Author::ed S !:rature pc)PCe{ #3 llouncain Bell 4ott-oJ uu WesEern Slooe Gas Co. t 800 923-t 987 Harry Hoyes Public Service Company 949-578I Gary HaIl Holy Cross Electirc Assoc. 949-5 89 2 Ted Husky/Yichael LavercT Hericege Cablevision T. V. 949- 15 30 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanicr,clon D is EEic c 47 6-7 I,8O Fred Haslee NOTE:These vetificarions do noc relieve Ehe corrcr3cccr of his responsibility to obcain a sEreec cuE pernj.c fron che loun of Vall , Deparcnens of, Publlc Wotks and so obcaj.n uEiIiEy loeat.ions before digging in any public righ:- of-way or easemenc in che Tosn of Vail. A builCins pernlr.E is noc 3 streec cuc nermir. A sEreet cuc peraic lrus E be obcarned separaEely. Thls foru is co verify service availabillty and, locatlon. ltrJ-s should be used in conjuncrlon wish preparing your utillty plan and schedullng lnscallarlons. r' i(Please bring a slce plan when obralning Upper Eagle Valley Wacer & Sanicarlon s lgnacures ) t o 4,"-.'-:'i=e , -6d.W "-.tt o -.v : i \ N "ftf'E ftTatwtV? A)fl-Y-x lA 22,VAU flffi.h YAL,A.&'W €/lttl,.Fr\ 4^rl1 W€---... ttn b.4v..+P ,i o o (p ,fu lri lt- l---, t-T |rn tl L+ b l--.-: I ,l $l I { T--./ln '\ -..r- t E E dt }|t It ll -F ga?NE ?C/2tWWe An r/ La( 22,VAV fEl'Wr"lb unrt czw?rw ?lJtW\47.Lt1 %,ft,n*- to* !)*1v-.ata t o . ),, rF l \ t ;l q l'I I I I I E s\ t\ R s 5 ! I ,I t I I E a x(!tT tl l- l*l( I' J 4]Jtt*\ -7r',e1 'AfJ** D4.,.., t-."4'b'e'rt- w?nv ?vaffirob al?"?x L2( 22,VALYEttrD)L uft- ca.4^w o -o a,t t(. . l.'-i i -b':'t! '1 t{ J- /1 , I ;?,-7/ { )] 1 I ':i [\ 0.--t $I IlI t l t\ 7 I ri h r! (\\E =t$ A \f |) I t I I t $I f;,. I 11,.t l-^ tl I I ..t ,'I \ c\\r Sarw ?rat%v? anvx ,2( ?z,xfnL YrAwlb' YAL, f,A.2(AV arlNw\ @,q1 ?,eo 164 wrJr,€a4trP DlaQ V>F .,+r<. onroe Engineering Consultants June 29 | 1990 Mr. Robert Borne 5550 26th St. w. ste. 7A Bradenton, FL 34207 Re: Snow Avalanche Hazard Mitigation for proposed residence on Snowshoe Lane, LoL 22 Vail Meadows Dear Mr. Borne: Monroe Engineerj-ng Consultants, Inc., has received the VaiI l4eadows Avalanche survey report, dated June 19, 1990, by Hydro-Triad, Ltd. The lateral loads on the proposed building on Lot 22 as described in thi-s report and the letter of June 28,1990 by Mr. Ron Ha1ley of Hydro-Triad, Ltd., require special structural components and reinforcements. As shown on the attached site and avalanche mitigation plan the following components will be implemented: 1. A wedge-shaped reinforced concrete snov/-retai-ning barrier wall in the path of the main-anticipated avalanche ffow. This wall- shouLd redirect the flow to either side of the proposed bu11din9. 2. A wood deck between the building and the barrier wall. The deck will be designed to fail under possible overflow over the barrier wall and create a large basin for the overflow. 3. The south wall of the bullding is to be built as a strongly reinforced retaining wall up to the upper floor level. 4. The south wall steps in several places to provide lateral stiffness. At these locations reinforced concrete shear walls wifl be provided. 5. A foundatlon system will be buift that will be capable of anchoring the building to the site and resistlng the lateral loads given in the report by Hydro-Triad, Ltd. P. O. Box 1597 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., *307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 roe Engineering Consultants oo Mr. Robert Borne June 29, 1990 Page Two Monroe Engi-neering Consultants has worked closely with the Archi-tect to date on this project to insusre that the above requirements are being accommodated by the architectural design. Slncerely, tn 1 Hannes Spaeh, P. L. Enclosure: Structural PIan S'l oo P. O. Box 1597 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 30s-949-7768 U--\. WE t+tr ry+ -) \t {\ ; T -7 ,4 scALE' l"= 150' MEADOIT'S AVALANCHE RUNOUT ZONE. SHOWING HIGH A ffi '#lltffi (G^W '/JA NN EtI r\ I MODERATE HAZAEID Z Ilni,to'Ttud. Jdna l1-no oo oo HYDBO.IBIAD, TTD 1310 Wa.ls\,,,'orth Bcule,/ard. Surle 10C Lake'"r,oo.i. Co arado 80215 Ielephone 3031238-6022 FAX 303i238 6382 June 28, 1990 Mr. Robert Borne c/o GCI Environmental Developers 5550 26th St. l{est, Suite 74 Bradenton, Florida 34207 Dear Mr. Eorne: Subsequent to my completion of the Vail Meadows Avalanche study, Bighorn,Vail in ear]y June 1990, your architect and structural eng'ineer have exanined various structural footprints and orientations for a house on Lot 22, vail Meadous Filing No. 1. The final footprint is shown on Figure I and is located compietely outs'ide of the high (red) hazard zone for the avalanche path. The ava'lanche (snow) loadings on the structure including the impact wall/deck support facility arq shown on Figures II and III. The peak toa{ing on the impact wal] is 303.8 *,/ftr and on the house south side is 383.4 f/ftz. The variations of these loading patterns are shown on the figures. If the structural design of the impact wall and the house wilI consider these avalanch€ load'ings as well as the normal structural loadings typical of the Vail area, the resultant structure wiII have mitigated the hazard to reasonable levels. l{indows on the south side should be minimized and the windows required should be narrow horizontally and with double or triple pane safety glass with mesh. The structure located on Lot 22 vtil l not cause any increased avalanche hazard to adjacent structure on Lots 2 and 23, nor those north of Snowshoe Lane. If you have any questions please Sincere me. RLH: jm Encl: Figures I, II,xc: Hannes Spaeth, 38 1-001 Ronald L. President ll i] ':' & III Monroe Engi neeri ng C^*{a\ f.s\srf,D ,rtr'ig9 x! -..-- !r . i+ I0,.: gg\-i'r.) \ 1 \ L.i r4 $ri *.,s Fi \ $ u, $T3 sMg ;+f, \ $fi!"\/ ----\.^_ g\S A )-.,\S ,'$\\ '- \ ^i 656t6ffi-50€ -lIUr, 5H33.JI9fi3 )g0OA SF:AI 46. Sa hn.r | 8?:6 I 08-qZ-9 | '0I''l ',WIHt-0UolH:Ag Acu \-\ 4 zl tr/E'd n !lzntqafzlnl e/7 r' '!t ,/{,/Y /,\ \',s / e6QB IAtAl09 L '\- :?A,'ftrl "h *,rr-1in+lu l*.{Jrr.- Ma.rl.ec) -l l= ll o, !h. Robert Borte c/o @7 Enrircunental Detrclopers 5550 25th Street l€st, Suite 7A Brradentcn, Florida 34207 Re: Lot 22 Vatl l,teadcre Fillrg No. 1 Dear Bob: It $Es a pleasure neetirg you and I feel your propoeal regarding the aborc- referenced propelty l€uld be a trnsitive asset to Vail' Ihe Dlstrict t{ould iErtl,cilEte in arry re$edial action }fiich turld assist 1pu in developing this property as it relates to our water storagie tarik. I look forr"ard to torkirg with 1tou. SjrcerelY, UPFER EAGLE VAI.LEIT CONSOTIDATED SAIiIITATION DISIRTCT wiUiam B. cieorge General Manage! 9{BG:sk cci Jerrtir Bender oo Uppen Enele Vlu-sv WATER AND SANITATION O IST RICTS 845 FOBEs-f ROAo . v^ll. COLORADO 81557 (303) 475.74aO June 26, 1990 -ll -,--\l ll PaFtrcrpAatNc DrsTRrcrS - ARRoWHEAD METRo waTER a avoN METRo waTER . BEAVEFT CREEK METRo WAIER o BEFtRy CREEK MErRo waTER ,/ CLCAX \ O\ EAGLE vaTL MErRo w""^' 'o*"'li,Iirn:::'"Hl*:nr5:?::';?::";:Tff,'i::'" "aLLEY coNsol'oArEo sAN'rArroN Qfi!7 Policy American Land lltle Association furm B- 1970 {Amended 10-17-701 Policy Number AZ 942796 MINNESOTA TITLEA SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVEBAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE PBOVISIONS OF THE CONDITlONS AND STIPULATIONS HEREOT TIILE INSURANCE COIVPANY 0F [/ NNESOTA. herein called the Company, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A. and costs, attorneys' fees and expenses which the Company may become obligated to pay hereundel sustained or incuned by the insured by reason of: 1. lltle to the estate 0r interest descrlbed in Schedule A being vested othenr se than as stated there n; 2. Any defect in or llen or encumbrance 0n such title, 3. Lack of a right of access to and from the land; or 4. Unmarketability of such title. lN WITNESS WHERE0I the said lltle Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers as 0f the date shown in Schedule A, the pollcy t0 be valid when counters gned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company. TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA A Stock Company 400 Sef,nd Annue South. MinneaDolis. Minnesota 554A T [/ Form #130 8 86 251\,'1 t llea peq 9ptsu ua panu1uoJ) rauearaqt slep 0t urqir,^ alqeled aq lleqs a0eurep r0 ssol aq] 'furlod srql Jo suorlrpuoc aql q]rM eoue -pro3re ur paxu ^lslrurFp uaaq seq Arlrqerl u€qM (3) Aue0u03 aq l0 u0llezuoqlne uauui aql q]r,^ parnsur qsns iq u0 pa es uorlebrlrl ur sasuadxa pue saa] ,slaurollp 'slso3 lle pue 'pejnsur Wns r0J lueduroS aqt lq uo parxec uorl -e6rlrl ur pa.rnsur ue uodn pasoduJr slsoo lle /iJrlod srql lq lsureop parnsul ssol lue ot uorirppe ur i{ed 11rru lueduo3 eq1 (q) 10 :v 0lnpaqss ur palels asuernsur j0 lunouje aq] (ll) t0 :lueurelc parnsur 0q1]0 ssol lenlce aLl] (l) :10 lseal oql paacxa oseJ ou ul qleqs,($1od srql rapun ^ueduol aql l0 Alr[qerl aql (e) ssal ]0 luawAed pue uoaeuuala] I Aue0ur03 aql ,{q pazuoqpe pue lueurelo parnsur aq} Aq 'NauJIEd }0 lapual i0 }uaul -iied qcns 1o eurl aql 0] dn parncut sasuadxa pue saa],sAaulolle'sls03 Iue qirr',r raq1a0ol ,{crlod srql rapun acuelnsut }0 }unoue oql J0 }uauAed Duuepuel ro 6ur,(ed r{q repunaraq IuedrLLo3 aqt 1o suoqebtlqo puP I}!llqe!l lle aleurural0] ro lsute0e parnsur Lurelc /rue lueutelS parnsut ue I0 aueu aqt ur t0 t0] al11as asr,rrueq]o ro ied ol uorldo aqt e,req 11eqs ,\ueduq aq1 swten a las asr rarll1 n Aed o1su0tl00 '9 'a6euep ro ssol qcns o1 se ,{rtlod stql iapun IueduoJ aqt 1o r{1r1rqer1 r{ue a}eutuJjot 1leqs a0etuep lo ssol }o }uaua}e}s Llcns qsrurnl o] alnlrel paqsrun] uaaq aleq lleLls luaualegs qcns ta11e s,{ep 0t lrlun ]ueurelo painsur ue o] anrJle lleqs uotloe ]0lq6u 0u pue paulul -ralap uaaq aneq 11eqs a0euep r0 ssol qcns iaue s^ep 06 ull.lttM lueduroS aqt 0I p0qsrunl aq lleqs futlod stqt lapun alqell sl /\ueduloJ aLll peullelc sl 1r qcrqrvr ro1 abeuep r0 ssol luB l0 burluM ur luaualels e 'suollelndlls pue suollrpuo] as€q] ]0 (qlt qderbered rapun parnbal sa tou aqt 0l u0tltppe ul ujllcv l0 u0!le]!w!7-ss01 ]0 etljN f 'paln3ur 0s asuadxa lue ro1 parnsur tpns aslnqulal 11eqs,{ueduo3 aql pue '6urpaarotd ro uotpe qrns 6urpua;ap to 6utlncasotd to 'sessau +rM 0ururelqo'acuapr,na 0uunces']uauJaluas 0utpaga ut'0utpaaroLd ro uorlre qrns,tue ur pre alqeuosear ;1e,4ueduo3 aql a,rtb ;leqs paLnsut qJns ^ueduro3 aq] Iq palsanbar raleuaqg asodnd qcns .10] palnsul qons +0 €ueu oq]'uotldo sit ]e 'asn 0t ^ueduoS aq] ]luad pJe 'ulolaql sleadde ;1e pue '6urpaacord ro uorlle qlns u asualap aptlold l0 alrcasud os ol1qbu aq],{ueduo3 aq} o} arn3as lleqs rapunalaq palnsut aq}'Oulpaal -ord ro uorpe lue;o asualap aql ro+ apt,tord to alnrasotd 0l iueduloJ aq] sarrnber ro suLured ibrlod srql araqm saseo lle ul (01 'rapo ro luau0pnf asro^pe iue ur04 leadde 0l'uotlalsstp alos s]l ul 'ltlbu aql sanraser Alssardxa pue uotlcrpsun l luetaduoo lo Unoc e ,{q uotleu -rrrrtalap leull 0] uollebltll qrns 1ue an$nd leu lueduoC aql ,{rtlod stq} 1o suorsr^o]d a4Iq paurur]od r0 palnbar se asua]op e pasodlalut .10 u0l13e lue lq0notq areq 1;eqs,{ueduo3 aql r€^auaqM (pf Arrlod stq11o uotsnold i{ue airtem r0 Alrlqerl spasum Aqa]aq] ]0u lleqs pue lapunalaq] alqell aq lleqs ]l ]0u ro raqlaqM ,(rr1od srq1lo sural aLll rapun uotlce aleudoldde Aue ale] ,ieul ^uedurol aql pue 'p€rnsul se lsaralur ro alelsa aql ol tsllt] aq] qstlqelsg oi alqelrsap j0 fuessa3ou 0q /ieu u0rurdo s]r ur q3rq/vll3e raillo Aue 0p 0l ro 0urpaacord.ro uorlre,{ue a}ncasord,te;ep anpun lnoqltm pue €ln}rlsut 0} lsoc urvro slr te tq6u oqt a^eq lleqs /iueduol aqt {r)'acrpn[ard q3ns ]0 ]ualxa aql 0] ,iluo uaql pup alnlte+ qons lq pocrpnlord aq 1leqs ifueduo3 aq1 ssalun Actlod stql tapun palnsul lue lo slqbu aq aorpnlard asec ou ur ;;eqs .{;ttou o} arnlre} }eq] 1a^a^\0q 'papr^ojd :parnba] sr acrlou ldrxord qcns qJrq/v\ l0l sjaleuJ l0 talleui aq] ol pre6er ur aleurulat pue aseao lleqs Auedlu0l aq} I0 Alltqerl lle palnsur qcns 0l se uaqt r{ueduo3 aqi 0] ualrb aq lou lleqs aJtlou lduold qcns ]l alqelalreuun se palralar sr 'parnsur se'lsalaturro alelsa aql ol alll]l! {fl)r0 ^3rlod srqt lo anur^ iq alqerl aq ^eu AueduroS aqt qsrqM r0l abeuep ro ssol asner lq6ru qcrqM pue'pernsur se 'lsaralur r0 alelsa aq] 0l alltl aql o] a$a^pe sr qcrqA lsaralut i0 ellll l0 rl.llelc Aue ]0lapunalaq polnsul ue 0l auos lleqs abpa;rvroul ases ur ([f 'a oqe (e] ul quo] ]as se pssod -ralur sr asualap r0 un6aq sr 0urpeacord ro uotlce /rue asec u {t) 0ur}uM ur [11drL.lord ,{ueduol aq} l}!}ou lleqs parnsut aql (q) lcrlod srql Iq tsure0e patnsut ra11eu roq]o i0 'aJUerqunoua 'usrl 'los]ap pa6alle ue uodn papunol sr uor1e0r11 qcns ]eq] ]ualxa aql 0] 'puel ptss ut lsotolut l0 alelsa aq] +0 oo ales e iol pe4uoJ e ac.ro]ua 0l u0rlJe ue ur parnsur ue lsuteoe pasodralur asualap e ro'polnsur qrns lsute6e paruauLuoc s6upaarord ro suotpe;o 0urlsrsuoc uorlebrtrl lle ur painsur ue p esuoiap aq1 rol apr,rord lgeqs t(elap anpun ]noqlrM pue ]so3 u A0 s]r le'Iueduo3 aq1 {e) luewan patnsq ue Aq uat6 eq o1 wrc13 Jo a!t0N-suo!13v l0 uo4ruasold pue asuaja0 e 'parnsul qcns ol uanr0 e0e01roru ,(auou aseqrnd e ,{q parnces ssaupeqapur aql ro }salo}ur r0 alp}sa prps reqlra }0 pajnsul qlns uror] iaseqornd Aue 1o ronel ur aorol ur anurluoo lou 1leqs rtrrlod srqt la^aMoq 'papr^otd :lsorolut r0 alelsa qrns 1o acue,ia,ruor ro ralsue4 iue ut pojnsur qsns Aq apeui AluerieM l0 queua^os ]0 uosear Aq A]r|lqerl a^eq lleqs pornsur qcns se 0uo1 0s ro 'painsur qcns uo:l raseq3rnd e Aq uanrb a6e0!ou Aauou aseqcrnd e Aq paln3as ssaupalqopur ue splor] lo'puel aql ur lsalalur ro alelsa ue surelar parnsur qcns se 0uo1 0s parnsur up ]0 ronel ur ,icr;03 1o aleg l0 se acrol ur anurluoc lleqs ,{crlod srqt }o a0eraloc srql AITJ ]O nue^a^u1J .ElJe &uetnsul ]0 uottenu\u1] P) 'Z 'pue1 pres o1 6urle;er slaleur lo €crlou alrlcnrlsuoc IpdLul mel ,(q qcrq,u sprooar asoql :,,sprocer cr1qnd,, (l) 'lUAUlnllsur Alunsas Jaqlo t0 'paap tsnl]'isrui ]0 paap 'abebyout :,,eDeorou,, (a) A3rlo0 srql Aq palnsur sr puel oql uoj+ pue o1 ssacce 1o 1q0u e qorqM o] ]ualxa aql lrxrl r0 4rpot! l1eqs urereq 6urr11ou lnq 's,{eruale,u ro s,{er',r 'sauel 'sia;;e 'sanuare 'speoL 'slaarp Dutgnqe ur luaurosee.i0 alelsa ']saralur 'aU]'lq6u ,tue rou 'y a;npaqcs ur oi panapl ro paqucsap,il;ecarcads eare aq] lo saurl aq puo^eq ,{uadord ,(ue apnlour ]ou sa0p ,,puel,, ullol aql ]a^aMoq ',papr^ojd :Auadord lear alnlrlsuoJ ,ue1 r\q qcrqrn olaraQ paxr#e sluau]a^ordur puP'v alnpaq3s ur acuo -ra+ai Iq r0 Aller!]rcods 'paqrcsop puel aqt :,,puel,, {p) splocol 3tlqn0 r{ue 1o uosear 'iq pornsur ue 0l pa}ndur aq AeLu qlqrn artlou ro e0palritoq alrpnrlsuoo lou 'ebpalmoul lenpe :,,40p41rur0u1,, (c) 'r€punaraq eDeuep .ro ssol 6ururelc painsur ue :,,]ueurelJ parnsur,, (q) 'srossaJJns ruelcnprl r0 ep.r00r0c J0 'urI l0 Uau 'sa^rieluaserdar leuovad 's.ro^rlins 'saesnap 'saalnqulsrp 'srreq 'ol paltu.lrl iou 1nq '0urpnlcur aseq nd uo4 paqsrn0utlstp se me1 1o uorle -rado /iq parnsur q3ns l0lsaratur aql o] paa3Jns oqM asoqt'parnsur paureu aql ]sure6e peq a^eq i{Eur iueduo3 aql sasua]ap ro slq6u,{ue ol palqns 'pue'v alnpoqcs ur aueu parnsur aql .,,parnsur,, (e) :ueau,btlod srql ur posn uaqrvt sural ourvtol;o1aq1 swtal Jo uoqtuaa] I sN0ttfl ndlIS 0NV sN0rxcN03 ,{crlod srql r{q parnsur }saratur ro a}e}sa aql r0] anleA pre0 pPq ]ueurels parnsur €qt Jr paulelsns uaaq a^eq tou plnom qcrqn abeuep r0 ssol ur 0ur1;nsar (ai r0 :Icrlod l0 ote6 ol luanbas -qns polears r0 0urqseue (p) :]ueure13 pajnsur aql0l a0eurep J0 ssol ou ul 6uulnsar 1r; lapunaraq parnsu up aurmoq ]ueurelc parnsu q3ns alep aqq ol toud (ueduoX eql ol lueurelo palnsur aqy {q 6ur1ur* ul pasoloslp }er pue 'trr;od srqt,{q parnsui }saralur r0 a1e1sa ue parrnbce lueurelo qJns alpp aq] ]e l0 futlod ]0 aleo lP taqlla lueuJtel3 painsut aql 0l uMoq ]nq spto -cal crlqnd aq] Aq uMoqs tou pue Aueduo3 aql0i u/',r0ul lou {q) :}ueurelc petnsur eql r{q o1 peeroe ro paurnsse 'paraj]ns 'palearJ (e)sraueui raq}o r0'surPpasra^pP'sasuerqurncua'suarl'spalaO 0 ,{rr;03 1o a1e6 ]e spocar crlqnd or.lt ur sleadde stq0u qJns p asrorexa aql lo acrtou ssalun ramod eotlod 1o slrl0u leluauura,ro0 ro ureuop ]uautua ;o qq0rg Z uorlelnbar leluauLura,rob ro acueurpro A el qons lue 1o uorle;on Aue +0 tsal+a aqt r0'puel oqt l0 eajej0 suorsuauJrp aq] ut uorlcnpar P.r0 drqstaurvro ur uorleredas e 6utlrqrqord ro 'puel aq] uo papara ra4paraq r0 rirou luaua,rordLur ,(ue io uollesol .r0 suorsuauirp lalJereqS aql 0urleln6al l0 'puel aql ]0 luourAolua ro asn rbuedncco eq1 builrqrqord ro 0ur1e1n6ar to 0urlrulsar {sarueurpro 6uruoz pue 0urplnq o} pa}rurl tou }nq ourpnl3url uorlelnbar ;eluaLuua,rob ro acueutpro lrel ,(uy t :ricrlod srql 1o a6erenoc aqt uor+ papnlrxa llssordxa are sraueu.r 0unnollo; aql l9vulAOJ v\i0ul sN0tsnlln lri{ owners Form rilz OO PorOO - Azs42'7s6 File No . Vl47A7 Amount S50, 0O0.0O SCHEDULE A Address .: rcT 22, VAIL I'IEADOWS SUB I 1. Policy Date: June 25, 1990 at 8:OO A.M. 2. Name of Insured: ROBERT BORNE AND JANE BORNE , as iloint Tenants 3. The estate or interest in the land described in this schedule and which j-s covered by this policy is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: ROBERT BORNE AND JANE BORNE , as Joint Tenants 5. The land referred to in this poricy j-s sj-tuated in EAGLE county,Colorado, and is described as follows: Lor 22, vArL MEADows' FTLING No. 1' AccoRDrNG To rHE RECORDED PI,AT THEREOF, COUNTy oF EAGLE, STATE OF COI.oRADO. l !!! rl Page L This Policy valid only if scbedule B is attached. TIM Owner I'/..\ t-h ,1 1 ??? No. v14787 ,l oo Po licy No. A2942796 SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against loss or danage by reason of the following: 1. Rights or claj-ms of parties in possessj.on not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public J. i recoros. Discrepancies. conflicts in boundary 1ines, shortage in area,encroachnents, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and. which are not shown by the public records. Any 1ien, or right to a 1ien, for services, labor, or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by 1aw and not shown by the public records. o. 1990 TAXES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE TREASURERS OFFICE. 6. LTENS FOR UNPAID WATER AND SEWER CHARGES, IF ANY. 7. RTGHT OF PROPRTETOR OF A VETN OR IJODE TO EXTRACT AND REI,IOVE HIS ORE THEREFROI,I SHOULD THE SAME BE FOI'ND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT TIIE PRESTTSES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Septenber t-3, LgOZt IN BOOK 4g AT PAGE 491. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES As RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED September 1-3,t9o2, rN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 49L. I g. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, I,gHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER . CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANy, BASED ON RACE/ COLOR, RELTGION,oR NATIONAL ORIGIN' As CONTAINED IN INSTRUIIENT RECORDED Decen-ber ogt Lg66 l IN BOOK 20s AT PAGE l AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRITMENT RECORDED JuIy OL, 1-g7O,IN BooK 218 AT PAGE 85 AND As AMENDED IN TNSTRITMENT RECoRDED Ap;il oi-,L987, rN BOOK 45O AT PAGE 224. 10. EASEMENTS, RESTRTCTTONS AND RESERVATIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PI"AT OF VAIL MEADOViS FILING NO. 1.. Page (Continued tron inside fnnt{lap) , , t Limitationof LtD(a No claim shall arise or be maintainable under this policy (a) if the Company, after having received notice of an alleged defect, lien or encumbrance insured against hereunder by litigation or otherwise, removes such defect, lien or encumbrance or establishes the title, as insured, within a reasonable time after receipt of such notice; (b) in the event 0f litigation until there has been a iinal determination by a court of competent iurisdiction, and disposition of all appeals therefrom, adverse to the title, as insured, as provided in paragraph 3 hereof; or (c)for liabilit, voluntarily assumed by an insured in settling any claim or suit without prior written consent of the Comoanv B. freduction of Liability All payments under this policy, except payments made for costs, attorneys' fees and expenses, shall reduce the amount 0f the insurance pro tanto. No payment shall be made without producing this policy for endorsement of such payment unless the policy be lost or destroyed, in whlch case proof of such loss or destruction shall be furnished to the satisfaction 0f the Company. 9. LiabilrUNoncunulat:e. It is expressly underst0od that the am0unt 0f insurance under this policy shall be reduced by any amount the Company may pay under any policy insuring either (a) a mortgage shown or refened 1o in Schedule B hereof which is a lien 0n the estate 0r interest covered by this policy, or (b) a mortgage hereafter executed by an insured which is a charge or lien on the estate 0r interest described or refened t0 in Schedule A, and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment under this policy The Company shall have the option to apply t0 the payment 0f any such mortgages any amount that otherwise would be payable hereunder to the insured owner of the estate or interest covered by this policy and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment under this policy to said insured owner i,0. Aanftionment lf the land described ln Schedule A consists of two or more parcels which are not used as a single site, and a loss is established affecting one or more of said parcels but not all, the loss shall be computed and settled 0n a pro rata bases as if the amount of insurance under this policy was divided pro rata as to the value on Date o1 Policy of each separate parcel to the whole, exclusive ol any improvements made subsequent to Date of Policy, unless a liability or value has otherwise been agreed upon as t0 each such parcel by the Company and the insured at the time of the issuance of this policy and shown by an express statement herein 0r by an endorsement attached hereto. ll. Subrogation Upn Paynent or Settlenent Whenever the Company shall have settled a claim under this policy, all right of subrogation shall vest in the Company unaffected by any act of the insured claimant. The Company shall be subrogated t0 and be entitled to all riqhts and remedies which such insured claimant would have had against any person or property in respect t0 such claim had this policy not been issued, and if requested by the Company, such insured claimant shall transfer to the Company all rights and remedies against any person 0r property necessary ln order t0 perfect such right of subrogation and shall permit the Company t0 use the name of such insured claimant in any transacti0n or litigation involving such rights or remedies. lf the payment does not cover the loss of such insured claimant. the Companv shall be subrogated to such rights and remedies in the proporti0f which said pay- ment bears t0 the amount of said loss. lf loss should result from any act 0f such insured claimant, such act shall not void this policy, but the Company, in that event, shall be required to pay only that part of any losses insured against hereunder which shall exceed the amount, if any, lost to the Company by reason 0f the impairment of the right o1 subrogatton. 12. Liabilrly Linrted to this Policy. This instrument together with all endorsements and other instruments. if any, attached hereto by the Company is the entire policy and contract between the insured and the Company. Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based 0n negligence, and which arises out of the status 0f the title t0 the estate or interest covered hereby or any action asse'ting such clalm, shall be restricted t0 the provisions and conditions and stipulations oi this polic,. SrGndment of 0r endorsement to this policy can be made except by writing endorsed hereon or attached hereto signed by either the President, aVce President, the Secretary an Assistant Secre- tary or validating officer or authorized signatory of the Company. 13. Noties. Where Sent All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall be addressed to its Home Off ice. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401. Nlte: this plicy valid only if khedulu A and B are attached. MINNESOTA TTTLEI\ 0wner's Policy lssued throqh the }fiice of LA]IO TITLE GUARAI{TEE COMPATIY I08 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAI) P.0. Box 357 vAil, c0LoRADO 81658 (303) 476 2251 "lmportant: We appreciate the lppoftunfty t0 proide you wrth this insurance policy. Keep rt with your valuable documents. Upon resale of your hone, suggestto your Bealtori that he or she use the Minnesota ftle agent listed ab1ve. lt may save money and expedrte the resale 0f your honei RADTUS 45.oo I NOTE: LOT DO) ON FINI J,,DELTA 75'33 ', t5 " ?e' o 'Q. ,g 6i \ F a- 5 G' o: + r: :f*\| a\ q9 s 06't7'46"E 2t2. gl .q ,g + FOUND NO. 5 REEAR (NO CAP) LOT 22 I I .r'<lJ .<i ''r'r ' rri$ t tra lot lalo vltcl LAItl,E. Cq.o..ortl uFalrHr,!. o i.;,iH,i'ii-.' -." llnter-Mountaln ^&#.gf AE "tncerlngrrd. LCt e! ARC ;9.34 TANGENT 34. 88 CHOFID LTNE EEARTNG I N AA:74'55''E FOUNO NO.5 REBAR (NO CAP ) DTSTANCE 36. OO ES NOT CLOSE MATHAMATICALLY iL PI.AT {s MPRAVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE LOT 22 ,VAIL MEAOOWS I haroby certify that this i.nprovemen! Iocati-on certificate r1ag prepared for lhe oor+-gags lander ald the title lnsurance coopany, that it is not a land sut'voy plat or i-nprovenent survey plat, and that lt is not to be raliad upon for the establishroent of fenca.brildina, or otber future improveneni lines- I further certify tbat the i-DproveEents on the above described lxrce I on this date, excapt utility connactions, are entirely pithin the boundarieg of the lnrceL, ercept as shorrn, that thene are no enc:'oachoents upon the described preuises by iDprovenents on any adjoini,ng prenises, except a.g indicated, and that there is no appanent evidence on sign of ary easeDent crossing or burdening any par't of said parcel, except as noted. lhis cortificate does not constituta a title searcb by Int,er- l{ountain Engineering to deteroine ownership or easeoents of record. For all inforoation regarding easenents, rights-of-r.ray or Litle of record. Inf,er-Morut PLAT VAIL M€ADOWS FILI N6 __949!9__Af__4EUAMN M.H. 6.89- 8.9. t RIM:8669. t5 o Lt, ; 4 r:, t o rf) ht a q -l t//-/ o \t, ,J ,)ti7 t 1: Y- ['0't .2 io? ;' I{0TICE: According to Colorado law you must cormence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within-three years after you firs! discover such defect In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be -conrncnced more than ten years from the date of certification shown hereon. \Ea'l FINAL \-,rs' \_ Y"d F;:8tr ,l \ \ 9r2t J S 5-2A-9t 256 u. D 93 .OWN OF VAIL EA6LE COUNTY, CO. :{ oo oo TAELE OF CO}ITENTS P aoe SUMHARY .:.... ..........1 INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES OF STUOY. ......I LOCATION AND DESCP.IPTION OF THE DESIGN AVALANCHE..... .........3 GENERAL RECOMHENDATIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL LANO USE II.I AN AVALANCHE PATH. . ... ...6 SPEC I FIC RECOHHENDATIONS . .. .. ,7 ADDITIONAL HAZARDS FUTURE WORK. . . ... ..IO REFERENCES. ......II ATTACHED DRAWINGS Figure l: VAIL HEAD0WS AVALANCHE Figure 2: HAZARD ZONE LOCATION r D i t r t' ir t, f. T i r t l.I ( I L t.t t: t. I I i t r t, t I ! F F i. it ,.\ l. J:It Ll ,|. ii ll ll r_l i.t i5 if i'l a7 ri Ii r*ft |r rl it ;i H ti TI r* TT Wruor oo 76t 38 VAIL MEADOWS AVALANCHE DYNAHICS STUDY VAIL, COLORADO June | 0, lgTA SU}4HARY The design avalanche in the vair Headows avalanche path is a mixed dry- flowing and powder avalanche. Wet snow avalanches may also occur but will be smaller than the design avalanche. The powder avalanche co.rponent of the design avalanche will be deflected over a 25-rneter-high (80 ft.) rriI at the bottom of the rrack and will not affect proposed deveropment on snowshoe Lane. Approximately one-half of 'the mass of the dry-frowing component is defrected by this hiil toward snowshoe Lane (Figure r). The defrected avalanche will inpact an existing water tank located in the runout zone and will stop approximately 75 nrgters (250 ft.) north of snowshoe Lane, impacting severar residentiar lots both north and south of sno.shoe Lane and the existing building on Lot 23. The water tank will arso be reached by ava ranches sra er than. the des iqn ava I anche . A study to determine the effect of the avalanche on the existrng water tank should be undertaken before new cons truct ion is perrnitted berow the tank site. lf necessary, the tank shourd be defended. Additionar defenses should be construcred if mitigation of the avalanche hazard rvithin the Vail Meadows subdivision is des ired. Avar anche defenses shourd be based upon the criteria developed in this study. INTRODUCTION ANO OBJECTIVES OF STUDY Two previous studies, (l- Kreos, et. al -, rg732 cororado Georogicar survey, 1975) indicate that snow avaranches in the vail Headows avaranche path can reach the generar vicinity of proposed development on snowshoe Lane, vail l.leadows Fi I ing No. I , Vai | , Colorado (Figure l) . However, maps produced oo t oo for thesc studies hrrve a scale of they give a general indication of the detail necessary for planning de fenses . oo | :24 ,000 ( l', - 2, OOO' ) and, a I rhough hazard intensity, they do not provide building locations or designing avalanche This study derives the dynamics of the des ign avalanche on the Vail lleadows path through determination of avalanche l. Types 2. Frequenc i es 3. Velocities \. Discharges 5. Flow Depths 6. Runout D i s tances 7. Stagna t i on pressures The design avalanche is defined as an avalanche of the magnitude that is. expected to recur at an average return period of approximately 100 years or fibre; i.e-, having. an annual occurrence probabi I ity of I percent or less. This statement of probabil ity does not specify the distribution of design avalanches through t.ime. Hence, they may occui in Ewo or more success ive years without changi ng the occurrence probabil ity in succeeding years. Ava lanches larger than the design avalanche can occur, but the occurrence probabil ity is smal I enough so they can be di sregarded in plan- ning. The rnethods used in calculating the dynamics of the design the npst recent availabre r€search on the subject (voer lnry, 1967; Salm, I975; Schaerer, lJlJ; I-1ears , 1976). Detai ls of are summarized on Table l, page 9. avalanche empl oys I 954 ; Somrne rha I de r , the dynami cs ( -2- oo oo LOCATION AIID DESCRIPTIOIJ OF THE DESIGN AVALANCHE The vail l'teadows avalanche path is shown in Figure l, an air photo taken in septenrber,1975- The photo scale varies from ridge top to varley bot- tom and averages about r:9,800 (r" = g2g,) over the length of the avaranche path. The total vertical drop of the avalanche path is about g20 nreters (2,700 ft.). There are two distinct starting zones, or nnjor locations where the unstable snow breaks away and a'raranches begin. The upper Iocation, starting Zone A, consists of approxinotely 18.6 ha. (45 acres) between elevations of 3,200 and J,450 meters (lO,5OO to 11,300 ft.). This area is oriented toward the east and northeast, receives rittre sunlight during the winter, and readi ly accumulates winciblown snow. Under certain condi tions., the entire area of Zone A wilr deverop into a snowsrab capab re of transmitting stresses over long distances. When the donrnslope cornponents of stress within the snows lab exceed its strength, brittre fairure can occur and a rarge, wice avalanche can be released. Failure and release can take place across the entire top of Zone A. The trees growi ng in this area will not prevent avalanches from occurring and wi not significantly reduce avar anche velocity' Extens ive damage to trees in this starting zone sugges t that mixed dry-flowing and powder avalanches have occurred in the past. com_ parison of 1962 photos taken of rhis area with the r97s photos show that very littie timber growth has taken prace in the starting zone during the l3-year period; therefore, afforestation of the starting zone wil I not reduce avalanche hazard in the near future. The released slab of soft, dry snow can quickry evorve into a dry-frowing ava lanche with a wer r-deveroped, powde r-ava r a nche component. The dry- f lowing componen! of the avaranche frows fairry crose to the ground. rt fol lows gullies and is defr ected by ridges. The dry-flowing component was assunred to have a specific weight of 200 *S/n3 (lZ.g tUs/ft3) in calcula_tions in this study- The powde r-ava ranche port ion is formed as the dry-flovring avalanche attains high velocity and smal I snow particles are placed into suspension. The resulting powde r-ava I an.che f rorv depths in the vail t t t,I li ti ii ti ;l ii ,i ti .l :l ii il ii il ii il bt ti tl tt fi II ii -3- ( ( oo oo Headorvs p.rth reach .rs much as 35 nrcters (t t5 f t), and velocities are increased over those of the dry-frowing componenE. There is p robabry no sharp boundary between these two parts of the design avalanche as the density decreases graduarry with distance above the ground. However, in model ing the flow in the anarysis, both components were cons idered. The design d ry- f I owing,/powder avaranche can reach a veroci ty of about 30 meters per second (65 mph) on the jgo to 35o slopes of Zone A. At Point l, Figure r, the avaranche vrilI beconre confined in a straight, steep-sided channel which serves as the avaranche track. As snow rereased from the wide, large starting zone flows into the relatively na r rov,r channel and accelerates, the powde r-ava I anche port ion becomes nrc re fuHy deveroped and accelerates doarnstope, reaching the bottom of the track before the flowing avalanche- Broken tree trunks and stripped Iimbs in the rower starting zone end upper track give an indication of the flow depth of powder avalanches of the past. At point 2, Figure r, the des ign f rowing avaranche velocity is 39 meters per second (88 mph) and the powder avalanche velocity is over 50 meters per second (il2 mpn). At Point 3, the lower starting zone (Zone B) can be triggered as the avalanche from above passes, rt rereases about 3.3 ha (g acres) of snow from s lopes of i5 o to tOo and arso frows into the.main channer, increasing the total discharge. Zone g can arso rerease independentry of Zone A, but will resul t in a much smaller avalanche. At Point 4, the grad ient of the track decreases from 23o to lgo and w jdens onto a broad, unconfined bench. sman- to medi um-s ized avaranches can stop or deposit sorne of the snoh, on this bench, but the design avaranche passes over it, leaving litt'le snow behind. The design, dry-flowing avalanche reaches the top of the runout zone (point 5) at a velocity of 36 meters per second (80 mptr). 3 I l L t ! F : ! I ! L l- t ;.1 l.'ii rl i: ii :l .l :! ..t 1t il tt it il !l il ii r| The runout zone of the lower hazard boundar ies Vail Headorvs bva lanche extends f rorn point 5 to the indicated in Figure l. The runout zone is split -4- oo oo {' by a hill approxirrntely 25 rneters (80 f t) hiqh rvh ich is located .rt the bottom of the track. ln the calculacions, the assunption was made that !0 percent of the mass of the design f lowing ava lanche woul d be deflected toward Snowshoe Lane, 25 percent would be depos ited against and on top of the hill, and 2! percent would be deflected to rhe south of the hill. The powder avalanche portion wourd reach poinr ! at a verocity of 4! to 60 rEters per second (lOO to .|35 mph). Because of this high velocity, it would be deflected up and over the hill and woul cl dissipate its energy inq the forest on the north side. Consequently, powder avalanches should not be a design consideration for building near Snowshoe Lane. Timber damage on top of the hill suggests that some avalanche in the past had sufficient energy to climb the hil l . The snow deflected toward Snovrshoe Lane will wide (200 ft) valley for a distance of about 500,000-gallon water tank is located within the runout zone (Point 5, Figure |), and is avalanche (see reconrnendat ions section). As stricted portion of the runout zone, it will Snowshoe Lane, and stopping approximately 75 be confined in a 50-meter- 200 meters (650 ft) . A th is constricted portion of endangered by the des ign the avalanche leaves the con- spread laterally, cross ing meiers (250 ft) north of it. Al though the design avalanche in the Vail Headows path is a dry-flowing/ powder avalanche, large, wet-snow avalanches can result from failure of a large, wet slab. Such a large, lvet-snow avalanche could reach the bottom of the track, be deflected by the hill, and reach the water tank ment ioned above. lt wilI not run as far as the design, dry-floving avalanche con- sidered in this analysis, but may cause forces large enough to damage the tanl(. (The dry-flowing avalanche constitutes the design avalanche at the tank) . Tree cores were taken by Glenn (1974) f.o. the Vail Headows aval anche path in order to estimate the annuar probability of rarge avaranches. The tree ring analysis indicated an annuar probability of one to two percent for avalanches large enough to reach the hilltop at the base of the track and -5- oo oo large enough to reach .rbout 50 rcters (155 rt) dorvrrh i r I of ttrc w'tc' t.l'L. Dead logs located irr t rre vicinirv of rhe w.lrcr rrrl .rrrri (rn rrrn rri I oatl of the tank indicare lhat an ava ranche reached that location berween r950 and 1950, Trees were not sampled north of Snowshoe Lane because of the pauci ty of datable trees, but the annual probabil ity of avalanches wh ich can reach this location must be smaller than that found from tree-ring analysis higher in the path. GENERAL RECOMI4ENDATTONS FO8 RESIDENTIAL LAND USE IN AN AVALANCHE PATH As shown in Figure 2,.the vair r4eadows avaranche appears to affect portions of Lots 21 , 22,23, Z\, ?5,26,28, and 30 of Vail Headours Fi ling No. l. The hazard zone bounda ries shown on Figure 2 are drawn with respect to topographic maps (scale of lil = 100') owned by the Town of Vail. Neither land corners nor subdivision lines are presently accurately keyed to that topographic nrap; therefore, the relationship between lot Iines and avalanche hazard zone boundaries as shown on Figure 2 are approximate and were determined by a'rbest fit" based on physicar features such as roads and buildings of subdivision rines to topograph ic map features. The Town of Vail 'i s in the process of deveroping maps showing an accurate reration- ship between the lot rines and topographic map in the vair Meadows area. These maps should be available by July l,1976, at which time Figure 2 may be refined by adjusting the position of the rot lines with respect to the map features shown to correspond to the new maos. The avalanche path is subdivided into two zones of hazard intensity fol lowing recent Swiss (Frutiger, pers. comm. , lg7il recommendat i ons , and the recom_ mendat ions of the Colorado Geological Survey (i975). This subzonation is defined in terms of stagnation pressures and annual probabilities as fol lours: Hiqh Haza rd :Stagnation pressures within this zone are I I t t- I ( t: F I, E r,li f greater than 3. O t/nZ (515 psf),: and/or annual probabil i- ties are more than 4 percent. Residential construct ion . is not recormended within the high hazard zone. t t, I t/n'= | ton per square meter = 205 pounds per square foot (psf) -5- ( oo oo 2. Moderate Hazard: Stagnation pressures are less than 3.0 t/n- and annual probabilities are I percent to 4 percent, approximately, Residential construction is recorrnended within the moderate hazard zone only if specific avalanche defenses des igned on the basis of an accurate avalanche dynamics study are provided. A third hazard zone, a powde r-ava I anche blast zone, does not effect lots on Snowshoe Lane. The critical factor in drawing the high,/nnderate hazard zone boundary in Figure 2 is stagnation pressure rather than annual probabirity. For exanple, the annual probabil ity of avalanches affecting Lots Zl ,22, and 23 appears to be betv/een I percent and Ir percent, but, because of the dynami c characteris- tics of the design avaranche, the rots are rocated where stagnation pres- sures are ncre than 3.0 t/n?. The stagnation pressures given at the high/noderate boundary and on Tabre I are reference pressure levels. The actual pressure or force per unit area on an exposed object, depends on the size, shape, and orientation of the object. Thus, an object placed in the high hazard zone courd be designed so that pressures of less than 3.0 t/nz (615 psf) would affect it. Con- versely, it is poss ible that objects in either hazard zone could expcrience pressures in excess of stagnation pressures. I : i : ; I t, ti 6. t:t ;l t i. J I I , i i I t'I : ' I i I l ! I i I l I fl !.,, i1 l,r I f: J' a-_. tt a t{ ts t: n l: t sPECI Fr C REC0MMENpATtoNI The foIIowi ng reconmenda t ions of the design ava lanche into are made by taking the frequency and dynamics consideration: As a first step, the effect of avalanche impact on the 5OO,O0O_gallon water tank should be anaryzed to determine rvhether it must be protected by an appropr iate avalanche defense system. No atcempt has been made to ana lyze the effect of the rupture of this tank. -7- ( oo oo However, the flood surge following rupture would probably extend the runout zone of any aval anche, including those smal ler than the design avalanche. This would i ncrease the annual probabil ity of avalanches in Vail t'leadows Subdivision' Avalanche defense construction for the water Eank should take place prior to any new construction in the general area from the tank site to Gore Creek if it is deternined that the unprotected tank cannot wi thstand avalanche impact. The desi gn of such an avalanche defense system should be based on this study. ?-. Because of the magnitude of the flow depth,.velocity, and pressures of the design avalanche, no ne!./ aonstruction should take place within either the high or nrcdera te hazard zones (shown in Figure 2), until a defense system is provided whi ch alters the dynamics of the design avalanche. A wel l-des igned defense system shoul d reduce flow depth, velocity, stagnation pressure and runouc distance below the defenses, and alter the hazard zone boundaries within the Vail Headows Subdivision- The design of such an avalanche defense system . should be based upon this study. t i a I It F F t |;I t I t a l $I l I t I I I t ! I i ! t I t I I I -8- oo oo fa it t<t'r rr I.l l"i [- rl In ii li tt it tl tl ii ,;J 'i 't i.l i!i" TABLE I DES IGN AVALANCHE DYNAHICS Point I 2 5 o 1 I Veloci ty m/s - mph 29.6 - 66.4 39.3 - 88.0 35.5 - 8l .8 Jt. | - 69.7 t7.7 - 39.7 lg,5oo - 692,000 ?7,100 - 955,000 27,loo - 955,oo0 13,550 - q78 ,0oo 13,550 - 478,000 S tagna ti on Prelsure ,L t,/n - psr 6.0 - 1,2?o r5.8 - 3,230 r3.6 - 2,790 >.1 - 2,020 7,? - 660 Fl ow Dep th n- ft Hyd r. Rad i us m-ft 2.55 - 8. 35 18.3 - 50.0 3.3 - 27.z 6.2 - 20.1 6.2 - 20.3 Point I. Bottom of starting zone Point 2. Bottom of channeled track Point 5. Top of runout zone Point 6. Water tank Point 7. Snov'rshoe Lane * Same as flow depth. Note: Powder avalance dynamics are not summarized on Table I DIscharge m'/s - cfs 9r - 27.O ; : ;. ; I I I i I I t I a a I I I l I I L ADDITIONAL HAZARDS The potential for mud or debris f lows also exists in the Vail llea dorls avalanche path. These f lo,vs would result when steep hrater-saturated slopes slide and eventual ly f low as a viscous slurry. Such f lows have a very formidable transport capaci ty and large blocks can be carried on top of the moving mass of water, mud, and rock. These flows rpve much rore slot/ly than snow avalanches, but, because of their very high specific weights, can be very destructive. -9- (' oo oo Future mud or debris flows will probably originate from avalanche Starting Zone B, and will fol low existing Erllies toward Snowshoe Lane' Although mud and debris flows are a.possibility at this location' they have not occurred recently and annual probabil ities have not been estimated in this study. lf new flows do occur, they should be studied to determine aPPropriate act ion. FUTURE I,/ORK Additional work is needed in order to recornrcnd specific avalanche defense systems wh ich wil I protect property located within the Vail llgadours avalanche path. It appears that the nros t viable defense woul d be one designed to reduce the flow depth, velocity, and runout dis tance of the design aval€nche prior to its reaching private property. Di rect protection for individual objects may be appropriate at some locations. Future study woul d deterrnine the effect of specific defenses on the dynamics of the avalanche, hc'vl the hazard boundaries of Fi gure 2 should be changed as a result, and what defenses are most practical at various locations. We feel it practical to design such a defense system. The goal of future wqrk would be to recomnrend the optimum system which is cons istent with present land-use policy in Vail, based on technical, economic, and aesthetic considerations. t t - 10- 2. 3. i : i /1 I .; : i t l : i 6. 7. 8. q. oo oo RE FE RENC E S de o-uervain, 1,1., 1975. Avalanche Format ion, in Avalanche Frotection in Switzerland, USDA Forest Service, Gen. Tech. Rep. Rl,t-!, l68pp. Krebs, P.V. (Ed.), 1973. Evaluation of the Snow Avalanche Hazard in the Vail Area, Eagle County, Colorado, (Unpubl . INSTAAR rept. to Town of vail), 34pp. Hears, A. 1., 1975, Snow Avalanche Hazard Zones of the Vail Area, Eagle County, Colorado (0pen File rept. of the Colorado Geological Survey) , l2pp, Hears, A. 1., 1975. Guidel ine and Methods for Detailed Snow Avalanche lnvestigations in Colorado, Colorado Geol. Surv. Spec. Publ. No. 8, t 28pp. Schaerer, P.,1975, Friction Coefficients and Spread of Flo,ring Avalanches, Snow |lechanics Symposium, Grindelwald, Switzertand,April l-5, 197\, Proc. IAHS publ . Sommerhalder, 8.,'1965. Avalanche Forces and the Protection of 0b-jects, USDA Forest Service Trans. No. 6, i4pp. Voellrry, A., 1964. 0n the Destructive Force of Avalanches, USDA Forest Service Trans, No. 2, 64pp, Glenn, 1,1., 1974. Tree-ring Dating of Colorado Avalanche paths, Jour. Colo.-tJyo. Acaderry of Sciences, (Abstract). i I I I (- : -l l- :i I. I I I jr- -q--,y.,:-/-t:'!-r-..... . - .-' t oo oo ts ! ll & ! E & ..;. ..- i r-r..a, a.- ;. . \r l/lt tl /ooo oo 1 I I I OO tl tl tt -a U-) 'aY J It t i_ z^-i r'P3S --d"gls nl 33 / /\V I I /"o fr * io(ote -CUPVE OELTA 76'3s',t5" ?o, RADTUS 45. OO NOTE: LOT ON TANEENT a4. a8 Atc 59.34 ctl0RD 55. t9 v rt DTSTANCE 3A. OO * DOES NOT CLOSE A0AT|IA;MATTCALLY FINAL PLAT LTNE EEAPTNG t N 4l't4 ',55 "E l" I brrctry ccrtlly tbat thl! i.elrovanat location certillcrtr rer ,rcparrd for tb! Dortlada lcndsr and thc titla ingura:rcc c@pany' tbat lt 1! not a lald cunrry plat or i4rrovenent su!'n6y plat, and thlt lt ls not to bc ra1lod rrlon for tbc cctablisbrlont of faacc,bllldlnf, or othsr futurc bprovmnt llaoc, I firrtbar c.rtlfy thlt th! iaprsv.a.nts on thc abova &ccrlbad parccl on. tbts data' crcq,t utlllty conn ctlonr' us antlrsly rlthln thc bpuadarlaa of tba parcal, arcqrt &o chogn, that ihore arc no cncroacbocnto upon tbs dcacribsd pralaec bv iElrrovc@nt! on a.ny .,lJointn5 lroolsos, 6rcopt u lndlcatcd, lnd thrt tharg lc @ aPttarent cvidcncc or cl8! of any clrcornt croaolag parcal, cxccgl a! notod. Itlo ccrtiflcatc docs not coDstituts a tltlc lcarch ty Intor lbuatain Bnginocrlng to dctcrolnc ormcrsbiD or caseDcntr of rccord. For all lnforoation rcgarding carcocnta ' rights-of-nay or titla of rccord, Intar-Xountain NPOI FINAL PLAT UAIL IIEADOWS FILING N EASI S OF ELEUATION N.H. 8.89- 8.9,1 R I M. 8669. ,5 h:rd!!1n3 any Dart of caid ,t e.! ci ,rf GV .$- es +L: s. :s \l 4 $ a\ s!t .q I FOUND NO. 5 REEAR INO CAP ) -o trD \- l{e s -l t{o t =o a o8 t7 1A E 2t2. et LCT 2t FOUNO NO.5 re9AR (No cAP) . MTICE: Accordlng to Colorado lai-you nost cornEncc rny legal actlon 6rsed upon any defect In thls surve-y flihln-thrre years after you flist dlscover such defac In no cvcnt. iray arV actlon based upon any defect ln thls survey-be iqtnanc€d mrc than ten ye.rc from the drtr oi cortlflcatlon slown hereon. ,,/I r.c.B a'|t catc t€ttt rlax to^o aYlta. cc.o.ataao lDrla4l.r'rt Drq.C.Ilra llllI{trl ' lrttl rcl lo vrgi IMPROWMENT L&ATION CERTIFICATE treD lYt nGr L gtztSs i,e4 a..ltAl AM W.TIE.RTre ELEU. ADD Otr.. RIDGF I NE/AT'A LOT 22 ,VAIL. NEADOVS lovN oty!!- E,,dLE coUNTf , co. u lr' sL ,/ Tv 5-2A-9t rrerrD rl! D.E ErIr l', , 20, ,rfl 256 -, _ry I OFI ==r^d *i,.,:_ l'! "1 r&- l- ,.'I :{ryffii,i;'r,t:;a' S-'.', r' "O'i . I \) )t\>. nt- * I ,,#,^,o.LJ? FxztA tll .4, ffiuwlan uluaa fYE rl .Ct 1-23-71 -.l a.*;ia ;$. Ttan 1TF'' $.r /' \-.* - _-,.__.,_ '.. ; o\ R * t \ '"'.'i:.* \ .\r.\__ \._t \ ( t t t \\_-- =If@P o o z @ {v c o {o z T m n 3 { -l a1 XXX T IEINIF ; + _r- ;i- =PP lr E iIr $ni l; e 33]t;= le q 1F =06l; i e.K >r ISH 8 l=; 3 ra-)4)4 lr - 2 o lxl )d n =* l'o o €.t Y- I o-7 >= d e E 9= -E 3 :E 1* C t o = 1,,, > I az fi 5 Fro F''n zf I =+ an R<z\ :>6z -r^oi; 2e ic 3= -1 Z oc)n 8F z.; ;= -to o> aa -.i m nz >m --l > T =m --t =z m z =m p.z rd u) H F H l.J l..J J o=3 iri c)> I a- i NJ NJ -z ; F E p E -{ m r m -.{ =z o :l>7 m o I'z I I -t o l€ lz o I F E z lo tr F H l= =z -{! n \o s \o I .{ |.J { E z 'l : n s' I I H z z ..1 m t- Fl $ \J q, ti cn tp .iJ r) -{ €z o _n r m 9,z '+ +t I ry TN F F, IE IF IE lE V W I tr m t- F F,\ C'\ I Ln tJ o\ (,^.t lc l3 lrl t<t> lr-lr lm le,lz lo I t*l^ IT l- I |r It F t4 lo It!n lF l€ I ItE lo = P c- I I B t>I F iJ lo u I t5'lo, lvl I IF IF I i:n lg)lH I lF t' I n c)E =b <F b FE El# c)r,zl H lLn o lur z lrJ\-lo I F'l ll,.)-t'lo,i> l*3 t- lC'J lf-l t' r l{ z :n H o z, >v" +lEEf +lq qt >+lFo ! o-+t ! +lF 3;-ail rn-o!' N.'.1 co \ Yl'==v \4q",I o=4 Vii P5 \s p =q lr'' nio O \ r'a P \A{PH $:iF 4 -, q) f N:()\ Ss6 :sN.. a3 i5N-\l silN4;.#Yt \'R X EIN zll ^. o. $l{ €;:gl\J de'.il Ot J 1I FE el *F =l o o-<l Ao al Yat FI nt : oro-@ O'+d3E o9o .aoct o f'\< c) ii ot (J^.o l=- =o, O '<9{rE6- 3 d.o *6(D o =f a++d!. -aorJ :-=P aol o 5t: 3.P+u=.E -(,Oi ot -=E !$E d=- -r +i; 69.o 7!5(D .= o, o..\= <OO =. 1c or6J =s.F {o=oq-5 sJ : =.<=:6 a E=3a3 38I ot(D=.arxo -D , 2 o lz (6 ao o =z l' -o m ! =a z m m o m l<' W l*o113 l="-[ i*l'lL lll lslsl 1"11-ltl tq t; I -l m f o z FI r c m z U)c l- -l z TO tr€ : I z>p8 IO n<+< >o o> @o z C z_ I P1 tl II z m { x t{ I m a o z =z = an _o I z I -! m c -r -t z c)NF 9o+E 3; F io nD'n Xzc)iic20 o<z u').4 f o 62.o< S b z9 - I 'nzz { x z n -l )--t -l 3 z z ll -t n< = I- trt C) z tJ F F.K tl i.J (, H t F P K I tl t\) N) (.rl ts 5.F'5 u)\o N) l.J t^l Ii F5i -l -*- | l*l rro ,\ol lo t tl z' =l Z | 9l ol aZl :, Ftol =rF3i al<ol qin=, lo, tl rl z z o F (D c t- 2 z --{ m (t) € N .F- \o E H c) F trt ti € H P -l r m :l = ='Tl m m (t 6 m I x t-m z m L m I o z m :m { o It o m =z 'Tl m m = I z o l- c =c!z m m o --t = z -m ^ c 2 m I f -o m I = ='rl m m a VALUATION \,m F =-t z o H rl ts{ 3 m c) z o =z m m -t 5 t- = (, l.J f.J l.J s.\| 1..J 5 @ s. .tl \o s- N) (,s.t\) l.J t.J F N$N$ z I m I I -ft o 'T',l m n { + @ m x m !{ z C- o 2 -t m r z c/) H z U' tr{ H l- I I lr' w O F\ CI m u) ro \o \o Proiect Application Dale Name:Project Project Contact Description: Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: A PPR OVAL D ISA P PR OVAL Su m mary: El statt Approvat DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: I r.rri" ed 6/!8/9t COLORADO i ' .t1 t :7.2 3.1 I '.i ***t*tt*** THTS APPTICETION WILtr, NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTrL ALL REQUIRED INFORIi{ATION rS SUBI.{ITTED ******'l*** PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: D. New Construction (S200.00) .X Mj.nor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review (S0) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdi vi- s i. on T ^+BIock If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. zoNING I D(\7L€Y LOT AREA: If required, applicant must provide a current stamped survey showing lot area. NAyE OF APPLTCANT: R^fr, FCFNF Mai J- rng Address : Phone NAMT OF M: i I i na } TT L I LAI\ 1' Address: '4^A'Et"REPRESENTATIVE: Z ',.e- ./ t L.L Phone 47a- - 8q4/.-, }JAME OF OWNERS: SIGNATURE (S) : Mei l i nrr Addr ', \-, Phone 4'7G -, )lc V J. Condominium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the tine of submj-ttal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building perrnit, please identify che accurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID: 9 FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ 0 - s 10,000 s 10,001 - I 50,000 $ 5o,oo1 - s 150,000 $150,001 - I 500,000 s500,001 - $1,000,000 $ Over $1,000r 000 *NO APPLTCATION WILL BE PROCESSED FEE s 20.00 $ s0.00 s100.00 s200.00 s400.00 $500.00 WITHOUT OWNER'S STGNATURE 30323E0382-cclTT 03;f, 2 HYONO.TRNqLTD A ,m 13]0 U/aca\.\,;xn Bcu evard, Sutte,t00 Lakewocd, Colc.aor 80215 Tatephrne 303i238-6-r?2 FM 303/2Bg.63Ba octomr 1, 1901 ,-q.\9$ do$ "" ' ii'-li 's ., t. )t -'..".di1 81656 ' '9: '1rr 'ig+,i"sr 'rs to clsrlfy certain pointg raised by th€ Town of Vall aftsr ' lcti€r to yor,i of August l9r 1991. et{eci ths drawing and the proposgd addltlon of a dock to your ,'1,9 Lane ln EaEt Va1'l relatiY€ to ava'lanche occur"'encgs and , riiurls of the deck wlth probabia snow s'l Jdlng tlasses rosuiting :, -'u, i,.i ,;onc'I 'Jdec th€ deck additron wil'l not crsats Eny lncreased avalancha '':', ,'.reDr1 + lor hazarC to adJacent EtructurEs or prop€rty. Tne August 13, '. i":ri- Hsrnss Spaeh, F,E. was also r€v16Hod and I concur with l'tr. Spagh t.. :.: *,r r'I rot crerte rny signlf lcant lncrsaso 1n loadtng upon your -- ;'!:,9 any questlons pl€48€ contact me' Slncorely, TRIAO, L j t-. -E.1t'i€.: Spaeh, li,: - lll 1 Presidant Color6do P, E. lronrog & lteHel] c.rcC le;1 6Tl.t.N*t+ SENT xEROx Te lecopier ?01?51s-e1 ;10:15Ail1 i 13039491959;f 2 3032ry21 .1, HYDRO.IRNq LTD 1310 Waqgworth Bout€v8rd. Suhe 100 Lakglvood, Colo.ado 80215 T€lephcne 309e38.6022 FAX 309/434.6382 Au9u6t 19, 1991 Hr. Robert Borna P.0. Box 4206 val 'l , colorado 81CsS D€ar f{r. Born€: I h6v0 rev'lelr€d ths drEring 8nd t,hE propo8ed addltlon of a dsck to your duolex on Snowsho€ Lane'i n East vell rc'lat'lve to avalanch€ occurrBnces and potential impllcatlons of tho dcck wlth probnb'le snor alldlng masses resultlng fron an evElanche. I have concludad the dack rdditlon w'l 'l I not creeto any lncrcasad cva]anchc hazard to adJacant structures or property. Th. August 13, 190't 'letter from Hannes Spaeh, P.E. h,8s al3o revlet{ed and I concur vlth l,lr. Spreh that the deck rill not creste 8ny slgnlflcant lncruacc ln loading upon your structure. If you havc any quEgtions pleeee contact ne. Slncsraly, HYDnO-TRIAD, LTD. RLll: Jn xc: l1r. Hannea Spaah, t'lonroa 361-001 / 1/ tfu* (+ ,r"t) honrld L. Hal]cy, P.E. Preg ldant colorado P.E. R€E'lstrEtlon 10035 & NeYc I 'l A x ,l t,l ,'t tl rt nroe & Newe Engineers, Inc. 1t /1 ,/,1 'U ul\ [J\ \\ iJ" n Mo \ ,0\"t m0 AUG 211991 August 13, I99I Mr. Bob Borne PO Box LI462 Bradenton, FL 342L0 Re: Deck at West Side of Borne Residence, Snowshoe Lane, Vaj-1, Colorado (M&N #1107) Gentlemen: A wood frame deck on the south side of the Borne duplex on Snow- shoe Lane was designed by Monroe & Newell Engi-neers, Inc. In our opinion, the addition of the deck will not increase the loads on the building due to snow avalanche and debris flow loading. The deck was designed to fai-l in case of the occurrence of an ava- lanche. If you hawe any questions or comments, please ca11. Very truly yours, lr \lA - * E>"-- Hannes Spaeh, P.E. 0 HS/kbf 0048 E. Ijeaver Creck Blvtl. r Suite 307 . P. O. IJ()x 1597 . ,A.v()n, Col<rracl<.r 81620 o 1303) 919-7768 o t'AX (30J) 94.)-t959 o August ?, L991 l{r. Bob Borne 5032 Snowshoe Lane Vail, Co 8165? Re: Borne DuPlex, 5032 Structural Eraming VAIL 383-9491959 Monroe & Newell Engtnecrs, Inc. Snowshoe Laner Vail, Colorado (M&N #s59) P."/2 Vril. Colorldn Durver, Coln.lrkr Gent lemen: Tire foundatlons and structural framlng of the Borne Resl-dence 'dere observed by Monroe & Newell englneers, Inc. durlng construc- t-ion. rc is our opinion, based on our visual observations, that the lruilding and its avalanche defense system is conetructed subgtan- tially in corrpliance with the intent of the construction docu- nents prepared by our office and the design requiremencs by -ttydro-rrild, rnc. for uhe avalanche loading' To the beEt of our fnowl.edqer aDV deficiencieg found during our ObservatlonE bave been corrected. If you have any guestlons or comments, please calI. Very truly yours, '.in^"--', lr^"[''. \o,t-l3o;- Hannes Spaehr P.E. HSlkbf i1048 g. Benver Crcck Elvd. . Suitc 307 r P. Q, llox 1597 r Avon, (lulrrrado 816?0 r (.305) 949.7768. FAX (r/ Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: 1t', tl, t YA ' e/r Lesal Description:tot // Btock . rrt.nv/tt I IVI(a t(or't e . zone | / > Com menls: Design Review Board /^ \A (>l /,/.t l,<.,'ll Ddr- V' In l t Motron by: Seconded by: APPR OVA L DISAPPROVAL Summary: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMOBANDUM File Kristan Pritz and Gary Murrain July 3, 1991 Borne ll Duplex, Lot22, Vail Meadows Due to the soil conditions and necessary hazard mitigation in the crawl space of the above residence, we have decided that the crawl space below the garage shall be allowed to have a head height which may exceed 5 feet in height from the surface of the earth to the bottom of the structural member above. lt should not be considered GRFA or site n, Gh uilding CIficial ffi[t JuN 151es\ a June 12, 1991 Tovn of Vai I Office of Cormunity Developnent Vai l, @lorado 81657 Att: Shelly l'{ello Torn Planner Re: 5012 Snowshoe Lane Dear 56s11r, Enclosed please find revlsed front and; west side elevations for the above duplex. The revlsions are the lnclusion of fhree extra windovs on the wsst slde and one in the front. Al I of thqm are necessary fo show off the sonderful vlews that the slte provldes and which could not be envisloned unti I one could get up onto the ftooi areas and see from that perspective. l,lone of the proposed wlndow addlflons fall into the avalanche defense wall and do rrcthing to detract from the beaufy of the buildlng. I have noted the specific wlndows in the enclosed elevaflons. Kindest regards,ffitu Ebb Ebrne .l ,'l ffim o151es1 June 12, 1991 Town of Vail Office of Cormunity Development Vail, 0olorado 81657 Att: Shelly l'€llo Town P lanner Re: 5032 Snowshoe Lan€ Dear Shelly, At the time of my framing inspection Dan was kind enough to point out fo me that lmay have a problem in the duplex lam developing at fhe above address revolving around the excess height that I have in my crawl areas. lam hereby requesting a waiver of that requirement for the following reasons. 1. The house is bui lt on a sloped site. lt was submitfed and approved with a stepped foundation and footings as is cormon for that type of terrain. 2. The site has an extreme run off problem. In order to conta in the water that just seeps out of the ground due fo +he high water table an entire system of under drains had fo be installed under the building. This system places drain tile in gravel around the interior footings of fhe crawl space' collects the ryater and brings if ouf to the street under +he garage f loor. 3. lf re were to have to fill those areas it nould bring the water some four feet up the inter ior walls on the ground f loor, have it lay against the nood bearing walls, the insula*ion and the back of the drywall. 4. The ground in ihe crawl space is exceed ingly muddy and also steps up as i llustrated in the enclosed cross sections of both sides. lt would be impossible to converf that space with all of its water to anything bui what if is. Revisions of the drain tile could not be effectuated as the ground f loor 'under which it f lows, is already construcfed. 5. lf i+ would help I would place a deed restriction on record to esfablish fhat the crawl space could never be builf in. In view of fhe special cond itions of the site' the slope of fhe site and the fact tha+ the original plans always showed a frame bearing wall at the back of the lower f loor, I respectfully request waiver of the fill requ irement in the crawl space as I believe that if enforced would make the house uninhabitable. I understand that under +he new rules for GRFA, special cases like this can be exempted from the fill requ irements. }{hile I understand ihat my permit was issued under +he old GRFA calculations I am rxc t exceeding either the old or the new calculations and would, fherefore, hope that the planning staff would recogn ize my hard sh i p. I once would be glad to again I thank pu o o show you the for your past € reas ttelp. in question shou I d Slncerely Bob Ebrne you desire and -:d^'rltr.ilj Project Application ,^," \f ra /qil Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Arch itect. Address and Phone: Legat Description' ao, Zfl . ,,o.n Comments: Design Review Board ,*[l\ -l Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: ,b tf Y X,, Approval t ffro sEP 09t991 TOWNHOUSE DECIJARA:UON I.OR rp'r 22 TonNEouSEs RECITALS I. ROBERT BORNE and ,JANE D. BORNE - Husband and Wife, ( together -, rrDeclaranttr), ls the owner of the real properEy (the trPropertytr) sl.tuate in the County of Eagle,State of CoLorado, descrlbed on Exhlblt A attached hereto and m-ade a part hereof, whlch wlll be resubdl"vlded as t.Lol 22l.ttt rrl,ot 228\tt, and rrComrnon Lot Z2c.t according to the plat to be recorded thereof. 2. Declarant has constructed on f'ot 22A and Lot 22B a building consistLng of two units, with each such unit designed and intended for use and occupancy as a residential dwelling unit. The units are designated herein as the rrl vlesL apartnent unitrr and the rr,East apartnent unitrr, respectivelyf which are sometl-mes referred to herein separately as trapartment unitrr or collectl-vely as rrapartrnent unltstt. 3. Lot 22l. contains the West, apartment unLt and LoE 228 contalns the East apartrnent unlt. - 4. Declarant desires. to and does hereby establish a plan for the ownership of LoE 22A and Lot ZZR as estates in fee sirnple and the co-olrnership, by the lndlvidual and separate owners thereof, as tenants in comrnon, of Common Lot zTc DECI,ARATION Declarant does hereby publish and declare that the following terms, covenants, condltlons, easements, restrictLons, uses,reservatLons, llmitatlons and obllgations shall be deemed to run with the land descrlbed hereJ.n, shall be a burden and a benefit to Declarant, their personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns and any person acguiring or owning an interest in the real property which is described herein and inprovenents bullt thereon, their personal representatives, heirs, successors and assagns. L. DMSION OF REAIJ PROPERTY. (a) The Property is hereby divlded .lnto tttownhouse unLtstr as follows: (1) The r west Townhouse Unitr consisting of a fee sfunple estate ln f.',ot 22A and an appurtenant thereto one-half undlvlded Interest ln and to Common I-ct 22C, together wJ-th the inprovements, easements and rights located thereon or appurtenant thereto in the same respective interests; (tt) rh€ rrEast Townhouse UnLtrr consistlng of a fee elrnple eEtate ln f,ot 228 and an appurtenant thereto one-half undivlded Lnterest ln and to Common T,oE 22C, together with the improvements, easements and rights located thereon . or appurtenant thereto in the aame respectlve interests. (b) Each townhouse unlt shall be inseparable, and nay be leased, devlsed or encumbered only as a townhouse unl.t. No owner (trowneril) of a tonnhouse unit shall assert any right of partition wJ.th respect to Common LoE ZZc and each o$rner waives any and all rights of partition he may hold by virtue of his ownership of an undivlded interest in and to Common Lot 22C as a tenant in cornmon wlth the other owner. . (c) Title to a townhouse unit may be held lndlvidual.ly or Ln any forrn of concurrent ownershrp recognLzed in colorado. ti case of any such concurrent ownershLp, each co-or.rner shall be Jotntly and severatly llable for periormance and observance of I all the duties and responsibilities of an ovtner with respect to the townhouse unit ln which he owns an lnterest. For all purposes herein. there shall be deemed to be only two owners, the owner of the East Townhouse Unit and the owner of the West Townhouse Unit. The parties, lf more than one, having the ownershlp of each such townhouse unLt shall agree among thernselves how to share the rights and obligations of such ownershipt provided, however, that if a corporation, partnership,association or other legal entity shall become an owner or the partLes, if more than one, have the concurrent ownership of a townhouse unit, then such entity or concurrent owners shall fron tl.nre to tine deslgnate one individual who shall represent such entlty or concurrent owners l"n all nratters concernlng alL rlghts and obllgatLons pursuant to thls DeclaratLon. Any euch entity or concurrent owners shall glve written notlce to the other owner deslgnating the lndlvidual to act on lts or their behalf and such notice shall be effectlve untll revoked in wrlting by such entity or o\rtners. Any act or onisslon by such designated individual shalL be blndlng on the entlty or owners havJ.ng deslgnated hin in favor of the other owner or any person who may rely thereon. (d) Any contract of sale, deed, Iease, deed of trust,mortgage, wlll or other instrument affectLng a townhouse unl-t shall describe it by the legal descriptJ.on of the parcel constLtuting such townhouse unit and as an undlvlded one-half lnterest in Common LoL ZZc descrl-bed by Its legal descrlptlon. (e) Each townhouse unLt shall be consLdered a separate parcel of reaL property and written notice shall be glven to the assesaor of Eagle County, Colorado, so that each townhouse unlt shall be separately assessed and taxed. 2. ENCROACHMENTS. If any portion of one of the three above described parcels nohr encroaches upon any of the other parcels as a result of the constructLon of any bulldlng, or if any such encroachrnent shall occur hereafter as a result of settllng or shlfting of any building, a valid easement for the encroactrment and for the naintenance of the same so long as the bulldlng stands, shall exLst. In the event any buildlng shall be partially or totally destroyed as a result of flre or other casualty or aa a result of condemnatLon or eminent donain proceedlngs and then rebuilt, encroachments of'parts of the building on any other parcel , due to such rebuilding, shall be permitted, so long as such encroachments are of no greater extent than those previously existlng, and vall-d easenentg for such encroachnents and the naintenance thereof sha1l exist so long as the bullding shal.l stand. 3. PARTY WAIL,. (a) The common wall placed equally dlvlded on the comnon boundary separatJ.ng the East apartrnent unlt and the West apartrnent unLt, the footings underlylng and the portion of roof over'such wall is collectively referred to herein as the trParty Wallrr. (b) To the extent not lnconslEtent with thle DeclaratLon, the general rules of law regardlng party walls and ltabillty for damage due to negJ.lgence of wlllful acts or oml-sslons shall apply to the Party WaLt. (c) The owners of eLther apartment unLt shall have a perpetual easement Ln and to that part of the other apartnent unit on trhLch the Party WaII ls located, for party waLl purposes,includlng mutual aupport, maintenance, repair and inspection. In the event of danage to or deetructlon of the Party WalI from any cause, the owners shall, at thelr Joint expense, repalr or rebulld the Party t{a11, and each owner shall have the rlght to the full use of the Party Wall so repaired and rebuilt.Notwlthstandlng.anything contaLned above to the contrary, if the negligence or willful act or ornlssion of any ohrner, his-family,agent or LnvLtee, shall cause danage to, or destruction of, the Party I{aIl, such owner shall reconstruction, and an ohrner causes the Party WalI to be the fuII cost of furnishLng elements. t bear the entlre costg of repalr or who by hls negllgent or willful act exposed to the elenents shall bear the necessary protectLon against such 4.(a) Except as otherwlse speclflcally provLded ln writing and except for any expense or liablllty caused through the negligence or willful act of any owner, hls farnily, agent or invLtee, which shall be borne solely by such owner, each owner shall share one-half of all expenses, liabilitles and general upkeep responeJ.bllitiee wlth respect to Common lr^t 22C and all lmprovernents thereon. The owners fron tlrne to tlrne, shall undertake such landscaping and general outdoor irnprovements as they rnay mutually and unanLnously deern proper for the harmonLous improvement of both townhouse unl-ts .ln a cornmon theme. The owner of one townhouse unit shall not unreaEionabty darnage the value of the other townhouse unit such as by shoddy upkeep outside, but both owners shall make all reasonable efforts to preserve a harmonlous comnon appearance of the apartment unlts and Common Lot 22C. Each owner nay use Common Int 22C and Lmprovernents located thereon in accordance with the purposes for whlch they are intended, including, but not linlted to, access to his apartment unit, parking, landscapLng, trash storage and open space, wlthout hindering or encroaching upon the lawful rlghts of the other owner. (b) Connon utility or ssrvl.ce connections or ll,nes, connon facillties or other equlpnent and property located ln or on comrnon Lot 22c or either of the apartment units or the parcels upon which such apartrnent units are located but used in comrnon for the benefLt of Lot Common 22C or for both IoE 22A and Lot 228 and the apartrnent unl.te located thereon, shall be owned as tenants in cornmon of equal undlvided one-half lnterests by the oltners of each townhouse unLt and, except for any expense or liabllity caused through the negligence or willful act of any oltner, hls farnily, agent or l-nvitee, whJ.ch shall be borne solely by such ohrner, all expenses and liabilitles concerned with such property shalI be shared proportionately wl-th such ownership. The owner of the parcel and the apartrnent unit thereon on which such property is not located shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part of such other parcel and apartment unLt thereon containing such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes of naintenance, repal-r and J.nspectLon. (c) It Ls expected that comrnon parkLng and accecrs facllltlee wlll be provLded on a portLon of common fot- 22c. The ownere ehall have equal rlght to the use of euch access and parking facilities and no owner shall hinder or permit hls invitees to hlnder reasonable access by the other otrner and his inviteee to the parking areas or such other ownerrs apartment unit, and further, the owner of the east apartrnent unit shall not take or perml.t hls lnvltees to take more than one-half of the parking apaces fron tl.ne to tl.ne provlded on Common l-,or. 2Ze wlthout the consent of the other onner, and the ohrner of the West apartnent unit shall not take or permit hls lnvitees to taKe tnore than one-half of the parking spaces fron tirne to tine provided on Connon l-ot ZZC without the consent of the other owner. It is presumed that snowplowing wlll be reguired from tine to tJ-me, the costs of which shall be shared equatly by the o!tner6. other maLntenance and repaLr of such parkJ.ng and access facilities, as may be reasonably reguJ.red fron time to time,shall be undertaken Jointfy by the owners, the costs of which shall be shared equally by the owners. 5. ALTERATTONS. MAIiTTENANCE Alrp REPATRS. (a) rn additlon, =to naLntenance provided for in Paragraph 4 above, the o$rners shall, at their jolnt and equal expense, provide exterior maintenance and exterl-or repair (naintenance, repair and replacenent of ltens requlred fron ordlnary use and on a periodic basls) upon each apartrnent unlt and the lmproved and unimproved portiona of the parcel upon whlch located lncluding, but not llnited to, the exterior walls, decks and staircases, and the roof housing the apartment units and the parklng and access facLlitlee located on such parcels, but excludlng the exterlor hot tubs, whlch hot tubs shall be naintalned and repaired by the respectlve owner thereof. If the need for repa.ir Is caused through the negliftence or willful act of any owner, hls farnily,agent or invitee, such owner shall bear the entire costs of such repair or reconstruction. (b) Each owner shall be solely responsible for rnalntenance and repaLr of the Lnelde of hls apartnent unlt Lncludlng, wlthout llurJ.tatlon, fLxtures and lnrprovenents and all utility lLnes and eguipment located thereln and serving such unit only. fn perforning such maintenance and repair, or in irnproving or alterLng his apartment unit, no owner shaLl do any act or work which irnpal.rs the structural soundness of either apartment unit or the Party Wall or whlch interferes with any easement granted or reserved hereLn. (c) Utiltty or servLce connections or llnes,facilities or other utillty equipment and property located in, on or upon either parcel contalnlng an apartnent unLt, Ln such unJ.t,or Ln on or upon Common Lot 22C. vlnLch are used solely to supply a service or utillty to one apartment unLt or the parcel upon whlch lt ls located shall be owned by the owner of the apaitrnent unit uslng such utility or servLce and aII expenses and liabllltles for repalr and mal-ntenance ehall be borne solely by the owner of such apartment unJ-t, who shall have a perpetual easement Ln and to that part of such other parcel or apartment unit containing such property as is reasonably necessaiy for purposes of xralntenance, repaLr and lnspection. (d) No ovrner shall make or suffer any structural or design change (lncludlng a color scheme change), elther permanent or tenporary or of any type or nature whatsoever to the exterior of hie apartment unit or alter any present exterior irnprovement or construct any additional exterior inprovement or additional building or structure of any type or nature whatsoever upon any part of the parcel containing his apartment unit or Common Lot 18C wlthout first obtalning the prlor wrl.tten consent thereto fron the other ohrner. In case of danage or destructl.on (other than as provlded for in subparagraph 5(a) above) of any apartnent unit or any part thereof or of any J.mprovement upon any part of the parcel contaLnlng an apartment unit by any cause whatsoever,the owner of such apartment unLt or J-rnprovernent shall cause wLth due diligence the apartment unit or J.mprovernent to be repaired and restored, applying the proceeds of insurance, if any, for that purpose. If the cost of repair or reconstruction exceeds such insurance, the excess shall be paid for by the owner of the damaged apartment unit or Lrnprovement. Such apartment unit or improvement shall be restored to a conditlon comparable to that prlor to the damage and in a harrnonl.ous nanner to promote the common therne of both apartrnent unLts and Lnrprovements on the parcels contal-ning the apartment unLts. . 6. MECHANICTS LIENS; INDEMNIFICATIQN. (a) Except for itens incurred as a conmon expense as provLded for herel-n, lf any owner shall cause any rnaterial to be furnlehed to hls parcel or apartnent unit thereon or any labor to be perfonned therein or thereon, the other onner shall not under any cLrcurnstances be Iiable for the payment of any expense Lncurred or for the value of any nork done or material furniehed; all such work shall be at the expense of the owner causing lt to be done, and such ohrner shall be solely responsJ-ble to contractors, laborers, materialmen and other personE furnLshing labor or materLals to his apartment unLt or the parcel on which located or any Lmprovements thereLn or thereon; nothing herein contalned shall authorl.ze eLther o$rner t or any peraon dealing through, wlth or under elther owner to charge Comnon Int- ZZc or any apartment unit or parcel on which located of the other owner wJ.th any mechanLcrs lLen or other lien or encumbrance whateveri and, on the contrary (and notice is hereby given), the rlght and power to charge-any lLen or encumbrance of any kind against common r-.t 22c or one oerner or against one ownerts apartment unlt or parcer on whl-ch located for work done or materials furnished to the other ownerr s apartment unlt or parcel on which located Ls hereby expressly denl.ed. (b) Except as provided for in paragraph 8 below, lf,because of any act or omission of any owner, any rnechanlcrs or other ll-en or order for the payment of money ehitt be flled againet conmon LoE 22c or agaLnst the other ownerra apartrnent unlt or parcel on which locited or any J-rnprovementa tirerein or thereon, or against any other owner (whether or not such lien or order is valid or enforceable as such), the owner whose act or omLssLon forrns the basls for such rleir'or order sharr at hLs own cost and expense cause the same to be cancelred and discharged of record or bonded by a surety cornpany reasonably acceptabte io such other owner, wlthln 2o days after the date of flllng thereof, and further shall J-ndemnlfy and save the other owner harmless from and agaJ,nst any and aII costs, expenses, claims,rosses or damages, J-ncluding reasonable attorneyrs fees resulting therefrom. . 7. INSUBANCE. (a) Each owner shall keep hLs apartment unLt and all flxtures therel.n Lnsured agal.nst loss or lamage by fLre and extended coverage perlls (lncluding vandalisn and marlcLoue nrlschlef) for the maxLmum replacement value thereof.Any owner may on 30 daysr written notice, at any time one year or longer after the last appraisal of the apartrnent unJ.ts, oblain a written appralsal of such unlts frorn a cornpetent apprais"r,eharglng botl owners with the costs thereoi. Such ippralser shall be a dislnterested and lndependent thlrd party wtro ls unrelated ln any manner to either owner whether through joint business ventures or otherwl.se. (b) Each owner shall provLde and keep Ln force for the protection of hinself general publlc llabtltty lnd property darnage inEurance against clal.ms for bodlly Lnjury oi death-or property damage occurring in, on or upon his parcel owned ln fee sinple, the irnprovements thereon, and Cornmon f.ot 22C and the inprovements thereon, in a limit of not less than $5001000 in respect of bodily injury or death to any nunber of persons arising out of one accident or disaster, or for danage to property, and lf hlgher lirnlts shatl at any tfune be custornary to protect agal,nst possJ-ble tort liabilLty, such hJ-gher Il_mits lfratf be carrled and each owner shall name the other owner as an additlonal insured party under such poticy. - (c) Each owner shall be separately responsible for aII insurance covering loss or darnage to personal property ln hls apartnent unit and ltabiltty for lnjury, death or danige occurrlng upon hLs parcer or tnslde-hl- apartment unlt-ttrereon. (d) Each owner shall deliver to the other orf,ner certiflcates evidencing all insurance required to be carrLed under this Paragraph 7, each contaLnl.ng agreements by the Lnsurers not to cancel or modify ttre portiies without. glvrng the other owner written notice of at least 30 days. Each owner-shall have the rlght to lnspect and copy arr such lnsurance pollcies of the other ovrner and requJ.re evidence of the palnnent of prerniums thereon. (e) Nothing provlded ln thls paragraph 7 shall prevent the ownere from jolntly acqul.ring a single pollcy to cover any one or more of the hazards required ln thls paragraph 7 to be separately insured agal_nst by each owner. I _ 8: RIGHT TO.IJIEN. (a) If an oJrner, at any tlme, ehall neglect or refuse to.perforn or pay trre ehire-oi-iny obirgtai;n requLred hereunder, the other ow-ner rnay, but shall not be obllgated to, after zo days wrLtten notice unfess tne cj-rcurnstances require imniaiate actlon, loare--I""r, p"y."nt, or, on behalf of such other owner, expend such sun u= aiy be necessarv to perforn such obrigation including, but not rimiteJ l;;;-il;-'paynent- of any insurance premiuns r6iluirea hereunder or the undertaklng of any work rLqurred herelnder i"i iep.ir,-restoratLon or naintenancer- and such other ohrner irrari have an easenent in and to- that part of euch defaulting ohrnerrs townhouse unLt ae Le reasonabry nelesBary for such ;;;;i;, restoration or naLntenance. ._-^_^_^ --(!! All.surne so pald or expended by an owner, wJ_th rnEerear thereon at the rate of 18 percent pei annun fr6rn the date-of -such,payment or expendLture-untlr pira i"- furr, sharr be payable by the ovrner so- faLling to perform- (the ,'aerauitin;-- -- ovnerrr) upon denand of the othir owner. (c) Arr surns so demanded but unpard by the defaurtinq o$rner shall constitute a lien on the townhbuse uirtt or-ih;-----''defaultlng owner in favor of the other owner prio. to alr other rLens and encumbrqTggrr except: (r) riens-iol-t"*"" and speciar assessment; and, (ti) the llen of any fLrst nortgage or flist deed of truet of record encurnbering -such townhou6e unit. The lien shall attach from the date wh6n the unpala surn shall become due and nay be foreclosed in rike manner as a mortgage on rear property upon the-recording of a notice or clain theieor executed by the nondefaulting owner-settlng forth the amount of the unpaio indebtedness, the nime of the defiullrns-"r"""l'-i"d a descrrtii;;of the townhouse uli!: If any such lien-is recorded, the defaulting owner sharr be reguired to pay the costs and expenses of the.preparation and recording of th-e -nondefaurtrnf owne;;;--- l1"l: lncludlng reasonable attoineyrs fees, or Siso.60, whichever ls greater. rn any such foreclosure the defaulting owner shall ?:_f:gl-lted to pay the costs and expenses of such froceedingsl-rncrucling reasonable attorneyrs feeE. - (d) The llen provlded for herel.n ehar.r be subordLnate to the lien of any fi-rst nortgage or deed of trust, r""i"ai"g-iir additronal advances thereon. -sire or transfer of iny townhoise unlt as the result of court foreclosure of i ,oiig.g",forecloeure through th9 pubric trustee, or any pr5"6"aing in lieu of foreclorure, lncludlng the tranefer of a aiel in lieu-of foreclosure, shalr extinguJ-sh the lien of such assessments as to payments thereof which become due prl,or to such sale or transfer,but shalr not rell-eve any former owner of personal liabllitt ---' therefor. rhe nortgagee of such townhouse unlt who ;;ili;a."tl-tle by way_of forecrosure or the taking "i i-a."a in lieu thereof, shall not, however, be llable f5r any past due assessment and sharr only becone liable tor rutirre assessments on the date Lt becornes the owner of such townhouse unLt. llo ,ii. ",transfer ehall relieve such townhouse unit frorn rr-urrrly i;;-";t aEsessmente thereafter becouring due or frorn the lien the-reof . r;1 the event of the sale or traneier of a townhouse unlt with respect to which eurns shall be unpaid by a defaultlng "r""r,except transfers to a first mortgigee in connection itttr a foreclosure of its lien or a deei in rieu thereof, the purchaser or other transferee of an interest in such unlt shalr uE-i"inliv and severarry.rlabre with the serler or transferror there6f for-any such unpald surns. (e) Upon written request of any owner, nortgaqee,prospectLve nortgaltee, purchaser or other-prospectlv"-i"i""i"r""of a townhouse unLt, the owner of the othel toilnhouse unlt sharr issue a written statenent settLng forth the amount he Ls oued under thls_ paragraph, if any, with respect to such townhouse untt. such statenent- Is binding upon Lhe executlng owner ln favor of any person who may rety tLereon Ln g"oa iirtrr. --uniess a 6 I requeat for such statenent days after receipt thereof,prLor to the date of makJ-ng the llen or other Lnterest statement. shall be complied wlth within flfteen all unpaid 6uns hthich becane due such request ehall be subordLnated to of the person requesting such 9. USE RESTRICTIONS. (a) Each apartnent unit shall be restrlcted to a residentlal dwelling as a'pernitted use, and such use asr well as conditloned and accessory uses ehall be as defined by the Town of Vall Zoning Ordinance. (b) No exterior nounted radlo, shortnave, televlsJ.on or other type of antenna whateoever or tank of any kl,nd, elther elevated or burled, or clotheelLne or lnclnerator of any klnd whatsoever or outside storage of any personal property shall be pennJ-tted or maLntained on elther townhouee unlt withbut the prJ.or nrltten approval of both ownerc. (c) No aninrals shall be kept or maintalned ln, on or upon elther townhouse unJ.t, except that each ouner may keep and naintaLn wlthin hls apartrnent unLt two donestlcated dogs and two donesticated cats; provided, however, that such donesticated aninals are kept under control at all times, do not present a nuLsance to the other onner and are kept and controlled ln strlct conpliance with all Town of Val.l ordl.nances that may apply to such anLnals. (d) In addition to the parklng restrictLons set forth ln subparagraph 4(c) above, the owner of the Bast. apartnent unit may keep no more than three automotive vehlcles permanently on IfiE 22A, and the ohrner of the West apartrnent unit shalt k-ep no more than three automotive vehlcles pernanently on Int 228.Parking of boats. trailers, campers, rnotor homes, ATVa or recreatLonal vehlcles on eLther townhouse unit is expressly prohlbited. Parking of more than three automotlve vehlclei Uy either owner or hls famlly, agent or invLtee on such ownerrs townhouse unit for more than a 48 hour period ls expressly prohiblted. - (e) No [time sharlngrr, trl.ntenral ownerstrlpn or sl.milar Lnterest, whereby ownership of a townhouse unlt is shared by owners on a time basls, shall be establlshed on either townhouse unlt without the prior written approval of both owners and all lienors holding a fLrst nortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portlon of the Property which approval shall be reflected in a document of record. _ 10. NOTICE. Each owner shall register hls nal1lng addrese wlth the other owner and all notl.ces oi demands lntended to Ue servLced upon owners shall be sent by certifled rnait, postage prepaid addressed ln the name of the owner at such regLstered maJ.IJ-ng address. In the alternatJ-ve, notices nay be delivered if in wrltlng, pereronally to owners. ll. DURATION OF DECLARATION. Each provLelon contalned ln thls Declaratlon whlch is eubJect to the laws or rules eornetirnes referred to ae the rule agalnst perpetuitiee or the rule prohlbiting unreasonable reetraints or alienation shall continue and remain in fult force and effect for the period of 21 years followJ.ng the death of the last survl.vor of Mlchael Lauterbach,or untLl thls DeclaratLon Ls ternrlnated as herelnafter provided,whichever first occurs. AII other provl.sl.ons contained in this Declaratlon shall continue and remaln.ln full force and effect untll January 1 in the year 2Ol8 A.D., and thereafter for successive periods of 10 years eachi unless at least I year prior to January 1, 2Ol8 A.D., or at least l year prior to the expLratlon of any such 10 year perLod of extended duratLon, thLs Declaratlon ls terminated by recorded instrurnent, dJ.recting terninatlon, sLgned by all oernera and all lLenors holdlng a first t nortgage or flrst deed of truet of record on any portl.on of the Property. L2. AMENDMENT OR REVOCATION. thls DeclaratLon may be amended or revoked only (a) by Declarant so long as Declarant ohrns all of the Property, or (b) upon unanlnous wrLtten approval in recordable fonn of all ownero and all lLenors holding a first nortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portLon of the Property. 13.. Each provision of this Declaratl-on, and a , covenant and thls Declaratlon, and agreement, p undertaklng to comply wJ.th each pr provLaLon of thle Declaratlon,and any necessary exception or reservation or grant of tltle,estate, rlght or Lnterest to effectuate any provLsLon of thls Declaration: (i) shall be deened incorporated in each deed or other instrument by which any rlght, title or interest Ln any portion of the Property is granted, devised or conveyed, whether or not set forth or referred to in such deed or other Lnstrumenti (1i) ehall, by virtue of acceptance of any rJ-ght, title or interest in any portlon of the Property by an-olrner, be deemed accepted, ratified, adopted and declared as a personal covenant of such owner and, as a personal covenant, shall be bJ.ndlng on such owner and his helrs, personal representatives, successors and assigns; (tit) shall be deemed a personal covenant to, with and for the benefit of each owner of any portion of the property;and, (iil) shall be deemed a real covenant by Declarant, fol themselves, thei.r personal representatives, heLrs, successors and asslgns, and also an equitabte servitude, running, in each case,as a burden with and upon the title to each and every portLon of the Property. 14. - ENFORCEMENT AllD REMEDIES. (a) Each provision of this DeclaratLon shalr be enforceable by any or ner by a proceeding for a prohibltLve or mandatory lnJunctlon or by a sult or actlon-to recover danages. If court proceedings are lnstituted in connectl'on wlth the rlghts of enforcernent and remedles provJ.ded in this Declaration, the prevaiting party shall be entilled to recover hLs costs and expenses Ln connectLon therewJ.th, J-ncluding reasonable attorneysr fees. (b) Each owner hereby agrees that any and all actJ.ons ln equlty or at Iaw whlch are lnstituted to enforce any provisl.on hereunder ehalt be brought in and only Ln the courts oi fagle County, State of Colorado. (c) Failure to enforce any provLslon of thLe Declaratlon shall not operate ae a waLver of any such provl.slon,the right to enforce such provJ.slon thereafter, or of iny other provision of thls Declaration. 15. EXERCISE OF RIGHTS. Any exercise of any right granted hereunder by one onner wJ.th respect to the other owneirs - townhouse unlt includlng but not Ilmlted to the use of any easenent granted hereLn shall be exercised ln a nanner whlch shall not unreasonably hLnder, impede or Inpose upon such other orrnerra use of his townhouse unlt. -16. 9UCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. Except as otherwise provLded herein, thls DeclaratLon shall be blnding upon and sharr- lnure to the benefit of Declarant and each owner and the personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns oi each. .17. SEVER4BILITY. tnvalidlty or unenforceablllty of any provlslon of this Declaratlon Ln whole or Ln part shall not affect the validlty or enforceabtltty of any other provlsLon or any valld and enforceable-part of a provlslon of this Declaratl.on. I 18. CAPTI0NS. The captions and headings in this instrument-?€--Tor conveniente only and sha1l-not be considered in construing any provisions of this Declaration. 19. CONSTRUCTION. When neceslary for proper construction,the masculine oran-y word used in this'Declaiation shall includ5 the feminine or neuter gender, and the singular the plural, and vice versa. IN MTNESS WHEREoF,this _ day of Declarant has executed this DecL arat ion , 1991 Jane D, Borne STATE OF COUNTY OF )) ss. ) The foregoing day of instrument t was acknowledged before me this , by Robert Borne. Witness ny hand and official seal My cornnission expires: STATE OF COUNTY OF )) ss. ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before by Jane D. Borne. ne this day of t -t Witness ny hand and official seal. My comnission expires: Notary Publi.c DEC EXHIBIT A (Attached to and made a part of Townhouse DecLaration for Lot 22 Townhouses) LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 22, Vail Meadows, Filing No. 1, Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. FILE SOPY? 75 loulh lrmtlge rcad Y!ll, colorudo 81657 (3{B) 479213E (3{Xl) 47$2139 June 14, 1991 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL Tom Leroy 5042 Snowshoe Lane Vail, CO 81657 olflce of communlty cleveloPment Re: Constructlon ol Lol 22, Vall Meadows Dear Tom: Enclosed is the following information in regard to your recent inquiry concerning the impact of construction on Lot 22 upon your residence: 1. Memorandum from the Community Development Department to the Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council, dated June 24, 1990, which outlines changes to the Vail Meadow Avalanche Path. This includes a report from Art Mears, who was hired by the Town, which updates potential hazard from the Vail Meadows Avalanche. 2. Letter from Bonald Halley of Hydro-Triad, dated June 28, ''l990, which indicates that the proposed structure on Lot22 will nol cause any increased hazard to adjacent structures on Lots 2 and 23, nor lhose north of Snowshoe Lane. The proposed structure did not change in location or form from the initial proposal for which this letter was written. 3. Letter from Peter Monroe of Monroe Engineering, dated October 4, 1990, that the structural frame of the proposed structure is in conformance with the criteria provided by Hydro-Triad, Ltd. Should you have any further questions, please contact me at 479-2198. Spcerely, 1 fi(\--' ' LLt.- sh;it; Meilo Town Planner lab I I I :L---^' ir\1, | ! l\\/! APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE A STRUETURE ON A (Please tl1)e or Print) DATE &(n1 I iii:I JUN i 2lggl TO ERECT OR T.TAINTAIN RIGHT-OF.WAY Fence WaIl _-Landscapingt-v--other PERI'!IT PUBLIC OWNER OF NAI.IE OF ADDRESS PROPERTY APPLICA T Wue-- e Jn*.Eora4/ G @ry a Aeav- F,c 8a* Q&e5 L,EGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED: tnr 44 BrocK suBDrvrsroN (If necessary, attach description on 7 Co (otrzn-Do StesS (fr tL ftiorloo"sS arate sheet) Corner lot - Inside lot DESCRTPTTON OF STRUCTURE OR ITEM(S) rNTO RrGHT-OF-WAY: @ingencroachnent,propertyIine,.sidewaIks,curbs, intakes, hydiants, meters, manholes, anY.other affected appurienance in ttre project area (to scale or^dimensioned) and seltion(s) as trell as elevations (if applicable). Does structure presently exist? L) l)PefZ- c oan=rrzo''rto<t Proposed date for commencement of construction I /).Y\<- In c<.rnsideration of the issuance of a revocable perurit for the structure above indicated, applicant agrees as foLlows: 1. That the structure herein authorized on a revocable pernit basis is restricted exclusively to the land above described. 2. That the perurit is lirnited specifically to the tlpe of structure described in this application. 3. That the applicant shall notify the Town Manger, or his.duly authorized-lgent, twenty-four hours in advance of the tine for conrnencernent of construction, in order that proper inspection may be made bY the Town. 4. The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold ha:mless the Town of Vaii, its ofiicers, employees and agents from and against alt liaUility, cl.aims and dernands on account of injury, ^loss or damage, inifuaing without linitation claims arising frout bodily injury, personal injury, sickness, disease, death, p.op"-rty foss'oi damage, or any other loss of any kind whatsoever, which arise out of or are in any uanner connectea with applicantrs activities pursuant to this fernit, if such iniury, loss, or damage is.caused in whole 'or in part by, or is Llained to be caused in whole or in part b-y, the act, omission, error' professional errorr -iistaxl , negligence or other fault of the applicant, his contractor or subcontractor or any officer, employee or iepresentative of the applicant, his contractor or his subcontractor. rhe applicant agrees to investigate, handle respond to, and to proviae defense for and defend against, any such liability, claims,.or demands at the sole expense oi'tf,e applicant. The applicant also agrees to bear all other expEnses relating Lhereto, including-c_ourt costs and attorney-rs fees, wheth6r or not any such tiability,-claims, or denairds alleged are groundless, false, or fraudulent. Applicant agrees to procure and naintain, at its own cost, a policy or policies of insurance sufficient to ensure against aII liability claius, demands and other obllgations assumed by the applicant pursuant to this Paragraph 4. Applicants further agree to release the Town of Vail, its officers, agents and enployees from any and all liability,claius, demands, or actions or causes of actions whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss or inJury to the applicant or to the applicantrs property caused by the Town of Vail,its officers, agents and enployees while engaged in maintenance or snow removal activities or any other activities whatsoever on Town of Vail property, streets, sidewalks, or rights-of-way.5. That the pernit nay be revoked whenever it is deterruined that the encroachuent, obstruction, or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of the right-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffic hazard, or the property upon which the encroachment, obstruction, or structure exiEts is required for use by the public; or it may be revoked at any tirne for any reason deemed eufficient by the Town of Vail.5. That the applicant wiII remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, or structure within ten days after receiving notice of any revocation of said pemit. 7. That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachnent on the right-of-way.8. That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or structure is not accoutplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to nake an assessnent against the property and collect the costs or removal in the same Danner as general taxes are collected. That the applicant has read and understands all of the terns and conditions set forth in this application. Special conditions: 9. 10. s ture (rf j oint of Property Owner Date ownership, botb signatures) APPROVED: ll- Date of Public l{orks Date frru* t,\"t''.T ?*,,[ APPLICATION DUPLEX SUBDIVISION FOR REVI EI,.I oot, Serf .l ,lQQ t flfc0 sEP 0 91991 A. MAILING A AoDREss tr- C'B c'/4A.cr-S NAME oF APPLT.ANT -i("bg<t_- \/&,\ , CaLoftnpo euonz h c. D. NAME OF OWNER' S MAILING LOCATION OF PROPOSAL uotiz sLocK suBorvrsroN PR0PERTY 0l,lN pr'l nt or typ S IGNATURE ADDRE55 F.C.Bo / 4 a.-o S E FEE $100.00 PAID F.MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED 1. Two mylar copies of the duplex subdivislon plat following the requirements of Section 17.16.130 (C), 1,2,3,q,6,7,8,9,.l0,11,13 and l4 of the Subdivision llegulations. 2. The plat, must contain the following statement: "For zoning purposes, the two'l ots created by this subdivision are to be treated as one entity with no more than one two-family residence allowed on the combined areas of the two lots." The statembnt nrust be modified according to the nurnber of lots created. 3. A copy of the declarations and/or covenants proposed to assure the maintenance of any common areas. The declaration and,/or covenants sha'l I specifically address the painting of the exteriors of the units so that the units will be painted the same color and maintained in the same manner. G. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEI.I CRITERIA These can be fourrd irr Chapter 17.24 of the Subdivjslon Regulations. H. FILING ANO RECORDINO The Department of Community Development will be responsible for promptly recording the plat and accompanying documents with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder upon Town of Vail approval . B. NAME OF APPLIcANT,S REPREsENTATIvE E. Ob ON-T- I$ c,IT-_,<I E PHoNE q76^sAL3 .QZ TS c Qru€ 176-5263 '4tL ofltDc Stes€ t/+,,fl.l f +pacc'S rtttruc TClr-LtF{ fiF t--rF I L- Fli =ce I l'rne':ug CeEh t i; !11 [t[.!:r!-iJ?-ir'1 q'.,,-ii l l. * {if"ni1 . ! i qi::: ;j.: j:,1,.-rrlt. i+ i- r *' ' -.,-, -,!-i.. r-1r ltr,l r..,., r-l ir.,E: F,E F,itFitrF''f F:!1F',flF l::fr'ilSTFlllr- iJ "r'1"" '' i .! T trltl O*t,,]r', i,iri':l,=rt:"1 .' 1i:1$' +tl I ?em Pai'l gtl.runt' Ft-3id r.-.11 iiiia.if.lrlllf --lfllilFr I r;jr:l ' [J[:i t_ F. -.-.._ '' I FIL T CCIPV ' 75 3outh Irontage road vail, colorldo 81657 (303) 479'2138 (303) 47+2139 otfice ot communtty d€veloFnenl llarch 25, 1991 ur. Bob Borne 5550 25th street w. Bradamton, FL 34207 Re: Lot- 22, VaiI Meadows Dear Bob: It has come to my attention that there are outstanding issues concerning landscaping in the right-of-way for.the above lot. Until thete items Lre-resolved to the Toltn Engineer's satis- faction, no revocable right-of-way perrnit will be issued- If you could stop by roy office the next tine you are in Vail, am sure we can resolve these iterns quite easily. See you soon, /ab shelly Mello Town Plann-er UNIT ONE BASEITIENT SQ.FT;1050 418 108 44 0 27 0 . FLOOR SQ.FT: :1548 0 50 0 73 0 23.s 4{D. FLOOR SQ.FT.,,,:640 0 81 0 45 42 .L()(JR scl.FT. , ,1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lgFJ |_EVEL: r ,:,, i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CREDIT TOTALS USED 91 1.5 418 z5J 44 118 27 , 65.5 CREDITS REMANING 782 161 56 0 23 0 GRFA ALLOWED 4505.s2 q qt GRFA USED 2326.5 GRFA REMAINING 2179.02 J li ltl I t J ^q.- tD;- g1 ', /<<a^(;. q:'lD .-l-^ ./- ,. I z 10 I li ri l1 rl ,] lr I I I I (r tl tl ll I .tl Project Nunber: 91090 Address; 5032 SNOI{SHOE occupancy: R3rMl Tlpe of Const: V-N o,:"slii'L3:Hl:"il::: o Vail, Colorado 8L657 (303) 47e-2L38 PIan review based on the 1988 Uniforn Bui-Iding Code Name: BORNE DUPLEX UNIT A Date: Septernber 24, L9 Contractor: RoBERT BoRNE ArchiteCt: SANDRA SPAEH Engineer: MoNROE ENGINEERfNG Plans Examiner: T'fiCHAEL }JHITAKER portions of the uaterial contained in this program are reproduced from the Unifonn Buildingf Code ( 1988 edj.tion) with pernission of International- Conference of Building officials SHEET IDENTIFICATTON CORRECTION REQUIRED 1 **** **** 2 A-4 cRwL sPcs 3 A-4,5 t6 AI-,L LEVEI,S 4 A-4t6 GARAGE 5 A-4,8 MECH ROOMS 6 A-2,3 EXT.COVER This project will require a site improvenent survey. Such survey sball be subnitted and staff approved prior to a request for fraroe inspection. Areas delineated as crawl spaces or nonhabit. basennt. shall have less than 5r ht. from earth to structural floor/ceiling above, a dirt floor on1y, be ventilated as per UBc 25L6, with access min. size as per UBC 2516 and maximum access size 9 sg. ft. Smoke detectors shal1 be located outside each sleeping area. A detector shall be located on each Level and in the basement. Detectors shall be interconnected and sound an alarm audible in all sleeping areas of the dwelling unit. uBc 1,210. Provide a floor drain in tbe garaqe or slope the garage floor to the outside. A floor drain must connect to a dry welf or a sand and grease interseptor. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper Eagle Valley water and Sanitatn. r'or heating or hot-water supply boilder applications a floor drain shall be supplied for suitable disposing of accumulated fluids. UMC 2LL9. Exterior surfaces with stucco applications shall be provided with exterior netal lath as per UBc 4706 ot as per manufacturers instructions for thin coat applications or synthetic stucco applications. Required correction= ao.rO Project Id: BORNE DUPLEX ttNIT A Address: 5032 SNOWSHoE # SHEET TDENTTTICATTON Pa#2 CORRECTTON REQUTRED 7 A-2,3 I A-5 9 A-4 10 A-4 lt A-4 t2 A-5 13 A-5 14 A-5 t5 A-2 13 TERUIN. 15 A-4r5,6 4 RTSERS+ DooRs ET AL Glazing in a hazardous location is reguired to be glazed with safety naterial . -- Sec. 5406. LAITNDRY RM In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in J-aundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected directly to the outside shall be provided. Bathras which contain only a water closet or lav. may be ventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205(c). CRWL SPCS Crawl spaces are required to be ventifated by mechanical means or by openings. Such openings shall have a net area of not less than I sg' ft. for each 150 sq. ft. of under-floor area. UBc 25L5(c)6. IiIECII RooMS Heating and cooling equiprnent located in the garage shall be installed with the pilots and burners or heating elements and switches at least LStr above the floor level of the garaqe. ItMc 508. MECII ROoMs In buildings of unusually tight construction (a11 new construction within the Town of Vail) t combustion air shall be obtained from the outside- Such cornbustion air openings shall be as per IIMC Ch. 6. cHfuN.ENCL. A chiurney enclosure for a wood burning fireplace flue shall be protected by a one-hour fire resistive construction. UBC L7O6. This involves lining the inside of such chase with 5/8tr Type x sheetrock and fire-taping joints. FIREPIACES This factory-built fireplace must be an approved unit. Include the manufacturers name, model nunber, and approval information. -- Sec. 3705. (a) HEARTH The size 9f the noncombustible hearth rnust be per the manufacturers approval . -- Sec. 3705. (b) The chiurney is roofing within 37-B required to extend 2 feet above anY 1.0 feet. -- Sec. 3?O3. (f) & Table A handrail is required along a stairway. It is reguired to be 34 to 38 inches above the nosing of the steps and if the side is open, the naximurn size of an opening in the railing at ttre stairway is 6 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(j) & 1711. 17 INTERIOR & EXTERIOR A 36 inch high guardrail with a naximum opening of 6 inches is requied where step is greater than 30 inches to floor or grade below. -- Sec. 171-l-. *"*].r"u -"o"r""tiorr" ro.l PToJect Id: BORNE DUPLEX I'NIT A Address: 5032 SNOWSIIOE # SHEET TDENTIFTCATION CORRECTION REQUIRED 18 A-4 SToRAGE The enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected by thr fire-resistive construction. -- 3306. (n) 19 A-2r3 EIJVATIONS Unless the lower level is clearly shown as a basement (6r or less from floor above to grade for 508 of building perimeter), a 3 level dwelling will require 2 means of exiting froro the 3rd. level if 3rd. level exceeds 500 sg. ft. UBC 420 & UBC 3303 (a) . 20 S-8 SUBI{IT Include a coPy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. (b) & (c) t#3 ll (};"Hlli'LHl:]:'il::: o VaiI, Colorado 8L657 (303) 479-2L38 Plan analysis based on the 1.988 Uniform Building Code Project Nurnber: 91090 Name: BoRNE DUPLEX IJNIT A Address. 5032 SNowSHoE Date: Septernber 24' L990 ContrACtOr: ROBERT BORNE Occupancy: R3rl11 Architect: SANDRA SPAEH Type of Const: V-N Engineer: MONROE ENGINEERING Plans Examiner: MICHAEL WHITAKER NOTE:The code itens listed in ttris report are not intended to be a cornplete Iisting of all possible code requirements in the 1988 UBC. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced fron the Uniforrn Building Code ( L988 edition) with perrnission of International conference of Building Officials SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 57.O Feet 57.0 Feet EAST Building O.O Feet 0.0 Feet SOUTH Property line 76.0 Feet 75.0 Feet WEST Property line 36.0 Feet 36.0 Feet Code review for:Project Id.: BORNE DUPLEX Address:5032 SNOWSHOE occ o IJNIT raf* z A R3 !!l_ EXTERIOR WALL FTRE RATTNGS AND OPENTNG PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTIT WEST BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG WAI-,L WAI.,L PROT WALL WALL PROT WAIJL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT ohr ohr None thr* thr* NOP ohr ohr None ohr ohr None Ohr Ohr None thrtt 1hr* NoP Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior walls nay be of COMBUSTIBLE material . sec.22oL. None -- No fire protection reguirements for openings. Prot -- openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assenblies. 50* of the area of the wa11 naximum. Sec.22O3. (b) & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sg.ft with no dimension greater than 12 feet. -- sec. 4306. (h) NoP -- openings are not permitted in this wall.* -- These walls may be required to have a parapet waII 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is required to have the same fire rating as the waII. See secti.on 1709. for details and exceptions. FL NN{E AREA MIN.LIGHT UIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 l{aster bedroom 325 2 ltaster bath 84 2 Halls, closets, etc. 23L TOTAL FOR FI.OOR 640 1 Livingr room 7O2 l- Bedroon #2 L62 l- Bedroom #3 15o l- Kitchen 133 1 Bath room #2 40 1 Bathroon #3 40 L Laundry room 50 1 Ha11s, closets, etc. 26L TOTAL FOR FIOOR 1548 B Garage 418 B Mechanical roon 44 B Bedroom #4 257 B Halls, closets, etc. 331 TOTAL FOR FIOOR 1O5O BUILDING TOTAL 2L88 32.50 0. 00 0.00 70.20 16.20 1_6. OO L3.30 o. o0 0.00 0. oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.70 0. 00 L6.25 4.20 0. 00 35. 10 8. l-o 8. OO 6. 65 2.OO 2.OO 2.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.85 0. 00 Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No Yes No Yes l_ L I 1 l_ 1 t_ 1_ 1 L 1 1 L l- l- 1 1_ t_ 1 Coa" r".ri"r, fon f Project rd.: BoRNE DUPLEX UNIT A Address: 5032 SNoWSHoE PaO# 3 FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior is required from this roon. The minimun clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. L2o4.1) The nininum clear height is 24 inches 2) The nininun clear width is 20 inches 3) The nininun clear area is 5.7 square feet 4) The naximum sill helght is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A urechanical ventilation systen may be used in in lieu of exterior openl-ngs for ventitation. -- sec. f205. (c) 4) The requirenent for an egress window in the basement is based on Sec. 1204. ROOU DIUENSIONSs Habitable space shaLl have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, halls, bathroons and toilet compartments may have a ceiling beight of 7 feet measured to the Iowest projection. If the ceiling is slopingt, then the mininum height is required in onJ-y L/2 of the area. --sec. L2O7. (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not less than L20 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. L207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen sha1l not be less than 7 teet- in any dimension. -- sec. L207. (c) GI,AZING REQUIREMENTS:l-) AII glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material. -- Sec. 5405. (d) 2) Note windows and doors in a tub or shower area are required to be safety glazed regtardless of the height above the floor. -- 5406(d) 5. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIRSMENTS: A snoke detector is reguired on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1-210. (a) 4. The smoke detector is required to be wired to the buildingrs power source. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 3. A smoke detector is required in the basenent. -- sec' 12L0. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 12L0. (a) 4. If the upper level contains sleeping roon(s), a smoke detector is reguired in the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway. --sec. 1210. (a) 4 FIREPI,ACE REQUIREMENTS : FACTORY BUIIJT FIREPI'ACE:1) Unit must be an approved unit. -- Sec. 3705. (a) 2) Clearances and hearth size must be per manufactures approval . -- sec. 370s. (a) & (b) 3) chinney height must be per manufacturerrs aPproval and Table 37-B Code review for:Project Id.: BORNE DUPLEX Address: 5032 SNOWSHOE OCCUPANCY SEPAR,ATION : P{# 4 Between the garage and the residence, rnaterials approved for Lhr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors betw the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing L 3/8 inch soli core door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503.(d) ex #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling rnust The naxinun rise of a step is -- Sec. 3306.(c) exc.f1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nos there is 4 or more risers. -- sec. 3305. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 3o inches. Mininurn =36 inches, maxl-mum opening size = 6 inches. -- sec. l'7Ll'. exc L The mininum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 33O5. (p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is reguired to be protected as for thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (n) ATTIC REQUIREMENTS:1) Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear height of 30 or more. The minimurn size is 22 inches by 30 inches. Tbere must inch inches or more clear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205. (a) 2) Provide ventilation in all attic areas. The net free vent area is to be not less than 1 square foot for eacb 150 square feet of attic The vent area nay be 1/300 if at least 50t of the required ventilati area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the attic. The upper ventllators rnust be at least 3 feet above the eve o cornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) For a 640.0 sq.ft. attic area: o UNIT A be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. 8 inches and the minirnum run is 9 inches. Ratio L/LsO L/3Oo CRAWI.,SPACE REQUIREI.IENTS : 1-) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in walls. Opening shall provide a net area of not less than 1 square f each L5O square feet of area in cranl space. openings shall be di on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practica -- sec. 2516. (c) 5. Note: Vent openings nay be reduced to LOt of the if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and building official approves. For a 865.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area: l.tininun sg.ft. of vent 4.27 2.L3 Ratio L/L5O l,tinimum sq.ft. of vent 5.77 the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance or treated wood, the urininum clearance between exposed earth 2) 3) Provide L8-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. N opening nay be reguired to be larger if mechanical eguipment is loca in the crawl space. -- Sec. 251-6.(c) 2. UnIess decay floor is 12 joist is 18 inches. The mininum clearance to beams and girders inches. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2. LS b) be3 if ght 10r t for above the te: Coa" r..ri"w for: tt Project Id.: BORNE DUPLEX UNIT A Address: 5032 SNOWSHOE eaf* s ADDITTONAL REQUIREUENTS : For R3 occupancy THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRE A SITE II'IPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBUITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR FRAME INSPEC{ION. ALL CRAWL SPACES WITHIN THE TOIIN OF VATL ARE LIMTTED TO A EARTH TO STRUCTUR,AL FI.OOR CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 ' , BE EARTH FIOOR ONLY, BE VENTTL,ATED AS PER UBC 25L5 (C) 6 WrTH MrNrMUl'{ ACCESS AS PER UBC 2516(c)2 AND l,[,AxIMtJM AccESS oF 9 SQ. FT. ANY BUILDING SITE WITH A SI,OPE OF 30 DEGREES OR MORE SHALL REQUIRE AN ENGINEER DESIGN. SUCH DESIGN SHALL ADDRESS DRAINAGE, SOIL RETAINAGE, AND STRUCTURAL DESTGN. EXCAVATION BEIOW SI"ABS ON GRADE SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. For Ml occupancy SI'PE GARAGE FI.OOR TO ALITW FOR DRAINAGE TO OUTSIDE OR PROVIDE A FIOOR DRAIN WITH WITH SAND AND OIL INTERCEPTOR TO DRY WELL OR TO SEWER. ANY GARAGE FIOOR DRAIN CONNECTED TO SEWER I{UST BE APPPROVED BY UPPER EAGTE VALLEY WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT. Town of Vail Conrounity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, colorado 8l-657 (303) 479-2L38 Plan analysis based on the 1988 Unifotn Building code Project Number: 9L090 Narne: BoRNE DUPLEX UNIT B Address: 5032 SNOWSHOE occupancy: R3rML Tlpe of Const: V-N Date: Septernber 24, L990 ContrACtor: ROBERT BORNE Architect: SAUNDRA SPAEH Engineer: MoNROE ENGINEERING Plans Examiner: MICHAEL WHITAKER NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete Iisting of aII possible code reguirements in the 1988 UBc. ft is a guide to selected sections of the code. Portions of the roaterial contained in this program are reproduced frorn the Uniforrn Building Code ( 1988 edition) with pernission of International Conference of Building officials SEPARATION DTRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTTON NoRTH Property line 24.0 Feet 24.o Feet EAST Property line 15.0 Feet 15.0 Feet SoUTH Property line 100.0 Feet 1O0.0 Feet WEST Buildj.ng O. O Feet O. O Feet Code review for:Project Id.: BORNE DUPLEX ITNIT B Address: 5032 SNOI{SHOE Pa#2 AND OPENING PROTECTTON SOUTH OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG PROT I{ALL WALL PROT None Ohr Ohr None None Ohr Ohr None EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG T{AI,[, WALL PROT R3 ohr Ohr None l,tl ohr ohr None EAST BRG NON-BRG VTALL WALL Ohr Ohr Ohr Ohr WEST BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT Lhr* thr* NOP thr* thr* NOP The exterior wal1s nay be of CoI.IBUSTIBLE material . Sec.zzoL. None -- No fire protection requirements for openings. Prot -- openings are to be protected with 3/4 ht fire assemblies. 50* of the area of the wall maximum. Sec.2203.(bl & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dinension greater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- openings are not penuitted in this wall.* -- These walls nay be reguired to have a parapet ltall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet walt is required to have the sarne fire rating as the wall. See section 1709. for detaiLs and exceptions. FL NAIIIE AREA !!TN.LIGHT I,TIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Master bedroon 285 2 uaster bath 78 2 Halls, closets, etc. 278 TOTAL FOR FIOOR 64L L Bedroom #2 158 1 Bedroom #3 L82 1 Bedroom #4 185 1 Laundry room 31 1 Bath roorn #2 40 1 Bath roon #3 55 L Living Rn/dininq/kit 700 1 Ha1ls, closets, etc. 25o TOTAL FOR FIOOR 1601 B carage 438 B Mechanical rooro 63 B Halls, closets, etc. 299 TOTAL FOR FLOOR 8OO BUILDING TOTAL 2242 28.50 o. 00 o. 00 Ls. 80 L8.20 18.50 0.00 0.00 o. o0 70. 00 o. 00 o. 00 0.00 0.00 L4.25 3.90 0. o0 7.90 9.l-o 9.25 1.55 2 .00 2.75 35.00 0.00 0. oo 0. 00 0.00 Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No Yes L 1 L L l_ 1 1 1 1 1 1 L 1 l- L 1 1_ l_ Code review for: Project Id.: EORNE DUP Address: 5032 SNOWSHOE FOOTNOTES: Pt#3 L) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior is required froro this room. The minirnum clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. L2o4.L) The ninimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The nininum clear width is 20 inches 3) The nininun clear area is 5.7 square 4) The maximurn sill height is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A 3) A rnechanical ventilation system nay be used openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) 4) The reguirement for an egress window in the Sec. 1204. o LEX T'NI TB feet (Dwellings) i.n in lieu of exterior basenent is based on ROOM DTI.IENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less tlran 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and toilet conpartuents may have a ceiling height of 7 feet neasured to the lowest projection. If the ceiling is sloping, then the minimun height is required in only L/2 of the area. --Sec. 1207. (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one roon which has not less than 120 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. L2O7. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in any dimension. -- Sec. L2O7. (cl GI.,AZING REQUIREMENTS :1) All glazing in hazardous locations is reguired to be of safety glazing naterial . -- Sec. 5406. (d) 2) Note windows and doors in a tub or shower area are required to be safety glazed reg'ardless of the heigbt above the floor. -' 5406(d) 5. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUTREUENTS: A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally Iocated in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. 12L0. (a) 4. The smoke detector is required to be wired to the buildingts Polter source. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 3. A smoke detector is required in the basement. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. If the upper level contains sleeping roon(s), a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper level close to the stainray. --Sec. 1210. (a) 4 FIREPI,ACE REQUIREUENTS : FACTORY BUII,T FIREPI,ACE:1) Unit must be an approved unit. -- Sec. 3705. (a) 2) Clearances and hearth size nust be per manufactures approval . -- sec. 3705. (a) & (b) 3) Chirnney height must be per manufacturerrs approval and Table 37-B Code review for: Project Id.: BORNE DUP Address: 5032 SNoWSHOE OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Ratio L/rso r/3oo CRAWI,SPACE REQUIREI{ENTS : L/L5O Po#4 be at least 36 inches wide. -- sec. 3305. (b) I inches and the mininum run is 9 inches. o LEX UNIT Between the garage and the residence, materials apProved for thr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing J. 3rl8 inch solid core door. -- Table 5-B e Sec. 503. (d) ex #3 STAIR REQUIFEUENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must The rnaxinum rise of a step is -- Sec. 3306.(c) exc.#1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 there is 4 or nore risers. -- Sec. 3306. (j)inches above the nosing if Provj.de a gruard rail nhere drop off is greater than 30 inches. I'liniurun height =35 inches, naximun opening size = 5 inches. -- Sec. 1711. exc l- The mininum headroorn is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is reguired to be protected as reguired for thr fire-resistive construction. -- sec. 3305. (n) ATTIC REQUIREMENTS:1) Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear height of 3O inches or more. The ninimun size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There rnust be 30 inches or more clear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205. (a) 2) Provide ventilation in all attic areas. The net free vent area is to be not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of attic area. The vent area nay be L/3OO if at least 50* of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the uPper portion of the attic. The upper ventilators must be at Ieast 3 feet above the eve or cornice vents. -- sec. 3205. (c) For a 641.0 sq.ft. attic area: 1) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exterior walls. Opening shall provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each 15O square feet of area in crawl space. Openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical. -- Sec. 25L5. (c) 6. Note: Vent openings nay be reduced to 108 of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the building official approves. For a 1O5O.O sq.ft. crawlspace area:Ratio Mininun sq.ft. of vent l'{ininum sq.ft. of vent 4.27 2.L4 7.00 2) Provide l8-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl .space area. Note: opening may be required to be larger if rnechanical equiprnent is located in the crawl space. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2. 3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood, the mininun clearance between exposed earth and flooi joist is 18 inches. The nininurn clearance to beams and girders is is 12 inches. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2. Code review for: t "(Juu Project Id.: BORNE DUPLEX INIT B Address: 5032 SNOI{SHOE ADDITIONAL REQUIREDIENTS : For R3 occupancy THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRE A SITE IMPROVEUENT SURVEY. SUCH SIIRVEY SHALT BE SUBMITIED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR FR.AME INSPECTION. ALL CRAWL SPACES WITIIIN TEE TOWN OF VArIJ ARE LIMITED TO A EARTH TO STRUCTI'RAL FISOR CEII.,ING IIEIGHT OF 5I, BE EARTH FI,oOR ONLY, BE VENTTTaTED AS PER UBC 251-6(C)6 WIrH IfrNIl{Ul{ ACCESS AS PER UBC 25r.6(C)2 AI.ID UAXII,II''M ACCESS OF 9 SQ. FT. ANY BUILDING SITE WITH A SIPPE OF 30 DEGREES OR I.TORE SHALL REQUIRE AN ENGINEER DESIGN. SUCH DESIGN SHALL ADDRESS DRAINAGE, SOIL RETATNAGE, AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN. EXCAVATION BEIOW SI,ABS ON GRADE SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. For ltl occupancy SIOPE GARAGE FIPOR TO ALIPW FOR DRAINAGE TO OUTSIDE OR PROVIDE A FI,oOR DRAIN WTIIH WITH SAND AND OIL INTERCEPTOR TO DRY WELL OR TO SEWER. At{Y GARAGE FI€OR DRATN CONNECTED TO SEWER MUST BE APPPROVED BY UPPER EAGLE VALIEY ITIATER & SANITATION DTSTRTCT. t I snro€ Etlglneeri O rltants : t,, E6.( l i i:i : LJr: ', r. iraF; L=f.lGIiltriEr:; ',iIL :t:1:-r- f 4'l I l:'-:F'.i :,*"-EF}fr Eg=,--St-q4 -aie ;+' - -€ r Fcavcr C.ien Blvd.. fJ07 .! rn ij.:i;r3dn 3 i 6?aJ it c-_ c,ri.ai.,-ATE0 3y-_ . .lfl-:-___ DaTg CH:CK€C gY =-?z-qt DATE _- S;-{€i: - r.s scar.I o' ___ r' I I .t.r l--*1.,, -.'- I i : ,**-A-* \ ._*,,; 1l ,,,1 \ -,'\- :,Fi 1 -"".+ -.''ioii ?.. - ,-. ::i- Jj ,t. .: _:_;r!i .i-_:!r:. o luwn uail. colorado 81657 13031 476s613 January 4, I980 George Rau East Burke, Vermont 05832 Dear Mr. Rau: Jim Rubin asked me to forward the enc'l osed copies to you. Tom Leroy picked up the plans that he had submitted on this. If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to let me know. A. to llflI Sincere'ly, A fuLt Catherine Secretary Jarnot James A. Rubin, Senior Planner department of community development lFl ARTHUR I. MEARS. P.E. NATURAL HAZARDS CONSUTTANT ZA Eod Gothk Av.nec Gunnhon, Glorodo 81lD (flB) 6.r.ex5 llardn 9, 7979 l4r. Jln Subln Town of Vail Vai1, Colorano 8!557 Dear Jim I Once again, I have received a copy of a proposed design, for snow avalanche hazard" nltigatlon for t'',ot 22, Vati llieadows Flling 1' a 1ot which' accordlng to previous avalanche studies, lles withln tfre "[fgh hazar'd- zor.e "' My conrnents on thls proposal are containui 1r, ry letter to you dated February 23i addltional connents are glven be1ow. once again I woulcl }ike to reemphaslze that high hazard zones in the Town of val1 are distlngulshed fron noderate hazard zones in terns of avalanche pressures 9g! avalanche return perlods. Thus the frequency of avalan,ches in the hlgb hazard zonelsconslderedtobetoogreattoperrnit-resiclentialconstnrctionregardless of the cletails of the structural clesign. Renember, the persons one wishes to proteet may not tu insiae the safely-designect "lr"g!"T".Ihen the desigrr avalanche occurs.Thernoderat"_t,"uarazonels'differentlnthattheavalanchefrequency i;-i;; (in" ""trr. p"ri"a is longer), _thus the probablllty of encounter wlth an avaranche whire outsia" tiru spectllty aesl8ned structure 1s consld-ered to be negligible. r"""o..:.iy, i ruir lt 1s very-inportant for the Town of va1l to ensure that no resideniial construction tL aone in the high hazard zone, This courd' establishadangeroustrrrecedent.How,forexanrple,could.theTownofVallrestrict .ty i"t""" cons{rrrctioi :'n trt" hlgh hazard zone' regard-1ess of locatlon? In terms of the detalls of the avalanche sttucture, I assune 1t was completecl by Johnson - Voi]and - -e" "r'"r.t", Inc., of Arvada. Is thls correct? If so, I assume ihe design was conpleted. according to norrnal- professional stand'ards and offer no connents on-the ialldtty of the clesign. However, it ls not clear to rne how the 660psf loading crlteria iqas chosen. fro avalanche study I a'rn farntltar wlth speclfles tiat this 16ad1ng cond.ition would exlst in the hlgh hazard zone. ii ar"port aatea June lor"Lg?6 bq.nyself and McDoweLl , scott, and cox, Inc.., we specify *.t"s""tio"-t"u"*"'or 65obsr d,ownhl1l fron the bound'ary between the rriel'r "tta t6E&JlJffi uo*". As stated on page 7 of thls report ',ThestagnationpressrrresarereferencetrEessurelevels.fheactuallEcessules or foree per unit area on an exposed object, depends on the slze, shape, ancl orientatron of the object' Thus, an object placed ln tfrg llq! E?"d zone could be deslgned so that pressures of less t;nan J.O+'/n' (615psf) woulit affect it:- Eonversely, 1l is possible that objects 1n elther hazard zone could experlence po"".t""" in eicess of stagzratlon pressures "' The sane report, on page 8, goes on to reconrnencl that 'Because of the flow deptht velocity, and p,ressuiel or'the tlesign avalanche, no ne constructlon should ta-ke olace withtn elther irr" higt or rnoderate hazard-. zo1€s....rr I agree with this i;;H;;i";; -i;;" Juo ilv Februarv 2J letter) ' The proposed deslgn appears to be of the forrn of an avalanche galleryt or "snofl shed,, , sonewhat =r*iii, to design used to protect highways and railroads. I clo not feel thls type of deslgn is generally appllcable for bulld-ing protectlon' Avolonchc Dynomlcr, Drfcnce, Zoning a l{ountoin Torreni Anolyrb a gloP. Sroblllty llr. Jln Rubin -- Page o 2. Our experlence lrlth avalanche ga1lerles suggests that tt ls very inportant for the galeries to be longer that the avalanche path ls wlde. Narrorer structures become buriecl by large avalanches as these avalanches d.ecelerate ancl deposlt snow. A rough inspectlon of the hazard nap you sent ne ind.icates that ; galLery would have to be at least 200 feet wid.e to acconod.ate the d.eslgn Vall l,leadows - Avalanche. In closlng, I would lLke to once agaln state that f strongly dlsagree wtth the ldea of granttng a varlance for constructlon ln the htgh t "u"ra zone for the reasons stated above. tr'urthernrore, r would be eager to d.lscuss these ld-eas wlth you lf you can contact ne on Monday, March 12. After }Larch 12 r w111 be leaving for consultinB work ln Alaska ancl wil1 be unavailable for about one nonth. Sincerely, C^11^^lfW Arthur I. Mears, PE ARTHUR I. MEARS, P.E. NATURAL HAZARDS CONSUTTANT ZA Eo.l Gothlc Av.nu. Gunnlron, Colorodo SlZIl (cB) 6.r {a36 February 23, 7979 #t l,ir. J1n Rlbin Town of ValI Va11 , Colora&o Bt65? Dear I,1r. Rubin: I have received from you the proposed design of a d.we11ing on Lot ?2, YalI Meadows Fi1lng 1. At your request, I offer the following corunents regard.lng this proposal: 1. I assune the details of the avalanche strtctural d.eslgn have been completed accordlng to normal, professional standards and have no comments on the d-etai"ls of the d.eslgn. 2, Avalanche loading withln the runout zone of the Vail Meadows avalanche path would. consist of a. dynanic thrust norrnal to the flow dlrectlon, lncludlng snow compresslbll-i-ty effects, b. dynanric shear stress parallel to the flow direction, and c. static l1ve 1oad. due to depositlon of avalanche d.ebris on the surfaces of the structure . I recomnend that the Town englneer ensure that all these loadlng sltuatlons have been considered l-n d.esign. 3. The groposed, structure 1les wlthin the d-esignated Red Zone, or "High Hazard" Zone. These avalanche zones are distingulshed fron the "Floclerate Hazard" Zones on the basls of both dynarnlc pressutes and- expected. avalanche return periods. A d-irect protection structure, such as the one proposed for Lot 22, ttLll not reduce the avalanche frecluency (or increase the return periocl) at this location. Therefore, even though the structure g4 be sound. (I offer no professional oplnlon on thls), !t rl11 remain exposed to deslgn avalanches nore often than structures in the Mod.erate Hazard. Zone. It ls, in my oplnlon, undeslreable to bulld reslclential structures i-n the High Hazard Zone because of the increased. risk to persons who nay be near, but not insld-e of the structure when the design avalanche occurs. If I roere ln your positlon I would not feel cornfortable in recomnenillng a vanlance to perrnit construction of any residential structure ln the Hlgh Hazard. Zone because of the lncreased probablllty of avalanehe encounter at these locations. The grantlng of such a variance could establlsh a Irrecedent withln the Town of Vail such that the dernarcatlon between "Hlgh" and "Iloderate" Hazard. Zones becomes unlnportant. frt. Lot 12-. r/il i,lc.t -, If developrnent on LoL 22 is necessary I to reduce the fl-ow depth, veloclty, and prlor to its reaching Lot, 2?. on 0r Please contact ne/after Thursday, March would. reconnend, avalanche d.efense deslgned runout d"istance of the deslgn avalanche 1, if you have any quest5-ons. Best resard" -- 0t W.OOof ) 7E Avolonche Dynomkr, Defrnra. Zonlng o Mountoin Torrrnt Anolyrlr a Slop. Slobillty