HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL MEADOWS FILING 1 LOT 28 LEGAL.pdf1 Bill Gibson From:Scot Hunn <scot.hunn@eaglecounty.us> Sent:Monday, September 24, 2012 9:24 AM To:Bill Gibson Cc:Chris Walker Subject:Revised Walker-McKibben Calcs Good Morning Bill: Per Chris Walker's request, I have done some quick calculations (subtracting previously calculated square footage) to arrive at a new total site coverage for Lot 'A' to reflect existing site coverage (without the Walker addition). Specifically, I subtracted all "Future Expansion" square footage, window bays, and the expansion to the existing kitchen on the southeast corner of the Walker Residence on Lot 'A'. The total site coverage (inclusive of the Walker additions/remodel) for Lot 'A' was previously reported @ 1,944 square feet. The total existing site coverage (excluding any future additions/remodel) is 1,410.5 square feet. As always, call me if you have any questions and thanks for your assistance in this matter. -- Scot Hunn, AICP Planner III Eagle County Community Development Department (970) 328-8624 scot.hunn@eaglecounty.us 1 Bill Gibson From:Scot Hunn <scot.hunn@eaglecounty.us> Sent:Friday, September 14, 2012 11:47 AM To:Bill Gibson Cc:Chris Walker Subject:Lot 28 Site Coverage Calculations Scan Attachments:scan016.tif Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged Bill, Thanks again for your assistance recently with regard to the Walker-McKibben residences. Attached, please find a scanned image of the site plan (sheet A1.1) that I used to complete site coverage calculations. I apologize: I thought the image would be scanned in color so you could see where I used a red pencil to delineate the dimensioned areas of the house, and the overhangs which I included in my calculations. I did hatch those areas of overhang that I counted, so that should help. My calculations/writing/chicken scratches are a bit cryptic/messy. Not my best work...sorry. Call me if you have any questions and have a great weekend! -- Scot Hunn, AICP Planner III Eagle County Community Development Department (970) 328-8624 scot.hunn@eaglecounty.us 1 Bill Gibson From:Scot Hunn <scot.hunn@eaglecounty.us> Sent:Tuesday, September 11, 2012 6:14 PM To:Bill Gibson Cc:Chris Walker Subject:Site Coverage Calculations for Lot 28, Filing No. 1, Vail Meadows Subdivision Attachments:Walker-McKibben Remodel Site Coverage Calculations_091012.docx Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged Bill, Attached, please find my calculation sheet for the Walker-McKibben Duplex located at 5095 Main Gore Drive in East Vail. Per our meeting on Thursday, August 30, 2012, I have re-calucated the Site Coverage totals for Lot 28, Filing No. 1, Vail Meadows Subdivision. Specifically, I adjusted my calculations to include certain cantilevered elements on the main level, east elevation, for Lot B (McKibben Residence), as depicted on a site plan (Sheet A1.1) labeled "DRB RE-SUB 03.29.04"; likewise, I have revised the calculations for the overhang area for Lot B covered entry element, as well the overhang for the gable roof element covering the main floor balcony on the west elevation for Lot B. In total, the revisions resulted in a net reduction in my calculation for site coverage for Lot 28, from 4,646 square feet total for both Lot A and Lot B, to a revised total of 4,238 square feet. (A scan of plan sheet A1.1 showing my calculations, which corresponds to my calculation sheet, is forthcoming). Please contact me at (970) 343-2161 if you have any questions with my calculations or if you would like to discuss the matter further. Thank you again for taking the time to meet with me and the Walkers to resolve this issue. -- Scot Hunn, AICP Planner III Eagle County Community Development Department (970) 328-8624 scot.hunn@eaglecounty.us Walker‐McKibben Site Coverage Calculations (9.10.12)  Lot 28, Filing No. 1, Vail Meadows Subdivision (Per “Mckibben Remodel” plan set, Sheet A1.1,  labeled “DRB RE‐SUB 03.29.04” obtained by the Town of Vail)    Lot A (Walker)   Lot B (McKibben)  24 sq. ft.   18 sq. ft.  25 sq. ft.   32 sq. ft.  60 sq. ft.   32 sq. ft.  99 sq. ft.   42 sq. ft.  256 sq. ft.   94 sq. ft.  360 sq. ft.   476 sq. ft.  544 sq. ft.   576 sq. ft.  576 sq. ft.   1024 sq. ft.  1,944 sq. ft.   2,294 sq. ft.    Total Site Coverage (Lot A and Lot B)  1,944 sq. ft. (A)  + 2,294 sq. ft. (B)  = 4,238 sq. ft.    Allowable Site Coverage (Per Town of Vail) = 4,683 sq. ft.     4,683/2 = 2,341.5 sq. ft. per lot    Site Coverage Remaining (after Walker and McKibben remodels)     4,683 sq. ft.  _‐ 4,238 sq. ft.  =    445 sq. ft.  lrtfi ,blL I Ita&ftrnlanz l* Ofr IA.S{TY DE1IELOFI,€H' Design Review Board ACTIOil FORI,I Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81S57 tel: 970.479.21-39 fax: 970.479.2.152 web: www.vailgov.(om PToJect Name: MCKIBBEN RES. PILLAR/I.AMP Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI.ANS TO ADD A PILI.AR AND I.AMP BY THE DRIVEWAY Participants: OWNER MCKIBBEN, FRANK D, & ELLEN BTLII2J2OOT 228 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT MCKIBBEN, FMNK D. & ELLEN BLLIL2/2O07, 228 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 ProjectAddress: 5095 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH VAIL Location: 5095 MAIN GORE DRIVE, '8" Legal Description: Lot: 28 Block l Subdivision: VAIL MEADOWS FIL 1 Parcel Number: 2099-182-1900-9 Commentsi See Conditions DRB Number: DR8070653 Motaon Byl Second By: Vote: CondiUons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actloni STAFFAPP Date of Approvalz L2l 0512007 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: WarrenCamobell DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Revi Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com ToWtv o VAIL J_!<___l General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. ption of the Request: Aoo ?.-. lr..,Z lw u LA,n^-fs i3..( Location of the Proposa l: uot: Z{ elock: \ Subdivision: physicatAddress: So<S /tAA,'nr C^.'-glA-iv/e S . O'rr;r-(4 Parcel No.: etqq \ g A\ t{oOl (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of owner(s): F--rr-,. i t. t\u-^r Mckt l>lz g,*r t{< Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): 0 if - a E qn D s. & Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: D Signs D Conceptual Review D New Consuuctiontr Addition D Minor Atteration (mufti-family/commercial) D Minor Alteration (singlefamily/duplex) { ctanoes to Approved Plans tr Separdtion Request Phone: 'Co\r^ $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-ioofing, painting, window addiUons, landscaping, fences and rebining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee For office [fsglQnly:Fee Paid: z-\-)' Cnect ftfo.:V t | ? tte*ingoate: LZ- -\- '(3)q" o6s JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name), a joint owner of property located at provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated f\Oq\ Z aa- which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: bTterrz V.r-r-a.2. Awir \- Arrap €r**rs E (Signature)(Date) Additionally, please check the statement below which is most applicable to you: D I understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review pro@ss to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. Qnitial here) D I request that atl modifications, minor or otherwise, which are made to the plans over the course of the review process, be brought to my attentr'on by the applicant for additional approval fufore undergoing fuither review by the Town. t/'-- ,7-z: n (Initial here) jotnl property ovner lettet revised !0/18/2006 Er F:\odev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\Old forms\drb_minor_alt_8-28-2007.doc Page 2 of 13 'ltt**'i**'l'|***************** +*+* *'l' ****,** *********** * * t + * **tl.+***'*,lt*****t***+***++*{.*+*f,***+++*+ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO statement***t********++*****+***rf**+*t+++t++*+**:'++++{.{.**at******+******t+*********************l*ta*+ Statemerrt Nruiber: Ro7ooo2494 Amount: $20.00 LL/ 12/ 20071,1 :35 AM Payment Method: check MCKIBBEN Init: .fS Notsacion: 4953,/FRjal.IK Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : IJocation: This Payment : ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003LL2200 DR8070653 2099-L82-L900-9 5095 IiIAIN GORE 5095 I4AIN GORE s20. oo 114)e: DRB - Chg t'o Appr Plans DR SOUTH VAII, DRIVE, ||BN Total Fees : Total AIjJ Pmts : Balance: $20.00 $20.00 $o. oo Des cript i on Current Pmts 20.00DESIGN REVIEW FEES *t" 3a :ig do.a Jt F ?.rq E3 E(J.6it gE EEt (o(\ FoJ ots{ol,l (oz. 3F 5o 3 sff :i3 ;:=qetll i$ eg MAIN GORE DRI\E (50' R'o'w') s5"38'40'E - 1q1'-09' g3; c9N lEc2"; EE-Fr] N(\ FoJ?q\tr't\-a\ --*=\ R9 FoJ rt) C..l FoJ orr, FoJ G9N:qt zfr 5 Is u--x'a {6(dIQ) q|3 z = = I a t i.t .1t rtr ]l@q-i H5 Hf; di n\t. b E qir'l i. Pl.l. ..Ll.l ,.1* 1- r{Jil l -t. , trrlLIf' llltti 'Q:t_ 5 * !r ril . t,jliai TOWN OF.VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT lo\ AL b.;t MAl ( NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Permit #: B04-0127 Job Address: 5095 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 5095 MAIN GORE DRIVE, "8" Applied . . : 06/02/2004 Parcel No...: 209918219009 Issued . .. : 06121/2004 ProjectNo: fRJe,q-OO7\ Expires...: 12[8n004 owNER MCKTBBEN, FRANK D. & Er-,r.,EN 806/02/2004 Phone: 228 BRIDGE ST VAII, eo 81557 License: CONIRACTOR K.C. COMPANY 06/02/2004 Phone: 476-Os66 P.O. BOX 341 AVON, CO 8t620 License:465-B APPr-,rCA.I{T K.C. COMPANY 06/02/2004 Phone:476-0566 P.O. BOX 341 AVON, CO 8L620 License:455-B Description: 17OO SQ FT ADDITION TO ONE I]NIT OF A DUPIJEX, PROVIDING A I,INK FROM RESIDENCE TO GARAGE Occupancy: R3ru TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated Valuation: $497,000.00 Add Sq Ft: 1700 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas l-ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet 0 r+l+ tt*:r**r *at +a,l *:;'r:r:i +r*+l +a't *:3*t Building--> 93, 216 . 95 Restuarant Plan Review-> $0. 00 Total Calculated Fees--> $5 , 565 . 9? Ptall Check-> S2,og7.O2 DRB Fee-----.._> $0.00 Additionat F€€s----> $0.00 Investigation-> gO. OO R€creation Fee------_> $255 - oo Total Permit Fee---> $5, 565 . 9? W ll Call--> $3.00 Clean-up Deposit-----> 50.00 PalT nents---*--;' S5,555.97 TOTAL FEES--------> $s,s55.e? BALANCE DUE----> S0-00 Approvals:Item: 05100 BUIhDING DEPARTMENI o6/a6/20o4 JRM Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEMI o6/LB/2oo4 MRG Action: AP see conditions ftem: O5600 FIRE DEPARI1I{EIiIT Item: 05500 PITBI-,IC WORKS o5/L'7 /2oo4 Is Action: AP See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plarL and state that alt the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and shte laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-2149 oR ,\I oUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. PAGE 2*** ** * *+ *+'F,** ****'1. *'t *** ** +* * ***!t'***** *** ***** * +*+*** * **'i *** * ***** **{.*d( ** *** ** *,r*** *** ***** ** * *{. *** ***** * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B04-012'l as of 06-21-2004 Status: ISSUED * +**** *t ** * ** ** ** ** * ** *+* +*** 'f '** * ** **'t **'*:t*** * *{.,t + {. +***:t**+*++****+ * + *** **:t+* **:t ****:t **,t *i.**,****{.******* Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 0610212004 Applicant: K.C. COMPAI.IY lssued: 06121/2004476-0566 To Expire: lAlS/2004 Job Address: 5095 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH VAIL Location: 5095 MAIN GORE DRIVE. .8" ParcelNo: 209918219009 Description: I TOO SQ FT ADDITION TO ONE UNIT OF A DUPLEX, PROVIDING A LINK FROM RESIDENCE TO GARAGE *****+******.***'1.*****++**'1.*************+********** COnditiOnS * * * ** *+ * ** ** ****** * * *****,1.*'1.:t * ******* ***:1.*** Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. EnW: 06/17/2004 By: ls Action: AP If any driveway work is planned down towards the TOV right of way. a 4 ft concrete pan and a public way permit will be required. Cond: l6 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORV AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF THE I997 UBC. Cond: CON0006511 that the applicant will not receive a TCO inspection until the Walker's half of the duplex and garage is re-shingled with the same asphalt shingle as approved for the McKibbon's half. **** * ****** ** ****+ * ***+****** * * * * + * * * '* * * * !t * * * * * * 'N. * * * {. *. * * *:l* * * * + * * * * * * ** *** ****{.1.*:t****+*{.1.*r* TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO Statemert **** ***** * * +*** * *+ ** ******** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:l * *,* * *** *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:t * + * * * * * * * * * ** Statement Nudber: R040005051 Amount: $5.565.9? 06/21/2OO4L2:54 PM Palzment Method: Check Init.: DDG Notation: McKibben 1006 Permit No: BO4-0]-27 TIT)e: ADD/AIT SFR BUIITD PERMIT Parcel No: 2O99!a2l9OO9 Site Address: 5095 MAIN GORE DR SOIITH VAIL, Locatsion: 5095 MAIN GORE DRIVE, NBII Total Fees: $5,565.97 This Payment: $5,565.97 TotaL AJ,L Pmts: $5,565.97Balance: S0.00 *++ * ******** *tf*+ +* **++:l* * * * + * + +:l1. * * * * * * 'i + + + * * * * * * + {. i. * * * * + * + * {.* * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * + * *:* * * ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31i23OO PLAN CHECK FEES RF 111OO()O31127OO RECREAT]ON FEES i,,]C OO1OOOO3112BOO t^l]LL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.216.95 2,097.02 255.00 3.00 I APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF TNCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED ll Project #:rLlo(' @)Vd€ilre7 "7 5'6>' .27 TVWNWVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION and Phone #'s: Email address: ntractor Sionature: BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $ LETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT bor & Materials # Con *********FOR OFFICE USE ONLy*******i****************,t**""***** R E C E I V E ti Fees: DRB Fees: For Parcel # Contact Eaqle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaele-countv.com aiqq - lf L-tq-ocq Job Name: hc K; Lbe n Rt s )J <n c t JobAddress: toq{ f4,6Or<A.,fe S, LesalDescription ll lot: Jg ll ero"r, ll riring, / llsubdiiision: l)aiL /lte/oU)Sa-."^I ArchpFtl FP.X d f,,Jlro rr"tkitl.rJlAddress:alk R.,Lrt thar lhil ll Phone: ulL,BJsD Ysionete".A, I +J-s ol{i"au,^. s )- El,at/s ( o Pnone: q1(a ^ rrn Ensineer: Bolla Euirpttn Inoogp|3 Ehta/ao/)r,w |)a,'I Phone: q76_ Llb Detailed hffi7aS;';, to'L{b*tn ?tL,.^rd WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ${ Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both frJ Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No 00 Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family 0d Mufti-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: L No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: cas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Woocl/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (f ) No/Typeof FireplacesProposed: GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs(f )Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq(NOTALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (X DoeS a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No fi \VailUata\cdev\FORIVS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC 07 t26t2002 ruluv# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colomdo 81657 tel 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Project l{ame: MCKIBBEN ADDmON DRB Number: DRB0,|0095 Project Description: 1,313 SQ FT ADDmON TO ONE UNIT OF A DUPLE( PROVIDING A UNK FROM RESIDENCE TO GARAGE Pafticipants: OWNER MCKIBBEN, FMNK D. & ELLEN 803/2912004 Phone: 228 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 License: APPLICANT MCKIBBEN, FMNK D. & ELLEN 803/2912004 Phone: 228 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 Licens€: ProjectMdress: 5095 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH VAIL Locauon: 5095 MAIN GORE DRIVE, "8" Legal Description: lot: 28 Block: 19 Subdivision: VAIL MEADOWS FIL 1 Parcel ilumber 209918219009 Gomments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Proper Action: APPROVED Second By: Mathius Vote: 4-0 Date of Approval= O4l2Ll2O0a Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not beconre vahd for 2O days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligentty pursued toward completion' TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT ?5 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2135 Electrical--------> DRB Fee---------> Investigation----> Will Call------> TOTAL FEES--> Approvals: Item: 05600 FfRE DEPARTMENTI0/01,/2004 mvaughan VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES ALARM PERMIT Job Address: 5095 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH VAIL Location.....: 5095 MAIN GORE DRIVE, "B"ParcelNo...: 209918219009 ProjectNo ,ftJr*ef Permit #: Status . . . Applied. . Issued . Expires . . Phone: 404-0060 Bo*or>7: ISSUED : 09123/2004: lO/01/2004: 03/3012005 s0.00 s333.55 s0.00 OWNER MCKIBBEN, FRANK D. & ELLEN 909/23/2004 228 BRIDGE ST VAILco 81657 Lacense I CONTRACTOR SUPERTOR ALARM AND P.O. BOX 2568 EDWARDS, CO. 8L632License : 429-S APPLICANT SUPERTOR AI.,ARM ANDP.O. BOX 2568 EDWARDS, CO. 8L632 ELECrRoNf09 /23 /2004 Phone: 910-926-8188 ELECTRONI09/23/2004 Phone: 970-926-8788 License: 429-S Desciption: TOTALREMODEL Valuation: $2,628.00 ******,********,t*:********rl*t,t.t.trt*** s0.00 s0.00 $0.00 s3.00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees--..---> Total Perrnit Fee------> Payments---------------> BALANCE DUE.-.-_--> Action: AP resubmit cut sheets. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL * ** *r' *:t * t *,* **r. *** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fulI the information required, completed an accuate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the ion and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according and ivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the T REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR OWNER OR CONTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ***********++***'t 't +*+{.{.{.{.1.1.t ************++****:f****{.*********:t {.:t:t **********+*++*********+*++ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement 4.{.:t +:t {.{.*+{.*************+++****+:t **{.d.*****+*****++************{.*:t +:t :t 1.***********++t++******** Statement Number: R040006803 Arnount: S333.55 L0/0L/2004O2:.26 PNI Payment Method: Check ck 3687 Init: IrTNotation: Superior Al-arm / * *** * '* ******* ***,1.{.***'i:t't*rt****'**** '} '1. **{r {. x ***** * * * * !t+* * ****:}** * *,} {. * * l. *,1.**** *:} * '1.*:t* *.}** * * +!i **:t ACCOLTNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Des cript i on Current Ftnts Permi t No:Parcel No: Si. te Address :Location: This Paymen!: BP 001-00003111100 PF 001_00003112300 wc 00100003112800 A04-0060 20991-821,90095095 MAIN GORE5095 MAIN GORE Type: ALARM PERMIT DR SOUTH VAIL NP T\TF tr II tr Total Fees: ToCaf ALL Ftncs: Balance : $333. ss s333. sscn nn FIRE AI-,ARM PERMTT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILI, CAIL INSPECTION FEE 98 .55 3.00 ApprJcATror{ wrLL Nor BE ACGEFTED rF rr{coMpr..ETE-91u3ug;re t ,,- L f,I,,.i'oy -oo Z fProiect#= 7kc11-hll;-rt- - --- ' ruWOPYilL 75 S. Frontage Colorado 816 Commercial &br'#tlnl; Buifding Permit #= b0^/o/t-1 Alarm Permit #: Alarm shopdrawings are at time of lude i tion listed on the Vail,not ed without this 97 O-47 9 -2135 (Inspections ) Conbct Ascssots Ofi1ce at 970-32&8&tO or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. Permit # is provided above) JobName: M. L,grg .-J lobAddress: 5o./J f/taa,, rj etz ir. S./;t'til $ Legal Description t Lot: zg)Btock: ll rirne, I llsrooiusion,Urtu Me*D--t^.8 ownTffifu ilA.L.,gBr.^--r I Address: =]-.r-!-\G- Phone: ht BLSo gflHElr, bas,6-. S-ftfidAddress: c>rrJc-P. XPhone: 3 B?-B o&oz- Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #)tl-QF b+.-r. Detailed description of work: --l-.fa-! WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Rernodel (z') Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-fiamilylzf Uutti-famity( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: L No. of Accommodation Unilrs in this building: 2- Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (,')Dos a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ") COTTIPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM Labor & Materials) il#$,r,Fffi*Y"ENr CONTRACTORINTO&A *eieE=Fire Alarm Contractor:3..4cA,-{- A L&A^---\ l*FEcElvED II StD i, 1 ZuC4 II rov-col'l.oev. F : / evqyorcl f or ttE. I alrmp€rm 4*v TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.]NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M04-0127 -$o\ 4tA) Job Address: 5095 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 5095 MAIN GORE DRIVE,'8" Applied. . : 07116/2004 Parcel No...: 209918219009 Issued . . : 07/23/2004 ProjectNo : egp{ - oo'1 .( Expires . .: 0l/19/2005 owNER MCKIBBEN, FRjANK D. & EI-,LN 807/L6/2OO4 Phone: 228 BRIDGE ST VATI-, co 4L657 I_,icense: CoNTRACTOR EPrC Prin{BING & HEATTNG INC.O7/L6/2OO4 Phone: (97O) 876-L9s8 PO Box 483 Si1t, Colorado 4L652 License: 288-M APPITTCAIqT EprC PLIIMBT}IG 6. HEATTNG INC.07/L5/2004 Phone: (97O) 876-L958 PO Box 483 SiIt, Colorado 81652 I-,icense: 288-M Desciption: INSTALL IN FLOOR HEAT THROUGHOUT RESIDENCE. INSTALL FLUE POPE FOR BOILER, INSTALL DUCT FOR EXHAUST FANS Valuation: $20,000.00 SO.OO TOTAL FEES----> S5O3.0O Total Perml Fee--> 9503.00 PqimentF-------> $503.00 Fireplace Infomntion: Restricted: Y t t+*l '|'tl + t:* *:**+:ia* 't*:l *t,t t***{# ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood P€llet: 0 FEE SUMMARY rr:l*t'l'ttt*lrt',ttrrar*'***:*r++****+t*r'rr++t:|tt+,1:t*'.**,*:*r*.*****l $0 ' 00 Total calculated Fees-> s503 ' 00Mechanical-> S400. oo Restuarant Plan Review-> plan check__> s100 . 00 DRB Fe€-__-___>s0.00 $0. oo Investigalion-> Will Call---->$3-00 BAI,{I{CE DIJE------->$0.00 Item: 051-00 BUII-,DING DEPARTI,IENI o7 /1,6/2004 ,Js Action: AP ltEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAI'ICE. Cond:22 (BI_,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BL,DG.): INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTTRES INSTRUCTIONS AIiID TO CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 I]MC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 fMC. Cond; 25 (BI-,DG.): GAS APPLIAIICES StaLL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CIaPTER 8 AND SIAT,L TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF TI{E 1997 I'MC. OR CIiAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WTTH CIIAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O17 OF TTIE ].997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF TTTE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BI-,DG.): BOILERS SHALI-, BE MOIJNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FT'OORING. Cond:32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED INMECHANICAL, ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQITEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECIIANICAI-, ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOII_,ERS SHALr_, BE EQUTPPED WITH A FLOOR DRArN PER SEC. aO22 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. * * * * *:t* *,t*:t * * * t r. * + *** **:la t * * *:t'| *,r +t* 'r | * * t:t:rta *t *,t,ta +r 'i t'rra | +a:l a* 'ta+,t+:a +'t'ta a**a *'|a t * *t'* *:r * | 'ta * ** **:t** *| *:3 '* * *,t,1 a * | l' a:* t 'l ,*,1l.:! '* I' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucfure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE FROM E:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF O CONTRA FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF '! + + * * * * * {( * * + * * * * * *** + + ** * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'t* * * * * * 't * * * * * * * *:t * + + * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statement******+ **tt********+'f*+***********+*f********+*i********+*+**:i**d.*i**** ******+*************** statement Number: Ro4ooo52'lL Amount: $503.00 07/23/2oo4o2:28 PM PaymenL Metshod: Check Init: DDG Notation: Richard F. Caples 53 94 Permit No: M04-0127 Type: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parce1 No: 2 09 918219 0 09 SiIC AddrESS: 5095 MAIN GORE DR SOIIftI VAII, ].,OCAIiON: 5095 MAIN GORE DRIVE, "BN Tota1 Fees: 5503 .00 This Pa)ment: $503.00 Total ALL Pmts: $503.00Balance: SO. O0 * ***+*!t ***********+{.******'l************+*+*****+{.*{r** *******+**+*+***.************+*****+*+** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO31111OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 4OO.OO pF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 100.00 I,IC OO1OOOO31128OO IIILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.Ocl ( I MWNOFVIN 75 S, Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSI Mechanical Permit #: Permit will not be accepted without the following: o include: RECEIVED JUI I 5 lfj'tE Sl.or?');q:afz7 97 O- 47 9 -2L49 (Inspections) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. No.:and Phone #'s:7b-- /9rtr E-Mail Address: COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials 6,0o0 Contad Assessorc Offie at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel S Parcel # ZoEq t?Llqooa Job Name: ,., r Ktb6.., l'Zr <Job Address:Soi{ mo,n Co,- Dr. "A' Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners Nama,' h,4< ..,.Address: gct" { I:';>^ t n''t tlll phenq: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: t.t^ t7q // , n F [oe t- l.--ot^ T (w r'e-1te-,7 --€Sr.(r,.r- x . rn5zq,/ Flg fifr-. Fcr bor/</', int>q // durr,- ry A*9r Fuf WorkClass: tlewlrfiOOitionl ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior (ti Erterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg: Single-family( ) Duplex(i Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No, of Accommodation Units in this building: L No/Type of Fireplaces Existinqd Gas Appliances (, ) Gas Loqs (0) Wood/Pellet.(/-z) Wood Burning ? ) Noffypeof FireplacesProposed:GasAppliances(afl GasLogs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurning(NOTALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( )- RECEIVED******************x*xf **FoR oFFIcE usE oNLYx**********************ltt*ff looqOther Fees:Planner Siqn-off:AcceDted Bv: DRB Fees:Date Received: \\.Vail\data\cdevtFORlvlS\PERI4ITS\MECH PERI'1. DOC 5e3 0"t i26/2002 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES MECHANICALPERMIT PErMit #: MO4-0I95 Job Address: 5095 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH VAIL Location.....: 5095 MAIN GORE DzuVE,'B" ParcelNo...: 209918219009 Project No , PrcJo4 - oo7f 6D+-ot>7 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 09/24/2004Issued..: 10/04/2001 Exoires. .: 04/0212005 OWNER MCKIBBEN, FRANK D. & ELLE]N 809/24/2004 Phone:228 BRIDGE ST VATLco 81657License: CONTRACTOR HEARTH EXCHANGE, INC. (THE) 09/24/2004 Phone: 970-82'7-9623 P.O BOX 670 MINTURN, CO 8164 5 License z 7'1 4 -NIAPPLICANT HEARTH EXCHANGE, INC. (THE) 09/24/2004 Phone: 970-827-9523 P.O BOX 670 MfNTURN, CO B 1645License z 7'7 4-14 Desciption: INSTALLATION OF A WOOD BURNING FIREPLACE WITH A GAS LOG SET AND FLUE SENTINEL DAMPER Valuation: $10,700.00 Fireplace Information:Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 #ofGas Logs: 0 #of WoodPellet 0 Mechanical--> 5220 .00 Restuarant Plan Review--> S0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees--> S27 L 00 Plan Check--> S55 . 00 DRB Fe€-----------> S0 . 00 Additional Fees------> 90 . 00 lnvestigation-> 90.00 TOTAL FEES-----------> 5278.00 Total Pemit Fee------> 52?8-00 Will Call---> 53 . 00 Payments-------------> 5278. 00 BALANCE DUE-------> 50.00 Item: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT09/28/2004 JRM Actj-on: AP also adding electric control damper ITem: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE- Cond-t 22(BLDG.): COMBUSTION ArR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTTON 701- OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BLDG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND rO CHAPTER 10 OF THE L997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1,997 TNIC. Cond:25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDTNG TO CHAPTER B AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPEC]FTED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 TMC. Cond:29(BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATTNG EQUTPMENT MUST COMPLY W]TH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.I-017 OF THE 1997 I,JMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1.997 IMC. Condr 31(BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FITOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. LJNI-,ESSLISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.Cond:32(BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST.Cond:30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BO]LERS SIIALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC . 1,022 OF THE 1997 IJMC, OR SECT]ON 1004.6 OF THE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, frlled out in fulI the information requied, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as requked is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + + * * * * * * * * * * + + + * * * * * * * + ******** ****** * **** * * + * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:! * * * * * * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement * * + + + * * * * * * *+* * + *** **{.+*:1.*** ** * **{. + + + + * * ****+'N. **** !t,i*********+{. **** * + * + + * * * * * * +:t:}:} * * * * + * * * * * Statement Number: R040006816 Amount: 3278.00 L0/04/2OO4O2:45 PM Payment Method: Check Init: DDGNotaEion: Hearth Exchange 6Z3Z $278.00 ******** * * **** * * **++*'*********'**'l* * * ***** * ***++ * * * **,f+* **********++************ ** **** ***1.*** ACCOITNT ITEM LIST: AccounL. Code Des cript i on Current Pnts Permr. t No:Parcef No:Site Address : Locat lon : Thi s Pa).ment : MP 001000031111-00 PF 001_000031"12300 wc 00100003112800 M04-0195 2099rA2r9009 5095 MAIN GORE 5095 MAIN GORE TypE: MECHANICAL PERMIT DR SOUTH VAIL DRIVE, '8"Total- Fees: Total- ALL F'nts: Balance : $278.0o $278.00 $0.00 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 220.00 55.00 3.00 -$t!- COTTIPTETE Building Fermit #: Permit will not be accept€d & Mcterials) JobNarne: 5o?s Main( Cto,e Oo-Job Address: 5O f5 fn zi4 Czarc OA. . SuMivision: \l2i t m.g.Jo,-> yJtl *ww\i Zi"2/- //a ri.,.t o./ a, ,u.uag-- 7 c-4cf <. ,,/ /.r- g <.,.t Lst-. / ,/..,_n_^f.o,'2 lt/e/L< e ,zt, f/ a. Workclas: New( ) Addirion ( ) AlEration(..1 Repair( ) O$rer( I BsilerLocatjen: Inerior( ) enerO;f I OUrerfl Does an EHU exlst at this locadon: yes ( ) No C IT''eofB@:gnglehm[y('1 Duptq( ) Mutt-hnilyt I C*n*.rA.f( ) R.staunnt( )Oh€r( ) No. of E<isflng Dwdling UniB in tr is hilbln$No. dAccornmodation UnlE in ttris bulldingl Nofiype of Fireplaces proposed: gas neptpnces f I s Logs (t/) wdlPdlet ( ) Wmd Aurning (t'tOT arrOweol ,lrl *,trl****rt*:t*rtrtrt{.** *!t** TOV-COlvt.DEV. '; * * tltt:l F: /rruton./b|til/ mdrpcnn *rt** TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUMTYDEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PErrNit #: MO4-0205 6ot -ot>? Job Address: 5095 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH VAIL Location.....: 5095 MAIN GORE DRIVE, 'B*ParcelNo...: 209918219009 ProjectNo : ?go{-Ufl 52 0 . 00 Resurarant Plan Revisw-> 55.00 DRBFee-------------> s2 0 . 00 TOTAL FEES----------> $3.oo 50 . 00 Total Calculated Fees:-> S0 . 00 Additional Fees-------> S48 . 00 Total Permit Fee-------> Payments----------------> BALANCE DUE-----> Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 09/30/2004 Issued. . : 10/05/2004 Expires. .: 04/03/2005 OWNER MCKIBBEN, FRANK D. & ELLEN B09/30/2004 Phone:228 BRIDGE ST VAILco 81657 Lacense: CONTRACTOR SKYLINE MECTIANICAL 09/30/2004 Phone: 970-524-6809P.O. BOX 1258 GYPSI]M, CO 8L637 License : t2'L-NI APPLTCANT SKYLTNE MECIIANTCAL 09/30/2004 Phone: 970-524-6809P.O. BOX 1258 GYPSUM, CO 8r631 License : L2L-l{, Desciption: VENTING KITCHEN HOOD AND 1 DRYER Valuation: S300.00 Fireolace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances; 0 #ofGas l-ogs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SLMMARY Mechanical--> Plan Check--> Inv€stigation-> Will Call---> 09/30/2004 JSItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT s48.00 90.00 s48.00 s48.00 50.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEIJT Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 701 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 TMC. Cond:25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE \,'ENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR C}IAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:29(BLDG-): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPI-,Y WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.10I-7 OF THE 1997 IIT4C AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE ].997 IMC. Cond:31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED 0N FI,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IINLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.Cond:32 (BLDG. ) : PERMIT, PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANTCAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond:30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1,022 OF THE 1997 T'MC, OR :.",.9IT91i,.1.9-9.1;.9...o.T--1T.1.*-e.?.l..I.YS;. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fulI the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agee to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unifomr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQLIESTS FOR TNSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry.FOIJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. GNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNER * * * * * * * * * * *+* * * + * +* ******* * * * * * * * * * * + ****,**** **'f **** ****** **{. + {. +:*:t * * * * +* +**t}r}* * * * ***t}******* TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement * * * * * * + ++***:1.*************+*+***** * * * * + * ****** *** * *+* ******** +*++ {. * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * Statement Number: R040006822 Amount: S48.00 L0 / 05 / 2OOAL1- : 3 9 AMPayrnent Method: Mechanical 642 7 Check Inlt: DDG ]\r^l-:f i^-. qtr-rr? ina Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address :Location: This PaltmenE.: MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 PN 00100003153000 wc 001_00003112800 M04- 02 05 2099r82L9009 5095 MAIN GORE 5095 MAIN GORE $48.00 T]4)e: MECHANICAL PERMIT DR SOUTH VAII, NPT\TF trlltr Total Fees:Total- ALL Flrnts: Balance : $48.00 $48.00 s0.00**{.*,1.**'1.************************************++***:}*****:}*****************++{.****+{.+t ***{.{.*+* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Des cript ion Curren! Pmts MECHANICAI PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES INVESTTGATTON FEE (BLDG) WILL CAI.,,L INSPECTION FEE 20.00 5.00 20 .00 3.00 69/29/29A4 L2i28 9705246810 SKYLINE MECHANICA-PAGE AL -oo7APPTICATION U'ILL i{OT BE ACCEPTED IF IHCOMPI"EI'E OR UI Proiect #: Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 a-47 9-21.49 (InsPe<tions)4nr9 vi_oJ TOVN0Fwn 75 S. Frontage Rd. yail, colorado 81657 Permit wlll not be accepted without Prqvide Mechanical Roon Layout drawn r.r Hcchanlcal Rocm Di Air ancl the following: to scale to include: s Cont?d Job Name: fqqu workclass: il"r|fO Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) obe.l( ) ffififfi *iitat tnrs r,tiatiutu Yes ( ) No ( ) -oit"iiocat iorl ) Exterior( ) Other( ) 'i-CommercAr ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( )_: lro. ot nc.o.modation Units in this building: No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: ruohvpe of Fireplaces Propced: Gas Appliances (ffi-tt I w""alTJ"tC t *"*ltttf*tt^tt* device? Yes 6 1 VA[UATION FOR MECHANICAL PER!,IIT (LAbOT & MAIETiAIS) CONTRACTOR INFiORMATION C.ontact and Phone *? r***+*t ****atr+ *** ****f FoR oFlIcE usE Of{LY*+t**+-t** **+*'(*** ***+ *** *+** * F: /f everyone/forns/nechFerm \0' TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 Plumbing--> Plan Check--> lnvestigatioo-> Will Call---> 07 /16/2004 JSItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DE\IELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES OWNER MCKIBBEN, FRANK D. & ELLEN BO7/L5/2404 Phone:228 BRIDGE ST VAILco 81557License: CONTRACTOR EPIC PLUMBTNG & HEATING INC.07/L6/2004 Phone: (970) 875-1958 PO Box 483Si1L, Colorado 8L652 License:2BB-M APPLICANT EPIC PLUMBTNG & HEATING rNC.0'7/L5/2004 Phone: (970) 876-1958 PO Box 483Si1t, Colorado 81552License:2BB-M Desciption: INSTALL WASTE VENT AND WATER TO FIXTURES WITHIN HOUSE Valuation: $15,000.00 Fireplace Information; Restricted: ?? # ofCas Appliances: ?? # ofGas togsr ?? PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 5095 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH VAIL I-ocation.....: 5095 MAIN GORE DRM, "B" Parcel No...: 209918219009 ProjectNo : Oft5O( Ca1\ 5225 -oo Restuarant Plan Review--> S56.25 DRBFee-------------> s0.00 ToTALFEES----_-> s3.00 Permit #: P04-0081 S<)tt a\ Ll Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 0'7/16/2004 Issued. . : 08/0912004 Exoires . .: 02/05/2005 # of Wood Pallet: ?? s0.00 s0 - 00 s2a4 .25 5244 .25 s0.00 s244.25 s284 .25 s0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> Additional Fe€s------> Total Permit Fee-----> Paymerts----------------> BALANCE DUE-...-..> **)*****,t****x.****,t * t',t:t l. * t * * *:* r.* * 'r **,r * *+ *t + rlta* i t,* *1:t* *** 'l** x **)**:t *'l l.* *'r ** *t * **,r t*+,* 'r***:it,* t l':*'l:l * t *:t,l ** * Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT ACtt-on: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12(BLDG.): FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledg€ that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accruate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agee to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY 479-2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement Number: R040006370 Pa).ment Method: Check and Heatino 990 Statement Amount: 5284.25 08/09 /2004L0:38 AMInit: DDGNotaEion: Epic Plunbing Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address :Location: This Palment: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code PF 00100003112300 PP 001000031_l_1_l_00 wc 00100003112800 P04-0081 2099L82L9009 5095 MAIN GORE 5095 MAIN GORE $284.25 Des cripts ion T}4)E: PLIJMBING PERMIT DR SOUTH VATL NPT\/F tr Et N Totsal Fees:Total 1\LL Elnts: Balance:******* + + * * + + + * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *******'!*****+*{.{.+ {. + * * * * * * * * * * * + *+********************+* PLAN CHECK FEES PLIJMBING PERMIT FEES WILI, CALI, INSPECTION FEE s284.25 $284.25 $0.00 Current Pmts 56.25 225.OO 3 .00 I APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG Project #: Building 2149 (Inspections) TVVI{OFVIN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 IVED lUi" I 5 'ii.]'Jt CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbing Contractor: ('P,c il-"-L,:-'"*n5ui'b*:p"'Contact and Phone #'s:c-p) t>6^ /etE- f"c)btq--tt<21. E-Mail Address:,"^r,*lff)/-- COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $ T ooA Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel # *************r(****rr**rr*r(*******,r*******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:AcceDted BY: Planner Siqn-off:RECEIVED ll,r l5',tUq Parcel * Zo?g t&Zt?oa Job Address: ;Oif Subdivision: ,zra t- | t-,e,, k.- SFilins i- Address: - , -.^c< t,.\ Detailed descriDtion of work: / ( o-c.9f -e v.t r,.r f- * r,.,.e<r*,/- f-i4 F/yl*& | i*, , fl--1 4-s - , WorkClass: New(.zf Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( tX Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: INo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No \rVail'data'wdev\FORlvlS\PER N'llTS\PL[48PERM. DOC L' ,4 ht''/u 07 i26t2002 oct 28 2OO4 232 47 HEFRTHEXCHFNGE s?oa2?s623 Mer. l? z@4 o==oBftl PiFF|X hD. :s6s29rt9B17 {.0031 gouthcm SE Albuquarqrr, Ni.t t71 23 phone 50E.291.01i00 tcx 5O5.29l'9Et7 p-? Fnon-Yfuoeg- I TElco{TEt'Fo $61w"," o!/11/04 !trsqrth E (chanSc 23698 N. Flighwuy 24 Mintrun, CO t1645 Ath: Matt Our Contcnrpo Fircplaccs nrcm tc-ttcd with two Deparrle U.L. 127 tesF, Thc firrt tcst wqc witb a E- C.,M.U. rmdcr fhe hearfh brsc. Tbis t6t wEc processcd at lnfcn:L TortiDg Sort icct ard approved over r wood flow wirlrout any trcrt shicld. (Scc footlotc #l on Exhibit "A". Thc sccond tegt was.pcrftrmcd by OMNI tcsting trborarorice snd tcsted to tt,L. 127 ^rtl4pplorrcd with thc following option: "As an opion lbe fircpl*e basc may be to clcvded sbovc a combrr*ible floor with two, I l/E incb Ulick fircbrlck! ot cmh corner ud in thc c,€nter.on csch.sido,- for an ovcrall hoight ot2 i/r inohcs rbovc lhe floor, with r rhcet of 24 geugc rnctrl plrcadbenpeen rtre twp lryerr of brtc*s cxtmding tho full orcr of ths firsplrcc basc.* ( Sce alioExhibit'8") This flreFlrcc we8 to5t€d es a wood-humln3 unlt W ilosing orrc sidc wirh E fircd Fancl ro Fnwidt fhc pmpcr drtft. By tntt.lltng thk Pan l it bcconrq compcabtc to our srandovd Conrempo Finplacc te*tqd end U.L. 4prorrcd Intqne(festing, Any fircplecc U.L.l2? approv6d for wood bumlng carr bc conwned ro 8nr truming. Eithff mcthod of instellotion ir sscsFtebls th€rcfot€ tfi€ hrve spccificd bollt methodr of tnrtAllation in our rnanqal on Pa3e 4, paragaph t, under "Fircbox Chasc Rcquircmcnts". lf tbcrr rrc atllr othcr gucrtion$ Plege feel frec to call, Oct 28 ?OD4 23217 rRff t*$bBB- r rElcchlrEl'Po HEHRTHEXCHHNGE FAX t,D, :5ffi91*t17 9?OA2?S623 mar. 11 ZWA o/1.3*n PZ 'AGE 6 OF7REPORT NO, 30-r.7llb[ipvr, coNrEMPo Ftl-EgllcEtl MANUAI ,/Mq8IdNG. Intertek Testing S ervices REPORTDAIE:. ?7MAR02 MODELI 4I 12, Thc pulposc of thir regort ir ro cxpeditc phytical tcrt rcililts to thc ilieat' Thc mlnufrcturer'c i*rtaltariory'opcration rd;ft;;"ilpfuo,iai^itrint t1t cur6ntly-under tcvicw' Prodsct lsbcls containing thc WHI fogo *ili;,'bitr;i..$d -unrir fiirJ"tr"iottt 6f th" mrnu1 md m.tldns qrc drcmcd ;r1;;iiil;. art6riri#;iFir,ory erair Mrn'rr (FAM) will be irsucd. f:"Tff;;. glarc murr bc ctcvrred g.in (mmiur cinder block) rbovo a comburrlble floor" 2. Thc hcerth sxtcncio",u"E ?a+i-uiiono rhr Font facr instcrd of l6-in' ] Thc adjaocnt stdrwrll;;;; fu 6t rq-in.Som the &cnt opcning' q. Trrc frcewau "uo"o,nJ F,iririJ.;;J,;tt;t iii"i'*iii*itslc trterirl if lers than 6t-irr obove tha h;sth''5. A conburtible hcrder canrrot bc plrccd lowcr than 6t-in lbovc thc hcarth l .1 ,l 1fu*ac{ A p.3 llll- RIchClpto Iip,Corprry P-O. Box 341 DearRich: ,le soi! exprcd in tre rondatoa ercmatonfor tru proposed ddttioa ts sltitable forne dcst-gtu( n,l beaing-presswz of 2-iln psf ie i"orrrrcr*a ilta the botton of trEucayar:n te,cynpga n dcwt od-rcniorr solt sp*. S;irlxr$;;" ii3i*"aFoundation qrallc rctaioiog ert ano rrttirini stnrcues tar are rrraatt'y srryportca :lrculd--bc dqtigncd ro rcsist an equivalcot flid d"rr6;;it0 prf frr ;;fi#'"_Ui io*t atcpttr ryo*ainca srucuncs, drining the on-site'caruq ,irrra u. GeD"; i ,oirt *cquilyelet fluid dcnsity of 30 pcf for fu rrcriw. clse.. . ---Thc^abow dcsign rccmsrcndrtioar rssurtre &!LFd backfiU conditions and a horizoutalbackfill surfacc s'rcharge loadiog drr- bdjo*i rtn "t n"s, ,r,eisht oi*mpo;ry 'rorcdcon:truction metsials and equipnc{rt, hclinrd bsclfU aaa nl,uroirati" pilillu" toundrainod backfill shourd bc incorporocd in rre dosi$. Th"y'rt "il ;fi;r'; rhc build'pof hgrostatic pressrc bchid 6c rttddns u/tlt.; To rpdupe tbc rirk of rurfucc wanr-ifft"ring thc foundaion subsoit, we recomurcndinsrllaion of e bundaion perina dnb" Thc fodidon pcrimctcr dnin *opld conrist of a l5,ai3113: g1joggd_Hl rroped ro a adublc sral,irr-o,,{"cor ;;;ffF*p tocrtioa,at a l/4.hchpcrfootforflodbrc orata l/t of an in*?r-igileiri. Tb;;ffif;ffiilfil]'coyercd wirhaminimrm of 5 inchesof-3/#irph fipr&ainingbhdrr."uii.'c.ot"rtit"04"9 l'fo{ or equivrlcut) rbourd be used ro cover rhc t"*irfi"irg si*ii.}**t sirationE1*.Eg-:tqlgTi'- rhebsckfilrrboverhc-drain shouta be ffiff"r;"tr; ro withrn 2dtt.ryr+$r&cc-rof.:-ycarau,uiUupofhydrostalicprrsil]'*' v"w'"'' -.Trrliffilqutg-b" *mpacloiator-ocerthc o,ptimummoisture coorrqr to st Ieasrof ths nraximum ttroo..a no"toi'd*"it-,rd; ;#ffi't;il:il"pffi [iT To('^)h &ryV- Engineerlngr lnc. li CtV|I,(IEOTECilN|CAL t,20u Avon, CO E1620 I:,lgl3c*' g T: lq rh" rgr" norrh of tbc ori$ins h{ldins- Thc eac renchH :yn,gy,y3.r5n3g-rg*?":p.,* I** '*""fi;Hffi i, r o r*n uv uH*n;*"?**:*.at 6c borsn of t.';il;;iJiffi ;ffi ffi;?,fl;grawl with cobblcs aod bouldcrs. At yorr rEqucst, on June 2g od 3o,2oo4,we visited the constuctim ei!" on rat 2t, vailMeadows' Filing No. r, 509j Mrfn c'ore rfu vr, fom of Vrti Ei; cdi;, -dr-rao. muptuposc ofou site visit $,6s to oblcnr mA rcsttte soit cxposrd L th" i*;ffi; orcaration hrproposed additionhaodcl. Bo.l-o tL7 RE: Opro Holc Obowrdon &Forndttol lavcrd3rdon !4!?q, V.it Mordows,Filing No. I 5095 Main Gorc Drivc ToqnofVail Eaglc County, Colorado ProjoctNo.04076 tra};tbUl P.O. Bor 2E37, Edsrr&, @ 41632, (970) 92G9Otg Tcl, (9?0) 92G9)89 Fu .J 0/trt5 Grptcr oiocr No. 90% of thc nrrilttn sbdud Prccbr dmity rndcr hndrcqcd mas. Tbcy should usc nc&ods of cooprc'tie lto m( prddlc fte foundrrion qcaraion. Th rite sumundiry thebtdlding cilcorc *ould rlopc aurcy fi@ tbc bdldiry in slt A mhimum d 12 inA:r b thc fr8t I 0 fui ir recomcodcd b rryrrcd ara+ ana fuFhsr i! lbF frct l0 ed in prv€d rrerr. Tto bp ofrb gtuultt foud*ion bac$ll shoutd with r ninimum of I frot ofrclrtiwly impcrviout flU b rcducc tha poaatial of nntcr idluaiag lba frundtion rubloils Surfrcc we utnnlly&ainiqg totrsd thoprcpoecd tuilditrg siic Sould bc divened rnd uay fron it by ncrm of dninrgc srrrJcs a othcr epprovcd Etttnd!. Thc mof ed down4ornr Soqld orcod md dischrr&tqrond thc liniu ofthe brcHll. This rcpct hrs bocoprAad &oording to locallyacccptcdptofceeiooal Ocotcchnical stmilrds. Thirt is no orhcrunruty cithcr erpsccd or impliod iztl Pctow&r, ftxcd u47$5217, originel nailed. 5latJrffitDr.N o-l[tlgrat FLrta LtrOEngiminglnc. t .U.T M'AIEHEN j'ZE-NNtr)+aa @gpanaolol,tfr $ $IIlt F s $ T 5 ItI !q 1fulqqt atry 3I i H s* a:v T vt It ,$lFl; A. T EttdtStrSEyfl?/l fE .BnJ prond EEttstxt $ lr ; '] I sI II le lrr J $ "l 3 q € ,'t rt r'\.r\FFrrraF r\j- TOWNOEVAIL Vail Fire & Emergency Services 42 llest Meadow Drive July 12,2004 Frank D. & Ellen B. McKibben c/o Vail Valley Real Estate Brokers 228 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 lVilliam A. & Christine J, llalker P.O. Box 6lI Vail, CO 81658 Re: Fire Sprinkler Requirements and Conditional Variance Lot 28, Vail Meadows, Filing # I Vail, Colorado 81657 970-179-2250 UgP*'# Dear Frank D. & Ellen B, McKibben and William A. & Christine I lValker: lVe are in receipt of a Monitored Fire Alarm Agreement signed between the parties in reference to Lot 28, Vail Meadows, Filing # l. Having conducted an inspection oJthe physical sile, noting in particularJive poinls ofpotential access on adjacent sides, and given the perimeter of Lot 28 is immediately adjacent to developed property: Having reviewed the plans for the rcdevelopment of the existing portion of the property owned by Frank D. & Etlen B. McKibben and having conducted a curcory assessment of the portion of the property owned by llilliam A. & Christine J. lValker: Having conducted a detailed plan review and discussed the potential consequences, advantages ofJite sprinklers, service delivery levels offire service as they currently exists with Frank McKihben; And based on Mr. McKibbens testament that he discussed the same with ll/illiamA. & Christine I lYalker: Vail Fire & Emergency Semices has determined o reasonable equivalency to the requirement to install afire sprinkler system st this time. The requirement placed on the building permit 804-0127 to install afire sprinkler system k withdrawn. Regardless of langaage in the Monitored Fire AlurmAgreement signed between the parties sbove, the Town of Vail resefles the right to make all reusonable determinations and interpretations under the code in effect at the time,for any and all additions, alterations, redevelopment, and remodek that may occur to either hatf of the existing property. No other change to the plans is expressed or implied Ftrit Sprin*Ier Requhennnts and Conditional Varisnce .,Lot,28, Vail Meadows' Filing # I Page 2 -..' -/SigneA:W?u MichaelMcGee Deputy Chief / Fire Murshal Date: 1- rL - "."/ no*, ,/---z 'V Z*a July t1l,200d Monitored Fire Alarm Asreement Tltis agteernent is nrade on the 911'day of July 20O4by and between Clrristine J. Walker and William A. Walker ( the "WALKERS" ) whose address is P.O. Box 6l l, Vail Colorado 81658 and Frank D. McKibben and Ellen B. McKibben, ( the "MCKIBBENS" ) whose address is c/o Vail Valley Real Estate Brokers, 228 Bridge Street, Vail CO 81657 (collectivcly the " PARTIES" ) Whereas the WALKERS and MCKIBBENS are each the owncr of a part of of Lot 28 Vail Meadows Filing #1, Vail Colorado and Whereas each of PARTIES desire to enter into an agrcement with the Vail Fire Department whereby they would each be exernpted frorr.r having to add fire sprinkler protection to their residences during thc course ol'any remodel or renovations that either PARTY nray undertake, NOW, THEREFORL, the WALKERS and MCKIBBENS mutually agree to insrall monitored fire alarrns in each respective residence. Each PARTIES alarm shall he instnlled and monitored by an alarm company approved and licensed to do business within the Town of Vail. Each PARTY agrees to install their respective alarm prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy being issued for the first residence to complete renovations or remodel, but in no case later than March l"r 2005. Each PARTY agrees to maintain uninterrupted monitoring of their respective alarm system for the mutual benefit of each owner so long as this agreement shall rernain in effect. This agreement shall be binding upon each PARTIES successor in title and the provisions of this agreement may be incorporated into any future revisions that may occur to thc party wall agreement for lot 28 Vail Meadows, Filing #1. 7+"/Christine J. Wal William J. Walker Ellen B. McKibben G@PV TOI4/I/ OF TiAIL Vsil Fire & Emergencl,Services October 7,2004 Frank lllcKibben 804-0127 42 lYest Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2250 Permit stalus changedfrom Lock stotus to comment ss noted: Fire alarm ogreement is of concern due to with respect lo ability execute agrcernent per 07-12-04, Meeting with Frank McKibben, Charlie Davis, JR Rulapaugh and Michael McGee ref options to amend permit were discussed. Mr. McKibben was given the optio,n to amend pafi agreement onJire alarm and change to single porty agreement withoat Jire sprinkler requirement. No pronises or ogreenret ts are made with respecl to the other half of the duplex. No promises are made, expressed or inplied with respect to future oulcomes, impacts of changes to the proper$ not currenily reJlected in the perntit set of plnns, or changes to civil issues between proper$ owners. lYork may continue uninterrupted. Inspections moy be performed. Charlie Davis, Chief Building Ol/icial -24,.--zt---'-' .aZ.k Marshol Ir-q'---v t =l\\ -2-- /o' 7 'Zau+ Dote /a- z- a4 Date /a' 7'""/ Date -r oa-\ oQ Dale Io 1-o4llitnessed hy: Mr. McKibben wos odvised to notify the Town of Vail if coilifions or agrcemenls change. Acknowledged J.R. Rulapaugh Dale Friday, October 08, 2004 11:43 AM O. .a Tim Boyle 19704646529 p.o2 BqleEqineering, Inc' 143 E. MbadowDrivc, Suitt 390 Vail, Cobrado 81657 303147ffi,t70 F ax 30314764383 Oct&€r ll,2004 TOWN OT VAIL DT'IIDING I'EPT. Att Gng 75 S. Frontrgo Rord lYert Vail, Cohndo 81657 Suhiect McXibben Rtmodel 5095 ltlein Gore Drive Vail, Colorado Dear Grqg: 6D+6t11 This b h respoN$e to the Ereetios pu geocratod during pur recent framing inspectim of &c abore noted remodcl. Two items w€re an issuo to you, Thc frst iteno was thc ridge besn fo the dormers in the main roof taning. 'llcse ridge meqrb€rs cmsist of a single I % xll 7t8LW. thcframershaveghredandnaild2x4'stothosidcaofthismembertos4potthcqar.tl. I have rwiewed &fu situdio and fond Or* tbe ridge member will bo cryablc of $Ppcting thc intcndd dcsign lods. The seqnd area of cmcern to )€u uas the header Over the opening to the connecttr d the south side of tho existing garago. Iho Fagre,rs havc instalted tiple LVL heade'rs adjacent to oac,tr othcr ovcr this rycoing in lieu of the me t:iplal,vl slrown on tre framing plan. This is double the mombcr sp€cifed. Iloworer, only do$le 2 x 6 padr-outrcolumns have beeo installed rmder each of tbese beans in fqr ofthc 4 - 2 x 6 mlur"n indicAcd udet the single lod6r o the plms I haw rwierrcd the l@ding on these mluons rcrd formd that they will be capable of sryportl4g the dcsip loods at ttis locotio. I her*y approve of these tuo ar€as iD thc structure as fiamcd. Plcase give mc a call if pu have any questios or commeob @ ihis Timothy Presidcnl ffiB#-, ,........itgg?ili''s Friday, October 08, 2004 11:43 AM Tim Boyle 19704646529 p03 BoylcBryiucoing, Inc. 143 E. It[eadowDrive Suite 390 Yail, Colqado 81657 Date: 0t-31-04 JobNunbc: 0428koject McKibbeo ResidenceLocatim: Vail Cantrrcto: ThcKCCoopauyOtrmcr: Frank.McKitrbenWeather: Clear, ?0 dog Preseot at Sitc: Frmk Mdibbcn Bob Kcdrounki Tim Boyle Frek lftKibb€o Vail Valley Real Estate Brokere 228 BriQp Sbcc* Vail, Colondo E1657 The folowlng items werc obscrved: Thc franiing frr dris prqieot is 90% compl4e at this time. Onlythe ftanriug br the dmmers ovcr thc Kitchcn andMasts hh remain. Hwwc, me of thcse dormers is frsned and has boeo dme roomding the plans issucd by 6is offcc. All franing bas be€n dme acccding to the plurs and ryocificctiqrs issucd by this ofice, aod are approrrcd as &amed cocqt for tro it€ms thrt n€€d to bc addrcroed The first iiteo is the he{ders and trimmers over thc mall higb witrdo\r8 in the east and we$ gable walls of thc Liviug Rrnm. Single timmerc have t een installed rnder thes€ h€odcr8 in liou oftho dorblc oinmers aotorl lte eost window can bo rcsolved by adding an lIH6 headc hanger on both sidcs ofthe cxisting headc. The we$windowvillrequirea'/r"frccplrteandlagsintobiplckingshrdstotmsftrtheridgebeamloaAaOoquatety. ne attrc,hed detail doscribcs this installation. Thc smrd ittm to be addrecscd is the connestim of the hiple LVL rin rmdcr the east Livbg Rom rrall to the crntifc{r€Fd triple LVL's ttat sr4pct it B€[t t/? plztft should be addod to rhis cometim md boltcd to tho menbcrs with 7r" disn€ter Bachinc bolk. This dctail is also attactrcd to his rgpat Feel te to give me a call if pu havo any qucstionr orIhis codudcs the itos noted during 0rig inspdio- From: Tim Boyle To: Gteg DcncHa Date: 10/152004 'lime: 1:56:30 PM Boyte Enginecring, ktc. 143 E. Mcadow Drivc, Suitc 390 Vail, Colorado 81657 303t476-2170 FAX 303/4?6-4383 Ostobcr 15,2004 TOWN Otr' VAIL BUILDING DEPT. Att: GrcgDcnckle 75 S. F'rontrge Rold Wcat Vrll, Colorrdo t1657 Subjecr McKibbcn Renpdel 5095 Main Gorc Drivc Vail, Colorado Dear Grcg: This js in restrxlrne !o yoru conccm over the 2 x 8 joists which havc becn rotated 90 dcgrccs at thc cntry floor_ framing for tic above iroted rcsidcncc. I havc rcvicwcd thcse rrtnbcrs asd formd tbd they will be capable of suppoding lhc dcsigr loads as installcd, give mc a call if you hava any qucsbons or conrnsnb on this Paga 1 sf 1 FILE COPY TOI4lIg OFVAIL Vail Fire & Emergency Services FIRE MARSHAL'S REPORT 42 lTest Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2250 Nature of Incident: Personal Threat to Lt. Mike Vaughan, Fire Prevention Olficer Date of Incident: Approximately I4:30 Hours, October 6' 2004 Location: 5095 Main Gore Drive Soulh, Vail, Eagle Counly, Colorado 81657 Vail Police Department Case Number: 04-2719 Lt. Vaughan attempted to place a cell phone call to my cell phone on the afternoon of October 6, 2004. I was in a meeting at the time and upon conclusion of the meeting, attempted to return his phone call hut left d message when he didn't answer, Lt. Vaughan returned to the olJice at approximately 16:30 hours and hisJirst words were "I need to know what they agreement is with McKibben." He was visibly upset. HeJutther stated he was threatened with a gun. Lt Vaughan sat down at his desk and proceeded to tell me that while he was on site at the McKibben residence for an inspection of the fire alarm system, he was confronted by the adiacent property owner with a statement that the adjacent prcperty owner had a loaded ritle and knew how to use it and wasn't afraid to use it. I asked what provoked the incident and LL Vaughan told me he had arrived on scene, parked in the driveway, and conJirmed the location was OK with Frank McKibben. Mr. McKibben alfirmed Lt. Vaughan wos OK to park where he was. Lt. Vaughan wos in s ma*ed Fire Depailment vehicle and was wearing olftcial insignia. Lt Vaughan told me he was "shocked" al the statement but offered to move his vehicle immediately and did so. I ssked Lt. Vaughan if the suspect actually showed a weqpon. Lt. Vaughan told mc he did not see a weapon but did conduct a rapid mental assessment, noting the person making the threat was between his vehicle and the house. Lt. Vaughan stated he thought he had the abilily to escape or physically confront the suspect had he made an unusual or rapid move towards the house or the vehicle. Lt. Vaughan said he turned away and walked towards Mr. McKibhen's garage, which was under construction. LL Vaughan concealed his physical presencefrom tine-of-sight ofthefront door olthe suspect's house. Lt Vaughan told me he made a "general statemcnt" to nobody in particular to the effect that he was a puhlic official and should not be threatened- Lt, Vaughan told me completed his inspection of theJire alarm system in McKibben's portion of the duplex under remodel, left the scene, and attempted to contact me via ceII phone. LL Vaughan was not able to-get through to me on hk ceII phone so he went lo the nert inspection ond upon completion, returned to the fire station. -Fire Marshal's Report t0/6/04 Page 2 Ilpon Lt. Vaughan completing his verbal explanation oJthe event, I contacted Vail Police Depafiment and requested an oficer comc take a report reference un assault on Lt Vaughan Dae to the number of calls the Police Department was running, an officer arrived at Station 2 at approximately 17:00 hours' October 6, 2001 to tahe Lt. Vaughan's slatemenl I did indicate to the OlJicer I perceived what LL Vaughan toW me to constitute a threat and a verbal assault on an offrcer in the performance of their duties andfurther, I wanted this mntter pursued- I told Lt Vaughan he could tahe the next day off f he so desired^ Lt Vaughan wos subsequently requested to respond to Mile Marher 172 on I-70 westbound, to assist with extricution oltwo people involved in u motor vehiclc accident LL Vaughan responded and provided assistance due to heaty rainfall and heauy vehicular trallic. He was subsequently released and went home aboul 19:00 hours. During the period we h'ere waitingfor the Police Department to come to the stution to take a report, I notiJied Fire Chief John Gulick, Matt Mire, Town Attorney, und Charlie Dovis' Chief Building Offrcial' of the atlegation. Charlie Duvis and I discussed proper procedure qs it relrtes to the inspection and permit status. Upon notfrcation and consukation, I opened the Permits Plus programto obtain contact infornation for Franh McKibben, check the status of the permits, and identify the legal address. Due to a joint agreement signed by Frank McKibben and William Walker with the Town of Vail wherein both parties agreed to ptovide a monitoredJire alarm system in each half of the duple4 executed in lieu of the requirement to install atire sprinkler system, and in light of theforegoing incident, I changed the permits status to Loch A ulochu ststus does not prcvent worhfrom occurring but does limit the ability to obtuin inspections. Frank McKibben was n be notifrcd of the nature of the event and outcome in general terms, even though he was prcsent at the time of the incident, once we established the likelihood of bringing the existing agreemcnt tofruition. Mn McKibben was to be offered the oppofiunily to amend the agreement if he so desired McKibben was the third item on the 'lo do" Iistfor Tharsday marning- On I 0-7-04 , I received a phone call from Lt. Vaughan requesting u copy of the letter of tgreement between the Town and Franh McKibben and llilliam Walker, et.al. I was oat on sick leave with my daughter but went to the offtce and pulled a copy of the letter and delivered it to Stan Zemler's offrce. I waitedfor Stan Zemler to retum to his offtre to present the letter of agreemcn[ Stan expressed a concern indicaling he had received a callfrom the Mayor alleging Lt Vaughan was belligerent" had made a statement thal he was a public offrcial and could parh anywhere he wanted, and that the "lock u status on McKibben's permit was rnotivated out of a '\endetta.' Stan Zemler immediately dismissed the concerns regailing Lt. Vaughan's alleged. belligerence but expressed concern over the permit status being tocked I explained it was a normal course of action under the die process. As explained, I contacted Charlic Davis, Chief Building Offrcial' and uplained the threat to LL Vaighan. Charlie Davis quickly stated that we need access to conduct inspections and when I ashed dwe should locked the permit, Charlie Davis agreed" ,Fbe Marshal's Report r0/6n4 Page 3 Ifurther uplained to Stan Zemler that Frank McKibben had executed an agreementwith the Town wherein we (the Town) woald waive the requirementJor aJire sprinhler system if both parties (McKibben and llalker) agreed to install a monitoredJfue alarm system in their respective residences. The Uniform Flre Code under Section 103.3 provides authority to inspect, right of entry, requires permits and inspections, requires the appticant to provide access and meuns to inspect and further, requires work shall be uccessiblc and exposedfor inspection. The threat by the adjacent propertl owner gave me reoson to helieve such conditions did not exist. I did not relate the slatement made by theJire alarm confiactor to Lt Vaughan that the alarm contractor was intending on providing a bid price to Mn lValher bat after the incident, stated he did was not going to get involved with Mn llalker's half of the propetTy. I told Stan Zemler it was also part of due process to advise Frank McKibben of the change in the status of the permil and olfer him the opportunity to redress the agreement. No stop work order was issaed I assured Stan Zemler we would be in touch with Frank McKibben before 5 PM that day, At noon, I made contact with Mr. McKihben and invited him to meet Charlie Davis and me at my ollice We agreed to ,neel at 4 PM. At approximately 2 PM, I received a phone callfrom a salesperson numed Brandon at Superior Alarm Company. Brandon wanted me to know his company hud been contacted. to install alire alarm system in Wqlker's half of the duplex, but upon hearingfrom his installer, Jeff, who was working on McKibben's half of the project, had decided not to pwsue the contract with llalker. I msde it very clear to Brandon the Town and specifically the Fire Department, had no influence, comment or position regarding which alarm company lTalker chooses to use or not to use. I also expressed the event olthe preceding afternoon does not alfect the Fire Department's posilion on who should or should notfullill the agreemenl Mn Frank McKibben came to Station 2 at 1 PM. I thanked Mr. McKibbenfor coming and e4ilnined we had two issues to resolve, one being the current andfuture status of his permit and secondly, as LL Vaughan's supemisor, I wanted to address allegations Lt. Vaughan was belligerent snd made certain statements unbecomiag a fire offrcer. During the meeting with Mr. McKibben, we explained the status of the permit prevenbfuture inspections but does not prohibit the contractorfrom working. Mn McKibben stated he received a phone call from his general contractor, Rich Caples, who had reportedly been advised by the superintendenl, Wayne' that in a convercation with Greg Denkla, Town of Vail Building Inspectot, Wayne had been advised the permit status had been loched Denkla had pedormed aframing inspection that afternoon but was unantare-of the ensaing incident with the neighbor. Denklu wss not able to sign off the inspection due to the lacked status. I aho explained to Stan Zemler that the lock on the permit was necessary to prcvent exactly what almost happened with the froming inspection. In the event McKibben wished to amend his development agreement with the Town regarding thelire alnrm system in lieu of aftre sprinhler system" and had Mn *t"ftO"n elected to have theJire sprinkler system installed in order to relieve his prupertltlrom any encumbrance with the adjoining property, theJire sprinkler permit would need to be signed off and the work inspected prior to theframing inspection. I suggested we were infact, protecting Mr. McKibben's rights and optioot. ihi" not explained to McKibben during the meeting. McKibben stated he was mis-informed by his contractor, who sometimes misinterprets such information. McKibben stated he did not understand the details of the process so he called the Mayon I olfer Frank McKibben my cell phone number ilhe needed iL .Fire Marchal's Report 10/6/04 Page 4 l(ith respect to the second issue, Lt, Vaughan's behavior, Mr. McKihben staled LL Vaughan did in fact ask if it was OK to park where he did" McKibhen indicated the parking has been an issue throughout the job. McKibben also told Mr. Davis and I it was tnteresting" in that the lot is an 'A, B, C" parcel McKibben uplained there arc three lots on which the two halves olthe duplex sit Mr. McKibben indicsted one of the things he has yet to do wos get the property re-platted" He explained thtt the current conJigurotion is such that both gfl?ages and aA the land aroand both houses sit on common element. McKibben stated he in fact owns part of l(alker's garage as llalker owns part of his. McKibben uplained to Charlie Davis details he intended to use in the re'plat I asked specfically about LL Vaughan's behavior. Frank McKibben stated LL Vaughan was onothing but professional_" f expressed my concern that our (Town of Vail) expectations are thal the emplayees ore professional, even under duress. Frank McKibben olfered to call Rod Sffir und Stan Zemler to tell them Lt Vaughan's behavior was "nothing but professional" but I declined the offer and told him that wasn't necessary. lle discussed Mn McKibben's desires os to hoh' he wished to proceed- lVe uplained thut the cunent agreemcnt was stitl valid if hefelt it would come tofraition. lle emphasized lhe need to be able to execute the permits and inspections in a safe manner. I reilerated that we would not even go on site if we believed a threat to personnel safety existed- McKibben indicated he had a tenuous relationship with Mn Watker but thal they were nahing prcgrcss. Mn McKibben indicated hic aepectation things would Kget better' in that they (he and Mn Walker) had successfully negotiated the plans to re-roof both sides of the duplex andJurthe4 thal McKibben understood Wolker had plans to install dormers during lhe te-roof proiect. Chartie Davis and I discussed other options with Mr. McKibben as they relole to the existing agrcemen4 including amending the agreement to exclude Mn lAalher's participation We discussed implications and possible outcomes under several scensrios. We did emphasize the existing agrcement vtos slill valid bul we need to see some positive prcgrcss. The last issue we discussed was how to proceed with Mn llalker's half of the duplexJire alarm system, how to insure reasonable and sale access to the site, and how we were going to complete the additional inspections. Mr. McKibben olfered to play more of a rcle as an intermediator in his discussions with Mn lValhen It was agreed we (Buitding Department, Fire Department and Mr. McKibben) would stay in touch and revisit progress next week. Mn McKibben explained he was leaving townfor afew days. I olfered to call Rich Caples, the general contraclor, snd make sure he hnew the issue was resolved, explain the dilference between a "lock", a red tag, a Stop Worh Order, and a Hazard Tag. I discussed the job site status with Rich Caples at about 9 AM thefollowing morning. Rich indicoled his superintendent, Wayne, had possibty "over-reacted" Rich also reiterated the nature of the relationships on the job site and the logistical challenges to working there. Fire Msrshal's Report I0/6/04 Page 5 My conversations with the Police Department thefollowing day revolved around mutual satisfaction with our mutual roles and logistics. It was recommended and agreed the Fire Department would not go on sitefor afew days. Vail Police offered an escort if wefelt it was necessary or prudent Inspectorc at the Building Depafiment and Public lVorks were advised of the naturc of the incident in generul terms and were advised to use coution and be sensitive to the po*ing conditions as well Res p e c tfu I Iy S u b m i tte d :7 ;Z' Zt''z -/ October I l, 2004Michael McGee, deput! Chief / Fire Marshal TOWN OEUAIL Voil Fire & Ernergency Services October 7, 2004 Fran* McKibben 804-0127 42 llest Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Permit ststus changedfrom Lock status to comment as noted: Fire alarm agreement is of concern due to with respect to ability execute agreement per 07-1241. Meeting with Frank McKibben, Charlie Davis, JR Rulapaugh and Michael McGee ref options lo amend permit were tliscussed. Mr. McKibben was given the option to amendparty agrcement ontirc alarm and change to single pafly agreemenl withoal Jire sprinkler requirement. No promises or agreements ore made with respect to the other halJ of the duplat No promises are made, expressetl or imptied with respect tofuture outcomes, impacts of changes to the proper$ not currently reflected in lhe permit set of plans, or changes to civil issaes between property owners. lYork may continue uninterrupterl. Inspections may be pedormed Witnessed hy: Charlie Davis, Chief Building Oflicial .+/..-za--.".-'- razk Mike J.R. Rulapaugh Mr. McKibben was adyised to iotify the Town of Vail if coilitions or agrcements change. Acknowledgerl /o' 7 - Zat+ Dale ?- at/ Date /4, Date r oa{ ol Date to '1 - o'4 Date Vaugha 'Fire Preventio ,s ?,5031p#06 In"p""$:,1,F"fuFql Repo'ting p"g" tg Reouested InsDect Date: Thursdav. June 01.2006' Inspection Area: JRM Site Address: 5095 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH VAIL 5095 MAIN GORE DRIVE.'B' A/P/D Information NoticeNotice Notice Notice Comment: Comment: Item: 90 Activitv: 804-0127Const Tvo6:Owher: MCKIBBE Tvpe: A-BUILD Occupahbv:D. & ELLEN B. SubTvpe: ADUPU'se: V N AP APPROVED Status: ISSUED Insp Area: JRM Applicant:Cohtractor: Description: a fire sDrinkler svstem - JMONDRAGONt requiied for existing landscaping and brick pavers in driveway within ROW. ROUTED TO MATT. JR AND P/1/V . JMONDRAGONPer letter dated 7 -12-04. owners have delivered monitored fire alarm aoreement. Given access. fire sorinkler reouirement is void. - MMCGEEMECHANICAL PERMIT FOR KITCHEN AND DRYER EXHAUST REQS INVESTIGATION FEE WOKR W/O A PERMIT. PERMIT IS ISSUED .I0-05-04 GCD. - GDENCKLAFire alarm aoreement is of concern due to with resoect lo abilitv execute aoreement oer 07-12-04. Meetinowith Frank McKibben, Charlied Davis, JR Rulapau$h and Mich5el Mccee ief options to amend permit werd discussed.Mr. McKibben was given the. option to amend party agreement on fire alarm and change to single partyagreement wrmour nre spnnKrer requrremenl. No promises or aqreements are made with resoect to the other half of the duplex. No promises are made,expiessed or imoTied with resoect to future outiomes. imDacts of chanoes to lhe Drooertv not currentlv reflected in the permit set of 6ilans, or changes to civil issues betwen pioperty owbndrs. i MMCGEE Requested Insoestion(s) Requested Time: 10:00 AM' Phone: 390-8250 Entered Bv: DGOLDEN K- Action: Time Exo:Comment: APPROVEDFOR TCO Cou"pap, fpsrasror" 3LO- t710 *qg,ot tz'.tg ubtk^c INSPECTION M+rr hva* IELD SET OF PLANS f-r^rr=t- ArcoVqU. Snz t, ccan+-r Inspection Historv Comment: Item: 10 BLDc-Footinos/Steel 07106104- lnsoector: JRMComment: NOT READY 07107104 Insoector: JRM Action: NR NOT READY FOR O7lO7lO4 Insoector: JRM Action: PA PARTIALComment: APPROVED ALL FOOTINGS EXCEPT FOR AREAS AS I O7l19lO4 Inspector: GCD Action: Pl PARTIAL Ia\^ *' s^^r, o A'ElAhc Item: 50 Item: 60 REPT131 Run Id: 5368 o%k,ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: MCKIBBEN CHANGE DRB Number: DRB04059B Project Description: CHANGE IN DESIGN OF AN EXTERIOR FIXTURE Participants: OWNER MCKIBBEN, 228 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 License: FMNK D. & ELLEN B1U15/2004 Phone: APPLICANT MCKIBBEN, FRANK D. & ELLEN 811/16/2004 Phone: 228 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 License: Project Address: 5095 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH VAIL Location: 5095 MAIN GORE DRIVE, '8" Legal Description: Lot: 28 Block: 19 Subdivision: VAIL MEADOWS FIL 1 Parcel Number: 209918219009 Comments: see conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvall 1112412004 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prlor to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006824 That the maximum number of exterior lights for the entire site is 25 and shall not be exceeded and the luminosity requirements for the Frxtures shall be met at the Ume of installation. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO ION'NM Qitions-Residential or lrmerciaApplication for Design Review I Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.comGeneralrnformation: I TOV_COnA.OEV.All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit applleation; "'?leaserettsr6- the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmenbl Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:\nAr r)6r'- HHEH[VED i,t(jV 1u !r-4 LocationoftheProposat: tot: J3 ebcr: lQ Subdivision: Physical Address:Cfstt /tls;* G r- Do- jo.r*h t.4 Zoning: Mailing Addressl (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Fc-*i( baru {+c-( ii:t- $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning siaff or the Design Review Board. No Feetr Separation Request For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: 20 - Check No.: t'reeting oiG:@-i1i1 e KZ SO Type of Review and Feei ! Signs D Conceptual Review C New Crnstructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) E Minor Alteration (sin gle-family/duplex) ( ch"ng"s to Approved plans Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Page 1 of 12ll4l2gl04 o ol LAMPS PLUS: Print hoduftos l.AfrlPlS rufj Page I of 1 Gur'ry< S*{d^ bit,a-YZ \.2 XT a^J O\1" C>\,U@b{z€dr- Dsctc ,\, Berkeley Collection Wallmount -121/q" High ($a65) A beautiful highlight to your home's outdoor lighting scheme. Solid brass construciton with rust finish and seedy glass panels. Measures 6" wide, 12 %' high. Extends 7 s/e" lrom the wall. Takes one lUGratt bulb (not included). Back plate measures 5" wide, 7 %- high.co Compare at $129.99 Ships in 3 Days - This ltem Ships FREE' LAMPS PLUS Price $84.99 htF:/lwww.fampePlue.com 1-8{X1.782-1967 * Olfer applies only to shipments made to the 48 continental US States. $.$*,.o\3* r "-l wll{t <. http://www.lampsplus.com/hrnls/printoutproduct/PrintProductPhotos.aspx?ShortSKU=3. .. 111161200/ LAJvIPS PLUS: Print Produftos (\Y ' (' Page 1 of I LAIIPf ruF (^@ o*{r:',bo"'z- ffi Berkeley Gollection Wall Mount - 16 1/2" High ($a68) Mission-style outdoor lighting wall mount lantem in solid brass construction with seedy glass panefs. Measures 8-1/4' wide x 16-112 high. Extends 9-3/4" from the wall. Rust finish. Takes three 60 watt candelabra bulbs (not included), Back plate measures 5-1/8" wide x 7-318" high. Compare al $224.99 Ships in 3 Daye - This ltem Ships FREE . LAMPS PLUS Price $149.99 http://Wryrv.lempsPlus.com 1 4Ut-782-1 967 'Offer applies only to shipments made to the 48 continental US States. http://www.lampsplus.cor/htrnlVprintoutproducUPrintProductPhotos.aspx?ShortSKU=3... Llll6l200y'. o'r.w:f,i Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2t39 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DRB040509 COLOR CHANGE, GRFA RECALCULATION PER NEW RULES, ADD STRUCTURAL POSTTO DECK LINE. EXPANDED RETAINING WALL I0hti Project Name: MCKIBBEN CHANGE Project Description: Pafticipants: Project Address: 5095 MAIN GORE DRIVE, Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: OWNER MCKIBBEN, FMNK D. & ELLEN 809/2412004 Phone: 228 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 License: APPLICANT MCKIBBEN, FRANK D, & ELLEN BO9i24l2004 Phone: 228 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 816s7 License: 5095 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH VAIL "8" Location: Lot: 28 Block: 19 Subdivision: VAIL MEADOWS FIL 1 209918219009 see conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: L01 1412004 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. o Paint color of each half of the duplex must match exactly at TCO Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO cono: coxooilz t.'li -ri ,*ffi O *,nor Exterior altera0ns Application for Design Reviewl Department of Community Development 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxt 970.479.2452, weo: www.\6 oov.com General Information: Ail projects requiring design reMew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please. refer to the submittal requirements for. the particular approval that is requested. Aa application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departrnent. The proiect may also need to be reviewed f the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and con5iruction commences within one year of the approval. Physical Address: Parcel No.: ZO@ \qZ\ 9co'\ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 97G328-8540 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailins.Address: 2"3 -Ba.sc^€ St-* Vrrr. Cc B(r.ST Owner(s) Signature(s); Name of A,pplicant: Mailing Address:CAu.tr r q[6\rEl Y glJ sFP 2 2 2004 TOV-c-oM-qEV' Descriptiol of the Request: E-mail Address: Phone: Fax: Type of Review and Fee: D Signs D Conceptual Review E New ConstructionO Addition O Minor Alteration (mulU-family/commercial) E Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) V Chunous to Aooroved Plans\ D Separation Request retaining w€lls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already Design Review Board. No Fee approved by Planning Sbff or the $6s0 $300 $2s0 $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added !o any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painUng, window additions, landscaping, fences and Page 1 of 12104128104 .. J ]OINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER \ l. \ | ) I, (print name) WrLu, awrV*t sgZ . a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans 631s6 NoQ\'$IN.G/L which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: utrn'o45. i further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. =/r#"/(fu*rU6,?'n-ot Page 2 of ttljTlt6l% ' I .. :ll I t Buildinq Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS TYoe of Material Color ,; \:@ CI*AOVGL KOOI Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Ughting Other -1" Cot-oz C*Alrrc"VbU ?<g',rve,r<zS gr*lbt co Gcp(vurc*q,*r(r?-) @ Notes: Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color dtip. Dt"\* PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantity Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS DCSNNG TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" C.aliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER 5UU SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specifu other landscape feafures (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) o ::T'u"'gll:*::_ a,f Brock_FiG f t zoNEcHECK oot"' 7 /A?/aJ ___._-- Addrcss Grncr PboncArchitcctPhoncJ 2 G-Zonc disu ict Proposcd uscLot sizc Brrildable arca * 6?5 = 4?i crcdit plus 250 addition Docs tlris rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? Horv much of ihc allowcil 250 Addition is usc,l wirh this rcqucst? 3b6'= Vfinimum Roquircdl G 1 Encloscd Conrplics Mth TOV Liglting Ordinancg Arc finishcd gradcs lcss $an 2:l (50%) Environmcntal,&Iazards Prcvious condirions of approval (chcck propcrty filc); t AHM",@-,{d Wd,ilh .'ffi =T,*,t, Tffio lrn^-cRFA *1orr11ers.1 :ifi{* @ -W= ;l"T W Sitc Cor.crafc Hcigbt Sctbacks Landscaping Rctrining Wall Hciglfs Parking Caragc ircdit Drivcrvay As.tonau,yG*A rrrrrlltrrrl=ffi7t L6rI- e =,TF W (3oo)(600)(eool4ffi)\ Pcrmiftcd Slopc e %Proposcd Slopc G _"7 Yqsl/- No "*--f*" l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30% 2) Floodplain 3) Wcrlands 4) Wiitcr Course Sctbacl: (30) (5 5) Gcologic Hazards 13,r/ a) Snorv Avalarchc b) Roc[fall c) Dcbris Florv - : ls lhc propcrty non-conformhg? Oxc;nc: _le/ t . su0]J3!4s?: pld SJsUEUEA ,sroplxoS ^tal^ (p uno-6.m p un) saqrpln s.rl€uV cpsr{S\unS u0pRruur^.o.c scgdurrs IElr1)suI Surp lrng cl!sJ0 solo.qd rujoJ uor:ecgur^ &rlun (S T' V) uoda: cprl Je,ro:ddy opuo3 SNOil.rV'I'IESSIW . puebiT src4 pcsodor4 ___ scc_q Suqsul NVld sdYJSArw-IlN qrt!dJoou sFllrtErwo loJ clPrs sNorJY^s.ll CMq-rin9zl ' nHt -/ credg rrg141,rre.r3 -__ Y:nlD luuoqDpe OEz Y{u9 . stsrs __ Suoqe,rclc 19dg suopeml ,(11tt61 saeJI spJr?EH lq ur uru'ojrJr u3 :{JEqlcs csmoJ JJ)84\ ureld poog .:,t gg J ,tqderf,odol . que csES Barv clqsplFg . czls to.I uopdFrsap g$j1 :{JE uJtiJ ut B rrRJs NV'td3.ilsd/_./ i 'i :vd :1ocfo:.1 sNy.idr:gli.1z lLr ut= boH ,1 A5r- C€ ,Y !HojgoslE! (g u) =v)>l ! 6. !i = -bo:Ea-) {) a ,Y |r) bo -J;39dtx tl ol CA ao (.) 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Scalc ____:_ GRFA. -- 250 addirional GRFA Crarvl\Affic Spacc BUILDINO ELEVATIONS Scalc Color\l\,fatcrials ' Roof Pitch SCAPE PLAN F....Exts0ng trccs _ .proposcd bccs Lcgcnd MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Titlc rcport (A & B) Utilify.vcrifi carion fomr Pbotos ofsitc Building matcrial samplcs C.O. Vcrificati on Sun\Shadc AngJcs Ut ilitics (undcrgroun d) Vicrv Corridors. Varianccs plat rcstrictions __:- o *1.*{r***********{.r(****{.***,r******************'f*****'f'*****************'t't****i.*********.t {.*.**rx*'* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * * * * * *** {. * * *** * * * * * * * * {.** *****:f * * * ** ** * * ** ** *,i* * * ** * * '* * +{. i. * ** *{.* * * * *** *! * * * * * * {' {. '***'} ***** **1. * Statsement lilumber: R040005?41 Amounts: $20.00 09/24/200409:57 AM Palment Method: Check Init : iIS Notation: #1007/FRANK MCKIBBEN Permit No: DR8040509 Qrpe: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parce1 No: 2O991A2L9OO9 SitC Address: 5095 MAIN GORE DR SOIITH \ZAII, Location: 5095 MAIN GORE DRM, "B'Total FeeE: 520.00 This Payment: $20.00 ToE,aI AIrIr Pmts: $20.00Balance: $0-o0 :*****!t ********************'l***{.*******,i****t ,F* * ***'f ** * * * ** * * * * * * * ***# '** ** *** **** * * + *,t * * {t **** ACCOTINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curnent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI^J FEES 20.00 ( \,0;l ffUtao,>fr,r1 t /of"8, Hoab ft Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 faxt 970.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail.co.us Project Name: WALKER REMODEL DRB Number: DR8040510 Proiect Description: REROOF AND REPAINT DUPTD( Participants: OWNER WALKER" WILUAM A. & CHRISn09l24l2004 Phonet PO BOX 611 VAIL co 81658 License i APPUCANT WALKER, WILUAM A. & CHRISTI09|24|20O4 Phone; PO BOX 611 VAIL co 81558 License: ProjectAddress: 5095 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH VAIL Location: 5095 MAIN GORE DR Legal Descripuon: Lot: 28 Block: 19 Subdivision: VAIL MEADOWS FIL 1 ParcelNumber: 209918219008 Comments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date ofAPProvall 10/06/2004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P[AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006723 oo That roof materials and paint colors of both halves of the duplex match exactly by the time of TCO inspection. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO I O Mlnor Exterior ntterdtns Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.47 9.2452 , web: rvww.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submifting a building permit refer to the submittal requiremenG for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by tne Community Developmenl Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/oi the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and conslruction commences within one year of the approval. /lZ.ttlDescription of the Request: fQrtt { trtt// f x f oOf / (3ict?trf ( Location of the Proposat: tot:Zf elock:t4 Mailing Address:'Po?;c" c t' tidi ( C" E /t":g Physical Address: -fuA-- nla U-a.rZ- t /t,1c. Parcel No.: -#t*,tnf**- (Contac Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 ibr parcel no,) ./.1 ^ IZoning: K/q {,) lt')I l\'rt. , /1 t - r. rl I t,.Name(s) of Owner(s): . Jc/_.' l | fi ut !2tci l' [\ r t.E_]_::12-__A!(L-l f\ €a -- TOilIAI Please Dr Phone: A, Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail Address:Fax: Type of Review and Fee: D Signs [J Conceptual Review E New Cons[uctiontr Addition D ltlinor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) gz Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tl Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 gjtrs $1.00 per square toot of total sign area. For construction ot a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added Lo any residentjal or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor clungo5 to buiidings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, ltnces and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, itnces and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisiohs to plans already apprcved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee D>no I .i 1) in4/)9.1n4 t (l MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: ' '' This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. TOWN OF V'AILr. 6usp,tffrnr RequrnrmeNrs"" z OgSiCtrt REVIEW D All pages of Application are complete ,/ StAff APPBOVALD All pages of Application are comptete ,/ StAff APPBOVAL \O Checklisi is completed and signed / t - /O Stamped Topographic Survey*, if applicable DATE: _Q Site and Grading Plan*, if applicableD Landscape Plan*, if applicable STAFF:[1 -Architectural Elevations*, if applicabled Erterior color and material samples and specifications.E Architectural Floor Plans*, if applicableO Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicableD Title report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* El Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.B Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable El Site-speclfic Geological Hazard Report, if applicablextr The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior chances, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a tide report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Contractor Signature Date Signed t JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I' (print namq l'rctn I' q,'A el k'1 (nc a joint owner of property rocated at (address/legal description) {01{ fl4dm 6orz lr ,1 .,/provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated'r - / 1- 0/ /which have been submitted to the Town of Vail community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the addrcqs noted above. I undersbnd ttrat the proposed improvements include: fd /, I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town,s applicable codes and regulations. ,c6,ci {Jr /i.,'r Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvpe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Wndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Endosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other -tr,, 4lq ,t u t ,, t,t1l ).1L" I o,.--->(/iat (t'tlc,r k,ot<)tt( l.':,'lttut n N-otes: pqrrr q SHrpqaa Qpcces To r/)Arcx Ql*ee Nnlr U Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGANON ryPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i,e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc. ) ***************'f ******************{.**** {.* *.** **r.** '} * **x * * * * ** * * * * * rt ** * {.* *** ***,i* ** * * * * * * r' * * + t TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ***:t *******,t ******rr***r.*+***!*********:1.*******************'r**t ****,*****tf******************'t** Statement Nuiber: Ro40o05?42 Amount: $20.00 09/24/20o4t0:07 AM Palment Method: Check Init : .IS Notation: *15 O?2 /CHRISTINE WAI,KER Permit No: DRB0405L0 T1rye: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 209918219008 SiTe Address: 5095 MAIN GORE DR SOIITH VAII., Irocation: 5095 !!AIN GORE DR Total Fees: $20.00This Payments: $20.00 Total Ar-,L Pmts: $20.00BalaDce: 50,00 ***********t *****'l******!t***************'*+****+****'t**t(*****t *'l,Fr*+*****+**t ******+*****'t**'** ACCOLNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI'I FEES 20.00 i Design Review Board TOI4'NM ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Walker deckreplacement DRB Number: DR8030313 Project DescripUon: Replace existing deck SAME FOR SAME; if possible reduce by 18" Pafticipants: OWNER WALKER, WILLIAM A. & CHRISTIOB/I1/2003 Phone: PO BOX 611 VAIL CO 81658 License: APPLICANT WALKER, WILUAM A. & CHRIfi08/11/2003 Phone: PO BOX 611 VAIL CO 81658 License: Project Addressl 5095 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH VAIL Location: Parcel A Legal Description: Lotl 28 Block: O Subdivision: VAIL MEADOWS FIL 1 Parcel Number: 209918219008 Comments: joint propefi owner signature receive BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalt Q4123/2004 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $O.OO oo Applicatio for 75TOI{'NM General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approva a building refer to the submittal requirements for the particular cannot be acceoted until all required information is is requested. An applicatfitfor Design-T-wie the Community Deveiopmef,t Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Description of the Request: Location of the Propos "1' Lo1'46 . alock: Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s): s66r"oJo-6 or bU Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:Kvr Phone: E-maif Address: C h ri s *zor,'e', trSorls , (o*v Fax: Type of Review and Fee:tr Signs E Conceotual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (m ulti-family/commercia l) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request For Office Use Fee Paid: Application Daie; Planner: IL STAFI: N RFVIEW \ APPROVAL \ tr tr E n tr $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversiorrs). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review 8oaro. No Fee arl DRB No.: oo Oj JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER l, (print name Franft and EIIen McKibben , joint owners of property located at (address/legal description)S09S Main Gore Drive , Lot 2E VaiI Meadows Subdiision provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated wtrich have been submitted to the Town of Vail Gommunity Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: Reolacettent of an aistinp dec* on the North West Side of the hone on Parcel A. (Walker Residcncd orovidine thot the reolacement dech shall be no larper than thot dech beine reolaced. | further understand that minor modificatlons may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature) Ellen B McKibben (Date) tt/25102 oo O O bJ&t","{ " AGREEMENT BETWEEN ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS This agreement is made on the ..-] Y day of , 2002, by and between Christine J. Walker and William A. Walker I the "WALKERS.), whose address is P.O. Box 61 1, Vail, Colorado 81658, and Frank D. McKibben and Ellen B. McKibben (the "MCKIBBENS"), whose address is c/o VailValley Real Estate Brokers, 228 Bridge Street. Suite 1OO, Vail, Colorado 81657 (collectively the "PARTlES"l. WHEREAS, the WALKERS and the MCKIBBENS are each the owner of a part of Lot 28, Vail Meadows Filing No.1 according to the recorded Plat thereof, County of Eagle, State of Colorado ("Lot 28"); WHEREAS, Lot 28 is divided into three parcels described as Parcel A, Parcel B, and Parcel C; the WALKERS own Parcel A, the MCKIBBENS own Parcel B and the MCKIBBENS and the WALKERS each own an undivided interest in Parcel C, pursuant to the Walker-Ray Townhouse Declaration dated July 17, 1978 (the"Declaration"); WHEREAS, the MCKIBBENS desire to change the existing design of their residence and add gross residential floor area ("GRFA") to their residence; WHEREAS, the WALKERS desire to add an equal amount of GRFA to their residence in the future and do not want to be forced to then have to convert their existing residence to the new architectural style being proposed by the MCKIBBENS in order to gain governmental approval(s) for the WALKERS' addition/remodel; WHEREAS, a goal of the PARTIES is to create two structures on Lot 28 which are designed to complement each other and the surroundings yet, the PARTIES disagree on certain design aspects and architectural details which are best to be utilized; WHEREAS, each PARTY must obtain the written consent of tire other PARTY prior to making or suffering any structural or design change to the exterior of the townhome, in accordance with paragraph 4 of the Declaration; WHEREAS, the PARTIES intend for this agreement to set forth the parameters of the design and construction of proposed remodels and additions to the MCKIBBEN and WALKER residences and the PARTIES intend for this agreement to constitute written consent as required by paragraph 4 of the Declaration to the design, remodel and addition of and to the MCKIBBEN residence by the WALKERS, as well as to constitute written consent by the MCKIBBENS to the design, remodel and addition of and to the WALKER residence; {,rNOW, THEREFORE, the PARTIES agree as follows: a-yv, ot The WALKERS hereby consent to the visual aspects of the design proposed by the MCKIBBENS and attached hereto as Exhibit A. The MCKIBBENS shall obtain approval from the Town of Vail Building Department ("TOV") for the proposed roof overhang and window placement. The MCKIBBENS shall take afl measures necessary, including structural engineering as required by the TOV, at the sole cost of the MCKIBBENS, to insure that the structural integrity of the structure on Parcel A (the "WALKER RESIDENCE") is not compromised as the result of the MCKIBBEN design, demolition or construction. The MCKIBBENS shafl indemnify the WALKERS for any damage to the WALKER RESIDENCE which is caused by the MCKIBBENS' design, demolition, construction or use. The MCKIBBENS shall obtain approval from the Town of Vail Building Department for the construction of a "cricket" on the WALKERS' roof for drainage to reduce snow build-up and ice damming where the two units join. The MCKIBBENS shall obtain engineer approval of their plan to create a new structural wall to insure that such does not impact the existing party wall and support to the WALKERS and that supports the existing roof hip and exterior walls that are currently integral with and supported by walls the MCKIBBENS propose to demolish. Full structural support of the WALKERS' exterior walls and roof hip must be replaced. Engineered drawings of such structural supports to the WALKER parcel shall be provided for review by the WALKERS and their independent engineer prior to the commence- ment of demolition and construction. The WALKERS shall also have the ability to review the plans for temporary structural support during construction. The WALKERS will attempt to respond to any concerns regarding the engineering drawings and temporary support within seven (7) business days, and if no objections are received, the plans of the MCKIBBENS' structural engineer will be deemed acceptable to the WALKERS. The MCKIBBEN proposed deck on the southeast corner of Parcel B will not be attached to the structure on Parcel A. The MCKIBBENS hereby consent to the visual aspects of the two design options proposed by the WALKERS for the WALKERS' remodel and addition, attached hereto as Exhibit B. The WALKERS shall take all measures necessary, at the sole cost of the WALKERS, to insure that the structural integrity of the structure on Parcel B (the "MCKIBBEN RESIDENCE") is not compromised as the result of the WALKER design, demolition, or construction. The MCKIBBENS understand and agree thatthe remodel/addition by the WALKERS of and to the WALKER RESIDENCE will be done in phases over the next ten (10) years. The MCKIBBENS shatl not object to application(s) made in the future by the WALKERS for design review approval, planning commission approval, for building permit(s), or other governmental approval made for a design for remodel and addition to the WALKER RESIDENCE, as long as the design is consistent with that reflected in Exhibit B. The McKIBBENS shall join o t. 2. *{,r -2-4r7L 3. in the application of the WALKERS if the TOV or Eagle County requires the MCKIBBENS' signature(s) in order for the WALKERS' application(s) to be considered. The WALKERS shall indemnify the MCKIBBENS for any structural damage to the MCKIBBEN RESIDENCE which is caused by the WALKERS' design, demolition, construction or use. lnstallation of a heated walk-way from the WALKER driveway to the WALKER RESIDENCE in the location of the existing walkway is hereby approved by the MCKIBBENS, provided that WALKERS assume all maintenance and liability risks for the walkway. WALKERS and MCKIBBENS agree to replat Lot 28 into two separate lots. The MCKIBBENS shallarrange for a survey of Lot 28 to be completed at their sole cost and shall propose a revision of the legal descriptions of Parcel A and Parcel B to include .the footprints under the respective improvements, including the garages, house, sidewalks, deck overhangs, entrances and patios. lt is not mandatory that the WALKERS accept the MCKIBBENS' proposal for the expanded descriptions of Parcel A or Parcel B, but the WALKERS agree to act in good faith in working with the MCKIBBENS to establish revised legal descriptions of Parcels A and B which are equitable for both PARTIES, including reciprocal utility easements, temporary construction easements, and parking easements. The replat shall be accomplished so that each party shall have an easement for access to the hose bibbs, utility connections and phone terminals in the rear southeast ("SE") corner of the WALKER property and the west side of the WALKER garage. The parties have approved upon a draft or sketch of an acceptable replat, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit D. During any construction, construction fencing shall be erected so as not to disturb the other owner and any container for debris placed so as not to interfere with the other owners' property and use thereof. lf the PARTIES agree to revised legal descriptions of Parcels A and B, the MCKIBBENS will initiate and pursue to conclusion, at their sole cost, the replatting of Lot 28 by creating new legal descriptions of Parcel A and Parcel B, by amending or rewriting the Declarations to reflect the new legal descriptions and reciprocal covenants and easements, by filing a new plat executed by all owners and lienholders and complying with all other TOV Code regulations or Eagle County regulations which may be applicable. lf either party does not agree to a proposed subdivision line or boundary, the parties shall pursue the subdivision until it is acceptable to both. The MCKIBBENS have received a letter from Brent Wilson of the TOV Department of Community Development, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit G and incorporated by reference herein. The PARTIES agree that no parcel owner(sl shall use more than 50% of the total gross residential floor area ("GRFA") allowed for Lot 28, as determined by the TOV, Eagle County, Colorado. lf the MCKIBBENS use more than their 4. 5. Jr+--- -3-4zt ''- 6. 7. oa ot af f ocated 50% of the GRFA, i.e., 2,971 square feet GRFA as determined by said Exhibit G, the MCKIBBENS shall pay the WALKERS a dollar amount which represents the fair market value per square foot of the amount of developable space which they have used in excess of the 50% that they agree shall be allotted to each parcel owner. lf for any reason the WALKERS use more than their allocated 5oo/o of the GRFA, the WALKERS shall pay the MCKIBBENS a dollar amount which represents the fair market value per square foot of the amount of developable space which they have used in excess of the 507o that they agree shall be allotted to each parcel owner. ln the event the TOV reduces the permitted GRFA in the future, that reduction shall not result in any obligation for one party to compensate the other for the reduced GRFA which can no longer be built. lf more GRFA is permitted in the future, it shall be allocated 5O7o to each residence. Any damage due to ordinary wear and tear or decomposition to the common .wall discovered during construction of the MCKIBBEN RESIDENCE shall be repaired at the equal expense of WALKERS and MCKIBBENS. The parties will work together in choosing a type of siding and roofing material and a color scheme. The parties recognize that the cost of the siding and roofing material is a factor to be considered. The cost of maintaining the party wall shall be borne equally by the owner(s) of both parcels unless and until the MCKIBBENS create a new structural wall between the two units which results in the existing party wall no longer supporting the MCKIBBEN RESIDENCE and no damage to the WALKER RESIDENCE. In that event, each Party shall bear the cost of maintaining their own walls. The costs of maintaining or repairing the roof(s) and other walls of the structures located on parcel A or parcel B shall be the responsibility of the owner(s) of the parcel on which the maintenance or repair is done unless said damage is caused by the act or omission of the other party. The Townhouse Declarations for the Walker-Ray Townhouse shall be amended to reflect the following: a. The above paragraph 7 shall be incorporated into the Declaration. b. Parcels A and B of Lot 28 shall be redefined, with legal descriptions including metes and bounds set forth in the Amendment to the Declara- tions at the sole cost of the MCKIBBENS. Easements shall be granted between the new lots to accommodate roof line intrusions into the area of the adjoining lot. lf the TOV is not satisfied with easements for such encroachments, the parties will cooperate with the TOV to reach an acceptable solution. The new plat shalf be drawn without the easement around WALKERS' garage which is encroached upon by the MCKIBBENS' 8. {o^-.- -4-4-an oo O1 garage. Other encroachments will also be eliminated on the newly drawn plat where the new lot lines extinguish those encroachments. c. A residential structure situated on Parcel A or on Parcel B shall not contain more than a total 2,971 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area ("GRFA"), as defined by the town code of Vail, Colorado, plus 5Oo/o to each residence of any future increase to GRFA. d. The following language shall be added as a new paragraph: "No boats, commercial trucks, trailers, campers, motorhomes, ATV and recreational or inoperable vehicles may be permanently parked or stored on Parcel A or Parcel B. An owner of Parcel A or B may temporarily park such boat or vehicle on their respective, parcel, drive or parking area for the exclusive purpose of preparing for trips, loading and unloading from trips, and for completing minor repairs and maintenance to the boat or vehicle. lf an owner desires to park a boat or recreational vehicle ("RV") on the Property for more than three consecutive days for the sole purpose of completing minor repair or maintenance to the boat or RV, said owner shall provide notice to the other owner that the boat or RV will remain on the property for the purpose of completing minor repair or maintenance, along with an estimate of the number of days, not to exceed seven consecutive days. Extended parking for more than one seven day consecutive period during any six calendar months will not be permitted without permission of the owner of the adjoining parcel. All boats or vehicles parked in the driveway(sl shall be placed so as to permit ready access to the other Party's garage." No more than two (2) vehicles shall be parked outside of garages except for temporary guest visitation. For purposes of this provision, a guest includes a single, occasional, multi-day visitor, but will typically not exceed a four {4} hour visit; long-term guests must comply with the Declaration by locating vehicles off of the driveway. e. The following language shall be added as a new paragraph: "Construction related to the maintenance of, the remodel of, or the addition to any structure on Parcel A or Parcel B which is commenced shall be prosecuted diligently to completion, with the exception of the WALKER addition/remodel which will be undertaken in phases over the next ten years. The WALKERS shall prosecute each phase undertaken diligently to completion. Construction fencing will be installed around the perimeter of the parcel upon which the construction is occurring unless written consent to the contrary is obtained from the neighboring parcel owner. Owners and contractors are permitted to store construction materials and equipment on the approved, fenced construction site during the construction period. Owners and contractors will not disturb, -5- Vry-- ol oa damage, or store materials or equipment on the other owner's parcel or on the driveway. Owners and contractors shall clean up all trash and debris on the construction site at the end of each day. Trash and debris shall be placed in an enclosed dumpster or removed from the site to the closest solid waste disposal sight approved by Eagle County, Each owner and contractor shall be responsible for providing adequate sanitary facilities for their construction workers. All owners shall be responsible for the conduct and behavior of their agents, invitees, contractors, subcontractors and employees of the contractor or the subcontractor." f . Paragraph 1 1 is amended in its entirety to read as follows: "11. Except as otherwise specifically provided in writing, the owner(s) of each parcel shall be responsible for all of the expenses, liabilities and general upkeep responsibilities with respect to the parcel which they own. Subsequent to erection of the new residence on Parcel B, the owner of Parcel B shall have no future obligation for repairs to the prior common wall, which will then serve as support for the residence on Parcel A. The owners of the parcels from time to time shall undertake such landscaping and general outdoor improvements as they may mutually and unanimously deem proper for the harmonious improvement of both townhouses in a common theme. The owner of one parcel shall not unreasonably damage the value of the other parcel such as by shoddy upkeep outside, but both owners shallmake all reasonable efforts to preserve a harmonious common appearance of the building and grounds. " S. The following language shall be added as a new paragraph: "Each provision of the declaration shatl be deemed incorporated and each deed or other instrument by which any right, title or interest in Parcel A, B, or C is granted, devised or conveyed, whether or not set forth or referred to in such deed or other instrument. Further, it shall be deemed accepted, ratified, adopted and declared as a personal covenant of the owners of Parcel A, B, and C as a personal covenant and shall be binding on such owner, his heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns and shall be deemed a real covenant by declarant for itself, its successors and assigns and also an equitable servitude running as a burden with and upon the title to each parcel." h. Paragraph 17 shall be amended to read in its entirety as follows: "17. lt any person shall violate or threaten to violate any of the provisions of this declaration it shall be lawful for the neighboring parcel owner to institute proceedings in Eagle County, Colorado, at law or in equity to enforce the provisions of this declaration, to restrain the person <Ar.--6-4-24,\ ol Oa violating or threatening to violate them and to recover damages and costs together with reasonable attorney's fees for such violation. Disputes hereunder shall not be settled pursuant to the Rules of American Arbitration Association." 9. Except as herein specified, the Declaration in allterms and conditions and all terms and conditions thereof, including but not limited to paragraphs numbered 2,3, 4,5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12. 14, 15, 16, 18, and 19, shall remain in full force and effect and shall be ratified and confirmed in the Amendment. rN wTTNESST//HEREOF, effective the i{ day of Owners: Attachments: Exhibit A - McKibben Design Exhibit B - Walker Design ExhibitC-TOVLetter executed this Agreement ,2002. IWilliam -7- ot E*g.;;"S*#y_1;rr n"*"lr I .oun.v .ont...rll sEARcH f-- E Page I of3Parcel Detail s it* indexl I Elected officials ?County sergices v Communit! ?I 'r€nt to.., vVis itors ? Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Pa rce! Detail Information Assessor/Treasurer Prop€rty Search I Assessor Subset Query | Assessor Sales Search Basic Building Characteristics I Tax Information Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residential/Commercial Improvement Detail I Land Detaii 209918219008 WILLIAM A. & CHRISTINE J. PO BOX 611 Owner Name and Address Legal Description :VAIL MEADOWS FIL 1 LOT:28 DESC: PARCEL A BK-0272 PG-O244 BK-0258 PG-0009 Location Property Tax Valuation Information Physical Address:5095 MAIN GORE DR VAIL Subdivision:VAIL MEADOWS FIL 1 Acres:0.269 Assessed Value http;//www.eagle-county.com/Goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber2099l8219008 08il-1/2003 ! Parcel Detail o3 Sale Date: Sale Price: Basic Building Characteristics Number of Residential Buildinqs:I Number of Comm/Ind Buildinqs:0 Tax Information Page 2 of3 Residential Buildinq Occurrance 1 Characteristics MAIN FLOOR AREA:896 DECK i 248 E rot FIN BSMT=TO ABOVE:896 ISINGLE FAM. RES-IM PROVEMTS ACT-YEAR_BLT:1974 AIRCOND;NONE I l STORY BATHS: BEDROOMS:5 BUILDING TYPE:DUP-TRIPLEX CONST_QUAL:FAIR EFF YEAR BLT: EXTERIOR-WALL:lLoG . ," FIXTURES:l2 FLOOR: FLOOR:ICARPET INV FRAME:WOOD FRAME FUNC OBS:85 HEATING FUEL:GAS HEATING TYPE:HT WTR B/B INTERIOR WALL:DRYWALL NEIGHBORHOOD:PRE 1985 BIGHORN ROOF_COVER:lwo sxlwcle I ROOF STRUCTURE:l ROOMS:I STORIES:ISTORIES 1.0 UNITS:1 USE CODE:RESIDENTIAL WALL-FIN:N/A SUPER NBHD:Feasr vNL / eoorn rALLs http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodtums/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber=209918219008 08/11/2003 Parcel Detail ,e OO Page 3 of3 Tax Year L997 Tax Amount 7997 Tax Pavment: First Ha lf 1997 Tax Pavment: Second Half 1998 1 qqq a 777.93 777.93 1998 1998 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2002 1.475.5t 737 .76 Tax Amount Tax Pavment: First Half Tax Pavment: Second Ha lf Tax Pavment: First Half Tax Pavment: Second Half Tax Pavment: First Ha lf $782. 11Tax Pavment: Second Ha lf Tax Pavment: First Ha lf Tax Pavment: Second Half I,JJ).I. Tax Pavment: First Half Tax Pavment: Second Ha lf Top of Page Assessor Database Search Options I Treasurer Database Search Options Contact us by phone: (970)328-8540. in Colorado (800)225-6135 By mail: Eagle County Assessor, 500 Broadway, PO BOX 449, Eagle, CO 81631 Or by e-mail: ma rkc@eagle-county.com The Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices make every effort to collect and maintain accurate data. However, Good Turns Software and the Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices are unable to warrant any of the information herein contained. Copyright O 2001 Good Turns Software. All Rights Reserved. Database & Web Design by Good Turns softwa re. http://www.eagle-county.comiGoodturns/assessor/parcel,asp?ParcelNumbee2099 I 821 9008 08i I t/2003 / :t i.'- .-- -E :,.1 I :* ;i;(. i; lf n; q.' .. # ,'"h oo Ftt t cuPr August 28, 2003 Mr. and Mrs. William A. Walker PO Box 611 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Deck replacement 5095 Main Gore Drive South. Vail/CO 81657 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Walker, Thank you for submitting an application to replace the deck on the rear of your residence. Though the application included a legal agreement that was reached last year concerning general improvements on the property, a signature, or at the very least a verbal agreement, is still needed to proceed with specific improvements, such as your proposed deck replacement. After placing several calls requesting a duplex owner's signature of approval, I placed a call yesterday directly to Mr. McKibbens, verifying that he was aware and approving of your replacement of the deck. Mr. McKibbens stopped by this morning to verify that he was unable lo sign and approve of the replacement. Therefore, I will be unable to approve the application until a signature can be obtained. I will place your application on hold until an agreement is able to be reached and the duplex owneds signature obtained regarding this minor repair. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any remaining questions or concerns you might have. May the remainder of your summer be pleasant. Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 oo oo Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 MX 970-479-24s2 www.ci.vail.co.us August 29, 2003 Mr. Frank McKibben Vail Valley Real Estate Brokers, Inc. 228 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Re: Previous permit for garage addition 5095 Main Gore Drive South Vail, CO 8'1657 Dear Mr. McKibben, Thank you for stopping in yesterday to address your concerns regarding the Walke/s deck replacement. I am faxing you the materials list for the garage addition that you had previously submitted. Please let me know if you need any other information and I will do my best to obtain it for you. I have also mailed you the DRB application form that you will need to submit should you decide to reapply for the same or a similar proposal. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any concerns or questions you might have. I will do my best to make the application process as simple for you as possible. {gr"notor ro Dg,rtoJ L II(.;AI- tlt:S(:l'l I 'l'he fol lorrjng inforrnet jorl i:; Iloard bci'orc a tirlal apProval A. BlllLIrliitl l"ta.'fERlt'-t,S i^t?.oo r Sid i ng Other !'ia1 1 Nlat eriaL s Fascia Soffi t s lVindor'rs llilriovr i'rin Door s Door Trin -fi an<! o-: =Deek-*ail s --Htres- -+fast+;+tgs'- Chimuev s Tra-sh lttc.l osures 61. ecirhor.rs e s 0 Eirer B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT I"IATERIALS euc 2- | to ttlc Dc s j.gtl ltcvic'r; ). r //,' tu1 Cf- =-TAtD LYm f '<- /)o"d @; -z' a'q-, k tl//,*-l,nt 4 B??uaz &*,'*&7n 'ffrT^ *3->r /--B V hJ L;fL STe,ls 7aa tt zl /74 /2-? < Botanical Name Comnon Name 7t9t;",""*Q]"-e^"'-$a," Q3+"rcG2*'*o,b' 4"f 'uJ Quant'i tY // Si ze @ frfiL' z--* 4 /l'Lz"IKELJ .7 /8ua 2r' -u4-a-w42Iz1 t?J{-- rcqrrirctl for sr-rbri ittal by thc appl iclrnt curr be .given: ,S 6s P=, -?e ^os- -Z*.8 STet:u 4 2 t\ -Es Ftn- -7,--1 =!A{*%t oLY'r'r- 7lr4 t //,n, CJ Color lia,^l g- 7t\ otVnP'e-. ,JA7,4EE-, --<- -.. t ) t/. ^- Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of C.ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax:. 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Project Name: MCKIBBEN ADDmON Project Description: Participants: OWNER MCKIBBEN, FMNK D. & ELLEN 803/2912004 Phone: 228 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 License: APPLICANT MCKIBBEN, FMNK D, & ELLEN BO3/29l2004 Phone: 228 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 5095 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH VAIL 5095 MAIN GORE DRryE, "8" Locationi Legal Description: Lot: 28 Block 19 Subdivision: VAIL MEADOWS RL 1 Parcel Number: 209918219009 Comments: see conditions DRB Number: DRB040095 1,313 SQ FT ADDmON TO ONE UNIT OF A DUPLEX, PROVIDING A UNK FROM RESIDENCE TO GARAGE BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motaon By: Proper Second By: Mathius Vote: 4-0 Conditions: Action: APPROVED Date of Approvah O4l2Il2OO4 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this prqect shall lapse and become void one (l) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diliOJ pursued toward completion.o ot otCond: CON0006395 THAT THE WALKERS REROOF THEIR SIDE OF THE DUPLEX WITH THE SAME ASPHALT SHINGLES T THE MCKIBBENS ARE USING CONCURRENTLY WITH THE COMPLETION OF THE MCKIBBENS PROJE ORDER TO MAINIAIN DESIGN COI'ITINUTTY. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO ',th"iji:jVFi IO!\'NM one y€ar of tho approval.Ir3rJQ Application for Design Review Department ol Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 lax'. 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: Al projecls requiring design revbw must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit spplication' Il"ts" refer to the submittal requirentents for the particulai approval that b requested. An application for Design Fwiew cannot be accepted unlii all required informalion is received by the C.o.nmunity Dev€topnEnt D€partment. The p.l*r r"V "So ne"A to be reiiewed by the Town Courpil.and/or the Planning and Environmental Comm6s6n' b.iign t"ut"* app.oval fapaes unfesi a bulldlng pormlt ls l$ued and conatructlon commencea wlthln Locatlon of th6 Proposal: Lot: ZbtA., Physical Addrese: ParcelNo.: 6 Zoning: 1.9? tSLl?w (Contact Eagle Co. Ass€ssor at 970-328-8&0 for parcel no.) 'prtsY- t *-r, --X\ rqr tr-lFngN Malllng Address: Owner(s) Signature(s):(_rt.-- Name ol Appllcant: Malllng Address: ? n BoX 5D55 . -r-7r-rr^r A<r, I\z I I- 9 I l,-r 3.'? Phone: 12-b - 2-tO22-- $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $660 For @nstruction ot a new bui|ding or d€mo/rebuild' $3OO For an addition where square footage b added to any reskjsntial or cornmercial building (includes 25O addilions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor change€ to buildings and site improvements, sucfl as' reroofing, painting, window additions' landscaping' fences and retaining walls, elc. $20 fur minor changes to buildings and site improvernents' sLEfi as' reroofing, painting, window additions' hn&ping' lences and retaining walb, etc. $20 For revilbns lo plarF already approred by Planning Statf or the Design Review Board. No Fee Type of Review and Fee: . Signs. Conceptual Review . fbw Construction Addilion . Minor Alteration (multi-f amily/commercial) . Minor Alteration (single-family/duPlex) . CfEng€s to APproved Plans . Separation Request Descrlptlon ot the Requ6t: For offfce use Qnty: ' u,K lLc(,bhtq;;*"i3;6f"''' * tn-., q?(u By, tro,-.' , -,, ,, -,.,a[rErlo''o"t", 4't):o!h-b ,t JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER , a joinl owner ol property located at (addressy'legal descriptbn't provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Tonrn of Vail Community Development Department for the pr@osed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: tilP't <' lb 'c1l R"*od"l of. ho " b"a"d oo ,*""1 B o"*rdio, to obr\(oorond s*n^bo 19. 2ilD orrd aoo" errt futzil I further understand thal minor modifications may be made to th€ plans over the cours€ of the ]gvi€w process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable cod€s and rsgulations. ttf25toz EXIERIOR, 12' ygOO Slplt€ gTAllC[2 TO I'IATO]I EX9TI]€ AI.D EOARD ATO AATTEN 9ID|I{9 9TATGD TOT.IXTAI E)(|gTI}€' F&aA' 6EDAR,l&D gTAllGp TOtn*fc)l EXlSTlt{6 APPROVED WTTIE TOWN OF VAIL -i\ w FD*d{ t-* 0)0-0*'nov/fl (- t@Oft AgPtL L'T 5l{ll€tLE5 lN 5}IAKE}@ l.llt0Olt , I{ARVE9T CRAf€ERtr -'t'?fi'x.l it_s.j,4 -. r i"\,4"J uurf '',;;,, :l.,Fi I ._i... r ..,rr- l,i;:.i - DES|Gi.l ir,;ViEVif BOARD PROPOSED MATERIALS Building Materials Roof Siding Other Wall N4aterials Fecia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other sreapg$ .rr utztl g:(rsttNq tt ll +re..V'esr r€A\JRtrPPf sn(NEt -ID M}<rr+{e(<rq st-k\r€s -tb MNr. tl €)('sT q. tt t-l /n ts\, *t /x Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. A+Jlr Qrrr ee-i.*lzC DATE: Type of Material PLANNER: S .ftF((- e 6bA R- cl€r1^ngNT AUJm. CEbA<€_ @ C6A112- C p_OfcA_ / Copppz Sror-:g Page 6 of 121061171O3 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name Quantity Size PRCFO€EDTFEES AND SFRUBS E(ISTING TFEES TO BEREMOVED Botanical Name I lJ /n / Minimum Requirements for Landscaping :Deciduous Tree - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Type Square Footage GROUND @\ER SOD SEED 'IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Ve-16-I4-t!!----5c:DP * Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining lyalls, fences, swimrning pools, etc.)t>t l'*r\\-n r,J rl eref) s - 2'- (f" -Fl l h d. Page 7 of 12106117103 LlErru[B JuuwpracE - flrrml(;a J LrglruuB Dr(JrE Search Model#/ Kef^rord Wall Sconce S€a cull - Prarie Statement Model:850t8-71 Finish Anligue Bronze [As Shovrtnl (clid( thumbnail tor hrger imga) Dinensions: Height 1 1-112" Extension From Wall: 7-314" He[ht From CenterOf Wall ( 4" Number of Bulbs: 1 Maximum Wattage: 100W Bulb Base: Medium Voltage: 12OV Glass: C hampagne Opalescc Bulbs: Bulbs Not Included Shown In Antique Bronze Click to see matching produc Shipping E llandling: $0.00 List Price $14/-.76 Our Price tr02"00 Largest Selection, Fast Delivery and Our Low Price Guarat lf you find an item advertised for less, ht us know and we wall match tltr Cant find if.) Have questions? Need assistance? Call our customer service staf at (8fA 6119140, o. E-Mail us. Home I About Us I Contact Us I Customer Service I Policies I Privacy Notice I Affliate Program O 199+an3 Al Rights Resen €d. Forrered by DPS Inc. rzrB9 I rtr L t--__--ltr Advanced Search Shopping List Checkout Mew Saved Ust Ways to Shop By Category Bathroom Ughting Bathroom Products Cdling Fans Cdling Ughts Chandeliers Crystal Ligtrt Fixtures Exterior/Outdoor Li ghti ng Hanging Li ghb/Penda nb Mirrols TaUe/Floor Lamp Wbll Sconc€s Featured Brands Best Sellerc Most Popular OuUet Center Neuv Producls Get a Quote Features Ne$,sle{ter Ljghting Basics Customer Service Teslimonials Lo\[ Price Guarantee Decorative Plumting Decoraf€ fcr Sprftg click here euv"r^.dv o t.r6w L !,tr 2 Wall Sconce Sca Gull - Prarie Stabment Model:8408-71 Dinensions: Height *1n" I 'tn" Extension From Wall: 'f-U4"Height From Center Of Vlrall ( ,1t4" Number of Bulbo: 1 Maximum Wattage: 100W Bulb Base: Medium Voftage:120V Glass: Champagne Opalesct Bulbe: Buhs Not Included Shown In Antique Bronze Click to see matchino produc Shipping & Handling: $0.00 Finish Antique Bronze [As Shownl (clict thurrbnail for la;ger irnags) List Price Our Price $39.48 $a8.oo Largest Selection, Fast Delivery and Our Low Price Guarat !f you find an item advertised for bss, let us know and we vvill match tftr Search Model # / Keywordr-------_l@ Adanc€d Search Shopping List Checkout View Saved List Ways to Shop By Category Bathroom Lighting Bathroom Products Cdling Fans Ceiling Lights Chandeliers Crystal Light Fixtures Exteriorputdoor Lighting Hanging Li ghts/Pendants Minors TaHe/Floor Lampe Wbll Sconces Featured Brands Best Sellers Most Popular Outbt Center New Products Get a Quote Features Namsletter Lighting Basics Customer Service Testimonials Low Pdce Guarantee Decorative P'lumting Can't find it? 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Caf f our customer service stafi at (877) 61.}efl0, or E-Mail us. t .l5g I vL z. |__--_ltr Advanced Search Shopping List Checkout Vievy Saved Ust Ways to Shop By Cabgory Bathroom Lighting Bathroom Products Ceiling Fans Cdling Lights Ghandeliers Crystal Ught Fixtures Exterior/outdoor Ugtrting Hanging Lights/Pendants Minorg TaHe/Floor Lamps Wall Sconces Featured Brands Best Sellers Most Popular Ouflet Cenler New Products Get a Quotie Features Narlsletter Ughting Baics Ctrstomer Service Testimonials Low Price Guarantee Decorative Plumting Iil LTF s D€corafe f*r Sping dick harc Home I About Us I Contact Us I Customer Service I Policies I Privacy Notice I Affiliate Programg t$4-2{n3 Al Righb Resewed. Pourered by OPS lr|c. hup://store.lightingshowplace.con/cgi-bin/lightoutlet/scan/fi=nodelVsFsql/sFsuites/se=P... 3/2212004 Lrtsrru|rE, !)rruwPralrec - rrru€r.rval Search Model #/ Keyword D rrrEFruuE,r Wall Sconce Finish Anlique Bronze [As Sho ,n] (clid( ihumbnailfor latger imag€) Sea Gull - Ptarb Stabment Model:8513-71 Dimensions: Height 1G1/4" 10" Extension From Wall: 1G3/l' Height From Center Of Wall ( 6" Number of Bulbs: 1 Maxi rn rm l/lfattage: 1 50W Bulb Base: Medium Voltage:120V Glass: ChanPagne OPalesce Bulbs: Bulbs Not lncluded Shown In Antique Bronze Click to see matching Produc Shipping & Handling: $0.00 List Price Our Price 9223.72 315t.00 r----_-ltr Advanced Search Shopping List Checkout Mew Saved List Ways to Shop By Caiegory Elathroom Lighting Elathroom Products Ceiling Fans Cdling Ughts ChanddieG Cry8{al Light Fixtureg Extsriorroutdoor Lighti ng Han gin g Lights/Fen&nts Mirrors TaHe/Flmr Lampe Wbll Sconces Featured Brands Best Sellers Most Populat Ouuet center New Products Get a Quote Featureg Neu6letter Lighting Basics Cr.rstomer Service Teslimonials Lor,\, Price Guarantee Decoraiive Plumting DecorEf€ i*r Sprlng dick here Largest Selection, Fast Delivery and Our Lor Price Guarat lf you--find an item advertised for bss, tet us know and we will match thr Can't find it? Have questions? Need assistance? Calf our customer service staff at (877) 6134140, or E-Mail us- Home lAbout Us I Contac.t Us I Customer Service I Policies | llyecy Notice I Affliate Program' o tS+2qX, A{ Rlghts Reseru.d. Po$€tsd by DPs Inc' htp://store.lightingshouplace.com/cgi-biMightoutlet/products?id=blFxtXge&mv-ar585... 3DAAOM o.Oj al rl 5095 Moin Gore Drive- uurrenT Lonoscoprng Existing Londscoping os viewed from Street South Property Line Existing londscoping os viewed from residence Or Oa Street Views of 5095 Moin Gore Drive jt ol Snowshoe Lone Cul-de-soc Onlv wolker Residence is Visible Snowshoe Lone Eost of Cul-de-soc I /2 of eoch residence visible (winter only ) View from Ute Lane cul-de-sac Only Walker residence is visible *.frf.* " ''-'&#;,-'+i fi..'E-. - View l'rom 5036 Main Gore Dr. ( next lot South ) Onlv McKibben residence is visible in Winter s:w-+'-#t'\"'to Io ;:1. . . I,i ::-.' r. , . i _., il ,r:.... ; irrl ,,i .:r' :,, . ,. . i',-,i:,: i:, i. i: i .' 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Jilr: i:'i:.1i r:li!..ri!ll:' :ii: :'i-: i ; :t:lti: : jjr' ": :"rl: ' r : !r ' I i I I l. i i i i l.: i i:': : i..ti.l'. .,-:, t. ?il: ;li:i I ti..!; ii;iir.. ,::t |.-''l'.j'j"l.:1.l::j;.i.,,.':..i:..lj.:lj I l-:ir i. :ri:: i , i'ii. :.I -i i . :r', r.l;i.: l;': ;,: .I :i,!; i i]- :.t- ._:lr'!. i : !, :. .. , . i:; r, :: I f.i , |.o fDo * * * * * ** + * * * * * i. 't * * {< * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * *** * * ** 'F * * * r. * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * ** * * * * r* * * * * ** * * * * * * *.,F** TOWN OF VAIL" COLORADO Statement ****'tt *{.{.***********.'}***<********,t 'i***********rr*******.***{.****{.***********:i*****,tt ****,t****** statement Number: R040005525 AmounE.: $300.00 03/29/2o}4o3:37 PM Palment Method: Check Tnit : .fS Notation: Permit No: DR8040095 Tf4>e: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2099fA2t9OO9 Site Address: 5095 MArN GORE DR SOLllfH VAIT., Location: 5095 MAIN GORE DRM, "Brl Total Fees: $300.00This Palment: $300.00 Total AI-,Ir Ernts| $300.00Balance: 50,00 ** * * *** * * * * *r * * * {.:* * * {. **t< ** * * * * * * *:f * ** * * * + * * i.** * *** * * * ** * * * * ***** * * *:*,f * * *:ft** **** * * *,* ** ***'} * * * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descr^iption Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEI,'I FEES 300.00 tffi,. 7.?ew 1B:43R1'l TERFIELD POS Ff0.6EEr P.Z FiEOEFTCT( 5 ofr€ 9E tott.t- l- FO(IEFIEIJ, Jn, IIIJ.IATJ. FOC' Orro, Ponmrgp & Fosr r.rc 4.'@tt.rtrLfl F€r oFrrcE Dc8 tr.a9 rtEioddtuluaBs|e Fi|nBcAl-AFEEETrt EACIE IXTAOE LD rCtE auto. ul arouEullr cg,lllDo.t@.tE-af,tqra.ep E t Frf .Ht-'AXt{ E }[JtEHlsOtt I\,larch 6,2m0 BrentWilsor, Plmscrtr Deparmcnt of Community Dertelopm€ot 75 SoufhFrontageRoad Vail, Colorado 81657 Seut by Facsimile to: 479-2452 Re: LatZ8,,VailMeadowsFilingNo. I Dearlvft, Wilsou; Thankyouforyoulettcrda&dlv1archt,2000. YouhawindioatcdrhqttheTownofVail has "roqucsbdn rrritteoconsedftombothoumecsonanyfutrredesipreviewsubmittalscolccmiry Lot 28, Vail lvleadows filing No. 1. It is my contcntion tbet thc Toun of Vail zoqing ordinme gS srrrglltlv qllitra, rpqufues wittrn cons€nt from both owrerc. ftp Toum Code requires 'tDc oqms or agtborizod agp4 to make application.o It does not state g owffi. In this caso, the owaer of l..ot 2S,YailldeadorrspilingNo. l isFrukMcKitrben,ElloMcKibbco,BillWalkErmdChds Walkcr. My puqpose ia qlstosing a aopf of Eagle Cormty Lmd Usc Rcgulations wus not to s$gcst thd thc Towu of Vail is bound by then, but rder to illushdc thd thc wotds "thE orvuerr" rcquirc rvritleo conscnt Aom sll owuerr before an applicstion is compldo. It is my cootentim thd fs the Town of Vail to change ths zoning or gnnt developrnt rights on a parvel of laad to oue laador"nert ov€r &e objectim of a joiut ladoumet, gotld F$ult in an unconstitrtioal ' -king of the objecting landowner's pooperty . Wbilethe Toqm ofVail may uot be srbjectto tho EagleCouuty Lilduse ncgulatioqs' itlE subject o the U.S. Constitrtion. It is trot withio the authuity of the DRB to rcinstale smsrhitrg vrhichhasbe€novertrnaedonappealbytbe Tounrcouncil. Itisnotwilhinthea.rtborityoftheToum of Vail to coosidermapplication for govenrncntal approvalwhichis trotutd€ by thc knd ow!€r. The land owner in thh csse iDoludes more thm one idividuat Thcse are thc objcotions vthich I requert bc rnade part ofthc recotd Thank you. Very Ano Thomas Moorh€ad Russcll Forcst Chris and Bill Wdk€r Ron Snaw o ilLE copy TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8 FAX 970-479-2452 March I, 2000 Ann E. Hutchison, Esquire Otto, Porterfield and Post, LLC PO Box 3149 Vail, CO 81658-3149 Re: Lot 28, Vail Meadows Filins #I Dear Ann: I am in receipt of your letter dated February 29, 2000 regarding the above-ref-erenced properfy. I would like to take this opportunity to address some of the concems expressed in your letter. Pursuant to Section l3-8- l, Town of Vail Code, the Town recognizes the parcels established on Lot 28 as "one entity with no more than one two-family residence allowed on the combined area of the lots." Although the Walkers and McKibbens have established separate parcels for tax and orvnership purposes, the Town does not recognize these separate parcels fbr zoning purposes. In the interest of facilitating a workable solution to the current dispute between the owners, however, we have requested written consent from both owners on any future design review submittals. Additionally. town staff will submit to the Town Council this year a proposed code amendment that could specifically require written consent ofjoint property owners on any design review submittals. The Town of Vaii was incoqporated as a home rulc municipality in 1966. We have not been a party to, nor have we been subject to, Eagle County's Land Use Regulations for the past 34 years. Therefore, the county's application and notice requirements are irrelevant to projects submitted under the Town's jurisdiction. {p r"n"uo r*"* ,.n, r-- i I $.,I Ifyou would like to discuss this issue in greater detail, please do not hesitate to contact me ar (970) 479-2t&. Sincerely, E-*? Brent Wilsonn Plenner II cc: R. Thomas Moorhead, Town Attorney Russell Forrest, Director of Community Development Chris andBill Walker Pam Hopkins Ron Snow Frank and Ellen McKibben Paul Mitchell" RKD Architects FREOERICK S. OTTO WENDELL B. PORTERFIELD, JR, WILLIAM J, POST Orr,o, PonrEnrrnr.,p & Posr uc ATIOANEYS AT I.{W POST OFFICE AOX 3149 vArL. coIrRADO E165aa1{A PHYSICAL ADDRESS: OO5I EAGLE ROAD EMERALD ACRES BLDG. III E GLE-VA|L. COLORAOO Al620 TEL. (97O) 949,CaaO FAX (970) 845-9138 ANN E. HUTCHISON Februarv 29.2000 The Town of Vail Design Review Board In care of Russell Fonest Department of Communir.v Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Sent by Facsimile to:479-2452 Brent Wilson Town of Vail Planning Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Sent by Facsimile to:479-2452 Thomas Moorhead Town of Vail Attomey 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Sent by Facsimile to: 479-2157 Dear Gentlemen: We represent Bill and Chris Waiker who are the owners of the lot on which Frank and Ellen McKibben intend to build an addition and are currently applying for design review. We are writing to object to the Town of Vail design review board considering the application of Frank and Ellen McKibben for design review until that application is signed and joined in by the Walkers. First and foremost, the Town Design Review Board has no authority to consider an application which is not signed by all owners of the property. Section 12-11- 4 of the Town Code requires the owner or authorized agent to submit certain materials to the Administrator for final design approval. One of those things is a preliminary title report. The purpose of having a copy of the title report in the Town's file is to indicate who the owners of the properly are. It is my understanding that the McKibbens have not submitted a preliminary title report with their application. Further, they are not the Walkers' authorized agent. The Town has no authority or jurisdiction over this matter unless all ownersjoin in the application either by signing the application or submitting a written statement which indicates that they have authorized the McKibbens to act on their behalf. I refer you to the Eagle County Land Use Regulations Section 5-210 D (l) & (2) which clarify the requirements of all owners to make application. I must stress again, we are not talking about adjacent land owners. The Walkers are joint McKibbens propose to build. owners of the lot on which the The McKibbens applied for design review in the summer of 1999 without infomring the Walkers, who are the joint owners of the property, that they were doing so. Despite the objections ofthe Walkers, the DRB eventually grantedthe McKibbens' application. The Walkers appealedthe decision to the Town Council, the Town Council ovemrled the DRB and sent the matter back to the DRB for reconsideration. Over the past six montls the Walkers and the McKibbens have each spent countless hours and thousands of dollars in attomey fees and architectural fees hammering out an agreement and a design which would allow each family to remodel and add on to their existing duplex in a manner acceptable to each. The two families appeared before the DRB last week and submitted the designs which were aproduct of compromise and muchwork. According to the McKibbens' attorney, the DRB rejected the design compromises which had been reached by the Walkers and the McKibbens and required the McKibbens to retum to the design which was rejected by the Town Council last fall. On behalf of the Walkers, we object to the Design Review Board considering anything other than an application which has been signed by both the McKibbens and the Walkers. We also object to the earlier McKibben design which has been rejected by the Town Council being referred to, resurrected or considered by the DRB. At the session on February 16, 2000, the DRB injected reconsideration of the earlier design on their own initiative and undid six months worth of difficult negotiation which has occurred between the Walkers and the McKibbens. Such action is arbitrary and capricious on the part of the DRB. If an application submitted by the McKibbens, but not signed by the Walkers, is considered by the DRB we also wish to register an objection to the proposed plan because it does not meet the requirements of the Town Code. Specifically, Section l2-ll-5 (I) of the Town Code of Vail mandates that duplex development be designed in a manner that creates an architecturally integrated structure with unifred site development. The McKibben plan proposes to change the building materials, the architectural style, the scale, the roof forms, the massing and the architectural details of one side of the duplex only. This is in direct conflict with Section l2-ll-5 O which states: "Unified architectural and landscape design shall include, but not be limited to, the use ofcompatible building materials, architectural style, scale, roof forms, massing, architectural details, site grading andlandscapematerialsandfeatures." Further,thelackofarchitecturalintegrationproposedbythe plan fails to meet the objectives prescribed in Section 12-Il-l of the Town Code of Vail. Please call me with questions or concems. Thank you. very cc: Chris and Bill Walker, Pam Hopkins, Ron Snow rl :,_- | ::r I Rft li i lr,i Itl 'I 5-210. PROTBIONS OF GENEML ltPPIJCABIUTYlRTIC LE 5 : /tDL'IINISTRAflON +-.. , t':-. 5. Wrinel g-unmary. Within seven (7) calendar days of completion of the PreaPPlication confersn-cc, thc Community Development Director shall mail to the.applicant a wrinen summary of the preapplication conferEnce. D. Cooroo procedurc for rcview of epplicetiour. Unless otherwise stated in this Article, the- submission of an application for, determination ofthc completeness o{, staff review of' and notice' and scheduting of public hearingi on all applications for development Perttits shdl comply with dre 1. Idtiation. Applications for development pcrmits shall bc submitted to the Community Dcvelopment birector by tbe owner, or any other person having a recogrrized interest in the land for which the dcvelopment is proposd or their authorized agent. r. Applicaat is not the owuer. If the appticant is not the or.vner of the land, or is a "ontru"t purchascr of the lan4 the applicant shall submit a lener sigred by thc owner coruienting to the submission of thc application. b. Applicalt is not the sole owuer. Ifthe applicant is not 0re sole owner of the lan4 the-applicant shall submit a letter sigred by the other ownent or an association rcpresinting the owneF consenting to orjoining in the application for development ilerm it. Minimum contents of application. The application shall be submiued in a form established by thcse Land use.Regulations and made available to the public. All applications shall inctudc, at a minimum, thc following materials: a. Applicant'r iileotity. The applicant s namc, mailing address, telephone and fax n,-b"t. lf the applicant is to be represcnted by an agent, a lecer signcd by the applicant granting powcr of attomey to the agent shdl bc submined, authorizing the agent to repFdenr the applicant and stating the representative's name, mailing addrest, telephone and fax number. b. Lcgat description. Tbe legal description and street address, if such exists, ofthe parcel on which dcvelopment is proPosed to occur. _-_> eli ) { 't Disclosure of owuership. A disctosure of owncrship of the parcel on which the devetopment is to occur, listing the names of all owncrs of the property, and all mortgiges, judgements, liens, easements, contracts and agreemcnts that run with the land. Thi: disclosure of ownership may be in the form of a current certificate from a title insurance compann ded ovmership and cncumbrance report, atome;/s opinion or other documentation acceptable to thc County Attorney-,i'I t:l:, UND USE RECUUNONS .+tlt,;ltrH.qt tt&-tao. d.. !t' lttr 5-t7 E|GLE COUNTT, COU)RADO e / RTIC LE 5 : AD LilN ISTMflO N '-210. PAOYISNNS OF GENEML IPPLICIETUTY d. . -yiciuity mrp. An eight urd one-half (8 Zt inch by eleven (l l) inch vicinity map, locating tftc zubjcct parcel within Eaglc County. e. Written description. A written description of thi proposal and an explanation in written, graphic ormodel form ofhowthe proposed developmentcomplies wirh the .' .review standards applicable to the application. f. Environmental Impact Reporg when applicable. (See Section 4'460). c. Adjacent Property Owners. A list of all adjacent Properry owners 'compiled by the applicant using the most r€rent County ad valorem tal( rolls,. is required for.all applications and shall be submitted to the Community Development Director as part of the application for developmenl In addition p submining a written list, the applicant shall also zubmit the addresses on adhesive labels or in the form ofpre'addressed envelopes. (an 9f27199) h. Additional Requiremeats. Submittal requirements as outlined in the specific development permit section of these Land Use Regulations- 3. Determination of completeners. Within ten (10) working days of receipt of the application, the Community Developmcnt Director shall determine if the application is complete and includcs data in sufhcient dctail to cvaluate the application to determine whether it complies with the appropriate substantive requircments of these Land Use Rcgulations. a. Determined incomplete. lf the Community Development Director determines the application is incompletg a wrinen notice shall be mailed to the applicant specifying the application's deficiencies. No further action shall be taken on the application until the deficiencies are remedied. Ifthe applicant fails to correct the deficiencies within sixty (60) calendar days, the application shall bi considcred withdrawn and returned to the applicanl The applicant may appeal the Community Development Dircctor's determination to the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to Section 5-2400 ofthese Land Use Regulations. b. Determined complete. When the application is determined complete, the Community Development Dircctor shall notifr the applicant in writing, of the application's completeness, and ofthe date set for the first public hearing for the . application, which shall be no latei than sixty (60) days after the date the . z'pplication was determined to be complete. 4. Recommendation by Community Devctopment Director, Within thirty (30) working days after mailing of notice that an application (except for a Preliminary or Final Plat for t I '' .i '{ UND USE REGUUTIONS . 't/rlr&adbtbrrilt-t co. l--.. tt. t]tl t-t 8 aoLE couw coLouDto qEB.?9.?WE t:39Pr'l FiECECKg. OrIOrE|DgI E. F(RIIRFTEI.O, JN. IILI.IAX J- FCT Atol E HurEr.rs{ ORTERFIELD POS Ol1o, Fonrmmrr.n & Pcrrr.rc .|l|@rB&r.t rs"4'lcalqtt{q[.m.crwttdarx FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION fuw"r wtw^ ._ IF TRANSMISSION IS NOT COMPLETE, PLEASE CALL OTTO, PORTERFIELD & POST r-r-c AT 970/949-5380 (Far number: 97O.E4$9130. MESSAGE: ?t ean_ /tt/- A&l,ct va The infonnation containedin orafracfiedtotfiis faxmessage is ht€ndedonfiforilre confidential use of the individual(s) named above. lf you are not the named recipient or an agent re$ponsible for delivedng it to the named fedpiGlrt you arc hereby not'ilied ttEt you have receirred his doflment in enur and trat Gview. dissemingtion ormpying of this comnrunicalion ig prohlbited. lf tou harre r€civEd this communication in enor, pleaae notiff rc immediately by Flephone and rEftJm the originaldscumenb by U.S. Mail. Thankyou. DArE: tlzn[ro PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWNG FAGES TOI NAME: Fnl( NUMBER: ,*I4 - 13,6L FROM: WE ARE TRANSMITTING (induding cover page):J LETTER PAGES LEGAL PAGES fs.99l P.1 T}IIEETLAIFEGqFt EJrsI lrtE|SrlE .ActE t-*lhlr&ltL cq.trEttltDtE-lroaas 'rro!!aaft$ lf{#oFn Og copr Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 j,38 FAX 970-479-2452 Fcbliralv i5, l(iU0 Pilr l lopl< ins Sll(.r\\'d()ri iLrrrl I ltr lr li iirs r\r'cltiieets '(J I Ciri'c ('l',::i: D:'i,, -' Vail, Colorado 81657 Rc:The Ltitlkcn'tVlcKibbe,n Remodel.s i Lot 23. I/ail fuleaclov's Fi/ins #l 1r..,.f ,, This le'tter- rvill sc'ri,c to sunrnr:rrjtc cur c,\i:', ,-r'.rtions 'lnrl tl)c Dcsign Re,. ic'.r, [-1ourd'-" (DRB) slilien tunts r c.:ur cLi ii g llre airovc-t'; I clut rceil pri li ;- L At thcil Fcbruan' l(r''' nrccting. thc DIIR lr,-lr'isc.l \lr'. \tlcliibbcrr to Pursucr lris ori_girrll ;rlurt n illi the steelrcr f l0/12)r'trof nitches ubove thc clot'nrcrs. Thc DRB staterl a vlrliirtion in dolr.ncr roril' trilclrt-'.; lr,'{,.1rq'1-'1; iltc \\/llkr:r' lLrrcj \lrti(ibl,,rit r rtii: rrorrlri ntc':t t:lrr: irri,'ll ,,f rl'- T rr'. rr ',1'',.".,i1 Design Cuidclines provided cor.rsistent building mirterials and colors were used throughout the entire structure. The DRB advised both applicants to resubmit their applications (on one plan) with the suggested modifications in anticipation of final approval tbr both projects. If you would like to discuss this issue in greater detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, 19"---'- ('':^---- Brent Wilson Planner II Jack Snow. RKD Architects tp *u"'"""o 'o'"" 2-23-MA 2:48PM r 3:4lP{Itrt U lll Mlchrct H ilrGlotr tlny ('. ffucnPurr I{ohrt M. Scrtrdn imald J. SrtrMld*t J, DofllrEftudDtllc A. Uthrrr John A MTlnIYfrttl| l- 'f||lhlr!lirl r;, Rrnlsltalndhy I trlwr IrJs,* cc: Mr. ftlbnrary 22' 2000 FAXED /IND-idAITES (ttdl ils-elll VarytruIy Yowr MdLGn[ tlAlrENFdL SBVmSOIiI Al{D Stiplrt' OPrt|tiotl rn0 Mn, f,ru* D. Mcl$bla (fuql - WOt 1761;X'3 - ltd nrilcd) =ROul ^ruWmN ANIO |'{@KINS 97et4767491 t P-2 reqpm+ElD poa Fnx m. 3B flA'*'v "''p. ovsr Mc$lorr, Davuuonr, Snnruox Ano Srow tto&aicodCc.Ddaiolf'Fnttrfilro' nnt F, llulclisos F.rq. otto. Ponalbkl & Pocl Ll-C Pour OtTice Bols 3149 V:ril. Cobndo tl6jS3l49 Rcr ift*S0snrffikor tlrylcr Dcdgn l)oer At[r Wlr(|l rou hrve fhe rcrirsl rtnlt of lhc rloarnrlor br rtr pwdlr b mslt b fhsir rs3t ccliya rtcsign moililrcnris$$ plollc for*anl rtn.tc' At r|n T}rdgl Rc\,iH Eourt }rcring tr$ rl{th, l rrnitrgtlrrl rhil thc Eot6d nquind ftc McKibtsus to-rcfi'dri; U"-lit ro a IUIZ pid T.t* dormorr,rd b utxlatc thc fidhg ou tbc cohr torr& Ou elicnr po$t* illr rhir idisanr tlt€ Wa&!( ;ffi;'il il-ftr"rffrU* iisilr, *1r uotrr tc qpgrwcd by rtra DRE * ilr st lsryin8" 'thctcfcte, w shottltl pto"ocdifU 0rc rgrErulctri rnttdl;u'FrFdod F $rl Mt' rnd uri,-riiikrru.n cnu al-o pruccod *irb rtreL Foicc airhour rsilhGr dolrt. tto&6b[F ctr(r: SrdE tc00 Itla0 h.l $lrGcl Dr*rer. Golmar ltEG.t 100 "dirrt (lE) lc!'grmlt;blegoD57l.16[ ."-"r; Devetopment Plan *oorf.o.- Approved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Routed To:The Village People Retum To:The Spy Who Loved Me Date Routed:219100 Return By:DRT Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: McKibben & Walker Remodels 5095 Main Gore Dr Lot 28, Vail Meadows Addition and remodel to entire duplex. Driveway is existing but a little bit o' grading will occur. McKibben Res. Show north arrow on site plan A11 disturbed grading must return to a2:l grade, East side of home doesn't meet 2: L Adjust and revise. Provide Title report and Stamped Survey Show on site plan, Limit of Disturbance fence in the area of construction and grading. On landscape plan, Identi$r all existing and purposed new landscaping from edge ofasphalt to back oflot. Question for staff, Is remodel big enough that Public Works can request a 4-ft concrete pan at driveway? Walker Res. Show on site Plan, Top and bottom elevations ofpurposed boulder retaining wall. Show on site plan, limit of disturbance fence. If rock or Boulder retaining walls are over 4' high, a stamped approved drawing from a license PE. Is required. Approval from Fire Department is required. Provide a detail Landscape plan. Show north arrow on site plan. Date received: Reviewedby: LSandoval Date reviewed: 2-l l-00 vF D-\/'1NF\I]D ID\D'II ITIN'\OAP'II TTN MASTER,FRM Brent Wilson Transmittal Paul Mitchell Gompany TOV Gontents:3 Phone: Na McKibben remodel GC:Na tr Urgent D For Review tr Please Gomment E Please Reply E Please Recycle Enclosed: 2.sets lgrfa calculation l+olor board Comments: Brent. Please find the attached submittal for the Mcr'ibben project. I believe you have the other required items for this submittal. ie. GRFA calculation, sr, ''nittal application, etc. lf there are any problems with this olease let me know. Best regards, Paul Mitchell nG-nruE FEB 0 4 2000 00Pr "l rl f tlE G"**n, oI cotrmwitl DeveloPment 75 Sowh Fronmge xYru Wft, Coto,oao UASZ s70-479-21i8 m)( 970479-2452 SePtember 3' 1999 FrankMcKibben 228 Bridge Street Vail' CO 81657 Re: The McKibbetr Remodet / Lot 28' VaiI Meadows Filing#I Dear Frank: ns regarding the rernodel This letter will serve to formalize oru-understanding urd discusstot il;;i;t ttte above-referenced propenv' Lot 28 has atotar a*owabr".E:::.f:::o:*1"#:n"jff"f,!,c#fJfillHT:iH"*"'ii$"t inio uttount thc additional 425'square tt:t:-::X1ilffi;; *tre than oue-half of thc above remodel "["t"tilii'""""rt ;it''You are proposbg to use no m( ".i*i"ii"" (2'g7 0'67 5 square feet)' i'#:l1i,x*s:IilT'n'Jifffii;li:"'y3ilif, i:q*]i'{#ll'xiffJilil'f i;ii'l'o* time (priorllio""'i'iio"i'"i 'r '991r'qffii$I'lr;iit:d"t':: *tsj ir'is witt reave a totar "ir'o*Iur" GRFA of 2'971 square teet rt SincerelY' E'4u/- Brent Wilson Plauner II cc: Ann Hutchison ?. *orct sor'^ee, rrlt copr TOW OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2100 FAX 970-479-2157 Re: August 20,1999 Mr. Paul Mitchell RKD Architects 1000 Lionsridge Loop Vail, CO 81657 The McKibben Remodel / Lot 28, Vail Meadows Filins #l Dear Paul: I am in receipt of your revisions to the floor plans submitted for the above-referenced project. Based on your modifications to the garage/corridor area per our discussion, I have calculated a proposed gross residential floor area (GRFA) of 2,970 square feet for the McKibben residence. This reduction in GRFA is due to your indication on the plans that the storage area will be at leas't 25o/o open to tbe garage and that the crawl space corridor adjacent to the garage will have a head height ofless than five feet (5'). Good luck with your project. Sincerelv. ll.*1-t-'. - Brent Wilson Planner II Frank McKibben Bill and Christine Walker {S *""nuor^ro oa RK"D Project Calculations McKibben Remodel 5095b Main Gore Dr. Vail, CO 08.18.99 General Information Zoning - two family residential Lot Size-23.413.5 sf GRFA Calculation lot Size-23,413.5 sf Allowable GRFA for each unit 25% offirst 15,000sf = 3750sf l07o of remaining 8,413.5sf :841.35sf Additional 425sf (2)units = 850sf Additional 250sf (2) units = 500sf Allowable GRFA =5.941.35 Totaf : 5,941.35sf / 2units with a 50oh/50o/o split = 2,970.7 sf Proposed GRFA for unit 'B' Proposed square footage: Lower Level : 1366sf Upper Level : 1601sf Proposed GRFA =2967s1 Allowable Garage square footage d00sf Proposed Garage square footage :580sf August 11, 1999 We are Bill and Chris Walker, the one-half owners of the duplex located at 5095 Main Gore Drive, Lot28, Vail Meadows, Filing 1, Frank and Ellen McKibben are the owners of the other one half duplex. The McKibbens have presented a plan to the Vail Design Review Board (DRB)for the remodel and expansion of their half of the duplex and were granted an approval at the August 4tn, DRB meeting. We feel this approval was inappropriately granted because the plan fails to meet the Town of Vail Design guidelines, stated in section l2-ll-5 (I), and request that you reverse the approval. Specifically, Section 12-11.-5 (I) of the Town Code of Vail mandates that duplex development be designed in a manner that creates an architecturally integrated structure with unified site devilopment. The McKibben plan proposes to change the building materials, the architectural style, the scale, the roof forms, the massing and the architectural details of one side of the duplex only. This is in direct conflict with Section 12-l l-5 (I) which states: "Unified architectural and landscape design shall include, but not be limited to, the use of compatible building materials, architectural style, scale, roof forms, massing, architectural details, site grading and landscape materials and features." Further, the lack ofarchitectural integration proposed by the plan fails to meet the objectives prescribed in Section 12-11-1 of the Town Code of Vail. VA565 07-034.(1)oTXT I. Duplex And Primary/Secondary Developrnent: l. The purpose of this Section is to ensure that duplex and primary/secondary development be designed in a manner that creates an architecturally integraied stnicture with unified site development. Dwelling units and garages shall bc dcsigned within a single structure. exccpt as set forth in subsection 12 of this Section, with the use of unified alchiteiturat and landscanc design. A single stluctul€ shall have common roofs and building walls that cr€ate enclosed spacc substantially above grade. Unified architectuml and landscape design shall include, butnot be limited to, the use of compatible building materials, architectural sry*le. scale, roof forms, massing, architectural details, site grading and landscape materials and features. 2. The presence of significant site constraints may pcrmit the physical separation of units an6garages on a site. The determination of whether or not a lot has significant site constraints shall be made by the Design Review Board. "significant site consu'aints" shall be defined as natutal features ofa lot such as stands ofmaturc trees, natural drainages, stream courses andother natural water features, rock outcroppings, wetlands, other nutur-il features, and cxistingstluctures that may create practical difficulties in the site planning and development of a lot.Siope may be considered a physical site cons[aint that aliorvs foithc separatibn of a garagc fi'om a unit. It shall be.the applicant's responsibility to request a determination from ttic OJsignReview Boafd as to whether or not a site has significant site constraints beforc final desisnwolk on the pr-oject is presented. This determination shall be made at a conceptual rcvici ofthe proposal based on rcview of the site, a detailed suwey of the lot (to include information asoutlined in subsection l2-ll-4Cla of this Chapter) and a preliminary site plan of the proposcri structure( s ). 3. The duplex and primary/secondary development may be designed to accommodate thcdevelopment of dwelling units and garages in morc than one structure if the Design RevicrvBoard dctermines that significant site constraints exist on the lot. The use of unihedarchitectural and landscape dcsign as outlined in subscction C1 ofthis Scction shall berequired for the dcveloplnent. In addition, the Design Revierv Board may requirc that onc or.more of the following common design elernents such as fences, walls, paiios,-decks, retainingwalls, walkways, landscape elements, or other architectural features bc incorporated to cr-eateunifi ed site developrnent. T /\..rI^^-- Y : - 1-.'. YiN OFVAIL A. APPEALS FORM REQUIRED FOR FILING AN APPEAL OF A STAFF, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ACTION ACTION/DECISIONBEINGAPPEALED: Approval of McKibben remodel, Lot 28, Filing 1 5095 Main Gore Dr. B. c. D. DATE OF ACTION/DECISION: Auqust 4, 1999 - NAME OF BOARD OR PERSON RENDERINC THE DECISION/TAKING ACTION: Vail Desiqn Review Board NAME OFAPPELLANTIS;; William and Christine l{alker MAILING ADDRESS:PO Box 5lI Vail, CO 8f658 PFTYSICAL ADDRESS IN VAIL: 5095 lltain GoTe DT.PHONE: 476-4295 LEGALDESCRIPTIONOFAPPELLANT'SPROPERTYINVAIL: Lot 28. Vail Meadows, Filinq I STGNATURE(S) Page I of2 F.Does this appeal involve a spccific parcel of land? yes If yes. please provide the following informarion: are you an adJacent property otvncr? Yes yes no Ifno, give a detailed explanation ofhow you are an "aggrieved or adversely affected person..' .,Aggricvcd or adversely affected person" means any person who witl suffer an adverse effect to an lnterest protected or furthered by this title. Thc alleged adverse interest may be shared in common rvith other members of the community at large, but shall exceed in degree the general interest in conmunity good shared by all persons. G. H. Provide the names and addresses (both person's mailing address and property's physical address in Vail) ofaltowners of property which are the subject ofthe appeal and all adjacent piope.ry Lwners (including propertiesseparated by a right-of-way, steam, or other intervening baniers). Also piovide addressed and rtump.a envelopes fbreach property owner on the list. On separate sheets ofpaper, speci$, the precise nature ofthe appeal. Please cite specific code sections havingrelevance to the action being appealed. FEE: $0.00 Page 2 of 2 Name Vail Address Mailing Address Frank & Ellen McKibbin 5095lvlain Gore Dr. 228 Bridge Sl Vail" CO Vail, CO 81657 Doug &Marriefre Wood€m Lois Becker Ted & Debbie Apple Stan & Marge Black GaryUrano Travis Henderson Bob Osbome Larry & Betsy Hendricksou Paul Caldwell W.P. Ronniug 5053 Snowshoe Ln. Vail,CO 5053 Snowshoe Ln. Vail, CO 5038 Utc Ln. Unit B Vail, CO 5038 Ute l,rt. UnitA Vail, CIJ 5033 Snowshoe Ln. Vail, CO 5135 Main Gore Dr. Vail,CO 5084 Main Gore Dr. Vail, CO 5075 Ute Ln. Vail, CO 5074l,fain Gore Dr. Vail, CO 5074 Main Gore Dr. Vail, CO 5033 Snowshoe Vail,CO 5 Huntswickln. Chcrry Hills Village, CO 80110 6363 E. Dorado Cr. Englewood CO 80lll 5038 Ute In UnitB Vail, CO 81657 5038 Ut€ Lo. UnitA Vail, CO 81657 30 Watcrfod Cr. The Woodlmds,TX7738l Rock:rr Mtr. Productions Co. POBox 72M5{ Oaklahorna City, OK 73172-0/,55 1227 Lske Plaza $uite g Colorado Springs, CO 80906 716 Erp Box 3ll Mcndham, NJ 07945 5074 lvfain Gore Dr. Vail, CO 81657-5474 5074 Main Gore Dr. Vail, CO 51657 3500 Nelson Rd. Lsngmont CO 80503-9003 Michael & DebsrahMilot DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FINAL AGENDA Wednesday, August 4, 1999 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE PROJECT ORIENTATION / ,Vo LUNCH - Community Development D'epartment MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Melissa Greenauer Chas Bernhardt (PEC rep) SITE VISITS MEMBERS ABSENT 1. Freeman residence - 1220 Westhaven Lane2. McKibben - 5095 Main Gore Drive3. Arosa/Garmisch Park - 2497,2485, & 2487 Garmisch. Driver: Brent % 1:30 pm 2:00 pm PUBUC HEARING. TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1.Freeman - Conceptual review of a new Primary/Secondary residence with EHU. 1220 Westhaven Lane/ Lot 42, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Michael Freeman, represented by FriElen, Pierce, Smith CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE McKibben residence - Final review of a proposed residential addition. 5095 Main Gore, Lot 28, Parcel B, Vail Meadows 1"'. Applicant: RKD MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Melissa Greenauer APPFOVED WITH 1 CONDITION: Brent2. 3fl) pm Allison VOTE:4-1 (Bill Pierce against) Allison 1. That the materials and colors match the existing residence. 3. Town of Vail Arosa/Garmisch Park - Final review of a proposed park. 2497,2485, & 2487 Garmisch/Lots 1 ,2,3. Block H, Vail das Schone & the unplatted portion of the SE 1/r, SE 1/c, SE 7e, SW 7+ of Section 1 1, Township 5. Range 81 West.Applicant: Town of Vail MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Melissa Greenauer APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: VOTE:5-0 1. That the conditional use permit be approved by the PEC.2. That a DRB review be required of the pavillion, sign and equipment.3. That either parallel or front-end parking is acceptable. Staff Aoorovals Rojas residence - Dormer addilion. 100 E. Meadow Dr., Bldg. 10, Unit #331/VailVillage Inn.Applicant: Red Sand Corporation Brent EveretVEdgren duplex - Re-rool. Brent 2355 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 25, VailVillage 13'" Filing,Applicant: Kent Everett DominicLion Square North - New awning sign. 635 West Lionshead Circie/Lot 8, Vail Lionshead 1"' Filing. Applicant: Lion Square North Condo Association Atwell residence - lnterior conversion with stair and window addition. Brent 1390 Buffehr Creek, Unit l/Briar Patch. Applicant: Web Atwell McEachron/Hagans residence - Deck extension. Brent 2447 Chamonix Lane/Lot 23, Block A, Vail Ridge. Applicant; Julie McEachron Maher residence - 100 sq. ft. addition Allison 725 Forest Road/Lot 6, Block 2, Vail Village 6'".Applicant: Gerry & Joan Maher Brown residence - 250 addition and new deck. Allison 324 Beaver Dam/Lot 19, Block 7, Vail Village 1sI.Applicant: Bill and Clare Brown May residence - Addition. Brent 5137 Black Gore Drive/Lot 16. Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicantl: Brice May Phillips residence - Enclose space below garage. Dominic 2696 Davos Trail/Lot 6, Block C, Vail Ridge.Applicant: Michael and Carol Phillips Herman residence - Change to driveway. Allison 343 Beaver DamiLot |, Block 3, Vail Village 3r0.Applicant: Michael and Karen Herman The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the proiect planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. August 3, 1999 Town of Vail, Community Development Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Members of the DRB; I wish to thank you for taking the time to review our proposed remodel to our home. I served as a volunteer on this board I 5 years ago and recognize the sacrifice it represents in terms of your time and personal lives. In a conversation I had with rny neighbor last night, it is apparent that he is still unhappy with our proposal. He feels that replicating a 5/12 pitch every where in the design is the only acceptable solution. Our architect, Jack Snow studied to see if we could do this and the gables became so high and wide that they resulted in a more massive house with compromised views. We also asked Jack spend time with the Walkers attempting to show how our we wsre attempting to address their concerns and how the Walkers might integrate expansion of their residence to what we me proposing. Nothing we have done seerns to have shaken the Walkers from their position. In the plan before yoq we have addressed the following areas as outlined in the design code: Roof Concerns: We have made an honest aftempt to address the 5/12 roof pitch concerns. Going through several design iterations. The plan before you today has 50% or more ofthe roof structure ata5/12 pitch. Where the roof abuts the Walker residence it is a 5/12 pitch. Where the garages meet is a 5/12 pitch. Our entry walkway and house are largely screened from sheet view. Roof Form: While the design goals would not allow for replicating the hip design and 5/12 pitch gables we feel we integrated the 5ll2 elements of the garages, our house and Walkers creatively. Any remaining roof form issues are mitigated by the fact that each house is heavily screened by landscaping or viewed from angles where the roof form is not apparenr. Style: We are proposing to keep the same rustic style and without being a minor image of our neighbor. Building Materials: We are using the same or compatible materials. Massing: The building mass departs from the mirror image in the existing design, but we feel this is desirable. By using the steeper pitches on the dormers we are able to hold the over all height dorvn reducing the mass. The structure is under the height allowed by code. Landscaping: The site is so heavily treed, that both structures are screened in all but a few directions. The Walkers have atternpted to bring the issue of square footage and our party wall agreement in to these meetings. We understand full well that these are not the DRB's c,oncom, but if you will indulge me for a moment I'd like to make you aware of some our efforts to resolve the square footage issue. We havo stated to &e Walkers that we do not desire to uso more square footage than % that allowed for lot 28 plus our 250 sq. ft remodel bonus. We have offered, and we come here today with a lener that puts that in writing. Our party wall agreement does not address square footage, so we see such an agreement as beneficial to both owners. We are only asking them to cooperate with us on our design. Last evening in a conversation with Bill Walker, the real issue became apparent to me: It is confrol. Bill Walker flatly stated to me "I'm in control" "You have to do what we want" The Walkers want DRB to be the instrument of thet control over the McKibben family and our lawfirl use of our property. Skangely, the Walkers do not seem to respect the very same process that they ask us to be a part of The Town of Vail building regulations exist only to be applied to others. but not the Walkers, In the time we have lived in ow house, the Walkers have made four additions and changes to their house. They have done so flagrandy disregarding the party wall agreement , Town DRB requirements, Planing Zoning requirements, and the building permit process. Never did they ask us to approve their changes. Never once did they go the Town for the required approvals, permits or inspections. The most serious of these involves building into the l5 foot setback with an entry and basement addition including the addition of a gas heating plant to the residence. By building this and other improvements outside the legal building envelope on to our common parcel "C", they have so clouded the legal title to the property, that neither ofus will be able to sell our property in the funre without conective legal work. I realize that none of this is your direct concern, and my wife and I only ask you to that if you feel that we have properly addressed your concerns, to please approve our proposal today. The Walkers and ourselves will have to resolve our other issues another dav. Very truly yours, 4191,,1999 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc Kibben 5095 Main Gore Drive Vail, Co. Dear Frank and Ellen, It has come to our atbention that you have re-submitted plans to tJre Town of Vail (TOV). After reviewing these plans we see little change in the architectural lines of the proposed remodel frorn the original drawings reviewed last month. Little attempt has been made to integrate the look of the proposed remodel into the lines of the existing hip roof structures as required by the Town of Vail duplex guidelines and read at the Design Review Board meeting on june 16, 7999. We feel that adding new lines to the existing structures, namely the ridge and gable ends and dormers may be acceptable if the roof pitches were the s.une as the existing and the same dormers that you use on your half of the duplex could be added to our 5 to 12 hip roof structure thereby integrating the look of the two structures with the same lines. The steep pitched roof dormers (10-12) do not fit on the existing hip roof (5-12) and the steep roof gable ends do notlend themselves to a smooth transition to the existing hip roof strucfure. According to TOV calculations you .rne proposing 1,505 additional sq. ft., which differs with |ack Snor,r/s calculations and exceeds 50% of the developable footage. If we can not reach a written agreement regarding the square footage and the roof and dormer pikhes we will be forced to commence litigation. We hope this will not be nece$$ary and that you will work with us to resolve these issues in a manner that is fair to both of us. Sincerely, lfAza U-*A-L9*za WilliamA. Walker ChristineWalker TOV Building Dept Fred Otto, Esq. Jack Snow THIS ITEM MAYAFFECT YOURPROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.030 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on Tuesday, Sepember 7th at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, located at 75 South Fronage Road. In consideration of: ITEM/TOPIC: An appeal of the Design Review Board's (DRB) August 4h approval of the proposed McKibben residence remodel located at 5095 Main Gore Drive / Lot 28, Vail Meadows Filing #1. ACTION REQUESTED OF VAIL TOWN COUNCIL: Uphold, Uphold with modifications, or Overturn the Design Review Board's decislon. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The appellann, ChristineandBill Walkeq are the ownen of theadjoining duplex unit. They believe the DRB's decision on the above-referenced approval stands in violation of Section 12- I l-5 (I), Town of Vail Code ('Design Review"). Specifically, this code section requires that duplex development be designed in an architecturally integrated structure with a unified site development. The DRB found that the McKibben remodel proposal met the intent of this code requirement and voted 4-l (Bill Pierce opposeQ to approve the application with a condition that all materials and colors used will match the existing residence. The application and information about the proposal is available for public inspectiorl during regular business hours, in the Community Development Departrnent, located at the Town of Vail Cornmunity Development Deparftnent, 75 South Frontage Road. ?r- . n,/€r-r..py'd P4t)') Pl7lowaw ' L- TOWN OFVAIL 75 South honnge Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 970-479-2100 FAlt 970-479-2157 June 17, 1999 Mr. Paul Mitchell RKD Architects 1000 Lionsridge Loop Vail, CO 81657 Re: The McKibben Remodel / Lot 28, Vail Meadows Filing #1 Dear Paul: At their June 16ft meeting, the Town of Vail Design Review Board (DRB) conceptually rwiewed the above-referenced project. A general synopsis of their comments from the meeting are as follows: r "It is necessary to better integrate the proposed addition and the existing structures in order to maintain a consistent architectural character. Although it is not necessary to repeat the octagonal vocabulary, please soften the transition between the existing and new structures." Please forward two complete sets ofrevised plans at least l0 days prior to your anticipated final DRB meeting. If you would like to discuss this project in greater detail, please contacl me at (e7o) 47e-2r28. Sincerely, 7>-t-f Brent Wilson Planner II {j *""nuor^ro June L1, 1999 Frank and Ellen McKibben 228 Bridge SL Vail, CO 81657 RE: Developmentof Parcel B Walker-Ray Townhouse Vail Meadows No. 1" Lot @E VaiI, Colorado Dear Frank and Ellen: \rIA FEDEX OVERNIGHT ccr Fred Otto, Esp. Townof Vail Building Departnent It has come to our attention that you intend to develop parcel B of the above referenced subjecl Please be informed that we will not give written consent of this development at its present state as required by the Walker-Ray Townhouse Declaration, paragraph 4. ln pafi, paragraph 4 state6: "No owner of either parcel shall make or suffer any structural or design change (including color scheme change), either permanent or impermanent and of whatever type or nature, to the exbrior of his townhouse without first obtaining the prior written consent thereto from the owner of the other parcel." Our concerns are as follows: r Of the 2,040 square feet (sf) of GRFA remaining to be developed in parcel C you are requesting (according to the staff at the Town of Vail) to build 1,802sf, leaving our parcel (A) with only 238sf to develop. You are entitled to not more than half of the remaining undeveloped land in parcel C.. The design change of your development is not compatible with the existing strucfures and is not acceptable to us. We would be willing to meet with you to resolve these issues. If you insist on proceeding despite our disapproval we will seek injunctive relief. Sincerely, t//r'///Z,/U*'D^',4 Bill Walker Chris Walker /'t 0".,,, .,ffi i,?i.,'.T r,^j,. ::i .i,, j -- : - ii APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any project rcquiring dcsigr rcvicw must rcccivc Design Review approval prior to submiffing for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see thc submiftal rcquircrncnts for thc particular approval that is requcsted. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd untit all thc requircd infbrnratron is submittcd. Thc projcct rnay also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environntcntal Corunrission. Dcsign Revierv Board approval cxpires onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construcfion is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: lT'ots o cE- ta 6ARA B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT:78 BLOCK:FILINC: 1- PHYSICAL AD 15b IN Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #)PARCEL #: ZONING: C. D. E. F. G. FAt'1 t ux REst bEN-rlAL LLNAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OFAPPLICANT: KKD I MAILINC ADDRESS: I ooo Lr oNSt<l TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E New Construction - $200 \ a,aaition -$50 tr i\{inor Altcration - $20 PHONE: H. PHONE: 7- 176 7^^a Construction of a new building. lncludcs any addition rvhcrc square footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or commcrcial building. lncludcs minor changes to buildings and site improvements. such as, rcroofing. painting, window additions. landscaping. fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr, whcn applying for a building pennit. pleasc identif thc accuratc valuation ofthc project. Thc Town of Vail will adjust the fce according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBIVIIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIIIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL. COLORADO 81657. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Job AddressLocation...Parcel No..Project No. APPLICANT WA WALKER P.O. BoX 611' VArL, CONTRACTOR WA WALKERP.O. BOX 511, VArL OWNER WALKER WILLIAM A & Box 611, VAIL CO 8 Description: REPAIR DECK Occupancy: R3 Type Construction: V N Valuation:2,OO0 Fi feptace tnforsation: Restr i cted: 5095 MAIN GORE DR 2099-182-]-9-00I co 81658 co 81658 CHRISTINE J I657 Single FanilY Residence Type v Non-Rated Add Sq Ft: #0f Gas Apptiances:fof Gas Logs: ,.u( L ? (J l-tl'L-,f .-.; / ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit *: 896-0111 SOUTH Status.. . : ISSUEDApplied..: os/n/]ee6 riiued... : 05/L't /I996 ExPires. . : II/L3/L996 Phone.- 970/476-4295 Phone: 970/476-4295 tof Uood/Pa t tct: **i*ffi*Jrffi ffi **ffi F EE SUI'lllARY **** i***** *f **** i Buitding-----> 65.m Restuarant Plan Reviev--) .m Totat Catcul'ated Fees--> 1'lO '25 Pl,an check---> 42.?5 ORB Fer-------- Investigat,ion> .00 Recreation Fee---------> .oo Tota! Permit FeF----> 110'25 l.li l,l, catL----) 3.oo c I'ean-up DePosrt------> 'OO Paynents-----------l 110'25 TOTAL TEES.-----***i * * t t*******t**r ***** ****t t * t* ** ***** t**** * ***t ***t t t*** rt*** * i*t* * t**t * ** Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEN!-os77i /1995 DAN Action: APPRIt'em:'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT- -oE-tIi /fuA6-DAN--- - -- -AcEion;- ApFn n/eil'em:' 0sooo FrRE DEPARTVENT6EiIi zi5s6-oi$.i- ACaioh; APPR N/AIt'em:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS6E7ti tlgg6-oi.ll---- "ActLon: APPR N/.A Dept: BUILDING Division: DeDt: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB woRK Division: ** irtrf*f*f,*tr***t*f,riffi*iiiffi('Hr*#(ffi see page 2 of this Docunent for any conditions that nay aPply to this pernit' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovl.edge that I have read this appLication, f il,l,ed out in tutl, the inforDation required, comptctcd Bn accunate pl'ot pl.an, and state that art ttre iniornation proviaea as required is correct. I agree to compty vith the 'infornation and Plot Ptan' to corply yith al,t To|.n ordinances and state tavs, and io buiLd this structure Eccording tqthe Tovn's zoning and suMivision codes, design ".ui"* "pp.ou"J, uniforrn auitaing code and other ordinances of th. Town applicabte thereto' REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHO +213E OR AT OUR OFFICE FRON Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: SILL IALKER Paqe 2 ***************************************i**************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 896-0111 ai-"i os1tt199 status---: rssuED *************************:&*****************i**i********************************* permir Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied--| 05/L7/t996 Applicant--: wA i^lar,rpn riiued---: O5/L7 /L996 970/476_4295ToExpirezIL./L3./L996 Job Address: 5095 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH tocation---: ParceL No--: 2099-L82-L9-008 Description: REPAIR DECK * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '* tl * * * * COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC. 3. A STRUCTUAT ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE FRAMING BEFORE TOWN OF VAII, WILL OKAY FRAMING 4.HANDRAII,SANDGuARDRAILSToMEETCHAPTER33ANDIToTTHE 1991 UBC. o **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, CoLORADO Statemnt ********:t******************************************************* statennt Number: RE}-0L42 Amount: 110'25 os/L'l/96 13:05 Payment t'tethod: CK Notation: #10398 Inj't: DS Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: This Payment' 896-0111 TYPe: A-BUILD A"DD/ALT 2099-L82-!9-008 5095 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH Tota1 Fees: 110.25 Total ALL Pmts: BaLance: SFR BUILD PE 110 . 25 110.25 .00 **************************************************************** Account Code DescriPtio" ry:"*:01 OOO0 41310 BUIL,DING PERMIT FEES o5'uu 01 oooo 41332 PLAN cHEcK FEES 42'25 01 oooo 4L336 wrl[, CALL rNsPEcrroN FEE 3'00 i' !: "#; :, i;:l;, 3' ;::',i: : : i " D",'"1;;'AIL coNst*u"trolei "t 970-328-8640 for Parcet FJ TOWN OF VAIL CONSTR IPARCEL ll. J6q1- 'Or-t1- 069 PERUTT AppLrcATroNr a DATE: { /4-/-i / PERI'IIT /I APPLTCATTON FORM OUT COMPI,ETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMTT TNFORMATTON *********** ************ ****** l-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-Other , APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLEDUI******** * ************ *** * * * * * *t\t [z] -Bui]ding [ ] -pl.unbing t Job Narne: /r ly /fpf Legal oescription: tot/f Block ,6, // /cta /,furOhrners Name: Architect:Ph. pn.476 #lt- Address: '''1a,4 6tft & ceneral Description: Work Class:[ ]-New \y'-att"tution [ ]-Adtlitionat yt(aepair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: ^ lpnber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas Appli^n""= 0 eas Logsd wood/pellet__Czv {*******V"J33AT8;*-hh*:*t*r.**'***t;1.t}i,ilA:t:J.;l;r.\i..!l:tr",1';.i".******.**********************BUILDTNG: te _ FLgflirii-t,r;i^,; $ oTHER: $PLtlMBING:$-_H!::{:.r.r,1:{-1.(:AI.f.:-._----..roiaii$@v -************:r************'t* coNTRAclroR INFORMATION ************:***************"N;ffi:::,"""*."r. % I;:l""f"S!l,""fraiI#E-t+-etft--Electrical Contractor:Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor:Address: PLWBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: VALUATION Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: Town of VaiIPhone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. No. FOR OFFfCE USE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'IITBING PIAN cHEcK FEE:I{ECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE:RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNC:; STGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATURE: CLEAN T'P DEPOSIT REN'I{D f;tt r,L rler /O.r3r,retr /a,/ G f/C.f3 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #t M95-0272 APPLICANT BURNETT PLTIMBTNG, HEATING PhONE I 3038275562 P O BOX 250, MTNTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR BURNETT PLUMBING, HEATING Phone: 3038275562 P O BOX 250, MTNTURN CO 81645 OWNER MCKIBBEN FRANK D & ELLEN B 228 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 8T657 Description: Valuation. 600 - 00 GAS LINE AND HEATER IN GARAGE Firepl.ace Information: Restricted: #of Gas AppLiances: #Of Gas Logs: #Of tlood/PaLLet: ** FEE SUtiHARy *rot I'techan i c a l.---) 2O.OO Restuarant Pl.an Revi ew--> -@ Total Ca(cutated Fees---> 2E.00 PLan check---> 5.00 DRB Fee--------Investigation> .00 TOTAL FEES----- i tt cat l,----> 3.m Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- *rh#ffiffiffi ffiffiff** ITem: ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:II/28/I995 DAN Action: APPR CONDTT]ON OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHEEK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 UMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 TJMC. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * t * * * rt 't tr fr * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this apptication, fil.(ed out in futt the information required, compLeted an accurate Ptotptan, and state that al,l. the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compLy with the information and Pl'ot ptan, to conpl.y with al,i Torrn ordinances and state Lars, and to buil,d this stfucture according to the Townrs zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, Uniforn BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Tolrn appticabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRO}I E:OO AII 5:OO PI"I Job Address. . .LocationParcel No.....Project Number 5095N 2099-1,82- 19-009 5095 MAIN GORE DR SOUTH STATUS. . . tJ.,-.-( V1i\-."-,1.t-S -1-U^1 ( l.-o [9-s APPROVED LL/28 /ree5r7 /28 /:-ees os /26 /19e6 Applied..Issued,,.Expires. . SIGNATURE OF OI'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND OI.II'IER ':: : : ij ;'ff trt""ii or uor"Qo""rRucrr o -;';', **qU-PERMIT APPLTCATION FORM r APPLTCATION l.rUST BE FTLLEDUI******** * * * * * * ****************tttI j -Building 1 1-eruruling t DATE. //-af- q5 iUV . UUIVIIVI. U[V. DE,FT OUT COMPLETELY OR IT }IAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERIIIT fNFORMATfON *'r ********** ** * * ******* ** * * ** I -Electrical [!] -Mechani-cal [ ] -other p Job Address: Block Job Nane: Legal Description: Architect:Ph.//'oqa /?.f' .-r,ulvi r Work Class: [2i]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: pn. /2/-,11a5 t''l (- "!Iggr;y=g,ftr"1:t, Address: ^ {pnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ !{oodlpellet_v ,T*tt******************************* vALUArIgl J * 't-!r ****** ** * ******* * ************l?.tiutlprrc: ELEcrRrcAu r _& orHER: $PLWBING: t - MECINNTCAI'T@. TOTAL: - vl********** jt*:*************t* coNTRAgroR INFORMATJON ******* ********************7 tenefal Contt:actor : .F^r.ri ^€ rr-il D^^ rr^\'eIreIaI uc,nEracE,or: TOWft Of Vail Reg. NO._Address: _ Electrical Contractor: Town of VaiI Re3 rrrrAqoress: phone Number: i]:*::? contractor: rown of vail Res. No.-Aqoress:phone Nunber: Mechanical Contractor;J'laztZ- Address: ********************************FORBUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLIruBING PERMIT FEE: }fECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of vail R9g. No.-{AdPhone Nunber: "a2j_5-Z z _ oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PIAN CI{ECK FEE: PLI'IiTBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:I,TECHANICAL PI,AN CIIECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSITs BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATURE: CLEAI| I'P DEPOSII REFI'Iil' ooza-{F o{ozTFI73 { I (D mlal-(D l-{ ii l,l<x ftlYtlm: 6lata:f;x-IrI glmP ollmOl< -r Il-.: m =t-taa TIo< dP-(D3dct>=z6 _n !FI =-t -t f.l F{L rr rb4I .-.-" o;\o ccvl z< - 0q,EZz lzPz ITtr <TP 2:= YFt- o 2n-.t mvz>m --t > o- im z F t>t- c) z rtl H --{ r 'n t-ze Ir IEIFDi t;IPt-in l" i Frrp lo rn r." l*loi l= I I I a--l Hr T 5.!o\ Is.f.J Hr 3 {tJ) F'i Z11 >; 4 m T zo z--ln --l o z.: 3=c)g:= m i o t- z --.t --{ 3Fr;.<Fl= FItoltol|rIml l-lrll tl I € F {Pl- EI F c) l{lo l=la,\ t<t> lr- lil lolz le It-"l.ot? I 5\l Ot Is'N --{ timlO5l€'lzlo t:l> t: lm lelz le I I I I H l=lol:J>l- ln I H € - 3 Hz a, l+lol€lzlo t:t>t-l:rlm ll"'lzl9 IIEl\olll- I s' Is'\| (n lrlot€ lz let<t>IFIt lfllz z -tm -lz' za i-i_ \-, l.J -O!m *3N-{ -1 m mxmTI z :m ,t-:D,2,tn FrlH\_,, .)c(t ri C^) C^) -l o o qtoTf €o o (D (D :'6'o = =. -f = c c o- : =. o E- o 3 o o oc o o,.: 0)f, q) o J s) o) fo f =. l o 0)g, (D q o 6'o (Do =qaA g.< o-: ii+(,o Cf .u ot Ho ^l l = (Df {o F<oJ?'o 0. d.o='JO' Xo ut ot-f 8s N :.f o o{ o ca 3 q, s. -' o o otf to =o0)<to Jo o m z-l It _no I m {zm q) oz o ld'i tD: lr i,- tzt; ll" Itir+ }<-}<--t-l Ili 0 9: z -o mfl =-l zmmom lz IZt --{ c X fio<l-n3 ol:>lo,i i I €oo>c ."'OXX o€ aZ a1 C =-i ooo co czcz = 2l =_ =r T;=-1 -c1 zl Z :D,m - l€ l; if ittl zl ?l :l >l.-11 BI4l dtil XIxl >lolOI =l >i 'l-l riTIil m c o c ^z c)N- '\J; a: P bonln =zctirQoa') -< znOul!oa'v -= c:z(,^=='nzz = I 3 a -: z I ) -1) 4z E zozo-.{m(t zza o 26 I I al -<l I cZF =eP;Z-nz6g; c) c)7 F{t{ri EPzz rt l..J@ \ot\) -l t- m ='Tlmm zFI t-Hc) zB =l- g,m x o tn 7C, m q mg z m ln€ o o m z m tnoI z .) c @z o o zo-m x @c oz ! = m ='Tlmm<t VALUATION 'ttmv =zo am z6 c =@z m mo-i 6 IDc a' z x}{'bc |n r\) (,5' tr* t\+cnv o(\pf 3-34e tT4t -.1 _7i INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL ,/,t. {ft;, &'-nt,,.rr,,DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: 4u JOB NAME CALLER M pt:J ON vi (JeEtl )/,i ,i ) THUR FRI :'/ irt1,; WED y' tt.r---- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING fo^: PTPTNG -l tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR sffisuoo .a zb/b.t/zt sAo<.V3W -rfYA | *,SNn B 8z J'c1 V IIMN t?11n1 ,tvel - a tt?YA n6q+,flq ,l =,,h/, z'v>€ Etr }J'a.1 o L I T zze ,go(fl o lg aoo /sL ! >z !og 77 1f, Oo?tgt/ *U fu.r-* -.Zf ?q H4,2,,/ /ffi q+t'k *( ,,x _xc/t"to,tr,Stl t4ti""t -t&,rl \T a-Vp-. t-d vA .V.va -64/ G] c') t- c! L!ll-t.c-' c-Lt)& .F$.?Ft .'.'q* .'#Efi adi :,l''r..{ -i?^?T >"4-d-n- F {[(ou3Y' Rao/ oozo nco =oz !rnn ={ --- --l mI4 L(Dt-.h Et<x fl! >l Ilm : a;l9r tloi glmP ol3c Il=l =3to<1e6€-lDEdct,>t =Ei'i : 'n_9 m f-| ltFL rL.Jt)4X nr\o Yi-z=5 oon >-= oz H !f]r<trq - --{ \.,+n== ,-\ ,"\ol".t> rl- oZ a'r R<zi .E>OZ--r ^9> 2;--l cT< ^; tzE--r x >= -too> o 9.n uz>m -r>of- oI =m --.1 €zmn (-- z ll { E-n F ..Hzrtt tv:-laalc)>l- I a- --t FJ@ (!t- 'r1 l-z tsHFi Etrt € H mTm l-llol€ lz lY F fl m zo I l-tlol{F _n F m z9 l mt-F \o5 I-J!! {zo.n t- m z @ I I F Fr f.E- @ -to€zo'n F Im F'2 lrtot: t; l<t> lFl]lmloflz I a -0 m I oRE:PEt 1."<b I>la l{H trc lHF Tfl IF- K/) t;i llHI Et>I ol<t1I bd r> I xt{tt>3 | o.lF+ | t-l^O\l Fllrllt tFsl I r..J I\ol Iv'l Itllt 0zlqm _-1 mt,tHltz,lolzYlz<l?9 r- .IJ r- ITI <\o -{Sr'o @mxm -t z(-ot!IIm z Er zaOO C'l \ .--_1, --l o--dqdtoqd.< =xoro 3=. ;(D !a=.oqr ;:-fo) or(D o-o-- q) 9)+(DJ* ("' =E -:a $o 6r<= s=o Ef,-tro -i*o oo o = L o 3 f \A) 5 { = = €f o -' oo qr o 0){ E. :r6' oc o 6) o - o { o cf 3 tT| =j o o qt l 4>az^vz -.{ > mc ^!YM zOmn €zmIt o z -.1 n T trl _n o: z-.D m7 =azmmt-t m |D l(, ./)o z t-a lili -D 2 X X XX AT € ;t =--] z .--n =2Z r;iize8 rI- ..1.: i> -fro I:rm:al a o1; faFI Ic]l'l Itl I .l I I al€l ,l 4l II 6tzlt{XA>lolot =lolz 'l-l -l+l >l-l _l -.1 rn c! nn c z o-iRi >n2OQO1Zoa.Au 6z N< = =I z Ors>;irnzm ir>z- rc) E! EZ B5 :tx (/) |Erl o >l=z l= ", |>F loo l<C lzf- la z t;o l: = l;:lml9l I o lF! =tr'lFd IFFRtFl.ztzo lcnf4 lF!' lFr' t3t- Irll lF{ lftr I tF t.vIlo l8 lFri I I I I c2= z >Yzazo Fr- i ( --t t- m ='Tl mma cam o zc m_9 I-{ mIoz m =t @ m um -Jz'nmm m I z T|.c m --t; t- zo-m x c 0z m = m =-n mmU) VALUATION mF3 =zo =mo 2o z m|-m I ^ g z F s' s' $' a r-v qt.)-- .:,1r, t t 11 ,; /ei 1 a IINSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE JoB NAME \,-la-, CALLER TUES NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: ISUR @J€ BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATERtr FBAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING *^r PTPTNG O POOL i H, TUBtr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr o tr ! FINAL W,*o, ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL fI FINAL tsnppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED ol ,' DATE INSPECTOR o rflt if the Design Review Board would review theJil1 answered tryes. !l I 80Py U . .'.1:.i ii;':' TPEc iiiiirutes9/24/90 Heeting Jim Shearer asked redwood fence and A notion to approve a conditional use permit and a sidesetback variance per the staff merno with the followinqconditions was rnade by Chuck Crist and seconded bv Jirn Shearer 1. Apnlicant to install additional landscapincr alonq thestationls eastern propertv line in an area bet.*een theback wa1I of an existinq nlanter and the To$rn of Vail shop chain link fence. 2. The applicant shall install 5 tc 7 spruce trees in theqrassy area south of the unit clcse to the proposed redwood fence. 3. The applicant shall install a drio irricration svsten toinsure surzival of the spruce trees, 4. Annual revie.,s and approval of the'Conditional Use Penni.t bv the PEc. The Conditional use nermit for theremediation svstern sha1l tertninate when the unit is nolonqer necessarv. VOTE: 5-1 WITH DALTON WILLTAMS ABSTAT$ED BECAUSE HE WAS NOT PRESENT AT TITE WORK SESSTON PRESENTATTON OF THE TTEM. tftem No. 5:A request to amend the Town of Vailts Snow Avalanche hazard nap in the oeneral vicinitv ofVail Meadows. Filinq #1. pursuant to Section 18.69of the Town of Vail Zonino Code.Applicant: Town of Vail Sbelly lfello erplained that the Toun of VaiI was requesting Lo amend the Snow AvaLanche Hazard Map for the Vail Meadohrs' avalanche path. The amendment was a result of the reevaluationof the runout distances and the hazard zonation of the area __conpleted by Art llears. Shelly explained which lots would be ,.:_--affected by the amendment and the result the arnendment would haveon the 1ots. :: ,'''.', a -rt PEc Minutes9/24/90 Meeting shelly reviewed the background behind the amendrent. The staff recon?nendation was for approval of ttre proposed, amendment. Asper Section 18.69.030, the uaster hazard plans lray be altered toconforo r.ritb new infornation or existing cond,itions. Staf f recoqrrnends approvaL as per nQuantitative Analysis of RunoutDistance, Energy and Avalanche Zoning Inplications, Vail llead,olrsAvalanche, Vai1, Coforadotr by Art Mears (Septenber 1990). Diana Donovan asked for clarification as to vhat tlpe of developnent may be done and shelly responded that in a red avalanche area no development can be constnrcted and in the blue avalanche zone construct,ion can be conpleted vith roitigatj.on. Kristan elaborated that anyone who builds on a hazard area would have to have a site specific study done. Chuck Crist asked if the blue zone rnerely touched a corrler, wouldthe owner have to nitigate and Kristan responded that the otnerlrould be reguired to have a site specific studY'done. SheUy cornmented, that the area studies are general. Frank McKi-bben, I-,ot 28 otru:ter, felt his lot was affected by thestudy. He wanted to coamend the Town of Vail for having' thestudy ccnpleted. He connented that he had concerns regarding the Borne house at the DRB meeting more specifically as it related tothe water tower. He felt that the study did not address thetower. To his understanding. the Water District had done a study and plan to design and inplenent a diversionary structure. He was concerned about the houses thai had been added that he fe1.t had already expanded the flow to the left or ri-ght as uel1 as thepossible construction on Lox 22. A1so, if the water District did a najor diversionary structure as proposed, the study in question could be a rtnoot pointtt shelly explained to Frank that the water District wouLd be requireC to have a site specific study coupleted as ve1l . The study vould have to show that there wouLd be no impacts uponother properties Kristan explained that the decision before tbe Board vas to approve or deny the boundaries found on the nap. Whether or notthe owner of Lot 22 could roitigate in a manner in uhish no impacts rvouLd occur on other properties uas a separate issue. ' .:i' .' i ' " j. ,- ' .J: .: .- .'- .. ' ' 'il:\' PEC Minutes9/24/90 Meeting Frank stated that he strongly felt that no further approvals should be given until the water District diversion vas addressed and IGistan responded that the water tower nitigation would be addressed at the tine it is proposed. Diana reiterated vhat the planners had stated regarding the factthat any nitigation, including tlre water tower nitigation, wouldnot be allowed to inpact other properties. No diversion to otherproperties would be allowed. Jay Peterson, representing Bob Borne--ottner of Lot 22 ' statedthat RBD engineering is looking at the water problem. Hereiterated that Mr. Borne and the Water District could notni.tigate in any Danner that would inpact adjacent properties. Tom Leroy, owner of Lot 21, conmented that he was one of the uany owners in the area that nitigated. He nitigated by the sitj.ng ofhis hone. The adopti.on of the new study would nean he sPent unnecessary money rooving his hone out of the red hazard area. The new study moved tlre red zcne uphill and his property would beall b1ue. He did not feel the study should be approved until thewater District mitigated the water tower. He felt that no matter what the water District did, the nitigation would irnpact theproperties be1ow. He asked that the study not be adopted untilthe rrater tower and Lot 22 construction was completed and a ner,rstudy performed Byron Hoyle, Lot 26 owner, asked if staff had asked HydroTriad ' their opini.on of the seccnd Art Mears study. Shelly responded that staff decided to have the study under questi.on completed because of a new method of calculations. Thefirst Arl llears study and the tlydroTriad study were done with o1d avalanche calulation uethods. Byron asked vho paid for the 3rd study, the Torrn or Bob Borne. He also wanted to know how the forces were defined and Shelly explained that the Town paid for the study and Art Mears would have to e4llain the forces ao o Byron asked how the SLue zone could be greater study anC the red zone smaLler. He felt thereopinion, not a third study. than the original should be a i.hird, ', Shelly explained to the group of concerned nembers of the Public :' that the development of Lot 22 vas never taken into consideration , on the report. I -I '-.'_ PEC Minutes9/24/90 Meeting Byron staled tlrat as a property o!{ner, he would like to see athird opinion separate fron Hydrotriad and Art l{ears. Shelly explained that the anendment would go before the Couneilon Tuesday night and staff would see if Art Mears would beavailable to answer the technical guestions. Sb,e explained thatArt Mears hras an expert in the area of hazards. Kristan asked Byron lrhat he expected a third study to show andByron responded that he sinply felt there was too much of adiscrepancy. Diana Donovan felt inclined to agree with the new technology.Especially since it did not adversely affect any persons. Diana commented that the lines are general . That is why site specificstudies were required. Kristan ccrnrnented that the bottoro line was that no owner wasgoing to have to nitigate any differently than in the past. A11 owners that had avalanche zone designations on their lots wouldsti11 have to have a site specific study. She asked the concerned public what specifJ-c questions they had for Art Mears. Byron responded that he would like to know whatthat determined red and blue zones. Were they speed and have they changed or stayed the sarne? know why the red avalanche area was shorter and avalanche area longer? the forces were mass, veight, orByron wanted tothe blue Frank McKibben nanted to know what risks were involved with the Aval.ancire hazard in it present condition? Byron stated that he also would like to know what inpacts would be present $rith eud from probleros with the water.tank? Kristan commented that the staff would see if Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation would come to the Council neeting on Tuesdayas we11. She did feel though, that it was a separate issue. Joyce walker, Lot 28 owner, reiterated Byronls connents. Shealso vanceC to know what the different forces were that createdblue and red zones. Shelly conmented that Bob Borners, owner of Lot 22, site study was exlensive and site specific. Ttre new study which lras doneArt llears for the Town, dated Septenber 2990 was for a largerarea and would not be as site specifc. PEC Minutes9/24/90 Meeting Tom, an owner in the area, asked what amount of diversion wasconsidered acceptable, L inch or moving the line? Diana stated that in the Boardrs opinion, nitigation cannotdivert inpact onto adjacent property Kristan felt that it would be best to direct the question to ArtMears. She felt the intent of nitigation was not to shift thehazard to an adjacent lot. I(ristan stated the avalanclr ordinancedid not have the same requirements as tlre debris and rockfall ordinances regarding irapacts on adjacent properties. Frank McKj.bben cornmented that it lras one thing to have an avalanche hit your home. It was another to have a house hit your house. Kathy Warren stated that, unfortunately, avalanche is not anexact study. She felt that having a study updated to be noreaccurate vas for the benefit to the whole neighborhood. Diana cornrnented that regardless of vhere the blue line now fe11,the red line is further away. Frank McKibben comnented that he had trouble understanding howthe red zone couLd decrease and the blue zone increase. Dalton stated that he understood Frankrs comrnents on amathernatical point of view. He did feel that the first studyinexact as shown by the rounded boundary 1ine. The study completed with new technology seemed more accurate as depictedthe jagged edges on the boundary lines. A nolion to reconsnend to the Town Council to anprove an amendnent the Town of Vail's Snohr Avalanche hazard nap in seconded bv Jin Shearer Discussion after the rnotion: Jin Shearer reconmended to theneeting on Tuesday. public to attend the Council w4s-, by :.-. \:10 r, -o PEC Mi-nutes9/24/90 Meeting Shelly stated that staff will try to have Art Mears and arepresentative frorn Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation in attendance. VOSE: 6-0 fN FAVOR Iten No. 5: A reqr:est for a roaior subdivision. to approvethe prelirninarv plan, a request for a variance tothe naxinun beicrht for retai.ning wal1s ' and a recruest for a variance to the maximum nercent crrade for a road, on a parcel commonlv referred toas Spraddle Creek, an approximate 40 acre oarcel located north and east of the Main Vail I-70 interchanqe and east of the Soraddle Creek liverv. APP1icant: Georqe Gillett' Jr. Diana Donovan explained to the public in attendance that the Board had seen the iten in a nininum of 3 previous work sessions. Therefore, staff was asked to only review those iteros which had been changed. ff there were additional questions from thepublic, they were asked to either speak up and ask questions orrefer to the meno. Kristan Pritz reviewed those itens which had changed since thelast work session. Kristan explained that the staff had asked the applicant to exclude hazard areas on Lots 4, 4, 14 so that the areas did notcontribute to GRFA. Also, greenbelt areas on Lots 1 and 7not to contribute to site soverage and GRFA. Kristan e:plained that the pink area on the site plan displayed on the tack board was vhere staff would like to see the envelopes reduced to save the tree lines. In looking at the GRFA and site coverag:e, she felt the refinements would work. Lot 14 sras the biggest issue. The applicant had agreed to provide 3 enployee housing units which was 21&. ALI caretaker units were to be attached r.rith the exception of Lot One. She requested conments regarding thedetachedunitonl.ot1tobe1oca!edbytbeguardgate. Regarding road grade easeuents, the applicant had allowed for a':.'possible Frontage Road extension if needed in the future. t,"; Staff recomendation vas for approval of the variances withconditions. The conditions found within the nemo uere not due toproblercs but rather to allow for refinenents in the future. 11 a QUALTITATIYE A|ALYSIS 0F Rutl0w DJsTI\ilqF-' trEnev AHD AYAt-AtlcHE-zol{ 1116 IIIPLIcATI ol{s YAII llEADOllS AYALAT{CHE, YAIL' C0L0RAD0 f,EDSEP13i!30 t'. QnArfitITlEM A!{AI.I8I8 OF nUltOUT DISTAIICE, ENERGY AND AVII',INCAE-ZONING ITIPIIICAIIONs VAI]r. gtl^Dorg lVA.LlllCEE, AA!L" COIOR.ADO Dt€pared For fbe lora ol vall Prepared By Arthur I. !{ears, P.E.r Inc'. Gunnison, colorado Septelober, 1990 1 fntrodueti.on and Purpose Thls re-evaluation of runout di.stances and hazard zonatlon ln theVail Ueadows avalanche path, East VaiI was reguested by the Torrnof Vall. The re-evaluation hras reqfuested because a site specificstudy recently conpleted by Hydro-Triad (f990) for the owner of Lo|- 22, at the west end of Snovshoe Lane, changed the hazardzonation which vas previously defined in 1976. However, theHydro-friad study apparently used nethods shich bave been superceded by recent research (ltcClung and lied, 1984; [cClungand LLed, 1987; Dlears, 1988i McClung, ltears, and Schaerer, 1988il{ears, 1989a; l,1tears, 1989b; }lears [in prep.]). In partlcular,the avalanche-dynarolcs equations used in the llydro-Trlad study todefine avalanche runout linits apparently follow Striss procedures and eguations derived in the 1956rs and 1960ts (e.9., Voellny,1955), as dlscussed in Mears (1976). The r'esults produced byapplication of these equations are sonewhat subjective,particularly within the 8o-to-1oo slopes of the Vail Meadotrsrunout zone, because they depend heavily upon frictioncoefficients which are not known but must be assumed.tinitations to the use of avalanche-dynanics equations atre discussed in in appendices rrArrr rtBrrr and rfC.rl This study has quantified the dynanics anil runout of the Vail Ueadowg avalanche in accordance with current nstate-of-the-artrl nethods in regular use throughout North Anerica and Europe. 2 t{ethods used in analvsis a. The Vail Ueadows aval.anche profile was subdivided into 18slope segiments short enough such that each segment could be assuned to have constant slope (Table 1). The profile was constructed from the 1:24,OOO sca1e "Redcliff'r quadrangle (above g,2OO feet elevation) and tbe 1:1,8o0 (1" = 150r) scaLe topographic map prepared by Hydro Triad (be1ow 9,2oo feet) . b. The runout zone sas defined as beginning at the 1Oo-profilepoint, at 8r80o feet elevation, as is consistent with currentstatlstical nethods, appendices rrArrr ItBrrr and rrc-tt c. Because the avalanche impacts a 7$-foot bigh liuestone knoll at the beginning of the runout zone, a rslmtheticrr profile was -extended ttrrougn the knoll toward the northeast at an lngle of 5 degrees (segs 16', L7 r' 18r). -this Ls the direction the avilanch6 sould advance ln lf it nere -not deflected. lhe 5 degree slope is the lean runout zone slope of a data base coisisting of lt2 design-uagnitude avalanches 5'-P1ed throughout Colorado. d. The tBetan angle and the length nx"n (see Appendicies A, B, and C, for'defini€ions), were thtn nea-sqred from the profile. These two angle and slope paraneters uere f,ound to be siatisiicallf significairt in regression analysis of the Colorado database. l. e. The trAlpharr angle (t{cClung and, Lied, 1984), the point at which the design avalanche etops, was then conputed fron the Colorado database regression equation. The couputed Alpha angle, down to the 95t confidence llnit uas 22.00. f. The PClt avalanche-dlmanics eguation (Perla, Cheng, and UcClung, 1980) ras then fit to the slmthetic profile, and forced,by successive iteratlons to Etop at Alpha =.22.0u. fhe PCl{ avalanche-dlmamlcs coefficients thus detqruined by iterationuere: t{/D ; ?55n; mu = 0.2 (assr::ned in lterations). S. A second slope profile was then constructed of tbe actual ivalanche path which is deflected to tlre norlh past the watertank, and over LoE 22 and Snowshoe Lane (Table 2). h. The PCl{-nodel rras then applied to the actuaL slope profile, using nu and lt/D as discussed in step t'fr'r above. Because this avalinche is deflected to the north through a nean angle of apprgxinately 4Oo, a monentum-correction factor (equal to [cos z-0612 - 0.88)- ras applied to reduce veloci-ty bel'ow 8.,800 feeteleiatj.on. The run-out distance and velocity decay in tbe runout ras then computed using the coefficients detertnined by the statistical/iteration nethod. Segment velocities on the actual profile are given in Table 3. i. The Red/Blue hazard zone boundary was defined by deterniling the poj.nt on the profile at vhich.the velocity decreased to 24.2 a/s, tbe point at-which the kinetic-energy-density (stagnation pieisurel decreased to 3,000 kglnz (615,PSf), assuming a- .ti=persei uean flow density of-1OO kglut. The relationship used for this determination was siuPIY v - t2Pgll'oolo-5, wlrere P - 3,ooo k9/n3, and g = 9.8 rn/s2. This point, whiclr :narks the bottoro of the Red Zone, occurred at the b6ttou of segoent 15, about 200 feet above Lot 22' j. The terolnal position of the deslgn-av-alanche runout zone ifor"i end of the-Blue Zone), was_conputed to.be at 81630 feet iirv"tion, where tbe avalantire si1I just touch tso buildings but will not Possess energry sufficient to produce any damage: - Two.. oUrEr- lr1:.ialng" on ti6- no=lh side of Snonshoe L,ane lj-e vithin the Stue Zone, buf tlrese bulldings have previously been designed for avalanc.be .loade. The results of the avalanche-zoning analysis, includlng- tlre sork aissussea in SectLon 3, is sunuarlied on Figure 1, which l{as ""pi"a-trou the ituay 6y Hy4lro-Triad, Ltd. -This Ii911!"- shons the reiised Red,/B1ue louiraafot -( rf hill frou the tlydro-Triad boundary) ""a-tft" aoorirftif f ivatancire'Iinits (downhill iron that shorm in the Hydro-IELad studY) - eld tark an DurinE the sunmer of 1973 and 1976, at least 10 Dan-days fieldtine nas spent within the Vail Meadows avalanche path tofauillarize nyself and researchers with the Universlty of Colorado, fnslltute of Arctic and Alpine Research (fNSTAAR) viththe path terraln. Starting zones and lateral boundaries of thetrack were dets:mined, and destructlve effects of past events were studied. In particular, the return periods of uajor avalanches uere estimated by extractlng and studylng cores flom nunerous trees that had suffered avalanche inpact. The forestsithin the boundaries of Lot 22 shorted no obvious evldence of avalanche inpact, but rnost trees nere Less than 100-years-o1d inthis area. ls discussed ln Appendix "Arn bovever, lack of an avalanche for a even a 100-yeir period does not provide convincing evidence that the eitE is beyond tbe linits of thettlOo-yearrr avalanche. In addition to the field nork described above, the direct historyof avalanches in the vail Meadows path was extended by stereo- photo inspection of U.S. Forest Service photos taken ln 1939, isso, Lg6r, Lg?4, and 1984. The 1939 photos indicate that a Iargi avalinche ieached into the tunout zone early this century lpeitraps before 1920), and nay have extended to the general riiciniiy of shat rras'to becone Snowshoe Lane. There also Is clear evidence that a large avalanche ran at least to the 8'800 foot leve1, probably inpacting the linestone knoll/water tank area between-1950 and tgez. This avalanche extended the avalanctre track laterally. ScarE in the forest are quite fresh_ in the 1962 photos, indilating this last event may have occurred shortly befoie the Forest Seriice aerial photos sere taken i'n augUstl Lg62. This seens ].ikely, because January, 1962 produced najor avalanches at other Coforado locations. The aerial-photo analysis and the tree-cores studied both suggest that Lot 2zl Snowshoe !ane, and possibly terrain north of Snowshoe Lane are uithin ring" oi ttre il1oo-year'r avalanche. This concfusion is substantiated 6y the statistieal/dynanics analysls described in Section 2. The avalanche whlch vas deterained as discussed in tlris repott-l: til; e";i;"-r"g"it"de avalanche, which has an trorder-of-uagmituden return p6riod-of 1oo-years. Because thls is an order-of- oignflu-dt-t"iir.t", tfre actual retrrrn_nay lle betneen 30 and 300 yeirs (a constant innual probability lying beilreen 0.3 and 3t). The deslgn event I's assuned to conslst of dry-fl9gi"S tnos at tfrt= focition. This avalanche, ln accordance with nunerous observations oUtii""a-Ui-tfr. auttror tbroughout Nortlr Anerica, ,if:.-le dispersed upwar'd to a height of at least-3m (10 feet).' as it crosses Lot Zi.'iie design veiocity at Lot 22, whlch is tbe nost severely exposed resldentiat lotr-will. be approxinately :'9 ).'- ln/s (43 nph)at the top of the lot and L7 mls (38 nph) at thebotton. This^nlll produce an energy-density range of 380 lbs/ftzto 3oO lbs/ft2 acrois the lot. fhii should:not 5e used lndesign, however, because the energ:y-density figures do notconslder structure shape, size and orientation. Because theavalanche uust pass through trees, the flow nill contain treetrunks and other vegetative debrle which vi1l produce point foadson e:{posed surfaces. The required design height of surfaces reinforced for avalancheiupact vill usuall.y be considerably roore than the flow height infast-noving dry-snon events. This additional height requireuentH, will be the sr:m of three cotrponents tr : bs + ha + k(vz l2g), nhere h" : snowpack depth, h" = avalanche flow height, k =orientationr/energy dissipation factor, V is avalanche velocity and g is gravj.tational acceleration. Wet-snow avaLanches have not been speclfically considered in theanaLytical portion of this study because such avalanches did notproduce the longest-running avalanches in the Colorado databaseused in the regression analysis. However, t}le terrain, beeauseit slopes toward Snowshoe Llne at 8o - 10or.can convey deePf uet- snos avalanches to Snonshoe Lane, vhere flow wil} stop at the Lesser gradients of the street. Such events have been observedat nunerous siroilar locations tbroughout Colorado and other partsof North Anerica. There is no reason to believe they wculd notalso occur here even though they ril1 probably will not travel asfar as the design-nagnitude dty snow avalanches. However, itwill be possible for tret slides to produce static loads on e>ryosed structures on Lot 22 which are in excess of those produced by dry-flowing avalanches. Depositional loads uay beparticularly large on horizontal surfaces. This rneans that set- inow avalanches could constitute the design case for certain ercposed structure orientations. An additional conplicatingeflect of set-snow avafanches is often associated yith the inpactof abundant solid and vegetative debris tlpically entrained by tlrese dense, vet events. fherefore, substantial point loads nay be produced against sq)osed verticaL Eurfaces, possibly_up to a flo; height of 15 feet. the vail ueadohts avalanche rroul'ddefinitel.y entraln debrls before Lo|s 22 !s reached because theflorr uouLd pass through the forest on the ray to the lot. I{et-6now avalanclres vlll probably not extend belorr Snowshoe I'ane because the reduced gradient nould stop the. low-velocity advanceof ret-snorr aval€rnches. TABLE 1: PROTILE FOR DSTERI.IINATION OF PCU COEFFICIENTS Seq Yftopl Y(botl lLI tlx Lfnl Anq Y(co-ordt X(co-ord'l O -- 3415n 0n1 11,2001 11O8Or 12Or 1701 63 35.2 3378 522 11080 10960 120 100 48 50.2 3341 823 10960 10720 240 400 L42 31.0 3258 2044 LO720 10400 320 570 199 29.3 3171 3785 10400 9920 480 1200 394 2L.8 3024 ?446 9920 9640 280 520 1S0 28.3 2939 9027 9640 9200 440 1020 339 23.3 2805 12138 9200 9175 25 150 46 9.5 2797 L2599 9]-75 9130 45 90 31 26.6 2784 L28710 9130 9040 90 340 107 14.8 2756 139011 9040 8950 90 200 67 24.2 2129 1{51t2 8950 8875 75 90 35 39.8 2706 L47913 8875 8850 25 60 20 22.6 2698 L4971,4 8850 8825 25 80 26 a7.4 269L ],'52L15 8825 8800 25 110 34 1,2.8 2683 1555*(Botton of Track)16f 8800 8730 70 800 245 5.0 2662 L799:l7. 8730 8710 20 229 10 5.0 2655 1869 18 t 8710 8706 4 46 14 5.0 2655 1883**r Beta = 25.2ci X^ = 1555n.Regression Eq.:-AlFha = -3.0 + 0.79 Beta + 0.0036 XB.r* Alpha = 22.00 (95* C.r. = 22.Oo to 22.90) TABLE 2: TERR,A'IN PROFTI,E USED IN PC$T APPLICATTON EeS Y{topl Y (bot) dy g L{n) Anq lfco-ordl X(co-ordl (startLng point of avalanche profile) 3415811,200r 11080r 120' 170' 53 35.2 337411080 10960 120 100 48 50.2 334110960 10720 240 400 L42 31.0 3268LO720 10400 320 570 199 29.3 3l7L10400 9920 480 1200 394 21.8 30249920 9540 280 520 180 28.3 29399640 9200 440 1020 339 23.3 28059200 9175 25 150 46 9.5 27979L75 9130 45 90 31 26.6 27849130 9040 90 340 LO7 14.8 27569040 8950 9a 200 67 24.2 27298950 8875 75 90 36 39.8 270688?5 8850 25 60 20 22.6 26988850 8825 25 80 26 17.4 269L8825 8800 25 110 34 12.8 2683(Correctlon for 40o deflectlon between 15 & 15)8800 8735 65 400 L24 9.2 26638735 8700 35 260 80 7.7 26538700 8670 30 180 56 9.5 2643 8670 8565 5 60 18 4.8 2642 866s 8635 30 205 53 8.3 2633 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 131{ 15 0n 52 82 204 378 744 902 1213 1259 L287 1390 1451 L479 L497 1521 1555 L677 1756 1811 t829 L892 16t7 18l9 20 TAELE 3:REST'LTS OF PCU ACCELERATION AI{AIJYSIS BY SEGI.{ENT SEG 2 3 4 5 6 7I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Vf top) 0.on/s 2L.7 29.6 37.4 41.8 38.8 41.9 39.4 36.7 35.6 33.5 34.8 36.1 36.1.rt E v(bot) 21.7a/s 31.3 37.4 42.2 38.8 42.7, 40.5 36.7 37.4 33.5 34.8 37.8 36.2 35.5 34.2correction)24.2 (Botton(Lateral deflection16 30.117 24.O18 19.319 t1.O20 15.3(stops [End of Red Zone) 19.3 L7.A J.] . J 11.7of Blue Zonel at 8530 ft) RETENSNCEg UcClung, D.l{., and Lied, K., 1984. Statistical Avalanche Zoning- Proceedings, International snor.t Science workshoP, FP. 95-98. llcClung, D.U., and Lied, K. ' 1987. Statistical' and geometrical definition of snow avalanche runout. Cold Regions Science and Technolog:y, 133107-U9. (Appendix C, attached). Uears, A., 1989. Regional couparisons of avalanche-profile and runout data. Arctic and Alpine Research, vol- 21, No- 3, Pp.2A3-2A7. (Appendix B, attached). tlears, A., 1989. Avalanche runout dis'..ances and dynauJ'cs, ctrrreirt ultloas and lirnitation. Workbook uaterial for the National AvaLanche Sclrool, lakewood, Colorado. (Appendix A) uearc, A. (in prep.). Snow-avalanche analysis for engineering and land-use ptanning. colorado Geological Survey. Perla, R., Cheng, T.T., and McClur:g, i.ll., 1980. A tvo-parameter modef. of inos-avitanctre uotion. Jour. or Glac, 26(94) ' L97-2A7. Voelluy, A., 1955. Dber die Zerstorungskraft von l-,awinen' schseiiirisitre Eauzeitung, 73(12)z 159-152, (L511. 2L2-217, (17): 246-249, (19): 280-285. l'o AP?EIIDIX A AVALANCHE RUNOUT DISTANCES AND DYNAMICS CURRENT METHODS AND LIMITATIONS by ART MEAR.S Reprinted with gtermission ol thc lmericaa Association ol lvalanchc Profcssionals THE "DESIGN AVALANCHE" Thc two bcfore-and-after photographs(Figures I and 2),illusttatc thc cffect of a'100-ycar-avalanchc" in thc Dcadman Gulch path, Colorado Front Rangc. Figure !, takcn ia t975, shows thc rcsults of repcatcd smatl avalaochcs ovcr a pcriod of dccadcs. Mostslidcs had bccn chanoclizcd dowo thc gully on thc lcft side of the fan, whcrcas ar occasional larger slidc had overtoppcd thc gully and rus out oD the stccp alluvial fza. Figure 2 was taica in May, 1984 aftcr a major dry-snowlpowdcr avalaachc, This cvcnt far cxcccdcd privious path boundarics aad dcstroycC many acrcs of lodgepolc pine forcst that had coloaizcd thc runoutr zone since thc last major avalanche occurred at lc3st 100 ycars carlicr. This Deadman Gulcb scquclcc provides valuablc bcforc'and' aftcr documcDtatioa of thc'dcsign avalaoche,'ia this casc, an avatanchc with a rcturn pcriod of approximatcly 100 years- Similar to thc traditions atlcady cstablishcd in hydrology and floodplain plannin8, cxtcat of thc dcsign avalanchc is oftcn inforoatioo rcquircd iu plaalinS mouDtai! atcas. This is particularly truc whca fixcd facilitics of'high risk'(buildin8s' parkilg areas, Dublic facilitics, ctc.), are plaancd ncar potBntial ruDout z00cs. fbon Natlonal Arralanche Sotroof rorkbook, 1989. Rcscarch on the charactcristics and cffccts of thc dcsignavalaachc has bcen an important topic for thc pa:t thrcc dccadlsin parts of Europc. Many Europcan arca! havs 616 6rr1a.mountain populations for dccadcs or ccnturics r'rith aumcrousactivilics and structurcs cxposed to avalanchcs. llowcvcr, similar rcscarch cfforts havc not takc! placc io thc Unitcd States whichhas ouly rcccutly sccu significant cxpansion of ycar-rouodpopulation into avalaochc tcrraio. Avalanchcs, in coatrast tofloods, for cxaaplc, affcct olly a vcry saall par! of thc U,S.populatiou. Thcrcfore avalaachcs, uulikc floods, ara aor considcred to bc'aa!ioDal problcros'aDd very littlc tradition cxisrswithia thc Unjtcd Statcs w.ith rcspcct to planDing for uausual avalaochcs. Gcologists and euginecrs caoaot reccivc rrainiag inthc mcthods availablc for 'design-avalanchc' delincarion andplanniag. Thc UJ. Govcramea! Do loagcr spoDsors rcscarch on avalanchc-cngineering problcEs. Coascqucntly, thc communityof avalanchc profcssionals io thc U.S. must rcly primarily on rcscarch coaductcd ia othcr couulrics aad on analogics with othcr similar gcophysical proccsscs ia ordcr to dcfinc thc dcsiBl cvcnt. This articlc discusscs thc problcos and methods used to cslimatc dcsign avalanchc sizc and discusscs ia geucral terns somc of thc approaches uscd in cnginccring analysis. Mcthods availablcinclude (a) dircct obscrvatioos and avalanchc history, (b) statistical runout-distancc modcls, and (c) ph ysical (n:a thcma!ical), modcts of avalanchc motid0.; Each mcthod has important advantag,es and limitations, as bricfly discusscd. U -1 O>E,{ (, o trlF.<od a{< :>lrdrd,r [JF{ >! doF-to.ti 1.O .8 .6 .2 o 20 40 60 80 loo 0bservatlon Perlod (Years)rFigure 3 ,/ Thc Probrbility of ObscrvlnS thc '166-ycrr" Avrlelchc In ny opinion, thc most . promising rrcthods for dctcrminingavalanchc runout usc statislical modcls. Thc d:ta scts uscd iistatisricaI modcls coosisr cotircly. of rorc rvcDis withapproximatcly 10O-ycar rcturD pcriods obtained in rhc mounrainrange of intcrcst. Alrhough thc t00-ycar evcnt is by dcfinitiona rare cvcnt ia any particular path, many such cvcots occurthroughout aD ctrtirc nouataia rauge. My pcrsonal obsclvatioosin aany rDountaio arcas iodicatc that 10O-ycar avalaochcs occursomewherc ia cach Eouutaj! rangc cvcry fcw ycars becauscuniquc snowpack and snow.loading conditions dcvclop ar tcrst in somc isolated areas ia all but vcry dry wintcrs. Nature is alwaysin thc process of running a grcat cxpcrimcnt on att naturilphcnomcna, iocluding avalanchcs. Thc statisrjcal mcthod simply uscs thc cxisting data alrcady providccl by nature's big expcriment. Rcsearch oo statistical ruoout.distancc modcls conductcd during thc past l0-15 ycars has obscrvcd cxamples of crtrcmc avataDchcrunout distanccs, aDd has rclatcd thcsc mcasurcd distanccs to othcrfcaturcs of thc avatanchc parh rhat could also bc mcasured. Onlylarc evcnts wcrc iDcludcd in data collcction, In order to bciocludcd in thc data sct, avalanchcs had to havc rcachcd populatcd areas prcviously untouchcd by slidcs for a ccnlury oi morc or had to dcstroy portjons of forests at lcast a ccntury old. Avalanchcsof all sizcs, shapcs and oricnrarions wcrc uscd in thc drtr sets collcctcd in Norway aod Norrh Amcrica. Thc statjstical modcls havc bcce applied most succcssf u lly wirhin thc lffcstcrn Fiords of Norway by thc Norwcgian GcotcchnicalInstitutc (thc 'NGI Mcthod'), whcrc a long history of many avalanchc paths is availablc in populatcd arctr. This mcthod is diagrarnmcd io'Figure 1 wherc an avatanchc pro!'ilc is sho*,n and thrcc obscrvations erc rccorded: l) The alphr angle ( {X ) is ocasured from thc crown location to thc tip of thc runout;2) thc point whcrc th€ local profilc slopc bccomes l0di; i,Jcntificd; and 3) thc bcta anglc ( F) is mcasurcd from thc l0'point to rhc crown location. Statisticat analysis of more than 200 cxtrcmc avallnchc evcnts in Wcstcrn Norway has shown tha t rhc alpha anglc can bc prcdictcd sioply by mcasuring thc bcta anglc and applying a simplc statistical rclatiooship which has bccn dcrivcd frorn thc dan: o<-- X,f + Xo (l) whcrc valucs for X, and X, rcsult from analysis of thc d!ta. I PHYSICAL(MATHEMATICAL) AVALANCHE MODELS o[ thc arcas. Althoug,h thc statisticat mcthods do providc a rarional and objcctivc basis for prcdicting design-avalanchc sropping position, thcy do oot predict avalanchc latcral cxtcnt or vclocity. Latcral ixtcut must bc dctcrmincd subjcctively, bascd otr kuowlcdgc ofavalaocbc bchavior in thc arca or tbc locations of topographic barricrs. - Vclocity, how6vgy, should bc calculatcd rarhcr thancstimatcd bccausc it is vcry important in cnginccrcd dcsign of avalanchc dcfcnsc structurcs. For such calcula tions. wc must turD to physical modcls, as discusscd ocxt. Physical modcls bavc bccl uscd to predict rvalaaclrc vclocity and ruDou! distancc siacc thc 1950's particularly in Cestral Europc and to a lcsscr cxtcnt in North Aocrica and Japan. Io somc arcas thcy arc uscd ia dcvclopmcat of avalanchc-zoning plans and in dcsigo of struclural dcfcnscs. Bccausc cstimatcs of potcstial vclocitics and forccs arc critical it cngiocercd dcsign of structural dcfcoscs thcy Exust bc dctcrroincd by somc objcctivc critcria as is trad.itional io all Scophys.ical analyscs. Eariy modcls trcatcd avalanchc motion as a modificd fluid or as a ccntcr-of-roass moving aloag thc path profilc. Morc reccnt rnodcls are Icss rcstrictivc, allowiag prcdictcd avalanchc stoppiag pcsitions to bc spccilicd io 2 or 3 dimcnsions, thcreby addiog hcight and width to thc lcngth diocasion of carlicr oodcls. Thcsc physical or mathcEaticat modcls tcnd to bc must morc compljcatcd than thc simplc statistical models discusscd in thc orcvious scction bccausc thcy Eust carcfully rcprcsclt avalanchc tcrrain and ioterual matcriat propcrtics aad consider thc intcraction of all tlcsc factors ia cElculations of vclocity and ruoott! distancc. All physical modcls work csscntially as diagramo:cd in Figlre 5. a. Thc physical modcl is writtcn so that vclocitics and runout distasccs arc computcd givcn information about path tctrai! aad avalaochc matcrial propcrtics; b. Thc tcrrain (stccpacss, roughncss, curvaturc, lcngth' channctizatioD, ctc.) arc mcasurcd and uscd by thc physical modcl; c. Avalanche matcrial propcrtics (turbulcncc, viscosity' particlc sizcs, dcasities, ctc.) arc assumcd, based on thc-xpcricncc of thc uscr, aod arc also storcd in thc modcl; d. Thc modcl is ruu' u3es thc valucs of tcrrain and matcrial propcrtics, and computcs vclocity, stopping position, and possibly vcrticai tnd latcral cxtent. o thc usc of physical modcls may bc 5q66what subjcctivc bccauscthc stopping position (and vclocitics) dcpcnd upon sclcction offriction tcrms cvcn !hough wc may havc no ctc'.rr knowlcdgc of whcthcr wc arc using thc propcr tcrms' thc propcr valucs for thcsc tcrrosr or cvco thc propcr Eodcl! Although usc of a physical Eodcl may bc vcry appcaliog ro somct(tcrrain, friction, aod matcrial propcrtics arc pluggcd ia and thccooputcr spits out vctocity ald runout cxtctrtl), thc assumptioas uscd in thc modcls arc largcly unsupportcd at thc prcscnt timc. Thcreforc, bccausc of the problems discusscd abovc is obtaiaiag' grouod truth iD major avalaaches. thc physical oodcls should not, io my opioion. bc uscd as tic only Dethod to prcdict avalanchc ruoout distancc. Howcvcr, bccausc thc physical modcls arc csscDtial ia prcdictiag vclocity, thcy Eust oftcn bc uscd in practice in spitc of thcir lioitations. COMBINATIONS OF TECHNIQUES TO CALCULATE RUNOUT AND VELOCITY As mcotioncd io tbc bcgiaai!g of this articlc, avalarchcs, although thcy are spccial to us, arc also aaaloSous to maoy othcr gcophysical proccsscs. Floods arc a particularly uscful analogy aod as mcotioncd, dcliacatioo of thc '100-ycar' flood has rcccivcd thc attcutiotr of many scicntists aDd cnginccrs worldwidc for most of this ccotury. Avalaochc-coginccring spccialists rhould look closcly at proccdures uscd in aoalysis of similar Seophysical proccsscs bcsausc so little rcscarch is bciog conductcd io our ficld. Drawing a fiood bourdary is simjlar to drawio8 aa avalanchc ruDout-zonc bouadary aod oftca procccds as fctlows: a. Thc flood flisgElgg or volumc of slicr flowing past' a point pcr sccotrd, is calculatcd by str,dving thc flood history of thc rcgion, a statistical mcthod. b. Thc flood bouadarics arc calculatcd by using rhc dischargc (calculatcd i! stcp 'a'), io a physical Eodcl that considcrs thc strcaE bcd roughncss' slop€, and ctoss' scctional shapc. Altbough avatauchcs only rcscoblc floods supcrficially, thc ruDout-distaucc aod vclocity calculation proccdurcs cao bc quitc similar to thosc uscd in flood studics. A rccommcodcd two'stcp proccdurc could bc as follows: a. Thc runout distancc is dctcraiaed froo rbc historical rccord vhcl thc rccord is l9!3-egC.-19$i$t$s' by vcgctatio8 daoagc or thc Scological rccord whcn this is' uaoistakablc, aud fronstatistical Eodcls dcrived frorn lhc Eouqtaitr rcSioD of iqtcrcst. Tbc stoppi!8 positioo i5-gg1 calculatcd from a PhYsical nodc|. b. Avalauchc yjlgg|ga is calculatcd by using a physi-cal model, howcvcr that Eodcl is forccd to stop 8t thc positioD Arctic and Alpine APPts.IDIX B 21, No. 3, 1989, p9.283-281 REGIONAI,COMPARISONS OF AVALANCHE.PROFILE AND RUNOUT DATA Anrsun I. Mrens 222 E. Gothic Avenue Gunnison, Colorado 81230, U.S.A. ABSTRACT Staristical comparison of avalanche-path-profile data from four widely separated nountain ranges (coastal Alaska, California Sierra Nevada, Colorado Rocky Mount:inr, and westero Norway) are compared and presented in tabular form. Only unusual (approx. l0Gyr return period) avaJanches wcre compared. Inspection of the data leads to the following conclusions: (l) The avalanche patbs in Norway and Alaska are larger and steeper tban those sampied in Colorado aad Cdjfornia; (2) The best regression eguation for predicting the c anglc dgveloped from Norway data predicts c which is too large in Colorado, the Sierra Nevada, and coastal Alaska; (3) Thc cxtrqne avalanche runout distanccs, al defined by the rlinensiodess "Runout Ratio," a mcasurc of nruout disuace with respect to path size, are signjficantly larger in California and Colorado; (4) Largcr runout ratios are associated with shoner path lengrbi in rhe Colorado and Sierra Ncvada data; (5) Thc observed differences between runout distances suggests that statisdcal runout equadons devcloped in ooe mountain arca sbould not bc applicd to othcr ar€s. INTRODUCTION o Rsearch, Yol. a The maximum rutrout distance cxpected in al avalanche path during exctptional conditions (the "desiglt avalaoche") is an important paramacr in planning' land- usc, cngineerLrg, and structura! design in avalancbe-prone arcas. At first, thc prediction of runout distance involvcd a physically bascd modcling approacb (Voellny, 1955; Perla a d-, 1980), More reccntly, the eophasis has shiftcd to modcls based on analysir of tcrrain variables (Bovis and Mcars, 1976; Licd and Bakkehoi et al-, 1983; McClung and Lied, l9S?: Ucd aad Toppe, in press)' Thc- statistical modcls havc uscd obscwed cnrcme'avalanche nrDout data from a givcl mountain arca to predict' rbrough sdcctior and andysis of tcrrain variablcs, what might occur where runout data are not availabte. Data from only one Eountain area (western Norway) have been uscd in prcrious statistical models, but no attempt has becn madc to compiue data froor widcly scparated Dountain regions. This study conpares avalanchc profilcs from westcrn Norway, thc Colorado Rocky Mountains, tlc California Sicrra Nevada, a^nd coastal areas of south<cotral Alaska to determine if terrain and nrnout distances differ sig- nilicandy. ln addirion, avalanchc-patb lcngth is ualped to detcrminc if it has an important idlucocc otr runout distance. VARIABLES CONTROLLING RTJNOLTT DISTANCE, Tht variables tlat control uaimuo runout distance fdl iato thrce broad cargotie* (J) wca&cr and snowpack 01989, Rcgents of thc Uniwrsily of Colorado conditions, (2) rcsurn pcriod (probabi[9, ald (3) tcrrain. AJthough thc wcather and snowpack cooditions during A. I. lfxrls / 283 I t_ IIt_ I much stronger in Norway than in rhc U.S. data, How- ever, the diffcrencc between p and c differs significantly among thc four regions. This differcnce baween p and a ean also be rcpreseded by thc runout ratio (R.R) Cfable 2). The ocasures of avalanche runout givcn in thble 2 sug- gcst that although a can be predictcd from d in dl four rcgions, unique saistical rclirtionships must bc dcvelopcd for cach arca, as dissussed in the following scctiotrs. ecsteru Norvay avdanchc paths (Lied aDd Toppc' i! press). Prediacd c aagles (from cguation l) wcre thcn compared with the rneasured c angles in the three Nonh American mountain ranges, and the "residual'was cotn- putcd for cach path by subtaaing thc vduc obtained from cquatioa (l) from the measurcd value. Therefore' a vatuc of rsro would bc a perfect fit for a givcn patb, a negativc value indicares the prediaed alpha is too large' and a positive valuc iudicates the prcdictcd dpha is too APPLICATION OF NORWAY RUNOUT EQUATION Regression equations developcd from western Norway data tcod to systematically underestimate tbe runout dis- ances in Colorado, the Sierra Ncvada, and coastal Alaska. The alpha angles in tbesc three mountain areas werc calculated by thc cguation E = 0.96F - 1.7' (l) which was shown to be the oost reliable relationship for Trrre I ProJile and runout distance comparbons, coastal Alaska, Siena Nevada, Colorado, western Nor*af NORWAY ALASKA COLORADO Coastd SierraAlaska Ncvada Westcrn Colorado Norway Pararncter (tv=52) (/t/= 90) Of= 130) (N= I 13) c urin med av8 std maxF rnin mcd avg std max6 min mcd av8 5td ma)lff min ned tvg sld max dX min mcd av8 nd lllaxXr min mcdrvt fid miu( .RX min nedrvt 3td Ertt t8.9t< t 25.4 3.2 34.2 zt.v 29.5 29.611?tt 0.0 5.8{t 3.1 9.5 320 725 765 245 t400 EO 2t0 302 !55 ?90 520 1390 t3t8 rt53 23E0 o.m 0.?n 0.25 0.14 0.66 t4.0 19.8 20.1 3.6 35.9 16.5 2s.9 )4 1 4.1 &.7 0.0 5.2 4.8 2.7 9.0 104 351 129 231 lt45tu 295 354,,r', 1433 r60 7U 822 461 ?210 0.15 0.12 0.49 026 1.35 t( t ,t) ttr 3.2 30.7 r 8.8 tt,t 27.5 3.5 5l.I -2.9 J.4 5.t 3.4 ,0.2 r28 s49 543 ?26 t 134 76 290 334 lE4 t2,o tE3 934 9995fi n30 0.07 0.33 0.41 0.26 1.57 t 8.0 27.3 28.2 5.E4.0 2t.7 30.r 31.3 5.8 52.i N/A t60b 260b 230b t50b 1430b 540b 0.17b 0.1lr .Data rrc givcn in degrees end mcters. rCelculated from Ucd and Toppc (io prcss). Ftourr 2. Frcqucocy disuihrlions of thc rcsiduds rgulting from epptication of r.hc Norrvay rcgrcssion cquedon c - 0.966 - l '7c diea raa Toppc, ia prcss) to obsm'cd rvrlancbc runour in iour mourais rcgions. Typical luobtrs of data poiau arc rhown. A. I. Mt^rs / 285 t.- relations were obtained for both Colorado (r, = 4,93, Z = -2.78) and the Sicrra (r, = 4.93, Z = -2.64). Such a grouping of dara is rcquired bccause it minimizes the cffect of random errors in retum period (e.g., "5Gyr" and '20&yr" avalanchcs are averaged within each group). On thc basis of the correlation analysis discusscd aleyg, path lengfh (as reprcsenred by Xs or Il) does appsu to affcct the runout ratio, which, therefore, cannot be ass"'ned independent of tcrraia ia Colorado or tbe Siena. Although path lcngth effects on.R.R havc trot appe$ed in Norway or Alaska data, the Colorado and Sierra data raptesent an "order-of-magnitudeo range in Xa @r H). Norrvay and Alaska data both vary lcss in size, therefore length effects on runout are expectcd to be less. The following conclusions may bc drawn from the rl2t and analysis presented hcrc. (l) Tcrrain steepness and lcughs, as represented in thc data scts collccred in this aoalysis, are greater in western Norway and coastal Alaska than in Colorado or the Sierra Nevada. (2) Regression equations dcrived from western Norway data tcnd to over predict a-angles (under predict runout distances) in Colorado, the Sierra Nevada, and coastal Alaska. (3) Extreme avalanche runout distances, as expressed by the runout ratio (XR), are si8njficantly greater in Colorado and thc Sierra Nevada than in Norway or coastal Alaska. (4) The shoner avalanche paths in Colorado and the Sierra Nevada arc correlared with the longer runout ratios. (5) The obscrved differences in avalanche runout strongly suggess that slalistical runoutdistancc cquations devclopcd in mourtaitr areas do Dot Decessarily apply to otler areas. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I want to thanl Norman Wilson, Danicl Whitmore, ud larry tleyrvood (A.lpinc Mcadows Ski Area) for assisance in thc col- lection of data from the Sietta. David Hamre asd DouBIas Fcsler (Alaska lrlounuin Safety Ccater) both guided mc to cx- treme avalanche runouts in Alaska, Mary of the ideas discussed here were stimulated through discussions with David McClung of $e National R.:search Council of Canada and Karstein Lied of the Norwcgian Qgelgshnical Institutc, Oslo, Norway. coNcLusloNs REFERENCES CITED BakkchOi, S., Domaas, U., and Licd, K., 1983: Calculadon of soow avalanchc runout. ,{znols o/ Glociologt, 4: 24-29. Bovis, M. and Mcars, A., 1976: Statisdcal prcdiction of snow avdanche runout from tcrrain variablcs ir Colorado. ;{rc- tic and Alpine Raearch, t: I 15-120. Ucd, K. and Bakkchoi, S., 1980: Empirical calcularions of snow-avalanchc ruu-out dislance. Journal ol Glaciolog;t, 26(94):165-177. Ucd, K. and Toppe, R., in prcss: Calctladon of maximum $row avalanche runout disr.ncr by usc of digttd tctrail modcls, Journal of Glaciologlr. McClung, D. M. and Licd, K-, 1984: Statistical avalanche zon- ing. Procadings ol the Intematiorul Snow kience Work- shop, Aspen, 95-98. -, 1987: SuriiCca! aad gcomedcal defmition of snow ava- lanchc runour. Cold Regions Science and Technologlt, 13:. t07-l19. Pcrla, R., Chcng, T. T., and McClung, D. M., l9E0: A two'' paramaer moccl of snow-avalanche aodor'' Jounol of Gla' ciolog;r, 26(9): 191 -2tr1. Vocllmy, A., l9-(5: UUet die Zcrstorungskraft von Lawinen. Schweizerische Baueitung, 73(12): 159-162, (l5l: 212-717, Q1): 2a6-2.a9, (19): 28f285. Ms $bmitted Augusr 1988 A. l. MEr$ / 2E7 APPBI!!( q STATISTICAI AVAI,AIICIIE ZONXIG D.M. ltcClurg1and. K. L,1ed.2 Abstrlet.-&nout fot lhc Gxtrco€ av€nt on al rralsnchc gath 1s calculacad frot confldcoce llottt on a reglesslon analt8te of peth lopogrsPhlc PsrrEetert. Ttrls r"3ults to rcdeflnlEton of thc ttadl!lmel zonlng problcn by dlvldtng I't lnto rn ea3lBetlci! of nrnout dlttalce Dy !n cnglneerlng d.clston on lhc cholcc of csrfldcncc llntt to th. GstlBelc' arrd a dprole probler etih bosrdary condlllons deflned by lhe chos€n llrltt. It'ITROUUCTI(rN Thc rrldlclotral o.thod of avalanchc zonlng lnvolvas thc Jolnt eolurlon o! lhe svalanche noout end dynacles probleos by talcerlng rpproprl:!! frlcll'on eocfflclerlts fot an rvelanchc alFsnlca uodel. the Phy6tcal Problen !,nvolvcs r cotPl?x c!8ns1tlqn of tlrces t'l!h Eeny rknornr lneludtng: fltctlon coef! 1cj'en ts 'onstltuttva lass and grogeltle3 of f lortlng snor. thesa gape lo knouledgc ere slgnlflcant; ch8rly thc probllE 1g fer fror I toluEton. Thc evrluchc zonlng Problen laY bc rldcflncd by scParslldr tnto tuo Ptrtt!(l) cethntlur rtf tltc runout cllatdncc for the crtlctE aycn! on r p:th baacd on t te8'legslon cqurrlm tnvolvlng topogrEghlc P.nctcrs rnd r ..lcctcd confldcnce 1!l!1r tnd (2) Gscllstlon of rgca& alorg Ghe 1ncIlnr bctnecn ibe .ttrt porluon .nd nrnout Porlllon. ttc lettar ioaltlar la dcflncd by cho1c. of e confldcrrcc iltdt blscd rrgon rn cngtnecrlng dectlcn. In thl! paper parE I of chc problcn 1r lntloducad ln thc rt4lcrt rrnncr to tllutgrtta thc lathod; turthcr dccrlk wll.l bc Provld.d ln r foEchcoEl'rr t DIPCE. -. ATIALTSIS OF MPOGBAPBIC PAAAXEXEi'S Ttc dac! .ct u.cd tn the prelcnt indlyifu ccral'Br of.rBlEltct for 212 alrtl.nchc Prthr lEor tha raslll4 clhecc "Ggloc of Lcrtcln llorrry. lrttc* t'uaout for tlc r crlcr of rt lPrpcr prtactrtcd at tt€ Intcrueloaal &ros Sclarcc ibrkihop, A!PGn' Colorado, october 24-27r t984.20.x. xccl.-g, Llrrrch offlccr' lllctorrl :rcereh Councll Clnadt' Vrncouvcr' !.C. 3t(. Ltcd. Group llader, Avalanche Secclon' Iotu.81& C.olcchnlcll In ttltutc. 08 lor llolrty. lcnrt lllt) yc r{ yd! .e,rttrrre(l llt thc flcld nn.l a nuober of oBher garaneters for thc Prrhs rcrc detcralned. lhc paparr by Llcd end Brlltahdt (1980) rnd Bekkchol, Dooaar anil Lted (1983) havc provlded datatled drscrl.Pttons of the dsls scli lncludlng Ecthods lnd lccurscY. The prraDcters ueed ln Eh. Pre6"nt |tlrly6ls conslsc of angles pietured ln flgure I end deftncd by the follor,lng equaElonE: (r) c2) (3) .-" - fo llo tp,t* - .*e . ir if; (ji).. - # l"ns 'f /:l q".).- - f b b A fourth perllletat ls thc ltsrtlng :onc angt:p nhlch k dcftncd by !!n9' Ehe avcregc tloPc ln thc flrst 100 n of the tvllln ch. atlrting rona. For slnpllclty the or{8tn of SGorEtrT l! cho.en et lhe cr3rcoe tl? of th. rurouc (a polnc) rnd thc B polnt (aH, ax) 1! cho.Gn .t thrt, for shleh thc r1;pc angle ftrrt cquala l0' proccedlng dorrnrlopG !soo thc evrlrneha .trrE porllldr. thc g Potnt 1r chorcn tr r tcfarcrrcr posttton fron nhlch tuno,J! 1c E skrd ao t::ri Bm6 ie thc rvcrege rlopc ln rhc rlrmou! tonc. g.lng thc B polnt ta I sgro rcfcrcacc Etoa Bhlt rutout c$ b€ rc8lrdln8 rt lrklnt Poalclvc' tcro-or ncgrttv. v:lucs lf thc rvrhrchc rtoP to.ltlqr It beios, rt or lbovc lhc ! Poin!, rrapcc!1vcly' For r regraat1or anrlttit lpProach, argtcc Euoont la b$cd on I Prldtctl'trr of lha rltlrrr! raluc of o, glven vrlucc of lhc Polcntlrl - ^Drrdlctor ""il"bles (8, 0, rnd 6). U:c of 6 lr r i..ar.aot variab!a t! ltEl!.d to crtca ehcrt !h! runou! zonc 1! lm orlr to bc at a constac mgltt ruch ac a flac vellcy floor. For th: Prc'cnt drta act, l3l peths hrve Lnanr 5 anglcr' I I i 96 Correlerlon coefftclenrs (R) eere calcul.tcd for o 'rlth respec! to Br 0 (212 parhs) and 6(l3l prchs). Ttre resulBs gave: 0,919, 0.388 .nd -0. lll, respecslvely, Tllrs suggests thet lha best orr€ para.D€ ler nodel ls o - f(B) end !hL5 eaa conflroed by rcgressloo analy8ls. fur exanlrraclorr of reeldual plots for lln€er r€gresslm of a |,lth E shosed thrt lhe predlctlve eqrratlon provldea btrsed Gsllnalat. lttl6 dirggeda,r s tsr,ttforarclon or che tcapqrse vartable a. Poscr larr regresolon gave a good unbfased relarlqrehtp for 212 rvalanehe gatha3 f; - 6.736s1.05 (1) ol.th R2 - 0.86f ud S - 0.0?64 , thc hltar quan!lcy belng the aEandrrd .rror. For cooparlsoo rhc llnerr regrlasl@ grve 82 - 0.8{5 and S - 2.52'. ^noEher transforEallon explored rrae fq,. For thls clse lhc regresalon equeglon ls: G _ o.08799j + 2.57 (5) sirh R2 - 0.853 and S - 0.2f8 . thls equalton renoveg soc of ch€ bl,as ln asttEate.s over t llnesr regrlss1on Eodel bul lE ls not 16 good ln rhat r€speqr ar equatlon (4). Equrctm (5) tg lntroduced because tr appear6 oore useful 1n zonlng applleattonsr !s eill be dlscusscd below. - A nuober of lultlple rsgreselon cquatlons t erc derlved ln an acte pc to lrprove lhe pr€dlcg1v€ schrtoes by addltlon of e as a secondvartable. llosever, tt eas trot fo$d po331ble io tryrove the predlctlve schcEe €nou8h to Yarranc incluslon of 8. Addlrlc.l of 6 tB . predlcloE varleble doeg rlqrove th" prcdlcttvc equrtlm6 but ch18 hss - very lloLted sppllcstton rnd ther€fore 6 13 not lntroduc.d hcre, ln tavor o! alopllclly. Another posstblllty for .lllEatlng n|nout shcn dlstsrces 8ssoclalcd sl!h thQ lngl,cg lre knorn for thc lvalanche psths' lB the calculttlon of horlzontsl relch (Ax) ftoo lhe E Potca. Ur lng GqusBlons (I) to (3) (flg. l) tl lt r|sllt.hom Ehrc: AX-t|nB-tmo X^ tsrq - trn 6D t , C grc,tI L ' -l AX - ' rErB' u- (tanc - cur6 ) llgure I.-Deflnltlons of agle6 snd f.'lgth rcalee for !n avalmche p!th. Regress{on snalys.s chored Ehat $.na $xr Harre staslstlcally lndependens of !, O ind 6 t6 e good approxluarlcn (Rz ' 0). STATISTICAL AVAIA}ICHE RINOUT Glven the B Potnl as l reference,calculallon of extret[c runout depends on I predlcrlcn of the ElnlEuE value of s expectcd fot a glven lodel. the crlcrrlon u8ad ln rhi,s prpe! correspoada to lhe besr tlt!1ng upper enve:,ope '. the dlsErlbutlon of I (ordtnate) versu€ q (abclrsa, f,tg. 2). Upper envclopes rere deEarrlned by cslcul.rlng confldence thttt for q - f(3) for llnear regresslon, poser lst, legracslcn lcquacton (4)] md ehc square root trsngforls!1oo of cquatlcn (5 ). 'Itre best flt Eo tbc upper ll8lt on thc B - a dl6crlbuclon chloughou! the rsnges of , and c |':s found frou confldance llElt3 ot €quatlqr (5). fy 6tlnderd rechods rnd uslng roE rPprodErtlontfor the large nuder of dsts polnlsr tn cstllrle of the confldcnce ltdr fot nlnlcrl vrlue of c 1! glven by: 4 - o.osTss + lz.st - (o.2ts)r(r-!o)l (s) ,h"r. a.r_ p i lt a valuc of Ehc t dlslrlbullon.. ffi,for 210 a"iiE"" of f reedoo. Equstlon (8) rtrtcs thst PZ of rvalsnches hcve a valual grcrtcr lhrn co for 50 ( P < 100. Por rre4le, for a 991 u'ppcr confldencc llElt, tn nr 11 2.326 (trkcnrld (5) (7) 97 5t' tt'.1" ,to ,4 tZ t ot422" . o * E L*rh - 0.275 + o.re7 i.ar*rl (e) For lhe presen! drte rc!, there lae tto dlsadvant8ges to cquttlon (9) rc I pr.dlctlvecquatisn: (l ) celcutatlma uith lctual errqrlaa ahoe thrt thc .ccur.cy 18 no! rr good throughoutthe rmgas of 0 cnd c rr cooparad to€quarlon (E); (2) valuce of llo and Xo sclr roceasured lor tha preren! daca-rct rni lt tr unknorn sh.ther !)t la proportlonal to llo or Iq rla oodel, .r cqultlcn (9) uould tnply. Ta r91Eeof thcsc dlsrdvantsgr!, e rough Gstlnate of runout eln b€ 8tv.n onec e vtluc of a{t-g t" dcEcm,lned by o cnglnccrlng decl.rton. t00a0. p 1r' to' 25' lt' !1g,rra 2.-P1ot of B vtrsus c for 212 rvalanche prche frol llcate rn Norrry. - Ragrcrslan llnc for square rool tlrnsforoa El,on on Equatl.on (5). - ?rcdlctloo for crtreo: rurouc (crr) tor lha tegracrloa li,nc e ho-'n. Uultlplc plottld polnt! rt thc ganre locat,lon on the Braph rr! denoted sith crtra blrs rttsched to lhe clrelr, G.g. U rcprelen!8 3 dara polnl!. lergin of ..f.tt dcrlrrdl eoupled to brorlzdgc of loerl ellnete recordt lnd lvauflchc Eslutnpcrlodr. Ia onny lngtrnccr e 901 confldcnccthl! !!t b€ .dcqurtr foa G.!1Er!1a8 t'hc c:tlc|! nrnou! dlrttnc!. llothcr por.lbllltt for crtbrrlcn of Gxtrcc runouc dlrt8rcc. $on.lsJ:r ol crttrPol.tl8rto lhc ltppcr llEll! of F ot F glvct lctn e.lucsa! ot rlrd rtrndlrd dcvlrtlqra.- Slnci chcrc qumcltlcr rre .trtlrtlcrllt bdcpcadcnt of thc predlctor ?tlucr, th. aa.lqt.lon thll thct rse C.urtl.rn,rrl|blc. au88c.lr th. Dd.t: . DrsclrssloN Pscdlctlm ol Grtrrltc rvelenchc ruaoutdl.Erncr her bccrr ps!.entGd los tuo typca ot rodele crprcrecd by cquaclone (E) and (9). Elchcr of thcsa.ay be uaed !o pr"plrc ! strrtrtlc,al lap of confldence lln1cs for calcul,acion of runou!. Ctrolc. of . lldt dapenda upon 8n anglnelllng dlcls{on, |'rd thlt phc.s tbr ronl.ng probler! tn thr !|l!€ lengUege that ogharprobleEs concerncd rlth rlsk tnd ssfcty rrc phraded ,,n nodcm p racllce. lvo tdventlges of thc rpproach prclcnlrd arer (l) lt cllolnctss the n:ceaalty for tolvlng aval.anche dFtntc! cqur!l,gns !o dccerrtnc ttrtoud ustng en rrblltrry cholcc of frl,ctlon cocfflcllnrs, s! 1s usually done; (2) the dynanlcs probl.n ls raduecC to predictlan o! rpceds rlong the lnellne bctraen th. rcrr!poslElon lnd !top poslclon, once t 8l,van confldence llElr ls choeen (1.c. e rc! ot boundary condltlonr for the dynenlca prob:,cs ls dellncd by cholee o! r conlldcnce lfdt), l{eny urrnarerrd qulsllont nccd to b!' lnvrstlgsred rlrh r.grrd !o lhc prlrcnt rpprorch to rrnout. Fot cxrEph, flcld cxperkncc rtrc'ngLy lndlcltls thrr rtlrtlng ronc rlzc rhould hrve an lnfluancc. A1!o, thc cff€ct of cllEltr rcg!!. !ard3 ro bc qurotlflcd. fhc mc prta!€ta! lodcl la ria€ful b.erusc Grtrlc rvehrcbcr rcrch rlopc rnglct aerr l0'. A roluttd of thc dynr[l cr problca rcqulrcr u utrdcrsrrndlng o! ltr drprndcnc. on thG relavloc lcrrgth rcrler |rrd th. aftect of p.a.u!ea! rueh ra evaLrehe rlsi rhl, rey er* rge froa r rolutl(D of thc nraout problcn. lhtll Chcacqurstldrr lrc anlserad rnd unt1l r good phyelcrl rodcl for florrl,ng rnov Lr dcvelogcd, rolutlm of thr runout. rnd dynrdcr problac togathcr, rr lt conqr ln pr.gclce, r8unt! Bo nothlng roae chrn . curvc tlttlng crcrel.r'bt edJurtoant offrlctlcn cocfflelcnsr. ,' 50'{t.a0'tt',0'25'20' . E.l . rlallr" G4r!.t{cn for (4J" uy bc 'lvett. f I I : o IEFERSdCES 98 ! ".Lkchdl, S-, U. DoueI .nd K. Lted. 19E3.! CslculrBlon of roou rvrlanche ruroug. Annalr of Glrclologr (6): 24-29. L1cd, K. end S. 8rkhchdl. 1980. Eaptrtcltcalculrtlona of morrrvtlmchc runou! baacdon topogaaphlc p.!.*CGr.. Joutnrl ofGl.rclologr 26(94)z 197-207. ICKIIOULEDGEI{ENT Thc plonccrhg uorl rnd ldcea ofS. E:klehdt erc grrtefully rclnorledged lnsclrrlm Bo !h18 probl.E. ltr1s prp.r ls rconlr1butlm of th. Dlv1.l6 of lulldlngleteereh, llettmel Scra8rch Councll Crnede, mdfu pqbllrhcd rlrh th. epprovrl of thc Dlr:ctor ofah. Dlvlsl.6. February 8, 1990 Town of Vail Commun'i ty Devel opment 75 S.Frontage Rd. WVail, C0 81657 Attn: Betsy Dear Betsy: We are requesting that the Town of Vail recognize our development rights on our duplex in East Vail. The legal description is l'lalker- Ray Townhouse Lot 28, Parcel A., Vail Meadows Fi'l ing 1. Please iniorm us if Walker-Ray Parcel B ( present'ly owned by Frank and Ellen Mckibben) submits p1 ans for expansion now or in the future. S'incere'ly, Bi I I and Chri stine l.la'l ker P.0. Box 611Vail,C0 81658 476-4?95 t ; ooza{7co -{ozTmn ={ r --I, - +o @mIsL-O.:-El.-r l+ oI<: A I -r, :l Ilm: 619c Il!= g I t-:..: ; olic Il-m=f-, I ZIt o<4o.de-o8dct>a="9mr+ .rl m { DtrE !tr! =tr9ml-L- 2==IE"f- 1t!Or z=qq,22ooz z =m gf,uic)o>'r- 2n-im7z>m --t >or-n mo.T zo z-{ o--t o9:ic3= ^cDi6 zE--r x>= o> =o-..':qn ErD IJ rnw Y lorG P r.p r i PJ n 3 = Tl F litol{lz let<t> lFIIlm lplzlo L l-rrts F I BEFl=EIBKph tpEppxfIFPt {DHFrltltl l-l l{lzlollt> lFl! I -,{ trmlo 'li l> lF lm le,lz I' I I l l-t l€lz l'nt<t>l-tft IH t'lz a c. qzIo;-{ml-s rl--llNo 16I| (rr '<to| 'Tl m:o =-t -t @mxm Ioz(-o @I-{rtl loI trltzl-(m WVill<)lnlf ol6=| 2Alo6l'n2t€ lx llIllFtltltltltl xiXT ;o> -rlz()QO<zO tt,v= 5z n< 3 : z>t-_o m =(t zmm m l< lz fio<'b 'n _D m J € q{ +i- -zz. c)i> = wlIqnptl z>9Rrai*=:;;s >0 ftlU'Ozcz --l 9ptt I E;ts$;369.g E lc il 5 sei t 5*iiF : (/, O:1 :'-=-.o0, Hb ao -;€i9a .""4 g'el OO^.l,XIiaS=5169-a'o-o;ior ^O*=! ilre=F ediss3l-i9= a;gas a,= ie s iie: l ssdE=iEsa!if<o-JE0:aR6' *sHs*4$i; a 5 B;3q$9u9P=. 0d Cf.* 3Lloe \ !mD3 -.1zo I rNSPEcrroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL , . AM PM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE - JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEF" PLYwooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETBOCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr u FINAL D u FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tffi] DATE li -- r -INSPECTION REOUTIST'; TOWN OF VAIL . 'PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. fI ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING o tr o BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR (ffi] ooza-{frcc){ozTrn7 ={ -.1o (D mlql-ot.-. h EI<X fIHE El9r 1lri SlmP oliq 3l=E =f,3 o.<1o-dE-o8dctt>l74ili -n.It m --t 3trq t=z =o6)!) >PTl- Tt-tTtt lt ll l -r.l .I,Or z=o(D\=6"',z €zm z IT =q) T q, OJ lD c+ 5 o=3Hio>'t- o 9.nnz>m -{> I =m -i o--z.;--l c3=-tz l-mo F l- z-l --{ o 7 an m .T z z.- o-t q, H.rBrDprp ErE !D =9) (D -5 c o(D- li l€lzlol:t>l- tm lF,lzlo t' Ilr-lorlHlw I I F.{ Or I+N)\o CN A,ln o, (D l- ln ls, + l-rmlorl= lo t'I: lml6) l- I I I lrtol€lzlo t:t>l- l$lz l-{lol€lz llt> ln a TEN q]zloni ill'. Il'\ ot[9|>: lFo| '71 mD =-{ -1o @mxmt-{oz <- @I-tm c-1ts(oOF\ aro-(OO-ra3so9d-o cte f'< R AP I=x -P{tEo-'+ s,R:d6 o:af 5 *- Xd= =-'Pior o ^'r - reB.lq)^-=-o l.E*a *=E ! orE(lr - ='-r +i;*oi'v=i .rJ=(D.= IU o.-.=<OO =.f c ", ll=s.----l g =.'(D54=io)oo-= : =. -{H;5 Va3 38do:: D:ao €I = = coc o o =(o fo-lo o =.€ ot tf 3 @g. 5(o oo f =o -GrfDOc+xc.'or5 ..J c) r(Dq.l<5o,J.c c+c)oo.. =@. Ot>cn.@ =gj -o- 'n =amt-'n zo -l mo€zm ll ^2o I om r (t-lzo : zr m =q, zmm m l<' 12 lzIJItIr :c IL Il I lfr o < ll=,": il'l'I+ ilEl8 l"L llt It rnlo xlo - €>ilFll r@ KlF-li lrr' llt lrt-[ ill ll II I'\ ll lr P o t_ l8 ItItt't. r -t- -l I zact- =z -.1 !m lo lltI at,l(t-1 Il+ l-l-l(- lml IOrn{ TF-zza .z -U' l-l" l0llz>PRriiI=T< >oolm=<ho z =-.1 lo zm{ --{ u ;iz o z : mt --t m otoc-9 _n l- {tz Nt-i;FrrlEo>-n2O?9O ur,o8! = Eb66zz G)J oN-- o =N-= !eIs -j6t mz c:uJe fl, c)au =-no-zCU^5'n(D€ !tDPrx15.!rl =, ll=--ff-l*N F o zz F @C T- 2 z ma zz z --l --l --lm =a- 4z6o =ooI C)>t -5 oJ o aY)0'\- l F \ Kil t I \t- Ntl It c: vFf>F r m = =-nmm a.t', cam-t x l-m 4 m_oo2--{ mg.oz msfi€ q ,m m =z mm m z 2 m tn --l t- z m: - z m =f -E ma =-l'TlmmU' VALUATION 1'm7 -lzo =m zo |- =Izo m m -.tu @ t- z 5 o (, (tr OJ(o oO O o @Otto (,N)t\) N) 5F /L 4 o3o-.-7 -4- tNs t PE CTION REOUEST'.TOWN OF VAIL tPERMIT NUMBER OF DATE JoB NAME -\!*V".- r:A(Ar'E INSPECTION:MON PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION:q BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr o ri+trunl O FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL VED . tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED $,oRRECTTONS: ,l,, 1.,,, / "",oArE 7/.1',// t</ |NSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION REQUEST ... TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: B tr tr tr tr tr o U!LDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL o o tr FINAL ELECTR! tr FINAL MECHANICAL: o D tr u TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E] SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR fimr 'l r. \ | lU{1.1 Project Application ljif\ ,.' i., , '"l . lt4 IQ(.J Itr31s -ri.'* + t\l I -l Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone ,r>. i,\\ | Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Comments: Design Review Board o","'ii,t- l'..), KKtilriii\fir t Motion by: Seconded bv: DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL \ " \,' lar\ i\ I n\ k,,t\,',' Y,,'\ r .Town Plannero",", L/.])f''{ E statt Approval Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Project Application ,r)l\!"1 ^f.1-i . , ," qd r1..l ;,t5!' ,f.i' Date .l 9 ''li \l t-.' Ii ,.1, Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Comments: Design Review Board ill rr r/|', Itti,' : t(rt IDate !'{t1. '! lr\ I i, Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL i DISAPPROVAL Summary: i ,,,1r ,.. \ i Town Planner ,, ",iDate: EI statt Approval The fol lorving informat j.on is lJoard bc{'ore a final approval A. BUtLnIi'l(i I{A'|ERIAi,S *^l..oo t Siding Other I'ia l l lvtaterial s Fas c ia Soffits Windorvs I{indow T'ri-m Doors Door Trirn Hand or- Deel<-{ai] s -Flues-'- --+las&j:+gs- Chir,rneys Trash [nclosures Greenhous es Otirer: B. LANDSCAPING Name of Desiqner: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS m P'e Spe. ae a- 2 q4'u 4 ?t-Es Fte- ?t--EIrqnJ =>ot OLya I'Dood @ -*' a,antk il*t,^14 .l --ULU.WL2IZI---4zr(requilcd for sul>rnittal by thc appl jc:rnt to the Design Rcvicrrrcan be given: tiolorI'yge of llatsrial tg /)tptt-* ?.S tvL s C-ua l- t D.rrl/,' tujct- t<_ rr?4 F -?e""2 Vni*jf,z ffrfrb^t//r4 cJ a)l*4€ ,t /t{ U, ,<- /74 />7s* Botanical Name Common Name Quanti ty 7,_gt.3,*r*gtee*"_$acz ll Qie"t"tG**,b" Atf ,ut C E'L/ il r r*1i,ul,q'a.7Bn*t ,r/i f- ;TREES Si ze 13/',w /e jy'( =a >1- ". %C"Iil"*-* / 4LrPt Ae4,r 1.Z- t Ft"I =YA,d g- 7 t qt DAL&a"ttcl e2!!:__s? 75 south lronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 otflce of communlty developmenl May 4, ]984 t,,l. A. Halker P. 0. Box 61I Vai l, Colorado, 81658 RE: lllalker, Ray Garage Addition Lot 28, #l Vail Meadows Dear Bill, At the May Znd, .l984, Design Review Board meeting,-you.decided to tab'l e your projlct. The Des'i gn Rev'i ew Board made the following recommendat'i ons: l. Develop a stronger connect'ion to the house, i. e. the garage should be moved c'l oser to the house. 2. Consider a possible location for a second garage. 3. Consjder designing a higher garage door to allow for your equipment. If you have further questjons, p'l ease call me. S i ncere ly ,r) I 0.1 {nrnn trt} Kristan Pritz Town P'lanner KPl rme A RI SUEDIVISION OI LOT 28,VAIL MEADOWS IQWN_9r vA[,EAGLE COUNTY. COLORAOO 509b MAtN Goril. DRtVt SCALT- l" = 20' :;URVL r 0Ar€ 8 E'?offi tQr 'ooc ,y' rs * ;.' I N I .L r )i' l)rD r cAT l()N ,^I _ ol4!.84l3 , ri,,,u rll n.ri by th... gr...nt. th.t flllll tlbf -l{| -fa!n t.. .trpl. ot tll th.t troD.rt aaaar fH - alna tot ll, v.lt r..dor. ttllrt t. Ir t{lb colos.&, o&rtrhlf ltralt.l Ic a rcraa rta 08 Latat h.. by th... tr..-3t LL-ert, tlfifr -thr.. 9rrc.l. .a .b br- - atrmq w, la, ult! nn tSff, .' L l|I' color.ao, tor lDl|r I I |Illl th.r rbl. rlfdaa- a-ll I ttr.a .d s..rlf I ta era lgts ft llb -Ilrbr-*J|Lr T' -aQa rr||| tt s ttrp3.n ll|.rl, Il.. taL -1, tLlt.- trr.. flll Q.ttlrli .a rifll ?.'.ollr --I -.r.u pr r- t- b so,verrlnl tf fflf I t! rltr- -ad I If r.D. lrf. Lflrt."d . !v1l t.G fid lt.rrQt ' \.i.--. :.SClrlt'il' i - i AR(l l. A: A Plrt of l-t.28, \'arl l{3adt)ua }tiLIti'ir ' l' ('II : Lti ' i 'l':rri"r South. Lnga Tg L€lt of lhc Srxth Prin( 1J 'rl H{'r r(ll.r'r' Tc":r f rt l ' reglr Couniy, colorado, Dre [)'rtlcul6rlv Jellr iltd rs f 'rl l:rr;g: CdXn€ tDg at tha rtt North'rly cornor of !d r'l Lt 28; Lhcnce S lt'Ot'ta' I i69.9f t..t to Lh. ?ru. PoLnt of Bcglnnrnqi thenc' N ta'Oarlt'r I5.?t tlrtl thoncc s 55'55'l.5'w 1?'Ii-f eet; thGnce i ll'Oarlt' t le.lO fa.t, th.ncG S 79'0''I5' E 5'56 !'cti thonc' t ta.oa,lt' s l.to f..t, th.nc. s 79'0{'i5' E 6.tt f.Gtt th.nc. i ii.ii.it. i i.fO lreti ttrrncc s t9'0a'I5' E 5.66 f..tt th.ncr- af.aaral. i fi.tO looir thrnco la'Oa'15' ti 15.12 t..t to th. frr ifii ci fifar,rne cont.lntng 92t.15 'qutt' l"t or 0'0211 aaa -ca or laaa. lll Cll?ttfi - PIIIL Et l |I?t c' t,t l|. v.tl n..dor. 'lltnf io. l, !.ctfon l|, t{''r.hl p 51h; Ei-il rrt "r tr llrth prt6lp.l rrlal.n, loyn of v.11, -lj'G:i, cotocoo, Fr. P.rtlcul'rlv d'rtlbod u lollortr at ttr Dat tbrtharly cornor ol aal6 lot lt, ttrnc' fi.f iett to th. tru. rotnt ot lr{lnnlng r 6rncc 3 cl aI tt.l? ?..t, th.rr. t ta'oa'13'. al'rlt' atr |l|:Ir t.aa t.atr th.!c. f la'Oarlt'a.ft tortr ah.rE. t 3!'ll'at't.Ol tertl th.r9. t tt"t'a5'tt.lt ?..t to tF. trt hlntai-t - o.0ll! .ct.a rla1r ot ! la.ao feotr thorrr E l. t0 trt t tlrnc.r l. t0 t-t, tl5|c.r la. aC iert; thrnceot Htnlrt oont.tnlttg l,.aa . IIIIta r La. - bt ta. Y.ll lL.aoil tlf hN lo. 1, t-tlo l!' loU||.hlP 5 --fr 5it or rb Slrtt ttbarFl tbtLl.a. b ol vrtl,tt L3 ol tb Slrtl ?tlrr9.l rrLr.a, -E. -5..f.. GDt tlrt t ss.lr tlrrltd 'q5t't'lt ..'rlFi-ita-iia -.to rqd rrdr r rct ol rhlr crr-ffiior, -ocrtrrrrq ,l,tl9.!t rF.r. lrt or 0."|t ':.4 (} 'i'f, li Ifrla forlbt\l aI a 9)a9tr ir\ ta\t\\I €;;;i--- !j.'b j,- 'r-'i,< l-L.',J' ,:' r.,,. i)..._t ilij icATr+'" dLtVn'f rtr\i tt o UoProject Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone ,. rl i; ''i i:. 4J6-YXf 'ri,i:'t1,t": i ( t'': Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot '' .,, , Block Com menls: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 1,, it,Sum mary:t,,- l, i r r i El statt Approval .b Project Application !, Date Project Name: ,,,rarl .Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: 'Ii \,.,,i. ,.. I i : ,) .: (', ioneLegal Description: Lot Block Filing Commenls: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner q Date: Staff Approval ^ O LIST oF MAT.R'ALS N^. /) h)n,oro-LOT pF. BLOCK5 o9s- ///4t n-t DESCRIPTION OF P The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: Roof 0ther l,|al I FILING / Materi al s lJo*- t r,x ?ae lt)aab St-, a,-q 't " O)<FaPIJ ? r= 7o€ ?r1 ryl 4 Et*- Fasci a Soff its l^li ndows tli ndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Flashings Chimneys Trash Encl osures Greenhouses 0ther il+ fia ltJ4 AA B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: DnOne: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Si ze*Quani ty F.; ------+-a/o,(.,6'4 t'l;' EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED for coni fers . (over ) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height o Botanical Name lJ"tr.= = Type Common Name Quan i ty Si ze ( PLANT MATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS : : Square Footage SOD SEED 4.. E,.;,"r*rn.. Atu, 8re > fi' TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. STHER LANDSCApE FEATURES (retain'i ng walls, fences, swimmi ng pools, etc.) Please specify' t\ It)o Pt-------..- f.r : 6< ;9z^<ia6r -.1 t6 : z 9D !Jo 5I GF ARCHITECT mzm - ,n o iI z n € x VALUATION Ec F-l!=z=Oo -l!<tr> 3,i :'€>:d)! co r€;o>ar- < o r>'=_IS;=ia-!r;:AY;ir:=ii<:ztra>"' Q>.e9-=I (YZz= 7a>=z'' - o::!n*iili- tl-' !za:> ;., c r - =:<.ri--na>z;Eg; -{ ID nt-o an oJt- z rn m =mz ;z 2o fi ( ln E-t z ia €z 3zt at 7 !:/\* \J rJ c ,.I \ luwn u val box 100 vail, cotorado 81657 (3031 476'5613 August 29, 1979 Bill b|alker Box 6ll Vail, C0 81657 ot department of comnrunity development Re: Dear Bill: I have been requested by Richard crosby. to verify the 'l.ocat'ion of Vout duplex on Lot Z-g, Vail Meadows Fil ing-No.' 1' What has U"""r,-O.orght into question is the distance of the residence and the deck fro,n your North Property Line. According to your p1 ans on record in the Town of vail Building Oepirtmeit, y-our Uiritd'ing is supposed to be 16 feet from your fl"iif1 p""p"ity t-in" with-your dbck located no closer than ll feet from your North ProPertY Line. Your legal setback, according to.the regulat'i.ons in,effect at the time that your-building permit was issued was that the structure ,uit Uu 12 feei from the N6rth eroperty Line with the deck to be no lior"" than six feet from this property 1ine. These numbers were iaiiu'lated on the average height of your bui'lding being.'19 feet with the setback thereb! be'ing 12 feet. Decks within five feet li-iinitf,.a giud. i"" ailowed-to extend half rrray into the.required ietUaCt whicfi wouid allow them to be up to but no c'loser than six feet from your PropertY f ine. I would like you to verify to me that your building and deck ire located witrtin the required setbacks stated above' An improvement survey or a drawing_b^ased on actual measurements frbm a property pin would be sitficient. I wou'ld apprec'iate this information at your earliest convenience- Sincerely, (L ^,^.,{ 0r-!r-n-v..v<,/, I t. . tdames A. Rubin Zoning Administrator 'F'"rr ,::;:'--'1 1"1 a9 ^ U;',1 fi'"Jh ,'IAIN $oRe DRIVE (5o) \ \ \ \ \ \ z-\ t\ ai, ?.,-o\ oo\ o '"t\ - "\(n\ \ T rue P.O' B. PAFCEI-S AAB LOT 28 PARCEI- C 21,559.37 S q. Ft. O.4949 Ac. PARCEL-B 928.88 Sq. Fr.o.o 2 t5 Ac. SlooS5'a5.1 =:tr)tf \ \ kt CD ro(\I I\ n, ttt o\'a \aF = lo tr) og) s 34"04' 3.eo' t N 54" to uQ,r,,w t5"w ca z{or f;--: t;>p9qo' o (t lrl o ;!,{ctO ,\-' oaE' T'' tt Al ^ ^ o- N 42" 12'02" E 'r'J)o55' g 4. 5l' ,t3 /l /f" -1F, ?rtl.!t s[ DS €o -\\-\J e7.}---*--_ < 8' ,i------."r r- I I I 6c.n m< O -{m a I (') tt ; n) (,r I \-o. 3l.tPi> Pl:o ;lR 'rtf-t-l t F te. ti,tr,>l3 lc)'rr| f- &'rt t6 3t\,l- ) @,.nrt) olltbt;6lral_ " l,'tr lrj*1, lctr .o .br t-\. t\ ttl 450 47' 18" p N./,ra ! v1 !c'g, o >ptpo GI 23 8.44' - " 'l'lI i v, -eo OBS 3"--F^a' z'Jt l-o{ N @ C) rrl t- (^, oN f -<r. 5@.o irl 6A'f tl It,lul+lao-a_ (n:rrt oo Iotu (J 32. tot _f\tl UPl>olf,@lo3l- 'tI-1, lEc -o''?t ,7t:t rJ, A A' pol\) (Jr t, .4 "tv55oq5r,$ -.-.- ;T.#*%" ? 9,i ,d t /fJ \/z/.3 '- -l_ 'r 2\. .--- ----*__--r--.. , ,/ , J^2 F--'.-, r^e F> box 1OO vail. colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 department of conlmunity development 14EMORANDI'M ARCHITECT-THE VALLEY PHASE VI TOI,IN OF VAIL, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNlTY DEVELOPI'IENT PHASE VI PROPOSAL Yn. FROM: DATE: CMIG SN01,ID0N, PETER PATTEN, 5-12-80 CONCERNS I,IITH Ourbiggestconcernremainsthatoaccordinqtotheinfornutionwe have received, there ;;ii';"-uniir built oi over 40% slopes. 11e feel that the 40%.uf" it onu tt need to be consistent with through- ori't1.-uuiluV. Since tfre County Pianning-Commissioners feel that ;h; puD ii rilxiste in thjs rega-rd, we would like to see extra sens.it.iviry given to'ir,"r"-ri"Eo 11gq.: if they are_developed. soil studies should Uuar-ori-i6ui t6b hilis'ide on Obth sjdes of Lionsridge i;il';;""i;noie-ir'"i"-ioot-itopes being cut at'ray (that soil slump or crelp w'i 11 not occur). 2. SINGLE ROAD CUT STEEP SLOPE DEVELOPMENT RECREATIONAL FACiL ITIES As we stated in our'l etters to the county, we.do not see the necessity of two road cuts otl oi-iionsridge Loop tor the roads jn the meadows' nsingleroadcutp."."'uu.moreofthemeadowandmakesatightercluster of develoPment. J. The area for the courts could be expanded by putting them into the ,tititius easement. If this is not allowed, the one road cut' ii itpl"t*ted' may make more area available to make the courts i;d;:" i'h"-g.orp"ing of the facil ities as shown 'is preferred over their seParation. 4. LANDSCAPING 0n the downhill side of Hillside Lane, can there be more deciduous trees between the road uni it" unjts? It ii a question because I do not know jf that south facing s1 ope can support anything but Aspen' Also' there ir,oria-to lome lanaic;;i;a; the'north side of the units on the no"in tia" of Upper-Giaoi Otiuu to break-up that face of buildings' lbmo to Craig Snowdon Re: Va11ey Phase VI 5-]2-80--Page Two This is basicallY nnfn concern. I I all we have at this Point.I can be of anY more hel P, I think the 40% sloPe i; the p'l ease ca11. SincerelY ' A. Peter Patten, Town Planner p.S. The PEC reviewed the proposal on Monday, I'hy 12th and they (unanimously) fe1 t that no units should be built on 40% or steeper sl opes- The'ir indjcat'ion was the unjts vlhich are proposed to be built on 401 or steeper slopes should be dropped from the proiect. A1 so, they endorsed the one roab cut idea as a way to save more of the meadow. I ro rNstOroN REeuEbr,ffi //i/ ,/ /( t,)DATE '/-",iq" JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL /J,,, I CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ,f."7 f WED THUR FRI 7fr ..,.,) ,'l*'/J. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE /l t-l rNsil&roN REeuEsr THUR FRI iPMIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLEB TUES WED AM TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL E] tr tr o tr tr UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDEBGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr o FRAMING INSULATION GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: O HEATING EI ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL FINAL ,EI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR l-a t)/ A fuq rs / ld /E ?8 /7/paPa// fu u>f lteu = 4o g k6<A fl ti flsor * D (4a a/l'/Lu) dt V *'fu t' , fnart, 7iotndfi Gg t4 ,4 E*- y2--nJtJo, lpw wlrf f la er, _r 4r"e arvl //?-r j-a /S*ErTj l; &r7 ..<9 _ 4W-7 ( ulAv/z.S f n €0' "r/-a 1l ftD)/2/ rp, >fcez/ V'A/ h4 ruA4/ ' /' 7n./y i+ fu*-? ?n/ h*A zz/ Yta 794 / 1 )'nan /it'f6oF',r,i,"6 z '.;/, ,^fiiZr'ffiui i'rl///'-), hv? "/ary. tul/ d"e.?n Pp 72-7 /,, P"f -t t )n ov \/b,.rq/E,a/d+baVa- € /"h' a/_tv./ 7rywf/.D /0? /&fl %f,ryl oap ''vea+ a 4+ .f tf /€7 u+au/ Y bnal.? asTO /ry, 0y',n'FP _f ' s/<O-sr'' ary+Q +f 6ffn /*4 4,q nOJ 12 vrl.u V/V4 pr.U ? b +f 11/' )YS'/ ) uo f % E-*_*nYrp.z/ ary4 _/:, '"/A E' 5r *' 2/vry aU/ / ry ) (_-.-, a Dk/e.reua.'< b' 6Dv oz se//a&e 77t"= @{c 'q/ 'tJ;//W n1 ft"/ tr-t/! fue 4 U, Bur?^t*k " Se4"fae t 4-/ ry*h liae QaLq Dl/*Qrc-,, U sllfi'Dl4il7 -T& 'ftzatuse rJ ^:Ao4 - "o !/ ex/,eaJ ?Dk^ ,Dn9-tcs ao\, ffi*d /@fi,'-1 , ^h ^- S€rU"ct Ru<or 0 t( o.-oh ?oh^ n*9 iau's . ^"/d fue €/ off' "f fue r'r*7 ( r ae %"/ o'ro'h ",,i2'!t, z&ffi 7r ';,#Jun?T*irl'.r -rhe Trf*# Ci^a ?ea 4)s z-s ,sLa/ ZAk?.^z uDl,eoL , .u € 9> =5 q €/ ?-7/{ /- bn/d//g, 26z"nl y's e'/r /<a"'<12,ff//,:I.,r#::k %tr #,1+;tr/^'H #*ffi,P'1,'1.e dLe fL,4'5, hDl"L L,aye (4 (>Le h46 /,2{L f^4-?Lte e4,D/(d. r! tr+ a ad ) + zo Q / tn/l ry "fou?014/ -yra/ fur*t ,"aara / ryr/ |nan sY/ trtzatrzS 7 Pn Oo/ tl/1ry %ry,rr,fu;7?,,,ffi4dp imga ? /q/y //r(- lh%7 ,oo "f ,o 9za5U af //{" 'anat fL, Sbsuz/rf V xry lsn( tt,n% h v,2 tz../ wA2/ /qVzQa "ry4 v /Myr,.Frrn a7.)l< Zry aryr' frry,F?,ir6"7 Ft"j'.tz 4*, / . P(n ^tr 7 a Q?t /s?trrtl ''t -ra/a/ % 24ry o? 2v7 a{ taa%_ dau)/ Pa? {rt f-,,, / )/nn) /*f /-/ >af 4-vy/ rz ff t/ , arz"? ,12?'/F a/s/Se/r74 t "/DvtA/O //ftzu Flney, fdllrig rc#r/ tNL ,ory sr h.n 4'q I to e*1 fo/gu oil7 (4a, /,rLo4'^ft;ot trru| wn^e/;i'fr-ti 4,< iet-rz oqr>^r<raa4/f,-is kyneu ou, 1/ 4^.h{e ht,""(/"Ut/4/;t ]u, g/trj 45t ho,t< ^ uJ4 tt 7 // 7Au{ dl,,-)// /e a ^r{t 6z/\ 4t,t'S Sndg /6rD bAn & J* au47/e 7 qfl aa/ qr, G// Itl\J fao''t O-aslrq 0 9^* n*9 8e*1 ;r' 62,\ Dr/te S-'r{e a/4 J AOg-,'+C *f T?,' /A? gaa( z/.a b.>1 4S y'ae tu,sse d7/\ fr/e Sfla' S'ile groor- ahere . is out€ /,Oase h.a+ f*t^,ft is 4*'U Oas/q ' ?za. h,aza, ): a lqaX b',,ct L--// , iqr,/ t"ft ,4-/)/,6;oU /z |/y,/e O a r// u:a// '/ Ds / fr'' Ntu'da7 -sA///g ,5,6y'r ffr'mffi*FT;EffiZL hro,- /"/ /a/ ;/ rS. zar' 7%a'e .Tk-raq// i -iil ,a ts s bo lzh/ atfu / -fu fte,J pd/ utozti( tn h -hk aad ovq,,rale .ilrA3 2z<4 h f*vde Sazde,,tLal 6/'^ na-za cs.zpzlahT+ ra Z/ 1u7Q A u,(d *v4WiW,;f/g 1..- /r=t 6fl Fals 7ryL V ,/ rf"u*r2 /, rT E?/ / p7 ' ,4 /U b,t-rw frary W'Pld-+zcntQa7 Y f*/ {,*? tqv b.r aw 7,} v.vr tfg/ rr t#n &-r",;p ry 2raz,2 /.' )g1 b,yyoZ-yL;,!/? aw| ,ry/ { wrzrrz hTf 7Dy, ,pro o( vp'o j rrut /e7( 7 Gs f ,"ft aru tlyl ;rm?;!{w)a '/'9/ TGet / /'7 ,7rhd/ iz 9o?s' av7c7+< 2 y1 +t?<f/f7 2Y1 f "f)rad f 7( ?0 -tr/, sn*!ory/ v,<flll- T:#4 rc ssl,-ro P )/P aYl/-q'( W ffiT/'ory yffl*z t/,a;l,r"u / r.P*5/ oD l-2,-/./l/ Urosbq fru,iry,, s€f, ,,^Jla/ L,arN ft1D ^() a;J, jlr.re ofuea xaa^ Uuxs fD /r,"n' fa,is a&q, futP ftu'i ilr\A+enq I At u t1/\ ? dl ?r€/J *i t^ kerlt / Olbrhl Ct*h SoLfu fer.l< AEiII fr*ln /n'c( lo-,; aN "&V ruw( lau"{s,ig .; lns "JJ^A il/6/€ b^Jsy"6 , P Tda,^ y*e/1>,sh ^7"vJ ft(A+ Ifo'" ha,N u D -"o/frr^ drt^- #f .i*,-,W4nz(%/f.,iJ dzqinr % J-il/ tl W& o,/Y5 ^'1ffiMvffiTecL dreJn'/oL f &a'/ a-U Tob* 74prt 13 alftous/ o^ {7*^/ Aave-rag? )s L*ilaq a4a (pdr-,tto/ &aezJ 4%a( ,h e,a)/,p/e ,<>Le. tufr,,at ',/s r-,eHu /?a-'Qhi-a^d ' ) o , *qg oos6 //frerd .^s hay'd ca-nl / ie* ffirysw,:w;i/ ?F/*Tf E j, .ue/?X o-P40 5/yr" /&a4?o a44- 4a,./rry /o , .rdpy' Aaf,a4?)//?*) ' f ! /ra%/A -n'il 6vlaq I 4wr! zraorn lfqtzt, te N,?q4Dr W!" s{ 22,5 r vY1 o 7t' -ryqJ 4*'o p/rzoo z7rr4rt i"ry{X, ay/' )reA_/ /;/;t ? Z,ro/ /2s ?yL/ a27 jl I"7al/ a5'y'2ry/2s dv/YY://%;ffi7/;i, Thpt 'afu "?j e?./ /oq 7ry/dI )r4 V -! ,h q#' // uy v a1i i4/_"rd ofl fry*avufa 77nP Y?/ 7a /o2 D s/ laofrdf t?/ tA@ FTry7?raJ? lVraab a '{;'#i Jiryffi;7.'i'ji,1 /) oena yA/ 1 v7/']4/ t',-T I -bar4 wfons _ (Tsat *?/ /::trfD(h" feU/ F nn ?f4k d2/ Qfncn rur_/ f nn ?E\dnt( labo+r4 Pna %,,rrytfi:1%o"'7;rTrru O/ wL7 lo{ uohol tu;l hre Jz* /eL L;le ob Lsut d' hrJaA rle/au_c / 1r>,t /"i/ ss larynhr) / fr,wk OrosLV *0 0r1ra7,y= -L;' /r;kJ ft e,re1n/l-Zsot +o rgurhocy' @irue Sa,r a.f a- : ' //Ze /z4as< rs p€TdrUhZ&/ /h /*rt/., ; /> //,, o/,, )'ah6" Z:'7"eY,<lo,jz" //"/' /, o 1oq/ a'e// rz/h@ ,4;a. rh)5 "tr al zArr-or,/E tad 4Zozgh o-ad r% 7a6/eat 'r O u'fr/,% A;./e hetaat 0"rsh ' nrrtql}rno\1n 2:o"ga.rP ??ry 17 Joyis "7,p wqd5' vtdp(n f uS h1 ,ie4WU ' 2/0 **r2* l'" r"t ilt /'^' o, ^ G n4 01 /aa fa*ltl 7"f ^n/e{ pa:"/*,/ ry4 /bry Fbv-ePfl7ar bCe'r'- ar11' 1,ryzzo-a fz7 ZI/2 ;V / 2yqPayh ,1+, 7 r ?_oo_7.4(t hv,F*Z L n WrP,>iArL '/t7Oi9 72ry/fho ?9 lqry /++ /4e&ztd)W /4n7V )rT "arrg* Yp aal 7 7r,ffiffi:Wffi;':qr4/2 ; " r,'4+' \rz-Q - a g Qra.,'oy ?r* a7a@ aa,z4|O( f , :fr fee D tp7 7, r-,Jr",qo ofrlL rry? u@ /U, v,ay ""P eg[ froay )!G! h f,ryn fr*g _;;?;*gid,"u .r //dr/{\P/ fur*p,"#f/ F%,0c )%Te.Je B" l;/'ffiY1ffiq/ o'a7";or/Vro/la.t ,4 zarryryrn ryWn a Qonk - @"fl' ,,t nf< erYod uaL-q .G-r'//i,o( f"/m 9,ir?3"Hkgl"tq///*'l nf c^'0*@';!7"KW^-z%,m t'@iln^ i#, l :.,,fiffi%la f '2t' 4 '?;,:%/nk4; *hergJd/o^ , ir^#AJ,ffiqphQ *r/oo, AttW/ / funndzn *,h 5tn<Xern on'fu 7,'€ AGJS 4;/ f|z.e a cCeS .6 /- /- Th"q /** A k an-h i* oazbt'a- "ll&^o eJ [ /h;"LK tue e*i CEO ] Cf+ Acua-l h'om tTe S+zucr6< aff Et n*e q.d-t'^q b fr*rc A Cn*rl b^C/-.+t os ,-.a ) tu 4E^nigi T ^Es- -uJu-Cno','^n-,'{ /+f/-s ,oal LDas, qrha.{4!67J lna{ ,,M aal &t,e bur',,,-- Oa-ur/ re/ h lo,,,q Arl fl^ I * ,7 t),-I F J^\l(P\J 7-\ /l,/+>/o)r\TY- 2tf/tr nTr' wL' t "' ) ?/ rNSGrroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 5 JOB NAME MON CALLER TU WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEET- O FRAMING tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL I] POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING {rouo"tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL d-APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED( '- \--) /1''1.+"'DATE INSPECTOR rnisr=.Gt F|EOIJESiT DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER fl orHrn E panrtal LOCATION R EADY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PMMON COMM E N TS: PLUMgIIK_--. *-_. _ ",la ROUGH S?Al,lDPtPE irrrar. oo"", --:+PAA'}AI... LOCATION: l. ,.. .'. ,1 ; . -. :"t.-."',-'' Y :: "i.i : ? *;'':"'; '.,.. n nppRovED ! uporu rne CORRECTIONS florsnpPRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: l-l nerNsPEcr DA TE INSPECTOR 'rNsPEc#iN FIEBUEST F VAILTOWN O DATE TIME RECEIVED . AM JoB NAME I CALLER E orHen n panrtnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM ! nppRovED ! uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECT|oNS: CORRECTIONS n orsnppRovED D netNsPEcr DATE I NSPECTOR ' rNsrrectrv FtEctuesr VAIL -.'l'' . t :DATE TIME RECETVED- AM PM CALLER ! orHrn E pnnrtnu. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM n nppRovED LI UPOIV THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS ! orsappRovED !nerNsPEcr DATE INSPE CTOR t) .l f''y *r,*tl /uu". rNs"=.lo* , HEEUEST VAIL JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER flornen I penrrel. LocATroN TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: Iy''APP ROVE D norseppRovED E nerNsPEcr f] UPOT.T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS ,,: i .,.... rnsp€cron IO.o PaR ,' rNseectru FEoUedr TOWN OF VAIL loa trlrMe I TIMERECEIVED--l;.-.*'."r,.AM;pM CALLER f]orsgn ! panrtau READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE 't*'r.: -.:,jj !.i-.1; '.-. ' ,.1 !,.'; ]. !:: nm q$tMON COMMENTS: O,*t"'-- t 'CIfl appRovED florsappRovED E nerNsPEcr ! uporv rHE foLLowrNG coRREcrtoNS: CORRECTIONS r DATE INSPECTOR a.] iJ( -{e - -,o.rrl |- E El-Iz o ! m! 3 -{ m n !!t- z A N: 6<o! >Y =;;a!-{9Pi6: z tr^>SrbotlF Id\P m - tntt z n = A 32- t|nFTx l|.z m2zo n 33tn t- z n =sz z IU' z n i tn n n @|-o o|n tto |- z zln =rE --.t =o = o l z m ! m m t I z v,3 ^fi, .'|1 mz ? o m 3o -t z n 2o |n .ll I|n z7f.m (h! mI 'Tl mI 2{ m z 'lt{ F z m 3 i 1l'tl :i Izo onn :r !D 2 - z m -t tt- z m x 'nmfi tnII !|n --o-{ I nn ,llt- |n t{ m3m2 -.1 z o I'IIm0 tzofi -{m t- 2 Itno m =-t \!\r\l\,R zo z t "l o 2 t co =z ! trb o SINGLE IAMI.LY RESIDENTIAL AND NNSTPBNTIAL ZOffi - Lo* 78Legal DescriPtion: Zone District: Required - Front Actual - Front Distause Betweel Buildings: G.R.F.A. Allowed: Buildable Sit'e Coverage: Allowed - Lot Landscaping: Required - Parking:Required lt at^, Architect:Wo'lK ov- Kn '/-t- Proposed Use: AW'" lr ls- X'l Int Area QBL Minus Hazard Area: Eeigbt: Setbacks: Actual n.t /-/' Equals Buildable Area:a3 37 2- 20', Sides 10' + , ,Rear2o' + , Sides 8/ l( , Rear I Y Required Area Actual 4.-.'.C'1 -- 1\i + ectuatl .dtt I d-fr- d-p- Area AreaLot Ll Actua I ,-fi7- Drive: Sl-ope Permitted g o/o slope a'"tu^t 6 o /O Parking and Drives Must Be Paved Environmentz1-/Hazard'. Avalanche Flood Plain Slope Distance From Trees Removed Creek Zoning Approval; Co[unent s : 7?,r f )O Ku.'Koy G Kr* 1>L F*,,,-- J) Vol !O.-rx ls-t =t"l,sx l5-tx -r--IS-'r x t5= I't-s x 3o.g(1.t x l( = L6 x l( X.y-- q7e,?s lao. ( a-> ejz_> Qvr.as ?>2 ta8 l, ( at_ l,6A) 1,rr ts X,f =2.9 x ,I-s : tt,-{ rt 7-t= Ax"{ I s-sA I < = 3(,Y {:r (e->* r) = t;n t6 7-r X ta ?.sx 2- y c7.s x Y-ix-f -- 90.-9ylre /-'-(6- 5 x t-.:' ): lo. la-r Zs-zs8(-as a7Ts Q e s -(> a. r) hvo no 97.75 lo-ra> 9 s z-.s (at- a,s) nb( ), .. -7b+. I 3,2'Y tAr! AVd-dY \.t s'(t Q)r, Z'gl - 5.i---<-AS 7'8t =€:)s 1t z(? tg 1'?1,'- 5- bh = -F€ / +s'L | -lsr g .=JZ 7 + s-tV tS ( ?,r+hl + gl =5-5,r *57 +_s'Or!'v+'w {a iotre,ts' '\tL'! O - I x rz ?t, $e*oa ?,..r Fti<,zo^,*a- - leP ed 5fr./ Crla* Sa(nr (, x /, ila*'ot- .tI2xQ V{ea Pt& Q rrta,L €^iwt*; liBr plncr Qt *, e Ck nany F- L,rt- / I ru SPonol ?,^r*t J Blank S;J;.',,c, Q;,1;o,g Dxt WrJot.flean,u@ Cuv*r,t{ oPru*or's F"io-q lx tz 0rJe < Q ,, t errloe -Fr--"l- o I DESIGN REVIT'W BOARD IIBETING:ep.irtgzeDATE OF MEMBERS PRESENT: BILL RUOFF LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP RON TODD ABd SHAPIRO SUBJECT:Walker/Ray Townhouse (Final ) LOT 28 BY BOARD: BLOCK--,FILING Vai'l Meadows ACTION TAKEN MO.ITC\ VOTE: SECONDED sY: ? @_ AGAINST: ABSTENTION: \-?APPROVED: 4---7-- DISAPPROVED: SUMIIARY: E. Ei. JNVCITddv ouYog ss& ,{o NvflulvHc ./., \ : (s^oEddvsrc Unly nr W Wl--T- : q slou ddv iNOIINU.LSSV : JSNIVDV CfaHSEc :rs cficNocus NOI.[Ot[ IS N[XV'[ NOTTCV s,ttopPal^l 1 re1 9NITI'f '----->tcorg '8Z JOT esnoqu,uol ifPU/.r e)ttPlt : J,CSfgnS €gitd+{I€i{Af -/ GCOJ, NOU -z dOHSIA aaIS -/ uaxuvd noT JdeBerlg+fl : rNsssud sussv{sn : gNIJggn ,{O SJ-,161 .91 1.r.rdV ouvog fiurAtru N9rsuc - box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 Mr. Will Miller Canadars of Vail Box 190OVail, Colorado 81657 Dear lYill : office of the town manager September l-4, L97'I fJTrrr'*-r' This letter is to outline the necessary steps to be -taken,before a building permit can be issued on Lot 28 of Vall Meadows Filing No. t. The South-easterly corner of the lot is in a Moderate Eazard Zone as described in the Vail Meadows Avalanche Eeport. To use the information of this report, which is necessary before abuilding permit can be issued for any development on the lot, payment must be made to George Rau, who had the report prepared. Charge for this report is $277,77 payable to George Bau. If this South-easterly portion of the lot is chosen for locationof the dwelling unlt, design of the structure must withstandpotential impacts of the avalanche, as outlined in the report. ff you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, DEPA OF DEVELOPMENT S.. Toughill DST/di Zoning Administrator *.' .rltilt,t* .ii: ,iir.\ i li FCn l/ur(EHAY l(tannD EA. turl'tlr J. llE rd tllli.r A. tlE (.bclrrut..) rrt tb (-r L! lc .lTIc ot tb tlollaf! i-'lbrl ril strt ('|+3 FnG/' ) .trqrt L! tb (brtt of Xl., Etrt ot (bla*, to flt: ld I, trtl b ttft| b. rEdt.| to tb rEfi ptrt tLd.@ d f3b rd ltrt d 6lct; E!. rd &.lrrrt b @|| GD dd Fdr I rrr r.|! +-|-tll of tD ttrE |Dlt , b .r tl.bql tu htal l.d:LB7 ftu Frr€l E, ttct tdt It ctd ts' r o'-i -,U; 83. &f|rr!t b. dtytd rd lC tco Frl b r. fblla: ^ Frl (otei.r! tb Ftlcd.rcnhdrd!h--rrFr-ltltu hral t;) I d FtEf (6trfdf $r Ftr6dl -.-rr bdfdf.B b r.B LfHyffi- hrsl B;) I ttlrtl Fral, b.. hrc.l C. e qn Frcl lll d dcl nratr.rrr llc F tlc|fr'lt d.-crlb.d l! Slblt l. dtdErtord-rFtbrf. E!, fr.r.ii't tttr to ctrrta --rt- rdrtll to tb Ftt rff (Cd .T-rV dlvld c tb G rrriA't' qrtflf lEul I d Errol B. t^b t@t{.'F '*ft|[ r|cD F rt -ff .d tb trf ocr il.t frtt rll (rd -ll. t@tl{r d trt U! brrr.ttcr &rtgntd a tb 'tsrtt -ll.'); f,!. fEEl(E, dclrnrt bcr€tt fvl{jea ttr fol lrlrg -3rnt d r-trlctlG lridt shll lFFett€f nlD rlth ttr lrrd rrd b bl* ! 'l'rr rd lr.ae tc the bia.tlt ot d€clrr.nt, its sxreLrrrrs lrd e,s-; igre forer,er. l. ltE lri\ret propr?t y ls tFrrtl. dlr.t&d lnl() th!.i{' ;,.rr,,.1s ,a-h sv?arat.'l)' (l:-r'rIlrd :n E\i.!|il I a-:r, i ri,-:,...r:,,1 , ir: \ r.i l. It .t.\..rI I I IrrElrtl tta(:e I 2. hr,c.l A ud hrc.l B -rll r.n cdlqna I a€Frrrte te r l{'lc G.trt to -tcb 6ll b llEtd qrr urdl"ldd G.blt lltcctr |! .d to cb (bo hrul c. 3. lb rbrr. &rlE F Ob d tsrrilt t-[ Lt b ctd rd,rt-c"lLl la dl F|rF- r llb! I- Prrut | (rtFUtrT h.€l I rd tb r|n t-t dvLb clll rllc-r l.o rd to Ub o'-- hral C. t{t- dtl b f. c .d f.d rd tb --t rd r||it rFt- tlho), d llb- hy thlorr hrul B (rgrttf hrul a d tb rFe-, rdrtl c-blt tltalt b.d to tb.r- hrul C. tqtr- atl tb -F6t (r rEb hd rd 3b nr. d rlalt rFi-, tb5). a. lb E ot ?lttr Fl.ol -ll - a rttrr .t arEQf.l c d-ftE clrE ( lEfdff r ola - qr). dfb F-, a lFs|Int rd ot tt.rc ttF c tq!!. to tb -tf,1a d br t&r rlttn|t trES dr|lll tb Flc rrltta ct tbib tl(r b -ot tb ottE F c.l. thlcb G|t tlt Dt |ltrdlt b rltLld a d.lrld. Ia cer d .hat to a -tnrct 16 of cltE t(rb, tb m ot tI! orb tdur- ry Fir rFlr (. rctnrtfC d 3b (hfea tanrn|- b €n-dtt tG {n t--hlc to tht Ft.r' to tb th; d It tb cr ot .d had tdUDrD &- d, o'rFo- rli tFlt a trlnat lo utthb I A!,., tb crnrr ol tlr db tdr|. ry 6 D. (btr of rqt rdr taFlr c rwtnrtto Crll b Fld ta F fn|r5 .Fl lc.bl. to tb t-lt tdilnD. It tlr cat ot tglr a rcrutla racd ect tn tt r, tlr crcn drlt b Fld ?a F tb c d tb haGd t(rJrrrF rd b tlr cvcr|l 1! f.lla to o pr; tb crr ol tb otb t(rlDur rry |ule p.tr.r|i rrd cfatTr irch ot h.r (ffi, l{ui|: a llG.o hls tcr'|hrl* ln rlE rr||at of h|' pa}|lntr pl,r tntaut rt lol F anr. (rrrts Nlrd t€t(rubla rt lonr{f: te€a. 5. Tlp slld f.rty 6ll slrll tF r Frtt -ll b.trqt rrci t(duE, 6. Th. (rrr.ra r>f eltlrr t(rr rr|i. atll trF r pcrpctu I -raDot ln .uxl t(r rlnt Frrt of llr'<)lh€r tr irilt|lq- cn drtch rrld frtt y rll rs l(r.tlFd, | ,i i rrl\ r.itll Irjrtr*..+i. tr|('lrdltt.' rr'tlntrnnncar. r, .trtr ud lnlilr\.t t(r1 , ridii il l, r 11.iirr, - ']-"'r. tb ."rt of -a. to a drrn't rc d -ta F tt -rr b It o-. tb tb [t ol tb tilb -ll. c r Ir. lllr c tu'L rta Frt -ll. d - - -.lbf-r Ef ttlrt illf,. rcr! - -at. .-ll - -tf a - ilf r d -ta ;rit -ff - tqd a d ritt. rl-il|Id||(rr .tll Cr-t.e rts*5d -Eldl. - lr|.- Frr rlrr ts - -E -- -rlllrr-rh. I llfcdrrlda--r-Ufts lr-atl'f -!, rbtlr'rl5'' -1.|l. -- -rt----trrff--t-l --- I rrlrlr, rrElb a --r - -ll I -a--. lb lr t- gl d r flrr 15 - - 5- lle lfUlbt!t' FDc3d--5ltlf -{r(-alrf rl |rIrt.a IIFE, -drflEll I De drErrUCir-drr-dl -lDfEbc(E ftlr---ts --|r|o'ct||bI.*t|-|-r' -- - -3 o trt tr|$|. lrE f. - - tD I,-.--Hdd|rn.rub-rl- (-rF- F t Dt- !r' l-r' ! l-- JJeEF-:O l- lFr|.r -rd D--' .rrlllrnFrFd-ff'etr- r--t--ld--el'6- ed. lL. F r ofidt F tcltt gl f 'qf' - a.eerddtffl.|.u-tcll'drllg. rdll3b d trrf l]fP tFlt'lld- 'frf lr'3 r t- -tsrl G d dl uFov-tt tfu' lb er tlo 3- to t- d r- I-! 6U u&t|b 'd ld"l - Pf fr f.ftt rt thtY rY di|lUY rd rrglf '5 Fq.. E' rI -3- t 'Cf -i:', rr,rls rl'lpru\ enEnt of both t,(lnbr:r3 l.o l.y-ri tb. lb G ()f qrc f.rtcl .rr.r I DC |&rGblt .htr tt rl|r d tf C pcf ad r. b s r+E qrt3!-. L E ur lll -.ll d ettoat b F\rrr r hda G i;rrl d t| ^ -gJ- Irqt. ll. lb atffQ a -rrl- -!i.-. C idlGb G db+lF dFlD-tt da6lrd r-rr!1r13 - f -rdttL*dt 'rt. ltllIri,-ff :dr t- lrcdqrf dJ|rEo-lt l|Ei. l| t--d G fr d.ll .F d Urtutb d 6 - FF! drll b.H FFtrCt.U it d€. De d tf t--caLl-dFlFtt t 13 Eli-lll.rlld 'talr !o l#, rtFlr - rlrrb - FlFrt - -U - - fla tb tD tb. ll. lt lr !E- tI3 c FtladE EUSSatl b FwLE c tb uthlg Ftb d t-f ld G. D n oC d t-b rbll br qrf d- o -d d c - tfr bllltt-Dtb3 D--U IrIEtdtE a-arl dL E U t-ol- a d 5r atr. b t- Il|!| -Fril| rrr d {tst-, D c .bll t- c Ft b l-. - t D Er tbo-rtd tDnrrirg tat-b t-FrlIirIS tbc-d rbca. lt LF-rI qrdrrrub !sr'- tl. t- to 3b. tb catL d aLl all b.Il lrltl t banddt-. Cbr!r-. tlrltc ltd d Ffta d r tulltt- rt b 'st- tlc t- b t-. lb - -ll b ffi ln Ib 6 rt- d tb -t rb -U -r rll .3r 'i-rrt. f. L.rrr3. d ilrlcdc E crr- -d.lllb frf.bf d d - co-tr rcl- tlll tb fd d - - G.-t D-r 4ll l' d.. ollrrtL t Flb d tb &. tlll FlrE -ll b d to brr rqtd rci FrEi- rltb tb dscdf trrt b L d @ rd cfltld to tb b-tllr Euf d tLt ry ('3E fr-t a tuuu! c F d a otbtll- 1r r|rf brly bd D.'Q rd €nrtrlcd to tlE bteftt bEf . dl to tb aE Grtcd I tlutt l! ld slald thts rrrstnrtHrt. np undcrsfCnod, lD cKut rt$ u|d dpl irl'ritl! d€G to tlf q ill I a b t) mmo ,I SrIlrl F- s ,q'D,, It ri.r, b 3a.--r--. -l-rr$bb-,&,rS-,r-tbtf llfrrrrS'. -q -l-Df -r-DAf- -rtll-Id.lf --drCSbl'bdcrtlcllF-Gdr ffiQ-l--r.ltl.rrd --deoab#F--.t lt ! Frlda d A. trrnrS c Ir G,b. .IEr. .: -, ;-. cEl, a n tDU& ffi b !' druE - II -r4 t- rl^gt d tb nrrl d U. E' - d b l|fb d ll - lrrrlrb. Gla. rE. G5. tb. e -ltot-drrE-Unb.{HH'.tt. t lrFt r|jf Ir-. a -rb r!tf. .fU D rgl F- b b lL d rl llr tlrrb E. -rr I ffi d f lwttc Id t o- c bbrr lrrt t cr- c rbll b rn$r I fit r-ttl rua -llb- ts c+ rH. dF.rt ir d -F - rb tE F tf - | c C lb frtnr b rb r[,trrb d * - tb ffifcbtsClCfrI. l|. -tt C rb trrEry b I ; - - ilrt-l I f rll fp I$r rIr rbll b - b b dt I tr$, f e cthlrt|If f r- tln.CInhrtrclL L lrl|., lf n tb c, lrytr tr il$lD ot d d ttr tu rtr rl t-l|r b tc fr|. tb ll|hrr rd obltttfc ot rt -At,l|, f.l tdall Crll b €srstdefca r trl rrdf tb. rll IsFFi, tmludiel, U W et iltrt tlnt |€n ud iEftl|to'b ltHri, frFnte Frccl ol tllurtntlffi, rerl E?I rtf.q-nrsi-. j?igE3 EIE-E!..-S:?,|t'iill ':E-E-ElllGrrrt- ----G.-f---D rlF rfOI--lJrrlEE-lltrtf aa- -rttFtrGt- rt rttslt I l- -' fr r t-t tLr' - tlE}tlf-- -rl'}tlr-r- - r lEltl3- -. - r rtl.t lr- r- - t -!t I a- rr. Drlt'ttL - D Dbl|r-lE-t-.4-Ie aJTI-b...:re lF3 d t4 l. El -btulL l. E f, -a b E [hc DEFTErT-!E. -.3L.- IfE7. ffi- ur rIirdrrtsl -E;Dl r Eht - n|r.sbEttrl-l'a-ddl!3*bf fr'f t nl tr E tr Dlkt d l-tF -r d!'O t l.tt h: r ! {ry'- I La t-; br dl'c t t-a h: rD ! ta_!a=rF I l.l -; EDr d!'C r 1t b: E t t!-t I l-- E; Er| ft-G t 3-t b: r t tt-t l a-G E3; Dl fi'lt t l.lt n to tb tr E d llr-l -tal qrt n c O.Cl E! Et c l-- @: Il d rlt l. ttl E trUI D. l. E a-)lrrrr. tsr ?r E d b as ,4dFl Hr. F..d_!!!!I+r - :E .ET: ED I:T' G. TI-Ei - IIIll .EE*, f rs re c -. lrt3 { U -tt[ I -rffi, drbrr a.nt gr fu c o.I r!- sl c b. rC '--.*-tdl-J- ut l7A Sj i-rtrr-Gr-r' a-.- tt- fiffil=.-Ilrnffi* U&n^tA.&;112.1*.- tlo. t4r* ul 15r,, ,,ro 1,, , I : r..\ ll(ic KLl:Y E.g le CIIRISTTNIEor 6llCotor.do Erg lc .hrr rl.t',.t J. IALXEn, .|t 8t657 .nd sr.t. o{ t rl | \r, .l \\ll . ,,.,r . 4r 'tl $AR La, ?t y l.ao4-| .,r..r.t,r, nt | )* trrrt p.rr .nd HI LLlArl A. IaALIER rndJolnt-t.nanlt p.O.!i- brd.a.r'..,. Vrl l...rt r.{^tr i,a a'.L..&. .a r t- 'oi{ Frr v$ llTll llt;tlt. r h.a rh. r.r, ,.rr, o, r |, trr.r p..r. ,o, .nrl In @rra..rrrr bt r h. .u, r,, lot dollrrr and othar god rnd tuftlctant 6,n.ld.r.tion ri,r.t.^it -a .abt t a |ra rrlcl.. rcrr{rorFi. r. r}. qi Frr} , F ,rrt Frr In h.r{ Fnt }, r}, ..kt p.?rFr o, th.3ri' Ffr- rrr rEra strr?., r r.rttt d'nrr.-a .i. ..l-!l.tra. h.r atrnid. t rrri.d. ..rd .rd .,onrrl-o.t. r,rdlt lb- tF-rar ar. t rr. brt t , - . co.r4 rnd.or{rrr sna. ilF ..1 F.rF..r....,?!d Frt, th.r. h?rr. rndatta.rr.a. d r. t-.r' rr.ir-r,. |rrr ri,qrt r.n r.r..! tlF6tt r,rt d"*ntr,. h.r ,, Frr."l .tb{ ..a-a.. Itt| -a Lii |. ri. r..-rrtr "f leg ll rid !.!rr, !, (-oao..do. k, rrr: t t la,V.ll b.dd., ttllng xo. I ou?r o? lrcrr. arAra o? @I4rl qr, -b-r -.f.'a a.a -a|.t lEllE -!l .| ad .acaid.r ib h.rra|t.h.nr, .nd .t lsrt.|rr|rr. th.r,rnr- l,.t.n r,[. ., n .ny. !F rrrrr.l-|f -a tb rri.l!a-..a r?orr..i., ,.r.r^.t ? .6, .rm.|nd?h. Fnt. r_u.. .tra ,.r{li, rLrr.a: r||d .[ t]F --. alf. r|tb. Ll-rC.L- ..a -r|ia ri.r &- r.t 4t r h. {d Frt, o, r trr trrtt Frt. .rilF? t! Lr o. .i|||tt. {. ,a-a blb aa-. faraE a tr?rtr c.r -rr ft il|. tr?.a .i.nr. .n.l rlFit.1|-r.r.D llL /\!.D lo rc, rr. ...a t '*r. .L.t? h-rr''+d .h.t l.-nrFd. ! rrh r rr q,7r.:r.n.r.6. oir.! r r,. {..l_b d..r -.a Frt tbr. !t rr -nl r-'rr ro.-!-r a^.rrh-..,.t.rr of th. rrrrr p.rr. td hr-rt hr.,Frrr.tFaitr ad aa-.a.at1-r" a-....rtn nr arrnt b..tf.ti.a.l .t *ro.rrdrtthIf|..rdFrrt...att qiid,-rt.|ItLrr...a--'rrarrthrr.F.,rL.rr..hirird4h!?rtdrh.F,r6.ir..t,.r.u,rr.a.arbF?ar-i -i' ar"aa r dta{ ra' F |r.r. .!-hr. .d r'|-lb..!trL .nrt. ot Inh.nr.n... rn t r. ,n t.. .|rra.. ara h..F tth fba F' -a bt{Ll .d lc.rr, .. Frrr. h.?t|r|n. -tt .rd oir,' rrr. ..r, rh -.ii.r ..a ,t'r .b.r|.{.r' lbl lb -- F t- aaa .Jr.t tro- rll for n-r rrd or h.r t?.nrr. b.,trrn.. ..t r. I|.n . i$.r. .|r'r.irr|t. .ra -t-raata l tla.rar llaa c. iaar'' -'rcr.Cat lor -or.-nta, r.rtrictio.tr, rlghtr-of-vay of rccord,+lasaf aad prt.nt r...rv.tion!, end rial properly t.rcr lorIt?l pryrbl e ln 197t. " lrt 'br L.taar.a tn-r-r ri rh- 9'r'lr .nd Fr..rb|. r,-.?or.'h ra th. .rr.r t.rrF. ua rh. -.{n.r F.it. r',.rttftr J lLf tLa" a*.. .r{ rh. h..rr .|rd ...l'n. oa ru.h .rrrrror. .rr,n.! r rnd r!.rr Frrsn t|' lErrdn.Lrtttt.ltrhrr t..l.a. i|r rhotr o, t nr F.rr r h.,.,,t. t h. r.kt p1rr) .,( t h. r,6r tr.rr rhel rn,l srtt lAtRAtjt A\ lltDltfal EtlIlr. lh .a.ar.tri nurrti.r.hrlt lnrt,,{. th. ptur.t. rhc ltu.rt rhr .rnnrl.?. rnJ rh. uF.trnr .?nt.r.I L itLrl| r. d fnaotrlf lfttall titttoF r h. ..d p.'rt ,n, r.t ., r,.'r h.' r*r.,xir,,.. r hrr hr!..r ^,, r e..,. rh. tr.\ rhrr rr' r,,.raLro trtal ,*\fu,-",fu&ar-tsl \l I l.l \l I li o \. lr;ll[|o UAIIAXTT IEEID t- I H€tb lb --.r '- H -r-{bl-r b t3f, i-' 771art/t - .JT -En* F------ E-rq o(l--t-----/ /t ^t.t, T[f!tl)ErD. r.d.rhr.i, tA a,,* -)Ly .t|l.rlctr.co //WILLIAII A. WALKER ;nd CHRISTINE J. I|ALXER , .alh. C.unrr ot Efg leCalc..ao, ofth. tl.a tart, and f,ICllAlL tt, RAy and CATAE A. JOHN8ON, ir:::'""". il"3i$ liji'ir'"'.dtuE1e5JC.a-ra.,.ath. -.oia F t: ll?l{llaltx, rht rb -l.,."it Crh.6r FrLt ..a t..!-a-"ran -tb.- -lcn Doll,err lnd othar good and rufficicnt contldcratioh Flr.^rr.l abr !..a .l r.ls.l- .o..aa.r.ri..b t rL r... ,.''t, drb nrr Frr i, bd,... |'tf.r.i. ,...- Jfb -ua F.trh. Fnata rHt t rr|t.otr-a.d..fr.rl.t a. f-r'.r.a L.tf..a.{.j.-r.rl,...It th- Fr-ria a.r !rat, |arrjn. rtr, 6.rrrrf ara ..Jt.a ..r. tL ..i. Fat-r d rt.a F4 ar- Lalt aladan t nr."' ria ii ta.ar' ir.-i-oi r.rt r. r.a.t t .a-' at tr.,.a.riaa-..ritaa L , Faat{ Jb.aals.t,Itir3JraLiftilh. Cqr.rt. Efgle ..at a. Jc.a-ra.s t ra P.rc.l t, . -rubdlvlrloo ol tot 20, vrlt i..&.r ffl&q ll,togatn r ulth.n tlldlvl&d I lntar.lt ln p.rc.t C. a frt--divirloD of Lot 28, Vail, i..&ir Filing al, .ll ac@ldiq totl|. pl.t th.r.ot rtcord.d July lg, l97g i, eof 272rt Prgc 2{ 5. ala l|.rr ar lrrat ara tr-aat tl(Eftltl -t h d ..a r||ir!.r t * l:ttanr-rt l,ra .Ftrt ..rirr at r.-t ba-tra3 _ - _rr- lFr\t trt|. ara lL t're. -.ra rrr.rDi.. r?r|oia., .||a ir-...a.?r. r.tr rl . a.a ,rrfr. tbredi ad .| t-..LL. trdrl. 3r3L. rit rr.!.Li-..4 --.ri -h.rEr?rdrb..|a Fnt, |.|rL ftrt,.rr-.rtLr- Lr _.t..qf. _. i_ria t rlr rLr. L.rr..a F|.-r.. r h rh. tFrra|t.F.b r.. |.r-rt .r-.!r,l0 lAYl |.\D !D lol, tb t.ta t .-r. .Lrr t rr .J rt &rnba. ,rrl tL .rraidrrl r.r. rb _F ri" " rrra rr-d t rr" Stair Lir! rd -.rn. ro..nr. a.a rh. ..i ,a.tt d tr. firr Fd. h. l--1 ta. ha.rearl aaa daaii.t..r-r- a-r .-re-.rl t'.rt. 5arrr. a.a t'. t. a.a -.r rr. -ia F.t-r.arb -td rrr_tLr.harrr||a...lr&tlrtdrLtr-.atL.'ali.!.|r-rrrrt'.,rhF.?t..i..rra-ddtbFt.-a al'rt ..aritaa. aa., ar{ t.ra. F fr.t. rL.ast aaa |.a.&.jl|. o.tat ., |'t.t aa... - b3. a a. -l|.., .l Ll-' tiaic ful ta. ara lartul ruthc t io r"rit- L,tair r! aia c..r?t tL ..- r. aa-aa tra t r aSaal 'r' th r|t' '-a ata altr .rd da.t ttoi all tlo.i.r arri cah.r rrrnr., Lrtrra.. aah L-. tar., aa-.l. aaa.-rrl..xla J rh-.nr liid or nat grr 8v... Erccpt- for Gaacacnt!, r€rtlictionr rnd rightr of uay of lGcord,nlnGrrl rnd pltcnt relervation!, and real propcrty trxcr lor1978 payable in 1929. 'a' 'h' dca' battri'*d p?tnli.r rh tl' quFt .,rd F..r.b|- F.r..'or oa tn ..,o t rir.. o{ rh. ,.!.ra Frt. ttr.ar?rirc" J rhart th.ir a...''. and ih. haa' and a$fn. oa.uch ru?rrro.. rarrnd at .r{ a!rn: FrE q Fnoirlrttuir 'l.irlna of ao cl.ah lh. rholc or l|rv p.?3 t h.rrot, rhr ..d ,rrtt otrh. nin Fn rh.lt .ra -r[ t.AataljT aNnlolfv;l DltDlsD Tb. ..t*hr nuhb.r .h.ll inclod. rt llur.t. th. plu..l th. xnart.r. rr{ rh. u- oa ri, alia.r.t.l L.rtli..N. ro rll Fia..t. ,:, , r,,,., . ;,- ,,,, r. y - .-. J. -.. __..,.rr|,irfio -:._,,-a . aILgJ_i i.. ..ia,r:! .d &ri. cf t3tf lI lrlNl&g ]HEIEO? th. t.rd p.rrt ot I h. trrtr ,..r hrr h.r"unro ..t hr. h.nd lAl r.l th. dry rna F.r fir|r ln ah. Pvtr|t.. of I//t./(..t(4a.' -- t' : ( 44z,1 rsE^LltJ ILLIA!{ A. WALI(ER --l .,' , .!CHRISTINE J. I{AI,XER lsaALt tstrtl '.' ^ot'.r",- ^L- lti?t or,'ot,<,xrru, ru.!',tu.-....' .,/. 21,',7' N, _ 166!)91_ WARRAN,rY DEED tlrtt o?oolrtlr. I4t_l- -c-ttff I f.ni..rrlt rfa Ub hrE- a atL lt..rarre'Jk n 2,4 ,n"ntJqt-- r2/.t LCtc* o. l-rrtrbr.-a-b ,r\ -rr2- .*r_S2f_ tlhL.--f.ibl..- r:t* If1 ffiT*:-':Htipr r .c'. .-.o *.. iti I Glfx'r'' *:rGi-f!'' tF ltto {^r"rg'D L-r"-tol Policy 1r'' 41 | f 38 5 Sbcc r I of 3 SCHEqULE ItDot|Dt ol lo'rurancc' | 5O ' 000 ' 00 Drta of PolicY JulY l8 ' I 9 7 I B:01 A'!l' l. Nrnc of Insu:ed: HILLIA\I n. WAIKER AND Cli'f:iSTTNE J ' t'i;\'j-l: I :'' 2- Thc eotate or intcrtrt il thc land 'l' '"ri't'rl herr:rlr Nn'i r^"hi' l' r' rr''r rlri br thi: i'oirrr i' IN FET SIHPI,E 3- The co't,,1" {)r lnlercll rtfetrt 'i I TiILLIA]'i A. WAI,KER ;''};I' in ]ornt tenancy 'iIP]STIIiF: 5r.AflGAI{ laalElatroi LO'l t*rct tt?| |^ri"c" ro'lt'tor f.:.flrrod artt|r' ilrct'torr rFtotc ratoo'o l*lt"to| {l lllr' 3 C H En d t U A--(lontinucrl Tro h.i ill.ltlrd ro ln rhir policv ir dtrrtcl - 't" il:l',,"1',ll$:i":,?l':-T' Eagle ' antl Parcel A, A Srsubdivislon of Lol 2r3 "rai1 Mr:ador'rs !-iling l'b'1' toqcther ulth an i"iiiiioiia k 'nt"'os'-il p"'"r'c' a Resub- aivtrion of lpt zi'Tiii-i"iowu ri ii''g-No': ' :ll'according to the Plat threof '""liia'J-Juty iB'-16-ra' rn tsook '2'72 aL Pase 245 aIso rn acsordlilt-*itrt tni: -r"rwnh'r''tse-r'''ciat:.:::" f "' nalker-RaY tot"noii"I-recordeo 'luL'' 1u ' lg'le in lrr>rk 21 2 aL Pagc 2il5 . subiect to the tems' corr'Jit ion: I -'€!rCr:'ir''-rc ns' ;r:':l uses set ;;;il-in satcl rownhcuse Decl"arat;'::'r ' {tr lilil' tlb P.Lt-tr}rr.a.ldldt+by re*oo of rhc lollorhg: L lllrr-dFtut!tdrF:by the public rrcor&. L Erorrf e df drrnecrtr. rd rhr public rccordr. f,. rDrrrgr||h,..frbborrndrryllurrrlbo|rllcinrtcl|.?trcro.chrrentr,endl,ryfmuvhidreocr.rsi rrfit sa hilfr ;r[. ilt*o"l1 i*l*" snd which arc not thowu 5y rhc public rcc.rrla jlryle.cr$*lrfn.|orrcwicc*bbor.ltlrlt''lrlllcretofort.,rh.:reaftcrfrrrnirhcd'il ll{'x,dw l- of r-clf Or Prblic recor& 3. tln -r-r prr.ll.r lld rny rer. lrcci_al ra$i6rrr'!r1.. chrrse or ltcn rmPcte 'l for rtl"r or "rcr rrrlcl r h ril dr rp*id ruing ilirrrict. lightofthoProPrietor.oflvtrrr''('r:LodeLoi'):tr'ictarrdremovc'l;isorethercfroars'houldthesemc.1.i,..i-)1.rndr-{)r)f],1{:tr,-rleorintc'rst?ctthe preniset hereby grantedl St.:ii ' l;"t ol ti'r't' f ':'r l)itciics or Car"ll5 constructed by the'aithoricy 'r: ''r''' rlr'.: tr:'i :i1 '1t':" all 'rs reserv€jo in United States Pat(]nL of !i'i:;;rl' '.nestrictions,whichlonct:.:]rlla':..|f.-.Jl]'.i.1,.1:-t,'{I'(:...r'xLerc1aLj.e,, but onit,ting rest-ric iort:;' :i :.11 f .:,,.;, .; ,''.: '?),'.'i,'r:::,13]';";,' o- nationel origin' ts corrta]'lt:. ,;' .. :., '',, ,-.", .r,r,., i,,,,d helecc,' , l:3t":"ffijt;r"|":i?il:"t'i.'i'"l.i"'r'- u11'"t ' - i:; : in I J,,k 218 aL Page 85. t. Any and-a1l rlghts 3f th:-?'^'l':' tf i'i;r P):(':J-(') l' tOu:irt*ltr-",*if-E' fi:'fgtg"*:nr::: ;l$:;l;."i"lx;il5"l'1"' : i ' "i 'iii iI.e""r zzz it eage 2'l 5 . t (Acceptable) (t{ot AccePtable) | )A tF'1 '. Subdivi sion Lot Bl ock Fil ing / st- t.submittal Items Source of Utj'lities (if app]icab'le) t (A) Topo MaP (B) sitc P'lan(c) utilitY Plan (D) Title RePort(ei suuoivision Agreement 2. Enqineeri49 Requirements M= -r/ 3. tt B c D t F E'lectri c Gas Sei.ter lJa^r-er Tel eplrcr;e T.V. 4. Cornnents: Approved: Di sapproved: -Dct,a;ffi'ffi Bi I I Arrdrc'.rs