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l/o* rnifu*o 4/fi7 I O /of E t, flo"L tf Location: 50278 UTE I-ANE Legal Description: Lot: 31 Block: 19 Subdivision: VAIL MEADOWS FIL 1 Parcel Number: 209918219021 Comments: SEE CONDnONS TOil'NM Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Projectilame: CROTEAUHOTTUB DRBNumber: DR8040594 Project Description: INSTALL HOT TUB ON DOSTING DECK AT 50278 UTE LANE Participants: OWNER CROTEAU, ROBERT J. & NOLD, KlLlL0l2004 Phone: 970-461-1694 3833 VALLEY OAK DR LOVELAND co 80s38 License: APPLICANT CROTEAU, ROBERTJ, & NOLD, KlLlL0l2004 Phone:970-461-1694 3833 VALLEY OAK DR LOVEI-AND co 80538 License: CONTMCTOR CROTEAU, ROBERTJ. lLlLOl2004 Phone: (970) 461-1694 3833 Valley Oak Drive Loveland, Colorado 81657 License: 332-L Project Address: 5027 UTE LN VAIL BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:vote: DateofAPProval= ltll0l2004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval ot} pt;".t shall lapse and become uoiO oneOyear following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: loe Suther DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 I -: -t Minor Exterior altera0ns pplication for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 97 0.479.2t39 tax: 97 Q.47 9.2452 . web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and consFruction commences within one year of the approval. uest: I"sS*t\ h"t +,.^b 6\ e*i:\'',n o A itrl V i ii TCV-COM.DEV. escription ofthe Req \I\e- Lo-v',e-Vo-\\ CA (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Xname(s)of owner(s): 0..,,h...1 5. C,cot** + kC-.os... A. \J.\J o6-c-r- q! Mailing Address: (Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: !.enysical Address:5o 216 )b"t.S! tto.r 20 qql(z\qoz\ 4 t lO Location of the Proposal: Lot: J{ Block: t { Subdivision:t)o"'( /tt4di,s ....--..-.=- zoning, 2-f<-,.-.,..n - o,\\o'Kbr )-f aT\ rl r \t u s \e\c! fJ.\ co :5i8 E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review ! New Construction D Addition E Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request Phone:-IL R c_ O-\c . eo IY'\. Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demoirebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior For minor changes to buildings and site reroofing, painting, window additions, fr $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 3 I,JJ lr ( /i \ 4 tr tr --. retainina walls, etc. r x l- f.{zo ) For min6r cnanges to buitciings and site improve.ens, suEHd0 \:- reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences retaining w"lls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Slaff or Design Review Board. No Fee rI.it F Q Page 1of I2l04lZBl04 {. * * * * * * * 'f * * * * * * *:* * * * * * * * * * {. * * * * * {. ** * * * * * *{. * * * '1. * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * *:t * * * * **:1.** * ** * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******** *'1.**************f,,f**********'f*:f:l*****'l**,1.********{.*'f*** *,t ** * * 1. {. *:t *,F r.:} * * {.** * * * i.**:f i( ** statement Number: R040007108 Anount: $20.00 LL/lO/200403: l-0 PM Pa)zment Method r Check fnit : ,JS Nolatsion: #42 03 /ROBERT CROTEAU Permit No: DR8040594 TIG)e: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2O99I82L9021 Site Address: 5027 II|E LN VAIIr Location: 50278 UTE LANE Total Fees: S20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total AL,L Pmts: $20.00 Bal-ance: $0.00 * * + * * * * * * r.:* + * * * * * * *x***** * * ** * * * *:* * 'i * * * * * * * * * * * r. * * * * t *'******.* *.********,i:t*******:t**#*!t**.**1.:l* ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DES]GN REVITI,{ FEES 20.00 Ce.,si'ec.r /Q-o O e-c-rc*-.,*- 5b2'7G Lr-t-E Lr\r\s€i UA[L_)CO o-\sio+ V 4 5o71 A W +++z (r-\.*)r \ \ \ l'\ \t (Va,^"x1 \ i1^ot. - t{-;t lD*.t Loa{a,o"1. \ ,t L u-.+ su-,4 r\*'* I 1 vF F<{A )\ia*q DoeeS Sozt 6 lc",!-*-*n) rL 16./ 9r" f\(, G' L-l-^{-'T: t- '-r- <-r ru t rr+(r ,'.lfle- :, rl Co\or : 5- C+frasit^: F--\ uJoi-.w'.-) S:{'raBS V 6'5" ,F l-lof Tqb L-o."Aron tE O,.t ts t (o" t -ndan c.e. \^-*G-^) 3to eo\. NLcin + Siq..o.(*r+) r: 3,3ag ct ,LJ",- \ lot"-\C."\..- O (qto) zt t- tt- tt{ 50 Lr S L,\te- l-6-1^-o- , Voi\ lI+ T*L [-o.o.{i,'"r o \ cl".k 6.bo'$ u.,L".- *6'bV * c t^*l.cs o.r e \o.cl-i b..--t .\o:". {o bUr..d Ce-oTsnu/fouO - 50:.'1 b u:ro LftttrG e.c-..\^,- D"t ,f't\^* .8 S'*,..|^"=t/ d^tlt^ o't'"o+ {+r\ T^b I iAll spas drourn in: Silver Pearlescent Also available in: Platinum. Topaa Sapphire, Emerald. Sahara, Sand, Marine, Bluegrass, and Onyr- Maxxus available in Bluegrass or Sahara only. Please see page 35 for color samples and regional availabiliry Dimemions*: Total Hydroiets: Fluidix 5T J€ts: J 10 Accu-Pressrre J6ts: Pulrator Jets: Fluidix Intelli.Jets: Mini-lntelli.Jets: Pro-Touch ll Jets: l,Yhirlpool Jets: Vortex Jets:Marin* 6'5' x7'6" x2'9" 196 cm x 229 cm x 84 cm Ultra.Pulse Je$: Duo-Path Jets: Micro Magna JeE: a l Dry Weight:765 lbs 347 kg Mini-Mag Jets: Alr Bl"-*/Ar"r"tt".+y DdGt- Air Gntrols/Massage Selectors: 12 Air Injector Jets tvith quiet, 1.5 hp air pump 5 congols/l selector Filled Weight:3,360 lbs 1,524 kg Water Gpacity (Avg. Fil0:310 US gal '1,173 liters MicroClean fi hntion svstem Water Delivery:2 TheraMax high-flow pumps Water Treatnent:Automatic Brominator and 2Ahour circulation pump SunZone UV or SunZone CD insta llation-ready - Undemrter, dimmable with two colored lenses Pump Ratings:Pump I l,lorth Arnerica: 2-speed/2.5 hp continuous, 4.2 hp brake Export: 1 -speed/2.0 hp continuous Pump 2 Nortlr America: 1-speed/2,5 hp continuous, 4.2 hp bnke Export: l-speed/2,0 hp continuous Pump 3 Lighting: Headrests:ComforTone 2-p,a rU2-tone gny; optional blue or camel insert Eectrical Requirements:North Am€rica {60 Hz): 240 VAC @ 30A. 5M or 60A Export (50 tlz): 230-240 VAC @ 25A or 40A Special Features: Auxiliary Control Panels: Inground Model: 45 adults 'S],rthetic c.bi'i€t dinensio.rs ae app.ox:mat€ty 2 irches small€.ia le.gtl.and w dtl" Ingrc{rd p€c ilcatiom nay !"ry lI/A9/29A4 lI:.t2 OL/97/L995 03:19 4449L70323 s7s278O THE SCHUSTER CRO1EAU NOLD JOINI PROFERTY OWIIER WRI'TEN APPROVAL TFTTER PACE ZI, PME 6L t,-- I Fe+'-,e L>F<* //-4-a+-IJ'<' 6l //: /r- A'1' - GROUP o a Jolnt ou,ner of p|.ofiero located at (addrcss/eeal descrlFton)O2'-7 R tJ+L- l-o.ns V",il go Drovlde thig letrer as $rrltten apprwel of the plara 6tg.6 Q c'trlorr 5 , 24 oa ' which have bem submltEd to the Town of Vall Commultty D€velopc|url Departflent for tie proposed irnprq.ements tD uc corflglet€d at $re addEss noted above' I underst"nd ttat the PrgPosd imprwements lndude: r\o.\ior..o. hot *r^*Le- {rU,:r b utr t...ne-' C.rh= tos+di.o -.f+U ht$uh i*. J'sHn ... {La orts*.he.I dto.*.*"D -t. t"c. lntule+ nltorrFpthev'\€v\t o''tolz2f ' I furtfier understand t|lEt rnlnor npdlfi<aHons rnay be mAdO b the planS over tlle cou6e of ttle te{ew process to ensure compllance wlth the To$,tlrs appllcable codes end rtguladors' a;:*HI"** /- ,y'^A Page 2 of luoT11610r- ll i{OIdr\VUJ llllfiS XlillS NV60:ll-i002 0!'i\0N Chicago Title Insurance CotnPanY ALTA COMMITMENT Scbedulc A Ptoperty Address: 502'7 VTE LANBUMT B VAIL, CO 81657 l. Effective Date: August 19, 2004 at 5:00 P.M' 2. Policy to be l$ued, and Proposed lusured: "ALTA" Orrtrer's Policy 10-17-92 Pmposed Insured: ROBERT CROTEAU AND KAREN NOLD "ALTA" Loan FolicY lO-11-92 Pmposed lnsured: A LENDER TO BE DETERMINED Our Order No. v51X106752 Cust. Ref,: s1,050,000.00 $0.@ 3- The 6tate or intercst in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simplc 4. Tttle to lhe estate or intercst covered hereln is at the effective dete bereof vested in: T. LARRY OKUBO AI\:D RENEE OKUBO 5, The land refered to in this Commitm€nt is described as lollows: SEE ATTACHED PAGE(S) FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION Land Title Guarantee ComPanY Dater 08'30'2004 Our Order Number: V50006752 CUARANI't COIIP^IJY hoperty Address: 5A27 UTE LANE UNIT B VAIL, CO 81657 Buyer/Borower: ROBERT C]ROTEAUAND I(AREN NOLD Seller/Owner: T. LARRY OKUBO AND RENBE OKUBO Wire Infonrution: Banh FIRSTBANK OF COLOMDO 1U03W COLFAXAWNAE IAKEWOOD' CO t021s Phone: i03-2i7-5(M) Cndit; IANDTfiLE GAA*ANTEE COMPANY ABANo.: ru7A05U7 Accountt 2160521U5 Auention: Aimee DuPont N:eed a map or dlrertlons for yoor upcoming closing? Check out Laod Title's veb site f,t lvww.ltgc,com for directidns to eny o? our 54 olfrc€ locetions- tEr crrr|IJ d6l0a T}TANK YOU FOR YOUB ONDEBI ESTTMATE OFTTTLE TEES Alta Owners Policy 10-17-92 (Reisuc Rarc) Alta l.oan Policy lGlT-92 Deletion of Excepdoos 1-3 (Owner) Deletion of General Exceplron 4 (Owncr) Dclerion of Exceptions l-3 (l*rder) Deletion of Exception 4 (f"edst) Endorsement AIta 9 (t,cnder) Endorsement Alta 8.1 (-ender) Erdorcere l03'I (Lenter) Endorsemenr Aka 5 (I-endcr) TaxRcport {R012474 92,073 530 sr0 ,00 TBD -00 .00 nED IED TAD TBD nAD TBD .00 s15 It L.nd TlcI. Ar.!ra3t.rtJl b. 67otl^f ahlt cEr'r.cttca,lo.t tlll b. do77',dx.at !? Eltl3 Elt. - TOTAL s2,058, 00 , d gtli 0[]lU NOid[ivl] H,lhls lli irS !^1V60 i f l iC0a '0 i 'A0|\'l Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIDUTION Dntcr 0E-30-?004 koperty Address: 5M7 UTE LANE UNIT B VAIL, CO 81657 Our Order Nurnben V50006?52 If youhave any inqvirtes or require funlwr assi$ance, please contact one of the numberc below: SLIFEN. SMI1II & FT,AI{PION-ERIDGB SIT.EET 230 BRIDGE STR.EBT VAIL. CO 8165? A!tn: CARRODTYLER Phone: 97Q-475-2421 FEx,i 970-476-2658 BMail: cryler@slifer.ne. Senr Yia Couriert*r LAR.RY AND R.ENEE OKUBO 12530 W. 50TII AvE. ARVADA, CO 60004 Phone: 303-861-0300 Fax; 303.861-E555 Sent Via US Posql Service R,OBERT CROTEAU AND KAREN NOLD 3833 VAI.LEY OAK DR. LOYEI"AND. CO 60536 Scnr Vis US Postal Service LAND TITLE CUARANTEE COMPANY los s' FROMAGE R'D' Yt' #203 P.O.BOX357 vAlL, co s1657 Alrn: Airnee Duponl Ptwne: 970-476-225 | Fax: 970-476-4534 EMail: dupon@lrEc.com SLIFER SMITH & t*tr169p- avON OO3O BENCHMARK R,D #IO7 P.O. DRAWER,2E2O AVON. CO 81620 ANn: RAYMA ROSE Ihonc; 970-845-2025 Far; 970-645-2050 EMail ; rrose@slifpr. ncc Sent Via Couricrarr For Title Asistance: Veil Title Dept, 108 S- FROMAGE RD. W. #20:' PO. BOX357 VAIL. CO 81657 frorct97047G225L Fax: 97G4764732 For Closing Assistance: Aimee Dupont 108 S. FRONTAGE RD. W. #IO3 P.O. BOX 357 YAIL, Co 81657 ?hoae:978477.4529 Faxt 970.47G4534 EMell: rdupont@ltgc.com t 'c-96! | 0l\ii NCidl^]Vli HIif^ls IiJ IIS l^1v80: | | r00l '0 | 'r\0N- fI l*T ffii:$Tk,i"?F. tx.,* .," J7 ' VaIL, C() 111657 Pn'OFERTS ADDRESS '5O2? I'TE LA.!IE, I,NIT 9 \T,IL CO t. r.ARrY oxl('ao IND aENEIE ol(ttBo RoBEST g . CnollAtt tllD r(tnlls r. Not D sETruEvlEl(r DATE 1 oct ohf 2?. ?.OO4 "totqg*r%tBffLEMENT ESTIMATED a:.€57 SEI.I.ER(S): B('!ER (lt) : DAIE OF ERORATION I Octobcr 22' zOOa Debi t c-.edl. t TTE'A DESCRZPTION .sa.I es I,.6i ce Errnegt Dtoney Land Tl|.le Gu'.Earltee ComPdny Nett LOan Amoune WELLS FARGO EllN& N.A. ged€€al .E,(pre.s s A-Lea Los,J Pol!.cy 1.0-7"-92 I-IND TITLE GUARANTEE CAMPANV Endorsemenxe 8,2, 7o3,1, 275.2, 347.6, DEr'ETrCrN4, DEI/ET ra.r RePo.lit t-\ND TZTI'E GUARANTEE COltPiNL Reco.!-d WaE.artty Oeed Record Deed of Ttusx r'AND ITTLE GUA.RANTEE CO|tFANY A.IIENDMENT RIGHT OF FTR.5? TSCORDTNG FEE Documen|aEy Fee CurEene Propetty Ta]Ees Oa/O7/O4-LO,/22/O4 0 54-6655 Laan Closing Pee LAND TITI.E GUARANTE-E CAIttANx c.l.eslrg Fee IAND TITI'E GUeRaNrEE COMPANv 1t t/Arr, rRaN.gFgR TAx ( r/2) 7, o50, ooo . 0o 740 - OO 438 . OO 7 < hn 757 . OO 76-O0 705-OO 200. oo 750,OO 5,25O. OO 20. ooo . oo 550,OOO.00 7. 37 5. 32 **** SubTata.ls ?,+* Due l-tom Buyer/EottoFeE -faXafs 2OO4 TAX PRO,{A?TON BASED ON 'IOST RECENT: VALUE NOT FZ!'t! - PENDT^IG I'OAN FTdURES RgNIs AND/OR 5ECUF.I?.Y DEPOSTTS TF APPLXCAELE EUYER AND SET'LER OIJTS IDE OF CI.O,STNG. J.,055,497.00 572, 37 6. 32 4A5. r2O . 68 7,as6,497.O0 7, o56,497. OO oF 6L.7O7.58 TO BE EETTT'ED BETNEEN APPRO\/ED AND ACCEPTED REAL ESTITA BRoKER (,S)PtIRCEASET{ (s) : rot'J'li- t, aleirc^v tt 'lFtl ttrtt, ..'4''zlq."ttlt,EE stB- INND lrllfl.iE CIPSING A€EIflT : ,grlrBt ^. FW ,tD Dr4r.a. ESCtlos !30. : co!'o(r rEldllrr llo ' : i90ca575Z v5OOO67s2 r.e.{, aa! rrrt't.toC LLltAlOt !-b- Ftr,De.{ t'ottt.a .t cJrli tst€b...r t.t'Clsl t3.g.E^! tot !". .t|tEe'.d bt rb- ccJ'e-tdo L.f. t-c.G. ca'|rl.ri'.s (r!-ag_?-?l) 'd 9E5l 0N lU NOldt\vlj lllhlS 8l:llS -hlv80:Ii-f002'01 AON- Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Development TOIkN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Okubo residence PEC Number: PEC010009 Project Description: Side yard variance Participants: OWNER OKUBO, T. LARRY & RENEE 02/19/2001 Phone: 12530 W 60TH AVE ARVADA CO 80004 License: APPLICANT OKUBO, T. LARRY & RENEE 02/19/2001 Phone: 12530 W 60TH AVE ARVADA CO 80004 License: Project Address: 5027 UTE LN VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 31 Block: 19 Subdivision: VAIL MEADOWS FIL 1 Parcel Number: 209918219021 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: John Schofield Action: APPROVED Second By: Doug Cahill Vote: 5-0 Date of Approval: 03/26/2001 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Cond: CON0004744 That the applicant submit a site-specific geological investigation, completed by a professional geologist or registered professional engineer, to the Town for review and approval prior to final Design Review approval. Cond: CON0004745 That the proposed addition shall comply with Design Standards. Planner: Bill Gibson PEC Fee Paid: $250.00 FEB, 19. 2601 2: 04PM MARX/OKUBO ASSOC, NO, 3611 P. 2/2 Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2138 • ;„,, APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL TOWN OF VAIL' COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. For specific information,see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application can not be accepted until all required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: ❑ Bed and Breakfast d Employee Housing Unit(Type: ❑ Conditional Use Permit El Major or ❑ Minor Exterior Alteration ❑ Major or ❑ Minor Subdivision (Vail Village) ❑ Rezoning El Major or Minor Exterior Alteration (Uonshead) ❑ Sign Variance R. Variance ❑ Special Development District ❑ Zoning Code Amendment ❑ Major or ❑ Minor Amendment to SDD ❑ Amendment to an Approved Development Plan B. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: fe-liscoLtfAel4 0'Qe- Tp.c<_j e, fi •j'-p' • ftret. 414,4 • C. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: 41 BLOCK: r FILING: YatL/ ~001 , P1Ntaf®HO I. PHYSICAL ADDRESS: yaz'1 L4 14. . Npyv_ ro . D. PARCEL#: �lti` �," ,.;) (Contact Eagle Co.Assors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel#) E. ZONING: • F. NAME OF OWNER(S): T. t*"ic-( . 1 i D iAWc, MAILING ADDRESS: s.• .� • AfAIMM• Ga . Qoeok RIR PHONE: �_ t c,L- Slap ''o5 Mo(-63ao G. OWNER(S)SIGNATURE(S): _4, _ H. NAME OF APPLICANT:¶ MAILING ADDRESS: 14460 W Fp• P.40' P4411:41p,y Cp. 6:50 it PHONE: lib 17 to( I. FEE: See submittal requirements for appropriate fee PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, • 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD,VAIL,COLORADO 81657. For Office MB Only: • Fee Paid: _ '-7' CK#: By; % - Application Date: Meeting Date: 7941C Pre-Application Meeting Date: 470/ -Op3 RECEIVED FEB 192001 ******************************************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: R000000465 Amount: $250.00 02/19/200102:34 PM Payment Method: Check Init: JAR Notation: 543 Permit No: PEC010009 Type: PEC - Variance Parcel No: 209918219021 Site Address: 5027 UTE LN VAIL Location: Total Fees: $250.00 This Payment: $250.00 Total ALL Pmts: $250.00 Balance: $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PV 00100003112500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 250.00 • MARX I OKUBO February 15, 2001 Planning & Zoning Commission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Gentlemen: Please accept this correspondence as a formal submission to request a side yard offset variance at the west boundary line for the proposed addition at the southwest corner of the Okubo residence to be at 3' from the common boundary line with the U.S. Forest Service. The undersigned is the owner of the southerly unit of the duplex structure located on Lot 31, Vail Meadows Filing No. 1, also known as 5027 Ute Lane. I have enclosed a set of proposed additions that includes an addition on the north side, occupied by Hicks, seeking an expansion for a dining room on the north side of the building. The existing residence at the Okubo (southerly) unit requires a variance due to the floor plan dictating the future location of the living area and, further, being the least obtrusive to the adjoining property owners. We are further limited by the location of the existing drainage ditch that is active during the spring snow melt-off The surrounding properties u to the north and to the east were also built with a side yard variance, and furthermore, the v original construction of the residence to the north included an existing 3' side yard along z the same boundary line. z Since the time of purchase of the units by Hicks and Okubo, we have undertaken significant improvements to the property, including extensive landscaping and re-roofing of the units. These improvements also resulted in a significant reduction of erosion problems, aided by additional plantings and construction of rock retaining walls. These I- improvements can be demonstrated by providing "before and after" photographs. 0 At the present time, the lot area is 23,740 square feet, with the existing dwelling covering approximately 3,026 square feet of the total allowable area of 5,474 square feet. The proposed addition would add approximately 288 square feet to the north unit, and approximately 700 square feet to the south unit, maintaining the total area well within the o allowable area. w 0 U Marx l Okubo Associates, Ltd. 455 Sherman Street, Suite 200, Denver, Colorado 80203 303.861.0300 Fax 303.861.8565 Planning & Zoning Commission Town of Vail February 15, 2001 Page 2 The adjoining owners to the subject site are as follows: East: Marge and Stanley Black, 5017 Ute Lane, East Vail, CO 81657-5424 North: Nancy and Mike Reid, 5037 Ute Lane, East Vail, CO 81657-5424 South& West: U.S. Forest Service I have enclosed stamped, addressed envelopes for the owners as noted above. I will be more than happy to meet with the Commission at your convenience to expand upon our proposed addition. If you should have any questions or concerns regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. espectful y Submitted, any U kubo ;,ENT BY: HP LASERJET 3150; 3373347631 ; FEB-15-01 11 :41 ; PAGE 2/2 - - FEB, 15, 2001 10: 23AM MARX/OKUBO ASSOC, N0, 3492 P. 2 February 14, 2001 Planning & Zoning Commission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Sirs: It is my understanding that our adjoining owners at 5027 Ute Lane, occupying the South unit, are requesting side yard variance from the common property to the U.S. Forest Service Land to be approximately me South West corner oof Soeudr addition. As such addition has been granted unit, we see no objection to this request. Sincerely, Robert. Hicks L. Okubo 5027 Ute Lane East Vail, CO 81657-5424 Marge and Stanley Black 5017 Ute Lane East Vail, CO 81657-5424 L. Okulbo 5027 Ute Lane East Vail, CO 81657-5424 Nancy and Mike Reid 5037 Ute Lane East Vail, CO 81657-5424 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 26, 2001, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for variances from Section 12-6D-6 (Setbacks) and Title 14 (Development Standards- locating required parking in the Right-of-Way), to allow for a residential addition and remodel located at 2955 Bellflower Dr. / Lot 6, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Alan Peters, represented by Braun Associates Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a modification to an existing conditional use permit to allow for the use of two modular classroom units at Vail Mountain School, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road / Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing. Applicant: Vail Mountain School Planner: George Ruther t. equest for a variance from Section 12-6C-6 of the Vail Town Code, to allow for a proposed 1 on in the rear setback, located at 5027 Ute Lane/Lot 31, Vail Meadows Filing 1. A..licant: T. Larry & Renee Okubo Planner: Brent Wilson A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a Type II EHU, located at 185 Forest Road/Lot 26, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Oscar Tang Planner: Ann Kjerulf A request for a variance from Section 12-7H-10 of the Vail Town Code, to allow for an proposed addition in the rear setback, located at 660 West Lionshead Place/Lot 1, Vail Lionshead 1St Filing, 1st Addition. Applicant: Lions Square Condo Association Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a Type II Employee Housing Unit, located at 1552 Matterhorn Circle/Lot 2, Timber Vail Subdivision. Applicant: Ranch Creek Development Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a variance from Section 12-7D-5 of the Vail Town Code, to allow for the addition of mechanical equipment within the required rear setback at the Brandess Building, located at 2077 N. Frontage Rd./Lot 39A, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Jayne Brandess Irrevocable Trust, represented by Abacus Communications , Planner: Allison Ochs A final review of a request for a rezoning from Agriculture and Open Space to Primary/Secondary Residential and a Minor Subdivision to create two residential lots and a request for a recommendation to the Town Council for an amendment to the Vail Land , / ' Use Plan changing the land use designation from Public/Semi-Public use to Low Density # q IG Residential, located at 3160 Booth Falls Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th I Filing. . r\11( 1 TOWN OF PAIL Applicant: Boothfalls Homeowners Association, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. Planner: Russell Forrest A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of Phase I of Donovan Park improvements, generally located southeast of the intersection of Matterhorn Circle and the South Frontage Road. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed special development district to allow for the construction of a new conference facility/hotel; and a final review of conditional use permits to allow for the construction of fractional fee units and Type III employee housing units at 13 Vail Road / Lots A, B, C, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 2. Applicant: Doramar Hotels, represented by the Daymer Corporation Planner: Brent Wilson A request for a major amendment to Special Development District #4, to allow for the conversion of an existing indoor tennis court to a spa, located at 1295 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Village. Applicant: L-O Vail Hotel Inc. Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a conditional use permit, to amend an existing conditional use permit, to allow for one additional Fractional Fee Club unit, located at Vail Mountain Lodge, 352 E. Meadow Drive/Part of Tract B, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Braun Associates, Inc. Planner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing Impaired, for information. Community Development Department Published March 9, 2001 in the Vail Trail. 2 =i May 11, 2001 Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Mr. Bill Gibson RE: Lot 31 Vail Meadows, Filin g #1 5027 Ute Lane Gentlemen: In accordance with your request to Larry Okubo, the purpose of this letter is to address issues of the proposed improvements at the location referenced above with regard to the potential geologic site sensitivity based on hazard maps currently adopted by the Town of Vail. According to the approved maps, the subject site is outside of rock fall hazard and debris flow hazard zones; however, half of the parcel lies within the outermost edge of a "possible avalanche influence zone". Accordingly, based upon my knowledge of the project site, this letter report addresses the interpretation of the geologic risk based on the official avalanche hazard map, and the potential impact of improvements to the existing Okubo/Hicks residence located as noted above. The proposed additions consist of approximately 700 gross square feet at the Okubo residence, (350 SF footprint), and approximately 300 GSF at the Hicks residence, (150 SF floor plate), located at the south and north elevation of the existing building respectively. The proposed additions will require excavation for foundation and related grading around the building structure, along with construction of a dry-laid stone wall to match the existing walls. The construction of the retaining walls is anticipated to be approximately 4' of exposed vertical wall at the south elevation, and approximately 1'6" of reveal height at the north addition, (refer to site plan). Based on the site plan, the proposed grading plan, and the existing topography of the site, the natural slope of the site (existing grade) is approximately at 20% of gradient, or 1:5 slope. The proposed grading/retaining walls will not interfere with the existing drainage pattern, and will maintain the general surface flow pattern. The property site to the south of the subject site belongs to US Forest Service, which contains natural vegetation and selective aspen groves. s a Community Development, Town of Vail RE: Lot 31 Vail Meadows, Filing #1 May 11, 2001 Page Two It is the opinion of the undersigned that the proposed additions have negligible impact with respect to potential geologic hazards, and can be constructed without mitigative engineering or engineered construction other than the structure for the additions and, assuming the proposed grading plan is followed, should cause no adverse effect to the surrounding environment. Geotechnical sensitivity of the overall site is considered minimal due to the gentle slope of the existing on-site and adjoining topography and, as such, potential impacts to other neighboring structures, public buildings, right-of-ways, roads, streets, easements, utilities or facilities are considered non-existent, especially considering all improvements are being performed at a substantial distance from any other structure or improvement. With respect to the avalanche influence zone, approximately half of the project site has been determined by the hazardous map to be within such a zone; however, due to the minimal nature of the proposed improvements to the existing building and landscaping, the potential risk within the influence zone should not be increased above current conditions. Please feel free to contact the undersigned for further clarification on this matter. ,T / P Aid 'a em '01A2 r , *jan M. Walk er; =Y' e(••, 111101 .c,` sioN AL clw via fax .479.2452)&U.S.Mail 9?0. Seal MEMORANDUM - • TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Department of Community Development DATE: March 26, 2001 SUBJECT: A request for a rear setback variance from Section 12-6C-6, Vail Town Code, to allow for an addition to an two-family residence, located at 5027 Ute Lane/Lot 31 Vail Meadows 1" Filing. Applicant: Larry and Renee Okubo Planner: Bill Gibson DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicants, Larry and Renee Okubo, are the owners of 5027 Ute Lane, Unit B (Lot 31 Vail Meadows 1" Filing). The applicants are requesting a variance from the rear setback requirements of the Two-Family Residential Zoning District to allow for the construction of a 666 square foot two-story addition (with an upper story deck) to the rear of the existing Unit B that will extend to within 3 feet of the rear property line. The applicant believes this location for the addition is dictated by the existing floor plan and will be the least obtrusive location for an addition to the adjacent property owners and the natural features of this site. A copy of the site plan has been attached for reference. H. BACKGROUND The existing residential structures located on the adjacent Lots 30 and 32 of Vail Meadows 1' Filing are nonconforming in regard to the required side setbacks adjacent to this property. The structure on Lot 30 (south and east of this site) was granted a side setback variance to avoid avalanche hazards and is located within 9 feet of the property line adjacent to this site. This site is affected by "possible avalanche influence", however this hazard designation does not restrict the development potential of this site. The structure on Lot 32 (north of this site) was originally constructed in Eagle County and only meets the original 10-foot setback requirement from the property line adjacent to this site. An intermittent stream with dense, mature aspens lining its banks bisects this lot into east and west halves. Also, a significant number of existing aspens are located on the eastern portion of this site. At their June 23, 1980 meeting, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a rear setback variance allowing for the original construction of this duplex on Lot 31, Vail Meadows 1St Filing within 3 feet of the rear property line. The Planning and Environmental Commission approved that variance request based upon "man-made and natural hardships" (i.e. location of structures on adjacent properties, location of the intermittent stream, and the location of existing stands of aspens). 1 TOWN OFVAII In accordance with the approved June 23, 1980 variance, the existing duplex was constructed on this site in such a manner that Unit A was located within 3 feet of the rear property line and Unit B was located within approximately 11.5 feet of the rear property line. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested setback variances subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the setback variances does not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties in the Two-family Residential Zone District. 2. That the strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the setback regulations results in a practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the development objectives of the Municipal Code or the Two-family Residential Zone District. 3. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the applicant's property that do not apply generally to other properties in the Two-family Residential Zone District. Should the PEC choose to approve this request, the Community Development Department recommends the following condition: 1. That the applicant submit a site-specific geological investigation, completed by a professional geologist or registered professional engineer, to the Town for review and approval prior to final Design Review approval. IV. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES The PEC is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. 2 4. Design Review Board: Action: The DRB has NO review authority on a variance, but must review any accompanying DRB application. The DRB is responsible for evaluating the DRB proposal for: - Architectural compatibility with other structures, the land and surroundings - Fitting buildings into landscape - Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects the topography - Removal/Preservation of trees and native vegetation - Adequate provision for snow storage on-site - Acceptability of building materials and colors - Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms - Provision of landscape and drainage - Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory structures - Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances - Location and design of satellite dishes - Provision of outdoor lighting V. ZONING STATISTICS Lot Size: 23,740 sq.ft. (0.545 acres) Zoning: Two-family Residential Development Standard Allowed/Required Existing Proposed Remaining Unit A Setbacks: Front: 20' 91' 91' Sides: 15' 31'/91' 31'/85' Rear: 15' 3' 3' Unit B Setbacks: Front: 20' 108' 108' Sides: 15' 21'/125' 21'/125' Rear: 15' 11.5' 3' Total GRFA: 5,474 sq.ft. 3,803 sq.ft. 4,703 sq.ft. 771 sq.ft. GRFA Unit A: 2,332 sq.ft. 2,620 sq.ft. GRFA Unit B: 1,471 sq.ft. 2,083 sq.ft. Site Coverage: 4,748 sq.ft. (20%) 2,024 sq.ft. 2,656 sq.ft. 2,092 sq.ft. 3 ti VI. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Consideration of Factors Regarding the Setback Variances: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The existing residential structures located on the adjacent Lots 30 and 32 of Vail Meadows 1st Filing encroach into the required side setbacks adjacent to this property. An intermittent stream with dense, mature aspens lining its banks bisects this lot into east and west halves. Also, a significant number of existing aspens are located on the eastern portion of this site. To lesson the impacts of development from this site to adjacent properties and natural features, on June 23, 1980 the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a variance request allowing for the original construction of Unit A within 3 feet of the rear property line and Unit B within 11.5 feet of the rear property line. Staff does not believe that there will be any negative impacts associated with this proposal on the above-listed criteria. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. The existing duplex structure on this lot was originally constructed in the southwestern portion of the lot to minimize the impacts to an existing intermittent stream and existing stands of aspens. This duplex was also located in its current location to minimize the impacts to the adjacent properties, both of which are nonconforming with regard to side setbacks adjacent to this site. As proposed, approximately 254 square feet of the proposed 666 square foot rear addition to Unit B will be located within the rear setback. Staff does not believe this proposal will constitute a grant of special privilege. Staff also does not believe that there will be any negative impacts associated with this proposal on the above-listed criteria 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff does not believe that there will be any negative impacts associated with this proposal on the above-listed criteria. 4 - B. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. • 5 Receipt funds to: 1 6 CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT Name: - ( (frS-I- `0 Legal Description: Lot ,,31 Atm*/1- l'i/.vy Address: ..ssssa!5 �-A-C 'c�"' ubdivision: £/w/Z- M4-,40 ex(' 3 3 Address: Sa Z 7 ( 7-6- ,f-c( Date of Expiration: 4/Z9/01., C� IZ y DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, b EME T made and entered into this day of /44%,e4 2 , 2002-- By and among ml„T��kyra p,y 5 ;(hereinafter called the "Developer"), arfd the TOWN OF VA.IL (hereinafter called the "Town ). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval of the bes-5/44/ plans, dated S/3/ ,2,o/ , wishes to enter into a Developer Improvement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgement of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Developer agrees to establish a cash deposit with the Town of Vail in a dollar amount of $ 1875-° (125% of the total cost of the work shown below) to provide security for the following: IMPROVEMENT Attach a copy of the estimated bid. \\VAIL\DATA\cdev\FORMS\DIA Cash.doc Page 1 of 4 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at the sole cost and expenses, to furnis ;II equipment and material necessary to perform and complete all improvements, on or before A. - ; ooz . The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner _ll improve ents as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: A cash deposit account in the amount of $ /t75< to be held by the Town, as escrow agent, shall provide the security for the improvements set forth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall theTown, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. It is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will \\VAIL\DATA\cdev\FORMS\DIA Cash.doc Page 2 of 4 the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvements. 6. If the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements contemplated hereunder are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth in this Agreement on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required, to complete the unfinished. If the costs of completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12%) per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. If the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, as defined in this chapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of-way pursuant to Section 8-3-1. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. \\VAIL\DATA\cdev\FORMS\DIA Cash.doc Page 3 of 4 Dated the day and year first abo'itten./431c--s/a a z.--,v---7-- D--vel*r STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) c_- The fore oing Developer Improvement Agreement was acknowledged before me this 6 day of 1----e)-2(/,/ cc,nL , 2002 by K--A l5ev-e._ . Witness my hand and official seal. 0»""1119"g°i`p:,,, Q,� .��``��� NNE•C/gyp/'' My commission expires T �rri L ( Lt z2 .<<`�' Notary Public -0 ,x -.7 , I�M. Administrator, Community Development STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) �- The fore ��oing,�Developer Improvement Agreement was acknowledged before me this Day of =t. 1 d'wck-- , 206 by (,UYL\It c9 -.\ j`ti• i SUMMIT T COT(STRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC. /0 7 PROJECT NAME: GC k5 G3"-� Ae,e "4-0//a/C05177Ay ADDRESS: ?-)Z7 /4/4 REQUESTED BY: 4LX.T. .5 DATE: }M65 4, �4aZ DESCRIPTION OF WORK: / X/d A0,41- 4s o ti! 4✓cam 44/G .4-iv, z J/c/ ^--- TOTAL COST OF WORK: $ AS"-2 e,4 SUBMIT PRICE BEFORE PROCEEDING PROCEED WITH WORK ON A COST PLUS BASIS APPROVED BY: DATE: 3700 OSAGE STREET • DENVER, CO 80211 • OFFICE 303-433-1614 • PAGER 303-826-1380 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Developrnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail.co. us Proiect Name: Okubo/Hicks residences DRB Number: DR8010138 Project Description: Revisions to approved plans - Okubo/Hick additions Pafticipants: OWNER OKUBO, T, LARRY & RENEE 05/31/2001 Phone: 12530 W 6OTH AVE ARVADA CO 80004 License: APPLICANT Summit Construction Speciali05/31/2001 Phone: 303'478-7875 PO Box 3833 Breckenridge, CO 80424 License: Project Address: 5027 WE LN VAIL Location: Legal Descriptaon: Lot: 31 Block 19 Subdivision: VAIL MEADOWS FIL 1 Parcel Number: 209918219021 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion Byr Action: STAFFAPR Second Byr Vote: DateofApproval= 0S|3LPOAL Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:7 (PLAN): THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN A "GEOLOGICALLY SENSflVE AREA." Cond: CON0004770 All requirements of the Public Work Department must be met prior to the issuance of a TCO. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO eu.rr,onrr f*e planning statf at 47 9 -2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approvai prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT: 3/ BLOCK:rtrtt'tC: (l/4/z //mao< ftc:tt7*1 PHYSICAL ADDRESS: SbzT kG Z4fts PARCEL #: ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: omrER(s) SIGNA NAME OF APPLICI MAILING ADDRESS: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: trl New Consfruction - $200 tr Addition - S50 -'dlvffiDrAlteration- $20 DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of tbe project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO TI{E DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL. COLORADO 8T657. TOIii/N OFVAIL l A. B. C. D. E. F. G. (Contact Eagle Co. Assesson Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) PHONE: PHONE: Construction of a new building. lncludes any addition where square tbotage is added to any residential or commercial building. Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls. etc. H. ON OF TFIE REQUEST: Pre-Aoplication Meetine Date: DRBMeetine Date: ++t**f *tit*i+++r{,*{,i+t,t ti**l ++'r****r***+*f,**ri+tr*++:rr+*{,**r,}**i*l***r**tr*i***,}*++rr**,r++ -TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO srst€rnent **+*'rt*****+***********+****tfltt++rt+***+****++*t**'r,|+*+*********{r:t******+*+t*t i +{' *+*'t* + * 'tit l|:t,t statemert Number: Roo00oo858 Amount: g2o.o0 05/3L/2oolo3:48 pu Pa)rment uethod i Caeh Init : iIAR Notation: 9202 Permit No: DRB010138 Type: DRB - ltinor Alteration Parcel No: 2O991,82]-9O2L Siie Address z 5027 IXIB Ifi \rAIL, Loeation: TotaL Fees: $20.00 Ttrie Palrment: $20 .00 Total AIJr Errnts: $20. OO Balancer S0.0o ** +'i *f t*'*'* *'f *** *'lt* t'l'f ***++ + +'t ** ** +* *t + ***+ tt * *!t +++ +**f i' * * * *r*'t f + +***f +t+t tr,trt*,t*t* t,* * * f,*rt I t* ACCOIINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri ption Current ffis DR OO1OO()O31122OO DESIGN REVIEI.J FEES 20.00 Questions? Call ning Staff at479-2138 I01r\i APPLICATION FOR. DESIGN RFIIIEW APPROVAI GENERAL INFORMATIOf! This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested, The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and @nstructlon is started. A. DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUEST: Wa'fto1J ro ?tu^tpu (so V6vv. %^e cortz\4(t,l,L- 6? L +Oh t.?. hI ttnr-l4 t".ste t loo A.?. Nr ?ru W\ H?trJ hY'"\fl.6rr no *Kar &tu - ?lu*r2n. r+ ,'( e*f - t the Plan B. c. D. E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: tOr: h I BLOCK: - FlLlNGi JAlrL. t^zgtt$? V].tvtrJ.ttsto I PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #: 4o 74 t64t4oul (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) H. ZONING: [l)ro f'Ar'rrr-, fzat aprr<rL. NAMEOFOWNER(S): l- W*t1 trweo ?ooxtt wtar'a MAIUNG ADDRESS: owNER(S) STGilATURE(S): NAME OF APPLiCANT: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr New construction - $2O0 Construction of a new building. fl. Addition -$5O Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. n Minor Alteration - $2O Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation' PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATIOil, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMEI{TS At{D THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT' 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VArL, COLORADO 81657.RECLIVED c,i 1,/iiy -o"oD $--'F" 0Kht;/-n's o BUiLDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other IIPE-QEPIAIEBIA!: lJ}oo Ar€ttqt t t_ ,1r./t-tt vlAnw lf.X - tn*+*tI - I/F +<Ai a,w- 4 ?'*be' 't L ,(hA COLOR: plFrot aAqf- Are4t ?Lla( t-v4 WA l'tat//. )4^fkl A-r.{. y.l!.(&1 ?/,(r(. Vrit$, vw - I{X41. AvT . ul<(^ Av4 . |44tu1 ?Aqf . uF<aa 9{4^ uH(*1 W4t ,/,xt/ (wzr $f d4 VrI. HW ?tbtv v /.. b1 +aAIv\ *tt*fi----y&U$,-ene.< . Itltir\d .t4<4t etLqa. t+oIV-- e*wt. aAge I (?'tttt ?g^Fre u{' gpor'ttt . * Please specify the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior tighting must meet the Town=s Lighting Ordinance 12-11-5J. If e*erior lighting is proposed, olease indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and atbch a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. PROPOSED LAI{DSCAPIT{G Botanical Name:Common Name: QUAnliU: SiZe'; PROPOSED TREEs AND 1o ve' 6ee*e SHRUBS: qnv'qt. I traPP Ig 6jfa-,C t a-+.A<. b V,K(A arv( - l-lr$?. D(STING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requlrements for landscaping: deciduous trees - 2 inch caliper coniferous trees - 6 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons Tvpe:Souare Footaqe: GROUND COVER soD SEED L ?n qu. fnsiata+r@ rRRrGArroN (u(-u( ts$r2 L---@--%--1rc@P!L- dad' TYPE OF EROSION VtWvtrt-- (o l4K*+ a'qt CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specifo. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet' Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet' ;il:;;1ffi:HffiHt-**+*++***+*+**+*+***+*+*!k**+**+****l**:i*',*****'r,+*il#;- * * *:t * ** + * +,i<,F* *******it********{.**+****'i.:f*d.**r!+****tr* *** '1. * *'li + *'i* ***'** +d.:}:}* 'l'}'*'*+ * *** 4r * * * +'l't * **!* Statement Number: R000000593 Amount: S50.00 04l13/?OOLO3:58 PM Payment Method: Check Init: .]AR Notation: 548 Permit No: DR8010080 Type; DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2O99a827902L Site Address: 5027 UTE I-,N \IAIL LocaEion: Tot,a1 Fees: $50.00 This Payment: $50.00 Totaf ALL, Pmts: 950.00 Bafance: $0.00 *'* * * + * * * * * * * * * '* * * * * ** * + * * 'l* *d.* 'F* 'l {. * * '** *** * * * * **** * ***** * * * * +* ***+* * * ** * * * 'f* * **i. * *'f*** * i( ** 'l* * ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts OR OO1OOOO311Z2OO OTSIGN REVIEI,J FEES 50. 00 liun -li.-*l' I tl il .t; tl I i, I I ll i; t; I ii I I i ii I l, r'l t,l i/ t;l j,l iil t,l iil ii Y. 1i,2001 " l"t [{A|0KUB0ASSOc.N0.0380 lr 2/3 May ll,2001 Community Dcvelopmcnt Townof Vail 75 Soulh Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 \ Attention: Mr. Bill Gibsou issucs ofthe proposed i G-_ Rtr: Lot 3l Vail U""aqi"t, Filing #1 5027 UteLne Ger:tlemen: t In accordance with your request to Okubo, thc purpose of this lettsr is to address potortial geologic site vail. itivity According to the flow hazard zones; maps, the subjcct site is outside ofrock fall hazard and debris r, half of the parcel lies with$ the outermo$t edge of a ,l rhe locarion referenced above with regard to &p on hazard maps crrrrpntlV adoptad by thc Towilof "possible avalanohe influence zone". Accordingly,,based upon my knowledge ofthe project site, this letrcr report addresses tbe inl.erprethtion ofthe geologic risk based on the official avalanche bazard map, and t\e potential inrpact of improvements to tbe existitlg Okubo/Hicks residence located as n{ed atove- r) The proposed additions consi{t of appruximately ?00 gross square feet at the Okubo residence, (350 SF fpoprint), and approximately 300 Gflfat ttre Hicks residqnce, (l5Q SF floor plate), loca&d at t[e south and north elevation oThi existing buildr{S \ respectively. The proposedadditiors will rcquire excavation for foundation {nd related grading around the buildiug sbucturc, along with construction ofa dryJaid stone wall to match {re existing walls. The construction of the retaiuigg walls is anticipated to be approxirnately 4'of exposed vertical wall at the south elevation''and approximately l'6" ofreveal height at the north addition, (refer to site plan)- Based on the site pla4 the proposed grading plan, and fhe existing topography ofthe site, the natwal slope of the site (existing grade) is approxirirately en}Do/o Of gadient, or I :5 I slope- The proposed grading/retaining walls will not ilfterfere with the existing drainage partem, and will maintain the gerrerol surface flow patttrn. The property site to tbe south of the subjecr site belongs to US Forest Servicc, which contains natrrral vegetation and selcctivc rspcn grovcs. I { 2001 l:l2PM }IAUI(TTB0A$s0c N0. 0380 P. 3/3 {,\ - Community Development. Tov,rn of Vail RE: Lot 3 | Vail Meadows, Filing #l May I l,2001 Puge Two It is the opiuiou ofthe ur:dersigned that the proppsed additions have negligibie impact with respect to potential geologic hazards, ard cfn be constructed withoul mitigative eugineering or eugineered cousfruction other th$ the struCtwe fOr the additjoos altd' assuming tlre proposed gradilg plan is followed.l should caur$ no advetse cffcct to thc iderpd nogeltstcnt, especially Please feel free to contact thp undersignerl for furthi:r clarification on this matter. sugounding environment. Gcoteclrnical Sensitirlity of tlre overall site is considcred mininral due to the genttc slopc o{thc cxisting op'sitc and ad.ioining topography nnd, as such poreDtial impacts to other nelghboring structurcs, public buildings, righfof-ways, lc Wirh respect to the avalanc{e influence zone, afproximaGly}ratsof thc projcct site has Wirh respect to the avalandle influence ,on.' o{pro*i***lyft f of tn" projcct site h bcen determined by the hazdrdous map to be within such a zpne; however, due to tha ruinirnal nature of the propoped implovcments to the cxisting building and Iandspaping, the potential risk within the fufluence zone should not be iucreased above currreUt conditions. I "JIu*g6.orr.?a52) & u.s. Mail 'q1o. I Scul j <- { I f,ol,y cRoss RD Whit€ Kivex National Forsst @ ooz Fore,st Service Holy Crcss Ranger Dislricl 24727 US Highway 24 P() Box t 91, lllinturn CO 81645-l]l r0 (e70) t27.571s 'rl'Y (970) 945.3255 l'AX t27-93/,3 l'ile Crdc: fllo Drtc: May 10,2(X)l Mr. Rantly Kilgore, Pre.sident Summit Construction Specialties, lnc. P.O. Box 3833 Brerckenridge, CO 8{1424 Dear Mr. Kilgore: This lettgr will serve us your short tenn authorization to truverse ir short segment of National Forest System Lunds neur Vuil, Colorudo. Mr. Howiud Kdrlow accompanied you on a field visit to 5(12? Ute [,ane in Vai], Colorado on April 2,2001. You cxplained the need to "walk" a tracked excavator to the rear of the residence at this location tbr a crtnsruction pro.iect on private property. Your request is further evidenced by a comqspondence datu'd April 19, 2001. We agrce that the short rrirversc ovcr NFS lands will bc ol'Itcgligiblc impact. It wus apparent that thc alEnratc R)utc, lcros.s an ad.ir>ining privalc pa.rtcl. $'iL\ signilicirntly lcss rlesirable' The ultcrnatc routc rvould c()ss il .sm ll w0tcrcou$c and dustrrrr4gh.stirntiirl yilrd improvcments. You may lrmoyc up to rhrce.smull iLspcn !'crl,i nclr thc stluc[ut'cfr027'Utr' Lunc as wc discursed on Apiit ?'". This will crcatc il routc, iL$ closc a.\ practicirblc t() thc stntcturc. t{} "willk' thc excavator to tJrc rcar ol' thc purcel. You havc ugrecd to the lirllowing stipulations as a prc-ruluisitc ttl this -shorl-tcrm :ruthorization: l.) Summit Construction lnd Rrurdy Kilgorc sfuill bc n:sponsiblc lilr my neccssary rchirbilihrtion to thc travcrscd NFS lands. This includcs. but i.r not limited to. nny re- -urading, t'illing of ruts or rc-.\Lrcding dccmcd ncccssilry hy Frrr.*.st Scrvice pcrsonncl. 2.) Pr'nrld rtl- tc'ccss shall bur only that pcriod nccc.ssitry to complctc thc rcmodcl proicot ilt 5ll2? Utc Lanc antl is not aur.horirrd priur ttt Junc l. l()l)l t)r l'lcr Scplcmbcr l,2lXJl. 3.) Thc cr;uipmcnt opcruring ovcr NFS lands will hc thoroughly clcancd prior to unlouding ilt thc sub.icct job .site. This will iL.rsure that no wccd sced or undcsirabl: vegetative matter is introduccd to the sitc. 4.) Thc lravcl ntute will only hu. utilized ftlr ttrc ingrcs.s. cgrcss and opcrntiotl ol'thc trukcd L.xcrvatr)r. Cosstruction pcrsonncl rvill not bc :rllorvcd Lrt dri vr-' pcrsonal ve'hiclcs. mtturiul <lc.livcry tnrck.s. coucrclc truck.\ ur anV othc{\lhiclcs or u-cluiprnent ovcr thc r.trutc. Mutcriirls rvill bc r,lclivcrcd ovcr thc privatu' prrrpct'Lf thv cnutc- or othcnvisc) ult rJiscusscd on April l. 2{Xt l. Caring frrr the l,aud anrl Scrring l'crrplc ftnbd olr FacYd.d P+tr fi - ,r::",rt roN 08:4ti r^^x s7o8u HoLY cRoss Rl)g oo3 5.) You will advise Howanl Kuhhw, Realty Specialist. by phone rLnUtlzl-s] l5 whcn the .job is completed so a sitc inspection can be coordinatcd. Sincerely,,4 rz__ CALG- WETTSTEIN District Ranger G-. G*-.. <, Oruso April 10,2001 Design Review Board Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Gentlemen: Attached hereto, please find an application for design review approval together with the resolution passed by the Planning and Environmental Commission for the variance request. I have also enclosed three sets of drawings per your requirements. We are seeking design approval for the planned additions at both the Hicks and Okubo residences. We would like to submit for building permit to'*'ard the latter part of April, and commence construction in May 2001. Your attention to this matter is appreciated. Copy: Robert Hicks lr.l F LU o U a z d lJ- z z o F l o I d ;z o t F o Marx lOkubo Associates. Ltd. 455 Sherman Street, Suite 200, Denver, Coiorado 80203 303.85 | ,0300 Fax 303.85 | .8555 $ENT BY: HP LASEFJET 31 50; FEB, 15, 2001 l0: 23Al[ilARIt o,;',:"0"'" FEB- 15-01 'l 1 :41 :Ao.tlgz ?. -- PAGE 212 February 14, 2001 Planning & Zonlng Commission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road vall, co 81657 Dear Sirs: tt iB my understandlng lhlt our edFining owrers al5}27 Ute [ene' omrpying the south unit. "r" ,"qr"Jn-g iii" iitc viriance- rom m" -tttmon P?o'petty to lE U.S. Foreet Service 'i;ffil 6; ;i;t'dTtbv 3 Fect from lheir ptopooo addltion. As such "d;il; fttt o*n'grant* "i fie South Wert corner of our iiiffisee;o oi"aion tothis request' SincemlY, ffu/l'z-F Robert^f,. Hicks TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT; MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development March 26, 2001 A request for a rear setback variance from Section to allow for an addilion to an two-family residence, Lane/Lot 31Vail Meadows 1" Filing. Applicant: Larry and Renee Okubo Planner: Bill Gibson 12-6C-6, Vail Town Code, located al 5027 Ute il. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicants, Larry and Renee Okubo, are the owners of 5027 Ute Lane, Unit B (Lot 31 Vail Meadows 1"'Filing). The applicanls are requesting a variance from the rear selback requirements of the Two-Family Residential Zoning District to allow for the construclion of a 666 square foot two-story addition (with an upper slory deck) lo the rear of the existing Unit B that will extend to within 3 feet of the rear property line. The applicant believes this location for the addition is dictated by the existing floor plan and wiil be the least obtrusive localion for an addition to the adjacent property owners and the natural features of this site. A copy of the site olan has been atlached for reference. BACKGROUND The existing residential structures located on the adjacent Lots 30 and 32 of Vail Meadows 1"' Filing are nonconforming in regard to the required side setbacks adjacent to this property. The structure on Lot 30 (soulh and east of this site) was granled a side setback variance to avoid avalanche hazards and is located within 9 feet of the property line adlacent to this site. This sile is affecled by "possible avalanche influence'', however this hazard designation does not restrict the development potential of this site. The structure on Lot 32 (north of this site) was originally constructed in Eagle County and only meets the original 1O{oot setback requirement from the property line adjacent to this site. An intermittent stream with dense, mature aspens lining its banks bisects this lot into east and west halves. Also, a significant number of existing aspens are located on the eastern portion of this site. At their June 23, 1980 meeting, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a rear setback variance allowing for the original construction of this duplex on Lot 31, Vail Meadows 1'' Filing within 3 feet of the rear property line. The Planning and Environmental Commission approved lhat variance request based upon "man-made and natural hardships" (i.e. location of structures on adjacent properties, location of the intermittent stream, and the location of existinq stands of aspens). Desion Review Board: Action: The DRB has NO review authority on a variance, but must review any acco mpan yi ng D R B applicati o n. The DRB is responsible for evaluating the DRB proposal for:- Architectural compatibility with other slruclures, the land and surroundings - Fitting buildings into landscape - Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects the topography - Removal/Preservalion of trees and native vegetation - Adequate provision for snow storage on-site - Acceptability of building malerials and colors - Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms - Provision of landscape and drainage - Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory structures - Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances - Location and design of salellite dishes - Provision of ouldoor lighting V. ZONING STATISTICS Lot Size: 23,740 sq.ft. (0.545 acres)Zoning: Two{amily Residential Developmenl Standard Allowed/Required Existino Prooosed Remainino Unit A Setbacks:Fronl: 2Q' 91', 91'Sides: 15' 31791' 31785'Bear: 15' 3' 3' Unit B Setbacks:Fronl: 20' 108' 108'Sides: 15' 21'/125' 21'1125'Rear: 15' 1 1 .5' 3' Total GRFA: 5,474 sq.ft. 3,803 sq.ft. 4,703 sq.ft. 771 sq.ft. GRFA Unir A: 2,332 sq.ft. 2,620 sq.ft. GRFA Unit B: 1,471 sq.ft. 2,083 sq.ft. Site Coverage: 4,7a8 sq.ft. (20%) 2,024 sq.ft. 2,656 sq.ft. 2,092 sq.ft. B.The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public heahh, safety or welf are, or malerially injurious to properties or improvements in lhe vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The slricl lileral inlerpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistenl with the objectives ol lhis title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable lo the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or entorcement ol the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properlies in the same district. COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, A Texas Corporation, herein called the Company, for valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or moftgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of fie premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. Signed under seal for the Company, but this Commitment shall not be valid or binding until it bears an authodzed Countersignature. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stewan Title Guaranty Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. STEWART TITLE CUARANTY COMPANY Chairman of the STEWART TITLE OF EAGLE COUNTY, INC. P.O. Box 2000 Vail, Colorado 81658 (9?0) 949-101 I countersignature Order No. 9E01659E-C3 SCHEDULE A Oider Nuntber: 98076598 -c3 l. Effectit,e date: 'luly 29' 7998 at 7:45 A'M- 2. Polict or Palicies to be isstted: (c) A.L.T.A. Ovner's (sEandard ) Proposed hrsured: ''ARRY OKUBO (b) A.L.T.A. Loan (standard) Proposed hrsured: an$K OF CHERRY 1REEX' jts successots and/ot aesigns Putporced Address : 5027 UTE TEJCE B uArL, CO 87 657 Amourtt of Insurance $ 39z,5oo.oo $ zsa,Too.oo STATEMENT OF CHARGES These charges are due and payable before a Poliq^ can be issued. PRE}''IVN SIIOET TERM awNERS EXTaNDSD s876 - oo MORTGAGE: 700.00 TJ-J( CERT: 20,00 J. k) Leasehold Proposed Irtsured: The estate or ifierest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and cavered hereitt is Faa eiatll a Tite rc the fee sjmp.Le estate or interest in said land is at the e.ffecrive date hereof vested in" PHII'IP D. WALDBAVI'r ald IINDA S. I4ALDBAOA 5. The land referred to itl his Cotnmitment is described as follotvs: SEE ATTACITED I'EGAL DESCRIPTION O SCHEDULEA Order Ntmber: 98076598-c3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION UNIT B, I'o E Thirty one 'VAIL ME:ADOWS FTLING NO. 7' I4o:re particularTy desctibed as foTTows: PARCEL 2: A parE of LoE 37, rAII, MEADOnS FILING NO' 7, A Subdivision teeorded. in the office of che EagTe county, coTotado, clerk and Reeordet ' described as foTlows: Beginning at a Point on the wesEerly Tine of said Lot 37; whence the soulhresterTy cor:ner of said I'oE 37 bears South 00 degrees 00'00n West 83.33 f,eeE; thence Sou:h 64 degrees 3l'79" gaEE 55.58 feeb; thence Notch 25 degtees 28'47n East 29'20 feeE, thenee North 64 d'egtees 37'79" vtesE 69'49 feet to the wescerly 2ine of said Lot 37; tlrence along said llesEerTy Line, South 00 degrees 00'00tr West 32.35 fee1 Eo che PoinE of Beginning ' AND PARCEL 4: A part of Lot 37, VArL MEADOWS FTLTNG NO. 7' A Subdivisjon tecord,ed in Ehe Qffice of Ehe Eagle cortnEy, Colorado, cTetk aJ2d Recozder ' describeci as foTTows: Beginning aE a point whence the !{ortheaslerly co/:nerotsaid,Lot3TbearsNortll6!degrees23'47'tEasE64'77feett thence South 80 degtees 77'22n East 76'80 feet; thence soutb 9 degtees 42'38' glest 27.30 feet; Ehence NotEh 80 degrees 77'22x west 75'70 feet, theice Noi'ih 9 degrees 42'3a" Zast 77.00 feeEi thence NorEh 80 degrees 77'22't wesc 2.30 feeEi EherJce Nortb 9 degrees East, 7.50 feet, the ce South 80 degrees 77'22" East 7.20 feett thence l\'ort}! 9 degtees 42'38" East 8.80 feet' to the Point of Beginning. TOGETFIER WITTT AN ONDIVTDED 7/2 INTEREST IN AllID TO: PARCEL 5: A77 of Loc 37, vAllr MEADows FILING NO- 7, A gubdjvisioa recotded. in the office of Ehe EagTe councy, coTotado, cletk and Recozdet ' vith Ehe Except ion of Patcels 7, 2, 3 and 4 descrjbed beTow: PARCEL 7: A patt of IJoE 37, VAIL MEEDOWS FILING NO' 7' A subdivisjon zecorded jn lhe offlce of Ehe Eagle county, coTorado' clerk and Recordet, desczibed as foTTows: Beginning at a Point on t}.e WeEEetly line of said Eot 37, whence the southwe sterly corner of said LoE 37 beats South 00 degtees 00'00" FlesE 775 . 58 feeE; Ehence aToag said weste!]y fine North 00 degrees 00'00" EasE 42'20 feet; continued on nexE page Continuation of ,scbedu]e A - .Legal. DescriPgion order Number: 98076 5 98'c3 Ehence deparcing saJd Weslerly Jine, souch 54 degrees 37' 79" East 69.80 feeE; thence South 25 degrees 28'47" West 38.X'0 feet; lhet:ce Notth 64 degrees 37'79u WesE 57-64 feet, to the PoinE Of Begianing. PARCEL 2: A part of T.ot 37, rAIIJ MEADOWS FILTNG Na. I' A Subdivjsion recotded in Ehe Office of the Eagle CounEy, Coiorado, Clerk aad desctibed as foll.olts.' Beginning aE a poinE on Ehe westetTy Tine of said loE 37, whence the Southll'esEerly Cornet of said L,oE 37 bears .9outh 00'00" West 83.3j feet; thence South 64 degrees 37'79n East 55-58 feet; thence North 25 degrees 28'41," East 29.20 feet; thence Not,-h 64 degrees 37'79" wesE 69.49 feet Eo che tiesterLy Tide of said LoE 37; whence aTong said llestezTy 7ine, South 00 degrees 00" west 32.i5 feet, to The Point of Beginning. PARCEL 3: A par? of Lot 37 , VAIL y!AA.DQWS FrILIIG NO. 1, A gubdivision recorded in the Office of the EagTe County, CoTorado, Clerk and Record'er,, deseribed as foTTows: Beginaing at a poinE whence tle .Uortheastetly Coraer of said LoE 37 bears NorEh 67 degtees 23'47" East 64.17 feet, chence North 80 degrees 77'22" wesE 17'50 feet; EheJ;.ce Sotth 9 degrees 42'38n West 27.30 teet; chence South 80 degzees 77'22" East 78.60 teet; cherrce North 9 degrrees 42'38" gast 1l .00 feet; theace North 80 ciegrees 77'22" West 2.30 feeEi thence North 9 degrees East 7.50 feeE) chence South 80 degrees 77'22n East 7.20 feeE; Ehence North 9 degrees 42'38" East 8.80 feet, To The Point nF Paai aa i na PARCEL 4: A parc of Lot 37, VALL MEAIOWS FILI,NG NO. :, .e Subdivisjon recorded ja the Ottiee of The EagLe County, CoJorado, cTerk and described as foTTows: Beginning ac a poinc whence the Noztheaster]y co:rner of said Lot 37 bears North 67 degrees 23'47tt Easc 64-17 thence souch 80 degrees 77'22" East 76.80 feet; Elreace South 9 degtees 42'38' l'lest 27.30 f eet; cence North 80 degrees 77'22" llest 75.70 teet; ther:ce Notth 9 degrees 42'38" EasE 77.00 feet; thence North 80 degtees 77'22" west 2.30 feeE) theace Nort.b 9 degrees 42'38't East 7 ' 50 f eet; Eherce Soueh 80 degrees 77'22" Easc 7.20 feec; Continued on next Page Recorder, 00 degtees Recotder , feeE i 'continuati on of schedu.Ze A - Legal DesctLpEion order Nrun-ber,: 910765 98 -C3 ghence .llorth 9 degtees 42'38" East 8.80 teec' Yo The PoinE of Beginning. COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO. THIS COT,ft'TTMEI{:| WAS PREPA'-ED ON AVG. 20, 7998. FOR QUESTIONS REGERDTNG TTITS COMT4ITyEMT PI'E:ASE CAI'I' LINDA WTLLIANS, THE TITLE OFFTCER, AT 970/949'7077. FOR QUESTIONS REGARDING TEE CLOSTNE' PLa,ASE CALI' KAMMY |OULTITAN, THE ESCROW OFFTCER' AT 970/949-701r- fhis co'trIli tmeat is sent to: LARRY OKABO ITNDA & PHILIP WAIJDBAUI4 STEVE MACDONA!"D CARROLI' TYI'ER RAYMA TYLER SCHEDULE B Section I Order Number: 980765 98 -c3 REQUIREMENTS The folloving are the requirements to be complied vith: Itent (a) Payment to or for the account of the granrors or martgagors of the filll consideration for the estate or irterest to be insured. Itern (b) Proper insrrument(s) creating the esrute or interest to be insured nust be executed and duly fled for record. to tt/it : 7. Evidenee saEisfactory to stewart Tit]e Guaraniy Company of paymenE of a77 oubstanding taxes aad assessrnents as certified by Ehe EagLe county Treasure'.. 2. Execu?ion of atfidavit as to Debts and Liens and its returfl Co Stewart TitLe Guaranty ComPanY. 3. ReJease by the Public Trustee of Eagle CounEy oi Ehe Deed of lrusE f'om Phil,ip D. ,[a]. dbaum and Linda S. tfaldbaum for the use of Abbey Mortgage & f]zvesE'lelts Tnc to sequre 5245,000.00, daEed December 72, 7997' recorded 'JaDuary 5' 7798 as ReceDtion No. 643 924 , Assjgrr&ert of above Deed of Trust to IN*!C I'lotEgage Holdings Inc. ' recorded September 23, !998, recorded SePterber 29, !998 as aeception No. 671032. 5. Deed from Phitip D. Waldbaun and linda s. waLdbaum, vestiag fee sirnpJe title in Larry okubo, NOTE: NO?e?rO$ OF TEE I'EGAL ADDRESS OF TI{E GRA$?EA MUS? APPEAX ON THE DEED AS PER 1.975 ANENDMENT TO STATVTE ON &ECORD TG OF DEEDS CRS 38-J5-709 (2). 6. Deed of rrust from the Borrover Eo Ehe PubLic rruscee for the use of the ptoposed .lender Eo secvre the Loan. 7. A SARWY, meeCing Che minimum detail, standards of Ehe ALTA/Acsl{, survey o& IIIPROVEI4ENT LOCATION CERTII.ICATE, prepated by a regisEered Colorado surveyor, rtiEhi[ Ehe ]ast two mo'lEhs, musE be presented to seelrart TLtle Guaranty compaiy, foz its apptoval priot Eo the deletion of any strwey exeeptians from che ow^IERS POLIeY. ster{art ?itl,e Guatanty resezees the right Eo take excepEion to any adverse maccers as shorn on said survey. or make futEher inquiry or reguire.men!s re1acjve lhereto. said Survey, must be certified co Stewart Title of EagLe county and/or Ster+'art ?i cf e CuaraaEy Cornpany. SCHEDULE B Section 2 ' Order Number: 98076598-c3 EXCEPTIONS The potic.t or policies to be issued vill contain exceptions to the follort'ing tu ess tlte sane are disposed of ro rhe satisfactiotr of the Conpany: 1. Rigltts or clainu of parries in possession, not shovn by the public records 2. Easements, or claims of easements, ttot sholt by tlrc pnblic records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachnenrs, attd anv facts x'ltich a correcr survey and inspection of the premises wauld disclose and which are not shotvrt bt' the public records. 1. A1y lien, or right to a lien, for services, Iabor or material heretofore or hereafter funislted, inposed bt latt and not sltown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or othennatters, if any, created, frsr appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the efrective date hereof, but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by tltis conntittnent. 6. Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions tn patents, or an act authorizing the issuance thereof; *'ater rights, claims or title to water. 7. Any and a77 unpaid taxes and assessments and. any unredeemed tax sa.l.es. g. The eftect of incTusions in any general or specific atatet conserwancy, fite procecEion, soiT eoaservacion or other distrjct or inclusion iA azy water gerrrice or street imptovement area. -o. Res€rvat ions or excepEions contaiaed in U.S. Paeents, ot in Acts authorizing t5e jssuance thereaf, i'ecorCeC September 73, 7902 in Book 48 aE Page 49L reserving 7) RighEs of the proprietor of a vein oz Tode to extract ard remorte hjs ore thereirom and 2) righEs oE way for diEehes and caaals coastructed under the authoritv of the Anited SCates. 70. Tetms, conditions, reservations, res|ricZions and obTigations as eontained ia protective CovenanEs for Vail Meadoets, FiJing No. 7 recorded December 9, 7966 in Book 2OS at PaEe 7 as Reception No, 705076 and JuIy 7, 7970 in Book 278 at page 85 as Recepeiod No, L73675 and Apri.l 7, f987 in Book 460 at Page 224 as Receptior: No. 356453. 11. Restljctione, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but omiEti31gr resEricEions, if any based on raee, colot, teTigion, or dational origin, as contaiaed ir jnstrument tecorded 'fune 79, 7974 in Book 235 aE Page 784 as Receptjon No. 731094. 12- Easements, restrictjons and tigltts-of-ways and reser?ations as shotra on Ehe recorded Ftat of VaiT Meadows Filing No. L as RecePtion No' 705077 73. Terms, condiEions, reservatioi:s, restriccions and obTigacioas as concained in lornlrouse Declaration for LoE ThirEy Qne, vai! lteadows FiTing Number one, teeorded August 37, 1981, in Book 328 at Page 363 as RecepEion No. 224724. coneinued on next page coDtinuation of ScheduTe B ' section 2 Order Nunber; 98076598 -C3 N?TE: Exceplion No. 4 above wjJ,.l be del.eEed f,rom Ehe Owner's PoTicy whea issued, ald neclranjcs' Tien proiection ie hereby gtanted Ehe ow7Jer from elie date of recording of Ehe Deed belng insured,, Providing t}re said Deed js recorded by Stewart ?it.le GuaranEy Company and paovided t}re eacl.osed Affl,daviE is ptopetly executed a!:d rcCurned co Stewart Title Guaranty ComPany. IEe,'t 5 vi77 be deleced Ln the Ownez's Title PoJ.icy to be jssued. UPon receiPc of Survey ( prepated wjthjn the J,ast 6 manEhs) approved by SEevarc TiEIe GlraranEy company, ftems !{o. !, 2 a'i,d i wi77 be deleted and proper insuringr cl.auses wjl.l be addeC. TOWN i)FVAIT, 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT oF coMMuNt.'|Luuurortu", t",t Ucr*\ l V\-. -.c\cr<.r) L NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES -(.L*1 \ LoVst ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B0l-0144 Job Address.: 5027 VTE LN VAIL Status. : ISSUED Location......: 5027 Ute Lane Applied" : 05/23/2001 Parcel No....: 209918219021 Issued "': 06/041200l ProjectNo...:Expires:1210112001 o$rNER oKuBo, T. LARRY & RENEE os/23/2001- Phone: 12530 W 50rH AvE . ARVADA CO 80004 L,icense: coNTRAcTOR SltMMIr CoTiISTRUCTION SPECIAL,T}'/23/2OOL Phone: 3o3-478-7875 P.o. Box 3833 BRECKE}IRIDGE. CO 80424 License : 469-B APPI,ICAIiIT SIII\4MIT CoNSTRUCTION SPECIALAO'/23/2001 Phone:3o3-478-7875 P.O. BOX 3833 BRECKENRIDGE, CO 80424 License: 469-B Desciption: ADDITION/TNTERIOR REMODEL LTNIT B Occupanc,v: R3 Single Family Residence TweConstruction: VN TJpeVNon-Rated Type Occupanry: ?? Valuation: $ I 12.000.00 Add Sq Ft: 300 Fireplace Informalion: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas t'ogs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 attt+*:i*'l**tt++'i*)t Building----> g?88-oo Restuarant Plan Review-- 9o.oo Total Calculaled Fees-> 91,448'20 Plan Check--> l5!2 .20 DRB Fee----'----> S1OO ' Oo Additional Fees-_-> S0 ' 0o Inve$igalion-> so.oo Recrealion Fee-------' $45'OO Total Permil Fee-----> E1,448'20 Will Call-> S3.oo Clean-up l)eposit-----> $o'oo Payments----------"'-----> 51'448'20 TOTAL FEES-------> 91, 448 .2 o BALA]VCE DtiE-> I0 - 00 Aoprovals:If6m: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMBIT O5/29/20OL JRM Actsion: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT o5/3L/2o0L bg Action: AP Item: 05600 FTRE DEPARTMENT It.em: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS o6/oL/2ooL Ls Action: AP CoNTRACTOR H'A'S lAcREq ro MEET Ar,L PIrBn WORKS TSSIJED BEFOP.E t"O. 'J GM\T See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable REQLIESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOTIR HOURS IN ADV Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A AT 4?9-213s OR AT OIJ'R OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM' F OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSEIJ AND OWNE (r PAGE 2 * *+**** *r.*+ ** ** * * * ** * * * * * + * * * * * *,t * * * *'t*+ *+*** + * *'b** * * * i ** * * **** * * * * * * ** * ** +* * ** ** * * * * **:* * **:|* +{t't * +{t!t * +** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: B0l-0144 asof06-04-2001 Status: ISSUED *** * * ** ** * * * rt! * * * ** * * * * rk** * * * ** ***** * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** *** * * * * * * ** * * *** * * * * *** * * ** * **+* * * * * * * * * * * **'** **'** * * Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BI-ILD PERMIT Applied: 0512312001 Applicanr SLIMMIT CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES Issued: 061041200l 303-478-7875 To Expire: l2l0l/2001 Job Address: 5027 UTE LN VAIL Location: 5027 Ute Lane ParcelNo: 209918219021 Description: ADDITION/INTERIOR REMODEL I.JNIT B Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS'CEILINGS'AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.I OF THE 1997 IJB,C. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. I *****d. *** {. **+* * * * * * *** +*!* * * * * * * + + * + * * * * * * + * * +* * * *dr + * * + * * + * ** * * *'F** * {.d.** * ** *+ + * 't* *** + * *!* * + *'}+ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 06-04-2001 at 13:49:00 06/04/2001 Statement * {.:*** * * * * * * * * ** ** * + * * * * * * + * ** * *** **.:} * *** * * * {. * ** * * '1. * ** +* * * * * + * *!** ***** *{.*,** * * * * ** ** * * * ** * *** * Statement Number; R000000885 Amount: $1,448.20 06/O4/2OOLO1:48 PM Palment Method: eheck Inj-t : DF Notation: check #92 05 Permit No: Bo1-0144 type: ADD/Ar,T MF BUII-,D PERI'IrT Parcef No: 2O99L82a9O2L site Address t 5027 UTE IrN VAIL Location: 5027 Ute Lane Tota1 Feeg: S 1,448 .20 Thie Payment: $1,448.20 Total ALIJ E'rnts: 9L,448'2O Balance: $0 .00 *** *f, * * *,f * * * ** * **!F* * * ** * + * * ** * * * * * * +{. {. * * t:f *{.* * + * * * * 'f ** **,1.***:}**+*'1.{.************* * * ***'* *:t*'* ** ACCOI]NT ITEMLIST: Account Code Descr"iption Current Pmts BP O()1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERI4IT FTIS DR OOiOOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI^I FEES PF OO1OOOO3i123OO PLAN CHECK FEES RF 111OOOO3i127OO RECREATION FEES rdc 00100003112800 |,llill CALL INSPECTIoN FEE 788. 00 100 .00 512.20 45 .00 3. 00 CC,. ©1)12DV Receipt funds to: CASH DEPOSIT FORyAT Name: --/-0L4),, a'F Vetv Legal Description: Lot 3 / Address: -7 5 . Subdivision:Subdivision: 09/, /17�4Dor.41 , U�. t Go 8'/ 2 Address: 52017 c.-TE -74/A7&-- Date of Expiration: VZO/pZ DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGRREE^EMENT, made and entered into this db day of / y2 v/ , 20 oZ By and among wiT� �,� �„� 5 4(hereinafter called the "Developer"), arfd the TOWN OF VAIL (hereinafter called the "Town ). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval of the L5/ Aj Zvi v plans, dated 5/3/ ,20o/ , wishes to enter into a Developer Improvement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgement of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Developer agrees to establish a cash deposit with the Town of Vail in a dollar amount of $ 1875- (125% of the total cost of the work shown below) to provide security for the following: IMPROVEMENT Attach a copy of the estimated bid. • • \\VAIL\DATA\cdev\FORMS\DIA Cash.doc Page 1 of 4 • NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at the sole cost and expenses, to furnis :11 equipment and material necessary to perform and complete all improvements, on or before �A. - ; oaz_ . The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner _II improve ents as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: A cash deposit account in the amount of$ /F75, to be held by the Town, as escrow agent, shall provide the security for the improvements set forth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall theTown, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. It is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will \\VAIL\DATA\cdev\FORMS\DIA Cash.doc Page 2 of 4 the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvements. 6. If the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements contemplated hereunder are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth in this Agreement on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required, to complete the unfinished. If the costs of completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12%) per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. If the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, as defined in this chapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of-way pursuant to Section 8-3-1. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. \\VAIL\DATA\cdev\FORMS\DIA Cash.doc Page 3 of 4 It Dated the day and year first abo'itten. g:-...,-//refe-s •A D -velr STATE OF COLORADO ) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) rThe fore oing Developer Improvement Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of (-- (( , 201Z by 12—(9--,6t1 K-“5 e�� . Witness my hand and official seal. `00"1011iIiii, My commission expires • I�iYi L �� � •`--(cA� U t...' r. y .re_ G/j r4� •Notary Public • -00 r ,_ Administrator, Community Development STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing,Developer Improvement Agreement was acknowledged before me this Day of cu,c�r-1 , 20 6)2-by (,U ,`L\ca,�..- !'�., t o461r..._ . Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: , /I I U( ( X63 ' °c9 s •• N ,-*•' 'Yr •r tie,j 1/1 _ � Notary Public = L.- ` _ (C ? C ° \\VAIL\DATA\cdev\FORMS\DIA Cash.doc Page 4 of 4 , d q i SUMMIT CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC. /46790 - -?'6-/e'7 PROJECT NAME: , ‘k.5 ,, , Ar_ie .,,,A/z- / /fl/C ed° ADDRESS: ??Z7 (,/77 �4,'t/ ( /4/Z dO REQUESTED BY: /ice 5XT DATE: f. _, 5' +-° DESCRIPTION OF WORK: �/ zz / //d (/ 74,�ii-�-- free) ,Z)5 o til 4 6c'C-. £ice/L Al-Ait ��'PG.'46E. l�tN7'// 2 X Z- /12/e- "1 7 s -___ TOTAL COST OF WORK: $ /570 0 SUBMIT PRICE BEFORE PROCEEDING PROCEED WITH WORK ON A COST PLUS BASIS APPROVED BY: DATE: 3700 OSAGE STREET • DENVER, CO 80211 • OFFICE 303-433-1614 • PAGER 303-826-1380 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road to Vail,CO 81657 Name: L 1/1^t. 14/"" 1" _ Receipt No. 531 cod Address: Project: 50 2- 4- (A,4-e_L_t-v Date / ( ' / ° Z- Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No. Item No. Code# Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1110 Zoning and Address Maps ZA $5.00 * 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code-1997-Volume 1&2 -CB $50.95 * 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code-1997-Volume 3 III_ $60.65 * 001 0000 314 1112 International Plumbing Code-1997 -CB $36.00 * 001 0000 314 1112 International Mechanical Code-1998 CB $35.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code-1996 �_ $35.60 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Fire Code MI CB $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 National Electrical Code II.CB $42.60 001 0000 314 1112 Abatement of Dangerous Bldg.'s 1997 -_ $9.95 001 0000 314 1112 Model Energy Code-1995 $10.00 001 0000 314 1112 Analysis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes IIII_ $12.75 001 0000 314 1112 Other Code Books -CB 001 0000 314 1211 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees IIII BF $7.00 001 0000 314 1111 Xerox Copies -XC $0.25 001 0000 314 1111 Lionshead Master Plan($1.80/$1.60) -I $40.00 001 0000314 1111 Studies, Master Plans,etc. - 001 0000 315 3000 Penalty Fees/Re-Inspections III PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Review Re-check Fee($40/per hour) 1111 PF 001 0000 315 2000 Off Hours Inspection Fees -OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees IIII CL 001 0000 312 4000 Sign Application Fee .SP $20.00 001 0000 312 4000 Additional Sign Application Fee SP 001 0000 311 2200 Design Review Board Fee(Pre-paid) DR 001 0000 315 3000 Building Investigation Fee II PN 00_1 ___ 240_3300 Developer Improvement Agreement Deposit D2-DEP10 II AD _: 001 0000 312 1000 Restaurant License fee(TOV) RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec.Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev. SA d' *001 0000 201 1000 Taxable 4.4%(State)-Tax payable TP 1 *001 0000 310 1100 Taxable @ 4.0%(Town)-Retail Sales Tax T7 • Other/Misc.- _MS 001 0000 311 2500 PEC APPLICATION FEES Min 001 0000 311 2500 Additional GRFA - "250" III PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Conditional Use Permit III PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration-Less than 100 sq.ft. II.PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration-More than 100 sq.ft. _ IIII PV $500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District-NEW -PV $1,500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District-Major Amend IIIII PV $1,000.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District-Minor Amend in PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Subdivision Fees IIIII PV 001 0000 311 2500 Variance - MI PV $250.00 001 0000 311 2500 Zoning Code Amendments =PV $250.00 Re-Zoning -PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Program 1.1_ Other- -MS ---– — _TOTAL: Ir _Comments: III __Cash Money Order# Check# Received by: = r✓tvei yor i ei r ur rrIs1SalesacL exe 12/20/2000 Toor. of 'jail :per: PHARPE Type; F8 Drawer: 1 Date: 2/11/32 L. Receipt no 2253 Custozer Lopaion Naze AzDunt 2278 2297 SUMMIT CDNSTU3IOK AD *1875.N SUMMIT CONSTRUCTION 8EJE]PT *=Z160 Tender detail CK CEEDA SF42 $1875.0e -sa� *.Pere, $1Q75.00 $1875,21C Trams ca:e: 2/11/02 Time: 15:01:02 THANK YbL YOUR PAYMENT! -roD(-B Y,u nV \f ACCEPTED IF PEcotool ptDto8o ll INCOMPLETE OR U Project #,' Building Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 -2'49 (Inspedions) Separate P 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 -RMATION Contact and Phone #'s:Town of Vail Reo. No.: COMPLETE VATUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (LAbor & MAIETiAIS t ,/, tg BUILDIIvG: $ (/9 tTTm --ELECTRICAL: $ /Z,dV-Az ,l oTHER: s /4aoz e PLUMBING: S /hdaOry MECHANICAL: $ Zirtzn9 ro'fAl:s //Z-di2e For Parcel # Contact Assessorc Office at 97O-328-864O or visit Parcel # B-Za9/rfZ/gaz/(applietion will not be accepted without parcel number) rob Name: p//caa r&aoez-Job Address: SZZT fZT Z*rvee/i Lesaf Descriptionlltot:J/ ll erocr' llr'rfi"s, #7 llsruai,,irior,rUztz y'4rz*uz ownersName'zt'uy,rr Dzzzn llAd&essQ^a /i7z ,1t/tE //ur-ll'non*aotor/ot"o Ar chrr* l Dgl'g'eF- / b,t*/aadresslvTT g, Ea r-n A-,.Jfuh Phone:qon4z4te.y' Ensineevb,td /rY."tl/m'"'y"/dt " f ed;ryT Phont?zt4z+zag Detailed descrioti6n of work: -9eo il /^ -nu,/-zrrno-r* 1**r- ) Demo ( )other ( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both U+-Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No p{ Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family\{-$ulti-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: aZOO No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning(/) No/Tvoe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs CIJ Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLO\4LED) Does , Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) ruo g;.- ll Coes a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) Io64 *rr*****tr******r.tirt*******re****t<**'t**.***FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***'r*+***ilt r4/**!C**** rted Fy:- , Planner Siqn-off: Fees: DRB F:/everyoneforms/bldgperm Occupancy Grou Date Received: RE0D MAY 22ZgO1 VJil. C()l()rrd() l)envcr. Colr; raclrr l)i llon. Color:rdo Monroe & Newell Enginecrs, Inc. STRUCTURAL FOUNDATION PLAN, FRAMING PLAN, DETAILS. AND GENERAL NOTES FOR TI{E ADDITION TO THE RESIDENCES AT LOT 3I, VAIL MEADOWS SUBDIVISION, VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO M&N #5216 2O01 P|.ATI N U M !?oNtoi oF ata co lo iaD o Town of Vail Date: April 20,2001 $oi- ot{ w !v \\- . monroe -ne rvcl L co rtt 70 Bcnchnrark Roircl . Suite 2O-l . P.O. Box 1597. A\'()n. Coloredo ll16l0 (97(J, r)a9-116fi . I--AX (97()) 9:i9- +05:i . emllil: 1\,ou@11o11()c-r.tcrvcII.c9pr OFFICE COPY Prepared By: Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. PO Box 1597 Avon, CO 81620 'pno.r ecr,,Lor 31 uo,a t*oo*aQDtTloN M&N #5216 DATE: APRIL 16,2AA1 1. LiVE LOADS USED IN DESIGN: A. ROOF B. TYPICAL FLOOR C. EXTERIORDECKS E. EARTHQUAKE F. LIVE LOADS ARE REDUCED PER CODE IF APPLICABLE, 2. TESTING: A. CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH OR PROVIDE COORDINATION FORTESTING AS REQUIRED BY THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. THE TESTING PROGRAM SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE PROJECT OWNER, ARCHITECTAND STRUCTUML ENGINEER. B. IN THE ABSENCE OF OTHER REQUIREMENTS, THE CONTRACTORSHALL FURNISH INDEPENDENT TESTING OF SOIL COMPACTION, CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE STRENGTH ANO REINFORCING, STRUCTURAL STEEL BOLTING AND WELDING TO THE EXTENT NECESSARY TO ASSURE CONSTRUCTION IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. 3- FOUNDATIONS: A. THE ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING PRESSURE ASSUMED IN DESIGN IS 3OOO PSF. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RETAIN A LICENSED SOILS ENGINEER TO INSPECT THE FOUNDATION EXCAVATION, SOILS ENGINEER SHALL VERIFY IN WRITING THE ACTUAL SOILS CAPACIry IS EOUAL TO OR GREATER THAN ASSUMED. B. ALL FOOTING BEARING ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED. EXACT BEARING ELEVATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD WITH ACTUAL CONDITIONS BY CONTRACTOR WITH APPROVAL OF SOILS ENGINEER AND ALL BOTTOM OF FOOTINGS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 48' BELOW EXTERIOR GRADE. C, ALL FOOTINGS ARE TO BE PLACED ON FIRM, UNDISTURBED, NATURAL SOIL OR PROPERLY COMPACTED BACKFILL, APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. BACKFILL SHALL BE CoMPACTED TO 95% (MTNTMUM) MODTFTED PROCTOR DENSTry pER ASTM D15s7 UNLESS OTHERWISE RECOMMENDED IN THE SOILS REPORT. IF SOFT SPOTS ARE ENCOUNTERED REMOVE SOIL AND RECOMPACT WITH APPROVED FILL. {RE: SOIL REPORT FOR DESCRIPTTON OF BEARTNG SOtL.) D. CONTRACTOR SHALL BACKFILL EQUALLY ON EACH SIDE OF FOUNDATION WALLS IN 12 INCH MAXIMUM VERTICAL LIFTS OR AS RECOMMENDED IN THE SOILS REPORT, REFER TO SOILS REPORT FOR BACKFILL MATERIAL. E. NO BACKFILLING SHALL BE PLACED AGAINST LOWER LEVEL WALLS UNTIL THE LOWER LEVEL FLOOR AND MAIN LEVEL FLOOR ARE IN PLACE AND PROPERLY ANCHORED. CONCRETE SLABS SHALL BE PROPERLY CURED. GENERAL NOTES D. WIND 1. BASIC WIND SPEED 80 MPH 2. EXPOSURE B 80 PSF 40 PSF 100 PsF ZONE I " .! .F. , CENTER ALL FOOTTS UNDER WALLS. COLUMNS OR GRID EII{ES UNLESS OTHERWISE , NOTED ON PLANS. G. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE, AT HIS EXPENSE, FIELD DENSITY TESTS ON COMPACTED FILL UNDER FOOTINGS AND INTERIOR SLABS-ON-GMDE, A MINIMUM OF 2 REPRESENTATIVE TESTS SHALL BE TAKEN FOR EACH FOOTING AND SLAB ON GRADE. H. NOTIFY SOILS ENGINEERWHEN EXCAVATION IS COMPLETED SO THAT CONDITIONS MAY BE INSPECTED PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ANY FILL OR CONCRETE. 4, SLAB ON GRADE A, THE PREPARATION OF THE SUBGRADE FOR THE SLAB ON GRADE SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROJECT SOILS REPORT REFERENCEB ABOVE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DIRECT QUESTIONS REGARDING THE SUBGRADE PREPARATION REQUIREMENTS TO THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. B. MOVEMENT OF THE SLAB ON GRADE MAY CAUSE DAMAGE TO ANYTHING CONNECTED TO BOTH THE SLAB AND OTHER PORTIONS OF THE SUPERSTRUCTURE. ISOLATION DETAILS FOR PARTITION WALLS, BASEBOARDS, PIPING AND OTHER ITEMS MAY BE REOUIRED. REFER TO THE APPROPRIATE DRAWINGS OR CONSULT WITH THE RESPONSIBLE MEMBER OF THE DESIGN TEAM PRIOR TO CONNECTING ITEMS TO BOTH THE SLAB ON GRADE AND OTHER PORTIONS OF THE SUPERSTRUCTURE. 5. CONCRETE: A. ALL CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE SHALL BE MADE WITH TYPE I/II PORTLAND CEMENT, STONE AGGREGATE AND SHALL SATISFY THE FOLLOWING REOUIREMENTS: CONCRETE ITEM F'C MX ryPE MAX W/C RATIO % AIR REQ. FOOTINGS 3000 psi STD FOUNDATION WALLS 3000 psi STD INTERIOR SLABS ON GRAoE (RESIDENTIAL) 3000 psiSTD 0.50 EXTERTOR CONCRETE ('F*) 4500 psi STD 0.45 ** MAXIMUM SLUMP SHALL NOT EXCEED 4' B. IF CONCRETE SUPPLIER PROPOSES USE OF FLYASH HE SHALL PROVIDE OWNER.WITH LETTER INDICATING COST REDUCTION AT TIME OF BID. THE MODULUS OF ELASNCIry OF ALL CONCRETE SHALL EXCEED WC1.5 ES ./T'C TON 57,OOO iF'C NORMAL WEIGHT CONCRETE), C. CONTRACTOR SHALL SAWCUT OR TROWELCUT JOINTS IN SLABS ON GRADE. JOINTS SHALL BE SPACED 12 FEET AND SAWCUT OR TROWELCUT 1/4 OF SLAB DEPTH X 3/16'WIDE WITHIN 12 HOURS AFTER POURING. CARRY ALL SLAB REINFORCEMENT THROUGH JOINT. D. SLABS, TOPPING, FOOTINGS, BEAMS AND WALLS SHALL NOT HAVE JOINTS IN A HORIZONTAL PLANE. ANY STOP IN CONCRETE WORK MUST BE MADE AT THIRD POINT OF SPAN WITH VERTICAL BULKHEADS AND HORIZONTAL SHEAR KEYS UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. ALL CONSTRUCTION JOINTS SHALL BE AS DETAILED OR AS REVIEWED BY THE ENGINEER. E. ALL CONCRETE WORK AND REINFORCEMENT DETAILING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI BUILDING CODE 318 LATEST EDITION, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. USE STANDARO HOOKS FOR DOWELS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL EXPOSED EDGEg OF CONCRETE WORK SHALL HAVE 3/4INCH CHAMFER, A. ALL REINFORCING SHALL BE HIGH-STRENGTH DEFORMED BARS CONFORMING TO ASTM A 615, GRADE 60 EXCEPT TIES, STIRRUPS AND PLATE ANCHORS WHICH SHALL BE DEFORMED BARS, ASTM DESIGNATION A615, GRADE 40 OR ASTM A 706 GRADE 60. B. WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A185 GRADE 65 AND SHALL BE LAPPED ONE FULL MESH AT SIDE AND END SPLICES AND WIRED TOGETHER. C. REINFORCEMENT PROTECTION: 1. CONCRETE POURED AGAINST EARTH 3" 2'coNcRETEPoURED|NFoRMs(EXPosEDToWEATHERoREARTH)3. COLUMNS AND BEAMS (TlE BARS) 1-112" 4. SLABS AND WALLS (NOT EXPOSED TO WEATHER) 314" D. REINFORCEMENT PLACEMENT AND TOLERANCES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTIONS 7.5,7.6 AND 7.7 OF ACI 318, LATEST EDITION. E. NO SPLICES OF REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE MADE EXCEPT AS DETAILED OR AUTHORIZED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. LAP SPLICES, WHERE PERMITTED, SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 48 BAR DIAMETERS FOR #6 BARS AND SMALLER AND SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 80 BAR DIAMETERS FOR #7 AND #8 REINFORCEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. MAKE ALL BARS CONTINUOUS AROUND CORNERS. F. PLACE TWO #5 (PER 8" THICKNESS) WITH 2'-O PROJECTION AROUND ALL OPENINGS IN CONCRETE WALLS, SLABS, AND BEAMS. ALSO PROVIDE TWO #5 X 4'-O DIAGONALLY AT EACH CORNER. G. CONTINUOUS TOP AND BOTTOM BARS IN WALLS AND BEAMS SHALL BE SPLICED AS FOLLOWS; TOP BARS AT MIDSPAN, BOTTOM BARS OVER SUPPORTS. 7. STRUCTURALSTEEL: A. ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM 436 EXCEPT WIDE FLANGE BEAMS wHtcH SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM 992, (50 KSI), AND EXCEPT P|PE COLUMNS WH|CH SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A53 AND TUBE COLUMNS TO ASTM A5OO, GRADE B, LATEST EDITIONS. STEEL SUPPLIER MAY PROVIDE ASTM A572, GRADE 50 AT HIS OPTION. MISCELLANEOUS EMBEDDED ITEMS SHALL BE A36 STEEL. B. ALL STRUCTURAL BOLTS SHALL BE A325N INSTALLED TO A MINIMUM SNUG TIGHT CONDITION. ALL ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A3O7 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. C. STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE DETAILED AND FABRICATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST PROVISIONS OF AISC "MANUAL OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION,' D. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, USE STANDARD FMMED BEAM CONNECTIONS WITH STEEL BOLTS PER AISC "MANUAL OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION" TABLE II-A AND/OR AISC SIMPLE SHEAR CONNECTION MANUAL WITH A325-N BOLTS OR WELDED EQUIVALENT. SELECT CONNECTION TO SUPPORT 600/O THE TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD CAPACIry FOR EACH GIVEN BEAM AND SPAN. E. ALL WELDERS SHALL HAVE EVIDENCE OF PASSING THE AMERICAN WELDING SOCIEry STANDARD OUALIFTCATIONS TESTS AS OUTLINED IN AWS-D1.1. F. MINIMUM WELDS TO BE PER AISC TABLE J2.4 BUT NOT LESS THAN 3/16" CONTINUOUS FILLET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 8. NON-SHRINK GROUT: 1 'i A. , NON.SHRINK GROUT SHALL BE PROVIDED: 1. BETWEEN STEEL COLUMN BASES AND CONCRETE SUPPORTS. 2. BETWEEN BEAMS OR BEAM BEARING PLATES AND CONCRETE SUPPORTS. 3. GROUT SHALL BE COMPLETE AND HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 6000 PSI PRIOR TO ADDING BUILDING LOADS ABOVE. L WOOD: A. ALL FRAMING AND TRUSS LUMBER SHALL BE DRY DOUGLAS FIR. LARCH, GMDED BY WESTERN WOOD PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION AND CONFORMING TO UNIFORM BUILDING CODE AS FOLLOWS: 2" THICK - 4'TO 6' WIDE (WALL STUD ONLY) STUD Fb = 700 PSI 2'TO 4" THICK - 6" & WIDER NO. 2 Fb = 900 PSI 5" THICK - 5" & WIDER NO. 1 Fb = 1350 PSI NOTED ALLOWABLE STRESSES ARE MINIMUMS AND FOR NONREPETITIVE USES PRIOR TO ALLOWABLE STRESS INCREASES. B, PROVIDE CROSS BRIDGING NOT OVER 8'ON CENTER FOR ALL 2X WOOD JOISTS AND 2X SOLID BLOCKING BETWEEN JOISTS AT ALL SUPPORTS AND ENDS OF CANTILEVERS. C. FASTEN ALL WOOD MEMBERS WITH COMMON NAILS ACCORDING TO THE UBC SCHEDULE TABLE 23.II-B-1 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. D, LAMINATED BEAMS 1. ALL LAMINATED MEMBERS SHALL BE FABRICATED OF DOUGLAS FIR LARCH AT 12 PERCENT MOISTURE CONTENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH WCLIB. ALL SIZES SHOWN ARE NET. 2. LAMINATED MEMBER SHALL BE DETAILED AND FABRICATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF STRUCTURAL GLUE LAMINATED TIMBER, LATEST EDITION AS PUBLISHED BYAITC. 3. PROVIDE UNITS CONFORMING TO AITC 117, 24FV8, D.F. FOR CONTINUOUS MEMBERS AND CANTILEVERS AND 24FV4, D.F. FOR SIMPLE SUPPORT MEMBERS. MEMBERS SHALL BE DESIGNED WITH ZERO CAMBER WITH TOP SURFACE CLEARLY STAMPED ON EACH MEMBER. E. PLYWOOD DECKAND/ORORIENTED STRAND BOARD 1. PANEL THICKNESS SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWING. APPLICATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE AMERICAN PLYWOOD ASSOCIATION. 2. EACH PANEL SHALL BE IDENTIFIED WITH THE GRADE-TRADEMARK OF THE AMERICAN PLYWOOD ASSOCIATION AND SHALL MEET THE REOUIREMENTS OF U.S. PRODUCTS STANDARD PSI, LATEST EDITION FOR PLWVOOD. ALL PANELS WHICH HAVE ANY EDGE OR SURFACE PERMANENTLY EXPOSED TO THE WEATHER SHALL BE OF THE EXTERIOR TYPE. 3. FOR FLOORING USE 3/4" T&G STURD-I-FLOOR SHEATHING GLUED AND NAILED WITH 1OD NAILS AT 6'O.C.ALONG PANEL EDGES AND AT 12" ALONG INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS- 4. FOR ROOF USE 5/8" (40/20 SPAN RATING) EXPOSURE I SHEATHING NAILED WITH 1OD NAILS AT 4' O.C. ALONG PANEL EDGES AND AT 12" ALONG INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS. 5. EXTERIOR WALLS SHALL HAVE ONE LAYER OF 112" EXPOSURE I SHEATHING NAILED AT 6' O,C. ALONG PANEL EDGES. 6. FLOOR AND ROOF SHEATHING SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE FACE GRAIN PERPENDICULAR TO SUPPORTS WITH END JOINTS STAGGERED. 7. INSTALL SUITABLE EDGE SUPPORT BY USE OF PLYCLIPS, TONGUE AND GROOVE PANELS OR SOLID WOOD BLOCKING BETWEEN SUPPORTS. .' , 'F. ., PREFABRICATaO r,rtD MEMBERS SHALL BE THE TYPE nOllD ON THE DRAWTNGS AND SHALL BE'BCI-JOIST'AS MANUFACTURED BY BOISE CASCADE CORPORATION. ALTERNATES SHALL BE REVIEWED BY THE ENGINEER. TO BE CONSIDERED, ALTERNATES SHALL HAVE A LOAD CAPACIry IN BENDING, SHEAR, AND DEFLECTION EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN THE SIZE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. WEB BLOCKING AND BRIDGING TO BE AS REOUIRED BY THE JOIST MANUFACTURER. G. LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER MEMBERS SHALL HAVE THE FOLLOWING STRESS CAPACITIES: FB = 2800 PSl, E = 2,000,000 PSl, Fg = 750 PSl, FV = 285 PSl. BUILT UP MEMBERS SHALL BE CONNECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS' RECOMMENDATIONS, CONTMCTOR SHALL HAVE THE OPTION OF USING 3112" OR 5 1/4" WIDE MEMBERS. 10. NON-STRUCTURALELEMENTS: A, ELEMENTS SUCH AS NON-BEARING PARTITIONS, ETC. ATTACHED TO AND/OR SUPPORTED BY THE STRUCTURE SHALL TAKE INTO ACCOUNT DEFLECTIONS AND OTHER STRUCTURAL MOVEMENTS. B. FIRE PROTECTION FOR ALL STRUCTURAL PARTS SHALL BE PROVIDED AND SHALL MEET ALL CODE REQUIREMENTS FORTHE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIFIED BY THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. STRUCTURAL STEEL MEMBERS SHALL BE CONSIDERED UNRESTRAINED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ,11. GENERAL: A. ENGINEER'S ACCEPTANCE MUST BE SECURED FOR ALL STRUCTURAL SUBSTITUTIONS. B. VERIFY ALL OPENINGS THROUGH FLOORS, ROOF AND WALLS WITH MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. VERIFICATION OF LOCATIONS, SIZES, LINTELS, AND REQUIRED CONNECTIONS ARE CONTRACTOR'S COMPLETE RESPONSIBIL|ry. C. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT OR OTHER ITEMS TO BE ATTACHED TO THE STRUCTURE, ENGINEER'S APPROVAL OF CONNECTIONS AND SUPPORTS SHALL BE OBTAINED. UNLESS SPECIFICALLY DETAILED ON ARCH ITECTURAL AN D STRUCTUML DRAWI NGS, RESPECTIVE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL HANGERS, CONNECTIONS, ETC., REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION OF HIS ITEMS. D. PROVIDE ALL EMBEDDED ITEMS IN STRUCTURE AS NOTED ON ARCHITECTURAL M ECHAN ICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND STRUCTU RAL DRAWINGS. M ISCELLAN EOUS EMBEDDED ITEMS AND ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL BE FURNISHED BY STEEL SUPPLIER AND INSTALLED BY CONCRETE CONTRACTOR. STEEL SHALL FULFILL ASTM 436. E. PROVIDE ASPHALTIC MASTIC.COATING ON ALL STEEL AND WOOD EXPOSED TO THE EARTI-.. F. WATERPROOFING, VAPOR BARRIERS, WATERSTOP, ETC., SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THE ARCHITECTURAL DMWINGS AND AS INDICATED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. G. ALL DIMENSIONS ON STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS SHALL BE CHECKED AGAINST FIELD ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. H. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL ASSUMED EXISTING CONDITIONS. IF CONDITIONS ARE DIFFERENT THAN ASSUMED, NOTIFY ENGINEER. '0 ' ;fr, 7/"rf ,? t\VT Monroe &l.*.ll Engineers, Inc. ,", | -r=|rVrlLL l"fFml,.k= FFoDUC_ ?0r'r t!^c. si.fl5) ?l: I tPadrd) JoB l€..,4 Monroe frewell EngFneerc, Inc.SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY CHECKED 8Y SCALE €-zl-ol OF Proqfi t01r Fila Sraq Z0'1 ftrdd) Monroe ilewett Engineers, Inc. -c'2|r-ol OF P800ufi ?ur {trd. si.dsl z0$1 (adktl l\ I Monroe *ewell Engineers, Inc. OATE DATE P800UCI20t 1 J$qr. St!d) 2C I lrud) Monroe f,ewett Engineers, Inc. DATE- tF-Zl -'=l Monroe &ie',ars11 OF "^r.f- | q=-zco\ I OATE 4 noufr 20+l 6i'{t Slx.6) ?61 {Pddl Monroe &*weu Enqineers, Irrc.SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY =c-2-cot DATE DATE CHECKED BY SCALE : -t ,1,' -.ii I L .t tl =l=.rl I .J \ z Q I t ^$ I n lt f F rk h d l /,{v\-.li lLl $r +il II lll T, .tJ /t v I sl I trl n --t p //l I {il \ I F J VI ,f / 'tl -g E H n r\'\I r/I lI /_.t f =^CI +1|l, JT .\ tu *[I l-{)lrr f$ S \]t-v J tJ A /'v {I (I l-L l, .\s r,I ,//[\r $r I \r {-rt{U,{/r +L } I$\ x f/t //t[-=,II \Lt v n \1r 0 -( \{{=L n .v/,{////\)if N )=dF lF il // t nln t-{i ,t =-n :11 TA Ij. IT TT G.A L ;i\ J I\\tL T a +s I P A n \J t-i{0 vJ \\,1 /f\'r{\N [\\N t:-l hr ur t $J \!-t lll A n \\K \{o TI s tt pl n l.=\-L n jl {\\\\A(J J l\\m I -l u ,-,\ \'\\\N \\I J\3 -d X ."1 I II t - I t tr I l \\r *v (i f d I \l .f J l\I_ \fl ^s N ci .J \\d \\}}v \t-E J '{- J- A I fi .,R J T Irl {\\t !l-N \l -z s f t{t its N =s N\\ E .\\{l ii ll t \\,\s -J \=Ilr V \\\\\L N -\ )\\\ \\\I \I K\ !€.J ffi . :l N ? I q I ll OF Monroe &QeweII Englneers, Inc. L':?,j Jz 14r LI,g4 .[L-ll J<tNt I -A rit >\ 4 \|a .G At )e- 7-u (,-.c=L Ir L.[L L \2 .L -fr b I t l.tll 5 b <-L L )F z I 6l ) l|t 'a +'r 2 ilt .x--K- I, B I t\tl i a *t > W I a t-''i +z'l lzi i 7 I L/7(I 2 )d i 1 a5 VE tl t =l Llr 'd' .i'^t 'a-) 4,1 .r 2 s 4 -\.^rl +z )$=> 'lll O/.ta J v .N a '1 -r (h. 4 (\-t -n ) Pfi0DWrI+r (tt{i 916l ?Gr (hd.d) Monroe &lewett Engineers, Inc.SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY OF DATE noougr 20+1 {S,'!h gr.dt a[.l lhidd) Monroe ilewett Engineers, Inc. JOB SHEET CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY oF- "^'= t-{ dr-2.o.o,| I t-|7 L sO ru D I^{,IJ /=+f =A rl l.{ r. I >L -)z lr.l 4 t 2 .x,tr t ztl l-.I r 5i J \ ---v I .V a L'F tY Jr- I I I / \'t I 7 It t' I / I I al ,4 \ L V b t ,Y_Io t L(2-ol 2 L Ai ,r I I v al -{=p E ilz ll 4 4 -t E, h _r'1 L a / lo I b Ll -Ea pt .c, >l<..l 1... 1 '+ = -! Frorufi a+1 $Il0r srl.6)&1 ftddd) Monroe frewell Englneers, Inc. ,* I--r SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY DATE DATE CHECKED BY SCALE E .-k Nz I *4 :Fl I r=r .E NT \) l.l Ir fh FE$/ 4 i J-ttr -/,IrT f'!t ts N =v +1 ?l t'!id;* ffi$,a1 IF A il l I t E+* ! 4aJ !E ;5s 53 ffi st# d /:: ,..ir-:t, lz I A S'li.r 7 g3 +*a H EFI? :ji1j- l I ( 1,1(\t u W $l -E =D r..!. '*i .'i'# 'is / -)-/-J<-7-U v L ,e A F,* /4 t>r ll r_A /-2.)L'i.$'. & G a ).v f (l 3 + al 4 Pnooucr2!+l (s.crcshd)261 lPddd) OF Monroe ilewell Engineers, Inc. t\c a $. ,/D r tl ,+4 {-'t I L<t I T'5 u ? I TT AA ^ ) l'4 tt rlz ,tl ,1..t-/ v NI\I / /I >)=l l_l ()P (2 \4 -x,L 4 ru ). T.g J-{RI FI u I Jr +tf 'n- 2.lz lJ '-ta cl =(.A H1 ilc ttl 5 J/ r''l r u rl €- t -l H \r:+-tl:NI 4 rl 1 @ P80llfill+l {$d, sM)20}1 (Ddd) Monroe &tlewett Engineers, Inc.Jll ^^* -f -lC, - ol ,+7 ?-l --4r >e €-=E .t-Fl J- \-l al J'r 1...?l J t /1 ). t ?*/7--E-ll AE rl)t I 6 A /,lr I 4 €I () J J I ,il t- _tl 1l t\J n \ \I cl 3'1 l {-r lr \ a P-t P A N dt =l I J -*lc )1-r ]D o )5 e ?-al .t tr i .6 J a r.J ll I R=.Fl L +*L lE p4 I F C l\'(r 7 a Pioa/fi z0+r ($!t $dr) 2Fr lP|rdd) Monroe Alewell Engineers, Inc. I ,"" L-r .3llslt- F'fEgD==t,>s DAIE OATE e ,a ll'a N"l h r -V P- 7, "u nk >A :r Or +1,frt z l,L I r *H il"rF 7 '/-l j,It-.g 'e Jt /4 -.vl /a t^[A I l,J ln :i. ,:z.*r{ / /-t=>t L D V a A i-.1 I '.1 /_ \t / )/ t'...? a,:. :l I )I /1''R . a.: lr r l i:,;2-\ i,I {l ZtL a 2 +,,ti.l :l \I ,4 '*,:?J J l^<.lc *'ig' ,;;4 I I \It 4 t _c_ f-t,S ::,,.ii' 1:5'iF''l l 4 L r/t /b ti- 2 V.a're l=E / \ L F ?-t ),-L )F c )r.e )r- rl 4t'(6'L(I :4 ?a<>14 {rl :=r-l /r z)b/t It "a A 'A r 2 6 .c->l x 'E v ?L k t-1 ft nooucr ?!+l (s'!! 9'!d) 20$1 (hdddl Monroe &Qewell Engineers, lnc. oorr6 - 2J-.et -E)t 1..r .T tV .-)9-Yf L t z 'tb S L F (€ry +tf z. V 1 rl ,? 7 tf I >e-T L r Vr t.lr O (,-7N fl O b 4 -Fz I ^l /E C |l tr f c '/1 6 t{t ,E V E ,J Et I = at Pno0(lcr 20+1 6loi $ris, ?otl (Frddd) Monroe &Qewell Engineers, Inc. I 4 ,/]F J 7 +\ {0.t .*\I L-I -lJ -l t 5!c x,_LJ ,o/, a I I 2 .rt Ll il+z H rl )'4 ll ,x a )a I A =b )34 ,-. -- ?4:ll-j ! ti L il '4' J I f-{.-il t.7 -pt 4 l-'b I +' I /L IT It !I tt >i ,'g el ft D l! I r I I tl \d I r-l /ft a)d fp.u b r t-:z lr L t L4 /t- I I IJ t =4 'li )1 c al ,tf r -l Pfioqtla+r {s&dr g,r*b) ?0}t lhd.d) -_:,:--.t..:';;-1i5,:i-u; ,-i 'ii; x11; i. t' .,"-8-'. . : ii&:ti :"!',..r Klii!;r.t tdi.t nll i i1:.,91: 4-r iteii i' i'- it!;r) e gJt;ill lit(!t j!dti.:,rr : r;rt:llrrrrll+d :lrJ::"rtii U*i:l i'riL.t l':.6r. J*-e"-lblv i.ui. :iJ{-1r !ii;;1rcll-,rn ri{.i]i: -ifiira ")ii:. /r{i'.'liFi$l ai ': : .l ii: ...11 '"/'iii... r:r:..t ; i:t ti:$ t.i_r!ic 1 i '"it :'- ! /' r': ,..1t;'li;li,-; ,. l!,r, ;rr,:-: rra 'ir..,- ''j.:.1I' j'hi 'i, ;1.11 '.,i .:t"i-:a,tr. JF).; :iir,!13 :5;gUEL) ils,i:,1:is3' itsl,! {rl}.9 :}glrlnnie':t jylriti r",1 tnei.1.:i!!-'i rr, !rrs i'.5t!:.ifitri til 3 i'Cti. FGiBiOl.J ,,/ T,<.,,: f_ jl;. 6,-'y,#^l:r io,,,Iiq'tlJj",{i id,'^ rr d{{:}ly'i,)+Y',' \a '-',f lr P t/ \ {r t ,tJ Cd AI It tol0l -I t.. '':.'. ... ..:i ',t-.-. ' rr..r.,r,,-'; ,...;.)'riti r4'r:i 1.. ; +:,.j *1..; i..- ir r:.ri j r(1:i;;:). lllaiii :i.r-;*1;r.';1; rri, j!i;i) .r',:fo:1":. ,.1i.f,1 r;; I ;':1. ,.,r*ixr.cinl .,riii,,i ; : .,iili {- !r:. rri}|r ;i-':r;iir\.j,:a t:1 :-], ",:ri i ti'i'.i -' ,1:.iij:)!."!-i .- .ll .l , .,-r ' - ,:.,,.1,r,.,..-., :tih,t ..,..:',rr1!..:r.. a: .i i[_,,1: ,::,1'.i! \' i,! i -1:-:::,,;-rttrfi :l-i! " ,!,l.fJlc{1}a} ' i ': ', : , ii,i;r:.-ii I -:Fiitt ,'lt i r,...i"i,,,.r i,r ,,_.:li ;:\i.i1ir1:.. .r:ij\; a-: ..i.. i..:..r :1,i:n.,lirl-..,.:i!(i-;it:r .-:,1,: ii-i fi1ti,. riL,lri _.ir,i,:,.^!.r-.ti -j I "i;;.i.i l.: J..: . .,,.!t r'l.lur)rr '.:4;. -r.i .j. :..-. ' : : 'i .'j ,:,'!)a;ji';r, 1:4rr'., ', , i-.i'.!! :L"i ' l/i:i;l. r-', ri- l)'r i.;l: l : i. '':i-r ..;i-,''r't' ,:.alli: i-r' ,r..4 1.\.I.;r:1.\:1"11: -l n:i:i.! l '\i' {F Blii:ir:'r; ; i,',r,,,il.,rarf)gir:i..r-' . -lii.:r't, .t:' i:,i- f1!"1.j'., i: :l ilt( $'rin la: :. l; if 5 TowNoiv.ul 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 ortr"r*r oF coMMUN,rt orurron,f,, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M0l-0089 Job Address: 5027 IJTE LN VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 5027 Ute Lane Applied . . : 06/08/2001 ParcelNo...: 209918219021 Issued. .: 06/2612001 ProjectNo : ExPires. .: 12/23/2001 APPLICAN'I Britannia Plumbing, Inc. 06/08/200L Phone: 970-453-0817 P. O. Box 5457 223 Royal Tiger Breckenridge, CO 80424 I-,icense z 28L-P OWNER OKUBO, T. LARRY & RENEE 06/08/2001 Phone: 12530 W 60TH AVE ARVADA CO 8 0004 I-,icense: CoNTRACTOR Br.itannia Plumbing, Inc. 06/08/200L Phone: 970-453-0817 P.O. Box 5457 223 Royal Tiger Breckenridge, CO 80424 L,icense: 281-P Desciption: INSTALLING INFLOR RADIANT HEAT Valuation: S13.000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas l,ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellef 0 ***i**t*r***,r************,i*.'*'.*:lt*|l:}***.t**t:}*'.tt**t',}l}********' Mechanical--> S2Eo.OO R€stuarant Plan Review-> So.OO Total Calculaled Fees-> 5328.00 Plan check-> 96s.oo DRB F€e----...-.--> 9O.OO Addilional Fees-> $0.00 Investigalion-> go , oo TOTAL FEES--.-> 532s . oo Tolal Pernit Fe€-> 9328 . 00 Will Call---> 63 . oo Pa5anenls----------1 9328 ' 0o BALAT\CE DUE--_> 50.00 lattt*:aaaa:a****1.'t Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEbIT 06/08/200]- DF Action: AP 06/2I/2001, JRYI Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI_,DG.): F1ELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAIiICE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTTONATR IS REQUTRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTAr.,r-ATTON MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES TNSTRUCTIONS AND TO CmPTER 1-O OF THE 199? I]IUIC, CTTAPTER ].0 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BI-,DG.)': GAS ApprrrANcES srILGe VENTED AccoRDrNG ro *nt08 o*o TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC,8O6 OF THE ]-997 UMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF Cond: 29 (BI,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND THE 1997 I]MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOII-,ERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOQRS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IJISTED FOR MOIINTING ON COMBUSTIBI-,E FI-,OORING. Cond:32 (BI,DG.): PERMIT,PI-,,ANS AND CODE AI{AIYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECIIANTCAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SIIPPLY BOILERS S}IAI-,L BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OE THE ].997 tMC. OR :"-:-:::T-'::..--.-;'l--3iJ-T-]ji]--j--T-l--***ttt'||***,}**t*+****ll..'t'.'.*,3|'**:t:t*'t)t't't**,t,.tt*|i(********i****|**. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agee to comply with the information and plot plan. to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws. and to build this structure according to the torvns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLIR HOLIRS IN BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OLIF-OFEICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM.() z2o .' SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR C CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE SIA[,L TIIE 1997 TMC. sEc. r_0r_7 0F UNLESS * *** * * * * * * * * *** *** ** * * * * * * * * ** * ** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * {. *:} * *:* * * **** *'} * * +*,* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 06-26-2001 ai 09:30:45 06n6l200l Stalement *****{.*{.**'t * * * {. * * * * * * * * | * * * ** * {t * * * * *** * ** * * * * * * *d. *** * * * * * '} * {.* * * * * * * * * * * * *+ * * * * * **'1. * * * *** * **'f statement Number: R000000999 Amount: $328.00 06/25/200109:30 AM Payment Method: Check rnit: DF Notation: cHEcK # 9234 Permit Nb: M01-0089 \4re: MBCHANICAL PERI"IIT Parcel No: 2O99!82f9024 Site AddreEE | 5027 IJIIE LN VAIL Location: 5027 Ute Irane Tobal Fees: S328 .00 Thie Payment: $328.00 Total ALL PmEs: $328'00 Balance: 90.00 * {r * * * * * * ** + * * * * ** *'* * * * + ** * * * * * *:t * 't ** *ltr* *'** * * * * ** * *'}** * * * * * * * + * * * '} * * * * * * ** * * *+'t't* * *'** {t:} * * {t'i * * ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pnrls MP ()O1OOOO31113OO I'4ECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 260'00 pF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 65.00 hJC O()1OOOO31128OO t^lILL CALL INSPECT]ON FEE 3.OO Klh 3Ztee bGl6 J q rovnawnlY 75 S. Frcntage Rd.Vall,Colondo 8l6ttz Building Permit#: Mechanical Permit #: Pruvidelrlec{renical Roon l,ayout drawn to rcalo to Include:o Mcdranlcal Roorn Dlmcnrionj o Comburtion Air Duct Sizc and Locatfun o Flue, V€nt rnd Gar Lino Sizc rnd Locadon Permit will not be accepted wlthott the following: o Hert Lu Cafculrfionr o Equlpmentcut/SpecShc€t l-ffi? & Materials)COMPLETE V Mechanlcal Contracon &i/vq"/a /k^nt 1?o&a i6? -ffogs4gl7 .t- 'oT*' okubo /u.t,bs.Job Addrcss: S6a? A/b h //a;L Work Oass: ll,ar ( ) Arldition ()() 4lteration (x) /n"pui, ( ) Otner ( ) Boiler locatjon: Interior C< Arterlo. t I OUre, f I Does an EHU odst at fib locadon: yes ( ) No ( ) Tlpeof BEgi single-family( ) tuplexlQ prum-arnlv( ) commerciat ( ) R€staurant( ) oher( ) No. of Edsflng Dwelling Units in thb buildfn+No. of Accornrpdatlon Unlts in this bullding: t'lofype sf Fireplaces pmredt Islb a conve ,l{.*rFrl,trtl.**{.{r*rr**|r,t*{3!ttrr. ONLYTF* tl.**:ltltl:trtr*:t*r*,[rt D *Jl* srg F;/ rYqtonG/ft mr./mrdrFonn JUN O Z 2001 It'l****,t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970479-2138 Electrie-al-----'- 5215 . 00 DRB Fee-----> Invcstigatioo---> Will Call-----> 07 /t2/20ot JRI{ ftem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIiIT orl.rrr,rsNT oF coMMLJNrry DEVELoprnr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E0l-0148 Job Address: 5027 UTE LN VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 5027-4, Ute Lane Applied. . : OTlll/2001 Parcel No...: 209918219021 Issued. . : 07116/2001 ProjectNo , f L\O \ - 0D?-.-\ Expires. .: 0111212002 OWNER OKUBO, T. LARRY & RENEE 07/7L/200L Phone: 12530 W 60TH AVE ARVADA CO 80004 License: CONTRACTOR ECSTATIC ELECTRIC P.O. Box 883 169A Contsinental Court Breckenridge, CO 80424 L,icense: 307-E APPIJICII\IT ECSTATIC EI-,ECTRIC P. O. Box 883 l-69A Continental Courts Breckenridge, CO 80424 License:307-E Desciption: complete reuire of interior Valuation: $ 12.000.00 07 /tL/200I Phone: 970-547-7L39 FEE SIINIMARY Tobl Calculated Fees- 5219.00 Additional Fees------> So . oo Total Permit l'ee----'- 5219. o0 Paymenls----.-*------ > $219.00 07 /tL/20OI Phone: 970-547-7t39 s0.00 s0.00 s3.00 TOTAL FEES-> S219.00 BALANCE D[-IE-.-..--: 50.00 t*|'*tf***'*t{illll||tll|||'lil++'+*++***,|'*********'t**+++******,***** Approvals:Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Acti-on: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application. filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply rvith the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the touns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved" Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thcreto. oR AT oL,'R OffiCE FROM 8:fl) AM - 5 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FORHMSELF AND OWNE rcWNWUAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 AppLrcArror|rll Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMploRyl""p.#r:oi/= Buifding Permit #z 6ot-14* Electrical Permit #: 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) @\<)\qK CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Electrical Contractor: 615r*ro €c4rta Town of Vail Reg. No.: 3a-t-€ Contact and Phone #'s: )n< t4+r.., S4l-167 contractor tnM/ ^(U ,l * A,/ U (A\- t COMPLETE\Sq.FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALt OTHERS (Tabor & MatEda|s) Contact Assessorc Otrrce at 97O-328-864O or visit forParel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Job Address: AnA k bh-'€JobName: @- {o,n(cete €EtttEG eF F-rz'.g^ol WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (/) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this loca6on: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior (.,J Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex (r'') Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this build No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: '7-- it for a hot tub: Yes DoeS a Fire Sprinkler System Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRTCAL VALUATTON: $ fu(a lL,u,e ***********************************:t***FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*******'r********'t********+*********** Other Fees:Date Receivedt " 'i1 - v DRB Fees:AcceDted BY: 't/- Planner Sion-off: 'a1 0 g ?00/ F: /everyone/forms/elecperm *'rro'" TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 o,ll*rrr*r oF coMMLrN,r" orurrort", NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E0l-0147 Job Address: 5027 UTE LN VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 5027-8 Ute Lane Applied. . : 07lll/2001 ParcelNo...: 209918219021 lssued. .: 07116/2001 ProjectNo : Q tt r, r t\ r)r)i I Expires . .: 0lll2l20o2 OWNER OKttBO, T. LARRY s. REIiIEE O7/1-L/200L Phone: 12530 W 60TH AVE ARVADA CO I0004 License: CONTRAqTOR ECSTATIC ELECTRIC P. O. Box 883 169A Continental Court Breckenridge, CO 80424 License:307-E APPLICA.hIT ECSTATIC ELECTRIC P,O. Box 883 169A Continental Court Breckenridge, CO 80424 License:307-E Desciption: complete rewire of interior Valuation: $12,000.00 07 /tL/2001- Phone: 970-547-7L39 07 /LI/200L Phone: 970-54'l -71,39 FEE S( IMMARY Total Calculated Fees-" 5219 . 0 0 Acldlitional l.'ees..-_:' 90.00 .I.otal permit Fee___-:- 9219. O0 pa\menls--_____. 5219.00 Electdcal----: 5215 . oo DRB Fee-----:' lnvestigation-- > Will Call-----:' s0.00 90.00 s3 .00 TOTAL FEES-- . 5219.oo BAIANCE DTIE-_ -s0.00 Approvals:Ii6m: 06000 ELECTRICAL, DEPARTMEIffI 07/!L/2AAL Lc Action: NO routed Co \tRM 07 /T2/2OOL JRM Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: L2 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIJCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application. filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws. and to build this structure according to the torvns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. R.EQLIESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE o TWENTY 2138 OR AT OLrR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE ApprrcATrorOrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLEloR uNsr Project #: Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) NVNWYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Co\'clqT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Electrical Contractor: &..-z*,..6zqcu- Town of Vail Reg. No.: 3o-7- g Contact and Phone #'s:Jq rt<B* €4:1-\3q' contractor\sn ^rFu.A l_k-)Y/l V w lnl\ COMPL{UFQ. FE$T FOR NEw BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (tabor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: 5 IL,UE Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) rob Name: M,J Dyiao rob Address: 5of1b &6 l-+,,,6 Legal Description ll Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer: ll Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work: ft,n&,aze, K.ez,,,3E oF LrrIEC\c*- WorkClass: trlew( ) Addition( ) Remodel g{ aepatr( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior(J Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) ,lfl Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Duplex(,-/l,tutti-famity( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Othgll jn No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: a-No. of Accommodation unitsf,trfbgi!!: D Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) Uo ( 4 a DoesaFireAlarmExist: Yes( ) No(-f ll OoesaFireSprinklerSystemExistr Yes( ) No(yY ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**'l*************A***'l********t******* JUL o g 2001 F:/everyone/forms/elecperm $gtn' ! TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONT.AGE ROAD VAII-,, CO 81557 970-479-2L38 APPL]CAIvT CONTRAgTOR OWNBR ilob Address:Location,..: Parcel No..: ProjecE No.: 5027 UTE LN 5027 IITE LN 2099-L82-L9-020 PRJ99-0247 Status...: ISSITED .Applied. . : 08/30/L999 Issued...: 08/30/t999 Ercpires. . : 02/26/2ooo Phone: 303 -478-7875 Phone: 303 -4'78-7875 Phone: 303-861-0300 DEPART!{ENT OF COMMUNIIY DEVELOPMEI{'T NOTE:THISPERMITMUSTBEPOSTEDONJOBSITEATALLTIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit *: 899-0226 SIJMMIT CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES P.O. BOX 3833, BRECKENRIDGE, CO SI'MMIT CONSTRUCTION SPECIAI,,TIES P.O. BOX 3833, BRECKENRTDGE, CO OKT]BO I,ARRY AND R-ENE 1631 DO!{NING ST, DENyER, co 80424 80424 Descript,ion: OKUBO ROOT EXTUNSIONS/REROOFIGRADING,/ROCK RET. WAIJT OccuPancy:Tlpe ConstnrcEion:Ilpe Occupancy: ValuaLion: R1 MUICi-FamilY V f-HR Not, in table! 20,000 Add sq Ft: KATTIY .fRM ffi-' ?\-EEi6ii; PI.ANNING DEPAR1 DEPARTMEI{'T KATl{Y DEPARTMEI{'T DEPE: AEE-ib;;--AFpR RpPR BY ALLrsoN Dept: PLANNING Divisi sr.on FIRE DEPARTITIEI{:r Depts: FIRE Division Flfeplac. Inforuallon: R6Etslictsed: YEg #Of oa. Appllanc.e:*Of Oas Log6:#of Hood/PaL1cts; PBE St l.0,tARv EuiLatj.ng-----> 2n5.oo R€Etuerants Plan R€vle!r--> .oo Total calculated FeeE_-_> 802'25 Plan eheck---> 159.25 DRB F66--------- 5O'OO Addi:ional Fee6---------> 'oo Inveg!1ga!1on> 245.OO Recr€aElon Fee----------> .00 Totsal P€rmlt Fac--------> eo2'25 will cal.l----> 3.oo clean-uP DopoBi'ts--------> 1oo'oo FayEcn!r-------- ao2'25 TOTA', FEES----- 202.25 BALANCA DUE---- -oo Item: 051-00 08 / 30 /L999 o8'/30'/L999 IEem: 05400 08 / 30 /L999 IEem: 05500 08 /30 /L999 Ttem:05500 08/30 /L999 BUILDING DEPARTI,IENI - Deptr: BUILDING Division:Affi-- -Aclion: NoTE RoIJTED To-{8- RM - .A,CtiON: APPR APPROVED .JRM Atnv Action: APPR N/A PI'BLIC UIORKS ATI{Y ACTiON: APPR APP DepE: PIJB WORK Division:KATIIY KS DePE: rrUE wurs\UIon' AppR APPR w/coNDrTroNs PER Ls KATHY See Page 2 of Ehis DocumenE for any conditions tshaL may apply to Ehis pennit DECI.AR}'T IONS I hcr.by acknorlsdgc Ehat I havB r6ad tsh16 applicaLj.on, fil1ed outs ln fuLl Ch€ i.nformation r.quired, coEPlet.d rn accurac6 Plot ard plot plan, Eubdtvlsi.on p1an, and BEatsc gha! all lhe infornaElon Froviaed a8 rcqulr6d 16 correcc. I aEr6c !o conply wiEh lhe lnformaLion tso coBply slEh eI1 Toltn oldinEnce. and Etats lawE, and to bulld lhjB Etsruclurc to ch6 ToYn'a zoning and codes, da6igm rcviaw approvcd, Unif,on Building codc and othcr ordinances of i.c6b1c lh.rel.o REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAL], BE MA.DE TWEIfTY-FOUR HOT'RS IN ADVANCE BY 8 OR AT olrR oFFIcE FROM 8:00 Al'l 5:00 PM scnd C16an-Up Depo61! To: SttlrMIT 6PECIALTIES Otf AR OR C€I'fRA TT}R FOR HI SE],F A.I{D OWNER ****************************+****************************************:t********** CONDITIONS Permit #z P99-O226 as of 08/30/99 seatsus: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** PermiE \pe: ADD/AL,T MF BUIITD PERMIT Applied; 08/30/]-999 applici-nt' Stnt*trt CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES Issued: O8/30/L999 303-478-'7875 To Erqlj-re z 02/26/2OOO .Tob Address: LocaEion: 5027 IITE r-,N Parcel No: 2099-L82-19-020 VAIL, ME,ADOWS FILING 1, IJOT 31 Deseription: OIfiTBO ROOF EXTENS IONS /R-EROOF/GRADING/ROCK RET . WALI., Conditions: 1- - FIELD INSPECTIONS AR-E REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE - 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AIL BEDROOMS AND SVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 0F TIIE 1997 IlBc. 3. PER IEONARD,. CONDITION FOR FINAL APPROVAL IS A FAXED OR MAIII ED LETTER STATING THAT THE ENGINEER OF RECORD HAS TNSPECfED IN PERSON TIIE ROCK RETAINING WAIL AND HAS APPROVED TT. 4. DT'E TO ROUGH PLANS ,ALL CONSTRU TION MUST MEET OR EXCEED 1997 UBC CODE. STAIR RISE AND RITN,GUARD AtiID HAI\ID RAILS ETC E TC.-- **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO St,aE,efirnE **************************************************************** Stsatemnt Number: REC-0554 ArnounE: 802.25 08/30/99 15:57 PalmenE Method: cK Notatsion: 8675 Init: ifRli! Permit No: 899-0226 Tl4)e: A-MF Parcel No: 2099-L82-L9-O20 site Addres6: 5027 tIfE LN I-,ocaEion: 5027 IIrE LN Total Fees:802.25 This Payment 802.25 ToEal AJ,t ttmEs: 802.25 Balance: .00 *****************************************************rl********** ADD/ALT MF BUII.,D PER Anount, 245.00 50 .00 L59.25 L00.00 3 .00 245.00 AccounE. code DescripEion BP 00100003111100 BUIIJDING PERIT{IT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIOI REVIEW FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHBCK FEBS AD D2-DEPO8 CI,E,AIiIT]P DEPOSITS WC 00100003112800 WILL CAL,L INSPECTION FEE PN OO1OOOO3153OOO IT.I\TESTIGATION FEE (BLDG) rowN o F vAr LGN'rRU cr oN p E RM,, or!l' "o'o*H*,. - caq1 INTORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEI) Contact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # Parcel |i ,r4 -Za --{ zoil/'Ltlozl Date:Permit # JobNarne: Cttlf<a Ze>. Z€ZdoF Job Ad&ess: SO 27 UTE Lrl^/E ry'Buildine/Q- Plumbrng ( ) Legal Description: Lot 3 / etoct Electrical ( )Mechanical ( )Other ( ) Firnc__4/__ St$diision k4/L hy'EhA aa,t < Pnone* 3o3-.96/-OSao Phone#3o3-84/-123oo OwnercNane:fu jto 6 + Srt'€ 1{eE5 r^tr,t,*a 54 /)E\r/eE-- Address:,/04/,/oa,r'tt.s1 tt flatu#- Description of Job: Work Class: New ()Alteration @{Additionai ( )Repair ( ) VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHAN]CAL $ Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Untts: Tbuo GasLogs 7Z,uo Wood/Pellet_ OTHER: $ TOTAL $ Address: Phone # Address: D Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Address: Phonc # Number of DwelllirglJnits: -77.,O Number and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances BUILDINC: S 2O AAA4 PLL'MBTNCS=-_ General Contractor t 5,-^n &r*r-, fu^r*-r"- Address: Town of Vail Regisrratron No.4uq-b Phone# aB-y'7t- 2f7s Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Reeisuation No. Plumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Regisuation No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Resistration No. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: Ck^$n u'MA b N.. /d,o/F/ Town of Vail OfFIGf; COPY bi/er un/nr t*r in 5ruvv[l/nt 9 7o x Je ulnt - tuug ":-^M* tr4 _ /l* ^^, -i--^,(z_^n, ,") l{rCI.. ( o1 o1 o1 a o' .T J o o o o' o o o t *n7iln &ytry W f'- nvzu lryp n? ry /o/ 7ryzzl /tW * P /s-tttFz a7 l/rrn 7 u///,m -?T :%y (ryrry1 Zfry?v zT// g,/9 uryz/4 /ry7/t"Ug wls17 Vt/tt nV/q' y (r /a /V,f F tryr Zzrlrl/ f7w kc -i'/ta /,/rM ry/ %,w/4 7 ry t'/e 2r{'/ ',,? )zaV-tz/ I/ ":€ t-ta/P%q../Zq) Or o a' a o o o (D' o o o o O rO'-o 'o- o tte*gzd /rry 'Fzztqp ry/ytv ,a-y/ v/ (v ,,?,f/7 ,,9,uY ,g ,,qtb? ".',f Vt "a/77'.'rt4 $ry ZL 1f 74'7 WA O .,W?**etZ ry p*V;{w #-pq . zy/ fr.aw'f {"tV rv?,? TTJ l/ -2.n/z/t /rtarl , v /u-747rP2 q //,2 .Z , >e/2277 -ry //'n .-ry+ 'Q/', ( V'nr lsaa/zagz.2 q/ ?/79 voqr% yzrz,rn€ @ro4, ryl/rH ,ryrq y ( y n,4 ,, ta/:%/r?ry ,-/q2q -)zer f ,u,/ r/ W tzfi7 Vry /rr,- ry ry 'yr,{ ry/ ft -a'zg ru' ry -. re -zl/ ,,? ,u'// Vt //q/r// "t\/ o(v t.4,. f |yfkyry #-n,* ("1 rblg,7 ,,fr // .b/ * ^"/J' /,41r-/z ''Til,fr 4,,ry , 7,pa V,// O a o. a r( J o 7 tt J O. o- o G a t q I o j o' T ol Oi ol (ol I rI J 7 o o U l ol O,6 o O o t Or a.o I a ol a I o or oi a- .,1 t ol a_ ^fa vo_l OI q o o fl f-----l --U-- ,'rirtlob' h^t fuor. El 1- --------... ',1*r il ., 4.s a/r E/'/€RGY SI1R Pa^rel * " y; :;::;x":,' ;:#' i;: ^ ^ EI'ERGv SrAR glrderires ioi I Easy to lnstall and Servica 'neqverr]aencr E Low NOx Certified by South Coast Air Quality Management District (Rule 1 146.2) in California E Made with Weil-McLain Quality o o \.l rlAlil SERIES 3 GAS BOILER with Direct Vent | 'j' \. Water Net Ratings: 53,000 to 133,000 Btu/Hr. Applications: . Commercial . Residential . Multiple Boilers . Schools and 0ther Institutions . lndirecffired Water Heating . Radiant Heating .,, And Much More SERIES 3 GAS BOILER with Direct Vent Water Net Ratings: 53,000 to 133,000 Btu/Hr. Design Advantages The combustion area is at the top of the boirer. In addition to higher efficiency,this design makes sediment in order systems ress of a probrem. wide water-'ways and larger crown sheets assure greater durability. even in marginal applications. Modern.elastomer se,aring rings in the port openings provroe a permanent watertight seal. The flexibirity and erastic-memory of ihese sears (unrike metal push nipples), prevents leaks caused by thermal expansion and contraction. A special high-temperature sealant between the ground joint sections assures gas tightness. And, of course, cast iron means long life - lt's not uncommon for a Weil-Mclain boiler to last 35 years or more. Premix technology mixes combustion air with the gas before it ignites at the burner cone, reducing NOx emissions ... and makes the GVboiler more environmentally friendly. The GV boiler is low Nox certified by the south coast Air Quality Management District (Rule 1146.2) in carifornia.The NOx level of the GV boilers is as low as 3b nanograms per joule, well below the SCAQMD limit of 40 no/J. ,!\r' ffl' FeaturnJQ . . Alrantagn{. . . Bnrnfits Ilosrt slonr'l-t f -scru,H-e. Components are easy to get to by removing the top jacket panel. I:rtstt to ttD.lerste,t.l. Pictorial wiring diagrams and troubleshooting guide in the top jacket panel. -/i'rr,.'r' ;.,.rr1-.. Faster, easier service ...more reliable operation. S..,t/.'J c,nnLtrsti,,tt. Reduces energy usage by eliminating air infiltration. IJuih-i,, l,11y,ot, circulolr,r srr-s/e rrr. With sensor for temperature control. (tnitlua crrntLusti,rrt lorl,uulr,,111 Assures higher efficiency with fewer parts and less complexity. Achieved through premix technology - gas and air are thoroughly mixed in the blower before entering the single burner. GC,\t GOI-l) C,,,t!rol ,\L,,lulc.. Designed forWeil-Mclain ... Mistake proof wiring ... diagnostic indicator lights. Si,,,l,/.,, l1r('pa,re .rnttarsiott. Just change the orifice plate provided with the boiler - simple to do. l:ost1 t,, lrrr,r,.llu. New crate design with the weight at the bottom for easy hand{rucking. I:ttcltrtl-tcstc,/. Every boiler is tested at the factory to assure dependable operation. I Ic,t su,facc iltttiliotr. Provides more reliable starts without adjustments. ,\brc l,.rrl-. ,t;,p,vr,r7,;lr. Parts furnished in convenient kits with everything needed. I-intifu,l lij'etinrc u'L1rrL7nttt. Covers cast iron sections. ,\lrlt;plo l,,,ile, s,r-,lc,n-.. Use two or more high-efficiency GV boilers in place of one large- capacity boiler to meet the space-heating requiremenls of larger buildings. ]lrrru l,,,rr'", lrrrokup. J-box is located on the outside of the boiler and has pre-stripped wires. Just as the GV GOLD Boiler is a major breakthrough in gas boiler design, the GCM GOLD Control Moduleo is a major breakthrough in boiler controls. lt is the first control designed specifically for boilers - still another Weil-McLain exclusive. The enclosed GCM has: . five indicator lights - power, thermostat & circulator, limit, pressure switch, flame - that show proper operation and make troubleshooting easy without complicated add-on wiring. . plug-in connectors that attach only one way to assure mistake proof wiring if components ever need to be replaced- The GCM controls: . all ignition, operating and safety-related functions. In addition, its microprocessor continually checks itself 60 times each second. lf a situation such as electrical "noise" or low voltage is encount- ered, the GCM restarts and retries, eliminating nuisance lockouts. . the flow rate ofthe system circulator depending on the temperature of the water entering the boiler section. . the bypass circulator, mixing hot water from the boiler outlet with colder return water from the system when needed. By balancing the flow rates of the system and bypass circulators, the GCM can protect against condensation even if retu rn water is as low as 60oF. And regardless of future control improvements, the GCM design assures newer controls will alwavs fit. GV Model 1013"200 lrl€!.rrrJ lont' Co',lrol r-- a a ItA -tg \!" S.e.trc. oa oFzrion /\ wARf\,trNc l\ 5 GCM GOLD Control Module@ Control transformer Blower Air pressure switch Limit switch System circulator Bypass circulator Water iemperature sensor Sequence B Operation- Supply to system Return from system Combustion air inlet fitting Flue outlet Gas valve Pressure/temperature gauge Flueway inspection port cover Sensor hose trap Manual air vent Relief valve ! ,..h-, e (^\=/ @ @ \g/ @ IN\v-/ @ How the boiler works ... When a room thermostat calls for heat, the GCM starts the system circulator and blower. The GCM runs the blower long enough to purge the boiler flue passages, then turns on the igniter and lets it warm uo. After a 1S-second warmup, the GCM opens the gas valve, turns the igniter off, and checks for flame. The flame must come on within 4 seconds or the GCM will shut down and try the full cycle again. When the room thermostat is satisfied, the GCM turns off the boiler components and waits for the next call for heat. The GCM indicator lights show normal sequence when the lights are on steady. When a problem occurs, the GCM flashes a combination of lights, which indicates the most likely reason for the problem. a, Cl e, ,fl '-9, rhl ti 4 .4 .-_t - The GV boiler must be vented directly outside - either through a wall, through the roof, or through an unused chimney. Because condensation can occur in the venting system, AL29-4C@ stainless steel venting systems must always be used and vent pipe manufacturers must be approved by Weil-Mclain- see Venting lnstructions for details. When venting through an unused chimney, the vent pipe must be run through the entire length of the chimney. The chimney can be used only as a raceway. To simplify condensate removal, a drain connection is located at the bottom of the vent starter drain tee. The Weil-Mclain GOLD GV is a high- efficiency residential gas boiler with sealed combustion technology -that means using outside air for combustion. This feature lowers fuel bills by reducing air infiltration and eliminates problems caused by indoor air contaminants. Outside combustion air can be used when the boiler is vented through a side wall or through the roof. To provide outside air, use galvanized or aluminum pipe, dryer vent or P.V.C. A patented sidewall vent kit is furnished as standard equipment. A throughthe-roof vent kit is available as additional equipment. :^: *.,' t atings DOE Seasonal Efficiency (AFUE)% Vent Diameter Inches (3) Boiler Wat€r Content (Gal.)s @ \lv-J GV.4 GV.5 Boiler Model GV-6 70 105 140 175 53 80 105 133 Supply Size In c hes 270 320 16t 410 87.5 87.3 87.2 87.0 Boiler Model GV.3 GV.4 GV-5 GV-6 61 92 tzz 153 Length . Inches 30-3/4 30-3/4 37-3t4 37-3t4 Return Size lnches Gas Connection Size Inches % lz 1n 1t2 3 3 4.2 5.1 6.0 @ NOtgS: 1) Based on slandard lesl prccedures prescdbed by the United Slales Deparhenl of Energy. 2) Net l=B:R ralings are based on nel inslalled radratron of suf|lcient quantity for he reqLlircments of $re build ng and nothing ieed be addeC for rormal oiping and prck,Lc. Ralings are based o. a giping and prck-rp allowance of 1 15. An addi:icnal allowance should be made lor uiusuar p pjng aid pick-up loads 3) GV boile€ must be vented drrectly to ihe oulsrde. Lovr NOx ced fred by SCAOI4D in Calrfomia. as ow as 30 naoogrcms per ]oule A.G.A. design ce'1ied fo' nsta lalon or combustible floodng -fes:ed for 5t PS working pressure. GV auiomalica ly comp€nsates for altjlude resulting in recuced inputas fol ows: 2000 t. . 939'0 3000 ft.-900/i:a000ft. - 87%;anc 3%foreach add ibonal 1000 fl. For boilers used ai altitudes above 5500t. a h qh altitude kit m!st be instalec. Dimensions 1 1 1 1 Crate Dimensions 0utside Measurements - In.) Width Height 33-1t2 22 36 JJ-IZ tZ JO 33-1t2 22 43 33-112 22 43 FN€SH lmi oP€r{tIGs'.. BOILER ---FROa{T l<-- l0y. !-- top vtEw THROUGH WALL v.r|t C6p is l4,t x lOF,t I r I k-Tl L_r*_J Locate our Sales Offices by visiting our Website: www.weil-mclain.com 30 PSI ASIVE Relief Valve (boiler sections iested for 50 PSI working pressure) Water Temperature Limit Switch Section Block Temperature Limit Switch Combination Pressure-Temperature Gauge Drain Valve Additional Ec u ipnrent: Expansion Tank Package #'109 - sizes 3 thru 5: #110 - size 6. Shipped in separate carton. Through the Roof Termination Kit - includes 5" x 5" x 3" tee, 5" cap, flue support, spacer clamps. debris screen and hardware. 5" Type B vent pipe and fittings must be furnished by installer- High Altitude Kit W-M 5 & l0 Year Homeowner Protection Plan W-M Indirect-fired Water Heaters W-M Maxiflo@ Pool Heaters W-M AlumiPex@ Radiant Heating Products W-M Baseboard Units Weil-McLain 500 Blaine Street Michigan City, lN 46360-2388 * Circulators supplied with boiler cannot be removed and cannot be used as a zone circulator in multiple zone systems.** lncludes inside and outside plates, vent cap and hardware. In the interest of continual improvements in product and performance, l,Veil-McLain reserves the right to change specifications without nolice. @Hf,Jl'*l*lT. DOE I Net l=B=R I Approx. A.c.A. lHeating I Water lSnipping Input lCapacity I Ratings lWeight MBH I MBH (1) | MBH (2) | (Lbs.) SIDE ELEVAIIOT{ Standard and Additional Equipment Standard Equipment: Factory Tested Insulated Extended Jacket Cast lron Sections with Built-in Air Separator Steel Base GCN/ GOLD Control Module@ with lndicator Lights Blower Assembly with Observation Port Gas/Air Manifold Assembly Gas/Air Orifice Plate for Natural Gas (separate plate furnished for conversion to propane) Stainless Steel Burner Cone and Rino Assemblv Negative Regulation Gas Valve Hol Surface lgnition System Air Pressure Switch System Circulator* Builtin Bypass Circulator System with Sensor for Temperature Control* Condensate Drain TraD Sidewall Vent Termination Kit** 4oVA Transformer Electrical Junction Box O 1999 Weil-McLain Form No. C-834R2(0999) GV Water boiler Series 3 Venting Supplement Saf-T Vent@ - 3" venting Special gas vent system vent and combustion air supplement for 3" diamoter venting Hazard definitions To the installer: Cewrou NOTICE Heat-Fab, Inc. Saf-T Vento AL29-4C.' Stainless Steel Special Gas Vent Syslem may be used in new installations ol GV-3 throuoh GV-6 boilers. The following terrns are used throughout this I'enting Supplement to bring attention to the presence of hazards ofvarious risk levels or to important information concerning the life of the product. Indicates presence of hazards that will cause severe personal injurl death or substantial property damage. Indicates presence of hazards that can cause severe personal injury, death or substantial propcrtl' damage. Indicates presence ofhazards that willor can cause minor personal injury or proPerty oaniage. Indicates special instructions on installation, operation or maintenance that are irnportant but not related to personal injury or property damage. This !'enting Supplement must only be used by a qualified installeri service technician. Read these instructions completely before beginning the installation. Failure to follorv these instructions in proper order can cause serere personal injury', death or substantial property damage. To install a new !ent svstern folloiv instruct ions in: . This Venting Supplement. . GV Boilers Vent/Air Intake Termination Assembly Instructions, if using Weil-McLain Vent/Air Intake Termination Kit. - OR -. GV Water Boiler Series 2 & 3 Direct vent Through-roof or Through- unused-chimney Venting Supplement, if using Weil-Mclain Through-Roof or Through-Unused-Chimney Termination Kit. . Saf-T Vent@ manufacturer'.s instructions supplied with vent material. For installations above 5,500 feet use only direct vent (ducted combustion air) when sidervall renting. All of the vertical (through-roof or through- unused-chimney) methods in this Venting Supplement are acceptable. Can result in serere personal rnjurr', death or substantial property damage if rsnored. ^PPtOYt0 Part Number 550- 1 '10-265/0699 &u* ffiv &trm**o ***x;N*!L sc*r**s 3 @ Gombustion air supply SpeCial nOte Refer to GV Series 3 Boiler Manual for sizing free area of combustion/ventilation air openings. All boilers experience some condensation in section assembly during start-up. Unlike most conventional boilers, condensation is minimized in the GV Series 3 Boiler bya built-in mixing system, maintaining boiler return water temperature above 130 0F, during steady state operation. Flue gas condensate is slightly acidic. In most cases pH level is not harmfi..rl to vents or drains. When combustion air is contaminated by vapors from products and areas, listed in Table 1 below, condensate acidic levels increase. Higher acidic levels attack many materials, including stainless steel commonly used in high emciency systems. *":"',:L'"',fi ;",',il::'*::*,:*T:;,flT1#liH:'.'iJ+:f, ,.;ffi w,whichwi,, induce acidic contamination. You want to reduce infiltration ilto your home through openings around windows and doors. Table 1 Corrosive contaminants Spray cans conlaining chloro/fluorocarbons chlorinated waxes/cleaners Chlorine-based swimminq Dool chemicals Calcium chloride used lor thawing Refrigerant leaks Hvdrochloric acid/muriatic acid Antistatic fabric softeners used in clothes drvers Adhesives used to fasten building products and other similar Droducts To prevent potential ofsevere personal injury or death, check for areas and products listed above before installing boiler. Iffound: . remove products permanently - OR -. orovide outside combustion air Dry cleaningllaundry areas and establishments Metal labrication olants Relrigeration repair shops Auto body shops Furniture ref inishing areas and eslablishments Remodeling areas Part Number 550-1 10-265/0699 oo S*S-T' W*ar*E V*mt*ng Sxlpp&xmeaxt *pr 3; **ixs*ster veRtlars @| Vent termination Venting method definitions Direct vent - Uses outside combustirrn air with combustion air connector pipingsealed at all joints and seams. Also known as "sealed combustion'. Non-Direct vent - Uses inside combustion air with no combustion air connector piping. Follow instructions on this page when determining vent location to avoid possibiligv of severe personal injurS death or substantial property damage. When using direct vent method - Refer to separate instructions oacked with Weil-Mclain direct vent termination kit and vent pipe manufacturer's instructions for additional locations. For location ofnon-direct vent vertical termination, see vent pipe manufacturer's instructions. Gases willJorm white plume in winter. Plume could obstruct wlnoowvlew. Prevailing luinds cou-ld cause freezing of condensate and water/ice buildup on building, plants or roof. Locate or guard vent to prevent accidental contact by people or pets. 6. Do not terminate vent in window well, stairwell, alcove, courtvard. or other recessed areas. 7. Non-Direct vent installations only - Vent must terminate more than 4 feet below or to side of all doors or windows. See Figure 1. 8. Vent must terminate more than 1 foot above grade or anticipated snow line. In addition, vent termination must be at least 7 feet above public wallanray and 3 feet above any forced air intake within l0 feet. Stay well away from trees, shrubs, and decorative items. Site cbnditions may dictate greater clearances, See Figure 1. 9. Vent must terminate at least 4 feet horizontall* and in no case above or below, unless a 4 foot horizontal distance rs maintained, from electric meters, gas meters, regulators, relief valves, and other equipment. 10. Locate or guard vent to prevent condensate from damaging exterror hrushes. 11. Do not extend exposed vent pipe outside of building. Condensate could freeze and block vent pipe. 12. Vent must terminate at least 6 feet away from adjacent walls. 13. Do not terminate vent closer than 5 feet below roofoverhang. 14. Do not terminate vent above any door or window. Condensate can freeze, causing ice formations. 15. Do not use existing chimney as raceway ifanother appliance or fireplace is vented into or through chimney, 16. Do not connect: . Any other appliance to vent pipe. . Multiple boilers to d comrnon vent pipe. 17. Do not wrap or insulate vent pipe and fittings. 18. Canadian installations - See CAN/CGA 8149.1 or 8149.2 Installation Code. ]. Properly locate vent termination 3. 5. ', E8E!8EI *ti:,5ffii;#fi:,9?:;:*iil",il"#ii or belowbuilding extensions such as eaves, parapets, balconies or decks. Failure to comply could result in severe personal injury, death or substantial property damase. N, *! Forced air intake Figure 1 Vent termination locations 0 Part Number 550-1 10-265/0699 &pq3***Se*"X** S o t ffi*X-m €3V &gV*x**x' Connect vent starter tee to boiler lnstallation - ?ss€mblY Follow the instructions in the GV Series 3 Boiler Manual section IIb to connect the vent starter tee to the boiler. Construct vent and oPtional combustion air run Connect vent run to termination Follow vent pipe manufacturer's instructions for sealing the vent' Vent and combustion'air connector piping must be sealed gas-tight to prevent plirlUifity of nr. gas spillageand cirbon monoxide emissions' resulting in severe personal InJurY or oearn' 1. Follow Saf.T Vento manufacturer's instructions to construct vent run and for methods of supporting vent runs. . Clean joints before sealing. See vent pipe manufacturer's instructions to ciean joints. . Use their specified sealant (maximum 250 0F flue temperatule). Do not use screws' . Do not mlx tlPes ot manufacturers of vent materials' . Maintain minimum one-inch clearance from combustible materials to vent pipe; 0" clearance for noncombustible materials' . Install vent pipe with seams on top of vent runs' . If needed, use slip connector to adjust for nonstandard pipe lengths. See vent pipe man ulacturer's inslructions for use. 2. If installing with direct vent method, use instructions provided with weil-Mclain termination kit. See Figures 3,4 or 5 on page 5' Venting through sidewall 1. If usine Weil-Mclain Vent/Air Intake Termination Kit, see instructions provided inrhat kit. Apilies to direct (Figure 3, page 5) or non-direct venr (Figure 4' page 5) method' 2. If using non-direct method with termination coupling only, see Figures 8 and 9' . Do not seal slip connector to inside or outside plate' . If passins through noncombustible wall, provide hole diameter large enough to insert thi slip c"onnect6r through' Sleeve and spacers are not required' 3. Maintain minimum one-inch clearance from combustible materials to vent pipe;0" clearance for noncombustible materials. 4. Refer to vent termination WARNING' item 19 on page 3' Venting through existing chimney or roof l. Dfuect vent method - follow instructions supplied in weil-Mclain Through-Roof or ihrough-Unused-Chimney Termination Kit to assemble termination' 2. Non-Direct vent method (only through the roof, not through chimney): . vent pipe must extend through roof flashing, jacket or thimble. see Figure 10. . Vent may pass throrrgh floor, inside wall or concealed space when installed according to uent pipe manufacturer's instructions. 3. Maintain minimum one-inch clearance from combustible materials to vent pipe. O Part Number 550- 1 10-265/0699 o Saf-T Venti Venting $upplen'rent for o 3u diarneter venting Figure 8 Sidewall termination installation (non-direct venting) 74" to 74' between stop on . ^ termination and metal plate 4' Galvanized sleeve (within 4-118" hole for combustible wall) --"1 a.z a Pipe section Band clamp Metal plate ' Spacer 10 support sleeve on vent Metal plate Sealant Figure 9 Non-direct vent through sidewall (using termination coupling) Follow Saf-T VenP manulacturers instructions fot DrcDer installation of vent runs, including slope and support. b l i Figure 10 Non-direct vent through roof Follow Saf-T VenF manufacturer's instructions for proper installation ol vent runs, including slope and support. 26504b Saf-T Vert' 26505b Part Number 550-1 10-265/0699 &** ffiw &ffm€*r $xm&**t* ***x*s *@ Finish the vent installation luEtl-fihnlll lf vent pipe or combustion air pipe must be reassembled When vent pipe or comhrustion air pipe is disconnected for any reason, it must be reassembled and resealed accordilg to this Venting Supplement, the direct vent termination kit instructions and the vent pipe manufacturer's instructions. Sealant recommended by vent pipe manufacturer mustbe used as indicated in their instructions. Vent and combustion air comector piping must be sealed gas-tight to prevent possibility of flue gas spillage and carbon monoxide emissions, resulting in severe personal injury or death. Figure 11 Installation of condensate tubing Saf-T Vent' vent starter tee l-\ 5/8" O.D. tubing, provided by others Weil-Mclain 500 Blaine Street Michigan City, lN 46360-2388 http : //www-w e i I - mc I ain. com lnstallation - assembly continued lnstalling conden$ate tubing 1. See Figure 11 to install condensate tubing (provided by others). Use condensate pump if floor drain is higher than condensate drain on boiler. Ifrequired: . use a low-profile pump - OR -. set boiler on foundation (see GV Series 3 Boiler Manual) to allow gravity flow to pump. 2. Size pump in gal/hr (boiler model): . 0.78 (GV-3) . 1.17 (GV-4). 1.s6 (cv-s) . 1.95 (GV-6) Refer to pump manufacturer's instructions. Drain to a non-fieezinq area. A United Dominion Company Part Number 550-1 10-265/0699 The lekmar 4 - Way Mixing Valves 016 - 023 mix supply water from a source with water returning from a system. The valve can be automatically operated by utilizing a tekmar Acluating Motor and a {loaling action control signal. This precision valve is manufactured to the highest quality standards for a long trouble tree service. lt is designed for use in closed loop hydronic systems with properly treated waler. The valve provides a maximum of 1 % leak through rale 1o allow for water expansion during temperature changes. The diagram to the left shows the valve fully closed in its standard configuration. When the valve llap is in the fully closed position, 100% of the boiler supply water is relurned to the boiler and 100% of the heating system re- turn waler is supplied to the system. When the valve flap is in the lully open positjon, 1O0Y" ol the boiler supply water enters the heating system and 1000/" ol the heating system return water returns to the boiler. Mixing of the water takes place when the valve flap is in an intermediate position.Valve flap in the closed posilion Valve flap in an intermediate (mixing) position Valve llap in lhe open position STEPONE-TGETTING READ Check the contents ot this package. lf any oJ the items listed below are missing or damaged, please refer to the Limited Warranty and Product Return Procedure on the back of this brochure and contact vour wholesaler or local tekmar reDresenlative. Types 016 - 019 include Types 021 - 023 include . One Mixing Valve & One Data Brochure D 01 6 . One Mixing Valve, 4 flanges, 4 gaskets, 16 nuts and bolts and One Data Brochure D 016 STEP TWO IT MOUNTING Note lf types 021-023 are assembled and welded "in place", the flap assembly must be removed f rom the valve body when welding since excessive heat will damage the internal rubber seals. The 4-way mixing valve can be converted to a 3 - way valve by capping the "to boilef' port. Standard Conliguration The 4-way mixing valve can be plumbed in standard configuration with the supply lrom the boiler entering the ' right port and the return from the syslem entering the left port. Reverse Conliguration The 4-way mixing valve can also be plumbed in reverse configuration with the supply from the boiler entering the lefl port and the return f rom the system entering the right port. With this configuration, the valve scale plate must be re-orientated. Changing the Scale Plate for Reverse Configuration Wrihg tor revarse conliguralion Rotate Scale Plate 180" The body of the tekmar mixing valve is constructed f rom cast iron which has been lound to be the most economical and suitable material lor the high stress environment in which the valve operates. As with all ferrous components in a hydronic system, certain precautions are required in order to prevent any appreciable corrosion lrom occurring. When the mixing valve is used with a lekmar mixing reset conlrol, the control ensures that the valve is fully opened and fully closed every three days. During this exercising period, a stainless steel roller seal scrapes the corrosion oroducts off the inside of the valve in order to orevent the valve llap from seizing. ln some automatic systems, an exercising function is not provided and the mixing valve flap is not rotated through rts full range. A build up of corrosion outside the normal range ol motion can resuh in the valve flap jamming when a greater movement is required. This is typically found in systems where the valve is oversized for most of the heating season and is then required to supply additional heat on a very cold day. One indication of a seized valve flap is a broken actuating motor coupling. Before replacing the coupling, carefu lly disassemble and clean the valve. lf corrosion is not evident, ensure the system is free from any foreign material that may have lodged in the valve. Damage to the valve due to foreign objects or excessive corrosion is not covered under warranly. When the mixing valve is used manually, adequate corrosion control must be provided and the valve flap should be rotated through its full range on a regular basis in order to prevent seizure. It the valve tlap does become jammed, do not force it to move as inlernal components may be damaged. A seized valve musl be carefully disassembled and cleaned. To disassemble the valve, remove the 4 bonnet bolts and carefully pull the flap assembly out of the valve body. Cleaning the Mixing Valve 1" valves have 4 hex socket cap screws undef lhealuminum scale plate. Use lhe valve handle lo carclu ypull the llap assembly sf.alghf out from the valve body. After removing the {lap assembly, carelully remove rusl and scale from the valve body and flap assembly using steel wool or sand cloth. The valve should be lubricated with a waterproof high temperature grease before it is reassembled. Exploded View All Valve Parts Less Cast lron Body @ Retainer - "O' Bing To reduce lhe possibillly ol dam- age to lhe valve, install a tekmar Mixing Control with an "exercis- ing fuhction'. When the valve flap i$ exercised regu- larly, the full lange of molion 01 the mixing valve remains lree of corrosion. Corosion build up within a valve due to poor water quality and a llmited range of vaive flap motion. Bonnel Gasket A broken plastic coupling is an indlcation that the valve has jammed. Corosion buildup wilhin a manual valve due to poor water quality and infrequent valve flao movement. Bonnel Bolt (x4) Bonnet I z x 'o" ninos - Lower "O" Rino Retainer niffi !-. Actuating o Corrosion occurs when metals are placed in a liquid environment in which the liquid has a high oxygen or mineral content or the liquid is very acidic. Factors such as temperalure and flow rate affect the rate at which the corrosion occurs. Preventing Oxidation Oxidation results when oxygen dissolved in the water reacts with the iron to {orm ferric hydroxide (rust). When a cjosed hydronic system is filled with fresh water, oxidation occurs until the oxygen is consumed. lt is important lo prevent new oxygen from entering the system and continuing the oxidation process. The most common sources of oxygen include oxygen diffusion through pipe materials and lhe continuous addition of make up water due to leakage lrom the system. Fresh air and oxygen may also enter the system if a negative pressure exisls due to an incorrect placement of the pump and expansion tank. lf new oxygen cannot be prevented from entering the system, chemical treatments such as oxygen scavengers musl be used. lt is important to note that the use of chemicals requires periodic maintenance. Raising the pH Level of the Water Water with a pH of less than 4.5 (acidic) greatly accelerates the corrosion of iron and sleel. One method of reducing corrosion of iron in a closed syslem is to increase the pH level to produce an alkaline solution. A water treatment specialist should be consulted for more information on the available chemical lrealments for adjusting the pH level. Reducing Galvanic Corrosion Galvanic corrosion results when different melals network. The mixing valve is commonly used in To reduce localized corrosion in the mixing valve, install steel pipe between the boiler and the mixing valve. When using plastic pipe, an oxygenditfusion barrier is otten available. lf oxygen continues to remain within the system, usean oxy- gen scavenger. are use in the same piping both copper and mild steel valve Flap Assembly (includes bonnet, bonnel gaskel, 3 x "O" rings, pre - assembled ) Seal Kit (includes3x"O"Rings and bonnel gasket) type 016 - Part # M3022 type 017 - Part # M3022 type 018 - Part # M3022 type 019 - Part # M3022 type 021 - Part # M3023 type 022 - Part # M3024 type 023 - Part # M3024 & Retaining Screw - Parl # M3O25 type 016 - Part # M3017 type 017 - Part # M3018 type 018 - Part # M3018 type 019 - Part # M3018 type 021 - Part # M3019 tyPe 022 - Part # M3020 type 023 - Part # M3021 (black iron) piping systems. Mild steel pipe does not cause casl iron 10 corrode and is the recommended piping material for use with the mixing valve. When a small amount of cast iron is placed in a large copper piping network, the cast iron corrodes quickly. Sections of the copper pipe can be replaced with mild steel pipe to reduce the severity of the corrosion. Mild steel generally corrodes more quicklythan cast iron and lhereforethe pipe is sacrificed forthe valve. Dielectric unions can also be used to separate ferrous and copper materials in order to reduce corrosion of the iron components. Using a Corrosion Resistant Heat Exchanger Heat exchangers which have a corrosion resistant liner or which are manufaclured lrom stainless steel can be used to isolate the cast irorl mixing valve from corrosive components. The heat exchanger is typically used to separate oxygen permeable pipe or copper pipe from ferrous components. A heat exchanger with a high rate oJ heat transter (Btu per hour) is recommended 1o prevent the valve from oscillating. A plate type heat exchanger is typically used. Adding a Corrosion Inhibitor Avariety of corrosion inhibitors are available which can help prevent corrosion in lhe system. In syslems which require an anlifreeze, the corrosion inhibitor may be included as part of the antifreeze solution. For more information, it is best to consult the individual companies who manufacture corrosion inhibitors. Valve Handle All Sizes Cylindrical Coupling All Sizes - Part # GA)l0 o o o : 4-Way Mixing Valves 016 - 023 Lrleralure Maximum operating pressure Operating temperature range Acceptable tluid media - D 016, Essays - 90 psi (600 kPa) - 32'F (0'C) to 230"F (1 10'C) (for pure water) - Chilled and hot water with antifreeze and anticorrosive compounds (max. 60%), glycol, elhyl alcohol g ycol, propylene dichloride alcohol, mono ethyl alcohol, elhyl methyl alcohol, glycerine. Not lor media based on minerul oil components. - Stainless Steel - Silicon Rubber - EPDM "O" rings Valves with butt-welded flanges (gaskets, flanges, nuts and bolls rncluded) Valve Body - Cast lron lrixing Vane (types 016 to 019) -Glass F bre Reinforced PPO Plaslic (types 021 to 023) - Casl lron Shatt and Roller Seals Seal Springs Shatt Seal type 021 to 023 -buftwelded flanges tYDe 016 to 019 -fbimale NPT conneclions Valve Perlormance Curves Limited Warranty The liability ol tekmar Control Systems Ltd- and tekmar Contrcl Systems, lnc. ("tekmar") under this wa anty is llmited, Please rcad and understad the conditions appea ng hercin, tekmar warrants each tekrnar product againbt defects in woftmanship and mate als, when the product is installed and used in compliance with tekmar's instruclions. The warranty period is for a period of twenty-four (24) months from the produclion date il lhe product is not inslalled during thal period, or twelve (12) months lrom the documenled date of installation if installed within twentyjour (24) months lrom the production date, but in any evenl the warranty period shaLl not extend beyond lhirty- six (36) months trom the production date. During the warranty period, lekmarwill, al its discretion, elther repair at no charge, exchange or give credit for lhe defective product, provided the producl is returned to tekmar. The liability of lekmar shall be limited to the cost of parts and labour provlded by tekmar to correct delects in materials and / or work-manship or to the exchange of the deiective product for a replacement product or to the granting ol credit limited to the original cost of the product, attekma/s djscretion, and such repair, exchange or credit shall be deemed to be the sole remedy available lrom tekmar. This warranly does not cover the cost ol lhe parts or labour to remove or lo transpon lhe defective product, Or lo reinstall the reoaired or reolacemenl Droduct. Retumed oroducts that are nol de'ective are not covered by this warranty. Thls warranty does not apply if the product has been damaged by accidenl, abuse, misuse, negligence, fjre, Act of God, or has been damaged by modifications, alterations or attachments made subseouenl to ourchase which have not been authorized by tekmar, or il the product was not installed in compliance wilh the local codes and ordinances, or it due to defective installation of the product. The warranty applicable lo a product is as set oul in the statement ot warranly policy (the "Warranty") above, receipt ol which is hereby acknowledged. The liability of lekmar is limited to those obligations idenlilied in lhe t/yarranty as obligalions ol lekmar. The warranty is understood to be in subslitulion lor any loss, costs or damages lor nhich tekmar might otherwise be liable at law or in equity and in parlicular, in lieu ol any liability for lundamenlal brcach of conlract. tekmar disclaims any responsibility tor losses, expenses, inconveniences, ot any special, indirect, secondary, incidenlal ot consequential damages arising trom ownership or use ol any itemssubiect to any claim hereunder, regardless ot whether such claim is staled in conlract, lort or girict product liability. This warranty is in lieu ol all other warranties, express or implied, including, without limilalion, waranties ol merchantability, tilness f ora particular purpose, durability or description ot the product, its non.infringer€nt ol any relevant patenls ortrademarks, and its compliancewithornon-violation ofanyapplicable environmental, health or salely legislation. No implied warranties shall extend beyond lwenty-iour (24) months trom the pfoduclion dale. Some states or provinces do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may nol apply lo you. This warranty gives you specilic legal rights, and you may also have other rjghts which vary from state to slate or orovlnce Io orovrnce. Ploduct Return Procedures P roducls that are believed to have defecls in wo rkmanship or materials must be returned, together with a written description of the defect, to the tekmar representative for that lerritory. lf the address of the representative is not known, please request it from tekmar al the telephone number listed below- tekmar Control Systems Ltd., Canada tekmar Control Systems, Inc., USA Head Office: 4611 - 23rd Street Vernon, B.C. Canada V1T 4K7 Tef. (60a) 545-7749 Fax. (604) 545-0650 Product design and literature are Copyright O 1996 by: tekmar Control Systems Lld- and tekmar Control Syslems, Inc. All specilicalions are subiect lo change without notice. l& Printed in Canada on recycled paper. \lC7 TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 ou,t"r*r oF coMMLJN,r" orurror^t NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: Job Address: 5027 UTE LN VAIL [.ocation.....: 5027 Ute Lane ParcelNo...: 20991821902l ProjectNo : R2.JO| -OO33 OWNER OKUBO, T. LARRY & RENEE 12530 W 60TH AVE L0/L8/2001 Phone: ARVADA CO I0004 License: coMrRAcToR FRISCO FIREPLACE 6. STOVE SHO1O/18/2001 Phone: 970-668-3760 P O BOX 1330 FRTSCO, co I0443 License: 101-M APPI-,IC3I{T FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE SHOLA/L8/2O0L Phone: 970-668-3760 P O BOX 1330 FRISCO, CO 80443 I-,icense: 101-M Desciption: INSTALL 2 DIRECT VENT GAS FIREPLACES Valuation: $5.020.00 Fireplace Information: Resfided: y # ofcas Appliances: 0 **t,i*rrtr,r*tt*****t*'t*:i:i:it*ttaa:3*taa*:lta***+**:t****tt**tt**ttr'ttt**** FEE STMMAR\' M0l-0210 ISSUED r0/18/2001 tzl051200l 06/0312002 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pe[a: 0 ***tt**ttjrlr,tr*lt*ratttattttrtt*rt**t***:l:t'i*:l:l'tltltat**'lt*'ltt Mechani cal--> Pldn check-> Inveetigation-> Will Call--> L0/L8/2O0L DF It,em: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEITT S120. oo Resluarant Plan Reviel'l-i 53o ' oo DRB Fee----------'--:' 90 . oo ToTAL FEES------_- s3.00 s0.00 so - 00 9153 .00 Tolal Calculated Fees-:' Mditional Fees----:-' Total Permil Fee-----'- PaYments---------- ' BALANCE DLTE-*----> (91s3 . 00 ) s0.00 $0. oo $o.0o *tt*,la:ll*lltlt'r*la ftem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE PSQUIRSD TO CHECK FOR CODE coMPI-',IANCE' Cortd: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER sEc. 701 oF TIIE 1997 IIMC' OR SEC!TIOIT 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (Br-,DG.): TNSTAI-TLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANIIFACTTIRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CIIAPTER 10 OF TI{E 199? I'MC. CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDCI. ) : TERMINATE Cond:29 (BLDG. ) : Tr# 1997 Cond:31 (BLDG.): BOTT,ERS SHALL BE MOITN.TED ON FT,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBLE coNST. rlilrl,Ess I,ISTED FOR MOI'NTING O}I COMBUSTIBI-,E FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): pERMIT,PLANS AI.ID CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECI{AIiIICAIT ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (Br_,DG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANTCAI ROOMS CONTATNTNG HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOIL,ERS SHAI-,L BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 oF TI{E 1997 UMC' OR sEcTroN l-004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accdrate plot plarl and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according toG towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigrr review approved, Uniform Building code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOTIR HOIIRS IN ADV BY TELEPHoNE AT 479,?138 OR AT OLIR OFFICE FROM E:00 AM - 5 PM r, ON OWNEN OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE ING TO CHAPTEI END SIIALI-,GAS APPI,IA}ICES SHAI,FBE VENTED ACCORD: AS SPECTFIED IN SEC.SO6 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER I OF THE 1997 IMC. AccEss To IIEATING EQUIPMEIflI MUST COMPI-,Y WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1017 OF IIMC Af.ID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. APPLI - -M3,, Building Permit # :jlot - tt t +/-, Mechanical permit #: 97 O- 47 9-2t49 (Inspections) MWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81557 *\a1- L3t V A L ER,MIT APP Pernrrl will not be accepted witirout the following: Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets Contact Assessgrs Office at 97O-328-8640 or for Parcel #Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided abo@ iob Name: $gv-f (''* '- *-_5q_!lz L/trNL ?.,{att- Filing: Owners Name: \MorkClass: New(). Mditron( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Othcrl ,1 Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other 1 )Does an EHU exist at this location: yes ( ) No ( ) Tvpeof Bldg: single lamily ( ) .Duplex \p Multi-famity ( ) comnrerciat ( ) Rcstaurant ( ) other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buildinq:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplac cas Loqs ( ) tqQod/pellet ( ) Wood Burnin No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( |) Gas Logs ( ; wood/peilei ( )Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EpA phase II devr'ce?Yes ( ) No( ) coMPLETE vAtuATroN FoR MECHANTCAL pERMrr (Labor & Materiats) CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Mechanical Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact-and Phone #'s: Contractor Signature: * * * ***** **** xx** ****x**xFoR oFFICE USE ONLyx*** *** *** * *xx* * **x x * x x x* ** ** Feesr DRB Fees: Fr / everyone/forms/mechperm Planner o i tr .T + 1r\-,t.., .\ ; -l i,r,,* " ,\r tttt*' ".1 Jr .,t T :',tt ' rJ'" * i l ."1 a I I q: .i. ,.,.J l| o o u^,( TOW\IOF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 #oorr"*r oF .'MMUNITY or*ttr* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0034 ]ob Address: 5027 UTE LN VAIL Status . . . : FINAL Location.....: 5027 B Ute Lane Applied . . : 03/06/2002 Parcel No...: 20991.8219021, Issued . . : ProjectNo: Expires..: 03/11'/2002 O}INER OKUBO, T, LARRY & RENEE 03/06/2002 PhONEI 12530 W 60TH AVE ARVADA CO 80004 License: COMTRACTOR FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE SHOO3/06/2OO2 Phone: 970-668-3760 P O BOX 1330 FRISCO, CO 80443 License: l- 01-M APPLTCAT\rr| FRTSCO FIREPT,ACE & STOVE SHOO3/06/2002 Phone: 9?0-668-3760 P O BOX l_330 FRISCO, CO 80443 l,icense: 101--M Desciption: Install 2 direct vent fue gas places Valuation: $4,562.83 Fireolace lnjormation: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 2 # of Gas L.ogs: 0 # of $0 . 00 Total Calcu-lated Fees--> i22e . oo l!'ood Pelleh Mechanical--> 5100. oo Restuarart PLan Review-> Plan Check--> will cdl---->$3 .00 s2 s . 00 DRB Fee-----------> Investisation-> $1oo-oo TOTAL FEES---------> $228.00 Total Pemrit Fee-> $228.00 Payments--=-> F22S , OO $0.00 AdditionalFees----..> BALAT\CE DUE-_.--> $0.00 $0. 00 Item: 05l-0 0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT O3/IL/2OO2 JP(M Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEilI| CONDITIONOF APPROVAL Cond: l-2 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,TA}iICE. Cond:22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 IMC. Cond:23 (BI-,DG. ) : INSTAI-,I,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI]FACTI'RES INSTRUCTIONS A}iID TO CIIAPTER t-0 oF THE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER l-0 OF THE l-997 rMC. Cond.: 25 v (BLDG. ) : GAS APPIJfANCES S[IAI-,L BB VENTED ACCORDING TO TERMTNATE AS SPECIFIED TN SEC,8O6 OF THE 1997 UMC. OR Cond: 29 (BI-,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENI MUST COMPLY WITH THE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:31 (BI-,DG.): BOII-,ERS SHALI-, BE MOI]NITED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IINLESS LISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond:32 (BLDG. ) : PERMIT, PI-,ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECIIANICAI-, ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPITY BOIIJERS SITALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. tO22 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR sEcTroN t_004.5 0F THE 1_997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, comPleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inJormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninf and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buiiding Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQL'ESTS FOR INSPECTIoN SHALL BE MADE T\\ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 o CHAPTER CIIAPTER CI{APTER 8 AND SHAIJI, 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. 3 AND SEC.1017 0F ORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF * **** * * *** * * ** * * * ** ** ** * ***** ******* * ** '1. {. *+****** ** * '{. ***+*:t * ** * * * *** ***** * * * * * * * * * * +,i 1. * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statement *,******+***********,i***:t *******+*********+*****r*****************+**{.**************{.********* StatemenE. Number: ROOO002O27 Amounu: $228.00 03/tl/2jo2o7:3? AM Pa).ment Method: Check Init : JRM Not.ation l Permit No: M02-0034 T]4)e: MECHANICAI PERMIT Parcel No: 2O99L82I9O2L SiE.e Address: 5027 WE LN VArL Location: 5027 B Ute Lane Total Fees: $228.00 This Pa)ment: $228.00 Total- A.LL Pmts: $228 . 00 Balance: 50.00 ** *+** * * * *+ * * ** * * * +*** *********'t+*** * *.** ****+* **t(* ** ******* * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l,! * * * + *i ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curnent Pmts MP OO1OOOO31113OO I4ECHANiCAL PERM]T FETS PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES PN OO1OOOO3153OOO INVESTIGATION FEE (BLDG) I.IC OO1OOOO3112BOO 1,./ILt CALL INSPECTION FEE 100.00 25.00 100.00 3.00 mwNnFntn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 PPLrcArrouvrLL Nor 8E AccEprED rF rNcoMpf,or#frl." Building Permit #: Mechanical permit #: 97 O - 47 I - 2L49 (Inspections) A Permit yrill not be accepted vrrithout the followincl: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scaie to include: n / I Mechanicat Roorn Dimensions -- ^ f; I ( l JombustionAirDuctSizeandLocation ,... 1 -/ )( ))-l Ff ue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Locaf(or/l / \ / .- l_,/ u 'HeatlossCalcs. l\ll I lU EquipmentCut/SpecSheets I Y I V I|l I TO Contact Assessors Officg at 970-32g-864O or visit for Parcel #Parcef # (Required if no bfdg. permit *E t . o L_ l _t <_t <-l Job Name: S,^ ^ a, f (or.rsf"rrh;, fu, .lob Address:fotl 6 ltfe /. Filing:Subdivision: owners Name: Q r6rsf l],' l<Adciress: SOZT B Lt k A Phone: Engineer:Phone: Detailed description of work: t,,// Z Dircof Ur^f_Clt fti.p/aczl Work Class: New (r{ Addition (, .) Alteration ( ) Repair ( ) Other ( / Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other r )Does an EHU exist ut tni, luffi iype of Eldg: Singte-fanrily ( ) ,Duptex (.rrf rrt,.tttrlamtly ( ) con]me|crat ( ) Re-taurarrt ( ) other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. ol Accornrnodation Units in this builc1inq: ll"t ( ) Wood Burnin :No/Type of Fireplaces ProJ:osed: Gas Appliances ( Z:) cas Logs ( I woocr/Feilet 1 ; wooa zuffi qruor ALL6ryED) is this a conversion fronr a wood bu COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (LAbOT & MAIETiAIS) [ryrcr:_l&z:t) ,/ zz_yoD tp.,_trF) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor: I F, ,s'ro l:, -ep i' a ,4 Town of Vail Reg. No.: lo I wt Contact and Phone #'s: Contractor Signature: *********x******jr***x{<xxFoR OFFICE USE ONLy*******:k*****xxx***xx*xx***** F: /everyone/forms/ mechperm __---.l.z | |,J]'>Lot- \ "\ ;b /^[-l^l* n-<,.d e/'Q-es .Lc DIREcT VENT MoDEL GFX-DA Model CFX-DA shoun with optional DF-CFX 36D Front AUTHENTIC MASONRY LOOK N{odel CM-DA combines the nost authentic masonry look with outstanding energ,v efficiency to create an exceptional firepiace. Its glass viewing area is large and allows finishing products to be brought right up to the opening, lending to this fireplace s authentic nasonry look. It also featuns Heat-N-Glo's patented ceramic fiber refractory for a realistic look. The CFX-DA also offers design \,€rsatjliry* with the option of 6 sets of available doors. DIRECT VENT TECHNOLOGY I'lodel CFX-DA is a direct rent fireplace with a sealed combustion chamber Direct I'ent firElaces are air tight and take ail of their combustion air from outside and thus are ideally suited for today's tightly sealed homes, even in a bedroom. Direct vents keep the rvann air in and the cold air out, providing exceptional thermal efficiencies and maintain indoor air qualiqr INSTALLATION VERSATILITY The CFX-DAs draft assisted design alloii's up to 50' horizontal. 40' rertical venting zurd 8 elbou,s for elen more install ation opportunities, *e &&' CFX-OA OPTIoNAL FRONTS BKA.CFX36O Blxck Arched Frcnt DF-CFX36D Black Rectmgular lront BKR-CFX36D Cunrd l)trigner linish PBR-CFX36D Polishd Brass Cun€d D€si$l€r Finish GRD.CFX36D Cold Rectmgular Front GAD-CFX36D Gold lrched lront 'Iht llerulhliirc rurxltl: CFX-361'SP rurtl CFX-I\'368 otlci tltt tttosl rtullrullic rLts(if 11. lool\:trltiLtnit totl;tr rf brilt-irrltlrplllcrr 'i]tei elLtt lte tt..r.'ri ritlr rrriritlrrrLtl titxrr: i,,rltlss 1he 1r'tpiltct Lt1-, lrr sttil tolttllL:tr'.,\lso:rrrtilltitit rLrt lirltr sels ol of,liorrltl (l(x)fs lo ctrltl! tlrr ptrttcl krok 1r't 'ollt ltritttt. lrtlr \ur1 (,1:\ lor:iris tls,r ltlttt,t Iteslt sarlrtlr oi)ti1,n lol l0ro|r itliirli(l:1.. 111'1111.p, lrr0k \ott \'r) cl l r:tti()\ thr ht:rirtilLti jir'r lLl lllr flilr Lrl llrr sl:tt rl:ttrl tlrll s',r ltch of \\ith thr,i)l)1iolr:ll rolro['('ontr(rl \\'r:ir :L gi:r-* rlp.'lng lrLIltr 1h:in nl\l huilt i;r lritlrlltcrs. lltt drr:gl Lrst'tl lil (.1:\ lto'lt,i: is nntilr\rriti rl n,ott lliditilnrtl Irrtsottt, litrllltc,.'i l'['lltrgtr r4iorinq lrlIrlr lirr lLn irirlil ririr ol 1lrr Lirurcing 1l:une: rlnrl gioirlq ioqs :urtl ('r1ll)iri\ l'l,f Lur.tlttt'p:Llrrl|{l iifiilllrc Iibei rtli:lcl]n { jrut\ girrL: ]lt:tllltiir,tl ritlilr ll:rtl tiill [Lrlirtir' ]rtl,t r' lrilt ctr:tlrnS rr g:tlr: gL r'r \\itlLl'snro|t'.tlrr|t:ttr'rt,, IrLlrr:lLboie,rth'.lor tltt'fittltlrtcr'Lrpurirrg.:tll,,,.irtg1irr:t clt'rrtt 1r11.;,111r ],11[ S.lwn,,v th crl lna pllrsf3d brass hooa and GDA CFXT BF bi-rld rl:ar llrc (lFI- I\'.j6B ,rllf l\ :ur (\eil slnplrr inrl:tll:Liiort iiitlr t::t' of (r' B-\r'rtl l'itit rLilLrr,,: lirr' :rtlie rer:rtliljli rrt ii'rttirg llre 1,r' 'tlLrci rlrrl,: kerpirg rrl r\t (ln \ 0irf budgft. \ftriLl CFX-361'SP lf!rr tl't :llnlr grurt (.f-\ [rok il*igrrtrl u i1lr t:llLrtLiingIiIrt. l'l:i: ulIrii: thI frR'1ll:rcc 10 ' ll)r'r'rir r\{']r !,l er i{),1 h;r\f Iost fir.lfi.it\. ,\ll (l|\ Irr(l.l: lrir I l. iislr(l lof u\r,\filir n:Lll1r'ltl g,lri 1f l.ll OPt t()l.t /\l -)()()1. :,f .1) f"toDt ,. 1.. cl'rX-.:itil9'P A\,'r\ Lr\lJL E FOR & C T:X,TV36 B :,'t - srrF-:-.-1r - \.r1,.. ., : j\r, r:. ' :il,#,?',"oi|" ffi*tl#, ffi n=,r,t, be brought right up to the opening, prnviding r realistic nasonn look . A nt\turc of split and whole olksqLe logs crcate a spectacular resemblance of e tr:rditional canrpfire . Erpartded openings provide I panorrrnic vien ol the glowing fire . Realistic trrick refiacton'1ends to its authentic ma-sonry look . 0ptional remote control is dre ultimate ln c0n\,€nlence . LTUcUL listed o \lhl[ switch included (not included in (]il-j6fSP) INDIV}DUAL MoDEL FEATURES Model CFX-DA . Sealed combustion chamber keeps the rvarm lir in and the cold air out . 2i0,000 BTt.t s,/Hr lnput enhances the flares and bun lng emhen . 6 sets of optional doors available . Draft assisted design allous up to 50' of lTorizorrtal renting, 40' of vertical rtnting and 8 elli0ns lbr even more instrllation opportuuities \ Model CFX-36TSP . 60.000 BTI r+tr . Sand pan burner . Standing pilot . Approled with Class A chiitrnev . 6 sels 0f optionel doors allilallle inc]uclilg bi-fold and cabinet stvles in vdrious finlshes . Optional mesh screen . Accessible or/0ff switch . Bi-metallic flue damper for convenient. secure closLrre Model CFX-T\'368 . 3?.500 BTU s,/Hr lnput enhances the flanes and bumrng embers . 6 sets of optional doors available including biJbld and cabinet stlles ln various finishes . Optional mesh screen . Bi-rnetallic flue damper for convenient, secure closure . Appro\ed with 6" B vent for installation t€$atilitv FPTSCO FIREPLACE & STOVE SHOP, LTD. 743TEN MILE DRIVE PO BOX l3ritC FFtrsco co 8{x43 VOICE: (97O) 668-3760 F.a.X: (970) 668-5506 WEB: WWWONEIMAGE.COM/-FIFETECH 5t;'t !',. j '""r R0-Snrart Remole Control No one builds a better ffr€ Top 21 1a -.l--,,ur,:,.-ffiT,r,,, Erecrn,cr. l3''ACCESST - 'WIDTH BACX WIDTH DEPTH FRONT GLASS OPENING Framrng Ffaming l 39 3,1 22 i,e 39 31d 19 r a 20 i a 35114 x 23 3,! 36 3,,1 21 112 36 3,,1 18 3,4 19 rrl 32 7:s x 22 3ta flLtl..\-(11,0, I di!isi0n of Hedrth llcluologics Inc. It)E0.: flcnsington BoLrle\ilrd. l,ahe\il]e, V\ ii0l.1 (952) 985-6m0 r'L\ (952) 985-6001 Dmail us at: i io@hrttugio.({Jnr tisit our \Ieb site at: $ri\.hcltn{hr con Uodcl [n(-DA Corner O,on,Top Modet CFX-36TSP lllodel CEI-T\'368 Corner <'r\ i /\/\\ rs o.l insia ng this product. od cally ,lame and ember appearanc? may vary cascu c4 the type ol luet ourned and ihe ventrng co'riiguration used. T I t F._ \ .\.^./ \,^ \' \\,. Aj \ p,",-,/r i1 it'i' lri: ,.lLir 6rtra,,Lhl rr nr,1,i lktl,ll^\rq'rr-r':rlrr,5L.Lr,\) rll,rirr rrri:Lr /{llrl(irr.l _l ri'|1r rlrr: rsilir\r\_i , : r hl.irr,.6!:r, l:ri,r.\_-:rla:::ilrrnii-l'-:i.lil_'\.ii -rr i.(,lr.rs-. r I nr Lxr: rr-,nr. islil\r ,.r r1 rlllil)1, .rr_ r -lLir.lhl:1\,\$ r'(r{i- ^.is\ l,xrr, I l01l.l1i: r,,lrr 5.r l,trrlr .lt'nl\trrLrrr Top 2'i7 HEAT.N.ffi\ \t0J'y/\sd,/ J t tl ( o' .)ll Inl987'Heat.,\.G|ointroducedtheIndusttl|sJirtbuilt.ittditcctaentgasfreplace'Heat.!i-Glohttsconthinedtllis tbeirneu'TRTechnologttocreatea42'rrsionoftbisJirpl4ce,,|Iodel8()007'RC'1.heneu'8000IRC.u,ithalltheadt'a|lI8es(fddireL prouide lhe nost elegant centerpiece in lour home. Intest in the best. tleat-N-Glo's 3000 Seris of firepi'.rces will nakr a grand inrprersion, and add nanrrth lnd etliciencv t0 vour honre fbr vean to come. Now alailable uith Canrpfire logs, the {i000 tinplaces allow vou to enior tire nanual look and ieel of :r cinrpfire right ir the cr:rnveniemce of Iour ori'n hotre. trlodels 80001'RC and 8000fiC leature HeafN{ilo s newest tec}nologic:tl breakthroLrgh - the \l1'stifire Bumer. Thls nerv bumer is bttilt right into dre rcfiactor,,. conpletelv concealing it to provide the nlost realistic fire on d1e narket. with these fireplaces, lou hare a chojce of two drtomtile fronls and several tnm kil\ to match r'our decorating schene . ln addition to natuLll lreaut,v. the 11000 Series fireplaces ofter trur cor'rvenience. with an adjustable valre to alter tlie flanre height and heat oLrtput. Llsinl{ the optioutl reDlote control, marimunr conre[ience is youm bv nrming the fireplace on or off. altering thc flanre height and evert tlie speed of the optional fln. The 8000 Series firepl:rces also have conlenient flip dou,n louvers fbl eas) access b their contrrrls. 'l'he depth of these fireplaces has been tLirrmed doilrr t0 enlLble installatron into a cor\enti0nal sizal chase for elrsl insiallation, STANDARD FEATURES OF THE EOOO SERIES . l{.j00'3;.,00 tlTt inlruthi . High dremul eliiciercr . Rcalistic canpfin logs . \irixble \il\€ lo illler flrLrnc lreigirt artl hrlt oLrtpirt . Turr Llecotrtirt lnrnts avlill tlt hr| tlisigtt rrni;Ltiiin . ()l)1i0irxl ll(ul xj]J.ior brrss lrinr fLrI ntidtrl (lcsi$) rcniLtiiil'" . l-lri,c illir.s size lor r nlitllllul rif ',r rll lhe lilr . C(nlvenienl ilip ri{,u n iott,;cr: forcast tcctss tr) cortfols . \rrlrrx drptlr (.1 I L : ) errlbles llrt rtse 0l it c0ll\pntir)ilirl cimst . The neu llvsliJirc l)urrer is c,rnrnieltli c|rrctlrld 'r:lhitt lhe refrlcton lbL tht ntost rttlislic looi.: . Olnion'Jl safrt\ toirch nrerh scftcrl . Ofliolel bloler:Lnd rcnntr cr)ntf.'l\ . l l,.cl L li-\ttd IN DIVIDUAL MODEL FEATU R E5 Model 8000TRC lSho$r) ol Irlnrt) . lll ltchlologr rLllrx: a lop ut brtck |erltiug cal)xl)ilit\ .,\rr-tiillll c(nnhtNl[,r chxnlhcf InxiNtrirs hi$h-cfiicicnc. xr)d illrloot lir'(luxlin Model 8000TVC . Ir4r,,ert dxign rtll*rs rnstilllllioirs lrhert x diruct ,,elrt is ur)t Irlclical . silrf, Fistk{HS.FtH Ep[EgE zai *rrr MILE DRIVE \,{icrqr'Ir.'\( PC $OX 1330 Ff]iSCO CO 80443 \",DicE: (970) 668-3760 Fr,,X.: (970) 668-5506 wtS: WWW.ONIIMAGE CCilI! -tr\t;rr'''' iltodel 8000fiC features H"-' " desisn tbat allows the tircfl: the fireplace. This gires lou t i1nit. l:itller tefl ninati0n rrilir the benefits of :r direct vent firr combLrstion lrir hon outside al sealed hornes. 'l'his feature keep. pmvides a thennal etticiercv irt t glus viering area to be dre large. The 8000TYC is a top \enting !,,., {rulehsion:llh' /t .\,);- *)..v' i tlew kot ll identical to the,q0001'l((l and has i tnovrsion for r-[rlside air fbr col]rbustiorr. lt js a heat circulatilrg uuit imd ulaintains sorne elticienc-v. 8000TRc Corner Vrew Top View S,de View Fronl Vierv Side V,ew 8000ryc Corner View Top View Side Vrew Side View !,I'ton(f l!r1!,r\.nl' kdd L, hlxLl ..rrrnr.,:,rli rr \ttrdl!Irf\,'ii':L']lrri!ir\trr'.1.1 lLrl \il ,rrN.$rlf .ixhri|1,Lrk.rf . |rlidii.xll' l|erlltrrfrlrdetrrh,xi,t*:r:!rL|lx\rrnh{tlmr,:F'lhnlhLrrr(,'llhlrfllr\.,r'i!rt!rr{-l llii\l-\-GtO. a dirision of ll{rarth l'cthnrilogies ..lotit)l [ersil{ft)0 l}lrtl.. Lllrrille. \l\ ;i{'H .iri::\ (9sl) 98s-6000 F.')i (9i2) 89E5-6001 /,iGb\\ L-.tt.il \ ot. nlfo@ befltt\h' i'n i\90(lU/Ii\il ( ttll(1,\:il(. . utr .ll&tt lltr r,,rtr \t-[irl ^cpEEs fl '.i r HEAT.N. No one builds a better fire SPECIFICATIONS MOD€L HEIGHT FRONT WIOTH BACK WIDTH DEPTH FBONT GLASS OPENING €0mtRc Tvc 4€22 B-8S-TRC 6i 00 TO\AA.I OFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 /^\, ^A -l ose\rrurer'rr oF coMMUNrry DEVELopra\r !1.:i rplctt L, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P0l-0056 Job Address: 5027 UTE LN VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 5027 Ute Lane Unit B Applied. . : 06/08/2001 ParcelNo...: 209918219021 Issued. .: 06/1412001 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 12llll200l OWNER OKUBO, T. I-,ARRY & RENEE 06/08/200r Phone: - I 12s30 w Gori{ AvE i\ l '-C-, ARVADA co OV l7'n?- Booo4 Y U" License: CONTRACTOR Britarrnia Plumbing, Inc. 06/08/2OOL Phone: 970-453-0817 P. O, Box 54 57 223 P.oya]- Tiger Breckenridge, CO 80424 License:281-P APPI-,ICAN| Britannia Plumbing, Inc. 06/08/200a Phone: 970-453-0817 P. O. Box 5457 223 Royal Tiger Breckenri-dge, CO 80424 License : 281-P Desciption: REMODEL BATHROOM AND KITCHEN Valuation: $ 12,000.00 Fireplace Information: Rsstricted: ??I ofGas Appliances: ?? FEE SLIN1MARY Plumbing-> 9180 . o0 R€stuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check--> S45.00 DRB Fee--_-> Investi galion-> Will Call--->€3.00 I ofGas l-ogs: ?? 4 of Wood Pallet: ?? 50.00 Total Calculated Fees--> 5228.00 So. oo Additional Fees------> 9o. oo TOTAL FEES--------------> 9228.00 Total Petmit Fee-> 9228.00 s0.00 522A.OO s0.00 Payments----------:' B,\LA}ICE DtrE------> Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMETiIT 06/08/2O0L cdavi s Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application. filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that alt the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply nith all Tou'n ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQLTESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE I',{ADE o TWENTY o T 479-AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE t **:********* * * +***** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * *** * 'F * *** * * +:1. ** * * * ***** * ***** * t * * * ** +*!t * ** * *!***+********* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 06-14-2001 at llrl5:28 061141200l Slatement ** + * * * *** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:f ***** ***** ****** ****** ** * * * * ** *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * ** +*** ***'t * * Statement Number: R000000942 Amount: $228.00 06/].4/zOOlLt:15 Afi Palment Method: Check Init: DF Notar.ion: CHECK S 3014 Permit No: P01-0055 Type: PIirI{BfNG PERMIT Parcel No: 2099].82L9O21 Site Addrege; 5027 UTE LN VAIL, Location: 5027 Ute Lane Unit B Total Feee: $228.00 Thie Payment: $228.00 Total, AIrL Pmte: $228.00 Balance: $0.00 *rt* +** + * {. *d.* * * ******************* *** * ** * * *** * * * ** * * * *:t** **** * * +* ** * *** ** *** ** ****:f* f * +:t* * * ** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pnts PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 45.00 PP OO1OOOO31i12OO PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 18O.OO l^IC OO1OOOO31128OO I'JILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado Rd. 81657 = Contact Assessors at 97O-328- COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) rob Name: 4a;A-,/,A*//e /atL I rob Address: o-ot7 Ub_A t/ZrL Address: r;-+--.. H 6a Detailed description of work;e"e4/.6'b. Work Class: New ( ) Addition [r$ Alteration (,() Repair ( ) Other ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex (>Q Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No (Jt) PLUMBING: $ b*nUP /&r@ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact and Phone #'s: ?tu3qa E667 - VPFaa(Y Plumbing Contractor: 6r;. Town of Vail Reo. No.: ***********************************'!***FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**i.***+*****tr*t ?.*trr.*******:+**,!*+***** i Planner Siqn-off:d*s RECEIV EO F/everyone/forms/plmbperm JUN 07 2001 o t ?t DWE RA Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Fonest Director, (970) 479.2139 Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you coniact? Building _ Environmental_ Housing_ Admin Planning _DRE _ PEC :le a? n -/ -/- \, . \t(' ' J . ;-)/'- ' ( I -./"D .J. *17 r-/ Was ycur inilial contact wrih our staff immediate no one avaiiable ? siow nr lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped? 4.Was your prqect revieJved on a timeiy basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit_ N/A Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you: 54321Narne: (knowleoge; responsiveness, availability) Overail efiectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, We are commitFd b improving our seMce. 7. n MAY- et4 -O r 1s.A5 FROH' TOV--DEV-DEPr tf)-ftr.-, D. s",,4?,,24',.-coM o PAGE 7/14 COi\,ITRACTOR RE G ISTRATION PRE QUALIFICATION FORM NAME OFCOI\&ArYY: g47tt RegJar Cost st75.00 s100-00 s50.00 NOFEE Rfienialqggt $125.00 $ 75.00 s 55.00 $ 5s.00 s 55.00 s si.00 NO FEE NOTE: If you are purchasiug :rE e.Iecrical or phmbirg rregisfation, you @ provide a copy of, A Masrer Registuion from the Stde of Colorado. m Is nIPERATM THAT ALL CONTRACTORS_S93. ply rsE TOWN- -O_r'YAIL ]VITH TI{E FOLLOWING INSURANCE CERTIFICATES: LIABILITY: Ogtion #i: $1,000.'000 itr th€ aggregare for Bodiiy Injr:ry' SI,000.000 inthe aggrsgate for hopc$t Damage Opdon #2: Combined singie linit of $f ,000,000 WORKMIIYS COMPENSATION: Show tlut you are covered in rbe Sane of Cotorado No Worknen's Conp (no enployecs): Provide a letcr gathg -vw arc tirc soic onmcr and wiil trot hold the Town iiabie for any accidcnts *nd ar rhe time you bjre someone you will provide us with Workers Comp. Towl of Vaii Buiiding Division 75 Souft Frmrage Road Vail. CO 81657 y70479-2149 Y70-4i91452 (Fax) MAILTNGADDFA**! -fe. Bax zs86 z2z//^" ao ?a/:f PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PEoNE#: ?7o -./48-2A4 This form must be receved and approved prior ro issoalce of regisuarion- Plcasc subrnit to tlrc: TOWN OF VAIL BL)ILDING DEPARTilTEI'iT - 75 Somh Fmntage Roa4 VaiL CO 81657 pr-EASE SLBMIT COpy OF ANY PERTTNAnT REGTSTRATION Wn) APPUCAflON- -./// Typeof regisu-adonbeingappiied ar /.7 4a.l/2,*-{ -- appU.eioo REGISTRATION TEES C.cocra] Cofacfor A/Corufuctioo lvlanagsmerrt fly'ahration ovcr S I.000,000) Gcocral Crntractor B/ConSrrrtion lvfaagemerd 0r'alution mda $r,000,00o) Special (D _rvs/ail. Giass, lv{asonry. Concrde, Eletrator) OcnedBuilder EIetrical TH,{I{KYOII MAY-b4-c' | 75,67 FROM , TOV- Fthqjpal Oftce: coM o -DE17-DEPT.tD ' 9?64?92452 PAGE 13/ 14 E)CPERIENCE QuDsTIoNArRf, (A.rA Doctrnent Nnmber A*?{15 may be gsed iu lieo of) i- How rnaay years has yarr orgznirarion becn in b'siness 6 a codra".or under yo.,, prcseil hsioess narre?j'_ 3. Lr$ the most recem projects youf orgadzatioa has hed in cousrucrioq wort sieihr tn q?e atrd Size: f:ee-&-Aass{.yrert Namc & Adft* of Ownef a.-4 s./lti.^ Qr €-*,4 d Totst'e d,, <o Ey'az c> f <o ge/tg llow ruany years cxperience ia the proposed $/pe aad size of constnrction wotk simirar in cype andsize? 7€- Li$ muicipalities you have liccoses and current oanrs Wha other irryortant projecs of similar magnitu<ie las you: orgzrizdtjol 6. Have 1ou wer fiiled_ro conplere any work avnrded ro ygr.? /2e If so' where "trr why? Name tle ftrety COmFqy, bcrrding capacttB and the name ertl address Of the local atency you interrd to usc: /--o ?t-14.-1 q, Iodivi.rlat's Nt'ne Presear Pogjtion orOfrcc Ycars of Epcicoce I\.{aS$tqde& hWhar Tyge of Wo* Cpacity? ?/4 d_.-:227p\,. MAY:O4-Ot tS'@5 FROM. TOV-4?92 o -DEV-DEPT. I D. g7A coM o 452 PAGE 6/ 74 UO hold arr.v r,aljd ticenses, i.e. Ma$er Plumber. Arctdrect. HCctrical? List the na..;or itcrns of equipment r'hich you, or your courparry, or corp6redon own or will be used in the Town of Vail: 1'.' LiS the Contracts which y'ou, or your coBpany, or corpoadon were pany to, during the prwious terJ lp) years, ihal werc iwolved in litigarion sf auy (ype_ For aX costracts which you, your conparry. or corporation were perry ro durhg the previors five (5) years, wbat p€r€nage of thc.se projec-ts werc completed wirt ;n scn941a15-? -z?2-e_*_ !/o Hon, much of the work will you do dirwtly compared to stb-connzclors?___2le te_!/o Bankiag Ref<vnces: i3. 14. B. 15 Tlade Rdsrenc€s: 1\ l\ |A. Dc-^ve.Ja :olrthwest s Mooro ProdL rcJ.5 c .fa,.crler ]oc-h D- 16. llave you ever hryr a liccrrse h our area or arry o&er area under ary name riat was: Rc'.tokej .zzz If so, please explain: Deoied .2e Suspended _. 4e If regiSraa is a Corporaion or ParUrrship- plcase Sate apptica, relationship/posi6on: MAY-84-61 15: O?FROM. TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT.o wla is i'or pocitiou ia &is rcgisbatim? Otrffi Stockholdcr Prjacbal ID,9 7047324 o s2 PAGE 14/ 14 r9.Soe$t Se{rurtry}We( Fe<lcral Tax LD. I\imbcn **''CODE BOOKSARI AVAII,ABLE rOR PTIRCSASI UPON REQUEST..N l 06/L2/2AgI 68:18 0rl.! | corlr.t 97A468A544 rllaarl ACE INS[.LATION l ', ll0l PAGE A2 01 l9l !t ltril (- 10 oAfs FoR yot.PAfHtHft I @ I | <.. ,adr,.!la H.rcn usa Ina, lg0 Ooush 5t.eea sulte 601 loHn Polhg CCatCr orfoll. u 21510 l lct t'ttdtf ,t/ -6.0-rJ.6 tLs cEtTFcaTE 15 ElgrlD aa A f,tATrEn Of flFoFxenO o.ttV eio cortfF rlo tEH/s UFo rlC CEtllltCa,r€ tplEe On€n TlrAx TiO:E ?SV|ED ta Tlf fttLEY- tlrF cEfflFElTE osB ItoI At€lF. OcIEig oilAltEl rtt OOVENA(f AFrctrD CY ''}C rc[EE IEEIED l{hir. SfrrFs ffEE Itas co ACt IdSuLt A LLC PO lOx 2585 I ulror- co 8y3s ntt&Ens I o(t&tlr co FotlclEE OF ll€UnAlICf DESCREED ll€REN l!{VE EEEN El$lED TO T}f IiETJRED NAUCO Hlifnr rcr DG polpy ltnl]o frOrcAlGD-FEOUlFCMLfl, fln on cOrD]rtONOF Arr CoNrRAcr oR OrHEn qocurR.r wt'H REsi'€CT rO irr*i fie cidrlfere llii iltffiffiffffi.i[P*Trt",rgJ#fffff;rEyTo *"t@sutrEcrro 'r.L tH€r€irB, cot{Drror€ A16rxcusnr6 8€ SSUEO oR l^Y oF slrcH Pot-cE5. 6CrlEOVIE AUT9A I ,{rED^rrroe \ ICZJ.CAP.128DrJ6, - llr -ro uc?f -c1P -t75r06/8. fct-00 I I ) OTHCI IHAIT A,IE dl{Yi laacrrnor of oPtr rcrt J loc noE,vE ralt I rl j Town of VaiI | ..-- -.,\l rrl rl E}€UID AIIY OF '}* POLrc]E DESCA|&EO }G8TIN E CATCELI:O 3E'OFG THE dPIR^IION OAIE IHTREO', iH€ FGURER AFOfOITE CoVGNAGT VTTIL EI.O!^VOR lo r^tr Jg.: o^\€ rrvstTTEN r|ol|cE ro IhE cERrlFlcAr! tro[DEi .{Ar*o NERftN, &rT 6aq.uflE ro MAtt sucH NO1CE S[lArL ||S()gE rrto OElcal|oN on tt duw oF aNy t(l{f,| t FoN ttE rfGuRES dFrcmil{(3 COVtR ce tTS ^c€Nrs O R 4tFflESET{IATTYES. -tlr" .I ! + [F a Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Hicks Residence Project Number; Project Description: Removal of trees, boulder wall sod Owner. Address. and Phone: Bob and Sue Hicks address phone number Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Tom Vitalone PO Box 4001 Frisco, CO 80443 97{,-!547-1659 Project Street Address: 5027 Ute Ln Legal Description: Lot 31, Vail Meadows Parcel Number: 2099018219020 Building Name: Comments: work done prior to receiving approval Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Board/Staff Action Action:staffapproved with conditions Conditions: 1. revegetate disturbed area 2. all staging must be done within property lines 3. All areas not within property lines (i.e. 3' from the rear of the residence) must be returned to original grade and revegetated Town Planner: ,A.llison Ochs Date: l0ll2l99 DRB Fee Paid: $20 Project Name: Hicks Residence Documentl Qu"ruotll thc Flii; r;iin g Staii" ;r. .i,.' :-l i 2.i APJ?LICATTON FOR DBSIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION .This application is for any projcct rcquirin 3 Dcsigrr Rcvicv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign revicw must rcccivc Design Rcvicw approval prior to srrbmitting for a buiiding pcrmit For specific information, see the subrnittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval thrt is rcqucstcd. Tlrc application cannot be acceptcd until all the requircd in lbrnration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcviclvcd by thc Torvn Council and./or thc Planning and Environrrrcntal Conurission. Design Rcvierv Board approval cxpires onc ycsr aftcr final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is stsrtcd. -.r 11.:r{f I Q A. ri DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:zcs '( "l ,'r'. .> l//;'/ ,--,, - LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LCIT:BLOC FILING: PFrySICALADDRESS: S,'] )loi 0)b (Contact Eaglc co. Assessors orlicc at g7o-328-E640for parcel #) n E. PARCEL #: ZONING: TAW OF VATT NAME OF OWNER(S):OJ MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: F. \J. owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: trl Ncw Construction -$200 trl Addition -$50 $20 H.-)) )(tnor Alrcrarion - Construction of a new building. Includes any adrlition whsrc square foot2gc is addcd to any rcsidential or conuncrcial building. lncludcs minor changcs to buildings and site improvcments. such as. rcroofing. painting, window additions, landscaping. fenccs and rctaining walls. etc. DRB fces are to be paid at the timc of submittal. Latcr, whur applying for a building permit. pleasc identify thc accuratc valuaiion ofthc projcct. The Town oi Vail will adjust the fce according to the project valuation. PLEr\SE SUtsivlrT THrS .\ppt_ICATroN,..\LL SUBivlTTT.\L REQUTREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEP.{R'Ti\TENI'OF COi\Iil{UNIl'\' DEVELOP}IENT. 75 SOU"I'FI FRON]'AGE ROAD. VAIL. COLORADO III657. i<^ -€ "tt"\;-i3 L ,tt ! ,'r{7 JN -#\# 7\/ -- 'f-\n \/ -:rl o \ ( s e ? $ cn ( -1 I I s -'-..___ ,,}'----- ,,t V2 -t------. P> y $-- Q't9 .o rr( \Db o-1 a-. :=-\t' : - ,F. 1*"''-" L."-'- \:-f,<(' -*a 6Y F-'FR- '9< \ \}\ c 6'6- e (.\(1 n V'o o-. / i\1 '83;'3 95-, '7 s -..J'-..-.--""F I ,,-.-'-_ F F \s \\2 f 1r \-s\\t # '-'rb c2- -..\ . ...'G -.€'" Design Review Action Form -TOWNOFVAIL Project Name: Okubo/Ilicks Project Number: project number Residence Project Description: installation of retaining walls, extension of porches, re'roof Owner, Address, and Phone: Larry and Rene Okubo 164l Downing St. Denver, CO Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Suurmit Construction Specielties' Inc PO Box 3833 Breckenridge' CO 8M24 303-47V8775 Project Street Address: 5027 Ute Ln Legal Description: Lot 31, Vail Meadows Filing 1 Parcel Number: 2W918219020 Comments: Building Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 08/30/99 ProjectName: Okubo/tlicksResidence Documentl Board/Staff Action Action:staffapproved DRB Fee Paid: (add to building pemit) A. Qucsti ous]ll thc Plar r;iir g Stai i :r. .i,' v-- . 2..l APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATTON This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw must rcccivc Design ll.cvicw approvai prior to submitting for a building pcrmir For specific information, see thc submir"l rcquircnrcnts for tic particular approval that is requcstcd Thc applicatiorr cannot be accepfcd until all thc requircd inlbmration is subndttcd. Thc projcct nray aiso nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Planning and Environnrcntal Commission. Design Rcvicw Board approval expircs onc ycar aftcr final approval urless a building permit is issued and construction is strrtcd. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT 3 | BLOCK:_ FILO,IC://&rL tt4 a*o6v S pFryslcAl ADDRESS' <>27 A,-rE /.J4^1tE- EZtr L/n/L PARCEL #: Zotq,/tz1?o zb (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parcel NAMEOF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: OWNER(S) SIGNATTJRT(S): NAME OFAPPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS:4a ONE: H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E New Construction - $200 Consnuction ofa new building. O Addition - $50 Includcs any addition where square footagp is addcd to any rcsidantial or comrncrcial building. BN{inor Alteration - $20 Includcs nrinor changes to buildings and site improvcmcnts. such as, rcroofing. painting. window additions, landscaping. fenccs and retaining walls, etc. DRB fces are to bs paid at the time of s.rbmitul. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit, plcase idenufy thc accuratc valuation of ihc projcct. The Town of Vail will adjust rhe fbe according to the project valuation. PLE.\SE SUBMIT THIS AppLIC.{TION..\Lr. SUBIlrr-tT.\L RE,QUIRE}IENTS -{ND THE FEE TO THE DCP\RT}IENT OF COi\T]\TUNITY DEVELOP}I[N]" 75 SOUTH ITRONT.\GE ROA-D. \,'.{IL. COLORA,DO 81657. C, E. F. \J. TOWN OFVAIL DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: I t oo '' ho l n^," 7 /3 t oo Project Appllcation Project Name: Project Description: Own€r Address and Phone: Archiiect Address and Phone: Legaf Description,tot 3/ ,g1e"Y ,r,^n Vt+/L /l'H'@',J^ /sr zon., -T?ufllH Zoning Approved: Design Review Board ,*" 7/rc/ro DISAPPROVAL Summary: .--..{/e C c//oe 4gE-{,2{ €Z ezz+ltaz/s / ?€u,s c P ( z^/rs5<,.1?t4/47 Pz a4 ng Admin Chief Building Official {a l'_./.!r J //l //,, .//// a.oo Or|F€+ Address and Phone: Project Application - o//o Proiect Name:E7// Kaqr ,("sr',,- y'zA Architect Address and Phone: Legaf Descriplio n: cot 3,/ , elocr Zone: Zoning Approved: ,4ezl 'aS /57- Design Review Board ,,," /" ko DISAPPROVAL .:J t4trr{ Sum mary:I /firr/r.n ^ 4q Chief Building Official . Lrsr oF I,,{ATERTAI o NAI,tr OF PROJECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT oo ror J/ w.v4z lFAUyl,t #r FILING / The to A.) following information the Design Revierv Board BUILDING IIATERIALS: Roof u 10].n g Other \l'a11 l,Iaterials Fascia Sof f its Windows iYindorv Trim Doors Door Trim I{and or Deck Rails Flues F1a-shings Chimneys '-[ r'1.. sh Encl osures Greenhouses Other is required for submittal by the Applicant before a final approval can be given. Tvpe of l.faterial Color ,n'/ ( cl ? nK gRa//tt efnR 7^1 cE? 2,_ _ ?a' cEplK _ ?4". €{n-,R('r6tr A/V4ZU- B. ) PLANT I'IATERIALS (Vegetative, Landscaping I'laLerials and Ground Cover) Botanical Name Comrnon Name including Trees, Shrubs, Quanrit',,' z5'( t- l': z^ ( < KtQ',-t, 3-5 _ 4JPA__ lt///^ozailB$n u/zc81af.%;2 T--.W, Wu 'r r- a z -e: c)o z U'{7 c c) =o z T m n =-{ -.{m I lo ll lr\) [J tl lco lo I 'o n o m c)-{ z o rE -et CL o o|{X 36 a OA qit ==3 c ,+- o lD o i I F<t fl LrLixi <TP tn> = /1 /"\o; "'>t- l- tiLl8i 'n! z< \2 o-'z z r =.J (tr itl z =IT -lJ o (D x g).l rD (D = I ! (D x o=m r,l a\)o>'r -m >; --l c)o> zt) nz >m --.{ > - --l m c)-{ m I z - z c)-t o Zr- T< 1Z --{ I G'! 'Tl r z o l<lo t-' l= l.D l9,to-lo t€ l-IH lu, l- l< lP l;lo f o ct =I v o (n o ()o It ct l=t>l= l>tr l=l- lo 2 c o F -! o ; z o I € --t m z U'i --l -n m D €o a m o x c) I m -{ m X..tr o€x n>; z t- --t z 33A3TF *Hi;>r 9P=B E TNI F i a@ 2 =Z rJt a1 | | I I l3 l | | | | tBl cz(!r@> =o\393 ?di t39 IEE r:5 l;o.igztQ ! 6; Z i 6E e zz:oo4 a z m { >< m I o z =z : tr -p 2 n --l m C) c --.t c : z N:! /\ -!, io > -rt ZO -<2 c)ul o 64 <cx x:zz N.n=Chr -QG m z m o n =z € x l= l(D F I9 lc ls l(D I cf F =I F I qJ a''cf r+ o cr G 0, r+ r+ --l _o -{I - z m I @ I ro E I c m ;a>- <c r'zl- ::-li zzzi 2ar= '!:.c? z =z --t 7 z c) o z 6 --t EN ?f" :R\ =N $ ( I I r t,-\-T 91.N.x[\ nr l\' I I I -t r m - 'Tl m m o 4 c m I -t m I z m { @ 0 m c) m _--l z m m o I z o c q z c) m m c)--t 4 o _0 z o -.m o @ c a z c) = m --{ -n m m a VATUATION m = =z t:t' rtl I 2 c q z c) m m c)--t o @ c r = i$ Jn c c c , )3 \)c JI ^c c \i t fr N o o o o o o F i,tl i) .o N)(tl I o o F (^, F ! !(Jr Ot (o l\) (tl "/,<N TOWN APPLICATION OF VAIL FOR VARIANCE Application Date Publi.cation Date 6 /5 /80 lri/8a 6'</eo Name Name Pirblic Hearing oate 6"/23/8O Applieant Owner if di-fferent from Applicant Mailing Address of of Telephone Legal Description: Lot 3/ , Block , FiIing If property is unplatted Application i.s hereby made submit for a mtes and Va"ri-ance of the as exh of the ibit )bounds descri-ption from the provisions Municipal Code for Section Town of Vail in to allow: iErlature of A p1i&an t APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IJNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY TI{E FOLLOWING:,,/f l. Hearing Fee - $100.00 + $1#O for EACH addressed envelope. 2. A LIST OF THE OI{NERS OF THE PROPERTIES within 300 feet in a Single-Family Residential; Two- Family Residential; or two-Family Primary/Seconda"ry Residential Zone District; or adjacent to the subject property in all other Zone Dj-stricts. The owners li-st shall lnclude the names of al 1 owners and the -1egal description of the property owned by each. Accompanying this list sha11 be pre-addressed envelopes along with Certificates and Return Receipts properly fi11ed out to each owner. These forms can be obtained from the U.S. Post Offi.ce. 3. Site PIan, floor plan a,nd other documents as required by the Zoning Admini.strator. (This is to be submitted at the time of publication ) 4. A description of the precise nature of the Variance.(This should include an explanation of the specifi-e hardship. ) + rnt5L/\"'/ o IrlP qc H- order Distr Design Review Board ACTIOII FORl't Departmeflt of Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 t€l: 970.479.2139 tax:, 970.479.2452 web: www.v+ilgov.com Project Name: Proiect Description: rtt<k Deck nils DRB Number: DRB020041 0212612002 Phone: 337-334-8211 LocaUon: 5027 Ute Lane Particapants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Commentsl OWNER Robert & Sue Hicks 5027 Ute Lane Vail, CO 81657 APPLICANT Summit Construction Specialt02/26l2002 Phone: 303-478-7875 Randy Kilgore POB 3833 Breckenrldge, CO 80424 5027 UTE LN VAIL Lot: 31 Block: 19 Subdivision: VAIL MEADOWS FIL 1 2099-182-1902-1 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: D(PIRED Date of Approval: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Planner: IOl4ry Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2739 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit applicaUon. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. De-scription of the Request: Locataon of the Proposal: t-ot:3 / alock:- sud'v'son' /{ frr-zua Physical Address: Parcef No.: 2or?t g2- )? ozo (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) r/2 Zoning: ZEBrlst^oz a,z- n1 ./ t. Name(s) of owner(s): (:dla + See ,Z4z't<'- Mailing Address: Phonel Fax: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $550 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 No Fee )(owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Feer tr Signs D Conceptual Review D New Construction E Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) D Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) )Q Changes to Approved Plans For revisions to plans alreFdlL approved - by Planning Staff or the Desron Review Board. ffi r- L -. - .i l-i*i; . i, ,:1ili,' 0--947- 5ts For Office Use Onlv: FeePaid: ">^ Qi) cneckno.:755/ ! Separation Request .Jr'l-rr { JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER joint owner of propefi located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: /?r>L;(A.t*Tto1-t t? ?Aitu- P^f Qe,/.V.-'- I further understan$that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure ctimpliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. .L / t=loZ (Date) Page 2 of LZl02/07102 lcfewq Zxh tvP P'qn- // ^\ t{L(€F* sbe) - ftlO Ueso*u- r I I I hu ) { vb daosT Hb@c*\, 'SDal lo Elt^ AEcrtoM zrQ /xQ /tto /fu- Z*.7)^44'^ /=- 6ozr bu-,u4 Z/zC/az- i.**+'1. **+,1.**+i.*+*+****,1+**++,N.+++***+++***++***f++**+*l***'l*++*************+***+t*****t**** f** TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statement *+*,1. **,1.'1. **i.{.**+ '} ** ***+ * + d. '1. * * + * '1. * * * * + + + * i * * + ****{.* * ** * ** * * * * t * a* * * + *1. * ** '}* * * * *** * * ** * * * ** **** sLatement Number: Rooooo1996 Amolrnt: $20.00 02/26/2oo204:46 PM Palment Method: Check Init: ,JAR Notat.ion: 9555 summit Constructsion Specialities Inc Permit No: DRB020041 IY)e: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2O99LA2t9O2l Site Addre6s: 5027 (IfE I,tI VAIL Location: 5027 Ute Irane Total Fees: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total AL,L Pmts: $20.00 Balance: s0.00 + ** *+****+ ***++:i**+**++********+******t***l*+r* ********* *****{.*******+*++**t****+**f*+****** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descrintion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DISIGN RIVIEI,,J FEES 20.00 a TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.civail.co.us February 8,2002 Randy Kilgore Summit Construction Specialties,Inc. PO Box 3833 Breckenridge, CO 80424 RE: Hicks residence—5027 Ute Lane/Lot 31 Vail Meadows 1St Filing Dear Randy, On February 5,2002, during a requested Certificate of Occupancy inspection of the construction at the Hicks residence, located at 5027 Ute Lane,Town Staff discovered that new exterior deck rails have been constructed in violation of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. The new deck rails on the Hicks' portion of the duplex located at 5027 Ute Lane are not consistent with the submitted and approved plans for the Okubo/Hicks remodels. The Okubo/Hicks revised remodel plans approved on May 31, 2001 indicate that the deck rails on the Hicks' portion of the duplex are to match the existing 2"by 2"wood picket rails. In addition to being in violation of the approved plans for this remodel,the new rails are also in violation of the requirements of Title 14 (Development Standards), Section 10E(Duplex and Primary/Secondary Development)which are as follows: The purpose of this Section is to ensure that duplex and primary/secondary development be designed in a manner that creates an architecturally integrated structure with unified site development. Dwelling units and garages shall be designed within a single structure, except as set forth in subsection 2 below, with the use of unified architectural and landscape design. A single structure shall have common roofs and building walls that create enclosed space substantially above grade. Unified architectural and landscape design shall include, but not be limited to the use of compatible building materials, architectural style, scale, roof forms, massing architectural details, site grading and landscape materials and features. Town Staff has traditionally interpreted this section of the Town Code to require that all deck rails on duplex and primary/secondary structures be identical in material, design, and color. Based upon these regulations,the approved upgrade to metal deck rails at the Okubo residence has set the precedence for all future deck rail upgrades on this duplex. Therefore, in Staff's opinion there are five options available to resolve this issue: 1 "a RECYCLED PAPER 411111) s� . TOWN OF PAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.civail.co.us Option#1: Remove the new deck rails at the Hicks residence and reconstruct the original 2"X 2"wood picket rails to comply with the approved building plans. This option is required unless a Design Review application for"Changes to Approved Plans"is approved by the Town of Vail. Option#2: Submit a Design Review application for"Changes to Approved Plans"to allow the deck rails at the Hicks residence to be constructed to match the new metal deck rails at the Okubo residence. Town Staff is supportive of this option. Option#3: Submit a Design Review application for"Changes to Approved Plans"to allow for the new deck rails at the Hicks residence and reconstruction of the Okubo residence deck rails to match. Town Staff is supportive of this option. Option#4: Submit a Design Review application for"Changes to Approved Plans"to allow for a new deck rail design to replace all the deck rails on the duplex. Town Staff is supportive of this option. Option#5: Submit a Design Review application for"Changes to Approved Plans"to allow for the constructed deck rails. Based upon the regulations of Title 14 (Development Standards),Vail Town Code, Town Staff is not supportive of option. Please be aware that Town Staff will deny any such Design Review application,however,this decision may be appealed to the Design Review Board. Please be aware that if none of these options are pursued within 15 days,the Town of Vail will begin code enforcement proceedings pursuant the Chapter 1-4(General Penalty), Vail Town Code,to resolve this situation. As you are aware,all construction improvements for this remodel must be completed, inspected,and approved prior to the Town of Vail issuing a Certificate of Occupancy. Since the life/safety issues related to this remodel have been completed, inspected, and approved,and only Design Review issues remain unresolved;the Town of Vail is willing to issue a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for this project subject to the painting of the fireplace vent on the northern side of the building and the implementation of a Developer Improvement Agreement for the reconstruction of the deck rails. The Developer Improvement Agreement for the reconstruction of the deck rails was received this morning and is currently being processed by the Town of Vail Finance Department. Please be aware that this Developer Improvement Agreement is valid until Friday June 28,2002. Prior to June 28, 2002, all required work associated with this Developer Improvement Agreement must be completed, inspected, and approved by the Town of Vail; this shall also include any additional approvals required from the adjacent property owner and the Town of Vail Staff or Design Review Board. o,RECYCLED PAPER TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.civail.co.us If you have any questions or comments,please feel free to call me directly at(970)479-2173. Sincerely, Bill Gibson,AICP Planner I Town of Vail CC: Larry and Renee Okubo Robert and Sue Hicks David Rhoades, Code Enforcement Officer Matt Mire, Town Attorney 3 tot RECYCLED PAPER - Date Project Application Project Name: Project Descrip tion, {i', kn//tsta u([ /+tza Contacl Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio n: tot .7 / , glocx Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: secon{9!- !y; DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Plan {"r^r,Approval lIflI box lfl) vail. coloredo 8166? 1303) 47Ss613 Kent Rose, President Austin-Rose Constflrction 2985 Booth Creek Drive Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear Kent, This is to confitn staff above propery. You have the roof line as per your will renain as originally Sincere 1y,./) ,,/.tr i--(J I z.t ' '*PETER i-nhior Head Planner department of community development l'lay 8, 1981 Re:Phoenix/Green Duplex Lot 31 , Vail Meadows #1 approval of changes to a garage at the approval to change the ditnensions and sketch. The naterials, trin and finish proposed. lnwn u 2985 BOOTH CREEK DRTVE . VATL.COLOFADO 81657 . VAIL 303/476.0110 . DENVER 303/771-2592 ry"AQfaqz 47/?8/ OalQd,c, du//zana*n ao vbdlffrfM -l .l ...\ ..-...- \,---' \ In (-\\\n \ - a '\ ..-"-1 f;\ -,-1 'n 'V----' \ <\--- \ \\ (rr \. )'^\(d<" R \ U, L-. Yn \---\--)\n,\ 'r-""t ]t I)o a Fl n -l Y tr z tq TM 5F ri! !-l 5t Zo ;s -{,f Or--o Ei 33 a< to rfl Og /\'.. S-'^t-, t\; i/ L__ \ \ I I a ! F o I r4 C -l t-n r Z F Qo 'fq$ 7 In r FI oo Legal Description:uot 3 | erock Fil ing 0rner Archi tect Zone District Proposed Use ZONE C}IECK . for R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS ra l' flei ght A1 I 30' Proposed oi'red tu llaterccurse-required //W- Proposed GRFA: Anoned lMlL Setbacks: Front-Aequired 20i --P'r6posed Sides-Required l5' Proposed Rear -Required 15' Proposed GRFA: Primairy A'lloned Secondary Al'loled Site Coverage:Allowed f,{L Landseaping: Requir.d trk< Parking: Requ ir",a Z.f t Drive: SloPe Permitted ...- Environmenta'l/Hazardsl Aval'anche Primary Proposed Secondary Proposed Proposed Proposed Propcsed ActuaI ,/b Flood Piain Sl ope 2.,,,'i,', s6," o.-T), i s,: p pr o r r d D-:1..:: 7 oo r-tr'W,ta/r'f" P. O. Box 1170 Boulder, Colorado 80306 l,ir. Peter Patten, planner DeparLment. of Community Development P. O. BOX 100 Vailr.'Col-orado 81657 Dear Mr. Patten: Thank you for sending to me the proposeC site plan and elevations for a dupJ_ex to be built on f.irt 3l' next to our Lot 30 in Vail Meadows, 1st fiJ-ing, !{e like the site plan and woulcl give our strongr endorse-ment to the vail planning and Environmental comrnission to grant the rear set back variance necessary to deveLop the property in accordance with the site plan presented. It is our view that Lot 30 has two viable building rocations, one in "front" of the Aspen grove and one ,'behind'the Aspen grove. when we built our bup16x on Lot 30, we were fairly restri-cted in location because of the avalanche line;hence' our duplex was located so that its principal view is across the "front" of r,ot 30 and a majoi strulture on the front of Lot 30 wourd have a devastating-impact o'orrt duplex.when we were viewing the possible rocation br a ouptex on tg! :I, we hoped that the builders ,,vould develop a plan which would preserve the Aspens and would locatl ,,bahind"the Grove. 9ince the rear of Lot 30 backs against government land,it wourd seem that there shoul-d be no objection to the duplex being sited as close. to the property l_in6 as necessary to accomodate the buil<iing. Another felture of the site -plan that we appreciate is the fact that 25 foot set-back line from Lot 30 is essentj_aLly rnaintained. _ In short, we like the proposed. site plan. Further, the elevations of the.proposed drrpi.* would sLem very compatible I,rith.the surrounding terrain is shown. Very truly yours, c,^)-fG..r.\\A > . (;.l/ Forrest E. Cook for C.D.M. Company orrner of Lot 30, VaiL Meadows,1st filing FEC/ras ltinutes ", l"Oanning and Envirorr*"rr0Commission meeting June 23, 1980 Members present: . John Perkins Ed Drager Dan Corcoran Gerry White Council Members Present ffi Staff Present Peter Patten Dick Ryan 1. Approval of the minutes of ilune 9, 1980 meeting. John Perkins moved to approve the minutes, Ed Drager seconded. Vote was rrnanimous. 2. Setbaqk variance to allow construction of a new duplex on Lot 3l Vail Meadows Filing No. 1. (5027 Ute T,ane) Peter Patten explained, the request and recommended approval . Kent Rose of Austin-Rose Construction added a few additional comments, but stateil that Peter hadl made such a complete presentation in the memo, he did not have much to add. Kent showed a plot plan. ,John said it made sense to hin. Ed pointed out that it seerned much better than a previous plan to reroute the stream. Kent explained that a driveway and culvert would be built to facilitate construction, and then the culvert and driveway rernoved leaving a path and foot bridge. Ed Drager moved to approve, and Dan Corcoran seconded it. The vote was unanimous. 3. Exterior alteration for'Purcellrs Restaurant which is located in thc Lif+-house building in Lionshead. Peter Patten exPlained the request as presented in his memo. Ken Wentworth presented drawings. Distance to the property line and nurdber of parking spaces was discussed. Ed Drager said that we were encouraging this type of thing to happen in l,ionshead. cerry added that approval should be with the condition that the applicant agrees not to remonstrate against the special improvement district if formed for rnall improvements in Vail Lionshead., and agree€r to join the district. 'Ed Drager moved to approve, John Perkins seconded. Vote was unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 4:00 P.$1. oo OO PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION AGTNDA Monday, June 23, 1980' 3:00 P.M. '1. Approval of minutes of June 9' '1980. Municipal building conditiona'l use tabled untjl July '14 meeting. 2. Setback variance to al'low construction of a new duplex on Lot 3l of Vail Meadows Filing llo. l. 3. Exterior alteration for Purcel'l 's Restaurant which is located in the Lifthouse building in Lionshead. T oO TO: FROM:. DATE: RE: oo MEMORANDUM PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMM]SSION DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT/PETER PATTEN June 23, '1980 Request for rear setback bariance to allow construction of a new duplex on Lot 3l ,' Va'i1 Meadows F'i'l'ing No. I . DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The app'l icant, Kent Rose, of Austin-Rose Construction, is applying for a 12 foot variance on the rear property line, abutting National Forest Service land. Hardships_ exist due to both natural and man-made condit'ions to be descri bed be]ow. The proposa'l is to a'llow construct'ion of a duples consist'ing of 3330 Sq. Ft. of GRFA, 1294 Sq. Ft. under the maximum allowable of 4624 Sq. Ft. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS of the Mun'icipal Code, the of the requested Variance Upon revjew of Criteria and F'indings, Section 18'62.060 Department of Cornmunity Development reconrnends approval based upon the foliowing factors: Consideration of Factors The relatjonship of the requests! variance to other existinq or potential uses and structures in the vicinity Existing dup'l exes on each side of Lot 3l violate side setback requirements, to the East du6 to a variance granted for avoidance of avalanch hazard (6' varjance) and to the West because the building was built under County regulations of l0' s'ide setback. The lot contains an intermitient stream with dense, mature aspens lining'its banks. The stream approximately besects the'l ot and should definite'ly be preserved as is. An additiona'l natural feature of the 'l ot js a substantia'l grove of young, healthy aspens on the eastern, or front portion of the lot. Some of the more mature aspens are diseased, which makes the preservation of the young aspens more significant. Thus, the natural features of the lot force development either to the northeast or southwest portions of the parcel . To build on the northeastern area would further crowd the cul-de-sac, with a dense appearance of development and loss of privacy for all three duplexes. The applicant proposes a detached garage in the easi'ly buildable northeastern area with access to the res'idence via a foot bridge in order to maximize preserv.ation of the stredm and the surrounding aspens. The duplex is, then, proposed to be located in a clearinq behind the aspens on the southwest portion of the property. The reetorvhichre1jeffromthestr.ictor]jteralinterpr1qtq!io@ fied requlation is necessarv to achieve compat and uniform'itv of treatment amonq sites in the vic or to attain the ob ect s title without qrant o spec ege. The most'important factors under th'i s heading are that the'l ot is a'l ready "squeezed" on each siAb ('in the front) by the existing structures, and the outstanding natural features of the lot are being sensitve'ly addressed by the applicant. The grantinq of the variance would be uniform treatment of sites'i n the vicin'ity and would definitely not represent a special privi'lege. - Jhe effect of 'transportat ion f iqht and al ribution of ul ati on ,the ue v ar'l and traff c facilities ublic facil'ities and uti I ities and publ ic sa:fetJ. Not bujlding in the front setback area may be a positive factor upon snow rerfioval on the cul-de-iac. Moreover, the proposal leaves open the front Fortion of the lot.having a positive influence on light and air for the duplex to the south. Such other factoqs qnd criteria as the commission deens applicable to the proposed The applicant, Mr. Rose, has undertaken considerable study and uncorwnon care in sensitively treating the environmental factors of the lot. The construction will be carrjed out by h'im whjch ensures cons'istency in the proposal and site care during constructi on. FINDINGS: Mr. Stan Black, partner in the dup'lex to the south has no maior concerns with this proposal. The Planning and Environmental Cornnliss'i on shall make the following findings before qran!1ng a varlance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsjstent with the lim'itations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health' safety' or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance js warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strjct or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would resu'l t in practical difficu1ty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the object'ives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditjons applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. RECOI'IMENDATION The Department of Community Development recommends approval based upon the existence of both natural and man-made hardships. PT'BLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEBEBY GMN THAT Kent Rose of Austin-Rose Construction has applied for a rear setback vari-ance to allow construction of a new duplex on Lot 31 of Vaj-l- Meadows Filing No. l- which is in a Two Family Residential Zone District. This application is made i-n accordance with Section 18.12.060 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. A PUBLIC HEABING will be held in accordance with Chapter 18.66 of the Town of Vail Municipal- Code before the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Cornnission on June 23r 1980 at 3:OO P.M. in the Vail Municipal Building. Plans for this project are available in the Office of cornrnunity Development between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:oo P.M. Monday through Friday. oo o3 TOWN OF VAIL DEPAFffiENT OF /"r '_,rtt U.z . t. ,James A. Rubin Zoning Administrator To be published in the Vail Trail_ on June 6, 1980. cowltNrrY DEVELoPMENT I ;f t.- L-z -z<-,; ,'v. ot oo J. Thomas Phoenix 828 Seventeeth Street Denver, Colorado 80202 May 29, 1980 Mr. Kent Rose Austin Rose Construction Company 2985 Booth Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Rose: J. Thomas Phoenix, as owner of Lot #31. Vail Meadows Filing #1, gives Kent Rose and The Austin Rose Construction Company permission to act as his general agent in reguesting a variance from certain desiqn standards set bv the Town of Vai1. Yours Very Trulrl A7l-"'^*^/f""-4 t I rhomas Phoenix JIP/ 1b 2985 BOOTH CREEK DRTVE . VAr L, COLORADO 81657 . VAtL303/476.01 1 0 . DENVER 303/77 1-2562 ?n ef/r/,z ffi /fr.rr// %r/trc. 8* raa %r/a B/as7 ur/hn 4/a-4:tA//2e/*,'/4 hfr'6,-,/%ZarZ c*W, 6o ahzfb(-h %rrt-,"z 3/ Vd/%illrud, ft/"fl1 S',hrfr/.%M/^". 4 ea-, MH,ry,fu ?Ahh ^ 4u .aa&aa.6n w,//4 %,_/6+W ,8t /r" /e /z o6ot -g&A, / /4 %r/ flr,rrrrpAefi"A"oprul*zAfi gr))// utr//(4&c( ry y.e, cu (/ r /qaud( K ( rF.{ / ) -uazrtru, a rrzudru.n teC futn @ Z.zz /1rM4 g *d/rt"n ArA* ^A,AZ^ %r&e Zz*l hl", .znl/a'rpa,&r,YUztAua.ila/.*a4t#/,e%frr"*/L'unz Ad/a"/ rqa!ruf t( 3 ffi h,w,i4 . fu zZraar /, fu ,uz4lArry* rnilzzta, a /, *4t- & euz/e b /rr4 h e,[*t drlfr Zr6-'t4pr/4t rilA,lil/i4 -tu,mdh,rAf,ffnWfu,4% ffiw#ffireraKe -;"i{ Ce ;i/, "4, 4,h,; 4 tu/, aioronh 4e 6rt? adaM/,/ Aa A er&ra,@z/A4* ^6 wzafrrrf/ hr:Wra a-24 /*y/z,f g/1"ks.4,aa*tua-,4,a./i?za(ir/-/u ffir%4t.%,444 'r4or?e4"r44,rta or, 4f ba "MrMtr*^ih*'oP^afu /.. %.r.rr/ rd/i 6n."r/t-t4r{t*fr h- &r,44 %r4"n ,z/h t*l% .'rLh-^r^a y'^- uvvtaTl)&h4qvfr1 Ar* V/ u,na.h,uo?a /na*ry I Zr4 FatZa,t 7 ^ r/r*A-q"*q)z,€,ba gr$.eaat-'ffil u M 44 r*/,/"lg/r,A^n Y fi,toh."p, {. * e{r#-q Xrf, 411 zq/t C k,: t !,r*W,'ry* Y4 ^;o'o %. 4{( &qe,rr; q 64fA, m nf /u *tdVA ,44a"9"r/"'"Wfr*h& ^' lttl. fu 'a. z)lZ .r*ir/z/'-4/4 Zlrrr- 4r 4*/ I,*re,*t. oo Oa Oarza a /tazzorrt d "*a,trod,rra A /"r* "n /L' ,,unt d 4, %.fhY"Z4ru zAo-u. %..u*tuee ,aru;rrltL ',rry)M A Ah,% "4*, /4M d *tu A"A &r4- A- lb culfr arrd Z lenh-#rta 'azca,nf'an .*H /h M %lrTrrh ^rffi /rt oLul ^a &fuu/n Wa*e//fJ,f, ( g *r/"fud /4.//ki;rq //fr @"rr,,Efuru,az W"grrn/fu,4A,,/,q"1 %fu4tazzf qd/ri-a/ reuae/zn n fu bodM'arzl.rrrvt *r"I q.uat/pra /rh p, fu/4Atpr4 //na/u J/,xrrr&/r( h #rz,ry//i!,",u ry a/ild paZ,uUy. v w O l/5r oF su6 t/rr4Ls /. TAWN OF UA/L APPZ/CAT/ON ruR UAKLANCE. z. /E..ER 7A AA67/N-RO€€ CoN67RaC7/oNt/NC, RO/"1 / zyar44S PHAEN\ DE5/6N/47/NQ 4b/6T/N-ROSE .jS GsueBaz 46ENr 3. srz P//4N 5Haw16 ALL EX/67/N6 E/47t/REq KEQaRso 5ErB4c(5/ rctuo,(APlY. / stre P/AN 6HAW//V6 8ru.t7/N6 4NO PROPXtED F€47//RE5\ PRoHsa 6u/ta/,v6 /rcA r/aNq E/€ v4 TtaN . 5. eRopasto Bu/to/lv€ Froa,? pl/4N. 6, ZI6IZ PROPERry s//RVE Y 7 zlsr aF pKapERTy owvE6 wr4tN ,.tua fETa p,(apEe7y. o of lhe mayor lJal . vail, colorado 81657 . (303) 476-5613 Decerilf,er 13, L978 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nott P. O. Box 792 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Bob & Evie: This letter is in response to your letter to the Town Council. The Council discussed your letter and your concerns at its work session on December 12 | 1978. f was asked to 1et you know what was decided. After reviewing your letter, the Council sympathizes with your frustration, but we do not see a \^tay that this project can be shut down. If you have a complaint about the contractor, that complaint should be filed with the Building Official and he can investigate the competence of the contractor, and if appropriate' ask the Board of Building Appeals to revoke his contractorrs license. That would not necessarily stop or slow down this par- ticular job. It is our joint opinion that the damages you have suffered are appropriately resolved through private legal action involving you and your neighbor. No other action could be taken by the Town. nespectful)y r SIifer RES,/5 jm h" 6td-54g1 lnwn n oftice box 100 f-v q TTo. PETERS'N g Po=tO ATTORNEYS AT ].AU' POST OrFtce BOx 3t49 v^IL. GOLORADO 41657 8 September 1978 v/rt L NAT|oNAL BANi zlurL'r,nic' (3O3).76-OC9Z EAG LE.VAI L PFIOFES9IOTAL BUI LD' N C' l3o3) 9.9 - 5 3Bo TREDER|CT( S. OTTO .JAY I(. PETERSON IYILLIAX J. POST FREDERICI( D'GREEI,I of couxs EL Mr. Stanley A. Black Hutchinson, B1ack, Hil"l> Attornqys at Lar'{ 1227 Spruce Street P. O. Box 1170 Boulder, CoJ-orado 80306 Dear Stan: Enclosed please find Mr. Larry Benway's estirnate for damages to th'e Nott Lot, *3I vail lvleadows, by a blasting acci- dent that occured on your Lot *30 on 8/LL/78. As mentioned in a letter to you by the Nottsr lour coll- tractor rmfortunately did not inform my client of this rather extensive damage to their lot. Conseguently, preventive measures to save the damaged aspen will be less effectj-ve and possibly hopeless at this point. l'lrs. Nott contacted the U,S. Forest Service immediately upon discovering the extensive bark damage and unfortunately very effective fungus infection preventive measures are unknown at this time. Those consuLted (includl- ing Ms. Linnea Gillman U.S.F.S. Tree Pathologist, Denver; Terry Wattles Forest Service, Steamboat Springst Roy Winegard- ner Forestry Conservation Aid, Colorado State Forest Servicei and Tom Landis, U.S-F.S. It{t. Sopris Nursery - to be contacted again) confirmed that once trees are "wounded" they are made extremely susceptable to fungi especially Black Sooty fungus and Cytospera fungus. The blasting contractor has already agreed to initiate the preventive measures and clean up by Mr. Benway. We understand from your contractor,Mr. Robert Rowland, that he is ful1y insured to cover an accident of this tlpe. I would appreciate hearing from you at your earliest convenience in order that we mav resolve this matter. Sincerely yours , OTTO, PETERSON & POST I I JKP: das Enclosure Peterson TI INVENTORY OF TREES DAMAGED BY ROCK BLAST 8/LL/78 BLASTER & OWNER AS ASSESSED BY 1) 2) 3) 6) 7) 8) e) 10) One Spruce approxirnately 35' highrdemolished- Four mature large Aspen approximately 40' high down- 20 dead or partially dead Aspen knocked partially or down- 10 .mature large Aspen approximately damaged - 15 mature large Aspen approximately aged. 20 mature large Aspen approximately 7 Aspen Sbplings (4-6' high)-broken 4O' high-severelY damaged- 10 Aspen Saplings (4-6' high)-medium bark darnaged' 1 double Aspen (16' high)-uprooted- 1 single Aspen (8' high)-uprooted- 40r high-medium bark dam- 4Or high-mild bark damaged. and/or severelY bark cornpletelY bark 4) s) -9*^, -Ez,qcr- '-Z-roc-r 7 t ?3n, z- 72 J= n ,1 -i3rs pe 4- (oe,,.,ver-:) ' I zg )\r-L- €3q zsad FcunPoert ,44---rcr Ltrree Z-p vr,7lz Z a. ffpsun 6eek nure.erlr lox 8tf Eagle, Co. 81631 Sept,4' 19?8 th'. 8td. lbs. Bobert Nott Va!l, Colorado 816rl Dear lob and Evep lbefollor'aglsryestanatlonfortheilauageslrrcur:redtoyour rroperty lr Blg Ho,o, ".rd1"l"loo. ltre tlanages are a result of a blasttng i."-:a*i ara aiso fron ao Llopoperfy locatetl d:el^uage dltch' l|orespectflca{ythetilasttngaccliterrtcaused|'bothsertousalril exleoslveilangetotreesoByourlmoperty.?heblasrtthatcausedthe ;;;;;;;";i on trre contlguous propertv to the east' Sald hrast eent na,nJr rnocks arit pleces "i-"o"L ttuiwi yoitr tttts toPPUng aore ood seantlag ra^q|, "" wiltl be enunerate-d. belor' ThedasagefronthetLrahageilltchlecausedfrouthefactthata con"U"rratf" $=tfo" of the dltch 5's on your property and not on the propertY rurdleur eonstrustlon' 1'tre follorlng estbates are tased on tnforuatlon you bave supplled' De' It ls ary ruraerstanafi-tfr"i 1t*"ta the blastl,'g subcontraetor have agreeil to the numbetrs iteL5.a;teal beio". I1y aplualsal 1s tased sole1y o! tbo.e n'nbersrconbln"d "#-,v t*o-i""pr"iroii of the property prlor to tble tlne. I understad you w!1r be fo:rrard'lng a coPI of thls. estlnate to the orner of the rot r:no, *rr"r" the danages ortgtnat€d. That-belng the caset ur.stang'actslorrratetrrto:meaof-ryc=edentla1s.hlefIy'Ihave teen a landscape contractor b the area slnce 1969. Thls nlne years of contlauous operatfon-mi.u o- f5't, the one wltb greatest longevity' Itl thesprlagofrgzo,-we"t"'taer!""'Geek$rrrseryand'tllusrealenorrlnto orr thbil year otopeatlon !n ttii brstness. I ar presently bau""{-t}rrough a two year la.nctscape d;ia:glr"Ji-and. also cu:rrent\y holil a cerLlfcatlon fron i;; ;:tJ: as a irlltate certljled pestlcide appllcator' 1ve l.ieasures andl ReDoval of 1. Slnray aat danaged treea rlth benalate - tbee tloes ?. Apply alcohol or pirrmt4g Pbt - three tloes *3r: nenove alf. iieadfall anil bdly lnfected asgen near good as-Den 4, 8epa1r ten rrcder:ate1y damgeit aspen seedlhge 5, Eenove all'rocks andl cbards on poroperty caused by the blast x6, Renove all. donned trees caused by tie blast Subtota.l Replaceneut of 1bees Dnaged tg Ulast \r egual or egulnalent numbers. 1..' One 25 t'o 30 foot &rgelnan slrruce, replaeed tU one nurserlr grom colorado Elue slruce 15 ft,-titt o= tree lJ ft. @ 4},oo/ft, Installatlotr 2. Beplace four 8 to 10 tnch callper aspen wlth elght 2 to 3 19oh caLlper asPen eleht 2 to 3 bch trees @ l+5.00 Installattou 9, Renor,al anit reSlacenent of 10 severly danagecl I lrr. to 10 ln. callper asPen on advlee of nu:cserlrnan Fenoval Eeplace ntth twenty 2 lo 3 lnch caliger trees Installetlon *+. Renorral andt reglacenent of 5ffi ot 1J noderat ely rianaged aspen 8 to 12 tnch oallper tree6. Besoval Replace wlth 2 to 3 b' callPer @ 45,00 Installatlon *5. Reuorral a.ad replacelrent of LM of 20 ntld1y clauaged large asPen. Renorral Replacenent four 2 to 3 ln' callper @ 45'OO Installetion 6, Replacenent of one 15 ft. doutile aspen Installatlon o heventat o Rock Detnrls ?25.O0 225.OO 450,00 5.@ I?5,AO ?25.O0 L255.OO 600.oo 240,o0 35o.oo lICl.00 1t25,OO 900.00 360.oo g?5,oo 630.oo 252.O0 25O.OO 180.00 72.O0 Il5,oo 18.00 7255.OO o 8. Replaceuent of seveo 4 Lo 5 ft. aspelr seed.llrlge s"ven astren @ 16.00 112.00 lrrstal1atlon I+4.8O 9. Beplaceoeut of 46 of ten rnoderately ilanraged asoen see{Llles.ro-ure16.oo_ 6+.00 lnstaLlatlon 25.60 10. Estlnate antl consultatlon fee to date 1 7/2 nove @ $ zo.oo/b. Sulrtotal fron preventatlve costs Su}total fron replacenent costs Total * These ltens as deUneateal present uarlnul costs. f suggest that all work oa these ltens be done on a tlne anil roaterlals basls rlth the savlngs golng to the partY llable. ?. [f;g+3iffft|""f one 8 ft. slngle aspen '8:88 30.00 7,255.W 6.i5\.40 $ ?,670,40 Thank lou, Iawrence L. Benray Jr. \.REOUES\ VAIL ,42il.'t DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES .rr,rstcrtoN ./,,/ TOWN OF t. / /'- )."i-r, / tt,r) BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH i WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEI- tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O GAS PIPING NAIL E POOL / H. TUB FINAL o tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr o tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR trE tr tr FINAL .'i4*eaoveo tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ) DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: ,,4) | *, CTION REQUEST T,OWN OF VA|L CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H UB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED EI REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rr,rsflctoN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL ;t oor= (tlrr,,{:/ JoB NAME INSPECTION: al /'"J CALLER --.,,,'}:. TUES IWED \ THUR .; // . /t__/ - 7- '/ltlt; FRI AM READY FOR LOCATION:7 MON '>',tt,.,. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL B D tr tr D tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDEBGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER D FRAMING tr INSULATION GAS PIPING {s*r.t*ocK NArL POOL / H, TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D o,"ftrunl tr FINAL I 6 *p*6veo D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE .-./..:- /7 *k-( e ____!D TNSPEQ_TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL '" ';DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES JOB NAME MON CALLER WED THUR t"l : -'\. AM) PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D,W.V. D ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE- FBAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING O POOL i H. TUB D FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PROVED ECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED co 7'.',"INSPECTOR '.=-( t t) U1,r,- | Us PEcr*o N, ilE o u Esr DATE JOB NAME CALLER rili,'""." ||iv'fb v)i"-r'iFrY? 'a;i' '^' _-@ '" BUILDING: (roo-,*o. / srEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FRAMING INSULATION GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: E HEATING tr ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr g?rrunr tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE -/+- lLi -Y I INSPECTOR rNsAtoN REQUEST VAIL q.DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNOERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr FRAMING INSULATION U GAS PIPING D SHEEIROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr D tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr,FINAL tr FINAL i APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CoRnrcrrorus: INSPECTOR ) PE rNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL :--)' . - t. ,1 ) CALLEB PM AM DATE 2/' JOBNAME READY FOR LOCATION: BU trl Di trl tr Er ,!l tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR N FINAL U FINAL b nppnoveo tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR DATE .i ;.. 1 J JOB NAME CALLER MON ('TUES-) INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL E READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI PM TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING F tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr E ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR il,INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN ,, : ,., OF VAIL {:.DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES / FRI READY FOR LOCATION:r. 't11 ,ft!, WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ii. INSPECTOR rrustcnoN neouesr TOWN DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES i THUR FRI AM VAIL BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr POOL / H. TUB tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION FIEOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o JOB NAME rNsPhoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL r) DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER E INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*ltcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME - CALLER READY FOR TNSPECTTON: .MON .-TUEg; WED THUR FRI :AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING OUGH / WATER D INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB o D D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL O FINAL I] APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIFIED DATE INSPECTOR ,*rt"noN neouedr oF vAtL . ''t; '7;DATE I ' ,- ,' ' -' JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES TOWN '-r-11u-3-'' BEADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB E tr u rrrjnl tr FINAL ELE ET trF trc tr_ CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED t REINSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR i-'i1.'. ;,^ INSilCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLEB MON TUES WED THUR PM AM FRI BUILDING:PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. FOOTINGS / STEEL .E FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSUTATION D GAS PIPING D SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL EL tr D tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL fi nppnoveo ;CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 1. )a o PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MaY 27, 1980 Approval of Minutes of May 12' 1980 meeting. Setback Variance Request for Vigor Duplex located on Lot 31, Vail Meadows Filing No. 1. (Withdrawn by Applicarit. ) 3. ) ConOitional Use Permit to a11ow the expansion of tbe Red Lion Inn in two phases. (Table at request of appLicant. ) 4.) Side Setback Yariance Request for P.A. Novelly on Lot 7, . block 1, Vail Village 6th Filing. 5. ) Approval of Amended Plat and Condo Map for One Vall Place (Old Gondola I Building) o AGM{D }M TO: FROM: DATE: RE: PLANNING AND DEPARTMENT OF May 20, L98O REQUEST I'OR r-oT 7, BLOCK MEMORANDUM ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION COMMIIN ITY DEVELOPMENT SIDE SETBACK VARIANCE T'OB P.A. NOVELLY ON I, VArL VTLLAGE 6th FrLrNG. The applicant wishes to intrude ?.5 feet i-nto the eastern side setUact on the 1ot to construct an underground gara.ge for two cars. The variance is requested due to two mature trees to the east of the existing house, which presently has surface parking off of Forest Road, separated from the house. The applicant wishes to preserve the trees and locate the garage to the far eastern portion of his 1ot. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Consideration of Factors The rel-ationshi of the requested variance !e oltlg-I--exi-€.!.in o ential uses structures j"n tne v1c The lot to the east is The plan for this house so that there will not and the new house. presently under construction for a house' locates it on the eastern side of the lot be a problem with distance between the garage The degree to which relief ={rqm the-strict.or litqlq;l--i!!el'pr9!}!ion ied regulation is necessary to Pcnrgvq . or to atta the ob.iectives o ttris titfe without grant of special pr.r-v1Iege. A physical hardship is demonstrated here in the form of existence of mature trees. it is the staffts obiective to save natural vegetation to as great an extent as possible and the variance re[uest is consisient with other approvals for similar variances in the Town. The granting of when one drives garage. this request removes Forest Road and Puts surface parking these cars in an in view underground The effect of the requested variance on light and.air, diglribution oT population, transportafion and-!raffic facil'ities' puolrc ffitTes, and public safety. GH PEC Memo-Novel1y Page Two--5-20-80 The Department of Conmunity Development ttte 7.5 foot setback variance with the trees are removed. o Such other factors and criteria gls the commission deems applicable None. FINDINGS: The PlanninF and Environmental Cornnission sha11 make the following finds before granting a variance: That the granting of the varianee will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare' or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinlty. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of th.e specifi-ed regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the obiectives of tbis tit1e. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the varianee that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. RECOMMENDATION recommends approval of condition that no mature H -:9il::*;ilre -o-txunw // PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT John Nilsson of Canada's of Colorado Limited representing l.l'illiam Vigor and Edvlard Asmus has applied for a front setback variance to allow construction of a new dup'lex in front setback of Lot 3'1, Vai'l Meadows Filing No. 'l which is in a Two Family Residential Zone District. This app'lication is made in accordance with Section 18.12.060 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. A PUBLIC HEARING will be he'ld in accordance with Chapter 18.66 of the Town of Vail Municipa'l Code before the Town of Vai'l Planning and Environ- mental Conrnission on May 27,'1980 at 3:00 P.M. in the Town of Vai1 Municipal Building. P]ans for this proiect are available in the Office of Community Developrent between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. TOl,lN 0F VAIL DEPARTMB'IT 0F C01'0IJNITY DEVEL0PMENT %"*"4 A/;* Ja#es A. Rubin Zoning Administrato, E To be published in the Vai'l Trail on lthy 9, 1980. of of TOWN OF VAIL APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE U)tuLtMll tr t/t&ic,a- d, A-oFU/2A ASmuS ?Y: Jort$ AilL$orr, ACl,€rOVt different from Applicant Application Date (YIAY 2 , t4Rc' Publication Date lllAV s, tlgn Ptblic Hearing Date mryt ?l tqAo Name Name Applicant Owner if Mailing Address v*tLt--eror2.Acv) , Telenhone Legal Description: Lot 37- , Block , Filing UAt WentvutS If property is unplatted submit mtes and bounds description as exhibit ) Application is hereby made for a Variance from the provisions of Section (8,lZ.obO of the Municipal Cod.e for the Town of Vail i.n order to al1ow: Doqbl aT?Je'l)QE Tp *. E,utLr. wnALt-v t/otTilfiJ Yt+€ flo tr lir LtpZ sg w' in a Ti^>o FHw,LY APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IJNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY TIIE FOLLOIIING:,/5 1. Hearing Fee - $1O0.OO + ${-4+for EACH addressed envelope. 2. A LIST OF THE OIYNERS OF THE PROPERTIES within 300 feet in a Single-Family Residential; Two- Family Residential; or Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District; or adjacent to the subject property in all other Zone Districts. The owners list shall include the names of a1 I owners and the 1efa1 description of the property owned by each. Accompanying this list sha11 be pre-addressed envelopes along with Certificates and Return Receipts properly filled out to each owner. These forms can be obtained from the U.S. Post Office. 3. Site P1an, floor plan and other documents as required by the Zoning Administrator. (This is to be submitted at the time of ublication ) A description of the precise nature of the Variance.(This should include an explanation of the specific hardship. ) 4.. rtE L/AerfrtXE t3 &.UJ.q l?s ueSt4 o/\t fueilrmeND+fld oF fft€ EstEN kttwi enaa AOo mR. ED DpA(rEL otr rHE RANpti)6 AtJp EttuPdrImENrAL @mmr6too, 7ll€ UAQLADG ptu_ aL@a Tfie PBoWA DUPTA 67RD64JAE T:o & tutl'faocfE0 . ItJ sucrl + tO*</ 4s To 4EftLt6 A' /-ae!re A;SEful e@)E lD TtE Re4.e gp -ftlt StrE ui/Dl5TuP.B€A, tuPea- Lx-*floo urt#il -ftle *:76/(X rce.gegtOt'S uautD ftr tu'ad @^t'ffii9T|a1) F tt- A)).atrK. tDtftld)T FrQr)tttJC A nPlroe- ?oPnU) @ sw strict. gnature'of App1l-cant rtils *f'Pe^l G?ouz. Vail Meadows Filing #1 Lot 32 Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. McDowell 2195 Knollwood Road Boulder, Colorado 80302 Mr. and Mrs. Ruel C. Mercure 350 17th Street Boulder, Colorado 80302 Lot 33 Mr. and Mrs Robert J. EbY 1773 Wiesbrook Road Wheaton, Ill. 60187 Lot 30 CDM Company 1227 SPruce Street Boulder, Colorado 80302 Lot 29 RMC and Company Box E Avon, Colorado 81620 //-'\ / (// \_t' Project Application Project Name: Proiect Descriplion: Owner Address and Phone: I c,- ' (r'1(',^ s Archilect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot (,,,^'" I /l//oo 1c,---'s , Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board /1 -rL oo" 11 (u- tc--tl'86 Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Zoning Administrator Chief Building Oflicial Minutes Meeting of of Planning and 5-27-aO Environmental Commission Members Present SandY Mi11s Dan Corcoran GerrY White Ed Drager Roger Tilkemeier (came in during Item #4) Staff Present 1. ) Jim Rubin Council Member assigned to attend PEC was not in attendance' Sandy Mi11s made- a motion to approve the minutes of the above meetins. d; il;;;;; =ec""ata the motion' The vote was unan imous. aonditionul -u=. pu.!,'it_tq ?1lgy_!h" "*purgior of -!h" Rtd Lion rnn in tirc pnases@ of the appricanE' Jim Rubin explained this item' He said there has been a change since tna"ilu'no was lvritten ' A recent survey shovrs the trees to be i;-;-different """u ttttn originallv believed' The appli-cant t:-nds that he now n!ta=- " froni setbick instead of a side setuactl" it.-rrr"a"hip is that to build the garage elsewhere on the 1ot would mean cutting several trees' The applicant said he didn't have any further-corments other ttran that he witi-wort ivittr One in; iuho"tt"" else to make this '"-"."V 1ow Profile Project' Dan Corcoran sai-d he does not want to see the pad that is ift.tu for Parking now Paved' Gerry \Thite said he sees no reason for granting a variance ' IIe said it is not'-"."iiy a.,underg"orrno iaraee^blt a one story building. rre ooes n"i-inur it i; necesiary to build a garage 1ex located on Lot 31 1i can t 3.) 4. ) vl.m PEC Minutes ' 5-27-ao--Page O Two and aethestically it is not pleasing' Trees would ncit have to i. ""t if they sinply did not build a garage' Jim Rubin said they do have the right t9 f91]A a garage and could just "ut the trees without comming to the PEC' Ed Drager made a motion for approval of the Sid'e Setback Variance Request for p.A. ii;;;iiv on lbi ?, Block 1, vail viLlase 6th Filing' with the amendmenl-;;-;"front setback variance instead of side' acknowledging that this is being approved because the hardship is tbe cutting of trees, ther.efor;;-;; i""ut "l::ld be'cut for this project. In addiiior-"-i,.ro strourJ're sent to DRB saying that PEC - recommends that it"V fi*it the paving in front of the dri-veway anc not extend to pad that is p*es"r,tiy isea for.parking' Also 1t\ llt"tn to recommend a landscape treatmeni. Bog." Ti-lkemeier seconded the motion. sandy, Boger and Ed voted for rhe motion. Gerry vhite voted against as he felt there was no ttarasnip and no reason for granting this variance as-itu--g"t"ge did not have to be bui1t. Dan corcoran abstained. DanCorcoranaskedifthetreeswillstilldie.Theapplicantsaid theyhadtalked*itt'-rr"*'rdGolnickandhedidnotthink'thetrees would die. Gerry lYhite saicl he stil1 feels that thb ga'rage should not be constructed. 5.)roval of Amended Plat and Condo for One Vail Placq Jim Rubin showed the amended plat and he and Dan Corcoran .*irf"i".a about it. Ed Drager made a motion to approve the amended plat-". p""t"nt6O' Sandy Mi1ls seconded the motion. Sandy, ni-aia Gerry voted for the motion' Dan and Roger abstained. Jim Rubin presented the Condo Map' Sandy Mil1s-made a motion to accept the Condo Map as presented' Ed seconded the motion' fa, S"rr'ay and Gerry voied for the motion' Dan and Roger abstained. Ed Drager made a motion. to adjourn the meeting' The vote was unanimous. The neeting was adjourned at 3:20 p'M' Dan Corcoran seconded. ?t , Projecl Appllcation ,// <-\ //'\'\ .'o^r" *-4V- dO Project Name: Proi€ct Descripllon: Owner Address and Phone: Architecl Address and Phone: Legal Dgscription: Lot Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: o.r" {-so - tro OISAPPROVAL Ssconded by: APPROVAL i 1 l [' l:l I I 'L box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 September 16, 1977 office of the town manager Mrs. Barber 2445 Berkshire Drive P'ittsburgh, Pa. 15241 Re: Lot 31, Vail Meadows Filing No. 1 Dear Mrs. Barber: At the request of Byron Brown.Real Estate, the Town has reviewed the subject lot for avalanche hazard. i.le have found that the l.ot is in an "avalanche zone of influence"' meaning that there'is potential of an avalanche on the site. A dwelling may be built if it js totally out of the zone of influence., or a dwelling may be built in the zone of influence after further study to determine the potential impacts if the structure is located in a moderate hazard zone and if. it is designed to withstand the pressures. The Town will be happy to furnish a list of consultants qualified to perform the necessary avalanche study for you.' If you have any questions' please feel free to contact us. Si ncere'ly, 1T ii S. Toughill Admi ni strator