HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL RIDGE BLOCK A LOT 4 LEGAL.pdfFf[ t D e p artne nt of C onnwnity D eve lopme nt ctlPy 75 South Fronrage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3 03 -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 May 27, 1993 Mr. Arno J. Brinkman 600 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Dear Mr. Brinkman: Enclosed is a copy of the minutes of the May 10, 1993 Planning and Environmental(PEC) meeting at which your wall height variance request was approved. The attached copy of the meeting minutes will serve as your record of this approval. Please note that the approval ol this wall height variance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction is not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted has noi commenced within two years from the approvaldate (May 10, 1993). lf approval of this wall height variance lapses, an application must be resubmitted for reconsideration by the Community Development Department staff and the PEC. lf you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 303/479-2138. Trrlil Tim Devlin Town Planner Enclosure Jim Curnutte made a brief presentation of the request and asked the PEC to make a formal motion and vote on this request. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approved the applicant's request for a minor subdivision per the staff memo. Greg Amsden seconded the motion and a 6-0 unanimous vote approved this item. 8. An appeal of a staff interpretation to not allow a cantilevered portion of a building into an area exceeding 407o sloPe. Applicant: Michael Lauterbach/The Reinforced Earth Co. Planner: Shelly Mello Staff explained that a formal motion was not recorded at the April 26, 1993 PEC Meeting concerning this item and requested that a motion and vote be made. Kathy Langenwalter made a motion to uphold the staff interpretation that a building cannot cantilever into an area exceeding 40% slope with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A 6-0 unanimous vote upheld the staff interpretation' A request for a wall height variance to allow for the construction of a retaining wall exceeding three (3) feet in height in the front setback for the driveway to the residence located at 2346 Cortina Lane/Lot 4, Block A, Vail Ridge. 9. Applicant: Planner: Applicant; Planner: Arno Brinkman Tim Devlin honcs dspaning ssjd Row tino N66"53'25'E 39.15 tB€t: thence depaning said Row line s81"23'19-E 165.42 l€€l lo a pdnt ot curv€: th€nc€ 1?2.83 tssl atong ihg arc of a 143.20 toor radius cuw6 to lho lof! having a cenlral anglo o149"08'51' and a chord th6l boars s15"57?5.E 1 19.10 feet: thenc€ s4O32 1O"E 3.OO l€€t; rhonc€ 66-30 l€el along lhs arc of a 77.21 fool radius clrve tt tho right, having a canlral angl€ ol 49"12'lO' and a chord that b€ars S15"56'O5'E 64-28 l€€t; thenco S8"{0'00'lt/ 90.27 tegl; lh€nca N38"42'24'W 224.55 le6l: lhenc€ S78'10'3?'W 101.44 teel to lhe Poinl of Boginning. Michael Lauterbach Jim Curnutte t F/tt idfPy. that the slaff was steps be heavily the wall height variance A 6-0 vote approved Tim Devlin made a presentation per the staff memo and stated recommending approval of this item with the condition that the landscaped with a mix of junipers, aspen and evergreen trees. Kathy Langenwalter made a motion to approve this request for per the staff memo with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. this item. 10.A request for a discussion regarding The Valley, Phase ll, upper development area, concerning the soils testing requested by the PEC. Applicant: Planner: Steve Gensler Andy Knudtsen Planning and Environmental Commission MaY '10, 1993 /) /:rlt"s', /' ,r.. /,n -/+ j/,'' ' ' 7/1;(':'''' TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Dn- 2"/ Planning and Environmental Commission /-d Community Development Department May 10,'1993 A request lor a wall height variance to allow for the construction ot a retaining wall exceeding three (3) feet in height in the front setback for the driveway to the residence located at 2346 Cortina Lane/Lot 4, Block A, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Planner: Arno Brinkman Tim Devlin I. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED The applicant is proposing lo build one 6-foot high concrele retaining wall to support the earth above an already constructed driveway to the single family residence located a1 2346 Cortina Lane. The 6-foot high retaining wall is proposed to be stone-laced and located partially in the front setback, where 3 teet is the maximum wall height allowed. A variance is required for the additional 3 leet of wall height. The length of the wall in the area of the variance in approximately 22 lineal feet. Above the wall are proposed to be three stepped boulder retaining walls, each five feet in height that will function to stabilize the hillside further above the driveway. The "steps" between all of the walls are proposed to be landscaped with ten 5 gallon junipers. None of these stepped boulder retaining walls will require a variance since they will be out of the lront setback and will not exceed 6 leet in height. Please see the attached site plan lor further information. II. BACKGROUND In March of 1991 , the applicant received Design Review Board (DRB) approval for a new single family residence on the site. The approvbd site plan was the same as that which has been resubmitted, except the wall in the front selback was originally designed to not exceed three feet in height. Since the construclion of the driveway to the residence, it has become necessary that a wall greater than 3 feet in height be built in the front setback. None of the driveway retaining walls have yet been constructed. The earth above the driveway exceeds a 2:1 slope, does not support vegetation, and appears to continue to erode quite significantly. III. VARIANCE CRITERIA ANO FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval ol the requested variance based on the following factors: A.Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potentlal uses and structures In the vicinity. The statf and the PEC have seen several requests in recent months for retaining wall height variances in order to construct driveways to residences on Cortina Lane. Also, many residences located on Cortina Lane have been built with the garage located in the front setback due to the slope of the lot exceeding 30%. The slopes on this lot under the structure and the driveway (prior to construction) averaged 34%. Staff asked the applicant to analyze the possibility of designing two terraced walls to see if the disturbance to the site could be reduced. The applicant complied with this request. lt was determined that two 5 foot stucco walls would be required with one tier of boulder wall. Staff fell that the original proposal had less impact on the site and was more aesthetically pleasing with the rockjaced 6 foot wall and 3 boulder walls above. Given the fact that the house and driveway have already been constructed, the staff does not believe that the proposed concrete stone-faced retaining wall will have a negative impact on other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The stafl does feel that the stone-tacing is a positive design feature of the wall, but recommends as a condition ol approval that the landscaplng between the boulder walls be increased lo allow for evergreen and aspen trees. Currently, the applicant is proposing to landscape lhe areas between the walls with ten 5 gallon junipers. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achleve compatibility and uniformity ot treatment among sltes In the vlclnlty or to attaln the objectives of this title without grant ol speclal privilege. The stalf recognizes that the steepness ol the lot makes driveway access to the house very difficult without retaining walls. We believe that some relief from the strict interpretation ol the code is warranled, and leel that the variance request is reasonable given the site constraints and also given the fact that the house and driveway have already been built. 3. The elfect ot the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public satety. The staff does not feel that the proposal as presented would have an adverse impact on any of the above ilems. o B. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the lollowinq findinqs before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difliculty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site ol the variance that do not apply generally 1o other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. IV. STAFF BECOMMENDATION The staff recommends approval of the requested wall height variance. As discussed in Section lll of this memo, the stafl supports the retaining wall height variance as proposed by the applicant, with the condition that the "steps" belvveen all of the boulder retaining walls be heavily landscaped with a mix of evergreens, aspen trees, and shrubs, and that final approval is granted by the DRB. In summary, the staff leels that the request for a wall height variance meets criteria lll B, 1, 2 and 3 (a,b,c) cited in this memorandum. Please note that, under Section 18.60.080 of the Town of VailZoning Code, the approvalof all variances shall lapse if construction is not commenced within two years ot the date ot issuance and diligently pursued to completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted is not commenced within two years. iijl '3';: ,.i:: rcvieed 9/4/9L .IPPLICATION This procedure is required variance. The application information is submiLted. Appricatit".. PEC MEETING DATE 4-/: 73 RECD APR 1 219fr I. FOR J[ VTRIA}ICE for any project requesting a will not be accepted untiL aLl A. owNER (S) ADDRESS SIGNATURE (S) v// D.LOCAT]ON OF PROPOSAI: E. NAME oF po*Lrc*r y'?/lr? J- D/?hv/(////w PHoNE 476-.34€6 NAME oF APPLTCaNT' s REPRESENTATIVE K//27 'SfL: tV ET.-26. ADDRESS 'M) S.FEa,cf:Aaa Q.o /U PH.NE 47e' 4/3= NAI,'E OF OWNER(S) (type or print) 4* LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoT .4 . }trJDre,ss !34( Ct4fl/t//t ,4//. FEE $250.00 PAID px *M(:4 ev THE FEE !gg! BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject Property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS' and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORR.ECT MAILTNG ADDRESSES. rI. A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items reguired by the zoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. III. PLEASE NOTE T}t T A COMPI.ETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. AI..L CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WIT}I F1EFORE A B"'1-i.]. ING PERMIT IS ISSUED. T'i,,'Ui i4) CUPIES OF THE FOLLOW]NG MUST BE SUBMITTED: .A i, WN:]ITEI'i STATIYENI OF .TJiU PRECIIJE NAIL|P.E UT' THE- t-:\Rt_irr-rqLlE liti,fr-lE:iTEn jrjvD THE REGULIiTlON LNVOLVETj" :r',}jE SThl.'Er.:5rlT M'{-rST ALSO Ai'DP.ESS : 1. T;r': relatiersh.-;: uf thc:.:s,-luested tariance to r>t.l;'e:r existing or pot'ential uses ei),1 structures in .tire vi'cini.+-y. BrinknarnRemodel - WalI Heiqht Variance We are requesting a variance to a front setback to accommodate a site retainage wall as shown on the enclosed slte plan. The purpose of the wal1 would be to retain earth on the uphill side of the eight to ten percent proposed entrance driveway. The grade at the southweEt property corner is in excess of 8'-6" above Cortlna Lane at the entry making a rather large site cut necessary at thiE po1nt. A retalnage wall ls necessary to accommodate this cut and create a negotiable driveway to the house. Landscaping and boulder retalnage at the t.op of the wall will create a more natural settlng for the waI1. PI,ANT LIST. BRINKI,TANN RESIDENCE 2643 CORTINA LANE DPCI( n,'r'*l -- lr -. *U '(v *-**7tt"'# ,tr / cor'ron nAilB srzE ll^t"'o- . euaking Aspen 2-2-L/2n M Colorado spruce 7-L2' t Amelanchier alnifolia Native serviceberry 5# Artemisia tridentata TaII western sage s# Cotoneaster acutifolia Peking cotoneaster s# Caryopteris x clandonensis Blue rnist spirea s# cornus sericea 'Isanti' Isanti dogwood s# Cornus sericea coloradense Colorado dogwood s# chrysothannus 'Tall Blue' Blue rabbitbrush s# Prunus besseyi Western sand cherty 5# Potentilla fruticosa Native potentilla 5# Pinus mugo mughus Dwarf mugo pine l-8rt Potentitla 'sutters Gold' Sutters potentilla 5# Prunus virginiana melanocarpa Native chokecherry s# Ribes alpina Alpine currant s# Rhus typhina lacinata Cutleaf sumac s# Rosa woodsi Native Pink rose s# Spirea bunatda 'Anthony Water'spirea s# Syringa patula 'Miss Kim' Mies Kirn lilac 5# sambucus pulrens Red berried elder s# KEY OTY. TREES PT 23 PP 16 SHRUBS AA 10 AT7 cA2 cc L4 cs2 csc 2 cT7 PC1 PF7 PU1 PS5 PV 10 RA5 RT3 RW5 sB5 SK2 sP5 BOTAilICAL ilAilE Populus tremuLoides Picea pungens \*Astt\t|rtq t I /l I Hannelore Schauer c,/o Herbeit Schorp 2633 Cortina Lane Vail, CO 81658 Arch and Juanita Jacobson 5221 Windjammer Road Phanl, TX 75093 Alex and Mary Ann Gordon P.O. Box 1744 Vail, CO 81658 Hans Weimann 889 S. Brentwood Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63105 4/aa/qe- CIdfcuts sut clrr gN 1. A request for a joint work session with the Design Review Board and the Planning and Environmental Commission to review a request for a conditional use, a paving variance and the cemetery master plan and management plan for the proposed design of the Vail Cemetery to be located in the upper bench of Donovan Park generally located west of the Glen Lyon subdivision and southeast of the Matterhorn neighborhood, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Vail will hold a public hearing the Town of Vail on May 10, Consideration of: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PBOPEFTY PUBLIC NOTICE that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of 1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town ol Vail Municipal Building. Town of Vail Andy Knudtsen First Bank of Vail Andy Knudtsen Vail Associates Jim Curnutte Arno Brinkman Tim Devlin Anneliese Taylor Shelly Mello 2. e 4. A request for a landscape variance to allow for the reconstruction of the parking area at the first Bank/l7 Vail Boad/Lot 6, Vail Village 2nd Filing. A request for a conditional use to allow tee-pees to be used in conjunction with Vail Associates summer programs to be located adjacent to the Base of Chair 8, Tract A, Lionshead 1st Filing. A request for wall height variances to allow for the construction of a driveway to the residence located at2346 Cortina Lane/Lot 4, Block A, Vail Ridge. 5. A request for setback and site coverage variances to allow for the construction of an addition and a garage located at2409 Chamonix Road/Lot 19, Block A, Vail das Schone Filing No. 1. b.A request for a front setback variance and a site coverage variance to allow the conslruction ot a garage located at Lot 26, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing/165 Forest Road. Applicant: Paul Raelher Planner; Jim Curnutte 7. A request for a work session for a minor suMivision to vacate the lot line between Lots A-1 and A-2, a request for variances from the subdivision road standards, wall height slandards and to allow parking in the front setback al Lots Al and A2, Block A, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 1/1139 and 1109 Sandstone Drive. 8. A request for a work session for a major amendment to SDD #5 to allow for the development of the remaining portion of the Simba Run SDD, Savoy Villas, located at 1100 North Frontage Road. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planners: Michael Lauterbach/The Reinforced Earth Co. Shelly Mello Simba Land CorporationMalid Said -- Mike Mollica Town of Vail Jim Curnutte and Russ Forrest 9. A request for a work session to discuss proposed revisions to Chapter 18.38, Greenbelt and Natural Open Space District, and Chapter 18.32 Agricultural and Open Space District, of the Vail Municipal Code. 10. A request for a minor subdivision and a major amendment to SDD #4, Cascade Village, to amend the development plan for the Waterford and Cornerstone parcels in area A. described as follows: That pan of lhs SW 1/4 NE 1/4, S€clion 12, Township 5 South. Rango 81 West ol lhesirth P.incipal Meridian, Town of Vail, Eagle Counly, Colorado, desctibod as lollows: B€9inningatapoinlonthgsoulhe'|yrighlt|.way|in€ofhtglslaleH|ghwayNo.7owh€nc€ahironp|nwtlhadasliccapmarkin9|h€ csntgr ot said S€clion 12 b€ars S 33"10'19' W 1447.@ fset: |h€nco along sak soulhedy right-ot-way lins two cours€s 1) N 52'50'29'E 229.65 f€€l 2) N 74'38'lr E 16o.rc fe€t; th€nc€ d€paning sald southsrly righl-of-way line N 88"45'5f E 138.93 teer; thenc€ S 40'45'14'W 94.32 te€t: Ih€nc€ S 18' 18 36- W 54.08 f€€t rhenc€ S0102136"W 205.02 feer; thsnco S 12.0736- W 1t0-25 le€t rhenc€ S 28.28'36" W 164.48 feer: rhencs N40 "1704- W 211,16 fe9l; lhsnc€ N 49"42'56'E 97.80 toet: lhonc€ N 37"09'31- W 95.59 fg€l; lhenc€ S 52'50'29'W 55.r0 f€€li lh€nco 69.48 fest along lh€ arc of a non-liang€nl curv€ to lh€ l€11 having a radius of 65.00 teql, a cantral angl€ of 6l "14 42' and a chofd lhal b€ars N 58' 5553' W 66.22 le€ti thenc€ N 3109'31' W 1'18.50 le€t To The Tru€ Point of B€ginning, County ol eagl€. Srats of Colorado: Applicant: MECM Enterprises represented by Eustaquio Cortina and Commercial Federal Savinos. Planner: Shelly Mello 1 '1. A request for a conditional use to allow furniture sales at the Cascade Crossing Building located at 1031 South Frontage Road WesVan unplatted parcel located west of the Vail Associates maintenance shop. Applicant: Planner: Paul Anderson Collection, Ltd. Andy Knudtsen 12. A request for a minor subdivision and an amendment to a previous PEC recommendation for approval of a major amendmenl to Cascade Village, SDD #4, Area A, Millrace lll, 1335 Weslhaven Drive, Cascade Village, more specifically described as follows: A part ol lhs SW /.. NE y., S6c on 1?. Township 5 Sourh, Range 8t W6t ol f|€ 6lh P.li{. describod as bllorrs: Bsginnlng al a point ol lhs Nonh-Soulh c€nterlin€ gl said Sbction 12 wh€nc€ an ifon pin with a plaslic cap marking lh€ ccnlsr of said Ssction 12 bea6 S00"38'56"W 455-06 le€t; thenc€ along said cenlerlins NmtS'56t 122.81 te€r ro t|e southsrly ROW line ot 170; lmncs dopanlng sai, ROW lin€ N66'5325T S1.15 feol: rhso@ d€paning said ROW line S81"23'19-E 165.t{2 t€€l lo a point ot curve; lhence 122.83 ls€t along ths arc ot a 14:1.20 loot radius clrw€ to the lofl. having,a canl.al angle of 49'0851' and a d|o.d lhal bears S15o57?5-E 119.10 t€€l; thonca S40"32'1O'E 3.00 fe€l; trrenca 65.3C ls€t along lhs arc ol a 77.21 lool radius curv€ lo th€ floht, having a c€nrral angle of 49'12'10'snd a cho.d thet b€ars 515"55'05"E 64.28 le€t; lh€nce S8"40'm'W 90.27 l€€l; lhencq N38"42'24"W ?24-55 t€er: thenco S78or03fW 101.44 te€I |o he Poinr of B€ginning. Applicant: Michael Lauterbach Planner: Jim Curnutte TOLlhl gF uFlll- Hiscel lareous Csh E4-19-9I 11:54:Etl FEcEiFt. * l?178O Fl,:,:EUnt* CK*F'4EE FtEt{n BeIH},X4pHti\t$e IFIHf,E Fltn,:unt tende re'l :: 258 ' EE Ircm Paid hfit Paid filErBErg4lf,f,EiBEB ?58. Eg f,han,J* re t.u rne'J :r B' 8B 1'HFIHT< I/OIJ PLEASE MAKE CHECK TOWN OF VAJL D EPA RT;\{E)iT OF COIVI]VITJNITY DEVELOP}IENT' S,TLES ACTION FOR}( : 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD vdtrL,,, eoLoRADo 81657 ZCI\T\G tu\D ADDRESS l'lAls 0l 00004t510 0l ctoo 4?415 LINIF OL\{ I IIILDL\-G C0 D E UMFOfu\{ PLU!'4EL\C CODE 0l 0000 ..2115 0l 0000 42,1 | 5'l uxtrorurt lrgcHi-\'lc,r.L coDE 0t 00001?{r5 UNIFOR,\{ EIRE CODE 0l 0ooo421t5 | i{,rno}'rel.;LECTRJCALcoDE 0! co@ {24t5 OTIIER CODE EOOKS 0t 0000 {!54s I BLUE PRf,\IrS (:\1 0l 0001 {2112 xEROX COPIES/S'iUDIES 0l 00co1237l PENA I,TY FEES / R E.II.'-'S PECNONS ol 0!c0 { t,1j2 i pL,,"v RET4Ew RE.CHECK FEE tsro FER HR. 0t 0000 42321 OFF I{OURS DiSPECNON FEES CONTiU\CTO RS LIC L\S ES FFIS 0t 0000 .t l1t 2 SIGN APPL]CAT]Oi{ FEE 0l Ctr00 { l:,30 .01 0000 411r 3 ADDITIONAI- SI6NACE F;E ISI.OC PER, 0t 0ct9121.t0 lTC ART PROJ;CT DONAT]ON 0t 0000 4 t413 0t ocsc.lt33l PRE P}JD DESIGN REvlNV SOARD F:E OI@0042412 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERUIT COMPUTER DI *.01 0000 41010 TAx O1 OOOO 4237I INVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING) 0l 0000 ! 1330 | SPECLAL DEVELOPIfEIT DISTRICT f l' * * * * * * * * * Doc Fee c( ?< Rccordcd at o'clock -. Rccct'tioo No. WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED, uaae tnis 19 8 9, berwcen RONALD M . CLARKSON , CLARKSON of thc ' County of orence E. Clarkson day of September SR. AND FLORENCE E. and Starc of 6lQei{ grantor, and CHRISTINA BRINKMAN whosc lcgat.666s5 is 600 vail valley Drive, vail r CO 81657 of the County of Eag1e and State of Colorado, grantce: WITNESSETH, That the Srantor for and in consideration of thc sum of TEN DOLLARS AND ANY OTHER GOOD AND VAI,UABLE CONSIDERATIONS----------------IIOLLARS' the rEccipr and suf6ciency of which is hcreby acknowledged, has ganted, barSaincd, sold and convgrcd, and by thesc PrEsents docs 8rant, bargrin' sell, convey and con6rm, unlo the grantee, his heirs and assigns fo!e{er, all th€ rcal FoP€ny togcthcr with imprwements' if any, siNate, lying and b€ing in the County of Eagle and Statc of Colorado dcscribed as follows: LOT 4 BLOCK A VAIL RIDGE a. lcuxt <rcro( ltraD(Dadbss : TOGETHER with all and singular the hercditaments and appuncftuccs rheEto belonginS, or in anywise apPenaining, and lhc rs!'Ersion and reversions, Emainder and remaindcrs, Ents, issues and profrts thereof, and all the estare, right, title, inteEst' claim and dcmand whatsoever of thc Srantor,eithe!inlaworequity,of,inandlot]teaborcbargainedpremis€s'withtheherEdihmentsandaPPuncnances' TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and described, with the aPPunenances' unto the 8ranlec, his hcirs and assigns forcver. And the grantor, for hims€lf, his heirs, ard P€rsonal rEplEsentativcs, does coveoant, grant, balgain, aod agrce to and with thc grantec ' his heirs and agsigns. that at thc rime of ahc cnseallng and delivery of these pEsents, hc is well seized ofrhe prcmises abort convcpd' has good, suE' Perfc€t' absolulc and indefeasible esratc of inheritance, in law, in fee simple, and has good right, fuu po{xer and lawful authority to Srant' batgain, s€ll and con\q thc $mc in manner and form as aforesaid, and that the same are ftec and clear from all former and olher grants' bargains. sales, licns, (arcs' asscssmc[ts' encumbrances and rcstricrions of whatever kind or naturc soever, cxccpt gasements r festf ictiOnS, fesefvatiOnS and rights-of-way all of record and real Property taxes for the year 1989, not yet a lien due and payable. Thc Fanror 3h8ll 8nd will w\RRAt{T AND FOREVER DEFEND thc sbovc.bErgsined prcrniscs in thc quict snd P€acesblc Posscssion of th! gancc' his hcirs and assigns, against all and ctrry pcrson or pcrsons hwfully clsiming lhr wholc or 8ny part thctlof. Thc singulat lumb€r thrll includc th! plutrl' Uc plurat thc singular, 8nd rhc usc of any gcn&r shall bc sPPlicablc to all gcndcrs' IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, thc grantor has cxeculed lhis deed on thc date sct ,a "z- {. Florida I l* ,s . \\\ No. 9324. Rev.744. 89005396 dry of SePtember /9 ,r989 E. clarkson ,e tf . Witness my hand and official scal. "9'i$Sfliuf#.-IL?:'J't\Oil',*irRt'Ei6s -:l .,;;1, i^,.4 WAIIANTY DEED (Fb. ftd.g.Dhl. [.co.d) Bt.dford P!blt.hir8,5t25 w &h AYG ' L*cwood' CO to2ll - (f0!) Zt!'6000 ll-t6 eE) i uo B U Y E R (S)CLOSING I STATEMENT Seller(s)...... Buyer(s)....... Lender Property Closing date... File Number. . . . RONALD I{. CHRISTINA LOT 4 BLK 09/L5/89 89005396 Prepared by STEWART TITLE OF EAGLE COUNTY, INC., P.O. Box 1248 VAIL, COLORADO 81658 (303 ) 949-1011 FAX # 949-77L3 CLARKSON SR. AND FLORENCE E. CLARKSON BRINKMANN A VAIL RIDGE SALES PRICE PLUS CHARGES: qff 8fISsl{Sotxfi Aodx*sDodrnf xlolG SETTLEMENT OR CLOSING FEE PAYEE: STEWART TITLE OF EAGLE COUNTY RECORDING FEES DEED S 5.OO STATE TAX/STAMPS DEED S 5.35 50.00 5.00 f . Jf 1"0.00 267 .50 53,500.00 337.85 53,837.85 5,432. B3 48,405.02 TAX CERTTFICATE PAYEE: STEWART TRANSFER TAX 1% PAYEE: TOWN OF TITLE OF EAGLE COUNTY 5O/50 SPLIT VATL TOTAL CHARGES SALES PRICE PLUS TOTAL CHARGES LESS CREDITS: DEPOSIT OR EARNEST MONEY 5e" oF coMMrssroN . . . couNTy rAXEs oL/oL/89 'ro 09/L5/89 $?6.6...19....... TOTAL CREDITS BALANCE DUE FROM BUYER 2,500.00 2 ,67 5 .00 257 .83 My signature hereon acknowledges approva-I of tax prorations. Any DEFICIT in delinquent taxes wj-l1 be reimbursed to Title Company by the seller. Only the items specifically set out above have been addressed as part of this closing. A11 other matters, including but not 1im j.ted to, water, sewer, tap fees and special assessments are not a part of this settlement and shall be handled between Buyer and Selfer. The undersigned further acknowledges that the above information was assembled from sources other than this company and therefore, this company cannot guarantee the accuracy thereof. Interest on existing liens is figured to the date indicated and additional interest may have to be collected, if necessary, to secure the Release from the lienholder. WE APPROVE THE FOREGOING SETTI.,EMENT STATEMENT, IN ]TS ENTIRETY, AUTHORIZE PAYMENTS IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH AND ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF A COPY HEREOF. BUYER BUYER Christina Brinkmann EAGLE COUNTY icer O REA' EsrArE ro,( AGJ ft ls hereby undergtood and agreed bctwren ttre Buyer(c) and Seller(s)of property knoc aar Lot 4, Block A, ValI F+91. County that tares for the current year bave been adJusted ar of thle date on ttre bacls of r (x)Tarea}ravebeenproratedonttrel9s8D1ll1ewor-4 and the 1989 assesrnents of _ 2,250.00 for an estl.naEed tar of S 366.18 for the year l9j,!1, and are to be conrldered a final settlenent. ( , Taxeg have been prorated on tlre 19 ltll lerry of end the t9 asseasnenta of for an estlnated tar of8 for the yeer 19_ and wlll be readJusted between the buyer and seller when the actual tar ctatenen! Decones aval.Iable Tares have been (t (, () (t ofs prorated on the basls of the previous yeat,6 taxea _ and are to be constdered a final EettleDent. ftrls agreenent erecuted Taxes aubJect to elther the County Aaaessor. thlg__lstLday of ssg!94919 8e lncrease or decrease by reason of of 9_ and wlll be when ttre actual tar sEatenent reaEsesEDent by Tlxes have been prorated on the basis of the prevlous yearr! tanes of$and wlll be readJugted between the buyer and eeller when the actual tar etatenent becones avalleble. Taxes have been prorated on an estlrate of g and are to be considered a flnal settlenent. Taxes have been prorated on an estlnate readJusted between the buyer and seller becoues avallable. "4 ><' Buyer :4 e All conr€yancc documcnls subFcr lo thc documcnlary fcc submittcd to thc cdrnay clc* and Faordcr for rEcordation rtrust bc &compmicd by r rral p]oPcny trBnsfct dcclarador. Upon cornplction, thc dcclaration mtst bc signcd by rhc granror (s€ll€r) or grartcc Ou)€r). Rcfcr ro 39-l+t020Xr),t.R.S. 8nd in$ructions on back. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER DECLARATION l. Address or legal description of real property: r't 4' EIod< A, vail Ridge 4. 5. 6. 2. Is this a transaction among related parties? Yes tr No ts 3. Totalsaleprice: S 535OO'-f) What was the cash downpaymenlr 5 Z 5OO . Did total sale price include a trade or exchange? Yes O No p Did the buyer receive any personal propeny in the transaction? Ycs D No EL If yes, the approximate value: $ 7. Were mineral rights included in the sale? Yes E No EL 8. Were water rights included in the sale? Yes E No fi 9' If applicable, you may include goodwill for a going business. Apprcximate value of goodwill? $ 10. Was less than 100% interest in the rcil propcrty convepd? Yes ! No S ll. DateofClosing, lS:eG+. 89 - Month t Ycrt t2. 13. 14. 15. Was the Ioan new E or assumed D ? What was the interest rate on the loan? What was the term of the loan? Were any points paid? Yes E NoD If yes, how many? 16. Signedthis \5 dayof S€P+. ,19 8q E Grantor I Grantec ! Grantor ! Grantee Please mail to Eagle County Clerk and Recorder P,O. Box 537 Eagle, CO 8163l NO. UtI, NEAL PROPf,NTY TNANSFET DECLAIATK)N O'DPT.AD/FOTM TDI(M'I9) Brrdford Publi.binS, lt,l3 Wltr. St., D.!vtr, C! m20A - (l0l) 292.2500 - Gt9 ! ,,,:Fr_\t-['.f ,.-"-i^b:,f FiT^ifi F8#llno**,,,"o r'oEx'rry AND AFFroAy[|q rg oesrs, LrENs, eio i-riislliicix usE SEpARATE FoRu FoR EAcH pinn cFf 8900s395 SUEJECT PROPER,TY:Lot 4, Block A, Vail Ridge STATE OF Colorado COUNTy gp Eaql.e Bcfore mc. thc undersilncd rurl Rona rd u. crarkS3f,t,' "3J1" oeY.8"FlgltlEE.S9 crarrson Scller or Orncr-Borrower. Conlractor (if nc* consrructionl pcrton'lly Lnown to ''rc lo b' thG Dctroa ehot' nrma rt rubrcribcd hcrcro rnd u-po,, hit orth dcpor- rnd ,,yr thrr no proccdintt in brnrruDrcy or ::Tffy"iil:*",T.H,."t...?;Til;,j1l:lltii*,*;;liil-t*ji*iii#;ifffi:;H.:,*d.,d,rq;;;ii;;ril;;;Ly I No unPrld d'btr Jot Plumbrnt fitlurGt' vrlct hcrlcrs. lloor furneccr. rir conditioncrr. rrdio or rcrcvi'on r'tcnnrc. crrpctia& ?uat. raun rpfrnllrng tttlcmr' vcocl'.n blinds. windowlhrdcr. dr:pcri*. ctccr rii-rppron".r. r.n..r. i.i;;;;;:; .",. e.rtonrr prop.ny o, furu*r th't rt3 1o.rt!d on lhG 5u bjcct p'opcrty o*cribcc ebovc.'riiii., ii ru.rt i,.., h.vc bccn purchrld on'ii.. p.y,n.n, "onr,.c*. rnd rhcrc rrr no ,.cu.ry rnrcrcr* ". H}rJ"frli *curcd br fin.ncrnr rr.r.,r,.ni. *"urir j fs;;;.i:":-:;,Ei!.....rr.,* ronowin3: PT.L OI'T PII,L O(}T So lornr or lknt (rncluding Fcdcral o, Slrrc Licnr.nd Judr!mGnr .n! rtno on such prop€rrt,.rcapt thc followrn!: Crcdlto. App.orl tr Anornt Llcn3r rnd no unp.id iovcrntncntrr or rrrocierion trlcl ol rstartmcntr of Apprgrlrn.ta AmoqnI day of Septenber 19 Q$tery pu!ii<, _cltta ol i\iy Coirlriri:s,on E.;p: Cottnry, V' lli';:i:rT:"H:l?:.'fi:,';l:::,','::l',,:*:,:l::::?::::li:t-'l:.:-o::: o:r1'*o p'opcnr h'c bicn'peid ,or rnd rhc,c,rs nor no ffi'fl',,'J",'":Tff:::fli:H:?Il*:llg::'g!::,iiiritrll;j;rffi:;:'."H';];;:.T:ii:[Ji::#,'jff,fi1"T,:?mon y duc for rhc crccrion of imlro'.mcnrr irr. ;;; r;ir';;ii';ii's:runco. No penl3s in posrssion then rflunr crctpr rs follor..r. PII& OUT tlf I-ONE rnrc NONE on btrnl lincl '5. To bc 0tlcrt ia If r rrh - .Thc Scll rorcrrn cnrirr (esdcn".o ,",r.rjllil,'il.i'"1,;'lj,1tt-tlt:l:lTt:i-""Jry':,1:". fo'Girn p.nncnhip. forcirn rrurr. forsi3n 4nrc or orbcr f::',ilTj*'l1l::":o'1*,n,.-.'*;..;;;il;;'i;;;i'?l.li#l,",lhigi:,'.,T!.:,1,i,.j._'::I:jfr}:,T':ffi1.1i".,',:Si P11,a ot T r.cufl).' numbcrt ir:E*gs!:".f,';"b{[!: homc rddrrrr if t.lh, -+ ;.Ti:l,x',';?#'be d-isalo!.d ro rhc rarcrner Rcvcasc s*r.i..ffi l/r< ^, .r-EutGt rh.l wirhhoEint of r.r L nor rcqdrcd uadcr Scction . Thb rlfdevir rnry .1445 of th€ lsrcrnrl Rcvcnuc CodG. lISr.jltTIJ lfJE.rI?illg:,?"r*1::,Tg.tJ.E l.u.Lcl3:El: f ID_-oR_L_EriDER tr- rHrs rRANs^cflor{. rHErn :3:;S:i35:lIBl'#5l-:'#ill*,;:,t',',jy31:{,3i,11y1-.r*fti'F.irlii'jiJ:l3l"l#,?},Tj",Ji'J,lfl[ii*.',: ilji,!:""tlft'i:[':t*.'""lI]liRi,Tl,ii,ylYti"siTl_".t','^)r[flbYJ,',Y"';1,T"'Il,'_l#ll8f,.;il,?::oiiR;'i','3Jll?,ll'S^';lTSl,:lx{:'triii.^'.Jb:i!sr!Wiii't"i'I'Jfii'f'f'HtXF.TI"l'.?i-y.'i',',its'-T..+,TIi,'_',,Tfl.l"j,liTl:lfg,ii::rli*iii-lii:{i,Ii#ti.';3.--iJ$l',Jl,T?9f ""^lLlS l!{cEprroNordTE pRroR ro iHe coxsuuMATlo:{ oF THrs,*^nr^anon. thc pu rnd- or ['cndcr ia th[ Innstction t]r lclr-int on thc rcprcscntetions coatrincd ]rcrcin in purchering t|mc o,lcndint FrFurchrt'- 3' mc or Icnd moncv thcrcoit "ir*r'.icl7i.*ii""""r *.r. ..a.. rrnrr.,',"jailrlGi#i",i,y. r 'W,*- xfr;:; i c-!.-,-/,,2.., 'NorE: -f}ir form is to bc filtcd ia rnd :i3ncd by gllcr in ctc of srlc. lf no llc. ir is ro bc filcd in rnd rigncd byrhc ouncr-bo'oecr. tf thcrc ir 'v nsw conrrrucrion. rh. Gorrncror musr rtso join in rhis r"r.rr iiririi"l,i;;;;;L, *.'lf t'llcr it I non-r$idcnt rlicn. foreiSn corpontion. ctc.. crll your mrnrtcr or Housron Lttel Dcp:rtmcnl.NorE To EuYEnt l?ililt$Ji*"$'H"1if*'xrblc )'c*followins rexeblcycrr of rr:nsrcrrnd musr firc wirh rhc hrcrnrr Rcvcou. ni.16 €or a{t /3f-03 -Z766RonaLd /4q - 05- Z8o4 FLorence rrro*fo* FoR REAL EsrArE roee-B .1" FrLrNc as Required by Ehe Internal Revenue Servlce Section 6045 of the Internal Revenue Code, as aoended by the Tax Reforro Act of 1986, reguires the reporting of certaln lnfornation on every real est,ate transaction. From Ehe infornation you provide below, a Fora I099-B will be produced, and a copy of 1t sill be furnished bo the I.R.S. and Eo you no later than January 3l of the next year. If you fail bo furnish adeguate infornatlon (ln particular, a taxpayer fD nunber), then you will be subject to aL1 I.R.S. Regulations, including the possible wibhholding of terenty percenL (201 ) of the current sales price. File Nunber: 89005396 Tarpayer ID Typej (1 = business, 2 = lndividual) II{DIVIDUAL SELLER NN{E Last l Clarkson, Sr.First & Hiddle Nane tine 2:Florence E. Clarkson Taxpayer ID Nurnber |W.-p3-77!6 Ro"^Ld l/W-:P€*leLllPlence Ronald M. BUSINESS SELLN NN.TE Nane Line 1: Nane Line 2: MAILING ADDRESS: (as of January 3I of next year) Streets 4334 Presidental Circle East, City:Brandenton TRANSACTION TMFORI,IATION Closing Dat,e : (MMDDYY)091 589 Sbabe Fl Zip Code: 34203 Contract Sales Price: 53,500.00 Description of Property: ( Street Address of brief Lot 4, Block A, Vail- Ridge forn of Legal ) Prior to this transaction, was the subject property the seller's pri.ncipal residence ? Anssrer Y for YES; N for NO: N WF ; Ronald M. Clarksonr Sr, and _ Clarkson lJ.orence !;. certify that, Lhe above Name of Seller infornation that will be is correct sent to rne and understand and the Inte r on a Form 1099 R#EF:s SignaEure Ronald M. Clarkson CLoSING AGENT INFoRIIATION ( to be coErpleted by closing agent ) Narae: Stewart Tigle of Eagle County l,lailing Address: P.0. Box 1248 City: Vall, SEate: C0 Zip Coder 81658 tarpaye r ID Number r , FLorence E. Clarkson THIS Ronald M. a!!on3 l"Scltcr'"f. l "Purchlgcr",. ffdr ( "8rol.-r'r. - frtr'-,{^ ^^,^atrr rr\. . xr'la -txC.. a Colorado corgore!loa ''Closlnt Atcnt" I BEC I TTLS l. Sel ler and Purchas. r have Gnterad into that c'r!rin ( thG 'cootrrct" ) dated lrrgo"t re lT9!9, covcrinS, th€ salc and Purchesc of thrt c.rttimP.rty'.)inEatt!county.colorado..Dd:or.p!rticularly desc ribed as fo! lous: Lot il, Block A, Va{l Ridge 2. Sellcr and Purchascr desirc that ctosint Atcnt clos. thc transaction conteDplated uadcr the contrlct Pursuant to thc tcr:s aod provisions of the contract. uhich t!r=s and Provisions arG incorpor!t!d hcr?in by reference thereto. AG RE E!{EIIT tn conslde rat ion of thc recitals and the !Dutual covenants aod oblitalions herernaftcr sGt fo rth. th? Pa rt ies hc rcto hc rcby atree as follo5s: l. sERvIcEs TO BE PIRFORItsD 8Y CLOST:tC AGE:IT. sith rcsp'ct lo thc closintoftitte(the''clo5iat,.}tothcPropertyandPursuantlothr "ir.""Int" of Seller and P.rrchas.r sct forlh in the contr.ct. shrch rtr'r!r'nts shall be deencd to bc instructions to closint Atcnt hereundcr. closint Atcnt shr t I do the fo I louing : ls A. INFORUATION ir:HERING. ClosinS At?nt shal I rcvics tbc contrrct Dak€ tclePhoac notiflc!tions snd inquirics rod obtrio verif i.catiot| fn urittco forl. tilc and third partl'9 perDittint) of .xistlot loan payoffs' hou'eouncr essociation dues. insuraoce PrG[iuts and ad valoreu real and P'rsonal Property t axcs . 8. PEEPARATIO!i OF DOCUT{EIITS. closint Atent sh'll proridc scrivcner's assistanc. to ErokQr iE the PrcParrtioo ol closint docur0ents r?qulr€d Pursuant to the Contrect' eith Such rssistance bernt IiroiteO to thtt allorjed undcr Goloredo leu' C. PREPARATIoIt OF sETTLEIIE:|T sHEEIS' Closing AtGnl shrll analyze ttre rotoinaiion Sathcrcd. deterEinc calcul'tions rnd Pro rat ions aod prcparG final set t lcoent shects' D. CLOSII{G. Closrnt Atant shatl coordinate th. closiot. Prcscnt closint docu=eu!I f6r cxccution. exPlain closint docusGntrtioo pr"p"r.d UV Cfosinl At.ot. rrccivc and deposit furds' rGcord docunents. dispcrsl closing docuoeots and prGPar' 'od d159'rsr checks. s. LoAlt TRAllsAcrlolr. tf loan assuEPtioo closint or e ncs loln closint is rrqulrcd Eur3ulot to th' terns of tbc Coatrrct (rs it cxists on tt; Citi trcrcof), Closint Atcnt sh'1l PrcP'r' EUD dlsP?rs6--rolJ Closlnt docun?nts rnd PI-{l'nd dlsPers? :l'ili;,:2; lll"l,llll."o,li'l,':::":Io3lo".l'l'u"n rGqurrGDcntln!h€contrIct.closlntAtC!tsh|llh.v€thc r rtht to charte lhc Purch.sGr. tn rddi t ron to .ll othcr fces PAyeblr!oclosintAaGnthcreundcr.'uch.aountforsuchloen servrccs .3 iS set forth rn clo3int AtGnS'c schcdule o( lccs And ch.rtGs in cffect on thr drtr hcr.of end on file slth thc Cotorado Connissioncr of I nsurrncc ' F. ESCROTJS AltD HOLDMG FUI{DS. Thc c rcalion of env ?rcrou lor thc holdintanddispcrsi'ngofanlrdoculcotsorfundsbvcloslnt Agcnr aftcr thc Closing shall ontv b. rcqurrcd of Clo31n3 At.nt in the evcnt tbat Sellcr. Purchascr end Closlnt Atcnt antcr lnto a s€parete Utrrttcn cscrora atrcarcnt shar"ln cscroe instructlonS and cscron fces Pertainint lo such lscros arr sP.cifically sct forth' 2.SERvIcEsNoTPERFoR!{EDBIcLosIl|GAGEsT.tbcfollor|intisa non-exc lusrve tist of Eattcrs that CloSint A6ent docs oot at tenPt to investitate or detcrnine and for nhich closint ttclt is not liable: A. Unrecorded Dcchanic's and Datcrialsc!'s lrcns current Personal ProPcrty lax!s Utillty charges such as al!ctric. tts. t:'t'r and seBer i nc lud int. sithout tinitations. tap f ces D. Boundary lincs. location of t:lProveacnts and Possesslon of thc ProP€rtY E.conPlianc€UithliEitationsonuscoftbcProPGrtysuchas zodint and buildint ordinanc's rnd rGstrictions F. Proposed iraprovenent asscssnents. not vct licns of rccord r;.ExrstenceandPremiunsofIir!eodcasu.ltyinsurance pertaininS ro inforDation aathered by closint Ate[t frot sourc.s othcr th'a closina Atent. closing At€nt does not tuarante. thc accurrcy of any such inforna!ion and shall noi be Iiablc as r rcsutt of snv !nrccuracv in such infornatron. 3. FEES TO BE PAID TO CLOSIIIG AGE:|T. tD considcr.tioD of thc abovc dcfined servlces to be perforued by closint ltcat. thc folloeint fees aod reisburscaents shall be paid to closi.nt Atent.t Lhc closint: A. A ',Closint Fee.. in the anount of S-1QI-0!- shall be Paid by the Sellcr and S 50.OO shell bc peid by th: Purchascr' B. B.ltotuithstandint anythint cont.in?d hGrcinabovc to tbe contr!ry. j.n thc event Closing agtnt perfor=s aBlt sGrYices outsidc o(' nornal closint t.rtri..s (celled hercin -Speci.l Scrvicts"). a ',sPccitt Closing Fcr'.. in ldditio[ to tbr Closing F"G. 1n the "rount .qurl to the Product of S50.00 Pcr hour Eultipllcd by 3hc nuobcr of hours sP€nt bv Closing AgG[t io PcrforEint such Special S.rvices shalt bc paid by tbc Prrty (S'llcr or Purchascr) rcques!int such SPecirl SGrvicrg' Speciel Servlccs shall inctude, without liuitltior. !ultiPlc rcvisions o( docuDcnt3 or settleEent statcDclts. 'Ecrtcacy or spccial detlvcry rcqucsts, trlvcl to outsidc- offlccs or locatlon3' dupllcaiion and asscnbly of Dultiplc closing Dackages' docunents or corresPondcncc, counscllot and cducatioa on tcrllnoloty' -2- a &. ,;, : {. Purch3sar f o I I oss : coloret. -rc.l cs."i.'i.tii 'iooio r len aDG cor,;'unitr rod I1ft" I::ll;il:,:";::;,:1"::':ll':: :"liiI::.:':;o:;i ll,ii""' connltnent. loen connl tncnt or of thG Coot rrc t . In addrtron to tha Ctosint frG rnd thc SPrcrrl Closrnt Fcc. tf any. dir.ct out of Pockct crPcnsGs incurrcd bv Cto3rnt Aarnt rnctudint. crthout lioitrtion. 3PGclrl tostatc or trcitht. lont distancc crl13. rccordint frca. tax ccrtrtlcrt!s. strlus repor!s. b.nks fccs for uir€ trros(Grs rld for ccrtificd end crshirr's chccks end ettorncys' !cct shell bc Peid by thc Prrty (Scllcr or Purchascrl for chon such cxp.a3c sas rncurrtd. D. Notuithstaodr,nt anythin3 cont!inad hcreil to the contr.ry. 1n evcnt that closlDt Atcnt lncurs rny !ttororys' fcas or olhcr letat costs in thc Pr.Parrtlon of eay closlnt docuncntr as a rcsult o( closint Atcot bclot rcquc3tcd to obtrin or prcpar? such docuncnt and Colorrdo lau grohibits Closint Atcnt iron pr.parrot such docuD!nt. such fccs or cosLs shall b! Prld by thc par!v iSellcr or Purchascr or Brolcr) requcstln! thrl such docun!nt ba PrePered. Represen!ations and tarrrntils of scllcr aod Purchascr. scllGr and hereby reprcsent. uarranty and covcnant to Ctosint Atcnt !s A. Seller and Purchaser uilt d"liver to Closing Atcnt ell docuaents. Pay to Closint Atent all suss and do or clusa to be done all othcr thints nccessary to c.usa the Closint to occur as required pursuant to th! !erEs of the Conlrrct' -3- B. seller and Purchaser rill each P'!' to closint Atcnt' on or before the Closing. all chartes PayablG b!' thec as spccificd herein'. c. closiDt Atent shall not be liablc tor als act it nay do or oBit to do h"reunder uhile actint in tood faith in the excrcis. of its oen bes! JudaDent. and rny act don' or oritlcd bv it pursuant to thc advicc of its oun ettorlav shall be conclusiva evidcnce of such t,ood f aith. D. scller and Purchascr at!cc. Jointly and scv'rally' for theEselves. thcir heirs. Pcrsonrl rcPrc3.nlatives. succ?ssors and assitns to indeDnify. defend aad hold Closint Agent h!rDless .t to "ni rrability b!' it incurr€d to rlY other Person or cntlly byreasonofitshavintacc.PtrdandcntcrcdintothisAtrecDCnt or ln connection heresith. and to rci=bursc Closing Atent for all its exPGnscs includlnt, Uithout liDitatioa. aitoro?ys' fces andcourtcostsincurrcdinconnectioahcr.$ith:.ndthat Closiot Atent stlall havc I first and prior licn ugon rll deposiis radc hereund€r to securc thr pcrfornancc of said aEreeDcnt of indeEnity and th? PsyEeot of closint Atent's f.c5. chargcs and exPenscs. 5. AUTHORIZAIIolt AsD DtREC!IOtt lo ct.osIllc AGE$r. Srll€r .nd Purch.scr bcreby specifically ruthorize and direct closi[a Atcrt 8s follosg: A.CtosingAt.otsh.llPey,froofundshcldbyitforScllcrrnd Purcheicr's re3pcctivc cr.dtt hcrcundcr. lll chlrtcs end oblitstloDs payablc by SrllGr and PurchrsGr resP'ctlvcly' es sgcclflcd hcrcln. B. Ctoslna At.n3 Day rct upo! lny statcDcnt furnishad by th. holdcr or pay-c ior coliectlo! rtetrt thrr.of) of any 1j'ra on or chartc At?nt. -lsbur3?n.cnt of lnv f unas i. ,;-;r"r,";-;. ;; ;;;;i"":[,:::il liill;.lll i:":i:;"*l"l"i?"03"]llli.ll.o o,,chcck. drrft or othcr lnstruncnt dctrvrrcd to Closing AAcnt and no chcck. drrf t or othG r lnstruneot shall be dccncd paynant to Closint Atcnt in conplrencc alth .ny rcqulr!ncnt hcrcof untll Closint Atrnt hrs bccn edvlrcd by thc baDL rn ehich drporltcd thrt such check. dr.ft or othGr lnstruD?.t has b.Gn u n c o n d i, t r o n a I I y houorcd ln lmEedirt.ly.vri.blc funds by ruch benk. D.Closint Atcnt Dry rcinbusc ltscl( for exprnscs and for danatcs or axpcnscs hc reui !h f ron all of thc risht . !ltlc Purchescr 1n and to the docuncnts and Closina Atent ha rcund. r. .ll fc.s. ch.rtcs rnd tt rry incur in conncction rnd int ! rcs t of Sa l lcr and Eonics dcposi tcd ul th E.If at any tiEe thi$ perfornancc of its dutics undcr this AtrceDent it is ncc!ssary for Closing Atrot to rccciv!r tccept or act upon any noticc or uritint purportcd to have bccn .xccutcd or issucd by or on bchalf of any of the partils hcrGto.it shall not be nccessary for Closint Atclt to asccrtaln DhGthct or not the pe rson or p. rsons eho have .xccotcd. siancd or othcr-nis. issue or autbcnticstc sai.d sritint. or thrt thry..rc th.srtlc p€rsons naDcd thcrcin or othcrrrisc to pass upon any requirenents of such instrusents that Day be css.ntial for thcir validity. Closint Atent is hereby exprcssly authorized and dircctcd to disretard anv and all notic€s or earnints tiven by any of th.Parties her€to or by any oth€r persoo or.Dlity, lxceptint onll. o rde rs or p roc ess of court . and is hcrcby cxp rcss l y authoriz€d to coEpltr e j.th and obey any and ell ordcrs. judttnents or decrcc of any court. Closina Atcnt sh.ll Dot be liablc to lny of thc Prrties hercto or to any othcr pcrson or ?otity by rcason of such corpliancc. no t E i t hs t and i. nt any such ord.r, JudtDGnt or dccree by subsequcntly revcrscd. oodificd. annullcd. sct asidr or vacatrd. or found to havc bccn cntcrcd sithout Jurisdiction. lf at anv tiEe a dispure shall cxist.s to the duty of Closint Agcnt undcr thc t.rDs hercof, tha ritht to possession. titl! or procecds of any itcu hcld by Closins Atcat. or as to any disput?arisint beteecn thc part ies as to any D.ttrr undcr this AtreeD€al. Closint Atent. Day dcposit this Atreeocnt aod ireDs beld by Closiug Aaeot uith th. Clcrk of thc Di3trict Court of lhe County of Ertlc. Strt" of Colorado. and oay interplcsd the partics her?to. Upon so dcpositint this AtrceEcnt and iteEs h.Id by Glosint AteDt ard filirs its conplaint in interplcader. Closint Atcnt shall bc rcleescd troo all liabilitr under lha tcrls hcr.of. lf th. Court does Eo! providc tor rciDburseEent to Closint Atcnt for attorneys' f!es, costs end expenses related to thc lnterplead€r actioo out of !he interplcad funds. thcn Closint Atent shall havc a claia cnforccablc by s.p.ratc !ction la Court .t.inst thc p!rties Jointly aad sevcrally. for sri,d rttorncys' fces. costs and expcnses. Or. if at.ny tio? in thc opinion of Closint Atrnt such a disputc cxlsts. Closina Atcnt Eay rt its option lDd $lthout liabitlty to lDy prrty h.rcto or roy othcr pcraot or €Dtily, refuse to pcrforE rny furthcr rcts hcreundcr and refuse to dclivcr any docunent6 or rlonics hcld bcreunder uotil dlrcc!!d to do so by ord.r of Court. 6. TERlllt{AfIOil. lf the Closint has tot occurred rithio lO days or lts original scbedulcd datc, rs s.t forth ia Chc Contrrct. , ,t 'a l- G. ctoSrat Atrnt. at ltS-ztlon 'nv tlnc tn'rcatrct' nd- cr;'rr' Arr"alcnt. UPon ,u.ft t.r='ln'rtlon' ( r I ClosrnB AB'nt ttYbl:::-::-lt:-:::i ::;;::'::i riliii i.rctn.bove ) ih.ll r.turn al I docuncn!s d'Positcd hcr!undcr totbaPIrtyUhodrlrvGrGdthGsInr.xcGPt.docUmclttsrxrcu.-cdbybothScllcr rnd Purchat.r. ,ntii-sielt bc narkcd canccllcd end'rct'ln" rn !hc filcc o( Cloiraa Atcnti , ttl"Ciotiis iccnt. r!t.r rcirnbur3!ncnt for rll fccr' chlrtcs rnd crpcnscs thcrcfrii io "rricrr closint Atcn! sould hevc b?an cntlilcd to hc rc..Dd. r rs if th; Closrnt had occurrid. shall rcturn 'tt aonlGs dcpositcd h!rcuDd.rtothepIrtychodellvcrcd.thesanciIndIliiIciosinsAten!3h|ll bc rGlrcvad fron .ii-iutift.t oblit'tions and liabrlitr's h:rtundcr' t'. ASSIGNT{ENT. :lo rssitnmcnt, transfcrl convGvrocG or hyPothecatlon of 8ny riahr. tltlc oi'intcrcst 1n end to thc subJrct natt'r of thls Atr'c'cnt 3h.ltb?blndlntuponGlosinsAq!n!unlGssUrlttGnnotlcrLh€r.of3hrllb. 3Grvcd upon closin;-;r.;i-;;;.il Icct. costs and cxpcnscs inctd.nt to sucn trtlstcr of lntrreit. .s dGt.rnlncd by closint Atent. shrll havc bGGn Prtd lo cloiiaa Attnt. g. !loTlcEs. Alt noticrs or dcllvcrics required under this Atrcentnt sh.t I be Personaf fV scrtta or tivcn by certif ied nai I dircc tcd to thc rcspecriv€ addrcss'oi'ii.-p"iti set-forttr at thc end of t51s 'ltrcc'ent' Anv noSiccs so tiven "rr.ir-il" i..".a .ff.ctive uhcn actuatly rcccivcd or thrt' eorkint days a f a. . . " i . r o r i . - i n at. unitcd srarcs Hail. pos!a3e prGPald. ehiclcver tlrst occii!.--rni Party. by notice so tiv'n' Ear- chantc thc tddrrss to sLich futurc notices shsll b€ sent' 9. COUNTERPARTS. This Atre€Eent Day be cxecutcd iE tb'o or ror! coonrcrparts. eacn--oi chich shalt uc ie.ncc to br an orit:nal rnd stl of shich totetber shall constitut' but one and the sanc orrtinal iDstruncnL' lo.cHolcEoFLAs.TheternsandconditionsofthlgAtrGe'Gntshallbe coostrued, lnterprcteJ and enforced in accordance uith th? aPPlicabte lass of th. State of Co I o rrdo. I l. GENERAL PROVISIONS' (a) This Atreenent consti:utcs th' sole and "o3irc atrccnent uetuecr. thc parti.s ina rupats"des any r:d atl Prior or'l rcprcsenta!1ons. prootse-3. Covenants. under!tandi'nas or oiher atrGetnrnt3' if .!y. betv€en thG pertres and thGir atcnts and nay not b' :odif l'"d in rny rrrDGr cxccpt u, ri-ioi.rur"na ln uritins cxccutrd bv all of th! Partics hcrclo. (b)llofaiturcb:ranyPartytocxcrciseanyrithtitDayhevcshall be dacied to De a ;;it';t of that ritht or of thc ritht to da=and cxact io.pfianc. Dith tbG trr=s of this AtrecEent' (c)ThGParatraPhhGadintgutiliz.dinthisAtr€.aentarc-innoUay iot€rdcd to lot"rpr.i oi atfiot th' tcrDs and conditioas- but instcad arc iia.oa.a for ready referencc PUrPos's onlv' (d)AIItGrlsandconditionsofthisAtr.coGntshallbcdcened scverablc. tnereioic. should any onc or Dorr of the srae be dccned void and uDGDforceaurc. tni-rliriolnc provisioas shrll hrve full forcc and effact' (e) This AtreeEent shall lnurc to the benGflt of any shsll bc bindias upon and intoiccattc atainsS the parties rnd th.rr rcPsrctlvc h!irs. pa rsona I r c P r e s a n t a t i v c a . Successors end lss itns ' (f)Thct.rssGllGr'Purchrser.SrotcrorClosrntAt.ntbCr.ln.or ray ?rnoun usea ii ;i;;.-ii.i"ir, shalt includc the lasculiaG. frnlnin.' cio8ular.Plura},lnaividuals.partnershipsorcorPorrtions$hGr.aPplicablc. -5- :. tN nlTt{Ess AtrccDCnt o UHEBEOF th. undc G( fcc t ivc 13 of rsrtncd heve cxccutcd tha drlc tlrst urrtt.n thir Closrx3 rnd abovc. PURCHAS ER T Add rcss: Tc I cPhoac : BROKER: Colaleetl ganker,/Tinberline ReaI Addrcss: Tc I e phoac : Add r.ss : !clcphonc: CLOSING AGENT: STEUART TITLE OF INC.. a Vail. Tc I cphonc: ( 301 EAGLE COUIIII. corPOrrtion 816t5 Coloredo r 949-l0l I S!ttlcEcnt Address r P. 0. Box 1248 -6- -INTER-DBPARTMENTAL REVI EW I PRO.JECI: .DATE SUBMITTED: Atr -/.L 43 DATE OF PUBLIC IIEARING frc COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OT THE PROPOSAL: '::'$ili, r ' fuetvr**1 ftnww4 fitl,ttt--' Dpu*4 fl*wr"t [t'or> -' lltmE wLL9 v 1 '57i,rr" fiap (w*>+ fuuLD6le5 (u o@ Date PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comment s : RECREATION DEPARTMBNT Revlewed by: ComrnenLs: Dafe DaEe J'- '"/ i 3 >',,'o c"'|j.i'r-,"..j .' -.. "'-/ i - 2./ Date fo' 7,* wt<'1ilt -['|,nt f*u; l)flLrv .DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NBEDED BY: Reviewed by: POTICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: -Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMNNT Revlewed by: Comment.s: INTBR-DDPARTMENTAL REVTEI^I tNltl, DATB OF PUBLIC IIEARING DaLe: DaLe: Date: Nt 43 rtc .. I BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: ,/\ d . , 't/Ftvrwtl ftn,wr4 [Vttt* ' ppvM'( fl''lwr"t fu'or7- lluns WdS aTopr'' fAcEP (wat)Y knlD6t&5 (r r@ 'lr'li':', r ' o o z 2 n c c){o z T m F ={ -t m l*.Llt l{;lo li-E +lm: 6 l9n 7 l!-= g lld s l=E =i5 6e 4o.68 nt c!>t fie T m a 3 { iH-E Yo=tn= =oo YF t- -.)4 +4 r.s X XI 3 3P Fjrrz 3 Fds o HE= =EFrF !' A7> +<XF E>EZ IFIIIFNTFl rxrxrr}4 -l -I 9z tq mt l-l lzo loO lz.o l.<lEo lz -rl -m |'= -f \O{Eo TD m x m !-{ o z g o @ L -{m F P z Ut H z v, F{ .H lt 11.V]ll I (f O {J CN ctl z,o an R=zA n+i.>6z --l ^Y> o o--z;JC 3= 5@ 1Z oc)7 t 4',n ;:o=-{o o> 2D t- 2a nz >m OE --l >or-n - -t m o { €z m z =IT F H z ,{ F z z F tr]v)H z € :_;in u;a c)> -o I F I =z c) P H F -{m a- tn 5 \o I o -.{o €z o 'tl -!m 9'z \o I H n , =F n o z FI H z H o l{ lz lo t:t>IF lr lm lo I u ! I s.\|o\ I {(,{ i -{o €z o : a m P z 9 F$ F' s.\l) I 5 A.vl I -{ €z 'r'l =- m t fn N r € H '.J trt F H ttj F t4 H 14 H F H c) m -II 5'! Or I (,5 6 Oi l-{ t€ lz lr t<t> tm lc-,lz t9 I I F La) I F n E = ts F z o F H z x a { H r. F I F,s. (, E D 7 D p o m v) z H n 3 E z E H r4 F 14 z m F z Lt tt H z x t >z z = m ts X t) c -l }(x x D'< P H ti I (,5 @ :3d o9d 6Pg o Est 3g* =ol o '<P{{Eo- 1*s' (D taf -.o !l 3 4- o:1 iig aoo 6'l : o=o.aBi 'A *ah o;iot -=E U qrE D -X'-f +i;*6i'; =-5 OO+ ?r=(D €Bo =9I ordt =< =Jr'=tu=j39. o-f =o=== -ii =.f :Eg s;9 38A aD(D=. gr-o ii-{!, q) o o ct =o =tn o o d D)o o o (a o -t { ui N s at,,c o, 2.o o o o o !, CL aa (o o (D { D E E o (D o c o = TD =o. (o o +lo Ill-{ +lEr +tP +lz Tlc +l'd Ils <F!>>. F t4 OZ F. O 'tla. OO.OX or ,E @ l..J l+r-.@Z O\n (Jl o z z o z o n o I 3 m r .tl t!l>l= l= L t; I (! (/,-t z _-{o z a- !m I =J (t z m m o m l<" lz 12 :; l!1 lo lt- t-I I -.t qd m II ls t-l.ll o ilt ll" tl II m € r a lo t9 l_ l_ l I I z a t-{ o z I = z m Lt) t- c trl q I -t z : z l m €m r 2 c)c z l* o o o = =o z c 4 (h I z m { ?{X |--t rn .-t o z =z m I z I m _o c z H r 3 rtt !r:R1 X!;jm io DN zo ?g o.4 " t! = Eb rt-l 56 22 N@= Nrn= A-v< 3 m f-\z a3 QDt-HO 4m :1r zz o9 Eri >9 z^ 14 i'{l I al ul EI F I UJ *s =9 o ]X lx I : I .{ +. F F t F Ftt F H H o €z rq P H Fr E c) { i,\ c) z tt z Irl z rtl l\')z X H F] HN lE9 r:2 (9t e.F :<r- oz z 'aQ 11 lz H lfrl lFl trrl Hlt F ltrl H lc)ztfr fr, l. @tF 14 l>Fd t€otH Flz r5 t6) >t F< rd Fd z z =z i a --{m ,a Z'tr, ol .,:,: I FQI 3>'3 -'l FI F I I I .i ql t- -9 ol ,- ill \ol I I E U)H z F \o - -'t r m 7 =- 'Tt m m an m -l x t-m z m -t m I z 7 m m € @ o t c, m , an -{o 2 n m m =m z o .. c - m t-m o -{ o l. 'tt t- z o m o x c F c'z _o m I 1'm a =i -Tl m m UI VALUATION !m v ={ z 9 l( l' H H F ri m o z C) t- t- =. m t-m |- |- 2 F $+. UJ @ lJl !!DlhalS-O lt- | Lrl Ol{lr- \o N) 34\+6bs10 W)P 13651 rA 1-q C4l f have read the memo dated April survey policies stipulated in the Town of Vall 3, 7991 and corunLt to adhering to then. 7_ ?- ?r Date c : \krlstan\lluor\gurvay.Pol' LegalDescription: LoEl, Block fr, s*aivisio " l/,f// RP6& Permit Number \o Project Application o^r" 'i '. - ' l.i ,, a Prolect Name: Prolect Descriplion: t1/ . ..,.t,' ,' /1:.."' .( tt a..:,' ,'r. Owner, Address and Phone: Arch itect. Address and Phone: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: Date D ISAPPROVAL .l'L:'1 r: 'i: :t/,,) t.-)., ./.' ,.'|_"i/ / /1.,/x t ,1../-.... //' '- ..,,.'." t,. t,'.."11 tl'y' E Statt Approval ,0ltitrtriq Our zoNn cirscK - ,fc FOR sFR, It, R P/S ZONE DISfRICTS Exis!1ng Proposed Total 3,3 Lot Aloek4_ riltng PHONE PIIOI'rE Allowed '.._,(3o(I/ 4?/B 7 7, OWNER ARCIIITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Ileight Total GRFA Prinary GRFA *(r-u-ol =5 f4=€1 7ba 3776 ////_////( 1 I #ffi = 576o /.+#r# =///_/. Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front, S ides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Z0/2 Landscaping 0O/ Retaining glall lleights Parking Garage Credlt Drive: Environmental/ Haz ards : 20 1 L5t l_5 r (3o) (50) A,<m ar /1/ Ot< * ok: o<5 Reqrd (3oo@ (eoo) (r.2oo) Permltted Slope 8? Actual Slope 3./61 1) 2) 3) Date approved by Town Engineer: J, '1 Flood P1ain ,/A Percent Slop€ Geologic uaz.ards ,: a) Snow AvaLanche b) Rockfall .l.l c) Debris Flow 4) Wetlands Does this How much reqrrest involve a of the allowed 250 sq. ft. 25o Addition? l'^Addition is used with thls request? 10 Town of Vail Conmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81557 (303) 4'19-2t38 Plan analysis based on the 1988 Unlform Buildinq Code Project Number: 62091 Address: 2643 CORTINA LANE Occupancy: R3, Ml- Type of Const: V-N NOTE:The code items listed in this report listing of all possible code requi-rements selected sections of the code. Portions of the material contained in thls Uniform Bui-1ding Code ( 1988 edition) with Conference of Building Officials NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT Name: BRINKMANN RESDIDENCE Date: June 20, 1991 Contractor: OWNER Architect: PIERCE Engineer: Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK are not intended to be a complete in the 1988 UBC. It is a suide to program are reproduced from the periission of international MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS FL 3 Storage room 3 Master bath 3 Master bedroom 3 HalIs, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR 2 Den 2 Bath room #3 2 Kitchen ? ni n i n.r r^arm t T.i,,a r.lrY r \,, \./r, '2 Ha11s, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 T rrrnrlrrr r/\nm 1 Bedroom #2 1 Bedroom #3 1 Bath room #2 1 trrmi l rz rnnrn 1 Mechanicaf room L Ha11s, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR B Garage B Ski room B Entry B Halls, cl-osets, etc . TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL 298 roz zoz 1045 178 25 32'I 208 4Jb J t4 1548 ot{2tt 1AA 38 323 ?o? J-IJq 33 t1-7 2L3 997 37 27 0.00 0 .00 ?? 'ln 0.00 17 .80 0.00 32.70 20.80 43.60 0.00 0.00 2L.LO 14.40 0.00 ?, ?n 0.00 0.00 0 .00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.10 16.15 0.00 8.90 1 qn 16.35 10.40 ZL.6U 0.00 3.20 r-0 .55 '7 .20 1.90 .l- b - 15 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 No NO Yes No NO No No No No No NO YeS YeS No No No No No No No No YeS I 1 1 1 1 l_ t I 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l_ 2 FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window is required fron this room. the foLLowing. -- Sec. 1204. or door t The mini 1) The ninimum cfear height is 24 2\ The minimum clear width is 20 i 3) The minimum cLear area is 5.7 s 4) The maximum siII height. is 44 The number of exits is based on Table A mechanical ventilation system may b openings for ventilation. -- Sec - l2O The requiremenl for an egress window Sec. ]-204.5) The requirements for 2 exits from the Sec. 3303. (a) exc. 3. ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling he inches. Kitchens, hal1s, bathrooms an r.ei I i ncr hei oht Of 7 feet meaSured tO vv+53^.Y is sloping, then the minimum height i --Sec.120'7.(a\Every dwelling unit shall have at least s.nrAre fce'1- of floor area. Other habi sYue+ an area of not less than 70 square fe Habitable rooms other than a kiLchen s dimension. -- Sec. L207. (c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS:1) A11 gLazLng in hazardous locations is glazing material. -- Sec. 5405. (d) 2\ Note windows and doors in safety glazed regardless SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A smoke detector is required located in the corridor or -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4. The smoke detector is required to be wir source. -- Sec. 121-0. (a) 3. A smoke detector is required in the A smoke detector is reguired on all If the upper level contains sleeping in the ceiling of the upper level --Sec. 1210. (a) 4 OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, mat construction are required on t.he garage t,he garage and the residence are to be core door. -- Tab1e 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) 2) 4t a tub or sh of the hej-gh on the ceil area giving bas stori roo clos .t ^harr c ri i rar.t I rr clear openable nches ches are ches 3 3-A used . (c) to (s), to Page'2 , to the exterior area must rneet feet (Dwel lings )in i-n lieu of exterior basement is based on {-L^ 3rd floor is based on ght of not less than 7 feet 6 l-^i I af r'.\mrr-a rl- mani q rne\-r )r:rrc a he lowest projection. If the ceiling required in only I/2 of the area. one room which has not less than l-20 able rooms except kitchens shall have t. -- Sec. 1207 . (b) 11 not be l-ess than 7 feet in any required t- ar ha a\f q-afal- \t wer area are requlreo co De above the floor. -- 5405(d) 5 g or walL at a point centrall-y ccess to each sleeping area. the building's power -- Sec. L2L0. (a) 4. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. a smoke detector is required the stairway. rials approved side only and self-closing x#3 for Lhr fire any doors between 1 3/8 inch solid STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be The maxi-mum rise of a step is 8 -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc.#1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairwa there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 330 Provide a guard rail where drop off is =35 inches, maximurn opening size - 5 The minimum headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches. Enclosed usable space under the stairs i for thr fire-resistive construction. -- ATTIC REQUIREMENTS:1) Provide an access to all attic areas or more. The minimum size is 22 :-nche inches or more clear height above the n Provide ventilation in all attic area to be not less than L square foot. for The vent area may be L/300 if at fea area j-s provided by ventilators locat attic. The upper ventil-ators must be cornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS : l-) Provide ventil-ation eiLher by mechani .-^ 1 1 ^ /\-^-.l ^- sha I I nrowi .le e net aI.wc[l-IJ. vPErl-]-rrY orrarr yJ-\.,/ v -r\rs- q each 150 square feet of area i-n crawl on t.wo opposite sides and be located -- Sec. 25L6. (c) 5. Note: vent openin if ground surface area is covered wit building official approves. at Ieas inches access op be larger i . 2515. (c) 2 as an appro minimum cle The minimun IMPRO Provide 18-inch by 24-inch opening may be reguired to in the crawl space. -- Sec Un1ess the wood is listed decay or treated woodr t.he f.Loor ioist is 18 inches.is 12 inches. -- Sec. 25L5. (c) 2 ADDIT IONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRE A SITE SHALL BE SUBMTTTED AND APPROVED INSPECTION, PRIOR T Page, 3 35 inches wide. -- Sec. 3305. (b) d the minimum run is 9 inches. 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if . (j) eater than 30 inches. Minimum hei"ght ches- -- Sec. 171L. exc L -- Sec. 3306. (p) required to be protected as required ec. JJUb, (n) ith a cl-ear height of 30 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30 access. -- Sec. 3205. (a) . The net free vent area is aenh 15O c.yrr: ro faaf rlf .afl- ir- : rc.a eYgsr v EA9 n€ t- ha rarrrr i rcd rronj- i I af i ncr Lrle ! vYer r in the upper portj-on of the t feast 3 feet above Lhe eve or a1 means or by openings in exterior a of not less than 1 square foot for space. Openings shall be distribuLed close to corners as pracLical . may be reduced to 10% of the above an approved vapor barrier and the ng to the crawl space area. Note: mechanical equipnent is located d wood of natural resistance to rance between exposed earth and learance to beams and qirders is MENT SURVEY. REQUEST FOR SUCH SURVEY FRAME ALL CRAWL SPACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF STRUCTURAL FLOOR CEILING HEIGHT OF 5', VENTILATED AS PER UBC 2516 (C) 5 WITH MI 2516(C)2 AND MAXTMUM ACCESS OF 9 SO. F ANY BUILDING SITE WTTH A SLOPE OF 30 D ENGINEER DESIGN. SUCH DESIGN SHALL AD AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN. EXCAVATION BELOW SLABS ON GRADE SHALL APPROVA]-,. ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE POSTED PLAINL STREET. For Ml- occupancy SLOPE GARAGE FLOOR TO ALLOW FOR DRAT FLOOR DRAIN WITH WITH SAND AND OIL IN SEWER. ANY GARAGE FLOOR DRAIN CONNEC BY UPPER EAGLE VALLEY WATER & SANITATI IN GARAGES WTTH LIVING AREA ABOVE, THE BEARING THE AREA ABOVE SHALL BE PROTEC RESTSTIVE CONSTRUCTION. UBC 503 (B) . L ARE LIMITED BE EARTH FLOOR IMUM ACCESS AS Page, 4 TO A EARTH TO ONLY, BE PER UBC S OR MORE SHALL REQUIRE AN RESS DRAINAGE, SOIL RETAINAGE, OT BE PERMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE TO OUTSIDE OR PROVIDE A CEPTOR TO DRY WELL OR TO TO SEWER MUST BE APPPROVED N DISTRICT. WALLS OF THE GARAGE WHTCH ARE ONE HOUR FIRE WITH the 1988 Unifo Project Number:. 52Q9I Address: 2643 CORTINA LANE Occupancy: R3rM1 Type of Const: V-N Portions of the material contained in Uniform Building Code ( l-988 edition) Conference of Buildj-ng Officials # SHEET IDENTIFICATION 1 **** ****l1.I.L a1r 302 **** **** **** **r.* **** ***rr **** ******** Town of Community 75 South Fro Vail, Color (303) 47 Plan revie sheets to Engineer . (b) Vail velopment tage Road do 8155? -2L38 th based on Building Code Name: BRINKMANN RESDIDENCE Date: June 20, t99L Contractor: OWNER Arehilect: PIERCE Engineer: Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK program are reproduced from the permissi.on of International Provide 3205. (c) Provide area . -- attic cttl cL L- u Sec. 3 CORRE TION REOUIRED et tmnad anrl q irrnad l'r r,r an Arr-hi f cr-l. ist.ered in this siate. -- Sec. entilati-on that complies with section c access (22x30 min) to each attic 05. (a) es with stucco shal1 be provided wit.h Iath as per UBC 4705 with 2 layers of adequately fla lath inspectio applicatlon. A bathroom is Exterior surfa exterior metaL paper. Windo a mechanical In bathrooms rooms a mech directJ-y to t which contain ventilated wi Crawl spaces a mechanical me sha1l have a n each 150 scr. f and doors are required to be hed(not with just screed metaL) . is required prior stucco ired to have an openable window or tilation system. -- Sec. 1205. (c) th a tub or shower and in laundry cal ventilation system connected outside shall be provided. Bathrms nly a water cfoset or l-av. may be a recirculating fan. UBc 1205(c). e required to be ventllated by s or by openings. Such openings t area of not less than 1 sq. ft. for . of under-floor area. UeC 2515(c) 6. A Page'2 Provide a mi-nimum L8x24" underfloor access 2515 (cl2 . uBc 10 ******** 11 ***r(**** 12 ******** 13 **r(***** 14 *******!t **** **t t ***rk **** **** **** **** **** Cross connection control devices shal1 be installed to protect pollution of potable water supply by use of approved backflow prevention devices. UPC 1003- In buildings of unusually tight construction (aII nehr construction within the Town of Vail-), combustion air shall be obtained from the outsi.de. Such combustion air openings shall be as per UMC Ch. Furnaces not listed for closet or alcove installation shall be installed in a room or space having a volume at least 12 times the voJ-ume of the furnace. A boiler unit will require a space 16 times larger than the boifer. UMC 504 (b) Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, venL Iocation and termination/ and combustlon air to be supplied prj-or to any installation. Due to Colorado State Statutes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flow 'restriction devices. Also, the maximum water cl-oset flush usaqe is limited to a maximum of 3.5 gallons per f1ush. The door betvreen the garage and Lhe dwelling is required to be a I3/8 inch thi"ck solid core sel-f closing door. -- Sec. 503. (d) exc.#3 The maximun rise of a step is 8 inches and the rninimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc #1 The minimum width of the run at the narrow end is 6 inches and the run must be 9 inches at a point L2 inches out from the narrower point. -- Sec. 3306. (d) The minimum headroom vertically from nosing line ls 6 feet 8 inches. -- Sec. 3305. (p) The enclosed usable space under Ehe stairs is required to be protected by thr fire-resistive construction. -- 3306. (m) 15 **** 16 **** 17 **** 18 **** 19 ******** 20 t ******* Page. 3 At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayment shall be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of felt solid rnopped to sheathing and between layers or a cotnmercial water & ice shield may be used as per Table 328L. The structure is required to be anchored to Lhe foundataion with L/2 Lnch anchor bolts. The bolts must be into the concrete or masonry 7 inches and spaced a maximum of 5 feet apart. See code for additional requirements. -- Sec. 290?. (f) o o z 9l F c o {6 z T FT 7 ={ H{n o z ts r'l o\ \o \o N) -{m E -- 6 E m trtrtr is siEl*:E FF" IE E i l=e 5 trlE i5 Hr- 6 €sE= : g 6 -d - O a ;= 3 d fr='a S E 3z fi 9 Fq Zm Fr= -{ z -t m I o '71 m =i -t o @ m x m .It I o z (-o @ TD d F { F €H z H Fi|P rll O O cI (, 9"-.{ m uz.>m of,t -t>or I T =m --l (It z =ln F H z A E P z z [- 3 z H H z e rD l=t IF tz lo It! IH tz lr{IE IF lz l= I OE =F <F l>l0 <lo Elff "F I I rl -I I I 'al r-z 6) Z,O n 3 m - z z --{ -l 9p {g 6g d6 v z -t i 7 oEl =b -<F b p lo rn Y I I I *l -l I I I -{ t-{mlo =t€,', |z lo t:t> jr-l!lm l6-,tz lo I I I I l-{to l€ lz lo t:t> lF lm le l6 I lH l@ l@ ll l- I I (.'l I\) l- - 3 E!H z I n ,{ Erl z E K r r.r E CE z \D ! I (Jl N) ld l€ lz lo t:l> lF IT ls lz E;ti$€3iF: Eus$1 sEEe!-d*Pd f +;3.8 o ;'* 6'o i(,(D=f - {- o or 55 *o -+5i3{ '"n s 3f;OO^,coX (Dci:9*gaii* i3rsiigi ;gl] a:Egi al\it=il ilsgFi$5 3l Ng;*a *lN'$;;:€;il \ .=69d nl I O --* z @ lh z l z l- 1'm I (t z m m m o t-< ' lz lz It J o c X <t t € o I m -l -.1 o<n-o m lm lm lo I I I L lft lm lo tx {- l€I t>I t; ta& lz'4,.lll- iffi lz l- 1l+II lll l(,lc It ll lo 1? I {., F {i tl tc) lz tm l3 I i-ll t>lr IF li I IO tr€ ri- -z ZA z : o o o o _-t o z c z_ -l I I I z ! o m z m t --t m --t 2 tq X x =z \ m _9 -.1 'n t =z z = z € = ll: x<X-!Em >_r Zo ot4 o6t zck oo zz n< = t\, N HZ\z';a2 Fi rn E3 m TE U'FC) -t)<!ut= zz 'n \{ >r F-:|..tiI zl F-l Fl F I D<l X s. 5 z F g t- =o z o m a 2 =z o m a-Zo Oz o :qo D,n 2o z;ti r- o F z v> tsl F z rl| i,\ ttl tt o\ \o NJ -{o -{ --E m 'n m m o m o t-m z ! m L { In =z m { m =z m ln m - z l- 4 t- @ z m t-rn i o l- |- 2 o m I z m =--{ !m ='Tl m m lt, VALUATION = z t- 't =(D z o m m |- @ c t- z s. m 2 =-|z o 4 ut o @ g -.I 5 (, CT \\ N i'a N .- t.*r I P- tl P e'r n b. n\ J n o t\i OJ a F H. o 3 p, 7r o n rl E'o cr I H r.l o P' '"J .i1 -I o(, N('dpo PO EJO tt '"3 H Cr €cr !to t11 {E o o p P. o g,) P n = F p I o fT \ $ s R P. o E K o o rT d' Fl I F1 o Fh Nl0 O\n AP. x €3 .p o o Fj Flo al- o !, H F, o r I G I X N) o UI a? F. T o q, ts. n F,t P.H H \ '. ("S !g ,* vl g c,a)._: s AP (D CT nn \-o Lr lJ 9L g r:Ds \ {:'; OD at rt H oo oo Date //. /, .?/ Project Application /,/)kJ))tt/'rs/C/r't i!:,;' 1 J. Cc,/'Project Name: 'n rtu)J z^, rt/).)( ( t /.tzt ,//L/ Project Description: Contact Person and Ph one Owner, Address and Phone:n, l:ru,<tira f/tarte t 4?6 --i/fb l/a //-"t'rzr{ f-7 Architect, Address and Phone: Url4 Lesar Descriptio n, at f , Brocx 4 . rit-n l'/Zt/ fit1&l- . .on" ?/S Co m ments:- ,//rr t -t -.4,, ., e /t.:-fl f7t.t,', * /,' Design Review Board /) / /') ,,/nrr6 //"U'7,/ Motion by: Seconded by:lhi ,*rzul/a-n) APPROVAL D ISA P PF OVAL Z,o/t6.,4/ (2A',A/(t/ Su m mary: lrTraL Town Plan ner Jzffi, E Statt Approval / (nt REATTIA'ATTN: VEND TSMPORARY VENDOR VENDORS FULIJ N-el'{E VE}VDORS ADDRESS vENDoRs PHONE # REMIT ADDRESS IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE FORM: ----TAX ID# OR SS # rS VENDOR A CORPORATI REQUESTED BY: DATE OF REQUESTI t"*-, @ IS THTS A. VENDOR REQUEST FOR A RE iCIffi Gesprqchsnotiz mlt/ubel Bria rm;/ F oo Unser Zeichen Dotum A-4400 Steyr . R€stho8tEBe 69 . Tel. (07252) 63391-0 .Tebx 02824:7 Telelcn (07252) &j391-210 LTZqZO xe1o.l .O-t6e69 (ZSZ1O IeJ, .69 e€rnqgoqFeg . rAels OO7?-V :.li : : : :ii : l:. t lr :r l, :.:1 ._;:::.ii I -'l - : . :':::, i : : : .: j: :t I i:, : ir ..:i ..: .l:,:ri . :' ] .::: ...:l:rarl.-i r I -' i: I I : : I l '-. ,:' :-:: : -' r l.rl: , :: :l '' _i -_ 1 1 _:': .: : i I -.. .:i r _: : r ', i, - '''' '= ' ''I _ _::r: - il : t; ' .:i... : | . -:-::r-: _l :'-:i . :. .. : i:'J :r::.:_.:,...1::. i,:l:1. :l : :.:i:.. i;..1 :i .,: l :: . .1.;.:ii :i l . , ', i , :, ' t,. , 'I ii: :{ : ;'.-:: - l. : : :.: :::i:: :l I .:_.!, -:i 1- 1.: :-l : .l ::i: 't i :' 1 '':: : i't: l: i : I 't.. l: a:"'::'l:r 'i lr::i :. l:: : l i .i t: ii. 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"t/"rTady 2/2,3 &g 4o-'/' &,U4D /Oy .%,a 4tt - a/fa/D 3" n.25/a'amaa1L. a//aza<4' '/ 'ls. p/?pM zzot emde d/l.apa^t atl.zziU /'a? ?rirrt , *.haz,r gwd .zq 'cn'?hr-tr 4d /.a.?r/rc- 8.Pryed.zf, a4 /lAnd^, rt/a-,rag, --.ukt??ed a/apezt zkzTa- /-/k-n- /'5: / ', ouz/ k @JzdE(Z) a, an// ' I tt: 1L '- /: / a-rzi4 J4cl€d 4' l-o i\ ' e /t4-4; d/?r| Canrbzzztl | -re€/-f /t /L ,-'7?o /77?dr4-' 44O/ 'f fr / ,,/le,era az I I I I I o o o o o ZONE CHECK FOR ) FOR ,h\'.,\',' SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS 1\"\d- ,.t ./ tr-/at v #Iil ffiBrock A ririn vkwg4>e^a ADDRESS z 2-' 'J s3-t j'' I ARCHTTECT ZONE DISTRT PROPOSED USE LOT STZE Height Total GRFA Prinary GRFA PHONE PHONE Allowed (3o) (33) + (425) bae Permitted Slope 88 Actual Slope le" Date approved by Town Engineer: 1) Flood P1ain 2') Percent Slope 4a/ a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris FIow How.lFqch of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this reguest? 12_ sq. ft. l/o tecctnda'c4, unitvrevos4d Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wall Heig}.ts / Parking Garage Credit Drive: Environnental/Ha z ards : 4) Wetlands Does this reguest involve a 250 Addition? 20. / L5. / !51 / (30) (50) 3',/6', (300) (600) (e00) (1200) Existinq Proposed Total ,2aa€' /qr2 frrmntnot \J 1142, r . orL 4*"f t cF Reqrd zY'?ues 10 -LIST OT MATERTALS NAME OF PROJECT: a LEcAr, DESCRTPTTOWz wl BrpCK,A SUBDTVTSTOV :AtV 7t*-4 srREEr ADDRESS : 44.*Z <:a+ T $,+ | .J . DESCRIPTION OF PRO'ECT: The following Review Board A.BUILDING Roof Siding 2 inforroation is before a final I.I,ATERIAIS: required approval TYPE OF for subnittal can be given: to the Design W* w-v (4Q other waIl Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chirnneys Trash Encl,osures Greenhouses Other B.I,ANDSCAPING:Name of Designer; Phone: Vvl+ PI,ANT },!,ATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES common Name Ouantity Size*aa?trx- , </> br{,^ *. ? EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Secx?u,< 4f{#"e (+\ V4*. a t q-ez. \ *Indicate cal.iper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees l-s 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 5 feet. COIPR Botanical Name PI,ANT I.!,ATERIAI,S: PROPOSED S}IRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE RET.TOVED *Indicate size 5 qallon. Botanical Narne common Name ouantitv Size* #)yrffi (D\5at*- of proposed shrubs.Minirnum size of shrubs is fvpe Scruare Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATTON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL V\VPftatvrz,V.?gtPPe?2 c. orHER LANDSCAPE FEATI'RES (retaining walJ.s, fences, swinrning poot=, etc.) please specify. Indicate heigrhts of retaining i.rafis. uaxinun height of wills within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximuro height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. UTIIJITY INCATION VERIFTCATION SUBDIVISION .'",,// JOB NN,TE I tl I,f,T LY BIPCK FILTNG ADDRESS ,','. 4l ti.; The focation and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. U.S. West Comrnunications r.-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Conpany 949-578t Gary Ha1l Date z-ts? ./ J-.ts-t' Hol-y cross Electric 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Heritage Cablevision 94 9-553 0 Steve Hiatt Assoc. Laverty L-6-7r :2'r_L3L_ street Upper Eagle VaIIey Water & Sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE:These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of VaiI, DePartment of Public Works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqqing in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail . A This forn is to verifY location. This should preparing your utilitY installations. service availability and be used in conjunction with plan and scheduling * P1ease bring a site p1an, floor plan, and elevations when obt,aining Upptr Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. cut permit must be obtained separately. l,r N tt' JL-- Arn-r" PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE ffi"#-fl c*,tt4 Date: t/*/ "; -Comnents: I Dn*- vv'e)t l' L revrx) lt accoriJJ'- J'lr* b7, q-vo-Ls a-t 6ho,^* o^- J{o aW"t*J pl'^-: fl ?u;*- b^"^- &t,'"^,*,) +- d--(coH'J"JL ,l V*l 6*- D--P+ 5['-')' 'J t CYP " -af- ,U,;LL (*'r; 'v'r-- J I Il U*-)<f aU,-'*l Ptfr- u'; h fz-L J'- eoL,*L J.;*t Reviewed by: Comments: €,rrL tC-U u^--t."-Lt 1 )oe,^- 7-"k L*T '/1,'-t )t: 6', -t L[ POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Connents: Date: ,JrtcK 4lq -n38 I N T ER - D E PARTMELT'A L-BEUIEE DATE F PUBI.,IC HEARING aol Date: tc<*z>*s a'..'\- ,'T ' Flu.-L revised 3/LL/9L Date: RECEIVED MAR 1 3 €9t I L/ttt /7/ 2/38 PROJECTs DATE COMMENTS NEEDED BRIEF DESCRIPTTON OF THE POSAL: DATE OF FrRE DEPART.I{ENT .4 r;-*{-Reviewed byz -- PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed bY: Cornments: POLICE DEPARTI'{ENT Reviewed by: Conments: RECREATTON DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Connents: Date: Date! Date: 3 /2 7 / Comnents: ) l/ 4'z* -r y'jt"---'' ,'z'' 75/<"11 ..2-1n-.. z 2.t-2. t /// ,-,.2" <y''e' q''=' .. e/2z.n.r(- '/'Ja ' ""'{<''*"2+tf " "- 7"'-'Zr<t *r"':;:"ir-7'^ - i a27/r-c-.t ^-"-- rzo'e/ [:/t':t' z O' Ze 7 revised 3/LL/9L Date: -fi ret A RL 'fl e S ECTt o* 2 ,ai' ..'. '' KNow ALL MEN BY ftlDsE pREsENfS. tha! L. Ladnar, Inc.' a , .' . Colorado corporallon, be ing the owner of certai.n real estrte wi.thin r . thc suMivislon nlmed VarI Ridge, eounty of Eaglc, scate of colorado' and having impog€d certai.n protective eovenanLs recorded arch 9, 1966 in Book 192 aE Page 235 of the Eagle county Records, does hereby impos. additional restrtctions upon all of the sarcl real estate in Etid subdivisron so o\tned. t_Es.l!E!rre_!1949E Elch lot shall be used only for privrte resrCences wrth usual appurtenant garages and other covered structures, each to contain not more than two separate aPartments and must be contained ui,thrn on€ rtructure alld under one conmon roof, and i,n no way be used for any commercial purposes nor for any tyPe or kind of squipmcnt or naterrll E tor a9 e. si.gned th r s ,/ ? 12 aay ot L. LADNAR, INC.. ! COIOTAdO corPoratron I ,:----. . l Ey : --:-',,'n ',1, ,., ;t a,..,'.t.I(-- ' Pres rdent - . Se ilE OUZ E E r-.0{Pll -tLU'L?- ' /ri 3ic| E UhEnEIZ, Ft?oH, ARtlo ERruKn.4rYM, ftF'sTRtcTtoils 4 7 Arso lftt/T/ E4sE/-7ENf & // - tlffzru wE€fEDLt/ I s oo fzLEct', e'e"fl N4ENDTTENT TO PROTECTIVB COVENAI.ITS STATE OF COLORADO .t coUNTy oF ./: <Z rr' r./( ! - The foreqo).ryj rnstrument was ackno\.'Iedged befor c r,t] thls ,'( -'' day ot y'.'< .- , Igbg by Frank n, RanclalL .rs prc:ir- dent of L. ladna!, Inc., ! My commrss ron expires CoI or ado corporatlon, fi l;- :,i: l)'y'at ,i '" t{rtrress my hand and official seal. i'lot d r Y i'(|L:i r-' O t)\ jx l,.o _*_,_Q_-, i ),|66 at 3:56 P.y. tgz/zli #roj360 - F1led for Record: I[ar. VAIL RIDGE - PROTECTIVE COVENANTS L. LADNAR, INC. Kllo|l ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEIITS, that L. Ladnar, Inc. a Colorado Corporation being the owner of all of that real estate r.rithin the subdivi.sicn narned VaiJ. Rid,19, in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, the olat of which r.ras recorded in said County under date of Novemben 20. 1955 Y'aa.^^'.. i n ll-rn ar =o rese rve e asemen !s as s hoffi-orrfjii-ffi-d'ed Dna',.rer of Plats , does here by LIVESTOCX: No aninrals, Iivestock, horses or pollltry (except dogsr cats and other - pei6 for household enjoyrnent and not for commercial purcoses) shall be kept, raised on bred in the subdivision. BUILDINGS Al.lD Cu,iSTRUCTIot'l ARcHrrf,cru;tAl coNTRoLl No buildings sharl be erected, placed or al-tered on anv ffiuctiono1aniandsoecifications,together1.lithsitepIan showinq Location of structure has been aroroved in writing by the Architectural. Comnittee, as to o.uality, material , and workmanshil, and harmonious design with existinq structures. In the event the Anchitectural committee fails to act on olans oresented for anproval *ithin l+5 days, then apolicant may proceed the same as if the Conr"nittee had granted aonroval. CONSTRUCTION: A]1 structures rnust rneet srecifications and cocies of Ea.1Ic Ccunty, - anaTtate of Colorado. Once work has begun on anv struc:ure, construction' - must be tursued to comDJ.etion r.rith al-I due diligcnce, being comcJ.etei within one vear. Further, all- exteriors siraLl be only of stone, stone veneers, brick brick veneers, aood siding or lorl sidi;rg. No imitation brick sidinq, netal sidingt tar 5aper, asbestos shingles or concrete blocks will be all-oweci. Only new co:tstruction will be aJ-Iowed I no older buildings 6sl7 be moved onto an'r si.te without apcroval in writing fron the Architectural Committee. FIREPLACES, etc.: Al1 fireplaces, chinneys, barbec,ues and incinerators shall be equlpped and maintained with sDark arresting screens. LOCATIOII: AlL imorovements shall be Located so as to maintain a minimum front -- Vara set-back of 20 feet; deviations from this regular set-back ma.l be granted hv the Anchitcctural Comnittee. DI?IVETAYSI AI1 dniveways shal1 be located :io .ls to allow minimum r.rater run-off, and --F-sion. Culverts of .12 inches diametcn on more shall be installed whereven driveway crosses barrow pits. SIGIIS: No signs, bilLboards or other advertisinq structure of any kind shall be erected, used or maintained on any lot for any pulfpose whatsoever, except such commercial signs as have been aDDroved by the Architectural Com'nittee either fon ioentificatioi of residences o:. places oi business or other conrmercial uses. WATf,R: Each structure designed for occuoancv or use by hunran beings shaLl connect --with water facilities made av.:ilable to the oroperty at any tinie in the future by a public or private utility system. llo private .lells shall be used as a source of r.rater for human consurilDtion or irrigation, except by written permission of Vail Village i'lest Sewer and Water Board of Directors. NUISANCE! No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on vtithin the ---GFlaivision, nor shall anything be done or: permitted whicn shalf constitute a public nuisance therein. PROPERTY I4AINTENANC' TREES AND SIIRUDBERY: Natural beauty, w)"erever possible, shall renain. In no case - JFe'if;I;ffiFy r or other growth be maintained in such location as to cause a traffic hazand or to reduce visibility. WASTE DISPOSAL: Each residence shall nraintain a safe, enclosed incinerator for _@-ofcombustib1es.Non.con:bustib1essha11bekeptincoveredsanitary containers. No area on any site shaLl. be used as a dump for any kind of waste or trorfh. I'lo rlaptlo tunks wlll. bo allowccf,fal"lollin4-'t"'1urlo(l of 60 d'ryl' af-te+-t-he-atrai*ab+*+ffio--a--€ i te-of-a. public or'private- systelft*of--sewaee-' +ie+esi+.. .i-I LI I COVEiIANTS clN.tcES OF COVEI,IANTIi: These covenants shall run with the land and sha'L'L be binding :ffina-"ii-p.""onsc1airningunderthemforrperiodof20years ,. after which time said covenants shall f,e automatically extended for successive .., il -;;";";".i"a"-unr""s an instrument si8ned by owners.of over 5O? of rand a.ea ' has been recordedr agreeing to change said covenants in whole or in part' ENFORCEI{E:,[T:Enforcementshallbebyproceedingatlaworinequityagainstany Derson or Dersons violating or attemPting io violate any covenant either to 'restrain violation or to recover damages' SEVERABILITy: Invalidation of any one or rno re of these covenants by judgment. or .ffi;dershalIinnowayeffectanyoftheotherprovisions,whichsha1} rernain in full force and effect' ARCIIITECTURAL COl.fi,lITTEE: The Architectural comnittee shall be composed of ffiANKA.RANDALLand3UCKL5YP.l'jITTEB0RG.Intheevent .anyoneormoreofthecodmitteenembersshallbecomeincapableofserving- foranyreason'thenanewmemberorrnenberssha].lbenamedbyL.ladnar,Inc. INI,IITNESSWHEREoF'thisdocumentisexecutedbytheundersignedthis ^orh daY of N.r."h* t I9 65 ' L. Ladnar, Inc. a Cclor.:do CorPoration I State of County of Colorado ARAPAi.IOE foregoing instrument was November acknowledged before me this 2Cth 1965 , by l"= The Frank A. Randall a Colorado CorP. as day of and H. r'lilliarn Huseby as Secretary of L' Ladnan ' Inc" =u"r l.,ly C;;;rnri:l.cn e.irr:ics :.{ry 2il, !9ii9 /',' /rtlLU Frank A. President DRB U APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: NATE OF DRB MEETING: taalaa*raa TEIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE I'NIIL ALI, REOUTRED INFORI{AITION aat*tt*a** PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: c6r,oneoo. .ftfa rgg rt 4y' i6/.71 -__--' .,' /...lgf ru, trCCEPTED I8 EUBI{ITTED N\a\ r. B.TYPE OF REVIEW:r,/X New Construction -7-Addition Minor Alteration Conceptual Review z/c. VD. 'rrl n. ',. F. rG.NAI'fE OF Mailing !...ADDRESSi L-"/-' LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: Subdivision V attach to ttris apPlicatign.t;ZONING: If property is described bY description, please Provide legary and / .\ IOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing applicant 1ot area. APPLTCANT: Address:- vH. , r. NAI{E OF .SIGNATURE (8) ! VALUATTON s 0-s $ 10,ooL - I s 50,001, - s $J.so,oo]- - I $5OO,ooL - $1, I Over 51, ,t r4;;r4 Phone FEE I r.0. 00 s 2s. oo I 50.00 $r.o0.00 s2oo.00 s3oo. 00 10, ooo 50, 000 150, 000 50o, ooo 000, 0o0 ooo, ooo x Block A'\/AlL-. a meets and bounds on a separate sheet iri4g Phone J.Condominium Approval tif applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees are paid at the time of issuance of a buildinq Perrnit FEE SCBEDULE: NAl.tE APPLICANT I REPRESEN Address: INO APPI,,ICATTON TIIJIJ BE PROCESSED ITITHOUT OTNERIS SIGNATI'RE t. 1 COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY STE\^/AFTT TITLTE tt GUARANTY COMPANY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMP valuable consideration, hereby commits' Schedule A, in favor of the proposed I gdule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered herebv in the la in Sbhedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; altiul and Stipulations hereof. :: . es A and B and to the Conditions Th is Commitment shall be effectiv proposed lnsured and the amount of the policy or policies committ ule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to,or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies ever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or polici mpany, This Commitment shall not be valid or binding until countersigned agent. lN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Com become valid when countersigned by with its By-Laws This Commitment is itment to be signed and sealed. to of the Company, all in accordance wn in Schedule A as "Effective Date." ST ^?ba/r"-Vt+'tu Chairman oI the Board Cou ntersigned byr .\J t ut\ t,i | .),/t,t I seria, No. C.|601. 180401 165 {20M 10/8e) "1 . r,i..rl.l('\ .iFl !.,rli,! t't l.; S: 'l'i) ti tr -1 :i:Sl rl.'fr: ..1 . Al.,',rA Lil^lNEF's POi,,l.f.'if . np6pt.t!iED I NS!'lkEl.t: CllR1 F-'f t N,r. tlil I N l.l!.\rit''r !?. AI,TA LOAN P(''T,'I(IY I)'((tft(-)sEI_) lt N9) tjti Etlr : (- . AI,TA LOAN PC'I.. I T'\, PROP()Slll) lNSirFr n -'.1 . THE ESTATI,^ (.lIt 1t\jTEJ?FjSI tN ',lllltl L^.Nr) f!gsr:lll.,1l l.r f.)R REt''ERRlr;n t'ti IN ltH IS COMMITMFN,I. .At.lf) crl\/Et?t':r-l ftEll!.. rrn I S t'i'1.: .:1r'.11'{..1'' \\.lii TlTl,F f tltiliL'l't t .LS AT TIIE tlliLl.'{'']l l\ri:. LrA'l'El tlF,l?tir )t,' \"'F.S'l't:lr lN: R()NAl,n M. .-'l,All r( si:')N . sk", Alin Fl,()llFrir'l' i". i "r-'Lifr", 4. THE f,n.Njl) ttFtt'Flr?Fu.,t)'fC,) IN Ttll_S C(lMIrtJ'l'MEl,'l'[:i !ili5i.'llLtilriD AS F'1.]1,I,{.)lYr:r l,oT 4 tsLf)C'K A VATI, Tt I I,)(;F cor.lNTY OF tj^ilr,F S'I'ATFI ri f' { '(. r | .r.l i{.\ l.)( } F'(lR (:rtrEs'l'j{)NI-: RF{;ARDIN(.;'J'HrS {:{U\l!'ll1',r',tEl$'i FI,!..'rl:F. r-:At,f, s.\NllY ('-\1)uf,j.. ( 101 I 949- I 0,1. I F[IPM ItII1 : o!{}Jl'irls ; )' -l ti ' t'ti TA!: r'Hll'f . 1i! , !lti '|l?t.Jt1H Nt]t{b,!:ii, *.fr,.rt,o t. ,:iFt"ll(-"; t l,,, 1. f-1.4't'E: Atl{.ill:il lJ, ')J{'l ri- r, I r!r l.r'l STI'WAI\T '!'1i'LF; i-rF c.\a;Llj {:(li.1N"l'Y. i f.Jf ._. ...i'..-../. l'.o. tj.i!\; i:-lll ',.r.lr.r'ilt I r1 i !; l,All.,, ('{.i. lf .l l,riH {'r'lralfi.-l{t'ir:1r /\'l'lrRl.' (-1t)3) l).'| (r-llrll STE.WAR.T TITLE GUARAN?Y COrrPA IYT 99C (500M 1-89) (i{'FlF[]l_11, !,. ()Ilt)P!-{ NLIM}IER :'l!i(i(i:i !.:'l\ l't:11 1;t| 1t.i trt'.lf :,,1T 'l'(-) til"; Fr.rr ,r:i,. i.,'('(.r' i-'t (-)ri' 'r'r.i i,' !'ttJ,l., /..:ill'ts I lrll'8ii'[ r,, .,,!: ,'lll i("1 ]''l' I'J'lil"1 ltrl l'l?i.lPER il{li'l'r'11 "','-'" ,.- i t'iii \'|'11i I \StlFI:ti [rUS'l' HF: l':XF.(" l.i'i i1 .lfllr J][:I.,r,' l" r i r'l ' i., ij!:r.J(tutrorr ,:f ;1 f f 1r'1..irr1 t- :tF i:rr i j"i';.: lit,lw.,rI.T 'li.t lr- Crr.r rilrrt_1' (:('firF'Jnll . l. f:jxcr]uti.-rn of ()+rI if icate - l'irrf itr 'f t-:rticii r';-r-rr .rrr.1 j t j:: t"i-,t ilrrl t:':) t-ire ,-' I f .i l. Ffrziclenr-'e s.-rt ir.^f ,,rcLOrv to ;r^rcq/-rt l: t.lic r"...-i.! ristate l: r.r t,tsf +'r tax fi9r;i€F;5r:'d [,s6-.p 1-'.11r1 or t-iraf. t.;re t ratlSa{jlt j-tr rr lli 4 , I{r-r.it:ase l-: f .1. i r:: ' p'.,r11j611,-r-r:l L'... S.t ;r f thr. .rmount r-, -1 l-l ,.7.! /.Iil reeirrr'i,,'tl ,frii:' 1:r;r'1,r (irlt) .t -rj tir-(:reirl:1grr Ng. 3A:-1tl:i.1 . \_/. / 5. Dnr:r.l f r:r.tqt llqrrr,.r lrl !1 . I'l,r rl.:iii(.,tl , Sr ('iarkn<-rrr, \'€ist'lrrg f rie simFrle L'it-lr' irl NO'l'ITtON Ot: THE LI:,OAf., Al)i:I':t'SS ()t 1'l1F l-rl:lf :D AS PnR l9 /b AMtrNL,lqF;l!'l"fr) -s'l'A'f tj'i'n tlR::i ?'P.,-.15- I 09 t f, ) . '.i'r;,r rrii f r.p,,r'' lr..lr, t rJtr.,, I. , 'a_. , 1'tt i,.. !,r.,r,,tt.'r r,t! f",t,'irnnV Lit tl: b v t l-, ,. 'f nir, r'i , , 1' \';.t i .l fr ,'r s lj :( r'i ir'rr-.r I f r{.rt,, r'j r r ,,1 1-3L. .tt..,r.'t r',i' 'i' irrli ';. 'v,,i i I t fr :, .l t'l'(: .!Ii ;l' 'r'l1 4ilt' 'rt-. '2 1- ) jl '/' :.'hrI'ir,t irr,:r i' l' t rKfrralll'r. N(-l1f fl; ,.jil.1N'l'l i.;; Mr'$'l' \P!'h;,Aii r.)N THlt' I t\r rii;f.llFi[! L!(.i rlF' tll..l-]ils I il ,,!. r.tr tti l.,,\(jl ll::.i , !!.t rr.j {,,r}. '.. I tr, i. ij'l' ! t , ;l i :.j 1. .r l- rI:'6 tr-r 4t X L\fl' STE\'VAR.T TITLE culnaltTl c oxP^ lf f 99C (500M r-891 I rllLrF:!<,\irMlit,:fi ')l:,itl.!l.,F: Ir, t-:F:rt'f lr)il :i E l! (.'h. i"i' f ( t!\,i li P tr. ii|;'l 1!)r, 'J'Hh l,t.i,lCY !tlt t,{rl,lr_'li:.S ,t,': ItI.. J:-j:jt.tF,) i.rIl,l, t,r)[.,,i,iri. F(ji,i,r]l'ri TNG trNL,Ess Ttlll sAllti AliR rJI:jt,t].ql;lt i)Ji .1,r.! .l lrl:.'Hlr l'{ )|/r},ANY . .,, :.,t,.1 i, ! \:tr il,(, ,l til. i,ri'f | !;1"'.i1''l'Ir.]N {rf RIGHI'S OJI i.'1.,;\l,4ii ()ir PAltTIi:tS I N t,(rliii j:]1.11 1, Pl.)E I-,I (i Rt'{^'(.)I([]$ . 'l'i11,' .1 . t'jASll'lMliN'llS, f)R (:l,A'tt, ,.,tt l; r\.'"t t.'i\,tii:'r"l'l:,. Nr r'r i,r.r, )t^ir.t 1.r .jFl.. J',i-tt:il.I1-, REC'()RL)s:. Df SlflRI.:PANI.-It-'li, i'rlNFf . i"i'(: r:',r t'.r IiIfJi'):r.r.(\' IrI'. :at.l!.i,:.I,n'(il-i tiN(,'llL14(.:fIMl!;N'l.s . A^j[) ;\r!]' li.,1rl,l,li ,rrll i,.,i, :t: i.i)tri. ,,{.r. .r:.it,livliy INSPI;,."ffON r)F'l'lJll tlnFVfSIS ff(.ri..l,D ttI:j{.j,r-ri:i I .\r.j{.} r"jl.tJjlh SH0l^/l'i! FJ\" 'l'Htl I)l. l.ll,.If ' !il:i'L_rtrIr!., ANY I,l tlN, OR I.i 1(:',H'l' t'rr r\ L? i. N, f,r.)il llt'iR LlT()rCrFri:t rlR I{ rtriEA !:.1.[;l{ p l r ii !r.l i: !t F:t r . siH(.!l{i\ By 't frl.: tLIiHI.IC f. iJC.ftRti:.j - rjiliF l]L-'t's ' L l l-;N,$, LrJcij]lB]l.At,J.- t.ri . ,lLri i.iRiil., r,J,A l.iur.i .iF: i,,,t,i :.1( A,r'r.l:!?:l IN ANY. {.'$uA"t'!'[r, !'ilr::]T Af,rr.],r..tji!al jl.,l l,t.ti f,r:t?1, l.(,i.: l...tr_:lil_rSi r_)R ATTACHIN(i 5l.FSp-i,,1;1ir.,,l,Tr l'l'Ei r,t.l,,l1i...I.f\.ii, tt.1 I,ir iri..tit:{rF lrt}.l,FPJ,iR TO THIJ Lla.TFt ftr,t'IrCr:;Lfr INSUklllLr j\qnr,l tiJ..::j r.r, , i,",)!{fr !,('li \rAl,trf,'filE F;-.-:TrYri:l ()F t:.,i fl.;F.r..r:T r)tr i;;.'ili.|{..i,.rr;!. ,f tlfj:-;i.i r]\j {.{.)vl;}.,F;n Fy T IS e0MMl Tllt:)lJ'j'. .'\n\' .,,nd .i t I t:.n1,, id t.rx*i3 ,:lirrj .lsr..:'Fritrr 'itl . ;rnri .-rny r rn rerl r.. r...rrri,,r:l sal eF. I N r\li t..\ , AI\Ii At{ ii }1()if' :t. 7. 'l'lre ef f er.t cf i rrelus i,)ris C(rltE-ef vAney. f .i 1'r. pr1rrf 6.r,:t tt,tr cl t-.:t ri-r:t or inr-'irr..,roJI .l l: ..iJ,.). al t F.'.1 . StiF.\i l'.'i.li, l,j{ltr.tti rltti rvlATEItlAL I Fll'. tri l. I t ir l. 1,,\!,r A\ il f.,ja)1, lfl .1nV rll:,i!,:x t.Lr I 1)r. st,.:.Ci.f ir. W.f tr., r: , 5^.:rl | (:r,ar- !j1. \';tT _1 ,_)11 r:r t. r:rt l-,r:,1- !r.:il-r:1' S,rrr'i' Ir_'i.. rrr' -St t-i:et: ifitS,f r:gr,1l'1,a,n1. t!. h .i .,( !1 . lii,1lrt rif l::!-,,i.r.j Ir!,,.r rire: t lt€rt.'ri rr,rri l llf llf .gr"(-l l- ii'.,' 1.., {'rrit r-t-:r'r', I rItrr-l ,\tr,jtrgi I i /',,. fll,,,;l r i,.tl,)rrs .r:./ / "'t,t' j. lr [1,)')]{ lil.r r.rt \ illl('rlrlr,r:lrl- ,ar.,t( It'(l,.' j \,. il+'r'n i,'1 i,'t, i',;,,, I,1;4riij til. .. qr'"-..,r,1 y1,,.,..' '1f I :;a]t' (rl -,rrt' artci ., Il- rr.r.r.trr.1r,,i l\ir: i: r.,rrtl,e r I N,'t. I il -l,i -, ? . ,i.'1,:1- ,'f ..i r,.r,ft !!1 l'.;,: r.\. lt..i(, 1 Irrrtrtr: r 1,1-. .-it[r-- iii,, ir:rrrril : ,,r:,n]1r r .-t r:/ !r ,.t ji .l (l,i{l irr ir,r,.[< 4F, .rt t,rir,. , t,,. .. l.l | 3'r'1;1, vY1: ,.it r" r'il' I'.rl-.,.rit I JSC (6OOM l-aE) ('1-,t:l',.t r rrr,.l '-i jrlgl- 1;1r.11 1rf r',-, f rl..t.{ (1,., l.r.l {i I'..!r1,' ,_'.i rrr i.1. .i,t rr'1 \,i, !.,., ti,rt, .rr,al I l-.t ,\l,r ii i- 11., lrr trr,..r ..i .: j,r t,.:\ i, /lj .rS: ll 1rr-'1-:',.1.1 ;rrlr rr:, i ri.tl'; ir !i r.,.,,-.r 11,,, r.tt !:lr| frri. r:.t i'.r i-",., ,-it -r,tf I r.,r.,. li l,) i n*l- l.unr|rr,(i, i(?ij*r 'i ir ir,r.l lfi ii ..rt 1.,;.;i. .l |)' .:,:t I{r::,:c.[,]: t,iri nny'/ ': - lt'' J-J. 11.Ili.fy e.r rj.::ftr:, n t i{, f r:o,t rr, r,e r,lt- ir ,r 1,,1.y.; trr,, rl,r;.t 11r.,.1;1 ft,r.'].f I r fr€' rrrf ri.: ii rl Lt r.t .tr, J.\- !ll'.!11ri r rr r llr: I,l;rr ,,t r i;r., i ",r i. I lii,.l<lr:litilrq:-1 yt g.tril"r, J||fj ;i.[ -l rii hr.-.r t: i.-r ir't..t r.rf 1g.1 ,,,. r,.rrir r(tl,,rrt:b,,. f 'rl l t tit,'1'l ;'rr rr.... l ;, r,t.:. STE\ryAR.T TITLE OUARANTY COXPA NY S'I'E1VAFIT TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY c (500M r -a9) 1. 2. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS The term mortgage, when used herein, sha|| inc|ude deed of trust, trust deed' or other security instrument' lf the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect. lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this commitment other than those shown in ScneJuie B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the company shall be reliwed from liability for any loss or damage resulti-ng from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failuie to so disclose such knowledge. lf the proposed lnsured shall disclose such knowledge to the company, or lf the company otherwise acquires actual knowtedle of any sJch defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingiy, but such amendment shall not reliwe the Company from liability prwiously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the iorm of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (al to comply with the requirements hereof, or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interet or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment' In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and zuch liability is subiect to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the exclusions from coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modif ied herein. Anyc|aimoflossordamage,whetherornotbasedonneg|igence.andwhicharises out of the status of the t'"rtl; to the estate or interest or the lien of the insured ;ortgage covered hereby or any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted to the oioiisions and conditions and stipulations of this commitment. STE\ry'AR.T TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY All notices required to be given the company and. any statement jn -writing required to b. trini.n.O tire Company'rtif f U. addressed to it at P.O. Box 2029, Houston, T91qs 1iiEi,'i"a ia.ntity itirto-1nii1nunt by its printed COMMITMENT SERIAL NUM- bEfi-tif,i.fr $p;;ir on the bottom of the front of the first pageof thiscommitment. 3. 4. Page 5 JOHNNE:-TTE F.HILLIF.S EAGLE N'NI Y L;LET{K, UUL.L]RI.'}DU 3. UIUI VI.UIUI r^P\, :-- _ _J _ __l o-'Y' ll qurr GrM DEED ?'il-l 16ll ^^l t /, ll trus DEED, Made thi, J"2 dav of March , 1990 I lt61 il *t**n anrr.srina Maria Brinkmann, granEor I t-l li * *" *countv of Eagle and stare of I ll cotoraoo, grantor(s), and I ll Ot"o Brinkmann and Hermlne Brinkmann, grantees I ll *n"r" legal address is 2693 Cortina Lane I ll vall, colorado 8165 7 li of,n" County of Eagle and State of Colorado. grantee(s), ri il wrrNeSsprH, That the grantor(s), for and in consideration of lhe sum of ll l"t and No/100- - DOLLARS | | tne receipt and sufficiency of which is hercby acknowledged, has remised, released, sold, conveyed and QUIT CLAIMED, and by i I ,h"." or"r"nt. does remise, release, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM unto the grantee(s), Eheir heirs, successors and assigns, ll ior"*a all the right, tirle, inrercst, claim and demand which the grantor(s) has in and to the real property, together with ll i*p.u"rn"nt., ifany, situate, lying and being in the County of Eagle and State of ll Cot".ooo, described as follows: I I Lot 4 ! ,"r. ll ll no"t o ll[ ll u"'*'u" lt,lili ilil \\li i\lt //li I il rlll til l] also knorn bv street and number as: 2643 Cortina Lane, Vail' Colorado 81657 ll llir i I ro HAVE AND TO HoLD the same, rogether wirh all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in | | | | anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, ofthe grantor(s), either in law or equity, to I j I the only prcper use, benefit and behoof of the grantee(s)lhelr heirs and assigns forever. li ll t" WITNESS WHEREOF, The granror(s) has executed this deed on the date set forlh above. ll illt rlli \\ n n / \l L'h "",( (h '+lh'n "' c \lj ll christlna Marla Brinkmann ll ll li tll llll 11 ,rArE oF cor.oRADo, l ,,. li il county or J ll tr 11 tt..ffq;.ir".* i1 , il il ,;;.tiir,,,,* ,(7 (a-,^,r- xJ-,.,:>J/n< rr^"t ^-/ l,t : '., ., ,,..1..1*.i'.i. '" - l l I ' '... ,:., . '. Theforcgoinginstrurl'J'"t*"i"*rrt"dgedbeforemethis 22nd' Lt March , tro , ii bY Christina MarLa Brinkmann I .rffiF,::,o,,:1.,e, My Commision Evircs 0l;t6'9{ wirness my hand and ofnciar sear. l] insert "City and." Chrlstlna Marla Br inkmann No. 933, Rev, 1E5. eurr cLArIu DEEL Bradford Publishing. t743 Wazcc St., Dcnvcr, COt0202-(301) 292-2500- 7-89 Doc Fee is.35 (.) ) day of September SR. AND FLORENCE E. and State of whose legal u66,".. 1s 600 Vail VaIIey Drive, Vail, CO 81657 of the Counry oi EagLe WITNESSETH, Thar the grantor for and ill consideration of the sum of TEN DoLLARS AND ANY oTHER GooD AND VALUABLE CoNsIDERATIoNS----------------DoltARs, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these prcsents does gmnt, bargain, sell, coovey and confirm, unto the grantee, his h€irs and assigls forever, all the rcal propeny togerher with im provemen ts, if any, siruate, lying and being in the County of Eagle and State of Colorado described as follows: LOT 4 BLOCK VAIL d(louxti$Gs<ed{Da8lqE: TOGETHER wirh all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenanccs thcreto bclonging. or in anywisc appertaining, and the reversion and rcversions' remainder and remainders, rcols, issues and profits thereof, and all lhe estate, right, title. interest, claim and demand whatsoever ofthe grantor, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained p.emises. with rhe hereditaments and appurtenances. To HAVE AND TO HoLD the said premises above bargained and described, with rhe appurtenances, unto ihe grantee. his heirs and assigns forever. And the grantor, for himselt his heirs. and personal reprcsentatives. does covenant, grant. barliain. and agree to and wilh the grantee, his heirs and assigns, lhat at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these present!i, he is wcll scizcrl of the prcrnises abr)vc convevcd. hls good. sure. perttct. absolute and indefeasible eslate of inhedtance, in law' in fee simple, and has good right, full pou,er and lawful aurhority lo granr, bargarn. se1 and convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid. and that lhe same are free and clear f()nr ail ti)mrcr lnd other grants. blrgains, salcs, liens, tares, assessmenls. The grantor shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND the abo\€-bargained premises in rhe quiet and peaceable possession of the grantpe, his heirs and assigns, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming the whole or any part rhercof. The singular numb€r shall include the plura.l, the plural the singular, and the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders. IN WITNESS WHEREOE th€ grantor has execured lhis deed on rhe dare ser Fi:-r.r i,l,r and State of Colorado, gmntee: A RIDGE :-- encumbrances and restrictions of whatevet kind or naturc soever, excepr easements, restrictions, reservations and rights-of-way all of record and real property taxes for the year 19g9, not yet a lien due and payable. at Large )" day of September /, ,rs 89 E. Clarkson 89i05396 ,19 J7 . Witness my hand and official seal. Project Application Project Name; Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Legal Descriptionr Lot t/arccx ,/4 , riring VAr l4ort ^/r,// {. , Zone /,/ ) commentsi {/rzi, r FZ r l/'''&r'''t' ;/i,./1< l* (' ,./.J,// ,1,Ft:rv.,"7 f/fkt1t - {,r.1/r ,'i//:.,/I ?r, Et /,fr,r'/'-,4.ro * 6e*ot/ 47,,r,,r.,; /littt 5 /y'-,u'rt ,,/n.' 2 z,'*r/, /-' /,7i. t7) 4 fttt'p 'fr, /l,t ,y',117.' r. ,.4': Q{ Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by APPROVA L D ISA PPF OVA L \. Architect. Address and Phone: Summary: Town Plan ner /./-,/. , .. ; - d^+^. .r / : U ^ Staff Approval INS t PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE -, - READY FOR INSPECTION: 'i LOCATION: - ':-' JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES I I '-i ,1. .i t' hf. nppeoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED 479-2138 ( r BUILDING: O FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. D BOUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR u D tr FINAL tr FINAL ,t DATE INSPECTOR !* ,nrrrcrroN,s need to be cooplete a flnal C of 0. The ltens below glving a permit Please check off FINAL PLIJ}EING COUPLETED before o o ln the box provlded. t,ll DATE:ll FINAI. I,TECHANICAL DATE: IMPROVB{ENT SIIRVEY RESID. NAI.TE: DATE: EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE:FINAL BUILDING [r N T DATE: TEMPORARY C OF O I I DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPA}ICY DATE: l:L-i fll-lVl F]LE NA}18:\\\SS PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER WED THUR NUM INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER _ ROOF & SHEER * PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING ! INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr D FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr FrNAL D FINAL {'nFaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: # INSPECTION TOWN OF ' 1i'', REQUEST VAIL t\ INSPECTION: NAME CALLER MON TUES WED READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NU PROJECT ( BUILDING: (lqgGfL-.'- PL D tr tr tr tr o n UMBING: Ir Lilu UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH i WATER flFbulronloN / srEEL tr FRAMING * ROOF & SHEEF " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING Fl c ROUGH tr tr n EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR TOWN OF 't ,l REQUEgT VAIL a,t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor.l--\=\.,o,\NAME t"CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: TION:MON TUES i\wED \ @ FRI BUILDING: f] FOOTINGS i STEEL _- PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER OUNDATI oN / sf,r*El tr FRAN/ING D GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,Xnppnoveo O DISAPPROV€D tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR *1 j 'l PE IT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER IVON ES )^Y,L4'v /-? WED INSPECTION REQUEST TTO,W,{ OF VAIL 4^,1 )z-r.&'"'w / _h () THUR ( rnr BUILDING:\PLUMBING: FOUNDATION./ STEEL . Al*or*oRouND tr tr q tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEEA.GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIT tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH _tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL ril PERMIT NU BER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: CALLER .4j/ ? JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: TUES WO -- .:inr-: y'l , THUR FRI BUILDING: i '. tr FoorN;s rbrrrr PLUMBING o D ! n l. FOUNDATTON 4 Srrel tr tr tr I tr tr ! tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATER PLYWqOD NATLTNF GAS PIPING PLYWqOD N INSULATION poor-){rf rue tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: p'rerr,le. PowER MECHANICAL: tr o tr tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REO TOWN OJTVA|L t 7.rfr--' 7+n.Qo.,- /*j UEST t PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER UES WED _____@2@) BUILDING:PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr fl tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOFI& SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL i H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS n qoNDUrr D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ! FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED ! REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORREFTIONS: "1 .f- * 4? 24 -;.,,--- -L-, DATE t0 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ,53 trl na t v'ri$ au INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL r.l JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEC ION: MON TUES WED 1il n,LL, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING f cns PTPTNG tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL r tr FINAL :t!-7 VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED +[YJ:rar CORRECTIONS: DATE *.-),//j /,/' {:.;': rNSpEcroR ,/, ffi*op ( ''1{ ..-. --SPE ' l: 1 f- JoB NAME .ryoN ;'/. --7- CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ---- 1y-l tt IN PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES Y:2 ,it) THUR r+ BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr o D tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V, ROUGH / WATER D FRAMING D D ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D D FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D tr tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIB € tr FINAL tr FINAL / ::' . APPBOVED ,,O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORBECTIONS: /_ INSPECTOR INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL PERMIT DATE NUMBER \.., \\ OF PROJECT JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr o tr u UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK .NAIL tr I] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING roucH F CONDUTT o_ tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED , CORRECTIONS: ,1, {DATE j:i L INSPECTOR PERMIT r(t JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON INSPECTION REQUEST i . TOWN OF VAIL / r l' ' i i.,' !-t '4 l.'t i(l t-- THUR FRI ,l ------@ PM ..) ut\ | tr _ CALLER TUES UMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION:^f-r BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr tr tJ ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL N APPROVED CORBECTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR il PERMIT NUMB F PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES t., DATE 4 READY FOR LOCATION: OF WED AM ,@ INSPECTION REQUEST TOW VAIL t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- FRAMING ; ROOF & SHEEF " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING D INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o ! tr FINAL D FINAL ELE trl IJT trC u CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR B FINAL tr FINAL {neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t. ,DATE ._, 'i.,, JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER f\A nNt Tt ttrq \A,ETI 'Y=v :,-AM ,i PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER E FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING F TNSULATTON tr POOL / H. TUB 'o SHEETRoCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr ___.,_ tr SUPPLY AIR o 5rr/iL tr tr FINAL Jipy'pnoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,/41::,r,+12/1lin +-/ a'e',<r,-/s -7 /" t' .t .,,.,-t ,t,c r, ,1'.:.,,.t'*( trt- /t s * t.'/ lE /,,- ,1., / , , ,.,. , DATE INSPECTOR -\r'-',..- --- - t L\'\'..- PERMIT NUMBEF t INSPECTION REQUEST VAIL I ,'a OF PROJECT \\ TOWN OF CALLER INSPECTION:tluli'__-,. we o THUR FRI MON 4D PM READY FOR LOCATION:'.\ l.r \ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION i STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION R SHEETROCK 'h' D POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr r tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING n tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL,tr FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED { CORRECTIONS: oor= ^J).A j//i/a' rNSpEcroR :SSsgoe t SPE / ,'r) (a,Yl')/ CALLER INSPECTION:MON IN CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL *q READY FOR LOCATION: BI D d x tr D tr tr Ll ILDING:PLUMBING: IO UNDERGROUND FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL E ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB NAIL D FINAL tr tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr 0 tr tr TEMP, POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR rl tr FltrilAl D FINAL OVED D DISAPPROVED D BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOB INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .r€a PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,\ -\ \ DATE ,, i.,.-l \-\ JOB NAME ^{6!)INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUB FRI AM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- D FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING D INSULATION D SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB O FINAL fl tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,. gr'irppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR NUMBER OF PROJECT ;'. ' ,.; . rNsenoN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL aqi , i ,,,i r'(' PERMIT DATE ( -. JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:WED LOCATION: APPROVED D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED THUR CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ C UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH i WATER D FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ..i t +L/15 t PE PERMTT NUMBER OF P'IOJECT ,/ ,/(-)D^rE (/// JoB NAME CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL It ?.,',CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES THUR 7q/,./.? € tr tr tr ! tr tr o Litotttc'' , -Fbb--rm66r srgel PLUMBING: FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETFOCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr ry?rr'rar- D r'l FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR /, ,-1 .-'t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME -, ,,^ ( -^, \Inurl \ rrlr I -,--4 READY FOB LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL C FINAL MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR r rt INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .,rq{ 5 T NUMBER OF PROJECT PERMI DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: B tr tr o ! E tr tr ILDING:PL tr tr tr tr tr D tr UMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D.W.V, ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEF PTYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL EI "FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH i WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEFI " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING N INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: .EI--TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING n tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR nffissop PERMIT OJECT t PE DATE rNs ,cJJ|\oDf $fsuEsr i READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: l JOB NAME MON \JALLEl-1 TUES WED THUR NUMBER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEF * PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED \-.-. ./ ;/ --. ( ,. l' i ) .gslg ,t ;^/ ,n:rt ,r ,'_t lNSpEcroR /' niFsaoe INS s PE_CJf.oN_ REOUEST DATE READY FOR LOCATION: rowN oFYnri; W \J.F\ L L EI-{ Tt rtre VVE[J INSPECTiON: JOB NAME MON THUR --- -------==- AM.PM APPBOVE CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDtNG:. D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING; O UNDERGROUND tr RoucH / D.w.v. O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FBAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING D ROUGH / WATER D GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL D INSULATION tr SHEETBOCK O FINAL tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATiNG tr ROUGH O CONDUIT tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .'.,' i'/,- t ,- '1F/ 2., c C.-----(c',,*i/.e{ BUILDING: F:Foo|Ncs D FOUNDATI tr FRAMING I J; ,,,,. \ pr-uMBtNG: / SrEEL i ' ii il rtt J tr SNDERGR6SND ON / STEEL D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ,_ ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING .tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL ROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT .iv:fii?':"" ,,., ,)ii 1*., I I --INSPECTION " TOWN OF /r-, ),.e.,r,-.-_.. CT JOB REQUEST vAt[ *r DATE NAME CALLER -TUES READY FOR INSPECTION:MON ; FRI AM PM LOCATION: --l- BUILDING: o FoqTt.NGS I STEEL PLUMBING: tr rouNrbxir ; . tr UNDEBGROUND tr FRAMING tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER |--l ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB U SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL APPROVED 'CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED NATtr u.1 rl_ i ! -.*---------INSPECTOR .l q55 _l t)) pERMrr NUMBER oF pRo_JEa_i_ lNspEg^rl.oN_ REQUEST A - .'t ?- - q ? TOWN oF VAlt dr DArE -f -14>-,) JoBNAME J5?i,,.t{<r,l4ilr,,l PtrSr0p-rrl(E cALLER *tZ r'.lo READY FOR INSPECTION: MON ,,.. ^ *..O ^ @,, / O' @ LocArloN: ?(a13 C rrcT I NA L fttVZ]-- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED oxeW rNSpECroR I !Ocqq >5 ) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INS t PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIrL r* JoB NAME 4n".-L',,ir',op f'<n, A^.-, (' 6ALLER ltporD r'l)6- ?'.''lf 4 t DATE INSPECTION:MON TUES @ THUR FRI -------40 PM READY FOF LOCATION: ,Iiutt-ottt PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: f] HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED N REINSPECIION REQUIRED INSPECTOR t PE PERMIT NUMBER JOB ROJE i DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECT!ON: NAME MON WED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEET tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D,W.V. f] ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING fl ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED '., )DATE INSPECTOR #-I'1>> . INSPECTIONREQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT -r.\rl/rr .\E v A t I CALLER ,*rr.T,l*. , _ MoN. TUES *.o @ FRr @) *J tr '/ 5 ( of ri ;.lr'l e y.)nrf" READY FOR LOCATION: tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ft orsnennoveo tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED Derr'6'ttA/ trr^,,5H 6PI4OF t4PPau€f\ = /O 2€ BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r.1 ROOF & SHEEFI " PLYWooD NAILING N GAS PIPING l tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL rrNnl P., aarc r-"-i r.er s, /d D s ELEGTRICAL: EI TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR O FINAL INSPECTOR ffis{oP t !'t: t PE INS PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI WED AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB o tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL p'ieenoveo , CORFECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT 6t I l^illo / tt //i'z- DATE INSPECTION: REQUEST vArL + J ri. THUR ,/a A|^A / ^,v, PM ( # INSPECTION TOWN OF JOB NAME ,@J Uf\LLtrFI FRI READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o B tr EI FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr (r'*o.O FINAL APPROVED D DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR