HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 1 BLOCK 3 LOT 5 LEGAL.pdfo ,"**rNG crrECK 'HEET o Property lnformation Property Address 1377 Yail Valley Drive Parcel #210109201013 Legal Description Lot 5, Block 3, Vail Vallcy l"'Filing Devclopment Site Area Ac I oszz SLFt I 23,t9r I Bu!4q!& l !o Zoningi SDD #Two-Family Residential Land Use Designation Low Densitv Residential Known Non-Conformities nla Previous Approvals EHU added after initial construction Hazard.Zones Sections 12-12- 12-21- 14-6 & l4-l Snow Avalanche n/a Debris Flow nla Roclcfall nla Excessive Slopes (Site Disturbonce 12-2 I-14) n/a Floodplain nla Wetlands Y/f.{nla Creeks. Streams Section l2-14-17 Setback nJa Proposed nla Sidewalks/ Trails nla Contact Information Planner/ Date Warren Camobell l0l28l1 1 Owner Contact Info Sam and Lu Maslak PO Box 1730. Vail. CO 81658 Primary Contact/ Owner Representative Info Henry Pratt, GPSL Architects 970-476-1141 Proiect Descripfion addition to east unit Land Use Application(s) #DRB1l054l Proposed Uses (As defined by Zoning) Existing two-family Permitted, Conditional, Prohibited? Permitted Date Routed/ DRT Meeting nla Commcrcial Floor Area Existing n/a Proposed nla Gross Residential Floor Area (Chapter l5) Total Allowed 7,564 -Existing 6,064 -Proposed 6,578 East "\ 197 -Existing 3.261 -Proposed 5t4 West 3.782 -Existing 2,803 -Proposed nla Total Remaining East Total Remaininq 6 West Total Remaining 979 250 or Interior Conversion?nla Zoning District Standards Setbacks (perimeter) Proiections l4-10-4 Front 20 Proposed or YA.l Y Side l5 &l5 Prooosed or YA{Y Rear l5 Proposed or YA.l Y Minimum Lot Areai Width Required 14,000 Proposed or YAtr Y Site Coverage % Allowed 4,638 (20%)o/o Proposed 4,5t2 (r9.5%) Building Height Allowed 33130 Proposed Y Landscaping Sections l4-10-8 & l4-10-9 % Required 13,9r4 (60%\o/o Proposed rs,49s (66.8%) Plant size 6"2",5 eal.Proposed Y Fences o Proposed nla Retaining Walls Sec. l4-6-7 YeishtAllowed 6 - Proposed J Sctback 2 Proposed t4 Driveway Sections l4-3-l & l4-3-Z Max Curb-cuts t6 Proposed Y Max-Min Slope r0%Proposed Y Max-MinWidth l2 Proposed Y I{eated YA{Y Drive Material paver Snow Storage o/o 30%Proposed Y Parking Sections 12-10 & I4-5 Spaces Required 5 Proposed 5+ Loading nla Proposed nla Lighting Section l4-10-7 Allowed No new Proposed nla Waste Management Section 5-9 Wildlife Proofl Resistant nla Screened n/a Screening Sections 14-10-9 & 14-10-10 Required n/a Proposed Y Roof Material Sections l2-ll-3c & 14-10-5 Complies YA.{Y, copper Building Separation Section 14-10-6 Complies YA.{Y Adopted View Corridors Complies Y/N nla Utilities (Location, easements) Section l4-10-10 Y Grading (Less than 2:1) Section 14-6 Y Development Impact Fees / Mitigation Employee Housing nla Trffic Impact nla Art In Public Places nla Notes In conjunction with the application the owners indicated that they would split allowable GRFA evenly. This is not required to occur in the future should a change of ideas occur. t, 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Phone: 970479-2139 Fax:970479-2452 October 12,2010 Sent via email to Doris Bailey <dbailey@slifer.net> RE: Development potential for 1477 Vail Valley Drive/ Lot 5, Block 3, Vail Valley Filing 1 Dear Doris, The following outlines the development potential for Lot 5, Block 3, Vail Valley Filing 1: Lot size (including east, west and common parcel): 23,191 square feet Existing Gross Residential FloorArea (GRFA); Unit A: 2,587 square feet Unit B: 2,976 square feet Employee Housing Unit 325 square feet (up to 500 square feet does not count as GRFA. so this unit does not count towards existing GRFA) Total: 5'563squarefeet a io +otnl. )oes no+ relb* curreat Gf<,fn cnl.*|,ft,o Allowable GRFA: 7,564 square feet fnelh'AS Total remaining GRFA (with division determined by the owners and applicable party wall agreements):2001squarefeet t'Jf,g ry.*urx\er Aoes xo1 yullecl elreefil GKFA culc^la+on The statistics in this letter are based on the information found within the Town of Vail's legal file on p1e-lhod5, this property. The allowable GRFA is subject to further examination based on as-built floor plans. ' '- The property also must comply with other development standards, such as setbacks, site coverage, landscaping, etc. lf you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. Best, Rachel Dimond, AICP, LEED AP Planner ll Direct Phone: (97 0)47 9-2440 RDimond@vailgov.com Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us GRFA- Unit A Unit B Total EHU Site Coverage 5419 +2(250)+325 EHU** 6,244 sq. ft. 5,888 sq. ft. 2,587 sq. ft. 2,976 sq. ft. 5919 sq. ft. 5563 sq. ft. 500 sq. ft. 325 sq. ft. 4,683 sq. ft. 4331 sq. ft. October 3. 2001 Danny Johnson Fax:328-6158 RE: Development potential for Lot 5, Block 3, Vail Valley Filing 1 Dear Danny, I have researched the development potential for Lot 5, Block 3, Vail Valley Filing 1. According to the liles, the residence has the following: Lot Size: 23,191 sq. ft. Allowed Existing Remaining 356 sq. lt. 356 sq. ft. 175 sq. ft. 352 sq. ft. .The Community Development Department requires as-built drawings to confirm GRFA as part of the DRB application.**EHUs receive as much credit as is actually constructed, up to 500 sq. ft. The Community Development Department has recently amended the regulations regarding "250s" and EHUs. Therefore there is one "250" bonus remaining and 75 sq. ft. of the second "250" remaining. Because of the changes in regulations, it is not clear as to which unit already received a"250". Therefore, one unit is eligible for 250 sq. fi., while the other is eligible lor 75 sq. ft. The way this is allocated is up to the owners of the lot. I apologize for the confusion regarding this property. I would be glad to meet with the owners il any clarification is needed. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 970-479-2369. Allison Ochs, AICP Planner ll Town of Vail {p t'n"""o 'o""* tt- cr)o (o IJJ F U) o a z o F o- ITJ Y UJ dl o F |-\t =q qr lrl o4 trl o-H o !'{f't Fl t14 H e.r v zo z .n = =< =z (l- rr tr G tu A l! :!!E:E<ctl €n E9 1l ir cd t> =uJ:-E h=E :g : ;E E 8b 9 5tr E XO_E ;=aul €trr ul (o o --- F =E lrJ o-z 9 F C)f E 6 z o o -ir .s 'e/ gffi/zr ,in uI - z o z o = ID .6 o I l_ t<ro I I I I,,o IF t< rF IU'z t= le \t I I F] H v E r-) luJ IF rE I I I I I I t_, r(J IE tz \+ I I tr1 z ts 4 lr' J ul o =r t! F ts H pr 1 14 ,l o E o) a)c o Rt o) o o o) o E o l E o, o CL 6 'o o .9 o o E .ti o E o (, .9 ol '.2 ,o €l ol tol lcl FI DI .$l sl =o F o o = o o o q) () at ,an E I ! o tt C' a;](E o (5 o r! a o o a6 ;/ A x FI (! >r tr o o o o (! o (E E o ; 3 .> c o o o o) E G ?o E o o o o o (! E 6t €'= o CI c F (! c .; .c .d (s (l' o o o (g (q E o E o G (E o o -g o. E o E '= q o .F (! ; .E -9 o (E .9 o- o .9 (t o ru G t5 () o)o -g -o .v,o (5 .o o o A LN F\-ir C.l ca cr) =E c. lr.l c z J co ul UJ lJ-z o tr tu E uJ (n UJ ul lJ- = = uJ IL J F o F zl trl I el Hl trl EI zl E E o = 2 F E UJ o J uJ z UJ E >E -r|r)3tu.s =(D6l zz 9o F^lt 5"2 !3;vro 5d (Jz u-<o1 o- !?i5 cc E. IJJ E J z E z o F uJ F ts 2,. Oz .,'6 3 rJJ OI E o o q CE (q !E =(1, TE h CN (\ tr, rn o z E =G UJ o- H H z v H trl F H E th ii =z o -) lolo l-ll l(Jl\o lOlF.l-1 | -+l'l _:txt r t<l H lF-r-rl Fl I rn ;r.11 H | \o itl < | .-{l>lco 8t fr l--t u{ -fl as ".1 S EEE Z:Et> ll t1 -l ol *l zl dol (,:[ r.ul ol crl pol rl Hl el '1 zl aal tl-t Fl rl rnl Nl -'.1 ot zl dl lul 1l <l >l ttl ol zl ;l o|FI \f I .ir N I \' I |..- ll tl Itl lcol tol tNl rEl I eel Hpl H3l q9 t3l E9l UJ FI I c\l o z o ul tr lt o z 3 F. H a E z E =c N I \o .$ I F I I ?l ol uJl El Jl <l >l l!l ol =l 5 ol 9t FI F I I 'l F (t z =lJ-E <F EC) IIJ <zE LUF c4Z o C) )9,<o C)F tr= S?F -z ilo C) E 2? 33 fF d. zo o (!ir 9i *E o2 F (J UJ E .r C)E ts!tr o F '( o c o r rct 6 | rO o I rc ut I l|,l dt I rar ll o 14 N o 6l c o r8.f o 2 id I c' o dl x E p< 1.1 G u !0 o 0r.e (! 4 s ..: Fr!.:Eg ax FU E Hr, F ao!Et o aau dla\ *. t1 I F oql 5fr a rd qtr E 88 * FA H nE YE 6 {!q ts 8" H r.t !i 'lo E o I .7 Il EE et E-&a &.F F EE E9 p( e l, Fl az fB tr E l|l llr E lr E{ HE 83 H' 6 h rt U ql ll g ctE &E|d8 EI k A t: E E{ rH FI !l 3 lt u!I : s B (., tl E |J F o A & E{ Fi H E !a z E & F H q| X FI dl )p c :. E-&rt a!!qt oiel-noH tfrH .l Town of Vail Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vai1, Col-orado 8165?(303) 479-2138 Plan review based on the 1991 Uniform Buildinq Code Name; SMITH/SAGE CARETAKER Date: August 24, L994 Occupancy: R3rM1 Type of Const: V-N 0Fr!#f; t*P'/ Address t L367 VAIL VALLEY DR.Contractor: GARY BOSSOW Designer: D. HAASE Engineer: NA P1ANS ExAMiner: CHUCK FELDMANN This project will require a site inprovement survey.This survey sha11 be submitted and staff approved prior to a request for a frame inspection. Under no circumstances will a frame inspect.ion be done without an approved site improvemen! survey. There sha1l be only one kitchen designated per dwelling uniL allowed by the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. A11 other such labeled areas are not approved and shall- not be rough-in constructed as such. Exterior surfaces with stucco shalI be provided with exterior meta] lath as per UBC 4706 with 2layers of paper. Windows and doors are required to be adequaLely flashed(not with just screed metal). A lath inspection is required prior stucco application. A11 new construction within the Town of VaiL will- be required to have an initial inspection by TOV Public Works Dept. to approve site drainage and culvert installation. This approval must be complete prior to any inspection by the Building Department. This project is restricted from the burning of wood in fireplaces. Unl-ess the lot -is a restricted lot in size, three gas logs fireplates and three gas appliances are permitted per uni-t al1owed. Gas 1og chimneys enclosures sha1l be one hr. protected. THIS PROJECT REQUIRES TWO ONE HOUR WALLS BETWEEN EACH UNIT WITH A ONE INCH AIR SPACE FROM FOUNDATION TO UNDER SIDE OF ROOF SHEATING. Glazing in a hazardous location is required to be glazed with safety material . -- Sec. 5406. 10 11 I2 -15 No domestic dishwashing machine sha1l be directly connected to a drainage system without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fittinq. UPC 608. Cross connection control devices shall be instalted Lo protect pollution of potabl-e water supply by use of approved backflow prevention devices. UPC 1003. Plumbing fixtures with mechanical apparatus shall be supplied wlth an access panel for inspection and repair of equipment. UPC 904. Domestj-c ranges shall have a vertical cl-earance above the cooking surface of not less than 30" to unprotected conbustible material . UMC 1901. Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, vent location and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation. Due to Colorado State Statutes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flow restriction devices. A1so, the maxj-mum water cl-oset flush usage is limited to a maximum of 3.5 gallons per flush. At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayment shafl be provi-ded to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of felt solid mopped to sheathing and between layers or a comrnercial water & ice shield mav be used as per Table 3281 . 14 t\. Tovnr ol Vall 'IOWn Or Var_ t 25 South Frontage Road Vai1, Col-orado 8l-657 (303) 419-2138 Plan analysis based on the 1991- Uniform Buildino Code NANe: SMITH/SAGE CARETAKER AddTesS: T367 VAIL VALLEY DR.Date: August 24, t994 Contractor: GARY BOSSOW Occupancy: R3rMl- Designer: D. HAASE Type of Const: V-N Engineer: NA Plins Exami-ner: CHUCK FELDMANN NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the 1991 UBC. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA TNCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Building 0.0 Feet 0.0 Feet EAST Propert.y line 92.0 Feet 92.0 Feet SOUTH Propert.y line 20.0 Feet 20.0 Feet WEST Property line 18.0 Feet 18.0 Feet EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON_BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT R3 thr* thr* NOP Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None M1 thr* thr* NOP Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior walLs may be of COMBUSTIBLE material. Sec .2201 - None -- No fire protection requirements for openings. ProL -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assenblies. 508 of the area of the waIl maximum. Sec.2203.(b) & Tab1e 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimension greater than L2 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openinqs are not permitted in this waLl-.* -- These waLLs may be required to have a parapet walI 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet walI is required to have the same fire rat.ing as Lhe wall. See section 1?10. for details and excepLions. trFFIOH OOPY FL NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Bath roon 2 Kitchen/Living 40 0.00 2.00 192 19.20 9.60 LNo 1No 1No 1 1No 1 1 2 Hal1s, closets, etc. 67 0.00 0.00 TOTAL FOR FLOOR L Garage TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL 299 281_ 0.00 0.00 281_ s80 FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior is required from thj-s room. The minimum clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. 1204.l-) The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2\ Tbe minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet 4) The maximum sil-I height is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on TabLe 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habit.able space sha1l have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceiling is sloping, then the minimum height is required in only L/2 of the area. --Sec.1,2Q'1 .@\ Every dwelling unit sha1l have at least one room which has not. less than 120 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens sha1l have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207.(b) Habitabl-e rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in any dimension. -- Sec. 1-207 . (c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: AlI glazing in hazardous locations is required Lo be of safety glazing materiaf. -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panel-s of sliding door assemblj-es and panels in swinging doors other Lhan wardrobe doors.3) Glazing in storm doors.4l Glazing in all unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot. tubs, whirlpools, saunas, sLeam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building walI enclosing these compartments where the bottorn exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain in1et.6) Glazing in fixed or operabJ-e panels adjacent Lo a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a cl-osed position and where the bott.om exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface.7) Glazing in an individuaf fixed or operable panel, other than those locations described in items 5 and 6 above, t.han meet.s all of the following conditions:A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 sguare feet. B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor. C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor. D. One or more walking surfaces within 35 inches horizontally of the plane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface. Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fill panels. See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke detector is reguired on t.he ceiling or walL at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeplng area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wa1I in each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is requj-red on all stories. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4.If the upper level- contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper Level close to the stairway. -- Sec. 12L0. (a) 4 Snoke detectors are required to be wired Lo the building's power source and sha1l be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. l-210.(a) 3. Detect.ors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are located. -- Sec. L2L0.(a) 4. OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Betbreen the garage and the residence, materials approved for Lhr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 1 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B e Sec.503.(d) exc. #3 STAIR REOUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306.(b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #L Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec- 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail- where drop off is great.er than 30 inches. Minimum height = 35 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec . 1,'71,2. (a) exc. #1 The minimum headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches- -- Sec. 3306.(o) EncLosed usabl-e space under the stairs i-s required to be protected as required for thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES:1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 26 qage galvanized sheet metal with all joints locklapped. The outside must be l- hr construction. All openings into any such enclosure shall be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door l3/g inches thick or equivalent. -- Sec. 1706. (f) 2) Gas vents and nonconbustible piping instal1ed in wal-ls passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be in L hour shafts. -- Sec. 1706. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, factory-bui1t chimneys, piping, or ducts that do not extend through not more than 2 floors need not. be in L hour shafts. -- Sec. 1706. (c) 4) A11 other shafts are required to be enclosed in a l- hour assembly. -- Sec. 1-706. (a) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This project will require a site improvement survey. Such survey sha1l be submitted and approved prior to request for frame inspection. All- crawl spaces within the Town Of Vail are limited to a eart.h to structural floor ceiling height of 5t, be earth floor only, be ventilated as per UBC 2516 (C) 6 with minimum access as per UBC 2516(C)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shal1 require an engineer desi-gn. Such design shall- address drainage, soil- retainage and structural design. Excavation below slabs on grade shall- not be permitted without prior approval . Address numbers shal1 be posted plainly visible and legible from the qt raaf For M1 occupancy Slope garage floor to all-ow for drainage to outside to provide a floor drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry well or to sewer. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper Eagle Val1ey Water & Sanitation District. In garages with living area above, the walls of the garage wiich are bearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fire resistive construction. UBC 503(B) . b o z E =c, UJ o-F- c .J a IJJ uJ lI. tr = LlJ o- t' i *!7,3fli .ir I \f I F- z z E 14 F{ fr -| HX lkl lo cf) I F\ l-,F < r'r op trz t)- &ob z ;E JF 5-6 t lll E e F g == z z -t e ,{ ^.1 z : F-.1 7 E o ill F z z =f (o .6 =z o N uJ z = ul F z J ||l o = oti 6.Y, ag;$* EiEffi iffi $Eaei fEis! !EEtg (!o'-!-c; o o tr et!c€ $ a tc=" iEiii F ts H 6 N r\ { .i o. d o r F- q F F 2 c c F N c\ =uJ z o J gl x IIJ C)z o.- a 6 IIJ J !! z 6 J J z I o ut = uJ UJ t! 2 I F uJ () u, o 6 ; UJ qJ t z ta UJ 6 llJ o.?z tll J x F ul o F-1 Fl Fl Fl H F o ul lll II F =(r IJ.J c F o F z o ao uJ IJJ z 6 = d z qJ = NOTMlVA *" =?z Z !- lt o o oF tr - -t zt-; ; = FE a o E.z > oa O aJ u, tt i = 6r oq ii Ho EH 2= i (v gz E >E =toaJ z o F IL (t & ur tn F\ ll H F at u., 2 tr o o z tr E UJ >( Jx 3 gJ z U'tr z l z Oo . u.i <()o< >E 2tE R'!dci <z a t z, Oz do 3tr OI J uJ J a IJJ z )a i F z tr 5 o z ---1 ;J $- F llJ o o 3 lW -.r I <l trl I o =|JJ o a TN Or c! h U) cl\ c\| t!, .+I l l"lol<tStd t;:llo-u I I I E $ \ { $,,. \ ,. .t F I I IIJ F a)o o ?z o F o- UJ Y uJ o o F E ffx o- Ei b-l > o'l O- cJl ol oPll lrl tpl HeJ oe zo t l-.tr ;F o I /.'r I cfl t1 I rn I H lFq ll IM tz rl fl Ft I Frl F-] =11 LJ ;;lI t> =te i.| ul PId <t aJ at d J< -J aa 4A lsl il H ctl ut utl qJl gll t;l flel .iI I N ol rl *l -l I I ?IE (5l \t url I El @ Jl \o 3l*ttl ol =l ol FI H Fl Fl z H H =4 I I I I >t H UI vl : z I E q tl.l e.l I \o co .ir I Ol F\ ol .'l JI <l >l bl zl 3 ot FI I I I I I ?l ol uJl .rl JI <l >l l!l ol 5l g Ol uJ FI F, F F1 Fl F1 H I J I 5 J X Fl !'1 FT H E a rii =z c) -l E -.r O <F (rO r!<zE UJF (11 Z o o J E F () uJ J ll, 2e =E o-'5 C) z T (J uJ = tti FE Oz J <o o9.3H z .-o li, ;- =Q @o >z (Ll! EEi ;;i E uJ tl. fl!E9 E<of 60 no B9 t;be Ea =>.=ru:-E li=E :E -o-uJ E =P E 66 lI \ur E XO-t x>t q- o'i !E Lu CO E =E UJ o-z I F () E F a z o o rilnn Ef -- rXr}4r--l t-td t-)d LJ 'F{o2 OE)'o OI F o F o e F o F C' o F l{oz o? O(J p :E U FI o J) A l{{ln C't{ to a p H l. I n!!0.|I9u Ro !r He H 20 aeri E9\ 6 t{ E ta 40rl,8e a e3 ! ,-{BY ;88 $$a E,cr ol od d YE B {q F 6E| {|nB oa oo F 9. EE bo ts=F(&E i.a Hlr 24 F9 E9 E<t l, l{6Z ,(P ro l.t r Hr{ R E E' lr HZ o|D XX E{ 4 li a !l ll |{ F 6 H A E (J qt E E ctE EA 68 E A l.a I p, H * D o g c 7 E E h H R g u| : ('D E =et E'C .!dct oiCI- H8E &&€ VH I L I-'UHL 1U IJUF:I.'.-q APPUCATION FON ToW OF VA|L PUSLIC WAY FERM|T 1 U : iU J/l r'921LL JUL 19'9?i 9:?b I{o.lJUl f'.U1 1. *9{ g4.6€=-.-t--o,.g{6ac*s ,, -'fiwaFvllLl*l u n'' u ry -:I_s&. !* !,kr y p * ..-I)EiYrafnrcnlr 4{#r#f8 O0fif'l'il'r'rn Bair gl.l$l,r-iElqlD fcmoof{tfv Fili Ar.iFsF 'l -<-____z tewtt A/A. ,,. ". Doprl Firmit FF6 q f,SP Jab l,hnr #trkrr, k$4r -- rt. woft(lstor(sirrite**r @ r*;""\ LsndEoapln0 lc_ - Jt9-:t/ttql:: TI{IE IS NOT PUE Whlt. - Fr&lilr Wlr*rr Ydllnw - Ti.xr.i Flnl I rGnoh'wldth .. . . (nrn. 4) Eond nmount t Total Pcrmrt Fia I A!! MATER!4. EoU|PMEIJT, AND TMFFIC CONTROL DEVlcEs Mltftr Bf r.,N 'il rL JuustlE tsEFQFE THE JO8 19 9TAFTED, Rehbar ouhliHHers Bra rEquirrd on txgavHtii[| cquip[r9nl whc worklns on atph0ll. A6phalt 8rrriacE6 urd€rmalh the buchfl sh*ll be preLe$lgd * dl UmlE, A ii0neltrre below indicatcs a rcvlow ot ttle arBa and ulilitv locatlof|f i&rd apprevals, Onoe all utlllty oompony i0nilunF ari ol irFcd, pafinlllGo har opiion ot ro|Jlilrg Spplictllioti tlrruugh lhe lo obtah thA n6(*AhF!/ Tr'./n of \htl ilgniture3. Pl6Ai€ iltow one w.ek l(, FtoL$ir, AI tlpFit Fn0le Vallsy Wniar rr$ $anttiton {a76-7aS0l Publlq Servlce Company (i E00 8aa.1087) P$OO-N etrral Gar Grqup (d68.2516) Holy cross Elochin cdmFAny (Ir4g.hl.r9r,) -__ U.S, Wcrt (t -800-e23- 1887) TCI Crblwlriort ul 0rS R,,ruhicr (8 &s.o[,tfr|t: Irrionlon {4/{F ,1b,1) "/f f).o4 '| (i. . Puulo WorkE (470'?l6e)4*_q/i-w-.4 I TI{ERE wlLL BE No TOTAL aTREET OLOSURESI A corshuutiur tufljc wllrel plsn mufi b0 approvcd by thc Yf" Public Worlts Oepadm6rll pdor lo isrg!|lc+ ol lhg #ertnil All exdl]ririfr munt h6 don€ by hFnd within 1tr nt rftt,ttcr . (ticnilo Silt 172). Psrmitte9 mu8t aordsot Publlc Worfto Dopanmcfll at 47c ?15& g4 hou€ Frior rd mmmancin0 bncldt$ opBtdtions. Failur€ to nollty lh! Ibwn vrill to0ult In lodclturc ot bond monoy. Sohddut;d inrpF(drons wn,c.-h aro ior rgady nrav rooull In fio lbwn ohorglng tho oontroctor o fciA.qFanion tri. IITRUCTIO'{ TRAFFIC COII'ROL PLAN im of cuB. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT Olt',tt Ft46xqs '*,**Jfr;-k ATTAEH PLAIU OF $/ORK, II.ICLUDII'IG fihnw stradr wfh n6mcs, hutldEs, nnd I Porfifi* brarrd ltr trruumltttl rnomo 7li7.l d A7lES/1334 09: AE 6323859_ _ I'HEELER JOHN PAGE A1 o Ez Va{L Etet. W+T,Fr4:4q+n^?+sL S.L. L,l-,]* L.L,w QLftrr,t N,l-' *tstw- fu*/<.F.p*/t,7. Eo*/s,F, lS #/s,| . fe c*ay- hqak ofrfi"i w+v4 lb Fal6'l'n$+p. Y ftv$tu Town of Vail oFFlcs 00Py Jry16['. c{,EF ?d,r;utr.rrr| lHt+'. +*F{ L. Wt€Ltf. t#htnc;y l9n ;Ef &Jeu Cfute sp1'.dr4r t4. ATag lq/bt+-?#?b frJr I 1n/6,'4.- 3SJil fr.'" ++( @*t bupL+X F- VA,[L UAU,gf DF-, dfrk#.t ffi. DIilr4Al t.FDli f# gfp.rnrfur++- Ccf-6{rlefi.rtE Ap€- }qA Fl1*6rrJ$., (tF4aar\F*+) e*wtre-uo. aNe d #% '*d\) \ Plan analysis t.he 1991 Uni-form Name: SAGE/SMITH #B Date: July 7, 1994 Occupancy: R3,ML Type .of Const: V-N NOTE.:The code items listed in this report listing of all- possible code requi-rements selected sections of the code. Town of Vail 25 south Frontase Road Town of Vail ""'1io!i'"iio"-ar6si- 0FFlcE c0py based on Building Code Address z L36'7 VAf L VALLEY DR.Contractor: GARY BOSSOW DEV Architect: JOHN WHEELER Engineer: NA Plans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN are not intended to be a complete in the 1991 UBC. It is a quide to DIRECTION BOUNDARY NORTH Property line EAST Property line SOUTH Propert.y line WEST Buildinq SEPARATION AREA INCREASE 32.0 Feet 18.0 Feet 78.0 Feet 0.0 Feet EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS Table 17-A & Table 5-A FIRE PROTECTION 32.0 Feet J.U . U t eet' 78.0 Feet 0.0 Feet OPENING PROTECTION SOUTH WEST BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT Ohr Ohr None thr* thr* NOp Ohr Ohr None thr* thr* NOP NORTH OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG WALL WALL PROT WALL R3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr M1 Ohr Ohr None Ohr The exterior wal1s may be of AND EAST NON-BRG OPNG WALL PROT Ohr None Ohr None COMBUSTIBLE maLerial. Sec -2201, None -- No fire protection requirements for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50% of the area of t.he wall maximun. Sec.2203. (b) & Table 5-A Maximum single wj-ndow size is 84 sq.ft with no dimension greater than l-2 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this wall-.* -- These wa1ls may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wal_I is required to have the same fire rating as the wal-l. See section 17L0. for detai-Is and exceptrons NAME FL AREA MIN. LIGHT MTN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Master bedroom 2 Master bath 2 Game room 2 Dining room 2 Kitchen 2 Bath room 2 Ha1ls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 Garage 1 Bedroom #l-1 Bath room 1 Bedroom #2 1 Bath roon #2 | 'r'tfi r I It r/\.\trr l- Bedroom #3 1 Bath room #3 1 Laundry room 1- HaIls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL 317 170 z4z zzY 309 ZJ 409 1699 598 168 42 l-bJ 4I 164 2t0 43 40 JUJ L852 3551 31.70 0.00 24.20 ZZ . YU 30.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 J.O.dU 0.00 IO-JU 0.00 16.40 2r.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8 .50 t2.r0 11.45 r_5 .45 1 qn 0.00 0 .00 8 .40 2.L0 8.15 2.0s 8.20 10.50 2.t5 2.00 0.00 Yes No No No No No No No Yes No YeS No No Yes No No No 1 1 1 t- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l_ 1 1 1 z FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operabl-e window or door that opens di-rectty to the exterior is required from this room. The minimum cl-ear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. L204-1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 lnches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet 4) The maximum sill height is 44 inches 2l The number of exits is based on Tab]e 33-A (Dweltings)3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in in 1ieu of exterior openings for ventilaLion. -- Sec. 1205. (c) ROOM DTMENSIONS: Habitable space sha11 have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, hal1s, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceiling is sloping, then the minimum height is required in only I/2 of the area.--Sec.120'7.(a)Every dwelling unit shall- have at l-east one roon which has not less than 120 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kit.chens shaLl have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec.l20j.(b)Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet i-n anv dimension. -- Sec. 7207. (c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: A11 glazing in hazardous locations is requi-red to be of safety glazing mat.erial . -- Sec. 5406. (d)1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels panels in swinging doors other than 3) Glazing j-n storm doors. except jalousies. of sliding door assemblies and wardrobe doors. 4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors.5) Glazlng j-n doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wall enclosing these compartments where the bottom.exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain in1et.6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of eit.her vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface.7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable paneI, other than those locations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all of the .following conditions :A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet.B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor.. C. Exposed top edge greaLer than 36 inches above the floor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of the plane of the glazing. 8) Glazlng in railings regardless of height above a walking surface. IncLuded are sLructural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fil-l panels. See exceptions - SMOKE DETECTOR REOUIREMENTS:A smoke detect.or is required on the ceiling or waIl at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area.-- Sec. 1210. (a) 4.A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wal-1 in each sleeping area - -- Sec. 121-0 . (a) 4.A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4.Tf the upper level contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway. -- Sec. L210. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the buildingt s power source and shall be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 3.Detectors shalI sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are locat.ed. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. FIREPLACE REOUIREMENTS : MASONRY FIREPLACE:l-) Fireplace must be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707.(b)2, The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and wall-s of firebox are to be 10 inches thick. If the lining is of firebrick then the wall-s may be 8 inches thick. -- Sec. 3707. (c) 3) The minimum clearance to cornbustible material is from the fireplace, smoke chamber, and chinney wal1s is 2 inches. Combustible material may not be placed within 6 inches of fireplace opening and combustible within 12 inches may noL project more Lhan 1/8 inch for each L inch of clearance. -- Sec. 3?07. (h)4, The hearth must be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 inches thick, and supported by noncombustible material . The hearth size must be at least:If Opening size is: Front extension Side extensi_on Less than 6 sq,ft. 16 inches 8 inches 6 sq.ft. or greater 20 lnches 12 inches -- Seq. 3707. (k) c (r) 5) Chimney height must be per Table 37-B OCCUPANbY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for thr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a sel-f-closing 1- 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec.503.(d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- sec. 3306.(b) The maximum rise of a step is I inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail- on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off i-s qreater than 30 inches. Minimum = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. L'1l-2.(al exc. The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec- 3305.(o) Enclosed usab]e space under the stairs is required to be protected as for Lhr fire-resisLive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (1) height #1 required SHAFT ENCLOSURES:1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 26 gage galvanized sheet metal with all joints locklapped. The outside must be t hr construction. A11 openings into any such enclosure shaLl be protected by not fess than a self-closing solid wood door 1 3/B inches thick or equivalent. -- Sec. 1706. (f)2, Gas vents and noncombustible piping installed in watl-s passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shafts- -- Sec. 1706. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, factory-built chimneys, piping, or ducts that do noL ext.end through not more than 2 floors need not be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. 1706. (c) 4) AI1 other shafts are reguired to be enclosed in a t hour assembLy.-- Sec. 1706. (a) ATTIC REQUIREMENTS:1) Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear height of 30 inches or more. The minimum size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30 inches or more cfear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205.(a)2) Provide ventilation i-n all attic areas. The net free vent area is to be not less than l square foot for each 150 square feet of attic area.The vent area may be 1/300 if at leasL 50t of the required ventil_ating area is provided by ventilators locat.ed in the upper portion of the attic. The upper ventilators must be at least 3 feet above the eve or cornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) e' CRAWLSPACE .REQUIREMENTS :1) Provide ventilaLion eit.her by mechanical- means or by openings in exterior walls. Opening sha1l provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space. Openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical-. -- Sec. 2516.(c) 6. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 10% of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the building offj-cial approves.2l Provide 18-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawL space area. Note: opening may be requj.red to be larger if mechanical equipment is located in the crawl- space. -- Sec. 2515. (c) 2.3) Untress the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treaLed wood, the minimum clearance between exposed eart.h and floor joist is 18 inches. The minj,mum clearance to beams and girders is is .12 inches. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS :For R3 occupancy This project will require a site j-mprovement survey. Such survey shal-l- be submitted and approved prior to request for frame inspection. Alf crawl spaces within the Town Of Vail are lirnited to a earth to structural floor ceiling height of 5,, be earth fl_oor onty, be ventilated as per UBC 2516 (C) 6 with minimun access as per UBC 2516(C)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shal_l require an engineer design. Such design shall address drainage, soil_ retainage and structural design. Excavation below slabs on grade shall not be permitted without prior approval . Address numbers sha11 be posted plainly visible and legible from the street. For M1 occupancy Slope garage floor to a1low for drainage to outside to provide a fl-oor drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry well or Lo sewer.Any garage ffoor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper EagJ-e VaLLey Water & Sanitation District. In garages with living area above, the wal_ls of the garage wiich are bearing the area above shal-l- be protected vrith one hour fire resistive construction. UBC 503(B) . Town of Vail Name: SMITH/SAGE #A Date: July 7, ]-994 Occupancy: R3,Ml Tlpe'of Const: V-N Town of Vail 25 Sout.h Frontage Road Vai1, colorado 81657 (303) 479 -2]-38 PIan analysis based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code OFFICIE OOPY AddTESSZ ]-367 VAIL VAI,LEY DR. Contractor: GARY BOSSOW DEV. ArchiTect:'JOHN WHEELER Engineer: NA Plans Examiner: CHUCK FEIJDMANN NOTE:The code items listed in Chis report are not intended to be a complete listing of a1l possible code requirements in L.he 1991 UBC. It is a guide to selected secLions of the code. SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 59.0 Feet 59.0 Feet EAST Buildi-nq 0.0 Feet 0. 0 Feet SOUTH Propert.y line 35.0 Feet 35.0 Feet WEST Property line 20.0 Feet 20.0 Feet EXTERIOR I^IAI-,L FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT R3 Ohr Ohr None l-hr* thr* NOP Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ml Ohr Ohr None lhr* thr* NOP Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE material . Sec.2201. None -- No fire protection requirements for openings. ProL -- openings are Lo be prot.ected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50% of the area of the wall maximum. Sec.2203.(b) & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimension greater Lhan 12 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP - - Openings are not permitted in this wal1.* - - these walls may be required to have a parapet wa1l 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wal1 is required to have the same fire rating as the wall. See section 1710. for details and exceptions. FL AREA MIN.I,IGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Game room 2 Kitchen ,/ tl aff\ -r | \7 r-a\arrn 2 Master bedroom 2 Master baLh 2 Bat.h room 2 Ha11s, closet.s, eLc. TOTAIJ FOR FIJOOR 1 Garage 1 'Bath room 1 eedroom #L l- Bedroom #2 1 'Bath room #2 1 Bath room #3 1 eedroon #3 1 Halls, closets, etc. TOTAL F'OR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL FOOTNOTES: 572 LZt 1_83 266 l- 11_ 22 324 1607 596 50 133 160 45 45 187 392 16 08 3215 57 .20 rz . tv 18.30 26 .60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 L3.30 16.00 0.00 0.00 18.70 0.00 28.60 6 .45 9.15 r.3.30 5.55 1.50 0.00 0. 00 ? cn 6.6s 8.00 2.25 2.25 9.3s 0.00 NO NO NO NO No NO No NO Yes Yes NO No Yes No 1 L 1 1 t- 1 i. 1" 1 t_ 1 1 1 1 1- 1_ 1 z 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior is required from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meet the following. Sec. t204.1) The minimum clear heiqht is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feeE 4) The maximum siIl height is 44 inches 2\ The numlcer of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dweltinqs) 3) A mechanical ventilat.ion system may be used in in lj-eu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habit.able space shal1 have a ceiling heiqht of not less than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling heiqhL of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceiling i.s sloping, then the minimum height. is required in only L/2 of the area. - -sec. L207 . (a) Every dwelling unit sha1l have at least one room which has not less than 120 square feet of floor area. OEher habitable rooms except kitchens sha11 have an area of not less than 70 sguare feet. -- Sec. t207.(b)Habitable rooms other than a kitchen sha1l not be less than 7 feet in any q]-mensron.Sec. 1207 , (c) GI,AZING REQUIREMENTS :All glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety qlazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assembl-ies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors.3) Glazing in storm doors.4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors. o 5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wal1 enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet.6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bott.om exposed edge of the qLazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface.7) Glazi-ng in an individual fixed or operable panel , other than those locations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meeLs alL of the following conditions:' A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet.B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the fIoor.C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor.' D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontatly of the plane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface.Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fiIl panels. See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke detector is required on t.he ceiling or walI at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area.-- Sec. 1210.(a) 4. A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall in each sleeping area. Sec. 1210. (a) 4 . A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. l-210.(a) 4.If the upper 1eve1 contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is required i-n the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway.-- Sec. L210. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the building's power source and shall be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. L2L0.(a) 3.DetecLors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are located. -- Sec. 121-0. (a) 4. FIREPI-,ACE REQUIREME}TTS : MASONRY FIREPLACE:L) Fireplace must be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707.(b)2) The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and wal1s of firebox are t.o be l-0 inches thick. rf the lining is of firebrick then the wal1s may be I inches thick. -- Sec. 3707.(c)3) The minimum clearance to conbust.ible material is from the fireplace, smoke chamber, and chimney wa11s is 2 inches. Combustible material may not be placed within 6 inches of fireptace opening and comlcustible within 12 inches may not project more than 1"/8 inch for each 1 inch of clearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) 4) The hearth must be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 inches thick, and support.ed by noncombustible material . The hearbh size must be aL least:If Opening size is: Fronu extension Side extension Less than 6 sq.ft. 1-6 inches 8 inches 6 sq.ft. or greater 20 inches 12 inches sec.3707.(k) & (1) 5) Chimney height must be per Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for thr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors beLween the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing L 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minut.e fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503.(d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMEIflTS: A sLairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306.(b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches.-- 'Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handraiL on one side a staj-rway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. tvtinimum height = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 i-nches. -- Sec. L7t2.(a) exc. #1 The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- sec. 3306.(o) Enclosed usable space under t.he stairs is required to be protected as required for thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (1) SHAFT ENCI,OSURES:1) Chut.es and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside wit.h noL less than 26 qage galvanized sheet metal wiLh all joints locklapped. The outside must be t hr consLruction. All openings int.o any such enclosure shall be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door 1, 3/8 inches thick or equivalent.. - - Sec- l-706. (f )2) cas venLs and noncombustible piping installed in walls passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be in l- hour shafts. Sec. 1706. (c) 3) ShafLs for gas vents, factory-built chimneys, pipinq, or ducts that do not extend through not more than 2 floors need not be in t hour shafts.Sec. 1706. (c) 4) A11 other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly. Sec. 1706. (a) ATTIC REQUIREME}TTS:1) Provide an access to all atLic areas with a clear height of 30 inches or more. The minimum size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30 inches or more clear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205.(a)2) Provide ventilation in aII attic areas. The net free venL area is to be noL less than l square fooL for each 150 square feet of aLtic area. The vent area may be 1/300 if at leas! 50% of the reguired ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the attic. The upper ventilat.ors must be at least 3 feet above the eve or cornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) CRAWIJSPACE REQUIREMENTS :1) Provide venLilation either by mechanical means or by openings in ext.erior walls. Openinq shal1 provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space. Openings shal1 be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical. Sec. 2516.(c) 6. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 10t of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the building official approves. 2) Provide'18-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. NoLe: opening may be required to be larger if mechanical eguipment is located in the crawl space. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2.3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood, the minimum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders is is L2 inches. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS :For R3 occupancy This project will require a site improvement survey. Such survey sha1l be submitted and approved prior to request for frame inspection. All'crawl spaces within the Town Of vail are limited Lo a earth to struct,ural floor ceilinq height of 5', be earth floor only, be ventilated as per UBC 2516 (C)5 with minimum access as per UBC 2516(C)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any building siLe with a slope of 30 degrees or more sha1l require an engineer design- Such design shall address drainage, soil retainage and structural design. Excavation below slabs on grade shall not be permitted without prior approval . Address numbers shall be posLed plainly visible and legible from the q|-.r.aaF For Ml- occupancy Slope garage floor to allow for drainage to outside to provide a floor drain with sand and oil- interceptor to dry well or to sewer. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District. In garages with living area above, the walls of the garage wiich are bearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fire resistive construction. UBC 503 (B) . Name: SMITH/SAGE #A Date: July 7, L994 Occupancy: R3, Ml- Type of Const: V-N Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 Plan review based on the 1991 Uniforrn Buildinq Town of Vail OFFICE OOPY Code Address: 1357 VA]L VALLEY DR. CONTrActor: GARY BOSSOW DEV.Archit.ecT: JOHN WHEELER Engineer; NA Plans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN A11 el-ectrical work is to be complete to the requirements of the latest National Electrical Code,all Town of Vail- Ordinances, and Holy Cross Requirements. This project will require a site inprovenent survey.This survey shaU be subsnitted and etaff, approved prior to a request for a frane inspection. Under no circu.mstances will a frame inspection be done witbout an approved site improvement survey. There shall be only one kitchen designated per dwelling unit allowed by the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. ALI other such labefed areas are not approved and shall not be rough-in constructed as such. ExLerior surfaces with stucco shal1 be provided with exterior metal l-ath as per UBC 4706 with 2layers of paper. Windows and doors are required to be adequatel-y flashed(not wit.h just screed metal). A lath inspection is required prior stucco application. ALl new construction within Lhe Town of Vail will be required to have an initial inspection by TOV publ_ic Works Dept. to approve site drainage and culvert lnstallation. This approval must be complete prior to any inspection by the Building Department. This project is restricted from the burning of wood in fireplaces. Unless the lot is a restricted 1ot in sj-ze, three gas logs fireplaces and three gas appliances are permitted per unit. al-lowed. Gas 1og chimneys enclosures shall be one hr. protected. TEIS PRO'IECT REQUIRES TI{O ONE SOUR TIAILS BETIYEEN EACH OIg53 NITg A ONE INCH AIR SPACE FROM TOUNDATION tio UNDEB EIDI OF ROOF SHEATING. . 8- In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected directly to the outside shall be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closet or lav. may be ventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205 (c) . 9 Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall be installed as per UMC l-104 and 1903. F1exible duct connectors may not exceed 6, in length and shall not be concealed within construction. Ducts sha11 terminate outside the buildinq and not exceed 14,length. 1.0 No domestic dlshwashing machine shal-l- be directly connected to a drainage system without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UpC 508. 11 Cross connection control devices shall be install-ed to protect pollution of potable $rater supply by use of approved backflow prevention devices. UpC j.003. 12 Plumbing fj-xtures with mechanical apparatus shal1 be supplied with an access panel for inspection and repair of equipment. UpC 904. 13 Domestic rangles shatl have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30,' to unprotected combustible material . UMC 1901. 14 Approved gas logs may be installed 1n solid-fuel burning fireplaces provided the installation is according to the Iisting instructions, any damper sha1l be removed or permanentl_y blocked, and a safety shutoff val-ve is provi-ded. UMC 803. 15 Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, vent location and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation. L6 Due to Colorado State Statutes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flow restriction devices. Also, the maximum r^rater closet flush usage is limited to a maximum of 3.5 gallons per f1ush. 17 At eaves and valleys an adequate underl-ayment shall-be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of feLt sol_id mopped to sheathing and between layers or a commercial water & ice shield rnay be used as per Table 328L. 18 r_9 In addition to a minimum reinforcement, not less than two #5 bars shall be provided around all window and door openings. Such bars shall be extended beyond the corners of the openings not less than 24'. vBc 26t4(d)7. A one-l-ine electrical drawing for each leve1 is requJ-red for this project. Failure to provide such may result in field corrections at the expense of contractor. Because of this project,s location, the foundatibn is required to be dampproofed to prevent damage to areas below finished grade. UBC L707(d). The structure is required to be anchored to the foundataion with L/2 inc}j. anchor bolts. The bolts must be into t.he concrete or masonry 7 inches and spaced a maximum of 6 feet apart. See code for additional requirements. -- Sec. 2907.(f') Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. 20 2I 22 '* 1.,1{.qealF',ir ..r r i. r,. 1. 2. PERMrrNo.0l272B Contractor's copy to be kept on iobsite, BLOCK 3, VAIL VAI,LEY IST 1367 VAIL VALIEY DRIVE (Job Namo or Location ol Wo.k) I F I ir o iI I 3 6) t B .9 I q) E B t\ TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT SMITN/SAGE RESIDENCE GARY BoSSCll pEvEr,opllENT 949-3880 _ 218-A Bill to: Paid:Receipt #:1669 JANEri. TURNBIn,L Js. (PublicWorksl INSPECTION REMARKS: SKETCH PIAN OF WORK ATTACHED \t TOWN OFVAIL Ut t c rt+.tgy r:,I Job Name o,n", Dtrmn { L.ndscaping ry9 El'Trench-width i '1 ' tt n p (min.4,) Length A( Fi DePth fCP BondAmount * O .Oy' permitFee $ 7<e rotatPermit r". s75. dO 7. ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals, Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Puplic Workg to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. N/Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-7480) Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) t,Holy Cross Electric Company (9a9-5892) U.S. West (1-800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies Town of Vail: lnigation (479-2161)(479-2171) Public Works (479-21 58) 4. workisfor(circreona) @ /."tth 10. 11. THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of lhe permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours priorto commencing bacKill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. 12. l certify that I have read qll ch.apters of Title 12 -.Streets and Sidewalks, ot the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, ,signed.by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notiJied as required.' _\ _ ---) i,--//o') Signature ofAgreement Date ot Signaturs .t r' -tGrr Lo(rfirS Brrogt M\' /' : ,/l (.Q-/- I tr i .i ';h' I Jope.rluoc - ppe uau.ldop^€o ^llunululoc - luld ocueull - ,r olls^ unuSd AV It cngnd loN sl sll{r $troM cllqnd - euqM -* r#tfi r :*..'t lf /-f 'SvtV )'V ? I .' *-.*"-_:^ .".J.'""' o z t =E ul L Lr)N (n uj UJ lJ- F =t LU ! €-';3{l#il Or I ct) I z z = Fl Fr r'l I $J o C) lt o z o I uJ F F F z = z z o Itr z o z J o r! =z UJ z 3 uJ z o) ah c) o o 1t () o II o o c Nr -<t 3 F o o) o (g o (t (t .c -o I' (! at, 3 (! '=oo g8E E: H F'= E O YE '-o e:5 =gP d'i =c9qt B6t EEA =tE +oo i:o E*e !q: c .=- (! o-(! o- sEg oeo-E€:E;:EE E o(!= EdE y?c (! 0'- # --c g'f;; .E;;35>O G= *iE E:U htB 9Ear eEg v (Y'l c e\ ts = uJ z :f Y, I z J 9 F |lJ UJ z 2 I (J UJ = UJ UJ IL z tr uJ o u, o @ =g uJ z 6 llJ ut o l z gi J )< F uJ o l J Ft d d H B a.l, UJ uJ IL t =(E uJ o- J F o F o z f E o UJ J IJJ z ao =J ) O z llJ = NOrlVn'tVA Y 3 z EE uJ< J.\(rr UJ E- Zl- IJJ > =>E --(r) =lD11l zz Fo- 4 Xr F90 aO =\<)z u-< ,., f o-v \ L t$ N F p ls lc t: z tr : J I ..: 3 E UJ F LIJ E .J z I E o z tr uJ F X l<E ul z <D F z l z a F o t:2 f z =uJ - UJ E IJJ E TL z F z F I g ul I il i--l zl zl .. >l o TIJ ul UJ z U)F uJ (L z o F 6 uJ l J a ul z Y =F uJ d F z F J l o z z F J 2 Y E IL ca z o r- r- IIJ F u)o o -z o F4 aL or lll or YF{ lrJ t0 '4 O >.'.t-&r-{ =1 ii'i F ) (L trl oHl > Ftl o.tl 8Hl tEl H$l 2E z l! I I t,_, t<t4 YI dE I'l tn t<l> "l I I I I 6 J E EI v) H E TA ii =z -) ts H t CA tr, =z 6 z € IU o = C.l c.l I |.\.if F !n Fl H L ()= tr LIJ o o- . o = tt o u, J a tt o z ; 9l F1 = z ci ul E J a t! z 3 F 4 H H z =tr I I @ e.l o Lu J a ll-o z =o F F3 Y T \o @ .it ul F F q 1 al u. E 7 E =tr t co z o uJ J l! z 3 o F c,l I @ .s ui )llt F =tr o z o IJJ = lt z ;uJ ut |- H F tr1 ll l-l JFI <H o< 2>{t.- J-\C'(Jc.l l.lJF{ =ii<r ti<l E uJ z = uJ F E E <F GC) LlJ <zE [!F 6Z o C) <o OF trs l:.iF -,2 ilo E 9P E?>(r =F d'6 <; YF 7a)-< Y,z >U Eir gX t-, z J <(J a9.gE z ''\ :: =-<cro =z JO O- t! J zd JIJ F UJ (L lt o :!{-e> E<Etl o9)E2 E9 EL 5E F Lt r- = uJ :.-E E=t i;b =F -= 6b !! itu E XO-t x>6=F o. ".t o.i !tr uJ o I -- E =E, lrJ o-z o F ():f E F a z o o ntr n! Block_ Owners Name: ceneral Description: BUILDTNG: $ PLI]MBING: $ Address: OTHER: $ Phone Nurnber: Electrical Contractor: Address:Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg. _llo.?c3-F Mechanical contractor: flul;T :'IASS:VL }fH Address: ptunbins conrractor. ftOartzf n4gvf t4*/ Address: * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** ** FOR BUTLDING PERI{IT FEE: PLWBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERT'IIT Fr'N: W ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Req. No. I)-7-tf Phone Nuuber7Q466-tffi o FF r cE us E * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *9fJ*7 ffi X*t* * * * BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLU}IBING PI,AN CHECK FEE3 MEcHANTcAL prAN cHEcK Fr,Ez 775- RECREATTON FEE: _!,rd_4_^JI 7fl ctaNl-vp DEposrr:_{_124J-.y' TOTAL PERI{rr FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNAIURE: ZONfNGS SIGNATURE: Legal Description: rot=f_vAtL Oil'; (4,/aSc:-!'1rIng__ SIIBDIVISION: r.Address: llfriL- r' (e - - "* pn.476-zou'l Address: }-t,''t ti.' "t-iLJ'r-. //llxo6. 9*C 6(A4Ntc4L =--.-*.- a work classr{n"r [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repalr [ ]-other_ Nunber of Dwelllng Units, 2 Nurnber of Accommodation Units: n)pnler and rvpe of Fireplaces: cas Applian""=1fu Gas Logs- wood/perlet- lf********************************* VALUATTONS * *** * ****** ** ** ** ********* *** **** ELECTRICAL: $MEcHANTCALT{@.rl,ultDrNu: + _ UECHANICAL3 +ZS-@-e_ TOTAL: l_v f **********************-*****, coNTg\croR rrtFoRl,IATroN ******************** *** ****tY:::::l.contractorz (flF--/ KaSfrN - rown of vail Res. No._ Cornnents: CLE,ATT UP DEPOSIT NEFUND TO8 VALUATION .i C5 e$ =6 deEE E dqE atCDO{ Ssis E{l 32 O = T ( *.1 ''F \9L .J ,n qu l"l I *:) /\ =+R* CL ^^ = \-j +!' / .\ ec.. ,, ' 't . :,.... i...,r,,,- i i-t P x \w <I \,o t=2 s -r t 'rJ {D$h ..J r/-h qr*its -;! f' g -\ '\ist-\,J *,\\.s- rvf d SVJ .=,$i .,^ -.4f-3'-_.L"/,=I A+,$g a i,,-{ o J tYXoli Y '\' , ;I5\n Y &J J21 a r'\?2 U AE l.r-r nl " 5 *':S + +'i x -fl -\- '*, t1- rr ; 3 ?'+ \Y S \ ') l'tt IAJ -l* ,6 z ,^ il \r- O {' \!9r*\Ji* s\u -)i"E f,\J g I a '3+ 1 v0 T_ t/ ,o l:t'n ,4 vC.J r?2 ' ,sd L,.l,r iP,r,H,tr v i4U E. S1 F \5 .J 4s-s-$:,a???.TV Y-s F)1 $ $ a ^l I .J \,u R'\J ai f.r X \9 x \\ -bs N3 -o 'Jl \ ' Town of Vnil .il"l,i!'ii|3*'3"!3" fiFF',leil fi,l}r',,. NAME:SMITH/SAGE MECH DArE:L/l/95 I ADDRESS:136? VAIL VALLEY DR. CONTRACTOR:MTI. MASSTVE VAIL, COLORADO OCCUPANCY: R3 ARCHITECT:NONE ENGINEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V PLANS EX-4MINER:C' FELDMANN t' { coRREcrroxs REQIITRED Tbe iteme tisted below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code reguirenents in tbe adopted codes. -It is a ouide to selected sEctions of the codes. ThE following is not to I 5e constrried to be an approval of any violation of any of tbe pro- I "i"i""" "f tb" ",t"P til ' I 1) COMBU,STION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC.6O7 OF THE 1991 UMC. 133" bF COMB. AIR TOP AND BOTTOM IS REQUIRED. 2\ ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 ANd 703 OF THE 1991 UMC. 3) INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES ]NSTRUCT]ONS AND TO \ AIPENDTX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC. 4) cAS LINE TEST AND INSPECTTON IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTTON I oF ANy EeurpMENT PER sEc.r206 oF rHE 1991 uPc. 5) HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST BE PROTECTED EROM VEHICLE DAMAGE PER sEc.508 0F THE 1991 UMC. 6) GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 OF THE 8) BOILERS SIIALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTTNG ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOoRING / I l 1991 UMC AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 906 OF THE 1ee1 uMc. I fr '7\ DRATNAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HE+TING OR HOT-WATER - SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED W]TH A FLOOR DRAIN PER sEc.21\9 0F THE 1991 UMC. 9) I,TAKE UP WATER FOR BOILER SYSTEMS ARE REOUIRED TO BE INSTALLED BY A LICENSED PLUMBER AI{D MUST HAVE A BACKFLOW PREVENTTON DEVICE INSTALLED IN COMPLIANCE WITH SEC. ].003 OF THE 1991 UPC. L0)FIELD INSPECTION 15 REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE PER SEC.3O5 OF THE 199]- UMC. WHEN NEW ELECTRICAL LTNES ARE REOUIRED WORK MUST BE DONE BY A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN. PERMIT, PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST. 11) r2l sEae$,$*E*-gEpEepex,ri'sHHH$HfiHl P3^*$gooo!o Ho LiE I i\l.l ch 17) Fa \g b.. o| \o F<|rtt,l r..1 rn ,n ,rr {\r.+$F Fr aaOrn - '/ a.t O0 l;a ii^l H-gglIgIIIlISI..x*^$FHfia66ddddno", QA ^l^n^rN.r.\.^r os ---tIl**{-{-$ IA gg i i i i i- i i i^ i.- i i-= 5dtr hngePI".eFeoesiRSsgR qs EE ss Es 3Ei; E g$ S Hfi F E fifr *$ HFFI 2 z o N t\ rf ct (r)s |rl o a\l H*e+sesssee ;\-:F 'F h14 XBooooofiooo lq l- vt !?!^ | | | | !trF. I i i I io I I i :i Ir. i i : : lrn I qq i i I I i ",i i i i F' :9. h l-a u, Fl J F Y F !,. &u { rr'l xo(4 ?ri btli EF EF# nr $;$EB lEd flB dHH Fd EFH F* iHP HH aEI HB HHH FH EEH gfifrHn Ei r"r1 HH .Hgfi firaH ;.ii ,kl rdl F.l 9l EfgsgssnEsngFEBESE$ gE sN;3ecssEE8$Rs$$ o o l:l & t4 z d t Ai;e E9 7A aF El Fst r.ra{tlpl 6a>o.aa Ela >r-il 'h 2E r.?k a)\Jtd i>TE -.<<ata.tclt\l .') d) $ st rr1 *f;^*f,9ooo!o tr.l gfr .',' V) .HOq rA 6ni HEEE$ fE dHH FiFHF 5? [HE EFEHs frfif,HH EFgEH Hlfrl,EEE q e J oo O Eta, sfaeH,H*=HHuu,$g=x.iiFsHHHEififin Ho iii L?a q F<r& 14 E >tr^dH5 *<t.t dFr-. 3au 8EF r. v)t5- EbE \c{ a-l ln o (rt rn t\l ral lr1 Vl rr') I') rn trl !r.lfrit\tS\f\l oo<)8ooo \o iiipiii iitxiii f3' oo a.l a.l t\ tn 'J ooi F. t-- F Y F 63X <too<)F\ t- b- F- ('ovo a{ iloi i ior i nA g n 3 3 3 3 I I I ^ ." ., c., \,,\EHAa666666vt la s:::. r::: o rr co 6 r 6 oi> ,g,r!gE iii-iii^iiri-^x bdll hngrPS6o!e:R$+=gflR i!eaqst<oOooOr\Oort '.-,hs? 3 8 F I S b 3 3 : 3 $ S R Fg Hff8 '{r(tr (t(\:r<tt.r 9'"9 a2 i,l EH <r *ocoE- fiEE 3 88qA Enh EE" EsEEIEaEfE= :E p( Fl,.1 :c u d., = < F j h hf kSECttns?H ocak iE,o,ocq"rr5#S$P rn (}c.t)..).4 Q \o al r o lrl 0 l') F-v q\ d) .n ril |l) o, F. @ o \o \o \o 0o6 <id\o .r-& a,r\ OF.u)h o bl lq 7. ltl F.l j !<Y va 6*El a$r \JA<qH= 5e=qaa H$n ttq ,nztr r.?< 3XH 2 N ri^la.ta{ain)(V)gsin XEE*'*-- HOT WATER GAS BOILERs tsURIIHAM XGzOOO DOE Heating Capacities 54 to 158 t4BH Efficiency by design. Burnham's XC2000 is onc of tlrc' nrosr energr cfficient gas boilcrs available. Wirh an annual eflicicncy of up ro 86zo rhe Xc2ooo givcs you maxirnurn value for your dollar. The XC20O0 is ellicienr bv desigrr. At rhe heart of every XC2000 boiler is a dependable casr iron heat exchanger that not only enlrances encrgr efficicncy but also inrproves boiler perfornrance. A carefr.rlly calibrated drafi inclucing fan pulls hor gases through rhe hear exchangcr at just rhe Lighr speerl for optirnrrrn effi ciency. Togerhcr, rhe heat exchanger antl fan gencrate nrore hcal with lcss lirel and e'lintinare rhc loss ol valLrable near boiler that is also easy ro install, sintplc to service, and sal'e to opcrate.. The natural venr XCZOOO is dcsigned ro bc vc.nted inro a linecl cornmon chimney with a gas.fircd domesric rvnrer heater. . This can help you save tinlc and rnoney orr insrallarions. The power vent X62O0O is designed ro vent directly rhrough rhe wall.. This is ideal for installations where a chinrney is not availablc. Apartnlents, condos, and nc'w constnlclion are perfectly suited to XG2000PV applicarions. The pV is also ideal lor converting from expensive cleitric heat. throrrgh tlrc vr,!u. No vL'nt dantper is. requircd. The Versatile XGZOOO Innovativc engineerine tlesign rnakcs high cfficicniy possiEle in a ROILER NUMT]ER NNI'URAI. VIJN'I' tl POWEN VEN'I" B xG2003A..| 4ft")tt"J" xcl004A l7't"3' xc2005A 2l )'/"3" XG2006A 24t,")r' " 3 secllon not avallablc ln naau.al venr model. Deluxe lnsularcd lack.t I {" Ci(culutor wlth Plnln( to Boller Prcssure Tenrperatrrrc blrige uratn LocK Thermostarlc Byrrass Vrlvc auilt-tn Air Elr;inatlon Hlgh Llrli. El.c1rtc lgnltlon lnduccd D.aft Fan vldogicrM Dirgnostlc Modutc Thcrmal Cur-OIf Swltch ,unctlon Box wlrh Ttansfomer l0O96 Slrur-Off Comblnarlon S(ep-OpcnIng Redundant cas valvc Stalnless Sleel Durners ASME Safery Reuef Valve . t w volragc 'fhermostat . . ..t(' PIpe to CoDper AdaDtors and It'Copper r1f Venl Connc|ctor l,1" Gas Connectlon ' Sc('vcDtitril ilrstflt(Iions on p ge 6. ,-/',-': t'lx Horsrcw Shipping Nipple T & P Openlng Hot Water Outlet lmrnersion Thermosta Hydrastone Lin Foam Outer Jacket Removable Heat Exchanger Cold Water lnlet and Drain The Remavoble Heot Exchongerl lnstallation Diagram HX Supply <..- Boiler Return Boiler Supply HX Return FX Z 0 Removable Heat Exchanger Assembfy Diagram Shut-off Valve Check Valve Circulator Y tll Drain Union '19( Hour Ratings Tests {under ryprcal residenr,at.condrtionsl (ank \olume a! g5%. cold stan - 90' tank rise 150-1401. l80o boiler warer, J.5 GPM borter Itow. "Avarlable wrth l14" porable wa(er inler and outlet. Commercial models avarlable w(h dual heat exchanoer corls. 7 YEAR LIMITEO PURCHASEN PROTECTION PLAN I repair. or replacement is provided (excluding libor & freighrJ rr tne tank or heat exchanger should leak within seven years from the date of manufacrure- Specif ication s Flrst Hour Heat Ratlngs/ Exchanger Model Capaclty ca o;1. 5q. Fr,;. Helght Dtameter Welght tro t5 th z0 241 8 t5 58'A 20 282 139 t5 47t/e 26 3?6 15 31 26 289 20 ' l:-.-,tl -Bl'-.\ I I I r hear lrcnangc, co,l MANUFA,CTURING CO RPORATION 386 Elm 5r.. 8ox 543t. Salisbury. MA 01952 . 15081 462-6683 fi* MAssrvE pru*BrNc P.O. BOX 702 MINTURN, COLONADO 81645 (z1r) 4E6,rola I ) / / 3/9{ -pet t-z S r rZ "' I l'/Y Ytfl$ut 7-o 7'tftavtfit= A prth^t tuL 0r- nE L)N tr l /-t'e-<4Ail'c/1'( (Lco !,1 fSec hl S€ I bct N h* t-l"X'/€ A Ftwts't- 1-pc*no{ i=tza'Y -fll€ $au5'97 ' n+€ E'NctxeD Drt$ttt t rv| I S Fo( Lt ,,-rtf S o *u Lu/. tdr LL ?[Loq|E, .},G4vtn u(, S Fcr(Z g N t7 A AE (ooN As ltA &Eu€. !; xl ct tZez-u1 , iS" I /Zuu, o *************************************************1.************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADo Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REc-0001 Amount z 628'00 ot-1!+1!!--!!ztA Permit No: M95-0005 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-092-01-005 SitE AddTCSS: 136? VAIL VALI'EY DR Location t 136't- VAIL VAL'LEY DR Payment l.let'hoa: ii '--llot"[i"": TT ENTERED rnit: TT ****************x***************************,.******************* Account Code DescriPtion Paid 01 OOO0 41311 PLtMBrilG PERMTT FEES s00'00 01 0000 4L332 PLAN CHECK FEES 125'00 01 OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3'OO Total (This Payment): 628'00 628.00 628.00 .00 Total Fees i Total All Payments: Balance: o; ,o rtl ..:l ' t-/ APPLICATION FOR TOWN OFVAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 .,, ,/ 1 . --:- JOD <{" 7 o Start Dats 4. Work is for &kcte one)Water Sewer 5. Trench-width (min. 4') Landscaping company .1--' i f GasFlectric Telephone Temporary Site Access Str66t Address TOV Contractor's License Number (Permit Expiration Oal€) Other Description /at, CATV 7. Length Depth Bond Amount $Permit Fee $Total Permit Fee $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTEO. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asohalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be Drotected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has oplion of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-74801 t ".'i-i Public Service Company (1-800-922-1987) 'f :.r4 PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528)//4 Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1-8oo-922-1s87) /.'a, /q TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town ol Vail:I,J (47s-2121) ( l-./ aZ 9. lrrigation (479-21 6'l') Public Works (479-21 58) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior io commencing backfill operalions. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspeslion fee. '12. I certity that I have read all oJ fitle 1 2 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility , and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required.signed a,7 )6' t y' Date of Signature ATTACH PIAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PIAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Communilv Develooment Gold - Conlractor 10. 11. Excavating Contractor Name Contractor's Signatqre of Agreemenl TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT , 1367 YAIL YALLEI DRTCE PUBLIC SERVICS OMIPAX]T, P.O. BOX Work is for (circle one) WATER Fee S5O.O0 - Brr-r- Af EI{D OF IEAR PERMITNO. Ci2E23 Contractor's copy to be kept on jobsite.d o o () ii o o 'o 3 5 o- o = = Permit Bill to: Paid: SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED .l.t .!l -?r .rl APPLICATION FOR** --,.- " TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 I L/2't J U t,lL Job Name Start Date 4. Work is for lcircte one) | -r -.,{,r.-,-- -/}d\ \- ; -\!./.t,l 3. 1.r,,;i., t',. ;.- rl t,il, ,'ro,..i;,t ctyL 7*,r zq-J."lirlo LllL-14to -'ExcavatiAg Conlraeior Name Address Phone # TOV Contraclor's License Number T-f-t,/ r -f 'a1 Completion Dale G,) sewer Landscaping t- |Length Legal Description Gas Electric Telephone Temporary Site Access Slro€t Address (Permit Expiration Dale) CATV Other Depth 4',5. Trench-width (min.,4') 7. /() o. 8. Bond Amount $Permit Fee $Total Permit Fee $ ALL MATERIAL EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE AETbNE TXE JOB IS STARTED. . Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through lhe Public Works office to obtain the necessary Tovirn of Vail signatures, Please allow one week to proc€ss. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-748O) r)"1-.'lU Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 987) -..+P , i ,-,*ll(-/ g /(.1 PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1 -800-922-1987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Vail: lrrigation (479-2161l. Public Works (479-2158) 7e-2ry't).7t .t0. ' r-t 9.THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. Alf excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bil 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencirq backfill operations. 12. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. . t i I certify that I have read all chaptels of f itle 1 2 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vai Municipq$ode company agreements, signed by ile, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have #r no Date of Signature ATTACH PLAN OFWORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONITROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of .guts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT., Works Yellow - Finance I t,\l/ "A) Public t "?..t.i- t rh- rc'THIS IS NOT PUBLIC While - \"! *. PUBLIC WAY PERMIT '*'o.-\,.. u". ' "i J.# }p/'*RMrNo. oo?T57 Contractor'3 copy to bo kept on lobsite. 1427 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE Nam6 or Locaton of 1. 2. 3.Work is for (circle one)ER GAS ELECTRIC TELEPHONE CABLETV OTHER E z o I o o d a d E o o I o- o I E tt. I I I i e I o E Permit Fee Bill to: NOHE uPpER EAGLE VALLBI saNITAtloN D. 846 TOREST RD VIAL' CO 81657 476'7480 D.qiA. JA}IEIL TURNBI'LL Fla.ai.rt !' NONE rt'ubllc wod(8) INSPECTION REMARKS: SKETCH PI,AN OF WORK ATTACHED .* * SJ $ / 't .-",_ APPLICATI,ON FOR TOWN OFVAIL , PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 I jr,r,&*GQJ2 Job Name Legal Description Skeet Address , (. (.,'),./.., ;. . '. ..'/,/ Excavating Contractor Name , . - ..,,,./ Phone #TOV Contractor's License Numbel Start Date 4. Work is for {circte one) .Completion Date Water Sewer Gas Electric Telephone Landscaping Temporary Site Access (Permit Expiration Date) Other Depth cAw 5. Trench-width (min.4') Length Bond Amount $Permit Fee $Total Permit Fee $ ALL MATERIAL, EOUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review ol the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works olfice to oblain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-7480) -1 7- );'7 L/ Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528\ Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Vail: fnigation (479-2161)Electricians (47 9-21 7 1) Publ ic Works (47 9-21 58)7-Jz^s THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" ol utilities - (Senate Btll 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing bacHill operatlons. Failure to notify the Town will result in lorfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may .. result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certity that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility' company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. .,'/ / ,.1 .,// J/ Contractor's Signature of AgreeEent oate or Signetlre ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location,of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. 7. o 4 10. 11. 12. ' I i :!''r 'l' i' yt u f /L' J THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! White - Publib'Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Community Development Gold - Contractor \.\-- _ .r-t !-rq --rE'F? Tt -,t. -a-.. PERMITNO. CI02T5O Contractor's copy to bo kept on lobslte. e TOWNOFVAIL o 6 E o ! E t 6 d rIxt I E I c ll- I a I o {o ; o. I o 3 2. 3.Work is for (cirdE one) permitFee 150.00 - Err.L al tfl) or lEAl s1| 16. P|'DLIC SIIVICE m|P f,t rRrc TELEPHONE CABLEW,?OTHER rxsEAlrrxc SfTEACGESS ,4 ,/ /: t ,r/ ly'-7'/fr.-..y +t4.- (Contracbrb SEndure) Receipt #: (Plblic Wort8,(Public Wo.*r) INSPECTION REMARKS: SKETCH PIAN OF WORK ATTACHED --- !tr.:!rtl-l*rir*--L,..3.rte.l..iaa..r..t/i!|-L|.a9!riErr,.rt{at*.iift|.-ls*'{iar*i€..nLB^*,u.,1i{.dr-{|}r^*..-.rian grttl& o KRltl @ilzuLTAtlrs' lilc. r.o. ulx.3t1 YAIL co|.on DO 6leti ATTFfTICII{: tr0lltt{+ginr FAX t{Fl6t7 DATE: AEf,IVE: DEPART: WEATHER: I{UMBfiF: A4FaS3 E L.oh|EFi' CH Etr TO THE NITH ts]Her (to)- uoa F'ELD REPORT PROJBCT: THE *,A 'FLU€I{ L\IL H^LL sY 1le tr rFe DOUFLE LVL i TFAUaFFe sFtr(E5 (t'* qaHa) oF- t,HEAbER. sHAULD BEAM GJ-'/J fxalr 2,rHE 1)o TT16 €AME FquE|+ LAHD,hJq FEi(M tlhldsFeR. seAM Ab Cr)- l'rlt lt% lvr- Hl^*.E la)4'A<nT, w-TlAfifler. trA{tn lHi.t- t-+61 5e113 A"TAC}IEb TO )-l?*xfl7r r-ru '}?Al"lAFlF' tfAM FLATI VI 6HOJLD F{?LL(}N - -" f ..s?AlR f'lnI!.i*sF '' Cr)- l4xtt/l r-vr tJtt,tril4 a;AM U*,t4xtrfr r.ot tr 4l{al:Wd x 3rtr4s 'lD Tctr.c rFt IEAM go tr)-/+'**Sf L q$ TD [*ilslH(! SEA}/I ooffTo: He.puorth.P.aulak Geoiech TEL :303-945-8454 Hug 0 14 :38 No .003 P . 01 894 o Eg2o.Rord l5/r clronrocd $!.hr" CO ttOl 3iE:ta&t0cN llc.hL cAL, lNC. Fe AAE s l?,1 abg , please call: Eii.idr-- - , r - !'.air.i;.-*- .. i... Hq p po 1t ll Pg.rrr.l g! ;li:-ii r.ri',:,,'i r :li:tr$iit*-fi Geotech TEL :303-945-8454 ffcerdionu rbmbicer[c , .n,,rrtrti#btrfrr"fr&tdffi.Ulfu flug 0 894 o tDO nnrd Glsnword 14 :40 No .003 P .02 ,..: - j ..:l:!ilfi W$rCO8lflIr hx 3fit 9{ttltf FtrE €gBtllF?'s Rcsidorcc, . im, obsott Ed trc \LW to evaluse ts sotls 'wodc ad rccunmcrdatioru for tte cns d{rfle in nccordntrc ryith 'otlr r$€cdFd fut gffibohal ttnglffiit"Flit0iB b yc|l. dated July 25, 190d. wilh a sccordmy uuit, pcf have bem ocutrtd fsr ' , ,, fi1f'lilHh8'ilppqt; rild.ulrilng.r$lltffitrt. lUhX bosn razcd for the rcw dr excavation arcr hril beEn r thG adiflcantgmtnd ffu. When ohscrved on Augurt 1, pncmlly betwesqS ffd4 fr€t cotEistcd mrinly of flrm -'".offtetlmtl'*ftb.ffidgnvult lDtt$tfi$tfi up to abour I tnb2 ft€tdccp "::' , "'*S, psffiffqhUpil'wC.0itr .tn l'Rccnttsof scrll{otrtolfilation comprc$sibh tldcr rl moictrrc and dcmity and flom tbe site rrs rtluolrie.t in mdrhe soilcworsg#rdty ctd ttF nqtu$ of thc Etrpcrcd nrilral soil bdow thc old tdathf pacsrurc of {0m gsf Pootiugs shwld bc r 2 foet for colrms. Loffi rd ,dCItrftnrcdou, Fadfootbgr 6eotech TEL :303-945-8454 14:41 No.003 P.03 munsulportrd lorrgfr of *,r'filfihddf,rprlb rhould be dsltgild b unit weight of rt least 45 pcf dnirr rhould be provlH. to dthe unlls andprwctrurc@ flmr slrh are!$ ctn oomist of Plostor dersity at a moiefire gbould be compactod and ftptof rhe buildlry. ..:....i,i1$ cil our observilforn of e ioilt subsurhc€ explorrtion to ilcptlt of foundation inftucncb. Thir hrcdmfrc tjlo focragr have equal ot bettcr may tte grcihtbsn in fre subrurtirce conditioos. Ia ordffs r€wll hc'ililrrg indrrittit,d"".{iit{lllllrll'h Ere gubsurfari€ condttionr betow tre cfics\trion, drllling *ould bc 6e dan obmirrcd by subsnrfrce in this leiler. .,.r.:.1 plcasc lct us bnvr. BE o Aug 0 HepuorthPaulak Geotech TEL:303-945-8454 Hug 08 94 14 :43 No .003 P .04 He u0rthPaurlak Geotech TEL :303-945-8454 Aug 08 94 14 :45 H0 .003 .,...' -.. . [:'r , ";,,,i HepuorthParrrIak Geotech TEL :163-945-9454 Hug 08 94 o S0fil lltud I Ff 14 :46 No . 003 P .06 Glaowuud Sptlagp, S NIfl ll Frx 3{li t4s-rul Ptrrnc itllil94l'?!IS t36TYrltYrlky o Pewr,axG o 5020 Road Glenwood Ffupwoxrrr- August 8, 1994 Gary Bossow P.O. Box 5055 Vail, Colorado 81658 EOTECTINICAT,, INC. c&4 154 Spriryr, CO 81601 Fax 303 94$8454 Phone 303 9,1$7968 Job No. 194368 Subject:Observation of Excavation, Propose Drive, Vail, Colorado. Gentlemen: As requested, a representative of Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. observed the excavation at the subject site on July 27 and August 2, 1994 to evaluate the soils exposed for foundation support. The findings of our work and recomnendations for the foundation design are presented in this report. The work was done in accordance with our agreement for geotechnical engineering services to you, dated July 25,1994. The residence will be a2 ll2 story wood frame structure with a secondary unit. Footings sized for a maximum bearing pressure of 2,000 psf have been assumed for building support. An existing residence on the lot has been razed for the new construction. At the time of our initial visit to the site, the lower, north excavation area had been completed and cut in one level from 3 ll2to7 feet below the adjacent ground surface. Excavation in the upper, western area was in progress. When observed on August 2, the western excavation had been cut in multiple levels generally between 3 and 4 feet deep. The soils exposed in the bottom of the excavations consisted mainly of firm clayey sand with scattered gravel. Debris and old fill up to about I ll2 to 2 feet deep was apparent in the upper west excavation cut faces. Results of swell-consolidation testing performed on a sample taken from the lower northeastern excavation area, shown on Fig. I, indicate the soils are slightly to moderately compressible under conditions of loading and wetting. The results of natural moisnrre and density and gradation analysis testing performed on samples taken from the site are summarized in Table I. No free water was encountered in the excavations and the soils were generally moist. Considering the conditiors exposed in the excavations and the nature ofthe proposed construction, spread footings placed on the undisturbed natural soil below the old building debris and fill designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psf should be adequate for support ofthe proposed residence. Footings should be a minimurn width of 16 inches for continuous walls and 2 feet for columns. Loose and disnrbed soils and the existing fill encountered at the foundation bearing level within the excavation should be removed, The exposed natural soils should then be compacted. Exterior footings should be provided with adequate soil cover above their bearing elevations for frost protection. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top Gary Bossow August 8, 1994 PageZ and bottom to span local anomalies such as by assuming an unsupported length of at least 12 feet. Foundation walls acring as retaining structures should be designed to resist a lateral earth pressure based on an equivalenl fluid unit weight of at least 45 pcf for on-site sand soil as baclCill. Perimeter foundation drains shouid be provided to prevent temporary buildup of hydrostatic pressure behind the walls and prevent wetting ofeach below grade level. Structural fill placed within floor slab areas can consist of the on-site soils compacted to at least 95% of standard Proctor densrty at a moisture content near optimum. BaclcFrll placed around the structure should be compacted and the surface graded to prevent ponding within at least 10 feet of the building. The recommendations submitted in this letter are based on our observation of the soils exposed within the foundation excavation and do not include subsurface exploration to evaluate the subsurface conditions within the loaded depth of foundation influence. This study is based on the assumption that soils beneath the footings have equal or better support than those exposed. The risk of foundation movement may be greater than indicated in this report because ofpossible variations in the subsurface conditions. In order to reveal the nature and extent of variatioru in the subsurface conditions below the excavation, drilling would be required. It is possible the data obtained by subzurface exploration could change the recommendations contained in this letter. If there are any questions or if we may be of further assistance, please let us know. Sincerely, HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL. INC. %*/ Steven L. Pawlak, Rev. By: DEH SLP/ro Attachments ,ffFt*ta\i';uJA ',u;! 15222 , i K/:/'1$^{! tgyl*/**F! fr;i:'i.ltLlii$ffiai'ruS H-P GEoTEcH t EI ot dE E o o q) s f o o o g () -, Ei- EEE' q E = .l F 3x-EEI E- t=F E93, H$,s r<,s 2 f;s ?F E*Et o o o, iE! tr 9-C < o0 z E(J ol (\ (o ct z o f o - r.E EE E9 Gur (D lJ o q, 3 () o OJ 3 o 6 (o (t) + CD .i z @ -) 2P J )d dH =F E@ ()FJ uI r-5>*U ,1 P v dS JO =1 o- t!io F ECE og t=fld 1 bQz o5 UI (I, L o4 Itri;urgodfit = 12.9 P.tE tt ort unitvtdgir = 110 qct S.lrrcLot Ciayey Sand FE r Bottom of Excavation, No Movement Upon l,Jetting lii r.g APPLIED FFESSUFE - ksf l0o 194 358 HENA'ORTI{+AWIAK GEOTECHNIQ,QI. he SWFAL.CONSOLI OATI ON TEST HESU LTS ftgl 1 T Revised s/2/e2 Date Received br.the Communi Deve iopment Deilt -?pli,Bf : l4AY OO (chapter 17 .24 Vail Municipal code[Q\/. (,UtVltVf, Ut APPLTCATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVTEW :\/. ljE,PT (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE)'A. APPLICANT Charles David SmiEh MAILING ADDRESS 1213 Cheshire Lane, Rocky Mount, NC 27804 pHONE 9L9-937-6736 tt APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVB Jay K. Peterson ADDRESS Suite 307, 108 S. FronEage Road West pHONE_ft:0092 Vail. Colorado 81657 PROPERTY OWNE Charles David Smi th owl[ER's sr PHONE 9L9 -937 -67 36 MAILING ADDRES Cheshire Lane, Rocky Mount ' NC 27804 D.LOCATION OF PRO OSAL: STREET ADDRESS 1367 vai-L Vallev Drive LOT 5 BLOCK 3 SUeOfVfglgp Vail Valley FILING First APPLICATION FEE $].00. OO MATER]ALS TO BE SUBMITTED: PAID CHECK # s532 Two myJ-ar copies and one paper copy of the subdivision plat shal1 be submitted t.o the Department of Community Development. The plat shatl include the following: ct-The final plat shall be drawn by a registered surveyor in India ink, or other substantial solution, on a reproducible medium (preferably myl-ar) h'ith dimension of twenty-four by thirty-six inches and shall be at. a scale of one hundred feet Lo one inch or larger wiLh margins of one and one-half t.o two inches on the left. and one-half inch on all other si-des. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot for all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys,easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or common uses and other import.ant features. A1I curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by Lhe radius, central angle, are scored distances and bearinq. Alt dimensions, both linear and angular, aie to be determined by an accurate control survey in the field which must balance and close withi-n a limit.of one in t.en thousand. !'! d. North arrow and graphic scal-e. A systematic ident.ification of all existinq and proposed buildings, units, IoLs, blocks, aid names for aLl sLreets. An identificat.ion of the st,reeLs, alleys, parks,and other public areas or facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedication theteof to the public use. An identificat.ion of the easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use.Areas reserved for future publlc acqulsltlon shall also be shown on t,he plat. i, A written survey description of $. ur.. includinq the total acreage to the nearest appropriat.e significant figure. The acreage oi eatn lot or parcel shall be shown in Ehis manner as well. e. PARTYWALL AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION OF covENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS FOR LOT 5, BLOCK 3, VAIL VALLEY, FIRST FILING, ACCORDING TO THE PI"AT RECORDED MAY 12, 1970 IN BOOK 217 At PAGE 609, couNTy OF EAGLE, STATE OF COTJORADO RECITALS charles David smith, (hereinafter referred to as fiDeclarantr') is the owner of the rear property situate in the county of Eag1e, state of Colorado, described as Lot S, Bl-ock 2, VaiI Valley, First Filing,according to the Pl-at recorded May 1-2, 1970 in Book 217 at page 60i,county of Eagre, state of colorado, subject to the restrictions set forth in the attached Exhibit "A" (t'Subject Property"). Decrarant has constructed on the subject property a building consisting of two units, each designed and intended for use and occupancy as a residential dwelling Unit, which are sometines referred to herein separately as ttUnitrr or collectiveLy as rrUnitsn. within the unit on the west parcel, is a Type rr Employee Housing unj-t, which is subject to the restrictions set forth in parlgraph 7 of Exhibit rrArr. DECI,ARATION Declarant does hereby publish and dec.lare that the following terrns,covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions, use, reservations,limitations and obrigations shall- be deerned to run with the land described herein, shalI be a burden and a benefit to Decrarant, his personal representat ives , heirs, successors and assigns and any person acquiring or owning an interest in the real property which is desLribed herein and. improvements built thereon, his girantees, personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns. 1. DEFINITIONS. Unless the context shall expressly provide otherwj-se, the following terrns shaII have the following meaning!: A. rrThe Properties'r means aIl of the real_ estate 1ega1Iy described as Lot 5, Block 2, Vail Valley, First Filing, according to tne Plat recorded May 12, 1970 in Book 217 at page 609, County of Eagle,State of Colorado. B. rtl,otrr, trBuilding Sitett, or rtparcel, means East parcel or West Parcel as shown on the Map. c. rrDuplextt or ttBuildinqt means the two contiguous dwelling units constructed upon the Parcels or Lots. n lrDuplexrl ltunit'r means any one of the two dwellings conprising the E. rrownerrr means a person, persons, f irm, corporation,partnership or association, or other legal entity, or any cornbination thereof, owing an interest in the parcels. F. "Map" means the engineering survey of the properties by Stan Hogfeldt, cororado P.L.s. 26899, entitled Final plat, a Resubdivision of Lot 5, Block 2, Vail Valley, First Fiting, Eagle County, depicting and locating specificity thereon the Lots, recorded on --, L996 in Book - at Page _ and is hereby subnitted to this oectaration. G. rrAssessmentrr neans any periodic or one time charge to cover the cost of any expense or charge that becomes due and owing by virtue of this Declaration. H. rrcommon Arearr means the Common parcel as shown on the Map which shalL be owned eguarly by both of the owners of the East parcel and west Parcer each having an equar undivided one-harf interest as Tenants in Common in and to the Common parcel . 2. DESCRIPTfON AND RESERVATION. Every Contract of Sa1e, Deed,Lease, Mortgage, Trust Deed, will or other instrurnent sharl legally describe a Unit or real property interest as fol_lows: East Parcel and west Parcel (as the case rnay be), together with an undivided one-half (1122) interest in the Common ParceL, actording to the Final P]at, a Resubdivision of Lot 5, Block 3, Vail Valley; First Filing, Eagle County, Colorado recorded on in Book _ at Page _, County of Eag]e, State otffi Every such description sha1l be good and sufficient for arl purposes to seIl, conveyr transfer, encumber or otherwise affect the Parcels and aIr appurtenant rights, benefits, and burdens thereto as created by the provisions of this Declaration, and each such description shalr be so construed. Thj-s provision shall apply to the propertiis as said term (the Properties) is defined in this OeC1aration. 3. PROPERTY DIVISION. A. DecLarant hereby establishes this pJ.an for the subdivision of the Properties into Three (3) Parcels for ownership in fee sinple by the owners of the East Parcel and the west Parcer. The owner of the East Parcel and the owner of the West Parcel shall be co-owners of the Cornmon Parcel, which commonly owned property is defined and referenced as connon Area . B. East Parcel and West Parcel- shaLl be subject to the easemencs noted on the rnap and those set forth herein. C. In the event the East Parcel and the West Parcel are owned by the same entities, the doctrine of nerger shall not apply. D. The East Parcel and the west parcer shalL have appurtenant thereto an undivided one-haIf (L/2) interest in the common partet, which shal-l be inseparable from the East parcel and the west parcel , and may be conveyed, leased, devised or encumbered onry as such undivided and appurtenant interest. E. No owner sharr bring any action for partition or division of the East Parcel or the west parcel or of said parcels fron their appurtenant undivi-ded interests in the connon parcel or from the easements as set forth in paragraph 4 below. F. The parties, if more than one, having the Ownership of a Parcer shall agree among themserves how to share the riqhts and obligations of such ownership; provided, however, that if a cortrioration,partnership, assocj-ation or other legal entity sharr become an owner or the parties, if more than one, have the concurrent ownership of a Parcel-, then such entity or concurrent owners shaI1 from tirne Lo tirne designate one individual who sha1l represent such entity or concurrent owners in alt matters concerning all rights and obligations pursuant to this Declaration. G. Any such entity or concurrent owners shalI give written notice to the other owner designating the individual to act on its or their behalf and such notice shal1 be effective until revoked in writing by guch entity or owners. Any act or ornission by such designated individual shall be binding on the entity or ownerJ having desilnated him in favor of the other owner or any' other person who may rely thereon. H- Each Lot shall be considered a separate parcel of rear property and shaLl be separately addressed and taxed. 4. ENCRoACHMENTS. rf any portion of East parcer or west parcel now encroaches upon the other Parcel or the Common Parcel as a result of the construction of any building, or if any such encroachment shalr occur hereafter as a result of settling or shifting of any buiJ_ding, a val-id easenent for the encroachment and for the maintenance of the same so rong as the building stands, sharr exist. rn the event any buirding shall be partially or totally destroyed as a result of fire or other casualty or as a resul-t of condemnation or eminent domain proceedinos and then rebuilt, encroachments of parts of the building on the other Parcel , due to such rebuilding, shal1 be permitted, so rong as such encroachments are of no greater extent than those previousJ-y existing,and val-id easements for such encroachnents and the maintenance thereof shall exist so long as the building shall- stand. 5. PARTY WALL. A. The connon watl placed egually divided on the comnon boundary separating the East Parcer and the west parcel , the footings underrying and the portion of roof over such h/al1 are collectively referred to herein as the ttParty Wallrt B. To the extent not inconsistent with this Decl_aration, the general rufes of 1aw regarding party warl-s and liability for damage due to negligence, willful acts or omissions shalt apply to the party Wall. C. The owners of either Parce1 sha11 have a perpetual easement in and to that part of the other Parcel on which the Party WaIl is located,for party wa11 purposes, including mutual support, maintenance, repair and inspection. rn the event of damage to or the destruction of the Party Wall frorn any cause, then the Owners sha1l at joint expense in shares set forth in paragraph 8 below, repair or rebuild said party wa11, and each owner, shal1 have the right to the full use of said party wall- so repaired and rebuilt. Notwithstanding anything contained above to the contrary, if the negligence, willfu1 act or omission of any owner, his famitry, agent or invitee, shall cause damage to or destruction of, the Party wall, such owner sha1l bear the entire cost of repair or reconstruction (to the extent that such damage is not covered by insurance), and an Owner who by his negligent or wil-Iful act causes the Party Wal-1 to be exposed to the elements shall bear the fuLl cost of furnishing the necessary protection against such elements. 6. I"ANDSCAPING, SERVICE FACILITTES, DRIVEWAYS AND WALKWAYS. A. The Owners from tirne to tirne shall undertake such landscaping and general outdoor irnprovernents including: but not limited to driveway and parking areas as they may rnutually and unanimously deem proper for the harmonious inprovernent of both Parcels in a common theme, and,except for any expense or liability caused through the negligence or willful act of any owner, his family, agent or invitee, which shall be borne solely by such Owner, each Owner shal1 share al] expenses,riabilities and generar upkeep responsibilities with respect to such landscaping and outdoor irnprovements according to the ratios set forth in paragraph B below. The Owner of one Unit shall not unreasonably damage the value of either Parcel by withholding consent or payment for needed maintenance or repair hereunder, and both Owners shall make all reasonable efforts to preserve a harmonious common appearance of the Units and Parcels. B- common utility or service connections or 1ines, comnon facirities or other eguiprnent and property located in or on either of the Parcels but used in conmon with the other parcer, if any, shal-r be owned as tenants in common of equat undivided one-half interests by the owners of each Parcer and, except for any expense or riabirity caused through the negligence or witlful act of any owner, his faniry, Lgent or invitee, which shart be borne sorery by such ovrner, all expensts and liabilities concerned with such property shall be shared in the proportions set forth in paragraph 8 betow. The owner of the parcer on which such property is not located shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part of such other parcer containing such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes of naintenance, repair, and inspection. c- cornmon Access is provided across a porLion of the common Parcel . There is hereby created a reciprocal easement and right-of-way for each owner over, across and through that part of the irnproved driveway located on a part of the common parcer to the line sEtting forth 'lParking Area West Parcelrr and rrParking Area East Parcelrr as set forth on the Map (ttcollectively referred to as rtparking Areasrr). The Owners shall have an equal right to the use of such driver,iray up to the Parking Areas, and no owner shal} hinder or perrnit his invitees to hinder the use of that area by the owner and his invitees. The parking Area West Parcel shal-I be for the exclusive use by the Owner of the West Parcel, and the Parking Area East Parcel shall be for the exclusive use by the owner of the East Parcel. Maintenance, repair or irnprovements of the driveway and Parking Areas sha11 be undertaken as set forth in paragraph 6.A above. 7. ALTERATION, MAINTENANCE AND REPATRS. A. In addition , to rnaintenance provided for in paragraph 6.A.,the owners shall pay their proportionate share as allocated in paragraph B of the total cost aLlocated to each parcel, in order to provide exterior maintenance and exterior repair upon the Uni-ts and all portions of the common Parcel , incruding the Parking Areas, and of the parcel upon which each Unit is located including, but not lirnited to, the exterior waLls and the roof housing the units. Repair, replacenent or cleaning of the exterior window glass shall be considered interior naintenance. snow rernoval of any walkway or sidewark, which is not heated, shall be at the sole expense of such owner using such walkway or sidewalk. snow removal of the driveway is not anticipated because of a snow. mert system. rf the need for repair is caused through the negligence or wi1lful act of any owner, his family, agent or invitee,such owner shall bear the entire costs of such repair or reconstruction (to the extent that such danage is not covered by insurance). Both Units must be painted at the same time and with the same materials and no exterior rnodifications shal1 be made with the character of the building without unanirnous approval of both parties. The owner of one Parce] shall not unreasonabry damage the varue of either parcer by o withholding consent or payrnent for needed maintenance or repair hereunder, and both owners shalL make all reasonabl-e efforts to preserve a harmonious common appearance of the Units and parcels. B. Each Owner shaLl" be solely responsible for maintenance and repair of the interior of his Unit including fixtures and irnprovements and all utility lines and equipment located therein and serving such Unit onIy. In performing such maintenance and repair, or in irnproving or altering his Unit, no Owner shalL do any act or work which'inpairs the structural soundness of either Unit or the party WaIl, or which interferes with any easement granted or reserved herein. C. Utility or service connections or lines, facilities or other utility equipment and property located in, on or upon either of the Parcels, which are used sole1y to supply a service or utility to one Unit shall be owned by the owner of the Unit using such utility or service and all expenses and liabilities for repair and maintenance or use of such utility shall be borne solely by the Owner of such Unit, who shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part of such other Lot or Unit containing such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes of rnaintenance, repair and inspection. D. No owner shaLl make or suffer any structural or design change (incJ-uding a color scheme change) , either permanent or temporary and of any type or nature whatsoever to the exterior of his Unit or construcc any additionaL building structure of any type or nature whatsoever upon any part of his Lot, or upon the Common Parcel , without first obtaining the prior written consent thereto from the other Owner, such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. In case of damage or destruction of any Unit or any part thereof by any cause whatsoever, the Owner of such Unit shall cause with due diligence the Unit to be repaired and restored, applying the proceeds of insurance, if any, for that purpose. Such Unit sha1l be restored to a condition conparable to that prior to the damage and in a harmonious manner to promote the common therne of both Parcels. 8. ALLOCATION OF EXPENSES. Cosls and expenses whose cost is anticipated to be shared by both Owners,by negligence of willful act of an Owner, sha1l be following proportions : of a1I activities except as caused allocated in the East Parcel" West Parcel 50? 50? i 9. MECHANIC,S LIENS: INDEMNIFICATION: A. Except for itens incurred as a common expense as provided for herein, if any owner sharl cause any material to be furnished to his Parcel or unit (including the common parcer) thereon or any labor to be perforrned therein or thereon, the other owner sharl not under any circumstances be l-iable for the payment of any expense incurred or for the value of the work done or rnaterj.al furnished; aII such work shall be at the expense of the owner causing it to be done, and such owner shalr be so1ely responsible to contractors, laborers, materialrnen and other persons furnishing labor or materials to his Parce1 or any improvements therein or thereon; nothing herein contained shaLl- authorize either owner or any person dealing through, with or under either owner to charge the unit of the other owner with any mechanicrs lien or other ]ien or encumbrance whatever; and, on the contrary (and notice is hereby given) the right and power to charge any lien or encumbrance of any kinl against one owner or against one owner,s parcel for work do--ne or nateriars furnished to the other owner,s parcer is hereby expressly denied. P. Except as provided for be1ow, if, because of any act or omission of any owner, any rnechanic's or other rien or ordei for the paynent of money shall be filed against the other owner,s parcel or any improvements therein or thereon or against any other Owner (whether or not such lien or order is valid or enforceabLe as such), the owner whose act or ornission forrns the basis for such lien or order shall at his own cost and expense cause the sane to be cancel-led and discharged of record or bonded by a surety company reasonably acceptable to such other Owner,within 30 days after the date of filing thereof, and further shall indennify and save the other owner harrnless from and against any and all costsf expenses I craims, losses or damages, incruding reasonable attorney's fees resulting therefrom. 10. INSURANCE. A- Each owner shalr keep his unit and all fixtures therein insured against loss or damage by. fire and extended coverage perils (including vandalisrn and rnalicious mischief) for the maxirnum replalernent value thereof. Any owner may on 30 days, written notice, but not more frequently than once every three years, obtai-n a written estimate of the replacement cost of the Units by a licensed contractor, and the cost of such estimate shaLl be split between the owners on a 5o/5o basis. Such contractor sha1l be a disinterested and independent third party who is unrerated in any manner to either owner whether through joint business adventures or otherwise. B. Each owner shall provide and keep in force, for the protection of hirnself, generar pubric liabirity and property damage insurance against craims for bodily injury or death or property aarnage occurring in, on or upon, his Parcel owned in fee sirnple and the improvements o thereon, in a lirnit of not l-ess than g5oo,ooo.oo in respect of bodily injury or death to any nunber of persons arising out of one accidenr or disaster, or for damage to property, and if higher lirnits shaLr .t ".ry time be customary to protect against possible tort riability, such higher limits shall be carried. C. Each Owner shall deliver to the other Or^/ner certificates evidencing all insurance required to be carried under this paragraph,each containing agreements by the insurers not to cancel or inoaiiy tne policies without giving the other owner written notice of at lea3t :o days. Eash o\^rner shaLl- have the right to inspect and copy a1r such insurance policies of the other owner and require evidefrte of the payment of prerniurns thereon. D. Nothing provided in this paragraph shall prevent the owners frorn jointry acquiring a single policy to cover any one or nore of the hazards required in this paragraph to be separately insured against by each Owner. E- A11 insurance policies obtained by either owner shalr expressly waive all rights of subrogation as against all other Owners and their respective fanilies and invitees. 1L. DESTRUCTION OF fMPROVEMENTS oN parcel. A. In the event of damage or destruction to a Unit by fire or other disaster, the j-nsurance proceeds if sufficient to reconstruct the unit shal1 be deposited into a bank account which requires, for withdrawals, the signatures of both the owners, or disbursed directry by the insurance carrier. The owners shall then promptly authorize the necessar.y repair and reconstruction work and the insurance proceeds will be apptied by the owners to defray the cost thereof. rrRepair and Reconstructionrr of units, as used in paragraph 11.A and Ll-.8 herein,means restoring the improvements to substantially the sane condition in which they existed prior to the damage with each unit having the same boundaries as before. B' rf the insurance proceeds are insufficient to repair or reconstruct any damage to a Parcel or the improvements constructed thereon, such darnage or destruction sharl be prornptry repaired and reconstructed by the Owner using the insurance proceeds and the proceeds of an assessnent against the owner(s) of the danaged parcel(s). such assessment shall- be equal to the amount by which the cost of reconstruction or repair exceeds the sum of the insurance proceeds arlocabLe to such Parcel. such Assessment shall be due and payabre thirty (30) days after the determination of the difference between the cost of reconstructj-on and repair and insurance proceeds and aLl such funds shalL be deposited and disbursed pursuant to paragraph 11.A. '-1 c- The owners sharr rnaintain adequate casuarty and public liability insurance on the common parcel by inclusion in iis pority set forth in paragraph 10.A or in the alternative both owners rnay agree to maintain.a separate policy for such purposes and each owner,-stritl pay the premiurns therefore in the proportions set forth in paragraph I above. In the event of darnage or destruction to all or a poition oi tne common Area due to fire or other disaster, the insurance proceeds shall be applied by the oh/ners to such reconstruction and repair. rf the j-nsurance proceeds with respect to such common erea ' damage or destruction are insufficient to repair and reconstruct the darnaged or destroyed common Area, the owners shall pass a special assessrnent. The owners shal1 make such assessment and proceed to make such repairs or reconstruction. The assessrnent as to each owner sharr be in the proportions set forth in paragraph 8 above. such Assessment sha11 be due and payabre not sooner than thirty (30) days after written notice thereof. The assessment provided for herein shall be a debt of each ov/ner and a l-ien on his Parcel and the inprovements thereon and nay be enforced and colrected by foreclosure proceedings in the courts. D. If the Owners of the East Parce1 and the West Parcel and the holders of first mortgages or beneficiaries of first deeds of trust on the East Parcel and the west parcel unanimousty agree not to repair or reconstruct damage or destructi-on to the East Parcel or the West parcel the Property shaIl be sold and the proceeds shall be divided as agreed to at the tine of the agreernent not to rebuil"d by the owners of the East Parcel and the west Parcel and the holders of first mortgages and beneficiari-es of first deeds of trust on the East Parcel and the West Parcel (the "Each owner's share of proceedstt ) . Each owner, s share of Proceeds shalf be disbursed as follows: 1. for payrnent of taxes and special assessnent liens in favor of any assessing entity and customary expenses of sale; 2. for payrnent of the bal_ance of the lien of any first mortgage or deed of trust; 3. for payrnent of a4y suns due under this Declaration; 4. for payment of junior liens and encunbrances in the order of and to the extent of their priority; and 5. the balance renaining, if any, shall be paid to the respective Owners. L2. RIGHT TO LIEN. A. If an Owner, at any time, shal1 neglect or refuse to perform or pay his share of any obligation required hereunder, the other owner may, but shal1 not be obligated to, after 30 days written notice unress the circumstances require irnrnediate action, nake such payment or, on beharf of such gtheq owner, expend such sum as may be necessary to perform such obrigation including, but not rimited to, the payment of any insurance prerniums required hereunder or the undertaking ot -any wort<required hereunder for repair, restoration or maintenanje, and' such other owner shall have an easement in and to that part of such defaultiTg owner's Parcel as is reasonably necessary foi such repair,restoration or maintenance . B. A11 sums so paid or expended by an Owner, with interest thereon at the rate of l-B percent per year from the date of such payment or expenditure, shall be payable by the owner so failing to perforrn- (the lrDefaulting Ownerrt) upon demand of the other Owner. c. All- sums so demanded but unpaid by the defaulting Owner shall constitute a lien on the Parcel of the Defaulting owner in favor of the other owner prior to all other liens and encumbrances, except: (i)liens for taxes and special assessments; and, (ii) the rien of iny first nortgage or first deed of trust of record encumbering such parcel . The lien shall attach from the date when the unpaid sun shall becone due and may be foreclosed in rike manner as a mortgage on real property upon the recording of a notice or clain thereof executed by the -llondefiulting owner setting forth the arnount of the unpaid indebtedness, the name of the Defaulting owner, and a description of the unit. rn any such foreclosure the Defaurting owner shall be required to pay the costs and expenses of such proceedings, including reasonable attorneyrs fees. D- The lien provided for herein sha11 be subordinate to the lien of any first nortgage or deed of trust, including all additional_advances thereon. .Sale or transfer of either Parcel as the result of court foreclosure of a mortgage, foreclosure through the pubric trustee,or any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure, shal1 extinguish the lien of such assessments as to payrnents thereof which become due prior to such sare or transfer, but shall not relieve any former owner of personal riability therefor. The mortgagee of such parcel- who acquires titre ry way of foreclosure or the taking of a deed in lieu thereof, sharl not however, be liable for any past due assessnent and shaLl onry become riable for future assessnents on the date it beeomes the owner or is entitled to become the Owner of such Parcel . No sale or transfer shall reLieve such Parcel- from liability for any assessments thereafter becoming due or frorn the lien thereof. rn the event of the sale or transfer of a Parcel with respect to which sums shall be unpaid by a Defaulting owner, except transfers to a first rnortgagee in cbnnection with a foreclosure of its lien or a deed in lieu there-of, the purchaser or other transferee of an interest in such parcel shall be jointly and severalry liable with the seller or transferor thereof for any such unpaid sums. E. Upon written reguest of any Owner, mortgagee, prospective rnortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transferee of a parcel , the Owner of the other Parcel shal-t issue a written statement setting forth 10 -'] the amount he is owed. under.this paragraph, if any, with respect to such unit. such staternent is binding upon the executing owner in favor of any person who may rely thereon in good faith. unress a request for such statement sha.Il" be cornplied wittr- within fifteen days aftei receipt thereof, all unpaid sums which becane due prior to the date of naki-ng such request shall be subordinated to the lien or other interest of the person requesting such statenent. 13. USE RESTRICTTONS. A. Each Unit' shalL be restricted to a residential dwelling as a pernitted use, and conditionar and accessory uses as defined by the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinances. B- No exterior mounted radio, shortwave, television or other type of antenna whatsoever or tank of any kind, either erevated or buried, or clothesline or incinerator of any kind whatsoever or outside storage of any personal property shall be permitted or rnaintained on either parceL without the prior written approval of both Owners. c- No animars shall be kept or naintained in, on or upon either unit, except that each owner may keep and maintain wittrin nis unit domesticated anirnalsi provided, however, that such domesticated animals are kept under contror at alr times, do not present a nuisance to the other owner, and are kept controlled in strict cornpliance with aI1 Town of VaiL ordinances that may apply to such animals. D. Parking on either parcel of boats, trailers, campers, notor homes, ATVs or recreational vehicres is expressry prohibiied, unress Iocated within an Owner,s garage. E. No "time shari-ngtt, "interval- Ownershipr or similar interest,whereby ownership of a unit is shared by owners on a time basis, sharl be established on either Parce1 rvithout the prior written approval of both owners and all lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of the East parcel or the west parcel, which approval shaJ-l be reflected in a document of record. F. The owners understand and agree that potential developrnent rights may exist under present or future Town of Vail regulations that rnay permit expansion of the units, which developrnent rights have not been utilized to date. The owners of the East parceL and the west Parcel sha11 be deemed to have excrusive ownership of any rights as currently are bej-ng utilized by their respective Parcels. llo exercise of any development rights not utilized to date shal1 be rnade by one owner without first obtaining the written consent of the other Owner,which consent shalr not be unreasonably withheld. The other owner,before giving written consent, shall be entitled to review the deveJ-opment plans and any blueprints or surveys prepared in connection with the developrnent plans. The Owner of the East Parcel shall have the 11 exclusive right to the use of 50? of the Development Rights which have not been utilized to date and 5oz of al-r future DevJlopnent Rights allowed by the Town of Vail except as set forth below. The owner of the west ParceL shall have the exclusive right to the use of 50% of the Development Rights which have not been utilized to date and 50? of a1l future Deveropment Rights aLlowed by the Town of Vail except as set forth below. under current rown of Vail regulations there may exist certain developrnent rights because a structure is more than five (5)years old. Any rights obtained under such regulation or any future rrlike-typett of regulation shaLl belong solely to the Owner of that Parcel. If either Owner exceeds his development rights, without the consent of the other owner, and because of this the other owner is not allowed to uti-1ize his ful1 development rights, the excess development shalI be removed by the owner thereof imrnediately upon the dernand of the other Owner. 1'4. NOTICE. Each Owner shall register its rnailing address with the other owner and all notices or demands intended to be served upon Owners shal1 be sent by certified rnail, postage prepaid, addressed in the name of the Owner at such registered rnailing address. In the alternative, notices may be delivered if in writing, personally to Owners. 15. DURATION OF DECLARATION. Each provision contained in this Declaration which is subject to the laws or rules sometimes referred to as the rule against perpetuities or the rule prohibiting unreasonable restraints on alienation shall continue and remain in full force and effect for the period of 21 years following the death of Charles David Smith and his living issue, or until this Declaration is terrninated as hereinafter provided, whichever first occurs. A11 other provisions contained in this Declaration shall continue and remain in fuLl force and effect until January lf 2026 A.D. I and thereafter for successive periods of 10 years each; unless at Least 1 year prior to January 1, 2026 A.D., or at least 1 year prior to the expiration of any such 10 year period of extended duration, this Declaratior is terminated by recorded instrument, dj-recting termination, signed by all Owners and at1 Lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of the East Parcel or the West Parcel . 16. AMENDMENT OR REVOCATION. This Declaration may be amended or revoked only upon unanimous written approval in recordable form of all owners and aII lienors holding a first nortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of the East Parcel or the West Parcel . 1'7. EFFECT OF PROVISIONS OF DECLARATION. Each provision of this Declaration and Agreement, promise, covenant and undertaking to cornply wi-th each provision of this Declaration, and any necessary exception or reservation or grant of title, estate, right or interest to effectuate any provision of this Declaration: (i) shall be deemed incorporated in each deed or other instrument by which any right, title or interest in ",,,1 l2 any portion of the East Parcer or the west parcer is granted, devised or conveyed, whether or not set forth or referred to in such deed or other instrument; (ii) shaIl, by virtue of acceptance of any right, title or interest in any portion of the East Parcel or the west parcef by an Owner, be deemed accepted, ratified, adopted and declared as a personal covenant of such owner and, as a personal covenant, sharl be binding on such owner and hls heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns; and shall be deemed a personal covenant to, with and for the benefj-t of each Owner of any portion of the East parcel or the West Parcel-i and (iii) sha1l be deened a real covenant by Declarant, for itself, its successors and assigns, and also an equitable servitude,running, in each case, as a burden with and upon the title to each and every portion of the East Parcel and the West parcel . 18. ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES. A. Court Proceedinqs. Each provision of this Declaration shal1 be enforceable by any Owner by a proceeding for a prohibitive or mandatory injunction or by a suit or action to recover damages. If court proceedings are instituted in connection with the rights of enforcement and remedies provided in this Declaration, the prevailing party sha1l be entitled to recover its costs and expenses in connection therewith, incJ-uding reasonabl-e attorney fees. B. Venue of Court Actions. Each Owner hereby agrees that any and all actions in equity or at law which are instituted to enforce any provision hereunder sha11. be brought in and only in the District Court of Eagle County, State of Colorado. c. Waiver. Failure to enforce any provision of this Declaration shal1 not operate as a waiver of any such provision, the right to enforce such provision thereafter, or of any other provision of this Declaration. 19. EXERCISE OF RIGHTS. Any exercise of any right granted hereunder by one Owner with respect to the other Owner,s Unit including but not linited to the use of any easement gra5rted herein shall be exercised in a manner which sharl not unreasonably hinder, impede or impose upon such other Owner's use of his Unit. 20. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. Except as otherwise provided herein,this Declaration sha11 be binding upon and sha1l j-nure to the benefit of each Owner and the heirs, personal representat ives, successors and assigns of each. 2I. SEVERABILITY. Invalidity or unenforceability of any provisions of thls Declaration in whol-e or in part sha1l not effect the validity or enforceable part of a provision of this Declaration. 13 o 22. cAPTIoNs. The captions and headings in this instrument are for convenience .only and shall not be considered in construing any provisions of this Declaration. 23. coNSTRUcrroN. when necessary for proper construction, the mascurine of any word used in this oeclarition sharL include the feninine or neuter gender, and the singular the plural and vice versa. IN WfTNESS WHEREOF Declarant has executed this Declaration this day of , L996. CHARLES DAVID SMITH STATE OF COI.oRADO )) ss. couNTY oF EAGLE ) Subscribed and sworn to before rne this _ day of by Charles David Snith. Witness ny hand and officiat seal My commission expires on: , L996 Notary Public L4 CONSENT OF HOLDER OF DEED OF TRUST The undersigned holder of a certain deed of trust upon the properEy covered by this Declaration and partywarl Agreenent, recorde-d on september 27, 1994 in Book G51 at page 84 of the records in the office of the Eagre county, colorado, clerk and Recorder, hereby consents to the foregoing Declaration and Partywall Agreement and subbridinates its interest in the property described therein-to the right,s and obligations created hereby. Notwithstanding such consent and subordination, ltt tne rights of Decrarant in and to such property sharr remain encumbered by such deed of trust. (sEAL) STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing of President of Weststar Witness my hand WESTSTAR BANK (formerly VAIL BANK) President instrurnent was acknowtedqed before ne this , l-996 by AS Bank. and official seal . By: ss. day My Comnission expires on: Notary Pub1ic L5 EXHJBIT rtArl TO PARTYWALL AGREEMENT AND DECI.,ARATTON OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS FOR LOT 5, BLOCK 3, VAIL VALLEY, FIRST FILING, ACCORDING TO THE PI"AT RECORDED MAY 12, t97O rN BOOK 2t-7 AT PAGE 609, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO Taxes or assessrnents not yet due and payable and assessments not yet certified to the Treasurerrs office.special Right of proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore therefrorn should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the premises as reserved in United States patent recorded June 29,1903, in Book 48 at Page 495. Right of way for Ditches or Canal"s constructed by the authority of the united states as reserved in united states patent recorded iune 29, 1903, in Book 48 at Page 495. Restrictive covenants which do not contain a forfeiture or reverEer clause, but onitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color,religion, or national origin, as contained in fnstrument recorded April 13, 1970, in Book 2I7 at page 406. Drainage and Utility Easenent 20 feet in width along the northerly lot line and 15 feet in widttr along the westerly lot line of subject property as shown on the recorded plat of Vail Valley,First Filing. Easements, reservations and restrictions as shown or reserved on the Plat of Vail VaIIey, First F.iling recorded May t_2 | I97O in Book 2I7 at Page 609 Terrns, conditions and provisions of Type II Ernployee Housing Unit Restrictive Covenant recorded October 14, l_994 in Book 652 at page oJ4 - Terms, conditj-ons and provi_sions of Landscaping Easement recorded July 15, ]-98'7 in Book 466 at Page 35 and Amendrnent recorded January 9, 1996 in Book 685 at Page 685. Terms, conditions and provisions of Encroachment Agreement recorded October 24, 1995 in Book 678 at Page 956. Terms, conditions and provisions of Encroachment Agreement recorded November 30, 1995 in Book 682 at Paqe 157. 10 16 11. Terms, conditions and proviEions of Encroachment Agreenent recorded Novenber 30, 1995 in Book G82 at page 158. L2. Terns, conditions and provisions of Encroachment AEreenent recorded November 30, 1995 in Book 682 at page J.59. L3. Tetms, conditions and provisions of Encroachment Agreenent recorded Novenber 30, 1995 in 8oo]<.682 at page 160. L4. Easements, reservations and restrictionE as shown the Plat recorded in Book or at reEerved on Page . L7 |f*ittent To Insure o ALTA Commitment - 1970 Rev. 0l-0 RIPUBl"lc NAII0NAL IIILE lNsuRANcE c0MPANY, a Minnesora corporarion, herein called the company. for a valuable conslderauon, hereby commits to issue is policy or policies of tirle insurance, as idenifred in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insurcd named rn Schedule A, as owner 0r mo(gagse of the eslate or intergst covepd hereby in the land described or refened to in Schedule A, upon paymenr of rhe premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisrons of Schedule A and B and ro rhe Condirions and Sdoularions hereof. This Commitment shall be effecive only when lhe idenriry 0f the pmposed Insured and lhe amgunr of the oolicv or policies committed for havs been insened in Schedule A hereof by rhe Company, eilhef al rhe ime 0f rhe issuance of lhis Commitment or by subsequent endorsemenl. This Commhment is preliminary lo the issuance of such policy or policies of rjtle insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminale sir months after the effective date hereof or when rhe policy or policies commined for shall issue, whichever finl occurs, provided thar lhe failum r0 issue such policy or policies is nor th8 fauh of the Company. CONDITIONS AND STIPUI-ATIONS L The term "mongaqe", when used herein. shall include deed of trust, trust deed. or othsr security insrumenr.2. lf the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any delecl, lien. encumbrance, adverse claim or olner maner affeclng lhe eslale 0r interesl or mo(gage lhercon covered by this Commnmenr orher lhan rhose shown in Schedule I heeol. and shall lail to disclose such knowledge to the Company rn wnting, the Company shall be relteved from liability for any loss or damage rcsulring from any acr of reliance hereon ro rhe errenr rhe Company is prejudiced by fatlure of the proposed Insur€d l0 so disclose such knowledge. lf the ptoposed lnsured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if rhe Company orherwrse acqurres aclual kn0wl€dge of any such delect. lien. encumbrance, adverse claim or other marrer, rhe Company al its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendmenl shall not relieve the Company lrom liability previously incurrcd pursuant l0 paragraph 3 of rhese Condirions and Stpulatrons. 3, Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such panies lnc|UdedUnderthedefjnitionoilnsuredinthplormofpo|icyorpo|rcrescommittedfotandon|yforactUa||0ssincUed comply wnh lhe tequirements hereof or {bl to e|mrnate ercepltons shorvn rn Schedule B, 0r (cl l0 acquire or crcate the eslale 0r Interesl 0r mgrlgage thereon covered by lhrs Commitment. In no event shail such liability exceed the amount slaled In Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject r0 the insuflng ptovtstons and lhe Condiions and Stipulalons and the Erclustons lrom Coverage of the form of poltcy or pollctes commined lor rn favor of rhe orooosed Insurcd wnrcn are hereby rncorporared by reference and made a pan of thrs Commrrmenr erceDr as exoressly modifjed herein. 4. Any action 0r aclrons or rights of acron rhat the proposed lnsured may have or may bring against the Cgmpany anslng out ol lhe slatus 0f lhe lnle l0 lhe eslale 0r Inleresl 0t lhe slatus of the mongage thereon covered by this Commrtment musl be based 0n and arE subiecl to lhe provisions ol thrs Commilmenl. STANI]ARI} EXCIPTIt)NS In addilion l0 lh€ malters conbined in lhe Condilions and Stipularions and Exclusions from Coverage above relerred to, this Commirment is also sublect lo lhe following, 1. Bights or claims of panres in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easemenn. or claims of easements. nol shown by lhe oublic reco'rds. 3, Dtsctepancres. confllcts in boundary lines, shonage in area. encroachments. and any facts which a corrBct survey and'rnspecrion ol the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien. 0r nghl t0 a lien. Ior services. labor or marenal rhererofore or hereafter furnished, imoosed by law and nor shown bv the oubltc records. 5. 0elects, liens. encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created. firsr appeanng in the public records 0f anachrng subsequenl t0 lhe effeclive Commilment. lN WITNESS WH[RE0F, Old Bepublic National Tile Insurance Company has caused irs corporare name and seal lo be hereunto affixed by tts duly authonred officers 0n the date shown tn Scheduie A. t0 be valid when counrersigned by a validating oliicer 0r qthet auh6nnd sagnarory, OtD REPUBTIC IIATIOI{AL TITTE II{SURAiICE COMPA'{Y A Stoc* towany 400 Snond Avenue S\uth. Mnneap\tts. Mnnes|ta 5540t /6/2)3lt.I/t ifij 8y Authoited Signatory OfiT Forrn 2582 Auesr 4rE*,2 Seuetary o"o *"p'; :":':",'J.l"T'ffi ..MPANY scHEDULE .ii Our Order # V253239 For lnformation Only - Charges - ALTA Owner Policy gj-,941.00 (REISSUE RATE)Tax Report $20.00 -TOTAL-- 91,951.00 *** THIS IS NOT AN I}I"VOICE, BUT A}T ESTIMATE OF FEES. WHEN REFERRING TO THIS ORDER, PLEASE REFERENCE OUR ORDER NO. V253239 *** 1. EffecE,ive Date: April 18, 199G at, 5:00 p.M. 2- Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: "ALTAI Owner,s Policy J-O-LI-I2 91,gOO,OOO.OO Proposed Insured: LULETA MASLAK 3. The est,aE,e or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. title t.o t.he estaEe or intere"t, co.rered herein is aE the effect,ive date hereof vested in: CHARLES DAVID SMITH 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as folLows: A PORTION OF: LOT 5, BLOCK 3, VArL, VALLEY, FIRST FILING, ACCORDTNG TO THE PLAT RECORDED MAy 12, t970, IN BOOK 2t7 AT pAcE 609, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. NOTE: SAID IJEGAL DESCRIPTION WILL BE AMENDED UPON COMPLIANCE WITH ITEM 3 OF SCHEDULE B-]- HEREIN. PAGE J- (Requirement,s) Our Order # V2S3Z39 .tlA\rl1 Z SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirements) bur Ord.er # V253239 The fol-lowing are t,he requirement.s t,o be complied wit.h: L. Payment Eo or for the accounc of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the est,ate or int,erest t,o be-insured 2. Proper insErument(s) creating the est.ate or interest to be insured must be execuLed and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. RESI'BDIVISION PLAT, ACCEPTABLE TO THE COMPANY, TO BE RECORDED IN EAGI-,,E /ar\T TT\TTV 4. PARTIAL RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED SepEember 23, L994, FROM CHARLES DAVID SMITH TO THE PT]BLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGI-,,E COUNTY FOR THE USE OF VAIL BANK TO SECURE THE SUM OF $2,500,000.00 RECORDED Septernber 27, !994, IN BOOK 651 AT PAGE 84. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS FURTHER SECIJRED IN ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS RECORDED September 27, 1994, IN BOOK 551 AT PAGE 85. DISBURSER'S NOTICE IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED qanFornl-\ar ?? L994, IN BOOK 551 AT PAGE 8G SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS FURTHER SECURED BY ASSIGNMENT OF DOCI]MENTS AND BUILDING PERM]T RECORDED SepLember 27, L994, IN BooK 55]- AT PAGE 87. EXTENSION AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED Mav 03, 1995, IN BOOK 656 AT PAGE 467. 5. TBRMINATION OF FINANCING STATEMENT FROM C}IARLES DAVID SMITH, WITH VAIL ' BANK, THE SECURED PARTY, RECORDED September 27, L994, IN BOOK 551 AT PAGE 88. 5. PARTIAL RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED April 20, 1995, FROM CHARI-,,ES DAVID SMITH, A SINGLE PERSON TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COI]NTY FOR THE USE OF vArL BANK To SECURE THE suM oF 91,500,000.00 RECORDED May 03, 1995, rN BooK 666 AT PAGE 465, SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO VAIL BANK IN ASSIGNMENT RECORDED May 03,1995, IN BOOK 555 AT PAGE 455. 7. RELEASE OF LIEN AS EVIDENCED BY THE STATEMENT OF UPPER CRUST. LANDSCAPING rNc. rN THE AMOUNT OF $11,050.50 RECORDED February 0?, 1996, IN BOOK 687 AT PAGE 530. ^"rtcoMMrrMENr O SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirements) dur Order # v253239 8. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPAIIY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AI{D PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAII-, TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 9. WARRANTY DEED FROM CTIARLES DAVID SMITH TO LULETA MASLAK COM/EYING SUBJECT PROPERTY THE COUNTY CI,ERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCUMEMTS SEMT FOR RECORDING!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RECORDING FEES HAVE INCREASED AS OF irul,y L, l_995 TO $6.00 FOR T}IE FIRST PAGE AND $5.00 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE. RELEASES HAVE INCREASED TO $14.00 FOR THE FIRST PAGE AND $5.00 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE. A L r1p. o M M r r M E N r PAGE 4 (ExcepEions) Our Order # v2S3Z39 The_policy or poricies to be issued wilr contain exceptions t.o t.he following unless the same are disposed of to the satiifacE,ion of the Company: 1. standard Exceptions 1 through 5 print,ed on the cover sheet.. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet. due or payable and special assessments not. yet cert.ified to the Treasurer,s office. 7. Any unpaid Eaxes or assessment,s against said 1and. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOT'ND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN ITNTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED June 29, 1903, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGtr 49q 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AIITHORITY OF THE UNfTED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATEIfT RECORDED June 29, 1903,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 495. 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE; BUT OMITTING RESTRICTTONS, TF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORfGIN, AS COITTAINBD IN INSTRIJMENT RECORDED April 13, Lg7O, fN BOOK 217 AT PAGE 405. 12. DRAINAGB AND UTILITY EASEMENT 20 FEET IN WTDTH ALONG THE NORTHERLY LOT LINE AND 15 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE WESTERLY LOT LINE OF STJBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VALLEY, FIRST FII-,ING. 13. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE PLAT. OF VAIL VALIJEY, FIRST FILING RECORDED May 12 , I97O fN BOOK 2L7 AT PAGE 509. 14. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF TYPE II EMPLOYEE HOUSING I]NTT RESTRICTM COVENANT RECORDED October 14, 1994 IN BOOK 552 AT PAGE 634. 15. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED OcEober 24, 1995 IN BOOK 578 AT PAGE 955. ].5. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED Nowember 30, 1995 IN BOOK 682 AT PAGE 157. 47. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED November 30, 1995 IN BOOK 682 AT PAGE t-58. PAGE 5 A t rtc o M M r r M E N r SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions). Our Order # V253239 18. TERMS, CONDITIONS AI{D PROVISIONS OF ENCROACHMEMT AGREEMENT RECORDED November 30, L995 IN BOOK G82 AT PAGE 159. ].9. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF ENCROACIIMEIIf AGREEMENT RECORDED November 30, 1995 IN BOOK 682 AT pAeE 160. 20. EASEMEIfTS, RESERVATIONS AI$D RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE PIJAT RECORDED TBD IN BOOK XXX AT PAGE XXX. t,A9t1 b LAND rt"r GuARANr"t coMpANy DISCLOSI'RE STATEMENT Required by Senat,e Bill 91-14 A) The subject real property may be located in a special t.axing district B) A Certificat,e of Taxes Due listing each Eaxing jurisdiction may be obt,ai-ned from the County Treasurer or the CounEy Treasurer's aut,horized aqent,. c) The information regarding special districts and t,he boundaries of such dist,ricts may be obt,ained from the Board of County Commissioners, t.he County Clerk and Recorder, or t.he County Assessor Required by Senate BilI 92-143 A) A Cert.ificate of Taxes Due lisEing each taxing jurisdicCion shall- be obtained from the Count.y Treasurer or t.he Counf,y Treasurer's aulhorized agent,. o JC TOWN OF VAIL ruCEI'T ADI}Rf,,SS "^r"--S--8-,?L- PnoEct. TIADE IAYAILE TO TO\TT OF 1' ;-EF Tohlhl tf F UFI I l- l'li scel I aneous Cash Bl-BE-i{f,6?: t-t4l r:4 F,rrr,i nt. S 1qC4l4 Fcc,:unt S Cl.; S BFILEtt. Hl:lltF{It'{E ti Brrr,:urrt tendered :. 55f,? FETEnst:rl.l1.:.;UBti I r.r I 5 I 0t.l 1BE. EB Item paid ErI Erlritfi4 1 IIriEEl[l Ch.*nge re !u rned : Flmoun t paid lBrl. BB E. Sft vctLl THSFI}{ ?.rur csshisr HEIITI vr r,t wv +rrru tsrt'LlAl. lJhvELo CitsE r I ,*,,ffi1hy.61--,u..tt' {4a) "-t- ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEUENT, is made and entered into this _ day of _,L995 by Charles David Srnith hereinafter referred to as FropeEf-bilner and U.S. West Communications, hereinafter referred to as rtCompanyrr. WHEREAS, Property Owner is presently the owner of certain real property described as Lot 5t BLock 3, Vail Valley First Fiting,according to the Pl-at recorded May L2, L97O, in Book 2L7 at Page 609, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, located in Eagle County, Coloradoi and WHEREAS, the Conpany is presently in possession of an easement thirty feet in width, running through the aforementioned property, which easement is described on Exhibit A, a-utached hereto and incorporated herein by this referencei and WHEREAS, Property Owner has constructed a permanent structure that encroaches upon the described easement in the area approximately .4tX 5r, said encroachnent being described on Exhibit A; NOW, THEREFORE. in consideration of the covenants and promises herein, the parties hereby agree as foll-ows: l-. The Cornpany shall permit the permanent structure to encroach upon the aforementioned easement. 2. The Property Owner shall indemnify the Cornpany from the costs of any repairs to the Companyrs utility lines which may occur as a result of the construction of the permanent structure over and upon such easement. 3. The Property Owner sha1l hold harnLess the Company frorn the cost of repairing any damage to the structure, which damage nay be caused by the installation of new utility lines in this easement, or by a break in present and future utility lines of the Company, or by the repair of such break by the Company or by other maintenance of the Iines. 4. The Property Owner shall indemnify the Conpany from any increase in the cost of construction of any new utility lines or in the cost of any repairs to the Companyrs utility lines, such increase, if any due to the proxinity of the permanent structure to the utility lines. 5. This Agreenent shall bind the successors and assigns of the Property Owner, and shall be appurtenant to and deened to run with and for the benefit of the aforementioned property in Eagle County, Colorado until such tirne that the Company abandons said easenent. fl /0v j//b' : { \!r ia-?n P-15? tl/3o/95 O2t22P PG 1' oF 3 EagIe CountY Clerk & Recorder REC 16.00 DOC 578L64 B-682 Sara J. Fisher ',) This Agreement shall be recorded against said property in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above writt PRO By: STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGIJE ss. ss. instrument was acknowledged before rne this 1995 by cy"!!ie_lj_Irgl"elggn of U.S. West Cornmunications. fficial seal . Depar tment Witnes My ont 5/7 /98 , The. foregoing instrurnent was acknowledged before me this -Io* Uu"of N|umhty' , 1.995 by OnAarx-s OAum Strlr.IH ' Witness ny hand and officia] seal . My commission expires on: Myconmissk STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing of November My Conmission Expires 6/10/98 ffi:::;R tron exp: NANLv i-. &!;rrrt# 5 78164 8-682 P-15? ll/30/95 02:22P PG 2 oF3 B-682 P-157 \!/30/95 02t22P PG 3 oF3 s 8856',',19'w - I 15.00 s 86rot'st E:129.7a VALLF/DRIVE (50'R.o.w.) 5 ? 8164 EXHIBIT "K' ! I 5 tE. cZ !i l.r ig t- :! E ri r! i;tl :Ii :;I =:l iil : t2 cz !+ E.r i€ ii :i !:!i ii r! i; II ;l tB Zi I \t $! I t 5 T b t t t s (o m b o z ql c{+ I td trl 9t ct l:)+o o !, t I $ i { I t I -l 3t !i tZ T3 J5 6!ti i: o z f tr Lr_l (, <:j p5 o <=gs o o e I =('i c{h N @ t-f, io El o I la {l*r -N-,EI A qII fl ilH!'o A i;i { to F ut (al I trJ @ F o J + F 9 E E o!r{) r {q F-O t!e.J l"ll t*'- iln E E ia; -!{sF- ir$itu ff iiiii gt ,.fri:i H ilsiii trultlJtr-rl.rl I I -J in ll :-" ld o tr F F.o 6=8 6 5 { fiEg Yr'. *Y I J-F fr8is3 Fd.isa OO'=t4 Fr-JFd =esPs c { s .3 ilq? ;!li -'.,. TIWN OF VAIL .J7I',1,E OF THE TOWN CLERK 7: iO. iAONTAGE ROAD v/.1:, coLoRADo 91657 K '///,//Lr' /t>6 day of l,iv ,to as nroperTfltwiEr Colorado Corporation, REC 16.00 ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, is nade and entered 1995 by Charles David Snith hereinafter and TCI Cablevision of the Rockies, hereinafter referred to as rrCompanyrr. into this referred Inc., a WHEREAS, Property Owner is presently the owner of certain real property described as Lot 5, Block 3, VaiL Valley First Filing, according to the Plat recorded May l-2, L97O, in Book 2L7 at Page 609, county of Eagle, state of Colorado, Iocated in Eagle County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the Conpany is presently in possession of an easement thirty feet in width, running through the aforenentioned property, which easement is described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referencei and WHEREAS, Property Owner has constructed a pertnanent structure that encroaches upon the described easernent in the area approxirnately .4rX , 5t, said encroachment being described on Exhibit A; ,i NOw, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and promises herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: l-. The Company shall permit the pernanent structure to encroach upon the aforenentioned easernent. 2. The Property Owner shall indennify the Cornpany from the costs of any repairs to the companyrs utility lines which may occur as a result of the construction of the permanent structure over and upon such easement. 3. The Property Owner shalL hold harmless the Company fron the cost of repairing any damage to the structure, whi-ch Caiaage rnay be caused by the installation of new utility lines in this easement, or by a break in present and future utility lines of the conpany, or by the repair of such break by the Company or by other maintenance of the lines. 4. The Property Owner shall indemnify the Company from any increase in the cost of construction of any new utitity lines or in the cost of any repairs to the Cornpanyts utility lines, such increase, if any due to the proximity of the permanent structure to the utility 1ines. 5. This Agreement shall bind the successors and assigns of the Property Owner, and shall be appurtenant to and deerned to run with and for the benefit of the aforernentioned property in Eagle County, Colorado until such tirne that the conDanv abandons said easement. li A @ 578165 8-682 P-158 1t/30/95 0Z: Z3p pG 1 OF 3 Sara J. Fisher Eagle Countl- Clerk & Recorder o This Agreernent shalL be recorded against said property in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. IN WITNESS WHEREoF the parties hereto have be executed as of the day and year first abov COMPANY: eement to this w Bvz f./WI \ At-'.- acknowledged before me this /O{.\-day tr\ovcl lcr\crZrtr as cablevS-sion of'the Rockies, Inc. ,'t Frl *. seal . STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE JD. of Novcmh+r , L995 bY ('FR6?LE' Witness rny hand and official seal . My commission expires on: MyCommlssionExpires6il0/98 STATE OF COUNTY OF The COLORADO EAGLE for ss. instrument was 1995 by of TCI official of es on: 5f-l [1tr 578165 8-682 P-158 1I/30/95 02:23P PG 2 oF3 O EX[llBlT "h' o o o E o J o C) F z l trj J () t! 11 I- EI,,l : tEit I f; ti;i I p lli: I ;s ilii I E i! iiiEi la z Fr i:;;! la =EE lgiil IEY BE usrrii I iX ,,E EtiSit I L,,,o lfiqr,J>| >=i,.lx:s6 | *.t9 -l l=esP i i ---------l l-[s I l3 --1 E tl IE t*IE [{l'r, 1; le lr t'e tBto?lsqE -.l= c..:r- cr ll-E c t lr lE IH #--'/ \6\ EC z3 or :\J____\ H -.1 | \ ll$li \ffi lL.-liffi lr / ffi ll t/./ffi i--'H ) i_-: --{-_--T- I I .l \f $- I t o. ) s 86' ALLFT o z (, z. =tr trJ <t 5 J J g I I T -i _i_ Irt - _Lt ]- I I 4Z t 5 d. - li li )) VA ',:l ' !o:, it ilii iili$$ ili; ii;iH \ riliiliiiii EidiiiiiiiiiJ qqrrA'1q' w - 115.00 rT:: - -l " "",o r.J - rr.e2 Sf*-r;tr i lll''ts<Fi irxN t--l ,l i-J t'EI :I ^E -="=tJ:EEBEii lr ulEigE XE "'$ Fa !; Ei EE ig EH. B\E\--T t*--=+ DRtvE (so, R. t6 ll Et{ r! ru .,ot -L":---L J --t, --6---o o"( o g e I =(ll :- (\ h F UI s. N -i all *;b u5l L5r qIt Xor 6!,r c ol N I trl 1^l EI or +o 6 + F 9 l" tr: il; ct (r) (5 A pr <J) N r.r) @ rO r--l I ar N I ro f- rr) VAIL ot FO N-Itl E.J t-P ro & tl I 8I :e B' a o 5 'I T. 8: Nra2aJ/i-It.92 t c-ii 9al I i f"'-l r I l" I \ r L!---t .--l-\l fr zL--4-1 I ;: " j tl __l__,_L_l_'_:l rJi 'i Rt"td fu ,l=-Lr-Jl' n' .! !C li R ih ri gE :E 'L*i:- 'l E TO'"i/N OF VAIL OFFiCE OF THE TOWN CLERK 75 SO. FRONTAGE ROAD vAtL, cOLoRADo 81657 %r ENCROACIIMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into this day of 1995 by charles David Snith hereinafter referred to as Property owner and Public Service company of Colorado, hereinafter referred to as ItConpanylr. WHEREAS, Property Owner is presently the owner of certain real property described as Lot 5, Block 3t Vail Valley First riling, according to the PIat recorded May L2, L97O, in Book 217 at Page 609, County of Eag1e, State of Colorado, located in Eagle county, Coloradoi and WHEREAS, the Company is presently in possession of an easement thirty feet in width, running through the aforelnen+*ioneC property, which easement is described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, Property Owner has constructed a permanent structure that encroaches upon the described easernent in the area approximately .4tX 5t , said encroachment being described on Exhibit A; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and pronises herein, the parties hereby aqree as follows: l-. The Company shall perrnit the permanent structure to encroach upon the aforementioned easement. 2. The Property owner shall indemnify the company from the costs of any repairs to the companyrs utility lines which may occur as a result of the construction of the permanent structure over and upon such easement. 3. The Property Owner shall hold harmless the Company from the cost of repairing any damage to the structure, wtrich damage may be caused by the installation of new utility lines in this easement, or by a break in present and future utility lines of the Company, or by the repair of such break by the Company or by other maintenance of the lines. 4. The Property O\^rner shall indennify the Company fron any increase in the cost of construction of any new utility lines or in the cost of any repairs to the Companyrs utility lines, such increase, if any due to the proximity of the perrnanent structure to the utility l ines . 5. This Agreement shall bind the successors and assigns of the Property Owner, and shall be appurtenant to and deerned to run with and for the benefit of the aforernentioned property in Eagle County, colorado until such time that the Company abandons said easement. 578166 B-682 P-159 lI/30/95 02:24P PG 1 OF 4 Sara J. Fisher Eagle County Clerk & Recorder REC DOC 21.00 -! ts This Agreement shall be recorded against with the laws of the State of Colorado. IN WITNESS WHEREoF the parties hereto be executed as of the day and year first PRO By: es David COMPANY: STATE OF COIORADO COUNTV OF EAGLE ss. Witness my hand and official seal . My cornnission expires on: j-t6-r178 said property in accordance caused this Agreenent to have above wri-tt o N o ,rThe foregoing instrurnent^was acknowledged before rne this of zfudn_s /- , L995 by 6c44e ;r Uay.r,.y &.4 uut c\ o & a C\ N ra: I A c! I @ t.- rr) StaEe of County of ) ) . The foregoing instrument wa6 acknowledged before rne this f!21aay ot t:httAfuf-, 1995 by charles David Smith. lJitness my hand and official seal. My commission expires on: STATE OF COI.,ORADO COIINTY OF EAGLE Th-e foregoing of t{4 4,'s T -Vn/vf eEZ of Public Service conpany of Colorado Rockies. Inc. Witness my hand and official seal . My comrnission expires on: 5-14..i??8 Notary ss. -.t instrument was acknowledged before me this /5/n day , L995 by Gtznu v, t&tesl tP. as 'l;,(f C,J 578166 B-682 P-159 tl/30/g5 02 24P PG 3 oF4 o o EXHIBST ,,^fu, (9 zo =.o trd FO (nJ Eo tro ro l_rI ;3=+,o t60 l=H SPfi fsu cl3 lEs ft1 o F .Z o5 ilql ;!;6 lrj F o ti F E lrl () z o F o 9 r-Y AE F'.O r/l E.ig (o F o J i !_,,i il8!3 lilt E liti iliiiir Ei,iiiil F E rtt F d @ I Ir, to r.t b z \t s.- I 5 w - 115.00 (s0' R.o.w.) a I t t ! I I I i:i lsi Fbft i$i ;E; is: 5cr e.! a 9r:rtt ;jc ii5 i!i iEi zli ll! E - 129.78 6 5 !!" tt 9t _t BI !5 i8 5:,5 !t re rE i; 8i 'E la ;e -,! b5 :I ig 5i ?a qi a- ;r ii -ri ll .t S; Eb ci !!3r !5 i5 xt ;i €s 2l 6t i5 !i Lr rt 55 i'58 $t;It !5 ic I :3 !|:; @ ilES 2 ili;2 ili; = , ;lfi u E Bli:<j i;lll p) E illg Ei Eiffii s 8AJ6'.1f s 8o.or.st DRIVE VALLFT ,3\ ._:--ir- \ a Ei d VAIL ot toe +q F-O [!tJ o o d a I = 'o :- cl r.,F ti al 3,1 (!.t I lrl bt 9l or rt +o o t..rt (o tl o I o, "s**;b Jq:qII Fot buc o + F 9 I lt f tl tl l.t.jFL il; .$ c'J N I c! @ I F- r.rtt26.Jtr-rlt.oa l.%_l tl __i__,_l l-:'::i I o TOWN OF VAIL OFF:CE OF THE TOWN CLERK 7i "1 -IIONTAGE ROAD \ ' 'ORADO 81657 4/lt' \ ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT lttls AGREEMENT, is made and entered into this 20th day of Septembep L995 by Charles David Smith hereinafter referred to as Property Owner and the Holy Cross Electric Association, hereinafter referred to as rrAssociationrr . WHEREAS, Property Owner is presently the owner of certain real property described as Lot 5, Block 3, Vail Valley First filing, according to the Plat recorded May 1.2, L97O' in Book 217 at Page 609, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, located in Eagle County, Colorado; and WIIEREAS, the Association is presently iir possession of an easenent thirty feet in width, running through the aforementioned property, which easement is described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referencei and WHEREAS, Property Owner has constructed a permanent structure that encroaches upon the described easenent in the area approxirnately .4rx 5r, said encroachment being described on Exhibit A; NOW, THEREFoRE, in consideration of the covenants and promises herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: L. The Association sha1l perrnit the permanent structure to encroach upon the aforementioned easement. 2. The Property owner shall indennify the Association from the costs of any repairs to the Associationts utility lines which may occur as a result of the construction of the permanent structure over and upon such easement. 3. The Property Owner shall hold harmless the Association from the cost of repairing any damage to the structure, which danage may be caused by the installation of new utility lines in this easement, or by a break in present and future utility lines of the Association, or by the repair of such break by the Association or by other naintenance of the lines. 4. The Property owner sha11 indernnify the Association from any increase in the cost of construction of any new utility lines or in the cost of any repairs to the Associationrs utility lines, such increase, if any due to the proxirnity of the permanent structure to the utility 1ines. 5. This Property Owner,for the benefit until such time Agreement shall bind the successors and assigns of the and shall be appurtenant to and deerned to run with and of the aforenentioned property in Eagle County, colorado that the Association abandons said easement. Ttris A 8 YI 91 578167 8-682 P-160 lI/30/95 02:25P PG 1 oF 4 Sara J. Fisher Eagle County Clerk & Recorder REC 21.00 DOC greement shall be recorded against laws of the State of Colorado. IN WITNESS WHEREoF the parties be executed as of the day and year said property in accordance with the hereto have first above ent to -, owNlR: Yult \4 ASSOCIATION: STATE OF COI,ORADO COUNTY OF EAGI,E ss. HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. ledge^d lefoq -a or o o) The forecroincr instrunent was ackn or AuGu5{ ' i tggs uy C}ran0ox Witness my hand and official sea1. My commission expires on: lrtly Ccnnissicn Expires6/10/98 Kent Benham, General Manager 57 8167 B-682 p-160 It/30/gS OZ:2ip pG 2 oF4 STATE OF COLORADO couNTY oF Effi ead;ut/ss. of d Tle foregoing instrument was acknowledged before rne this "?O -day 1995 by Kent Benham of the Holy Cross Electric Association. Witness ny hand and official seal' My cornnission expires on: 4-4-lZ A x v gr { General' Manaser 578167 8-682 P-160 II/30/95 02:25p pG 3 oF4 a EXF{ftslT o'k', 578167 B-682 P- 160 1l/30/95 02:25p pG I oF{ H o tr F f<r 'tzo :i. o =, tr f Ehq fitrd YN r.,, | _:t ZE;S= Fd.!s8 O'rj--Ll Fr- J Fd =9SPS i$s !-< 5E e :r(XE Eatq t?i ,i ie^E i!1i t;3e s:ti o I r. @ F 9 H le;I fiiE * lirt p t:;5 ;, gill i[ Ii:ii ff ll:EI f; i:;;! EE Ig;;:gr *$ei:i H Fl sgir I z t o \rf)ro I lrJ (o b z 3 I \{-\.- I ii w - I 15.00 DRIVE (so, R.c.tv.) rE 5T E6 qi6 z g f,I f, I I I 5 5 t t. P,5 6.8 i lls ;+$ :ai lsI :;3 !t:rg!t!'!i':!9; II:i::;ii i!: 5lF r29.78 :.!t ilii i; slii;i ilfi :{ Eili!is g;lii iE iidiiiii s EaJ6'19" s ooolsJ E_l ci z (,z =tr td {<f p5 <=rs VALLF/ :\- \ A AE VAIL ot ()-{q 1.. Ct Itl EJ o q a I = 'o :- ol P)F ( ol al N + I trj bl 9l o tal a l-r) ao Al o ll l3 lt ;ll - b ll a)i Y ';c -N.g: A qI* ll ioe ll 6I,c tl '\|o F 9 I In +i Ii __i__,_L_i_'_-:_' I 1!r. 1'--'"'--16 '*1 tn=*l I r IlE0 t tn4r TO\I/N OF VAIL OFi]:]E OF THE TOWN CLERK 75 SO. FRONTAGE ROAD vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 z U { -l F 3 o PETER JAMAR ASSOCIATES, INC. PLANNING . DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS . RESEARCH May L6,I994 MrJim Crunette Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 8165/ RE: EHU Conditional Use Permit Sage/Smith Lot DeiuJim: Enclosed you will find a Conditional Use Permit foraType II EHU on the Sage/Smittr lot (1367 Vail Valley Drive,Irt 5, Block3, Vail Valley lst Filing). As you know, if approved this unit will mtisfy one of the three off-site units required for the Comice Building. Fnclmed submittal material includes: l) Two se'ts of plans of the proposed residence (floor plans, site plan and elevations) 2) List of adjacent property owners 3) Application form 4) Written stat€ment of proposal A title report has been previously submitted as an element of a DRB application. Please call me with any questions you may have. SincereA\ Thomas A. Braun, AICP Suite 204, Vail National Bank Euilding 108 South Frontage Road West . Vall, Colotado 81657 . (3Gl) 47&7154 Conditional Use Appllcation for an EHU Sage/Smith Lot The follorving is a description of the proposed use and a summary of how the proposal complies with applicable review criteria" Description of Proposal The subject parcel currently contains a single family residence. As proposed, this residence will be replaced with a duplex plus an EHU, for a total of three units on the site. The EHU is proposed to satisfy one of the three required off-site units for the Cornice Building. The proposed unit is a Type II EHU and is 300 square feet in size. The unit is located above a single car Sarage. A1 the present time an application for a duplex residence on this site has been submitted to the DRB. Following the approval of this EHU application, an amended application for this EFIU unit will be submitted to the DRB. Compllance with Conditional Use Permit Review Criteria A. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the town. One of the primary development objectives of the Town is to generate employee housing units. This proposal will provide a new perrnanently restricted unit to the Town's rental supply. B. Effect of the use on light and air, distnbution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks, etc. The addition of one 300 square foot rental unit will not adversely impact any of the considerations listed above. C. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, etc. The proposed unit will not have any adverse impact on any of the considerations listed above. D. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be locat€d, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The EHU has been desigred as an extension of the proposed duplex. The EHU adds approximately 300 square feet to the footprint of the building and approximately 28 feet of building height. The scale and bulk of the proposed use is in keeping with surrounding uses. AD.IACENT PROHTRTY OWNERS LIST LOT 5, BLOCK 3, VAIL VILLAGE IST FILING 1367 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE ClaireEvans 34O1 Northside Parkway Atlant& GA 3$n Davi4 Kim and Larry Scheinberg 5 Horizon Road #2503 Fortlee,NJ 07024 Karen B. Barrett 139/ VailValleyDrive Vail, CO 81657 Christine M. Oberlohr 1388 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 H&S Partners Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Wittow 29 Sedgewick Drive Englewood, CO 80110 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 5/ao/e+- cr14'oc-n-'u^rs g-v-f' cr-rr Q t'S THIS ITEII MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on June 13, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit located at 1367 VailValley Drive/Lot 5, Block 3, VailValley 1st Filing. Applicant: David Smith Planner: Jim Curnutte 2. A request for an amendment to a previously approved plan to allow for four duplexes to be constructed at 1894 Lionsridge Loop/Lot 27, Block 2, Lionsridge 3rd Filing; Applicant: SteveGensler/ParkwoodRealty Planner: Andy Knudtsen 3. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit located at 4030 North Frontage Road East, #D/Lot 28, pitkin Creek Mountain Townhomes. fuplicant: Andrew M. Knudtsen Planner: Jim Curnutte 4. A request for a conditional use permit to allow lor a Type ll Employee Housing Unit located at 375 Mill Creek Circle/Lot 17, Block 1, Vait Viilage lst Fiting. Applicant Kenneth S. Brown Planner: George Ruther 5. A request for an amendment to Section 18.57 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, Employee Housing, to allow for common area to be used for employee housing. Applicant: Jay Peterson Planner: Andy Knudtsen 6, Selection of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson for the PEC. 7. A request for an amendment to Section 18.40, Special Development Districts, to eliminate the use of the SDD in the Single Family, Two Family, primary/Secondary, and Hillside Residential zone districts. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Kristan PriE - L Exterior alterations received on or prior to May 23, 1994 deadline are listed below: A request for a height variance and a major exterior alteration to the L'Ostello building located at 705 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 2. Vail/Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Alien, Inc./John Dunn Planner: Randy Stouder 9. A request for amendments to Section 18.57, Employee Housing, to set forth requirements for renting Employee Housing Units and setting forth details in regard . thereto. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Andy Knudtsen 10. An appeal of a staff decision regarding nonconforming structures, demo/rebuilds, setbacks. and the use of the 250 Ordinance. Appellant: Jay Peterson, representing Helen Chatfield Planner: Jim Curnutte 11. A review 0f the parking calculations to be assessed for the Vail Associates expansion at the Lionshead Center Building. Applicant VailAssociates,lnc.Planner: Andy Knudtsen 12. A request for a front setback and wall height variances to allow for additions to an existing Primary/Secondary residence located at 226 Forest Road/Lot 11-A, Block 7, Vail Village 1 st Filing. Applicant: John Krediet Planner: Randy Stouder o PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the following application on June 1, 19!14 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the demolition of an existing single family residence and the construction of a new duplex which includes 250 square feet of additional GRFA at the Smith Residence located at 1367 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 5, Vail Valley 1st Filing. Applicant: David Smith The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on May 13, 1994. ^+1 548671 8-652 Sara J. Fisher l'- p-orfro /r4/s4 o4:2rip pG r "t Eag1e County CLerk & Recorder TYPE II EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT WHEREAS. property ("th€ O\,vnefl described as: 2l ,n DOe REC 10 .00 is the owner ol certain t a ("lhe Properly"); and wHEBEAS, the Orvner wishes to place certain reslriclions on the use of a unit or apartment located on the Property for the benefit of lhe owner and the Town ot Vail, colorado (,lhe Town"). NOW' THEREFORE, the Owner does hereby impose, establish, acknowledge, declare lor tho benelit of all persons who may hereinafler purchase, or lease, or hold the subject land lhe following restrictions, covenanls, and conditions, all ot which shall be deemed to run with the land and inure to the benefit and be bonding upon the oivner, its respective grantees, successors, and assigns. 't.The Emptoyee unit, conlaining 3oO square leel, is hereby restricled as a Typc tl Employee Housing unit (EHU) which musl comply with all the provisions of seclions 18.57.020, 18.57.030, and 18.57.050 ol the Vail Municipat Code as amended. The Type ll Employee Housing unit shall not be leased or rented lor any period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days; and, if it shail be renled, il shail be rented only lo lenants ?la 2. who..'rii:tol! time emplqyee\hg,wgrk in Eagte,Ciuhtfr',,fo.tn.;pgrposes gf this employee ig;one"u)no works an average of a minimum of lhirty (30)paragraph, a full lime hours each week. i.i ." , i ::3. No later than February 1 ol each year, the owner of each employee nousirig uhit within f ng '1. '.', ".Town which is constructed following lhe effective dale of this ordinance sfran.i'ubmit two (2) copies ol a roport of a form to be obtained from the communily oeveopment deparlment, lo lhe Cornmunity development Department of the Town ol Vait and Chairman of the Town ot Vail Houslng Authority setting lorth evidence establishing that each lenant whom resides within their employee housing unil is a full-lime employee in Eagle County. 4- A Type ll EHU may not be sold, transterred, or conveyed separately trom any two lamily dwolling il may bo a part ol..:tl.;: 5.The Type ll EHU shatt not be divided inlo any form of rimeshares, interval ownership, or fraclional lee ownership as lhose lerms are defined in the Municipal code ol the Town ol Vail. .The provisions ol these restrictive covenants.may be enforced by rhe owner and the Town. ' '' t'7' The conditions, restrictions, stipulations, and agreemenls contained herein shall not be waived, abandoned, terminaled, or amended except by lhe written consenl or bolh the Town of Vail and lhe Owner ol the properly. TOWN OF VA|L, a Colorado municipal corporalion ,4 --,By: /q L L/ Kobert W. Iqclaurin,. TOwn Manager i.. -. ". My commission expires: "u <;onniissionExpiresJmetT,tggs 5486?1 B-652 P-634 tO/L4/94 04i26P PG z TOWN OF VAIL OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK 75 SO. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, C0LORADO 81657 instrument was acknowledged before me this 2lljtay of The foregoing Properly owners oF. z o:\\crhgbdrir\chull I .--=\-'., Of;gr Review Action Fth TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Proiecl Description: rtc'(.,, < t - 6.1 ,.(t/ | ' , Il Owner. Address and Phone: Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot - Block Subdivision Zone Dislrict , ..irr',i ,- *' Project Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: E Approval D Disapproval ! StatfApproval Conditions: :'(, DRB Fee Pre-paid a o SF R, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS ZONE CHECK FOR DATE: 6{rs{q4 LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN: LoI 9 Block B riring ADDRESS:;L ARcHrrEcr Dq v ,al t{aSS ( pHoNE 6"9 - Vq66, zoNE Drsrwcr I)oPLQ. Y *0,{t t t-r:lrLY PRoPosED vsn Lrld r,t'vGd** q F..tO **Lor stzs, o,Sza(qc: ei. t9l {-r €il<1 J/ { Hv, Height 5tttot ror,at cnra )669+ "250 +.r+m4_g*L Water Course Site Coverage Landscaping Front Sides Rear Setback Allowed (30) (33) sq t7 Ex istinq p[+, t- 1563 A,i,': 7 '*."'i i6 Total 5f88 u*,{ A f4 l4,tt5 )5i75o Dat.e approved by Town Engineer: \./* X 22) ,16 7 'log I 375 eo tV /t1 ?c> pth 3b - S;(>(9 Does thls requesE involve a 250 Addit.ion? yr? 5 How much of the alrowed 250 Addirion is useffilE-E is request: 3.b Prevlous conditions of approval (check property tit"l , / **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090(B) and tg.13.Og0(B) of the Municipal code, lots zoned Two Famiry and prinary/secondaiy wnich are less than 15r000.s9. ft- in area may not construct, a second dwelring unit.. ?he communit,y Development Deplrtmeng may grant an except,ion t6 ehis restrictiol Provided t.he applicant meets the criteria set forth under secLions 18.12.090 (B) and 18.13 .090 (B) of r,he llunic:.par coae inciuailg permanently restricting. the unit as, a.Iong-Lerm rent.ll unit for full_time employees of the 0pper Eagle Valley. ,g 425 425 Jf-,(A s...rffi'nF Setbacks 201 15' 15' (30) (s0) Llag I l5.aw Retaining Wal1. Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor EncroachmenE, : Environmental,/Hazards : No Flood Plain Percent Slope Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow 4) Wetlands {t' .$ae Yes 1) 2',, 3) e)' ,{,f a {"'€"*{io o$ .-/t I I f ,J I t f n Vt l'f v u ,*- addtTt$ A owNER 4.e 0i ?t €i-., , *A pHoNE 4 rG - S */e 3'/6r fi.)lA 7 neqra &s** (300) (600) (eoo) (L?oo;ffi{|" lo,+ qL ts ,sP t t].i!.'. , ". '"i.,. t.^^'\l-r.r, \yr ...1^ t''.. "tl tr rr :rir'viecd L0l5l92 O nrc'o ttAy r 6 tegt Date of Application nAr.\ \Q Date of PEC Meet-in9 -3s1:g11- APPLICATION FOR CONDIEIONAL ITSE PERMII T This procedure is required conditionaf use permit. The application wiII not be submitted. A. NA}IIE OF APPLICAIiIT DAN,TO ADDRESS for any project required to obtaln a accepted until all information is PHONFIVIGeooz-- B. c. owNER (S' STGTTATLRE (S) ADDRESS LOCAT]ON ADDRESS : LOT_I_BLOCKI_FrLrNG rJrl\tJ*\[,,r !'{ BY OF rlG D. FEE $2oo.oo PArD NIA THE FEE !E!9.:! BE PArD BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAI. F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETST and a list of names and mailing AddTesses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT O$INERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. II. PRE_APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A pre-application conference with a planning staff menber is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application wiII be accepted unless it complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about addilional submittal requirernents. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPIATE APPLTCATION WILL STREA}4LINE THE APPROVA], PROCESS FOR YOUR PRO.'ECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAI COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. 4&I. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI, MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFOP€ A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. Four (4) copies of the following information must be submitted: 1. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and its operating characteristics and measures proposed to make the use compatible with other properties in the vicinity. The description must aLso address: a. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. a. 'tuecTTddE oql dq pTed eq TTerIs uoTlecTTqnd-er qcns rof eal arrtua eq1 ,uaql ,peqsllqnd-ar eq o rel1eu aq1 bulsnec ,6u1reeq rog pauodlsod s1 :a11eu Iue ,lsanbar srlueclldde aql 1e l1f 'eal uoTteclldde er{l Jo tgg Jo ssaaxe uT are qcTq& saaJ 6u1qs11qnd ,{ue 6u1Ied .ro3 eTqTsuodsar aq TTer{s 1uec11dde aq6 'c1e ,?0? sraaul6ug Jo sdro3 Iuxv ,slTured ssaccg r{earq61g Jo 1uaur1:edaq opprofo3 :o1 pelTutTT lou ere lnq ,apnTcuT Ieu ,nalaar rlons Jo safdrlexg '00'0025 Iq pasea:3uT aq TTer{s aal uoTleclldde er{? ,TTeA Jo ur,ro1 aq1 upql reqlo Icua6B Tpf,epag xo alelg ,1eco1 Iue Aq rnaTaer e1e:edes e sa:1nbar uoT?EcTldde sgql gl1 ':eai[ auo uTq?Tm peoueuuoc lou sT palue:6 s1 leao:dde aq1 r{aTr{aa roJ asn eq? 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Address and Phone:( .t C- ,, ' , ( t" (':. 't-,. / (. \' Z Subdivision Zone District ; ..!. /,i * .X -------- ,:--_Board / Staff Action Motion by:,/),, .i,t t+ t'A Seconded by: E Approval D Disapproval fl Statf Approval Conditions: DRB Fee Pre-paid '"|' -! of;gr Review Action Fnn TOWN OF VAIL Calegory Number Building Name: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecvGontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , glock Subdivision. ,( |,',((-*r/ '7 ZoneDistrict,^/)(-X Project Street Address: Comments: <--Eoard / Statt Action Motion by: Seconded by:,i,Le,L.[,,,(. -l L E Approval ! Disapproval ! Statf Approval Conditions: DRB Fee Pre-paid