HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 1 BLOCK 3 LOT 14 LEGAL.pdfDesign Review Action tr'orm TOWN OF'VAIL Project Name: Wiley Residence PRJ99-0202 Project Description: Revisions to garage doors Owner, Address, and Phone:Wiley X'amily Limited Partnership 5609 Windmier Circle Dallas. TX 75252 972-931-8228 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Gordon Pierce, The Resort Design Collaborative 505 Sansome Street 17fr Floor San X'rancisco, CA 94111 3A3-623-2262 Project Street Address: 1538 Spring Hill Lane Legal Description: Lot 1.4, Block 3, Vail Valley ld Parcel Number: 210109101005 Comments: Building Name: Board/Staff Action Action:Staff approved Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 4n0100 Project Name: Wiley Residence VAIIDATA\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVALS\ IDRBAPPR DRB Fee Paid: $200 R€sort lles i gn 3ct3-449-39€l€i lrrletzaso oTrss rtre Pr 03 RG IIE v17 [1 rr,L tilt Pil" 2taffi +\-tr Doq9. t0.$1 As.It rlrt- tf,dt ffirP5. Aeftt{}r{td of* fit4tbo. FnX $ulTttrl o/Oz Sder- tsn hPr,r*t "^ncwfiClt rt ,'|t|l,tE, lr02 Cartilbt [d. fuiVl'-nlutlfrl I 6l,trs* hrg* | 5r$s,rdflK l lgo Resort Des ign sAll4lz66t 07:53 g{Et-r+4st--FE; NDM @4lLzrg\ etsr €Eh P.@2 2 FtrE A2 I Ir \0 gr k l^po.ab i44^Pk'l.940+6tdA Edit'D,lLgt&t8r' tt02 Cerllht Rd. saniafu,i&,l0Fl tlff" otdire,. Fnlsc G*dt€. Rhf[oqd Itl 1-O C'rut.t tblP-t ItZ s^r,ft) ?.1 vplG. e 59bd RT 0c l'N February 28,20fi) Allism Ochs Planning Uepamem TownofVail Vail, CO t1657 970.479.2369 Dear Altisoq Enclosed are plans and ele\ations for the Wiley Resideace, located at l53t Spring tlill lare, [.d 14, Block 3. Per or clied's roquest we have made sercral minor changes to tbe window sizcs and the rear dock at the naster bedroqn. We want to keep you aware of these changes and barrc eirclosed dnwings for your rsvie$/. Please call ifyor have any questions. Thank yor very much. Sinoeroly, t,,, n IATES TTIONAL RIS0 ASS l!rtr ?^ffi,W Suzeile Gonzales R€sod Design Associates PO Box 6425 Vail, CO 8165t 970.47?.1158 pbme sgmzales@rcsortfu ign-cm DE G E I u Elil lll rrs 2 e 2ooo l[J DEPARTMEIVT OF COMMUNITY PMEIi[T TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT PROiIECT TITLE: WILEY NEW SFR W/EHU NEW (SFR,P/S,DI]P) PERMIT PETMiT o DEVELO l.-+ Vh "','r"tr'fi TOWN OF VAII-, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 NOTE:AI-,L TTMES #:899-O202 .JOb AddTCSS: 1538 SPRING HILI,.location...: l-538 SPRING HILL fice:- No.. : 21ol--091-01-oo5 Project No. : PRJ99-0202 LrN IJN APPTICAIiTT CONTRAETOR OWNER DescripLion:NEW SFR Occupancy Dwellings Dwelli.ngs Privat,e Garages Building-----> Plan chcck- --> Inve6tigatlon> wi l,l call----> RZEPIC'JEWSKI & COMPANY, LLC P.O. BOX 4659, AVON, CO 81620 RZEPICiIEWSKI & COMPANY, LLC P.O. BOX 4659, AVON, CO 81520 WILEY E"ARY & DORIS 5509 WINDMIER CIRCLE, DAI1AS, TX 75252 Table Dater 05/L7/L996 Fireplaco hfotrEtion; Re6tlicted: YEs 3,775 L,352 882 6, 009 toeal Calculated Foes---> AddiEional Faes---------> Totsal Permit Fe€---_ _--> Pa)rE€nts- - - - - - - BAI.ANCE DUE--- - WITII EHU Tnle Zone 3 V-N Zone 3 V-N Basement Zone 3 V-N Masonrv Number of Dwelling Factor Sq. Feet. Unit,s: 002 Valuation 523,026.25 40, 581_ _ 68 35 ,685 .72 599,393-65 599, 393 .55 2,180,000.000 *Of wood/Pa1lets: 138 - 55 30.09 40.45 Subtotal: TotaL ValuaEion: Town of vail Adlusted ValuaEion: *of cas Appliances: 3 *of 6aE Logs: I 7,88O -o0 Restuarant PIan Revies--> .00 Recreaiion Fee-_------_-> 3 .00 Clean-UP DcPoait - - - - - - - - > - 00 s00 . oo ?6S.4s 1, OO0 . OO . o0 t5 t 213 .45 .00 rtsEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARIMEIiIT o8/02/L999 KATITY Action: NorE 08/02/L999 KATI{Y Action: NOTE 0e/L9/]-999 CHARLIE Action: APPR IEem: 05400 PLANNING DEPART!'IEIflf 08/02/L999 KATHY Action: NOTE o8/L2/L999 AOC]IS Action: APPR Item: 05600 FfRE DEPARTMEIiIT 08/O2/L999 KATIIY Action: APPR Item: 05500 PIIBI-,IC WoRKs o8/o2/L999 KATTTY Accion: NOTE o8/02/L999 KATITY Action: NOTE 08/23/]-999 LSANDOVA Act,ion: APPR IICM: 05550 ENGINEERING 0e/02/t999 KATIIY AcEion: APPR DepL: BUILDING Divisj.on: ROI]TED TO CHARTIE ROUTED SOILS REP.TO CD see corrections reporE Dept: PLANNING Division: ROUTED TO ALLISON approved DePt: FIRE N/A DePt: PIIB WORK ROUTED TO PW/ENGINEERING ROIITED IIIIL LOC'S APPROVED DePt: ENGINEER SEE PI]BI.,IC WORKS Division: Division: Division: TOV/Comm. Dev. CIean-up Deposit Refund approved arnount date *r*rr**rr*r**.r alr*rrriarrr* FEE SUMUARY *rr**rr***+*i+rr*rr*r*r*rrar**+i'r*t**iirt****trr**'rlrtttitt TOTA], FEES------ status...: ISSUED Applied. .: 08/02/L999 Issued. . .: Q8/25/L999 Ercpi.res , .; 02/2L/2000 Phone: 970-748-9022 Phone : 970-748-9022 Phonez 972-93L-8228 rrltttrtt*t**rrrJr\ittiAttt**r****ir****r*J!rrr**rr11*r*J*rrr**tf*t*t**r******i*rtrl*******{t**t**trAi*}**r*rr*i*rtttttt*i't*t*rr*trr+ see Page 2 of t,his o"t", f or any conditions ,.tJlnay apply to this pernrit. DECI,ARATTONS I hereby acknosledg. that. I have read thiB application, filled out in rfull the information required, completed an accurate ploc plan, arld stsate bhac all thc infornation provided a€ lcquired iB correct. I agre6 tso cohply with tshe inforaabion and plot plan, Co coEply wiCh a1l Town ordlnances and sCaEe La$6, and fo build this strucgure accordinE to the Town,s zoning and subdiwiaion codea, deei.gn reviei approvod, Uniforn Building cod€ and olher oldinanceB of Eh€ Tot.n 45rp1icabJ.e tsh€reto. REQI'EgTS FOR INSPECTIO}TS SHAI,II BB MADE TIdENTY-FOTJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY 6end clean-Up DepoEib To: RZEPICJEWSKI & COI'PANI Permit Tlpe: NEW (SFR,P/S,DIrp) PERMTT Applicant: RZEPIGJEWSKI & COMpANy, L,LC JOb AddTESS: 1538 SPRING HILL LN LOCATiON: 1538 SPRING HILL LN Parcel No: 2101-091-01-005 FRoM g:0o AI.l 5:0O PM oR CONTRACToR FoR HIMSELF AI.ID OVll{ER AppJ.ied: 0e/02/]-999 rssued: oB/25/1-999 PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 899-0202 as of 08/25/99 SLatus: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1.. THIS PRO'JECT WIIJL REOUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SI]RVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQI]EST FOR A FRAME INSPEMION. 2 . ATTIC SPACES SIALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGIfT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASI'RED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUEII'RAI MEIVIBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE I]NDERSIDE OF TTIE STRUCTTJRAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTI.,,Y ABOVE, 3. This building is reguired to be ful1y sprinkled(fire suppr.) This suppresslon sysLem must be perwnitted, approved and rough inspect.ion Eo occur prior to a framing inspecEion r r r *rtr r r. r r*.rtt.rrtar,aitrtir* StsaflnnC IOWN OP VIIIJ, COIJOR'DO *rrtrlr*r+**rrr lrr tttrl* t t r r, *r ggatctn! Nurber r REC-0552 Adount: L5,O73.45 Oe/25/99 L3rSL P-ldr.nE M.thod: CK Nogaii,onr 2o79/RTEPICI'EWSK Inil: JN Pfruit No: R99-o2o2 T)F.i B-BIttlD NEw (sFR,P/s,DuP) PE Parcel, No3 2101-091-01-005 sit. AddtcEE ! 153a SPnING HrLIJ LN tocrcionr 1538 SFRING HIIJIJ LN Ioctl FeeE I Thi€ Ptl|B!r!t' 15,073.45 Tocal .llJt Puta: BtIanc€ | LE ,273 - 45 ts | 273 .45 .00 . rrrr rr*t raart+rta a ** r *r rr** rrrarrrrr **r r l i ta*aJltt tr *.rr+rr*+ t t ttt AccounL Cod.Dcreripgion lP 00100003111100 BUILDI]|G PERJ,IIT FBAS DR OO1OOOO3112IOO DBSIG NEUIEfi FBBS PF 00100003112300 PLAII CHBCK FEE8 AD D2_DBPO8 AnounE 7,880.00 300.00 5 | L22.OO 1,0oo.oo 75a.45 3.00 CI.EI}IUP DEPOSITS RF 111OOOO3U27OO RECRBtrTION FEES wc 0010000311rs00 !'lrL! cl,LL x.NsDEcrroN FEE JUL-21-99 09' 39 FROH ' ToV-COM-DEV-DEPT ' rovvN or veloNsrRucrloN PERMff {rcArloN PAGE I/ I7 FORM ,,8\lD t97O4?92432 PEScR- O?e Merng{ Cotrtdd ffie Ea$e ConnfyAssessors Qll@ at 970'32&8e40 for WI # Bqq{2.0a' Job AddrcsE PlsEbing( )EIesE€I( )tvtechadcal ( )Otber ( ) f*earPescrifion 116 l'l Bhc& 3- O*crstir.": Gaf-g /, )ltx.l Afthess: - Urru-<:' -r-tt., PhoI€#1?-Zdl3J-*.6 arc'irect fissop. \>sre.4 CoJf .* ,'**t 'o*.'Foo**t Pp' VAtL'Co'A, /et ;G>o\ 4ZA- 4t/33 B NnurberofDwellingblils' I PEs>, I E4U Nunb<r ald }"c of Firtplae: Gas earfliauccs ELECTRICALI $ Nunbcr of Accmnodation Ugits:-- BUILDING: s-4!-fu.w>- PLUMBING S__UtO--V.U.llgSlsS-- CEsLoCs- W@d/Pellet- OTHER: TOTAL S a\ Geuerd Contrsctor K-zq'tatec)sq 4 6 Addrcss: TownofvailRcgisrnri *. //9- Elc.rrical CoEinctor: TovnofvailRcgisraionNo. Z5O-E PF-rbine Codrrc{on a- Merhrnicel Cortnctor W Addrcss: Towa of Vail Rcgi*radon No.Phone # E=(A., b-f I irq Corr-ta,ac-oe-: Louor's Raf oe TePr+ .* l1l'r FOROFFICLUSE BUILDING: Subdivisiou Descipti@ofJob: (r. WortCbss: ll* (Xl Altemticn ( )Addtiooal( )R€Dair( )qhcr( VALUATIOttIS MECHANICAL SIS-Jb]Jm-hl5- CONTRACT]OR INFORMANON Pbooc # -ol CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: - ol Date Receivet AUG 2 5 1999 August 3, 1999 Mr. GaryWiley C/O Rzepiejewski & Company, Inc. P.O. Box 4659 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Report of Findings - Asbestos Survey 1538 Spring Hill Lane Vail, Colorado Project No. 99071I Dear Mr.Wiley: D&D Environmental Consulting Inc. (D&D) is pleased to provide the results of the asbestos survey conducted at 1538 Spring Hill Lane, Vail, Colorado. The asbestos survey was conducted by D&D representatives on July 21, I 999. T]NDERSTAI{DING Otr THE SITUATION D&D undentands you were seeking a professional environmental consulting company to conduct an asbestos survey ofa residential structure located at 1538 Spdng Hill Lane in Vail, Colorado. In addition, D&D understood that the asbestos survey w.ts conducted to identi$ asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM) in support of demolition activities that will be performed on the structure. SCOPEOFWORK The work scope consisted ofcollection of l4 and analysis of 12 bulk samples of suspect interior and exterior ACBM to determine if these materials will impact the planned demolition activities. Based on the results of the sampling, one each of the three bulk samples ofjoint compound and drywall wer€ r€ported as containing greater than one p€,rcent asbestos after compositing the sample and were thetefore submitted for further analysis via the point-count method. AI\TALYTICAL PROCEIIT]RES The 14 bulk samples were delivened to Reservoirs Environmental Services, Inc. (REl) a National Voluntary Laboratory Accredited Program (NVLAP) asbestos laboratory located in the flenver, Colorado for analysis. According to the analytical laboratory, the samples were analyzed in accordance with EPA Method 6001TvI4- 82-020 and EPA Method 600/R-93/l 16. Small portions of the sample were placed in Series: E HiCh Dispersion Refractive Index Liquid on a microscope slide. The prepared sample was the,n observed at l00X (power) under polarized light using a McCrone Dispersion Staining Objective. The characteristics of the fibers were compared to the known properties of asb€stos fibers for dispersion color, polarity, extinction and general morpholory. Sample content (given by percentage) was made by visual estimates by comparison of asbestos fibers to total materials. 7UN) South Brutdtr\tr, S itc 2D Li lek,n , Colorudo 80 I 22 Phone: J03-7J0-7E77 Fox: 3O3-730-7887 Mr, Gory Wiley Axgnst 3, 1999 Page ? The US Environmontal Protection Agency (EPA) defines a building material as asbestos-aontaining if the amount of asbestos detected is greater than one percent. Both the EPA and the State of Colorado consider these materials as asbestos-oontaining until another analytical method such as Point Count is used for confirmation of the visual estfunation method results (polarized light miuoscopy). In addition, EPA under the National Emisslons Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, Asbestos, (NESHAP) 40 CFR Part 61, states that: building materials reported as containing l0 percent or less asbestos by a visual estimation method should be point counted to determine the actual percent asbestos present. The State of Colorado has determined that in a demolition situation, the separate layers ofjoint compound and drywall samples rnay becomposited together. Even though one laya ofthe sample may exhibit asbestos concentrations greater than one percent, whenoomposited with the rest ofthe sample as a whole, the asbestos percentage may be less than one percent for the composite sample. Therefore, two of the bulk samples were resubmitted to Reservoirs Environmental Services, Inc., for point count rush analysis to determine the actual percentage of asbestos in the joint compound and drywall. The results ofthe point count analysis were reported at 3.25 and 2.0 percent respectively. When the asbestos percent of the layer is multiplied by what the pocentage the layer is of the whole sample this results in the calculated perceNrtage of asbestos in the whole sample. The percent asbestos within the joint compound equates to 0.975 percent and the drywall equates to 0.60 percent and neither material are therefore considered a regulated material. RESI]LTS Based on the site visit and the demolition plans, suspect bulk samples were collected of interior floor fill, drywall, joint cornpound and exterior stucco. Samples werc not collected of the asphaltic roofing shingles as they can remain in place if in good condition during conventional demolition. Of the 14 bulk samples cnllected of suspect materials and submitted fot asbestos content analysis, the three stucco samples were reported as none detected, the three floor fill samples were reported as containing a trace of asbestos, one sample each of the joint compound and drywall when composited with the rest of the sample yielded an asbestos concentration above one percent. As a result ofthe point count method, the joint compound and drywall samples were reported as less than one percent and are therefore not considered asbestos-containing building matenials. The analytical results are attached. CLOSINGCOMMENTS D&D appreciates the opportunity to assist you with the asbestos suwey and please let us know if there is anything additional that we can do. We look forward to working with you on future projects. If you have any questions regardingthis report offindings, please do nothesitateto call us at (303)730-7877. Sincerely, D&D ENVIRONMENTAL CONSI.JLTING, INC. fbl^t e lfu,r//d/a4 Robert T. Hawbaker Project Manager attachment C:UougWports 99071 I Wilcy Residmce .27 1 4-.41 DavidA. Schmitz '4 Director of Operations t-,o o ANALYTICAL RESULTS a gg a g) 1r, 1o v 9|l,g (oloc, u, loo o) o) o) o o o o,-- di ot-- 6 J s .F I EA in F LZ t:>au) oo =o >(o ll tl .i() ta E o c F .J o 9E cl- CD II cE rf ,^F ;6 5F o o o o ) tl tP J.!t)a J,' u, UJ l! o)$*oF 9V I 9P: OQ ll tl zt- OFIgIE F<J() qG p93o-',.., tt iIflr<-cc fi$,r='- {E o - < "e \-, 2 ()uJJJ o G F G F o o o c{ ooooooooooooo tr tr o o ooo ooo ooo FF &. tr o o ooo ooo ooo FF O O O O Qc'c) c}Oc| OOO OOOOOlotoO()lt)O|t)ro o o o o ooo ooc\t ooE F ri O to OOro OOO OOro O OrF Oe Or- !g ; q- :-= h :Q tl, z uI trE 6H o vtJ P;th Ll,l0 o F F F '\9 rn-+oo zz |lroo zz g o t, o {, o o a U $oo zz s 1^ (J xEi# E H $ 3F F F F 6! .F \ E *s.s EF E-O,r o o- o(,) =O .Ee g'E t3 o ooo ooo ooo sl (\l (O $l 6t(o F C\l F <d!(J <oc, <a0o ooooo ooo(r'F .= EE-cE -883.E €Es €E s €Es I tt !!r '-9o -2o -2o 9l r 66 o=j {ri j cr: j E E E E R S} EEg E;9 E;g la tt aa = = ia ct 6 ni o. F :: o.* i- o.- F A'F it lo E lo E Pr ii .g5e .9ig Ei.g - c c E 'E.= FE =5i E6= EoE f f P = =3 22 =5= ;5= =E= E z orb E5 az \f rt (r, N rir u,l o ]o E 3 O r- Gl (r) to tJ) t<) to ;5 5 5 N (\,I C{ N tt st rf lrJ IJJ lll u.l F9 E I TT = I *+ * J =; = : @FOO'\tsftrt 5856 (\(\N(\I tstrtr+ EEEE 588E [*rq 55gg t ,., =,9 E E-S co g FT s gE Er iaO E>fra ES EE :o t Ee o6 EE oo ?'=, CF *6 !o <ro e sE = ur La . 5 DE o 5 eU-uJ = x;o o '-t ' - EE E - z< llJ € trl (ag 1 jr y S> E FE A zE o UTF L =i E E =Fu <-l i d E* u eg E =E f "Ea*E fri 2;db58E ur r-.=-JE g= H EEisi#r 6z q EEHiFg -- vt fiF oa H bz !z o 6B ..o = I &..L E ii3t.. = o= >E -: Z .F=F € rrr O .5=t,= = 8=!dg.E i nlE fiE g F E()(JO<F .^ tt 2P I^iT>R t! o.- oo zo o o -(o roo (o|r)0 oAo o co o) @ o-o .9 o -q ;>a. v>irr [+ LZ F)F 5tt o .'- o |/ro =9 5i ll tl +o }H o .t E o op qF Erl [< 'E JF tl -r9 JG oE tll |! ,9 o)t* -q, v g ,.r;;;28. ll I orE ZF oFIUJC F<J(J 38=o-,-ll iIfl-<-a fi$,r=.- {.Q o - <,, erJ 2 ourJJ ooooooooo o oo ooo o o o ooooooooo o oo ooo o o o o ro ro oro|o o o o o oo oocr o o o F o o|r, oorf, t E E oF o)e F F F (!! .dFs >.=9 ttl 2 ltl 6g o OJ PA g, UJ @ 6 -rioo \ioo o o o Nzzzzzzz *g 'Pt 6E 6 -t e cr'\ €o: o E 'x .6 €'-.8 =F ts O,* o o- ocD 8.9 lA .->6 .L gt Lo o >o ooo ooo o oo ro o ct)(', G, st e c\l lr d)o <loo o|l)c) .E.s33;GO o.o33; i Er =rr g E E i ==. E=ii 3 3 3 E 3i E3i ! € E fr EF 8EF F F F o. cL* F (', ot E)e !e eSs e- e*, s-; E; =e= ;s ;E ;'E ei r5 -s I ?Y= QOZ r\@CD tt, r<) r<) (Y) (Y' (Y)c{ c1 c.l st+* =ul uJ uJ (1 ('rt Fl-**+utqq alr+e 333 (o ro c-,1 v IJJ *o c 3 rO (') c''l $ uJ i 3 d (\t g€E FS : t8 F fie I! H'E ;F rF r- u, .9 Ta FS 3E :FO Ec o6 EE oo 6E ="A o=st- a6 r. .i s f;E = uJ st -c! r/,: = !E I e !f fr. e z< (')E =il E Fb a zE o UI: TL =i E H * *l*-EguE 3e2 r f l;i5f, HE .-= V J!a: =T E (L E IJEE.. = dr= >!, -: 1 'F =F C : E,,i,F aH (Il - - a4; F cC(J()O<F DEMOLITION NOTIFICATION -- Colorado Thie fonn rquircc 2 dgnrturcs url r $55 foo. lncomplclo rpplicrtionr will bo rolurno.l. Quoslionr? Plcrsc oll 692-t179. Date Receive, Spccil of rnatcrink Dnuouttox CoHrrucrorr : c.ontlruction bui tn and Butt.DrNo Ownurr: Dul'tot-r'non Srta: Currl'ilrt [D Asuun'os lr.rsrrucroR: v uscd in thc conslruction of tlrc buildirrg/strucluro, and anlount, in tons: conctclc:bricl:rtcol:woodr othcr: Conprn; Nrnr .. 'l /r . I W,le{ .Re.\;de^ce Euilding Nln* (if rpli(rbl.) Yat ttuilt Strtrl Cilt Itom Zlp Cdd. il ilz+ -. fqqle -.City t1wat1 lip Gutc Strtt drtc; Conplclion drtai --Pnlrtxd dcnnlhion run rnd tontpktbn drtrr Nanrc Zb Cad. 5=qt-?,/_-?-as-7 5' ,l " .^ Color.de Ca,tifir.f. , Erpinrion Drrc rrll-lt I t 9-it7b ttTl . -/ar taf ____r.rrortr D.h(rl oa lmf.ction Nlnr {?ku fltA, N.{a: titrahr(r ir rrgitcd rt boatorrr ol rir trlnu..t I ucrti[y tlHt I possesr currcrrt AHERA rnrl strteof CrrtorarJo ccrtificatiorr u err Astreslos 0uilrling tntPector. :::j:111 *,-11* j:,lpcctqj 0rs builrllns rote rlcnrutishrd. es risqt in rta Denrotirion sire btock, abuvc,;ffi;;ilffi;i nf,ri.r. tui rr,l sign in pen): no rrt Grtor crlru rny*'lrcrc in rhr huiLtin3 Arbcrrtr lluilrtilg Lrtp{ctol rigturutc: ful Mo*hn 4 llrc nnlt AClrl lcll irr tfts truilrlirrX il VAT rnd/or trr-inrprcgnrtuJ nnl-urg {clr 1!!-1!l!:]Ia!_9,*ltr* t*uu *,urrplclcly rcrrxrvd (ronr rhh huitrtin; Cl [uildilg Or+,rcr ur u Collrrclor Eipnrtutcl Drlc: I tcrtily thlt rll rslriscnr r lrrrnr rir sonr tionlngltsldgcntlon rlrylllrtr rlvr, rrr,cn fruFrl, rc.ovcrcrl in rt<rrrhncc wi{h AeCC Rcaulrthn Na. ll (l:qr intorrrrrlion on CFC rcquirsnrcntr crll 69?.!t?.) IL/ 27 /O0 NWCCoG 4-. u @oo1 MIT APPLICATION Legd Descn Owner: llailing Address: Phooe #: Elevrtor Contractor: lvlailing Address: Phone #: Class of Work:E New Installation Work: t hercby certip that I hcve read and €x,irnined this applicdion and knorc the samc to be tuc ard concct' AII provisions of larvs and otdinances govcning this type of sort rvill bc complied rvith whcther specificd hqcin or nor The granting of a perEii docs not prcsuoc to give althority ro dolatc or. canccl dtc provisions of an;r othcr $atc or local larv rcgulating construcdon or thc pcrformante _ of construction. NEW INST.dLLATION F'rES: UI Passcagcr or frcight elcvrtor, cscrhtor, moving walk:) L'p to and including 550.000.00 ofvaluation - $350.09T'i Over $50.000.00 ofraluation - 3350.00 Dlus 516.00 foilJ.J crch S1,000.00 or frrction thereof over 3-50.000.00 () Dumbnrlter ot privste rcsldcncc Gleyator: H L'p to and including 520,000.00 of valuation - 5250.0&L Ovcr 90,000.00 or'valuation - 5250.00 plus 53.00 for eadr S1,000.00 or fr:crion thercof over 520,000.00 MAJOR .{L.TERATION FEES: Fecs for major altcrarions shall be as sct forth in Table 3--{, of the Uniform Administarivc Codc or Tablc No. l-A of the Uniform Building Code. v.\Lu^rlol. a)tw)Sigmturc of owner Totd Fee Date Paid Receipt # Proccssed by:Approved by: Elevrtor plon review rnd lleld inspecllons lvill be conducted by the liorthrvest Colorrdo Councll of Govertrmcnts. Ptam wlll be forwrrded to NWCCOG for rcvicw and approval. Schedule inspcctions by contacting the NWCCOG Elevator Inspector at (970) 168{1295 x 108. Please mlke checlis peyable to Nwccoc. (Dare) t( 4* NOTICE Signarurcofco nctov or autho TOWN OF VAIL ffi; _- [)CT I 4 19gg Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970"479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 I\OTIFICATIOI{ OF APPROVED PERMIT STATUS UAAilOT ELECTRIC Contractor: Address:P.O. BOX 45tl co 81620 Date Permit was applied for : Balancc due: $256.00 Plan Cherk fee: Permit#: E99{135 *o- 8l2le9 Job address: 1538 SPRING EILL LAIIE I:ANY f, NNNTS ITTT Fg Job descTiption: ELECTRIC FOR NEW SINGILE FAI{ILY RESINEI|ICE ITITf, EEU OUR SYSTEM SHOWS THE STATUS ON THIS PERMIT TO BE OUTSTANDTNG. TT WAS APPLIED X'O& BUT HAS NOT BEEN PAID T'OR NOR SIGNED FOR THE CODE ON EXPIRED PT.RMITS REQUIRES US TO COLLECT THE PLAN CHECK F'EE IX'APPLICABLE. THIS WILL AFFECT THE ISSUANCE OF PIRMITS THAT YOU APPLY FOR IN TIIE TUTUNE. IF'YOU HAVI DONE THE WORK WITHOUT THIS PERMIT WE ARE RIQUTRII) TO CIIARGE A DOUBLE FEE. WE AR.E ,A,LSO PLACING A LOCK ON YOUR CONTRACTOR LICENSE WHICH WILL PRf,VENT YOU T'ROM GETTING .{NO'TIIER PERMIT UNTIL TTIIS IS RESOLVED. Plclse cnll .179-2139 or come into our office al your carliest conveliencc to let us know how you "N:i/'#;";;fr*ly frh,t of lilntntl tilrbr jiz lt Na h;liitr/eanN*/ a^*tu#/ agd -E {grr**ruo TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 APPL,ICAI\ff CONTRA TOR OI'INER DEPARTIIENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVEI.OPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON !'OBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 899-0135 iIOb AddrCSS: 1538 SPRTNG HILL LN LOCAI.iON...: 1538 SPRING HILL IrANE Parcel No.. : 2101-091-01-005 Project No. : PR*T99-0202 MARMOT EI.,ECTRIC P.O. BOX 45LL, AVON, CO 81620 MARMOT ELE TRIC P.O. BOX 4511_, AVON, CO 81620 WILEY GARY & DORIS 5609 WINDMIER CIRCLE, Dallas, TX 75252 Statsus...: APPROVED Applied. . : AB /02 /1,999 Issued...: 08/L9/L999 E>qpires. . : 02/L5/2000 Phone: 970-926-0990 Phone: 970-926-0990 Phone z 9'72-93L-8228 Description: ELECTRIC FOR NEW SFT W/EHU Valuation: FEE ST'Ti{MA.RY 00 Electrical---> DRB F.t Inv6s!igation> WiLl Ca11--- -> TOTAI, FEES.. - > TolaL Calculated gee6- - - > AddiEional Fee6---------> ToCal PertliE Fee--------> Pa)men!6 - - - - - - - - BAIANCE DUE.. - -. .00 .oo 3.00 256 . O0 .oo 256.00 .00 ITeM: O6OOO BLECfRICA], DEPARTTT,IENT DepT: BUITDING Division:08/02/L999 KATITY Action: APPR APPROVED pER:KW IleBi .956Q0 FIRE DEPARTTiIEI{:r Depr: FrRE Division:O8/O2/L999 I(ATHY Action: APPR N/A ***r*t****a**** * , I t i, i t * r + * * * * * *****r**tr***rr* CONDIT]ON OF APPROVAL 1.. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *i*rr'rttttttttt *t******t*r**********+JJttitttt}a**t****rarrr**+rr*r****rtrtr*ttttr*******rrrrrr{**t DECI,A,RA"*TIONS I h6!.by acknowl€dge lhat I hav. read thlt application, fi11ed out ln fu1I lhe informatsion required, cornpl.lad an accuratse plot' p1an, and Etatse tshrts aLl the infornation provlded aE lcquircd is correct. I ag!€e to colltr'ly lrj,tsh the infomation and pIoC pIBn, to cotnltly ritsh all Town ordinanceg and.tate lairs, and to build thi6 Ecnrcture according to Ehe Tor.n, s zohLng rnd eubdivieion codea, design t€vlast approv€d, Uniform Buildlng coda and olhar ordinances of bh€ To$n applicBbla thersCo. REQUAETS FOR INSFECTIONS SHAIJIT BA MA.DE TV'EItTC-FOUR HolrRs IN ADVAIICE BY TETJEPHONE t! 479-2L39 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 Afi 5100 PM SIGIn.?URE OF OWNER OR CONTRAC:TOR FOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNER S9/gil2qqg E9:45 "rrur?M[I'R(E t€t{ELL PAGE 82/93 vn il, Colorcdo Dcnvcr, Colorrdo Dillon, Colorrdo Ilngincurs, Ioc. September 5,2000 Resort Dosign Associatcs 1434 Spnrce Stect Boulder, CO 80302 Ath.: Ms. Janc Snyder Re: Wiley Rpsidonce (M&N#4436) Dear Ms. Snyder: The struchual framing of the abovo residence was'ob$erved by Monroe & Ncwoll Engineers, Inc. dudng construction, It is or.r opinion, basod on our limited visual observations, that thc framing of tho rcsidence is corutructed substantially in compliance witlr the intent of the constuction clocurnonts prepated by our ofhco. To the best ofour knowlcdgc, any deficiencics found duriag our observations have boear conected. If you have any questions or commetnts, please call- Very truly yours, MONROE & MWELL ENOINBBRS,INC. {-d \)' Monroe & Newell 70 Benchn:arh ftoad + Suite 204 o P.O. (970) 949-7758 e FnX (970) 949-10J4 c RECDSEP062000 Box 1597 . Avon, Colorado 81620 elaal l: a v()nOmonroe-ne wcll, corn Tr ''t'f +fp rq |}e t'f, ,t lo {t .,t ,h'f I "r$ P a 't, * TOIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAIr_,, co g1_657 970-479-2L38 APPIJICANT COIITRACTOR O$INER Elcctrical---> DRB F.c fnv66t igEtlon> Will CEll----> TOTAI. FEEg..-> iIOb AddrCSS: 1538 SPRING HILL LOCATiON...: 1538 SPRING HILL Parcel No.. ; 2101-091-0L-005 Project, No. : PRiI99-O202 MARMOT ETECTRIC P.O. BOX 45]-]- , AVON, CO 81620 MARMOT EI,ECTRIC SEaLus...: ISSUED Applied- .: LL/LO/L999 Issued. ..: LL/IO/L999 Expires.. r 05/08/2OOO Phonet 970-926-O990 Phone: 970-926-Q990 Phone: 9'72-93L-822e DEPARI!'IENf OF COMMT'NITY DE\IELOPMEIIT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT AIJL TIMES ETEETRICAL PERMTT Permit. #: 899-0240 P.O. BOX 4511, AVON, CO 91520 WIIJBY GARY & DORIS 5609 WINDMIER CIRCI,E, DaIlaB, TX 75252 LN I.l.r Totrl Crlculrtscd Fee6- - - t Addllional F€6s---------> TolaL P€lEit Pae--------> Description: TEMP POIIER *rrrr*'rrrtr**r*r**ii**r*r.r*r'r eEg gIn{MARy Valuatsion: r*****t*ri*rtrrr.*r*rrl***+**rrr 00 .00 . o0 .00 3 .00 53 .00 . oo g3 .00 Pal4rcnta - - -- - - - - BAIrA}ISE DUE---.-.00 *ataa***rtt**tti*tt*rt***.rl*tt*rrrtatttltittt*t*r **rtJ **r r+eii.r*r+*++ttt*r*r**trrrr*rarrtrri+*arrtttttt tttt* ITCM: O6OOO EIJESTRICAL DEPARIIIENT DEPT: BUILDING DiVJ-SiON:LI/LO/L999 KATI{Y ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PER-KW Ir,qm;"05600 FrnE oepARTr"rE$r DepE: FIRE Division:LL/L0/L999 KA.TITY Act.ion: APPR N/A **l*f*******ri* rrtrtirtttttr***ari*****i*rti$r*r***t**f1*i}tjr* * i * 1119 t * t t * t t * ! * * * * * ir * * * t * t * * rl * t * * * COIIDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FrELD TNSPESTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. * rl*ttta*i itttir*.l tt rrrrrttrttttitrlirrftl,tt*trr*tttt*tt***ttttt fttrtttrf trtiirttairtafrttttitttrrltltttfttttttrl*rl*l trftttrat*lttt*l t*l DECLARATIONS I hcr€by .cknotlcdg. th.g I havG r.ad t'hia rppllcrclon, flllcd out ln ful1 th. LnfoEurt.Lon r.qulred, coupleted rn accurrco plot plln, rnd .t!t. lhrC all Ch. infonn.eiolr provid.d i. rcqul!.d 1. cora.ct. I .9re6 Eo coEply wlth Ch. lnfohiation and ploC plan, lo coEpl,y xith.11 Torn ordinrnc.6 rnd .trEG Ier., |'td Co build thi. gtrucgurc aceording to tsho Torn'. ronLng rnd Bubdivl.lon code6, dc.l,gh ravi.l rpprovrd, lrnif,oEu Building codc and olh.r ordLnanced of th6 aorn rpplicrbla tshsrcto. REQT'83T8 FOR INSPBCTION8 ST'AI.L. BE MADE I'!{'IITY-FOUR HOI'RS IN A.DVANCE BY TEIJEPHONE AT 479-213 CE FROl,i s:oo Atl 5:0o 9M <: OF OIINER OR CO$ARAeloR FOR HIUEELP AND ddNER statemnt Number: REC-0587 Amount:s3.00 LLlto/99 08:58 Payment Method: CIIECK Notsation: #3552/MARMOT Init: KMW Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment. Accourtt. Code EP 00100003111400 wc 00100003112800 E99-0240 TlPe: 2101- 091- 01- 005 1538 SPRING HII.,L 1538 SPRING HILL s3 .00 B-ELEC EI.,E TRICAI., PERMIT LN tN Total Fees: ToEal ALLr PmEs: Balance: 53 .00 53.00 .00 **************************************************************** DescriPtion TEMPOR"ARY POWER PERMITS WILL CALL INSPBSfION FEE AmorurE 50.00 3 .00 rowN oF vdoNSrRUcroN pER,r,, ol,cAroN F.RM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BD RUECTED Contact the Eagle Coun$ Assessor$ Office at 970-328-6640 for parcel # Parcel # oate: ,//'lc'slq Permit# h7- q7 -ozo?- JobName: r\furcz !+s,Espce JobAddress: l5'=g SlEu'; 7/r2a (U Plumbing ( )Electrical (X Mechanical ( )Other ( ) l-ot ,/ // Block ?Filing- srbd'ision l/Ail l/4.ep/ S,r9-u,* Address:Phone# Architect:Address: Description of Job: GztF \.,'-ta- Building ( ) Legal Description: Owners Name: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Alteration ( )Additional ( ) Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ PLI,JMBING $ Gas Logs VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Wood,/Pellet OTHER: $ TOTAL $ General Contractor: Town of Vail Regisrration No. Eqft,aU O phone # , Efectricaf Contractori n1//2/,4oT €Ga.?tC ie b" Yr/// ALaJ ac, gzlze: Town of Vail Registration No. A{o g Plumbing Contractor: Address: Phone # Address: Phone #Toun of Vail Reeistration No. Mechanical Contractor: Torvn of Vail Resislration No. Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: TOI^IN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{ITAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 Job Address...:Location......: Parcel- No... - -:ProjecE Number: DEPARII,IEI{:T OF PERMIT MUST MEEIIANICAL NOTE: THIS o COMMUNII"Y DEVETO BE POSTED ON PERMIT PMEMT iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M00-00GG 1538 SPRTNG HILL LN 1.538 SPRING HILL LN 2101-09r_-0r_-005 PR.f99 - 02 02 COIJORADO PLTJMBING SERVIEE, INC. 2335 AIRPORT ROAD, RIFLE CO 81650 COLORADO PLUMBING SERVICE, INC. 2335 AIRPORT ROAD, RIFLE EO 81550 WILEY GARY & DORIS 5609 WTNDMIER CIRCLE, Dallas, TX Status...: ISSIIED Applied. -: 06/22/20oo rssued. - -: O6/22/2OOO hcpires - -: t2/t9/2000 rEE SWMARY APPLICAIVT CONTR,ACTOR OWNER DescripE.ion: MECHANICAI, FOR NEW SFR FireFLace Infonatsion: Re6tslicted: Y '15252 Vafuation: *Of Ga6 Logs: 2 Phone = 970-625-0766 Phone: 970-625-0766 Phone = 972-93L-8228 63, 000 . 00 *of riood/Pal1et:*of ca6 Appliances: RegLuarane PIan Rovi6n- ->Mechanical---> Plan Chqck- - - > Inve6tj.gaeion> will call----> Tot.al Calcuhlad FeeE- - - > AdditionaL Fe6s---------> Total Pefilit Fee'------^> Paynents------- 1,260.0O 315.O0 .00 3.OO .00 1, 578 . 00 1, 578 - 00 .00 1,57a .00 1, S?S .00 TOTAI FEES..---- BAI,A"IICE DUE---. .OO t*rri*iitt***r* r*rr*t|r*t*t***** iir***r**rtarr***r*rt* BUILDING DEPARTIIENI Dept: BUILDING Diwisi-on:CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR SEE CONDITION FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:CIIARLIE ACTiON: A,PPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVA]., FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE.THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR HEAT I.,INES ONLY AT TTIIS TIME 6/22/00 MUST COMPT,ETE PLAN REVTEW SIGIIATURE OF Owr{ER OR CONTRAC:TOR FOR ITIMSELT IND OWNER rtem: 05L00 06 /22 /2000 rtem3 05600 06/22/2OOO 1.2. *************************************************t****************************** DECI.,ARATIONS I hereby acknowledgc EhaB I have r6ed Ehia aplrlicalion, filled out. in full th€ lnforuatlon requircd, conpl€ced an accuratg ploc plan, and stale ghat all Che lnfof,mrCion provided a6 required is corfect. I rErce t'o comply nith Chc inforEaEion and ploC plan, tso co!trrly nith alL Tosn ordinanccs and €tat€ late, and Co buil,d cod6E, dosigtt r6viev apFrowed, unifon BuildinE Cod! and othcr according to t'hc Toun's zoning and eubdivision Torn .lrplicable the-eto. REQI'EST€ FOR INSPECTIONS 5HAI,II BE MADE TIdENTY-FOUR HO1}R8 IN OUR OFffCE SRoM 8:00 AIit sloo PM ***r**r***+*i*****1****r*****t**l***************rrt**** --,-. O TOIIN OF VAIL. COIORADo ,. gtatemnt * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * I it * rt i I * i * rt* t t * * * * * * * * * I * * * * * i * I * ** * ** * i * t ** *+ * * * * Statemlt Nunber: REC-0646 AnouDt: 1,5Zg.OO 06/22/00 L6zf6 Palment Method: 2502 Notation: RZEPIEJEWSKI Init: iIN Permit No: UO0-0065 type: B -lrlBCH ParceL No: 2L01- 091-0L-005 Slte Addregg: 1538 SPRING HILL LTiI Location: 153s SPRING HILL IN MECIIANI CAI.. PERI4IT Total Fees: 1,578. OO TotaL ALL Pmts: Ba.Lance : This Pal.ment ************tf, +*t*t****t**t*****t|:r*********t*****a**+*********f Account code Description MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAI, PERIiIIT FEES PF 001000031-12300 PLAN CIIECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJIJ CAL[' INSPECTION FEE 1,578.00 1, 578. OO .00 Amount 1,260.00 3t-5 . OO 3, OO /#3,ffi Yn- M*g AppLrcArrtLL Nor BE AccEprED rF r*coMpilkr Xi"twfrf_aZa Buifding Permit #. d q^loA Mechanical Permit #: dOO=_o]lG.[a- 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include;{ Mechanical Room Dimensions n Combustion Air Duct Size and Location d Fluetvent and Gas Line Size and Location r- Heat Loss Calcs.n Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets NWNOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Contad Asssrc Offrce at 97O-328-8640 orvisit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) il Ot _ Og I -Ol -Oarf rob Name: b/ilr/ P.r,Dwe robAddresstrt sPltua l/rtt /*/vF Legal Description tot l/f Btock: Q ll ririns,Subdivision:t*i/ V*//rv Owners Name: trdti Fy' ll Address:Phone: Engineer;Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: y'ennu-.rzot ?.iln-r hQ^.r . S*/a't4elT, rt*s WorkClass: New(a) Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior $O E)Cerior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family (, Duplex ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation UniG in this buildino: Noflvpeof FireplacesExisting: GasAppliances( ) casLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurnino( ) Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas t-ogs fi) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NoT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No (< ) COMPTETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAT PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) MECHANICAL: $oDa CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor: AA*A Vunl,^c fuivce Town of Vail Reg. No.: t/'7 -r/ Contact and Phone #!: B,n/ fr"n..--t Oe7- o7bC, Contractorsignature|.tr ru 4 **** * :r****i. * * *x * ** ** * ** * FOR OFFICE USE ONLy* * ** ** * * *** ************* Frleveryone/forms/ medtperm ru0t JUN 2220N covrMuNrrYtLoPMENr TOIIIN OF VAII.,, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROA.D vArL, co 81657 970-479-2a38 DEPARTI{EIqT OF NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT .TOBSITE AT ALL TIIVIES Permit #: M00-0081 Job Address...: Location. ....: Parcel No.....: Project Number: ].538 SPRING HII-,L I.,N 1538 SPRING HILI-, I-,N 2101-091-01- 00s PRJ99- 02 02 sEatus...: IssltED Applied..: 07/24/2ooo rssued.. -: 07/25/2OOO Expires.. : 01-/24/200L APPI.ICAIVT SUTTON INSI]I,ATING WEST, INC. PhONE: 5398 CR L54 #L, GTENWOOD SPRTNGS, CO 81601 COIfiTRA TOR SIJTTON INST'I,ATING WEST, INC. PhONE: 5398 CR 154 #1, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, CO 81501- O!'INER WII.,EY GARY & DORIS PhONC: 5509 WINDMIER CIRCLE, Dallas, 'tx 75252 Description: Valuation: INSTA].L 1 GAS APP AND 2 GAS tOG SETS *Of cas AppLiarrce8: 2 *Of Gaa Logs: 2 Restuarang Plan Revi€t|_-> .0o DRB FGc--------- .O0 970-945-1313 970 -945 -1313 9'72-931-8228 5, 825 . 00 #of wood/Pe1let: Total eal.cuLabed FaoF---> 183.00 Additional F.e6--- - -----> .0o FircDlace InfordaEion: Restrictsed: Y FEE SUT4!4A.R,Y Mechanical'-->120 - 00 plan Ch.'ck- - -> 30.00 Invesr:igablon> .oo ToTAI FEES----- 153.OO Totsal Petnits P€e------- > wrlr carr----> 3.oo iiffill";;;-_____:___:_:: 'u':31 rrrrr**:r**.+*** tr*'********r*** rLem: 05100 BuILDING DEPART|{EMr , DJpt: BUILDING Division: o17t4/2666 KAT{Y Action: NoTE RourED To JRIq 67'/27'/2000 ,JRIII AqEiO4! APPR APPROVED iiam:' 05e oo-'rrRn DEpAFmEi.ri Dept: FrRE Division: ol7rAlhol-KATIIY - Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1 . FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO,CHEqI( EQR-q9DE COMPLIAT'I.C-E.i. e[14eusti6N-AIR-1S itrgur-nfiD-peR SsC. 701 oF TIiE 1997 UMC, OR -- SEeriOtt 7or op rI{E 1997 rMc. 3 . ifrSifrii,efior-rnuSt-cdwFoma fo uerurecflIRlg lNsTRucrrorys AryD -' iti-ciiEprEn-10--6F-rnB lggt uMc, cIIAPTER--10-QF-!r-HE 19e? IM-c-4. eX's Ap-Ft,riuqees-SHAr,l BE-vBNTEb AqqQRDITG To-cqAPTER 8 AND--' fliltt tERi4iN[rE-A-S SpeerprEo rn sec.806 OF TIIE 1997 I]Mc, oR EHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC.5. AeeESS- 16 sterrttc uOurpMsNT I'nJs qQuIP!Y-WrIII-cHAPTEB 1 ArvD -' 3edllor7-oF mr-'Iee7-uMC-AND ereptnn 3 oF,.UE,19e7 rMq.,,-- G. Boir.ERS'sner,l,-EE MOuNTEb ot rr.,ooas QE-ryqNcQ!trVsrlEtE coNsr.-' ItNtES-s-trb-TED FoR MoUNTTNG oN coMBUsrrEr-,E-ElqqRrNG z. Frimaii.FLAl,IS-At[D- CODE-AIIALYSIS MIUST BE POSTBD IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPE TION REQUEST.e. iii.[fN[GE-cir-Ms-ciANicat,-n06MS efilltarllrlu-c EEAT-rNG oR -HQIT:pATER -' 5iffF-rY-Eoii,sii3l-Irett_, Eg--EOUIpPED wirr{ A FLooR.DRAIN PER sgc. ro22-or'-ute-tgg7 ulae , on Spclrou 1004.6 oF THE 1997 rMc. *********************************************************************:*********** !rq:1r..:." : RgquESrg FOR r[8PECIfIOTE SIlAlt' iE UADS tt{$trl-Fo8R HOLRII ltld fitRr o! O rn oR g€ttlntgKrB FoB EIIISEIJF AIID OlfllE t haratry rchrorlcdg. th.t f brT. rr.d thl. .plrlicaEl€ttr, flllrd out ln ful]. ehc lttfot!|ld@ rcquircd, qqtt.t.d rn r€aurGi Flot pl.n, |rld .E t. th.t.11 Chr lnfoi[atiao lEortd.d r. rrqurtrsd i! oort cE. I .9E.. to cqqrly ti.dr th. lt|foEuti(,ll |'|d ploC Phr.-to cogty rlih rl1 toJn ordindcar .nd rtrbc lara, rtrd to bullal Ehir rtructuri accorAing to tbG fotn'r q@ing Jrd au.Hi.'{don codee. aLlLgn lavicf ipprorrud, t nifon Euildlng cod. llrd ogh.r ordLl.ncq6 of chr Iof,t] B! IEI.EPUO!|E IT ' thcr.to. AA OUR oPFICE IRO!| lr00 lll 5100 PU r ..:itr!F,:-t $i' fi., i;l!tr;i:iiji.i:,ir,\- 4*v:il :.: r., .r,' : , .,..:,,,iii,rr:.rI j::._, i',,i.''.o **rart+i*ariat****t**trttart.itfi r+tttetittat.at* gtrtdinE lfultber: nlc-0699 Alorlnt: try!.nL M.hhoal: ciK trot.tlot: 1050 :.53.00 07l28l00 10rto IrilE: ltl 9.ft1c ro: r|00-0001 Typ.: B-I'tlG ttBcslJflcllJ DERlllt D.rc.l !o: 2tO1-09r.-O1-005 gls. lddr..r: L63a gDr'llto ElLlr ttr tJc6rclo4r 153t SERTTC IllIrL !n tog.L teal I 1'b1,. D.y!.trt' 153.00 Tolal lI,L P6t6: BaLalrc.: AoaouaE Cod.DarafiPEIo! 153.00 153 .00 .00 A[oqnt 120,00 30,00 LOO l.tp 0o100003tr11300 !|ECHAlflCArr PSFUrl F.EES DF 00100003112300 9llll cllEcr FEaa rc o01oooo3l12a00 tu;L car,r, Il!!9Ee[lod llE tom OF !A$r, COlrDlDo gtrts-rrt .,,,....,,..,--****i*.i,,*ri v"AppucArrltrll Nor BE AccEprED rr rncoup *r;: TAWNOFYIN 75 S, Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:a Mechanical Room Dimensions n Combustion Air Duct Size and Location n Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Location n Heat Loss Calcs.c Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets Contact As*ssots Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Jtni _Oq | _ Ol _ On F Job Name:,.f? r-r hz-P, n 11- \P (r1 Skr ttr.Job Address: s3p-, 4.nr, no il: Lesat Description ll r"t'" ll alo.t , ll ririne,L Subdivision: o*n"" N"t"' u) llu.,, 'f,r= ll ooot"tt':'toq .cindrn l"a dJPh"t"' q14 - q3 r -g.t.+p, Engineer:Address: Doltas -T*.. TSltZ ll Phone: Detailed description of work: :Lns-€-",1 Qas F"".iont, WorkClass: New(X Addition( ) Atteration( ) Repair( I tOtn", 1 I Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family 6zf Ouptex( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No, of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Noffype off[eBleqes Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Nofl-ype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliancef KFur LoOsf Npwood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NoT ALLoWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No (X) GoMPLETE VALUATTON FOR MECHANICAT PERMTT (Labor & Materiats) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor: 4,.t*-*nn :5. <t,Jo*i Town of Vail Reg. No.: A .&lq rn Contact and Phone #t: qq< - t< t3 Contractor Signature:\/Hn-\ ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy*************1,?)**x*********** F: /everyone/forms/ mechperm ffic'DJUL242000 o DEVALOPMENT TOWN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROAD vArr_,, eo 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPI.,ICANT COI{TRACTOR OWNER DEPARIII'IEI{:T OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELE TRICAI., PERMIT .fOb AddrESS: 1538 SPRING HILI IN LOCAEiON...: 1538 SPRING HILL I,ANE Parcel No.. : 21-01-091-01-005 Project No. : PR.f99-0202 MARMOT ELEqTRIC P.O. BOX 45LL, AVON, CO 81520 MARMOT EIECfRIC P.O. BOX 45LL, AVON, CO 81620 WILEY GARY & DORIS 5609 WIIIDMIER CIRCLE, Dallas, TX 75252 .IOBSITE AT AIJL TIMES Permit, #: 800-01-52 StaEus...: ISSIIED Applied. .: o8/L0/2000 Issued. ... 08/LL/2000 $rpires . .. 02/07 /200L Phone z 970-926-0990 Phone: 970-926-099O Phone: 972-93L-8228 DescripLion: ELECIRICAL FOR NEW SFR r******r'ltr*rr**tr***trrr*i*rr*rr'rr*rr'r'rrl,t***tl.*rr*ral*** FEE sul44Any rl| * * t t * * * t t tt !rt !l * t t * * *1l, * **it I * Valuation:50, 000 . 00 Electrical---> DRB Fee InveBtigation> will call----> TOfAI,'FEBS.-.> totaL caLculated Fee6- - - > Addisional Fees---------> Togal Pcrmit F66--------> PeymenC6 - - - - - - - - BAI,AIiICB DUE- - -.. 329.00 .oo .00 3 .00 . oo 332.00 339.00 . o0 rririr*ir*t*ttttttttr*****t****r***rr*rr***rrlr***t*i IEem: 06000 EL,ECTRICAJ-, DEPARIIIEIiIT Dept: BUILDING Division: OS/LO/2OOO CHARLIE AcLion: APPR CHARLIB DAVIS Ile.mi .856Q0 FIRE DEPARII,IENT Depr: FIRE Division: 08/LO/2OOO CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A *** *t*t***r*******r***'l|rrt***!rtt*t**** **t**t*****:r***tr**t*t*tt1*** ***rrri'lt*t*rttttt*ttttttt**t****r*a*rr'rrl}*rr*rr*rl*rttrttttttt* COIIDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR EODE COMPLIAI{CE. *f t |l a l O t * t l, * t * *a tt|, t, 'r 'i *{ * r}*** ttt t * *a * * t ta r t * t + t} **t t tt*t t*t t t a t, * * t * t r* t rra r a r + rr t t t t tt * tt rr l a *r 1t t ar a1r * *t t* tr* t* r*** tt t a*ttt tt at t DECI,ARATIONS I hGrlby acknorl.dgc lhat I hrv! read thi6 application. fillcd out in full the infornation requircd. conpleted an accurrto trlot p1an, and 6tec. ChaC all the lnform.tlon provlded a6 requllcd ls corrcct. I agre! tso couply xleh thc LnforEat.ion and plot plan, Uo coEply trlth alL :foyn ordln.trceE and atat. Iawe, and to bulld lhl6 seructure according to th. To$rr, s zonLng and subdtvtEton codcs, d.6igrr ravier qpprovad, U'niforE Butldlng code and othc! ordinence! of the Tovn applicabla th6raEo. RBQUBSTS FOR II|8PBCIIONS gHALL BB MADB Et{BlITr-RottR HOURS Il{ A.D1/A!{CB BY TBIJBPIIONB AT 479-213s oR AT oUR OIFICE FROU a:00 Al| 5:00 FU ****t*t a**** * **t tal*tt | **t* tlt * * t***t******itr***r*j)*lr* *i r rrr* * TCrflN OF VAIL, COIORAITO Statemt *t******it* * ***t*tt!r *tt t*lt* t ta t*!l*aa**t* **1l**** tt**t* !t*tt*r**t*t* gtatennt l{lrmber: REC-0665 Amount !332.00 0g/11/00 0s!35 Palment l,lethod: CK Ilotatiqr: *{ 0 02 /IilARllct[ EL Init : L,C Permit t{o: Parcel No: Site Addreas: Lpcatioa: mis Palment Eo0-0L52 Tlfre ! B-ELEC ELEqIRICAIJ PERI|IT 2101-091-01-00s 1538 SPRING HII.,L In{ 1538 APRING HII;IJ I4ITB Total Fees : TOTAI AIJL lttg: Balance: !lt*+ttttrr*atl***************t*it*t****t****t*****t+a**t*****t*** Account code Deasrlption EP OO1OOOO31111OO EI.,EETRICAI,PERI,TITFEES IIC OO1OOOO31128OO IfIIJI CAIJJ INSPECPION FEE 332 .00 332 . 00 332 .00 .00 lnount 329.00 3.00 AppLrcArrfLL Nor BE AccEprED rFrNcoMp*J#: Building Permit #: ,IVWNOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colorado 81557 I !/ n Efectrical Permit #: ED-O)<* 97 O- 47 9 - 2149 (Inspections) Contact Assessorc Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit O ,t p, lot Name: vl tter 7Es r,==*cr-,--JobAddress: *? S)?tt6 Hrtz /n) Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll riting:Subdivision: owners Name:4!72-1 uttr-/ ll aaoress:Phone: I /2 _ qg/^ gZW Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: EtEczeirat Zcrua{ +--TO tr,'tt lvqtfFrr' !g*(LAddition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Temppower( ) other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both(X Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Tvpe of Bldg.: single-family 1'X ouptex ( ) Multrfamity ( ) commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) ruo ($ Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (a) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Ves (,ti) No ( COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEw BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: fuc'<s ELECTRICAL VALUA;TION: $ CONTRACTOR INFO 2.H 'FtFirsE CL,fr^{ ^^ lt4E qoV-o|Al ,, Electrical Contractor: n1/2fu4f F- trqErc ':; ' Town of Vail Reg. No.:/ Zfo ^i=Contact and Phone #'s: ?7o Q26 -asqo Contrador $gnail s.,-4=' *- 7a------ A_-- * if * Jr*** t<* *+*trt ***rf *trlr****++**+++** * * * * FOR OFFICE USE ON LY* * * * *,r * * * * rr * * rr * * * * * * * * r! rr * r. * * * * * * * * * * * 0 I2000 F:/everyone/forms/elecperm TOWN OF VATI-, 75 S. FROTiTTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2138 ilob Address...:Location......: Parcel- No. . . . .:Project Number: 1538 SPRING HTLL LN 1538 SPRING HILL I,ANE 2101-09L-01- 005 PR.I99 - 02 02 CI,IMATE CONTROL CO OF GWS P O BOX L042, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CLIMATE COIiITROI, CO OF GWS P O BOX L042, GL,ENWOOD SPRTNGS, WILBY C'ARY 6c DORIS 5609 WINDMIER CIRCLE, Dallas, TX st.atus...: IssttED Applied..: 08/09/2000 Issued...: 08/tl/2000 Er<trrires. . : 02/07 /200]- DEP.ARTIVIENT OF COMMT'NIT:I DEVEIJOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MBCHANICAL PERMIT Permit, #: M00-0091 APPLICAIiTT EOItrRAETOR OWNER MGchanical-- - > PIan chcck---> Inv6 Eg igal j, on > Hilt call-- - - > co 81602 co 81502 75252 Valuat.ion: llof oaB Logs: Phone t 970-945-2326 Phone z 970-945-2326 Phone:. 972-93L-8228 1, 51_5 . 00 *of t{ood/Pellcl: Description: KITCIIEN EXIIAST SYSTEM (FAN/DUET ONLY) Fireplace Infomalion: Re6tricted: Y *of gaE Appliances: 40.oo 10.00 .00 3 .00 .00 .00 s3 ,00 .00 Restuarant Pla'l Revicu- -> DRB Fee--------- Total Calculaled Fee6- - - > Additional Fee6---------> Total Pcrtlit Fce-------->TOT}L FEES-- -.-- Pavmcnt6------- 53.00 BAINNCE DI'E-. - - r r rr r r 'rr r r i r 'r r t i i, a * t t t * *r r r r * r* BUILDING DEP.ARll,lEl.IT Dgpt: BUILDING Division:CIIARI-,IE ACTION: APPR ChATliE dAViE FIRE DEPARITVIENT Dept: FIRE Division:CHARLIE ACIiON: APPR N/A Item: 051-00 08 / 09 /2000 IE,em: 05600 08 / 09 /2000 EONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE.2. this permi-t, is qood to ifrstal-l a fan system for the kithcen onlv.-The conErEctor sEatses that a BBO-type ranqe is noE Drobosed to be installed. It, is reccormr-e-nded E6 install inak-eup air for t,his system. Some type of proof will be regui?ed.that tshe voltrmne of air i-s-adequ-ate wit,hout rnaKeup ar-r ******************************************************************************** DECI-,ARATIONS f hcrcby rcknorledg. tshat I havc rrid thL! qpplicatlon, fi11.d out ln fu1I the infolsalion rcquir.d, cornpl,cEcd an .cculatc plo! pl.n, and ltatsc thaU all thc lnfolD.tion prowidcd aa rcqulrcd is eorr€ct. I agr6o t'o conply [ith the inforuation rnd plog phn, to ognply rtch all Tgvn ordinanc.6 and 6trc. lawE, and lo build bhis 6ttuclure according to th. Tot.n'r zoning and subdivicign cod.., d..igrr rcvicw approvcd, Irnifor Building codc snd obh.r ordinenceE of che Tot|n appllcrbl€ ch.rsco. REOUESTS FOR IN9PEcIIONB gHAIJIT BE UADE TWEIITY-POIJR HOT RS IN AD\IAIICE By IBLBPHONE AT 4?9-2139 OR AT OttR OFFICE FROI! g:00 l}l 5:0O PNI srolsAruRE o! orwER oR @lrrRAc'oR '.. t."" --" cln- U^^^---O o **!tt,l*t *rttt***ttatt!ltt attt t**tt*****i ilrt*,t +*.rara*a jl jlrl ****tlr**ir u TOmI OF VAIIJ, CPI{TRADO Statcnnt **a*** ** *****rrr rr *i**f **t**** ****** + i*r* r ra* ***r **** * t** **rr* ** glat,emt tnrmbcr: REc-o665 Amount : 53 . ob oslu/oo o9 :06 Pa)ment li{ethod: gK Nolatlon: #13589/C&IUAIE C Inlt : I.c Pertdt No: U0O-0091 !1pe: B -MECII IitECtlllXICALr pERt{IT Percel I{o: 2101- 091-01-005 gite AddregE: 1538 SPRII{G HILL IJ{ Location: 1538 APRIT{G EILL LANE Total FeeB: 53.00 Ttrl6 Palment 53.00 Total AI.L PmtB ! 53.00 Balance: .00. ***t*****it***************t**i*****i***i**l*ttt**t**t***it**t*** Account Code Degcriptlon .emou.!t Ii{P 00100003111100 UECHA}IICAL PERUTT FEES 40.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAI| CITECK FEB{! 1o.OO wc 00100003112800 FrI.|Il cIIJr TNSPECIION FBE 3.00 x Building Permit #:-a?42 Mechanical Permit #l Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to includet .e-.Uecharica}nottmOimcncierc- " e Gembu tien 'tir Du€t 6ire alrd 'o ttult- @ o Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets TVWNOFITIN 75 5. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2149 (Inspections) ConEct Asscstors Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcef # (Required if no bfdg. permit * is Job Name: W,f./ fud*,rob Address: (5w 9pawtr lhll l.a*c Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Fiting:Subdivision: o*n"rt N.t", t'lrl"y, A..y i Drri< ll Address; qp1 W6dViff; ff ,EZVW Engineer: ll Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: 6 tnd,,.dct efi7. {a,v, fu FiLhtrt"l^^'+t 4yrtae" -ta"s+m" F{.trr WoL (Wa vy.(l,n\, vir-lit-i WorkClass: rvewld Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) BoilerLocationl$/4lnterior( ) Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: single-famif!( Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildina: Noflype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOTALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II deviceZ yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE VATUATION FOR MECTIANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) MECHANICAL: $ IbT6 E CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor: Olirde b*ql (tyue*"y Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and fhone #'s: '.lnieilaqtso, 470 4G -z?tb ContractorSignature: (]L, l#A.rr.-.-- **********1.*** * ** ***** * r.* * *** * * **** ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***** * *** ** ** * AUG 0I2000 -wllE nD JUN 222000 The follnu'ing cleflne various risk r-er,.," ".t :"#::[ili#f:H::Hl;?]:1fl'*.#.",ion to presence or hazards or Itrdicales presence of hazard \r,hlch tvill cause severe personal injury. (lcath or sub-stanlial propcrty danrage if lgnoreo. Indicates presencc of hazard rvhiclr can caltse severe personal injuty, dea r or sub slantial properly dantagc il tgnored. SIDE VIEW MINIMUM CTEARANCES FOR IIGHI SPACES FIGURE 2 I) ovidc scretvdriverclcarancc for renroval olJacket screws.lI uot. rrrrions and shut oll valves should be tnstalteJ tn-systelrt so l)oiler can be nrovccl lbr servlcing. Indlcates presence ofhazard whlchwill orcan calrse mtnor personal inJury or property dam_ agc ll lgnored. Indlcates speclal instrucuonson lnstallauon. operation, or maintenance whlch are lmDor_tant bul nol related to personal tnJury hazards. t'\ INSTATTATIONS MUST FOttOW THESE CODES: . Incal,stale, provinclal,andnationalcodes, larvs, regrrla-tions atld ordinauces.. National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI 2223. I _ lalest eclition.. Standard lbr Controls and Sal.ety Dcvices for Ar"rtomati_cally Flrecl Boilers, ANS|/ASME -CSD_ l. when req,rirc.l.. Nattonal Electrical Code.. For. Canada only: CAN/CGA Bl49.l or .2 Insta ation Code and C.S.A. C22.1 Cana<lian Electrical Cocle par-t t ancl any local coclcs. Cas manifokl and controls rrret safe lighting an(l other per lbrnrarrce criteria \idren boilcr rrndenr,lnr rJ-rt" "p""iiiei tn ANSI 22l . l3- Iatest edluon. SETECT BOITER LOCATION: l]Lriler ntust be irrslallerl so that gas control sys(cllr conrpo_ncnls are protecled fi-orrr dripplng or sltraying rvater or rain cluring operallon or scr"\,i(,(r. PROVIDE CI-EARANCES AROUND BOILER: 36 _l !!. 6'MAX CTEARANCES FOR TOP SERVICING - 36" CI.EARANCES FOR EASY SERVICING TIGURE I 4E L Section A: Before Instolling Boifer <- BOttER fRONI TOP VIEW _ BOt[En FRONT BOIIER FI?ONI I C$oJUNzazooo Heat Loss Analysis Report WIRSBO Radlant Panel Heating System ProJectfi:2O16 Date: A24/'i20(N Phohe #: (970) 625{766 Fax#: (970) 625-0776 By Bob Stater Owner: Engineer: Bob Stafler 48,006 Btu/hr 9.324 Bht/hr 119,790 Btu/hr (0) Btt/hr 177,120 Btu/hr 177.120 Btu/hr 195 ft'0ff 195 fF Slab On Grade 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 35'F 4 inches 195 fF 10ft 1,950 fe 29ft 0.50 per Hour 70'F 1,676 Btu/hr Total Area: OutdoorTemp: fot', Heft Lorsi Floor Downward: Ceiling Upward: Other Comoonents: Supplemental: Net RPH Load: Unil RPH Heat Load: Floor: Ceiling: Water Table Present: Soace Belor Heated: Floor Surface Temp: Heat Lott: Downward Losg: UDvvard Load: Supplemental: Net Floor Load: Unit Heat Load: .Dorvnward Load: Upward Loss: Hlct l-os!i(l6ss sub components if any) 5,100 fr -20 "F 3,zBt Btultrr 50'l Btu/hr 5,086 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 8,868 Btu/hr 45.5 Btu/hr/ftz N/A No N/A 84.3'F 3,281 Btu/hr 5,587 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 8,868 Btu/hr 45.5 Btu/hr/ft2 0 Btu/hr 501 Btu/hr Project lnformation Prepared By Colorado Plumblng Service Inc. 2335 E.7th St. Sotttt Rilc,Co. 81650 Namo: The Masters Loca0on: Eagle Coun$ Cloelng Dale: Project Summary Iotal lleat Loss; Floor Downward: Cclllng UPward: Olhor Components; Supplemental: Total RPH Load: Total Combined Load: (lt'du&re supolcn.,rttD Floor Component Floor Aree: Unheated Area: N6t Hoated Area: Floor Type: Floor Cover Rv: Under Slab Rv: Edge Rv: Pcrimcter Rv Temp B€low: Shb Depth: Geiling ComPonent Space Above H€ted: Cclling Area' Unheated Area: {'i\ C{fE rrirg RffiExptassva.s,i,'1.71 Rooms Requirlng SupplemenfaL' None Detailed Heat Loss Data Room.' Bedroom 1 Groos Ar€a: Celling Helght: Volume: Perimeter Length: Air Chenges: Room Temp: Roorn Infiltretlon: No 195 fF 195 fi3 Page 1 Nct Heated Area: 0 fF Supplementral: (0) Btu/hr Ceiling Cover Rv: N/A Net Ceiling Load: 501 Btu/hr Coiling Insulation Rv: 35.00 Unit HeQt Load: N/A .z-\ Ceiling Surface Temp: 70.0 'F Room Components Component Length / Wldth Hclght (tt) Arer (ft') Rv Heat Lor6 (ft) (Btu/hr) Watll 15.00 10.00 150 20.00 490 Windowl 7.50 5.50 4'l 2.00 1,845 Wall2 14.00 10.00 140 20.00 580 Windcrrrvl 2.50 4.50 11 2.00 495 Room: Bedroom I Bathlcloset Groes Area: 180 fF fofa, Hert Loss; Celllng Height 10 ft Floor Oo,vnward: 1,855 Btu/hr Volume: 1,800 fto Ceiling Upward: 0 Btu/hr Perimeter Length: 16 ft Other 1,691 Btu/hr Comoonents: Alr Changes: 0.50 per Hour Supplenentel: (01 Bturhr Rmm Temo: 70'F Net RPH Load: 3,546 Btu/hr Room lnfiltration: 1.547 Btu/hr Unit RPH Haat Load:Floor: 19.7 Btu/hr/ft'Ceiling: N/A Floor Component Floor Area: Unheated Area: Net Heated Area: Floor Cover Rv: Und6r Slab Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter Rv: Temp Belor: Slab Depth: 180 fF Water Table Pr€sent: 0 ft, Spacs B€lo$, Heated: 180 ff Floor Surface Temp: No N/A 74.7'F Floor Type: Slab On Grade Heat Lo3t: Dodnward Loss: 1,855 Btu/hr Upward Load: 1,691 Btu/hr Supplemental: (0) Btu/hr Net Floor Load: 3.546 Btu/hr Unit Heat Load:19.7 Btu/hr/ftz Heat Lo$.'(less sub clmponents if any) 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 35'F 4 lnches 180 fF 180 ff 0fF N/A Donnward Load: Upward Loss: Supplemental: N6t C€iling L€d: Unit Heat Load: 0 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr N/A Geiling Gomponent Ceiling Area: Unheated Arsa: Net Heat€d Ar€a: Ceiling Cover Rv: Space Above Heated: Yes C6iling Insulation Rv: 35.00 Ceillng Surface Temp: 70.0 'F Room Gomponents Com poncnt Walll Room; Bedroom 2 and Bath Glote Area: 225W To|',l Heat Lo6'; Ceiling Height: 10 fr Floor 0o\ /nward: 3,+1'l Btu/hr ,, '-)., C'letsd rlrfq R&btl E $rssv€'tion 1.71 Page 1 Length / Wldth |lelght (ft) Area (ftr) Rv Heat Lort (nl (Bturhr) 16.00 2.00 32 20.00 144 Volum6: Parimeter Length: Air Changes: Room Temp: Room lnfiltration: Floor Component Floor Area: Unheated Atea: Net Heded Area: Floor Type; Floor Cover Rv: Under Slab Ru Edge Rv: P€rimeter Rv: Temp Belol: Sleb Depth: Celling Component Spacc Above Heated: Cciling Area: Unheatod Area: Net Heated Area: Ceillng Cwer Rv: Ceillng Insulation Rv: celllng Surface Temp: 2,250 ff 28ft 0.50 per Hour 70'F 1,034 Btu/hr -Ceiling Upward: Other Componento: Supplfiient lr Net RPH Load: Unit RPH Hcal Loed: Floor: Ceiling: 225ff 0fl3 225 ft? Slab On Grade 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 35'F 4 inches Yes 225 ft2 225 ff 0fF N/A 35.00 70.0 "F 14.00 8.50 14.00 2.50 Do\/vn\ lard Load: Upward Loss: Supplemental: Net C€iling L€d: Unit Hsat Load: 140 47 140 11 10.00 5.s0 10.00 4.50 Area (lI9) 20.00 2.00 20.00 2.00 Floor Component Floor Area: Unheated Area: Net Heatod Area; Floor TYPg: Floor Cover Rv' Ctx,lrd tdng R'd&,d F,Naas Ve'skn l.f I 335 fF 0fF 335 fF Slab On Glad€ 1.00 IotE Hcal Loss; Floor Downward: Ceiling Upward: Othet components: Supplementel: Net RPH Load: Unil RPH Heat Load: Floor: Ceillng: Water Table Pr6sent: Space B6lo/v Healcd: Floor Surface Tomp: Hert Losr.' Downr€rd Loss: 4,471 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 6,415 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 10,886 Btu/hr 32.5 Btu/hr/n3 N/A No N/A 79.6 "F 4,471 Btu/hr Room Components Component (ft) Walll Windoryl 1/Vall2 Wndonrl Room; Bedroom 3lBath Grors Area: Celling Height: Volume: Perlm€ter Length: Air Changes: Room Temp: Room Infiltration: 335 F 10ft 3,350 ff 36ft 0.50 por Hour 70 "F 2,879 Btu/hr Lcngth / Width Helght (ft) Water Tablo Present: Soace Below Heated: Floor Surface Temp: Heat l-o3s.' Downward Loss: Upward Load: Supplemental: Net Floor Load: Unit H€at Load: Hert Loss.'(less 3ub components lf any) 0 Etulhr 5,542 Btu/hr (0) Bturhr 8,953 Btu/hr 39.8 Btu/hrfif N/A No N/A 82.3 "F 3,411 Btu/hr 5,542 Btulhr (0) Btu/hr 8,953 Btu/hr 39.8 Btu/hrllP 0 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr N/A Rv Heet Lo$ (Btu/hr) 418 2,115 580 4S5 Pags I Under Slab Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter Rv Temp Eelo/v: i 'fl Slab Depth: Ceiling Gomponent Space Above Heated: Ceillng Ar€a: Unh€ated Area: Net Healed Area: Ceiling Cover Rv: Ceiling lnsulation Rv: Celling Surface Temp: Room Gomponents Componont (fr) Walll Windojt/1 Wall2 Windowl Room: Dining Groce Area: Celllng Helght: Volume: Perimeter Length: Air Changes: Roorn Temp: Roorn lnfiftration: 5.00 5.00 5.00 ?q oE 4 Inches Yes 335 fF 335 ff 0fF N/A 35.00 70.0'F Lcngth / Wldth Helght (ft) Upward Lo€d: Supplem€ntal: Net Floor Load: Unit Heat Load: Do/vnward Load: UpwErd Loss: Supplom€ntal: N€t Ceiling Load: Unit HeEt Load: 150 41 168 11 6,415 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 10.886 Btu/hr 32.5 Btu/hr/ft: 0 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr N/A Rv Heat losr (Btuthr) 490 1,845 706 495 Hcet Lo.ri(less sub componenis if any) 15.00 7.50 21.00 2.50 10.00 5.50 8.00 4.50 Area (flf) 20.00 2.00 20.00 2.00 435 fF 10ft 4,350119 35ft 0.50 per Hour 70'F 3,739 Btu/hr fotf, Hoaf l-oari Floor Downuard: Ceiling Upward: Other Components: supplomental: Net RPH Load: Unit RPH Heat Load: Floor: Ceiling: Water Table Present: Space Belour Heated: Floor Surface Temp: Hoat Lots.' Dorynward Loss: Upward Load: Supplemontal: Net Floor Load: Unit Heat Loed: 3,408 Btu/hr 1,119 Btu/hr 12,523 Btu/hr (0) Btu,hr '17,050 Btu/hr 39.2 8tu/hr/ft? N/A N/A Diff Sourca 85.6'F 3,408 Btu/hr 13,642 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 17,050 Btu/hr 39.2 gtu/hr/f,3 Floor Component Floor Ar€: Unheated Area; Nct Hoatcd Area: Floor Type: Floor Corer Rv: Floor lnsulation Rv: Edge Rv: Pcrimeter Rv: Tcmp Belo* Slab Depth: Gelllng Component Space Above Heated: Celling Ar€e: Unheated Arca: Nst Heted Area: Geiling Cover Rv: Cciling Insulatlon R\. Ceiling Surfacc Temp: i -.1 crrled ll3ing Rldbtt Erp€ss yersl ,t Tt Heat Los!.'(less sub components lf any) Downward Load: Upward Loss: Supplamontal: Net Ceiling L@d: Unlt Heat Load: €5f8 0fP 435 fl3 Suspended 1.00 5.00 N/A N/A 70'F l.l/A No 435 fF 435 113 0fF N/A 35.00 70.0 "F 0 Btu/hr 1,1 19 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 1,119 Btu/hr N/A Page 1 Room Components Componont Walll Windowl wdl2 Wlndowl Wdl3 Windoar'l Windo a Room; Family Room Groes Area: Celllng Height: Volume: Perimeter Length: Air Changes: Roorn Temp: Room Infiltration: Floor Gomponent Floor Area: Unheated Area: Net H€ated Area: Floor Type: Floor Cover Rv: Under Slab Rv Edge Rv: P€rlmeter Ru Temp Belorv: Slab D€pth: Length /V\lldth HGlght lftl 10.00 8.00 't0.00 8.00 't0.00 3.00 3.00 Rv Heet tos! (Bturhr) 234 3,960 171 3,240 369 405 40s 7,476 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 11,455 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 18,931 Btu/hr 29.1Btu/hr/ft2 N/A No N/A 78.8 "F 7,476 Btu/hr 11,455 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 18,931 Btu/hr 29.1 Btu/hrlff (ft) 14.00 11.00 1 1.00 9.00 10.00 3.00 3.00 9.00 3.00 20.00 13.00 6.00 2.50 Area (lF) 20.00 2.O0 20.00 2.OO 20.00 2.00 2.OO Area (ttl) 20.00 5.00 20.00 2.O0 20.00 2.O0 140 88 110 72 100 s I /- i\. it:1l! 850 fl3 0fF 650 fF Slab On Grade 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 35'F 4 inches 650 fF 10ft 6,500 fts 35ft 0.50 per Hour 70'F 5,587 Btu/hr Yes 650 ff 6s0 ff 0ff N/A 35.00 70.0'F fota, Herl Loss.' Floor Downward: Ceiling UPtv'ard: Other Components: Supplemental: Net RPH Load: Unit RPH Heat Load: Floor: Ceiling: Water Table Present: Spacc Belor Heated: Floor Surface TemD: H66t Lossi Dorvnward Loss: Upward Load: Suppl€mehtal: Net Floor Load: Unit Heat Load: Ceillng Gomponent Space Above Heated: Ceiling Ar€a: Unheated Aree: Net Heated Area: Ceiling Cwer Rv: Ceiling Insulation Rv Ceiling Surf*e Temp: Heal Loss:(less sub components if any) Do|nnard Load: Upvrard Loss: Suppl€m€ntal: Net Ceiling L€d: Unit Heat Load: 0 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr (o) Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr N/A Rv H€rt Lors (Btu/hr) 257 432 522 3,780 207 630 Room Components Component (fr) Walll Doorl Wd12 Wndo,\r1 Wail3 Wlndowl ,:- ,, Ctatd us/,l9 RM ExptEss Vqsion 1.71 Length /Wldth Heighi (ft) 10.00 90 8.00 24 10.00 200 6.50 84 10.00 00 5.50 14 Page 1 Room; Garage Groea Area: Ceiling Height: Volum6: P€rim€tor Length: Air Changes: Room Temp: Roorn Inflltration: Floor Component Floor Ar€a: Unhedcd Area: Net Heated Area: Floor Type: Floor Cover Rv: Under Slab Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter R\t Tsmp Belov\r: Slab Depth: Ceiling Gomponent Space Abc^/€ Heat€d: Cciling Area: Unhoatod Area: Net Heted Area: Colling cover Rv: Ceiling lnsulatlon Ru Celllng SurfEco Temp Room Components ComPonont Wa[1 Wal12 Doorl Doo12 Door3 WallS Windowl Wndow2 Wal14 Doorl Windowl Room.' Guest Sulte Gross Area: Ceillng Hcigttt: Volumo: Perlmeter Length: Air Changcs: Roorn T€mp: Room I nliltration: w d,rg Rdbtt E)@''ss Yo6,bn 4./t foh, Heal lor!.' Floor Dorvnward: ceiling upward: Other Cornponents: Supplencntel: Net RPH Load: Unit RPH Heet Load: Floor: Ceiling: Wster Table Present: Space Belon Heated: Floor Surfrc€ Temp: Heat L*s: Don n$/ard Lo6s: Upward Load: Supplemental: Net Floor Load: Unit Heat Load: 755 113 0fF 755 fF Slab On Grade 0.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 35'F 4 inches No 755 w 755 ff 0 tl: N/A 35.00 60.0'F 5.50 30.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 20,00 2.50 2.50 37.00 3.00 2.50 755 ft: 10ft 7,550 ff 99 ft 0.50 per Hour 60 "F 5,768 Btu/hr 8,159 Btu/hr 1,726 Btu/hr 13,776 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 23,061 Btu/hr 31.3 Btu/hr/ff N/A No N/A 70.2"F 8,159 Btu/hr 15,502 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 23,661 Btu/hr 31.3 Btu/hr/ft2 0 Btu/hr 1,728 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr '1,726 Btu/hr N/A lrert ,.osr;(less sub components if any) Doamward Load: Upward Loss: supplemental: Net Ceiling L€d: Unit Heat Load: !.ength / Wldth Helght (ft)Rv Hcet [os!Arca (fF) 20.00 20.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 20.00 2.00 2.00 20.00 5.00 2.00 (ft)(Bturhr) 10.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 't 0.00 4.50 4.50 10.00 8.00 4.50 220 576 1,152 't,152 1,152 712 440 440 1,340 384 440 c5 360 72 72 72 200 11 11 370 24 11 420tr 10fi 4,200 fts 72ft 0.5O per Hour 70'F 3,610 Btu/hr Tof8,I Heot Loss: Floor Downward: Ceiling Upward: Oth6r compononts: Supplemcntal: Net RPH Load: Unit RPH Heat Load: 3,220 Btu/hr 1,080 Btu/hr 8,889 gtu/hr (0) Btu/hr 13,189 Btr/hr Pag6 1 o Floor: Celling: Floor Component Floor Area: Unheated Area: Net Heatcd Area: Floor Type: Floor Cwer Rv: Floor lnsulation Rv: Edge Rv: Pcrimeter Rv Temp Belor: Slab Depth: Ceiling Gomponent Space Above Heated: Ceillng Area: Unh€atod Ar€e: Nst Heated Area: Ceiling Cover Rv: Celling Insulation Rv Cciling Sudace Temp: No 420 ff 420 tt2 Arca (ft') 20.00 2.00 20.00 2.O0 20.00 5.00 Floor Component Floor Area: Unheqt€d Area: N6t H€atod Ar€a: Flmr Type: Floor Cover Rv: Flmr lnsulatlon Ru Edge Rv: Porimet€r Rv Temp Belour: Crtltd aahg Radr'|t Erprlss yersion ,r.7t Total Heal Lo.s: Floor Dornward: Ceiling Upward: Other ComDoh€nb: Supplcmcntel: Net RPH Load: Unit RPH Heat Load: Floor: Ceiling: Water Table Present: Space Bslo\ Hsated: Floor Surface Tcmp: H.€l Loa$ Do n$ard Loss: UpYvard Load: Supplemental: Net Floor Load: Unit Hcat Loed: 3,000 Btu/hr 1,157 Btu/hr 10,912 Btu/hr (0) Bturhr 15,089 Btu/hr 33.5 Btu/hr/fl3 N/A N/A Difi Source 83.4 "F 3,000 Btu/hr 12,089 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 15,0€9 Btu/hr 33.5 Btu/hr/fi: Room Gomponents ComponGnt (fr) Walll Windolvl Wall2 Wndcwl Wall3 Doorl Room.' Kitchen GrcsAr€a: Celling Height: Volume: Pcrimeter Length: Air Changes: Room Temp: Room lnliltration: 420tF 0fF 420 fF Suspended 1.00 5.00 N/A N/A 60'F N/A 0fl4 N/A 35.00 70.0'F 24.OO 5.50 24.OO 4.50 24.00 5.00 450 fe 0fl3 450 ft' Suspend€d 1.00 5.00 N/A N/A 70'F 450 flP 10ft 4,500 ft3 55 ft 0.50 per Hour 70"F 3,868 Btu/hr Length / Wdth Helght (ft) 10.00 240 5.00 28 10.00 240 2.00 I 10.00 240 8.00 40 Water Table Present: Spacc Belor Heated: Floor surfaco Temp: fleaf Lors; DomvYard Loss: Upward Load: Supplemental: Net Floor Load: Unit Heat Load: He€f Lo$.'(less sub cwponents if any) Downward Load: Upward Loss: Supplcmental: Net Celling Load: Unit Hsat Load: 31.4 Btu/hr/fi2 N/A N/A Diff Source 81.8'F 3,220 Btu/hr 9,989 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 13,189 Btu/hr 31.4 Btu/hr/fr' 0 Btu/hr 1,080 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 1,080 Btu/hr N/A Rv Hcat Lorr (Btu/hr) 954 '1,260 1,040 405 900 720 Page 1 Slab DePth: Gelllng Component Sp.co Above Heated: Ceillng Area' Unh66tod Aroa: Net Heated Area: Ceiling Cwer Rv: Celling Insuletion Rv: Celllng Surface TemP: Room Components Component (lt) Walll Doorl DooQ Windowl Wd12 Window'l Wall3 Wndfir1 Wall4 Wndorl Room; Llving Groos Area: Csiling Hoight: Volume: Perlmeter Length: Air Changes: Room TemP: Room I nfiltration: N/A No 450 ft, 450 ff ffcet lors:(less sub comPonents if any) ,'-1'\, Lcngth, Width Hclght (ft) Do/vnv\ard L@d: UpuErd LosB: 6upplemsntal: Net Ceiling L€d: Unlt HEat Load: Total Heat LosE: Floor Oo/vnwerd: Ceiling Upward: Other ComDonents: SupPlcmental: N€t RPH Load: Unit RPH Haat Load: Floor: Ceiling: Water Table Present: Space Beloil Heated: Floor Surhce TemP: H6al Locr; Dorrmward Loss: Upurard Load: Supplemental: Net Floor Load: Unit Heat toad: Are. (ltr) Rv Hert Lotr (Bturht) 20.00 302 5.00 300 5.00 360 2.00 2,160 20.00 932 2.00 1,485 20.00 268 2.OO 495 20.00 324 2.00 360 0 Btu/hr 1,157 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 1,157 Btu/hr N/A 4,320 Btu/hr 1,851 Btu/hr 23,833 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 30,004 Btu/hr 41.7 Btu/hr/ft2 N/A N/A Diff Source 87.8 "F 4,320 Btu/hr 25,684 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 30,004 Btu/hr 41.7 Btu/hr/ff 0fe N/A 35.00 70.0'F 15.50 2.50 2.50 6.00 24.00 5.50 7.00 2.50 8.00 2.00 720tF 0fF 720tr Suspended 0.50 5.00 NIA N/A 70'F N/A No 720tr 720 fF 0fe N/A 10.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 6.00 10.00 4.50 10.00 4.00 155 20 20 48 240 33 'rt.r '11 80 I /'')., 720tr 16ft 1 1,520 ff 63ft 0.50 per Hour 70'F 9,901 Btu/hr Floor GomPonent Floor Area: Unheated Ar€a: Nqt Heated Area: Floor TYPo: Floor Cover Rv: Floor Insulation Rv: Edge Rv: Perlmetsr Ru TemP Belortr: Slab DePth: Ccillng ComPonent gpacs Aboro H€ated: Cclling Area: Unhated Area: Ncl Heeted Area: Ceiling Corer Ru Cn bd drg Fadryi Exqr?6t Vcrslon 1.71 H6ra Lo.s:(les3 sub components if any) DorYnward Loed: Upward LO89: Supplementel: Net Ceiling Led: 0 Btu/hr 1,851 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 1,851 Btu/hr ;:, i, ::? Pao€ 1 l - t- Rv: €mp: o Heat Load:N/A Ceillng Insulation C6iling Surface T 35.00 70.0 "F r---\Room Components Component (fr) Walll Wndo\,Y1 Wall2 Windowl Windo z VMndow3 Windon4 Windo\4,5 Wdl3 Eloorl WdlS Doorl Wlndowl Windord Length / Vllitlth Helght (ft) 9.00 54 5.50 14 14.00 462 8.00 28 8.00 28 9.00 34 3.00 18 8.00 88 9.00 54 8.00 24 s.00 162 8.00 32 2.00 8 2.50 6 Area (ft') 20.00 2.00 20.00 2.00 2.00 2.OO 2.00 2.00 20.00 5.00 20.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 Rv (Btu/hr) 180 630 1,107 1,260 1,260 2,430 810 3,960 't35 432 522 576 360 270 1,647 Btu/hr 669 Btu/hr 5,911 Btu/hr (0) Blurhr 8,227 Blulhr 31.6 Btu/hr/ll3 N/A N/A Diff Source 82.6.F 1,647 Btu/hr 6,580 Btu/hr (0) Btu/ht 8,227 Btu/hr 31.6 Btu/hr/fte Hoit Lolg 6.00 2.50 33.00 3.50 3.50 0.00 6.00 1't.00 8.00 3.00 18.00 4.00 4.00 2.50 Room.' Master Bathroom Groos Araa: Ceillng Helght: Volume: Perlmeter Length: Air Changes: Room Temp: Roorn lnfiltration: 260 fl3 10ft 2,600 fF 46 ft 0.50 per Hour 70'F 2,235 Btu/hr fo|a, H6af loss; Floor Downward: Ceiling Upward: Othor Component6: Supplemental: Net RPH Load: Unit RPH Hcat Load: Floor: Ceiling: Water Table Prasent: Space Below Heated: Floor Surfac€ TemDl lreet losr.' Donn$rerd LGs: Upward Load: Supplemental: Net Floor Load: Unit Hcd Load: Floor Component Floor Area: Unhsated Area: Net Htated Area: Floor Type: Floor Corer Rv: Floor Insulation Rv Edge Rv: Pcrimeter Rv: TemP Belo,t/: Slab D6pth: Gelllng Component Space Abore Heated: Celllng Area: Unhgated Area: Nct H€ted Ar€a: C€iling Covor Rv: CCllng lnsulation Rv Ceiling Surface Temp: Room Gomponents CornpoNnt W t*g Fr&,tl E'4.t8F.tV.t6lon 1.71 260 ff 0fF 260 fl: Suspended 1.00 5.00 t'l/A N/A 70'F N/A No 260 fF 260 fe Hsrt Lo$i(less sub components it any) Downward Load: Upward Lo6s: Supplernental: N€t Coillng Loed: Unlt H€6t Load: 0 Btu/hr 669 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 669 Btu/hr N/A 0tr N/A 35.00 70.0'F Length / Wdth Hclght (ft) Page 1 aree (lF) Rv llcct Lolr o (frl i-1: Walll Doorl Windoivl Wall2 Windoutl Wdl3 Windoll Windo z Room: MasterBedroom Gross Area: Ceiling H€ight: Volume: Perlmeter Length: Air Chang€s: Room TemD: Room Infittration: 20.00 5.00 2.00 20.00 2.00 20.00 2.OO Totat Heat Losc: Floor Doanward: Ceiling Upward: Other Components: $upplcmental: Net RPH Load: Unit RPH Heat Load: Floor: Ceiling: Water Table Present: Space Belor Heated: Floor Surface Temp: HeaaLo6!.: Downward Loss: UDward Load: Supplemental: Net Floor Load: Unit Heat Load: Do,vnward Load: Upw€rd Loss: Supplemental: Net C€iling L@d: Unit Heat Load: 2,300 Btu/hr 77l Blulhr 8,332 Btu/hr (01 Btu/hr 11,403 Btu/hr 38,0 Btu/hr/fi3 N/A N/A Diff Source 85.1'F 2,300 Btu/hr 9,103 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 11,403 Btu/hr 38.0 Btu/hr/ff 13.00 3.00 2.00 18.00 4.00 15.00 2.00 2.OO 10.00 8.00 4.50 10.00 4.50 8.00 2.00 2.00 (Bturhr) 436 43i2 405 725 810 504 180 180 130 24 9 180 18 120 4 4 300 ft, 't2ft 3,600 fF 37ft 0.50 per Hour 70 "F 3,094 Btu/hr Floor Component Floor Area: Unheated Area: Net Heated Area: Floor Type: Floor Corer Rv: Floor Inrulatbn Ru Edge Rv:...-r'. Perimeter Rv: Slab Deoth: Ceiling Component Space Abo/€ Heated: Celllng Area: Unheated Aroa: Net Heated Area: Ceiling Cover Rv: Ceiling Insulation Rv Celllng Surface Temp: Room Gomponents Component (fr) Walll Windoivi Wall2 Windot,vl Windovr2 Room: Office GrosE Area: Celllng Heigttt: o?rdrd dry Rfdl8/i E p."'ss Verstut 1.71 300 flF 0fF 300 ftr Suspended 1.00 5.00 NUA N/A 70"F N/A No 300 fF 300 fF 0 fie N/A 35.00 70.0'F lleaf Losc;(less sub components if any) 20.00 7.50 17.00 2,50 2.50 Area (fls) 20.00 2.00 20.00 2.00 2.00 Length / Wldth Helght (ft) 12.00 240 7.00 52 12.00 204 5.50 14 5.50 14 0 Btu/hr 771 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 771 Btu/hr N/A Rv Heat Lo3t (Btwhr) 846 2,340 792 630 630 176ff 10ft To.',lH€s,Loo',: Floor Domward: Page 'l 1,458 Btu/hr Volume: Perim6tcr L€ngth: Air Changos: Roorn T€mp: Roorn Infiltre*ion: Floor Component Floor Area: Unheated Area: Nst Heeted Area: Floor Type: Floor Corer Rv: Floor lnsulation Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter Rv: Temp Beloru: Slab Depth: 1,750 fF 34ft 0.50 per Hour 70'F 1,504 Btu/hr Ceiling Upward: Other Componcnts: 9upplcmcnlrl: Net RPH Load: Unlt RPH Heat Load: Floon Ceillng: Wster Tablg Present: Space Belor Heated: Floor Surface Temp: Heat Locs.' Downward Loss: Upward Load: Supplemental: Net Floor Load: Unit Heat Load: Downr/viard Load: Upward Loss: Supplomontal: Net Ceiling Led: Unit Heat Load: 450 Btu/hr 5,425 Btu/hr (01 Bturhr 7,333 Btu/hr 41.9 Btu/hr/ft'z N/A N/A DilI Source 8e.7'F 1,458 Btu/trr 5,875 Btu/hr (0) Btu/hr 7,333 Btu/hr 41.9 Btu/hr/lt? Geiling Component Space Aborc Heeted: Ceillng Area: Unheated Ar€a: Net Heated Araa: Ceiling Cover Rv: Ceiling Insulatlon Rv 9eiling Surface Temp: 175 fF 0ftz 175 tt" Suspended 1.00 5.00 N/A N/A 70'F N/A No 175 fF 175 t( 0fF N/A 35.00 70.0'F Hc., Losrj(less sub components if any) Room Componcnts Gqnponent Walll Windovrl Wall2 Wlnd@\r1 Vuall3 (n) Length / Wldth Helght (ft) '10.00 95 5.00 12 10.00 150 5.50 47 10.00 95 0 Btu/hr 450 Btr/hr (0) Btu/hr 450 Btu/hr N/A Rv Hert Lo.o (Btu/hr) 374 540 464 2,1',15 428 Area (lF) 20.00 2.00 20.00 2.00 20.00 9.50 2.50 15.00 8.50 9.50 i:: :!:?.t Noter: The lntended us6 cf this progEm is to provido acc rat€ h€at loss and design data for Wrsbo Radiant Syst€ms. The heat lnss and deeign data gancratcd by th€ program will only be as accurate as tho information supplied. Wirsbo Company is not rcsponslbl€ Crrrfd t stryRad$l Exptcss Vaslon 1.71 Paga 1 220-960 Specifica d Dimension Data Inline Fans Descrifiion'Fan shall b€ a duct mounted, direct driven, centrifugal inline fan. Certifications - Fan shall be listed by Underwriters Laboralories (UL 705) and UL listed for Canada (cUL 705). Fan shall bear the AMCA certified ratings seal for sound and air peformance. A Construction - The fan housing shall be minimum 20 gauge galvanized steel and acoustically insu- J lated. Blower and motor assembly shall be mounted to a minimum 14 gauge reinforcing chan- nel and shall be easily lemovable lrom the housing. Motor shall be mounted on rubber-in-shear vibration isolators. Unit shall be supplied with inte- gral wiring box and receptacle. The outlet duct collar shall include a reinforced aluminum damper with continuous aluminum hinge rod and brass bushings. An inlet duct collar shall be provided to accommodale a slip-fit duct connection. Unit shall be shipped in ISTA certified transit tesled packaging. Wheel - Wheel shall be centrifugal forward curved type, constructed ot galvanized steel. Wheel shall be balanced in accordance with AMCA standard 204-96, balance quality and vibration lev- els for fans. Motor - Motor shall be open drip proof type with permanently lubricated sealed bearings and built- in thermal overload protection. Motor shall be furnished at the specified voltage and phase. Product - Fan shall be model G€mini GN 220-960 as manufactured by Loren Cook Company of Springfield, Missouri. -11'r- w-1F5/8" T B l_ Loren Cook Comparry certifies that the Gemini GN 22G9@ aro lic€nsed to bear tha AMCA Seal. The ratlngs shown are based on t6sts and procedures oerbrmed in acaordance with AMCA Publlcaton 211 and AMCA Publlcation 311, and comply with requiromonts of the AMCA Certified Ralings Program. GN 220-960 Dimension Data Type Gomini GN 220-960 are turnished standard with UL 705 listing (Power VenlilaiorzAcT): Type Gemini GN 220-960 are turnlshsd standard with cUL 705 listing (Po.rer Venillator/ zAcT). --Air Flow GN 220-740 GN 820-960 Double blower unit is sho\r/n. Model GN Houslng Ouilet lnlet Collar Approx. Shlp-wt. Lbt, L w H A B J K 220,240 12-3/8 9-3t4 9-314 I t'12-5t16 9-11/16 2 320, 340 12-318 10-u4 10-314 I t'12-5/16 10-1r/16 25 420 17 11-718 1-7t8 8 b 1G15/16 I I -15/16 30 520 '17 't't-718 11-7t8 d o 16-15/16 -15/16 32 620, 640 17 1-7t8 11-718 10-1t2 4-3t4 16-15116 -15r'16 35 729J4O 17 11-718 11-7tS 10-1n 4-314 16-15/16 -15/16 36 82(840ir860 27 14-11t16 14-11t16 20 A 27 '14-1t2 74 920, 940, 960 31 14-11/16 14-11116 24-1t4 6 31 14-1t2 86 All dimensions in inches. t 10 Performanc C^Gemini Inline Fans 120 - 960 o Model GN Max RPM 0.0 sP 0.100 sP 0.125 SP 0.250 sP 0.375 SP 0,500 sP 0.6?5 SP 0.750 sP 0.875 SP CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM GNJ20 35 1200 88 1.5 75 1.6 72 .t.o 50 1.8 GN-140 70 1500 106 1.2 106 1.4 106 1.5 105 105 2.1 101 ?.4 z.) GN-160 120 1500 161 2.2 161 2.4 161 2.5 160 3.0 160 o.l 158 3.4 143 3.6 113 3.9 GN-180 185 1500 246 3.2 232 3.4 tw 3.4 227 3.6 226 3.8 2'17 3.8 205 3.8 188 3.8 168 3.9 40 1050 120 .8 108 .8 105 .8 8d!1.1 GN-240 67 't 260 160 1.6 140 1.4 135 1.3 111 1.4 GN-320 T7 1360 212 2.3 199 2.1 197 2.1 188 2.O 167 2.3 GN-340 137 1625 zoo 3-6 242 3.3 3.2 220 2.8 194 2.4 GN-420 172 1075 327 2.4 300 2.O z94 '1.9 264 1-4 2 1.2 206 1.2 GN-520 171 1200 362 3.7 353 3.5 3s1 3.4 341 3.2 328 2.9 312 2.6 292 2.4 264 ,?, GN-620 245 950 zts9 1.7 432 1.5 429 1.4 417 1.2 395 1.2 333 1.3 GN-640 350 1000 526 1.8 503 1.6 496 1.6 459 1.4 416 1.3 335 1.4 222 GN-720 323 1325 717 .J.b 697 3.5 692 3.6 668 5.C 642 3.3 609 3.0 coc 2.9 505 2.4 411 2.7 GN-740 398 '| 600 a'ra 5.4 u2 5.2 834 5.1 794 4.9 751 4.6 703 4.2 6,18 3.8 589 3.4 503 3.1 GN-820 299/.165 700 982 2.2 942 2.2 935 2.3 908 875 3.2 810 e.7 707 4.3 GN-840 387t.225 870 1224 3.9 1185 3.7 1173 3.7 1105 3.8 1025 3.8 944 4.2 836 4.6 GN-860 47U.351 1050 1509 c.t 1439 1420 5.4 1313 5.0 1 198 4.9 1083 4.7 s72 5.U trtr-vzu 455t.285 900 1493 4.1 1426 3.9 1415 4.0 1375 4.2 1331 4.6 1245 5.0 1078 5.3 GN-940 520t.379 1000 1679 5.3 1602 5.2 1586 5.2 1514 5.1 1439 1338 5.4 1171 GN-960 @0/.504 1105 1875 6.5 1763 6.2 't739 6.1 1639 5.9 13r8 5.6 1439 5.7 1277 5.8 airstrcam. Psrformance ratinos lor GN.96o include the etlects ot inlet duct, outlst duct, and in the airstream.srown |s nomtnat.airstram. Psdormance ratings lor GN-220 through GN.96o include the etlects ot inlet duct, outlst duct, and bacldratt damper in the airstream. Spaed (RPM) shown is nominal. Ps ormance ls bassd on actual speed of lest. The sound radngs sholvn are loudness \ralues in fan sones at 5 ft, (1.5 m) in a hsmlspheicaltree neH calfllated por AMCA Stan. dard301.Vatussshownarefor|nsta||ationtypeD:ductedin|€t,dugtedout|et.Fatlngsdonotinc|udetheetfecto'duc-t8ndcorrect|on.Ratingsarebas€d ratings lor GN-220 through GN 12G180 GN 22&740 GN 820-960 lnv/Q /r." l1 l 5'l Badiation Data Gemlnl Series Model No.A Approx. Shlp Wt. Lbs. 120-180 CRDl-'14-114 x 12-5/16 I 22A-240 CRD2 10-1/8 x 12-518 7 320-340 CRDS 11-118 x 12-5/8 420-740 CRD4 '12-114 x 17-518 10 All dimensions in inches. Celling radiafton dampers are UL listed and comply with NFPA Stan- dard 90A. 'CRDI requires use of steel grille. Slainless steel Roll formed Thermal barrier negalor spring trame 22 ga. fabric (aluminum galvanizedsteel impregnaled fiberglass clolh) 2 hour UL classltied models CRD2. CHD3, and cRD4 112'. - Speed Gontrol ffiffi '-l T-I' 9-114' I I Roll tormed trame 22 ga. galvanized steel uL listed link (160"F standard) ;;Jffi:JHYJ" cRD2, cRDs, cRD4 Loren Cook Company offers aluminum grilles for all Gemini fans in an attractive, architectural style. These grilles are available in painted white or aluminum linish. A painted steel grille is available for the 100 and 200 series tan that provides additional coverage for a ceiling radiation damper or whenever a steel grille is desired for cosmetic reasons. 22 ga. galvanized blades Deluxe Aluminum Grille SteelGrille Fan Cook's FSC is a variable speed controller which allows opeftltion of Gemini units from 100 percent of capac- ity to approximately 50 percent of capacity. The FSC can ofler excellent enorgy conservation and sound benefits when 100 percent operation is not required. The FSC employs solid state circuitry tor long-life and dependability. The FSC is available on single phase motors only. lt is normally shipped loose tor field instaF lation. Optional pre-wiring available. Time Delay Switch The time delay switch operates both the fan and room light. Moving the switch to the "on" position turns th6 light on immediately and the oxhaust fan on 15 seconds later. Both light and fan stay on until the switch is moved to the -otf" position. When the switch is moved to the CHilTffi:Jlisht is immediately ceased and the fan will power down 1 to 10 minutes dependent upon the adiustable de"t O The 277 Volt Transformer is available tor the Gemini 120-180 series and for the Gemini 220 - 960 series. This step-down transformer allows for the operation of a Gemini fan from a 277 volt source. lt is shipped loose for field installation. "/ Avw).t( * lW lttto CRDl cRD2, CRD3, CRD4 16 AUG-13-2001 floN 08r52 Arl cLIlprNTROL FA)( NO,P.01 l',.O. Box 1042 Gl*n\tood Springs, CO 81802 I'hono: 970-945-2326 f'.rx 970-945-8128 Falt h*C,qnlur D,qv/s Frcmr Chris Harrison Joe R.To: F xi 970-926'1968 Datei 8-10t001 Phone: 070"90&0669 Pages: 1 \ filey Resldence GG: we v,/ill Dfovide a vaaiotte $pecd switch to control the kitchen cxhartst fan' The srvhch will be adjusl'ed to provide a "iiJr,:;,'.iJJr.,rriiiirn"w"iaoo"fr" wowiilneedtocoordinatethiswithrheeleddcian. l,lr,rersc cnll if yotr have any questtong. 'l lrank you, (:hris Thinkins outside the box.L Less work, weight, and space for tfi'e profection you necd. .., L, s{'si. :ir:' ,.ffit ':;:at); EHI\L LEL{ I D af ({her Vlrppiil$ s1.x.tetrs. L"rntr ;rctorl, srrb as thrnc quaftrl l*tu, ttg1,r.t e:l*y ilstrtllation,,Arclijtccti ltavc exFitt[.tcd Jlsig rrptions. BuiJdiirg c*rcrl airtl inspectors hlr,g tltc cuttl'itiencc ni rtrur:irr19 codcs with losto.rl systdrl rttl,lrJli.i rrrrr.l A('!{Jl ). lo thr: rvrrrls rrJ'ilrsrrlah,r j-llt-. (larnpL-cll. 3\'l Firu lJ!r.t.ier lV: irp l'tr.llrri.Jii '\ofh lvith )'ou- tlr)t a.[ititt)i .y-(ri.t." A1.]ll "yott" {iln rneatl r.rveiv(r (l sr\nr:ctlltcd rvit:.1 dt lt firt prliitiion. N0. : 974 876 " (.itt,r rtlrri !ut,t utrrtr',, ,,,,rr-r, r{?,ri(',,: !: :, rt, ! ! n tl .fit r i !,i ! r t,.. l.'lntt'l ltttrt' 1., I;irtsr;t.gr .rr lit'al it itr !t i jillr:t:,'' Joo Plulrurzenski, Insuiiltor, 15 yoa|5 ur .r., j::i ' 'i')li$fF ,:r. :.;.;i{yi.t..' " I[us to .tave tinrc cuttitxg nnd uppl.1.iug it. [it,en lon.E /)ie(ie.r K)ilftril1. to the duct dtid dul't .rlip donti." Bob CaInpbott, llsulalor, 10 ycars t6 ZAAL Et FRoN : EARL LEUIS FAX N0. i 976 876 51.19 t6 28/47 05:574M P4 3M"'Fire BInier Duct Wrap l5A and 20A, Duct Wrap Collar Z0A, anclplenum Wrap 5,{ This non-asbestOs firr; rcsistance wr8p iS A pAtenlcd irnrlganic blanf,er cncapsulareC witlr .scrirn-reiritbrcr:tl tbil. 'thc rcsul: lS an exfenlel_v flexible q,6p wirh high strengrh. llr:;ulstiorr propenies Ettolect corabustiblc consrruction ar zero clg,sur**e st overlap or collar-, pmviding an :rlrnraE\,e lo [ ?-hour rsred tire re$istrnse Shalit cnclosure. 3IlI Fire Earrter Dnct Wrap l5r1 and 20A Thickness choice of I.5" (!5A) llrd 1,, (?0,,\.) tor sirr3:ler ar;d tlciuble utaopilg in I rariery afappfftation"-: g.re111;.,y.ix1 Urchen grErse ducrs! air \entlad;n md cheriucal efhrilqt diliti stair prcssurizaddn d.rcts. hazardgus.t :a:tr1 d{cti, tfiisil and linon ch:rtcs. 15A is thc thlnncsr suurlsfd ortc ;rlcr wrap frn geaseductr rud as a.shafr llemarire per Uligiti. Roll widdr,i of 2't:r4' in 20'Iong rolls. cirlcf nl,.qdai Sllcll.titlil prots, 3ll Fire Ernier Duct Wrnp (lrllnr 20A 2" rhu:k by 6" s,ide collrrr tirr'rvrapping buttr.d sernu rrt 20i\ or 1.5A drut wrrp. 3M Firc Barrior Plonum Wrap SA Provirle.s a flexiblc ntrn-combusrible cnclorure tbr cablcs ond pipe in rttum alr plenurns as rc{B(l 1r-l LIL9l0, Us€ with singlc cr :rultrple l" rnC larger clastic piprs anrl clhles irrc:luCiug PVC. (_)rV(:. PB f'8. pp pVDt. antt AIjS. No ottd.lsrrng o ring rire exp(rJure. 1,,2., by I,or _1, wrdths rn 25' trt SLl' |ong rnlls. Sr:e bac.k crrvcr for echnira.l deLeils un thc lcll line. FROM : ERRL LEUIS FRX N0. : 974 476 5rL9 16 2AAr A5:58AM P5 FS 563 F ,q aaytrr-.i" t,-^*;Sffiiu"rif,.,l,H*::illT:$":l[?jl?;:*"1"9|,,#:1_6iliiir,rpiiFririeiiififf6i lfJ,lno*oB,L,ry oR FrrNEss FoR aPARncuLABPutsPosE userisle<p,nsible',:l;eler:lCffi;rr*l-ilryoqgr'tt ra$arricrdarpurpasearrJ,ilffiii[il#fffilf,ir:fi"pI0ductispr0ved[obcdefecbvcwjthinthet'amnr!.,lodsutedibo*,youie*crusive,,'eoyanct:l,ltourigaiion,ailrr,r..opo'torep|ar,orlepalrlhe3|produd or retund rhe purct€se Ddce ol the 3M nrodrcl rri,irrion "rr-i*irU -o*pi*irii pr"r'ril oai uv rrn, aM *iin.i;i,l#r, iol'a,y t*, o, oorage ais1.n0 kom a 3M producL v/hrther dE4 r{it'4 s0edJ' 'rcid€flbl or c,,t*q,,etltit r'sidH;;; nst'i';*ory o**, *rudmg ',,ar' riy, mrt€cl negiqcn.e of srrict riabiiirv.f,rr Spedfied Coustruction Products DeB|artrtqnl ll"9:l'.^'*lll il* 215.4.s{8 i&'.;ii'.i?#''*"* 3n.com/fire$oD e r nl on IUft pol.towu et ta$c ,t4ltcr @ 3M IPC ?oo] Lrlho jn USA 98-040e505s-g (71,5)BE :isa,riifi Ducl Wrap 154 l,,f ';," l5b ds.l l ' 24kg TOWN OF VATI-, 75 S, FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLIEANT colflrRAcToR OWNER JOb AddrCSS: 1538 SPRING IIILL LOCATION...: 1538 SPRING HTLL Parcel No. . : 21-01--091-01-005 Project No. : PRJ99-0202 SUPERIOR ATARM AND ELECIRONICS P.O. BOX 2568, EDWARDS,CO. 8l_632 SI'PERIOR ALARM AND EI,ECTRONICS P.O. BOX 2558, EDWARDS,CO. 81632 Status...: ISSIIED Applied. . z 08/oL/2000 Issued...z 08/2L/2000 E>q)ires . .: O2/L7/200L Phone t 970-926-B7aB Phone: 970-926-8788 Phone: 972-93L-8228 DEPARTT{ENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMEMT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TTMES ALARM PERMIT Permit. #: A00-0024 tN I-rN WII.,EY GARY & DORTS 5609 WINDMIER CIRCLE, Dal-Ias, TX 75252 Description: security,fire alarm low volEage Valuation:1, 350 . 00 FEE SUTi{MARY Electrical---> DRB Fee InvesbigaEion> Will call----> TOTAL PEES- - - > 50 ,00 .00 ,00 3.00 53.00 53 .00 .00 s3 .00 53 .00 .00 ToEal CalculaEed !'ees- - - > AddicionaL Fees--- -- ---- > Tot.al PerrniE Fee--------> Pal4llentE - - -- --- - BAIANCE DUE...-.:-*-' .-> r*iitrtrtiirrrtrtlrrr ITCM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 08/L412000 IGTIIY Action: APPR n,/a Dept: BUILDING Diwision ILEM: 05600 FTR.E DEPARTT'4EI T DEPI: FIRE OSIO]./2OOO ,JRM ACEiON: NOTE PLANS TO FIRE O8/L8/2OOO KATI{Y Action: APPR PER MV-APPROVED Division rf r** t** ** ****** CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I herrby acknoxl,cdge lhaL I havc read bhi.6 altplication, fi1led out in full thc inf,oruatioo required, compl.eted {n accurate plot plan, and state lhat al1 the informaCion provj.d€d a6 f,6quired iE colrect. I agrse Eo conply wiEh the inf,ornation and plot plan, tso coulply with all, Town ordinanceB and seatc 1aws, and to build tshi6 st].uccurc according bo the Town,6 zoning and gubdivision code6, desi.gn rawiew approved, Unifonn Building cod€ and other ordi,nances of the Tosn applicablc tshereto. JUN-21-gg lO!51 FROM t TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT. WflWTAN, lD t 97O4792452 Alarm Permit #l 97 0-471r-2I35 (rnspcctions) PAGE 4/7 75 S. Frontage Rd. Colorado 81657 . application 2* pageoftlris inbrmation. Alann sfiop drawings ane requined at Ume of and nust indude inbrnration lisbrl on the Vail,willpt be aoepted withouttlrb M:n82{ COI{PLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARil PERI,IIT (tabor & MaErials) Fire Alarm: $ I t...r r.ra....r...r.*!:*l**********.***rFOR OFFICE USE OJILY*rr.ri.rr.rrriiitiillttrrrr.rt.trt..tt or # Parcc[ # (Required if no bldg. Permit # ]5 prqvided above) Job l,tame: \N f Ue!JobMdress: t538 Sp"t"g *tU-|aNU Legal Descriptbn ron lLf letrrllrr 3 Filins:Ycd Vallw lSIll suuoiruon, Oivners Nare: W tL6U Mdtess:Phone: Englne*: I Mdress:Phone: Dehiled Locatjon of work (ie., floor, unit #, bldg. #) Detailed descliouon of uork: 90-lstnn4, frre-Pvolec*rpN fraaqnil, bN Voftqt--. WorkClass: HeurK) Addiuon( ) R€rnodel( ) Repalr( ) Reuo-ft( ) oher( ) fvpeCbtUg.: Singlefrmily6(1 fwo-tamrtv( ) Muh'familv( ) ConunercH( ) Resnaurant( ) Odrer( ) No. of E<bfmg Dnrdling L,niB in thb buitshg:No. of Acconurpdatlrn Units in thb building: I Fa Fle AEm ftl*: Yes ( ) No ()<L Docs a Fire Sprinkler SysEn Exists Yes ( ) No (XI ry; fi'Ab cuue lLour"-D?an6v' kLarmrLll-f R/even$qfofl ni/.lrmplrm *\Vq TOI,IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-21,38 ilob Address...:Location......: Parcel No.,...:Project Number: DEPARTIIENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMEI T PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON SPRINKIJER PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: F00-0015 NOTE: THIS 1.538 SPRING HILL LN ]-538 SPRING HTLL LN 2L01-091-01_-005 PR,I99 - 02 02 ALL STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC 6045 E 76TTT #1.2, COMMERCE CITY AIL STATE FTRE PROTEC"IION, INC 6045 E 76TTI #I2, COMMERCE CITY WILEY GARY & DORIS 5609 WINDMIER CrRCL,,E, Da11as , TX 75252 ISSUED 07 /3L/2OOO 08 /22 / 2OOO 02/L8 /200L Phone: 303-288-3901- Phone: 303-288-390r_ Phone:. 9'72-93L-8228 18, 850. 00 *Of Wood/Pellec: status.. .Applied. Issued., E>rpires. APPIJICAIVT COIiTTRACTOR OI'INER Description: iNSTA].L FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM fireplace fnformation: Reetricted: co 80022 co 80022 . oo 478.00 Valuation: *Of caa Logs: FEE ST'I4MARY #of eas ApFliances: RestsLrarant PLan Revi6w- - >Totsa.I ealculaled Fees---> Additional Fa€e- ------> Total Pefinic Fac-------_> Pa!n[6nta Mechanical---> Plan check- - - > Inweetigation> will call- ---> 380.00 95 .00 . oo 3 .00 ToTAIT PSES- --- - - ------> 474.00 .00 474 . OO 478.00 .--..".":fl::.?T:;;;.;;";;:;::"".-..---",.;::.,. Ileqr: ,QF1q0 EqILDING DEPARTT'4EMr_ Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:O8/OL/20O0 KATHY Action: APPR N/A rIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{T DCPT: FIRE DiViSJ-ON:O8/.OI/.2OOO I(ATIIY ACt,iON: NOTE ROUTED TO MCGEE/VAUGIIAN 08/21/2000 MIKE V Act.ion: APPR approved as notbd CONDITION OF APPROVAI 1. FIETD INSPESTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI.ICE. ******************************************************************************** DECT,ATG-TIONS I hexeby ackno*ledge that I have read this appLj.cation, filled our in ful1 ch. information requirad, cornpl.eued an accurace p1o! p1an, and state lhat alf Che inforoatj.on provided as r6quired is correcC. I agree to coltlrly r.ith tshe inforoallon and ploe p1an,go codPly sihh all To$n ordinanees and etatse law6, and to build this structure according to !h€ Town,6 zoning and subdivieion codee, daEj.gt! revier approved, Unifolr! Building code and ocher oadinances of the Tolrn applicable thereEo. REQI'ESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAI,], BE MADE TWEI\ITY. FOI'R HOURS IN ADVAI{CE BY TEI.EPHONE AT 4?9-213S OR.e'T OI'R OPFICE FROM 8:OO AI.T 5:OO PM SIGI{ATI'RE OF O!{!IER OR CON'TRACTOR FOR HII.ISE',F AA- "-* ** * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * ** * * **f* * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VArr., COLORADO Statemnt, **************************:l************************************* Statemnt, Number: REC-0660 Amount :47S.00 08/0!/00 14:55 Payment, Method: cHEcK Notation: #2782L/ALL STATE Init: KMW Permit. No: F00-0015 Tl4pe: F-SPRNK SPRINKLER PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-091-01_-005 SiIC AddrCSS: 1538 SPRING HILL LTiI tocaLion: 1538 SPRING HIIJIJ LN Tot.al Fees: 478. 00 Tot.al ALL Ptnts: Balance:**************************************************************** Aecount. Code Description MP OO1OOOO31113OO MBCIANIEAL PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31]-2300 PI,AN CHEEK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WTLL EAI,L INSPEETION FEE This Palment, 478. 00 478.00 .00 Amount 380 .00 95.00 3 .00 .j-2 0:.,2l-a5oo r""pl'i"i";:' ";#; oF vArL coNsrRucrron_t ' --' pERnr? #rArcEL 0: ^ -;;;-;; ;;:;-:Y::::":i:-Y'h, rr --/i'---- - "=*5i'r,Tfif;i$'"U ?VXT#,? , APPLTCATToN uusT BE Frr.,,rrD our eoupr,gxELy oR rr r{Ay No? BE AccEprED at It***t*****t**t**t****rr****i*'t PERltIl fNFORtfATfON .r***nr*r!r**. r!r*rr*r**r****r*rl [ ]-Building t l-prunbingr [ ]-Electrical Job Address: Ormdrs Nane:lddress: Architect:Address: Geheral Description: l{ork crass; }<9", [ ]-alterarion 1 1-atcrtronar\g 3lq"ratr J 1 Nunber of Dnelling Units!Nunber of Acconuodation Units: Iuler and Tlpe of Fireplaces! cas appriances- cas rogs_ lrood/pelret ****'r****ir*********!t'r*rt****!r**** vAuIATJoNs * r****!t!:*r*a********************* BUfLDING: $ELECTRTCAT: I di'IIER: $UECIIANTCAI,: Electrical Corrtractor:Address: . Plunbing .Address: l{echanical Cantractor:Address: l* it* * !r**** *:r*-*** !t * *t * ** t a**a* ***FOR SUTI,DING PERUIT EEE: PLT'I.TBING PERilIT FEE: II{ECIIANICAL PERHIT FEE: ET.TECTRTCAI.I FEE: OTHER TTPE OF FEE:DRB EEE: oFFreE usE ** *rr*****!r**** ***!r r* *****r r* **BUTI,DING PIAN CIIECK FEE; -PIEIPING prAN criEicK FEEs U CTIANICAI PIAN CT{ECK FEE!.RECREATION FEE: CI-EAN.UP DEPOSTT: "OTAL PER$TT FEES: Contractor:Regi. NO. Reg, NO. BUTLDII&J; STGNAfTIRE: ZONTNG: STGNATURE: ]2ilechanl'eal I J-Other Legal Description: oN *****t**************!rl***fown of Vail TOTAI;t-.".- Phone Nunber: i Town of Vail Phone Number: Tosrr1 of Vai.l Plrone Nurobef: Toett of vail PhoDe Nu.uber: Reg. NO. fficD JUr I 1?000 etff*(lz,Joo otu W cklne bl (M ).:s.' 1f-:6;1 - clJ'.: t - ,1)"? , COMMT'NITY DEVELO TOVIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479 -2L38 APPTICA}TT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARIIIIENT OF PMENT JOBSITE Permit AT ALL TIMES #: P00-0058 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PII]MBING PERMIT JOb AddrESS: 1538 SPRING HILL LN IOCAEiON...: 1538 SPR]NG HILL IANE Parcel No.. : 21-01-091-0L-005 Project No. : PRiI99-0202 COLORADO PI.,IJMBTNG SERVICE 2335 ATRPORT ROAD, RrFLE CO 8r-550 COLORADO PLT]MBING SERVICB 2335 AIRPORT ROAD, RIFLE CO 81650 WILEY GARY & DORIS 5609 WINDMIER CIRCLE, Dallas, Tx 75252 status...: IssIrED App1ied..: 06/22/2000 rssued...: 06/22/2000 $q)ires .. = L2/L9/2000 Phone z 970-525-0766 Phonel. 970-625-0766 Phone:. 972-93L-8228 Descriptsion: PI-TUMBING FOR NEW SFR a*r**rr.rt*ifir*r*rr**tttt{}*r t**ttt'r*i*.** tEE sIr}tl,lARY PluEbing----->1, 0go .00 Reseuaralg Plan Rewiew--> TOTAT FEES----.- Valuation:72, 000 . 00 **ir 'r r r 'r.rrttrJ t t PLarr ehcck---> 210 .0o ?ota1 calculated Fces---> Additional Fec€---------> Aot-al Pcrtlits F€c--- - -- --> PeldentE- - -- - - - - Invest-igation>. oo .00 1,353.00 1 , 353 .00 .00 1, 353 . OO 1,353.0O tlil,l Call----> 3.00 .........TH:l.lH;--..;-.;;;;;:...........-;11... ITEM: O51OO BUITDING DEPARII'IENI DCPT: BUILDING DiVISiON: 06/22/2OOO CHARLIE ACt,iON: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS ITb,M:..05600 FIRE DEPARTI'IEMT DEPI: FIRE DiViSION: 06/22|2OOO CIIARLIE ACtiON: APPR N/A irrt * it ', tl tttt * * * t CONDITION OF APPROVAI 1. FIEI.,D TNSPE TIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE. r'rra**a**Ar**ai *i*.rtritttr'rtt'r t*t*tittttt****tattrr.rtttttt**ilrtit DECI,ARJATIONS I h€roby ackllorl.dEe !h.t I hav. re.d Ehi6 eplrLicatj.on, fillcd ouf in full fhc inforoation requircd, conltlcg.d an plan, ana rtrlc lhet all ch. inforEruion providcd ae requircd is corlsct. I agr€. to cottrply vich tsho infor$icion go couply lrittr -11 Torn 6ldinancao and stat€ Iaw., $1d to build chis scruccur€ codee, doaign rcvior approwed, unLfonr Builaing code and ocher o din.ncer of accurace plot and plot plan, subdi.wi s i on REQUESTS FOR INSPBCTIONS SHAI;L BB UADB TgIEITTC.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY cE FRou s:00 Alt 5:00 Plt CONTR}CTOR FOR TIIUSENP AND OIINER .r!rrtr*art."**tr*+ir*i.**.i**.*****f***i*.**rrr**r* rr***.*r**,rlrrr**r* t TOWN OF VArL, C1oLOSADO Statemnt * rt rl t *r,** * * t t ll t ta + * rlli i** +** * * lr * * * t + * * * * *!tt * ** ** I * * * * *t** * * rl * *** * gtatenurt l{unber: REC-0659 Amount :1, 353 . O0 08/2s/OO LLTOS Palnneut Method: CHECK Notation: #21a3 /RZEPIEIEWS Init: KMW P0O-0058 q/pe: B - PLt48 PIjTIiIBING PBR!,IIT 2101-091-01-OOs 1538 SPRTNG IIIIJL IN 1538 SPRING IIIIL I,ANE Total Fee6: l-,353. OO Total- AtIr PmEB: Balance ! a rl* | *** * * *rr* I *** t * * * * * * * t + * * !t * ** * * + * t * * * * a *'r * t * *+ * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * Account Code Description PP OO1OOOO31111OO PLI'UBINE PERUIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN EHECK FEES ltc 00100003112800 WILL CAI,L ITTSPBCTION F8E Permit No: Palcel No: gite Addrea6: Location I 'I'his Palment 1, 353 . 00 1., 353 . 00 .00 Amount. 1, O8O . 00 270.OO 3.00 Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97 O- 47 I - 2L49 (Inspections) mwNuvwn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Contact Assessrc Office at 970-328-864O or yisit for Parcel #Parce|#(Requiredifnob|dg,permit#isprovidedabove)effi rob Name: il/ltr/ Qer,Du"rr€noaddres*1gJf ?/,,uv y',r/ zl* Legal Description Lot: l.//Block: J Filing:Subdivision: L4.,/ /at/"7 Owners N^ u, ir//Le,/Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: I t-///r+)7e t (e*- ,' /u//b<r .i /,.ru.*-5 WorkClass: luewf) Addition( ) Atteration( ) Repair( ) other( ) Type of Bldg.: Sinqle-family (X) Duplex ( ) Multi,family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No (:4 COMPLETE VATUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $o CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbing Contractor:Town of Vail Reo. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: ./r4/ 62f-o7a ? F/everyone/forms/plmbperm RECD JUN zzZOOO ft'j'r.-A s/-,1 nnfiiimY HOW DID WE RATE WTTH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Fones| Director, (970)47s.2r39 Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfient(s) did you conhct? Building Environmental_Housing_Admin Plannino DRB PEC Was your initial conkct wiih our stafi immediaie siow nr no one available ? lf you were required to wail how long was it before you were helped? 4.Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5, Was this your first time to file a DRB app- PEC app Bldg Permit_ N/A Please rate the performance of $e sbfi person who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) Overall effectiveness of $e Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are commitbd b improving our service. o. 7. 8. t o ,*oiz OE|.o ot Z.oz .|r,'o OU o rl E Pr 1 9 o ..8 'lD ao He Ee H oq|:8 CE oo q T{ T E *. <0 (J &o f e o ? o C; E H c F. E E o at (\ rt o H f, A F E 6 H f, A 0 I lo t o UF qo ato r! 9r 'E rA orF 6A Ali 2Z gio qE ({ &E F 4 lr lr zz !lD -o HT la{p I AE rc9 ro H- * E E a IT T{HE BB A!,[a a E E{ Ft 1 T l. 6 F 2 H FI Ed IU 4ql zE E g -E S PE E fi8 o H l{at B g I o D FI e I E E e B H tt t{ R d E t: ,1 .{F cil Its fl:3 CE 4E'0 E0I EEE btEp, b b -d-l!e-.E;.8 *3 ! }E:TEE o"i:trli?r Pt€€ ! s .I AE F P>i.g gE€ F c >.P.EE-*.*r.r=_ie i$9 9e s - I C a:lg E;EbE i " I€'B.E sg 9t I s E., E is€#$rf t Er s i EE F o P 6:+ c * e:3 d.,E s E 69FblEB":z9FE:X9 s s- z . r-1 Fl a. U 0J F tl tl l^l Frl C.ll >t ?t ..t o\t pt sl tl rl .^l (al ie ,i .E h!EZ Ylr dE <t)th OJ G' 0') (d AJ 1- 3 (J OJ H v)(') OJ l-r U OJ 1.. a-. lr U o OJ (E OJ td. (! aE 7: T't xtr ;e lE.: Lb R ->'.5 cE I :!:UE€ P3e E 3:iJ *:x r-6*: c! E !F:.i=e EEX El-H (,=tr ot Q 6Fbo iJl q H 4);!fi q ..!gg90 o!?5 !,* 9t !."c d;]:€e qo oJ Ye.);rE !i-'o '-GCt .s€ E 0, xn tE ,9 i9 =:! E -!-11 h(');!{5 !a '-! .: 'E -s tc t-? > H U z 4 F{ D U U o F{o frl H 4 U H F{H H fi H U f.\\LO Q r.t n< co $s r:\ Q*rr-, F ss .P LJ tn :E NS t-I s F.\O -. =F{ L c) q) SJ \J () t- .t\ .Sl G' bo \ REFTl31 zun Id.: 880 ffi_-_"_-_*.Ttffirdfl?61fi,'tfl*_ _ _ 'ry10' Rrquse&d IneprqtDrb: Arilgnsd To: ln*pcoil6n Tnc:lmirec0mAibr; SlbAddn.sr: 8ffi9'*'E'a?'zoot I$ECH CD ,rsr8 sPruNG H[.L Lr't vAlL tst8 sPFDro fsLL LArE ArPlDlnbmrtkl TYD': OccuF6ilcy OFGWS cooFcws SYSTEM {FAl-lOUcT ofr[.Y) Rco$cthd lr|c4fedoilrl lbmr 300 ll€CHtlnal Ratnrbr: CLnATECOI.IIROL COOFOWSI Cotirn*r: wcglHffiE AidffcdTo: CMV19 "* "*ffii FRrFNPEerclr o.ffi€i, lhml ll'r: bflr: n$n: ffin;!!m: ildn: m e{o tlr,&o il 3b gt Acffrtr ContlTytn: PBitC: ADD$cf,rt 'bm: Cor{trcbf, Dscr${on: Slrt r:hfipA't:IBSI.ED CD gTDg/F,tfl6 978-8Br{ul8 Yl0"9iF2Cn RcquilfrdTlncr 0l:(XlP[' Plw: 97eS'l&23816 Enffidht DFLOft€$ K anrm or,r Fetrrr trlx}om BY trEN hFTAJ"ED FER 1S? t.iIC SEC. HET1:InPLETEDOT{ GCOODEILC,A}IIEII Cot#nil |F OtrE ]rOUR S}IAFT l,tAS gt?2 tbm Commrttb: reftln l dH wp InS fg{.tho | -hr l|ldt cnctoewr ft,r tn tifim grtlir 6|ct. ffii uil? b Cpond 'or uieFhd ufuDrcdo'| h sfil rs{l.ilre.l nnm,;-ffi . oq#' trrlorcl|coHbbn, H[ r ,l Yr: subtlH: t{Efn -AtDtM" AAhN: APAFFROIIED OF KIIE}GN DTJCT COTTLETED C{ ilil,m ON FE:iII? M{06 BT CONFru F OhE }ruR 8}IAFT }IA8 reN iATAtlED FER IS? A.'o[: APIFFRS,ED ftrlhfrftilgrw(*d.Tl|rr|Ph REPTl31 0e?4-2001 hr$pcc{ofr Requcotnepenflng Pagp21 -{:31-plu_- .._'- vAlL, co jTowx bF ilordey. Aunrut27. !001 JI{OIIDRAG'iI lfEgH JRTI ni ':i'{ il i;u,l ,l: I 'l{1 1 I qq'r R*ou+,rird InrFrst Drill - Asilsmd To: lffipfcilon TyDer tnei?ecdilALrr Blt6 Addrc.i: A,F|A.h&rEseF l|th,lhn cofiTYr'i:'ffid: ADrilc!fl|:- E kner: Conlrcbf: Drcrhtlon: moffir ?lrlto$10rm6 Tt!c: FMECH ocsnrii:y: SUTTON SFIJTAT$IG WEST, I'.IC. UIII-EY fff{Y & DORTB s{,rTToN NSU.n'l}F WESr. hrc. hfSTAtL t gASAFPff\|BASA$ LOG SETS $bif,: t8{tt ED 97}S{$13t3 972-slt€an8 97rF3Fr3t3 A$ss$fltb$assgsfi$ lnsDtodsnHlshY lhfli: ?00 IECFI-R 2& 310 nao $F 3.10 t90 tfir: ftd$: hm: lh|lr: lbfir: tbm: ilf l$tt SFRfI'IS HltILl{ l/AlL 1538 SPfl{ilC Hil-L lJ{ 8ulr6: ffilFR [lspAfs; Jmli Rlrn 880 nem: 300 ffieHf,fi|d R.qu.$c $l,rTTON S{il.I.JI'TISIG WEST, |l,|c.Conhffi: wc90+{F69 Asl$lerlTo: JMOiEIRA.GON -n - Ac{on: -.n_ffi12 a}Ey Actbnl Enbrtt|q,: RG$|tCbd l$$p€ctDate:- Asilqrnrd To: lruoeoflon Tvso:InrincfronFbr:glbArlrlncc: tonday, Jrsy zl, 2001 CDAUS ilECH CD t50E sFRtlrG HS-L tN Vrfi- {5:tc SFR|NG }ilrr tJ{ SuDTFe: NSFR {.Eo:Ptrnc 97?"81"8?28 Pfiors: S?O{16{7[8 glriln: l6SuED h$Ara: CD *{ ArPDlnbffirlton sq|eqlpftl|Raq$e(tl |ntog€ilffi|tBbrr hr: ztxl bm: ?4O lhn 310 Cofifitr$r: 0arm/00 Cormar*e: o?/0?m ComrnE; o?/o?&0 Coosnat8:(F/0.ry01 Comil|{rt bT!; 33O ntrn: fin ffiin: Sfll krn: ffio SER'XCE. hE, E:tp: Rocn .brl Tlmo: 08!00 Atl - Phooe: 8?!{115''0766 Efindqr CDAlrlS K fiffio F,. -{+4cLufFS -nDOorttd * GRG'' * Apoaoved ": BSte "gtmTEsrE AIION: AFPRAPPRC'I/ED ACthIU APF,IRAPFRCN'ED Adon: PAPARTIAL AFPROI/IL FI.oOR}€AT n .RU Ac{on: COC€frTFPATEOFOCCI,FAIICY COrffS - S.f BOfi crAfrt€ES OlLY n 'nm &[on: P PARnA|PPnCil|t ffie' 1n' REPT131 riirl t fiH"""*',* '.i*- ,i{Nl! i Rtrn ldl .J70 ,, .' ' !"'{?, *{rl? 1-*r* ?'d V|-?,3-?tr}l Srfocdon Crlbd. @ f 7:32am _ _ _VAII-GO-TOWf,OF -_ Isgg A,EO3Brhffi S.qptonCilb|h to REp?t3r vrr,,co.lom{oF ooootrr.l ?p oTetitfit 'fl.]L''llf 'al''AL"'lll''AI''All'Ot{(lm{ 78:1'tAl| ftg..' {vqd }I .!r""n I t 'f , :\ l 'f crnhZ EPrl31 Rcqreabd lncpwt IlaE: As3{anro To:, 'ffiffi*Iffi:BlbAddrc$: AflP.!&@sgso Airrttfir: PfiXXFB T!ps; &Pllfi corElT}ta: oeilmircv;f,!ia8f 2t0tGlollffi Aoorcr* COLORADOFLUMEilG8EFJICE . bwnei: U,T.EYGARY&DORF Contxlffi COTORADOPTUIANO gER\nCE D€crlpffm: PLtJiE$l8FOR hEUr$n Rccrctbd h|rrccllodrl Item: Rornr$c Cmimrdr: mhl,July23,200l FIJB CD Pttmr: PtFfl.: Plutcl A*.|$!dTo: lmorc0on l{lsiorv 8ERrcE/K.ilr PI.F.TES PCRTilN brn: 210 FLil&utxlsqrdrd lbm: 240 F|.flBRou0[lD.W.V. 08fe1/qt firDoct il|mr 23O Pt$eRos#Wrior {l8Etrfi }'!!sacio{:corwnfitr: sTn-t NE 0St26rm hiloedor:Corfirfi0rl h{EEDTO Coniilffilsr 08m0 Co rt|iq$: ffi/2dtx) Coftnrd{r: lr{on: PA PARTHIAPffiO\'AL Aoiloo: DND€}#D Afrn: PAPARNqL Aa[on: D]'l ME5'D co|lInfiB: fr.|lt: E{} Ptl|B€6 ilcm;lbn:260 pr.tF 2€O pttBm. hm; l[D PLIPF]rtl ',, I :: f l; ', lil || t; i I I t 'l:i ,.. * * t, ISIT SPR|I{G HfiIlNVAIL tSllt sPR|rG Fstl.ttflE *lffi: *to gU[F: FL9IED t!rpt4!.: CD sto{t6{r766 972Sr{428 yts6a$o78e F.q|osbdThn : 0l:00ff - Phon : g7OGl5{r}EG Enattdry [c.AilPBgtL l( JF FERTffII | "/' A.ilon: CO CERTFICATE Of OCCI PAI€Y . FLLtu8[tlG PERIfT l{AS ilOT BEEN FID FOR OR PICI(ED tJF. lLlS. { GAI,'GE ONII |T N LO.YER LEVEL }.IEED€ TO BE STRAFIPED. ROTXIT{ DIII'V REPTl31 A T Run 769 Requested IS#"9+S: Ebit$,Augurt 28, 200r lnsoecti6n Tvoe: BLDG lnsbection Alba: CD SIte Address: 1538 SPRING HILL LN VAIL 1538 SPRING HILL LN A/P/D Informatlon Activiw: 899-0202 Tvpe: B-BUILD Sub Type: NDUP Status: IgSUEO conii.iVpr6: occupih-ci: oo67 - 0'se: V N Insp Area: CD --"-O'w'rier: WILEY GARY & DORIS Phone: 922-931-8228 coniriit6'i n2-eFicJHWbKt-atoMpnruv, nc Phone: e70-748-e022 Descriotion: NEW SFR WITH EHU --- il5iffi: Coritraciiri i iibiie- dwner has built additional parking 9pac.p €p.sJ. ot driveway next to cu-da-sac on Springhill Ln. No approval was qiven and must be removed. - LsANuovAL - - . .commenl iliiJ6Y REfu'oVt.bnRI'I pIpiNeAn bRIVEWAY AND REPAIR CURB AND GUTTER WEST OF DRIVEWAY. NEAR PAN. . LSANDOVAL Comment: coniiaciijr haJlid;;a'rii;ter-ra6 a'nd o-impster on opposite side of street.and cul da 1a.c..1ot.to FPProved staoino olan. contractor will be required to restore to [s orgrnal stage Derore lco. - LIiANUUVAL Comment: Tvp-e 1T EHU deed restriction required---AOCHs .d;liiiii;iii: p'e'rrnn- p?b'ceJJ Aiiayiii riire to iaik of 3 sets of stamped dwgs Asbestos clearance ttr recd 8/25199. - KATHY Requested lnspectlon(sl Item: 540 BLDG-Final C/O Reouestor: RZEPIEJEWSKI & COMPANY, LLC Coniments: REINSPECTION Assioned To: CDAVIS - Action: Time Exp: Reouested Time: 01:00 PM ' Phone: 970-926-1945 Entered By: CDAVIS K LS " Approved " Ac{ion: APPR APPROVED 6n,*t C lo APPP."cO P,lrs/'r nbilr,(D__t Inspection History Item: 501 Item: 502 Item: 503 Comments: Item: 10 BLDG;F_oo.!iqgs,/Steel Comments: AP 10/01/99 Ins Comments: AD Item: 20 Item: 521 CONCRETE PAN POURED. ( NO HEAT) 05n4rc1 lnipectoi Ls Actiori: AP APPROVED Com-meiits: bnIVEWnV GnADES OK, FIRST 10' AT 7.5 % ANO REST OF DRIVWAY AT 10.9 - 1'1.9 0/6. REGRADE DRIVEWAY. CALLED NEEDS TO CORRECT BEFORE REPTl31 Run Id: 885 Resoi- t Design 343-44S-33G6 @L / 19/@@ t29P P.@@2 NOr,-C6":Art ! 7,4 t FFOlt, ro|,-rDt97047E TYPE II EMPLOYEE HOTJ{'ING UN]T REsf a rcnvFJp'vEl.IANT WHEREAS,of certalo prop€ttY ("the IE?Ownef) danoribcO rc: -. ..1/_._ flhe PropcrVl; erd WI{EREAS- the or^rnct urLh.r ro plrce oerlain regrictioos oo thc trre of t unh or ape.tmE n loc$.d on the Proporv for ttre benefil ot ttre Oumor and lhe Tqrn of Vail, Colorado fihe Town?, l,lc ty, THEREFORE, lhe Osnr do(r' hcr.by impose, a6bblish, ad$owledge, deolir€ for the benefir of ell peruons wtro may hereinallar purctlee. or lecto, or hold ttre subiecr larrC rha lolloyirp restriations. oov.nanls, and condrld|3, d of wfibh s&dl be deaned ro rrn wlrh rhe lard and lnure 0g lh. b6fleFi errd be bondlng upon thg Omer, ill respesth/e gtanlseB, ;trcoos$rs, and es6lgos. The Empbyee UrdL wndoing faa- square fuel, is hercby rearlctcd ar a Type ll Enployec llousing tln[ (F]llJ| whlcft msrrt canrply wlrh all tho porrigiorr of fulonr 1957.fi1{r, t 857,030, .nd | 8.57.060 of fie Vall lluniolpal Code ag amerlded. I The Type ll €npbyee l-b{rsing. Untt thit be based to tsnenis who rtc full-rirne employcea urho work in Eagle Cosnfy, An EHU eha[ nor be leased for a porbd lers rhan thlrty con3caqive days- FoJ lhe pu]Pora€ of this scction, a full-tlme crnployec ls ooe who worlrt an aver.gc ol thlrly hours eacn w3eft. A Type lf El-lU oay nof be sokl t'anatened,, or conveyed Eopr,afcv from any wo farnity durcilim it may be a pur of. The Type fl Effu shd nof bc divi.red inlo any form of timegheror, ,nrsrvir ownerhh, or ftaaional ftra ryrrerefib rr troee tanno aredefined fn tho Municpal code ot rhe Town of vall. I No l:ctet rhan Fsbru#y I of crch ycar, rln ovvncr of each e<rployae horrslrp :rnh wtthin the ldrrn wbhfi b oonEfircid foflo$ng fie effedn/e drtc of $ris ctrapter sfiallrubmit trrD ogies ot . repon on a lcnr to be ot'reinEd fom rhc oommunity Devclopmcot Departmern, lo thr cornfiunity DovElopment Dap*r[nerrr of rho Town of van and chelrm8n of the Tovn of vell. Horrirrg AdE try senbg bdr orldrnc. rstablbhing urd tho amployoo housing unit hto boln reiled lhroughout the yerr, th9 tcnlal rare. rhe employes, and that each hnant who rg3icoa, within tha ernpbyee housl6g unit le r full-time engoyee In Eaglc Oourrly. 1. z 3. 1. 6, u) O lry i4![,#{'glo|{oj'u!ll',,|llf lrr rltl Itr tN t_E t9 FEB 01/19/0Q lvDD 13:28 tTX/RX NO g5t7l NltV-lt5-tttt r.., . ,. I _FxLt!.. tr"-*tlt,_rrst'.r.rD'3?s4?=4r.l s- 9, ::tE yy* ne th' lfeY * 6uzsoy-, ?.txso - .tt4 z(,, /- tflrltfi"H}llDigl loFq ryuro rs'd ;dfi:fiffi ' ",i,,i, &tail$ *tn'.*"/*, "W1Aloa ftlrr.itqrrnil{bl|lrl ||lllllllililllil l[ il][ iltillliltlilnill lil |llr 723360 O2/21/2OAO O3z44P 3?3 Serr Flrh* 2 ol 2 R 10.00 O O,OO tl 0.00 Ergh G0 t: 7. The cwncr of erch EHU shall redt rtrs unit 3t a morrthly rental (ato consl3uill tflith or iowsr lhrn th6re mlrktt ralep pnvilent br simllar propent66 in the Town ol Veil. Thr Tonrn of vail Horirq Ar,lhorityr'dlldslb|mlnt $e mrrkct rale ba|.d on lhe strrdy of orhe. UnhS of oompcrable riZe , boaion. quality and amsnlths ttroughom rhe Town. The rnarkel rrte rhrll be bta.d on'sn wetage of s minimum of five rental raec o( comparablg unils. l{ the rmh ls nol rerned and 16 not arallable .i fte mad(|l rale h shal be detarmlncd lo be ln noncomplance- ln cddition to ary other penalues and telt iotlont ptovided hereln, a unil found lo be In noncpmplfance shal( be :ttjecr to publicalion as dcletmined by the Houelng Aulherhy, T'he provl:lonr of lhsse retffblive covEnanls may be enlorced by lhE O{vnar and lhe Town. The coodhbnB, randEliong. stlpulattons, and agreaments cgntaingd hereln shall nol bd wrlvcd. abatsoned, tpmfingrd, cr amcnded exccpt by the wdttan oneenr of bolh lhe Town of Vail and the Ovyner of tbe propcrty TOW]N oF VAIL, * Goloredo ro{rnioipel corpomfon Eyt r0nE[9. expires: q-: Myemmfselon *rrr"- .KL '7o,/"1/-, v /,/rr r", JUNE M. NEI.SON MY COMMI!!ION EX'IRE! OI/19/0o IYED 13:28 [TXIRX NO 9517] oo Oj Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Wiley Residence PRJ99-0202 Project Descripion: New single famity residence and EHU Owner, Address, and Phone: Witey Family Linited Partnership 5609 Windmier Circle Dallas, TX75252 e72-e3r-8228 (Wiq6Aq Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Gordon Pierce, The Resort Design Collaborative 505 Sansome Street 170 Floor San Francisco, CA 94111 412-392-4433 $fr-tu+q Project Street Address: 1538 Spring HiIl Lane Legal Description: Lot 14, Block 3, Vail Valley l't Parcel Number: 210109101005 Comments: Building Name: Board/Staff Action Motion by: Bill Pierce Action: Seconded by: Hans Woldrich Vote: 3-0 Conditions: Materials to be reviewed bv staff Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 717199 Approved with conditions DRB Fee Paid: 5200 Project Name: Wiley Residence VAILDATA\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVALS\I DRBAPPR Geofoglc lldard Revtew . 6.A.qq oT / L'/gs I'HU lo I03 l.'AX 303 623 2262 oo PSA DBNVER @ooz oo ntY lLegal Oescr.tpilon)' SsJrsil$ aW,ZA nas/na\re read the _'a_ t{arnd Reporl dated 1rOltr prepared Uy request thoy''Gwn ot Vail Buitdino Ogoarfmeni gr"r,t us a iorinit (Narne. O,rrner) STATE OFGoTOfrADO l/ws undershnd from the qrcrusigns that the propased building b rocated in a Whazardzone. and u,ei9 s sre porentiar hazard ii'l(prerqo*) 11*::q$ff_"."S-1.:ig:..€Tins aamaJ_ we aie p?JilriJro "*.pj n."" rac.rs and r .Ih" foregring instrument was acftno,rrJedged before me this .- J1 a"y ot .IflL'ov Wkrown to iluio o" rhe person whose name is subscribed to ttritoregon ment and acknowredged ,;;;ffii;;executed the same for rhe pueoses anO 6nsiCeritq dr"-r;6;;;; ' My'oommission expires: ff'CT', *oot STATEOFCOLORADO ) f-^+9 i""-couNTYor db.t/o- - 'y COUIITV OF ) ss. My comrnlssion explres: clhrlljlard The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thls --= day of Personffire;rnile ii HlJi#J",n:?*he exeanred rhe same tor rhe purpos"s ano &nJietariot nt"i"in "ipre"sdb. *,unryiSf;$ll" ?*Q,*o AND EN'TR.NM ENrAL .o?u0o* PUBLIC I'EETING SCHEDULE Monday, May24, 1999 FINAL AGENDA Proiect Orientation / PEC LUNCH - Communiw D'evelooment Deoartment MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT John Schofield Tom Weber Galen Aasland Diane Golden Brian Doyon Chas Bemhardt Doug Cahill Site Visits : 1. Wiley- 1538 Spring Hill Lane 2. Atwell- 1386 Butfher Creek Road 3. Mathias - 5125 Black Bear Lane 4. Dobson lce Arena-321 E. Lionshead Circle F '/ J Driver: KEH 11:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. George NOTE: lf the PEC hoaring extends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearino - Town Council Chambers 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a final review to discuss a conditional use permit to allow tor the Vail Mountain school to construct a temporary classroom on the site of the school for a ten- month period, located at 3'160 Katsos Ranch Roacl/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12'n Filing. Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by Pam Hopkins Planner: George Ruther MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WffH 5 CONDITIONS: 1. That the conditional use permit for the temporary structure expire on May€+ N*{ July 1, 2001. 2. That the temporary structure be removed lrom the property on or before May€L *e* July 1,2001. oo oo 3. That the applicant submit a written statement to the Town of vail agreeing not to reappear before the Planning & Environmental Commission with a request for an extension to the conditional use permit for the temporary structure, prior to installing the structure. 4. That the applicant implement the exterior materials improvements recommended by the Town of Vail Design Fleview Board prior to occupying the structure. 5. That the applicant underground the utilities, pave the aocess and cover or remove the hitches. 2. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll employee housing unit to be located at 1538 Spring Hill Lane/Lot "14, Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing. Applicant: WileyFamilyPartnership Planner: Allison Ochs MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND:Brian Doyon VOTE:5-0 APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: '1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a Tlpe ll EHU deed restriction to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development. This document will be recorded at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Oftice and will require that the employee housing unit be permanently restricted lor employee housing. 2- That the applhant amend lhe submitted plans, showing a pedestrian access lrom the outside of the residence to the proposed Type ll EHU. 3. That the wall between the primary unit and the EHU be concrete. 3. A request for a minor subdivision to Parcel F, Briar Patch to allow for a change in lhe platted building envelope "C" location, and required employee housing unit designation, located at 1386 Buffher Greek Boad. Applicant: Web Atwell Planner: Brent Wilson MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE:5-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the applicant provide the Town of Vail Department ol Community Development with a revised final plat with all required signatures for recording, prior to submitting an application for Design Review for any proposed improvements on the lot. 4. A request lor a variance from Section 12-6C-6, to allow for the construction of a garage within a front setback and Section 12-10-8, to allow for the construction of an undersized garage, located at 5125 Black Bear Lane / Lot 1 1 , Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Montogomery(Mike)Mathias Planner: Allison Ochs MOTION: Chas Bemhardt SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE:5-0 TABLED oo Oa 5. A request for a final review of a proposed locker room expansion and loading dock addition to the Dobson lce Arena, located at 321 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2"o Filing. Applicant: VailRecreationDistrict Planner: George Ruther MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND:Doug Cahill VOTE:5-0 TABLED 6. A request for a final review of a proposal to amend the Town's "Public Accommodation Zone District," Chapter 7 and amendments to Chapter 15, Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), Town of Vail Municipal Code. Applicant: Johannes Faessler, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. Planner: George Fluther MOTION:John Schofield SECOND: VOTE: FATLED - MOTTON FOR FTNAL FECOMMENDATION TO TOWN COUNCIL (WITH THE FOLLOWING REVISIONS TO THE TEXT AMENDMENTS) FAILED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. 1. That the DRB role be clarified to streamline the process. 2. Clarify and deline what requiremenls are considered off-site impacts. 3. Remove "as delermined by the Administratod' (12-74-12). 4. That the Council review the parking issue or delermine if the parking study needs to be completed.5. That the right-ol-way is considered for setbacks.6. That the building height is determined by the applicant and the PEC. MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 4-1 (Doyon against) TABLED AS A WORKSESSION UNTIL JUNE 14, 19!19 AND FINAL JUNE 28, 19!'9. 7. A request tor a variance from Section 12-6D-6, to allow for a building encroachment into a rear setback, located at 2657 Arosa Drive i Lot 8, Block D, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL JUNE 28, 1999 L A request for a variance lrom Section 12-6D-9 (Site Coverage) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for site coverage in excess ol 20o/" and a variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Front Setbacks) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for an encroachment into the front setback on a Primary/Secondary Residential zoned lot, located at 362 Mill Creek Circle / Lol 9, Block 1, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Walter Forbes, represenled by Gwathmey-Pran Architects Planner: Allison Ochs WITHDRAWN e. A request tor a mooitt,"? " ptatted buitdins envetope, ,o.t .t-, Riva Gten/ Lor 6, Spraddle Creek Estates. Applicant: Franco D'Agostino, represented by Robert Mach Planner: Allison Ochs WlTHDRAWN 10. lnformation Update o Education Series 1 1 . Approval of May 10, 1 999 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular otfice hours in the project planners office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. S[n language int€rpr#don avaihble upon request with 24 hou] notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hoaring lmpaired, for intormation. Community Derrebpment D€panm€nt Q'O.r MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE; May24, 1999 SUBJECT: A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll employee housing unit located at 1538 Spring Hill Lane i Lot 14, Block 3, VailValley 1st. Applicant: Gary and Doris Wiley, represented by Gordon Pierce Planner: Allison Ochs I, DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED USE In September and December of 1992, the Town Council passed Ordinances 9 and 27, Series of 1992, to create Chapter 12-13 (Employee Housing) which provides for lhe addition of Employee Housing Units (EHUs) as permitted or conditional uses within certain zone districts. The definition in that ordinance states: Section 12-2-2 "Employee Housing Unit (EHU) shall mean a dwelling unit which shall not be leased or rented for any period less than thirty (30) consecutive days, and shall be rented only to tenants who are full{ime employees of Eagle County. EHUs shall be allowed in certain zone districts as set forth in Section 12-13 of this Code. Development standards for EHUs shall be as provided in 12-13 - Employee Housing. For the purposes ol this Section, a full{ime employee shall mean a person who works a minimum of an average of thirty (30) hours per week. There shall be five (5) categories of EHUs: Type I, Type ll, Type lll, Type lV, and Type V. Provisions relating to each type of EHU are set forth in Chapter 12-'13 - Employee Housing of this Code." The applicant is proposing a Type ll employee housing unit on a portion of the lower level of a new primary unit. The employee housing unit will be approximately 651 square feet in size and will include one bathroom, a full kitchen, and a livingibedroom area. One enclosed parking space will also be provided for the EHU. As described in more detail later in this memorandum, the applicant is proposing to utilize all 500 square feet of the EHU credit allowed in conlunction with the development ol the employee housing unit. o.o et II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of this application for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, based on the following findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of Section 12-13 (Employee Housing) and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially inlurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of Section 12-18 (Conditional Use Permitsl of the Vail Municipal Code. lf the Planning and Environmental Commission chooses to approve this application, the Community Development Department recommends the following conditions: 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a Type ll EHU deed restriction to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development. This document will be recorded at the Eagle Counly Clerk and Recorde/s Office and will require that the employee housing unit be permanently restricted for employee housing. 2. That the applicant amend the submitted plans, showing a pedestrian access from the outside ol the residence to the proposed Type ll EHU. Please note that under Section 12-16 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the approval of a conditional use permit shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or the use for which the approval has been granted has not commenced within two years from when the approval becomes linal- III. ZONING ANALYSIS Lot Size: 17,208 sq. ft. Zoning: Two-Family Residential z- \t. Standard TOIAIGRFA Primary Unit EHU Credit Allowed 5320.75 sq. ft. 4820.75 sq. ft. 500 sq. ft. Proposed approx same approx 4700 sq. ft. 651 sq. ft- 5 spaces 3 spaces 2 spaces 3441.5 sq. ft. tv. oo Parking Required Primary Unit EHU Site Coverage CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Consideration of Factors: Before acting on a conditional use permit application, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the factors with respect to the proposed use: 1. Relationshio and impact of the use on the develooment objectives of the Town. When the Town Council adopted the Town of Vail Affordable Housing study on November 20, 1990, it recognized a need to increase the supply of locals/employee housing units. The ToWn encourages EHUs as a means of providing quality living conditions and expanding the supply of employee housing lor both year-round and seasonal local residents. The proposed unit will have a positive impact on the Town's rental housing needs. 2. The effect of the use on lioht and air. distribution ol oopulation. transportation facilities. utilities. schools. oarks and recreation facilities. and other oublic lacilities needs. Staff believes that there will be linle impact from the proposed Type ll EHU on light, air, population, transportation, utilities, schools or parks. Effect uoon traffic with particular reference to conoestion. automotive and pedestrian saletv and convenience. traffic flow and control. access. maneuverabililv. and removal of snow from the street and oarkino areas. Two additional vehicles are anticipated in association with this EHU. One enclosed parking space is proposed, along with one other parking space. Staff feels that this would be an insignificant impact on the above-reterenced criteria. Effect uoon the character of the area in which the orooosed use is to be located. includinq the scale and bulk of the orooosed use in relation to surroundino uses. The scale and bulk of this proposed structure is very similar to those in existence in the sunounding neighborhood. Since the proposed OO 5 spaces 3 spaces 2 spaces to be delermined 3. 4. oo oo employee housing unit will be located within the primary residence, staff believes this EHU will not significantly impact the scale and bulk of this project in relation to surrounding uses. Employee Housinq Units may be allowed as a conditional use in those zone districts as specified bv Section 12-13 ol the Vail Municipal Code. Employee Houslno and shall be subiect to the followino conditions: a. lt shall be a conditional use in the Sinqle-Familv Residenlial. Two- Familv Residential and Primarv/Secondary Residential zone districts. The subject property is zoned Two-Family Residential. b. lt shall be oermitted only on lots which complv with minimum lot size reouirements of the zone district in which the lot is located. At 17,208 square feet in size, this lot meets the minimum lot size requirements (15,000 square feet) in the Two-Family Residential zone district. c. lt shall be located within. or attached to. a sinole-familv dwellino or be located within. or anached to. a two-familv dwellino pursuant to Section 12-1'1-5(l) - Desion Guidelines Duplex and Primarv/Secondarv Develooment. lt mav also be located in. or attached to. an existino oaraqe provided the oaraoe is not located within any setback. and further provided .that no existino parkino required by the Town of Vail Municioal Code is reduced or eliminated. This Type ll EHU will be located within the proposed primary residence. However, it will maintain a separate entrance and will not be accessible from the interior of the primary unit. d. lt shall not be counted as a dwellino unit for the ourooses of calculatino densitv. However. it shall contain kitchen facilities and a bathroom. as delined in Chapter 12-2 - Definitions of the Vail Municipal Code. lt shall be permitted to be a third dwellino unit in addition to the two dwelling units which may already exist on the lot. Onlv one Tvpe ll EHU shall be allowed per lot. The proposed EHU will be a second dwelling unit on the site. lt contains a lull kitchen and full bathroom facilities. e. lt shall have a GRFA not less than three hundred (300) souare leet. nor more than nine hundred (900) souare feet. An apolicant. however. shall be oermined to apply to the Community oo oer Develooment Deoartment ol the Town of Vail for additional GRFA not to exceed five hundred (500) square feet to be used in the construction of the EHU. The applicant shall submit an aoolication for the additional GRFA on a form provided by the Communitv Development Deoartment. Approval or denial of the reouest shall be made by the Desion Review Board in accordance with Sectionl2-13-5. lf an aoplicant obtains Desion Review Board approval for 500 souare feet of additional GRFA for the EHU. he or she shall not be entitled to receive additional GRFA oursuant to Chaoter 12-15 - Addilional Gross Fesdenlial F/oor Area of this Code for either unit on the lot. lf an aoolicant obtains Desion Review Board aooroval for not more than 250 souare feet of additional GRFA for the EHU. he or she shall be entitled to receive additional GRFA oursuant to Chapter 12-15 - Additional Gross Residential Floor Area ot lhis code tor one dwellino unit on the lot. The EHU will be 651 square feet in size (500 sq. ft. + 151 sq. ft. in excess of the 300 sq. ft. of garage credit). The applicant has submitted an application for 500 square feet of additional GRFA utilizing the code provision that allows for the use of 250's "up front" when creating a new Type ll EHU. No additional 250's will be allowed on this property. The proposed Type ll EHU includes one living/bedroom and therelore complies with this requiremenl. No more than tvvo (2) adults and one ('l) child not older than sixteen (16) vears of aoe shall reside in a one (1) bedroom Tvoe ll EHU. No more than two (2) adults and two (2) chiEren not older than sixteen (16) vears of aoe shall reside in a two (2) bedroom Tvoe ll EHU. Since this unit is a one-bedroom Type ll EHU, the first section of this regulation will apply. Each Tvoe ll EHU shall be reouired to have no less than one (1) oarkino soace for each bedroom located therein. However. if a one (1) bedroom Tvoe ll EHU exceeds six hundred (600) souare feet. it shall have two (2) parkino spaces. All parkino spaces required bv this Code shall be located on the same lot or site as the EHU. It no dwellino exists upon the propertv which is orooosed for a Type ll EHU at the time a buildino permit is issued. or if an existino dwellino is to be demolished and reolaced by a new dwellino. not less than one (1) of the oarkino spaces required bv this oaraoraoh shall be enclosed. A 300 square feet GRFA credit shall be allowed for the construction of one enclosed s. h. oo oo parkinq space for the Tvoe ll EHU. Since this project is a demolition/rebuild, the applicant must provide one enclosed parking space for the proposed EHU, One enclosed parking space is proposed. B. Findinos: The Planning and Environmental Commission shallmake the following findings before granting a conditional use permit for an Employee Housing Unit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of Section 12-13 (Employee Housingl and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or malerially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of Section 12-18 (Conditional Use Permitsl of the Vail MunicipalCode. f-everlorE/pec/m€mos/99/Il, il ey r'fHy.1y.1ye9 ztuftn RES0RT DESIGN l^r.rt NO.9@ P.2/4 OO fF t,5 ;r r F x_,-3 kr l-F q nFoln- 0t -oo o""f slr thc prann i ns r^u !oirln%,(r4t q A PPI.ICA'T'ION FOR PI,ANN I NG A N D IiNVI RONM IINTA I, COMMISSION APPROVAL TOWN OF GFNERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring approval by tlrc Plrurning and Environmcntal Comnri.ssion. For spccific infornntion. scc thc subrnittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application can not bc acccptcd until all rcquircd infornution is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Dasign Rcvicw Board. A: TYPE OF APPLICATION: tr Additional GRFA (250) D Bcd and Brcakfiut n Conditional Usc Pcrrnit tl Major or O Minor Subdivision tl Rczoning D Sign Variancc D Variancc B Zoning Codc Amcndnrcnt B. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOI.JES' Anrcndmcnt to an Approvcd Dcvclopgrent Plan Employcc Housing Unit (Typc: T I Major or tr Minor CCI Extcrior Altcration (Vail Villagc) Major or D Minor CCII Extcrior Altcration (Lionshcad) Spccial Dcvclopmcnt District Major or E Minor Amcndnrcnt to an SDD D .E tr D E B DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: L. D. u. I-OCAI'ION OF PROPOSAL: LO'[ ADDI{ESS: ZONING: I W0 - NAME OF OWNER(S): F. OWNER(S) STGNATURE(S): I]LOCK ?FILING BUILDINC NAME: PHONE: c.NAME OF REPRESENTATTVE: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE:lf 5o5 h%ahq? @)il t +,5-312.443? FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE, SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL, coLoRADO 81657. For Officc Use Only: Fcc Paid:_ Ck#:By: Application Date:_ PEC Mccting Datc: frerr'e H. MAILINC ADDRESS: Rcvird &96 ..:oo @ THE RISORT DESIGN COTTABORATIVI ljTEtt{ATl01{AL Conditional Use Permit Application Type II Deed Resticted Employee Housing Unit Location 1537 Spring Hill Lane Vail CO 81657 1548 Spring Hill Lane Vail CO 81657 l5l8 Spring Hill Lane Vail CO 81657 Lot #l & 2leasa Lot # lS/west **Stamped, addressed envelopes for each of the above Owners are included with this List and Submission. phoner 415.39I.1413 505 Sansorne Street, lTth floor, San Francisco, CA 94lll info@resortdesign,com far: 4iJ,392.4454 Owners List Wilev Residence 1538 Spring Hill Lane Vail CO 81657 (Lot 14, Block 3, Vail Valley ls Filing) Owner Information Donald J. Stem & Ann Greene Stem 6114 W. Magnolia St. #301 Bellingham WA 98225 Franlc William lones Jr. & Pamela N. Jones 28 Martin Lane Englewood CO 801l0 Lucy Billingsley Coleman Carrington 2200 Ross Avenue Suite 4800 W Dallas TX 75201 VA I L FRISCO DE:{VEN SAN FRANCISCO f il. rEM MAY AFFE.T oor* ,trt PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmenlal Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town ol Vail on May 24, 1999, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: , A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a Type ll employee housing unit, located at YL1538 Spring Hill Lane/Lot 14, Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing. - ! Applicant: Wiley Family Partnership Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a minor suMivision to Parcel F, Briar Patch, to allow for a change in the phned building envelope location, located at 1386 Buffher Creek Road/ Parcel F, Briar Patch. Applicant: Web Atwell Planner: Brent Wilson A request for a final review of a proposed locker room expansion to the Dobson lce Arena, located at 321 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2* Filing. Applicant: VailRecreationDistrict Planner: George Ruther A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-5, to allow for a building encroachment into a rear setback, located at2657 Arosa Drive / Lot 8, Block D, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Town ol Vail Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a final review of a proposal to amend the Town's "Public Accommodation" Zone District, Chapter 7 and amendments to Chapter '15, Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), Town of Vail Municipal Code. Applicant: Planner: Johannes Faessler, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. George Ruther A request for a final review to discuss a conditional use permit to allow for the Vail Mountain School to construct a temporary classroom on the site of the school for a ten-month period, located at 3160 Katsos Hanih RoacUPart of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing. Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by Pam Hopkins Planner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please 2356, Telephone lor the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published May 7, 1999 in the Vail Trail. W'Jh, fo TOWT,I OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 FIL E o c0P May 10, 1999 Gordon Pierce Resort Design Collaborative 505 Sansome Street, l7'Floor San Francisco. CA 94111 RE: Wiley Residence at 1538 Spring Hill lane / Lot 14, Block 3, Vail Valley l" Filing Dear Gordon: The Community Development Department has reviewed the plans for the Wiley Residence to be located at 1538 Spring Hill Lane. The following comments and revisions nnrst be addressed prior to final Design Review Board approval: l. The entrance to the driveway off of Sunburst Drive must be on a 20' centerline radius tbroughout the driveway and into the proposed Eryloyee Housing Unit. Please adjust and revise. The scale of the site plan is not correct. Please provide a site plan at a scale of 1: l0 or 1:20. A driveway with any 90-degree angle nrust be 15' wide, throughout the curve. Please adjust and revise accordingly. Please provide a stanped survey at the same scale as the site plan (1:10 or 1:20) Please show all proposed grading. All grading must return to at least a2:l grade Please show all required parking on the site plan. Parking spaces are 9'x18' enclosed and 9'xl9' surface. Total required parking for the Wiley Residence is 5 spaces (see below). The area west of the auto court may need to be extended to th€ west to meet turnaround standards. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. {p un"uo"uo oo 8. Please provide all ridge and eave elevations on the site plan so staff can determine building height. Building height is measured to existing or finished grade, whichever is more restdctive. 9. Please provide a detailed landscape plan. denoting existing and proposed trees, and trees to be removed. 10. Please provide an exterior lighting plan. One fi:rtule is allowed per 1000 sq. ft. of lot area. I l. Please indicate the location of outdoor metem and enclosures. Include these on both the site plan and building elevations. i2. Please label atl crawl spaces and attic spaces which are less than 5 feet in head height. These areas will not be counted as GRFA. The Wiley Residence has been analyzed based on Two-Family Residential zoning. The analysis provides the following: Lot Size: 17,207 .5 sq. ft. Zoning: Two-Family Residential Standard Allowed Proposed rt a Total GRFA Primary Unit Garage Credit EHU Garage Credit Primary Unit EHU Site Coverage 5320.75 sq.ft. 4820.75 sq. ft. 600 sq. ft. 500 sq. ft. 300 sq..ft. 3 spaces 2 spaces 5502 sq. ft. 4782 sq. ft. 803 sq. ft. 720 sq. ft. 454 sq. ft. 4 spaces 3 spaces I space Parking Required 5 spaces 3441.5 sq. ft. tobedeterminedfr<rmnewsiteplan GRFA: the Wiley Residence is approximately 181 sq. ft. over the allowable GRFA. Because both garages exceed the garage credit (600 sq. ft. for the Primary Unit and 300 sq. ft. for the EHLD the excess is considered CRFA. Also. there are some attic area.s that are not labeled as less than 5' in head height, which were also included in GFRA calculations. Parhing: the EHU, because it exceeds 600 sq. ft. is required to have 2 parking spaces. Please denote another parking space for the EHU. Parking spaces are required to be 9' by l9'. Parking for the EHU must function independently of the primary unit. oo oo EHU: the EHU is scheduled for Planning and Environmental Commission review otMay 24, 1999. Staff has a few concerns regarding the functionality of the EHU. There appears to be no outside access to the EHU via a sidewalk from the driveway to the entrance. Also, the only access to the large mechanical room appears to be through the EHU. While the Community Development Department encourages the development of EHUs, we also want to ensure that EIIUs are functional and remain available to Eagle County employees. I have included the Type II EHU Deed Restriction for your inforrnation. The Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the Wiley Residence at their May 5, 1999 meeting. The following were some of their concems: l. The center chimney on the north elevation could be accentuated more, possible by continuing tbe stone higher. 2. The tog snow retainers seem out of character with the rest of the house. Continuing the log theme elsewhere would help to tie in this eiement. The Wiley Residence has been scheduled for final Design Review Board on June 2, 1999. The above cornrnents and revisions must be submitted no later than noon on Friday, May 21, 1999, and meet the approval of the Community Development Department. Please do not hesitate to call me with any questions ar970-479-2369. Sincgrely, 4il,/^/CZ Allison C. Ochs Planner I Town of Vail I oo oo DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FINAL AGENDA Wednesday, July 7, 1999 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE PHOJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department { % MEMBERS PRESENT Bill Pierce Clark Brittain Hans Woldrich SITE VISITS MEMBERS ABSENT Melissa Greenauer Chas Bernhardt (PEC) 12:00 pm 2O0 pm 1. Flinn - 265 Forest Road 2. Village Center Condominiums-124 East Meadow Drive 3. Barrett - 1397 Vail Valley Drive Driver: PUBUC HEABING . TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Wiley residence - Final review of a new primary residence and Tyre ll employee housing unit. 1 538 Spring Hill Lane/Lot 14, Block 3, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: WileyFamilyPartnership 3:00 pm Allison 2. J. MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:3-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the materials be reviewed by staff. Flinn residence - Conceptual review of a new primary/secondary residence AllisOn and Type ll EHU. 255 Forest Road i Lot 21, Block 7, Vail Village 1"' Applicant: Mitchell Studio, LLC, represented by Steve Riden CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE Glen Lyon Office Building - Final review of an amendment to SDD No. 4. Dominic (Cascade Village)located at 1000 S. Frontage Road WesVLot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership, represented by Kurt Segerberg TABLED UNTIL JULY 21. 19!'9 a oo oo 4. Austrian residence - Final review of a remodel of a primary/secondary residence. Brent . 696 Forest Road / Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village 6'n Filing. Applicant: Mr. & Mrs. Neil Austrian, represented by Robert L. Arnold MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1. That a bay window, cantilevered down to floor level with the maximum protrusion allowed under the regulations, be required.2. That fire access issues be resolved prior to building permit. 3. That Public Works issues be resolved prior to building permit. 5. MJL Development - Conceptual review of a ne-vrr singleJamily residence. Brent 4355 Bighorn Road / Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn 3'o Addition. Applicant: MJL Development, represenled by Steven James Riden, Architect CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE Scalise residence - A final review of a new primary/secondary residence. 2567 Arosa Dr./Lot 9, Block E, Vail Das Schone 1"' Allison Applicant: Dennis Scalise MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 CONSENT APPROVED W]TH 4 CONDITIONS: 1. That the railing be all wood with lhe post being the same size as the support.2. That the wesl elevation wood trim be removed.3. That there be no corner boards.4. That the skirt board be removed. 7. Village Center Condominiums - Final review of a master plan for exterior George improvements to Buildings A-C. 124 Easl Meadow Drive/Lot 5, Block 5E, Vail Village 1 "' Filing Applicant: Stephanie Lord MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Clark Brittain VOTE: 2-0-1 (Bill Pierce) APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. That Town of Vail approval be granted for sidewalk improvements on Town property. 2. That the applicant submit outdoor lighting information for review and approval. 8. Barrett residence - Conceptual review of a new residence. Allison 1 397 Vail Valley Drive I tol7 , Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing. Applicant: Phoebe Barrett, represented by Gwathmey-Pratt Schultz Architects CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 9. Town of Vail - Conceptual review of a new primary/secondary residence. Allison 2657 Arosa Drive// Lot 8, Block D, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Town of Vail CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE l b. oo oo 10. Town of Vail Arosa/Garmish Park - Conceptual review of a public park. Allison Lots '1,2 & 3, Block H, Vail das Schone 2497,2485,2487 Garmisch and the unplatted portion of the SE t/c, SE 1/2, SW /e of Section 1 1, Township 5, Range 81 West. Applicant: Town of Vail CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 1'l . Town of Vail - Conceptual review of a 4-plex and duplex. Allison 2477,2485,2487,2497 Arosa Dr. / Lots 1-4, Block H, Vail Das Schone. Applicant: Town of Vail CONCEPTUAL_NO VOTE Staff Approvals Cascade Hotel - Pool deck improvements. George 1300 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Village Development Area A. Applicant: L-O Vail Hotel, Inc. Slifer Smith & Frampton Vail Associates Real Estate - New wall sign & display box. Brent 230 Bridge StreeVSlifer Building. Applicant: SSFA/AFE Hilliard residence - Landscape plan. Brent 2049 Sunburst Drive/Lot 1, Vail Valley 3'o. Applicant: Kiwi and Landon Hilliard Gateway Unit #5 - One-yr. extension of previous _qpproval for a residential addition. Brent 1 2 Vail Road/A portion of gtocx 5D, Vail 'Village 1"t. ' Applicant: Vail Apartments, Inc. BrOwn residenCe - Change shingles, new rock veneer at base, new log deck. Dominic 2556 Cortina Lane/Lol 1, Block D, Vail das Schone #1 . Applicant: Byron Brown DeMott Gallery- New wall sign. Brent '100 E. Meadow DriveA/ailVillage Inn. Applicant: John DeMott Shonleiler residence - lnterior remodel of 186.5 additional square feet. Allison 5118 Gore Circle/Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn 5'n. Applicant: Robert Shonkwiler Yaros residence - Fleconfigure proposed driveway. George 5'l 19 Black Bear Lane/Lot 8, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Ron Yaros Ferry residence - Temporary unpaved parking area. Dominic t 00i Eagles Nest Circie/Lof t , titoct< e, vait t/ittage z'h. Applicant: Kaye Ferry Bakalar residence - Minor revision to previously approved plan. Brent 780 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 17, Block 1, vail Potato Patch. Applicant: John & Christine Bakalar oo Olson residence - Entryway remodel. 1 785 Sunburst Drive/Unplatted. Applicant: Curtis & Kristin Olson Oilily Vail- Addition of condenser unit for A.C. 278 Hanson Ranch Hoad #1O2A/Lots A&8, Block 5A, Vail Village 1e. Applicant: oilily Vail Birch residence - Split-rail fence at rear ot property. 1773 Shasta Placeilot 13, VailVillage Wesl Filing 1. Applicant: Kathryn and David Birch Marshall residence - New grade level deck & spa. 4494 Streamside Circle/Lot 13, Bighorn 4" Addition. Applicant: J. Marshall Hansen - Addition and interior conversion. 775 Potato Patch/Lot 19, Block 1, Potato Patch. Applicant: David lrwin oo Brent Brent Brenl Brent Brent Wallach residence - Re-paint. Brent 21 19 Chamonix Lane/Lot 12, Vail Heights. Applicant: Barry Wallach Lodge at Lionshead Unit 350 - Window and storage addition. Brent 380 E. Lionshead Circle/Lodge al Lionshead Phase ll, Unit 350. Applicant: Victor & Maria Chigas Schwaareich residence - Front entry improvements. Brent 421 Beaver Dam Circle/Lot 3, Block 4, Vail Village 3'o Filing. Applicant: Steven & Elaine Schwazreich The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation avaihble upon request with 24 hour notilication. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. oo oo THE RESORT DESIGN COLLABORATIVI |\1tR\II|0\rL Brent Wilson Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail CO 81657 23 April 7999 RE: Conditional Use Permit Application Dear Brent, Please find enclosed our application for a conditional use permit for a Type II Deed Restricted Employee Housing Unit to be located at 1538 Spring Hill Lane. The intent of this application is to include a rental apartment within the program of our new single family home. (The existing home on the propeny will be demolished.) This residential use complies with the Town of Vailt deveiopment objectives and has no negative effects. As you can see on the plans and elevations attached, the unit is integrated into the home's design and does not affect the bulk or massing of the home. Ve are providing a separate garage and entrance for the unit, also incorporated into the whole design. The unit is located on the Lower Level of the home and does not block any light or air to the adjacent lots. Please let me know if you need any more information. Also, please notify me if it is possible to have this application added to the agenda on the May lO'h meeting. Thank you. Sincerely, 2{tlf \&JLlldl,tJ /\ - I \l JanrcYlyder, P roj ect A rc hilect The Reson Desien Collaborative International Mr. and Mrs. Viley 5 (rj iansoD: Srr,.lt. F R IS( O Flooi. jirn Frrnciscrr- ('.\ 9.1i | | DE\\ [ R irfo ir.es0rr(lcir!n.c0 firi ll5.l,)l -.li.l S\\ FRA\( ISCO oo oo THE RESORT DESIGN COLLABORATIVE I]! T I R N AT I O I A t Brent Vilson Deparrment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail eO 81657 23 April1999 RE; Conditional Use Permit Application Dear Brent, Please find enclosed our application for a conditiond use permit for a Type II Deed Restricted Employee Housing Unit to be located at 1538 Spring Hill Lane. The intent of this application is to include a rental apartment within the program of our new single family home. (The existing home on the property will be demolished) This residential use complies with the Town of Vailt developmenr objectives and has no negative effects. As you can see on the plans and elevations attached, the unit is integrated into the home's design and does not affect the bulk or massing of the home. We are providing a separate garage and entrance for the unit, also incorporated into the whole design. The unit is located on the Lower Level of the home and does not block any light or air to the adjacent lots. Please let me know if you need any more information. Also, please notify me if it is possible to have this application added to the agenda on the May 1O'h meeting. Thank you. Sincerely. 5(15 Sirnsonrc S(reel. FRISCO lith Fi,ror. San fraucrsco. (A 9llll L;rfoia resortrlcsisn.conr lr\: .1l5.lgl.lli.1 Xtl! Wdi--L,(\ , Jan#yder, Project Architect The Reson Design Collaborative Internarional Mr. and Mrs. \ililey pho nr: .l lj l9l..l.1ll l) l: r" \' [i R s.\ i\_ FRrl\CISCO l1 Oj 4.?.a 4q Qucsfions? Call tlrc ltl:.:;ntng Staff ct 4?9-i.:llg APPLICATTON FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL TNFORM6T1O|.| Tlrls.rplicariolis {tr ury proj"ct'rcquiring Dcsign Ro,ic,yr cpprovrl. Any projcct rcquiriog dcsitrr tsvicw rDusl ld,l: Ddel Rlior apploval pior to sbmittirtg for a orrliiing pcrmii ior-sp"alc inr"rmadon, ace tlc subrujtal IciulrcN$h for thc particular approval that is requcstc4 Ttc appllcation csnnor bo accaptod until alt thc rcquirc.d in fbrmadon ls subml(cd. The projcct rnay also nccd to bc rcvlovc( by thc To'rn Councll andor the nfanninj anU Environtttental Conrnfsion, Derigl Rnrlew Bolrd rpprovrt cxplrcs one ycar eftcr finel rpprovrl unlcis a buildlng pcrnit ls itcucd end conerrrcrlon ls rtlrtod. A. B. f D. e. DEscRrprroNoFrHF.REQUrsr: . "angThn0 Feuier,u. ___ - LOCATION OF PROIOSALI LOT:-! PFTYSTCAL ADDRESS: PARCEL fl: zouurc. . Z talh_L! NA}VIE OF. OW'IERiS): JhE 'l MA|LINO ADDRtss:- OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAMEOFAPPLICANT MAILING ADDRESS; PITONE: T\?EOPREVIEW AND FEE: D Ncw Conttruction - $200 Q ^Caltlor - sso z@ vAIL,COLORADO tt6s7. (Con*t Eaglc Co. Assessoc Officc et 970J2t-8640 for prrccl #) irE*€rrtr'aJ )r. G. H.-tr [ur[ AtaVtq +1u'q+v7/1-'4 Constsruclion of a ncrr bultdinc, - - r locludo rrry additim whcrc square footagc ls addcd m any rcsidcntial or tr Mlnor Aiicrrdon - s20 ffiilffii#lti,ln*or,o buitains snd strsimsrovcrnenri. iuch es, reroofing, pahting window edditiono, tarrdscaping. farces and reqining . walls, ctc. DRB fecs are ro be-Faidat rhc tine of submittal, Lorcr. whnn npplying fc a buitdiog pc,nnlt Flcre idcutif; thc accunte valuatim of the projcct Tho Tovm of Vail will ndjusr thc fc,c accordingto thc Fr;rjeo va,luation. PLEAcE SIINMIT TfiTT I DPLIEATION! .ILL OUDI'I?rA& ttIQqTn.EMEN I ! ANII I'HF: ri.;E TO THE . DEPARTII&NT O}'COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT. ?' SOUTII FRONTAGE N.OAI'. Colhe*l* OLOCK: *N.cd" rqt'L ilt*1s+h.nq1 af LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIATS tslitaa KaiMun O- +.ft.ffi vSaleA 9'e.11 COLORTT ILDTNC MATER TIPE.QEMATERIAL: : Roof I Siding OthcrWal Fascia Soffrts Windorv: Window Doors DoorTriut l{and or Dcck Rails Flrrqs Flas!rings Lnrmncys Tra-sh Encldsurqs Grccnhouscs Rc{aining Walls Extcrior Lighting+. Othcr ' shtxtrin @-Y';)'w, etrrIvnWIruF Wct\uu I^l^J -"-T-\F-*zocfa bVl n .24 n or*rd:€qEl ?et\o-vc6rnl+ ?'2e **..2#'' asbrn V ':- e*o4't (^pwr Aonb ar qfuftn Stone h)f ' Ct"+nOfu vxrrn AW- kdlf #3Sb l'lcasc spccify thc nranufactr.rrcr's color. numbcr and attach a slnall color chip ' AJI crtcrior lighting nrust rncct the Town's Ughting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J). If cxtcrior lighting is proJroscd, cacc indicatc thc nuorbcr of fixtrrrcs and locations on a sqnrate lighting plan. tdcntify cach fixhre grpc and providc c hcight abovc gradc, lumcns output. lunrinous arca- and attach a cut shcct ofthc tighting fixhrcs. 2'. ' -l qflCOo Updatcd 6197 oo TOWN OFVAIL Departmcnt of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 June 3, 1999 Gordon Pierce Resort Design Collaborative 505 Sansome Street. l7m Floor San Francisco. CA 941| | Total GRFA Primary Unit Garage Credit EHU Garage Credit Parking Required Primary Unit EHU Site Coverage RE: Wiley Residence at 1538 Spring Hill Lane / Lot 14, Block 3, Vail Valley 1" Filing Dear Gordon: The Community Development Department has reviewed the plans you have recently submitted for the Wiley Residence to be located at 1538 Spring Hill Lane. GRFA and Site Coverage calculations are as follows: Standard Allowed Proposed 5320.75 sq.Ji. 4820.75 sq. ft. 600 sq. ft. 500 sq. ft. 300 sq. Ji. 4 ,spaces 3 spaces 1 spaces 3441.5 sq. ft. oo FILE r'/iPY 5447 sq. rt. 4944 sq. ft. 612 sq. ft. 503 sq. ft. j40 sq. ft- 4 spaces 3 spaces I space 28l7sq. ft. GRFA: the Wiley Residence is approxirnately 126.25 sq. ft. over the allowable GRFA. Because both garages exceed the garage credit (600 sq. ft. for the Primary Unit and 300 sq. ft. for the EHU) the excess is considered GRFA. All interior walls are counted as GRFA. The Planning and Environmental Commission reviewed the application for the conditional use permit to allow an EHU on the site. The Planning and Environmental Commission approved the application with the following conditions: {S u"n"uor^ro oo oo Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a Type II EHU deed restriction to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development. This document will be rccorded at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office and will require tbat tbe employee housing unit be permanently restricted for ernployee housing. That the applicant amend the submitted plans, showing a pedestrian access from the outside of the residence to the proposed Type II EHU. (ok - shown on the plans) That the wall baween the prtnary unit and the EHU be concrete. I previously faxed you a copy of the hazard regulations. This lot is located in a moderate debris flow hazard zone. If you have any questions regarding this, please call me. The Wiley Residence is scheduled for final review on July 7, 1999. All comments from this letter, along with the comnrents from the previous letter must be submitted to the Community Development Departnrent by 8:00 a.m on June 23, 1999 and meet the approval of the Department. Please do not hesitate to call me with any questions at 970-479-2369. l. , 3. Sinca;ely, ,.1,/)lffiw- Allison C. Ocbs Planner I Town of Vail oo \ttti\3 orctock WARRAI{TY DEEI) TIIIS DEED , l.{ade on th l s d8y of Septcmbcr l0 betreen JoHN c. sLEvtN AND PATRIcIFD-EVIF r€al- P_rop€rty, tog?thcr ytth trl).ovc-ntr, rt rt. lrtrJ.tt. (rr.t r.{ Dat.r9 tn tha L .rd sl.r. ol color.d. -lctrb.{ lr tol torr: ly r._RECORDEt D€PUIY. State 0ocumentary Fce Dale 5 /9<'so ilri\i4ernffigmm$ffi ,il"ffiruro'rn' ?ti1irir1,o99ell!e--, or th. ormt or ( r ), .'rd rfio3e tegat addfess lg of the WITNESS, that the Gr6ntor(3), lor .r! In (€r!r(br.t 1'r ol r. arr ol ( tl,r?r.m.0o ) 'rr One Million Fivc Hundrcd Scvc|ltt f-NG Th|rrr!.d qJ lu, o., the fecelpt and rutf ici.fl(y ol $ich ir hr.6r .{|rql.dt d, h.r fr.ntrd. bafga l.r.d, totd Pre3ents dorg grsnt, barg.tn, tclt, co.rva, ..t (rrtrrr .'rto th. gr-to.(r), hit halra arrd ToGETIIER Hlth att and singutar and hereditanents erd apFJrtenancGE thGr.to bctonging, or in anyrire appcrteining and the reversion and reversions, renainder and remainders, reiris, issues ena protiis ihlr;;i; -;;".1 l';r,i-"s[!te, rigr,i titte interest, ctain and demand Phatsoever of the Grantorts), eiitrer in tar oi. eqr.rity, of, in and to the above bargained prc{[ises, rith the hereditamnts ard appurtenances;mHAVEANDTOHOLD lhc tsid prcnises above bargaincd and dascribed rith 6pp{Jrtrn6ncc8, rrlto rh? Grsntce(s),hir hrlrr a.!.rlig lor.Ytr. lh. Grrntor(s). tor hinrscil, hir hcirr .rd parsm.t rcprcrcntrtlver, door covcfl.nr, grrnt.bargaln. ild aerac to atld rith tha cr.atca(t). hir hri.s ryd arrignr, lhat at th3 tir ot tha aruaal ing rnd dallvcry ol lhr.t pfalai!1. ha it ratl r.lrad o1 tht pr-tl.r .bayr co.tyay.d, htt good, tur.. part.tt, aDaot(,ilr.nd lndataa3lbl,c cltata ot ldlcrilatl<c, in lrr, in lcc rtrplr, ..d h.r good rrght, lu porcr rrx lrrtul 1,rrthoriry to gt.nt, bargrln,sall attd convcy tha srt: in lrrncr |'rd lofu.l rto.Gl.rd. and that thc r- aar lrca a.! clrat lra all formr and other gl-8!!s-.- qajsqins, 8ates, Iicrts, tares. ttlcr.Eltr, tn( \.rtr.rl<Gr yid rartrictionr ol ,r.tcv!t lird or nlturc iocver,EXCEPT GENERA! TAXES AND ASSESSi rnrs f ol 1r1,- \ r_\ t{ teer rso sugsEqije,yr vuens exp suBJEcT To THosE ITEMS AS FORTH ON EXHIBIT 'A' ATTACH trD HERETO AIiD IT('UI(K)I{ATED HEN,HN Ihe Grantor(s) sha and ritt u RRATI A|to tcf vtt otrts rh. .bovc b.re.tnd prrtr.. In th. qJi"r rrd peaceeble possession o{ the Grantec(s), his heirs ard.rrrgrrr, rgarnor .tt |'d ryrry Frrcr or Frrq[ lrrtul(y ctsimlng the Hhote DOLLANS |.rd conveyed, and by these .rr i gns forrv€r, atl the CoLnty of Lor 14. BLocx i. VAILT^ILEY tjttcT FtUNt; rct'oti-rlvi r() TxE tECotDE! PLAT THEnEoF. couNTy op EAcLE,STATE OF COLOR.ADO .lto Inon .r rtr.cr nurb.r lrr 14. BLx 3 vAlL vALLEy FlRsr ptl). vAiL, co 6i7 shatl bq appticabte to all, gerders.r De app(tcable to alI genders. lN WITNESS WHEREOF the crantor(t) hrt Grc<vrcd STATE 0F Color8do _- ) )ss.county of EAGLE ) The fofegoing instnn nt_-r_ar- .cknort cdgcd bcforc r o.l thra d.y of scorlmb.r r0. lggE ,by JOHN C. SLEVIN AND pATR.tCtA D. sLEVf N Ro1 Occd qr lha datr trt torth $oya. Escrow# VA26?552 Iittef v26z56z Forrn llo. 932 Rev 4-94,I/ARRANTY DEED ( For photoqr ic Record ) {=( I frcaco rrrtE rNsuRANcE |uO"ll\litS ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDUTE A Our Order # V262562 For InformaLion OnIy LOT 14, BIJK 3 VAIL VALLEY FIRST FL( - Charges -Alta Owner Policy $2,538.00 s', 333 :33 *** THIS IS NOT AN II\TVOICE, BUT AN ESTIMATE OF FEES. WHEN REFERRING TO TITTS ORDER, PLEASE REFERENCE OT'R ORDER NO. V252562 . MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO I-,AI[D TITLE GUARANTEE COMP]\Iq1' *** 1. EffecEive Dat,e: June 19, 1998 aE 5100 P.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: rAtTAn Owner's Po1icy LO-L7-92 $1,575,000.00 Proposed Insured: GARY WILEY 3. The escaEe or inEeresE in Ehe land described or referred Eo in t,his ConrnitmenE and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the esEaEe or interesE covered. herein is ac Ehe effective datse hereof vesEed in: .'OHN C. SLEVIN and PATRICIA D. SLEVIN 5. The Land referred Eo i.n Ehis CommitmenE. is described as follows: LOT 14, BTOCK 3, VAIL VAI,LEY-FIRST FIIING, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COT'NTY OF EAGLE. STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE 1 O O"*r.AGo rrrlE ,*r,r*o*"lGo*"wi\g ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-SECTION]- (Requirements) Our Order # v262562 The following are Ehe requiremenEs Eo be complied wiLh: It,em {a) PaymenE, tro or for E,he accounE of Ehe grant.ors or mortgagors of Ehe full considerauion for the esE.aEe or inleresE t.o be i-nsured - ftem (b) Proper insE,rumenE (s) creaE,ing E,he estat.e or interest. Eo be insured musE be executed and duly filed for record, to- wit.: It.em (c) PaymenE of all taxes, charges or assessment,s levied and assessed againsts t.he subject preririses which are due and payable. Item (d) AddiE,ional requirement.s, if any disclosed below: 1. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED February 1-9, 1992, FROM JOHN C. SLEVIN and PATRICIA D. SLEVIN TO THE PI'BLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRST WESTERN MORTGAGE SERVTCES, INC. TO SECURE THE SUM OF $425,000.00 RECORDED March 06, L996, IN BOOK 689 AT PAGE 326. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSTGNED TO FIRST BAIVK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE IN ASSIGNMENT RECORDED June 09, L997, IN BOOK 728 AT PAGE 874. 2. RELEASE OF DBED OF TRUST DATED April 1L, 1996, FROM JOHN C- SLEVIN and PATRICIA D. SLEVIN TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF VAIL TO SECITRE THE SIJM OF $50,000.00 RECORDED April 19, L996,IN BOOK 692 AT PAGE 706. 3. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED,January 09, 1998 FROM JOHN C. SLEVIN and PATRICTA D. SLEVIN TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBAI{K OF VAIL TO SECURE THE SUM OF $356,020.00 RECORDED January 15,1998, I'}TDER RECEPTION NO. 644846. 4. EVIDENCE SATTSFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 5. WARRANTY DEED FROM.TOHN C. SLEVIN and PATRICIA D. SLEVIN TO GARY WILEY CONVEYING SUBiTECT PROPERTY. 6. DEED OF TRUST FROM GARY WILEY TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF TO SECURE THE sIrM OP n/a. NOTE: UPON RECEIPT OF A SATISFACTORY UPDATE TO IMPROVEMENT LOCATfON CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY EAGLE VAIJIJEY ENGINEERING & SURVEYTNG, INC. DATED I{AY 1]., 1990, ITEM NOS. 1-3 OF THE STAIVDARD EXCEPTIONS MAY BE DELETED AS TC THE OWNERS POLICY WHEN ISSUED. PAGE 2 O O*t** rrrlE r"su**ncsOOorv tltli\eg ALTA COMMITMENT SCIIEDI'I,E B - SECTION 1 (Requiremencs) Our Order # v262562 upoN rfue AppRovAr, oF THE coMpANy elro rip REcErpr oF A NorARrzED FTNATJ LrEN AFFIDAVIT, rTEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAT EXCEPTIONS WILt BE A!4EIIDED AS FOLLOWS: ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO A}IY LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAT CONTRACTED FOR OR FURNISHED AT THE REQTTEST OF JOHN C. SLEVIN and PATRICIA D. SI/EVIN- CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COI"IPAI{Y SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR AI{Y IJIENS ARISING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF GARY WILEY. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF TI{E GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILI BE DELETED IF LAND TITI.'E RECORDS TTIE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED I'NDER SCHEDULE B-1. NOTE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES, ITEM 6 WILL BE AMEI{DED TO READ: TAXES ATiTD ASSESSMENTS FOR T'ITE YEAR 1998, AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE. ITEM 7 I]NDER SCHEDULE B-2 WILI BE DELETED UPON PROOF THAT THE WATER AIiID SEWER.CHARGES ARE PAID UP TO DATE. SENATE BII,I., 98-045 STATES THAT EFFECTIVE .TUNE 1' 1998 THE FEE FOR REQUESTS FOR RELEASES OF DEEDS OF TRUST WILL BE $16 .00 . NOTE: EFFECTTVE JAI{UARY 1, 1993, CORPORATIONS THAT DO NOT MAINTAIN A PERMANENT PLACE OF BUSINESS IN COLORADO' AND NONRESIDENT INDIVIDUALS, ESTATES AND TRUSTS WILL'BE SI'BJECT TO A COI,ORADO WITHHOLDING TAX FROM THE SALES OF COLORADO REAL ESTATE rN EXCESS OF $100,000.00. THE wrrHHoLDrNG TA)( WILL BE THE SMALLER OF TWO PERCENT OF THE SALES PRIEE OR THE NET PROCEEDS FROM THE SALES OF THE REAL ESTATE. THE TAX WILL BE WITHHELD BY TH8 TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OR ITS AGENT AND SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, WHERE IT WILL BE CREDITED TO THE SELLER'S INCOME TAX ACCOIJNT AS AN ESTIMATED TAX PAYMENT. THE SELLER CAN CLAIM CREDIT FOR THE ESTIMATED PAYMENI AGAINST THE INCOME TAX LIABILITY WHEN HE OR SHE FIIJES A COLORADO RETTJRN FOR THE YEAR OF THE SALE ' PAGE 3 oo DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FINAL AGENDA Wednesday, May 5, 1999 3:00 P.M. PUBUC MEETING SCHEDULE Fif E PRO'ECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH _TOWN COUNC1I ChAMbETS MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce (left at 5:00 p.m.) Hans Woldrich Melissa Greenauer Tom Weber (PEC) S]TE VISITS to REVISEO 5/6/99 "i r n... , MEMBERS ABSENT 11O0 pm 2:00 pm 1. Vail Interfaith Chapel - 19 Vail Road 2. Waterhouse - 285 Forest Road 3. Adams - 765 West Forest Road 4. Dobson lce Arena-321 E. Lionshead Circle 5. Scalise - 2567 Arosa Drive 6. Lot 25 - 1854 Glacier Ct. 7 . Wiley - 1 538 Spring Hill Lane 8. Valleau - 4839 Meadow Drive 9. Shaper - 2645 Bald Mountain Road 10. Lot 4, Gore Creek Sub. - 5166 Black Gore Drive 11. Kinzelberg - Lot 4, Spraddle Creek Estates Driver: George PUBUC HEARING - TOWN COUNCILCHAMBERS 1. The Marriott (Lionshead) - Conceptual review of a major exterior alteration and construction of a new interval ownership club. 715 W. Lionshead Circle / Marriott Mark, Morcus Subdivision Applicant: HMC Corporation, represented by East-West Partners and Gwathmey-Pratt CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 2. Lionsquare North - New awning. 660 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 8, Vail Lionshead 1o, Applicant: LionsquareNorthCondoAssociation MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 3:00 pm George Dominic CONSENT APPROVED - Subiect to linal stalf review. oo OQ REV1SED 5/6/99 3. Adam residence - Conceptual review of a proposed remodel. Brent 765 West Forest Road/Lot 8, Block 2, Vail Village 6'". Applicant: Nancy Adam, represented by Fritzlen, Pierce, Smith CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 4. Henkes residence - Final review of a new primary/secondary residence. Allison 2824 Snowberry Drive / Lol 17, Block 9, Intermountain. Applicant: Andrew Henkes MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED 5. Wiley residence - Conceptual review for a new primary residence and Type ll Allison employee housing unit. 1538 Spring Hill Lane/Lot 14, Block 3, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant; WileyFamilyPartnership CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 6. Valleau Residence - Conceptual review of a remodel/addition to an existing residence. Allison 4839 Meadow Drive/Lot 17, Block 5, Bighorn Fifth. Applicant: Bob & Kathy Valleau MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:5-0 CONSENT APPBOVED Scalise Residence - Conceptual review of a new primary/secondary residence. 2567 Arosa Dr./Lot 9, Block E, Vail Das Schone 1"' Allison Applicant: Dennis Scalise CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 8. Waterhouse residence - New garage Jeff 285 Forest RoacvLot 20, BlockJ, Vail Village 1"t. Applicant: Steve & Linda Waterhouse, represented by Steven Riden CONCEPTUAL_ NO VOTE 9. $haper residence - Review of a new garage. * Jeff 2645 Bald Mountain RoadiLot 10, Block 2, Vail Village 1 3"'. Applicant: Steve Shaper MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:5-0 TABLED UNTIL MAY 19,1999 10. Vail Interfaith Chapel - Remodel/addilion at existing facility. Jetf 19 Vail Road / Lot J, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Vail Fleligious Foundation, represented by Victor Mark Donaldson Architects MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:5-0 TABLED UNTIL MAY 19.1999 7. tf le REVISED 5/5/99 1 1 . Kinzelberg residence - Conceptual review. Jeff Lot 4, Spraddle Creek Estates. Applicant: Harvey Kinzelberg, represented by Hans Berglund CONCEPTUAL_NO VOTE 12. Grand Traverse Lot 16 - Final review of a new singleJamily residence. George 1800 Lionsridge Loop / Lot 16, Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision. Applicant: Dauphinais-Moseley Construction MOTION: Melissa Greenauer SECOND: Tom Weber VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED PER REVISED PLANS 13. Lot 25, Glacier Ct. -.Conceptual review of a proposed new primary/secondary residence. George 1854 Glacier Ct./Lot 25, Block 2, Lionsridge #3. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 14. Westhaven Club & Lodge - Final review of a proposed new Fractional Fee Club George and employee housing project. 1325 Westhaven Dr., Westhaven Condominiumsi Cascade Village Area A. Applicant: Gerald L. Wurhmann, represented by Robby Bobinson MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND:Hans Woldrich VOTE:5-0 CONSENT APPROVED 15. Dobson lce Arena - Conceplual review locker room/loading dock expansion. George 321 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead zno Filing. Applicant: Vail Recreation District, represented by Odell Architects CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 16. Lot 4, Gore Creek Subdivision.- Conceptual review of a new primary/secondary residence.George 5166 Black Gore Drive/Lot 4, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Greg Amsden CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE Staff Approvals Brooktree Condominiums - Stairway/landing replacement" Brent 980 Vail View Drive/A portion of Block B, Lions Ridge Filing 1. Applicant: BrooktreeTownhomesHOA Burillo residence / Northwind development - Revised landscape plan. Brent 365 Mill Creek Circle/Lot 16, Block 1 , Vail Village 1"' Filing. Applicant: Northwind Development Rizk residence - Bedroom/dining room addition. Brent 740 Sandy Lane/Lot 4, Block 2, Potato Patch Filing f2. Applicant: Oscar Rizk to OQ REVTSED 5i6l99 Axelrod residence - Exterior repaint. George 2578 Arosa Drive/Lot 1, Block C, Vail das Schone #1. Applicant: Art Axelrod Ketcham residence - changes to driveway. Allison 4t10'l Glen Falls Lane/Lot 1, Forest Glen. Applicant: Linda Ketcham Berndt residence - Site plan changes. Allison 756 Potato Patch/Lot 4, Block 2, Potato Patch. Applicant: Wolfgang Bemdt Maclean residence - Interior conversion of crawl space. George '1330 Sandstone Drive, Overlook, Unit #1ZG-4, Vail Lionsridge. Applicant: John Maclean Walzer residence - Addion of stone veneer to deck rail and chimney. George 333 Beaver Dam Fload/Lot 41 , Block 7, Vail Village 1"t. Applicant: George Schaeffer Construction Co. Timber Falls Building #18 - North side deck extension. Brent 4459 Timberfalls Ct. #1 8/Timberfalls Condominiums. Applicant: Timber Falls Phase lX Association The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular otfice hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town ot Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. oo 'THE RESORT DESIGN COLLABORATIYE l\ tf_R\ \ tti) \ \ j_ oo lgVia'l Stona xlawr^ I4a,Ln'aI TUpd Owol .bin't-' Oa*r + dof o'23.11 ; i{a . *:rriji l-rl! Floor. :iiu Fr,rf. f,:f { 6'%.qn and €Wco Qlor Tfb^I 4)c@1ex9rure- lr'rl i.l r,ri.ji,r,rt iL,ln i'h llj l')l l.lli 5\\ Ft{\\(tt( {l oo 3-l/T (89nn) Recessed Box 8.t/4' QWnn) Long 2-y8' (57nn) Htgh 3-n' (89nn) Deep 3-n' (89nm) Recessed Box q-th' Qt1nn) Long 2-y8" (s/nn) High 3-n' @)nn) Deep RSS2AKIFIIE Black RSS2HKSFIIE Bronze a 120 Volt . Intemal Louver . 13 watt maximum . PLC l3 Lamo J- t/2- (89nn) I " pnieaion ,rRSS2AKsIE Black RSS2HK5IE Bronze a 120 Voh . lnternal Louver . 40 watt maximum . TIO Lamp RSCUIAKSSl2 Black RSCL2BK58!2 White RSCL2HK58|2 Bronze + 12 Voh . Cast Lou\€rlFrosted Lens . Two 18 watt maimum . Two l l4l Lamps (included) . Remote transformer reouired RSC2AI(SFllE Black RSC2BK5Ft IE VVhite RSC2HK5FISE Bronze a l2O Voh . Cast Louver/Frosted Lens . 13 watt maximum . PLCI3 Lamp RSC2AKSIE Black RSC2BKIIIE White RSCIHK5IE Bronze a 120 Volt . Cast Louver/Frosted Lens . 40 watt maximum . TIO Lamo Rece$ed 8or q-ya' (2lONn) Long zy{ (sznn) Hiqh t-W" (89nn) Deep j | ,-,n'7rik,t I I C8l OoAKlt8t2 Black CBl0OHl(5812 Bronze e l2 Voh . Composite Louver . Tvrro 18 watt maximum . Two l l41 Lamps (included) . Remote transformer required RSVIIAKSIE Black nsv:lBK5tE vvhire RsltlHKSlE Bronze o l2O Voh . Cast Louver/Frosted Lens . 40 watt maximum _:^' .-" - - -" xecessed Box . I rU LamP B.r/4" (210nn) Long 2.s/8" (57nn) Hiqh R$r:lAKSFrrE Black 3'n' (genn) DeeP RSV2aX5FlsE White RSV:IHl('FltE Bronze a l2O Voh . Cast Lou\€r/Frosted Lens . 13 watt maximum . PLC.I3 LamD ACCeSSOfieS Mounrins K|ts CatalogNo. Application MAK I Masonry CBr0oAKSFlSE Black CBloOHXsFltE Bronze a 120 Volt . Comoosite Louver . 13 watt maximum . PLC l3 Lamp CBlooAl(5l E Black CBIOOHKSIE Bronze a 120 Volt . Composite Louver . 40 waft maximum . T10 Lamp MAKI{S New Slud Wall MAKES Existins Stud Wall Note: All units supplied with mounting hardware for concrete pour installation- lf other hounting kits are required, order accessory above. Housing- Aluminum die€asting containing less than .3ry0 copper to prevent corrosion in concrete applications. Faitencr- Captive, black oxide stainless steel. c.iket- Single-piece molded silicone. So.kbt- Incandescent, medium base; fluorescent ee3-2; low voltage, single contact bayonet or GY6.35 bi?in. Reflectop Bubble reflector, formed from semi-spenjlar aluminum {or optimum symmetric light pattems, Ta lamping has a highly reflective speo:lar aluminum reflector. lens- Bubble Lens, Clear UV-stabilized iniection molded polycarbonate. Lamp proiects out of he wall, enabling efficient bare lumens to be directed down at ground level at a wide distribution Note: Thermal Protection is required for interior or insulated walls for all Bricklytes. Add suffix 'p" to ordering number. for {urfrer spacing of fixtures. Opal Lens- UV-stabilized injection-mdded polycalbonate. Battast- (Fluorescent PL) shall be core and coil, NPF Class B. Ballass shall be factory wired and tested. Ballasg rated for O'C starting tempemture. ' : Wlrlng Conparhent- lntemal wiring compartnent contiin6 $to (2) l/2' NPT conduit taps in the bottom and one (t) l/2" NPT conduit tap in bofr sides. A removable plug will be provided for each of the additional three (3) faps. Intemal louyer- Polycabonate clear lens with black anodized 45' cut-off louver. uL cut ti\d. t ) @g[ww 44 BTcrcLYTES o o Constructed os a replocement for o stondord sized brick" BricHvtes fit into wolls They feoture o two-piece die cost recessed housinq witlj' o silicone ering gosket Brkklytes ore ovoiloble widl vorious lens& ond foce plotes for different lighang effecs. Uni6 ore uL Listed for feed-throuqh wiring, eliminoting ttle n&d for o seporote junction box oo 9" (229nn) RSBUIATS||2 Black Recessed gox Rs.8u!Hr54r2 Bronze 3: {f ili#}i,iif ,r.: 12 Volt ,n" @snti Nep . Clear Lexan Lens . 20 watt maximum . T4 Halogen Lamp . Remote transformer required RSB2ATSIE Black RS82HT5IE Bronze o 120 Voh . Clear Lexan Lens . 40 watt maximum . TIO Lamp ? RS82Ar5FllE Black RS82HTSFI XE Eronze . 120 Volt . Clear Lexan Lens . 13 watt maximum . PLCI3 Lamp (229nn) r-n' (89nn) RSFUIAL5Sl2 Black RSFL1IH L58l2 Bronze :i 12 Voh . Ooal Lens Recessed Box 8. t/4' (2tTnn) Long 2-5/8' (57nn) Htgh 3 n' (89nn) Deep . Two l8 waft maxamum . Two I l4l Lamps (included). Remote transformer required RSF2AL5IE Black RSF:lHLSlE Bronze t 120 Voh . Opal Lens . 40 watt maximum . T IO Lamp RSEIAL5SE Black RSEIHL58E Bronze - : o I 20 Volt . Opal Lens . Two I8 watt maximum . Two I l4l Lamps (included) RSFTAL5FI IE Black RSEIHL5FISE Bronze a 120 Volt . Opal Lens . 13 watt maximum . PLCI3 Lamp Jqn-z.z-ee 07: oaA scT: Ones LA so c2 2162 or r zll;TEEfI'i::ii:.''I.:''':,j!i''..i{:]:3+l!!i1:r,lit.:.h TAMPS / SALIASTS Incondcrccnt I - l00W mox (A-19). Fluorerccnt I compocf double tuin l3W [Fl3DIT], (l 2OV onlyl. Specify voltoge. lncondescent ovoiloble I 20V only. Mognelic high - powcr foc.or bollor, is s.ondord. See 'Bollosts-ond "Lomps" in Section G. [omps not included. See nUser Ggide" lor informotion on stsrling temperotures o[ fluorescent lirhrres. ri T:RrArs / FtxruRE rocafloN U.L. listed lor wel locotions. Hood ond support orms ore Solid Copper. Fixlure body is Sond Cost Bronze. FINISHES Diffuser: Cleor G]oss- inside sonded. Body: Sond Cost Bronze {weothers to o dork potino). Hood: & Arrns: NCP- Noturol Copper {weothers to o dork potinol. YG - Verd i Gris CC - Custom Color, Semi Gloss MOUNNNG Fixture bose rnovnts lo 1/2" <ooduil by others. P-03 OPTIONS'*or-*',..*e,rr'*rirr(t*,i,i;*,'*:r,1r*.r.ir*?r,.a{sngrrt:.r NOTES 1.,,.isa---ir*r},fin.ifiFpr*i .,_r. ____-___r,{. z____\_+ Avoilob e with hipped hood, rpecit sulf:x HH. -4 @ ,ou"o^r,o" roR Dts,6N rNItcRrr\ SPEC GUIDE lii;*ri*.FFify:rfrrrc*rj':;r.s1flr?xrirr:flr!,rri*rr*::r'rr'r,i'r,r'-r; (Q)/rBEw.ABEL'.EDsn*rrsl HOOD 9 = I'A 12 = t2"@ HH = Hipped Hood SPEC NO. ------]-9il-9-tNC-r20-NCP l20HPf = 120V High Powor foclor lOnly bo lort ovoiloble, coll ioclory regording 277Y1. r141 Marina Way South. Bich,nond, CA 94804-A?42 (S1O) 294-2370 Far (5,t01 2g4_2g71 Bollord vcrrion ovoiloblc. ree Spec No. 9O2 in lhi! re<tion. Thi: [ixture is intended lor low-foground opplicolions For high mounling see 9O2 bollord. See pholo on the olher side ol lhis poge lor on illustrolion o[ how conduit & J-Box ore field instolled. I Coll foctory regording 277Y lanping, t tNc cf t/13 Avoiloblc with 12' diometcr hood, specify diometer. ftNtSH El Shaper*Lighting JLLn-2.?-99 07:oaA scuJnes le RE3lAKtlE A/ack nc c= =ru= j-"'BRICI{LYTEST Y,?UM- lfu A l&ln^Ixq . qWA Vnn*'%bultatfi{- t l.lCTE. All unrts supphed '?,lh n oualrng hardwar€ ror concfele oour insla lat on l{ olher mounling requir-"d. order .nounl ng accessory kit. F|ls2|lisaE Brcnze 120 Wlt lntenal Louver 40 Waft Max. TlO Lamp Btt2AXlFl!l 8/ack Fai2ltxSFltE €ronre PAWT lnle.oal Louvea 1.3 WatI Max. PLC | 3 Lamp aiL2i'H...o F-l ,, ,E 121 ocm L). {5 7cm Hl. {A gci- 0\ .] F i2 scm) th.rt|r.l protkllon roqul.ad tor int rtor.nd lnrul.l.d y.ll.. A(H rt lflr'P_ tc Crtalo! ,{o, (22 !cdrj R3CL2lKsal2 ai acl >k___ ' FtClAXSlE A/ack RSC|-2lxst't 2 r'f'hrle nSC2at51E lynlie RSCL2llKstl2 8/orze n3C2H|(5lE Bronze ...-;';;;=: o -I ,-, t lEFlt {21 Ocn, L). {S 7cm -lr. (e !(m D: -l l-- l- e- ---l 1 i22 gcm) l; 5c- I 12 Volt Casl Louvet ,/ Frasled Lens (2) tu wall l,'tax. (2)t t4, Lernqs (inrlrded) 120 Wl Cast Lottvet /' Ftcsled Lens 40. Wet Max fl} Laalp FSCI XsFI lE BiaclL l3C2lXaFl SE l't/h/te lsC2H|(3Fl3E 8,'or:e lm Vok Casl Louve. / FrcsleC Le.)s 13 Waft tula i Pt-C t3 Lamp Tharnrll protlcllon rcq|lllcd lg. Inl..lo. .n.l lnlltat.d s.tla- Altd 3ufl|I "P to Calrloo No. F E AT U R E S a- EacaaaGd Hoi|.lng- Two'piece di? cast lror.]:rng ancl lnrshrng ring wrth silicone o-r ng gaskel. fou' ,t" I.JPT conduit Inlols ir,terna wrnng bot nctlactor!- High performance alum nJm ret e!tor assembl es 'or Opllmurn Symmetl cal lrgtli.!tp rl Frca Plat.3- Bubble ens rn LJV-s1ab lized rriectio. rrro'ded pol/carbo.rate vJith n:ernal heat shreldt die cagt al!mrnum cut-o'i loJver w'th sealed trosteo Elass lens. opal lens In Uv-sla3rlized in'ected mclded polycarbonate RSS. clear polycarfronate r"Jrth inlerrra directiorjal louvert Flnlrh- Bronze. bLack or'"vh tc (FiSC. aSV only) lhermosel po\./cei coat. AIL olhers o.onze or blaak tnl, Soclat'- lncand€scenl. pcrcelain medlum base, low \,o lage single contact bayonet c. b -prn base: tllrorescent PLCr 3, 3X23 Ebclrlcd Gomponantr- Ot:lrcnal pJsh 'rr thermal Insulatron proleclor lor dry wall construclic,n. remcvait,e lrori nside frrture Sockets pre-wrred with high ternperalure #18 wire @*".@,,.,"., ACCESSORIES llcqiling fltr Catrlog l{o.ADplicrtiorr HAXII tvtasonry uAxxs tle.' SIud Weil f,ATEg ErBing Stuc ryali H OTO M ETRY GTTALOO XO. R3CL2 LA[4P WATTAGE (2r 16!V r r { ) VOLTAGE 12Oi1:I t\.1a1 [.iIl^JG HETGHT 3' P cltaloc l|o. B3llt LAf,1P ilAfiACE 2rW I.l VOLTAGE '2 frolrfJlttlG HE Gr^lT : 12 6 1 l" I ?l I a 2 2 I -t-- 6ad Lrv./et'1J'.Ne olsl{ltcE tft ! Xo'tW,ot v&-wn.,t I \olid Brass Width Height Ext. Eulbs Max. lVattage Heighl From Center 0l 0utlet Box, I 1.2' ( )i,',t: lltiit li, , 'utttt,'ntlt ,! 8461-Oc' iir rtn i ll ltt, i',,rlt,i l:int;lt ittlil 8rass (.,/i ,rr \r, r,/r'.1 r,r,r',.' 846r-46 ( )riLli. til i'n n i i tiii.li t ', y'rrt /ira.s:s a.'1(', ? / \r'i'r11',,/r i.r'.r L2 2J r. 14 Three (C) 60w b l|eight From Center 0l 0utlet B0r, I I L4' (.'it,! lltii) t\'t: t. tIii tiJt,t! $m nullligfifiint L o a E o 60w r85 * DEsrgn : p/,gnt \ea C.Jl I g'rltr,9 oro.iL, ( 'r Co,ilruily Development ptan niltfi ro.rn Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Return To:Allison Ochs Date Routed:4t29/99 Retum By:ASAP Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Wiley Demo/Rebuitd 1538 Spring Hill Lane Lot 14, Block 3, V.Valley lst Demo/Rebuild new 2-familv residence Approved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Entrance to driveway off of Sunburst drive must be on 20' centerline radius, through out driveway and into proposed EHU unit. Please adjust and revise Scale of site plan isn't correct. Please provide site plan with correct scale. Driveway with any 90 degree angle must be 15' wide, through out curue. Need Title Report and Stamp Survey. Please show grading to be removed. Show on site plan required number ofparking spaces. Parking spaces are 9'xl8'inside and 9'xl9' outside All grading must return to at least a 2:l grade Area west of Auto Court might need to be extended to the west to meet turnaround standards. Reviewed by: Leonard Sandoval Date reviewed: 5-5-99 "r?,,nil,ty Devetopment prun f,ot?e Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Return To:Allison Ochs Date Routed:4/29/99 Return By:ASAP Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Wiley Demo,/Rebuild 1538 Spring Hill Lane Lot 74, Block 3, V.Valley lst Demo,lRebuild new 2-family residence Aooroved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions No heat in proposed driveway pan and any heat in driveway area in Town of Vail right of way area must be in separate zone. This also includes the walk/steps area to Spring Hill lane. Revocable right of way permit is required for the walk/steps/ heat in right of way. Cost is 6 dollars first page 5 dollars for second page Fire sprinkler system will be required unless driveway requirements are meet for the Fire Department or approved by Fire Department. Reviewed by: Leonard Sandoval Date reviewed: 6-29-99 07/15/99 lHU 10:04 FAX 303 2282 623 a PSA DENVER E oo3 . t'ift|ddf?N APPLICATION FOH BEVOCAELE PERMITTO EHECTOR MAINTAIN' ASTBUGruRE ON APUBLIC RIGHT€F.WAY 'T}IIS FOFH CA}INOT BE FEDUCED (Plaase rype or pilnt) OWNER OF PFOPEHW NAII4E OF APPLICANT ADDRESS Fenae Wall LancFsadng _Other /_ onre JTr-t' 6,n7n I€GAL DESOHIPTION OF PHOPETTY TO BE SEFVFD: r-cn3-Br-ocKAsueorvsw Vftutltnre{ lT'fr tanl ar (lf necessary, attach <lescilpdon on separate sheet). Comer lot DESC InsldE lot D6€s structurs yesently erlst? N0 Proposed date for cofflmencement of construotlon -ag ln oonslderatlon of the bsuanoe of a revocable permlt fot hls subcontractor. The aFFlic-ant agrees b defense for and detend againsl, any suoh li agrees as follows: qr 1. ' . That the shrtlre hsrcln authorized on a rcvocable permit basls ls rcsfifsted erduslvely to the lanclabarE thscllbad. 2. That the permft ls llmiteC spedflcallyto tho tpa of stucture describad in thls applfcation, t. Thatthe aFplhantshall notlfythe Prolect Phnnsf snd Town Englnerr, orthelrduly auulorlzed agent twentFfuur lrcurc in advance of fte tlme for commenaernent of constrqcdon. In order thd proper Inspec{on may. be made f tfie Torn. 4. The appltcant agrees to lndenrnifi and hold hairntess OrE Tovn of Vall, lts ofiFats, employees and agents from gnd agEhst all llabfity, claims and Ceman# on socount of Iniury, loss or damaEe, includins wlthout llmitailon claims aislng trom bodly iniury,Injury, loss or damage, including llmitailon claims aislng trom bodly injury, parsonaf injury slckness, disease, Ceath, property loss or damage, or any orher loss ol any kind lvhatsoe\ref, which arlse out of or are In any manner connected wlh appllcanfs activitles pursuaflt to thl.s permlt lt srlch iniwy. loss, or darhage b caused ln wttole or in part by, or is claimed to be caused in whole or in pan ry, hg ilct omfsslon, etror, pmfessional enor, mlstaka, negllgerce or other fault of the appllcant, his confractor or subcontraslor or any olflcer, employee or reFresentawe.of the applicant hls contracft hls subcontractor. The aFFlic-ant agrees b Investigate, handls reapond to, and to prot €F.WAY; strl|clure appllcant r.of he applicrnl hls contracor or handle resportd to. and to plwlde resPond to, and to Prwlde detense for and defend againsL any suoh llablltry, clalms, or demands at he solo expense oflhe applicant. The appllcant afso agees to. bear all other erpgpg.pla{np O7/r5/95 1trU 10:05 F'AX 303 10. Speclaloonditons: 623 a 2262 PSA DENVER @ oo4 7. VailproPerty, streets, slibwalks, or dghts-of{ryay. , Thatthe permlt may be rwokedwhenwar.it'rs dotominsdfiat ths eicloachmant, obstructlon, or other stnJsture oonslltutes a nulsance, destoya or lnFalrs fie use of the right-of+ay by fie public. consiltutes a tfffic hauard, or na -properni upon whk$ thg encroachment, obstustlon, or sbloture eri.sts is requlred foruse uy [ri puufla; or lt may be rwoke{ at any ilrle fof any roason doamed suffiiient by the Tofrn otVait, rfiat the applicant will rEmovc, at his !:pqBer ta encroachmsnt, ob8lnrcdon, or slucture wtfilnten dayg after recelving notbe of anyrwocatlon of saH permlt. Thal tltg epplicant a$e€s to malntaln any landscaplng assoclated wlth tre encrcashment on the rlghtof-uaay. That ln ti€ everit sald rerno/al af the emtechment, obsilucton, or sfflEture lB not accomplished within t€n dap, fie Town is hereby auftorized to remors cane and hare the flght lo rnals an assesEment egalnst th€ properry and,collect th€ cosb of lemo/d In the same manner as general taxes are collected. That the applicant has read End understands all of lhe terns anC condit'ons set foilh In this rppllcation. s. Prbject Plannei Date' @ oos PSA DENVER O7/IS/SS lEU 10:05 FAX 303 2262 623 a t5 r: F t- E ti I u 1t E 6 g fi \ i'f o I ? z ET E t-r z It q ffiHF ffITT{IT ZONE CHECK Phone Pbonc Buildable arca - Existin e Proposcd Total = f?za Rcrnaining * 4720 lJQa "--.,= rcrov tD Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? llt/'/'ca.//, Horv much of thc allorvcd 2jC Addition is usc.j tvith this rcqucst?4a Sitc Covcragc Hcigbt Sctback Landscaping RctainingWall Hcig!ts Parking Requirc Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay Complics Mth TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs less than 2:l (50%) EnvironmcntaWlazards (300) (600) (e00) (1200) b) Rockfall 3t4t.f Jr/7 = $pg/ Front Sidcs Rcar &u ---.=----: '' \ I ,' -t I oz. Pcrm:-ttcd Slooc % Proposcd Slopc --% y.r--{ Nq Ycs- / No 2) Floodplain ----- 1t w rl zndc 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (50) _I 5) Ccologic Hazardt I UdT a) SnorvAvalanchc- - lgzof ' I' 20, .t5, 15, Minimum lEv f 3', /6' d+4 3 Encloscd 4oo Prcvious conditions of approval (chcck propcrty filc); Osnct Arc h itcc t Zonc disr'ic Lot sizc Total GRFA Primary CRFA , Allorvcd v000ala ud// =_f32u{ -+ (425) (675*) =!fu!J, Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dacribc: c) Dcbris Florv D ESIGN REVIE}Y CHECKLIST Projcct: I00 yr. flood plain Watcr Coursc Setback Environmenal Hazrrds Trees Utility Iocations Spot clcvations Q SITEPLAN Scalc Building Height Encroachmcnts Sctbacks Site Covcrage EavcVOvcrhangs (4') Dcckstsalconics Cange conncction _ . Sitc Cradc\Slopc RctainingWalls Fcnccs Photos ofsitc Building material samplcs C.O. Vcrification Sun\Shadc Anglcs Utiliti es (undcrground) Vicrv Corridors Varianccs Plat rcshictions tr suRvEy Scalc ......:__ Bcnchmark I ._ Lcgal dcscription i' Lot Sizc Buildablc Area Eascmcnts Topography Q FLOORpLAI.tS Scaic CRFA 250 additional CRIA Crarvl\Attic Spacc .trtt u Q BUILDINCELEVATIONS Scalc _:_ ColorMaterials Roofpitch O LANDSCAPE PLA.N Existing trccs proposcd trces Legard MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Tirlc rcport (A & B) Uti lify verifi cation form Tuming Radius Drivcrvay (acccss and gradc) Snorv Storage Firc Acccss or 17,207.5 sq. ft. Two-Familv Residential oo ,-,LE t)0Py MWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2100 Fil{ 970-479-2157 Lot Size: Zoning: June 30, 1999 Gordon Pierce Resort Design Collaborative 505 Sansome Street, 17'Floor SanFrancisco, CA941ll RE: Wiley Residence at 1538 Spring Hill Lane i Lot 14, Block 3, Vail Valley 1" Filing Dear Gordon: The Community Development Department has reviewed the plans for the Wiley Residence to be located at 1538 Spring Hill Iane. The following comments and revisions mrst be addressed prior to final Design Review Board approval: l.No heat is allowed in the proposed driveway pan. Any heated driveway area within the TOV right-of-way must be in a separate zone. This includes the walkway and step area to Spriug Hill I-ane. A revokable right-of-way permit is required for the walkway and step area in the right-of way. The pennit has been attached for your use. A fire sprinkler system will be required because the house does not meet fire department access requirements. At-grade porches and patios are allowed to encroach 7.5' into the rear setback. Part of the rear porch encroaches beyond the 7.5'. Please adjust and revise. The Wiley Residence has been analyzed based on Two-Family Residential zoning. The analysis provides the following: 2. A !i. {p*""ouo"o oo ao Standard,"AllowedPronosed Total GRFA 5320.75 sq.ft. 5502 sq. ft. Primary Unit 4820.75 sq. ft. 4812 sq. ft. Garage Credit 600 sq. ft. 600 sq. ft. EHU 500 sq. ft, 500 sq. ft. Garage Credit 300 sq. ft. 341 sq. fl. Parking Required 4 spaces 4 spaces Prinary Unit 3 spaces 3 spaces EHU lqpace lspace Site Coverage 32t41.5 sq. ft. 2628 sq. ft. The Wiley Residence has been scheduled for final Design Review Board on July 7, 1999. The above comments and revisions nnrst be submitted no later than noon on Friday, July 2, 1999, and meet the approval of the Community Development Department. Please do not hesitate to call me with any questions at 9'7 0-47 9-2369. Sincerelv.,/,t.rt ^ n\ //il///jint /tV tU ll 0vrJ v /l 1,. t-..(/- -/a llid^h a' tl^h6 irll.tl|(rtt v. \JvtlD Planner I Townof Vail I 'rEo O t I I I I ttup*otJ*l"r f .nni"at. Inc. 5020 County Rosd 154 Glenwood Springs' Colorado tl60l Phone: 970-945-79EE Fax: 970-945-8454 hpgeo@hpgeotech.com T ! I I I I I t T T I I T SUBSOIL STTJDY FOR FOI.INDATION DESIGN PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 14, BLOCK 3, FILING 1, VAIL VALLEY SUBDIVISION 1538 SPRING HILL LANE VAIL, COLORADO JOB NO. 199 366 JLTNE 28, 1999 PREPARED FOR: GARY AND DORIS WILEY 5609 WINDMIER CIRCLE DALLAS, TEXAS 75252 oo oo o INC. o cAL, o RTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHM o IIEPWO I T l I June 28. 1999 Gary and Doris WileY 5609 Windmier Circle Dallas. Texas 75252 Job No. 199 366 I I t I I I I I I Subject: Report Transmiftal, Subsoil Study for Foundation Design, Proposed Residence, Lot 14, Block 3, Filing 1, Vail Valley, 1538 Spring Hill Lane, Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. and Mrs. WileY: As requested, we have conducted a subsoil study for the proposed residence at the subject site. Subsurface conditions encountered in the exploratory borings drilled in the proposed buitding area consist of about 4 to 5 feet of fill materials and I foot of topsoil overlying relatively dense silty sand and gravel with cobbles and boulders. Groundwater was not encountered in the borings at the time of drilling. The proposed residence can be founded on spread footings placed on the nahrral granular subsoils or properly compacted granular strucfural fill and designed for an allowable bearing pressure of 2,500 psf. The report which follows describes our exploration, summarizes our findings, and presents our recommendations. It is important that we provide consultation during design, and field services during construction to review and monitor the implementation of the geotechnical recommendations. If you have any questions regarding this repon, please contact us. Sincerely, HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. I t T I I I JZAII<K I I I t I I l I t I I I l I I t t I I oo oo TABLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSEANDSCOPEOFSTUDY ......1 PROPOSEDCONSTRUCTION. ....1 SITEANDGEOLOGICCONDITIONS... ......2 FIELDEXPLORATION ....3 SUBSURFACECONDITIONS.. ........3 DESIGNRECOMMENDATIONS ........4 FOUNDATIONS. . . .. .. -..4 FOUNDATIONANDRETAININGWALLS .,....5 FLOORSLABS ....6 UNDERDRAINSYSTEM ........6 SITEGRADING .. .......7 SURFACEDRAINAGE ,...7 LIMTTATIONS.... ......8 REFERENCES ... . .. .....9 FIGURE 1 - LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURE 2 - LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURE 3 - LEGEND AND NOTES FIGURE 4 - GRADATION TEST RESULTS TABLE I - SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS H.P GEOTECH I ot PIJRPOSE AND SCOPE OF STIJDY This report presents the results of a subsoil srudy for a proposed residence to be located on Lot 14, Block 3, Filing 1, Vail Valley, 1538 Spring Hill Lane, Vail, Colorado. The project site is shown on Fig. l. The purpose of the study was to develop recommendations for the foundation design and assess potential geologic hazards which may affect the site. The sildy was conducted in accordance with our agreement for geotechnical engineering services to Gary and Doris Wiley dated April 30. 1999. A fireld exploration program consisting of a geologic field review and exploratory borings was conducted to obtain information on the surface and subsurface conditions. Samples of the subsoils obtained during the field exploration were tested in the laboratory to determine their classification and other engineering characteristics. The results of the field exploration and laboratory testing rvere analyzed to develop recommendations for foundation types, depths and allowable pressures for the proposed building foundation. This report summarizes the data obtained during this sfudy and presents our conclusions, design recommendations and other geotechnical engineering considerations based on the proposed construction and the subsoil conditions encountered. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION T I I I I I t t I I I I t The existing residence will be razed as part of the new construction. The I proposed residence will be a two story wood frame strucnue over a walkout basement/garage level. Ground floor will be slab-on-grade. Grading for the structure I I is assumed to be relatively minor with cut depths between about 4 to 12 feet. We assume relatively light foundation loadings, typical of the proposed type of t construction. I I H.P GEoTECH lo I I I I I t I I I I I I I l I oo -2- If building loadings, location or grading plans change significantly from those described above, we should be notified to re-evaluate the recommendations contained in this report. SITE AND GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS The existing residence and proposed new residence site is located on the south side of the Gore Creek Valley about one mile east of the Vail town center. Spring Hill Lane borders the lot on the north and National Forest Service land borders the property on the south. The lot is located near the junction of two alluvial fans. The fan head for the western fan is about 700 feet to the south of the proposed new building site. The fan head for the eastern fan is about 500 feet to the south of the proposed new building site. The fan surfaces on the lot slope down to the north at about 20%. The strongly sloping fan surfaces transition to a steep north-facing valley side about 250 feet to the south of the proposed building site. Vegetation on the fans in the area is an aspen forest with a few conifer trees. Regional geologic mapping shows that formation rock in the area is the Pennsylvanian age Minturn Formation (Tweto and Lovering, 1977). The Minturn Formation consists of coarse-grained sandstone, conglomerate, and shale with some carbonate beds. Some rock outcrops are present on the valley side to the south, but the rock is usually covered by colluvium and glacial drift. Regional hazards sfudies done in the Vail area indicate that the proposed building site is located down slope of small snow avalanche tracks and near the boundary of a mapped moderate hazard debris flow zone (Mears 1979 and 1984)- Based on our field review, we concur that these potential hazards could affect the site. Snow avalanche and debris flows present a potential risk to the existing and proposed residence. These hazards could result in damage to a conventionally designed residence and risk to its occupants. It may be possible to reduce the risk with engineered mitigation. The feasibility of snorv avalanche and debris flow mitigation should be evaluated for the specific proposed project. T I t I H-P GEOTECH I I T t I t I I t I T t l I I I I I I -3- FIELD DPLORATION The field exploration for the project was conducted on May 17, 1999. Three exploratory borings were drilled at the locations shown on Fig. I to evaluate the subsurface conditions. The borings were advanced with 4 inch diameter continuous flight augers powered by a track-mounted CME-45 drill rig. The borings were logged by a representative of Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. Samples of the subsoils were taken with 1% inch and 2 inch I.D. spoon samplers. The samplers were driven into the subsoils at various depths with blows from a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches. This test is similar to the standard penetration test described by ASTM Method D-1586. The penetration resistance values are an indication of the relative density or consistency of the subsoils. Depths at which the samples were taken and the penetration resistance values are shown on the Logs of Exploratory Borings, Fig. 2. The samples were refurned to our laboratory for review by the project engineer and testing. STJBSTJRFACE CONDITIONS Graphic logs of the subsurface conditions encountered at the site are shown on Fig. 2. The subsoils consist of about 4 to 5 feet of fill materials and 1 foot of topsoil overlying relatively dense, silty sand and gravel containing cobbles and boulders. Drilling in the dense gravel with auger equipment was difficult due to the cobbles and boulders and drilling refusal was encountered in the deposit. Laboratory testing performed on samples obtained from the borings included natural moisture content and gradation analyses. Results of gradation analyses performed on a small diameter drive sample (minus 1% inch fraction) of the natural coarse granular soils are shown on Fig. 4. The laboratory testing is summarized in Table I. No free water was encountered in the borings at the time of drilling and the subsoils were slightly moist to moist. H.P GEOTECH oo ao I t -4- DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS FOUNDATIONS Considering the subsoil conditions encountered in the exploratory borings and the nature of the proposed construction, we recorlmend the building be founded with spread footings bearing on the natural granular soils or properly compacted granular structural fill. The design and construction criteria presented below should be observed for a spread foofing foundation system. 1) Footings placed on the undisturbed natural granular or properly compacted granular strucfural fill soils should be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,500 psf. Based on experience, we expect settlement of footings designed and constructed as discussed in this section will be about I inch or less. 2) The foorings should have a minimum width of 16 inches for continuous walls and 2 feet for isolated pads. 3) Exterior footings and footings beneath unheated areas should be provided with adequate soil cover above their bearing elevation for frost protecrion. Placement of foundations at least 42 inches below exterior grade is typically used in this area. 4) Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottom to span local anomalies such as by assuming an unsupported length of at least 12 feet. Foundation walls acting as retaining strucntres should also be designed to resist lateral earth pressures as discussed in the "Foundation and Retaining Walls" section of this report. 5) All foundations and existing fill from prior site development, topsoil and any loose or disrurbed soils should be removed aud the footing bearing level extended down to relatively dense natural granular soils. If water seepage is encountered, the footing areas should be dewatered before concrete olacement. T I I I I I I I t t I I t t I I T H-P GEoTECH t. I I -5- 6) A representative of the geotechnical engineer should observe all footing excavations prior to concrete placement to evaluate bearing conditions. FOUNDATION AND RETAINING WALLS Foundation walls and retaining structures which are laterally supported and can be expected to undergo only a slight amount of deflection should be designed for a lateral earth pressure computed on the basis of an equivalent fluid unit weight of 50 pcf for backfill consisting of the on-site granular soils. Cantilevered retaining structures which are separate from the residence and can be expected to deflect sufficiently to mobilize the full active earth pressure condition should be designed for a lateral earth pressure computed on the basis of an equivalent fluid unit weight of 40 pcf for backfill consisting of the on-site granular soils. Backfill should not contain vegetation, topsoil or oversized rock. All foundation and retaining structures should be designed for appropriate hydrostatic and surcharge pressures such as adjacent footings, traffic, construction materials and equipment. The pressures recommended above assume drained conditions behind the walls and a horizontal backfill surface. The buildup of water behind a wall or an upward sloping backfill surface will increase the lateral pressure imposed on a foundation wall or retaining structure. An underdrain should be provided to prevent hydrostatic pressure buildup behind walls. Backfill should be placed in uniform lifts and compacted to at least 90% of the maximum standard Proctor density at a moisrure content near optimum. Backfill in pavement and walkway areas should be compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density. Care should be taken not to overcompact the bacKill or use large equipment near the wall, since this could cause excessive lateral pressure on the wall. Some settlemenr of deep foundation wall backfill should be expected, even if the material is placed correctly, and could result in distress to facilities constructed on the backfill. The lateral resistance of foundation or retaining wall footings will be a combination of the sliding resistance of the footing on the foundation materials and I T I I I l I t I I t I t t I I T H.P GEOTECH to I I I I T I I I I I I I I t I I I t t I T I I t I I l I I I I I t I I I I I -6- passiye earth pressure against the side of the footing. Resistance to sliding at the bottoms of the footings can be calculated based on a coefficient of friction of 0.50. passive pressure of compacted backfrll agahst the sides of the footings can be calculated using an equivalent fluid unit weight of 350 pcf. The coefficient of friction and passive pressue values recommended above assume ultimate soil strength. Suitable factors of safety should be included in the design to limit the strain which will occur at the ultimate strength, particularly in the case of passive resistance. Fill placed against the sides of the footings to resist lateral loads should be compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density at a moisfure content near optimum. FLOOR SLABS The natural on-site soils, exclusive of topsoil, are suitable to support lightly to moderately loaded slab-on-grade construction. To reduce the effects of some differential movement, floor slabs should be separated from all bearing walls and colufims with expansion joints which allow unrestrained vertical movement. Floor slab control joints should be used to reduce damage due to shrinkage cracking. The requirements for joint spacing and slab reinforcement should be established by the designer based on experience and the intended slab use. A minimum 4 inch layer of free-draining gravel should be placed beneath basement level slabs to facilitate drainage. This material should consist of minus 2 inch aggregate with at least 50% retained on the No. 4 sieve and less thanTVo passing the No' 200 sieve. All fill materials for support of floor slabs should be compacted to at least 95 70 of maximum standard Proctor density at a moisture content near optimum. Required fill can consist of the on-site gravels devoid of vegetation, topsoil and oversized rock. UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM Although free water was not encountered during our exploration, it has been our experience in mountainous areas that local perched groundwater may develop during times of heavy precipitation or seasonal runoff. Frozen ground during spring runoff Can create a perched cOndition. We recommend below-grade construction, such as H.P GEOTECH lo to I I I I I I I T I I l I t I T T T T I -t- retaining walls, crawlspace and basement areas, be protected from wefting and hydrostatic pressure buildup by an underdrain system. The drains should consist of drainpipe placed in the bottom of the wall backfill surrounded above the invert level with free-draining granular material. The drain should be placed at each level of excavation and at least I foot below lowest adjacent finish grade and sloped at a minimum 1% to a suitable gravity outlet. Free-draining granular material used in the underdrain system should contain less than 2% passing the No. 200 sieve, less than 50% passing the No. 4 sieve and have a maximum size of 2 inches. The drain gravel backfill should be at least l% feet deep. SITE GRADING The risk of construction-induced slope instability at the site appears low provided the building is located as planned and cut and fill depths are limited. We assume the cut depths for the basement level will not exceed one level, about l0 to l?, feet. Fills should be limited to about 8 to 10 feet deep. Embankment fills should be compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density near optimum moisfure content. Prior to fill placement, the subgrade should be carefully prepared by removing all vegetation and topsoil and compacting to 95% standard Proctor density. The fill should be benched into the portions of the hillside exceeding 20% grade. Permanent unretained cut and fill slopes should be graded at 2 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter and protected against erosion by revegetation or other means. The risk of slope instability will be increased if seepage is encountered in cuts and flatter slopes may be necessary. If seepage is encountered in permanent cuts, an investigation should be conducted to determine if the seepage will adversely affect the cut stability. This office should review site grading plans for the project prior to construction. SURFACE DRAINAGE The fotlowing drainage precautioru should be observed during construction and maintained at all times after the residence has been completed: H-P GEoTEcH lo oo l) 2) t T I T 8- Inundation of the foundation excavations and underslab areas should be avoided during construction. Exterior backfill should be adjusted to near optimum moisture and compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density in pavement and slab areas and to at least 90% of the maximum standard Proctor density in landscape areas. The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the building should be sloped to drain away from the foundation in all directions. We recommend a minimum slope of 12 inches in the first 10 feet in unpaved areas and a minimum slope of 3 inches in the first 10 feet in paved areas. Free-draining wall backfill should be capped with about 2 feet of the on-site soils to reduce surface water infiltration. Roof downspouts and drains should discharge well beyond the limits of all backfill. LIMITATIONS This study has been conducted in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices in this area at this time. We make no warranty either expressed or implied. The conclusions and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the exploratory borings drilled at the locations indicated on Fig. 1, the proposed type of construction and our experience in the area. Our findings include interpolation and extrapolation of the subsurface conditions identified at the exploratory borings and variations in the subsurface conditions may not become evident until excavation is performed. If conditions encountered during construction appear different from those described in this report, we should be notified so that re-evaluation of the recommendations may be made. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use by our client for design purposes. We are not responsible for technical interpretations by others of our information. As the project evolves, we should provide continued consultation and f,reld 3)I I I I I t t I I I I I T I I 4) H-P GEoTECH lo I I t T I I I I I -9- services during construction to review and monitor the implementation of our recommendations, and to verify that the recommendations have been appropriately interpreted. Significant design changes may require additional analysis or modifications to the recommendations presented herein. We recommend on-site observation of excavations and foundation bearing strata and testing of structural fill by a representative of the geotechnical engineer. Sincerely, HEPWORTH - PAW Iordy Z. Adamson, Reviewed by: Daniel E. Hardin, P. JZAIUK cc: The Resort Design Collaborative International - Attn: Sam Beckman REFERENCES Mears, A.I., 1979, Colorado Snow-Avalanche Area Studies and Guidelines for Avalanche-Hazard Planning. Colorado Geological Survey Special Publication 7. Mears, A.I., 1984, Debis-Flow and Debis-Avalanche Hazard Analysis.Town of Vail. Prepared for the Town qf Vail, Colorado. Mears, A.I., 1992, Snow-Avalanche Hazard Anatysis for Land.-Use Planning and Engineering. Colorado Geological Survey Bulletin 49. Schmueser and Associates, 1984. Rockfall Study for the Town ofVail' Prepared for the Town of Vail. Colorado. Tweto, o. and Lovering, T.s., 1977. Geology of the Minturn lS-Minute Quadrangle, Eagle and Summit Counties, Colorado. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 956. i .cc #hr,:#I e--e I T I I I I T T T H.P GEOTECH to lo t T I I I I t I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I T I T t APPROXIMATE SCALE 1' = 20' /( UJ z. ) ) = z. E. o_ U) 828\2---f !ror,*c., \ / F[!:li-%,_ r--'; | 1 , ^cJrutrr\uE --\a I ' \r r >rli \i t -h \t Lor 14 ,,h lt I f i \ t!,'r I ! t' t i\ ll l1--'-,/r lt L_i ll tr lr r-zf' ll !i\., F Li it | ll ( /'-, Ji ii rJ/| / i \-ti , \ i /'--i l / __i J r_i !/ lr I I li r LOT 1, VAIL VALLEY 2nd FILING UTILITY EASEMENT | / PRoPoSED _al - -l-.- __ I LOT 15, VAIL VALLEY 1st FIUNG 'l,i REsB?iE? I'-t'- - - - J,,' LOCAI]ON OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS HEPWORTH _ PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL. INC.199 366 l.ao I I t I t I t I T l I I BORING 1 ELEV. : 8285' BORING 2 ELEV. = 8288' BORING 3 ELEV. : 8289' 4/6,13/6 cl [)LL I .9 (u trJ 1O/12 vtC=l.7 DD:109 -2OO=26 o o tL I .9 o () td wC=5.7 +4-25 -2OO=22 '17 /12 31/12 15 /12 30 /12 Note: Explonotion of syfibols is shown on Fig- 3- LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC.199 366 I I I T I t I T I t I t I I I T I T I E E w LEGEND: FILL silty sond with scottered grovel. cobbles ond boulders, orgonics, mcdium dense, moist, dork brown to block. TOpSOIL; silty sond. scottered grovel ond cobbles, orgonic, medium dense, slightly moist. brown. SAND AND GRAVEL (SM-CM); silty. with cobbles ond boulders, medium dense to dense, slightly moist to moist, browns, ongulor to subongulor gronite frogments' I n Reloiively undisturbed drive somple; 2-inch l.D. Colifornio liner somple. l' I t Drive somple; stondord penetrotion test ( spT ), 1 3,/g-inch l.D. split spoon somple, ASTU D - 1586, 1- . Drive somDle blow count: indicotes thot | 0 blows of o 140-pound hommer folling 50 inches were 10/12 7uqvi..d to drive the Colifornio or SPT sompler 12 inches' Procticol rig refu sol. NOTES: 1. Explorotory borings were drilled on Moy 1 7. 1999 with o 4-inch diometer continuous flight power ouger. 2. Locotions of explorotory borings were meosured opproximotely by pocing from feotures shown on the site plon Provided. S. Elevotions of explorotory borings were obtoined by interpolotion between contours on the site plon provided. 4. The explorotory boring locotions ond elevotions should be considered occurote only to the degree implied by the method used. 5. The lines between moteriols shown on the explorotory boring logs represent the opproximote boundories between moteriol tlpes ond tronsitions moy be groduol. 6. No free woter wos encountered in the borings of the time of drilling' Fluctuotion in woter level moy occur with time. 7. Loborotory Testing Results: WC:WoterContent(%) DD : Dry Density ( pcf )+4: Percent retoined on No.4 sieve' -200: Percent possing No' 200 sieve. LEGEND AND NOTES HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC.199 366 l T t I T l t I I l T T T I TE REI)C{GS u.s st^m^no s€nEl CTEAR SqJARE OPETfi(I; z1 45 1ml )n 7HR ut . t3 vrx, 60 Hx.lg li}{. 4 rra. 1 Lta. z 6 tn o_ F z. b.J t! trJ z. F trJ F z td E. lrJ C)- GRA\€L SILT AND CLAY LIQUID LIMIT % SAMPLE OF: Silty Sond with Grovel PLASTICITY INDEX 7' FROM: Boring 1 ot 9 ond 14 Feet Combined DIAMEIER OF PARTICLES IN MILLIMETERS 199 Jbo HEPWORTH _ PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC-GRADATION TEST RESULTS Fig. 4 I I H aaF Q3 " E (,,6 c, (u o) ,= 3 E o <n ! o (u an o o I !r =36^EHE-E EEb Ja) L E (, F 9x aHa 1Z- i=F ,2e-yi6N; FBe; N c! (o N N 2 F ?s c.) ro ZF e'l i*Et o)o i E:iEEt < oo zEo \lr, q to I F z o o = FE E3 +o --o -E o)o q,o) =(\C' @ co o,q) ci z co -) 2!jj 3# =F :EA C)FJ LU I-5;U ,1 P = 3E J'cO B1 +H :E F EE o d=Hd I I I I I I t I I I I I t I T I I t I OO oo I t I I T T I I T I t t I I I I I I I nlc RE tttcs 60 nH.lg urN. 1 rt{. q-EAR SqJARE eo{r}|G!; 21 {t l0o I }IR ' HR urx. 15 ux. z 6 u'l o_ ,-z LJ UJ o- L!,1 z Ld E F z tr.J (J E. Lrl -074 .l5O .3q) .6{P 1-16 2.L DIAMETER OF PARTICLES IN 1-75 0.5125 r9.O MILLIMETERS GRAVEL 25 LIQUID LIMIT SAMPLE OF: Z SAND % Silty Sond with Grovel % SILT AND CLAY 22 7" PLASTICITY INDEX % FROM: Boring 1 ot I ond 14 Feet Combined 199 366 HEPWORTH _ PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC.GRADATION TEST RESULTS Fig. 4 oo oo EF 60 ie -'o o o o) .: .E <n z o E o ah = 'o o g ah 3:'* =g'c-EHE_E gEb E E F 9x EHF l3- 223- EE;g c{6l (o c!c{ z I k o f;s (o to ?3 ro c.I EuEt O)o JgF <=z 3E!t <oo z Eo N d c? ro \F 2 F = $9 tr o)o O)o) I a (\(t (o (o cf) o) o) ^z o ') t I I I I I I t t I I I I I 2P -t jl 3H 2r-I'a ()FJ uJ r-5a U "jP a,<v m> = <*\. l- \,,J'cO E1 +H I F (lcE. ,^!;e=H6 I t I I T to o OO TRAN S M ITTAL ,or, 7/t lqot .loB No.7zo5+,0 o RE,GARDING THE RESORT COLTABOR trItRt..rT DISIGN ATIVE t0lrL ,n ft*t1N ouls 'v\T, AR!. SENDI\-G VIA ;ff,ur.rcutn n oRr(;tN,{t-s L- SPEOFICATIONS a sHoP DR wIN(;s ,FpniNrs L] OTHER Fumr:*. TINor-(nu JOR NA\,IE fw U Tkxt t TLz 6Lo75az !_ I.'NDER SF-P,\R,\TE CO\ER . (IOPY OF LETTER LrttLt coPtEs DATE DES(JRIPTION 1/r Sotrs Q-ereqz-r 4 "/t RutatD 3rr.-h-*N I t/ t UflLrrY YvP166-ay1ox) I ,'7/t 0 (tcoatt- rttL'bfo 2e*,E-,t ) o^) NO oTf-S (P | 71h Fl00r. San Franc isc0. CA 94 I I I DE\VER A] TTL €I t1A) + Efcalac+ttaua_ Vrh Ce/t-K- rnf0 4 re so rtdes ig n. c 0n far: 115.J92.4454 SAN FRA\CISCO @- COPY TO p hone 415 i92 413 3 \'.r.tL Sansome Street. FRISCO 505 U\rq- !grt'l ol oo -'" Geologlc |lefaTf Revlew 6.U.nq L'+ l1 ,vtrrv9i'"] ;l VA\u Fivst Flina (tegal Descrtpilon) J J .fen*9 i"r.couNry oF 4b //a,p ',t -- .. T" foregoing instrument was acknowredged berore rne this o11 a^v ot 9.Lu <' .lflI-by q ne+ tU, Lu; /<y , koown to rne to ue the person whose name is subscribed to tnd toregoing inaFrument and acknowtedged to me that he l/l/tJe undersiand. fqom the condusions that the proposed bultding is located in a : wleryv den" . hazard zone, and dier! s the poteniiar ni"iiir'Tseevqor+)rbaching.thegnposed house, causing damage. wa are prepareo to aoepi tnEs6G& anj The undersigned has/have read the St^l'sofls &lqic&a Hazarrd Report. dated tqf.Eepareoui request lha/6vm of Vail Bultdip Opartment grant us a ierinit- ((Name. Orvner) STATE OF G€I€FI,TDO executed lhe same for the purposes and consideration lherein urpru."=ed- STATE OF COLORADO couN.woF My commission expires: clto.ritUar.rd The foregoing instrument was acknowledged betore me this day of ----------J 19-_-..- by known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he exec'ted the same for the purposes and insiieration therein expresseo- ) ) ss. ) My commission expires: -i?i'"*$"tl'f.*" Apdl 30, 2001 T t I I I T I I T t t I I I T I T I I oo oo Oo oo o o z 2 7 c o {6 z 'o ttt F ={ C --- -.{ m Is l-o t-,b E l<x f tT )l I Im: 6 19s 3 la; : g lmP cl l^,ho l< -r I l=E 5 i5 o< dF ng ctt >l *e ii=o .ll m =-t <trP 96- t2.2 =oo YP t- ftT-.lT-.1 rJ L_J r)4J q| A:s Et z=l? oo x :=5 oo 0qz r ntrE z o -{m I oO >o 5! oo 'n .It m ! =I -{ @ m 0 -{m @ z 3 IT o ts o { 0)H ?5-€ 0r Y 1o :fi n =m - z A z --l n --l o u 9p -lc 3=az (.)c)v m -l n t- 2n --{ m uz >m on i> n n f =m o -t TI =z z m t-a o ? 0t o a H o = t- m (, a 'd FI ts 0c H.F F I 0) 5 I l..J I o\ IJ|r t(J to Ft Flfi ts I'd t' tio t- t< l# lcr l6t l9 l- lI I lrr lF. lO lT l;It! I tl c)E =tr <F D p p Ii0 m r I ,l -l I I Hlg lo l-rl t<l> lF l:o lm le,lz le I I I E lz lo l6 !u o t o o ll to l€ lz lo ll l>t-lr lf lz lo l-l(, l* tJ I ld lz lo E t> lF It lm lo f lz to I l*lF l- !D 3 ri o o o at Fl 5' I s. \o I to) o -iEsa - Olt ?ri 3a9.f ;q ii y =o o =: E; ;l*e' (/, (D:= Ef-- 5=5s --=oo H s ap 9o91 6 3eB=(og+o A9E€*E o)! il_3- = il dg l5 f-o o-* [gi E is9I o^. lf d-= a o Jo = E= if <O-f E:a R o" ; H di $ ui a';.,398 *ot:xoo=' o { q) (D -o.c f o 3 = =' (D g' o 5 o F o pr XE \O<.\o \o C) ) r-t )Ft A) )at )@ m 1l z -{T m €z m r _-.t z l z T m { U'z m m m l<" lz lz l= t>lt- l@,t:r lo I l L L l l 'r --.4 llfio< lF"* tl 11,,," II P E ll t o ilt ill lt h m -l € t-r (lt \ - le t-I t I I T_ I tzl t(tl tcl ta-l t>l trl lol 1zl tl tl l-,1 t<l l'lrl l'l JI IJ t; to lI lz lm t@ l@ l ti t<t>l tFl ldl I I IO e=otr rF za .z - (n z>9R a'd d=;5 ol tTt =ao z c z G I t, I z m { |--l m -z x =z t- m u m c n o z. {ts.rt o tr rt Q4 P gc rt ts a 0c io t\t E =HS m =?@-=.o5 00 3= o. Onr*2 st s uF F io nln =2ct izrqo o'\z E ?9 f o 64 6= S F zq - =oo o nzz { x € ts ,f €p) o t H p, o { rt o 4 o n rD I Li) I ll o o tl tl tl -J =z F g t- =z J m a z = =i t 7 --l m '* 9l -z'ol P 9;' 6al lJ >' ;l 'I I I ol oii .-\ mt l.'J .-\ | oo 6l F'FI t o rl n p) H. -l o -.1 t- !m 7 ='n m m a)l a m { x t-m z m o (r, m L z m s m € @ o ! m m o z. -Tl m m =m I z o a- t- =z o m r m -.t !,- z o m o - @ - =o !m u =I m = =Tl m m a VALUATION t m 7 =-l z o m o z a) ?- l- =z m m z !l.J o o o L,I Ctr l.J 5 5 F,.-l \o u k+rssr wt rNslcrroN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL PROJEC ,{T JOB NAME t' READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES ;),{ MON i-.; .l WED THUR FRI PM AM '- \, - '''\'' --".-.----... BUILDING:,/',/ ilrOOTir.rcs / srEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING O INSULATION D POOL / H- TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOB vAl j, 'J'(iii)i ( 1rf ;;{'11, riljl,l'r;:(; 'l'l-:1.:',r.tY , hlrit lJ, (il.lr, l9li2 't'tt i'., ' ',1 rir L.irc..r'c \4,ir.s l)o CiLiz,t:rt irlrr.t i c; iJritLion, tl)c lrext i1.em ()n 1.lrc agenda was 1l)(.)rc(luCs;t 1'o-l- riirrjcrrrcnt v.r.(.:a1. i on it1 JtignC_ ]t: rii;..j .,SubdiYls_lrrn ;:2. This itcm haC b<;r-'n <:c;rrt intrcd f rr-,m 1-lre Counili.L mec,Lirr;1 5s14 r:n I\iarr:lr l6th. IIr. CapJan sitaLed that thc Counci I lriLcl visil.crd the s; iLe that altcrnor.rt: bef ore the n,or.k ses;sion. 1'hc apJrlicar-rt, stcrvart I-lr.olvn, iL.rrd the purch:lsl(r1- (_) f the properr.y, J j.m I'iechan, rit torney Bill. Post, I.ir'(rsent('d their ptoposal 1.o the Council.lJuch discus:i-j i on fol, lowecj rel at- j.ng to thc, (ra:j{:rnten1.. A moL.i on was macle b\r Ron l'odd in favor of vacating thc .jasent(rnt with a "holcl harrnless" cLause writt en in1.o i t. Ilerrnanrt Sla-uf er .seconclerl tl-re motion . A vote was takell and the motion passed 4 - Z - Sl.ifer and Anderson opposing. The lext i.t enr on the agenda l{'as the present at ion of the proposed ambul ance disll'jct. Iirtiph Da..'is, Chej.r"mrrn of tire \:ai1 \ralley l,tedjca1 Centet- \ras p.resL:n t to an.s\rer any questions anycrne hacl regitrdi.ng the lrt,oposed district.l\lr. CapJan st:rted that there was a concern regardlng the i,irb Departmentrs respcnse to ca 1..1 s out of tl.re Totvn l-lmits. Caplan stated r-lrat the Fire Department had pr-eviousLv re-sponded to these calls at no charge, but that with the establjshment of a rrerv district iL rvould be required to charge f or their sc.rvices. The next i-1"em on thc agcnda was the call up of the conditional use permit 1_-for the of f ice building on the_'!g;ags_ s:!jlg. peter patten presented the proposal- to the counciL. IIe dtated that-the plan was approved by the Planning and Enviroumentaf Commission, holever, the staff had not approved the project. Jim lr{organ, the applicant, Bi 1} post, attorr:ey and several other persons gave presentations on the proposed building. There was much discussion relatj.rre to the size of the uuiroing, the traific problem,pari<ing spaces, etc. After much debate, Rod SIifer outlined ihree courses of action the council could take: 1) uphcld the PEC decision and approve the building, 2) reverse the pEC decision by denying the project, or 3)tabling the mat'ter' for further study. A trlotion was then made by Ron Todd to disapprove the conditional use permit and deny the project. Hermann Staufer seconded the motion, Chuck Anderson absiained-trom voting. A vote was taken of thre remaining members a.nd the motion pa.ssed unanimoisly. The next item on the agenda was the approval of land purcbase from Eaton Laad Earon Land ?*9_9"1!,lu ggtn"nv. for property east of Pitkln Creek park for $1so-)=oo0:0il Anderson to unan 1mous The ne Lo t4 pres easeme voted t in fat or rvas made by Bill . A11 voted in \Yilto and seconded by Chuck favor and the motion passed vufu \on the LPf 'toclt i \ s -.-t t5 agenoa l-irst sideration of easement vacation on 3 was the Filing, eo Gor ers n P j.erce applicant.. pierce gave a rl j-scuss j-on, a motion to approve the and seconded by Chuck Anderson. A1l Mal'or and the motion passed b - 1. 1to on the Under Tonn lrlanager Report, lrlr. Caplan reported on negotiations with Vail Associates refatlng to land in Booth crebt for a park area,relating to the_Tennis.court area. The councir gave its apprbvar- for caplan to cont t nue with negotiations. There was no Town Attorney Report. As there rvas no further business, re meeting was adjourned at t2;OO p.m A1'T[ST: tive the pui.-cb-aqq:- 10n on bl'Bt his reque s t n was made eot l;;ilil-Tl r nL''l'<rn'n Cl er li Z -.{-<-<iI -a TO: FR0lrl: SUB.]ECT: 0n ltlarch approval 953 South fol l owing l. That or in J I ]'GMORANDUM tthrch 24, 1982 Town l4anager Tourn Counci I Ca'|1 up of conditional use approval to construct an office building at 953 South Fnontage Road 23rd the Town Council called up the Planning and Environmental Commission of the conditional use request to construct an office bui'lding at Frontage Road, The Town Council is called up the approval for the reasons: the mass and scale of this building is not appropriate for the s'ite character with other propert'ies in the Heavy Service zone district. 2, That the development standards in the Heavy Service zone district shall be considered minimum, and more restrictive standards may be prescribed as a condition of a conditional use permit for any use by the P'lanning and Environmental Conrnission or Town Council. This Town Council considers that more restrictive development standards should be prescribed for the site. \ \ e, box l (Xl vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 0ctober 26, 1981 Gordon Pierce 1000 S. Frontage Rd. West Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Gordon: At the 0ctober 21 meeting of the Design Review Board' your submittal for an addit'ion to the H.B.F. Residence was approved as presented with the fol loving stipulations: parking must be approved by the Pub'lic Works Department and use stone around parking area if retaining is necessary. Si ncer Jamar Pl anner PJ:df Pete Town oo department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 10-21-81 Lot 14, Blk. 3' Vail ValleY 1st ao oo SFR,.R, z0r{[ grrr:K for R P/S Z0ii[D I STI{ ICTS Lega 1 Ontcr Dcscription: Lot // ororkJ Zonc Distrist r'1 | 'ln3 /rr Arcrria-ect &eAlt frege Propcscd Use Lot Area Setbaclls: '_ Height Al'lcuecl 30' proposed Fron t-neqii i rt?* 2o i'--proiiis e d S'ides-Requircd .|5, proposeci Rear -Rcqui rerJ '15 , proposec! 27 l,late:rccu rlse-rcqu i red GIIFA: GRFA: A'l 'lor';cd .?37 3 _ Pr.intrrl, Propo.'.,ecl Prol;cs cd /t'l'loi+ccl Z>t trrr, Requi red _ /589 secoriciary prcposcd g7zil _ Propos e cl Proposccl 6A Pt^opl;:cd {Ilrive: SJ.ope pey:rrriLtccl s.l onn Ar ._S-lope Actual lnvirorrnartai/llazar.cls: .Itva'lanche . F'lood pl a in ' Sl oPre .Prinaq, Al'lor,red Secondary Al I oi.ied Site Ccvcrage: l-andscaping: rarliiltg: . Proposed Coi,rircnts : Project Application Projecl Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: t/ Legal Description: Lot il" Block Com ments: . , --1-t ," r" ' Design Review Board I ,,1" l/ t T P Motion by: Seconded by: APPHOVAL DISAPPROVAL h zt/f<^Z;5re NAMri Ol; l)tr0.iti(;T LlicAl, DLSCIT I l'',j'ION: DlscRll''t'loN 0r PRoJr L0l .c]' _ \+_ LIS'l' 0F I'tAl l.R IAI,.'; IJI,OCK rcquired for submjttai by thc applicnnt to the Design llcview cun bc l:ivcn: 3F 'rutfusgJ thc fol lowing inf.'ornration j s Boa rd bcl'orc a f ina I alrprova I A, BUILDING MATTRIALS Roof Siding Othcr Wal I Matcrials Fasc ia Soffit s Itlindows ltlindcrw'l'rirn Doors Door 'Iriru lland or l)cck l{ai 1s Flues Fl a shinl;:; Ch i nney:', Trash llnt:l osures g1s-p1111prr:; <:s Otlrcr i_] .I'1,.\l('l' l r\,l'l:ll' /Ll,S (Vcg(:t.ii1 i vc, Ltttil:;r'irIj trt cnlor /-\ LoMw&M tl r _v @a__ -!rLM4ea,A- -Afue.-- Iir:1 ,,rrill s Cor; rtron Nr i rrr: I ttdi ltg lil(l 'l') ci.-':;, ShlLtbs, S,lt.l.L'.:t. arrd Grotrnd Cover) ^U\epb-furez rt lll *4__ -14;- _t_ Slze A': lo-' h,qA, 1Lt'",n(.{ta --lo---1,,^{^.dM ft;g:l_!t,t-.Jtiu t c. oril,Lr r,/,Npso1r,.!_ll4!t{!l.s (Rctrrining ltlalls, Fcnccs, Swimrni.ng Pools, t'tc.) Please specify. r" ,A f,t-\,:, $ rx{<iliEaiF., ,'4|.r,sr1., ..:Idi.'*.ttaG! DATE READY FOR LOCATION: TNSPEClgN: -g.ra/-a-rrz' N'fr,-GH O rNsilcnoN REeuEsr JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING INSULATTON SHEETBOCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL/H.TUB FINAL tr tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED t CORRECTIONS: ) tr DISAPPROVE tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t4 \/- <.r)-'' ?.:.r . '/' /'/;r- J n-)t 2.^ --1 '4 . Zt-,, 4 z'><''/n -.t,!., /,-', ,:"*<{ t' INSTCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON ffp)THUR FRI './LOCATION: BUILDING: 6 eooflfres / srEEL PLUMBING: EI-FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH o tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n_ SUPPLY AIR O FINAL-tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR ] Gotdon R, Plerco & Asroclat$, Inc. Architecture Planning P. O. Box 1 123 Vail. Colorado 81657 303476-2657 Ju'ly 30, .|979 Mr. Jim Rubin Town of Vai'l Box ]00 Vail, Co'lorado 81657 Dear Jim: Itty wife and I agree to the proposed Town of Vail plan for a running trai1, cross-country touring trail, or bike path, so long as it doesnrt come within 75 feet of our south pnoperty line. .However, tve would like to be informed of any meeting! regarding the above subjects so that we can review the exait nature of the construction and voice reasonable suggestions.(i.e., such as signage, maintenance program, qua'l i[] of installation). Sincere'lyo Pierce GRP/jm Gordon R. NAI\48 OF APPI.,ICANI: R&IJEST OF APPLICA}{T: DIPqSITION | :<t Setback Variance of order to construct a 'l I feet from the rear sun room addition on property'line in his residence. MIUE OF PTBLIC BCDY HEARING APPLICATICD{: P'lanning & Environmental Cormission DAIE OF HEARIIS: July 10, '1979 fCm4AL ACrION TAKEN & tr'INDINGS: Unanimous approval by a reason that the PEC felt there was a hardshio in the thdt an addition cou'ld have if it had to be iocated the minimal impact that this addition would have on 5-0 vote of the request with the possible d'isturbance to the site on any other part of the sjte and the surrounding property owners. OIHER OMMEMIS: TT Planning and EnvirOhfl commission l'linutes of the Meeting.f July '10, '1979 a3 / 'Q'-'^'" '/-;lu Not Yet Approved by the Conrnission l4embers Present Jim l'lorgan Ed Drager Gemy White Roger T'i 'l kemei er Ron Todd !4embers Not Present Sandy Mi1ls Jack Goehl Staff Members Present ,Jim Rubin Dick Ryan (part of the meeting) Since there was no one present to represent the first item on the agenda,it was agreed to postpone it until 'l ater in the meeting. 2.) S.eques!_tfg[ cor4onfieqce fo1 a Reql- Set[ack Variance on Lot .|4, ,Jim Rubin explained the staff feel ings on this item. The request is for a variance to add a sun room to the Pierce residence which wou'l d be in a setback area. Jim Rubin said that to approve a variance,a hardship must be shown and that staff has recommended denja1 in this case as they feel there is no hardship. Gordon Pierce made his presentation, showing the site p1an, etc. There js no visual impact. He is wel'l within the a'llowab'le GRFA.' Mr. Pierce mentioned that when they built the house, they situated it to save the trees. If they had placed it in the best place and cut down trees, they would not have a setback problem now. Gerry White said he fee'ls there is less visua'l impact adding the sun room where Mr. Pierce is suggesting than any other part of the house. Roger Tilkemeier said he feels that techn'ica11y the staff is correct that there is no hardship but that one of the purposes of the Planning and Environmental Comnission is to override the decisions of the staff and he made a motion to approve the request from Gordon Pierce for a Rear Setback Variance on Lot .l4, Block 3, Vail Val1ey First Filing. Ron Todd seconded the nption. The vote was unanimous. -4 t Rloht of l.|aY Room 1130-2 Department 1005 Seventeenth Post 0ffice Box Denver, Colorado August 16' 1979 Street L976 80201 And Associates Va11eY Drive 81657 Motrntain Bell 4t, lG fr-" Gordon Plerce 1650 East Vail Sulte C-2 ValI, Colorado Dear Mr. Pierce: 3l'liii+,i,a fi![,.Eil]e' !31,,!'tHE'i.{ii.}ni",l*!ll':i.lt:.i;^x3ltil:}T' edge of Lot 14, Block 5,'tiiii"vtiiey -'ftrst Filins' said docwent has been execuleo oy'oii llt' r' t" Leger' Vice Preiident-Network' tf I can be of fdrther assistance please call me on telephone number 524-6391. SlncerelY ' Enclosure cc: Jack l{atson T a STITE OF COLORADO CITY AIID COT'NIY OF DENVER 83. The foregoing Vacation and AblDdontrEnt of Existing knowledsed before me this lg dav of /-,*zL Easement was acknohtledged before ne thls ',*T day of Jjt ,, L979,by as the-G- rresidei-{7fi6$6?ffi THE TELEPHONE AI{D TELEGRAPH COMPAIiIY, a coloTado corporation, on behatf, of the corporation. WfTNESS ny hand and official seal. $r Corunission e:<pires ApgndvFn I t as io ;&' Ztsl4t.--.--- NiCU:ITAIN.BFLL E !t E - CL o tt .o llI tHg l9 .;l=;fl+o l=E l=: = ,t< IL I (D. or E 3 o t ,o o z a {7 c c){ 5 z 'Tt -Il Ol-CC z=ocD >= oo z o z r nna tnn =FP --tl/>=z =oo gP t- 2.l^| .1J T c?n 8=zA b>6z ;P Oj 3= 1Z 96)n tr i: -{ c)o> .. Za F {m 3 3;I oro w dF 7 I =m -l t m z =$ E r.f FJ lt o.oA I >-.-- fiF o>'l- Tt l- t- r,,l zl "l t- 'tF t$r I l-t-I l(x | 'il t4-{t^'l'l tl rl o f I = t- m n l<l> IF b, lm -n = "n = t- m v)o I t J D \J .{ I JI D ,0 E D F t>l- m r F (l){ 'n 3 ID Y. Y P a Fl P Ir|ln P --t A J z t- m o .Tl z h-l f-. ID t, r) t' n tr n rt) - - N a E D F D l-m Y H ul r ln l-.tr ftl t ts H z D t3 fn I o H p p tr t Fr. rD f,b !m n ={ I i m F ts |j. r T a o (- m o -{ z o s \ !m n =z o =t(t L,o O C)r$;:o-{fr R;3 Em F-EO n!-n m 68 o<z uOt4 Io 6 =63 S b z9 - I oo o nzz € T p F.cl F,o It J o lt o r- € m eo ut z a -l -Tt m m z (t c r --l z c)zrooo ggH9*;HFT fi'E gPzt 3 *ni= ==' 3 a tl lf. H ol qnl 6>mO 9<!?<so v,o 4 o z c z b b'l-^b tt(Dl rtFl cz@n =o l I Pd=,!EF I UU'?.= !Oa n =s ^ i.ii --l zz =z t- m l- z m I !m u 3 -{.11 m m @ FNr iN F I I I "lv HiH t\\)t\$ 6l =l z al -{l ll "l I "i >l --l '-l I I =z z m <, -{o -{ t-T m 7 =-{'Tl m m U' MEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING AND ENVIRONMEI'iTAI. CdUMISSTOII FROM: DEPARTMENT OF COMI'{JNITY DEVELOPMB,TT DATE: 7-6-79 RE: REQUEST FROM GORDON PIERCE FOR A REAR SETBACK VARIANCE 0N LOT 14, BLOCK 3, VAIL VALLEY FIRST FILING. DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The Variance ttequest is for an ll foot setback Variance in order to al1ow the construction of a sun room. The rear setback requirement is 15 feet, with the proposed setback to be only four feet. One wall of the existing house is presently 10 feet from the rear property line. The.addition ii of approxinntely 2G'J square feet. Although we do not have an exact Gross Residentia'l F'loor Area Calculation, this house is well under its maximum, with or without the proposed expans'ion. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon reveiw of Criteria and Find'ings, Section 18.62.060 of the Munic'ipa'l Code, the Department of Cormunity Development reconmends denial of the requested Variance based upon the following factors: Considerat'ion of Factors The re1ationship of the requei;ted variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The Rear Property line of this residence faces onto Nationa'l Forest Land. There are also no other nearby residences or any view corridors that wou'l d be adversely effected by this proposal The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a spec'ified regulat'ion is necessary to achieve compatibi'lity and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the object'ives of this tit'le without grant of special privilege. The stated reason for hardship in this application was that existing trees along the North, West, and East sides of the house make expansions in any of these directions undesirable PEC lvlemo-7-6-79 Gordon Pierce Res. T -Page Two In a careful review of this stated reason, we do not fee'l that there is a legitimate hardship. 14e apprec'iate the applicant's desire to have a sun room and a'l so appreciate that no other property wi'll be impacted by this addition. [,1e, however, do not find mitigating circumstances which shou'ld permit this addition to not conform with setback requlations. 1 The effect of the riquested variance on'light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic faci'lities, public facilities' and utilities, and public safetY. l.le foresee no adverse impacts on these factors. Such other factors and criteria as the commiqs'ion deems applicable to the proposed variance. Find ings The Planning and Environmenta'l Comnission shal'l make the following findings before granting a variance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special pi'ivi'lege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the grant'ing of the variance wil'l not be detrimental to the pub'l ic health, safety, or we'l fare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: _ . A... fhe strict or ljteral interpretation and enforcement of the ;;,;"!lre.,specif ied. regulqljgl,1v9rLl$,not result in practica1 djff iculty ,.'".0r: unnecesshry phys'ica1' hardship inconsistent with the objectives I'iI-iif.this'tit'|e.": -'-:.-"-: "-'-' :i!i.ir..t..-_-'i:..1:.-::i|i..':-i'.':i B. . There are no, exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions - ipplitable to the site of'the variance that do apply generally to :, : uil .-r. heo*bef n P "fl Pgf.t iFll ipu llt= f 8FP 69nrei:. n,,, ;;,.^-+-'^-.- ..,. -:.-i.,-- i '- rn'_' T PEC l*lemo-7:6-79 Gordon Pierce-Page Three C. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the-specified regulation would not deprivb the applicant of privileges enjoyed fy th6 owners of other properties in the same district. RECOMMENDATIONS Our recommendation'is for denial. 0n advice to both the Staff and the Planning Conmisiion form Larry Rider, we feel that a rea'l hardship must be demonstiated before a varjanc-e can be granted. lrle do not find any real hardship in this nntter. i PUBLIC NOTICE N0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Gordon Pierce, Architect, has applied for a Rear Setback Variance in order to construct a Sun Room onto his residence located on Lot 14, Block 3, Vail Va'lley 1st Filing. Application has been made in accordance with Chapter 18.62 of the l'funicipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held before the Town of Vai1 Planning and Environmental Commission on July 10, .|979 at 3:00 P.M. in the Vail Municipal Building. Said hearing will be he1d in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT James A. Rubin Zoning Administrator in the Vai'f Trail June 22, 1979 oa TOWN APPLICATION Application Date Publication Date June 8. .l979 Public llearing DateJune 26. .l979 Name of Applicant Gordon R. Pierce Name of Owner if different from Applicant Mailing Address Telephone Legal Description: Lot 14 , Block 3 , Filing Vail valley First Filing bounds descriPtion as exhibit) Application is hereiby made for a variance from the provisions of Section .l8.10.060 of the Municipal Code for the Town of Vail in order to allow: the minimum rear setback shall be two feet at one corner oo OF VAII, FOR VARIANCE in a Sinqle-Famil.v Zone istrict . ignat'ure o icaut APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED T]hTLESS ACCOI{PANIED BY THE FOLLO$IING: 1. Hearing Fee - $fOO.OO + $1.40 for EACI{ addressed envelope' 2. A-I-,*I-ST -OF THE owNIn.S.oF. rHE-pRqP-EryIIES ,yitfin 3!0.{ee-! in a b-indf e-fami. 1y Residential; Trvo- Family Residential; or TVo-Fanily Primary/Secondary Residential Zone Distlict; or adjacent to the subject property in all other Zone Dj-stricts. The owners list shall include the names of al I owners and the 1ega1 description of the property olned by each, Accompanying this list shall be pre-addressed envelopes along with certificates and Return Receipts properly fi1led out to each owller. Tirc'se forms can be obtained f rom the u.s. Post of f ice. 3. Site P1an, floor plan and other documents as required by the Zoning Admj.nistrator. (This is to be submitted at the time of publication ) 4. A description of the precise nature of thc Variance.(Tlris should i-nclude an explanatj-on of the specif ic hardship. ) The original house was carefully sited in a grove of large Aspen trees which greatly reduced the number of trees that had to be removed. This location was near the rear property line. We now want to add a sun-room on to the south side of our home which could contain plants year round and improve the ameunt of sunlight coming in. This js the only sensible side of the house we can add onto without removing any trees. Gordon R. Plerce & A$ociate3, Inc. Architecture Planning P. O. Box 1 123 Vail, Colorado 81657 303476-2657 June 18, .1979 Mr. Jim Rubin Town of Vail Box 100 Vai'l , Co'lorado 8.|657 Dear Jim: Regarding your call on the "hardship" aspect of our request for variance I can add the following: "The existing trees that are located close to the house on the north, east and west prevent any addition in those directions without tree removal." Sincerely n GRP/jm Pi erce Gordon R. Plerce & A33ociate3, Inc. Architecture Planning P. O. Box 1 123 Vail, Colorado 81657 idiizs_zosz June 5, .l979 Property 0wners of Propert'ies lrlithin Vail Valley F'irst Filing LOTS IN VAIL VALLEY FIRST FILING 300 Feet of Lot '14, B'l ock 3 , Lot 9 Block 3: Lot l0 Block 3: Lot ll Block 3: Lot ]2, Block 3: Unit l: Lot 13 Block 3: Lot 16, Block 3: Unit l: Lot .I3, Block 3: Larsen , Lawrance, Fredrj ck 350 Alma Real Dr. Pacific Palisades, Calif. Mike A. & Joan C. Leprino .|46.|8 lJest 6th Avenue Golden, Colorado 80401 Avedik Akopiante Dewart Road Greenwich, CT 06830 & Lance 90272 Manor Vail Condominium Associat'ion & J. B. Elias Box 606 Vail, Colorado 81 657 Charles T. Hinshaw, Jr. 280'l North Van Buren Hutchinson, Kansas 6750'l Avedik Akopiante Dewart Road Greenwich, CT 06830 Darlene Deer Truchses Box .|373 Vai I , Col orado 81657 Edward L. Hediger 1212 Broadway Highland, Illinois 62249 Unit 2 Property 0wners of Properties Within 300 Feet of Lot .|4, Block 3, VaiI Valley First FiIing (Cohtinudd) June 5, .|979 Lot .l7, Block 3: Thomas Teague & Joseph C. Copland 254 Citizens Bank Bui'lding Anderson, Indiana 4601 6 LOTS IN VAIL VALLEY SECOND FILING Lot l, Unit l: Shapiro Construct'ion Company P. 0. Box .|547 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Lot I, Unit 2: Shapiro Construction Company P. 0. Box 1547 Vai1, Colorado 8.l657 Lot 2, Unit l: A'lpert Corporat'ion 3600 South Yosemite Suite 250 Denver, Colorado 80237 Lot 2, Unit 2: Shapiro Construction Company P. 0. Box 1547 Vai I , Col orado 8'1657 Warren Pulis Subdivision Lots I & 2: Ben Krueger P.0. Box 5l Vail, Colorado 8'1657 Sunburst Filing 3: Shapiro Construction Company P. 0. Box 1547 Vail, Colorado 81657 oa (D z J ]t- E c N trJ j JI JI sl Jl sl -c tr- lrJ s J s J s \ @ F o E F z J J J1 =l I Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Owner Address and ,1-b ,,1v - u ,,./'-/-f. ., .4 1,') / / - ,.-.- "a' (t'J /1/:^1 . lia.Ll 1COttla5/ Architect Address and Phone: Legal Zone: Description: Lot Filing Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: o^r" /7- 3 /- 7 ? DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL t b E Summary: Date: Zoning Administrator Date: Chief Building Olficial VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OF BXISTING EASEIIINT TIIIS INSTRUMENT is made this day of June, L979, by and between Gordon R. Pierce, (hereinafter referred to as "Orner"), ANd HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPAI,W, d/b/a MOUNTAIN BELL, PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF col.',onADo (for itself and as assignee of, or successor in interest tO, GAS FACILITIES, INC., VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT (hCTE- inafter collectively "Easement Users"), and the TOWN OF VAIL, a municipal corporat ion. $HEREAS, a certain easement of record to be abandoned as shown south of Lor 14, BLocK 3, vArL VALLEY FrRST FrLrNG, a part of section T4S, R801Y, 6th P.M., Val 1, Eagle County, Colorado as recorded in BooE 224, at Page 877 of the records of the clerk and Recorder at Eagle County, Colorado, allowing Easement Users the use of such easement for the construction, maintenance and reconstruction of sewerage, water, gas, electric and telephone transmission facilities, and maintenance of natural drainage ways, (hereinafter the 'utility Easement" and, WEEREAS, the utility and Drainage Easement i.s not presently used for the construction, maintenance and reconstruction of such utilitles and, WIIEBEAS, no natural defined drai.nage way is evident on the property; and WHEREAS, a portion of Ownerrs proposed building expansion to be loeated on the property is in conflict with the original platted easement, and, WIIEREAS, the owner realized no beneficial use in allowing such easement to remaln; NOIY, THEREFOBE, in consideration of the mutual promises con- tained herein and the mutual benefits to be derived and other good and valuable consideration, the partles hereto hereby covenant and agree as follows: O 1) Easement Users and the TOWN OF VAIL on behall r>f themseives, their succcss()rs and assigns, by this insLru- ment hereby forever aband()n, vacate, releiLse and termjnlte that portion of the ulility and Drai.nage Ilasement as now described as the south 10'0" of Lot 14, Block 3, Vail Valley First tr'iling, VaiI, Eagle County, Colorado' Ease- ment iisers hereby convey all their right, tj-tIe and interest in and to that portion of the utili-ty Easement vacated above 2) This vacation and Grant shalt be binding upon'and inure io the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. BY: HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC A Colorado NonProfit ASSOCIATION Corporation BY: NO4ARY PUBLIC MOUNTAIN TELEGEAPH MOIJNTAIN STATES TELEPEONE COMPANY, dlbla BELL, A Colorado AND Corporation @c --NqIARY PUBLIC TOWN BY: PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO as Successor to, and/or Asslgnee of GAS I'ACILITIES, INC., A Colorado Corporat ion BY: DISTRICT .l) EosemenI tJsers an<J tlrc .lOt.lil 0F VAIL ori bqlr,rlf of - themselves, their successors and assigns,.by ilris iniiruu,ent heret,,l "forever abondon, vacate, rele.rse an.t Ier'rrnit* ir,ni";;;;'ir^ or Lrrr: f l' l J i', i lou f;i I' i ?"5i i'ilii l "i "il{,'F if iiS:'',1i ii l ^F, iii ;l"il;; 1"Colorado. Eascnrent, Usors hereby convey Sll-ttrgii it.lH.-ur't,: an,J lnteieSt ln and to thal pontion of the Utillir irlssnrint v<.tcirud above.to 0wner, 2) Thts facat ion the benefit of the succe Gttnl San sha I J asslq nding upon anrl lre part, lcs ,.'..'l: t r" -fiereto. lty ccmrnr orftrr'r lloV. l7 1979 -l.. ' ''... g!- ' Coxnis,!* ryeut uo(, 24rn0t NOTARY PUBLIC NOTARY PUSLIC N0rffi'rmErrc- NOTARY PUBLIC ',-#h>Q*JnE!.t , ftdtotxJr- H0LY CROSS ELECTRrc ASS0CIATION | '-- R. PIERCE A Colorado l,lonprof i t Corporatlon I'IOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE ANO L/ TELEGRAPII COi.IPANY , dIh/,II II0UNTAIN BELL, A Colorrdo Corpor.ttiorr BY PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORAOO as Successor to, and/or Assignee of CIAS FACILlTlES, lNC., A Colorado Corporo t i on ] BY VAIL }IATER AND SANI I TATION OI STRICT Tor.,N 0F vAlL BY Y PUBLI ///u/I roN BUILDING PE Jurisdiction o Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, t/ - 1I 'Ur+,L wt1-LrLz /F D rz- V+, t- '"^V+, L U nt(-gu lsril"' arY^crEo sHEErr OWN Ei MAIL AODR EsS z Go rtD o J Q'e,'dLo E ZIP PHOI{E 3"o*"^"o"'-t-fo\z1- G u r fZa"iii^ "',, tBoNE r- tc €N5 E ito. ltcEx5a r{ o. ,/1 u',' 5r MA]L AODR ESs FHONE LtcEN5E NO, MAIL AODiE SS biANCH 6 oulat 1qr-6< USE OF EIJ LD NC 2"o Ld'-4,L-zJ 8 Class oI worK: IU.IT6 D ADDITION N ALTERATION tr REPAIR tr MOVE tr EEMOVE I Describe work: 10 Change of use {rom 11 Vafuation of work: $ YO,ooo , oo PLAN CHECK FEE PERMIT FEE occupancy T Grou p L SPECIAL CONDITIONS: ?;'].!'\?)"'.";,.qza No. of t Slories APPROVED FOF ISSUANCE AY |l"i,l".r",,IOl OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN @ OAYS, OR IF CONSTFUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCEO. FIRE OEPT. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE _ I NSPECTOB WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS PEBMIT VALIDATI ./ 72/ " CANARY _ AUDIT PIN K - APPLICANT GOLDENBOD _ TEMP. FI LE STATE COT'NTY r, oepose an acconding 3. The proposed building site and the existing building contains F-.I@ statements ane true and correct knowledge, infonmation and belief, to wit: SS. DECLAMTION 0F tAI'lD ALLoCATIoN , being first duly sworn uPon oath contains 187 o a square feett 3 o _ sguare eet and the feet; the as oeraneo in the aforesaid OF COLORADO ) ) OF EAGI.E ) ?,// total building zon:.ng 1. That this statenent is made in conjunction with the filing of an application for a building permit to the Town of Vail' and to comply wl.tfr trre neguinernents of Article VII, Section 3, Or"dinance Numben 7 (Senies of 1969) Zoning 0ndinance for the Town of Vail as amended by Ordinance Nurnber 8 (Series of 1970) and Ordinance Nurnben 15 (Series of 1970). 2. The description of the building site fon the proposed building is as fo]lowsz Lo-i ,+ .Bt{- 3,. =._== == ===\A4! !!f/)LPo (DescriFtion may be atta show descniption). proposed addition contains square feet is \'vo e ondinance as am6Tffifl- 4. The pnoposed buiLding and/on existing building_and addition as it relates to the building site anea, comply to the Floor Area Ratio for the zoning which applies to the building eite, as defined in the afor:esaid Zoning 0ndinance as arnepd;d.n/'r') I J .J / /,, ,4.9.$,t (fLL'r-t'---#-st\ffi STATE OT COLORADO ) ) SS. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The fonegoing affidavit 6worn to before me, a NotanY and declanation was duly subscribed and Public t bY Gordo:t Pi919e -' ttri s 15th day of June 72 My Courniseion Expiree ( Seal ) J> 12 sa say that to ny best - -Jerue rr-25---L9-25.- ./46 ,/ -P lrz JurMiction of PLUMIIN G PERMTT APPLr lir roN Applicant to complete numbrcd s'6ccs only, | 0Esci.[]ste errecxeo sxaet] ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. /0. E >6 R OES I CN MAIL AOOFESS PIION E LlcaNsE r{ o. ENGIIIEEi MAIL AODRESS PHONE LtcENSE l{ O. MA1L ADDRESS 6FA{CH U SE OF iU .Dl dG I Clasof work: [rurw D ADDITIoN tr ALTERATI0N ! REPAIR //r rt e_ Typo ot Filtur! or ltam WATER CLOSET (TOTLETI SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASIN} KITCHEN SINK & OISP, APPLICATIOI{ ACCEP-IED 8Y:LAUNDRY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PEHIVIIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOHK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCEO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO B€ TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. U R INAL ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR--SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SEPTIC TANK & PIT WHEN PROPEBLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK.PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR FEOROER FROM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BIJILOING OFFICIALS'!O50. |.O5 iOALES ' FASAD€I{A. CALITOiNIA 9'IOI Form lOO.2 9-59 INSPECTION REPORTS USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES. FOLLOW.UP, ETC. PROJ ECT The signatures below certify that the 1970 Un I form Bu i I d ing Code, as Town of Vail, Colorado, have been adhered to: Sect ion 302 La l App roved p or altered w ithout written Sect ion 502 ( c) The authority to violafe Ord inance and shall after requiring the Section 304 (b) The Inspection issuance of a bu i I d i ng perm lf does not I ive any provisions of fhis code, or any other not prevent the Building Official from there- correct ion of same. TOIIN OF VAIL BUI LDING PERMIT SUPPLEMENT rAr the following excerpts from amended and adopted by the read, understood and will be lans shall not be changed, modif ied, authorizsfion from the Building Official card shal I be read, filled out in the waterproof holder furnlshed not cover up any work not signed in f ull and by the Bui I of f by Buil posted consp icuous ly d i ng Depa rtment. Do dino lnsoector. Section 106 (a) (d) NO BUILDING SHALL BE USED 0R 0CCUPIED EITHER ffiRARlLYUNT|LTHEBU|LD|NGoFF|c|ALHAs|ssUED A CERT I F ICATE OF OCCUPANCY AS PROV I DED FOR HERE IN. Ordinance l5 (1967) Before may be used or posted, it Sign Review Committee shall be licensed any sign (temporary or permanent) shall be approved by the Town of Vai I 0rd inance 2 ( l9'l l) Genera I Contracfor and ALL wifh the Town of Vail Drior subcontractors to the start of STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing aff i sviorn fo before me ss. davi t and , a Notary f June dec la rat ion was duly subscr ibed and th is 15th day o My Comm i ss i on Exp ( SEAL ) ontractor i res L-25-75 O o JulylO, 1972 Mr. Gordon Plcrce 0fflcc of Fltzhugh Scott Vall, Colorado SubJectr Pl erce R6s I d€nce Gcnf l emen : Plons for the abovc subJect Job hove becn checked rlth thc provlolons set forth In the Unlform 8ul I Edltlon, Volumes I and tl end the 1970 Unlform Pl as amended end odopted by the Tovn of Vall. Thc Use Zone ls Resldsnftal; the occupancy grouP of congtructl on I s , V. The fo I lor I ng ltenl eha | | revl scd p lanr or addcndum: l. Ssbnlt revlsed plot plan showlng al I setbackg fron property ll6es and tn rrea that cars backlng out of the gtrag€ mEy turn oround so as fo entor tho publlc rood head flrst. 2. Submlt framlng scctlonr.and tlre placo sectlons showlng rc- Inforclng. Hcorfh oi ttreploce chall be a mlnlmum of 1B?r from lace of f I rep laco.Natural vcntl latlon In faml ly room ls not sufflclent. Mechanlcal or nafural ventl lotlon ls requlrcd for laundry room aroa. 6. No evldenco ls ehorn for a llue for combsetlon alr for bol ler room. 3. ln Fccordaoce dlng Code, 1970 umb I ng .Codo, ls l; thc fype be corrocted by on concr€t€ or grade cEdar, redrood i: 4. 5, the bol ler roon. Show 7 . A I t foundot lon p I aieg and/or lood col umns masonry noxt to earth ghatl be foundaflon 12. or pr€ssure treated 8. Bafirrooo salls ghall conform wlth sectlon 25t7 (k) '9. Anchor bolts ehatl bo Im0edded In concrete a mlnlmugr ol ?tt. Thcre shall be a mlnlmum of tvo anchor boltc Pcr Plotc, rlth one bolt locofed tlthln l3C o{ each.snd of cach Plate. 10. Stud xalls 6nd floor Jolsfs ehall be In accordancc llth Scatlon 25lA (f) when confolnlng plpe of any klnd. Stalrg shall hgve rall ral1s, both aldes. Slnce fhere aoo no rlser dlagrams or mechanlcal planl, all plumblng and mechanlcal Inspectlons wl ll be made In the flold in accordance wlth fhe Unlform Plumblng Code and the Unlform Mechan lca I Code O f, - APPL ICAT ION TO BOARD OF ZON ING, Date App I icat ion F i I GORDON PIERCE BEFORE THE AND EXAM INERS June JO, I9T2 APPEAR APPEALS ed t,ran rocan f i na " ' "'l r.espectf ully oRD B (rgZo ) ARCHTTECTS/PLANNERS, INC.req ues f a variance f rom the .fequirements of Sect ion of the Vail Zoning Ordinance in order to bu1ld a two car garage withln the ten foot set- back of the North property line and wlthln ten feet of the east property line, so as to mlnimlze the cuttlne of trees and excavatlon of materlal (See attached drawlng. ) z,f '7' OFFICE OF F]TZHUGH SCOTT- and/or Sect ion as amended and of the Uniform Building Code adopted by the Town of Vai I in order to In making a dete rm i n at ion on zoning, fhe Boa rd cons iders only undue ha rdsh ip; need for the p ropose d va r iance; compatibility of +he p ropose d variance w ith the surrounding a rea; ef fect on f uture develop- ment of the area and; health, safety, and the welfare of the inhabitants of the Town. In Building Code variances, fhe Board may consider only suitability of alternate materials and meth ods of construction and; reasonab le in- terpretations of the provisions of the Code. The adm in i st rat i ve of f icial may challenge any variance granted which goes beyon d the scope of the powe rs of the Board. It is understood that a fee o+ $25.00 payable in advance and that a ten (10) day posf ing period is required prior to a pub I ic hearing on the above requests. PI ease list adjoini Warren Pulis ng Properry and Robert owners Nott so they may be notified (Gordon P-l az.r'a \ I I I I / q ALL ScRUB wtLLoWs t I b - -E-- Y__*-L A N N E (cu I ar.r sac ) GAEACTE LOCATIo..I Gococrt E . FaERcE VAIL . COL(JRAbO Jur-y i, tq-lz sHEFrtloe). PLAFI RES, t +r ",? -a cIc t-t q-r -c t F{-:!-?t z o F (, ltJ (n T I I I l I I ul 0a o rl J s rlt =ca a-o I Y- r I I L- box 631 vail, colorado 816s7 303.476-5613 July 3, 1972 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Board of Zon ing, APpeals and Exam ine rs will hear the fol-, lowing Variance requests on Th ursday, July l3 at 9:00 a.m. in the Municipal Bui lding: Case B-6-72 - Mountain Haus -allow interior offices on the ventilated and a request to a rema i n as they a re . Case Z-B-72 - Gordon Pierce -north and east p rope rty lines of trees and p rese rve natural Case Z-9-72 - F ifzhugh Scott eas t and south p rope rty lines tr i ang u I a r con f i g u rat i on . Request for bui lding variances to f i rst f loor not to be mechan ica I lY llow the domes in the atrium to Request for in order to confours. setback variance on minimize the cutt ing - Request for setback var iance on to allow addition to be built in Case B-7172 - Li ft House - Request for building variance in non- conformance w ith Table l7A to allow wood roof ove r 61r concrete s lab . Case B-8-72 - Ki andra Lodge noncon formance w ith Sect ion Uniform Building Code. lf you w ish to protest any ow.'|er, P lease be present at protest by certified mail. Yours tru ly, - Request for buil 3f05 (i),3305 (b)ding va r i ance in and 1304 of the BO va r iance as an adjo in ing p rope rtY the meeting on the lJth or f ile Your PEALS AND EXAMINERS obe rt C lark Chairman of the Board r{ LI i' { ana Wygant dw /*^--*7+* BOARD OF l''IINUTES 0F MEET ING zof'l tNG, APPEALS AND July 13, 1972 EXAM INERS t.The meeting was called to order at 9:25 a.n. in Bu i I d ing. A. The fo I low i ng members were p resent: [4essrs the Mun ic ipa I . Viele, Knox, Hoyt and Strub le (ex-oif icio). B. The following guests were present: l4essrs. l.'l inger and Rob inson, Town of Vai l; La rry Clark, Colin S tew a rt, Gay nor Miller and Hugh Hyder, iliountain Haus; Jen l'lright and David Sage, rep resent ing David Hoffman; Robe rt Lazier, L ift House; Gordon P ie rce, Th ree Willow Place, F itzh ugh Scott and his residence; Chuck Ogilby, Apollo Parki Jack Catcher, Hilton. Old Bus i ness - None New Bus iness:A. Case B-6-72 - l4ountain Ha us - Request for bui lding variance not to insta I I mechan ica I venti lation in interior of f ices and laundry room and to allow the atrium area to remain as if is. Mr. Minger and lul r. Robinson determined that this is not a case for the Board of Appeals and should be resolved administrativel Mr. Mi ller and Mr. Clark started by explaining that l'4r. Bynum had approved the smoke sensor sysfem as had Fran Bush; in fact they had required it. Mr. Struble is now asking them to remove it and ooen the afrium area for vent i lat ion. The mechan ica I ventilation was next d iscussed. Nl r. Hyder stated that to out in mechanical ventilation now would be almost impossible and ve ry expens ive. Mr. Hyder further s tate d that he does not cons i de r the laundry room to be unsafe because it is not ventilated. Mr. Rob inson and Mr. Minger then stated that they feel the majority of the things on the list of l4arch l0 have been done and there is a point you cannot go beyond and that the problem of no Certif icate of Occupancy should be reso lved now. They the n i nqu ired if Mr. Struble had inspected the Moun ta i n Haus to defermine if +he i tems on fhe list had been completed except for items 5 and B for which they are asking a variance. Mr. Struble stated -f hat he had not made such an inspection. lr4r. Minger apologized to 14r. Clark and stated that an inspection would be made immediately to determine . what rema ins to be corrected. At that time, Bob McNeill and ' Kent Rose were sent to the Mountain Haus to inspect the facili- ties. l''l r. Clark stated thaf he has tried to make the bui lding safe and has spenf a great deal of moneyr approximately $15,000. He further siafed that the sto rage area wh ich doe s not have mechan ica I ventilation will be ventilated at such time the area becomes a commercial space.. Af ter l.lr. McNeil I and Mr. Rose comp leted the inspect ion, they reported the i r f i nd ings as fo I lows: The atf i c area has been comp leted except for some wiring that needs to be installed in conduit; the stee I beams coat ing does not meet fhe Research Recornmen dat ion and should be recoated with Mono-Cote | | /ztt thick to meet the requirement. Three layers o+ 5/ 8t' gypsum board w i I I a lso meet th is requi re- menf . The f ire door has been ordered, bui- had to be special made because of the type of j ambs. Since all of the items had not b een comp leted as required, Mr. Minger s uggested that ll. ilr. fli::1":'.1'il::i;.le s and Exami ners J u ly l1 1972 Page 3 " out that this is an unsafe condition as it wou ld be con- f using in the event of f ire. A motion was made by [/r. Knox that fhe Kiandra be required to change the direction of swing or lock the door and remove the hardwa re. The mo-lion was seconded by 14r. Viele. The Boa rd voted unan imous ly to deny the variance. (3) Request not to insta | | exterior handrails ai steps on west side at south end of bullding. The discussion disclose'd that this is a required exi-i frcm fhe lodge portion of the building. A motion was made by Mr. Knox that thev be reQuired to insta I l a handra i I on at least one s ide of the stair. The mot ion was seconded by Mr. Viele and approved unan imous ly by the Board. D. Case B-7-72 - Lift House - Request for building variance in nonconformance with Table l7-A to allow wood roof over 6rr ooncrete slab. Mr. Lazier presented drawings ari d pointed out that the area in question (fourth f loor condominiums) have Brr precast ce i I ings, and the area would be treated so that it would be two hou r const ruct i on . tqr. Struble stated that he agrees with Mr, Laz i er and because of 2r000 square feet the building is a Type ll instead of a Type lll as the building was designed. No wood is allowed in a Type ll building. The Board discussed the matter and determined that the corridor area must be protected so fhat any fire could not get out into the corridor. The 2 x l0rs over the corridor area mus t be f ire rated and an Btr block separat ion mus t be provided between roof and corridor areas. A motion was made that the variance be granted by Mr. Knox provided that the materials as discussed are used over corridor T-10. The mo- tion was Secon de d by Mr. Hoyt and a p p roved unan imous ly by the Board. E. Case 2-6-72 - Bank of Vail - Request for 7 l/2t sefback in lieu of l5r on west side of building. The var iance had been granted on a preliminary bas is at the last meeting and had been discussed at that time. A motion was made by Mr. Knox that the variance be granted. The mot ion was seconded by Mr. Viele and app roved unanimously by the Boa rd - F. Case Z-ll-72 - Hilton (Bush construction) - Preliminary variance reouest for zero setback in lieu of l0r on west side of pro- posed building. After Mr. Catche r had presented the p lans for the building and some d iscuss ion f rom fhe Boa rd, it was decided th at the Board wou ld recommen d passage of the va r i ance after itrs p rope r ly pos te d for the required period of time p rov ided there are no objections f rom adjoining p roperty owne rs . G. Case Z-12-72 - David Hoffman (Site l0) - Request for 0r setback on east and west s ides of s ite 10. This is a pre- liminary hea r ing as the variance was not submitted w ith in the proper posting time. After Mr. Wright and Mr. Sage had presented the drawings for the proposed building and some d iscuss ion f rom the Boa r d, the Boa rd req uested a copy of the L ionsHead mas+er plan in order to further dete rm i ne the acces s for f i re equ ipment to the area if the variance were to be granted. lf there is p rope r access' the Boa rd might cons I de r granfing the variance, but should have further s tudy before they make a committment. fl?:il":'"1"ili:?i.lolll s and Exami ners - July 13, 1972 Page 4 H. Case 7-lO-72 - Three ttli llow Place - Request for 0r setback in lieu of l0r at tract land. The Board had previously d iscussed th is matfer at the last meet ing and had g iven Three Wi llow Place a preliminary o.k. A motion was made by Mr. Knox thaf the variance be granted. The mot ion was seconded by Mr. Hoyt and approved unanimously by the Board. l. Case Z-B--12 - Gordon Pierce Residence - Request for setback variance on north and ea st s ides io allow building to con- f orm to natu ra I confours of lot and to save large t rees .Mr. P ie rce presented d raw i ngs showing g ra des and trees on his property and stated that he doesnrt want to cut large trees on the site to ma inta in the req u i red setback. A motion was made by Mr-. Knox and seconded by Mr. Hoyl that the variance be approved. The motion was unanimously approved by the Board. J. Case Z-9-72 - Fitzhugh Scott - Request for sefback variance on east and south' p rope rty I ines to allow addition to be built in tr iangu lar con f iguration. This va r iance had been d iscussed at the I ast meet i ng in a pre I iminary manner. The Board had agreed to grant the variance. A motion was made by Mr. Viele that fhe variance be granted. The motion was seconded by lt'l r. Knox and approved unan imous ly by the Board lV. 0ther Business - Contracfors Licenses were approved and signed by the Board. Respectf ully s ubm itted, TOWN OF VAIL (j.%:,/b Ed Strub le (Ex-Officio) dw a i{iClrAilDS ENCIN EERS, I i\'lc. P-O.SoxCtOO SURVEY I.JO '/ o' :i i) .t .\ Si l\|\ >i Y Y vt , 'l,Jl 'l si\ .-9 \] \Cl *l \'-{ Sr .l ! \,1 c N t! 6 t_ e 3 .1 I i I I )l (,I 1 I I I ! I I I I I I I -l ,I I 'l I I I I q I I I I I I I / vst Colotrdo BI6ZO Phonr 47o.5O72 4 949' 5 o7Z ;fauno( 7in Donvcr line - 993-1531 .v $ : r"l s \ X"t rr,44z /:fu I rf) ol \\ ) $/ ^\.'I SPEIA 3 tq/L.-LAN $ t-J a.--vo, - < # lo/ ProVosed l/ai / Sca tle :,/" ' 3O' La/ 2 N A.9'2 3'.4/"//3.45', -/ lla//ey'Sacond F;/tng ili \ \ : N \ .t) s \(tt $s vi o. a\ ) rl a \I s i s \.\.I $ li ,1, t.3 t\ii t\ r$rl rd \. -t 23 4 ,1.,1':7i' .i,./. lJ.l:;:C A' .-i i'A ,!L i.'i.',:.i !-,f f ii,t'*; -;- ;t',:;- ;,t s;; /,'Draitpge f l//),/t'/! Eascmenl o z cERTlrlcATE oF slrRvEY l'tr-."r':.au ^i," o.l.i.j Thir is to cdrtify thrt on th. abovr drlr an inprowornl .urvlt w madr bv mr, or undcr my sueeri{'ioq,/9{' . . ".....'.'t l- j ,, lho abovc dercribod proprrly, .r'l rh.t lo lhr bc:l ol ny knowlodge and bcliC, lhr abovc plat a<cur.t ly lt*it:V J \l f )' .! enlr the irnorov.rn rlt in roblioo to thr prop..ty linar ar rt:oe|r, and lhlt tho localion aod dirmorionr 61 ip\\Jfi;*{ - building improvemeolr. a.a.fi.ilr or riEht of-rray in cvidcocc or knor lo rn., and encroachmenB by or oa rhc lt. ' preorirer arc accualcly rhown. tya9..Z3'4/^ t1/.5aslh Llne t{)/z t N'/2,.Scc, 9, TS Sr,,?AO U REGI5TERED PROTESSIONAI ENGINEER AND LAND SURVEYOR NO,.Z/83 I l cl