HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 1 BLOCK 3 LOT 16 LEGAL.pdf,-ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us Project Name: KaufmanRenovations DRB Number: DR8020345 Project Description: Re-paint exterior and replace exterior lighting fixtures with Town of Vail Design Guideline approved light fixtures. Participants: OWNER IGUFMAN, ANDREW & LYNN 09127120O2 Phone: 19OO ARNO RD SHAWNEE MISSION KS 66208 License: APPUCANT KAUFMAN, ANDREW & LYNN O9l27l20OZ Phone: 913-6774392 19OO ARNO RD SHAWNEE MISSION KS Akaufman@kc.rr.com 56208 License: ProjectAddress: 1518 SPRING HILI LN VAIL Location: both sides ofduplex L€gal Description: Lot: 16 Block 3 Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY Parcel Number: 210109207010 Comments: See Conditions Motion By: Seond By: Vote: Conditionsr BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SIAFFAPR Date of ApprovaL LOl L7 12002 Cond: I (P|AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0005627 That the appllcant paint the body of the home Cottonwood (SW 3040) and the trim Smoke Tree (SW 3019) both from the Sherwin Williams Woodscapes series. Cond: CON0005528 That the applicant replace all exterior light fixtures with Glare Buste/s full cut-off light fixture as proposed by no later than December L,2002. DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO P'|anner: ltnw CnyLll staP.?4."4w. La.47A11 N0.9[r3 P.?/14 o Appllcatlon fior Design Review Chpsftnmt of Communlty Da,EloPmtilt 75 Sqth Fbnb€E Road, Vail, Cdondo 8169 reti 970,479,2139 frxr 970,479,2452 r,rrcb: www.d,wll,co.us coneral Information: All projeds requlring design rcvieur must rcceive approwl prior b submlHng a building p|rmf r€fer to the submiual requit€ments fur tfia partlclhr apprwal U|at is rcque$ed, an applidott cannot be acepted until all rcqulrd inlbrmatiorr ls rccelrred by he CffmunFy Devebpnffi prored msy abo necd to b€ r€viowed by $e Toryn Coumil antuor tl1e Flanning and Dcaig|r rcylow aFp|lyEl bF unlesc a buildins ocmn b hsued and co|tdrucllon one yc.r of the agprunl. Parce|I|o.:W(ContacEag|eCo'As6€ssorat970.328-8ol'n'n::[,"'"oo."',',,",,",,",,,::.:::] ilem€(s) of Owner(s): Malllng Orm€f(s) Signailrc(E): Nameof Appllcantl l.laillng Addrw: A.2,vc it f,'ttt $50 elUE $1.m per s$am toot of ffil slgn area, No Fee 269 sisl TlborguAlm EEre,fttE Cottonwood sw 3041 l Srn9les app.oxrhate lhe acrlal psFi cobr. 272 9i97 E-fiall Addregs: /X Type of lrenlew and fte!tr Signs tr Colceptual Revlew New Constructon Addlflon Minor Alteraton (m ulti-hmtly/com rnercial) Minor Alteration (single-hmlly/duphx) $6s0 $300 $2s0 tr tr tr For corsruaion of a new bulldlng or For an addition where quare foota$ is added Cyprsss Moss aomrnerjsl buldlng (indudes 250 atlf,tions & For mllor changs to buikln$ ilrd s'tc rcrcdng, paintlng, windovu edditions, Gblnlng wall3, €8. For mlnor chaIEEs to buildrys and site rcmofing, p.irtirg, wiildail additions, r€taining walls, ctr. For ruvlslons b plans alEady approved by PH Deign R€vloyr Board. $20 $20 No Fe€ Zoningl Lodon of tfie propoealz tocll,L Wl iJ Subdivisiorr; 1S1 Cn.ne* to Approved pt ns tr Sdps|?flon Request For Fee Paid: DEE: Planner: cr*tto;- ?'V5' TDenouuns E@ Sep ?6 O2 O9:25a Chn i sanne Grinaldi 305 5 3/+o e?42 Fio.g&f F.Z/t? p.? ',,',#llililD JOTilT 'NO9CRITY OU'f,ER WRITfEII AFPNOVAL LETTER l, (Fr int r i I I&:L!_DU,O descriptiur) -i9qg provi le thii kl:k..a5 wrat En lpproval c the plansdad which have treerr subari lI]J :l the Tcn n Of Vall 6.nmunty De€lopment Deparw|ent for ttr€ p?Opced |,tprovernenb to ul @ril:liftd lt lrhe a]drEsE nobd above. I tnderstand thtt the propised hrprov€lr€nt$ include; I funt€r ! t r lihtnd Srrt :nrnor modifkatioos may be nade to rhe plane over the course of the ,griew procr : s to i rsr'ft : (Dfiplh 00e with the Townb appllcable odcs and rcgulotio s, , -,lt T,lLtlw r ,oint oumer of propefty located at (addn:sq/legal pa0e ;: of t:t,ll,'c i/02 The GlareBuster...Outdoor Lighting o htp://www.theglarebuster,com/page4.htnl 1OWN OF VAIL DESIGN RE"VIEI'V STAFF APPROVAL I of2 l0/1712002 8:48 AM The GlareBuster...Outdoor Lighting htp ://www.theglarebuster.con/page4.htnl installation with the GlidelockfM m Other features: Ilardware included to mount on any siding surface. Manual includes information on the importance of preventing light pollution. 2of2 l0/ 17 12002 8:48 AM The GlaxeBuster...Outdoor Lighting htQ://$lffw.theglarebuster.oom/page6.htnl GlareBuster Examples Desiped to compliment any style of architecture, the GlareBuster comes ready to adapt to any o(terior surface or siding. Not only great for the home, the GB-1000 can offer BIG savings in energy use for businesses too. This Dunkin Donuts Iocation uses ten GlareBusters with compact fluorescent bulbs @ 20 watts each! I of2 l0l17/2002 8:48 AM The GlareBuster...Outdoor Lighting http ://www,theglarebuster.com/page6.htnl The GB-Ifi)O ofrers great area coverage vt/ithout annoying your neighbors. The wen illumination and wall-wash add an attractive appearance to home exteriors. GlareBuster lighting (without the glare), places the focus on wbat is being lit - instead ofthe blaring light bulb. This allows the viewer to see the home and surroundings better - enhancing safety and seflrnty. Cover yard areas without spilling light into nearby wildlife areas, or into the night sky. The GlareBuster is the responsible way to light your home or business. 2of2 I0/1712002 8:48 AM The GlareBuster http://www.theglarcbusto,com/copy.htrnl A brlef lntroductlon on how the GlareBuster helps to reduce light pollutlon and wasted enerry. * The GlareBusterrM is the first residential product to utilize a true frill cutoff deslgn, minirnizing blinding glare from most viewing angles. Glare is a nuisance that we've come to expect from outdoor lighting - but one that is not necessary. High-brightness from today's light bulbs can interfere with the eye's ability to see surroundings at night. Contrary to popular thinking, a brigbt glaring light actually lessens our ability to see clearly in the night environment. * The GlareBusterrM is the best residentlal product offered to control 'llght tresprss.' Glare from outdoor lighting can intnrde into neighboring homes and properties. Unknown to the homeowner, most types ofoutdoor lighting products on the market today will directly affect a neighbor or nearby property - whether it is wanted or not. Called 'light trespass', this nuisance has become a growing concem for home and property owners. * The GlareBusterrM minimizes light intrusion into nearby natural and wildllfe areas. The natural night environment has been an integral part of the lives of l of2 10/17/20028:49 AM The GlarcBustcr htp ://wrrw.theglarebuster.com/copy.htrnl Earth's creatures for millions of years. Only in the past century has the night world been invaded by indiscreet man-made lighting. Many animals are affected by light intruding into their night world, confi:sing their instinctive pattems and cycles. In some areas of the world, intrusive outdoor lighting has been attributed to the deaths ofsea turtles and species of birds. * The GlareBusterrM prevents 'sky glow' and the loss of the starry night sky. Since our earliest recorded history, the star-filled night sky has provided scientists, poets, artists and every wondering child a connection to our glorious and boundless universe. Sadly, for many people today, the stars are rapidly being lost behind the haze of upward shining light - light wasted needlessly from inefficient outdoor lighting Ixnres. The GlareBusterm is designed to illuminate the desired area using less wattage than conventional floodlights. Consuming less energy means less electricity needs to be produced. By using more eflicient products that conserve etrergy, we caa all help keep our planet cleaner - and $ave money too! 2ofz l0/17/2002 8:49 AM ***+l*ti**********+*+++++++******{'***{r'3***ii***i+*a******i***t** *i! i.t* **a ***** i 't * * * **t' ** ** * *** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO statem€nt a t+ * + | ++ * * * * a' * f ** l' * *{' * * *+ + + * +++ + + + ++* + * +* t t tt I t t tt +tt+++ *+ f* +* t * ** t *t t*t** * t*t*{r*f t tt * * | t * t t Statement Number: R000003169 Amount: 920.00 09/27/200202132 pM Pa)ment Metshod: check Init: ifAR Notation: 5095 Andrew Kaufman Permi E No: DR8020345 Tl4)e: DRB-MLnor Alt, SFR/DIIP Parcel No: 2101092 07010 Sit,e Addresa: 1518 SPRING HILL IJir VAIL Location: both sidee ofduplex ToEal Feeer 520.00 ThJ.s payment: g20,oo Tolal Ar,r, pmtB: g2o,o0 Balance: $0.00 ****l**+*++*l'*|F+***|+*'t ,t*l'**'i****+**t * * * * * ** * * *'tr * + * * * * * *t ftff* +** **+ * *l' **** * t t 't * * ** * ** * * * * * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript,jon Current pmrs DR OOIOOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIElll FEES 20.00 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2138 FAX970-479-2452 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET COMPANY NAME: FAX TELEPHONE NUMBER:8lb-3bz- FROM: _T-C V DATE: # oF PAGES rN DOCUMENT (NOT TNCLUDTNG COVER SrflJE:{,-u- r\ RESPONSEREQTTTRED? AJn SENT BY TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX # 970479.2452 TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TELEPIIONE # 970-479.2138 SPECIAL COMMENTS AIIDN 81'11 q 70 -tt1? - a tlg F:EVERYONE\IORMS\Fardhsei 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 F AX.970-479-2452 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: COMPANY NAME: FAX TELEPHONE NUMBER: FROM: DATE:TI1VIE: # OF'PAGES IN DOCUMENT (NOT TNCLUDING COYf,R SHEET) RNSPONSE REQUIRED? SENTBY TOWN O['VAIL COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT FAX # gIO-IZg-2,52 TOWN OF VAIL COMMIINITY DEVELOPMENT TELEPHO}IE #__9?A<?94I:!!L- SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: F:EVBRYONE\FORMS\Fsxshect L ) 3. r. I t I I t t I I t t I I t t t t t I E.Duplex and Primary/Secondary Development: The purpose of this Section is to ensure that duplex and primaryisecondary development be desigfred in a manner that creates an architecturally integrated structure with unified site development. Dwelling units and garages shall be designed within a single structure, except as set forth in subsection 2 below, with the use ofunified architectural and landscape design. A single structure shall have co11rmon roofs and building walls that create enclosed space substantially above grade. Unified architectural and landscape design shall include, but not be limited to, the use of compatible building materials, architectural style, scale, roof forms, massing, architectural details, site grading and landscape materials and features. The presence of sigrrificant site constraints may permit the physical separation of units and gaxages on a site. The determination of whether or not a lot has sigrificant site constraints shall be made by the Desigrr Review Board. Significant site constraints shall be defined as natural features of a lot such as stands of mature trees, natural drainages, stream courses and other natural water features, rock outcroppings, wetlands, other natural feafures, and existing skuctures that may create practical difficulties in the site planning and development of a lot. Slope may be considered a physical site constraint that allows for the separation of a garage from a unit. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to request a determination from the Design Review Board as to whether or not a site has significant site constraints before final design work on the project is presented' This determination shall be made at a conceptual review of the proposal based on review of the site, a detailed survey of the lot and a preliminary site plan of the proposed structure(s). The duplex and primaryisecondary development may be designed to accommodate the development of dwelling units and garages in more than one structure if the Design Review Board determines that significant site constraints exist on the lot. The use ofunified architectural and landscape design as outlined herein shall be required for the development. In addition, the Design Review Board may require that one or more of the following common design elements such as fences, walls, patios, decks, retaining walls, walkways, landscape elements, or other architectural features be incorporated to create unified site developrnent. Outdoor Lighting: l. Purpose: This subsection of the design guidelines establishes standards for minimizing the unintended and undesirable side effects ofoutdoor lighting while encouraging the intended and desirable safety and aesthetic purposes of outdoor lighting. It is the purpose of the desigrr review guidelines to allow illumination which provides the minimum amount of lighting which is needed for the property on which the light sources are located. In addition, the purpose of ttris subsection is to protect the 28 I I I T t T I ! ; I I ! T I I I I I T 1 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. legitimate privacy of neighboring residents by controlling the inte,nsity of the light source, Approval Required: All outdoor lighting within the Town limits shall conform to the standards set forth below. For the purposes ofthis subsection, residentially zoned properties shall be defined as those in Hillside Residential, Single-Family, Two-Family, PrimaryiSecondary, Residential Cluster, Low Density MultiFamily and Medium Density Multi-Family Zone District, as well as all special development districts which have any ofthe above referenced zone disbicts as the underlying zoning, All other zone districts shall be considered, for the purposes ofthis subsection, as being commercial zoned. Luminance: Light sources located on all property in the Town which are not fully cutoff shall exhibit a ratio of source lumsns to luminous area not exceeding 125. For example: source lumens < 125. luminous area Light source: A single artificial point source of luminescence that emits measurable radiant energy in or near the visible spectrum. Outdoor lighting: Any light source, or collection of light sources, located outside a building, including, but not limited to, light sources attached to any part of a structure, located on the surface ofthe ground, or located on free-standing poles. Source lumens: Total initial lamp lumens of the light source. Luminous area: The maximum light ernitting area of a light source, measured in square inches. The maximum light emitting area is the area of transluce'lrt material which encases a light source. In the case of a clear glass covering, the luminous area is the area of the light source. Examples of luminous area are shown below in figure l: Full cutoff: A light source in which no more than two and five-tenths percent (2.5%) of its total output is emitted above ninety degrees (90E) as measured from nadir as shown in below in figure 2: 29 I t t t t ) I t t I I t t I I t I t I ) Town of Vail Delment Standards Handbook Figure l:Figure 2: l-8" t U}' Tonzra l Corauy ttiAJErstDrlJor.lt lEiEns ttlg (8Xf0 !. 80 sCnr SpotttO RdI'.r" fDtuut ur|= (3.1'tl{?'l- 126 sq nr t: t 19r8" t-l' Q tr., T.m& ell Co|lllFt Cbu Olur leblu3 ur!. {l98b.({t}= 19.45 sq in nur Stth lrit.lrs c!1! (lnf t- 4 rg in Frequency: For lots in residential zone districts, the maximum number of light sources per lot shall be limited to one light source per one thousand square feet oflot area, except as provided for below. The location of said lights shall be left open to the discretion of the property owner, so long as the lights are in compliance with the Town of Vail's Municipal Code. Light sources which are no more than eighteen inches above grade, as measured from the top of the fixture to the finish grade below, and are either full-cutoff fixtures, as defined in Section I 8.04. 137, or have a maximum source lumens of 400 (equivalent to a 40 watt light bulb)' may be allowed in addition to the total number of permitted outdoor light sources. The number, location, and style of such light sources are subject to Design Review' Height Limits For Light Fixtures: a, For all light sources located in commercial zone disficts, tle maximum mounting height for light sources on a pole shall not exceed thirty five feet (35). The maximum mounting height for light sources afExed to vegetation shall not exceed eight feet (8). b. For all light sources located in residential zone districts, the maximum mounting height for light sources on a pole or on vegetation shall not exceed eight feet (8'). Light Sources Affixed To Structures: For all properties within the Town, light sources may be affixed to any wall of a structure. Light sources shall not be aflixed to the top ofa roofofa structure' CutoffShields: 9. 10. ll. 12. 30 Town of Vail Developmeil]n"4greflSndbo oL All light sources locaterl in commercial zone districts which exceed fifteen feet (15) in height shall exhibit a tull cutoffshield. 13. Flashing, Revolving Lights: Lights which flash, move, revolve, rotate, scintillate, blink, flicker, vary in intensity or color, or use intermitteirt electrical pulsation are prohibited. 14. Exemptions: The standards ofthis subsection shall not apply to: a. Chrisfinas tree lights which are of a temporary nature located in residential zone districts, as listed herein, and which are illuminated only between Novernber I and April 15 ofeach year. b. Christmas tree lights which are temporary in nature and are located in zone districts other than those residential districts listed herein. c. Sign illumination, as set forth in Title 1l of the Municipal Code' d. Municipal lighting installed for the benefit of public health, safety and welfare. e. Outdoor light sornces as set forth in Sestion 18.54.050 J, 2, which are within eighteen inches or less of finish grade and are either full cut-off fixtures or have a maximum source lumens of 400. 15. Nonconformities: As of the effective date of this subsection, all outdoor lighting that does not conform to every requirement of this subsection shall be legal nonconforming outdoor lighting. Legal nonconfonning outdoor lighting shall not be moved in any direction, nor shall there be any change in use or light fype, or any replacement or structural alteration made to the nonconforming outdoor lighting, without the outdoor lighting confbrming to all applicable requirements of Title 12. 16. Penalty: The penalty for violating this subsection shall be as provided in Section l-4-l of the Municipal Code. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense for the purpose of calculating the penalty. G. Landscaping Drrinage, and Eroslon Control: l, Various natural vegetation zones exist within the Gore Valley as a result of the form and aspects ofthe land itself. The north facing slopes within the valley are typically heavily wooded with spruce, pine and aspeir and generally receive less direct sunlight than the drier south facing slopes which typically consist of sage, aspen and other vegetation tolerant of drier conditions. The valley floor which is 1 1 l I 1 1 1 ;I t t I I t il I t I il 3l I I9T,IL voN - NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST PROJECT TITLE: ADD/ALT sFR BUILD BE POSTED PERMIT lst ttn o Vrnlt Is l-- ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit *z 895-0242 7 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97 o - 4 7 9 -2 I 3 8/479 -2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-24s2 Job Address Location. . . ParceL No.. 1498 SPRING HILL 2roL-092-07-009 PRJgs-014 6 Department of Community D evelopment LN Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 08/08/Le95 Issued. . .: 09/06/L995 Expires. . : 03/04/t996 Phone z 3039263445 Totat catcutated Fees---) 2,031.& Project No. GALLINA COMPANY APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Descript,ion : ADDITION Fireptace Information: Restricted: Bui tding-----> Pl,an Check--> Invest i gati on> Ui tL Csl.l,---> P O BOX 1990, EAGLE CO 81631 GALLINA COMPANY Phonez 3039263445 $o+q7' (^&r'iil-Co P I b3 ( STEVINSON PATRICIA A -" 13395 BRAUN RD, GOLDEN CO 80401 Number of Dwelling Units: 000 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 115,000 #Of Gas App Li ances:fof Gas Logs:fof Uood/Pat tet: ffiffi FEE SUi4i'IARY **fflrriH*J*ffi*i**ffiffiffi*r*ffi***#H** 600,00 Restuarant Ptan Revi err--> 520.00 DRB .00 Recreation Fee----------> 3.00 Ctean-Up Deposi t--------> TOTAL FEES----- .m 100.m 111 .60 500. 00 2,O31.60 AdditionaI Totat Permit Fee--------> 150. 00 2 ,181 .60 2,184.60 .00 BALANCE DUE---- ffiffi****ffiffi#rffrffi***ff**#rrri**ffi*irtt*******ffi*******rr*lr*****ffff****ff***ffi********trrd**ffi***ff*lr********* ftem: 051.00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: 08/08/rges DAN Action: APPR Item: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 08/16/L99s LAUREN Action: APPR Division: Division: see Page 2 of this Document, for any cohd*Cions tha y to this permit DECLARATIONS 3o I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, fittrd out in futt the infornation required, conpl,eted an eccuratc plot plan, and stEtc that atl thc information pfovidrd as requircd is correct. I agree to compl,y vith the information and pl,ot ptan, to compty Hith 8l'l' Toun ordinancrs lnd strtc [avs, end to build this structure according to the Toun's zoning and subdivision codca, design reviev approvcd, uniforl Buitding code and other ordinanccs of the Tovn appl,icabte thcpeto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE IIADE THENTY-rOUR HOTTRS tN ADVANCE By TELEPHONE/T #F72't3S OR AT OUR OFFTCE tRolt E:OO A 5:m p Send C l.can-Up Dcposit To: f|go"*to'uu * * * ** *.* ** * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * !* * ** * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * *** ** *** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * ** * !t * Statemnt Number: REC-0064 Anount: Palrment Method: CK Notation:1013 L,934.60 09/06/95 16:05 Init:;IR **************************************************************!t* Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: This Payment Account code 01 0000 4131.0 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 895-0242 Type: 270L-092-07-009 1498 SPRING HILI A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUII.,D PE tN Total Fees:2 r184 .60 2,L84.60 .00 1,934.60 Total AL,L Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMTT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES !{ILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Anount 800. 00 520. 00 500 .00 111.60 3.00 [,,.]-Butlding t J<flunling p-IaElectrical 6-.1--Mechanibal Job Name:Job Address: Legal oescriptionz l_atl6 Block-i Filing t-Owners Name: o/n-l:*rut *.-, Address: Architect:.Address: ceneral Description: Work Cl.ass: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration g4-Additlonal [ ],Repair [ ]_other Number of Druelling Units:Nunber of Acconmodation Units: -"& Electrical Contr:actor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERMIT FEE: I'IECHANfCAL PERUIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEEs DRB FEE: Connents: ^"7, Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PIAN CIIECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: CHECK FEE: //f{ !{ECHANICAL RECREATION CLEAN-UP TOTAL BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING3 SIGNATURE: No. //, CLEATT UP DEPOSIT REFIINII TO: VALUATI n"o .ry .1 s$ rt $ n 6 E,q E F T; tr T' 11 y nl H 0a :x oa o Fl D E { I rF.o,.o ot o|(|,l ? j .T 'lD f,8 Er.H aql !8 cu c)C| I,| oro orc I gto rltro I I F t. f,o| OA 9!' .r .l c o6 go .{U ar !8$fi {6 flra !l oat t ;s g ora o t! E, o!t :8 fi E R r.t & t< EI o A c E F o F .|o I u H * IE a o l.r E .J 6 3. |I B F|Ft 44 q|o E-x4 F E FI 4 HH FFI UE E9 cl al a 4 TE fE HI H .ll ot o E a g{l{ H-st El oo $a F H *? '( E H a CI * a o l.a .f,TB ts co I E $s H t8 A A a B t" r E o r!el !H e I fi E t E fl H I A It o I 1 o )e "El orF I:E at -5 E &E O TOUIN OF VffIL COH_DEV ID ttrO$-479-2452 sEP 25'96 15:51 N0 ,005 P.05 %e#.rm,:fffi;Aodr Nunrbet:EUggga4al OEVELOPER l,lPRO\rEMEt{T AOREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, madr and ontered tnto thr 3a dav ol*fr€'tk .$EaV and arnong Treao 3rarr.,ci",'i- (hctthdtar caled lhc 'Dgt olop6N')' atd lh. TOI'N OF VAIL (tlgtolndt'I cdlod the Tot'nJ. WHEREAS, th€ Dctrcloprr, .| r condlbn ot apptovd of tho [b,^orru plrm, datod -"* 1e-, Yrbhc to a|rbr lnto r oolrdoper lnProrrmrnt Agroomenu d1d WHEREAS, tho oottolopt. h 6n0d to Provido $qrtily ot colleM eulfrclenl ln tro iudgmont ol the Town to mak€ rooaoo$L provblom br cond.tlon of cortsln lmprovemonb rd forlh bolow; and WHEREAS, lrc Oo\rdopor wbh6 to prorylde co{ttard b gultrtlFa pedorm|no. ol thls &rcafleftt, Including oonsttucfion of the abov+rolaoncsd lmprorcmonb by moens of lhc b1ou,|no: Do\reloper egrcos lo esfr5lbh a crsh thpogit wlm lhe Town ot Vall In e dollar amount ol S_Atbo_o - ( t 25% of t |e totd cool ot ho wut dlown bdfovr) b ptrykto gscurlv brthetollou{ry: TMPROVEMENT NOVrr. THEREFORE, ln @nddordon ol '|o hfl(nrlng mulual covenants ard aorocmonb, fto llevilopor and $c Yown a0roo ts follou,i: t. The De\relopor agrc€!, d ltr sole cosl and 9rgonrao, to hmlrh all c$rlpment . arqmabid nocrslary t0 perforfit rd aomdcta dl hFrgt f,tl.nb, on or bcbra l^L-5<'- lg-* - . ins oewtoprr rtritt com*t6, h . good srkmdtlll(o mlnner, .ll { v '-l kry.wornontr !! lhbd &rro, h acco.rlsrco wllh all Fhnt lnd epedtlcatlonr Oed in fte ' ollice of the Connunity Developmrril Depeilmont, ttrc Torn o{ Vail, snd lo do dl wort Inc*lenlal 0rdoto accotdng to and In oomptla|or with h0 lolhlviru: a" Such oher &!ignr, fungs, mepe, rpgcncgthns, sl(Ftctle!, ard olher matt€r albmlfiad by fi! 0n d00.r lo bo amrotod by rny of the 5evsr6leraced gw'nnnnH onfi.a, All 3eld rrort drdl ba don. undrr thr inrpccilon ot, sld b thr astfacton of,'ilrc Ton Enghsd, llta Tffn fuiffiig Oftldl.0r cdlor omdal Irom lh6 Tovn ot VEll, a3 anectod bt $.dd d&id3 or rorvlce dhtrlcL, !r 0|0| rleoc0vc qboC m8t eppoar, dd rh.t not b€ drdn€d comFbb unbl ?ptorad fld rcc?Ld .| cocpbacd by tnr.Toun ot VaI Cormudly O.velopmlr Drpdt|Url and Publlc Wor,l(| DeJtmmt. 2. To rec|re and guenbc porbrflrsrcc ot lt obsnionr ao.ot brth ha]lln, ||le Oerrclopd 4re€! l0 prolrlde Btcu{v rnd co[dorrl rs fo$out: hto!ofl I t ll \LDrtu^ l:;%vYs ,-+ il ifitt V^tt ,4l{ llJ i I 0lrlN BF Vfl I L C0l'l-DEV ID:505-479-2452 SEP 25'96 1J:32 N0.005 P.06 A caah dopoeit apcount h tt ltrouot d f)-Tfat&/- o b6 hoH by il. Torvn, a3 Escrw Uont sntl provkh thc l€o,t[y lor fie lnprwemonta 'ot forh ibovo U there is e d€tault undor the Agrcenuil by Dwebpcr. 3, Ths De\reloper may st any dtne suHltuto lh. cdld€ral otlglrdly Eet btsl abo\rc lor anoth€r fofln of collatord tFaphHs lo lh€ Towt b guatarbc ttF fdthful cornplellon ot.lhola |mprorlmfin tddred to hsfoln snd lht potformancc ol thc tdn3 ol thlr Aorosmonl. Sudr eptince Dy tha Toffi ot ,lbmitlvc cot&td thar bo at tht Tow'r'e solc dscrdlon. 4. Iho Town shall not, nor lhatl .oy officcr or mployec hereof, bc lh$lo o, rofponslu. br any acc'ldent, logs or dftnego haPpcnlng d scrr/'lng lo hQ wort apcc{l9d In thas &rsg|ncnl F|or lo ltra ooilFlo0on md @trnco ol lhr ssmo, nor shdl tho To ,n' no{ any ffice or gmployca thoriol, bl [Sle for any PontoN ot prpperly lnlurod by t aon ot lho natro ol raid wrlq but dl ot sdd [{billhs shail and ryo hrty as.umed by lha Dovolopor. Tho Dcvolopet hlmby agtrla to indtmily atld hoE hrntnl6!|r the Town' and any of nB ollicss, agrnb rd rtnployecs {|hd rtly lo$or, olrlm[, drmagee, ot llSllliles to which lhe Tonrn or rny of tts ofilcora. €onh or omtoyr* tmy bocmlc rublacl b, ltl|ofs I any suctl br3$, claim., dgm{6 or [8bill[dr (or &sn6 In .rpact ficroof) thlt r/lre out ol or ar? ba3€d upon any petomance trr hr Oavolopgt horootl(ht; rtlt| flc Dgwl@er shdl reimburgs tre Towh toc alry and all legal or o$rcr crpences rgeEon$ry hounld by fte Toutn kl conntc$on wlth lnvsdlgrtlng or defcndlng any gudl lors, ohhl' datnago' ilebllny or etion' Thls hdomnlty provlslon shdl bo h rddl0on to 6?ry otl|€r lltblllty whhh me Dtrrelopor mEy havg, 5. lt ls mwally agrcod 0lti tho Dardopor mry. rpply to the Toln aftl lho To{tn rhall aulhorF lor panH rele8so of ho coltetoral depotllrd wlu thc Tom hr o*h crtogory ot fitTrovcmam et auch Uma ar rudt InprovemonL cre @alSfwl€d In conDffarrce wlft all plans and sp6ctficalions |s refgorEad hgulnder md roo.pted by the Town. Under no condtion will the anount 0f $o coubrd tu8 F b.hg hd bo loducFd beltfl tho amounl nece33ary to cotplote iuch inrFmmonts. 6, ll the Town (|9tefirdn!| t|il any ol tha lnFov]nonts cant mpldad holoh arc not consltuo{cd in cotnpfiance wlh tho plans ad speciliCA$Ons sot todh hetein by tht dato 3et brth In par{raelr 2, ma Toryn may. but lhrl not bo ,aqultld to, wiir&il ftom t||o ca6h dsposil suctr t n@ S mgy be na€lrary to oomplga lto t'rthhfted lmPrwomlnb. The Tqwn shall rolease $rch fun(|s upon lh. wittGn lrcpoct ot thc Slafl ol fic co.nmunlty Oorslopmcnt Dopsrlrnmt Etating |hat |hs lmprovofilc'rB hrrv! not baen complelod g| nquir€d by ttB agrocmo'rl The Towrl shd nol togulr! ho oorut crce ol tho.d4r€lopor prior lo lho rBloaiG ot tho tundr, nor rhdl tha Tom bc .s$l|rd b yotfy lndoFndiltty lhal ho linprorromanb haye not bcrn compldad as toqui td by hb Agnement. hrt *tdl rlba3e $ch fu,1d9 sow upon hc rrqurlt ol tr Communf,y Devdopmg{ DQafinent. It th. cort3 ol conl'|Eting thc wod( cxc€cd lh9 morrrt ol tho dopoett, the oxcssg, tog€rtr|or wlth inbt€3l et mhrc pa|rlrd par ernum, rhal ba a Sg| agehrl thr FoP.rty and nuy be collected by drA ruil or mry be cottllod to thc furnr of Eryle Canty to be colhct€d h lhe sarn6 rnanner m drlnquenl ad v.lorErlt hxe! bvl€d aoshsl ruci propcny. lf tha psrmlt holdr latls or rofusos to 6mphe thg delnup Ctd landrc{ping, er dofinod ln lhi3 chapt€t, sudr hllurc or rduaal shdl bo congidered a vloh0on of the Zonlng Codo. 7. Tho O.yclops w|rmb rt m* and mahr'ld l0r a perlod ol ono yaar rttor accrptanco of dl work rolensd b h |hh A0roenril by hc Town poot sfl b Socilon t7,18.250 lf ruch wo* ir locded on Town ol Vall prcp.rly or wilhin To|m of Val dght-of-uey. S. Th6 perilea heroto niltnly ryce firt Ub ^eloo.nrnt mry bo mo|xhd trom trno io Ums, prorrktod thal ercfi dnddflrmts bc h ffilm .|xl eroqrFd by dl prd.c horob. Ddad tro dry and year fl|| $ovc wrltten. ?rF 2d 3 Denver West Development 1546 Cole Blvd. Suite 150 Golden, CO,80401 (303) 232-2W6 September 21, 1996 Dean Stevinson 14206 W. Evans Circle Lakewoo4cO 80228 Dear Mr. Stevinson: As requested, I ravelled to Vail and looked over the property at 1498 Spring Hill Lane, Vail Colorado. Due to the slope of the front yard and the on-set of wet weather I recommend delaying the installation of new sod until spring. I am concemed that the soil preparation necessary to insure a healthy lawn could become unstable due to excess moisture and the grade of the slope. It will be best if we can wait until spring o install the front lawn. I have wuked up an estimate for that work 1200 sq ft. of sod x $.20 : Soil preparation and top soil: Iabor: Total: $240.00 $160.00 $600.00 $1000.00 As soon as the snow melts and when the grcund is dry enough to work it I can get started. That will depend on the snow. I have this scheduled for early May lWl. Sincerely, (4,*- I*s Poschell )>r- %,,^") DEVELOPER The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agpqment was acknqr/ledged before me this b day ot *d.t- ' . rsleoy *'--- f -- - STATE OF COLORADO COUNW OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE uodsred 9/28194 Witness my hand and oflicial seal. My commission expires: Notary Public PLANNER, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreemenl was acknowledged before me this day ol 19_ by Wtness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public Page 3 of 3 TEktF"t E Hiscel I 181-ri1-?F, F:*c*ipt * :Ei4EE F{':car-rnt S l:F. + Ff,TFIIT.:IE STEI'II Enrr,un t tende red Irers Paid F 1 E1 El B 6 : : r-r ?r:,EBF-r f,hange rPl.urnFd :' r-Jtrt r t_ Cash 1Et:'f.l:.1? I ?581' t:18 Rr*€unt Ptsid !.!58. E1€l ET " ELL ;l o o IE F:. !2 Ir TOWN OF VAIL RECETTT }iO DEPAnTi\lE\-TOFCOtIlltu^.*l-l-l'DE\ELOPIttE\T ADDRE!iS ll DATE.----L./ PRO'TCT CTIECIiS MA DE IAYABLE TO TO\T4\ OF VAN. 0 I 0000 4 540 ZONING AND N DDI{I:SS MN PS 55.00 0 0000 424 I 5 UNII;OITM IiUILDN(;IOI)I-554.00 0 (x)00 42415 U N I I. O RM P L UM ts I I -F{j L,.-_'O D Ir.$J9.00 0000 42415 UNIFORM MIICI{ANICAL CODIl $3 7.00 0l oo00 424 r5 UNll'UKM FIKIr C()DIi s36.00 fit00 42415 NN I IONAL .blbC'f I{ICA L CODIJ sl7.00 0000 424 | 5 OTIIER CODIJ I]OOKS (l o()00 4 54li BLUI] PRINTS. ( MYLAITS)5 /.00 0 0{J00 42412 Xl:l{OX C()l'll:,S s0.25 0t 0000 42412 STUDIIJS 0 oo00 42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROCRAM s5.00 0 oo00 42i71 PENALTY FEES i RE-INSPECTIONS 0t 0()00 4t132 PLAN RLVllrw RE-CIIECK l-'l:li tS40 PIIR l{R.l 0t oo00 42312 OI'F I{OURS INSPECTION Fl--lrs 0 0000 4 4t2 CONTRACTORS LICIiNSES F lrlis I ol oo00 4 | 413 SIGN NPPLICNTION FEE s20.00 0 0000 4 413 nDDITIONALSIffi 0 0000 42440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION l0 I 99ry 1l-'=rl I PRE PAID DESIGN RI:VIEw IIOARD FEE +i 0000 42371 IMr'ESTICATION FEE (BUILDINC oooo 45 I lo TOV PARKING FUND U oooo 22027 t0V NEwSPAPI;R DISPI--NSl:R FUND * 0t 0000 2t l2 TAX^ BLE @ 4 -52 (STATE)* 0l 0000 4t0I0 TAXABLE @4.O2 (TotN) ---1 0 0000 42171 IIUILDIn*C INVI:STIGATION DO€) LZDZLo tttt'-R'T)l A-t/,4 ft I'EC APPLICA-I]I ON FE I'S 0 0000 4 _ri0 ADDI I IONAL LiKT.A '2)O"s200.00 0 o(|00 4 Jl0 CONDITION^ L USE PI:RMll s200,00 U oo00 4 330 EXTI:RIOR ALTF-RATION tLIiSS Tl IAN 100 SO.FT.s200.00 0 oo00 4 330 L,XTERIOR ALTIIR T|ON IMORI; TIIAN I00 SO.FT.s500.00 (,0000 4 ji0 SPI:CIn L Dl:VI:LOP\ll:n-T DISTIIICT f Nl:W 51.)00.u0 o 0000 4 310 SPECIAL DEVI--LOPMENT DISTI{ICT IMNJOR NN,IEND s I,000.00 (.)(,()00 4 l-10 SPI:CIA L DEV I:LOPM I:n\ T D I STR ICT II\,1 I NO tt AM I:ND s200.00 0 oo00 4 i30 SUBDIVISION 0 0000 4 li0 VARIANCE s250.00 o oo00 4 330 ZONINC CODIJ AMIJNDMENTS s250.00 0 u)00 4 l_j0 RE - ZONL.NG 5200.ut} OTHER {OT]{ER tl ITOTAL: l,Zf:nlrb ..,**.-*, ftP Ytl'laD u. DIS cAss r_.,*,,W;_L n. o L)*o..u"' Lv) 1" / /) TIMES NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL MECHANICAL PERMTT Permit #: M95-0118 TA'fN OF VA 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Addregs...:Location......: Parcel No.....:Project Number: Department of Communiry Development APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER CONTRACTOR Description: ADDITION F i reotace Infornation: Restt.ictcd: 1498 SPRING HILL LN 2t0L-092-07-009 PRJg5-014 6 GALLINA COMPANY P O BOX 1990, EAGLE CO 81631 GALLINA COMPANY P O BOX 1990, EAGLE CO 81631 STEVINSON PATRICIA A 13395 BRAUN RD, GOLDEN CO 80401 METRO MECHANTCAL SERVTCES, INC 5910 INGALLS ST,, #B, ARVADA, CO Phone: 3039263 445 Phone: 3039263445 Phone: 303-940-3800 5, 000 . 00 fof Uood/Pa l, Let: Status. . .applied.. fssued. . . Expires. . 80003 VaLuation: tof 6as Logs: ISSUED 08 /08 /rees 03/12/ree6 oe /o8 / 19e6 *tn*#(*lr*#ffi*ffiJr**l**ff*lHr*|Hr*|********##(******** FEE SUtll'IARY *Jr*****ff*ffi*ffi****ffi*****#*#ffi***t*** l{echani ca [---> Ptan Check---) Investigatjon> t i l. L Cal, t---> Restuarant PLan Revi eH--> DRB Fee-------- TOTAL F EES--_- #of Gas Appt i ances: Additionat Fees--------> Tot€ [ Permit Fee-------> Paynents------ 100.00 25.00 .00 3. O0 .00 Total Cal,cutated Fees--->12E. 00 .00 128. 00 12E.@ .00 128.00 ffiffi*****ffift*rr*trffi*ffi**********************ffi*t****ffi*ffi*******----:iS:l:1fi**-*;;l**.********S*** IFqB.1 ,91190 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:08/08/1995 DAN Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL *****tk**********************J.*************************************************** DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknov ledge that I have read,this apptication, fitted out in ful,l, the infornation required, coipteted an accurate ptot Ptan, and statc that atl the infor]ation provided as required is correct. t agree to corpl.y vith the iniornation and ptot p!an,to compty lrith al'l' Tovn ordinances and state taus, and to buitd this structure according to the Toyn's zoning and subdivision codes' design revieH aPProved, uniform 8uil,din9 code and other ordinances of the lown appt.icabl.e thereto. ttPHoNF AT 479-2138 0R AT oUR oFFICE FRoll E:00 A 5:0O pll {,2 *u""'uo '*"* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P95-0L17 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 APPTICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER CONTRACTOR Description: P Lumbi ng----> PLan check---> Invest i gati on> Department of C ommunity D eve lopment Job Address Location. . . Parce.I No. .Project No. 1498 SPRING HILL 2L0L-092-0? -0 09 PRJ9 s-014 6 LN Status. . . Applied..Issued... Expires. . Phone 2 30392 I S SUED oB /08 / tees 03/12/tee6 oe/08/Lee6 63445 GALLTNA COMPANY P O BOX t990t EAGLE CO 81631 GALLINA COMPANY P O BOX L990, EAGLE CO 81631 STEVTNSON PATRICIA A 13395 BRAUN RD, GOLDEN CO 80401 METRO MECHANTCAL SERVTCES, INC 5910 TNGALLS ST., #Bf ARVADA, CO ADDITION Phone z 3039263445 Phone: 303-940-3800 10, 000 . 00 80003 Valuation: ffi**ffi*rffitnh*rdrffir*ffi*lrt#**#****iitinffi****** f EE SUI'ltlARY 150.00 37.50 .00 Restuarant P tan Revi eH--> TOTAL FEES----- .00 Total catcutated Fees---> AdditionaI Fees---------> TotaI Pernit tee--------> 190.50 .o0 190.50 accurate ptot and plot ptan, subdi vi sion 190.50 lliLL ca[l.---> 3.00 PaYmenls----- BALANCE DUE_-- *****lrffi*ir*ffffi*****ffitr(ffr*ffi***Jr*ffi****ff**t*******ff**t**ffi******ff*ffi**#**ffi*****#ffi* Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/08/1,995 DAN Acrion: APPR Dept: BUILDING Di-vision: ***ffffi**t*rn**ff*trjrtrffi******rt*****J**rffi#****tr********ffi*ffi#ffi*****************fl***ffirHrft**ffi******frt* CONDITION OF APPROVAL ******ir**Lt***ffi**ffi***rrh********lri*lr*************ff****************ff***************rt*ff****ffi*ffrrtr*******ffiffi DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that t havc read this apptication, tilted out in futl, the infornation requined, compteted an p[an, and state that att the information provided as required is correct- I agree to compty Hith thr infor]ation to comply ]rith atl Tovn ordinances and state [avs, and to buil,d this structure according to the Toun's zoning and codes, design reviev approved, Uniforn Buitding code and other ordinances of the Tovn appIicabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I,IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVA CE BY TELEPHONE Af QE-'13A/6R. AT OUR OFFICE FROII nil;///^-- FOR HITISELF AND {p *r"r"r"o r*r* NOTE: TH]S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-21s9 FAX 970-479-2452 OWNER E Iectri ca [---> DRB Fee Invest igat ion> tli L t ca l. l.----> TOTAL FEES-_> Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. 90.00 .00 .00 3.00 93.00 1498 SPRING HILL LN 2L0L-O92-0 7-00 9 PRJ9 5-014 6 Status. . . applied.. fssued. . . Expires. . Phone: 30392 I S SUED 08 /08 /res5 03/72/7ss6 oe/08/1,ee6 6344s TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT D ep artment of Community D eve lopme nt Pernit #: 895-0161 APPLICANT GALLINA COMPANY P O BOX 1990, EAGLE CO 81631 CONTRACTOR GALLINA COMPANY P O BOX t990, EAGLE CO 81631 STEVTNSON PATRICIA A Phone z 3039263445 Phone: 303-940-3800 co, sEE ALSO 180-M 80003 Valuation:5, 000 .00 13395 BRAUN RD, GOLDEN CO CONTRACTOR METRO MECHANICAL SERVICES 80401 5910 TNGALLS ST., *8, ARVADA, Description: ADDITION FEE SUITI.IARY Total Catcutated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> Total Permit Fee--------> BALANCE DUE---- 9t.00 .00 93.O0 93.00 .00 *ffiffi**fi*'r*fi*ff*Jr'.**lt**********'Hr*'H(lHr****fiff(*tr*ffi*fi*ffi*fi*******fr#*ffi*ffiffi*ffi**ffi*H(**tffiffi Dept: BUILDING Divisi-on: *'t**Llih*****ffi*ffi*ffffi***i********lr**tlrlrtt,(r.ilrti*****ffiffi***ff#ffi*ffi***#***ffi*ffiffi**t*ffiffiffi*** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ffi*ffi**ffi*'|'|Jr**'(,t***ff***ff***'r***t *****rr**ff*fi***#ffi***ffi*ffi********#****Jr*ffi1*Hffi*ffi*ffi* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fiLl,cd out in ful,l, the information required, cot@Leted an accurate plot ptan, and state that a[[ the information provided as nequired is corrcct, t agree to compl.y vith the information and pl.ot pl,an/to comPly }rith al't ToL'n ordinances and stat. [aws, and to buiLd this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buil,ding cgde and other ordinances of the ToHn appl,icabLe thereto- REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE I4ADE TIIENW-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 179-2BA oR AT OUR OFFICE FROII E:OO Al,l 5:OO P ,//Zzdrr----- Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 08/08/1995 DAN Action: APPR {2 *tn uorut^ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrrNit #: M95-0118 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 Job Address...:Location......: Parcel No.....:Project Number: D epartrnent of Conmunity Deve lopment APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER CONTRACTOR Description: ADDITION F i reptsce Infornation: Restricted: 1498 SPRING HILL LN 2IOL-092-07-009 PRJg 5-014 6 GALLINA COMPANY P O BOX 1990, EAGLE CO 81631 GALLINA COMPANY P O BOX 1990, EAGLE CO 81631 STEVINSON PATRICIA A 13395 BRAUN RD, GOLDEN CO 80401 METRO MECHANICAT SERVICES, INC 5910 INGALLS ST., #8, ARVADA, CO Phone: 3039263445 Phone z 3039263445 Phone: 303-940-3800 5, 000 .00 ,Of l,ood/Pat Let:#Of Gas AppIiances: Status. . applied. Issued.. Expires. 8000 3 Valuation: fof Gas Logs: .: ISSUED .: o8/08/tees .: 03/t2/t996 . : oe /08/1,996 *ffffiffiffi**ffit*ft*ff*ffffiff****ff*ffi*t FEE SUMI',IARY ffi*********ffft*ffiffiff.rh#.*rHffiffi* ll!chani ca [---> Ptan check---> Restuarant Plan Revies--> 0RB fee-------- ToTAL FEES----- 1@.00 25.00 .00 .00 128.00 Total Catcutated tees---> AdditionaL fees--------> Tota[ Perrit Fec-------> 128.00 128.m 128.00 .m Investigation> .00 tli tt ca L t---->3.00 *ffiffin**ffi*ffi*fffi***ffi*******}*****ffftrffi**ffi*****rr**rn************l*lxi*l5;;;i*********"*;s*** I!eE!.,9!190 9IJILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:08/08/1995 DAN Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL ************************************Jr******************************************* DECLARATIONS I _ hereby .acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, f il,l,ed out in futt the information required, conpteted an accurate plot Ptan, and statc that atl the infornation provided as requi red is cofrect. I agfee to compl,y Hith the information and plot ptan,to compl'y t,ith att Tovn ordinanc"s and st€te laws, and to buitd this structure according to thc Tovn,s zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, uniforr Euil.ding code and other oidinances of thc Town appt.icable thcreto. {S *rrr""ro r*r, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PTUMBING PERMIT Perrnit #: P95-011? 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I i9 FAX 970-479-2452 OWNER Deparnnent of Community Development 13395 BRAUN RD, GOLDEN CO 80401 CONTRACTOR METRO MECHANICAL SERVICES, INC 5910 TNGALLS ST., #8, ARVADA, CO 80003 Description: ADDITION *ffi*#l***ffi**ffi !Hr*****************ffi *|H* FEE APPLICANT GALLINA COMPANY P O BOX 1990, EAGLE CO 81631" CONTRACTOR GALLINA COMPANY P O BOX 1990, EAGLE CO 81531 STEVINSON PATRTCIA A Phone: 3039263445 Phone: 303-940-3800 Valuation:10r000.00 SUI'|I4ARY ********##*irrdii**fi *ff **ff ****L****ffi *tt*****trtr** .00 190.50 TotaI catcutatcd Fees---) 190.50 Job Address Locati-on. . . Parcel No..Project No. 1498 SPRING HILL 2101-092-0?-009 PRJ95-0146 LN Status. . annl i cd. . Issued. . . Expires. . Phone: 30392 Additionat Fees---------> Total Permit Fee--------> I S SUED o8/08/tee5 B/12/ree6 oe /08 /tee 6 6344s P Iumbi ng-----> P lan check--> Invest igat i on> 150.00 37.50 .00 Restuarant Ptan Rev i ev--> TOTAL FEES-----.00 190.50 tli l.l. cal.t----> 3.00 Paymenlg----- BALANCE DUE_--*t**ffitfft**lr:***lr|t*tt**rffi *tift *ffiitrtf tffir*ffi 'H*ff **ft **tff *fr ffi **ffi ***#*ff *ffi ffi tffi ***#fi ffi #ffi * Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/08/7995 DAN Action: APpR Dept: BUILDING Division: *H********H*****#********ff***********##************##H**rr***#ffi****H*ffirtff*ff*********#**ir*rffitr** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ********ffiffi**ffi***:htrrffi***/rtl****ffifrffi#***:t*****ff********tr*****************ffi*#******ffiffi**ff**ffliffitit**r** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutedge that I have read this apptication, fil,l,ed out in fuLl, the information required, conpteted an accurate ptot Ptan, and state that atl the infoamation provided as required is correct. I agree to conply r{ith the infornation and ptot pt8n,to compty with al,l. Tonn ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structure according to the Tovn's zoning and subdivisibn codes, design reviev approved, uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Toyn appl,icabtc thereto. REouEsrs FoR rNsPEcrroNs SHALL BE r'rADE rr.tENrY-FouR nouRs IN ADVANCE BY trt rro*mn3F)AyFFIcE FRorl SIGNATURE OF FOR HII'ISELF AI.ID OINEN {2 *'n"'o 'u"* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-24s2 APPTICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. .00 3.00 1498 SPRING HILL LN 2L0L-092-0 7-009 PRJ95-0146 Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Phone: 3Q392 93.@ .00 93, OO 95.00 .00 ISSUED o8 /08 /tee5 03 /12/1.es 6 oe / o8 /res 6 63445 TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT Department of Contmunity D eve lopment Permit #3 E95-0161 13395 BRAUN RD, GOLDEN CO 80401 CONTRACTOR METRO MECHANICAT SERVICES 5910 INGALLS ST. , #B, ARVADA, CO, SEE Description: ADDITION FEE SUITI'IARY Etectricat--->90.00 GALLINA COMPANY P O BOX 1990, EAGLE CO 8163t GALLINA COMPANY P O BOX 1990, EAGLE CO 81631 STEVINSON PATRICIA A DRB Fee Phone z 3039263445 Phone: 303-940-3800 ALSO 180-M 80003 Valuation:5, 000 .00 lnvest i gat ion> Ui !1. ca L L----> TOTAL FEES---> 93.00 TotaI Catcutated Fees---> Additional Fees---------> Tota( Pernit Fee-------> Paynents------- BALANCE OUE---- ffi1*,('s*|H(ffi(H***ft(*Jr**ffiffi***hift:sfti**ffifftffiH******ffi***#ffi*ffi*ffi*ffi*fftrffiff**fftff.***ffiffi Dept: BUILDING Division: *ir*ff ff ffi **/r'tffi *fi *ffi **ffi *****'t***ff **ffi lr't*lilr**ff *ffi *ff **t*ff **ffi *****riffi *ffi *#**H**ffi *#*ffi ff ffi *#* CONDITION OF APPROVAL ffi*Jr*iikH***ffi***#*}********ff*****ffi**'rtrt*fi*********,******ff*ir***ff*tffi*lffiffiffi*fflrffi'd.ir**** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknow[edge that I have read this app[ication, filied out in lul,L the information required, conpl,eted an accurate plot p[an, and state that al'[ the inforDation provided as requi red is correct. I agree to compl.y vith the information and pLot ptan/to comPly vith atl, Town ordinances and state [aHs, and to oui[d this structure according to the Toun,s zoning and subdivision codes/ design review approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinanccs of the Town appLicabl,e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE I'IADE TiIENTY-FOUR H0URS IN ADVANCE 8Y TELEPHONE Af 479-213A OR AT OUR OFTICE FRol't 8:OO Att 5:OO Pti pH< Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 08/08/1995 DAN Action: APPR {S ,""rrrro ruu, TOWN OF VAIL Id: ACTP135 Keyword: UACT User: LORELEI Activity'Maintenance - Fee Surunary' permil No: 'E95-0161 Applicant: GALLfNA CoMPANY Status: ISSUED Addressz t498 SPRING HILL LN 03 /L2 /e 6 ce6€e€eeeee6e6eee6e6€€eeEeEee€e€€€e6eeeeeeeeeee6e€6eeeee€eeee€eeeeE6e6e€eeeee6€€x Calcu]ated Fees: 93.00 Total Fees: 93'00E r Additional Fees: .OO Pa)rmentsz 93'00E x ToLaI FeeB: 93.00 Balance: '00q aeeee6eee66eeeeeeee€eeeeeee€€e€€e6eee6eeeeeee66ee6eeeeeee6eee€ee6eee6eeeeeeeee€* eeee€e€€6eee6eeeeeeeee€eeeeee6€e6eeeeeeeeeeeiieee€e66eeeeeeee€e6€e666eeeeeeee€eet E Entered Tine Type Method Anount PoEted Notat'ion Receipt u 0666e666656edeeee666e666656 ee66eeeee666666e66666666666e66ee6666 ee6eeeeee66e6665fr i oiytzlsa 08:43 patrmenr cHEc 93.00 03/L2/96 #8071 tr EI E *** End of FiIe *** _tt aeeee6eee6eee6eeee€eeeeeee€€eeeeeee6eeee6eeeeeeeee6eeeeee€e6ee€€eets66eee66eeeee+position bar and press ENTER to REPRINT receipt. ESC=Return to menu. n tr E EI It It I **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statennt :l * * * *.* * * * * * * * *'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * statemnt Number: REc-0117 Anount: 190'50 03/12/96 o-e-:11 ?.a'E,?,r, N^+A.Fi^h. *nO?1 Init: I'IAC Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #8071 P95-011? Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT 2LOL-092-07-009 1498 SPRING HILL LN Total Fees: 190.50 Total ALl, Pmts: Balance: **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Description PLI'MBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 190.50 190.50 .oo Anount 1s0. o0 37.50 3. O0 **************************************************************** TOWN OF VA-IL, CoLORADO Statemnt **************.****:t********************************************* statemnt Number: REc-011? Amount: 128'00 03/12/9.6 0-8-:15 -p"y.""t Method: CHECK Notation: #8071 rnit: lr['AC Total Fee6: 128.00 Total ALL, Pmt6: Balance: ,r*************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L3L2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 M95-0118 TYPe: 2toL-092-07-009 1498 SPRING HILL B-MECH MECEANICAI, PERMIT LN 128.00 128. 00 .00 DescriPtion MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CAI-,,L INSPECTION FEE Amount 100.00 25.0O 3.00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLI'MBING PERMIT JOb AddTCSS: 1498 SPRING HII-,L LN Location...: Parcef No.. : 2lOL-092-07-009 Project No. : PRJ95-0146 GAI,LINA COMPANY P O BOX 1990, EAGLE CO 81631 GALLINA COMPANY P o Box 1990, EAGLE CO 81631 STEVINSON PATRICIA A 13395 BRAIIN RD, GOLDEN co 80401 METRO MECHANICAL SERVICES' INC 5910 TNGALLS ST., #8, ARVADA, CO 80003 Status...: APPROVED Applied..: 08/08/L995 riiued...: 08/08/L9e5 Expires..: 02/04/1-996 Phone z 3039263445 Phone z 3039263445 Phone: 303-940-3800 AT #: ON JOBSITE Permit ALL TIMES P95-0117 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OI'INER CONTRACTOR Descri-ption : ADDITION FEE SUIII{ARY Valuation:1o,0o0. oo Restuarant Ptan Revie},--> TOTAL FEES---.- .00 190. 50 Total cal.cutated Fees--> 190- 50 Ptumb'i ng-----> Plan Check---> Investigation> lli L l, Cal. L----) 150.00 37.50 3.00 AdditionaL Fces---------> Tota L Permit Fee-------) .00 190.50 .00 190.50 Payment BALANCE DUE---- Dept: BUILDING Division:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARIUEN!-o6l06/ig9s oex Action: APPR **** CONDITION OF APPROVAL *t***t***l**i**** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoyLedge that t have read this appLic€tion, f il,l,ed out in ful'L the information requi Fed, conPteted an sccurate plot ptan, and state that aLt the infornation prov;ded as requirgd_ i_s coirect. I agrec to conPty vith the infornation and ptot Ptan/ to coryLy Hith al,t Torrn ordinances and state !aws, and io buiLd this structure according to the Tounrs zoning and subdivision codes,'dlsign review approved, unifofm BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Toun aPPticable thereto' REouEsrs FoR lNspEcrtoNs sHALL BE mADE TuENTy-FouR HouRs rN AovANcE BY TELEPHoNE Ar 479-?13a oR AT ouR oFFtcE FRotl 8:00 Atl 5:00 Pfi NOTE:PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 895-0161 o THIS ;Iob Address Location... Parcel No. . Project No. .m 3.00 95.00 APPLICANT GALLINA COMPANY P O BOX 1990' EAGLE CO 81631 CONTRACTOR GALLINA COMPANY P o Box 1990, EAGI-,E CO 81631 OI,VNER STEVINSON PATRICIA A 13395 BRAUN RD, GOLDEN CO 80401 CONTRACTOR METRO MECHANICAL SERVICES 5910 INGALLS ST.' #8, ARVADA, CO, Description: ADDITION 1498 SPRING HILL LN 2L01.-092-07 -009 PRJ9s-014 6 Status...: APPROVED Applied..: 08/08/79e5 ri;ued...: 08/08/rees Expires. . : 02/04/L996 Phone z 3039263445 Phone z 3039263445 Phone: 303-940-3800 sEE ALSO 180-M 80003 Valuation:5, 000.00 FEE SUI ARY TotaL Cal.cuLated Fees---> 95-m E lectri ca t--> 90.00 DRB Fee Additional Fees-------> Totat PerBit Fee-------> Payment BALANCE DUE-... .00 93.00 .00 93.m Investi gat i on> tli l, I Ca L l,----> TOTAL FEES---> Ite.m: .06000 ELECTRICAI-, PEPARTMqNT oel06/rsgs PAN Actj-on: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: *******t*****t*i CONDITION OF APPROVAL r*******i******* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutedge that I have read this apptication, fitLed out in fuL[ the information requi red, corPLeted an accurate ptot pLan, and state that al,L the information providcd as required.is correct. I agree to compl'y with the infoPmation and ptot pl'an' to conpl,y lrith al.l, Town ord,inances and state [aws, and io buil,d this structune according iothe ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvei, unito"t Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the Tovn appticabte thereto' REauEsrs FoR INspEcrIoNs SHALL BE rADE TrlENTy-FouR HorJRs tN AovANcE BY TELEPHoNE Ar 479-21]g oR AT ouR otFIcE FRoll E:m $l 5:0o Pi| ETemrune oF otnEn oR coNTRAcroR FoR HIIISELF At{D oUNER NOTE: TH]S PERMIT MUST MECHANICAL 1498 SPRING HILL LN 2tot-092-0 7-0 0 9 PRJg5-014 6 GALLINA COMPANY P O BoX 1990, EAGLE CO 8L631 GALLINA COMPANY P o Box 1990, EAGLE CO 81631 STEVINSON PATRICIA A 13395 BRAUN RD, GOLDEN co 80401 METRO MECHANICAL SERVICES, TNC 5910 TNGALLS ST., #8, ARVADA' co #0f Gas Appl,iances: StAtUS...: APPROVED Applied..: 08/08/199s riiued...: 08/08/19es Expires..: 02/04/L996 BE POSTED PERMIT ON JOBSITE Permit AII., TIMES M9 s-0118 303-940-3800 5r000.00 fof l,ood/Pa l,let: AT #: Job Address...: L,ocation......: Parcel- No.....: Proiect Number: APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER CONTRACTOR Descript j-on: ADDITION Phone z 3O39263445 Phone z 3039263445 Phone: 80003 Valuation: #0f Gas Logs:Fi reptace Infornation: Restri cted: FEE SUIII'IARY tlechan i cal--) Ptan check---> lnvest igat i on> ' uJi l,I, cal. t---> 100.00 25.00 .00 5-m Restuarant Ptan Revierr--> TOTAL FEES----_ "00 128.00 Total, catcul,ated Fees---> Additional Fces-------> Totat Pe.nit Fce-----) Paynents------ BALANCE DUE-__ 128.00 .m 128.00 .00 12E.00 Iten: .051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT-08/08/1995 DAN Actron: APPI< DepT: BUILDING DiViEiON: CONDTTION OF APPROVAL ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoHl,edge that I have read this apptication, til,l,ed.out in full' the information requi red, compl'eted an accurate ptot p[an, and statc that att ttre iniormation provided as required is coFrect. .l agree to cotPl'y iith the informat ion and p[ot p[an' to corp1y yith att rovn oJinances and state [aus, and io buiLd this structure according iothe Tovn's zoning and suMivision codes, design revi"r app.oiJ;'Gif;;; i"iiJi"g i6de ano other ordinances of the Tovn applicable thereto' REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2l.3A OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI{ 8:OO Ail 5:OO P SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OIINER Metro Mechanical Services 5910 Ingalls St., Unit B, Arvada, CO80003 940-3800 FAX 940-2510 Town of VaiI 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vai1, CO 81657 RE: STEVINSON PROJECT To whom it nay concern, 2/t4/e5 After reviewing the permit application please give ne a call with the exact fee and I will get a check nailed to you. If you have any questions I can be reached at 303-940-3800. Thank you, liletro Mechanical Services, Inc. (/^/ B^,r.- Val Brown Corp Sec TffMMil v- TOWN OF VAIL Id: ACTP150 Keyword: UACT User: LORELEI Activity Maintenance - Inspection Processing permil No: E95-0161 Applicant: GALLINA CoMPANY STAIUS: ISSUED AddTCSS: 1498 SPRING HILL LN Item DescriPtion I2O A ELEC-Rough 190r A ELEC-Final nah+. Times Begin End Lo /28/e6 ELECTRICAL PERMIT BUILDTNG DiV: Elpsd EntrY t45 :45 :45 Sel-ect Inspection Item: L2O (E=Entries- A=Approved r=Required Inspection n=Additional Notations recorded) Fl=Add item F2=Next F3=First Fs=Reguests F6=Notations ENTER=SeIect ESC=Exit TOWN OF VAIL Id: ACTP150 Keyword: UACT User: LORELEI 10/28/96 Activity Maintenance - Inspection Processing ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit No: E95-0161 Applicant: GALLINA COMPANY StAtUS: ISSUED AddTCSSI L498 SPRING HILL LN Inspection Item: 00190 Description: ELEC-Final rnspection Date InsPector Action Notation 09/18/96 EG APPR APPROVED 0e/L8/96 EG APPR APPRoVED a9/t8/96 EG APPR APPROVED No I 2 5 Enter option:A=Add an Entry C-change an Entry D=DeIete an entry F2=Next Item F3=Previous Item F4=Next 12 Entries F5=First 12 ESC=Return Entries to ltem List TOWN OF VAIL Id: ACTP150 Keyword: UACT User: LORELEI 10/28/96 Activity Maintenance - Inspection Processing ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit No: 895-0161 Applicant: GALLINA COMPANY REFTt3l TOl.lN OF UAIL, COLORADO 69/3illqL O6:56 REGUESTS FOR INSFECTION hIORK SHEETS FDRt 9/36/96 PABE 19 AREfl: CF Aetivityr Hddre s s : Locat i on : Parce I : De scr'i pt i on : Appl icant : Own er': Cont ract or: ttlg5-O1lA 9/38/96 Type: E-FIECH 149S strRINE HILL LN =1O1-'aqe-47-gqg ADDITION } t. EFILLINA trtrI{trANY STEUINSUN trflTRICIA A GALLINA CBFIPANY Status: FINAL Eonstr: ASFR Ocr--: Use: Fhone: 3639163445 Frhone: Phonp: 3O39863445 Inspeet i on Request Inforration'... Requestor: EALLINA Req Tire: 68:OO Corrents: AFTER Iteas requested to be Inspected... SO39A HECH-Final Phone: 9?6-3445 9 :S8 REtrHECH RITCHEN DISHI4ASHERf,IIR Act i on Cf'qoent s ,//'*j.r,, .-r,-rr,t. .:... r!... Ti re Exp Inspect i on History.-..- Iten: El0396 MECH-Final $S/17/gb Inspector: CD 7-3c,?[, Act i nn." APPR APPROVED (* REtrT 131 TDtfN OF Uf,IL, f,OLORADO A9/18/96 O6:46 RECUESTS FCIR INSF'ECTION NORK SHEETS FORz 9/I8/i6 F'AGE L? AREA: trF Agtivity: P95-O117 9/L819& Type: B-trLt'tB Status: ISSUED tronstr: ASFR Addressr 1498 SPRING HILL LFI Locat i on : ParceI : ?1O1-O92-97-SO9 Description: trDDITION Applirant : GALLINfl COltttrANY Owner: STEUINSON trATRICIA A Contraetor': GAI-LINfl COFItrANY Occ: Use: Fhone: 3639263445 Fhone: Fhone: sfi..:9263445 Inspeetion Request Infarration.. - 'Requestcr: DEAN/EALLINn COFTPANY Req Tine: tl1 :Og Corrent s : Iters requested to be Inspeeted'. . 6Sa9O trL148-Final Fhone: 476-OOE3 Tire Exp Cornen Inepection Iter: Iter: Iter: Iten: Ites: Iterl ItEa: History./.... Oo.?\fr trLFlB-Undergro und OO.Z?U trLFlB-Rough/D. tl. V. OOE3O PLMB-Rough/llat er AAIE4U FLMB-Gas tripinq g7/U3196 Inspectrr: CF OTllt/96 Inspeetor: GD O0a56 trLHB-trool,/Hot Tub O0e6O trLlYlB-Misc. 87/tA/96 Inspector: EG rlOeg0 trLlttB-Finel 69/L7-/96 Inspeetor: CD Art ion: DN Action: AtrtrR Action: APtrR Action: DN 3O LB GRGE RET]UIRED 36{+GFIUGE USED lOtrSI AIR 1O psi NB I{ITCHEN ACtrEss REPTl3I e9/16196 O6:51 REGUESTS FOR INStrECTItlN l,lORK SHEETS FOR: 9/16/96 Activity: I495-O11S 9/16/96 Type: B-MECH Status: ISSUED Constr: ASFR Addregs: l49B SF'RING HI[-L LN Locat i on : Farce I : De scri pt i on: App I icant : 0wner l Cont ract or: TOWN OF UAIL, COLORADD PAEE AREA: CF r101-G9=-07-OO9 ADDITIfIN GflLLIHA COFIPANY STEVINSON PATRICIA A GALLINA I:OFIPANY Occ: Use: Fhone: 3O39263445 Fhnne l Phone: 3639?63445 Inspect ion Request Inforeat ion- . . . - Requestor: UIC GALLINA Req Tine: Ol:OO Corrent s: Iters reqr-tested to be Inspeeted'.. 06390 lttECH-Final Fh on e : 3(t3-9 4O-38OEI o"frr'"flfVorvQ Tire Exp In=peetion History...., Iter : o'o'eBg IIIECH-Rouqh Iter: Ao.P-48 trLFlE-GaE Piping Iter: AO3IB ltlECH-Heat ing Itee: 6O3eO HECH-Exhaust Hoods Iter: Ag33A HECH-Supply Air Iten : 8,fr34q MECH-ttlise. Itet: O039O ltlECH-Final REpTt3l TO[.'N OF UF|IL, COLORADO 89./19/96 86:46 REAUESTS FOR INSpETTIDN l.lORK SHEETS FOR: 9/LB/96 PAGE AREA: EE ?4 Activity: Fl.dre s s : Locat i on : Frarce I : Descr-i pt i on : Appl icant : Own er: Cont naet or' : E95-O161 9./lg,/96 Type: B-ELEC 1498 SPRING HILL LN P10r-o9a-s7-oog ADDITION GALLII.IA COIIPANY STEUINSON PATRICIA A GALLINA COIIPANY Status: ISSUED Constr: ASFR Occ: Use: Fhone : 3O39263445 F'hone: F'hone; 3O39263445 Inspect ion Request Inforrat ron. , . . Requestor: DEAN/GALLINA COHFANY Riq Tire: 8l to,6 tlorrents: Iters requested to be Inspeeted. .. SO19S ELEC'-Final Fhone: Cornent s 476-EOes Ti re Exp In speet i on It er: Iter: Itee: Itea: Iter: History-.... BOI IO ELEC-Terp. Fower AgtAO ELEC-Rorrgh g7/fr3/SE Inspectorr EG 07/16/96 Inspeetor: EG O0136 ELEC-Condrrit 09146 ELEC-lrli sc. ogrgg ELEC-Final Action: ftPtrR APtrROUED Aetion: AFPR APFRGUED TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development Department August 15, 1995 Appeat of a Design Fleview Board approval of a garage and a residential addition, using an additional 250 square feet of GFRA at the Stevinson residence, located at 1498 Spring Hill Lane/Lot 16, Block 3, VailValley 1st Filing. At the August 2, 1995 Design Review Board meeting, the Board approved, by a vote of 4-1 (Hans Woldrich opposed), an addition to the Stevinson residence, located at 1498 Spring Hill Lane. The adjacent property owner, Neal Groff, located at 1468 Vail Valley Drive has appealed the decision to approve this application. The proposed addition includes a one-car garage, expansion of the living room and an exterior balcony and stair addition on the north side of the building, as well as an enclosure of a balcony on the south side ol the building. The garage addition is approximately 300 square feet and the residential addition uses the additional 250 square feet of GRFA. The attached documents include a letter from Neal Groff appealing the decision, a site plan and elevation drawings of the proposed addition. SE\IT BY:8- 9-85 ; 15:20 ; THE llllDl 0[N 0F vAtL coN-DEVi# 2/ 3 THE MADISON GROTIP August9, 1995 INC. Ms. Laursn Walerton TownPlanner Offir:e of Commrrniry lleve.Jopment Town of Vail 75 Suutl Fruutlgc Road v8il, uu [I'i5'l DearMs. Waterton: I an writing to appe*d ttre hsip Revicw Board's approval of tbe epplicaf,on for arcbtecuual c,bmgcs to Pa$icia Stcvinson's prope,rty ar 1498 Spring Hills l-ane that n'as approved on August 2, 1995. I am r€questing that the Town Council overturn the Design Review Board's dccision, .h Lr myuo&rrtanding thatlrcofficcofCunrnrrityDcvctoprrcntwaspr,ovidcd an addrcsscuJunc2g tomy bome In Vail, l46E-A Yail Valley Drhe, advising rr of ttre addition ar tK Sievinsoo's hosn ard rhil dbe plurs werc lo be available for us to rcvicw for our approval or obicction. Wc havc not received thar Ietter.nordowcuse oruVa.iladdrcssasarnailingaddrers. The Stevinsonfamilyhaveheenfrienrlsofoun lbr 20 ycan and t $ink rcry highly of them individually and collectively. Uuforfirnately lvfr. Stevinson pa*rd away this pistyor ardhiscfrrr strouldbcwury addrcssandpbmcnumbcras b andlnrcricdcloxly fogether on num€rous Republican political lnaners for a pcrio<t of almo.qt 20 years, Dern Stevinson ma with ne m July 28, lars than one week heforc thc trcaring, in show rnc whlt thcy wr:rc ptoposiog ia tbeir plans. I lrtad Dean to view tbe progrned nddi1i91 fis6 slrny diffcront rooms on both levdsofury btarc :*r h:wuull urrrlastnrrd tlrpu[ilcut withthodcsigl@ imFrct rny vrew rc rIrueh aithe,Jrhns exbnd to thc ncntfi of the lrvne anrl eliminate our nxrtlrized view in ourbomoftbe"CrreRarge''. Stutldyculookallheviewtbe$evinsm'sendadop withinfuunnlope of lhe houce. a* crrrrently stnr<:hrred with ao cnckned balcony, by extending thc living rnom done their viewoftbCamRaaguurldbomaoytinusrlUofornhcrne, Tlreirplrnsworldcomplctelyciminnre6qrr risw fortbtdditioo,rfasccouilcargarage whichtdurtrt tlwy will rsr vrzy ruuuh as drcy ltrvcqlcut vcry little time in Yail over thc past t€n ycars. Onthe momilrgqt-August l.I left n'ord furPaI Stuvinrorr oqbcrans*eringrnirfiine mda.ffcrnrt rcceiving a cel.l hqck I cqll€d Grcg Stcvinson cady on thc rnoming of Augurst 2 and Creg eaid bc warld ga beck to ao irnrrrcdiarcly, I was rcfcrrcd to Scn{t Stcvinson in mid-qftc.noon b discuss tb prcbleur of Deau Slevitc!,n not bei ng available and my ffiIy reque$ was fnt they Inspone for two wrxJs their DesigD Review Bosd apgoval while our arcbitecLs nort togcther. Whcn I spoke with Scon, he pmhed he wcruld nend a letcr SON GR0IJP-T o 4rr82 Soulh Ul$lef St:ent P;rrtwiv. S(rile l3m, Denw', Colofado g(837 'J03r694.22i3{t SEM BY:8- 9-95 ; 15:21 ; THE NADI 0F v.{tl C0N-DEY:# 3/ 3 Ms. LsurcnWotorton Auguut 9, 1995 Page2 to Andy Krrfiscn b bare tbis naner cmtinuEd fof trryo wrcts pior to the fl:$ign Rsriew Boed- .Aller tbe Dcsign Rcview Boad neting be csllcd aDd Eaid hs htd d*idsd not to serd thc l€rtcr to Aody. Sinoc I bld undcrutood it n'ould bc continucd at Scoft's rulwsL I fclt I tr*l lo uctrl fur rupruscnucion u tb bcaring to obJcct to thc phn. A setofplats was delivend tn my officetytittgonRidns Iuly28, ondaltborgh IwasinVril,Ihadtrem pidodrpinDcwerend&iwrtoArpcnforlonyYtrwofCorlc"Grcybcol,YawAdrihct, fu,#lo9 2$- 2S6T,bwortorthcplaradruviowwithtlpStrviurn'sanldlrd- tanyhasbccuutdingonttfolans andi$tortrctwiththeirarchit€ctthcwc*ofAugust14, (Larrybasbccnonafamilyvrcationfortcn days.) I sgreo to wo* diligcotly with tbc Stc.vioson family end thcir alchitccr so thcy will harc en crccllont arllitir.u withut etimineing our view of tbc Gotc Rtngp. I hrrue Dcca lnvolvcd in tr Vail Valley fm 3l yean and t spcnd a largc gart of my life in the Vail Vallen It is my hope thet you will rcwrss the sDproval that we will work together with thc architccs. thst a dmetable bc set up and thr if wc cen'r agree then you folks would agree to e site inspection to do tbe right tbing for both parties. Sinccrely, U**q NcdC. Crcff cc: Lar4r Yaw SON GR0IJP-TOfiN o toR ,rv 'q/LL (A,v € c{ o ..l" lrl 2 j fr h hl 0- oZ o J ,aa lo , o,oo? 7 vAlL vALug4 FEga ns\'Q aoalt oF vAtL ebqL? couufS t CoLo%po o. +tl7 P+zts -Loz**r',.c.7 + r.rTrLra? *gas1gq, vtlJ.€ oF tA r.Co lJ{ b.6o!C o +({ +t a + -l \9 o N N tz.o.ao 'ffitr .m= E ,ffi -l s L f,f 1l o ts 4 r-il J ti 5 r\\l { L a l =+ I s l \l $qg ...{t-F 9i^ x\L \ro a S E s s { I \s tl \t J,t J + _l :s E s s .{. g 1l E + t a o rJ J {o ]q t}s N N o ,7 ),k/,- TOWN OFVAIL 'kt & pr4? lr7'v -zza f*Zr-n**) /o {L r' ./ C-rf,Z-t* /.- futt d/fooa-^'t n'j^rl"u '/f a. '-1 4--f-4, )t ' ,t --/zA-'oL L'O"/\./ \--'z d/,J^]"/ f't/' hu4rt /LLlfi- 7<zt2r'2"- TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA REOUEST (Request form must be given to the Secretary to the Town Manager by 8:00 a.m. Thursdays') MEETING DATE:August 15. 1995 (Prepare a separate Agenda Request for each agenda item. lf the agenda item will be discussed at both a Work Session and an Evening Meeting' be certain to check both boxes in this section and Indlcate tlme needed durlng each meeting.) " Work Session X Site Visit X Evening Meeting TIME NEEDED:- TIME NEEDED:20 MiNUIES TIME NEEDED: 15 minutes WILL THERE BE A PRESENTATION ON THIS AGENDA ITEM BY NON.TOV STAFF? x No. YES. Specifics;o WILLTHE PRESENTATTON OFTHTS AGENDA ITEM REOUTRE ANY SPECIAL EOUIPiIENT? x No. o YES. Specificsl WILL THEHE BE MATERIAL TO BE INCLUDED IN COUNCIL PACKET FOH THIS ITEM? o NO. X YES. lf yes, is the material also for pqblc-disllbutlotr? X Yes. o No. ITEM/TOPIG: Appeal by an adjacent property owner, Neal Groff, of an approvalby_the Design Review Bgltg_ tor'an aOiition u-sing an additional 250 square feet at the Stevinson Residence, located at 1498 Springhill Lane/Lot 16, Block 3, Vail Valley 3rd Filing. ACTION REOUESTED OF COUNCIL: Uphold, reverse, or modify the decision of lhe DRB. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: At the August 2, 1995, Design Review Board meeting, the Board approved (by a vote of 4-1) an addition to the Stevinson Residence, located at 1498 Springhill Lane. The adjacent neighbor, lgsated at 1468 Vail Valtey Drive has appealed lhe decision to approve this application. Please see the attached letter lrom the adjacent property owner lor luther informatlon. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: N/A l.- t\ / t Wttn etn-. MA#yfAyv Lauren Waterton, Communlty Development F:bveryon€\councif\rsquggs\$svinson,0809 Nfrt & FnD il il 1, I i;ffuUttiS6^J I ii L li I O t\urO A' IUn$t wuena-,lE ca# h? blfuz .I Vlry 1>n^* \FtV tD trohr! "vwte Vuar> rw*vd ltl+'( fw^ A*'w ^k 7M Mohorr L4 i 5-l h I i I tl @ QDnotA I -f,FWtbw4,I \\ wnduw nr*ny ilign Review Action Fan TOWN OF VAIL Category Number ,1 | .-, oate ( \Lir,rl,tz-t 7, t{5 \./ Project Name: '-: Building Name: Owner, Address and Phone: zone District L Comments: Fnpprovat i' \i,.-- n Disapproval I Statf Approval Conditions: 1 Town Planner t DESIGNRE BOARI) August 2,1995 3:00 PM. PROJECT ORIENTATION- * Discussion with Tom Moorhead SITE VISITS l. Timber Ridge - 1280 N. Frontage Rd. West 2. Dews - 278 Rockledge Road 3. Covered Bridge Pocket Park - S.E. comer of Covered Bridge by Russell's Drivers: Jim & Andy 2:00 ft "Jfr,r.^- F/.- l.Cone Residence - Interior Loft Addition 250 GRFA 4708 Meadow DriveAlnit lA, Bighom Townhomes Applicant Bramwell Cone GR(CS/AK) MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: 2. Stevinson - Garage, living room and balcony addition using an additional 250 sq. ft. LW(AK) allotment. 1498 springhill Lane, unit A/Lot 16, Block 3, Vail valley lst Filing. Applicanf Paticia Stevinson SECOND:A-("VorE: 4- l- a t'{-l tL 0/f4.<^- t -_tt /-Fra* 1280 North Frontage Road West/Timber Ridge Village' /l/.-,4 Applicant CyberCon Engineering n //"t1 MOTION:SECOND: VOTE: -4f{ tt r p VlL"-,| f MOTION: B^_,.. SE( "-tTt-*-A . tu , LA tL c ",n d; /'-..4fl,:,1,6 TL ,A -!.'4.1 {t-'{ Y-Ik -n,rl;, o^J c,zru-ti *.-<-,ffi #tffi (*^i,fr foi-t-"#'mn*rf 3, 4.Ying Residence - Changes to approved plans. 486 Forest Roadll.at l, Block l, Vail Village 6th Filing Applicant: Charles Ying represented by Bob Boymer Rs(Jc) MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: I ' 5. Dews - Conceptual review of a denno/rebuild of primary/secondary residence. LW(JC) 278 Rockledge Road/Lot 15, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant Julie Dews MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 6. Covered Bridge Pocket Park - Conceptual review of new park. RS(MM) S.E. comer of Covered Bridge by Russell's Applicant Town ofVail/ GregBarry MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 7. Sadler - New primary/secondary residence. 1950 Charnonix Landlot 34, Buffer Creek Subdivision. Applicant June Sadler MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED INDEFINITELY MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT GR StaffApprovals Fischer - Sliding door and window addition GR 356 Hanson Ranch Rd./ Part of Ipt D, Block 2, Vail Village I st Filing Applicant BrentAlm Jessop Residence - Mont deNeige RS 3025 Bmth Falls Rd./ Lot 12, Block l, Vail Village l3th Filing Applicant Tony Jessop Mariot Mark Resort - Emergency generator AK 715 W. Lionshead Circle./ lots C&D, Mscus SubdMsion Applicaat Lee Snyder Eye Pieces - Liffhouse Condominiums JC 555 E. Lionshead Circld l,ot 3, Block l, Vail Lionshead lst Filing Applicanf Daniel S. Barry F:\svoryonsurbbgond8\071 995 2 Nj ,--rN n{\<q\ ->,t R* \X$ -*1 5l ftl Single F LEGAL DESC ION: Lot ADDRESS: OWNER NRCHITECT ZONE CHECK ' FOR y Residence, Duplex, Pr ZO}IE DISTRICTS /Secondary BUILDABLE LOT AREA ExisLinq Proposcd ToLal o amil o imary DATE: (-\uuy t*,45 ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE la, (ono Iteiqht Tot,al GRFA 8H[** cnnn Allowed (30) (33)) 4tt,q+m.=qt 3 57b5 Ufr'.5 + 42s =J415- m1 L5n n99r- g$Ee.-r cnnn f[fl6[ + 425 =-M,,a+250-lJfiL- Sc Lbacks Fron t. 2Q' Z+Sides L5' -W Rear 15' T- sit.e coverase Lfb ?7Lb 4+s 4nT 4Y Landscapins (aolo h,vr) ll|l f?ts lV,Oza Retaining WalI lleights 3'/6' Parkins 6neqra b 4 pncr carase crccliL (300) (600) (900) @od'DI?frD Drive: PermiLLcd Slope % Proposed Slope Cornplies wiUh T.O.v. Liqhting Ordinance Yes No wat-er course Set-bacl< (30) (50) yl'.} Do Finish Crades Exceecl 2:L (50%) ' YES NO X Environmen t.a1 /Hazards :1) Flood Plain 2) Pcrccnt. Slopc (. > 3O?,) LTlh ....-_....._- 3) Geologic llazards a) snow Avalanche hO b) Rockfall V\,0 c) Debris Flow [n Wetlands '"7""r2'ln(alD * ?Ro?svry q$6 \b Ril$\A\N$\6r qRPA. ., il Sor1{ u\\T5 {NUE Ur$ i\\t alrrts .?ED , 7Usto 4) View Corridor Encroachmcnt: Yes uo ,filJ Does t-his reqriesL invoivu a 250 irtkiiLirrrr? \!h tlow much of ihc allowed 250 Addition is useEffiffE-Tfiis Previous condiEions of approval (check property fite): L0 ?u IRIC'D.rul 121995 a a Return to LAUREN WATERTON Town Planner INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT:D llrib €frrqql^i11 illl itq,B.r?= r /n, [] , Jnli^., i€ DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HenntttC COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION "Avl.ii.t-fg'n $7irL-1,6^ OF THE PROPOSAL: ,\ Anz g*^y 67c4.cz, aht\Luv i vlc5tu0?.r,r AgTIN('L Commenls: H""tS fr t F; fi lfr\:S;f * a+tr.ru ddddi t \ q\ . I s 6. re iain \\ q!e\ Rzr,e teS,,lom\+. r.ri3.d t il3nt2 PUBLIC WORKS tevtl€d 2t24ig3 Date of Application Date of DRB Meeting Date of pEC Meeting (if ner AppLtcATloN FOB ADDTTTONAL GHFA (250) 40ffi,,,2_ [,.Zrt . ,/i il.PRE-APPLICATION CONFEFIENCE A. PROJECT DESCFIIPTION A pre-application conference with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can o6 aooeJ to i site. lt should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA' Bather, the ordinance_allows for up to 250 souare felt r tn" .onoitions set forth in chapter 18.57 or chapter 18.71 of tne toG ot vaitiooe are-met. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete.This includes all information required on this form as well as Design Review Board submittal requirements. III. APPLICATION INFORMATION (if necessary) OF HEQUEST Standard 250 Type I EHU 250 Type ll EHU 250 Type V EHU 2S0 Legal Zone /)t:\A!r/{y B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addr""" Description:tot LA Di.tri"t NAME OF APPLICANT. Addr"" D. NAMEOFAPPLICANT,S REPRESENTATtvEW Address E.NAME OF OWNER(S): D+r.4, frt Signature(s)_fa"li,q-tz.- ft Ah)r-(-v"r---^- Phone Filing Fee of $200.00 is required at time of submittal of request involving an EHU, the fee is waived. Block J Filing F.a standard 250. For a Tlut'l l:tF r.Ji;L i[]t'.j-[r:!fi,:-'r;':.-J.15:t1Fl "E' irl , .;i i 1.. |?lr P,ffieiu': r.y!).d t/aI/la DESISN EEVIEW BOARD APPI,ICATION - TOVIN OF DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: **f,*ir**** PROiIgCT INFORI{Af ION :r. A.DESCRIPTIONT B. TYPE OF REVIEWI -New con6Eructton ($200 . 00) Ml'nor Alterablon ($20 . 00 ) -x Addlrion (950.00) conceptuaL Review ($0) C. ADDRESST n IJEGAI, DESCRIPTIONI LoL Block gubdivieion t-o thie application. E- F ZONING: QU?,6X r! property is deecribed bY description, pleaEe Provlde a meetg and bounds on a separate sheeL legaI and atbach NAME OF Maillng APPIJXC"ANT t ?*'i g I a vx .^.9T€vt$9or) Addresg ! Phone H. T .T NAI'{E OF llailing APPLIC.A}TT ' g Addrese; REPRESENTATIVE: 2 7Qu N.6W,aHg irQz Phone NN"TE OF OWNER(S)?A:i?tot* /\. 9TLvlw - zino Mailing AddreEB: Phone APPI'ICAIIIONS WTLL NOT EE PROCESSED WTTEOUT OTINER'$ STENATT'RE Condominiurn Approval if appricable. DRE FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are Lo be paid at the time of Eubnittal of the ons applicacion. Later, when appLylng for a bull.dlng pernit, please idenrlfy the accurate valuation of the propo$al . The Toqrn of VaiL will adjuet Lhe fee aceordlng to the table below, to ensure the correcL fee FrF aa^Illirl\Ilr.F .|lS...ry-EIJtL $ VAI,UATION 0 - $ 10,000 s r0, 001 - $ 50, 000 $ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $150, 001 $ 500,000 $500, oo1 - $1, 000, 000 S Over $1, 000, 000 FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $?00.00 $400. 0o $s00.00 DESIGI{ REVIEW BOAND APPROVAIJ E:XFTBES ONE YEAR ATTER PIN}.T.| AFFROVNL I'NI.,888 A BUIIJDTNg PER!lr'! Ig ISSUED ATiID CONSTRUCTION )J QpLo.4OvOEIt) 4O Port.ltt' brand tax transmittal msno 7671 IS STARTED. llil. L; "'._ :!li-lr:"1 !:r-lt'r-:4::rlFf i 1|'t5 1[r :1'l l]O.r-r[r5 Er f-: IrIST Of !|A'IERLAITB rraMs .\F Dpn.rrn'r AeofftoFJ aQ Q1€tll9og PL9tp€ul6 LEcAt, DEgcRrpTroN: LOr l(2 er.OCx 3 SUBDIVIS1ON yf1l- VLAL&1-A (wii4 STREET ADDRESS: The fol"l"owing inf,ormation l"e required tor submiLtal to Lhe Derign Review Board before a final approvaL can be. given: *ofp'. p.;"+ r4prA44-9 U9flo-q€l'o$ rPE LVi9'iiuq 'i*J; lLu cotEt?.ua'rt o J'To Y/tfcH 'iYltt-bq- €>tgfvq A. BUILDING MASERIALST Roof Siding other wa1 I Materials Fascia Soff its windows Window rrim Do0ra Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIUeE Flashlngs Chimneys Trash Enclo6ures Greenhouses Retaining Walts ExLerior Light r.ng other TYPE OF IIATERIAIj COIJOR A?E? BE^PD Li4A-f 64oul'L tJooe go/>QE),t^A( 6?ewr) Ao0o BPryO ,144f- gwvrtst vJoo? 9abQ4)LlqA-( gfzevttJ uPoQ PAFK e?-oaA v)paa PAreK gzovtu lJooo Lt4H( 6@ow ly'pop lzr\RK 6?DvtlJ wooa PARK 6?j'.lFI|-J. 9n#4 flL(,*gl-6o:rt 9r+6 t'tg(aw vt4vf 6lzl,rtrt NAaP 6at>e41 vl4Af aqovttt s,/a E!/b Jr/b 1r166t@*66w( gtNL Deeigmer; Phone: It LANDSCAPING: Nane of *t/* TLrUJli 0r ij;T: .-i-.F -i;:rt c.,=_.,,-i-, -,.r/., - zoNE eHEcK stngle Famity nesiaerr#l o,ror"*, ZONE DISTRICTS r4H1(J,i5 tOt2I f'la .005 F . 1Lr Primary,/Secondary DATEI ADDRESS: OIINER AficHrrEcr Rtc,A^e? J, fp.uvt rt ZONE DISTRICT P4?LEY Iror srzE 17 b S O 9a, f1.. u\rL st.tuc' -____::_z:-.- - -.--, \ t. ,, BUIITDABITE IrOT AREA fi luL+uoe Bt s.ft. (o?- bfifi4o7 ffHIXt:1.*!J,,gf.qqlyry, Artor,tred Exisrino proposed ror,al LEGAL DESCRTETION! Lot, i& efock 1= sulairrision watv vsw44 (rce| (vtlq F9 eegg 9?A06 (q- *6tr earflor)rlelghc (301 133 | r-to .llroz{As€ irr HfiqHf roral cRFA {,ot3 t b6o i z60 f rtg , f;f f * ,rt"6 WF, LAUREiJ llxf4tz-tott LETTER 9ATEA A,/lo/qi Primary GRFA + {zs o_ Secondary GRFA + 4ZS =_ seEbacks SiLe CoveraEe Landecaping neraining walI HeiEhts Parking Garage Credlt Drive: view Corrldor Encroachment! yeg 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche U/,A_ ._ ._b) Rockf al"L H/L ,c) Debris FIow lJ,/,a- Front Sidee Rear 20' 1qt 15, 414oz bo o/o-- 3t /61 2 Regrd /. U +b1 7 6o% (300) (600) (e00) (1200 ) izod (tgiliiE) Permilued slope h 4 aroposed Complies wlth T.O.V. r,ight,inE Ord,lnance yea Water Course Setback (30) (s0) Do Finish crades Exceed ZrX (s0t)NOX Envlronmental.,/Hazards :f) Flood Flain 2, Percenr SLope (< > 3Ot) s 't 6 Le>rg ) 4 enct slope 1 *b No vE_i c Does thj.e reguest involve a 250 AddiLion? 4AE How much of Ehe aL1owed 250 Addirlon 1e ueed;[;[Tis Previous sondiEions of approval (check piopetiv-iiret, 4) wetLande _ tl/x fequagt? -1f;l Francine Sears 47 Flying Point Rd. Storcy Creek, CT 06405 JUt 3 0 1995 UV- C0[t4|\4, D[y, iitpl June29, 1995 To whom it mayconoern: l-lg$V gyq fl{Tnpnt forlvln. Paricia A. Stevinsur to construct additional premises to hu resldenceat 1498 Spring Hill Iale, Unit A, Vail, Colorado. Francine Sean : ext,T. copga?uaalog :: uxlE1. oa!,IqvottoJ 1b 6€ Sqqav& ' . lJ41..t copga?IJt-(toF) J turaa@z- E?rce. .\e?tTror.lg' e?LL [-IAT?9 fA€- I\JTaI-JT Foz-ALL 4yTaZJoe- Papi-^-O 4!cv46p g7p.c$,A5 -fu' 9n5t9- ,a4e fiA'Lco:*j\ Ta O€ a. MtNtf4rJH o( 2r"/oo%tt eeqqg. .{ eyT6zlo?- ntf,|fut^Ut o? -f*a soetTtoa, 1a y,$cA Snnn*^e_:lilq ooEJOrf@$9. \9 o( setptalaFtg -riL"^q6 ( t' +u x z/-on),t\/tfJq eoofl ( tI'-,4F x l7'- lotz,t) ?EtsF tgt-?\, x ttl-tatt) 24q 5.6 2a3 162 6Q+ t.?. A"O|TJ?I-I T:a TFILE coPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V47e-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 June 16, 1995 Department of C ommunity Development Richard Paulin 1866 S. Jersey Way Denver, CO80224 RE: 1498 Spring Hill Lane Dear Richard: I have calculated the allowable Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), as well as the existing floor area. The numbers you submitted to me are slighfly different. Here are my calculations: Allowable GRFA Lot size = 17,630 15,000@25%= 3,750 2,630@ 1O%= 263 Credit (425 x 2) - 850 Total 4,863 250 for unit B 2S0 TOTAL 5,113 sq. ft. Existino GRFA Unit A Lower 629 Main 994 Upper 701 Ext. Stairs 135 TOTAL 2,459 Unit B 662 1,037 957 2,656 = 5,115 sq. ft. $NECYCLED PAPEE Garaoe Credit Garage credit @ 300 per space = 1,200 Existing garage space Unit A = 391 Existing garage space Unit B = 600 Total = 991 Remaining for Unit A = 21g Unit A (the Stevinson's) can add 219 sq. ft. of garage space anct add an additional 250 sq. ft. of riving space. The proposio aooition Lxcieos these amounts. Site Coveraoe Allowable (17,630 @ 20%)= 4,407 sq. ft. Existing = 2,46g sq. ft. Remaining = 1,g38 sq. ft. I hope these numbers are helpful. Let me know if I can be of any more assistance. Sincerely, !-/t^rr"r" llfu4hv Lauren Waterton Town Planner rri:a Retum tO Lauren Waterton Town Planner W tryr'nr1|ul\ tnnr, {c,f tbY R\o. l'-3 t PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: &dcf rhpyr c,t fru- :pare- S, (-uvi\rbuvn c,/id,J0c'y-., Reviewed by: Comments: / \f) FIR3 DEPT o>r 8 11- s FE o $F ift: ;fEs ,;E; .i*iq ,tiu ,:*e ,j=?* ;!u n i Es " i $ d EE 3;!i ;ii$ =i$ ,i'i' *i'; ili; iii;i ,'ig ,!lii 'iis ii:s 'iil g FA n - d " ! vr L j- a F F= g tE s? CI.E ->Es ES FF €D5 -O bc lEq,.r=FF- ot .=(U Fo.<uE oo 'FO .o KP EE (Uf ,L (h r-c ! E o 3 o a o I ?lt EtS L \.=irO .rtr 6r o.g a a-F Ss g;5 teE ! eEsE , --:.o 6 *-.c !! E FEte Fi=E:3 t4 att - c$g g P eE 5es E:?E "E :gfi 5 i:g I3{*oid g*:s gee o:CL o .€ ! =f. E iSE e 3 a.i E t:.i E;iE r Bi o5 ze oB .E sE gEtr P Hpa E*; En "[ gE, €;g= E:Efr . ,"EEd E:i' E;i' E g E B o,^ P e;^ 3 -.;9 E eE;! 0=6r g 6Eo E d"-9 o 8ss E3€oo E o = EEq €;E- B$$H E s€s E:E _e=FE =FCL -!g 5 utE='=o tF=! E e lsla E E g;F= -rt lsd 3 F= The following matters are expressl* excluded from the coverage of this oolicy:i' Any'law' ordinance ot ,ou"--"nf,gulation (including but not tt*t,"0^Irttjir* ""0 zoning ordinances) re-s-tricting or regulating o=r prohibiting-trt?-oi."pun"v,. use or enloyment of _ the land, -or regulating the character,olmensrons or location of any imprSvement now oi hereafter "i""ci"o'-on the land, or proh-ibiting a separation in ownership or a reduction in the diiirensloni-oi u.uu of the iind, oi-trreitrect of any violaiion of any such law, ordi-nance or governmental regulation. vr .rrJ vrur4rrurr ur ' 2' Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notice of the exercise of such rights appears in the public records at Datiof Poiict. --- vvrrLL ljvlvLr srrrtDr rrurt!:tr or Lne exerclse or ! 3' Defects' liens' encumb-rances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, _suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant: (b) not-known to the company and not srrowi ily ihe pubtic records but known to the insured claimant either at Lrate.of Policv-oi "ltn" i'"i" i""ffi;i:";il;qui1"a""n estate or interest insured by this policy and not disclosed in writing uvirre iniuiea Ju'i-unt to rhe ao;-p:;i"frior to the date such insured claimant became an insured hereunder; (c; ies.ulting in no loss o. damage to th6 inlured ctaimant; (d) attaching or created subse-quent to Date of Policv; sr-(g) resu"lting in loii or qe-;c; ;hi;it-;;;i;;ot have been susrained if the insured claim-ant had paid value for'the eitate or inrErest insurea ry1'rur;;r;r.'"-'-' I. DEFINITION OF TERMS The following terms when used in this policy mean: ^-...^(a) 'insured": the insurej name.d in Schedule A, and,:l?!9!l 19 any rights or. defenses t}re Compini-mjv' nuu.i agarnst the named insured, those_who succeed to" th*-int"."st of such insured by operation of law as distineuishe;" from gLls^hu..j .inctuding. birt nor limited t", i,i ii'j. "iiiiii"uu,"".,oevrsees, survjvors, personal representatives, .rirxt of'Li.r, o.corporate or fiduciary successors.(b) "insured claimant": an insured claiming loss or dam-age hereunder. ,--^,_(c)."knowledge,': actual knowledge, not constructive Rnowredge or notice $'hich may be imfirtla to a" iiiiur"O- Uy reason of any public records. . ^ (d) ."land': the land described. specifically or by reference in scheduie A. and improvements afl;xed ih;;,eti'#di,iri'ii, r"*constitute reat propeny; provided, hd;;;;; d;'i;.il' :i"no.. does.-not. incjud-e any frope.rty beyond the'linli oi itr"'u.*.specificatty described or ieferiea [o i; 5;;;;;l; X,',ii', unv :i*! l:l-1..':,"1::rr qglg or easement i"- ir-r.,tti"e'i1;ets, i,ltili;;ii'i".Xlii,'?;,'ii,i,liY,iJ'"l["fi',"JTil,.cno:.;l:il't?access to and frorn rhe Iand is insured Uv ir,il'ioii.i. "-' ^., (e) "mortgage": mortgage, deed of trust, trus; deed, or other security instrument.- (f) "public records": those records which by law impart constructive notice of matters relaring to said lind. 2. -CONTINUATION OF INSURANCE AFTER CONVEYANCE OF TITIE _ Th9 coverage ot this policy shall continue in force as of Date of policy in favor of 'an insured.o ion[ u. 'lr.iJf,"i nJu."o retains an estate or interest ln tne tand. or holds an indebted_ness secured by .a purchase money mortgage glve"-by-J'pur_chaser trom such insured, or so long as !uc"h insuii,d snalt hav€ .liabilitv.by reason of c-ovenanl3 of .iii"nTv-liiiai uv such insured in any transfer or conveyance of ,u"i'r eiiii, u.interest; provided, however, this policy stralf'noiioniiliue in force in favor of any purchaser. i.om- .u.h'lrriir"r"a" oi'u'itfru, :iiq^*9t:^,9.-lnreresr br. the indebtedness secured by i'pur_cnase mone_v mortgage given to such insured. 3. DEFENSE -AN_D PROSECUTION . OF ACIIONS - NOTICE OF clAlM TO BE GtvEN By AN INSURED C-rerr,ralii' ''- . . (a) .T!9 Company, at its -own c-ost and withour undue delay. shall provide fbr the defense of an insured in ail Iil,",_tion consisting of acrions o. p.oi"eoing. ;;;;";U';;;iff;sLtch insured-, or a defense inLerposeo agalnst an insured in an acrion. .r enforce a contracr for'a sate o-r tiie- eilaie"6.'i"nti.".t in said tand. to the extent rhar such Iltieaiibn;-f;il;li';pon an atteqed defecr, ljen, encumbrance, oi otfrei mitteilisirreo againsi by this policy. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS ..._,.,!b] Ittg insured shalt notify the Company promprty in wrrtrng (r) in case anv action oi proceedine ii beeun'oi de_Iense rs rnterposed as set forth in (a) above, (ii) in case knowl- :9q9-lnall cqTg to an insured hereunder of any claim of title 9I ilEfe"l which is adverse to the ti e to the esiate or interest,as lnsured, and which might cause loss or damaqe for which Il9- L:m.qany mav be tiabte by virtue of this poliiy, or (iii) if llle, !9 .tle estare. or interest, as insured, is'rejecied a! un- T3l-1ej19te:. If such prompr notice shall not be'given to the ^.-91]p?!Ir then. as to such insured all liability of the Company :latl Sgqse an-d terminate in regard to the ilatter or matters I9l-Yl]fh such prompt -notice is required; provided, however, :l1l t?]t-yl9 to notify shall in no case prejudiie the rights of any sYgl llsuleg under this policy unteis ihe Compaiy sha b!preruorcp..r -by such failure and then only to ihe'extent of such prejudice. ..- _-,-(g) Th" .Company shall have the right at its own cosr to inslrtute and without undue delay pr<isecute any action or ll9l99_d1te or to do.any other acr ivtrictr in its opliion--"v te necessary or desirable to establish the title to the estat; or y_l:19.! -T insured. and the Company may take any appro_pnare.action. under the terms of lhis- poliCy, whethei oi'not lr snall be liable thereunder, and shall noi therebv concede lraD|lrrv or waive any provision of this policy, . (d) Whenever the Company shall have brought anv action :l_,,I_.:.p-9"99. u defense as required or permitted by ihe pro-vlsrons ot this policy. the .Company may -pursue - any duch litigation to final det6rminatron by a court ot competent iuns_ :]cr-,_ol 9lg expressly reserves the right. in its soli, discretion,ro appeal trom anv adverse judgment or order. ^ (e) In all cases where this policy permits or requires the Lompany to prosecute or provide for the defense of anv actron or proceedtng,. the insured hereunder shall secure to the Lompany tJle right to so prosecute or provide defense in such acuon or proceeding, and all appeals iherein, and permit the Lompany ro use, -,at its option, the name of such iirsured for such purpose. Whenever- requested nV tle Compinv.- sucfr insured shatl give the Compariy uii i"*'oniUr" iio-'i'n*i'ili .ucn ll:l9l,9l p-f9.-"99ding, in effectiis settlemint, .*cii",ie "ulten..,oorarnrng .wrtnesses, or prosecuting or defending s-uch action or proceeding, and the Company siiatt reimbuiilsuitr 'insureo ror any expense so incurred. 4. NOTTCE oF ross - UM|TATION OF ACTTON . _,In ad!ition.to the notices.required under paragraph 3(b)9l !19.q Conditions and. Stipuiarions. a sratement in wrir.rng ,"-t ,?:J,^l?::,gl jq-ueg. for whjcir it is claimed the -ompany rs.uaole unoer thrs policy shall be furnished to the Comirany within go days aftei sucF toss or oa-iie ir,"iitiu"-ui"",i c"_llllll!99 and. no right of action shall "accrue to jn-iniireO clarmant,until 30 days after such statement strall trir j-Ueen Iumrs.hed. -Failure to.furnish such statement of ioii oi Oamug.snalI termrnate anv Iiabilitv of the Company under this poliSy as to such loss oi damaeei ,f Continued on Front of Back Cover Continued from 5. OPTIONS IO PAY OR OTHERWIsE sETTTE CI.AIMS -.,T1" Company shall ha-ve the option_ to pay or otherwrse setue lor or in the name of an insured claimhni any claim tn_sured against or to terminate alt liability u"O -oUiiea'il;ir. of the Company _hereunder by paying o; Erd;;;";";;";-!irt or the.amount of insurance unoer- ttris poticy tog;ihJi;iil ."y costs.,attorneys' fees and expenses incuired"up to ihe ume or sucn_ payment or tender of payment, by the insured claim-ant and authorized by the Comp-any. ' 6. DETERMINATION AND PAYMENT OF TOSS . (a) The liabilitv of the Company under this Dolicv shall ln no case exceed the least of:(i) the actual loss of the insured claimant: or (ii) the amount of insurance in Schedule A. (b) The Company will pay, in addition to anv loss insured against by this poticy-, a.rr ccisti impoiJa irib.i"" irjii"o"i" tiu_gatron carried on- by the Company for iuch insurea. anO alt costs,. attorn€ys' fees and expensei jn. litigation cirlieO on Uy such insured with the written authorizati;;-;i tf," -6J-"punv. . - (c) When liability has been definitely fixed in accordance with.the conditions of this policy, tt" toi, oi aarnue;Jhifl Uu payabie wi{hin 30 davs theieafter. 7. Ut |TATION OF UABTUTY _ . .No claim shall arise or be maintained under this policy (a)_if the Company. alter having received notice oi an-aife""a fl LlTj:^l i l_ 91, :l-" ",T br"ln "" ins ureo ag4ini i-'r,"i. "',i0"*i. ^ii ugarlon or otherwlse, removes such defect, lien or encum-brance-or establishes the title, as insure4- i riria ieas"onaUfe time after r€ceipt of such notice; (b) in tire i""nt-oi'fiii"#fion until there has been a final determination by u Co"n'oii"__perent jurisdiction. and disposilion of all airp"af i-it "-r"f ."_,adverse ro the titte. as inslred. as pro"iae6'in ' p"ii-e;oh S hereof :,. or (c) f or I iabil ity voluntarity u.sr-"a"l.lii,i'lni'u."O ln serUlng any clalm or suit without prior r.r,ritten consent of the ComDanv. 8. REDUCTION OF IIAEII.ITY . All payments^under this policy, except payments made for cosrs, arrorneys tees and expenses, shall reduce the amount or rne Insurance pro tanto. No payment shall be made without proouctng tnrs -pottcy tor endorsement of such pavment unless me po cv be tosl or.destroye_d, in which case proof of such loss^or oeslructton sha be lurnished to the satisfaction of Ine LomDanv. 9. I.IABITITY NONCUMUI.ATTVE It is expressly understood that.the amount of insurance under this foticyihall be requceo oy any amount the Com_pany mav pa1- under policy insuring either (a) a morGaop shown or referred to in Schedute_B hereof whicir i.; ii;;;the estate or inreresr covered by this poticy. or iUl i md,riI,""hereafter executed bv an insurdd whi;h is-a ch;;;e d;j;;;6;rne estate or rnterest dpscribed or referred to in Scheduie A,and rheimo^unt so paid shall be deemed , puy-"nt un-a"iiiri, lo^,j!y:., l" Lompany shall have the oprion lo apply to the pay_menI or,any.such mortgages anv amount that otherwise wbuid oe payaDie hereunder to the insured owner of the estate or Back of Front Cover interest covered by this policy and the amount so paid shall oe oeemed a payment under this policy to said insured owner. I O, APPORTION'IIENT If the- land described in Schedule A consists of two or more parcels which are not used as a single site, and i tosJ is estab-lished, affect ing one or more of sdiO parceiJ Uut not a , ttre loss snall be computed and settled on a pno rata basis as if tne amount of insurance under this poliiy was divided pro rata_ as to ihe value on rlz.te of policy'of eich sepiiate paicel ]9 tl9-yho"le: elclusive. of any improriemenG muaiiuUs"quent ro rJate ot.},oticy, unless a liability or value has otherwise ."S:".3_qi9!9 upon as to each such parcet by r}Ie Company and :19..1!sy.ed at the time of the iisuance -of rhis potici and snow-n blr' an express statement herein or by an endorsement attached hereto.' II. SUBROGATION UPON PAYMENT OR SETTIEMENT .,. Whenever the Company shall have settled a claim under :.1-s,P^9tt!y, ,all right of subrogarion sial vest in the Company urarlected .by any _act of the insured claimant. The Comfany snall b€. subrogated to and be entitled to all rights and rbmel ores whrch such insured claimant would have hid against any P:f-o?_91 property-in respect to such claim had this ioticy noi Deen rssued. and if requested by the company, such iniured clarmant shall transfer to the Company all iighis and remedies lgllt.l 9?y person or properry necessary in order to perfect :.Y!n^,Itght of subrog.ation and shall permir the Company to use the name of such insured ciaimant in anv transaction or ,.ll'-C-"!]91 involving_ such - rights or remedies. -If the payment :,":,., tot cover the loss of such insured claimant, the Company :1111-?" subrogated to such rights and remedies in the'pro_pprtron which said payment bears to the amount of said loss.Ir loss should result from any act of such insured claimant,such act shall not vold this p"oticy, Uuf tfre C"--pu"v. n tnut event,.shall.be required to pay <inly that part rii i"nv tosses rnsured .against hereunder which shali exceed the aniount, if anv, lost to the Company by reason of the impairment of the righr of subrosation. ' |2. UABIUTY UMTTED TO IH|S poucy . . This instrument together wjth all endorsements and other rnstruments. if any, attached hereto bV the Companv is the enure pollcy and contract between the insured ind the LOmDanv. ,.Any claim_ of loss or damage, whether or not based on neglrgence, and which arises out of the status of the ti e to rne,estate or interest covcred hereby or any action asserting such claim, shalt be restricted to tfre proviii<in, inO "JnOitio",and stipulations of this policy. . No amendment of or endorsement to this policv can be made.except by writing endorsed hereon oi itlacirei,l irerero srgned by either the President. a.Vice presiqent, the Secretary,an Assistant .Secretary, or validating offiCii' oi - authorized srgnatory of the ComDan\. I3. NOTICES, WHERE SENT _.-^-All notices required to be given the Company and any :11!9T9"t in writinp lequired ro be furnished the Company shall be addressed to Transamerica Title Insurance Cornpany,P. O. Box 605, Denver, Colorado 80201. iiti.1, i:;,:,.:ri:r':'"'::;'''1;FORt'l NO C 5000 o Policy of Title lnsurance lssued by Transamerica Title Insurance Company SUBJECT TO THE SCHEDUI,E OF EXCLUSIONS FRO}T COI'ERAGE, TIIE EXCEPTIONS CON. TATNED ru Scunour,E B AND THE pRovISIoNS oF THE coNDITroNs AND srrpuLATIoNs HEREOF TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a California corporation, herein called the Company, insures, ae of Date of Policy shoftn in Schedule A, against lose or damage, not exceeding the amoult of insurance stated in Schedule A, and costs, attorneye'feee and expenses which the Company may become obligated to pay hereunder, sustained or incurred by the insured by reaeon of: l- Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title: 3. Lack of a right of access to and from the land: or 4. Unmarketability of such title. In Witness Whereot, Traneamerica Title Ineurance Company hae caus€d this policy to be siped and sealed by its duly authorized officera ae of Dare of Policy shown in Schedule A, Transamerica Title Insurance Company By President By Secretary DIVISION OF INSURANCE OEPARTM ENT OF REGTJLATORY AGENCIES l06 STATE OFFTCE BUILDtNG . 2Ot E. COLFAX AVE. OENVER. COLORADO AO2O3 STATE OF COLORAOO RICHARO O. LAMM J RICHARD AAFNES C L U rIOSERT L EROWN DtPurY CoMNrs3roNrR t ay 1, 1977 Dear Rea I Estate purchaser: - FolloL/ing this letter you will find a brief explanation of your title insurance commitment and policy. ., .Title insurance conpanies are regulated by this Division, as are orner rypes of insurance companies. Thls Division makes certain that con-panies issuing tltle insurance conmitments and title insurance policies are financially sound, and that they operate in accordance with statutes and regulations. We also have a great interest in maklng certain that you, as the consumer, understand the purpose of title insurance and that you understand your rights under your insurance policy. . In the-event you are dissatisfied with responses given to your ques-tions or problems by your title insurance "orp.ny, you are encouraged to send your questions concerning tltle insurance or any complaints that you may have against your title insurer to this office. hte are on hand to rnke certain that-al.l-your rights and renedies, both under your pol icy and under law, are available to you at all times. JRB: b I Sincerely, CHARD SARN ES, C. L. U. i ss i oner of Insurance As a purchaser of a home or other real estate you may receive a 'Commitment tor Title Insurance" and a "policy of Ti e Insurancel' Both ol these documents, like many others in connection with your purchase, are contracts creating legal rights which you should read carejully and which you may wish to have examined and explained by a lawyer or other adviser. While the folaowing description of these documents cannot change the precise terms of these documents, it is hoped that this will help you to understand their purpose and etfect and answer some ot your questions about them. QUESTION: "WHAT lS TITLE INSURANCE?" ANSWER: Basically, it is a contract with the title insurance company in which the company agrees to delend and indemnify you against losses which you may suffer because of unreported defects in the title to your property as of the date of the contract. lt is not casualty insurance and, therefore, does not protect you against acts of theft or damage to your home by lire, storm and the like. Essentially, the insurance insures that you have title to the property subject only to certain exceptions and exclusions listed in the policy of Tifle Insurance.Title insurance recognizes the possibility ol loss, but transfers the risk of loss from you as property owner to the company issuing the policy. For this reason title insurance companies are required to maintain reserves to cover losses. lf you are financing your purchase, your lender will ordinarily require that you obtain a separate Lender's policyto insure tharyour propemT will in f act serve as security for its loan. OUESTION: "WHAT DOES THE PREMIUM PAY FOR?" ANSWER: The one time, non-recurring premium pays for several things. lt helps to pay for the cost of collecting, maintaining, searching and examining real estate records and certain other public records which relate to your property so that the tifle insurance company can determine the insurability of your title. For example, the title insurance company will determine whether the public records show that your seller really owns the property, what mortgages or liens (a recorded legal claim) may exist, whether there are restrictive covenants on your CONTINUED ON REVEBSE ===----:==:::- o o FOR USE WITH COLORAOO REGIO AMERICAN LAND TTTLE AIiSOCIATION OWNER'€ POLIUT-FORM B_ I97O (AIIENOED 'O-T7.7OI i' l I SCHEDULE A AmountoffnsuranceS 4001000.00 PolicyNo.4103663 Dateof Policy tilin"]i: truo sheet I of q l. Name of fnsured: DENVER WEST LTD., a Colorad.o Corporation 2. The estate or interest in the land describeil herein and which is covered. by this policy ie: IN FEE SIMPLE 3. Tho estate or interest referreil to herein is at Dale of Policy vested in: DE$VER ![EST LTD., a Colorado Corporation : FORM NO. C-6000-2 FOR USE WITH COLORADO RE6tO FOR UsE WITH COLORADO REC'ON AMERTCAN i LANo rrrlE assocrATroN Lo^N poLOTo (aMENDeo to-r7.?ot LAND TttLE ASSOCTATTON O\^/NER.S pOLtCy-Fc|nM A-t97O (AMENOED tO.t7-7O) SCHEDUTE A-Continued RICAN The land referred to in rhis policy is siruatcd in thc srate of colorado, co.nry of Eagle , and is dcscrihcd as follorr.s: Parcel One A parcer of land in Lot 16 of Block 3 of vail valrey First Filing, a subdivision in the Town of vair, county of Eagle, state of cororado, in section 9, Township 5 souln,-n.rg" g0 west of- the sixth Principar l"lerioian, accordin| to the ="i"Lv of said Township and_Range_approved by the u.s. surveyer General in Denver, colorado on April 12, 18?1,, said parcel of faiO Ueing-*or. particuiarly described as followsr to-wif: Farrinnih^ ^L r-r^^ ^---!L 'oEgrrrrrrrrg at the southeast corner of said, Lot 16, a point on 'the-southerry line of the North one Harf of the North one Harf of said Section 9;^thence along said Southerly ii"" ot the NL of the Nl section 9, 120.00 feet t6 the southwest corner of said Lot rG;thence 117o44'04" !g-!!" right 95.91 feet to the true point of b-eginning; thence L7"27'02" to the right 3.22 feet.; thence 45o to the left 20.00 feet; thence 45" to th6 right 3.22 feet; thence 45o to the left 23.50 feet; thence 90o to the left 2I.4 feet; thence 90o i9 qu right 5.3 feet; thence9O" to the left l2.g feet; thence 90o to the left 53.4 feet; thence g00 to the left 2g.6 feet to the point of true beginnS_ng. Together with an undivided L interest in and to the Common parcel as described below: A parcel of land in Lot 15 of Brock 3 of vail varrey First Firinq a subdivision in the Town of VaiI, County of-eajle, State of colorado, in section 9, Township 5 southl Range-go west of the sixth Principal Meridian according to the survey of-said Township and Range :s ?Ppfgved by the.U.S. Sur.ieyer General in Denver, Colorado on Aprir-12, L892t said parcer oi land being *o." p-rticurarly described.as follows, to wit: Al'1 of said Lot 16 less two parcers of rand d,esignated unit r ani Unit 2 as described below:Parcel One;A parcel of tand in Lot 16 of Brock 3 of vair varley First Firing, a subdivision in the Town of vail, county of Eagre, state of colorado, in section 9, Township 5 south,'nange-Bo west of the sixth Principal Meridian_according to the survey oi-saia Torvnship and Range iBpI?X:g bI_!1._U.S. _ Surveyer ceneral in i"r,rr.r, Cororado,'o' April LZr L692, said parcel of rand being more particularry described as follows, to wit: - - Begirl+rg at the southeast corner of said Lot 15, a point on the southerly rine of the North one Harf of the North one Harf of said section 9; thence arong said southerry rine of the Nt of the Nh of section 9, r20.00 feet to the southurert corner of said Lot 15; thence 117"44'04" to the right 95.91 feet to the true point of beginning;thence L7"27r0?" to the right 3.22 feeE. thence 45o to the reft 20.00 feet; thence 45o to the riifrt 3.22 feet; thence 45" to the left 23.50 feet; thence 90o to the leit 21.4 feet; thence 90o ro rhc ricrhr !.1 feet; thence 90o ro rhe left 12.8 feer; thence 90o;;;; i.i."si.n :FORM NO. C.6000.2A FoR usE wrtH coloRAoo n:iroe ntcrr.r toR usE wrrH coLoRAoo RECiroN Attr€RrcaN i i I : LAND TTTLE AssoctATroN ao^* "of"70 (aMENoeD to.t7-7o, LANo rrrt.E AssocrlTtoN orvNER.s pdFrcv_ronu a_r9zo (r'MENDED to-rr.7o) scH EDULE A-Continued feet; thence 90o to the reft 29.8 feet to the point of true beginni.ng.Parcel Ti,vo; A parcel of land in Lot 16 of Block 3 of Vail varrey First Filing, a subdivision in the Town of vail, county of Eagle, state of colorado, in section 9, fownship 5 south,'ni"g;'gO west of the sixth Principar Meridian_according to'the survey oi'saia Township and Range approved by the u.s_. surveyer General in o"".r"i, colorad.o, on April L2, 1892 said parcer of raira treing more particurarry described as follows, to wii: Beginning at thesoutheast corner of.said T-,ot 16, a point on the southerry line of the North one llalf of the ruorlr. one Half of secti.on 9; thence alons:"ig_Southerly tine of tne-ul-oi the Nt of Secrion 9,120'00 feet th'i southwest cor'ner of said Lot 16; thence 117o44 r04', to right feet to tfre true point of Ueginningi thence L7o27,07., to the right 3'22 feet; thence 4-5o to the rert zo]60 reet; thence 45o to the righ' 3.22 feet; thence 45" to the right r1.3 feet; thence 90o to the-right 8.4 feet; thence 90o to the refl 26.2 feet; thence 90o to th :iqlt^18'5 feet; thence 90o to the right 7.9 feet; thence 90o to the f9f_t 2\:9 _feet; thence 90" to the right 34.2 feet; thence 90o to the right 24.2 feei- to th_e true point of begirrr,inj.- FORM NO. C-6000.3E] FOR U5E WITH COLORADO REGION AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCTATION oWNER.s PoEi_cY-FoRM B-t97O (AMENDEO rO-17-7O) SCHEDULE B This Policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: L Rights or claims of partics in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shorvn by rhe public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a cbr- rect survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material heretofo;e or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Taxes due and payable; and any tax, special assessments, charge or service, or for any other special taxing district. Taxes f or the a forfeiture or reverter clause, based on race, color, religion, instrument recorded April 3, Iien imposed for water or s€wer year L980 not yet due or payable. 6. Restrictions, which do not contain but omitting restrictions, i.f any,or national origin, as contained in 1970 in Book 217 at page 406. 7. Right of the Proprietor of a Vein or Lode to extract and remove his ore therefrom should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the premises hereby granted, and Right of way for Ditches and canals constructed by the authori-ty of the Uni.ted States, as reserved in United States Patents of record. 8. Subject to easements and reservations, as shown on the recorded plat of VaiI Valley First Filing. 9. Restrictions, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause,but omitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color, refigion,or nationar origin, as contained in instrument recorded, July 14, L977 in Book 257 aE page 394. 10. Deedof Trustfronr: Denver West Ltd., a Colorado Corporation to the Public Trustee of lhe County of Eag 1e for the use of , Dar lene Deer Truchses lo secure datetl recorded . 5 200,000.00 , l,larch 28, 1980 . March 31, 1980 in Book 300 at Page 921 o GLE Ee June 28, 1995 Mr. Dean Stevinson Sevinson Toyota East, fnc. 444 S. Havana Aurora, Colorado 80012 RE: 1498 Springhilt Lane, Vail Cotorado. Update Poticy #4103663 dated March 31, 1980 Dear Mr. Stevinson: Thi. s letter should serve as official certification that no changes have taken place on the above referenced protr)erty, as refrecLea in the public records of Eagle county, since the title policy rras issued, e.cept for the follortring: Warranty Deed from Denver West, Ltd. to C.E.L4, 1984 and recorded October 14, 1986 in Book Warranty Deed from C.E. Stevinson Lo December 74, L9B4 and recorded October 31, Patricia A. Sfevinson, dat,ed 1986 in Book 451 at paqe 499. Release of Deed of rrust by Darlene Deer Truchses and the public Trusbee of Eagle county, recorded l"rareh 22, rg12 in Book 33g at pag'e 12,releasinE the Deed of rrust recorded in Book 300 at page 921, ( str-orm ai,Exception No. 10, Schedule B of the policy) Title as of June 1, 1995 is vested in patricia A. Stevinson. Please call me if you have any guestions, or if f can be of any further assistance. Stevinson, dated Decqriber 450 ab Page 437. a RATION NORMAN E. LARKINS PRES]DENT TELEPHONE: (970) 476-6423 DENVER DIRECT (303) 572-1490 TELECOPIER: 1970) 476-6426 CouNry TlrrB Conpo TNE VAIL PROFESSIONAL BUILDING, SUITE lOO 953 SOUIH FFONTAGE ROAD WEST vAtL, coLoBADO 81657 Sincerely: 1/"-*1f/-a,,./ Michael t. Brudwick Senior Escror.r Of f icer cfiAJ.JD COUNTY: THE TiTLE CoMpd\i., INc. FRT"SEF vALLEY CENTEATFRASEF POSi OFF CE AOX 41s WII\IER FAFK, COLOFADO AO432 1970t 726,At77 AFFIL ATEO OFFICES PITXltl COIJ TYI AspEN TrrLE CoppoRATtoN THE ASP€N PFOFESSIOML BUILDING. SUITE 305 600 EAST HO€KINS AVENI]E ASPEN COLORAOO3i611 {97O) 920trO50 SUI'MIT @UNl} SU|'[VTT CouNTy ABsIR-ac ColpANy 1 OA NOFTH NIOGE STREFT POSTOFFEEAOX5lO BRECKENFIDGE, COLOFAE)o AO42,I {970) 4s3.6120 . lftd. thli 0enver L.6 . nt,, ",-" .- n..r{dj/ t--+i.,41; " ;'-1o '"::".5 --: r ;' 14th dev ot Decenber {est, Ltd. dlly .rr$r.r|lrr,l ,trfl trirtirltr trn .f [t'd hy l'lrlxa .{ tL l.{!qt Stik of Col orado ef lho fi' rl pdr.r, n'r,l C. E, St:vlnson r* lital tddr"s! iF I3395 Eraun Rord ; County of JifferSOn ' ('f :he r"cr, d l;rfl:- .:'*. ,. imfXfgSEffl, Thr! the $1ld lrr tI .,f th. lirrt prr t, for and in $in'xlatrtJon of th€ !u|i of TEl{ oOL] ;othef good and valuable consideratlon |Tld Frtl.,a tb. firsl p$rt in l.nd txid by th. |.id Frtry iiir,lcr4d rftl o.krroq.lrdr.,r,, hrth fr.r.-.d. l,atgdned, iokr .rd (.fli,.F(.1, ,nri I'y I hcrr| p"?sfi r dot\ }rut, hct+, r&ct .tcy and tonf{fn tintit lha t*i,i pnft y Jf ttrc lae0nd plr, hi S ell trf thc foll.rr'lrr: drrtht*d }.'t 5 or t,:rrc.ls e( Eagl e |rnd Strlr ,r' Cnla|i.do, to rr-ll: and Stnte ol SEE AITACHEO EXHIBIT 'A' INCORPORATED I{EREII{ lno$n e.r ^1'*ct rfil rrunri'r r ld$$ $p;fnqhill Lane ?O SAVE A!\D TO tloLD ti. rrid 9r'arnlt: t' rbore nrrgalned anc dt;crihrd, lrlth th" rPDurtar'ncls o{ th. r?<.nd rdn h i S h.ia lnal n{rifr'- I rei.r, -{'rd thc trid ila rnrcastort. (krLI .otcnoit, gtlnl, largoin, 4nd r8r*. to tnd lrith thQ tqid part It tis hein 'rr:d erqlrnr, thnt st thr llrnr ol th. enrlrling lnd delitcry ol thlr€ Dr"!c''t! it lr rdl of th prerrircr alloer, (ol1ve:.fd, Irr of I Foo:l, !urr, p..l."l, d|reloic.ond ln&haribtc !!t.t. ol Inhcdtrna!, ln ,'tt fcr rinrplt, lrd hrth go,x.l riFht, full I'ofvlr rnd le*'' rl suthotlty tl, Frrt " horaliD, rcll rtd cgrtcy thc !|rI! mthttar {rd {ofrn rrnrlini(|. ond tbst tlr€ t.rnc are frcc t.d rl|.ar ftom lll lonrtor lnd othf. rtrntt, bltSalt!' , llens, lr\ rr, rrrrir$l"Dt. rnd ; .trur,br onc.t of whrt t.rklnd?t natLrr! roGv.t; SUbJgCt tO ease EntSt litlons, covenants and reservations of record and taxes for 1985 and rd {r ibove beiSrfnrd lr.rni!.N in iho q,ri"t .nd pcroblc posurion of th. rrld prfty . t :o." T* ?T .,ll . :.,, .,hl$ h.lrl rnd DlflFnJ|J igrlnlt all and rvtrT penron or p?rron. lo*{ully cLiming or to clrlm ttra tltola' il l'"t:h..T"'d?:1, ll l,ltil: .rnll i.lrl aDio DltlFn,rJ rs!|rur arr ErN rvrry Pqtil't vr Fr.sn. . fl ,..:.. ., i rrg, Irrt the Fof, thc uid prrtl t'f thc ilnt prrt lhrtl rnd h-ill W.\RR.{NT.{Nf, t'f)RfVER DEFEND' .li l,,,rfl ;.rlJtl Wff\l:Sc WgEttEOF, Th. rrtd psrty ol thc tirit pilt brth crui.d ll! (orDo6t. n mr to l}| It Ftrnto ll .-r.,".:T\|.:sc wgEttBoF, Th. rrld psrty ol thc tirit pilt brth crui.d ll! (orDo6t. n mr to l)| lEltqnto ll .+,:: qt ltr Prtridmt, .nd it! corporrtt F.rl to l'. h.rcsnto affix.d, rtttrid by itr t''ll t: : .l il',1 u"1d)l4ur*-==a Denver l{est' Ltd. . .. . ii ,'-,,r ;ftr43evinson !+?'r'' ",...-^-6. .-r^',jh*.,*..;;;,;r.. ii i,,"l'a-? i : ; '-:+i Ci E. Stevlnson 'rrh.* ii ' I ., 8TATE oF COI,onADO, ] ll , trrrrr<ar r.|I f1,1,"Vt. a"' . C. E. SteVinSOn r. PnrkLnt lrd .,'- \''' F--- ^ c.-.,fi-^- ". g..ydrrr6i.' ' . ,:.: STATE OF COl,onADo, I li., - :.i. . . c*,tt o,Jy'/ttt* .l'* {i Tlrr Jc..s( r,,g tr,*'n'jnt i"j. t rno*r.a:.a b,eforG tnc thl. / 1D a^v a lt*tn/*t' ' li ' - 'o -r'' .1.,,-... Greq C. Stevlnson {rr fhcrtrr; ol, ' . :/ . '. .,':' Denver Hest. Ltd , r o rlpcr.lio{L ' t '' 'i-t ; - ': yy rolrrrlrl cotrnhrlon rrgiltr JttAfu'*ca*U e4t I V f r '_-:r : . -::: :.-::.::_-r ,^-:;,4-.irfrefrrf afO-crr'n'rah, -cllr!&.aF- l.ur*lrr cr. t|.. !|r{t *rr.q Dhr.r, c.Laa. O?t-Illl }tl t , ltdi.rr^rrt Dloi-{.r'.,*h. -'lrr!l..aF- l.Ul*ltr Ct. t|.. ttr {t *tr.t Dj: ', c.Lt|.. O?t-Il ll }?| , _ll&}+{ftri,"i:,: :;.!! -.ar,':'r" 'lt'",r,,.'i;'i.j il,;rirr:.., i;.,: r' l.'r r ' ;i ""rrl i.i,M--T! 0fi l,l oi th(, "...'rd paa, th. rcecipt n'lrrnol h lrrci.i,' ----r. J^rL ---+ l-b i hrlf', end r|rlgnr lcrli ol lrnd.;ltuatp I ',',t lnd h.lnt in ?lt' unto llr. t'{rtyof !h.llrrt Dot.t, fot ltt ll, ol th. lacolrd Frq o il?rtcrI *lrlotr ln ithG Survct of seld Touir6hlp and Rrn3c 'Dentcr, Colorl,lo, on Aprll l2r 1892. rlt .l.Ecribel er folloua, to lrlt! a!rl I of land ln i/'t 15 of 8lock 3 of Vrll vrllcy Flr.r Flllng. e thc Torrn of Vrll. Countt of E!81c, Strtc of Colondo, 1o Slctton South, Rangc 80 ltelt of thc Slrth Prlnclpel Hcrtdlrn rcsordlnt unr.y 6f r|ld Tounihtp rnd F,angc lDprov.d bt th. U.S. Sunr.ycr . ' ln Dcnvct, Colorrdor on Aprll 12,.1892, rtld ,rttccl of hnd bclnj xrc ty dcrcrlbcd ar follons, to vltr lcal,nnlng !t thc Southe.et Corner of lrld Lot 16, a polnt on thc routharly ; ,of, th. llorth clr. Hrlf of thc North On. Brlf of rild Scclloa 9i tfictcr rlon! ' routherly llfla of th. Lt of thc Ntr Scctlon I, 120.00 f.Gr to rh! Southrt.t .,'of r!!d lat 16; thencctlT'44ro4'r to tbG rlght 95.91 fert to th. Crua of brglnt|ln8: thrnce 17127107( to thc rlght 3.22 fcct; ttcncc 45' to 20.00 fcct; lbcncc {5'to th. rlg,ht 3.22 fect: thencc 45'to rh. lcft !i,tbrncr 90' to thc lcft 21.4 fect; thcncc 90' to thc rl8,ht 5.! frct; thcncr.',:to thc l.ft 12.8 fect; thcncc 90o to th" left 5J.{ fact; thcncc 90'to th. ' It 29.5 faet to thr pornt of truc bcglnnlng. htt rrlth !n undlvlded l/2 lntcrcat 1n rnd to the CoEaon Prrc.l rr datcrlbcd ' A jperccl of lend tn Lot 16 lrtielon ln thc Torn of ValL. of 81ock 3 of Vall vrlley Flr8t llll rg, r Courty of Er8l.r Strt€ of Colorado tn Scctloo 9,of rne Slxth Prlnclprl llerldlan accordlng to ihc 5 South, Rlnge 80 l.reet of Brld Tounthlp and Rrn3e ac approvcd by rh. U.S. Survcycr Gcncral 1o 1. Colorado on Aprll 12, 1892, aeld prrcc!. of l.nd balng lorc p.rtlcul.rlt bcd er follogs, to wlt: All of aald Lot 16 leas teo parcclt of lrnd dcrlgnat€d Unlt I end Unlt 2 er bcd bclos: A perccl of lrnd tn Lot 16 of Block 3 lvlrton l! thc lotrn of Va1l, Couaty of t Sou3h. RrnSe 80 g.rt of thc of ?e11 Vlllet Flrrt Flllng. I Erglc, Stlta of Coloredo, h Sectto! Sr,rth Prtnctpll Hcrldlrn .ccord lnt lPprov.d bt thc U.S. Sur?ctc! Gcncrrl .rld D|tcal of lrnd bcln3 lorc lcStnnlng rt thc Southeert Crrrne? of seld lrt 16, r polllt oE th€ .outhcrlt of thc lorth Onc llelf of th? North Onc n.lf of !.id S.crloo 9i thancc rlon3 .ogtharlt Ltnc of th. Nlr of thr Nl af Scctlon 9. 120.00 fcGt to th.e.!.t Corn.r of reld Lot 16; thcnc:ll7' 44.04, to th. rtght 9j.91 fect to polot of [,"glnnlng; thencr! 17'27.01', to tha rtrht 3.22 fcct: thcncc 05. !; thrncc 90'to the left 21.4 frct; thcncc 90. to thc rlghr- 5.3 fcct;to ttc lcft 12.8 fcet; thelcc 90' to th. 1.f! 5!.4 fcct; thcncc 90. to th. t 20.00 f".t; thenc€ 65' to th. tt8ht 1.22 fcetS th.ncc 45. ao rhc l€ft to the rlBht 3.22 fcct; thcncc 05'' to thr 2t,50 thcncs th. 29.5. fcet to thG potnt of r-ruc bagln.r1n3. I 1\ro; A p.rcGl .of lrnd ln Lot 16 of llock 3 of Yoll 9e1ky Ftret Fflfirg, r lon la the form of Vel1, County cf Ertl., Strt. of Coloredo, ln lon 9, Iovnrhtp 5 South, R.rngc 60 lh.t ol thc Strth Prlnclprl Hatldlea .ccordlnS to thc Surecy of .tld Tornrhlp and E ng. .pprov.d bt thr U.3. lrjiunlng .t th. Southle.t Corn.t o! '.td Lt t6, I polnt on tha raulhartt of thc North Ooc Ealf of the North Ono Erlf o! g.qtlon tt !h.ae. rloat routharly ltar of th. tB ol th. nrt of Eccttoo 9. t20.OO f..t th. thr 8ou!h- Cot!.r ol ..ld lot t63 thrnco 117'44r04n ro !h. rtthr 9!.91 t.rt to th. tnr. ' ol br3lnola33 thcncc l7'27t0tn to th. rlghr tr22 tcrt; chcncr at' to l:l,r l.tt i0.0O fcrt; thcncc 45' tc th. rtlht 1.22 f.ctt thcoc. 45' ro fb. rtjbt it.!tc.di thGncc 90' to th. tfght t.4 f!!t! th.oc. 90' to thc l.ff 26.2 tcet; thrncr ,o'.to th. rl8hc 18.5 fccr: thGnc. 90' to th. rtghC 7.9 frcr; thcncr gO' to tt s,o cn. rltnc 16., rc€E; Encnca yu- 30 tna tttnE ,.y raaB: chanca yo Bo Bna 2t.9 fcct; dhrncc 90' to thc rlgbt 3{.2 tcrc; thcncr 9O' to thr rtlhc la.2 ..!i,to. th. tnrr polnt ol tcjlnnln3. i. ,: ., i,.,L. .i'. ..r I I t ?lr ,rt I tl ,r,\ .,, Dt_,r.lq.l)"r r ts t)t ., lr. \1,, I j,r',Fi4 | . t , rt .. .,r(',lr{rr' llth . !t:,yj6c,,11 ,!a,fl0rSOn Patlicia A. itevin..,_;n \^tn\\ r.)ij.n1,,... ,. I r i.)5 [irar:n Road .!i. trr :._ tat t; ,rJ rrr( .!,,. r.( 1'.,r!,it,t, i , ,, ., . .. . ,tr l,,i , :,t.,rjr Ltr ,rL.l ,1.r\ i\, . ., ,,J 1,. r r.r\1.\\ \kl( \\ I \\t, lr /,.t t1 l)t I | ._1, t\ lt | | \1.S\ ttltt tit{r, t.,,,,.,,, ' +<'=:- ' < .': l t l'--+-- i -*1 '-,' l r!-, Irrn,1 51 ,1r,.,, ,,,''rn,r'., r, 1498 Sprinqh i I I Lanr '| . llX,t tllt.R nr,:.,rl . r|Jrj,..'.x\.r l(l rl i\ l: t\tr | | | lft rt t, | , ,,,1 ltfrr..rrr.r\-,rn,, r!{ r, \r. 'rtrai| " ""Jr"r r.rir(.r nrri, r, hi,n _rf, h,s ,1" es .xrrl,l(r1\rrr j!t t|n., ij, ..,,. lfC i.,rn.lln(it.l(.^rhl(.,,.ti, .,,t,.,,,, .,,. r, ... rin.ir'r(l('r,!,\ tlt(,!r,r ,r,,,,.,., ,., I r,,,.,,., 'rl,:\, h, ,j, rjtr(\ .,r. Ll|r,r , ,,,r. re5trictl0n!, c0vr.rrants ano after. hpr h(,r\.rtr,, .,,.rt,r,. t!,rr n, .'. r.t r'tr .,!a,,r,{r\) rh.rrt rfirl *rlt i,lil#j,$ t, ""',{''Lrr!,;:ii larcel Onc, A pircr I r I lanJ trr t,,t l(r of ltlock J suhdlr'lslrrrr ln t l,c Tosn s 1^,-,-!.! of |all, countY of ,: :; l;:":lli::^l :.''ll,n^nsn ao-:,i'i";;'in: ::_:::,6,jrv!.r of ca td- rotrrshtp ",.,; ;;,.;; : :::::::, l:, ll.'l: .' " cor o1 6616. -in-;;.r i' i;,parr I-rrlarlv ,rn, ",1,.,a "r-i,lrl""_i'll Li; , ' i:li";:.l"lj;::l"i;":i;';;.'i:il;:;:,i;,;r,iil::,i:li.:ii,i,ff::.i;;.i:.;r,, , ;;:';"'i;i"i,l',rr*'l',""r,'1,:lii"*r1,"';i";.r,",lr,,rr.rr.lr^r:r Ii:.i_,1."*..'I"f t ?9.6 fe.t to tlr. (o llre I . , f ,. r,t: (rf r rt,. l,r,glnnlllR. tli l:r:;*ll:tli:,i;, l:::':':"":'' (rornor of aar<r.r.ot,r6, a F,ornr on the,ouihetly - ;iii"i:::;;lil'ii::,:r":ii ii,,'i"'ir';i g:,i:li,:'';:s,5i:ii"i"';;i'i*;:::i' r.;,,ornt nr beBrnnrnA; ,i":l';.";;lll:li.itj-:: the rt;ht_e5.sr'i..,'io'l'no.ru. , t"f t ?9.6 fnr j 16 tlr. l,.r,t: (rf rr,,. r,^i1"ir',.,r'.,l t ):l'4 f...ti tlrencc a" io thc ,l:i:::'"t *lr'an rrnrl !viJr-'r' l./: r'rf .',r.'..t rn rrntr t(, t'a co,,,."on I,.rrcel se rJercr!bed A F.,1rcFl of larr:t t ;s:ll;;l;i:,;::-il;li'i:ii,.i"liT:?l ;i'i;ll:itii"r,'t;i:.'li'ir',r".,.",, Surr*y or ""to ii.-"i,i,, pr' 'J"ct of thr' stxth trtncJpa-l H..rJi""'r."'"r.irng to tlre Denver, colora r. on nni,ittlrtt'f,r',aE Aflrov"d by !hl tt.s. Srrrvoyer (:.'neral !n descrthed "" i,,i ri""^',,: '.'i,'; '""' sald perccl of Iand t'"r,,g .lri ror,,.ul"rry O.""rlilO"{.I:jl t., t(, lr.ss ru(, r,,rrccln of.land derrsnate<l lrnrt I and untt 2 as Parcel One; A parcpl of lind tn Lot vrr,ton rn ?le rou,rr ", ",jl^.l"jj::r^: of varl-Valley Ftrst !.utrrs, a l: I:.':n,o 5 ioLrth, r"n*" no'rl.i";;'i,,:'r;':1,1e. stote or cororado, Ii s,..1 .o tha survey- of F.1td Tnr.r:shtp rn.r Re,''o. "^--^..^ltll"lnrl--Herldten iccor.rtng :o tha survey of natd Tn -: .'''' ur r're :>ttl,t-ftll"ll"l-_Herldtan accorJtns rn Dcnvcr, iir".^n,,".i"rT;?;t,;l',l;;t'.:fl':::d by th-e u.s. i"."uiii"con"r.r p:rtlctrlarly desrrlf,ed ".' r.ir._1,';;';, :: 3;'1il-;:,i;,;::;;;;";;"l,,l"llll,,"l"j"l,1,l.:.,1:.:,o,nt ou r,,e sou,,er,y ::fi.:j"jij::ii,il"Ij,;lij,t;"j::,liiil"if.iili"i,jl;,i^lttli.t",l,,inti".j,,iitr.nald scrrtherly ltne of r 'r! r'ur !rr ('ne llalt of nald sectlon 9t therr sotrth,.'e6t cornor or nnrat'i.,|!,;: :l]:_tj'!.:1..:l:f": g, rzo.oo-i...'i"'.i.gorrthr.'est cornor or sard l.r,i',;, ,i,i,ij,i;.";:ll:: e, r20.oo rect to the trtre polnr of hcginnyng; tlrerrce l r.)rt^1t.._ -,'(l4".to the rrght 95.91 feet to trtte polnr of hcljnnlnn: r'r'tr(errt 4'. (t1" .to the rrRht 95.9t feer f r"rt io.oo ;;":,";;;:;:l'.;:'l:",ii':i:11",,:-.1" rrrht i.2z i".ri"if",l. rs.l€ft 20,o0 ro""; rt,nr,"i '':'i''"'- " lt ut'- to thp rl8ht l.zz i".ti ii"n". t r""i;-,r,..."'g,,: ll''l'll, iir,'l,ll'.r]jll,.l__rr r:::r tr,.nce ail iJ ii,)'r.r,feo3; ihoa.g 9()o ro t. '- '" LrrE rrFnt J.22 ["?li t]ronce 45. to tt," tcI po'i"-,i"'i.i,',il'u'il"iI'l,,li;i j;:';^'l::.:^go'-to tr,i-'iJn,'i.i"l"u., aub<ilvt.rlon !n ?lrc Tor-,rr Droc|( J ot I'rll vflllpy Flrat !.qtrrl. a e, ror.nsh!f i".",,r,,"r,i.1: ;;'il.:'":l,l,.lt.lll.t.: s,'." lr ioio,"i","i; s,.r{on rn Dcnvcr, corn;a4e, ." r,i,lii,'rz"",Jill".li! lll-.:^r1,"-rcft lt.8-f...,,,,,^,,"u es.to rhe left 5f.4 f ., -u so tlle ltlt l: I lcft 29.6 feet tc,th e f :)lnt of t rrre beglnnlng, Pdrcpl Tkar; i,:::*i:i::"i:"iri,;;j:,il.U+p;il:: i;-i;i':iiii.l:"i:i;:iiii,i;,"";:I:;::'.::";ii i:':::..:l i"'o io'-iJr,ii'ina r",,s" appioved b, rhc u.s.u"i"s'.o.;';;;;i";;":;;'::;.:li:;.:3,rll,3il".jr.,iili.',,ri'nili.r of rand ijr i::ii,li:,ii #;;l;';;":':"il:;.;t;":d.ts. ,6. a porn, on ,h. ,outh!r1,,; , ee!d soucher.l y rt"" "r'ir,. t,t ;;'.;:'il T""t]lll of-scctlon 9; thencc rtoDs ve6t corner oi card if,"Jl,'tulj.lt'i,t;lolfofi":t":. e, rz6.do-i...'.hc thc iouth-potnt-of bestnrrrng; ,t,"r,..'r;;;;:;/i':^':.:o".,: th. rJSht 95.9t fect to thG rruc ijji.'l;::"i:;ii'fi.Ll:";'.'i;':;:':,;;..',,1,t'lll_l.zi i...i-iii.il rs..o ir,.'-- e0' to ',, rrqr,r ie.l":-ll*":. o't r""l;'''i";:"';;"t.:n:ff.,:;. :;,;T"ll?tlrll;l .tarr 2, . rect; ,,.,,',tif!t,tn:l:',::_-r:,th".rrBht r.c i""ii',;;;.90. r. thc fpet tc tr.- rrr:a t,.t,,r .,i n"rr""i."1"". ),t.r t""t; thencc 90. to ttr" rlght 24.Z of Vall !al I r,1. Fl: st Fll lng, a ^l"tt.lu: llrir" of Colr:rrad<rr tn Sectton Slxth PrlnclJral Hcrldlan a{.cr'rdlng "t'l:.]"n,1 h!, r lrp U, S. Srrrvayer !892, sald parcel of Iand belng nore parcrl ot' land belng nore the to t he ... teCt ; thence 90. to 23. 50 thencc th. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the following application on July 19, 1995 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for a living . room addition at the Stevinson Residence located at 1498 Springhill Lane/Lot 16, Block 3, Vail Valley 1st Filing. Applicant: Patricia Stevinson The applications and inlormation about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's otfice during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the VailTrail on June 30J995, FX€v€ryone\d |b\250ehu\slevinson.7l 9 FRANCINE SEARS DONALD STERN 47 FLYING POINT RD. 2078 DETJRSTADR. STONEY CREETI CT 06045 BELLrNGHAM.WA98226 CARTER& PATRICIAFRIERSON JOHN SLEVIN I1O3 TINUARBBLL LANE 5I1 LIONSHEAD LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN, GA 30750 VAIL, CO 81657 NEAL GROFF ANNFRASER 1468 VAIL VALLEY DR. 213 DIAMOND AVB VAIL, CO 81657 BALBOA, CA92662 LUCYBILLINGSKY C/O CHARLES JORDAN CARRINGTON 22OO ROSS AVE, STE 48OO W DALLAS, TX752OI RECEIFT- The Tovrn "f V;--- DATE ADDRESS d.r'- tVi / L-{ ;lt .'f9 (^ Permitlftmbers% How PAID- cash_crrec;jle I , --\I ' i' r-:* --- i 'i-nr-*r-+ fiF r--_tg r L_ lli =.cF 1 i;n**r_i:= C=gh rii,l,-*i -,r +. I r.r:...-'-_ ::rr.n 1! !1..t,_.l:, l!i_' 'ir ! r r! i. :l-,. ,ii. | ,1 t |'-tl \J, i!:tTii:i i.. L ri ::;-i-r:r...j-{ i.i:;L-ii.j I itr!,::,r-Jf.j i i"1:,,-_11::;-gr;J i i i.Frrt F.3 i C i!.i iJ!:11,.i4 i ,.i;_] .1. r,:rr,:ri:: 1:.h.:i1fr,.t:+ r-|!, i.t,i l-ii,:r,.i i l-HF{F.lH .rrE_-rL! : t,:jiri . '.F i i:: i.ri:r i f. l.ijf1 ir ir.[: ::i ":! " i:r:r-i ifirir,,_r rr t F,gi* f!!:i, iit !:; ,. l!t: j,.. lt; :r I agcEIpT- The Town of vrit ----l , a ;*" I - r's ritwrr .,r Y'' ;!|| "^* 6'aq-l( ,,y rrg ffg?l i ,'l i *r*rrr*ou bean 6/fiiidfld4 , . .r I monpss t44 ? fnnailv'// L-a"^t /'/n,rl k {i,x l-:l l- l 'I1 ,l ,, Pcrmit ltumbers .ry?p!l* {HowPAlD-cash-ar*y'/jlVWW i I -----:=.:::.-r:_--::-_-_-:_=:=-:: _____-=-=J RECEIPT- The Town of Vril p,lys @ a1 ' Lr _ _, ,:-_ ug l8g?t RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS UV -rG'"F,r #*;;;a-*--- l'liscel l*reqrs Cagh ff7-4.i1-':q t4::.f,: FZ Fi*trpiF,r. f IISFIil Hccc,un t # FgTeItIg 5TEr.rIH5El.t..rltr[r. 6Bp-o Fnrc'Lrn t l.ende re,J .:, Flg, fiE Item paid fiISBBE4I j.lgErfiF ti:hange returne,J :. B*oun t paid _-.,r3FJ.6[r E. E6 r-HJAF,{t< 1f0r-l 'r'our c.:shier IELL'/ t ^]J noo*,u i 3 i'/{ Erary__t4 - *-,.- (*/&r", /i' ,fti#ll TOWN OF VAIL RECEIPT NO.- DEPART]IIENT OF COMI{LNTIY DEITLOPMENT CIIECKS MADE FAYABLE TO TOIVN OF VAIL ACCA'UNT ITO.IAE}T NO. TrX C6TAA- AdLL 0 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0 0000 4241s UMFORM BUILDING CODE $54.00 0 0000 4241 5 UNIFORM PLTJMBING CODE $19.00 0 0000 4241 5 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $37.00 0 0000 4241 5 UNIFORM FIRE CODE $36.00 0 0000 4241 5 NATIONAL ELECTzuCAL CODE $3 7.00 0 0000 4241 5 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)$7.00 0 oooo 424t2 XEROX COPIES $0.25 0 oooo 42412 STUDIES 0 oooo 42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 o 0000 423 7 I PENALTY FEES i RE-INSPECTIONS 0 0000 41332 PLNN REVII:W RE-CHECK FEE IS4O PER HR.I 0 0000 42332 OFF IIOURS INSPECTION FEES 0 0000 4 l4l2 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE $20.00 0 0000 4 I 41:ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE I'S I .OO PER SQ.FT.I 0 0000 42440 r'I'C ART PROJECT DONATION 0 0000 4l 33 I PRE PAID DESIGN RI,VIEW BOARD T.T'E 0 0000 42371 INVESTICATION FI]E (BUILDING) 3 0000 45n0 TOV PARKING FUND 0 oooo 2zoz7 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND * 0t 0000 2ll12 TAXABLE @,4% (STATE)* 0t 0000 4t 010 'IAXAALE (d 4% (TOWN) 0 0000 423 7 I BUILDING INVESTIGATION OTHER f'lju AffLI(;AI TON T$SS . U 000Q 4 1330 ADDITIONAL GRFA "250 $200.00 </'.( l U 0000 4t330-CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $200.00 0 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION TLESS TTIAN IOOSQFT.I l;200.00 0 0000 4 t3t0 EXTERIOR ALTERATION [MORE THAN IOO SQ.FT.I $500.00 0 0000 4t330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISW ti I ,5u0.00 0 0000 41310 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMJ,ND s t,000.00 0 0000 4l 330 SPECIAL DEVI]LOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMENDI s200.00 0 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION ry :! * ai 0 0000 41330 VARIANCE li250.00 0 0000 41330 ZONINGCODE AMENDMENTS s250.00 0 0000 41330 RE - ZONING $200.00 OTHER OTIIER cAsE I--,,*0,,-1C C21*. o r.,.*;-flft9-' rz-\ z\rt t)( cu,(rt (I(\,X, & .dtWt1f t.r&r W)/" yfi'nf,tkn M K It \t-b\44 Lfiw.+wxw '^itAe rro,l lr*4 ' {o'tU'tA \,urih \Xa^- &evvww Lrn " 4 Cw''i.CI) rurA hr s,p\niiul t1v* U"q ^{'(/@'4\ inWrutq v iN)ry rlrrrr lrr,unt u J utwudutor lilv;l W' { j I )qrriii l,^nlu r ,-' -l ?ilign Review Action Ftn TOWN OF VAIL on" ll' l '4 t Category Number L-r.. l..t erqeaName: )lA(a l( ) (Vlrlt,o''t .: Jr?;\tttL Building Name: ProjectDescription: t''P'tru.\t-,'1{ iv'tt','-' 4tl*l\(X ArchitecvContact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: t-ot i k, Block -) Subdivisionf/ Project Street Addressi Zone District F- Comments: Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval .ftStaff APProval Conditions:'r r. t,,k"rl Town Planner o^r"' \l | ' cl+ DRB Fee Pre-paid \\ ., / ?r' ,l t.tle.a 7 /74/94 DESTGN a REVIEW BOARD APPI,ICATTON . TOWN OF DATE RECET\TED: DA?E OF DRB MEETINGI !t*******t* i t r. A. :dT;o-nloo- **rt****!t*rt DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New ConsLrucLion (9200.00)Addition ($50.00)Minor Al.teration (920.00) Conceptual Review (90) c. D. F. ADDREss, //7/ S/za't lpzz- e4",: ^, LEGAL DESCRIPTfON: Lot Subdivision If property is described by description, please provide to Lhis applicaLion. ZONING I a meets and bOunds on a separate sheet, legaI and aLt.ach ilHi,s i:::::li', s LEPRESENTATTVE , (/qet.n' St/z+-nonz l9ar >s->r //*t(-NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT' Address: Phone ?t/?-asz z- OWNER(S): Address: Phone APPLICATTONS WTLL NOT BE PROCESSED WTTHOUT OWNER'S SIGNA?T,RE I. Condominium Approval if applicable. .I . DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are to be paid aL the Lime of submittal of Lhe DRB apprilation. Lat.er, when apprying for a building permit, plbase identify t.he accurate varuarion of Ehe proposal . The iown of vail wilr .ai""f-rrr.fee accordj.ng Lo the EabLe below, lo ensure the correct fee is paid A-.1 , FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION ar al ,tr .rt, \J {, ,tr-irtr $ 10, 001 - $ s0, 000 $ 50, 001 - g 1s0, 000 $150, 001 - $ s00, 000 $500, 001 - 91, 000, 000 $ Over $1,000,000 DESTGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES APPROVAI., T]NI.,ESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT IS IS STARTED. i ;o:oo $100.00 $200.00 'h, t\ t\ ^^+9 UU , UU $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAIJ ISSUED AIVD CONSTRUCTION Phone ../71 -tr227 rI A pre-applicaEion meet.ing wich a member of the planning staff is encouraged to determi.ne if any additional applicacion informaEion is needed. IE is the applicant,s responsibilit.y Lo make an appoj_nEmenL wlth E,he st.af f to deLermine if there are additional submiEEal reguiremenLs.Please note that a COMPLETE application will sLreaml_ine Lhe revj.ew process for your project. III. IMPORTAIiilT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SIIBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A.' In addition Lo meeLing submitEal reguiremenLs, the applicant must stake and Lape Lhe proj ecc si t.e t.o indicate properEy 1ines, building lines and building corners. A11 trees Lo be removed must be Eaped. All site t.apings and staking must be completed prior Eo the DRB site visiL. The applicant must ensure t,hat st,akinq done during the wint.er is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally reguires two separaLe meeLings of Lhe Design Review Board:.a concept.ual review and a f inal review. C. Applicants who fail t.o appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meet.ing date and who have not asked in advance that, discussion on Lheir item be postponed, wj.ll have their iCems removed from the DRB agenda until such time as Lhe ib,em has been republished. The following iLems may, aL Lhe discretj_on of Lhe zoning adminj"st.raLor, be approved by the Community DeveLopment Departmerit staff (i.e. a formal hearinq before the DRB may noL be required) : a. Windows, skylights irnd similar exterioi changres which do noL alt.er the exist.ing plane of t.he buildj-ng; and b. Building addirions not visible from any oLher lot.or public space. AL Lhe time such a proposal is submitted, applicants musL include letters from adjacenE property owners and,ior from Ehe agenL for or manager of any adjacenL condominium association sLaLing Lhe associaLion approves of the addition. If a properLy is locat.ed in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfal1, flood plain, debris flow,weLland, eLc.), a hazard sEudy must be submitted. and Lhe owner musr sign an affj-davit recognizing the hazard report prior Lo Lhe issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a rown planner prior Eo DRB application Lo det.ermine the relaLionship of Ehe properLy to all mapped hazards. For al-1 resident.ial cons t.ruction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of Lhe exterior strucLural wa11s of the buildinq; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on the siLe plan a four fooL disLance from the exterior face of the building waIIs or supporLing columns. If DRB approves the applieaLion wiLh conditions or modificat.ions, alI conditions of approval must be addressed prior Lo Lhe applicaE.i.on for a buildino permi t D. E. F. RECEIPT - r1te Town of Vail Permit Numbers , /= , How PAll)-cash-0re ",!:-It 2 I RECEIVED FROM -r{:llt-lH ErF !-_-rFl I l_ Fliscel I sneLrr-rs C.ssh L |;]-f, i -,14 Lt,l l;'i trt I F.*:ce i E, t. # 1 =t:14 L fiCr:rrr_rn t. #1::H + :r::f L 5HEEf'lFill !-.Ut.l:1T'..FFiEPEIt! llF:B fiiri,-,irn t t.*ird*i*d :. I teffi tr-sid {J 1 {:r _]riiH4 i f,;I1 fir:l{r tl:h.=rr,::e rE' t.t-r!-ned .i :,ir"1" t.:ru Flmr-.r_rnt Faid ::r3. l:18 L.i LtLi -I-HFft-{l{ L,rt:rl_l 'i.+Lr t- i 3!n l. '? r- HL .t Lt l TOWNOFVAIL DEPARTHE}|T OF OOXT'UNITY DEVEI'PTIENT e ,/ ,') ""*-/0- A3g ".,-- tY/ fa^"-r1ns - clfEcs MA.Bd p^YADLE To rowN oF vAtL 21t12 cASHr tr**, f 731 oo*..-.-.- Category Numbef Dlign Review Action Fem TOWN OF VAIL 7 Project Name: Building Namei Project Description:.i l-.'i-*,'6;tr Owner, Address and Phone: I I ._,t c4 I :> 1t*/- C'--=| /a - { , / t tq T 1 ,,1 i, , I,i,/ ( (.,t,* ,. ., t- i-hat.Vcontact,Addressandphone: ' 1,.,t ( i., t *, t-,q,., 111 C',::, 12 '?y5.,;-, Legal Description: Lot 'll Block-SuOOivision '/ r'i('7* i--'7 ZoneDistrict - '! Proiect Street Address:l\lLl')I | ; )l i I Comments: Board / Statt Action., uotionov: /r .)/4 vote: t- /.v' Seconded by: ,/v'/ 1 , ( ( [,,- DRB Fee Pre-oaid t.vtt.A 7 /74/94 DESTGN REVI o EW BOARD o OF VAILJ COI.,ORADO APPI.,ICATION TOWN DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: *tl**t***t* Y rt*rt*****rt*!:"i u[PT.r. A.IPTION:1!U?- *-tfrut;LF 'lt5 ffi B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Cons t,ruclion Addir.ion ($s0.00)L/ Minor AlLeration Conceptual Review ($200.00)($20.00) ($0) c. D. ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: Subdiwision If property is described by description, please provide Lo this application. a meets and bounds on a separate sheet l ega1 and att.ach E. ZONING: F. NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT: Address: C.77,u{ G.NAME OF APPLICANT'S Mailing Address: H.NAME OF OWNER(S): OqINER (S] SIGNATURE: l,EPlEJPryLArrvE: (?kP zrF tp-- ."2'"2 Mailing Address: Phone I. .I . APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT O'flMER'S SIGNATT]RE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are to be paid at. Ehe Lime of submirral. of rhe DRB applilation. l,'iiEi, wfren applying for a buirdinq pernib, prbase identify Lhe accurar,e valuation of Lhe proposar. The rown of vair wilr adjust the fee according t.o Lhe Labre below, Lo ensure the correct. fee is paid. q, FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION irl\,t!.|o v o t\rrr..ut.$ 10,001 - $ s0,000 $ so, 001 - $ 150, 000 $1s0, 001 $ s00, 000 $s00 . 001 - $1 , 000, 000 $ over $1, 000, 000 DESTGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI, EXPIRES APPROVAL IJNLESS A BUTIJDING PERMIT IS IS STARTED. FEE $;o:oo $100.00 $200.00 $400. 00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI ISSUED AIVD CONSTRUCTION ,-CrC. II. PRE.APPLICA1ON MEETING: A pre-application meeLing wit.h a member of Lhe planning st.aff is encouraged to determine if any additional applicacion information is needed. It is Lhe applicant,s responsibiliEy to make an appoinEmenL with the sEaff Lo decermine if there are addicional submiEEal reguirements.Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the review process for your project, III. IMPORTAIIT NOTICE REGARDING AI.,I.I SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A- In addition Lo meeting'submittal reguirements, the applicant must stake and tape Lhe project site to indicaee property Iines, building lines and building corners. AIl trees t.o be removed must be Eaped. All sit.e Lapings and sEaking must be complet,ed prior to the DRB siEe visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requi_res Ewo separaLe meet.ings of Lhe Design Review Board:.a concepEual review and a final review. C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not.asked in advance thac discussion on t.heir it,em be postponed, will have fheir iLems removed from the DRB agenda until such Lime as the it.em has been republished. D. The f ollowing iLems may, aL the discretion of t.he zoning administraLor, be approved by the Community DevelopmenL Departmerit staff (i.e. a formal hearinq before Lhe DRB may noL be reguired) : a. Windows. skylights and simi-l-ar exterioi changes which do noL alLer Lhe exisLing plane of the building; and b. Building additions not visible from any other lot.. or pubJ_ic space. At the Lime such a proposal is submiLted, applicancs must include let.ters from adjacenL property owners and,/or from the agent for or manager of any adjacent. condominium association sLating Lhe association approves of the addition. E. If a properLy is located in a mapped hazard area (1.e. snow avaLanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris f1ow,weLland, etc. ). a hazard st.udy must be submitt.ed and Lhe owner musL sign an affidavit recognizing E,he hazard report prior to Lhe issuance of a building permic.Applicanls are encouraged E.o check wieh a Town planner prior to DRB applicat.ion t.o deE.ermine Lhe relationship crf f ha nrnrrart t' f ^ r'l 1 nr^^^.i L+---l^e..e y!-yrrty to all mapped hazards. F. For aII residential const.ruction: a. CIearIy indicate on Lhe floor plans Lhe insiae face of Lhe exlerior sLruct.ural wal1s of the buildinq; and b. IndicaLe wiLh a dashed line on the site plan a four fooL disLance from the exterior face of the buildinq walls or supporLing columns. If DRB approves rhe application with conditions or modif icar.ions, aII condit.ions of approval musL be addressed prior to t.he application for a bui.ldinq permi t . I.,IST OF MATERIAI,S 4/\ NAI,4E OF pROJEcr >€]tt42 KEVraztFZ- LEGAL DESCRIPTTO* STREET ADDRESS: I The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIAI.IS: Roof Sidins Other wall Materials Fascia SoffiLs Windows window Trim Doors Door Trim I{and or Deck Rails Flues Flashings /^h : -- ^..^ur. r J.Illt IEy 5 Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining waIls ExLerior Lighting OEher regulred for submit.tal to the approval can be eiven: TYPE OP MATERIAIJ Design . COIJOR {O l/A, 6:4,F,, 0172.4 danttae- 41./442 f ttr7th?-ru4/F- Fz znt I (r.lwe ry D (r \ga'l- /- Designer: Phone: B.TANDSCAPING: Name of PLANT METENTG: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Bot.anical Name corn*ot+*" OuanLi.tv size* *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.deciduous trees is 2 inches, Indicat.e Lrees.heioh ifer Minimum caliper for heighL for coniferous 1S Sguare Footaqe **IndicaLe size of proposed 5 qa1lon. -:J-E-= shrubs GROI]ND. COVERS ar\n SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION .NVPF 'IP MFTI]r')N '\F EROSION CONTROL c. LANDSCAPE LrcHTrNc: rf exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixLures and rocalions on a separate lighLinq p1an. rdenLify each fixLure from Lhe lighting plan in the space bel_ow and provide Lhe height above grade,-type of right proposed, r-umen outpuL, lumi.nous area and a cuL strebt or the light f ixr.ure. (SecLion Lg.54.050 J) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (reLaining walls, fences, swimming poo1s, etc.) Prease specify. rndicate heights of retainini wal-l"s' Maximum height of warrs wit.hin Lhe fronL setback is 3'. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6, D. d m Ig l-o t-'.h E t<: a t*E ;l9n :l l;; o l*i-h 14fi I l< -r I l-:m=r-r 1 ;!.o<4e 63 g,& CE >:l =E ii= 'r't !m 3 -{ fifl8 T \.1 ir 3r2 FF"|- .+i-- L:tL_.i Ll trD o o z g 7 c o {o z !m n ={ 3P z= 2= oG)z ()z to ;-{m lcD I tEI lEs l=!lEd < lFq l'i ! r-. 3 \o 5-t o @ m x m i o z L o @ 2.I m !m v =. o)..o -l r 1o -l I]+ci o =m I z z -t n -{ !t- =g z C, c) 2a im 72 >m ot -t>or-n o z =IT |n F z z FI fl rft { l-l mlO Ht{tlz ll I!lm l!.'lz I' I I I E lo II t> lF l*lo l6 ldH {13 zl I l5 < t;-i > lF fi l= ' tc)6lF i. tz tsl x \l >Itrr (})l(/l (rl<I lo r'r I s, I tz, E FE bFn tuls w.R tnFl I trP t3 E<Z lrn Etc)I cn lld I rl l>I atz l<lH tHtc)I zt>I (/r ltr'tol I zla tt<I lc)I l(,tl j o 2 m a a > c m -{m l ^z x f o z t- m t t -tl t- t 6)NF f a3 4-fit F io allt fi 68 o'<z dc,.a 3E E H zg oo o -r1 zz { x F>_ N@= Nm=gr- 5-<t< 3 z H F r H z r-F F z FI FD O - frH3a '(Dpd j6gg :8 *r gl=- eEi 3 ;:et Cl*-o=!,- FAig H9an 9or96. 3aB=(og=o asES -! orE a.g; il Ja! t 5s3'1 IcaE = s.g I @iol. Podr 6. = =.4 Hg*; ;:3i 3 iil* * ;*iE 6'9FR f o --* a o { D o o o -o.c -i o = (D =g J (o o o o.o o 5 o. J o ,o. lot o o \ o \a *lJ A)E E. o D o o o d o r)w i-l tF E r>tz l= I I ly lN) l-b .s I 9i II c)l -l I I I I I I gl -{l ftl t I I o =.4 l m -l o { t- !m ! =--n m m (n o N) +. 6 zzai =. '-'tt' I'zX"g#3) \\__y o o z o {7 c o {6 z {o ID m rg !o hE Y':6 ;2 X.+Yo He -{l m=i:r! 6q 4o.6E ;9 ano clt >I =E ;;= .tl m 3 { mo l<Fs l* !9lq P" lE l=!n dF CC z=o@ 2=6o z 4o =-{at c 7 D c v 3 m o z r c = ; z t- =tD z R' =8 ;: -r c)o>)D t- o 2e 7z >m OI]-t>or n 1 I =m { €z m n -l z =!T (h H ( z H t. rf}F t,-iln o> 3 m z t- r -{ 3 tr z o '{m r m l-l to t€ lz to l''|t<t> lF l! lm lo lz I 3 + €z o -ll 7 m a z o 1t = i {z o 'rl P -!m F,z o n 3 -{ m t- Fl '.t -! -J, I >(\ ,-r- t{ t= lz l'rt t<t> II tm P lz lo I l'i'1... H' It'r I m ED r F:- lY t-i t: -{ 1| tl .{ I La) IJ t= lz 'lt t<l> IF lm z v l|'.: + l)' I t'l =D |- ! m n -f u \J z =m iE. FI F *J v; er r- c) E tr F D E to|,!J V;F F€Eltl !r>E cc?le rtn tr!< F &Ft/J 4,E rh o\ r+<- -L!$L_tLl i ) a i T nt n ={ E6 mt lHi lsl lF9 N!tm F<9f X+o @ m x m t I o z C-o (D g {m (').{) -l =E O -;E3d - ogd e; A;6iP:a gEi 3 ='<R{otEit ;iBs |,.D2= = -.o or tsi'o- Fis-g H q3; 9 o' 9.6 3aB=@9 +o aeE€ fE:F da9.6 5s3-1 o3l= EE48 i':9 P @3ol Podr E . ='L egFr <O-= E:a P o^e;'E j Fd ;? ;*3€,;'at-o f(o--- o { q)o E o o. c = a @ =e (o o CL o g) f o o. Iqr o o v, 2 z c m o 'n .tl 3 at m r 'n z T m E z m ! t- a -t z l z t- ! m =6 z m m m l<' lz l= t>l.- +9;m olm rto "l I I tq ll t>lt- r I I I IP lo to z a c T -{ z -l -.1 I x z m !)a -t-c ft a tr I -l =n -t z tr rt m _tt m g €m t-T 2 o c z -t o I o z c z - z m { |- m 2 X F: o i z |-- m -\ ^\ i!\\ \ !'-\5 P L J --,t tn I I fE .( h r' .t1 t- 6 z a\, F R; >"l Zo QO 1Z C> u, o 64 =c:a-1 6o zz YZ Ftm t-:o ri> .\. o .m t- ut 2,6 (AV BI (.2 to tl 'r'l 5€ EI EI il gl HI zl Fil { o g) z z F F 2 z -t m <t, z z =z -l -{ m gF) 24 ol,=: iFr ot>;2 t-t'z I I I I l'P I lr.) rl ho t.F I >: ml I I I I -l o -t t- !m ! = =.rl m m (n 1 C" m i x .)t-m z e fn g -l m 2 z m m € .tI o arl =z m m 3 m c)- z t- t-c 3 2 m -'m cl x |- f- 2 m x @ F ='o m u = !m n = =1l m m an VALUATION H 7 =-t z 9 m z o - t- 3 2 o tn r_m t- @ t- z L, iJr o l! p F R o l.J 5 5 h: o /f 57/0 \' fi zzs'! a- rc/tAl I .t-l lru f'41;q#r)]vuJ'7t ,r, o'ro DATE:_ Thtr ?;..:ttv -! t, . 11 APPI,ICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COUPLE?ET,Y OR IT MAY NOI,{E hHO,ABTCP . TOIJ-N OF VAIL COM-DEV 5rl3-479-2452 TOWN OF VAII, coNSTRUcTIoN PERMIT APPI,ICATION TORM Legal Description: r,ot lL0 Orirngrs NanE t DEAI\ STEVINSON Archltectt IrcNEREQUIRED General Deecrlption' BOIiJR INSTALLATION / REprACffn{I r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * il * r t r * * * * PERMIT XNFORI'J\TION * * t * * * * * t * t * * I t t * * * i * * * * * * * * * t l-Building I l-P]unblng [ ]-Electrlca] [XJ-Mechanlcal I J-other Job Nane: qql[NSqD{ ryqln'rc-q Job AddragB: 1498 SPRIIGI{ILL I"ANE -)Block J_ Flltng Address ! Address: Ph. Ph. {r' worlc clasEl I l-Nes IXJ-Alteratlon [ ]-Addltlonal [ ]-Repair [ ]-Other, Number of Dwelling Unlbs:Nuh$er of Acconnodatlon Unltet ^ rypnber and Typa of flreplaces: Gas Appllances- Gas Loge- Woodr/Pellet- &******************************i** VAL,UATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !r * * * * * * * * * * * * * tl ^ ?n^ nn EIECTRICAIJs S t""'uu 200.00 OTHER: T rorAr,r f37T0m6--$ srP 2 BUII/DING: I PLUMBTNG: T- Town of ValI Req. No. Dlrrrna wuntrar :303i279-3gU-Phona Nunber:303:Addrcse; Electrlcal Contractor: Address I HecffiFffi Plunblng Contractori Address: Mechanlcal Contractor: Addrese: SA},IE GENERAL ***********l*i***t**********lr*** FOR BUIT,DING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE! I'IECHANICAIJ PERI'IIT FEE ! ELECTRTCAIJ FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE! DRB FEE; $;:l"'$,xi*:wfi;w ltown of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Numb6r: Reg. NO. OFFICE USE !t * * * * rt * * * | * * t t * * * *rt * * t t * * * **l * * BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBINC PI,AN CHECK FEEI MECHANfCAT, PIAN CHECK tnnz T RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT: BUII,DING; SICNATURES ZONINOI SIGNATURBT NO. IW ttl t-t-t- t_t-!- Cornnentst MEIRO MECI{A}IICAL I Aqg, CNT E RT vT\ SERVICES, INC. ll1 6q n-nr nfl\r Qnznl I uuJr{ ur vnJ,L lul.t-!'LV TOr FROM; DATEI RE: lu;Juc-lrtY-14>l O MEliloRAl,rpu.M $rP 13'9.4 10 : 18 Nc .005 P .01 ' ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1gg{ WTIEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS FEQUIRED Job Name:STE\IINSON RESIDENCE Date:9/ Please answer lhe followirtg questlonnaire i'egarding ths nead {or a "publlc Way permlt': YES ls this a new resldencs? ls demolitlon work being pedormed that requires the use of the rlght of way, oasemenis or public property? ls any utility woft needed? ls lhe drivervay being repaved? le different acceEs needed lo site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfealng lhe rlght of way, oasements, or publlo property? lE a'Flsvocable Fight CI Way Permit" requlred? A. ls ihe right ol way, €asemonts or publlc property to be used for staging, pad<ing or fenclng? B. It no to 8A, ls a parklng, stagtng or fencing plan requlred by Communlty Development? STEVINSON RESIDM{CE x Date 1) 2'l Ng X X ]l 3) 4) 5) X 6) 7l 8) x ItJgY. tlly.red yes to any otlhese quesllons, a 'Public Way Pernrit. must be obtained.?ubllc Way- Permit" applicatiorrq may be obtained at the publis Wor,r,s otfice or at C9.qtLtu1ity Deve.lopment. lf you. h.1vJgly^questions please carl Churtie ojvis, rne fown of Vail Constructlon Inspeclor, at.47g-21S8.. I have read and answered allthe above quesfions. Job Name Contrac{or's Slg natu re 1) Fill out the aur check list provlded with a bulldlno oermit aoolicatton. lf yes was enswered to any of lhe above questlons then a 'public Way pErmlt" is requ^ired. -!o-u 9an pick up a.n appllcatlon al either Communlty De'vetopment,locatod at 75 S. Ftontage Road or puulic worts, localed at i g09 Vail Valtey Drive. 2) Notice sign .otfs lor utility. cornpanles. Alt utitiiies must field verity (tocate) respe-clive utilitles prior to slgning application. Some utitity co.piniJJ ioqurre ui to a 4g hour notice to schedule i tdcatey. ' 3) 4 construc'tion treffic conlrol plan must _be prepared on a separate'shest of papar. ,Thfs pran wirf show rocarions of ail rraffic doniror devrces'(1ffi;; d;;;erc,) and , the work zone, (area of construcilon, staging, etc.)t 4) Sketch of work bglng per'fcrmed must bE submitted indieating dlmenslons (tength,width. & depth. of wo*). This may uE orewn on the traffic Eontroifr"n'or a site plan for the job. ' 5) Submit co.mpleled application to the Pubtic Vr'orks otfice for review. tf required,locates wlll be scheduled fcr the Town ol Vail Eteclricians ano tirrgition crew, ttre , tocatss are take place ln the mornlng, but may requirs up to +C filuri iO peaorm. :6) The Public wod<'s Conslruc,tion lnspeelor will review the applicailon and approve or disapprove the permit. You wllf be contacled as to the sidtus end any ctiinges [:t3ry-lt^P:199'.y9tt permits are released wlthtn 48 rrouisor u=elnjrecelveo, DUr ptea60 atfow up lo one week to process. 7) As soon as F-elqrJt ]s ppcs$.sjg, I copy will be {axed to Community Devetopmenl allowlng th.e'Building P.errnlt'to ba rileased. Please do not confusE the 'public Way Perrnll'with a'Bullding Permil'to do work on a prolea slte ltiiri. - . Note: Tha above process ts for work tn a rlght.of.way onty. ' 'pubuc wey permrt's are yarld. onrv u(rilr November tSth. .A new publto Way permlt ls requtred eech year. lutdN ul'vttlL c0l'l-DEV iD::'0-i-479-245? sEp ls'94 1o:19 No.00s p.02 O PuBUc,wAy pEn$rr p'ocC. How il relalEs to Bultdlng permit: t rl*' I'.l '- l- TOUII{ OF \/RIL COII-IJEV I D :301-479-2452 ?5 roulh lranhgc rood erll, se1e716s 31357 (303) 179-2138 or 479-2139 13 o BUILDING PER}iIT TSSUANCE TII4E FRAHE II-!!1: qgryit, requires a ToHn of tail Ftre Departmenr Approval,Englneeprs (.Pgb] tc t{orks) review and approvai,' r ftannini-Oliartnent fyi:I_9I^Herlth Departmint^review, 6nd' a^review by the iuiiirng - -- lJeparhentr the estimated ilme for a total revlew -nray take as l6ng as three }Jeelts. f]: c9rye-rgial (.large or small ) and all multi-fanri'ly permlts will nave t0 toll0w the !bove mentioned maximun requirements, Residential :^l1,s',T.ll proJects.should take a lesser imouni of-iiri.- xirwever, li resldentiat 0r srut'ler projects ,lrnpact the various above mentlon6d !gq1 r!mgnt;..wi tl1 resa rd' to- necessa i.y rev i ew, th;ia t;;j;c [i"muv arso tafte uie three week perlod. Every.attempt wll'l be mrde by thls department to expedtte this permit Es soon as possible. Ir the urrdersigned, rrnderstand the plan chec|. procedure and time frame. SEP '94 10222 N0.003 P.07 of llcr ot cordmunlly Cevclopmill for:MBIR0 MECIIANICAL SERVICES INC. Agreed t0 by.. V srwrnsoll REsIDETcE FrruT;;rm;-.- ,Er'!, zh$,"\ communrty Deve.ropnent Departrnent. 5t.,n^AA Asc. 1l{,hv T0UIN 0F VFIL CL-lll-I|EU : 30:- 4 iP-':9 52 ID o r' 15 '94 o (:l 1U :'.,U No .005 P .05 otf lcr ot communlty develoPmenl 76 roulh kontcgc rorc frll. colorrdo U05t (303) 47$2t38 (3Ot) 17$2lt0 NOETCE rO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUTLDEB,S Effective,June 20, 1991, thc Tovrn of VaiI Buj]ding Departnent has developect the foliowing procedures to ensuro that, new construction sites iravo arlequately establlshed proper crainage from bulldlng sltes along and adjacent to Town'of VaiI roads or streets. Bhe Town of ValI gublic Works DepartmenL will bE regrlred to inepect and approve dreinage adjacent to llonn of Vall roads or etreetc and tbe installation of ternporary or poflnenent culverLs at aqcOsa polnLs frorn the rord or streat on to the construct|on slte. Such approval nrust be obtained prior to any request for lnspectJon by the Town of Vail Fuj.ldlng Department for footlngs or ternpo-rary electrical or any other inspection. Please call 419'2160 to request an lnspection from the Publlc Works DePartment. Allow a minimun .of 24 hour notice. Arso, the Tovrn of t/ail Publtc Viorks Depertnrerrt will be apprcving all final drainage anci culvcrt installation with resuJtlng road paLching as necessa.y. Such approval nust be obtained prior to Fjnal Certificate of Occupancy issuance. *INIEIJOR CONSTRUCTICI{, TII1S MES NOT AFPLY TO TTIE STEI'IINSON RESIDE}ICE JOB. T0l,JN trF vFtIL C0f't-DEV J,aO=-Ot9-2452 sE|Js'94 10:21 No .OOS p.Ob ?3 roulh tronhge rold yrll, colorrdo 9t657 (s03, (79-2138 or 479-2t39 otllca of communlly devrlopmcnl .EOt I'ROM: DATE: SUBTECT: ALL CO};TRACTORS CUNNENTLYI, REGISTERED WITH THE ?otil.I oF vArr., rollN OF VAIIJ PUBLIC WoRKS/CO!,rMUN1TY DEVELOPT,IENT I.IARCH 16, t9B8 CONSTRUCT1ON PARKING & I'TATERIAL STORAGE rn Bunnary,.ordl'nance No. 6 states that it le unrawful for any person to lltter, track. or deposit any soil, r"cf, 6and, Se[iie or materlal, lncludlng trash iunpsteri, p"ria[i. i"ii"i! ;;a---worknen vehlctee upon-any streetl siaeeraix, -iiiey-o, puuric- Blggr or any porti-n thaleof . rhe riehl;i-;;;-an ali rown of vail streets and,Igags ie approxlnrateiy s-it.-l,ri pavement.Tltls ordinanc€ witr be st,rrilii tni"i"!a-uv-irt"-i"fn or varl Publlc HorXs Departnent. pers-ons found viifattnq thie ordlnanco rtrl. be given a 24 hour writren "orr"li-ti-;;;;;;"".1d rnarerlar.trn the event the person 60 hotiried-aroes het eonpiv-"tdr,-irr"--'notlce within the 24 hour tlne speclfled,'inr-pu[iic woitt=---Departnent wirl renov. eard nateilar -at itrE- txpensl ot f"ison notified- The Srrovlsl.ons of, tlrls ordlna".u eiiir-i-not be apprleabl€ to construetion, malDtenance or repalr proJects of any street or alley or any utilttles ln the rigl,[_L-ray. To.revlev ordinance.No. 6ln furr, please stop by the Town of Y:ir Bul+dlng Departnent to obtaiir a copy. Thanlc you toi-your cooperatlon on thls natter. Read and acknowledged by:v n ror: }{EreO IEGT{NICAL SERVICES, I Date \r Town of Wf vArL, coLoRADO OCCUPANCY:R3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V fiFFIfif; OOPY ARCHITECT:NONE ENGTNEER:NONE PLANS EXAMINER:C. FELDMANN Plan Review Based on thE 1992 Unifom Codes NAME:STEVINSON BOILER DATE:9/22/94 ADDRESS:1498 SPRINGHILL LN. CONTRACTOR:METRO MECHANICAL CoRRECTTONS REQUTRED fbe itens listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in tbe adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codea. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of tbe pro-visiong of tbe adopted codes or any ordinance of tbe IoFn of Vail . 1) COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC.6O7 OF THE 199]. UMC. 2) ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.505 and 703 OF THE 1.99]. UMC. 3) INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC. 4\ GAS LINE TEST AND INSPECTION IS REOUIRED BEFORE CONNECTION OF ANY EQUIPMENT PER SEC.L2O5 OF THE 1.99]- UPC. 5) HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST BE PROTECTED FROM VEHICLE DAMAGE PER sEc.508 0F rHE r-991 UMC. 6) GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 OF THE 199]. UMC AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 905 OF THE L991 UMC. 7I DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER - SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER sEc.2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. 8) BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. lr 9) MAKE UP WATER FOR BOILER SYSTEMS ARE REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED BY A LICENSED PLUMBER AND MUST HAVE A BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE INSTALLED IN COMPLIANCE WITH SEC. 1OO3 OF THE 1991 UPC. 10) FIETD TNSPECTION 15 REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE PER SEC.3O5 OF THE 1.991 UMC. 11) WHEN NEW ELECTRICAI LINES ARE REOUIRED WORK MUST BE DONE BY A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN. LzI PERMIT, PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST. Metro Mechanical Services 1658 Cole Blvd. #165, Golden, CO 80401 235.0212 TTTru av.!; ,,,:,' :.vUlt'!11,. iii. ' Septenber 19, L994 Mr. Dan Stanek Mechanical Inspector Town Of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81557 Town nf \,'trll Mr. Stanek, Metro Mechanical Services has been contracted to replace a 20 KWH electric boiler with a 1-40r000 BTUH natural qas boiler. The radiation is existing and as there are no architectural changes to the dwelting no radiition changes are reguired. The history of the dwellj_ng ha6 been adequate heating capacity. This nodification is to increase the efficiency as wel-I as update the equipnent- I have attached the inforrnation requested by the Town of vail to process our application for license as well as application for pernit. If I can answer any further questions please feel free to caII. Sincerely, Metro Mechanical Services Gail T. Brown President o o 1 {) nl I tr <' S\4 f -s q r4 S ta L oKs ul L .*.g Y^r- V)FU ts(Yt sn r^n { !6 >d +b J -<- o L a\ o ,l *f; S rF I q1 x (4 J t F .o( -.1 0 ? 14 tr) € )n ln lv ,| D 3 F I q E \tr L @ F b n x a r>] 14'!x<-t)r (^ \/ -\(l l'r Ji ]ir$' s r ti . i'?$, Lt I D:r; tn n- > $r tj Jrl rat o o q \ . .-. ._ ri-*-'-- -' \- \-'-----:.V tn*-R 5 -t -3-i o L__t _____ __It -._-..-.'_" \ l"o(,l" l-.t'- lr:- _.j *iilj +l y'.r\ ; T--'-'---'-6r, (r -'.._.:_---.--_._ Elo 8 .t---...-.-.._' 93\l:z -J n.\ - -OFL t i -/ i- --/ /n Ji :-rI-z\$ I I I Lo VRIL COI.I-IEV i$s-ozs -24s2 10:20 N0.003 P.0rl sEP Oe4 TqLrN OF a TOTIN OFWIL 75 South Frontnge Rodd Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 D r ytr! n c n! of Ctnn uuit y I) ctc lop t nc nt INFORMATION NEEDED WHEN APPLYTNQ FOR T }TECHANICAI PERIIII t. ?., HEAT LOSS CALCUIJATIONS' to scALE FLooR PLAN oF MECHANICAL RooM t,lITH EQUIPMENT DRAT{N IN IO SCA',,E, I''ITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALIJ EQUIPITENT ITJ }'ECHANiCAL ROOM. sHowsrzEANDLOCAliol{oFCoMBUSTIONATRDUCIS,FT-',UEs, VENT COI{NECTORS AND GAS LINES. NoTEWHETHEREIJEVAToREQUIPMENIWILLALSoBEINSTALIJEDIN MECHANICAL ROOM. 3. FAIIJURE TO PROVIDE TIIIS INFORMAEION }III'L DELAY IOUR PEN$II' IrcNE, PI,EASE SEE MVR. LETTER.. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED PLEASE SEE AITACHED 1. 2. 4. NO ELEVATOR EQUIPI.m{T WILL BE INSTATLED IN MEC}IAI{ICAL R00l"l. PERMIT NUMBER OF P JECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ."-- nrtl) pn,t :=".-=/ be ,t 7// JOB NAME 479-2138 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL (PLUMBING: )'+'<-----l tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL o D tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB NAIL f tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oarc /A / Q./9t/ rNsPEcroR ' '"' i. + I I .,t rN#cnoN REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . 479-2138 PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR INSPECTIO LOCATIONT JOB NAME -t CALLER TUES R OFTPROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL; tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FJYAL { rrr.rar- /f6@D )RRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I t. €i 4 a ,I nrtU ,.q!, --INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE BEADY FOR INSPECTION: aFnnil g,'/o *ou-.-. TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 4nt JOB NAM CALLER THUR FRI AM@ LOCATION: MON ['70 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL T] FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 2- /?- 9/INSPECTOR , / o o z q F F o =o z T FT v ={ d @ m tsEl l* EE |; E E f : t6 ^ I 1214 X * Oc> li = g 2tm!l=E g --*l= [ i LILX I 5 rr 6 €Y'- T o->= d e o@ ; 9 \z e€ =!, > e q !m { E _-'i I i*\{ n 7 c 3 m a z 6 t- o 2p AE de c C : ! c a t im i9 lo )>rl- 2"im nz >m OI -{>o'-v o =m o -l €z m J @ z =IT P a F H H H z I lrr 6A c)>'t-3 m C)J z r =tr l- !'i --l ?l, -l m r m -t l=z o 1t l>F Itt o z -rt = I I\J H to IE lz In l< t> lF m F,z I' f I = z F] E P z F I.. I \o N)g\ I l..J (, t-{o t{7 lo l-n F I 'I F z I @ I !F 3 z rd H E o F z c)F I. { !! It \o N I co 6 t= lz lo l'rl F m c', z o I \C) I !u = € FI tr1 c)€ e) I ! I 5 \o I \J a.J l-{to tf lz o .tl l>- m z o \| I 'n u 3 ts z z H a i NJ (, al a1.rl ' l.J I 5 = =|- m I 3 r. s (t H z r! =6,H z i\ c)r-l 'ue .F. Ln z trl z c) H z l:rt l:!l ts =z t- s*@{ s r{r H z E H w 92 =q rnil It t-, o lEo thi !lx<l. o r> 'r Fl !Jm H!;i< _= e-{o \o@ \om ox m !{ o z C-o ID a -{ m s -1 o S. s tI !m n ={ =o g) @ F.F. _n P r. c)NF .iio-{fi a+,o !l ri P io F>-n il 68 o-z 2. 22 3: g H 2.4 - I oo o JrzZ €o x P> NE= N-= $-<I< 3 'Jtb f! lt BIt' F >F trd t>xto H I ltt HI c) t(n f! t>zla lE *r >lz Hto -lE t; l- ;E3d iigt s€i 3 =i *F (D o:af g -.o ot ca*- Si gg --:ioro H9aP 9o95, 3aF =(oE +o ae[€ -! o)E d"s=il d:9s =-o ci - ;3nE 3ise @3ol Po,dr = =< = Eg$i 6:3.n 3 AF** ;i: € ,-' !) ;+ O d s.o t AT ! o t =o =g (o o o A) o F rll ts z H H L o z i c !m o 'tt o € =z |- R a m F z u)H F z x \ I \o s Fl :l ol ii 3l -l l I I I I gl ml z U) \l I I\J \o I F, 3 z I {.rI z o F @ F 9 z o z o -.t m 9l l(, F E t3 FN r r o t-m z e m { -{o -{ |_ !m n =-t 'Tl m m v,t m u =-l 1l m m tt, 5 u)u) J Pf /2A t of i)ryu"t and TyPe of Fireplaces: 6as Appliances {* *'t * * * * - -..,": :" -]k * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS e^" ros= 4i}pelrer - --__-_.-.- teration 1 Xl-Additional I Nurnber "tt'?) l-Repair [ ]-other Accornmodation Units: P]o. ./g/ - '?ao )ev P}r.t)4- /5/a- *a'69- ********************************* Otggn: $ TOTAL: *************************** Electrical contractor: 9,U+ol {ltzrz;e Address: 6ay /.tSl 4zlW [own of Vail Reg. NO.3?O-B Phone Number: Vf/-as 26{* F4er' Town of Vail Reg-. yg.t'to? Phone Nurnber: 7)6- Ss rg Town of vail Reg. No. tffi-P Phone Number: 7)b -.>b ?z Address: Address: ******************************** FOR oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLT'MBING PERMTT FEE: I'IECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: BUTLDTNG PI,AN CIIECK FEE: ELECTRICAIJ FEE: OTHER TYPE OF F'EE TOTAL PERMIT FEES: PLTMBING PI,AI{ CHECK FEE: I.TECHANICAL PI,AN CNECK FEE! RECREATION FEE: frt.(,t F CI,,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: 4o'r.. qtffi oF vArL coNsrRucrrol,O ,,3? #,es*j , Aelr-,lcATroN MUsr BE FTLLED our col,tpLETELy oR rr MAy Nor BE AccEprED !***** ************ *** * ********* pERl,tIT INF9RI,IATT9N ** **** * * ************* !r*******el Xl-Buifding [ ]-Plunbing [ ]-Electrlcat [ ]-Mechanicat [ ]-other Job Name:l4r't/F- Legal Descrlptionz IntifL . Architecr, Pr'1'j!'o! #1 Y d oo", ceneral Description:'/4ta' -dttttt Work Class: [ ]-New t)ql-Af Nurnber of Dwelling Units: ELECTRICAL: $ / Address: fu )5){ //A.rL Ptunbing contractor: ltOalW ///tz/.bupk PERI.'IT APPLICATTON FOR}I oarnz /)-7o-44 Address: /09 &zagg lrtz// //.,zte.d- Mechanical Contractor: o*t ,1""t ar-* 5"4 &&r^- - VALUATION tffi ttl i_-l_tffi Comments: z .1- C AN IrP ITEPoSIT BEru|D To: F:(41"(.t - 'f/ Fzr'P'ut BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE! 987fr-9 PE /ep.an bb /0f SfZyt t .PtryFt lnwn 75 soulh tronlagc rord Yell, coloredo 81657 (30it't 479-2t38 ot 479-2L39 ottlcc of communlty dcvclopment BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this peryl.t requrlres a Town of Vail fiire Departnent Approval,EngineelLs (pubt'ic works) reyiew and approvai,'i itiiiiiiii'bIp."t .nt review or. Heal th Deparbnent review, anb' a_ "eview uv-irre'duiibrns Department, the estirnated time for a totar revitw-iray"tal;';s i6ng as three weeks. lll .y:lSial (.large or sma]]) and alt mu]ti_famity permits wi]1 nave m fonow the above mentioned maximum reguiremints. Residential ill.:Tl] projects.shoutd take a lesser amount of time. However, if resroentrat or smalJer.projects impact the various above mentioned 9:t1"lmr:.with regard to necessary review, tteie proje.Il"ruy arso taKe the three week period. Every.attempt wrlll be made by this department to expedite this permi't as seon as possr'b1 e. I, the frame.. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time r r 6-go -r r Date Work Sheet was turned inE t Communi ty Devel opment Department. 75 soulh lrontaEr road u.il, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2r.38 ot 479-2L39 oftlce of communlty devclopmcnt TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED IIITII THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COI,IMI'NITY DEVEIDPIIENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for any person to litter, track.or deposit.any ,"ifr-r".i, sana, debris or materi-ar, including trash itunpster3, po"i"ui" ltoirets and worlsren vehicres. upon. any streetl siaewaixl-;ii;y' or pubric _qf?:. or any portion theieof. rhe righr_"i_;;t-;n aII Town of Vail streets and.fgag= is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenenr.This ordinance will be. striilry--enrorcla-uv-it"-i"rn of Vair Public works Deoartment. pers6ns found vi6rati.nt this ordinance will- be given a 24 hour writren n"ti;;-t;-;;;;""=.id material.rn the event the person so notified.aoes noi-";;;piy with the notice within the 24 hour.tiroe -le-i;i;,"th";ffiiic works Department will remove said mateiiai ;i-it " -"r.iIi=e of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to c6nstruction, o.uinl.nu'ce or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilitres in the right_a-way. To review ordinance No- G in furr, prease stop by the Tordn of Y1i-I Bui+ding Department ro obtain a copy. tnank you for your cooperation on this natter. a luwn ||al 75 $uth lrontlgG ro.d Y.ll, colondo 81657 . (38) {7}2138 (30:t) 47s2139 office of communlly dcvelopment NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/O9INER BUILDERS Effective June 20, 199!, the Town of Vail Buirding Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites h_ave adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent t.o Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of vail Public l{orks Departmeat will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacLnt to Town of vail roads or str€ets and tbe instarlation of temporary or peraanent curwerts at access points from the road or street on to tle construction site.such approval must be obtained prior to any reguest for inspection by the Town of vail Buirding Department tor fobtings or remporary electrical- or any other inspection. please calt 479-2i60 ta request an inspeclion from the public works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Arso, the Town of vail publ-ic works Departnent. wirl be approving alr final' drainage and culvert instarlation wit.h resulting road pacching as necessary. such approval must be obtai.ned prlor to Fjnal Certificate of Occupancy issuance. TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I s 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX s03-479-2452 1 2. FAILURE De partment of Comnuniry Development IXFORMAIIOT{ NEEDED }lllElf AFPLYIIfC FOR A l.lECHRlrCAt PERUTT 3. 4, HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCAIE FLOOR PLAN OF MECIiANICAL ROOM WITH EOUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. SHOW SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL AI-,SO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. IO PROVIDE THIS If,FORT'ATIOI{ WII.L DEI.AI IOUR PERI'IT. TO, FROM; tsATE: RE: -t-*t ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name:52 Date: 6-9a'? Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way permit": YES 1) 2l ls lhis a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent a@ess needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit' required? NO )< X- 3) 4) s) 6) 7l x 619 fossrrge{ X-. x_ 7 o )<8) A. ls the right ol way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Dbvelopment? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vaif Construction Inspeaor, at 479-218. I have read and answered allthe above questions. Rffi:YW ioy. Coltiit/l. DFtl DtpI Contractor's Signature t*'uffi How it relates to Building permit: 1)ermit a lication. 2) 3) lf yes was answered t9 3ny of the above questions then a'public way permit, is 1equ,ire.d. _You can pick up an apptication a either Corrrnitv Deveropment,located at 75 s. Frontage Road or puotic works, located at 1309 Vait Valley Drive. Notice sign otfs for utility. companies. Alt utilities must fietd vedfy (locate) Jespggtiye utitiries prior to signing apptication. some utitity companies ieqlire ui to a 48 hour notice to schedute a locate). A construction tratfic T_llpl plan must _be prepale.d on a separate sheet of paper.This ptan wiil show rocations of alrtraffic donirotoevices-1iig;., "onrr, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.) sfgjc[olwgf b-eing performed must be submiiled indicaring dimensions (rengrh,width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the tratfic Eontror pran or a site plan lor the job. submit co.mpleted application to the public work's otfice for review. lf required,locates witlbe scheduled forthe Town of VailEtectriJin" "no rridtion crew. The locates are take prace in the morning, but may require up to 49 hours to perrorm. The Public work's conslruction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. you will be contacted as to rhe si":tri i"J any changes that may be needed. Most permits are released within 4g hoursoi being received,but please allow up to one week to process. As soon as p_ermit is plocss.sig, 3 clpy wiil be faxed to community Deveropment allowing th.e..'Building permit" to be reieased. please do not cont-ise the ,public way Permit" with a'Buitding permit'to do work on " p.jr"t site itserr. Note: *The above process is for work In a right of-way only. 'Publlc Way Permit,s are valid onlv unill November 15th. *A new Public Way permlt is required each year. 4) 5) 6) 7) DESIGN CRITERIA:iuti 3 [ igg,! iOy . C0fidi\,{, DFi: irir,t, (Exp, Bl Roof Live Load Floor Live Load Deck Live Load 80 psf 40 psf 100 psf Basic Wind Speed Seismic Zone 80 mph 1 1991 UBC Edition FOUNDATION DESIGN: Design of individual and continuous footings is based on an assumed maximum allowable bearing pressure of 1500 psf (dead load plus full live load). Footings shall be placed on the natural undisturbed soil, or compacted structural fill, below frost depth. Provide continuous foundation drains around the perimeter of all basement walls and at the base of retaining walls. Contact soils engineer for details. Soil conditions and types shall be verified by a representative of the soils engineer during excavation. REINFORCED CONCRETE: Concrete design is based on the "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete" (ACl 318-89). Structuralconcrete shall have a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3000 psi. Provide continuous shear keys at vertical cold joints and where shown on drawings. Concrete shall be proportioned using Type I cement. Admixtures containing chloride salts shall not be used. Cold weather concreting procedures shall be provided as recommended in the ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, Anchor bolts for beam and column bearing plates shall be placed with setting templates. Expansion bolts shall be located at a minimum of 6 bolt diameters from concrete edge and spaced at 10 bolt diameters unless noted otherwise. All exposed edges and corners shall be chamfered 3/4". Concrete coverage for reinforcing steel (ACl 3181: Concrete cast against and permanently exposed to earth 3" Concrete exposed to earth or weather: a. b, c. d. a. b, c. d. e. f. s. h, i. #5 bar and smaller #6 through #18 bar 1Y2' 2" Concrete not exposed to weather or in contact with ground: Slabs, walls, joists (#1 1 bar and smaller) t/+" Beams, columns 1Y2" REINFORCING STEEL: a.Detaiting, t"uricat?n and placement of reinfor"ing rtlrhall be in accordance - with the ACI Manual of Concrete Practice. b. Except where otherwise noted on the drawings, reinforcing bars shall conform to ASTM Specification A615-79 and shall be minimum grade 60 except ties, field bent bars where permitted by note on plan, or bars to be welded, which shall be grade 40. c. At splices in concrete, lap bars 36 diameters. Do not weld or use mechanical splicing devices unless specifically approved by engineer. d. At corners, make horizontal bars continuous or provide corner bars. Around openings and steps in concrete, provide (2)-#5's extending 2'-O" beyond edge of opening or step.e. Welded wire fabric shall conform to ASTM Specification A-185. Lap welded wire fabric a minimum of one full mesh plus two inches. Laps shall be wired together. STRUCTURAL WOOD FRAMING: a. Except where noted otherwise, all 2" nominal lumber shall be Douglas Fir-Larch #2 and better, and all solid timber beams and posts 3" nominal and wider shall be Douglas Fir-Larch #2. b. Studs shall be Stud grade and better Douglas Fir-Larch. c, Top and bottom plates shall be Douglas Fir-Larch #2 and better. Plates placed directly on concrete walls or slabs shall be pressure-treated Hem Fir #1. d. Provide solid blocking at supports for wood joists and rafters. Within floor joist spaces beneath solid or built-up columns noted on plans, blocking of area equivalent to column above shall be provided, e. Built-up columns shall consist of Douglas Fir-Larch 2x4 or 2x6 studs and shall be nailed together with 2 rows of 16d nails @ 6" along each stud. f. Except as noted otherwise, minimum nailing shall be provided as specified in the "Nailing Schedule" on the drawings.g. Unless noted otherwise, steel connectors such as those manufactured by the Simpson company shall be used to join rafters, joists or beams to other beams at flush-framed conditions. Use all specified nails. Connector conditions not otherwise noted shall utilize Type U or Type HU hangers of a size specifically designed for the member supported, as shown in the manufacturer's published tables. Contact structural engineer for details as required. h. Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) headers and beams shall have the following properties: Flexural stress Modulus of elasticity Tension parallel to grain Compression parallel to Compression parallel to (perpendicular to grain) Horizontal shear 2600 1.8 x 1850 grain ----------- 2460 glue line psi 108 psi psi psi 750 psi 285 psi k. Where two or three members are required, each member shall be fastened to adjacent members with two rows 16d nails spaced at12" o.c. unless noted. Where four members are required, they shall be fastened together with two rows of 112" dia. thru bolts @ 24" o.c. unless noted. Framing notesl 1. Exterior Walls: A. ett erteriortlls are 2x6 studs @ 16" o.c. ,o fi*,rnrm height ot 12'- . 6", 2x6 studs @ 12" o.c. to a maximum height of 14'-6" and (2)-2x6 ' studs @ 16" to a maximum height of 25'-0" unless otherwise noted. Cap with a double top plate installed to provide overlapping at corners and at intersections with other partitions. B. Floor or roof framing members must be aligned to bear within 5 inches of the studs beneath. C. Provide 1/2" thick APA rated sheathing (plywood or waferboard) rated 24116, exposure 1 at exterior face of exterior walls. Block all horizontal joints. D. Provide (3)-2x1O headers over all door and window openings unless otherwise indicated. E. At beam bearing locations in stud walls, provide multiple-stud posts equalto width of bearing member unless noted otherwise. 2. Interior Load-Bearing Walls:A. Interior load-bearing walls are minimum 2x4 studs @ 1 6" o.c. with 1/2" gypsum wallboard both sides unless noted otherwise. Cap with a double top plate installed to provide overlapping at corners and at intersections with other partitions. B. Floor or roof framing members must be aligned to bear within 5 inches of the studs beneath. C. Provide l2l-2x10 headers over all openings in wall unless noted otherwise.D. At beam bearing locations in stud walls, provide multiple-stud posts equal to width of bearing member unless noted otherwise. 3. Floor Construction:A. Provide 3/4" thick APA rated Sturdifloor rated at 20" o.c., tongue and groove, exposure 1. Glue and nail panels to all supports. Install sheathing with long dimension perpendicular to joists and end joints staggered. 4. Roof Construction:A. Provide 3/4" thick APA plywood sheathing 'ated 48124, exposure 1. lnstall sheathing with long dimension perpendicular to rafters or trusses and end joints staggered.B. Provide wind/seismic anchor at supports for all roof joists and trussed rafters, Unless noted otherwise, use "Simpson H5" metal connectors. 5. Wind Bracing:A. Walls over 6 feet long which are sheathed with gypsum wallboard on both faces have been designed to resist wind forces in accordance with Table 47-l of the UBC. B. Screw 1/2" gypsum wallboard to all studs and to top and bottom plates with #8 x 1-118" drywallscrews at 7" maximum spacing. C. Exterior plywood or waferboard wall sheathing is required unless specifically deleted by engineer STRUCTURAL GLUED LAMINATED TIMBER: a. Materials, manufacturer and quality control shall be in conformance with AITC Product Standard PS 66-82, "Structural Glued Laminated Timber". b. Laminated members shall be fabricated using Douglas Fir with the following combination .rrtr,24F-V4 Simple-span beams ' 24F-Vg Continuous or cantilever beams c. d. e. f. 3 Columns All members shall be Architectural Appearance Grade, unless indicated otherwise by the Architect. Protect members from damage or exposure to moisture prior to and during construction. Adhesives shall meet the requirements for wet conditions of service. Do not camber laminated members unless indicated on the drawings. BACKFILLING: a. Do not backfill against retaining walls until supporting elements are in place and securely anchored, or adequate shoring is installed.b. Verify type of fill with soils engineer and structural engineer prior to backfilling. GENERAL REOUIREMENTS: a. Structural erection and bracing: The structural drawings illustrate the completed structure with all elements in their final positions, properly supported and braced. The contractor, in the proper sequence, shall provide shoring and bracing as may be required during construction to achieve the final completed structure. Contact structural engineer for consultation (not in contract) as required.b. Existing structures: lf construction adjoins an existing structure, contractor shall be responsible for verifying dimensions, elevations, framing, foundations and anything else that may affect the work shown on the drawings. Underpinning, shoring and bracing of existing structures shall be the responsibility of the contractor.c. Dimensions: Check all dimensions against architectural drawings prior to construction. Do not scale drawings.e. Construction practices: General contractor is responsible for means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures for construction of this project. Notify structural engineer of omissions or conflicts between the working drawings and existing conditions. Jobsite safety is the sole responsibility of the contractor. All methods used for construction shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the UBC. 2x flobr loist to girder, sill or wall plate (to€naitl l-ioist to girder, sill or wall plate (down thru bonom cho.d) Sote plate to ioist or blocking (face naill Top plate to stud (end naill Stud to sole plate Double studs (face naill Doubled top plates (face nail) Top plates, laps and intersections (face nail) Continuous headet, two pieces Continuous header to king stud (toenail) Ceiling/lloor ioists, laps over partitions (face nail) Ceiling/floor joists to parallel rafters (face naill Rafter to plate (toenail) Built-up corner studs Built-up beams (each member to adiacent) Plywood or OSB roof/wall/floor sheathing 3-8d 2-10d 16d @ 16' 2 - t6d 4 - 8d (toenaill or 2 - 16d (end naill 16d @ 24" 16d @ 16" 2-16d 16d @ 16' along each edge 4-8d 3-16d 3-16d 3 - 8d plus Simpson H5 16d @ 24' 16d @ 12" along each edge 8d.@ 6' along edges 8d @ 1 2' intermediate supports NOTES:1. The nails in this schedule are common wire or box nails. lf cooler, sinker, or other types of nails are used, contact engineer for required spacing and sizes' 2, It staples are used, contact engineer for required spacing and sizes. 3, This schedule indicates minimum requirements fot nailing, Where special conditions exist, use the specified nailing indicated on the plans and details. lgY11g,anonts **ryue SruR:oru rfs sM't=CI^l LOSZ.S sruF6cf{ LvSzQ $rmi?scr.l +)LL\L'LMAY 5IMP5DN LUS ZIO-L Slrn?:p/V U 2tO'3 3tt,tWlt kBO AA S/MP5ON |+\)a2-JZ-ZNU /\J </\^ jSoN i-US zl+-L SzaaPSoN A(E o - KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O' Box 4572 vAlL, CoLoRADO 81658 (303) 949-9391 FAX (303) 949'L577 sHEErNo. htltgrwo. oF ----- a^a"r*arrt OATE l ]J KRM CONSULTANTS, INC ' P.O. Box 4572 vArL, coLoRADo 81558 (303) 949-9391 FAX (303) 949-1s77 3 SCALE sHEErNo. furtal I *Je= CHECKED BY CALCULATEO BY c5)-gl Mlrtt-s rNBtAQ,/TY?, Z.* 74-*,u, 5LEm 3-op1'6 116 ZrGtzr*reo Ew/h'/a\-zrtz,s @lz"Ftffiee '/4'.t 7gVruT v lo"lB,b@ 4'( /l-:llll 'r | !,rtlt\llll^tlll-\r\!- ?-.Y ALK? rN fl{&tf :FA<Z@_ 24 " * S,Sve?r. GD tb ' ' +55(oNr, *o7r7,Qj6" #iD\NL3. r Jil @40" (z)-5t @\n leeBoT 1"(otK- 3-"8 a ",4 t' 0 \\ ,.4 -1 A -l D. a^ a KRM CONSULTANTS, lNC.' P.0. Box 4572 vArL, coLoRADo 81558 (303) 949-939r FAX (303) 949-1577 CHECKEO BY ECKING $tatN4 8Er1N€€4 Zxb rRrutext E- */ b'Qrto' A.B.'s e4Eu (z\-zrtZ' e!2" VrwED ''+" rEz @r w fstetNh /48^\s?A)E AUD 5LEE?EAS Illl:l I llt -.1 +5'SvEEr. (e lb' *35Can uPPp,@tb" 1+sD^^/Ls r J{("@4b" a\'#5'. 'if. 2|',- fr"4oNt.s*3 It KRM CONSULTANTS' INC ' P.O' Bot 4572 vAlL, CoLoRADO 8r658 (303) 94e'939r FAX (303) 949-1577 *" th' ffiQ (-tu-+ ?4so- t7 sHEErNo. agr-noru 3 oF- "r"u,rrror" S - ,^* b/26 /z* CHECKEO SY 2*Q sT-rrD w*t-tw/ /zn %V t.rp. oP_,' w*tr&Bo. e*tgp ZYbE^wlYz'/ .K tot( A,8,,5 ra 48" 4" otlL sLlB (t-\ -+ S's Co,rlt: l7;-P 9.Bor. be's Lour-. ficzlz.etAt' # 5\y'5i{, @ l(e " * EDNLs, " J,-Y ehb" /t' lf'I +J /o ? c I l I l2 KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. Box 4572 vArL, coLoMDo 81658 (303) 949-9391 FAX (303) 949-1577 t"(o^tL.SL/PB F e .Vno zQ Itl = L"\- +s'5 L>NT ToP 3<&r: -y-;DNLS.Y -lSe€"t4 v Cr)-*t S(e^ir- ^^lD +'n' r[Ht Mr),) a ?,,'t -KRM CONSULTANTS, INC ' P.O. Box 4572 vArL, coLoRADo 81558 (303) 949-9391 FAX (303) 949-1577 sHEErNo. tZTloN 5 oF- ;.,**; sEP o^,, 6/z?,/qt . 4 Psu< NG ,N?;;',tri,n Exsnrkz L*|Z]orJ>w/gs< tN crtsi- .rcli:rs#t E @-2" /Y1M VEEIFY tt\l'iELD €xrlrrNQ zx6 L*/ /z'd AB,s @ 4b" M*v, VERTTY KRM CONSULTANTS, tNC.. 'P.0. Box 4572 vArL, coLoRADO 81658 (303) 949-e391 FAX (303) 949-1577 -IEP CALCUITTED BY -SI-!ZI_,^r, b/28 fr. EKfs;rl^{QZu$3ruDW, Ex'.r4, PLYWP.s'Igy'.TI+| 37o'(VSywo, oZw+F@, 6++8,+r*tNq -6r'Kz. ZxlZ3 @ (G( zx to,3 e_ lG''f { r!11rr1(". 3'b' x lZ" (..L, F1ELDv6PrtrY &a&< FCR 5RO.TOZAL lNrEa?<trY '(z\^ n+b L\tL ,^/l (?l.-%Q*7" l&S @ l1o" CONqEPT MECHANICAL, INC. PLUMBING . HEATING . SYSTEM DESIGN P.O. BOX 1165 AVON. COLORADO 81620 June 30, 1994 PHONE/FAX: (303) 926-2693 JUL I 1ss4 Tot/. cotuift4, DEy,DIPI: Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Sears Remodel; Spring Hill Lane; Vail, Colorado To Whom It May Concern: \ Enclosed with this letter is a sketch of the proposed mechauical room on the above project. Presently, this residence is heated with an electric boiler. The owner is converting to natural gas. There will be two high efficiency boilers installed. I have run the calculations for the "16 times" nrle, and this lay-out complies with this code stipulation. Moreover, these boilers are rated for closet installations. The hydronic baseboard heat zones in the home will be re-worked as necessary with the demolition and addition of interior partitions. Ifyou have any questions or comments, please feel free to give me a call. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Timothy J. Rosen; Secretary CONCEPT MECHANICAL. INC. ir a,'1 cc: Mr. Charlie Sherman: Sherman Construction NExe ?s. uc,,- > | u'€,.5/gu{rstLals .runl?iffiu '#Fu#:'( NEk, /?A h/+t/-o^r T7h/K tu/ Du+'L a+flfr/4€L+. 1lfiTrRlil) I reed xr 428*4€l/zfra- 7'-'7" _Naf _ ft_4eku*_ 1'4 fi-ue-.+fo tufrw ck? Nw WPft t- oC 4,\ek*a reo &t, j 61rye f41tss6t .. ', 6-H-'91 VY, (re /krr, Oo-or'?*Do Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME; SEARS ADDITION ADDRESS: 1498 SPRTNG HILL VAIL, COLORADO OCCUPANCY: R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V DATE:7-5-94 CONTRACTOR: SHERMAN CONST ARCHNECT: LYME DESIGN ENGINEER: KIM MCGEE PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed berow are not intended to be a comprete risting of ar possibre code requirements in the adopted codes. ft is a guide to setected sections of the codes.The following is not to be construed to be aii approvat of any vioration of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance or tne iown oiv"ir. 1' sMoKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDR..MS AND HALLwAys As PER SEC I2IO OF TIIE 1991 I]BC. 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3. HANDRAILS TO MEET SEC.33O6 AND GUARDRAILS TO MEET SEC.I712 OF TIIE 1991 UBC. 4. A SRUCTUAL ENG-INEII Wtr.L BE REQUIRED TO OKAY ANY STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE FRAMING INSPECTION WILL BE APPROVED BY T.O.V. 5. A ILC (IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE) IS REQUIRED AND NEEDS TO BE APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF VAIL BEFCiRE E TiEN,TN.TC INSPECTION WILL BE DONE. 6. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQ{NRED AS PER SEC. 706 OF TI{E 1991 UMC. 7. AN INSPECTION IS REQUIRED AT ROUGH GAS AND AT FINAL INSPECTION OF TIIE MECHAMCAL SYSTEM. 8. ONE HOUR CONSTRUCTION IS REQUIRED BET\ryEEN GARAGE AND DWELLING WITH 20 MINUTE RATED DOORS AND CLOSIJRE. 9. FIPGPLACESCANNOT BE ALTEHTAI A}IYWAY WITTI THIS PERMIT. [ 1- .r'trgF !":*"' .r1_"' 1 'tl 'il 'O olign Review nctl FCrr- TOWN OF VAfL ' ildfr*f o^t" 1- A6 _ ?{category ttunaerfi Proiect Name: Building Name: Owner. Address and Phone: e-Qa f *tt- /cr- ArchitecV0ont'bct, Address and Phone: Legal Description: tot /Q Hocu 7 Motion by: Board i Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: fi statrnnqovar 'conanion/ t& ! Approval ! Disapproval Town Planner DRB Fee Pre-paid O. 7- ls -z/ '4ru0 / Ta,:p tr afut frrls; R4zttr.,/ lg tfta /re r'vE fulUrySrmz-l tr 7 -/S-? / /r,zr' r/{ Etry &h/?z C/+zuan Erausrru Et r7€fr;) )t a'72 fu /4A ,/@azzrt 4r- // rg lrtr 9y'/e.*t/6 //E/a a-fu/-, re ' 2/rzt laff l,vul Laga/a.s', /dF td*t>t sz ay' z-//.r- /tso ."?zd rc wn f7/l/.fu/tz{- UFtaSF ff zVa- ry6 ,{*'/Ar HZ 4 F*TZZ-Z ?FrzrZlz*r;<azu. AIA r#r l/lgo / 5/1+4./6 /+z' * FSTrzt a rrrz ry &ck rHF ft?4444- ft/F- tfuiss-. f/.79 Sort rtuzfs r /ox t6, */?ttuz) mlLa fdF- Ae"//ry- L</uz.L ,Zfa zE€tfT tlayzzE:tZ< df 6r-'/zatc * ,/z-*z-r frft, m 'v.p/+f€' ft-Ft /25.t. tt f= r-L\ l- --- .--- ...' l a-;:r'. ---tsF.(1 ' -t\ a ,GA;Effrte -\ r/ r .@E$*el'\o 1 Oo 1 gt+TlA4 floatr UrrZ J-- U li lt 'llr i ll r -t LV/LNU t} 15 '-Ot W4we, ^(- olfP'II ,d'w' 'gu'u{ 'e ../t,.,1f, 1 ,\tfb ?, b ,ffi; #oF-ttE * , w(x'row- I a,uwe-P - \.Frlttrl'lrErtFrq||! .t!] t *,gn Review Action r|n TOWN OF VAIL : ' (.rrl.,?re . ?t' Category lfurU"rf *" /trfq( Nfi Project Name: Building Name: Project ddress and Phone: '/{ Legal Descripti on: tot /6 Block 3 Subdivision Zone District Proiect Street Address: Board / Staff Action Motion by: /Vote: 4-//- Seconded by: X:*'"! Disapproval ! Staff Approval Town Planner DRB Fee er.-oaia{4 n{..a4 ?n.e :l APR 1 IrtE gF FqouESr -X staddard 250 lt, Type I EHU tSO Type U EHU 2S0 Type V EHU 2s0 PEE.API Applicatlen5 tor additions. unOer tlris spction wlil not bg a_cceppO untesb they are complere.This in6lud6s all intormation requJrea iln thls torm as lryefr_aq oes,gn Rlview Boa:d subnri[at iequirement$. 'i i i I a rrlemue, fllt.lltlgr, !h^e,ordina1gflfp.*ti.ruoi;1s0;ah;'d'r;h?,il;ffirijr#;;i;hi'i;Chapter 18.57 or Chapter 19.71 il thi; To,r\il;Tvait dode hre met. Af:gl A,PROJECT DES AT B. LOCATION OF P Acidrcss Legal Desuiption;Btocx-._]_ Fiting Zone D ilt. C. NAME OFAPP Acdros$ 2a7' 5' D.NAME OF APPLICANT:S REPBESENIA NAME OF OWf'lEd($l'.:,Ii"!qrg--E --woJ,rf , rrust k._ bSlog ACdress )os::tbht- ,l p ,l SS/ *+ 'i,Slgnaturc( 'Fn, DhB APPl,rcliroxj - trat$l .Or \hrL, DATE AlFtlcatrQu Rncerv.ho r ?Ar+ oF DRS HEETIt-lGr FrPE_€..:-'3 *I.TEI| .- ...-blew ConStructi{\r I )$- rAddrtron ($5.0.. 0: If property t descript lonl attach to Lhi li' ' Q.;;,;",oroi "' COIPRADO F . Lr .-j, TOV. COMM, DEV. DEII,, ($20 .00) ($0t lrl$'iilJ I.TB.Q,.IECJ--1NEST!M4!L[E:; N. DESCRTPTION: B. T'YPE OF REVI C. ADDRE$Sr D. LEGAL DESCRI I IOM:I,Ot .Subdivision Minor Alt,etation _Conceptual Revievr Block 3 appl tcerit lot erel. , I ('$200 . 00 ! i d Ie a es as pP t tbed by pt'ovlde cat ion. cr A rt ir nleets and bounds legal onra separate sheel: and zoNrNc: _llgg I,OT AFEAI If stanped survd }IA}48 OF APFI,I Mailtng hddre APPLT Addre e,qrjired, ehowlng |xrll { : nust REPRES NTA Phone chard E. Wolff, Trustee hone -3_U-727- NAI.{B OF ng Mal1 NA}.JE OF OWN SIGHATUR8 (S *$F -7 ualllng Ad li K, DRB FHE: onB feeri, as shown abgve, are to be prld et the tlns of sgbmltltl of DRB eppltcaElon. t;;er, when applylng foI { brif tding pern{ri- please ldenttf g tire ac.. lrate valu{t:ldn of the prop{sal. The rown .if Valt wlj I adJusi tlie {ee aceordlng-to the table be1rw, to ensuro the cofreib fee lo pald, -_ ^ft OO J. Condomlnlurn eiprdval 1f appllcable. 00.00 ''ro.,^E r..fs r-vl (vul. reg ru pcrq, _ ^il OU I FEE pArD.: . g _Y,/.__.__ . I 8nn.-s-guEp.stEi-! ----.----*-:;4 cl [-rd--s-9I-@.!-&E-il ' .-tAU vAlrrArioN i Enn t'/ t 7,l ,, lq ,t s o-$lrd,ooo $20,00 ql")' $10,001 *s150,000 $50.00 '-f s s0, ']o1 - $ i15d, 000 $100.00 I/v s50,001 -$ i150,000 st50,00r - s i:iod,ooo s150,00r - $ i:r00,000 $200,00 S500, 001 - $I; 00d, 000 $aOO. oo $ Over StJ 00d,000 $SOO. OO t:* DF9TGH RIiVrElt 8or\RD AII'ndvlL EXprRr$ oNE yBrn AFIER lr:tAt .etpnoyAL uNtEsg A Burl.Dillo pnwrr Is I$suED A}{D' coNstnJc{ dpnri srARrED, i i I I'irNo tlpl'reArloN l{rl.,r B+ rriocussro $rrHo0f ot{NER'8 :'. LIST OF MATERIALS NAr.{E oF PRoJEcr ' (t h/y'/ arJ/ih,r^ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT-/.,!L B STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF suBDrvrsroN VV flPsf PROJECT: required approval TYPE OF IN The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING I'IATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WaII Materials Fascia Soffits slindows Window Trim Doors for submittal can be given:to the Design I{ATERIAL COLOR ttt r{tr1 Tr.lpoo.n tinafr-|lr. oatrchrc tlr/firr r tt.uorl ..-,D got Trlm ( Hand or Deck Rails , B. Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LAITDSCAPING: Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* * Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for tlto rl .rt 4( Narne of Designer: NOUE Phone: trees. 1 Indicate height for coniferous PLANT MATERIA;: Botanical Name co**onl*. ouantitv Sizt PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI4OVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Mininum size of shrubs is 5 qaIlon. Type Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS soP SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and focations on a seParate lighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the !.tattage, height above grade and type of light proposed. D. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal.ls, fences, swiruning pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximun height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. t SFR ZONE CHECK FOR , R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICT I s DATE: LEGAL DES ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE Height TOTA1 GP€A Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Corirse Setback Site Coverage tandscaping Retaining llall Heights PTroN: Lor 4lO Block 4 rittns Lc^l.- (s0) e Proposed Total z-t lq'/ tE I<' I4,z<70 0) lo 3'/6 5 L) 2',, 3) (3oo) (6\0) (eoo) (t 2oo I Goo on to this Comrnunity Developrnent Department nay grant an except restriction provided the applicant meets the criteri Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municip permanently restricting the unit as a long-term renta time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. {4"37 set forth under I Code including unit for full- / .- .r u I /41'-tn bl - 4ozq 4rr * 414Q e7 Parking Garage Credit Drive:Permitt Slope -_.19L Actual Slope Date appr by Town Engineer: View Corridor Encr chment:Yes- Environmental /Haz ds:Flood PIaIn Percent, Sl ft zoTo Geologic Ha rds alanche a) Snow A b) Rockfaf c) Debris 4) Wetlands PrevLous ditions of approval (check property ile) Does th1/ request involve a 250 Addition?f/rJE-t Lrr.la/ r g\J_ttEDL rlrvlJlvg o, a.Jv ,.itll(ltLrt tr: -re_:__ _ E How mucty'or trre allowed 250 Addition is used-Wis request? 254 **Note: Under Sections 18 .12.090 (B) and L8 .13.080 (of the Municipal ch are less than Code, Iots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary w L51000 sg. ft. in area may not construct a second J-ing unit. The L/$e N-t,W-c,fft lkt' co??.6,F ZONE CHECK l, *, * ,rfolo", orrr*r.rO DATE:'il nlqt LEGAI-, DESCRTPTTON: Lot lu Block -l riring ADDRESS: OTINER PHONE PHONE ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT pRoposED ur" Ulidnt, >so l" thil-B -fla */rf **LOT SrZE Bo {rL AlLowed (30) (33) Existinq /^"isnt Aot^t euo 4,Otj rt66 Primary GRFA + &. Secondary GRFA + &- 4363 Setbacks AanascapLns S.Y; ryftr"(,fr;:{:t Proposed,/ Total 7 jrro d-) Q tt /t -, Fo /v/k #{/ t3 Front Sides Rear water Course Setback rwf Retainlng Wa11 Heights Parklng Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Envi.ronmental /Haz ards : 36 ed 20'') 15't 1q,f \ (30 ) lfoC (s0 ) k"r lu/u z "^ \soto (l'+"ul ,tt%6c'"1a 3'/51 Yes 1) 2't 3) No Flood Plain Percent Slope 3tq- 111-72 q1b - Slos 4 neqra { ,,-,,, (.rt'itfi *ro,@ €@,rroo, Iot (r;nz) Permitted Slope _.!! Actual Slope 7 32o Date approved by Town Engineer: ,ilt' trl rr Geologic Hazards a) Snow AvaLanche b) Rockfall c) 'Debris FIow 4) Wetlands Prevlous conditions of approval (check property file) Does th16 reguest involve a 250 Addition? lel How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this reque+? ?)()-'290 -, **Note: Under Sections 18. 12 .090 (B) and 18. 13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code, Lots zoned Two Fanily and Prirnary/Secondary which are fess than 151000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Community Development Departnent may grant an exception to this restriction provided the appticant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including Permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full.- time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. 10 w (, @ V*_ry W - ry{ .4,F.( fue*q il q Mf \ -n ' frnLr# o,X^ fur,ll ) !+,il,. t^.f y Y-*Y oq , '' O &,^i f;rr*re ? LL'r'^'M 41 f I il^fi'Grx - ilot' irf ry-"'^ Y 4/z-f'-( {/ Y q_ Or,^**f s/'",nwe/1s A 4ft-.6n dffii /- @ (rft+ >2t2, ryo.--v^'(//' , 0 Ac.hS. 1/I1DK/L\ /',./- * lvk'-/ t/ b A(ot# - eu"L'f 1+ ,-\ gry @ i+'Ao /r.L "2,1 g'',"o,'/na/ flfl "-J^ ca^a/^l ^ .'.', lt^.&f - /, .tt,/ Ur.*#-'o-t //\,2-r/ H€r( atr^ p-^a.&o{. @ X 4I1 64{k f* '/"-t ,5 fu,'r-K" ejr^.^4., ctt 6t?tr4. ' ll 4X /t/^ton? &/,h" 6/fn *-,*4)ri ' sryuz, tfu-' r /,,u1%;/M,Y, Lpbv;' /*o^U, '4d1*t ruoiuJzh,fztr ii /nr'n*'f ";i-'ffi;,ie4r +srt4 /t"4- ar eR.e/r - .: ,-fA.^4 (Ia ^... -,$s')s '/6 /.r/ li< ,Gref{ f* -4 /So'f €-0'41*t1 a6 ffix< a)r, / ii' o o Apr'. 5 '34 1Gr iB CANTFXS o 151 lEel res P.L A ProhEslonrl CorDordlon crotif0ads fl vlll I {il E.!i MFdow Drtvi \,!|l. Coln rln t1667 (s3) .706105 PHONE (ss)l/fi{f1s P4; MonrunAncn[ECTs , TELECOPIER TRANSMITTAL SHEET tl I 'DATE t i q 11{ . flMe ..r " oo f,s . TO COMPANY FAx# 4lq- ?f,sz FROM Number of pages nent ineluding cover page It you receive an error in transmission, please call (303) dZ6-S10S REMARKS f^L fip r. 5 '94 15r11 EBBS St'll'lFfiX51SHg a r r es 4t +E"w SANT o Rpr ' hlrY *l i .J 'd ' .-T. -l-rr}i5 -tl-":-\'?,q E :s ! rl S. C/ d -.'6 t {- P.L ftFr. 5 ! !4 1C! i4 6BEg 5AtiiAXSl5l lser : es il A|4'E;ah.l' 'ul bo ti 1l l*' 1!r O I Trrsl-] La^rr?X- Y+",[l o" \ * t"'S. i 4 pa. pq^@ i-'- ruar - A.ot ts,t4*t'I .r'Tneore TYr, il -1.t t1 tl il il ll il ll tl ti ll ld- rtl -t -q Tt .(|., -=r Y -{t l*e d wld M,I Op r. 5 '94 16r13 B9ES 5t1l'lFi1Y515Hs e r : es fuH P, 5 t'J ubu T a ..-..1. .....--...*-.. I I tt**{ I I rO_ Vr ", ,L.rt -F,u 4 tt1 ^'q &*,L. 't\t :\ I $ ur"0!-, lf'\l , Nt// trrD, /,r.,&r To: llik" ]rb&ee (f,7, ey,) ',aM f{o INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJEGT: lilt DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARI COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF.THE PROPOSAL: FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by:Date:t - tb ' tLl Comments: 11 'c Iv aJ /r'L'L < WOLFF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS Gerald R. and Nancy E. Dooher 1427 Yail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 Donald J. Stern 2078 Dellesta Drive Bellingham, WA 98226 Thompson Petoleum GorP. 325 N. St Paul, Ste. 4500 Dallas, TX 75201-3993 Geo. A. Hormel & ComPanY 501 16th Avenue NE, Box 800 Austin, MN 55912 Patricia A. Stevinson 13395 Braun Road Golden, CO 80401 Ann Justine Fraser 213 Diamond Avenue Balboa, CA 92662 Richard L. Knowlton 401 sth Avenue SW Austin, MN 55912 NealCraig Groff 4582 S. Ulster St PkwY, Ste 1300 Denver, CO 80237 Flobert T. Crow % Michael D. Cross 3040 Trammell Crow Csnter Daffas, fX 75201 Cartter T. and Patricia B. Frierson 1 103 Tinkerbell Lane Loukout Mountain, GA 30750 r---91 \ 4)ary ICt+- d{lc{-rfs sLrTctr-f v\ \ PUBLIC NOTIGE NoTtCE ls HEREBy GtvEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the following "ppii."t'o" on May 18, 1994 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' l.Arequesttoranadditiona|250squarefeetolGrossResidentialF|oorAreafora garage/living ..ooti-"tp"nt*^q b:qt:F add*ion the Wolff Residence located at i+sispring;hill Lane/Lot 16, Block 3, Vail Valley 1st Filing' APPlicants: Richard Woltf The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning "J.iniitt"tot's office during regular office hours for public inspection' TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on April 29' 1994' - The Town of Vri! t4..Nr 4S0 rt DATE RECEIVEDFROM LI-ARS Pcrmit Numbers Horl' PAID- cash-Chec €gq Ttrlhll.l EF LrFl I l- l"'lisce l lareous Cash 84-12-5+ETF: ETb: :E F.:e':siF,t * 1471P5 Fl':f Rur-rt. * l:F. + i:+ FF:Ftllt-:it..lE 5EgF;5'.tlRE FEE lirri,:,i-tn 1, trjnCe rFd :' I t,etr P.r i d I 1 EE i.r[t+ L :f, 1 8r.]til ei i [rEEfi .l 1 :i;i'!:1Rr:.tf1 'ih :n'g* r'ij L. ,'t-rr+d j' :58.l.-fE trilorrrt paid 5Lf , FEt :{-:lE. Er:r E. EE THfAT.II< 1/OIJ !rr-rt . rtl-r 1,:- r F:F-tl]-HFt GUARANTY COMPANY ' -' ',,.:'.. ;: lE /.1t,./: !--,1 ^, l'r' CO:lpAN\, A Texar Corcoratrcn, i:ereirt cailed the Company, for .,,_r . vr ji ,-b"-, -i,. irr,.. r, x.;i- -,- jts to i\iue ;'g OOr,ay Cf OOliCieS Or :itle insirrsnce, aS icjentified in i -cv., - ,li ',1.:.1?)eu lr.1L,'eg narii€C..in Schedr,rle A, ai ovJ rer of mortgageeof theestate -',., ,tt';.,. : .-i-;\ ,.. : !r.i;,- iJ€srrlb€Lt b.r referle$ +.g ,': $qrerJ-ie A. lDon pavmeft of the ',, . - \.r '-: ,',,, 'Jer - arirnr. ,i: sL t,r egt -r+. LhE pro! isrons gt. SClEJules A and ts and to the Conditiong i - l,u':t l.:rr "4'i-.'f, ' '' . I l , i .r; r I ,i .: -;-.: I ;; -=iio::,v9 :;Irl vVIeIl the tide.r'tif ,, Oiltht rroposed lrrsr.ired ald the arnount - ,.:,.ii , ,_;. r.),i. p! .-,.,- -::rrod t:r ltavo \qea'iriiri-tgC in.Schl.Clle A rer.eo{ by the CompanV, - ' i -: ' -- t 'i1 '. ij l:',:, '. .: 1., tilrj ii3ilbtce of suEh pg,iq' -;r rolicies ci title irslrance ancl all . .' ' '., r. -' ,:i,: .ia: ,;.. ',-. eLi:j-- s1di. drla;e a,rC 1;.rr-i4ele sit ":o-,t'ts after tr-e effecirve date nereof . i ,,- a a.,;, i,1 .\,1r,- -.S '.,-.F-fl.ittp(t i,:r Sirl I ib$\je, ,,,.,ricrer,tr f iiSi OCCUfS, prgvi.Jed t'lat ire .._ _ : .', :r- .. ,' ::. -l --t l,:r,a- ;r ,/ sr! ,tjthiri;?ej Olf ie.rr .r' +".r; 11, . : :(: \1 ,iFr-.:- .:, (...r,1 ._r.,y has ca,.Jsed th lE Co-- it..re r! :o be s gneC and $ealeo, lo z -:t I ,.: ,.: 'r^ ;J-.ie.5:,j, :i.1 Fr) .rn autircirilgrl off ieer o!' ag.:-: oi ir: Carrt)anv, dll in acccrdance : rs:.. -a.,--T- ' Cr.r1i',*,6"' i::{fectiveosoltheJate shou rr rn ScheCute Aas "Ef{ective Date ' ar.fviMr:rv1Er\TtFoR ot,;vr rNsuRANcE TAr, aPR i i rcg1 tLtv ' calltit nr, , - F't' E 1V-LIl'f 'l' I TI_,E :q4R!-rtTY (,3VP^ n_ Y ..,:-:i.}.:l;:r?fdl.i 3r' . ,ti e ,. ,1r%-', : iir\ -*- 16':4. tr .-- i6 '!vi .Ju5..a>\..= ,,.. .' ..'; "-*.. ri rfs.. ,ri' i 16C1 3#E836 SCHEDULE A -.-;;,i.q. i.li)lBER: e4010297 : t'a iCI.',tE DATE: March ?9, 1994 at A. Ai,?A OWIiER'S 'PCLICS 8r 00 A.M. A.IIQIJNT OF INSURANCE $ 545, 000. 00 PROPOSED :I{SL"P.EI.1 i FRANCINE FARKAS SEARS B. AI.,TA IOAN POLICY $ ?ROPOSED I}IS-JRRDJ C' AIJI'A LO'{N POLICY $ PROPCSED INS'''RED: :.{E EsTATE OR INTEREST I}i THE IAND DESCRIBED OR REFEFRED ?O IN THIS :O}TM],I.'{ENT AI.JD COVERED HEREIN IS FEE SI}IPLE AND TITLE THERETO IS AT ;"'llr EIFECTIVE DATE HEREOF VESTED fNi RICHARD E. WCI,FF TUP.STEE IJ,/I OF THE 'ITHE HEDIGER TRUSTI' l.\?ED MF.Rcld 1'1 , L982 isee Requirenents) ,I'Ii LAND;ETERRED TO I}I 1'FIIS COI1O4ITMENT IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SEE ATTACF{FD LEGI,L PREMI Lr'!4 : QWI'IEF.$ i I, 154 . 0C iAY (.ERT. ! 10.00 frnngine Farkas SearE Rrc'.hard E. WoIff Trustee Craig Denton STEW.I|}{T IITLE CF EAGLE COTTNTY, iNC.F.O. BOX 200C iAT;., dc. e1654 (3C3i 919.-1011 :-l-LIl- l,!fl'lf1':, 1,1!Jt:I : .-rj FE, '-fE SCHEDIILE A PROPEI.I,TY DESCRIPT ION 94 010297 PARCEL TWO A Fdrcef of land in :cc 16,rf Blcck 3,'- V;.'IL VALLEY !'IRST FILING,- Sibdivision in the Town of vaii, County of Eagle, State of l::J r:radc, in Section 9 , Township 5 South, Range 80 West the i ix+-h Principrl lvleridian, accordinq to the Survey of sald '|.;wnshi.r., arrd Range approved by the-U.$' Surveyor General in )c:rV€f , colsraao, on- iipril rz-. 1992, said par-e] of land being :ir,)F€ pa-(ticu).arIy described as folIowE, to wltl Beginning at the southeast tcr-r'rt, on ihe Southerly lrne cf the One Hal-f of Section 9; r:'-er1ce along said southerly line of the Ni/Z of the N1/2 of ';4cr.i-ch ' LiO.Oo feet to Ehe South$eEt Corirer of eaj.d Lot 16; "-i cnct: II? degrees 44'O4'r ta the right 95.91 feet Ec t.l1e True Point Of Beglnnlng; '.', rri1c€ 17 degreeg 27 | 07 t' ta che right 3 . ? 2 f eet i i'hir'cp +5 degrees'vo the left ?0.O0 feet; :irj-rrce 45 degrees to the rrght. 3.22 f eef i -",i",.ce 45 degrees to the right 11.3 feet;",rr:lrrc€ 90 degrees to the right 8.4 feeti :: r1nce 90 degrees to the left 25.2 feet;fhence 90 degrees to the right 18.5 feet;r.'ence 90 degrees to the right 7.9 feet,':rr€inee 9C degreeE to tlie Left ?1.9 feet; : he'1cir sc degrees to t-he riEht 34 . 2 f eet;':-'\:rce 90 degi'ees to the fighg 24.2 feet to T:..e l.rue Fe:.nr* Of Ee,ci nn inq. .rr d ,:'1:)iMCll PAFCEL An undivlded 1/2 interest in and to the following '-€,c::bed- Iancl; Lot i6, Block 3 , VaiI Valley First Filing - :crdlng to lhe- recorderj plat thereof , County of Eagle. State Cc Ioracto ,' ':P'Trl{c THEREFROI{ the preiriously described Parce1 Two and .-i- eXeEFTIf:G a parcel bf land iir sald Lot 16, Elock 3, Vail vr-le'1 First Filing, said parceL of land heing more particularly .':b:s::r:bed as f ol lows; corner of said Lot 16, a North one Half of the North Continued on next page :-l!I1 ldhHf 1! bE T :.rjr fE. '30 ;!dH -. ,i.{ '- , &.;.:R NO. I 91CtO291 PROPERTY I-\l I I I{-' Fl of sald l,ot 16, one HaLf of the A parcri of land in Lot 16 of BlocR 3 of Vail valley -:rst frli'nq; a subdivision in the Tqwn of VaiI, county of La,.'le, State of eolorado, in Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 1',J€sL of the Sixth Principal Meridian according to the Survey-' .-a:* ?cwnship anri Range lpproved by the.U.s. gurveYor General ' :+r^ver, coloiado, on AFril-t2, i892' said parcel of land )e:i? rrori parliculirrY dbscrlbed aE followg, to witl tseginning at the southeast Corner . point i)n the Southesly line of the North 'i,''rth orre lialf of seid Section 9; thence along said Southerly line of the N1/2 of the.ry112. '.g;:r.ion I 1-1CI.00 feet to the Southwest Corner of said Lol ,-;r€nce ll7 degreee 44'04'r to the right 95.91 feet to the '':.-ue Foint of Beginning;:i.ence l7 degreeE 27t O?fr r-o the right 3.22 feet,' '-.llei.,ce 45 degrees to the left 20.00 feet;l "lE nce 1.5 Cegrees to the right 3 . 2 2 f eet;:.r..rnce 45 degrees to the left 23.50 feeti '-::nc.e 90 degrees Lo the left 2I.4 feet;-..r!?Fce 90 detrees to the rignt 5.3 feet; .'-r',flre 90 degreeE to Ehe left 12.8 feet;'i ':n.e 3c degrEes to the left 53.4 feetl ,be;ce 90 degrees to the left 29.6 feet :, Ihe Point Of True Beoinning. of 16i TXI$ CN:{}4TTMFNT WAS PREPARED O}I APRIL 5, L994, FOR QUESTIONS .-'1,:-Ase cALt SANDRA I1ALLOY A" (303)949-1011. :lIIl 1'!tif'lf l-5 l.llJtrT t'E. lB ;Jdu SCHEDULEB-SECTTONl :]FDER, }IU}TBER: 94Q],0297 REQUIREMENTS :.:'--' ;OI,LOlrI;itiG ARE THE F.EQUIREIJENTS TO BE COMPLIED WITH: ..:i i,M (A) FAYMENT !O OR 5'OR THE ACCOIINT OF THg GRANTORS OR MORTGAGORS ,.'J.:,JiIi FLILL {ONSIDERATTON:OR THE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BE INSIIRED. 'ir.ll (3) PRoPER INSTRUT{EIiT (s) CREATING THE ESTATE oR INTEREST TO BE ...,IT.'REE\ }IUST BE EXECUTED AND DULY FTLED FOR RECORD, TO WIT: g:.ec'.lt:en of affidavit as to Debts and Iriens and itg return to Ste\,rart Tille Guaranty ComFany. ' E'.:i dence sat:-Ef actory t.r Stewart litle Guaranty Company of palaent of all outs+r.anding taxes and assessrnents as certj.fied k'y ?he Eagle County Treasurer. i, E,xecL:tion cf Cer+.iircate - Entity Transferor/Individual Transferor and ite return to the office. . Iv: Celce sat,istaetory to gtewart Title Guaranty conpany that the -{?-:-' e.=.tale tratsfer tax assessed bv the Town of Vail. has been paid or that the trarrsaction is exeinpt fron said tax. '1 eorrrFiiance wi.-h *,he Right of First Refugal as seU forth in the 'fcri.house Declaration ior Morqan Townhouses and CertificatE frorn adjoining cllner(s) verifying ihat such compliance haE been perforned ; Ccrrection Deed from Edward L, llediger and caror Hediger to !,]cF"ard E. I"toiff Truste.e V/T df rrThe Hediger TruEtrrdated March fi, 1982 "NCit: This Deed is needed to correct the Quit CLaim Deed ;-ecorded AprlL 27, 1992 in Book 339 at Fage ?08, because it did nor' cotl:'?y the ;oilnon Farcel. ' Tl'usl Agreenent f or tiThe Hediger Trustrr dated March L0, 1982.l.lCTE: Agreernent rreed not be recorded, but nust be presented ':c Stewart Tit1e cuaranty Conpany for itE review. : tru.ct Affldavit for I'The Hediger Trustrr dated Uarch l-o, t982,i i st-in,: t-lre names end adcreEsEs of all trustees. :. ieeo frorn Rlchard E. woiff Trustee U/I of rlThe Hediger Trugt'l riated narch 1-0, 1982 in, vesting fee simple tltle in Francine Continued on next page :lLII liltrf lfl-:; I.'IHFI :iE trE,,' lE ,!dH CO$TTNUATION SHEET SCHEDULEB-8ECTIONl ^I?DER NIJI,IEER: 94OLO297 Farkas Sears. NCIEI NOBATION OF EHE I.,EGA! ADDRES$ OF THE CR,ANTEE MUST APFEAR CN T:{E OEED AS FgR 1976 AMBNDMENT TO ETATUTE ON RECORDING OF DEEDS CRS 38-35-109 (2). 'i)i-.: For an additional charge, Stewart Title of Eag1e County 'aiii.5;rc'ride any copies of exceptione as ehowrr on Sehedule B -."ection 2. j': SCHEDUI.,EB.SECTION2 EXCEPTTONS JTI'CER NUMBER: 940:.0?97 ..J,' JT3L:CY OF. PO:ICTES TO BE ISSUED WILL CONTAIN EXCEPTIONS TO THE :"-)::.cl'IlNG uft^LEsS THE SAME ARE DISPOSED OP TO THE SATISFACTION OF :tI'E COMPANY: .1. R,IGHTS OR CI,AI}IS OF FARTIES IN PO6SESSION NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLTC RECORDS. ?. EASEMENTS, OR CLAIMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS..t. DISCREFANCTEST CONFLTCTS IN BOLINDARV lrNES, SHORTAGE IN AREA, ENSROACHT,IENTS, AND ANY FACTS WHTCH A CORRECT SITRVEY AND INSPECTION OF THE PREMISES WOUI]D DTSCLOSE AND WHICH ARE NOT ST1OWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS,4, I.NY LIEN, OR RTGHT TO A LIEN, FOR EERVTCES, LABOR OR MATERTAL i{ERETOFOP.E OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, TMFOSED By rAW AND NOT SFiOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.5. DEFECTS, LIENS, ENCIIMBRANCES, ADVER,SE CIJATMS OR OTHER MATTERS,IN A}.IY, CREATED, FIRSE APPEAAING IN THE PUBLIC RSCORDS OR ATTACH:NG SUBSEQUENT TO THE EFFECTTVE DATE HEN.EOF BUT PR,IOR. TO TTiE DATE FRCPOSED INSI]RED ACQUIRES QF RECORD FOR VALUE THE ES?^}.TE OR INTFREST OR MORTGAGE T}IEREON COVERED BY TSIS COMIVIITMENT.F.. 'JIiPATENTED l,ltNfNG CIT.AII'IS; RESERVATIONS OR EXCEPTIONS I}I PAIENTS OR A}i AC? AUTHORIZING THE TSSUANCE THEREOF,. WATER RIGHTS CI,AIHS OR, TITLE TO WA,TER. NOTE: tr)iIECHANiC'S LfENrr AND/OR trGAItil PROTECTION (EXCHPTIONS 4 AND 5 ABoVE) MAy BE AVAII"ABLE WITH AN CW}'ER/S POLICY OF TITLE INSTJRANCE ON RESIDENTTAL PROPERfY UPON COMPI.,,IA,}ICE WTUFI STEWART T]TLE GUAIANTY RFQUIRE}TENTS. PLEASE CALL FOR FTJRIHER I$FORMATION 4.3 TO THO-qE 5PECIFIC REQUIREMENT (S) NECESSA.F,Y TO OtsTAI}I T}IIS CCVERAGE. ' lI'/ .1nC a-'i '.inpai'i taxes and asgessrnents and unredeened tax 9Llr€5. :. I,'he ef f act of lnclusions in any general or speeific water .:n3e:vancy, fi.re protection, Eoif conservation or other gj.strLct Lr in.Iusion ir. any \^iater service or street inprovement -. rat s. F.eservaticns or excepLions contained in u.s. patents, or in Acts :1r:thc-izirq the :.iruance thereof, recorded June 29, 1903 in Bcoli 49 ar Page 495, reserving 1) Rrghts of the proprietor of a '.'eir, or l..-de to e:rt.ract and renove his ore therefrorn and 2)Continued on next page l-l-LIi l,ll.tf'lfi:i l..lH-rI: jri ts6. '-rF ddh.r CONTII-IUAITON S!{:.ET SCIIEI] ;E B . SECTION 2 EXCEPTI,ONS . ]LF( .'Il4,tBEE: 94010297 rights of way for ditches and canals constructed under tlre slthsrity of th.e ur,ited States. ..1 . Terrne and conditions of the Protective CovenantE of ValI Valley ,lrbcilvloiotl , recorded AFriI 13, 1970 in Book 217 at Page 406 aE :teceptron No. LL2975, . , T'srns, cqnditions, reseryations, restrl.ctions and obligatlons as ccr::ained in the Townl'!.ouse Declarbion for Motgan Townhouses, i:corclBd JuLy 14 , l?-Ii in Bool< 257 at Page 394 aE RecePtion No. I53124. I ;:'.i<.rrt to se-nate Br.l-1 91-1.4 (c.R,s. 10-11-1e2) Notice is hereby -;,:!\ |F';f . rj The.;ubjec*, real- property may be located in a special tax.': ng dist:ic:t; o, A certificaee of taxes due listing each taxing jurisdiction nay be obtained from the County Treasurer rrr thE County Treasurer'e authorized agant; -1 lnformation regardlng special dietricts and the boundaries of such dj.etricte nay be obtained fron the :rcard of county Ccmmissioners, the County Clerk and R.ecorder, or the county Assessor. ,',:is\Jb!'.: t:r Sen.rte BiiL g?-143 (C.R.S. 10-11-12?) Notice is hereby .r j ,'?n lrlar.. I - crertifrca:e c: taxes due liEtj.ng each taxing jurisdiction :i.a*l ce of rarneci ;-ro:r. ::he County Treasurer or the County 'T:'eirsurer's author j zed agent. l-llIr r,rHf1:l=; l,lH:rtr:J.rt FE, ]E ld|l____,,-_ CCt\r0iTlDNS AND STIPULATIONS -f t''e t; 'r :nongaJe, wt,er; ,.lsed nerein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or otner Securttv inStrtJ ment 'l the p'sxe5erj in',.'..r '.rr or acquires actu€l knowledge of any defecr. lien, 8nclirb'a',ca, €dv-€rsr ': ,,T Or Other matter affeCting the estate Or interest Ot ,-i,l'tga.Je ':'€reo!r ,.-o!,eraij by this Cemmitment other than thOsA Shown in 'lche,iu;c 3 herecf. ofld :;;'.a| fail to disclose such k.rowledge to the Company in *riiing, the Compdr'y shali be reliwed from liabiiity for any loge or damage rrsull:nq from anv act of reliance hereon to the extent the company is prejudiced bV failrre 10 so cii,{;loie ,r-rch knowledga, lf the proposed lnsured shall disclose such kno!'ri,jge to the Company, or it the Comoany crtherwise acquires actual (1i) ' ule of any such defect, lien. Encumbrance, adver$e claim or othar matter,t!r* Conrl;ory at itJ ottiorr may amend Schedr.rle B of this Commirment al ' or'4i;r'Jlv, bui such amend,tent shall not relieve the company f rom liabiliw nn,ioirsry inr:urrer r,ursuant to psragraph 3 cf thesE Conditions and Stipulations, LHI: lrry r,t rl'e comoany under this comrnitment shall be only ta the named rr,-,i,c:.-C Ins,-rril' j arij st,.-r Dafties included under the def inition of Insured in the tc'rr. cl policy or y.'o'i: .; committed for and only for actuel los incurred in 'r''enc4 | s",'on ii' ,rndertaking in good faith la) to oomply with the requirements 'araof. (ri lb! tl; elirninete excepticns shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acqurre or ,-iEci;i ti-, 0si"rt€ cf lntetesl or moi1...lage thsrsg;'1 covered by this Cornrnitment, In ,',! er'€it s;l.:rli ;r,J !.1- liabiiity J amount stated in Schedule A for the policy -'' L'4!ic,ds conrni:tei fr-1 .:"q1 suc!-r trabiltty is subject to the inurri,." provisions ond ilp f9ndi1,61s and StiDulitiong and the exclusions from cover ,. of the form of i, -'! ! iLri;,es Cir'i: r,;1'aa for in fAVOr Of ihe prOpOSed Insured WhiCh are hereoy .r " l:or j:{iiJ by lefere rr:q I rd ;r'c ildde a part of this Commitmant excepl sg rli.rf :;\< i' .raCif ':-.1 l.er,'in. ., -rr 'er Or not oased cin nsgligencp, and which rriser ;: ". estate oi intereti or tne lien of ths tn5!11'6 .,iry s. ,n asSerting sucl clairr', shall be restricted to .rc S' '.r atiOns of thig CO.nmiiment. (,r.r R.{rTy r:o.1IPA lrY ') (lii'-.'-q .,'f-;'rec -,) ':+ gr' r;i tilg Qcir'rp6ny and ar'7 statenient in wriling required to . 'r. r'..':C ^Fc Ccr-,[ iii',.,/ s],i c; addressed to it at p.O. Box 202g, Ho-uston, Texas t.:': j -. r :,jrri r, th:s cr,,-r ,_rreilt by its prrntel CO\4f\4 lTMENf SERIAL NUM-i: i ,' ' -. ippears e;- :!^e - ..rr,rm ;.i :he ironi of tt e i,rst page ol this commitment. 5i A- Ii II-ART TrTLE Page 5 ll-.i.' l.:fl''lf | :i |.'JHJ.T : ..'! tsE. lF ,1d1, FINAL CHECK LIST JOB NAIIIE: FOR BUILDING PERMIT # The items listed below must be completed before a pernit shal1 receive a Final'Certificate of Occupancy. T r l E E E n FINAI, ELECTRICAL: FINAI., PLI,]MBING: FINAI, MECHANTCAI,: TEMPORARY CO; CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (CO) : FINAI, LANDSCAPING: PAVTNG/PUBI,TC WORKS: ******* PERMIT NUM 79-2138 A DATE g READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO .wED BUILDING:PL tr tr tr tr tr tr D UMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER drouruoanoN / srEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUSTifuOgDs ..)t-' T] CONDUIT r] tr SUPPLY A]R 0_ tr FINAL O FINAL w tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR (DF.44 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ootr Ellto/ct4 JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: tlrilcrlorrr REouEsr TOWN OF VA|L 11 479-2138 | THUR ) FRI (fi) pn,r CALLER BUILDING:PLUMBING: d roor,*oa / srEEL -f--uryz TrcUNDATION / STEEL 6 rnnurruc tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER * PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n_ tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL o tr FINAL E FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr |F INAL tr FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED . tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED oor,- {-11*4( rNsPEcroR rrv#-c;rpN. $FsuE$r TOWN OF I 479-2138 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:l/o JOB NAME MON-. TUES -- 3!]!9- tli|g_/ tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE L. /r"o",*o fl (. , , : ,' .1, .- =L , , n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING )(cns PtPtt'lc /1- tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr o tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL 72ffiveo tr DISAPPROVED ' tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED GORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR rN#: CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VA|L r 479-2138 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER i 1' TUEg WED THrlR" cf+ AM (3")(t l_ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGHOUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB tr FIT{AL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED G /" = /,?, ./DATE 7 4 '// /z INSPECTOR 'Nsil'c;p11 $FouE$r TOWN OF r INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUB 479-2138 / J'-- Ru READY FOR LOCATION:.. -) (: PERMIT N ER OF oor. 'tl BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. O ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rN "roN REeuEsr ;K44 rowNoFVAlL t +tt.f\-f-t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor. I f f,u lq + JoB NAME 479-2138 ___€PM READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr o tr tr { tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / O.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRtCAit-: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n! T] SUPPLY AIR n o rirunl O FINAL )/APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED GORRECTIONS: t(uoHsu|-tANts' lNc' . .-. t KRM cotfriulrANTs. rNc. t,o. sox.t?2 vAt(, cotoiAoo 8t66t 3e59a915?.l P. 02 tStxtf 049.93c1 FAX t.9.lC7t FIELD REPONT TO:DAIE:7 tzto / a+ ARRfvE: ID.. OO*,4A' oE?^Rrt 'O: ZOA,. tA, wnR' atuuY r tOOt- -r*x * Ata'6egv - JOB NUMBEF:PsOJECT: tN& l+rt-t-aftob-t TttZ FFAr*nr,V{7 4t++r-i6rc : yt11+rc* L DE-gra7,,,r- ,g5 Pge tNe rFe do,JFte 6 caJteunrt oN. AWe+e TO **ve Er:r,N (W&TLY rrtPtErll.EtJ't€'> r{ 71}€. tr-lEt-F- , R€VICVUCD: COF/ TOr rNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2198 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME OOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBINGT tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL rr ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED coRffnoNs: D^rE /1'/7f/ rNSPEcroR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ;"Jt[iJJ-o$, $fsu'qr NAME 479-2138 READY FOR INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI ----@ PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER " PLYwooD NA|LING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] POOL / H. TUB NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr F|NAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I . .p-...D z.-- \ b-'i"'- |=-'=-.ln-,-. TOffi{ OF VAIL y t+;1) "ERMrrNo' vrt l I t.- a PUBLIC WAY PERMIT rOwx W unW / contractor'scopytobe keptonJobsite.' '. r!''' I ,. t49B spmnmrt.t. r.rxs 1 (Job Namo or Localion of Wo*) 2. PUBTIC SB&YICE COI{PANr, P.O. BOX 430, HI}fnRll, Cio 81645 (Excavaling Coniraclor's Nam€, Address. Phons, and License No.) 3. Work is tor (circle one) WATER SEWFf, - GAS ELECTRIC TELEPHONE CABLE TV OTHER IIISIILL LIITE LANDscApTNG\}ersFoAlRy srre AccEss Permit Fee f50.00 - BILL AT Et{D Of ISAR Bill to: PIIBLIC SERYICE C0l{PAnf Paid:Receipt #:1effi (Public Works) INSPECTION REMARKS: SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED -:F \\ - .-,'tr Water Sewer Landscaping \^Prz,oult t ,-n I. ntuN' - [-r9-/ Bo'fc APPLICATTON FQR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 ,''/TOWOFVAIL Legal Description I S.(o /I 4i, Excavaling Conlractor Name TOV Conlraclor's Ucense Number 4. Work is for {circle one)cAw 5. Trench-width (min. 4') Length Depth Bond Amount $Permit Fee $Total Permit Fee $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be prolected at all times. A signature below indicates a review ot the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-7489) Public Service Company (1-800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Gross Electric Company (949-58q2| U.S. West (1-800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Vail: lrrigation (479-2161) '1 -Electricians (479-21 7 1) Public Works (479-21 58) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspeclions which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspeclion fee. 12. I certify that I have read all of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements,me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. fs, o ,) r/ I ()t I >/ </ /(/ "' Start Oate Completion Dale (Permit Expiration Date) i Gas.Electric Telephone Temporary Site Access Other 6. 7. o 10. 11. Signature of Agreemenl ATTACH PIAN OFWORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCT]ON TRAFFIC CONTROL PI-AN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMITI Yellow - Finance Pink - Community Development Gold - Contractor Date of Signature white - Public Works PERMITNO. CI28J &a ) f Contractor's copy to be kept on jobslte. I TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 1498 SPRTIC r{rLL COLRT {Job Nrma or Locetion otWork) MBLIC SERVICE CG(PANT P.O. rOX 430" MUCTURN, CO 81645 1. 2. TFSTAI.I. I-TI{E Work is lor (circle one) PermitFee t5O.OO - BIII AT ElrO OP YSAn PUBLIC SERVICE Cfl{PAIAT (Excavating Cor{ractor's Nam6, Addross, Phone, and uc€ns€ No.) /].'..'.'' WATER SEWERiGAS )ELECTRIC TELEPHONE CABLETv OTHER LANDSCAPING hT',|PONARYSITEACCESS t/' Bill to: Paid:Receipt #: (Public Works) INSPECTION REMARKS: (Public Works) SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED \& 'k APPLICATION FOR roWft orvar PUBLfc wAY PERMTT lg )'/ TOV Contractor's Licsnse Number Start Date 4. Work is for {circte one} '.r). t) 5. Trench-width (min. 4') Complelion Dale Water Sewer Landscaping Length ASjreement cAw (Permil Expiration Date) Other dcaslElearic Telephone \-,-./ Temporary Site Access 4l Depth -'f\ lt I PermitFee $ ){ Ll t r"l"iJl,#i,l."S ,i $ ,1 6. 7. 8. Bond Amount $ ALL MATERIAL. EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavaling equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-7480) Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528)'.t', / Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892)lL : ,. U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Vail: frrigation (479-2161) Contractor's 7 'y'4 Et aricians ,i",. .24 c, t/ Date of Signature ,,t.o (47s-2171)@" q Public Works (479-21 58),15qiDK THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction tratfic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Departmenl prior to issuance of the permit, All excavation must be done by hand within "l8" oJ utilities - (Senate Bill 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure lo notify the Town will result in forfeiture oJ bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. 12.I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility 10. 11. ATTACH PI.AN OFWORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PI.AN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Communitv Development Gold - Contraqor I v INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FhAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr D tr fu r,"o.tr FINAL elecrnrcel:' tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL tr FINAL \r O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVEO REINSPECTION REQUIRED , Bqq INSPECTIO JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED t,r/. ft;li .t / , r ril,""rJ*o $, g5g u E .sr BER OF PROJECT 479-2138 READY FOR ,.LOCATION: BUILDINGI tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr T] FJML tr FINAL lE9Erclu tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr frrr.rnr- 'tr FINAL APPROVED ,41 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oere //-zl- # rNSPEcroR rNst t';'V tt' PERMTT NUMPER Of PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES LOCATION:{ TION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL "t ./. 479-2138 F.; , n' '#-(' ,.* THUR AM afr-t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FBAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E] POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL u gf rrrual tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FINAL D FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: oorc ttl-zslqtl rNspEcroR CBi o -l e - -,e -l =l- E E l-I z o ! m ! 3 -{ P: 6< cm D;z^ <Y Gt6 II ot IE j o z 9>5o U'- zd= N 'tl :;\r'r\-A{ -L?' -l i |.n - D |n i -t- m n t- D n ! D i m o m 3 m 2 v, D z n c z o m ln o m 3 + t rt o z z u!. >,t ln .i F: tt o tll o 'l FI F' .l o 3 tr ( c,€>5 Ei F>trt (. 5'l =€7Z z o ttl z 't > t I ! "( N N =N e F.'-tf N g z o E m ! 3 -{ E c { i -t- -{ m D \ h. 2 |n tn -{ |- 'tl - o t D t- I D m :o |n D n 3 m z {u, ;z o m +.(-, F€ >F ;Eq5 F> F'I HF (,A l:es t, o> :gtt ;i;3 aiil(4 gd Hi 42,"4 :!E:7td i; t\, i 8i e;B9 6a ;i,t -.{cl!€5 _-{o z 9>So o-6o z^= rm N'n a-\c|-5r l l {