HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 1 BLOCK 3 LOT 22 LEGAL.pdft-,f,, IO,,N#M Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: DRB Number: DR8010017 Project Description: New entry, bedroom extension, balcony addition, window alterations, Participants: OWNER ALEXANDER & FLOM SARMTT 0tlr9l200l Phone: 476-1061 1328 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 License: APPLICANT ALEMNDER & FLORA SARMTT Olltglzl0l Phone: 476-1061 1328 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 License: It?'0 IJ59 VAIL VALLEY DR VA]L Location:Project Address: Legal Description: . Parcel Number: Comments: Block: 3 Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY 210109207020 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Pierce Wddrich 4-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approvdz O2l07l210l Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the wriften consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $50.00 B(IILDI]YG MATEBIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soflits Windows Window Trinr . ...Doors Door Trini . Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashiugs Chirnncys Trash Enclosures Grecnhouscs Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* @6 * Please specify thc nranufacturer's color, numbcr and attach a snrall color chip ** All cxtcrior lighting must rneet the to*n', Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If extcrioi lighting is proposed, plcase indicatc tho nuntbcr offixturcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Identiff eacl fiiture type and provide thc hcight above grade, lumcns output. lunrinous area. and attach a cut shcet ofthe lighting fixturcs. ,'''. s .,4 ' Updated 6D7 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botnqisal Nanrc K/x / Conrrnon Namc Ouantilv Sizc* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL *Mininrum rdquirsmcnts for landscaping: Trpc dcciduous trecs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs -,6 fcct in hcight shnrbs - 5 gallons Squrc Footaac OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waiis. fencqs, swimming pools, etc.) Please specifu. Inclicate top and bottom clevations of rctaining walls. M*xinrun hcight of walis rvithin thc front setback i" I fiet. Maxirnum hcight of rvalls elsovhcrc on thc propcrty is 6 ibct. l' ::; uiitatcd 6/97 T ITILITY LOCATTON VERJFICATION This fornr is to vcriff scwicc availability and location for new construction and should bc uscd in conjunction rvith prcparing your utility plan and schcduling installations. Thc location and availabiliry of utilities. whethcr thcy be rnain trunk linqs or proposcd lincs. nrust bc approvcd and vcrificd by thc following utilitics for thc accorrrpanying sitc plan. Authorizcd Signatutc Dalg U.S. Wc.st Commun ication.s r -800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Scrvice Company 949-5781 Cary Hall Holy Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Husky/.loltn Boyd T.C.r. 949-5530 FIoyd Salaz;rr Eaglc Rivcr Watcr. & Sanitation District * 47(r-7480 t'rco nastcc * Plc:isc bring a sitc plan, floor plan. and clcvations whcn obtaining Upper Eagle Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation $ignahrrcs. Firc florv nccds must bc addrcsscd. NOTES: l.Ifthe utiiity vcrification fornr has signaturcs fronr each of thc utility companics, and no collrnrcnts arc tladc dircctly on thc ibrnr, thc Torvn rvill prcsunrc that thcrc arc no problcnrs and thc dcvclopmcnt can procccd. Ifa utility cornpany has conccms with thc proposcd construction. the utility reprcscntativc shall note directly on the utility vcrification fonn that there is a problcm rvhich nceds to bc rcsolved. Thc issuc shoulrj rhen bc dctailcd irr an attached lcttcr to the Town of Vail. Ho$'evci, ;lL-:se kccp in mind that it is the rcsponsibiliiy ofthc utiiiry company and the applicant to resolvc .--,r(ltlLU l.rr v\./r -.:l-_ Thesc vcrifications do not rclicvc the contraitor of thc responsibility to obtain a Public Way Penrrit fronr thc Dcpartmont of Public Works at thc Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtaincd bcfore dissing in any public right-of-rvay or cascmcnt within tlic Town of vail. A bI l; Uidated 6/97 2. 3. DEC-15-OO rl3OE FROI{ ' ToV-CoI{-DEV-DEPT.1D,9744"92452 PAGE 2/3 ;ffi Questions? CaC Planning SEff at 47g-2L38 APPTICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATIOI{ Thb applicauon b 6r any project r€guiring Des-gn Rer/ieur appro/al. Any poject requiring deslgn revkry must recetv6 Oesltn Ra/ia,v approral pr'nr to submtfirg for a building pernt. For sp6ific infomation, se tfie slrbrnitbl requirerneng fur ne patlartar a-pproval fut b requesd. The appli:ation cannot be acepted until all fte l€quiGd frfinnation b submded. fhe project may abo need tD be relieured by tfie Town C,ournl and/or the Planning and Environfilental @flrr1ission, Oestgn ncvtew Ccad apprcnel expire one year after llnal apprcnal unless a buiHing pennitis icciled and @nstruction bsbrcd' B. c D. E. erccrc .5 FIUNG:LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PhIYSTAL PARCEL# ZONIIIIG: MS,IEOf OWltlR(S): ADDRS:77 o\rwER(5) MME OF AI'PLIOAI\IT: PHOUE: TYPE OF RR'EW AI{D FEE: tr Netf, CsnsE|rcilon - $200 Cottsuucti,on d a ne$t building. tr Additson-S50 Indudes any addftion where square fo&ge b addert to any resiJential or ornrnercial bullding. tr lrlinorAlteration - 92D Indudes minor dnnges b buildings ard siE imprarernenq $ch as, rermfing, Palnting, \llrdov" addftions, landscaphg. ftnces and . r retaining wal$ etc.E 6,"alud dnB Ces are d Oe paU at ttre urre of slbmitbl. Later, v'rhan appVing for a hilding penrtil, ptsase identify the amrrate raluation d dre ploi:ct The Torvn of Vail wil aqim fie Fe rerdirE b the fFct \aluatjon. PLEASE SUBIIIIT TIIIS APPI.ICANOil, AIL SUBIIITTAL REQUIREI'IENTS AIIID TllE FEE TO THE DEPARTMEI{T OF GOI|HUilITY DEVELOPMEIfT' 7E SOUTH FRON|AGE ROAD, VAIL @I-ORADO 81557. ct r. G. H. rJot {"1 Co. Assessors Office at 97G328'8640 fur parel #) MIUNGADDRESS: - o'ft[';i"^if [#,"J;i_: " o 225wall Sts€ct. Vail, Colcado 81657 . y7O476-7990 . F N( 9TO47GT)94 ffif#rffiffis^ffi.* ooIinEQUEr'EEs AND rm, pARuEs sEonLD coNsuLT LEGAT, ANr' TAx oR coilM\cr To BrryArttD SEU_ REAr ESTATE (REStDEitTtAq (cAsH AT clostr{ci - - - fr1p; SeFf anrrlrcr 13. ?OOO tutflrintfiiffi ffiF!tr Earcr agrc.r b hry td ttc tndcrsftnd seilcr agluc o sdl thc hopcrty defirrcd behv an rb ternr !d .,rdiri* scr IEFINEDTERi'$. a. Blwr. eDEr, Nexander R. SaEatt and/or Ele Asel(rns will trb titta'lo rhc rcd groq:nty docribcd betop rs E.rtt rcnror Ercam rn ommm E otho,b. Procrtv. The propcrry is rhe ftltowing lcgdly fuaibod ,Eat c8f"rr:Unit A nestbye lhrpler, I-t 22, SlocX 5, Vall Va1ley SubdLvision t. fr ?- in fic Oorrty 6f trgl a , Oolaadq canncrly lmwn as rrl^ lNc, gxEct Addrcss otv ffi:Hm gSgS*.It inporiemcna ard dtdFd r*uca "nnrrrenilr rto"tq !n irrc#sau i, ,3* .ma" Stdc 7p ad allep aSet tbaq acOt c trrrn'c,UuaoC. t.oO tloomuts Deadlirc October 1,2, 2OOO nfa nla E8 t{.tq Co|tt?.ot !o &rt r|d E tRxlE h lRGrli.rd.D t6rf0 # srSFon+ Bca7m. Fro, oo 80fa3, vrr*on 6.0r, onrrrrrro, aooq R{f rcocor225393 omplcFd bt- DEBOR^H O. trVtTT||t{, BRot(ER rSsOCUrg ct,i,spdD|lbn xfritt(ildtpgr*_,1r" utr{8)mfl3'txt,t53aJ0 sdso)P.!. I ot! -. " Ascrnn.rdr! Thct,*,r*tsfidmrilrsadiddo,darcaptofthirm'act: Exhlbtt A (Personal Property rnventory) to be attached io this contract on or prlor ro Septerhher 27, 2000 . _.r - - r- -" j) W If m ttp hasry rrhdhcr rfirdrd c not m thc datc dthis cdtracr: trm windo$,s, *am docrr, wind6'tr no pottl Jr'lsc8, awnirEs' blids' scrcefts, whdorr orrerirg* ornin rodq drapcry rc&, frglacc hserts, fircplac rcna,r, t6da,; g.ics,lgt _*'X :119_ shcds. rd *t F* t* .pti-cailc bo(es) if irphrdcd tr 'ivrt- soni", tr *..;il i;G,---trCE - -1- AmlcrHlfy d Tcrnr. A drc* c sinilr rmt h I bo< mans r|r6t sdt povlsim ls pfllc$h- TtE .nr6vidim TrVA" rmar ru rpficrHa 3. INCI"USIOTTSANDEXCLU$OI{IS.r. 'Ihc hrdrsc Pdc irdrde thc filloriry ium (rrhuins)(t) Fhhns. lf atadd ttlr nqcrty m th' dec of.0rb urrac, Iighing, lEiirg pludfrg, wrtilrtirB, lrd rir ocrditicnrg ffrrrcq Tv silflG]A& tdcdmc wititu and-;,t-.tirts bhclq/jsd6, phrrq miftlls, flu orcrirgr, incrcqn sj,!Gms, buitin Hbl,n rpp[atns' sphHo EdGm 8d contrrol* hrilt'in raolm qistcrnr Srduatrg da] erage t- op"t..r irrludrg i ntrdc otnls; nd the f,urnlture and furnl'shlngs located at the Property aa of the date heleof (other than personal effects such as clotht ng, books, persoGl piotos. etc. l. s€ller shall deliver to Buyer on or prLor to septenb€r 20, 2ooo, J sritten inventory oi eucrr pereonal prop€rty and furnishlnga located on the property (hereinaft6r the "peisonal property rnventoryi). lhe Pereonar Property rnventoiy, is it uay be anended upon nutuii- ili'eeoent ot the partiee' sharr be attached to ahis contract as E hibit A. Buy€r sltarr grve wrttil;--notlce to selters by september 25' 2ooo. tf -t!e. F_ersonal property rnventory Ls unacceptable.Buyer and Serlers sharl theo atteupt ln good faith to resolvl "n] dlrferen'c"", uo[-ir soy",and sell'ers have Dot reaqhed. a-written agreeoent concerning the personal property rnventory by septeDber 27' 2oo0, then thls contracf shall teminate ind arl nonles "na' irti-"gr--of varue paid by Buyer hereunder shall be returned to Buyer prorptly together vith any intErest accrued thereon. S5nimrr, E $eollc Syrtcnr (irrludrg ractlit dHres andressaics); md , - (J) Prrldry qd Sior.ecc Fdfdpr. Tlr usc dthc fttbrrirg pr*irg furfib{c8} as t r'^ata4 ^n rhe pr.',ne,rry i and tho follorirg rtcage facilitles: +e I.rFFlF.l .rrr ihe prrrFarf y ,({) wltc. n4}0& Thc ftllowhg lcgdly d6c|ibcd *atc riElrs: llonw b. Irytrynort! d Tnlrfcr. Th tdusiqE lrc to be canrqrcd !t Chinc frc and clcar fficPt ar Inovi.td h $ 12 Cmveytln sltdl be by tril of dc s cthcr aplicstrlc legal irunrmat(s] + dod c ds apdiaHc tryrl in*umrr{s).c. Erdtrlar,r. Tho fiClorriry altadtcd fitrrcs ro crcfu&d frqn this -salc: None d dl trr.os, lln and atorrfrrrccs, &ry lr'atcr righb stu[ be canq@ by PIjRCIIASD PRfCt AND-:IEnftS. Tho hrdrsc Pric sd fsth bdorff shdl bc pptrle in U. S" Dotks by Bryer as fdtors: !. Elr'trG|t lt{ila.The Errrrt Mcry set farh in thir Scdicr, in tb firrr d ^qee r.ld ' l rr'nra . rlr '.a I ia pt pq,r 1t of tlt Tgf: F ".d*tl"[ bc fydb to nd l3l{ b}'-. r.rtd..T{ t r e Grrrra''r.ea ca'nFany - , in itr hr5t gnr, an bdrrlf ot Ddh Sc_llcr T-d ryEr, ry erdT a$rcia-&livcry oftho Banrrl l|tm4, dg?oeit to tlr Oaing Cnfny, if rny,-at c befcc Oahi b, Nc l.cn [olnitcd - ].Id lp'plbdrtcl Arilntpdil. Ionited - l,Id .Cpdidlcl qdE" c ldvrtc f'hudntl lonircd - ]Ior Apptbsbl c.o r- cth dcHrra Al annrlrts pail [ hrycr at Goirg irdudhg Chrh at ochg flrn hr!rc1s dctrg cts, shdl be in fra&, tBt t{.et, Conb|ca to E|ry.rd !.t R.d E$.b F.dd.'|tlrl}, a6rfl l#rtTo tun , Bdil700, Ffi€,OO m+|3. tArh e02, fidFrSfG Zpq RA#)(0OCO_22E$B idt|Dbhd by - OEBORAH G. WTTlt N, BRo|GR T6SOCnTA CffO9hc Dsrtm t(dEr t t(id.t Red E!bb. frc 50,000.00 930, 000. 00 950,000.00 950,000.00 IUygft)0Ul3/O 15:t{:10 Soild{r) ?q.2o'a 't:.h,lqOf llf .ll-:qpligUc Ooltiado "*}O, indu& casb docrcnicrnsf,cr ftnds, stu dreck sovires md harr telcds drdc 6d cdrit'g drck (Good Ru&). !. rft AlQllsggq lqnited - ].Id Apdicdrlcl U I4gl;gt!4thd. [Onird- lSjrqpdic*rtel t Cryq hforil|gg& l(}nftcd- r.16 Apdic$b] a._ trElElg':&v|g* [onircd - r.n-aegicar-rt G rprnAlselrnoTrsrons.L Amrdsd Codtloa H fl) I{oAmntrlCcddo. lhb srbccrirn a rtrl mt apply.O oi ffii b cxrsslt rgFod tlnt nohvith*ardry rtiote" prwirins of rhir_ccinc, drc pundrccr @4tfl rlrdl not bc 614 to-cirig&-gc s"oa'i.ctfr€.il !"t',-J*;u"a r.'tml ti_it"" fi;i;J;b ftrftiurc dcr' s nnrqy &pcils c dreisbe unlcss thc Prrch.3cr (B!Er) hNs ben giwr- in -rw&rn $rrth HUryFHA;ni t=s;i;"tt-a rvrittsr ststslndrt by rftrc Fedcral thrdrg CunnissiaEr, Vaqtn Adninisdiot\ a r Dirrc Endorrane,rt lar&r rcting mrth" brara ,,at; e fu- ld;.ry of r51 lcs, thrn f, n/e . Tho hldracr (hryr) shlt hq'€ the pnvltcgp uto oit- "r pooaitg with cqrsmnrian d dre ourt'ct wltlrrt rti3lrd to the -ttnnt of tlE apaiscd.riahratim. Th crlilod virrr*m is rritd i rodeeirtf; oc trndmlm rnctgug' iilpfr fr;Ihning.and-tlbr lhdqno|t will imrc. r{JD dod;* vrarnr {rc rarr tn nc "mlricr of drc Elopcty. Tb hrc-lnsc, (B,tE) shdd sdis& himsdflEficef that ftc fre and cdditin ofrtrc plqaty are accpuHc.Ll (J) va r Buyq b P P.v.tb Rudrrc fry bf *S"ltc-o ne vAguararred Frr, ir i{r ryccd rtu, rcrvitl6rsdng uy clrcr Fovbiaa d fti! ocrtna' Bqtr fl To ingr *v pT4ty by nrfcit.rc #tarn€$ -€ ; d-t"i'd u "tritrJ i"Z.pif.u. prr.rr* oru.hqcrty descriH hseio. if thc carraa hdri; p;6 & st cxceods thc tcasdruc rdrr of rhe I'rqcty GsHidFd by trc vetcrrre Adninkntlcr. h{q tlt!, bwatr, haw q" t'"ibF.d qP.ti- dpo"-dtg;f,ilri" *t*to.ritt d'ilriqrd;gor rquu to rr,arur dflr rcasatHc rdrr csrrHlshod by tlro Vacrrts Anniirk dh; P-,-,- ,-jr-_,+_ ly slalt lnw thc sdo qlicr ltrd clccian to ErmimE rHs sfirt if thc Pttdro* pric ocee<b tln propcrtlr vllEial dGtcnnind by a apmiscr ctggcd bf erry6' . Tb ccrrnc-slrlt Errrina! by B5rcr givirB sG .r $iicrl naie of trminticr ard eithcr 1 oqyo!srur atraid a trittn ruie fn"r tcrrd9r-*,rti*'orft r mritq;r,fr-;l;{i- is tc$ rh", tlE hrdtec Pria' rcdr'td cr a bfac lfic apprdt;f r]crrilbc ($ t), r s"ilcr d; nd lgo}o sdr uiuor ncic of tenninrim qr cr ffir tb Apprdrd Dcadhc (g &I Bufrr uaftEs uV ddh ro tcrimtc-unAcr tt obociiflr. - !. - 9.0 !(lEDrdd. coc ofay rypaktl to bc ohshd der tftc datc of this ccrract slr[ bo tinrty paid by tr uuyw tr Sau.7. .EVII'OIICE Or TITLE.r. EvIdGmG of Tidcr Suwcv. On a befoe T"tb Dcrdthc ($ 2c) Sclkr shrll carrsc to be ffrdsh.d to Bu5ru, c Sdlcrb cxp€nsq a orrtnt cafiritncna fu owncrb tilc insrno pdiq tr m anurrr cqd to thc Prrdraoc Prie a if thh bor is drcd<d, E ln rurm.t otr,ritf cstificd to! orEnt &ra rafitc imrrrc qrtnltrrltrt lg frrniehc4 ir Esor Emrrna onmit b deletc a insuc qrs thc sadr'd occptidB whidt trlde to:(l) Fnlca h pGscsdqt (2) urcc&d casonert&O) smr€y nr*tcq (a) any ur@dded nrctnnics' licrs,(Q gp pcriod (cft<rivc dac dqrniffi to &6 dGGd is reo&d), ard (O ueaid tucE, rssca$Ertts ard urrcdccnrd tax sdcc pria to thc y.ce of Oahg' - Any additimal prcriun o$cnsc to &ain this addtinrl oycragc stan bc pdi try scthr. Ar rnulrt not to 61jgccd $ ?no-oo - futheddaryinpurcncrtlodcrerrifcar-r--y*rilu"Ftdby |8il;; trs.il.;. rrhc c61 cncds lhb.rnu'rr' &r!er shdt ry th exef cn.- bft1o oghq urlcsr B+€r &lilErt ro sdlcr a Ufr'rg c"tdt, bcfcrc tlE inpo1qncnt locatim gq$.catc c- alpyls a&ed, B4cds winqr mia dto,frry *.S.".ptq" frr nrvcy ;tm* 'Ihe inpronancni l@rftn GtiftErG q' srw1,ouf .ue.lecuwo Q Er!|ercr a bcftrc srut D.rdbc (f zcl. sdlcr nhgl crrsc 6c-'rnic i-t*r,- policy !o bc &ti6rcd to Buycr ,! 31xr aa prcicaHe at a sftr O6ing'b. Col6 d hGcPdG Or rtcfm If! Dc.qhc_(! 2c) sdlgqSt-ldlc* crpcmc, drdt firnidr b EDEr, (l) a qy ctrary phs,&dratiurs' oiErrrts'lffiiim8 ard t *tici-t unotid trn pi+r6, rttd-ettf ; drt-iisrrrce cqnnitncrt is re$bd to bc tunidroA ad if drb bor is &erca E cmtcr ot rryOtha lrcuncnFlc, tr iifuiblq "i*t l* d ilrdr doorrrtriB) tsiod ir tlE rdrdrde of encpticrr (hocFin+ Evtrr ifrb bu-is not oiL+ satJ *t.iirtri irc udrir,i to n-tii tri-Lc-"rr" tr#,-r o tlt" *u.ci* if ,.$E$d by hrpr any tinrc m a beforc thc Docnmcd ncq!.d- D.nnhc G 2cI ttis rquircmrr ,ml pot"i" .,[, to imna,t ; d,rr' d recd ia ttr ffic dthc dcrk ad rcoaq(l)' lhc abenc-a tittc imrnnc funcrg'togdra with rry qis c srnnrder ofsror ocrrrng firridDd trrsana to this Soctln, cmdlrrc tlr titlc dErE tr (Titb lbcrrrrrrs), c. C-mno hlcratCmpunlly Cowrtdlqltoma !, g fl) I{oa^mlcdlc.Tldgstbccotlorc. ftIdlFpty. H - . P) en4o=go m Suvcr'1nlYIq. S"tlg tltll carse to be ftmislEd to h[.r, at Sclcds er.per*, m c hcfirre Tth D.rdhG l{-.]1ltrg-1^T_lqql *tdi- rHrrrtm' brl",t",- S-o urd-Ieediidr trfiy rldl rydrurb (!rein ccflccireiy for,trairry Lhcrrtb')' rd ftcctt fiiltdd.dmrurB ord*hgdQ).rnnl b.O.q rttort O) qrr.it itdrE;d cxpcrCii arr;.,r, ie icl urfr buftrt (hcrdn "o[9dF v '8 "ryq Doqrrcrtrl, n nv. rimur ncic d rry rmiairsftaory porbicr(sffi ;r0, e{r.r" d;ilEndE 119,-c-m-bolrlf dBtFr' rrd grqr b Scllct'qr cLtrrcorlrolryDocr;cs DaJiic, t*ttichi"rLdt"." no"ool.chDadb.($ 2")} $dl tcr'rint€ thir ccrnc. If seltcr &cs mt rcciw,wlttoi mie n*r nrl-- *mn "rot tne &rF *qg ft" grnN of rsid dorFtr8, atd &r5rc/s rigfr to &nrirao dris crbrct pnmt to thir glhccicr tg uircA'na...damore Gir-l'rli* "nl ge . :13 lf{f, Gontr*r b 8st.nd !.i n..t E bt F..ffit, anf,e ldFAtTo Fmt}r Bo.f7flr. F ls6, co 804.13. l/bdur 6.o4ms tTc,2o0q R!!rjcocoua$}3 ;dnDLLrl by - DEBoRAH G. wltru N, BRoKER Assoct rE, chttsttlr Dqrhn t(cF| r Kfid.t Rcd E!tsb. tnc.P.f.3 of !{rgllUm 15:91:t0 sclr(!) goTrtr R.tr"cG'Et slauill.tss tht scler hs ddiurd " ?-ro rri,Fc;-- n-.,,r*,-*. ,.v ffi;ffi.*laflgi1'd I ?*rr" cn'rning hru* !!d Fhrdd ,.curEnr nur' hs n'i"'rd nqn, *rucr o accpt tc ucneti utgning ."ir,Jii'ril*lrt"$ ,hy ,rr"*",d;..,,r hp"n, md ib ow-"uu sriles my rid* o tnrdrnc tlrs urta cr dG- &"u*r*, cwinr*rding 0rc trov{lida dg td.& TITLB **.'i."ffi ry'fi iiffbH*:ffi J'#:"ffi J;HSs_g,m$ffi gH?ffi f,f ffi&,ft**,:frh Es;"r#Ery;ffiHffiffirff#:i,flfu;gnn dbe bv tlE dt{s) rycifid -n* niJ *ar -tr*&i'lrm Jiir;, dt;;;*iy-rtffiro rhorrurrs ar srlisficrrv.-o*l'.' frffi*r*ffim n'ta'r.tftonbrvdrcu$licruqdrc*idrrsclr"["*rtF*"q*iiryoliriilo,";grroin;Jiffi,ivro&tcrircifary thid prty(icc) hs arv rilr i n nq il d_ ii t.pnc rc# toH* ;-,il*drd ecanari urreccaei jase. r barr&ry tirc dsrq't. utinct ndicc of my urnitsfutcy "-CtiifriC.Arka t+, Sdi;; il,;-Uy 31ra, ir"p*i* 6iil be 36nd B c an bdratf d H*,fff!.ru, ;d,s;d,Ec;l.'E"t#rldora&ocil; ^r**" #*gWr,$'trfffi wrrgrN srrcH nrsrrucrs p_nopsrry-oii,ifrnifr s,qcn Nr?ills*iiiVir rr.rcro AT nrsK noE nrcnusnn Mrl LFrEs ANr! Ex.*ssrv*nx ninninis-iii ejffigllrE_Ei'ociid'6r ili.mgryqu/E'nn c rxrsu RESLLIIYGINrnnnvrxr'-rrvo-imifuffi#rolascn;iiffiiilff-ffipF1mosswrrnogrsucnANnrcng1gg INMILLLEyrEs.srrynnsHour.Dnmisii6idffiopfgq{aNcnt;iialfoElgrysonrrcrirrsonnmocElsERAL olLlcarror{ rNDErrEnNEss or srcn--iiffiitis,-Sfq11g1lc_milffi,jb oF sucr Drsrpcr spnvrcrr$c sucil TNDEB*.NESSI rmn'' pomnrnll-ronfrifrc;urs ''' sucr MrIrLEvrEs.h tlretrtthcRmctvis totd *tttiri+*iJG,trgrdi;;e'!ifr"ditLr-tl-r"ftbcraotasarcnrft, x, writanncic kr*d*dbsdtcmctefuc-'on-ncora'lti;robfird;4qaF- to ti, utt ilii.r sbdr rrEn rnrdrfr. rf scrcr &cE rd r.ciuc httds tulc by srh &tc BtFr co@ a" cc cu"-'nq.rtl,t-it*-n "iai"inaior'*ffiiron gurtid(s) ard usirrs thc figlr to 30 tctrnbic.,,F"d*'+*ffi{]gt ffi *frt*g-&t_4".m-1ffi ro.ffiffi,ff f t',',tuil;ffi 'n";fr ;,"d,'-.,-tffi s re& "ffiffi rf'5ffiffi -ffi fiffi ffi trH'*lft ffi ffi, fr ffi atd rq*$ ap'd of thc sgry'er J'ay qin -irelri",f fiJr.ntr-piiril" s'dr p,o,irirnr. If m nrl ippornr c mir,tr is dtrircdmcffie ro"te drttrndl!.tD-itt-6;iffi;d;'rt"T-"ffi:'ir1o-"g*."oq,"ru. wth screrin otrrhinglrc ffitrH.if nquircd w dE adidh d;;g ooc'norr rna *"iiffi -#iuul "o,-rffi"?L';it,*r,.*.as8odr.im s{r',.fi,, #Hffi $ro'i" ffiB#,&&#ffi,l H,ffi Sj'Uffiffi'*'sffi ,ffi'*bd'dry lirs and ffiu'.ln?d$ $!t' d!'ttg *io"JJ-o.c, |rr" ard chirn "r cc*Lb, lerses rd ddr' urco.'&a 1grccrrorts, 'd urior h*e ard go*''rctid tig'inttdtr ;ft*t* ffi'q1-a".lqtr-t'iia-#,or,r"r 'rd; d;-;;;ftnrybccrod rqndv ficr tlrcmdcrlvl4rr-rcrd cstrto, '"diirnrriFnrri""rr.a-d "c'i".r.dy r"roo" iiJG-J-t" nrrntrrg[rr THd Ftdci Drv hoH hl*fog otr, e--ffii'tiiii c-.h-';l't ;;;i.Iiltil* *or nc p,nprry, '6.h rril"nrd, Dry dE than rtb to e+r na uo oc nqriri. b"& ;'dffi u rrcraJffi A;;; ;.** pdtry. hry.r r, dybe.r b rhdy cilrtrtr Htr"ffi jtffiffi"Trrt-'l ?frc n * llrt' ;ild"d' ;-rft ;;,!,,,, GC nd; obr;#bcdh. rl 2ct ",d i,u?r'*''Wffi 'ffiiil*,m"'ffi'3'ffig*ffig,g,H': :-Fd ry*tE 3'd rrc rqiroa re{ccuc-r"it *t<jr ilra il *; il;; dr;;,t":&hs rhb ccrrur.lh-* ),lmy*ff#ffi(g2c)sdrc*rcaroFwrdc *5+,, Iffi#ffiffi$*,H"tr O) ndify Scncr hulr-firCrh ilrt &tr:rd is rrrdtEb4 c corcct), p) rlidl scllcr with r writlqr dcrcfdcr * "try m"*my dri,sicd @rdrim xtkfi h,lcr rucripl sclcr ro sr,@t okti6 na'iarr1ffiffit"ffiffitfi#.-** rryccdaobJcch Dcrdhc (! 2s), thc flvrdcat wrdtin of rhc pmpaty nd l- HHffiRYf,^,"*H,iTflHiLYFif JI qp-.''d-*q qp !9t rsrrcd ia udrtrs to a ranla,'rr Hs.*ffi ffi ilffi'trJfr ffi'l#H"?u.#ffi bG.toE nrch qlrdo sdtrr rcdrts hllh-;iri ilirrr*,"r?;" iitLTffi i" ffi rl':IT*t r. rr;crr_r el ir#i,yt grlt:n, crainc.irs rarrrs c to q drc wcr ffi* ;;";;-ril;;;il;'iltffi;StrI"ffi,ffffi"1iH pa''ttd jm3arirrdnvkidasr*r-rrEpls.rrydiid;-c;^;-;iT J;ftffiffi #ffiJffi ffi ffi ffi $B 1140. Cootrct b Bq, .nd S.! ntd E|trb (R.d.t rthtN, (tltl rFrgrcFm' Bq.?oo, ftiq, Co gr3, v*l61qdi"*r$e 26, R.d)16OCOt-Argg mhd bv- oE80R|fi c. wflrAn, ERO|(ER essocnrq orruiliomn r<mr e r<are* ng r*, ne uyitr) _ 0e63rDt58t:i0 *f.f :-: rrt*ffi;Hrffi,ni#4fu,gry,ru ,,ffig sclhr t'o cnfacc hk zubeio, ittuuilog sit€tt t6fi; doncy Gc&-lhc p-6llJ-crtlc drccian strdl srvirc trc tcrmhricr of this qtlcL I l' cl'oslltlc' Dliwy of dc(r) fun Scllcr r Rrpr s{ bt t oclre (oad4). clhu slntl bc cr rb dec gpccificd a lrc ctdrg F ($ p_. tty rr,nrl agrecrrrrr d m crxlicr dac. Ttr lnr nd flae^of o*nrg *t"n f, - o*lgr*a ry sqF an.r r.grr _ .t2' . . lRAryEEI' oF Tm,E- $lict to tsndc? c pcrnrcrr at'ocing as r"d"oa rrJi "na ccrpliarc by e',g!r $*h thE drer t m 'd piwisins hrcofi scthr ddl mort ard Flirtt a good nd arffcirt g?l"-a r !ra-.''||y-a= -dcdto hr]rr, at ociry on,.yhg thc Propcrtv tuc nd char d dl tce cocpt ttr g€ilcisi rDGs fF rhr Far.aoGrg E(..F;&,ida r"rrlrr, ttr *irii;-"-,rjFd ftc rld char ofall liEirs' irdrdhg any Sorrsfnrreaal'liens fo sp@hl i"d;;E forslbd ; *oi oae'or nr* dgmtrrc hcor, ulrct'rcr asscrscd r ru.fitlc sho[ hc carw:ed atid tc '' -' 8s fpco'ft E(octimr dccctibcd by rcfcrorc b trcdcd &cNrE|t ac rcfecrt h drc Tltlc Docrrrort! loctptcd by Sqitr ln amdNta with | 8a [nrh Ra{ew]b. q$ibulrr urility eecnurr (rrhrdiqg c6tc Tt4, " .tl"t spe{fically &scbd- ri-g}rs of ttrltu pcti-rxr $o1p V-t!p g5lic_Itocrds of wtridr erry hrs acfinl lanwlcdge 111d $fiich w ecpacd by hret tor ccudmc wllr f tu luer'r-uc sw'uy trc puuic itea&L ',d d incusiqr dtrc Ftrryerty within ury rptal torirg oi*ri;, d c, tfio bcncftc ad budorc of my dccUitin un pirg uan'agEarcft, if my ad f, drt' Nona 13' .-. P Y.MEnrT OT EIsCOMf,R tilcEs. Aty crunt."rc requircd b tc eitt fiat bG Fiat at tr bdrc ocirg fi.r, tjffiG;trnrctim c ftam any clu sarc.{;-'-'" ffi,"fl1#grdhHfr*ffiffi'ffiffiT rrari*l ,|an.-,,.*- -. - L-r.-- rtr--!rcqr;ra_{oun'crrsq-u*.*iffi"r;Hil;;;"#;?';;;ffi ffi ;'[#;i;eHffi;f$ffi ffil#sdtcr E uryr D SaIcr L ourcr nta U *"r.e * irrideirt b ftc trmsfer frcn Sdla to Rrtcr asrslrcd flr r m bclulfofth otttrrs, urs,tei* Otli b" p.td b, E 4rJ- The hcal trtrftrrrx of t* yo ofilrc Rrrdnc price stull be pqid et Oal4g by 8t nry,r, XI Scnn. Any sstes ad ugc lur thl mry rarE bccarsc of this tr'wrim strrll bc pdd r,hor dp by Gur", Esau.15. PR(XATIONE Ttr fdloudrry slull bc pcatod to (rct e pb (g ?c), ocepr as drcwiso proviffi 1 -+ F"t:"! ryP uJes' lf irx td Frcral rcd €38tc td6 fa tlp le{r of Oming based cn E Thc Trlt' for ttt crt.d||'Ycrr rnncilrbty P'""dhg ochg tr rr," uct nr.-t ndil Lcrry rnd M.t n-.ir r**-*l A;; b. nilr.*h{.* d shdl Gdgn allFi& b hrycr and Buyrr rt*t "*"*-"LiI-t :'__ 4*i*W arrt*. regular- ou,tErs' isdiiisr Escsslrnrb ard cschrha dres. ocrncrs' rcoclrtin r$Fg;Ea1u,ffi;*.'T"t#[ffiffi,ffi L.r &- --_r --by fto owu:'asicim dsll nd bc crdited io Scttcr acpt as nny bc oalEnlisc ri' tr'"'-,"* i.'"mt"'- t- #ffi;ff ffil''#H*;'i# 5 ffi?ffi ffi "ffirffi#ffi ffi cher rycrial ascrcnrm asc$od prin to odg l}de (0 e) by drc n nciJ sgcinin-rlnl tri 6, ouigirr; E;; tr-sdt;- ;;;cher epocial ascr.nrm rtcgod pria to odg Il* (0 e) by dE o' nciJ sgcinin-rlnl r" ri "urgi-J E BuyJ fr-d;. "#; ffit_ll}g]|{!1 teguhr oncrr'assodeol rycsmrt is ornrrtty pe5nHe 4 g n /a # o^6.-- r1a m tltlc re no urFid rlgdrr c sps{81 assessruts agr'rd tlr hqrrty ercpr trc oiffit rquUn asser31rrcrrs rro erc6 $an arscscmrs arc s$itd to dFF as P,wi&d in tlF Gr-tthg Do"rtt"rr" sdlcr €t ptu@v rteres dE *,oor'^ffiT]ffi to BrF bcfc odirg DG ($ 2e) a crrar recrr't cf ess*forrs gelirg thc Pt ff irry r* irridcrt to t6 irsrrpc derdr sursErt d ascaq||g|B shdl bc paid by tl n:ar tr SAc".d. LdrArmrmm;'.Mgqlcrr hrrrcc- IHA a Drirdc mdtgms rmrne pernlua if any, trmn Elslr xc u rpdrimcd to@rnn uc apdrimou * r.frdo, 3 Qlircr Pr,od0c. Wrcr, *rrtr chrgcq ad irt r€st m qnindrg @s) irfany; nd l. ^ Pslg! uhlccl othcfivilc agrcod in wririrg, ilrcsc Fadcr shrlt bc fml.16' Pt0(Srssloll{.hcecin d 0rc Prpcrty drln bc ddiw€d o Buyn on Fccdo Drro ud panctr Tlnc (! 2c} f,tia1to tre ftllqriEEilJcrnrrr(c) - tr Scllcr' aftr Gairy frila b ddila pccrcim as sPclfd Sellcr dull bc nrtjcc b Gvidor rnd rhrll bc addrirdly lblte ro hrycr tu pE''Elr d$ 3IlILllO- pr dry funthc Pcrdu Dilc (! 2c) rDtit d.d- to ddirrrod.th;fr."j; nq-b -Jri'*a-*.lltis gry drl rn bc assign$lc by hr]Er witirr Satcrt pric iqitcn carcrr. E oe$a ss so rcrtrictc4 drtd t? Hdq upar tb bin, Flrard r*+zld!cg, $rcairn ard usigns dt effi; Flw6 c dtcruec plqidod h-dls qrt'*t rtE pqerty, 17. catsct t& rE3 t.Ol0, Coltrc{ o Buy.rn{ irt nrl E.!b (R.|fmt|t . ariltg ldFf$roFnn , Bo(a7t 0, F *D, @ U}|43. tH'' A.Ol, CRGdFlfrO 2dtq R.ef )GOOOIZUI39S d||pldd b'-DEBOR fi G. WTTI| N. BROKER AS[iOCnTE Chd@ha OcnUr t<CUr r XarCer nd Erbb,Ina lry!'{.} _:o$tsrm 1534:10 S6[i{r) Prf. t ofl il:ffiffiffimt .ffi ##.ffi #'ffi lHffiffi &"eB.B'.rtrdru'.n.,r tb am'r dav riiffi p"'rai to il *,iffi; ry:il8*HxEg5ti#ffi?*#lr#ffi #sTg gggt*r -"'l"ca?i;;;rysemsrrdcrpcrardftc m tu 1cpc1l *#,S:lrft*i ,*_ ffifrS$ffi,- pqq= -''" ci'ir' ru'r&'+ ry*{;ffi'(t? [J: '*drurty.i'o,1-#.,,,rsochin ir'y.unri'prqgnms *t*ffi arrrc drhc qirtcra ..poosnd txrf;o*o,"'*ffi H#frffiffiffiP rish b n rk rtush oE pqcity prrc !o 6O* t'6ililr"t-'Ert' Errrrand scthrdodrlo€c ilrr rilrcsclirs td corsdtiiar wtft lUr "il_ r; - .o--;; ["};Jfr ff" m lorr q6.,q;66s -,i L" t#fr"rt *rri,ni' o1, rrto e r. Y- F* f,-|tv ruc a dro* rccircd as Errc* Ir&ney luun&r c an,tr'ovido4 dtrc clttt t" tt" tr-tg4og renrdix: rrrEn (uc' c if any otlrr obligticr t".,rc- ii tu p-tiri ; ;d; ;;;r_r r. lfBqlcrbtnlhfirf, fof yjti ffi*FS sdb? rry cbd to ttrt tfrir qts rs o.,Edo4 in-wtd6 osc.art pymrrs and rhiap drnrrc tecirrd n-*g lffi*' Fsf#ffi r*'*bffiffi ***ggt11giffi;X.r'. r nrb qtnct, &c arrrata a cqn drdr rwrd ro'E ;h'"*Hffi #,*iffi fl*J#l*?F.:ff **i**:ttltfi {ffi;ffi t*'r,H*$ffit**#**mffl ,ffimT"ffi#H#;:g:W,e"^ffiffi p,tr-ffi ry_,ffi Q$$nq,Tfr dm",xmmgg;mff*#lffi :tJ*,*,;*-;; ffifHffidit.u+*o, a oi'.d.aa,n, *-trq q= qs in irc ao,r dany tr rr'".r,o-0" &rc-E-,Jrt g ai"er orr-rdd-#.gffi*trtfsry1[ffi p[qffi*S$r Hffiffiffp.d;ff.;tr;'"il;-*pcrari frfo., *ttEffi, Sfim"Hm**;filt'*ff;mtr" vatue rceired rE qndcr drr bc '"rnod snd d,e err"r#EQN L@4gQEs'lnGG;"tt;;;lctt'J-pr,cia'! h", rd bqr aroi'd by ftc otare Rcc Ed.b (a) E;ARIEST rorEy. Tt-:11."a uonev deposr.t thalr be due and payabte ln cagh rrthrn 2 busLnege days after contract ""."ptrn.". - -rue- earncst r.iJvlil.rr -b€ praced in an r.ntereat bearins accourrt rrth arl-"rr"J-iiililJi p.v.ri"-q-;*.;":.-.io"r's. rn the event of defautt by Buyer aE _lrared irl;;;;;;d zo(o, or tr,i"-clitiict, arr €arDeat Doney plua accru€d lnrerest ghall be paLd ro t;ii;;-;" lrqutdarcd danages.(b) TOrIf oF vArL TRN'SFER- TAX. The Torn of vaLr tranafer tar r.n the ero.-t of 1t of, the purchaac prrce shalt be paid ;;":i;;;; iuyer .ua one_hatf by serler.(cr su'vEy AilD .'rtrBR_,DOCOlrEnrs RElATrrc ro T.HE pROpERry. gelrers ahall provide Euyer rr.th ell aurwcvs' so'ra rsst!'-uriraril piiiJ,'"rrgrrr"."r'g i"po;-;ta-"rr other tnlozaitron that Serlers have ra serrers' pooaeasi6n' "orr".",,errg_the regal a'd - physrcar conditron of the Property' rf sellers a"- nbt ia"e-;#;;; ruprovernent Locatron' certrficate in rhelr rosoeaaion. sellers shalt-engag- ; i;;;;."9yor rlcena.-h-il; state of cororado to tr€pare a current ptnned rrpi"i"ri"iairi"i,-lii. j;;;i;;;ri..ri,.irr. ""opu"ty. rh€ survey rhalr be delivered-to Buyer'on "r-iliii-i"=septeuler-id,.zloo-0. ir goch Survey reveale any 3 ta-ta,_Conhcr b Est .||d t I i.d !|U, Gotd.ff|} |Eref trrtroFaltr. Bq.mo, F&oc oo g1fu. o.n,E#iyn zooq Rrg|)cocdra5s6 nchbd w- oEBoRAH e wrrilAil, BRoff A$roc,rt:6r,fi;6.,_ ,..u, e ,*0, Rd E!tsb, hc ut3) - oen3oo issrro *off I | 'i$il",ii'[P-ffi?' l?JW.[nlUt.Yr[Qbff ll0t? r til{fi.lllil' lril' 9llO4LDt - l11rg-rffitrlc - n aJ ElJt r-rm xtil E Gt GFI ll|arf tr os|.r!ilql|& 5|l..l-=r' - 'ill! EFa drr ! ltrtradr li'| I.- d n h - f d f .E*rrl 'ffi -ro-lrut lolcr t o tl' llc3l t' trll tlllt !E ltltlr 5nrb,rl..b.rhrr-yl. ffiF....f a1 rrtrulf--4!-- hn tll$D g. amf-a.Et trdtcn f. frbrfil --lllntr l. tatllrt uflcs rt1 L'ls!' ts E rr|. rfr r FFrl er. rF I lr'rt't''r- fl.ffi;:ffi d' htor rd'trr .a6t3!t tL cr.'t{'rt btr L Hr?rSriltf?Li. .I s!'lH[rE lffi.fi5 co .''o'oor'cc' 'rq.rf '?#.Jt!.t s' riE--t*-5-Hrtsr n/rcae -i rrrb ' . -----*.*r <iF .# '+l *F *.{ai - atttrrl -.ria +. .<Fl 7^') tr^d. nrt ZO. CT nn cr daq . -1: I .< .-s -b ''ql .- --rq- r--++a r{-.-*.-r -€' {l :- -.F -- -+.+:-+'.-q -* -- * --=t -t +.- H-:! .-r?l l1n nr r{ rtr aal' I |rn|.l. ntt l^/r..\t . ,all|/-W tn rO:!? FA [?olr,^nCr l&u.t[a .1.-L-i.O!t l;t Ittd' !l.rr.-ftr t[t g7t!t ilt&m l. |.aluo!!tl lrgrr lcrrl, l|^ldrrr, --ffi---ro-- --|i FX!ccilrrrcf ::l:3 - =--aa E H^|r a- ||r r--ii!=: ;- :rE E'| E {rrrur fr . u+-E -r -Gr E-rs:-rErtlEra_ tlb_= .-i .--i :,: s!'filn::#..'urll, oo a13st !.lteE I Foddl l..l t1g11, 1o._ -r --_8, rr r? tr5r E * E rt qry E b trffi*ffifigffigff__* - <.-f '- - --r.- -{ra -lE _+ Ddb-=--- -r.*r!-l '+-.- ?66LSL?OL6T XVd Tg: TT IUd OI',1 ;nn'nrr ^^-^-T00 El xx(Ic o0/91/zl rerrumsperdoJ/xedFeuFd IeuGJed letsrgJo dH $eues xelv roJ uode dro1s111xu4 $lltcrf ntth t[ FrarnptorWeilaoroctatf aal Estab - St Jamcl place r 2t0 Oflrrren Rold Dnmr2020 ^ Avon,Cotondo Bl6jl0 Phone: (970)915-9e00, Fu: (9?0)&{5_SZ7S SIrlr.R.S PnOItEtI.y DIECLOSilEI. ffij S frffiffiHgnJiilTJ#tr,o,b rsr i-;"ffioE o, or,he rb tilloul.trtE cot'gts@Bytst 88!.tlr_ TTIDIIE I\rqlejrl8D Ib EFri borrrgs !U buti" r csr rb Pnpury- f*roa. H"fs'or 4;18 Ns.002 l, .07 ffi&ffi-.raffiffiffi .t qrs -,St f db-I".alErc, o ;Hd;jh,TE'"#cH'Y*' ib*ynl+oOrrogyCtLD*ua // D'irE /'q/L rAaE ,o I * FF" rr|t F F+ t;- . "'' .r-F: EAAE DATE d &Vc tba++'r tr : g|'t'tcr tLl'tb f tt, ihler plo.h€"E/V.il l:erpeirtcr &.rl Ertrr.r (eret*r r&o !{ob)zto gff.Broq xa.C Drr6 2929 araa, €otcerdc gl6ZO P[o,c;.(lioyprs-tioo, .Etr! (izoltas-sazs Itepry irgda rcft udbr trors Ftb.rio pIEr ary u n ,*.|a F IF-? i.? milFI:aSB.r.Dr! oo/L'/oo T[tt lt:17 FaI 1t?01 ' xrrql lrt x!rD l{t}LLE 76780 o cDlu(Fai no.r 973 398 0022 ldool at-?B-09 0r I tIP P.tZ $lt Vh Fcdcnl ErPrral WillimC. Bctr&dotf Gudrut R. BctfiGndorf 12 Fcger Ro.d Flrndrn* JN 07336 Rr: I l2t Veil VellGY lhivE Dcar Mr. ard lt&t. Bq*cndorf: With rcftrrncc ro thrt crnrfrr Grntrrt iu Buy urd-*[ F4ErytT-Tg to rhe abovs- dcscribcd pmpcrry arteA SIfH't i, iOoO, as anrcnleO ry lb Cour€qroFssl ddcd S€ptfirbq 14, Z00O (thp -C'ontr*t'). rir purpos: ofG Uicr ir ro extend certain deadlincs sct forth tlrrcin, Arpuknon,,Ml'sanalthstcottc€nrrioverlllecncntofthc|iqrsonttrPropenyarthay rppcrr on thr Tirt" Co*iil;t h* srsttcrs rcleied ilsEto cnd thc $ilily br him to nrdtc some trdifrs",onr to rr* "nodoi of thc rcsidcrpc rs gcrrrally.rhown oo lic ercbssd &rwinse ",n-rttn "ir*titn of thc owrrrs of Unit B of rhc Wesbye Dqbx' In a gootl fiith clfrrr m giw ytu rint^to (i) cxPbh ttE iEut:ftT H-ttt btsicdry xiw Mr. surtt rcomfotli l", iutJ nt* wiu bc co'tPlctcly *ifrd on ot tlt t:*.-"l"tw ffi'iliD ;;io" _*rrer"ry "pprc"at of thc llnir B owncm to $E proporcrl crt.mr rndiftdbns of rh resid;, ftt,-irnan *t"byrequcsts nr cxtoulon of thr blloqthg lJn'* * ft"l in rhG c,oilrapt !o Octobcr l2' 2000: Sectim (cl-ttcm 12 (Gowmirg Doollrrrtr 3 Tl.tb Objtilliun Dctdlltr i"riiri i.i - ncm tr ioffnccoidt Mot"ts o$cctkn Dcdlioc S*tionil (c) -tand Urc Revicw Deadlinc ThcRcptrniooD€ed|iicbtalofthesct|tltErs*rltbe4t"''d4.oaobr|7,2000'If Fu & rrt agrce to ttresc-cxtiliom. ttrcn tbb pnrcr slnll corrthrts rni'ac of o$crhn of tltc bregoingmncn. Alexrndcr Sfiatt hls crthod&d urd direetcd Glricto$rr-Dcmon Kchon & Kcndell to mrte this fonml t"qt^,-t -tttatta th furegoing daadtilEs on his bdralf' CnRlsroPHER Dnnrou Ke,rror'r E KeNDALL 'G'd-"'e REAL ' ESfATE' INC' Srpternbr 26,20m 225 wtll StrG€t Suitrzl0 vlil' Colorad$ El65? 9?O4?t!?9xI r^t' 9?0-4?6?994 - Fl0lt{ pef xo'-xtr'ftf"' tlr ID? WillidrC. ncnkendort GdnraR Bg*adorf sqFedcr25.2000 prgr Tw Frx No., f9Frr. r...f t-Ze-OA .., r r" ,?33t 0rri?eer o ,*ffiV."*- rtru rgrcunart to thc forqoiry, bqaa bsbw ard rerum it to th€ Sincsrcly, 2"one/L ilr/^o,u Ihbonhc. Wiunir €ncroachnents' or bther r"p""no* ahl:.r", affect tltle or-th€ nerchantabirity thereof,'uyer ray, .r auu"rJl'I-iff"OPt ih?! r"v afrect trtre or .9 r:i:'. *_i.oiJiir',i."53ilLiiiliii."iii:.1"ff::*"*.ti$i:.:: rh" "G;1;;r;ilpany on or ""#,T,*#irn"'"o"*' tog"tt'"" 'iii".iv i,,...";-;.;;J'i"#ff':ililt#iigi;#i:;: "' (el [AI{D USE REWEI_ Buyer shall have uut_Lt S..p!Sq!." 27, 2O00, _vtthln uhich to pcrform a due dlrlsence eearch-or .rr i""a-""!,="iT1y1 uylia;; ;;i;,"_e.or"or_"otal, a116-ig61en codes, rawa, ""r""""::,::g pr.ti "piiriiill"e to_the e..pli[il-iTeLu.drns posslble expansion of ;i!i#t#itl#f ertstlne rr""re-;"-illge- Buver,-i;;il'sire. diocretroo, ,rraii-aeteraine r"r::y. -';;ff;riiTiii'i!iirliff:$n":ji::,;#:,Tr* tf _i;i;;!rr# o*he ne d€ers those unacce?::-b:";il-ili"';;;ir"".,rr"r, termrnate-t:: !: septemrei ili zooo, tt fiili"i:iil:1"ff,:t",i:::*:."*iiF#:":tj::Titi"Sffi:':":'"ii*ti!:"1;:.i-i*" .,accrued therion. ' *r..r4 oe returned to Buyer promptly i.s"ihJ',iin'ln'y rntereat (f' SELLER. S REPRESEIITATIOII. Sellera hereby represent and rarrant that (il Sellers ha?e not *:iii:i":$:i:rrril'.tl: r"'-ii-iiii 'ii+l.t'" !"".i-i"i;r-ii'qo.,r-soo;;.";;;r-;uthority orornini"-"r;i;il; {'+ilid:::;ildl":":l$ij*j."I;i*_.-'i,,i-"ii.-I;";h:;arfectLDg the proDerty: *a.iirr-i;ffifl ine onrer of untt " or"l.1"l;""u"trt pro"-ee-airrg ;:}ff :l:* parry- haa any risht.";-;;;; i.ru""i_o"_i"il,"iti ;idi.":":;i*;rtiiii"i^fr":"f". j:'.r:T?::il| 3l.Slott"n DA'E' rhe Propertv ahalt be derrvered in rbroon crean. condi*.on fo* Tlgggsiitr€B rtE cnric urrg bcr,E, rlt orTG r'fo stuc$ail -,-am."tii' on "'j #;,=,#?'{_Etsmf#[ trff,4TH ffi;:ffiR4 Fgq^#::: T* *:6m' r" tr'rl'i#'i ",no--dylt t".ilr'TJ?#li t"i," pr,-iin- d#ffi. m ocirs rrurl f*ffiflHi" bo cvllarcdbvfrsimih. Doransrawirh ciginareisnnca rhalr bepo&rod brhe f. *",t*ffitrfr,5,!",$rmtf#k?9"u{ ;n i zl' qrr mtc !o B-ur.i srdr be cfraivE ",hs, rui'cd biy hrycr c & xmir*'offrcinr.*" (:6rnn.EDD^8"- nryrySdkrcLicthgr..crp qy.Tldr prqwl shall cxpfre rfrc rlr noaie ofrcrrr*- **--,i Hg i". Sdq by BrSrcr snd sclhr, 13 ffisxr*+ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Ale_xander R. garratt and/or fff,C/O christopher D,er s"". ri= iii6i- rfi1l3lo*'lli"ri Til$i'irti7!;i v"lr, co o16s? DATE [NOTE: rf tile orfbr b bdng -uilc'd or ndccbd, do not rrgn thb doqrnent Rrbr to s 2gl t_t-fit, Cofrrcib &t..d t tR..tE [rb (,R.rtd.r{r|} arUlC rFlgroFdm., Bnazoo, Frco. co Oo..a- vi,riiE&Eilra zooqtur)aocorzaoo nplbd by - DEEoRAfl e wrrrnru moan AssoctATe-'ffifr;'ino, ,,o, , ,..,_ na Ece, hG 00t13,00 tS5t:tz S.iq!)P.gD 7 s(l SET,IER Illllau C. 12 Rcger SELLBR Benkendorf Road, Flanders, N.I 0?836 DA?E Gudrun R. 12 Rcger Eenkendorf DAIE Road, Planderrr tfJ 07g36 lil*-ffiffi*?o,"*o. ---.-ffinffis,s:iir* Mcrcvd+cr +odnod in 0 4 8n4 ert'b iB lbarrers lrre bcen cngagcd in ttrir tursacion ar E frycr I.ttHF v 'rd its lict,,c., harrc bccn crgpcd In {& t"*ffrin as E scncr Agd Agat ;B*:Otc+s'oqtrpEnsr,rlor{Dtsg.osunE beFilbrl trqrcr trsanr Etr,u*cmFny Oo*c, f;o bo qrdcoa tV Lktire Canparg Irtr Sdlh3 Cor|reqr Chrietopher llenton Relton f Kendall 225 tell Street Vail, CO gl6s? Real Eatate, fnc. Phone: 970.176.7990,Fax: 9?0. {?6, ?99i1 By sigriltG DEBORAS G. flrtTXAIf Ultitry erfpgffr: - l I fer S,rrl f h r FranF|.cn--sf Jrrner pl ar.e nf f I r_a q,!- (llam dctnrarr) $grdrrrc Utdrg ftrpnyt fit* Ihc LlrtiryCanprr!/! Tclqhor lgs rqznl , ntq-qo;;- Udirg &rFnyr f_ f** l_il.rt. Coatrctb &t m.t S.t d.d E t b lR..td.rto, Utt0 rFAro Fqm' Eo( {7m, Fn.o, co I1.1$$;e rilil*ino me Rd xcocot..z5reo rrrLb.l br - DEBOR H o. yvrnurn, gnoren psOrnft,'ilrii#il,_,,*, e,,r,cl Rd Erbh hc s{$ - oofig0olssl:lrt nr'.!o{! T\E.LI |JN A' NENDJiLL EfAL a E5?^tE. txc. 225 Wdl $ro!. . V.il, Cdbdo st657 . 9ito476799{t . FAX9T0.4ZL74f a G tm tN [ffi$|t lrc./|l ooicqp|rEE AlrD tE r^lrci '(ntr csrs|r,;T ttc^r AI|D l^r (r otltr (rrN']L luitrlr ictw{c comnmtroio0Al. sr?rf.-lior la- 'OOO IE llqord cmrr oby ld rc! 6. ilof,it rt...rtd 6J rfi: h|t3 Coq of I , Cohrrdo, o rt Onic I, ncrtbt Duplcr, t&t 22, Bloct 3, vatl Vrllay guHivirion bonrrNo an - 8t fR7 sfrl Zb ilAl lrt+arlr-? I a- tfrno tctrrar flllicm C. B€l}.ndorf Gudrun n. Eanken lorf Sd.r, rd Herand.r 8. Sarntt aad/or fiia Arslgmr Bryar. Ttc rda{jud rc?tt |n. tloDo.cd crs, rdt .t D 6c ftlblir6 |tr6rlrt l'. Prraor.Ph z(cl, rt.r tlunbers 19 antt 20 tr. hcrcby rrcDded by changing thc clostng D.cc lDd PosseslioD Date ro ioeobar f5, 2OOO. 2' Pa4graPh I it hcr.by ^alcnded by chaIrolnE rhe pnrch..cc prioo to g960,000.00r changlnE rh. c..h at clollng to !910,000; eni tuo iqrir, t" 5960,000-00. -- -- A[ ooF LEc rd o lnor rUl tErb tG rc. ltb 6!i.$r0?cd rir[ rrplu rdcr rrqrcd b rrlt by lryr d se!r',u Eih. b tLi? -lrrcr.. i&rr. ed r. ;rr{ Drtt. o tt - tbcul rrcir:r Dr'3 d *h Ec'.rc 6 a i.ftG 3'r'trlr'7 fq- ?dl\i ' . r *..r,.4 -t"-goiocnr co.a- rr -irr-ii lurby, rld !GG* . fl,-r b. ,.r 3.[.r rd Btycr. gEIJJER DATE tllll..! C. EentGtrdor! EEI.I|II cudrun f. B.DtGndorf OATE StEt Adt r [ffiffiffi L.Gryfnni.q.*.r.rh --?rrd rr . c.rn- rilh c*rr R*Atrt Fqr|rrga.til, F,b, @ ota!. r|rrbaa,s*Am e nr)eooour$eo Wtg:ffixcwril^l. lrocR^ssmAtE]dhos;t rurrr.lrntrt.rr.*4ffi r'.mn2lrl t t.ft Aleralda!B. Sar.ratt and/or tti! AllLgnt DrrE ?-/zt zD N'E' V.f. lba GoE f.lt.|sl qt|t b -y*t, li. Flro:d coln(i Lra ro b ttiat !y ttr prt iilit et o{Grpro9oilt Dir co.c.Fpo.rl Bt b rs+ dFd b rid F?o.C cocrr ll rr-.lta.L- Ctfa i.n ilc.tf ob&haflfr.tf.| fl.r.lrua h. ryq.a ifa Calr* r.rl bt_ cn||br.roctr}r...od|Ita'lgtaAl'*i|rltmro, rlrnu, Ftso, co o.a3. tilei,otrri*^fif, ioG RGrr6cfl22to3 o.d-d lr.0c80nlH o.wrilt|., sRq(ER rswchrE otrihf on mrn nnBd h, h. oarru|D t?_xDJ3 trf,|r)r.r. r cr ROSALIND NTD '#,RWN K@HUAN 35 procpea perkw$tApt l5g atooklfn, Ny i12iS Decernber 19, Z0OO AlorSsrat 4tXb Stsresnside Gircle Vaif, CO 81657 Re: Propoaed dans br rernoderirg of 132g vair valey Drive (we€t sid") DeerAl6x, H?ffi *tfrawings8fitto'sbyyorrarchirt€4trrartacanrerho,copiesof Theplansare ffipftabbto.pp rongmthernEteriate rsad are simi|"rto hosfrm md tooftng tnt sxist cunentty. We prisr*ne ilt"t tt"i;;t-t#'Radew Bqd rritl apprwe the dane too. Han yur dosed7? lf mt, nlrn willyur do so? we wiil be in vait at the rnrce frorn D€srber 23 to January 6. or* fione rumb€r there is 479€315' I o*€cr 'net t* on g"t togtr * to iron ort eny rinupr dtri* ard b discrrss the time rine tu rhe m* to 6-io#. As I m",,ti;; toG, we en'intereded in doing some uorrr to *. "io" ifo rr qrn. f,at you do yor.rs_-to gd it wqwi0r drultaneqrely enO prob$ty nrore cout-*eclirrefyf ---,-- -r I will call pu to sd up a tine to nnet thd is m.nuaily oonrrenisrt. Best regnrds,*ffi 11.O8 DEC - 15- 00 FROI,!' TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT. TOWI{ OFVAIL peeo'tnent d C ontmairy Develop nazt 75 Sornh Frontage Road YqiI, Colorado 81657 970479-213E FD( 970-179-2452 wwt ci,vail.co.tts ID,9? IOINTPROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL TETIER 04?92 o 452 PAGE 3/3 qjoint ownegof property locared at provide tbis later as writteu ap,proval of tbe plans dated which are submitted to the Town of Vail Commuuity Developmeut for the prroposed irrprrovencats to be complaed ar the address I finrber undersand that minor modifications maybe made to thc plans over lhe couse of lhe rpview process to eoslre compliance s.ith rhe Town's applicable codcs and regulations' r),ft":,1 .f! *;; {-, t,i4^\ov _ ' (sigDature) laAggpaag6ft2 An v,6T Ad'J> tgJTfl &+pe+. {Sw*,* Te[ 970 845 2@lFeq(,9708/i5n,3 Dear lvlrs. Kochman: I am sending pu copies of the rnost updated drawings for the Sarratt Remodel dong with a l*ner of Approval for the Tovm of Vail. The Design Review Board requires that the jolr owner sign this letter for the Find Desigu Subniual. If the drewings look satisf,actoryto pu could you please 6ll out the lertrr and send this package back to me in $e enclosed envdope as soon as you can? Please, feel free to contact me in case you have any comments or questions. IF IR t< TR I f €5 =_S G =G ss FC $$t 5[ H€ S'N I g r$$f, ifiq +h to C-s S tr s a .E ul kn xt KO f-q J -n t-o o n lt t- IN ls $ f H' * G* ss t-N $s t Er H+ ['s I g il$$f, ifiq --f ro i3 il tl tl ll P o, (_s f,c b .l tc F Lt s a /S -L 5 y, :.D E lt t il 'tt r o o fr p IR IR t< qi tl ll il ll - S[ P P FF TTIT ['s I g tr$f, +s; iilY ={to H s i rt G"G s $! fr q\D E s -t G s s T u- (-s S C s T ac F i,,l -st'nto ixt o l-to IF F IP sl$Fh EIE ql sf I' E 5 + !t' r R e R € F R e '5[ H€ RS I E il$$f, $4q o E-* $* (-s S c $a ac. ur Ss lro Y- le F lp qP il ,l a F$ k R ti\r 2<s K $ _J__r I I I L-. L-1 I I I E $ !- d T E g I 6 E f; F U C -It 6'x n t!3 0 0_ o d'.l t-m X * '11 t-o B o n B { t- 0 t+ t\l t-l q o ^!t I a o c+I 5 t0 ,s o 0 6-a s o o (-s 5 c s a ac F Prl \Dc,lgo (D- (') o c, -f I m r m f {I tl D F il I I s E H*fi ES fit E HI $i TE 5rn il* TE fi$ Hd E - * H E q fi$d ie rq iE :E tI F U C -(t 6-x n q 0 0- o n o a r rn x +'fi r o fr (fi il B { t- o t+ t\l !\' II 6-o F ut a a o a+ a S tII -d .= o o 6--T s o_ o E e H Ed nH g (-s 5 c b a ac F r9 aJ sD sa A- U F o { rrr r m f -1 9 t!I F E i I s rr f;+ [,N I g s$ * r $r I $ {fi{ ={{o (-b S C s .l ac tr $u ILo $- z o 4 I m t-m f -{I ROSALIND AND MARVIN KOCHMAN 35 Prospecf, Park West Apt 15B Brooklyn, NY 11215 718€36-0544 December 13,2000 Alex Sarrat 4336 Streamside Circle Vail. CO 81657 Re: Proposed plans for remodeling of 1328 VailValley Drive (West Side) Dear Alex. We have reviewed the drawings sent to us by your architect, Marta Carvalho, copies of which are enclosed. The plans are acceptable to us so long as the materials used are similar to the stucco and roofing that exist currently. We presume that the Town's Design Review Board will approve the plans too. Have you closed?? lf not, when will you do so? We will be in Vail at the houss from December 23 to January 6. Our phone number there is 479-9545. I expect that we can get together to iron out any further details and to discuss the time line for the uork to be done. As I mentioned to you, u/e are interested in doing some work to our side at the same time that you do yours-to get it over with simultaneously and probably more cost-effectively! I will call you to set up a time to meet that is mutually convenient. Best regards, EIH+ os x 0 il$fi$ {Fq ={to U o o J F o f ;s s s z o 4 I rn t- m { 9 EI H+ RS I g rH $ $o.'g S ia- ={ro U o o 3 (t o -l ;s s s f;('|{ n t- rn f -f 9 gI H€ ['N I g rH $ $o!" g $ ifiq 3{to U o o J (t o T L s s N (t) o c -f I m t-m P { a L grf;# os x 0 il$$$ n$q +4 (o U o o g u o -l ;s s s (D g F E I I s l-to IF lil t-n IH lE gs f;i,oS x 0 il$fi$ n$q rfl ={to U o o o J F o a ;s s s l+ ln t-n $l$ Flp {l} ---lr rl lt | |ll ir -: ll Departrnent of Cornmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2t38 MX 970-479-2452 September 27,2000 Alexander Sarraft 4336 Streamside Circle Vail, CO 81657 Re: Dwelopment Potential for Lot 22, Block 3, Vail Valley lil Filing / 1328 Vait Valley Drive Dear Bill: I am responding to your request for remaining GRFA on the above referenced property. According to the information in our files, the following criteria will apply to any proposed future development of this property. Iot Size: Zonng: Standard GRFA: 18,238 sq.ft. Two-Familv Residential Allowance ( l"'Unit 2712 sq.ft. 2d Unit2712 sq.ft 2015 sq.ft.* 2015 sq.ft.* 697 sq.ft.* 697 sq.ft.* *subject to verification with stampcd architectural plans I hope this information has been ofassistance to you. Ifyou have any further questions, please cortact me at 479-2128 or jrodriguez@ci.vail.co.us. lanning / Certified ermit Technician {p *tn"uor r* SincoGly, 8{r"6" !1,. Dde: January 18,2fi)i To: Town ofVdl RE SairatRemodel 612tr Bock3, Filng 1 Vail, Colorado ToWhom ltMay@mem: I havo wdned tho odsffng dlmensiotts on the Ptopetty abow and hereby cettfi that they mnfly Mtt the dfmerdons sp9dfi6d on ttE set of Consfirdion Doflrn€(ts dated May *,1578 induded In ttds submtrtel. The intemel modncafions (bne to t$ Fopsrty ele shown on Shest A6. MartaCanidtp FIL E COPY TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frcntage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us December 29, 2000 Marta Carvalho Hart Howerton 137 Benchmark Road PO Box 959 Avon, Colorado 81620-0959 RE: Sarratt Residence - 1328 Vail Valley Drive / Lot 22, Block 3, Vail Valley l'r Filing Dear Marta, The Design Review Board (DRB) concephrally reviewed the proposed addition and exterior alteration for the Sarratt Residence located at 1328 Vail Valley Drivc. The following were the Board's comments atrd concerns: - The existing house is well designcd and located in a highly visible location.- The character of the house needs to be preserved.- The Board generally likes the window changes, however, some ofthe windows should be revisited to make sure they visually work with the other windows in the house.- The lower proposed roof element should be elimilated, and other design options for the roof forms should be explored.- Other design options lbr the front entry feature should be explored (i.e. in-setting the front door). This project is cunently scheduled for another conceptual review by the DRB at their January 3, 2001 meeting. Revisions to the proposed addition and exterior alteration plans need to be submitted to my attention at the Community Development Departrnent no later than noon on Tuesday January 2, 2001 for this project to remain on the January 3'o agenda. If you will be unable to attend this meeting, I will be glad to present your revisions to the Board and relay any comrnents or concerns that they may have. This project is tentatively scheduled for final review by the DRB at their January 1'l , 2001meeting. ln order to remain on this schedule, a complete and final DRB submittal for this prqect must be submitted to my attention at the Community Development Department no later tlan noon on Monday January 8, 2001. The final submittal must include calculations verifying that this proposed project will not exceed ths mn mrrm a.llowable GRFA for this lot. lfyou are unable to submit a complete and final application by January 8, 2001; this project will be rescheduled for final review at the February 7, 2001 DRB meeting. Ifyou have any questions or cornrnents, please feel free to call me ar (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, 4,,/<lL- .fo" flzt-- Bill Cibson, Planner i Town of Vail {p **"uo' ""* srfi cownAff fffD €RtA RrQUrREfillilr ;oR s[Al|E 3ptc.At lot 22tBlocr 2rvullyll,lEY Onur Gttl tlQunEf,tt|lfr M0 ftrltrty trtt0tlfiAt, ?5!6 tr nt ft6t |5,000 50ft + |0,l(1!|-q||[.$t t5.000 s0fr, AilD up r0 30,{10 s0fr +5IffOrffr0m30fi0ssl AD ltmfifl |?t sst m a(t| ruu$ilflD tD|llfflpiltt 2J0 w t{r H(J| ilou$lt0t flne ruffiilc - r,? m m soFr m flrn0 $c, ur]t ilut ruil ? sf|ft s ff r ffiDtltc lor&lourrE toottct ot lor t2,IOGi 2 0f !0I|l|ll0iltrt Srtr m rt$Drtct rtt||||rc tm aOWnrEr tol l0tl ./ / $E C0ftfrcl $0U[tttf,ilSr tWO flfltv t60f rrur 5[r (IIlm $ru nr mD 20r a nn gttfl8 t54.05 sfft fllr tor lor:ren'tfieh Fmilno c|lr lor orr l rrflk hlK!6_ torrlrr]ourrt $r coftrrct rrmim tcr|lltltcoftusr rolloftI t* $ {i $ d t 0 ra I al -v o lir tr { *. .,; ttr GO ,s 'il- * o $t i i I I i I 't i t t I 'l I .1' ',$l $3 -t I I, :i.-.i ' -o .'r { '\s z,i\l fta z'd xlnH NHot :)0|tA il W I t"; 4,9t I c. od G1J06 l(, Edk ndqr. uot lt l. .ot o l@d .uNy tlot d lhprotm6t t--------- - l------*h- -- --=-=. --L ;fif'I'l'::"1X'-'Hl':*A\"*:ifr'9 "- ror 'n"'lo'*mot ol'.ca / i ii- t-'.- i | ftrrh.r ccrriry rhlt th. rnprcM.ntr o th. oboE d..cnr.d por@r m oedb*---zz--f---*."-.,,;---.---i-- -- -''-l 3l;?1";1$i:,iil,illi',i$,llil'l'r"T:..?:#tilT-"'":i::9,H.1.*:,::'f,'E I /J.dC ihprowmdt. on ony odjohhg prchr$r, 4.pt o. lidlcotcd, ond trlot ihr. r. .t 0,,fu;;"i;!i"?*l ;:t1i':,:I,"iXT,S,."j:' or onv 'orm4t do*jns or burd'ninq onv port or sord aK 2at/Pc 679 | u.5 FoREsT 1ERWCE fti. c.rtircot. do.. n.t.on.tirut. o tru. @orcr by Int+M@nroh Enginshs to dei.hh. or..Fhip d .o.h.nt! of r.cc#L,,FFr.di infdnofiq r.g.drig. - .o.o.nt., ri!htr-.F,.y or !tr. or rldNiD0&#Iqnrotn r.tbd ;pon 11. finol 8P#\%qj:'"'"'"" '' -'"$p,,5ffi'tm'nt o'dd Nd x..1lE,:mi:":::;g*,'",:,:$#H,*.:ilril* (r) \/ lF-?g?ft ;5i$';1,fi"g:t1'#;ff:+F"ffh1'i#'r . ffi ffi H f!e.o o z bJ :a a (D z. Lrl E o f,(, .t =J = 6 ijffir gi;iiieii H H tu o e q ,ut d d IE 3 o o 9 -8 r9F 6g== 3F8 ^r>!N5H 5>_:-+= ) tr-o g o F RPS rcA-E f - m, ' E'w t21zt1to 00-0163s o o -. ZONE CTIEEK Lcgal dcscriprio^iLot 72 Block .? F1I11'C - \)6.,1 Vd/E /! Addrcss Osncr Phonc Phonc Architcct Zonc district Proposcd usc Lot sizc Buildablc arca Allorvcd Total GRFA 375D + 324 =_4n!_ Existing . Proposed Total Rcmaining = 1431 _A_Qo,urE, %q Minimum Nii 3',/ 6', Rquirca N,/l Encloscrl \ .f, n'int*r }RFA 7037 + (425) (675*) =27t2 Sccondary GRFA 7o?7 +(.125) (67j+) =_-nL_ + 6'15 = 425 crcdit phrs 250 addirion Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? !'" " - Horv muchof r-hc allorvcd 2jC Addirion is uscd rvirb this rcqucst?__:62_rl/riel -7W-?@4) Sitc Covcragc aLqB * = iC O/ Hcight G0X33) Sctbacks Front ., Z0' Sidcs .l5' \ Rcar I i' I-andscaping Rctaining \\/all I{cighs Parki ng Garagc Crcdit Drivcrvay Complics rvitb TOV Lighring Ordinancc Arc finishcd grades less than 2: l (50%) Environm cntaL/Hazards (300) (500) (e00) (1200) Icrmittcd Slopc Ycs-- YcsJ/-- % Proposcd Slopc ntlfl ,a No No l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands 5) Gcologic Hazards a) Snorv Avaianchc b) Rocldall c) Dcbris Fiorv Pro'ious conditions ofapproval (chcck propcrty filc): rvp Is thc propcrry non-conforming? Dcscribc: /va TOWNOF VAIL,Statome,nt **t**********if +*+***tr*'ttt * Itt*'f ***'i**+***+*'t*t*'t i**f r|+'ttrt***ri***i**'f +*+*t*'r*****'l** *+ * *'i*tl*'t** stetement ltumber: R0000003?8 Arnount: $50.00 oL/L9/2ooLo4:36 Pl{ Palment ltlethod: Caeh Init : JAR Notation: Permlt No: Parcel No:gite AddreEE I Lrocation: I'hla Payment : DRB010 017 2LOLO9207020 1358 VAIIr \IAIiJEY Type: DRB - Addition of, GRFA DR \TAXIJ $so.0o ****'i*l|tt***ti*'trt**rit******+*++'t't*rlt***l***l++*****f*'*****+++********l+**++***t***,i'lt't{'***++'l* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description DR 00100003112200 DE5IGN REVIEhl FEES 50 .00 Total FeeB: TOt,A1 IIIJTJ ETNIB: Balance: Cument Pmts $s0.00 $50 .00 90. oo trrrtrrt+|! r!i{rtrr***tr.r*l+**+***i***+*+**++*+****'}'tr*rt*'}*'tr***D{.*{.'}'}'t**'t 't 't *'}* * + *++**l t,}*{. TOWNOF VAIL, COLORAIIL 7 Statement **{r't'lr*'l**{ot{.*r}rl****'t**lr'lrtr*{.'tt ir**:trt{r'}'t '**{.*'}***'t*'t't*****+*****t****'t't*,}*****'}***'t,t*,},}ri*,******* Statement Number: R000000378 Arnount: 950.00 0I/L9/ZOOLO4:36 pM Payment Method: Cash fnit: JAR Notation: Permlt No3 DR8010017 Type: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parce1 No: 21010 92 0 7020 Site Address: 1358 VAIIJ \TAIJIJEY DR \IAfIJ Location: TotaL Fees: $50.00 T'his Payment: $50.00 Total AI"rLr Pmts: 950.00 Balance: $0.00 ,f 't * 'l:t 'i *:l 'l f '|l:+:t {.'**{r*'li*** *** * * 'f* !*'}*'l' *!t***'} *'t**'t*** + '} ** {r*'tr tr'tr**'t' *+* **t *!t *'i+t*'tt+*+****t** *lr**** * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Prnts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIET^I FEES 50. 00 4 Project l{ame: Sarratt residence DRB ilumbar: DR8010172 Prcject Description: Revlsions to approved plans. Participants: owNER SARMfiALD( & SARAH 06l25l2OOL APPUCANT ANDREW JAMES ABMHAM AJA SrU06/25l2001 Phone: 926-2679 PO BOX 4326 Edwards, Co 81632 CoNTMCTOR RESORT CONCEPTS RENOVATION 06/25/2001 P.O. Box 4675 37347 Hvry.6, Ste.206 Avon, CO 81620 Liensel 203-A Project Address: 1328 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL tocaHon: 1328 Vail Valley Drive Legal Description: Lot:22 Block 3 Subdivision: VAILVALLEY Parcel Number: 2101-092-0701-2 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Andy Blumetti Action: APPROVED Second By: Hans Woldrich Voter 4-0 Date of Approvalt 0712312001 Conditions: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: 0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permlt for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Bulldlng personnel prior to constructlon activities. Cond: CON0004893 That the deck rails on the entire house be consistent. If the proposed rails are to be used, additional details must be submitted for vlew. Cond: CON0004894 That all requirements of the Public Works Department must be met prior to the issuance of building permits. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $5O.OO Questions? Call the Planning Staff at479'2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERA INFORMATION fttl*ppti"utio.r ir for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receivibesiga Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may dlso need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the planning and Environrnental Commission, Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. -.l'.DESCRIPTION OF TI{E REQUEST: s'*tg:'6ss. v:!'s\Er>€ t \:r*t!--ar*- 't--. r - \i/^,_\.CFl TOlfJN OFVAIL B.LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL:LOT: & BLOCK: 3 FILING: \O r\ PfTSICAL ADDRESS: l?E-A \.5\\- Vr$-!tY FR\q- vAr\ co (-'^lFss UE\I-I PARCEL #, ZSe\ ^tiL 6t& (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8il0 forparcel #)--@TT-' ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): A'r:- +eae.c. sAFecs\s - MAILINC ADDRESS: \->z-G,WAN- Wdts)/ w$t- v$L- ea b'lEi-- #OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT:IAtlf+ A.E+'ArsaJ'a MAILING Lgppygg Waaa. qzzto es4--*tzgt 4 ?to7Z PHONE: tlzo'tzz'z-1 TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E New Construction - $200 Construction of a new building' tr Addition - $50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. El Minor Alteration - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to b€ paid at the time of submittal. Larer, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation ofthe project. The Town ofVail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION' ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO igE NBPANTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT' 7s sourH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 8r6s7' R E CE lv E D C. D. E. F. G. H. NE: nra'&'\\oe Mhor-gjZZ b6 gtatement ltnber: R00O00O993 Anpunt: $50.00 06/26/2OOtOs:49 plt Payment lrlethod: check Inlt : ,rAR Notatl,on: i.O7G Permlt No: D11919172 rvpe: DRB - Addirion of GRFA parcel No: 2LOLO'2O7OL2 Site Address: 1328 \tAflr \rAIJIrEy DR \fAIIJ IocatLon: 1328 Vail Valley Drive Ihie Payment :9s0. 00 Total Feee: Totai. ALL pmtg I Balance: $so. oo $5o. oo $0.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript.ion Cument hs r*f+** DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REvtEt.J FEES 50.00 po box 4526 edwords, co 816 32 July 9, 2001 Town of Vail Deparlment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail Colorado 81657 ATTN: BillGibson RE: Application for Design Review Approval - Sarratt Residence Lot 22, Block 3, First Filing, 1328 Vail Valley Drive, Vail, CO Dear Bill: Attached are revised drawings to accompany the latest application for New Square Footage delivered two weeks ago today. Please note the below revlsions to be included in the Design Review next week if available: Driveway clarification: the driveway will include pavers for borders and pattem dividers with Pavement Texturing in a brick pattem. (please see A1.0) Due to poor existing slope drainage and water damage on south elevation, re-grading will be necessary along the south yard. A retaining boulder wall has been added to minimize removal of dirt from property. (See 41.0). Exterior landscape lighting fixture locations have been included in the site plan. (See A1.0) Door E: This door has been changed from a 3'-0" out swinging pairto 2'6' in swinging pair. (See A2.0) GRFA square footage use: additional square footage to use up 80 square feetof the availabbSl squarefeetof GRFA, (SeeA2.1) Window B: The window combination now includes an awninq at the bottom. (See 3.0) Thank you for your consideration and please include these rcvisions with the list provided on June 25th. lf you have any questions or need additional information please contqgt_qe. Many thanks. Youn truly, fidrew james abraham, aia owner / architect, aja studio REC E IV ED JUL 0s 2001 r z. 1. 4. andrew@aia-studio.com po box 4526 edwords, co 81632 June 25, 2001 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road VailColorado 81657 ATTN: BillGibson RE: Application for Design Review Approval - Sarraft Residence Lot 22, Block 3, First Filing, 1328 Vail Valley Drive, Vail, C0 Dear Bill: Attached is a Minor Alteration Application for Design Review Approval for the Sanatt Residence that is cunently under construction. I have adopted this project from Marta Carvalho and do not have a copy of the previous Design Review Approval Package. Please refer to that submiftal for additional information. Enclosed in this Application Package are the following:r Application for Minor Alteration Design Review Approval r Fee for Addition r Three drawing sets including site plan, propsed floor plans, proposed exterior elevations and a cover sheet with GRFA calculations.. Cover Letter To the best of my knowledge and by comparing the April 4h Permit Set to this Construction Set, the changes include the following:o Site Plan:o Keep existing driveway shape with the extension of existing parking space / tumaround to 18' in length. All of the driveway will rcceive snowmelt per previous application.o Addition of Stone Tenace at Guest Bedroom.o Addition of Stepping Stones from Entry to Office to Guest Bedroom Tenaces.r Lower Level Floor Plan:o Entry Stairwell revised to be less steep and wider. Railing to be added in front of window at stainrell.o Winter Closet converted to Mudroom - related Garage Access.o Exercise Room converted to Winter Closet.o Laundry Room enlarged with relocated sink.o New Front Entry Door / Sidelight Combination.o Ofiice pair of exterior French Doons switched to single Dutch Door.o Guest Bedroom windoun switched to pair of French Doors.o GuestBedroomClosetdoorsmoved,o Landings outside Offtce and Guest Bedroom were raised to meet code rcquirements for out-swinging doors.o Trash Enclosure added outside ofGanage doors. I po box 4326 edwords, co 81632 o Structure for Deck minimized.o Elimination of Water Sprinkler Equipment Closet / Door.. Main Level Floor Plan:o Master Bath Redesign o Loft Stairwell revised to make less steep.o Storage added beneath Loft Stainrvell from Kitchen and Master Closet.o Kitchen elongated.o Kitchen structural oost relocated to comer of Loft.o Window (D) is reduced in size. (Master Bedroom / Studio / hallway combined meet code requirements for natural lighting per 10% of square footage).o Deck at Studio raised to meet code requirements for oufswinging doors.o Deck at Living Room raised to meet code requirements for out-swinging doors.o Bow in Deck added to accommodate table in front of doons.. Upper Level Floor Plan:o Addition of 12 square feet of GRFA to the loft (See A.2.1)o Storage accessed from Loft Stainrell Landing added above Master Closet in attic space that is entirely below 5' height.o West Elevation:o Newels and Railings at all decks adjusted to meet code requirements for spacing and height.o New Entry Door, Sidelight & Transom.o Garage Doors increased to 8' in height.r North Elevation:o New Railings & Newels to match West Elevation.o More attractive stucco massing to accommodate hidden Garbage Tnash Enclosure and elimination of Water Sprinkler Equipment Door.o Accurate representation ofbayextension atfloorofdining mom (approved in previous Application but inaccurately drawn).r South Elevation:o New Railings and Newels.o Door"K" changed from French Doors to single Dutch Door.o Door'E" changed frcm windows to French Doors.o 2:12 Roof at Studio Deck changed to metal standing seam roof to match cedar shake roof in color. The shallow pitched roof is not conducive to shake roofing. A color sample can be provided. Thank you for your consideration. lf you have any questions or need additional information please contact me. Many thanks. Yours truly, owner / architect, aja studio andrew@aja-studio.com I Kirk Hansen From: rnt: rOi Subject: RAKPPW@aol.com Sunday, November (X, 2001 6:36 PM resort@resortsconcepts. com Re: Sanatt residence-message for Tony Ferguson Dear Tony--I got your sanples sent foi 1328 VaiI Valley Drive-in alL due respect to florars attempt to change certain things-I want to keep the same color for the siding-I think the "new', one is too yellow for my taste-hovreverr. I do like the tst choice, Sea pine AC-17, color for the trim-and agree that it should be used to replace any current brown trim-including the garage doors -throughout the exterior of the house-did you propose a cost to us for our portion of the repainting job? Or did you give it out for bids?-I tried to read Alex and Flora today by their eellphones but they have not called me back-so. to recap: yes to the new color for the trim, and No to the new coror for the siding-keep it the same as before-please convey this to the Sarratts --by the way, I am assuming that you can mat ch the current color of the siding--am I right??-And we will be in Vail by 12/22 to see the finished product ! ! If you need to caII me, please do so at 718-645-0600, ext L00 (my office nunber ) -thanks-Roz Kochman 'RAKPPWOAOL. COM) Jeh 1? Oa FROiI : O6:.13p ROSRLINII R KOCHFIHT{ FAX I.JO. : 1718836084.1 p. I Jan. 17 W, U.19fr1 p1 fi, rAt f'tant ;. /t/zf a+/ flo u S*rrfrf fr* ' Ex/"r t ay Van fr a7 .o /t / s2 s M,/ //rH7 E_r, ,,c Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us April16,2002 Alex and Flora Sarratt 1328 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81658 SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RE: Sarratt residence - 1328 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 22, Block 3, Vail Valley l" Filing Dear Alex, Per our phone conversation of April I 6, 2002, the Town of Vail has agreed to extend the expiration date for the Developer hnprovement Agreement for the painting ofthe duplex located at 1328 Vail Valley Drive. The expiration date for this Developer Improvement Agreement shall be extended until Wednesday June 19, 2002. Prior to June 19,2002 all required work associated with this Developer Improvement Agreement must be completed, inspected, and approved by the Town of Vail; this shall also include any additional approvals required ftom the adjacent property owner and the Town of Vail Staff or Design Review Board. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call me directly at (970\ 479-2173. Sincerelv. Bill Gibson, AICP Planner I Town of Vail CC: Marvin and Roz Kochman Tony Ferguson, Resort Concepts Renovations tp *"*uo"* DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGR^EEMENT, 4lade and, qnter By and among OF VAIL (hereinbfter c tr/"r,r€ ,7J2tfu:/,sf th.5or^ /7 fttt/"rt/< ,/32,t/4"/ -oeveto@1; t/o/E7y'tr ed into this IL day of 'Ta'nuaxV ,20-/ 2 (hereinafter called the "Developed'), arfi the TOWN WHEREAS, t[e Developer, as a condition of approval plans, dated /M r; / t f , AO-U_L wishes to enter into a and I WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgement of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Developer.agree,gto establish a cash deposit with the Town of Vail in a dollar amount ot g-2.,77V-e (125% of the total cost of the work shown below) to provide security for the fdllowing: IMPROVEMENT Attach a copy of the estimated bid. \VAIL\DATA\GdeV\FORMS\DlA Cash.doc Page 1 of 4 material necessary to perform and complete all improvements, on or detore /ln t / I ? , 2o " 1 The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, ali/impioven{ents as NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1.The Developer agrees, at the sole cost and expenses, to furnish.all equipment and listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: A cash deposit account in the amount ot S 3 7/D% to be hetd by the Town, as escrow agent, shall provide the security for the improvements set forth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occuning to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall theTown, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as feferenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will \\VAIL\DATA\cdev\FORMS\DlA Cash.doc Page 2 ot 4 the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvements. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements contemplated hereunder are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth in this Agreement on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required, to complete the unfinished. lf the costs of completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12o/o) per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, as defined in this chapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of-way pursuant to Section 8-3-1 . 8- The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. \WAIL\DATA\Cdev\FORMS\DlA Cash.doc Page 3 of 4 Dated the day and year first above written. STATE OF COLORADO COUNW OF EAGLE ss. The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement wqs ack_4owl_eQged before me this day ot -Jnd/ ufuit , zoe&bv rt . SEK44 77- . Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires 6 Notary Public 2,*t' r , /2- Administrator, Community Development STATEOFCOLORADO I )ss.COUNTYOFEAGLE ) , The foregoing Developer,lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged befop me this _r 74:oivi,t-'ffialQ,,20&by /.t' t 4"r/ 618+< t Witness my hand and official seal. \\VAl L\DATA\CdeV\FORMS\DlA Cash.doc Page 4 of 4 Sent Byi HE8oRT CoNCEPTS; $0r2w 37347 Avofi, (970) | Concepts Renovations, LLC , 6 Sulle 200, Dra,Utr E130 81620 fax (970) Sl$.975c on W.d hdddrplcx to rnbfi rxitflngcolor tlm on WcilhaFof dudoc tlm m Eatthdf dilphr Jan-17-02 5:1sPM;Pege 212 8760.00 $1,100.00 11.100.00 Blllrq DaG: r/17rO2 lnvolct # : Compl€lo Psant Rc,pskrt Repffit Repaht 'TotAr-s: PL[. Pry Thlr Amouilt Acx& Fbathnail 13?6 vail Vdhy Dr. RECEIPI - The Tovm of Vail DATE I l0L, 20-N9 5315e RECETVED FROM ADDRESS Permit Numbers How PAID-Gsh-chec k -Ltrb V Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail,CO 81657 Name: ,-1 ';e.--� r'Cl(frG Receipt No. <3 f Address: Project: Date / r< ( / /� �_ Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No. Item No. Code# Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1110 Zoning and Address Maps all ZA $5.00 * 0010000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code-1997-Volume 1&2 MI CB $50.95 * 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code-1997-Volume 3 IIII_ $60.65 * 001 0000 314 1112 International Plumbing Code-1997 -CB $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 International Mechanical Code-1998 M CB $35.00 * 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code-1996 $35.60 * 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Fire Code III CB $36.00 * 001 0000 314 1112 National Electrical Code -CB $42.60 001 0000 314 1112 Abatement of Dangerous Bldg.'s 1997 -_ $9.95 * 001 0000 314 1112 Model Energy Code-1995 $10.00 * 001 0000314 1112 Analysis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes r- $12.75 * 001 0000 314 1112 Other Code Books IIII CB * 001 0000314 1211 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees IIM BF $7.00 * 001 0000 314 1111 Xerox Copies -XC $0.25 * 0010000 314 1111 Lionshead Master Plan($1.80/$1.60) -M $40.00 * 001 0000314 1111 Studies, Master Plans,etc. 1111 * • 001 0000 315 3000 Penalty Fees/Re-Inspections mg PN 001 0000 3112300 Plan Review Re-check Fee($40/per hour) -PF 001 0000 315 2000 Off Hours Inspection Fees MOH 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees I.CL 001 0000 312 4000 Sign Application Fee MI SP $20.00 001 0000 312 4000 Additional Sign Application Fee • IIII SP 001 0000 311 2200 Design Review Board Fee(Pre-paid) -DR • 001 0000 315 3000 Building Investigation Fee IM PN _— 001 0000 2403300 Developer Improvement Agreement Deposit 02-DEP10 I.AD ga 001 0000 312 1000 Restaurant License fee(TOV) RL �� 001 0000 230 2000 Spec.Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev. SA 1 1 *001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ 4.4%(State)-Tax payable TP er). *001 0000 310 1100 Taxable @ 4.0%(Town)-Retail Sales Tax .17 Other/Misc.- MS 001 0000 311 2500 PEC APPLICATION FEES I_ 001 0000 311 2500 Additional GRFA - "250" -PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Conditional Use Permit -PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration-Less than 100 sq.ft. NI PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration-More than 100 sq.ft. — III PV $500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District-NEW -PV $1,500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District-Major Amend PV $1,000.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District-Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2500 Variance PV $250.00 001 0000 311 2500 Zoning Code Amendments .PV $250.00 Re-Zoning PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Program - - Other- -MS --- — — — .11-TOTAL: - la __Comments: Ell _ Cash Money Order# Check# <2(Q CI Received by: 6 III _ El . — - 1 ?.itveiyunen-unnsiaiesdcc.exe 12/20/2000 ;per: PHAi,PE Type: FB Drawer: 1 2/11/02 N! Receipt no: 2252 Customer Lcc ion Nam Amount 2277 2236 ALEX SANRATT Ai AR—DEAO lTS 0700.NW AL�X SARRATT kECElPT #53159 Tender detail CROHEa 2854 $3700.80 Total tencereb i3700.00 Total payment $3700.00 Trans date: 2Y11/02 Time: \4:58:09 THANK YUU FUR Y0UR PAYMENT! Alq-|o'*]t t|?g O-{nl {atl? r' {dt.co* 01657 Legal Subdivision: Address: ntered into this fuaay of J)"nua-vV ,ZO-42 _ (hereinafter called the "Developer"), arld the TOWN ,o fl ftnt#nl< ,/32s/,o:/^ hpro,rement Asr;ffi 1; r'z' /EY'u r 4:.r 4-:\f-= -':' '7 \_ .,., '. -11 Jj'- Li CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT Receiot funds to: Address: !191! amons /t /<g >a.c#1 OF VAIL (hereinafter cdlled the "Town'). WHEREAS, tlle Developer, as a condition of approva plans, dated /ha r;/ t f ,20-& wishes to enter inro a and I THIS AGR^EEMENT, gade and IMPROVEMENT Attach a copy of the estimated bid. Developer agre-eEto establish a cash deposit with the Town of Vail in a dollar amount ot $ ?,7/14 (125% of the total cost of the work shown below) to provide security ,,;s-s'- {:&:'" lof the 5< Developer WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgement of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: \\VAl L\OATA\odev\FORMS\DlA Cash.doc Page 1 of 4 REIDAUG -g2ri}2 t"r t!r..rl, tr' ':1 , a,.1.:. n 1l' ,! .rl . "t','qi , .,',, t '.!.' :. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1.The Developer agrees, at the sole cost and expenses, to furnish.all eqpipment and material necessary to perform and complete all improvements, on or before listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: A cash deposit account in the amount ot E J 72D% to be hetd by the Town, as escrow agent, shall provide the security for the improvements set forth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall theTown, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities bhall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers; agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as leferenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will WAI L\DATA\cdev\FORMS\DlA Cash.doc Page 2 ol 4 the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvements. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements contemplated hereunder are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth in this Agreement on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required, to complete the unfinished. lf the costs of completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12o/o) per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, as deflned in this chapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of-way pursuant to Section 8-3-1 . 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. \\vAIL\DATA\odev\FORMS\PlA Cash.doc Page 3 of4 Dated the day and year first above written. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires 6 Notary Public 2\Zr'/-&-/Z_ Administrator, Community Development STATEOFCOLORADO I )ss.COUNTYOFEAGLE ) ss. . - The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement wqs acll4oyleQged before me this l7thaayor -fn-ilrtfutl ' ,io-AZir ' ,f.--Sl€-2p7ff- The foregoing D-eveloper lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this ,20Q3-by /d//tU4r4 6tBaa,r ) Witness my hand and official seal. \WAl L\DATA\cdev\FORMS\DlA Cash.doc Page 4 of 4 .Ssnt By: RES0RT CoNoEPTS;s70s4s s755;Jan-17-02 5:1sPM; ''.....-_:-".TofHs: Plcr:r hy Thlr Amount: Page 212 Concepts Renovations, LLC . 6 gulte 20e, Dret*r 8130 81620 (s70)fa( (970)9|e97s5 37347 Avm, Bilting Dal€: t/l7l0z lnvcii:s # : Complc{e Paint $91200 Rcrpaht R.prht Repahl on Wcot haff of drtplex to rneieh exi$ng color tim m WotthaFof duplor tim on East half d rtupltr $760.(n $1,100,00 $1,100.@ I Aex & Flora Sianatt i3?E vail Vdby Dr. a- rg.oa .o o- E{oz OD 'o o(J a- !4 A o t F, o F ({ H H cl-E8 d EH A {0i qlo E xd B !E H ,{B FC FO i 6 I F F 6 H t x I A &q gl o (\t F o o E tt E t! d F.a E 6 l., FI ll E il JE de P"H e8 q!l OH z2 &s EE c F' FH az Eg A ItH oz +R E=H( E q *' Fr HZ q|D oo AE E4 g lr il i E !e x H 6 H H TC -(,ata !x e-E IE 8 HE B f;8 uo C.I t{H F'4 d p{e z ts E E4 t{q| E o o crp 0|n !l nl 6t> T-IH calo ax ' a.E' It E8B RAI. FIL T COPY Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 MX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us July 23, 2001 Andrew Abraham AJA Studio PO Box 4326 Edwards, CO 81632 RE: Sarratt Residence - Proposed revisions to approved plans ( 1328 Vail Valley Drive i Lot 22, Block 3, Vail Valley l"r Filing) Dear Andrew, At their July 18, 2001 meeting, the Design Review Board reviewed and approved the proposed revisions to the approved plans for the remodel ofthe Sanaft residence located at 1328 Vail Valley Drive with the following conditions: 1. That the deck rails on the entke house be consistent. If the proposed rails are to be used, additional details must be submifted for vrew. 2. That all requirements of the Public Works Deparfinent must be met prior to the issuance of building permits. The following items must be addressed prior to the issuance of final Design Review approval: l. The proposed driveway may not exceed a maximum width of 24 feet. 2. The site plan must be revissd to show a 4-foot corcrete pan with a 2-inch invert (no heating) located between the driveway and the edge of asphalt of Vail Valley Drive. 3. The site plan must indicate that any heated portion of the proposed drive located within the Vail Valley Drive right of-way must be on a separate heat zone and marked as such at the control box. 4. Revocable Right-of-Way Permits are required for all driveway heating and all pavement texturing located within the Vail Valley Drive right-of-way. 5. The proposed top and bottom elevations ofall retaining walls must be identified on the site plan. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawing of the walls shall be provided on the site plan or separate sheet. Please note that a stamped, approved drawing from a licensed PE is required for all retaining walls between 4 - 6 feet in height. No retaining wall may exceed 6 feet in height. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, h-.4L Bill Gibson, AICP Plamer I tp *"n*o"o Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us January 17,2002 Alex and Flora Sarratt 1328 Vail Valley Drive Vail. CO 81658 RE: Sarratt residence - 1328 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 22, Block 3, Vail Valley t'r Filing Dear Alex and Flora, On January 14,2002, during a requested Certificate of Occupancy inspection ofthe construction at your residence, Town Staffdiscovered that the duplex located at Lot 22, Block 3, Vail Valley l'r Filing has been illegally painted in violation of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. The new paint scheme on the duplex is not consistent with the approved plans for your remodel and the new color scheme requires Town of Vail Design Review approval. Your Application for Design Review for the new color scheme was received yesterday morning, and Staff made special accommodations to schedule your application for review by the Design Review Board at its public hearing yesterday aftemoon. As you are aware, the Design Review Board reviewed your application and approved three motions. The first motion approved your request for "Changes to Approved Plans" to eliminate the proposed driveway extension and proposed driveway snowmelt heating, this motion carried by a vote of4-0. The second motion denied your request for "Changes to Approved Plans" for your illegally applied paint scheme as presented, this motion carried by a vote of4-0. The third motion was that the wood siding on the duplex be painted to match the newly painted AClT Sea Pine color, that the stucco on the duplex be painted the previous white stucco color, and that the spindles and railing of the west upper deck ofthe duplex be stained a natural wood color, this motion carried by a vote of4-0. Pursuant to yesterday's Design Review Board actions, you have three options for resolving the illegal paint color scheme on this duolex: l. Repaint the entire duplex to its approved previous condition.2. Paint all stucco on the duplex the previous white color, stain the west upper balcony spindles and railing a natural wood color, and paint all wood siding on the duplex to match the new AClT Sea Pine color. Please be aware that the wood siding shall not be painted the new Sea Pine color without the written consent of the adjacent property owler. A copy of this written approval must be submitted to the Community Development Department prior to the painting of the wood siding.3. Submit an Application for Design Review for anew color scheme. Please be aware that an application for a new color scheme will require written consent ofthe adjacent property owner and Town of Vail Staff or Design Review Board approval. tPu*uo"o Depsrtment of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us As you are aware, all construction improvements must be completed, inspected, and approved prior to the Town of Vail issuing a Certificate ofOccupancy. Since the life/safety issues related to the your recent remodel have been completed, inspected, and approved, and only Design Review issues remain unresolved; the Town of Vail is willing to issue a Temporara Certificate ofOccupancy for your project subject to the implementation ofa Developer Improvement Agreement for all remaining work to be completed for your project. This Developer lmprovement Agreement shall include a performance bond for 125%o ofa qualified construction bid for all incomplete construction. At a minimum, this performance bond shall apply to the costs associated with the repainting of the entire duplex building to its approved.previous condition. The performance bond shall also apply to the costs associated with painting and screening, with appropriate landscape vegetation, ofall exposed vents, flues, mechanical equipment, and utility meters. This Developer Improvement Agreement shall be valid until Friday April 19,2002. Prior to April 19,2002 all required work associated with this Developer Improvement Agreement must be completed, inspected, and approved by the Town of Vail; this shall also include any additional approvals required from the adjacent property owner and the Town of Vail Staff or Design Review Board. Ifyou have any questions or comments, please feel fiee to call me directly at (970) 479-2173. Silcerely, AA Bill Gibson, AICP Planner I Town of Vail fu../lL CC: Marvin and Roz Kochman Tony Ferguson, Resort Concepts Renovations {p*"uo*o COPY FILE TOWN OF VAIL Departme of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us April 18,2002 Alex and Flora Sarratt 1328 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81658 SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RE: Sarratt residence - Developer Improvement Agreement expiration extension 1328 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 22, Block 3, Vail Valley l" Filing Dear Alex, As you are aware, the Town of Vail Staff has made extra efforts to work with you to resolve the issues related to the illegal painting of the duplex located at 1328 Vail Valley Drive. The Town of Vail issued a Temporary Certificate ofOccgpancy (TCO) to allow you to move into your home with an understanding that the conditions ofapproval associated with that TCO would be completed in a timely manner. Apparently, you are having difficulties complying with the conditions of approval associated with your TCO. The Town of Vail Staff is once again willing to make extra efforts to work with you to resolve this issue. Per our phone conversation of April 16, 2002., the Town of Vail has agreed to extend the expiration date for the Developer Improvement Agreement for the painting of the duplex located at 1328 Vail Valley Drive. The expiration date for this Developer Improvement Agreement shall be exteDded until Wednesday June 19, 2002. Please be aware that this will be your only opportunity to extend the expiration date for this Developer Improvement Agreement. Prior to June lg,2OO2 all required work associated with this Developer Inprovement Agreement shall be completed, irupected, and approved by the Tovm of Vail; this shall also include any additional approvals required from the adjacent property owner and the Town of Vail Staffor Design Review Board. If all work associated with this Developer Improvement Agreement is not completed, inspected, and approved prior to June 19,2002 the Town of Vail will take all necessary actions to remedy this situation. Please be aware that these actions may include the revocation of your Temporary Certificate,of Occupancy. Ifyou have any questions or cotrunents, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, a/4- ?a. t,z- Bill Gibson, AICP Planner I Town of Vail CC: Marvin and Roz Kochman Tony Ferguson, Resort Concepts Renovations Man Mire, Vail Town Attomey David RJroades, Code Enforcement Officer Charlie Davis, Chief Building Official {S *r"nt"ot "o Fl ru .!.! EO F rjl Frl EI EI EI E EI Et Et r! postEgo Cor fied Fos G".::"lft lii*]]]]]]]]1ff , €tr$:::"Ti'E#",hi Toi.l Postegs & Fos, lo .34 ti--.ro 1.50, $ 3.94 coafrf,ttTY oEr.}€$Fl6;tt Design Reyierv Soard ACTIOII FORlrl Dspartment of C.,ommunity Oevelopnent 75 Souttr Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 8tr657 tel:970.479.2139 farc97O.479.?45e web: www.v*ilgov,com Project Name: Protect DescripUon: lurr"fr Change to approved paint color DRB Number: DR8020015 OII L6|ZOO2 Phone: 375-,1405 Particlpants: OWNER ALD(&FLORASARRATT 1328 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT ANDREW IAMES ABMHAM AJA S[U0V15/2002 Phone: 925-2679 PO BOX 4326 EDWARDS, CO 81532 ProjectAddressr 1328 VAILVALLEY DRVAIL Locatlon: Legal Descrlption: Lot:22 Block 3 Subdivlslon: VAILVALLEY Parcef Number: 2il0I-092-O7OL-2 Comments: MoUon Byr Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: VOID Date of Approval: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written mnsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revlanv committee(s). @nd:0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constltub a permlt for building. Please consult with Town of Vall Building personnel prior to constructlon activities. Planner: Blll Gibson DRB Fee Pald: S20.00 T0t4nm I, (print name) description) JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER , a joint owner of property located at (address/legal provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Crmmunity Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature)(Date) Tr*u *-E- ArrAe;+ry;):, €oern. Page 2 of t2lOLlL0l02 TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not'require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS o Stamped topographic survey*, if applicable o Site and Grading Plan, if applicable*o Landscape Plan, if applicablex o Photos or drawings which clearly convey existing conditions* a Photos or drawings which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)*o Exterior color and material samples and specifications. D Lighting Planx and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicable D Written approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicable o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). Topographic survey:o Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor o Date of survey n North arrow and graphic bar scale o Scale of 7"=I0'or l"=20')o Legal description and physical address tr Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40ol0, and floodplain)o Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey o Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (,01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown, Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.o Show right of way and propefi lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. tr Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions. o Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty- five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.tr Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals D Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. o Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.).tr All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).o Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) Page 3 of L2l0Lll0l02 D Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback)a Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable W Sewer Gas Telephone Water Electric D Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.tr Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides ofthe roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from properly. Site and Grading Plan:o Scale of L"=20'or larger tr Property and setback lines o Existing and proposed easements a Existing and proposed grades o Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.u All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations, Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height. o Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade, o A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction.q Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures.a Proposed surface drainage on and off-site, D Location of landscaped areas,n Location of limits of disturbance fencing tr Location of all required parking spaces o Snow storage areas.o Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure. D Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height,o Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable Landscape Plan:o Scale of 1" = 20' or larger D Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. o Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. o Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs. o Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover,q Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction,o Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. o The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. Page 4 of I2l0LlL0l02 D Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan: D Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area o Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: a Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Page 5 of LZllllr0l12 Buildinq Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials ,'{-.---..-( Fascta \-t' Soffits Windows Window Trim _-------..-@-) Door Trim #tgloz- g*t)A a- l'\ 3E:+ Pr\tE- ,^s/ e*'tl ^azEJT PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvpe of Material Color Fq&tae_Set,A A-L fr g?r.re-, eFC&]toLSa-Ail)A.c. fi €4'?rJ6- Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please speciff the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip, Page 6 of LzlOLlL0l02 PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Quantitv SiZg PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 5' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Souare Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e, retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc,) Page 7 of Izl0Il1ol0z UTIUTY LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verifli service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date QWEST 970.384.0238 (tel) 970,384.0257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp PUBUC SERVICE HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970,468.2528 (tel) Contact: Bruce Miller HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949,5892 (tel) 970.949.4565 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 303.571,7518 (tel) 303.57r.7877 (fax) Contact: Paul Kellogg EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT* 970.476,7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970,949J224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar xPlease provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. lf a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. UtiliW locations must be obtained before diooinq in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a Public Way oermit and must be obtained seoarately. Page 8 of r2l0llr0l02 NOTES TO ALL APPUCANTS Pre-aoplication Meetino A pre-application meeting with Town of Vail staff is encouraged. The purpose of a pre-application meeting is to identify any critical issues peftaining to the applicant's proposal and to determine the appropriate development review process for an application. In many cases, the pre-application meeting helps to expedite the development review process as critical issues are identified and dealt with in the preliminary stages, A pre-application meeting may be scheduled by contacting Judy Rodriguez at 97 0.479.2128 or j19dtg_uez@slvajj_Ge.gs Time Reouirements The Design Review Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month, A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at http://ci.vail,co.us/commdev/planning/drb/meetings/default.htm For a new residential development, the application deadline is typically 3.5 weeks prior to a Design Review Board hearing. Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in I rtle 12, (Zoning Regulations) and Title 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Reouirements for properties located in hazard areas If a propefi is located in or adjacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris flow, floodplain, wetland, poor soils, etc.), the Community Development Department may require a site-specific geological investigation. If a site-specific geological investigation determines that the subject property is located in a geologically sensitive area, the property owner(s) must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard repoft prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with Community Development staff prior to submitting a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. Required Plan Sheet Format For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the following must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36", For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed, 2. Scale, The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale, 3. Graphic bar scale. 4. North arrow. 5. Title block, project name, project address and legal description. 5. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. 7. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. 8. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000'or larger. 9, Sheet labels and numbers. 10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1,5". 11. Names of all adjacent roadways. 12. Plan legend, Page 9 of l2/OUr0/02 Design Review Board Meetino Reouirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Aooroval The Administrator (a member of the planning stafi) may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision, All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Additional Review and Fees If this application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc, The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees in excess of 500/o of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant, Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use or other issues, which may have a significant impact on the community, may require review by external consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by Town staff that an external consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. The applicant shall pay expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application to the Town within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be returned to the applicant upon review completion. Page 10 ot LZl0llfil0z Suruey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2739 f axi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us *This checklist must be suhmitted prior to Public Works review of a proposed development Owners/Project Name: Project Address: Applicant:Phone Number: Submittal u Stamped survey of property o Landscape plan a Civil/Site plans D T'itle Report (Section B) Suruev ReEuirements: o Surveyor's wet stamp and signature o Environmental Hazards (ie, rockfall, debris D Date of survey flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils)o Nonh arrow o Watercourse setbacks (if applicable)o Proper scale (1"=10'or L"=20') u Trees o Legal description q Labeled easements (i.e, drainage, utility,o Basis of bearings / Benchmark pedestrian, etc...)o Spot Elevations o Topography a Labeled right of way and propefty lines; o Utility locations including bearings, distances and curve o Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of information. asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown D Lot Size for a minimum of 250' in either direction o Buildable Area (excludes red hazard from property, avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain) Site Plan Reouirements: I. Access (check all)o Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan. o Unheated D Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone)o Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30o/o of driveway area if unheated; 10olo of driveway area if heated)a All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development Standards, p. 11. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade):_ o Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 II. Construction Site (check all)o Location of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the site plan. D LimiG of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan. o I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction.D I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. Page 11 of L2l0LlL0l02 III. Drainage (check all that apply)o The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12,o (Note: Valley pan must not be heated)o 4 Foot Concrete Pan o I Foot Concrete Pan o Positive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site.o Culverts have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan. r A Hydraulic report has been provided, (As requested by Town Engineer) IV. Erosion Control (Check all that apply)q Disturbance area is greater than one half acre.o A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped.o Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion control devices are shown on the site Plan' V. Floodplain (check all that apply)s The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain. o 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan. o A Floodplain study has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requested by Town Engineer)o The project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain VL Geological/Environmental Hazards (check all that apply) o The project lies within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20) o A Hazard Report has been provided s The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. VII. Grading (check all that apply) D Existing and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan, s All disturbed areas have been returned to a 2:1grade. o All disturbed areas not returned to 2:1 grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans. u Only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. VIII. Parking (check all)s All residential and commercial parking spaces conform to the Development Standards, pp. 12&15, IX. Retaining Walls (check all that apply)u All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. 19.o All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans. o All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction,D No retaining walls are required for this project. X. Sight Distance (check all that apply) a Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12. o Proper sight distance has not been attained. Explanation why:- Additional Comments Please provide any additional comments that pertain to Public Works Review. Page 12 of I2lOLlLOl02 Applicants Signaturq ,-t)Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of C-ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Olorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Project l{ame: Sarratt residence DRB Numb€r: DRB020095 Project Description: Exterior paint Paftlcipants: OWNER Alex & Flora Sarratt 0411612002 Phone: 376-4406 1328 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO Sarratt@colorado.net 81657 License: APPUCANT Alex & Flora Sarratt 041L612002 Phone: 376-.1406 1328 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO Sarratt@colorado.net 81657 License: Project Address: 1328 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: Legal Descriptaon: Lot: 22 Block: 3 Subdivision: VAILVALLEY Parcef Number= 2L0t092070L2 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Motion By: Clark Brittain Action: APPROVED Second By: Margaret Rogers Vote 5-0 DateofApproval: 05/0V2002 Conditions: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the wrltten consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN)r DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005271 That the soffit remain a natural wood color. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material €aCk -Ur,;l Pa;nf /-1 v!//-4 Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other f f,tcc r r ..ilr2 5r,*ilet'Z 3",a{ #/ w/'L ^W W4NTr Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. fo;rrT brr/r/ c'-/) EE^zz JJ -/b Eagtc-tl-1l fa;nf t-zl wtt.'tI Page 6 of I2l0LlLOl02 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXIMNG TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 5'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i,e, retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc, ) Page 7 of L2l0UL0l02 04/L8/2002 11:{0 F X 1S700{98843 STOVALL GOODTAN WALLACE @ oor sTovALL GOODI\{AN WALLACE, P.C. P1grftssional Coryontio[ JAMES WM" STOVALL JOHN D. GOODMAN KERRY FI. WALLACE STACEY A. KLEIN 202BENCHMARKPI,,{Z BUILDING 4E EAST BEAVER CREEKBOTJLEVARD P.O. DRAU/ER 5860 AvoN, coLoMDo Et620 TELEPHoN& (9?0)949-4200 FACSIMILE: (Y?0)949{843 EMAltj rtwlaw@vril.net FACSIMILE COVER SHEET Bill Gibson 479-2452 Lhda M. Cmrber, Assistaut to Jobn D. Goodnan DATE:+16-02 RE: 1328 Vail ValleYDrive/Sarrat Total Number Of Pages Including This One: 4 If you do not roceive all pagas, pleose ssll immcdiately. Attrcbed please fnd a fax to yorrr dtention, but faxed to otr office, fton Bmoklp e{ S,rtSW Center. Ms. Kochman advised I should forward it on to you. TO: FAXNUMBER: FROM: COMMENTS: COTM'IDE}TTIALITY NOTICE Tlrc inforudion c@rinod in thb fsimilc tnGsugc ir .ndD€y pMtogd ud cm6dentirl fufqrdiu. h fu itrt-fd lEIy fu tLr ur d ahc individual or entity naned abovc. lf you et not $c inrarded rloipiarl or tha pator rupoadblc fu &liuqfuF to dre int ttdd rtciphnt, you oe norificd 0m uy dirclorurc, Eogyint disEibulim or us9 of dris oqltmunic|tion ic $dqly p$iqpC lf yort hryc reeived $i: commuuicdlon in srq, plarso noti0 us inrnrdirdy by tc|qrhortc &d trtrrrr tha orlglnal rna+c { us rr tho rborc ddrass via dra U.S. Postd Ssvics. Thu& you. I I I I I I I RECIEIVED I AqR fb 2oo2 FRON : SARRRTT FRX N0. i AM995246!l Jun. 23 2?€L @4t4wt1 PI6 JUfl eE aOOl ?r a.Fn iJh STUDIO 370,.9e8 -9009 7'.5 eo6(i0trr, Crll 0rc flronidf St E & OTZ|ZE APPLICATIONFORDEStcInErmwarpnonn",_ o,F, t oEfGf,aLqfiI1nv.^FoN Tbir_ rppliortlol ir lcr ,ry FDjror rquidlt Drtign Bavbw rppovrt, Ant tfiJafi irlqddng.d.d|n nv{cw ml'r neiwDriSl RrvinrfFld gl6!c obitbtforrbdtdl'ojpnotr'io'iesd udnur'i11rcc rrrc $buhrl q{uiisloo nr drc plrlabrrpronl6l ir rqur'cd. rb apllndm raaor bc E ;rd uDdl ill rhc trguiEd iatoD|ltlioS it r$tr;d!d- ]te po,fccr 56y 1fu6 rad td b. rErricftd by rhc Tona Coumll rnd/or 6r Plruir4 od 8nv&otpr.Ol Clgvujdr. Drllg Rcviw Eorrd rpprovql gpfuq1 clr ycp rfi11 i11l rpprlvr,l rEl!|r r britrlirgFtiaiab lu..tl rld coulru.&n h t&U. A. LOCATIOT,I oF lF-OlOrtAL IFT:_3 lt CrC_-.E_ FnilNQ:jg__ FT|YSICAL ADDREST: _ft''G \t>'r'G.+.'v Ef,r+ ftlCEL #, ,tr.i .lt-_a:.za (Cb6mryLc0,.r..qoioffd il9t0-UF|d{0fcrgund{ ZONllSr NA{EOF OwlVEV$: A.-- +.ia- r-!q=* - - I'{ASJNO 'lzc'tf9 . "lr{pt fr.'On/NEnoglsftlrunE([)l lJ,rCi.v al--..Yl . -fA I{AILIilOADDN$S: il1OEtE; 1r".1ib:?al -. -.. tYPlOI lgvlEvtAlrT FEd: D lYci CoELottbr - 3100 Cbrtslileti{o of I ncil ull4!9 B Aldidon . 350 lrlu& roy rddition rrlere qurtt fmngc b eddrd to url nddartid or ooacidbu'iding Ct MhorAttcrrtior - $tr . hduds ahol c&rapr to btulldhgs nd dtr ilggmnaratu, lucb lq, . . r*odigg; priothgr rrindow rddldotr' land*nping, farccc utl tctrinisr rlt[cb, DtB ftn rn to bc prtd rt &c titrt 6'f ob8lild' u(tr whm mMnl fo I buiidhg FrstiL tlc.|c ldGtttily [:-;ff rlilh of 16n prujcct Ig ?ocd of Vdl wtll ldjstl tE fon r.add1q to 6o ptolcct r,rbuion. PrI^3l su!iltr :tls ^lllrcArlox' ^.1t" $0tlIITfAL B!-q!4qD-!qryr8, lr.t'{li nc rri, io tE DEpAaTMEffT oF coltlutrrrrYDDvllDPultt,r '- " -- zs sornsFRorr^68 ROAD' VAI'. Cot'O*^DO t1637' c. D. E. K c.N |vfEOFAPIUCA|TT tl5trrr --J- 1 cr.),ae.t t Q?2C2 fllr c I qlxblq 7t 17t. too,T-:Jv_|J1A BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: l{rlc*- a.r-=e- ^lrw+ -S.. COLOR: ztl:?_- F-e€F., €rYA-+E5 =aEA<1 wA:I>hry ( r..\A)\rL.ct*E q-rn-...,TE hA:r..t\ fr\A*4=, l *r, +€As FArE\\E.r.s:S\\'5\ l1A.W-rA c! -).-\=5r$5\ t1A*E5t G,s.-\jb\\S\ t1^+.\\ e.a\-cd\ \i1A:<)1\. €€qq'L *, t4p- YlArt<lr E:r.\-;s\rs \ *d+ }.-Ir>'. nf-)\ erF.\<l-\t1 g\-4. btA 9s * Please speciil the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a small color chip # All exterior lighting must meet the Town=s LighUng Ordinance 12-11-51. If o<terior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lightjng plan. Identifl each fD&ire type and provide the height above gmde, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of tfie lighting fb<tures. PROPOSED ITNDSCAPING _rrFGf= \a TREES AND Botanical Name: Common Name: OuantiU: Size*: O ^-\-L EJ.s=rf,q PROPOSED - - T e,En\Ad;) SHRUBS: EGTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requirements for landscaping: deciduous trees - 2 inch caliper coniferous trees - 6 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons Tvpe: Souare Foottoe: GROUND COVER ,A. Elas.+1=r.\rr> =g-r1A.\F.> dttq?-E4r l-,<3F SOD SEED IRRIGANON TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specifo. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 5 feet. UTIUTY LOCATION VERIFIC.ATIOI{ This form is to veriff service availability and location fur new construction and shouH be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Sionature Date U.S. West Communications 1-800-922-1987 .t68-6860 or 9494530 Public Service Company 949-s781 (Gary Hall) Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 (Ied Hus$;John Boyd) T.C.I. 949-5530 (Floyd Salzar) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District * 476-740 (Fred Haslee) * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. If a utility company has concems wift the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the uUlity verificathn form tiat there b a problen which needs b be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. These verifcations do not relieve the contnctor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Pennit from the Depafinent of Public Works at ttre Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained befure diooino in any public rightof-way or easement wrthin the Town of Vail. A buildino oermit is not a Public Wav permit and must be obtained seoaratelv. 2. 3. [. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with Town of Vail staff is required. No application can be accepted unless the mandatory pre-application meeting has been completed. It is the applicant=s responsibility to schedule this meeting by calling 970-479-2L28. TIME REOUIREMENTS The Design Review Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Departrnent a minimum of thrce and a half (3 1/2) weeK prior to the date of the DRB public hearing, REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal will be reviewed for cornpliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Section 12- 11 of the Municipal Code. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A. If a prcperty is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow awlanche, rocKalf floodplain, debrb flow, wetland, etc), a hazard study must be subrnitted and the owner must sign an affrdavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with the planning staff prior to submittal of a DRB application to determine the relationship of the prcperty to all mapped hazards. B. Basic Plan Sheet Format. For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvements plans, all of the following must be shown. Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale. Graphic bar scale. North arrow. Trtle block, project name, project address and legal description. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger. Sheet labeb and numbers. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". Names of all adjacent roadways. Plan legend. For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate propefi lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be hped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB m€€ting. Applicants who fail to appear befure the Design Review Board on their scheduhd meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. ry. 1. 2. ? 4. 5. 6. 7. n 9. 10, 1i. 12. c. D. E. V.STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may review and approve Design Reriew applications, approve with ertain mdiflrcations, deny the application, or may refer the application to the Design Review Board for decision. All staff apprclvals are subject to final approval by fte DRB. The following types of Design Rwiew applications may be staff approved: A. Any application tor an additron to an o<isting building that b consistent with the architectural design, materiab and colors of the building, and approval has been received by an authorized member of a condominium association, if applicable; B, Any application to modify an odsting building that does not significantly change the existing planes of the building and is generally consistent with the archiEctural design, materials and colors of ttre building, including, but not limited to oGerior building finish materiab (e.9. stonework, siding, roof materials, paint or stain,), o(erior lighting, canopies or awnings, fences, antennas, satellite dbhes, windows, skylights, siding, minor commercial facade improvenrcnts, and other similar modifrations; C. Any application for site improvements or modifications including, but not limited to, driveway modifrcations, site grading, site wal$ removal or modifications to odsting landscaping, installation of accessory structures or recreational facilities, ADDMONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. If this application requires a separate rwiew by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Fxamples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permib, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc, B. The applimnt shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in e:<cess of 500/o of the application fee. It at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the mater to be republbhed, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. C. Apdications deenred bV the Community Development DepartrEnt b have design, land use or surer issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants in addiuon to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an outside consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultant. The Departrnent shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consubnt and thb amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 dap of notiFrcation by the Town. Any e(ces funds will be rctumed to the applicant upon review completion. u. o \/ I 4 BROOKLYN EYE SURGERY CENTER M I ;*Jf;l.iHlil*Fffff'Ti,XH,%** FAX TRTN$,USSION 711-e3E-orEz IE YqT DO IIOT IN IT5 8}IIIIRETY 1-?18-6{5-0600 0R -?16-2S4-1921 *th--o ; \i-s This rrnsslqc ie UnElfi crlrrd dltclocqrt law. WPt\Pocooflhe\ffisrm1 urfr inlormalm contallrsd n hr fd ir pohillod undor rpjlicrlb 04/L6/2002 11:40 FAtr 1s709ds08l$ ST0VALL GooDUAN TAII.ACE t).a. t42a awta .r. ri|, s IF FeJ( I.INE NO BN( LTNE T{Q 2: t rd gusy,usu . -G qoz TIAtrE ! IO: troDfANlf r FANI;*t NIII.{EBR OF PAGES: cheotl lincludlng tlria t'. TBIS EBNTCMIgTION ClIrL tlLS REv ?/01 0[/LA/2OO2 11:{0 FAI Yhl Vzt CttLla ll. tlL,107004088{3 STOVTTII cO0DXAl{ WILLACE IOIITT Pf,OPENTY OWIIEB WHfiEil APPROYAT IENEN' .,-Flqgr TO}liN lrtl \(Pdrttmme ' deaipUon)J PEvkte thls hGr as wdlEn been Eubrnltted to the Tourn s be @mpleted ct the of ti€ plans daEd Vbil Commqnlty Pevelopmsnt osDartmEnt for fi3 pmpoed ilnpfiwernen0s nobd abare. I undersand bdhe propced improvernenb irdude: o idnt ovner of iropery located ot (adfrcdkoal ftriclr tw" I fufther undeEbnd ttEt modtflcatiocrs may b€ made b the pbns oYEr thc courEe prrcs tr €nsur€ @mpll.ncE the Townb apoltcable codes tnd Tegulationc' Page 2 of ntOULOlOz u4/18/2s02 1l:40 F_^x 1070_q40.8_8.40 . .SI-oJlI+rSoqD-t4N-!4B4gE aq.ua. cv|)- Il . Er-, ^lJ\,. r |r|/.l ..-&qg4 Buit4ingXatrti!ts Rosf Siding Oupr Wall Materials Fasda sdits Wndwvs WndEwTflm DoorE ! fjoorTrim Hand or Deck Ralls Flues Flashlng. Chimneys Trash Enclo€ures @eenhbuses Rebining Wa[s F.xterior ughting ffiter ffvtzc' f Nstes: s Please specW the PIOPOSED I{ATENlAls lYpe otHetCrra! - fa:nt O''I' f !t]o-t,-ffi name, dle @lor name and numb€r end actch a @la Cdsr I Page 6 d tllo].lr0,l0? ifitat*ffttt't*'tf*tr*+t++a+*+f,ta+*+*ttt+*aa*tl'**r*atl+a*o*la*aftt+ttaatfttt|tff**ttt|t*lrfft'$tt TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO statcmed t*t++t'*afr+f*t*+rl*art ***atf+t*l*l**f+'|***l'tlaa+a+*at't+tafittlalll+lla**+*aa*++l+**ialfl'** Sfatement Nuriber: RO0OOO2155 Amount 3 $2O.OO O*lt6/2O02O4:53 PM Palment Method: Checlc fnlt: rIAR Not'ation: 5617 Permit No; DRBO2O095 Tltpe: DnB-Chg to Appr Plana Parcel No: 2loL092o1OL2 Site Addresg: 1328 \tAfIJ VAIIJEY DR VAIL IJocation ! Tota1 FeeE: S20 - 00 Thia Paymeat: S20.00 Total ALI.. Pmta: $20'00 . Bala.nce: 90.00 f*ti**t*t+t***t*tt+ttaf+ta**ffttt*l*{'+*t*l*a****lla+'fl*f,a****+al**l*l*'l*tt*|itl*l't*llttt*llla* ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGT'I REVIEI'I FEES 20.00 Descri pti on Mr. Bill Gibson Town ofVail April, 5 2002 Dear Bill, I arr submitting the material and fomn in regards to our paint scheme at 1328 Vail Valley Dr. I am submitting a check for $20.00 I have given you the two paint colors that we will use on the exterior. The stucco will be painted white as was the original. I would like to ask for a 60 to 90 day extension on the Developer Improvement Agreement so that we will have tirne to schedule with the two Paint conhactors involved. Thank you. Sincerely, l.\ tz,3 \\c5 b.,-^\ Oote-< t il ,,- \\--,, $s3.00 $0.00 $53.00 s53.00 s0.00 Approvals:Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI lo/25/2oo1, mvaughan Action: AP CONDITIONS OF' APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codesn design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. OI^INER TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMEN 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vAIt., co 81657 970-479-2135 VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ALARM PERMIT Job Address: 1328 VAIt, VALI,EY DR VAIL Location.....: Parcel No...: 210109207012 Project No : KOCH},TAN MARVTN C & ROSAI.IIND 1A/25/2OOL 35 PROSPECT PARK W APT 158 BROOKT,YN NY L7275 Lr-cense: CONTRACTOR TIMBERIJINE EIJECTRONIC SOIJUTII.O/25/2OOI PhONC: 970-925-0999 P.O. BOX 2338 EDWARDS, CO 41632 License:103-S Desciption: install fire alarm system Sarrat residence Valuation: $400.00 ,l ** * *,r* * *,* * *'r ' *,t,t JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: A0l-0055 Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 10125/2001 Issued..: 01107/2002 Expires . .: 07/06/2002 Phone; Electrical-----> DRB Fee-----> Inyestigation---> Will Call-----> TOTAL FEES-.> F50.00 $0.00 s0.00 $3.00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-----> Total Permit F€€------> Payments-------------> BALANCB DU!-_--> 8:00AM-5PM. TURE OF OWNER OR CO CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI o TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8r657 970479-2138 Plan Check-> Investig8tion-> Will Call-----> nlnrl,rsNToF coMMTJNTTY DEVELoTENT Lo{ 1I., 3\K 3 $0.00 Totalcalculat€d Fc€s--> $303.00 $0.00 TOTAL FEES-------> $303.00 Total P€rmit Fes-----> 9303.00 s50. 00 DRB F€e---.-_> s3. o0 s0. 00 Additional Fccs___> BAj.AflcE DUE--> Pa)'ments - > S303.00 90.00 $0 .00 uc,-,.\ D^-t *a 41\,*J \ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCALPERMIT Permit #: M03-0167 Job Address: 1328 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1328 vail valley dr Applied . . : 09110/2003 Parcel No...: 2101092Q7021 Issued . . : 09/1112003 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 03/0912004 OWNER Kirch, Carol Lee 09/L0/20O3 phone: 97O-390-O44L 953 S Frontage Rd w 302 Vail, CO 8L6s7 I-,icense: eoMrRAcToR IVHITE WATER pr_,IrMBINc 09/L0/20O3 phone: 97O-328-3.tO8 P.O. BOX 4290 EAGLE, CO 81531 License I 255-M APPT,ICANT GEORGE SHAEAFER CONSTRUCTTON09/10/2003 phone: 970-845-5656 P O BOX 373 VAIIJ CO 81558 I_,icense: Desciption: snowmelt driveway.. use existing boiler Valuation: $12.000.00 Fireolace Information: Restricted:# ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Loes: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 Mechanical-> $240. 00 Restuarant PIan R€view-> It.em: 05L00 BUIT,DING DEPARII{ENT 09/10/2003 ,fRl4 Action: AP IIEn: O55OO FIRB DEPARII{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BIJDG.): FIEI.,D INSPECTToNS ARE REQUIRED ?o cHEcK FoR coDE COMPIJIA}ICE. Cond: 22 (BI-,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IJI4C, OR SECTION 701 0F THE L997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BL,,DG.): INSTALTATION MUST CObIFORM TO MANTTFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AlrD TO CHAPTER 10 oF TIIE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 is,,oc.'l ; GAS Appr.,rAllcEs sHeOsr \rEl{TED AccoRDrNG To crrApr* 8 ArirD 'HAIJIT TERMTNATE AS SPECIFTED rN SEC.8O5 OF TIIE 199? I]MC, OR CHAPTER I OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BIJDG'): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1OL7 OF THE 1997 I'MC AI{D EHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BL,DG.): BOII-,ERS SIIALL BE MOIINIED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIAIJE CONST. IINITESS ITISTED FOR MOIINTfNG ON COMBUSTIBIJE FLOORTNG. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PLAT,IS AIID CODE ANAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AII INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BI-,DG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHAIIICAL ROOMS COIITAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SIIPPIY BOIITERS SIIAIIJ BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THB 1997 IrMC, OR sEcTroN 1004.6 0F TI{E 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requiredo completed an accurate plot plan, and strate that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR T 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. GNATURE OF OWNER NTRACTOR FORHIMSELF AND OWNET * *+*+***** * + '| 'l' * ** t+ttt l++ ****'t*t*t**'t*** *'t'lr*'i* i +*a+l a l***** **** **+'i{.t' ** * ** **'r* +{. * *** ****+ +*+ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Starement *****+ ****i+alltfl + f't*'l **** +t* * *i** *******l *lllat ll +f++rff********* *****l|*tr*******+ +*++++t+ + statenent Number: R030004668 Amor:nt: $303.00 o9/tL/2oo3oLz29 rJMl Palment Method: Cheek Init: DG Notation: Whieewater P & H 1073 9 Pemit No: M03-0167 T14le: MECHANICAIJ PERMfT ParceL No: 2LOT09207O2L Site Address: 1328 VAIL VAL,L,EY DR VAIL Irocation3 1328 vail valley dr Total Fees: S303,00 This Pa)ment 3 $303.00 Total AJ,Ir pmts: S3O3.o0 Balance: $0.00 +*++f+*+++++++*******f**l'*+'lt'i***t**++lr*'i***++t*flaltftt****++***+**+*lr'i***'i**********'i***+* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO31111OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 24O.OO PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 60.00 I.IC OO1OOOO31128OO hJILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO I AP MWNWVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 H CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUA FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT bor & Materials Tp\ MECHANICAL: S t2)OD, O Cut/Spec Sheets Contact Assessorc Offie at 970-328-8640 or visit for Patel S earcet * r?/D/?2OZ ya, naName;(42 %eoj Job Address:, T)Y n /. 4//4btil" Lesaf pescription llrct fi ll elo"roA67ll rilins'suuivision.h.M4#".* ownersNan{ ruh^ lLeaaress,iffiW Engineer:Address:LJ ll Phone: Detailed descriotion of work:N? v J' t(lo' o(-/Aoo*#W or.@,"rf,T- Repair( ) Other( )Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Boiler Location; Interior ([ Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) *o X Typeof Bldg: Single-family( ) Duplexff Nutti-famity( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 2 No. of Accommodation Units in this Uuildingt 2 Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas LoSs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? yes ( t Noa ) \WAiI\dAIS\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITSU\4ECHPERM. DOC 07t2612002 o r! t+tl [' ITE o eR-26-94 63 :32 At4 HH 1'IATER PLUl'IB I NG 97 2€356e a4 o P.61 P. O. BOX 1290 EAGLE, COLORADO E163I Phone: (970) 32S370A Fax (970)320-9g68 Falr Tor GREG DENCKIA Fnm: JACKSIBLEY Frr! 4794452 Drto 3-25-04 Fhonq 479.2138 lor KIRSCHMECH.INgpECTtON tr U6cnt E Forlwbw tr llarlr Conrncnt tr ltrrrc Reply E ?hart tccycb rGommrnlrt Glrgt After your lart ylrlt to thc Ktrcch Rcrtdcncc at l32g vall valtcy Drlvc, (pcrmlt #Mos0l6z) you rcque.tcd thet wc provlde you with e comburtlon enrlynlr ior thc nrw boller. pberr r.vrcw th.ettachcd. I havc tevlawed ths Inrtalta$on Inrtructionr lor thc powrr vcnt ry*em end ccc whorr you found the mtrtehc. At thc ilnc of lnstellatlon w. w.rr rcplaclng en ldrnflcel powcr vcnt unlt thet had brcn In placo for rneny yeatr. Plcerc let mo know wlrrt cbc I can do to rcrolvt thb metter. Thankrr Jrck Slblcy I 1'1AR-26-44 03:32 Atl EI{ATER PLUME I NG e"b32e336e HIT o P.A2 HfIT GHs FT G0af EFF ID c0e Extg DE DEFT HT 135. 1 .fg Eg. 4 ts g,l gls. 7 --1!:1 67. ? oF Eo' Ert 'r fi lpneo "*Y E?3(aftz Bzg ult t u4t-t4,5 0nfua- Ir .tr I ,r-ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departsnent of Community Developnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxt 970.479,2452 web: www.ci.vall.co,us Protect Name: Kirch Residence DRB Number: DR8030375 ProJect Descrlptlon: replace odsting driveway with gray blend concrete pavers and add snow meft. Add 4'x23'x6' concrete pan with 2" invert and no heat Partidpants: OWNER Kirch, CarolLee 0910212003 Phone: 970-390-fi41 953 S Fruntage Rd W 302 Vail, CO 81657 License: APPUCANT GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCIION09/02/2003 Phone; 970-84s-s656 P O BOX 373 VAIL CO 81658 License: Project Address: 1328 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: Legal Description! lot: 22 Block 3 Subdivislon: Vail Valley Fil 1 Parcel Number: 210109207021 Comments: SeeConditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Actlon: SIAFFAPR Se6nd By:vot€: DateofAPPrcval: 09/10/2003 @ndlUons: Cond:8 (pLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revlevr committee(s). Condl 0 (pLAN): DRB approval does not aonstltuE a permlt for bulldlng. Please onsult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activitles. @nd: CON0006116 The appllcant shall construct the flares on the edges of the concrete pan of concretel not asphalt as proposed. Condr CON0006117 The appllcant shall palnt the new e)(haust vents for the boiler,whlch is located within the garage, to match the palnt color of the wall' o Campbell ,t i o DRB Fee Pald: $20.00 Planner: Warren t ^ - r-l 'ln'n t - t r4h{)flll :.- V - i/ ILLU a'w't t 1l i_t T0l4fti0I li,Alt project may also need to be reviewed by tlre Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. belign review approval lapses untess a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Location of the Proposal: Lot:-Block:- Subdivision: Physical Address:tTzg t/i,l . Ua (.2 De_- tl I I Application for Design RevieM \l,tUtUtt1, Wfr>tt,.4 it ,, | | /1" Departmentof c-ommunityDevetopment '/'tflVfp ' /Wk 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 hftl$MILW r:tis7o.47i.2r3e tax:e70.47e.2452 ,r. I . | ,. web: www.ci.vair.co.us - llrwip rn?,N,ty n. Generarrnrormation: WFfuU fut! d, Wft:trtl All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit apflication. - Please ' i "i I -t refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review i1k LQnl nf cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The t I u/U l\LY - Owner(s) Signature(s) : Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: )D bqU4OU (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of owner(s): Lec- Ki sc- r+- Mailing Address: ?f-j {--r,+ tr+-^t4+- eo qLt\ [/At1 7te s? Phone: sqq - o4.{ I l" Phone:gcJ{-{L{G 8#r- tsls $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee 9650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addrtion where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addiUons & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing. painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as. reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans alre-ady qpproved by Planning Staff or the Design Reviery-Board.-'- - - - ..- .- ,_ E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs El Conceptual Review E New Construction D Addition Minor Alteration (m ulti-fam ily/com mercia l) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans tr s ! C Description of the Requesti For Office_Use Only:i"ip"iit'?.o,; ' checkNo.: 2 Application Date: Planner: $20 (} \ 'Parcel p etail E*gl,E.,pffiuruw l"*.lr site indexll colnt,i cont3cts ll sEARcH t------ =] EI Page 1 of3 Elected officials?Caunty services 'r Visitors t Communitv ! Eagle County AssessorlTreasurer Parc€l Detail Information Assessor/Treasurer Property Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Bastc Building Characteristics I Tax Information Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residential/Commercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail l want to,,, v 2LOIO920702L 45.853 Owner f{ame and Addr€ss KIRCH, CAROL LEE 953 S FRONTAGE RD W 302 VAIL, CO 81557 Legal Description Location Physical Address:1278 VAIL VALLEY RD VAIL Subdivision:WESTBYE DUPLEX Acres:0,21 Property Tax Valuation Information :WESTBYE DUPLEX LOT:A BK-0281 PG-0678 DEC 02-08-79 BK-0281 PG-0679 MAP 02-08-79 8K-0281 PG-O762 DEED 02-08-79 BK-0289 PG-0053 DEC 07-31-79 http://www.eagle-county.com/GoodturnVassessor/Parcel.asp?AccountNumber-R047096 09/02t2003 I Farcel petail .? I Page2 of3 Sale Date:5/23/2003 Sale Price:2,400,000 Basic Building Characteristics Residential Building Occurrance 1 Characteristics MAIN FLOOR AREA:1,898 SPEC COND:0 SPEC CD: DECK:255 HEATED AREA: ABSTMCT CODE:SINGLE FAM. RES.IMPROVEMTS ACT YEAR BLT:L979 AIRCOND:NONE ARCH SryLE:2 STORY BATHS:5 BEDROOMS: BUILDING TYPE:DUP-TRIPLEX CONST_QUAL:GOOD ECON OBS:n EFF_YEAR_BLT:7979 EXTERIOR WALL:WD SID AVG EXTERIOR WALL:FR STUCCO FIXTURES:11 FLOOR:CARPET INV FLOOR:SHT VINYL FRAME:WOOD FRAME I FUNC oBS:n IIEAtINb FUEL:ELECTRIC HEATING TYPE:ELE.B/B INTERIOR-WALL:ALL LOCATION_ADJ: NEIGH BORHOOD:AIL VALLEY ROOF COVER:DAR SHAK ROOF STRUCTURE:LElHIP ROOMS: STORIES:ES 2.0 Number of Resldentlal Bulld Number of Comm/Ind Build http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodtums/assessor/Parcel.asp?AccountNumber=R047096 09/0212003 Parcel betail Page 3 of3 Tax Information AIL CORE, L.H., GOLFCOURSE Tax Year Transaction Type Amount 1998 Tax Amount $3,182.38 1998 Tax Payment: First Half l re I rgge Tax Payment: Second Half ($1,591.19) t 1rm Tax Amount $3,196.92 | 1999 |I Tax Payment: Ftrst Half | 1999 |Tax Payment: Second Half ($1^5r836il I 2000 |Tax Amount 2000 Tax Payment: First Half t$1"6ttGt 2000 Tax Payment: Second Half ($ 1"648J8)] 2001 Tax Amount $t,os?.?sl 2001 Tax Payment: First Half ($1^sr8sr)-l 2001 Tax Payment: Second Half ($1^5resgl 2002 Tax Amount $3"rr]:c 2002 Tax Payment: Whole ($32rr-16t 2002 Interest Charqe $r.2Tl 2002 Interest Payment ($E t Top of Page Assessor Database S€arch Options I Treasurer Database Search Options Contact us by phone: (970)328-8640, in Colorado (800)225-6136 By mail: Eagle County Assessor, 500 Broadway, PO BOX 449. Eagle, CO 81631 or by email The Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices make every effort to collect and maintain accurate data. However, Good Turns Software and the Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices are unable to warrant any of the information herein contained. Copyrlght @ 2001 Good Turns Software, All Rights Reserved. Database & Web Deslgn by Good Turns Software. http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodturns/assessor/Parcel.asp?AccountNumber-R047096 09t02t2003 t \ I ( \t a ) e- [< -j=s);-/. ,c 6 -> cc C'l 'l 4^.. C,' J q _9 t] tl .t <- - 'ir-\,>_/ "::= '1 .:a=-- *... -:' ; . ,t'I .n "l rj >, fiWN OFVAN. DESIGN RE\XTBJV fiWNOFV SrnFfnne-noVru \a't ,A n1 \q-10-o) ' . o AR.AEE 'o - F.-e. BrLEei -U-t\est,qeHA\Eer< -SttowSH={ rt Doryrg$1c- Tair+gs U t3ag Vsru UursY DRI'{P q' CHr-r \lp__ I I O DEPARTMENToFCoMMU*rrCr*ropMENr TOWNOFV.&IL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Investiga tion-> willcdl--> $0.00 (gcteationFee----> 93 . 00 Clean-up Deposit------> $0 .00 $98.10 Total Permit Fee---:> $3,799.10 $0.00 Payments------;' $3,?99.10 90. 00 Plan Check-> $1,3?8.00 DRB Fee- ....-> $2oo-00 Additional Fees--> TOTAL FEE$------> S3.7ee.10 BALANCE DUE-> 0.^\o.^|t{ \ -B\\Ls U.Ffe NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Permit #: 801,-0064 Job Address: 1328 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1328 Vail Valley Drive Applied . . : 04/09/2001, Parcel No...: 21.0109207012 Issued. .. : 04/17/2001, Project No : Expires . ..: t0/14/2001 CoNTRACTOR RESORT CONCEPTS RENOVATION Oq/Og/ZOOL phone: 970-949-9432 P.O. Box 4 675 37347 HW,. 5, Ste. 206 Avon, CO 81620 License: 203 -A APPIJICANT RESORT CONCEPTS RENOVATION 04/09/TOOL PhONC: 970-949-9432 P. O. Box 4 575 3734'7 Hlv''y. 6, Ste. 206 Avon, CO AL62O License: 203 -A oSINER SARRATT ArJEx & sARjN{ o4/Lo/2ool phone: I-,icense: Description: REMODEI, WITH ADDITION Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction:V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation: $4M,570.00 Add Sq Ft 654 FireDlace Information: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas llgs: 0 f of Wood Pellet Building-> $2, 120 .00 Restuarant Plar Review->S0. 00 Total Calculated Fees-> $3 , 799. 10 Approvals:I€e'm: 05L00 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 04/o9/2ooL Lc Action: No Routed to 'JRM o4/to/200a JRItt Acrion: No PLANS ROII:rED TO BIIJIJ o4/L6/2ool trEI4 Action: AP Iten: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT I4/L3/2OOL bg Action: APPR Item: 05500 FrRE DEPARTMEI{T Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS ,o4/t7./2ooL Is 19 Acrion: cotlD rF ANy woRK t DoNE oI{ DRrvEwAy, A 4ii coNcRETE pAN w/ 2u rrwERr rs" __,___*_:::_t_T:_,*.r****i*--rffi--*1---**,****,,****----*-***********--i*** *ffi-***,***--ffir,*,** See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inforrration required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforrration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state liaws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivjsion codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUXSTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:fl) AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: n/a OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET o o PAGE 2 ***ffi *ffi **|H******ffi ***********rffi *#*****!**H!t#***ffi rttffi ****H***#ffi ***.r!ffi Per:rrit #: 801{054 CONDMONSOF APPROVAL as of 0$17-2001 Status: ISSUED t(ffi ***#***#*trt!t#rffi *#tntrH*****ffi ffirtrtrtr****tr#* Permit Type: ADD/ALTSFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 04/09/2007 Applicanh RESORT CONCEPTS RENOVATION isiued: 04,/17/2007 970-949-9432 ToExpire: 70/74/2001, ]ob Address: 1328 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: 1328 Vail Valley Drive ParcelNo; 210709207012 Description: REMODELWITHADDITION **!*********************r******************r***** COnditiOnS *********!t*********t#*****rtffi***{it* Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOIVIS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.5.1 OF THE 1997 LIBC. {.***l'***:f +**f *+*+*******++l**t++**+ *'i****{.*t * * * ** * * ** * a** * ** * * Q * * + ** *+,t ** * * * r.* ** ** ** t , TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO- Statement * ***** ** + *+ t*+++ a+ * * * ++'i*:l* ** ** *t + ++* * * * *** ** ** +*r +*r f++*t* ******* *****+ + | i** ****+** *+*'l++*+ Statement Nuhber: R000000508 Amount: Pa)ment Method: Check $3,799.10 04/t7 /2O0LL0:30 Arr{ Init: LC Notation: #1154/ReBort Concepta Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : L,ocation: This Payment: 801- 0054 2LOLO92070t2 1328 VAIIJ VAI,IJEY DR VAII.I 1328 VaiI Valley Drive ' 93, 79s .LO Descri pti on BUlLDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FETS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL ]NSPECTION FEE Tot'al Fees: ToIaI ALL Pmt6 : Balance: T)4TE: ADD/AJ,T SFR BUILD PERMTT $3 , 7e9.10 $3, 7e9.10 $o. oo ******'*****++**!t**** ******f*rlt***** **'r**********************+***f ****'*****+*++*************** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Curnent Pmts BP 00100003111100 DR 00100003112200 PF 00100003112300 RF 111000031i2700 t.lc 00100003112800 2,7?0 .00 200.00 1 , 378. 00 98. 10 3.00 t o APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLET€ OR UNSIGNED o\-o6 7l rcvN0pviln Building Permit #: Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc,l 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ir 376-@z COMPLETE VATUATIONS FOR BUITDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUTLDTNG: $ 382, 670. OO ELECTRTGAL: S /cafl. eo ffi;"Ft g7eao.o PLUMBING: S /t OeO, po MECHANICAL: S SCOOA.9o rorAl: $ 4T1t'. S70.oo For Parcel #Assessors Offrce at 970-328-8640 or visit o/of Lo 'ti**parcelnumbeD Job Name: 5a-"o/f Ec*"/"/JobMdress:1325 /alk Dr Filing: Address: /3Zg Va.r/Va Detailed descriotion of ,') n w/srt*[ca//,ar& a'#a WorkClass: New() AdditionlQ Remodel ffi Repair( ) Demoffi Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ft) No ( )Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (X) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family X) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Ofter ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: GasLoos( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurni Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( )Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes *****************************dr**r.**rr**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************** of Construction: F :/everyone/forms/bldgperm RECDAPRO92OOl I o ft llr * "'Trl'f o Date: March3l.200l To: Alex & Flora Sarran From: Ted Leach. Reson Concepts Renovations Re: Project Scope SARRATT RESIDENCE LOT ]J, BLOCK ]. FIRST FILTNC IJ28 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE VAIL, EACLE COUNTY. COLORADO PROJECT SCOPE l. Demo lower level stairs, closet walls. bathroonrs. and mechanrcal roorn Demo upper level bath, kitchen. loli. trreplace and specil'ied exterior walls Renrovc all flooring. trirr. tvindows. and doors throughour the horrsc I EKcavate and prep tbr added foundation and drrvervay snorvnrck (lrcate tbundarion and SOC for new additrorr i. Frame addition, stairs, interior walls, trreplacc. and expandcd masrer bedroom. Install decks and exterior rails lnstall new windows and doors .1. Rcpair stucco and siding. i Roof entire building with ccdar shinglcs 6 lnstall new heat svslem. upgrade electrrcal and rough-rn plrrrrrhrnu 7 tlang new dryrvall rn additions and slip.tro*cl linish cntrrc rrrtcrror !{ lnstall limcstonc in lorvcr lcvel hall. clo\cr\ bathro()ln. stairs. arrd nrasrcr bath. Insrall tilc in laundry nxrar Install wood tloorrng throughout uppcr lcvcl Install carper In lowcr bcdroonls. srairs ro loli. and loti 9 Sct nerv cabinets in kitchcn. baths. and larrnrln rtxrnl Install rrtxrd counrcnops in kitchen, granite tops rn trarh.l0 Replacc wood burning f ireplace wtth qa\ rn,icn | | Install stone mantel and surrouncr ll lnstall decorativc bcams in krtchen and lrvrn{ roorrr ccrlrrrg:lj. Wrap beams and install handrails. bascboard, door.rnd windorl casrns l.l. lnstall new gas line. 15. Install snow-melt in driveway and replace cxisring trrick pavers 16. F.xcavate. prep. and pour slab for back pario area 17. Paint and stain inrerior and exterior rrim 3/34/ Hwy 6.Ste 206.Orawer4675. Avon. Cotorado g1620 9/0 949 9432 . Fax 970 949 9/5S E'marl rs5qrl@ Tgsorlconcepls com o TOI,UV Project Name: Project Description: o Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depaftment of Community Developrnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479-2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us DRB Number: DRB0I0017 New entry, bedroom extension, balcony addition, window alterations. Pafticipants: OWNER ALEXANDER & FLOM SARMTT OLlLglzOOl Phone: 476-1061 1328 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 License: APPLICANT ALEMNDER & FLOM SARMTT OIll9l20Ol Phone: 476-1061 l32B Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 8r657 License: Project Address: t35B VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 2l-E Block: 3 Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY Parcel Number: 210109207020 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION MoUon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Pierce Woldrich 4-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 02/07/2001 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Planner: Brll Grbson DRB Fee Paid: 950.00 o Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. 2227 Canyon Blvd., Suite 155, Boulder, CO 80302 Phone: (303) 449-1175 Fax: (303) 975-5675 March 31,2001 Mr. Alex Sarrat 1328 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 SUBJECT:Asbestos Bulk Sampling Results 1328 Vail Valley Drive, Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Sarrat: Attached is the report for the bulk sampling of suspect asbestos-containing materials at 1328 Vail Valley Drive, Vail, Colorado. Ifyou have any questions regarding the contents ofthis report, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Ch/h*^ Chris Maron Project Manager Asbestos*Lead*Industrial Hygiene*Safety*Final Air Testing *Health and Safety Training C:\W[NDOWS\Desktop\lnspections\ 1328 Vail Valley Dr- Vail 81657 - Alex Sarrat 3-30-0l.docCreated on 3l3ll200l4:38 AM BoulQ Environmental Manag.rn.nf n.. 2227 Canyon Blvd., Suite 155, Boulder, Colorado 80302 Phone: (303) 449-l175 Fax: (303) 975-5675 BULK SAMPLING REPORT FOR 1328 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE, VAIL, COLORADO Introduction: On January 9, & March 30, 2001, Boulder Environmental Management, Inc.'s building inspector, Chris Maron, conducted an asbestos-containing materials survey. The purpose of the survey was to identifo asbestos containing materials (ACM) and materials presumed to contain asbestos (PACM) as defined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Sampling: Bulk sampling was performed under the direction of Boulder Environmental Management, Inc.'s client for renovation purposes. Other materials not tested must tle presumed to be asbestos containing. During the sampling process, suspect ACM was separated into three EPA categories. These categories are thermal system insulation (TSI), surfacing ACM, and miscellaneous ACM. TSI includes all materials used to prevent heat loss or gain or water condensation on mechanical systems. Examples of TSI are pipe coverings, boiler insulation, duct wrap, and mud packed fitting cement. Surfacing ACM includes all ACM that is sprayed, trowelled, or otherwise applied to a surface. These applications arc most commonly used in fireproofing, decorative and acoustical applications. Miscellaneous materials include alt ACM not listed in the thermal system insulation or surlacing categories, such as linoleum, vinyl asbestos flooring, and ceiling tile. Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. followed EPA recommended sampling guidelines for identification of asbestos in bulk matrices. A set of three (3), five (5), or seven (7) samples were collected for each material type and analyzed by Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM). Each sample set was systematically analyzed,. Upon determination that a sample in a set contained asbestos, analysis of the remaining samples in the set was discontinued. Ifno asbestos was detected during the analyses, the suspect material was determined to be negative for asbestos content. Asbestos* Lead* Industrial Hygiene*Safety* Final Air Testing *Health and Safety Training B oulO Environmental Manag.*"nQn". 2221 Canyon Blvd., Suite 155, Boulder, Colorado 80302 Phone: (303) 449-l I75 Fax: (303) 975-5675 Results: The following materials were analyzed and determined to be non asbestos-containing utilizing polarized light microscopy (PLM). NON ASBESTOS-CONTAINING MATERIALS D iscussion: Sample analyses results are reported in percentages of asbestos and non-asbestos components. The EPA defines any material that contains greater than one percent (l%) asbestos, utilizing PLM, as being an asbestos containing material. Materials that are identified as "non detected" are specified as not containing asbestos. Conclusion: Three texture, drywall, and joint compound samples were determined to be non- asbestos containing. The flooring is ceramic and is laid on a wooden substrate. Ceramic tiles are not suspected of containing asbestos. These materials may be demolished as non-asbestos containing materials, The laboratory reports supporting these frndings are attached. Applicable state, federal, and local environmental regulations stipulate that all "friable" asbestos containing building materials, 'materials that can be crumbled by hand pressure', be removed or abated before being demolished or disturbed. Please contact Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. with any questions or concerns regarding this report. Sincerely, Chris Maron (AHERA Building Inspector 046-50- I 457) Asbestos*Lead*Industrial Hygiene*Safety* Final Air Testing *Health and Safety Training MATERIAL LOCATION SAMPLE ID trowelled texture/drywalV joint compound lt'duplex wall next to refrigerator, wall next to refrigerator, wall next to refrigerator, l-9-cM-07c l-9-cM-08c r-9-cM-09c trowelled texture/drywall/ joint compound\ same texture 2no duplex closet under stairs at entry, upstairs bedroom wall 3-30-CM-0rA 3-30-CM-02A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION CHRIS MARON Has completed the U.5. EPA/State of Colorado Accredited A.H.E.R.A./ A.S.H.A.R.A. This course is EPA-approved under Section 206 of the Toxic Substances Control Act IISCA) and meets the requirements of Colorado Regulation No. 8. AS B E STO S rNS PECTOIVN4ANAG EMENT PLANNER RECERTIFICATION and has passed the required exam in the discipline October 6, 2000 Course Dates IMPR046501457 October 6,2007 Certification Number Expires FRONT RANGE COMMUMTY COLLEGE AC tl\ Environmental Health & Salety Training Center rn0tuT RAil8E c0ururrrY cor!Eg€ €G.r.ls s. D'e...trt 3645 l{est 1 12th trysn,rsoltrnlminster, CO 8003 t 303-404-5J27 Authorized Signature ASBESTOS CERTIFICATION ST '.rr!".1.::"j,i{l \ ,+ii" 4 'i'"at'-''E 1r^''a.o',gui- '.t$ri\ii i:+t.sai;;iii dlfr; , and hereby e: P-I ::.:' ' Issued: 1011912000 Expires: 1011912001 ' Thls_ ccttifrutc ls taltd only vlth thc posscssbn of currca aHEf'/. ctrflfcatlon in thc discipline speclfied abow. Record Number: 7657. '.'1.,'r:'':"