/o'1t 1rt""o"31 ,,r*r, "r"tto'--')EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO
WHEI1EAS, \rail Associates ' Inc '
is the owner of the follorving described
to as Subject Land):
, a Colorado CorPoration
land (hereinafter referred
A part of Tract B, Vail Village, Firsl Filing, Town of Vail' Eagle
County, Colorado described as:
Filing, said Corn"i-l"ing the intersection of the South night-of-
way lind of U.S. frighway No. 61td the East line of the Northwest
one-quarter of S.;;i;;:-8, Township 5 southl-1"19"-80 west of the
6th Principal Meridian; thence n 7g'46'W 983'16 feet along the-
Northerly line of Vail Village, First Filing, said line being the
52u tr{ 348.83 feet to ih" tr,r. poinh of-beglnning; thence S 79o04'
0B', E 200,00 teel; irh.r]". N 62;52 | E 66.78 feet more or l'ess to a'
point on a 130 foot radius curve on the tr{esterly line of Gore creek
i.;;A "= platted in Vail village, Fifth Filing; thence along said
Westerly f ine on
-lrro .o1rr""r, - if l Southeasterly 34.12 feet along
the arc of said ""i"" to the lefL'whose central angle is 15"02'25"
and vrhose long chord bears s 34o44'4g.5" 8 34.03 feet to a point of
tu"q""t; ana iZ) S 42"16'02" E 50.00 feet; thence S 62o19'38" W
139.66 feet; tlrence N.79"04'08,, Id 200.00 feet; thence N 6o26'52,'
E 100.00 feet *oi" o. Iess to the true point of beginni'g, contain-
ing 28,32I .07 square feet or 0'6502 acres more or less'
referred to as Owner, has placed ce::tain restrictlons on the
use of the Tracts, Biocks ind Lots of the vail village First I'iling
for the benefit. oi ti-t. Ownerf and its respective grantees, success-
ors and assignsr--aid .restrictions being fi1ec1-of record in the
number 179.
restrictions on the use of the subject Land for the benefit of the
owner and j.ts respective grantees, successors and assigns, in order
to further establish and fraintain the ciraracter ancl value of
real estate in the vicinity of the Town of Vail'
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises' Vail
Associates, Inc., for itself ancl its grantees, successors and assigns,
does hereby impose, establish, publish, acknowleclge' declare.and.
ug."" withl to and for the benefit of al-I persons who may hereafter
purchase or lease and from time to time so ov/n or hold the Subject'
Land in VaiI Vili"g., Fit"t Filing, that it.owns and holds all of
the subject Land ii vair viltage,-iirst Filing, sublect_ to. the {?rr-
"ri"S i6stri"t:-ons ' covenants, and conditions ' all of which shall
be deemed to run ivith the land and to inure to the benefit of and
1.1- No use of the Subject Land shall conflict with
or violate any provisi6n of the "Protective Covepants
of Vail Villaqe, First Filing, Eag1e County, Colorado"
as recorded in Book 174 at pige L79 of the recortls of
the Clerk anc1 Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado
L.2 The Subject Land shall be used, held and.maintained
in good ordei antl condition by the Town of Vai-l (subject
to 6xisting or recorded easements and rights of_way)
for use at all Limes as a vacant and undisturbed open
area in its naturai condition and no structure' building'-r improvement of any kind or character, whether temporary
or pe;nanent, may bc erected o:r rnaintained thereon!
1.3 Improvements necessary, desirable or convenient
i"i t["'provision and mainlenance of utility services may
be consLructed and maint.ained Lhrough or under the subject
Land; provided that said inprovements shall not cause
permanlnt disruption or alteration to the surface of the
Subject Land; and
1.4 No part of the Subject Land sha1l be used for pic-
nickingr- camping or overnight stays by any person or per-
sons. Nor shalL there be permitted within or upon the
Subject Land any informal or organized public or private
gathering or any other act by any person or perso-ns ' which
in the jrldgment of owner, att-d th- appropriate of ficials
of the Town of vail may deface, alLer, destroy pr damage
the landscaping,-v-getltion or aesthetic value of the
Subject Lanil or litter iLs surface '
1.5 No vehicular traffic or parking of any. kind. or
nalure shal1 be fermittecl upon, across or through the
Subject Land.
The conditions, restrictions, stiputations, agreements
and covenants conliinea herein strltl not be waived'
iUinaonea, terminaied or amended except by wriLten consent
of both Vail Associates' Inc' and the Town of Vail to be
filed of record
of Eagle County,
' Executed
Colorado. r-
,ni" .J{n Fa^v ., ff:q,lod.-,re7t.
in the office of the Clerk and Recorder
Vail Associates, fnc., a
Colorado Corpgration.
-) / /_d
b)' Richard L. Peterson
instrument was acknowledqed before The
me this
' /'l /,1 day of (. Lr.-<<-"-t.L , L9 A/ ,. ,l v as Presid.ent and Larr!' E. gtrricrht as
Assistant Secretary of VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC.
WITNESS my hand and official sea1.
. Peterson,
AIvID}iDilENT ,I'o
. I PROTDCTIVE COVDNAT.ITS . ! r -.-oF---=-*--c -_---(VAIL vTLLAGE, FrRsr rrr,ilid-r - EA@r
1S to
WHEREAS, Vail_Associat.es, Inc., a the ov,,ner of the folloving descriib"d as Subject Land):
_ Colorado corporation,land (hereinafter referrecl
That, portion of Block 5_C Vail Viflagc first. Filinq
Commonly knov,,n as Wall Str6et
- WHEREAST.VaiI AssociaLes, Inc., hereinafter sometimes referred to as oi.,'ner, has praced certain restrictions on ilre use of the Tracts, Bl0cks ;nd Lots of the vail Village, First Filing for the benefit of the or.,ur and its r-spective grantees,successor-s and assig's, said restrrctions be_ng'filed oi ,""oiJ'in the Eagle county, cororado records at, book iumuer 174 and at,page number 179
WHEREAS, owner desires to prace certain additionar restrictions on the use of the su6ject i,u"a-i"r*Lrre nenetit of the orvner and its respective grant.ees, successors and assig.ns,in order to furLhe. .it.bri"r-t'u"a nai_ntain the character and value of rear estate in the vicinity of the Town of Vair.
NOi{ TI'TEREFORE' in consideration of the premises, vail Associates, rnc-, for itself and its-gri"t.;;','li.".""ors and assigns, does hereby impose, establisfi, purrii"hl ack.oruredge,declare and agree vri{--h,-to and ior the'rlnefii of arr persons rvho may hereaf ter purchase or l_ease ancl from time -to time so orvl.r or hold. the surject Land in Vair vi]rage, Firsl-r,iring, that it or',ns and holds alr or the subject r-,and,i; +.li-;irilgJ, Firsr Filins,subject to the follor.,ring-.e"tri"iions, covenants, ancl conditions,all of which shar-r be ct6emed to run rtrith the iu"6 .rra to inure to grantees, successors and assiQ.ns:
1.1-. No use of the Subject Land shall conflict vrith or viol-ate anv pi:ovisioi of rhe "pi"io"ti;;-;;;";"nrs of Vail Vi11d9€, f,irst.Fil.ing, Eagle County, Colorado,, as recorded in book 174 at perge r7e of the record.s-of the Clerk and Recorder of fagfe County, Coloraclo;
r'2' The subject La'cl sharr be used, herd ancr maintained in good order ancl conditj.on (subject to e"i"li.o-o. ,"_corded easeme'rs and righrs of rviy)-f;; il;li;"i.e o'1y as a.pedcstrian thorotiglifare and'as access for vehicles serving the occupants of builclings _fronting on trre subject Land; the Subject Land may be paried, and i,ipi"v"ni"nt=
necessary, desirable or convenient for the provision and maintenance of ut.ility services to adjalent or other nearby fa'ds may be constructed ancl maintained through or undcr the subject Land, provided that said utility improvernents sharl not cause permancnt disrup-tion or alteration to the surface of ttre subject Land.
I.3. No part of the Subject Land shall be used for camping or overnight stays by any person or persons.Nor shalr- there be permitted-witirin or upon ihe surrject Land any informal or organized puirlic or private gathering or any other act by any person or persons,which in the judgment of vail Rsioli-ates, rn;.l and the appropriate officials of Lhe Town of Vail rnay deface,alter,. desLroy or-damage the landscaping, velet,ation or aesthetic value of the subject Land or iitt"i its surface.
1.4. No structure, either ternporary or pernanent, shall be erected, constructed or peririttei to iemain on the subject Land. except decorative items consistent with use of the Subject Land as a pedestrian thoroughfare.
1.5. No vehicular traffic or r
t,.tefe, except
;:f,I:i:=':"#i:il3 :f""3l"lill.3'",-buildings fronting on the Subject Laid, sha1l b" per_mitted upon, across, or througl, the Subject land.
The conditions, restrictions, stipulations, agree-ments and covenants contained herein stratt not be-waived,abandoned, terminated or amended except by written consent of both vail Associates, rnc. and the-Torvi of Vail to be filed of record in the office of the crerk and Recorder of
Eagle County, Colorado.
Executed this --.,-,')
* day of t;F-2{ , rgzt.
Colorado corporaLion
eterson, President
State of Colorado)County of Eagle )
Witness my hand and seaf
My Comrnission expires
before me this L. Peterson as
"r 3 . El
'- . |J . o! o-a . O -{ ! 0 rn O - O C ! U Jr+1 O l-\ o ! -'| (J .C -{ l-. o 14 tr.{ . C a, O 0, ,15 0, +, -{ 4 O +f LlO tJ ut c., .,,,-.. rJUOU'CO/!-{('L .C}r,4> C tlj 9-]u.[{rr O cJuuocJ! >>. crr.ljoO,jj- t'l qJ:rorjn ('{J -ud'Ju| ql ! J: '.-1 UU br-ltr.r6a99 ,r>Ooard !,1 CJo ! rJ lnc"u o !: (taj o{dcju oo -tu oocr-ikc,J -{!-ia Ll +, ocu sl '{ cl{('vl-| 6c, o .-.t{o.rrr !1 ! du}arE}drt rd rJ F J{J\>-{n c, rr -{ Il, iL t L, 'r .{o't|.{ o.J L1 11 ULa.? .Judr: k a-t,o o ! -J O, 'tt >r'tJ.J |J +J tt o11 cac .c Lrr'lalJ/-ttc .J r{ -t A --1 .' H !E lr.d rJ ao 'i.ccuc*l c !'t o -.r . u -l iJ (j|1 ! i.r o x -.1 -r Ll ! c -Q H a -J t'. u o{ cJ r-'t Ir ! -{ d o .u l| {D F rg o "o --< a E t t O t7 u -{ o d.d ! d o !: ! u c,, o|-q 0, tu = q, u I A < :,r-{ O 0, o O 4 (J } . (r ro ]J > C o 0., o.r u: O UO!{r.'{k .co. A{J'-{oCqrt t!.!0.f {JJl kCa 0J o a C.t qJ.q ', U cJ .J ! Urt O-{CcJ>O q
-{ oU ll {J Q ! !r rJ CJ . r.! C C -r k Q !clC'dUA A !rd16.{C,r{! |5!rc . O e OlOE.t CdU ,l -r.Ctnino rlE Arr.cA !C ,:l .J J L ur {u d e b rJ :J rJ ! r-1 J cJ tnl.l tr U O .C t{ .{ (! O CJ '.1 O {J l) O.' - ft 4,, q.
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