HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 2 GENERAL LEGAL.pdfShapiro Construction Company April 18, J979 John Laut Colorado State Forest Servlce CoLorado State Unlverslty Fort Colllns, Colorado 80523 Dear lfr . Laut : r am wrltlng to you because r became aware of your expertlse ln preventlng daoage to aspen groves through the aEtached arficle. shaplro conscructlon co. ls a major bullder In Ehe vall area and has recenEly completed, ln che prevlous bullding season, soute conscructlon which vras seE l-n the nlddle of an aspen grove. we are beglnning a new development in the suooer of 1981 whlch w111 be spread throughou! a flve acre aspen forest. Our coopany is deslrous of cooperating wlth your agency in any preventive steps or corrective steps that nay be taken in the area perlpheral to this constructlon so as to mlnlnlze lts lurpact on the aspen forests r.rlthln our property as well as contlguous theret.o. I would llke t.o request that you contact us Eo arrange a meeting for inspection of the sltes that we are involved in and to discuss more fully how your organlzation mlght beneflt us and arl those affected by the above building plans. Yours very truly, SHAPIR9 CONSTRUCTION CO. Vice-PresldenE Enclo sure dal xcr Gordon Pierce Mark Marchus Suit€ C-3, Fall Ridge Condominiums P. O.8ox 1547,Yaitl Colorrdo 81657 Telephone: (303) 4761980 'J Aspen Damage WiU Worsen Unless Steps Are Taken I)atnulr' lo lsperl Srov('s from rnud hriklinj ond (er|.l n ctlon could wipc oul the local ltpcn poprlalion unlcsr ttcF rrc lalcn tKrw to lrot(\t them, "lt could dertroY rll tlr rrpdr in the vslley," Dcsi3r Rcview Board menrber Adclrlde Blomficld told thc tovYn cqrncil Tuerday. "Wc rhould mrkc builderc resPonslblc for prevent in{, thir dumagc." The damage lr caused bY lrnd cutr for roadr and buildingr which rip apnrt rOot tyslcms and Bouge the dclicate bark of 8Sp(rns. Tom llinds, frorn the U.S. Forest Services't ltochY l\tountnin llnngc rnd Forest Ex lrcrinrent a I Stalion in Ft. Collins, told thc ff ncil that aspcn trees rrc esPeclallY susceptitrle to demr|se tx'cause thcy arc "cltxtt's," ltut is, thcy shlrc I contmon r(nl !i)'stcm. llrnls suid lh:rt dllnl:lgc to thc ro()ts could lead to sltock lo ttr trcr.s and incrcasc thcir srn'ccptibility to normal dirca.cer in the area. An sspen Btove, h. said, might range in size from lr ocrc to l(n ucrt's, atll tlllt evcry troe In thc sYstctu woultl cvenlullly suffer from the damage done to others throush thc comtnon rmts, The soft hrrk of .as1nrs, he said, is anotlrcr *af in n'hich dist'uscs 0|licr tlrc sys(t'm, "Tltd lxrrk is:rlive," hc said, "jst likc lhc loavo. lr'. ^asilv u'oundcrl hy construcl ion rnd. ?hcn that hapSrns, you con hc turc tho tree and o(hc.n nr.nrbl' wlll bqln 1o dre. " llirdr rnld thrt damntc to lsp.nr \r'[r wlderprtrad In thc Gorc Valley rnd pointcd lo the lkroth Crtcl rrca lt rn crrmpl". The lrec| there. he reid, rhowd thc efft'clr of dtmrgc lrom road cutr tnd home cdrslnretidr rnd thc rcaultlng diseasc infestatlon. He sald thmc troes would all ct'cntuallY dlc "Nirrty p(.rcent oI thir damage ls rlopable," caid Tom l.aut, rtslf forest(f r'ith the dirco-re control diviskn of tht (blorsdo State Forest Servicl. "Thc only thing rFcdc<l ir to cducatc fxY)plc to how lragile t hese trees rre. and put (hc rcsFxnsibality ofl th03e who causc th€ d1mn8e to prevent it." but s.rid thst hi3 !gency rcrvcd rs I tcchnlctrl ond scientlfic rdvlsor to loca I gowrrunent3. a rrl thtt the Town of Vail coulri ru.k r,,i,,'rce ir,,nr the agcncy on mcthods ol prcYenting furth0r djmaAc. lle llso prcsenterl tho cortnt:tl *tth copler of trcc prol ecl lon ordlnancer enrctcrd by nther Colorado municiprlittcs. Town council said thcy rvould stud.v thc lcx'al proNem and consid('r u hat lcal dcpcrtmcntt should u ort with thc rtltc for(rl rcrvice in a progrom of cdrotim md pttvcntion. t I I I I I Gordon R. Pierce & Associales, Inc. Architecture Planning P. O. Box 1 123 Vail, Colorado 81657 sos4t6-26s7 April 16, I979 Mr. Mark Marchus Town of Vail Box .|00 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mark: Last fall I brought to your attention, as well as Abe Shapiro and his foreman, Fred, the need to repair the damaged Aspen trees around the perimeter of the duplexes that were built on Spring Hill Lane next to my home. I am enclosing an article regarding this problem that may be infoymative to you. I hope some positive action will be taken inunediately to correct the probable damage to these trees. If these trees shou'l d die and cause damage or'l oss to trees on my property I can assure you I will be very upset and likely to take legal action against the responsible parti es. I apologize for the strong wording in this letter, but I am most sincere in my feelings regarding this matter. GRP/jm Encl osure cc: Abe Shapiro Si ncerel y, / ,lv[( v'" L) PP.TJTIICT IVE CO'/i]i].LI']TS OI' VAIL V.i:i,LEI--S'IJCOi;D TILIIJG EAGLI] C')U}ITY, CC)LOITADO KNOVJ AT,L MEI.I BY THESE PRESENTS r THAT IiHEREAS ' tl:e unCersigned, Y/'.f L \tt-;f,L!lY, f NC. , a Cclor*do corporeti-on (l:ereinaf ter referred to as the "Companyr ") is the oviner of Vail ',7a1Iey--Second Filing, Tov,'n of Vail , Iacie County, Col.or:ado, nore particula::ly descriLed on E>:hibit h at-tached hcre;o erid by t]:is rcf erence nailc a part hercof (h-.:reir:af tcl: sonetines ref err-ed to as the "Su|rCivision" ); and t:I{ERjiAS, the Con:pany .i-s oesirous of maintaining said SubCivlsion as a resid.eniial area of tl:e highest stanclard NCw THIII1EFCRE, in consj-Cc,i:ation of the premisesl the Cc;,r1.rany f o:-- -i- Lsef f , .its succcssors a;rd assigns, and f or itself and it-s qrantees. does hereby impose upon saj-d Subdivj.sion tl-ie following resertretionsr conditions, stipu- lations, and proLective covet-IanLs: F-s used in these Protective Covenants the term "site" slialil- nc--it (a) any lot shor,tn on the recorded plat of the Sui:'cli-vision, or (b) arry 1-'ar:t oi any 1ot- or coi,rbi:ratio:r of p,rrt:s of an'?'1ots as shorsn on the recoried plat of the Subd.jvis-i-on, r','hi-ch together shalI hal'e a rninimum area of at IeasL 1.5,000 square feet. R]]SEPJATIONS Easernetrl-s a:rd r-ights-of -t''ay as shorn-n on Lire p1a1: of the Subdivisron are hereby reserved for poles, v''iles, piprrs, v;eIIs, atrd cor-,ctuits f or heating, ligl:ting r el ectric- ity, <;as, te1-r:y;l:one, sel,'er, drainaEe, vJater, or an).' otirer utili i.y s<:r:vi.cc prr:posc, togcLher rtj-th the right QL-' i ngrcss and cgre:-;s for the pirrpc-rse of f r-rrthe:: construction, n'-aiir- 'tc:lance, and rcp.-i j r. crtNEilAL COtnDrTlONs, sTrPUr,ATroI'is JATiD PI]OTECTIVE COVTNAI{TS The foLl-or'ring gclteral conditions, stj.puJ-ations, anrf ],-:r. o l-ec: t ive c:ovcnant-s are irc-relry irnposecl upon al 1 srtes in thc Sul-'divisi.on: I. rl11 :;itt:s i.:r the Sribdrr'-ision sha-lI be rtscd for r-ci:it-lt:nt.i;".'l- !rul. po:r(rs otr1y, t:ac:h sitc to contain nol i'nor:e i:han i,,!'o :; c l-'l;i r;:.1: c: l.irri-irq r-rliits. 2. Lrlo sigtr:-: , br11l-'o;ircis, postcr l:oart1s, or i.1]e1'1" i-,ir;:i :-rg :;t.r:Lit:i..tt:-t) oi1 l1:',' k j.rrd :.'lla11 l:c c.:::ected or riain- i-iri t|ci rln i.rr!: r.i-it: r)r :: i.i-tlt;Ltire i,hc.r-c'<-rtt for: ,:rtt5t Ptll :'():;e \^.:1 .(-ri ::r.-r..,\ irr--, r.]:(:rt[-)l- silcl-t l, j !j.]rs as t:i.ry hc i:l:pl:ovcd b]t '.'i:e 11;,5 j.r.1r1 iilr\/-i {-'vi ilol:i,c1 (.:.r-r-:iii crtl l''Y C'-rj i-llilIlce lio. 3 r Slt:rir:r; 1973, !'t'r',irI c'l \;lri I.r il.,r..1rl Corr:rL)', Cttl t>-,-;1,:io (l;cr:t:in t:a11r:d "llc-::i..Jir Ilt.-V i(.t,..,, -r.t\.tltCirt) r t.*; t:,',,, l;ot.'a!tiy rl,ra:cui-i:t,r;y J.tfr tlrC idi'lli-jf j-Ca- t j <>:r trt' t '::; j.ti'r. t,r::'s. L l';rt:lt ';I-tI ,tr:t-ttt.'t:l ,'lr-'L'.:i.!irocl flor trr-:ctt1i'rl)(:y or 1l:i{: J.:i )f ILntirittl j-',-, j.ltrJlj :l ()('i,ii( ti trlt ;;lt-y r,i Lt: r;1t.t.t l. (--()l-!il(.''(l L rviijr i:i.;e t,'l t ..t-' .,r'r,1 t ; r '\ , ( , r ' . , ( i ('r i'.,,-:i l.i i .i ,':; r.'rt tllr: \.','i,l llii(:tr ;ttttl l-l'ini l-a'- i.irrtr Ii:rt r i.r:t-, i.j rt l,r i\ lt,, 1.ri'l1 :;]t,i i. 1. bC til;t-rl .ltS ,,t '11,1f i-;Q t)J. \\'1ti('r' fr>tl lrri,,,,irr ( rlri;:lr trl,I ir)ti rlt- 1t f i.,i;iI it-rrr itl f.lrtl Illr'] "livj l;i<ltt, t:()r: ::l'r,il..l. i,l)i' t.lt-'iiil-'r' 1,llr,'r' ii',lil lllt;::rl 1'lt)V!rl('rl l:f i lrc: \t".i I i;..!1(-rt- irli.l i-' i u'r i 1: :.i t: 'i o:'r l.;r:,:tr:ic*, i,re us{:(1 f ar ti:c: clispositl oi scl,Jaq.i. l:iecha.rrrlcal gar-bage disposal f;rcilit-ies shall be prroviric,J in each l: j-tchen or f ooci prep;rr:ino area. 1. lJo trash, ashes, or othcr refuse may be thrown or Cuni?e.l or) an]' land withir, tl:e SubCivision nor shall arry unsigh';Ii' accun,ulati-orr of brrilding nrilterials be allovred to renain on an\/ site. The burning of refuse out ()f doors shall nct be permitted in the Subdivision. I.{o incin-erator or oth(-r ocvj-ce for: the burn j-ng of refuse indocrs sha]I be cong:ructed, instalJ-ed, or used by any person €):cept as approved by the Desiqn Revj-ew Board. Each property c-vrner shall provioe suitable receptacles for the collection c,i- refuse. Such rece:-uacles sha1l be screened from public view and F,rotected from disturbance. 5. No animals, l-ivestock, horses, or poultry of any kind, e>:cept ciogs, cats, and other household pets shall bc ke;;t, l:aised, or bred in the Subdivision. 6. No Lrees shalI be cut, tri.mmed, or removed j.n 1-he Subdivision, excc-pt v;ith the prior v.'l.itten approval of tlre Dcsign P.eviev/ Bcard and then only by persons designated by the Design P.eview Board. 7. i"*o obno>lious or of fensive activity shall be carrj-ed on upon any si1u, nor sha11 anything be doue thereon r;hicir may be or becorne an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. B. Tl'rese general conditions, stipulations, and protecLive covenants are to run with tlle land and shall be binding upon all parties and a-l-1 persons claiming under them '.*+i r r-F,-bri' 'r 'r ooo r*- r.r1r i ^r- +.imc these covenants sharl usrree! j { LrJrl auto:natica1ly be extended for successive 1:eriocls of 10 yeal:s, unless an inslrr.unent is recorCed si-gned by the then or,rners of all of the sites in t-he Subcirvision ac;reeing to cl:anEe or r:evolie the covenar-rts in rvhole or in part. 9. If ar"ry granl-ee, or his heirs, lega1 repre- scntatirres r successors or assigns shall violate any gcneral condi.tions, stipula.t.i.ons and pi:otective covenants herein containedr dDy other o\r,ner of ::eal proper:ty rn tl-re Subclivi- -: ^_ .-^.- 't -...{:..1't., t-\}..\c,1rrtrl..r .-,ir\, ,tt-a)acf-r}i r.ro in l;,fv Of in >,.r,jr r (1y .r-!r jJr(ll-.Ly Lrr.trr.'_-L;LrL(: .tlrJ t/rLr(?(- L-Lr !1ry crluity again:;t srich ilcrs()n or pcrsons or cnti.i-y eii:lrcr Lo i,r-'cvcrrt ]riil or thein f:rcxr so do j-ng, or 'i:o restrain any viola- tion hc:rcof l>y l)erIreLui:l inju::ction and,/or to rccovcr sttch danrages as may ensue by virtue of sr.rch vj.olation. 10. Irlva l. i.clat-i on o.i ally <>ne or ilx)re of thc-se coycl;lltL:l 1ry jrrri9n,,:rli.: or cour--t olc'ler r;]ial.1 -i-n t-ro r,;iiy affect .rir)' cri'llL-r si-l.pul.at-J-r..,i:s, couii-tions, or prot-ccti-rrc co\tcnanLE r.,,h i ch sha1l, rcriiiii.n i-n f ul,I folce arrd cf f cct. S jl]'lC :1-l\L COIJfJ :l-'l'.i Oli S, S'.1 :i i)(J I,.r\'I' I Oll S r1liD L'tiOlflic'L'-tvrl CO! i',irr',:i'f S 'L'l:c f ol1ov.'i ng s1.rr:ci;rI condi t i olrs, :;tii)u l-.it iotrs, i' ]rcl p ): (r i:. (: c: t i.tt c covirrlanLs tir:e hr.'rcl:y j t;Lrr-r:;,-'d riLjon al. 1. :^ j-1;cs i. r: tlrc Srii-'r-ii-vi,:;i.on: :l . lk: l-,rt.i ld-inrl , otrt:l-,r:i.1.11itrg, f t,rtc:t--r ,,'Jal..l-r r;t: oi l.ri_.t: iiil1.,r,tv, ;1,'1.i1 ;;!1;r1l ].te cotrr;l-r.-ut:tr:d 1 Ci--t-tl [:r:<.1 , t:f iL;.tin- L:r in,:d on ;irry yr,,r:t of i-lrc ljrr'l-,il.i vi. l;c-,n, Ilor l;it;rl. I iirr), irtirli l-.ittn io ,rIt t-.-'..i :;i.iirg :;1 r, r.ir:i trr.(1 . ()r ; t .1. t rl t. i t i' i t; n i lii:r:r.r.it-t 1... li,.t(.1(l ,..rril i 1. l).j.;rrr:; l:trl l.It.r:iii.t'.i1-iot*j riht:,\.,,i.ritl tlto tr,ti-rrt:r:, ilitrd, I lr,'1r,', lt,,i,;irtil r;..rt.r.r iitl. li, I ltroc Pl.,ltL;, c,..i.t,l'.iclt r:,rl ()l-' :1t'lr( lr'i(), 1<;c.., Licjris I i.ii€i Ltre grac.i.ng aDd Ianc.tsciil,,i ll(-l pl.rn o j, ti:e sir-e :juch irnprov(:rT'(:D t e.s t-lr€' I-.tesi <_;n i<t:view l;cr.rrd nlay l'ciasonabll' rc,quire, shal1 have been subrtr j.tLed to an<l approv(rcl in wr j-tirrg by Ll'.e Dcsiqrr r':cvicr.'Llr.rard or its duly z:u::ircrizeC rcpresc.ni..r- tive and ccl-ics thcreof as f ini1ly approvcc lodge<) perlnan(:rrtfy vrit.]i the D-siEn Reviev; Lc)ard or its clu1y authorizecl reprc... sentative. The Design Revie'',i uoarC or its dull' apli'torizei, r-epresenta'L.ive shall have the riEht to refuse to approve i ny ?l..1ns or specif ications or graCing or f andscaping pl;ens rr'hich are not sultabfe or desirable in the opinion of the tlesign Review Board or its duly authorized representative and, in pasr;irrg upon such p1ans, specif icatioris ' gi:aci-ng, and landsci:i)inq plans, the Desion Revier"r llcard or its duly authorized representatj.ve shall have the right to take into consrderation the use and suitability of the proposed brriJ.ding and of the mater:ials of which it is to be built, to the site upon which it is proposed to erect the sane, the conformity and harmony thereof vrith thc surroundings. the topograpi-ry of the land, the guality of the materials to be utilized and tl:re effect of the bui-lding as planned on the outlook from tlre adjacent neighbo::ing proPerties. 2. Nxcept for the pertinent ordj-nances of the Town of Vai1, there shall be no general requirenent as to se'i:back distances or locai:ion or irnprovenrerrts with relation to propert)' Iines provi-ded, hot'tever, that the location of each improvetnent nrust be approved in advauce by the Design Review iloard. In del-ernining the Plroper location for each improvcment, {:he Design F.eview Eoard sha11 consider: Lhe loca.tion of existing and future intprovemeDLs on adjacent r-rrnn..rf v- ;rrd qrrch other aesthetic consiclerations as it may Hl vl-Jv! UJ , deern a1:propriate. 3. A11 surface areas disturbed by consi-ruction shal.l be returned prompt-.Iy to thej.r natur:a1 condition and replanted in trative gl:assesf exccPL i'lltere such arr:as are to l:e iinproved by the constr:uci:ion of garderls r iah:ns, and e>:t e r -ior liv-i-ng areas. 4. No dr','el..l-ing shall be per:mil:ted or cr:eated on any site r..'ith grouud f l.oor area, cxclusive of open 1.,lorches, pati.os , Ler.'raccs, carport, and garage of l-ess than 1 , 000 i..,.'.o.." fcet for sinEle st:or:e Cr'eI1i.5gs and 1.200 sqr-r1re fcct for :;pI -it--1. evcl c1t'.'e l-.1. j.ncjs. 5. No tetrrl>orary sLi:uct-.ure, excavat- j-on, bascmctrt, Lra j--l.c::, or i,cttt shtrlI be pc::mi'u'ced j-n thc Sr'rbd j-v-is j-on except aS titay l)e necr::js;.rry dr.rring consl-rUclion aud as aUthO- rieeci by tlre Dcsigirl ]lcrrierv lloard. 6. A gilr.-9c :;l'ra11 l;e rcqui'rcc1 otr ea.ch sit-'e r.''ith Frpace ftrr at .l.c;sL (-)rre F'\.lit(-)1, olri l-e for each ljrtjng r'itljt on ',..ire s j-t'.e. Al I c.ilrPcrrs, i t:ai 1er:s, l-rcats, and sirnilar i:ype rrcl,r.i c l-crs ,nust l.rc )it--1-rt :ln f ul J-y utrc-l oscd (j..il--il(je arcas. '7. 1,11. r,.:i:r:rrci irr-cs cr:i.'int:ttr:crl .i,n t'!;c Subri ivi.r;i-on s;ltr,l l- ).rr: 1,r'c r-:('(-itl-r)d cii l- i.9r tr.t1y i:o (:oliLlr.l-t)l i<,'tr iind :;lr'r.1. I bc corlp).c1:c:d r.,'j_.i lri n .l 2 i,,orri:lrs or i itc rlal'-e of r-'c-,irt,tc:t-t c ( li:rlIl{: thr'i-t,'of , <::ic:t:Pt iis ll',;l\r l''c v".rirrt:cl i tr wr.'i-Li ng lly i-he I)c'sign llt.,v.i':r.,r ]lr'r.rfd . B. Euir::,', rlit-tri' of I ll{':;c t,pt:r'i;t.l- r:t--tttl j't-i or-rl;r s.t'i1,rrJ.rt j,ttt::r, ,,trc1 1,r-()i,rrli i.1.'(1 1tJ1',;ti,tltl-f'; r'lt;rll r-'t'lt;l- r'()1r-:l-y v;j. t ir I lrc p1.'ri r-1tl ltrv i.r'tJ i''rr;t r'(1 r-lt-- i i:s 11tt1y ;rtli:lrrli: izr:tl t t-1)t"r:* r;6rrl,ri.ivc, ltitrl lltt: -r'i.,.;.trt- '.9 ,rr,1i,11i1 , itl.I t:r:, I r:\:r)l'(], ()i- trrorlil-y 1.lr,.:;il t.it,'i:.i.iil t'rlrttlii:i i,rtlr, :li'i 1,r'.1 ,r[:it:'tll], ;rlttl It t-rl1'i:l"i vc r:c.rvr,rr;,rrl-S; i.t; lilt r,l;y t-'.1,i ',:l:il.y I r': ('i V(.11 ;ttlrl I t:l-,tj tt,'11 lry l-lrC -.3 - Dcsign it(:'.'-icv; Loart<, or its rj':1r.' aui trt;.r ized r c,i., .iIltat., as r,,'c11 as the right to approv( atl)r (.,n{j or- ITrore r.,,. '; of pl ,irrsr s,ecci.ficatir:ns, t-rrt:tiing, ani: l;rndschl-Li::g plan:; 1:rc,vided ]r<;i,'ev€:r liraL nolhirrg he::ein cotttaitred r'lraIl- be cortstruccl as givirre to l:'he Design iteview Ftoard or its duly authorized l:cpr(jsentative the right to ;illr;rrd, altcrr, ret'oire, or moci.ily the general condjtions, sti1.;u1-ations, and protective cove- n;.i rrts ir,rposed above. 9. These special conditions, stipulations, and protective coi-Tenanis shall bind a1l- gr;j.ntees, their heirs, iegal represeniatives, successors and assignsr and all p-:rscDS c1a jrring unC,:r: them until- Janua::y 1, 1980 ' at i':hich time said covenants shal-l be auton:ia{-:ica11y e>:tended for successive periods of 10 years, unless atr inslrurrent is reccrrded signed by the then or',-ners of a major:ity of all of thc sites in said Slubdivision, agreeirrg to change said co\renants i-n rvhole or in part. 10. The Des-i-gn Revj.e-v,r Board or its duly autho- rizecl representaLive n:ay lartf u11.y lrrosccuLe any proceeding irr law or rn equity against srrch person or persons or entity who shal-1 r.;i ol at-e these slrec.ia1 condrtions, stipuJ ations, and proteci:j-ve covenants in any parti-cu1ar and may restrain such violation by pcrpetr"ral injunction and Irray recover such daniaqes as liiay er-rsuc because of such violationr including cosLs of sr.r j-t and attor:neys I f ees. 1I. The invalidation of any otle or any part of alfy olre of these spec:i.a1 conciitions, stipulations' and ;:rotective covenants by juCAnerit or court order shall in no way affect any of the other provisions ithich shall remain in fu11 force and effect. E>:ecu'ced this dav of October 1976. V./i.IL VALLEY, fNC Al-test: alrd gr:crctal:y S'r';qTB OF CoI'OP'J\DO COUi,l't'Y OF ltl'G-T-E qq 'Ihe f or:cgoi rlg j;-rstr:rti:icttL t:its ;: cl:t1t)i.'-l- t-c'lg t:11 1-'efor:c 1ne llris ti.,y of .--- 't.9761 )--'y J;ry R. Pgl-iS, Jr., ;rs i-'l cr'-; j rlt:trt atrcl il-r-11 i'11 K. Prrli.s as V,i cc-.Fi' i-'-:r i 'iirl1g ancl fjtrcr:rltary of V;r j I \rn lley Tnc. , a f,'o.!.<ir:lc1o c-<-r.'--i',):t:iti-on. l,1rr rrr'irri ,.::; itlrt r1:.'t)i i:(-)lf \{.i.[.nr-rs:; 111y ]r.rncl ;rt-r<l r->i f .i.c:i.al. :.;r:4J.. lc 1.. ' / '-ti-'t-' Ir;r:,',. t,] 4.. f,)'JIIDIT N A part of the l{orth one-haLf of Section 9, I,ob'n-ship 5 South, Ran.-;e: 8 0 l{est of the Si>:th Principal Mcric3 ian , To!,/r) of Vai1, County of llagle, State of Co]orado, described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast Corner of sajd Section 9; thence S00o02'30uE 365.00 feet; thence 547 o57'09"8 4I7 .7 3 feet; thence S00o02'30"E 2I1.36 feett thence, S89o57'30"W 310.00 feet; thence S00"02'30"E 463.64 feet to tl:e Southeasl corner of the lrlorLh one-half of Lhe I'IorLh one-half of said Section 9; thence l{B9023r4l"W 2366.69 feet to the true poiDt of beginning; thencc N00"36'17"E 95.00 feet; thence 575023'43"8 23.00 feet; thence N24o36'17"E 35.00 feet; t.hence N17o23'43"l,J 57.00 feet; thence N59"23'43"1,t 2I .87 feet; thence N00 o 36 ' 17 "E 90 .20 feet; thence SB9 "2 3'41"E 101. IB feet; thence, South 90.20 feet; thence S89"23'41"E 47 -89 feet; thence S00o36'17"W 186.56 feet; thence n*89o23'41"It 150.00 feet to the true point of l>eginning,containing 0.7958 acres more or less. , ,.,i,.-- jl " t,'l /.-"T I ( ,',-' / / i .,r ')| ." | (,--.' -'