HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 11 LEGAL.pdft2.t2.08 loning Analpis: Lot ll rnd hil of lot 10, Block I, Yail Yillage tint filing 332 llill 0eek (hde, Vril, Colorado lot Sin: Ioning lc6rda: 0.114 acres / 13,690 sq. lr Bued on Alta Suney by Inter-llountain En$neering 12.10.08 Two-lamily Primary/Secondary Residential loning Due to non-confoming lot size, development limitfd t0 Single family with tHU 20' lront fnsoachment exiss into lront tedack and into R0.W. 15' Sides Encroachmens exist to 3.7' of property line l5' Rear = Hcigltt 33' lloped Rooh, l0' flat Roofi, fxirting usumed below height limit tandscaping 8,214 sq. It required (60/ ol total site area) [xirting unknown Pr*in6 5 rpaces required if built out to muimum size GRft (Gros Rrsidcmial fhor kca): fAR (floor lna): 6,002 sq. ft. ol Gross living Space Gros Squrrr fooagc lsumptiom - Singh lhnlf,ng Unic Above Grade living lpace: 6,002 sq. ft. Easement Space: 1,169 to 2,054 rq. ft (Iaries based on duign) lluimum livablc lquan foougc: 7,311 q. ft to 8,056 rq. ft Gange tpacr: 600 sq. ft Grou $quuc tootagr lingc hnlling Unit l,9ll q. fr o 8,656 rq. {r Itcmr not indrdrd in aDovr numbrr: Attio and mechanical spaces less than 5'in heighq Attic only accesible from the ffoor below Itcm assmrd not indudcd in abovc numhn: lalhed ryacet abore 16'in hetght count tvice tonards total qaan lootage. lin tonragc:2,738 rf (2frl. of total site ana) Allowed 3,777 sf Existing/t{on-conforming Pleae note kat fie abore nanben are nbjca a rcification b7 tlc lorn of lail Planntng laf ad vill ray tu[ect to fie indiridaal dicntJ daign nd deciion na*ing procat IllL r:0rDRAD0 8l6t i yrtr.khtttbb.(on tf ItL 4'l,,ittAtl ttl )lt 11 tlIt Ii LEASE rHrs I-EASE, Eade this e4- ilaY of 1979 by and bet!'eelr the Tol'lN oF vAIf (herelnafter referred to as "Tosn"), a Colorado Munlcipaltty, and W111lan F' Fox' Trustee for Fitzhugh Scottrs Grandchildrenrs Trust (here- lnaf ter referred to as "Fox"), of Vall, Colorado: I,IITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Ehe Tordlr osns a Vail vl11age First Flllng, kootm aa I{HEREAS, adjacent to Mil1 Block 1, Vail Village lirst Flllog, WHEREAS, a Portion of Fox of a brlck wa11 on l.ot 11, Block 1' Creek Circle right-of-waY; anil pub 11c right -of -!raY itr Ml11 Creek Clrcle ' Creek Circle is Lot Ll' owued by lox; 's garage and a Portlon extends into the Ml1l WEEREAS, tte Towo Councll Is of the opl-nlon that For should be allowed to conthue uslDg said Pub1lc rlght-of-ttay upon certaln cond itlorrs; NOI{. THEREFORE' iu consl-deration of the Preloises' covenanEs and agreeuents hereiD contalneil, the parties agree as f ollort6: (1) The TorrD hereby leases to Fox and Fox leasea frorn the Town the re81 proPerty ilescr{bed oo Exhibtt "A" attached hereto (whlcb by this refer'ence becones a Part hereof) and is more partlcularly clescrlbed as folloss: A parcel of land lylug entirely vl-thiu the rlght-of-say of il1 creek clrcle, a publlc stieet io VatMtlage Fir6t Flltng, Tol'! of Va11 , Eagle County, Coloraalo oore Particularly desqribed as f o 1lotts: Beginnlng at the southwest corler of Lot 1!-, Block 1, Vail village Flrst F11lng; thence easterly along the north Right- Of-Way 1lne of said x111 Creek clrcle on e curve to the left vtth an arc distance of 15,80 feet, a chord bearing of S 55" E, a radlug of 1426.5 feet, and a delta angle of O" 38r 05" to-the TRUE PoINT OF BEcrNNrNc; thence s 23o 46' 54'i w, 8.00 feet; tttence easterly along a curve to che left ttlth an arc dl.stanqe of 52.30 feet' a chord bearl.rrg of S 670 15r 47" E, a radlqs of 1434.5 feet, and^e delta angle of 2" o5r 19"i thence N 21" 41r 33" E' 8.00 feet to a polnt on the norrh RiSht- Of -I{ay 11ne of sald M111 Creek Citcle; thence westerly along the north Rl8ht-Of- Way ll-ne of sald Htl1 Creek Circle oE a curve to the rtght wr'tb an arc dlstRnce of 52.00 feet, a chord bearlng of N 67- 15' 47" l.l, a radlua of 1426'5 feet' anal a twu$l$il$F$Hn$il Lease Pg- 3 of terolnatloa to Fox no late! than one hundrad tverty (120) days prlor to the date of telolnatlon ' (4) Fatlure on the Part of Fox to abide by the terEa of this lea6e sha1l constitute a default aud shall auto- ratical]-y tetmlltste this lease and the tenancy hereby created' Upoo the electlon of the Town' rtrltten notlce of such default sballteselttoFox'andheshallhavete!(10)daysfroothe daEe of the Eall1rg of sald noElce to cure saiil-default' If hefailstocurethedefaultasProvlded,thisleaseshallbe con6ialered nu11 and void, aod it sha11 be concl'usively presumeit that posaesslon has been returneil to the Toua' and the Town sha11 have the rLght. aD.d Privilege to go upo[ the leased PreDlses trl thout l-Irterferelce from Tox' (5) Fox may termitrate thts lease by glvlng to the ToIdn wrltten notice of terminatl'on no latet than thtrty (30) days prior to the ilate of termlnatlon' (5) If the lease hereuDiler lE telDiraLeil by Iox l'tr accordance wlth ParaBraph (5), or by default as Provlde'l in ?aragraph (4)' or by the Toen as provliled in ParagraPh (3)' orattheenaloftbeceruoftlllslease,Foxagreestoredove any ioprovellent' sEructure' or buildtng located oD the lease'l preuLsea at his exPeDae. Sald reEoval shal1 occur wlthin thtrty (30) days of termlnatiou, and I-f Fo; t.o reuove said lEproveloent, buLldtng or aEructure' the Tovn may do so (but sball not be requlred ro) , aod Fox agrees to pay tle cost thereof. (7) Fox agrees to assuEe an il hold the Toltn ald i.ta agenta, eoployees ' or repteEerrtatlves harol-ess froE auy and all actioo, claims, itaoages or causes af actl.o! that he may trave or that l[ay arlse as a result of his use or occupatlon of the leased prerul6es. (8) Any wrltten notlce required uader thla lease sha1l be sent i! accordance wtth the following: Tonn of va 11 Attentlon To$n Man E 8er P. O. Box 100 va il- , colorado 81657 t977 4? *eoZZ- F.4_,_"r_ Sh // vol:d ? ,Q.J ,,,..\ \ .{ rqp- z- \ tl -Ht / gf-,-.)aji*u .z stz"4, TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMO PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COIMdISSION DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APRIL 6, 1979 STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COIIMISSION MEETING ON APRII-, 10 ' 1979 Ast/Kteimer Duplex-App1-icati-on has been withdrawn.1.) z. ) Thls resubdlvision is to 1ega1ly record a change in the lot line between Lots l0 and It that happened about five years ago. Thls change tu the 1ot line makes Lot 11 more conforming than it presently 1s. Staff Recommendatlon: Approval 3. ) McCaughan Townhogsg Proj.ect This ts tbe Finst Phase of the pr:oposed 33 unit sundlal Project on e 5.6 unplatted parcel in Bighorn. The First Phase is the creatlon of four building envelopes slmLlar to the Casolar- del-Norte subdlvlsion. The building envelopes are for duplex sltes, and are different from the Casolar Subdivision in that they include both land for the buildings and areas around the bulldlngs. We feel that this is a better coneept than the smaller, more defined bullding envelopes in that there is more flexiblllty for the placement of buildings. It is, however, a Townhouse concept, with these four sltes a part of the overall townhouse development. Thls has been discussed wlth the Town Attorney, who has no difflculty with the concept. Staff Recommendatlon: Approval 4. ) Schober Bulldlng-Coqditioual Ube Permlt Thls is a resubmittal of a Conditional Use Request that was denled by the PEC on March 13, 1-979. This appltcatlon has been revised conslderably, wlth the square footage additlon of usable space reduced from 2,906 square feet to 1,859 square feet. The major change, as shown to you' on March 27, L979, was a MINUTES PLANNING & ENVIRONI4f,NTAL COI{MISSION MEETING OF Aprll 10' 1979 COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Ed Drager Jack Goehl Ron Todd Gerry Whlte Sandy Mi11s Roger Tilkemele r Jl.rtr FIor gan STAFT MEMBER! JLm Rub in The thitd iten on the agenda: Flrst Phase of a Townhouse Prolect on 5 the agenda: Ast/Kleirner Duplex Request Meadowi ret rr The flrst ltem on for Varlance tot 14 Va l1- app cant The second {Eem on the agenda: Fl.tzhugh Scott - Resub- divlsion of Lote 10 6, 11, Block 1, ValI Vl1lage lse Fillng to cottect s 1ot 1lne. JLrn Rubln presented this Eo the CommissLon, and after some dlscuselon, th€ Motion vas nade by Ron Todd to approve the resubdLvlslon of Lots 10 & 11' Block 1' Va1l Vl1lage lst Fll1ng to sorrect the l-ocation of a lot Llne. Roger Tllkemeier seconded the Motlon and the Commlselon voted unanlmous approval. ?relninary revigw of the ilacre unplatted parqel l.n Bighorn. Itr. Steven Hannon, ?resident of Landmark Propertles ltas present to a.ddreas the Comrniseion aLong with Ron McCaughan and their archltect Jim RubLn expl-ained the tr'lret Phase is for 5 duplex parceLs as part of a 30 unlt Torrnhouse proJeet which will be ca1led Sundlal. Mr. Rubln explained that the parcels wl11 be sold separately ae duplex home sltee. Jin explaLned that he had discussed this concept wlth Larry Rlder, Town Atlorney and that the staff feels thl"s J.e an advant.age Fue way of handl-i.ng the proj.ect a6 lt w11"1 allow f lexiblllty on the locatlon of bul-ldings. Townhsuse declaratione for this project were then diecussed. Theee declarations provide legal access to ttre 5 parcels, ae well as 6ize restrlctlo s. Jlm Rubin requesteil that more epecLf1e restrlctlons ln regard to Setbacksr Height' Site Coverage, Lbndscaplng and Parklng be lncluded in these declaratlone. / I O I Aor t t 1$u-,' rr[['isPt TOIYN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8],657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 r s9 FAX 970-479-2452 April 8, 1997 Franccs G unn 332 Mill Crcck Circlc Vail, Coloradg tl l6-57 D e parone nt of C o nnmn ity D eve lo pme nt RE: Villagc Antiqucs. Incorporatcd. homc occupation pcrrnit Dcar Franccs: 'flris lcttcr is to inform you that your application for a homc occupation pcrmit has bccn dcnicd. Scction I ti.58.170(B) docs not pcrmit an antiquc shop as a homc occupation, Scction 18.58.170 Honlc occupations - Intcrprctation' B. .. A hornc occupation shallnot includc: a clinic. luncral homc, nursing homc. tearoom, rcstaurant, antiquc shop. vctcrinarian's officc, or sitnilar usc." your prcvious homc occupation pcrmif was issucd Junc l. 1995, for a pcriod of six months to allow you to liquidate your ,.*uining antiquc picccs. A lcttcr writtcn by Randy Stoudcr. Town Planncr' stipulatcd thc salcs could not cxtcnd bcyond Dcccmbcr 31. 1995' Should you havc any qgcstions rcgarcling thc dcnial ofyou hornc occupation pcrmit application' plcasc do not hcsitatc to contact mc dircctly at 4'79-2128' Sinccrely, @L Dirk D. Mason Planning Liaison Offi ccr Enclosurc DDM/jr xc: Sally Lorton {g *'n""o '*"* HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT APPLICATION A. B. c. o. E. F. Name of business: Physical address: contact o.r"on, FNl"^Lu* Ctt.a..,..,, ptrone: Q Maitins .66r""", 3'.1:r fft-t tt t Zurrz- Cg., U Cu'-t ? I tr s-l Type of business: Describe the nature and operations ofthe business: F. G. H. Number of employees:1,," Hours of operation: Equipment/vehicles (including number) to be used: fid\l.- Where do you plan on storing your materials/equipment? Will clients be coming to your home? \,\n 3 Estimated number per weetr: \ Gl f- v-s.f K\)ct J, K. L. Anticipated number of vehicle trips generated on a daily basis: A _ Number of parking spaces allocated for business:'>)ctet3 C3- -Lrrs V-''oLts' lf business is localed in a condominium or townhome, attach a letter of approval from the condominium association. M. lf renting the residence, provide a letter from landlord. IFP 't t All home occupations must comply with the following regulations at all times. lf any condition is violated at any time, the home occupation permit may be revoked. '1 . The use shall be conducted entirely within a dwelling and carried on principally by the inhabitants thereof. Employees, other than inhabitants of the dwelling, shall not exceed one person at any time. 2. The use shall be clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes and shall not change thr: residential character thereof. 3. The total floor area used for the home occupation shall not exceed one-fourth of the gross residential floor area ofthe dwelling, nor exceed five hundred square fe et. 4. There siiaii be no advertising, dispiay, or oiher inciicaiion of the home occupation on the premises. 5. Selling stocks, supplies, or products on the premises shall not be permltted, provided that incidental retail sales may be made in connection with other permitted home occupations. 6. There shall be no exterior storage on the premises of material used in the home occupation. 7. There shall be no noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odor, heat or glare noticeable at or beyond the property line, as a result of the home occuation. 8. A home occupation shall not generate significant vehicular traffic in excess of that typically generated by residential dwellings. 9. No parking or storage of commercial vehicles shall be permitted on the site. I agree that my home occupation will be in compllance with all of the above conditions. o I June 1, 1995 Town of Vail Business License DePartment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 To Whom lt MaY Concern: This letter is in response to a conversation with Randy at the Community Development oepartmlniiegaroing the disposition of inventory left over from the closing of Village A;iil;;;' tni'-ns of June 1st' Village Antiques has released its space in ine Mtjage Inn plaza. I would like to be able to sell the remaining inventory to riienoJon an infrequent basis. The inventory remaining consistsofaboutsople""".Iwou|dliketobeabletoselIasmanyofthese piecestofriendsaspossiblewithinthenextsixmonths.Afterthattimetherewil| be no selling of any rino. r know that I am responsible for sales.tax to the Town of Vail and also to the County and State' I wili pay all appropriate taxes by date due. There will be no n"* inventory purchased. i do not forsee that there will be more than 2-3 transactions on a monthly basis' Thank you for your consideration and help' I appreciate all the assistance you have provided me in this matter' SincerelY, -[izc.nc-et kfs'n o Frances Gunn Village Antiques, lnc. ( ( June 1 , 1995 To Whom lt MaY Goncem: This lettei is in addilion to the letter attached_forthe home occupation Permit' Village Antiques is in the pro"".' oitiqu"it'liit9;;.t;;1its-reii ovei stock fiom when lhev had their shop in the village tnn mati' iiris witt6e done ."t 1Y;;'il;i';;;;i"' Mrs'-Frances Gunn will be the only emplovee "no'*irion'iv tu'il'ii"lg:altr*'aie no tet hours of operation' There wiil be no machinery "|" uqriprunl used. The nr.O"t-oiiiitomers witf vary' The anticipation is that there wiil be no rn"* iiSn'"r" io 1*o p", month. ' ih;;;moer venicle tiips will not exceed one or two per month. d'tffi;;r'pr",itv ot p"rxing rp.; ho*uu"t, there will not be regular customers but friends *no mighi n. visiting her on a personal level' t o o z 9 F c c) =o z T FI 7 ={ --E - o @ am il^|_-JUfi r e* iHE l= E i Yc)= lm: d === l! s 3 !>"'lT * d .. l= i 3 6S l= l.ir I ffitrE' i =F r! 6 € =Y> 4 o-F== 0 3 Ei; g s '*> 6 g mF :_t 'I 4 Ll m tl? -{ I zl or I m BI azl vo '!(,< - _t'l \r! ..t G<Sr -{o @ m x m .It -.1 o z C-o @ 9 -.1 m a m z FU F z (f, O ctl o)-o O F H r t- E- a Fl 'Tl T-z (- z IT tn o a Fd z m V. F CA a) Fq r z H zt an = m 1..) t n t-- F. H €z m F =m -t o 2o nz >m c)f,,--t >o|- \, -o Zt--lc P<o=1Z Oo z -{ --.t a l-m i ^t- 3 m o _t' z o z -t z,o nr qv c)B =tr <F F lo v I -l I I trjl o z H G o\ l+ l€ lz II l>lt-l- IB t'lz lo I I lr-tu ll l* I I lci F t€F lzl lot pl t>l l-l l, I Iml tol rl tzl tol tl tl tl tl tl tl -{ l'i .,i l= =l=zl qlF < lx :IE RIE lq lc)atP YIE lo IF r$ lH O\l { lFd IF t-l* I ld t: lr I> ln -l l--{ Fl= t:l>l- tm lo lz lo I I l o- 9e p-a og ar '<ot, =-o)o 3{ =3.rD (o 6o :a :t OA) !-g)f :l ot $O o,o ol ol A': -B ;= 6'o df :< = o.= 0ro cj ;!t *o 6',= Rd o=.'o; c) o o o =. J f o = = f 0)5 o ;i t-o I '{ f =J .{ f l !t U' 9r,{'? :t c.= <h' a c o o o o o- (o o =o -l { ti N :t f f :h o a. f o o { t f o 3 g. = f o f o '-ol 3 g) J o v, .s -l {f p_ c) o o o () !- F 2 FO H <E6)PO.H X>c) rll -J Fd L' rlt CpF uo ooZ € -i c m -n o €z m o 'n I o m l- i I m €z m =z t- 1) m -r (t z m m o m l< lz z :It tr- i c i X tp IR IY I t-I I z (t C l- =z --t m I 6 z lT! t c m IO g€ =j--z ZA 1l-'z -r z>e8 lci r<u< >o ff-r ao z c z = i z m € --{m - o z =z a' 4 m -o x x i m o c a ]| i z Nt- x<x!;.: m io >n 2O 82 o6f = Eb =^zz Nrn= n< 3 F8 =z >n H> r--{ m !nrt C'; =2 E{ =1 F+l :l ;!l =l tsl zl trl rl r-dl >l -l rdl (/) |Hl FI EI I (j) sl=B =t =z HIEB Hl Fe.' l^o IH:| -f- 1ftz l>o l-z lf--{:lzA I Crl(,/)l-i lol tzl l:l tHl l;l t-l lal tl tt tl z z = = o --l m ED - zZ 'Y'n !> :j z>z' m E z ca x F trl trt F(i< a Fl z a |n \o \o NJ --t -i t-\,m = ='Tl m m at> c Q m x f'm z c m o g. o m 9.o z fl s tn t @ m trl { z m m m I z .) l- c = = m t-m o --{ o t- _0 t- z m C)x -c]z o tT! = -t) m ='Tl m m at VALUATION T m - =-l z 9 I l, l( l( H FI P t- =m z c) t- t-c =c 2 o m t-m --t ^ = z f.J dA l.J s.F. s. (, \ !R# t8302 WI: ={ =7h... =l//4,\€7 o o z a -.t C) -{o z !rn =-{ .J o a m -! 'o, LO trE E3 -aO <:Po hrO m= 2=t=.o.< 6P -o 8d FE z6 m- 'r1 m -t trK' mo l-r EE I* =Z 111 i" ln 'lr l=l=!! EE z= >-2 oo z q m;t,t$i t-.fi I l^<lll c I t\t n t m #c)- q:7 DE ,-. m m --q \o -.1 l€o z (_ I i m F >F 4o R=zA Y> c t- = 2 t -{ 1^-3: -to o> 9e vz >m i>=m o €z m ; ID z 3 T .t //,r/ /. a/r. 'J" i-( l-E8 o> fg m .r z t- f-,+ .//,, ,7 TI t-z -.{ m t-m l< t; l<t> t: rn lF) la m t-o { 'n i- m - = I n l, \ H b E F F E lm P lz P N rN F T F Ir. tr E F lo t(- R ti lrt l- {z 'rl I r m z -{I!|- F b(l l\ t s\ N l-{ lo l{ lz n t<l>F m t'lz l' ln.i fs I |j\r 'r1 E ln t/I IL R m F[th K t< v,fF* I = tn tJ, = i.., t(\r vx N o -t \- p. N'E l z t- m {o z m m m l<" lz lz It Ir- '6(l rtJ qr|\rF +or H a=,o !1 fi F Eo ->n u; cl. o o'<2 2 0 t. f.o 6 2 6= E o z9 - 1 +> z. *ii:s F F ::lor o -EX;E3d E I s lBs =;m 't1 no sil 3g - O o 3'u'- 5 or ?P " oB 3 ad o-'ci: g-9c,m(r'; T3a*= =(og=(/,o.-o i 6 E:;gii I6gtrit i:E+l E i=i*€ E:;sli I5sp.i3 -tt o =m r n zl =l z anl >l tl I I I I I >l -l I I !m E =-{ z o INSPECTION TOWN OF :- REOUEST VAIL PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS i STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr ! UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TU8 tr SHEETROCK NAIL .El FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr D tr tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ',.o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR - ,'' The itens below gtving a perrnit Please check off FINAI PLI'MBING FIIIAI. INSPECTION'S COI.IPLETED rEEtl to be conplete before a flnal C of O. la the box provided. DATE: n T FINA], UECIIANICAL DATE: IUPROVE}IENT SURVEY RESID. NA}IE: DATE: [] D FINAI ELECTRICAL DATE: K FINAI, BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE:/ -26-q3 TffPORARY C OF O DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAT.ICY DATE: LANDSCAPING DIIE DATE: FILE NAME: o o z 2 F c () {6 z T FI F ={ -t -t @ m rlF. E €o <mCD I-{ if E +aE lfr c i Eli le s i 69" lx = i PI- I=E H t=E -mrriS or! 6 €E=! 3 $o E a 2 == sg z fii q T m ! = (- z =T z z B ti E o fiF o>'t- 2n -tm nz >m on i> n E t- 3 E!z o c) 4o --.':A)T 9Ij z a -.t t- -l l- -z ts F F f-.F f H tr F o\ I s. @ { P E z F z z =t l- D m to o hJ l.J =H r r x I I = rn F rll rd Fd z -.1 {z 'n E a NF GN zY an @ 5 I 3 |- m 8 hJ ! I LN l..J ! 0 z H r-l tr{ E ut H z 3 ld lz lo li l!In l@ F t lE @ l.J { I tjl L'l o\ i.J 'l lr mlO rl= le t<l> lF l!lllt lo ti lo I I E l=lo l'rt l<t> lF It IM lF,lz le z o -{m I o o ! o .T !m T -{o @ m x m ! -.1 o z L o @ 2 -{m I {m b H F{ G O s- C^)O F-. H3d o!-.d 6',Pg 8 *B I=-E;e '<9{{E6 1*e' dp. =-.O 0t f-- j.sg iioo Q 3a rgB. aB= E -at qd€ E oE d==-: +i6 ra 9.3 o 1-r .O o r. =-r=?lJ(D ..=lo 1g g f! -.s,6r =< =r "-',F =is ilq O-r :48 d^ H*g ,31E (,tO=. 'o-(D o --- D,{' :D 0 =c\ =a (,, a 0)o o o 4 ro o i o t vi N o -' @ qt -5 o. 1r,tr ct C!- 9.o f o o o.'o :o o.o 9. Gt f o o t qr o o t =o =(! = ='(EI o o o"o gl J .o \o) I t-. l> lz lFd H <Fd(.,l >. !t Ho>Ei. r! oxrd (, c)co!O t- 9)Z ur€ @ z i I m o €2 m ! xl= l=t= t>lr a J o -l t- ah -t z x z z t- -{ z -t m =x z m <t !, t-t- n IO tr€otr +i- -z z,a .'z = 2> l,x rd 4<11< >o gi U'6 z c z = z rr! m u l =2 X ;{ =o z t- I'l z -l !m :'l a-c o 2 Pt-R1 i5!sii >n zo e9 Ct at. o63 = EF tt--{66 z2 E'= m= T< = Eo !'4 m =z om g3 xS lEo trr t 7{J HO cz OO E5 T >r 2..ol =l zl r-t I vl "'l 8l FI T Ll) l\) )rl "l HI zl €l tEr I PI HI ol Fl E o z K z =o F @ F =o z -t m o z 2 =z -.1 >o t -< m =l ol 2'ol nl !l ol l-l m z tN P H s' -.1 o { t- lC m E =-{'n m m an U' m x o t-m 2 m T g c,m L o 2 n m s m { E ,a m o m I 2 tt m m =an o z |- |- 3 @ 2 6' m t-tn = t- |- z m x t- z m ,o 3 T m v =-{1l m m U' VALUATION !m D 3 - z o r-l € l- 3 m 2 ? !-c = =,o m t-m -l 6 - - z o o t.J t\)s. RqNR +s o o z a {F c o {6 z !ltt 7 3 { =!| -l @ m Es l--.. ts E Fe 3 f9g 2* l!= S l3E 3 i5 o<1o.68 g,?FE fi3 I m u ={ =FF i;= 9p"t- D!F li rr s Pe B z3 !1 0(D F\7 o 6"'FZ x !EilH oz lo ;-{Itt Ir t>'I'd o Ino t!!t'< lHo lj- 'r1 T t-. lll \o ;o 3=-{ -{o @ m x m !-{ o z L o @ 9 -l m iF ,F ta t-t oz Ch ts rq C.l.)H a'-r I \..J I -< lr/;ttJ I I I I (- 2 =IT z z H 3 o F fiF o>'r 2a -lm nz >m on -t>or-u =o --{ lfi (, n m I z z I I' -{ \JE :2. --lc 3= d3 n o -t I l*l- I -n =z H lr l<lFr I t-r IH t>tc)lrt I lin IE t3bz FF El* fr13 r|*t, lrd l,r ltd Nl>ttz B< lc)HIH F IC/)ul ttfi r)l Dd 16l t- tq ttz ll=tl =tI Plt r- l=>l ot< =k)@W vt F-t lrd lF HI st>rJ lld K) . lFl IH Erd Td |e)>tH td l(/l ol l{l tul Itdl a -t F H r I Ltl E lz liC li It tm lp tz lo L p F r @ s. I n = F C) z H c) ld lz lo lt l= IH le,tz lo [_lN,l\o ll Itp I I '+ t-.r mlO Fl= le t<t> lF II lrn Ia lz lo I I I I u F,z Fl H ?t H to l€ lz lo t:t> lF It lm lo It l9 I I l^ ll lE I I l\)..J I u o\ l.J co t){ I (Jl vr o\N l{ Fn bE t€E Ht EF lz ld PF l,- r l?l l-l tl o-9=J9 Edi oq d'<o.o e*J=!ro QT -(D -o-q(o 6o OD !-D'J -fP Ato o.o et t1 -oI 3qt ;E o!:6'+D q3 J= Q= =o DO. sg d5 i< =rF=ii+q)o o-. -f o::9X :. :l a5 .ID J Rd :-o (D=.'9d '' o. D @ o o' o o J : J (D !r =o !r f CL E. P.qt ; o =p. t g -{ 't ,'f 'o .s J s f o 'v, 0r o o o t u, o o. f a v, o d !) o (o o o o s.(D { tl E E o o. c =; 5 @ E. o- ='(o o (D 0) ct o J q =' o v, o -{o { o) =o 0t 'g o =o o o Ic)IF Irrl NF nz tl C IFd tl H Io < Fd c/:>oEi H FU'td . OE X ',{c)Fl o(,rd {(,)C) @O FZ rJl H @: .r1 T =@ m r 'r't I z t- m -o z m m m .0 l<" lz lz t= t>lr a J -.1 F I z Q r _-t 2 -l m -t I x z m (t, r l- m 4€otr 4i-za :1 > = z> YX nii I<g< >o ot m=<t, o z c z i IL tl tl ll z m { ?- m I =z F X _. z t- u m _9 -l m o u o n t- 6 = ONF I cr S TH F Eo nln =zo g 22 ucr.a 3: e H zq - J oo o alz 2 5 x F>- No= Srn=ar, I- 5-<!< 3 F H r i H z P 4 H z H z c) P I (,.) |\a I *7 *.2 .40 giF ..,o ?.r c 6F no '4.2 xo JZ iiq 2d z FJ U) FJ € r-{ ts F z 2 2 =z -t I m i-( 9r tzz ol It! o b3 tZ; t- l5'|-.\ t\\\o to I 'ct rl lm z 1/v H F. -{o -{ t- !m u = ='n m m a, q, m -{ x ()t-m z ! m !o g. -| c,m 2 z m m { o m m I z 'tl m m =m z - 3 o z m t-m o 6 t- !t- z o m I z o m =i !m F = =-Tl m m q, VALUATIOTI !m 7 ={ 2 9 Fl H I- 3 m 2 6 - =@ z c, m m o 4 t- t- z t! FJ l.J 4 N'l.J o F.o FJ CR* Lts951 ilnl?o W 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81&57 (303) 479'2138 (303) 47+2139 office ol community development April 1,3, 1-990 Gunn Residence Remodel Permit + 4307 ceorqe Schaeffer Construction Corrections to plans: l-.) Closet off nud room is required to have fire resistive nateriaL of l--hr construction on garage side, per U.B.C. sec. 503 d' 2.) provide exhaust fan in powder room per U.B.C. sec. L2O5, vented to exterior. \...\ --- trHH o o z (n -{v c o {o z '9 m n ={ d @ m ,-.. t €'l<x f IHE T l9q 3 lr= g l=n g l=e =3=.o<4o.6t frE ;5 fii I !m t = =PF t5P= 1n==,^\.-\ex-'t- trtrn (, A:te =;-3z=t-'1 0@ F r= = r.,a) \,Fz F Rf,uiA o>'l- (- z =IT z z H It E- 2e az >m on -{ > 9p ic 3=c)=1z z,o =-r \? n m '1- z z --t u o --.{ -t -z H l6 I r-t EE FE brn pl F, lrt H19 wl ll*l, lFd l, ItE h, l>ttz l<tc)HIH F lur ril IEE r)l Dd 16r ttq llz llz tl tl eFt;<Fl=DI pl FE E Na w Fp i'r tw tHl lr-F I r-^) 9E t-e * l'E - I3 E'J o, lFiK)I l>Fr utltD|c/l '-lOl ol=l ul I lul lrEl l.r rn lO Eo IrF lzl 19 le lr lE E IE 16 lF 16 ls I tz I I c/:I IH lHl.lN l.l\o I ll lc)tt'tl F, I tJl o\ z H H q, l-t to l=lz lo I.lr l<t> lF l!lm lt , l6 I Its t?IE I N)! I (, lJl 1..) @ tJ ! I (,fl Or nJ E tii t€F lzl Rb E-E TFI t= Et t!,I,t H EF te b"It l,-r l^l til tl II l-r to t€ lz lo t:l> lF IH lP tz t p F r I --t l{It'r lo rl= lo II t> I|-l:!In lp l6 I I I I I ,z iq 1t >l !o PO =T io r- -n 'r H lll \otr 3=-t -1 @ m 7 m 1'-{ o z c o @ a i m F z H tz tV,F! ,Fl t./ |-t o-id E-o (Dct 6-<oD e*J= 90 QT -O -o-ry (ct 6o ==O0) !-dr -fP q1 o o.o oP o)- 6',= ;ot itl og -='+ii F,-. 9= J(D '$ o E'e a:i< =r*=Ej:oo vt -. .P o =.i o= -o att r Rd at =.'o:'' o s 6 (D' o 3 a o 0) 0t o. E t- = '{ o i .{ -o. DT v, {'r ol at, o O-r = 6' at o 4 o \.{ { a; N ='{ct- o =o, ut s. vt o o o 'o !, o 2.ro o s.o € !) o t = 3 @ = o ll c)IF rd IF lz tl IE tl IH Io <Fdc,>oE H - OFd XEJ Ouriu { FZ l.^H @ n o ! =a m -n l z r- !m = z m m m .o l<" 12 l= lP ah i o I l; I IE!tx t!t>lr-la-I ct, L t'tz lz l-ll I I I z o r -.{ z .t m -t I x z m l--c |n tr€o! =6 .z -ll, z>9R rU t= io ol m= z c z = ll 2 m € |-{m a > =z ff X x =z m -t m o ,o c ! n D F z e,o !.., !-EE eJ 9$ HH tdP bo F.- > 'n :zo ns ?9 HI Q9 E3: e H zz? - I P1r 2 Z E3 ,ttx H..zlF>- t-{ | N E =Hl s-=lsrr-4.lD-<xl E< =l = 0 m t. li lF t! I N :$=*'z rt G) =F '-'o 5F td0 d- E6 -Jz iio /-r i z8 z F-l ln H H \t fi F z TA z =z tlr, I i m 32 6) --z>t- s. o ..l m c-..1 z 5 t-\ ll, \o N M\t\ N r(1 J o -l r !m ={ 'n m tn at't o m -l x o |.m 4 m t4, fr Il|L 2 m s m € v :P m o ,m a z m m =m z o f- !t- 3 = rt \,c 7 m m i 6 |- .7. 2 (t -z () m x -/ ^pl 7z E F = m t = -t/(e a 4 n 7 q /' u)!m u =-{n trl ?fn \, b ,t\, VALUATION H H Fi r =m 2 t- !t- =q =o nt |n a o t- E z 'o tn !3 -{ z 9 \1 nl jlo 6lo trls tl(r) lo t.-.t DI t)I.) o l..J v { I a (\J\ \J $a\ , ,n q\ o u N VI N o l'J N crt n -l a s.s. N D, .,^l c { s. N e.rx {w { N) _.t $ N N (.( o f.l \\ b o o .t o o s b- G o o c\ N N d }\s!s I d. c\6 \tl sl ^l 81 ffif,|fr',, ^t4n''#' ;ffi! JUN ?1gsl' I, APPLICATION DATE:1990 DATE 0F DRB MEETI i'lG: APri I 4. 1990 DRB APPLiCATION *****THIS APPLICATION I,IiLL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI1ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-app1.i catjon meet'i n9 with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to deiermjhb if any additional information is needed. No application will be.accepted unless it is compiete (must jnclude all items required by the zoning adminjstrator)' It is the applicant's iesponsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0I4PLETE applica- t.i on will streamline the approval process for your proiect by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the'DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTI0N: Relocation (interior) of kitchen and new roof l'i ne at new ki'tchen I ocati on. B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address ??2 t,,li t 1 r:rpplr c'i rnt p Legal Description Lot 11 Block I Filing Vail Villaqe lst Zon ing r NAME 0F APPLICANT: Robert Gunn Address 332 l,li I I Creek Ci rcl e. Vai I tel ephone 476-4648 NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: l4orter Arch'i tects. K'i rk Aker 143 E- l4eadow Drive. Va'il te1 ephone 476-6105 OI,INERS: Si gnature Address 3j2 i,li I I crepk ci rclc,, vai I tel ephone L76-L6a'8 F DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the time a building permit is requested' VALUAT ION FEE |. D. Addres s E. NAME OF $ 0-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ Over $1,000,000 $ i0.00 $ 2s.00 $ 50.00 $100 .00 $200.00 $300 .00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In additjon to meetjng submittal requirements, the appljcant must stake the site to indjcate property ijnes and building corners. Trges- that will be removed should also be inartlA. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. Z. The rev.i ew process for NEl,J BUILDINGS w'i lj normally involve trrro separate meetings oi-th. Design Rev'i ew Board, so plan on at least two meetjngs for their approval ' 3. people who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled me"ting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. llarch Proiect APPlication I Project Name: Proiect DescriPtion: Contact Person and r.-..., I Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal DescriPtion: Lot Block \ ' Filing a- \:-_ .,.ti..Zone - Comments: Design Review Board ,i il !i \, \. .-u.,. *.., \..:-,-t Mollon oy. ' -' -- - '::'I .' - \ Seconded bY: - APPROVAL , D ISAPPBOVAL Su m marY: Date: Town Plan ner n statt Approval NAME'0F PR0JECT: - Qur4--Be$!-enlg-39model :------..---- - . .'[Ecnr-oEscnlPTloN:-nt t Filins STREET ADDRESS: 332 l4ill Creek Circle. VaiI = ., DESCRIPTI0N 0F PROJECT: Reiocation (interior) of kitchen and new root ltne LIST OF MATERIALS and w'i ndows at new kitchen I ocati on . information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Revjew a finai approval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR The following Board before A. BUILDING Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fasci a 50TT'l ts lli ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails F lues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther M^+-r Dark Bronze rrnnrr To l4atch Wood To Match l,lood r ll lJ n nrl |l ll Llnnd R LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: nhnna. nl^n6 Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty S.i ze*PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees'for conifers. (over) To l'latch To l4atch Indicate heiqht ,*#.'";*oN, g5ouEsr {3c{ PERMIT NUMBFR OF PROJECT r'/'l^ -) I r-\ I DATE | -/ | JoB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR READY FOR LOCATION: ^^ t.<! \- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL -p(RoucH / D.w.v. FGoueH / wArER O FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT.tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED PPROVED CORRECTIONS: ,/' /'--,.f^-/- V.,-1 oxtW lNSPEcroR ta--<-<'a-^-:-Aa--t, -9--(.1 rNstctoN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL THUR ( ( ( <=-' PERMIT NUMBER PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON I l, i 1(- (' cnlldn- TUES WED READY FOR LOCATION:.r- tl u;l a{ a'Rppnovro CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BU D tr tr tr tr tr tr ILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: " N, PowER VhoucH -_ D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr o CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR INAL FINAL DATE INSPECTOR oN REOUFS,T N OF VAIL l. ,*ril"r,. TOW L,,tll ('^a, t---{- ( PERMIT NUMBE DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUR READY FOR LOCATION:'lt ( €'<r- k1 l(<l<-- BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING D INSULATION i tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS i S*or'- tr FINAL tr FINAL D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR u\'a .4) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT rNsfcnoN REQU.EsT TOWN r, a Lr( OF VAIL <.---oor. '-''lz ( JoB NAME (' .4r, INSPECTION:MON CALL TUES \v 1 | <,- READY FOR LOCATION::1 I c"e BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK O FINAL MECHANICAL: D HEATTNG ' tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL D FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: o,;e b-'t?-fC rNSPEcroR I [/4ON \ri\TION: -.\''\ INSP \) rnrsilg;*o$, gfipuesl BEADY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT r, \lg-- -r 5 DArE "s - j>-)N JoB NAME \WED THUR FRI BUILDING: N FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL D FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER ",FLYWOOD NAILIN GAS PIPING SULATION POOL i H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED APPROVED CORRECTIONS: oerc 6 26 fQ rNSPEcroR mFs+r" qir*t I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME .& IE^TIrr N f E\, I I \rr! TOWN OF INSPECTION: '\C-L CALLER TUES WED THUR tNs REQU"EST VAIL J DATE READY FOR LOCATION:fi BUILDlNG: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATER FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION -)4fneernocK NArL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL frrt*ou=o tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oere €7*2 - ,2a rNSPEcroR JECT ,*rt"'oN REQUEST vAlL ?:' r , TOWN OF PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER M,oN ,,ruE9"i ,Yto THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- N FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEF " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB E FINAL 'tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr DISAPPROVED E] REINSPECTION REQUIRED PPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR & I ---.AlI LI-E I - T II IT\I f E\, I rvll TOWN OF \:im il PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT oor. \- JoB NAME INS REOTIEST VAIL \\. CALLER READY .FOR LOCATION: IN-SPECTION: *-.'J ..\ \---)' r__\ MO TUES'', \iY WED THUR O DISAPPROVED D .REINSPECTION REQUIRED :rl -''. / -'-l.a /1 ) co RFFcrl ONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL LECTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: E TEMP. POWER -tr HEATING E ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS N SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED nATE /r'>'" i,i )' ,':, - lNSPEcroR UA I tr- z/ I=-L------:'.:-"'t- P*ffi** The ltens below giving a pernLt Please check off FINAL PLI'UBING AJ, INSPECTIONIS need to be complete a flnal- C of 0. in the box provlded. COMPLETSD before l-_' DATE:ll FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: IMPROVffENT SI'RVEY RESID. NA}IE: DATE: FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE3 DATE: TI},IPORARY C OF O I I L- DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANSY o*", L -Q. il f- I I,AIIDSCAPING DUE DATE: FILE NAT'TE: ntrtr 9z 40 =-{m ll 16o l<o t!t;<l.o t11 '*cr 1l s$ =f -{o ID m x m -It I o 2 C-o (D I i m C O N) - =Iz'\-J{l?) <D-\-,/\\___-y o o z tn {7 c o {6 z T -t nt .l7 *l=el { d @ m ls l--.. s E lis :i Im= 6 l9e :1 l!= g l3E 3 .\c n1 o.<1c dt ;9 P€>3 63 m-l +m -{ =FF Xm= 1n= =C)o gF r trtrD lr 1t Or-CC z=o{D 2= 66)z 7 cn R= ='d ft -^2 Y> Oa z. t- P= Ft@ 1Z oo a V 1i fr!-t o o>frt- c) 2a -lm az.>m of,t --r >or-n T =m c) =z m A J!ol El zl >l =l ml "l B H tri t. c) H E r 7 fiF o>'t- t-o I I,- @ -r -tl =z o >.ts li Its IF lo Fd l-lm lFr I I a t = -{ li mlo rl= lo E la t I {l{fn HIgF 'lzI tol El t>l lFl t!l lml l-l tl lll --r 14 fi 'dbE f,IEF lol |-nI t<l |;I FI 16 l lt tl tl tl -{l{E HICF 'lzl lol EI t6 l l-l ll tl illdH ,"l=F -lo l.^ 513 lE &IF IE o\ l! | |-l sls lF 16 le I la I lH lF. l frl I rll c l\ol C)lllFl lcdl H I le :FF pl pl DOI Irrl ttr I rt tl tl =ll t|l lll F rr z F !- oB =F <F r p aP irD r-. rn r- Vr trl(, I l(,lL,l*IE IH F l'o\l c)IF lr{ IE lF o o q D - o :.o o s : !) o d D o. 6' A'!t !t r6''o = =o ,c !J @ r. il l!) in iE.I6 o. !)' o D o t). g' = 5' o =!) =-o o =.o.o o !l (o 6 -'o CL (t a o - $o (oo ai5 o9 dP 8+ 5f 9or \<o tP 3E *(D -.o l3 9; ;'f 5o-o9 3ot 'o6 E='Y9) ,Eo 'F= -f4 r-6 o-o?!o o :i =o)l'< =i=9 'Jo isrd i== IaiO ;= o !'= a :o-i.aP ,D= rfG iut u ::q :(,,tc ;EF to- Y.t (nl .C J( *(o: gi d: :r:6't (tI oi 0ll s @: o. o -{o r{ f q; N f 'Gt 'o lo. rn 'g :+- s. _9.,'o !o ,o io | -(rt to lo 'ao ,:' 6i <: A': ot o_l =o f (D = 5'(o o o o.o o. fl o. o .o o--'.s \c, (D . (rt \\ .-1 \o 'x. l o !, E.o o ct (D o a o c)ri >z 3l\il,\'fl.\ol'i \lt l*\o|.\ \{l(\ =l\nl\)sl\ol -\ 9l {l !l >l ol -ll ol rl -tl .r =o m -.ll z -l -m o €2 m z o t- -i z t-|n -.t { r t- IO tr€otr +i -z 4G' .z = z>e8 IO d= BE t'|=<Do z c z i ll L I ll -.{I x z m o, t- m 4**o =z - m =-{a z m m m lz X' lz l-It lr' a J o c -.1 t-> =z 'tt x z zl 3l ;t 5 m = o =lo lz t> I' t-In lm l.I,l> ln te !m n t- > o 2 glrr fi E;F io ->r1 :zo s 39 tcrq.f o 62 o3 E b z2 - =oo o -nz.z €o , t< = C)r Fin ' '2 tdi zt ttl: >:z< ( Wl €. t'11 FI PI t-t I alSl*z l= EtFtf6 tt -l -l vF lo El=lf;e li lEl-: l3 lqs3 | e lElarul lfl.lHl l;l;|;l lrl;lgl : I Frl u:lf-ll lalFl*l l'l3lHl Fl =l o: o il nt 9tz >'o t2d tH l(, I z lo I ol ' >: F tl *o .@ |\o I -{o -{ l- !m F = =.I m m U' U>m -{ x o a-m 7 tn ! t2 -l m L z m =m { @ o , m m z n m m =m z t- 3 o z a m t-Irl o 6 - z o m x @ F z m F = !m v =-{'n m m U' VALUATION !m v ={ z o H H P - 3 ftt 2 A t- 3 g z o m m u o - c t- z o ,-l col I I @ \o Rq$R GEORGE SHAEFFER CONETRUGTION COMPANY P.O. Box 373 vAlL, coLoRADO 81658 DATE i'i ..:. .i .i. ill t il i ['i'' i:; 'i FILE NO. .:.'f il! . r'l ::' E URAENT {"oon As PossBLE 3 NO REPLY NEEDED ATTENTION l.tr r...:' I .l. i:i I i-l i-i l::' {: i'ir' i i i' (303) 845-5656 I f, i,;11 i:,! i"ji1 :: r- F i i-:{l ,, L'ili::} i. SUBJECT TO i..t:.i:;,i;t i.i;:: i; :i:lr.- i : r,,,t:i i i i r: 't':.i .:,. ,, i: i - u t r i ,t -- i.: i:i ri t")r-(i j- " |i:rl l-+.1. {:5'," ''Es,s.AAE ili-i;.:'i;r.i;i|'i:'i'l-li.:lti'::lj'.i;i:..t.l.::.ri:...r:f;::. 'ij t' i l-i {.r i;ri::.i i i i;'r' f i, 1'1111ii tiii:' t'ji ii1:Eii- ' l.ti.i!::i:..-1i|ilif]r1{:];lI::]i.::l.1ii.l;.ri''il':]:i,..i:jt:,..'i.i.':ii]l.l::i:;l','.+.,l:.:lli,,1ill.'., i i:! ::!:, i ai i. i,: SrcNED REPLY DATE OF REPLY E9 |f'f-1 , t;; .::?:"r P GAULKTNs, Jn,r'OO CcL6iloO a,."r aAr { rui\g.aq tGoo !Fe{BlllY 0rHVtn, coLoEAFB FO4Ot Noveaber 14, lggg -s i{AEFFER coN$TRUt i,n 1r. f olsrado 8i[i3_ cor.tPAHY AL teItlon r Ur. Rlch lflnkcllar v:A FAX; 845-7013 Dr:or glre I PinagS bc advioed 'a y oulr worklng on aru teBoVtog FArt ElncesrLv. ,{p.PA**y';,tr.'8l"ifii*'i f;;llft"' "i thst I hrv6 .T"ill"lilf' no obJcc!*or _ wbl1c you butldtag. c !,1tr, I Ort r'-NYdhlgD .t I O E}{ t rE.Int|it {.!^rtdgE ! 1te eB ,tI r t "|otRcAULKrNs,JR.2IOO COLOIADd ET!aE EAN( SUILD t!G rEoo eFcA9vrAt tr ENVER. COLORADO AO2OI Noveubet 13' 1989 SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION CQU?ANY Box 373 Vadl , Colo. 81658 Faxr 845-7013 Dear Sire: Thie letter wLII Berve to ailvl.se you that X afii aware thet you have been retalned to te- uove the portioa of the pool that lE oB fuy land. S1[cerely r -"V;-'i4eL'h Oeorge P. CauIkl.[e, Jr. G. PECK O COMPANY TOd .raNV d t^lo s 'rro sNrlitlnvot{ vvvTg:TT es'gT'IT tr [-lz--.r l.).\tt./ \\I V,/ ' I hr,r,rl z I L-- / ,'t -,y,2 englVA'Qflng, InC' ' professionql 5 r-qtLrcl Qngtlee's June E'' 15'i9 l"lr' . Lieor ge !:,haef f er BHfjh.Ff:l i C0t'ISTRIJCTI0N F.0. Fi',..: 37J \-jar 1., Colorario 8l E58 5ublect, Si ruc tura l Inspectiotr f i: i l Creel,; Pc.ol U,:l r I , Colonado ir 6€or'qi: you knor,l i met r,rltir 5'pl.l at the above r'nted poolhorr:e Lln May 25 ' lg8l io af4rne the existJnO condrtron of the structune of tfiis building' 1t is 'rt lrth integreteo structure composed of a c:lrlcrete bloch; r rundation and a uood ;cf system constructed fnoF glu-Iam beam lafters and uoi'{:i decking' A f etl large ylrqhtspenetrate,lroughthisror:fstructurg'Thesiciesofthebur]drnqare rned fuil herght and 3" to E" of soil 1s,>n top of t lre roof' Ihe sIv]tQhts ojectappr-o)(.imateI)]6''abovelhrEsoi}andId'dit+tobser.vearlydrarr.age ,rcliets on the uptrrll srde of therq, The roof basi."illy prtches froFr norih tc .1Uln. I observe,l three raflers uhich have deterioralsd consirei'ably at their south ( lor^r) encjs. Th j.s dam.rge Eppeans to be rrom f4oisiure penetration frot'i the e;rterionandithaspnoqreesectoapointt,Lireieanunsafesrtuatron€}:i5t5.15 aiI of these rafte." u"* nert to sf,.vlights i feel that r'':aten has Fenetnateo Inlil ihestructureollthehr!hsideoftheskyilqhtsandcollected6tlhei;.,lendof theadjacentr.a|1.ers.0],-1-n,beaFshaveaisclbeenusedtocreat.thecunbupon uhichthesesh'ylightsbear.ConErclerab]er,roigIur.edat.rageuJasrtr,l,edcnthese bearq:,.flstheyarebasrcallynon-structuralitef,s,theydcn;ipnesentthe safeiy pr oil Iem that goes alonq uith the damage to ttre rafters' Acoupieofalternativesolutionsareavailabletaresioreintegretyi'othe i:earinr:.sit-,lationa'ithesouthendofthedar,ragedrafters'Theseal..eboth rJescribedlntheenclosedcl*tai'l;'Basictsilyoneoptionistoinstallbent piate brachets c;n both siJes of each beafi so as to support the beaFr at a point approxirrately one t'r:rot arlav from the oall uh':ne the sect ron has noI Iost any irrtegrety.Thesebracketsurou]dbeatIacrladiltheblocIfoundationwal]with expel|lsionbaltsor.threadeLlrodgroutedintoiheuall'TheotheropdlonulouJd be to support ihese beatqs crt this s':*re distance al,^,ay f rorq the bearing &JaIl uJith rlx4postsdoLjntothepoolslab'l".lrlethrsrsnottyp::allyareco|!nended r'letailforneUconstnuction,it','rou}clrel':lvetheimr,tdiatesafetyhasard. Ihere is a risii of cracking in the dech elab Li ]ih this a]fennativE' 143 e, meaooll or., suttti 390 o crossrooos shopping cenler ' voil' colorodo 816: 7 t 303/4762170 Page ? lrl n Aonrnc eh:affon June 6, 158! Llrrf or'lunal;r'r ly both of lhesa .rllernatlves ar',: r'rerely band-aid .oIutlons and r^rr 1I iir.itrear as Euch. The source of the noisture penetratt n shoLrld be addressed as p,rrt of the total process or danrage to the 6tructur€ di11 conttnue. Thrs ipplies that the €anth shoulcl be removed f ronr the roof and neu flashing anc nnnf.nn hr- inci,rllerl flnarnane cnicL-:ts ;hould be ctnstructed around fho | ,Jv, rrrg c!'linhtc as nani. nf thrc nner;etron. Thjs [^Jou]d also be an rdeal t inne to Jrlj/rf9r,vJ reniace ihe nlrr-lam beams whrch .r€dte the curbs fon the skyliShts' This innplres tah,ing apart and r-c:onstnuctrng aIl oi' the skylights. At ih15 pornt you would have to ask yourself hou far ycu uant to tahe the reconstructr,:' of this prolect, Obvrously r,rr th the roof strrpped dotln to the decLrng and tfre skylighta r'efiov€d, it would only be on€ more step to coprpletely replace the darnaged glu-Iam raf ,.ar.s. In thrs manner the rntegnety could be restored to the entrre roof structul r uithout the apFeanance of a band-aid soluticn' In sunnrrary, there are a f eui alter-natrve rdays of handltng the problem' You and \/.rrr- nantner-q r,riII have to make an econopiic decision based upon the current J vsr estimdted var.re of the buiiding, It could be ihat the pool lE rnore of a detnrmeni tlran an asset to lhe adjacent prop.ent'r values at thrs point 1n time and that pf-udent econof!ic Judgement uould dictate cofiplete removal of the bul lding. otherr^rise, you have to conside:' if r.t is hrorth sFend:.ng the noney to reconstruct much of the roof in order to da the nost thorough and most aesthetic solution to the Frobl€ry1 . 0r, is it r,rorth so Iittle that rnly the f'lost basic band-aid apFroach is justified, fieep in mind that e'r'en 1l' you address the safety haeard the structure wiII continue to deteriorate unIeEs the source of the rrroistur-e peneti'ation is addre:sed as ujel I ' Als,:, there i3 no uay to Elo d ban,j-ard solr.rtion urithout lt blatently aFpeai-inQ as such' The only given rn this f onrqu.la rs that the dannage to the raftens should bt' cor.ected in cne of these fashions promptly as the si.tuatl'on has deten:"onated tt' a point urherB a farlure could occur ne:{t ulnter under a fulI snou load' I wLIl be glad to provlde you trith any furthen eng!neering services that you might nced to ac.rieve the desired results i,rith thrE burldrng. Please give ne a call rf I can b€ if assistance on if you have any questrons 'egardin€ this srtudtion' BOYLE E Timothy President 'l\y' ' , .^ Pt / ( I i,tu JYzt-' I .-'^' ' ,'j -'-:1 . - // .''. - -. -/ ,'.'t. q) t ,,':t' t>- .' . "' ,|.,-|L--/'l boyle engrneerlng. rrc 143 e meOdO,,r clr Surte n,10 crGsrooos shopprng cen rer \orl, colo(ooo 81657 n3/4762170 Vq'f.';ti '^ flbf r, ( fu,ef i 4i ?V5 4 -V""Lfrp, ..---.--- ?',ry11 (S;;it;'i ^ ,;g1t/'- 2an ll,i'- ^1, ,-'!'/9 V i t 2 h ?: {'i (--l,vwt 2?. pbfW::;ttV FAQ It-:a y'-? - 2gltl-, e?4D 2f Pr{r4s rg P-h 2.s:. vJh, t I fl Yqn Yfli V, il.' r 4" 4lvol 9t' '3 'oo 'vtrii', ir4 (teI _-- ?tr','; /'a !r< y,/q .,l e,. /a'4.r41q9. /;'.i 4, 1'.t''2- 9 tt'T , l-o-,l ?-'+-rl +)' OF PROJECT I INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL i. 'l PERMI DATE T NUMBER -'--\..'lf' JOB NAME CALLER TUES AM M P WED THUR .|\ FRI READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:\ i' BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V, tr ROUGH i WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEE- tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEF " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL tr FINAL O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED APPROVED COBRECTIONS: L'A Itr INSPECTOR I -^ ' .l-t =| /t-)\tlI lr\ \ ''-JA/_),1 \_v o o oz Fq HE QF @b o {o z -U d E m Is :-o lrA E IHl 1 tii i s Ei s l=t =35 6€ df n*FE fi5 I !m u =-{ rr rX rX LI LX L}< nrr fifl8 -{o 42= FP"t- -r1 .It O|-cc z=oq,2=6o z o 4o c?! =m z z -l o -{ 9p -{c EE ie m t-m c) -l n o t- 2A -{m 7z >m OE -.t >or-I) o -;m o t-o tD z =m z z H H c) r z o @ r -z o H F i* lg le H to FE lz to l'rr K t> lF l!tm lF,tz cr\ I s .{ n D E- r c)H c) -.1 €z .tt - m F) z \o I E @ -J I E 16 l't|t< l> l; l.o lz le I lT I' EI !{F'X !{ F{F{X s' I \o @ ]n E ={ z o i m I o o .o o -Tl 1'm I =+ -l o @ m x rfl T -{ o z q o @ 2 -{m I {m c) F' \o \o !m F 3 -t z o -/''/',i 4 1, ( i\s N) -o o 0 -o z t- u m ! ! .c) N F ffi a*ffi EB * i3 g: e H .z Q - j oo o C)11 2 Z |r>- Nt!= Pttt= D-<3< 3 ;o o -#E3a ii rt sEid ;E fF (,' (D =f = -.O !t ctF* lAan 9o96. 33F=@9=(,' aed€ -E o!e5=il ;'a 9.6 3s3'1 (/,3t= EE4g j=gE @3oL Podr = =< = lsF; 6:3.n 3 *fi** ;*3€6'9F9 a s.o t o It o o (D -cL =o 3 @ =g o o.o ot CL o = G, Y z c\ 6 E z (, 'n o E T =a,m a 'n s. L,r z .{ @ =l :l ol !i ot tr I I I I I 0l #l 6l 3l z al il ,>l -{l 'l I I ql -l I {o ]- !m n =-'l 'Tl m m a,t, tJ u) (:\ lF q$* 9P *J c{ fv !(4 c 3 o 0 00 6t u) i,.i :' tat,rr-{ o-o t,q o o I 3 3 E CL 3 o € o o @ m n |- m -t o r m l- 6 {o (,/l al z o m o 'rl lt s m o .Tl m -3 = rl -a - !E =tr\Eh =n 69 r o o z @ -{v C o -l o z -u rfl 3 { -nt Or z= >=+o z !DD o2 lc m;4r Y7c W\l' n| 1 n ?: C 0 n 7 n l s c c 0 ! n q -t 4 b/vi x -c H 8=;m {t dz. Y> o t.,t z,r 3= 1Z ()C) c c ; c c m -m C) t- o -{m >m C);o -l>or- o i m o i o {z -m t- C!z 3 !T tl ./- 7 / o=sbi c)>.r Tf '- -t zl ol V V"|,/l la /' l-/tvl tl m m d € o .ll *n = H o t 'rl F m z m f m li p l{ lz F t<l> la lm o lz = -{ It I n ^l/ 1-f t'/r I .n uA 4 lJ 5 E o c V r'l fr F lr I -t nl |- m 4 N |. I .s b D4 ^) |n F F t t-i v lp lo IL l8 t/t- IP lG lF 11, I a -t B r - C t l A !-J A ca I o 5 r D rn ul ? N4 tq l$.J I 17 t --.tr lr I l0 lI I F F b I IO lr t7 t7 o o { o z |-t m 5 i @ z m m o m I<" lz 12 t- 1 !m I 6 m la - m o o z -t o -i o v,m H I o- lol* IBE lng Fl: "163 loi H 11)5 k.* fF F'F o{ TT Eo >1 10 ao <z C, t4 6= =z ol =l ql >l 6l 'l I I I I qr -l I I 3il lElE =fl | t5 VALUATION !m = -o * 9) o a -F tl .it {} t,1 -r I I ol- I I J- (--cF. B s, n , ')lo /'o 5- tz,7F vz.#;'.46 t<-,,4 E F:. frz CL o ( \7v td c>r g v1 F t C.p l. o r x (1 r OO z frl z I /+f P I is I on I CF' {t;{l 51 f INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT N I BER OF PROJECT t I t, JoB NAME L'AItr -5cl6\ 0 CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:ON WED THUFI NT .J -\f 'c)(- t- BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL n D tr tr tr o D UMBING: D FOUNDATION i STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB flsHerrnocK NArL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr n tr D HEATING tr tr o ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL Fappnoveo CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED n5frs-" oarc /Z -/z t F,F rNSPEcroR v\,i.,i, _ l,'. INSPECTION REQUEST" TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM FRI .ol:, , 1:_,--rj INSPECTI j-to\\,.,TUES ".'\ i''.wED THUR CALLER BU D tr tr tr D D tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL .Vttnouto tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIBED 1 CORRECTIONS: DATE i) INSPECTOR PniFsr,op \b\s PERMIT NUM R OF PROJECT \\"\t N ATtr READY FOR LOCATION: t- TNSPEP;['*oN, \ REQUEST"'VAIL . JOB NAME '\.l I \\\CALLER TUES it.'\ y.'o Ctr-)FRI PM INSRE TION: {'\ BUILDING: E] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER trTFOUNDATlON / STEEL RAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL G APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR i \-\'!..'' '- 'i;if', t' \ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST" TOWN OF VAIL r L'AItr READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB M NAME lr\ ,: CALLER ruES i.Wib.;,, N.,il. .- i r BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL D FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL U DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED APPROVED 1 CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ri3: -1 a REQUEST VAIL -t Ir_i.. I l)L^--l Ar l( ,ta/r.-tr;* '.\; "ntQ it ' ^ , V-- / ,., ' ,\ l: L-l<H=; . rr.rsllg;*o5r, PROJ ECT JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:@ rHUR FRI ''.- A.'\\i,(-- tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED tr DISAPPROVED PERMIT NUMBER F ,1 ^l r' ^ATE z' \ -> BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER u pLYWooD NAILING El GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB '()E FINAL MECHANICAL: ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr ROUGH tr SUPPLY AIB tr CONDUIT FINAL FINAL Rttnoueo CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR nifts'o" FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belo,'t item need to be complete before giving a Permit a fjnal C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUI"IBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING TEMPORAdY C Of O CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY o o z a {7 () {o z T m F ={ -{o rT|r Ig 1-O l-:E E liq'i lm: 6 l.'! ; t l;x'+l!= g ls* I 13 I 3 l=ii 3 33 o< dE -|D (ti O EE 69 m.i o 'r'l !m t = fiiE oXF -:io t==gE" l- !!! -71 -I)Or- z= z=oo z trntr -- (- @ z =IT c ==, T =m -t 2"-lm nz >m c)n --{ >or- t-m -l o r z i , i 9.t z.--rc 3=c)=1Z "'1 -{n1- m o T z o z --t o -l o i t- I I (!t- 'Tl =z a = t' I -Tl l-t? lcY I I"n l(o I I I z =m = = m U> q) r\) = a)x- - -t .\| Ol 5 \{+ I c 5 I ot =F <F b p II lm r I =l I l.-{ ls lz lo l-n t<l>l-t,lm lc-,lz F r N) F 3 5 (D ai a+ l{ l€ lz lo ll t> lF ll to t-l€ l=12 l tol l-n I t<l t>t l. l trl lml lpl tzl lol tl tl tl tl lt ll t+ Fr lo l;t{F lzl tol liH lm Fl'Pr- 16 l tl ll ll nlc lo lI t> lF IB I'lz I' I I I a L z -t m (] m ../.J! o 'n m I =-{ i o (D m x m .It -{o z o (! L -{m !m ! = =z o c)O l\)O -.J P F F t r P rD P<H.ln Fr l- E f 6)NF -o-!=o=n 9.H F io ->n =zo u, \., v o-z uoln.joo2 o= E b zq oo o -n2Z { T F>- N@=tsm= n< = o c It t' 6 z. IO rlr€otr IF zd I.-.z - I 1ts I z tr m T o m z at C r -l z -t I o :z m t-r c m m J z t-t- fro<lnI m l<' lz ! t- m ^z =z t- n m 'tt ;E3d - o9o 3;fr; 6is;+ E.-= E I drE6- *i*t" (, O:ar c=** 1i ga o 6- = H qe; Uf,r:P 3dF i to94o O*=E -! !r E d.3- = S :l*5i' { o f- -f f-o o + v,5i= qe+i 5=:E i;a =F=;il <O-l 9.oX o '8 i ts**u a;.,398 90=::Isro=. .XgPE f o --- (D s.o { gt E o t = 5 @ g. 9l f (o o o It o. J ='A) =o o (t, o -{ € tt T' =o o-' f o - = m =--l 1'm n =--t 'Tl m m U' o m q. z m m € -t --l t- F 3 = 2l ol otJ. =lo 2T a.l I irk itJ ll l- -l- ErQ 5;Q l(r l(tl z_z o F E 1- 2 o z o -{ m : = - o.t 6 /s/-t l{lm R$li lnlcE I lzl I lol kroE I $Fl€ NIHI\ Tl*FFFFff r|3 le 'il-E tl .I t- F sb t^T t- I I ffir f/ffi ffi' il/W !u !-.O-{c) .<g; Z.r ox <:c'> 6 -3 =; 6 z CD= ,rt = ;lil: gil I lElF il/Hltli xx t 3 i i ! + '-! f! 3 J CL @ .@ 5 a tr! trD! 7m <= r/>'>r-t- T!O- z= >= =c,z E o 1 (-/) J- @ (of _i VALUA] ION qt ! -l r m o tn ftl .) o l- m o ; o z z F rl I E\hlr IN !t ih I ><><x ><x x x >< >< ><>< ><x I ol -l -l o o z { o .l o D o - vl m .l| s3*9;' €:. oE d € d; E':5a3e-l .[gci E 5;:Fe =*183 ii.;p - :H+5: F3: ti 3,Bpi; ASFgF 'F ;'a 13 TIoAP 5;3-e=r) Ntt J (D 3 qqgo o i't o 9 :. =;: l 6lc'6: ; -'6. =S.= | ;FiIil giFFgI ElSqr I '8*li I r! -r -+ <' ::. F .DrD cr. ii- -n (,.' cl- O O -:.r -+r O -n=c)-r-ooz ==6) rDoo.).+f .om 'J >O qrt./|rn €(^O r.o =o-n (.o,"\O Ur a.V 'r1 _+t O, H =! H or=J' c)o 0, -Er 9m - (-l-€ = o x 5 a+ o n E -tr m =_Tl m m u, 6 >o z;vz -t=r{mC F\' =nt zO m -tl Po €z m ol II 1 I I I 'i t'- I lr qJ L^i l->.S Ct ,.\n r0 r-\ e 'J a_ l\ \ (\ !r\ \ N t9 t- I l-r o- lTt co 1: L_ rt ( I I o Q__ C\r <- \ t. i a- o t n o n ( -{ \- I I s. _:l \^, \J\ <a' I--o o: \ \_ *i :\ o +:t -t __- lt- (- t fs.t' a ; a o 6 tr .r + n o -+ -< t | *\u FX -\ -\. iY-''-;t =q! A\-:l-'-1 )> 3t\s--l d f \L\\*\- s r\ o Lo 6 ft-{<_1 fl Fr il-"s 9's e-- t ;- q_ 1d a 1-r :1 F ,F !o t-t G\ I I ,. o F b x o o -il |-i tt : : I I I \-I (\' > I \s\-i L GI I {,\ FI + 'Xr s s I' q (tr' D R ln q $ \O INS o PE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE .' -..r"1 JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ruES (---W=ED_i_ rHUR \- AM,, PM READY FOR LOCATION:.:-.a,'i' BUILDING: d roortrucs / srEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr ! UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING D tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D tr D D HEATING tr tr D ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FII\|AL tr FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t-;,ry CORRECTIONS: ,, ,. ., ,., :.DATE INSPECTOR o PE INS PEFMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL 1 DATE ta\a NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TI ItrQ THUR ED READY FOR LOCATION:ti- BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr ! UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER I FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEFI " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING $ rrusurnrtoru POOL / H, TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING D tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR N FINAL D FINAL ,,E1 APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE - JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR FRI PM AM MON ,j WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND .N FOUNDAT tr FRAMING ION / STEEL )i ). i' i.) i '.t,/- :i . :": ,'- E nOUCH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER oatr'\tr _4. QLttrEa " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E !tr tr FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: I] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING n tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FJNAL tr FINAL r' 1i6 Aeenovro CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .' .t ' ;INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTION RECiUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER PROJECT OF DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON il CALLER TUES - ; WED THUR FRt, .v,l A PM I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL D FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER .- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr tr FINAL tr FINAL OiAPPROVED - CORRECTIONS: /"|O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT ',"" , 11 l' Joe NrnNae r'l'' DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES I WED THUR ,' 4: l, I PM LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr, ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING q, tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER D tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING tr tr D ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR N FINAL tr FINAL O,.,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT DATE NAME INSPECTION:';'MoN I!]E-,) wED CALLER THUH PM AM FRI READY FOR LOCATION: B tr tr tr tr fl h tr UILDING: FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING FOUNDATION i STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V. tr ROUGH i WATER FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr D N FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr U ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr n F/NAL tr FINAL (ppaovEo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ?o\\ O' O INSPEg^rfgN_ REQUEST i".i"-,v, ,,,|-,'Jtru' ^ TOWN oF vAlL oot. \ \ul,,('( JoB NAME -G-o_]n'A- INSPECTION:wED rnu* (*G\ -__@ pM CALLER MON TUES READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER D FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEEF - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED r-l -t€4\.-,,^-,' \----.i- |rc\ -----:--\. O,rr DATE INSPECTOR o o z (n {7 c c) =o z T nt v ={ --=t E -.t o m E6 .'-t lri+o t<: :l1r :l e Im: 6 l9s 1 tii = s tm -o lrF 6 l=il =| --r a i o< 6P -o -.; O e!>l z6 of mr 't m -{ =FF 1p.z =oc)(J It >r-f TtTtft -n! 9=z= 22 =6)z Hf,uia o>'r- @ z m z.z F fD -J c'- -(D I .'5 -tl _r =m -{ 2a -t rrr nz >m --l >or- otr z*--{ x Br -to o>nt- Oa Zr --t c p< 5E 1Z Oo n m o I z o z --t --l =o n-r xfi (., n 'Tl r z --t t @ r <'o = .D UI af oEE :EF -E l-o, lr lO =H IB oll-c) | lct o l(,l . | (.d lc)lN)lc +{ =l=..J J. I Iol -l :' rl-Jl +tl r\t{ o I {I -5 1 o'q ' I rtt 5 lc)l co l-l :! l'I l-.r tn lo l;t€F lzl to t^lTr l"'lf l*lF I c.'trl lB td l= li l l-l16 ll-l tNl tFt l-l ll c't I (tl ol N) l--r ln lci F l€F lzl tot |;I EI lsl tzl lol tl ll ll lo l-l€ l<lzl lol EI t-l lBl lZl lol II ll I l-.{ l'rl lo l-l€ l<lzl tol El t>l lFl l!l lnl 16 l tl lt ll ll -{ t--r mlO El€'lz le t<t> lF l6 lz lo I I I I I I t !tr8 (]z tq ,.i il lr loo I llo l<o lco .It lF<lo |'Tl m ! =I o @ m x m -l o z (-o TD I --{ n! (f, O -.J (.o @ o-O'r r6 P-o d-<o- 9)^.o =-DO 3l- L:: el@ (D(u =l !-dr r!) o)o 'to o)E -;'*:a J= -9) o_ =^Y; ,6r :< J rdi :B:'i$o LP o' ,L=I i' :l ro: ,6= --- 9r( d:o1 v|. Rr \<'{i 5l (D 5' o =.o f p- .R l l- o I i< ;=.'= ier L-.-l i€Lf :'o i.d ,o, ro ls to {':a<-( 0t'J(o.( c\ = 3i Ut' o -' -{ :€ f N f.3 tol rO- 6' rl ro rO io t-@ io 6' di <:il o: ol t = @ = =' o o. tl o o t; t= !? o s -l \p € =o o o ID ao c+ o-J -n|D .J. 9r c O @c+. oo x.. Or-F -\r FI -l u)o z c o a 'tl o a 'r - m t-.r1 z I m -0 tr= ri- -z ZA .z =g, z>vx Io d= A9 di @o z c z f lt I I tl i I z tTl f- c m N) o<-n 'It m l z r- -It m I =a z m m m lz lz l>t- z a c - --{ z o o ]J m :r e t-t- m m -t c -t @ l z o zl il ^l -l >l 5l ml >l dl zl : =z : ,m t: --t I! c ! r l;t= l> td -. l.r R EFfr ct-tn ;16 i c+ l-b Y .J.l-+' i:i ol 6 sl(Dn ,ll.l e aEg ; * l,^ -tr z -t,l- F -r.l I Y t'-l 7 -l=l (ol(/'l N -lEtl N)xt:t ,A ;;l--l \ q'F -'l l-.f wt=l -.{ O I L-l€l l-1c..{lol =l teJ I x<X-o Fm io >n zo '<2 aul n= 6 z m= I qJ r\)G) o O Zl=zl=o l;9o lo - t<c lz t- t<, = lri 1t> !' l^i z li ql tl 9!l -l 5 g, U' -0) ieii q tE l+ ;tiE r-l -t r m n =.r1 m m a c o m I x o t-m z c m I i tTl I z m m € @ m o m : z .71 m m 3 m .) z o t- l'c =q, z m t-ln o () t- t- z o m o x c = =o m n = = m =-Tl m m CJ) VALUATION T m n =-l z 9 I lr I I m I z o t- l- = m r-m o ^t- l- z N l't c (tl @ .{ .{ ctl r\)(tl o (o t\) (tl ffi,'LT.r4 o -- o a -/<- 0 f (o ror -i o o o 3 {o m 1l r t-tm l=o tn9 lm:loo lrt o l!<lm! laq l=F fifl8 E;=.- =^YF T- DNF =o :t m T o C) z i -i o o-r-z.;--{ c 3=o= ^= m t-m F t- z -{ -{o o 2n nz.>m -.t >Ot- o =m o i (- z 3 m a) =- 7\ .71 t-z -.{ l-r mlO tlt lo l3 lF l! IE lz lo I I I I l-.1 to l€ lz lo l3 lF lm lo l-.1 lo l€ lz t:t> lF ll l-{ l€ lz lo l'il t<l> lF IH lo r tz le t lr- ll I I E l'rl Plr t- t=>l ul Et' EF tF |-fF 1r l.-{-) | 1." B +ln lE)rnn [? l'FI fl - : ! tr I BE Dt>FF brn TJI tr -J-H6 vrp 1.., S I'j I t8 t-- T rE TI ht t?s I hl (' I a) = r> F -i:'{a- I \;- \FR lvl C) <-l i -{F t <= !- o.< lo u<;;9 aDO CE >l 1-a hil o .tl m =-{ !!! .Tl ! z=o@ . >; 6u'z : ii qr o -;;;5d ;s3E.9 :;q ii -8E€H ?r-o{ E o- =*irt Ps3;: = = i :i .-? +;i.=P ;^.;oro -X;r-oii 5 09 OO^.qrX PSaB=569;6 O*o;ior a O * ii5 i *E or 'o 'qil_9=F o -l-6 =.: o o -.o .jSsB-1 tE'':t-= {S3..=9ii t.i =s i Jo^.:f,\13=!.e E\ "'F -=sF's;e E6:3n3 oYfci O-J A) =':J Fsisi +BUta5 B.:3qE o)xo(D=.6g9i I o o z -{ o o 'tr =(/, m r-'n z {I m g€9F 4A .z =(t ll. z>9R nd;!<g< >o .)l 3;z c z -.{ tl ll -'tt m i I o ^z m al, |-c m R \) oi m -m r'r =z t- T m E -.{ z m m m l." lz l= t>lr- z a c r- =z 't o o rn :r € |-l- lz IE l^ l;t5 lm IT l4 lo t2 t^ l;l 9l ol zl >l :l -l TI >t nl :l il _9 m I ON-* s:riol r- 'll o o=n rnz<)I ?e rcJ;Is 3 i -<c:26 ! :i ^Fx nzz €o 7 - = ft m s E l= Fi t +2 E i P h F w tC)l FI I'l -t m \ t.' ,z\ I -\i F, el.s z'F k4 EA 9ii v6 /'\ r:P r^t; ll. I t\ z t=zl=., |>F lo E l= o l:z l;c) li : to * ln vl --r I ml 9l t/ -{ -l r m =-It m tn al> m m z m ; m I o z m m € m m I z m m m o z r = = m |n i - l- z m x z m I l.It m :, =TI rTl m t, vrtultlox m z t- - P z o m t'_m o -t 6 c 2 I --:\ q 4 L.+'.J \) .r,) :''1 -l :) l^ t T ).l X '1 yJ t4 IJ (t^ u $ 9 q g \\ :0 ;"(,\ I N o0 t o G & G ROOFING iiueust -i, 1984 Tor,ilr or \rRtu lu I ll truo lrpRnrlle ltr 75 S, l=pioi;uer Fionl !]esr VR t t, ColonRnc 3Il,\7 itrr G rl:tte urn, Iulill F,rs I DEtrcE 33?- i',u-r Cartr ItncLE, ValL, CoLoRRno TH I s I S T0 ACKI.{0HLED6E THE ,qBOVE REFERET']CED RER00F I ljG PRoJECT' THATTHER00FI|iG1,';ILLBEIt.|STALLEI}AccOF'DINGT0THEI4At.]UFACTURERS SFEcIFIcATI0ttS At:D THE Tov;ll cn Vnil IuILDING Conrs, Tt-tE EXIsTII'lG R00F IS C0l'1P0sED 0F Il.rsuLATI0l'l At]Lr A FUILT-UP RoOF I'iITl+ GRAVELED SURFACE, !:e t,iILL TEA.R-CFF Tl-iE EXISTII'lG R0OFII'lG A[]D Il''ISULATI0I'r/ THEN Ii\rsrALL 3" uFTETHANg tflsL'LATIot','p,tiD A FIP--RGLASS BUILT-uP R00F t"iITft SIfitLAR GRAVEL T0 l"lATcH Tt-lE EXISTI$rc' TgERr iiILL BE N0 ALTER- ATI Cti I N THE APPEARAI.ICE CF TflE nu I LD t "u;.."Ir you HAVE Ar{y ouEsTlctrs/ PLEASE D,fr#:W:biF:lrATE r0 CALL ouR 0F F I cE . rt, .s"" +i,4b,",.roto, , D, . *_.,i:Aifi+:,"+,0*!,rij,,-, ja \J iltlcrnrLv, 'tu."l!',.!,ln.i.lfu id".1,':",.,n'eL'p,, " >-' i:- i i lccFtti? '1li;.:;:;f;:i!,:U:i:::,,: :f n "'::!:i"i:ffi| :,:,":,,, ','lri/r ;',.oo yi(-W "% "x ',rtt,",;; &r,;,;,o 04tol 687 Ten Mile Drive P.O.817 Frisco, Colorado 80443 (303) 668-5552 ,*rt"rtoN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATTON / STEEL tr tr o tr tr tr FRAMING BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB D FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR --T--- rh.Drin,.ry,,va ot ot August 8' 1975 Hr. F{tzhugh Scott ;; -Pi;rca: Briner & Fltzhush scott iitl. coloraao 81657 Dear l{r. Scott: 0n Auqust 7, 1975 the Deslgn Revl6{.Board apprloved your #rfiilffi'f#'; idit-;iiidr.- sncloscd rou wtll flnd tht approval form. If yor have any qtestlons about thls' please feel free to contact mo. SlncerelY' DESICI{ REVIE}I BOARD tr' fr ft) )rn,tv /I IJ ,/ /Jo Kramer / ,,/ SecretarY Ol DATE OF I{EETING MEMBERS PRESENT: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD oa ( " 4n / /']'t ol4'[q' / APPROVED; , ' DISAPPROVED: ACTION TAKEN tsY/BPARDi , I ' t '"^^"*orr:;;::, /f , sEcoNDED '" ft k,q k AGAINST SUMMARY: VOTE: FOR: tJ'-oo oa August 4. 1975 Mr. Fttuhugh Seott 'i; bi;;'. grtner & Fltrhush scott iiit, cotonaao 81657 Dear llr. Scott: 0n Julv 31, 1975 the Dellgn Revfcu-fa1i consldered your iiipiiiititi iil-o -i6ol-uricge on vour prosertr' The notlon ms tabled becaute tll"-F9"F-fa1t that they ffid;;;"--informatton ln the followtng ar€rs: l. ilhethGr a handrail ls roqulred by the Eulldlng code" and z.whctherltE€etlthe.het.ghtraouiregentsfor root uriiiefri'"&uri"a-uv tm Butldtns code' I *tll hav€ tlc Bullrltng offtclal -ctEfk onto thls mattgr and then crther ""tutrii iiti ipptlcrtlon or Gontact you' If you tuve any-qu""tii'int'Ji"ili"tng thls mattern Pleuse feel free to cal I ne' Thank Yort for Yotrr cooperatlon' SlnEerelY' BESI&N RTYIEII gOARD li , {"':*;i;t- \a ,/_TSccratarY enclogure oa PRESEI{T: DESIGN RBVIBW BOARI) SECONDED AGAINST oa DATE OF t MEMBERS SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN MOTION: VOTE: SUMMABY: ./j BY /YArTh.1^- FOR: APPROVED , , , rt.n , y'r. /" 4l) ,/5 DISAPPROVED: iT t'aW{no - L/ APPLICANT oo ,!Oj -{e - -, et -l =l- E c I r g z o E m ! 3 -{ -{o -l - 1t o o I >I nl D {o i t- |-o { t |lt D tl |-o o , D ,m t =o ]n at n! =|n z -{at D =z o m c z o m m c' !F z o -Il|o - !!E o r .$ ]F t-F \s c -1. \J s \ b F s & \r F s q F s \ e q Pi 8i c}!cm B9 Fa 1>E' U'!{9V Ed :o z 9D So 6o z^= rm N.tt D {m o tt .o |- D i o 2 L E z 3 fi \'\ .J\ b- s. : F -{ s s t' ! =D F D 0 I m 8 9) s i{t\I t b'f' =P - D o o t m v, at \,J )J F f.<(-(\\ b (l Ca f z b .tl = 2 o c =-l 0 z tn € l- r|I { z c,o I o z u |n !D , trl FI >t X 4 F EI |] >|| {},J6;-<g >G'H Fro6 .Rt qEi <E!.zl{('o>od!E>O 9zz zo> 2ea Hfif les -aI fE:rikE > o EI d a E 1 c) 1 ot c ci rt z z € t{ ,', €z F' o z € > ri Town of ELECITRICAL Vail PERMIT rJ., il t .. + |rob Name...... .... k..r... !".. 1-... t!..:. t..h.......).9...:,.. I I 6-5--7s-Date of Application.... Erectricar contractor...". .B.u- f- ,.-.- L [ . A. l.g-.r..il..",...* Appricant....... M%r* *r[Yzr**h: N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee tzg $......."",........-.-....... $s-de- r :2A io- *d) $.. ----..-. -Q.:.... - - -. - - - $ ..p_p'. .o-.a APPROVALS SlSnature 6 Date 5-7S Date Paid....-.. k. :. f:.7-g-.* f f 7 Received "r.-...?KC-...-.... lxa a. r. icrarar ao., Drxvtt torrtl THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING COI{STRUGTIOT{ 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUTNED FOR INSPECTIONS FIEOUEqT VAIL TIME RECEIVED.' .' ,' . AM PM tNsPEillDN n i tl! -i" t, TOWN O /-- JOB NAME ; fl orHen MON COMMENTS: FRI TUE E pnnrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM E appRovED florserrRovED n ner NsPEcr E uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcrroNs: CORRECTIONS DATE .o I DESIGN REVIBW BOARD oa ).-'1 7-/f{ r trtFF /-tqF<rnZf .1 SECOI\'DED BY : r/41<<O/T' AGAINST: | )u4ar ABSTENTION: DAIE or MEErrNc , t/t- MEMBERS PRESENT: SUBJECT; ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION: VOTE: APPROVED: . DISAPPROVID: SUIrllrlARY: ffid Appl i ca.n L ot O1 DESIGN REV]. I:]W DATE OF MEMBERS SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN PRESEIIT: Ua{.) tsY BOARD: ,4/ / MorroN, ,t/hhtff srcoNDED By VOTE:FOR: ( r' I .,'/-t/r('to AGAINST APPROVED I L-----' DISAPPBOVED: SUMMABY: ot Plerce Brlner & FlUhugh Scolt Inc. Architecture Planning P. O. Box 2299 Vail, Colorado 81657 303 47S3038 Dare 0ctober 7, 1975 ro Jo Kramer Town of Vai I P. 0. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 8.l657 O1 R€ Proposed l,lest Elevation - Lower Level Residence of Fitzhugh Scott Job No. Gontlemsn: W€rr€sendlng toyou: \ h€r€wlth - underEeparate cover - by m€ssEnger --I- for yourepproval - lor your uso - for distribution to your subconractors - as peryour rgquesl - approved aB noted - to bg corrsct€d tholollowlng on the above prol€ct: The attached information for Design Review Board l4eeting on Thursday, 0ctober 9, 1975. - O9ltfoy or mark "VOlD" any prints pr€vlou3ly issued toyou not b€arlng rovision datoof e! notod in lhr rsvision column. Vtrytrulyyouru, PIEHCE, BRINER A FITZHUGH SCOTT INC. gy Gordon Pi p rce C o U Z U o -e" U C o ry IJ Frl r :.r P r (/t oa' t r 3 z =z C]o € (, o I t, 3 ,o qU *rn d'rJ \g oF \FI o. e'' -'t .'E -\.-l o<Nrn :..2 ,.P Fl \rn fi rn tt v z, rn t. 3u Hf; frE rd z -m m p Fl u (,I r Irl F r I { t )z Fl t- (t) o !o (^ J t-rl I l,rt o E U v z rrl F I t.'o o (/r ln 3 o r. o 3 p p o l0 U c 'U I r (, o T Fl o f,)I .t- $I +{ oct oo ;il At\ "\s qe. N "\g Fl z rT 'I'| P Fl tt (, J r rn €r TP rn m r 'F >-(r' rn (, v trl r Fl z F ftt Fl Ur { F Fl €r g z rn T l-o o Fl 3 o t. o tn .rt ){ u o o fl il $ \$ ?32 JAMB Pu//ey nrbdat MODULAR \VOOD DOUbL Heoder cut short to c/eor bo/ances ft'b/ockinq fo/' 22' shea ,nq. Ro ock \^/OOD FRAME brick si// Detar/s shorvn dre of Pondeaosa ,oite a bqsed q, o 4'modu/e lo meet reqoufe -mcnts of AtnenZan Slondo/ds A ssaqb- ,/i*2 'Pro/ecl A 6?'. Shopn ore /%' dreck ra// wnaows (nomrno/), fth. thic*niss t's 18"'.R '6'stnb regd. qr/l on pu//ey Mndatr wifh larrote Lt)n. U UU LAf<--VVUUU UL/UDLL N \q vv \JJV VVJ STAND\RD IT-WINDON IL TYPES \I_ -----------> l\ FAc€ Fr E^SURE of A s///es - .fop Roi/ - .dollom Rot/- .Ye rcal 6ar Muntrn (Horiz.) Check Rotl- t ,':'=% rrril rffir rTTil rfrT' rmt mrffi fi:il F HffiffiffiEffiffiffiffiffiffiffiHffiffiffiffi .a c o E F G H I J K L l'1 .3+"- o P Q R *, y,,'' %t :-;-- rz; = 7, y;--"'3-r/;J3rt' =4:-a'f,; k' \ - Ail cne'ck or Piofi fatA5 i 7i2-. MOt )U LI R DOUBLE WsorsrA NDARD TYPES HElGHf of opErqrNd w{,orlr "r oeery*fte' f-4','- 6'2'- o'2'- 4'\f'-a'-{t'-o'3L4'3'- A'4'-o'4'- 4' 2'- G'A6FN AEFN ACGN AC6Jil Z'-to'ASFN Aafit ACGN ACGN Acets1r""-'-AOHN 3',- 2'rSnv ACGILN ACClLN ncgf,ebryu 3',- c'ARFN AEfN lcol LN Aco/i!.N dcorw aautt\ADH/N AOHN t'- lo'ASFN lAf KlV .ACGTKLN ACc't;Lw ACGTLN AOAULHU \\ADHIN AOHN AOHN 4'- 2'ASfN taFKlr ACGlIN 4elinu AC6lN )tw{LN AOHN ADHN 4',- G'ASFN AAF TN/'ACe t KLty..'rc67KZN ACCT LN ADH' LNN aotr t'nq ADFHLHN AOEHN ADESMN 4'-to-ASFN ASFK^/'eco1frLu AC6'|L tO ACCI LN AOH/t-Ne eoexnt-\,AOEH/T.1N AO€HN AOEHN 5'- 2'AAFAI A8F/I p€or rtu ,ICGI KI.N ACG'I IN AOEHI'ZHI/ta6.nmu AOTHN AOEHPIN '',- 6"AEFT/AEfy-ACGlKIN AC61NOP AC6/ LNO AOHl INOAR aotltNoQ eotthr.t{e AOEI{N AOEHIlQ 5'- lo'AAf /drn ACEKN AC6I KN AC6I KLN AOH| IN AOHl'lttN nAEHtUrrt'\,AAEHN AO'I"N 6'-2'AAFN ACCN ACGtn/ACGINO AOt/tNa AOHN afuu,-AOEHN G',- 6'Ntftr AC6 KN ACGI KIIOP ACGI I(NOP ADlll LtvoPqR AOt//'/.lVORR AOHHNER AOHN \ASHIurNeR i 4 ./ - ,.. + WlzoS*s o/-e mode ;. norro'ycr and /L. sltarls. l/ran glua, ope4ng gize. Srzes o. re for 1i' check ret/ v)I>- a"j/i-iyeiir".i"Uaa by' arc a/s6_'ayot7ob/e. as sTonaard ie $'p/oth rou/ ruhdovs- face /77&5urct of ,fierzbers are t/ze "oori'"tiilr ' )-,r.--;A ,---i z2z,-6"7tir. i.t ztl' ; Z - lap rar/ Znl', ootto'n /et7 2i" olhe' p/aln ran7, non'/7r@u/oa s/zes ovo//oD/e - e1 -#$ @Hffi+'-ffi r,ffi"ffi XW lf' cHecx neru @ +-------------r'.ffiffi] #mT"'.*it'ffi$ffi' IEEEI'Nffi- ":W'r'F:,* I HHH i rW gi:ra;ffii#i;*"Ir F:#ffij Wru.,^;ffi,: i1r,#:ii,:;;;;:,''"' WINDOW SECTIONS BAslc uvooD FRAME Oala by Notuono/ W@wo/^k ly'onu/acturcrs A ssoc/b /io/2,I/zc '-l -J - -'l -J ,b /. ) ( t of e e f, --1 5- o rc o €, {D v p, Pf I b ,,^) o-- t \^t b -l-- J,'fa to d?r- ^-=*d f - 1,-T1 -'- r-?Y\,; ) pf,l rE , - --.1 l-no 7-K1 : O4-r ':r P 1_ { 9'r : {\DJ 7 1 l)L I z-o c p- q l-F E-a e v P .9 i- I A -1,-1 r p -+- T f 3'o +l; F(.? P I f.rt r (= 5'.L F .t- f' J +J sF -t 12 I :t: {r 'r I a tr t f L F € I 6. 0 .F 7 a c a g ; ;( T f f f -\ l- G t v) ?> o tl t P vl d}r tF I O --t I .s. ! \., T a, A 4 n IV-: J J ) J f a J \, .) -l e - -, G'-;l I =|- E g l-I z o E m ! 3 I { {o i |- 1t |-o o D v m D o -t D |- |-o -{ D t n D 1t F o o t D t m D t D !o m !,ln 3 m z {o C z (l o m ,m E $5 z I D z o |n !t z o n x !o D , r o n!I T !I o z o .t! =0 t x i !lll tl o o 2 o -l c o -{ o 2 u o o o z o o c D E o o |n 'tl ol I tr v, o z E' -{ m o tt D !!F D I -o { |-a rl -z o .lt u |I'l o z ^|-n ,o o T m 9 I m E, z ; 'll r z z .{ att m o 'tt o c -s z o z m € |-{fi I f o =0 I -{ o 2 t \I N U\ BI F' ut { $ frl iN <>F EEE >tl Frrii ;ex g;E zo>t>z ^c)v i TE --ial !eE fg:!ik; tr { F F z ts E z o q r € € z DATE OF MEI.IBIRS SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: REVIEl.J BOARD o OES ICN MEET i IIG : V0TE: FOR: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY: w PRESEI'rT: V,r' ,* ,{ -B// r4*ntor" AGAI NST: ,) t MOTION /7*t+tevz'; sECoNDED B\ &/6ff A4/*t/ ADpl ppl i cant DESIGN NIiVIEI'r BOARD DIITE OIT TI]i[IBBITS ACTION TAKEN APPROVDD: DISAPPITOVED: jrl.'LM .l. l\ Lt PIiESili{T: -K/Urg'4-- ", ,oooo I artuu;u^-{laiu 4 luirtabpg ./ r- rvrorror{ t fusEcoNDED Bv //A*/Aj- VOTE: FOR:__ _ AGAINST_ SUI,ITTARY: I I ot IO -l et - - e -| =l- E E l'I z o E m I 3 -{ { -{ -.lt o o I t n D -{ -l D f ?o -l D t m n o o ! t m D !{ o m 0 m 3 Itl z -{ at z o m T tn o D>o'o 6! If!tl 2 t z o m {>F E8F -<tr >F l i.@6 ! z o m o ^ D .o !t o rX d;{F ZE o 9,i c>YZ zo Ex i'i F aFl Itt z; FE a\r!tr ({ra lr= o h @ 'r Ni o{o<c)!c ll!I9 *.6 >o ;a I-{92 ;6 =o 2 9D 6o 2^= rm : 1s ^.-ta\ ! E Etr 6 c tA Jn n n -0 YE 3) a -{ D r =P r c, fl vl d Vr I 7 F f- A F q F t F c (rr P ! 3 I I R \tl 3 t |- D 0 n .A v, N h)J ; v I !E 3 I |- ct o t Itl o at ,.) rJ ," =,-r n F o v,T m 3 f m E,lt t o m o D t n |- m o z { 2 I o 1l tr s 2 o =i D i |n t t 2 D C,(, -l o 2 t!!! , o 'll 'tt o J a I 2 o -{et - -, et ..fl l- E E l- g z o E m ! 3 I { {o i D t- 1t r o o t D ,m .{o .{ D |- 7 o i D ln D l!|- o u t ln -t m ED m 3 m z {O F€} ;EE F' E BF6 l-a gct;tr{ !:Z E t.,o uo€sE>FC Z tr2tr EI; 8HE a>:'lZA Fts- O.a O F;E I D z o m .0 D {tn $ \ c 2 o n ,m E, gE z !t z o I |n o x !|n 3 -l + lri 8i o!cm PO 1 .tr f();a !-{9V td =o z OD E @=6o z-= -n t\,1l ;f) I .-t c'{m 'tl € tr D :o z 3 2 - o E,, |n ah ah o o ! z o v,nt !D =o z o P 'tt i o o 3 3 m t a D t- c v,m o 1t E C I a o |- tn -.1 z I I I o z t m ! 2 t I g E { z n { o 1t '' o, ; T ^z o sl EH I3' ii$ XN v Town of EI..ECTRICAL VaiI PERTIIT ,oo **.u-.8A6.?. 5*'**.B.R..'L Date of Application.... l.?--....... NA.\r............... ..... ......tg-.7.t......... Electricalcontractor....NEsr-.....FJ,.F-<--{R*L. **u,t.rffi..b rK &*.1** APPROVALS DBte l? Nnrt ?.*..""^.". Dat6 FORilI IS TO BE POSTED Oil SITE DURII{G CONSTRUCTION 24 HOIJRS ADVAI\ICE NOTICE REQUINED FOR INSPECTIONS N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 77 $......... .......-"......... s....1r.4oo....... s ..?o\ Date paid.-..... ..........././.:./..2.:,7-.{.......... Received "v..-.----.---".---r--fu--t...--.-.....---.#lath THTS .fOB /,j0lr+ /44-l-It office of the town attorney April 29, 1975 Robert J. Stemwedel , Jr. Lamm & Young Attorneys at Law P. O. Box 2210 Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: Bass and Scott swimming pool Dear Mr. Stemwedel: This will supplement our conference in your office this afternoon, As you requested enclosed herein is a copy of the letter of Mayor John A. Dobson to Mr. Grant lfilliams dated April 15, 1975, and the March 31 , 1975 Memorandum of the Design Review Board of the Town of Vail , Colorado. It is my understanding that the informal complaint of your client Mr. lfilliams to the Town has been resolved to Mr.IYiIliams' satisfaction. I realize that his action against other parties is still pending. Sincerely, GENE A" SMITH Gene A. Smith Town Attorney Town Council Town of Vai1, Colorado TerrelL J. Minger, Town Manager James F. Lamont, Di"rector, Department of Community Development Diana S. Toughi11, Zoning Administrator box 100 vail. colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 GAS/sjm cc: ( 1) (2) (3) ln, luwtl u UilI -I I T a T { I box 100 vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476.5G13 office of the town manager Aprii 15, 1975 S i ncerel y, A. Dobson I t q T 1 t {{ I f I j Mr. Grant Williams Two Ladue Lane St. Louis, |\40 Dear l'|r. Hi I I ians: Enclosed please find a mernorandum prepared and submitted by the Design Review uoard to the Town council. The council wishes to eitend its - regret that the approval of the Scott/Bass pool occurred wjthout full and proper consideration in regards to the set Back Requirements. This matter has been reconsidered by the Design Review Board and a nrotion to exernpt the pool fronr the set back requirements was approved unanimously. The Town council concurs in this latest approval, and even though it is not presently the responsibiljty of the Tor.rn to notify people when a structure is being built in their neighborhood, the Town will endeavor to do this in the future. We apologize for the fact that this matter was not fu11y and properly considered at the outset, and we are sorry that this matter nas Deen an inconvenience to you, If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. JAD/J K enc I osu re o IIE]!JORANDUM I ri ll tl ll .-/) .T tl il il {i sl {l .lt TO:Town Council FROM: Design DATI; [tarclr RE:Grant act ion Revi.ew Board 3r, 1975 lltiIliam's objec.tion to the on the I3ass, Sc.ott, House Design Review Board's swinuni ng pool- ft ;l li i!l tl il tr1 ll -i-t Accordirrg to Sectj.on 1S.S00, Ordinance No. g, Series of 1973, (the Zon j-ng Ordi,nance ) , ,,The Design Revierv Board sha1l review the ma1.eria1 zrncl sha11 approvc, cli.sapprove, or request clranges in the design o.t the project tvithin 15 days of the date of its meetir:g at rvhicli the material is received..Failure of the lloard to act rvithin the prescribed cleaclline shall.be deerned approval of tlre design of Lhe project unless tl:e applicaut con->^ents to a time extent ion. , . " lirith this appa,rent time limit -Cor the lloarcl 1.o consicler var.ious pro-jects, the Design Revierv Board prcfers to mal<e decisions on projects on the clate that they are subfritteci for consicier-ation, and customarily the Design Revi-erv Bc:arcl cloes act on the first meeting unLess insufficient inform'tio'is sub-mitted. With resepct to lrlr. \ltilliam's objection to the lack of "co1or" considcration by the Design Rcview Board, seclion 1s,600,paragraphs J., 6, and 9 of Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1973,(the Zoning ordinance), should clarify Mr. IVi. lliam's objections.The plans that rvere submitled to the Design lleview lloarcl de-noted the nraterials for the proposed structure to be natural rough sawn cedar, and they were approvecl as such. rn reg,rds to exemption for accessory use -- recreational amenlty -- f rom ntinimum set biLck recluirt..nren Ls, thc Desi.gn Revierv Board ciid 1n fact c'xenurL thc pool as a sLr.uctlrr-e in accord w.iLh thc ;rrovisions ol scction 17..1 0o ol' tlrc Zoning ordinanse, buL the parL thc Dcsigrr llt,.vicrv lJoa.rtl cl .Lcl ovcrlook rvas exemption o-[ thc' pool irs an accossor.y usc I'rom Ihe set bzlck requlren)en Ls sincc thr: accr-:ss()ry usc i.s il rccrc.lltioniL1 amenity and as such may be cxeml)tec.l Irom tlrc set btrck require-ments by the Design Review Board. Thls matter was reconsiclered on March 27, I975 at the Design Revierv Board llleeting, ancl tlle rnotion to exemlrt the pool from the set bacl< requirements was a.pproved una"ni-rrrously. /ik TOX W. LABX JOH lY. YOUNC HICHAEL F. DIMANNA CARL A. IKLUXD iolEir J. atl wDEl- Ji. DRIW A. iEITIi oFFlCl LOCATIONaI DltrtlB IOEI.DE Y^!. La'rmr Youngr DiManna & Eklund ".nnovrqt et fo nlrrs*un*fqtl** !.o. tox ttlo vau,, cot otaDo tratt (lol I ata.lol I MEMORANDUM 4 t'larch 1975 fo: Vail Town Council From: Grant Williams Re: Design Review Board (DRB) Action on the Bass, Scott, House Swimming Pool ApPl-ication. I CHRONOIOGY On Septembet 26, L974 Ehe DRB aPProved preliminary plans of Richard Bass, Harlan House and Fitzhugh Scott for an enclosed swimming pool on lots located in MilI Creek Circle which plans were approved according to the DRB's written record "subject to zoning check and approval." On October 3, L974, the DRB heard further testimony from the proponents of the swimming pool and waived the definition of swimming pool as structure. As of llarch 4, 1975 the pool is substantially completed. Also as of March 4, L975' and as per zoning ordinance No' 8 section 15.800 the time for the Town council to review the DRB decision has probably laPsed. EXPLANATION OF APPEAL, TO THE TO$IN COINCIL, The present legally binding appellate Procedure would be to seek a writ of mandamus in the District Court. Nevertheless in so far as ultimate disapproval by the DRB seems unlikely and it appearing that the DRB would probably accord the Town Council's desires and opinions as much consideration as a court directive, Grant WiLliams elects to lay his appeal of the above referred DRB action before the Tov,n Council and address its powers of conscience and moral suas ion. II (D - Page 2. - u.*otut III OBJECTIONS TO DRB ACTION A. Administrative lrrecrularitv: From reviewing the tapes of the DRB sessions on the pool application it appears that at least one member of the DRB had a private understanding of "urgency" relevant to pool approval. &gLg!.: The Town Council is requested to ask the DRB to: 1) explain the nature of this understanding and 2) determine whether any member or members of the DRB should have abstained from participation. B. Adherence to Guidelines: Zoning ordinance No. I invests the DRB with broad discretionary powers restricted in small degree by Design Guidelines ref. Article 15 Section 15.600 of which Section (9) addresses the use of colors. From reviewing the DRB tapes it appears that insufficient attention was paid to colors, and that only after a vote was taken to approve the desigm. It would seem that the intention of the ordinance was to provide townsmen the benefit of the DRB's consideration of and informed discretion on such matters as color. B#!: The Town Council is requested to ask the DRB to 1) ingrire as to color and 2) to use its informed discretion to approve or disapprove. C. Exemption for Accessory Use - Recreational Amenity - From Minimum Set Back Reguirements: From the DRB tapes and from the DRB written record it does not apPear that exempting the accessory use from minimum set back requirements as opposed to waiving the definition of structure $tas adequately considered as per the requirements of Article 17 Supplemental Regiulation, Section 17.100 which provides in relevant part: "All accessory uses and structures . shall be located within the required minimum reguired set back lines on each site. Recreational amenities may be exempted by the DRB is they determine that this l-ocation is not, detrimental environmentally and/or aesthetically. " Page 3. - Irlemoraf - -Recmest: Ttre DRB to consider and pass reguirements. Town Council is reguested to aslc the upon the issue of mininum eet back Respectfir lly submitted, ' :,1'i 1, ,I "'"'- :l 'J | ,. rj U$U,_- ; :. I t . ilBTIONANDTiT'I TO; FROM: DATE; RE: Tol'n Council Design Revierv Board ivlal cir 31 , 197 5 Grant 'lfill.iam's objection to the Design Revi erv Board's ac.tion oir the Bass. Scott, Iiouse srvimmj'ug pcol According to Section l5.S0O, Orclinauce.,No' 8, Se::ies of 1973, (the Zoning Orclinance), "The Design Revj-ew Board shall review the mar:erl'.11 ancl shal1 appl:ove, disapprove' or request changes in the design of the pro.'i ect within J.5 da5's of the date of jts meeting. at u'hic.h the material j-s received.. lailure of the Board to act within the prescrj.bed.de;rdline shall be deemed aJrproval of the desigrr of the pr:o-ject unless the applicant conients to a time extention" '" Wi'i:h this; "pp""Lnt tirne lirnit f or the Bttard to cousider varlous pro- jL"t. , the Des;1gn Re' j-ev Boarri pref ers tL) maJ(e <ieclsi.ns 'n irojects on the date that they are submitted for c.onsider:-'"ti6n, and .ustomarily the Design Review. Board does act on the first meetjrrg unlLss 1'suff1c'lent information is sub- mitted. lTj-th resepst to r\{r.'iVilliam's objectj-on to "color" consideratJ.on by the Design P'eview Bo:rrd, paragraphs 1, 6, and 9 of Ordinauce I'lo' B, Series -(tt.*2.lning Orclinance) ' shor'rld clarif y Mr ' Ifilliam itre plans ihat r';ere submitted to the Design Revj-ew note-cl the material-s f or the propo3ed structure tcl rough sawn ce<lar, ancl tbey were approved as such ' the lack of Section 15.600, of 1973 , ' s ob j ecti <>ns 'Board de- be natural Inr.egardstoexemptiorrforaccessoryuse--recleatiolra]. amenJ.ty _* fi.om minimun set back requirements, the Design Revierv"Board clid j.n facl exempt the pool as a structure in accord with the provj'sions of Section 1?.100 of tlre Zonj.ng ordinance, b,.rt the part the Design llr-'view Board dicl over'look *r- .*"*piion of th-e poot as an accessory use from the set .Uact req,rirements sinle the accessor'.y use is a recreational amenityandassuchmaybeexemptedfronrthesetbackrequir:e-**nt* Ly tlre n.s|gn lttevierv Board. Thj"s matter lvas reconsidered on March 27, 1975 at the Design Review Boar.d lr{eeting, and tlrenrotiontoexemptthepoolfrointhesetbackrequirements was approved unanimouslY. /jk 'toM lv. L l,r l,l JOHN W. YOUNG MICHAEL I.. OIUANNA CARL A. TKLUN O I 'l ,-./hbveys at -C,au 3333,tnls . BOULDEL, COLORADO (303' 4a7.2COt December 23, 1974 Tor'rn of Vail Att: lrir. Gene Smi th, Esr{ui re Attorney for the Tovrn of Vail I'ls. Di ana S. Tough il I Zon'i ng Admi ni s trator Re: Bass/Scott/House apolication to the D.R.B. Dear Mr. Smi th and 1"1s. Toughi I 'l , Please be advised that the undersigned represents Mr. Grant l,lilliams of 302 l'lill Creek Circle, Vail, Colorado. As per our meeting at the Town Hall on the 9th of Deceprber,1974, I am requesting your written response to certain of Mr. l'lil'l .iams' concerns regarding Design and Revierv Board (DRB) action on the application of Mr. Richard Bass, Mr. Fitzhugh Scott, and l4r. Harlan House for approval of an enclosed indoor swimming pool . l. Staff Revievr: It is Mr. l,Jilliams' understanding that there were TwoTnb-meetings, September 26, .l974 and 0ctober 3, 1974, at which the application vtas considered. 0n September 26 the DRB heard the application even though it apparently had not been staffed for comment and recommendation by the Tovni. Please advise: a) l,las it Town Adminjstrative policy to revjew applicat'ions prior to DRB action? b) If it was Towrr pclicy vrhat criteria existed to by-pass the review and was that criteria satisfjed? c) l,lhere the taped voice vote' record might differ from the DRB actjon-form (written) vrith respect to "approt,al subject to conditions versus uncondit'iona1 approval", which governs? 2. lJtgglgy_: l'1r. lli ll jams understands that at least one taped nreeting of the DRB on the date above mentioned refers to an understanding that there vlas a special "urgency" to the application. a) Did the urgency refer to President Ford's possib'le use of the pool? b) How r.vere DRB board members advised of this urgency? c) Should the DRB board member or members who had this understanding have explained for the record how they came by this understanding and trhat exactly it was, or in the alternative abstained from partici- pa ti on? REPLY TO DENYER aosot Lanama&YownE - RT.HARD.'.LA''''M o . .. 174'.' PXARL S'r'I{LElr DENVIiR, COLORA|O 80203 (3()3) a6r-r6ir To: Town of Vail Fron: Robert J. Stenntedel , Jr. December 23, 1974 Page 2 3. Color: l1r. llilliams understands that DR8's statuary purpose 'is to oEiilr'e that the architectural des'ign of structures and their mater- ials and colors are visually harmonious r'rith the Toivn's overall appearancF-anT that DRB guideline #9 provides natural colors (earth tohes, gray and r,rhjte) should be favored. To the extent that the DRB r.ras-adv.ised by the applicants that color had not been decided . but would probably be "natural", 'is that informat'i on'legally suffi- cient and is it the accepted standard of the DRB's inqu'iry into col or? 4. Strncture-Uses: l'1r. l.li'l liams understands that the action taken by The lRB-onTctober 3, 1974, vlas to "waive the defin'iijsn:of st'rimn'ing pool as Structure". a) Does the Tot'ln consider that action to also latisfy the requirements of Zoning 0rdinance Town of Vail No. 8' Article .|7, Supplemental Regulations which requires that a1'l accessory uses (Ref . Art'itle 3, Section 3.400 (l ) srijrrn'ing pools) shall be located vljthjn the required minimum required set back Iines on each site unless exenpied by DRts subject to certajn determinations the DRB must rnake? b) l,Jhen the DRB vraives the definition of structure and thereby eliminates structural set back and other requirenents does that action vrithout more autornatically and necessarily waive set back requ'irements for accessory uses? c) If question 4b js anst'rered affirmatively r'rhat are the standards and authority? A prompt response.uo -uhese questions and concerns t,rjll be greatly appre- ciated by Mn. llilliams. Thank you for your attention to and cooperation in this ixat'Ler. I am very truly yours, temwede'l , Jr. at Law RJS: lm cc: llr. Grant l,li I I i ams Hr. Richard Hart *fu*=^CTT -lLo.zJ,ou ROBERT .r. C OTTLE DIYIIION I'AXAE-F PUBLItr SERVICE trOMPANY OF trOLORADtr F. O. EOX 973 LEADVILLI, SOLORADO BO"I l{ovedber 5, L974 Mr. 'Jim Abbie Fitzhugh scott Architect Box L773 Vall r coloratlo 81557 I $ttl contast your offlce Your ' e Flanner Inc. RE! Your request for natural gTas service to the Switmdng Pool located at the llouse residence on Mill creek circLe, Vail- Dear ilim! We regret that gas service is not readily available for your pro- Ject.' Because of Limited supplies of natural gas, Public Service company of CoLorado filed a Temporary Gas Attachment Schedul ing Program wlth the Public utilities connrission of coLorado ctn Novernber 19r 1973. 1rhe npet Becent revision ie attached for your information. at our earliest opportunity to serve cllleJn Enci XAUxTAlr.a OlYlalOX ce9 colo, P.u.O.4 - Gas Second Revised shuor No R3A PUBLTC SERYICE COMPANY CateRory Ttrree - AIl customers Company re Interruptible Indus trial o OF COLORAOO ( ! First Revised tanc"lr N.. R3A RI.'LES AND REGTJLATIONS NATUML GAS SERVICE TEI-IPOMRY GAS ATTACHMENT SCHEDULING Public Service Conpany of Colorado is faced with a shortage of natural gas supPly f ror its wholesal-e suppllers. Inltri l-e the Company and lts suppliers have euibarked on proj ects intended to develop Ehe necessary additional natural gas to meet the needs of exlsEing and future customers, existing supplies dictate the necessity of these teTrporary special rules and regula.tions. These r:ules and regulatlons contain pro- visions for an application and attachrnent system for ner.r customers and for existing cus Eoners desiring to increase their gas loads. Acceptance of applications fl1ed under the provislons of these special rules and reguJ-ations do not consti.tute a guarantee that Che Company will be able to fulfill the request contained in the app 1i cati on. The following temporar_v special rul.es and coriditions shal1 supersede all perti- qeng rules and regulaiions containeci ,in the Company's gas tariff whlch are applicable Eo service to new customers or to expanded service to existing custo&€rs. APPLICATIONS FOR NIIW OR ADDITIOML SERVICE Effective December 19, L973, all applications for natural gas servlce to new cus Lomers or for significantly increased loads to exlsting customers at a specj.fic location shall be in wrlting on forms furnished by Company. Such applications shal1 be placed in one of the followlng three categories. Category one - A11 individually metered customers or applicants served or Eo be served under Companyrs P.esidential Servlce rates, all customers or applicants served or to be served under Companyts Commerclal Service ratea' regardless of size, rvhere such conmrercial service will be for multl-unit permanenE resident housing purposes, and all other customers or applicants served or to be served under Conrpanyrs Commercial Service rates with an estirnated nev, or increased load not exceeding a maximum hourly demand of 71500 cubic feet nor exceeding an annual use deterndned by mul-tiplying 3r500 hours times the estimated maximum hourly demand. 196 or applicants served or to be served under Servlce rates. October 2, L974 Advicc Lcllrr N u mbcr Docirioa Nrrqbqr PRESI9ENT lrrulng Olflcrr Btii.ot'"- n"t rb g-3*Jsl/-8s769 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY A.lvicc Lrtlr Numbcr 0rcir:oa Nrabrr 196 r,,,,,,,l,;(jas Second Revised shc.r No---8.1I-- Cancclr ih..t No-i!}-- October 2, L974 o OF COLORADO PRESIDENT hrllng Ofllcrr €ffccllvr Drh First Revised RULES AND REGI,]LATIONS NATURAI GAS SERVICE TEMPORARY GAS ATTACIiMENT SCI{EDULING APPLICATIONS FOR NEw 0R ADDITIONAL SERVICE - Contrd Applications in Category One received by January L, I974 sha1l be considered a comlitment for service provlded that such nev custoner or increased load is connected and utilizidg gas for whlch said commi tment was roade prior to.July L, L974 except for cases lnvolving individuaL structures constltutl-ng najor constructl,on which cannot reasonabLy be cornpleted r.ri th due diligence within the Eine limlts provided wherein an appropriace J-ater day may be agreed to and granted in writing prior to coDluencemellt of construcEion. Connritnents wilL be conflrmed in written form by Company. . Applicarlons for Categories T\^ro and Three received prior to January 1, 1974 and applications in all three categories received after January L, 1974 for natural gas service to new customers or for slgnificantly increased loads to exlsting customers t sha1l be placed on a r^raiting list. Applications shall be filed in chronological or<ier with Category One applications being fi1led flrst, foIlowed, in order by Cate-' gory Tlro and Category Three applications subject to the following: (1) A portion of Category One applications received afEer January l, 1974 but through Yay 22, 1974 for which commitments have not been issued as of the effective date hereof sha1l be entitled to a cotrllri tnenE for service pro- vided that the new or increased load is connected and utilizing gas for whlcn said conmitment was made wl[hin the tirne llrnl tations as 8et forth ln these Rules and Regulations. (2) The portion of Category One applications served or to be served as individu- aIIy metered custorners under Companyfs Residential Service rates enEiEled to a commitment for service in accordance with (1) above, shall be the lesser of one-third (taken to the nearest whole nunrber) or the total of not more than two-hundred fifty applications filed withln the t ime perlod as de- fined in (1) above of the specific locations or units within a subdivlsion' or multi-unit project for which applications have been filed, provided that no appllcant for servlce with applicaEions for fifteen or ferter speclfic locations sha1l be granted eonmitments for less than five sPeci- . fic locations, or for the nufrer of units for which aPplications are on fiLe if leee than flve. 85769 October 3, L974 o OF COLORADO colo. P.uOo.4 - cas Second Revised No__R3c ( PUSLIC SERVICE COMPANY Ccncelr tirst Revised _shr"r No_s__ lrrur Drir Advice Lrllor Nu 'nbcr Docirior Itunbrr 196 PRESIOENI lrulng Ofllcrr Effrcllvr 0rh RULES AND REGULATIONS NATURAI GAS SERVICE TEMPORARY GAS ATTACHMENT SCTIEDULING APPLICATIONS FOR NEW OR A.DDITIONAL SERVICE - Contrd (3) The portion of CaEegory One applications not included in (2) above entltled to a commitment for gervlce ln accordance with (1) ab ove shall- be one-thlrd (taken to the nearesc vrhole nu ber) of the specific locatlons \tithin an integral project for whlch applications have been filed, provided that no appLicang shall be granted a comml tment for Less than one specific location ' lnvolving not to exceed 250 livtng units at such locatlon. . (4) The balance of Category One appLications not Provided for in (2) or (3)- above sha11 be f11Led in chronoloBical order from January L, 1974 following fulflltment of those colrnitments provided for ln (2) and (3) above, or otherwise fi11ed ln accordance with tariff provision as revised and in effec fron tine Eo time. Subject to pa)rment of a vaiidaEion charge provlded for herein, applications will be accepted up to one year in advance of the proposed initiation of physical con- struction of the buildings or facilities for which gas service is sought. Applica- tlons for new or significantly increased service to a speclflc location where physi- ca1 constructlon i6 noE inltiated wlthin one year of the date of appllcation 6hal.1 explre and w111 be renoved frora the ualtlng list. Applicants shal1 be advised in writing by Cornp any as to the avail-ability of gas at such future Eime as suppJ.ies of gas are availab 1e for such categories. Applicants or cus tomers shall have thlrty days to respond ln ltriting to Companyrs $tritten advice that gas is avallable. Failure to so respond or rejection of offer for new or addi- tional gas service shaIl render the applicatlon void and rnri thout further position on the waiting list. A portion of the validation charge ltill be retained by Comp any in accordance \tith these Rulee and Regulations. Appllcants or cus tomers shall have one year from the date conpany advises that gas is avaiLab l-e to connect and utilize gae for which the commLtment is made excePt . io" ".e"" invoJ.vlng lndividual structures constituting maJor constructlon whlch can- nor reasonab 1y be coqleted nith due dlllgence lrithin the t lne linits provided nhere- 85769 October 2, 1974 o OF ,,'','f,,".,, First Rerrised -- .t -.No KJU COLORADO PUBLIC 5ERVICE COMPANY Gcncolr Original Shcrr No R3D (' RIILES AND REGULATIONS NMURAL GAS SERVICE TEMPOMRY GAS ATTACHMENT SCIIEDULING AIPLICATIONS IOR NEI,I OR ADDITIoNAL SERVICE - Contrd ln an appropriate longer tine period nay be agreed to and granted in wrltlng prior to comnencement of construction. Applications for gas service hereunder shall explre in the event applicant fails to take gas within the stated time perlod from date Conpany advises gas ls avallab 1e. In all cases mobile metered, wlll be treated VALIDATION CHARGE In order to assure the vallditY tionaL gas service, a1L appllcants the amount hereinafter set forth. horne developmeots, whether master metered or separately the 6ame ae resldentlal subdlvisions. of all Category One appJ-ications for new or addl.- 6ha11 pay to the Company a refundable charge in Ttre amount of the Validation Charge payabLe pursuant to these provislons ehall be $200 for each separately metered detached slngle fani ly residential structure. The amount of the Validation Charge for other new or signlficantly increased gas service sha1l be $100 per estimated MCF of daily gas requirements but sha1l not exceed $7,500 per structure. Such Val-idaEion Charge wlll be refunded in fu1l only when Applicant takes gas aervice for which the application $ras rnade; when Applicant cancels application due to the use of an alternate fuel caused by the lack of availablllty of gas; when Applicant rejects an extenslon proposaL prepared subse- quent to the date of application; or when the eubject application expires vithouu commltment for gas sefvice one year after date of application under terrne of these Rules and Regulations. If appl-icatl-on e:rpi.res or ls cancelled for any other reason, 25 percent of the drarge shal1 be retained by Company to compensate it for admln- istration costs of processing the appJ.icatlon. No lnterest will be paid on valida- ELon charges. SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASM -SERVICE ffiexrs-tinecustomerssha11beconsideredllsignificant|'in Category One if such increased service requires Coryany to lncrease the size of any. of its facilities, including meters and/or regulators, in order to render adequate service at proper presaures. Increased servlce to existing cus tomera ln categories Two and Three ehall be consldered rrelgnlficantrr ln all cases. ( Advicc Lclhr Numbor Occiriott lfunbrr L96 lrruo Dr|r October 2. L974 [l,fi'jtl"-g"rou"" 3. tqza PRESIDENT lrulng Offlorr 85769 o PUBLIC SERVICE CO}"IPANY OF COLORADO , \ o. .,.,.: Firs t Revised - sl".t xo__R3l_ Crncelr sh"er No.-- X19-- October 2. 1974 Original t I I ( -'4 L-" Advicr Lrfhr 196 Nurnbcr Dccirion 85769 ,,1ff:'oJrli:., Br,li',ofr"- october !"-1974- RIILES AI'ID REGULATIONS NATUML CAS SERVICE TEMPORARY CAS MTACH},IENT SCHEDULING EII,IERGENCY ALLO CAT ION @hirc'ydaysaftertheeffect1vedatehereof,theCompanywiJ'1 accept applicatlons for a matdnum of five livlng units per applicant where applicant alleges that a grosa inequity has resulted from the application of these Gas At,tach- ment Scheduling provlsions. The Company w111 revlew euch appLlcatlona and, ln the event it finds that an allocation is necessary to correct a situation of gross Ln- equJ.ty, it shaLl make necessary allocation to do eo, provided, hotrever, the total of such alLocations during said thirty day perlod shaLl not exceed 800 MCF of dally gas supply. rnuvsrnn or cAs Gas service may be transferred from specific locations to other speclfic locations where peak day or annual quantitles are not increased. In addition, appll- cations for new service or exis t5.ng abandoned service at tr^/o or more locations may be conbined and transferred to a dLfferent location by written request with approval being granted in writing. A customer served under Companyrs Cornmercial Service or Interruptible Industrlal Service rates may transfer frorn one location to another the quantity of gas to whlch he would otherwise be entitled for processing equipment when such actual equl.prnent is moved from one locatLon to anoEher or when equlpment for slmilar purposes is instaLled at the new locatlon. Gas assoclated wlth buildings whi ch are denolished and removed but not replaced, w111 becoure avai 1ab le for aLloca- tion to cus tomers on Conpanyre waiting liet ln accordance ltlth the priorlty systen set forth in these special. rules unless said gas has been previously transferred. To prevent trading in or saLe of conrnitrnents to provide new or addltional gas servicet or prlority in receiving such comaLtrnents, the Company may adopt such uniform admin- istrative procedures as it determines necessary. E)ffENSION POLIGY CONDITIONS @geofsupp1yofnatura1gas,rea1estatedeve1-opersor others desirlng to have a gas distribution system extended to and construcEed wi th j-n their development may do so by special agreement wlth Company. The special agreement wilL provide for the extension under terms of the extension policy and w111 not recognize any reveuue for free construction aLlowance Purposes untlL such time as gaS becones avalLabl-e. Ttre refund period during which the applicant for servlce is I \. Nrrnbrr PUBLIC SERVICE COMP,ANY culo. r.u.Oo.4 - cas First Revised shr"r No__R!I_ Cancelr o OF COLORADO L L A,lvicr Lrlhr Numb* 0a.itlci Nvr.bor 195 lrrur Dah October 2. L974 [f,jL'fr"-,- .-gs.cou gLl.. TgTt - .. PRESIO€NI lrrulng Olfterr RI,'LES AI'ID REGT'LATIONS NATURAL GAS SERVICE TEMPORARY GAS ATTACHI.{ENI SCIIEDIILING EXIENSION POLICY CONDITIONS - Contrd ffionh1sconsiructlondepositwi11beextendedforthe aggregate arnount of t ime that C ornpany has been unab le to connect ne\r or additlonal loads within the developnent. Cus tomers and devel-opers having on deposit wtth Company unrefunded constructLon deposits which are stiLl ttthin the refund period as set forth In Companyre Extension Pollcy, shal1 have their refund period extended by the aggregate amounL of tine gon- p:ny is unab le to connect nert or additlonal loads within the devel-opment. CONTINUATION OF SERVICE Extenslon of natural gas servlce to an applicant under tenns of these Rules and Regulations shal1 not constitute a guarantee of continuation of such service ln the event curtailnent of natural gas servlce le required due to a shortage ln the 6upp1y thereof. SPECIAL COMITIONS The foregoing provisions of these Gas Attachnent Scheduling Rules and Regulations are sr.rbject to waiver in part or in total in specific cases where application of same would cause extreme personal hardehlps, or nhen sppl.ication of sane rtould result ln a Bross laequlty to appllcant. 85769 rl JERBY L. AI,DRICH, oo MEMO CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL TOWN MANAGER filt ocT 1 81974 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: TERRELL SS SWIMMING POOL STRUCTURE It is understood that the pool in question spans the privately-owned properties and the structure itself is jointly owned by the two property owners. It is also understood that, as per your interpretation of the requirements of the current editlon of the Uniform Building Code, the structure must be built upon one property under one ownershlp, or a separation wall be constructed on the property line. Tbe feasibility of a separation wall destroys tbe purpose and creating new property lines creates numerous zoning problerns by causing existing dwellings to become nonconforming. As the use of thls structure is minor in nature and is jointly owned by the property owners involved, it is my determination that allowances should be made to construct the pool and structure as originally proposed over the existing property llne. This shatl in no way, however, llmit any other code requirements as per occupancy and type of construction. TJM/nnm ocToBER 17, L974 I ^.- - v- ] 0ctober l, 1974 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARiNG NOTICE lS HTREBY GIVEN THAT l,,l r^. Harlan i{ouse and Mr.Fitzhush s!,ql3 have app licd ffi -i-- (rb-Toe?Tron of lot !ine) of Lots l0 and l'l , Block Vai I Village First Filing, p!rsuant to Artic!e lV Town of Vail Subdivision RegulaJ'ions. The resulti s u b d i v i s i o n' w i I I remain 1-he same, excepi for the square footages of each lot. A Public Hearing will be held on @ before J'he Town of Yail Planning eomrnission. The decision viill be transmit'i.ed to lhe Town Councll for the Town of Vail for final decision on November 5, 1974 at 7z 30 P.M. Said hearings wi ll be held in the Town of Va i I l''i un ic ipa I Bu i id ing. TO!{N OF VA IL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Diana Toughi I l, Zoning Administrator : Published in the Vail Trail, Friday, October 4, 1974, cc: Mr. Fitzhugh Scott Mr. Harlan House Mr. George R. Caulkins, ,Jr. Mr. Richard Bass Mr. ,lohn van Dyke Mr. Richard 0lson Pub'lic Service Company of Holy Cross Electric (with VaiI Cable TV (with copy Mountain Bell (with copy Vail llater and Sanitation I t;of the ng Colorado copy of plat) of plat) of plat) District (with copy of ptat) al'l copies certified mail, return receipt requested ao l l I ) I J'. -DESIGN DATE OF I'lEETII'IG; MEI4BERS PRESEITT: V0TE: FOR: REVI EI,I BOARD October 3, 1974 Abbott, Dud'ley Hanlon, Bi l'l Sage, Dave SUBJECT: RICMRD BASS/FITZHUG'rI SC0TT/HARLAN H0USE - @of-defTnl-ffon-of swimming Pool as Struc'r,ure ACTI0N TAKEN BY B0ARD i , . . M'Tr'N to approve o4./--/2? ; sEC0NDED By /U4/aa,t* AGAI I'ISI': (, APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUI'IMARY: Appl icant GEORGE P CAULKIN9 JR. 2IOO COLORADQ STATE BANK EUILOING i6OO B ROADWAY DENVER, CO LO RADO 8O2O2 Septedber 30, 1974 Town of Vail vail Colorado 9L657 Attn: William Pierce Gentlemen: I have reviewed the plans with Mr.Fitzhugh Scott for the Bass pool . r have no objection to locating the pool within five feet of the ioint lot line. Sincerely, i-\ Fr,/{../Z.h 'George P. Caulkins, Jr. GPC: ja cc: Fitzhugh Scott DESIGN DATE OF I'IEETII{G: I.IEI4BTRS PRESENT: REV I EI,I BOARD Septenber ?6, I974 Rouf f , Bi 11 !- Abhott, DudleY Flanlon, Bill Parker, Lou Sage, Dave ACTION TAT.EN BY BOARD: MOTION VOTI: to apProve bY AGAINST: crtr, lc''r. RICI{ARD BASS reside-ce - Mi11 Creek Circle JU uu Lv r ' TTE rrfif n IJ : SECONDED gy )FfR;l<_-z ._.---v- APPROV ED: DISAPPROVED: SUI"lI'lARY: (,)\r&- nqlSc 2 4 1s74 rN=eeci|ltv TOWN OF JOB NAME FIEOIJFST VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLEB- n orHen MON COMM E N TS: TUE E paRrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM n appRovED ! uporu rne CORRECTIONS r---'t ^, ^ "LI DISAPPBOVED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: LI REINSPECT DATE INSPECTO R #06 a+ €z4N="=.ttf'HEEUF?T VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED E orHen ! pnnrtnl. LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR MON COMMENTS: {g', R npPRovED D orsappRovED Fil uporu rHE Fol-t"oi!!ry-c- gglREcrlo_lljx-- ll.r-t> CORRECTIO ! nerNsPEcr Cxe 'i Tc.io INSFECTOR 1 ,i Hu DEc 5 00 oare -{.i | )-a 7+ TIME REcErvEo !Q; e,-. ry-*vr f]orHen TUE tNsieecilcu FIEBUFEiT N OF VAIL NAME (- flpnnrtau LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED (Ti;;-,'l rnr A l. rffr'j'rur MON COMMENTS: E nppRovED il orsappRovED ! nelNsPEcr ! uponr rHE FoLlowlNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS Hilt[nE0 5 1974 oo il\tsp5sflcu TOWN O FrEot F9T VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER ! ornen E pnRrtal. LocATtoN MON COMMENTS: TUE READY FOR4NSPECTION WED ,THUR FRI AM PM EI nppRovED LI DJSAPPROVED fl netNsPEcr n uporrr rHE FoLLowtNG GoRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rlME REcElvEo 9-.:o dDlvr ea1E l') l''\,:v z zt ,ot rNsPEctfu -[JHf';'g' LOCATION THUR FRI ,Ar AM PM ffor"r* Jresu I penrtnu READY FOR INSPECTION di)WED MON COMMENTS: CALLER 'S- ne r nove o ,.,,{ unoru rne ! orsnppRovED ! nerNSPEcr FOLLOWI NG CORFECTIONS: CORRECTIONS Rn oEc Jr rNsPEc1l|tt HEBuFsr DATE <: L \e-a ?+ = Jo TiME RECEIVEO 3.,o (alLprvt Morxen €["ac f]Pnnrtrl. LocArloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM MON COMMENTS: I neeRovED Efstsnpp Rov E D I netNSPEcr fl upon rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTIoNS: .2 -'P-coRREcTfoNs 5-ro rz.-/'i--b /. E,C ' 6 ..t aqa ,z zt -1'tS > INSPECTOR DATE -2 o2' e tNSPEcilN TOWN OF VAIL FTEOtf EST DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHen E pnnrtnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECT]9N WED THUR FRI AM PM MON GOMMENTS: TUE ! otsnePRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: I nrtNSPEcr ! eppRovED n uporu rne CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTO R ," DATE TIME OTHER MON COMMENTS: : :.'. L.) ..;- '"1 JOB NAME gssElvgp :-i.r,.,,''ilmt)PM f ,osPEcloN FtEoLlEtr CALLER I pnnrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION TOWN OF VAIL AM PM Wxpp RovED ! upon rHe CORRECTIONS ! otsaPPRovED FOLLOWI NG CORR ECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR DATE rl JOB NAM AM PM CAL I I i I 1 :1 ,1 l j TIME RECEIVED il Pnnrtrt-' fr orHea nerovlgB-lN9lE9I!gN MON COMMENTS: fl ner NsP Ecr I ot snee Rov ED E nPPhovEo El upor'r THE FoLLowlNG GoRREcTIoNS: CORRECTIONS i j I ! i , I t I l 1 rt ! 1 lo r'Ll!! UG i; a 5 li iq rNsieecrll| F|EGluE"'sr W N OF VAIL TO DATE TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER n orxrn I panrtnl.LOCATI ON READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM MON COMM E N TS: TUE I otsaPPRovED FOLLOWI NG COB RECTIONS: E netNSPEcr fl nppRovED E uporu rue CORRECTIONS DATE I NSPECTOR u4 1 BUILDING IT APP \TI <-.L ON aL Juridiction of A p p I ic ant to co m plete nury !ery!:taces:!.!v' - (!sz: nrrec tr eo saeerl . L EGAL I D Esc i. L"rD Sr"ft LtcENSE l{ O. LICENSE NO. AR CTlIT EC I OF FE5ICI{ER r-tcENSE NO. !EE OF A!]LD:NG NEw 'XnootrtoH tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR tr REMOVE Class of work: D escribe work: 10 Change of use lrom Change o{ use to eenutr ree J--PLAN cHEcK ,., J f. *1l Valuationofwork: $ 15, O00- SPECIAL CONDITIONST Size of BldE. (Totall 5q. Ft. Fir€ Sprinklers Requlr€d D\,es flNo APPFOVEO FOR ISSUANCE 8Y. 'LANS CHECKED BY: OTTS.rNCE'r PARKi NG SPACES: NOT]CE SEPARATE PERMITS AHE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL' PLUMB' ir.rb,'s eair ru c, vENTt LATI NG oR Al R coN ol rl oN I NG' THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC' ii6il';n;HoRlzEb rs r.ror coMMENcED wlrHlN 60 DAYS, oR lF cblSiiucrlorl on wonr ls sUSPENDED oR ABANDoN-ED-FoR A #FiioD'-oi 'l1b- bevs Ar ANY TIME AFTER woRK ls coM' MENCED. *e.nifl;$-T**p*m*r**g*1ffi FIRE DEPT. SOIL REPORT oTHER (speclfyl PLAN WHITE CHECK VALIDATION , _ INSPECTOR il-xelrpnopenuYVALID@ PERMIT VALIDATION PIN K _ APPLICANT GOLOE Lb ht NBOD _ CANARY _ AUDIT MP. F ILE . .n t +4 .-.a-l r"-,-'- /,,:3!' tffi l rti ",(?xrz),/-(6 x ro) ?/-,> a I Jt/ "(tr7,"o) (e, n4 O f ., .s I -j'-.1 2: Y\ t41 '/.txq t o /\ /7,l- z|.)-X./2,:) rs- / t,f '\(t x'/) n.!d N 16'>- x /3:s '-,/1 X3 // f;('*- b: i " - /)tO e z' o,) Lz s o 22 g L 0t,o t) /1r'iz'5'a J a2. s t 6o 'c O ey, sl ,*l Lof aLl<--*a-al*- d/oll,t Laf :f y'^o ,to ',. ,l 1t "t- x. f et x 21 (gz.oo\ 2lt o d 8 lt, -r .- f'/. s- D tcc'7, r- u \(3a.o) AN, O <) t'?'i r- tr ' q / 3/ t { "Iu IY- O /"/g-/ta\ 47s-) fi lt /''g. - l-f borl tlser rrrrcxeo sxterl I o E3C r. 'cz PbE urn"ff' ARCHIT€CT OR OEsIGNEF UgE OF 6UILOING Class of work:AD O ITIO N n ALTERATIoN I REPAIR g 0 escribe work:^Jl ro d.,. fi o1 4'-b., l. '- tfI . ) ) '11 z'^F\C a I (r \ i ' I ypuot ru"t, oit D Nat Gas D uPc' ! PERMIT FEES crt)t)l-.f - 3a - Air Cond. Units H.P. Ea. Refriqeration Units-H P Ea. Boilers H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnage Ea Forced Air SYstems B.T.U. M Ea' Gravity Systems-B T U M Ea'O FOR ISSUANCE AY Floor Furnaces-B.T.U. l/l Wall Heaters B.T,U. M Unit Heaters-B.T.U.NOTICE rHrs pERMtr BEcoMES NULL AND voro-rf .ryq15\o^R^c^qjls llu,c;ii iii euiii on t zEb r s r,ror coMME N cE D ryr r!\ F9- Plyl' -ol1- | |iblrii ir-uiir or.r o n wo n r I s s usPE N oE D oa8+1!.qo-l-E I F 9I. i iinroo or lzo oaYs AT ANY TIME AFTER woRK rs coM' MENCE D. lma'fi g$st+ffif$glg,F:-.ff ilii*';:tr Ventilation Fan Air Handlim unit- c F M' MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction of App t i can t to comp lete n u m b"r9!:8""9:: n If PLAN CHECK VALIDATION Y111EN1 P66PggI-Y VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION GO LDEN ROD _ TE MP' FILE WHITE _ INSPECTOFi CAN AFI Y _ AU DIT PIN K - APPLICANT PLUME|R. PERM'T APP'fir,o N //tf "re Jurisdiction of Appticant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPEBLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS VOUR PE cK. M.O, CASH PERMIT VALIDATION . .qK. M.o. ' .;1f ) <"4 7f /'" ' INSPECTOH CONFERENCE OF BUILOING OFFIC!ALS ,,fit'" l"S"'f7 {[se: ,rruc r eo sr'reer) LLCENSE NO, u rn.-t f AR CN I'IECT OR DESIGNER I ctassorwork: tr NEw }funorrroru DALTERATI0N n REPAIR 0escribe work: Type ol Fixtul€ or ltrm WATER CLOSET (TOILET)SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & DISP. DISHWASHE R LAUNDRY TRAY APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE AY PLANS CHEC|(ED BY: CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER U R INAL NOT ICE THIS PEHMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOR(PR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN EO DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THIS Apifrc-Arrox aND KNow rHE sAME To BE TRUE AryQ coRREcr. AL-IIFCoVist-oNS oF lhws AND oRDINANCES GovERNING THls rVFe oF woRK wtLL BE coMPLIED wlrH wHEaHER sPEclFlED ninEttt on Nor. THE GRANTING oF A PERMIT DoEs Nor i;ni-sOMe-ib crvE AUTHoRtTY To vloLATE oR cANcEL THE i'iioVl5ior.rS-oF ANY orHER srATE oR LocAL LAW R-EGUu.ATING bcir.rSiCOCitoru oR THE PERFoRMANcE oF coNsrRucrloN. fu*;X:e,-*s- ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR-SINK OR DRAIN SLOP S IN K GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTE RCEPTOR VACUUM SREAKERS LAWN SPR IN KLE R SYSTEM C TANK & PIT Form 1OO.2 9-69 REO FD ER FROMI INIERNA''IONAL a 50 so. Los RoBLEs a PASAOENA, CALIFORNIA 91101 T Augr.tst 2, 1972 Mr. F I tzh ugh Scott 735 North Van Buren Ml lraukiie, tlecongln SubJoct: Piel t*tlnarY Plan Chcck - Dear F I fc: I hcve done a prellmlnary plon check for your -resldcnce oddltlon and havs the fol lorlng conmentr: I . No ventl I aflon In I lvl ogroom area. 2, A cross soctlon It nseded of the addltlon' 5. Show detal ls for heaftng addltlon 4.PIeasefurnIshcIarIfIcatIontorJapaneretubroom. gas. f I rcd app I lance m!.y not be I n th€ 8an€ rooFl' 9. Shor dctalls for combustlon alr for boller roon' A h|hen the above detal ls are furnlshed, I rl ll do a completr piin sh""ti ior ihls proJect. lf vo can be of f urther assl p lease fee I free to ca I | . Yours truly' TOI{N OF VAIL Strub le lldlng 0fflcial ' Etrnc6, .RogldEnce Addltlon Ed Bu dw It-lrF -T-Orwrq er Va., s I ECTToN r<EauErT Dare -t. l Jcrg, Ti*= (6sErrreP - - .4|lr PF/\ 6r,*r*o , O Fronr".rc- c n Fcuua+1on fl FFAMINa n HHau E IZ*I<TIAL Localtot,t: l4 \-a\/Ere R*-*1".--- tr lvlgg.fr"c,.x [- -Velwsl< E- Koor frV^o1-^t Locr"Tronr: t'..8.l/t*ilMglNc- E[--Fouer+ .:/u "?;aHzPlPF tvac X Frsrar-f;. '[ F, 'i MEC]IANICAL ! V=u1..a1rou I t-{e^1t'lc- [J Hooa+tr" '',! .'.: LOr.a-I-ronl: I lf FJVae-yp.t- Localrorrt: Ea.rv *ce- f-NgPfcTroN I VEV Tl'tU€ /,J .:.j,' 5 &;'l .a #_F t ' -*" '- # - -il-a Ft 'TLE I Ionree f,.?^r<7,*t.Locaaront ,] l Mor.t UOMMENTS: I a ':} 14! frtwRovev f-J Uean -tll€ F6Lt-arra svc.. t-^aoe4716s1! I ,*...-ry JQtA"fi-Cave?ov ot?etNi?ec7 6},lj 7*r= lNlrt€cr. rz- 7'? '"- APPL ICAT ION TO BOARD OF ZON ING, Date Application Fil t, f rom the requ iremenrs of Section 0rd inance in order to requesf a variance of the Vail Toni of the Un if orm representing racnanf {rrl lrr rYv l e l| I f-a*/,2 F and/ or Sect ion as amended and I ng I Building Code adontcd hv the Town of Vail tn order to In making a dete rm i n at ion on zon i ng, the Boa rd considers only undue hardship; need for the proposed variance; compatibility of the p ropose d var iance w ith the surrounding a rea; ef fe ct on future de ve lop - ment of fhe area and; health, safety, and the welfare of the inhabitants of the Town. In Building Code variances, the Boa rd may consider on ly suitabi lity of alternate maferials and methods of construct ion and; reasonab le in- terpretat ions of the provisions of the Code. The admin istrat ive of f icial may cha llenge any variance granted which goes beyond the scope of the powers of the Board. lt is understood th af a fee of $25.00 oavab le in advance and that a ten (10) day posting pe r iod is required prior to a public hear ing on the above reouests. h) APPEAR BEFORE TH APPEALS AND EXAMI ed 6/3a/Z PI I isf n ing p rope rty owners may be notif ied t" I rr,-. lulgn u I|fll Case B-B-72 - Ki andra Lodge noncon formance with Sect ion Un iform Buildinq Code. lf you w ish to protest any ow ne r, please be p resent at protest by certified mail. Yours truly, box 6 31 vail, colorado 81657 303.476-5613 ners will hear the fol- July lf at 9:00 a.m. in for building variances to oor not to be mechanically domes in the atrium to setback variance on minimize the cutting setback variance on ition to be bui lt in - Request for building va r iance in 3305 ( i), ll03 ( b) and 1304 of the variance as an adjo in ing p rope rty the meei i ng on the llth or f ile your July 3,t972 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Board of Zon ing, Appea ls and Exami lowing Va r i ance req ue s ts on Thursday, the Municipal Bui lding: Case B-6-72 - Mounta in Haus - Request allow interior of f ices on the f irst f I ventilated and a request fo allow the remain as they a re. Case Z-B-72 - Gordon Pierce - Request for north and east property lines in orde r to of trees and p rese rve natura I contours. Case Z-9-72 - F iizhugh Scott - Request for east and south property I ines to allow add tr i ang u I a r con f ig u rat ion . Case B-7172 - Li ft House - Requesf for building variance in non- conformance with Table l7A to allow wood roof over 6rr concrete s lab. ttu PEALS AND EXAM INERS Cha irman of the Boa rd r! ana Wygant for obe rt C dw J**+ 4"*/ , ,4 *v) **f lL.-%u- ; OF INUTES OF MEET ING ZON ING, APPEALS AND July i 3, 1972 I ll. ||t. BOA RD EXAM I N ERS The meeting was called to order at 9:25 a,n. in the Municipal Bu i I d ing. A. The following members were present: l4essrs. Viele, Knox, Hoyt and St rub le (ex-of f icio). B. The following guests were present: ltlessrs. 14inger and Robinson, To',vn of Vail; Larry Clark, Colin Stewart, Gaynor Miller and Hugh Hyder, Mou.ntain Haus; Jen V/righf and David Sage, representing David Hof fman; Rob e rt Lazier, Lif t House; Gordon Pierce, Three Willow Place, Fitzhugh Scott and his residence; Chuck 0gilby, Apollo Parky Jack Catcher, Hilton. Old Business - None New Bus iness:A. Case B-6-12 - t{ountain Haus - Request for building variance not to insta | | mechan ica I ventilation in interior of f i ces and laundry room and to allow the atrium area to remain as it is. Mr. Minger and Mr. Rob i n son dete rm i ned th af this is not a case for the Boa rd of Appea ls and shou ld be reso I ve d admin istrative I Mr. Miller and Mr. Clark started by explaining that Mr. Byn um had approved -f he smoke sensor system as had Fran B ush; in fact they had required it. Mr. Struble is now asking them to remove it and open the atrium area for ventilation. The mech an i ca I vent i lation was nex-l d iscussed. Mr. Hyder stated that to put in mechanical ventilation now would be almost impossible and very expens ive. Mr. Hyde r further s tate d thaf he does not cons i de r the laundr'/ room to be unsa fe because it is not venl-i lated. N4r. Rob inson and l"l r. Minger then stated that they feel the majority of the things on the list of March l0 have been done and the re is a point you cannot go beyond and th at the problem of no Certif i cate of 0ccupancy shou ld be reso I ved now . Thev then inqu i red i f 1"1 r. Strub le had inspected the Mounta in Haus fo deie rm i ne if the i iems on the list had been comp I eted except for items 5 and B for which they are ask ing a variance. Mr. Struble stated that he had not made such an i nspect ion. Mr. Minger apo lo,o ized to Mr. Clark and stated tha t an inspect ion wou ld be made immediately to determine what remains to be corrected. At -f hat time, Bob it4 c l'l eill and Kent Rose were sent to the l'4ountain Haus to inspect the facili- ties. l'1 r. Clark stated that he has tried to make -f he building sa fe and has spent a great deal of money r aPProximafely $35,000. He further s fafed that the storage a rea wh ich does not have mechan ica I vent i lat ion will be ventilated at such t ime the area becomes a commercial space.. Af ter Mr. lt4cNeill and Mr. Rose comp leted the inspect ion, th ey reported their f indings as fol lows: The atfic area has been comp lefed except for some wiring that needs to be insta I led in conduit; the steel beams coat i ng does not meet the Re s ea rch Recommen dat ion and shou ld be recoated with Mono-Cote | | /2't thick to meet the requirement. Three layers of 5/ Bt' gypsum board will also meei this require- ment. The f ire door has been ordered, but had to be special made because of the type of jambs. Since all of the items had not b een comp lete d as required, Mr. Minger suggested f hat Board o.f Zoning, oOol and Examiners Mi nutes. of Meef i ng July 13, 1972 Page 2 The Town of Vai I retain $ 1,000 of the $25,000 bond and that the l4ountain Haus be given a per iod of 60 days to complete the items I isted, w ith the exceiption of items #5 an d #B wh ich will be excluded. When the 60 day pe r iod has expired, an inspection will be made and any rema in ing items must then be completed within l0 days or ldountain Haus will forefeit the $1,000 and the Town of Vail will complete the items. In add ition, under i tem #5, th ey have ag reed to f urnish some type of circulating fan for ventilation. A check for $1r000 r.,as p resented to the Town an d the $25,000 bond was retu rned . B. Case B-9-72 - Apollo Park - Request to allow basemenf to be use d as habitable space ( recreation and laundry room ) withouf cons ider ing it another story to dete rrn ine fhe required type of construct ion. The Boa rd f irst poinfed out th at there is p lumb ing already installed for iwo units in the b aseme n t. The concept ion of the Apollo recreaiion room is m uch dif ferent than the idea the Board has of what a recreation room is. l'4r. 0gilby then p resenfed s ketches of wh at they would like to do in the basement are.. ( skefches attached ). Mr. Ogilby ins isted that Mr. Struble insisted that the re be th ree recreati on rooms instead of one and therefore, th ey have spent a lot of extra money on that bas is. Mr. Strub le denied that he had ever suggested s uch an arrangement. Mr. Struble then e I abo rate d that there appea rs to be p lumb ing provided for two or four units in the basement of each building, l'4r, Viele stated that there is so much doubt about what will be done with the area that we cannot grant the variance as presented. l'lr. Strub le then suggesfed that we d iscuss the variance in private and give Mr. Ogilby a decision shortly. Af ter much discussion, it was decided that there is no hardshio and Viele suqqested th at we d isapp rove the var ance as D roposed. Mr. Struble then suggested that they be limited to one water closet, one lava- tory and one kitchenette in each bui lding. A motion was then made by Mr. Knox that we d isapp rove the variance as p resented by 14r. 0gilby. The motion was seconded by Mr. Viele and ap- p rove d unan imous ly by the Board. The Board then stated that fhey would reconmend that a variance might be approved aIlowing one recreation roorn in the basement of each building with no more than two b ath rooms (consisiing of one water closet and one lavatory) and one kitchenette. 1"1 r. 0gi lby was told that he must come back to the Boa rd w ith d raw ings so that we may grant a variance on these recommendations and for specif ic o lans. Case B-8-72 - i(iandra - Req ues t for building variance in nonconformance with Section J305 ( i) , 330I (b) and l3O4 ol the Uniform Building Code. ( l) Variance request to allow emp loyees lou nge to be used for sleeping p u rposes and provide a ladder to window for second exit with sill he igh t of 12tt. A motion was made by l.'1 r. Knox thaf the variance be approved. The motion was seconded by 1.1 r. Hoyt and approved unanimously by the Board, (2 ) Request to allow door that is not a required exit swing in wrong direction. l''l r. Struble poinled '-?fl:1":'.l'il::?i "loo- and Exami ners J u ty 13, 1972 Page 3 out that th is is an unsafe condition as if would be con- fusing in the event of f ire. A motion was made by 14r. Knox that the Kiandra be required to change the direction of swinq or lock the door and remove the h a rdwa re. The mot ion was seconded by l'4r, V i e le. The Boa rd voted unan i mous deny the variance. (3) Request not to install exter handrai ls, af c+enS on west side at south end of build The d iscuss ion disclose.d tlr :t this is a required ex it the I odge porf ion of the building. A mot i on was made Mr. Knox that they be required to install a handrail on at I east one side of the stair. The mot ion was seconded by Mr. Viele and approved unanimously by the Board. Case B-7-72 - Lift House - Request for building variance in nonconformance with Table | 7-A to allow wood roof over 6tt concrefe slab. f'4r. Lazier presented drawings and pointed out that the area in q ues t ion ( fou rth f loor condominiums) have Brr precast ceilings, and the area would be treafed so th at it would be two hou r construction. Mr. Struble stated that he ag rees with Mr, Lazier and because of 2,000 square f eet the building is a Type ll instead of a Type lll as the building was designed. No wood is allowed in a Type ll bui lding. The Board discussed the matter and determined that the corridor area must be protected so that any f ire cou Id not get ouf into the corridor. The 2 x l0rs over the corridor area must be f ire rafed and an Brt b lock separation must be provided between roof and corridor a reas. A mot ion was ma de that the variance be granted by Mr. Knox prov ided th at the materials as d iscussed are used over corridor T-10. The mo- tion was se con de d by [1r. Hoyt and approved unanimously by the Boa rd. Case Z-6-72 - Bank of Vai lieu of l5t on west s ide granted on a preliminary yto ng. f rom by D. | - Request for 7 | /21 setback of building. The variance had bas is at the last meet i nq and tn had Knox Dy tr been d iscussed at that time.A motion was made bv Mr. that the variance be granted. The mot ion was secon ded Mr. Viele and app roved unanimously by the Boa rd. Case Z-ll-72 - Hilton (Bush Construction) - Preliminary variance request for zero setback in lieu of l0r on west s ide of pro- posed building. After Mr. Catcher had presented the plans for the building and some d iscuss ion from the Boa rd, it was decided fh at the Boa rd wou ld re comme n d passage of the va r iance after itrs properly posted for the required period of time p rov i ded there are no ob ject ions f rom adjoin ing p rope rty o$,ners. Case Z-12-12 - David Hoffman (Site l0) - Request for 0l setback on east and west sides of site 10. This is a pre- liminary hearing as the var iance was not submitted within the proper posting time. After Mr. Wright and Mr. Sage had presented the drawings for the proposed building and some d iscuss ion f rom the Boa rd, the Boa rd req uested a copy of the L ion sHea d maste r plan in orde r to f u rthe r defermine the acces s for f ire ecuiomenf to the area if the variance were to be granted. lf there is p rope r access, the Board might consider granting the variance, but shou ld have further study bef ore they make a committment. f,?lil":'.1'1,::?i.looU and Exami ners Jufy 11, 1972 Page 4 H. Case Z-lO-72 - Three Willow Place - Request for 0r setback in lieu of l0r at fract land. The Board had previously d iscussed this matte r at the last mee-f ing and had given Three Willow Place a preliminary o.k. A motion was made by Mr. Knox that the variance be granted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hoyt and approved unanimous ly by the 8oard. t. Case Z-B-72 - Gordon Pierce Residence - Request for setback variance on north and eas t s ides fo allow building to con- f orm to natural contours of lot and to save large t rees . Mr. P ie rce p resented d raw ings show ing g ra des and trees on h is property and stated that he doesn rf want to cut large Trees on the s ite to maintain the req u i red se tb a ck. A motion was made by |\.4r. Knox and seconded by Mr. Hoyf ihat the variance be approved. The motion was unanimously approved by fhe Board. J. Case Z-9-72 - Fitzhugh Scott - Request for setback variance .on east and souf h'. property lines fo allow addition to be built in triangu lar conf iguration. Th is variance had been d iscussed at the last meeting in a preliminary manner. The Board had agreed to grant the variance. A motion was made by Mr. Viele fhat the var:iance be granted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Knox and ap p roved unanimously by the Board. lV. 0ther Business - Contractors Licenses were apProved and signed bv the Board. Respecfful ly submitted, TOWN OF VAIL (j"%J,b Ed Strub le (Ex-Officio) ow STATE COUNTY 3. The proPosed building site and the existing building contains SS. DECLARATION OF LAND ALLOCATION contaxns 0r C0L0RAD0 ) ) OF EAGLE ) I, E. William Wiltq --, being first duly sworn upon oath depose a statements ane true and correct aciording to my best knowledge, information and belief, to wit: t. That this statement is made in conjunction with the filing of an application for a building permit to the Town of vail and to comply witn tne requirements of-Artj-cle VII, Section 3, Ordinanee itunlen 7 (Series of tSOg) Zoning Ordinance fo1 the Town of Vail as amended by Ordinance Number 8 (Senies of 1970) and Ondinance Nurnben 15 (Series of 1970). 2, The deseniption of the building site for the proposed building is as follows: Located on lvlll! Creek Circle. Vail' Colo. (Oescrifition nay be atta description) . square feett 3 ,738.75 square eet and the proposed addition contains 699.50- square iquire feet is 4.438.25 as?eTffi-ed in the Ondinance as amended. feet; the total building aforesaid Zoning 4 as it Ratio in the . The pnoposed building and/on existing building_and addition relates to the building-site area, comply to the Floon Anea fo:r the zoning which applies to the building site, as defined STATE OT' COUNTY OT The 6WOrn tO tlri s COLORADO ) )EAGLE ) foregoing before me, aforesaid Zoning Ondinanc SS. affidavit and declaration was duly subscribed 17th day of July ir-nnrFus'ure-- My Cornmission expiles Jul. 26,1975 and , My Commiscion Expinee (Seal) STATE OF COLORADO )) SS. DECLAMTION OF LAND ALLOCATION COTJNTY OF EAGLE ) ?(^I, f fE(ACtl OCc77 , being first duly sworn upon oath ciepose a statements are true anci correct aecording to my best knowledge, information and belief, to wit: 1. That this statement is nade in conjunction with the filing of an application for a building permit to the Town of Vail and to comply with the requirements of Article VIl , Section 3, Ordinance Numben 7 (Series of 1969) Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Vail as amended by Ordinance Number 8 (Series of 1970) and 0rdinance Nunber 15 (Series of 1970). 2. The descniption building is as follows:(Descniption may be atta descniption) . the 'll on gurveyor i,\f/.mn",4/,',*1'of 1o 3. The proposed building site and the existing building contains proposed addition contains tft iquine reet is ji, "79 t ---a-il6 in the aforesaid Zoning Ondinanc csntains lLo l4L7 square feet, 1>> square-feet and the feet; the total building aforesaid Zoning sguane Ined in the ondinance as am6i-GdT--[-f, thlthq 6*t*ul &r.;,t, 4. The pnoposed building and/or existing building and addition as it relates to the building site anea, cornply to the FLoon A:nea Ratio for the zoning which applies to the building eite, as defined STATE COUNTY W I (e o,r{S rl./ oF €obgR/rDo ) t1,.rv'A{.r'l+fi"SS. 0F **GbE ) The foregoing sworn to before me,ttiis ,t?,.;i. -day affidavit and declaratio a Notany Public, by of _- .r2.,-zr,t was My Commi scion Expines ( Seal ) /,'- :"t ,/ - 1 .<- /-. -'__-,- --r - TOliN OF VA I L BUILDING PERMIT SUPPLEMENT 'AI PROJ ECT The signafures below certify that the fol lowing excerpts from the 1970 Uniform Building Code, as amended and adopted by the Town of Vail, Colorado, have been read, understood and will be adhered to: Section 302 (a) Approved plans shall not be changed, modified,or altered without written aufhorizstion from fhe Building 0fficial Section 302 (c) The issuance of a building permif does not give authority to violate any provisions of this code, or any other 0rdinance and shall not prevent the Building 0fficial from there-after requiring the correction of same. Sect ion 304 (b) The lnsoect ion in f ull and by the Buil of f by Buil posted consp icuous ly ding Department. Do d ing I nspector. card shall be rea d, f i lled out in the waterproof holder furn ished not cover up any work not signed NO BU I LD I NG SHALL BE USED OR OCCUP I ED E ITHER s ign ( temporary or permanent) I be approved by the Town of Vail 0 rd inance 2 ( l97l) Gene ra I shall be I icensed with the Contractor and ALL s ubconfractors Town of Vai I prior to the start of STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ae The foregoing aff idavit and sworn to before me, a Nofary th is day of lly Comm i ss i on Exp i res (SEAL) was duly subscr ibed and to declaration Public, by Section 306 (a) (d) PERMANENTLY oR TEMPORARILY Ul'lTlL THE BUILDING 0FFICIAL HAS ISSUED A CERT I F ICATE OF OCCUPANCY A5 PROV IDED FOR HERE IN. 0.rdinance l5 (1967) Before any may be used or pos*ed, it sha I Sign Review Comm i ttee [j'Kott)Contractor - '!r 7 RrcFrARDs Erucri$$, iruc.Of *"v4-9C P. O. Ecx 643 Vrit, Coioradq {i1657 9ll8- 47 e5a72 Fo* tir- - 214-t52t DATE October 4, 797 4 LO7-/? PARCEL A 5:f r---- oJ-oo-z t.r. fi;"@ 1ag,; o o & 9 o IJ tr-o F F o F z 3 o rJ I a t I I I I I I o I o 5. I IZ (,o -) I I t I I I t l I I I I I I 6 J h I .t.N LEGAL First Filing, a subdivision . Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 11 , Block 1, Vail Viliage First Filing as recorded; theoce N24"24r00"E along the West line_of said Lot 11' 73'78 feet to the Northr,rest corner of said Lot 1l; thence SB3.01'0O"8 and along the North line'of said Lot 11 , 111.78 feet; thence 506"59t00"w 33.50 feet; thence 583"01'00"E 133.43 feet; thence s06o59t 00"IJ 6.06 feet; thence N83"01'00'\'t 41'00 feet; thence S79"29t0O"!l 83,56 feet; thence S1g'48t OO"W 42-4f+ feet to the Northerly right-of-eray l-ine of Mill Creek Circle; thence along said right-of-rvay line L42.43 feet along the arc of a L426.50 foot radius curve to the right whose central angle is 5"43'14" and r,rhose long chord bears N58"27'37"W f42.37 feet to the point of beginning conEain- ing 13,618.323 square feet or 0.323 acres' more or less' -+k o z 19 4 4 SCALE /"'4d' DESCRIPTION; PARCEL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEI, B: First Filing, a subdivision in I herebY supervision Bnd are A: A portion of Lots 10 & 11, Block 1, Vail Village in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado describetl as: A portion of Lots l0 & 11 , Block 1, Vail Village thl Town of Vail , Eagle County, Colorado described as: that !o the Ehe above best of descriptions were prepared under my my knowledge. I I o L oT.lo PARCEL B "e Beginning at the Southeast corner of T,ot 10, Btock 1, Vail Villbge First Filing as recorded; thence along the Northerly right-of-way line of Mj'll Creek Circle 150.53 feet along the arc of a 1426.50 foot radius curve to the right whose central angle is 6"02'46" and vrhose long chord bears N74o20t 37"w 150.46 feet; thence NlBo4B'00,'E 42.r+4 feeti thence N79o29f00"8 83.56 feet; thence s83"0ltoO"E 41 .00 feet; thence N06o59'00"E 6.06 feet; thence N83"01 '00'\.t 133./+3 feet; thence i\06"59r00"8 33.50 feee to the Norrh line of Lot 11, Block 1, Vail Village First Filing as recorderdl thence 583"01100"8 aod along said North line 165.55 feet to the NortheasE corner of said LoC 10; thence S12o3B'00"11 and along the East line of said Lot 10, I29.5O feeE Eo the poinr of beginning, containing 16,458.042 square feeE or 0.378 acres' more or 1ess. CERTIFTCATION: LanC Surveyor No. 2133