HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 5 LEGAL.pdf0-- S.-.: D:c. Fec I ..^t STATE OF COIOR,ADO S s COt lllY OF E'AGLE 3 .!.,,rrl\l r I ! EACLL 0lY"l!'C:r';' TARRANTy DEED vrp ji !0 cs ll{'8'' XNO|{ ALL' ltgN BI THESE PRESENASI f!HAT llE' Rl'chard D' Bar' of Dallal llocle, Jr. o! Daltas County, tctttr' and Countyr fe*a!, Jon L' Hasry l,l. rhtttlngton ol travt. Countyr Taxat, " tlrc 'ot' Trurt€c! (hcrrlnatt6r r'l'rr'd to In ratd caPacltlc. aa i Grlntort'l of thc Rlchardl D' Er'r llru't lltats lthc 'tlnrrt !ttrt", crcrt'd by Drclaratton of trurt datcll Dccenrbcr 3lr 1937r rccord'd In Volunc 2?50' Pagc 133' ol th' D"d R.cordr o! Drllt. County, 8're" lor and ln oonrldrrttton ol th' .u[ o! ,!.n Dollas. tflo.ool .nd oth.r good rtld valuabl' conrra.ratton, tha r.o.tpt .nd rdcqu.cy of rhtoh rr. h.r.Dy acknorhdE.dr hovr CnffTtD rnd COl{lt!8ED' rnd by th'r' p8'r'nt' do cnrNt and Codltll unto Rtchard D' E " lthr rorentlrrlt th' brnctl,clary ol tha tlru't !rtrg'' o! thc countt of Drllr' rn'l 3trt' ol, l!c:ta.' all of thr land (hcretn r't'ar'd to rt th' 'trtld'l altuatcd ln !491a county t colorado r dcscrlbod rt lollox'l (al .1I the land dcrcrlbcd ln D'hlbtt tA' rhlch tr tttlchcdh.r.Boandlncott'oaPet.dh.t.lnbyrotorracrlorrtl PtrrPolrrt end tbl ell oghlr lrnd' rnd lnlcrr'tt ln ltnd' ol th' !Fu't E.tatc .ttutt'6 ltr lrElc County' colorrAo' tog€ir' . r rlth ell ard rlngular tb' rlghtr' Prlvtlog'r rn'l eppurttnrnctr tn rnylll' b'tonglng ol p'ltrtnlng th's'to rnil rll br,rlldlnger .tructur'r, flxtur'r and oth'r toprovocntr th'r'on (raid tlnd r aP9ua!'trancer end lnprovcncntt b'lng hrrln cog'tlr'r rctcrrcd to ra tha tDroPortyt l ' aoBtvlrtDao[ot,th.irogrrtyunGoth..rldor.nt.orhl| halro and raalgnt, lorrve4 and crantor' 6o horlby blnd Grrnton rnd Crantor.' auoo"'orr end r!'lgn' to iltnlt! ffiD Fonln'lf DIAAID rll .nd rlngulu th' Propcrty unto th' trtd Orrnt"' hlr hrln rnd . trlgnl , agaln.t 'vt!y pcrton rholocvcr lartully olelnlng oa to claln tho lrEo or rny part thcroolr byt through or undcr Grtntor! ' but not othclvl!', and rubJact ln any ov'nt to llanr tor ad velorcn taxe. not dqllnqu'nt' land lytng ln any publtc ro'd' Drtt'rl rhlch g I an LnsPectlon of thc Propcrty would rev€al' and nlnsral grantt' reservatl'ons,andlcare!ofrecord'andealenent!'rlghta.of-rrYr an encumbrancer of rccord to tho cttent thc rane ar' vall'd and .ubstltlng and altect thc ProP€rey' llhlr convcyrnc. l. ntd' by Crantorr onllt ln tholr capacltl'r rr trultcor of thc Tru.t tttate, rnd Grantori ln thclr lndlvldual caPacltlc! rhall n.vcr b' ltablc hsreundcr on any covenant or rarranty, GxPrcal or lnPll'dl' lltlcurED *n,fdaY of Dccabccr 1986' a -3 Grrntear ! raalllng adalr"t t llchard D. Ba.a l22l lhankrglving til'r Dalla., llcxar ?520I lt n . SfAfE oF TEXIS t .3 COttNT{ Or DALIAS t lhle lnrtrrrunt vil achnorlcdgcd ooccnuai, 1986, bY Rlchard D' Ettt tt llruat l.tat.. H[l'.l.Tr"lrPir#..03T81.. olllcial roal. Egsl t ruiFci ot thc Baaa llruat Eltatc . :rt. .rtca o B..aa lrua ngEn, tiruttrc ol Baaa liu.t l.trta ly cofrilt.tlon E plr..t }riltf , n lcl SIATE OF TEXAS COT'NTY OF DALI,AS ltls lnstrrncnt uat December, 1986r bY Jon L' Brss frutt Ertatc. tfltnelr nY hand and .;., I t:(. STA8E oF rEXrS a , cor,tsrc oF EnrvrS 3 It|la lnltrulcnt rt' Dccenber, 1985, bY Hrrry D. Ba!! Trurt E.ttt' ' r1 acknowledEed before ne on -;;;i;;-J;. ar rrulteo ol offlclal real. acknovlcdEcd betorr !c on il' iir'liiiiston a! rrdrtcc and offlclat rcal. iIOl lAPn;vrrwr'gtatc ol tcrra l|y coml.rlon Ul day of EfEEard D. :r"#,*u' s s 5 the the lty cdntrfl on wettu*4,1,J\ lQ 81 rt x lrpltc! 8l3la9. Altsr R€corallng n turn tlol il,chard D. Ea.. 3:ii.l'l:ill"'?3rli-' lot FIve accordlng State of EXHIBIT TAi (5tr Bloct olre (1), vall Vlllage 8lrat to thc recorded p16t thereofr County coloredo. Fl1lng, ol Eaglet -a