HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 6 LOT 3 RIVERHOUSE CONDOS UNIT 1 LEGAL.pdfuJ o J o- o 9 o z o o =F Q o c i2!*iE u 3 !!;:Ji:EE'i.i'- z a.z ?+ i'= -.7 5t-c-:. a E ii;- z ?:.i.32 ;o:El!>..: - o= E -= e r - C i i : = ;= = i;i:i iii?i:E i ! ..8 i i 2 y=-2"' --r9iFEj .: : i : 5 :E;!::: Ei !* !?* ro @ t- o .{ o E .g L o o (J (t o. =E o ! o (J (U .A 5 o !-(u d, + (u (J att o- =o =(t @ o! (J F-, (\I @ o (\I z 'p () I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -l q a ',- c ol 9 -l -| I orl (Jl (r,l !l irl (Ul !l I I I I 'a n o p (n L L o F €L 6 (J z .\ t-Y ,.i - 'f. q,)gF-€>x -22 cos< 5dz a) < L/;a\:-z"v =Zi H..t isz ;, >o ^ LrJ t,/ ' c( '"FtrZ zuF Lq\- <c<=QF--J a< ca oiE z 3FF *lrJ<F:i F<Y Q;a<l=z F!r>Z.,^<-y pE+3 ---\ l.* F ,^i F- ilto>5;caO 9>:'.i z *.-YV HtRs _<F<X lr. rr o( X FZU:tr;<u USXH -FYl itrftil F-9>F. tlt a- -e. --t rF? tFi k d *6. FR tfl F -a.J a rr{.f- ar? -H -f .F)a F t.t..f\EY l- -F{F? -11 l9 F\aa f-l ts tr a *l! 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Nlr o z o qI E J o l! = JO <r-c(J LrJ < I,U F 9z o C) :P ='3 :z () KED PERMIT NUMBEF OF PROJECT INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL -l it,t DATE r i JoBNAME l INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FBI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL ) tr. FRAMING ;ROOF&S tr GAS PIPING tr tr o tr OOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr o tr FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: O HEATING O BOUGH E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL O DISAPPROVED - E REINSPECTION.REQUIRED '. ' ,4.: / .1 .'.'. .-*,"-/a)' - - E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ",) tffil DATE INSPECTOR PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM READY FOR LOCATION: B tr tr tr tr tr o tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL D c D FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING U ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tffil (t INSPECTION '-t REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF DATE PBOJECT / , :. JOB NAME INSPECTION: TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES (iij THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: MON | | it I WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI R FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL PAt pS/{. r'/:-'/x/' - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING I rrusuurroru tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr n D FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED D DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR DATE T i JOBNAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr !fr' O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING EI tr o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL CI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR n L/ NAME INSPECTION REQUEST. 4*.e-"--TOWN OF vAlL / o.< i -.=',q /c PERMIT N BER OF PROJECT DATE UM READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr D tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNOERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL o D FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH o tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL APPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,/ tQ F/"DArE 'f ' t/7 4? rNSPEcroR C'O e':-l cd J. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT l) I ,l<t1 DATE " i 'I J O*.' JOB NAME INSPECTION TOWN OF VAIL ',i ,, l,'.- REQUEST READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER TUES 'i*i;WED THUB LOCATION: 't CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o tr tr tr tr E ! UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING D tr BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING E tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR /rrruer-O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR -\ .' \\i') tl.7 .-) , u' o INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL AM) r?tdr- DATE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT .Jt-,E NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES INSPECTION:MON "{vEo, 'Tr-rrjn't PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED FR / /,'ila tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL INSPECTOR RTC'DJUN271985 Edelweiss Condominium Association 103 Willow Place.Vail, Colorado 81657 June 26, t9B5 Va1l Town Councll Torn of Val1 /J South Frontage Boad West ValI, CO et657 Rer Torressl Appeal Recently, Xou as a governlng bod.y approved a request by l1r. Torressl of the Rlverhouse that was prevlously denled.twlce by the P]-annlng Conmlsslon. Thls declslon has had an lnmedlate lnpact on the onners 1n the &leLwelss that face the Torressl ad.dltlon. As a representatlve of the &le1we1ss,I see two problens lclth your decls1on. Flrst, your grantlng of the ad,dltlon appears to be arbltrary ln rel-atlon to the two denlals by the Plannlng Conrnlsslon along wlth a lack of support from the Town Staff. ft appeared as though a clear preced-ent had. been set. In the vlew of the Eclelwelss, Mr,Torresslrs problenos were not archltectural ln the least but rather personal and. neohanlcal . second., wlth the exceptlon of Lhe Town Councll- I'leetlng where the flnal declslon was mad€, I was notlfled of each neetlng that concerned thls eddltlon €o that the &telwelss eould. be represented accord.-1ngly. Thls lnc1.uded the two PLannlng Connlsslon neetlngs along wlth a Town CounclL neettng when Fir. Torressl orlglnally wanted. to appeal (after h1s ftrst Plannlng Comrnlgslon denlal). lJhen a flna1 dec1elon was to be nad.e, the &lelwelss ?tas ex- cl-ud.ed. fron the process. lluch to ny surprlser the addltlon 1s now nostly bul1t and slts uncomfortably on top of the Ertelwelss property 1lne.In the future, I sbrongly urge you as the Town governlng bod.y to act 1n a nore conslstent manner so that a falr denocratlc process ls served rather than some other lnterest. \ncerely, .-t;aw.H--6-^-- Fred.erlck 1.I. Halternann I'Ianagtng Agent Managing Agent: Burke Management Works, Ltd. (303 )47 6-7 L 33, P ager 949 -7 294 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2245, Yail, Colorado 81658-2245 Project Application Date Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Commenls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL a Wedn APPLICATION DATE:esday, 15 i{ay 1985 DATE 0F DRB MEETING. Wednesday, 5 June 1985 DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION }lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional infonnation is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must jnclude all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion wil'l streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. pR6JECT DESCRIpTISN: (Section III. ADDITIONS-RESIDENTIAL OR COI'{I'{ERCIAL) roximatel 97 sf addition to exlsting condominj-um unit. Addition located within footprint of exlsti A11 materials, finishes, trirn. palnts and stains, and detailing to match existing. B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: rT-r+ #1, Riverhouse Condominiums, 83 l'Ii11ow Place Address L,,rr." tJ Lega'l Description Lot Bl ock r:1:-- Vail Village 1st r1 r]ng Zoning Hlgh Density l,lultiPle FamilY C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: Richarci i'i. Torrisi (c/o FULLER Ai{D COI'IPAIIY) One Park Central. 1515 Araoahoe Street telephone Denver, Colorado BO2O2 APPLiCANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: PEEL/VJARREN ARCHITECTS P.O. Box 3370. Vai1. Colorado 81658 telephone 476-4506 OWNERS: David l"I. Peel for Richard Torrisi D. F Address NAME OF Address MME OF Si gnature Address 292-3700 H1 telePhone 292-37oo F. (See applicant above) DRB FEE: The fee wil'l be paid at the time a building permit is requested. VALUATION FEE $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 5o,ooo $.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ ,500,000 $500,001 - $1,0oo,ooo $ 0ver $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 2s.oo $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $3oo . oo II',IPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: l. In addjtion to meeting submitta'l requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should a]so be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEl.l BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be repub'l i shed. I{AME OF PROJECT: LEGAL OESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF The following Board before A. BUILDING LIST OF MATERIALS DITION a IAD LOT 3 BLOCK 6 FILING vail VlIIage 1st R iveffiffi nd om 1 nffisi-E3T i t I o w PTac e roximatel-y 97 sf acldl t10n exlstl-n condominlum unlt. Additlon locate ootorlnt of existlns cieck.maler finishes, tr5.m, paints and stains, and detalling to match exlstlng. information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review a final approval can be fiven: IIATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Aggregate to match existlng.Built-up aggregate. TORRIS Roof Si di ng Other l,lal'l Materials N/A Stucco.?o natch existing. Fasci a Soffi ts hli ndows l.lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Fl ues Fl ashi ngS .. Chimneys 2xt2 To match existing. Plywood To match existing. CLad casement.Bronze tone to match existing. C 1ad.Bronze tone to match existing. r\I/A N/A Rails N/A N/A Sheet metal .Paint to match existing. N/A Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES of Designer: phone: Botanical Name N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Common Name Quani ty Si ze* EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED T0 None. *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate he'i ght for conifers. PLANT ]IIATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS Botanical Name Cormon Name Quani ty Si ze N/A N/A EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS TvPe Square Footage s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE 0R M!T!00 0F mla EROSION CONTROL Roof clrip line fa1ls into existing gravel- fi11ed planter. c.oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. N/A qite pla?t= ro'-otl riverh vail v blocl b' . 11 rv|rhowe cond t .$ - Po'ftiT,Si odclw oisr ul illoru placa partinq areq f5 i-7i\--\-\\-----\\ t-lrq",- !.)\ " t -tc. ! ra Lof .ll '+l | -.t,I i I i : -; i vll 11 t' AR|(lt'o lN 'P. I rt B- I EI I l rrh! t 2t oR'l r n''ur.rbilt;"0 o. ?5"f:tt \ --.-i-'., =) 6 \\\- B[.@GK -$,J OtJ' --Ploce--- --t Yril Vlll.ti ,34).t -^lt a WDe@ttl [; aur,l' ! :ea:6r' 6-d. fq *?ryp (l tf ',frd c-d itq a'g{p jfr e'-rk' ra. ,J6 W AFT6. +l 1'*9. yl-t:-f.', ,':'7. 't l--.i t i;-:ro t r-- *-5. ; t-l I t'*'-f :--- --! *".. t I ---- - I Stto r.|;lgfi a i i a exiol'mq qlair 'oxvdinq llow plan /l=l-on ' l' I ex,vtfiq ilaf J roviaed {t* don k''l-oo o -l tl =?s o +- SB B (u tF s3 qJ I a It 1)\..: L o -s s .\}-lk :a-) -s,+r s s G c E os't o.= SS G6 s\S 'Re #p <.= EEE' ,S-sF st* EEs Fs I -r--oF $ -s er- \)i FE :a -l- * E +-tt tL,|qr -s #:'o \h lll rii \s \1 s '5 .."F rs,E d.h pil +F' EE s _EF, TO: FROM: DATE: Town Counci I Community Development Department May 7, 1985 SUBJECT: An appeal of the PEC decision to denv a vam ance requested density control of GRFA to an existinq o add 97 square feet unit i Appl i c{nt: BACKGROUND OF REQUEST The attached memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated April 8' i985 explains the request made by the applicant in order to enclose an existing deck on a unit in the Riverhouse Condominiums. Because the unit is in a multi-family building and would involve exterior alterations and additions to the structure, this addition could not be handled under the newly passed GRFA amendment. As the Council may recall, this amendment allows for'existing units to add up to 250 square feet of GRFA if certain conditrons are met.trlith respect to multi-family dwellings, one condition that rnust be satisfied is that the addition not involve any exterior additions or alterations to the structure. Because this proposal would require an addition to the buiiding,it cannot be handied under the provisions of this arnendment. consequently,the.applicant requested a density control variance from the Planning and invironmental ssion in order to alIow this proposed deck enclosure. E PLANNING COMMISSION The Planning and Environmental commission voted against a motion to approve this variancg by_a 5-2 vote. Those voting against the motion to approve this request cited a lack of physical hardship that is required in order to qrant a variance. One commissioner felt there would be a negative effect upoi the light and air with respect to the pro.ximity of the dec( to adjacent structures.Another commission member felt that the council had sent a strong message when they eliminated these types of proposals from the provisioni outliied in the GRFA amendment. It was felt that to grant this variance would be incon-s'istent with the provisions of that new ordinance. Commission members voting to approve this request felt the variance was warranted because it was not a grant of special privilege, it would not be detrimental to the public health or injurious to properties in the vicinity, and that there were special circumstances that did not appiy generaily io other properties in the same zone. 'i verhoJid'-Tondqm i n i ums . Richard Torrisi REQUEST MENTAL FOR APPEAT TO TOWN COUNCIL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION. On.behalf of the Owner, I'Ir. Richard i"l. Torrisi, I to request that the above project be added to the Vall Town Counej-I agenda. We wlsh to appeal the RE: Torrlsi Residence Addition Unit #1, Rlverhouse Condominiluns,tot.3, Block 6, Vail ViJ.lage First would I4'ay 7, PLanning Environmental Commi.ssion denial, dated April B, 1985. David ltl. Peel-, AIA Yours ?ruly, PRESENT Eric Affeldt Diana Donovan Duane Piper Howard Rapson Sid Schultz Jim Viele Jere l,r|alters The meeting was Planning and Environmental Commission April B, I985 called to order at 3:00 pm STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Tom Braun Kristan Pritz Rick Pylman Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosoi ack by Duane Piper, chairman. It was moved by Donovan and seconded vote was 7-0 in favor. 2.ue:t for a density control varl ance order to enclose a deck which would add 97 square feet to nit #l o I ouse Condom st Filinq. ni ums at ver 83 l^Jillow Place on Lof Va age cant: in an V Tom Braun made the staff presentation and gave the background on the request. Braun reminded the board o-f the previous.request which had be6n denied in reUruary. He added that the staff was rbconunending'denial due to riifi oi-pnvsicit rrarJsn"ip. Richard Torrisi, the-appl'icant explajned that some'i nformation had not been submitted gt tfq February meeting. He statbd that 97 square feet would not be big enough to add another bedroom, and would not be big enough ror more peop] e. He nia-fiiqe an app'lication in I984, but had withdrawn ii on tie re.or*enaiii6n-ot l[" piunning :!3ll If9 Pointed out that a new ordinance which would permit 250 square fbet was De]ng planned. Tomisi said that he had a memo from thb staff whicli statea-inat the deck was a qood candidate for enclosure. Now paragraph H in 0rdinance +-precluAed multi-family dw6ll'ings from enciosing aects. Torrisi said that the Edelweiss conoos could look down on his deck, and he 6ad noise and pollution from the garate-wtriin was directly across the driveway. Rick Ha] tennan, manager of the Edelweiss, stated that the owners of the Edelweiss were-opposed to the enclosure. He added that at one time he had managed the Riverhouse l!d-l!ll..l!9! uny problems that Torrjsi had could be taken iare of by the ranaser ot the Riverhouse. He felt that the traffic from the Edelweiss was minimal. - Sid Schultz felt that-he had no problem with this request and pointed out that the-original intent of Ordinance 4 was to allow minor addiiions such as this.viele feilt that the council had strong objections to encloiure of decks in multi-family dwellings. Braun replied ttrit the Council's concern was that the arcnltecture of the multj-family dwellings would be changed if many decks were enclosed, and so one revision oi the ordinance allowed deck enclosure on the first floor-only. " this was changed wiren itre iown attorney pointed out that this would discriminate against the owners of decks above the grbuna iloor. The council roval of minutes of Ma!'ch 25, 1985. Rapson to approve the minutes. The felt that deck owners could sti'l 1 go through the variance approval process. Rapson stated that he disagreed with the staff memo in that there was an effect on light and air because of the proximity of the deck which ir encioieJ r;;i;--encroach even more. Diana Donovan stated that is reading the directions in an old memo from Larry. Rider-concerning variances and thd hardshif-ruii , iii"could not find a hardship. Affelt wondered if there was any leewiy in-ine Jelni- l]ol,gr hardship.. Donovan answered that there was nothing iut and-orieo,-lui ln this case the hardship seemed self created. Dave Peel , arch'itect for the project, stated that the addition did not encroach any farther than the deck at plesent. He added that a roof and railing could be.put on the deck, and it would leave a small space that could not friie-giiis under the present conditions, but which could be'enclosed if a variance-wIre-!ranteA. Alfeldt moved and Schultz seconded to approve the densiiy control vari ance because i to the public health or be injunious to propbrties In the vicinity, and that there were exceptions or extraordjnary circumstances that did not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The vote was 2 in favor (Affeldt and Schultz) and 5 against approval . The request was denied. PEC 4/ 8/85 -2- 3.uest for a flood lain modification in order to build a tio and edestrian easement a Cree on the east si eoft p | 'icant:rvices, Inc. Bui frislgn Pritz. presented the staff memo and showed site plans which showed the location of the 100 year flood plain. Ihg applicant hid submitted a flood plain impact stEudy that had been compieted by Hydro-Triad. ihe irea of encroachmeht is'located on the east side of the ouiidiirg. ltith respeit to the design of the wall, a letter was included in the memo fr5m ,:ohn-vioianJ-Rrchuleta, p"ii. .i*po'inted out the letters from David Cole and Fred Butler.Buff Arnold, architect for the project, d'iscusied-lhe-fict that it would be neces- :ary.!o obtain approvel of FElfi before construction. He added that the entire bu'i lding was in the flood p1ain. Pritz stated that Bill Andrews was concerned a.bOut FEMA an-d the Army Corps of Engineer approvals because of insurance-ina tnat these approvals were ni:cessary befoie any construction woJta be allowed on the east patio area due to the impact -ot ttre flooi plain.--- - "'-'' Viele stated that he would be the contractor on the job, so would abstain from voting.. lti.lr read a letter from Fred Butler, attoiney for 0tto stork, owner 9l tle, building immediately south of the A & D Building, in which he stited that stork nad an easement to the east of the A_& D Buitding for the purpose of accessing the east end of his building. stork was atso at the *6.ting, inb statea th;i--'he had a l7 foot easement. patten stated that the u..Jii'iiitt existed, and would.be_insured because the Town of vail was requirinq i pedestrian easement for the Towh before a building permit would be iiiuea.'- '' | -:- 4/8/85 Jay Peterson, attorney for the applicant, stated that at the oresent time there were trash containers and one could not get through. piper wondered if thjs had been an oversight, and was told that the acceis easement to Otto Stork,s door had been discussed before. Buff stated that access by vehicle right now was impossible, and an access wouldbemaintained, but not necessarily ior vehicles.Piper wondered what size easement must be maintained and why it was -a concern now. Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney, verified that access must be maintained for ingress and egress. However, he stated that the easement was written in such a mann6r that it was debatable whether exactly 17.6' of access actually had to be maintained.Buff Arnold added that he hadn't known the easement existed ai a clear .|7.6 feet' but it was his intention to provide ingress and egress in the design.Eskwith pointed out that the easement was noi for excluiive use. Piper rem'inded the board that the issue was of the floodplain encroachment,not the easement. Discussion followed concerning the access to Storkrs door and whether or not he would haveadequate space in which to stock his deli. with respect to the flood plain modification, Arnold stated that it did not affect anyone else further down the creer. l'lalters moved to grant the flood plain modification per the staff memo with the change to condition #l to read: FEMA approval to be in place prior to occupancy." There was no second. Affeldt moved to approve the flood plain modification per the staff memo with the jnclusion of FEMA approval exactly as per the memo. There was no second. More discussjon followed concerning Stork's access. Donovan move4and Rapson seconded to approve the flood plain mod'ification with jmpact the- access to the adjacent lot and following the staff memo with the-three conditions. 4.Request for a conditional use permit in order to_q5e the parkj_!gJ_q!__q!_!_hg \Iillage 7!h, Jor q staqing=area for new and used construction_ggglpqgn'! and foF baaa the construction of the Vista Bahn lift. Applicant: VaiT-Rssocia s Peter Patten presented the staff memo. Joe Macy of Vail Associates stated that new lift staging would be uphill, and Golden Peak and the west Day Lot would be used to store the old lifts. He added that most of the activity for the two areas would take p1 ace in May, June and early July. i.Patten explained that each site should be addressed separately because the public notice inadvertantly did not include mention of the west Day 1ot, nor were the adjacent property owners notified. Patten pointed out that a letter from Joe Macy was part of the memo, as was a letter from the helicopter operator. favor Viele abstai ni ng. PEC 4/8 las -4- Patten stated tht the^construction s-taging areas were a very important element in the facilitation of the Phase I Mouitain_Developmeni piair to'Ue imprementej this spring through fal1. The Council feels, as does the Communitv b.u"iop*.^t Department that Phase I will have a very posiiive long term impiit-"rpor'irr.'lionomic development.of.the_community, and the sta!ing a"eas aie i n"cesrury evil for this mountain development plan. patten mdntioned ttre impalti-;i-i"he-h;;uy-i"r.r,and of the helicopters. He stated that Macy indicated that at Golden pea-t< ttrJ heavy vehicular equipment to and from the staging area could be fac1litatea Uy coming into the west side of the proposed site. - The helfcopters will certainiy have a negative impact upon the res.idential areas lea.lly and ali feasible mitigation to th6se negative imiracts was being uiterpi"a by VA and the helicopter company invoived and iooperatibn is needed. -The stbff recommended.approval and encouragement to VA to uie the on-mountain staging areas to the greatest extent possible.- Macy stated that vehicles would access both from the bus stop and uphil l from the snow.making-pump house. He added that the_he'licopter woilta noi'truu. to-ity over residential areas. He stated that it would be pi-udent to give notice of - the.helicopter flight days to the media. .Piper askea ir nettcofitei iiighis-wouta cont'inue all summer., and Macy explained that'the Vailey siies wbuld be uieO in-May, June and July but helicoptei'flights couid continire ai late as octooer iit depending on the weaf,ner. Jack Rush of Manor Vail felt that he needed more specific information on f1 ights over the Golden Peak area and added that Manor Vaii did much convention uusiieis in the summer' He felt that flying in 6:00 am was unaccepiaote. Macy.repeated that taking_down the old lifts would start in May with a total of .20 flying days in the pr6lim'inary construction schedule. paiten suggeii;a inut vA meet-with the adjacent properiy owners. Macy said that it would seem most convention meetings, would be insiie. Piper feli that the hefiCopteri-woria-u"a necessary part of construction. Donovan felt that lodqes shouta have notices :9 !h9! they realize that.the noise is, and atso ine "idi;;. she also-trgg"it.o that the bus stop be moved into the Goiden Peak pariing-ioi when the bus turn slgyld..T: |:ing, used bv.the heavv vehicres. Donovan itui"a ttrat itttroush-rh.h'oulo vote tor this conditional use of helicopters, she did not support iny further he'licopter flights. le moved and }Jal rs seconded to a rove the staqi base at Golden Peak e vote was avor o use perm 5.uest to amend the Town Vail zon I n code, Chapter .|8.69 Hazard 'l ations nc tude rovts ons or u lat ono cons tructi on n geo ca sens'i t i ve area ]n a rts Town VE en identifi as havin tential qeolo of re -i- wn Peter Patten presented discussions. New maps p I lcant: the memo and draft ord'inance and studies had been made. A and reviewed previous video of 1984's mud slides U PEc o,Qu -3- was shown. Patten then explained the process the current draft ordjnance had received stating that the staff_had proposed a number of alternative approaches to the Council ranging from pub'l ic notice only to requiring all new devbloprnent to be mitigated as per a site specific study. The council chose a middle-of-the road approach whjch would require mitigation only when a new dwelling unit was being proposed and not for all additions as well. This was'l ater chinged to requiring multi-family proposals to mitigate" but.lor single family and duplex t0 hitigate only forimpacts on other properties and Town of Vail properties. Patten stated that the staff could not fully endorse this ordinance being proposed because it was not ful 1y consistent with the existing procedures for flo6d'plhin and avalanche which require mitigation for new dwelling units. The staff did not agree with a1 lowing a new'ly constructed residence to be destroyed by a geologic event when the potential for for such an occurence is known. After much discussion, Ron Phillips, Town Manager explained that the committee to write this ordinance included Ron, Peter, Larry Eskwith and stan Berryman of the Public Works department. The committee tri ed to be reasonable and nbt cause undue hardship. Phillips added that this was a different situation than the avalanche hazard, because so many properties were located in the geologicaliy sensitive areas. He added that a difference of opinion was not unhealthy. Discussion followed concerning public notices and putting the notice in public record and making certain that potential buyers were notified. $aPsorl moYgd and Viele.jeconded to recommend approval to Council to amend the hazard ordinance to add regulatjons regarding landslides and rock fall iei fhe vo r. 6. Request to a!lenq-!!g-rgw!._m!!i_qlpal code to add a new section, .l8.58.320 u;r-ffiot=--enti il ed,, sateiiil;:fi:ffintennaes,, The.staff requested to table this item to April 22. Viele moved, Rapson secondeo to table to Aprii 22. Vote was 7-0 in favoi. 7. EgqUest for. a cgnditjonat use pemit_j_!__9-{dgl_lq_!qlstrtg!_g!__arn!.[i!!qe!q at Fora pa Rapson moved, l^lalters seconded to table to Aprii 22.Vote was 7-0 in favor of tabling. The meet'ing adjourned at 6:45 pm. Peter told of the presentation of the vail village study on Thursday, Aprii 11. o2 -{-L€.-'.'\ - EJ-- 5-. D variance in order an existing unit DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The Planni.ng commission may recall this request from its February 11th meeting. At that meeting, the applicant requested a setback variance and a densi ty contror variance to encLose an existing deck in unit I of the Riverhouse condominiums. The pEC unanimouslf approved the requested setback variance because i t was fel t there would be no substantia 1 impacts on adjacent properties if the deck were to be enclosed. A1sor by a 4-O vote, the planning Commission denied the requested GRFA. Foll owing denia 1 of the requested cRFA variance, the applicant appealed thjs decision to the Town council. Before this appeal could be considereci by the Town counciLr it was withdrawn by the applicant in lieu of an amended application tha t has been resubmitted for consrderation by the Planning commission. The p ..-u u€ck encLosure 1s essen-tiatly the same as was reviewed by the plannjng Commisston jn February- The appl.icant has amended this application rvith a written statement outlining a number cf reasons as to why this request should be granted. The applicant's statement has been enclosed for your information. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS denial. of Consideration of Factors With respect to neighboring developmentr the Riverhouse Condominiums are not unlike other properties in the Willow Circ.le area.As demonstra ted in the following tab1ez mul.ti-f ami 1y development in this area is well over the aLLowable GRFA under existj.nq zoning. 0TO: FROII: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Commission Communi ty Developnent Department April 8, 1985 A request for a density control to add 97 squa re feet of GRFA to in the Riverhouse Condominiums Applicant: RichardTorrisi Riverhouse Condomini urns Edelweiss Condominiums R'iva Ridge North Riva Ridge South l,lillows Allowable GRFA 9,628 9,497 7,.l6.l g,l 99 9,259 EXlStlng rjRfA 1q olR LJ ) J | ! 20,970 l3,126 1 9 ,824 t 6 ,236 Amount 0ver 6,297 1 1 ,483 10,625 7,978 The ee to vhich relief fron the strict or literal in tation an orcement of a cified ation is necessa to achleve cottr ty and uniformity of trea tment amonq sites in the vicin or to attain the objectives of this title nithout rant of special prlvilege. The staff has generally not supported requests for additional GRFA over wha t is allowed by existing zoning. In considering these requests, the staff has heLd strongly to the criteria outlined in the Variance section of the zoning code. These criteria require that there be a physical hardship in order to justify the variance requested and that the variance not be a grant of special privilege. Thi s regues t ra i ses an i n teres ti ng question with re spec t to special privilege when one considers the GRFA ordinance that was recently passed by the Town Council.. If the applicant,s property were not in a multi-family building, this request woul.d not require a variance approva L and wou.l. d be dea I t wi lh through the new GRFA ordinance. rn light of thisr the resuested GRFA rna y not invoLve a grant of special privilege. Howevei, variance approval is required for this requestl and in order for the variance to be grantedr the applicable criteria must be satisfied.Among these is the question of physical hardship. The applicant has outlined a number of prob.Lems with his unit that could be sofved with the enclosure of this deck. Among these are privacyr noiser safetyr s€curittr and ventilation def j.ciencies. White the staff does not question the fact that these problems may existr they are not consistent with what has been interpreted a s a physical hardship in the past. physica I hardships that have been supported by the staff in the past would include flood plains or utility easements that dramaticarly reduce the buildable area of a given lotr rock outcroppingsr or a stand of mature trees that could be saved by granting a setback variance. It is felt by the staff that the problems outlined by the applicant could be solved in ways other than enc.losing this deck. gf p_op.u]a tiorlr tF_alr.s.portati_on and traf f i c facil_r!!SE!_pub.].1 e facilities and utilities, ind pubLic safetv- The effect of the r qted va4iqnce on liqht and air, distribution There are no significant effects on any of the above elements. RELATED POLICIES IN VAILIS CO!,IUUNITY ACTION PLAN No policies are directly relevant with respect to appJ.ication. APPLICABi: !L.: ^ DEEMS SUCH CIIHER FACTORS AND CRITERTA AS THE CO}IUISSION TO THE PROPOSED VARIANCE. FINDINGS ission shall nake the fol]oying ce: That the granting of the varjance wil. l not constitute a qrant of special privilege inconsistent with the I imi ta tions on other properties classified in the same distrj.ct. a 7 Tha t the granting of the varia the public healthr safetyl or to properties or improvements in That the variance is warranted rea sons: nce will not be detrimenta-1. to weffarer or materially injurious the vicini ty. for one or more of the followinq The strict or litera.l interpreta t the specified regulation would result or unnecessa ry physi ca I hardship objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordi conditions applicable to the site do not a pply generally to other zone. ion and enf orceme n t of i n pra cti ca I di ffi cul t1z i ncons i s te nt wi th the nda ry circumstances or of the variance that proper ti es in the sa me The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privi leges enjoyed by the owners of ot.her properties in the same di s tri c t. STAFP RECOI'II{BNDATION rn reviewing this requestl it is difficult Lo not consider the recently approved GRFA ordinance. This ordinance allows a property owner up to 250 square feet of addi tional. GRFA if certain conditions are met. With respect to units in mutti-family buildingsr or€of these conditions is that the additional GRFA be added without any exterior modi fica tions to the structure. This application quite obviously requires a physicaL addition to the bxterior of this building, and consequently cannot be approved under the provisions outl.ined under the GRFA ordinance. As a resultr this reguest requires approval of a variance and that variance must be reviewed with respect to the applicable criteria used in any other variance request.. As has previously been statedr the staf f does not feel there is.a legitimate physica.l hardship as reguired in order to supp::-!i this request. without the presence of some physical hardi-hip,the staff quite simply cannot support this vaiiance. As wa s stated in previous memosr it is the feeling of the staff that the problems with this unit could be mitigated in ways other than enclosing this deck. o- II(A). The applicant wishes to;1. Correct certain deficiencies and problems of Unit 1, Riverhouse Condominiums,2. lmprove the safety by eliminating certain hazards that now exist to occuDants,3. Upgrade the function and usability,4. Increase the energy efficiency, and 5. Improve the asthetics of the unit, the building and Ine area, for the benefit of the unit occupants, the building owners, the neighbors and the town. The appiicant proposes to accomplish t:re above by removing a presently existing deck and a visuajly objectionable hot tub and to replace them with an adciition to the unit of compatible architectural quality and character that will enhance the existing structure and environment, while accomplishing the above. The building currently is non-conform'i ng with Section 18.20.090 Density Control and Secti on 18.20.060 Setbacks. The proposed removal of the exist'i ng deck and addition to the unit wjll re- quire a dens'i ty variance to allow an additional 97 square feet of enclosed space. 0n February 11, 1985, the Planning and Envjronmental Commjssion unanjmously aoproved a setback varjance for Unit 1 of Riverhouse Condominiums. (B). Privacy, noise Ievel, safety, and security: The unit has a elweiss Condominiums. The unlt's interior can be easily viewed from several of the Edeiweiss units. The deck is accessible by french doors and has a large hot tub sitting on the open deck. The roof system of the main building has a drainage system that dumps ice and snow loads onto the center of the deck, creating a hazard to anyone stepping out on to the deck. The french doors are easily accessibie to intruders or thieves since they are ground level. Additionally, despite best efforts to weather seal the french doors, objectionable noise and fumes from the Edelweiss fireplace chimneys and carbon monoxide from the Edelweiss garage directiy opposite the deck occasionally seep into the unit. The applicant feels that by enclosing the deck, a privacy and sound buffer will be created between the Edelweiss garage and the living space of the unit, affording more privacy, safety and security to the occupants of the unit. (C). Ventilation deficiency: The unit currently has no operable ffixchange air or provide normal ventilation. It only has doors which, when open, make the . unit easily accessible to walkers by. It is felt t-hat t.he addition of operable windows would permit a cont.rolled (and secure) cross ventilation system for normal usage and ventilation for those occasions r,rhen carbon monoxide and firepjace smoke fumes enter the unit as described above. This hazard was brought clearly into focus when at 2:00 a.m. on the night of March 1, 1985, the occupants were awakened - -- -i o and forced to evacuate the unit because of smoke fumes that had entered through the unit's own chimney flue, even though the damper was closed and sealed and the unit's firebox had been sealed off with a glass fireplace enclosure which was closed. After the occupants were satisfied that the building was not on fire, they returned and opened the doors to let fresh air in, causing a severe heat loss and the inside temperature to be lowered to the uncomfortable staqe. A controlled cross ventilation couid have prevented ihis dangerous situation from occurring. (D). Usage limitations: Riverhouse was constructed in 1972 =:======--=e then existing G.R.F.A. Subsequently, the or-LUr \]r g LU L area was downzoned, creating a cument G.R.F.A. overage of all buildings ln the area. At the time Riverhouse was designed, the space in Unit l was seriously compromised by removing from it the space used for the entryway and the entry hailway, making the space some 150 square feet less than the other studio unit in the building. 0f more serious consequence was the reduction of usable wall space by angiing a corner of the unit to enhance the architectural character of the building entrance. This placed serious ljmitatjons on furniture Dlacement and made it difficult to olace even one bed within rhe unit, making it less usable, desirable and rentable than simiiar units of its size, character and cosr. The building's other studio, Unit 2, has two queen size beds and several large pieces of furniture inciuding two sofa beds, substanti al Iy enhancing its usabi I ity and rentabi I ity. As a resuit, Unit 1 suffers by comparison. The applicant feets that this request does not constitute E-JbEElaT- \, e, stnce asK i n or Drlv are not alrea en 10 nc (E). Planning efforts: Although the applicant attenpted to exercr-Se oue-nTTigence prlor to plicnasing the irnit, it was not possible to perceive in the summertime all of the possible environmental conditions and unit deficiencies on a four season basis. Rather, emphasis was given to the quality of the buiiding, location and the potential to improve it.Local archrtects were hired to maximize the units potential through an extensive remodeling program and town pianners were consulted with the applicants plans to improve and enlarge the unit. Just prior to making application for a variance to the G.R.F.A. in l,larch or 1994, it was suggested that the appiicant withdraw his application penOing iFe -P o developnrent of new proposed regulations being contempiated by the planning commission, allowing for the expansion of units. Because of other priorities put upon the planning staff and conrnission, such as sumner mud slides, the formation of the new reguiations were delayed throughout the summer, although the applicant was courteously kept informed by the planning )LOt t. The applicant proceeded with extensive remodeling to the unit's interior in anticipation of what appeared to be a positive attitude of the planning commission.. 0n 0ctober 8, 1984, the planning staff recommended and the planning commission approved regulations permit*uing the expansion of ground floor, multifamily units up to 250 square feet; however, the town council, for reasons of concern, saw fit not to pass the regulation, leaving such matters to the planning commission by variance on an individual appiication basis. (F). Summary: It is the hope of the applicant, therefore, that fFe pfanning commission will exercise its rights and privileges uncier the variance procedure and will appiy its previously stated good intentions to allow owners to improve and enlarge their units by examining this application on its own merits and to permit the applicant to solve the other problems srated herein while at the sdme time allowing him to make an asthetic improvement to the area's environment and to reduce potential hazards of safety and securiry. It should be pointed out that the building has no other baiconies or decks on the east side of the building eliminating any concerns of architecturai disharmony. 0n the contrary, removal of the deck and unsightly hot tub and use of the space to construct a function3l, harmonious building element would add considerably to the privacy, safety, security, and asthetic environment of aTT concerned. It is the applicant,s plan to become a full-time,contributing resident of Vail and hopes that Riverhouse, #1 9gn be improved as requested herein so Lhat it may serve as his home. -,-'-! III. Zoning check Riverhouse Condominiums Lot 3, Biock 6 Vail Village First Filing High Density Multiple Family District Lot size: 16,046 square feet = 0.368 acre 18.20.060 Setbacks: 20' required by current zoning for all setbacks. Existing builiding setback is 3'6" on Northeast corner and 2' on Southeast corner. Proposal is for the enclosure of the existing hot tub deck. 18.20.080 Height: Not applicable to proposal. 18.20.090 Density Control Maximum of 60 square feet of GRFA for each 100 square feet of buildable site area. ALLOHABLE GRFA - 60% (16,046) = 9,628 square feet EXISTING GRFA = 15,915 square feet PROPOSED ADDITIONAL GRFA = 97 square feet 18.20.110 Coverage: ALLOWABLE = 55% (16,046) = 8,825 square feet EXISTING C0VERAGE - 7,113 square feet PROP0SED ADDITI0NAL C0VERAGE = 35 square feer, <. Arthur G. Bishop & Compari, ur,t Realty 6c Property Management t A Division of the Lancaster Group. Inc. April 2, 1985 Richard Torrisi One Park Central, Ste 1600 1515 Arapahoe St. Denver Co. 80202 Dear Mr. Tomisi: I talked to Tony of Fireless Chimney Sweep Company about the problem of the smoke down drafting into your Riverhouse unit number one. He said it was a structural problem. He has tried to correct the same problem in other units and found that the simplest way to at least help elivate it would be to leave a window partially open to cause on updraft in the chimney. Si ncerely, 302 Hanson Ranch Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 o (303) 476-5681 o r(,r.r.fRrf 800-525'9396 ApplLcant:Rlchard lf. Torrl,e I The accompaaylng memos explaln quite clearly the requests that were presented to the PlaonLog Connlssion Ln early February.Brlefly, these lnvolved a requested setback and a density control varlance to eoclose an exlstlng deck at the Riverhouse Condomialune.Staf f recomtnendatlons on these reques ts were to app rove the setback varlance and to reconmend denlal for the requested addltlotral CRFA. The accompanying rnemoa outllne ln nore detail our reasoos for these recomnendations. TIf,DIf,GS OF TEE PLAIINING AUI} BUYIBOITUBXTAL COUUISSION The Plannlrg Connlsslon was sympathetlc to the requested eetback r'arlaoce. rt I'as felt that there would be no substantlal inpacts on adjacent propertles 1f this deck were to be enclosed. The setback varl.aoce waa approved by a 4-O vote. denied the requesced , Planning ConmLssloners oot be alloved under GRFA ordinaoce. Othe r exi e t Lng development allowable GRFA, aa a denslty. by D uses ano structures in the vicinity. The adjacent structure to this proposed construction is the Edelweiss condominiums. :." tlhile the exist'ing deck is on'ly 1.6 feet from the property line, it is felt " , that the enclosure of this deck would not create an adverse impact upon the Edelweiss. The original proposal for this variance was to expand thb deck r area up to the property'l ine between these two properties. That application was amended to the plans before you today. It was felt by the staff that to expand on this area up to the property line wou'ld, indeed, have an adverse effect on the Edelweiss. T0: Planning and Environmental Comrnissjon FROM: Conmunity Development Department DATE: February ll,.1985 SUBJECT: Request for a side setback variance in order to enclose an existinq deck at Unit #l of the Riverhouse Condominiums Applicant: Richard M. Torrissi DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED 4t lit" present time, the Riverhouse condominiums is a nonconforming structure in that it encroaches across all four setback lines. The degree oi encroachment ranges from .2 feet from the rear property line to .|.2 feet from a side property line. The applicant wishes to enclose a deck which presently lies .|.6 fbet' from the side property 1ine. As proposed, the enclosure of th.is cieck would not increase this encroachment. Proposed construction would be limited to enclosing this deck area. I|9 appt-icant has cited drainage and freezing problems as two reasons why this enclosure is needed. It is felt by the-airplicant that the use of this deck is limited because of this drainage problem during the winter months. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS !pqn, heyie! of Criteriq gnd Findings, lection 18.62.060 of the Municipat uode' lnq uepgrtmenl of,Communily D=eygloqmen! recommends approval of the requested variance based upon the foilo@ Ccnsideration of Factors The ree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and en To a spec'rtiecl requlation rS necessarv to acn I eve ormjty of treatment amonq sites in the vicin t.y or to attain ves of this title without qrant of special pr vt leqe. It is the fee'ling of the staff that to grant this request would not be a grant of special privilege. As has been stated, the existing deck as well as the entire structure encroaches dramatically into this property's required setbacks. To allow the enclosure of this deck-would not rbsuit in negative impacts on adjacent plopertjes. The exjsting deck is a nonconforming-structure and its enclosure wou'l d not realistically increase the degree of nonionformity. T0: Planning and Envjronmental Commission FROM: CommunityDevelopmentDepartment DATE: February 11, .l985 SUBJECT: Request for a density control variance in order to add 94 feet of GRFA to an existing unit in Unit 1, Riverhouse Condominiums Appl icant: Richard M. Torrisi DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The appi icant has requested a variance in order to add 94 feet of GRFA to an existing unit in the Riverhouse condominiums (see accompanying setback variance memorandum). This additional square footage would be created by the enclosure of an existing deck on the structure. At the present, the-Riverhouse condominiums are 6,277 square feet over their allowed GRFA. , 8,__ -7 rS: Consideration of Factors t^lith_respect to GRFA, the Riverhouse is not unlike its neighbors in the Wiilow circle area. The following table demonstrates the existin! and allowable GRFA for these condominiums. Edelweiss Condom iniums Riva Ridge North Riva Ridge South l.lillows Allowable GRFA 9,628 Existing GRFA .|5,915 Propo sed Additional GRFA 94 Total GRFA with this proposal , .|6,009 square feet CRITERIA AND FINDINGS E ?(r I rs I oL /^ -A l-\ ./ () Al lowable GRFA 9,487 7 ,161 g,l gg 9 ,259 Exi sting GRFA 20,970 tJrlzo 19,924 .l 6,236 Amount 0ver I I ,483 5,965 l0,625 7,978 As demonstrated by this table, existing development in this area is dramatica11y over the allowable densities. t Torrf GRFA -2- 2/11/85 The eff ct of the uested vari ance I iqht and air. di tribution of trans rtation an traffi c facilitie bl ic faci ities and utilitie safety. There is no significant effect on any of the above elements. No po1 icies are directly relevant with respect to this application. and criteria lation, and publ i Such other factors varr ance. FI ND I NGS the commission deems applicable to the ?lanning and Environmental Commission s!all make the followi findinqs before rant I ng a var 'i ance : Thatth-e granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special pr.ivilege U'go-tl9i!!elt-!,t1th -the-11lr.rlg!i9!Lon other propelli_eq c.lissjfi_e{ !!-ir,. t!*u disirict. : Ilgt-3L.:fe!$!ng of !!re v-aiiance wi'll not be detrimental to fhe pubtic heatth,. safety' or welfare, oF'materially injurious to properties or imprbvementl-in tne vi ci nity. }|.: "': That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: . ' The strict or TiteFal -interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in-practical ditriculty or unn"ieisu"y-physical hardsnip iiconsistent with the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions app'l jcab'le to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other propeiiies in the same zone. The strict or 'l.iteral interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation -ryouJl deprive-the. applicant of privilegei."j.v"o iv the ownLrs of other properties in the same district. srA[E_8EqqryE[q4II9!! -:---_ -- - Staf-f:-recommendation is for. approval of this setback variance request. If this proposal were to increase the existing "n."oui[r"ri"i.io the setback, the staff - wou'ld not be able to support.this request. Howevei,'itris appticatjon is merely , "!o-lnfill an existing deck that is already u noncJnio"ming iltuifion. 'it"is :felt that this infill will not have a negitive effect upon adjacent properties. . .: .,: r ,-:;::ii.: l: ,;, li i o Torrissi GRrA J 2/l/s5 FI ND I NGS .a grant of special privilege. I l owi nq fi nd i nqs before granting a variance: --- That the.granting of the variance will not constitute a_grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on ottrer prope"ii.i iritiifjed in the same district. I!l!-the granting of the variance will not be detrimentat to the pubtic heatth,sgfgty' or welfare, or materiaily injurious to properti;; ;" imprbvement;-i;-;h"vicinity. That the variance is wa*anted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or literal -interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical.ditriculty or unnecessary physicai i.'uiasrrip inioniistent with the objectives of this titi;. - There.are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not'appiy generaily to other properties in the same zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the,^applicant ot privlieg...niov"a lv-in" owners of other properties in the same district. STA[_BqE!U{ET!AII8T! The staff is unab'l e to.support this.request for an addit.ional 94 square feet gr Qnfn. This is due to lhe fact ttrai'ine exist.ing oevetopment on the site ,, ,is 6,287 square feet over the allowabte Cnrn. -i" ioiiiio;, iil ii.ii-r,ii"generalry ''jnot supported variances of this nature and to support ih.,s "eqrert wou.ld be It should be noted that the applicant has delayed this submittal during the development_of our new GRFA oi^dinance. Rs you'k;o; i;o;-iour rast review, the enclosure of decks or any external additioni to multi-iimiiy owellings will not be allowed under the new ordinance.. It is ueiaur. oi'il,i. changd-t; ih"GRFA amendment that.the appricant had-cnosen io-pu"ir" inii variance request for the additional density. It is difficult to address a-request of this type that involves two d.ifferent variances. This is especialry drue when one request courd be supporiea,-w[iie the other cannot. t,lhire it miy appear confusinj that-the-st.ri-i6rii-i;p;;;i- lr:.:::::"9^:g!b::k-yifi1199 white,recommendins denial qf ihe requested GRFA,r the staff feels it necessary to address each request indiviiiaiiJl"ii"uXi'li ' itself, the encrosure of thL deck wjii-noi-hun""i-signiii.unt .impact on the adjacent properties. However, when considering enfRl the staff is unable to !!nno11 this request when the existing developrient on the site is so aramaiicarty _ over the allowable GRFA. t Torissi GRFAO- z/i:/Bs The degree to which relief from the ltrict or literal interpretation and enforcement of t""atr"nt u,nong siles in,tl'e vi.i!it.u of Historically, the staff has general 1y not supported requests for additional GRFA over existing zoning. As was stated in the memo concerning the setback variance request, the appl icant has claimed a physical hardship-of ice and water runoff from the roof above hjs deck as a reason for needing this deck enclosure. It is a feeling of the staff that these prob'l ems could be mitiqated in.some other way. Because of the staff's previous position on requests oi this nature, it js our feeljng that this variance request would be a grant of special privilege. ef of the uested riance on liqht nd ac air, distribution of ities and utilities. an rans rtation an traffic fac ties, publ ic safety. There are no significant effects on any of the above elements. RELATED POLICIES IN VAIL'S COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN No policies are directly relevant with respect to this application. a I 'lon, Such other factors a4d criteria as the commission deems licable to the proposed vari ance . r K s s edelutoiq, \.u*s- $ .$):t rs a I r r{xn ttq PlaQ f' ri-.tr f'"dlh:tt\ 'nq[tr --. l' =n,rth __i;, ' fiV.?rhunU olndonjrfiut --,;-. riv.?rnm?, oondoninlumq =_ [l' L{yli,fir,r ^tllr _ ii rri a exie{tn1 q'- a/+il dav I I q'- q/+x /{ t rEl bt r$ si e t ..r'-1\/{ .{/ 1," \\ '\ \.--l a-=r -!=t ') r-\ h .\ \ \ \ b ti:-F dovid m. peel kothy wqrren orchitects 2588 oroso dr. p.o. box 3370 voil, co. 81658 303.476.4506 February 14, 1985 Vail Town Council c/o Joyce HaLee Town of Vall 75 South Frontage Road Va11, Colorado 81657 RE: Density Variance; Rlverhouse Condomlniums, Lot 3r Block 6t Vail Vlllage First Flling, Mr. Rlchard M. Torrlsl , Owner. Dear Ms. Halee; Mr. Rlchard M. Torrlsi would like to appeal the February 11, 1985 declslon of the Plannlng and Envlronmental Commlssion to deny hls request for a GRFA variance. Please include this appeal to the Town Council on the agenda of thelr next regularly scheduled meeting on February 19' 1985. Yours truly, Kathy Wa-rren, AIA Planning and Environmental Commission February ll, .l985 2:15 pm Site Visits 3:00 pm Public Hearing T0 BE l. Request for a final plat review of Vail Woods Subdjvision, a TABLED revision of Special Development District ll which would divide the remain'ing area into li duplex 1ots.Applicant: I.K.S. Vajl Associates (staff rec: approval) 2. Request for a setback variance and a concurrent GRFA variance in'order to enlarge and enclose a hot tub area which would add 162 square feet to Unit #1 of the Rjverhouse Condominiums at 83 tlillow Place on Lot 3, B'lock 6, Vail Village 1st Filing.App'licant: Richard M. Torrisi (staff rec: appr for setback, denial GRFA) 3. Request for setback variances and a concurrent GRFA varjance jn construct an 85 square foot addition to a resident on Lot .l7, Bighorn,iferrace. Appl icants: Howard and Virginia Sherr (staff rec: approval setback, denial GRFA) - 4. Request to amend the zoning code by the addition of paragraph 18.22.030N in order to allow as a condjtionali'use,'eiting, drink.ing,recreation or retail establ ishments in a PA zone.Applicant: Bradway Enterprises, Inc. (staff rec: approval) ' 5. Change date of public hearing for zoning of Spraddle Creek subdivision. 6. Update on Parks Master p1 anning project. Planning and Environmenta'l Commission February ll, .1985 PRESENT Diana Donovan Duane Piper Howard Rapson Jere l'|alters ABSENT st for a setback variance and a concurrent STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Tom Braun Kri stan Pritz Rick Pylman GRFA variance in order J'im Viele Duane Piper, chairman, called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm. Donovan moved and l,lalters seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting of January 28. Vote was 4-0. 1. B$Uest fgr_a f]nal pla!-review gf Vail Woods Subdiyis.ionr_q_reyllen of Special Deveiopme ea 2. en ta e ano enctose a hot tub area ich wou add 16 eet a ano enc tose a .of Vail Villa e lst Filin Tom Braun made the staff presentation, explaining the request and that the staff reconrnended.approval of the setback variance, bui denial 'of the variance for 9liA: P9ui9.Pee1, representing the applicani, Richard Torrisi, give-i-preientation and explanation of the request.. :,' .. ,) : .Rapson moved and W as n favor.l) Rapson moved and Donovan seconded to de_ry_llg_ggfl vglance request on the qrounds ofTenffi. -3.geqt for setback variances and a concurrent GRFA variance in order to conllruct an 85 square foot addit on to a res ence on Lot rn I errace.cants: Howa Vi rg'ini a rr ?,/en '--:_at Kristan Pritz explained the request for setback variances on three sides of 31"^:-]!9 and the request for a GRFA variance of an additional 50 square feet ln order to expand the dining room area of the structure. The staff reconmendation was for approval of the setback variances and den.ial of the GRFA varianie. Dave Peel , representing the app'l 'icant, requested tabiing until March ll.Rapson moved and walters seconded to tablg_gg reqle$edl vote was 4-0. Richard sherr, applicant, spoke on his behalf,.explaining his overall plan to upgrade the structure and property. The Planning Conrnisiion discussed'the hardship in. the-Bighorn Temace units, precedence set by others in Bighorn Terrace, and other items. Donovan moved and Rapson seconded to apprgJellg.__gelbqqk yarl_q-ncr._Igq_Ugtl. lonov_qn.r]oved and walte[:. secon{ed to gqprovg lhe request for a GRFA vallqqce.ThefindingSwerethat,'thestrictorliteral of the _slecified regulation would result in practicl1 ditliculty or unnecessary physical.hardship inconsistent with the objectives of the title, and would depiive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the' same distict. The yotg wgs 3-l i!=favor.wi.th=Piper voting aoainst approval . piper's reason was tnat hrstorrcaily he had always voted for denial of this type of request and campaigned for air ordinance ti deal with this situation. 4. Bequeqt to amgld the zon'inq.code.by the addition of paragraph .|8.22.030N 'tn oroer to ailow as a conditjqnal use, eating, drinking, recreational ' Inc' Kristan Pritz gave the staff presentation and expla'ined that the staff was reconunending approval . _The applicant's presentation was given by Art Abplanalp. The discussion,by the Plann'ing Commissioncenteredon the need foi the ambndment,the conditional use prccess, and allowable percentages of GRFA as commercial space. on the Spraddle Creek Subdivision proposal and requested hearing date to March 25. Donovan moved and l^lalters 5. ?/11/85 -2- date as requested. The vot@on 6, Update on Parks Master plann.ing project. Pritz and Donovan gave the parks planning update. llr The meeting was adjourned at 4:46. &pso4.moved qnd ttql!qrs sqconded to_r:gcommend approval to the Town council accorolng to the findings in the staff's memo. The vote was 4-0 in favor. heari n raddl e subdivision. Patten gave a motion to seconded to aga i nst. an update change the chanqe the o CAtrA L tl /k'f ,e K TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ ECT: Pl ann i ng Cormunity February and Environmental Conunission Deve'l opment Department ll, 1985 i ums Applicant: Richard M. Torrissi DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED 4t!l'e.presenttime,theRiverhousecondominiunsis% ranges from.2 feet from the rear property line to l line. The applicant wishes to enclose a deck which I .2 feet from a side property degree of encroachment line. .The applicant wishes to enclose a deck which presentty liei j.o-tbei from the side property 1ine. As proposed, the enclosure of ihis cieck would not increase thjs encroachment. Proposed construction would be limited to enclosing this deck area. Il 9 uppt_jcant has cited drajnage and freezing problems as two reasons why this enclosure is needed. It is felt by the-abplicant that the use of tlris deck is limited because of this drainage problem during the winter months. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS ni heview of Criteria and Findin Section .|8.62.060 of the Muni epartment o ommun i t eve opment recomme s aDDrova vari ance nt nq factors: Ccnsideraticn of Factors The adjacent structure to this proposed constructjon is the Edelweiss condominiums.l'lfile the ex_isting deck is only I.6 feet from the property line, it is felt that the enclosure of this deck It was felt by the to expand effect on on this area uo to the property line would, indeed,the Edelweiss. staff that have an adverse It is the feeling of the staff that to grant this request would not be a grant of special privilege. . To allow the enclosure impacts on adjacent properties.negati ve K,\"t q,oL^.^- of this deck would not result in TorrisJFA -2- 2/11/85 eef ct of the ue s ted vari ance on ht and air, distribution of I ation ,rtation an traffi c aci l it'ies ities and utilit anc ublrc safety. PLAN No po)icies are directly relevant with respect to this application. varl ance. FI ND INGS or_ more of the fol i owi ng reasons: and enforcement of the specified regulat.ion or unnecessary physical hardship jnconsistent circumstances or conditions appljcable to apply generally to other properties in the ituii"..orr.narfion i. ro If this Thatth-e granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of speciai privilege incorsiste_nt ry!t[.thg-ligtlg!iq!s_9r1 other properties clissified in tne sime disirict. filt-tlg gfgnling of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health,safety' or welfare, oF materially injurious to propert'ies or imprbvements in the yigin!!y.. That the variance is warranted for one The strict or liteial interpretation would result in practical diff.i culty with the objectives of this title. - There are exceptions or extraordinary the site of the variance that do not same zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulat.ion "ryoul9 deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of othei pioperttes in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS would not be able to suooort this reorrpsr llnr.,arrav. +hi the setback,-the staff able to support this request. However, this to infjll an existing deck that is already a nonconiorm.ing felt that this infiil wiil not have a negative effect upoi application is merely situation. It is adjacent properties. T0: Pianning and Environmental Commissjon FR0M: ConmunityDevelopmentDepartment DATE: February 11, .|985 SUBJECT: Applicant: Rjchard M. Torrisi DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicant has requested a variance in order to add 94 feet of GRFA to an existing unit in.the Riverhouse condominiums (see accompanying setback variance memorandum). This additional square footage would be cieated by the enclosure of an existing deck on the structure.- At the present, the-Riverhouse condominiums are 6,277 square feet over their allowed GRFA. Allowable GRFA 9,628 Existing GRFA .|5,915 Proposed Total GRFA with .this proposal , .|6,009 square feet CRITERIA AND FINDINGS rs: Consideration of Factors With respect to GRFA, the Riverhouse is not unljke Circle area. The fol Iowing table demonstrates the GRFA for these condominiumi. its neighbors existing and in the Willow al I owabl e Edelwei ss Condomini ums Riva Ridge North Riva Ridge South }Jillows Al lowable GRFA 9,487 7 ,161 g,l gg 9,259 Existing GRFA 20,970 .I3, 126 19,924 16,236 As demonstrated by this table, existing development in this area is dramatical'ly over the allowable densities. Amount Over Tori ssi GRFA -)rn, rcu The deqree to wh rel ief from t tri t or Iiteral inte retation and enforcement a specl ati on s necessa i eve itv an ormi t treatment amon sites in the vicinit or to attain the o ectives o thi s grant ot spec a I prr v'l lege. As was stated in the memo concerning varjance request, the applicant has claimed a physical hardship of ice and water runoff from the roof above his deck as a reason for needing this deck encl osu re. Because of the staff's previous potiTion on requests of this nature, it is our feeling that this variance request would be a grant of special privilege. safety. There are no significant effects on any of the above elements. RELATED POLICIES IN VAIL'S COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN No policies are directly relevant with respect to this application. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed vari ance. Torri ssi GRFA -s- Oirzas FI ND I NGS That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privi'l ege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified jn the same district. That.the granting of the varjance will not be detrimental to the public health,sgfgty' or welfare, or materjaily injurious-io-piop".;i;; ;" .improvements .in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or literal .interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation w9y]d. result in practical .difficulty or unnecessary physical irardship inionrirt.nt with the object.ives of this title.' There.are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not-appry g.r".iiiv-to-itn"1^ prop.i,^!i"i-in-the same zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by in the same district. of the specified regulation the owners of other properties STAFF RECOMMENDATI0NS This is due to the fact that the ex.ist is.6,287 square feet over the allowable GRFA. In addition, the staff has ge ;not supported var_iances of this nature and to support this'request would be a grant of special pr.ivilege. neral ly osen to pursue this variance request this type that involves two different one request could be supported, whjle nfusing that the staff could support ending denial of the requested GRFA, ach request individual ly. In and of t have a significant impact on the 'idering GRFA, the staff is unable to lupport this request_when the existing developrient on the site is so dramaiically over the allowable GRFA. ."-1fi f .--v^:.erv( t iz I 'l.,r,^{e- ^!^ (- . "r z) ./{ I ". - L-!on,u n" Lr\--"'\--{-{'^--*Q x *. *( s edelwviq, "'' -_------:uli ll orl:f A o c := # /,twfw o ' t' | .exvTwq qlqr a, -:-x:vIvsqAolr:?law uN,_l. ou ex ilti,u I nlav i o o iq $. \r l--j tl er'o tl rl_ i 5 s ql E lrl _- =ci _\F.t rll '+l 'l I ti- ol rfiturlt f ilinr a?1, l' A-- \ \ tn;r ,ffi 6wt orc* ; .,ltr."i t-I- \II M ,tYtgx ,$ rs' c., | -,, x. vdcl*vin Don"lJ C. S.l,in. llOlG.,'e.n St"*t Son F on"i, *, Q.olifo""i" 94lO9 January 29,1985 Thonas Braun Town Planner Connunity Development Department Tovrn of Vail- Vai1, Colorado Dear Mr. Braun: I an the owner of unit #3A6 in the Edelwei$s vhich ls next to the River House. When the River House was built I fel-t that the setback was inadequate.I strongly object to a setback variance and a concurrent GRFA variance which would bring it even closer to our property and that such an encroachment shoul-d be denied forthwith. Sin onald Schine P.S. We were not 1l-th neeting but officially notified of the February l-earned about it indirectly. AP?LIC.P.TIO}i Application DatelJanuar" 14' 1935 FORi'1 FOR A VARIA}ICE I.Th5.s Procedure The application is required for any Prolect wiLl not be accePted until requesting a Variance ' all inforinaiion is subnitted' Richard M. Torrisi A.NA}4E OF ADDiESS APPLICA..\T One Park Centrat - 1515 Arapahoe St'pHoNE 292-3700 PHOj'TE r76-4506 r..1fJ.\ I,2 92- 37 00 NA,ilE OF ADDRXSS c.NA','1i 0F 0 pe or lrint) 81658 ard orrlsl Denver, Co. 80202 APPLICANT' S RE?RTSE:JTATI\/'E P.O. Box 337O, Vai1, CO M. D. SIGN;TURs ADDRTSS One Park Central - 1515 AraPahoe St' Denver, Co. 80202 OF PROPOS-TJ LOCA!ION ADDR,ESS (83 Willow Place LEGAL D:SCR;P?ION lOt 3 block 6 F.i I i no Vail Villaqe First PA]D E.FEE. $100.00 :. A lisi of the names of owners of a1i property adjaceni ""lj""t PrcPe=iy and their rna i'i 'i nc adCresses: 1. Bill BishoP C/O Arthur G. BishoP t ComPanY P.O. Box 667 Vail, Co. 8'l 558 2. Riverhouse Condominium A ssociation C/O Arthur C. BishoP 6 ComPanY P.O. Box 667 Vail, Co. 81658 3. Edelweiss Condominium Association C/O Arthur G. BishoP 6 ComPanY P.O. Box 667 Vail, Co. 81658 +^ +...r; ( Torrisi Remodel #B40l March 26, I98q A.tl € The applicant wishes to enlarge and enclose the hot tub deck on unit il at ihe southeast corner of-the Riverhouse condominiums. The ;";tdi;g currently is non-ionforming with Section 18.20.050 Setbacks and section 1g.20.0g0 Density contfol. The proposed hot tub enclosure also involves these two sections in that it will requi re a setback variance .6inling the existing two foot setback on the Southeast corner to a zero setback and a densit"y variance to allow another 162 square feet of en- closed space. Because of it's ,Present |ocation, the hot tub is subject to fa||in9 snow and ice from a roof twenty-five feet above it- Dripping watet- from. the roof freezes in the winter and forms mounds of ice, creating a hazard when entering or exiting the hot tub. The proposed addition would roof over the deck eliminating the snow and ice hazard and would enclose the space creating a hot tub solarium' thus minimizing heat loss and creating a view of Gore Creek below' { tl'' Remodel March 26, 1984 Zoning Check Riverl'rouse Condominiums L-ot 3, Block 5 Vail Village First Filing High Density Multiple Family District Lot Size: 16,045 square feet = 'l 8.20. 060 Setbacks : ' z}t required by current zoning for all setbacks' Existing building setback is 345', on Northeast corner and 2ron Southeast corner. Proposal is for zero setback at addition on East end of building- 18.20. 080 Height: Not apPlicable to ProPosat. 18.20. 090 DensitY Control: . Maximum of 60 square feet of GRFA for each I00 square feet of bui ldable site area. ALLOWABLE GRFA = 6? ( l6,046) = 9,627.5 square feet. EXISTING GRFA = 15,915 square feet PROPOSED ADDITIONAL GRFA = 152 square feet' 0.368 acre '; 18.20.1'l 0 Coverage: ALLOWABLE = 55? (15,046] . EXISTING COVERAGE PROPOSED COVERACE 8, 825 square feet 7,113 square feet = 44? 7,289 square feet = 45? !!,:t Januarv 2, 1935 i'ir. P.ichard j"i. T orr 1sl- President, Torrisi and Cc;nPan1" FULLER AiiD CO.,'iPAI'IY Cne Park Central 1515;rraPahce Street Denver, Colorado BO202 Yours truf 1r ' On Sunday, Decei:icer 3O, 1984' tne Riverhouse Conooniniun Association u;ranimousljr arproved your request to enlarge a.nd enclose ihe er-isiing l-'bt ttrc ciecl< cn Unit #1- at the Southeasi corner of ?iverl-iouse Coreicniniums' ,ijte Associai;ion entnusiastlcall"i r:'e:o;:l;len jeo al:;l'I-oval-, ;n'i 'r'ie ieel inat rne enc losure ""iir be a cec iced i:r'orlove::en-b' both aesihetlcall; tt-tA t'"n" tionatl;r ' -co 1'-our unit r-'nci tne ai\rerhouse Conjoniniuins.'l-ot only- r:iou1A lir9-enclosure el-in- inate the ciangerous ial1in1 snc"v and ice buj-1d-up haz?r'' i-i ivculC aLsc vi s-rallJ' enianse -t-i e e':terior a'cpe'-;^"t'e of iiiverhouse. ,rf tircugh" ihe r'sscci a-''icii 3allno! s:eFi icrbire adj ac ent Etiefl'ieiss dondo;:lin i uils ' tre iee I that the sol ariun .,.;ould certainl-y p"u=""t a far ottter alrpearanc e than the current hoi tub deck. ihe Asscc iation is p1e ased ''vi ti-l J'our eff orts in the in'r'erior re:.rooe1 of your unj-i. 'viitn proper and conpatrole design' ihe nel.., encl0sure ,viir-iie of irenLf it io you, Rirrerhouse condor'ln-.' iuns anci itts ne ighbors ' i^, " ,1.'. l r- \- i i-'" -/t-.'--' ... ..larie C uri'an, P re si ient i.IVIRIIOUSI COI'l:JOi'lIIIUri "SSIJCIATIOII il*it @ oo SITE F1-AtrJ 1rr=Zol Rvenil oi=e a{wvNttji'te Vetu vvtA# FR€'r fillila bwoK G wT 3 .i --...- L---.\ Rrrzr*iladee I l^3/1ffi. w?ryt€t9a I 'r4''''h;q, 'f r /t ff \tltllr,,t pi^I t.t:e o o ,> { r--- 'i '\-- - ------'; 1 ilal lrJa l EXi lpoK LAti o o € ,J LI trtr ff#Oe;rc) R,fMcCS; Hq ril'' 1ft'-- 1|o !l -t '!;R -2" Rtil t/.f: -\\9t dT lz.o ;F i'n $L 6F fi sl $l Il r-_--.-1 ti L___ j i1 L ___.. ll \\\\\\ \\ I I I t_ SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, TIIE EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN SCI'IEDULE B AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS I]EREOF, TTTLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, herein called rhe Company, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A. against loss or damage. not excecding the amount of insurance stated in Schcdule A, and costs, atlorneys' fees and expcnses which the Company may become obligated lo pay hereunder, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: l. Title to the estate or interest describcd in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title 3. I-ack of a right of acccss lo and from the land; or 4. Unmarketability of such title. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporale name and seal to be hercunlo affixed by its duly autlrorized officers as of the date shown in Schedule A, the policy to be valid when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company. J't.t l*sunoruce f[|,**uroto Iotrto"t OF A:; '"/"ri" r,7r,",^,^ / (r,t,,r', * ro*l:'l'lg Authorized Officer or Agent a4-za- Zr/ President -4t..y_*.f*_ Secretary EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy: l. Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordinances) restricting or regulating or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land, or regulating the character ' dinrensions or location of any irnprovenrent now or hereafter erected on the land, or prohibiting a separation in o*nership or a reduclion jn lhe dimensions or area of the land, or the effect of aoy violation of any such law, ordinance or govern menlal regulation. 2. fughts of eminent domair or governmental rights of police power unless notice of the exercise of such rights appcars in the public rccords lt Date of Policy. 3. Defects, liens, encumbranccs, adverse claims, or other n]atters (a) crealed, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimanl; (b) no( known to the Company and not shorvn by the publ.ic records but known to lhe insured clainrant eilher at Date of Policy or at the date such claimant acquired an estate or inleresl insured by this policy and not disclosed in writing by the insured clairnant to the Company prior to the date such insured claimant became an insured hereunder; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or danrage which would not have been sustained if the insured clajnrant had paid value for the estate ot interest insured by this policy' ..> Fo..n r30 2,/73 3OM ii, Copyrighr 1969 Am6.icsn Land Titte A3ioci.lion ,1his pohcy, oI (tll, ll tttlc to irtii csidt'v ,r lCon nittJ ott i't5'Jc bi'A l"j/'l ,O ,. TII'1 tlrtrr rr<,'r.s Fi,r.ni .:'.:i L:;:: F i I ' l,l,:,. rJr-ri-riA'-i;l l '.:;f:H[filt! F it r,,., I i,-, f'1,:" Q7.44lt'1 ,:17 i.u,,-, rt r; l- 'r 1 55 , {:)i )(:}. a,r-) A.1,Jr l : e 1. F,:l ic'r' frate: '.iAijl-lAFiY 1-:r 1 f i'l-i+ et l:l:i-!t-, A.l{' :.! . l,lan,e t, f I rr s rl r' ': d : FIL::HAF:fr I"1, TL-tFtlI:iI 3. Tfre estate rrr. irrter.ar.t irr th€ I af!,J ,i,::.r!- j, l'*d irr tlris ';:thrjdu l€ Blrr-J urhi ':h is c,:,v*t-ti,J f''r thi -c. Fr'l i i''' r:r A FEE 4" Title t* thr+ sstat€ *r' i rrt!r.i,'g | 1 ;,..' 3 1- .-'. r:l l' '' thi = p,:, I i,:i ;i.t tfre d:te hrJri?nf i: v'-,sti?'l I !'!: ll I L:HARtr l-1. TlrRr-l I:;:I =. Tiri: I arr,-J r.c-i,3r.r.e,J t,-r irr tl'i i. i. r..iiir'-' r:' f '; ti-ratt-'-1 i!-' trAt-i'L-f l:!:tlJrr ti'! l:.,:' I ':,r-a,J,r, at''d is ,Jer.rr'i ti+'J p-: i'-., I lr-::;r;: l:r.-ltlr[_rf'lIt.lILlM t_ti.lIT ] " F, l: vERl-.lr.rr-l:::E r::L-ri{iii1i-iIr.lIi-1i"1':;. A!:lt::irFiLrIl"lii Tit THE r::r:rNnr::i"1INIUt1 l'lAF THERET:rF REr::r::F.trEn rrEr.E|']FF-E 1',r: ' i1-'/l:i Ir'l Fr:lr:'i'.: ':32 AT FAr:iE 45-," ANII A= IrEFIr'IEr,r II.l THF r:.:rlf.lIr:-rtlI r'1Tiln! !!Er::i--i:rRftTIDt'l FEr-:itRi:JErt IrEr::Ef,iBER 1?, 1i?7:l I l'J Fr-tr-Jli. ',i:::i: AT F jirl:[- j-i1::r: i: r-rl-!l'lTY L.!F EA!:;I-E ' ':TA'rE r:tF r::r:rL r:rf{ALrfl. Fa.se L Tl-ri s F":l i ':-,' ...s. I j.,J ,:'rr'l 'i jt: llirfr'"-rJu l a' F: is af tath.:e'J. o o This p,rl i r'" d':,*s rr,:rt in:.rtr.e a.s,ai rrst Ii'g: i'r' derrair* tr'r' !- i:a F':,rr ,:,f tl-re f c, I I ,rur i rrs: 1. Rigl-rtS 'tr' alairrs ':'F rrar.t j,cr-- ir! F:,-'9.s.*: t j ':, ir frrlrt 1-l-r'trt.Jlr t,',' .the rr:llir r'ecnr'ds. ':, Eas<-nrerttg,: Fr' !:-'l airi,s ,:,i *.; -qrarn:i!t9: .:.'t Lir'::l:!!-! L,' tl-'r" F'JL:, .ljl lPlf,r,li" :jl. fl i s ,: r' e p a rr a i e E , {,rrr{l i,:t=. i.n t, 'i iJ r: 'j a !- 'r' 'i i r;'::,. ':. !-r ':' r taqr* irr e.r'ea' e fr i r' c' e ': h nr€ tr t s. , +.nil a!-,r iar t: rcl-; i tf' B ':':ir r-rii.t s.ur'v'i,l i arrd irrsPL-{t i,:, l-t *f tfre Pr'*trri 9<:3. trr,:'u l'J 'Jistl t:,s.? afli t,if!!,-h ; r'<a rlnt 9l],-Jun bi' the p'lt' I iC r.,_: r: {, r. d s. , 4. Arri, I ierr, {'r' f.istfrt t,: 4 I i+rr. i,:,t -..i-:. i'y j.f il : ' ia.t,'-,r', ':, !- n:ater' j.al ther'etc,I,:,f i- nr' hgr'+.1{:t<: r' +:r.ii- !-:1! f:':,.i. ltiF+s+ti l.'' latu arrd n,:'t -€.hf'Lrrr hf th.-" r'uf, I i': r.ec,:'r.'_1s. 5. ANY Af.ln ALL- TAXF:l Al''ll:r '.:)::'r::E::':::l i[:;ji::.:. !:,. l_l EN:a Fr:rR {-.lf..jF,A}I.r t-.rA-rfFi Ai.ili :::EL.ji_Fi i:.H!.n',-i:_i:-_i:; , iF: AiiY. 7. RiGHT [rF FFr!:rF.Rl,FTr:ri:i r:rF A V[Ir'.! r]iF: Lr-rl-rtl -l-r:r Eji;Ti:tqr.:T i+i'itr F:Ei.1r:rvE HI:i r:'liE THtrFiEFFT:rl'l !;r-l*!_!l-Ij TFiE ::;Apii: t{E F',--rl-if'jlr Tir tr'[l\ji:]'!;iAT5 r:rFi I l,I'f IF::]Er::T THE FREtlIS:F::i A':; RE::;t::RVEf| IN Ui'rITFI-r '::-ifiTE'_: Fri fF:i'lT F'll--r::DRnEtr .-ll-lLY 1:. 1i--i'.ir'.7r Itl FJr:rr:rli 4E AT FAt:'iE 475. E. ftlrlFlT l:rF l^JAY FL-{R IIITr:l-lE:-; r_rjl r::4i!AL:-: r-:i:il\r'.:;TF:l.ll:'l.Ej.l f:tY THE Al-lTHr:tRITY r:rF THE t-lt'JITFL-r lTFrTfi:i A::; RE=:F-FVFfi Ii.! t,ltJITeir :i-iFrTF:f FATEi'l'f FFrr:rRnELt ,-ll-lt-Y 1-,,.' 18,?::.,,, I l.l Fr.h-ri,l 4.ir AT FAt:iE. 475. ?, RESTRIT::l-Ir.JN::; l.illlr::H rir:i I'lBT i.:r:ii.'lTAIf'J A Fr.-rFFE.i Il_rf::F r--rR F:EVEF:TER r:[-Al-.!=E, FLIT r:rtlJTTIhlr:.i RE::iTRlr::-[ Ir:ril::;r IF rii.jY. tsA::.r:[, r-r1''1 F":Ar-:E, r:t:rl.r:rF: : RFL Ir]Ir:rN, [R fJATIT:ri..lAl_ r-rtrTtiTl.J., A::; l:ilj..!.i.]ItiEi_! Tri Jrr':il-RI-!l'iilli.!l- F:Er::r::FlirFn 41.-lt:iLt5T 1{-t, 1i-/{-,? ' I N Filtt:tl,: 174 AT Fitl-i!: L ./'ri. 1i--1 . l-lTJt--JTY EASEI*]EN-I::i 1rl f:FET Ir'..| i,JII!I',-l A!-!.ir.\i'l lrlilrF:FA::;TF-F--LY Al'ltr l.lr:rFTHL]r:::;TFF|Ly L_L-IT LIlil-r:!j A.J :-::Flrllrr'.i r:rl.j l l-iE ri_i_tT" 11. F:Nr::Rr:rAr:HF1E:F.lT r-rF Tl-.ll: Fr-iJl.rrT!'.lt-i ihi-ir:r A ii-r F.r-!r.r-f t-lTTt-I-iY FA::;Fi'iEtlT Frl-tlrNll NI-TRTHFASTL:RLY At,![r hllrRt-t,ti..lF!:-l-t-fi!._'i L_r_rT L-Ir.l:::: 11':; !f lr'tl.Ji.J L-rl.t Tl{E r:r:lFirilJI"tI r{ I l-ri"i I'14F. 1:, EA:IEl"lENT GFrAN-l-E[r Tr]' l:L'i,1r'-l!.rFlil-\, 1'trt_!:\rI:::lL.ii.l it'.t'...'i::;Ti"iLll'lT, II!l!::. FY INi:;TFil.-llYENT F:Ei-:,:iFrnFfi I_rE,::Er'lFj:':i 1.;, 1':',i-.i: i;i.jrifr-R r'tl;r:EFTTT:rl.l l"Jr:r. lt-r?787, 1:{, THarSE FRr:rVI:=Il:il..li:;. r:.:r:tVE!\jr)i,l-r::r Aiifi_r il:r-rl..ll_iIl-1::!1..:r:r. EAr:;E!"1El,lT= AiJrl FE5TRIT::TIr]N5, f+lJIr:H ARE A Eir-rF:trE:1..1 'rr:i -t-f:E r::r:!l_J[r:-,i'l ItiiLii'1 Llt.jIT frESr:.RIFEtr J N 5'::ljEnLlLE A. A:i r::L.rt'.ll-A I r.tEn l l,t I i,t:_-jl-F:i_ll-itrltl- RE r:.arF:tliFrr t.Ir:'EIllJEFj 12, t?7 .=t, I hl Eil._rr.--|tr. .:: __-t"f AT F,Ar:iE 45r:r . Fa.sc- : - ;'t: ':-'tt '---- - F,:1 i,: r' l'.1,i . A744-l:]27 ,- '- ---:;a':::za:=':' 't ---t::'e.=: : TIM tlirrr rr.e r' F,ir'nr i:.I-; 1.ll Fi I * lrtr'. \-|!:)1-i'1"-; -','.1 j -_---;-!!r F,rl ic''" FJ':'. 4744'J??7 ::r::HEnr-!l--F ir 14. TEFil.15, f:fit'lfiITInFl,: frt'ltr FRl:rry'l,r;Ir:rir:= rjF It,ltTt;llll'lFtl-r F.er:r:rFifiEft '-IfrNUAFY:-r' 1:?7,.f, I f'.1 Fr- :rt::' :!rij AT FAr:iE '.-r'l:::. Fas* :{ lcrnrtinu.d flor| utsi'!. !rorrt tlap)' (b) The Cornpany rvill pay, in addition to any loss insured against by this policy, all costs inrposed uPon an insured in litigation carried on by the Company for sirch insurcd. and all costs, attorncys' fees and expens€s in litiBalion carried on by such insured with the written autlroriza tion of tlte Cornltrny. (c) When liability has been delinit'ely fixed in accor- dance with the conditions of this policy, the loss or damage shall be payable within 30 days thereafter. 7. Limitation of Liability No clainr shall arise or be maintainable under this policy (a) if the Conrpany, after having received notice of an alleged defect, [en or encunrbrance insured against here- under, by litigation or otherwise, renloves such defect, lien or encuurbrance or establishes the title, rs insured, within a reasonable tinre after receipt ofsuch notice; (b) in the event of litigation until there has been a find determin- ation by a court of cornpelent jurisdiction, and disposi- tion of all appeals therefrout, adverse to th€ title, as insuled, as provided in paragraph 3 hereof; or (c) for liability voluntarily assumed by an insured in settling any claim or suit without prior written consent of the Company. L Reduction of Liability AJI payrnents under this policy, except paynlents made for costs, attorneys' fees and expenses, shall reduce the amount of the irsurance plo tanto. No payment shall be made without producing this policy for endonement of such payment unless the policy be lost or destroyed, in which case proof of such loss or destruction shall be furnished to the staisfaction of the Company. 9. Liobility Noncumulatire It is expressly understood that the amount ofinsurance under this policy shall be reduced by any anrount the Corr'- pany may pay under any policy insuring either (a) a morlgage shown or referred to in Schedule B hereofwhich is a licn on the cstate or interest covered by this policy, or (b) a mortgage hereafter executcd by an insurcd which is a charge or lien on the estate or interest described or referred to in Schedule A. and the anount so paid shall be deemed a payrnent under this policy. The Company shall have the option to apply to the paynrent of any such mortgages any crnount that olherwise would be payable hereunder to the insurcd owner of the estate or inlerest covered by this policy and the anrount so paid shall be deenred a paynrent undcr this policy to s:rid insuretl orvnerr 10. Apporrionment If the land describcd in Schcdule A consists of two or more parcels which are not used as a single sitc, and a loss is established affecting one or rrore of said parcels but noi all, the loss shall be computed and settled on a pro rata basis as if the antount of insurance under this policy was divided pro rata as to the value on Date of Policy of each separate parcel to the whole, exclusive of any improvements nade subsequent to l)ate of Policy, unless a liability or value has otlierwise becn agreed uPon as to each such pucel by the Conrp:rny and ttre insured at the time of the issuancc oi this policy and sltown by an express statement herein or by an endorseutent al.tached hereto- 11. Subrogation Upon Payment or Settlemenl Whencver tlle Company shall have settled a claim under this policy, all right of subrogatiotl shall vest in the Com' pany unaffected by any act of the insured claimant- The Con,p"ny shall be subrogated to and be entitled to all righ ti and retredies which such insured claimant would hive had against any person or property in respect to such chirn had this policy not been issued, and if requested by the Company, iuch insured claimanl shall transfer to the Conrpany all rights and remedies against any Person or proplrty necess:riy in order to perfect such right of subro' iatibn and shall permit the Company to use the name of iuch insured claimant in any transaction or litiSation in' volving such rights or remedies. If the payment does not couer llte loss of such itlsured clairnant, the Company shall be subrogated to such rights and remedies in the Proportion *.hich sa'id payment beirs to tlle amount of said loss. lf loss should iesult from any act of such insured claimant, such act shall not void this policy, but the Conlpany, in thal event, shall be required to pay only that part of any losses insured against lrereunder which shall exceed the amount. if any.-lost to the ConrPany by reason of the inrpairment of the right of subrogation. 12. Liability Limited to this Policy This instrunlent togctlter rvith all cndorsenrcnts and other instrurnents, if any, a(tached hereto by the Company is the entire policy and contract between the insured and the ContpanY. Ary claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on negligcnce, and which arises out of tlle status of the title to the eitate or interest covered hereby ot any action asserting such claim, slull be restricted to the provisions and con- ditions and stipulations of this policy. No anrendment of or endorsenrent to this policy can be made except by writing endorsed hereon or attached hereto signed by iither the Piesident, a Vice Presidcnt, the Secre' taiy, as Assistarrt Secretary, or validating officer or author' ized signatory of the ContPattY. 13. Notices, Where Senl All notices required to bc given tlre Conrpany and any sta{ement in writing reqr,rired to be furnished the Company shall be addresscd to its I lome Ofllce. h{inneapolis' Minne' sota 55401. Notc: 'fhis policy valid or)ly if Schedulcs A and B are att:rched. lnteresl i to o EXIItBII 2 T0 LlICLAllriTI0ll t]F RiVERIIOUSE CONDO14 iN I Ui.l VAIL, COLORAOO n Conlruon Elenrents Appur tenant Each Apartment L,l ni t CONDO14INIUII UNIT NUI.IBER SQUARE FEET PTI]CiNTAGE (]F OI.INERSH I P II.I COI4MON iLTI"IEflTS AilD OF COI.IIION iXPENSTS r.,lor,J aDl drJl< 560 -t a\ 'l .|450 t45C I450 .l.150 t 450 1450 1450 2065 4 .1 6); 5 .23i t0.751, 10 .7 5t: 10 .7 5:!, 10 .7 5"!, I 10.7 5,1 10.75i 10.75)t .l5.30:i I ) + 5 o) 7l o 9 ln RICFIAiiD J,I. ?ORRISI i{Ai.JCY RICII ALEJAI'IDRO ROCFIA SUi,II.IERS ASSOC IATES iiRS. ALTOIV COATS IRA ROTHGER,BER, IRA ROTi{GERSER EDI/ARD JOULLIA1J SI_IIRLEY FULTOiJ iili{: & ..LARIE CUiTR,iUI TOTALS:I 3,4S0 '100 .00ri January 2, 1985 Mr. Rlchard M. Tomisi Presldent, Tomlsi and Company FULL!:R AND COMPANY One Park Central 1515 Arapahoe Street Denver, Colorado 8O2O2 Dear ltlr. Torr1si., On Sunday, Decernber 30, 1984, the ilivorhouse (londornj.niunr Assoclatlon unanimously approved your request to enlan.ge and enclose the exlstlng hot tub deci< on ijnit #1 at ti.ie Southeast corner of Riverhouse Condominiuns. The Assoctatlon enthusiasticaLly reconrnence(i :.iill)rova1, anrl we feel that the enclosure lvirr be a rleciiied iinnr,Lvernent,both aesthetically and functionalry, to your unit anci the Rlverhouse condomintuns. I'lot only wou1cl the enclosure erim-inate the dangerous fal ring snow ancl ice buil-ci-up hazard,1t would also vlsually enhance the e;<terior appearance of Rlverhouse. Although the Associatlon cannot speak for the adJacent Edelwelss condomlnlums, vre feet that ihe sorarium would certalnly present a far better appearance than the current hot tub deck. The Asgocletlon Ls pleased wlth your cr'forts in the interior remodel of your ,{1!. Wlth proper and cornpatible design, the new encLosure wlll be of beneflt to you, itiverhouse conclornin-lums and ltrs nclghbors. Yours truly., Marle Cuman, Prcsldent RIVERHOUSE CONDOIIIINI LII{ AsSOC IATrOl,l o z ts =e. uJ o- (c c )o 'o o o o o c\l an IJJ uJ tl. L =E TU o- !"Ytlt#*)\l ....{' $hlE* 1l Nl : li;r $iE= ul o E f- t F I ==o z o UJ F z z 6 ! o co =z ul z = ul I F z t!J ul o = CE o tt E o ul z 3 l!o .i o o o E =l E o o o. o '.q) o O'i G .Y' = 6;11 disn 9EE; :.e:l€ *E g 8 F.:(u - =3.:O 9 6P:E c-o>'r 3 s:5o lE =!:i c9cF 35t: E EE:-9oc g.;;E E!te cL (5 cL-$Ets oiE-or :*:€ €6:i :EgH crES _ o.,l: o (! 0'-.:c; o (,, E€E€;glE 96EE lf;E;9E o -eEg: - o 6: d C\I L.| (\l rO (7) o o O ..{ o lr) N ==E ur 6- z : Y o uJ z J t- tu J lLl z J o- J 2 I uJ = uJ LU z tr tu o uJ e. co 3 UJ uJ z 6 uJ o o. uJ o o- z UJ o x IJJ o (.r', [u tu u- F =E uJ J F F z o 3 6 J F o lu t! z ao = c o z IJJ = NOrrvn]v^ ul +l q q =:Fl nl !.,1 0, 4,1 1 0l E G' .o = '-(U x 3 IL z tr q- E o IJ o J E uJ z UJ c)\<- iurN =co(\l zz 99 q5 rP o a/, o z>-O i:)<)z r!<o\ o.- 9 >x .i$i -c L o -c vl rt'L (u o ttl q-o G'3 (t]c E -o ao = J- @ OJ I 2 o J ll' (! 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CI o o o E c o 3J o R q N t1 \ ,\ -1 >l ()l t UJ z =o aL $$$ $di el 3:l bl I t\\ i\) I ;IN :l ,i. ;t + 3l q \JI UJ FIF n d R "r ^l AI $t \ =l ql trI IF ts N ts IN I vj \i V q I E E ll l\.1 I \l xl -c(l ^l R =t 3 ol ull I 1l w 3l s ll.tl ot I zl ,l Bt ;l Fl Fl tx't3 ta l$t,l f.$l \ $-t * a t d { \ \) s u E F z ci rlJ J z ;l I ,l cil gJI ,-l al >l tr.l ol zl ..t pt E =g i a { t lT |l ti t\ lcl F+l t,-l | tr'l t'-l l\l \l rol F-t r..l uJl >l <l zl col ql -t J <O oo LrJ lJ,l F tu F ? <F eo L!<zE (nZ <o ()F FE ;F ---t Z ! !?o 1t =f !z 4O <^oF E3 ri- iz =$ =+G o2 o (J t- 'e)a,-s o v l-o -? ---.-.--) O INSPECTION REQUEST PERMI DATE T NUMBEB OF PROJECT ,'| ,,. r. . t9r** oF vAlL INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: WED PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNO tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr tr tr o D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR I] FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIFED DATE INSPECTOR m o INSPECTION REQUEST PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME r TOW-N OF \/AIL READY FOB LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI ' ' ,'A1\,1 PM tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. T] ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr rl E FINAL / )O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O ROUGH tr CONDUIT MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR otr tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR tml I ,*rt"toN "rL{:! EINSPECTION REQUIRED READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR ,*ril"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING T] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR Application oatep APPLICATIO}T FORM FOR A VARIANCE I. This procedure is reguired for any project requesting a variance. The application will not.be accepted until atl information is submitted' A. NAME OF ADDRESS APpLICANT Richard M. Torrisi One Park Central - 1515 AraPahoe St. PHONE 292-3700 Denver, Co. 80202 APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE 500 Lionshead Mall - Vail, B. c. NA,TYE OF ADDRESS The Ruoff PartnershiP Architects Co. 81657 pIIONE 476- 3051 (type or print) Richard M. Torrisi €-€. 1515 Arapahoe St.pHONE 292-3700 .NAME OF OWNER SIGNATURE ADDRESS One Park Central - .Denver, Co'802 02 LOCATION ADDRESS OF PROPOSAI, 83 Willow Place LEGAL DESCRIPTION l-ot I block 6 E. FEE. $100 . 00 F. A list of the names of owners of all Property adjacent to subject Property and their mai'l ing addresses. '1 . Bill BishoP C/O Arthur G. BishoP t ComPanY P.O. Box 667 Vail, Co. 816s8 2. Riverhouse Condominium A ssociation C/O Arthur G. BishoP E ComPanY P.O. Box 667 Vail, Co. 81658 3. Edelweiss Condominium Association C/O Arthur G- BishoP 6 ComPanY P.O. Box 667 Vail, Co. 81658 PAID 3 /z t /f / H., -/oo rZ')- t '' 'o t"'n'/t- +ha C/rt - ? applicati"" ? for a variance Pase t Four (4) copies of the foJ.lowi.ng information: A statement of the precise nature of the variance reguested, the regulation involved, and the practical difficulty or unnnecessary physical- hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title that would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforce- ment of the specified regulation. A site plan showing all existing and proposed features on the site, and on adjoining sites if necessary' Pertinent to the variance requested, including site boundaries, required setbacks' building locations and heights, topography and physical features and sirnilar data. C. Such additional material as the zoning administrator mal' pre- scribe or the applicant may submit pertinent to the application. III. Time requirements The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. An applicatj-on with the necessary accom- panying naterial must be submitted four weeks prior to the date of tbe meeting. II. A. B. Torrisi Remodel #8401 March 26, 1984 Zoning Check Riverhouse Condominiums Lot 3, Block 6 Vail Village First Filing High Density Multiple Family District Lot Size: 16,045 square feet = 0.368 acre 18.20.060 Setbacks: 20' required by current zoning for all setbacks. Existing building setback is 3!5" on Northeast corner and 2r on Southeast corner. Proposal is for zero setback at addition on East end of building. 18. 20. 080 Height: Not applicable to proposal. 18.20.090 Density Control: Maximum of 60 square feet of GRFA for each 100 square feet of buildable site area. ALLOWABLE CRFA = 6? (16,046) = 9,627.6 square feet. EXISTING GRFA = l5,915 square feet PROPOSED ADDITIONAL CRFA = 162 square feet. 18.20.110 Coverage: ALLOWABLE = 55? (16,046) = 8,825 square feet EXISTING COVERAGE = 7,'113 square feet = 44? PROPOSED COVERAGE = 7,289 square feet = 45? Torrisi Remodel #8401 March 26, 1984 ll. A. The applicant wishes to enlarge and enclose the hot tub deck on unit #1 at the southeast corner of the Riverhouse condominiums. The building currently is non-conforming with Section 18.20.060 setbacks and Section 'l 8.20.090 Density Control. The proposed hot tub enclosure also involves these two sections in that it will require a setback variance changing the existing two foot setback on the southeast corner to a zero setba?k and a densiiy variance to allow another 162 square feet of en- closed space. The proposed addition would roof over the deck eliminating the snow and ice hazard and would enclose the space creating a hot tub solarium, thus minimizing heat loss and creati ng a view of Gore creek below. Because of it's present location, the hot tub is subiect to falling snow and ice from a roof twenty-five feet above it. Dripping water from the roof freezes in the winter and forms mounds of ice, creating a hazard when entering or exiting the hot tub. Torrisi Remodel # 8401 March 26, 1984 il. A. The applicant wishes to enlarge and enclose the hot tub deck on Unit #1 at the southeast corner of the Riverhouse condominiums. The buitding currently is non-conforming with Section 18.20.060 Setbacks and Seition 18.2d.090 Density Control. The proposed hot tub enclosure also involves these two sections in that it will require a setback variance changing the existing two foot setback on the Southeast corner to a zero setback and a densiiy variance to allow another 162 square feet of en- closed space. Because of it's present location, the hot tub is subject to falling snow and ice from a roof twenty-five feet above it. Dripping water from the roof freezes in the winter and forms mounds of ice, creating a hazard when entering or exiting the hot tub' The proposed addition would roof over the deck eliminating the snow and ice hazar-d and would enclose the space creating a hot tub solarium, thus minimizing heat loss and creating a view of core creek below. Torrisi Remodel #8401 March 26, 1984 lt. A. The applicant wishes to enlarge and enclose the hot tub deck on Unit #t at ihe Southeast corner of the Riverhouse Condominiums. The building currently is non-conforming with section 18.20.060 setbacks and seltion 18.20.090 Density control. The proposed hot tub enclosure also involves these two sections in that it will require a setback variance changing the existing two foot setback on the Southeast corner to a zero setback and a densiiy variance to allow another 162 square feet of en- closed sPace. The proposed addition would roof over the deck etiminating the snow and ice hazard and would enclose the space creating a hot tub solarium. thus minimizing heat toss and creating a view of core creek below. Because of itts present location, the hot tub is subiect to falling snow and ice from a roof twenty-five feet above it. Dripping water from the roof freezes in the winter and forms mounds of ice, creating a hazard when entering or exiting the hot tub. t Torrisi Remodel # 8401 March 26, 1984 il. A. The applicant wishes to enlarge and enclose the hot tub deck on Unit #1 at the Southeast corner of the Riverhouse Condominiums. The buifding currently is non-conforming with section 18.20.060 setbacks and Seition 18.20.090 Density Control. The proposed hot tub enclosure also involves these two sections in that it will require a setback variance changing the existing two foot setback on the southe6st corner to a zero setba-ck1nd a densiiy variance to allow another 162 square feet of eh- closed space. Because of it's present location, the hot tub is subject to fafling snow and ice from a roof twenty-five feet above it, Dripping water from the roof freezes in the winter and forms mounds of ice, creating a hazard when entering or exiting the hot tub. The proposed addition would roof over the deck eliminating the snow and ice hazaid and would enclose the space creating a hot tub solarium, thus minimizing heat loss and creating a view of Gore creek below.