HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 6 LOT 3 RIVERHOUSE CONDOS UNIT 8 LEGAL.pdfDEPARTI4EI{| OF COMMI]NITY DE TOI'IN OF VAII-, 75 S. FROI.ITAGE ROAD vArt, co 8L657 97 0 -479-2L38 APPLTEAI{:T CONTRACTOR OWNER Job Address: 83 WILLObI PI-.,Location... : 83 wiIlow Place #8,Parcel No. . : 2L0]--082-L5-008 Project. No. : PRJ99-0103 SEatus- -.: ISSITED RiverApplied- . : Oa/26 /L999 Issued...: 05/07/L999 Expires..: LL/03/1999 Phone:. 970-925-3202 Phonel. 97Q-926-3202 Phone: 303 -777-5234 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/AIT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit. #: 899-0088 BOLES CUSTOM BUII,DERS, INC P O BOX L279, AVON CO 81620 BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC P O BOX L279, AVON CO 8L520 KI.,INGENSTEIN LEE PAI'I., *Of Wood/Pallet: FEE S['U}4ARY Building-----> Plan Chlck- - - > Invc6tigacion> wi l.l call'--- > 364.00 236 .60 .00 3.OO 250 . OO 853 .50 .00 Total CalculaEed Fe€E--- > Addit.i.onal Fe66- --- -- --- > TotsaL PermiE Fee--------> Pal|EentE-------- 8S3.60 .oo 853.60 853 .60 BAIANCE DUE---- .OO cl€an-Irp Dcposit- -- - - - -- > AT'EAI, FEES-. - c/o Betsy Kropf , 285 S. Pearl St. , De ev.DescripE.ion: Kit.chen remodel Occupancy: T)4)e Construction: Tlrpe Occupancy: Valuation: Fireplace Infornalion: ReBtricEed: R1 MufLi-Fand1y 32,000 Add Y +Ot Oas AppliancsE: ReEEuarant Plan Revieg- - > Clean-up D approved amount CIATE Sq Ft.: *of cas LogE: it Refund IEem:05100 04/29/L999 o5'/ o6'/L999 rLem:05400 04 / 29 /1-999 Item: 05500 04/29 /L999 Item:05500 04 /29 /L999 BUILDING DEPARTMEI{T KATITY AcLion: NOTE JRM AcLion: APPR PTANNING DEPARTT{EIiIT KATIIY ACTION: APPR FIRE DEPARTMENT KATITY AcTion: APPR PI]BLIC WORKS KATITY AcLion: APPR Routed to APPROVED N/A N/A N/A BUII,DING DivisJ.ON: PLANNING Division: FIRE Division: PIIB WORK Division: Dept: ,lR: JRM Dept: DepE: Depc: See Page 2 of tshis Docunents for any conditions Lhat may apply t,o trhis permit I baleby aclqrouledge that f havc rcad Ehis application, filled out in full the inforEation rcquired, colnplec6d .n eccuraE. Plol pIan, and 6tsaC6 Chats all th€ infonnat.ion pror-ided ae required is colr.ecc. I agrea t.o couply Hith t-he inforrt|sEion and PfoE Plan, co coEply with aII Tocn ordinanc66 and 6taE. lars, and to build Lbis strlrccure accolding to Ehc Tosn's zoning and Bubdivi€ion code6, desi.gn revi.ew apploved, Uniform Buj,tding code and other ordinances of Ehe Town applicable Eheleco. REQT,ES1S FOR INSPECTIONS SIIAITIJ BE I.hDS I!,{ENTY - POOR HOURS IN ADVANCE SY gend c1c.n-I4, Depo6j,t To: Bole6 cuEtou Builders ********************************************************:l*********************** ***********************************+********************************************Permit #: 899-0088 Permit T14pe: ADD/AIT MF BUILD PERMIT Applicants: BOLES CUSTOM BUILDBRS, rNC 970-926-3202 CONDITIONS as of 05/07/99 StaEus: ISSUED Applied: O4/26/L999 fssued: 05/07/L999 To Job Address: Location: 83 Willow P1ace #8, Riverhouse Parce1 No: 2101--082-15-008 Description: KiE.chen remodel Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE FCQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI.,IANCE. 2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WAII.,S.CEILINGS,AIiID FIJOORS TO BE SEATED WTTI{ AN APPROVED FTRE MATERIAI,. 3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.310.6.1 OF TIIE ]-997 I'BC. 4. FIRE DEPARII|IEMT APPROVA]-, IS REQUIRED BEFORS ANY WORK EAN BE STARTED. SEatctrnc NuEblr: REC-0515 Anounc: Pal'r!€nE !'lechqd: CK NotaEion: 2557 853.50 05/o7l9t 09:36 In*: gN Pcruit No: 899-0OgA Typc I A-UF ADD/A'iT MF ParceJ, -No: 2L 01-og2 -16-008 Site Add].era: B3 !|II;LOII PL Irocation: 33 Wtl1or Pl.cc *9. Riverhous€ ToEaI F€6s: Thi6 Palment 853.60 Total AtL P[L6: Balance: BI'II,D PER 953 - 50 .oo Aecourrt Coda DG€cripEion BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUI1DING PEN IT FEES pp 00100003111300 P],,luit cHEq( FEES AD D2-DBPO8 alloun! 354.00 236.6D 250. OO 3.00 CITB.ANI'P DEPOSITS tfc 001oooo3112soo I{IIJTJ c}r'L rxsPEcrroN FEE FT oz .o EI E oz OE ; F ..2 do t-t u HH 4.4 zo AI E t o l,l o o ,l o ET a E o F'tt, U FI !]O U o |-) cl ta ET EI 4 U d o AFI z2 !4= ri EI H FFI zz EO ts5 |-: A2 4D i9 o tsl H HZ oo AE H A a Fr z o F Idd EU Z a'l -r{o olll ts| llA R *9 6 6- u, d 2 9l d F' o A : i'c E> El E rr{tr{o Ero 'ddo AAts DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY PMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .IOBSITE AT AIL TIMES ELEEfRICAL PERMIT Permit #; E99-0056 t DEVELO ,Job Address: 83 WILTOW PL SUabus. .Location...: 83 Willow P1 .#8, RiverhouApplied. Parcel- No..: 2LO1-082-L6-008 Issued..Project No. : PRiI99-0103 Extrlires. APPTTEAI{T DOT]BI,E DIAMOND SERVICBS PhONE: 9'7O-926-6202 P. O. BOX 1452, EDUIARDS, CO 81-632 COI{TRACTOR DOUBLE DIAI4OND SERVICES Phone| 970-926-6202 P. O. BOX 1452, EDWARDS, CO 81532 OWIiIER KLINGENSTEIN LEE PAITL, Phone: 3O3-'17'l-5234 c/o Betsy KropE, 285 S. Pearl- St., Denver, Co. 80209 :::::::::::: :::::::::: ::: :::::1."""**" . ::l::::::-,,.. .,:-llll' 50 .00 .00 .00 3.00 53.OO ITEM: O6OOO ELE TRIEAL DEPARITVIENT DCPL: BUILDING DiViSiON:o4/29/L999 IGTIIY Action: NOTE ADDroved pet',fR/It($[ 04'/29-/L999 KATITY Action: APPR Abbroved ber ,JR/KVI Ireql .055Q0_ELBE DEPARqTED{T -Depr,: FrRE Division:04/29/1"999 KArIrY AcLion: APPR N/A t+rari*i***irrr CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEIJD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLAKA*TIONS I h€raby acknorl6dg6 tshal I hav€ read thi6 application, fill€d ouL in full ch6 infornation regui.red, coNdpl€tsod an accurata ploE p1an, and 6tate thaE all tshe inforuation prowided ae required i.e correct. I aglee !o conply sith t.hc iltfordation and plob p1an, bo cortrply with alt ToHn ordinandes and Btate Lar.6, and to build this etructule according co the Torn's zoning atld subdiwigion codes, desigfrt review approw6d, Unifo].l! Building code and other ordina.rces of the Town appficable tshereEo. OF,I'ICB PROl.l 8:00 Al| 5:O0 Ptr! . : ISSITED .: 04/29/L999 . ! 05/L4/L999 .: LL/LO/L999 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 ELectsri-cal- - - > DRB Fee InvcsCiga!ion> will Call--- -> TCYXAL FEts!}-.-> Total calculatsBd Fces- - - > Adaitional fe€6---------> Total Peruit 8cc--------> 53 ,00 ,00 Palrnent,s - - - - - - - - BAIAIiICE DUE..---0(} RBQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS S'{AI,], BE Ii'ADB T$TENTY-FOI'R HOIJRS IN ADT/ANCE BY TBITBPIIONE AT fT9-2138 OR COIITRACTOR FOR HII|SEIJP AND CflIfER lovlll oF vAlIJ, coIJoR.tDo Stsat€Dnt gtatcEtt Nutnb€r: REC-0520 hount.: Pa)rdene Uethod: CA.SH Notation: $53-0O 53. 00 05/14lt9 0S:56 Ini E : ,fN geleiL Nor 899-0055 TYpe: B-ELEC ELECIRICAIJ Palc.I llo: 2L 0l--o82 -15-OO8 site Addreg€ | s3 wrIJLofl PL Location: s3 9lil,Iov P1.*9. Riv€rhouBc foEal Pe€6. ltri6 Pa)rtlrcnt 53.00 ToEaI Alllr PEta: Balance: PERTIIT ittt**'a**art.rr ttr**ira*lr*rrrr AccounE Code Description 53,OO 53 ,00 .00 IIrounc 50, 00 3,00 EP OO1OOOO3111{OO EiBCIRICA.L PERTT? FEES lfc o01000031L2a00 wl],rr clI.L INSPBC:TToN F8E Apr-2E|-99 Diamond Serv i c.e 6203 ONSTRUCTION PERMIT TION F I 07 2 | 3A Ooub] e t TOWN OF VAIL C INToRMATION MUST BE COMP.LJTn OR TIII APPLTCATTON WILL BE RE.IECITD Contd ltp Eryle Counfy lssossors oftlce et 97O328-EMO lot Pucel I t'arcettt Ald -C\al :bCAt?,__ Dle,-91'A8lqq -Psmit# BuildirU( ) Plurnbing( ) Eleftical 06 Brve, Ivu'-z k>ndo LlniL R' Job Namc: Lcgsl Ocscripuon: Lot__=-.- Block_ Filila._. . Orners Naruc: er"rritnct' fttJfl. XroPb Descripuon of Job: Work Chss: Nerv ( ) Numbcr of Dwclling Units: Allcr.rtion x1 Additiorul ( ) coNrRAcToR INFORMAT|9II Gcncrd CenrrretgF UtS Ad&ess: Town of Vail Regisradon No.Phonc # Elcct{grl Contnctor, \,rt i{ o- h, Town of Vail Rogistralion No.3t5'E Plumbirs Cmt cior: Torvr of Vail Rcgistrirlion No, Subdivision Phonc# Rcptir ( )Othcl ( ) Number of Acconttttrxlation Unils: Nrra$cr and Typc ofFircplaccs: Gts Applianccs Gas t-ogs__.,_ Wmd/Pcllet Nlff VALUATIONS + BUILDTNG: $.--_ ELECIRjCAL: S--J.-5OD4-- - OTITER: S PL!,JMBING S MECHANICALS 'IO'I'AL f gftltress: k\r tqSp i-d,,Mrdt, h 8)b.3A.--.- # qqb- Addrtrs: Phonc tl Mcchrnicrl Contrector: l'own ot' Vail Registnlion No.Phonc # _- . FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGMTURE: CLEAN-uP DEPOSIT REFUNO TO:. .-. ,_# B 8-J L\ tlont lac-e- -.,tl g Z UdV DEPARTT,IENT OF COMMI'NITY PMENT NCTTIE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLI]MBING PERMIT Permits #: P99-0025 ,Job Address: 83 I'IILLOW PL Statsus... I-,ocat,ion. . . : 83 Willow PI .,#8, RiverhoApplied. . Parcel No..: 2LOL-082-15-008 Issued.. . ProjecE No.: PRJ99-0103 Expires.. APPIJICANI AST AIiID MCFERRIN PLIIMBING & HE Phone: 970-925-5862 P,O. BOX 1303, O2]-O EDWARDS VILI,AGE BLVD., EDWARDS, CO 81-532 816 EONTRA TOR AST AND MCFERRIN PLIJMBING & HE PhONE: 970-926-5862 P.O. BOX 1-303, 0210 EDWA-RDS VTLT,AGE BLVD., EDWARDS, CO 81-632 816 O}INER KIINGENSTEIN IJEE PAUL PhONCI 303-777-5234 c,/o Betsy Kropf, 285 S. Pearl St., Denver, Co. 80209 P1urtrbing-----> Plan Check- --> InvcEtigation> will call----> TOVIN OF VAIL 75 S, FROIiTTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970 -479 -2L38 Descripcion: Plurnbing for kit.chen remodel FEE SUUMARY : ISSUED : 04/29/L999 : o5/26/L999 : LL/22/L999 45 .00 LL .24 .00 1.00 ReatsuaranC Plan Review- - > TMAI, FEES.---- Valuation:2, 500. 00 .00 ToEal PermiE Fee--------> Total calculaLed Fees--->59 .25 AddiEional PeeB---------> .00 Pavnent6-------- BAIANCB DUE---- .OO Item: 05100 04 /29 /L999 Item:05600 04 /29 / L999 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:KATIfy Action: APPR Approwed per-Kw FIRE DEPARTTTIENT -Dept: FIRE Division:KATITY ACTiON: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARA*TIONS I hcrcby acknowledge tshat I have read this application. fitlcd oul in fuI1 the information requircd, completed an accuraEc plot p1an, and etate that aII Ehe infonnation provided as required i6 colrect. I agree Co comply wibh the infornaEion and Plot Plan, !o comply rriEh all Tot,n ordinanceB and 6CaCc 1aw6, and to build tshis BtsrucEure according to the ToHn'6 zonj.ng and Bubdividion codes, d€6ign rewiew approvcd, Uniform Building eode and othcr otdinanceE of thc ToI,n applicable tsherctso. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTONS S}TAI,L BB MA.DE TI{ENTY - FOUR HOT'RS IN AD\ITNCE BY I g:O0 A 5:O0 PM rrrtrrir*ar*t*r * * ,l * * t * * r * i * r * * TOI{N OP VArL, @LORIDO sEaEerlnt SEatcDnC Nurnbor: REC-0525 Anounts:59,25 os/26/99 ]-4.sg PavoenE MeLhod: cK NoBation: *1.o11lAST & MCFE Init: LC P€rmit No: P99-Oo2S Ti'pe: B-PLMB PLUITBING ParceI No: 2101-0S2-L5-008 Site Addres6: e3 WILLOW PL LocaEion: 93 witlow Pl.,#9, Riverhouse Total. Fec6: Itri6 Payu€nt 59.25 TotaL .aIJIJ PmtE: Balance: PERMIT t * t a !r t t t* *, * * * t AccoutrE Codc DGacripLion s9.25 .00 AmouuE 45.00 11,25 3.00 PP OO1OOO031112OO PLI'UBING PERMIT FEES pF 001000031r.2300 Pr,Ar cfiEcK FEES WC OO1OOOO3112IIOO WILIJ CAI'I' INSPECTION FEE Pesqq-olo3 Receiver 26 1999 Contact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # Parcel #'L\Ol - O32 t -L c'cA o^r", l/4n Job Name: KLIN eErJ ST€l.rr lou aaoress: Pwe9dorJoE *8 Building$6J Plumbing( ) Etectrical( ) Mechanical( )Other ( ) Avi4cb:aE Gc'.lDo ut"srT 6 Legal Description: Lot Block_ FilioU Subdivision OwnersName:LE€ KLtr..t4Er,rsI r.r Ad&ess zE 5,?&4A+ 4. M..tv4z,CnPhone*_b3:7_fr:5&t w rowN oF vAopNSrRUcTroN PERM|T ACCAT|ON FORM APR Architect: N Description of Job : KrT4ttErs ft,moOZ Pennit # Work Class: New ( ) Alteration tyf) Number of Dwelling Unis: I Number and Tlpe of FirgpJaces: Gas Appliances N/a Additional ( )Repar ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs WoodlPellet BUILDING: PLUMBINC General Contractor: Town of Vail Regisruion No. I IlEbiseconlleg!or: VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ /,5iOO MECI{ANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION OTIIER: $rorAl $ 3Z,OoO - Town of VarI Regisrati i-q (.-n"{ nLb'566L Mechanical Contractor, t':/* Address: Town of Vail Registration No. FOR OFFICE USE 1999 BUTLDTNG: Date Reieived SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TOz fu-6 0116Br^- gLDel. a TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTN{ THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMT]Mry DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY 1. 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE $2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAyS PROEIBITEII A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, san4 gravel, rocks, mu4 dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any sheet, sidewalk. alley or public place, or any portion thereof. s. l.rotice: Abatement: The Director of Public works may notifr and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the Same, top rernove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specifiod, the Director of Pubbc Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand' gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley al the expense of the notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: t. Wittrin the immediate area of any construction, maint€nance or repair project of any street or alley or of any wa1fI main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thereto, 2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection ofthe public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notrce for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to ippear before the Municipal Court of the Town for sard violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l4-1 of this code. E. Notiie; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any zuch person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided iILsubsection B hereoi upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder' be pu"i*ttutl. as provided in Section l-4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowledgedby: CtAI**ritW /. Position or Relationship to Project: (i.e. contractor or owner) o*", 'tlq-/qq TOWN OFYATL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUAIICE TIME F'RAME. If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval. Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Plaruring Deparhnent review of Health Deparhnent review, and a review by the Building Departrnenl the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above 'mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. Howevel if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned deparhnents with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take tbe three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this deparhnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: PrqiectName: YLt tJ(=€ +1t€trrJ.. tl Date: I /l'L/4 Work Sh€et wai turned into the Commrmity Developrneut Dept. '@tq+ 6^44. g<E i {g *n"*or^ro TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MfMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PIJtsLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WI{EN A ?UBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED JOB DATE: "PTJBLIC WAYPERMIT'': 1. Is this anew residence? YES QI.JESTIONNAIRE REGARDINC T}IE NEED FOR A No_)a_ 2. Is demolition work being performed tbat requires the use of the fugtrt-of-Way, easements or publicproperty? YES NO )c ---7_- 3. 4. 5. 6. Is arry utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? No *- YES 7. Is a'Revocable Right-of-Wav Permit' required? YES NO \Z 8. A. Is the Right-of-Way, eas€ments or public property to be used for staSng, pa*ing or fencing?YEs_ No F B. If NO to 8A, is a parking staging or fencing plan required by Commtufty Development?YEs_ No x If you answered YES to any of these questions, a *Public Way Pernit'' must be obtained. "hrblic Way Permit' applications rnay be obtained at the Pubiic Work's ofEce or al Colmnlmity Dwelopment. If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval ftom Public Works at 4'79-2198. I I{AVE READ AND ANSWERED Atr rHE ABOVE QUESTIONS. BOt-€< 0.r;Sta.r,g BuTuOFZS Company Name NOV Is a different access needed to the site other dun the existing driveway? YES No\< Is any drainage work being done tbat affects the Rightof-Way, easements, or public property? YES No_)c_ """, l"tr/ft !f$FY. -aj! -'-s - -a":-q$n s76s"6u7e Bo|-Es P.O. lor ?0lt hlrnft, CO f lSlt MNy{:1990 ' Bolg Cusrosr Buildgt ArhRisbmtMYicJr Rcl Unit #t Xlingcnreiru' t'cr lrd Driney Riehzrd: thir lctE' ir b lntrm yrru rhrt tho RlYefttrx|ftc c'ondooillum At6ociltion hrr rpgrotcd drc rernodcl poj*t Qrt i"ierop,t * uy LE sid lhinry KlitrgEilFin' .lf rhelt rrc cry qucotioru pleare doo't hclrre ta cdl rac' rilla. ttont' Auociition Muegrr Date Reeeiye tlAY 4 €99 v rtt al v a a r |-e o g,I o C\ E o- - s it) IE F6 Eor o-OE tr8 E. c o o :< s o ah =o €o it 1 UI t <) ,v 1 1 P o 2 [J tt 2 f V T v,ul 5 ! +F 2 o-J spy .itFo \--, s:{s F3 \il -t st rl a{-r- $l efi ,x2 $.r v J ..) ;.bl iB $>$: HcL SH sj $l O I e o E o 3E ;7 6=€6 (Js' o F.{ .U l "l rs 5 f, E \l lrl A ?tr o o s( t il \J \ 0 rl \,, o + \l- p r ul F o \r <)a r( !T .* 9E ; E4p :il v J?3 2c)?$;Er €\\ .t it !0 v \$ f,j ii o x 3 T D I /l 2 o td F t $o ) Ts /J >i L--- -- ---- - 1 REPT 13I OB/ r7l 1999 O8:39 REEUESTS TOl.fN OF gflrL, - INSPECTN NORK COLURADO SHEETS FOR: B/17l1999 pff(jE 23 AREAs JRil Activity: Address: Locat ion : Pareel: Descript i on: Appl icant r Owner: L;ontraet or: 899-OOBA BfLTllg Type: A-t4F 83 l.fILLUl.f trL S3 Hillow Flace *8, Riverhouse ?tot-oB?-l6-Boa Kitehen re rode I BOLES CUSTOI'I BUILDERS, II{C KLINGENSTEIN LEE PAUL BOLTS CUSTOT{ BUILDERS, rNC Status: ISSUED Eonstr: AllF, U.,-^t OiK'.g,.- \ L* uot s CBt\r-c Ucc: lJse: I trhone: 97O-9?6-3PO? Fhoner 3O3-777-5?34 Phone: 97O-9?6-3?OE Inspection Request Inforrat ion. Requestor: RON AltlUS Phone:9O4-O576 CALL Corrent s Req sr UNITS-tlILL ted... Aetion equested to be In BLDG-FinarttF Inspeetion History..... OJD?"6 FIRE DEPT. NOTIFItrATION OOSIO driveway grade final OOOIO BLDG-Foot ings/Steel olo,o,?0 BLDG-Foundat i on /St ee I g,o5eg trLftN-ILc Site Plan OOUJU BLDG-Fraring ta6lg4l99 Inspector: JRltl td${i4rd * * Not un FiIe * * OOOSO BLDG-Insulat ion A6/A4lr9 Inspeetor: JRlvl OgIdBg BLDE-Sheetrock Nai I g6lg4/99 Inspeetor: JRltl 6OogA * * Not Un FiIe * * gOgTIA BLDG-ftlisc. rtrdggo BLDE-Final OO53g ELDG-Terp. ClO oo531 FrRE-TE]4p. Cltr oo532 trtr-TEHp. trlo Oft533 PLAN-TEIiIP. trltr OO537 PLAN-FINAL'C/O OO53A FIRE-FINAL C/B oa539 trH-FINAL C/O O954O BLDti-Final C/tl fterr It er:Iter: Iter:Iter:Iter: ft er;Iter: Iter: fter:lt er:Iterr Iter:Iter:Iter:Iter:Iter:Iterr Iter:Iterr Action: APPk Act i on: Action: APtrR AtrtrR APPRUUED APPROUED APPRUUED 4 44 0 ,0 /0 )2 0u (/ Y 4 .4 )U,etiltrL