HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 6 LOT 4 EDELWEISS COMMON ELEMENT LEGAL.pdf,/2. /2,o/ The ll'illows Redevelopm ent Comparison Prope rties Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Cunent Land Use: DeveloDment Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Current Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation' Current Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Current Land Use: Develooment Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Bishop Park, 43 and 63 Willow Place Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Vail Village 1d Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-Family 30,848 square feet (0.71 acres) 16,966 sq. ft. (55%) 10,766 sq. ft. (34.9%) Allowed/Reouired 18,493 sq.ft. 20 fl. 48' Allowed/Required 9,767 sq.ft. 20ft. 48' Existino 21,482 sq. ft. 5' 55' Existinq 16,190 sq.ft. 1', 43.5' Difference > 14Vo < 2oo/o > 15' >l', Difference > 60% <120 > 19.8' NA Difference > 55Vo < 11o/o > 20' NA Difference > 320/0 ) 3o/o* > 19' <4.s', Riverhouse Condominiums, 83 Willow Place Lot 3, Block 6, Vail Village 1o Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-Family 16,523 square feet (0.38 acres) 9,087 sq. ft. (55%) 7,148 sq. ft. (43olo) 20ft. 48' Edelweiss, 103 Willow Place Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Village 15 Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-Family 15,825 square feet (0.36 acres) Allowed/Required Existinq 9,487 sq.ft.20,970 sq. ft. 8,703 sq. ft. (55%) 6,963 sq. ft (44o/o) 20ft. 48' .2', NA 0' NA Summer's Lodge, 123 Willow Place Lot 5, Block 6, Vail Village 1d Filing High Density Multiple Family Land Use Plan Designation: Village Master Plan High Density Multi-Family 14,063 square feet (0.32 acres) Allowed/Reouired Existinq 8,438 sq.ft.11,202 sq.ft. 7,031 sq. ft. (s0%) 7,420 sq. ft. (53%) .facts in file regarding site coverage were conflicting Riva Ridge North, 133 Willow Place Lot 6, Block 6, Vail Village 1$ Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan Current Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Current Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Current Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Current Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: High Density Multi-Family 11,935 square feet (0..274 acres) Allowed/Required Existinq Riva Ridge South, 114 Willow Road Lot 7, Block 6, Vail Village 1" Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-Family 15,333 square feet (0.352 acres) Allowed/Required Existino 7,161 sq.ft. ? sq. ft. (5s%) 20 ft. 48' 9,199 sq.ft. NA 20' 48', 20 ft. 48' 13,126 sq. ft. ? sq. ft 1', 45' 19,824 sq. ft. NA 't' 45' Difierence > 54o/o > 19' <3', Difference > 54o/" NA >19' <3" Difference < 1o/o < 18o/o >10' <4', The Willows Condominiums, 74 Willow Road (existing) Lot 8, Block 6, Vail Village 1"' Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-family 21 ,144 square feet (0.49 acres) Allowed/Reouired Existinq Difference 16,069 sq.ft. 18,607 sq.ft. > 13o/o 11,595 sq. ft. (55%) 12,638 sq. ft. (60%) > 5o/o 20ft. 4', >{6' 48' 48' NA 44 Willow Road Lot 9, Block 6, Vail Village 1"t Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-family 12,630 square feet (0.29 acres) Allowed/Reouired Existino 7,579 sq.ft.7,531 sq.ft. 6,947 sq. ft. (55%) 4,678 sq. It. (37%) 10' 44' co.d\ilYltr tr,rELoPUL$. Design Review Board ACTION FORTI,I Department of Community Development ?5 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel; 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479'2452 web: www.vailgov.cortl Project Name: Edelweiss tree removal DRB Number: DR8070458 Project Description: Final review of change to approved plans - Edelweiss tree removal Participants: OWNER EDELWEISS HOMEOWNERS ASSOC 08/2812007 Phone: 970-476-3328 103 WILLOW PLACE VAIL co 81620 APPUCANT EDELWEISS HOMEOWNERS ASSOC 08/28/2007 Phone: 970-476-3328 103 MLLOW PLACE VAIL co 81620 ProjectAddress: 103 WILLOW PLVAIL 103 Willow Place/Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Vi Legal Description: Lot: O ,rnl<{ Subdivision: EDELWEISS COND. t u'L tt'tr t t 5 t-. Parcel Number: 2101-082-1500-1 Comments: SEE CONDmONS Location: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of APProval= A812912007 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (pl_AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date oi final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Planner: Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design ,i r r ',' ll Department of community Developm t.1.' . .: .i1 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado ' '\;- teli 970.479.2128 fax: 97O.479.2452 ^'*"u' ***.*'[J.q5un'. -"' 8l 4 I ot refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):Ebtuut/4,i+v Hon Address! Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: U \u $ \s \t- \f\ W /sf Description of the Request: Location of the Proposat: t-ot: 4 encx: b Subdivision: sign €,7, llfN Type of Review and Fee: C Signs E Conceptual Review I New Construction D Addition E Minor Alteration (mulU-family/commercial) E Minor Alteration (single-family/du plex) !-Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 Plus $1.00 per square foot of For construction of a new For an addition where souare commercial building (includes conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee f****r{'*** |ll++**I!*irtlrtll+* | *t{l* 'llf++*** r'r**'lf f *****rr*r:}f *l****rll*llltt**tra*il*aa***ral*|' TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * I * i * ll I + I '| * * | | r* * l. + + + ***f*rr rfli*+ *'] r * *r{ I l*ll** | * | t t* t * * * | rrr* l. tf+ t * I * lr *tll +ta* * t 't * * ll+ tl Stagement Number: R070001703 Amount: $20,00 08/28/2OO103:15 PM Payment Method: Cash Init: LT Notation: Edelweiss HOA PermiE No: DR8070458 TIT)e: DRB-Chg tso Appr Flans Parcel No: 2101-082-1500-1 Site eddreEs: 103 WILLOW PIr VAIIJ LocaE,ion: 103 WllLow Place/IJot 4, BLock 6, VaiL vi Tot,al Feea: $20.00 This Payment: $20,00 Total ALr, Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 + *+ * * l* *r'i rl* * * ** ** | * t 'l I '|l * * * * r*'i r:l | + * * * * | * I | * lf+ I * * * | r. | * * *:ri * + a* * t* * *r I I I * * l* | t*+ i ++* * * *+* * ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmfs DR OO].OOOO3LL2?OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 . )., . , i .'l 1,'r c- ::- f j l 1., .' ,Y," 'd". e'1 I bl ke* F Ptanning and Environmental comm ,*!; /2/k'b ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Developrnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.+79.2135 fax: 970.479.245D web: www.vailgov.com \ CO{ih $lllY EllELOPllErtr ProjectName: EDELWEISS Project Descriptlon: SETBACK ENCROACHMENTS FOR NEW FRONT ENTRY AND REAR DECI(BALCONIES Participants: OWNER KERNS, LEONARD R., JR FAMILYO6/12/2006 KERNS, RITA J. TRUSTEE 990 N LAKE SHORE DR ATT 12C CHICAGO IL 60611 APPUCANT |ARRY DECKARD, ARCHITECT 0611212006 Phone: 970-569-3102 PO BOX 725 AVON co 81620 License: C000001796 ARCHITECT LARRY DECIGRD, ARCHITECT 0611212006 Phone: 970-569-3102 PO BOX 725 AVON co 81620 License: C000001796 Project Address: 103 WILLOW PL VAIL Location: EDELWEISS CONDOS Legal Description: Lot: 4 Block: Subdivision: EDELWEISS COND. ParcelNumber: 2101-082-1500-1 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION PEC Number: PEC060043 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: K]ESBO JEWTTT 7-O Action: APPROVED Date of Approvalz O7 | L0l2O06 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of T Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, Cond: CON0008252 This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail ' of the design review application associated with this variance request. : Planner: Bill Gibson PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 f , FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department July 10, 2006 A request for a final review of a variance, from Sections 12-6H-6, Setbacks, and 12-14-17 , Setback f rom Water Course, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 1 2- 17, Variances, to allow for a new front entry and deck addition within the setbacks, located at 103 Willow Place/Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0043) Applicant: Edelweiss Condominium Assoc., represented by Larry Deckard Planner: Bill Gibson SUMMARY The applicant, Edelweiss Condominium Association, represented by Lany Deckard, is requesting a variance, from Sections 12-6H-6, Setbacks, and 12-14-17, Setback from Water Course, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Yariances, to allow for a new front entry and deck addition within the setbacks, located at 103 Willow Placeilot 4, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Based upon Staff's review of the criteria in Section VIll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval, with a condition, of the variance request subject to the findings and condition noted in Section lX of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REOUEST The Edelweiss Condominium is located within the High Density Multiple-Family (HDMF) District and is currently legally non-conforming in regard to several of the HDMF development standards such as setbacks. The applicant is requesting approval of a front setback variance to allow for the renovalion of the front entry located on the south elevation of the building. The applicant is also requesting a rear setback variance and Gore Creek stream setback to allow for the construction of a new deck and two new French balconies at the rear (i.e. north elevation) of the building. The front entry renovation will include the enclosure of an existing open-air vestibule, which complies with the 2O-foot front setback requirement. This proposed vestibule enclosure is defined as a "common element"; and therefore, does not affect the gross residential floor area (GRFA) or parking requirements for the Edelweiss. While the vestibule enclosure complies with the setback requirements, the proposed entry feature and entry roof both encroach within the front setback. The proposed entry feature will include three steps and entry doors; however, the entry feature has been design with open sides and open front windows to minimize its perceived bulk and mass. The proposed entry roof has the same surface area as the existing legally non-conforming il1. entry roof and encroaches no further into the front setback than the existing legally non- conforming entry roof. The rear (i.e. north elevation) of the existing legally non-conforming Edelweiss building is currently located within the 20' rear setback and within the 50' Gore Creek stream setback. Due to the location of the existing building, the above-grade deck and two above-grade French balconies proposed by the applicant do not comply with setback requirements. The proposed deck and balconies have been designed to be match the existing decks located at the rear of the Edelweiss. The proposed above-grade deck and balconies will have no impact to wetlands, stream banks, etc. Related to these setback variance requests, the applicant is proposing significant changes to the exterior building materials, colors, and details which will be reviewed further by the Design Review Board at its July 19, 2006, public hearing. A vicinity map (Attachment A), the applicant's request (Attachment B), photographs Attachment C), and the proposed architectural plans have all been attached for reference (Attachment D). BACKGROUND The Edelweiss development site was originally platted in 1962 as part of the VailVillage Filing 1. The development site was included in the original Town of Vail established in 1968. The existing Edeweiss building was originally constructed in 1970, prior to the 1972 adoption of zoning regulations by the Town of Vail. The Edelweiss is currently non- conforming in regard to several provisions of the Town of Vail zoning regulations. The design review application associated with this proposal was conceptually reviewed by the Town of Vail Design Review Board at its June 21, 2006, public hearing. The Board responded very favorably to the applicant's proposal. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Order of Review: Generally, variance applications will be reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission, and then any accompanying design review application will be reviewed by the Design Review Board. Planning and Environmental Commission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of a variance application, in accordance with Chapter 'l 2-17, Variances, Vail Town Code. Design Review Board: The Design Review Board has no review authority over a variance application. However, the Design Review Board is responsible for the final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of any accompanying design review application. Town Council: The Town Council has the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination, or interpretation by the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or tv. V. Design Review Board. The Town Council may also call up a decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board. Staff: The Town Staff facilitates the application review process. Staff reviews the submitted application materials for completeness and general compliance with the appropriate requirements of the Town Code. Staff also provides the Planning and Environmental Commission a memorandum containing a description and background of the application; an evaluation of the application in regard to the criteria and findings outlined by the Town Code; and a recommendation of approval, approval with modifications, or denial. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Staff believes that the following provisions of the Vail Town Code are relevant to lhe review of this proposal: TITLE 1 2: ZONING REGULATIONS Article 12-6H: High Density Multiple-Family (HDMF) District (in part) 12-6H-1: PURPOSE: The high density multiple-family district is intended to provide sites for multiple- family dwellings at densities to a maximum of twenty five (25) dwelling units per acre, together with such public and semipublic facilities and lodges, private recreation facilities and related visitor oriented uses as may appropriately be located in the same district. The high density multiple-family district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities commensurate with high density apartment, condominium and lodge uses, and to maintain the desirable residential and resoft qualities of the district by establishing appropriate site development standards. Certain nonresidential uses are permitted as conditional uses, which relate to the nature of Vail as a winter and summer recreation and vacation community and, where permitted, are intended to blend harmoniously with the residential character of the district. 12-6H-6: SETBACKS: The minimum lront setback shall be twenty feet (20'), the minimum side setback shall be twenty feet (20'), and the minimum rear setback shall be tvventy feet (20'). Chapter 12-17:Variances (in part) 12-17-1: PURPOSE: A. Beasons For Seeking Variance: ln order to prevent or to lessen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this title as would result'from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, variances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficultv or conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinitv: or from other phvsical Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. VI. SITE ANALYSIS Address: 103 Willow Place Legal Description: Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 1 Zoning: High Density Multiple-Family (HDMF) Land Use Plan Designation: Village Master Plan Current Land Use: Multiple-Family Residential Lot Area: 0.3633 acres (15,825 sq. ft.) Standard Allowed/Reouired Existino Prooosed Setbacks:Front: 20 ft. 14 ft. no change Sides 20 ft. 0 ft./ 1 ft. no change Rear: 20 ft. 0 tt. no change Site Coverage (max): 8,704 sq. ft. (55%) 6,762 sq. tl. (43%ol 6,945 sq. tt. (44%) Landscaping (min): a,7a8 sq.ft. (30%) 7,272sq.ft. (46%) no change VII. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Land Use Zonino North: Gore Creek Outdoor Recreation (OR) South: Willow Park Outdoor Recreation (OR) East: Multiple-FamilyResidential HighDensityMultiple-Family(HDMF)West: Multiple-FamilyResidential HighDensityMultiple-Family(HDMF) VIII. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The review criteria for a variance requesl are established by Chapter 12-1 7, Variances, Vail Town Code. A. Consideration of Factors Reoardino Variances: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The existing Edelweiss building is non-conforming in regard to several provisions of the Town's zoning regulations such as setbacks. The proposed front entry and rear deck/balcony encroachments are no greater than the exisling conditions. Staff does not believe the proposed setback variances will have a significant negative affect upon other existing or polential uses and struclures in the vicinity in comparison lo existing conditions. 2. The degree to which reliel from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity ot treatment among sites in the vicinity e or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. The Edelweiss was approved by the Town of Vail and constructed prior to the Town adopting zoning regulation in 1972. The Planning and Environmental Commission has consistently held that construction of a slructure prior to the adoption of the current zoning regulations may be a basis for granting a variance from the Town's current zoning regulations. The applicant is not proposing lo encroach further into the required front, rear, or stream setbacks than the existing legally non-conforming building. In recent years, the Planning and Environmental Commission has granted similar setback variances for legally non-conforming properties within the High Density Multiple-Family District such as the adjacent Riva Ridge North and Riva Ridge South. Other similarly non-conforming properties such as the Lodge Tower and Mountain Haus have also been granted similar setback variances in other zone districts. Staff believes this proposal will provide the minimum relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of the setback regulations necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity among sites in the vicinity and within the High Density Multiple-Family District. Additionally, Staff does not believe this proposal will constitute a grant of special privilege. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public lacilities and utilities, and public safety. Since the proposed setback encroachmenls are no greater than the existing legally non-conforming encroachments; Staff does not believe this proposal will have a significant impact on the public health, safety or welfare, public facilities, utilities, or light and air in comparison to existing conditions of the site. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. The Edelweiss is located within the "Periphery/Surrounding Area" of the Vail Village Master Plan. While the Edelweiss is not subject to the architectural standards of the Urban Design Guide Plan for the Vail Village, Staff believes the proposed Edelweiss renovations are in keeping with the intent and purpose of these guidelines. The Edelweiss is located within the Willow Circle Sub-Area #2 of the Vail Village Master Plan. While there are no specific plan recommendations associated with the Edelweiss, Staff believes lhe proposed renovation of the Edelweiss is consistent with the overall goals of the master plan. Specifically, Staff believes the proposed renovations further the goals of 4. B. encouraging the upgrading of residential properties and improving the pedestrian experience within the village. The design review application associated with this proposal was conceptually reviewed by the Town of Vail Design Review Board at its June 21, 2005, public hearing. The Board responded very favorably toward the applicant's proposal. before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not conslitule a granl of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical ditficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title.b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone.c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Developmenl Department recommends approval, with a condition, of a variance, from Sections 12-6H-6, Setbacks, and 12-14-17, Setback from Water Course, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, to allow for a new front entry and deck addition within the setbacks, located at 103 Willow Place/Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. This recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presenled. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance requesl, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: "The Planning and Environmental Commission approves, with a condition, the applicant's request for a variance from Sections 12-6H-6, Setbacks, and 12-14- 17, Setback from Water Course, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, to allow for a new front entry and deck addition within the setbacks, located at 103 Willow Place/Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto, subject to the following condition: .r;rri''lFfl!, tx. 1. This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval of the design review application associated with this variance request." Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: "The Planning and Environmental Commission finds: 1. The granting of this variance will not constitute a granting of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the High Density . Multiple-Family(HDMF)District. 2. The granting of this variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. This variance is warranted for the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the High Density Multiple-Family (HDMF) District. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the High Density Multiple-Family (HDMF) District." ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Applicant's Request C. Photographs D. Architectural Plans E. Public Hearing Notice Attachment: Attachment: B I-arroA.DedsrdALA. P.OBo(725 ArarrCdcra& 8l@ IhrEgro)56tr3102 Far(lID)56F3lG June 12,2006 To: Torvn of Vail Planning and Environmenbl Commission Deparfnent of Community De\relopment 75 Soutr Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 (97O) 479-2139 Dear Sirs: This letter is to describe the nature of the variance request br the Edelweiss condominium building at 103 Willow Place in Vail. The EdeMeiss homecnivners want to do a remodel of he exterior of their existing building. This remodel will include new deck rails, new sfucco colors, new window casings and shutbrs and reconfiguring of the fiont entry and enEy vesiibule space. The existing enfy structure roof encroaches on the ftont 20 bot building setback by about six feet The proposed new entry structrre will have he same roof area and fre same encroachment. The new enfy way will remedy existing head height problems (66" head dearance) and provide a more gracious entry statement The new entry design is of he same Tyrolean character as he new deck rails and building omamentatbn. The existing roof and the new roof configuration provide f,cr a covering over the steps ftat are neoessary ficr enfy into he building. There is no change b site coverage or building setbacks with the new loof configumtion. Riverhouse condominiums to the rrest of the Edelweiss did an exterior remodel in 1999. This building added a neu/ enty area and covering at the friont as part of heir remodel. This variance altows the Edelweiss Condominiums the ability tc impove he look of he existing building with no new enqoachments. Thank you ficr your attentnn in he reviewing of the Edehreiss request br a variance. Please let me knovv if additional inbrmation is needed. Attachment: C Aftachment: D ut I m 1I l-r z I I I I I I >o { I I l-\t )\\ I a (n T Ef;4r FH r o i u e xq g m x _'l u F fr o fr I t d I I t q I E ! 6 I E e |( ,! fl F i I :m t{n T I \)z s fi 9 $I >z m E E E ll I s 6 Elt t{ ri i T l[ 6 n - i* is EN r5 lli{iiilli ?t5F; r9;ii Eii; | {;!s:ri il!r iii! di !r ,9:- 5lit :r l.t iii: i rl! ii! :il atr itt !ii r;f, iii i:t ;;! iit lr i;t t;,. ri6 l6l :r. iei !:! iiF 'iE rI ;t {i I f;- :!f 3i :i 9l ;! ri ti Ni ri iiffi i;iIi ri Ii l0Nt I Ire 5: ll itil 616:Iili 66it ;iei 5r{l lY! il !i !! tt: l.il! li ll[ 6! tiiil iil tg iiiii iiiii l!i !r Iil d tr1r :6,!r! iix !li iH6 !ii t:i ffi!rll !ii rtt rti te ii EDELWEISS CONDOMINIUMS t03 wlLlow PLACE vAtL CoLOMDO 8l6jrl FACI,F. COUNTY col,()t!\D() '4^ 'r.iitrL{ l t e l I I , I I l i lu vr I t,rl j r/ \ ! ! I i i\l\ \';\r :\\' ir i. \ \ \r\ tl , t !* t']l $o 6 ! 'I \ E It o -t o tt 6 E I o z U rn o t-I o z 0 T_ z o n o n -o o o t! !z o t o o o :- Ffltfiffifm ffitffi [dffiflffi @ffitffiB iiliii t;R iiH r5E t_ c z o q tl {)r I-r d o \t -.1 I { o 5 iiii';'i'ii, t , { u -z o o n -l l r -z o o 5 o c { a tt {> F I I ; H G -l o z { tl 2 I o >I t tf I I i lt x o {z 0l r o F o {r I| tl F I t z I l -- j i I E c 5 r o F t${ I-]T tt 1- I r o o I I r >z : o i F E I I z m (n 4 A o o I RI Ft I -J f- I I I I L__ --.1 I ll Ir I __l 8I t:II ^l il il I lq E!til II rl li EI ii $C fiF P' a a, :t niii$i ii riii:i! tffI; ,ii$ii f I 6lc "t P E til ilii ffi|illil fi .-..'..'.'-.'. 6S59=g=-Fi ;.'f3 rFE;i iaF =-f,* R aal ino E=; -<i ^6 b'r \ Attachment: E THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with seclion 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on July 10, 2006, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat, Vail Town Code, to allow for the combination of Lot 1 and Tract A of the Cliffside Subdivision into a single lol, located at 1452 Buffehr Creek Road/ Lot 1 and Tract A, Cliffside Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0042) Applicant: Mike Young Planner: Warren Campbell A request for a final review of a variance, from Sections 12-6H-6, Setbacks, and 12-14- 17, Setback f rom Water Course, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 1 2-1 7, Variances, to allow for a new front entry and deck addition within thessetbacks, located at 103 ) 1*..rr+. Willow PlacelLol 4, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0043) Applicant: Edelweiss Condominium Association, represented by Larry Deckard Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6C-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to chapter 12-17, Variances, lo allow for a bedroom addition within the front and side setbacks, located at 4269 Nugget Lane/Lot 3, Bighorn Estates Townhouses, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0044) Applicant: Nugget Lane Partners, LLC, represented by Morter Architects Planner: Elisabeth Reed A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council, pursuant to Section 12-3- 7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, for text amendments to Anicle 12-74, Public Accommodations District, Vail Town Code, to allow for banks and financial instilutions as a conditional use within the Public Accommodations District, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0047) Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Rachel Friede The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 97 0 - 47 9-21 38 f or additional inf ormation. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, wilh 24-hour notjlication. Please call970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published June 23, 2006, in lhe Vail Daily. Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Coanmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Goneral Informatlon: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive apprcval prior to submitting a building permit application. Ple6e r€fer to the submittal requirements for the particular apprcval that is requesled. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also ne€d to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: . Rezoning $1300 . Co . Malor Subdivision $1500 . Fl . Minor Subdivision $650 . Min . Exemption Plat $650 Maj . Minor Amendment to an SOD $1000 . D . New Special Development District $6000 . Am . ttlajor Arnendnent to an SDD $6000 . Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (no exteior modificafions) SS Descriptionof theRequest: FlbpT 'EtDxU Ett^aA,Aetrc^tf An fF I:Aorsr EtffRv L)^.( ib trtratl ExttTtFtb Epc*oeznatT. V NEN D1CE a^l Noe7-1l,pta| oFOuebTP nLtdF EtrttT'r't6 E&Prel.o Location of the Proposal: Lot: tf Block: ib SuFdlivisioni VDlv Vt Lc-f-K,- Ftz,sr Fr?.G Physical Address:-itolo -.,,^ V Parcel No.:lf ?l?bAt50z? - (Contact Eagle zonins: Hlil+ fuPprfy nuuf t Faatuy e A fr ilame(s)ofowner(s): DOUb n6,'t,f, C" 'ooer4-Stdl^tT I ,l MaifingAddress: ' .)tu-oJ nO..AOE VbtL d'O. 01697 Vl Owner(s) Signature(s): Mailing Address: E-mail Address:tlr"t Name of Applicant: €Jc&ae.S) Paee I of 604/01/04 +*'|+tt*t**++++t++*fl'}at'}+*t|'a{'**l'++++*r**l+****f*a+**t+++f***+t+******t+****+at*+t*t++r**r*t TOWNOFVAIL, COI,ORADO Statemeot **+{'*t'**++l*t*a*++***+i{rl+**t*f+++*raa*tl'*+**f+a*tt*f++*a++*t+*{'l'*'t+t+++*af,f{****+ta**rr*++* Statenent liturnber ! R0G0000282 Arnount,: $500.00 06/L2/200601 330 pM Payment Method: Check colfDo Assoc. Inlt: iIS NotatLon: 4507/EDELWEISS Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: IJocation: This Palment.: PECO60043 2101-082-1500-1 10 3 WTIJIJOW PIJ VAII' EDELVIEISS COI{DOS $s00.00 Type: PEC - Variance Total Feeg: ToTaI AJ,L Pmts: Balance: $soo. oo $s00.00 90.0o *+*t*++****+*a***t++*+****l***+*++**r***f****++t+**a*ttt{'**+++***+**t**r**++*****++****t*+** ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DeEcript,ion eurrent PmtE PV 00100003112500 PEC APPIJIEATION FEES 500.00 Rlelweiss Condominium Association 103 Willow Place Vail, Colorado 81657 Attention: Town of Vail Dear Sirs, The Edelweiss Condominium Association has approved the remodel and variance request dated May 30 , 2006 at our annual meeting. Including the Front entry redesign and New deck on the north side of building matching the 3 decks above. Thank you, for your time and effort Regards, Doug Mele 6t6tzw Edel wei ss Condomini um President A4/A4/ZAOE 62:28 97A47658A3 lo: lOln Jai|tl||lo tttnDaF ntsrrFri'nt rtti'cl l'PTARMIGAN MNAGEMENT JVr .n,ta, 4v. riJ.rJ r\rtrr ' /PAGE B2 Aorrrcsr lrud'l'itk Arrrcttriofl Colullli16311 - Iltl TITLE INSURAIT CE COMIi{ITMENT EY -steulart order l\unbcr: 60r?675 -*-* tltla gurt'$t' cornpanv Wc lgr€s ta ilruc polrcy o yorr reordtog to tltc tctlE of rhc Ccnndusol whcq *s thot ltE policy rrlgu rod yow mnt: ra ctc prc6orc iruu*l rn iliO'f" i4" ihi! Comnd&t b€6ncr cflt :vc tr of *f (bo'r;rmcut Drr' t1to,1,1 in $slsJulo A. I ||rt *rtlrh [ix monlh5 rf cr thc (irmmilmstr lh(c (rt't tion urdcr rhio CoronhnErl will eftl wbcn tlre Poiicy i* icv. Ou, objilDtiod urLlcr dri6 G !,irmca ir litDlt'd t'y tlE follou'in8: Tll. lrotirions n Si'hcdrrlc '{. Tlrt Rcquircmanu in Schcdr ? Bt' Thc Erccotionr lr Schcdulc B'u' Thc C+nrllionr oa Prgc l' This CDmoiidlc0! i5 not velitt wirhout SCI lDlltiiJ A rd Scctions I rnd ll ofSCltbDLLb B' . Of THf, CONDITIONIL .iNwtTNDsswruJrtEt)f,sI€l.lltT'i|c(,lll|rulryCirmpeoyhrrciurcdit'cor'oslr.nittlein4|crlt$bttErcullro rfFlxc{t by kr dulv rutbfiilcd rrfficctr t'n thc dtt. rht'\rn in Sc}Edulc A Stow.r( It{o of Vtil, l,tc. tl7 trlsh 9!,. iuitt W-lot lld'rrrde, ('O Ltltl12 Ordcr rirrnbcr 003757! Countcteigued: e--&!-*,oiirrl C.eu qlilnrrrrG g4/g4/2ga6 g2:28 97g471sBa? - PTARMTGAN 1'lANAGE!-vlE-l'lT PAGE g3 ' tc: f o|tt !|.l|tio tnrmlElrl rllgaltrtll Flit'''tl' tr)a4Ati>'t 4e rlt'JJ lqr"' .t COMIITITITIE]|T flOR TITLE TNSURAT{CE SCIIET'I'LE A l. Etfccttvc Drlet Mnrch tJ,20Ct6 ar ll:OO e'm' Ord:r No'; 60U67 5 ' 2. Poltcy ot PoUGlct To Ec t$ucd; AoDrral ol brurrac! (.) A.L.T.A. Orr..t'r (bl A.L'T.A. I,orn !.Th.Gchieo'lrtrr6||ltlrhndr|crcr|brdol'clertcdtotrtbbcourlt|lslt|arlcovercdDJrdnh: Fei' Siotplc r. Titlc ro rlc fcc sinplc G3t G ot Iniaratl In rrld llnd lr rt th3 rtfGcuYc drte hGrao? vcrtcd ln: Sec Anrclred vcadnB g. l'b. l$Dd rcfcrrerl U, l[ rilr ColonltnG|r| lt dCtcrlbcd |r tcllowl: Scc Attnchbd Legol DcscriPtioa Purfoded Addrcr; f;ticlwcis Coodominiunts vail. Colorrdo 81657 srHAkI'tnIJ (illA&\NTY COMPANY (i"!'tirrrrr:r - gtdrb A lr't I of3 $TATEM'N' OF CUANGEI Th*e chrrgx ue duc lrli SeYrblt beferc r Policv catt bc i66ucd: COMMTTMENT CII,\RGE 3560.00 A4/A4/2A86 E2:28 3764765893 roi t9m 5L{r|o 4lrnigrn N|.lre'rn.|rl Pll..ot tr PTARMIGAN MANAGEMENT fullE'atr-.r .v. r?tJv tYrt I , PAGE 64 Ord.r Nrmbt,r: d;0]i675 Tl'l'l,E vDS'r'ED lI\ LFONARD R. h16RNS, JR, FA}{TIY TRUST DATED 12'76'92 NTA 'I' KERNS' TRUSIEE' As to Uqit l0l DOUGLAS v. MELE, As to Uf,it 102 inrvnrr,rCr A. ATLEK SIVOCABLE TRUST, Ar to urft 201 AUCE W. FER(iUSON. As to ljnit 203 COLDEN PLAZA CORP'. A BRITISII VIRCIN ISLANDS COMPANY' .{3 tO LIEit 204 VAIL CONDOS RT]VOCABLh LMT{G TRUST. A5 tO UNjT 205 LUCILLE V. PATE, As ro Unir ?06. Parliing Spoce l6 ENIIVNU-. LLC, A GEORGIA LIMITED L]ABILITY COMPANY. A$ tO UNh 3OI. PArKiNg Spacc 6 ead l? PiI,OUTUANE I,, L.P., A GEORGIA LIMITED FARTNERSHIP, I|J tO UtriT 302' P$IiN8 Spocr 12 phUL S. MCNAIVLAR{. Aq nr Unil 30}, Parking Sprce 22 and 30 ,OSEPH A. aod LOUISE H. ORNELAS, A$ to unir 304 aod Pr*ing Sprcc lSad-23-- SUSAN J. CLARKE F.{MILy TRUST DATED APRIL 24, 2003, SUSAN J. ciIlRr'E' SETT.LOII AND TRUSTF:E. As to Llnit 305 and Parking Spaces !) and | 0 CRISTALLE ENTERPRISES LMIIED. A BRITISH VIRCIN ISIANDS COMPANY. As i0 Uoit 306 and Parkiug Spinc I I CnfCOny.l.WHtfEgndMINDyWHffE,A*toUnit40landParliagSoacc3 HENRY ROTHSCHILD end CERTRUDE F. ROTHSCHILD. As to Unrt {02 and Parking Space t4 ,rnd 15 ROSERT H. GOIDIE, AS TRUSTEE OF THE LUCLLE P. BALCOM IRUST. AS IO TIUit 404 and ParhinE Sprcc !0 FRESCO HOUOTUC CO.. A CoLoRADo coRPoRATtoN, As to unir 405 rnd Par\ing Spuce ?rwll| JANE R, BLAN(:H TRUST UNDER AGREEMENT DATED NOVEMBER 2I' BI..ANCH. TR|.,STDF.. As to Unit 406 rnd Pnrking Specc 25 and 26 st$lAtfr"rnlJ CU^.IANTt COMPA|{\ (.D'irt'ntr - Rtq,rlj A f.f. : itl SCHEDUI.$ A I990. JANE R, A4/A4/2a66 82t29 9764765863 PTAFI'4IGAN MANAGEMENT r -rrrlr' tt'!' 'Y'rr_ EXIIIEIT A I,DCAL DESCRIPTIOT C)rrler No.: d037675 (;onalorninrunrunitl0I,loz..20l.?02,203,304'20i'1(16'301'lg3'30]'304'105306'403'404' {05, aad 406 EDELWEISS, Accordilg to tbc Condonrinirrnr Mrp {raco rs RcccDtiou No. I 14094 urd Nccordiog to t Deccmbcr 4. 1970 in Bool 2 te nt PaBp 257 funcnded N$d Rcrtrtod Dcslatation for Edclweir 8?.1.166 ead Coudt'lrrioiull Unit 'l0l 'bDF.LWtlSs According ro rhc Condsnd-oiun MeP theGo rr RscrDlion No' I l'ttX and rccording o t l)eccnrbcr 4, t970 io Bo.rL 219 ar Prgc 257 Amended uod RcluEd Dccluation for E&lueir 823566 rnd accordrng to rhe Amcnded Condont October 6, 2003 as Rcccprion N0 t52750' niiii; Tbts Avelroro MAP cloMBINEs uNrs'ml AND 103 Ihlro oNE l'rNlr (uNrT 40t) COTJNTY Of EAGLN, STATI. OFCOLORADO STESANI' TITJ CtJARAlil\' COMPANY (1r.r.n'irr'rtt - Srtril.l' A Prt-? ' 0r.l PAGE 25 ' a4la4l2ag6 a2"29 9794765AA3 PTARfiIGA\I MANAGEI'IENT PAGE 05 . - ,;g,',om arl,n,c -{rmtgn ttrttlonlnl rr0' t cl ll 'eer,.r-' COMMITME:{.T FOR TITI.E INSU ll. |\ CE SCIIDDULED-Srctbnl REQUIREITTEMrS Ordcr Nunber; 603 7675 Tbe tbllowiog srd lbo requircrncr:ts ro bG co'odiod *itb: [, Paymcnr lo or for thc rocounr of rhe gnnro(r) er rnqrrgngg:(r) of rhe tilll congidcration fbr thc eslaF or iutorett to bc insured' 2. Proper inrur.[netrt(s) crc8tiog lhc eotrte or intc(€st to be iururcd anusl bc cxecutcd aod duly frlcd {or record, lo rrrt: 3. NONE '"156oyI{[MENTIsDoNEFoRINFoR'VIATIoNALPuRPo6EsoNLY IT TS UNDERSTC'OD TITAT NO POLICIES WILL BE ISSUED s ItwNtT Ttftl GUAR\NTI COMPA.../Y trB'nirr nr - tiliut'rh A I IU{ | dl ord.t .\-{|tSr'l /.ir!t i;.i A4/84/2OAE g2:29 97A47658A9 PTARMIGAN MANAGEIIENr ,n. ,v,,,.t.,rtrv 'r.r'rrri: rr'vt';;;' -irut ' - r' 'wsrJo-z PAGE A7 COMMITMg:VT FOR'TTTLI IN$U RAT\ Cf. SCHEDULEB-Sccilon2 EXCEPTIONS Ordcr hu bet: 6031675 .thcpol|:yorpoli(tcs|obctrrucdrl|lcont.hGtccplion|tothcfqttDw|n!ur|csr|!e.rmGltcd|rDocedofro Oc utlrtrcllor ol tle ConPuY: t, Righls or claitrls ot'partieJ in pussesriott- nol shown by the prrblir: resords' 2. ErsG[pDtg. or clainlr o( earemcl[t. nol Yhown b] thc public reoords' 3. Discrepa+cios, coo{licts iu boun&r} linet' shortage .in Aea' eocro'chm6nt$' or an:'r flc|-s' rvbiclt a corrscr survcy "na ro"pc.tloi oiiU.i,.tni."t woulil rlisclose, rld whjch rrc got shorvn by the public rcco(dt. .1. Any liou or right to I ticu. for seruicdt, labor or rnatorial hcromforc or trereafrtr lirr4ishxl' iruposod by luws sild oot glrowo by $te Jrublic rccordr, :'. Dc.facts, ligns, cacumb(rncrJ, advcrsc claim$ or olhcr malreN, if rrry. creotod frst -appeurng in thc public records o, ..""hi nt tutrcquo{t to the clfecrive datc hereof' but prior lo th€ detc the propoeed insrrpd acquircs of record for valuc thc oilatc o: inllfEft or rnonEr8c thcrton covered by tbis cofirrulnlgDl. 6. trnDalcnted miurog claimr, rclcnatious or excqttionr in prtcDtsr Qr su act suihorizing the igsuflncr: thcrcoll wut r ngbu, cJaints or title to w8tcr. 7. Any and all unprid rsres and agscasmenlt and unredccmed let eales' g. Thc offecr of inclusio0! in soy gencral or specilic watar consdvlncy, lire protection. soil cottscrvation or oitrcr distric! or inclusiorr in o:ly waFr seiYice or slrsct improvemenl area' g. I(c$C OriOuJ Or exc€prk)n$ @nr&inad h u.s. Patents, or in Acb Euthorizllg the iuwarar thcrco! rccoFded soptombor 4, l92l in Book 93 ar Prgc 98, rcserwing l) RighE of tlrp proprieror of a vcin or lode to cxurct 6nd removo his orc rherelrom and 2,1 righs of u,ry for ditchcr and crnnts conctnlcted rhdar thc f,llthority of the Uoitcd States \0. Prr*ecrive Covenanls lbr Vai) \'illage Firrt FilinS. rcconded Augu$t Io, 1062 in Eook l?4 8l Pagd 179 as Roceptiou No. 963 8 1 I l. Atl m81ers ilrown on rbe plsr of Vail Vilta3c. First Fiting recordsd AuSiut E, 1962 as Reccpuon No 96E32, lf . Corrrlornioiurn D€clarntion for F/clweiru, Fcordcd Deoembc.- 9. L9?0 in Bwk 219 ai Page 257 as Recoprion No. I l{f75. 3TflABT ltTLE Otrlcr Nonter: 6il?li'i! (;UAI{A:.UY COlvlPAllY frar,r'itqrcrt- Srlrer:uls I l lrst I ui! A4/84/2^AE OZi28 97A4765863 PTARMIGAN IIIANAGEIIELIT ' -,,',.r- ".-'-t*'-'n F 'f' v wl PAGE 68 13. All marron shown on rhc coodominiu6 lvlap tbr Edctr,rciss. recorded Docember 9, 1970 ir Book 219 ut PEgc :76 [5 R$cptign No- I t*894 14. All uraucrt shou-u on thp Anrendcd Condornrniurn Map of Edehl'eiss Coldonriuiulns rocordcd Octobcr 6, 2001 rs Rccepdon No. lJ5l750' I il. Broa.dband E\tcmsnt a:rl Rigbt of Entry Agrerment by and bctq'ccn Cablevision Vl Inc' aud Erlelweiss Condonrinium Arlociarion. roccrded Mrrch 17, li97 in Book 720 iti. ar Prge 692 as Reception No. 6l6tt63 ll. Statemcrrr of Elcctiou fccorded Novcmlrr t,2001 a:r Rcception No. 771392 It. Amendcd and Rerirtcd l)+clarrtion tbr Edclweisr, a Condominiuln Communirn rtcotdcd February t 3, 2003 as RcccPtion Nc. 8f3566. 19. Any arrd rll cxisritrg leases and tenancies 20. License ot'lmprov€mcnlr Easqneot and Indcmnity Agreement by and bctwecn h'dtlweiss Condomnium Association and f resco Holdirlg Oompany' tnc ' recorded October 2' 2002 as Reception No. t09122. ar to Unit 405 2l . A Desl of lrusl drled Decgmbcr 2, 2004, oxocurud by Dorrglas V' Mcle, K' thu Public Tm*ee oi Eagle Counry.. [o l6curc an indebtodnoes of 3595,000.00 in l'avor of Mecro Finencial Oroup lnc. rtcorded Doccmbcr 2.200a a3 R€ception No. 699969 as Unit 102 22. Morrgoge tiorrr Willianr H. Suhalf asd Ser&h Jene Scha{T in favor o[ Fcdcrsl Savings eld Lorn Asr3ociarion in rhc amount ot'$340,000 00 recorded Juns 7. lgltl in Book 361 at Prge 8X. As ro Llnit lQ6 .ll- A Dccd of Trurt drpd Odober 19.. 2005, oxccurcd by Edolvril. LLC. to the Public Trrstce of Erglc Counry, to 3€cup r0 indebreduess of $1,000.000.00 in ihvor of Gcorgian BaDk. recorded C)ctobcr 2l{. 20(tS as Reccption No. 9148 t2 As to uoir ]01 24. A Deed o{ Irurt drpd }rlarcb 13. 2002, &rccutQd bv Prrrmcna& l, L.P.. tL' the }ublic Trustet of Erg(c County, tp socurc rn irrdcbrudnerr of $735.000 00 in fevor olBank of America N.A. recorded ltftrcb 25. 1002 re RoccPiioa No 789t121 As ro t,nit 102 25. n Dcsd of Trurr dered March 24.2(n4, cxcortcd by Paul S. McNamara, &J rhe Public Trustce of EEBIe Corrrrry, ro s€cult rn indcbrcdoess of $120,000.00 io favor of FirstBank of Chcrry Creek remrded Mrrch 29. 2004 es Reception No. E?1037 As to Uqir 303 26. A Deed of Trust fturd Msrcb I 5, 1004, cxecutod by Fresoo Holdimg Comproy lnc.. to the Public Trusrce of Eaglc County. ro sccurc ad indebtcdaas ot $t10,000.00 in hvor of Fist Rcpublic Bank rocorded M6rch 15. 20(X r! Rece?don No, t7?201 ,{s to Uilit +05 27. A Dcod ot'Ttusl dr6d.{upr$t 10. l9EE. erccutcd by Jrnc Robertson BlEnc.b- to the Public Trurtec of S'AU,AX'I' 'I tlLb Qrar. Ntrt r: 'iu!7G:,(;UA.RANiTT 'JOM.|'ANY (irnrrririnurt - Scltr'rlul! E ! liur ! rf ! 64lA4l2gAE 62:28 97O4765sO3 PTAFtIIGA{ MAI'IAGEI'ENT PAG 09 ro: tc|n t-n]! rtr itr't mJrrgltlt rtea t ct ra lr^F^lir..r 4r: r9:!ta lrrirr I lll^L,orr.!r Flartl. {if I . ll 7ll t.v t.tg,lra.'v Eeglc Couuy., o rcurc u indcbtcdncs of l!611000,00 io frvor of Fint Bral Nrtioml Assor:ietioa r*orrded Augrrt 25. l98S in Bool tlf,9 ri Prgc 95t rr Roccptiot No. ltf I55'. sr'gufatr t La CUARANTT (n}ITAI{Y (',xnDlur{rr - tal$hla E I lqn l .rt I OrLt rrrlrfi firt?fi;.' g4/64/2066 62:28 9744765899 PTARMIGAN MANAGEIIENT PAGE L6 r t-.'rit.i r ,r,f '.vr".rr f.t- 'vv' .virv,vr\$", DISCLOSURES Pursrrelt to (l.R$. l0- | l.l3l, nrrticc i: lrcrtry given dtu: A. THf SU8,IE("T R.bAI }ITOPERTY MAY BE IOCA'I'ED IN A SPE(:IAL ]'A)ilNG I'ISI'RIC:'TI B, .{ CERTIHCATI OF TAXES DUE LISTINC EA(:I{ T,TXINO JI'RISDI( TION S}TALL BE OBT.TINED rRO-V ]I{E COL'NTY TRIASUREi. OR .I.IJE COU\-TY TR.EASIJREN.'S ALN.HORJZF,D AOENTi C. I}IIORVATION RI'CNIONC SPECI^L DISTRICTS AND THD BOIINDARIf,,S OF SU(:H DISTRICT$ MAY EE OBTAINED FROM TIIE BOA.RD OI COUNTY COMMISSIONTN.S. TI{E COUNTY (LERK AND RT,C()RDDR, OR THE COIJISTY ASSESSOR NOTE: Colorado Divieion of Lrrurcnoc Rcgul*ioru 3 -5-1, Paragrrpl C of .{nicls Vll rcquirct that "Evert dUr cntiry rhrll bc rcspomibje for sll mttctl'rhch EFear of rccnd pnor ro th" tr tc of recordinf, whcflavcr ibc drlc cndty coMucu he closlng and is roaponsibh for rccoroiDg or 6ling nf legol docuncnts resulrin3 Oom thc umuction whiqh vos ctorcd." Pmvrdcrl .hol Slcwrr( Titlc of VoiL Inc. corduo!' dle cloei[g .rf thc inrurcd trrnJrction ond ir retponriblc for rroording thc lcall docuorsnu liom thc uar!6rotion, cxccp(on nutnbcr 5 r'ill nor rppror on tha Owner'r Tidc Policl rnd thc Lsndcr'r Title Policy whrur irrrrod. NOTE: Allirmotivr Mcchonic'g Licn Prctecaion Ior the Orrntr ur4r be rwilrblc (ryp:celll by dclaion ol Erocption No. 4 of Schc<iulc B, Secuon 2 of thc Cofibiuhcnt from lbc Owner'6 Policy to bc iscurd) upon compliancc with rlc follovin8 condidrrnt: A. Thc lartd rkccribo,l in Schodrrlo A nf thic ((rmrniEnGnt mtt$t tc r ringfc-family ltridoncs. wNoh inchrdcu a tondominiNm or bwnhouse unit B. :\o lrDot or inolcriah brve becn timishcd fy mcAlricr or nrrrerigloql for ptuposes o[ coni[rrction orr rhc land dcscribcd in Schcdulc A of Oir Cosrorirsrent wirhin $e pal 6 month6. C. Ihc Conrprny butt ttcc ive rrr rPproprir3c afidavit iodccuriflng .hc Cor.pany otsdnil un(ilcd lvlcchsnic's rnd MnGrirlmcn'9 l,i('s. D. Tlc (iomprDy n\I6t reccitrt puyErcnt of thc rpp;optl!(e prcrlllum. h. ll'hcrc lor becn construolion, inprsvemcntr or mr.ior rcplirs undefld(cn on rhe propcny ro be purchrsed, rrilbin rir oorhe prior ta thc Dnc of the Cioutmitorcnt, tbc rcquirerrurtl to obuitr covsrlgc for unrecordd liene t'ill inolrrde: dirclosutc of ccruin construclion inl'ounetion: :jnnncral inforurriion rs Er thc scllcr. rhc builder entl'or thc ctrnulctor; poymcnt of the apprcprrte p;cmium; Ll:/ crccut d Indcanity agtccrncnr d|rirfoctory to rhc compsrry; rnd, any odditiorrel ttquitqflcnl8 !6 ruy bc n€ccrrr$ oltrr nD ex0m.intdan of tba eforcrrid inlbmrlrton by thc (oarprny, I{o c(rvcraBe wr.ll be givca rnde( ory citcttoElanccJ lbt l&or o( materisl tirr which drc inrured bar ccntructcd for ut nBrced to poy. IIO'I'HI:IG HIR.EIN C:OFIAINED WILL DE Df,I;MDD'TO OBLIGA'IE THD COMPTNY I'O PROIIDD ANY OF TIID COVE&{GES REfTNNED TO HARDIN. II|YLE5.S ITID ABOVE CONDTNONS ARE FULLY .SATIS}TED, $:.1!.. lnlc rf Vb'i,l'r. t[, !nt..r (,!?6?i Oi{l:rrir} 64194/2OAB A2228 9784765883 PTARMIGAN I'IAMGEIIENT PAGE 11 rc, rgnr aaal'r,r .Itrlrrlr Nrl'aFlna$ ".r. rrvr It a 'werres', MINERAL I'ISCLOSURE t)rdcr No: 60376i5 To coarplv *irh drc providoar ot' c.RS. IO.I l-I?3. the c.orlrptny makcs thc iblloNing disclrsure: (r) Thar there is recordsd c!.ide[cc rher a ruinorsl 6lstE hrs bceq scrycred' lersed or othcru.iic convcycd t-mnr rhc srrrtlcc esree rnd tMl lbc(e ts a rubstailial lihclihood that r rtrird pany holdi tomc or rlt iorcr'sl tn oil. 3es. othrr rnincrulr, or EFothsr'rl cncriy i$ tho ProPcttY; and (D) Thri such mincnl p3rrtc mry inctudc thc righl m cnter and rsc the PtoPcrty sithout tho eurfac€ owocr's Pemrission II{OTE: THE DISCLOSURE APPLIES ONLy f SCHEDULE B. SECI'ION 2 OF Ta-E riri.n coprurlMnm BEREIN ll$cI,uDEs .{N ExcEPTloN FoR SEVERED MINERAL.S. SrJr,n{ lltlr vtVri;. t:\. }|. tfut|brn a,{'l!16?l Mi||!r.,0hrcl altr lg*.o?ZlAtl B4/64/2866 Azt28 9784765443 ro: ro Jllnarl ',[ltnD|n ^tvllglrt|]mr r'aot lror l'l PTARMIGAN MANAGEMENT PAGE 72 1L,''o4;Fzt 49,l! 99l\tr$ | I rq'vote rtrT Privecy PoticY )ilortce PUR.?OSE OT THIS NOTICE thc prinaoy poltciea aad pncdccs of Srcwrrr Tlttc Wt nay collccr nonprrblic pcruonll int'ormr'.ron rbotu yotr fmrn thc tbllowing souc"s: . lnlbrsudon wc rcocivr I'rcn.vou, such ar on opplicationr or cthcr l'orms . tnfoBrrti n rhoul your trotuacfionc wG Stcur€ from onr lilc;. or fron our ! iliSlel ol otlrett' . tlformrtion wc rccivo ftom a con6lllrEt tcpottlng !83tlcy' r lnformtion tbat wc ttc:ivo from orher6 involved in l,our r|n$sion, rrrch ls tlr IEd r|tnlc stent or lqder. .Unlcrs it ir spccifiully srrt€d othc(wirc in an rnsndcd Privrcy Policy Noticc' no od'litiond nnnpublic prnond i otEulion vllt be c,<rlleccd rbout you wc may dbclosc r4v of thc aborc inforurarion rhrt wc collect rbout our r,alrlomcrt ot fonrrr crrtorrn ro (rur rffilisr63 or io nonqfEtified thir{ prrrics at petmiucd by law Wa lho rnry dirclosc thi$ intbrtrarion rbcl$ o$t crulot cn o( formsr c{6lornc;r non affr.liatcd ccmpanics thrt perfwm rcrvicas or out lteh.rlf. WE DO TOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPUBLI(: PERSONAI. IMORMATTON ABOUT YOU WITH A\YC)NE FORATY TURIOSE THA]' IS NOT SPECIfIC'.{I.LY PERMI'JTED AY L^W. Wc rcsuig rccc63 ro noDpublic porsonrl intbrnstion rbotrt you ro those csrylorycei who nccd to know rbot inftrtutotioq ia order to pnrvide products ot tewicel ro you. Wc mrintain phyricll, clccuouic, utrl prace.turd sefeguar& thlr comply with fcdcnl rcgulrtions io tuard youf aonpuhlic pclrolel intbrm*ion.'Soor sut"r gisi yotr thc rigttt ro lcc€ss end corrccr nolgublic pcrmnd inlbrqution. Yor, nuy conr.cr u6 iu writing at our Hlmc Ol'fioc. if your strtc law givcs ycu thir rigrlrt. Rcvircd 6105 A4/04/2O86 B2:28 9704765843 'r. r{ve 't'-'tu'r'll|tr tt' !ru ri PTARMIGAN E. rr* tv-. | ,MANAGEMENT PAGE 13 t. CONDTTTONS DEFI\IflOITS (e) ".vlortgr8e- dr|rlr tulngoge. dGDd of ultlt or oder scotuity larurjlrari' lb) "hb[c Ra'ordt"' aarni.lrl" Gcord! thar giw mnstmctiw nodcc of quucrs lfl'ccdng pru drls - accotdinB !o tlc stett ttoatrcr trhqte your ltnd is loceted' LATER DEFECTS - bc utnded u| rhou 0ny dcfect6, liar6 or fir blic tccotds or ltc crF.t d ol rtrncbt{ bttwccn tr thc R.cquircocncs (r) md (c) of Schedulc E - Scction I arc rtret. We rhsll hrvt n0 liobility to you hcaurc 0f thir uncndmeflL E)US'nNG IIDFEC'|s ff rny dGfGet\ licnr or arnu..brlnes cxirting rr CioEunilt'Bnr D|tc ara not shOtrr j,|l Schcdulc B, wc ;ryi;J sch.duls B to rhown rhcm, lf \"c do Nmcnd Schedule E to thow rSer dcfc':u, licnt or .nirururn*.r, we rhru bc liablc ro you according ro pangnph 4 bclow unlrfit you knes' of 0ur informcdon !r|d did not tcll ur lbour it in rritin8. LIMITATIOI\ Of LTAEILITY Our onJy oblitodon ir to !E$u? 30 yoo lhe policy tefcntd l4 it thig Commilmsnt whcn yr:u hllvc mct itr Rcquircm-nrr. lf wc have rDt lisbility to you lbl lrty lo38 you itilur bccmrlc of m crror ii thr8 Conl;rmcnr, our liabiliry wrtl bc lrmite4 !o yoru lcturl los c^scd by yorv rclying on rhir Cofi[ursl€cl whtn you octrd in pootl foith to: Con{rV wirh the Roqul tcmc s rhorvn in Ssbcrltrlc B - Sectjon I or Elirunrl& wilh otlr wrirlcn co;rrcnt roy Pxceprlonr thown in Schctiulc B - $ection ll Wc rhrll nor bc lirblc for morc tlron rbe Policy Agrotml uhown in Schedulc A cf tbir Comoriurnc end oul li$iliry ir subjcct ur lhc tcms olhc Po:icy form lo ttc issued to you' CLilIITS MUST BE BASED ON THTS COMMITMD}{T Any claio, whcrber or nor brrcd on negligcncs, which you rn1'hlvc agernrt ur colrr'cming the tirlc ro thE l0nd rausr be based cD this Clouunilmenr 0;d it Subject io ils te:r'E. Order Number: 0037675 J. f. \ Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 www.vailgov.com BillGibson. AICP Town Planner Town of Vail June 13,2006 Larry Deckard PO Box 725 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Edelweiss - 103 Willow Place/Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 1 Dear Larry, The Town Vail Planning Staff has preliminarily reviewed the front setback variance request for the proposed Edelweiss entry addition and exterior allerations. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: . Rear setback and stream setback variances will be required tor the new deck at the rear of the building.. Show the 100-year flood plain boundary. Contact Tom Kassmel, Town of Vail Public Works Department, for the most recent flood plain data at970-479-2235.. Show the setback lines on the floor plans. ' Verify the dimensions of the utility easement along the rear property line (i.e. 5 ft. or 10 ft.?).. Utility company approvals must be submitted.r Submit existing and proposed site coverage calculations.. The new sign will require approval of a separate design review application.. lf the variance requests and associated DRB applications are approved and constructed, the Edelweiss Condominium Map must be updated. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free lo contact me directly a|970-479-2173. Sincerely, 4-l-zz-, A. iil ECYCLED PAPEN t.- ]l- +llcancel PLUM, ROY R. A KATHY F. 6 ISLE RIDGE W HOBE SOUND FL 33455 Loca6on Name r i Name l_J Tax ltems L_l Protest Gl CAMA (A) i I situs ' I Pre/suc Lj uoune luo Permit i-i Mobile fl Remarts LJ yalue ;Pe6onal(P -.r rra"t tj Tar sate fl st"t nso I . oilandcas -.r Tract L I TarSare IJ stateAsd ' oilandGas i ,] condo I spc Asmt [--] controt , Recording Queries 46.341000 Legal Description CONDO: RIVERHOUSE CONDO UNIT:7 BK{t492 pc-{r868 09-16€8 SQ FT Number luH Space zip L'i eto"r I riilines l l nistory i I Sates Sibting Lj ppcertLtr i I UisclU I i Flags I Exemptiol l-i u"it trt i i Tax crrg i_J ntq rracr lmaging Skotch Acct Chq Current Year Prior Version Tax Trx Prior Year Ne(x)t Version Abatement Next Year Chat?cteristics Prop6rty Card Clear Exit r----------]Il^| .- ll * l L-.i cancel Owner Name/Addrcss PLUM. ROY R. & KATHY F. ISLE RIDGE W HOAE SOUND FL 33455 ilumber {82-1m06 Location i 1 Personat 1e i I Tract I -l Tax Sale Ll state nso I I oil and Gas L . Condo ' I Spc Asmt ! Controt Recording i I Block i i.r s"t"s l isiuting [ ] ppce*t-tt i l ttisc lu i i rtaos : Exemptior Mail Trk : i Tax Chg '_ _.1 Mtq Track 46.341000 Legal Description coNDo: RrvERHousE coNoo rinrrrs Er-dioi i-caoei-o'Co I 10-19-77 Version 6000 ASSD 195,480 zip 1 qqFT -18f 1,436,470 114,yO 1,531,950 1,368 Queries Fgl"_'Current Year Prlor Vercion Tax Trr Prior Year No(xlt VerElon Abatsment Next Year Characteristics Propcrty Card Clear Exit f::_l f-+-l Ll cancel Number {82-16{01 Dist STR GUII{DON, GEORCE, JR. E KRATER, RENEE CO- FAiIILY TRUST SETTLEMENT HARVERWOOD LN APT 311 DALLAS TX 75287 Location 46.341000 Legal Doscription COi{DO: RIVERHOUSE GONDO UNIT:I BK-0513 PG{t145 QCD l 08-10{9 R75461E WD 01-31.{rl ACTUAL ACRES SQ FT zip Name Situs Moblle Tract Condo Block Sales Misc (i, lllail Trk Tar ltems [__J Pre/Suc l_l Rem4dtg [_l Tax Sate fl Spc Asmt L l Mines L I Siblins Lj Flags I rax chs I-j Pmtest (Tl Mobile Auth Value State Asd Control History PPCeftLtr Exemptior fltg Track CAMA (Al Permit Pc.sonal (P Oil and Gas RBcording lmaging Sketch Acct chq Queries LI LJ ll LI 76,270 6,070 562,260 4,760 Eot- AIL AREA Current Year Prior Version Tax Trx Prior Year Ne(x)t Verslon Abat6ment Next Year Charactoristics Proporty Card Glear Exit [-l:-l [--'_l lJ cancet Owner Name/Address WAL|-ACE, JAiTES C., ill 5370 OAKDALE RD SIIYRNA GA 30082 Name i i Tex ltems I I emtest g1 ' GAMA (Al Situs -l Prc/suc L I uof ite Auth I Permii Mobile r j Remarks L-l Value Personal (P 46.341000 Legal Description CONDO: RIVERHOUSE CONDO UNIT:2 BK-0637 PG-0161 WD 0442-94 R649420 QGD 03-09-98 ACRES 94,310 7,510 0.020 691,600 55,050 785,910 LAND IMPS , i Tract ': Condo L i Block I . r S"t"s I i Misc 1u ] uair rrt I Tax Salc i-l st"te aso i I oil and Gas il Spc Asmt l-l Control I Recording i ilanes [j xi"toty ' lmaging I Sibting [ _.1 ppC..tt-tr , lFlags I I Exemptior Tar chg l-l utq tracr Queries ponoo City | 2lLocation Zip Current Year Prior Verslon Tax Trx Prior Year Ne(x)t Version Abatement Next Year Charactoristics Property Card Clear Exit r- l T-l ^-| :- | L -- J I I cancel owner Name/Addr"r" "t*'16.341000 Legal Description 2OO CAPE FLORIDA DR KEY BISCAYNE FL 33149 : RIVERHOUSE GONDO UNIT:3 Number -082-16{03 City AIL AREA Name | _l Tar ltems Li Protest (T) Situs I I Pre/Suc i_J Mobile Auth Valuo State Asd Control Hi8tory PPCertltr Eremptior Mtq Track Verslon 0316000 . r CAMA (A) i Permit I Pe€onal (P i Oit and Gas Recording i lmaging ' sketch _ Acct Chq ACRES SQ FT 0.040 LAND IMPS Tract i I TarSale LJ Condo l_J Spc Astnt L l Block I Imines {-l Sales , lsiuting L] Misc 1u I Flags ' l Mail Trk I Tax Chg I J t"t*;-l Current Year Prior Version Tax Trx Prior Year Ne(xlt Version Abatement Nsxt Year Characteristics Prop€rty Card Cleat Exit f.4 f + I I cancet ownerName/Add.."" srR 46.341000 Legal Description CONDO: RIVERHOUSE CONDO UNIT:4 R720549 WD 12-23-99 I KLINGENSTEIN 1999 REVOCABLE TRUST C'O KLINGENSTEIN. FIELDS & CO LLC 787 SEVENTH AVE NEW YORK NY IOO19 Location zap rax rums l l Pre/Suc fl Remarts l l Tar Sab l-J Spc Asmt fJ Mines l_l Sibling I Flags i Tax chg :l Protest (T) llilobile Autlt Value State Asd Contlol HiEtory PPCertLtr Exemptiol Mtg Track GAMA (A) Permit Personal (P Oil and Gas Recording lmaging Sketch Acct Chg ASSD ACRES Name Situs Mobile LAND 15,560 0.040 114,340 129,900 IMPS Tract L I Gondo I -.J Block sales I I Misc (lv I Mail Trk l Queries ACTUAL 1,436,470 1,631,950 Current Year Prior Vercion Tax Trr Prior Year Ne(x)t Version Abatement Next Year Characteristics Property Card Clear Exit L] cancet A C BALSTAD FAMILY AYPASS TRUST iIARVIN J. LUBECK RESIDENCE TRUST . ET.AL 59{I S HARRISON LN DENVER CO 80209 46.341000 Legal Description GONDO: RIVERHOUSE CONDO UNIT:S BK-{1331 PG{783 DC 11{t941 BK{331 PG{I7E4 03-1E-81 R702538 WD 07-02-99 R811647 WD 10-22-02 R871401 WD 02-03-04 R876568 WD 04{t7-04 R875569 WD 04{17{t4 New Ve6ion 20060316000 Acceunt R007174 Year lDistrict ' 20061sc103 Number -082-16{05 Name L_l Situs Mobile L l Tract LJ conao Ll Block I Sales i . Misc 1w , Mail Trk I l _ ASSD_ 15,560 Tax lterns f ] Pre/Suc t] Remarks f_l Tax Sale fl Spc Asmt fl lilines I Sibling Lj Flags r i Tar chg ---l Prctost (Tl Mobile Auth Value State Asd Control 8istory PPCert|-tr Eremptior Mtq Track CAMA (A) Permit Personal (P Oil and Gas Recording lmaging Sketch Acct Chq ACTUAL 195,480 LAND IMPS 1,631,950 Current Year Prior Version Tax Trx Prior Year l{e(x)t Version Abatement Next Year C ha ra cte ristics Property Card Clear Exit [-.:-l El [] cancet Owner Name/Address KLINGENSTEIN, LEE PAUL 31 OXFORD RD 46.341000 Legal Description SCARSDALE NY 10583 GONDO: RIVERHOUSE CONDO UNIT:8 BK-0456 PG-0037 WD l2-30€6 lrcel Number 01-082-16-008 Spac6 Street No 000083 Dir Street Name WILLOW Type PL No# 8 ocation City | :llocation Zin AIL AREA IO Acct Type td Location No ACRES SQ FT I Name l_ I Tax ltems l- l Protest (T) I Ceua 1a; : -i Siurs , I Prersuc [__] lttooin eutn : Permit L ltoUite r Remarks I I Value . 1 Personal(P i I Tract :j Tax Sale L l State Asd Oil and Gas i Gondo I l spc A8rnt L,] controt I Recording r , etocr I tlines LJ Ui"tory i i Sates t Sibling i ,l ppgertLtt , - misc (fl Flags | ' Exemptior ' ' , Mail Trk i I Tar chg i_l mtq rract I lmaging Queriea Current Yoar Prior Version Tax Trx Prior Year Ne(xlt Version Abatement Next Yoar C ha ractoristics Property Card Clear Erit f ----l -r ^-I '- l L - I l- l cancel owner NamerAddr""" "TR C/O I-ATHAM A WATKINS ATTN DON BAKER 633 W sTH ST STE 4000 LOS ANGELES CA 9007r -2007 46.341000 Legal Description coNDo: RIVERHOUSE COnOO UnrrtgEXoZsA pcisoa wD i o2-zo-Ts BK-o4tr pc{700 wD 01-12-87 BK-070E poozss wo i 02-16-96 New Version 20060316000 SQ FT 187 Number 01-082.16{t09 Name Situs Mobile Tract Condo Block Sales Misc (U Mail Trt Tar ltems I I Protest (I) Prersuc Ll uolit" luu, Remarks I I Valu" Tax sale I I St"te a.o Spc Aamt L,.l Control llines L. I nistory Sibling L] ppCertr_tr Flags i Exemptior Tax Chg . _l Mtg Track CAMA(A) Permit Per€onal (P Oil and Gag Recording lmaging Sketch Acct Chq 1,368 l- .- I -.->_l l-l cancel srR | - | L I Owner Name/Address 46.34r000 ARTHUR ENGLISH REVOCABLE TRUST 302 HANSON RANCH RD AIL CO 81657 Number 01{82-16{10 Nsw Version 20060316000 SOFT i ..., Name r ; Situs i uouite i -l Tract i I Conoo i I gtock ,, Salea I Misc lttt -- Ualt trt Tax ltems I I P.e/Suc l-l Remarks f-l Tar Sab f l Spc Asmt L.,l mines L I Siblins L j Flags i i Tax chg l--l fg Protest (T) ilobile Auth Value State Asd Control History PPCertLtr Exemptiol Mtq Track CAMA (A) Permit Personal (P Oil and Gas Recording lmaging Sketch Acct Chg AL Legal Dascription ACTUAL 1,979,110 2,24A,750 Current Year Prior Version Tax Trx Prior Year Ne(x)t Version Abatemsnt NeIil Year Charactedstics Property Card Gbar Exit r-.'-----.]t_]^'L-t -J | -t | | | cancel owner Name/Address lzar-e , oolralo a enngnRA.JeaN Numbet -{t82-59403 N"me Li Tax ltems f-j Protest (T! i GAMA (A) Situs r i Pre/Suc J Mobite Auth Permit , l Moulte Remarks [- ] yatue I 'l Pgrsonal (P - i Tract Ll Tax Sale [] st"tt a"a i oil and Gas 1 1 condo Ll Spc Asmt L I Control I Recording i ' Btocr i Mines i1 History lmaging 46.341000 Legal Description 424,450 33,790 0.074 3,122,O30 248,510 ACTUAL ASSD ACRES fl s"tes i r Sibling Ll ppcert|-tr Queries r- j tntisc 1r i I Flags Exemptior sketch bOHoO - f] mail trt i i Tax Chg i-i Mts Track ,. Acctchq rt No 23 Version 6000 99 Fr- ! 25Ej 1,8E8i i Current Year Prioa Vorsion Tax Trx Prior Year Ne(x)t Version Abatem6nt Next Year Characteristics Property Card Clear Exit E [El [ .l cancel owner Name/Addr""" srR FREDERICK R. MAYER QUALIFIEO PERSONAL RESIDENCE TRUST PO BOX 481150 DENVER CO 80248 Location Zip 46.341000 Legal Description CONDO: SUMi,IERS LODGE CONOO UNIT:4 R661481 DIT 06-12-98 Numbel 0r{82-59-004 No ?3 F"" tr- llxl:68 Pt lrUK lBoY ACTUAL I ASSD IACRES 590,6701 47,020 0.09s 4,347,760i 346,0E01 4,938,430 393,100 Prior Version Version Mobile r Tract Condo I tax ltems L I Pre/Suc L I -j Remarks {i .- I Tax Sale L I j Spc Asmt L I Protest (T) Mobile Auth Value State Asd Control CAMA (Al Permit Personal (P Oil and Gas Recording lmaging Sketch Acct Chq !4ND IMPS Block Sales Misc (lt i _-- Mail Trk Mines , I History Sibling _ J eeCertttr Flags , Exemptior Tax Chg Li Mtq Track Queries fg,:aa] City Current Year Tax Trx Prior Year Ne(x)t Version Abatement Next Year Charactoristics Property Card Clear Exit f <-_l f JilGancet srR L,-;--l L- ---l owner Name/Address 46.341000 Number 01{82-59{04 ineoeircr n.-runVen ouar-irreo pERsoNAL RESIDENCE TRUST PO BOX 4811s0 DENVER CO 80248 Location Zip City AIL AREA Name Situs Mobile I I tax ltems [--J . j Pre/suc il I J Remarks i_1 L.l Tax sale [] L I spc Asmt L. i I Mines I I Sibling Ll Flags I Tax Chg r __.1 a-]LftEllIJ Protest (Tl Mobile Auth Value State Asd Control History PPCertltr Exemptior tq Track GAMA (A) Permit Pe6onal (P Oil and Gas Recording lmaging Sketch Acct Chq Tract Condo Block Sales Misc (i, Mail Trk CONDO: SUMilIERS LODGE CONDO UNIT:4 R661481 DIT 06-12-98 Current Year Prior Version Tax Trx Prior Year Ne(x)t Version Abatement Next Year Characteristics Property Card Clear Exit r<-__l r-;__-l Ll cancet s I ' Owner Name/Address JACOBS, WILLIAM T., JR 2OO1 W JEFFERSON ST JOLTET rL 60435 Yeaf lDistrict - 2006lscr03 Apr Dist v Number 01{82-s9{01 [Business Name Tax ltems L I Pre/Suc | ,_l Remarks l-- | rax sale l- i Spc Asmt i Mines Sibling , j Mail Trk l FIags i Tax Chg 46.34't000 Legal Description CONDO: SUMMERS LODGE CONDO UNIT:1 BK-0447 PG-0376 !t No 23 Name i I situs i : Mobile L, Tract l- i conao : Block Sales ; Misc (U Protest (I) Mobile Autft Value State Asd Control History PPCertLtr Exemptiol Mtq Track CAMA (A) Permit Peronal (P Oil and Gas Recording lmaging Sketch Acct Chq City @lal Current Year Prior Version Tar Tr:x Prior Ysar Ne(x)t Version Abatement Next Year Characteristics Propertlr Card Clear Exit Numbor 01482.04-005 City AIL AREA Owner Name/Address 46.341000 Legal Description SUB:VAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLK:5-E LOT:K DESC: PART OF BK4177 PG-0449 BK-11625 PG-0653 BSO 11-22-93 lBusiness Name Name Situs Mobile Tract Condo Block ' I tar ttems I I i,-l Prersuc L I iiRemarrs[] l- I rax sate i- l I I spc Asmt l- j I i Mines t__l I siblins l I Flags : Tax Chg -l Protest (I) Mobile Auth Value Stat€ Asd Control History PPCertLtr Exemptior iltq Track CAMA (A) Permit Personal (P Oil and Gas Recording lmaging Sketch Acct Chq IACCOUNT LAND iups Sales Misc (lV Mail Trk -trp- lBoY AeREs I 0.r 16 Current Year Prior Velsion Tax Trx Prior Yeal Ne(xlt Version Abatement Next Year Characteristics Property Card Glear Exit f---l fEJ Ll cancet 46.341000 Legal Description TOWN OF VAIL C'O FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD vAtL co 81657 Location SUB:VAIL VILLAGE PG-0449 8K4277 09-17-97 Number 01-082{4{04 No 't3 City AIL AREA zip FF- lBoY New Version 6000 ACRES Name l Situs i i Mobile L - l Tract l Condo l Block I Tax ltems I l Pre/suc ll Remarks l_l tax sale i. -l Spc ABmt l_i Mines i i Sibling _ j t-ie-q Protest (Il Mobile Auth Value State Asd Control History PPCertltr Exemptior lltq Track CAMA (A) Permit Peraonal (P Oil and Gas Recording lmaging Sketch Acct Chq _ 4rr9 0 2.730 Sales i Misc (lV i Mail Trk i Queries Flags Tax Chg ! Name CREEK Current Year Prior Version Tax Trx Prior Year Ne(x)t Velsion Abatement Next Year Gharacteristics Propertlr Card Clear Exit I BK-0177 EAS t .---t G_] ll cancet Owner Name/Address C/O FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD AIL CO 816s7 Numbsr 01482-18402 City AIL AREA 46.341000 Legal Description SUB:VAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 OESC: TRACT H lBusiness Name | | Name lVersion lzooeor ooooo J Tax ttems I I Protest (T) I CAMA (A) I-.1 prersuc i I ttitouite autn I Permit 'i Remarks I-j V"tue I Personal (P - -j Tax Sale L-i st"t Asa oil and Gas J Spc Asmt I I Controt Recording i I Mines I i Ui"tory lmaging r r Flags Exemptior Skstch i Tax Chg L-l l,ltg Track Acct Chq f--_l I ValueSum I TYPE Current Year Prior Version Tax Trx Prior Year Ne(x)t Version Abatement Next Year Characteristics Property Card Clear Exit ACTION FORM Department of Communit/ Development 75 Soutfr Frontage Road, Vrif, Colcrado 81657 t€l: 970.479.2139 taxi 970-479.24s2 web: wlvw.l ailqov,(onl ', ' :i.,a1: l!inre: EDl-l-i'/EI55 E){. REl4Ci)Er Projecl Description; COMMON ELEMENT EXTERIOR REMODFL Participants: liItS i,'r ;rrri:"e.: DRBC5032-? Location: owNER KERNS, LEONARD R., lR FAMILY07|24/2006 KERNS, RITA J. TRUSTEE 990 N LAKE SHORE DR APT 12C CHICAGO rL 60611 APPLICANT LARRY DECKARD, ARCHITECT 0712412006 Phone: 970-569-3102 PO BOX 725 AVON co 81620 License: C000001796 ARCHITECT LARRY DECIGRD, ARCHITECT 0712412006 Phone: 970-569-3102 PO BOX 725 AVON co 81620 License: C000001796 103 WILLOW PL VAIL Project Address: EDELWEISS CONDOS Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motlon By; Second By: Vote: Conditions: Lotr 4 Block: Subdivision: EDELWEISS COND. 2101-082-1500-1 DUNNING FRITZLEN 5-0 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 08/2112006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for buildlng. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to constructlon activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. ! '..I tri': '" -$i,,, , ,-\)'i. . i .\;pnd:202 , ' Approval of this prorect shall lapse and become vold one (1) year followlng the date of final approval, unless a bullding permlt is issued and construction ls commenced and ls dlllgently pursued toward completlon, Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fec Paid: 9250.00 I Application for Design Review Departnent of Community Developrnent 75 Sdift Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 8165/ d: 97O.479.2139 fax: 97O.479 -2452 web: lurrlw.vailgov.om @ne.ral Inbnnadon: All projects rcquiring design rodal mu$ reeive apprwal prior to srbmiEing a building permit applitztion. Please refer to the submittal rcquiremenB br the particular appmval that is requested. An applicatbn for Derign Revier cannd be acfted until all required information is reeived by tfie Cornmunity Darelopment Departrnenl The proFct may abo need to be rwiewed by the Torftn Councjl and/or the Planning and Environrnental Commisdofl. Desbn reuis apprcval lapes unless a bulHing permit is is$rd and construction ommenes wltsrin onc y€.r d the apFoval. PtrytScal Address: Abl Par@l no.4l O bALl cehA (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 tur parcel no.) Zonfns: lll6,E QE-roSn{ HALTI FXULL t am{s)downe(s1z L/ QUO f'lELE, caNOO Pt<d9\ettfi' Oumer(s) Signature(s): v rl @ o r o UJ Al t^J Hailing Addres: llame of Applicant:AT4F llalllng Addrcse: Typeof Rsiewand Fee: tr Signs Concephral Review Neur Constsuction Addititn Minor AlEration (mult-family/comrrerdaD Minor AlEratiofl (dnglefamily/duplo<) Gunges b Approved Phns Separation Request tr E o \r f o tr tr $50 Plus $1.0o per square toct of tffil sign area. No Fee $650 For onstructim of a neur htildiru or demo/rebuiH. $30O For an additlrn wfiere square bcbge is added b any residential or ommercjal fuiHing (indudes 250 additions & interior corwerskrns). $2n For minor dranges b buiuings and dte impro\rements, sjdt at rerodng, paffig, window addiUons, landscapirlg, funcs and rctaining walls, etc. $20 For minor dlanges b hjiHings and gte improvemenB, srdr as, reroofing, paindng, window addfions, landscaping, fences and r€taining walls, €tL $20 For revidnns b dans already approved by Hanning Sbff or tlrc Deign Rwie$, Board. No Fee 4c( v<* tim Date: DRB l,l'o.: a+t+++la**a*at++*+'i*+t++rf,*l+a+***+t+*l**ll'{'+**f+'}*+**+t**+*+t+**t+*+***+*t+tt*a*++arf*++fra TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€ment +aaf+t**{ta**fl+fl+*++tar**+al+t*'}++*rr*++*****t+*{r{'**+f+****l+*t*t'}****ta*tt*f**++**+*++***+ statement ![urib€r: R060001054 Amount: $250.00 07/24/2006L2:55 pM Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: 130/EDELI{EISS coNDo Assoe Permit No: DR8060323 Tl4)e: DRB-Minor AIt, Corrfli/Multsi Parcel No: 2101- 082 - 1500-1 Site Addrea6: 103 I|IIJLOW PIJ VAIIJ Location: EDEIJI|EISS CONDOS Total Fees: $250.00 Ttria Payrnent: $250.00 Total ALIr PmtE: S25O.OO Balance: 50.00 *ltll'**t*ltl+**t*flfl**ta****l++*****t***+*ta***{'f+*****f+*{'*tlf*l*+l't+*i***t*****l**t**t+**+ ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmta DR OO1OOOO3I]-22OO DESIGN RE\ITEVI FEES 250.00 tr F 06 ct)(t z = tr - U) =o o z = o () C)f F a Buildino HaEdals PROPIOSEI' }IATERIAIS Tvoedllabrial Color Roof Sldirp Ods Wall Materials Fascia Sffits Winddrrs Windo^, Trim Doors D@rTrim lland or Deck Ralb Fues Hashing Oilmn€rys Trash Endcures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterir trShting Otrter Ca?fCA *o+a DEr*tsat& tttolg ttc lt-l - N:lru*,o,t- ?tat2 NW bzo ^t-f u/*nSoo*li{u? n ,nt ac't*q N/- ilob3: Please specifu the manufacfurer's name, the olq name and number and attadt a olor dtip. I Bssf 'G 61a4o ,9Tsti .ff46co Pstot To naret< bAtt. F,9 CFoe* npJ#t-En-rt^rrt'oGr r4-'Eo cHn/FlrL ' ' oe't -52P "c Cuco F:\ada^FoRfi$Penythswanning\DRBvlt-'dmr-t11-23-2005.doc PaSe6of 13 fln3nws HI!|('R flTERIOR ALTERATIOIIS TO ruIU'I]{GS AI{D SITE IIIPROI,EIIIENTS SI,BIIIITTAI REQT,IREIIIENTS Ggreral ldotmadon: Thb amflcatEr b rqufed frr popeb inyofo{ng miru erEflr alEati(rls and/a siE tnprovements. Prloposab to add lanGcapkrg do not r€q.dre tXB apgwal mless ttey lrnohre tsE addittbn of patb, vraEr fefrr€s, g'ading, r the ddltbn of r€tainhg walls' L Sl[lfitrA|.REoltrRElltlst* o,1,{,d if applicable o Sffiificcedogbl Hazard R€PG lf apdlcable* o The naminHramr and/or DRB may rcSrire tE sdrniston of diUonal dans, drawings, +edncdms, snples ild dE tnffiab Gtdtdq a mode{) if deemed necssary b determ;e wtretrpr a troj€d wlll qndy vyltrt Dedgt Giddlrs q if the intent of Ute propcal ls ttd dslY lndiczted. Atu,sbat frte F) ryfa oy't c Mzb aord utl an dai* (/ **fu lrE'ic qnrcrCqr rvltr m o(Fir 6nc. tE slrnffid teCfi€fitents ffilde a snd* set of edstitg ard pmpd fl@r dils, a tide repc! ard wvitEt ryod ftrom a odomlniun codatbn, krdo.d, and Jdnt orus, lf applld|e. I hrc ned rnd rrrdcfiid llre rboYr td gattltlrl ruil*snstr: profectlfannrEo6t-t,J6;|JS copr < Iffi Duau Pta,og; F:\odqrAFORt{@l-2}2qE (bc hoe 3 of l:,r'/23120,)5 ToDooraplt'c $trey:tf Wet gnp and signaure d a lirnsed stnelor y' oaedsunq ( )ffir arruv and graphic bar scab { %h 6 1'=10f or !'=M d- l-Wldesctiilion ard pttyt{cal addess ( t-d.'sjre an fuildable area (hliBde area €ldudes rcd hazard avalande' copes greabr than .M,riflmdPlain) S/fies O €xi*ing ber16}marlg dtsEr USGS landnak 61' server ln€rt This lnfurmdm must be lerlyffidonthesnq r/nqsty UcnrOaies b the rmrcst hlnffiEr (.01) of a fud ao.racy. Distancs and bearings ard a Oirst C Ueryfrg mu* be drq1vn, Stprr o6tirU ptols fi rtonunenfts fuund and their rdauonship b the establi$ed srrer. {Cvn rigtt d way gnd property ltnes; lndgdrp bearings, d6brs and qln€ lnfurmdon. { Uliaugatl easefirens idenuf,ed m tlre subdh,bion plat and r€mrded aSaitg fE property as indcaEd h Spffier€DrL dW.Eevaftlqlsdthei{ge ttfl€rty-five - ffikrErcb (25),dt d .ToEpl'a'riccorditbr|8 o/ EritngircesagrrrtrF d4'cnrce.cmeas-redfrorna ,pcrirtccfuderregt*. {-Rod..olruroppfrgs and ds slgnifrart nahral Hrcs (htgB bouldets, hEml&nt smnns, e.). .cZ rn ;isns rrqovenrene (mucrg Ez ernnrumerat H@tds(b- rcddd,qr4r/e@tre sed6, if apdl* (sfuv OE rcqir€d stsem acr€ak s€fbd) gEw iI |ifry m€ tocausr, bt|udng any pedestab m slE or h the r(ntd-titB'f adjrut b UE Cb. god fcaUon dcdsetg rfiSW sorres axl fopced s€rvi@ lh€s frorn thdr sq.re b tte strutre. lrullu€s tD andud3:o cabbw o Tdephdte Seurer 6 WaEr Ehdric Slre a.d Wpe of tailage ojhrerts, sil,ales, €tc AdFcrt 6adm/s l*eSO mC eOgp da69hattu bdr desdUE rcadrcy shown tur a minlrum of 25Y in dUs dt€fin from poperty' /-surdcrdngPlrn:( Wd t'=2(Iqlr!er {r/ RoFty and selback llnes lr/Erddrgddpoped€srutts ff -ffiing rrd popeA gaOes V Wril tl i11irg6ed tayor* A OunOngs and drer sfuchres lrdudlng deds' patb' ftn@s ard 16b. IndkdLgrefur.nrtfuonnrtfi a da$ed lireandtlre ruf edgpwiltl a solll lirc' {folWA roof rirgp hes wiltr trlpoert rklgp dsratbts hrli@ edsilng and foposed Y gpragpslab { sueet in arl TrSill&edon.{ l;tu d d tltifres ||dtffg dtittg grtoes ard fropooed stle kE fiqn s<rras tD the F: 1r'232m5'dc PagE 4 d 13 rrI23/2m5 b. A debiled <roes*ectiln and deiatjon &avulttgs shdl be pfwided m dteet Sbtnped engineefing iawims are reqrircd fur rrelb betrrveen :f and 6'ftet in tpighL t/ oglneac as b be phd and apprqrlfr dmitg' if applkzble le c tte siE Plan'Indde uees b r€tnain, b be rdocaEd fiids of ts€€s mry be $ovm (a tubble) if / lmprovernents and gradlrE- { fur decid-ous U€es, hdgtt fur onifrs, gallon she tor *nD6 ild hdgftbrfoInffion drr.b) dall tte edsting ad propced dant materlal ffir&pgtt.rtd@t€r. De{neaE cffcd rcdalE fur€ldsung ts€es h de trodnityb site graftg and @nstn'tcfron. Mfrrc ue bc*bn of dl troped dantingF.€/t tocaUqr arl t}De d€${sfing arO propcea $raErhg b be emplo|led ln carlng br plant maEbl dlowlng lts irEtdlatton. Ed.fir,S anO proposea-co.tmgr llnes. R€tainilg udb $all be lrduded with UE bP of u,ail and Bte b&rn d rrell devaUors noEd. llgffftr Plan: Indift tlpe, lodon and ntmber d fuhres- Irdude Hgtt&rre grde, hrn€ns q.@uq hmirnrs ata ttrefufiorifrg smlernetfd ffinnatbn b rcquired: nanre and color nunbe(s) dcaEtte locadon cf ptopced colqs (ie. sidtng, sh.teo, window Hm, dqs, fasda, sofnils, &) o o tr F: 1-z}.2qE doc PalE 5 of 13 tu?3P0p/s tE tqr:r-Iro t'.-|lDllr ll[ENFrrn A-.tEr lrd TkE erln Cdtldar - r'81 rTrI' INTUIRA!{GI C(N|r'ITMENT DY O!ac(h'r63t: GCt?6?5 wc -ica ft ic Dcday :c rlo sql€ I t GD dcr Cc@ {tbE tbr rbt'ft? GrE Ed nr re q rts rrcrcd u."c'ilE* i or c"ru to* c&sti"G.r of rk oaturllo tblah|l.[oAd!A @a.-lghac.o$t d!b|hFolictir r)rr.$lfdtedbc.drab losl tv|b ffbd{: abfrsttbo 53*G.th 'r 1l'!r.@4rnsd'D'l' rt ErcCddhltc|,Efdtett. Thcadtsd ilF Fz ni Cnllrc lr d aft ntr. !rclDUJiIl A rd Scrrio f d|lof SCIII'DLLE' B' .cE(lllt)lllLt ?Trrust srrtlric; :b*ta crqatTt:[-i? :l?td ltr G!oc!- d Ed e b' En'l'o ftt Ulg c4t Eca G- -'G* rEG!-E-rs --- -*saerg g-dTL.dta&l*.ttlt*t-l*r.lor e'rdr GO iLtl Cocccrdlrc: "-'[',fr}-;-;;F11[fi;il-tll1a6'rr ",l',oL' "''rJ".\.-'' @rt|lfirrtr.Yr F@' Trflf ll|fllBarscE sGEiDLqxa t, EIHIG Dr|: Mcrdr 15. 20O6 a tfl '-r! mr No': lkB7675 2. Ibtly c.FoUrlG| fb !c lrflrcd: Allrrt of lrru"oC (r)ALTTL(ht't Glrr&T.A.Lr! f. TL GCatc.tbrrt.| lr! |lrl'd |lc'Efo:' of fifttt3' 5L Otr Gor'ltcrt "J Gonrrd t'rdt h Fo.Sbrp!., +T.dGt.tcFcc!3|rtr|rccol|*rnrrhrdrrr.rldrL.GtHrGdlelccdnrtcdln: Sco Anrted Valing J. It hlt ttfc'rta ro tn tB G-flrDhrGrl It d'|G{Dtrl |r FoFrs Sc. Asrbd LoEd DcscriPioo PrrPl'5J rttdrar: Frtclscig Coa&oiniuru vail Colordo 81657 stDrlffirl infeflrXlf COIDfm CF,rarr- St arh^ !.Cr , of3 iTArr|ililtorcr|ArcEE fb.F&ra!6rE.f.rd Fr&L btre rlcli.v cot i.ucd coMMrrrGNr CIIARGE Ss60.00 rc lc! am. ttttEll'r ntttt|&l!t lta a.t !.alFrE_" "rr' rud tulr t SCHDDUIJA ordlr N.tbct: &!1675 TITI,EV}: TED'Ti TJOf{ARDR, MN1 JR- FA}IITYIRUST DATED 12-1692BJTAJ' KERNS' TRUSIEE' AB ro Uait l0l rlr to Udr20l ISLAI'IDS COMPAT\Y. .{e to UEit 204 A5ro u!ft Z)5 l6 C(MPANY. Ar to unlr 301. PrrtinS SFG 6 Ed 17 ifiilfrlii r. Lp.. A cEoRGtA rlrfirED tARmrEnsEp. Ar ro ulrr 302. Pfilng Spc 12 ilul r MGNAI|ARA" At |D t oit 3o]' PdiHqfreTHfu sFcG rE rd 2i A' bttnir 401 md Pltiog spre 3 ROTHSCHILIT Ar b Unir 't02 attd Pd'itEl Sltcc 14 nd It ioffi n aor.w, AsTnrrsTTEoFTHELrtcEttr P.BALcollt IRUST. As to Utrir{lo rdk*ingSpo30 iRESCO fiOtD|Nc co_ A cotl)RADO CORPORAnoN, Al b urft 4{lt od Fuking spre' Tnrdt Ji1.E e Bl1;rctf TRUST T NDER A6REEMENT DArED r{olrEMBEB 21, 1990. 'ANE R gunnCn. reuSTGF- At b lJnh {Qf, rrd hrlrt8 lFcc 25 rnd 26 arrtlrtlt|l GNXfrffff COI?A.IY C*i&'.d-Srt.r|-.4 |t|. i il! .r.e-.r-it".-..i1-. d-qt'-r ENUTA EGAI,DBSCNTTIO:I (JrdsNo.: flu]7675 condqrbirnuail tot'loz.'2ot'an2'2(,3'30''2O5'Z{16.301'lo!'3O3'30f'3o330G401'4(H' {Ot. acd aO6 tlr566 tod Codnfo$ooUotrilol' '|ot Al{D {O3 llrlTlo oNE UNrf GrNIr.$r) Cd'NTYOFEAGLE STATEtrCO.(>RADO slntll'flflr C.rfenfnn'OAetft (rlrirs -ltr{rre A hGld.' *t E,iJHHirnrllr:r ntr!'c rt aontMmifE]fT ttot Tm'E II{SU RAI\ cE SCf,IDULAE-trfiil naau|nf,MErrs 0rd:rltlldr: fillfirj Ttc ftltowilc tP ltp nrluipdt ro bc coogftd c'ill t. frymsrr ro tr f0r tE eeorml of O! Fno(t) ot rnor!rED''(r) of rhc fuil cootBtilito iol thc osq--as a ir.rgcrr lo b€ iEf,rGd' 2- Dropt krauo:o(r) crtdry e' rrrd? q idc{ant to bG ilrrrd 6ust tc crsnod rod dub 6lcd &rtrcorqio*it: 3' otllT (H.r S..H: a t-r ct..t !r.., .vrre .ar rrti..!rtL -r-|ta|-: i'rt{irtti t a 3. 4. 5. 4yal.''!,'aa of, tarL.{ is | , @irltflTmErT FOA IrrLE rrsun^fr cf' SCf,DDt I,ED-Srcdol 2 EXC?rnoNs Or{ct nr$rr: 6Ot76?5 tlcpUc'op.[&|.lGbr.ilrt|[c.'{dr.E.Dtt.r.tr|tcfctrorr{rrzr|cra|lc.!'Gr!3dhDordofro rfcrdfrdor o( G Co[Drrt: Rigbrs or clains of F tl6 iB F'sFs;ioo. Dol *orm by tbc pHb t*o('* Es@or$ or clt|lr ofcrrencur' oor dco ht- dp publio rocot& Ofcroosia, ffi arlt(r$n'ct rEddr A|ryli.5.cdg[rroalho.frrrar;ipo+trborororrir!hqgoforgorhatdgrirrdshqllnPor.dby iJt "oO nm o"-" by ta prhlic recordr' t)tftcr$ lirs, eodeltg' dvtr* nDfc rccodrc cting$bSE LsU *e[tr of rucord &t vduo comiltcrl' 6. Urilatld Ei?i4l ctalDtr nt6rdfuqt or Gic*riont la Dd'ns' or qr *t ubrhing tbg ic$iln€ tfoiof: -act;ehr+ clairo or titb ro qtrE' 7- Ar|y tnd .tr unpdil t'Lt rld rstl'@ cDd otrtdcncd t.;r rda' S.Thccftaof,inEhEioosidE}.rcnonlolryorifsl{.'cooglfi'.ngy.6reroccdan.so||cosorvetion '- ;;ht ett"r orrncturlwr ln oly salcr r-'rtc or $E!t irtPtovcrncnt 'tta 9. uAr rhe orbotitY of b Uoilcd $atr' lo_ Fbordivs Gorr!fl.nb ftl, veil vingc Firrt Fllln8! rooordcd AugEtt ror 1962 in Boolc l?4 rl Prg' l?9 '3 RPoqtilt! No- 9A3tl' lr. Atl 11116! $otn m rb plrr of Yait V[rF ntil Ftlftt!' rr*ordsd augoi t' 1962 g Rccptirrt No' 95At7. |3.codoniadraHrdilftrEd.H'.tdDIbt69.tq'oilEoor2l9rrPrrp257ar RaclPliu No. lt'$75. II'rlTfltII r:u^lrrfi colltlllr frnrirrr - ltr* E l llEf I rat Ottr lt*r: Ol?ai! rs .-.. !,-rr-- t'-n.lFr 'r_ir-F 13.l/|ttm.|t!|!rbowoontb}coodminiunt{apforEdclrrcisrrccododDcarscr9,l9T0ioBookllg ut Prgc !?6 r! RccqFion Ho' f tr$gf' 14. All uctr *ma oo rE.lmdd condodnium lrla ofEdchctr cfidomiduml t,6odcd Otfobr 6,2fl'3 s Rccrytion No' flJ17t0' I J . Broadbond Etcmont erlt RlgE of Entry Aglwnonr by lnd borwecrr Cebbvlrion Vl Inc' and rdchreir Coodonintrnr iGiOon tccc"*O Urt* 17' tt97 in Bsk ZU) id. al P|f|G 692 ti Recodbn No' 6l65dl' l?. S,r.quEi of Ebdm rccol*dlbvadct l' 2OOl .| Bcc4rbo lrto 711392' |t.AmdadradtU4rr.dD.ohslhl&rEd.txcbr.rColdo,rdairrmcronnoiry.recql&tlFcDruery tt. 2003 t6 RcccPtioc Nc. tt3566' 19- Anyad rll ai*in3 larcr end tatmcicc m. W ard bcnrcon E&lvoirs rorddOctorbcr a20Cl I RGcGFion No. t09l2a u ur Unir {(!5 ZL. Mdt' L'UF hrbtb Tnunc+ of f MEr.o Ftrrrolal GrouP lttc- rr Usit lG! 22. lvlorrgrxe 60o Wlllh ll. Sllt f ed SroI Jlr Sctf ia lvor of Fdanl Srviqs ud Lorn A*ooirdon in ilrc ailn n ollBll0,flXl.(X) rxordcd Jun' ?' t9f3 h Boot 361 d ruG tt' At iD Urrit !06 lt-^.Dd LLc'Etrchtbllc Tnnce ofErglc cotEry. Gorf|n ed' rsoodctt Osrobct 23' Z(XISu 21- P'ofr'b t' LP" tD rlc l\btc T|ltsF of Erytc ftvor o'fBnl of Amcricr N'A cor*d l&tcb 25. A DEdof, C@y,ro Itroh:9. d3A Ai. l{ Dcqt dTnilr lrc" ro tc PubliE TnrtrcofE4to Rr4ub|icBrak rEor&atM.rcb AttD Uat'Oj 7t. A t crd of, T0rr drr!.! -+|Erd tG lgtt qccd tt rG Bob.(@ Brrd' tt tb hthlb Trulcc of gtfl If IrIlI o'J" i* .l'rr:J r.'u^Grrft CG.'llrr a'rrlla - icfsflc E I ti;"s1t! t.-4 g.r-41. r- r I Drs{crtlgunEs hrsrm ro C&S. lo-l l-f3t. mdcc ir tcrfy elvat dg: A I}tf, SUA,ECT REAL PIOFERTY MAT AE IOCATED TN A SF[(I/\.L TAXIM} I,IIi1'RICT: s. A cxRTrmATE OF TAXES n,E [sTlt{c EAGII T.ixlrlo J(msDlCoON sllALL BE Oar-tSrED fRO.V THE COI,NTY TN.F..4tilTGT OF THE Cd'liTY TNE^ST'RER.$ AUTHORIZED ACENTI C. NFOLr4ATION REOARDI}{(! SPECIAL D[sril(TS irND THfi SOIINDARES oF st cn mrRICTs MAY E OEITAINED TR(n{ UE BOATD OF C(I'|ITY @UT,g$$O{ETS. THE C(X'NTY CI.ERT ^lVD RECOnDSR, Ol rrlE cd,I\Tf AS6E$SOR iOIE: Cotorrdo Dittdo sf lunnor 8rlddcr t.l.|" tttrltT} C of,.Aniclo vll rc4Iln! tlnr -Evcrt tfub odry rtdt tG E ililh for S od?o ",ticb S.r o'f nc'otrf Ffor lo fr" tbc of rtadinf rtc*rtr tlc ride dftt omdaili 113 obsbl 1g11 ir tt?o6ft13 ftr reortiry c fli4 d lcart dmncn1j raohing ft@ tt aanrU riis} rc Gla,4- tt!,ridhd |br! slct fdr of VdL b. cq{IEt5 fu clodtr3 of tlt il'ld mddo! d b mrydb fcroerfirj |blajd docoan1Eo l&s corcdo. crctPtbn o|rl||tcr t ;iX lor.qpo rb Oudr ItrDofegnd tblanbt Tfib loI4Y rftco lr-d- i|()IE AlEdtlri Moflrl€'3 Li.6 lfoEgio for thr Ororr orjr tc rnihble (rypcr$ by .!.Hoa ctrErc?lion Ne. I d So[cdnh B, Sccq6 Z of rte C6i@t tntba Onc/r tblby to bc isacd) upoo coqilbc li|! tb tblloring corititm: A Tha ld fucrfrrd ia Sffib A af tlir csrimlt c tr r dagl*fnlly ,Gi.tc.. rHdr icln& e Go!&dthrnot orDh!tait !- $o ltot or fridr brrc D.t[ &ttbil !y nschticr c ulfu ftr ltporcr of connarcdoo or rbc bl dcsihd il lfffirb Aof dr Gofutc rill& tb 1rr 6 oarDe C. Ttc Cryrr EIn ncrhc m flrqri* dEdrrn idcdt{nt th Aoqq {terr rDotcd Mcobrdcl rd M||ctltto.'rl Li.Dt. D. Thc ca4rryEll EcalG pTr@ of ih4|;Wlrc Dfldso. ts. DtIcUt$d, uurloodcC kD fill lshdc dftclqc of Eda cfrucdo rerfrfl; findl ifujio.t b tc tctkt 6. hdldcr dr6. tb ft|ts cr.c*d fAt' .|'.qrob rrtdrrogorbtcrrorry.ft.r.D6qnidonof rho &rcrid infrrodoe bY te Co4rry' No cev|raF ritt bc ttva !d!r rry ciremlrprt tr ba or dqirl f$t rfiich tD furcd bE ccartrcEd tor Gr 4r..d lo Dqf. TOTf,ITG f,NTT.|r OOFIAIfiED TUI. IC EEIID TO OIIJGATI rf,i GOTPAIYY TO INOYTDI AifY oF-tlc @mac:[s nFtnnlD ro flnltt|' unEs rf,B rxltfE ol'IfDrrrols AIE DULLY EATEfED. ia+dt ftk d Vrr, t'. t|. l-r at'3?t or.alnarg r-.FalIF ifqtlfll|'C tlFrt F ,Olt$aat.!.Eltrr., l$r.tniF FlrE-lli.lalt U||Eg'e hfF Cong o me lfficr of ttatPOO birc off&rc hlltul Aroctrio nad rrAd t* ItCg ir Eo*'||9 a trt 9tt r ll*ldo llc- tFf tt.. Etnt! at tr;!0Dnrrt|8ll cuutlllGfltrnt ft F-$Sal IEI'T o4l l,9, zlt|F toa. /zv '<L . rri !.IFi{. -rr|'tf, r lr|.u--r Faua I r ra ..t .rt-*-t 4 't- 1$ | , Sb!,rl tr||. rfrts& 6'. tt' rfdrrt r'ltl!'Zr IkigdFt b.'u,i''l MINEnaL DJSCLOSITRE ()tr|a No:603?675 Tocoryl'vrrirh:hcpto(iib6o[.c.Bs.lo.lt-lz3.thccompnrr.v'E&G$thcbUowiag ditctunrne: (r) rlc ProPortY: and o) ilJ;; ;banl curc rw inard,,hc rtSir o artrr and urc rhc popcrtlt tilhglt |lE n:rfilc otocr's PEdillkF' rrrorE:tsDIFG[.o6L|rEAl![,tE6ott|LxTgcHDulJ&6EcIIo{t|2oFTEE TTTLE C{IrDcrrtEnr'Eilerrt ricr',tnrs 'rn Exoc?f,(Ir FoR sEvEnED MI'{ENAIS- ' rc lgr lru! rtt'Fl r||ll tE !!lt r'tl t.| 4r'FUiF ' 'r' re'{r' ls " ftiveq PolicYllorlcc FUNFGICOFIIII!'I{('Tl.cE ttr gry coltct loDffc ecrorf nfterto Soll you &go tEG bllosht rqrs: o hfo.orte rc tdvc liv! log. *d r o 4llcrdoe or c&cr brns . h0lud soory-tr-ioioo- c ftrr oor fke or fis oot dtrlltlcr 6odnr' . hfo.n.d4G rcdnfi6rcoru laFrdntqfct' r blbruio rbr* ta=ttt ta- oltoa rnnta |.o prr rnarcioo' and .!| Or rud Cdrc agcat d LrrdEt l'd..ririrrcf|orlbedo&crgicilamdrdltiv-llo||,8'NodgE.ool5&iorlrrcqobtio fnod l6ori0*ilt tG collccd rDoul yoll or crRocll ot four rrrrocc wGrlr'rydLdorctErillbrolbl&to0rc|rr@otftwgraoclrondi|irEderyrobr tbpct&orrdsrr ooqrblalf, r|G DO 1\I}T D|SICL(FE .AlrY }IO{?UTBLIC ?fnS(fiAL fl8OrMATf(x{ A'0OUT YOU WITH iivoileilir.l.rr-rrnroseflirrst{ors'ElflcqL PERMtrrEDEY I.Aw' lco OL ri$L Rcvircrr 6Ot 3, G('tlID]TIONS DEF|rtltoxs (.f -lbrq.a/ ffi aGFF d*rl of rnn or odrcr *olity iurur (b' -Fblic Rordr'' - mr-or ,..o,u. tl dte ornrdrr mri' dmsr @crint prn titlc - xcodittS to tho re unclYthcar fic bd irlocrtcd' rArnDBtctS cld.d ro rtor' ry dcfct*+ llcne or t€cod3 G gt d€alcd or d tctrea fFcdcco (et ld (c) of Sch{dc E - bmcofthtr rnsdncnc Ef,|SNIlIGDSfSCF &rrtr:aflxioru^[LrTY H rlit Coodm r*n Ytn rc:d ie Pod &tr lo: Coqlyrd6 funmrcd:lr 'lGt! b Sot'ddt I - Srctic L ff E&doj3'ilL(r|tucoGGrElr4'EroqdonlrroninSclrdu|g9-sccdol|1. 9c Ul m tcbl!: frr ore fia tu PdbT Aord idtt ir SdlE A of Oir C@iMl ; -t ft|lhr t. .Oj.c! ro lb alE of lbc h:icy fta lo b bstd to voD' cr.ADll xlFrD, l stDor rfl$ cot0ntffiil rlirr u onocmh3 fta title t od.. ilrrFn ..'?alt Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vaitgov.com Proiect Name: EDELWEISS Proiect Description: COMMON ELEMENT- DfiERIOR REMODEL Participants: OWNER DRB Number: DRB060220 Location: KERNS, LEONARD R,, JR FAMILY06/1212006 KERNS, RITA J. TRUSTEE 990 N LAKE SHORE DR APT 12C CHICAGO IL 60511 APPUCANT LARRY DECKARD, ARCHITECT O6lL2l2OO6 Phone: 970-569-3102 PO BOX 725 AVON co 81620 License: C000001796 ARCHITECT LARRY DECKARD, ARCHITECT O6lL2l2OO6 Phone: 970-569-3102 PO BOX 725 AVON co 81620 License: C000001796 103 WILLOW PL VAIL Project Address: EDELWEISS CONDOS Legal Description: Parcel Number: Commentsl Lot: 4 Block: Subdivision: EDELWEISS COND. 2101-082-1500-1 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT Conditions: Cond: 200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Planner: Bill Gibson I Conceptual Review Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2t28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Parcel No.: LocationoftheProposaf: t-ot: ? erlck: 6 SubdivisionivtVL VtLL^4rrc Ftp6f Fl Physicar ooff1t o 1Z+AoO4t - (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Hld'*t PE psrri nutf t F>q" f Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee! tr Signs )( Conceptual Review ' tr New Construction tr Addition E Minor Alteration (M ulti-family/Commercial) E Minor Alteration (Single-Family/Duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request For Office Usq_Only: F (, o n o N o ol $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 Construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' $300 An addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Check No.: By: o*r*o.. ?z6oGoZao Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Fee Paid:L'tuoc 7 5c""+ /, t?ftu*+ Gouuunry DEVEL.'MENT Rourrruc Fonna Fffi'ED , n Approved with conditions I Denied Status: I Approved Routed To:Fire Date Routed:06/13/06 Routed By:BillGibson Date Due:06t21t06 Description of work:new entrance, exterior alterations Address:103 Willow Place Leqal:Lot: | 4 | Block: | 6 | Subdivision: I VailVillaqeFilinql Comments: Fire Date Reviewed: ent lssues. Need additional review F rre ent. i,< ,/ , Jtr-tot <-z Zt'; f /f,T) 5 .zt/-/ Ju6 {-z 7f< .44.2/ ,r/jFr. Z- ',zt Ze(kz',2./ . 2/< ap/</.L7 /'u f,/</ ZO<-.<r2.4r . (, 2p. ,1.. -sVi z .41, f /-/5-e 12 .) 1/? , |'-J, ( ?zf/ Z .14<f7 j57a.'-," / s .'vcl' OSII*.MIY OGI/ELOFIE ' Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.?452 web: www.vailgov.corn Pruject Name: Prcject Description: Participants: Project Address: legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: DRB Number: DR8010077 Metal roofto replace cedar shakes owNER JACOBS, WILLTAM T., JR 04lLzlzOOL 2OO1 W JEFFERSON ST JOUET IL 60435 APPUCANT Rick Halterman O4l L2l200l Phone: 926-2877 PO 2631 Vail, co 816s8 123 WILLOW PL VAIL Location: Loh 5 Block: Subdlvision: SUMMERS LODGE CONDO 2101-082-5900-1 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Bill Pierce Hans Wddrich 1-L Actaoni APPROVED Date of Approval: 08/01/2001 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0005028 That the roof materials be either fire-retardant cedar shakes or a two-tone metal shingle (per the submitted sample) with portions of the building painted to match the color of the metal roofing material. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Pald: $2O.OO I, BUILDING MATERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: metal shingle COLOR: medium green/patina Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia SoffiE Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other * Please specify the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town=s Lighting.Ordinance 12-11-5J. If exterior lighting b proposed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. ,l Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2L38 T(iIT'N GENEML INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional building square footage is added will require an "additions" application. I, SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS D Photos or sketches which clearly convey the existing conditions. I Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). tr All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. U Condominium Association approval (if applicable). fl If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. {t******{**rtt***tttttttr:i{t't**t**'ltf rt*tt******+*****'r'f *'rrt*t****+'*rt*,i***,t,t*+,f,,rf ,t*,i*r*******,t***i*,f +*TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO StsterECN **t*tl't**l **'t ***+t+*'* *ti rtr* *tit * * **'t+* + +*'t'**'t* * 'r*****+*'t** ** *,i * ++++**,rr*** * ****r.fr+i.r.*,t*+ +,rr * *t **,r,r Statement Number r ROO000058O Amount: g2o.0o 04/:-:2/zoOLO2:50 pM Palment uethod; check Init : .IAR _ _ - _:::::i::Permit No: DRB0100?7 Type: DRB _ Minor ALt,eratlon ParceL Nor 21.01-09259001 Site Addregs: 123 WfIlLrOI{ pL \TAIIJ Lrocation: T'h1"6 Payment I $20. oo ToEal Fees: Total AL,[, Prnte : $20.00 $20 .00 r*****r++**'l*****'r'|*t***+****+{"***t**r*******++*****************";t*t*Xliii****r*r***-lX;l,l---- ACCOIJNT ITEMLIST: Account Code 0escription Current prnts 0R 00100003112200 DESIGN RTVIEI,J FEES 20. 00 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Crmmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Edelweiss Condominium DRB Number: DR8010051 Proiect Description: New steel roof shingles to replace cedar shakes Pafticipants: OWNER BLANCH, JANE ROBERTSON 03/2112001 Phone: 544INDIAN MOUND E WATZATA MN 55391 License: APPUCANT ROLUE KIESBO 03l2LlZO0l Phone: 845-1001 Nedbo Construction Inc Box 3419 Vail, Co 81658 License: Project Address: 103 WILLOW PL VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 4 Block: Subdivision: EDELWEISS COND. Parcel Number: 210108215020 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Andy Blumetti Action: APPROVED Second By: Charlie Acevedo Vote: 4-1 DateofApproval: 08/15/2001 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). @nd: CON0005026 That the proposed metal roof material have a thicker relief than the submitted sample. Cond: CON0005027 That the metal roof be Fluoroceram Premium Coil Coating #815T118, Midnight Bronze/New Dark Bronze. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: 32O.OO DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, August 15, 2001 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Andy Blumetti Charles Acevedo MEMBERS ABSENT SITE VISITS 1 . Anderson residence - 5106 Black Gore Drive 2. Booth Falls Townhomes - 3094 Booth Falls 3. lron Hawk Properties, LLC. Residence - 1125 Homsilver Circle 4. Ford Park - 540 Vail Valley Drive 5. Vail Mountain Lodge - 352 E. Meadow Drive Driver:Bitl 12:00 pm 2:00 pm PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:00 pm '1. Altemate building materials - Discussion (30 min.) Bill 2. Anderson residence - Final review of proposed exterior alterations. Bill 5106 Black Gore Drive/Lot 1, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Lori & Ken Anderson, represented by Ken Wentworth TABLED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 5, 2OO1 3. Pinos del Norte - Final review of proposed residential addition. Brent 600 Vail Valley Drive / Pinos del Norte Subdivision. Applicant: First Colorado Investment Trust MOTION: Andy Blumetti SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH ONE CONDITION 1. That either the owner revises the design of the upper balcony railing to match the adjacent balcony on the west fagade, or the Pinos del Norte Association agrees to use the proposed balcony railing detail on all future remodels. 4. Vail Mountain Lodge - Final review of proposed re-roof- George 352 East Meadow Drive/Tract B, Block 5, Vail Village 1'' Filing. Applicant: Ron Byrne TABLED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 5, 2OO1 5. Edelweiss Condos - Final review of proposed re-roof. Bill 103 Willow Place/Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Village 1"r Filing Applicant: Edelweiss Condo. Assoc., represented by Rick Halterman MOTION: Andy Blumetti SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 4-1(Pierce opposed) CONSENT APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That the proposed metal roof material have a thicker relief than the submitted sample. 2. That the metal roof be Fluoroceram Premium Coil Coating #815T1 18, Midnight Bronze/New Dark Bronze. 6. Summers Lodge Condos - Final review of a proposed re-roof. Bill 123 Willow Place/Lot 5, Block 6, Vail Village 1"' Filing. Applicant: Summers Lodge Condo. Assoc., represented by Rick Halterman WITHDRAWN 7. Meir residence - Final review of a proposed repaint. Bill 4267 Nugget Lane/Lot 9, Bighom Estates. Applicant: Dennis & Linda Meir, represented by Duane Piper MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-2 (Clark & Andy opposed) DENIED 8. West Vail Mall - Final review of exterior modifications. Brent 2171 N. Frontage Road/Lot 2, Vail das Schone Filing 3. Applicant: Gart Properties, represented by Victor Mark Donaldson Architect. MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 TABLED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 5, 2OO1 9. lron Hawk Properties, LLC. - Conceptual review of a new single-family Bill residence and Type 1 employee housing unit 1125 Hornsilver Circle / Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 8rh Filing Applicant: lron Hawk Properties, LLC, Represented by Kyle Webb, Architect CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 10. Ford Park - Conceptual review of proposed children's and schoolhouse Ann gardens, schoolhouse improvements, and an information kiosk. 540 Vail Valley Drive/Part of Tract A, Vail Village 7tn Filing. Applicant: Vail Alpine Garden Foundation, represented by EDAW CONCEPTUAL. NO VOTE 11. Booth Falls Townhomes - Rockfall berm. Russ 3094 Booth Falls/Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing. Applicant: BoothFallsTownhomeAssociation.. MOTION: Andy Blumetti SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED Staff Approvals Crow residence - Re-roof, same-for-same. .. Judy 1250 Ptarmigan road/Lot 3, Block 8, vail Village 7th Filing.Applicant: Harlan Crow Fabiano residence - Exterior deck addition and lower level window addition. Allison 283 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 40, Block 7, Vail Village l"rFiling.Applicant: Fabiano Family Trust Bighom Trailhead - Parking area expansion. Brent TOV right-of-way adjacent lo 4413 Columbine Drive. Applicant: Town of Vail Suarez residence - Change wood frame windows to aluminum clad windows. Allison 122 E. Meadow Drive/Village Center. Applicant: A.L. Suarez MGMT CO, Inc. Ellefson residence - Replacement of failed retaining walls. Ann 2607 Arosa Drive / Lot 12, Block E, Vail Das Schone Filing 1 (Arosa Townhouses). Applicant: Tashina Ellefson Barrett residence - Change to approved landscape plan. Allison 1397 Vail Valley Drive/Lots 6&7, Block 3, Vail Valley 1"'Filing. Applicant: Andy Henkes White residence - Convert 2 units into lwith complete remodel & fireplace conversion. Ann 103 Willow Place/Lot 4, Edelweiss Condos. Applicant: Gregg White Fenton residence - Window well addition/separation of windows. Bill 950 Potato Patch Drive/Potato Patch Club Condominiums. Applicant: Ron Kirkham Becker residence - Re-roof. Judy 5123 Black Bear Lane/Lot 10, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Marion Becker Uhley/Bigsby residence - 2 gable roof additions & re-roof. Allison 1 1 46 Sandstone Drive/Casolar Vail. Applicant: John David Uhley Sun Vail Condos - Door color change. Judy 625 N. Frontage Rd. WesULot 9, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Sun Vail Condo Association Walker residence - Replace deck and railings. Judy 2831 Kinnickinniek, A4lColumbine North. Applicant: Ed Walker West Vail Texaco - Satellite system. Brent 2313 N. Frontage Rd./Tract B, Vail das Schone Filing 1. Applicanl: S-M Petroleum Properties Inc. Sims Market - Relocate doors. Brent 3971 Bighom RoadlPitkin Creek Park. Applicant: Pitkin Creek Commercial LLC Gravity - Ressurface patio, concrete slab & railing. Bill 600 Lionshead Mall/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Lionshead l6tFiling. Applicant: Vail Corp Eagle Bahn Gondola - Install concrete footing foundation on south side of gondola. Brent 600 Lionshead Mall/Gondola Building. Applicant: Vail Corp Northwoods Condominium - Re-roof same for same. Judy 600 Vail Valley Drive, Building D/Northwoods Condominiums. Applicant: NorthwoodsCondominiumAssociation Stockton residence - Re-roof. Judy 2470 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 19, Block 2,Vail Village 13th Filing. Applicant: Tye & Brielle Stockton Sampson residence - Change to approved plan - re-paint. Judy 1824 Alra CirclelLot 36, VailVillage West Filing 1. Applicant: Peter & Lynda Sampson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request wilh 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. ):,28/ 2221, I'7:6,'hI2- 144 -Z?7.3 JANE R ELANCIT Fl.t ^!^^rt^^t^tt!,)f{/u{Dyt/Y ,rl^[ '{.u ! l { lvoi iJ;{ l c nn i I0tt't{ III U B U/ [A RTiiTONE S A?PUCATIOI{ FOR DESIOT iEYIEW APPROVAL GEIER^L rNFlg&AnON Thrc apflkrton b for any projEct requinng Dellgn Revlc* opprsrrl. Any pmjrct requrrtno dGrgn r€Md, must rucff PefBq Frt/bv appnwfl Dior to Eubmfttlnq for e burElng permlt. For DFdfrc infoqaUon, 36e the eumrEal rtqulrGmcnB for 0rr prrtcular sppruGl thrt I rcquertrd, The Epghqadon anirqt ba rcpt€d unttt sll tE rcqulred Inffittion F submlttEd. Tie prqict nty rlro nald to br rcvlewed Dy rhe Town Cwndl and/or t[e Pbnnlne a0d Envlrcntnentcl Commbrion. Drlgn Rrrtrw loard lFFrlr4l oxplr.l ono y.rr rttor ftnrl rpp.wrl untr.I llldlro ptmn lr burd rnd cllrrtr$ctbn L.brtd. DESCRISfIOIII OF ltIE REQU E. LOCATION OF PROFOSAL; LOT:_ 8L0CK:_ FIUNGT PT'Y$CAL ADDRESS: ;lncEl rt (Clnttct Frgla Co, fuscsorE qI(t rt 970'328-8640 for ptrctl t)C. n 6. zo{lflG: F. G. riAt',rE 0F MAIL$IG AOORE9S: oinrR(t) flotrAruil(l); MMFoF APPIJC,{{|:- 4)Eallo 1Z-t:tzuerN . T.*<-u---,, ..- .,, lzr-)r>t WPE OF RB'IEW AI{D FEE:D iilC*lrfudon - tl00 o A{ctbn - lfo :K. Hlnor lltrntSn - lfO Comtrucpnof rnqylbuitding, f"x - 0Vf - 11.>?hduder rny rddlilon wherc lqulre fpotaEe F 066e0 to tny n3ldential or commc|tl!l brrrlding. lncludcr mrnor cnang€r to bulldlng6 and shc rmProwmcnE, rucl'l as, rcdlm, plrnDng, windoty .ddlmns, lsndrElplng, fErrc!6 lnd rotrinrng lrllE, etc, DRB fe€ are h be prld at the thE of ebrfln!|. lj0er, w}En anplyrng for a building parmlt' pFce klerdly the rccurEte tolua&n ol thc prajest The Town d VEil ,r{il aqufi fit fre eccordrng t! thc prsiefi toluatjon. flrlrl tulr|T lllll Affllc rtoil, Atr tvrHITTAl nrQulffHEx?|t AXO n{t FEt rO T}fi Ofttntttllr oF coiriluilrTv DE\tltof}frftT,tt touTt{ frorr^ct BloAD, vAllr corcn Do t1557. MARz | 2001 Pl-pfrtE RECEIVED LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS COLOR:* Grre-t; (ro,.,t>( 5I"k, Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Sol'i'its Windows Window Trirn . Doors Dobr Trini Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashirrgs Chiruncys Trash Enclosurcs Grecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting*+ Other + Plea-sc specify the nlanufacturer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip ++AllcxtcriorlightingmustmeettheTown'sLightingOrdinancel8.54.050(J). Ifexteritirlightingisproposed, plcase indicate thc nutnbcr of fixturcs and locations on a seDaratc lighting plin- Identiff each fiitue type and provide thc height above grade, luntcns output, lunrinous arca. and attach a cut shect of thc lighting fixtures. lcu.) )e PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Nanrc Conrrrron Namc Ouantity Sizc. PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: ' *Minintum rcquircmcnts for landscaping: dcciduous trecs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight ' shnrbs -5gallons TYP9 Sqlrarc Footagc CROUND COVER SOD SEED , IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waiis, fenccs, swimuring pools, etc.) Pleasc specify. Indicate top and bottom clevations of rctainin.u walls. Marinlrm hcight of watls within the front setback ic 1 feet. Ma.xirnum heisht of rvalls clscrvhcrc on the propcrty is b tbct. s 't' Uirdatcd 6/97 It*tt't|t riirtr+|lrt*tf rt**t{r*t*tti't+*t*****tt***t{*rt**t******tt*+lr'ttrti'tt'lt***'}***f tf +f ti*lt*t*tttl+t}t'f '|**'t** TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statement rFrf l.''+tti't+tlt rt****ri*ti******tt***t'i+*rt**'tt***+***f **+*ri***+'t't't{rt'tf ttt+ttt'tt*,ltlt*a*t*{t*f,*******+lt Statement lilumber: R000000525 Amount: S20.00 03/2L/200]-04:15 Pt't Payment Method: Check fnit: iIAR Notatton: L9124 Pef,mit No: DRB010o51 type: DRB - Minor Alteration Parcel No: 210108215020 Site Addreea: 103 gIiljoll PL VAIIJ Location: Total PeeE: S20.00 fhis Fayment: $20.00 Total AI,f, PmtE: 820-00 Balance: $0.00 *rtt*rrt**t***rt******{('i+****{.**'}r}***rt+t't'tt't'r**'t+*++*{'*+,1 ***'}!t**t't'f tt+'}***'f***ri*tl.*+*'}'t{t'f't***t** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curent Bds 0R 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIET^I FEES 20.00 {r+*ll +*'trt++'tt t'r+*irtti*'t*|lt't***t*ft't*'f*i+{r*,lr*ir*+*+f+ff***f****tf'l*'ttftif****+'i|t+tt**+*'l***+f*+ TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO strl€ooe[t *t*i* trt**f *rt*'ttrt***'itt**rtit{t****trt***ri*** * **** +***ttrt*{'i****'l,t*'}*tl*trtf 'l+tt*****l*'t'|l.**tt't'l *f + sEatemenE Number: R000000525 Amount I t2o'oo 03/2L/20oLO4:15 PH Payment Dlethod: Cheek Inlt : \IAR NoEation: 19724 Permit No: DRB01o051 \4re: DRB - ltinor Alteration Parcel No: 21010 8215020 Site AddreEE: 103 lfILLOtf PL vAIIr I'ocat ion: Total Feee: 920.00 TtliE Payment: $20.00 total AIrt Pmts: 920'00 Balance: $0.00 ****'itri+**'l**r'***rt****ttf *rt**f**+'r't******rt'r+!tr!f **'i*+*t**'lt**'i*'t'l'f{'+***tf ******+****ttt+'lt**+{rf i ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVISI^J FEES 20 .00 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT T5S.FRONTAGEROAD \r,\\,.,. vArL, co 81657 \'970-479-2t38 1 .., ,.. . \ -t \ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES \-" -.- - - \. t- ! r-1\r r-' t' '-' \ ' I ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: 80l-0256 E \; \'-i- *-'':' '' Job Address: 103 WILLOW PL VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: 103 WILLON PLACE "COMMON AREA" Applied. . : 0812812001 ParcelNo....: 210108215001 Issued...: 09105/2001 P Expircs . . .: 03104/2002 II'YO9/2e/2O0L Phone:OWNER KERNS, RITA J. TRUSTEE 990 N I,AKE SHORE DR APT 12C CHICAGO IL 60611 License: APPLICANT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION 08/28/2007 Phone: 970-945-r-001 P.O. BOX 3419 VAII-,, CO CEIJL# 471-4888 81658 License: corflIRAcToR NEDBO CONSTRUCTTON 08/28/2O0L Phone: P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL, CO cEr,L# 471-4888 81658 Licenge: 251-A Desciption: REMODEL COMMON HALLWAYS ADDING SPRINKLER SYSTEM GAS LINES AND NEW LIGHTING AND E)OT DOORS Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Construction: II FR Type II Fire Resistive Type Occupanry: ?? Valuation: $216.000.00 Fireplac€ lnformElion: Restricied: Building-> 51, 204 . 00 Restuarara Plan Roview-> Add Sq Ft: 0 # of Gar lags: 0 fl of Wood Pellet: 0 90. o0 Total Calculaled l"ees-, S2,189.60 so. o0 S0.00 Total Pemit Fe€-----> 52,189.60 S0.00 Pa),n€nls-> 52,189.60 # ofGas Applionces: 0 FEE SUMMARY Plan Check-> S?82 . 60 DRB f e€----> S2oo . 00 AdditionBl Fees-> lnv€stigstion-> will call-> S0.00 Recreation Fee-> S3 . 00 Clean-up DePcit-> 't oTAL FEES-----> 52 . 18e .50 tsALANCE DtrE-J s0.00 Approvals:IEem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEbIT o9/o4/2O0L JRM Action: AP It.em: 05400 PL,ANNING DEPARTMNI It,em: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS See pap 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information rcquircd, completed an accwatJe plot plag and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinanccs of the Town applicable thereto. REQIIESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS Scnd Clcrn-up Depocll To; N/A 4T-479-2138 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. F-OR HIMSELF AND OWNE PAGE 2 **** *** +**f ** ** +* * ** {' +** * *+ *l **** ** | t'r * * * +**** +'l* ** +*** *t** * **r 't** * +t ** * + rt* + * +** 't * * ** * *t+*!t'} *f + t * f, * * *'i'r* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 80l-0256 as of 09-05-2001 Status: ISSUED It*+**t*+******!t**t**'l*+**t'l++****'*'l**+**'l*+**l*t'*'i*******f+*+*t*{!'t'l*ll***+****+'t{!****'}***'t ***+*****+***+ Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 08/2812001 Applicant NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Issued: 0910512001 970-845-1001 To Expire: 03tO412002 Job Address: 103 WILLOW PL VAIL Location: 103 WILLON PLACE "COMMON AREA" ParcelNo: 210108215001 Description : REMODEL COMMON HALLWAYS ADDING SPRINKLER SYSTEM GAS LINES ANDNEW LIGHTINC AND EXIT DOORS Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLnRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLI,ANCE. 6 31$q @ APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U Building Permit #: ll 97 O-47 I -2L49 (Inspections) General Contractor: -aa1'-1 7ftJc-:7/ct<-l Town of Vail Reg. No.: E glf,-/aot - /?/-IS*t mwvuFYtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Separate P R INFO MPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (LaboT & MateTials BUTLDTNG: * I fttt.C1(',AO ELECTRICAL: S )L.t!;C. C,;-'ontR:-$j1pvila - |C,OAC PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL:TOTAL:$ a lr tr.r a For Parcel # Contact Assessorc Office at c7O-328-864O or visit www. Parcel # 2/o /o F-R ^Soo t-A'. (application will not be actiepted without parcel number) too*u *Eao-ta)E/f,J (gatao AdJo , Job Address: /OJ tutcc'o'4 Pz'-aq' 1r'4/( . (" 8/e J'7 Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Et€ott er ts C*-'-z*t owners Namei G^t^ trsJ<l .Address:76y cuicLai,i ltacc , UAi Phone: qrg-? 2i/ Arch itecfl Des i g nT aae r- oEczr*tc oltL?' z: r llua-t */z )r, fl ehone: Qv?-zasF Engineer: AJ /h Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: "'tc- 97472, 'r7gttz v E4-tp-rn 6AJ A.,tttt-s nna nlzqJ t tcr,-'r7r.-n'c- t /?xrv- AL-r-zJ WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (l Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: InteriorlQ Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multrfamily ( ) Commercial\] Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: /A No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noflype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( No/TyDe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas AoDliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (! No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No{<-) **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY********,t***rr**Jr**)t****tr*******t<****** OccuDancv GrouD: Date Receaved: F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm i,i{1]. Questions? Callthe Buildinq Team at 479-2325 \( J v Y -l U p Ll Ll i:l J J a J f J Buildino Permit Submittal Checklist Department of Com munity Development Project Name: E./r'<otrltsJ Project Address: l(E .Lr /aco'4 //<,'lcL acceDted. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval atlached iF project rs a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable ( refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,parkino or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without wriften aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurnng Archrtect stamp and signature (AIl Commercral and Multi famrly) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design crrteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to fooiing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: /.../ F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTTONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'': YES NO\ o Is this a new residence? Does demolition work being public property? performed YES No x= Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES NOX Tr,r,ij5f.f the Risht-of-way, easements or YES Is any drainage work peing done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES__- - trto__-f- Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required?YES NOX Is the Right-of-Way, gasements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES- NO X If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? YE5 NO -l-. If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESNONS. l/EOBu (o--E;2.,.t-r.^t Company Name Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? Job or Project Name: Date Signed: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm4 /iTtiLat,z r.u atu -L/Dct r PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Pcrmits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Apolication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. i Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. i A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being peformed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed, Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. i As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notifled, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Buildino Permit". .- NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. and understand the above.read a 1,"t/t'-vlat ' Dat6 Signed sig F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed toby: ,Fo.ua kf,Btau Proiect Name: F : everyone/forms/bldperm3 APPLICATION FOH TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 _- [ [-']TII T.IIT 1.Job Name Street Addresg n [' ] - --1 (tfunknowncatl LJ L_,r L_-i : J 479-2138 ext.o) Excavatlng Contraclor Name Maillng Address IOV contractor's License Number REQUIFEO () zlp City Phone # Start Oate Work is for (circto one; Water Other Completion Date Sewer Gas Electric (Permit Expiration Oale) Telephone CATV Landscaping Temp. Site Access Trench-width (min.4') Bond Amount $ 6. ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STARTED. Bubber out-riggers are required on Asghalt surfaces underneath the A sionature below indicates a signatures are obtained, permitte€ necessary Town of Vail signatures. BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt. at all times. utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company appllcation through the Public Works office to obtain the up to one week to process. Depih Total SF $ Totat LF $ Permit Fee Total Permit Fee $ Public Seryice Natural Gas Group ('l-800-922-19871 Public Service Company (1 U.S. West (1 -800-922-1987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-476-7480, ext. 114) Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800-922-1987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town ot Vail lnigation (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Public Works Construction lnspector (970-479'2198) L THERE W|LL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A constfuction trattic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. 10. All excavation must be done by hand within 18'of utilities * (Senate Bill 172)' 1i . pennittee must contect Publlc _Works D6partm6nt at 479-2198 24 hours pr!'f to colrimencingot work. Failure to notity the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town chargirig the contractor a reinspection fee. 12. I cerlity that I have read all chapters of Title 8 - Public Ways and Property, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTTON TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. White ' Public Wotks Yellow - Contractor DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and chcck olTeach of the items below: a The Town of Vail Building Depaftment has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or Dermanent culverts at access ooints from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Depaftment for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2798 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culveft installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Ceftificate of Occuoancv issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: Fr :t.z<-lz-rs ) (a.u,'ar:) F :/everyone/forms/bldperm6 Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED Unlawful deposits: Subject to suosection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dift, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as Drovided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-34-L AND 7-3A.3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) g l) Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Afticle, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) .t') I have read and will cornply with the above code provisions: _-6aCt Z _Aj ZtlLt tltr-L -e=.,- a/+ , / _!!,,' Punt Mme Position or Rcf ationship to Project: Q. t< <-<, (- v -;--t4< ^/ / Datc Signed: Y>/ ey/o r F :/cvcryonc/forms/bldpemrT Department of Public 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 58 Fax: 970-479-21 66 www.ci.vail.co.us Works & Transportation Vail2001 Staging / Parking PIan Information The Staeine / Parkine Plan Philosonhv- [s a very important step in the building process. Striking a balance between safe public access and giving constuction projects room to build is becoming increasingly challenging, for us to meet all the needs of those who will be impacted by construction projects. The fact is, there is less room to build in the Town of Vail. Developing a creative Staging Plan is a must. Staging in the Town of Vail Public fught of Way is a Privilege, not a given right. We take into account when we review and approve staging i parking plans, impacts on neighborhoods, tourism, business and the traveling public along with your right to build. The General Contractor is resDonsible for all subciontactors anil all construction activitv relatins to the buildine oroiect. The staging plan will be enforced according to the Approved Set of Building and Staging Plans. You are required to keep a copy of the Approved Staging Plan on site. Two staging /parking plans are required, a surnmer and winter. Summer staging plans expire on November 1, and winter staging plans expire on April 15, (Note: There is no on street parkins in the winter season and all materials. equipment. etc must be l0'offthe edse ofasphalt). Enforcement of all staging / pmking plan is as follows. A) Staging I Parking Plans to scale required. B) Once the plan is approved, they will be held to complete compliance. C) We will use a 3 step and you're out, process. Step Ong- Verbal and written wamings as to the staging plan violation, then have contractor sign and date field memo wanring. Step Two- Police Department issue tickets and tows or pubiic works writes second rvritten waming to all vioiators who have been notified under step one and who are still in violation of the approved Staging / Parking Plan. The Town of Vail Chief Building Official wiil call the contractor and notiff them, the next time any violation happens, the building department will red tag the constmction site for 48 hows. Sten Three- If stiil in violation after step two, a 48 hour Red Tag will be issued to the project site. If you have any Questions, Please contact the Town of Vail Construction Inspector at 970-479-2198 {jun"rwr * A & B ASBESTOS ABATEMENT, INC. 635 WEST WHITE AVENUE GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81505 1-800-748-1204 INSPECTION REPORT PREPARED FOR: REPORT PREPARED BY: JOHN R. PETERMAN BUILDINC INSPECTOR CERTIFICATE NO: 5261 90 I 92 LOCATION: EIDELWISS CONDO IO3 WILLOW PLACE HALLWAYS VAIL. COLORADO 81657 INTRODUCTION: On Fcbruary 21,2001, an inspectiott/survey was conducted and 8 bulk samples were collected fronr the hallways of EIDELWISS CONDO I03 WILLOW PLACE HALLWAYS VAIL, COLORADO 8I657 The Purposc ofthe inspection/survey was to locate and sample suspected asbestos containing materials that ntigltt be present in thc entry lobby that arc planned for renovation. At the rcquest o f the client only the areas to be renovated are included in this survey. The inspection was made and the samples werc collected by John R. Peterman, an A.H.E.R.A. and State of Colorado certified Building Inspector. Grcat care was taken during the inspection and sampling to be as accurate as possible. It should be noted that minimal damage was done to the existing building structures during the inspection so there is no documentation for unsccn conditions or stored items. At the request ofthe client this repo( only covers the renovation arca. All samples were analyzed by DCM Science Lab in Lakcwood, Colorado. This laboratory i "Proficient" in the E.P.A. Quality Assurancc (QA) program for the determination of materials, and is accredited by the American Hygiene Association (AIHA). SAMPLING PROTOCOL: A random sampling scheme was uscd to sample the suspect If during any and would be future demolition or renovation work suspect material is di disturbed. work should bc halted until the material has been RENOVATION AREA DESCRIPI'IONS: The Eidelwiss condo is a four-story building that contains several The interior walls are covered with sheetrock with a trowled texture. The ceilings are sheetrock with a sprayed on texturc on the 4'h floor, the remaining three floors havc a trowled texture likc thc walls. The floors are covcred with carpet. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Laboratory analysis of the bulk samples indicate that asbestos was detectcd in all of the bulk samples. The spray on texture contains asbestos that is in excess ofthe regulatory limit (greater than l%). The remaining compositc sheetrock samples show that asbestos was dctected in the sheetrock mud. The percentagc of asbcstos was verified by the required point count analysis. The point count analysis indicatc an asbestos content of .757o to Z.Qo/o. As the walls are textured with shcetrock mud it must be assumed that the texturc contains asbestos in exoess ofthe regulatory limit (grcater than l%). There is the possibility that the texture mud could be differcnt than the taping ntud. To determine if the texturc is not asbestos containing additional samples could be collected of the texture only from arcas that do not have taping mud on them. At this point the spray on texture and trowled on texture arc considered asbestos containing and would nccd to be removcd as per Colorado Regulation #8 prior to disturbance of this material. SAMPLE# E103-B-001 E 103-B-002 E103-B-003 E103-B-004 E103-B-005 E103-8-006 E103-8-007 E103-8-008 DESCRIPTION Spray on texture Spray on texture Spray on texture FRIABLE YES/NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SAMPLE LOCATION AREA SAMPLED FROM 4th floor hallway ceiling east end 4th floor hallway ceiling by elevator 4th floor hallway ceiling by west end 3rd floor wall east end 2nd floor wall east end 4th floor hallway east end wall 2nd floor hallway ceiling west end 1st floor hallway by elevator wall Composite sheetrock SAMPLE # E103-B-001 E103-B-002 E103-B-003 E103-8-004 E103-B-005 E103-8-006 E103-B-007 E103-8-008 ASBESTOS TYPE CHRY CHRY CHRY CHRY CHRY point count point count SAMPLE RESULTS COLLECTION DATE :2/27101 DESCRIPTION Spray on texture Spray on texture Spray on texture Composite sheetrock w/troweled texture Composite sheetrock dtroweled texture Composite sheetrock Mtexture Composite sheetrock w/texture Composite sheetrock Mtexture % 4.8 4.7 5.7 KEY: NAD - No Asbestos Detected CHRY - Chrysotile 0.0 .0 0. SUSPECT MATERIAL CONDITION TYPE OF SUSPECT OVERALL MATERIAL CONDITIONS DAMAGE SAMPLE # E103-8-001 E103-8-002 E103-B-003 E103-8-004 E103-B-005 E103-8-006 E103-8-007 E103-8-008 KEY: SUR - Surfacing TYPE OF % DAMAGE N/A N/A N/ N/ N/ GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR A A N/A IA POTENTIAL FOR DISTURBANCE SAMPLE # E103-B-001 E103-8-002 E103-8-003 E103-8-004 E103-8-005 E103-B-006 E103-B-007 E103-B-008 ACCESSIBTL|TY YES/NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES POTENTIAL CONTACT MOD MOD MOD HIGH HIGH INFLUENCE VlBRATION POTENTIAL LOCATED IN AIR PLENUM EROSION YES/NO LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO OW OW .lddci <dLiEi dFiocd ooiriF <€uo <laUa d- 5E EE ovi ci+ovi crcc qlft I.t 9t JJ FF u)a UU SSSS S*S.-- - o .r't \o -€ FrFoooa 1-<2>E>E i i -l "' -.1 -.t ra -.'I <z -.'l -.t -l ra -.1 = ;- a <71 1=< ^<< <^<,a Ez rt ErZ., erAs .d,rt iiz, =A a< =< e>E> =>ro> i.a>> =>6>*E 39 !9 1*aX 3Xd= SaXX SX;X E, FP PE HrtE EHti ?7?! PEFE ,6 ', ', ,re, >re, '6)' ,3-6, .iFi6i c; ciF 'i 6V)OO o9 <jdcici ss '.i 'r; l- F l* + I I I cid cvi F sss ssss s -i ri cri .o - J F AI J F I <!o <E <r! 4 d --YYY qJ tJ tl'| r.1 ,ia" iE-zE Fet JF a7 dt.i ao--F zQ .83 ft=?al -tI]z1 tiE Y1 ^u,i|! z F U J oqr 'F 6a =F oz dt4 .oP iA F), z F I.J at\ L Ll> EdH \27.- -.,18 7zr- Aaz -.I X !.r A< 9A sr'(,)- ==8d19 JJRETS .{6dId=< ZE.d '.)-:!S = do .. 2 --^ Y/ .:i F :-:!- =65H ' nEH9:E d is; ?. ie63Fg t 6=R qA aFF:61 2 6lf E Ov >i!=trX-l 3?; i; rRU6:E :,.,-u =9 z'|JrdJdQ ro -t-; ;< <qtr9aa z ;s5 {a o ri3 x F .1,)'e, i 6 >i3 r0 !u:ei E ,r(,) F 7 lrJ =f ? -:: =E 6; a?..<EZ ar>O 3rz 3*i <. a ert s!d <stO F z f,(J ooiidri ddF.i <drici ):- J F U -i o -'i <x<trE> =>E><cl:c r.r r,r 3 r,r t- t-, t- 3'A' ssss -,i \o .i '.: s ct lrl F t! = F F +E z) O!.l 17. -<. <a il a"r -r3={;7.=*e t'l zE FEP< E=E a1 tri. 6z zo I I r'l J\Ja rh=?Al 9,lt1 L l'i>EF zc, Fi E *d z F I LI a J ar. trd aA lrl z d I t!1 o4 l( El Ftr tl.- -t a9 C7i 2 d.6 \i-z Q tt1 2 ddH F >. 7. Aa7- --J X !.1 :<Ui na >- ==4dEi IIRPnS ;l..re=< Y-? r'l =*d q, ,...Ft ; !d ,.. ) Eza a EEegit d 35; ir 49"'EFi 3 !i: f;l iEEEE! ;8F; AX ia?dEe 6 E;E x E 9,7a a 8 ;i! . g I :''; td e I t '.1 ,< z t{o I z F z9 e= azU <taz a> O a"z @E-)?';6;?'{td <u(J F z I J U ease 3 or 3 DCM Science Laboratory, Inc, analyzes bulk asbestos samples following procedures developed by the Mccrone Research Institute and in compliance with guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA-600/R-93/1 16, July, 1993) Bulk samples are prepared for analysis using a 10X-80X stereo microscope in a hepa filter hood which provides a contamination-free environment. The sample is then analyzed by polarized light microscopy (PLM) at 100X. When the sample consists of more than one layer, each layer is prepared and analyzed separately. Fiber and matrix materials are identified by lhe characterization of optical properties including color and pleochrorism, form, cleavage, relief, birefringence, extinction, orienlation, twinning, interference figure and other distinguishing features Dispersion staining is also used to further aid in mineral identification. All percentages of asbestos, other fibers and non-fibrous are calculated from the values obtained from the stereo and PLM microscopes analysis. In-house a IST standards as well as a chart prepared by R.D. Terry and G.V. Chilinger for "The Journal of Sed etrology", (Volume 24, pp. 229-234, 'l955) provide a guide for estimatrng percentages. All sampl for six months unless other arrangements are made by the client. ACCREDITATION: DCMSL is accredited by the AIHA (since 1986). Our DCMSL is accredited by NVLAP (since April 1, 1989). Our NVLAP Lab Code is 1012 DCM Science Laboratory, Inc. 12421 W.49th Avenue, Unit #6 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 DcM Projecl No.: Client Job No.: Bulk Sample Analysis BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROCEDURES: AB 2104 103 WILLOW PLACE cl by NVLAP or any agency of This test report relates only to the items tested. This report may not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory. The analysis was performed by : Ron Schott LaboratorV Director ENDORSEMENT: The results of this analysis must not be used by the the U.S. Government. Ron Schott Robert Wagner, Analyst 3 .r ol Edelweiss Condominium Association 103 Willow Place e Vail, Colorado E1657 4 August 27, 2001 Department of Community Development, The Edelweiss Condominium Association has contracted with Nedbo construction for the renovation of the buildinE halls and elevator. This is an Association project. May this serve as a letter of approval. Please call if you have any questlons. Rick Haltermann Managing Agent Managing Agent: Burke Management !0?orks, Ltd. (970) 926.2877 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. PCrMit #: DOI-0039 Job Address: 103 WILLOW PL VAIL Location.......: 103 WILLON PLACE "COMMON AREA' Valuation: $3,500.00 Fireplace Information: R€stricted S85.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Ss5 .25 DRB Fee---------- - $0.00 RecrestionFee-------: 53.00 Clean-upDeposit---->' Add Sq Ft: 0 # of Gas l,ogs: 0 4 of Wood Pellet: 0 S0. O0 Total Calculated F€es-> 5153 .25 52 O . oO Addirional Fees----'ss5.00 SO. O0 Totel Permit Fec----->. 9218.25 S0.00 Palments-----------> 9216.25 so.0o (, dfu-^u; s5 U'rr*-"^- aA/'tzt FEE STIMMARY TOTAL FEES-._> 3153 . 2 s BALANCE Dt rE__---> # ofGas Appliances: 0 Building-> Plan Check-> lnvesti galiofl-> Will Call--> Parcel No....: 210 I ProjectNo.: ?'l -OV}+ OWNER KERNS, I-,EONARD R., iIR FAI,IILY09/10/2001 Phone: KERNS, RITA iT. TRUSTEE 990 N T,AKE SHORE DR APT 12C CHICAGO IL 6061-1 License: COMTRACTOR ROCIff MOIIMIAIN ABATEMNT, INO9/10/2001 Phone : 3O3-932-L767 4579 SOUTH QUAII-, STREET LITTLETON, CO 80127 License: L94-S APPIJICAI\]:T ROCKY MOIJNTAIN ABATEMNT, INO9/10/2OO]- Phone : 303-932-L761 4579 SOUTH QUArr., STREET LITTI.ETON, CO 80L27 License: L94-S Desciption: removal of accoustical ceiling material in thc 4th floor Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 0911012001 Issucd...: 10/0212001 Expires...: 03/31/2002 Approvals:It€rm: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/L0/2O01 df Act.ion: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMNI 09/26/200L rnvaughan Action: AP Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS See pa$e 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full thc information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the inforrration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desip revierr approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQI.JF,STS FOR INSPBCTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI.IR HOURS IN ADV AT 479-213t OR AT OUR OFF|CE IROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Send Clcor-rp llcpodt To: n/a OR CONTRACTORFORHMSELF AND OWNE PAGE 2 ** +***+* t! * + + * * * + * ** * * ** * * *'* ******+***{' * * *********** ********+* *************** ***** ***** * ***** * *********** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: D0l-0039 as of 10-02-2001 Status: ISSUED +** * * 'i * * + *'*:* * + * * '|! * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * ******** ************** ****** **+***+ * ************ * +**+***+*** * **** ** * * Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applied: 09110/2001 Applicant: RocKY MOUNTAIN ABATEMENT,INC Issued: I0/02t2001 303-932-1767 To Expire: 0313112002 Job Address: 103 WILLOW PL VAIL Location: 103 WILLON PLACE'COMMON AREA' ParcelNo: 210108215001 Description: removal of accoustical ceiline material in the 4th lloor Conditions: Cond: 38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY FLJRTHER WORK OCCURING ON THIS SITE. IF FURTHER QUESTIONS ARISE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ART REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ROCI(Y ABATE}IENT I.INT 303 972 2lJ07 09-0?-01 15: 15 P.OZ ^SPUCATTO'I WILL IIOT BE ACCEPTED IF IIICOiIPI TE OR U Projd t: Buildlng Psrmlt *L--- lrlatto8 Pcrnrit #: rovuw, 75 S. Amount of Asbestgs: fcr temporary dlsobling of the -sptems-wnn thc names and contact talner sroragc locaUon. load out arer locatlon. det lls of abotement sre8. end extthg plSns tor the occupants of lhe ln unsllbctcd arcas' Patcel # Squarc Fect; Repair () Dcmo( ) Otterl 1 Job name: EHr,r{ss ffirdrns GOTTRACTOR II'FORI'IATTO}I CO]TIPLETE VALUATIOT{ FOR ASBESTOS AEATEIIENT PER]IIT (LCbOT & MATETIAIS) RECEIVED It*ila..raa alrrr*ti ** SEP t] 7 lr'-i1 TOV-COM.DEV. .irr.rr..ua..trl.r*...r.**rlrrltr""tttFOR OFFICE USE OllLYr Pf 0c o 09-o?-01 15:16 P.O4 $ R F BOC(T }ilIT AEATEIIEM goa g?2 No| R s F \tl s s 1 g c' :\s ct nocxl lfNI AmTEI|DNT --. 303 glz Eo?0tt-w-ot 15315 P.og Rocky Mountrh Abrtanont'Inc. l. Tlp contractor will disable alarar ry$enr . Ncdbo construotbn 970-471'3519 TomHcndcrson 2. ThE fonh floor will bc umccrryM durirg oru 403 will Uuler rcnovation so we willha're arc decon 3. The asbcstos rurge wilt be takcn to thc hndfill in ars truct van at the coryknbn Of theProject. ROCI(Y IINI ABATEMENT 303 972 2907 og-o?-ol 15:16 R@Ifi }INT ABATEIfiNT 303 972 2907 4579 S. Quaif Slred, Ultldm CO W127 W3ts12-1767O {g972-2fi7F To Dorb Flolt* 09-07-01 15: 14 P. 01 Fttrm: Richrd Capra (s7or 179.2127 Pegc.3 ,(<. Ortc: Seilenter7,2ml n: D Urgp||t E For irvtcw tr Fl-r. Gornmmt tr Dlrt. Regly E Ple... Rcyclc a Gommlila ffiEtveo sEP 0 7 2001 TOV-COM.DEyj TOWN'OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2738 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTEDON IOBSITE AT ALLTIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Perrnit #: D01-0046 Job Address: 103 WILLOW PL VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: 103 WILLON PLACE ICOMMON AREA" Applied. . : O9/26/2N1 Parcel No....: 210108215001 lssued...: 11/27/2Wl Project No. : ?? prtJor - dnl Expires. . .: 11/27/2007 OWNER KERNS, LEONARD R., iIR FPNIILYO9/26/2OOI Phone: KERNS, RTTA iI . TRUSTEE 990 N I,AKE SHORE DR APT 1.2C EHICAGO II-, 60511 I-,icense; CONTRACTOR ROCKY MOUNTAIN ABATEMEbIT, IN09/26/2001 Phone : 307-932-L761 4579 SOIITH QUAIL STREET IJITTI-'ETON, CO s0L2'7 License:194-S APPLICANT ROCKY MOUNTAIN ABjATEMBIII, INO9/26/2001 Phone t 3O3-932-L767 4579 SOIITH QUAIL STREET LITTLETON, CO 90a27 License:194-S Desciption: REMODEL COMMON HALLWAYS ADDING SPRINKLER SYSTEM GAS LINES AND NEW LIGHTING AND EXIT DOORS Occupancy: Type Construction: TypeOccupancy: ?? Wood Pellet: # of Gas Logs: 0 # o[ So . oO Total Calculated Fees--> 5163 .25 Valuation: $3,500.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Building----> Plan Check-> Invegtlgation-> will cau-> Add Sq Ft: 0 # of Gas Appliances: 0 585. oo Restuarant Plan Review--> S5s.25 DRtsFee-:---------> So.oo RccreationFee-------------) S3. oo Clean-up Lt;rrsit-----> 52o. oo Additional Fecs----:--->s0.00 50 . oo Total l)ennit Fee.-----> 5163 .25 So - oo Payments------------------> 5163 .25 T()TAL FELS-------------> 5163.2s tsAl.ANCE DUE--------->s0.00 Approvals:IEdm: 05100 BUTLDING DEPARTMENT 09/27/20OL DF Action: AP ftem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTME\TT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09/26/200L rmraughan Action: AP *f +***l*'t****t|*f 't**{r** '}*f 't**f,+****f *****'}* *+*** {' t **{r*+**'tf + *'}*t*r}'}**'l*'}**'}*'t**'}'l'*+{.'l*** *j}* | * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statc,m€,nt *{r{r{r****'tf* 't **l'} *1.*****f* *'}'}+**1.*****+*'}r' * **{.,r ****{r* *'}**{r*'}'t*'lr***'}**** ***+** *'}**'}* *** * * +* * * Statement Number: R000001?83 Arnount: $163.25 LL/27/2OOIO9:21 All Payment Method: Check Init : JRIrI Notation: CK 21056 Permit No: Do1-0045 Type: DEf.{O. OF PART,/AITL BITDG. Parcel No: 210108215001 Site Addrege: 103 IIILIOI{ PL VAIIJ Location: 103 tf ILION PLACE ''COl.{llON AREA'I Total Feee: $153.25 Tlti6 payment: $163.25 Total ilIJIr PIntE: $163.25 Balance: S0.00 *****+ **'tt**{'**+'t**+******** t**'f*** ** **'}'} ****'} **'r * *t 't*{.*****t**r**'}'t*******{tt'**'l*{r +**'* * f {r'}* ** ACCOT'NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Prts BP OO1()OO()31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR O()1()()O()31T22OO DESIGN REVIEI^I FEES PF O()IOOO()31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES I,JC ()()1OO()()3II2SOO MLL CALL INSPECTION FEE 85. 00 20. 00 55. 25 3. 00 Item: ,05500, PIJBI-,IC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS IJOR INSPECTION SHALI, Bts MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV i BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:fi) AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Depoeit To: N/A TURE OF CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE PAGE 2 ********t*******!t**************************+******************************************!r***************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: D01{X6 as of t7-27-2ffi1 Status: ISSUED ************t#*****rl****n***********************************************************!r**********!r******* PermitType: DEMO.OFPART/ALLBLDG. Applied: W/26/ZOC| Applicant: ROCKY MOUNTAIN ABATEMENT,INC. Issued: t1/27/2O01. 303-932-'1767 To Expire: 11/21/2@7 Job Address: 103 WILLOW PL VAIL Location: 103 WILLON PLACE "COMMON AREA" ParcelNo: 210108215001 Description: REMODEL COMMON HALLWAYS ADDING SPRINKLER SYSTEM GAS LINES AND NEW LICHTING AND EXIT DOORS Conditions: Cond:38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER WORK OCCURING ON THIS SITE. tF FURTHER QUESTIONS ARISE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479.2250. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCAN BESTARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 89/24/280I r7i85 9629342 TVWNWvfiL t5 st FrontlgtC vall, @londo Bd. 01657 FFOFIfl ncGT-i 9, sctiet of. l99t Pomft Ef lrt garffltt..r5 .tar. - tt -yrill ilot be.ccGPEd wltltout tlro following: 1. co9lc5 d ceneat AbsEmenl ccttilacatc a-nd statc of coloredo-ce,{I1lT i: ;'6;;;;;lid;'ffi.d;;t5 w.dr rh. facrrrty op€r.tors for any remporary disrbring of rhc - .i, f.'Jtr'o .r.r-t.- #. ."ar*rer svsem, rni lierm sy*cms wlth the nam€s and contact llr rre-adttng Ey3tcns, lFe sprtnktcr 'ysem, lnd ohonc numbcc of $e$ inCivtdual3. sv$cms wlth the nam€s and contact phon€ l. itte pten wlth detalls .ddres5ltlg: wlste cotrtsrncr rtor|ge l€tt|()n' w$tr lold out tre. locetlon. cntry and crltlng detrilr of .batement aret' drtdlc of Gntry ird exntng gtons tor thc occupan6 of $e strrjcture ln unolltctcd arccs. atselrixrnt cot{TnlcTon rilFoRlrlrroil )ob Addr"sl lm uuo"r H..,, \hil--qQ ,ob dame:tlEn€tss Arnount of AsDasros: .; unear F€Gt:iluaartctr -4y.g-- islcal Dtums' 1 Work Ctsss: N€t^r ( )RcPrir( ) Dcmo( ) Other( ) E)(terror( ) Bo$( ) OoesaT,t€ Alatrn ExiSt: Ycs On Sitc ADccm€nt co}tpLETE VALuaTIot{ FOR ASBESTOS ABA'EI'IEI{T PER}llT (bbot & t',labrlals) AsHgs Abat€ment: t .riil....r-.r..t..rt..t"itltrlt"*..'i'FOR OFFICE USE OllLYrrrttrrtrt'l'l'-**-'t"attttttttr""tt 69/24/2661 17:05 9626942 , PAGE 83 Rocky Mountain Abatenrnt'ItP' l. Tlrc aornractor wilt distblc shtn systcm ' Ncdbo Constructbn 97O471-t519 TomHcndcrson 2. Tbforrh floor will bp umccupied during our rcnpvat tirrc rmits 401 & 403 *ill undcr rpnovatbn so wo will havc arc de-con srtd bag out in these units ' 3. Tbe asHos wastc will bc takco to thc bndfll in are tru/ck van at tlr completion Of thsProlrt. PAGE 84 N N \ N t\ N R. .l l (r n- -{{' $s .T 17: A5 962b942 b \ $e q- -s d 69/24t?gql a9/24/2861 I7tA5 9628942 To tf,l(.vru0Dn PAGE 81 457S S. Qutl Slrrd, Littldor CO 80i27 3qyn2-t757o ffiEn2-XfiF Fmrn: R|clnd0rpn kE (C/0)/[79{178 t i..a hr Ses.nber?t.,Ml r.r A$dlcRsrprd l03wiflofl PLVall.CO DUqel Alstl't|t Dtlercon:nt trtt st tav tlilc.r.EFlt o c6 ||.trtr Pm ca[ if rou turre any Srdfrre my cBfi Flwte nrjit$of ls 303{19.8&13 }rou ryl rwhfrEmd*ryumc. Rft$efilCaprl TOWN OF'VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No... : Project No : MECHANICAL PERMIT PL VAIL PLACE ''COMMON AREA" DEPARTMENT OF COMML'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES r03 wtLLow I03 WILLON 08215001 OWNER CONTRACTOR PHOET{IX FIRE PROTECTION 7]-1 IIARRISON, UNIT B LEADVIIJLE, CO 80461 License : 226 -Nl APPLICAMT PHONTX FIRE PROTECTION ?11 HARRISON. UNIT B LEADVILLE, CO 80451 License : 226-M Desciption: INSTALL GAS LINES TO ALL LTNITS Valuation: 57.044.52 Firenlace Infomation: Restrictcd: \' i/ ol'Gas r\pplianccs: 0 l- :'r44 1- xrnrts, LEoNARD R., .fR FAr4rLyLO/26/2OOt phone: '[ xenns, RrrA J. TRUSTEE -990 N I,AKE SHORE DR APT ]-2C CHICAGO IL 50511 License: Pennit #: Status...: Applied . : lssucd . : Expires . : APPROVED t0t2612001 1,O/26/200t Phone: 970-872-6L74.NEw # t0/26/2001 Phone; 97O-8?2-6174 NEw # // of (;a\ l,o8s: O lJ ol' Wood Pcll('l: 0 trtiE st rNlt\tAR\' ***** Mechanical--- I'lan Chcck-- lnvertigation- Will Call---- Total Calculated Fces-- r\ddilronal Fccs------ 'Iotal I'enrrit F'ee--------- Itavntents------------------- BALANCI- Dt rE--------- S150.0o RestuaraDt l)lan Rcvrew-- $40.00 DRIIFcc-------,------- s 0 . 0 0 'l-( )T.u. l,Fllls---.-..------- S3. oo s0 - oo 50 - oo s203-oo s203.00 s0.00 9203.00 92 03 _ O0 so. o0 It,em: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENT 10/26/200! DF Action: AP APPROVAL wAS DONE ON PERMTT # M01-0191 PERMIT WAS FOR 2 DIFFEREI\IT PARCEIJS Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEIIT Cond: (BI,DG. Cond: (BI,DG, 701- oF Cond: (BLDG. l_0 0F CONDITION OF APPROVAL ): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTAIVCE. 22 ): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701- OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION THE 1997 rMC. 23 ): INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTIIRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER TI{E 1997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. M0l -0221 Cond:25' (BL,DG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AND SHAIJIJ TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TIIE ]-997 UMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE ].997 TMC. Cond: 29 (BI-,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND S8C.1017 OF TI{E ]-997 T]MC AIID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BI-,DG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,B CONST. IINLESS LISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BI-,DG.): PERMIT,PLANS AIID CODE ANAI-,YSIS MUST BE TO AN TNSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BI-,DG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECIIANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING BOIIJERS SHAI.'L BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI.,OOR DRAIN PER sEcTroN L004.5 0F THE L997 rMC. POSTED IN MECHANICAI, ROOM PRIOR HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY sEc. 1022 0F THE 1997 rrMC, OR DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application. fillcd out in full the information required, complcted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agrcc to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structurc according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinanccs of the Town applicable thereto. REQIIESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL IJD M^DE TWF:,NTY-FOTTR TIOLIRS IN 2 ! 38 OR AT OLIR OrltlCE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SICNN OR CONTRACTOR FOR }IIMSELF'AND OWNE ** * * * * l.lt * * * * * * * * ****** *** ****'*** **t,t *********** ** ** *** ** **********+'t** * ****,t** ***** ******* ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 05-02-2002 attt:37:31 05t02t2002 Statement * * ** *** ****+ + +i.**t * **** ** * * *:t{r* ** *** *** *** **'t ***** *** * * *** ******* ** * ****** ******:t:t+:} *:}:} ** *,}* Statement Number; R000001524 Amount: $203.00 t0/26/200109:43 AM Pa)rment Method: Check Init; DF NoTatsion: CK ].008 PHOENIX FIRE PROTECTION Permit No: I4OL-022]- type: MECTIANICAL PERMfT Parcel No: 2101082L5001 SiTC AddrCSS: 103 WIIJLOW PIJ VAIIJ I.ocation: 103 WIIJIJON PI,ACE * COMMON AREA '' Thi.s Payment: $203.00 TotaL Fees: $203 .00 Total ALL Pmts: S203. O0 Balance: $0.00 ***** * * * * *** * * * ** * * +**** ** ** ** * * ** * ** * ** * ***** *** *******+****+** *'t't*:** * * **:t:r1.* ** ** ****** ** ++ ACCOTINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description MP OO1OOOO31113OO I4ECHANICAL PERM]T FEES 160,00 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 4O.OO hlc OO1O(]OO31128OO WILL CALL INSPICIION FtE 3.OO Current Pmts I t/l^.tBEImaM W Actlvlty: 8O1.0?€6 TyF6. A-COHM C onst TtiD€: unaFcv' Paicet: 21010821stXX --trase-Ts-._yat!-._cn,.Toy{H.oF _ {TwNof: KERNS. LEOMRD R,. JR FAMILY TRUST Ccnlrocior: NEOSS COt'lSTRUCTlOhl Foplkont TF|UCTI6N Phon€: 9?O^8,t+10O1 Qeccrlptlon; ililoN I"IALLWAYS ADDING SPRIM(LnR SYSTEIi| GAS LTNES A$lD NEW LIGHTI!"IG AND " f.lolics: ASBES]'O$ TETTER lN FILE - JfttONDR .COTNINSNT: ROUTED TO JRM ANE FIFE FORFE-dIE'fI' B.es! v HBoue$ted rlme: ol ioo PwI Fhone: 970.845'10(]1 €ntrta{tBy: trFLSREF H 't [\P lFiEcEflortfllE.gu A \ \ ,/ {nVY V tsLDc'-F(rrlnas/gt€€l BLDG.F,)urtdEtxwst€dr BLDGFrarnlng 1 1/'01 i01 - ln$p'6clor: BLDCr.lnsuHlon 11/0001 In$octor: cd.irlc Aclton' Pl PARTIALINSPEC'fPN {rmo,nts: p€rurl apprw€-l br p6rt 0{ 4th fioor cqlllrlg hreulotion_ - ,_Co mcnE: oorurl aDorwal ft 11/06/01 lneorclori JRM BLD(} Sh..toct ihll ll'oflOt ln3Dcclor JRt Actlon: PIPAFTIALINSPECTION Comrnontr: ALL EXCEPT FOFI 4TH FLOC,F 11-21".2001 7'09'arn Itfin: g0 frcm: 60 fbm: ?o BLOG.Mlsc.liilr: 90 BLDO'Rnol lbm: 530 BLDG-T6m9. eO lhm: !iil2 nnt-TEMP.'C/O tbm: 533 PIJN-TEMP.OO llsn: 537 PLAI.I"FHAL C/O n€m: 538 FIRE-FIML CiO llem: *i9 PW-FlMt C/O fiem: 540 BLDG-Finsl CiO llem: 2l Pl-Al+lLC FoundilionFhn Item: 22 Fllr$ltc Slts Pbn Wednesdry, friovember 2{. a09t JFIM t03 wtlLoyv PL vAtL 'C3 VSILLON PLACE "COtrIMON A}+EA" $ub Typ€. ACOM t f*a: lll l'HR StEfi.rsi ISSUED hlBF Arafi: .rRlvl ^./ I .- bd3 1 att' t( t2 ;.lfP P,h'rf F tlsrn: 10 ttE n' lC Itun: 3t) Actlon: AF Actlon AF APPROVED rfio I I REPTl31 Run Id: LOTL Ttr)3561- - Fleguested : Tueedat. Octotjef 23.2001 ' lm : JFtfl : t0&{ $UfiBURST DR rrAlL s6m€ aa aboye i:age l9 ArP_lP lnfor$cflon Actfv{ty: M01.O162 fypc: FttFcH SubTt/p€. ADUP Status: ISSUED Consl Typa: Occupaircy: tle: lnsp Aros: JRM Paidel: 2l0109i00(}26 OwNor: FIRMAN ROYAL III & STEPfIAME Appllcdnt: PERXINS MECHAT'fICAL Phono: 7t-s46+&125 Coribsdor: PERI(|NS MECI-IANE t,' Ptpna: 71Sl-48S842i Da3cflptJon: INSTALL BCILER EASTMEST SID€- OF L{LDG FOR SNOWM€LT IN DfiI,I.,EWAY NToIlce: PLEASE ADD A CO}COITIOH THAT THE BOILER MUST BE SCREENFD BY Sfr3NIFICANT IAI-IDSCAPhIO (PURSUANT TO TITLE 14. VAli. TOWN CODE)" I DAtfT l-t4\'E APPROVAL OR COND|TIONS ACCE3S TO MECHiNICAL FERMITIJ. ].!{{NKS, . BIII/IL:'I NoIIcg: FIOUTEC'TO JRM FOR FIEVIE$//APFROVAL - C,FLORES firu*Hlhspeqb('n(si item: 3gO MECH-Flnad R€fi |€dor: PFRKINS MFCFIANIC.AI t)odments: *t 376-4631 vi,c Seorr R€qucsterl Tfme: 08100 AM Ph4n€: 719'4{lF&i?5 Enfefed Ey: DFLAFES K AI2PROVED tor n€v drh/erwl, snowfiei bolhr on E. sH€ o{ dupl6x. 10 Fsl tesl hm: 33O MEclt-SuDDlv Ak llr,m: 340 MECI+MbC. " ADorov€o " 1C/01/01 InrFodor: JRM' A:llon: APAPPRoVED Commenb: DFIVEWAY STEW MELT AFPRO\IED 6(#It.m: S) MECH-Flnal 10/17/01 lmDealor: CDA\&S Actlon: DNDENEn Commerrtl: CLEAN UP RIGHT Ofr WAY AND RET.'O/E ALL EXTRA MATER[qL9 ALt IAI.IDGCAFI$IG htusT BE CO|UPLETED FER TCv DRB APPROVALS I|IAKE ALLWI}IDOWS IhIOPERAELF INWALLADJACENTTO BOIER. BOILER 1S 4' I-IORtrONTALLY FORHWNDoVUS HOWEVER CONVECTION ANDWINDS ARE PUSHNE FUreS TO TI.IE$E III,'INDOUVS REPT131 Run Id: 1016 ,* ,*, TO\^/N OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTME 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-213s o TMENT € Je lb'e-,ss CA '-o^tg,t(,fl--lU^J\VAIL FIRE DEPAR NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT Permit #: F01-0031 Job Address: 103 MLLOW PL VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 103 WILLON PLACE "COMMON AREA' Applied . . : 10/23/2007 Parcel No...: 210108215001 Issued. . : 72/17/2001 Project No : Expires . .: 06 /11 /2002 owNER KERNS, LBoNARD R., JR Fp,r4rr_,yLo/23/200L phone: KERNS, RITA iT. TRUSTEE 990 N I-,AKE SHORE DR APT 12C CHICAGO IL 6061-1 License; EONTRACTOR PHOENIX FIRE PROTECTION LO/23/20O1- PhONC: 970-A72-6174 NEW # 71]. }ARRISON, UNIT B LEADVIIJIJE , CO 4o461- License : 226-M APPLTCANT PHOENIX FIRE PROTECTION Io/23/20OL Phone: 970-872-61,74 NEw # 7l_1 IIARRISON, UNIT B IJEADVILIJE , CO 80451 License: 226-Vl Desciption: INSTALLATION OF FIRE SPRINKLERS SYSTEM white residencc Valuation: S45.000.00 FEE SUMMARY Mechanical---> 5900.00 RestuarantPlanl{eview-> Plan Chcck---> S225. OO DRB Fee-------------> Will Call--->Payments--------------> BAI,ANCE DUE---------> So. oo Total Calculated Fees---> 52, 028.00 so - oo Additional Fees-----> Investigation-> S9oo. oo lOTAL IiEES--------> 52, o2B - oo Total Permit Fce------> $2, 028.00 s0.00 $2,028.00 $0.00 s3.00 Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMEITT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1,L/ ol/2ooL mvaughan Action: AP Lt/ OL/TO|I mvaughan Action: COND revised calculations and drawings shall be submitted prior to a final inspection being conducted. These drawings shaf l- reflect changes as a result of field inspections. CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in futl the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR IIOTJRS IN FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. --1 VAI\CE BY TELEPIIONE AT 479-2135 -e SIGNATURE OF OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF L- +*** * **++*** * ******** * * ** +l**** * ** + *** * * ** *+** * * * *** * * ** * *** ******* ** * * * ** * ** ** * * * *'l** * ****+ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ++*** * ** * * ** +*'r* * * * *** * *** * * * * * * * *+* ***** ** * * * ** 'rt***** * * * * t+ * * 'l * * +*** ****{.+** * * **+ **** ** *** Statement Nrunber: R000001835 Amount: i2,O2g.OO L2/t7/20O1Og:12 AI,I Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #1163/Phoenix Fire protection Permit. No: F01-0031 Tn)e: SPRfNKLER PERMIT Parcel No: 210108215001 Site Address: 103 WIITIJOW PL VAIL Location: 103 WIITIJON PLACE ', COMMON AREA,' ToEal Feea: $2, 028 . 00 This Payment: S2,028.00 Total ALL pmt.a: $2,O28.OO Bal-ance; $0.00 +**t*** * * *1.*****+* ***** * *+*** **+***** * * ** ** * * * * * *** * * ** * +** *'r***** ** +** ** * ** + {. + ** * * **+****** ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curnent Pmts MP OO1OOOO311130O I'IECHANICAL PERI'4IT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES PN OO1OOOO3153OOO INVESTIGAT]ON FTE (BLDG) l^jc OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 900.00 225.00 900.00 3.00 TOVnI OF VAIL 75 S. FRONfAGE ROAD vArL, co 8l_657 970 -479 -2L38 APPLICAIV| COI TRACTOR OhINER PLT]MBING PERM]T ,Job Addres Locat,ion. .Parcel No. . : 2l0L-082-15-018 Project No.: FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICES 01-51 PONDEROSA DR, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICES 0151- PONDEROSA DR, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO EDELWEISS CONDOMINI]M ASSOCITATIO Permit #: P00-0046 St,atus. . Applied.Issued.. E>rpires . ISSUED 0s /24 /2000 o6 / o!/2000 LL/28 /200O Description: Install Backflow Prevention For SpValuat,ion:s 4,300.00 FEE SI,II,IMARY Reetuarant Plan Review--> .00 IOTAIJ FEES- -96.75 PafmenEs---- BAT,ANCE DUE---------- > .00 DEPE: BUILDING DiviSJ-ON:Plans to Charlie PENDING APPR FROM FIRE Dept: FIRE Diwision: N,/a Plans Routed to Fire Approval Cancelec Vb?ba] per Mccee 5/25/OO PluubinE-----> Plan Check- - - > Invest igation> will call----> 7S.oO 18.75 . oo 3.OO Tobal calculaE€d Fee6---> Additsional Fees----- ---> Tot.al Permit Fee- ---- ---> 96.15 .00 96.75 IEem:051-0 0s/24/2000 os /2s /2000 Ttem:0560 0s /.24 /.2000 0s/24/2000 05 /24'/2000 os /30 /2000 O BUILDING DEPARTMENT CIARLIE AcIion: NOTE KATHY AcLion: APPR O FIRE DEPARTMEI{T CIARLIE AcLion: APPR CIIARLIE AcLion: NOTE CHARLIE Action: CANC KATTTY AcLion: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAI 1-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO GIECK FOR CODE COMPLI.ANCE. DECf,ARATIONS I hereby acknolrlcdge that. I have read thj,s application, filled out in full th€ informat.ion requj.red, cotrrpleE€d an accurare lrLoc p1an, and 6cale that. aLl the idfornatsion provided a6 lequircd is correc!, I agree to colhpty with the inforfiation and plot plan, to comply wi.bh alL Town ordinanccs and statse laws, and Co build t'hie structure according Eo che Tosn'6 zoning and subdivision codee, deaign leview applovcd, Uniforft Building codc and ogher ordinances of tshe Tovn applicable t.hereEo. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE MADE TwElfIf - !'oUR HOITRS lN ADIIaNCE BY TBLEPHONE AT 4?9-213S OR AT OI,R OFFICE FRol.l g:0o -AJ'l 5:0o P L,rl-.t A*tc tc Vu( C'it L E+ DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Phone: 800-875-3105 815 0 r- Phone: 800-875-3L05 81_601_ AT 4?9-213S OR AT OI,R OFFICE FRol.l g:0o -AJ'l 5:0o SIGTRTURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR HTMSEI,F :t*+*irt*i!t***a*i|*i**a**!t*'li*****rltt*****t*'lr**i****t*tt*+*+*ti*** TOI{N OF VAUJ, COIPRADO , gtatemut *rl'lifi**i**ii***+****ti*'ti*t***+*t*tr**ilti**t*t*++i*i+rt****i**ttl* Statemnt Nurnber: REC-0635 Amount : PaFtr€nt Method! CK Notation: 5544 96 .7s 06/oL/ 00 14:28 Inlt: KF Pemit No: PO0-0O46 llpe: B- plltB pIIntBING PERUIT Parcel No: 2101- 082 -15 - O1S SiEe Add.ress: 1O3 lfllrl,oll PL Locatiorr: Bdelweise Condod Total Feee: 95.15 Total AIrL Pnts: Balance : Thie Payment *tit* t***'tatr t**t**t**tt* *'lt**i*****tlti a*t*rrr* I'l*tttti * f** tt*t** Accoult Code Deacription PP OO1OOOO31112OO PII'MBIIIG PBRIIIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHBEK FEES wc 00100003112800 wrlrll CALIJ ItIspEqpION FEE 96.75 95.75 .00 Anourt ?5.00 18.?5 3.00 ApplrcArroNOr "ot BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLE Cu u Project # Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 -2149 ( Inspections) TVWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81557 ContaLt Assessors Offrce at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit# is providedabove) a\O\c> B 3t So t g Job Name: Edelweiss Condominium Association Job Address: 103 Willow Place Vail, CO 81657 Lesal Description ll rot, ll erocr.: llritins,Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: ?)O g? S 3t oS Engineer:Address:Phone: 7?o J?? gzBL Detailed descriotion of work: Install Backflow Perventor On Auto Fire Sprinkler System WorkClass: New( ) Addition(X) Alterationft) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family gg ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase Ii device? Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING:$ 4300.00 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ************t(**********t'***************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*************+*ri*.rr******:f.************ Contact and Phone #'s: Walme Wagler - 970-928-9163 Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fe€S:AcceDted BY: Planner Siqn-off: Date Receivec F/everyone/forms/pl mbperm i,lAY 2 3 2000 -.'Lr i, r --.i.3'i:. l, l -; 1+5"', - .trl{'l ft.i'n-A I+V*J ftniivAufy HOW DID WE RATE WTTH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Departnent Russell Fonesl Director, (970)479-2139 Check allthat applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental_ Housing_ Admin Planning _DRB _ PEC 2. Was your inilial contacl wilh our stafi immediate_ dow _or no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait how long was il before you were helped? 4. Was your prolect reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bldg Permit_ N/A 6. Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you:54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efiectiveness of he Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are committed to improving our seMce- romf or varl 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 I\r\.re'ss * ;":r\Y ""DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE PosTED aoo/ar,t sFR BUrLD pERMrr ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES permit #: 898_0051 Status. . .Applied.. fssued. . .Expires. . TfiLr/{lornm. Dev. Clenn-up Deposit Refund apprrJved amount I SSUED 04/06/tsss 04/06/rese 70 /03 /7es8 APPLICANT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION coNrRAcroR i;B;orl}*i,iiia_IliL, co, cELL# 421_4888 ,,.uff"n": e?0_845_1001 owNER |;?;-iifr'f*i,"Iii", co, cELL# 421-4888 r,.u13""": ez0-845-1001 po Box ?1 _ sT Jur,reN,s AVE, sT PETER poRT cuERNsEy, CHANNEL.TsL Description: INTERIOR BATHROOM REMODEL Occupancy: R1 Type Construction: Val-uation: Multi-FarniIy Add Sq Fr:17r 000 Fireptace Information: Restricted: fof Gas Appl.iances: ({filfit a". Los ,'wr uas Log /pat Let: tr****ff*ff****** 507 .75 .00 ror^r 507.75 507 .75 sot.rs ;;ifi;;"";. -- PLL1l.r g F. g u F--_______ __;.00 ,r17tiifi;11o-iii]'sl,rc *0fiF$"": APPR N/A Dept: FrRE Division: acdion: AppR N/A Dept: PUB woRK Division: i xxxxrr-t**f,t*********H****r ppRovED oRfina: BUTLDTNG Division: /e Dept: PLANNTNG Division: See page 2 of this Document for any conditions th rat may apply to this permit.DECLARATIONS subdivision CE FRoH E:m A[ 5:@ ii*ltli.liT'"'fltiiit:i*xlitftt :l:3'd*T:^:&illso,:":"tt":i:' tn:nlr:"ir"rHr,;.;'u"sr..?r?l!rd * rccura,e pro,ij:tfi!"i;l;:{i:i"iiljl*i-*#ft.;:iflffil:iifiitiilTlil.i:Fi:itrH,*;,iirrir,]iifi$*r il:Ti:: il:r,::.::t'jr"iJr'":l*u,:j*:d#: ili#{;:#{iffll**lt_lrijtj:ft a:;*;ijF" REOUESTS FOR II{SPECTIONS SI{ALL BE ilADE TI,IENIY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY "..,,O']Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: NEDBO CONST ouren on coniie-ifri rrflselr No-6r,NER- *************************************::?:*?**************************.*******!r*** CONDITIONS Perrnit #: 898-0051 a6 of O4/07/gA Sratus---: ISSUED ************************!r******************************************************* pernir Type: lpp1+T sFR BUrLD PERMTT Applied__| o4/06/!ss8 Applicant--: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION fssued___, Oi'tO''ttggd 970-845-1001 To Expire z tO'/ol'/tSsa Job Address: 103 WILLOW pL Location---: 103 WILLOW PLACE Parcel No--: 2LOL-082-I5-014 Description: INTERIOR BATHROOM REMODEL * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOng * * * fr * * fr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * {. * * *:ri} 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC.3. VENTILATION REQ'D oo * * * * * * * * * d. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0385 Amount: 507.75 04/07/gB 09:19 Payment Method: CK Notation: #14039 lirit: JRM permit No: 898-0051 Type: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD pE Parcel No: 2101-082-15-014 Site Addrese: 103 WILLOW pL Location: 103 WILLOW PLACE Total Fees: 507.75 This Payment 50?.75 Total ALL pmts: 50j.75 Balance: .00 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !* * * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Account Code Description Amount BP OO1OOOO3I.111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 215.00 DR 00100003112200 DESTGN REVTEW FEES 50.00 pF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 139.?5 AD 00100002403100 CLEANUP DEPOSTTS 1oo.0o wc 00100003112800 wrLL CALL TNSPECTTON FEE 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE! THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: TIMES E9 8-0050 Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. APPLICANT DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC P O BOX 9?5, EDWARDS CONTRACTOR DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS OI{N8R CRISTALLE ENT LTD DRB tce .00 5.00 103 WILLOW PL 103 WILLOW PLACE 2101-082-1s-014 PRJ98-0037 co 81632 co 81632 Status. . .AppIied.. Issued... Expires. . I S SUED 04/06/Lee8 o4/06/reeE Lo /03 / reeE PO BOX 71 - ST JULTAN'S AVE, ST PETER PORT GUERNSEY, CHANNEL ISL Descriplion: ELECTRICAL FOR BATHROOM REMODEL Valuation:2,000. 00 **ffi*iir****ff****ff*****tt.tsl-ffi*trh'rtt*****tlt*ffi**tf,t** tEE SUlll{ARY ffi**'Hl*Jrffi****ff***ffiff**********#Jrt******** E tect ri ca [--->50.@ Totat catcutated Fees---> Additional. Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Phone: 3039263675 Phonet 3039263675 55.@ .00 53.00 Invest i gat ion> Ui Ll. cat L----> ToTAL FEES---> 53.00 Paynents------- BALANCE DUE-.-- *t**'(lr*i.t*Jr|tfiffi***ff**ffi*'t**tfft************************trf,H*kffi*******#ffitf,ffi*ffi*****ffiir************************ Itqm: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:04106/1998 JRM Action: APPR APPROVED JRM- IqeBi',gpqqo FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:04/06/1998 JW Action: APPR Nr/A #**trl********ffi*********t*******ff**l**ffi***r-*t**ffi*fr*H*ffiffi**ffi*****Jr***************************ff********* COND]TION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL_IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. ffi**f**tfr*r*Jrtff*ffi*ff**ff*t***ftt****t*ffitf,tl#t*****ffr***ff*f,rtr***ff*tiffi*ff*ffi******tri*******ff**************ff DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknowtedge that I have read-this apptication, fitl,cd out in ful,l, the information requi red, compteted an accurate ptot Pl'an, and st8te that att the infornation provided as requi red is corpect. I agree to compl.y !.ith thc iniormation and ptot pl,an,to -conPty Hith atl' Tovn ordinances -and state tEUs, and to buitd this structure according to the Toun's zoning and subdivision codes, design revien approvcd, Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Tovn appl,icabl,e thcreto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY O ***o **************************** TowN oF VAIL, COLORADO ********************************* Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0385 Amount,: s3.00 04/07/98 O9z2A Payment Method: CK Notation: #14039 Init: ,IRI,I Permit No: E98-0050 Type: B-ELEC Parcel No: 2101-082-15-014 Site Address: 103 WILLOW pL Location: 103 WILLOW PLACE 53 .00 53.00 .00 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Total Fees:53.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** This Palrment Account Code EP 00100003111400 wc 00100003112800 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WII,L CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 50.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JoBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLTIMBING PERMIT Permit #: P98-0025 Job Address: 103 WILLOW pL Location...: 103 WILLOW PLACE Parcel No.. : 2LOL-082-15-014 Project No. : PRJ98-0037 APPLICANT GUARANTEED PLTJMBING & HEATING P O BOX 2L56, VAIL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR GUARANTEED PLUMBING & HEATING P O BOX 2156, vArL CO 81658 OWNER CRISTALLE ENT LTD Status. . . AppIied.. fssued... Expires. . Phone: 845-6300 Phone: 845-6300 ISSUED 04 /06 /tee8 o4/06/tee8 L0 /03 / tess PO BOX 71 - ST JULTAN'S AVE, ST PETER PORT GUERNSEY, CHANNEL rSL Description: PLIIMBING FOR BATHROOM REMODEL Valuation:5, 000 . 00 *t***********t**ttffirkl****if,*'*t*****ftkl**tr*f,t.t*ffiffitH FEE SUt'tllARY fiffi**ffi*ffitffiff*t*****ffi******************t*f . P lumbing-----> Ptan Check---> Invest igati on> tli l. L CaL t---> 75.m 18.75 .m 3.00 Restuanant Ptan Revi eH--> TOTAL TEES----- .00 95.75 TotaI Cetculated Fees---> Additional. Fees---------> TotaI P.rnit Fee--------> Payments------- OFFICE FROI,I 96.75 .o0 96.75 96.75 accuFate pl,ot and ptot ptan, subdi vi si on !Hrt*****lt*rffir('t*****HlffiH****f,************ffi*****ffiRr***rkffi*****ffi-*-*trlflllll:;;-*;;;;i-**********iff*** ItErNi,O51QO-EIIILDING DEPARTMENT DEPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:g4/06/L9_9-q-JFor Aatio;it--ApFn eppRovEDJFfi--rtem:'05600_!'rRE DEPARTT-{ENT -Dept: FrRE Division:o4/o6/tseB Jwr Aciiont AppR N/A tri***ft**tftffi****f,tl-*****ftkffi*****ffi******ffi**Jrffilrrtffi***"f*ffi*t#*****ffiffi**tr**ff*******i****ffi************ CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Jr*ifrt******tt*t***t*****ff*t*t*ftfi*ttff*ffi***is*f,t*Hffi*tffi***i***f,ftt****ffffi****tr*Jrfffi*i*ffit********r*ff***ffi**ffi DECLARATIONS I_hrrcby _acknor,tedgr that I have read.this apptication, fiLted out in futl. thc information required, compteted an ptan, and statc that atl the infornati.on proi/ided as requircd is correct. I agree to compl,y riith tn" in?..*i1"" ::,::'Pll^:l:h_:.!!^I":l_:l9if",:::.?19:t?l:.taws,.and io buird this structurc-accordins io'the rovnis ionii! "no codes, design rcviev approved, uniforn guiLding Code and other ordinances of the ToHn appLicabte th6rato- REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE TIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOITE H IIISE LF OR CONTRACTOR oo ***#********************************L*******************L******* TO$IN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt NunJcer: REC-0385 Anount:96.7s 04/07/98 O9:22 INiT: JRM Payment Method: CK Notation: #14039 This Payment **************************************************************** Permit No: P98-0025 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-082-L5-014 Site Address: 103 WILLOW PL Location: 103 WILLOW PLACE Tota1 Fees: 96 .75 Total- AL,L Pmts: Balance: 96.75 96.75 .00 Account Code PP 00100003111200 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 Description PLT]MBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 7s. 00 18.75 3.00 APPLTCATION MUST BE FIL ************************ \/-Building IA]-Plumbing (...- rx ,iQon?:r c c Eegle Councy ac 970-3 $ffEL /r' LED OUT COMPLETELY OR .Ib. HflTIi'{IltffSFSCCEPTED 'r* PERMIT fNFORMATfON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * LegaI Description: Lot Block__ FiI ing_ suBDrvtsroN: oerners t'tu.", Cf ,' Architect:Address:Ph. General Description: work class: [ ]-New M'-arteration [ ]-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of DwelLing Units:rlfumb e r of Accornmodation Units: Eegle CounE, n""""rorofrr". TOWN OF VATL PERMIT APPL DATE:_ Job Name: '^\ -7rr ELEcTRIcAt z $ )OOO HECHANTcAL: $-:- --OTHER: $ Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plumbing Address: Contractor: Mechanical Contractor: Address: BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Connents: VALUATION FORMAI'ION *************************** -oo5l Town of VaiI Phone Number: TOTAL:+W, R 251-n O1 Town of Vail Phone Nunber: 15 l;:1."fi,1;:1, Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: ********************************FOR OFFfCE USE tr******* ***************rr** ***** BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN I}P DEP,OSIT REFT'ND lU. 75 south fronlage road vall, colora do 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2139 of tlce ol communlly devolopme l BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FMI,IE d all mul ti_family permits will maximum requirements. Resjdentjal esser amount of time. However, if pact the varjous above mentioned ry review, these projects may Every attempit wi'll be Tgge by th.is departnrent to expedite this permit.aS s.gon as possible. - l:-ll" unders'i gned, understand the plan check procedure and time Trame. Communi ty Development Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED need {or a "Public Way Permit": YES NO WORKS PERMIT' 1\ /l 4) A\ Job Name: Date: 't-3 - Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any ulility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed to site other than existing dnveway? ls any drainage work being done aflecting the'right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right CI Way Permit' roat riroA2 B) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permil" applications may be oblained at the Public Work's office or at C9m1u1ity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, lhe Town of Vail Conslruction Inspector, at 479-21fi, 6) ..-- a- and answered allthe have Contraclor's r I I I l-rl lLrl ,--\I ,€-Jl -l- l1 -1 I *l ,,t T --1 I --'1 I I --1 I I I I I I nt, L- loSef - ,-{\ -.-rs c,!.VI s \ fl D. ,.. {r ti't: l4lt" 6' s" 313 " c Edelweiss Condominium Assoc o iati on 103 Willow Place . Vail, Colorado 81657 April 1r 1998 Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Va11, CO 81657 To Whom It May Concern, IOV " C0iVjii/i, trLy thi,I The Edelweiss Condominium Association has reviewed the plans for the remodel of the east bathroom 1ocated in unit #306 and onned by Norman Hotbrotd. The Association has no problem with these plans. Feel free to call if you have any questions. ely r lA.g6w** Rick Haltermann Managing Agent Managing Agent: Burke Management Works, Ltd. (303) 926-2877 o 'Ii 33 d8 ot o o F oz oE d8 A |l E E A c o o o o 0 o o o G;o ':E E6 Hr EE OA n A Fl E E I E 6 g i F o F o E o r,t, =l.r,I q I l. €8 tA EE A co oo 6T oo o o o CI o c, E E E 0 6 l{c E ID E| c o o o g a d A I t a 6 E a a EI AFI EB EE d g li HH EB E9 B. a EE Ig o o E o E{ :{ EE A- E4 E 2 c| &H o x t' i.. t h.H E6 E8 A E T IT P gE B f;8 A i E o k '{!a D T{ E!o E E P E Cl ltr o E cl F o c rtE) ^Et Err ag aE'!ntt Ae.I. REPTI31 Run Id: 328 R.que 1lMggr,r""uary11,z001 : BLoG :CD : 103 Yl,ltLOW PL VAt 103 wttlow PtAcE A/Fi9 krfirrnrdb;r Re'ouestod lnspoctlonlsl ADUP Slatus: IS.SUED Insp A6"' "O Phonc: 97G84$10O1 Phonc: 97G84fF1001' REMODEL Time Exp: Roqjestod Ths: 01:00 PM ' Phorn: 97G84$1001 Entered By: LCAMPBELL -or- 9tt&5757 K (Optional) '* ApFroved -: CD Action: APPR APPROVED ATION PATCHES : CO Action: CO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY )OIiiMS . WILL ALLOW 5I8 GYP BOARD TO BE USED TO PATCH EXISTING )E!LING PE}IETRNTIOIIS 0qs - oozs \ (,'gqa' oofo Itrm: 90 BLDGFina!Item: 530 BLDGTemp. C,O Itcm: 5tl0 BLDGFinal C/O ,*r#"roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / O.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D D tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: O HEATING E ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr T] FINAL tr FINAL s.s (-\ t-.E c\i-.\\ tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: a -1 *-.-t\- i. I \ a-\ \'.--l- S h N \.... DATE INSPECTOR o z F =G, UJ o- !n tn uJ uJ t! = =E UJ o- \N\N ( z I I I 'l )' )l ^1'-',6 ir it tr 'l I I rl :,<tl6 tlh ';o ,lo :,2 rl6 l= u.t F o E I z = o =z o r! F o z o z J l (0 € o =z IIJ z =o ul F o z l!J ul o E r! rr.o ul E l F o E o .c g -o (! .9 o o o (! o)I'o o ct)c ! 5 E o =l E q, o 6 3 .q) o o) att o ! ,/6 o D o o c o) '= o N -o 'o F q) o CD .s o o o ()o o () o .9 c. = -o o o a;](o d:9 oti (t' '=Ou, g8E E:g EgF xo=d0r:c-o efs :gP € >= c9d EEE EEA ;Eo Ste g:E o_(! o- sEE (,)f o.E*: E;6 (E-'- EE E E;E _ae r-C 6 0'-r; o)P -.C g:; 36>o!!=c-=E;; Bte 9E ot !OED -oc rtr {/9 E =ltl c z 6 J 5 @ Y uJ I ()z J a E UJ J UJ z 6 = 2 uJ u] UJ lr z o F gJ E o qJ E .D 3 uJ 5 uJ e z 9. aa UJ o- UJ q. z uJ () x ut o U' uJ UJ lt = =E uJ o- J t-o F z o E F IIJ J IJJ o z (o =J c -I z (J gJ E ,t H NOtrvn'1vA l=|r lFq |(J IEIE lrd lFr lx li =F IE es l: :3F FsF =H IFT e.4K 8Fa ts Hl'l].€H gFr FJ #E -(F ltt zz oo tr^6 95 EP O tr, o 1>E9 l!<og uJl EH z I J g LL (E o f E (, UJ o- rt'l UJ (r J z E o X X t<z F- E UJ F 3 Iu z !) E z l z -ss <o o< >aa xrL do <z o E z,. 9z 6(5 3tr OI tl Iurl tlt tJl t-Jt t<l t?l l" l'IF tffi' I z+r IYH tYt-tr+t-t tl tf tuJl tdl t>l I'l tt II tl tzl tol lFl t<l tJl t(,l lzl I .l +s F il. sl,H T I -+ CEI ol ql tl tl l"l plEl ol3 |n tl *t ol<l Stdl r,rl H*il -ogl F l F UJ o t!tu z o F =llJ c J z E z F- o z Y t! I CD |-_ CD O O uJ F U' (D o a z o F o- r.lJ Y UJ trt o F F c6 Ul d\o--r 3;l i xl e El "sl r-l HuJ bk zo z ,rt 9 ZE coo =z JO o- t! EE=A;E tr = uJ q. II ;!{E2 E<c!l €8 E9 E; Ed =>=lul E !E : >o--: oE E oo I \ut E XO-t x>t q-o-!tr uJ g) F E =E, lrJ o-z I F (J f E,F a z o (J tr1tr H an an H B J rd 14 ui =z -') \f c'\ c\.1 I\ I ch o- r-{ = \o N X FA atl = tJ) z rJ) H B Fl llJ =z ci z ci ut = ll-o z 3 o F ;l 5l <l >l t!l ol zl FI t\$|.\ I \:i o\ I I ol r.rJl cl JI al >l I 3l ot H I I t!l jl $' E -rO <F G()uJ<zE tr, F (42 _t (,o zJ- ;# =F d6 C) Ei\ =l-o2 trDtr I I l_ .F t<ro I I I I I, t..J tr,o ar l€l -l8l;!l a I B =l >l o P? H ss F -No 06 " lSi 6 6b-{ Ep :E. u, O G !, tl, B ut f z o z F ^c ... L.J o HCO+J E3P lrJ *r 15 O-JF cL Cr Cit o- x Z< or -J lL (, tsHof' !-e c c .'5 o c crl l! (, Ll (,El O.O I L! ujl Cl O +)l uJ! ojl uJ c rl Zoo-l (J El tt', o I FI E L, I - P,*l ;- l* o_l 5r-l o 0J .{-r I J +r CJI dt-l u_Jc*Jl I tr, I -..t F -{ 11Jt $(p r- rn u.l ts aJ) (D o a z o F o- lrJ Y ul co o -F uJ F o x F cE ul \tl.o (L o-o^ I UT F o z I I I I Yl J z J lr- F /l t t- IJ.J =z TD rr't\ F o ar) il l!'kiF Jt vl $l i'l .\.1 \ I I I I dl zl dl uJl 1l al >l r!l ol Zl ,,i =t=ol uJ FI F il J <c)o u') uJ LU JO UJ z =o F C) UJ =T o -.r O <F cr c)uJ<zE UJF (1 Z o () <o (JF ;C)i<irE E! U E9 ;C) =s f,E ;Jz () *6 :/F E3 YZ =8 EZ I Oz *<><>< z .r9 =<CDO >z f,f, a'P ..i3 =E=- ir f =Hg .'8ll-lfl ,.i =dE <E r|,gn4'\-/ 1l &o Efg F^<Br< d E-c : tr o -FcE :-a ;=l -='? uJ :-tr- F 5 8=^3 E E6E d E-1 U 6 = F.. r l,.u E :>E.Hq'3<i - ".'| tr =uI -ao Io ala F J. DD! E ru z 3 lr.l I F z c; 0) o c o .o o = CL (g E 3 o F €\ o at o 3,(! E o c (E q) () c = d) E o =:) o o o,o.(l' 'o o) ;-oc oti (!.Y' BlE; ,:fr g€ ElE5 I3E:0 c-o> e: ii ; si: c96F -*=o)83t=_E >,X E Eax ElEo *.€s; geee Eise cL (! 0--0=-o ;E3; =fi:€Y(,).eo :EE H Es tE _o.;o (! O'- :c;o(' g,f;; E 6ito 'u>,=9,6E; t* E: B6gF 9E or -P5g: - o 6: s f r :< 3 Z Z!-o oo h o- 6z =-r>r,J==E rE .oot Z>-()oar!4 QzX rJ-<oq d q-gE E io a HN(, H z H F lt) X td U 4 q IIJ z E trl Jl <l trl zl zl ., >l uJ uJ UJ z (t b uJ o- J z 9 o r-(o (o 'o z E =t l!o .J o\ N .f, IJJ E U'dl o a z o F o- uJ Y uJ @ o F E E llJ o- lt o (L o o UJ F o z uJ F o z ,n9 zz coo =z JO IL TL zi co IJJ = l,rj o. tF uJ E9 E<ctl 60 6e,a9 tt ir ie 'Etr =>tsJL- =t!:-E b=(, dtr E >o-E E5 lI Hrr E XO-t x>t q-o-!E a! d) E - t =E,lrl o-z o F (J f E,F a z o o tid rr lxj L__j (rl (nl EI tsl =l El rl HI (,z lt 6 I F o ) B H E{ Fl rA H =F-l rt z dl -) I lo q l\o ol I c.l qlFllo,crjorll lBlFr c{ot-f ol F-1 I -4;t a qrl tl t4 (i.i I qo lo H--'l(J HI 3l-d fld e d<rq o>tcI 'Jn eaE a=c) n c.) I c.l ,il .l I 4l l -l vi+ ll 04 -fl @l c.l I H-rl !4 0l 5Zl 'z .l dol (l uJl tEl HJI flsl Ebl tzl E3l flPl I =.1 ol IJJI 5l <l >l g rl aa F I F\ a.J @ JI Z a.'I H rl HilI a-rl Fll 1l HI Hel Hol qul I ccl ail Eil tq tzl gn HPI ol =.1 (9l |rlI 1l al >l trl ol zl Bl ol FI .i z .; ul J lr o Z ..1 35 oql FF F r.tl F T E, E -rO <F GC)ur<zE UJF -o () E 2?g3 f,F d6 z T UJ = Eh Oz.!n l. TOWN OF VAIL CON PERI,IIT APPLICAT DATE: - APPLICATION I''UST BE FILLED OUT COI'PLE t t t I t t + t. t t I t t t t I t t *. r r r r r rpf,ftl'lIT INFORI'|A| f Q}1|*+**rrr.rr r trr+t+r *r *rrrr+++*r t l"Building t J -Plurnblng t I -Electricel t l-Mechanical tXl-Other EdeJ.weiee Job Name: Hested Driveway J o b A d d r e s e : _!@ 3_! 1 -I_f o:L_L I*9 sgr.,___-Y_e,1* l__ =-_ Legal Description: Lot 4 Block F 1 f t n g __\, a :-l__1L1. ]._f_eg.e__E j-re_! Edelreiss Ownere Namer Condo Aee_oclellpn Addrees: lO3 W;Lflor{_P_l. Ve!!_I_Ph. _479-:9-3-9 Architect: N/A Address:h. General Description: Rernoye & Seplece existinq drive vlth heated drive Work Clase: [ ]-Nev t I -A).teration [ ] -Additiona-t tXJ-Repair [ ]-Other Number of Dwell.inq Units: 12 Nurnber of Aceomodation Units: @ Number and Type of Fireplaces: 6as Appliences Gae Loqs llood /PeLlet 12 {ttlttllttrttttt+t.rf.lt**titt.r.*+TTTVALUATION$rrrr*rrrtirr*rra}.*trt*.rr*++*rr BUTLDTN. , @i{oTHER I AE PLUI'IBIN6; 4.b_AO rorAL I iry4r?7 t r t t I r i i r r r r I I r + + r + | r + r * r. r TCONTRACTOR INFORTTATION*.r.rrr.rrrt*rf *.r*r*.r r *rr*+ GenereL Contractor: Rl pjy_ Contra_.cto_r-.€r_[nc=__ Tovn of VaiI Reg. No. !.f-!-B A d d r es s r | . O. B 9 ;1_-9_9_S__ E4t EId B-__q O_8._! € 32 Phone Nunber: 926-3655 P ELECTRICAL I }IECHANTCAL: Electricel. Contractor : Address: Town of Vail Req. No. Phone Nurnber ! Tovn of VaJ.l Reg. No. Phone Number: Plunbing Contrector: Jerry Sib_l-ey Plumbinq, Inc. Tovn of Vail Reg, No. Addrees: Botr 34@, rlinturn, CO 41545 Phone Number ; 827 -3736 l'lechsnlcE]. Contractor : Addrese: . rt. rtt.ltf ..f tttttf tt.t irtttrr r rrFOR OFFICE ll$f,r+**rrrrrrrt**rrrrirrrrr+rrrr EUILDING PER]IIT FEE:BUILDIN6 PLAN CHECK FEE: }'LU}TBIN6 PERI{IT FEE: PLU}IBING PLAN CHECK FEE: /D_, oa - OTHER TypE OF FEE3Lct/te4_l4p_ CLEAN-UP DEpOSIT: IIECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: TOTAL PERI'IIT FEES:za__ I.IECHANICAL PERIIIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: DRB FEE: VALUATION c-u-sA!-lur-D-E-eosrf_It-E-ElNOSr Rrppy coNrRAcrons p. oCox ess EDwARDs, Er1632 PIan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes ' NAME: EDELWEISS DATE: 4-21-94 i, ADDRESS: 103 WILLOW CONTRACTQR: RIPPY VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT:ISgM OCCUPANCY: R-l ENGINEER: NONS TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED t. :: The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of atl possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of ury violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. i 1. FrELD TNSPECTTONS AFG PCQIIIRED TO CTTECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. a. n G () &".s.J {-:} !*t-lL- () g () c =g L! {I o_ (.,^,>v, f-l I UJ H ->-> -,J > LrJ rn LU r--l -() v>tJ z.cl ('.) LL lJ_ F "i ,o > (, F-i \o ss! /1o J lN n,n?/ t-i.r U eFq = ri r-1 =>5 -* Ll Lrl rn L) E =4<F(L C4u@ :-]o4< L'J ad ,'z :u<o >u =<<I.J J IJ uth= TJ L} J c E J J LL It {'1- x>- -tZ EE >11 ,^z il.<Pz *x F...|z& IJF (J -9 rL i: rf= @ X t5 z F (A X LrJ UJ ) d t"1 ) (A LJ z r'r (J (J L-l,!u.F d I -l/T ^.1 F -\r \t E] U' E > co Sv37 .1 )ty'^45 )/r 4 ><-l z v) >< LrJ :tz IH '..Jl J ._l \\ h ltF.UE >-r u> zn Lrl 4 (! .d- Ltl -_J { .A 01 I I LrJ 2 v v tr z tr c L! E |'r)\o o I (f) \o ru E] o- t! e.F LJ Lrl - (L E cr)o E u tl J E J 4 > o J (L z J (L (n z E o z !J J LJ (/) v) LJ u a a E (4 v)t!u o_ F z L af t\-l 6 =a =l N r '!3su xiF!3 HFA* $*[g $$*g N\8 bF.\o crH Oci< crH U F E{trF 3 o - x p o 5ct (D o o,. P. g,.= cr P.tr 0r p .. { o\t t-1 !t9 O H' r-t rril F1 pr. |lJ O OF. FO 0r Ft F, i' oJH,,{ ito 3 t{E otd t-1 rlJ (D 3 x 0, ts. p,o (/l o r) or ^, p, U oo O O r-t - XO Fn# ,r3 o !t H3 5 EX tt ti d. 31 P, {P. c)'ocr ts 9X Ka; oo o (Drf O'on \o 3 ..: E' rr H P. t@ pr to X {H- d ' r, l* O u EH Xi-8" Ib ',A E 6 C*- cr,E (n Cln :4-J or FJ X cr- O: o rJ (, (n g'" o ^ P-I g, N P_.K 5RH j'' rtr{go -X.'ij Ps, ox H f,-E BB'i "-r 9,\r- B A' ,Ll' ;i PrX UFt E' C X. ,i Fl Pr (,., i.t Ff' ; P'at oo u _ F.;. < P-!1 ct-p) P;\ oO OE ;to PrX {l 0r; o r-'o PP pr o 0, n ts. l+c'r H rr.r O, 5 L Ocr e6|.,. a*_FhO E F{ 5 tt "5 oHA o..t-t rr x F. o:O r'' 3r-r* ny O O ts' X P'|".tr H tJ..r=ti-) 'i-r cr hC.^ :q,io iiod . ct.) O oll ; Ft, i. !D X. p ;^ ts'\) P rr "' rrl rJ tr1 iJ v P'X o ,., tr tnx H: cr r-L *- cr oh x a,ciH '"O rJ nr Fh oJ Oo, Hr P'HH P- 5 .'A P[ 'q ' grx or-XP.O lJ NP F1 o o\o 7 o q, \o P'crr|Fcr 9(\r.6\i " S;o (\. lF,Ei\'5 EN.-N I v \ xu,otr H EI P.P-A ts,q o H tn o CT o n T FI o r-l o o o o tl rI F' o o G \ rt G q v a? G d € !m I =--1 z c '@ m TI n o (- m o -l r-.r -i m z m z @ m o _i 4 z ru Om o --l O 'rr zo --l 'h=ai-'m € m o 'f c -Tl 'Tl TI z CN trt--o { o z 7 m o c m U' {' --{o .o€!z (o No o) t- .,] \-', + -, . ',' 1> T' tr@ ^0 --{ z 2o a a --t m m t- trooP 8 P 3;oom=1=86 =ed i=s m rl \J tr 'Tl o z r-1 -t o z a -.{m m r- o 'r'l =z tr CO €Y x90 zm >m 2 tr @ Tl 3 z oo U'=?1 m=m= J ; oo xz tr 'tt o t- I -t c @ z r tr t' o trtr o I z r at z r nm -im mO ?-{tt 'o .lt ot:€m f, m o I z 6 !- tr T m z o c I D m )<T c a I |--l @ tr z c + o c 1.'| 'Tl t- n trtr I z t- z t- !!! m o o f)t m I z a tr t'l a 'tl m o tr '1'l tr z a m =z 'l'l m c n m ! o -t m z (, m -l a'\.Tl I \J o €z o .Tl E t-!c E tr o =T m n ={ o 3 -Tl o o 5 {o g.=s6 2 tn !m o I o z t m =!x o g l{t G'H gt g,;E B FI lrt E t'F H r{{ r{ N)F F F H rE E {I z Fl F g o F vl H z et tt o x \0 ro \o r|' { F tt UI (-)o @ o\t,|.t \C'|\'( I t,9\{t o F at,o (t a o o !tr{=>-J vm 8r 1, =m A1 ! o o m r m o {!o {m t-m !I o z m o @ r m { o -{-m ! e z 5 g Wite - Pubffc Worl€ Yellow - Financ€ Pink-Comm. Dsv. Gold- Coriractor t| . . -.1 u,x m d E ! F z o -ll €o u x I o I m o !-l>co!@€g t_ Z L.l-lqtr ,' ?tg *F;ito =t f (o m -o -ot 0t 'f,(o o o !t z 0)3 o o I q) o a- a.o o o z c 3 (D + x- ur' d l o \ o 0) q) o J +!. -o-J r-o l (o = E J o l 3 c 5 @ 1l o 3 -n o I 6 TI o 3 'Tl o o 6 Eea e$ gi gBg $d IE ?s: 5i oE 3Re Ed =:tfr qt E Fl: ;d a atrg sq t l*€ bo e Q-6e d'5 J Hsf 43 # ?AH -f, R qdE =€ cj 9=1 Rg =f,E"= fi9 P gdfl ta E Hs3 iE R n3: s,= 2 6--e* E 6 J\)dP 8 H PP d o 6-:" - Z =:^o!, =Fd i xla o si= E 8q t qq ffi sEd 5'< # J-l \, -J.m c o m 6- o =o =0) o 0)f (n ID f 0) 6'f 5 \o)\t 5 6 c-. (\' a \ I )\{ T c =i U)o 3.o o o 3 (b N)tu @ @ \ .?r U'o I z ID c er o a o c s @ l\) tu I c, o U' UI m o c) =.o c) 3 o :f (o A @ ol (o tu tr 9) o a @ o o (o f\) r\) @ {r-<iDs ]B o.o (,l c, ='@u)b'(Dr €€oo o 0 E o ;lO aa !rn o= -r- Ao o r>.)o --{oo' ,l-o o -..l @ 9t f9 oi m o o 0) o o f 0) a 6 q) (D o o 3 o l:l -l tlt o R tre)bg lzo bt-Fg,6'f J o n o 4 a @ 5 @ (tl (n -.(o D =,o f A \ @ I\) o) l, m o o =.o. f a 5 -.1 (o N { tl ct o x o A ..1 N) (n @ lu-9@ R; 6I!:td 4sE = =r €i =qj I =+o€ ='o = R " -ci l;H R :'oo *r- x i=.r' 6 J ; 5r- $s 9;a ; sE r= q".J i+ +=dR d;lP q 5\.,;a d=s : dJ ;t -"id : i3 x-o u S;/,i qE ;E€: *-l . rQ qsq 6 :.n ' )a =*x :t (,m ei i*o = br d.= sx* = aP €o o'5P 5'9b =:i ; c 3 9" U)+i i ag 3 #E 8,-4 E;[ J E U ss ai8 F i;5E o'*r$ ? 6 Rd i6:; I =,4 3q €P P F -odd oN : g. or E Q= + o "d *o o r q- d-E @ =!n cui = q,9q 8.E. i 6'g= =9le 8 go 9x r -.- I u =6: 8e d =.=t= e= E IE 6A =<= r= 3 o; tQ. -gE 9A e 98, Ps I -X <D6 o)oo f,1 t? =p 7- 6 q; ;o ii !? o PI AX o-*<L (t A> =i'x= :x t€ ed- d 6 o !)o o a !) o el o-{{D oO F-i6!qE ..2 36 f 'Tl 3=60 lnu sa ;z =o EE ;,o 4A Po i'i O 4^. z x-{ AE oC)c-{90 gZ ol lrt tr rrD i'n i;^ -n -o r-o =2 @= 8g 3p q>JZ € =d I 'tt E o 3 f ?i IU, =' al,\z RO -+ !llc 3@ ?r 6O 9€ =R 3. I < lrl otr P=3=!)3 o f o d I l 0) \,'. \t i \' o o a o .o CI o o G o IE o| o a o : o E F f d o p o t o o -c c o tl o o E E o o ol vrl llJl EI ol ol <l .I f FI uJl EI t o ItEN|,El{:. Comqlata h_oms 1 and/or 2 lor additlonal soruicos.. ComDllr! ltsms 3, lnd 4a & b.. Prinl your nam€ lnd lddross on tho rov6rss of this form so lhot we cln rQlurn thi! clrd to you. . Anrch thia torm to th€ f.ont ol thr mailpi6c6, or on rh6 back if sp.c. docr nol psrmil. . Writc "Rotuh Roc€ipt RoqUOst6d" on rhe an6ilpi.c€ below the rrticle numbor . Tha Raturn BeceiD!to whom rhe articlg {e_s 8nd thg drte d!liv.rrd. 3. Anicle Addressed lalso wish to receive the following servicos {for an extra feo): 1. D Addrassse's Address 2. E Restricted Delively P 884 272 762 Efcenitico D coo D Express Mail D fPt,'.n lgge-iot tor D€te oi Delivery L Addressea's Address {Only if requ€stsd and fee is paid) RIPPY CONTRACTORS, P.0. Box 999 EDWAR_DS, C0 81632 6. Signaturs (Agsntl 4b. Service Type ! Registered 0Insureo , December 1991 n u.s.G.P.o- : 1992-307-530 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Olficial Buslnosg Print Your name' address and ZIP Code here ' ' 'o{I$Jl'nl*r,oerr'@MMUNITYDFI/I ,,tl cr) I I I I I I I Ml 4t tsr u)l zl l!J Ll,l o E lt G aD o (! 0) o (! o o o) ! E =c f q) qt ; .g o .9 v,o o c o N att 'F 0).c o o =o .9 T' -o E c G AD '(E '=9la *io XOc ;'o6 =.e R EEE F'= E e tsp EI::s8 d'l =c96 35t _'E > -EE-- =LE tsoo .i: o €eg F! f ,Y- 6 CL(g O- $EE o-/)_s€e E6: E E.9 OC': EE E _ o..l: eeC (o0- --.c 3,*: E:E !6>96a .Y:ts Hi; A Bte 9Eor cEg -o(! tl (J ln F 6 o uJ ?z llJ ) an ll'j qJ u- = =(E t!o- F z 6 =l o- z H trr B z H tri (,z H ts H Id H I Y E o 3 Zu- 6z >Y E ul 6 UJ z uJ o =>d 3ur z io- io '4t o 1>9()QZ LL< cv FO ;Gi g l! tr g. E (L UJ d j z o F o o z o F 3 UJ z uJ ul UJ z o =(r IJJ J z E o nJ f uJ z I I z I J f o z F z 9= urO 3d OI an f\rn I F\ c\l c.t I ztul H tl C -rI t crtl El -rl dl "l I r{ cil H;I lcl Hil '1 6l tzl d3l E9l u.t Fl =.1 IJJI :l =l bl zl 3l oi H o z ru lr o 3ul >J Ot!FF I I el 1 BI 9l -rl -Hl BI I (')l -l ul UI tr.l d q J <t =o H B Fl uJ =z E F.]H a H t4 B Fl LU =z I I I l-l' I I I t4 |rl cl CI J E() o z IJJ .E J l! z 3 o F "l =l ol Etl :l <l >l Il ol zl ;l ol FI Oc)z.F ;o =#)z u-o o o F z z T llJ = d i, =Oz F r.u i e. --.r O <F EO trJ <zE UJF (1 Z b .=G ul o- z oP ze coO =z O- t! )- oij t O uJ = =oo za ol. =LU (DrJ Frrrr-€--r_E F ut 5 :!!EY E<ctf 60 Eo B9 rrt 5g F:r!- =r!:-E h= o ii-E :F E 55 P \ur tr xtl.E X>t q-o-ti t! d) o F -=-ntrf] @ o f-(o t,2 xl \oil q uJ F o llJ F U'o o a z o F uJ V IJJ c0 o F E E IJJ (L u-o o-o o r,lJ F o z E =E lrl o-z o F ()f E F a z o () a {\f c OJ (u (u E U i= I 191 rc \) C\.\J i aJ) LU TU rL F = $'i tl \li ql I nl I ,Xt l-i tg t?$5 i'll "l tl I I I lcr IF t< t2 l=l6 r5 lz- t6 uJ F o o 5 (D z o ?.' - o o, i: a! =0,.,t Fir e8F F.c **Eg c.= Gt L =-= c-o iB.! t.3 -6o =rJF 3'l =c96 EsE _=:\ B EA :=LE eee n= i -:- n-c o= - O ,i::.(l]}:o- 4f <a i -o- ot .i1.. ;se,E # EE E'H W 9i-Ee * -E-E F!= ->< ,.F, - oi 9H - x =::3-'E=O.,c or o=149 :'r!:= c a =.-: d 3=--' 5o>,'-E o.J=; qt c-=->x;F99 6p U- * >. -= o c <o €3-.'-I :59!* - o 6S E N a ..N \ s \ h 0 ! N N (D :< o rlJ lrJ A t; 9 z - l ttt llJ 2 o tr u.l o @ ul F o LTJ f x lu !) f, J \:I R v J J ;.1 a LU !r.r ; 4 cl Er..l L -\l 5 J nt s-l 5- Ct I o z .c f :F = I ()F F .._.NOVA ul!= 5iQ s --'j t') .:t: = li s: ll 3 5 )l|: g ;il'* :|-q ola \l flr.lf Jl4 I F l g c 9 o o o c = tl tl tl .D =z l z O6 ;: u.r <o o< <u,2e 3cl <z =2.. ..: F --6(]i ur- lzl tJl Flsl* :lxlo rl r!l d =l zl l J 9 .. >l o - z u)F 2 ct o- J o E o lrJ >o F l-' o F f (!) o tr o z cc l o c- Fl =)1H::p )5ps - ur< \.--s () >,\c_ =tn =r<:lt= ' i :i& := --J I <l' ir; ==: B \N F J )! c]r' oF l(/)= !(/rr!'l< r- Uc|-! 0.,c +-)ro c.,{ CJ,-o- "rl(J i) tF i_ /...r w 0) - .) 3 ?l il q 2l 3l ol C- lr- rLJ=-H-!> "-t-J :J>.-F ! tr () )-) .-.) s 80 J<.. lo UU=4At O F'r dd= G. NO =b= (-r 6F +3 o= {o -O -JE <o OF- l*< ii t!O F t- F LU +u, 'o ;'- -Q fi<z_I.c oL) -__i $ ii (D O a u-l ) L!'Lz) Ot -J t]ID Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: EDELWEISS BOilER ADDRESS: 103 WILLOW PL VAIL, COLORADO OCCUPANCY: R-l TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VIHR DATE:6-30-94 CONTRAffOR: SIBLEYP&H ARCHITECT: NONE ENGINEER: MONROE PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTTONS REQUTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of vail. I. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Tonn of Vail ,"slcrroN REo'EST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 PERMIT PROJECT NU : MBER I OF ! I ^1 DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES FRI PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL C UNDERGROUND D FIOUGH / D,W.V. O ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING 11 ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / FI. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o o tr D ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT FINAL tr FINAL tr SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED fI REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o o '{ ,"stcnoN neoursi TOWN OF VAIL I I MON CALLER TUES ,THUR FRI READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:lr I 11;;.\,'',1 c,.'<*.- }0, PERMIT N BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROL}GH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL i H. TUB EL tr tr tr. tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: PPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR !E ] o -a INSPECTION REQUEST: TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 PERM DATE NUMBER OF PROJECT CALLER BEADY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI o t I AM PM LOCATION: PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS E SUPPLY AIR D FINAL ( INSPECTOR /.? -:1i,-.L !t o ci z tr =t uJ o- (\ '7 tn l,! llJ u- L =(r I,IJ o- dh adals 6l,t t+YO co @ 6 ah 'r{ l.,l l.r z - L!F o J tr o z J atl L]J F o F t-I z = z z a ut o z. o z f' 5 co .6 z z' N o OJ 6J r{-t rl d IJ o 6J {.rt:9 A S:gE#i'" t|E gEE;E != €! Hi* \il; EgE;g$F -:i:E!=l; is l;; <15. iEEiE"$EF $;te E'<Mz .!: o-E .q=d9:5 :gEEJ -(a..OO 6o F 1'l O I Fr: g iEE€; c;o(/)tr et;t€ Eli:E ;:Fs3. EEiEE co = = UJ z Y IJJ o z ) F U J uJ o z J J 2 -() |.lJ = ut u,,q z tr uJ () t! (o 3 uJ IIJ z 6 lu o F ttl IL f z UJ J (J X F ul .t uJ llj u- ==E IJJ J F z J f a o o uJ UJ z = J = () u, = ts F NOtrvntv^ I I I I =l o@_l aDl ..J ll = cO N lC.- o @.1: YC e.E o Bo z Z !-C OOO'.tr ^ 62<I q io-ai "E'i aOC'!6d fio o z xc rL<oq 4=t r-i fit iSzn dNO 0 z tr f J t! E c f TIJ F (! tr z E o o z tr IJJ F 3 =z I tl a t z l z <o o{ =[>lE Rt!do <z F z,- 9z -F ;o 3tr OI rl 1l ll il F tol 9l trl uJ l !) ul z o I F F z F J l o z =; F l! (! o 3 X -l _l - l I I Fl tl 6l .J E z z o IJJ IJJ lu z a t (r l! J z o F o o z J o l I I I I "l z t!l <l 0-l IL'<-og tl ul I ,] ,n € IIJ F uJ F U)g) o -z o F o-ul Y uJ dl o t-t E uJ lr o o o ul F z z ,n9 z2 d)0 =z JO O- Lr- ."i5 \J\J= =re -)-iuJ 6il= F (r ul L!o uJ o z o o F E (L JF ul-h=-i(r d u../>(!OtL oO F ..,_1 |lJ xll-x>Er- J J u.t F o E ll -9 o q, E E o IJ o G -- E =E lrJ o-z o F () D E F o z o (J !!I i e r -,l (r? | ;l ql =l 'rr I >l rl $l >l z f u- :< d) .if F ) o o o F o t frl UJ =z o o o CJ llJ =z ra).il N N X ul e-o n --f = c.) F\ I F -il i o- F{.rl (! tr = tr z uJ o = I tr 2 o ul cc J a t! z 3 F IJJ J ut F z = tr 2 a IJJ : t! z 3 .rl Fi OJ .Fl E 0) F{ (! =tr O.r I @ z (' tu J a ll-o z 3 F\\'F I .v o\ u I z g o z o UJ I t!o zl 31 I z G o z o UJ J z 3 o F uJ J UJ F E uJ z = F uJ E -r <F LJ.r <zE UF t,,lZ O JE 19 t<i. (r ;F '---l z ^rO IO E 2? =tr fF !z <: !1 F ?C)z< Y,Z =g (I l-_tir = b O <o P,n =l !!El lu (! UJ o i tl, UJ z -rtt rlJ UJ UJ z tr u, (-) gJ e 9 F x (J F IJJ q. l qt lat lr.,tl F E att llJ F z z 6 J o € 0 z z I I I I rE .o IF t< tv,z t=lo lo lz \.J lt,q, i o \ IrE 'lo IF lo IE l6 lo f" !J ,z i vcr tr- (u 3= Ev )uJ !T z^ YZ (n< ;io iE da)qrt oq) -G|6.9 :gE 6(g !c :3 9)O oF \o ru .c :o tro 9o,Nor =lt -o P o-( 1O .E tC :C' ;o )o I () ,oD r.S ''= E e l d o (g ;.; ,4, c Aqr J'=lt ii Ei a! l,l oP 33 C(J P:A o.: CD ]€ F -trf .g=l !si 3.: ( :.5 I QN(E,ol Pt i v }; ici ::r J':-o!)-t iorc -c$its:,oo : (J rt i o";6O l o .-c i()J atQ '=b pJ '=u .-o I o9 C(g t; ato 3';s9 (J .::o)(/l LE oau c6 9i GC rr3 OF >=o.g 55. =>\ l o j :o: 9-f 'Et --::r t o,' : o- 'o.()- (i y+ ''.C oc --(t ,G. o: o(4 5.g 'Eu >'= Eo o- 9i o- <D at :3 E6 '=o) E3 c|,'o'-=Y :!t'; != :0) c)G 5o =*,3 5: o.9 0JEj =F! --; r :9' i- (l- a r(E (}E; ?- c : O- io'io E 'cL rtDE -c (!i ;o)--c ,6c r.= 33 o>, xe ;e 6. or co o(E 0) 0) c .9 E o ; - ..: 0J! =i -Y.-;aDr (J- o-riC 3 (! (! -, O.D -E .!O o)0')o; 3-3 J; (oE >,9 otr ro -o <J't! S = rU J F o J f 2 q) s (Jl Z.Z 9O <:EP6 9o 0b 92 5f .'3 >(,FO j a\\i ., >l (U u.l q,z o = ru J z o t- 6 o F t; t< l$ l* : 5l EI ol ol :t z o ; F o =:<G o z F- dt (,z J !r- lu z J <c)ou)3H UJ z =o JO <F llJ <zt,U.,F AZ o C) () UJ ='f () :P ;o =s f,tr-Jz o o F (J F UJ F uJ =F o <= :JF ?()st - ;iF YZ =g rlJ F -r cr.l >< D!! J z .r. o UJ z ,^o (Do z.z JO (,() =c -\.- F =ul tl-o uJ F] f.r-r E ca=<cE ql uoq xb E=U F^S 95E i r,J o ;= F -F ar :r,J; E=y 9c'ul :6 =; .o E -.i o c,F 3Hq s<f id -@ Ip *F * D trD 0 tn 5 t\ T UJ tr o @ o -z o F o- UJ Y UJ @ o -F L UJ --d - ur v z,o F E E lrl o-z o F C)f G F a z o CJ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT tNsftTloN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON l^/trf\ , TlJl ta PM CALLER TUES AM FRI READY FOR LOCATION: DATE ii.: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o o tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr D o tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E:FINAL tr APPROVED PPROVED ' a {err.rsPEcloN REeuTRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR a o tNsilcrtoN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 'i''," JOB NAME ' '' - \'-',/ CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr n D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr D ROUGH o tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR D FINAL [I\FINAL i',oippnovro 'CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o o ci z ==c. UJ o- (r o o r-{ (n IJJ Itl u- E =E, uJ (t- 28/;fr/j4 I ,ol JE To -t I .9 F{q CJ C'!J d9 llr flo r4(,, E=llJ"i uJ F F' ar F I z o z z o uJ z z I l .d o z_ z uJ z 3 uJ F z lr ru o o z o () A o) o) o t)(6 =tt + > ,q E o at (l)o ct P 0) o E o o ==J (D E o =c :) q) o CL (u 3 .o) o) '6 o g; o o c 'ar, o (! o) 'E N -o c 'Fa o o, E o () (J C' o f J o .2 = o o $ an ;6 -.: - o oi(E '=oq)dFs EUE =2*,.Yo 6 FgE F:tc FgE c-o :gE ci'- B5;_E>. -E El. =LE soO cc-.9;e F5;i=-Q o.(! o sEE (,,FO_e*: !;(! 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X o (-) o) =utl CEI JI <l il ol fl ! +.t (J G) u.J = tr o z ci ut J lt o z B o =.1 ol ull El il 6l zl 3l ol FI o z ti uJ l! = lrJ >J OUJ FF <F EQ [!<zE uJ F (aZ o <o (JF =<lt E ;F =z UJO o z. l =#JZ z T (J uJ = Eh =*E Oz o F IIJ =?o 6 a ntrtr o o U) l,lJ IJJ LL = = lJ.,/ o llJ F z z o J € z uJ F F z = z 2 I I I I I I I I I I I l! !u i E o l! o o (E z o ru z = lr oz g,< o) c) 0) (! F € q) c Gt c U Y 0) -c (! o) c = E o =l d) o ='t o '=o(/,;(J!_: E3E";Fs*€ *E E 3 F.:(E -S=q: ; o Y.9 c"o> o(5SX -c- 5= -9i.'a -= -; >=: c :'- (! oo>=_'; >, x 3 Eax aEUi .YorJi F5 a''.=- (o.- o- (! a--o=, o (E:o-oido: = o, -.S -=:?r - c.Y x o(5='-iiFq -a96 -- c i o o*.= or ? 3r BE>.= *€Es 6H 6o \.=^--bo:e PFRg r f F \J \ v l,- rrl u, z tr uJ (J UJ E to 3 TJJ t LU z 6 IIJ o F UJ z at, uJ IIJ lJ- F = uJ F o F o z 6 = N G| z 6 o = ,., z tr^ ;o oo 7x <)z rL<oo-H6 >c)FO z tr l J t! rI IL f E (! uJ E z E o o z 9 t- I 3 IJJ z o L (r UJ 0- J z o F o o Ll,l l ) {l !J z i F z F J f a)z E z. \Jz fio 3tr F- E.! a t!.- g O (.t O-.r (U = rov q (o J(F u)- '-{ .- 9) O.u-v C X .-(u c<.3 oc.oo)u- (, l- {-)(4! cJ o< L!,1 (lJ O- - o{r E t! CF (J z,oo-(JEo u)_o=H t (J+)o CD L(F 6 z.t+ O q 'ory =L(4c!O O, P'- O J.{Jor=3 J+)(^rct O OJ I- IF -l c\l o F F cc UJ c t!o Lll F o z F trj I+) \^ Y s6 .O z Lrl LlJ F o x -.1 z zz coO >z o-- P .^iE \-.,/ \J = ==i dd= trDD IIJ LU KJ e C:z OE cl o 9><ar, : c o=() --a o=E6 ru € r' o) ',' t-|. J o- a t /\ = i.\= o E.o F &. F z 9 z I LIJ E >Y 9?>ca ]F .-5 <o OF -< \2 t!O () z tr d LU z = UJ z --1 - FT i o- 'l ol r.l.rl 1l <t >I l|-l ol zl 3l YI o l (!* -'l- n- sl al Jl al >l bl zl 3l 9l \J o "l =l ol uJl :l al >l L!l ol zl F| ol zl ol uJl 1l <l >l 6l zl 3l ot FI z trJ ) a z ...3: FF F LU L T <F uJ<zE Lr.J F (aZ !! o INSIECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI PERMI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: 'AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING .. ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOoD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL D D FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING n tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t .t ci z E =t uJ o- o o T\ o t\ @ U' IJJ IJJ tL ts =G IJJ L I \l Ir G $x I ifi l{t UJ F E F .2 z =o z z r4 (-l q I q q I rll 0l d fl I c q trl I I in tu F.o.z o'z 6 )5'o. o5 z z o N ol cl P o x o () +,(o o P tl [l att =I E o II (o r{ OO @L)t'\(f, 6 X.F o.o co >, I .{-t O O+)5(J CL au +J Q)O t)o (J 5P +rG'(l.l,-!.e E'o 0) o (U q)E o o o)c E d) E o =l d c) o o,(! '.9 Q) c o)o o 1' a o o o o o c IE ot L'}oo :F gq, -o Eo FE 'uo co 6() =d 9cr ,96 .sJ tD s, 5.o 'is >'3 o-4 Eo o+,oE og -6 o.oo FE o (! o 6 v,o o 6 F =G ai o o o () v, c)': g g o (! o o E o- .E 0)E C' 6 o (! o E c $ 6 o. -9 o E (t (U c (it T'o -9 o () j E o E c (o E o o t a o I i .9 (E .9 a o, rtt .2 E E (o o (l) (s .c (0 s (1, o'E .E o C .v o rs o (lt c,c o rt +(')F\ o C\I o O r.f) cr) o l() s |- 2 E uJ z J @ I uJ <)z 9 E 6 uJ u,l (9 z = A J = IJJ = uJ ul E z I ut C) uJ o e. o (E 3 U lrl e z 9 v,qJ F o o- UJ o- z UJ x F |ll o tt uJ IJJ lr F =E ul o- J F o F N \,l $ ,l I tl+ E \0 ->It4 IrP -w ;= .H )l= o z o I o I G F o uJ uJ o z @ = =o ut - J F: F NOrlVn'lVA *lgl \ = +lEl I I "FlEi - ! l't!-l .J 6 3 sglE - '.s.li x- X'o,t i^F g !F i d =F!o o E5 6s fi.E a!<o * i>i-g gE i(\l OJ .l' o) tn l(l)l-v lrU l-l€lo l{J I .tt @ lL l* tt-t t.-t= I lq-lo lr lo t>l- E t: l= l'5 lo l'- z 9 ) { cc o- o E a UJ o- o l-. x lrJ ) z F z 9 F E BJ ): 7 uJ z I !t, =l z o tr 5 o o o I F z f o z =J uJ 3 o t!() J o.lu tr cj z I F z F E I u,l l o ul z Y q F ul F z I t- J (A z ll tt l"l slgl I -t-l tl ll .tcl ol< |3t6l |JJl.t H.,.?>o_uJ F F a JI <t -l zl zl .. >l o IJJ uJ IJJ z o L E. t.Lt IL J z E o z tr (tt 5 I d d lt- e. LJ. 5 e\.1 c) C\J O O u,F o UJ E @ t0 o -z o F o- IJJ Y IJJ dl o F F E ut o- ll o o-o o I IJJ F o z z ..9 z_e @o =z lf JO L IJ- if;o()= =83 JXC);;H .tr :G |'|J t! .r. ttt 59 E<ct2 €fr E9 rrk 5g F-J-. =r!:-5 E=o I ;ii : >o i 8E 9 5tu E XO_E ;T aul oi !; tr,.0 o F E =E trl o-z I F (J :f &,F (n z o o tr!n I I ,il tul "_,1 -<l >l g ol FI :E I Gl )l <l >l ttt ol a I I I ol zl dl Hl fl el i ro Ol I c <ir Or "ol :l I I el I 3 o {J =s-+) U'c +,.tt o- =c II I I I I fl ult :l <l >I tl.l ol zl H Lr-o o tl |.JJ d o (u 3 (u -(f, lrl 'J =z o -t \r .*rf)(o @ E o att = =ro at1 IJJ = 5-(('- * o (u =a E t! UJ 2 z ut e o J = tn rtl q) =(U -o td z = c fl!tr I )o t ltt l-- 13 li I.c lo tt o F o cE F z o o uJ F z tl. x >< >< l_ti ro I I I I F at z .z t9 tg f-. I |lJ lfl =E ITJ -J F o FI x F ut <o o a- z o o B IJJ l! z (J z UJ lrJ E J 2 o r! z = J F (J lr,, ! o z F UJ z f @ .!,t UJ tU u- F tul Norlvn'lv z o F q (, o-l 8l ol I sl - o =lr. z. tr E UJ o 6 I lrt )*'( 6e Is 3 EP 6 2:u9 o*f tr, >o-()>c)FO j.i JI sl zl zl .. >l o ul |rl ql z F E uJ J z o F 6 o lUF (LrL<io+ tu f CC (U z I F t2 tr <t)z t< I rrr l*l^ : o F- EI tz lo l< IE F -i ^l vl Bl qrl ztl z Y (, tr o t F t! z lt \j di E z (D '-r I o F o G F z o C) I z 't_o UJ o z 6 =J I l.l Y-l .l zl ol utl 51,<l il zl 3l FI a-o F t-z o o IJJ z UJ (9 =,i F o rU l- '. -;n1J t< > .tt O(J J fl "-l -.rl fl =1 FI =o z o o cil "11 uJl :l al il 3l FI -E (J J <o O .,t1 uJ r,u JO o F C) at F z o o G (U 'r F o UJ F o z oP $z? 1 :FJ DDE F E Lu-.o--. tr-trJ Od IIJ<.o zu.,<)z E ,G' o F>< ol! o--l-br H=t o,-r.u I &fl lEol i u.r I X-ro. I L-rl 5-l t-tr l.,J FA_ c o CI o o o T' c J E c o u o au E q, l- 'ei 0)s o v L o ?---) l J -1< 6;S -r C) .ii cnurE a r t ><><>< nnn ! u i 5 P 6 E g 4 v 3 s g rt ,{ I r| ct t <,r ? d \.1 { }E )E cp A1 aB {g /rrcl t:'o E l\' li :.. '': * J fr *tJ d o ts E \o =€5 E-^E (lIG HEE ii '= E - =.e tsF-t=-c,-=\-o .' .;- 6 i{ .!: .-, i5 ,,- ;-: It ,'ct q @=(!E s :88 =!{ '. :: i .i .r) t::: . ,' ,.1 5 . .. -e (D (D " .t \1 E - ';-i i:j P ct .,:=.!Fs ',:i i; t 9E:-" . tJPd --.:ittl ,. r.51D J 4,e ( E € P t F J E ht +\T tn o r ct-:}.r \ o s i,tl J € $ f,:E 4 D c, ct=cL Ot *<,,U ez ot D€ o 6 6 J ffi EE #(> 'C}t- \, fr u .9 + E tr l, c o r 4 d E t )4 JN/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL " ? JOB READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON TUES WED //J t&,/il,9/ato ome 12,/b/fc BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING:. tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION /.STEEL tr FRAMING * ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr D tr tr TEMP. POWER,O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: n,{. 'z- /:'DATE INSPECTOR o o INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ' ,::f_'ii'- \- 1./\J i:--- I -:, ,, WED THUR FRI PM READY FOR LOCATION:t.- E,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V, O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING Ir ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR g{ncerefx. .-il;;LW fu"rd**--____ Fred.erlck W. Halternsnn I'lanaglng Agent Managing Agent: Burke Management Works, Ltd. (303)47 6-7 L 33 .P ager 9 49 -7 294 Mailing Address; P.O. Box 2245,Yail., Colorado 81658-2245 fltc'rJUN271gB5 Edelweiss Condominium Association 103 Willow Place.Vail, Colorado 81657 June 26, 1985 Vall Town Councll fown of Vall /J South Frontage tsoad West Vall-, CO 8L657 Re r Torressl Appeal Recently, Xou as a governlng body approved. a request by Mr. Torressl of the Rlverhouse that was prevlously denled,twlce by the Plannlng Cornmlsslon. fhls declslon has had an lmrnedlate lnpact on the ovrners 1n the Ede1welss that face the 'Iorressl add,1t1on. As a representatlve of the ftlelwelss,I see two problens wlth your decls1on. Flrstr your grantlng of the addltlon appears to be arbltrary ln relatlon to the two denlals by the Plannlng Conmlsslon along wlth a lack of support from the Town Staff. It appeared. as though a clear precedent had been set. In the vlew of the Ed.elwelss, Mr. Torressl's problems were not archltectural ln the least but rather personal and nechanlcal . Second., wlth the exceptlon of the Town Councll l,leetlng where the f lnal declslon was mpd-e, I was notlfled of each meetlng that concerned thls addltlon so that the Edelwelss could be represented. accord,- lng1y. Thls lncluded the two Plannlng Conmlsslon neetlngs along wlth a Town Councll neetlng when Flr. Torressl or1g1na1ly wanted. to appeal (after hls flrst Plannlng Cornnlsslon denla1), When a flnal declslon was to be nad.e, the Frlelwelss was ex- cIuded from the process. Huch to ny surprlse, the add.ltlon 1s non nostly bullt and slts uncorofortably on top of the &le1welss property l1ne.In the future, I strongly urge you as the Torm governlng body to act 1n a more conslstent manner so that a falr democratlc process 1s served rather than soue other lnterest. LIST OF MATERIALS .'r NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR The following Board before A. BUILDING & S€(ro.^s SElrno- tr^{ -ttg ^ ^' Y{oae ftcp rS on flq6111 S}jE o* 6rl rr{.vr,o, \v. -fy|g: Cg}$E[- Srn0 rt Mf(or. l9 S$- Uc fggf-- information is required foi'submittal by the applicant to the Design Review a final approval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATIRIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng Other WalI Materials Fasci a Soffi ts W'indows Window Trim Doors uoor lrlm Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chi mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone : PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Common Name Quani ty Size* for coni fers. ' (over) Indi cate hei ght a D PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name common Name- Quanity * size (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Tvpe Square Footage GROUND COVERS SOD )LE.U TYPE OF IRRiGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retainjng wa'lls, fences, swimming poo1s, etc.) Pjease specify. Projecl Applicalion lt o"," 4/. /A< Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description' 1o1 dF4 , ato"t Comments: [h,. UtcceGe t$ Design Review Board I Morion by: tA/tP; seconded oy' C*rl,{ft.nney "-" rl,7ls5 APPROVAL 9-D DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAM MON WED INSCCTION REQUEST THUR FRI CALLEB INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr o UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr D tr HEATING tr o tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL -"tr FINAL PROVED O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR \' z o z .^o z\(D0 >z f,:)Jo LtL J (9o zE 96 l:i (D TU c o E EL o o o tt z tr 3r-E=o ii::r ou-,-o Err :c F- o z F o IIJ -)o t o- $l TI oJl tu F o E =E,lrl o-z o F ()f E,F a z o () DN I l." IE I I I I l. IE la z t= lo tz <()az -f,+;a+x9 H?6'tt9o'.1 Ii".o> _<on ao=E<' 2 a z F i.) 4, F z o 2 NO|lVn]VA - . Q.! I I _l :<&a\ =zz!-ooo F^A:Z Yf>Y r9 0E 66 a Z\-O oo9.<)zX l! <(o1 i -ur-E llxrrJ axz '. Y uJ -N(, 9'q "-I|v'iu.tS =tON z.frY =E 6f *-o <FlLl ;trilI !PA <oz r!Zf o z E =E ul o- tH x Y t{ I E tr J o z I o UJ = ll J,l ln _tl l<r tz q= tlJ =z 3( $ B a u1 .Fl g ql I uf =4 IJJ t o )a I .Fl al F (J E tr a Lu q o n ==o 8 +l v) ?.t c) +l 4 1 >l cl trl ul 4 o o s --f E I o F =(r tr llJ E o o J a = E a n --.1 E =tr uJ o J = g l!E o o J a = I o. t E I F () ul F I E <F E() g uJ< |zE d r!F \(r, z F Jt <o ()F r?ql urO t 9P 9? =E =F d6 5p z<)d<+c Y,Z =g E o Eh r.r.r i:*t o2 O J <o (1 U,rir Ul JO ntr rF {-{r'?\{r'|ia+rr!;td;1q*{E€tiqt.cg1ffF,;F-.F.:7ltrlF- TI}r- a '}-'r' r, " fr:r;:r..Qlt?l +r .r..at}tgr-:ilkg!f,:*tP .it }'r.ritti6- -- ( r\\9 Project Appllcation o*" K- Q- 7? Project Name: Proiect Description: Owner Addr€ss and Phon6: Ardhit'ect Address and Phone: Logal Description: Lot -Eb?/ Y??7 Zone: Zoning Approvod: Design Review Board Motion by: o^," f- 30- 7f DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL Ghief Building Off icial i: 1-1 .' I t 'I t r ,l I : t-i <:FD r :' o;ll <: (,z!:<4.2:( c.: zri ii -a F1 J(1 JLi <61 -:!5J '{ &l tt >i]c-l r r-7 -:3 tiFo Y r-l l-Ftiq uFH 3:q r,J z t ' j <o -^t z ;9< YFF u <u <lJd :i: =ao :<u =i'-F{ct><o E< I I 1,, li I I I I I l I I I I I I llY 6 I I I I I I l- lo tE Iu-to l(t rd l-'l r(O \\ \; "t an trJ LlJ b UJ J F- F F 6 o ttl ? .(tl, (J I I t. t a', I an r! trJ LL =u LU o- d o z tr .; E u, o- tl-l F o z o z z o F (r I =o =z.o o G o @ ur ; E = o u, ; (: (J !l -{ (J lr, (, (o s? CC F ul F G o- z. o = Nor!vnlYA I t. lBg =i= i's i-:s I lz z f o a la a z IF ? i: g I j c'i . 3 o o o (' (, =v A-o tlt o = o z =E u]=uto FT za <\dg) Fi u-,ECO aa tr z :l z 9 F ov'O-acl =o oc (J c)cl [!<!J z o F f z.O F J =U)z. |- UJ I o F o I t'. I I FA E 2 ?=3 i rgF'99=--o =EEE355 oooTzc, (L fC (, ut F R + :o. ).!:o (l o c] (, =e, f, J o- D )J.( ..ri59 :: o: l! J\ l- -r '-r ll ij :.) --r rU (ll rrJ:i c q, E o.I o, (u 1) .:,c :F E-: ; ll, .r.- aL O tl...o o) :-"t: >-t: l . -J z.6\l a)a\ u }- -\ ol i^v o t! () (l -( ! .n: _t ().l: l-t: r ) :((J I J o ii ) (, J (J 5 (J lr,- J 9 F () rtl tl, F F 2 o i c ut F .] - tu J & CT d o v,J gi,-93o Yr9 l! cg tr o tr F ut !I :r F YI !b { \. \ J J (D llal department of community development vail, colorado 81657 1303) 4765613 lfay 7I, IW9 Edelrryeiss BCI( 667 Vai1, CO 81657 Re: Rrblic/Private Joint Venture trr'ogram har Sir: I am sorry to info:rn yor that your project has not been approved ;p*t oi tte R:blic/kivate Joint Venture Program for 1979' the Tcnrn Council has decided that your proiect stlould not-be frmded due to its bejIg located il an area vfuere the benefit to the publiclmrld be limited. I $quld ljke to thank you for applyjng and hope you have a good sunnEr. Sineerely, A ,, f"t ,\(h/'-,e4 ft'W'/-l-.v Jases A. R$in Toni-ng Adnilistrator JAR:caj box lfl! rail, colorado 81657 (303) 47G5613 department of community development Decerrber 2o., 1977 Edelweiss Jack Curtin Box 667 VaiL, Colorado .81657 Dear Jack: The Town of Vail is amending the Zoning Ordinance to allow a limiterl number of private parking spaces.to be leased oo- " f"og-term b;"i;. e copy of the proposed ordinance is enclosed. Extensive studies of parking utilization were conducted during last ski se&son- These studies indicated that most private parking lots had spaces available even during peak ski season. You are eligible to lease 4 parking spaces' If you wish to pariicipate ii ttr:-s leasing program, please complete the enclosed fornr and return it witL ai appfieation fee of $1O'OO to us for review and aPProval . Sincerely, Diana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator DST/di Enclosure .--l \: .i t-..i{'$ ei aq>!'l >trJr.<-gk =r'2t-_k9" < :. ? z E:F<-<,:!.^llt;rl da9Z tz - <<<oz =zz7 i:-5 o<c)<oElz -fqt a::v tt ; : F lir<a> *<c. a(<3 F = Y I z z F-*F -i ur =.! o ul (! UJ z ut F u, O z s F z ut E uJ F tll It llJ E J F F tc cc J t! J F F r lrl o -l > I I :t ),J IL eO =,2 =q l-" l o NOtlvn'tvn -<t >oc) \llN -@; z o F 9o ;> :z :< o.o >o I I I I \J LJ \ I ) 6 I i F k ?o F b0 o x d F c) a o ru (\ lr (J j ru () F] h q)fr o c) :o! fi .E -tH \3 rro \:' 'i \1 I I T. l $l pl ril tt-t I I \\I I t\l ,t I I d h () b0 E k cr" rr> CD Qr z 6l Et EF H5 &rF o 5 t.l H tu 14 H & A a \ i I l' ,I "(j \rl N I 'J -r ;<t-{ t o Auguet 29, 1972 Mr. Rod Sllfer S I I'fer and Company P. 0. Box 1248 Va l.l , Col orrdo Dcar Rod: In reply to yoqr lefter of Augurt 28, I am encloslng lomt gencral Informctlon pcrfalnlng to tl rs dompErs for ventf latlng equlpment. Thls ghould glve you some ldoa of rhot can bs dono fo provldo f lr-e protectlon In the Ede lrolrr Bul ldlng !nd sf lll provldc cooler ,tempcraturcg f or the tfa | | oreas Slncc your v€n.tl latlon rl ll bs through thc dampcrc nced only havr a 5/4 hour- bel lcve fhl+ fype of damper ls aval lab ! onc hour roll,flre ratlng and I le rlfh a 5/il hour dt labcl. I f ' yo.g ncad f urther asgl Youar tru ly, TOTN OF VAIL Dlana 5r'Toughl ll Bul ldlng Departnent Enclosure stancc, pl6as. call. t o PHONE 303 a?0F2.2a REALTOR Slllen and Oompany ?t"l tttot' eox | 2ae vArL, coLoRADO 8t657 August 28, L972 l,lrs. Diana Toughill Town of Vail Building Dept. Box I00 Vail CO 81657 Dear Diana: Could you send me some infornation on the kind of vents that would be acceptable to install in the exit doors of the Bdelweiss Condominium. We would need two on each of the four floors. Apparently they need to be a type tbat nould close in case of fire. ry truly, RS:car 47, PTATE NO. 33 - VER.T o ICAL ftIOUNTED, SINGLE BL o ADE Plate 33 is a digest of the official drarving5 f61 the Single Blade Fire Dampers SB-10H and SB- 1.,trH that n'ere submitred. b,v SllACN.{ to the Underrvriters' Laboratories and successfully passed the 1)l hour fire test.'The U.L. test re- port is 504.1-l of April 6, 1965. The SB-10H and SB-1-1ll Fire Dampers were tested in the vertical position for use in hori- zontal ducts. Complete drarving5 for fabrication of these dampers may be purchased from S\I.{CNA bv members and non-members. Specimen drarvings are available to Fire }larshals and other aurhor- ities having jurisdiction over building consruc- tion.' The SB-l0tl and SB-1111 Fire Dampers are listed in the Underrvriters' Laborarories Building l{a- FIRE DAMPER terials List and are eligible for the U.L. Label. The same Dampers can also bear the SIIACNA Fire Damper Label that indicates that the dam- per is made exactly as the damper that was tested and rvithstood the ll,i hour fire tesr. Ail labeled Fire Dampers must be fabricated in strict accordance with the complete drarvings of the dampers that were tested and must comply, in full, with the details thereon. Fire dampers that have been tested by the U.L. for other concerns are listed in the Building il[aterials List that is published by Underrvriters' Laboratories, Inc. 46.74 SitACNA low V.locity Ducl Strhdrrds {th Ed. SMACNA vEtsrE MOUNTED INGLE BLADE E DAM PE I h I MATERIAL NO. REOUIRED DESCRIPTION 14 GA. HOT ROLLED C.IOIO STEEL I PER AS SEMELY 2'r, xt-cHANNEL H.R. c-19t!_!l!€L f . frl,- anoue x. n. c-lolo srEEL ELAOE STOP 12 P€R ASSEMBLY .o53 STATNLESSSTEEL * HARo T-3O2-sS I PER ASSEMSLY /it'I CHANNEL H.R. C.1O IO STEEL I PER ASSEMBLY ELAOE CATCH MOUNT 14 GA. HOT ROLLEO C.IOIO STEEL I PER ASSEMBLY VARIOUS U. L. APPROVEO HOT ROLLEO C.IO]O STEEL FUSIBLE LI II K FUSIELE LIN K BRACKET r2 PER ASSEMBLY DIA. COLD ROLLED C.IOIO STEEL 2 PER BLAOE SI NTERED ERONZE ROLLEO C.IO IO STEEL 2 PER BLAOE BEARU.G STRAP u,/l-2Srt SET SCREW 4H c.1010 'I PER ASSEMELY SMACNA DUCT STANDARDS Plote No.33 Poge No.75 SMACNA Low Velocity Duct Stlndirds'{th Ed *- YERt?o. ilouNTED murrl -prArE No.34 - "r.r?ot ilouNTED ,,rutt ,t, F'RE DA''ER Plate 34 is a digest of the official drawings for the Multi Blade Fire Dampers [18-12H and MB- 14H that were submitted by SIIIACNA to the Un- derwriters' Laboratories and successfully passed the l% hour fire test. The U. L. test report is 5044-3 of October 26,1965. The MB-I2H and MB-14H Fire Dampers were tested in the vertical position for use in hori- zontal ducts. Complete drawings for fabrication of these dam- pers may be purchased from Sll ACillA by members and non-members. Specimen drawings are avail- able to Fire Marshals and other authorities hav- ing jurisdiction over building construction. The'MB-I2H and MB-l4H Fire Dampers are Jisted in the Underwriters' Laboratories Buildins illa- terials List and are eligible for the U. L. Label. The same Dampers can also bear the SMACNA Fire Damper Label that indicates that the damp- er is made exactly as the damper that was tested and withstood the 1% hour fire test. All labeled Fire Dampers must be fabricated in strict accordance rvith the complete drawings of the dampers that were tested and must comply, in full. with the details thereon. Fire dampers that have been tested by the U. L. for other concerns are listed in the Building Ma- terials List that is published by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. Nolc lilhen dampers in frames are installed, the duct area should be ircreased to compen' sate lor the frame area. io SMACNA Low Vclocity Duct Standardr {th Ed. SMACNA VERTICAL UNTED-MULTI-BLADE FI AMPER MATERIAL NO. REQU'RED OESCRIPTION 14 GA. HOT ROLLED C-IOIO STEEL I PER ASSEMBLY CHANNEL H.R. C.IOIO STEEL I PER ASSEMELY t"* r"xl'llrcuE u.n. c-1010 srEEL d'tIr U CHANNEL H.R. C-IOIO STEEL I PER ASSEMBLY BLADE LATCH MOUNT r"r rSr tf BAR H. R. c'lo lo sTEEL I PER ASSEMBLY VAR IOUS U. L. LISTED FUSIBLE LINK *1" not RoLLED c-lolo sreEL 2 PER ASSEMBLY FUSIBLE LIN K BRACKET l- ora. couo RoLLED c-lolo srEEL 2 PER BLAOE EEARING SHAFT SINTERED BRONZE 2 PER BLADE HOT ROLLEO C-IOIO STEEL 2 PER BLADE rz el. xor RoLLEo-lr8 l2H 9-10 ia aa nnr Ror r Fo-MB t4H c-10 VARI AELE STAINL c-101 VARIAE LE l.ora. cot-o RoLLEo 9:lolo_!I9EL I PER ASSEMBLY CONNECTING ROD SMACNA DUCT STANDARDS Plo te No. 34 Pog e No.77 rltCNA Low velo<ity Du<t st^nd.di 4th Ed r..r. .--.1.a, , CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY AND COMPLIANCE Vail, Colorado -L.e.<.--ti t S --:?-t Permit is hereby granted. -. . - _EF g. L${.8- i-i 5_ -. _ _.<o_ tr : +,f _t4. i _v t u pl The address knovilr as ------!{l-gt t ,ar,r--.--;:-r-R-c-LF- Building ro ?r\ on *EJ Lo {orring district. Applicant shall maintain said build.ing in accordancc ltith all Present or future ordinances vith respect to sanitation, buil_ding and zoning. € F h-- 0ctober 'l 5, l97l Mr. Ed Struble Building Official Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ed: 0n my last visit to Vai'l I checked the three remaining requlrements you outlined as prerequlsites to issuing a certificate of occupancy on the Edelweiss. All these requirements hlve been met and I rculd'lfke a final certificate as soon as possible. In addltion, the "cleanup deposit" of $150 filed with the building permit should be refunded. Please make the refund payable to Investment Enterprises Corporation. If there are any complications, please let me know. Thank you. Jt{K: ks i ncerely, .?3.EXECUTIVE CLUB / 1776 SOUTH JACKSON / DENVER,COLORADO AO21O/TELEPHONE 3O3 / 758-4344 o o TOI.J].I O: VAIL 30ARD 0F ZoNING., App:ALS, AND EXAMTNERS MINU?;S FoR I'{iETING 0F MAY 13, 197I 'l"f^^-F.:-^ ,^-1r ^r *^l'leetang ual-l-ed to Order: 4 A. The meeting was caLled to order at 9:20 a.m. Lodge. b. 'Ihe to-Llowrng members \nrere presen;: Messrs. irreli,n , Young and Strubl-e ( ex-of f icio ) . The fol-lowing guests were present: Messrs. Dick Judd,Attorney for Carl Nelson Construction; Chuck Ogilby, ApolIo Park; Robert Laziey,; Steve Boyd, Closer Than Mosr Consiruction Bud Parks, Gondola Ski Shop; Buck Rink, Hyder t Bush Construct John Sucha::, Foster Lumber Cornpany; and James Kough, Edelweiss at tne l].vo_La 10n; II Past Busines s A. car:l iielson construction application for contractor r s license:Mr. i'Jelin abstained from voting as he has a pensonar interest in the natter. The forrowing background information was given by Mr. .Iudd, attonney for Carl Ne1son Constnuction: The - articies of incorporation for Closer Than Most Construction were filed April r970. Rel-ationship between Mr. Nelson and Mn. Boyd was severed in Decembe:: 1970 because of disagneements about the managenent of the companyl however, the conponation conrinued with each Mr. Boyd and Mn. Nelson owning half of the corporation but with Mr. Boyd hanoling arI managenent fon the corporition. Yr. Judd presented the argument that the contracts for the l.leLin and BfOWn pggirlon.-oc r.'6.v.o c1'-nefi hv thc c,n-,rnr.atiOn (ClOSer ?han r{ost c"";;;;;;i";i^;";-;;;-";'.';;";;;;In:p rBoyd and Nel-son) and thenefone the corporation and not the individuals are responsible and Nersonts license shoul-d. therefore be gnanted on this basis. Mr. Hoyt stated that the Board cannot accept this argunent since the Board is looking at each individuals r qualifi-cations and financial responsibiliry and it does not make any difference that the person in question has jonrned another co*pany unde:: another nane. Boyd stated that the corponation has pai-c all of the outstanding bills and the work is being finished.Mr. Boyd stated that he is assuming responsibility for liens and Boyd will write a letten to the Board stating that crose:: Than Most construction (the corporation) is responsible for Brown's and l^lelinrs residences and not canl Nerson as an individual or . Carl Nelson Construction Company. A notion was made by Mr. Young that we grant a 30 day extension to Carl Nelson Construction on a provisional basis pending satisfactory adjustment of the two cornplaints received by the Boand. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hoyt and passed unani-mously by the Board. \) 4r .'age Two 3oari of ior lieeting of Yay 13, IgZt Zoning , Appeals and Exaniners .-,i I r New Bus ine s s A. Application for con-:ractorts license by Cfoser Than Most Constructior Compary: A motioa was made by }lf , young ;hat closer Than Most construction ricense application be handled in the same manner as carr iietson construction. The rnotion was seconded by Mr. !.ie1in. Case Z-6-7i - Gondol-a Ski Snop application for a set back varjance: Tirc se1-back variancc -i_;r accord.:,ncc w i. t-h clraw-l n1-s rlrrl,rrr il ll.rl l1y 14',, r',rr,l,.t;, w,ti; i,,f ',|lrl.r,ri r;ulr.Jr;t:1. l,() wIi .t.r,tt ,r1rlt[,O!1.1.! .Lr',orn V"ri.r- Associ.ltes forthe Stairs which project into the tract l-and. The Board members lookeo at the proposed site and it was agreed that the tract land must be preserved, as it was beione the addition. A motion was rnade bv chan vlelin to grant tie variance with the above provisions ind seconded by Bo,: Clark. Case B-2-7I - James W. Kough (Edelweiss) - Application for two building variances, one for combusrion air vent and one for trash chute vestibule: A rnotion was made by l,lr. Hoyt that a solution .be worked out between Building Official and yr. Kough on the venting. The notion was seconded by Mn. young. Mn. Struble agreed ro meer with Mr. Koughrs representative ar the site and wonk out the rec-uired details for the cornbustion ain vent. A motion was rnade by l,li:. Hoyt that variances ::egarding trash chute vestibule not be gnanted and that Mr. Kough be required to construct a vestibule around the trash chute in the basement.The motion was seconded by llr. Welin D. Case B-3-71 - Hibberd Construction Coinpany application for building variance with regard to chases (Table l7-A of uniform 3uilcing Code): Motion was made by Mr. Hoyt rhar we accept 3uilding Officialts judgernent in this case. The motion was seconded by l'ir. Young. The forlowing reconmendation was made by Mr. Struble: The contractor should use Al_bi-Clad on steel members and non-organic niateriai be stuffed into the chases.' A rnoti-on !^ras nrade f,y M.r. werin that the variance be granted with ti:e siigges;ions made by I"lr. Struble incorporated. The morion was seconded by Mr. C1ark. E. case B-5-71 - Robert T. Lazier application for building variance with regard to ?lacernent of stairs. A suggestion was made by Mr. Strubre that stair.s be moved to center of buiiding instead of on 'che end of building to pnomore betten fire safety.Lazier must agree and write a letter to tne 3oarci stating that l-5r of setback will be provided on parcel C when it is built on, and tliat par"cel l wiii not be used for a buildinE. Motion made by Mr. Hoyt that the variance be granted pendin! receipt of lettens fnom Mr. Lazier and Vail Asiociates with respect-to parcel 1.D I / .. .'age 3 llinute s tsoa::d of _ ^€ \/^ ^-r- -' 6 : ^- rr^..(r l_ r'tes L-LrrB (Jt 1'td.y '7^^;^- A-^^-r ^!\JrrrrrB: nPPsd-L:: I 1? 't o71 and Examinei:s o Case 8-4-71 - Robe::t T. Lazler - Request fon buildinq variance with regard to section 3302 (a) of tt't" Ut'tifonrn Buildlng Code:A motion was made by Mr. Hoyt that the vaniance not to .provide two exits as required in section 3302 (a) be appnoved provided that an alte,rnate method or' exit be pr^ovided by way of laddens from the balconies. The rnotion was seconded by Mn. Young. Case 2-3-71 - Rodney E. S1ifer - Request for. setback variance: Thr-s case was ?resenteo by Mr. Sl-ifer at the April 22, L97L neeting as he was not planning to be in town for rhe meering of Xay 13, l-97L. Mr'. Strubl-e stated that he couLd aee no danger €r-rnn +lra c.r=r'r^^.i nt of fire since thene is a sreat diStance frOm the existing house (Hastings). Mn. Hastings has given his approval to the Board for the variance. A motion was made by )'in. Young that the variance be granted to alLow a 5t se;back from the property line. The motion was seconded by lir. Weiin.ft was suggested that a letter be written to Mr. Sfifen staring that he must be sure where his property line is and should not base his opinion on the position of the existing fence. Case Z-4 -7I - Vail Fine Protection District - Request for setback variance l A var.iance r.equest was made fo:r a 6r set- back variance on the west side. A motion was made by Mr. Hoyt that the variance be denied and that the Fir"e Protection District must rneet the 10 I setback nequirement, but the Board would grant a variance on the South property line and the building must be moved on the property in accondance with the above. The vaniance was denied on the basis of assessibility to the sewer line that nuns between the two buildings. The variance as gr^anted would allow the buiLding to be no closer than 6r on the South pnoperty I. Case 2-5-71 - Vail Fi::e Protection District - Request for setback vaniance: A vaniance request was made fo:: a. 3 t setback . variance on the property line which fronts on the road. A motion was made by Mr. lrJeli-n that the variance be gnanted if the Fire P:rotection Distnict Board agrees to accept rlecommendation made for" Case 2-4-71. The motion -was seconded by Mr. Welin. , IV. Other Business A. The following applications for Contractor t s Licenses were approved subject to receipt of insurance certificates and other missing information: Ainway, Inc. Amco Electric Stan Anderson Benedict t s Closer Than Most Const:ruction - see fII A. Down East Landscaping Gany Hamilton lr 'l ) l1 @ TObIN OF VAIL BOARD 0F ZoNrNG, AppiALS, AND EXAMINERS IIINUTES FOR I"iEET]NG OF APR]L 22. ).977 to.orcier by Chairman, Robert C1ark, V a-ii off ice . B . The fo]Lowing members were present: I'{essrs. crark. Hovt .Knox, WeIin, Struble (ex-ofiicio) . Mr, Rod SIii;;'"ui'-'present as a guest to pnesent his variance case. c. Tne Minut€s ora the Meeting of April B were approved. Motion made by Mr. Knox and seconded by Mn. Hoyt. Past Bus ine s s A. None III. New Business A The meeting was c alted at 9:45 in the Town of II o the folLowing apprications for contractorrs Licenses were approved subject to receipt of insurance centificates and additional information as requested: 1. Rosa Brothers, fnc.2, Carl Becerra 3. A to Z Hor,re Repair Senvice l+. Powers Construction Comoanv 5. Holy Cross Electric 6. tsickel Construction Companv 7. Lysle Satterfield (pat'i Construction)8. iames Reinecke, Jn. Constnuction 9. Loup-Mille:: Constnuction Company The applieation fnom Car]- ,'rielson Const::uction was disapproved by the Board on the grounds that we have received two 1.tters, ?:" :::T.Y:._|li""ing welin and one from Lir. william R- B;;;;;ur'. srarlng rnat they presently have liens against their Property due to unpaid bilrs of closer than Most construction,of which Mr. Nelson was fonmenly a partner. Mr. welin abstained from_voting since he has a personaL inter.est in tne natter.Mr. clank, the chairman of the Board, then dictated a retter to l'ir. Nelson: copy attached. Mr. Nerson wirl have until May 13 to take care o.f the matten and meet with the Board at that time A Jar.re s ld. Kough (as r r\\J\-rBrr. \cr.b -L I WI_IIOW flace Ventufe) !::: 2-2--7i ^- Request.fon. two building variances. I{r. Kough cal-]ed from Denver and asked that '.'i c ^i.6 \^ i^--n^h6^un:i' the nexr rneeting when he ..r,"il ;;:;";; il"*ill'ln.facts of his case. The Board nenbers went to the Edelweiss (Willow Place Ventr:ne) --n -i rsnp.rr :he trrr jl diro :nrt 6!gsrys the areas where tn.- """i1""-;;';;; #;";;.';;i"fi"fii:_"y, the basernent parking area and the boiler room. 3o. Page 2 liinutes Boa:rd of 7 IV. Othen Br.rriness TOWN OF VAIL of }leeting of ApriL 22, L}TI Zoning, Appeals, and Examiners A. Rodney E. sr-ifer - case z-3-7L - Request for setback variance of 4a4t in r-ieu of 10 r. Mn. slifer ti." ""qrr"sted the variance for his residence on Lot 12, 6th Filing. He wants to add a garage on the west side of the house and add an entryway between the house and garage. Existing roof line wilr- be pneserved. A sundeck will ar-so be aaa6d on top of the garage but it wilr- not be seen from the front as it is too rur'u""r.constnuction wirr- be conenete block witn gypsun boar.d on waIl nearest the house. ceiling wirr iiio u.-"""-i,ou" :construction. Mr:. slifer has pnesJnted us with a ret{er-or appnoval f::om Mn. Mennill G. Hastings, Jn., the adjoining property owner. A decision wi-1L be-made uy trre Boind at"the next meeting on-May 13 since the vaniance was not.pub_Lished fon the required ten days. V. Adjounnment A' As there was no furthen business, the meeting adjounned at 1l-:L5. f /1 <h t.Z 4 .aL{Je<.s- Secretary (Ex-0fficio) dw a E/"L&- It. t-. n||L ldrlrln Vlll' Stnnb tlftt lltt E. brlbr t Or n rlll rffrst tttrl cfnore ri rutlrntl,* el tt rG I rttblr fl|'jfc el*sb to I nt nd rabllrl ndn I'!Er Of yOS gnt8rob8, Fttl. rpttl ll, lf?l fEr Dr llmt fD|rrt I" trtEt Lrl:f r. El{Lt Er. Oe| r.l , Irc. lt||..lr$t FtlErdr.. Co!9.sa!ry lflryg v.' tllclrltr 18- :1;.i* ":1+*.'.1* sue}: APPLICATIONTO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD OF ZONING AD]USIMENT BOARD OF BUILDING APPEALS DAT E: March 25, '197] resentative of |r'lillow Place ot Sect t-on xb)t{ddxr(f,xd Edelwelss Condomlniums Permlt #57053N 0-1"/l Ventu re )_ respecrruJ.ly request r 6. of o f , James !J. Kou and Sect on Building CodE oft e unLrorm thute from the upper one-h0ur re ratln aqe area. rn making a detenmination on zoning the Board considens only, 1. Un-duF handship' 2..need f9r- the pnop6sed vaniance, 3. compaii6irity-or the proposed vaniance with the-surnounding -ne"i 4. efflct on future development of the anea and, 5. health, sifety, and the welfane of the inhabitants of the Town. rn.buildilg code vaniances the Boand may considen only, 1. suit-ability of_ alternate mateniars and methods of constr"6iio" i"J,2. neasonable interpnetations of the pnovisions of the code. The Administnative Officiar may challenge any va:riance gnanted which goes beyond the scope of the porvens of ihe Boand. rt is understood that a fee or $2s.00 is payable in advance and that a t9l (10) day posting peniod'is requirea-pi'ion to a pubric heaning on the above lrequests Signed: t9 /-'3'3/'7/ o o o o March LB, 1971 Mn. Jin Kough Cane of; Mr. Edwand C. Lana 3797 South Jaemine Stneet D€nver, Colonado Subject: Edelweise Condoniniume Penmit #57053N Dear Sir: This ie in confinmation of rny pne-final inapection made on Manch 17. The following itema are brought to your attention to be rectified prion to the Lseuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy: I. The conbuetion air opening fon the boiler room ie nonconform- ing in as much as it ia reguired to open to the extenion. ?. A11 openings to the trash chute on Ehe basement and finet floon Ievels ane requined to open into a veetibule. 3. Although I falled to check the elevator at the time of my inepection, the ehaft muet be vented to the exterior with a minimum openlng of thnee aquare feet. fn negand to Iten 1, eince it is irnpoeeible hrithout axtensive cost to meet the Code reguirements, I suggeet you apply for a vanlance on tbe basie that you undenstand the nonconfonmities and accept full neeponsibility fon s'me. If this is the courae of action you wieh to take, application should be made innediately. In :regand to the doon to the trash noom in the basement (Itern 2),a door: cLoeen on the existing metal door will suffLce. As for. the opening to the tnash chute on the finet floon which opena directly into the panking srea, a vestibule ig required the same aa you have on the uppen floors. In addition to the above, I need a letter fnom the Mountain States Inspection Buneau (on equal) etating thein acceptance of the standpipe eystems and the spninklen system in the tnash chute. t7. I rt Considen thl,e letter a temponary occupancy bullcling on the baals that the above ltemE pernit for ths w111 be taken iteme have eite wonk, be issued. enttre cane of been teken at whloh within the next 30 daye. I wiII make a final inspection whcn the above canE of and when it ie poeeible to inspect the time a pcr.nanent Centlficate of Occuparicy wlll Reapectfully, T0r{!r 0F vArL . Ed Struble Building Offieial Constnuctlon Conpany 3 5 NT ENTERPRIS ES CtrRPORATION Mr. Ed Strub'le Building 0fficial Town of Vail Vai'1, Colorado 8.|657 Dear Ed: RE: Edelweiss at Vail According to tny records, a "clean-up" deposit of $150.00 was made along with our building permit fee to insure the clean up of the construction site. The building is substantially complete except for the landscaping scheduled for early spring and the area has been cleaned up. Please make the refund payable to Investment Enterprises Corporation and mai'l to the above address. Thank you for your cooperat'ion and council on this project. Si ncerely, - ]450 WESTERN FED ERAL B U ILDIN G 7IB SEVENTEENTH STR EET DENVER, COLORADO EO2O2 1303t 266-3637 March 3, l97l 7{8-T113 i i, James li. Kough Pres i dent url/l c,0' Jt.iK: ks ,"#,& 15 R" ['"^ Pl'v /(, Real Esta te lnvestment Analysis and Development No.--------. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY AND COMPLIANCE V Permit is hereby granted="=-.-,'-E--pd*rr atu .r | :rr:---fj, -56.4or, t--$.pb onLots-l-A--.Z4-eE-l?-|Block'S-P'A9gl"-EW'4"-r'"-*'-!r-x'tdrtton'\r- '/11 Located ir, - -.-. - - -. V--4 -t !-. + -- -. - -9 -9 - -!-9 -'- - - - - - - - - - - - - -' - zoning distfica The address known as '--"--"""-' Applicant shall said building in accordance wittr all Present or future ordinances with respect to sanitation, buil' ding and zoning. Building Official Roern o r Alfirsren ARCHITECT Post 0f f ice Bor 335 Iitt]eton, Colorado 80120 Tel ephone' (303) 798 -7965 19 December 1970 l,ir. Ed Struble, Euilding Official TheTotrn of Vail, Bor 631 Vall, Colorado 81657 Re: Edelwelss at Vail Condomini.um, Permit #57053N As a matter of record, ln answer to your letter of 21 October, I would llke to verify the agreements between you, l.lr. Keough, and nyself . Al: You nqr have all of the plans in your flles. A2: The hrest stairway has a ladder to the roof. A3: The trash clrute is properly enclosed and the door to the chute is labelled. Bl: A 900cfm fan is to be placed in the dead corner of the basement parking to move air into the naln part of the garage. Cl: Glass is to be ornitted on the front windorr and a louver is to be placed in the stalr well to provide necessary ventilation and access. Slnce_4ely yours:*&"{-_u, cc: Mr. Keough. /,1/ D October 21r 1970 Hn. Robent lliester:, Aaghlteet P.0. Box 335 Littleton, Col,orado SUBJECT: Edelwelse Condorniniun Pennit No. 57053}t Dean Sltl': f have Just rechecked what plans thie offlce had, whl-ch were finally found in our stonape area. The onlv reason f can think of why ny pnedeceasor would have put therq ln Etoragc ie beeauae they ane not con'plete. At any rate, the reeheck hag been nade trecauee the pnoJect ls now takl.ng shapa to the polnt where f can sae thinge that were not dlseernlblc befone. The non-confornrl.tLeg are as follows: A. Genenal L) Sectlon 301 iG-nieEriaffi6al on elect:rLcal plans havc been subnitted. At thie stage, f Be! no neaaon for then cxc€pt as noted elsewhere ln thla Letter. 2, Section 3305(n)dffi-elt*sfifiuey shall continue to noof surfacc unlees thc roof hae a elope Elreatcr than.foun (tf ) in tr+elve (12). 3) Sectlon 3003 fFiafr--ch-uTe-ahrl-1 be enclosed by a ona (1)- hour fire reelstlve waIl . Doon to traeh chute aceess area fnom eorrldon ehall be sclf-cloelng and a one (l)-houn label doon rlth matal. door fnarne. B. Eaee;ent 1) Scction 1105 and 1109 Eas-circnf ?o6s *n-ot-n66't ceoubenente fon open parklng garage; tharefone, meehanlcal ventilatlon ghall. bc pnovdded suffLclent to produee one (1) eourplete ah change every fifteen (15) rnlnutee l.n panklng area and tno (2) al:r. changee pcn houn in noorilg at the, ea6t end of the basenent. o EdclsrolEs Condonlnlurn Oetobcr 21, 197C Fagc 2 t'dun rcply to pooalble. Raeprctfully, Tot${ 0f vA.rL Ed Stnublc'Bulldtng Offlclal E3/eh cc: Eydcn/Bush E. C. Lena 2) Subnlt schsnatlc fon ften B, panagn;ph 1) aboya. e. Flnat Floor r) 2) Scctlon. 3801 ffifiEf-fr-iffrtem :.equlned. Thla ean ba avolded lf garaga door ls not lnstallcd and opanlng ls lcf,t open to the oxterlon. Scetlon 1105 and 1109 ffi B, panagraph 1), above.If garage doon oponing le left unobctrueted and glese lrft out of wlndosa on the sauth wlll, natunal vcntllatlon would be sufflelant rrnd rcchanlcal vcntltratlon would not ba ra<lulncd. the above would be appnaciatcd et soon a! APPLICATION TO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD OF ZOUI\:IG IDJUST},IEI.IT BoARD OF BtrTLDIt,te APPEALS DATE:/uc.' request ect]'on Code in o:rder to In making a determination on 4oning the Board considers on1y, 1. Un- due haralhip, 2. need for the proposed variance, 3. conpatibility of tn. p""p"seh'variance with the surrounding area' 4. effect on future J"".i"p*."t of the area and, 5. health, slfety, and the welfare of the inhabitants of the Town. Tn building code variances the Board mav consider only, 1. suit- "ulritv of alternate mateniats and methods of contnuction and, 2. reasonable intenpretations of the provisions of the code. The Administrative Officiat may challenge any variance granted which goes beyond the scoPe of the porrers of the Board' It is understood that a fee of $15.00 is a ten (10) day posting period is required on the above nequests Signed: pavable in advance and that 'prior to a public hearing /$ aa 7o/{t'- '1''?-i, t '/'r lA ZtC;;*,., RoeR o r Allrcsren ARCHITECI Post 0tlice Bor,335 Iittleton, Golorado 80120 l{r. Charles Bynum, P.E. Buildlng Officlal , Town of Vall, P.O. Box 63I ValI, Colorado 81657 Re: Edelwelss at ValI Condomtnlum Buildlng, Vall, CoIo. Enclosed are two copies enced buildlng, shomlng and the locatlon of tb@ Zonlng ordlnance. of the plot plan for the refer- the locatlon of the bulldlng, loadlng berth as requlred by AIso sho,trn on tbe drawlng are tlre deslgn crlterla, such as loadlngs and allosable stresses. Tlhen I was talklng to Jim Kough on the phone about the snoer loadlng used, I was taking lt off the top of my bead, but after hanging up I checked my computatlons and found that I bad lndeed used 50 psf for tbe loadlng. ?he hltchen as shown are a garbled mess due to lack ol eradlcatlon on the sepias; they are ln fact pullnan tlpe ln unlts 1,2,&3 wlth a floor area of 4'x8' or 32 sf. The wlndws shoqrn aa two casements are lndeed below code, and are belng changed by Addendurn to provide thrce case- nenta wlde and wlll 15.3 sf of operable wlndoqr, whlch meets the requlrements of Sectlon 1307 and 1305. The other ltems noted ln your letter of 28 April to Hr. Lana have been shq*n On tbe drawlngs whlch you noqr have. Looktng forward to seeing you during the construction thls summer:",Tfu cc: Mr. illm Kough. . :' .', :." ' :.,.:..i, l; ii;,"4:' !- :r*'. *; .'s..." frioERsEN .o*QoRArtoN liALES REPRESENTATIVE NOY A. BBOIVN I3SO CHESTEF ST. PHONE 366-03E|2 AREA CODE 3O3 AURORA, COLORADO gOOI O fhoERsEN.otoRArtoN SALES REPRESENTATIVE noY A. BnOrvN t3€'O CHESTER ET. PHONE 366.0382 AFIEA COOE 3O3 AURORA, COLtrRAOO BOOTO Roern o r Allrcsren ARCHITECT Post 0f f ice Bor 335 tittleton, Colorado 80120 Telephone, (303) 798 -7965 30 Harch 1970 BuiJ.dJ.ng Depart*ent f,own of VaIl, vall, Colorado Re: The EdeLweise at Vail Condoxlniux Wj.Uow PLace, ValL, Colorado. Geatleren: fhis ls to certlfy that the plans and speclflcatlons f,or the referenced project wllL reet the tsuildlng Code of the tovn of Vaj.l {UnLforr Bulldtng Code). In aecordance wlth my contract wlttr the Owners, I vllL supervise the constructlon of the bulldlng and wlll see tbat the contractor adl.eree to the plans and the Cod€. fbank you, Sineerel-y yours.,2, /,+-----1 -.,- [ .i / // T>+,tt-z-<z/\ L,( .,) I EDELI.IEISS CONDOMTNIUMS Floor Areas Totai Parking Area---- 9,999.75 sq. ft. Total Mechanical & Storage (Basemnt)-- 525.00 sq. ft. Total Finished Area--- ------23,522.75 sq. ft. Total Exterior Arcade, etc.------------ 918.25 sq. ft. TOTAL BUILDING AREA--- 34,965.75 sq. ft. 7 j STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY CF EAGLE ss.DECLARATION CF LAND.ALIf CATION I, EDWARD C. LANA , bEtrg first duly sworn upon oath, depose and say that the following statements are true and correct accorCing to my best knowledge, information and belief, to wit: l. That thie atatement is made ln conjunction with the filing of an application for a building pertnit to the Town of .Vail and to comply with the requirements of Article VII, .Section 3, Ordinance Number 7 (Seriee of 1969) Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Vail. Z. The description of the building site for the proposed building is as follows: Lot 4. Block 6, Vail Vi'l'laqe First Filing (Deecription trury be attached or ourveyorrs map may be ueed to ghow dee- cription. ) 3. The propoeed building site contains l5'828'15 sguare feet, and the proposed building contains 2TSn:77 square feet of area ae defined in the aforesaid T.oning Ordinance. 4. The propoeed building, ae it relates to the building aite area. cor-rlplies to the Floor Area Rptio for the zoning which appliee to the building eite, ae defined in thi aforesaid Toning Ordinance. The foregoing affidavit and declaration was duly sqrorn to before rne, a notary public, by EDhIARD C. l Tth ilay of March , tgsg.70 gubscribed and LANA , thig OWNER 5- My cormrission expi?es/0a!4/Zt J4 /474 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE DECLARATION CF LAND. ALI,CCATION SS. I, Edward C. Lana , bEBrg first duly 6worn upon oath, depose and say that the following statements are true and correct accorCing to rny beet knowledge, irrformation and belief, to wit: 1. That thie statement is made ln conjunction with the filing of an appl.icatioa for a building pettnit to the Town of ,Vail and to cornply with the requirements of Article VII, Section 3, Ordinance Number ? (Seriea of 1969) Zoning Ordinance for the ?own of 1/ai1. Z, The deecription of the building site for the propoeed building ie ae follows: Lot 4. Block 6. Vail Vi] laoe First Filino . (Deecription rtny be attached or surveyorra map may be ueed to ghow des- cription. ) 3. The propoeed building site contains 15,828.15 square feet, and the propoeed building contains 3F36!ffi5"quare feet of area ae defined in the aforesaid T.oning Ordinance. 4. The propoeed building, ae it relates to the building aite area, corrlplies to the Floor Area Rptio for the zoning which applies to the building eite, as defined in the aforeeaid T.orring Ordinance. z-l / '."t" ,'rC /-/ ?he foregoing affidavit and declaration was duly subscribed and C. Lana , this aworn to before me, a notary public, by Edward tzth da,y of }lareh , 19f,1.?O + OlUNER l1y conmission expires Janrrary ?3, -1.971 NOT Y PUBLIC o j BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado prr*il Date .l6re+r +2" 19-20_ate .16rch f+ 19 2.t //,, .16r.€fi.1+ Perrnis sion is herebY granted Edward C. Lana Owner :i Construct Four story Condominium o4 Lot 4. Block 6, Vail Village First Filin Address lrJil'low Pl6se, Vaii'l ,Col orado in accordance with th Committee, subject t Prote ctive Covenr nts fype of Construction e provisions set forih by ttre Vail .A rchitectural Control o ti-re rrr1. s an'J regulations as set f orth in the Vail Village , :r:C in cc:nciiance with the 196'1 Uniforrn Building Code' III Group F&H Cc;rtiacto:: To be determirylQ l pproved Vail Building lnsPegZor (for D epartrncnta-l use onlY) APPROVAL COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURI: lrouNpatroirts r-- -- --irRauixc F'i TTAL ROUGH FINAL ri n. ROUGH FINAL FII# L E !,orIcH j i I i, 1 L. 3 SPPLICATION THE licant /te /Ah aac,, FOR BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF VAIL fill in this section onl Building Date of Application address ldiIlow Place BUILDING INFORMATION Altetation R epa ir s-- k q) B C) ; a t{ Name Edward C. Lana Type of occuPancy (Al1 parts of building) Name Robert Hiester nurlDtNc bnuBNStqryg. T"t"l ft""t lrea ( sq ft133,522,75- No of storie s 4 Gabl e ) No. of rooms No. of water closets 49 o (! tr +) Narne Addre s s City Tel. No.No. of Families 20 . .l Lot -: rJl $ofl Block . i{ s"uai.tt"i"tt Vi'l I a rst F (Circle correct classification) 1. Type of construction I. U.@. M. ESTIMATED CCST o F coNST RV CTrONj/e o' AoL (Materials & Labor) Signe /;tl/ /o?}ri . Occupancy group A. B. C. D. E.@. C.@ f . f . ' / t't t t,/ . ,'//, /' -,ignature BUILDING INSPECTICN Receipt of Plans t- -Lp-prov"l of.Plans :f'/y' (2 sets reouired)p/,-D&. J rt, zt Amount of Perrnit Fee $" dffsl "4;'c,'.;; Paid: 9""1 I -91""I W,+-a'Amount of Clean uR r@ eria: Caeh $ Check $ - Date perrnit issued _r-//-Ze Tap fee paid Arnount Final ingpection 4 New X Addition Address 3797 So. Jasmine City Denver Tel. No. Address P. 0. Box 335 City Li ttleton,ColoI'el.798-7965 Date Certificate of occupancy & compliance Construction clean- uP v ) T- .V .r. "-. i:,.lI ;!. 't'.ti!:.t:'':te{i,ll .tr'r :ir-1' l! " - --it^' :' "t -tr:"'t'': ':'_r . L . i . i i . i) , -i , . -; . . i . ' - , - '.1 .:i!!.,:l:i 'r i ij .: r i i:; a ':i 'a .".: ... f:,ic-; rli . :.-' -f.. :l-r - . ...:,:i:;,.. -.. a' -. .11 .(, i.:,.-.J!t1 .,\..a1,-f :|.i{,{ii;.'. .1:,r:.:!'n ;' ,.t .--:llr-J ;,;17 i 'i t h...r il i it :'r '':!- , r r.r r f.) ?rleei.i;. 4., 1 i:.: f!"!.re 1t) '.v5''ili'i^1 "'i l" APPLICATION THE licant FOR BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF VAIL fill in Chis section onl Building Date of address l,lil low Place BUILDING INFORMATION k iU I B C) Application _March 12, 1970 Name Edward C. Lana Address 3797 So. Jasmine City Denver Tel. No. 758-0803 Name Robert Hiester Address P. 0. Box 335 CitY Littleton,ColoTel. No'798-7965 Name Addre s s City Tel. No, New X Addition Alteration Repairs Type of occuPancy zg No of stories 4 TIt. 44.5' (Main Gable, No. of rooms wo'a-tAF o (ll lr +r tr o u No. of water closets 49 M;;i F"''ilt;t-Zo ESTIMATED CCST in ho o ,-l B qpD rlr.c _IN!_BF_cIJg_u of Plans f/f/fZ Approval reouired )7--?- -fE;C* J / 3-.' zt- of Permit Fee $ of Plans Paid: Cash $ Paid: Cash $ Tap fee paid Amount of Clean up Fee $ 150.00 Date permit iesued Final inspection 5'u-za (All parte of building) Lot 4 Block Subdivision il Villa e First Fi (Circle correct clas sification) 1. Type of construction I.II.@,M. Occupancy group A. B. C. D,E@.C@ l. f. Signed (Permittee) Approval by planning and architectural control committee to obtain building permit. Date Signature o F coNSTRUCTION-j!90'000. 00 (Materiels & Labor) Receipt (2 sets Amount Certificate of occupancy & cornpliance _ Construction clean- up ( ;j.".l-q I : 1" ;:t !4.I'i,jItI8 _r!').1 i{r:uT,t f,I.J qrl A .r"',:.V "IJ 111j:aT :HT (:l!ll_1f,. ; r,'r-*irli- si ii ;t .:'n"r;1OOO, "l I :. :.) , .. '..,,,'; io :;t.::.,.tr1); .- i.; .r ('l -|tr,:. .fs l"'., i .: ,.:. ._.'. : :tl-,tr|,, iTi.).rl .*-.i- ..--^.. . . ,:' .t :1:!: 'i: .\:l:) T')i'rr;:i::.i .' r: i . .. .' .' ! I t I.I -''r "(rrr:r:,'i ri iiti'ri;I: l: ?r t,.r: cI:lri3l l/.t.1li.fr .I f.i;i|3i1,'rf:,:rc': i:, arr.-YT 'i .T,Cl ..).,ci . A *,.:,r: i vlnri{s3:!1) fr.r ''r-, i ir i.tr. t ..1 ....'. , . ji ir!.r e4 I ,j 1 .r. i\. i : i,i r113rtttlrl D'i...iri..i:'.:Jti ! [l/t to unol N t) I F I,J .J'r-...1 =d :4v) l,r F L4 r- -<t z <t r'1 F v') =F E F lrl rl E r'1 T --.r il (uzci - <o ji Z\O e.u - r-1 -- Lf L3 zz >l^ Vr.Y: LJ ><ozLJ z E F (J TJ v) \Z z. v', u. LJ E F_ u.l EO-Ca t:Cf<gF(J F ZLN <= zu=o -;i<- =E>Lr t.J L! Ll w ^;1- A LJ L!,J Q <vv< +ln\ON 14 z E F E J l.| w zcl -: Ll -J JL, u) v lo ><- -.v.L tE t-t L'EH vlzt'J-u -l 4i; >"-1 d ,,J r, l'1 4 r,r -Y>E 'I Z l,Ji-E< El;7<rJ O_(r-tuat : 3 (A l-rt ru f\ .o ru t/)z u. )Z F v. w (A LJ ):E t-u I c tr t- e c z V. tr F L! V. tr tr L z !J )IJ u)(A E E - v) 1,,/a tz, z tf F E ) lrJ 0_. z _-J {t (J (t \, .) J ITJF X EAO :_ El t! n :; o- trl! tu (, o o o e !t .L \l t g d,1 \l I 3 d CHECKKESUEST PREPAREDBY: VENDORNAME: DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CL NAMEOFJOB: ACCOUNTNUMBER: 01 000022002 oono&xt oF REFUND T flav a7 DAIIA}PROVED: APPROVAL SIGNATURE: