HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 16 LEGAL.pdfProject Name: Project Description: Pafticipants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: OWNER MCARMGA, ALUANDRO BURILLO12/06/2002 Phone: 956-727-2870 104 DEL COURT I-AREDO TX 78041 License: APPLICANT Brian Gi|Iette George Shaeffer Construction Company POB 373 Vail, CO Briang@gsconco,com 81658 License: 365 MILL CREEK CR VAIL Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2t39 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DRB0204u L2lO6/ 2OO2 Phone: 845-5656 Location: Burillo Gate Driveway gate Lot: 16 Block: I Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 210108250004 This application was withdrawn Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: WITHDRWN Date of Approval: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for buibing. Please consult with Planner:$20.o0 r0r44\i Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building p€rmit applicahon. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An applicabon for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and constructaon commences within one year of the approval. Description of Uie Request: The Burrillo's would like to add a driveway gate to keep skiers ftom Location of the Proposal: Lot:-19-Block: 1 Subdivision:Vail Villaqe Filins 1 Physical Address:365 Mill Creek Circle Parcel No.:210108250004 (ContactEagleCo.Assessorat9T0-328-8640forparcel no.) Zoning:Single Family Residence Name(s) of Owner(s):Alejandro Burrillo Mailing Address:Campos Eliseos #19,| Mexico D.F. 11560 J(JR_.Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:Brian Gillette: George Shaeffer Construction Company Mailing Address:Post Ofiice Box 373 Vail. Colorao 81 Phone: 970.845.t05q E-mail Addres5; briang@gsconco.com Fax: 970.748.6625 Type of Review and Fee: O Signs E Conceptual Review D New Construction tr Addition E Minor Alteration ( m ulti-family/commercial) E Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) i Changes to Approved Plans O Separation Request Staff $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $3OO For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landraprng, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Design Review Board. No fue i & Lrc !ED ****!**** *+******+****** **t*'***{.***t***'}* t*rt ** *** **+ * + + * + + * * * * + + * * + * * *** r i. r + * + *,t *******+ **** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO SIAICMCNT :l"l** * +++* ******+*{' * +****+*{'*+*** ++* *+* **r.*l* + t * * * * + * * r* * + i * ** *,t! * * * * * * ** * + | + +***:i**r **{**** **StaE.ement Nuntrer: R000003525 Anount: g2o.OO 12/06/zoo}ag:50 AM Payment Method: Caah fnilr ,]AR Notation : Permit No: DR802041? Type I DRB_Minor Atr, SFR/DUP ParceL No: 2L010825OOO4 Site Address: 3G5 MILL CREEK CR VAIL L,ocation: Total Fees: 920 . 00 This pa)ment: g2o. oo Tot,al ALL pmts: g20 .00 Balance: $0.00 'i **+***{* * +***}+* * ****{'****{'***:i**t{.**tt!tt **{.'} * +* 'i * * i * + + * * * * t * !t * + * * * * ** + * 't r+r}+t* **i** ***+!t*r* ACCOIINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Oescription Current pfirs DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN RIVITil FEES 20.00 t TD rnArr) 1J FcZBr.S fr.ewcFSfJ) wH\19 53'-o j?'- o o23@ a+> I I I I ul J IE 0 }.IOT TO EE g.{OI!F1ELTED - 4'-O" caE. PA{ U,|/ 2" IN\€RT FER T.OY,10 EXTEND 'O IIIIDTH OF DRIVE €ns Centerline of Gate 8'6" from End of Driveway \,d I I :=;r /a,41*t ,f .fTrtac_ ''" {iltt rhw,l-sur1lt. l-,lnafu,t'r.-- (4/. 1zf 1'/ r <- OFFSIREET PARIO{G 150'MtJ( 150' ttlJ( 3/17/s7 FRilI : FIRE-AT,ID-'RilT 9?A-9UA2 FAX t.D. :O oct. 23 MA 09:4sAl'l P4 4',-}fr', o TD rnqrr) 1J F&3r,S ?.;swrFitjD azp a1j> I I I I Itl J IL 6 4',-O" calc.tat u,/ 2" IN\€RT FER 1.O,Y.IO EXTEND 'O II/IDTH OF DRI\G €-ss Centerline of Gate 8'6" from End of Driveway ,'/ \/ / €poJ tt'.' /V\ Arr.rr f I..IOT TO EE g|\tOtlt'ELTED - \,d l I ,I /t-'I .-'r- -,_.-_ _, l'1 o_ &|n Y &i (\,| E N lvl r! (.1 o ql{ I'nt,Ttottrqrr a//rox __- /orf *'ulo/ ln rf 2,f fr"/ trtYS TAt Ttouo/ ta 6tr"-f flv *ol( oho A t 'tuf14 lol"l*q n lo a /, ^ ano{ a l;[4 /F 2 x !! 6 g fr I LlJ g 1! F L o Warren Campbell - DRB Meeting Notes - Burillo Gate Page I of 1 From: To: Date: Subject: CC: <BrianG@gsconco.com> <chusdelalama@hotmail. com> 12/18/2002 7:33 PM DRB Mepting Notes - Burillo Gate GEORGf, SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY BRIAN GILLETTE Phone 90f45.5656 Fax 425.740.1440 December 18, 2003 1 . Gate was denied as submitted. 2. Any gate needs to be 20' from the roadway to allow it to be opened without blocking the roadway. This regulation is new since the Johruon gates were installed. This is prohibitive to installing gates at Burillo's as it would put them beyond the hammerhead parking. 3. It is pennissible to block the roadway to open a chain or series ofremovable intermediate posts. The chain or posts would still need to be l0' from the roadway to allow for snow removal. 4. The post would need to be more decorative than the ones we proposed for the gate and if incorporating a chain it should have a decorative (perhaps nautical) appearance. 5. It was cautioned that a 20' chain would be too heavy to be manageable. I agree. 6. It was cautioned that the removable post are troublesome because they often get stuck in place. Agai4 I agree ttrat these would be frozen most of the winter. 7. It was recommended that cars be towed in lieu of blocking the drive. fi le ://C :\Windows\temp\GW ) 00005.HTM 1211912002 DEPARTIIEMT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMEI{:T JOBSITE AT INTERIOR Permit AIL TIIIES f:899-0309 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970 -479-2L38 NOTE: TOV/Comm, Dev. Slean-up D,it Refund THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROiIEEI TITLE: BIIRILLO GARAGE ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT rpproved amount date b Address: LocaEion. . . :rcel No..:Project No.: APPLICANT GS CONSTRU TION P.O. BOX 77, BOULDER, CO 80306 CONTRAqTOR GS CONSTRUETION OhINER OI'INER 355 MILI.. CREEK CR 365 MILL CREEK CR 2L0!-082 -50-004 PRJg9 - 0348 100. oo straEua...: IssttED App1ied. . : LL/22/1'999 Issued. . .: LL/30/L999 Expires..: 05/28/2000 Phone: 303 -641-5204 Phone : 3 03 -64L-5204 Divis ion: Division: Division: Division: P.O. BOX 77, BOALDER, CO 80306 NORTIIWIND DEV LC AI,EiIATiIDRO BIIRILLO, 6108 MCPHERSON STE 3, LAREDO TX 78041 BURTLLO AIE.JA}IDRO Description:BUII-,D MttD ROOM/STORAGE/BATH IN GARNumber of Dwelling UniEs: 001 Town of Vail AdjusEed ValuaEion: 8,000 !'i.replace Inforuacion: Reecrictsed: YEs #of Ga6 Appliaoce6 r #Of OaE Log6:l+of Hood/PalleE: PEB SLtl,trtARY 'a+t'it*t*rt*tr Cleen-t4r D€poeits- -- - - -- -> Tot.rl calculatad Fec6--_> 42o.as Addltional FEqs--- -- ----> .00 Total Pcr its Pc6-_--__--> 42o.as Pa)'ten!6------- BALANCE DT'E- - - - .OO 125 ,00 .00 3.O0 mrAr FBES-- - - - 42o'E5 Bul lding- -- - -> PIan check- - - > InvcetigaEion> Will caII- ---> Re6tuaranE Plan Revieir- - > .oo DRB Fee-------- .o0 Rccreat.ion Rec-- -- _-_ _- -> 111-50 Itsem: 05100 LL/22/L999 LL/24/L999 Item: 05400 tL/22/L999 IEem: 05600 lL/22/L999 rEem:05500 LL/22/L999 BUILDING DEPARTTIEIIII KATTTY ACTiON: NOTE CHARLIE AcEiON: APPR PI,ANNING DEPARII{ENT KATIIY Action: APPR FTRE DEPARTI{ENT KAfiIY ACIiON: APPR PT]BLIC WORKS KATIry AcEion3 APPR Dept: BUILDING TO CHARI,IB davis DePt: PLANNING Dept: FfRE DepE: PI'B WORK ROUTED charlie N/A N/A N/A See page 2 of this Document for any conditions EhaE may apply to this permits - DECLARATIONS I h6r€by acknowlcdgc thab I have read Ehi6 applicaEion, filled ouC in full tho infordaEion reguired, conPlcced an accuiaEe Plot plan, and 6!a!e tshaE all thc lnforuallon ptovidcd ad requlred iB correcE, I ag:.ce to conply i{ith the lnformaElon and plot plan, Eo cotnply vith all Town orilinanc€e and 6tate lai,6, and to build thi6 EtrucEule .ccording Eo the Town'6 zoning and Bubdivi6lon cod.s, dc6j.9n rcwicw approvcd, Uniforn Building codc and och6r oldlnance6 of Eh. Toen appliceble lher€lo. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TI'|EIrIiY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?e-2L7e OR AT OtR OFPICE FRoM s:oo AM s:oo P!'l Scnd Clean-tE, D€po6ie Tor OIt CONSIRUCrI SIONATI'RE OF OI{NER OR C€ITTRIdIOR PAGE 2 ***********************************************************!t******************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI, Permit #: 899-0309 as of LL/30/99 SEAEUE: ISSIIED ******************************************************************************** o o!l Permit Tl4pe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant : GS CONSTRUCIION .fob Address: 365 MrLL CREBK cR I-,OCAEION: 355 MILL CREBK CR Parcel No: 2101-082-50-004 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1_. FrELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRBD TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. 2. SMOKE DETESTORS ARE REQUTRED IN Anr., BEDROOMS AI{D EVERY STORY AS PER SEC. 310 .6 . 1 OF THE 1997 IJBC. Applied: LL/22/L999 Issued: LL/30/L999 tlittitt'ltttt .Fortr oP vtrtJl coLoRrDo SErglBtE gE C.rqrc l||brr t nEC-O591 Itpunt ! 12O.gS Ltl3Ol99 Oe226 Prl,!.oE ll.Btrod: 1527 lloErcLon ! OB Co|8TRUCIIO InIc! fll P.rBtc No! 899-0309 TyF.: l-BUnJD IDD/.lt,T gFl' BUIT.D PB Prrccl tro! 21O1- 042 -50-0Oa tlt. ldd!r.! | 36s fllr CREI(' CR Eocrtlo6: 355 llltrt CPltf Cn I|li. Pq'D.nr Total l.aa r r2o. E5 ToErl lll! PoE.! BillRca: 420.85 420.85 .00 lccolurt Coda EP 00100003111100 Pl 00100003112300 ID D2 -DEPO3 RP 11100003112700 lrc 00100003112 800 I,.rcllpcion ESII|DTXO PEN'TI FIIA Pt|ltf clrlcl( tlBa CIJIIIIUP DIPOSITI' RICRAATTON FIE' lfll[ CIIJL llfgP8elf0m IEE llourtg 123.O0 41.25 100.00 1ll,60 3.00 o 'tr oz crc dg oi( Fr crz oc to 6(J o E E o o o o o o o o o o u U E e E E a D o o o a o o q H E !E 9l Vl a u ':2 E8 't ,. e8 Elq oo p H E E E a D (., c I P o o 6 H I D E zcl O l.l u8 OA oe o oo or tE qr cl 4 F AC. EE Lo t: Al E H a EE EE p a frH a2 ft HE t{ ( lo R E A HFI 5B oo AI E(o E ki a I Il H H 6 t{:{ !d - (,1 ao IE o E u IE o c,ts s 5t EI E(, A H a U E I E E B H E o E o B E c lr E E o_o io E'5>a |[-9a crlo <E ac|c FOt &EO &AF Nov O5 99 NOV-O3-E|S O2:?3p Eustaqu i o Cortina 1s. oo FR'M . to'l-otu-DEPT. rgwN_qE_yAll GONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLlcArloN FORM at 970-32VBA0 for P{c€./,{t Buildine ( )Plunlbtne ( )Elc6i€J( ) I egrl Ad4eS Phone# (.--tr),5 Descriorion of Iob: ( ..1 edditionai( )Repan( ) Othcr( ) f{rsnber of Accomraodation Uuits: OTHER: TOTAL Addcss: Phonc # Addrcs: Phone # NrmbcrandTyleofFtt?l8crs: Ga"appu-0."-_-fT-- c*tnp--/j w<x ',iPile. {-T b / /i suu.Dnr o, I\-A-QO-- i PLUII,BINC S___/ t-_ Torm of Vail Rcgisu'dion No. El@d_Contractq; Town of vail Registration No. Phmbinq Cortncton Town of Varl Regisuarioo No. Mcchmical Contnctor: Toua of Vail Regist'aron No. FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGMTURE: ZONING: lhone # Addrcss: Phonc # Date Received NOV r 2 1999 Nov 05 SS O2:25p Eustaquio Cort i na 970 t /+76 r+651 p.9 C O RT INA REAL E STATE 616 W. LI ONSHEAD MALL vAIL, CO 81657 970-479-0300 970-479-9096 /FX A. Diez-Baroso I ROtrl: 1O1Us parrish COMP^NY: N/A DA't E: 11/03 /ee FAX NUlt{DDlt: 011-525-267-6292 TOTAL NO Of Pi\GDS ,N(il Lrl)ING COVnltl One PIJONF NI.JMBER: 071-525-261-6201 SENDNR'S ITEFT]REN CT,, N U MBElI: 365 Mill Creek YOUR RIiFF]RENCE NU MT}DR: N/ X URG }.:N'I'O poR nuvtgw D plp,rsa coMMl-Nl E pl.n,rsp tut't-v I r'r.r,:,rsE RI:]cYcLE Dear Alejandro, This afternoon, I talked with Mr. charlie Davis, senior Building lnspector, at the Town of Vail with regard to 365 Mill Creek. lt is absolutely necessary to go through the building permit application in order to ensure that the final work at 365 Mill Creek is being done in compliance with local and state building codes. The required drawings are on their way to my office from the architect in Denver. I will be iubmitting the required forms and drawings to Mr. Davis, no later than November 5th, so that we can proceed with completion of the mud room bathroom and Storage room. The review process can take 10-14 days. I will keep you informed of the progress' Please call me if You any questions. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI\TTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2l.38 APPLICANT CONTRACIOR OI,INER OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMEMT NOTEI THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT ilob Address: 365 MILL CREEK CR Locat.ion...: 365 Mill Creek cr Parcel No.. : 2L0L-082-50-004 Projecr No. : pRiI99-0348 WAGNER ELECTRIC, INE,P.O. BOX 4995, VAIL, CO 81658 WAGNER ELECTRIC, INC.P.O. BOX 4995, VArL, CO 81658 NORTHWIND DEV LC ALE,JANDRO BI.IRTLLO, 6108 MCPHERSON STE 3, BTIRRILLO JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES Pennit #: 800-0003 SLatus...: ISSUED Applied..: OL/L0/2000 Issued...: Oa/a0/2000 Expires..: 07/08/200O Phone: 970-949-61-6L Phone z 970-949-6L64 LAREDO TX 78041 Descript.ion: Elect.ric for interior remodel Valuation:3, 000.00 FEE SLII4MARY 54. O0 . o0 .00 3.OO s? . o0 rTCM: O6OOO ELECTRIEAL DEPARTMENT DCPT: BUII.DING DiViSiON:0I/LO/2000 KATHY Acti-on: APPR Approved per^KI^l I9eqi.q56Q0 FIRE DEPARTMENT -DepL: FIRE Division:OL/LO/2OO0 KATHY Action: APPR n/a CONDITION OF APPROVAL L. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. Electrical---> DRB Fee Inve6Eigaei on> wi.11 call----> TOTAL FEES--- > To',al calculaled Fees-- -> Additional Fees-- -------) Total Pemrc Fee- - -- -- - -> s?.00 .00 5?.00 Paymente---- - --- 57 -00 EALAICE DUE.. - - --00 DECI.ARATIONS I hereby acknosLedg€ chat I have lead Ehis appticacion, fl]led ouE in full the infoFration required, coElpleted an accurale PfoE plan, and Btate chat aLl Lhe information provided as requixed is correc!. f agree Eo compty lrith the informacion and ploE p:.an, co cotlrply with all Tor'rn ordinanccs and stsatse talrs. and to build EhiB Bcrlrcbu::e accordi,ng Eo Ebe Tovn's zoning and subdiviBion codeB, design review approved, Unifol1n Building code and other ordi.nance6 of !.he To$rl appticable thereEo. REQUESTg FOR TNSPECTIONS STIALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS TN .A.D\,NNCE BY *tt*t**ttt*trrt*t*t*ttt**t**itttt TOI{N OF VAIL, @IORAM Stat@rt ta*tt****tl,tt+ttttttt*i+**tttaat*tttttttttt}*rrrrtrrt**ttt**r+rtf gEat@rts N.udr.r: RBC-0603 .AlbuD.t.:51 .OO OL/LOIOO 13:46 Pal'uurrt Met'hod.: CHBCK Notatlon: #lg689/wagner Init r Klltr! PeraLt llo: Parcel llo: Site Addre66 3 Locatslon I Thl! Palmmt. Balance : **tltl i* !l i rhlrttrl t**t+*tt**ttt+!ta***++.1t+a**aataattl+i*iitt+*i*itt*tt Account @de Descriptlon eP 00100003111400 EIJECTRICAI pmMtt FBBIi ne 00100003112800 wrr;Ir CAI;L rllgpBerloN FEB Eo0-0003 T)Pe ! B- EIJEC EIJBSTRICII. pmI{IT 2101-062-50-OO4 365 MILIJ CREEK CR, 365 rdll cr€ek cr Total Peee : 57.00 Total ALL Pnts: t r *r *t* a t t***+* t tt t i* *t 57 .0O 5? .00 .oo Alnor'lrrr 54.00 3.OO PE,s qg - o3tl8 $,oo,u'. //,:re!pr) ro i+'By*ii,lilitr$$i|Bq q,cscil PERIIIT // PLETELY OR I'I' MAY NO.f BE AECEPTRD NToRHATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * rl * rl * y< lcul I J-Hechani-cal [ ]-Other rrdrese r _3(r5 _=sl"N_--e.cc_ay,_l sc_\c A r.i.,1. { l. ^,.l- .r;i err J. utriJ L; ItCf ClfOgA : ltec:hanl.caL Uontt6cLor !Addreen: ***** **** ** !l* t ** ** *** *dr * rt**** * ** DUTLDING PERHIT FEE: PLUI'IBING PERMIT FDE: MECITANICAL pER.l'lIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTIIER I'YFE OF FEE: DP.B T5E: Town of Vall neq, NO.Fhone Nunberr Tovn of VrIl Req, NO.Phone Numberr FoR Of!'IcE USE **********.*********,r*********, BUTLDI}JG PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLUUBTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE3 UECIIANICAL PI..AN CfiECK FEE: RECRE]ITION FEE! CTEAT{-UP DEPOSITS TOTAT PERMIT FEES: BIJTLDING ! $],.GNATUREI ZflNING: S16}IATUREs Dh" General lJescrlption: lrol.k cls6E: I J*Nevr'g{-irrteratlon I J-Addtttona] I J-Rep 1r [ ]-other /-Ll llunber clf L)weI].lltg Unlts:Nunbar of Acconmodatlon UnJ.te: Iy{.tpIl!G' ! ELECTRTCAL: *3 oo4__ gTIp5, I Fhone nurnle r EaiS;ij;Jffi Electulcol CollLractor r ::11^'.{..:11l ryxzffi.Address:Phons Nunrber: zlrtQ-t Plunibl ng cclttr0ctor: Adtlrcss: sQ' rr. Cqlmments: Hc UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: VALUATIOI{ .tAN 1 0 1999 t-'* TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0 -479 -2L38 APPLICAIVT COIflTR.A,CTOR OWNER OhINER DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY NOTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLUMBING PERMTT JOb AddrESS: 365 MILL CREEK CR Location...: 355 Mill Creek Cr Parcel No. . : 2L01-082-50-004 Project No. : PR,J99-0348 PMENT iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P00-0004 SEatus...: ISSUED Applied..: OL/L3/2000 Issued. . . : 01,/1,4/2000 E>cpires. . : 07 /L2/2000 Phone: 7I9-486-L0t2 Phone: 7L9-486-10t2 I,AREDO TX 78041 MOT]NT MASSIVE PLIJMBING P.O BOX 702, MT}ITI]RN CO MOI]NT MASSIVE PLUMBING P-O BOX 702, MINTT'RN CO NORTHWIND DEV LC ALEJANDRO BI'RILLO, 5108 BT]RILLO & HEATT 81545 & HEATI 8L645 MCPHERSON STE 3, Description: Remove mop sink, add 3/4 bath in gValuation:3,500.00 FEE SUMMARY r*+***r*rrrr*r+ Plud$ing-- -- - > Plan Check- - - > Invesl.igaEion > will call----> Restuarant Plan Review > TOTAI, PEES.' ' Total CalculaCed Fees_ _ _ > Additional Fees--- ------> ToEal Permit Fee- - - -----> Pa)rmenEs-------- 60 .0o 15 .00 50.o0 f . oo _00 139.00 13S.00 .00 134.00 l3a-00 BAI,ANCE DUE--.- . OO II,EM: O51OO BUTLDING DEPARTMENT DEPT: BUTLDTNG DiViSiON:01,/L4/2000 KATHY Action: APPR approwed per-kw rtbm:'.05600 FrRE DEPARTMEMT -Dept: FrRE Division:ot/L4/2OO0 KATHY Acrion: APPR n/a a, CONDTTION OF APPROVAI 1-. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECI,ARAT]ONS I hereby ackno*ledge lhat I have read thi.s application, filled ouE in full the infonnation required, conpleted an accurace plot p1an, and state EhaE all the infonEEion plovided as required is correc!. I aglee to cornply wiEh th€ infonEaEion and ploE plah, Eo collrply lrith all Toren ordinances and sEale 1aw6, and Lo build LhiB sEtucEure according to Eho To*n's zoning and sultdivision codes, desiF revi€w approved, uniform Bultding code and other ordinances of Ehe Town applicable Ehereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTICNS S}IALL BE MADE TWEIITY.FOUR HOTJRS IN ADI/ANCE BY TELEPHONE AT :0O A1U 5:00 PM AND OWNER I a+t tt J,}i r *l}rti+rtttrtrr*tt t r*rtrar qrtrr tt*tr t+fi+l+rrr* irtr** rrl|'t TO9G' OF III, COIJORIDO statalnt StacaErE Nurlb€r: itEc-o503 bounE: 139.00 01,/1{/00 r,s:4t Prlr[clE. U.9hod: cI( NotrLlon: 175057 Inic: ,IR P6!DLt, !{o! PoO-OoO{ fypa: E-PIJUB PIIIiIBINe PERIIIT Pr!c.l, lfo r 2101-082-50-Q04 gitc Addta!.: 355 IIIIJJ CREEK CR Location r 365 uill crcck cr Tot.l F.c.: 13s. o0 Thla lrayGnE 139.00 5otrl ILL P!t6: 138,00 BElaDce: .0o Aecoutrl code D.lcripcion Arcunt, PP 00100003111200 PLltr|Brm; PEuua PEBS 50.00 PF OO100003tr2300 PLAI| CHECK PEES 15.00 wc o0100003112eoo lrlt tJ ce'rl. rNaPEclIw FEE 3.00 Plq 00100003153000 u{t Bgf,IGATIoN FEE (BLDG) 50.00 Contact the Eagle County Assessors Offrce at 970-328-8640for Parcel # Parcel F Date: l'\3- OO Building( ) Plumbrng(,{ Legal Description: Lot Block Electrical ( )Mechanical ( ) Filine Subdivision JobAddress: 3 gS A; f l Cceek Crr... Other( ) rowN or veuGNsrRucroN pERMr aefcAno 'oll8 INT'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR TflE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED Descriprionorlou, De\ere fvlop s;^[c I - JJ '/7 hrL @ 6 nr...te Number and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Q Gas Logs BUILDING: $ VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ PLTJMBING S_ZE Ocr_ MECHAMCAL $ Alteration ( )Addit-rornl (l<l Reparr ( ) Number of CONTRACTOR INFORMANON owners wame: l/orrA,.,i n J Dev, LcAddress: Architect: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Drvelling Units: General Contractor: Other ( ) Units:Accommodation q Wood/Pellet- /-- OTFIER: $ TOTAL $ Date Receive, LAR-AbO 1-X Town of Vail Registration No. 7.. t 5 - B Phone # Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Resistration No. Mechanical Contractor:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Res,isradon No. FOR OFFICE USE ryPE GROUP SQ. FT. VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: X,I*CODE BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE UPON REQUEST*** Phone 6?s JAN 13 2000 oav>o1a)'-rlvn '=-13>lt >:=!t lllLJ'91 - 'l (;t't "., a,t C.;, i !,i'f,it' (^'] ',(V {}j! =-,l* () r.,:i r-J \ '-:.. .'x cfi tu v F if) + (q \! \9 !l v l(J _ l lll ild 'l +l rf\l +l q v o v v U 93^ -1f fl€ =)evL6mov q ?32 ca s Q TU _l r0 ho ->n-J Aul 'f r$tI) IU rn TL C\ F (f) $o t oo n-rJ c-)\ a lrl ruuly v.+^i9+ulo ii v f; =Vqlrt On ri Vr ul ul ;u9 Y z d t-- tL (\ r-TIL E O ::) -J F ': L *{I y \ e :9 rq Hl :'i gFO < ur Ar :liFl u o x{fll{= u : Mfir %sF fi H- J[i c\ lll ll lL 4 !ilr n s da :\fr E d 2-6 9,.d 7 rn r,r err-l Y v ,'U .l: nild 4 4- +lu g EPX b hE 6:f\lxzxxO{ F TU z o ^,{l|L l\ul*Cl u'l 99 I uH ;., lrl t ulv n --,Qto l||\J0ul JJ yUuri tj.l J (t ;OclLx N ll4 F ll! ffff -* L o v {o o 1=C'clI=8 =3Nf dlg=d o1-"i rgflg d (I) E tu o 0 tll J F UUJ <A lo UZ 0 Lll I i; o v L f o F (),,1 xO -'o r5 il il o o o <(]0_<^tul Lll(f)4=p -ui;,u-U q<u rffi6 UUU o v.o o J Tl- N o lrl F z L o z {v r0 :l (-f) IL F \) o lx v f,F X H di J J 3 f \J o v.o f I om lL u.. L .rt u F o Z :t o z IL ot -s ==o IFJ N EE ct R s Fr t{\ (1t * - -tr\ril i 7,a\ | \+-):l l\J/\ V i H=rncl l\ ./tv > ! i UI a L,\, s v 6 o b OJ IF = ,,qZ\'l@ aavdo103 1=CClr=d '-'ltv 'f lrulS >l=>" ="N=cr9=> -tilrJ'sl Lo1 cllrdns I fla]| | \t-Lt tl/.\ v I >]=.:J-Jn \-d +\.d\# 4\ -,'CV F lr.l z o ",{ul r\ut"n u.l -z OU -T-Y uH dv H'r ,Qto rr \J 0 lll xl-(f)yH'll'l +UCrIU ,iU':U. -c{((r-t EtEf o ut F z {L n v n o t l (') L F o o ul v :f F X Pri o Uf |.l U z <{ L z v o f (-t) L FUJ r t'l J ;i=u_)a7 Vd \)[]r4 z Fur as Ul 3JU o lrl ) TL U u.t L9 fi FLU' <f) ',r J =;Ulll o- F 9 XR 3 d {d fr o d)13 U Z J J -c\rOd dr 00 f o {il {L< -DIJ Llr(l)4;$F(Jil urfu ,q<u .: tL v z ,, $ I B 'ii ,i (f) c\ ffi t, ILLLL (n $)tll t--o Z _t (l") Z IL 4 K /-'-^ \\ ' \'e\:tD -t ta F t r\ r, ,_, q 6 -6t o$*ov 9,'. -< @A 668[ ;,j ii0l,t :i.t i-- -; ; l.,iiT o o o I 1H nEl I I rl nt2 o o o o --4 ':i o 5oo4 a a >[et s?tf1 Hd pq-(s) / vazoe;7 t Z/xz 'Jtto2 #;',iHl J #2p )-K ^ - / Q.^r '.i :-i ,:. = {,' c!- ..rt '= ta- ..1 'r., ; f r-r ,-i 'J: a-] ',-\ ia- f-i 1s. == i: t- \r :i'u- \-l f : ,,/\i:,:a =,/--t, ;i 11 -i.\J -iCWIi CF -'I,qiL, CCLCRADO CFFICI OF BUI|-DING CF.IICIAL :'- -r 1"..{ H{}TIGE ,,., i- tl'-- '!t BuiLDliriG rics Been inspect=C, cnr - G=ir:itAL C,JNSIRUCTICN " ''*ASCiqR''i " T,AIiFI AlR F:URtrIACF :, ;/rt$ FlTTii';G AN',JD VE|'ITING ",::itciirrE '*TiJ=i-t; TffiH* f#ffiVYI ) REF,Tl3l TOI{N OF VFIIL, COLOI{SDO 6=/lI/?AEA B&:?I3 REtrUESTS - INSFECTN l,lBRK SHEF:TS FOR: 5./Lr/'Z.A . flctivity: 899-tl3qt9 =/rtl?td Type: rr-BUILD Statrs flddrees r J65 |4ILL. CREEH trR Loc*at i on : J65 ltl I LL CREEK CR Faree I : E 1B 1-?tBe-gA-rAO4 Oce : Descript iorr: BUILD MUD ROOI'I/STORAGE/BATH IN GRRAGE Appl icant : ES CONSTRUCTION Fhone: Owner-: NtrRTHI"IIND DEV LC Fhone : Eontractor*: ES CONSTRUCTION Fhone: PRCiE AREA: trD s : ISSUED Constr: ASFR Use: V N 343-641-="cQ4 3A3-641-5e44 Fht:ne: 3O3-641-5EO4 Inspect i on Reqr-rest Inf ormat i crn. , . . . Requestor': GEORGE Req Time: tZtB:tZtO Conmerrts l L-f;'lE AM Items r"eqr-rested to be Inspected.,. EAO9!Z| Bl-DG-Finat ^ I ? EC- ft^tnt Zf Inspect i on History..... Itern : ftOASrZl BLDB-Framinq Exp frL / 19 /A@ Inspeet or- r CD Act i on r AFI-'R see trot e Notes: door head height at sboraqe accesB is less than 618", this is aec'eptable dr-te to tact that door- ect:esE non- habitable space and this is Iabeled stcr-age on aPPPoved p Item : ArZtEStZr LILDG--Inslrlat ion Item: AATA6U BLDG-Sheetnock N,ai I AL/e4/AA Inspeetar: JRM Itemr AAETA BLDG-Misc, Action: AFFR AFFROVED tl/3A/99 Inspector^: CD Octionr NO consult Notes: met with G.C. issr-tes are: obtain pl r-rmhring pernr it, al I pI nmbing wnrk that has occLtrl' prtioi' to a perni h has not been aecepted (piping er,cased i conc}^et e ) obtain elee per*mit and pet-forn elec nor-lgh inspections instal I mo i st ure exattst in trew bat hro o m necorrstruct opelling into lrew r'oo to pnovide 6r B" head he franing inspection is also regtrired trnov idp dor-tcnentat i orr sf heat Iirtes irrstal I ed already in slab pr-ovide 1'-HIl f ir-e r'esist. congtr"r.rct i sn itr BarErge and relo or- add new openinq protection Item : 0Ettztget BLDG-Fitral .;*t Comment REPT131 TEt^lN CIF VAIL' COLtrRADtr ta=l1l/erDoil l6:4E REUUESTS - INSFECTIq [,'BRK S}JEETS FOR:5/11/38 trFIGE I AREA: CD Address: 365 MILL CREEK CR Farce I : 31tZt1*qtgf*5la-AlO4 Descript ion: Renove mop sinkr add 3'/4 flppI icant: I4OUNT }4flSgi1VE I-'L-IJMFIt'lG & Dwnerr NIIRTHL|IND DEV LC Contraetor': MEUNT ]'IASSIVE FLU]4FINE t+ Ocl-: Use: bath irr !lar'ag e l.tEAf I [-'hr:ne: 219-46t'-1{tlE Fftone: IJEATI Ftrone: 719-486-lElE Inspect i on Eeqltest Reqr-testor: -EORGE fleq Time: tl8:BtZt Items reqr:rest ed to OAEget trLMB-Final Infar-mation..... Commentsr LATE AlYl F,hone I 64l5EO5 i:e Inspected.t i on Comme Ti ne Exp Inspect i on Item:Iten: Item: Item:Iten: Item: Item: l4istory..... raBe I {zt F,LlrlB-und ergro r-rnd gtogglzr F,LlvlB-Rot-rgh/D. W. V. tdt / t7 /@tV Inspeetor: GRG EOSS'a F,LMF-Ro u gh /l,Jat e t- EtL/ 17 /@e] Inspecton: 6RG AES4{A F,LlrlB-Gas F,i pinq EretEgqt F,LMB-F,su I ll-lot 1 uLr IZIIAEAra F,LFIB-f4 i se,g't'ega FrLMts-F inal Actionr AFtrR Aetisn: AtrPR FLOI4 TESTED I,,IORKIN6 F.RESSURE TOI^IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArt, co 8L657 970 -479 -2138 DEPARTTVIENT OF COMMT]NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ON ,JOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES Permits #: 898-0095 iIOb AddTCSS: 365 MII,L CREEK CR LOCATiON...: 355 MILL CREEK CIRCLE Parcel No.. : 2101-082-50-004 Projecc No. : PRJ97-0a48 Status. . Applied. Issued.. Ercpires. PI,ANNING DiViSiON: FIRE Division: PUB WORK Division: ISSI]ED os/08/1,998 06/or/L998 LL/28 /]-998 APPI-,ICA] T MAXIMUM COMFORT POOL & SPA, INC. P o Box 2670, VArL co 81658 coNTRAgroR MAXTMIIM COMFORT POOL & SPA, rNc. P O BOX 2570, VArL CO 81558 OWNER NORTHWIND DEV LE 6108 MCPHERSON STE 3, LAREDO TX 78041 Phone:' 9703039496339 Phone: 9703039496339 DescripEion: INSTAIL GI]NITE POOI, AND SPA Occupancy: R3 Tlpe Construction: v N Valuatsion:24 , O0o Fireplace Inforrnation: Restsricted:*of Gas APPL ianceB: oslogll99q {Bryl DEPARTME} T Act,ion: NoT ??'A?.', / t221o DSYIH'S" "tfit+Bft+ i: ::Itbm:05600 FI 0sl20l199q ^,JBt'! it+a:1fi iegl1ffi"'irilti:: : ifit ilil 6slzo/tgge tRM Clean-up aBproved Single FamilY Residencgmgunt Type v Non-RaEed date Add Sq Ft.: TOV/Comm. Dev. *of wood/PaLl'eE: FEE SUUMARY Building_--_-> 2a5.oo R€stsuaranE PIan Review--> 'oO ToCal calculatse'l Pee6---> 627'25 Plan check---> rE5'25 DRB Fee-------- 5o'oo AddiEional Fees---------> 'oo Investsigacion> 'oo RecrcaEion Fee--_-------> 'oo Tocal' Perni! Fee_-___-_-> 623 '2s will call----> a.oo clcan-up DeposiE--------> 1oo'oo PaymenEs----------------> 623 '25 TOTAL FEES----- 623 '25 BAIANCE DUE---- '0O *of Gas Logs: JRM Deptr: PI.,ANNI Dept: Dept: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTM-E-NT 667iiezi998-.lRI'l Act+on'NQT 8;le8lia3E ss 8;r98ri338 gffi tEEiSti nFjfr ippnoveo i iam;' o sa 0 o - gl-,almrltc- DEPIRTM-ENT. nr,\r\1o,r,^ DEPARTMENT tsEis*; x8$R RF$il8'H8 cEiiin; llote Pr,ess to DePE: BUILDING Division: CHARLIE NG sit Refund see page 2 of this Document for any conditsions Lhats may apply to tshis permit DECI,AR]TTIONS I helcby acknowLedge thab I have lead !hi6 applicafion, filtcd ouE in fulI the infornaeion required' coBPlclca an accuraLe pl'ot plan, and staLe tshaE alL tsh€ infolTaEion provid6d ae required i6 correcc' I agree Eo courply witsh Lhe i_nfornaEion and plot plan' to comply t,ich all rown ordinances and 6LaL€ raws' -and i" i"i''u :1]: ::::'::':':'::::t::^ii.::;"t:;:::.::"'"" and subdiwision ::"::T";:,;;:",1ii"i""""i"".o, unif orm Buirdins code and oEher or.rinances of rhe rovn appricabr. EyEo ' ,/ REeuEsrs FoR rNspEc,rroNs SHALL BE MADE TwENrv-FouR HouRs rN ADVANcE BY TELEPHoNE AT { ?9 - 213I tf "/ *Y FRoM a : oo Al4 s : oo PM "----// 4 Ztu - Scnd Cloan-UP DcPoslc To: f'tAx POOL AND SPA SIONATURE OF FOR HIMSE],F AND OWNER Page 2 ***************************************i**************************************** CONDITIONS PermiE #: 898-0095 as of 06/0l/98 SEaEus---: ISSIJED ******************************************************************************** Permit Tlrpe: ADD/ALT sFR BUrLD PERMTT lppfi"""tl-: MAXIMIIM COMFORT POOL & SPA' INC' 9703 03 949633 9 Job Address: 365 MII,L CREEK cR LocaEion---: 365 MILL CREEK CIRCLE Parcel No--: 2101-082-50-004 Applied--: Os/0e/L998 rlEued--- | 06/oL/t998 To Expire z tL/28/L998 DescriPtion: INSTAI,L GUNITE POOL AND SPA * * * * * * ** ** * * * * * ** * *** * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * COnditsiOng * * lr * Jt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3. FIELDINsPEcTIoNsAREREQuIREDTocHEcKFoRcoDECoMPLIAI.ICE. sMoKE DETECTORS Ans RuouiRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY sToRY AS PER sEc.121o oF THE 1-991 llBc' igg+ upc sEerroN 603. o cRoss coNNEcrroN coNTRoL OF APPROVED DESIGN tatl!tt.at rriattatttt" toror oF vtlt , @l'oRADO v a r tttta ta t.r i ttt EcacaunE 623.26 06101199 Lrt27 lnle: llNl P.IEIE l|o: B9g-o095 tlGtc ! A-BUM IDDIII'T gFR BUILD PB Prrccl No: 2101- 082 -50-oo4 9i!. Addree! ! 365 UILE eREEK cR Locrcion: 355 [ILt, CREEK CIRCLE aoc.l FG.!: 62t 'zs this PrlrEsnE 623,25 Tocrl lltltJ PnEs r 621'25 Balancr! .00 at'rrttttattttat ttrttt"'rtott|rt"tJltt'tr'trrtlt'}rt lEounc 285 .00 50.00 185.25 100. 00 3.00 StrEaErC [uEbcr: nEC-oaOg lDola|c: Pr)td.ne U.thod! CK tfoerclon: 19669 IccounB Codc D.. crittE ion BP OO1OOOO3l11lOO BUIIJDINC PER|IIT FEES DR OO10ooo31122oO DBltrctl EEvrE9' FEES P? 00100003112300 PLrx cHEcl( PEls ADOOloOOO2403loO CrrBtlIoPDEFOlllTg v{c oOlOOoO3l12sOO wIt'L CAI& IN9PBCIIoN FEE 'H 9e .o oiE F oz c,D .o oo o C'o o o o o o o A rl E A Y U H A o !l o F o B lr o t4 E E E U F' 6 t JB ao HIJ FF, A(o ao Elt oo tl H !l I o H q| o &o ,1 f F o @ t{E E 0 DI{iE l.{HO xo -a A oo .!E GO o AH gB B3 E1 &!!H FH AB E9 oa a BE iE H'dl o { C| trH BE Er E tr 4 ts tr F B l.l lr H EE -u <o ZE q !l :E !4 o oE H &A H f;8 T{oI D U E H H o A E E 7 !{c H H a o aa a ? FC E'-> Eer <E a.!t c !40 t EE8 ."".r:. Eaglc councy n""."""1rrr"" ac 97O-32Q-8_62r0 for Parcel l. ,TOWN oF vArL coNsTRUcTroN \UEL 4:Jlttl - OAz- 0o 'qY PERMIT AppLIcATroN FoRM K oxrn, i:6.4i -- Au)u(/' , o .-9-- ; ':1'- \r W tt,' ER.\IIT /i LP | .,rc,,^o1,l.a v\ e'";.----- ^ APPLICATIoN MLTST BE FILLE-D OUT COHPLETELY OR IT MAy NOT BE ACcEpTED I t * * * r. * * * * * * * * * * * 't * * * * * * * * * * * * * pERMIT fNFORMLTION * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * ,( * * * * * *I [ ]-Buirding 6 l-Prumbing [ ]-Erectrical [ ]-Mechani'car tl.J-otneri I t I -.c,rcsLr r(jar I I -mecnanrcal [)(J -OEher fecl_tjip? Buf \\s Job Acidre*r, 3{5 l{\,ll (s."y C,i^l< f! ,\ Tob Name: brltr\\tl Pe"l--t Legal Description: Lot lwners Narne : B.,'t t tttO \rchitect: Block__ Filing suaorvrsrgx; Address: Address:Ph. ;eneral DescriPtion: tork class: fi1 -New [ ] -Alteration [ ] -Additional lumber of Dwelling Units: _ Number 'tumber and Tvpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances , -' i* *t(* * rt** * **** * ** ** * ** **rk****** *** VALUATIONS \iurr,ornc +23'Po.----->]UILDING: -LlJ'gv____\ ELECTRICAL: $ ?LUMBTNG: $ \guecHANrcAL: $ 7 * rr' * rt * :k :l :t :k * * * * * t( rr * * *' * * * * * * * * |eneral contractorz \t\a{trl.v*.\cldress: P,o, Ror Zti---1T.t [ ]-Repair [ ]-other of Accornnodation Units: Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet *** ** * *** * *** ****** *t* * *** * * * * * **: ;lectrical Contractor: iddress: )Iumbing rddress: Contractor: i.'f oN * *** ****** * **** * *rt ** Jrrtr * Jrrt* : Town of VaiI Reg. NI.ZL1 -b Phone Number: ne Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. ipoii/.orrrcE usE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr,r * * * * * * * * * ; '..,-,: , PLWBTNG PLAN CHECK IEE:,,:"" MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: f ,." ' .RECREATION FEE:rfi \ CLEAN-UP DEposIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEDS: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE ! OTHER: $ o '$W lechanical ContracLor: \ddress: r********************** }UILDING PERMIT ,LUMBING PERMIT F IECHANICAL PERMIT ;LECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE:. :. ^'.. i lonments: CONTRACTOR GROUP VALUATION CLEAN I]P DEP.OSIT REFIIND &Sr!.aE Lr/ b1+ - uYb lai DEPARTIUIENT OF COMMIJNITY PMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AI-,L PROJECT TITTE: NORTHWTND DEVELOPMEI{T SF TOV/Comm. Dev.NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT PermiE.# 3, LAREDO TX 78041 BUILDING) Number of Dwelling FacEor Sq. Feet Ll1 .02 Masonry 40.45 SubEoEal: Table Date: o5/L7/]-gg6 ToEal valuation: Town of Vail AdjusLed Valuatsion: FireDlacc InforEaEion: ReEcricE€d: Y *of eag Applkncor: 1 *of o16 Lo96: 2 *of wood/Pal1€ts: FEE SUUMARY Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTTIENI Dept,: BUILDING Division: LO/20/Agg7 CSIARLIE Acti.":n: No{fE L,AI'IS To ART LL/O4/Lgg7 cHARr,rE Action: APPR FOR ART H Item: 05400 PLANNTNG DEPARTMENT Depts: Pr',AriINrNG Division: LO/20/Lgg7 CHARTIE Action: lill.E lri"aNs TO LAIIREN Lo'/2T'/LggTCHARLrEAction:APPR"TovEDBYLAIIREN IECM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI'IENT DEPE: FIRE DiViSiON: LO/20/L99? CHARLIE AcE,ion: APPR r A rEems 05500 PI'BLTC WORKS DepE: PIJB WORK Division: tO/2}/LggTCHARLIEAcEion:NOTEPLTIIIISTOPI]BWORKS to/22/L997 r'ARRY-P AcEion: APPR L,P rtsem: 05550 ENGTfrEERTNG Dept: ENGTNEER Division: Lo/20/Lgg7 CIIARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO PUBWORKS LO/22/Lgg7 CIIARLIE ACTiON: APPR PER I,ARRY P ' * t **ll't *i | *'l t* * rr'r+r t I tt*t rititi*ftti r t J *tt* ltJr ' tt t* rrti t iir see Page 2 of t,his Documentr for any conditions Ehat may apply to this permit' ISSIJED L0/20/L997 LL/06/L997 05 / os /L998 Unitss: 001 valuatsion 375,297 .78 48 ,955 .60 424,254.38 424,254.38 2,too,000.000 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIIJ, CO 8L657 970-479-2138 TIMES 897 - 0380 Clean-up D spBroved Emount date AddrESs: 365 MILL CRBEK t,iON...: 355 MILL CREEK Parcel No. . : 2LOL-082-50-004 RcaEuarlnc Plen Raview--> .00 DRB F.€---- ---- Rccreation Fca--__ -- -___> {10 85 C1.rr -:rp U€Fo.l!---- ----> 1'000.O0 TOTAI l.-.:E:. St,atus. . Applied. Issued.. Erq)ires. Phone: 9708455656 Phone: 9708455656 CR CR jecE No.: PRrl97-0148 APPLICANT SIIAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, VAIL eO CONTRA TOR SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, VAIL CO OWNER NORTHWIND DEVELOPMENT 6108 MCPHERSON SUITE Description:NEW sFR (REPALCE DEMO Occupancy TYPe Dwellings Zone 3 v-N Private Garages Zone 3 V-N 816s8 81558 LC 2,739 L,2L0 3 ,949 Bui lding- - - --> Plan check- - - > Invc.Eigation> wilI call----> 1,640.O0 4,965.oO .00 3.00 ToErI calculrtsed F€..---> 1'1,s19 '85 Addicionrl F€€6--- ------ > .00 Totsrr P.rniE Fee-- ------ > 14,519'es Peyh.nt.- ----- -- 14, 519. S5 BAI,ANCE DUB.-.- .OO sit Refund DECI,ARATTONS I hsr.b!' rcknoyl.dga that, I hrvc read this applic.lion, f,ill€d out in full the inforENUion rcquirGd, eolq)lsr.d an .ccur.t. P1ots pLan, .nd.t.Ec Lhe! r11 thc infonstj.on plovld€d ac requir.d l. colrect. I igrce co couply wlth tshe inforE !1on ind plot pJ..n' !o coEply nlth r11 Tovtl ordlnanc.s |t1d EtrCe levr, and tso bulld thi6 dllucUura rccordl,ng to th€ ?own's zoninE .nd subdlvision codlcr, alodign ravicr rpprowed, Itnif,orD Bullaing code and oEhcr orallnancc6 of lhc Town aPPlieable thcrcgo- REQUEATS FOR TNSPEdTIONS SHArr! BE UAOE TWENTT-IOUn HOURA rN AD\IAIICB Bv TEIAPHONB-j" 479-43e O g.nd Clear-UP D€pollts Tor SHAEFFER CONSTRUC:TIoN 9IGMTURE OP O!{NER OR CO}ITRACToR FOR BIUAEIJT AlqD O}INBR PAGE 2 ************************************************************************:l******* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit, #: 897-0380 as of tt/o6/97 status: IssItED ******************************************:r***************:l**:t*:l************tl*** Permit rlpe: NEW (SFR,P/S,DIIP) PERMTT Applicanr : SIIASFFER CONSTRUqtIolil JOb AddrEgS: 365 MIIL CF.EEK CR LOCATiON: 365 MILI, CREEK CR Parcel No: 2l-01-082-50-004 AppJ-ied: Lo/20/L997 Issued: tt/06/L997 ***********:r******************************************************************** COIIDITIONS ***************************************************:r**************************** 1. TIIIS PROJECII WILL REQUIRSD A SITE IMPROVEMEIWT SURVEY. SU(II SITRVEY SIIALI. BE SI'BMITTED AI.ID APPROVED PRIOR TO REQI]EST FOR A FRAME INSPECT]ON. 2. ATTIC SPACES SIAIJIJ IIAVE A CEILING IIEIGITT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASI'RED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF TIIE STRUSfIIRAI MEMBERS OF fHE FLOOR TO TliE IJNDERSIDE OF T"HE STRUCflIRAL, MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRE TLY ABOVE. 3.PIrAti[sNo|IEFoI'RFTREPLACESLoCATEDWITIIINDWELLING.IF TIIE MASONARY F/P IS TO BE A CERTIFIED WOODBURNING IJNIT, TIIEN ONLY TWO GAS APPLIAI.ICES ALLOWED. TIIERE IS Also TWo F/P ttNITS IJOCATED WIIYHIN BEDROOMS' THESE IINITS MUST BE DIRECT VENT APPLIAI{CES ONLY *r** rr !l t i *t t ri r!r Jrt* r Jl, * r, !r r+ a t t tt t t t t* * t * t * t t t t t *tal * J, *rat *** ** Tol{ll oF vl'IIJ, cltrORADo gcaccrnt a*r**atrr.rtaa*rt*It*trt.rttt*iratla.|r'rit**:r**tt'|*trtt*atr|*r*ta.r gtaccDnt ur!.b6r ! REC-0359 AEounc:14,319.85 rL/06/97 70 t49 Payocnt Mcchodr c'K NoEaEion: 45088 fniE: UAW PGrnir }{o, 897-0380 n'pc. B-BUII,D NE[{ (SFR, P/5, DttP] PE Parc.l No: 2101-og2-so-oo4 gits Addr€ss: 355 MILL CRAEK cR Lecitian: 365 MIIJL CREEK e TocaL FeGa: l'hir PayEenE 14,319.45 fota] Al'L Prt6:14, 519 , 85 Balanca: .00 *t*t**rt*rtttatt*t**r**i* t**it*r'}|,rrJ**** i ****!t*t**r r.t a,!ri*a * " Account Codc De6crj.pEion AmounE 7. 540.00 300.00 4,966.00 t , 000. 00 410. 65 3. 00 BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERUIT FEES DR 00100003112200 DESIOT REVTEW FEES PF 00100003112300 PLll{ CHECN FBBg Dl 00100002{03L00 cTrgAl{t P DBPosrTS RP 11100003112700 RECRBATTO{ FEES wc 00100003112s00 wlt"r, cAt r, rNsPEc{IoN FBB o o 'li oa .o otr H 3B .o oaJ t{-z do HU lrt oul zo EEI t,a o o o <;o o o o o o E t '{ u U E I o B E ql o o o l{ o d E H E d U E tl z @ 0 F z o E D c ti z 8o. ct o !la &a Itu I:q. A al t ati OE Fro E ?8 E e' t{ H c\A qI 4tp ot!FO rl 4 E EE H3 E4 &E E Hai ae E8 a^4 p rt 2 |-rH a2 iE u(o fr o FFI Htz ap E: ts o ? I F' F 6 t{F l{EE -U a!a 2E A E tl EE o gE T. EA E S9 UU H H ql U E t1 t E q c o B E E lr ql o E FP EI E>cl EI$I !ta o <q EO t EE O AAH tr:'ffi "r vArL coNsr*u"rrf pERurr AppLrcATroN FoRll- DATE: 10 / 13 / 9'7 PERIIIT # , APPLTCATToN UUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT UAy NOr BE AcCEpTED U x ** *************************** PERllrT TNFORI.IATTON **************************r**rl IxJ-Building [ ]-Prr"nr.irn [ ]-Electrical. J ;-ltechanibat [ ]-other Job Name: @ Job Address: 365 MiII Creek Circle Legal Description: Lot 16 Block-l- Fif ing 1 suspryJ5Igp. vail village owners N3ns$lejand %ddress: ph.21 0_727_ Architect: Pierce, segerberg address:1000 south Frontage Rd. [nn. aze_aag: General Description: Construction- Sinqle Family Home work crass: [ {-Ne!r [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nrrrnber and Tvne of Fireplaces: c Gas Logs 2 wood/pellet_v It******************************* ****************************** $ oTHER: $$- roCAi; $ -----***r*****..ffi wn of Vail Reg. NO. 129 n one Nulober3 845-5G56 - Nunber of Dwelling Units: 1 ELectrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: * ****************** *:t*** *!t***** *FOR BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERMTT FEE: I{ECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Nurber of Accommodation Units: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. OFFf CE USE ***********************:l******* BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLIN{BTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: I.{ECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: CLEAN TIP DEP.OSIT REFIII{D TO: Shaeffer Construction TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8r-557 970 -479-21-38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOb AddrESS...: 365 MILL CREEK CR LOCAIiON : 355 MILL CREEK CIRCLE Parcel No..... : 2101-082-50-004 Project Number: PR,f97-0148 .]OBSITE AT PermiE. #: StaEus...: ISSITED Applied. . : 03/L7 /1,998 rssued . . .: 03/L7 /1998 Expires . .: 09/t-3/L998 ALL TIMES M98-0030 GUARANTEED PLI'MBING & P O BOX 2]-56, VArL CO GUARANTEED PLT'MBING & P O BOX 2]-55, VArL CO NORTHWIND DEV LC 6108 MCPHERSON STE 3, MECIANICAL PERMIT HEATING 81_658 HEATING 816 58 I,AREDO TX Phone:845-9300 Phone: 845-9300 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Descrj-ption: MECH FOR NSFR Fiteplacc Infornat ion: Re6Eri ctsed: 7804L Valuation: FEE SUMMARY #of ca6 Applj.ances:#of oaE LogB: 80,406 .00 *of Hood/PaIlcE: Mechanical---> Plan check- - - > Inveatsi9aE ion > wilL caLl----> ResEuarants Plan Revielr- - > DRB Fee-------- TOTAL FEES------ ToEaI calculaled Fee6---> Additional Fcc6----- - - -- > Tot al PermiE Fee-- --- -- - > Paynents- -- -- -- - BAIANCE DUE----- r,62O.O0 40s . o0 .00 3.00 . o0 . o0 2, 028 . 00 2,O25 .OO .00 2, 028 .0O 2tO2S,AO , oo 1 3 4 5 t) B Item: 051-oo BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDING Division: O3/L7/L998 JRM AcLion: APPR APPROVED .]RM-iibm'' oseoo FrRE DEPARTMENT Depts: FrRE Diwision: o3/L7/L998 Jwl Action: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL . FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 507 OF THE 1991 I]MC.. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTITRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDTX CIIAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 IJMC.. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 9 AND SHAI,L TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O5 OF THE 1991 T]MC.. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPME}fT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND 703 0F THE 1991 IJMC.. BOII,ERS SHAI.,L BE MOI]I{TED ON FI-,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI,E CONST. I]NLESS LISTED FOR MOi]NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.. PERMfT,PI,ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MEC1IANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOI]EST.. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS COI{TAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991- IJMC. ****************************************************************************:l*** DECLARATIONS a rartrrrtaittttarrattratrtt..afrt Io0lll OP V tL', @!,ORAI'O llc.C.DnE ti.t r 'r 'r tata t r ra t tti raa.tt I tttttttt I t tttti I tatt ttt l a t'r I tt tt r t r ttttt r gE E.6n! tfulb.t B R!c-o331 lrnoune r 2,o2e.oo o3ll7/99 lsros P.yEcnE llGchod ! cK NoE glon: 1652 rnlE! llAY, P.rd.c tfo: l{9g-0030 lYPr: E- ECtl llEcflANlct! P.rccl No: 2101-032 -50-004 sIC. Addrctrr 355 HIITIT CREEK cR Loc.lLon: 365 HIITIT CREEK CIRCLB ToEel Faaa: Thl. P.!rn.nE 2,O2g.OO ToEal lLl PBc6: Balancc: tftait att t t trtt rlt ttri itttt rrt.rrlttr r t tt trrir t'Jr lccount Coda D.6crlpEl,on PERI{IT l'lP 0010000311130O l'lECHrl{ICtt PERMI? FEES PF 00100003112100 PLI{ CHECK PBBS Wc 001000o3112soo I|IIJL CIIJL Il\rsPEcrlotl FEE 2,023,00 2.028,00 .00 -eDounE I , 620. 00 {o5. o0 3 .00 .l TOI^IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970 -479 -2L38 APPLICAI.IT CONTRAgIOR OWNER DBPARTMENI OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLI]MBING PERMIT iIOb AddTCSS: 365 MTLL CREEK CR LOCATiON...: 365 MILL CREEK CIRCLE Parcel No. . : 21-0L-082-50-004 Project. No. : PRJg7-0148 PMENT JOBSITE AT Permit #: ALL TIMES P98 - 0 014 SEatus. . Applied. Issued.. Elq)ires. Phone:845-9300 Phone:845-9300 ISSI'ED 03 /1,7 /L998 03 /L7 /L99e 09/L3/L998 GUARANTEED PLUMBING & HEATING P O BOX 2L56, VArL CO 81658 GUARANTEED PLI,'MBING & HEATING P O BOX 2L56 t VArL CO 81-658 NORTHWIND DEV I-,C 61-08 MCPHERSON STE 3, I-.AREDO TX 78041 Description: PLIJMBIMG FOR NEW SFR ValuaE.ion:76,97O.OO FEE SUMMAXY PfuEbing-----> Plan check- - - > InveEt.igacion> wiII call----> Resluarant PIan Review - - > TOTAI, FEES-----. Tot.al calculat.ed Fees- - - > Additional Feca---- --- - - > To:aI Pcrmit Pc6--------> 1, 155 . O0 245.75 .o0 3.00 .00 I,446 .'15 r, 4{6 . 75 ,00 L,446.'lS Paymen!B-------- !,446-75 BAI.ANCE DUE---- .OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT .fRM AcLion: APPR APPROVED FIRE DBPARTMENT 03/L7/L998 JRM Act,ion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledg€ chaE I have read Ehie application, fiIl€d out in fulI the infordaEion requiled, comPLeled an accurale PloE Item: 051-00 03 / a7 /L998 Itbm:' 05500 Dept: BUILDING Division: 'JRI"t-DeDL: FIRE Division: plan, and EEate thats el.I Ehe infornatsion provided ae required is collects. I agree tso comPly uiEh th€ inf tso conply $ith all Town ordinanced and sEatse lawa. and to build chi6 etructsure according Eo Lhe Toen'6 codeE, d6Eign revie{ approved, Uniform Building code and other ordinances of tshe appli REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAI,I, BE MADE TWEMIY-FOUR HOIJRS IN A.D\,ENCE BY and pl.ot. plan, 6ubdiwi Eion g:00 AJ'l 5: O0 PM AND OI,J'I|BR r hcr.by rcknout.dge EhrE t hrv! r""" enlpnrrcrtlon, ftll.d out ln full th. tnfo-".# r.qulr.d, corplctscd rn rcculrt. plo! phn, .nd .trt. thrts rll tsh. lnlorE t.lon provldcd r. r.guirqd lr corrccc. t r9r.. !o co|Ply tlth th. infolDreLon rnd plot Pl.n, codc.. d.rlgm rcvL.r rpprov.d, Onlfon Bulldlng cod. rnd o!h.r ordlntnc.r of thc Torn Bherato 11 OtR OFtlcE IROU lloo All S:00 PU REQUESTII IOR I SPE(:TIONS SHATJI BE l,lADE 1'!{E!EY-FoUR HOURS IN AIONATT'RE OF OI$I8R OR C9IfTRACTOR 'OR HII4gEIJF AND O*IIIER , rrr ltr r.lt r rr rr.ir r TOIN OF VAIL, COI,oRTDO gErl.Dnc rt t t. t a at tr I ta', t. t a a tttt a ttrt a gctt.orlE Nulbar: REC-Olgl. lrcunc ! Pqr..ne Lchod: CK lfocrElon ! 1552 1,146.75 O3l1tl99 15: Og Inic: Al| Tolll lcca: L, a46.75 ThI. PryEcnc 1,116.75 Totrl AI,r, lrsEs: Lt^46,7s Eallncr:,00 Jrlrarrttrrr rirtrrtt'J lttrrrtttt*aatlr a rtttra'a ttttirttttt+fttttttrtt|r l,cqounB Coda D..cripELon P.r[lC No: P9a-0011 TtrP.: B-PIllB Prrc.l No! 2101-032-50-00{ 8lc. lddt..!: 355 llt!.L CRBBK CR Loc.cion,355 ttllfi CREEK CIRCIE PF OO1OOOO31I12OO PLU{BING PERIIIT FBES PF 00100003112300 pl,lN cHEcK PaEg l{c 00100003112900 rILL ct&!, Il|gPEclroN FEE PLIJIIBING PERI'IT lEounE 1. 155.00 288. ?5 3. O0 aFu',n 7-Dt(, .i,ConEact Eagle CountY TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON PERMTT APPLICATION FORM DATE: Pn. Ph. Np)nber and Type of Fireplaces: cas AppIiun"u=.Q cas Logs_ wooat/pe]]et_-,I *f * * ** * * * * ** rt* ** *** ** ** * **** * *** ** * VALUATIoNs *** * * * *** * * * * ***** * * *****rr * * * * * * * \ Number of Dwelling Unitsl- | nlectrical Contractor: Address: Number of Accornnodation Units: BUILDING: $EI'ECTRTCAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBTNG | $ Eofol" .qp MEcHANIcAr,r lJkW-.-ud_ ToTAL: +- R INFORMAI'ION *********************** ****con.tractorz .)hnffi,*, (b|t'.= Town of VaiI Reg. No.Address: P.O. ,box 3'73 r/4r/ C) . f/bft phone Number: Town of VaiL Reg. NO. Phone Number: 14 vair Reg. No.n&v I hl * * * * ** ** **t( * * tr* '+ tr *** * *.rr * * * * CONTIU\(t.ncral contractor:,f/i'*4.;'"?i::) Plumbing Address: Contractor: I'lechanicaL Contractor : Address:Phone ********************************FOR OFFICE USE *******************rrrt****** ** * * BUILDING PER,MIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMI'I FE MECHANICAIJ PERMIT ELECTRICAIJ FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: TYPE GROUP SQ.BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Comments: Nurnber: *"-CLEAN_UP DEPOSIT: ntpTrorAl, pERMrr FEES: .Yt'' PERilrr 16?? - OrSl PLETELY OR IT MAY NO? BE ACCEPTED NFORMATION *********************.******** icaL [X]-Mechanibal [ ]-other rob Name , h"a.tllo L*- Job Acrdres t, L-LI_lb= Legal Description: Lot- Block-- nirins--t6iffBqq5foN, owners Name: Address: Architect: Address: General Descr j-ption: Work Class: [i,.(-New t l-Alteration [ ]*Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other UILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: LUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: ECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: ECREATION FEE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFIIND o DEVELO TOUIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT COIITRAETOR OUINER DEPARTMEIfT OF COMMTJNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED EI-,ECTRICAI, PERMIT .JOb AddTCSS: 355 MILL CREEK CR LOCATiON...: 355 MILL CREEK CIRCLE Parcel No- . : 21,OL-082-50-004 Projects No. : PRJ97-0748 FORSYTH, INC. P.O. BOX 2056, E;AGLE, CO 81531 FORSYTH, INC. P.O. BOX 2056, EAGLE. CO 81531 NORTHWIND DEV LC 6108 MCPHERSON STE 3, LAREDO TX 78041 PMENT ON .fOBSITE AT AIL TIMES Permit. #: E99-0021 status...: IssIrED Applied..: 02/24/1999 Issued...: 02/24/]-999 E>qrires. . : 0e/23/]-999 Phone:' 970-328-L271 Phone t 970-328-L27L 2,500. 00 Total calculaced Fee€---> 57.o0 addiEionaf Peee---- -----> .oo ToEat PerLit Fee- -- -- - -- > 57.00 Paynent s- - _ - ---- 57-oo BAIA.}TCB DUE---- .OO DescripEion: PRovIDE wrRrNG FoR POOL&SPA EQUTP.ONLY Valuation: FEE ST'MMARY Electrical---> 54.0O DRB Pee .oo Investigation>. oo Will CalI----> 3.oo fcfrAr, FEES---> 57. OO trt*riirttr,rr,rr rtrltiirl*rrtri**'rrIrtrtttitt*tt* IEem: O5O0O ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: 02/24/L999 CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR CHARIIE DAVIS itam;'o5eoo-r'rns-Dspi\RTMENi Dept: FrRE Division: oil,e,/lggg CHARLTE Action: APPR N/A CONDITTON OF APPROVAI t_. FIEL,D rNsPEgIIoNs ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. -..":",""..--,, DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknor,ledg€ thaE I havc rcad lhiE application, filLcd out in fu1l thc informatj.on rcquired, conPleged an accuraCe Plot plan, and statc Chat all ghc i.nfonraci.on provided as r€quired is corrcct, I agree to couPly with thc i'nformatio(I and PloC Plan, to coEIrIy r|itsh all Town oldinarrces and 6tate lawB, and to build t'his ststqctule acco-ding to ghe Totn's zoning and Bubdiwi6ion code6, d€aign rer-ie* approved, Itniford Buildj.ng cod€ and oghe! ordinance6 of ch6 Torn aPPlicable theleto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHAl,t BE MA.DE 1r{ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADI/ANCE BY T€T,EPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROU g:00 Al' 5:00 P m l OF VIIL, COIjoRIDO St-t'cErE i rr t r ririat af *tt tl a rtr rt r tttt rtrt r i r t t a t rrJ r r.r lttrr at aritltrt + t rr * t 9E E6nC trurb.r ! REC-0a94 lrount: P.yD.ot [.ehod r CK NotrtioE: 15{9 57 .0o o2/2rf99 Lt:3t lnic: f P.dir, }lo: B99-oo2l TlEc: B-EtBc ELEeRrclIr PERI|IT Errccl tro! 2101-082 -50-00a git. lddf... ! 355 kILL CnEEI( CR tocrEion! 365 lllll:f. CREEK CIRCII Ihi. Itryrant Iogal Para: 57.00 Totrl l&& Pnt.: BrlaRcr a 57. O0 57.00 ,00 lccoung Cde BP O0100003111400 wc 00100003112300 Dc.c!l,p cioD BLBEI?ICN, PERIIIT PEBS rrLE Cr!! DfgP8ertcN tEB l@urE 54.00 3. O0 Feb 24 99 O8:39a FORSYTH I NC.970-324- 127 |p.2 '*.*co..riacr t-aglc County Assessors Offlcc A(.at 970-32g:8640 f or pargcl f , Tot.nr oF VAf L CoNSrFIUCTIOII Sr,rncir. t] ,: 7to/ d67 .fD p"/ pEpJ.rir .p.ppl,rcATrol{ ropj{ f. D\rE:. ),-A,t_?tl r APPI-ICATIoN IruSf BE FILLED oUT CoHPI.ETELY oR I" ).tAY l{oT Et AcCEpTED \f 'K*****; * 't * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tr * * i? * * rr pEzu'lfT IllpOFlG?fON * * * .;,< * * * * * * * * i * * * rr * ,r * * * ', i ;.; i */S/ [ ]-Building i l-Plunbing \r{-ntectricat I J-Mechani-car [ ]-other LegaL Description: Lot BIock Filing susotvrsl6)t: A.owners xane: f Uf t//Ar Adcress ?/",5,rVt//C* ,f.,e,/r pn. Arclritect: Address: oi ceneral De scrS-ption : - rl gtr, ruor): qlass:- [y']-New [ ] -Alte.ration [ ]-Additio:ral [ ]_Repair [ ]_other Number of D'reI r-ing Units:lfurber of Accomlodatron Units: iances_ Gas Logs_ I,tood/pellet ATIONS * J< :t * t: *:k x * :t * * * ** * *., * * * * * * x r x * x z,i; * pilnr8rNc: .r -. MEcIL{Nr"o,w& ;3iil. I . --.---..a---:-- \,ry 4I{t***r**r.* t************x*'*** coNrRAcToR INFORI'IATION ****rr**********************j EenereL contractor:ila;;;;, El.ectrical A<.dress : Contractor: PiP"\itr ii Ore aqi=- !.o-*n of Vail Reg. No-eA,lE vnone Nunber: 1;r? - l27t . Plunbing Contractor: Ad<ireiss:Town of vail Phone Nurber l Town of Vail Phone l.luhber: Reg. NC. Hecha:rica1 ContracLor.: Addres s:Reg- No. BUILDTNG PnRMfT FEEI PI'rl.IE NG PERI:IIT. FEE: HE :i{N ICAL PERMIT FEE: ELJCTI IC.A.I, FEE: OT;IER IYPE OF FEE: NDq FT F. i.F***t ti* * E:zt *********t ******i.;,*i FOR OFFTCE USE +.***** ** **.**.*****ia******i!*-ix*-z ' BUILDIHG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBING PLIN CHECK FEE: MECIIANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION PEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI, PIRHIT FEES: BUILDTNG: SIGNATUP.E: ZONING: SIGNAWPS: Connents:_ .::L-.i|l i_:? I-r:9.osfT !.EiiIt.D Tc: VALUATION TOI,IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONIAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970 -479 -2L38 APPLICAI\TT COT'TTRACTOR OWNER Electsrical---> DRB Fee InveeCiqation> will call- - - -> TOTAI, FEES- - -> DEPARTT4ENT OF COMMIINf TY DEVELOPMEI.IT NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRTCAL PERMIT ilob Address: 355 MILL CREEK CR Location. - -: 355 mill creek circle Parcel No- . : 21-01--082-50-004 ProjecL No. : PRJ97-0L48 ,fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: E97-0319 Status...: ISSIIED Applied. . : L2/L1-/L997 Issued...: L2/22/L997 Expires. . : 06/20/1-998 Phone:. 9709495L51 Phone: 9709496L51 500.00 ON WAGNER ELECTRIC INC P.O BOX 4995, VAIL CO 81558 WAGNER ELECTRIC INC P.O BOX 4995, VAIL CO 81558 NORTHWIND DEV LC 5108 MCPHERSON STE 3, I,AREDO TX 78041 Description: temp power AND ELEC WIRING FOR NEW SFR Valuation: FEE SUMMARY 159. OO . oo . o0 3-O0 222.OO 222.OO . oo 222.OO 222.OO .00 Totsal calculated Fees- - - > Additsionat Fees-- -- --- -- > Total Permit Fee--------> PaymenL6-------- BAI.ANCE DUE_--- Item:06000 1,2 /LL/L997 ftem:05600 ELECTRICAL DEPARTT4ENT .fRM Action: APPR approved FTRE DEPARTMENT . Dept :trm -Dept: BUILDING Diwision: FIRE Diwision: COND]TION OF APPROVAI DECLARATTONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read Ehis application, fiIIed out. in fuI1 Ehe inforllla!ion required, compleEed an accurate plot plan, and Etate Ehat. alL the inforFation provided as required is colrect. I agr:ee to cohFly wiLh the informatj.on and plot p1an, to comply lrith all'Iown ordinances and state 1aw6, and Eo build thie sEructur:e according to Ehe Town's zoning and eubdivision codee, design review approved, Uniform Bui.lding code and other ordinancee of the Tosn applicable thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHA],L BE I.IADE TWENTY- FOUR HOI]RS IN AD1ENCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM e;00 A-[4 5:00 PM CONTRAMOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * *? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * O * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Reprinted: 02/25/99 L4248 Statemnt * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Statemnt Number: REC-0494 Amorrnt : Palzment Method: CHECK NotaEion: #17390 169.00 02/25/99 L4.36 Init: CD Permit No: Parcel No: Sitse Address: Locat.ion: This Palment Account Code EP 00100003111_400 Descript,ion ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 897-0319 Tlpe: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERITIIT 2L0L-082 -50 -004 355 MILI-, CREEK CR 365 mi1l creek circle r.69.00 ToE,aI Fees:Total Al,L Pmt.s: Balance: 222.00 222.00 .00 **************************************************************** AmounE 159. 00 **tlt*i**ll****t****.****** CONTRACTOR: fNFORt{ATIgliJ *****r**********i lllil$tracloji _*q$icc Ccns+- _ Town of vstl ReE..r , :;r ;1.S r:':l'lili 'j1,r ,*.*********r********r**** F I DFDlf Ytn r E|FF r , ,,il Dec-1O-97 20: l8 9709494339 P -O2 llumber of Erwetllng Unltc:Nunbcr of Accornrnodatlon Unlte: ^ {pnber and Type of, Flrepra,:es: Ga6 npptrancee_ ca' rogE_-_ I{ooavperret v Jt****r******r**************t*ttl*" v trrATroNs **.*****t***rr*****r*******rr*** Electrlcar c;olrLru,ctorz /l/4/.nz*e E/,=-/-,-- 4y'r-rZ-s'Z Wagner Electric,Inc ,0*.u, o, ?!a1.0u-.m-D- Tgir$ $ll,Eiifi'F3*,I DATE: 7397-a3&: PDRIIIT f - t APPLIcA'r'roN uus'l BE FTLLED our coupL8TEr,y oR If uAy Nor BE AecEprED ;.trti*r****f ***it*t**rt*trttr****t PERDIIT INTORHATION ****r*...*************r*t*,:t []-rrutldlng []--prunblns,Xl_E]ecrrlcar t r []_other rob Nane, I)OnfhnnB Dpr{Mtrfol eda".u,, Cru- Legal uescrlptlon; Lot___ Block___ rlllng_,. .suBprlll5lgryj___ z, I. - /, ',(')wftcru riirrno: /AeEEzL(hE*--.-_ Acrdrecs: Ba"-7t-|_/Att ta____vn/lr-rase r'::(sl,IUe.uu: Acldroga: rrh Generar rreccriptio r, .-.fgp7o74e4y-_?d _- -. liork clase: [ ,-Nen [ ]-]rlteratlon 1 r-Addltlona] [ ]-R.pslr I J-other ! !-.-_ crrHER: I : I TOTAL: _-_- R, INFORI'IATION * *t * r r. *. * * a a * * * ** r r * r *. r *.-.t- _ Town of vall R6s. No.phone Nunbert re Hectranl Lttl contracLor: AddrecB ! Flurulrl ng Cont,ractor ! > O)riPhcrne Nunber: .ig2ffi nddress i Ftrone Nurnberr Town of vall Rag. NO.ynone Nunber r ****ltt**a***ttt***ir******a****roR orFIcE usE *********rr***rir*arr****trti**BUILDTNG PER}|IT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FED: HEC}IANICAL PERI,IIT FEEs ELECTRICAL FEEI OTIIER TYPE OF FEEI T'I3 FEE: BUTLDIIIG PIAN CHECK PEE:PII'UBTHG PLAN CIIECR PEE: I.IECHANICAL PI.AN CITECK FEE:RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT! TOTAL PERI{TT FEES: BUTLDTNG ! SIG}|ATUEET ZONING! SICNATUREs Comnente: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2r38 Job Address: Location...: Parcel- No. . : APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST PUBLIC WAY 365 MILL CREEK CR ON PROPERTY 2LOL-082-s 0-004 G.D.T. CONSTRUCTION PO BOX 19276 51 BEAVER G.D.T. CONSTRUCT]ON PO BOX 19276 51 BEAVER NORTHWIND DEVELOPMENT L 6108 MCPHERSON SUITE 3, BE POSTED ON PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit f: PW97-0137 Status. . .I S SUED Applied. . : 70/08/Iee't Issued...: 10/73/1997 Expires. . : 70/08/1998 Phonel 970-390-3212 CREEK, AVoN, co 81620 Phone. 970-390-3212 CREEK, AVON, CO 81620 c LAREDO TX 78041 Description: DEMO/REBUILD NEW HOME FEE SUIIHARY ffi*#rtd**rttffi********H****fffr*ffiff*ff*H********** Publ.ic !ay---> 75.00 Invest i gat ion> Payments BALANCE DUE----.00 MADE TWENTY_FOUR HOURS IN **** OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM TO 5:00 PM > 75.00 ***************Jr**lr****t rr*******tr****ff***t ******ff**********H**lr***ffitr*rr***#******f*:Hr*****tr*tr**fi(*******ff************** Dept: PUB WORK Division: Dept: ENGINEER Division: Bond Amount--> TOTAL FEES---> .00 75.00 Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS I0/08/1997 LARRY P Action: APPR LP IIbm:. 05550 ENGINEERING **** REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2738 OR CONDITION OF APPROVAL *****ffi*****tr*ff****tr***ffiffi*tr*#ffiH***ffi**trr(ffrftffitr****tjrtihffi*ffitoHt *trffi(**ffi**ffffiffitr*fi****,t** DECLARATIONS I certify that I have read atl chapters of Titl,e 12-Str of the Vail, llunicipat Code and atl. utiLity company agreements/ signed by me, and wit[ abide by the sane, and that al,t util,itiied as required. Pubtic l.forks witL have a spec/detaiI book avaitabLe in ApriL of 1995. BE AT SIGNATURE OF OTINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIITSELF AND OI,INER -U **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArt, COLORADO Statemnt **************.************************************************** statemnt Number: REc-0344 Anounti 75.00 10/13/Sl ttzll Payment Method: CHECK Notation: E44766 Init: LRD Pl{97-0137 Type: PUBWAY PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 2LOt-082-50-004 365 MILL CREEK CR ON PROPERTY Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: BaLance: 7s.00 7s.00 .00 *********************************************!t**!t*************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: L,ocation: This Paynent Account Code sr 00100003112100 75.00 Description PUBLIC WAY FEES Anount 7s .00 t' TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 97 0-47 9 -2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit f: D97-0018 Occupancy: R3 Type Construction: V N Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fi repLace Information: Restri cted: 35,000 fof Gas App L i ances: 365 MILL CREEK CR 365 MILL CREEK CIRCLE 2101-082-s0-004 PRJ97-0148 Single Family Residence Tvpe V Non-Rated Add Sq Ft: Phone: 9708455656 Phone: 9708455656 fof tlood/PaLtet: Job Address Location... Parcef No. . Project No. Status . . . Applied.. fssued... Expires . . I SSUED r0/07 /ree7 ro/73/ree7 o4/rr/ree8 APPLICANT SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, VArt, CO 81658 CONTRACTOR SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, VArL CO 81658 OWNER NORTHWIND DEVELOPMENT L C 6108 MCPHERSON SUITE 3, LAREDO TX 78041 nacr.ri nl- i nn. DEMO EXSITING SFR fof Gas Logs: ***************************Jr************************ffHH* FEE SUtlllARY ff*******ff**********ir****H*ff*t*******'t'r*************i* BuiLding-----> 185.00 Restuarant PLan Revieu--> .0O Total Catcutated fees---) 888-25 PLan Chick---) 25O -25 DRB Fee-------- lnvestigation> .00 Recreation Fee----------> .00 Tota[ Pefmit Fee--------> E88.25 uil.L catt----> 3.00 cLean-Up Depos i t --------> 250.00 Paymen t s--- ------------ -> 88E.25 TOTAL FEES-.--- ******************ff*********tr*****************:t**ffi*t*******ff********Jr***ff******ffff***********ttlt:t**t*****ff*lc**)h********* Itemr 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division TO/07/l-997 CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS rt6m:',05400 FlAllNrNc DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNTNG Division IO/0.7/T997 CHARLIE AcIion: NOTE PLANS TO LAUREN 10,/IO'/T997 CHARLIE ACIiON: APPR rt6M:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DEPI: FIRE DiViSiON 70/07/1997 CHARLIE ACtiON: APPR N/A It'em:'05500 PUBLTC woRKS ' Dept: PUB woRK Division 70/O7/1997 CHARLIE Act,ion: NOTE PLANS TO PUBWORKS IO'/OB'/I997 LARRY P ACtiON: APPR LP ra'ema'osToo-sNVixOtunllrAl, HEALTH Dept: HEALTH Division 70/07/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N,/A rt6m:',0s900 tiouoR ' Dept: CLERK Division IO/o7/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A ****JrH****lrt***lrtffiH#ffH*Hffi*tri***Jr*#*r.*Jri#****ff*r.*ir**#**ffirt*lr**rrffirr*it*t *)tlr**#<tffi*#ffiffi*tH*:t)t** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowl,edge that I have read this appl,icat'ion, til,ted out in fuLt the information required, coDPteted an accurate Ptot plan. and state that aLt the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compl,y with the information and Pl'ot Ptan, io conrpl,y Hith al,l, ToHn ordinances and state taHs, and to buil.d this structure accord'ing to the To}rn's zoning and subdivision unitorn af ng code End BE ITAOE IIIENTY-FOUR HOI,IRS other ordinanccs of the II{ ADVANCE 8Y TELEPHONE rorn f c"ut. thcrcto.codes, design revicv approved, REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL Permit €: D97-0018 send c(ean-up Deposit To: SHAEFER CONSTRUCTION ******************ik**********************************************tr************** **********************************************rk********************************* CONDITIONS as of 10/!3/97 Status: ISSUED ANY WORK CAN BE CODE COMPLIANCE. Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. Applicant: SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION 9 7 08455 65 6 Job Address:Location: 365 MILL CREEK CTRCLE Parcel- No: 2101-082-50-004 Description: DEMO EXSITING SFR Conditions: 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE STARTED. 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR applied I Lo/07 /Lee7 rssued: Lo/13/1997 To Expire 2 04/LL/1998 *********************************rr******************* TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO **************************************************************** 888.2s 70/73/97 11:35 IniI: LRD o *********** Statennt Statemnt Number: REC-0344 Anount: Pavment Method: cHEcK Notationt 144766 Permit No: D97-0018 Type: A-DEMO DEMO Parcel No: 2101-082-50-004 Site Address: 365 MILL CREEK CR Location: 365 MILL CREEK CIRCLE Total Fees: This Payment 888.25 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Account Code BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 D1 00100002403100 wc 001_00003112800 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOS]TS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE OF PART/ALL BU 888.25 888.25 .00 Amount 385.00 250.25 250.00 3 .00 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ik ilr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0ffice '3gH"i[ ;3#l DAT PER}IIT # @fi-oH8 , APPLICAIION MUST BE FILLED oUT COUPLETELY OR IT MAY NoT BE AccEP?ED X*****************:t**t't******* PERUfT fNFORMAIION *****************************I} I J-Building 6 ;-Plrrnhing [ ]-Electrica] 1 l-Mechani-cal [1]-othernemo & Job Name: Northwinc Der;erepmenL Job Address:3 Legal Description: Lot_l_16 Btock I rifing_V4!]_Vi Owners Natre:Alejandro Diez Barrossedflss5E36l 0g Mcpherson Ph 21 0 -7 27 -287 ( Laredo, TX 78041 Architect: P;erce- .segerherg gAddress!1ooo .q prontec,e po:rr w- Flttqs a- aa3-3_ General Description: Demo and construct r'r"*vf,t*6 co 81 657 o work crass: [x]-New [ ]-Alteration I J-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units: 1 Number of Accomroodation Units: Nurnber and Tvpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ I{ood/pellet v rt********************************* VALUATIONS ********************************* '!BUfLDING: i EI-.ECTRTCAL: $ MECIIANTCAL: $ OTHER: $ 35,000 TOTAL: T Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Concractor: Address: Hechanical Address: Contractor: ******************************** FOR BUIIDTNG PERMTT FEE: PLWBING PERHTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: I]DR FFF. Grading Address: phone N Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail- Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nu.mberl Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. No. oFFrcE usE ****************,1************** BUTLDTNG PI,AN CITECK FEE: PLUUBTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE: MEclIANI RECREATT CLEAN-UP TOTAL BUTLDTNG: STGNATTIRE: ZONING: SIGNATTIREs VALUATION CLEAN IIP DEPOSIT RENNID 5W(o--;7' nollunm t r$Eouril Consulting in Building and Fire Codes MEMORANDUM Charlie Davis Art Hougland November 2, 1997 Northwind Development, S. F. residence To: From: Date: Subject: Charlie: Vaill20. 97 These plans have been stamped and signed by an architect and the structural by an engineer. The plan for the masonry fireplace does not include any sections or details to verify that construction and clearances comply with Chapter 37. There are three factory built fireplaces besides the masonry fireplace in this home, two of these are in bedrooms. The make is identified on the plan but no model number or other information. It may be that the two in the bedrooms are gas and will be required to be direct vented appliances. I have included that they need to provide this information. Does the Town of Vail regulate in any way the number and type of fireplaces? The corrections for this plan can be addressed as the project proceeds. Let me know if you have any questions. ************************************************************************* * rnf100r system sizing program by Gyp-crete corporation, Hamel , MN ************************.....:??Iri?l:.i:1.*???.**********..;..Y:i:i:1.*;l.l * HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUIUMARY paqe 1 * ** Job Name: BURILLo RESIDENCE * Location: LoT 16 MrLL CREEK crRcLE LLlu.lvt '* VAIL CO vrr\\-rJrr 2 :54 pm * * Installer/* Contractor: GUARAI,trfEED p & H INC * TOTAL ]NFLOOR HEAT: 1-28926 BTU/hr OUTDOOR DESIGN TEMP: -20 dcg. F.TOTAL SUPPLEMENTAL HEAT: SO0 eTu/hr Room I zone I .. | | ,nm N-,.o I Heat Required # | # lRoomName _+______+___ _ I BTU/hr IBTU/hrlsq. fr. 2 | t ldil;EBAcKRooM I '3?9il ?1 *^ | _ | un \_ r\r\\_,,\-,,r.r l 9,1 .7-7 | tt n J I 1 ILAUNDRY I :;-: I 11'Y 1 | , I ei,ililiustarns | 1660 | 18'o 5 | 2 | ioweRnAr,r, | 92?2 1 Zt'q | _ | _v,rs.! r,.uu | 1r^i | -_ ^6 | 3 icuEsrBDRM i :::: I 1:'9 j I i ldJiii"or" | ?::9 1 ?9'?t | 4leiDRoooo2/BArH | ?I71 | 1t"."e I s lBEDRooM3/BA1H | ??Y!l 22"7 ro | ; liivi"cnoorq 1.2??7 | ?!'1 1.t | ; l;iffi" | :1?1 | 27_.3*13 | ; linaiiwc | ?::: | 19'9 L4 | t liiii"r* | ?97? | 31'?1s | 8l;;Aoi,il"LEVELHALL | +9?1 | -?'o L6 | e lcoAicr,osEr I nI?7 | ?9t L7 | 8liifrir,veern I ::?l 19'1 18 | g lii.Jt"oor | .99:l \1'?1t | ; li*'i.,i"iioor | :23"7 1 ?1 t ' .*-".;; ;i;;""", | 80e7 | zt .t ?\ | 11 | uasrun earu | )^.).) | ._22 | rr I uasrnn closEr | '"^:: I tl'l 23 | t ItriinoLEVELHALL | ^179 | 9'e 24 | ,, I nuonooru 4/BArH I ::2: I i: t 2s I t: I rroiooru s/BArH I ttil I tZ.E == ==================* room requires suppl_emental_ heac Town of Vail OFFICE COPY H1X '1O oo3o L ************************************************************************** rnfl-oor system sizing program by Gyp-Crete corporation, Hamer, MN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *...:?lYii?i: 1:l - 1??:.. * * * * * * * * * * * * - -Y:i:i?1. 1; l. I * * HEATTNG REeUIREMENTS SUMMARY page 2 * * Job Name: BURILLO RESIDENCE * Localion: LoT 15 MILL CREEK CIRCLE * VArL Co * Install_er/* ConLracLor: GUARA}TTEED P & H INc. WaII 1 R-Value: Wal_f 2 R-Val_ue:Floor R-VaIue:Floor Cov. R-Va]ue:Indoor Design Temp:SIab Edge R-Value: Max Fl-r Srfc Temp: T\rbe Depth: WaI] 1 R-Value:Floor R-VaIue:Floor Cov. R-Value:Indoor Design Temp:SIab Edge R-Value: Heated Floor Area : Room Volume : Max FIr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: 14 .00 14.00 7.50 0.20 70 deg. F. 0.00 78.5 deg. F. 0.?5 in. 14.00 I .3U 0 .22 70 deg. F. 0.00 Q? O crr Fr 0.0 cu. ft. 79.0 deg. F. 0.75 in. WaIf 1 Area:WaI] 2 Area:Floor Area :Fl-oor Covering Area :Air Changes per Hour: Ext . Room Perimeter: Tube Cowerage Area :Spfmntl Heat Provided: BTU,/hr,/sq. ft. Req: Max SIab Temperature: Wal1 1 Area:Ffoor Area :Fl-oor Coverinq Area :Arr Cnanges per Hour: Ext . Room Perimeter : T\rbe Cowerage Area:Splmntl Heat Provj-ded: R'FTI/hrlQrv Fr --. Req: Max Slab Temperature: 11 /ntr /o1 * ?.84 nm * * 233.0 sq. ft.210.0 sg- ft. 4xtt tl c^r f f 480.0 sq. ft. 0.3 0.0 f r.450.0 sq. ft.0 BTU/hr 17.0 81 .9 deg. F. 100.0 sq. ft.92.0 sq- ft. 92.0 sq. ft..n? 0.0 fr. Qtr O ca Ff 0 BTU/hr 18.0 83 .0 deg. F. Ceiling R-VaIue: 40.00 Wall_ 1 R-Val-ue: 14 . 00 Wall 2 R-VaIue: 14 . 00 Wall 3 R-Val_ue: 14 . 00 Window 1 R-Value: 3.50 Window 3 R-Vatue: 3.50 Door 2 R-Val_ue: 15 . 00 Floor R-Val-ue: 7 .50 Floor Cow. R-Val-ue : O .2O fndoor Design Temp: 70 deg. F.Slab Edge R-Value: 0.00 Heated Floor Area: 498.0 sq. ft_Room Volume: O.O cu. ft_Heat Required: 12001 BTU,/hr Max FIr Srfc Temp: 82.0 deq. F..Tube Depth: 0.75 i;. Room:1Zone:lGARAGE Ceiling Area: Waf l_ 1 Area: Wal1 2 Area:WalI 3 Area: Window 1 Area : Window 3 Area: Door 2 Area :F]oor Area :Floor Cowering Area :Arr Changes per Hour:Ext . Room perimeter :Tube Cowerage Area:Splmntl Heat provided: BTu/hrlsq. fr. Req: Max Slab Temperature: Dnnrn. 1 7nra.z. t wrtc:: a GARAGE BACKROOM 450.0 sq. fr.300.0 sq. ft. 120 .0 sq. fr.208.5 sq. fr.20.0 sq. fr.12.5 sq. fr. 128 .0 sq. fr..ry6.u sq. It.498.0 sq. ft. 0.3 n n €i 450 .0 sq. ft .0 Bru/hr .A 85.9 deg. F- HeaLed Floor Area: 4gO.O sq. ft. Room Vofume: O.O cu. ft.Heat Required: 8177 BTU.,/hr Room:3Zone:ILAUNDRY Heat Required: 1G60 BTU/hr *************************************************rr***************'t****** * rnfloor system si-zing program by Gyp-crete corporati_on, Hamer, IvlN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.::ll|l?l:, i:l. i???. * * * * * * * * * * * -. - -y:I:i?i. 1; l- I * HEATING REeUIREMENTS SUMMARY page 3 * * * WaIl 1 R-Val_ue:Wall 2 R-VaIue: lrlindow 1 R-Value: Window 2 R-VaIue: Door 1 R-Value:Floor R-Value:Floor Cov. R-Va1ue:fndoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-Val-ue: Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: Floor R-Val-ue Carpet R-Val_ue Carpet Pad R-Value Indoor Design Temp SIab Edge R-Value Heated F]oor Area Room Vol_ ume Heat Required Max Flr Srfc Temp T\rbe Depth: WaII 1 R-Val_ue Walf 2 R-Val_ue Window 1 R-Value Window 2 R-Vafue Floor R-Value Carpet R-Value Carpet Pad R-VaIue Indoor Design Temp Slab Edge R-Val_ue Heated Floor Area Max Fl-r Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: 14 .00 14.00 J .5U 3 .50 3 .00 7.50 0.22 70 deg. F. 0 .00 82 .4 deg. F. u. /5 l-n. 7.50 0.78 v.oz 70 deg. F. 0.00 104 .0 sq. fL.900.0 cu. ft. 1643 BTU,/hr 77.9 deg. F. 0 .75 in. 14.00 14 .00 3 .50 3.50 ?.50 0.78 0 .62 70 deg. F. 0 .00 104.0 sq. ft. 104 .0 sq. ft. 104 .0 sq. ft . 0.3 0.0 f r. 100 .0 sq. ft .0 BTU,zhr 15. B 100.0 deg. F. 305 .0 sq. 112 . 0 sq.20.0 sq. 48 .0 sq.337.0 sq. 337 . 0 sq. 337 .0 sq. 0.3 0.0 fr. 300.0 sq. 0 BTUlhr 26 .5 _rr4 .1 oeg. * LL/O5/97 * 2:54 pm * * x * fr.ft.ft.fr.fr.fr.fr. fE. F. JOb NAMC: BURILLO RESIDENCE Localion: LOT 15 MILL CREEK CIRCLE VAIL CO Ins Eall-er,/ Cont.racLor: GUARAIITEED P & H INC. Room: 4 Zone: 2 ENTRY,/ STAIRS Heated Floor Area: 2g2.0 sq. ft. Room Volume: 2538.0 cu. ft.Heat Reguired: 6995 BTU/hr Wall 1 Area: 143.0 sq. ft.WaIl 2 Area: 101.0 sq. ft.Window 1 Area: 3.0 sd. tt.. Wi-ndow 2 Area: 10 . O sq. tt.Door 1 Area: Z+.0 sq. tt. Fl_oor Area: ZgZ.O sq. ft.Floor Covering Area: ZgZ.O sd. ft.Air Changes per Hour: 0.3 Ext . Room Perimeter: 0 .0 ft.Tube Coverage Area: 25O.0 sq. ft.Splmntl Heat provided: 0 eTu/hr BTU/hr/sq. fr. Req: 24.8 Max Slab Temperature: 87.9 deq. F. Room: 5 Zonet 2 LOWER I{ALL ROom: 6 Zone: 3 GUEST BDRM 337 .0 sq. Room Vol-ume: 3033 .0 cu.Heat Required: 9596 BTU,/hr Floor Area : Carpet. Area:Carpet Pad Area:Air Changes per Hour: Ext . Room Perimeter :Tube Coverage Area:Splmntl Heat provided: BTU/hrlsq. fr. Req: Max Slab Temperature: Wall_ 1 Area:Wal] 2 Area: Wi_ndow 1 Area: Window 2 Area:Floor Area : Carpet Area:Carpet Pad Area:Air Changes per Hour: Ext . Room Perimeter : Tube Coverage Area:Splmntl Heat Provided:BTu/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max SLab Temperature: f E. f r. 84.2 deg. F. 0.75 in. ************************************************************************** rnfl-oor system sizing program by Gyp-Crete corporat.ion, Hamer-, MN * ************************.-.-:??Yii?l:. i:l-i???****************Y:i:l:l-1;]-l * HEATING REQUIREMENTS SIJIvIMARY page 4 * ** ilob Name: BURILLo RESIDENCE - lL/os/gI ** Location: LOT 1G MILL CREEK CIRCLE 2:54 .m ** VATL co * InsEaller,/ 1 * ConEracLor: GUARANTEED P & H rNC. : ROom: 7 Zone: 3 GUEST BATH WalI 1 R-Val_ue: Window 1 R-VaIue:Floor R-Val_ue:F]oor Cov. R-VaLue:Indoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-Value: WaII 1 R-Vafue: Window 1 R-VaIue:F]oor R-Va]ue: Carpet R-Vafue:Carpet Pad R-Value: Fl-oor Cov. R-Val_ue:Indoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-Value: Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: WaII 1 R-VaIue:Wall 2 R-Va]ue: Window 1 R-Value:Floor R-Va1ue: Carpet R-Value: Carpet Pad R-Value:Floor Cov. R-VaIue:Indoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-Value: Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Deprh: 14 .00 3.50 7 -50 0 .22 70 deg. F. 0.00 14.00 3 . s0 7.50 0.78 v.0z o.22 70 deg. F. 0.00 81.4 deg. F. 0 .75 ln. 14.00 14.00 3 .50 7.50 0.78 o .62 0.22 70 deg. F. 0.00 83 .2 deg. F. 0 .75 i-n. Wa]I 1 Area: Window 1 Area: Floor Area :Carpet Area:Carpet pad Area:Floor Coverinq Area :Air Changes pei Hour:ExL. Room perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: Splmntl- Heat Provided:BTU/hr/sq. f r. Req: Max Slab Temperature: Wal_l_ 1 Area WalI 2 Area Window 1 Area F]oor Area Carpet Area Carpet Pad Area Fl oor Correri n.r A1ea Air Changes per Hour Ext . Room Peri_meter Tube Coverage Area Splrnntl Heat Provided RTTT/hrlerr fF Farr Max Slab Temperature 143.0 sq. ft.3O.0 sq. ft.238.0 sq. fr.193.0 sq. ft. 1Q? O crr €F 45.0 sq. ft. 0.3 0.0 fE. 230.0 sq. fr.0 BTU/hr 22.'7 113 .2 deg. F. 93.0 sg. ft. 193 .0 sq. ft . 30 .0 sq. fL.239.0 sq. ft. 189.0 sq. ft. 189-0 sq. ft. 50.0 sq. ft.. 0.3 0.0 fr. 220.0 sq. ft.u IJtulnr 26.3 L2O .1, deg. F. Heated Floor Area: 150.0 sq. ft_Room Vo1ume: 1350.0 cu. ft-Heat Required: 3422 BTU/hr Max Fl-r Srf c Temp: 81 .4 deq. F -Tube Depth: 0.75 i;. Ext. Room perimecer: 0.0 ft.T\rbe Coverage Area: 140.0 sg.Splmntl Heat provided: O BTU/-hr BTU/hrlsq. fr. Req: 22.8 Max Slab Temperature: g5.4 deg. fr. f E. f r.fr. fr. F. Room: B zone: 4 BEDRooM 2/BATH Heated Floor Area: 238.0 sq. ft. Room Vofume: 2142 . O cu. ft.Heat Required: 540? BTU/hr Room: 9 Zone: 5 BEDROOM 3/BATH Heated F]oor Area: 239.0 sq. ft. Room Volume: 2t5I . O cu. ft.Heat Required: 6297 BTU/hr ************************************************************************* * rnfloor system sizing program by Gyp-Cret.e corporatron, Hamer, MN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *..::Plrl?l:, i :l. i:: 9* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Yilil?I. 1; l. l * * HEATING REQUIREMENTS SIJMMARY Page 5 * * Job Name: BURILLo RESIDENCE * Localion: LoT 15 MILL CREEK cIRcLE IL CO * Installer/* Contractor: GUARANTEED p & H INC. B1 .4 deg. F. O .75 in. Cei_Iing Area:Wa]I 1 Area:Wal] 2 Area:Wa]] 3 Area: Wlndow 1 Area: Windohr 2 Area: lrtindow 3 Area: Door 3 Area :Floor Covering Area:A1r Changes per Hour:ExL. Room perimeter: Tube Coverage Area:Splmnt.l Heat provided: BTU/llrr/sq. f r. Req: Max Slab Temperature: Ceiling Area:Wa]] 1 Area:WaIf 2 Area: Wi_ndow I Area: Window 2 Area: Door 2 Area :Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour: Ext . Room Perimeter : Tube Coverage Area :Splmntl Heat Provided:BTu/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max SIab TemperaLure: * 11 /nc. /U^'i * ,/ . L\lI 71rn * * * E?Q O crr ft- 86.0 sq. f t.218.0 sq. ft.225.0 sq. ft.10.0 sq. ft.20.0 sq- f r.156.0 sq. ft.24.0 sq. ft - 578 .0 sq. fr . 0.3 0.0 f r. 500 .0 sq. fr .0 BTU,/hr 22 .9 124.O deg. F. 238.0 sq. fL.141.0 sq. ft.103.0 sq. fr. 54 .0 sq. ft . 63 .0 sq. ft. .24.0 sq. ft. 238.0 sq. ft. 0.0 fr. 225.O sq. f t. s00 BTU/hr 4t.) 134.4 deg. F. Room: 10 Zone: 6 LIVING ROOM Ceiling R-Value: Wall_ 1 R-Value:Wall 2 R-Va]_ue: Wa]1 3 R-Va1ue: Window 1 R-Value: Window 2 R-Value: Window 3 R-Value: Door 3 R-Val_ue:F]oor Cov. R-Value:Indoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-Value: 40.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 3 . s0 3.50 3.50 3.00 1.86 70 deg. F. 0.00 Heated Floor Area: 578.0 sq. ft.Room Volume: G936.0 cri. ft.Heat Required: 1,3223 BTU,/hr Max Flr Srfc Temp: T\:be Depth: Room: l-l- Zone: 6 DINING ROOM Ceiling R-VaIue Wal_l 1 R-Vafue Wa1] 2 R-Value Window 1 R-Value Window 2 R-Val_ue Door 2 R-VaIue Floor Cov. R-VaIue Indoor Design Temp SIab Edge R-Vafue Heated Floor Area Room Volume Heat. Required Max Flr Srfc Temp: T\rbe Depth: 40.00 14.00 14 .00 3.50 3 .50 3.00 1.86 70 deg. F. 0.00 238 .0 sq. fr . 2856 .0 cu. f t . 6491 BTU/hr 83.6 deg. F.0.75 in. Room: L2 Zone: 6 WaIl 1 R-VaIue: Window 1- R-Value: Carpet R-Value: Carpet. Pad R-Value:Indoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-VaIue: Heated Floor Area : Room Vo1ume :Heat Required: STT]DY J 0 135 1alq z+5 L .00 .50 .78 .62 deg. F. .00 .0 sq. ft..0 cu. ft. Dn'TT / t - WalI t- Area: Window 1 Area: Carpet. Area: Carpet. Pad Area:Arr Changes per Hour:Ext.. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: Spl-mnt1 Heat Provided: BTU/hrlsq. ft. Req: 1-21 .0 sq. f t . 44 .0 sq. ft . 135-0 sq. ft. 135.0 sq. ft. U.-'0.0 fr. 125.0 sq. ft. n D.rrTll l-, _ 1-8.0 WaIl 1 R-Value WaLl_ 2 R-VaLue Wal_] 3 R-Value Wi-ndow 1 R-Value Window 2 R-VaIue Window 3 R-Value Door 1 R-Value Fl-oor Cov. R-Va1ue Indoor Design Temp Slab Edge R-Val_ue Heated Ffoor Area Room Vofume HeaL Required Max Fl-r Srfc Temp Tube Depth 14 .00 14 .00 14.00 3.50 3. s0 J .5U 3 .00 70 deg. F. 0.00 185.0 sq. fr.1665.0 cu. ft. 5872 BTU/hr 85.9 deg. F. 0. ?5 in. 14.00 0 .22 70 deg. F. 0.00 WaII 1 R-VaIue:Floor Cov. R-Val_ue:Indoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-Vafue: Heated Floor Area: 190.0 sq. ft. Room Volume: L62O.O cri. ft.Heat Required: i.623 BTU/hr Max Flr Srf c Temp : -t 4. 5 deg . F .Tube Depth: 0.75 in. Wall 1 R-VaIue:Wall 2 R-VaIue: Window 1 R-Vafue: Door 2 R-Va]ue :Floor Cov. R-Value:fndoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-Value: Max Fl-r Srfc Temp: T\rbe Depth: 14.00 14.00 3 .50 3 .00 1.87 70 deg. F. 0.00 80.4 deg. F. u. /5 In- Heated Floor Area: 202.0 sq. ft. Room Vo]ume: 1B1B .0 cJ. f t .Heat Required: 4197 BTU/hr *******************************************************************:t****** rnfr-oor system sizing program by Gyp-crete corporaElon, Hamer_, MN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *... :??#igi:, J :l. I ??3... * *] * * * * * *....Y:i: i?1. it l" ;* HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUI4MARY page 6 *i ----- t ** Job Name: BURILLO RESIDENCE 1a/05/9I ** Locat,ion: LoT 15 MILL CREEK CIRCLE * VAIL CO -rr\\-'rr's 2 :54 pm * * Installer/ * x * Contractor: GUARANTEED P & H INC. * Room: 13 Zone: Z SEATING ft. fr..fr. f E. f t.. f t..fr.fr. fr. F. Room: 1-4 Zone : 7 Kf TCHEN Wal_l 1 Area :Fl-oor Covering Area :Air Changes per Hour:Ext.. Room Perimeter: T\rbe Coverage Area: Sp1mnt.l Heat. provided: BTU/hrlsq. fr. Req: Max Slab Temperature: ROOm: 15 Zone: 8 sEcoND LEVEL }IALL WaI1 1 Area:Wa]l 2 Area: Window 1 Area: Door 2 Area:Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour: Ext . Room Perimeter : Tube Coverage Area:Splmntl Heat Provided:BTU/hrlsq. fr. Req: Max Sfab Temperature: Ext. Room perimeter: 0. O ft..Tube Coverage Area 1,70.0 sq.Spl-rnntl Heat provided: O BTU/hr BTU/hr,/sq. ft. Req: 31,.7 Max Slab Temperature: 92.9 deg. 131.0 sq. ft.180.0 sq. ft. 0.3 0.0 fr. 150.0 sq. ft.0 BTU/hr 9.0 75 .5 deg. F. 156 . 0 sq. ft. .58.0 sq. ft. 22 .0 sq. ft. .48.0 sq. ft.202.0 sq. ft. 0.3 0.0 f r. lQO n err fr- 0 Bru/hr 20.8 119.2 deg. F. ************************************************************************** rnfl-oor system sizing program by Gyp-crete Corporation, Hamer_, MN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - :?H:i?l:, i :l - i ? ? ? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.Y?i?i?1. l; l- I * HEATTNG REeUIREMENTS SUMMARY page J * ** Job Name: BURfLLO RESIDENCE _ 1I/OS/97 ** LocaLion: LoT 16 MrLL CREEK CIRCLE .* VAIL CO ert!\-!E 2 :54 Pm * * fnsLaller/* ConLract,or: GUARANTEED P & H rNC. ; Room: 15 Zone: 8 COAT CLOSET WaII 1 R-Value: Window 1 R-Value:Floor Cov. R-Val_ue:Indoor Design Temp: Sl-ab Edge R-Vatue: Heated Floor Area: Room Vol_ume : Max FIr Srfc Temp: Tube Deprh: WaII 1 R-Value:Floor Cov. R-Val_ue:fndoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-Value: Heated Fl-oor Area: Room Vofume :Heat Required: Max Fl_r Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: 14.00 3.50 1. 85 70 deg. F. 0.00 36.0 sq. fr. 324.0 cu. ft. 79.2 deg. F.0.75 in. Heat Required: 659 BTU/hr WalI 1 Area: 55.0 sq. ft..Window 1 Area: 6.S so. ft.F'l nnr 1-nrrari n--,.r Area: 36 .0 sq. f t .Air Changes per Hour: 0.3 Ext. Room perimeter: 0.0 ft.Tube Coverage Area: 30.0 sq. fr.Splmntl Heat provided.: O BTU/hr BTU/hrlsq. ft. Req: 18.3 Max Sl-ab Temperature: L13.2 deg. F. Room: 1,7 Zone: 8 FAMILY BATH 14.00 0.22 70 deg. F. 0.00 54.0 sq. ft.485.0 cu. ft. 803 BTU,zhr 77.4 deg. F.0.75 in. WaII 1 Area:Ffoor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour: Ext . Room Perimeter : Tube Coverage Area: Spl-rnntl- Heat Provided: BTU/hrlsq. fr. Ree: Max SIab TemperaLure: \, I t) Qa-r F 64 O qrr fF u-l n n Fl- 46 O qrr ft- 0 Bru/hr L4.9 QO ? dan E' Room: l-B Zone : B Wall 1 R-Val-ue:Wall 2 R-Va1ue: Window 1 R-Value: Door 2 R-Value:Floor Cov. R-VaIue:Indoor Design Temp: Slab Edge R-Value: Heated Floor Area: Room Volume : Max FIr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: SKT ROOM 14 .00 14.00 3.50 3.00 0.22 70 deg. F. 0 .00 68.0 sq. ft-0.0 cu. ft. 82.0 deg. F. 0.75 in. Heat Required: 1637 BTU,/hr WaIl 1 Area: Wal_I 2 Area: Window 1 Area: Door 2 Area: F1oor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour: Ext . Room Perimeter: Tube Cowerage Area: Sp1mntl Heat Provided: BTU/hr,/sq. ft. Req: Max SIab Temperature: 64 .0 sq. ft . '74 i cn fi-,4.v s\:t. !e.4.5 sq. ft.24.0 sq. ft. 58.0 sq. ft. 0.3 0.0 fr. 50.0 sq. ft.0 BT'U/hr 24.I 87.3 deg. F. ************************************************************************** rnfloor system sizing program by Gyp-crete corporaLion, Hamef, MN * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * *** -. -..::fYil?i: i :l " 1???". * ** * * * * * * * * -. -Y:i:i?1. 1; l- I * HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY PA9C 8 * ** Job Name: BURILLO RESIDENCE 71./05/97 ** LOCATION: LOr 15 MrLL CREEK CIRCLE x vArL co - r- ra\-'r-r,' 2:54 Pm * ** f nstaller,/ ** Cont.raclor: GUARANTEED P & H TNC Room: 19 Zone: 9 FAMfLy ROOM WaIl 1 R-VaIue:WaIl 2 R-Value: Window 1 R-Value: Window 2 R-Value: Door 1 R-Vafue: Door 2 R-Value: Carpet R-Value: Carpet Pad R-Va1ue:Indoor Design Temp :Slab Edge R-Value: Max FIr Srfc Temp: 'l'r t ho ]-lan t- I'r .- evv vey urr . 77.8 deg. F. 0.75 in. Ceil j-ng R-Value:Wall 1 R-Value:WaII 2 R-Value:WaII 3 R-Value: Window 1 R-Vafue: Window 2 R-Value: Window 3 R-Value: Door 2 R-Vafue: Carpet R-Va1ue: Carpet Pad R-VaIue:fndoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-Value: Heated Floor Area: 292.0 sq. ft. Room Volume: 3504.0 cu. ft_Heat Required: 809? BTU,/hr 14 .00 14.00 3 .50 3 .50 3.00 3.00 0.78 o .62 70 deg. F. 0.00 Heated Floor Area: 449.0 sq. ft"Room Vol_ume: 4032. O cu. ft.Heat. Required: 6985 BTU/hr wall 1 Area: 137-0 sq. ft.Walf 2 Area: fO9.O sq. fE. Window 1 Area: 36.0 sd. ft.Window 2 Area: 30.O so. ft.Door 1 Area: 4O.O sq. ft.Door 2 Area: 24.0 sq. ft.Carpet Area: 449.0 sq. fE.Carpet pad Area: 448.0 sd. ft.Air Changes per Hour: 0.3 Ext. Room Perimeter: 0.0 ft.Tube Coverage Area: 430.0 sq. ft..Splmntl Heat provided: 0 efu/hr BTU/hrlsq. fr. Req: 15.5 Max Slab Temperature: 99.6 deq. F. Room: 20 zone: ].0 MASTER BEDROoM 40.00 14.00 14 .00 14.00 3.50 3.50 3 . s0 3 .00 0.78 o .62 70 deg. F. 0.00 Ceiling Area: Wal1 1 Area:I{a]1 2 Area:WaIf 3 Area: Window 1 Area: Window 2 Area: Window 3 Area: Door 2 Area: Carpet Area:Carpet Pad Area:Air Changes per Hour: Ext . Room Perimeter :Tube Coverage Area : Splmncl Heat Provided:BTU/hrlsq. ft.. Req: Max SIab Temperature: 292.O sq. f t.145.0 sq. ft.211.0 sq. ft.202.0 sq. ft..10.0 sq. ft. 11 .3 sq. ft . 44 .0 sq. ft .24.0 sq. ft. 292.O sq. f t.292.O sq. f L. 0.0 fr. 275.0 sq. ft.0 BTU/hr 2'7 .'7 I22 .7 deg - F.Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: 83 .9 deg. F -0.75 in. ************************************************************************** rnf100r system sizing program by Gyp-Crete Corporatl.n, Hamer, MN * ***********************..-.-::?Yl-t?l:, J:l"i??:***-************Y:i:l:l-l;l.l * HEATING REQU]REMENTS SI]MMARY PAgE g **-'* * Job Name: BURILLO RESIDENCE tL/OS/gl ** LocaCion: LoT 15 MILL CREEK CIRCLE 2:54 nm ** VAIL Co * rnstaller/ * ** ConlracTor: GUARANTEED P & H rNC Room: 2l- Zone: 11 MASTER BATH Ceiling R-VaIue: 40.00 fndoor Design Temp: 70 d.eg. F.Sl-ab Edge R-Value: 0 .00 Heated Floor Area: 2OO.O sq. ft.Room Volume: 2000.0 cu. ft.Heat Required: 3422 BTrJ/hr Max F1r Srfc Temp: 78.5 deq. F.T\:be DepCh: 0 . 75 i;. Wa]I 1 R-Val_ue: t4.00 Wall 2 R-VaIue: 14.00 Wi-ndow 1R-Value: 3.50 Floor Cov. R-VaIue: 0.22 Cej-1ing R-Value: Wal1 1 R-VaIue: Carpet R-VaIue:Carpet Pad R-Value:fndoor Design Temp:S]ab Edge R-VaLue: Heated Fl-oor Area : Room Volume :Heat Requj-red: Max Flr Srfc Temp: T\rbe Depth: Ceiling Area: WaI1 1 Area:Wall 2 Area: Window 1 Area:Fl-oor Covering Area :Air Changes per Hour: Ext . Room perimeter: Tube Coverage Area :Splmntl Heat provided: BTu/hrlsq. fr. Req: Max Slab Temperature: Ce j_ling Area:Wall 1 Area:Carpet Area: Carpet. pad Area:Air Changes per Hour: Ext . Room perimeter: Tube Coverage Area :Splmntl Heat provided: BTU/hrlsq. fr. Req: Max Sl-ab Temperature: Ceiling Area: Wal1 1 Area:WaIl 2 Area: Window 1 Area: Carpet Area :Carpet Pad Area:Ai-r Changes per Hour: Ext . Room Perimeter : TUbe Coverage Area:Splnmtl Heat Provided: P,'rTr /h r,/ e.' f F --. Req: Max Slab Temperature : 200.0 sq.116.0 sq. 168.0 sq.10.0 sq.200.0 sq. 0.3 0.0 fr. 190.0 sq.0 BTU/hr 1-7 .L 82.3 deg. fr.fr. fE. f r.fr. fr. F. Room: 22 Zone: 11 MASTER CLOSET Room: 23 Zone: 1,2 THIRD LEVEL HALL 40 .00 14 .00 0. 78 0 .62 /u oeg. .t. 0.00 55.0 sq. ft.0.0 cu. ft.490 BTU/hr 74.5 deg. F.0.?5 in. 40.00 14.00 14.00 J .5U 0 .78 w . oz 70 deg. F. 0.00 55.0 sq. ft-51-0 sq. ft.55.0 sq. ft. E( A cn €F 0.3 0 .0 f c . !\tt It car tr 0 BTU/hr 8.9 85 .9 deg. F. Ceiling R-VaIue Wal] 1 R-Value Wa]I 2 R-Value Window 1 R-Val_ue Carpet R-Value Carpet Pad R-Value Indoor Design Temp Slab Edge R-VaIue Heated Floor Area Max FIr Srfc Temp: T\rbe Depth: 79.7 deg. F. 0.75 in. 250.0 sq. Room Volume: 2500.0 cu.Heat Required: 4864 BTU/hr fr.fr. 250 . 0 sq. 168.0 sq. 245 . 0 sq.22.0 sq. 250 . 0 sq.250.0 sq.n? 0.0 f r. 240 .0 sq. 0 BTU/hr 19 .5 107.0 deg- fr.fr.fr.fr.fr. ft. ft. F. ************************************************************************** rnf ]oor system sizing prog'ram by Gyp-crete corporation, Hamer, MN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.:?fY:iYl: i:l "i??3. * * * * * * * * * *.....Y:I:l?1. 1; l. I * HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY page 10 * ** Job Name: BURTLLO RESTDENCE :j-/os/gl ** LocaLion: LOT 16 MILL CREEK CIRCLE 2:54 nm ** VAIL Co * Instalfer/ :t ** ConEracLor: GUARANTEED p & H INC. .I Room: 24 Zone: L2 BEDROOM 4/BATH Ceiling Area: 2?5.0 sq. ft.WalI 1 Area: 132.0 sq. ft. Window 1 Area: 15.0 sq- ft.Door 1 Area: 40.O sd. ft. ::-g:: l-,,,:i.l:' i. ,-: I carper Area: 220 . o sq. f r .Carpet Pad R-VaIue: 0.62 | C"roer 'pad Area: 220.0 s.r ft-Floor Cov. R-Varue: o.22 | -- ;: i:::'. ::Y'u DY' !L' r'"^^^, r,\^^.i _* rn^_- | lloor Covering Area: ZZS. O sq. f t -rndoor Design Temp: 70 deg. F. I ai. Changes ;;; ;i;;;; -'0.; slab Edge R-va]ue: o.o0 | e*t. ao6*-plrimerer: o.o fr.Heated F100r Area: 2?5.0 sq- ft-l _ _Tube Coverage Area: 260.0 sg. ft.Room Vorume: 2750.0 cu. ft.l sprmnt.f Hear piovided: o sru/'n.Heat Required: 4297 BTU_/hr I BTu/hrlsq. fr. Req: 15.6 Max Flr srfc Temp: 'tl.e deg. r. I Max siab i6*p.i"t"iJi e*6 i n.- F 'T,r,l^^ r\^-Lr- I '' \rsY ' r''Tube Depth: 0.75 in. Room: 25 Zone: 13 BEDROOM S,/BATH Ceiling R-Vafue: 40. O0 WaLl 1 R-Value: Wa]1 2 R-Va]ue:Wall 3 R-Val-ue: Window 1 R-VaIue: Window 2 R-Va1ue: Window 3 R-Val_ue: Door 3 R-Value: Carpet R-Value:carpet Pad R-Value: Fl-oor Cov. R-Value:Indoor Design Temp: Slab Edge R-Va1ue: 14.00 14 .00 t_4.00 3.50 3. s0 3 .50 3.00 0.78 v . oz 0.22 70 deg. F. 0.00 Heated Floor Area: 348.0 sq. ft. Room Volume: 4I7G.O cu. ft Heat Required: 8638 BTU,/hr Ceiling Area: Wa1l 1 Area:Wall 2 Area:wa1] 3 Area: Window 1 Area: Window 2 Area: Window 3 Area: Door 3 Area: Carpet Area:Carpet pad Area:Floor Covering Area : Ai r Chanopq nar Hour: Ext . Room Perimeter : T\:be Cowerage Area:SpImntI Heat Provided:BTU/hr/sq. ft. Req: Max Slab Temperature: 347.0 sq. ft.242.0 sq. f t.276.0 sq- ft.93.0 sq. ft.10.0 sq. ft.16.0 sq. fr.11.0 sq. ft.40.0 sq. ft.280.0 sq. ft.280.0 sq. ft.68.0 sq. ft. 0.3 0.0 fr. 330.0 sq. ft. 0 BTU/hr 24 .8 1,1,'7 .2 deg . F .Max Flr Srfc Temp: T\rbe Depth: 82.4 deg. F. u. /5 an. 6uwiolwil P+ H 60,'/a'o flun+ h. &lbao P4f-b3oo "${X {)p .s b o-l Ga ar tt- | Loclzr v r., *{. laeLtttu*rt- Su.p;nSloe EgtJ-Joo E8ru - es 8o REF.T 131 AEles/1999 Et8:P7 REQUESTS --;;;;;;;; Address: Locat i on: Farce1: Description: ffppI icant: Own er: Cont nact or: TOI.IN OF VAIL, COLORRDtr _ INSFECTN HORR SHEETS FOR: E./ZJI1999 F.AGE AREA: EE E97-8319. E/t3/ 19 Type: F-ELEE Stabr.rs: I55UED tronstr: NSFR 565 MI'LL CREEH trR 365 miII cr'eek circle g l. lZ' 1 -'Z'S g -5tZ - $td 4 temp power.l wnENEFEfEcTRIC NORTHI.JIND DEV LC I,UAGNER ELEtrTRIC INC INC Occ: Use: Fhone:97O9496r61 Fhene: F'hone: 9789496161 Inspect ion Reque st Request or: BRIAN Req Tine: OB:OO It ens r'equest ed to taraf9A ELEC-FinaI lnfot'mation.,... Fhone:479-5186 Conments: COMF'UTER DOESNT T SHOt^l ELEDTRIL;AL FINRL? be Inspected. . . ftcb ion Eonnents Time Exp Insp -f on Item:rzrtztl 1O ELEtr-Temp. [-,ower- - :FlrrFrI: |\lrl:nd E T I teleS/97 Inspector": LFV Action: AtrtrR NEEDS FILuc.no It em r 0OleO ELEC-Ror-rgh $7/?3/98 Inspeetor: EG It em : rlralSrA ELEC-Conduit Item : raral4ra ELEC-Misc. bgl?S/98 Inspector; EG Item : ElZtl9tzl ELEtr-FinaI Itenr O0eg4 FIRE-ALRRttl ROUGH Item: Ar2'538 FIRE-FINAL E./U flction: AFFR Aet i on r AF'F R AF.F,RtrVED AF,F.ROUED il,;*flJ1,,// tu.*7' 7r1 fi,-,/ y'- ilh;h #/fi oo E5i;lil""e oB:,3 REeuE=rfi$":Ll^ifih*'ghEE?"q"'"-l t/tese PAGE AREA: CI) lo Activity: 897-O38O 9/ 1/19 Type: B-BUILI) Status: ISSUED tronstrr NSFR Address: 365 }IILL CREEK CR Location: 365 f{ILL CREEK LR Parcel: ?lOl-68P-5O-6O4 Oec: OO€t7 Use; U N Description: NEld SFR (REPLACE DEllu Applicant r SHAEFFER CUNSTRUCTION Owner: NORTHI.TIND DEUELOtrI{ENT Contraetor: SHAHFFER CIJNSTRUCTION BUILDINE) Ltr Phone: Fhone: Phone: 9708455656 97SS455656 Locks, Holds, and NotieeE.,.. flCTIUITY Notice: slot l8 Notieez B/31/i9 DIA refund entered into HTE. lc Inspeetion Request Inforration-.. Requestor: DENNIS Req Tire: OBrOO Corrents: l.lILL Iters requested to be Inspected.. tm=40 BLDG-Final CIO Phonel 845-5656 CALL 39G-63r9 COOOI(DINATE tf rTH p. }1. . Action Corrent s Tire Exp Inspeetion History...,, OOSOO Pl.l-Baekf il I Inspecti on OASOI Plf-Terp. access/drainage OOSOa PH-Rouqh grade OO5O3 Pllf inal driveway grade OOOIO BLDTJ-Foot ings/SteeI t?/g?fg7 Inspecton: cD Action: flPPl{ NUT INCLUDITS SITE l.rALLS Notes: STAB DOI.IELS trER APtrRUUED trLAN (UPRIEHTS) PROTECT CONCRETE FROI{ FREEZIN6 t?/15197 Inspeetorr CD Action: fltrtrR Iter : OWD?$ BLDG-Foundat ion/Steel l?l 10/97 fnspector: CD Aetion: HPtrR PRUUIDE l.lEnTHER PROTECTI l?llilA7 Inspeetor: CD Aetion: AtrtrR SITE TJALLS Iter: o'9,5?g PLAN-ILC Site PIan S7 l23l94 Inspector: DOfiIINIC Action: AtrtrR AppRtrUED Iter: OOO30 BLDG-Fraring A7/e4/98 Inspector: ED Aetion: APtrft AtrtrROUED Iter: OO$5S BLDG-Insulation O8/O7 l9A Inspectorr JRM Action; APPR AtrpROVED FINISH ADDING Notes: Il'lEilJLffTIuN IN UOIDS Iterr @660 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail EB/l7l9B Inspector: JRltl Action: PA FARTIAL Notes: RE-INSFEUT GARAGE AND STRIRTJELL ALL ELSE RPFROVED Iterr 9,o,A70 Bl-DG-ltlisc.Iterr 6S090 BLD6-Final Iter: OldS3O BLDE-Terp. trlO g?/19/99 Inspector: GRG 'Notes: FOR ISSUANCE OF T.C.O.: l) ADD HANDRAIL ON ONE SIDE OF PATIO STAIR (HflS 4 RISERS}, 2) INSTALL LHTCHINIJ/UNLATCHI HARDI.IARE AT iIAIN ENTRY DOOR, AND 3) I.IILL NEED TB CONFIRFI THAT BOND FOR LANDSCAFING HAs BEEN POSTED RS trEI{ PUBLIC T.JtrRKS CONDITITJN FOR T.C.tr- AFtrROUAL. NEEDS ELECTRICAL FIN Iter: Iter l Iter:Iter:Iter: SITE I.IALL FOOTINGS ection: CR 4 CORRECTTIINS... __l REpTlSl Tr.ttJN rJF UArL, COLORATXI tEl0llL|t99 68:13 REOUESTS - INStrECTN lltHK S|€ETS FOR: 9/ l/1999 trffi 1l f,REAr GD Oef&,199 Inspectorr 6RG Action: APCR ltlEEDg ELEC FINRL' ETC... Noterr ItK FOR T.C.O. FENDII{6 ELECTRIOfl- FIhnL SCHEIruLED FOR TIJES ?/?3199, & CONDITII|TTL UPUN BONDIT{G OF LANDS-CAFING Ag pER PIJBI-IC }trTRKS CTTIIDITIIil9. TCO NPFROVAL OF ?IIAI99. CORR€CTIOI'IS FROH e/19/99 HAUE BEEN CODIpLETED.til"l6l99 Inspectorr JRll Actionr APPR ELEC FINAL DOI{E Iterr OO!il3P PH-TEIIP. CIO l&./l&fi9 Inspeetorr LS Action: APtrR Noteer LRIIIDSCAtrING HUST BE gttNDED fterr OO533 PLAN-TEilIr. ef! @.fll/99 Inspoctorr BRENTI.I Action: APtrR Itcrr @:t37 PLRhI-FINAL C/O OB/3O/99 Inspeetorr CEORGE Action: AtrPR Iterr 09539 Pl.l-Flttlfl- C/O O7le.fctq Inspector: LS Aetion: DN DENIED Notesr LAND€CAFINE IS TU CLOSE T{.1 STREET NEED AT LEAST 6 FT. RocKs, SpRINKLER SYSTEFT. ALE(J ROOF DRAIN tWJrH STREET IS H . EXPIOSED, iIUST BE ABLE TO FUNCTION.I{Ef,T TAPE IN trIFE I'tr'BT SHTIRTEN 50 THAT SNT,ITdT,LTJT.IS T.IILL MIT I}ffiII'I IJIRE Iterr OO:i4O BLDG-Final ClD gTfe?lg9 Inrpectorr CD Actionr IIH SEE NOTE NOTES: NO IITJILDING CODE IS$T.|ES. ff.L LANI}SCAPINC RTTID PUBLIC I'IURKS CORRECTIONS REOUIRED PITIOR TCI FINAL CO AI'PROVRL APFH ].'ITH CONDITION APPROUED APPHOUED t .G*^+o. S /F \\ v'L CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this and among (hereinafter call OF VAIL (hereinafter called the "Town"). Agreement; and &- '('4 K1 tc 1 ,5.- ir Q_ WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the ludgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain imorovements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral lo guarantee performance of this Agreement, including conslruction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the tollowing: Developer agrees to establish a cash deposit with the Town of Vail in a dollar amount of (125y" ot the total cost of the work shown below) to provide security for IMPROVEMENT ,t.-,C= 7 +4 hn NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment lqcgslary to perform and complete all improvements, on or before . The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the oflice-of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as alfected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: Date of Expiration: Accounl Number: 01-0000-22026 Page 1 of 3 A cash deposit account in the amount of g U: lo be held by the Town, escrow agent, shall provide the security for the mprovements set forth above if there a$efpult under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nalure ol said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise oul of or are based upon any perlormance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or delending any such loss, claim, damage, liabilig or action. .This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed thal the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvements. 6. lf the Town determines that any of the improvements contemplated herein are not construcled in compliance with the plaps and spqpfications set lorth herein by the date set e cash s. The nity bv rhe asreement. rhe rown shar not require lr"*"*t:J1"".:"JtT:'.:?$3i1fl,il1.,:til* release of the funds, nor shall the Town be required to verify independently that the improvements have not been completed as required by this Agreement, but shall release such funds solely upon the request of the Community Development Department. lf the costs of completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with inlerest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, as defined in this chapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year afler acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town pursuant to Section 17.16.250 if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of-way. 8. The parties hereto mulually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by allparties hereto. Dated the day and year first above written. AS iS Page 2 of 3 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. il Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: STATE OF COLORADO COUNW OF EAGLE ss. Witness my hand and official seal. updsted 928i94 Page 3 of 3 o IRRIGATION LANDSCAPE.. RECLAMATION. DESIGN January 15, 1999 George Shaeffer Construction Co. Ann: Dennis P.O. Box 373 Vail. CO 81658 Re: Work Completion -BurrilloResidence Dear Dennis, Rocky Mountain Environmental Constructioq Inc. is 60% complete with the landscape construction at the Burrillo Residence. The amount left to be billed is $30.486.00. Ifyou have any questions, please call. $inceply,ffi Shawn Flynn President SF/df 1060 East County Road 6C. Berthoud, Colorado 80513 (303\ 449-2929. FAX (970) s32-3634 Er'I\rmMiEI,{fAL CON I{.TIEN r\E F o ,Er BB .o FE h z o L' e EI o ; H -z .t9 40 t{ L,o Fti AO 20 dE ua ET Er tl u o E o I tJ o H o H 6 H I D EH oql 68 UE o E ! EA .E !EA t! F c o c o o EI o E gl a E EI @ E o OF EA E=E|rl E E t tiH AB E9 cl F,H oz *P ix o o E F.F r12 qtc oo ai8 q FI |-, ta tr FI E FI z F. Etc =U zFl FI I ail o olq F EA qt do 6 6- FI ot g a H E o E E z q gl o E ci )a Ei6 E> E.t{q< o .aE AOF EO t Ed o oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Burillo Residence / Northwind Development Project Description: Revised Landscape Plan Owner, Address and Phone: Northwind Development, 6108 McPherson, Suite 3, Laredo, Texas 78041 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Scott Sones, PO Box l15, Avon, CO 81620,949-6490 Project Street Address: 365 Mill Creek Circle Legal Description: Lot 16, Block 1, Vail Village 1't Filing Parcel Number: 210l-082-50-004 Buildine Name: Burillo Residence Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: StaffApproved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 4l2ll99 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 F :\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\99\BURILI-O2. W?D Qucstiofatl thc Pl:uining Srati'li 47i-:l2S APPLICATTON FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcviov approval. fury projcct rcquiring dcsigr rcview must al prior to submicing for a buitding pcrnrit. For specific information, scc the submittal approval that is rcqucsted. Thc applicaion cannot bc acccptcd until all thc rcquircd project may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environntcntal Cornnrission. Dcsign Rcvierv Board apploval exptres onc ycar afrer final approval unlcss e building pcrmlt is issucd and construction is stertcd. I A. DESCRIPTION OFTHE REQUEST: IOV/N0'FVAIL LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:B. c, D. e MAILING ADDRESS: F. G. OWNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Oftice at 970-32E-8640 for parcel #) PHONE: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #: ZONING: NAMEOFOWNER(S): E Addition - E lllinor Alteration - S50 Includcs any addition rvhcrc square footagc is addcd to any rcsidortial or corrunctcial brii lding. $20 lncludcs minor changes to buildings and site improvcmcnts. such as, rcroofing. painting. windorv additions. landscaping, fenccs and rc.taining walls. c{c. DRB fces are to be paid at the time of submittal. Iltcr. when appllng for a building permit. pleasc identiff thcaccuratevaluationofthcprojctt. ThcTorvnofVailrviltadjustthefceaccordingtothcprojcctvaluation. PLEASE SUBMTT THIS APPLTCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, ?5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vAIL, COLORADO 81557. r\t i f' *.-", ;i r I '1..1 .,"1 a r'rLrJi tt Printed by Mike Mollica 9 :29am From: George Ruts}. er To: Mike Mo1]-1ca subject3 vio1ation ===NO.IIE::: ::L2/3O/97 =11:24am:I Just 6poke wictr tlae neighJcors of a prop€lrt'y cl.rrrentlft rrnder construcLion on Mi1]- creek Cl-rc]-e. In parts, tstrelz were intseresced in the outsdoor 1iqht.ing. Upon re\riew of che fiLe, I found tshaE wt.i].e tshe DRB !>]-ans rtare stsamped apl)rowed, the lightlng far exceeds the all-owab].e - M]r fear is tsltat the ]-i€t}. tsin€t was rrever reviewed. No eondl-El.on suggestss ch.at the ]. igrhting' needed furtsher apProva]-. Mlz Co:acern:The neiqtl.bors want an eJ<planaLion as to wtry 44 ext.er1or licrhts were approved w}. en on1!z 19 are permicted. It Kr.rrzr Allb'\,133 Itoert^tw',-- Da.reloprnanr l 5l 7 w'azee Street SL te C2 Den"er CC 80202 [ax: 303 673 ))6i prrcne. 3C3 523 335: Tr,,'ri''''t"" tl VT4K t r Namita K. Khanna P erce, Segerbe'g & Assoc ate5 A-chitects rc,AlA. Page: 1 MWN OFVAIL Departmew of Communiry Development 75 South Fronnge Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970479-213E FAX 970479-2452 July 7, l99tl Namita Khanna The Resort Dcsign Collaborative l6 I 7 Wazce Stleet, Suite C2 Denvcr. CO 80202 Re:Burillo Rcsidence,t{orthwind Development Lot 16, Block I, Vail Village First Filing 365 Mill Ct'cck Circle Dcar Namita: Thc wall in the basement that was constructed to house the elecnical panels docs not mcct the Town of Vail ZoningRcgulations as it adds additional GRFA. Howevct. sincc it was installed due to a staffcnor, it can rcmain in place. Ifyou have any questions. please call mc at (970) 479'2454. Very truly yours., ,^;,-",-/' , /(lfunsfu@r?l Christic Barton Planner ll {p**u* ru 06/25/58 fiU 14:57 FAX 303 623 2262 DAIE PSA DBNVER @ oo1 HrlirifiFiifl FAcsrMr"t fo*sMrrrA,, .r)BMMB .PBNT]MM.I(} (I)LIPAI.TY: FROll& r54 PAGES (InMgdewtu) Btx# FA]ffi rA)(fr ..- . Pl€rle o rctlbc rbovc sadcr a dE tr[|$cr tdow if thcrl rtt rBy qoFlions rtgadnrg 6is trarsurissioo ftbnrrbilsh Ldcd ctyfu i3 d |[? lrddcd rlcipicin, po rc If yo b.tr accirc<t thb cosrnd€ab b d'r. Cc6e urd& E i!|lrldiclt d thc a!ob.. bfol, b arr|8e its ttt!!. Ihut:ru e a P.C a 1 t Tb Rlst DciF FG 3(B @ 3355 VAIL o Dcuvcq @ M2 @/wnwsrttdp!@ SA}I FRANCISCT) 06/ 25/96 THU 14 : 5E I'A-x 303 623 2262 PSA DENVER ADDITIOT{ OF IIJALL IN GARAGE TO LOU VOLIAGE ELECTRICAL PANELg o (2)aIA(JKAilE II'A^ST{ER ' DRTERg FIRST LEVEL FLOOR PLAN PLA.hI gI]OIJJING ACCOT-IODATE O REgIDEN VAIL, C,OLORADO Plqe,54abag I Aplc?,clatc,c Achltscto f6t't fl'zr Ar{r ErK. C-? F',xr 907-629-2?62 O-]v* bb.& gtOZ ld. *)-O?)-t959 4.9.t. *Rerzislon: lt4''l'-O' oo sign Review Action TOWN OF VAIL Projcct Name: Burillo Residence / Northwind Development Projcct Description:Landscape Plan Owncr. Addrcss and Phonc:Northwind Development, 6108 McPherson, Suite 3, Laredo. Texas 78041 Architect/Contact. Address and Phonc:Pierce, Segerberg & Associates, 1000 S. Frontage Road #300, Vail 81657, 476-4433 Projcct Strect Address: 365 Mill Creek Circle Lcgal Dcscription: Lot 16, Block l, Vail Village lst Parccl Number: 2l0l-082-50-004 Buildins Namc: Burillo Residence Comments: o De O Form Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: Staff Approved Scconded by: Vote: Conditions: Moss rock boulder wall not to exceed 3' within front setback Town Planncr': Brent Wilson. PLO Date: June 5. 1998 F :\EVERY()NIITDRB\APPROVAI 198\Bt J RRILI-().605 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 Qucstions'? o Cal i thc I'ii,r.r'ing Stai'iai ili-- i28 GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dc.sign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigr revicw must rcccivc Dcsign Revicw approval prior to submitting for a build.ing pcrmit. For specific information, sce thc subrr ttal rcquircnrcrrti for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until all thc requircd infornratiorr is submittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccdtobc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and/orthc Planning and Envirorrrncntal Cornnrission. Dcsign Rcvierv Board approvrl crpircs onc ycal'aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is started. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: B.LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT: 16 BLOCK: I rtLwc: Vail Village First pARCELX. Ttov oBL'f,o-oot (ContactEaglcCo.AsscssorsOfficcat9T0-328-8640forparccl #) ZONING: Primary / Seconda NAME OF OwNER(S): Northwind Develo MAILTNC 4pppg5g. 6108 McPherson Suite 3 Laredo 8041 PHONE: O\YNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF 6ppL166111. Pierce,er 6-*S--s6ciates MAILINC ADDRESS: lOOO SOU Vai.l , Co.l or.arlo R]657 PHONE: e70) 476-l+43? H. TYPEoFREvIEwANDFEE: (303) 623-3355 E Ncrv Construction - 5200 Construction of a new building. c. D. E. F. c. $50 Includcs any addition rvhcrc square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or comrncrcial buitding. $20 Includcs ntinor changcs to buildings and site improvcmcnts. such as, rcroofing. painting. windorv additions' landscaping. fenccs and rctaining rvalls. ctc. DRB fccs arc to bc paid at thc timc of subnrittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying for a building pennit' pleasc identify thc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. ThcTownof Vail rvitt adjust the fce according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THTS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREN1ENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPA RT]VIENT OF CO ill I\IUN ITY DEV ELOPI!{ ENT, 75 SO UTH FRONTA GE ROAD. vAIL, COLORADO ltt657. tr Addition - b Minor A.ltcration - TOWN OFVAIL Residence PHYSICALADDRESS: Mill Creek Circle. Vail, Colo lo Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL ProjectName: NorthwindDevelopment Project Description: Demo/Rebuild of a single family residence Owner, Address and Phone:Northwind Development ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Kurt Segerberg, Pierce Segerberg and Associates' 1000 South Frontage Road, Vail, CO 81657 Project Street Address: 365 Mill Creek Circle Legal Description; Lot 16, Block 1, Vail Village lst F'iling Parcel Number; Comments: BuildineName: Motion by: Ted Hingst Seconded by: Clark Brittain Vote: 3-0-1 (Bill Pierce abstained) Conditions: Town Planner: Lauren Waterton Date: SepL 18,1997 Board / Staff Action Action: ConsentApproved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $200.00 eucstions? .tn. pranning *"S:i;l,l- c I +8 Environmcntal Commission. Dcsign Rcvicw Board approval expircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is started' DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL Single family residence TO]r/NOFVAIL LOCATIONOFPROPOS : LOT: '"16 gLOCrc: I FILJ116. Vail Villaee Fi rsc PHYSICAL ADDRES B. c. D, ZONTNG: P r ima ry / s econda ry NAME oF OwNER(sr' Norchwind Development MAILINGADDRESS: 6108 McPherson, Suite 3, Laredo, Texas 78 PHONE: OWNE 'l e. F.ftiffig=mtfrEtrt4y1. pierce, Seserbers & Asso MAILINC4pppg5g. 1000 S. Froncage Rd Va PHONE:47 6-4433 G. ryPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a ncw building' Addition - $50 Includcs any addition whcrc squarc footage is added to any residential or O Minor Altcration - $20 to buildings and sitc improvcmcnts' sych a1'. dow additions, Iandscaping, fences and rctaining walls, etc. E Conccptual Revlew - $0 For any apptication where the applicant wishes to meet with Desigt Review Board to determine whether or not the project generally complies with the design grridelincs' The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews' DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal, Later, when applying for a building permit, please identifr thc accurate valuation ofthe project. The Town of Vailwill adjustthe feeaccordingto the projeclvaluation' PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND TTIE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' VAIL, coLoRADO 81657. Updatcd l/97 ' Log ( 10" - l2r' diameter) Board and batten (cedar) COLOR:* Wood Olympic stain (semi) Cinder /1905 Olympic /1913 Cinder /1905 Green /l I 1G209 Green (to match windows) Cinder /1905 Moss rock (to match Lot I 5) Moss rock (to match Lot 15) 2x 12 R. S. Cedar IXO I d G Pella lx6 R. S. Cedar Wood 2x R. S. Cedar Wood&1og&stone Coppe r S tone Stone 4. Lumier low volume Stone veneer r Please specify the manufachrrer's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All ext ce 18.54.050(J). Ifexterior lighting is proposed, please ind e lighting plan. Identiff each fixhre type and provide it " t "igttt attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixhtres. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Greenhouses Retaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Other PROPOSED LANDSCAPING PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: Botanical Namc Picea punqens Common Namc Ouantitv Colorado spruce Colorado spruce 5 Colorado spruce 4t -5, EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: Spruce or pine (see site otan) *Minimum requiremcnts for landscaping:dcciduous trecs - 2 inch caliPer conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs Tl'Tc GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION Native perennials 1,500 +,/- BIue grass t (nn -L /- Drip and sor TYPE ORMETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (reaining.walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please speciry. Indicate top and bottom elcvations of retaining walls. i,taximum height of walls within tbe front setback is 3 feeL Modmum height of o L4 walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet Swirnming pool and spa as shor^rn on plan all areas WaIl surrounding pool This form is to vcriff scrvicc availability and location for ncw construction and should bc uscd in conjunction with prqraring your utility plan and sch"duling installations. Thc location and availability of utilitics' whchcr thcy bc nrain trunk lincs or proposcd lincs, muit bc apprbved and vcrifred by the following utilitics for thc accompanf ng sitc Plan. Datc U.S. West Communications l -800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service ComPanY 949-578r Gary Hall Holy Cross Elecric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/John BoYd #g'fuffi. .' 949-5530 Stcvc Hiatt Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District + 476-'1480 Frcd Haslcc + Ptcasc bring a sitc plan, floor plan, and signahrcs. Firc flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: l, Ifthe utility verification form has signahres from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the iorm, the Town will presumc that there arc no problems and the dweloPment can Proceed. Z. lfa utility company has concerns with the proposcd consfuction, the utility representative shall notc dircctly on the utility verification form thit therc is a problem which nceds to bc resolved' Tbe iszue should then Ue Uetaitea in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please kecp in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve ' identified Problems. These verifications do not relicve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be 3, obtaining Uppcr Eaglc Vatley Watcr & Sanitation obtained before dieging in any public riglrt-of-way or casemcnt within thc Town of Vail' A EOTECHNICAL, INC. Pierce, Segerberg & Associates Attn: Kurt Segerberg 1000 South Frontage Road West, unit 300 Vail. Colorado 81657 Subject:Geologic Hazard Assessment, Proposed Residence, 365 Mill Creek Circle, Lot 16, Vail Village lst Filling, Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Segerberg: As requested, we have conducted an assessment of the potential geologic hazard impacts on the subject site. Proposed Development: The existing residence will be razed and a new residence will built in is place. Grading for the new residence will be relatively minor. A site plan for the development dated June 2, 1997 hars been provided for our use. Geologic Conditions: The lot is located in strongly sloping terrain on alluvial deposis of Mill Creek. The fan apex is located about 300 to 400 feet above the property to the south. The property is mapped as having a moderate potential for debris flow impact by Mears, 1984. Some mitigation of potential flooding appears to have been provided by channeling and berming of Mill Creek. No other significant potential geologic hazards appear to impact the site. Conclusions: Based on our review of the geologic and site conditions, we concur that the potential debris flow risk to the property is moderate and precautions should be taken to prevent flooding. A civil engineer should evaluate the potential flood impact and design the grading plan for off site and on site flows. We should review the grading plan with respect to the debris flow mitigation. If you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please let us know. Sincerely, HEPWORTH - PAWLAK G INC. Steven L. Pawlak, P.E. SLP/kw Reference: Mears, A.I., I and Debris-Avalanche Hazards in the 5020 Road 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Fax 970 945-8454 Phone 970 945-7988 Job No. 197 3& f,:'it':f.B 'jbTL %'f 1k: '1s222 :* d{{ r:i';ii chll Town of Vail.br the Town of Vail. ZONE CHECK Lcgal dcscription: Lot Addrcss Owncr Architcct Zonc Lot sizc Phone Phone Proposcd use * Buildable arca Existing Proposcd Total Remaining Block Filing ga r'rotarc*A ffi . + 67 5 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Docs this rcquest involve a 250 Addition? y'Horv much of the allowed 250 Addition is uscd with this requcst? Minimurn /1 t . Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinancc /Arc finished gradcs less than 2:l (50%) / EnvironmentatAlazards r,,?rcvious conditions of approval (check property filc); + (425) (67s*) - /Sitc Coveragc fAlO r'Hcight ctbacks /Landscapins (flo 20' l5' l5' I Enclosed y' Rctaining Wall Heigbts r Parhng / Guagc Crcdit r' Drivcway Require (300) (600) (e00 scd Slope Pcrmittcd Slopc Ycs- Ycs t/ No No l) Pcrcent Slope (< >30%) 2) Floodplarn 3) Wetland 4) Water Course Setback (30) (50 5) Geologrc Hazards a) Snow Avalanchc b) Rockfall y'ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Describe:W) c) Debns Flow DESIGN REVIEW CIIECKLIST Project: El SURVEY Scalc Benchmark Legal description Lot Size Buildable Area Easemelts Topography 100 y. flood plain Water Course Setback Environmental Haands Trees A FLooRPLANS Scale GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crawl\Attic Space EHU tr BUILDING ELEVATIoNS Scale ColorMaterials Roof Pitch El LANDSCAPE PLAN Existing tces Proposed trees Legend MISCELLANEOUS Utility locations Spot elevations EI SITEPLAN ScaIe Buildins Heisht Condo Approval Title report (A & B) Encroachments UtiliS verifi cati on form Setbacks Photos ofsite Site Coverage Building material samples EaveVOverhangs (4) C.O. Verification Decks/Balconies Sun\Shade Anglcs Utilities (rmderground) View Corridors Variances Plat restrictions Carage connection Site Grade\Slope Retaining Walls Fences ParkingiGarage Tuming Radius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage Fire Access ---r--FvY-..- a t f,lodhwirtl >v. bEB 7'zo'q? 1 tnvwcv+ {lt4ra, Qtllib-Lh$U. fal ' rtallpc tru"et""^l &*. &ltrgbio a /ol L ,"1,r* ,r'"fiol' CIW- dtvahirc M414 e Aa^n-> rilg-Uiu, *t'ne'**+- g&b o( &rwurs tutt^-lo enelt d ^W)rt, al"amfiou &ea;[ fb.ue. *rvu- ,'ntrwntns Aafu. da/ahb\ ruCOPY TOWN OF VAIL Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Coloratlo 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Auoust 28. 1997 Kurt Segerberg Pierce Segerberg and Associates .1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 FE:365 MillCreek Gircle/Lot 16, VailVillage 1st Filing Dear Kurl: The Town of Vail staff has reviewed your revised submittal for Design Review Board approval for a new single family residence, located at 365 Mill Creek Circle and has the following comments: Planningizoning issues r'1 . The proposed building is over the maximum allowable Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) by 41 square feet. Please provide a revised set ol floor plans indicating that this area has been reduced. /2. Please show that the easternmost ridge will comply with the maximum ridge height of 33'. It appears from the plan that it is designed at 33'6". . Please revise the roof plan to accurately reflect the floor plans. r'4. Please provide a title report, with Schedules A and B. v 5. Please provide top and bottom of wall elevations for the retaining wall on the northeast corner ol the patio. lt appears that the wall will exceed 6'. Public Works issues 1.Please indicate on the site plan that a 4' concrete pan (with a 2" invert) will be provided at the entrance of the driveway. The maximum width for the driveway entrance is 24'. The proposed driveway is 35'. _ - No heat for the driveway may be located within 4' of lhe road. Please indicate on the site 2. e {S ,""ro"or r", plan that this area will not be heated. 4. Please clarlfy the grading of the driveway. The 34 contour appears to conflict with the driveway grade of 33.5. The above issues must be addressed and revisions submitted to our olfice by noon, Tuesday September 2,1997, in order to stay on the agenda for the September 3rd DRB meeting. Should you have any questions regarding these commenls, do not hesitate to call me at 479-2454. Sincerely, lr 'U)1ta4^Wtbu, Lauren Walerton Town Planner Au$-25-.97 09=26A P. OI 1. 2. SCHEDULE A oRDER NUMBER3 93OO9495-C2 EFFECTM DATE: August 20, 1993 at 8:0O POLTCY OR POLICIES TO BE TSSUED: A. ALTA OWNER'S POLTCY PROPOSED INSURED: NORTHI{IND DEVELOPI.TENT, L.C. A TEXAS LT}TITED B. ALTA LOAN POLTCY PROPOSED INST]RED: C. ALTA LOAN POLICY PROPOSED INSURED: 3. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE I,AND DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO TN THIS COMMITMENT AND COVERED HEREIN IS FEE SIMPLE AND TITLE THERETO TS AT THE EFFECTTVE DATE HEREOF VESTED IN: KEITH L. BROWN and CAROL L. BROWN 4 . THE [.,AND REFERRED To IN THrS CoMMTTHENT rs DESCRIBED As Forrlows: Lot 15,Block 1,VAIL VTLLAGE, FIRST FTLTNG COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO THIS C2 COMMITMENT WAS PREPARED ON SEPT 8, 1993, FOR QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL TRUDY MATARESE AT (303)949-1011, PREMTUM:OWNERS: 9,10O. O0 TAX CERT.: 10.00 coPies to:Northwind Development L.C.Keith L. Brown Caro] L. Brown Susan }tilhoan Eustaquio Cortina STEWART TTTLE OF EAGLE COUNTY, TNC.P.O. BOX 2000 VAIL. CO.81658 (303 ) e49-1011 A.M. A},TOT'NT OF INSTJRANCE s 5r 5OO, O0O.0O LIABILITY COMPANY s $ COI,JNTERSTGNATURE . Augi-25-,97 C)9:264 CONTINUATION SHEET SCHEDULEB-SECTIONl oRDER NLTMBER: 93oo9495-C2 NOTE: NOTATION OF THE LEGAL ADDRESS OF THE GRANTEE MUST APPEAR ON THE DEED AS PER 1976 N{ENDMENT TO STATUTE ON RECORDING OF DEEDS CRS 38-35-109 (z',], - NoTE: For an additional charge, Stewart Title of Eagle County will.provide any copies of exceptions as shown on Schedule B -Section 2. P -O? AtJg--25-97 09 = 27A SCHEDULEB.SECTION2 EXCEPTIONS ORDER NUMBER: 93OO9495'C2 THE POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED T{ILL CONTAIN EXCEPTIONS TO THE FOLLOWING UNLESS THE SAI{E ARE DISPOSED OF TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE COMPANY: 1. RTGHTS OR CI,ATMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.2. EASEMENTS, OR CI,AIMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLTC RECORDS.3. DTSCREPANCTES, CONFLICTS rN BOUNDARY LINES, SHORTAGE rN AREA, ENCROACHMENTS, 'AI.ID ANY FACTS WHTCH A CORRECT SI,]RVEY AND INSPECTION OF THE PREMISES WOULD DTSCLOSE AND WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLTC RECORDS.4. ANY LrEN, OR RrGHT TO A LrEN, FOR SERVICES, r.,ABOR OR MATERIAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FIIRNISHED, IMPOSED BY LAW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.5. DEFECTS, LIENS, ENCIJMBRANCES, ADVERSE CI,AIMS OR OTHER MATTERS,IN ANY, CREATED, FIRST APPEARING IN THE PUBLTC RECORDS OR ATTACHING SUBSEQUENT TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF BUT PRIOR TO THE DATE PROPOSED TNSURED ACQUIRES OF RECORD FOR VALUE THE ESTATE OR INTEREST OR MORTGAGE THEREON COVERED BY THTS COMMITMENT.6. I'NPATENTED MINING CI,AIMS,. RESERVATTONS OR EXCEPTIONS rN PATENTS OR AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TSSUANCE THEREOF; WATER RIGHTS CLAIMS OR TITLE TO WATER. NOTE: I.MECHANIC,S LIENII AND/OR I'GAPII PROTECTTON (EXCEPTIONS 4 AND 5 ABOVE) MAy BE AVAILABLE WITH AN OWNER'S POLTCY OF TTTLE TNSURANCE ON RESTDENTIAL PROPERTY UPON COMPLIAI{CE WITH STEWART TTTLE GUAXANTY REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE CALL FOR FURTHER INFORMATION As lo THosE SPECTFTC REQUTRE'MENT (S) NECESSARY TO OBTATN THIS COVERAGE. 7. Any and all unpaid taxes and assessrnents and any unredeemed tax sales. 8. The effect of inclusions in any general or specific water conservancy, fire protection, soil conservation or other district or inclusion in anv water service or street improvement area. 9. Reservations or exceptions contained in U.S. Patents, or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof, recorded April 12, 1899 in Book 48 at Page 475t reserving 1) Rights of the proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and renove his ore therefrom and 2) Continued on next page P. 03 Aug-25-,97 09=274 o CONTINUATION SHEET SCHEDULEB-SECTION2 EXCEPTIONS oRDER NUMBER: 93O09495-C2 rights of e/ay for ditches and canals constructed under the authority of the United States. 10. Terms, conditions, reservations, restrictions and obligations as contained in the Protective covenants for vail village-First Filing, recorded August 10, 1952 in Book 174 at Page 179 as Reception No. 96381 and Notice, recorded April 10,-1.981- in Book 321 at Page 423 as Reception No. 2L779L. 11. Easements, restrictions and rights-of-nays as shown on the plat of vail Village First Filing, itricn is a-utility easement aiross the southeasterly lO feet oi lot te. Pursuant to Senate Bill 91-14 (C.R.S. LO-LI-L2Z, Notice is hereby given that: a) The.subject reaL property may be located in a special taxrng districtr. b) A certificate of taxes due listing each taxing jurisdiction rnay be obtained from-the County freasurer or the County Treasurer, s authorized agent;- c) Information regarding special districts and the boundaries of iuch distlicts may be obtained from the board of county Comrnissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. - A certificate of taxes due listing each taxing jurisdiction shall be obtained from the County Treasurer oi €he county Treasurer,s authorized aqent. P -04 Pursuant to Senate Bill 92-143 given that:(c.R.S. 10-11-122) Notice is hereby Aug-25-97 09=27A P-05 SCHEDULEB-SECTION]- ORDER NTJMBER: 93009495 REQUIREI.{ENTS THE FoLLowING ARE THE REQUIREMENTS To BE COI''iPIJIED WITH: ITEI.I (A) PAYMENT TO OR FOR-THE-ACCOT'NT OF THE -GRANTORS OR MORTGAGOR'S oF rHE FUr,L coNsriinir'ioH FoR rHE i;iiri^ oi'-'iutnirsT ro BE INSI'RED ' rTEM (B) PRoPER rNsrRUltENT JS).--9*EATTNG THE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BE rNsuRED MUST BE il;aiifiD"inp- burJv"ii;i; Fiin neconD, ro wlr: l. Execution of affidavit as to Debts and Liens and its return to Etietitt ritle GuarantY conPanY' 2. Evidence satisfactoTy !9 steuart Title Guaranty Conpany o!' oavmentoruii-ltt[slinaingt;;;andassessnentsascertrrleq [v'itt" Eagle countY Treasurer' 3. Execution of Certificate -.Entity Transferor'/rndividual Transferot ""i-ii3-i"["t" to the-office' 4- Evid'ence satisfactory.to stewart Title-Guarantv company thqt the real estate transfer tax. "==!l-=Ja-1"-!n: town -of vail has been paidortnat"|ie"iil"liijti.o.'-i'-"*"inptfromsaidtax. Eagle county -"f tl'? P::'t^?f rof -f,. Brown for the use-or 3-3"E"tE- 91, 610, ooo ro9' 9t::9 Et-e,-rigo in eook s41 at Page 7 . certificate from the secretary of st3te. or other appropriate officer of state of rncorp"iltio"'-showing-that Northwlno Development, L'c', a Texas i"ip"iltioq l: ? d''tiy o=g"nized'and existingcorporationunder#;'];;;-ofst"t"ofrncorporatlon' S.DeedfromKeithL'BrownandCarolL-Brown,vestingfeesirnple title in Northwind Devel"p^"it'-i'c" " Texas corPoratlon' NorE: NorArroN oF rHE LEGAL ooo*E3ir?x,:H"":HlE"#:t APPEAR . r{ug'-25r97 09z?AA P-06 CONTINUATION SHEET SCHEDULEB-SECTIONl ORDER NITMBER: 93009495 ON THE DEED AS PER 1976 N{ENDMENT TO STATUTE ON RECORDING OF DEEDS CRS 38-35-109 (2). NOTE: For an additional charge, stewart Title of Eagle coulty iiiir-p.i"iaE---ni-Eopi"s or ex6eltions as shown on schedule B - Section 2. t A l) I)R t:SS f || (N l.: (:l .\ccousl .tio 0 l- tuiIrri? r .rT:. ()t ()(x)0 4 t.t l.l :oli ,\-lloN'Ai- tjT t'liltraedDiltl -lll Ll t;-rrli : I( s l.u r)lti l,i,l:.s-eolr Iti, r.r=n-l_-i' \'-TIi ;f / larlTlJs F]-c 1TO NS -Fi.nN ii i,i;r r,\\f ii I trc.t il ieKlT;t;- .il:i:Tkii iii:iiNSt,l,arl'lO[FtTt V i(' h ri t''ttt(() rl,c'r' ir(lNl )t,ii r, ly\ r D i ir,slciN lil;Vtjiw-llo^ -l | (l(l()0 4 -'r | | I N\/ I ift' ii t^ fiil rn l-il r, r rillr i_ Di-,V;- ir)V-r'n-ir x r xi ;Tr rr.t ii 0 | (x)0() 2;101 'L(t\i N r,u'si;n itili( | itSItiNSI * 0I o00t) 2 t2 ilii oiiatit4iltlli AXAIil_ 0 t 0000 41.t 7 1 iluir.ilh.,ni -TECI lr 0 4l_l i, ^ia n t{r a)Nl AN l\(' ( ). J.o :R Ol llIli ) 4l_i.l I ':l a '.i ti () I ()()(]0 /i 1..}i0 cAf! | ,,.',lqq?r].r.oLl o z ts = UJ o- @ U'ul UJ u- F =E UJ *N\ s =l\qr B @ @ N )<l x tr & H z z -.r {<E => l,t V z \-) = UJ F o o I =o z z at)ul z =o J l @ "d z 2 LL J uJ o =E.o tI- z FJ o q) o (!o (5 3 o ah 0)() .s o c (! o () ct) f o E l (5 =o) o) '6 o ,; (|) c o v, o (! '= N _ro ; F o -c o o o (! o =o f o o E '5 o T' o ' Ei: g o:i 6 *io EEh curo o:92 =x):E.! F Ffc I6P '- vt e::- 6.o -EF c9o e5t _.; :\ 3 3a =:E cc- 'E q; *= c .=- cl o(5 0-*6: ',-o-Ego -(I'C D;(5 o!: o(E= EEF E 5.s --E og*9r! 5 Ei;I I-> i<=E 6H u -i6 B 9Eq)6EE toct) ( @ Lr).$ -:r .--t aa rn Ln c!N rn E = UJ z o J 5 Y LU () z ) F r! E z =l o- z = LU UJ z tr IJJ o lu c o CD 3 UJ qJ z 6 l!o F o. IJJ o- z UJ J F r.lJ o l .J) UJ LU u-t = uJ (l-) F F z J f co C) e. o IJJ J uJ z = o- F-l Fr t-r NOtrvntv^ c F F c ar z F F 2 -' =l! z tr e.() uJ o (r uJ z n) (\l (\l z a o >E z tr^ <tt o 7>. QZ !L< v= >x .i c\i p z tr !L n o-l E UJ (! l-- a G z o =o ,<t< E tr UJ B z i I I I =z l z 914 <O o< > iir >E R ,J-do <z =z vz JF ;o 3fr OT uJ l z i F F z F J l o z _l I -l -l .. I 3l -it tr I z z I 3 F uJ o o 3 I ;l l I I :l -l ;i S L = z ul o lr.t t!z o F cr uJ ) z o E o o z tr a J o z ut o e.l r^ c.) CN I ,-) -l .'t) :)c) I .\,/-i 4 I t ..a ',/t /' IJJ tr o @ 1 z o F lrJ Y LrJ dl o F tr E uJ-o-a o .-4 tL ol o tzl Hur bE zo ul F1 () H zY a\- =< F-l =z q. JO.n O- t! \O fRtrttrt r+4 r_r r_J ).^i5 !., \J = =8ft 6d> .}< .}< j<pflllL{ tr 2 llJ o- t! :!{EZ E<cLl -99'!r-B9 !rk cf, =!E'Lt- E h=C|Pr?o dE E 65 9 Eu.t E XO-r x>6:iF ct 'i €'-rri llJ d) E =E lrJ o-z o F (J E,F o z o C) I I o z (5 uJ (r IL 2 ,,i 3:OUJ FF C\r) I F I I'\ z .i uJ E J t!o z ;o F I z vc H .-r = .i!'<l >o\ rL ..' Ool z =o F H F F-l H z \t I \T c'\ I r\ co z uJ J a o z B F o z H E Fl H z ts E E, rl ll II I tl lol l=l tol I tJJl t5l t<l l>l t|rl lol tzl ax ll-l Fl zl HI FlI HI Frl I r{l iol F-{ | I F1 |(9 1 <l Fll Frl HI >l H (9 = lJ- 6 F z H H z B u.l =z --) l.l o lF4 | -'l lH | -+l'l ?lV | \o lol tl lFl I o-tHl zl2 |Ft I ol lrtl dl \o I Fal - | -tl fl ttl Fl (/)l F-.1 F-l I llJl F-.i Ht xt <vl H>J<l aai 4z(J I I t- l" I I A HI :i s J Eo E-r H (n I z H =E- Eir t! -E Oz <F uJ<zE r!F (rz o o z F c)Iu J (Jo zr-;s ]F JZ E F F z o z T O uJ E uJ z = F uJ ='f tn uJ tt lr- = LU ti F o z o z I f 5 z o an IU UJ II F 5 IU J F ol F q, + () 3 ru z (J u, u, c< = 4 ^!f .D F z o o o tr.J lt ttt F z X X o q, c, a,tt .9 cl i a 3 !, il : ! ;0 ,-i N i t. o !o o ct) D o !.0 '' cJ :gca' i= t i;''j -r F-i 'lJ.l :. q.- .-t \c.i lJq NC -:!;.: o-d --o et 9O 3g jo !oD :D )F )-9 D. 0, o 3 -0) 0, :d 3.= >5 CIN E., )cF -- F\ i- .c ;P.,o :of cJl f.: ,,1 a G.c -=: D:-= 'r-39 99 o-3 .-- c) : qrt/, rLb r9c , v(! .2 lt _c) CJ- ::. rJ C'p i'oo !F >=l o-: , -t 3';.i _ >\: rcr/o o-.Eo; a' J,' -c., -(l:! o-- lr- C r'"o rco 'oo t- '- if c) 4) = .tt 3 p. >, -:- ' :i: aE -:i I ': q, cJv !Lt =.2 i.: L=e5 orJ - c.) oo _-:sEl ;:rl --: ( = q)- ;i - c =- c ac0 c !:s 2- c ilr'''"io F .Ee r (!E ,- c ;o s- r(!-r.= 33 9>- rJ X. :, o. Ja Eor c(ui l) aE .,: fs tg tcJ tr lc to [;IF lo E: f,e H J-. ! f,., B cl H'-({ =.l v.:I oi !Ss l-c l=a l!I ==oc0 o-a!.E (a E|/)c)E c)(o _E cJ0 =E nr oi :-;'s, E3 f,i, ()'- r >.9 ( oEC -()c ur I <tt :z 2 I (J t: !< tft :i ol ;l 6tl otl I tr q ol (J E o 3 C! .. >l o ul uJ u.t z u, F =tu J z o F d o rr-<ot! v> z.. 2=-.iF --lrJ(9 B; : ::l l c,t) z o -f,EO 9o Fd \r,=u-<OA uJf o- (J >(J FO -j a\i 3 F = il :t <tJ =l<elF 'lr- NOrtvn'lvA \ \ t-'.-l \l \ I D'\ i\ J z J lJ- F o J 0 0 b ".li F:ll z o uJ :l <l >l xl 3I t)l E z J <o ou>ru uJ -rQ o z .J F IJ .-r O <F Ec)!u< o C) c)EH uJ=;e oa tll F oz 5d :iF zo ss i,z sO ;(J =<*z () ,^c .. trl O l- J.-H ca .,r E( ro eo c lrJr H .O qJF (5ft9 =< cJ -, u- r,E-c|r u-r tr <E ltl !aG \.7 l|r f'O :s tt e' -:- Y =^ <F>< P t-u iuJ O -:=|'--F TE =:-:q ==>E= !J 9gr'l -t*o-A =-io -?-< j vlJ;:- -ut -io +F .r / - uJ ts U' o -)z o F o. TU ul ql o -F L ul -.0-__t!' F x o C) I IIJ F o z F E trf o-z o F (J U'z o c) irt': ' l. q -& -t dr Novem.ber 8, 1988 afChitgCts Buildins Department 143 e meadow dr. vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476 3038 brinefi'SCOtt town of vail- M*-r, Danny Svtert DSlsw Enclosure Attn: Joe Norris 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, co aI657 Re: Bror,\rn Residence carage Addition Dear Joe: On Novenber 2, l-988, the Design Review Board approved the above referenced project at the job site. At that tine, they did not notice that we had proposed a standing seam metal roof. on Novenber 3rd, Betsy Rosacack contacted me to say that the roof would require approval . I will be submitting a sanple of roof material for the Novenber 1-6th Design Review Board rneeting. At that tine, f hope to get roof approved, if not I will use wood shingles to match existing. f have put a note on sheet A-L to that effect. f have also increased length of garage from 21'-otr to 22' -ot'adding a total of + l-6 S.F. of GRFA. Even with this added GRFA, f am weII within the allowable for this site (see attached copy of D.R.B. application). ff you have Thank you, please ca11.any questions, I T[; 0ctober 17, 19Bg I L ZONE CHECF FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS LEGAL 6fsen?Inxl_toT* 16 Btock I l!?lgss r 365 n.it I C.uu-E-e-mf u- u i uL,.glrl'Ef__ffi l5fii'Ii8i pnripoiio';;l tlo#'iaPi'*{tfrJ LOT S]ZE Filing Vail Village ----'-*"-----: hone30-t:7JT: PhoneJnB:4f6: {l Hei ght TOTAI GRFA priryrary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des .. Rea r l,{ater Course Si te Coverage Landscapi ng lence/Retaini.ng Hai I Heights rarking Credits: 6arage llechani ca l . Ai rl ock . Storage Solar Heat t Drjve: SIope perm.itted Envi ronmenta I /Hazards : Geologic Conrnents: Al lowe4 (30) (33) 4,188 s.F. 4,188 S. F. . N/A 20, t5, 15' (30 ) (50 ) 4.450-0 s.F. N/A N/A N/A -.4__. (3oo)(6oo) (e00) (1200) (50) (1oo) (2s115s1 (200)(400) Proposed to I (-(J -:."--T-:- 3,928 S.F. ,.----?-:.'*- . 3,928 S.F.--:r---------^F-. ^t,tn --'r-.__ 34' ll--'.t--T' -'::-: 3+qL Haza rds Zoning: Date: Approved/Di sapproved .i-t / -i- ,, Project Application Date Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: B lock Filing Legal Description: Lot Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Molion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Town Plan ner E statt Approval brirer/scott architects 14.3 e meadow dr r/ail. cobado 81657 (303) 476.3038 November 29, l-988 Town of VaiI Cornmunity Development Attn: Betsy Rosalack 75 S. Frontage Rd.vai1, co 81,657 Re: Brown Residence Rernodel. Metal Roof Dear Betsy: As we discussed in a phone conversation on 1L/29/88 ny client, Mr. Brown, has decided not to change the wood shingles on his house to a metal roof. The new construction described and approved in D.R.B. application dated November 2, t988 will no longer have metal roof but wiII receive wood shingles to match existing. Thanks again Sincerely, DSlstt r aII your help APPLICATION DATE:0ctober i7, 19BB DATE OF DRB MEETING: DRB APPLICATION November 2, 1988 *****THIS APPLICATION t,JILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL ]NFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any addjtjonal jnformation is needed. No appiicatjon will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the:oning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COI"1PLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreas'i ng the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is jssued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTI0N: ion do rmer s lace existing roof shinqles wirh a standjnq seam metal roof system. B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 365 l'li I I Creek Ci rcl e Legal Description Zoning Two FamiI Lot 16 Bl ock Residential District Fi 1 i ns vull Vil_l u!. I tt C. NAME OF APPLICANT:Mr 8r 14rs Keith Brown Address 377 Race Court, Denver, C0 80206 D. F NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:Bri ner/Scott Archi tects Address NAME OF 143 E. Meadow Dr.Vail c0 81657 & l,lrsr Kei th Brown Si gnature Address Race tel ephone 303-7 7 7 -3581 tel ephone 303-476-3038 tel ephone 303 -7 7 7 -358L be paid at the tine a building permit is requested. FEE stake the site be removed visits the F.DRB FEE: The fee will VALUAT I ON $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 $ $ o $1 $s $ 0 - $ 10,000 10,001 - $ 50,000 50,001 - $ 150,000 50,001 - $ ,500,000 00,001 - $1,000,000 0ver $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISsIONS TO THE DRB: 1, In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will should also be marked. This work must be comoleted before the DRB si te. ?, The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review 8oard, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. Peop'l e who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at thejr scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement wil l be required to be republ i shed. Denver 80206 LEGAL DESeRTm0N:To:r- 16 Btock 1 ri1.1nq Vail Village A0DRESS: 365 llill Credk-eiETe- O|llNER ARCHITECT Phone-303:471i-iT{IJB ZONE DIST PROPOSEDUSE ffi LOT SIZE DATE: 0ctober 17, 1988 Corrnents: Hei ght Total GRFA Prinery GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear l,laten Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining Wal I Hejghts Parkl ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi nonmenta'l /Hazards : .i, ZONE CHECK FND SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Al I owed (30)(33) 4,188 S.F. 4,188 S.F. N/A 20' L5' 15' (30)(50) 4.450.0 S.F. N/A N/A N/A (3oo)(600) (eoo) ( 12oo) (so)(1oo) (2s) (so) (2oo)(4oo) Propoged 28' 3,928" S-.F. 3,928 S.F.------'....-.".- , ,33,' ,. ,-,,35.8' . N/A L613".14..."" S.F. N/A Flet lst 34' N/A lm-- iQo 5'l'- N/A . IJ/A Slope Actual Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope l.letl ands A Geo'logic Hazards N/A 21,999.59 S.F. Zoni ng: Approved/Di sapproved Date: Staff Signature - ITqT OF MATERIALS - NAME 0F PR0JECT: -9fqyq-89!f.e!!9-9grqge-4--Q9-M-l LEGAL DESCRIPTION: linrEr-noonEss, 365 MiT[-T]66R-TI rcl e oE!'cniprion-oF ' Pno tion of (2) dorrners to upper most level adding a total of sto oor area 3. Replace existing wood shingles with standing seam metal roof informatjon js required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review The following Board before A. BUILDING a final approval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Standinq seam rnetal COLOR Liqht brown llatch existing_ Roof Si di ng 0ther Wall Materials ll|ood Stucco l|atch exi sti n R Fasci a 50T 1 1ts l,J'i ndows Hindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther LANDSCAPiNG: Name of PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Hood l.latch exi sti ng Match existing Wood l4atch existing lood Match existing Wood llatch exi sti ng Metal Match existinq No- located within N/A N/A Des i g ner: Phone: Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* None l,lo n e for conifers. (over) l|atch exi sti n *Indlcate caliper for deciducious trees.Indjcate he'ight - PLANT MATERIALSr Botanical _[ernq : Common Name Quanity Sjze (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS None TO BE REI'IOVED Type None Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS SOD New sod to be installed in areas disturbed by cons- tructi on SEED IYPL UF None IRRIGATION TYPE 0R METHOD 0F None,required EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wails, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. I \ \.J \j \'''-'/ I I h It ?{ l&'( (rrh\l (rt il ' I ll\l I.i l:; 26th Kl:lTlt L. lilt0t,rti{ cl T\' .\\1) .,,1 KEI TII 1,,.. r, ctT\'AND alr(' I||,'1^n hr .lr(Lt .lnd trumbct,r\: l{, rvr'r:rl,e f 365 !|f l I Creek Clrcle Vall, C! 81657 DEI{VER L. BROl.tN AllD CAROL l. . EROSII'I 377 Race Court Denver, G{) E0206 t.,'rrrrr , r DENI/ER 86 0rc T I rrr$t$l' : \1.!1. ,. t,,'.'rir.I ..l.rlll(!ltl ,--------.CoNVENIENCE ITEED------- \\t,'.1 \\i !ll I r,r'r!r. tr.'rl'(,r1 ,lttr"1rl 'at'r rlr"ll(rlllrL rri- 'ltr r( .|| | ,l'.r\rtrv,'luhrrhr l:.'nhr r\l'rr^rk'r r1tr.. | 'r,1.,1 eg r, rrlr'. ftl(r" {ll.(r'rl\t\ -r|tlltr l'{1r.. -rll ll. ', r ' lrlh nltr'rt''t !lrllll r t 'lLlD " ||r|r.'rt r',\ rrt. r' ' \rluJlt. l'rrr, rn ll*inr' rn 't: ( rrl,,r ",. rh..r,l r! s h'll'rt' Lt 16' Block I' VAIL VrLL cE, FtRSt Flltlrc ' r,.r ! r,,,,, , lL;r'e,l ' 't'l ,r,rr'." 1'n'l Q{ ll( l'\l\11 I) r'i':h\ it t l.Al\l L'r.i 1)' -'rltrl('r'' thclr t,"rr'. tr'' '" 'r' 'rx-t a"r!lr' r .h rtrr rr,r " , hir B , rlrl t, !l , rtrl ;" 1 rtr t"tctlx'r uilh I . .,' EAGLB anrl Strtr "l l(,||\\t \\|)|.||ttlI.I)|lx.\J||t!.|.{||l{rrrt|r ,,|l rnt| \|nfrt|.|r |h(.||,|.un|JnJ^'!.| itn.l 1'rrl r|cr:r.. tlrtruntlr tr|(n!in8 o. tn tnrvr..th.r.rrlrt.'.r|'|\ruininr.|n.|.||It|rr'J.lrif|lttl.l..t||tn.|.||Jt||l||$hat\|tsf'o[lh(rt.||!h'r|.!.h it* ,,"r' fu,r' , rr* hrnrlit:rrrJ lthr- r't rht rr rrrr-''r ' ttrcli ltrrr' ir^l rt(rcn' lil|l'rtl l\\ll\l\\\'.lll Rl:(tl lh' ir'rnl rr'rl;r ! r-r' "r' tthrlJ'' ! {'lrr' l rlt '(l hrrth rh \' s l,{ll (rl (r)]l'k \l x l- CITY AIID ( i,unr l {!l DEIWER t,. ' ,, rt: ,r''tl llnr:nl *:r\:( Ifi|rlfil;:trl rt ft*' r'* tl"' 25th h\ Kli I Tll L. BROIOI 1.. I rl*..r Novenbcr r.r E6 . 3 :, r,i-f s'r", ',! turtrl rnd ')tl" r''l '(''l /) (, c'< t 1800 (t",r t.&\!icE sTRl:[:T. DENTR. CO 80202 F (t, td = -F f o a 6 lrJ r F E,o z STANDING SEAM: SERIES SS-145 and SS-225 Featu res . Faclory roll formed to a maximum of 40'0'. . Available in 24 Bauge galvanizcd steel. . Available in Sup€{ote I Kynar Fluoropolymer finish or Super{ote ll Baked Enamel. . Minimum rccommend€d slope 3'l12- . Concealed fastene. system. desi8ned to accommodate thermal exoansion. . standand Jeam spacint l4th' or 22112" lothal spacinBs available). 1 1O GRECIAN BRONZE t.'r- Fd 89r.5 I?!b'FOF 6S225 I lxoMrM|- D$rs ) Specifications I.O MANUFACTURER A. MM Systems Corporation '| . These specifications are bas€d upoo matt manufactured by MM Systemr Corporatlc as a tuide to lhe minimum acceptable re( materials and performance, 2.0 PRODUCTS AND MATERIATS A. Panels; 1, S9145 or 5!225 from frclory roll formin 2. 24 Sau8e C-90 Salvanized steel with Sug finish. Panels shall be eithe. smooth or tl' 3 AII panels shall te continuous lentth tror' lo a maximum length of 40'0'. 4. Color of all panels to be MM standard t- B, Trim; L Factory fabricated trim from lhe same na l9 paners. 2. Flat sheet for local labrication wtth Jtripp; l. Colo. of all trim to be MM standard f- C. AcceJsories; l. Clips, closurer and tealantl a! ordered p€ list o. as required perMM enSineerinSre 2. Fasteners as designed by MMSC io b€ ful conttactot 3.0 INSTALLATION A. Panels shall b€ installed over solid tubstratc one laver of llo ralurated feh laid and lapp( Stantnt al lhe eave. B. spacin8 o( clips rhall not exceed 24' o,c' w' revie* by MMSC. C. All oroduct. to be Installcd in accordanc! w' .ecommended inslruclionr. D, Remove .ll strlppable lilm immedial€ly after 'The Classic Design" PROJECT: Communiq/ Nat'l Bank Clastonbury CT MATERIAL: S9'145 & tS-900 ARCHITECI PeterAble Inc. CONTRACTOR: General Roofin8 Co. MM AGENT Bill Fisher Enterprise Unionville, CT rNslctoN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL |,.r.1,DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: .-- lfibN /\- .-"- CALLER TUES WED PERMIT NUMBER OF BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER TINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECT PERMIT INSPECTION REQI,JEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI PM AM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL i H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL B APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT REQUE€T TOWN OF VAIL CALLER ,, " . '' I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEFGROUND tr ROUGH i D,W,V, D ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr rnnurNc n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr o o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR IN CTION REQI.'EST TOWN OF VAIL o SPE DATE . PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: ,M9N TUES WED THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr.,FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NU BER DATE o SPE .t.f:i :. JOB NAME- ' ' 'i . CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR IN CTION REQI.'E€T oF PRoJECT TOWN OF VAIL ,' FR Y -- AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL ..tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D o tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR O FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ;, , INSPECTOR , FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belov items need to be complete before giving a pennit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHAT{ICAL DATE: FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPOMRY C Of O -/)/ -.J -'/,.I 7 4t 4 //r4 ,. ;'. '4 ,v). , _/,/ 7/ IJJ F U' dt -z o F (L IJJ Y b I .IJ o F ts (E;uJx o-: h.l " -$l > ,--r I o til tol 'l HFJ o=zo t cc t! o- IL IJJ z l 6 a F cc CE c llJ -i= duJ >c Ol!9o \ llj x(r x> ul =UJ d) F o E o o o q) =E E o o o ts =E, UJ o-z o F (J f,E F a z o (-) o UJ F z = =) oo o z I I i,, .F t<to I I I I dr I N ts N .J) [U [U tL F =E Iu -iF N\N s.]Fi {\t<-,\ \s-. f- o ul F I r\ n x .\ I I I I I I I I I I o) !o <a- q)qt: o0)eo -t! '=='; o- E(g -oc :;(,,o ! .:'>t ON E(,)ot o5 oo. EE cL- Eo -.9 Ep C()ar() oii .:< osE E.e 'io >- O.O Eo oP oo oc €tE o-.D(r):B (5: o (t at (! E ; F g(J '= (D E8 c ..2 EX 9s F'5 OY '-o oo Er -x =t .i't c9 lC E E(!otr FO cc Ri .=- o(! O- +f r!E oe €19 '(! OE O(E _E (E0 e9 lJ, (d Eg Orf =6 o6 _9:o'- >.9 9o-o)tr E6 -o lu ut z tr t!(r o 3 uJ 5 z 6 lrJ o at) IJJ llj u- E =E, r.lJ (L J o F z 6 =l d NOIIVNlVA F ta H rrr z >E __(Y) ! u.r .S =(DN Y B Z ze- tr ^ 6z q 5 >o tr9of,6oE Z;-O ot')92.ozX l!<oq i uJ:.: !|;itlJ aXz rN(J z tr l LL cc l c o\ IJJ t z o E o o F t UJ J B L!z u,.l l = t! z Y 9 r F z F J l a z =z f z Oa Eul <O o< =E 2l! 8o <z i z, AZ -..r T do 3ur OI o z ts =E uJ .L rl ql <l iI ol zl 3 ot H o z a uJ = II o 5s Oul FF -o- F-l H =o uJ o = F a z H FA =E tr ca c..l rn I F c! I F .i z d IJJ = tt o z 3 o F ts z a z F v :E tr o\ .if I $ lr'll ltl l'r I l-rl l-l (Jt I Ht I &tl t-{l .l r'11 zl dl sl ol El E-rl <l Frl >l 31 5l tzl !31 tFl rrr I <t Fl Ff H == F-l E H a z B u; =z (D '-) .v \T I -o- F-l H = v CJ F-r Fl H E rn d c c E i,g: -E Oz o J 9 F o uJ t 2? =f f,F =JZ |.Lo F () F z O z - lu F uJ F --r O <F l,! <zE.L!F t,t z C) z ze (Do >z CLL iE=dd= EtrN EED 3(, t') -PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME rnslcnoN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL 1 .1 lit\ PM READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ?rr WED,THUR 1 rfl AM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING:.i\*DERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL {noucx / D.w.v. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NATL|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n O POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL -OV tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ,*rl".oN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL PERMI DATE NAME T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB CALLER TUES PM READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL I D FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr o tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o D FI TAL D FINAL j .. ,,:,, F.,APPROVED \--1.-', CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR !rL,'I I P lNsf,crloN REQUES] TOWN OF VAIL D, T tj r\,t -/{l t DATE 3 ,>/,( l JoB NAME CALLER MoN ruES @:g) rHUR FRr'?.(,r- .),;, ,, 1-1 )., C,r., AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB o tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr ,l o tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr tr o EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED ,,-- CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 36,'-' I I PFRMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT rrutcroN REeuFSr AM PM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: TOWN OF VAIL t tf 3tl,f'r rce BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W,V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL -i\ f, rnnvrruc .-tr ffoucH / wATER :;. r-r FOOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED RBECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR -q'-INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VA|L .PERMIT.NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME -' AM PM. CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr D D FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING OUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS n tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o rtrunl tr FINAL N APPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE * ' rNSPEcroR I THUR FRI 3 6/7 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION:MON JOB NAME CALLER l::q READY FOR LOCATION:? BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER .- PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: N TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR CI @ (\I ol z. o z F =E ul o- l9J NOIJ.VN]VA z *-Y >-e z< E^o <Ful l?i Lr.J E to..IFX <oz 6Zf z ho- ao =>QZ r,r <oq aLl :'i tc)FO ll tl pl q j-f -tl :'$coJ tf,t?I r-l | 'F{lcd l>flg F --; Ju- H x S{ E x Y m rjj =z { tr R Y. +J 'l.{a \, UJ z rl Q)q) fu r-{r-l 4 =I <n LU o o = I c X r-l .Fl E (J E u]E o = - F P a B a E H c)'6 F = =E tr d |.' E F r I r-l Ltt o o = F. '-l I '-l @ o B o x t-..1 F a UJ E o o 2 tt- LU E o o J E tl- UJ o =E l! IJJ E o 6 I (L = E u-t z l< F uJ =- E .-'F $co I !f I0 u= e o <o ()F tr=t O oo zt- =<>E !z u-o ix YF 7<) =#i,z =5 IY l- Iav FE Oz J <c)o?. _',, E o z F () uJ -)o E (L d ril .\-l 'l ul F F =E lrl o- .i c1 J z o z .-o IJ- =e (Do 2z (Lu zE ot: 55 (D LrJ trnE o E q o 0t o T' .: tt- Efr 8F o|r tPO tr rrr o;i E>EF z o F ()f E,F a z o C) FD r*ril"roN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM (p-!r i BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o o o tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr INSULATION GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr El+fNAL .4,.,*-'-t <Ji>/T] FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr u tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR a [! IJJ u-t = IIJ (L F F z z 5 2 t J a I.IJ I.IJ F =t ul J F =t u-l o-o z o J 5 (E z CE ==J z o UJ IIJ UJ LL z tr uJ E o u.l E o E (D =tu qJ z 6 uJ 6 uJ o l z LU =o d) z F J U)z rt uJ z ) S (L a zz io_ 4 Xr tr9 0 6o Z-oir OZ t! <(o+ (L ).{ FO ;Nj Y =t! z tr l .J t IL l E t o- UJ E z E o o z F E uJ J =uJ z zz sEA H6 f a2E,t''e = f ; qs F a E6::i-r-Fx ts [i ?o co E'DZ= qrz >1na= s f,Yf 3=do IJJ U = isg >(.'lJ-;OUrOO o-z(J ,l ll \41 \l R) $\ \l\ g r+ (x o =2 =z tr o = I \ I F z f z =J l! = LU J e. uJ uJ LL (L F F o 2 UJ F 3 J z Y i F G' tJ'o c)l z o z ts =E tu o- F =E, lrJ o- =z .^= =<mo =z JO r(L l.L tft T--l T--l t__l LJt l c o E CL o o o .:c i!* E=o ili (r= ou- \c o;i tr>fF 6 CL o E' r -E z |-() UJ -)o t o- Ir lt'-l 'l ,J =N $s l(,tz l.\J J I.L \\ N ,(\ C"-\ \ 3 n\ --f \\ rli =z il ] $ N \tl \ E z S l$..J S d ls I a.l>ln rE r'o --f = \:S i (J q 1tJ \ N \= tr 0\t\ N N x N uJ E o lq tr $n E I \ )s . C) t \l i 3 E tr n I i$ { o r- { a H o --f = lF l3 lr IJ t I i e E tr u) UJ f <l = = tr E.o o ) E tr UJ E o o =E E o o a I (L F l,,lJ z F tIJ t I O E eSte I*Srr aa-ltr +Hi 2 -v ^-t <\J JE <o OF ;()FS g? () >Y =f.!z r.l-o <- ::F z() =<+d iz =g E !-E ir FT .O .z i,O stfl lo z o F ()f E F a z o () SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDENTIAL ZONING CHECKLIST o owner, &fttl BA",s:J Archj.tect: n -,.', i Zone District: K_%5._ Proposed Use: I Lot Area tZAfr+Minus Eazard Area: Equals Buildable Area;7- ff,e Legal Description;1 ^n lL tsle t ,Jll.ltt Pu:. Eeight: Actual Setbacks: Required - front 20 I , Sides 1_ql +,Rear20'+ actuar - Front .jf,* 'u t_'''2 - srope Actuar d*' - Be Paved Avalancbe Flood Plain Slope UfeeK { d "":l Distance Trom Trees Removed fl'-l,, f,r' !,,r..r.,+ ).'-t , Sides 2\j.tt.c,Bear ts6 Dlstance Between Buildings: Required 3-o Act-u-al f-tf.f5*7a;-7;tF s ff7,(-- - - G.R.-F.A. Allowed: Buildable Area /wv"x >{ tr = 3J-9.- ectuat 13O?-'l Site Coverage: Allowed - Lot Atea2-A.S?v:'-x -tS--% = 4t14, & T;:T Landscaping: Required - lot Area,i,1;1"-x -(-!-y. =S{s, tl Parklng: Required t$i,l: Actual { " Drive: Slope Permitted Parking and Drives Must Euvironment al /Eazard : Comments: Zoning Approval;strator o P€rmitNo..! rinQ i i.r l' ,l hrn VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL NOT BE I uNTrL TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID U{ FULL. NAME OF JOB PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP:Water NUMBER oF uNrrs n 3 S- (x 9600.00) = Amount Date Paid LOCATION AND LEGAL DES.!:RIPTION Ltc. No. Lrc. No. Met€r Size i 6--k- Finance Dir€ctor Date Billed B|dg.Dopt.-whito:-wat6rsndsanitation-Groen;_Pub|icworks.csnary;_contractor-Pink;-Accounting-Go|dgnrod +rat Project Application flt t>t-r-tr - 'v f/zc /A Proiect Name: Proiect Descriplion: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and ,/ l Legal Description: Lot / LD , Block / , Filing VUI{ Zone: lb {3tl- Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Morion by: 8l ^, t ; "l ') secondedor, 9'ShoF /t ,t/ / -' '-"',f/7/7h' i Dale 2/,r/ /(J i ,.j - " -J''! DISAPPROVAL APPROVAL Una,nivr' 0., s /^ I ( Pa"Ko- hhsf"qlioq I Date: Chief Building Off icial /t L"* l6r e'r I oe.r't4- G&,Frf ()^; 1 -l6 ' S-S ftd/if l o ar f 3 rJr-t a>1 ("16o.., Ga o*^l1s o1 Anc. 7s., t8s e} lavl iu Pto ,6/lffi ?3I.i"3,< 7a,or 8803 CANARY; 8eo3 wHtTE; 9oo3 GREEN; 9103 tvoRy Bno-^- ? CKF# E-tu'"- ?.+.rx x aq s= AoX 1= vd F r="r 2q o-a r I7o. ?r 8o ?- as -(ta x 87o. a-r - vt -l ot^ t e5-a5 l( f s-t 9e-4,*,,.',^ fiAda-(abo,-o G-t '-g") lfflvo r lt X^'l= Eor+ +erl^, fian .L.l* lor.l 4.a-ry 16-s--- 86.rx tg-s = I ds loun I 2-7t /t lo-- 7-7Fx7-- 2.s Y l-);r = lq x eB 62r.s7 fsa.6l s;? -A Jr 2 7-, l1.af 6- 86 sba T.+.^ | 63etz rNsacrroN REouEsr fOWfrf OF VAIL 4 L'DATE READY FOR LOCATION: PECTION: 6 frneenoveo ,. ^ tr DrsAppRovEo \lhErNspEcroN REouTRED / ' /r; D ''\ . '''\ coRREcrloNgr:t r j U) PAo,t t',+a ( 1 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H, TUB n fft'*o,- A t>pirrro-,r d ut- 7-w,9 -\ Ur D L.L/C ELECTRIGAL: E TEMP. POWER \ilTilderness Consffuction Co. 160O Broadway B tO2 Deover, Colorado 8O2O2 ALBERT HOLLAND Plone 0fthq 801.1377 Home a!r-442o tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT D tr FINAL tr FINAL oere i+/ /7/ ?f rNSPEcroR rNseecr(Dru FrEouesf TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PIVI CALLER E orHen E pnnrrnl LocATroN R EADY F OR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM EN TS: AM PM COVER REO. RATING- SHEETROCK VENEEA - BOOF PARTIAL LOGATION, n nppRovED I orsAppRovED ! netNspEcr I uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS IN SPE CTO R lh. Prnl.ry Y. I DAT E '-\.,€, F3 I rNspecrlru FrEouEsT /L r,. -, o VAIL F N /. TOW DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER E orsen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrral LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR fi aeeBovED ! orsnppRovED fl uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECnoNS: CORRECTIONS fl netNsPEcr /1 .,t z'j rl,' f t .-I \ t'- tA'.+u^q INSPECTOR Itr P.|nLry va'l rNSo=.'lD* REBUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AIVI PM CALLER - ! orHen LI PARTIA L LOCATION R EADY FOR INSPECTION COMM E N TS: MON TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM I qppRovEo n DrsAppRovED ! netNSpEcr I uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR lh. pnnie.y 'a I OATE rNSr=.tlD* TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIM E JO8 NAIVIE RECEIVED AM PM CALLER flornen E pqnrraL LOCA TION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR TUE FRI AM PM MON COMM E N TS: I appRovED fl uporu rxE CORRECTIONS Ll DTSAPPROVED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR rNs"=.ti* FTEouEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAI\4E TIME RECEIVED AM PIVI CALLER n orHen ! pnnrrar- LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM E N TS: AM PIV] BUILDING FOOTING FOUNDATION FRAMING FINAL PARTIAL LOCATION: V€NEEB- BGOF PARTIAL LOCATION; STANDPIPE wDCs F INAL PARTIAL LOCATION: E nppnovED ! DrsAppRovED E nrtNSpEcr fl upott rHE FoLLowrNG coRBECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOFl lh.9nnl.rt va DATE rNs"=.llb* FTEouEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAIVIE TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER n orHen LJ PARTIAL LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM E NTS: AM PM ROUGH fJnppRovED !otsappRovED nnrtNspEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coBRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR lh.Pri.t.rY va DATE z o ru F z z F at, rl- F 2 f r! llJ tt z =l! UJ 8 z F z tr ul F B 2 z o l f, F z rlJ J uJ : ul C) t! E UJ 3 z E IJ,I F =F o uJ lJ- 6 UJ o- tt) uJ z E IJJ tt IJJ z F ul E z F co =(J UJ IE tn J z ql t! uJ Y E l4 z 9 F LIJ o IJJ z o F llJ ()z o o J s E E F ll. J dl F o tr F u- z F z z f t! ci z 2 J NOIIVN'IVA IJJ (! J Ml \- x ]( uJ IE o o E N l.- I o 9 c\ *l * F 6 ll, o o J a E z ! ) F J :o /3r \r YJO (r :*N =oz ,:9 z E Flr 9tt A> :z :< >(J Y = z o F A (J UJ o a cl gJ z tr : u- UJ l33rrH3UV .ff\ z >u -:E Eo o LU UJ z l 2 g I () F z UJ = F tu CE II : F N d a F ! ,E =ff -o lr oO =,2 =q l-- l o //p-v t FLIJMBTT\|G'/ MEeHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL NAME /(e , fh B r-,- n 7y'o's . f)'/ I c"" fa e "o /u t ADDREss U .' / C" /.--,{- rRAcroR 13'".,.? t Pg l+ 'puoue 9J7 €s'6a- i,1 OFBUILDING: tl d r'1 4- oF woRK: fl nrw DFAecsllsr,r E nenoooe, E nrpnln prroNoFwonr: edJ +"tt - L,--h'1 '+' {"f* F,J*f 'n.'1-"L"4, PLUMBING: NUMBEB a --t 'A MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION$ ,/AAA C-:V.ALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: rl {e PERMIT FEE ,/ - PEBMIT FEE B nennoveo DATE 9 A"R 7E TOTAL FE f3,-e rNsr=.1o,., DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED ,AM PM CALLER FTEOUEFT TOWN OF VAIL fl orHrn MON COMMENTS: FRI TUE fl pnnrrnl LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM D nppRovED I orsappRovED n nerNSPEcr ! uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR ruseectoru FIEOIJEST VAIL TOWN OF DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER n orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE f] pnnrrnl. LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E appRovED florsnppRovED n nerNsPEcr fl uporu THE FoLLowlNG coRRECrroNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNsr=.to* TOWN OF FIEOIJEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER florxen MON COMMENTS: FRI TUE E pnarrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM I nppRovED ! orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr n uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR o PLI ,AP PE o RMI CATION FOR BUILDING THE TC 'rN OF VAIL licant fill in this section I Building addre s s i Date of 1'oplication 5-2L-69 Narne Mr. Kelth Brown Pddress 370 HuuboLdt Avenue City Denver Tel. No. ?22-73LI Narne Fltzhugh Scott 646t. City__I1-1_lwagkee.r__!J 1s-. Tel. No. Narne Slgurd Bockne Address Box 2?2 City Breckenll!€g Tel. No,453-244I I Subdivision ( Circle correct classification) l. Type of construction I, II, III, IV, V Z. Occupancy grouD A, F, C, D, E, F, G, H, I,J BUiLDING ORM,A TION A ddition X A lteration Relarrs Type of occupancy home -A rea of Lot BUILDING DIMENSIONS , 0",.: Total floor area (sg ftlJ3l- No. of water closets ^)c-a; cf No. of Farnilied / ESTIMATED COST OF CONSTRUCTION' ( Mate rials & Labor) t _0) E B o F q do d,t o o0)rlQ $..r {h h (tor lJepartrne ,ztse only) FOUNDATIONS Bockne Construction, inc. Box 272 Brcckenridge Colo. 80421 Ph. 453-2441 :URE :n a.l r,t .d () E FRAMING FIN^ L ROUGH FIN,A L ROUGH FINA L ROUGH INSPECTION APPRO\ FINF L SIGIJRD ROCKNE BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado a story 4.eh; Pe rrnit Pe rrnis sion is hereby granted f".A- /*.^/ fo- i ddre s s In acco rdance with the C ornrnitte e, subject to Protective C ovenant s , provisions set forth by the Vail the rules and regulations as set and in cornpliance with the 1964 Group -l r chitectural Control Iorth in the Vail ViIlage Unif o rrn B uilding C ode . -E Type of C onstruction J. C ontracto -l pproved INSPECTICN RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION }.OUNDATIONS .\ PPROVI.L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNr'TURE FRI MINC bD d , g.]FINA L ROUGH a) 14 FIN,J L ROUGH UD ; E -l F,FINi L ROUGH d 0) E ol FIN/ L