HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 7 LOT 11B LEGAL.pdfgruther@valbpv,@m >>>'Arthur A. Abplanalp, Jr." <Art.Abplanalp@earthlink'net> George: Keith Samuels, MD Pct Office Box 148 VailCO 81658 Thank you, Art AbplanalP t2llgl2[O65:08 PM >>> Following up on our recent conversation, this e-mail relates to the fact tnattneri &ists a note in the Town's file relating to the above orooerty that a notice of any pending action relating to that property !t.[iO-U" tent to Bemard Samuels (l representauve of the Forest Road Trust. owner of tot 118) at Women's Hospital in Metarie LA' As I aJisUil: tne samueis tamilv was dispiaced by Hunicane Katrina' and ''t il;lli"t'ut.i cone-sponoenie sent to the address in the file would r"*tt'Ut" fttity. Please change that note on -the front of the ftle to request that any zuch notification go to the following adclresses: t t- ffi.J*3ryi# Ar.ot?^tu,*17':,ffi:r*Fpi.riii Qo^F^*:!f:L :l:::::::: o -tn" ffrySr)aY'|' bc a;lfo F E F rr r F 5 o x r- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: 224 FOREST RD VAIL 224 FOREST RD 210107115017 OhINER FOREST ROAD TRUST 205 MULBERRY METAIRIE tA 70005 RUSTY SPIKE EiliITERPRISES P.O. BOX 1s17 VAII,co 816s8 I-,icense:460-B RUSTY SPIKE EMTERPRISES P.O. BOX 1517 VAIIJ co 81658 l-,i-cense: 460-B APPI-,ICAI\TT COtflTRACTOR Description: SAI4UEI-,S REMODEIT-ENLARGE BEDROOM; REMOVE TO CREATE OFFICE; CHANGE OUT WTNDOW; NEW ADD DOOR TO EIALIJWAY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 09/22/2005 09/22/2006 Phone: 09/22/2006 Phone:97 0-47 6- 437 4 STAIRS; ADD FI,OOR TTLE IN SHOWER; Occupancy: R3 Type Construction: V B Sinele Familv Residence Valuation: $40,000.00 Revision Valuation:$0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: FEE SUMMARY ***{.r!)t,t*J.**tr(*:*r(:t*:*****<***:***i<dr**:1.*tr{<x*x**'rr'***r**x**:r{<*{<***'( Buildiry-------> Plan Check-* ) Inv estigation- > Will Call---- > $542.'75 RestuarantPlanReview--> $352.'79 RecreafionFee------------> $0.00 TorAL FEES-------- > $3.00 s0.00 Toal Calculated Fees-- > $0.00 Additional Fees---*--- > $898.54 Total Pemit Fee-.-:-- > Payments--------- > BALANCE DLTE------- > .(--:*-\1t q_clr \\, \5\\t ,.* . li\ ll r J \Jc9^\ \r( L\ci< l- . -- () NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 806-0296 Proiect # PRI06-0432 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : O9t22/200,6 lssued...: 1012612006 Exoires . ..: 0412412007 97 0-47 6- 437 4 $898.54 $0.00 $898.54 $898.54 $0.00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING 1,0/26/2006 Jwl Item: 05400 PLANNING L0/05/2006 eer See the DEPARTMEIiTT Action: AP DEPARTMENT Action: AP *:**x*****,****tlt{.:**{<*:t:t.**++*,(i(:*'*{<,F'l:f+*,.**{.{.:!:il{<*+xi.*,.{r*{.{<**'t,**:t{.*:f*'(*x**,l:t{.+,!:}*x**i(*:l+**i:'.********* Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, lrtd to builit this sulroture accordiug to the towns zoning and suMivision codes" design review approved, Internstional Building and Residential Codes and other ordilanser of the Town applisabletbereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPtsC'IION .SilALL xre' IyI]|DE nv.EffIY-rOUB, HOURS IN ADVANCE BY tELEmoNE AT {79'2149 On AT OUR OTIfICE FROM 8:llll A}II{ PM, {<************rr*****d(*)F**.*{.*r.**t<****************rr***d<*t {. * + * * * * * * * * 'k d( t( d( * {. ** * *****+*,F>F*,1.******* 'k***t<*{'***** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 806-0296 as of 10-26-2006 Status: ISSUED * ir ** ** * * * {< * {< ** t< *. t< *. * * + i< * * ** * {< * d( 4r * {. {< + * * *.*d.*d.+**********rr****.*d.*{.* * * * * * + * * **< * *,* *. )t 4. {< t< * * * * {' * * {< d< *' * * * * * * * * * 4' * i< 'J< Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: O9/22/2N6 Applicant: RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES Issued: l0l26l2ffi6 970-476-4374 To ExPire: 04124/2Nj Job Address: 224 FOREST RD VAIL Location: 224 FOREST RD ParcelNo: 210107115017 Description: SAMUELS REMODEL-ENLARGE BEDROOM; REMOVE STAIRS; ADD FLOOR TO CREATE OFFICE; CHANGE OUT WINDOW; NEW TILE IN SHOWER; ADD DOOR TO HALLWAY d<tc*.***+*** ******X.*{<**tr {<*{c*i.****{< ******4<t<+***ir*t *** COnditiOnS *{<**t *rF*t<* r(*****{<****<**+'r*{<***'l'***'k*'l"l****** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQLIRED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2OO3 IRC. + + + * + * * * * * * * ** * * * + + + * + * + * * * * * * + + * * * * * * *** * *'f * *:i * * ** !t'*:**:t*****+*+,i *** * * ** *!t:f *******'t*'****** ** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statemerf :r** * * *** * * *{i +*+ * * * * * ****** + + * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * **:}**+,},t++'}+****,*:td.*** * **** * * **** statement Number: R060001814 Amount: $898.54 LO/26/2006L1 :23 AM Payment Method: check 6626 Initr DDG Notation: Rusty spike Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: This Payment: BP 001000031111-00 PF 001000031r-23 00 wc 00100003112800 806-0296 2101-071-1501-7 224 FOREST RD VAII, 224 FOREST RD $898.s4 I:rpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUIL,D PERMIT Tota-l- Fees : Tot.al AIrL' Etnts: Bal-ance : $89e. s4 $898. s4 $0.00 *:t,t *'t *.t *'N(**:*:**** **'N.:f ****** {.'t( * *!N.*,t {. ******{.* {.*'N.{.:}*** {i {. * {.'N.1. *:t * {..t**t :i******** * t * {t + * +* * * ** * * *:**** ACCOTINT ITEM LIST: Account code DescriDtion Current Pmts BUII,DING PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES WILL CA]-,L INSPE TION FEE 542 .7 5 352 .7 9 3.00 -$u€",uwfle 7b LETE OR UNS Project #: Bu Permit #: TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc,t G- O{FA 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATIONS BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING: $ PLUMBING:$TOTAL: $ For Parcel # FOR OFFICE k srb* Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit PisK*L#a /D,crT I lTolrl o Job Name: Srq n L/'z ls Ktft alrl JobAddress: 'Z?+ f}ff# m Lesaf Description ll Lot: ll-flletocx: f Firinsl Ei t-(" ! :17,| ??dtriS8 n!.' n' ll f#'7 -E!:1"'R-Dtruo* i rg:F' €r1l?4f''4), rfli!'n;i! ll Phone: Fs z rxxl \rchitecUDesioner: /i ETaLA- rt n,**1Tf {-#'i"' / ]J.a //A/ / 'beci t 'non*fl/, '*sol Enginebr:Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work:-"- E;i;"i; Zil*.-n.,,,-- lern DrtE :#xir s ,4/fl H,,ne-6(ktd- t;/t^- WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodelld Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( )/' Work Type: Interiorff fxteriorf) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family{i Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Noffype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq L No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler Sysiem Exist: Yes ( ) No ( F:\cdev\FORMS\PermiE\Building\buildi ngJrermit. DOC Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name:'tn.t/J Project Address: This Checkli* must be ompleted before a Building Permit apoliation is accepfud, All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Plan Check Fee required at submittal for projects valued over $100,000.00 (see attached fee schedule) Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Work checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,oarkino or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulderc without written approval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(3 sets for remodels, 4 sets of plans for SFR and Duplex, 5 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown d tr o tr D T-l tr o o o o tr D D tr Applicant's Si gnature: Date of submittal: Received By: F:\cdev\FoRMS\Permits\Building\buildingjermit. DOC Page 2 of 16 021091700s ASBESTOS TESTTNG REQUIREMENTS THE TOWN OF VAIL AND STATE OF COLOMDO DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC HEALTH REQUiRE ASBESTOS TESTING ANY TIME WHEN MORE THAN 160 S.F. OF MATERI.AL WILL BE DISTURBED OR REMOVED. AN ASBESTos TESTAND REpoRTIS REeuIRED To BE suBMrrrEo wirn youR BUILDING pERMITAppucATIoN FOR ALL REMODEL, ADDMON OR OTHER PROJECTS INVOLVING ANY DEMOUTION OR REMOVAL OF BUITDING MATERTALS THAT MAY CONTAIN ASBESTOS. BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED AFTER OCTOBER 12, 1988 THAT HAVE NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERTALS ARE EffMPT. A COPY OFTHE REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMITAPPLICATION r I have included the asbestos test and report with my building permit application applicant signature OR date o I certifo my project will not disturb or remove more than 160 s.f. of building material. The construction plans submitted with my application clearly indicate this information. (This will be verified during plan review, and will delay your project if found to be inaccurate) applicant ggnature OR o The building was constructed after October 12, 1988. The date of construction was ori gi nal consfuction date apdicant signature F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Buildin g\building_lDermit. DOC Page 4 of 16 o4Bl200s KRM-o*=u.rANrs, rNc. P.O.Box4572 Vail, Colonado 41 658 [970] 949-9391 FAX 949-1577 TO: RECORD T&n l' Kathy Langenwalter ^ q( Eoa''-';;, kl Ot^llttl" DATE: 111612006 PROJECT: SamuelsRemodel JOB NUMBER: 0611-04 trnrl a) MEETTNG ^TOIES f-l Respo,se X ctanncanoMcHANeE We were notified of the intent to remove a bearing wall between the bedroom & hallway on the lower level. I have reviewed the two beam options on sheet "1" of the architectural drawings consisting of (2)-1 314 x 11 718 LVL's or (3)-1 314 x I 112 LVL's. Either one of these beam options appears to be adequate to support the anticpated design loads. Please call with any questions. KRM Consultants, Inc. COPYTO: TOWN Op Verr- 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E06-0232 Job Address: 224 FOREST RD VAIL Location.....: 224 FOREST RD Parcel No...: 2lOlO7ll5017 ProjectNo : ',-, 1757)G - b,l3| FOREST ROAD TRUST L0/3L/2006 205 MUIJBERRY METATRIE LA 70005 APPITICANT DOUBI-,E Q EITECTRTC -J.O/37/2006 phone: 970-748-9780 P.O. BOX 242 EDWARDS co 4L632 I-,icense: 190-E CONTRACTOR DOIIBITE Q EI-,ECTRIC 10/3t/2006 Phone: 970-748-9780 P. O. BOX 242 EDWARDS co 4L632 I-,icense: 190-E Desciption: MOVE AND ADD LIGHTS AND DEVICES IN BEDROOM AND OFFICE Valuation: $0.00 Square feet: 23OO FEE SUMMARY ****r<****:f *{.*+******************** BoG a lqQ Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 1013112006 Issued..: 1013112006 Expires . .: 04129120W OIIINER Electrical------ > DRB Fee-----> Investigarion-- > Will Call-----> TOTAL FEES--> $100.0s $0.00 $0.00 $3.00 $103.05 $103.05 s0 - 00 $103.05 9103.0s so. oo Total Calculated Fees-- > Additional Fees---------- > Total Permit Fee--*: > Payments--------*--.-- > BALANCE DUE....---. > Approvals: Item: 06000 EIJECTRICAL DEPARTMENT L0/3L/2006 shahn Action: Ap Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{IT Cond: L2 (BLDG. ) : FIELD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL INSPECT]ONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fuIl the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNA OF OWNER OR CO CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET LAl3Al.2zA6 16:13 978-749-97A4 mwwr/i[, DOUBLE O ELECTRIC PAGE 82 ApruGArror{ wu,r xor EE AGCEPTED tF rrrcoHplErE oR uilslcr{ftlJs 6_ 0 v 5a Proj€ct *s \ l- Got=- tz3' ru;E,ffi"s< 970.{79-2L9 (r 75 S. Fmntrge Rd- Vall, Gdondo 81657 CONTRACTOR ITIFIOR,I'IATIOII Addrcs: cOltPtETE SQ. FEET FOR tlEW BUILDS and VALUATIOilS FOR ALL OTHERS (labor i llaErbls) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRTJCTURE:ELECTRICAT VAIIJATIO{: I oa llgsg,ts ofile at u Parcel # too*"t"'?a, Fats> tto A Job Address:--- z-t.t For?er .oD Legal Deription I toB I Eloctc I Filing:SubdMclonl lddffi"#.s fl#'*L-s Phone: Engineer:Mdress;Phonel Dehiled descrlptbn of rrcrk: . /vtor.€ +- s,l 0 ttuflF-$' *gurs, r9^t oFF/ae) Work0ass: New( ) Addltion( ) Remodel${ Repalr( ) TempPower( )_ Ohert I WorkType; Intenbr (z| Extedor ( ) Bour ( )Does an EHU crdst at thb locatbn: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof 81d9.: Singlefrmily(X Duptex( ) Multi-family( ) commetcial ( ) Resbunnt( ) Othci( ) No. of Exlsting Dudling Units in this bulldlng: /No. of Acconrnrodatlon Unlts tn U'tis Ounuing: / Is this permit for a hot Ub: Yes ( ) No ( ra Does a Flre Alarm Erisb Yes (;I. No ( )@*iqt: Yes() No() USE Ot{LYa t+t +}r I t t rt arrt}}r *t ttrt* rl'r'.1*i"' r \\Vri Mro\cdli,\FORMSPERM ffi\ELECPERM. mC 07n6t2002 1.6: L3 974-748-9786 DOUBLE G ELECTRIC PAGE B].LAl3A/2446 $EEE -l;-ITIT rogxttta lulL QUL (Bnrc) Qucrrnberry tTGZ{8-9780 P.O.W,712 Hrmrdr.Colorado I|632 Fax F"t y"q - Zy; L-L !., 2-,1 tCa re4, lLD GGr Elec+*t<t t- f2lzt++/I_ Afy'Llc.ot+te e E Urgcnt El fnese Acpry ffi?-" ncvlew ffiGomment * 'fi * + * * * * * + * + {. + * +* * * + *'fi {. +{. + * * + + + + t +*:} + * **r}'}+*r}* * + **** * ** *{.***+***:t********** *** * **,}*'}* ** ++*** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * {. ** * * * + + * * + + + + * * + * + * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * *'}t}'},}**+!t*.!t:}+*t+* ***,}**,t:t*'F+**'}'i Statement Number: R050001851 Amount: $tot.05 lO/3I/2O0601:42 PM Pa)ment Method: check Init: DDG Notation: #!4299 Permit No: EO6-O232 Type: ELECTRICAL, PERMIT Parcel No: 2101- 0 71- 15 01- 7 Site Address: 224 FOREST RD VAIL, Location: 224 FOREST RD Totaf Fees: This Payment:$r-03.0s Total AJ,L Pmts : Balance: Description $1-03 .0s $103 .0s $0.00 ** * * + + + * * * +*+* ** * ++* *+*f** * + * * * * * * * * * * * + * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * + + * + + f* ** * * * * ** * *,F*+**,t*,t***'i**+**t* + ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts EP 0 010 0 0 0311110 0 !'IC 00100003112800 EI,ECTRICAI, PERMIT FEES WILL CAI.,L INSPECTION FEE 100.05 5 . UU t' lJ.,ta-zooo Inspec$on,FedluFs.! &Porting eage ze Requested Inspect Date: Thursday, November 09, 2006 ' Insoeition Area: JRM Site Address: 224 FOREST RD VAIL 224 FOREST RD A/P/D lnformation Requested Inspection(s) QQ 1 _PW:TCmp.access/drainage 30 BLDG-Frainino 50 BLDG-lnsulati6n 60 BlDG-Sheetrock Nail 70 BLDG-Misc. 533 PLAN-TEMP. C/O 534 PLAN - FINAL C/O 90 BLDG-Final Item: 30 BLDG-Framinq Reouestor: RUSTY SPIKE ENT Assiohed To: JMONDRAGOI',* Action: lnspection Historv Requested Time: 01 :00 PM - Phone: 376-0285 Entered Bv: DGOLDEN K ERPRISES Time Exp: A inD [\o .^e '' Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item .( +-"- lV S M ", c{,,-t' L" il€' I , t --4 lJ N)t /ov/u - ' f ,, f "' 'l-'l (> ) LV c's ?u ,q-?'-,L ,/n <' f-,<t--10 <'tt r\r I N L/' w u" l[' +tr ,l n l, \q--6 r,t I \+-P" 1fllle"tl l,-- ,.- ^ / \ H-Dru lu-"- ) REPT131 Run Id: 5958 lzr-l1#0o lnspectlon,Fedlu?s.l n:porfing ease sz Reouested InsDect Date: Fridav December 15. 2006 ' Inspeciion Area: JRM Site Address: 224 FOREST RD VAIL 224 FOREST RD A/P/D Information Comment: aporoved Comment: ROUTED Requested lnspection(s) Insoec-tion Historv Item: !Ql _P!V;T-emp.access/drainage**Item: 30 BLDG-Frainino Item: 50 BlDc-lnsulation Item: 60 BlDG-Sheetrock Nail 11129106 Inspector: Comment:Item: 70 BLDG-Misc.Item: 533 PLAN-TEMP. C/O Item: 534 PLAN - FINAL C/O Item: 90 BLDG-Final Item: 90 BLDG-Final Requestor: RUSry SPIKE ENTERPRISES Coniments: lock box 1947. will call Mike 390-6155 Assiqned To: GDENCKLA - Action: Time Exp: A-BUTLD s"o tgffi: $sJR Status: ISSUED Insp Area: JRM Requested Time: 01 :00 PM ' Phone: 390-6155 Entered By: DGOLDEN K ' Action: COND APPROVED/CONDITIONS EW LVL PER STAMPED STRUCTURAL LETTER FROM ENGINEER. lICAL ROUGH. ** Approved ""shahn Action: AP APPROVED a I ,/IU l' lvw /i 1\ nff--'--\, 0,y r REPT131 Run Id. 6L28 oard ACTIOil foRlrl Department of Cotnmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado *1857 t€l: 970.479.2139 fax. 970,479.2452 web: www.vailgov.rorn I Design Review B Project Name: Proje€t Description: SAMUELS WINDOW DRB Number: DRB060456 Remove existing glass windows, replace with bronze clad windows.New light fixtures to match existing at porch area; all to match existing. Participants: OWNER FORESTROADTRUST 205 MULBERRY METAIRIE LA 70005 0912212006 APPUCANT RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES 0912212006 Phone: 97Q-4764374 P.O. BOX 1517 VAIL co 81658 License: 460-B CONTMCTOR RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES Ogl22l2015 Phone: 970-476-4374 P.O. BOX 1517 VAIL co 81658 License: 460-8 Project Addressr 224 FOREST RD VAIL Location: 224 FOREST RD Legal Description: Lot: 11-B Block 7 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 ParcelNumber: 2101-071-1501-7 Comments: all new wndws/lts to match existing Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 09127 l2OQ6 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' Cond: 202 Approval orr? proiea shall lapse and become uoiA on"Cyuar following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. C.ond: CON0008478 New windows and light to match existing. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 fMinor Exterior Alteratif s Application for Design Review $6s0 $300 $2s0 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L28 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.mm General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departnrent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and constructlon commences within one year of the approval. 7/ ft{' "d u, lN u44 /<-Lt 6) (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) \1/ Zoning: Name(s)orowner(s): ET tt, i=t,' ,t, t :, 'rr% Physical Address: nitiv,aa,""', /5!, //47,_ K!k{({,{W O Owner(s) Siqnature(s): ,4//.r4/irtal4trr.7 'r"- .r Aze c.z<+++-4 .^ NameorAppti- r, ,62ilr70',(Aoti* frrr6./:,'t,tk*t /, $ ,"Urnn OOOr.tt t s^r, 6\ Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review D New Construction tr Addition n Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such a1 re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping. fences and re'.-aining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee tr tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request PROPOSED MATERIAIS Type of Material Color Buildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows -r- Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip, F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Plannin g\drb_minor_alL1 1-23-2005.d0c ru2312005 Page 6 of 13 'rO o i-*; :- 1'.. r-; ij 4". i-{1\r\I-\ I f' ,c Dl, .+\l \\. I ,\\\ | N -\ i. .t\^+{l . ^\i N ',rr \'\ lli \-. rl :--)l .i (' ( r-' !i i ,-.,-r_ 1I I' t) :(J , ct- .'l,.' --i-l$i*" "r r .l 'I 'nF I .t r,-*Jf q F. I $, .''t.jH ., : ' =.{ui ..,qi .,. A \ \-' -.-- ;-. ,: c-*: t_ i$ft -- TI fll J-- th t. ;. .-:_ . rrt i ,+. o rDru ! .,,i.s qi:4a2.!rd+ffitt-.4!a- i . i.t !dR { ," n- ,i il ,I ! : '') Sx i. t "'J. i'r H H ffi .;l J ::.1: s'. -r,q1.r i 1 .T .., -.1 * *+*t** * * ++ * * * * * * * * + + * + + * * * * * * * + * * * ***+****:t+**'l*{.,1.*****+* + + +** ************:t:}****'}*:}**'t*+*** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * * * * * * * + + +{.*** ++*+***+**+++ **+* * ++ + * * ****+******:*!t***{.***{.*** + * * * * * + * +* +****+*******+****+** statemerrt Number: RO6oool-519 Amounts: $20.00 09/22/200601 :41 PM Payment Method: Check SPIKE Init: iIS Notsation: 23 541/RUSTY Permi t No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: Thia Pa].menu r DRBo604 55 T14)e: DRB-Minor A1t, SFR/DUP 2101-071-L501-7 224 FOREST RD VAII, 224 FOREST RD $20.00 Total Fees: TOtAl ALIJ PMTS: Balance : $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 ****,t*:l:*******++**************+*+rt****+*****1.+********************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deecription Current Pmts DR 001000033.1-2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 TOi,fNffi Project Name: Sarnuels addition Project Description: OWNER FOREST ROADTRUST 205 MULBERRY METAIRIE LA 70005 License: APPLICANT FOREST ROAD TRUST 205 MULBERRY METAIRIE LA 70005 License: 224 FOREST RD VAIL Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 Iel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us DRB Number: DRB03048B 10/28/2003 Phone: Location: 224 FOREST ROAD Addition of a third level bedroom/bath over original structure (+692.08 square feet onto existing 2048.6 square feet) 10/28/2003 Phone: Pafticipants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Lot: 11-B Block: 7 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE RLING 1 2ror07rl50r7 See conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 11/19/2003 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0006239 All finishes to match existing in color and style EnIry: 1111912003 By: ee Action: AP Cond: CON0006240 Limits of Disturbance fence must be in place prior to start of construction Entry: 1111912003 By: ee Action: AP Planner: ElisabethEckel DRB Fee Paid: $30O.0O T0frrN Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te* 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department' The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planninq and Environmental Commission' Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Requesti Locationof theProposal: Lot:LL -Bbck: 7 suudivision: Va-il Vitrla4e :Fi'r<f Physical Address: Parcef No.: ffil] tcontuae?ril Zoning: Y'trrywfV f aer'ry"rln *tllt Name(s)of owner(s)r Y=-e;flt 4'- "-L<-, Fore* Pe-'lT'r,'* Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: E-mail Address: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee S550 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Desion Review Board. tr F ! Type of Review and Fee: ! Signs U Conceotual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (sin gle-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Mailing Address: Mailing Address: For Office Use Onlyr Fee Paid: DRB No.: -Dqsg a architects,peel/angenwalter l.l.c. david mark peel, a.i.a. kathy langenwalter. a.i.a. 2588 arosa drive p.o. box 12o2 vail, co 81658 970-476-4506 97O-476-4572 iax SAMUELS ADDIT]ON 224 Forest Road Lot 11-B, Secondary Unit Vail Village First Filing Town of Vail, Colorado SITE AREAl. 22,261.30 square feet ALLOWABLEGRFA: 22,661.30 -15,000.00 x 7,261.30 X Total Lot 11 Secondary Unit DESIGN REVIEW SUBMITTAL 10-27-03 Revised 11-17-03 .25 = 3750.00 .10 = 736.13 4476.13 x .40 1790.45 + 425.00 + 250.00 SECONDARY UNIT ALLOWABLE GRFA 2465.45 square feet square feet square feet GRFA CALCULATIONS: Lower LevelGRFA Main LevelGRFA Upper LevelGRFA Loft Wall GRFA TOTAL LOT 118 GRFA 681.92 1058.35 692.08 + 5.05 2437.40 square feet -'l 4 2E-----> ls(2'v- ;*{ vl "w a.-----t-- )r SITE COVERAGE CALCULATIONS: Lot 11-A 2514.40 Lot 11-B +1264.69 TOTAL SITE COVERAGE 3779.09 square feet = 16.9% -^ !"''v-Gs-e?'1tr'o' FR'M "n*#:rrffi"JJ";;"Jrt"-:;;r^* pAcE z ALTA COMMITMEN? SCHEDUIJE A our order # vl?278 For fnformaE,ien Onlv LOT 11.8, A RESUB or r,or. t1 BK ?VAIL VILLAGE IST - Charges - ALTA Owner policy PRELIMINA*: I'is*T" - 3I3i 33 *'* THJS Is I9I-1N rNvorcE, BuT lrN ESTTMATE oF FEES. 'HEN RE!-ERRTNG TO TI{rs 'RDER, pr/EASE igpenaNcg oun oeogR No. v1?278 *t* '^ I I r. Erf ecrive Dare, ,orl'!J,lk aE 5: 00 F.r.!. 2, Policy to be jssued, and proposed Insured: ,,ALTA'| Owner' s policy 10- 17_ g? Froposad fnsured: T8D 3. The estaEe 6r interesr in the rand. degcrlhed i7r referrad, to in this Commitment and covered herein is r A FBe Simple 4 ' Titre to .he es.ate or interest cov€red herein i6 at t,he effeceive date hereof vesEed in: BIinABD-sAl4tBrs*@ T,,B' gf RDATI T,.gq,a 5. the larnd refcrred Eo in Ehie cornmitmenE 1s described as follows: IJor 118, A p'EsuBDrvr.qtroN oF lror_11, B[.,oc:K ?, vArL vrLi.AGE FrRsT FrrrNG, ACCORDTNG To rHE plai-nsconnso Jtruv'rz, 19?9 rN 80(]K 1-:: * prrcE r.00, couvry op sasii. -lTeis-oF'c6ionaoo PAGE i NOV-OE-E7 rO-Ol FR.H, LA,I ILE GUARANTEE ALTA COMMI VAIL ID: T!.tENt 4534 FACE SCI{EDULE B- I {Requiremenr6 )Our Order # VL7Z76 The following are E,he reguirements 1. PaymenE Eo or for the account the luII eonsideration for t_he rn8ured. to be cotplied wlth: of the grantors or tr.ortgagors escate or inEereet co Ee of 2. Proper lnsE.rument(s) creacing_the esEaEe or inr,eresr to be insured muBr be execuEed and-duly friea-t.i iecoru, Eo-wir.: THrs co!'tMrtllEMr rs FoR TNFoRMATToN oNLy, N,lD No polrcy r{iIJL BE rssugD PURSUAIIT HERETO. t-= NOTE: EFFECTI-'E_SE'TEMBER 1, Lgg7, CRS 3O-10_40G REQUIRES THAT ALL DOCUMENTS RECEIVED FOR RECORDiWC_Oi-TiIING IN THE CLERK AI{D RECORDER'S OFFICE SHALIJ CONTAIN A T'O; MARGIN OF AT LEAS? ONE INCI{ $_'D 1 !EFT, RIGITI AI{D BOTTOM PrAiCri,I OF AT LEAST oNE-r{Ar.,F oF A}r rrcn. ris cr,enx narp-iia-cdiDER r,!Ay REFUSE TO RECORD OR FILE AI\rY DOCIJI{Ur€ NrAt'-OOi3 rVOr CONFORM,EXCEPT TIIAT, THB REQUIREMENT FOR THE rON UMCii SgIr,r MOt APPIJY TO DOCUI4ENTS USING FORMS ON WIIICH SPAdA-iS PROVIDED FOR RECORDING OR FIIJING INFORMATIOH Ai rii- i6P-UANETH OF THE DOCIJMENT. PAGE NCJV_Eb_97 l8ttt I FRrrr{, LAt'rrLE G,ARANTEE vAtL ID. Oor" a'-". AL?A COMMITMENT PAGE 4 SCHEDULE 8.2 ( Exceptions )Our Order # VL7Z71 ?he poricv or Dolicies E.o be iss'ed, wilr cont,ain excepcrons Ea the following-unle-ss cne ="r" ii"-ii"pos€d of t,o th; sairsfaccio* of the Company: 1, Standard ExcepLiol)s I Ehrough 5 printed on the cover sheet,. 5. Taxea and aesesEm:r,rts no!-y:e! due cr payable anil special asseagments not, yeE certif-ied co ene triasui.",e o!fice. 7 ' Any unpaid Eaxes or a€Fes'menLs against said rand. 8. Liens for unpald waeer and sewer chargeF, if any. 9. RICITT OF PROPRIETCR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT A}ID REMOVE HIS ORE TI{EREFROM sHourJD TitB SAME ee rourp ?o PENEiRATE oR TNTERs}:cT THE pREMrsEs ffi Ii#T[? t" uNrrED srArEs PATENT REcoRDit's€prember orl-is2:, rN BooK e: 10. RIGHT OI' WAY FOR DTTCHES OR CA.ITALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AT'THORITY OF ?HE yHr'rf;'l5oi ti lF'glH"rrN uNrrED sraiii-pereNr Rccoi6fi-;;;rember c4, 1T. RESTRICTIVE COVBNA$TS WHICH DO NO? CONTAIN A FORFSIIIJRE OR REVERTER CI^AUSE,BU? OMI'TINCI RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, SESiD OrI NACN, COLOR, RELTGIQN, OR gffil.I+l l$tgig' l.irlo"roilirD ru rusrnu'rnr.rr ilcoHueo ils*"c-i;, ie62. rN 12. UTIIJITY EASEMENT FIVE FEE? IN WID?H ALOI{C TI{E SOUIHERTY IJOT LINE OF SUB\T8CT [l!f95|$rN!.$"?Hil*3ilrl"t REcoRDED pr,ai-oi vair, vrlr.ecn riiir-Frrruc AsD---- 13' TERMg' CollDrrroNs AnlD PROvTSTONs_cF_qovENAlrTs, coltDrTroNs. RESTRlcrroNs Ar{D EASEMENTPS RECORDED AuguEr, oa, rgzg rll sodiiiSs ar pacs Egg. ].{. EASEMEI\TTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRIETIONS AS SHOI{N CR RESEF.VED ON THE F:i?fi|:" pLrr FoR A REsrrBDrvrsrou oF-ioi ii,-ir,oex r, vArr, vrLLAcE FTRsr 15 . EXISTING IEASES AND TENA}.ICIES. tt' Iftftl*"gffiitlfl.offiofilo;l::o*" oF EAsEMElrr AGREEMET.TT RBcoRDED Aprir 2?, 17' A DEED oF TRUsr-D-lrED May 19, t9B3 FRoM BERNARD sAriruErJs AlrD JEANNTNE SAMUELS TO THE PUBI.,IC rNilSiEE Or' UAEr,i-'COd,Fr'-rOR ?HE USE OF DUARD LAIIRENCE' M'D" TRugrEE or rnn-e.P.M.a.-piiiiiow TRUsT ro sEcuRE THE s.rM oF 9205,000.00, AND Atry ornri lr.iirnrrs paia.aiE-'ffiER TllE rBRMs THEREoF,RECORDED tnay 26, 1993, nr nrtoi ssO Af--nAA; ;;;. PA€E ,r' O"ra 4s34 NT (ExcepEions)Our Order # Vi.?2'ig March 20, 19gE BERNARD TRUSTEE OF EAGI{.F-COTNT" FOi TO SECU.RE THE oP $1ss.000 THE TERMS_PHFREOF, RECORDED IJ WAS ASSI IN AgsIgN x9 DEED oF TRUsr FRoM BEnNARD sA{gE!!-.-gd-tseANNiNE sAMuELs To THE prrBrJrc TRIJ'?EE oF EAGTJS coUNTY FoR rHE-ie--G ;6fud";inc*As' TRU'T FoR THE EMPLOYEES oF BERNAR.D $AI4UELS, rq.n. (N,uc) ro-sr:cvnp THE slJM otr $s0, ooo.0o,REcoRDED Decernb€r 12, 7991: iu' sooS Fti''.ti*eiii eo . ' rtlVt ^y'r'/- HOv-O5-Sl7 rO'El2 FROM, 18. A DEED OF TRUST DATED SAIIIUEI]g TO THE PUBLIC MORXICIAGE CORPOR.ATION AI4OTJ}TTS PAYABLE T'IITDER 439 AT PAGE 21?, SAID DSED OF TRUST FORT WORTH, TEXAS PAGE 2I8. tJ'rrLE G,ARANTEE vAI L AtTA COMMITME SCHSDULE 8.2 SAMUELS AND .'EA}NINE THE USE OF FIRST HESTERI ,CO, AI\ID ANY CTHER April 02, 19A6, IN BOOK COIJONIAL SAVINGS RECORDED April 26, SAID DEED OF TRI}ST LOAN ASSOEIATION IN 468.ASSIGNMENT RBCORDED JuIy DK4d cf^.Tn.uct f t r)oioco L.lolqu & LOAN ASSOCIATION,L985, IN Bootr 439 AT CHARTER FEDERAL SAVINGS AND 21,, 1985, rN BOOK 445 AT pAcE PAGE '" 'nir'"i-os-'".t ..'z'"i',t*iib"u;'il""f.""T'uT';;; fp;'" "".": M p A *;'"' " DISCLOSURE STATEIIENt Requlred by SenaE€ Bllt 9t_14 A) ;*.:*l:cr reEl properry may be locared in a special raxins 8) A certificate o!-Taxes Due lietlng each caxing jurisdiction Tll"::,::li'lilnflil,!r:"*""tv rieil;;";-;;"En6 -c.",iv- -".. c) The informari?r,leggd.iny epecial disEricrs ancr Ehe bou.dariee of Euch disrricre may ue-ou[iinco i;d-;h;-el;"a or counry ;lg:::i:ners, rrre C'ouniy-ci;;k-;d-;;;;;;"if-o, Ehe counry Required by Senare BiLl 92_L43 A) A cert'ificate.o!-Taxes Due risting_cach Eaxing Jurlsdlction shall be obEarned from En. E6""iv-ri"iliurli.oi .n" counr,y Treasurer,e authorizea agenil l5tl0-1,3-08 44 | 14 PAGE = 06 +******,!*******d.* **+****+**********:t*** ***+*,r******'i**+*********+*****+*****'********+*+***** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 10-28-2003 at 07:48:55 10/2812003 Statement *** +*****+*'!****.1,f * + * ** * * *,r* * +:1. * * * * * * * * * * * 1.*t*:t * * !t * + * * * *,i * * * {..} * * * {' {' * '} * * {t:l"t '} + 'i:t * * * *:l' ** +:f 1'***** Statement Number: R03OOO5O20 ;qnount: $3O0.OO lO/28/200307:48 AM Payment Method: Check hit: DF Notsation: #103 85 Permit No: DRBO3O488 Tl4)e: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parce1 No: 21OLO71L5OL7 Site Address: 224 FOREST RD VAIL L,ocation: 224 FOREST ROAD Total Fees: $300 ' 00 This Payment: $300.00 Total AIrL, Pmts: $300'00 Balance: 50.00 ********:t :t ****r.'* ***:N.*+**'t*. **{.* ******'t*+r}{.**********:t**+++ **'t****'t+******++****{.{'+*****'}+:lt*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curnenl Pmts DR OO1OOOO3i122OO DESIGN REVIEI,\/ FEES 300 .00 Dep ar tment of C o mmun ity D ev e I opment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us November 17,2003 Ms. Kathy Langenwalter Peel/Langenwalter Architects PO Box 1202 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Samuels residence addition 224 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Kathy, Thank you for submifting an application for design review of an addition at the above address. Following is a summary of the information needed prior to a final review of the application by the Design Review Board: 1) A current topographical survey that accurately reflects the existing conditions on the site; 2) A site plan that indicates the location of limits of dlsturbance fencing, any existing and propo-sed easements, and the location of all required parking spaces. Please note that the proposed addition raises the gross residential floor area to more than 2,000 square feet, requiring at least 3 parking spaces for Lot 11-B (Section 12-10-10-8, Title 12, Vail Town Code); 3) Calculations of the gross residential floor area for Lot 'l 1 -A, which will be used to calculate remaining GRFA for Lot 11-B; 4) Revised calculations of the GRFA for Lot 11-B which include "the total square footage of all levels of a building as measured at the inside face of the exterior walls.. . including stairwells at each level" (Section 12-1*3-A,Title 12, Vail Town Code). Please notethatthe calculations on the submitted plans neglected to include all levels of the main stairwell as well as the interior wall at the second level area and loft overlooking the main floor; 5) A lighting plan indicating the items specified on the design review application. I will be able to schedule this application for a final review at the next Design Review Board hearing on Wednesdav, November 1gtn, 2003, if the above iiems are submitted to me prior to spm on Tuesday, Novmber 1gth. lf I have not received the items by then, I will place the application on the agenda of the following Design Review Board hearing, Wednesday, December 3'", 2003. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have further questions or concerns. Best Regards,..- - L- L ._/-( ( r{'Sc /t, . 1 Efisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 p 970.479.2452 f {g run"tuo rort, / t zoltr-cltEeK tt / /ouc: U /L?/O3 Lcgaldcscriprionrto,@ \/A1L Addrcss Oqncr Arch itcct Zonc disrict Lot siz-c Landscaping Rctaining Wall Hcights Parljng Cangc Crcdit Drivcrvay Conrplics Mth TOV Ligtrting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (50%) Enr"i ronm cn tal,4{azards Prcvious condirions of approval (chcck propcrty filc); Phonc Phonc Proposcd Total Rcmaining /b* hoposcd usc sccondary crlF^ l14o+Ortl@=.fut5_ ?r " ' + 6'15= 425 crcdit plus 250 addirio :4,12 &a rd Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? Horv much of thc allorvcd 2j0 Addition is uscd wirh tlris rcqucst? rorar .RFA,t41L . V^-ff^- W Prinrary cnrsfuCb n o,zs@=;fuL&O_ 5A6 \ Sitc Cor.cragc Hcigbt Sctbacks Front ', 20' / Sidcs .15, 16 Rcar l S' lb ,l I | /l ivfinimum - N/tr -_.7- 3'/6' N i, r>^^..:--r 4 a Kequrr_,rc0___\z_-__?__ _Encloscd /VZi//"7 ayrzaun Z ' (3o0) (d00) (900) (tzo-01-z/'>6, tun ara/uzz';4 '--' / e Pcrmittcd Slopc =--0/o proposcd Slopc ....-9zo Ycs Nq Ycs-...-.-- No I ) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlan 4) Watcr Course Setback (30) (50) 5) Ccologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rockt'all bv€ raP- n-k 4+oz 3n4 -= 3gr1 lte.z (30x33) Is thc propcrty n on-con forming? Dcscribc: c) Dcbris Florv - ..t', IOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8A657 970-479-21-38 n\ .i: lt " lS InvesE].gaClOn> t'li1l call----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPME}TI {) ON .fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E9B-0140 t L\ I NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT .Iob Address: 224 FOREST RD Location. . .: 224 FOREST RD Parcel No.. : 2101-07L-a5-AL1 Project No. : PR,J98-01-55 Status...: ISSUED Applied. .: 06/L9/L998 f ssueur. . : -:,'a5f a996 E)<pires. . : O5/1-3/1999 6, 8oo . oo FEE STJMMARY Electsiical---> L25.o9 DRB Pee -0O ,00 3.00 TOTAL FEES --> 129.00 Item: 06000 ELECTRICAI-, DEPARTMENT _p-ept: BUILDING Diwis.-r-urr: oe7;s/1496-,rRM---- - aEtion: APPR ApPRovED 'lRlvl-.ii6mr'oseoo-FfnE DEPARTMENT Dept: FrRE r'rvrsr-orr: o6l2i/1996 ,rrua Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS r hereby acknoli,Iedge thab I hawe read tshiE applicacion, filled oui in full the inforBration requireC, completsea an accurate plot pIan, and slate chat. aIl the information plowided as required ie correcE. r agree tso comply wich t'he informaLion and Flot plan' to comply with aL] Tovrn ordinances and etate lar,,s, and to buird t.his structure according Eo the TowD'e zoni'ng and subdivision coaes, design review approved, uniforn Building code and olher oldinances of the Town aPplicable thefeto' fFT.P1rCNE AT 4?9.21f9 O? AT OUR OFFICE FROM E:OO AM 5:OO PM <(r Y.rt OIVNER J ."*OREST ROAD TRUST 205 MIILBERRY, METAIR]E LA 7OOO5 CONTRACTOR DOUBLE DIAMOND SERVICES P. o. Box 1-452, EDWARDS, CO 8L632 APPLICAI T VENTRES CONSTUCTION Description: DTNING ROOM ADDTTToN Phone: 970-926-6202 Valuation: Total CalcuLated Fees---> 129-oo Additsional Fees------- -- > .oo T.::.- :e:TriL Eee--------> 129.oo Pa)mente---_--- BAI,ANCE DUE.--- .OO OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AIID OV{NER I TOWN OF VAII,, COI,ORADO SEaEemnL sEatennE Numb€?: REc-0485 Amouns: L29'oo 12/L5/9e aot53 Payment Method: cK NoEaEion: ?946 Inii: itN Pelrlits No; E98-0140 T\|I)€: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIII Parcel No: 2101-071-15-01? sitse Addr666: 224 FORE€T RD rrocacion: 224 FOREST RD ToEal 86es: 129 ' O0 129.00 ToEal AtL PnqE: L29'oo This Pa!4nent AccounE coale Desc!ipEion AmounE EP OO1OOOO31114OO EIJECTRICAIJ PERMIT FSES 125'OO ?lc o010ooo3112g0o WIIJIT CAIJL INSPECITON FEE 3'o0 ' -; c : :-L- = c ; =.t t' .Tl;.rr;;::;'j* rt*i o" vArL coNsrRucrrp f;ri-'"iJoll ?',5fiiy"r, -,t-",, -pin'trr ApprrqArroN F.RM F nirii- Tlii /if. [ ]-Bui1din9, [ ]-ptumbins t l-E}ectrical I Job Name, tta^-,t/s Job Ad.dress: DTDI!T'r. JI --'- ^, APPLICATIoN MUST BE FILLED oUT CoMPLETELY oR fT MAy NoT BE AccEpTED Y****************************** pElwrr TNF.RMATT.N :r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * ,rl []J-Mechani-cat I J-other Legal Description: Lot_ Block_ Filirg@ owners Nane: flretL lnJ 7"uri Address , 2ur5 //r/Lw -rilrh;,; Number and TvDe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances v /T* * *'t * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * rr * * * ** * VALUATIONS ELECTRTCAL: $ UECHANICAL: $ ***r* CoNTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Address: Architect: Add.ress: General Description: Work Class:- [ ]-New [X]-Alteration Number of Dwel-ling Units , I Contractor: BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MEC}IANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: Ph. [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Reg. NO. Hechani.cal Contract ,11 Town of VaiJ. Reg. No. By-n Address:Phone Number: k2.1-Si-r?-********************************FOR OFFICE USE ************rr****************** BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK 3EE:. MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE:RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPoSIT! TOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATORE: BUILDTNG: $ PLUMBTNG: $----tit-t7 &f * ** * * * ****tr* * rr* *******t teneral contractor: I Nu&ber of Accomnrodation Units z I Gas I,ogs_ Wood/pellet *rt******************************* OTHER: $ !t****** * * * ***** *tr* **tr** **** Town of Vail Recr. No. Ph one Nurnber: fi6_oJ&r-t -Town of Vail Phone Nunrber: /ff,lk" or Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. VALUATION DEPOSIT _l Design Review Action Form TOWI\I OF VAIL Project Name: Samuels Residence Project Description. Replace stucco with stone veneer to match existing moss rock Owner, Address, and Phone. Keith Samuels, Forest Road Trust C/0 Bernhard Samuels 5624 Evelyn Court New Orleans.LA70l24 504-885-6000 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Kathy Langenwalter PeeULan genwalter Architects PO Box 1065 Vail, CO 81658 970-476-4506 Project Street Address: 224 Forest Road Legal Description. Lot 118, Block 7o Vail Village I't Parcel Number: 210107115071 Comments: Buildins Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board/Staff Action Action: Town Planner: Allison Ochs/JAR Date: 5ll9l00 DRB Fee Paid: S20 Project Name: Samuels Residence VAILDATA\EVERYONE\D PG \APPROVALS\Samuel s StaffApproved B. D. F. G. APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMATTON This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirernents for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required' information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year affter final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. ii Shee'+ fil' vevi+ea q' W b. LO'cAnoN oF PRoPoSAL: LoT: ll-F BLoCK: ? FIUNG:Va rl Vilhge Firat Questions? carrttanning staff at 479-2L38 PHYSICALADDRTSS: ? L4 Fnre"<t ?+laA pARCEL *z / lhl O1t lfu7l (Contact Eag'le Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) NAME OF APPIJCANT: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEEI D 'New Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. E . Addition -.,,.$50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window addiUons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be iraid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permiL please idenhTy the accurate valuaUon of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD VArL, COLORADO 81657. PHONET t-t F Minor Alteration J $20 i MAIUNG ADDRESS: MAIUNG ADDRESS: t'lAY 1S 2000 o t Tom of Uail +}T O.ETITTR REGIPT *I+ IHTE: 5/19/fr Sl flECtIPT: ffi913{ D€SCNIPTII}I OTY ffiII{I TP IT I}ESIB{ RE|,IEII FE 1 EE.M *I)R TI( PEEL/I.flFIANER IE{DER IETAIL o( 36{3 t?0.m DfiIE: 5/19/O TIIC: l3:3e:31 TllTfl- of0{ €0.m ffi{TNT IEIENED €O.M N#I( YflJ HN Y|lfi PRYE{I! !l,'"* 't;H*lil *"""0'"", 75 S. Frontage Road V.[/CO 81657 ! )-/./) p //4- n^ ", l.tttl-( (1ra4 uZl/.( /4..(Atr Address: / t I ProiEct: " PlEase make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL au""iptno=A4%,",5At-lC Account l{o.Item No.Codo #Cost Each Total 1 0000 31 Zoninq and Address Maps zA $5.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volumg 1&2 CB $50.9s 001 0000 314 1 12 Unitorm Buildinq Cod€ - 1997 - Volum€ 3 $s7.20 001 0000 3't4 1112 International Plumbinq Code - 1997 CB $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 International Mochanical Cod6 - 1998 CB $35.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Cod€ -1997 $33.60 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Fire Gode CB $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 National Electrical Code CB $37.00 001 0000 314 1112 AbatemEnt of Dangerous Bldg.'e 1997 $9.95 001 0000 3141112 Model Energv Code - 1995 $ 10.00 001 0000 314 1't12 Analvsis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes $12.7s 001 0000 314 1112 Othgr Cod6 Books /rtr 001 0000 3141211 Blue Prints/Mvlar Copv Fees BF $7.00 001 00003141111 Xerox Copies XC $0.2s 001 00003141111 Lionsh€ad Master Plan ($1.80/S1.60)MS $40.00 001 00003141|11 Studies, Master Plans, etc.MS 001 0000 315 3000 Penalty F€€6/Re-lnspectons PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Review Rerheck Fee ($40/per hour)PF 001 0000 315 2000 Off Hours Insoection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors Llcense Faes 001 0000 312 4000 Siqn Application Fea SP $20.00 001 0000 312 4000 Additional Siqn Aoplication Fee SP 001 0000 311 2200 Deeisn Rwia, Board F€o (Pppaid)DH ,y'-U-:J41 001 0000 315 3000 Building Invostlgation Fo6 PN 001 0000 240 3300 D6/6loper lmplu/emom A€rconeri D.palt D2-DEP10 AD 001 0000 312 1000 REstaurant License fee (TOV)RL 00 0000 230 2000 Soec. Assess.-R€6taurant F€o to Co.Dept.Rsv.SA -001 0000 201 1000 Texsble @ 4.5% (Stste) - Tax payable TP .001 0000 310 1100 Taxoble @ 4,0% (Town) - Retall Sales Tax T7 Oth€r/Misc. -MS 001 0000 311 2s00 PEG APPLICATION FEES 001 0000 311 2500 Additional GRFA - '250'PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Conditional Us€ Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 Eq. ft.PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Ext€rior Alteration - More than 100 sq. tt.PV .00 001 0000 311 2s00 $pecial Dwelop4onlDi9!tig!] !tEW PV 1 001 0000 311 2500 SD€cial DeveloDment District - Maior Amend PV 1.000.00 001 0000 311 2500 Sp€cial Dovelopm6nt District - Minor Amend PV 001 0000 311 2500 SubdiviEion FeeE PV 001 0000 3t1 2500 Variance PV $250.00 00 0000 311 2500 Zonino Code Am6ndments PV s250.00 Fl6-Zonins PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Program Oth€r -MS TOTAL:/U,UY) comments: az / f-ur/KJ r/K^ful Srrrtut/9 F:/Even/on€i Fqrns/Sslesast.sxs 2i 10/9h tt4r*tlt t u,)r",R'bw-+ DEPARII4EI'I]f OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT * * * l, * * t t * r r r * * * r r * r i * i r i rr t * a t * ittl,ri*tt******* * * * t ', i t * t * !r t t a * * It,EM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI4ENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:O6/L9/t998 JRXI ACTiON: NOTE PLANS TO CHARLIE 06./25-/1,998 JPT( ACEiON: APPR APPROVED JRM ItbM:.O54OO PLANNING DEPART'IVIEI''M DCPT: PTANNING DiViSiON:o6/T9/L998 ,JHNI AcLion: NOTE PI,ANS TO PI.ANNING 06./I9./L998 JFdI ACtiON: NOTE PLANS TO GEORGE 06'/23'/1,998 cEoRGE Actsion: APPR Irbm:"056Q0 FIRE DEPART1IENT _ Depts: FIRE Division:o6/25/L998 JpNt Action: APPR N/A Iteqr:'.05580 PITBLIC WQRKS '. Dept: PIIB WORK Division:66125/Li)9e JR]4 AcEion: APPR N/A *l a t, i.r.r r 'J r * J r t t t a t * ji t t irit*tttttttt at*t*t',*tt*ii!r t a J a rr a f t t t * t 1* r *tiiir.iiii ti'lttJtt*ttl i t r* See Page 2 of tshis Document for any conditions t,hat may apply to this permit. DECI,ARATIONS t hereby acknowl.dEc Ehac I hav€ read thlE rpplication, filled ou! in ful] the i.nforuatLon required, conpletsed an accurate plot plan, and 6tac. lhat all th€ infofltr.cion provided ae requLrcd ig eorrect. I agr.c !o cooply *ith the infor6a!1on and Plot plan, to coqrly with all To$n ordimnces and st'atsc lawe, rnd to build thi6 EcrucEure aecording to ch6 To$n'! zoning and subdiwiBion codcg, d.Eign ravLcw lpprowcd, Uniform BulldlnE code qnd oEhc! ordlnrnccE of the Toen appllcablc lhercto. REQUESTS ROR INSPECIIONS SHAl,t BE UADE TWEI{TY-FOUR HOURS IN AD\'ANCE By AEIEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OI,R O?FIeE FROl,l a:oo Al4 5:00 PU ISSUED 06/L9 /L998 07/L5/1,998 01-/rL/L999 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr_,, co 8L657 970 479-2L38 APPLICAN| CONTRACTOR OI.IINER NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE ADD/ALT SFR BUTLD ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: 898-0165 Status. . (PHASAppIied. Issued.. Expires. POSTED PERMIT .fob Address| 224 FOREST RD Location. . .: 224 FOREST RD Parce1 No. . : 2L01--07L-L5-01-7 Project No. : PRiI98-0155 VENTRES CONSTRUCTION 2470 BALD MOI]NTAIN ROAD, VAIL CO VENTRES CONSTRUCTION 2470 BAI,D MOI'NTAIN ROAD, VAIL CO FOREST ROAD TRUST 205 MI]LBERRY, METAIRIE I,A 7OOO5 Phone: 3034760580 Phone: 3034760580 9L657 8L657 s92. O0 5?9.80 .00 3.00 .00 s00.00 2,074 .AO 2,074-AO .00 2, O7 4 .4O 2tO74.eO DescripEion: ^,-JOV/Comm' Dev' REMovE cREENHousE,ADD DTNTNG RooM srucco LowERGtnEn'Up DepOSit RefUnd PHASE 1 Occupancy: R3 T)T)e ConsEruction: V N Valuation:l.37,762 Rl6CualenC Plan Revie$- - > DRB Fec-------- - Rccreation Fee----------> clean-up DeposiE-----'--> IOTAI] FEES... -. approved Single Family neside0BOUht Tlpe V Non-Rat,ed date Add Sq Ft: Fireplecc Infofiuation: Rc€clicted:#of gas Appl iances !.*Of caa Log6:*of wood/Pal1et: FEE ST'I4MARY Bui lding- - --- > PIan chcck- - - > InvestigaEion> will call----> _-,-.l:''..l4t t lqf ------r--t-- .oo Totrl calculaLed Fee6---> 100.00 Additsional Fse6--------'> Togal PertliC Fee--------> Palmenta------- BALANCE DUE. -.. .OO s.nd cl..an-g!t D.poEie lor VENTREIT CONST Page 2 ******************************************************************************** *********************************!*********************************************** PermiE #: 898-0165 Permit Tf49e: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applj-cants-- : VEI{IRES CONSTRUSTTON 3 034750580 224 FOREST RD 224 FOREST RD 210.1 - 0 7r- - 15 - 017 COIIDITIONS as of 07/t6/9e Statsus---: ISSITED Applied--: 05/L9/t998 rssued---: 07 /L5/t998 To Expire; O\/LL/L999 (PHASE r_) DescripEion: REMOVE GREENHOUSE,ADD DINING ROOM STUCCO LOWER LVL PHASE 1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS ***************!k************** 1. FTETD INSPECTIONS.ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY .r AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. ilob Address r Locat,i-on--- - : Parcel No--: |n I ,A c,OD ,o HE o a o o o or ol or I l.ou c9 'o o(J E A u U E A I a o l"l E g lD D o n c ,l a, rr li e F HI TF ft 1E FUE ot l.r F. H tro!EE rr Eq\gao o r! 6l F B H 6 D F gt o sa c! HA ; EX aI{3c d.! g o6 -;s I |,4 Pg A E aFl EE !.O E-T( E H '( HH BB E8 e RE f8 HI H{o o A 'T Fr lr 5B oo p.E E4 q H H E e. I H F. l.l !AE I r.l al,EX qI B E E,H qo H d8 A (J FI r.c o A E a E E !l o I F 6l ,i; o'qr )o :E E!Erg a !t.'AO-qoH EOtq oAd arr.rlrrrrtitartrarrttatattTtt*rt*atrltltataltattttttttt''rtrttttta TOtEt 08 lrlllJ, @IORTDO gBrs.trnE rrrta*rr''rrtrtrrtrrtl}tatttaaatt|ltaatttttrarriatttl ltt r.Eri truDb.rr REC-0425 lrlount: :.O7t.t0 O7ll6l9t OE3LZ tsytroni U.ghod ! CK lloE clon. 1508 lrll! ! llltf P.relr }{o! B9t-015E qEGI A-al'ILD IDD/I' t sFR BUrrrD PE P.rc.l lfo r 2101-071-15-Ot ? gl,E!.Irddrca!. ae{ EoREgT RD ttoc.Elon r 124 FORAST nD (PHNIB 1) IoErl Faar r Thb Prl,!.nC 2'071.90 Tol|l l,tJlr P[Cr! Btlanc.r 2,07t.90 2, O?4.40 .o0 lccounr cod! DrtcrJ.Ftion EP OO1OOO031111OO BUIIJDtrNG PERMIT FEES DB 00t00003:,12200 DEarsN Rst/IEw FaEg pF ool0ooo31123oo PLAII cHEcr( FE!3 lD00100002403100 CLEANITpDEPOSITa irc ooloooo3ll2goo nM clLL rNaPEcrrQ{ rBE l$ount 8t2. O0 100.00 57r.40 50 0. 00 3.00 :"".o". Ea'rc counr," n..""".'Crr"" Datdeceiv0d - -,liii { f. .,rnd ar 970-328-8640 for Parcs1 0,- TowN oF vArL coNsrnucrrotlUN IO luuo pER.\trr \RfEL /zJ/a/-a7f-/5' a/V pERMIT AppLIcATJoN F6RM K DArEz lzhz?zL_ ?Ldgy_ O/{f . APPLTCATToN MUsr BE FTLLED our coMpLETELy on ti MAy Nor BE AccEprED I r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,( * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT TNFORUATToN * *:t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * *|7,-uu,,u,nn[]-Plumbing,,]","",'"^?if,-uAu,.,i"u,;,;:;": -{-, * -/s,4-/4, /rt; ., rob Acldress :ffi ,ob rru " Lesat n,l6cripfi"iJrri lr'B Btock- 7 Dh \rch itect: leneral DescriPtion: P:n.4/ 4fa/ Appliances- / Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet VALUATTONS * * * ** * ** * * *** * ** ** * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ?LUMBING: $I i * ** * * * rt rtr * * ***** * * **rf * *.** * ** |eneral contractor: E^Ze \ddress; ilectricaL iddress: Contractor: )Iumbing q iddress: !z techanical tddress: Contractor: EI,ECTRICAL. + ZiZAq./ MECTIANICAL: $TOTAL:@ OTHER: f ORMAI.'ION - o1t8 }UTLDING PERMIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMIT FEE: IECHANICAI, PERMIT FEE: ITECTRICAIJ FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: lonnents: 'a a.g/H Address: .rork crass: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration !,/t-aaaitional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other lumber of Dwelling units:Nurnber of Accornmodation Units : 'l.pmber and Type of Fire.pl"aces i cas , -- i**** * *** tr******* **********rr***** * I jurr,otlrc : $/zt t /(et: rown of vail Res. No.l3(+ Phone Number: wn of Vail Req. No. one Number: r rktt :k:trt**tt******** * * ** * ** ** tr*****FOR OFFICE USE *******************rr*********** BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PIAN CHECK FEE: },TECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: VALUATION ) CLEAN I]P DEPOSIT REFTIND TO: Tolri{ OF VArr, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArrr, co 81657 970-479-2L38 APPL,ICAI\ff CONTRACTOR OhINER DEPART},IENI OF COMMTJNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PII]MBING PERMIT B ?(- o tbs- Togrl calcuL.l€d F€€B- - - > Additi.onal FcoB---------> ToCrL Perni,E Fre--------> PMENT .]OBSITE AT ALI, TTMES Permit #: P98-0083 SEaEus. . . : Applied. . : Issued. . . : E:<pires. . : Job Address: 224 FOREST RD L,ocaEion. ..: 224 FOREST RD Parcel No. . : 21-01-071-1-5-017 Project No. : PRJ98-0155 JERRY SIBLEY PLI'MBING P O BOX 340, MTMTURN CO 81545 iIERRY SIBI.,EY PIJTJI{BING P O BOX 340, MINTURN CO 81645 FOREST ROAD TRUST 205 MT'LBERRY, METAIRIE I,A 7OOO5 Description: PLUMBING FOR ADDITION 1r*rrrirr+rJr FEE PluEbing- - ---> Plan chcck- - - > Inve6Eigeeion> t{i 11 call----> Rc.cuerent Dlan R€vi€c- - > TOTAI, FEES.----- 150. OO .00 190.50 - o0 190.50 Pal nents-------- codas, dssign rrvl,at alrlrrovad, Uniforln Building code -nd othcr ordj.nanc€e of the Town cabl,€ cher€to. to eonply witsh alL Tonn ordinances ana atsats. Lat.6, and to build lhi8 structsur. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAI,T, BB MADE TTIENIY-FOT'R HOI'RS IN TDVANCE BY TEIJEPHONA AT tso the To n'E zoning and subdivigion FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER -DEVELO phone z 3038275736 Phone z 3038275735 Valuation:9,567.00 SUIIMARY rr*r+rri .00 190.50 ... "..- " "TH:i.ill; ; ; ; ;. ;.; ; ;. ; :......... - ". ; : : ",. ITEM: O5]-OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:O6/25/L998 .]RM ACIiON: APPR APPROVED .]RI"f IleBi .056Q0 FrRE DEPARTI,IET{:r Depr: FrRE Division:O6/25/L998 JRM AcEion: APPR N/A r, t * t i a t * r * * * * * a * * * r * * r t * t t t 1 t * * * * * * CONDITTON OF APPROVAL t lr t t * t 'r I * * t * * * * iwtt**t****t**t DECI,ARATIONS I hcrcby acknowledge that I hawc rcad thia spplication, fi11cd ouh ln fulL thc information requircd, complGtcd an accurlbc plot plan, and ltatc t'hrts a1I the LnforEabio[ providcd aa rcqulrcd i! colrcct. I agrcc tso conply *ith thc Lnforbagion and plot pIan, I OR AT OUR OPAICE FRO!.4 I :00 AI.t 5:00 PM ISSI'ED 06 /Le / r-998 o6 /26 /!ee8 L2/23 /t998 *..rr*...1**tr'.,r.rtritrtt.*r.t.r.*rr.rl..''rrrt.!r.!rttr*a Etrgrwrt trwlb.rlt RBc-0,119 .lmunl r payu.ns B.shod! C.t( !|ogltlon! 25t5g l(lrw ot vltll, coEoRlDo SErEGErrC lttttaaJirtatati.ttatit|rtait!lt'!tttttitttitlttilt,lttl*tatlltttttOt tCo,SO Oe|Ze1Se tZ t+l !nlu! nAw P.nIe !So: P9l-0093 Ti!r.: B-Dtl|G Pr.ttlllx(] PEtllf! P.rcll I{o: 2101-0tl-1s-o17 glEc Lld8reF ! 22{ FoRlSl RD loc.ttqn! 22d loREaf RD ToBrl Fa6s t lhl! Pq'Elnt 1r0.5o lbErl l!! Put.: Balanca ! tat t*ittaattra.' rlrrrtlntttt*itrrttrtittttttttrlt*ta lccount goda D..crlpElon P9 00100003111200 P&urDrlrc pERurr tlEtt P! OOloOOO3ll2SoO PLAN CHECX( FEEA 'lC 0010o0o3!Uao0 t|fLL clIJ, IllsPgcrlc[f FEE 190.60 190.5q .00 lbotrnt 150,00 37,50 3.00 o v' ll./1'7/rB t36;O9 REIIUEST{5 FtlR Ihl$ipH:f,TION t^l0Rl( SHEE"|S trOR:18/ 17/98 ::;:.=::::::=:iil:rr:=;==;;::==;.;=::======':i;:=::=::===========i::a===:=i-:3=:ri:========::=i::":=j==:a====5:;85:r::.3:::= Acl,ivity: 898-Et1l5 12/I"l/99 Type: A*BUILD Statr"rs: ISSUED Constrr AeiFR Addressr i!84 FOREST RD L-oc;rL ion r EE4 FOREST RD l-'ance 1 : f, ltZtl-871-15-O17 ( F,HASE 1 ) Occ: OtittZtT Use: U N Desclipt ir:n; RF|'IOVE Gf{EENFIOUSJE! FIDD DININE ROOIYI Flpp1 rcant ! V[:NIRES CUhISTRUfiI ION wner": FIiREST RURD TRU$I' l-iorr'Lractor: VENTREEi CUN$TltUCT lON Loeks, l-lolds, and I{ot iees. ALTIV t\(r I I/ 'roHN oF vRILr COLORRDO n Lu -. e le Acb r ffet i srr : A$-'F R tlction; fiF'F'il Actionr FFFR PNGE i: {-lREAr EI) 5IUECtr LOt"rEll LVL F:'frone r 3034/6458O F,hone: F,[one? 4ra3476058fi t d'Y ---:,-..-b-j-tffi- U planl ttv I 7 - -r - - - - - -tutq - I loanat!' f-'hone r 4 en Time Expr (v Rft.l-,1' r;1 Irrspecb f ieq r..1g iieq ILenrr l OAITA9'A ts 10n cit o r' r l- El"l: Iime; Ol rtZttZt eqr-te $t ed L: s LD6-F i na I Inf or'mat i orr. Co nment s: be I n s pe t ecJ,ftct i H:istury..... rAOrZrIrA BLllGj-Foot i nn s.z'i_j l: ee 1 {47 /c'c/9& IrrsDecto}'r t;L, UtAClen L\LDB*[:o r.rrirj,a t r Ur,r !ib e e I .* I rr s 1rect. i nrr Item; It eim; tA7 /c4/98 lnspecttir': l-:D fig/04i?8 I nspecl r.ri'r Cu .i t c. nr : rZrOFtrZr F,Lfit,l - I LC $ r'L e [-, l. eiri Itenr : tiaooJtlt BLDG*Fi.aming 10/i*3/9& Inspector'': t{Rl' item r CtOOStilt bLDG*InEul;it iorr Iten: tltittZt6At B[-DG*Sheebr.oc]< Nai I t&/:;:,U/98 Inspect r.rrr JRM lvot es : AIrF R W/Cll uUFll-,LElE 1t e lr ; tlt?ta7t! BLDG-FIi bc. II i )A/98 InsF,ector': tjRE Item: ritD0grlr BLDE-.1:inat Not e s r l- [14]4 I NG Af,F,l1{:}VED t^lr L=ORREll I I flN I _ PROVIDE F.OSITIV[ CONNECTION IhI THE IIKHA OF TIjE sTRIRs OI-: F'AEKED Action: AtrFR NIIT READY 1ST TIME JOB I.IITH SAME SCRE[^' F.ATTERN Action: AFFR EXT LATH FRUNT & SIDES '-r* n not ed: BEAM t Des ign Review Action Form t Project Name: Samuels Residence Projcct Description: Modification to roofing plan Owner. Address and Phone: Bernard Samuels.224 tr'orest Road ArchitectiContact. Address and Phone:Ventres Construction. 2470 Bald Mtn Road. 476-0580 Pr oject Strcct Address:224 Forest Road Legal Description: Lot ll-8, Block 2o Vail Village First Filing TOWN OFVAIL Building Namc:Parcel Number: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Scconded by: Vote: Conditions: Action: staffapproved 30-year Tamko ('weathered wood" dimensional approved Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: Sept.4, 1998 DRB Fee pre-paid: FTEVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAI,\98\SAMIJ!I-S.904 $20.00 * !4 q u., ti o, rr't th c pla; r n i n g S t a t'i a i .i 7',r - I i 2 i.t TOWN OFVAIL APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIElV APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigr rcvicrv nrusr rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicrv approval prior to submitting for a building pcrnrit. For spccific infomration, scc thc subrrrittal rcquircntcnts for thc particrrlar approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc rcquircc itlforntatiort is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council and/orthc planningand Envirott rttcnta I Cotttluission. Dcsign Rcvicrv Board approval cxpircs onc vcal.aftcr final approval unless a b uilding permlt is issued and construction is startccl, DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: B. C. D. E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: 1y'2 BLOCK: 2 FILING:/.-/ / PI.fYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #; ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 fdiparccl #) PHONE: -*z z2zr : F, c. owNER(S) STCNATURE(S) : NAME OF APPLICANT:''-r''21.Y. 6" MAILINC ADDRESS .,4?12;ZT Z>zzy'N VI PHONE: y'7z r-'-tl-r I{. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: trl Ncrv Construction - $200 Construction of a new buildina,tr Addition -S50 lncludcs anyaddition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcnfial or conrncrcial building. tr IVIinor Altcration - $20 lncludcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc improvcnrcnts. such as, . qcroofing. painting. rvindorv additions. laldscaping, fcnccs and rctaining rvalls, ctc. DRB fccs arc to bc paid at the tinrc ofsubmittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying for a building pennit. plcasc idcntifo thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Torvn of Vait rvill adjust the fcc accordrng to the projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMTT THTS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREIVIENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPATTTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPIVIENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL, COLORADO 8I657. ilsign Review actn Form TOWN OFVAIL ProjectName: SamuelsResidentialAddition ProjectDescription: 250ResidentialAddition Owner, Address and Phone: Forest Road Trust, 205 Mulberry Drive, LA. 70005 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Project Street Address: 224 Forest Road Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Kathy Langenwalter, Peel/Langenwalter Architects, Inc. P.O. Box 1t02, Vail, Colorado Stcsg lz6-lso6 Lot ll-8, Block 7, Vail Village First BuildingName: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: George Ruther Date: llllll9T Board i Staff Action Action: Approved That the applicant plant a minimum of eight caliper inches of trees on the site prior to a T.C.O. for the project. F:\EIr'ERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL9TISAMUEL.N I I DRB Fee he-Paid: $50.00 O a'?rotrD'EcoBftP ilLt 4. A request for remodeling, upgrading and an achlft-roilo an existing residence; utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located al224 Foresl.Rd./ BJqt_7, Lot 11-8, Vail Village First Filing. _) Applicant: Forest Road Trust (Keith Samuels, Trustee), represenled by Kathy Langenwalter, Peel/Langenwalter Architects, LLC Planner: George Ruther George Ruther gave an overview of the staff memo, Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. Kathy Langenwalter, representing the applicant, asked where the multi-stem aspens were. George Ruther said the tree was located in the area of the proposed construction. Kathy Langenwalter said the applicant didn't want 4-2" calliper trees, as it was a very small space. She said the owner was upgrading the property and didn't want to shade their property thai much. Greg Moffet said, regarding Condition #2, that staff was in the process of amending the Lighting Ordinance. There were no comments from the Commissioners. Greg Moffet had no additional comments. Greg Amsden made a motion in accordance with the staff memo. Galen Aasland seconded the motion. Greg Moffet suggested an amendment to the motion to require the irees be planted anywhere on the lot, rather than a specific location. Greg Amsden amended his motion to include Greg Moffet's amendment. Galen Aasland seconded the amended motion. The motion passed by a vote of 4-0. t' TO: FFIOM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development November 10, 1997 A request for remodeling, upgrading and an addition to an existing residence, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 224 Forest Rd./ Block 7, Lot 1 1 -B, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Forest Road Trust (Keith Samuels, Trustee), represented by Kathy Langenwalter, Peel/Langenwalter Architects, LLC Planner: George Ruther 22,661 square feet Primary/Secondary Residential rr/blqt I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST In 1985, the Vail Town Council approved Ordinance 4, Series of 1985, which created Chapter (18.71) of the Vail Municipal Code, entitled "Additional Gross Residential Floor Area." This Chapter allows for up to 250 square feet of additional Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) to be added to a dwelling (beyond the maximum allowance), provided certain criteria are met. The purpose of the Additional GRFA Ordinance is to provide an inducement for the upgrading of existing dwellings units, which have been in existence for a period of at least five years, by permitting up to two hundred fifty (250) square feet of GRFA to be added to a dwelling unit. The applicant is proposing to add an approximately 594 square foot residential addition to the existing residence located aI224ForcsI Road. The addition includes a new interior stairway, an enlarged dining room, a new breakfast nook and a new guest room on the upper level of the home. In addition to the interior changes, a new wooden deck is also proposed on the exterior of the upper level of the home. The deck will be on the south side of the building and will not be visible from Forest Road. II. ZONING ANALYSIS The primary unit on this property has recently been demolished and is yet to be rebuilt. The owner of the primary unit is Mr. John Krediet. Mr. Krediet has a Design Review Board application pending with the Town of Vail. The Zoning Analysis below assumes no other development on the property other than the applicant's secondary residence. Address: 224 Forest Road Lot Size: Zoning: &wee. R-.na .'\ isfiva .$rwrpilnor ffraililAJq KXeaMMOC tf,ItHtrmflrwH ]3TAO ;-.:R3l4HAtil Dsr'€lopment ' Standards Allowed Existing Proposed GRFA: 2,466 sq. ft.' 1,86.1 sq. ft. 2,455 sq. ft. (Secondary Unit only)v,33i( 69,. Site Coverage: lSib atSSA sq. ft. | ,080 sq. ft. 1 ,314 sq. ft. Height: Parking: 3 spaces 3 spaces No Change - The GRFA figure includes the 425 sq. ft. credit and the 250 Additional GRFA III. CRITEBIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Chapter 18.71 - Additional GRFA, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the request for additional GRFA based upon the following factorsr A. Consideration of Factors; Before acting on an application for additional GRFA, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the proposed use: 1. Effect upon the existing topooraphy. vegetation. drainage and existing structures. Statf believes that the proposed addition will have positive effects upon the existing structure as the addition will up-date an older building in Vail. In recent years, many of the existing residences in the vicinity of the applicant's property have undergone remodels or demo/rebuilds. Stafl believes the proposed improvements will be in keeping with the Forest Road neighborhood and the community. One, two-stemmed Aspen will be removed as a result of the proposed addition. The tree removal is nessecitated by the construction of the new interior stairway. Staff believes the proposed tree loss should be mitigated through the planting of a minimum of eight caliper inches of Aspen trees on the site. The location of the new trees should be generally in the location of the tree which is being removed. Staff does not believe there will be any noticeable effect upon topography or drainage. 2. lmpact on adiacent properties. The addition should not adversely effect views, light or air enjoyed by adjacent structures. Staff believes that the proposed additions will not have a significant impact on adjacent properties. The facade improvements will enhance this property and the structure will be more compatible with the surrounding structures. As mentioned previously in this memorandum, the primary residence on the applicant's lot has recently been demolished and a new residence is pending DFIB review. 3. Compliance with the Town's zoning requirements and applicable development standards. Section 18.71.020 (F) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code requires that any dwelling unit for which an addition is proposed shall be required to meet the Town of Vail Design Guidelines as set forth in Ghapter 18.54 of the Vail Municipal Code. Additionally, before any additional GRFA may be permitted in accordance with Chapter 18.71 , the staff shall review the maintenance and upkeep of the existing single family or two family dwelling and site, including landscaping, to determine whether they comply with the Design Review Guidelines. These standards include landscaping, undergrounding of utilities, driveway paving and general maintenance of the property. Upon review of the applicant's request, the staff has determined that the proposal is in compliance with the Town's zoning requirements and applicable development standards. B. Findings: The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting approval for Additional GRFA: 1, That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would not negatively effect existing topography, vegetation, drainage and existing structures. 2. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would not negatively impact adjacent properties. 3. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would comply with all Town zoning requirements and applicable development standards. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department staff recommends approval of the request for a 250 to allowforaresidential addition at224Forest Road/Lot11-B, BlockT,Vail VillageFirstFiling. Should the PEC choose to grant an approval of this request, staff would further recommend that the PEC place the following conditions on the approval and make the following findings: Conditionsr 1. That prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the addition, the applicant plant a minimum of eight caliper inches of Aspen trees on the property. iq the general leeatien ef the ene' rnulti stem t'es te be rgm€'v€+as a recult of the construetierofffitition. 2. That the applicant bring the outdoor lighting on the property into compliance with the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance of the Town of Vail prior to the issuance of a building permit for the addition. Findings: 1. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA will not negatively efGct existing topography, vegetation, drainage and existi ng structures. 2. That the granting 0f the requested Additlonal GRFA will not negauvoly impact adjacent properties. 3. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA will comply wih all Town zoning requirements and appl icable development standards. ,,.'."*A --+ vl \"" \ c.* \ \ \ o o t- F o u.l t,o u- it \-E f \ \ I "\ H s\lrl '9\ I \ I d-< fis l; s: gi !i Ei :r g >e d5 H 9i l$ 55;B Alt -i o flE;E z.O do -_ zo ==s o 16 o ^,ii I <irsd <o 98 [: d n4ti faP=6 =8=1.# rIsF \ \\"-tz It \+ tq dl as -.|1 P9 -.t i .6 .6 gIEg €5;s ft-E gl Et $E si z I e8 Eig o ^.ji*<=YEE oPSt+ d hd.i; = s;:: rl rl :l ,+ I _---------T ni ::11 . {li t-r ,--+t I I -{it | |tl illl F 5- rrl o do lll( f- u, o @ o z J dl t-+ F l-- dl 3r li st gt E!ql gi Bj :e gF E$ 5I $E Er ; o fli;P z O o'o 20 EdE ? efEd fr ;is* ; $;iE 3 o J |L o (,z o J f @ I I I -r--l l l--r I +F -. I ,l t o 3q I l. =?:gEe ol dl 3s I; E: ggEI {i:x €: 'H ai E4 5l et dt xP 2 O o-o tr f3 o *6 o ^..:; *<irgU oPSt: dhd.ql =EP=6 =9F>-TiEiF F- TOWN OFVAIL Department of Communiry Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 October 31,1997 Kathy Langenwalter Peel,/Langenwalter Architects, L.L.C. P.O. Box 1202 Vail, Colorado 81658 SENT VIA FIX 476-4572 Re: Samuels 250 addition, 244 Forest Roadllot 11-B, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing Dear Kathy, I have completed a preliminary review of the proposal you submitted requesting a 250 addition to the Samuels Residence on Forest Road. Upon completion of my review, I have determined that the application is incomplete. You will need to submit revised plans and additional information in order for me to comPlete mY review. The following items mustbe submitted: l. You only paid $50.00 at the time of submittal. Please submit an additional $150.00 to cover the complete cost of the 250 Additional GRFA application. 2. Please submit a preliminary title report, including schedules A & B, to veriff ownership and encumbrances on the proPerlY. 3. Please submit an up-to-date topographic survey, indicating existing improvements, stamped by a ColoradoJicensed Professional Land Surveyor. 4. In order to determine the final building height of the addition, please submit a roof plan with all ridge and eave elevations indicated, and existing and proposed contours shown below. 5. According to my calculations, your proposal is over on allowable GRFA. The total allowable GRFA including the 250 addition is2,466 square feet. My calculations indicate that you are proposing approximately 2,500 square feet of GRFA. Again, I have completed my preliminary review of your proposal for the Samuels Residence. The proposal is tentatively scheduled for Planning and Environmental Commission review on Monday, tp ""no"o' ""' Nou'.-tu 10, 1997. In order to remain on the November l0 agenda, you will need to revise the plans and resubmit the proposal by no later than noon, Thursday, November 6,1997. If you are unable to meet this deadline, please contact me so I may reschedule the review for a later date. Upon receiving this letter, please contact at 479-2145. I would like to discuss the letter in greater detail with you. Sincerely, tl-r+"a=r?"re-e George Ruther,-AICP Town Planner ,a l*r-rrt*r$t .*F.Lrxt trcT-82--3T E5:14 PFI T l.ItrI,IEHS CEHTER HE o Qrrcstlons? Call thc ftlurning Strff'ril 479.Zl}tl APPI,ICATION I.'OR DESIGN REVTEW APPROVAL aENJ.t tt_d-l,lNfa.RMAI9N 'fhis npplicltion is for any projsct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvlcrv approval, Any projcct rcquiriru dssrgr rcvicrv nurrt rcccivc Dcsign Rwicr'v approvel prior to subnrilling for a huilding pcrfiit. For spccific infonnafion. $cc thc subnlittsl requircnrcnlt lbr thrr particular rpprovnl that is rcquestcd, Tlcapplicrtion sann.rt bc acccptCduntil all thc rcquircd infirrnutl0rl is subnrittcd.. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bs ruvisw+d hy thc 'l'own Council and/or thc Plmnlng nnd Envirrrntttcnlfll Cornrttir:sion, Dcglgrt Rcvlcw Borrd rpprovrl crplrg onc ycsr afler flnnl approvrl unlc$s r huilding perrttll Is issucd un(l constructlon is sturtcd. n. DESCRIP1'|0I\I OFTHE REQUEST: .,ArJdillc,rt to an exlp.! lnn resldElrce. remodellng.- -grt"d . ct'x-teJi-tUi*Lb-t-esLlsnce anrl.fl!--0u$$ausn-{sr adrlltlgrrl-S!.Et-ser- *-llltgp-tgr 1p-..7_1*e{_!t_e_3orl.of...};rtr Z.pr.r,_Ipq. _Qryllr\4sge. _ B. c. D. LOCIATION OF FROTOSAL: LO't';_ll_iL_ BLOCK;_J__ Ftltt{0;_!et1 tLU€ge--Etlsl*_ I'IIYSICALADDRESS:- -2?4 Porest- Road - - ZON|NO; - Ps-.tgp"-{L,l-5.ers!geg-- n, -NANl E Ot' OV/NER(S;: *Fur3sL-E;qed_Eqe_!-r-{ct t i_lelugg-\Jigg,!3g S Atldltion - E Mtnor Altcrrtlon . F Concaptual Rcvlcw. FEiliirsE€.r=F- E1 MAIL|NG A DDRESS: ?t.ii, UuUiIlJ-llL!-se---** Met E; 504-885-6t)QC o\\'NER(S) SICNATURE(5): l:.NAME O|'APPLICANT:*.{*I, - tvr A r L rN C A tr L'r lt tis S : _*P .-L -. _B.-o.it_ .U!?, *. a. rypDo;Rm;n;;;ffi*'--Pr{oNEr e70-476-4506 ** E Ncw Corstructlort - $100 Coffitructlon 0f it nfiv building, $50 Includcs my additiur whcrc squarc footsgc ls addcd to eny rcsidcntial or conuuercial building S20 lncludcs mintrr ohnngcs to bulklings and sitc inrprovcnlculs, sqslr td, rcrooling, paiuting, window additionu. landscaping. ferrccs and rcutining wnlls, ctc, $0 For uny eppliuction whcrc tbc applicnnt wishcs to mcct wlth pcsign RL'vicw Bonrd to rlctcrnlnc whcthcr or not lhc proJoct gcnually conrpllcs with thc design guidclincs.'nrc DRB dqcs not votc on conccpktel rcvicrryg, DRB fces arc to bo plid 0t lhc tirnc of cubrnlttrl, Lutc, whln applying fora builrling pcrnrit, plcaso idcntify thc sccuratc voluntion ofthe projerut, Thc Town ofVail wilt adjust thc fcc according to thc proJcct valuatian, pt EAsH sulrMl'l'THrs ATTLIQATION, ALL SUBMnTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO'r'Hs DEFAIII'MENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOfMENT,7t SOUTH TRONT.{GE ROAD, VAIL, COLOBADO EI657, TOV/N OFYAIL I LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUILDING MATERIALS:TJEE-QE-MAIERIAL: 'Cedar Shineles Cedar Vertical Channel Stucco , 2x Cedar Brick Mold Cedar Vertical Channel Siding Metal Stucco N/A N/A Stucco COLOR:+ Natural- Sherwin WilLiams SW-3019 Smoke Tree La Habra Stucco X-97 Pacific Sand Sherwin Williams SW-3039 Tobacco Sherwin Williams SW-3019 Smoke Tree Black Match Adjacent Material La Habra Stucco X-97 Pacific Sand La Habra Stucco X-97 Pacific Sand Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trint Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Clrimncys Trash Enclosurcs Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting*r Othcr Sherwin Williams T&G Soffit SW-3039 Tobaccq Metal Clad Bronze Brick Mold Sherwin Williams SW-3039 Tobacco Natural Sherwin Wi1li-ams SW-3039 Tobacco N/A i Plcasc.spccify tho nBnufacfurcr's color, numbcr and attach a snrall color chip i Plcasc spccify tho nunufacturcr's color, numbcr and attach a sntall color chip V dr""r€6 **AllgxtcriorlightingmustmcetthaTown'sLightingOrdinancc18.54.050(J). Ifcxtct t^ \ ^-^) -u plcasc indicate thc number of {ixhres ard locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Identi$' ={" I L't'/v v- itt" ttrigt t uUonc grade, luntens output, luminous arca, and attach a cut shcct ofthc lightii 2' t*f" -x LAND TITLE GIlARANTEE MINNESOTA TITLEA HOME OFFICE 3033 Fast First Ave.,Suite 600 Denver, CO 80206 P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80217 321-1880 I FAX 322-7603 ARAPAHOE 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd., #150 Englewood, CO 801 12 770-9s96 / FAX 290-9040 ARVADA 52140 Ward Road, #200 Arvada, CO 80002 420-0241 I FAX 423-1365 DRY CREEK 26 W. Dry Creek Circle, #520 Littleton, CO 80120 794-5307 / FAX 794-s802 EAST 3300 S. Parker Rd., #105 Aurora, CO 80014 7s14336 I FAX,745-2669 FIDDLERS GREEN 6400 5. Fiddlers Green Circle, #103 Englewood, CO 80111 771-4s39lFpJ( 771-4526 GLENWOOD SPRINGs 817 Colorado Avenue, Suite 203 P. O. Box 2102 Glenwood Springs, CO 81502 945-2510 IFAJ<94547A4 HAMPDEN 8821 E. Hampden, #100 Denver, CO 8023'l 750-4223 tFAX750-4267 JEFFERSON 710 Kipling, #202 Lakewood. CO 8021 5 232-3111 / FAX 238-2956 NORTH 9101 Harlan, #100 westminster, CO 80030 427-9353/FAX 430-1572 SOUTHWEST 3609 S. Wadsworth, #115 Lakewood, CO 80235 988-8550 / FAX 980-8324 YOSEMITE 3600 S. Yosemite, #255 Denven CO 80237 694-2837 / FAX 843-0402 BOUIDER 2425 Canyon Blvd., #230 Eoulder, CO 80301 444-4101 I FAX 786-8/.23 BRECKENRIDGE P. O. Box 2280 200 North Ridge Breckenridge, CO 80424 453-2255 / FAX 4s3-6014 CA5TLE ROCK 512 Wilcox Castle Rock, .CO 80104 688-6363 / FAX 688-0143 COLORADO SPRINGS 102 S. Tejon, #100 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 634-4821 /Direct 595-41 1 3 FAX 634-3190 PARKER 19590 E. Main 51., #105 Parker. CO 80134 841-4900 VAIL P. O. 8ox 357 108 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail, cO 81658 47 6-2251 lDired 595-961 3 FAX 476-4534 AGENTs DURANGO 1201 Main Avenue Durango, CO 81303 247-5860 / FAX 247-9089 P. O. Box 357 108 5. Frontage Rd. W. Vail, CO 81658 47 6-225 1 I Direcl 595-96 1 3 FAX 4764534 Gommitment To lnsure cofirPANrY Issued thrwgh ttre 0ffie of: z89Z urtoJ wtl 'llrl.eu0tg paznllny brvw A vI0sSNNryI l0 ANVdy{o3 lSNvUnsNt :t'lIU. 'fuoleubrs pazr.roqtne Jaqlo Jo rocUJo bu4epr;en e Aq pauorsJotunoc uaqM plle^ aq ot'V olnpaqJs ut uMorls alsp aql uo slaoruo pazuoqlne ^lnp slt Aq paxt]Je otunaJoq aq ol leas pue outeu olerodroc slr pasner seq elosauutu\l Jo Aupduo3 ocuelnsul aru S0lulHM SSlNllM Nl 'luaullruuroS srql t{q para^oJ uoaigql aoebuou r0 ls0jotur Jo otetsa aql anleA jol pJocoJ lo saltnbce polnsut pasodord aq] olep aql 0l roud lnq Joajaq alep a^rlcala oql ol luanbasqns 6urqcege ro spJorar crlqnd aql u! 0uueadde , lsr!l'paieajc' ue ]r 'sJaueu Jaqlo Jo sultplr asla^pe'socueJqulnsua'suatl 'slcola0 'g 'sprocsl ctlqnd aql Aq uMoqs lou pue Mel t{q pasodrxl 'pa qslulnl ra4ealaq lo aroJolataql leualeul lo loqel 'sactruas to, 'ua!l eo]lrl0ulo'uerl Auy tr 'sproral ctlqnd oql Aq uMoqs lou are qcrqM pue asolcsrp p;norn sasruald aql l0 uorlcadsur pue i{a^lns lcajroc e qctqM slcel Aue pue'sluarxtlceoJcus 'eaJe ur aDeyoqs'seur1 fuepunoq ut slctlluoc 'sercuedotcslg 'g 'splocal crlqnd aql Aq uMoqs lou 'sluauasea lo sultelo lo 'slusuasel 'Z 'sproca.r crlqnd aqt Aq uMorls lou uolssassod ur seryed;o sulrelc lo slqbtu t :0utnno1;01 aql o11ca!qns osle sr luaulUuJuro3 srrll'ol paralal onoqe abetano3 ruorj suorsnlcxl pue suorleln0tls pue suotttpuoc aql ut pauteluoc slaDeu aql 0l uotltppe ul SNOIIdilN OUVONVIS luaurlrulrxo3 stql lo suotsl^ d aq] ol lcalqns ile pue u0 paseq aq lsnuJ luauJ lluloJ srql Iq pa.ra^oc uoa./otll aoebyou eq1 1o sn1e1s aq] ro lsaralur lo alelsa aql o] 0l]!1 oqt ]o sn]e]s aLll lo lno oursue r(ueduro3 3ql lsuleos ouuq l{eu ro areq i(eu patnsu; pasodotd aql leql uotlce l0 slrlou l0 suotpe l0 uorpe luy .y 'uraraq palltpou A;ssardxa sP ldacxo luauArultuo3 stqt 1o ued e apeu pue acuorala.r i{q palerodrocur Aqaiaq ale q3|qM Frnsul pasodoid aqt lo lo^ei ut Jol paulululo3 sarctlod lo furlod lo ullol aq] Jo aoela^oJ tuo4 suolsnlrxa aql pue suotlelndrls pue suorltpuoJ aqt pue suorsr^ord 0uunsu! 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Effective Date: July 18, L99L at 8:00 A.M. ' 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed fnsured: IIALTATT Owner's Policy 1987 Revision (Anended 1990) Proposed Insured: TBD 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitrnent and covered herein is: A Fee Sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: BERNARD SAMUELS And JEANNINE SAMUELS 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: LOT 1].B, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT ].1, BLOCK 7, VAIL VILI,AGE FIRST FTLING, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED JULY 12, ]-979 IN BOOK 288 AT PAGE L00, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE 1 SCHEDULE B-]. (Requirernents) Application No. vL7278 The foLlowing are the requirements to be conpLied with: L. Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrurnent(s) creating the estate or interest to be . insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCUMENTS SENT FOR RECORDINGI ! PAGE 2 SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Application No. vL7278 The policy or policies to be issued wiII contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Cornpany: 1. standard Exceptions I through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessrnents not yet certified to the Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessnents against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPR]ETOR OF A VE]N OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED SeptembeT 04, 1923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. ]-0. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SeptembET 04, 1923, TN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. ].1. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHTCH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFETTURE OR REVERTER CI.AUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORTGTN, AS CONTATNED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED August 10, 1962, IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 179. ],2. UTILITY EASEMENT FTVE FEET TN WTDTH ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LOT LINE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE FIRST F'ILING AND RESUBDIVISION THEREOF. 13. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF COVENANTS, CONDTTIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS RECORDED August 08, 1979 IN BOOK 289 AT PAGE 493. 14. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE . RECORDED PLAT FOR A RESUBDIVTSION OF LOT 11, BLOCK 7, VAIL VILI,AGE FIRST FTLTNG. 1.5. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES. ].6. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED APTiI 22, 198]. IN BOOK 321 AT PAGE 986. A L r l" o M M r r M E N r PAGE 3 SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Application No. vL127B 17. A DEED OF TRUST DATED May l-9, 1983 FROM BERNARD SAMUELS AND JEANNINE SAMUELS TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF DUARD LAWRENCE, M.D., TRUSTEE OF THE A.P.M.C. PENSION TRUST TO SECURE THE SUM OF $2O5,Ooo.OO, AND ANY OTHER AMOUNTS PAYABLE UNDER THE TERMS THEREOF, RECORDED May 26, L983, IN BOOI( 360 AT PAGE 557. 18. A DEED OF TRUST DATED March 20, 1986 FROM BERNARD SAMUELS AND JEANNINE SAMUELS TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRST WESTERN MORTGAGE CORPORATION TO SECURE THE SUM OF $]-55,OOO.OO, AND ANY OTHER AMOUNTS PAYABLE UNDER THE TERMS THEREOF, RECORDED APTiI 02, 1986, IN BOOK 439 AT PAGE 2].7. SATD DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO COLONIAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION, FORT WORTH, TEXAS IN ASSTGNMENT RECORDED ApriJ- 26, 1986, IN BoOK 439 AT PAGE 218. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO AMERICAN CHARTER FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION TN ASSTGNI"IENT RECORDED Ju]y 21, 1986, TN BOOK 445 AT PAGE 4{J6. 19. DEED OF TRUST FROM BERNARD SAMUELS and JEANNINE SAMUELS TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY TOR THE USE OF MONEY PURCHASE TRUST FOR THE EMPLOYEES OF BERNARD SAMUELS, M.D. (A}4C) TO SECURE THE SUM OF $5O,OOO.OO, RECORDED December 22, 1987, fN BOOK 41 6 AT PAGE 20. PAGE 4 LAND TJ",c u A R A N r " "Oc o M P A N Y DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Required by Senate Bill 9l--L4 A) The subJect real property nay be located in a special taxing district,. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due Iisting each taxing jurisdiction nay be obtained frorn the County Treasurer or the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundarie" ;,of such districts fray be-oblained frorn the Board of county Cornmissioners, the County C1erk and Recordei, or the County Assessor. J peel/angenwalter architects, l.l.c. . david mark peel, a.i,a. kathy langcnwalter, a.i.a. 2588 arosa drive p.o. box | 202 vail, co Bl65B 970-476-4506 97O-476-4572 tax SAMUELS ADDITION ADJACENT PROPERW OWNERS 224 Forest Road 10-03-97 Lot 11-8, Block 7, Vail Vaillage First Filing Vail, Colorado Flannery Properties Lot g, Block 7, V.V. First 16230 Filbert Street Sylman, CA 91342 David W. Graebel Family Trust Lot 9-A,.Block 7, V.V. First c/o Citizens Bank & Trust P.O, Box 59 Wausau, Wl 54402-0059 Francis A. Beer Lot 10-A, Block 7, V.V. First 115 Hawk Lane Boulder, CO 80302 R.H. and Jan Rymer Pickens Lot 10-B, Block 7, V.V. First 8111 Preston Road, Suite 800 Dallas, TX 75225 G. John Krediet Lot 11-A, Block 7, V.V. First c/o C.F. Capitol Corporation 1 Landmark Square, 18th Floor Stamford, CT 06091 1000 Broadway Company 233 Milwaukee Street Denver. CO 80302 Lot 12, Block 7, V.V. Fhst Brenda and David MacNeil Lot 13-A, Block 7, V.V. First 215 East First Street Hinsdale, lL 60520 ., I Steven T. and Suzette H. Kirby 24 Riverview Heights Souix Falls, SD 57105 MichaelS. Shannon P.O, Box 1746 Lot 13-8, Block 7, V.V. First Lot22, Block 7, V.V. First Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 Ed S. and Gloria M. Hicks Lot 25, Block 7, V.V. First 3026 South Padre lsland Drive Corpus Christi, TX 78415 Paul Raether Lot 26, A and B, Block 7, V.V. First c/o Kohlbert, Kravis, Roberts and Company 9 West 57th Street, #4250 NewYork, NY 10019 ,t,r=" MAY AFFEcr ror* r^o".*l 'NorrcE rs HEREBv crvEN that the t::t':j::"Jfinmentar commission orthe rown or Vail will hold a public hearing in accord4nce with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on November 10, 1997, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: ^ { request for remodeling, upgrading and dn addition to an existing residence, utilizing the 250 |lprdinance, located at 224 Forest Rd./ Block 7, Lot 1 1-8, Vail Village First Filing. $ppticant: Forest Road Trust (Keith samuels, Trustee), represented by Kathy Langenwalter, eel/Langenwalter Architects, LLC Plan ner:George Ruther A request for an addition to and the remodel of an existing residence, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 1944A Sunburst Drive/ Lot 21A, Vail Valley 3rd Filing. Applicant: Beth Ann B. Findell, represented by Archistructure One Planner:George Ruther A request for a worksession on a major amendment to SDD #4 (Cascade Village), to allow for a revision to the development plan for the Glen Lyon Office Building site, located at 10OO S. Frontage Rd. WesVLot 54, Block K, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership, represented by Gordon Pierce, AIA Planner:Dominic Mauriello An appeal of an administrative decision regarding geologic hazards section at Vail Golfcourse Townhomes, Unit 60, located al 1592 Golf Terrace/Vail Golfcourse Townhomes. Appellant: Stephen Dowdle, represented by Bill Sargent Planner:Dominic Mauriello Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan - Discussion and recommendation. Staff: Susan Connelly Anappeal of threestaff interpretations: 1)Thestaff'sclassiflcationof thethirdandfourthfloors as "eating and drinking establishments"; 2) Section 1E.52.100 C, Parking-Requirements Schedule (Eating & Drinking Establishments) and Section 18.52.160, Exemptions (parking pay- in-lieu) - appellant disputes the calculation of the number of parking spaces required; and 3) The requirement that the applicant sign the pay-in-lieu promissory note personally and that a Deed of Trust be filed on the property; located at The Vail Village Club, 333 Bridge Street, Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. Appellant: Riva Ridge Partners LLC - Glenn M. Heelan; Margretta B. Parks Staff: Mike Mollica/Tom Moorhead The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner"s office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interprelation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department Published October 24. 1997 in the VailTrail. ,;WY !"*n"* "l8lffilli} oeveropmenr! 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO -81657 Name:Beceipt No, Address: Project: Please make checks payable to the TOWN oate // r"6 r77 OF VAIL Accounl No.Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 3141 ooi oooo 314 1 001 0000 314 1 001 0000 314 1 001 0000 314 1 001 0000 314 1 001 0000 314 1 001 0000 314 1 001 0000 314 1 001000031fi oor oooo e15 { 001 0000 311 I 001 0000315: oot ooo0s12,- 001 0000 31' 0010000312. 001 0000 31 1 i 001 0000 315 001 0000 240 001 0000 312 001 0000 230 '001 0000 201 -oot ooooslc ila;;'iiie?tt cl Receiptr fTfTX Arount Tenderrd mr9l ilse.t flsc. e0 PflY T(1 TI€ (]Rl)€R tr FIRSTStrI( IF URIL UAIL. C0 8l5F/ I l0tlSlSl9r FIIR DEP$IT Iil-Y T0tt $ |,ntL 37e [87 Tmn of Vail r** H.ETffiR REIIIPT *r til{R: fl$lfrll}T FB DltffR: I DflTE: ll/07/97 0l f,EffiIPTr 000S191 I}ESCRIFTIIT{ gTY ffiIffT TP I; p€c l,Antof,E FEE r fl50.m Pt| cl{ FEEL/LAISEH'Jfl-TER ARCillT ADI)ITIOI|. TXTIECTI${ 6IIFA IHIE: l1/07/97 ll:53:39 T0TH_ Ct{H( fl50.m STTffT ]BIDERED IIsO,M IIfr{T YflJ FtlR YIIIR PflYru{T!'v. ZA $5.00 CB $54.00 CB $39.00 CB $37.00 CB $36.00 CB $37.00 CB BF $7.00 XC $0.2s MS PN PF OH SP $20.00 SP DR PN D2 RL SA TP T7 MS 001 0000 311 2500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 001 0000 311 2500 Additional GRFA - '250"PV $200.00 ./-{a Q 001 0000 311 2500 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 so. ft.PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exlerior Alteration - More than 100 sq. fl.PV $500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - NEW PV $1,500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Developmenl District - Major Amend PV $1,000.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2500 Variance PV $250.00 001 0000 311 2500 Zoning Code Amendments PV $250.00 Re-Zoning PV $200.00 Other -MS TOTAL:/s:d.4 co ^rn",r4o(./,+ 7 - C a - r , , : ,., Money Order # 7 ao**t , Devetopment Plan *ouf,ror,o K- Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Routcd To: ( Mike McGee" Fire Retum To:George Ruther, Community Development Date Routed:lblsolq-t Rctum By:Ase Project Name:S*n"els ?fi Project Address:6es R'*D Project Legal:b Ll€, fu*_1, Vl+;l \ttqe. 1{ Project Description: r4-=-;hu..l 4o ht €tistil-t1 f;6y;pe' y e -o a ()o z (n {F c o {6 z !m,F' .a 7/ soE 5El a=5<l GLl AE I 3 3 c =.c I g o ! 3 o I -l o @ m I -a-I-, EI l.d 9 lm:lOo I'tl o I!<tsP l=m t< -l l=F !t 6 !{o CN (n c z m 'r't m =--.t 'n! z=o@ >=-{=6"z c)m {=Ori o> o .+m ii8 *E 6I o6 ,'z 3= 9 L o z t\) N FO lo "-!o-< ,-., o ;.-fl o-It m Ftr s=f -.{ .l o i^t!\c, m Nrx m T I o z L o @ Ch { m nn!'t{ (=fl8 oxF 1z=gp" r !D! Ri x! Fq e8 1.r) t!Fl B o !-l ! !m v = =z o (t @ @ -J z IT a p l!F a FI o o 9.n -{m 72 >m c)E {> v o 9p -{c 3= d6 7 o 4o --{n-r qij --l t t!t- -z o z =in o F{ pl d u)gl o H o f- m tJ 5 o H t-t I z o { n F o a F 6 F 5 JI ot =D <F t>IJ IJ F m r I -l .l I I l-l to l€ lz lo F t<t> F II ld l€lz lo l'r1 t<l> r- IH lP l6 *lg le t<t> l! le I I n pl H 0) nt FI o H 0l o o E l€ lz lo l:t> lF I:D lm lF) F IH ll l- I I u) I I H H 5 l-l z>9R rd d= >o ol m=@o z c z t- ttl o 2 t^ -.t z l- m P 836 ;EE a Eot 3g* =!r o '<R{€E6- i *t'f-*o:a=-.O 0r =*- i5{:ior(D e'e. a -.-0r o=o a*= 1C .- s,sil€ !, or !, !) -:'-f +i; 6ga o i- --oo+ 'r.r J (D -:B.o 3eg fE -. =< =JA= = f q si59 ;** 3qE (,O=.dga d:-o d {I D o. o 0 =o. =a,t 6 !r o ='GI o I o { o N o @ 0) o. o c o e 2.o o o o o o o"o 9.(o o s-o { !r !,E o o -o c =o 3 (D c. CL 3'(o o o o.o 0) CL o J o o CL 'll =3 (t, m t-_tl t- = m =J !m =-t 'Tl m m (/, F F t lD, B B I I t ri |., to r -t o t- !m fr = ='Tl m m at JF \b-03 \n \*-q, rNstbroN REeLfEsr TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED 9*s) r77 /eq*l/as<- 6a-s THU (Iil) r" LOCATION:€5/Pal BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D tr D tr tr o tr FOUNDATI FRAMING ON / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING fr cns PTPTNG ,1 INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr E tr ROUGH D tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL o nppRo0ko D DISAPPROVED RErNSPEcloru neeutrieo CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR niFs'oP JtsT .! --.)- rN#croN REottEsY PEHMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: T ,),5/cr,, OWN OF VAIL JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr I'tr D UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n tr ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr n ROUGH tr o tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL :APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR 54 <) .,{4: , I -,*#,""1,*oN, $FguEsI .ALLER T" " , c{ S. n+f PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 4J or t j JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON Jor.no,elS READY FOR LOCATION:€o(r 5 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr D UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING D D ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL ,$t (ond{^ )<r,"o. -W,peaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR o o z (n {7 c){o z T m n =-{ .! =o o o 3 3 c = o g o tt 3 o m o o o m -t m t- ^{ a a z m o ''| m t -r NtF|EI " 'i{ ?,1 fiiE l=-.iqE li in214 EP" IH l=tr[! 5? r!+- cc -z= *1=U o"'t1 Z o Z /"\ n+ u R<z': 6z --r ^9; 9-o z. t-ic 3= -1 Z o6) I{t 2,in 5i ic)o>70r o 9.n -tm nz,>m OI -t> - =m --l =z.m n L' z m E r > n H z Fl_1 ,-tv ;-llT| rrr l@a lc)>lr I I i t F I ID |- 'Tl r z ts H F H tr{cr tn H +m a-m l: €z -Tt = m z o l €z o I F t m o z I l I E l3 l<t> F I = m t- F +.!o\ I t,)! tJ €z o .tl t- m z o F I tr t t! :Y F z tt a F. H s. Or I Ln @ -l o €.z o -n t- It tn =u I >l x F4 s 14 tt n o -l fl] fq Fr Pa Fr z €P t-rl c)BP lFE brn <E b >E Fd Fr tn I -rh|, INE ts,E lrd IEtrI t,dl -e lr{l - l(/) |lFll o\t I I lrdl Nlol --tl>l r\-)l(tl u'l I tl clz lq mil ll L-t ,-r FU ar t^o t;i 'Tl Fd .It rfl (,tr _f \ol \oo -o m x m 1J -{ o z C-o @ I I m r (- ;:3 d - OXt /'i ! 6P-q :R iiP 5ie* E.<5;a=3d *i*e' sr o:af =-.o0t cl*- i=9;(D;- < ^-aqro Hot: X-.-!t 939=r -(D:-(o9+@ *O K ot O *=T -'o or !,es=il otaI.d'{ o L-r f_o o *v'J-i= 398.8 j=9P @3ol *q,6r = =< =i;t= E5 ilq <o-: 0:a P o' r 6 =.:8a8t 3ua';..ER6 r;; t flE c +l> o +lE :tls 3 {lp B \. =' N\3 N3 t\tg \,6 o Ng {}d ,, '\3 ^l o $l 3 #t\ B N; N iit ls 1l \; 'l o <l =rolv FII r-l ''|l z -t I m o €2 m m o a z o o I z t-.D m =I U'z m m m l< ' z l=i l- @ ICO @o z l-ol I I I I I I I --1-- XX I : le 6l""l I li*I i I fi I i il r1i lln ;i F--+-.l al zl "l I -f- 1 iz U)c ^1z ! | -.r l-I I | --+lT IQ lz im 1s,)--l ir I ro tr€OI zd 'z = z>eR Ici P<u< >o ol m=@o z c z z m { -.t fn _-i z F + =z : 4 m _o m o c P I G --i- 2 Fa NF Hi E=a1v :.1 ri 7F to >'n FH A9 Flnaa >Io 3 i b;z c:Zza-o:j -^'i z z ;i= L-rx zt< iql P{l \)Hl N :t :>l HI xl al 'l I I ._l 2lz =13 -'l>F l0 - t<c 12 r I at, =t?z li ql ;I !J.' I m g a-,-,9 E6 ?N. ^KY n z F (, -o --t m P z FI F z x r,^J \o --t t- m n =_Tt m m (n m --{ X t-m z c m --t m g z m m { o C) m o =z n m m m o D z t- l-c 2 m t-m --t o l- z I t..r] :c z m =.,{ m n =_Tt m m U) VALUATION -It m ! ={ 2 o 11 t-:F E- Irl 2 t- |- (D z.o m m I - l- _c = (.l tJ -.1 N)\o hJ l'J \o s.Ul LE 73s,{7 to//o/SL Project Application D^r"@.ryJ+tl Pro,ect Name: Proiect Descriotion: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Archirect. Address and phone: V-xr:=ta | * lt -\'c*=g<- , (ee;y'"-a/+*h'JA-;t#- Legal Description: Lot t-b Block 1 r;tinsJ ar-Vr aa4€ \4 , zone - Com ments: Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL Motion by: &C>CA€ L ^'-f seconded or, ?x AeAAJAfcA a6pnfi,iil : @.,/s' p< <raratrt€A Vs--ra o'Q Su m mary: v-try1 ( . Ry#:.ttt E statt Approval revised 6lLB/9L {, - -i,- .*€- - I. DRB ApplrcArroN - rohrN oF vArL, coLoRADd 5['D AUO 1;2ggl- DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING; 1991 *******t** TITIS APPLICATION I{ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL AI,L REQUIRED MIORI|ATION rS SSBIIITTED ****tllttl PROJECT INFORMATTON: A.DESCRIPTfON: Revision TYPE OF REV]EW: New Construction (S200.00) Addition ($50.00) X Minor ALteration Conceptual Review (s20.00) ($0) n ADDRESS: I.,EGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot 11-B Block Subdivision v 1SE If property is described by description, please provide attach to this application. ZONING; Primary/Secondary a meets and bounds fegal on a separate sheet and E. LOT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing 1ot area. must provide a current 22,263 square feet NAME OF APPLICANT: Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Samuels I'iailing Acidress: Phone 504-482-7120 H. NAME OF APPLICANT,S REPRESENTATfVE: Kathy Lansenwalrer P.0. Box 1202. Vail . C0 81658 phone L70-+iO0- I. NAME OF OWNERS:and Mrs.d Samuel-s *SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing Addre Phone 504-482-7I2O Condominium Approval if applicabLe. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shovrn above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building pernit, please identify the accurate vaLuation of the proposal. The Tohrn of vail will adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure Lhe correct fee is paici. rgp paro: S 20.00 f EI5 SL.IILUULI1 : VALUATION rEE s 20.00 s 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 WITHOUT OYINER' S SIGNAIURE J. $c I 1o, oo1 s 50,001 s150,001 $500,001 $ over - $ 10,000 - $ 50,000 - $ 150,000 - ( qnn nnn Y vvv, vvv - $1,000r 000 $1,000,000 *NO APPLICJITION WILL BE PROCESSED : . I Lrsr oF MATERTALS Itv NAME OF PROJECT; Samuels Parking Area Revisions ' LEGAL DESCRIpTTON: LOT 11-B g16gi1 7 SUgptvISION Vail Village ltt STREET ADDRESS i 224 Forest Road DESCRIpTION OF pROJECT; Revision of parki.ng area and approach to the existing residencq. The following information is reguired for submit,t.at to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR A. BUILDING MAIERTALS: Roof (Trash Enclosure) Siding Other WaI] MateriaLs Rock Veneer Planter Wa11s Stucco Finish Retaining Wal1s Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FLues Flashings l-himnarrc Trash Enclosures Stucco Finish, Wood Doors Greenhouses Other B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Nane Common Name Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES Populus Tremuloidesjpen_ 8 _[!{caI. Picea Punsens C1aucLD.]g9-SpSe ! 1fu!n. heigh EXISTING TREES TO Pooulus.Tresu1oides-.1lgg-_ I 7tt caL. BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. Metal Gray PLANr ueren|s: PROPOSED SHRUBS BotanicaL Name Lonicera Commcl;trame Ouantitv Size* Honevsuckle Juniperus Hor. Plumosa Andora Junioer 3 Pinus Mugo Mugo Mugho Pine Potentilla Fruticosa Potentilla 5 gal. 5 gal . 5gal . EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size 5 qa]lon.of proposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is Type Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD .FVDF OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OI EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa11s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining walls. Maximum height of walIs wit,hin the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum helght of wa1ls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. UTILTTY IOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAI{E SAMIJELS/KEDIET RETAINING WALL AND VARIANCES I,gT 11-A and B FILING Vail Village lst Filing ADDRESS 224 Forest Road The locatl.on of utilities, whether they be mal-n trunk lines or proposed lLnes, must be approved and verlfied by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. U.S. West Communications )k!&1-800-922-L987 ''r'^ 468-6860 or 949-4530 PubIic Service conpany 949-578t Gary Ha1l HoIy cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Huskyr/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.v. 9 4 9-553 0 Gary Johnson This form is to verify Iocation. This should preparing your utility installations. f,^^:,Authorized Siqnature Date 648-?/ service availability and be used in conjunction with plan and scheduling Upper Eagle valley water & Sanitation District * t*,*i*Ji:!,"" "^W [-rr^?/ b- /f'1r These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Departrnent of Pub1ic Works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqqinq in any public right-of-hray or easement in the Town of Vail. A buildinq pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. NOTE 3 * Please bring a site plan when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley water & Sanitation signatures.'r ,/2 a< €*, -fuv'/rc'<- n\ Nee'J fube- /erttou{ ?F.+C CALL l-too-'?22- tExl tuR ABIE t-o+-TEs 16 ftoops BercBz DteGtrtl *NF 1'61*^s{ 1.1'arul,o.,^ \o' $\\v\. d,r\o*e- \.^ b-rs-f ,^;o\**qv\t- cv-S.u-s "r" \\QD, **.=\',^$ TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTION TIORM COM. DEV. APPLICATION FEES 0l 0000 41330 ZONINCAND ADDRESS MAPS 0r 0m041540 0r 00004215 TJNIFORM PLT]MBING CODE 0r 00004215 I.JNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE 0l 0000 42415 01000042415 0100004215 0l 0000 42415 0r 000041548 )GROX COPIES / STI.'DIES 0t0n0o42412 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0l 0000 42371 0r0nnr042322 OFF HOTJRS INSPECTION FEES 0l 0000 41412 0l m00 41330 01000041413 r::::-;! :-'. -. _r _ ,_: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDIJM Planning and Environmental C-ommission Community Development Departrncnt August 12, t99l A request for a wall height variancc for the Samuels Residence, lrt 11-B, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing2Z Forest Road- Applicant Bemad Samuels Planner: Mike Mollica DESCRIPTION OF TIIE VARIANCE REOI.JESTED The applicant is the owner of I.ot 11-B, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing, and is requesting a variance from the maximum allowable wall height to provide for the construction of on-site surface parking. The property has an existing two story residence located upon it, and parking is currently provided in the form of two surface spaces immediately north of the structure. Access to this existing surface pa*ing is provi@:dq3_$:foot wide asphalt The driveway exceeds 26Vo at the lower, or portion south the connection to Forest Road. The proposed parking scheme would provide for two on-site, surface parking spaces and an enclosed trash facility. Access o *re parking area would be provided by an asphalt driveway, with an average grade of 10%, connecting with Forest Road. The parking area would be located at a right angle to Forest Road, and would therefore solve some of the problems which are currently encountered with the existing switchback configuration of the driveway. existin in the area of the surface g to step walls on the south and west sides of the parking arca, a variance from the maximum is still required in order to provide surface parking in this area. allowable wall height Section 18.58.020(C) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code provides for a maximum wall height of 3 feet within thc front setback area, and up to 6 feet on any other area of the property. This section of the Code rpads as follows: "Fences, hedges, walls, and landscaping screens, where not restricted by covenant or other legal instrument, shall not excecd three feet in height within any required front setback area and shall not excced six feet in height on any other portion of a site, provided that highcr fences, hedges, walls, or landscaping sctccnj may be authorized by the zoning administrator whcre necessary to scrpen public utility equipment." All of the retaining walls would be located the front setback area, and the This situation-wouEGcur at the southeast @rner of the proposed on-site pa*ing area- Hcnce._&e rpDlicant is reouestinq a variance to excecd thc maximum allowable wall heieht bv 4.8 feet ZONING CONSIDERATIONS A. This lot is located within the primary/secondary Residential Zone Disrict. B. All of the adjacent propefties, to the north, south, east and west, are zoned Primary/secondary Residential. Forest Road is located immediately to the north. The applicant is proposing no modifi.cations to the existing single family residence, and hence, there will be no change to the GRFA, site coverage or any of the othcr devclopment standards. CRITERI.A AND FINDINGS Upon review of criteria and Findings, section 18.62.060 of the vail Municipal code, the community Development Departrnent r€commends approval of the requested variance bascd on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structure in the vicinity. The applicant is proposing a two-tierpd retaining wall system for the south and west retaining walls. This stepped retaining wall would allow for landscaping to be planted within the 3-foot step. The applicant is proposing to plant i minimum of eight 2 to 2-lD inch catiper aspen, and additional shrubs, such as juniper, honeysuckle, Mugo pine and potentilla within this area- please see the attached site plan for the specific locations of the plants. Additionally, the applicant is proposing to face the south and west, lower concrete retaining walls with a rock or stone veneer. The entire east wall and the upper south and west walls would bc snrcco with a matching stone cap. 'r It is the staffs position that the requested vatiance, if approved, would not adversely alfect the usc or enjoyment of adjacent properties, and would not block or impcdc views from any surrounding propcrties. We believe the applicant's proposal to step the walls, o add landscaping berwecn the steps' and to utilize a rock veneer and silcco facing on the reaining walls, to all be positive solutions to a difficult site planning problem. 2. The degree to which relief from the shict and literal interpretation and enforcernent of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment arnong sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. The existing vehicular access to this site is extremely difiicult, due to the fact that the average slope of the driveway rangcs from 22-26Vo, The applicants are proposing a new drivcway and surface parking area, with an avemge grade of l0%, which the staff considers to be a reasonable grade considering the existing conditions on the site. We also believe the proposed retaining walls are necessary to suPPort ttre steep grades adjacent to the surface parking area. The staff does not believe ttre granting of this wall height variance would be a grant of special privilege because of the steep topography on the site, which we believe walrants some relief from the development standards. 3. The effect ofthe requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilitieg public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The staff finds that the requested wall height variance will have a positive impact on the issues of public safety and traffic facilities. We believe that the reconfi Forest than the existing angled driveway off of Forest Road. have been incorporated into the final design. A revocable right-of-way permit has also been requested for the imp'rovements which are located within the public right-of-way. These improvements includc boulder walls and a concreto stair and brick paver walkway system that would provide access from the surface parking area up to the residence. The revocable right-of-way permit will subsequently be rpviewed at the staff level should the variance application be approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission. I B. The Plannine and Envimnmental Commission shall make the following findines bcforc srantine a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a gnnt of special privilcge inconsistent with the limitations on other propenies classified in the same district. 2. That thc granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfarc, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or morc of the following r€asons: a. The strict literal interprctation or enforcement of the specified regulation would rcsult in practical difficulty or unnccessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicablc to the same sitc of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified rcgulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other propenies in the same district. ry. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends appmval of the applicant's rcquest for a wall height variance, according to the drawings submitted by Kattry Iangenwalter, AIA, Sheet 1 of I, dated August 5, 1991. It is the staff opinion that the property is encumbered with a physical hardship given the existing topographic conditions on the site, and we also believe granting the rcquest would not be a grant of special privilege, and that the variance would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare. Staff believes that the findings in Section Itr(B) of this memo, which are applicable to this variance rcquest, would be findings 1,2, and 3O). It should be noted that the following must be completed pnor to the issuance of a Town of Vail building permit: l. The proposal must receive final approval from the Design Review Board. 2. A revocable right-of-way permit must be secured from the Town of Vail. clpec\ncrnc\rnucb.E I 2 S; ry*/ f^ 4'T (seu* -'2d U1&' s-o- / (/-y*4 ------ \- ' EXISTI'{G RESIDEhICE "--F 5t-- -.r- ,?. - I t --1 : rrzr.{-.|1-+F1 ,e. b< - =<" ,'ve ^.1\? T'o (\. o -__ry_-22fr5_1 ,'c+ W- -\-- -- -..---.- --t.\*e>s* \-r-- a+z z:/r\a: ___.__\._ F._ * I ,i-- " ii ii I--' -_',2 --/ o Present Chuck Ctist Diana Donovan Connie Knight Ludwig Kurz Kathy Langcnwalter Jim Shearer Gena Whiuen FIL E COPY PLANNING AND ENVIROMVIENTAL COMMISSION August 72,l99L Staff Kristan Prie Mike Mollica Jill Kammerer Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Betsy Rosolack Amber Blecker The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Diana Donovan at 2:05PM. 1. Review of a staff anproval of a minor amendment to Soecial Development District No. 22. Garden of the Gods. Lot K. Block 5A. Vail ViUage 5th FilinsB55 Vail Vallev Drive. Applicanu Marearct Hill Marital Trust Planner: Shellv Mello Shelly Mello explained the staff approval stemmed from discrepancies berween the original suryey, completed by Eagle Valley Surveying, and the Improvement l.ocation Certilicate (I.L.C.) by Robillard Associates. Pam Hopkins, representing thc applicant, said the new building had been located per the sun'ey conducted by Dan Corcoran. They used Robillard and Associates because they were conducting the on-site road improvement surveys and where thus more easily accessible. Pam and Shelly both stated the building appeared o be sited conrctly, and the discrepancies werc related to lot line lengths. Krisun Pritz explained one survey needed to be chosen for use as the legal description for the SDD Ordinance. Kathy Langenwalter agreed, stating there was a need for documentation. Diana Donovan was concemed how the discrepancics might affect the ridge linc height and the corresponding view corridor. Kristan said staff felt the building was in the right location, but staff needed only onc base map document. Staff would have the ridge clevation shot when appropriate from the original view corridor location. Shelly indicated a third survey to be performed would determine the survey of record, since neither of the two previous surveyors could find fault with their original surveys. Diana stated there was a need to find the mistake and establish a legal description. Kathy suggested researching to detcrmine if there was more than one title report for the property, and if perhaps that could have been the basis for any discrepancies. Pam agreed to do that research. I Kathy Langenwalter moved to approve the staffs approval of a minor amendment to Community Dcvelopment Department No. 22, Gardcn of the Gods, Lot K, Block 5A, Vail Village 5th Filing/365 Vail Valley Drive with the condition that the discrepancies between the surveys be resolved- Ludwig Kurz seconded the motion. It was approved 60-1, with Connie Knight abstaining. 2. A request for a front setback variancc for the Tuov Residence. Irt 33. Buffehr Cbeek RcsuMivision/I9Ol Chamonix Lane. Applicanf Leon Tupv Planner: Andv Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen explained the changes from the previous hcaring on thc request, and inroduced into the record a petition from thc ncighborhood asking the &mmission to dcny the rcquest for a setback variance. Staff recommended approval of the variance with conditions as listed in thc memo. E.J. Meade, architect for the applicant, explained that the most significant change from the previous hearing was that the primary unit had been moved to the west, out of the setback, and the garage doors had also been shifted to the west. These changes resulted in a decrcase of 100 sq. ft. from the building. Another improvement was the landscaping location, which would decrease the visual impact of the structure. Addressing the safety issue, E.J. indicated the building would not block the vicw from the intersection. E.J. stued the owners had no intention of developing the portion of the lot on the other side of the q€ek, further reducing Ore impacts of the development. Since flooding had been an issue raised at the previous PEC meeting, thc owners were working with engineen and a hydrologist to prctect not only the Tupy rcsidence, but the neighbors as well. Mitigation being proposed included a berm along the side of the structure and the placement of a gravel swale. A neighbor asked if cars would be able to tum around in the driveway, or if they would have to back out. E.J. indicated they would back out, similar to the adjacent lot to the south. Neighbor Cynthia Steitz asked what thc front wall was for. E.J. said it was terraced to prEvent erosion. Ilyette Goodell, a neighbor, said that although staff had looked at the development potential during the summer, there were winter impacts as well. Specifically, the Town uses thc lot fo'r dumping snow. In addition, it had been indicated o the neighbors peviously that the lot was unbuildable. Another neighbor, Marka Moscr, was concemed with the safcty, givcn that the lot was being developed in this manncr. She said thc addition of tnecs and the fact the sun would no longcr warm the road to the samc cxtent in the winter cr€ated safety and visibility problems for the If a restriction were requestcd to be terminatcd, the Commission bclieved thc Planning - - Commission, at the least, should review any proposed tcrmination. They also questioned the maximum prcposed occupancy of 2 pcople, with the suggestion that a child undcr a certain age should be able to b€ in th€ samJunir Under school-age and 3 years old were suggest€d ages. There was also a question of who was an authorized agent for a In)perty, and staff agrccd to rcsearch that issue. The Commission discussed the requiremcnt of a shuttle, with Kathy stating that more defrnition of when one would necd to be provided was necessary. In addition, shc believcd the rcquirement of a privatc shuttle might make a projtrct tog "Ipen:iYe. Thc commission asrcA itaff to change the ordinance language to state a shuttle "may" bc rcquircd. Kathy Langenwalter moved the recommendations of the Commission be as discussed above. Jim Shearer scconded the motion. It was unanimously approved, G0' .Jim Shealer moved the definition of "bathroom" bc recommended approval to the Town Council as stated in staffs memo. Ludwig Kurz seconded. It was approved G0. Mike Mollica briefly explaine.d the request, stating staff recommended approval of the variance. Jim Shearer moved to apprcve the request for a wall height variance for the Samuels Residence, I-r 11-B, Biock 7, Vail Village Fint Filing224 Forest Road per the staff memo. Gena Whitten seconded the motion. It was approved 5-G'1, with Kathy I-angenwalter abstaining. 14. inholdings. Planner: Mike Mollica The letter was discussed, changes we,re madc and the conscnsus of the Commission approved the lener to be signed by Diana Donovan. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:l5PM. t7 Kathy Langenwaller moved to recommend approval of the request for a major amendment to' Millrace lV- Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, to approve a development plan, generally located south ol Millrace Condominiums and west of The Westin Resort, Vail, more specifically described above, per staff's memo, and with fre fotlowing changes to the conditions of approval: 1. lf the CDOH did not approve additional landscaping along the South Frontage Road, that a ma(imum of 10 would be planted on the Westhaven Apartment parcel;2. The south and west property lines be better buffered, a waler feature be Inrrestigated, and the norlh and west be looked at and reviewed by tra Design Review Board for additional landscaping;3. Staff revise the GHFA figures to reflect use of he cunent definition of GRFA, with credits for garages only. Jim Shearer seconded the motion. lt unanimously passed, 6-0. 5. A reouest tor a wall heiohi variance for the Chester Residence. Lot 19, Block 1, Vail Villaoe 1st Filinq/395 Mill Creek Circle. Aoolicant: E.B. Chester Plannei: Kristan Pritz This item was tabled to November 11, 1991 per the request of the applicant. 6. A reouest to extend for one vear the October 22, 1990 PEC site coveraoe variance to allow construction of a 60 square foot airlock at the Szechwan Lion Restaurant. 304 Bridoe StreeUlot H. Block 5A. Vail Villaoe First Filino. Apolicant: John S. Ho/Szechwan Lion Planner: Jill Kammerer Jim Shearer moved to extend for one year the October 22, 1990 PEC site coverage variance to allow construction ot a 60 square foot airlock at the Szechwan Uon Restaurant, 304 Bridge StreevLot H, Block 5A, Vail Village First Filing, per staff's memo. Chuck Crist seconded the motion. lt was approved 5-0-1, with Kathy Langenwalter abstaining as she represented the applicant. In the interest of time, item 11 was next considered. 1'1. Review of a minor modification to the oreviouslv aoproved wall heioht variance for the Samuels Residence, located on Lot 11-8. Block 7. Vail Villaoe First Filino/224 Forest Road. Aoolicant: Planner: Kathy Langenwalter explained the changes, and indicated the change was due to a minor lopographical discrepancy. She stated there would be no more than a 16-inch modification. The Commission unanimously upheld staff's approval of the modification. 12 )F J,; L6^-,,',7WT^ y^Yfrda PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBy GIVEN that the Planning and Environmentaf Conmission of the Town of VaiI will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.56.060 of the Municipal Code of Ehe Town of Vail on JuLy 22, 1991 at 2:00 p.n. in the Town of Vai] Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A reguest for a site coverage variance for the Rothbart Residence, Lot 12, Block A, Vail Das Schone First Filing/ 2349 Chanonix Dri.ve. Applicant: Gary Rochbart Planner: Jill Kainmerer 2. A request to rezone ProPerty from Prirnary/Secondary to Low oensity Multiple Family, generally located at 2239 Chamonix Lane, nore particularly described as: Parcel A: A tract of land containing one acre, more or F-Iocated in the south L/2 of the south East 1/4 of Section 11, Township 5 South, Range 81 west of the Sixth Principal Meridian, more particularly described as folLows: Beginning at the NE corner of the Sw 7/4 of the SE 1/4 of sald seciion 1l-; thence westerly along tne northerly line of said SW L/4 of the SE 1/4 bearing south 86020' w a distance of L67.80 ft.. to a Point: Thence southerly along a line 157.80 ft. distant from and parallel to thb east line of said Sw L/4 of the SE t/At a distance of 200.00 ft. to a Point: . Thence easterly a distance of 167.80 ft. along a line 200.00 ft. dlstant from and parallel to the north line of said SW l/4 of the SE t/4 ta a point on its east line; Thence easterly on a Line parallel to Sw l/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 11, a to a poj.nt: Thence nort,herly and parallel with the L/2 of the SE l/4 of said Section 11, ft. to the point of intersection with north line of the Sw l/4 of the SE 1/4 Thence westerly on a deflective angle along the extension of the north line SE 1/4 of said Section 11, a distance corner of the Sw 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of point of beginning. E-arce.I-E.: Tract A, VaiL Heights Filinq No. 1, according to the recorded plat thereof. the north line of the distance of 50.95 ft. west line of the east a distance of 200.00 the extension of the of said Section 11; Left of 95021'00"of the SW 1/4 of the of 50.95 ft. to the NE Section 11, being the Applicant: Planner: Erich and Lily Schmetzco Andy Knudtsen /t-", 7 -{4/& '3. A request for a conditional use pernit and a setback variance for an outdoor patio for Gondo's Restaurant' Lot 4, Block 1., vail Lionshead First Filing/600 Lionshead Mal1.Applicant: Legends of Vail/Vail Associates Planner: Jill Kammerer 4. A reguest for a waII height variance for the Samuels Residence, Lot 11-8, Block ?, Vail Village First FiLing/224 Forest Road.Applicant: Bernard Samuels Planner: Mike Mollica 5. A request for a front setback variance for the Tupy Residence, Lot 33, Buffehr Creek Resubdivision/1901 Chamonix Lane.Applicant: Leon Tupy Planner: Andy Knudtsen 6. A request for waff height and site coverage variances for Lot 1, Block 1, Intermountain Subdivision/2684 Larkspur 1-nrrrl- Applicant: Robin E. Hernreich/Atwell Development Planner: Betsy Rosolack 7. A request for an exterior aLteration and a site coverage variance for the Gorsuch Building, 263 E. Gore Creek Drive,/Lots C, D and E, Block 5, together with part of Tract B, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Paul Golden Planner: Jil} Kammerer 8, A request for a variance from the parking requlrements for Lot 23, Matterhorn village/1-652 Matterhorn Circle.Applicant: Susan and wolfgang Herzog Planner: She11v Mello 9. A request for review of the Vail Streetscape Master PIan for formal recommendation to the Town Council. The Master Plan addresses the general area from East lionshead Circle to Ford Park, and incLudes west Meadow Drive, East Meadow Drive, Willow Bridge Road, Gore Creek Drive, Vail Vall-ey Drive, Bridge Street, and Hanson Ranch Road. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Mike Mollica L0. Any items tabled from the JuIy 8, 1-991- PEC meeting agenda. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public review in the Community Development Department office. Town of Vail Community Development Department Published in the Vail Trail on July 5, 1991. I July SAMUBLS RESIDENCE VARIANCE APPLICATION Lot 11-B, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing 224 Forest Road VaiL, Colorado 81657 ADJACEM PROPERIY OWNERS: 22, L99L, PEC Meeting. LOT 9: 186 Forest Road LOT 9A: 147 RockLedge Road LOT 10: 167 Rockledge Road LOT 12: LOT 13: 227 Rockledge Road LOT 22: 245 Forest Road LOT 25: LOT 26t 165 Forest Road looo Broadw 2y gD-rY-" @;. *ar,L P.0. Box LL&--"' Il - .,,r.Fll lorado 80201 /\,A W- 13-A ffiY, Steven T. and Suzette H. 24 Riverview Heights Souix Fall-s, South Dakota 57105 l3-B (217 RockLedse Road) CUNNINGHAM, Karen F. 217 Rockledge Road Vai1, Colorado 81657-5032 SHANNON, Michael S. 245 Forest Road Vail , Colorado 81657 IIICKS, Ed S. and Gl-oria M. 3026 South Padre Island Drive Corpus Christi, Texas 78415 HARTWIG, John A. and MarY Kelsven 8811 Crestwood Road Bloonington, Minnesota 55437 David I.I. Graebel FamilY Trust c/o Citizens bank & Trust P.O. Box 59 Wausau, Wisconsin 544024059 10-A Effi, Francis A. 115 Hawk Lane Boulder, Colorado 80302 10-B ilAULS, Willian B. and Verna Marib 4601 DII Boul"evard, Suite 1000 Denver, Colorado 80237 RAETIIER, Paul c,/o Kohlbert, Kravis, Roberts & Company 9 West 57th SLreet, #4250 New York, New York 10019 PARCEL B IiiGcarlson Colorado Partnership 2208 Conmerce BouLevard Mound, Minnesota 55364 PARCEL A Appllcatlon I ft[il .,uN 2 019]l ' June 24, L99L PEC }IEETINC DATE JuIy 22, L99L I.Thls xlll A. APPLrCATtoti FoR A VARIAT{CE . k[r procedure ls requlred for any pnoJect requestlng a ylrfrnce. not De tccepted until rll fnfonratlon ls subnltted. Ml{E OF AppLICAI{T Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Samuels '9f, The nppllcatlr ADDRESS 5624 Evelvn Court New 0rleans, Louisiana 70124 ornr,. 5b4-4 82-7L2 rfavrtt B. ADDRESS PEBL/LANGENWALTER ARCHITECTS P.0. Box L2O2, Ya7L, C0 81658 PHgilE 303-476-450t Mrs. Bernard Samuels c. { NAME OF OIINER or prlnt 5624 EveL New Orleans, Louisiana 70124 PHoNE 504-482-712( D.LOCATION OF ADDRESS PROPOSAL 224 Forest Road LEGAL DESCRIPTION L0T__]]!_BL0C(_7 FILING v"il virrue" t"t rl E. FEE 1250.00 THE FEE MUST BE YOUR PROPOSAL. eno Ufalil cr y)D03 raon DEPARTI-IENT TIILL ACCEPT F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject properr INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT I.IILL 8E RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT I,IAIIINC ADDRESSES. II. A PRE.APPTICATION CONFERENCE I.|ITH A PLANNING STAFF I.IEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO.:DETER}IINEIFANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. IIO APPLTCATION }'ILL BE .ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADI1INISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MKE AI{ APPOII{TI'IENT IIITH THE STAFF T0 FIND oUT ABoUT ADDITIoNAL SUBMITTAL REQUIRET{ENTS. PLEASE I{OTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION I.'ILL STREAI.ILINE THE APP'ROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT AV OECT$STFTHE NUI'I8ER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNINC AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION I.IAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL UUST 8E COMPLIED I.IITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSIIED. ITI. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLO}IING HUST BE SUEHITTED: A. A I.'RITTEN STATEI'IEI{T OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIAIICE REQUESTED A}ID THE REGULATION INVOLVEO. THE STATEMENT TIUST ALSO ADDRESS: l. The relrtlonthlp of.the nequested varlance to'other exlstlng or potentlll . uses and structures'ln the vlclnity. 2. The degree to whicn rsnet iro;[ rne strrct or literal Interpretltlon and cnforcement of a speclfled regulatlon ls necessrry to achleie compatlbl'ti . and unlfonnlty of treatment among sltes ln the vlcfnlty or to lttbin the obJectlves of thls tltle wlthout-grant of speclal prlvllege. 3. The effect of the variance 6n light and air, distributlon of Population, transportation, traffic faci'litiis, utilities, and pub'lic safety. s /n 6 6 .. s z z J ev, l;9;t9;9 ):oY irS (9 =J l! !,.c E ul F-T = I H o F R (9 z =l! P td k F a E 14 F z ii\: F F F r \ i)\N N\ll tr\\\ 95 !.t \ $ o N N \ \=i\ \\ \\\ \ \ \\ \ \\\ \\\ \ \\\ \ \\ \\ \ \\\ r'iti .!tl I !. lr " ,9' {.rt ,rg t, l,l !.1,r { 1{ J it t ,.| { '',11 i i.r { l'r ir' t,' 1Jl i l:E, i'-{ ' _l {i { 1l i\AS\ \ i\\\\\\\\ \ h\ \\I i\\\\ \\\ \ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \\\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \\\\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\\ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \\\\ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\r \\\\\\\\q\ Ef.l^R \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ il \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ lr \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \l\\\b\\\\\\\\\\[ \ \ \ tr\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \[\\\E\\\\\\\\\\l\\\l\\\\\\\\\\I\\\P\\\\\\\\\\t\\\:\\\\\\\\\\ |r \ \\ D\\ \ \\\ \ \ \ \,l\ \l\\ {\\\ \ \ \I \,,l\\\\\\\\1\\\\Y l\\\\\\\\\\\\\t l\\\\\\\\\\\\\,l|l\\\\\\\\\\\\Y l\\\\\\\\\\\\t I\\\\\\\\\\\Y l\\\\\\\\\\\t l\\\\\\\\\\\t t\\\\\\\\\\v l\\\\\\\\\\r,I\\\\\\\\\\I l\\\\\\\\\\t t\\\\\\\\\\,t\\\\\\\\\\,l\\\\\\\\\Y I\\\\\\\\\Y h\\\\\i\\1 niiisii'$I\\\\\\{(\\l niiiw\\ IiiiHSi$h\\\{Dl\\\\l I\\\\\\\\\\\l N\\ili\llil t\t I I I A N oo(roo Oo( ooooo ll \l le ')( EP 16l tsr oo )ol s ll r'i \i o t(t s\ 1\ T\ toool o&o )oooo(ooruoo oqj rool ooo \%"J ooooEoo )ooogoo( o o o olt-os oooogoo()oooqpoo ooooBoo( \o \n \l ooooooo oooooobt iboo60oo .. i , c I c ) ,t \\\ iii \\t i\E iil t$ t$ l\i ofi 9; l\ N\ii ooooo oooooo )ooooopo ooooooo ( ooooo ,ooooooo(ooooo&o oooooo ooooo oooooc&o ooooo9.J0()() ooooooo ooooooo "J1,%H,i,lf,i a oi)ooo,tllt)()(,{, U 1g \.*o* SAMUELS RESIDENCE VARIANCE APPLICATION Lot lL-B, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing 224 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 JuLy 22, 199I, PEC Meeting. This proposal requests variance relief from Supplementary Regulations Section 18.58.020C, FENCES, HEDGES, WALLS AND SCREEN]NG, restricting walL heights in a required front setback to a maximum of three feet (3t). The proposed structure is a two-tiered concrete retaining wall/planter located immediaiely adjacent to the existing residence and located in the required 2Ot-0" wide front setback. The retaining $/a11s provide for an off-street parki-ng area for the residence. The lower wal1 is approximateLy five feet-_.- tS') ii height with an upper four foot (4') high tier set back three feet (3r) from the face of the lower wa1l. The purpose of this variance proposal is to provide a satisfactory solution to an unacceptable parking situation. The existing condition is caused by a combination of the steep incl-ine from the property line to the front setback 1ine, the use of a common driveway access to Lots 11-A and 11-B' and the location of the residence on Lot 11-A in the 15r-Ot' wide required side setback. In addition to the obvious difficulty and danger of negotiating a sEeep' hair- pin drivevay in Ehe w-inter, the primary, year-around probleru is that cars parked in the driveway of Lot 11-A prevent auto access to the existing parking area otr Lot L1-8. UnLess cars can be moved immediately, the parking for Lot 11-B ends up on Forest.Road. This is a condltion unacceptabLe to Lhe owners and the Town of Vail. Relief from the strict or literal interpretation of Section 18.58.020C wiLl provide an easily accessible off-street parking area for Lot 11-B that is not dependent on the parking situation on Lot 11-A. We do not believe this con- stitutes a grant of special privilege, because it wiLl provide to the owners of Lot 11-B what adjacent owners enioy, the abiLity to easiLy park on their own property adjacent to the residence. The variance wiLL have no affect on 1-ight and air and the distribution of population. Removing autonobiles from Forest Road will enhance transportation, iraffic facil-ities and the public safety by eliminating a year-around and potentially dangerous condition.. Utilities will be unaffected or relocated as required. TMPRqVEMENT' LOCArll CERTIFIcATE LO.T tI. B , A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT II, BLOCK 7' VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILiNG TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE CCUNTY, COLORADO UE4 FOhEST ROAD LEV€ L 3FRAME SCALE l"=30' O rno. PrN./cAPnzre3 3 I ltl;Ill;UY CUII.TII'! TIL\T l'0t( Dl{. sJ;lutil.s & Tlili T0iiN tllilit StlP.Y[Y fL\'L\li]) 1'1t1'l' lililtcli, lJUlLDlNc, t)lL ()'futjll %"x ;trtc vrAL'- i_,-''-i'j ti-sr91g1g Tilr:i Ii['ll.OvBlr'l{t l,oc^rroN c[,]{TlFrcATu t'l^s nn'EPAzuiD Ol: V.\.tI,, TIiAT l'f IS N(n'A LAND SURVEY PIJ\T OR lllPllOVE- t't' rs iiol' rrr ";l; ti[l.rit]] ul\)N FOi 'fllE Lli't'A8l,lSllltliiif ()F l L-TliilI n tl'li.(rvDl:lili'r: l.lNtrS. n F I, I;Utt'fliult cli|lrlFy TilAt Tllu l]fli.ovEiltiNfs oN THE ABOVE I)ESCII'IBED l'ARCEl, ON Tllls DATf,, l{ovD}lllEli 14, 1983, E:iCErT UTII.l',CI CONNECTIONS' AP'X ENTTIULY WITIIIN Tnl.: BOUi{DAl{ttiS olr TIIE ir\RCEt,, itXCnP'f AS INDIC^TED, TIIAT TllItRE ARE No BNCRoACH- I1ENTS rttl 'ftlti l)[l;ClLlllt;D I'lUiltISIili By rin'RorntliNt'S ON ANI AIJJOIIIINC PtUt'IISES' EXCEPT AS SlrotJN ANrr l'uA'I' rt{uRu rs N0 APfl\till};T EvIDElicE olt slcN ()li ANY UASETEN'f cRossll.tc 0l'l lluluritiltlc ANY I'All.T Or sAlD PARCnl,, f!.\cEPT AS NOtf,'D' BACKLUND LAND SURVEYS P. O rlox 614 FRTSCO. CO 80443 PHONE (303t 668-3730 ii gEcx -\ltr" WALI' |,6'ro t' uTtl l. It]4" r6.t BY s,qlR t Noll;iq -'--.-\ \ INTER-DEPARTMENTAI, REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBI,ITTTED: b'21.11 DATE OF PUBI-,IC HEARING q'22"1 I COI'$IENIS NEEDED BY. ''l .lD'?l BRIEF DESCRIPTION OT THE PROPOSAL: PUBLTC WORKS Reviewed by: Conments: Wdll 4(!"/4 A/a4/iP4 Date3 Date: Date: v 2'7/Reviewed by: zt-,4,?67-a,:-27_rz,/S POLICE DEPARTIIENT Revlewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARI]!{ENT Revl.ewed by: conmentE: revised 3/LL/9L Date: 1' l,l APPLICATION FOR REVOCABI,E A STRUSTT'RE ON A (Please tlPe or Print) PERI.IIT TO EREST OR I.TAINTATN PUBTJc RrGHT-oF-wAYI fence I{alI _x LandscaPing- Other DATE June 24, 1991 LOT 11-B OWNER OF PROPERTY NAI-fE OF APPLICA}TT Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Samuels LOT 1I-A Mr. John Krediet 5624 Evelyn Court c/o C.F. CaPital CorPoratior New 0rleans, Louisiana 70124 I Landmark Square, 18th Floc ADDRESS Stanford, Connecticut 06091 IEGAL DESCRTPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED: IpT 11-A/B BI6CK 7 SUBDMSION Vail village lst Filing (If necessary, attach description on separate sheet). Corner lot Inside lot DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE oR rTEM(S) and stacked INTO RIGHT-OF-WAY: boulder retaining wall.Approxinatel-y 40tt high stone Attach pl curbs, appurtenance section(s) as Does structure Presently exist? Perty line, sidewalks' =, ttyai""ts, meters,'nlnholgs, anl.other tf{:"!:q $ air; projict area (to scale or-dimensioned) and well a-s elevations (if applicable) ' No. Proposed date for conmencement of constructien AuSust' 1991' In consideration of ttre issuance of a revocable permit for the ;Iri;tu;;-iuo.'" indicated, applicant agrees as follows: 1. That the structure herein authorized on a revocable PeTlt- basis i" ,"r[ii"l"a--"""iusive1y tg trtg land_ above described. 2. That the p"t-ii is linitea speliti"?lly to the tlpe of structure-described in this aPPlicatron' 3. That the appLicant shall notiil the Town-Manger' or-his.du1y authorized ";;;a; twenty-four irours in advance of the time for comnencef,ent'of construction, in order that proper insPection may be made bY the Town' 4. tii"'ippii"urt'"ei"EJ to indennify and hold harnless the Town of vall , its-oiiisers, ernployees and agents. from and against all liabifii',-cfiir.'."a deiands on a;count of injgry'-loss ""-a"rig", -iirlfuaing wittrout linitation claims arising fron roaiiv-i"j"ty;-F;i5nar inJury, sickness' disease' deattr' pi"ptitv ios-t'oi darnage, or airv ot!:1 l:=:-:f anv kind irhalsoever, which arise out of or are in any manner connected wiitr-ippficantrs activlties pursuant to this ;ffiia; ir =""n-ii,j"rv, loss,.or-darnage is.caused in whole or in parr ;;; oi--i=-6i"ined to be caused in whole or in pur[ UV, the'act, omission, error, professional error' mistat<e, ""grig.;,re-oi-otnir fauli -ot trre applicant, his contractor 51 luU"ontractor or any.officer, enployee.or representatlve-of-itrJ-ippficant, f,is contractor or his subcontract;;: -rn" -ippiicant agrees to investigate, lrandle respond to, -lna i"-pi6iiAe defeise for and defend against, .iy-"""fr-fiaUifityr- claims, .or dernands at the sole expense of the .ppriil"[.,,tne-ippiicant also agrees to bear all other .*p"rr="r- iefaiing -tirereto, including.court costs and attorneyrs fees, whether "t nJi'any-sgctr tialitity'-claims' or demandt iff.i"a are groundlessr- false, or fraudulent' Applicant agrees to Procure and naintain, at its olrn cost, a policy or policies of insurance sufficLent to ensure against all liability clains, denands and other obligations assumed by the applicant pursuant to this Paragraph 4. Applicants further agree to release the Town of Vail' its officers, agents and enployees from any and atl llability, claims, denands, or actions or causes of actions whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss or inJury to the applicant or to the applicantrs property caused by the Town of Vail ,its officers, altents and ernployees while engaged in maintenance or anoit renoval activities or any other activities whatsoever on Town of Vail property, streets, sidewalks, or rlghts-of-way.5. That the pernlt nay be .revoked tthenever it is detemlned that the encroachnent, obstruction, or other strrrcture constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of, the right-of-way by the pubJ.ic, constitutes a traffic hazard' or the property upon shlch the encroachuent, obstruction, or structuie exists is required for use by the public; or it nay be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sufficient by the Town of VaiL.6. That the applicant will remove, at his expense, the encroachnent, obstruction, or structure vithin ten days after receiving notice of any revocation of said pemit. 7. That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachnent on the right-of-way.8. That in the event said removal of the encroachment' obstruction, or structure is not accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove sane and have the right to uake an assessnent against the property and coLlect the costs or removal in the 6ame nanner as general taxes are collected. That the applicant has read and understands all. of the tetms and conditions set forth in this appJ.ication.9. 10.Special conditions; ( /2, /rr of Property ovner DE ownership, both signatures)si (r tu joint APPROVED: of Pr.rblic t{orks s \ \ \, L I I : \ (\\if \l"r ffi \ { $ s $ \;Il ,$l \Ii i,I i r:- I *lj 'l iI IrT I :tl trl t-i l:-.1 -.rl l :{m fx * (/)l+{-z so Tn -. |Tl $!4 [(,2rn -)z (.)i rrl s \ |]'ITER - TJEPARTMENIA.L F:El"lEW PR I].JE(:]. S:r',h4UELS R:ESIDENCE fj-24-91 DA.IE :-JLIBMITTED:- CDtvlMfhlTS llEEI,ED B* EEITF I}E5C:RIPTIOI'I OF THE PRDP.IISAL: l',lElV BRIVEU:A.T. Vrtr'.Ll HEIGHT V,a.FilAN'l:t ,qFlD REVOt:A.EjLE R-O-W PERMIT. PtlBLlll Vt'C'F:lr.S MII(E ERAI{E AL|GUST 6. ',I9'.q1 Fieviewed b1c:Dste: Cornrrren ts: 1) ' ,ALL HETGHT tlA.RtAI''tCE SHDULO BE Fr:R AFPFTOX. 7-25 FE[T, NLIT .45 SIA.TEB II'.I LETTEF:.ri tF WALL ts ELI|LT ALONG THE SIFiEET, TF|ETJ THE TO\rtH 'MLL POST IHE ruRl.l(]LrT AFIA 4.5 TIO F.AR].:IFIG A.LL.:'\!ED. THIS AREA 'A':LL BE FOR SNDW STORAGE. JI THI {IJALI A.LOI.IG THE STRIET I5 F'ROBABLY A GO(]D IDT,A.. EUT IT APPEARS IHAT SOI,.IE TREE:3 VT4LL F;E EUbIII'{A.1ED. WILL THESE BE F:EPLACED. 4l C'Rt'',1E\4Ay' E;.:CEEDs; BA li,4F:t trRlUEW,A\' {'EADE A:4 MAX. TH|S SHI'IJLO cil',L'r II'{GREA.SE THE VviALL HEI'3HT B.Y.APPRC')(:, 1 FC'I]T. RRE DTPA.RT}4EI.IT Reviewed by C':ni lnen tS: [lo t e: TOWN OF VAIL ' --' ! '&i.llJt,n,n DEPARTMENT oF CoMMT,NITY DEVELOPMENT -VIV 4 1 IggT 0l 0000 41330 ZONINGAND ADDRESS MAPS 010m04154{l 0l 0000 42415 TJNIFORM PLIJMBING CODE 01000042415 01000042415 0l 0000 4zr5 NATIONAL FT FCTRICAL CODE 0r 0000 42415 0l 0000 42415 0l 0000 41548 )G,ROX COPIES / STUDIES 0l 000042412 PENALTY FEES / RE.INSPECTIONS 0l 000042371 OFF HOTJRS INSPECTION FEES 01 000041412 0l 0000 41330 SIGNAPPLICATION FEE 0l 0000 41413 r i-i LAND rf r,r cuARANrEEl"Mp-..A.Ny m? Representing Titre rnsurance company of Minnesoa.AUoO6 tggt THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER August 01., 199L Our Order:. v1,7278 BUYER/OWNER: TBD SELLER I BERNARD SAMUELS ANd JEANNINE SAMUELS ADDRESS: LOT 1"1B, A RESUB OF LOT Ll" BK 7 VAIL VTLLAGE 1ST JEANNINE SAMUELS 5624 EVELYN COURT NEW ORLEANS, LOUTSTANNA 70L24 I Attn: KATHY LANGENWALTER 2586 AROSA DRIVE vArL, co ar657 1- Attn ! 504 885-6000 PICKED UP FOR DELTVERY AM PM COVENANTS ATTACHED YES NO FOR TITLE QUESTIONS CALL KAREN HORTH 303 476-225J' FOR CLOSING QUESTIONS CALL MINNESOTA TrrL.EA HOME OFFICE 3033 East First Ave.,Suite 600 Denver, CO 80206 P O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80217 321-1880 I FAX 322-7603 ARAPAHOE 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd., #150 Englewood, CO 801 12 770-9596 / FAX 290-9040 ARVADA 5440 Ward Road, #200 Arvada, CO 80002 420-0241 / FAX 423-1365 DRY CREEK 26 W. Dry Creek Circle, #520 Lirtleton, CO 80120 794-s307 I FAX 794-5802 EAST 3300 S. Parker Rd.. #105 Aurora, CO 80014 751-4336 I FAX 7 45-2669 FIDDLERS GREEN 6400 S. Fiddlers Green Circle, #103 Englewood, CO 80'l 1 l 77't -4539/FAX 77 1 -4526 GLENWOOD SPRINGS 8'17 Colorado Avenue, 5uite 203 P. O. Box 2102 Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 94s-2610 I FAX 945-47a4 HAM PDEN B82l E. Hampden, # 100 Denvec CO 80231 7 50-4223 I FAX 750-4267 JEFFERSON 710 Kipling, #202 Lakewood, CO 8021 5 2f2-3111 / FAX 238-2956 NORTH 9101 Harlan, # 100 Westminster, CO 80030 427 -93s3lFAX 430-1572 SO UTHWEST 3609 S. Wadsworth, #1 15 Lakewood, cO 8023 5 988-8s50 / FAX 980-8324 YOSEMITE 3600 5. Yosemite, #255 Denvec CO 8023 7 694-2837 / FAX 843-0402 BO ULDE R 2425 Canyon Blvd., #230 Boulder, CO 80301 444-4101 | FAX 786-8423 LAND TITLF GLIARANIEE CON/PANY Commitment To Insure lssued through the )ffice of.P O. Box 357 1 08 5. Frontage Rd. W. Vail, CO 81658 476-2251 l);re..J- 595'961 3 FAX 476-4534 BRECKENRIDGE P. O. Box 2280 200 North Ridge Breckenridge, CO 80424 453-2255 / FAX 453-60',I4 CASTLE ROCK 5 l 2 Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 80104 688-6363 / FAX 688-0143 COLORADO SPRINGS 102 5. Tejon, #100 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 634-4821/Direct 595-41 1 3 FAX 634-3190 PARKER 19590 E. Main St., #105 Parker, CO 80134 841 -4900 VAIL P. O. Box 357 108 5. Frontage Rd. W. Vail, CO 81 658 47 6-2251 lDircct 595-961 3 FAX 476-4534 AGENT5 DURANGO 1 201 Main Avenue Durango, CO 81 303 247-5860 / FAX 247-9089 To lnsure ALTA Commitment-1 970 Rev. MINNESOTA TrTr F N TITLt INSURANCI COMPANY 0F MINNESOIA, a Minnesora corporarion, herein called lhe Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies oltitle insurance, as idmtified in Schedule A. in favor of the proposed Insured named in schedule A, as owner or mongagee ol the estate or tnterest covered hereby in the land described or refened lo in Schedule A, upon payment ol the premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Condittons and Stioulations hereof. This Commitrnent shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount 0T me policy or policies commined for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or bv subseouent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and ob gations hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed lor shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided lhat the failure to issue such policy or oolicies is not the fault 0l the Companv CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1. The term "mortgage", when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other s€curity instrument. 2. lf the proposed Insured has or acquires aclual knowledge of any detect. lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this C0mmitmenl other than those shown in Schedule B hereof. and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance heteon to the exlent lhe Company is prejudiced by failure of the proposed Insured to so disclose such knowledge. lf the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company otheruise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at ils oplion may amend Schedule B of this Commitmenl accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve lhe Company lrom liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of lhese Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commilment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and suctr partres included under the definition of Insured in the form of policl or policies committed for and only for actual loss incuned in reliance hereon in undenaking in good faith (a) t0 mmply with the requirements hereol or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate 0r inlerest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In n0 event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the poltry or policies commifted fo and such liability is subject to lhe insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the exclusions from Coverage ol lhe {orm of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part ol this Commitmenl except as expresslv modif ied herein. 4. Any action or actions or rights 0f actron that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of lhe status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon coveied by this Commitment musfbe based on and are sublect to the provisions of this Commitment. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS In addition to the matters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage above referred to, this Commitment is also subject to the following: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correcl survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien. or right to a lien, for servic es, labor or materia I theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other mattsrs, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereol but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. lN WITNESS WHEHEOF,'lltle Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and sealto be hereunto aflixed by its duly aulhorized ofticers on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by a validating officer or other authorized signatory. TITI..E INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA v aJi ly..t# ' Authoind Srynatory TIM Form 25 82 I o. 1172?8 on pnly RESTJB OF LOT 11. BK 7 "T. I l 'I rreld to in ''l" ";"" FrRsr r\ BooK SCHEDULE A APPlication t'l For Infornati LOT l-LB, A VAIL VILLAG - Charges - ALTA Owner Policy PRELTMTNA-I:";SIIL- - 3133.33 With your rernittance please refer to vL7278. 1. Effective Date: July 18, 1991 at 8:00 A.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: rrALTAtr Owner's PoIicy L987 Revision (Amended 1990) Proposed Insured: TBD 3. The estate or interest in the land described or refe this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at effective date hereof vested in: BERNARD SAMUELS ANd JEANNTNE SAMUELS 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described foLlows: r.,oT l-l-8, A RESUBDTVTSTON OF LOT 11, BLOCK 7, VArL Vr FTLING, ACCORDTNG TO THE PI,,AT RECORDED JUtY 1.2' 1979 ALra coMMrrMENr I 288 AT PAGE 100, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COIORADO. PAGE 1. ALrO coMMrr SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirernents) MENT Application No.vL727I The following are the requirements to be 1,. Payment to or for the account of the the full consideration for the estate insured. 2. Proper instrurnent(s) creating the insured must be executed and duly THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATTON PURSUANT HERETO. of estate or filed for oNLY, AND NO BE ISSUED THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS ADDRESSES ON DOCUMENTS SENT FOR OFFICE REQUIRES RECORDING! ! PAGE ALracoMMrrMENt I SCHEDULE 8.2 (Exceptions) Application No. vL7278 The policy or policles to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the sane are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Cornpany: L. Standard Exceptions 1 throuqh 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessrnents not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. g. RIGHT OF PROPIT]ETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HTS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT TI.IE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SepteNbCT 04, 1.923, TN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. ].0. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED TN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPICNbCT O4, L923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFETTURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRTCTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORTGTN, AS CONTAINED IN TNSTRUMENT RECORDED AUgUSI 10, L962, IN BOOK ].74 AT PAGE ],79. 12. UTILITY EASEMEN'I FIVE F'EET IN WIDTH ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LOT LINE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF' VAIL VILLAGE FTRST F'TLING AND RESUBDTVTSION THEREOF. ],3. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF COVENANTS, CONDITTONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS RECORDED August 08, 1979 fN BOOK 289 AT PAGE 493. 14. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRTCTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT FOR A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 11, BLOCK 7, VAIL VTLI.,AGE FTRST PILING. 15. EXISTTNG LEASES AND TENANCIES. ].6. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED APTiI 22, 198]" IN BOOK 321 AT PAGE 986. PAGE 3 ALracoMMrrMENt I SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Application No. vL7278 L7. A DEED OF TRUST DATED May 19 , L983 FROM BERNARD SAMUELS AND JEANNINE SAMUELS TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF DUARD LAWRENCE, M.D., TRUSTEE OF THE A.P.M.C. PENSION TRUST TO SECURE THE SUM OF $2O5,OOO.OO, AND ANy OTHER AMOUNTS PAYABLE UNDER THE TERMS THEREOF, RECoRDED May 26, 1,983, IN BOOK 360 AT PAGE 557. 18. A DEED OF TRUST DATED March 20, 1986 FROM BERNARD SAMUELS AND JEANNfNE SAMUEI,S TO THE PUBLTC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OP FIRST WESTERN MORTGAGE CORPORATTON TO SECURE THE SUM OF $L55,000.oo, AND ANY OTHER AMoUNTS PAYABLE UNDER THE TERMS THEREOF, RECORDED APTiI 02, 1986, IN BOOK 439 AT PAGE 2]-7. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO COLONIAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION, FORT WORTH, TEXAS IN ASSfGNMENT RECORDED April 26. 1986, IN BOOK 439 AT PAGE 218. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO AMERICAN CHARTER FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATTON rN ASSTGNMENT RECORDED July 21,, 1986, fN BOOK 445 AT PAGE 468. 1.9. DEED OF TRUST FROM BERNARD SAMUELS aNd JEANNTNE SAMUELS TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF MONEY PURCHASE TRUST FOR THE EMPLOYEES OF BERNARD SAMUELS, M.D. (AMC) TO SECURE THE SUM OF S5O,OOO.OO, RECORDED December 22, 1987, IN BOOK 476 AT PAGE 20. PAGE 4 LAND r]""cuARAN*ua coMPANy DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Required by Senate Bill 9L-14 A) The subject real property rnay be located in a special taxing district. B) A certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction rnay be obtained from Lhe county Treasurer or the County Treasurer's author j,zed agent. C) The infornation regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of county Commissioners, the Countf'Clerk a'nd Recorder, or the County Assessor. r L- //q V )t( I PERMIT NUMBE OFP DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NAIVE CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED TH 2- tr DISAPPROVED INSP CTION REQUEST OF VAIL T JOB JEC AM {d \<< BU-ILDING: - ^"//b_^ PLUMBING: OOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND fl tr tr tr o tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH i D.W,V, N ROUGH / WATER FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK O POOL/ H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORBECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I rNs CTION TOWN OF + RELQUFgT; DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON -!-" ---6,4Lo CALLER TUES PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: doortrucs / srEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D,W.V. o E FRAMING tr tr tr ROUGH i WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING D tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr FINAI.FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER M tr .-'IJ tr tr ECHANIGAL: HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR E FINAL tr FINAL FAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED L 1 -.' .-"7./DATE /O ' "/ A - ,// INSPECTOR '// .a INSPECTION TOWN OF \ t+ l)Jq,/n\/--<-L-y.- a REQUES VAIL "=. I T,' \ I DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WE THUR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED dt--" -ze( APPROVED .7 .i. CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ._ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR INSPECTOR ? DATE L tF'-l.r$,*r#;.oN TOWN OF I $F9uFsr:PERMIT NUMBER OF PR OJECT t\\,, DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER READY ron rru{E LOCATION: TUES ,. WED rltun\ FRr - AM .t: ,z // i"{ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FFIAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL tr tr tr tr D HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR lmr. ilsPEcrroN's coHPLETEI)_ The ltene below need to be cooplete before gl.vlng a petmlt a ftnal C of 0. Please check off ln the box provlded. FINAL PLIJ}IBING DATE: i-i I l-l tl FINAL UECHANICAL DATE: II.IPROVEUENT SI'RVEY RESID. NA}TE: DATE: t--li r-T; r_Y K I I TEMPOMRY C OF O DATE: , LANDSCAPING DIIE DATE! FILE NAME: - =rh..'t9 o o z q F c c){6 z ! -t Fl rl n ilt=el { d B m !m! ts =g* l-- I I HaE IP E 3 EEi 19 s ?F!" lE ! 3 ? l=H 3 !!tr'- 3 =gE 3E EH F g z Hi o 1t !m t 3 -{ 9z za riil lzl 138 l-I l'o lF'tl \o, =m .= -l {o E m x m T o z o @ o m O O r f\)O -O ()o 1o -l-{n+ \t t o 2p P=6g de u (-o @ z =!T x trj F H trI € ah g F F IA F trt c)H I l! =z G' P t-{ lg lr E o ! m t v, N) N)5 N) N) c F x r. {o {z o 1t F ,m I z o -{o €z o .n -,m 9'z o F o z v, FI F trl CJ |l F H =z o .|t 7 t m p z I o (, t trl \o 5 \o I o\ T\J 3 !3 -l o t 2 o 1t F t m 6,) z o iig[F gEEEi 3ag4g dAEiF +gs 3i IgEgi EFiri leEE 3 *g FiE >at =Gt v2 -.t >I{1|lc a! =m -o m 'tl PO t a m :! o t o o z i , I o t tt o ! I =o m -1l o 5 o _-{z o o I -{ z r !m t =-{at z m m 0 m o l<.' lz tz t>lr. l(4 t;lc i-r I -{o<'t1 'o m IF l' I t,O il5 ll" tl tl lm tx l;r t{t>IF l@ 1- I I f-H o z r I 1- I I I z u, F =o z -l m I o x z m (lt -t- m q{o!!{--z <6 '' z f g, iE fii EE E6 z =e tl ll z m { {m v {6 1 o :r|o z t- n m !l 7 { !m a o ! p n -l 6 2 $ cd 4 Eg H; eE 4e e #dii=HXI=Elr-€4!< 13 I F I (, a {o =o F o g -I z o z o i tn (t z o c' ==U'-{a o ! o i m =l 6)l 3i 3l -l I I I I I I g tl I I I I I F z v,H H N F l:E z \o \o @ \o -{o { t- !m v ={ 'Tl m m vt c ctt m { x o -m 2 ! c'm E at -t o m (!! o z ,t m s 3 E o v 0 -m ct 2 m 6 z -r1 m m -m o 2 o |- !r =I 2 o m t-Il'a 1 o - !|- 2,o m o - o 7 9 2 o !I'!7 3 '0 m F = 11 m m (t, VALUATION H - ={ =9 .tlt o -! a) e !-c 3 o z o m t-ttt Cr -l z!o 7 @ g -I z o 4. s 5's, \$\ $\$+ \,N\ t ROJECT N ,o, *o", READY FOR INSK LOCATION: )- ---INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST" VAIL CALLEF -------@ PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MEGHANICAL: E HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR rffis,o" -_-I d @ m I r--o'LO t-,h E t<: a tf;E e 19s 1 h* s 14f, I t< -{ t l=[ :x=.6€1o.dE n?SE 7E ii= T m , =-{ z,O =-r tfr \.f n 7l 9n It io XP o 9p -tc 8E d6 7 il =^*!-{o o>nr o 2a -tm 1z >m c)F -{> 7 v -m o =z m n t o (E z IT an o 3 E o l, F (D ,t o.o 5 o (D o o ai o rilm uiA o>'r Eq zl ol t; |nl*l^@ lvr ET l,f li tl m a-m l€ lz lo l1r l<t>F B z I I =l€z .tl F I m 9)z I = {! tl o f\){ t (tl \t (, or l-.1 t€ lz lo In t<t> m p I 3 IJ' q (D 5 (o -{! n rc|5 (O I +o) c.'l l-{ €z .tl ;n o z o I 3 =o € rrt |D o ct T o -.{ m l- F o r o I tl tl , l{ t€ lz lo E l> lF l! lm lF,lz l,-(^, ? t'tl F l<o =lcr t- llD lr It =o-q,c o -' = {t) =|- m tn tn r -.1 l-lo lc cf c)a (D (D - I €9t t\)\,1 l\J (tl E D a D rt t, m a ['nr N)5 = L-l lo l-l.D I t/l (+ z tu l- t; l(D l-l5 l!, le |J'lo, lc tlD 7 E, Ef;=ii=gE" t- ntrE D!! c)o z q F c o =o z T NI T ={ 3p z=9@ z=6o z z o {m I o o ! o -n 1'm T =- -{o @ m x m !{ o z C-o @ a,{ m c, -{m g (cI c an cr ro r.o @ (^t €.iieg i=EFF r qr o =t - = -.o 9t EiiEi P9o'95. $;.gi; ENiii NEiEi il sFd*g. +l e;i;€, IE'gFA :0 x z E r {z l z t- !m {o z m m m l-< " lz lz t= t>lr- <t, lb l= I I l -{qd m m t-m o | 't- tlm tJ> ll' il il,ll o ilt ll" tl tl q ]l l€ F at,l l z a t- -.{ z {I o x z m <t> a t-c m tr o 2 'n :r z I !m \,t o tll at {m t-tr z o z =(t) 3 I 6 z z -.t z m € --l m =z - o 9 o z - ) m P u I !m F, F 'r1 |- l =z A (D U' o (D 5 o |D o =al o -o U' c+ o, J,NF H gg #;eH sE 4:i= f*+: I F I (^) ctl (tl o o v, €o @ o O o o p trt P p F P lo H t< b tr P tr FJ P |.'p r -p tt L rD h,r tJ n r l" rD t-t ID F rD r p i"t r D N o z z o F @ g t- =o z {m p r)p tt n 15 E r)F b F }D I 2 z =z 6 I -{o m @l Frr :h oli o7 TI 5r ;i $S t -t o -l t-T m 2 =--Tl m m o o m -.1 x o t-m 4 T m !I 9. m <t, z m s m € @ o I'l m l 6 z n m m =tn z o t- - =@ z o m m o -{ 6 ]- 2 m () i^ c t- 2 !m t =-{ !m n =-{'Tl m m U' VALUATION !m T ={ 2 o 3 m 2 d - !f- 3 P z o m -m 7 o t- E z o H s I I 5,$ It I I I ! (o \N l\) \,1 o o oo o o o o 5 o o o 1\)(Jl (> o o or o o @ l\J (tr O o o o (^,rtl o o o (t qJ \l q) o o \ODia). ahlrs trtt e2.# )<B7A- IMPROVEMENT LOCA CER T IFICATE" LOT il- B , A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT ll, BLOCK 7, VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FIL|NG TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 224 FOREST ROAD SCALE l"=3O' O rno. PtN/ cAPnzt83 %.1 ! - T l1 t,"lo t, ri-srW T }iE1U.]NY C.UIITIi.'T TIL\T .TiiI5 Ii,f,'IiOVh,}IL,Nf I,OCATION CL,RTIFICATE WAS PREPARED I'oR DIT. S..,i.IjELs & T}iIj TOi,.}i OiT V;\IL, TIL\T 1.T IS NOT A LIUiD SURVIY P!-.AI OR I}IPRO\IE- IIiNT.JURy[y t]-r'rf Al'lD Tit/,T rf Is i{oT To,;ii lil,l-ritD tlPo}'i Foi.'fliE LSTAtsl.lS}L'ttriiT ()F FliNCE, BUILDING, oR O'tUtjli rdTUI'€ Ilii'iiuvDiE)J'l' I.INES' I, FURTI{EI{ CERTI]iY 'TIIAT TTIE T]'1PII0VE:'IE}{ S ON f}lE ASOTE DESCIIIBED PARC['I, 0N THrS DATE, NOITnIaER 14, 1983, E:iCErT U'rrJ-l'rY CONNECTTONS, AP.E trNTrIilLY wrTlIrN TIIE SOII],IDAITIES OF T}tE PARCEL, SXCEPT AS INDTCATED, TIiAT'TIiERE ARE NO ENCROACH- UENTS Otl'ftlE DESCIIIIJED PRiijtISi.lS IJY lliPRo';'[tE]\fS ON ANY ADjOIlil:{C PRDIISES' ExcEpr AS sl{orJ}i AND TilAT Tr{ERE rs No ATPARE}JT E1'IDENcE oli srci{ ()F ANY EASFf'{ENT C-D.oSSll'lG i:]]'i, BUPJENINL- ANY PAlL'I ol: SAID Pr\RCIIL' L\CEPT AS NoTllD' BACKLUND LAND SURVEYS P. O BOX 614 FRTSCO. CO 80443 PHONE (303) 668.3730 8Y lnwn 75 south lrontage road yail, colorado 81G52 (303) 476-7000 November 9, 1983 Jeannine Samuels 5624 Evelyn Court New 0rleans, Louisiana 701 24 ofllce ol communlty deyelopment Forest Road ll, Block 7, Vail ViIlage lst for a written statement front of 226 Forest Road repair and the damage to Dear Ms Samuels, This letter is in response to your indicating that the dlmage to ihe has been resolved.. The Town has received payment for the road the right-of-way issue has been resolved. Si ncerely, /1 - /.frat&2..^--- JIM SAYRE Town Planner JS: br Re: 226 Lot request street in $OO G6e* Etzzzyr, c7 2zr, o,erl tt /r/r3 'Mz L & /or4 e .tF t/ ,^Jr 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 September 15, .'|983 y't'E . t ,, t'l 6 ft'J, , e)- mmunlty developmenl James Johnston Maryland easual ty Company 1325 South 72 North Street 0maha, Nebraska 68124 Dear James: Here is a copy of the estimate from our local pav'i ng company for the repair of a section of Forest Road that Geo. Technical Company damaged by driving a track machine on the street. Arrangements should be made as soon as possible, because they shut down their ojl batch plant sometime in early November, and getting on their schedule is sometimes very difficult. This must be taken care of before we will issue a final for the remodel that started this problem in the first place. Thank you, 6ary Murrain Building Inspector Town of Vail Vail, Colorado GM/rme ENCL. JOHN F. WHARTON CLAIM MANAGEB ln Nebraska dial 8@-642.9301 Outside Nebraska dial 1-800-225-9434 Local Omaha 393-8500 E E,3Fi:Ar-E = --=i--t?E#E 4F!-' ^ICASIAUff @\4PAIYI AN AMERICAN GENERAL COMPANY 1325 South 72nd Slreet - Omaha, N€braska 68124 August 17, 1985 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd.Vai1, Colorado 81657 Attn: Gary I'lurrain Insured: Geo Technical Dear Mr. Murrain: Please be advised that we are the Insurance Carrier for Geo Techni.cal Ex-ploration Conpany. You have recently forwarded on to us a copy of your restrictions on the use of public streets. In order to bring this rnatter to a conclusion, we will need a copy of an estirnate fron the firn who is going to do the repairs to the road. If you will please forward same on to us in writing upon receipt of same, we wiLl be back in touch with you Eoncerning the disposition of this matter. Very truly yours, Clain Representative JJJ: kn I r.-. DATE rr.rst?toN TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL, JoB NAME S,l,nutrts (Ug - CALLER TUES PM AM READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: T] UNDERGROUND I] ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER 1..l ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH B EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 50' DATE INSPECTOR luwn 75 soulh fronlage road uail, colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 rlim Johnson Maryland Casualty Co. 7325 72nd Street 0maha, NE 68L24 Dear Sir: Pursuant to our phone repairing Forest Road bel ow. 3,/8" overl ay, 18 Patch r.{ork 95.00 TotaI JS/1a conversation of adjacent to the September 1, 1983 Samuels residence September 1, 1983 offlce ol communlly doudopmont the cost of is outlined tons $1,170.00 per sq. ft. $ 200.00 tt,stt.00 Sincerely yours, 4720 t-10 SERVTCE RD. METAIRIE, LA. 7OOO1 TELEPHONE: 895€O0O a BERNARD SAMUEUi. M.D. NEIL WOLFSON, M.D. JAMES RILEY, M.O. OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY LAKESIOE HOSPITAL DOCTORS' MALL BERNARD SAMUELS, M,D, A Modlcal Corootatlon 2226 WtLL|AMS dLVo. sulTE 202 KENNER. LA. 70062 TELEPHONE: 469-4458 ;/>o-/*-z LY //e<7 a\t /W.-?n Vdttlt/-/ @*-* { ta"./ Iu&_7-,ta,rn".Pl ?l* 4 ,eo,r7 Uht/,Sr'/q D..- tu*- /7n #u *"t;", #'u k-; Y 4d2'*4'--z'4 f"- -m^&zatbt Z /Ytu W 22, ** gzt'-a t /yau; -a4-2, /ttuz r€l 4fular/o- Y, ".*.u *;* Y- zrd.Z/"/ 'hL fu 2rz,t-t^-* /: *:/7f ravv,lzuza 4/d2/,1/ '**7 /'/c/Y-/ // .a .t y', ,o /,1. l/i htr'# H^"q ryl/ n^,/t ddLE- '##/ ,&',*%, ry! /;"^ W* rfl.**Ar- ry'"4'a1/ /A" e1'; ^ /fl l . 02n4-, .a .r' .a re/ al 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 August 8' .l983 Dr. Samue'l s 5624 Evelyn Court New 0r'l eans, Louisiana 70'1 24 Dear Dr. Samuels, It has come to our attention that some damage was done to Forest Road while the data for your soils report was being collected. A tracked vehicle damaged a sLctjon of road approximate'ly eight feet by .l50 feet. This damage must be repaired by September .|5, .l983, and the repair must meet the iequirements of the Public Works and Building departments. If the repair is not complete, a stop work order and a summons for a violation of our'street ordinance shall be issued. I hope this will not be necessary. Our Buildjng department has contacted the ippropriate insurance agencies, and they have been verbally assured that ihe damage wil'l be repa'ired. This letter serves as the Town's own i nsurance pol icy. Good luck with your addition, ,#(;, d?^* Town Pl anner JS: br ENGTNEERING cHEfK LtSI Subdi vi s ion Lot Bl ock Fil ing F,&sf .. l. (A) Cu'lvert Size -El$,!{--(S) Driveu'ay Grade (8% nav'i lnctuar I - A B c D t F El ectri c Gas Sei.rer l'la'r.er Te'l ePltorie T.V. 4. Com;nents : flro'''o " Submitta'l Items Source of Uti'lities (A) Topo MaP (B) Site P'lan (c) utility Plan (D) Title RePort (ri suuoivision Agreement 2. Enqineering Requirements (if applicab'le) (Acceptable) (Hot AccePtable) E- / (s.z co^-.n Approve d: Di sapproved: el,arir;:n'i O @ ilI'".T1Tif lit",:''n*ilD crosiroa-rls 3hbpping cenbr vai!, colorado 81657 3O3/476-2170 ilfurno,qD Dar€ Auqtl=;r 1, t9OZ subrect +AMV€l-g W+tD6NE --VAlc VOrvDrlE WT-,e/a @u1_ /rt>wtA9 FoFM l€o-2 Avallabl€ lrom /ffi/ hc, &aion. Mara o145O .Dr. B. Sanuels July 20' 1983 Page I'hree 6) Excavation tr,as o<tended partially into the underlying bedrod< and ccnpletion should be possible wittr hear4z duty eguiFnent tlpically used in tfij-s area. Floor Slabs: The naturaf on-site nrateriafs exclusive of tcpsoil, are sffiC-r sul4)ort lightly loaded slabon-grade construction. To redrrce ttre effects of sqne dlfferential n13vsrent' floor slabs should be separated frcrn bearing wal1s ard colunns witJ: an opansion joint wttich alior,vs un-restxained vertical rE /enent. Floor slabs should be prwided wit} control joints to redtrce damge due to shrir:lcage crackirlg' ard the slabs should ue aaequately reinforced. vle suggest that contrtol- jghts . be prrovided on the order of f5--feet-g-q!9. A nrininrrfr Slncn teg draininq qr"""l .^v.t]lo"r.oEGGt=oI"terv uenea$r-@EEraus-'ffi "on"i=t of "ggt"gate with ress ttran Sz rnislng-Se No. 200 sieve and rncre tlun 50? retailed on the No. 4 sieve. Fj_1I placed beneath floor slabs should bu . lot*€*tit t*t ti-l ccnpacted lo at least 95? of the rnaximun sta:darf,F6ctor density at a npisture content netii 6'p€ilnrin.-----"ITle ndfilra-fgrarlllaf 3oi1s anid'.ffe'l]- - broken or rr,rcathered bedrocl< Cevoid of vegetation, topsoil or oversized roci< should be sui-table for use as strr.lctural fill. underdrain system: Although free water was not encountered during our Invi@ffi-E has beerr our e><perience in nrcuntainous areas such as this with shallov bedrock, that local perched ground water may develop during tines of heavy precipitation or seasonal runoff. Therefore, tl.e lorrirer level c'qt into the hillside should be protected frcrn wetting by irstallation of an r:nderdrain qlsten. The r'nderdrain system should oonsist of a perforated pipe installed in a gravel filled trench placed along the building perirreter at least 12 inches belcw the lctutest_adjacerit fini;h grade ard ir6p"a on a rninjrmm l@graGl--- ogf {eq-€*a--s_r4tr*@eqq.trET_gT-tx]_Tg:ovedby_99!F,,}lq.rheunderslab g-ravel snoufa-G-Cdnnected to trre penmetef draln. The grarrel drain naterial should ontain less than 5? pa.ssing the No. 200 sieve and ncre than 50t retained on the No. 4 sieve. Ttre drai-rl should also act to prevent the buildtrp of hydrostatic pressr:res behind bassnent wa1ls. Sr.rface Drainage: the follovdng drainage precautions should be obsenred iffi'conffiion and nejltained at all tjrres after the facility has been crcnpleted: Excessive wetting or drying of the soils exposed in the foundation e><cavations arri r:rderslab areas sfpuld be avoided dr:ring crcnstLuction. Itiscellaneous e>cterior backfill should be npistened or dried to near optimun and corpa.cted to at least 90? of the nnximr:rn standard Prpstor densiq/. The grourri surface surrounding the exterior of the building should be sloped to drain away frorn ttre foundation in a1l- directions. lfe recqmrerd a nLinjrrurn slope of 6 inches rn the first l0 feet. r) 2) 3) Dr. B. Sam:els July 20. 1983 Page Foux 4) Rmf do,vnslnuts ard drains strould disdrarge well beyord tlle lirnits of all bacidill. Ljmitatiqrs: Itris report has been prepared in accordance with generally ;c@'geotec[n-ica1 engirreeri.ng practices in ttris area for qse try t}te client foi design prrposes. The conclusions and reccnnendations stibnritted in this report are based upon tlre data obtained from tJle etplorato4/ hole drilled at tlre location indicated on the ocploratory hole plan. Tlre nature and o<tent of variations across the site nEry not becsrc evident until e<cavation is perforned. If dqring oonstruction, existing fil1, soil, rock ald r*aten corditions atr4rar to be different frcrn tlpse deseibed herein, this office should be adrrised at once so reerzaluation of tlre reccnnendaLions nray be nrade. I{e reccnnend on-site obsenration of excavations and for-rrdation bearing strata by a so1I engineer. Veqf truly yours, cHs{ a{D A.ssocIATFs. I}tc. Sl;P/]rnk cci John Railton, Architect Tim Boy1e D6+6r l7an+rac ,.$F'if& 16222 .3 Mr^.*g:S. Lot ll-B o l,ot I I -A o l I : I Approximate Scal e 1,, = l0' . Benchrnark : F in i. sh o!*L -$gl"a rt'Floor at = 100' i'ta i n r _l Ex i st ing Fence Exist ing Res id enc e t I -_]I I I I I -J Existing Res i dence Park ing - ._--|._Ex i st ing Drive Lot L ines ,, 15,lJf,chen and rssocistes. inc.T,OCATIO\ 0F I]\II-ORATORY IIOI,ES r rg. r ,o ll0 EI Hole I . = 105' 105 100 Approxinate Lower Floor Leve I l / 80/11 -100=35 \D (.) € 100/ 6 IrrC=8. 1 DD= 115. I 100/ 5 1s0/ s NOTES: l) Legend [ liotes presented on Figure 3. 2) Hole surface grade cut approxirnately 5 feet below original ground surface prior to dri I I ing. b2s,446 chen and associrles. inc.I.OCS Ot: I,\PI-OR,\TORY llOl.liS Fig ? , . 'LECEND:o o r Siltstonc/Shale Bedrock, hard to ve1.,.- hard, thinly to moderately beclded' I fractured, weakly cenented rvith occasional noderately ccnented layers, slightly r moist to moist, dark gray-brown, .calcareous. L Standard l)enetration Test ASTII Dl586: The synbol 80/12 indicates that 80 I blows of a 140 lb. hamner falling 30 inches were required to drive the I sampler l3 inches. I n Undisturbed Drive Sample r NOTES: f) Test hole was drilled on July 14, 19S3 with a 4-inch diameter continuous fl ight power auger. 2) Locations of test hole was neasured approximately b1' pacing fron features shown ott the site Plan Provided. 5) Elevations of test hole was measured by hand level and refer to the bench tnark shohn on Figure l. -ll Test hole location and elevation should be considered accurate onl)' to the degree implied by the nethod used. 5) Free r{ater was not encountered in the test hole at the time of drilling' 6) lltC = l{ater Content (e,) DD = Dry Density (pcf) -200 = Percent Passing No. 200 Sieve NP = Nonolastic b 25 ,446 chen rnd associates' inc.l-l:Cl:\0 t' \0TlrS r,g. 3 o,oo L I t I t i r;trJ,7 j & ../j'6\'--." t ,' I ,'1 .f ,J /4rt -r4 r'(l-.k, | '\ -- , ,', t- c=.t -'.' \'tt,- '' '-, .,-' I . i- { I 7 I i 1l .''.'l b'-' I *.--) jf:t..t2 i t'r-'+I,i i tt- i,' :t .'\ .: '-r | 4'" ?:t=i= chen t&*tociates ro CONSULTING GEOTECHNTCAL ENGINEERS lorc RD rta cLCNwOoD sPatxGS, CoLoRAoO al6ol tolD.'tast f€^^ -c/p€o 4po "tJ&g,, April 14, 1983 Subject: Sr$soil Strdy for Ptrcposed ' Mdition to Dcisting Residene at Forest Road, Vail, Colorado Dr. B. Sarnrels 5524 Arralon Oourt Nerp Gleans IA 70124 Dear Mr. Sarrrels: As reguested b!, I'lr. JohJr Railttrr, r,e visisted t}re subject site sr April 8, 1983, to deterrnine accessibility for drill rig equiFent. The prctrnsed :ddition is located behind tle elristjng resi.dence on a nodo:ately stee;i nit*ide r^+lidl is trxesent-ly carered witi about tiree feet of snohr. Scattered trees al-so orrer tlre hillside. Based on our ob-senraLions, access cnto t}re lot, even with a track npunted drill rig is not lrcssible at t}is tjre rdtlout a substantial anrunt of srss clearing. I,!e will be.available to 1:erfo:m tlre r,od< lr+ren access is available. If lou have anlr questiorrs, please feel free to caLL. Very tnrly yours, GiEN AND AggCfArES, rltc. sj-P/ko ce: John nailtcn Jirn Sayar, Planning Dep,t,. ,t*r./ St€ven L. Pawlak, P.g. OFFTCSS: CASPEn . COLOFAOO SPnINGS. OEXVEn. SAIT LAKE c|IY Tt*Nr-var try-E'l/r_l-sTE.R- Ct qfrJ/- tz- bZ. _ lTEf,tS. A. sptL3 Pffi @ oF A t-sfle-frdA or+€J { 6esoar.axo 'fWa tsa'r F-ET'fI^J.ED eY M" CLra.rT Td D TA+15 We*-' A< Trtls w6'ex. c NN6]. fr-o@ 7?< +-5 wezr{S Artf Ala{T k7{s A5'EE) Me. ro @/N T7'.AA 14tS PeB:r W lffi€D f,erot< 10 A 8iutr'tt*s,g fA?AIT @^E /'ssu@) R/iat@< TV'{it fiT TFfe D. R' B. I\PP,'*L s7&8. B. l2E7k1*Jl rG A-Ant@4.Etkp; 6' ffnv@ EY BoYr t Fuc+t/4Eael\)6. c'. CoNtJ&Ttd,.t. i--ffi-aX PB)Eb Dcrqurnr6s srlel;otNg A d,Aios,€D Er'.iS7-tt\6 AJ&@ (@-ED Fbort4 F(Bct*lti6 tZA€ tlD,u*E 6 a1.8. FR.oF E@ harrtq\) - SEE -*.Al,tttf6s d 6€FA C1\LcuLFz1pt\tg' =. FUBU?- h/DEl€ rtPPW'rk1-: uJ/7'-t et 4- &.rop-€t/Js " RE,I/96|'E- .I zss theclod< tqrervalcolorado a|657 F(}3Dff6+ftE </M. w4 Ar-E p6q^/s+.-fl1u6 -t-ftfi..r -Thtrs tr-&eT BE flAd ou r*e- P.R e,. AaFNQA ry<iffi ,'YI,,!',y'rW*gffi,t"*ffiffi,e U)K{, 'l I r-'' , I ' 'dr1^ t'<A)lltrt' ' rf{4ndlarg D.R.e. /(?PLtc1tfi$^t I d t' . arclibcts goup ltd p.c' 75 routh tronlage road vall. colorado 81657 (303) 47&7000 June 22, 1983 John Rai'lton The Trout Creek Collaborative The Clock Tower Vail, C0 81657 Re: Samuels Residence Dear John: The staff hereby approves the excavation of Addition site for the purpose of conducti'nE excavation and soil testing equipment shou'l d plotted on the Des'ign Review Board site plan acti vi ty. Si ncerely, ./t ./V-?a fu- ./ 'F Jim Sayre Town Planner JS/bb cc: Dr. Bernard Samue'ls the Samuels Residence a soils test. The follow the out'line for construction o (di?Kes sute skc 73 te ZO L^uur Wq/t uvr LoQ't'7o1. I z t bZ.+Tot-.{qP* z N&tA ta3 Itoin a|t rdhoo IL "o,," €qMuer.<.lro{f'mLE: l"'t otJ? .rf d za- szl L.,,'.,,:: ld,Qx *.2= /0'U r' !"-,t . 2 = + 21,(a x 3L-'5"7"c:!w,h+7zo= >zz-fJar lU?A 31? ?1u,9 66-'t - 5tt1 -4zl.+ a;lh'9 b7+ 617" l?tI, 0Zo fzt, v,?.6'L n \i \ a () N 05 rO'6 4lu :./-- 7*r^, D:\1'-:=tF- i<)-rz g'F E: ar--'?:{ -+i-tt,3"tr-v'-< *€?t{* EY k:3i;.E. ?€ -z eA rr:1r,. z-'s.vsftd.-f Gtta W-- abJt-i,' | (itts,,, I \/c/ 4' + ntx 1t/\J -.1-.-l,c7e tt - 4,- Ox 1,1,ragra;oRS. N.T.€ mJ c*'P<Px'i:'t< naEk the trout creek arcfiects inc. "d.le clock tcnaer" rail cobrado a1657 476-1176 o sntc skctch 2 MARr,l4 t 63 Irod ala rdlo.| rb tll -t_or o flpg-T -refl n-xu LIUIN6 F.TE.S llJrBloRS o ) \9 r-J (?' 7 t 4*^, hI, 4 .4 c' 36.93 x z{=6Go + : 193's Q.r1 - ---a trout cre:k arcfritects irr "the cbck toner'rail cobrado the ar657 476-1176 o slte skctch 2 Mt&cH te= l'o|n rL rrlhon tlr eaG o - z4o (zo.("7 x tt.C) 6zo ". az5 5 .-..^,^^ 7Ai'i a. . iti. uton-kb . ",,,, spaaF-Isfr avf aLe ="a ,JR sc lE tt- EI-d aAesr@'eLrcswf @e#7.z.€ IATERJOR€. \rr9 saT:tA oL, a-. - +.:€RtrA _- :' -_ ,67.);S -[F*z\i;"zl - @ti z') 44 -9'5- 1 - e's d- the tront creek arch'tects hc. "U1e ctock to,rero varl col*ado 4|657 476-1176 B;€DFacI!-\ o snte skctch 2 1'114sPaA t83 ttod ria railoo alr "" azSs .esatd.^s |t)i ll A. vAv-. bL*AVO ...., S$"aUEtsf ro.v./au= 4"1 ", JR = llt-.l-dt o A7A O ++{€-sQ{q'T. wl@ ls x 12-15= tz.'t>* eo.z= '7.bx t = t9l "5.- lt4.5t 22.b -=GRFA: 6..e*ffiEttJsl ?*t-*'t,"J|h. *x 8+)7 az-e) a1-Evz t3 lt .5 lN'iZ?tlo€. Nf.3" I .,,r'* *"t the trout creek arcfritects irc.'the ciock torer'wil cofrrado 41657 476-1176 tnwn n 75 south lronlage rd. vail, cotorado 81657 (3o3) 476-7000 l|ar department of community development May 25, 1983 John Railton Trout Creek Archi tects Group The Clock Tower Vail, C0 8.|657 Re: The Samue'l s House Dear John: 0n May'l 8, 1983, the Design Review Board gave final approval to the Samue'l s Residence Addit'i on. The conditions p'l aced upon the approval are listed below: 1. Boyle shou'ld stamp drawings. 2. Trees which are destroyed by construct'ion acitivjty should be rep'l aced. 3. A metal , sturdy construction fence be erected before construction or excavation begi ns. 4. Driveway regraded to al'l ow better access. 5. Parking s'igns are to be removed. 6. Soils report submitted to Town before a perm'it is issued. Sincerely,h# J'im Sayre Town Planner JS/bb E. X I Project Application v Daie ue,'""t ^^^". 54H u ):t, \ /. E Sro/: Ltc ): Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: '14 fot4 Seconded by:Pr*.zct| DISAPPFOVAL Summary: &o../LE 4eL Ot AoyfD f+nta to 62a4\Jtl.;\ G)dfE .EJ,AqTtN b lEIJUL a. lh't t,tz E Statt Approval Nt., ^ nrt4L excovotirng post office box 891 - oail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5134 may 6, l98l Dr. B. Samue I s 5524 Avalon Court New 0rleans, La. 70124 Dear S i r, lwould be very pleased to provide a bid for and to undertake the excavat ion for this project. I have visited the site and reviewed the existing conditions' the archi tectural and structural drawings for the proposed addition and feel confident that we can successful ly complete this job. The equi pment I will use will include the following: l. ' Track loader (lnternational l75c) which is 7' wide and will excavate as it proceeds up the east side of the existing house. lt can dig on slopes well in excess of 502. The existing slope is approximately 45% at the steepest part' The track loader will do the bulk excavat ion. 2. A t ractor'- I oade r-backhoe will be used for trenchi ng work (Ford 550) which is 6'wide with a 7' wide loader bucket. The excavat ion will be done in layered stages, starting uph i I I and work i ng donrnwa rds . lf I can assist you with any further informat ion, please contact me. Sincerely, James L. DeHa rt i n 9F+ARTIN EXCAVATING * //1=-zz_,E------_ a I a zor'lE crr16 for '. . SFR' .R' n P/S ZO'r'lE DISTRICTS S#,.Pffi Legal Description: Lot ll Block -/-Fil'ing 0rnen FEttru",AHLluc- Architcct a-Zone'District R /;F C propose<l use ,4QOtTroN ;P tLot Arui ' ' iz.z't9"''""" '"isht nr'tor.red r0; proposea *'.' Setbacl'.s: lront-itequfrla 2or'--pioiiiseo Sides-Required l5' Proposed . Rear -Requi red' 'l 5 ' Proposed l!aterccurse-requ i red -Proposed 2:otG' /79* .s> l?.sz.f d< Landscaping:'Required or< ParLing:Required I)rive: Slope Permitted SJ.ope Environniental/llazards: .Avalanche . Flood P'iain .. 'SloPe ' . 'c'':' f;ij;PL' AE@l4TtoN s ) o,z- is aAq^.t9-b_ :__ rcvuuenysJ__9EEH_to- _898,4tr_.__.*, -__._. Datr.: ?roposcd Pnopc: ed ActuaI GRFA: . Alloued | 3't7 (: : -4!ropo:.,ed GRFA: .Prinrry A1'f or.rea t 498 q "=rtrPrimrry eloporoa Secondary frl'loved -/f1o't ('f'6 t+/econdary Propcsed Site Covcrage: Alloived d{,tS\ g 131.t/ Proposed _--=-- 7c:r i r: gr : /..1 ri):.il\.r: il.rD i si. lrlri.oi't:ti F , G | -.;- Ff t/ 4 13 , 65? '€3 f ft,'vtq\En-' ,31 ttT f) A gr&a6.o(- -94Auft4 - ftoc o-?r" 3 'laTaL tf b 6'trsT ?Ftb 4t +Pt^t z?37 h-6 flz>eag2 l?sa .r.ii'ii). .i{S i",l*r' :1t'\ A c{:};I !'ffi* chen end associates @NSULTING GEOIECHNICAL ENGINEERS 5oo Fo rla olErnfiooD sPn|r|gS' coloa^Do trtot x!/eat?.tl April 14, 1983 $:bject: Subsoil Stuty for Proposed Detached eddition to E<isting . Residenoe at Forest Road, Vail, @lorado f, B. Sarrels 5624 Arnlon Corrt I\bv'r @leans IA 70124 Dear l"Ir. Sannrels: As reguested by l,lr. John Railton, r,e visisted tne subject site qr April 8, 1983, to detemine acessibiliQr for drill rig equignent. the proposed additiqr is located behind the existing resjdence cn a nnderately stee4r hillside r^tridl is presendly overed wit}r about three feet of sncr,r. Scatt€recl tr€es also over the hillside. Based ql q:r obsenratiqrs, aooess qrto ttre lot., even with a track rpunted drill rig is not p6ssihlg at ttris tine rrithout a sr:lcstantjal arnttnt of srs.r clearirrE. !E ldill be arrailable to 5nr:foran tlre r,vork v*ren acess i.s avaiLable. If you have any qr:estions, please feel free to call. Verl' truly l'ouns, CHEN Ar{D ASSCIAIES, IlrC. StPl@ cc: Jotn Railtqt 'Jim Sayar, Plarning Pept. OFFICES: CASPER . COTORAOO SPRINGS ' OENVER ' SALT LAKE CIIY department of community development 75 louth lrontlga rd. Y.ll, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 April 12, 1983 John Railton Trout Creek Architects GrouP The Cl ock Tower Vail, C0 81658 Dear John: 0n April 6,'1983 the Design Review Board tabled the Samuels Addition. The Board needs a soils report, retaining engineered' and connection between units addressed and Public l'lorks approva'l required before it is schedu'led to return to DRB. Si ncerely,. 'tJ f/- ' .--.J ./..^ *t7r1/v ./,,. ^ a 'J'rm sayre Town Planner JS/bb rHE FEtttNGER coRPoRArloN,tt n "n", Most Sincerely, ,/L,'4 /,/ ;_/,,// </d;-*z-- Albert C. Fellinger, CLU ACF/ms One Fitty Soulh Wacker Drive Suite 800 Chicago, lllinois 60606 3121781-270{D Albert c. Fellinger, CLU President March 22, L983 Mr. Jim Sayre Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Sayre: Thank you for your phone call regarding the proposed addition to the Samuel's residence, Lot 1LB, Block 7 Vail Village,1st Filing. You stated that the FURTHER REQUIREMENTS on pag:e two of your March 7th letter has been recinded and we, owners of L1A,are not required to revise our present parking provisions. In view of this change $re approve the plans to the Samuel's residence. ffiHfl[*"- THE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Milwaukee 75 soulh tronlage road yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 March 22, .1983 Al Fel l inger 'l 50 South Wacker Drjve Suite 800 Chicago, I'l'l inois 60606 Re: Lot llB, Block 7, Vail Vill lst Dear Mr. Fe1 linger, The purpose of this letter is to confirm our phone conversation of March 22, 1983. The owners of lot l1 will not be required to conform to current off-street parking regulations. u4 /)^-' Sincerely, ./-\ - t lf'4a, ililM SAYRE ( ofown Pl anner JS: br liii lnuln s uill 75 south lronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 March 8, 1983 John Rail ton The Trout Creek Collaborative The Clock Tower Va'il, Colorado 8.l657 Re: Lot '118, Elock 7, Vail Vi'l1age 1st Dear John: After looking over my letter of March 7I see that I need to clarify the Town's current design standards for off-street parking. The slope of the driveway is ljmited to a maximum of 8 percent; driveways may have a s'lope of up to 10 percent if they are heated. The intent of the requirements is to remove the existjng parking from the right-of-way; in order to do this, lot ll must have workable on-site parking year-around. In order to appear at the next DRB meeting, p'l ease turn in a revised site plan, il'l ustrating the parking so1 ut'ion, with spot elevations, by Tuesday, March l5 at l2:00 noon. This revised site plan should accompany approvals from adjacent property owners. If this deadline is not met, or the parking solution does not meet current standards, the applicatjon will be dropped from the agenda. Sincerely, A,//o'.M fiu sRvnr Town Planner JS:br 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 91657 (303) 476_7000 March 7, 1983 John Rail ton The Trout Creek Collaborative Clock Tower Buildinq Vail, Colorado 81657 Michael Mil ler l,lienshienlq Mi11er, Borus and Permut 3773 Cherry Creek Drive North Suite 880 Denver, Colorado 80209 Re: Proposed additjon for the Samuels residence, lot llB, Block 7,Vail Vil)age 1st Fil ing The Town of Vail has recejved an application for an addition to the Samuels residence on Forest Road, Lot 118. Due to a resubdivision of lot ll into two parts, llA and llB, in 'l 979 theregulations concerning further development of these 'lots need to be explained,' 3n6 the owners ot boih llA and llB should have a basjc understanding and be in agreement about the development potential and rights of this site. The purpose of thjs'letter is to give a brjbf background concerning the-subdivision of lot ll, an overview of the pr6posed addition and what is allowed on the 1ot given current regulations, ani finally a note on what further items will be required before the app'lication for th! addition is placed on a Design Review Board agenda. BACKGROUND Gentl snen : In July of 1979 lot ll was subdivided into two lots for financjal reasons. However, the owners of lot llA and llB filed with the Town a Declaration of 9gvenari'ts, conditions, Reslrjctions and Easements, which statEd'-ttat TIR an-o B would be ses of interpreting the Town of Vail's zoning regulations. The understandinq that lots llA -and llB t:,3l.a ic !-.: .' ii.,::',: .tc-i j: , :.,: -,-l .: ,, , :.,:3 .-iSi, ;.,,i,c,,,;ti j:. .r r.- .- i ti!j i_ /! L.ir, !l . a letter dated June 15, .l979, from Michael Miller, 6f hleinshienk,'t'tiller, Borus and Permut, to Larry Rider, the attorney for the Town at that time. No -agre_ement concerning the apportionment of development riqhts pertainino to lot 11 appear in the covenants (see enclosed letter ano EovenSnt;i. '- LotllBBlkTvvlstfd-3/7 /83 The Proposal and Existing Regulations, an Outline Thus llA and llB are treated as one lot in terms of the potential statistics concerning what 'is allowed under the primary/Secondary what exjsts and rihat is proposed is outljned in the taLie below:- devel opment. zone district, ALLOl,lABLE PROPOSED GRFA AND LOT SIZE Lot ll (Gross Residential Floor Area) tlA (Fel1in9er) (Primary) llB (Samuel s) ( Secondary ) il ,6 GRFA Al lowed 2685.5 (60%)t 7e0. s (40%)4476 rxiiting - 2016 1788.6 3804.6 structures or site improvements which do not conform to the off-street parking and loading requirements of this title may be enlarged, pioviJea that the parking and loading requirements for such addition shall There is 4,476 GRFA allowed on lot ll. 0f that total GRFA, 40 percent is allocated to the secondary unit, and 60 percent is allocatea to'ine piimi"y unit.. (Although the covenants do not stipulate which is the prinary'and sec-ondary sides of lot ll, I am assuming that sjnce llA const\tutes-61 percent oflo,t 11, it will be called the primary-unit; llB constitutes :9 percehi of lot 11, I shal'l call it the sbconda-ry sia6.) A single unit of z0l6 GRFA now-sits on lot llA; further developme-nt would be p.riliit"a ,p to-ioes.s glFA. what.js.proposed for lot llB is a singie unit of .t,788.'o enrR. After the proposed addition is built, no more addiiional GRFA wil'l be a]lowed on l18 in the future. (See enclosed definition of GRFA.) Further Requlrements There are two more items which must be addressed before the proposed addjtion is scheduled for Design Review: l. Parking on lot ll must be brought up to current Town of vail standards.As lot ll stands now, the parking for lot l'l is leqal-nonconfonninq (grandfathered). It is nonconforming jn terms that"parkjng ioi the"structures j:^T thq pylijc right-of-way. There are signs indicating parking for "224" and "?-26" on the rigrht-of-wa.v, Alsn. -th.re seem to lre tr,ro-or 'Lrrree sualls avai iable on 'l ot I r, lgsl.ciuring i.ne wjnter. Five parking stal'l s are required by current regulations. - Town of Vail zoning regulations require that-these non-conforming situations be corrected. section 18.64.050, paragraph D, of the zoning codE,i Nonconforming Sites, Uses, Structures chabter states: I I I i I t I ,"ffr3l* 7 vair viil be fully satisfjed and that the discrepancy between the existing off- street parking and the standards prescribed by this title shall not be increased. To bring the parking situation jnto conformance with current standards all five required stalls must be located within the lot lines of lot ll and two stalls must be covered. (See 18.52.080A, .|8.52.100, .|8.69.050K.) (Two stalls are already covered.) Driveways must have a s1 ope of no more than 8 percent or they must be heated. A parking p'l an indicating conformance wjth current regulations must be submitted to this office before the applj- catjon is placed on a DRB agenda. This requirement will help solve the parking problems along Forest Road. During the winter parked cars line thjs narow street, mak'ing snow p1 owing very d'ifficult. As properties redeve'lop along Forest and Rock'ledge Roads, the Town will require on-site parking. (Th'is is the second property that has submitted plans to redevelop along Forest Road thjs year.) 2. The second item which is needed is a letter from the owners of llA (or their attorney) indfcating approva'l of the proposed redevelopment of lot llB. All the owners of lot ll should know that one and on'ly on lot llA, and one and only one kitchen js allowed on of il'l egal kitchens 'is a vjolatjon of the zoning code. If anyone has any questions or objections, particularly llA the primary unit and IIB the secondary unit, please S i ncerely, ,.1 - ,t '/ftr'',- &-+-// JIM SAYRE Town P] anner JS: br cc: Dr. and Mrs. B. Samue'l s 5624 Evelyn Court New 0rleans, Louisiana 70124 ' .: l:.l.' John Kil sel la 105 South Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60606 one lot kitchen is allowed I I B. Construction in terms of calling contact me. t i I i +. : .: . s .':1 4 i ^.\-. u[FIlrITlONS rI 18.C4.110 FatnilY Fanily shall..be.deemctJ to be eithe" l:.^:t Bt A- Atr rnOrvrouu,,-t',,.-irrn or more p"riont related by 5'l oorl , r;ar.i.age-or i:doption, u,.r"liini"i"*"tiit ::::untt' living togcther in a dver rrng tunit used ut. iin6to no"ukeeping unit' B. It group ot untoiii6d persons..l?l.io exceed two persons per bedroom p'lus an additio,.,al two l)ersons per o\'Jet,.,"g'nii-useti ai o tingit housel"eeping unit' '18.04.130 Floor Area, Gross Resjdentjal Gross Resjden.,jal FlOor Area is defined as tlre toial floor area with'in the enclosing ual'ls of a si,ructuril"i.;i"o;"i.uii,habitable areas, g''nenl't'ies.' indoor,recrcat'ional facitjties, ana stoiJgu'.i"it titll ".cei'ling height oi grea"er ihan siv'' (6) feet siy. (6) inches, "".irOi"e'ii.1.-fof f o,*ini, Ciar'rl ipaces,-att'ic areas vrithout a cejling heigh'u of greater tft."'tir-tO) feet,sii t6) inches' solar heatirrg storage areas' nr:chanical areas, u,to"ui^"ittalsignea iot'pilrting and louding' 0ve11 apping stairt';ays It'uii o"f v be counted at the I o';iest leve'l ' For sinqle fanr.ily and tr.ro fam.i ly residences, a naxit'rum-of 3c0-s(iuare I":!-l:i vehicle space vrith a nar..inrum of 2 spaces per d;;ii;;g-r;ii rvill be a'llor'ied for enclosed garages' Tirere shall also be"a-na*itll* ot'SO sq'Jtt fioi g'i ven for necirirnical areas and 25 souare feet given for air locks. Any-iquare fooilSe over the rnaximum for eitlrer .uhe garage;,the n,echanjcal areas or aii'locks rvill be countec as Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA). Forbujldingscontain.i|.|gn.;ore.ihan.2dr.lellirrgun.its,a.n.additiorral6RFAofupto 20x of tlre allonauie inin on .uhe site ihall 6e allorred for cciilinon corricors' coi :0n stairi.rays, conino, n.r i,r.i,r, .o*ron .toieis, 1ob5y^a.r eq1., 3nd enc'l osed conimon recrea- tional facil it'ies. Any thing in "t."ri"oi'tf is ?OZ wi'l i be ciuducted fronr the GP'FA al Icr'red on the site. 18.04. I 35 F1 oor Area , liet l{et Fjoor Area (used only for calculating-parking tlgi!l::t'tnts) is defirred as the total f lo'r u.uu, nit[ln't1ru errcl osing tiif it of i struciure noi irrc'l uding the fo11o'rling: l. Ar^eas specifically designed and used for rnechanical equip:ncnt to operate the building'2. Sta i rtvaYs 3. El cvators 1. Corrl.ilon ha11t',eYs 5. Collr,icn I obb ies 6. C on:rcn re s -L l"oorls 7. Areas designed and tlseg tor 8: Areas desiqneci and usec fot' office or retail stot'e' trot ior off ice arrd not to e>:ceed parkinq storaoc vrhich do not have to exieed 5ll of the total 8i. of tlre tota'l ProPosed direct access to an individtta oro9os'Jd rret floor al'ea iret'flocr area for reiail. Co::-,n:on areas at.e sp3ces foi^ r'.'hich al'l terrants in tlie buildinq contribute tOr''arC the 7. +i,^,a1'v€ rnrl e r^o n,'if trco6l f or etnO'l ovec tlOl-i: ing areaS ' (Ord ?5, )932) Jt r:' O 0r[' 5 rllr,[lfllllG p'ilD L0!'DIllG l{ .l8. 52, 030 Pa*ing--Starrdards Standards f or off -:treet parkirrg shal I be as f ol I r''ws : A, Location and D=sign. parp.ing.spaces, aisles and tur^ning areas shal'l be errtirely vrithin I oi I ines'inO sha'll n6t en'"J;.;';;-;tt f ul'l ic right-of -vray' .xs1'pt f or parkirrg fec.it i...ie! ;";;;;; singio-ru*iir-ui iiro'-t.,nrily-resicjentjal dvtell ings' or parking tacitlii"i-icc6n.'rnoaiting lesi than four cars' off-street parking areas shatt be oesig*ed-ii-tnui it wiff.-noi"ni ""i"tiii' for vehicles to back'into anv ti.".t ot puui;i right-of-r'rav' (0rd l9' 1976) Size of Space' Each off-street parking spa.ce llulf^!:^'l:t'less than nine feet vride by nineteen teet"i;r;;-;;; !i "ncioiba and/or covet'ed, not less than seven feet high. An excepiit" i" ine size of-ipace sirall be allor'red for contpact spaces in lots with n:ir.e than l5 spaces. rn thi'i--.su^.,rp_to. 25 percent of the sf'aces nray be eight Uy sixteen, and the compact'ipu."i."tf-',bll be cjeal"ly marked as such' Accessways. Unobstructed and direct access.\'Jays no!-1 e:s-ll'ran ten feet nor more than twen.uy feet in *iiitt ii"f1 be provii"O iio* off-s'ureet parking to a street ji:"i,r ilj. [6.a-zo, 1 slz) Aisles.Ajslesofadequatervjdthforconven.ientandeasyaccesstoeachparking space shalt oe proviaed,-airoraing un"UiirilieA-vetricu'laipassage betr'reen each parking space ano one or more access!'iays. This requirerient may be traive'J only during such tines .t-uii.i-pitf.in' is'operated 'in lieu of self-parking' Surfacing.Allparkirrgareasshallbepaveclandprovidedtlithadequatedrainage facil ities. (0rd I 9, 'l976) D. F t i t t F. Landscapjng. tiqtl ess than ten percent of the interior surface area of unenclosed off-street parXirig ii."i iontaini.g'iS-o. more parting spaces shall be devoted to landscaping. "in"uiAlti.ii,-iinOt.ipui'Uo.,rn"i not.lesi than ten feet in depth shail be provided at-aii-eog6s or pur[ing-!g!1 .onluinjnq niore than 15 parking spaces. Landscaiua-Uora.ti'not t.ti'ifii tiftutn feet jn depth shall be provided at all edges of irarking lots containirs-n"." ihin tfitty parking.:pacesl -A land" scaped berm, talT-o. ii... not less'iiin io'" feet in friibtrt of the same architec- turat style as the-buiiJi.g t"V l"^tr[tiiirila iot the lairdscaped border' subiect ;; D;tig; Revjevr approval (brd 26, 1982) G, Surface F.unoff cont.ol . Adequate measures for the contol of surface runoff sliall be proviCed. il;ir";;;rr""i-ntuy in.iuO",-frri.are not linri^ued to: jnf iltration gaiier.ies, Oeteniion-and settling pon,fi, sand traps,.grassed t'lateri\'ays' The Com" nunity Developnent Department^sfraff"eiiinillfr ana'tiiitain a list of such control nreasures. w1'ere"req,.r!rli uv s"ction"iti.s+.oson (a) (c) infra- evidence-of an auproved l.|pDts discharge pernlit, or'in-i ieu ttrereof, a "no discharge" p'l an sha11 bb'p.eser,t"d. (ord. 37, 19Bo) .|8. 52. 090 Loading--Standards A. Location. All off-street loading ber'uhs shal'l be located on the sante lot as the use serr.ed, but not irr the r-equired-f r:ont-ietb'rck' gff -street l oading bertirs shall be provided in addition to t'"quiiiJ off-street parking and shall not be ioiu t.uO r.'i th accessvrays. (Ord 26 ' 198?) Size. Each required loading berth shall be llot. fjve feet long, and if errcl 6sed and/oi^ covered' irining-una nineuvering-space shall be provided le ss Lltatl tr',lglve ruLe i' r\rg' !"' ' fourteen feet lrigh. Aclequrtc rvithin the lot I ines' D. -437- c' l;:ii';""1::i':li';"Fil,tli:d^: with accessways to Parkrng Tacl I lr'l{'5' 18. 52..l00 Park'ing--Requi rements Schedu'l e Off-street Parking fo1 low'ing schedule: USE I. Dwell jng unit requirements shall be determjned in accordance with the If oross residential f'l oor area js-500 square i""i' it-r;;;;--i.s tptt"t per dwel'lins un'it' If qross resjdentja'l floor area-is.over 500 l;r;;;-i";i-up io 2,000 square feet: 2 spaces per dwelf ing unit If gross resjdentjal floor area is 2'000 square feet or more per owelling unit: 2'5 spaces per dwell ing un'it. 0.4 space per accommodation unit' p1 us.0'1 space o". uu.n 1b0 square feet of gross res'i dentia'l ii"ot-"."u,-*ittt u maximum oi 't'o space per unit Uft->lKLcl rii^Nrrr\r 200 square feet of net f'l oor 250 square feet of net floor 200 square feet of net floor II.Accommodation unit III. 0ther Uses A. Medical and dental offices B. 0ther Professjonal and business offices F. Banks and financial institu- iions (i.e. savings & loan) Retajl stores, Persona'l serv'ices and rePair shoPs Eating and drinking establ ishments Theaters, meeting roomst convention fac'i'l i ti es Quick-service food/ convenience stores Recreat'ional f acil i ti es 'public or Private Hospita'l s \,larehous i ng .|.0 space per each 8 seats, based on seating ' ;;:;;; ['' uriiai"s-i;q;. occupancv standards' wtr\cftevlr,is more restrictive .|.0 spa." per each 8 seats, based.gl-,::uting ';;$;; [t uuliJins occupancv standards' whichev-er is more restrictive 1.0 space per eacn 200 square feet of-net floor 'ir"i-ioi ttre tirst 1000'square feet of net iioot i"..t 1.0 space per 300 square.feet foi net floor area'abovl 1000 square feet' Parkjnq shall be required' Anrount to be determined by the pl anning corrnlss'lon' 1.0 space Per Patient bed souare feet of net floor 300 square feet of net f'l oor p1 us 'l sPace Per 150 a rea c. n E 1.0 sPace Per each a rea 'l .0 sPace Per each a rea 1.0 sPace Per each a rea 1.0 space Per each a rea G. H. I .U : 1-0 space per each 1000 square feet or nei fl oor area (Ord. 26, 1982) 438 J. C-IIAZARD REGULATIONS c. rhe zoning ,9T'l.'ti'Ji'Ji## J,T:l':r"'ilJtl'j:;l fi , n,:rson d esiring 10 c infl'',.nce to suunit i J'n"111'111uoy--:.i''ltt ltazard area i in-shich he 1.'roposeJ to bu;fd if the town's masler hazard i rrlrtr do:s nor tonrail'';ii;;;; info-nrration to detennine i if tl'. p'opo"a rot''iio""i'' t; ; ;;; hazard or blue hazard i area. The "q'i"'nt'''t"fo'' 'iaitiontf ;nforntation and sludy; ,i,ii r,. r.,,. 1'l:::?jfjl::t li'i',';l?;j'uny uppri.,nt o, " ii::r ::::'t i:i*ll Jf-il'ii;;"1i#'l.r .l l;6i; ili'Ji.'liiii:"L*lir'*:i*irum:i:'::,$,:l:'::[ :gaitrst the Posstote ;;;;;;';tii;;'"no'"ooii snould specifv the it'provenrents ,.," p. i. a,f t'::: jj:"" jj::,X t,lru;'il ?t'" u " o:n shall be done tlt acc' y applicant or t. iit.' -ro"lng adntinistrator nlay requlre an ncrson desiring i"'"lt"a1iv--fLfloodplain bv fill' cons1rtr ct ion, --tri'ttn"tr:fu'-ot -'oiher sinrilar chlrtges. to srromrf 'ior rt'r'ielv arr -errllellrllerrt al -lnrpact stal er'lletlt in "to'O"""tt -*if t'' t S'SO' ro establish that the 1',.61\ sill not tOitt"iy affect ^adjacent properties' or t;;;".. iie quar''titv or ruelocity of flood waters' (Ord. l2(1978) S 4 (Part)') 18.69.050- Speci'al restrictions for develoPnents on lot tui'"tu*it'"-"u"t"gu slope of the' site-beneatn the profosea-':1":.":l ^*.ril-:lfi *ili?"i"r,in excess of thirtY Perce t"'laliii"i' i*t-r'tt:'rv residentiar' and twc f"t:-fi'pti*ary'lsecondary residential zones' The following additional special restrictions or requirt r"".r- ti,"r r lpprv-to devel opnent T,illrlit.l".i":i:fi1i,iltiiy-t"tiaeniiar, two-family t::t:' ;;i;;; 7 ;;;:1.:y.i:;il:l;i:i "::1".i :';:il:'::"::':::,'average sloPe or and parking tt"t i'- in excess of thirty Percent' (Ord.37, 1080) A. A soil and foundation irrvestigl:io"' !t"plttd'b{-11 bearing arr" l*i-of a ."girtered, professional engr shal l be required' 498-3 \* L--.- b I 3 I it E : L_:- ,r O f--'- ZONIN(; B. l:6urrrllliolls llllst 6g tlcsignctl rtld bcxr ttlc seal r'rf a rcgislcrcd, profcssio I t:tl gttginr:cr' C. A'Iopogrlrplric strrvuy prcparcr'l by a registcrcd surveyor' with .'ontou, irrr",'*'"is l-r f not lnore lltan lrvo fcct' shull bc retltrircd. D. Stirrctrlrcs ttlttsl bc dcsignud by a liccnscrl archilect' ;: s;i" .',r".r"g" rs it pcrtilrrs to this chrptcr' as pcrrnitted by Scctions tS.tO.ttO, tU.l2'l l0 :rrrd l8'13'090' is arncrrdud as fotlows: Nol Inorc thllr fiftcerr percellt of the site artra ntty t. covcred by truildirrgs; :rnd not tlorc tltln ten perccnt of ilre total sitc arcx tnay be covered by drivevrays and surface Parking. F. A site giadinginrJ drairragc plan shall tre required' b. n J.t,ilf.d plan of retairring rvalls or cuts and fillsinexcess H. L of five feel slrall tre rcqtrired' A d.tuil",l revegetatiotl plan must bc subrnitted' The zoning aJrrrinist rator nray require an environmental it"p""t rep6rt as provirJed in Seclion l8'56'020' it;;;ttt "t p.t-itt.,l b)' section l8't?'0-90 is amended as it uertiins io this chrpter as foilorvs: Not more than trvo l.;ili't; units in a single structute slrall be permitted on eaclr siie in confonrraDce rvith the provisions of lhis section. ,C, ;t"f of rtot llrore lhsn twenty-fivc square fect of gross t"riJ.niitf floor rrea (GRF-A) shall be pernritted for each "t* lirrra*a squ:rc fcet for tlte first fiftccn thousand iquare fcet of sitc arca, plus not nrore tltan tcn square feet "]-gi.tt resiuctrlial floor area shall be permittcd for ench onc"hundr.d square fcet of site arel over fiftecn tltouscnd square fect, not to cxcecd thiriy thotrsand squire fcet of .ii. .r.u, plus not nrorc tltan five square fect of gross r"ria.riirf hoo, ,r"" for each one l:tttrdred square feet of sitc area in excess of thirty tltousand sqllare fcct' t.fn,\i i ! c1 -c- K.Antininrumofo|lecol'credllarkingspirceshallbeprovidcd for each drvellirrlr trnit' U 3.ifrr.fs, as tlrey :rpply to this ch;rplcr' -as required b1'" ;;;i;;;' ts-to-orro. l8.ll-060. irnd l8'13'06c' arc r"*rt"a as follorvs: Thcre shall be no rc<;uired front (Vait 9-15'78)4984 (. t H U BEFT T. WEIN SHI EN Kt FI C. H. M IC HA€L M IL LER JOSEPH 5. BORUs, P- C. BAFFY PERM UT EOWARD W. SYEFIX JAT' E3 L.I(UFTZ- PHELAIi JAM ES A. JACOESOII W. DAVIO M URPHY varl oFFlcE var! NATTo,lAL BlNt( 6utLD|l{O c o. ao! 35to vatL,cofoFlDo lr65G TELEPHONE (!O!i.76,t05! Wett'rsHterux, MrlLeR, BoRus & PERMUT A.TToRN EYs AT LAw PTARM IGAN PLAC E 3773 CHERRY CREEX ORIVE NORTH SU ITE ABO D er.tv e n,.Co|-oRA Do aoeog TEL€PHON E {3()3) 3AA-OAOO i"larch 2, 1983 Mr. John Railton Clock Tower 232 tsridge Street Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Sanuel-s AdCition Dear John This will confirm our telephone conversation of Tuesdav afternoon, i{arch 1, 1983. On llarch 1st I had a telephone conversation with Mr.Fellinger, one of the or,rners of the primary Iot. I"1r. Fellinger gave his permission to al low you and Mr. Cadmus access to his house for tbe purpose of taking neasurements and advising tbe Town of VaiI of your findings. iilr . Fel l ing er aI so said that he would approve the addition prcposed by Dr. and tlrs. Samue-l s provided ( 1) he was furnished a copy of the p1 ans and they were acceptable to him, and (2') any density renaining for future developnent of either portion of the lot would 5e allocated between the two lots equitably. It was Mr. Fellingerrs understanding that the building density allocated to both lots was apportioned 308 (Samuels) - 708 (Fellinger), roughly what he understood tbe proportion of the land area vtas, I informed Mr. Fellinger that it was rny understanding that this inforsration was not accurate. f tolC Mr. FeIlinger that available development density was allocated by Vail ordinance 40C-50S. i"loreover, I told hiin that it appeared that his existing structure utilized all available density allocated to his lot, and that he would not be able to increase iri.s density regardless of whetlrer the Samuels nade the proposed addition. Mr. FelIi-nger indicated that the Town of Vail had al reaJy contacted him, and his understandi.ng was that there was remaining density available, and he felt it should be allocated equitably. However, he agreeC that if my information was correct and no additional densitv is now available for hi-s Iot, this would nct be an issue. J.t Werrusurerux, MrLleR, BoRUS & PERMUT !r1r. John RaiLton llarch 2, 1983 Page Two To further satisfy Mr. Fellinger, it is my understanding that you will be obtaining from the Town of VaiI a leEter confirming (1) density is allocated by VaiI ordinance on a 50-40 basis, and (2) what. the maximum permitted density presently is for the Fellinger lot (which I understand wiLl at least equal the size of the existing structure, so that there is no density remaining to be developed on the Fellinger lot). Please forward to me the letter from Vail when you receive it. ff you have any questions, please let me know. Very truly yours,' H. Michael Miller HMltl : I c cc: Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Sanuels 5264 Evelyn Court New Orleans, touisiana 70124 / I HUBERT T. Y'EIN3HIENI( I{.ITIICHAEL MILLER JOgEPH g. lORU3 AARRY PERMUT M^R( A.9ENN t aM E3 A..JACOtgON valL oFatcl varL r{atror{A! !aNt !urLoLo P O. tor ttro v^rL,coLoiAoo crcit iELEPS0NE OOllurTC-rO36 WEtnsxreHK. MtLLER, BoRUS & PERMUT ATTORNEYS AT LAW 22OO LINCOLN C ENTER EUILDINO 1660 LINCOLN STREET DENvER,COLORADO 40264 TELEPHON ! l3o3) €lo l- 4555 June 15, 1979 LavJrence C. Rider, Esq. Town of Vail ALtorney P.O. Box 100 VaiI, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Rider: I am writing with regards to my conversations with both your- self and Jim Rubin concerning the division of Lot 11, Block 7, Vail ViIIage First Fil ep_qr_gle pqcels. --r- Lot lI is presently zoned "Two-Family Primaryr/Secondary Resi-dential". There is presently situated on the Lot a large single-fami$ residence and a smaller single-family "guest" residence. all as shown on the survey which I delivered to you, prepared by Richards Engineering, dated May 30, L979. I represent the two separate groups who presently own the Lot, holding title to undivided interest as Tenants-In-Connon. One group intends to occupy the larger residence and one the smaller residence. They desire to divide the Lot into two parcels, eaclr parcel including their respective residences. The Lender committing to place a permanent loan on one of the residences reguires the owner to own 100t of the fee title to his entire portion of the Lot, and will no! accept a division which contemplates part of the Lot being owned in common. The or^rners desire to di-vide the L,ot into two parcels, approximately as shown on the survey of May 30, L979, with the dividing Lot line subject to some change to possibly increase the land area to be incl-uded in the smaller parcel. This letter will confirm our understanding and agreement that the separation of ownership of Lot 1I can be effected by dividing the Lot into two separate parcels, each one including the ot{ner's respec- tive residence, as contemplated, by the survey dated ltlay 30, L979 (subject to changing the angle or location of the dividing Lot line to increase the size of the smaller parcel). It is my understanding that the only requirements which the owners must satisfy to complete the division in this manner is to record a survey similar to the one dated l4ay 30, L97 9 and to record a "Townhouse" declaration executed by the ovrners. It is also my understanding that the only requirements for the "Townhouse" declaration are that it subject both parcels to , WEINSHIENK, MILLER. BoRUS & PERMUT Lawrence C. Rider, Esq. Page Two June 15, 1979 restrictions that (i) create cross-easements for purposes of ingress,egress, utilities, repairs and maintenance, and (ii) in the event of demolition or destruction (by casualty or otherwise) of either of the existing residences, such residence could be restored to its pre-existing condition, or rebuilt pursuant to new plans and specifications meeting the reguirements of the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential zoning,$tith both parcels being aggregated and treated as one lot for purposes of applying and interpreting the zoning requirements. It is also my understanding that a division of Lot 11 into two separate parcels as above described will create no variances or non- conforming uses, and will require no formal review by the Planning Commission, the Town Council or any other official or agency of the Town of VaiI. Even lhough the owners are required to simply record their survey reflecting the division into two parcels and their "Townhouset' declaration, neither the survey nor the t'Townhouse" dec-laration reguiring any approval, it is my understanding that if we so request, the Planning Commission will sign the survey prior to record-ing to confirm that the survey, dividing Lot ll into two parcels as above described, complies with the applicable zoning and subdivision ordinances and regulations. If this letter accurately represents the position and understand-ing of the Town of Vail, please acknowledge a copy of this letter and return it to me. Uppn receipt of your acknowledgrnent, hre will complete the division as herein described and proceed to close the permanenL financing on one of the parcels (which financing is contingent upon our ability to make this division of the Lot). Thank you again for your assistance. APPROVED this Very truly yours," 4 1//A/ ?///L H. Michael Miller day of June, L979. Lawrence C. Rider, Town of Vail Attorney HMM/ca Enclosure o f?It tt EAi Re: Hor','e ".:'l' ' i rvant one iiitchen is -:=::":"-tted If i,-c'-l ':::-'.'e anY J---F. i gew dep::'*: I :'.- .lmunity development 19 !ei-.:r''.r.r,:-" 1979 Divisiono:-Lo'i;1''',B1ock?'VailViilagelst concerning thls lot the lot is approval onlY contact me. box 10'J vail, calc;::'. I (3031 ,:7;-. -:.i ;1 ;.,7 ":' l,ii ke ]di1ler 220C Lincoln Cer:i€l:' D"",,--", Coloraclo 6011'14 Dea'r' jrlike : the tbove-refe::3'rtt tl-fot' The pror:''-'s-"i '-l'r':isiou of br, ctre separar: ":ttl"iiip oi--irtl lr''::ci i'--:i'-'' reath the bui l .lings witli :!ls :cmbined ownersi::'i Lr-: rl '? rest of pe:::',,ssab1e ani: -";tt i;;-;;complistrec' i,' '- l: irci of f icial ilo,,: the Torvn c: --:'-:'I ' it clearl-,- ..i:.13,::tood that in each i."ii l_r.',.!.;1 :.' further a:u3s:-:i'"''' , P1-ease Sinc --: +:- :' n\ Y)r"-'- ' --iarnes -:' . l'--:' n Zoriii'. :.: :!i:itit'i:'': strator at t ("Samuels"), and A' and Kinsefla" ) ' h'HEREAS, on June 1' acquired an undivided 22/55ths and to the follor"ing described Vail: herei-naf ter tenants an tenants in D.= /r 4r referred to as the I'IHERLqS, on June 1, coiirmon ' acguired an coirlnon in and to the *-'iEREAS, on July _, J979, Samuels, and Fellinger and Kinsella (hereinafter collectively referred to as .Declarants') ' being all of the Persons then harzing an interest in the Property caused a Plat of the ProPerty to be fj-led i-n the records of the ClerkandRecorderofEaglecounty,ColoradoinBook of said records (the "P'l at"), which Plat shows ttre division of the ?roperty into two separate parcels being Lot 114 and1lB,Block7,Vai1Vi11ageFirstFi1ing(nereinaftersot:retimes referred to as '1pt 1l-A" and "Lot 1Its" respectively) ' i;:lEF;'-lS, Declarants dean iL dcsirabl e for the efficient useofthe?roPe:iyioinpcse-'hefolloi^'ingcovenanis'conditions' restrictions ani e'setiients on the Property' lion*, ?;aRiFOR.E' Declarants hereby i;'rPose upon and subject thePropertytothefollowj.ngease;nents,restrictions,covenants, O coNDrTlolls, REST@ This Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements is made as of this day of , L97g by Jeannine Sainuels and Bernard Samuels C. Fellinger and John Kinsella ("FeIlinger l-979 Sanuels as joint tenants interest as tenants in cominon in property located in the Town of Lot 11 Block 7 -v tf; L__VI-i 1-r a-se--lq!r : t ry U-ne- ia-g1e CountY, Colorado "PropertY"; and 19?9 Fellinger and Kinsella, as undivided 33/55ths interest as ProPertY; and DECI,ARATION OF COVENANIEI U c (J -^( conditions and eguitable servitudes, all of which are for the pur- -cose of uniformly enhancing and protecting Lhe walue, attractiveness and desirability of the Property anil sha1l be a benefit to eac1- Lot anil a burden upon such Lot and shall be deemed to run with "he 1ancl. I.Definitions.Forthepurposeofthesecovenants, conditions, restrictions and easenents, the following terms sha1l have the fo1)-owing rneaning: A. The term "Lot'i shall mean and refer io a lot as shown on Lhe Plat of the Resubdivision Lot 11, Block 7, Vail village First Filing. B. The term "Unit" shatl mean and refer to the single family residence constructed on each Lot and any replace- nent thereof. c- The term "owner" shalt mean and refer to the record o\^Iner, rvhether one or more Persons or entities' of a fee simpfe title to each Lot. D. ', Zoning Ordinance" shall- mean and refer to the Zoning Title for the Town of Vail' E.Theterm''Firstl'lortgage''shallmeanandrefer toanymortgageeorbeneficiaryunderadeedoftrustorsimilar security instrument encurnbering a Lot anil unit which is prior in interest to all other mortgages, deeds of trust or similar security instruments encumbering such Lot and Unit' II- Easements- A. Easenents for P..".''--.'*1u. Each Owner shaIl hare a perpetual, non-exclusive easement over and across the adjoining I,ot for access to his Lot, provided that vehicular and pedestrian access shall be only across drives 3nl ua-r's provided for that pul- :'3Se. ;3ch o.;ner is 9 r-;;rtr--i an C?.=.|::. ?n-- or.sr a].]d ecro.s the ad. joining Lot for the purpcse of effecting repair and r'aintenance of' and snow removal f rom, all irives and b'ays situate on such ad joi::ing I-tt. -2- U ar defined in said ordinance- Notwithstanding the recording by the Declarants of a Plat resubdividing the original Lot 11 into IPt 1l-A and Lot 11B, for the purpose of apptying the Zoning ordinance and conplying with and satisfying the requirements of said ordinancer both Lot 11A and Lot 118 sha1l continue to consiitute and be deened to be one 1ot, zoned under said ordinance as .a Two Family Primary/Secondary Residential Districtr\unless other less restric- tive zoning is hereafter imposed upon either or both tots by the Zoning Ordinance or a variance from the Zoning Ordinance. In the event of damage or destruction of a unit on either or both Lots, for purposes of rebuilding or replacing such unit, Lot 11A sha1l be deemed to be the lot for the Primary Residence and Lot 118 the lot for '-he Secondary Residence, as such terms are defineil in the Zoning Ordinance. lio improvements shall be built or altered on either Lot unless such improvements comply with the reguirements for improvements constructed in a Two Famity Primary/secondary Residential District as defined in the Zoning Ordinance, or such other less restrictive requirements as may be hereafter imposeil upon the Lots by amendments to or. variance from the Zoning Ordinance. -v- Term. Tbe covenants and restrictions of this Declaration sba1l inure to the benefit of and bind the owners of the Lots, and their successors, assigns and personal repre- sentatives, for a term of 2O years from this date and shaIl auto- matically be.extended for successive periods of ten ltears unless terminated by an inst.rument duly recorded and executed by all C""'ners a;rd ir,:rtc-gees of l'ots and Units - vf- Severability- Invalidation of any one of these covenanis or resir-ic-"ions by judgnent or court order shall in no wise affect any oth=r grovisions uhich sha11 rena in in ful1 force _) ^r:-. -a--.r!J =r -=- -. -1- O , L979.EXECUI'ED this day of Bernard Samuels srATE oFfcoLoRADo COUNTY OT EAGLE The foregoing instrument was before the undersigned this - daY Jeanni-ne SamueLs and Bernard Samuels. subscribed and sworn to of , L979, by ss. witness my hand ancl official seal . My commission expires: Notary Public STATE OF ILLIIIOIS ) ) couNTY oF cooK ) ss. The foregoing instrument was before tire undersigned tltis day A. C. Fellinger. Witness my hanil and official seal - l{y cor:"rission exoires: f;ci-F:\' "uETi= subscribed and sworn to of , 1979, by -5- O ; STATE OF' II,LTNQIS ) ) couNTv oF cooK ) The foregoing' instrument before tbe unclersigned this John Xinsel]-a. Witness my hancl and official seal' \i-I.ty comnission exPires: O .l subscribedl of ss. lva s day and sworn to . , 1979, by -6- ir! l'I li--,I -,.-i the trorlek collaborative address ?3, / i= lrb 9-:-rl ztp tE <!. 1/,,:.8 . r9: -- /E: lolZ ?-4. copies =t'-:? =/'r'"';=-:-1 a,/4 by .'k ;fir:fz- 4itJt fi't{ +.: ,-L-7 i i +i- i; ;r i =r:: ?',i-i:; !' g{} * l:-= r z. t /-; " ;t 7;-' -t, :)',."_ -'-z:, _:'1 r7g { ==2T,; *:?- *---i€ c-- -,,.2 =-;7,.1',"i5, 'F-7f =il*-',--/:€ tf T,.3 :=Yi:: 7lZ r9)az 5?i |i'-: i , ,3,,, l? -r )r'.r.)v)i.E>t ) -t-;.- ae'-'9- :3ti5-Al'':F- 1L' eu{ €T-'t€ . T'-f-l -* ; 2" Al;o -t'c e:'JP- iLiitrt 'it't '/a"'6- k=-r't'--rr cF ir,s ?{<"><e3--l , c'f 1. 15 t7,t1;; t-' Z ;-arr-! 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'-uf -ii - 'rtE:'")!€:*T-:Rp* t.*l.)lr-S="::-+-r'' -,e ?F'tf'cl =-; i:eC'-l'i'r : t .3 -'= 3:<ll ,ieJ--= t:7,,3A':'tsL -7t Z*o::=?i' :+'Ji''-::irr- :E-- -='r'- -1r:7-- ;7 Z ;-lr :77'r-"--1) l'.7Jc #st-L':- i-r.- ,-;-J 5lr"l'--\^ tsL':'t l:Z 2-;.v'tzt"i':ils =i =;|2'- i<>raz 7' ll-z -'t"'L-t -,Z e-i* te f;,-y ili ---2 . =; :'= -:rg ?-c'*' c t{i"''/ Uf.r- cr-i to'( il \ i- | = = :? 7' ) ,-t/.., : 7afZ r f i -'3 1-': !tL=''-Y {-':=tt'-t' c-.r:, !-t'-('-.:- i.i-i- "T-i 1,= ? ::':';=- =-''*--:i';-/.- -U.<: _t- i -,1:_' /1_::t'i, 't---,'-i. - 4. ._ :'ir:'{* i *:iL f*r:-=t-/i: iu--'-b-"i*L !': |-= fft::+=a1) rcZ?:'c;--"r'11{"-'=- tt1'"!-, 2- "'-12)T ItJ 3i2.:';'- -il,"tc ]^- ,-:- I z '-'-' -t,i- : - L i: : itli -: --= i:'-1?"' --t't!:-'- ':":-tt-; -;, :-. / L -',--. i,i' ,/r' architects grouP ltd P.c.the clock tonruer vail colorado 81657 (303)476-1176 a @1T|,!5NS l)f:SCl{ll'1 lOli OI; l)ftO.Jl;(ll @tTtryrt- Of-E-@._,___:-=J-' - _-ffi-a Vp-O4*gE,. 4 Ao^44 kltre@/5^$ € XeerZ - e4^sUt€ Ksvf€ Ll:(;11, l)r;:;/-tilt,tl0:i: t.0l tlA Ut,OCK 7 l'tl.l:ti-- Vk14,- Vlt4-M1-fr'e{f WlN€*--72+ @sa -ryo^,u:? ^^ ./. ^.--.sac,,,-,r=\ta The fotlor,'ing information is rcquircd for subnrittal by Board before a final approval c;rlr be given: A. BUILITING I'IATERIALS TyPe of I'laterial thc appl jclnt to the Desig,n Rcvicw Col or EZXQ- SltKtEs NAtueKL G>kPx- e*-c'vst..t) ffiR,'^,1 EXtsfh6 lq€r'KL - dLs-lnJG Common Name 0uanti ty Si ze Roof Siding Other llal I Mat erial s Fasc ia Soffits Itindows Window Trin Doors Dcor Trin I H-d ot Deck Rails F Iues F I ashings Chimnel's Trash Encl osures Greenhotrs es Other B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS Botan i ca'l Name TREES _6 fuuEr+ SHRUBS Projact Application tGate S€-. I{'JAII€L3 3Er Tto Sot4E /!-1iffiA7i46 Mtt,.&- @rTb E 7D Utut@€€u.78. :T/€f\E. Algf xtrE 'rcaJ€R Wrr7.{:Id-@ Jaiilf R,Ytt--,{)r')-T.4vf Tffi 6fuvP Contact Person and Phon€ +76- tt1( - -|),t,i'trt;{'t i , ::.t \ Owner, Address and Phone:R tlLRS B'=rv4ua-5 LYN 6p11ET NaLt [-5gtJS yo2tVea.r4 7o rZ$562+ €VE FdotJe (5o,2- -|tu : ,u,nn .H'b'f= , ron"#Lffin r-@rees: zz4 fte€r #D2 vP41-! blfrPreo Comments: -n+.e antu4zg ults+l Tc 4f&.tD'T7ER Z @{J*t t4ErQ-M tbtTtt ttbg a & Design Review Board Dale Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPFOVAL Summarl': T own Pra n ner r- ale O srail Approval o '(D {,o \.fr rn RO rq -{lu tD- i\ll\ ' I I ' l'.\'.llr. \lrl'l \ tli ll u-; -;-' fl o o I \F lo lN_ o -a Irr t- lr ) \ i i \ \ ;1 '*3J3't^u' -(tr o_ I l -l i5 t I t i I 'I t I I I I z @ or o l--.1 ld i.q I I t I .. I t I I I ,.' ! :\ ?. STORY 'fl oco FRAITE Df/ 8s ffi[b Hq x s u 7 0' L 6 I g fr R = 63790' A=05" l-:'.i','2'' r - C)<.1 l_ - \rL J. CH = 62 5a' N 86' 55'2--" E t'i I I I ,I I ,^ I i I I -A =r: , o- 1 ------fi: -B i -.--.-- \ rlo/e erE)r Ere.r-h? rr.r-| / '/ \ 143 e meooc},! ct sr-r e +'1L ll,//\\I V ,/ ) I c'csroG sr}mrrE centeY | - U/ rol. corrodo 81'65/ , ,':L-F-7 nf|47u21n ::i b',* *'; r{xrrtw u, , {>l1r}ttT.'-plL /\/t t fi-\.'i "E i,, ': Ef. Ttf :)'--'-- Litlr; Ar a ut !1. 5;tgK \1,61 '; (Al_ te-E*, ft;tir-ra ,rV ff:[ Vl:r"rt{4, Et. Trc- t(rq *br gh*6' t lR r' o 1" + tNL W;- tlLTLF PFArr.-i r ? ' "a (AUD- ?A*+I€lI.*tT .qi tiF4 :+: ?i .t-. . {*''!.:5.i s:r ;;fi .s.,t :.." i *.,, i*: ;*.1 :*-';,' t{-,a's,*::'/:i ri : ;; ,. !i .;; I YD btlMa.n r)g rl/ H,d. ii)+{.f ,.lr. +K t i lllS Ar;lii REAL BSTAI'IJ I i :i. ii T , rnd (lc J rr(l tNo. r r i te t'1, tl I tt Ltr bt' i rr'.: c r r B [tANDErlS__C AP-MU_$_ ;i (.lolorado corporation----with i ts address dt 28l Bricige St. Vail, colo. Bl(r57 hereirrafter refcrred to as "CUST0i\iLR". ,*cl VAIL Ctirf'lill-F.tlll ::,LRV10i.\. lfr(,. , ,r Ct.rlor.rdo c0r'porat ion wrth its address at P. il. iiox 8.j4, Varl, t-olot'irdc,t. rtrrrr:rrtaiLt:r' I'ili:crred Lo .rs "C0NTRACI0R" The p.irt.ies hertrLo agr':e d5 fol lor'r:i: l. CUST0MER hereby desires to errgagc CCNTiiAtiOR for the purpose of plowing snolr at the following properties orr the f r.rllowirr.; rate:; per plow for a term beqlnning on November 15, 1518, and endino (r') Al)r'i I 15, Igf] AODRES5 PTR PLO''.I ALr0P[:.,5 PER PLOI.I 185 Foresljlil_ 224 Forest lld. s-a. zs 226 Forest Rd. s-9, Z! - $ &ll-_ $ 8.75 _ $ 8.7s 586 Forest Rd. 392 Mill Creek Cir'. 15"47 Spriqg_Hlll _1.,a,-__.-- 'r&4t-lcperLane-- --- YgP'EF}-ER €ENi TYBOLEAN Corpleted plowing wrll be billed on the last day of each month and due no later than the l0th day of the following month (10 days). 2. CONTRACT0R agrees to perform said snow plow.i ng service upon the folloring terms and t,onditions. A. Snow plow service is to be provided to CUST0MER'S property when there i5_acqurnulation of _j*_ or more inclrc: of snowfalI upon lhe ground.* See Mderduns '-r)-- B. C0NTRACTOR rs to provtde snow plow :elvice to be perfornred by trucks with srrow blades rrcunted Lhereon. C. COllTk/riiOR dgr€.r5:tu perf ornr laid r(,w l)l0w ter'vlc{r rf r d gOOd (-l'ld iVL, i.tr,lilc r,rruicr'. $lL:r-lolr carrl )o D. IL i:, r'tilr.trstr'l.._rd arid d(ll.r.,,d lh.iL Lir,,_,r-.rvtl_,co,trdcl ts for p1or,r trrg !!!,e n accultrr lrrtton cl :,trow t.(:r.tLl:it., ; rnches only Of lnore .rr,d thai .rny additiorr;l sL'r'vi*r .,ri,.. ll .r. \[r. lp[itng Iol, haulrnq srr^,,v. 1-rrr.,iijrrq b,rrrks back wrth a l(),r,:i.f., qravcl servrce, and slustt r-cr, !lv!r'l trr tfre splirrg rvrll btr cit.rr 1t,il .rt_ ircriirly rales qUOtCd trt ALi,tr-lr,:'ptr' "r' lrr thc cVr:rtr I,lr',trr {.(lutpnrerrl t:; needed in a hr'.rvy :,ntrwf,rll :rasclrr, C0NTRACTOR r,lll rrlrirrntract. :,u(h sorvic(-, and DAS\ Orl ,i .\'. i.r lL,\'i C05LS. t. irr t:,t:,-r,;f acculnLtl.ilion 0f srtow b.y irind.rrrd clrrfLtng onlyt service wi.l I bc pr'ovlded, buL it ts urrdersti.rod cirrrl dgreed (let rt strlctly be knoyrn) tnat rt is lhe cusTOMIR's respon,rtrlrl.y trr rrotify C0NTRACT0R early lrr th* rrrorililrg of dny such day tf thr:.t vil.,h Lo recejve service and such servic€r rrill be provided sub.jcct t.o,rvriilabilrty of equipntenL. F. CU5TOMtR is responsible for pruvtdrn(.t s[)ac,j for puttrng snow plowed by trucks and locrder. In the cd:c Llr{}t. st_ored snow begins to impede Frarkinq spaces, C0NTRACT0R wr I I lrr.rrr':l in a loader and durnp trucks arrc rerrrovr-- snow. Associated cost wiiI bc paid on an hourly basis tc CONTRACTdR. G. In the case where srrcw is pushed olf lot. onto iandscaped areas, C0NIRACT0R wi i I use utmost, c6re bitL is rrot l iable for arry darnage. jt ,s suggested tha't all structur tt rilrrt cou'l d be damaged by snow plc'w equrpnrcnt, be clearly markt:rl I ri i.irc fal I wrth markers that are vrsrbl'-' t.hroughout the seasclit. * Sec Acldendun ' H. CONTRACT0R shai1, at jts own exl)r)illrr, procure, carry ano matn-taln tr force alI rnsurance and Ircenses rc,1ur red by any rnunrcrpalrLy that I s reQu r red'ro perforn 'the work r:ovr:r'cd hcrel n. I. C!5T0t4tR -dgrees that C0NTRAC1 Olt r;ray subcontract any part or all of thr: Controct providrng the subcorrtr.,tr. i.or. neets the requtreo specifrcJt)orls uf tht s c0r)Lract. J. it r:, :pccifical ly agreed by the [)drties hereln that no clatn, dispute or'c{rnLroversy shall interfere wrth i-he paymenL of this contract and lhat the CONTRACTOR has the right to sLrspend, wrthout penal t.y, the snovr rcnnval service at a'ry trnie aiter pd3dnent due date if payrrent has nc,l been recerved. It rs further understood and agreed to by thc parties herern that a thirty (30) day rtollce sent regrstered nrail to terririnate this Contract is nece:sary and that during t.his notice tlrr CIJNTRACT0R or subcontractor shall conttnue to perform all work descrjbed herein. The CUST0MIR also agrees to abstain from brrrrgtng any other Lnovi removal erluipment to the above-rtaned job site(s) withouL l)rror vil rtten pernrrssion from CONTRACT0R or a re'l ea se f rom thi s Cont rar: | . Thts writLerr Cont.racL inclucJe:, a lI the ,rqrr,orlerrt,, of Lhe parLies hereto and may not be al1.tled., anrended, t{-,r'mInatea, or ch(ur(J(-'rj tn arry llanlet' except' by wrttterr iiqreflncr t uf thc partres. in ca',r ''rf rJ,,f .,rilt-, (,UST0l4tR vJiij pay )o any and all cu:t and expenses of C0NTRACT0R rncludlng.rt-lorney's fees. REA0 AND APPR0VID the day and ycar first at-rovc viritten. VAI L BY: CONTRACTOR CUSTOI'It R: i,n ' ll tl "-.' t/ t| -r//.' | .L, far-- </ o6,rle-,( FnOpE n i i or,r n fn ,IIIiIGER TR-ontT AUTIIORI ZIO AGENT Addenduns Clause A - Clause G Plor service to be perforned no more than 12 hours after 3 inch accurulation COIITRACTOR agrees to assurne liabil.ity for any and all dannge to clearly marked items affc<:torl by slin pt<x scirV ice PLEASF. iI]DICATI- BILLING ADDRESS AND/OR STRETT AU-tirISS tsLLOI,J: 2,Bl ilr iilge. _qtSeg!__ V;ril G r 81657 ,| \."rA{/ il l?,1 \ / ''t ,,\ )o -3- RUBEER TIRt IOAD[.R. ATTACHI'1ENT ''4,. EQUIPMENT CHARGES FOR SPTCIAL sIRVICES (One ( I ) Hour Mt rr i nrirrn ) ' '$-SO-6p- PtR H0UR DUMP TRUCK $ 50. 00 pER HoUR SNOI,I PLOW ]IiUCK ILIi, Iit)UR i'OR SPLCIAL SIRVICL.. .$ 35.00 PER HOUR TRUCK MOUNTTD sNo!{ BL(it,tER . . .$lg-Qq- PER HoUR SPECIAL 5ERVICES REQUiRE ADVANCT NOTICT-. THE TARLIER l.lE ARt NOTIFIED, Tltt EITTt-H CIIANCE 0F FULFILIIN6 YoUR REQUEST! )o DATE ;^ ' " -) JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 1 // READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr'FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr D tr tr D tr tr UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr D ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINA,L tr FINAL ,i'PRovED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREO / .:::t INSPECTOR DATE IN t SPE CTION REQ{.'EST TOWN OF VAIL L'A I tr.JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED AM' PM READY FOR LOCATION: \ tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED iz4q-epnoveo BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.ffFOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOoD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR fi"tLttrtlvail DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER tNSPECfl*o$, REQUEST tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER _ ROOF & SHEER " pLYWooo NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL k{iNornenoutto ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL CORRECTIONS: I y7 t rt fl? lt {..' tNsPECri*ou, $EOUEST ---Jg PM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED '-.t € J //, 6/. 'E'APPROVED , CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D.W.V. WATER NG- tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL * rNsPECfl*Ou|,REc}I.JEST VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER FRI TUES '. WED .,. THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER trl tr n tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL B FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH C EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL -l} APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REQUIRED )ATE INSPECTOR # rNsPEcr*o$, iJd,J=r, DATE READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB N SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER N HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL fi'neenoveo tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORBECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR , (_.,t tNS#cr|*oN, TFg.uesr '.' i DATE ,r , I -' JoB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES PM FRI AM READY FOR LOCATION: MON,J WED THUR *4-&'i' BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEEF " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E. INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED DATE '..' . '; INS f PE CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER IUtr.J THUR FRI PM AM READY FOR LOCATION: WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " pLvwooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B POOL / H. TUB FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING N ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E REINSPECTION REQUIRED g APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED DATE INSPECTOR i'-l REQUEST VAIL I p rustp;*o$, JOB NAME DATE CALLER TUES WED FRI ,,THUR READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: - :, \-, MON .) L - BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYwooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: :',!rirsneenoveo CEtruspecrtoN REQUIBED DATE INSPECTOR /'i7 / t -t 7,. ; ,4:,,a- -- '\ ,r1 .t tNsPEc;[f*o$, $EouEsr 4,'-+Z-!t::a AM DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR /FRI ]READY FOR LOCATION: 7 (-z.s BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING EI INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOOOS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED APPROVED CORRECTIONS: lr 1.. DATE INSPECTOR * TNSPECfl*o|l,REOUEST VAIL . JOB NAME DATE MON CALLER TUES .AM i PM READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEr tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOoD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr BOUGH N EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR /'l : ..t -: THUR tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED - ET APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED DATE INSPECTOR //1 /t TNSPECTIoN- RFOUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ov CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI PM AM READY FOR INSPECTION: MON IUhs VVIIJ I TIL,N / ,- a'7 LocA-lo.J zzy' F--or<-'a1- fo<./ tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED APPROVED , ,), , / q // / ? / rNSPEcroR ,/5 fo s {ac-/t- VAIL S on ae./" BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB u pLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWEB D HEATING D ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: q /l/ ?1-- rNSPEcroR oatr 7 // Fffisucr * ,rfr !7 lNSPEcrloN REQIJEST TO\|*N OE VAIL /it PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE a/ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: TO\"N OE VAIL ,u ,, n./t ,(.u, f, o'r,__) (,( rh*. ' JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR AM PM r€_27* /4a BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " pLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL rtruRl L . z,tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ,t/.,//q/ rNSpECroR DATE 7 ,/ /,4 6t,/u, L co[aboratirc nafiE JIM ikYA:.--. ' -&te tO,?&/'93 address P L frn t =,t- rqatdirE b. R e *uP-'ru,,tJttotl'- lgf.z,-' @pie€ 3ArlR€ i g^LLta-s) .ft'te w {'< 'fFyAN?/a) ffi- VqvR- ftEtts7F(t{E ID euR' sffl4 'njriit W A)R- eLt€bsts lN W\rR- ffi4a'r ot, -rWs Pe-449""-f L€T IJLE guTLtpe ffi<' u5 31t-L' fAY UNqRsrTt&ftE gF ffs C.u t?E€N7 :573-=7r= : - t. laUg P?gJ-'tt'Uftpv' Fa''tt€l"s sr euR ly?/kL4tAE;S "V1< SrVt UAS '+fr,o'e - i':'atc6-f6s rcfrT- T'P.W< h1i"roW'-@ M4VxP-s + &;rw'#r*eru: -a &R- $a-rSg 6.t767taS u,t t-ftt -f*e ro u' iffiineEuEhrre , Eu.&Je:z:7, q auKle, @ 'D { b .- r'frP;J A'L" -ru a 64u Pt- t * r"'.cE ^t'c t'T i< t<i* -rkoge M3 :rTlha wt u- rEEu {-o 'i;e fr'ff-Tia-{ Eiitt-otdt; psraaa rr' Ftrc;ra|&, {,AQ F'- ?-'et r €>.t 'rrv aprlvfl-s lko-tbsAt-.-ftre-6Rr^ (i7?= €q w a255 tf: etc<74 -rnF:T tN ^o7 l\gsv€t'.f\ rc}€.- LD|T ,'l .E 2. g#<k^?E* Li,S*3 8,k -Wt ffiffi wru#P,w*r:6u3{'ffi liF::fl't'&tiE x 'nte &t.szu's,6R-fA oF -TAA-ftoJG oi't- or tl A' + W{Pi'%Fry,#.0'ffi"ff 3;W W=u: u ir-{4\ 8,, "F-', ff;*1 H architects group ttd p.e the clod< tower vail colorado a|65t (3o3)476'ffn6 ilre fior*ek colaborative n€rme ljl4sNfE. ddelTFs8te3 Votect sfrtqvA-S r.ruSe. *Wr-xrrt i<$ ?ZST rqardirg DR E *,,,efttttSrc-J ZdZ copies SrrYRE, tffi'/vus-s f ?t4.8. .by*R WKNK f4r @- b\/e- B6eftR4+( fr -f*€.-F'a,ttNtS fr.(r4 frMD KLEo ftK BQNG to 7i<vuGl+-fnlU rc :a' b^tTttLi 1'trf. PEnL-6.K.- wb> 6st-p Tgt -i€len -rul&)E lTa,tfl€ ' I *F'Scs-tal/-,Y tdt|,tg a6'e fu.Ivff F-rzPos 4 /yLY T7<.1€O -T{K/ ai{e fr.Iv7Y qeaeus + / 'clta,re 1Rd T&F_ ppBJtsLS A,ON€|<_S -a Locrre -f7@€ PLKUS . BvT tldrre ce uS lore -f7@€ PLKUS , Puf f]dpe ce US tlAlg &)effi /n quQ-'ff|w)-S rtg*-W,<e, fuE t-iuir , frifiB<-rt-r:r7^ra''7 hir;;,e" 6''i"lr'-'- "&r'"le-V rq64' - l'6 t .uffiieauani * TkA' -rza,a,ts k e Harc,a 4 c*t- ottt-FTtsr.sS aF -f1+€, c et'A tr6v4 ftzse- MffiuFeL48sfs 6. T,#?tT Wr< Wzr ?4uLpES f+*f -rPt& gLPN&S - ffi a#€ t'lor€e 4i at,tl * @vtet'-: Tt+E a(*v-jft65 ffi- *fkE PFotuSe) KaeTTLr?rs Vo -ftt€ %tv1ua-s ltettE ,a.7.'jD -11'<f,x4 F"4<- *eq.c6 -'EtK D€FT 17.tNT -Arcy RreE, €o /Nft781\4€D kND 4 l/aqpE TH-A-1 -f#A SF;rv,vil_S bstt-c E5 el.pq7ro/^6 TryAK KArSs 'Tc. -rtz NAX € ef* lruXtn KALE ?6R- '-ro W €€c-6vaKF4 tJNt-( oi tA-( | I ( t7 s 3 sg =7 ) JtM, t t+64e I rcaue W>@<LY FqcoFC@ A)K'S,l-A-nrS A-t:C fte\t -A3, PteoC@D VOP-(*!Q?a /rsStsT gr? cLtQ.rTs t^"l:ru -i?-814-PPqlgr I 1N4,4- t<-gAc Va: lPftPr\4A) '*t w€ Peo?eQ -ToO€-T<e- p .Hkve THlt Thte-T tr': cre,e,a??n< {pw_F LtYgg XelK txJeMrs5rslr: fr 'r'f+e. ffiatJ WIIE,J Qo#-D. I I n-^,-.t -blv"Y\o/fd^-- architects group ltd p.c. the clock toruer vail colorado 8't65f (303)476-1176