HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 7 LOT 12 LEGAL.pdf,. Design Review Board ACTION FORFI Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tsl: 970.479.2139 tax970'479.7452 web: www.vailgov'com Project Name: c.F. sKI DEAD TREE REMOVAL DRB Number: DR8070333 Project Description: RNAL APPROVAL FOR DEAD TREE REMOVAL Participants: OWNER C.F. SKI LLC 20 WARD LN DARIEN cT 06820 APPUCANT BRUSH CREEK I-ANDSCAPING AND 0220/2007 Phone: 970-977-0493 PO BOX 1504 GYPSUM co 81637 266 FOREST RD VAIL Location: 266 FOREST ROAD Loh 12 Block: 7 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 1 2101-071-1500-B BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of ApProvalt O712412007 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revlew committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date oi iinal approval, unless a building permit ls issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion' Rachel Friede DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO 0712012007 Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: CondiUons: Planner: "l r0l[N 0F vAil, 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138/479-2139 Ftx970479-24s2 July 24,2007 Brush Creek Landscaping and Tree Service PO Box 1504 Gypsum, CO 81637 Tarrant@vail.net Re: DRB07-0333 Lot 12, Block 7, Vail Village Filing I Department of Community Developmant Dear Steve, Thank you for your design review application for a minor exterior alteration to rernove one dead aspen tree and one spruce tree at 266 Forest Rd. The purpose ofthis letter is to inform you that your application has been staffapproved. A DRB Action Form is included for your records. You may corlmence removal at your convenience. Ifyou have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Best, R$J^S-A"J' Rachel Friede Planner, Toivn of Vail (e70)479-2440 Rfriede@vailgov.com Attachments: 1. DRB Action Form Ju l fT aooz ?: 3ont'l + 1 970 r*7? 1065 0?/16/200? re:4? p.1 6 oo 1/oo1 FAX 19?05210{33 BgL Tn\f/tJ or \iAtf DESiGN REVIEW STAFF APPROVAL v 6 $o frl \N w ( TOWN (-*&mrign *Cotr$nunltY Do'cloPltlcnt -- zS Sorm F vit!98 Ro.d, V.il' Culoredo qr657 TO}lN tcrrglbiag.alg frnr 970.'179.2'152 $rs: r|lfi.ti'vall'@r tlt hil ot ttr€Oeor' r.oc.uor of thc ProPocltlYtpt, /3 Bocx: 7 Phyilcal Adiltcrc: Pr.ct{ l{o.3 zonlng: ; femCc) orouFr.t(3)! Audlnglddrosg: lremcdlPfllcailtr Halllne lddrwt tr loo lContaa Elde €o. Ageseor at 97o'328-8e40 for parcel no') l-tntrrtc?pnt*ernif B r. tr o l,IndAlEn9lrt (m'rnFfmtY'tofftrftctf bf! t4lnor Alenluoo. (rhd..r.dy/duDt€'o Chsngc! to AFPfwcd }|rtts .: 120' fzo 'No'Fct Dshn Rrliw lolnl E-mell Addrct: JIJL 1e 2007 sF.rdlon RcqlEtt ph,s l+ r$ owrvn' Y' *' Ar,,,er!^U 203 -..lAD 42s0 tr U s .o v o w w w .fi 1.,.! i- --, r li Y!-'i !.}J./r.1.:-:i,-|rr/.1!.o:''t.r.kr.r.,'m'$.';}'":}j1l-7-,l .)q\,, (,-jJ"'irj- i; *P,'.t F :.i B: , ,: ;: : :l::: jl l1"'''"' ''r'(l September 7,2006 Mr. Ron Byrne Byrne & Associates 285 Bridge Street Vail. CO 81658 (Fax) 970.476.6747 Mr. Jason Yee Resort Design Associates International, Inc. 625 Market Skeet. 14'n Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 (Fax\ 415.392.4454 Re: 266 Forest Road/Lot 12, Block 7, Vail Village 1"r Filing DRB06-0292 Dear Sirs, Congratulations on the final approval by the Design Review Board of the proposal for a new single-family residence at the referenced address! The Board unanimously approved the project at their meeting yesterday with the following condition: 1. The applicant shall install a non-combustible roofing material on both sides of the residence at the time of construction. Please note that the following outstanding items must be submitted at the time of building permit submittal, per our previous conversations. 1. Please provide a Public Way permit. 2. Please submit approval from Army Corps of Engineers. 3. Please provide a staging plan. 4. Please provide an erosion control detail. Again, thank you for your patience in what is not always a simple design review process. I have attached the approval form for your records. I look fonrard both to reviewing the building permit, when it is submitted, and to eventually seeing the final product under construction! Please don't hesitate to contract me with any remaining questions or concerns you may have. Best regards, Elisabeth Reed 970.479.2454 enclosure . VarzWttqt$t I Design Review Io"-a lof t5, dL7 ACTION FOR}I Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Calorado 81657 tel: 970.479,2139 lexi 97A.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: BYRNE NEW CONSTRUCIION Prcject Description: New single-family residence. All specifications in file. Approved with one DRB and one staff condition. Participants: OWNER RON BYRNE AND ASSOCIATES 071L012006 Phoner 476-1987 285 BRIDGE STREET VAIL co 816s7 APPUCANT RON BYRNEANDASSOCIATES 0ilL012006 Phone: 476-1987 285 BRIDGE STREET VAIL co 81657 Project Addr€ssr 266 FORESI RD VAIL Location: 266 FOREST ROAD Legal Descripdon: Lot: 12 Bloclc 7 Subdivision: VAIL VIU-AGE RUNG 1 Parcel Number: 2101-071-1500-8 Comments: seecondition BOARD/STAFF ACTION DRBNumber; DRB060292 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditlons: Dunning Dantas s-0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of AppruYaE 0910712006 Cond: 8 (PLAN)l No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review commlttee(s), @nd:0 (PLAN): DRB approval do6 not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vall Building personnel prior to construction actlvities. C.ond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. C,ond: 202 Approval of this proJect shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and constructlon is commenced and is diligently punued toward completion. Cond: CON0008395 Fire sprinkJer system required and shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002) and VFES standards. cono: col0am O Monltored ffrc alarm sysEm requircd and shallcomply wlt'lr NFPA 72(2002) and VFES standards. @nd: @N0d)&425 The applhant shall install non-ombustlble rooftng materlal on boUr slde of dte residence at the time of constuudion, Cotd: @N0008426 At the time of building permit subrnlttal, tfie applicant shall submlt Amry Corps appruval and a hydraulk sttdy d Ute slte design. DRB Fe€ Paid: 1650.00 07 / 06 /43006 THU 'oat26tzooa 13:09 FAX FRI 8:21 4153924454 Resort Desien I.'Ax 4tO{{b4 Resorr Desrsn Woo2/ozo @ oo lzor o New Construction Application for Design Review Depaft ment of Communify Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel'. 970.479.2L28 f axi 970.479.2452 webi lrww.vailgov,com General Information: All proiects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to ihe submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Desrgn Review cannot be accepted until all required .information is received by the Community oevetopment oepirtment. rne project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council 3nilor the planning and Environmental commission,Design review approval lapses unless a building permii is'issueo and construction commences within one year of thc approval, Descripti on or the Req u est, -il-*l0l-nAlfd^ p"rcerno3(ol o?l r5116 Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Addressl Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: D Signs tr pOeeptual Review D/New Construoion tr Addition B Minor Alteration (multi.family/commercial) f: Minor Alteration (singte-f a mity/duptex) C Changes to Approved plans D Separation Reguest Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Phonei 0 d o 6;.\o .LJ -c)AJ S50 Plus 51.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebui'd.5300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 2S0 additions & interior convefsrons),$250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-rooting, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.s20 Fof minor changes to buildings and site tmprovements, such as, re.roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plans already approved by planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee fneckNo.: l0Ot 1$bb ,l t laE* ' ''{, ,i ..*,*, t, .r*t 4 i t'.*o c .'_ af,"' &z'b'r., :icr torj {j .a' !.'9 !' . aia' | ,'n .lp. .:,i,1,.;,, ".l .,t ', '' IOINT PROPERTYOWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name a joint owner of prcperty located at (address/legal oescrtpuonl 2 provide this letter as written appro\ral of the plans da Id / "/27/0 which have I fufther understand that mlnor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. been submitted to the Town of Vail Communlty Development Department for the proposed improvements to be @mpleted at the address-noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: F:\cde\r\KtRMs\Pemlts\Planning\DRB\drb-concepuaLlr-23-2m5.doc Page 3 of 'l ttl23lzws 07/06/2006 TEU F ROh1 13:10 FAX 4153924454 Resort Deslgn (M0N)lYlAY 29 @orL/o2o 2006 1 1 :00/sT. 10:59/N0. 0825407872 p 6 Septenrber 16,2005 910-476-6747 RON BYRNE & ASSOCIATES 285 BRIDGE STITEET PERSONAL AND CON}.IDENTIAL vAIr-. co 8r6s7 ,5ubJect.. Attacbed fitle Corwit$enc 50077648 f,or 266 ForeEE Rll./J.ot 72 BIk ? VaiT Village FZg I RON BYRNE & ASSOCIATES, Congnttulations on your contract for purchasiug the property listed above. Attachcd please find a copy of tand Title's cornmi(rncnt to provide ritle insurance tbr your rransacrion. This commitment consists of three pars: * gchedu]e A discloses your name(s) as you inrcnd to cake title to the proporty, the purchasc price, your lender and/or loan arnonnt if known at this rirne, the seller(s) name(s) and thc legal description of the.property under contract. Q Schedul,e B, Section I (ehe Requirenengs) discloses items that need to bc resolved betbre or at the closing. We have begun the proccss of nraking sure thesc requirements are nrct and we will contact you if we re(luire any additional information, * Schedule .8, Sectioa 2 (tbe E*cepEions/ discloses othcr interests in the property, such as easements and covenants, that we will he taking exception to in the title policy. If covenants are listcd, copies will be provided for your review, Please be aware that you may receivc additional copies of this title comnritment if we recoivc ucw infbrnration pertaining to your ransaction. In the event that you receive subsequent commitments. tlrc clranges we have madc from the previous vcrsion will be underlined so you will be ahle to easily identify what. informarion is new. ln aclditiou, we ltave also enclosecl an informational sheet explaining residential title insurance. Sincerely. Kathryn Kuchler 0030 Benchmark Rd #216lpo Box 3480 Avon. Co 81620 I\l[t.tu1n.Bu\En 07/06/2008 TEU 13:10 F ROM FAX 4153924454 Resort Desian (M0N)[1AY 29 2006 1 1 :00/ST. 10 ;59/No. I Land Title Guarantee Conpany CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Date: 09-19-2{105 Prolrcrty Address: Z6d FOREST RD,/LOT 12BLK7 VAIL VILLACc FLC I liao12/o20 6825407872 P i Orr Ordr Nurnbcr: V5001 1648 If you hav ony inquiies or requirc funhar ossj.tloncr, pleosc annlucl one of tlrc nunthe'r helov: For Thlfi-Aslstaace: Vail Tltle Dept. IO8 S IRONTACE RD W #203 PO BOX 357 VAIL. CO 8t6-q7 1Yrcrc:,97O41&2j251 Fqxt 97047(y4712 For ClosinelslstryrFe: Krthryn Krrltler 00$BENCHMARK RD n$tPO 8OX.14Eo AVoN, CO 81620 Phoncr 97G746-47S2 Fnx: !D71F949.d892 Elllrlh kkrdrler@llgc.c$m C.F. SKI LLC 20WARD LN. DARJEN, CT ffEzO A|h: CHRISTOFFEL KR,EDIET Phons: 203-899.3J{6 Fu: 203-65543fi1 EMail: ckrcdict@nrccibrrnrbom.com Scor Via U,S Postal Scrvisc LAND TITLE CUARJ|IITEE COMPANY ().)10 BENCHMARK RD t2t6lFo BOX 3{80 AVON. CO 81620 Ar|n: Krthryn Kuchlcr Phuna: 9?0.9{9.5$)9 Fax: 97G9.t9-4892 EMsil: kkucLler@ltBc.com RON BYRNE &, ASSOCIATES 2t' BRIDCE STREET PEITSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL vAlL. co .8r6s7 Atro; RONALD BYRNE Phone : 970{?6 | 987 Fox: 970.4?G67a7 EMril: tthonrr@ronbyroe,cotD Scnt Vh EMoil 07/06/2006 TEU 13:10 FAX FROM 4153924454 Resort Des lsn (M0N)MAY 29 2006 11:00/ST. 10:59/N0, I Proprty Ad<lress: 266 FOREST RD./LOT I}BLR? VAIL VILLACE FL6 I Buyer/Borro$en RONALDJ. BYRNE tieller/Oqnreu C.F. SK]. LLC. A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Wire InJonnution: 8o nk: FI R STBAN K O F COLO nl OO IUO3 W COI.FAXAVENUE tAKAwooD, co 802ts Phond 303-237-S(r(,0 CTCdiT: IAND TTTLE CAARANTEE COMPAT'IY ABA No,: 107N5047 Accotnt: 2160521E2S Atte ntlorr, : Katfuy Kuc h le r Land Title Guarantee Company Nc.cd a map or dircclions for your upcoming ctosing? Chcck out Lrnd Tltlc's wib site et www.ligc,com lor dirodlons to any of our 54 oflicC locntlotu. BSTIMATE OF TITLE I''8ES Altr Ownsrs Policy l0-17.92 (Rcissue Rrte) Deletitrn nf Exrrptiors 1.3 (Owuer) Dcletitur of Genonl Exception 4 (Owncrl Tar Report #R007410 & ,P028762 is , 29t .00 $30,00 970.00 930 ,00 fi t.6e ,1"2t. Cu.-r..oca! bt.ay -ttt b. otoatrr.g Ehla t.. .aogl.^,.Dava 2aca |.ltl la .'.ll.t!.d .. .h! t1... T()TAL 95 , 367 .00 TfiANX VOU FUR YOUR ORDER! llAottt ozo 0825407872 P 8 Date, 09, | 9-2OCts 0rr Order Nnmber: V5O0l 1648 07/06/2A06 F D N[,I THU 13:10 FAX 4153924454 Resort Deslcn ta0r4/020 10:59/No. 6825407872 P I o 1 1 :00/ST./lJn l,l\ MArr rn 4nAA \r'rvt\.,trtn| (J auuu i I Chicago Titlc hsurrrrce Contpany ALTA COMMTTMENT .Schedule A Pnrl*rty Adrh'ess: 266 FOREST RD./LOT 12BLK7 VAIL VILLACE FLO I Our Onler No. VSlX)lld4E Crut. Rcf.: 1. ', Effrrctiro Daler Au8usr 3l, 2005 rt.si00 F.M. Policy {o be Issrul, end Proposed lr6rrre<l: 'AL'I'A' Owwr's Policy l0- 1 7-92 ProJxrscd hsural: RONAI,D J. BYRNE $s,250.000,00 3, Thr'' (lslstc or interesl llr thc land described or referred to in (hls Conrnrilment and coecre(l hereitt ls: A Fee Siilple 4, Tille to the cstnte or inl(rest coverctl herein ls al (he effecaire dsac hereof vested lll: C.F. SKI, LLC. A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 5. The lantl rel'erre(l to in lhls Commilrn€ot ls descrloed ru firllouo: LOT I2. BLOCK ?, VAIL VILLAOE FIRST FILINC, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PL^T THEREOF, COUNTY OF EACLE. STATE OF COLORADO, 07/06/2006 THU FR0t1 13:11 FAX 4153924454 Resort Destsn qAoLs/ozo 0/SI. 10:59/No,6825407872 P 10 (M0N)t!(AY 2g 2006 o 11:0 ALTA COMMITMENT Schedulc B - Scction I (Rcqtrlrenlents) The following ore llre rcquirenrens (o be cuqrlied u'ith: Our Orrler No. v,5001 1648 lldnr (lt) Prynreut to or t'or thc accouut ol'tlte grnutots or nn)rtgag(xs of rtre firll corrsiderarion for rhc csrltlc r'r intefes! k) lx insurcd. Itenr (b) Propr instrurnent(s) crelting lbe estfire or intercst to h+ hrsrrcd rnust tre ex€cured :lul rluly filed ftrr recold. Lr)-wit: Itcm (c) Payntcnt ofall tuxcs, chrrges r'rr rsfessnrcns lcvied and asscssed against tlre Eubjcct pr€t||ises which nre due aud payablc, Itcm (d) Atlditional requirenrrlts, if any disckrxtl bclow: LAND TITLE CUARANTEE COMPANY TIAS RECEIVED AN IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE/SURVEY FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY PRENARED BY INTER-MOUNTAIN ENCIN'EERING, JOB NO. O3-OI I{S, DATED NOVEMBER O?, 2003, THAT IS ACCEPIABLE TO THE COMPANY. ::T IN ADDITION. A SURVEY AFFIDAVIT, EXECUTED BY C.F. SKI, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABII-ITY COMPANY, IS NECESSARY INDIC^TING THAT THERE HAVE BEEN NO NEW IMPROWMENTS, EASEMENTS OR I'OUNDARY CHANCES SINCE THE DA'I'E OF .SAII-J IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE/SURVEY AND THAT 1'HE IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON SAID IMPR,OVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE/SURVEY I{AVE NOT BEEN ALTERED SINCE THE DATE OF SAID IMPROVEM6NT LOCATTON CERTIFICATE. f*' EV]DFNCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY TFIATTHE TERMS. CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAII., TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. WARRANTY DEED FROM C.F. SKI. LLC, A DELAWARE LTMITED LIABILIN'COMPANY TO RONALD J, BYRNE CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. NOTE: OPFRATING AGREEMENT FoR C.F. SKI. LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILTTY coMpANY DTSCLoSE(S) CHRTSToFFEL KREDIET AS THE MANAGER(S). sAtD DOCUMENT MUST BE EXECI.ITED BY CFIRISTOFFEL KREDIET. MANAGER. TI.IE FOI,T,OWING DELETIONS/MODIFICATIONS ARE FOR THE OWNER'S POLICY. Norli: IrFMS l-3 oF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS wlLL BE DELETED upoN REcElrr oF AN APPROVED SURVEY AFFIDAVIT. MATTERS DISCLOSSD gY SAID SURVEY AFFIDAVTT MAY BE ADDED TO SCT{EDULE 8.2 HEREOF. UFON THE APPROVAL OF T}IE COMPANY AND TIIE RECEIPT OF A NOTARIZED FINAL LTEN 07 /06/2006 Tt'/j FROM 13:11 FAX 4153924454 Resort Desl8n @016/o20 0/SI, 10 :59/No. 6825407872 P 1 I (M0N)MAY 29 2006 o 1l ;0 ALT/q, COMMITMENT SchqlrrleB-SectiouI (Reqttiremenls) .Our Order No. V5001l64E Continucdr AFFIDAVI'I', ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILI, BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ITEM NO, 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FU'I'URE LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF C.F, SKI. LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, cHlcAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMFANY SIIALL HAVE NO LI/I'BILITY Fon' ANY LIENS ARISING T.;ROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISITDD AT THE REQUEST OF RONALD ,|, BYRNE. NOrli: |TEM 5 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS wtLL BE DELETED IF LAND TIrLE CUARANTEE COMPANY CONDIJCTS TIIE CLOSING OF THE CONTEMPLATED TRANSACTION(S) AND ReCORDS THE DOCUMENTS lN CONNECI]ON THEREWTTH. No'l'li: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES, ITEM 6 WILI, BE AMENDED To READ: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2OO5 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM 7 UNDER SCHEDULE B-2 WJLL BE DELETED UPON PROOF IIIAT THE WATER AND SEWER CI{ARCES ARE PAID UP TO DATE, Ii*t'f**"I' NOTICE OF FEE CHANGE, EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER I, 2OO2 t*+**'I+?'+ Pursuant to Crrlonrdo Reviscd Sutute 30- 10421, "The couuly clerk and recorder shrll collec! I surcharge of $ I .00 lbr uach document receivcd fcrr recordirtg or tiling iu his or her office, The surchnrge shnll he in rddithrn ro loy othct tLes p+rnritted by snlute. " 07 / 06/ 2io6 THU F ONM o 1 1 ;00/ST. Orrr Ordor No. V5001 1648 6, 7. 8. 9. t0. 13:11 FAX 4153924454 Resort Deslsn (t'f0N)r(AY 29 2000 ALTA COMMITMENT SchcdulcE.Sectiou2 (Exceptions) Tltc policy or policits to be lsrted rryill crntain exctlrtions to the followhg unless the same are ttisDosetl ol lo the satisfaction of lhe Company: l, RiBhts rtr chinrs rrf partics irr possessiou uot shown l:y rhe puhlic rccords. 2, Ersente rtts. or clainrs uf eascttplrts. rt(rt sbr)wn by the public records. 3, Discrelratrcies, conilicts irr h'oundary lirres. thortege in lrel, encrnechneuts, rrrl auy f{L'L\ which e crrrrer-r survey arrd itrspecrirrn r:t' rho prcntiscs woul<J dischxc gud which are not showll l)y the. publiq r*r.rrds. 4, Arry lien. ot ligbt to a liun, ftrr scrvices, lqhrlf nr nuteriel lhcretofore or htrc$flcr fOruisbxl, hrrlxrsed hy law and ruot showrl by the puhlic records, Dcfects, lierts, eocunthratrccs, rdvers$ clainx or rrtber turners, if any, created, lirsl sppaaring in the public rccards or irttaclrirrg suhseqrtcut to the effectivc dare hereof bul prior to lhc drte tlre pr<lgrse<l iruured acquircs of rccor<l frlr vlrlur lltc qsIate or iulorcst or nrortglgc lltereort covered hy dris Conrnritment, Trxes or.sfrccial asscssnEuls wlich ste nrtt shown as existing liorrs by lhe public recotds. Licns h)r uuprid water nrrd sewer chorges. if rny. ln additiorr, thc (rwner's prtlicy will be subjet t(r rhc ny.)ntflgc, if rny, rrrrted irt Settion t of Schedule B lrereof. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES.IF A}IY, RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE I.IIS ORE I'HEREFROM S}IOULD TI'E SAME BE FOUND 1'I) PENETR.ATE OR INTERSECT THF PREM]SES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 04, 1923. IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98, I I. RI6HT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AU?HORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 04. t923. tN BOOK 93 AT PACE 98, I2. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICI{ DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE. BUT OMITTING ANY COVDNANTS OR RESIRIC'I.IONS, IF" ANY, BASED UPoN RACE. COLOR, RELICION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION. FAMILIAL STATUS, MANTAL STATUS. DTSABILITY, HANDICAP, NA'fIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY. OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS .SET FORTH IN APPLICAELE S1'A1'E OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICAIILE I,AW AS CONTAINED IN INSTRI.JMENT RECORDED ^UCUST IO, 1962. IN BooK I74 AT PAGE I?9. U0LT /o2o 10:59/No. 68254078i2 P 12 I3. EASIiMEN'IS, RDST'RVA I1ONS AND IqE.YTRT(:TION,I AS.SHQWN OR RESERVED ON THE 07/06/2406 TW I H(Jttl 13:11 FAX 4153924454 Resort Destsn @0L8/O20 0825407872 P 13 0il0N)l'{Ay 29 2006 11 :00/sT. 10:59/No, ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Secriou2 @xccptlons)Orrr Order No, V50Ol ltt48 Thc lmllcy or pollcles to lre i$srnd rvltl corunln exceplions lo rlrc folto\ylng unless ahc stmc are dlsposed of to the snlisfnction of tlre Conrllrnyr RECORDED PLAI'OF VAIL VILLACE FIRST FILINC. 14. THF EFFECT OF ASPHALT DRIVEWAY AND WOOD WALK BUILT ONTO FOREST ROAD AND ONTO ADJACENT PROPERTY ^S SIIOWN ON TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP PREPARED NOVEMBER 7. 2OO3 tsY INTER.MOUNTAIN ENCINEERINC, PRO'EC'T NO. O3-OI I4S. 07/06/2.006 THU 13:11 FAX 4153924454 Resort Desisn FRelM laoLs / 020 (M0N)l'{Ay 29 2006 i1:00/sI, 10:59/N0,6825407872 p t4 i LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DtscLosl,Rn fi'rA'l'EMEN't,S Notdi PurEua,tl ro CRS l0.l l-122, noricc is bcrcby givcn rlnt: A) 1'lre subject resl pmperry mey he l(x:rtcd in a qrecial rrxirlg dislrid.Il) A Cenilicate of Taxcs Duu listing eactr raxirrg jurisdiction nuy be obtaine<! frcrm tlre Courrty 'l'rc&surEr's {ilthorized ag,eltt. C) Tltc intirrnutiorr rcgardiug sg*cirl disrrir;r"r rnrl dre boundaries of suclr dlsrrlcrs nuy bc obuirpd fr<uu thc Btlard of Couury Crrnttuissiotrurs, thc County Clerk ntd Recorler, er thc C(tuury f,*sessur. Note: Effcctive Septentlxr l. 1997, CRS 30-10-{06 rcquires rlrrt alt docunpns reccived for rcuordirrg or filiug in rhe slcrk arxl rccordlr's otfi...e shall courain a top onrgiu of rt least oue imh qnd a left, right arrd bortom tturgin ofnt lcnsl otro fialfofcrr iltch, The clerk aod recorder nray rcfuse lo record or file eny docuurent ther (locs tt(rl co,rfi)rol, cxccpt tltat, thc rcquirerueltl tkrr dre top nurgin shall not apply to drxunrsnts usirrg forrts rrn whiel spnr.e is providd fin recordirrg or liliug iflforrruliou c( the rop nrargin of the dtrunrenr. Note: Culorado Divisiou of Luumnce Regularions 3.5- l , Paragraplr C of Article WI retluires that " Every title erttity 5lrell be respxrrxible for *ll olrrterc which apt)ear of rccord prior kr the tinre oi rccordirrg wltelrsver the title entiry c(rnducls the ulosing and is rcspomiblo for rccording or filiug of legal dtxunlqtlts rcsultirrg front the t.snaacrion whiclr wan closcd'. Provicled dnt Lend Title Ouereuree Ct>nrpany cnondrtcts tho olosilrg of thc irxurxl rrnns.rction and is rcsporuiblc for reconlirrg tfie lcgnl tlrrctrttteuts front the trtttssclion, cxccptiorr rrulrbcr 5 will rpt eppgal on the Owrreris Titlc Polir:y arrd tlre Lenders Policy whett ixrued, NorsI Alfirnlstive ntcchsltic's liert protection for the Owntr muy bc avnilablc (typicelly by <leletiru of Exccption ntr. 4 of Sr'lretlule D, Section 2 rrf the Conrnrirn€ut fronr ttrs Owner's Policy to be issued) upon conrplinnco wittr thq followilg cordirions: A) Tlro larxl descritrcd irr Schsdulc A of this corrrrnilruerrl rrrusr be a singte thnrily residencs which irrcludes a condorniniuor or townhouse unil. 8) No letnr or nuterigls have bucn furoished hy ru,eclnrrics or nuterial-nreu for purprses of cor$tructiorl on fte land describcrl irr Schedule A of this (trrunitmen! within the past 6 nx)nth$. C) Thc A)nrParry musl rcccive trt eppropriate rffidavir in<lemnifying rhe Conrpuny ngaiust rrn-filud rruuhlrtic's and nuterial-mcn's licns, D) Tlre Ctrmpauy ruusr lcceive pAyltunt of d)e eppropriate preoiuu. E) If drere ltas treen coostruclion, improvcmcrrs or uujor rppoirs undertaken on rhe proJreny to be purcharxcl within six nrolrllrs prior to thu DRte of tlte Conrnritnput, thc requircncnts to ohllht covcrfigc f<rr uurecorded lierx will irrcludel disclosure of cerbin corutructir)rr iuf(rnDnti(1rli firuucisl irfornrction irs to thc seller, lhe buildcr ard or ths qontrxclm; payrnurr( of thc approprirrc prenriunr fully 0xecute(l Indentlrity Agrecurcnts rsatisfactory to llte cou{uoy. rnd. rny rrklitiorral requirennuts as nuy he tE('ersitry atlcr ln cxnrttirmtir:ro of rhe efirreseid infurnution by lhc Corngnly. No ct'rvelsge will lle given undcr arry circumsrnnccs ftrr lgbor or nurerial frrr wlrich the insured lus coutracted for or. Agrccd r(r Fay. Notc; Pursucur tr) CRS t0- l l -123, urrrice is hereby glvcu: This notice applies t0 ow[cr's prlicy conuDitDrdDts cotrlaiuing d nlineral saverrno., it$trumcttt excepti$n, (rr exception$, hr Schedule B, Sectio0 2. A) Thgt there is recorderl cvi<letrcc lbal n rnirpral estfft€ ll[s b€etr scvered, leaserl, r,rr otlrcnyise c(rnvcycit frrrru the suffsce entAte and rher thure is a substlutial I ikelilrOod thu r third prrty hrrltlt s{trrre or'all irtterest in oil, grs, otbor miuorrls, r}r g€oahcrnsl erurgy iu rhe property; and B) Thnt such uthrutll estntd ntay include tlre right ft) errrer and use rhe proJrerty wirtrout thc surftco ('wnet'$ Jrrnrissio[. .I::!!ltL+.lt .t:rt cottlitirted will lx ttscorcd to oblirrtc thc qomprny kr prtlvide any of the coverages t'itrilts{ t\r ltq$lt u$lni\ [lE'dtltlve u0u0iti0$ rrd'ftlly utisired,- '- t^.n ntsFl Alllot fO l,ll tn) 07/0612'006 THU 13:11 FAX 4183924454 Resort Deslen FRc,M ga020 / 020 (l,10N)|,1Ay 29 2006 ,rQrzsr, i0:b9/N0.682b402872 p ib JOINT NOTICIT OF PNTVACY POLICY ridelity Nationrl 0tnanclel Group of companies/chlcago llrle lnsrlrancc conrpnny and I-s|td Tltle Grrlrantee conrpeny July l,2001 We recrlgrtize atrd rcspdct tlte privacy crr*chliorr6 of todry's c()nsun*E rrtd lhe t'e.luirenrents of rrnnlicnble ferJeral arrr.l st td Frivscy, lsws. W.: hclievi thrt.rnrkiirg you uurc of liuw. w9 use yl)ur rxnFpubllc persoual hrfohruliorr ('Perst'rrul Irtlottltltiorr'),.urtd to whtrru it is discloseil,-will fornr tlre basis for r rlletlorxbiir of tnist bctwecu us aud tlre'nublic llt$l we nclvc, 'lhis Privacy Statcrncul provides tlrrt explanatiou. We reserve the'righr r() change this Privar;y ' StAlcrrerrl frrrnr linrc to tiulc cousisteur-wirlr applicablel>rivacy laws. fn thc coursc ofour brsiness, rve may collegt Personrl lnfonnation sbolrt you from lhe following sources: * Front upplicatitrns or otlrer frrrnu we receive front vou or vour suthorized rerrreseutative:t Fr.rur yirirr lrlrsflclions with, or fronr the services 6eing pirfonrrcd by, us, o'ur attiliates, or o rers; 'r Fronr 6rlr irttenlet wcb sircs:r Fropl tlte public recor4s_ pairtlr irred by govenrmuutul cltities thsr we eirhcr obtriu directly frorl thosc elrtitics. oi frour our rffilistes or orhcisltrxl * Ftenr cr)nsu er trr olher reporting agenlies. Our l)oticics Regar<ling the ltrotection of the Confldc[tidiry and Secrrrlry of Your Personal lnformatlon We nmintain physicnl, electrrrnic anrl procedurtl safeguar.lrr ro prorrf,r yotr Personal I ufornntiol frt'rrrr utautlrorizcd accc$s o( irttrusion. We limi( sccess to the Persorul lifirruurtioit rlnly tir thosc cnroloyees who rrcr-d such scccJs in ctrtttrr:ctiou witlt |roviding producl$ or sdryices to you or for othsi i6gklnrare busilcis purposes. Our Policier anrl Prncllcts Regnrrling the Sharlng of Your Persorurl Information We nr.ry stflrc yout Pctsonal luforn!+tiou with our.afliliatcx, suclr ns irtsutlrce compauics, agents, rnd orher rcal esrf,te s€ttlenrcut $rvicc prcvideff. We also mry disclose your Pers:nrl lufo utiori: + kr rg€rrts, brokcrs or representttives to providc yotr witlt services you bavu lequefted;* (o third-par(y co$trrrclots ot.service pnrvidcn wlto pr,rvide scwicJs or perforui ru,arketing or othcr 6rrrctiooi orf rrur behalf: nrrd * to otlt-ets- wilh whonr we cnter into joint markctirrg ngreenlenb for prulucts ot services 1l1ar we lulicve yon ruury find of irtrerest. In lddlliorr, we will disclose your Pcrsoual Lrftrrrrratiou whcn you dirttt rrt live us rxrarission. whcrr we ore reouirod by law lo do so, or vhen rve iruspcsl frnudulelrt or crinrhrol acfivitiss. Wc rGo rnry discl<tse vour Perrcrul Infornrstk)rr whert ollrerwisc pernritted by spplhable privncy fuws such as, for oxr'mple. wbeh disclosure 'rs uecdc.<l rlr eut(lrce r)ur flgtlLr aflstng oul ol Auy asrernleut, trElNacliorr (rt (elqtiotlship witft ybu. One of tlte intJrortarrt responsibilities of sonrc of our Rffit ieted companics is to tecotd docunenls in rhe public dornain, Suclr docunrcus nuy corrtuirr your Personsl lttformarion, Right to Acccss Yortr Pcrsonrl Inforrnatlon snd Ability to Correcl Errors Or R<lrest Chenges Or Deletion Certaiu staaqs alTord you- rlre righl to uccas your Pemonal Infurmltion rnd. urder cenrin circun$ttlpes. ro find out lo wholll your Persotul Inibrnution lrrs heeu disclosed, Also. certaiu strrtes afford you rhe right to reou;st cotlection. anrctrdmcrtt or deletion of your Perstrgl Infontrntion. We reservc tlre rilht, wherE pernritld by trw, lo chargc a rcrst'rruble f'ee ro covcr thc s(ists incuntal in rcslnrrding to such rcqu+rs. - All requcste elrlrrnilted to tlre Fi't:'lity Nationsl FinnrEinl Group r:rf Conrpeoies/Ch icago Titte lruurrrrce Contpany shnll h! iu writirtg, and dclivcrcd to'thc followiug sddress: PrivrcY CotnpllaDce Officer Idlrt"a,f [i:li] f ir;pc irr, r rrc, ' Saura Berbara. CA 93110 Multlplc Producf,s or Scryices ll wc provi<lg vou with tllol'e rhs.tr olrc fir,umcial prodr.tct or se icel you t)ray feceive nurc rhan ()ne privacy rrotice fnlur ris, Wc *irologize frrr any irrcoiivenienue thjs nruy cuus yuu. Buildino Materlals Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: PROPOSED MATERIALS Tyoe of Material |rr.o':r> lpaeis { & & lEr*A ?rlslru t4trt,|,ctb lrrDaD WrtB Color Nrrr,|jaaL gl,{c,E,fleJ BrrcrrflaeJ {TBD bt?f&, \ n \ !,aaD \\ .1i ) L''c, Sorrng r.rlt{r*gr|/ ?rcgEfS t hv'/\ ,/ / _ ]4gflL 4urD Please speciff the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. tt*nFEQ& 6fre- 5*.<rw trg* ./ ?6u,tfiA, /lhx2ffi rJlrT, ifa,.g :fiEn{8[R4 lDrrEgEls CP?WE F:\cdev\FoRMs\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_new_consbuction_11-23-2005.doc Page 7 ot t4 t112312005 t f ) /, ', '.1 I t ,r,i;fl, i I {'i ",i ' I r.J 7',"*"1, "h * - 1 . ru ,, fr t t4r PROPOSED I.AIIDSCAPII{G Botanical l{ame Common llame OuanUty Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS DCSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED <gE AJf!\qNES u 5 tlzz" (i-tz" 3n Minimum Requirements for landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Gonhbrous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvoe Squarc Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL 1€E Af{A(}t€D {eE rttrrrerr Please specify other tandscape hahrres (i,e. rebrnirE warg Ences, svyimming poors, eE.) Atrr {rG f,,e,e n tor.rucp 11/23/2(xE F: \dev\FoR!,ls\pendts\plafl {ng\DRB\drb_n6,v_conshf 6on_1 1_2},Zq}s.doc Page I of l.t (f, ltl z ttl !(t) ,n,n sFH S"qBSSSSS_S BBBBBBBBHBBB PY fi5: i*lil.,lli 6=*irio"lii, *x tti *x*sl*xx* qqqqqJ;Js;sd z6 q." F -qs=\,ffq$g_,F V K .\2, Yz> g =-ESr-t ,,,2 h H trHbtr$EE.'3 *=*P.'E$:5E=_P 9 frU<3+a3pi ;PRfr383H yF; F,ry 6 r 9F$odE29s; frYFr+'F=6--,!s6;s $s d $ iEB!sx5EEe zHFiFst$sEH; !r t!v Fg) (D tll =o u4Y zA rx !+ + F fiz i, f-,(J)O .n* fr <\) > ; =.- F-F < --l (f) (f) u.l d'XX :] c)u.l ru L L Ul -z J ()z o m trJ z z. E f (_) E m 2t ;l 8o,H ^'o? > q i.Pk- v .., !u Etri.= <' rfiH"u--El s l?S<o p q="*=-L.o+: ii dBlsp:=-*4, ift=<HF5+EFgot i 6 iSqqqHH fr so - = r'<r x." "';i^ur-z 6-j eF.',R{< Ee <-a.d?EU9=il.iiP;]Zf'24sfr:d ;Pf HE>3<H>6H{ €- 5 F F FS".$i p-He 5 $$ s $ il s S f ;.v a\ o z =u (tt J =z tu u !u 0 -cO 'le#a** d-) l Z ___l [r F W- z. f I u_i W 0_ .STDRNBD\G HoMESTEAD --'*.= F W 1290 The energy- eficient lantem shown here with a white asylic lens on a square pole in our Verde Green finish fits well by ibelf or in a historic application. The overall height is 33' with a 24" square roof. The smaller vercion 0690 Homestoad ll has a 16" x 16" roof with a height of 22". See other smaller sizes belovv. ffi 1290 WallMoiJlt E 70, 100, 150 or 25Ow 50, 70, 100, 150, 175 or 2SOw <-16',--)> T V <:12'->/\ A -I:T- i llr-r-rll I IrEl I <-}A lFll 'i l:l v 26A frcnsr e> E(f. L4qFf Fr<*up€ Y: :f- .F_ .- .,#t ;'i:'qlts I : ... 'd *' 6" &q; in ],i ffi*Y*- { 'ti . i1,,] ,tl iq )' '*4 r:t' 4t't. : a.r.. ., ., a. .: j "-:-Y,g:t ., ...b-: SILI".ER]H]RNE I.F Fax:19704681401 11 ?m6 o Jul 4:18 P.01 O XcelEnergnJ* PU BTIC SERVICE COTI4 PANY FA)(TRANSMISSION /' lilL 11ffi/DATE: TO: TELEPHoNE No: 4rf Sqz {'lX raxxo, 4I { 322 4,{f/ FROM: Ridrard J. Sisneos TELEPHONE NO: 97 U2624076 TOLL FREE: SUBJECT: NUIUIBER OF pAcES (tNCLUDtNc GOVER SHEET): MESSAGE OR SPECIAL INSTRUGTIONS: FA)( NO: 97G46&1401 z nte rflbnndo.l conhhqt In thb facalnle rnGgD b OON\mDEilIIAL hbm.tbn hfidld only tu t|c rE of ftc hdr,flud aon&y' mimd abot a lf t'|. tE lcr of Urh m$ragp b not thr'ffin(bd rlctsbnt or th6 rmpbltE orqggr|t rEspo|r.bb b d.!Gr n b 0|a ffirH t€clrle& you er3 h.cby ndlad ftd eqy dbsemtrdftn, dbfiDtffoq orcoftta dtrb ccrrnimkadm b !|E|aty pml6frrd. tt you hatc relvcd lhb csnmunlca$on h crru. pbese fnmcdtabty nofll trc dtrdar bi/ ttrqrtrqa. Tlunkyeu SILtt.RlFtliIf l'P Fax:19nH681401 ut / Lv/Zuvtj [Ut\ 1l:lrz ]A.[. 'llbJUZ4{o4 l(€aort Deslgn I Authodz.d Slonstrrc r\\\r-l.r UTI|JTY APPROVAL e VERIFICATIOI{ TWTEl|&F Thb form sew€s to verify that the proposd lnprcn ements will rFt impact any odsting or pro@ utility sendces, ard rlso to \€rlfy qtrvloe arailabillty and location for nevt constructhn and should'be usea n conirndon wlUr pnpaitm pu. irtitity plin and $hedullrE lrtstallrtims' A s-te plan, lncludiry grading phn, lloof plao and daratiord, sha[ be sruinitieo o tire ruowirg rofties for appronl and vrritlcafnn. Jul 11 2m6 o 4:18 P.U2 1t8002/ 016 QWEST 970.sr3.7189 (t€l) 970.384.025{Pax) 970.@7.0722(e]U) Contads: Sbve WaErs swateBOowEst.com EXCEI HIqI PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (bt) 970.468.1401 (hx) Contact: Rki| Si$eros HOLYCRO|ISEt ECrruc 970.v7.5475(E) 970.9{5.4081 (fax) Contact: Jefr Vroorn lvroom@holycrcss.mm EXCELEIIRCY 970,252.4038 (fax) cnntacts; Kit Bogart 970.262.4024 Kaheilne Boget EAGTE RII'ERWATER & SAflTTATIOII DTSTRICT 970.476,7180 (tel) 970.476,4089 (fax) Contace Fred Haslee fhedeeqe,sd.oro ooilc^ltTcABr-E 970.46&2669 ext 1100 (bl) 970.168,2672 (td,) Contact: Brdd Dor€as bradely dorcas@ctble.conrcast.com IOTES; Comments Oab ?^r.^, C.qr.1rcn{ Atx &E+t-L JUL 1l ffi r. ff the uullty appmvd & verificatlon form has slgnahrcs from each of the ufiltty ornpanies, and no commonts arc rn#c direcdy on $e form, the Town will presurle ttrat tiere are no pllbhnrs mc, the devebpm;nt ca'n pod:eA. 2' If a t|ullty cornparry has concerns wlth the poposed corEtruction, u|e rjulty r€presentdve shall note Oiedy on the dlty wrlftcation brm that th€re is a protrhm which needs to be r€soked, ifr issre sirosli, then be detalled In an atbched letbr to thi Town of Vall, Horvever, dease ke€p In mind tt|at t ts thc responsblllty of SE uulity @mpary and the applkant b r€9olye lde!ilificd probh|m. 3. These wlflcations do not ruli€\,E the @nhctor of the Esponsibality to obEr'n a tublh Way permtt fuom t|e Depatnent d puHtc worts at the Town oa vall. wlitv lgclt one rl!4l0c obhined b€tor! di.rolFo tn any pr6rc rgnt ot+my or eisemert wturin If|e Devdoper b rquJred and ag€es b sr$ndt any rwbat dnwfigs b the utilities fbr rerppovat & ]€ive|frciliorr if the suhnfied pl-ans ae altercd ln dry way aft€r the authorized signature dab (unless otherwise ipecffically noEd wi$in the dnment 6rEt of tts fum). Oardope/s Slgr|aure m F:kdav\FoRllS\Penrits\Plrnning\DRBvb_nri{_constsucthq1t.2}2005.doc prge 9 of fi ruan?f0s 07/.-0/?006 [0N 12:04 Frttr 41589t4{6{ RcBort Deslrn Autborlz.d Slonrhnt QWElrf 970.51ir.7r$ Gd) e70364.O2s7(b0 c70,6a7,o7?2(d) ConbcF: Sb|ct/tftns s$rdhrttod'lEsLcom EXCEL HIGTI PR,ES9URE CAS 970-262-4076 (t l) 970.468,1401 (ftrJ Conbctt RHt SEnsos o _rz-,rl conrndlt!PTE Qoo2./ols o ,.i. UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFIE'AilON tmffitI "'Lr' 'ri^v-'\"'"'FL"l h qts-7qz'qclgl ?fl'ot Thlii fam gelves tr verlly th.t the propoccd imHottmetrte wilt no! Inp*t lny odstlnf oi-propooed uffiy eervlccs, and abo E t/€tfly se@ rynlhDqlty 4|d loedon tbr nes ercuuchn rrul stroultl bc urcd ln aodunc[oh wrh ilcpErlng ]our uullv pbn and sdr.dulng litblhdon6. At|ts plen, hdudng gredllg phrr, noorplm, and clqnugns, strall bocJbrnltted b UD ftllowini udlE i lbr app(or/ol ard vrrffl@tbf|. HOLY CROSS H.ECTRIC 970.9'17.5.18 (!d) 970.94s.4081 (hD ContrcB JcfTVroorr lcoon@bolruns.run WL ?M EXCELENEK 970.262,4038 (hx) Conbcis: Klt Bogart 970.262402.1 Kaftarhe Bogert €AOIE RTVER,IIYATER&, ITANITATION DISTRICT 97o,476.74W(W) 970.{76.,108!' (lb) Conbcti ned Hasl€e fhaC.c@ind4ttrg COfr[CAl$f CngE 970.468.2#9 dc. t1@ (St) 970.{5E:62 (rA) Contlch Brdd Dortas @ NdTEST 1. If the utfl[y ap]oital & vcritlcaHon fotm h.s Bbnetqrcs t?om ca$ of tho utlllty @tnpenl€s, snd no cor menB rfr nradr dirccuy m thc fop, ttrc TOwrr w|[ prcsl1la tht than aru rE pltDlanE lnd thO danloprrnr on Fo*:cd. 2, If a uuflv comperry hee corHms W$ Src fpoe.d consu@n, ttt udfity nfltssnl|tv. oh.ll not. dhaly on thc rrgltty vcilllcatlon form that thcre ls a pthlcm wnkfi nca& b b6 rudvtd. The $ue should lhen be debllcd ln rn attrdl.d lettlr b the Tor',n of Va[. Hotcvs, dea* h* h mlnC hrt it ir tfie rrspordul|v ol ha {UlV emp.ny .nd thc rppl&ilt b rr6ofvc idGnufid prouerns, 3, Th€ss verlrlcatlonr do not rdlc\c thc cntsocbr of dtc b obbln r nruk Wly Pemlt flom Ut€ Depadment of PuHk Wo*s at h. Towl of lfti|.In any ptollc rlghfolt*ry or ersernent wlfih thc Tom ofvrn. The Da/Clopr b rqurld .nd rgttcs b 3uDfilt .ny fB\,|Fd drev{noi b thc u$lurr ibr rt-rggrwal & re',?rfleuon r the subnrltsd pbr|3 .|l dlarud In my $,!y ofbr tis rutrorh(l dgnruG drE (unlss o$rwb. rpeclfrolly nomd wfihln tfic comr|Ent ar€a offfielbmt) D6/.bpdsSlgrura . ft\cdct^f0RfiS\Pc|nltdPhmlngurRqdrt-n|w-oruluCorLtl.|}:!005.d0c DcE bgr 3 Cl,t nnfl?po5 |d ilE'0N ,\oul||lt ssouc ,\'l0H Frd90rE 900u'61 'rr|f Jul-?l-2008 llrl9 Frm.ER[tD e701Itm8e T-708 P.002/002 F-887 .4.I\S',TI UTTIJTY APFROVAL I INFIFIGATIOIf qgE#ltlcs " r'q$y qrt Br. ffimd lrrpotrlngrrr flr not trDE rty #ung 6 pioFcnl uulv r:nEs, qF dlo E uarr;;,8;,Bilrttt'{td tbod6n,fuirgdtftUt dgr Itd rhouH'bc lmd hstji{dis1'\dm FttPrhg}ttruilV C.n-dd iditr*m lnCrlaUqr. t dE pnr, nduqrg gfihe phn. fto? FHt .n6 dG,lEollt dd DG albmlEd E Ut fdbnfilg lfiocr lbrmo\dlIdEffiEibn, ailEB$bqttee 1 $egoen' gE ^Ua <du# Ro*d#qwEsr e7osl:lJl8s (U) eto3l{,04l'(bd) 0n.f8,7fi22(q C.Etfrdr St|C Utih|6 sEEnlaotnetffi EXCELlffilml$ilnEdl6 970,232.aO75 (H) 9r!.{60.901 (fq) Ot!a:RFhshn ts ITLYGROISELFSTNIG 9r0.e+7.${25 (q) 9?0,9r5.,N08r 0b0 ffictr Jelt\rrcom IEeDHE$leo fiCg,A|INGY e?o^82.188(too Anb& l(l 8ol!il !D1r.Z6il..l0l.t rrdrflh! Eoilrn gro.EnIYB.wrtERl t$m uoilDurRler 9?t,m,7.r00(bt) 97uft6,.i$(fC) conm! Fsl ltldrc iTdcr4:Ff! COIIGE GIALE 970.a58:6rte d. 1100 (El) 9?0.{€8.:872 (e) OnhCB BilIDmg @ 4-.,w /-1, z. Il . tdtw crmrrry hr colErE wih m Fqosd €on$ldonr 0F l|iw llprerrtitue dfl nob dlrcty il tc uilry vqfncadot lhrrr thd trrn f r p|obhm v{hldt rE di b bc r€drr.d, The br|c fiodd ti.n UE ddtd h flt rcdt.il l8r e Ure Tournolvbl. HOlvGvq,dEriG phn$.t$Etttb0r..qodbnuofmattiltyoctpnyadtltc4pl*ttbtrrlveftrnrnod p|Dbl|'tr b oldr I PuDlrcwfy FrrilfrltEnthe DefitncntdRlDlk !l.||Sfi[glr.|. Fnfc dcFol{fit s tEnctlt wit|il lfO'IEIr t' S ir u$W apprornl t( vetillclt|on fioril t{!s dttndurlf firm crdt of thc uufrl Eo|npailG4 trd no colrrmnts a|! made dtGcfly on tln fornr dr lbun wll ptamr ttrt tlrsr .|l ro p'oDH|r md thr th\ralopneil cn FW' 3. TIE vcrilrtlsr8 rb rd clEyE tt engffi 0f m 'wqtrlturTilnof\rul. t'|Town of Vril. Tha Diilfi E ilqr|r$ ma' mtG F e$ilt rrv rsrrlcd 6rv{tltF b fi. utlbc. fEr rr{pprotrl * r}r,3tlcltEt tirr rlrr|ttlrd imrrcatrrro ln arvmyrftErt'tt|tffi dgmoftdra(nuodunvnedildynodiltrlhElGqilEri anldthblbm), F l-:D2oG.ihc SE Fltc , 4 f+il/lllrilDc 07 120/2n06 tev 22tL7 _ rax 9?09a9913E Conout o @omcost @00r/003 t. FACSIMILE TRANSIdTTTAL STIEET B@{| D's,q^.-0ss,.l.k* {.f - 7-2{- oe F/f X NULlGt - tgtttt"rO, Ot lacet ricLVOrNO COVST, ts- ?HON6 t{Ul6lr:SErrDSi'S tGfilr,ENCE t{Ut{lEtu vo(,i iaEIErrcE N|,t68k E Onotsnr Eror, r,evrBv E prease corMENT d plgasg nerry E rr,ease REcYcLE NO'fE!/GOt.TfENIII: (l*,*oo^siAor fL.li5 a- 2" .r,.)u',* fo- Y'leh)5ervicg \ine d.roi"5 eFed-\la.'lF;?rr .. dir\t.'it '-' tsJ '- ,lt 'rgie^Lt AD tTB.ttO,tO lgX .rt /rVON Cb tlozc F,,t ttO.J.'.rrt. g I I ZVf z9ga :IEU Z'tt L I of/tg/z0oB xoN t2!ill t rfar t79t.ttr5! coElaL FAI {16il0gl{tl Resort Derlrr Authortad Slailram t4l99zt tfi) t ldoo2/ot : \.r\\\,,4r UTTUWAPPROVAL & VERIFICATIOT{'Miltnw Ttrs_fbm totvE5 brErilY th|t tlE pftposd lmproverilcnts Y||l r|ot lmpoc lny od!flng or progG?d uUnV *|Y|cet, ttd also b v.tfy. sen lce ilnlab[V lnd loatlon for nc r @riEuuctlon lrd *|(ruld bc ucca ftr onlwrdor uvtur prcpaitng yorrt utllky pbn lnd *hcdurllg lnstlllatioG. A sfta phn, InddlE gndirB plon tloq plan, and devEtlonr, stEll be $bmltb.l to t||e lulowlrB utllths lbr approval and vlrfiartion. SgEE!!E prE QruEtsT 970.513,7109 (ts{) em'3g4,o?51(tf,) 97O.8r,072j2(d) @ntrcts $$a WbEn - rrvrtstsolurEst dn E(CEL HIGII PREST$URE AAS 970,Z6z'qrr6(W 970.460,1{01 (frx) Contacti Rlch Shnc,os HOLY CRO6S A-FCTRIC 9m.947.9{,25(d, 970.945.4081 (lb10 Conb* J.fr l,lDom IrcqEohdfirffi,tom EXCEE{ERd 970.262.4038 (rbo Cfibcts: lftEogart9m.Z6:1.4024 Kathedna pogrt IAGLE RN'ER,IiTATEN, & 9ANI'ATTON DIIiIRICT 970.476.7480 (Et) 970,476.4089 (f4,0 Coflbct ned H.dee ftarlcedrcnmd-oro J;gi#,s69'sg ,t${ffi€6ps*#0e{td} 970.$8.26724Jblxt conh*: Jnl$fo+ J.[. E rrtll brtdpry dqGa66ctbh.6mo*.om NOTES! 7'21-oG I' lf the uffllty upgrowl &. verlticadat fb4l |os dgn*ms frqn emh of fte tdlty cDmponles, and no ornmcnb Ere msrh dtlGc$y 0n Ue fonn, tfie To\Mr wIl pnsume ttrat ilctc !r! m poblonr and the dev€bpnent cah }'foeA. Z { a .ldlry cqnpany has concrms wlB|.th€ pmposod comtnruon. the rtlfy representrtius 5ha[ notr O:eaty on th€ uuht rarlllsdon lbrm Brat ureru B t nrrlrblcn which neeor o uc nrohn.l. rtr guc sitqrtu $en bc detailed h an .ttad€d hter o thi Town of V.l- Hqrct|Br, dea$ krcp ln mlrd Er* lt ls fie rcOonCbfV of ttr uUllty conpany and ttrc opptrcant to resohre LtfiUned proHcns. The DsrcIoper b rtqdrut and 89r€6 to suhrt d|y lwlsd dnwlrBc b rh. udNltter tbr elpprcval & reucrffc.don f thr albmlttcd pLns .t€ .lhred ln any way ater thc urttrornao signatm rbe (urJcss ottrcmtsd ipeoncaft noteO lhln tie @mrrnt rnr of thb fonrt). 3, Th€s vtrlfications do t|ot ntleve lhe aont.actgr of tfr to obtlan ! Irublk Way Pgr1tr1*tt dre Dcp.rtmer* of Rrulc ELdglht In any publh rlOht-of-ryey or crsment wlurln Work3 at th€ To$,n of Vr[],tlt Tonn ofvrl. DIE F:lda{rgm6;pg6l5XrFndndpRs\dt.rncrr_sflBhrctdLfl-2}20g5.dqc prg!9 of t4 rrPsndJ,s TO: COMPAITTY: ADDRESS: RE: We are sending via E Attached I Under separate cover Elisabeth Reed Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 DRB Submission TRANSMITTAL Jason Yee August 31,2006 266 Forest Road 23269 Ron Byrne (transmittal only) FROM: DATE: JOBNAME: JOB NUMBERI CC: Fed Ex E Originals E Prints I Copy of letter ! Shop drawings ! Specifications I Change Order E other tr TCOPIES , .i i :t DATE DESCRIPTION Aug.31/06 Sheets Al-1, A'2-1 Aug.3l106 LE(l rjr\rsrrrrts \rt al\tgJ I l<ul : 6fd- E;;;icii, H"ri Cibss Elec., Eagle River wateia Sinitatio", I rst Cable E For review and comment fi For approval I For your information ! For your use I As requested Elisabeth: Please find enclosed the 2 copies ofrevised sheets, our response letter, and various approvals from the Utility companies. I am still waiting approvals from Qwest and Excel Enerry. I will forward these to you as soon as I receive them. Let me know if you require any additional information for the Final DRB meeting next Wednesday. Have a great long weekend ! Associates Intemational, Inc. 625 Market Street, l4th FIoor, San Francisco, California 94105 Regards, /l t,l \/I|-a | | /\tt | |r^^\l v\j Resort Design nrsonr DESIGN Gil ETi*AI TJI ASSoClAIrS Phone:415.392.4433 Fax:415.392.4454 E-mail:info@ResortDesign.com www, ResortDesign. co m RESORT DESIGN IS'- II ASSOCIATES August 31,2006 Elisabeth Reed Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 266 Forest Road; Lot 12 Block 7, Vail Village 1" Filing DRB06-0292 Dear Elisabeth, Thank you for your comments dated August 28,2006 for the final design review board submission of the above-mentioned project. The following is our response to the outstanding items listed in your letter. 1.A24" dia. culvert under the hammerhead parking area has been indicated on the site plan. The decks no longer project more than 5'-0" within the front setback. The retaining walls within the front setback are part of the main entry stairs. They do not exceed more than 3' in height. Per our telephone conversation on August 30,2006, this should no longer be an issue. Top of wall elevations are shown on the site plan. Bottom of walls can be interpolated from the proposed contour lines. A site plan with interpolated contour lines for the purpose of determining ridge heights has been provided. Notes for the sprinker system and fire alarm system have been added to Sheet Al-1. Public Works Comments. a. Site plan has been changed to a scale of 1"=10'-0". b. Pending hydraulic study of waterway. c. All grading is within the Limit of Disturbance fence. d. The hammerhead is 12'-0" wide. 625 Nl rrrkct Sttcct, l;()urreentlr lrl""r, San Ijr.rncrsco, C/\ 9410i Re: 2. -l- 4. 5. 6. 7. P h o rr c r 4 I 5 . 3 9 2 . 4 4 3 3 Irrr: 415.1()2.,1 4i1 Il n;ril:intr)(4 1{ c s o r t l) c s i g n . c o n'r w rv rv . R c s o r r D c s i g n . c o m e. The boulder walls are a min. 2'-0" away from the property line.f. Erosion control detail will be provided on Building Permit drawings. Driveway is labeled as 8%. 4 parking spaces are shown on the site plan - 2 on the driveway (cars) and 2 in the garage (dashed rectangles) A staging plan will be provided with the Building Permit Set. A Public Way permit will be provided at Building Permit. We are in the process of obtaining the Army Corps of Engineers' approval. Please let me know ifyou have any questions or concerns. g. h. i. j. l.-l\. Best Regards, Associates Intemational, Inc. Cc: Ron Byrne, (970) 476-6747 o xz7 93 Ztu/ 4ONECHECK 293 ou", 0/.20. a4 'z'f, .Lcg'al dcscriptio n, tot /l zon"airri.' Jffi';"-';|ffi bzar koposcd usc .Lcg.aldcscription:Lot /l Bhck / ,nr @ ,ead,us /='k[ .F0(+.5,r fuE--'-'- ^,on -HTW (a/aat 4z<*nt-t x,ni.*r rlr4il,r rrrfuii:::W ", r'laAr'na,) ' 4 t/ {,^)>'./ Buildablc arca - z-.\t,^ -=7 ^'h Y" P ,.*'1 rotar a"'^fl'l*"*N!\tn rotarGRFA +-- =_Zk|_ t&,*, -5j0!4 Primary CRFA -- + (425) (625+) =-- Sccondary GRFA + (j2j) (67j+) =.- + _ = ':-===-' - 1ta Sitc Covcralc Hcigbt Sctbacks Lrndscaping Rctaining Wall Hciglts {tolxty rz. Front Sidcs Rcar 0/s-uzq Jrzs(^ts'/l its/ -l__:--..- tu- vt rl- @rlril .*k*l J Uo/ ) Minirhu'm /lna4 @ suoq3r-qscJ lEld sccrrBFeA ( $lguldl-I0? o4'4 ) ssassvorlr \\ a8uogg,noug , (cpef pue.ssocce) i(e,scrrug, ,7 ,nm"uar*I,/- /?NAt, MtYM WN1 c8eregPuolre4 ----l t--,/\ , tlrr.cl 64aN-\ "r-^^r,':::,2 + 615 = 4E crcdit plus 250 addition -. Proicct:. :* E!'strnve' -t /, s"tb^"us '{ ,"rr""our,'r" ]fEavcstOvcrhangs (4) c/ i,/ i-/ Scalc Building Height Encroachrncnts Dccks/Balconics Caragc conncction Sitc GradcLslopc A*,, -r.Scalc CRFA M ,/v Cnrvl\Attic Spacc Existing trccs 1,/ ,,4roposcd trecs i./t' Lcgend MISCELI,J,NEOUS ,'/L/ Condo Approval -/ -: Titlcrcport(A&ts) Utility.vcrifi cation form Building matcrial samplcs - Sun\ShadcAngles Utilities (undcrground) \/:-,r, n^.-:J^- Couuu O NITY DevelopM ENr *our,?u Fonnrr Routed To:George Chalberq, PW Date Routed:o8124t06 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:08/30/06 Description of work:New single-family residence Address:266 Forest Road Legal:Lot:12 | Block: | 7 | Subdivision: lVailVillaselstFilinq Status: Z Approved I npproved with conditions fi Denied Comments:Date Reviewed: 8/30/06 Need additional review bv Fire Provide an erosion control detail. Provide a before buildinq permit released. Provide a Public Prioer to relaese of buildino an aooroval from tha Amrv Coro of Enoineers must be recived. More comments with revisions. From: To: Date: SubJect: Elisabeth: "Yee, Jason" <JYee@ResortDesign.com> 'Elisabeth Reed' <EReed@vailgov.com> 0412912006 5:10:02 PM 266 Forest Road Good afternoon. I left a message on your voicemail regarding some questions I had about your comments. lwill be out of town tomorrow, but lwill call you when I get a free moment. ftem #1: Culvert has been specified on the site pl"n. fu Item #2: The deck has been cut back so that it is no more than 5'within the front setback. {ru ltem #3: Which retaining walls are you referring to? The only retaining .,,^/ { wallwithinthefrontsetbackispartofthestafts. ir4\., r,fr44 W'-,_ ) )ct" /" [r Item lf4: Top of wall elevations are indicated on ,n" *"iJ The contour lines indicate the bottom of wall. Do we need to put bottom of wall spot .il,ry ftem #6: Fire Dept. comments have been added to our general notes. ql7 Regards, Jason Yee Resort Design Associates International t:415-392-4433 f:415-3924454 Department of Comnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwvailgov.com August 28, 2006 Mr. Jason Yee Resort Design Associates International, Inc. 625 Market Street. 14'n Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 (Faxl415.392.4454 Re: 266 Forest Road/Lot 12, Block 7, Vail Village 1" Filing DRBo6-0292 Dear Jason, Thank you for submitting plans for final review by the Design Review Board of a proposed new Single Family residence at the referenced address. I have reviewed the plans and summarized my comments below for your review prior to final review by the Board: 'l . Please specifo on the site plan the culvert, or other method of water flow direction under the hammerhead parking area. 2. Please revise the site plan to indicate the presence of no more than five feet (5') of deck area within the front setback, per Section 14-10-C, below: Porches, sfeps, decks or tenaces or similar features located at grcund level or within five feet (5') ol ground level may prcject not more than ten feet (10') nor morc than onehalf ('/) the minimum required dimension into a rcquired setback area, or may prcject not morc than five feet (5) nor mone than one-foutih (1h) the minimum rcquired dimension into a rcquired distance between buildings. 3. Please note that retaining walls above six feet (6') in height are not allowed. Additionally, retaining walls located within the front setback may be no taller than three feet (3'). Please adjust and revise the site and grading plan as necessary. 4. Please note all topof-wall and bottom-of-wall elevations on the site and grading ptan. 5. Please provide interpolated topography lines underneath the new site plan, per my request regarding the previous two-family submittal. This will allow me to more accurately calculate the roof ridge heights. Cunently, I have calculated at least one ridge that exceeds the thirty three feet (33') height maximum. lf it's easiest, a PDF version of this drawing would be fine. 6. I have received the following comments from the Fire Department: . Fire sprinkler system required and shall VFES standards.. Monitored fire alarm s)rstem required and VFES standards. comply with NFPA 13R (2002) and shall compfy with NFPA 72(200) and f,-p^""""o"'"^ 7. Finally, I have yet to receive comments from the Public Works Department regarding the revised plans. I have a feeling that the same conditions regarding submittal of a flood plain analysis and the submittal of an environmental analysis regarding wetlands will be required of that Department af fhe time of building pennit submiftal I have scheduled the application forfinal review by the Design Review Board on Wednesday, September 6, 2006. ln order for us to maintain that hearing date, please submit all requested items to me no later than Friday, September 1, 2006 at 12 noon. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.- '-, Elisabeth Reed 970.479.2454 cc: Ron Byrne 970.476.6747 (Faxl f,E3OKf DESIGN TRANSMITTAL TO: COMPAITY: ADDRESS: RE: We are sending via El Attached fl Under separate cover Elisabeth Reed Town of Vail Community Dev't 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 DRB Final Review Jason Yee August 24,2006 266 Forest Rd 23269 FROM: DATE: JOBNAME: JOB NI]MBER: CC: Fed Ex El Originals D Prints ! Copy of letter E Shop drawings ! Specihcations I Change Order E Other tr DATE DESCRIPTION 08.25.06 Revised Site Coverase and GRFA Calculations 08.25.06 Revised Site Coverage and GRFA Redlines Proposed landscaping and materials list E For review and comment fi For approval E For your information E For your use ! As requested Elisabeth: Good afternoon. Please find enclosed the revised set of Site Coverage and GRFA calculations and rddlines as well as the proposed landscaping and materials list. I believe I have sent you everything that is required for the September 6, 2006 DRB agenda. I have most ofthe utility companies approvals from the last design (duplex plan), but I will need to get their approvals for this revised design. Let me know if you require any additional information. Regards, ciates International. Inc. 625 Market Street, l4'" FIoor, San Francisco. Californir 94105 Jason Phone:415.392.4433 F sxz4l5,392.4454 E-mail:info@ResortDesign.com www.ResortDe sign.com t 266 Forest Road, Lot 12 Block 7 Vail, CO Project #:23269 August 25,2006 Site Coverage, Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), & Net Area Calculations 1,'f+ L 2. Allowable Site Coverage: Lot Size: Maximum Site Coverage (20Yo ofLotSize): Actual Site Coverage (l9V{: Allowable GRtr'A: i. Main Bldg: ii. Master Wing: b. Level2 - includes stairs and elevator: i. Both Bldgs: ii. Covered Patio: c. Level 3 - includes stairs and elevator: i. Main Bldg: ii. Master Wing: iii. Exterior Deck: Level 4 - includes stairs: i. Main Bldg: ii. Exterior Deck: Total GRFA: Lot Size: 15,000 sq. ft. 46 sq. ft.i100 sq. ft. for the first 10,000 sq. ft.: 38 sq. ft./I00 sq. ft. between 10,001 and 15,000 sq. ft.: 1,702 sq. ft. 382 sq. ft. 1,538 sq. ft. 284 sq. ft. ly1;sS"f 1,298 sq. ft, zrQ:+.(D.er- 8"266 sq. ft Ail,t\t S7Soo"q.n.' 3,000 sq. ft. 2,828 sq. ft. 4,600 sq. ft. 1,900 sq. ft. Actual GRFA (measured to outside face of exterior sheathing - assuming %" thickness): 1. GRFA a. Garage Level-includes gaf,age, traslL mech., and elevator: 2.Allowable Deductions Garage Level below grade:-977 sq. fr. Garage Level Perimeter - 196'-9" Areathat is 100% above grade :24'-8" 24',-8"/t96-9": 13% (1,702-579)x87ol Exterior Patios and Decks: 80% ofExercise Rm below erade: Open to below: Total Deductions: b. c. d. Revised GRFA: D.Net Square Footage (paint to paint): -2,685 sq. ft. 5,581 sq. ft. 699 sq. ft. 305 sq. ft. 79 sq. ft. 121 sq. ft. 29 sq. ft. 528 sq. ft. 2,035 sq. ft. 1,371 sq. ft. 231 sq. ft. 487 sq. ft. 5,128 sq. ft Garage Level: i. Main Bldg: ii. Master Wing: iii. Storage: iv. Mechanical: v. Trash: vi. Garage: Level 2 - elevator not included: i. Both Bldgs: b. d. Level 3 - elevator not included. stairs not included in Master Wing: i. Main Bldg: ii. Master Wing: Level 4 -stairs not included: i. Main Bldg: Net Habitable Area: Net Non-habitable Area:757 sq. ft IOI+INOF I/AII Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov,com July 12, 2ooo Mr. Jason Yee Resort Design Associates Internetional, Inc. 625 Market Street, l4n Floor San Francisco, CA 9410s (Fax) 415.392.4454 Re: 266 Foreet Road/Lot 12, Block 7, Vail Vlllage ld Filing DRBo6{205 Dear Jason, Thank yo^u submitting plans for ffnal review by the Deslgn Review Board for a pnrposod new Primary/Secondary resldence at the referenced addresE. I have summarized our conversation thls afternoon below for your convgnien@. 1. Regardlng the basement deductlone to determine Gross Residentlal Floor Area (GRFA), be sure_to.calculat€ the pedmet€r rryella of the garage before applying the percontage of eiierior wall below grada to the GRFA on that lev6l. For instance, wtren a garage is on ihe lowest level, some amount of the wall ar€a on that level witl always bc 100% above grade, since the garage must have an sxluenbance. Howcvor, once the wail area around such garage is calculaled, the garago square footage (570 square feet for Unit B) ls not considered to be available for lhe deduction lhat results from wall area. Therefore, 1,570 equare feet net floor arca - 570squarefeetgaragearea =_ _ 1,(X)0 square feet GRFA, to whlch number the percentage wafl area betow grade (80%, 9O%r etc.) ls applied. lf the wall area below grade is g0% of the perimeter walls on that level, lhe total GRFA for that lEvel uould then be i00 square feet. 2' Pleaae noto that the allowable aite coverage for thls lot is exacUy 3,958 square feat, or 2070 of the lot size. Unfortunately, we are not abl€ to be more gengrous with thls number. Please brlng the site coverage into conformancs wlth th€ sllowable. 3. Pleaee s.ubmit the interpolated topographlcal map a8 a layer undemeath the existing site plan, still noting the rldge and oavE elevations. This will allow me to conectly calculate bulldlng height 4. Please llmlt the number ote)derlor llghtlng fixturBE wtrlch ar6 locabd 1S or higher above finished grade to 19 llght fixhrrca. This regulation stems fiom the exterlor lightlng section that limiF lighl futures to 1 flxture por 1,000 iquar€ foct of lot size. I counted 23 proposed light fbdures on tho exbung sEt. 5. Pleasc completo th6 attached pages: Proposed Materlals, and Proposed Landscaplng. Though 1ou have already deslgnated lhese llems via sample boards and tha landscape plan, the r€duced sheeB allow us to koep eeEily accosEed tlle records of such information. {g ^"t".r"o rtr"^ July 12, 2006 Mr. Jason Yee -Resort Design Associates International, Inc' 625 Market Street, lC'Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 (Fax) 415.392'4454 Re: 266 Forest Road/Lot 12, Block 7, Vail Village 1d Flling DRB06{205 Dear Jason, Thankyousubmittingplansforfina|reviewbytheDesign.ReviewBoardfor,aproposednew primary/Secondary resioeidai'i'il t"i"t"n,io addree-s' I have summarized our convorgation thls sfternoon below for Your convenlence. 1. Regarding the basement deductions to determino Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA)' b€ ,rr" , JJlj[ffffiEfi;ilt ";ir" Ji rrt"-s1.s. before applylns the percentase oj_"ltTo' urarr oerow-Jrioeio tf,u enrn on tnaiievetl Foiinstance, when a ggrage is on the l9f:t ,- tevet, somE'am-ount of the wall area on that level will atwayr be 100% above grade' since me garag, n..u"i t ave an exiUentran"". ii'orevrr, oncs ther tell.area around such garage is catculatsd, the garago Equare tootage iizo i(uaro feet for Unit B) ls not considered to be available for thdOeoudion that results from well area' rherefore' i?l'J#il?JtrU:jJ::"::*= 1-oo"-dli"lidiiiicnFa, 6*ni"tr number thepercer.'Fse-wall area below-grade (80%, sdi;, ;;j ls gpitq $. rh; wall area b€low srade is e006 of the perimeter wsrrs on rhat;fi;ii.,;6iar cftFA ro, tnar bvel would then be 1(t0 square feet. 2, Please note that the allowable site covetage for this lot is exactlv 3'958 square feet' or 20% of the lot size. unforlunately, we "te not "lie to be more gener6us with this number' PleaEe Uringtheliticoveragelnto'conformancewiththeallowable' 3.P|oasesubmittheinterpo|atedtopographica|mePgsa..lay.erundemeaththeexistingsite plan, silll noting the rldge and ""u" ii"iJIons. it i. *itt atlow me to clnectlv calculate building helght' 4. Please limit the number of o)d6rior lighthg flxtures which are-locaied 1ff or higher above fintshett grade to 1g ltghtftxtureg. tfiis reiutation stemsfom ths exterior lighting section that rrmrs rieflifi;iu;, ;'iilffi; po r ,obir'i"'q",iii6ieJioi tot size. I counted 23 proposed lisht fixtures on the existing 8Et' 5.P|easecomp|eteiheattachedpages:ProposedMateria|s,andProposedLandscaping' Thcughyouhav€a|re.adydeslgn"t"ld.i"!itemsviasampleboardsandthe]andscapeplan' the roduasd sheets allow us to re"ill!-nv-i6"oueo flle ricordt of cuch infonnaiion' 6. Please designate on the site plan and within the property lines snow storage areas in the equivalent of 10olo of the paved area if the driveway is heated and 30o/o of the paved area if the driveway is not heated. 7. Please veriry, through the submission of appropriate section drawings, the height of the open to below spaces that are not being counted as GRFA within either unit. 8. As I mentioned, the Public Works Department will not be able to return comments to me regarding this final submittal until Friday, due to the date that the final sets of plans were submifted. However, I am certain that they will be requesting that the following items be submifted at the time of building permit submiftal'. 1) An environmental analysis, which indicates the lots location in or out of a wetland area, and 2) A hydraulic study, which will take into account the 100 year flood plain analysis and verify that the flows of this drainage are not changing due to the proposed construction. Please note that in order for the Design Review Board to review this proposal on Wednesday, July 19th, items #1 - 7 must be submitted to our Department no later than Monday, July 17tn at 12 noon. I will let you know once I have received any additional comments from the Public Works Department. to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. 970.479.2454 cc: Ron Byrne 970.476.6747 (Fax) o o o 5O o z I o E s g)o o z I a! + N 8 d 3 c 33 q <gL* i#=H. 3gd < !4 lD H:5 =E >5 ng 't9 E. Hd s8I rii 3 d re€ ht-l 4 :t a6'I =.,r ;F .JI \<*;8 JT pa la--O OE Eg oo ae o o, = v> 8.s ga p{q'x a= $P otD a€ 56'-z o -l !)o o at 6't o o o o B 3 z o z z E U ts 6 c n F o o o Q N N F a5 e q N N F 6 o Q o N cn E,o o =o 3 |, o o 3 z z o z o I t o tl C'o o 3 o =E = {o 6i ;o fi ; o o f a 6'f (A o"-t o v q,o o,o 1\)o (rl !0t (ct o 6 o) o C" OJ N o o o) o8/27/2008 TUn l2:57 FAX 411'r.i924454 Resort De61 an FACSIMILE June27'2006 Elisrrbelh Reed Town of Vall Communlty Development Jason Yee DRB06-020s JOB NAME: JOB NUMBER: FAXNUMBER: P.A,GES: CC: E[ oo1/ooo TRANSMITTAL 266 Fore.rt road 23269 (9101 419-24s2 DATE: TO: COMPAITIY: tr.ROM: REGARDING: RESOB' DE9TGN IF'i,AI EI ASSOCIATES Elizabeth: Good afternoou. I have some issues that I wanted to leview with you before we make our final DRB submission. A.,,. ^l Sheet 1 shows the northern deck and dormer reduced in size so that it is \^/ithin the 0- . ^,lo( 2 a allowable setback encroachments. We will also add a second tier of bouldet's to reduce 15s z V|tt*f,nfil r- ,1 heiglrt of the retaining wall along Unit IJ's clriveway. Roof material will be changcd to a int;/,|ly ' composite roof shingle that resembles wood shakes. 0P y' Sheet 2 shows the site covefage. The heavy perimeter line shows the site coverage excluding Unit B's garage which is below grade. The dashed line. shows the site covemge with Unit U's garage- Since the gar^ge ig. huried and has landscaping on top of it, are wc rcquircd to include it in the calculations? - qt\| f4;rlf '. Sheet 3 shows the ridee heieht bf Unit B on the existing topography map. We curently exceed the height lirnit if we use the topography lrap as is. It is our understanding that the existing hcluse had to do extensive grading and had cut into the hillside to make room for its deck. Sheet 4 shows our interpolation of the grades prior to the construction of the current house. With this interpplalion, our ridge height is within the heiglrt limit. Sheet 5 shows the cuntnt survey plan.y' I will bc in a meeting for the next few hours so I will give you a call to review this as soon as I am done. conlact thc abovc scndcr at thc numbcr bolo$ ifthctc ste 8ny questions tcgotding this ransmissiott. This Cacsiuitc is intcndcd olly for thc addrc:scc ald rnay colllain irrfomlation that is privilcgcd and confidcntial. lf thc r.adcr of this mc$ags is not tlrc intendcd rcgipienr, )ou 6rc hcr€by notitied tlrst any dissenrhrationl distribntion or sopying of this conlmunlcallon is strictly prohibircd. Ifyou havc rcccived this commu[ication in crror, Dlc0sc norit], ||s hnnlediarely a! thc numher bclorv to arrsrgs i$ retum. Tllarlk you, 625 Mrrkel Street l4rh Floor, .San Frnnclsco, Cglifornis 94105 F t:It415.192.4454 E-m sil I info@ResortDesign. com wrvw. RcsortDcsl gn.co m Phon er 415.392,4433 Departrnent of C-ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 t€lt 97O,479,2L28 fayc 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All proJects requlrlng design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is recelved by the Crmmunity Development Department. The pro1ect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rrview approval lapses unless a building permit is igrued and construction commenc€s within one year of the approval. Conceptual Review Application for Design J Location of the Proposal:lL en,rr, 7 subdrvrsion: Physical Address: Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: E;frens Ef Conceptual Review fl 4',lew Construction tr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) E Minor AlbnUon (slnglefamily/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Phone: Fax: $50 Plus $1.00 ,ur rlrur"#rbo, No Fee $650 For constructlon of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For mlnor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For mlnor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revlslons to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee )rfh v 7i CN ,570 tr hr& o UI EGEIVE TOWN Otr VAII the 1fu' fil"oz-BY L -zl- o f DRBNo.: pl wbnqw o o I l*+ \./u\a o l?lo t3 o R} May 30,2006 Design Concept for Duplex at 266 Forest Road, Vail, CO The design concept for the duplex residence at 266 Forest Road is to take advantage ofthe lovely little stream that runs through the property. Both the primary and secondary units will benefit from the integration of nature with the architecture. The architectural character consists of forms from traditional mountain structures. The palette of materials is from a typical mountain house (stone and wood) and the limited colors will take its inspiration from the surrounding natural environment. Detailing of these materials is simple, well proportioned and strong in scale. 625 Market Strecr, liourtee nth F-loor, San l.rancisco, CA 94105 P h o n e : 4 1 5 .3 9 2 . 4 4 3 3 Fax:415.392.4454 E mail: i n f o @ R e s o r t D e s i g n . c o m www.ResortDesign.com Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 F/lX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com June 9, 2006 Mr. Gordon Pierce Mr. Jason Lee Resort Design Associates 625 Market Street. 14rn Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Re: 266 Forest Road/Lot 12, Block 7, Vail Village l"tFiling DRB06-0205 Dear Sirs, Thank you for submitting an application for conceptual design review of a new Two-Family Residence at the referenced address. The Planning Staff has conducted its initial review of the project and outlined outstanding items below, most of which do not need to be submitted before the conceptual review unless ctherwise stated. Survev r' Please submit a welstamped topographic survey of the lot prior at the time of final submittal. Site Plan { Currently, garage area is proposed within the front setback. This type of encroachment is allowed only via approval from the Design Review Board on lots that have an average slope beneath the proposed building footprint of thirty percent (30%) or greater. Please adjust and revise or provide the average slope calculations underneath the building footprint. P/ease reso/ve this issue prior lo conceptual review on the 21s of June. { Please indicate all proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations on the site plan. This will allow Staff to calculate roof heights over existing or proposed grades. { Please show the location of all required parking spaces. Architectural Floor Plans / Currently, my GRFA calculations totaled to be nearly 11,000 square feet, well above the amount of GRFA allowed upon the lot: 7,122 square feet. Please submit newfloor plans detailing the proposed lowest floor level GRFA deductions after reviewing the following section of the Vail Town Code which detail the manner of calculating Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) upon the lowest level of a residence. I have also included for your review the directions for calculating GRFA within a vaulted space as this may affect the square footage of certain levels of the residence. (6) Basemenfs: On the lowest level of a structure, the total percentage of ertelor wa surtaces unexposed and below existing or finlshed gnde, whichever ls morc restictive, shall be the percentage of the hoizontal area of the lowest level deducted from the GRFA calculations. The percentage deduction calculations shall be rounded to nearest whole percerrt. The lowest l6vel's {tp ^"""",t t"t" Other erterior wall suiace area shall be measurcd frcm the finished floor elevation of that level to the undercide of the structunl floor members of the floor/ceiling assembly above. For the puryoses of these calculatiols, retaining walls and srfe warls shall not be considercd pafi of tl]F- lowest level's exterior walls. (7) Vaufted Spaces; lnteior vaufted spaces and arcas'open to below" with a floor to ceiting her?ht ress than sixteen teet (16'), as measurcd from the ftnished fl@r to the underside of the struclunl memberc of the flar/ceilirry assembly abve (Sectio, 1 2-1 5-3, Vail Town Cde) . Please submit a color or sample board detailing the.materials proposed for the residence before the time of conceptual rcview by the Design Review Boad. Please prepare to have the project site staked to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. All site staking must be completed prior to the day. of the Design Review Board conceptual hearing, at which the applicant or their representative shall be present. Please note the following code section from the Vail Town Code, Title 14-7, must be complied with prior to the time of final submittal fo,r design review of this project. This section regulates development that occurs on sites that contain wetland areas, such as 266 Forest Road: Wetlands lf staff determines that wetland vegetation exisfs on the srfe, a repoft conducted by a qualified envircnmental consultant delineating wetland arcas musf be submifted to the Town of Vail and the Army Corps of Engineers in conjunction with a Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission application. Apprcval from the Army Corps of Engineers must be obtained prior to building permit issuance. Please nole that in order for the Design Review Board to review this proposal on Wednesday, June 21"', all items which have been requested before time of conceptual review must be submitted to our Department no later than Monday, June 1i)th at 9 a.m. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. cc: Ron Byrne 970.476.6747 (Fax) OB/13/2OOA TUE II:40 F'AX 4l53 I ReBort Desl8n under the existing strusture, we can deternrine that the original slope to be approximately 30o/o where the 6larage is proposed. The slopes south of the proposed garage are between 67Yo and 80%. (see attached sketch) The existing structurc is alrcady within the 2O' front setback anct the proposed garuge will be completely buried and is not visible frour the street. We ask that this encroachment be approved by the DRB. Alt line elevations will be addGd to thc roof plan on the site plan.,/ parking spaces will be shown on the site plan.Location o Please worksheet and sketches on how we determined the \rtl"z I -/ \'..(lI/ With an existing structure on tlre site, it is difficult to deterrnin€-the t'W original slope of the land. If wc "connect" the existing contour lines I 921454 o gaoo2/ o12 June 13,2006 Elisabeth Reed Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: 266 Forost Roadi Lot 12 Bloch T, Vail Villagc l" Filing DRB05-0205 Dear Ms. Reed, Thank you for your initial review comments for the conceptual design review of A thc abovc-mentioned project dated .lune 9,2QQ6. The following is our response (o the outstanding items listid in your lerter. ')t, (xtt 1. A wet-starnped topographic survey will be submitted at the time of ^ J" UlJ)\ A,. frnalsubmitta! l,.rr$.n. P'U 4. (t35 trl:rrkc CRFA. The lowest level of each unit is completely below grade so it is , an allowable deduction. The exterior covered decks all have less than f \ fl exterior walls so they have been includcd as an allowable deduction. A I t 'perceutage of the Master Bedroom and Bedroom 3 of Unit A have been / 0 .I deducted since these roorns are@s) partially buried. ( t {/v I a J^l' il'L., ,r,\flI t r s,rc., ,:,,rr.rrn,rr ,ir,r.rMM-{,(4[), (:.\ q4,Q5 .r r;.,t91.,t.1i.i t'.l li.-l9l.n.l ."r.1 , oa/ 13 / 2008 'l'UE 1 t :40 Please let me know if you have any questions or concems. FAX 415$t24illilt Resort Desl8n GO0S/012 ln. | .f ,' ^vV#^h/i[xr d'J^,il\.,v A matcrials board will be subTdttedfiter thislvtli$ How can we stake the prqrdsed residencc if there is an existing house on the site already? -/ 6. 8.Our client, Ron Byrne, had talked to George Ruther regarding the creek as a wetland. 'w q,*f ,,,J. tJ"'\, Resort Delgn Associates International, Inc. Cc: RonByrne, (970) 476-6747 O8/13/20ofr TUE 1 I :46 FAX 415i1 is* HS (i! ,14 92445 ^ - 4 Resort Des I gn a '..1 gAoo4/012 -\ r\( v,T E+ $s ;$ 5t HS N{ gAoos / 01z 06/11/2008 TIIE 11:47 FAX 411i3924454 Resort Derlan cl'Ffq ,I||!o tlrYt 'lr^ i rior (l t, rlIJ nrDirlit Lv. ? axla ?r lcl $h t t t- + t Pp k tt D5 ll $I _-tF p tor.o'(utat) lllliirr ' i(il.,*r'Jll r. se- I ' ""' -t i------ ----'.-'' Ir u-tl# I I I !rl ii'i btl il I T I .-$r l q.() Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com June 28, 2006 Mr. Jason Yee Resort Design Associates International, Inc. 625 Market Street. 14tn Floor San Francisco. CA 94105 (Fax) 415.392.4454 Re: 266 Forest Road/Lot 12, Block 7, Vail Village 18r Filing DRB06-0205 Dear Jason, Thank you for speaking with me this afternoon regarding,cmaining issues to be resolved for the referenced proposal prior to final submittal. I have summarized our conversation for your convenience as you begin to address these mafters. 1. The garage at Unit B should be included in the site coverage calculations per the following section of the Vail Town Code: Srte Coverage; The ration of the total building area of a slle lo fhe total arca of a sife, expressed as a percentage. For the puryoses of this definition, "building area of a site" shall mean that portion of a site occupied by any building, carpoft, pofte cochere, arcade, and covered or roofed wall<way constructed at, below, or above grade as measured from the erterior face of the sheathing of the perimeter walls or supporting columns. For the purposes of fhis definition, a balcony or deck projecting fiom a higher elevation nay ertend over a lower balcony, deck or walkway, and in such case lhe higher balcony or deck shall not be deemed a rcof or covering for the lower balcony, deck or walkway. ln addition to the above, building arca sha/, a/so include any portion of a rcof overhang, eaves, or covercd stair, covercd deck, covered potch, covercd tenace or covered patio that ertends more than four feet (4) ftom the exteior face of the perimeter building walls or suppoiing columns (section 12-2-2). 2. The Public Works Department will require that a hydnulic study be submitted forthls propefty at the time of flnal Design Revlew Board submtttal, regardless of conversations that have occurred previously. This study can be done by a local engineering firm and must designate if and/or how the drainage is being affected by the proposed development. This is a fairly significant drainage area within the Town and is therefore subject to the following section of Title 14: Development Standards Handbook. Wetlands lf stafr determines that wetland vegetation exisls on the srte, a repott conducted by a qualified environmental consultant delineating wetland areas rnust be submitted to the Town of Vail and the Army Corps of Engineers in conjunction with a Design Review Board or Planning and Envircnmental Cornmission application. Approval frcm the Army Corps of Engineers musf be obtained pior to building permit rlssuance. f,tp ^r"r"uo rn""* 3. Additionally, the Public Works Department will require a drainage easement for this watenray at the time of Temporary Certificate of Occupancy issuance. The drainage should be centered within an easement that is a minimum of twenty feet (20') wide. lf further questions arise regarding the wetlands issue, please contact Ghad Salli, with the Public Works Department at 970.479.2169, Finally, should any questions arise specifically about obtaining Army Corps approval, please conlact Gregg Banie, also with the Public Works Department at 970 479.2160. Staff will review each of the development statistics in more detail at the time that the final application is submitted. Meanwliile, please hesitate to contact me with .any questions or concerns you may have. cc: Ron Byrne 970.476.6747 (Faxl June 22, 2006 Mr. Jason Yee Resort Design Associates International, Inc. 625 Market Street. 14'n Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 (Fax) 415.392.4454 Re: 266 Forest Road/Lot 12, Block 7, Vail Village 1d Filing DRB06-0205 Dear Jason. It was a pleasure to meet you at yesterday's Design Review Board public hearing of a conceptual review of the referenced address. Thank you for your efforts in making the trip to Vail! | have summarized the Board's comments for your review prior to final submittal. 1. The Board commented quite favorably on the current proposal for the site, particularly the way that the design respects existing topographical conditions. The Board was particularly pleased to see that the natural rock forms at the north of the site and the large pine to the west of the stream were being respected and maintained. 2. The Board encouraged the consideration of other roofing materials beside cedar shake, primarily due to the high levels of fire danger that exist in this area. 3. The Board requested to see a rendering of the project at the time that this project is presented to them for final review. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. I will be more than happy to assist you with any needs that might arise as you prepare for final submittal. Thanks in advance for your time. Best regards, Elisabeth Reed 970.479.2454 cc: Ron Byrne 970.476.6747 (Fax) Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com June 14, 2006 Mr. Jason Yee Resort Design Associates International, Inc. 625 Market Street, 14tn Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 (Fax) 415.392.4454 Re: 266 Forest Road/Lot 12, Block 7, Vail Village '1" Filing DRB06{205 Dear Jason, I have summarized our conversation this afternoon for your convenience as you begin to address these matters. 1. The garage will be allowed within the front setback only pending Design Review Board approval and the existence of greater than 30% average slopes under the entire proposed building envelope. Should 307o average slopes not exist under the proposed building envelope, the option to request a variance for bulk and mass within the front setback exists. This would occur through the Planning and Environmental Commission and a significant hardship would have to be demonstrated in conjunction with the request. I would plan on an additional three (3) weeks of review time if this option is pursued. The existence of the existing building within the setback does not justify the continuation of such encroachment with a new structure. 2. Regarding Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), only floor area that is on the lowest level of a structure may be deducted. Therefore, the exercise room is the only area of the secondary dwelling unit that may take advantage of the basement deduction. 3. The materials board to be submitted for the conceptual review may be casually compiled and does not need to be full-sized. 4. The property corners and all proposed building corners that are not cunently beneath the existing footprint should be staked by 12 noon on June 21 , 2006. 5. Unfortunately, a wetlands study wltl ned to be submltted for this prcperty at the time of final Design Review Board suhmiltal, regardless of conversations that have occurred previously. This is a faidy significant drainage area within the Town and is therefore subject to the following section of Title 14: Development Standards Handbook. Wetlands lf staff determines that wetland vegetation exists on fhe slfe, a rcpoft conducted by a qualified envircnmental consuftant delineating wetland a/eas musf be submitted to the Town of Vail and the Army Corps of Engineers ln conjunctbn with a Design Review Boad or Planning and EnvircnmentalCommission application. Apprcval from the Army Corps of Engineers musf be obtained prior to building permit issuance. {p ^"""o" ..'^ Please note that in order for the Design Review Board to review this proposal on Wednesday, June 21d, items #1, #9, and #4 musl be submitted/addressed to our Department no later than Monday, June 19n at g a.m. any questions or conoErns )lou may have. 970.47924il cc: Ron Byrne 970.476.6747 (Faxl Status: I Approved comuut, DevelopMENr nourr?c Fonu I epproved with conditions fl Denied Routed To:George Chalberg, PW Date Routed:06/09/06 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:06t14t06 Description of work:New two-family residence Address:266 Forest Road Legal:Lot:12 Block: | 7 Subdlvision:VailVillage 1"'Filinq lssues. Need additional Date Reviewed: 6/27106 Fire More comments oossible with revisions. o o o o o (Do o z sro o z o @ N o N N o = g9=oo5 s9d d*d s9t Itt n ff'< d e=.r =E t3 \| ^Ni5 HA fig J re€6{ 5 9- (D -^ 4; '- gE Jl *g Ed i3 l0 g. fl:iggE ailg3s (o!ltror o'i:rqrl,|: !la-r J EssFE g qB EEg -; =q (o- =6 o. i6 oto *o .. I 0r E ilEqqE #3?.tz ;='i;l. "-r E tF ;3 gE g s;e d <ts EF+fr sdFa ,B ro g' o E AgE si[E gi*E s$*g o E'o o o o o z z z z o z z C'o a 6 c n n o n o o N 5 N o o| t\)5 N .{ N o o { N 6 ! N .{ N ctt o AI o o a o o o t z z z z z z t o s E o t-o 3 o 9.3 o f i € ; o o J o- 6' =(h 6".l o v u,o o)o N (0 N l, ol (o o o !o N)A Q @ N (tl N o o o, [h oos/oo6 06/27/2006 TIIE 12:58 FAX 4.1 53 54 Resort Desi gn 9244 v S\>\. -A 6\.e\''r.\ \.-\ -o\ . ao\ -.. t-- ..2 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 tutx 970-479-2452 **'J:J#!55:tSM Mr. Jason Yee Resort Design Associates International, Inc. 625 Market Street, 14th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 (Fax) 415.392.4454 Re: 266 Forest Road/Lot 12, Block 7, Vail Village 1" Filing DRB06-0205 Dear Jason, It was a pleasure to meet you at yesterday's Design Review Board public hearing of a conceptual review of the referenced address. Thank you for your efforts in making the trip to Vail! | have summarized the Board's comments for your review prior to final submittal. 1. The Board commented quite favorably on the current proposal for the site, particularly the way that the design respects existing topographical conditions. The Board was particularly pleased to see that the natural rock forms at the north of the site and the large pine to the west of the stream were being respected and maintained. 2. The Board encouraged the consideration of other roofing materials beside cedar shake, primarily due to the high levels of fire danger that exist in this area. 3. The Board requested to see a rendering of the project at the time that this project is presented to them for final review. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. I will be more than happy to assist you. with any nee_lls that might arise as you prepare for final submittal. Thanks in advance for your .Best Reed 970.479.2454 cc: Ron Byrne 970.476.6747 (Fax) {p ^",",", """ o'[;,tffi^r/ Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97Q.479,2L39 faxt 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us Protect Name: C.F. SKI SEPEMTION DRB Number: DR8040590 Proiect Description: SEPERATION REQUEST Participants: OWNER C.F. SKI LLC 11/08/2004 Phone: 20 WARD LN DARIEN ct 06820 License: APPUCANT STEVEN JAMES RIDEN, AIA ARCH11/08/2004 Phone 949-4t?l PO BOX 3238 VAIL co 816s8 License: Project Address: 265 FOREST RD VAIL Location: 266 FOREST ROAD Legal Description: lot: 12 Block 7 Subdivisionr VAIL VILAGE FIUNG 1 Parcel Number: 210107115008 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: WITHDRWN Second By: Vote: DateofApproval: Conditions: Cond; 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). C,ond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paad: $20.00 ,1 . r(t.r ,r\.,r\il \u{ru*m Application for Design Review Department of Community Development -_._ 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 91657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.mm RECEIVED Nov 0 I lt]04 TOV.COM.DEV. General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permrt application. please refer to.the submittal requirements for the particulai approvat that is requested. An i-ppl;iion for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the community Deveiopment Department. The proiect may also need to be reviewed by the Town council aniior the Plannini and Environmental commission.Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Descriprion of rhe Requesr, sav*arltiyv Location of the Proposal: Lot: I a sbck: 7 Subdivision: Physical Address: 7b p",."tt,to.'@(ContactEag|eCo.Assqssorat970-328-864oforparce|no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Own Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signaturr Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:cp. E.mail Address: Plus $ 1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/re u For an addition where square footage is add to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & For minor changes to buildings and site impro terior conversions). reroofing, painting, window additions, la dscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site impr6vements, such as. reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Type of Review and Fee:. Signs . Conceptual Review . New Construction . Addition . Minor Alteration (multi-fami lyicommercial) . Minor Alteration (single-famity/du plex) . Changes to Approved plans . Separation Request ocu No Fee $650 $300 $250 $20 ements. such as. of Owner(s): re(s): For Office Use Only:-- lf;ffJ; Hannec ' - projecTl,to- December 1, 2004 Mr. Steve Riden, AIA Steven James Riden Architect PC PO Box 3238 Vail, CO 81658-3238 Re: Lot 12, Block 7, Vail Village 1"'Filing 266 Forest Road Separation Request DRB040590 Dear Mr. Riden, Thank you for attending today's Design Review Board public hearing regarding the separation request for the above lot. As you know, the proposal was tabled, at your request, until the December 15m Design Review Board hearing. The following concerns, as expressed by the Design Review Board, may be helpful in the amended proposal that you plan to present lo Staff prior to the next meeting: 1) The massing of lhe home towards the north/east of the lot would be prefenble lo the cunent proposal of re-routing the stream, 2) &erall, the request does not take into consideration the criteria for a separation request, which are outfined in the Development Standards Handbook, Section 14-10-E-Ug (attached for reference). Please submit an amended proposal to me on or before Friday, December 1Oth for lhe Wednesday, December 15m DRB hearing. Additionally, please feel tree to contact mE with any questions or con@rns that you might have. Best Regards, { Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 "n ro"ur" f, jp /il I ll t/ January 6, 2005 $f"}[[i"F[i#f n,.n,"apc FIL E CSFV Vail, CO 81658-3238 Re: Lot 12, Block 7, Vail Village 1'r Filing 266 Forest Road Separation Bequest DR8040590 Dear Mr. Riden, Thank you for attending yesterday's Design Review Board public hearing of the final review of a separation request at the above-referenced lot. The proposal was withdrawn at your request, following the Design Review Board's comments regarding the scenarios outlined for separation as well as the new proposal which you are considering submitting at a future date. The Design Review Board acknowledged your desire to address the site in a ditferent manner than other lots within the same neighborhood. However, their primary concern is that (should a separation request remain one ot the goals) Lot 12 is treated with the same consistency as other lots having been granted separation requests within the Town. Therefore, Staff will be conducting research of such instances and will compile this inlormation for review by the Design Review Board at the time of conceptual review of the new proposal. Please submit preliminary GBFA and site coverage calculations with the upcoming conceptual application. As you know, the submittal deadlines for conceptual review lie ten days prior to the meeting for which the submission is intended. The upcoming Design Review Board meetings are as follows: January 19,2005 February 2,2005 February 16, 2005 I have enclosed a copy of the withdrawal form for your records. Again, thank you for attending yesterday's meeting and for your continued patience in what is not always a simple design review process. Best Regarps, Vt lll l/u Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 enclosure Department of Comnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2t38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com November 23.2004 Mr. Steve Riden, AIA Steven James Riden Architect PC PO Box 3238 Vail, GO 81658-3238 Re: Lot 12, Block 7, Vail Village 1't Filing 266 Forest Road Separation Request DR8040590 Dear Mr. Riden, Thank you for submitting an application for Design Review Board review of a separation request at the above address. As you know, the application has been scheduled for the next Design Review Board public hearing, at 3pm on Wednesday, December 1'', 2004. Please make sure that the footptints of the two proposed structures are staked on the site by Tuesday, November 3f. Meanwhile, feel free to call me with any questions or concerns. I will plan on seeing you at the hearing t'nesdaV. {p^n'"u""" Frcm: To: Date: SubJect: Elisabeth Eckel sriden@vail.net 11112120044:47:19 PM Separation request, 266 Forest Road ,/ Hello Steve: Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that the above request has been scheduled for the Dec. 1 DRB meeting. However, please submit one set of elevationdplans for the proposed new residence. These elevations and plans may be preliminary. I just need a befter idea of the proposal to present to the DRB. lf I have those plans by as late as Friday, November 26th, that should be fine. Thank you so much and have a great weekend, Elisabeth Elisabeth Eckel Planner, Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 970.479.2454 otc 970.390.3554 cell 970.479.2452tar< $teuen J"'es (iden A.l.A {.chitcct f.f. T.O.boxtzta Yal,COar6:a->zla 97o-?+941rl g 7o-9+9aro+ {u" sriJen@vail.net frlovcmbcr /, Zoo4 for"n of !ail Communitg pcvelopmcnt pepartment (e; [-ot r z $locL /, !a;l !;llagc 1 "t. or z 6 6 f orcst (oad. Pca, $tu{4 ^nd pcsign (cuic* $oard, fhis statemcnt is a rcgucst for a scparation bctwccn thc primarg and secondary units for l-ot t z$locl,7,\/a;l lillagc t'u- or266 Forcst Koad. frcscndg tlcrc is an aclive or live strcam that runs gear round bisccting thc propcrtg, A,t timcs this strcam h"r flo*"d at or bcgonJ ifs cJgcs and crcates aJditio""l propertg dar"g" "nd managcmcnt Jifficultics. fLe strcam cntcrs ncar parallcl to thc contour on the southcastcm portion of thc propertg and cxits in the nodhwcstcrn portion. fhis would limit options on thc position of thc strcam to assist in thc control of thc runo#and the cffccts on thc dc"elopment of the lanJ without impacting ncighboring propcrtg owncrs. fle.sc conrid"r this regucst as wc fccl it mccts thc separation and improvcs thc drainagc and runo{4 charactc an improvcd acsthetic valuc to thc public. $i"ccr"lg,+ .ltcuen J"rcs Kidcn A.l.A. Architcct :l$NT OF VAII., 75 S. FROI.TTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 9't0-479-2L38 APPTICANT COIiITRACTOR OWNER Job Address: 266 FOREST RD Location. , .: 266 FOREST RD Parce1 No. . : 2101-071-l-5-008 Project No.: i*lzBlL+ /t/ ts* U SEatus. . Applied. Issued- . Exlrires. DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TtIfS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUII,D PERMIT Permit #: 898-0283 ISSI'ED 09 /23 /L998 09/25/t998 03 /24/L999 G & G ROOFING P O BOX 8l_7, FRISCO CO G & G ROOFING P O BOX 817, FRTSCO CO 1OOO BROADWAY CO 233 MII-,WAUKEE, DENVER 80443 80443 co 80206 FI: Phone: 9706685552 Phone: 9705685552 DescripEion: REROOF REMOVE CEDAR SHAKES ADD CEDAR SHAKES Occupancy: R3 Single Type ConsLruction: V N Tlpe v Valuation: 23,L5O Add Sq Famiry nesiaen€Pproved tton-Rlted amoUnt ,,rrr/itrd_-__-> Invcetigacion> 285.00 .00 will calL----> 3 .00 R.dluaranb PIin Rrview--> DRB F.e--------- Rec!€rCion Fec----------> cl€an-Up D.po.ie--------> . oo 50 .00 .00 100.00 623 .25 codrs, d.sign rcview approvcd, Uniforu Bullding code and o!hc! oldinanceE of th. Toen appLic.bk ther.Eo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION!] SHAIIII BE MADE TWENTY.FOT'R HOURS IN ADI/ANCE BY TE'JEPHONE AT 4?9-213S TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund LC Fir:placc fnformatsion: Rcatrictcd: Y *of cas Applirncee r *of Gas Logs:*of wood/Pallel: FEE SUI4MARY date Tol.l calculated Fea.---> 623.2s Additional FccE---------> .oo Togal P.rmit Fee--------> Paym€nt8------- r*r.*****,,...,,,,"T:t,illi;,;;;;;;;:;;.;:......,,,,:::;::..,*.,TH::,:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;:.-".."..,...;::... Itsem: 05100 BUITDING DEPARTIIIENT DeDts: BUILDING Division:09/23/L998 JF{niI Action: APPR APPROVED ,tRN-rt,bm:"054q0 PT,AIiINING DEPARTMEITT Dept: PLANNING Division:o9/23/L998 JRNL Action: APPR N/A It,bM:'O56OO FIRE DEPARTT4ETi[f . DEPE: FIRE DiViSiON:O9/23/L998 JRNI ACTiON: APPR N/A rEbmi"055Q0 PTTBLIC W9RKS ' Dept: PIJB WORK Division:O9/23/L998 ,JPNI Action: APPR N/A * * r a * * a r r r a r * + * * * r , * r * * * * t r t t * ttttJttirrrrrt** t * i t i * r r * * | * r r r t jr ) t t * See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply Eo this permi-t. DECLARATIONS I h€reby acknoel,cdgc thac I havc read ihls application, filled oul in full lhe i.nfornation rcquired, coEplstcd an accurat€ ploc pl.an, and e!.be tshat alt the infolrnation providqd ea requircd l,! correct.. I rgr.c to conply lriCh lhc infomat.ion and plot pLan, to comply eilh r11 town ordinance. rnd 6EaEe latfg, rnd bo build thj,a stsrucbura according co tshe Tonn'. zoni.ng and eubdivislon Send clean-Up D.potit To: G & c ROOFIN6 FRoM g:0o All 5:00 PM o o o rl{o!OD .o o:q{ o C) ro ro i 0 q o o cl o q g B 1 io ro o t4 P o A ?A v 6 6l o q 0 (|l 6l C' rb H e A F HE .:EE' EX AU E P:. H H'e8 E 4A|t tlE\pal, d o E Ex 9F 'lO o!t9& O.HE oql al tr E 3E I oo o rE i$.,1 fi E FH aa Eat F8 p|{ a EE 4t *g Hrt ID o E o FT E{HE q|D si o 6 H TT 4 H !ld I(J .lg zg cl &E -ta E EB I S9 tt U- A I Er ltr D E F Fr P 2 9 G.. g !{tl !t q H l.{ E !l o F o l0 o irl} 6l {1 t TI Ert adrt !il!- E8E AAt: Page 2 ***********************!r******************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit, #: 898-0283 as of O9/25/98 Status---: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUII_,D PERMIT Applicant-- : G & G ROOFING 9706685552 Joh Address: 266 FOREST RD Losation---z 266 FOREST RD Parcel No-- : 2LOL-O7L-L5-008 Applied--, 09/23/L998 Issued---: 09/25/L998 To E:<pirez 03/24/L999 Description: itElF.OOF REMOVE CEDAR SHAKES ADD CEDAR SHAKES ************************************** COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE.2. SMOKE DETE TORS ARE REQUIRED IN AIIJ BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEE.121O OF TIIE 1991 I'BC. oo **************************************************************** TOI'IN OF VAIL, COIJORN)O Statellurt, ***i ****************************!r****************************!t** Staterurt. Number: REC-0454 Amount :623.25 09/2s/98 10:07 fnit: L,C Palment, Method: CK NoEat,ion:019123 Permit, No: 898-0283 \rye: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD pE Parcel No: 2101-071-15-008 site Add.ress: 266 FOREST RD Location: 256 FOREST RD Amount, 285 .00 50.00 185 .25 100.00 3.00 This Palment AD D2-DEPO8 wc 00100003112800 Total Fees:623.25 Total ALt Pmts: Bal_ance: CTJE,ANI'P DEPOSITS WILI, CALIJ INSPE TION FEE 623.25 623.25 .00 **************************************************************** Account Code Descript.ion BP O01OOO0311110O BUIIJDING PERMIT FEES DR 001_00003112200 DESIGIiT REVTEW FEES PF OO]-OOOO31123OO PIJAN CXIECK FEES PEII}III # , APPLTCATToII I'IUST lju ltrLLEI) (d * * * * o * * rt rt lr rt rt rt Jr rt :t rt * Jr rt rt rt rt * rt :t /r rt rt fs - '[ *]-Buitding [ ]-Plumbittg t ?gg#l X#1,:ilii:ll;'Eth$n Ace i ve d D^,rEt e/14/e8 SEP 2: 1998 OUT COI,IPLETBIJY OII IT MAY I'IOT DB ACCEPTIJI) ITERI,IIT f I{FOIU,IA'IIOI'I * *'t * * * Jr rt Jt Jt * :t rt :t rt * t t * * * * * tt * * * *' l-ElecLrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other Job I'lame: I9t-9:i:raa pgrgs1 fls6fl Job Address: i*- Lega1 DescriPtiotl: Lot T2 Lllock 7- riliDg 1 surotvtstoN: oltners Name: T,oL JgI! ArchltecL:Address:Ph.- Addresss ?MartyGoodspeed 285 Bridgpn$t'reif -. General DescriPtiotr:Water Shiel and I^lorlc Clas$: [ ]-Nehr [ ]-AlteraLiott I 1-AaAitional Ix]-Repalr [ ]-otlrer NutnLrer of DweltJ'trg UniLs:I'lulnber of Accorunoclatlotr Utrits: cas Logs Woodr/Pellet ,Ir ,+'l€ l.lJrtuber arld Type of l"ireplaces: Gas Appliallces 0,\r4t kt!!tt it tt tt ;t tt * t( tt ?t tt tt * lr tt ;t VALUATIONS ,iLt rt rt rt * lr rt rt rt /r rt /r rt rt * J fit\-v * * rt rt tt rt tt rt !t n tV tr rt * rt * tt tt rt tt rt ?t rt * * tt !t tt Jf rt * * * OTITNR: TOTAL:BUTLDTNG: $ 23, 150.ELBCTRTCAT: $ tietrerar cottbrac{-or: G & G Roofi Address: Box LlT,Friscoco 80443 ElecLrical conl-ract-or 3 * tr * * * rr :t :t tt rt rt rt rt * rl rt * Jr Jr rt tt rt ;t tt tt tt * tt tt :t rt tl I]UILDING PIRI'IIT ITEE: PLUI,IBII'IG PBITMIT TEE: l.l[CIIANICAIT PltlU'{IT l.-El] : ELEC'I'RTCAL FtrE: OTIIBIT TYPE OF FIIIJ: DRB IT[E: sQ. rrT.VALUATIOI.I l'own of VaiI Reg. No.-.- --Phone lilulnller: Towtr of Vail Reg. No. Phone Nuutber: 'I'own of vail Reg. I'lo' Phone Nunber: trOR OFf ICE lJ$]l * * rt rl * * tt * )t * !t )t * t' rt * tt * rt tt ?t )t * * * * tr * * * * BUTLDING PI,AN CIIITCK FEE: PLUI,IBII'IG PLAN CIIECK FEI' 3 MICTINNICAI, PLAN CIIECK FEE: ITECI{UATION FEE: CLEAI{-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PEIU{I'I FEES: DUTLDING: sIGI'IATUIIB: zot'Iil{G: SIGI{ATUITE: Acldrosg: Plunbitrg Atldress: Con brautor: l4echanical CotttracLor: Address: ColrrtnettLs: cLu^t{UP t EP.osrT llEruttD lqi & G Roofing, Inc. Box 817, Frisco' cO 80443 REpTl3r TOtfN OF VAIL, trOLORADO r@/?6/98 SO:4€ REOUESTS FtlR INSFECTION l.ltrRK SHEETS FORr L8/?6/98 'drr "' FABE E AREA: trD Statusi ISSUED Constr: ASFR Activity: Addressr Loeat i on : llerce I : Llescriptran: App l rcant : Onrrer: Contraetor': B9S-O2SS LA/?6/94 Type: A-BUILD 865 FORE5T RD J66 FORE5T RD e lO I -rr71- r5-OSS R€ROAF RET4OVE C,EDflR sHAHEs ADD 6 & 6 ROTJFING IUBO BROADl.lfrV CO 6 & iJ ROiJFINf; Oecr O6tD7 Use: U N CEDAR SHflHES []none: 9766685551 Frhone: Fhorre: 9 71216685551 I ns pe,-'t r on Request lntornatron-.. -, l{equ€s b or^: l-arol yli Fhane: 668-553e Req -l-ime: |}8: tdllt Conrents: roo I r.nq f ire Ex1.X.t ens reque5ted to be Insp*cted. " . Flct ion [onnent s fttz0gtrt FLIDG 'Final Inspectr.ori Hrstcry, .... I Leq: EASf{t dr-i vcvray grade f rrral Itec{ : klSOlO BLDE-Footinqs/Steet Iteln i OOAIO BLDG-Foundat ion/51;eel I teru: OdSZel PLAI\*It-C f3it e FIarl Iten I QrAe3|, l{[,D{:i--Fy'am i n B Ite{i : lzriz(d4la * * lti,-rt On File * * I Leml OtlttZ'jt} BLDG-Irrsulation I t en r Ad'L}Eb BLiIG-Sheet rock Na i I Iteu: II0BSO * * lJob Orr FilF * * ! t em ; EtOEi':/'d BLiIG-lYi15e" Itervr t fr$SS BLDG-.Fi.nal Iterir &tr5slZt BLl.)6--teno. C/A Iteirr: InL454iZl BLDG-f trrat E/A All$Y rsld o a *q{qil %fe o o z o -{n c o { o z !m 7 ={ E -dt -l CL o ll .o l-.r A t<:tfd lan O ld8 li:l-5 f-r e r o g o E 3 o 3P z= >= o"z z r 2n nZ >m of,,i>o|- z.;-tc 33 12 =m -.{ z r G>q,-t ci a,-A'(a (D o r+ o = 3 m o -r z o z --{ -{ Z. a'l --l l* @ -z F Etn FE DI l0 l Hlr FIA tt.,tto ll=I lcr tto tt5 lt|,I lci I t-t lls tIo lFr I t-r.tto IF tl 3 m I = l3 t> t> l< lI FEO IFF t>l tol tml l*l tl tl ll ll o = I 3 It a .: ! ;fl8 34= = -1 r-r 9F"',t- DEE !nE -l m tt lr ts tJ|ll po r .It 7 (- m o -.1 z o T m 7 =z 9 I I I I t5 ll F lt I tlo ttm ; l= lwt (D lJ.F r {BtrF PI9Ffi cil(, {o 6 (Dl Frt ol=F j o qrl lct ^ <t l(DlD> 6 lXl a F -rlJ. h, Y ; ='l3Ex - 'l='Fx to H...I lol l(nFl N lSl'l N Egt : lcFrl l-El |oqo I I rl ||l lol o-r ^-9 -oO >_n ZO 1Z oq F z -I !< = oo0 9r;firE fr2 Fc t-z -.i 71 VALUATION zl ol al =l =,al -.,t I >l "l I I I I qr 'l I I - z c F ii::i ,3it F- 3:; a^{ ; ?i;Ns z>E=iziT f;itH l i l; it\ l!i>(1 :" l; ni\ \)\s NUMBER 1 TNSPORTS!- q i,IAIN STORE "Sports Csstls-' 'l00O Broadwav Denver, CO 80203 303-861-1122 tr UPTOWN 303 l6th Street Denver, CO 80202 303-534-SS25 fl AURORA 9995.E. Colfax Ave. Aurora, CO 8qr10 303-364-3316 tr CINDERELLA CITY SHOPPING CENTER Shamrock Mall 701 W. Hampden Enqlewood. CO 80110 303-761{880 tr LAKESIDE SHOPPING CENTER 5801 W. 44th Av6. Denver, CO 80212 303-433-6442 Vilu rralrn SHOPPING CENTER 72OO Ur, Alameda Blvd. Denver, CO 80226 303-934-6024 tr HOFFMAN HEIGHTS SHOPPING,CENTER 698 Peoria St. Aurora, CO 80011 303-3644601 D PLAZA DE MONACO SHOPPING CENTEB 6460 E. Yal6 Ave. D€nver, CO 80222 303-75&2465 tr GART BROS. SPORT COUNTRY STORE 2839 S. Collsso Ft, Collin3, CO 80521 3O3-221427a Fr. Collins . 303-572-0960 D€nvor * tr GART BROS. SPORT COUNTRY STORE Arapahos VillsgE Shopping Conter 2450 Arapahoe St, Bould€r. CO 8O3O2 303-449.9022 SPORTINGGOOOS.RETAIL.WHOLESALE.JOBBER&IMPORTER.INSYITUTIONAL&SCHOOLSALES Vay 22, L98L Mr. Steve Patterson Bulldtng Officlal Town of Vail Vall Co 81657 Dear llr. Patterson: Pleaee accept thts letter as my verificatioo thet the baeenent apsrtment located 8t, 266 trorrest Road will ahrays be ueed as a sul.te and that the roon fschg the north and the edjacent streao on the the garage on nest nlll be used ahrsy8 as den. k GART BROS. HAS WON EVERY AWARD IN THE SPORTING GOODS INDUSTRY &nd Jtotiqnf Tha ''SPORTS CASTLE',, You'w cot To See tt To Bltiovo ttl department of community development vail, colorado 81657 13031 47G5613 l,by 7, 1981 Jerry Gart Gart Bros 1000 Broadway Denver, Colorado 80203 Re: Lot L2, Block 7, Witlage lst Filing Dear Jerry, At the Design Review Board neeting of May 6, your garage addition was given rmaninous approval with the following conditions: No existing planting naterials will be disturbed, the naterials will uratch existing naterials, and the egress of the bedroon will be corrected at the tine of receiving a building pernit. PJ:bpr HI Sincerel PETER"JAtr{AR Town Planner t lnttn box lfi) uail, colorado 81657 (303) 476s613 dopartment of community devetopment April 20, 1981 hT t. Flt -t Jert{Gatt-./ Gart Ei6ifi-ers 1000 Broadway Denver, Colorado 80202 Dear lth. Gart: This- is to inforn you that your garage addition rci.ll be reviewed by the Design Review Board at their neeting on May 6 at 2:00 p.rn. Also, enclosed is a list of licensed contTactors in Vail. V/, '; Sinc PETER Town Planner PJ:bpr cc: Eli Fishkin 2755 South Locust Suite 204 Denver, Co 80222 JAMAR rt Eb * Project Name: Proiect Description: t tt Project Application Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phon€: LesalDescriptio^,ro, fZ ,etocx 7 ,ru,^n VV I5f Zoning Approv€d: Deslgn Review Board Motion by: Seconded by:fi,'+r.T+zq)S DISAPPROVAL NAME OT PROJICT Jerry Ga rt l,IS'l' Ol: IIA'I i:,' iALS )a&w 6&//+66 LEGAL DtlSCllIPl'IoN: LOTI 2 BLOCK. 7 FILING V.ai.l Vi llaqp lst - DESCRIPTION OF PRoJICT Construct new 2 car garage. . All materials and finishes to match existinq, The following information is Board before a final aPProval A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wa11 Materials Type of Matg:ial TO MATCH EXISTING requir:cd for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review can bc givcn: Color tt tl tl tt tl tl tl tt ll tl Fasc ia Soffits Windorvs Window Trirn Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails F lues Flashings Chinneys Trash Encl osulc-s Greenhous es 0tlrer tl ll tl tt tl tl tl tl tl ll tt tl ll tl ll tt tl tl tl tl tt tl tt tl tl ll tl B.PTANT MATERIALS (Vegetatirre, Landscaping l\iaterials including Tree-s, Eotanlcal Name Uonmoll l\ame Shrubs, Ql+qgtigy :rnd Ground Cover) Size oo oTlltiR LANDscApti l:DA'ruRlis (Retaining WaIls, Fcnccs, Swinming Pools, etc.) Please specify. No additional landscape features planned. oo \J oo SUBDIVISION Town of Vai I UTILIlY LOCATION VTIIIF ICATION oo JOB NA} LOT 12 BLOCK ADDRESS 256 Forest Road FILING Vail Vi llage lst 7 The location lines, must acconpany ing ALL UTILITIES of utilities, whether they be be approved and verified by the site plan. EXIST AND ARE CONNECTED Authorized Signature main trunk lines or proposed foltowing utilities-foi the Date Mountain Bell l{estern Slope Gas Public Senrice .Cornpany Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Valley Watet and Sanitation District NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easernent in the Town of Vail. I zor'lE cHEcK for P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Architect Proposed Use _Height A'llorred 30' Proposed Zone District Lot Area GRFA: GRFA: Al'lor,red Primary A'l 'lovred Secondary Al'lor'red S'ite Coverage: A'l'l oived Landscaping: Parking: Required Requi red Drive: SJ.ope Permitted Environmental/llazar ds: .AvaIanche Flood Piain .Slope sFR, R,R Legal Owner Description: Lot /2 airr"u -Z-Firins Setbacks : Front-Requii'ea-lOr --Prolosed Sides-Required l5' proposed Rear -Required l5' proposed lrlaterccu rse-requ'i red proposed Secondary Primary Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposcd Propc: ed Actual Slope Dat,:: -{/b ,r@ PTANNING AND OO ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES I'londay, November 10, 1980 3:0O p.n. STAFF PRESENT I'4EMBERS PRESENT Gaynor Mi11er Ed Drager John Perkins Jim Morgan Dick Ryan Peter Patten Betsy Rosolack . COI,JNCIL MEMBER PRESENT ffi After discussion Gaynor moved for for approval . about John approval , minutes of meetinq of 10-27-80 Density Control' was 4-0, unanimous Perkins' vote on Part VII seconded by Johnr and vote 2. Knox, density control variance, applicant asked to table till the rneetj-ng of November 24. John Perkins moved to tabfe and Jirn Morgan seconded. Vote was 4-0, unanimous. 3. Gart Garage front setback variance, Lot 12, Block 7, Vail Village lst Peter presented the memo and said that there still remains basically no hardship, and that there was not much change from the first memo sub- mitted for the October 13 meetingr recom ending denial . Jerry Gart explained that there r.tere only 2 units in the building, not 3, anct that he was using it as a single family home. He added that there had been a garagef but that the driveway was too steep and the garage had been changed into the secondary unit. Mr. Gart described. neighbors on either side of his house who were closer to the street than his requested garage would be. He felt that the garage would add to the appearance of the house while hiding the trash. : Jim Morgan moved to approve the variance, and John Perki-ns seconded it. The vote was unanimous, 4-0 in favor of approval . 4. Vail Guides Conditional Use Perrnit Seview Applicant asked to :ab1e till the Ie, seconded by Gaynor. Vote was 4-0, unanimous. Peter Patten thanked John Perkins being such a big help on the DRB. was his la.st meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 3:35. for servinlt on the Commission and for John was noving to Eagle-Vail and it f\ OO Roger Eilkemeier (on Gart garage site) IIe went up to see the site, and is in favor of a garage even if it hides only part of the cars. He also feel: that a buyer shouldn't be penalized for what a previouf owner did. fttrr 9v(- 1 BOYDSON CONSTRUCTION COMPAI\TY, INC. Al l'r STEVE BOYO . BOX 505 . VAtr- COLORADO 81657 . 476-3344 November 5, 1981 Bob Parker Vail Col-orado 81557 Dear Sir, If you have no &jections to the changes on Garage Addition ( Lot 12 266 Forest Road the enclosed el-evation , please sj.gn below. The original approved DRB was for the gable al-l- of the garage axea. Please return to Steve Boyd, Box 505, Vai-l, Thank You. Sincerely,''-'f- c /?^-i Z-{euu 7 f Wf Steve Boyd, Officer the Gart ) as outlined end to cover Colorado 81558 on BOYDSON CONSTRUCTION COMPAI{Y, INC. STEVE BoyD . Box5O5. VA|L CoLoRADo 81657 . 476-3344 Novenber 5, 1981 A. C. Fell-inger John Klnsellla f05 S. Wocker Dr. Chicago ,I11. 60505 Dear Sirs, If you have no objecti-ons to the changes on the Gart Garage Addition ( lot 12 255 Forest Road ) as outllned on the enclos ed elevatlon, please sign. below. The original approved DRB was for the gable end to cover al.l of the garage area, Please return to Steve Boyd, Box JOJ, Vail, Colorado Bf55B Thank You. SlncereIy Steve Boyd, Officer I 2hq@ A.C. Fellinger John Kineella BOYDSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. STEVE BoyD ! Box5O5 . VA|L CoLoRADo 81657 . 476-3344 Novenber ), 1981 Charles Ready Robert Parsons JlJa Thatcher Buj-ldj.ng Pueblo Colorado 81002 Dear Sirs, If you have no objections to the changes on the Gart Garage Addition Lot 12 255 Forest Road as outllned on the encfosed elevatlon please slgn be}ow, The ori-gJ.nal approved DRB was for the gable end to cover aII of the garage area. Please return to Steve Boyd, Box JOJ, Vai.l 81558 Thank you Si.ncerely,"':ffto1/U Steve Boyd, Officer Cha.rl-es Ready Robert Parsons { TO: FROM: . I4E},IORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development/Peter Patten DATE: ll/5/BO RE: Request for a Front Setback Variance for Jerry Gart to construct an enclosed garage on Lot 12, Block 7, Vail Village lst. DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED This is a follow-up request from the PEC meeting of october 13, 1980 when the request was to encroach 11 t into the 20' front setback to construct a carPort. The Planning and Environmental Commission first moved to approve the reguest if a garage was built instead of a carport. This motion failed by a 3-3 vote with 1 abstention. The PEC then denied the carport reguest with a 4-2 vote. This request is to contruct the enclosed garage in the same location. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Ypgn reyiew Qf Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Municipal Code, thg Dep?rtmen! of _Communitv Development recommends denial of the requested variance based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors The reletionship of lhe Fecugsfei variance to other existinq or potential_uses and structures in the vicinity. Since the October 13 meeting, the Staff has contacted the previous owner of the house, Roger Brown. As was suspected, Mr. Broh'n confirmed that there had been a garage in the house, and he had enclosed that garage to make it a rental unitr because the driveway steepness made the garage inaccessibre in the winter. He also stated that he belived there are 3 dwelling unit.s in the house (there are only 2 arlowed). upon site inspection, the driveway did not appear to be over a 68 grade. ThE deqr"e to yhigh relief ={rgn the= strict or literal interpretation a4q enlorcement of a specified regulati_on is necessary to achieve com-tibility and uniformity of treatment a attain We feel that no relief from the regulations is warranted in that previously, and that conversion variance to put in a new garage. ecti-ves o s titfe -vvithout qrant o strict or Literaj- inlerpretation of the the garage was converted to livj-ng space preclud.es the granting of a subsequent .aFu*-2-Lrts}O The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportatj-on and traffic facilities, public. facilit,ies pulrlic facilities and utilities, and publj-c safety. The proposal would have no effect street because there is room for 4 This, number would not change with would, however, "hide" from view 2 upon number of cars parked on the cars in the driverrray as it exists.the construction of a garage.. It cars. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems appJ-icable to the proposed variance. : None. FINDINGS: The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make thq followinq-llndings.pelore grantt ng a varrance: That the granting of the vari.ance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or literal interpretation and. enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraord.inary circumstances or conditions appli-cable to the site of the variance that do not. apply generarry to other properties in the same zone. The strict or literal interpretati-on and enforcement of the specified regulation $7ou1d deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Community Devetopment be denied. The house had a garage; the it to an apartment. To grant a variance sense. Also, an investigation as to the should be made. feels that this request should previous owner chose to convert for a garage now does not make. number of units in the buildincr Oj d MAIN STORE "Sports castls" 10O0 Broadway Denver, CO 80203 303-A61 -1 122 D UPTOWN 303 16th Street Denver, CO 80202 303-534-9925 - Tcrrtrl of Vail tr AURORA 9995 E. Colfax Ave. Aurora, CO 80010 303-364-3316 "i*or"r..o ",rt @ntlaren : SHOPPING CENTER shamrock Mall rrrtsr.i c r sflsr is in regard to rry request for a front setlcack variance 701 W. Hampden Enstewood, co Eolio to cqrstJaust a carport on lot 12, Block 7, Vajil Village lst, and a 303-761'4880 reply to lour neroiandun dated octcber 9, 1980. I|re nrcnent r read tr vo,rr renoiund,m I realized I had made a giross error in juagent. I had "ti5rtF,',3ot".*rr" 6..nt ted to believe tltat due to the lack of parking spaces in- {e aea Ebb-iw.qc.hii,i." of 266 Fbrest Road ttre variance ltrcrrld be alnrcst autsratic. Ocviorsly Denver, co 80212 '* i .€ormaticn vias incorrect. ctrronologically let ne relate to 1pu the 303_433-6442 [Y .rrr! tr circtunstances sr:n:ourrding my request. ol INSPORTS!- SPOFTINGGOODS.RETAIL.WHOLESALE.JOBBER&IMPORTER.INSTITUTIONAL&SCHOOLSALES October 20, 1980 .,, NUMBER 1 Deparffient of Cornrnitlz De /elotrrlent 75 Souttr Hontage Road Vail, Colorado 8L657 VILLA ITALIA di^o^errij-c-cErlrlF. I pu:rchased this properQr scne 60 days ago. Ihe first cbjection I had 3??9#A"fiZqr'rt'*'to-tt* properLy i-tsefu was ttnt it had no garage. vle-r.ser.e.inforned 303-9346024 I{r. Steven-eo./a h.a been the contractor and was verlr farniliar wittt the tr house, fraving aore the rncst recent renndeling of ttris I also s""5Flf$33=:l,"rEl. Gri",r"a it inteUigenr to anplcry a Vail contracror as opposed to serding 698peoriast. q.le rp frcrn Denver. I spoke to lilr. eold about the garage.ard that the L"l*iii.,i.,.tt dtirr*^y was t o steep tb be used chrring tlre winter. He info:rred ne the ="r,rer pip"" and ottrer-rtater pipes r,ere directly beneath ttre drive, tlnt T-t : p-LAzADEMoNA"o ." "ooidnot be cut dcn^ so it r'o'ld be less steepr and that the-only nay sHopptNc SENTEB to solve ttre problsn was to hrild a garage or car;nrt vftrich vpttld ff99j',I;'eo,ff;€; jnsulate ttre pipes and allor,v us not only to reduce tlre grade btrt ccnrer i6i:ieiirfti:" tlre drive, rnafiilg it usable for as rrlany as four to six cars. rf necessary E r,re could heat the floor and prevent ttre pipes beneattr frcnr freezing- GART BROS. SPORT COUNTRY STOBE iisii. iJr6"-"- The fact ttre winter will be here strorbly rnade ne apply for pe:rnissicn to Ft. Collins, CO 80521 r---:.rJ - ^-*!,-r- €^^l;-- :.l- a l:#ar Art-a r.p r.nrl ri enr'':'l rrqe it- and fnake a 5619?,1-i'lfr???l3l,,,pgra a ca.rporr, feelinq at a tater dare we could enclose j.t and nnl<e a 303-221 5oi-Eti-d566bii.rJ'"*uff garalte. If it would help my case r wcrrld build tte garage norv tr-._____^ -_^__ inst€ad oi t-t o and get the aars out of sight. I^Ie tr,ave already widmed 360lf*"t3fffift t5" dri.- frcrn orre to t\'ro car lanes. rf a variance could be granted le Aiapahoe Vittage could tlrerr be able to get as Inany as six cars off ttre street. Shopping Centsr 2450 Arapaho€ St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-4499022 GABT BROS. HAS WON EVERY AWARD IN THE SPORTING GOODS INDUSTRY *i;r*-- The "SPORTS CASTLE", You'w Got To See lt To Betievo lt! ao ol ol ol Tcmn of VaiI October 20, 1980 PaEe 2 In reading 1or:r nerorandr.un I note ttrat a hardship rnrst be derpnstrafed in order for you to grant tlr-is garjance. Cergailly in my opinicn this fa1ls \1litldn ttre criteria as outlined in your r might add that the veqr first ccmnnication r had witJr any of our neigtrlcors rras a note on one of our constnrctisr enployee tnrcks, signea by Barlcara Parker, a neighbor acrcss tte sct.-'it, askilg us to please not 6nrk at that particular locaticrt sirae itrey naa rive cars and required everY space' Additionarly' there prdently o<j-sts cur trash area i31 frcnt of tte house. llris area rrculd be eliminated by being enclosed wittrin the garage structure. when tlre trash area is fuIl it beccnes sclIev*tat unsightly; ttre garage lrould certajnly Jrrgxorie this sitr:atiqt. I an not fdltiliar with tlre cotrect procedure to acccnplish my joal and am at t1.is tine asking you to help ne as to the nrcst rapid 6otutiqt to my problen. I have foi:nd enough carpenters so the structrre couldbe built wittr-in a v€ek, once tEEnissicn is granted' it ttt"r" is any ctrance I can get tlis rraria6ce on a t1nely basis so rNe IIEy still build it before ttre cold veather sets il. Thank you for yor:r consideration. JG:d 0t o. 6.t rpec-2-L0/L5ro ao Fred Hibberd's statements on the 5 conditions were: I. he wasn't looking for a condo to market 2. he.,l like to continue to to work further with Jeff Winston 3. the bus ]ane does encroach onto his Property,-but it and the walkway work well and he vrill dedicate the necessary land for them 4. agrees with this 5. agrees with this Ed Drager didn't agree with havingi a second story, since a l story was shown in the uDGp.- Jotttt perkins itated that the desigm cannot be-set it. tfr" scale of 1"=200rr nor square footage specified. Gaynor Miller !el-t that in working with Fred tor l-t/Z monthi, that this was a much better aesign and thaf ii would blend in very well , adding that_the-ToYt.neecs buses and walks and a compromise shou-ld be made. Roger T. added that the location was very--visible-and that when the comrnission had visited the "ii" tit"t they n-ad igieea that a one story building didn't look.right at that location. C6rry agreed and statea tnat he felt it was in keeping with the UDGP. Roger moved for approval subject to the 5 conditions in the memo, John seconded. vote wii 4 in favor, 2 against. (Dan & Ed against). Jj:n abs;ainer since he didnlt hear the full discussion. 4. A Conditonal Use Request for the Covered Bridge Store lo-allow the .fim Rubin summed up the memo, stating that the staff was in favor- of -Fptiir.fl i"i ttre*i.i"o""'-i-iitea i" €he memorandum. Ed Drager asked hcw oirl could say that there is no way one can_keep people living iT.the roi"-area--did that mean no one wlnted to live there? He felt it was inconsistent with the prior case where the staff is insisting that an apartr: go in to make somethin-g look better because peoP1e will want to live there' iin n,rUitt felt that the apartments were j-n two dif ferent locations ' tfris o"e is right across irom 2 night clubs with more commotion at this location John Dobson stated that Bridge Street is a heavily traveled area in Vail Uses of this type have been granted. In the early days, it made sense' but doesn't now to any where near the degree. Gorsuch, the Bank builcing' etc. have done the same thing. There are perhaps two long term sPaces in the core, ""a -p.e"baent-his been established. Long term has not worked out. Dan dorcoran . then added that the Town is being sued by a property "t""t who considered just the opposite, that f is proper- ty was quile vafuibte, namely the tower over the Rucksack. They certainly w-ouldn'€ want that conversion. He stated that he was on the Planning Conrhission when the conversion came through with the apartments thai used to be above the Liquor Store and he opposed that. John Dobson asked if conaitionaluses were granted to the Ore House BuildinEi .the Cyrano buildingr or for Gorsuch. He repeated that the precedent had been establishea ana that long term housing simply does not work out in that area as it once dj-d. .He read the purpo.se of the CCI zone district. .fim Rubin reiterated one.statement that John D had made, that there are no controls that would require those units to be- J-ong term' 'John coul-d rent them out short, term. I A Conditonal Use Request for lhlCovered Bridge Store >PEc-310/1sl84 O oo Gerry White stated that th.e history of downtown Vail had been one of both granting and denying use for just this kind of thing. There is the concepg e1 horisontal zoning that was dealt with a long time ago in an effort to keep the mixture'in the downtown area. He stated thit the was much more conversion to conunerciar space on every 1evel, with talk of the Gashof Gramshammer being converted to conmercial space throughout. He felt that this $ras a sort of death knelr for the core area. He felt very strongly that commercial space shourd be on ground level and the second level should be residentiil Bill Wilto mentioned that one prior conditional use vras granted because it-was.fett that, no one wanted to live there, but the fact was, the renters enjoyed the apartment, so it was suitable.for some. ,'Not desirable housing" he felt was incorrect,. There was some talk of asking John to restrict Johh Dobson's other apartment to employee housj-ng if this conditipnal use were granted,but it was felt that conditional use had nothfng to do with employee housing, and John felt also that that rule sh{uld have ueen ap}rila to others as werl, if the commission was goin$ to expect it oi-him. Gaynor Miller moved to approve the request, Jqhn perkins seconded it. Gaynor voted for it, but the other membels voted against, so the vote \^ras 2 -5 against. 5. Request for a=frol! ss:lbagk variance for Jemi Gart to construct a carport on Lot 12, Block 7, Vail ViIIage lst.- ?eter Patten presented the material from the staff, and recommended denial . steve Boyd, the contractor for the projeci, explaining that the owner wanted a covered parking area where he now hah gravei parking,that was encroaching 6'or 7r onto the setback. .fohn perkins feli tnat to deny this didn't make sense, and discussion followed about whether it was better esthetically to permit a garage to hide the cars completely. John moved to grant the variance as rong as a garage was constructed.,seconded by Roger. The vote was tied with Dan abstaining. John,Roger,and Jim Morg'an for, Gaynor, Gerry and Ed against. Roger moved to deny the carport, seconded by Gaynor.For denial were Jim, Gaynor, Gerry and Ed. Jo-hn and Roger against denial . Request denied. , 6. I Devefopment District 4 (SD4) , the Cascade Lodge. Jirn Rubin presented the mateti-al from the staff , and recommended approval-,He explained that the design seemed appropriate and.that the incrlase woul-d. only be one foot. Andy Norris snowea drawings. Roger moved for approvar subject to the planning and Environmental comnissionrs granting of the Amendment to the Haight section of sD4.Ed seconded, and the vote was 6-0, unanimous, Dan abstaining. i .: PEc - ro-ls-Boa aa oo 7. Amendments to Zoning Ordinances Audience participation was requested fj-rst. ceorge Boyer, Betty Thomas, Mason Thomas, John Drywalker, Paula La11ier, Andy Norris, Stewart. Brorr:r,Charlie Povrers, Fitzhugh Scot,t, Joe Montana, Stuart Holland, Dean Canada, and Kathy Warren spoke in opposition to the amendments. Their concern dealt wj-th the fact that they thought their property was bej-ng devalued, some felt the decision was arbitrary, some felt a 408 slope should be built upon. Sandy Mills took exception and stated. that all she could hear was "you arb taking from me" instead of looking at the desirability of these changes for the whole valley and being positive. Afterward, the commission members stated their feelings: Ed Drager: Many of these ideas have been discussed for a long time. VJe must have done many things right. Dan: As the document is now, I'm againsg not counting the 408. In favor of new definitions of GRFA, for proposed changes in density control . ,flryn: Height well taken care of, hillside development questionable. GRFA noL greatly changed, against not counting 40E, for section IV. John: Doesnrt feel density control section needs to be changed from what it is now.. Heiqht limitation have been scared of; footprint fine,at one time had 308 as cut-off point, GRFA - careful-- sometimes secondary unit would be cut down to be very small unit. Roger: Our concern is to get a document to control visual impact,we need more work done. However, I get concerned about all comments on values. If one had bought property even 6-8 months ago, one vrould have experienced an increaie in vltue. I agree that it is important that values continue. Ge.rryr We are prirnarily dealing with space. I feel 40* slope should not be omiLted. I like GRFA. Concern about values. Roger moved to table the meeting to October 27, John seconded it Unanimous, 6-0 (Gaynor had left). Roger was selected to attend the DRB meeting on Oct. 15.' Ed moved and Roger seconded to continue the rest of the agenda until the next meeting. I MTNUTES oa+NG AllD ENVTRoNIt'lENTArlI'OssroN }'IEETrNG Monday, October 13, 1980 3:00 P.!1. IiTEMBERS PRESENT COI,,NCIL },IEMBER Gerry White John Perkins Dan Corcoran Ed Drager Roger Tilkemeier Gaynor l.tiller Ji:n Morgan Bill wilto STAFF PRESENT Dick Ryan Jim Rubin Peter Patten Betsy Rosolack t The meeting was caIled to order by Gerry wbite. Dan Corcoran moved the minutes of the Sept I meefing be approved, seconded by Ed Drager. 5-0 in favor (JIm Morgan and Gaynor Miller hadn't arrived yet). 2. Migkell greenhouse addition, Lot 2. Bfock 2, Vail ViLlage 13th, setback variance request. Peter Patten presented the staffls feelings as written in the memo nailed to the Commission, recommending denial . Whitney Miskell distributed more information including a letter from the neighbor to the east approving the'greenhouse. Dan Corcoran felt it would be a positive addition to a very plain East side of the house. John Perkins said. he was the original designer, and although he would abstai-n from the vote, agreed with Dan. Roger T. moved that the variance be approved, Dan seconded it. The vote was 3 in favor, I (Gerry) against. Gaynor abstained, since he did not hear the discussion. 3. Addition to Jim Rubin said a survey had been_ cornpleted to see if the proposal would interfere with the bus lane, and explained the differences in this proposal . He point;.1 out the 5 conditions listed in the memo that the staff wanted to see irnplernented if approval was granted. He felt that the plan was in basic conformance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan a.:ici Vail Lionshead Urban Design Considerations. The 2 sma]Ler units t:hat were reqested by the staff in the original proposal were discussed.Cecil Dodson, president of Village Center Condominirrmn Association, nldgs ArB & C questioned approval of twice the square footage as proposed in the Urban Design Guide Plan. Dick Ryan replied that the Urban Design Guid.e PIan did not dictate exact plans, but was a guide only. Mr. Dodson protester the two stories, but stated that he approved the improvement of the area..]ohn Perkins felt that the massing helped to make the transition from one story to the present two story building. Mr. Dodson aSked if it was worked within the urban Desigrn Guide PLan. cerry white repried that the UDGP provided the guide. Dick added that ,feff l{inston had reviewed. this proposai presenced the first time, but not the 2nd one. John p. questioned the landscaping of the area to the east, and if the oryners would. work with Jeff of\ that. Fred. Hibberd replied he wourd, adding that the 1st plan had the sarne footp::int, then he tried to please others by changing the elevations.rn doing so' one owner had to exchange his view for additional space. OO oo PT]BLIC NOTICE NoErcE rs HEREBY GrvEN that Jerry Gart has applied for a setback variance in order to build a carport and entry on lot 12, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing. ApPlication has been made in accordance with Section 18.52.020 of the Vail Municipal Code. A pr:blic Hearing will- be hel-d in accordance with Section 18.65.060 of the Municipal code on october 1"3, 1980 at 3:00 p.m. before the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Cornmission- The application and information relating to the propcsed change ' is availabl-e ln the Zoning Administrator I s office during regular business'hours for review or inspection by the public. Jim Rubin Zoning Administrator TOWN OF -VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVALOPMENT ' Published in the Vail Trail , September 26, tgBO- i{ OO MIIMOILAI.JDUM oo TO: PLANNIIiG AND ENVIRONMI:NTAL COI'IMISSION FROM: DBPARTMBNT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOFI'IENT DATE: I0 /9180 RE: Request for a front setback variance for ilerry Gart to contruct a carport on Lot 12. Block 7, Vail Village Ist, DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED This is a request to encroach lf into the 20' front setback requj"rement. The house is an older Vail house and is already violating setback require- ments on another_.portion of the structure. There is existing off-street parking on a gravel drive where the applicant r*ishes to Put the carport. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS: Upon review of Criteria and. Find.ings, Section 18.62.060 of the-MuniciPal Pnen! recommends denial of the requested Variance based upon the fo1 Lowing factors: Consideration of Factors The relationship of the requested variance to other existi.ng or Potential uses and structures in the vicinity: No negative relaiionships would be created by this proposal. The deqree to which rel-ief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified requlation is necess to achi-eve compat lity and uniformity of treatment among sitels j-n the vicinity or to attq e o6iectives of this title without srant of special privilege: Again, the Department of Community Development feels there must be a'hardship demonstrated to grant a variance. There is no hardship in this case. Because the house already violates setback regulations is not a hardship to grant another variance. The off-st-reet parking already is there, and so there would not be any change in numberof spaces available. There are no existing regulations for this zone district which require covered off-street parking. The effect of the requested varianc -liC facilicies and ui:ilities. and public safety: There are no effects. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to None FTNDINGS: The Planning and Environmental Commlssion shall make the following findings before granting a variance: That the granting of the vdriance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent rlith the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That, the granting of the variance will not .be detrimental to the public heal-th. safety. or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvemcnts jn the vicinity. Gaat Carport - 2 e. t That the variance The Department this reguest, OO warranted fbr one or more of the followjlg reasonss of Comrnunity Development can find no hardship to grant so lve must recommend deniaL. {r0 /s/o -- L0 It is The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result.in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the obJectives of tiis title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same. zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation wourd deprive the appricant of privileges enjoyed by the oldne.rs of other properties in the same district. RECOMMENDATION '@ V !'r .i'jjr I. A. B. ,- l, to,-(tt/ \l ',\.^ -. J rd E- F. tl L09 NAIVIE OF ADDRESS NA.I{E OF ADDRESS D. SIGNATURE ADDRESS A list of the nanes of owners of rls /7 )6 l3 l%oly A /'d v, ,ns j tq T/, o t"4 ey l7 Lly fu*Lto e atnt Applicati"rl^] €tfT zz, 6D requesting a Variance. aLl information is submitted. Lrrt .t I 1,l4.Pt -/ [uL pHoNE ]"t t-zlg3 RE'RESENTATT'E [1 o yd s oa, ( o n,rr .5 /-oyn l]r/ C. AUTHORIZATION PROPERTY 14.77/4+t3 " ?o/t/ LOCATION OF PROPOSAI ') lr P, f V/ADDRESS AIb 1^0/4el /.(l LEGAL DESCRIPTION rot /2 uro"r ? ririns /"r FEE. 9100.00 plus 15f for each properry ovrner to be notified. ,pubjec€ property. L>to c e u This procedure is required for any project The applicatj-on will not be accepted until APPLICANT '/rr o /le r'c F APPIICATION FORM FOR A VARIA}ICE APPLICANT t S 1(j I" Oqa aIJ- property adjacent to the ftL4at/ f6q n,, tL Irot 0ot Qt ua.Ja /4' fioy1 0ai L ff 6 [,' I lt/, str I (u lnp t3 ox t?Lt Uo,'L PHoNE q7f33// L o nooo4 ( o Sltf1 /)0t0taa /1 \ to gtttT agzrI:-truq-- Uart a//,/,o^2 [ 6 Forn,rf lf 0 r,or I z-t /' - /' Br,gcr( r,vUtL( 't' FILING C,tr l,lSl' OI" I'lA'fl'lllTAl,li NAl\llt Oil I'ltOJltc'l I,]IGAI, D]JSCITI PTION D]iSCN}PTION OIi' PIIO.IECT p"trt r 57oi> Th to A. c foll.orviirg j-nliormlrtion tlie Dr-'.si.gu llcvicrv Bonrd ) BUILDING [lAT]lltIALS : Roof Siding' Otlier \Ya1l- Matcrials Fascia Sof fits Windorvs l{rindow l'rim Doors Door Trim Iland or Deck ltai1s Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosurcs Greenhouses Other is reqrrired for submittal by thc Api>licant belorc a firlal approval ean be girrctn. Type of lrla Le::ia1 Color 1/artrat hnshl Lt uf.h ; a t'tt u't " ft" / r,I*ar I B.) 'PLANT ]'{ATERIALS (Vegetativc, Landscapi-ng }laterials and Ground Cover) Dotanical Nanre Comnrorr l{ame including Trees, Sirrubs , Quantity Size I I l l ^l //,tuL Jnut"'2 llccrJ o,tr lTotr/ q 'l Jl a^i.^' '"o)4c77 2e /€A /u-F ot" /Ku s iJo 4/ s,, 7{6 Fotu, F RJ L uT lr f/t/ Uoo,in,,u (OAPA*J To lo'qn/ltr( 01," a lnt t'LL 0 t', V', on 4 L D"n; L af/tox tmaf'/, /qif Ju* ilh I f U r lc I Pt, o,rr f 5tN.u J ra-- f. I Lo f ro tt; /" I nl ct/I Io Pur L r* Oottr fot*nttttn, ftLso of 6uiL'l;n,l q;7.- o"l . /4ur. iq lt o 0 /o f toui/''n,l cavtP z J /.4, +l /lltv or C; F F t/rn*T l. f a v* l,t tq nol ftw, l'/,t1 t'? o', 0luaJ-, ilou fo No/or+ fl0, (. l* / Vo7 , trliiy u L Yo.uilaf e't f 5fr^"r fatt,i,7 Ln"y ol e) PUBLIC NOTTCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GI\IEN that Jerry Gart has applied for a setback bariance in order to build a garage and entry on Lot 12, Block 7r Vail Village lst Filing. Application has been made in accordance with Section 18.62.420 of the Vail Municipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance witb Section 18.-65.060 of the Municipal Code on November 10, 1980 at 3:00 P.M. before the Tqvn of VaiI Planning and Environmental Cornrnission. The application'and information relating to the proposed change is available in the Zoning Administratorrs office during regular business hours for review or inspection by the public. ;Iim Rubin Zoning Administrator som{ oF vArL DEPARTMEI{T OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOP}IENT Publishefl in the Vail Trail,October 24, L980- {l f Projecr Appricariol f Proi€ct Name: Prolect Description: Owner Address and Phone: &..:",t / r, [ .r-e-^-l L\Yd, lto4 3f <.r- Bo-< S-? S--UoJ' LesalDescription:tor lZ ,Brocr J ,ru^s Ul).-01ar^-.-' lS f Zoning Approved: a ) q-.( b /u -droffiocad d ress ahd Phone:{1 6 - ! Design Review Board t- /q I t/r Itrt Date/'//. Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL APPROVAL Chief Building Official (I,z m o 5 ci .J'ct (D E It o =o o-(D HI aa o>'r- 2a -im nZ >m --l > o -? I m --{ Zr P< 1Z m l-m o r z --.t o Z .-') o n m I z - z -t C)-l --.t t I qt -z l=llr lo lci =c o m o --t :FI;. Fl<|>I tol pl t*l al tl rll I Bll |>l!l= l<|>I tol tfi€tii g lyr tt3 IP tl I t-)lp tt IF tfJ In Itsi tH'lo IF ll rl l<l> l!lo l< lI L>|n l. l=|>i |al tol FI |l ll tl tl o c)o z U'{n c o =o z T rrt 7 =-{ € - EI CL trittr € 3mo l-.{ 3 EF= li a -T (/; l, r, =ti> t? ; = /_\ r.-\ l-o;-'l# I pr lF 5 't<=l-a l--rc T-lr_ll-t =t eiF >= a Cl@ O >= tt 1^ 3 o z-* z i o t m L p !gr I @ r T v o (_ fn c)i z o O _-! E|-t cf, |\N 9r"-:loi _ft a5 44 :l ri gP E o > .Tl ,-X z o "iA ?9 arii o 6.i'r " B i Lno = E b zq 'nzz €o E-r(D >i\ m .'l -.t k-\o o c c\X Q 3z tt2(, O@ {r v=z o =z m -o ol <l z -.1 4l 'l I I ql 'l I I n:'i-lx at - = z -=zzi i\;ii of;;c-!rI!.; -: a* ::jZ-'-^:, = -r - ,> : _ I ^: r V' --I;il;; N\ !m =z I DATE READY FOR LOCATION: r#cnoN TOWN OF REOUEST vAlL t i JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON TUES WED dHTil FRI AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr o FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr FBAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING T'1 D NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB E d rrr'rnl N FINAL ELE trT OF trc tr- CTRlCAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL /\APPROVED cdsRecrroNs: T] DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED t *G#ctoN REeuEsr ,^,, 3/rc/rt JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:^"@ BUILDIN tr FOOTI tr FOUN E] FRAMI tr INSUL tr SHEEI o_ TI FINAL t\ - ELECTRI N TEMP. PLUMBING:ILDING: FOOTINGS i STEEL tr I-INDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V.FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING N ROUGH / WATER INSULATION N GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB N FINAL CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D tr LI ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR .l o-o !.o l:l lH!fo',+l-n o t:l.tii 9 lr3 t=3 r:- c f5 E; FJ 'o oP-95 F:O CT3 E ,'+ 0,o fl'o Fl E r 3 @ z rtrtr T FT v ={ o m l" F po b tf !T o t-m o -l z o o o z v,{n c o {o z T r z =tr ox =ri =o !, > l- ftT-t t-J L_l .71 o z FI { o z o z r tJI\I?1 EFl ln ti; t.i F!" lt li t]DtrI 'n ! -+-o r -.,-rE { Q|;'?u7 I 6c) ss zs<9\r TD r () )'. t- 'n f- '- -{ ), ||I C' 2J -i ),or:n 'I r''{, ,;.;:-- r -.| ).C' d o -{1 :o a:.). rll ()n I C) ct z - I z a a t; !n t- f:'l)' I EIJ Fb FF lF,tl s t-- ! \n 6' .i.\. b +< t)!: (.1 :,J a) ()o z (/) -{ c c)1 O z T ff =:; o 3 3 c 7 o-(D lD 6-E 3 (D a -) 7- U,c r --{ o z \- .+ D )' c m c)NF :'o :a)_<'; tx P 5o il 'n8 cr<z vOul j00l 5< S i:zt4-J ooo 'rlz2 € ;( .-{ J o z - Y =z ! :: al ;,;' i 9 i l- t.: li lr t: u l' F I H I |) I' li I (f r z 7-I HP o o7-oo f;a!tn tn nl oP ia av,2 a m t '-* S" $m oI 3 1'n ()(-tn c){ o VAL UTlI ION g = '(: i: -l c) ^ c) l c,)' ;t\l oi\ L oo t' "\) c), c o m t 2 o frr -l -n tn t ; :r: :i ;.> =z ,.; 'i i 'Jf i: F: {):.: !-t >>= !.€- = :a>'ri- = r:r3 (., I r":.j -: _: >a: z ;? !;>';>>r. ;i 3, ;.I ri>., :':a-.rc z*-. '\Yl c'r .) :.t..\) C) Fh o o Z.\R<o 2ns,-rY@ f;Er g!8 ! efr -{ffi !ffi :ir ?*4E I \{>= -.t c)o> zA vz >m --l > .1- =m o --{ I €z m ?o z. 3 IT o p, Fl ci U o o H p, p., p. F.rtl P. l ol 5l t1.l rrl oA o>'T- -11 l-rY - --l z. l ol ts l" ,<l t<l Its- |lPo lH r-Lx lHl l(n l"l |l tl rl f 4 = -m = _0 r ol<ll -.r l> lE .< Fl<rEF P. l* ltt tsti;tH l- lo IK sl I {llhd tr I lF._ttg itts nl ll rr I tcl ^ll tl ll ?tit;<l-l=t>l ulE H olfiF-, ?|UT ot H rtl o Itl lfr to oltl al I url I Nl I tl orl I (rl I (,l I c)l<F -{DEo <FE bl lEl I,H F 3p F 5l Id IH rol O 'rI N ,.o t! ht IPF. 'El n or t4 |u|l I Fl I tl tl l9 13 t--'Fl=.|> I s lo ltd 0, tY to r.. lfi +<FM IO t[n tto ItDtt to I A IX T){t p f\ l(,'tr - totr!'(, l('| hr (,Jl H Fl tr al n tri tP-rp QFIN iEln <t-t< FI Pld F€BF I |tl to IP tt I lFl TIE.ti I lut to IK IH lrD tl oBE =j>t><FF u l> Ir"O 19 Er 3HH Ftlt<{l -l 16)oH p,3ll rr -rN F btl I ruf I t (r{ I -rll vs. I eol I TI lil | cz@E@>zo>mmc) HS=EE9 *1E 3:5 ci.rg1@Q p6;".t 6 E 9 e -7 = PqFsts HF= fi'E !iig 1 ,iiz ?- 3 a No= N mE\* _ \=r, t< 3 Or.r-m^.r R5 E E3 nD_n d 63 o<2 -c)g Is 6i .'\<(-=z at,o6 o 'rr z. z € - -€>->3 iE t {;: >r--;-a-'t tt :.!:; :r>-r -yzz> N?;ri;b :"^i'_si:?:; >=-=. IQN m I =z 9 1 I I I tr P {rt N {. I F P 't':i tn C) 'l t- 6 1n o o ]' >J l\ g s L) -lt .D =c1 x1 Y-O Y30 ': r; :p o z !) o ; tri D o :: o o Application s lt i.'\ v I Project 1- - J /^)-1 ,4,/ t:J /7"b0 l'lotoL ) lt u l- ;t-'7 )i.t6,t 1t{F 161- tt }L ';11 )L lcr {'i,;,rr'4[,, i't.l,ut t)l-illl/ ,1 .;) |f((tt zzt it0L Projsct Name: Architect Address and Phon€: ownerAddress^nornonl4r-ll,tl, ^: t:tv', i'; i,tT ffaft,t, 'l1l-?151 :t lr1. / ;n ,''t , ,, L< u 'i t, t t7h Legal Description: Lot t)^Block itlt t, l"*riling /, // ,/ /, Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Ofticial \ .FiLIIIG Yrl I L, u'/r"rvY t,.tSlLo{TtAL lrAltrt lUl,E OF le€ o..::ER ' 5l ntgf c3€ss toI Itul Dltl-il6 ,ro0RESs x l. 2, 3z PASSETIT Jsr nooR lro rloor -fO FLfu'R PASSSIT Jsr rt-mr ?ro n-or )iD FLOOR PASE€NT lsr rucn ?o noor )RD FL6q a q, 5. '6, 7, g. Rcr:r,s (il.lttre mo"s, Sr.OtOS) KtTc€iS Dls+'lAstSS u{f,sRIES br-n nsraJ tcE tAc?tlliEs SAIJ{AS ,6 .E g. I0, 'i, x x.E x 5.m '. I l:ts trATB cccLas t Y$Tn Fcu{TAl3s Srflli'ltltc t0lLS JAOJZ,I CIJTS I D: .!nTB, '. - 0lnrt,r:lt oF c'€J nrr-,sATls -- ' --3.t0:.F .: Lm=rcss xrrosi Dls.t'tAsl-€R iNr'oarEs C['TSIDE HATER tt .50 IM x x 'q. 5' TUTAL POINTS ' 10.m potxis.= l.U) utrt*,fu-lgoo .roTAr- urtrs ,flaDx s'W:#f-vF; trisPE6foR I .'.'- t-cxrc\{rr:c re ct'}?LEtIcil-9:^Si:Ti:r-$j.,?:.f '!^tlf$n:'rrl=,,}tr:ntg ;51i*|ffitl.l; '11;'ii;i'i'l;;':i.it'lg'..1i!^.i--;'::: lo,!5'!1J1",'.,1;rSH'l:lr!:.,:?':E'lii'iff i"lrl'iB'i,,":^i-ii,;-i;-r"a r'",'.r1t.11o.i1::..]i:l.F.,'i;,-',.;i?,,?tl5 ;*ll;,;;j.Y.ll.,i,l-i.1i,",'':';;r',',iili'.,y-ti:f i:'1,,'**;Lt:lls,l:(:,:l;';l Jl:,ilgl',1i'#t\Sl.'nLD, i.':lJ ll': ul)rr\rL1 rivs-r- , 'rg- ilil-nC fUlLDltS 61_-ttR'S hr\l ea iii"iii'r,iio. "i,ts t;':rictIsl sriJ-L ilst) D:rtirr F j.'ro sstlR slnvtce ot^lJ';E' Permi! No. trcrAFD oF o,r'a6trs vArr rJrt.h .'ni <^'rlr.'rf ln', hls.TI'lrr ---s1 VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT lnwn ar'snt 8 TotLET-(c:E Hcr.r EATHJ DfiPA SIIii6 . rul gArH . (s-c.',*. oR TtB. P,ASI.'I, TOILIIJ 1.s0 ,75 l.q) x l.ff) = x.2.9 x I.fi! -x .50 = -6-ao, ' .'. -\3' 3L' |. !\ . \v r f\,r -\ \ptt\.-,- ---.' TAP PERMIT WILL NOT NAME OF JOB GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ltc. No. Lrc. No. Lrc. No. PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTHACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water Sewer NUMBER OF UNITS Saa (x4€€e€OF Amount Bldg. D6pt. - White; -Wat3r and Sanitalion - Gre6n:- Public Works - Canary:- Contractor- Pink: - Accounting - Goldsnrod oal€affiEd: Finance Director LtJ\itt wu..J e tv.. tltiItCl{TIl'L llAItrt a IIJIE OF 'flruff lq€ o'.::ER LOT t sarrl Trf t(Il €z W EILLI16 ADDRESS .1. 2, 5z PAS9€ilT Jsr n-oon lro noir -lFO FLL\ FASS'3JT Isr rlor ?ro rlor )iD FLO,R 1.50 ,E l.o PASD€NT lsr rLccn ?o noor ,RD FLcoI q, 5. '6, 7. 8. KITCiSis Ross KITO€i DIS'!lASl'€R i,qnoarrs CRJTSITE HATER TcnAl- PotNTS x .2.50 x l.m 'x .50 Dtsy"'$sr*,s u.$celEs &rn x:sr.tJ tc€ [/AG{II{ES S.lru.tdS tiqrB ccol-as 8 }|ATIR rcU{IAIIlS Srlili'lli.S POf,LS JAo.tnI I C\JIS IDE.}:ATER . _- Ollltt,'*l oF c€) x x ,6 ,a g. 10. ':' .x,6 x 5.m t Il:S a, a.t 5, 'q. 5 ' l0.m potms.= 1.6 uittr,g't1"oo .rornl urrrs ,SoD* s'W+f- tIi5PECTOR DATE ' I f .- rcx-tc\{tr:G re c$?LEttot-q:^!ci:rligili'.P:.: !^tnf$.::'r}€,-.P,t':St|| ;51i+lffiH'lil li;'i;l'i;;:;.ii"a91'l+-''P;'::.s :o,f5'::J1"n,ll;.i;F';:l':1",:?'g'ii"i'f "li,i';;'^".bi;;;,;"i;*i"i r,i'i..';1o.il;:i.i::l.til;.'..:.?"1''l[ ;. .:]t;,;:)i'il.,il'!.1i",'''i'iY'rilt;*-ii:l+ l:':.,'H:L1:l:',ilcflilil'-lj!:,he!"liTit {ft'i:?'r',iiB.tt';,?l';;:}idi-oisi;.r,'.r: orc';tr!,i-nc uurr-nrrs cr"rt''s r{.,uiR i.:ro ssiin sLnvlcE o! lit.,E' tlct,l'RD oF otntoros VAl. i.rrrrr ....i <^'rlf .\rla'l nl\'TIllaf aASrtt 8 mlrtT^(c:e Hqrf EATH) Efl?.A SIIi?(S . FI.LL gATH . (s-c,''a cR TtB. EASI.'I, IOILET' Rcs,s (it'lttlc mats, Sr"otOS) x'.1.-m x 2.50 x l.&) x' .9 'xl.frI = x 1.C0 = '=-6A0 j -..3u .-r \>'i L\*- . \)$- \. C\ rr -\ \D.-' '\ -,, *>/'> . -'.t-x--i)-- AM @l DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: B tr D tr tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W.V. FRAMING N ROUGH / WATER INSULATION O GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB I rrrunr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: O e rv Ft Flr -f Ht -r f'l gt l+\lg El f+l 6 E9 f'l f-l -L+r1 g I+F)11 trtr cl El a- -Lt F d a EI'f{t E gr -r |ra H .r.rH dr Fr v a{.ts -rtl E f9 r1 g n a+,a+F -fll F -l F{r r*tt* HiES RNSF ;sEE a'EIS *tH= ,^\ ltt I i :*3F NR=?l|t x'J ! SE$s €=ltt! 3Rr*" t* clt lo 3sS xcR s8P aEu ESE FF$ \$s HF* E$q FE$ c t o ts !t at s rA t{z o ts FI r4t ts E H E{l< U 4 EI F r{H z o g tt (! GT E (! I z ts t9 co I { @ I €(!o o o 5 e $ (! l- (! N (| lr : p ts H ts H F I t: ,r' tr:I el'rt-(x|l ol.' Fl' i *1.' |::' l'i I G -E z D o (! !o a,l '.1 2 D o o z o f o c o c t !r o m t -l e - - e) -l =- tr g r I z o U m D 3 -{ t I t a .tl T o t , m ! I m D v,m 3 m z { at D z m z m ! tn o !- 2 o tn o 7 t !u - m 3 -{ \ !.t :o-r o< ctn >Y 2; <Y o6 T{9P EE I z 9>5o at, - N'n " "[i "6; o 6 z D 3 |n b* I -t D |-tt r o t a m \< o" rl,rrlrj-11;'llArlc,r DlsrRlcr ' fbf;l"# ai6;l PrsrDoIilAL l'l^TER t SA',8 TAP ree orrltnuol PttfslcN-,rl}o.* !w€ oF |g'a Q.'.?!ER SNEET ADQSETS LOT 'FiL$lG BttlnE ADO1ESS l. L 3i .q. 5. PASA€NT lsr noon tro noce JRD FLMR gAstH t TottEr. KriE HAt.f PANO DfiRA SII{I(S RLL 9AI}I . (sgrm oa nBl BASIN, TOILET, tt-/x s.m =" J'() '= .E -- ,6= x.8 = x 1.9! x,E BASE}E}IT lsr nmr / AO FLMR )nD BASEENT Isr rrogt z' ho nooa JRD FI-OOR R@r1s (utrtN6 Rmr's,;.r"rr:J'il'a#riii,--z-x Lm = SfuOIOS, :' ZC2 KITC!€N X Dts+?lAstElls |.cr.[{DRIES ben u*aJ ICE T4ACIINES SAINAS mrm coo-ns t }ATER FOII{TATE sl{l}rllnE FO:IS JAoitzzl CI,TSIDE YIATER . O,ttnt'lH oF c{E Frr-L 8AltS Mla Krto€{ Dl$HAS[€R, in-nmles CT'ISNE WA'TER N'TIL POINTS x x 2.ql 1m .50 ts =G,lrl o. o. F G,trl =tu o o z E lrl F = lat ': g! -CB F I E l- 32 o =o -F E z o o z G uJ F =J - x x 6. 7. & g. lo x 5.(l rlts AeAEIISIE- l. L 5. tt. t x l.o x. l.o rtil ' x' .9) x 1.0) = 2'U .1i ffitr*tgg;*#,:ffi lr*r*.++:,'#*'-r:'.1*'r,{it' o z E O G DOARD OF DIRCCIOTB fl'lEl P€rmitNo' iio3r VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT METER INSTALLATION PERMIT METER TO BE INSTALLED BY LICENSED PLUMBER WITH TOWN OF VAIL. NAMEOF.Igg Anthonv Lacuna Residence ADDRESS AND /OR LEGAL DESCBIPTIOT,T lnwn PLUMBING CONTRACTOR ltt Jerry Siebly M€tarSizo MeterNumb€r #11D98557 Dalel$ued CALL FOR PHYSICAL AND METER INSPECTION WHEN INSTALLED 476-5613 EXT. 230 Lrc. No.P-13 4 Bldg. Dept. -White;- Water & Stnitation - Canffy; - Conlrsctor - Pink; - Accouniing - Goldontod N{\Vail Water & Sanitation District Town of Vail T,ECI'RICAL PER}IIT Electrical Valuation $....--..-.....---.---------- ,r.-{ Ne 530 fund.z# /zDY HuitAing Valuation $-...-..--..--.-------------- APPROVALS Permit Fee nspection Fee Total Fee Date $................--......-... s.........-........."...,.... nO vzr- $. /e. Received rca Nu^u..L€. Date of Application----* Electrical Contractor Applicant----.. PlaE ChcckGr THIS FORTI Ig TO BE POSTED ('1{ JOB SITE DURII{G COilSTRUCTTON 2I IIOIJRS ADVAI\ICE NOTI(E REQI,'IREIt FOR INSPECTIONS ThE t... H0aEXtl ao,, oarivEa !l0a5l oo FLUMEIII\IGIMECHANICAL PEFIMTT TOWN OF VAIL E OF BUILDING: LASS oF woRK: E rrrew I aootlotrt R[ nennooeu E nepetn RIPTION OF WORK: s'l ,if E eppnoveo I otseppnoveo ,^* S lr ht /oT/J, St*i u,, @ ffit ADDRE'* Q,lal" M ffiB,M,,L PHONE PLUMBING: NUMBER {2A .I MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALUArfoN c2, trl: 0 0 VALUATION S REMARKS:REMARKS: i-) PERMIT ,{r# {%/--/-PERMIT FEE re#lIp - tcu/r TOTAL FEES: $ tV ,4r\ ,-l I oare ,.5,// /73 rusr=frt TOWN OF I"'y"l, v t J,t,l'-t gJoBNAME la r-,..ttt..t nME REcErvE orrrfsil) DATE HEEUEST vArL ''i u ,r^, dcl -Y h t-, n ornen fl pnRrrnu LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED 1.,-/1t ,-.^ i 1 THUR l./), A ( !,.,. if | .,,^.., (, E eppRovED ! UPOT.I THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: @RREef.loNs*.. E orsapp RovE D fl nrrNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR CALLER E pnnrtal.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION E otsnppRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: FtE(rUE.ST].l i I l rNseec[ru E orHen ..,. lYloN 'rl ,t I,: COMMENTS: APPROVED ! uporu rxe D nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS r,owN oF {.1,u. ;:'fit1 TIME RECEIVED- AM PM rruilcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL ,/-a t {1ry A '"'2A,.- ,ea15 //r,/zt JoB NAME BEADY FOR INSPECTION:voru ( LOCATION: APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED cALLER i= THUR FRI O REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEE- D FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING EI SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB f ?'rrv' ,:,t- / C 7/ O Wfni.nt ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL ,^r. I // '4 / 7 Y' ,NSPEcroR li .! €u'''-// DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHen INS'=*' F|EBUEST TOWN OF VAIL n pnnrrar- LocATroN JO8 NAIVIE R EADY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM E N TS: AM PM LCcATlOlt: ': ----r- ... ,.:.' l',i$r;':. ' ,' i. ,,., ,. D nppRovED D DtsAppRovED fl REINSPEcT f] uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRBECrroNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR lhe ptrnl€ry va I DATE rNseedbtu FTEBUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PIV] CALLER E orHrn L-J PARTIAL LOCATION B EADY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMMENTS: .: r'. ,1 ' -.:'-. :: .'... -:,t:.:,:.. , '.,1. .,.,:,. :.::,. . .:.-:.'1.. ':. .,,. .. AM PM f] nppRovED n DtsAppRovED ! netNSPEcr n upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR th. pr6l..y !: DA TE JOB NAME L.4r^ @ JIE...I/ A I L AM PM E orHen AM PM CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION FRI TUE MON COMMENTS: EI'nppRovED -EI UPOT*T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: florsaeeRovED fl nrrNSPEcr CORRECT]ONS : INSPECTOR DATE -{e ==, ct ..rl E E r I z o ;1 lr! D =--I -{ -{ D t- 'tt t- |n -l o D r |.o -{ |n D 1t r m i D ;2 c z o m m {>F *o>- <tt >Fl F gr6 '.P:d;i t ?o!z|l)o Q>o'r!3>o !zz zo>>-2 76rJ i4''q dEi >.3 z;: qol ifi; rt<l'l \ !D u o - tt r{ o z {t. t J w b E t N:oi o<o! >;z; <Y o6 T{92 ts5 a o z 9>So 6o 2^= _l'l N.n aoo 5t I Lt N N- z p €z :l , i : 3%,,r-^ Feoilr t 0twe DoER &wN HdIVE Aac l<ffiE lnre t DESIGN nEVrElY BO4nD DATE OT IIEETINC: MD}IBERS PRISENT: ACTTON TAKEN BY BOAR}; MOTION: VOTE: r'OR: SECONDIJD BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: -/ APPROVED l/ v DISAPPNOVIiD: SUlrlillAItY: .jl^-- rNsPEcillcrN TOWN OF VAIL FIEBIJESiT TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER florxen E pnnrrnl. LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI .:, AM fu_ .)MON COMMENTS: 1TUE ] E[npp Rov E D l-11 L:il UPON THE,FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: D orsnppRovED n nerNsPEcr CORRECTfONS.., ,, ,''.:,i ,t:1:-:"' ,-L, l,t- ,- f\ -l e - -, e "n =l- E s r I z o u m T 3 -{ -l o -l t-n t-o o v t l|t -t o -t t- l-o -{ t m n t- D |ll -l o m o |n 3 tn z i 4,, t z m z fi m ln =-{ EI t!' o z I r.d>r | >5 at t.l | €*o> iNiliE El$Eii; ?1.;l:tt Fo-=il Eg9I tl ?:i3 Ni 8i o!cm ;9 lo :io ;a :E{9P i- =z 9D So o "z o =rn t;6 VT et -o n o i -l z n E o - o x n =z z m € D --{|n t =o z o I J o z : |n ! m t-|n o 2 { o ;J 3 3 m u I - 2 ; -n 5 s z C) =-l o o m o 'll @ F =o C, a -l 2 ;|n I t |n an ! 2 2 x -m t v, v,! m 9 f m 0 m -t z 1t P z |n 3 -{ tt 't'l J D a z I t f J rtt t( l.'.a r l/\ -.L(J.1.,-''.t APPLICATION FCIR BUILDING PERMIT THE TOWN OF. VAIL cant fill in this section onl ll (,j B o F o f.. BUILDING INTORMATION Alteration Repairs-- Type of oceuqa IYJ2!J!}Z/E- (All parte of building) BUILDING OIITAPNSICNS T"tal i7."ii?J]::Ai,i##a,t No. of water cloeetg ( fJF ivE>- -. u d t +r tr o o d b0 q)J ESTIMATED COST -V- oF coNsrF{vcrroNJgg (Materials & Labor) ?>a Lot Block Subdivieion ( Circte correct clae glfig.gtion)l. Type of constructio&ft-6.t v@ . Occupancy group A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H.CI J. by planning and architectural //_ //.1 / 2A DCte / Receipt o, "r"r," -z- z-ffiroval of e',,na 7' *ZO (2 sets reouired) blte .4.cr Date Amourrt of Permit T"" $ /1C.9 + l!.zS Paid; Cash $ C\t"c\ ll zXZ t Amount of Clean up Fee $ tf,gf p"idt Cash $- Gheck Date permit iesued 2-,r,:7A -- Tap fee paid Amount- Gonstruction clean- up_Final inepection _ Signed Tef. / Approval permit. Certificate of occupancy & compliance Building address/of 3- Ll Date of Application 3 u /Z-. t t A7o t Name Addrees city Al Name 8,ao n v /1 tr F E Addrees 'Cfiy &our nnZQ Tel. No. ltl- -A'447 Address- tLn -'zlO:i-Clty f/.< 1/ Tel. No. (Permittee) to obtain building lvfl zf Til''i.l-?{ i OHICI{IIU& .AD.A .. .;:..r., ,., j ." .:i.:J ' ' IrotTA)tJqqlA JlAv t3 i4vlaT ailT {:.t0.; fi;i$3ee ?id.t oi il:} lcsrii - =-1--.!+!t-F----- 14 ?IT Ab{ q.J{ ;4 : ;_i /, ICJIUA e|qitrfrr' ', - u.,oH ariaqgfr rroitsr3tt A. --.-:- -, -- -- l.--:-Vtfl6srr3lo lo :gy?* I,yliri LJi .: <.i', o,,i.rer; ilA.i egilr;ri.,:1:. 1.o . oi4 .:.P,?.. T!gTAMITET ?i r)I'r D : tlITi:,i4 aJ a 1 {rc'tirJ * e{: irstslvtl -,--_i-_*. P- ... n -r.o.-. :? (setfimrsci) {noifsoiliensls lesrrrrr eI i .!n.U.I ncifus'tlarios l(, .A.G.).F[.A orro:r 3' 1:rrtsryr:: ) 9Ti3I :r.t"[' ..I eesrbbr Bnihllsg lo slc'J roiie ci fgq g .Is"t- ',,-. ._o__, . '- TJiS --.-- ----d..4:..;^t3.--' :rni'hlild nir.td,r .::, ? -|, ia.i i rr3 '. *lnsI9 Il :n{o q I irit't,. .brt t. I gfiinfislq ?d lrvornq 4 .-ti.;J't t'.1 i.;tlflo3 utn([ D14IG.iIi.Ift . i,-*I ... -"o"[9I ]o :qisrset (horiano'r slg? ( ! I orT fic*rs'f !o in:.'c.n r'r ri; i.') :lris€ dcc):f:iig hica srl clsT ' qrr-nssf: nsi*:I,.:l i.:.irr J :Ii - ----f ;-{ qlr ilGel;-} }o tngo':,.q - STATE Otr. COI,ORADO COI'NTY OF EAGLE DEC LARAIION CF TAND. ALTfi CATION l, ltl tLt t+'^ A 4 PautJ , bEtrg firet duly sworo upon oath' depoae aad say that the following statcments are true and correct accorCing to my best knowledge, information and belief' to wit: l. That thie statement ie made ln conjunction with the filing of an application for a building perrnit to the Town of .Vail and to comply with the requiremente of Article VII, Section 3, Ordiaance Numbcr 7 (Seriee of 1969) Zoning Ordiaance for the Town of Yail. Z. The deecription of the building eite for the p eed building ie ae followe: )) ss. ) (Deecription mai be ettacbed oi eurveyorre map rnay be ueed to ahow dee- cription. ) 3. The propoced buildiag sitc contain " I --7 ,35/, Y' sguate feer, and tne proposec bur'irng conEarn' ffi-tl ft-, of area ae defined in the aforeeeid T.oning Ordinance. 4. The proposed building, ae it relatee to the building aite arca, cor:tplies to the Floor Area RBtio for the zoning which appliee to the building eite, aa defined ln the aforeeald T,onlng Ordinance. The foregoing affidavit and declaratlon wpe ,rr irr hafara rrr a r nalr r.r'r.'l"tl r l-.' /i /'aworn to before me, a nota otaXy pubtlc, byJ t./ ia\7 of ^ -v tr\ A oto I July 8, 1.970 Mn. fennv Duff losr lo+4-Boulden, Colonado Re: Plan Check, Wm. R. Bnown .fn., ReeLdenoe. Dean Sin: 1. Reinfornement in footinge and warle does not conply wl.th mininuur code nequinernents. see incroeed hand out aheet a;d-sectlon 2418 (f) 3.2. ilLnLrnurr depth of footlngs le 3'6', (ValI Annendnont).' 3. Ercctrl.cal outleta on the lcft of baain {.e vcr:v unhandrA.for-a rlght handcd person, Appllance cond nuet be-dnawir aonoga- \ baein. \4. Kitchene appean to be leea than the nlniraum of, 32 square feet supenflclal floon ar€a. See Section 1406 (b).5. Dining and living roona nuet havc one half of the naoul.rcd glaaa openable. See SectLon 1A0S (a)6. Flue doee not Gxtcnd hlgh enough abova roof. scc section 3702 (e). 7, Badnoom wLndows muat conply wLth Sebtion 3320.8. Fourteen feet Ls maxLmum length fo:n 'zXyn etud fnaning.See Section 2507 (b) 3. 9: Fineatop a{ty wall 8 fcet on great6r, See SectLon 2S0g,2.10. Heanth Ml.nlmum wldth le 18 Lnctree. sea SectLon g?0q (j). 11 . Note Section 3705 (g) fon mantel neguLnencnte. - 12. Flneplaee cleanrance--from aonbuetLbtee to bc Ln aceondance with manufacturen necornmendatf.one .13. See Secti.on 151? (a) fon bentLllation of crawl Bpaoe.lq. rf lowen floon elevatLon ie below arcvation of tire nirn of ncarest downetr€am nanhole, a baekwaten valve le ncqulred. Plane are approved wLth the above noted co:rnectione wh{ch ane hencby nrada part of the oonstnuctlon drawlnge. Encl . (1) Sinoenely, CC: Wrn. R. BnOwN, Jr:.; THE TOWN OF VATL Arch. Control Board of Vail;eJ-"..-l[;>h-..1 Chanles G. Bynun, P,E.Bullding Offlcial CGB./nao v i cF \,,',-d.: *} TNSPECTTON REPORT Bto*ttt p+<raauC?Contractor: ?ermit iio: 81O65N :d lo, 't,>>4t"- ^# h.,- "---,- 1 u B <- \o.Jn',. veaa - *'n"(L- f,.A ( L'^-- -fVPP 4qrP g T I Biuldins:cLo tgB .T|{AU r.o tr c.o. lssued, D* zz,7b Remanks '-------- *: S/1.i= lto t F p- €"-1 -o lL 0"r.9, ?o V; c-t r' LJ' rk- Pe" I l, zo trh.,-.J l"^* - +" rgso ot^---<.t A '+ F2,-/ s. \J, l.P -f-o 7* lvt--<t- a( o Date rssued: ),1t1 S, ?O ':.7'{--" ,-f"<l-i r-, i, =t:,,,o lrrrr.,.!: ,EliA'"._l=*_r':"ul u-a;tiii ,+iu?,t . , g --^,,c.,- . @-aaeyEb fL'-ev, F.oJ".b titc,t;:*/vL1 o x. .i 'tE_e187. ,A*t ttt o';.i':4ib:.4.r-4' i):,t*- il;! +i'sa!-a ,io*i L 'ffiT;Ao.ru:, ,.1, aa a"t o{! e*la =-"< v/ 7eecfl uP F*t,'., r 2*t b &r1/ at Yaaz-& zz<4 . 4-4 zz-u=z ': .:l as s. t! ;z 4-ttu,t |l*vw*t, ,;t +;.lr;.ehl'.1 / ,./1t *,ut y-' :.r--_;. :.a,7y: ta". : ? -z-t-JtlL; .u ,vn,iifl,l-,1t b .1(.,!+i"rt-'+ t/,1ut +ttit",i in rt'p!:"1,-,a1! ;:-':4 t; .77-'!,2i'y+a7 ,,{ta,baea!'Cax+a"'d.ct'.I }- .\t..'.. c.'trt na'il4 '/A;; ";; ;i ;*; i'*J ,'*-,ni i1',-!.i*, *,>t- / /' :;&rt;jti otlu>"., b*t >t- !-':ci'.!= u'r'. I i,: :|.'i !-1.c', r " :-. : (-qo o v- 9-.\ -2, N L i -Vs e4: '\ |. !-u Cl \N- '- et a:'r t/'lore-L lr.;aa ,:rrll,Fd*o*- - ?n4 b,sth .z 7rt "t"5 u JE r. : ;' -. i . *L h' :,J. i;'. i't.1,'-'t 14 s<- fj.J w:t u,*r,,Li. b;o't +." |r.:a!t -t'-Ji-*>-!r/ 4o.- r ro c.t.-4-v ,42s,4 g e Srt s- u- t...A c-,r_=_l=--) &atz gaat c-"s=-r \e-+.t Ecj:. cn .L: o! l oto-'.i.e' - l;d-v- b e;Liti tr.+ uMLt4 \/ - - -/s-F_*E foc!,*t,ho.y.+np Li,rau-.i* o*9lei to lsory, crrrt; .liaa anot'y'- 4a2*'aa-=- / t ..,d1- ,l,o-t-tz brlzt:rt/ F se! s PAIN '' '| *:J 4 ?" t:* o* '.litu+:1*r*!ryi??"1-5-1tL -rrro g{,.! 6.- n,r.., bE-so-T- 3ecr€i .".? l*sX-r u PsT*rFc:. B +-r-rr ,.{.g.-< 1rl Fc-e .1 g- ^t €-i -i- \r3 r\==\-= f>'^'r--\+ <' c.Arq-L:'l ,/ TELEPHoNE: eta'sco!/<3.r{, .,:- -i--p P e--. t..€>(\.r- \,r=6.,T 7'sr.*,-i'3-E i/ Q.g,---6.3= o V L r-- o-'.rv<-a 5-r.;) /v\r+ S-=1?-, 9E\ =-o (, \ , t' Tu+ /e'/a t B* e-..) \ _. It ll rl .-.t!vt-:. 1':t::j:eL +tt>r;'ai f-i ;a Bo rrr M Ct*in <a{efu }*:!t4toati fa'1#, *r*tF qtt -+oubat'ult' 'tt!4 4e! 1,trc)4.<!s*1! .iu"'-.t c,! @c).>'t .t.>+.,4,, .:l:n, cut af !3tt o(t +oz,wtt';;;-LL.;, th-* i>cl-:! .*lol* Cc*t f' !'i"-l ,: %r&li L^. iuL* - ;.o',1 .t':zilz, Lutlr uti)t1 i.'u'-Et;. {"}-o.tn nat a--+ ti'a.a,a'.hl-u {Lwt p cat o. "+ t}'*.a*$&1 Fei.,tt. aof{;.U g \t-'I- <'FF ?/"" oF FR-c,s.r o = F \FE P=A-g Lec- g1--, \--:=-F-s w }:*ch t4t pv&* Zr'x! ic',ti tlreta .'Grtoz tallea s'o4, **Iul -r-*^;,7*L';i 7 ;;^;; iif,t.I' !" p*i,+r iie*t ettvx' i.c",';;'; i.:s)'a|,^er{ W"Ltca,\oz -i;lt+ itt ggtoj:,xl i:: ?gl !; ttfr*tie +. ?gr \nJ r g.-- <-A Fr-ts<-b rrc-.o\-, ^/s ' D G.js pe<.rN 'DooR S-ro P LJ-P S'nl\.\ rl- L c-!-'('.>-e*rr \.,u\ fi\rss t ,v s i-'ui i;.ej,4 it ctt..!t:t:'rz<l t.txt Lt ':.ti'vi-t-s':tt 'C.a:btoa/ u-rr)'t L ";.:.!l cLi* ap:.t'z ,J-;,lj.i {r*,t at*t a* i.vu:u- taL on:,-a-ilti:t ;uar t!.t:+. ":eb,'ifJ eDi:- +:r,ru** til.ai dr'ee,l4 :z,:;l!g=g= o{ *vett C,ac+ E, F Srl{E e\pE-- o r.r>l er& t:;L 4e o-u. {atn,r*at et i*p t i'r-:-i Eg€, dr\:ar* ti'.'t*. x*t-h s-*'.'J :r . , ^ t , t g -\ \ N-D Gi F,-Ass <-,--<. trr ? 1.. t. I -..e- ai',nt cd .l.r.r{ ,-r...'e j ta.rLn-+j .:;urit y:lJ* ctil ry4:*+ *i',*a,&, +lr.*'{- ec ,{<$F PA\ N i-So FP 135 _ GENERAL .PANTNENS. THE VAtL COFIFOF'ATION ANtr PETER W. SEIB€RT. TELEPHONE: 476.560I 'b w Are lz L\v tr.r c t -). .l F*o o t Pr--oG r a-r F A<-3 a{STct' -L(,uLg: u f ,-ar 5 s.- i (+P-Pe-- seR61 (oRareB l\AsTef- bE\ P'r'i n.r I r/B asg )..qrnr< -S--r..r.r r.-. ns*Ss-ra B.\-*r \r \e-l l{\ \sS\\ c L^r g'1i- I.<)ALL . 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