HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 7 LOT 13 LEGAL.pdfm;t $YBSLoFr&Hr Design Review Board ACTXOT{ FOR}I Department of ComrDunit! Development ?5 South Fronfage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 t€l: 970.479.213s h* 97t.479.2457 rreb; www,vallgcv,com Project Namq METHER REMODEL CI-IANGE Project Description: Project Address= 227 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL 227 ROCKLEDGE RD DRBNumber: DR8080107 LocaUon: ADD WOOD TRIM TO WINDOWS AND GAMGE DOOR Pafticipants: OWNER METHER FAMILY 1992 TRUST MI22I2OO8 9 W 57TH ST 4200 NEW YORK NY 10019 APPUCANT BETHLEVINE,ARCHIIECT 0412212008 Phone:970-926-5099 P.O. BOX 1825 AVPM co 81620 License: @00001399 ARCHITECT BETH LEVINE, ARCHfiECT 04/2212008 Phone: 970-926-5099 P.O. BOX 1825 AVON co 81620 License: C000001399 Legal Description: [ot: 13 Block 7 Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE FIUNG 1 Parcel Number: 2101-071-1502-9 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote! Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actionr STAFFAPP Date of Approval: 05/05/2008 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (Pl-AN)l DRB apprwal does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days follorving the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cortd:202 (PLAN); npproval of thts project shall lapse and beome wid one (1) year tullowing the dab of final apprunl, unless a buildirg permit as bsued and onstrucfion !s ornrnenced and ls dillgently pursued tonard compleffon. Planner: Blllcabson DRB Fee Paid: l2O.0O uu/rrtrzggu I l: lu rtr tao02too2 Ctunges Tb lhe,fpproved Plans frrl \ fur qesbn Revlew Dgffidturntrht*nrr t5$ffirrE,$fetb t|6t,Itm,Ot:ltt Etq{tgia6A O.EF.r.tlnhrG rb LoffJrrrrrl* w.EXJ- ffire zz",w?dq<-fuar -. Hb.r Z lal a7 t t ao?i (ffiEC!6.E'*s,:r!fifl bgrdn! I edffid- *Er**m X FF|rffr ql| r-rrtrch ild F| rritl e lta prr.rilet br*b ttc srEl r#- b ft Ft- Fa |h b qd, n ffr b oqn rrbt d E eofi u! f rqfrlrffih f tm !t l:ffi DF rt ffi. fb lqFq-o rrd b b 'GrH !' tlh cd *b & d Esrd ur|r|r- Dtr r* 7d p rr. I-r tr*rHi ffir-ff r rjrDuFd, @1 Olal7i">f * r|1rdrt-E s slp O OnfrF tr lr&rlEtst Offil O f,EGhr (ri-*tffi,, O tlaEr /ffi \/\tr f,rrFDGb f A *ErE3 i i,r38 TOWN OF VAIL PruO :0>3q rr{rldqfts f*ot..h*t&a.' - -. - - !frre :dH-tel.uz* li Fb p s |ln s lrftl$FrI-GC5tslinrr Fffitirr:tSceqffiA.'tU r & fr3 S bc|F r ff 5 r!7 rtrtl r ildn|@r|rfSftfhEFsrrhr).btffi5ha|lrtrGhFilE,slhG'ra ,#, trer€tr'irGrd|||-t!D *,*.. FifFffi bltfl rU * IF|EG rrt l'ctrt'| ihrerSf,bdrdirg *,c,lO E n|h b dr ff.rd H flnfu Sv |h rirr NEE,bE mrl(lD.tn{rF slr D(e DtLh 0{ o tov .. i',r:a 1' 1 {'.q t,;.r$ \ ] 08-lE-07:0s:rl7at: . €i',;ffi rFcdgrfrrqrbgtOr *bn b rrrdf-f FinCr m nrlna q*d ir Se sni* Xqp- b or;Eajtp.dlE d *oc. LrrGr115 tE tl: n[ildffire Wh fii5,tb# 1a! f6 L rc iil* b lc a-&,. Ifi-, f*frrqE - O U t -g.*A,rr-ClE *furcl*{-maffi+dre5q{G'--- VL wug t' r (EaxttS C!. &l lriran Ervo @\t+' !.lllt-ixl tE rr*l .tlv^ clr4,il'CErD|9e,wc =t3hEK[g:Dl dEril-:firel ' .t*tcl{ wrlfi,a,s ,l 1Ed t€g/t q?E1EE wlxfrt }>FEIICbOM Tp.L$lp dooftr}lv3H .E<ErQln cDf''.tc} btq*tE rr€oot*l t*,'aql rrEStttE rD -+- a I I It== 1-r .rr _.q _ia IF It o tt .{ ll vjl- I -l -o--f 51, =-'?li TO T- 'rf L- -tt Page2of 3 Respecttully, Chns McCoy Deaqn Enqrneer lleartwood Custom Woodworks. lnc. 4t20D00,8 fvv Beth Levine Architect, Inc. P.O. 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (e70) E264ees(P) (e70) e2il299/3$) TRA}ISMTTAL Dde: 4.A.8 TO: TOV FROM: Bethlevine *n: (a^cy'h*-m @adzzu.'laL-INCLUSIVE. q O) fz{' 'Cha7+4a tr,'kJ Fora " Aat4( c0taloo-ht,y, . tl) ttzVpn- -tr Vmvz n eb.€ge ti ) Trlrntafa't'l O) fui'rt fi*f7,4 (, 4e4't%- '1Y4 /A+ /'t(t't'"/V t'Una. NOTE: F) fll ulrL /ra- lE F lE fr ,',t l= \4 [1 ]l rvl copy: FzaZur_, W I .flira.. TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€Nnent Statement Number: RO80OO0494 Arnount: 920.00 04/22/20oeo8:40 AM Palment Method: Check Init: RIJF Notation: 5540 BgrH IJEVINE ARCHITECT IllC PermLt No: DRB0801O7 Tlrl)e ! DRB-Chg to Appr PLana Parcel No: 2LOf-O7!-f5O2-9 Site Address: 227 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Locat.ion: 227 ROCKLEDGE RD Total FeeE: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total ALIJ Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Des cript i on Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3TI22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 VarzV;//a4e- ts# /*r3, blLT mi'lfi .s{TY uelEloPl]l€|*r Design Review Boa ACTIOH FORM Department of Communitr/ Developraent 75 South Frontaqe Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Namel Project Description: Participants: Project Address: 227 ROCKLEDGE RD Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: APPUCANT BETH LEVINE, ARCHITECT P,O. BOX 1825 AVPM co 81620 License: C000001399 ARCHITECT BETH LEVINE, ARCHFECT L0129120O7 Phone: 970-926-5099 METHER UGHTING CHANGE DRB Number: DR8070621 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS FOR EXTERIOR UGHTING owNER METHER FAMILY 1992 TRUST 1012912007 9 W 57TH ST 42OO NEW YORK NY 10019 10129 12007 Phone: 970-926-5099 P.O. BOX 1825 AVON co 81620 License: C000001399 227 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Location: Lot: 13 Block: 7 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 2101-071-1502-9 MoUon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of APPToYaE LUOL|2OOT Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. "r . r. - Gond:202 Apprwal of this poject shall lapse and bmme roid one (1) year following the date of firEl appro\ral, unkss a buiHing permit is issued and @nsfuuction is commenied and is diligendy pursued torvard ompletblr. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO TTB 3OAz/O02 1-{|ldHlD r*enb* vV 6\ s) C)v o h_N r ]ffi8- Edhr 7* orx(rDlgrE'SF ilrhrtr- lrlE- flpt'Irtk crs trWJFh B thhrfrl O&l O tfftlE5l (rlrffil l,h5hl ffi{da0 ftrrffilh Ial. t-- o f lD irfilF*.tbdllltna, DJ-g tsdrdrd.rrfrtaLdbS''S tsr+Gcn|rbFrflSqrffir dn|oli|l'r$frltrEEnrtlr$.f hfrffi SbEprtt:trsqcrlr,rrn*trfrr ffir tr ef tryn, b rj rtlt*rt q,rF P - Ftfrfr.bltErrSrfFGrdrq,qrFf,trerfffi,Gd&*,rE F rffi lFarryFdttffi-SrtbD*E o n Rsiew Drtndbrt*rt ttrffirEHFrffitrE nntil.l'rllt Fgtn?tffi ffiffi *rn{p.m - rffi rEiG qr * rlrurr rgd FF brffitf r EEf Filr#t h {* b l|l rhrlr Effrt|' bft fibf *d E I rqd. fr rilr|Er b Hn |* mt E r# ||| f rtfrl.hh r ffitD l:ffi H&nrtoffi. 1|r mA & rd ffiAq:O,E'-go.iilSlbfrdlI) h.tlltilG €lbZu dft" LaJne lprJ-o7 ffio76bz( 221 fua*nt,laQ4 a7 Qaql,-t t- .ry 1 bw,-gs. g l'-a,t w&Ll'z TO\ryNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Number: R070002355 anount: $20.00 Lo/29/2oo7o2:43 PM Payment Method: Cbeck Init: r.TS NoEation: 2807 /BETH IJEVINE ARCH Permits No: DR4070521 TIE)e: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parce1 Nor 2LOL-07L-L5O2-9 Site Address: 227 ROCKLEIX|E RD VAII, Location: 227 ROCKI,EDGE RD Tota1 Fees: $20.00 This Palment: 920.00 Tota1 AIJL Pmta! 920.00 Balance: $0.00 't'**d.***'*{r{.'+**{r't*'****+***a*********t*ir'}:t't***t!i****'t:i*f {"}+t**:t***l'*l'l'*****'f'}*'t*f'**t'}'}***'}'}**'}'} ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3IL22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 Oct 29 07 01:12p Beth Levine 970-926-2993 PO. BDi lt25 Avot CO. t1620 Phme: (9?0) 926-{993 Fq: {970) 96-2993 E-fi il: Bct evincrEh@cenilrtt l.n€t p.'l Bettr Levine Archittrt, hlc. T. ". r/. ly+r6.," fu.k4) Lcuina. r'., 4a Z\12 *, lz'Za o1 * 4lr* nlaj**,.e-,1t araraaaa.aaaaaattaaa"t!t' Oct 29 07 01:12p Beth Levine 970-926-2993 0.3 . Lr- ,;;kd 'ir-- l-"t:tgssrls5--_.lf- --_ll l: ","ffiR*" ii ",&',m:JI; llllEqti{!$ ll s ll ll_":y:=eryeerry_ll Nosq ffig Ery1qjlill$j$__jl_l ll 4i I I ! I I I di r "*[,mS"*, - - --.;;;,ff;]EJ;; I I '.etxos'od I gf,I{gclsiru A'IIhlv{ uiIHJiIVu L rt.tr'J4{p,*:r\1glHEt I rt -1 it i+\\ c$ {E 3')si T {t $u \t $\ \ \l L \('l \.5 -s-)rJtr TIsq ltii $ h*6r.b/L7 Desisn Review Board l/r;th/ry =Q t ACTIOH FOR.II{ Department of Community Developmeflt 75 south Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 t€l: 970.479.2139 fax. 970.+79.2457 web: www.vailgov.com Proiect Name: Raether Residence Project Description: Final review of change to approved APPLICANT BETH LEVINE, ARCHITECT P,O. BOX 182s AVPM co 81620 License: C000001399 ARCHMCT BETH LEVINE, ARCHITECT Project Address: 227 ROCKLEDGE RD Legal Description: Parcel ltlumber: Comments: P.O. BOX 1825 AVON co 81620 License: C000001399 227 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Participants: owNER METHER FAMILY 1992 TRUST 0912412007 9 W 57TH ST 4200 NEW YORK NY 10019 DRB Number: DRB070512 plans - windows & additional 5 sq ft for fireplace dtanges 09 12412007 Phone: 970-925-5099 0912412007 Phone: 970-926-5099 Location: Loft 13 Block: 7 Subdivision: VAIL VITLAGE FIUNG 1 2101-071-1502-9 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 10/01/2007 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN)I DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this proJect shall lapse and become vold one (1) year tollowing the date gf final approval, unless a building permit 's issued and consffuction is commerrced and Li diligently pursued toward ompletion Plannen Bill Gibson DRB Fe€ Paid: $20.00 -,,.-1.'l?: lG FIX irl.atltFd tFrE*t- E{dlffi TlFdrdr O sltE O eedEbt O lcct|r:rrFt O rdht tr ilrEffir (illDfiltlttcdlrqd, ' A t,E5tsr (ffi E! GlrrE uF E F sF,|bfrfs xftn tao02lo0z =Iil $F z4 200? l! TOWN OF VAIL '08/06/2006 Ccd lrfirff: -r rrr ro rhttrsr' a btr DE d *ddqL .F."=gI f#5t nsrunt,.e ffiriffiesrmur.*,tvt$4ql'::t\i4!fffi V Is rocrbc*r*@. Vti f +/- di FlFarEt- --= _\, dio.! Arro-r't 5u24 foreaOeCr"ry?P3ldio.! Ttal ottt 53!a (@tEErdec'"Y7'**'5 rrs'-' \ Tqiir:--;t--= " S x$h*b't\./ Fhncg t ) z ArV,vr t, l<A. v',* fs 15tu ffi fil fn p gJr$.O F St! botd bEl lign 'lt' Ec*ldtdarE tdi? aC'|d|td*' - -ra ' ffi *ttc sn{;tru = # b -rt llitslGi r GGd rtEE toc g ifii* rirrtr cttulxnd' ffi;ffil- ufi{r il6 !t -Fs-srs' - + dl #,cJifr Jar' tsctrc-.* r*,aE - Ft#c-3r D r-{F ta tD tFo'=it --= =EEe-ff-'Jc-dff!, G ed 'drr 3l0 #.. !D FE fft #ud 3y nrrr.g *dl q tF odr FEI frE lttlF:'E{6iflt for Prcd no') YlbZ u plQa 7 o5/* 'rt .a\ t fi 6 o V 6 I \ ,o€- 16-07 ; 0g : 47AM; ' j"' -' ,'f{: .F- -{ imnPnofenrrounlER . . wHrralAPPRqt LLEITER :. a ldrt mrnr of ProPcrq lmtsd at €1"e, F-h'. Firit US b$t t ud!:n ePPrud d th Pbns ed $fib.tE rc bta sOrt@.h treTgntt.of !ta[ cdrnure O6'dotrltefi qEpstutlr t for l|E p.n"g i'te-ntfts b h qlti.Ed *, uE lffi tftA €bot,a I'unelEd that tlE emeeatue9mspf Hdct A I tqdllr^/ adUtu otu rffi rtdt ten* Q iEtrr wtlc an* d tE trlt'rt W E bqfi* d q &ltut I tE M E iffi Wd I. .lrgfa;e u*,firy nt6s trldlry ry tE T6L eaeuoror, o".n ctu*r!:strbroqrt bcbw xrE A iF neepplouc b tot$ * * l' * * * * * * * * 'r * {' {r * * * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '} '} * * 'l ,} 'l * * * * * * * * * '* 'l * * * * * * * * * '} * * * 'l *'l**ri'}i* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * * ** * * * * +* * + * *t* * * * * * * * I *t* * I I * * * * * * * * | * *:lr* * * ** *'l.l.,l * '| l.'l I l. * * * * l. '** * *l ** * * t f * l'tt * * * 'l * * * * *{.'t'l '}f {. Statenent Number: R070001953 Amount: $20.00 09/24/2oo702:57 PM PalzmenE MeEhod: Check Init: LT Notation: Beth Levine / ck 27 9L Permit No: DR8070512 Tytrre: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2f0l-o7L-L502-9 Site Address: 227 ROCKI-,EDGE RD VAIL Location: 227 ROCKLEDGE RD Tota1 Fees: S20.00 This Pay'ment: $20.00 Total l{rJr Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0. 00 ***********t**+ti*****************t***|t* t{r*** * * * lt * * {. * **** **'t * 'f************* ***********'l***** ACCOI,JNTITEM LIST: Account. Code Descriptsion Current Pmts DR 00L00003 LL2200 DESTGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 Decign Review Board ACTIOil FORM Department of Community Development 75 South F ontage Road, Vail, Colorado E1657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax:978.479.2452 web: www.vailgo%csm Project l{ame: Raether Change Retianing Wall Project Description: Pafticipantsr DRB Number: DRB07037b Change pier support under the deck to a retainin wall; mechanical access to be 12 sq ft owNER RAETHER FAMTLY 1992 TRUST O8lO2l20O7 9 W 57TH ST 4200 NEW YORK NY 10019 APPUCANT BETHLEVINE,ARCHmCT 0810212007 Phone:970-926-5099 P.O. BOX 1825 AVPM co 81620 License: C000001399 227 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Location:Project Address: 227 ROCKLEDGE RD Legal Descriptionr Paroel llumber: Comments: LoU 13 Block 7 Subdivision: VAIL VIL|AGE RUNG 1 2101-071-1s02-9 See @nditions Motion Byr Second Byr Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTXON Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: O8l L5 12007 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paidr $2O.OO Planner; OSlOSl2Oog 17:18 FII lxN la0o2tooz (Jla+v,.ur, C4^.1,74/r"d6 Td I o z'&fttulrgrEt'lgoho |tr67 , rlt[Jt:rtr h9q.'ta{|'a aiirnr -'r:' E*'dlt'il ! lry 9rr5 -F rE rE trl.FE FE o r[llrrf a rtl fitTF+r Er rE D - rEGr_ =trrrE !r-t-lcr.|Dfl*,-qE xr rur k !-ln i-rr CLEIIE !qtE! q|l !r rtll ihb t d t rrS.T* hffi -tifrm. D irdE q e rd b br# Dlhhod r&brhh.j HEEE od;. rb #rnid hr ..{.!. bht ltf H d ctSlh r_rff r tilb llrrl av dl t/4 ,tdt+' fuu at"z r*rgfk oo I o;g€DAr{rF h.tlrtc.c hfl||ir- C.cJ&-: hrr* wJ-"g*z- rfnF.de* 'ZZ- Toct*taa &,{ , Eb.rZlut-t -* it,t-t1l - ^/ rrdodh(.;' Pg!.{ --EitfTg'Z --Az./t 5--7 $I \ $ trfLODFI-hdlEflnJ. tuulrfrrdrrrHtarr&qb1.-rr r| rE {t I5r -EF r G D r? sE c Gfr@ZIerlrEGtuEr. fu n' lrglo qlllr rl G rrgq, rEt r,rdfn tdrtf, e d|E, hqr$FG rd t|lt*rf *r*,fD - FrlBfrEbhttr{-Ip@,rrtj ED*fflf jbftqhrqDGdffi -,G hG 6 lbzD lffi s m .Y +-e4-uq+ E-Hh b dr q Fd t thlD gil'c h rlE LHE. - e Aurt flprdhrkdh:l- EIslF trffilh O tbhr&r O& O rurEftr Crltaforitlr..} - B llEEO fs Fh Q Lo&db , 't t" ,t ,t *t:a**+********************'t,t**1!tt***'t{.rt{.'}{ri*{t****{r**t * *+ + * * * * * * * + * tr * * * tr:tr * * tr *t tr * lr * * *:*,tr rt {r * * ** tr * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ++***+*t***********+*******t'********************{r********rt*****************III*{t+t t **II***** Statement Number: R070001420 Amount; $20.00 08/02/2OO703:30 PM Pa)nnent Method: Check 27 66 Init: LT Notation: Beth Levine / ck Permit. No: Parcel No: Site Address : I-,ocatsj-on: This Payment: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 001000031L2200 DRB070375 2101-071-1s02-9 227 ROCKIJEDGE RD VAIIJ 227 ROCKI,EDGE RD $20.00 Descript ion T14>e: DRB-Chg bo Appr P1ans DESIGN REVIEW FEES Total Fees: Total AI,I, PmIs ; Balance: $20.00 $20.00 s0.00 Current Pmts 20.00 ,16'oVtt"qo t++' lt t4,blb7 osat.f,ntoevEl.or*er tresign teview Soard ACTIOIII f0Rlr{ Department of Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, va;i. colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970-479.2452 web: www.vailgov-com Project Name: Project Descriptionl Participants: ProJect Address: 217 ROCKLEDGE ROAD L€gal DescriPtion: Parcel Number: Comments: KIRBY CHANGE DRBNumber: DR8070255 RNAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI.ANS FOR I.ANDSCAPING AND A RRE PIT owNER KIRBY, STEVENT. &SUZETTE H06lLLl20o7 24 RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS SIOUX FATI-S sD 57105 APPUCANT FRITZTEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS 06l ILIZOOT Phonei 9704764342 1650 EASTVAILVALLEY D& #C-1 VAIL co 81657 Ucense: @00001402 ARcHmcT FRITZLEN PIERCE ARcHmcrs o6lLL|2o07 Phone: 970-476.6342 1650 EAST VAIL VALTEY D& #C-1 VAIL co 816s7 License: C000001402 217 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Locatlon: Lot: 138 Block 7 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE 1ST 2101-071:2000-1 Motion Byl Second By: Vote: Conditionsl BOAR"D/STAFF ACTION Action: SrAFFAPR Dab of APProval: O6 | 2O 12007 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 1lr.lrv1: DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with iown bf Vall Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB apprwal shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. '':r'\ 1,.13;ti .. '.orr.: ,... ri. . .t; dH zoz Approrat of this projd shall hpe and beome vold one (1) yer tulbnlng the dale of ftnal approrral, unless a buildlng permit Is lsued and onsftlction is omrnenced and ls diligenHy pursued bward completlon. &rd: CON00F082 The fire pit shall be a gas loS seq and the bumirg of wood in the firc dt ls prohibited. The flrc plt b subject b further fulHing permlt and Torvn of Vall Firc . Depaftnent rwierv ald apprural. Plann€r: Blll Gibson DRB Fee Pald; S2O.0O 'l v n) G' o \, c) N v, v1 I Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Community Dweloprnent 75 Sout'| Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 8167 tel: 970.479,2128 fax: 970,479.2452 web: wwr{,vailgw.com General fnformatlon: All projects requiring design rwiew must receive approval priiff to submitir4 a buiHing permlt ipplietion. Ptease reier to the sjbmfdal requlrcments for the partio:lar approval that is requested. An application for Design Revia / cannot be acepted unul all requircd informatbn is receiyed by the Community Develop.nent DepartnenL The project may also need to be revienaed by the Torn Coundl and/ol the Plannlng and ErMrcnmental Commiss'on, Design rcview approvrl lapses unless a building perndt is irsucd end construc'Uon commener wiqrln one year of the approval, Descrlption of tfie Request:Srra - Lr.rS.*eA /tqeezwA6./J 7< a) t) az'(I* l tDE .rs 36t ID.',D z-G. Locauon of the Proposalt tott l3Bet*, I srbdiuirion, ,/. r/ t5// V Att- I t LtAt-L I fTUrtL Physical Addressr Ll 1 V",.*t-n>r-e Po Parcel No.f L-\O\P: li7-9 o o I (Contact Eagh Co, Assessor at 970-328-80{0 for parcel no.) l{ame(s) of Owner(s): i{ailing Addrrss: ,1toS owner(s) Signabre(s): l{ame of Applicantr tlailing Address: Type of Review and Feei Ef Changes to Approved Hans $20 For rarisions to plars already approved by Planning Staff or the Deslgn R€t/ia[ Board. Submlttal Req uiremenb: 3 Sets of Plans MdressirB Project Changes Signature of Homeowne(s) or Association -(- lZ+4 V F4'G'-- '\tY1'(7 o zet ff"%8't' **.*.,i Vqflt o^n*n' 1-. l?6) nFr: '\E)\5 F:\cdsv\FoRtvls\Pmits\Ptennir€DRB\dlb*change-!o-apptovedJtansJJtage-o$11-2m6.doc a '- l iF" fi? rti a ! l'$' rft t,,r ti qt tv rj ,* .t q rc\.j 1- ' ' l.a. TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Statsements Number: RO?0000935 Arnounts: $20.00 06/IL/2OO704:50 PM Pa)rment Method: check Inits: iIS Notation: 1,4499lFRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS Permit No: DRB0?0255 qrpe: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2 L 01- 071-2 000 - 1 Site Address: 217 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Location: 217 ROCKL,EDGE ROAD Total FeeB: $20.00 This Palment: $20,00 Total AL,L Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 **'itt* +***+*:i* ******* * ** * * *********** ******* * ** *** **** * * * * * * * ********** *******'t ***** +******** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDt,ion Curfents Ptnt a DR OOIOOOO3LL22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 -ffi ]OINT PROPERIY OWilEB WRITIEII APPROVIL ETTER r rolnt ormef of prcDetty lfilEd tt .L (nJqo pmrdde thls lctteras wrfttpn rPpmrral of thc pbns drteil whldl have becn submlttrd b the Town 0l VUI &tnmunlty ltstebpnHlt D€Pattnent br Ull g|lpced tnpmf€rfrErlts b be cqlpleEd at the rddnss n#d abre. I undectrd that tfie lddldonrlly, pl*sc dlctlr tlrc drbmcnt bGlottt wbldt lr moct appllctblc to you! tlr,? ntupr at&taerc flraf b flra& b tln fir ot* ttrc auu t tlE sa&tw nfir tlr Towtrt ffit& des ad tqdatlotts d I rq'flrtt Ey,t tI ilrew& flturt dlg1Ftua, whfi tn ms& b tlt Nts otv drc 4,/frE'caft'rl'e*wp|@s,'tl a,?ughtbW,fu,fubfaEap&nthretfuu|wnml Hde g4ctwfrg ltfrdr' 'tIyiat Ef tl'f Toffii. -?fu flilfulh.n) Lvrrn fritzk:n, AlA, Ar(:hit!.I V\illhm F. Pir:( i', Ar( hitt'd I vs.,n Drar(l![l Dirr\],{ rri ,1r(.hit(,(l t|rc K.rthv Hrslins.r, L)ilicr-' i\larl.lgcr FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS vA - COLORADO To: Re: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAT Attn: From: CC: Attached Please Find: _Progress Prinb Specifications x Plans Shop Drawings Other Monday, lune 'l'l ,2OO7 Town of Vail .loe Suther Daniel Keel Kirby Residence - 21 7 Rockledge Rd, Lot 'l 3b, Block 7, Vail Village 1* Filing Item No.No. of Copies Description 1 1 Chanse to Approved Plans Application for Design Review 2 4 Survev, Landscape, Floor Plans, Elevatjons, Sections The ltems Listed Above Are: x For Review and Comments x For Your Use fu Requested -Returned After Review Other Remarks: 1(ri{i last V,ril V;lllerr. Drivc, Fallridge C 1 , V.ril, Ccl,rr"rdo ltl 1'-5: p: (.1711.:t7t,.f, l.ll t: 9;it..i;h.1()r)1 [: int, !((]ail.rr( llrl('fls.c()rl www !.1ila [c l) ilc. | 5. (:{ )m (: :i)6{12 - Kirbv\Pr{)jer1 N<'rtr:brrrk'Crrresp( )n(lL'nr d'(lir 1 1 0 r t tT i ER OF T RANS[llTI Al li rn tt ot V.ril.dr.,c Lynn Fritzlen, AlA, Archite.ct Willianr F. Pierce, Architect Kathy Heislinga, tJusiness i\4anag*r FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS VAIL, COLORADO Kirby Residence Project #0602 - CRFA Calculation Parcel # 21O1O712OOO1 217 Rockledge Road Vail, CO 81657 Lot 138, Block 7, Vail Village 1s Filing Zoning: Primaryl Secondary Total Area of Lot 13 0ncludes all : parcels) 21,87 6 Sq. Ft. (as per Drexel, Barrell & Co. Suwey dated: 1 0.27.1 981 ) 10,000 x .46 : 4600 5q. Ft. 5,000 x .38 - '1900 Sq. Ft. 6,876 x.13 - 894 Sq. Ft. Total = 71394 Sq. Ft. Allowable Area for Lot 1 38 (zr z nockledse noad) 7,394 Sq. Ft. x 60% - 4,436 Sq. Ft Area for Additional Souare Footase 4,436 Sq. Ft (Allowable CRFA) - 3,908. Ft. (Existing CRFA) = 529_5q.E]: 'l 650 [ast Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C-1, Vail, ColoratJo 81 657 P: 97O.476-6342 F: 970.476.49A'l E: infoQ)vailarchitects.conr rvww.vai la rchitects.com 5,042 Sg. Ft. (Toral Existing GRFA) - 1,134 Sq. Ft (Total CRFA Credis) = 3.908 Sq. Ft. Allowable Site Coverae€ (includes all 3 oarcels 20%x21,876 Sq. ft - 4,375 Sq. Ft. Existing GRFA . Cround Floor . Main Floor . Upper Floor . Sauna/ Wine Rm Total Existing CRFA Existing CRFA Credir . Below Crade/o r Carage Total CRFA Credits Adiusted Existine CRFA '1697 Sq. Ft. 2189 Sq. Ft. 865 Sq. Ft 291 Sq. Ft. 5,042 Sq. Ft. 534 5q, Ft. (see attached page for daailed description) 600 Sq, Ft. 1,134 Sq. Ft. o o o a o o o Kirby Residence Fritzlen Pierce Architects Project #0602 GRFA Calculations Total Existing Lower Level Square Footage .E.t-q#S,$1ilfrff Total Vertical Wall Square Footaqe (see attaced elevation sheets) (all square footages are noted from left to right corresponding with the elevation) East North West South TotalVertical Wall Square Footaqe Below Grade (see attaced elevation sheets) (all square footages are noted from left to right corresponding with the elevation) East North Percentage Below Grade Total= *m ' 25 160 55 83 0 0 0 98 I 213 62 98 0 0 West South Partv Wa 21 78 15 43 0 0 29 2 56 27 52 0 53 30 63 20 0 0 79 43 56 126 72 0 157 166 166 376 Total= Additional GRFA from L.L. o o il KIRBY RESIDENCE 2T 7 ROCKLEDCE ROAD LOT 138, BLOCK 7, VAILVILLACE 15T FIIING vAtL, co 81657 PRO,|ECI #0602 2090# tfl[oud r59 !8 0f ''IVA 5NllH .tsr lD\.rr^ -lrVA 'l )f,O18 '8e r 101 ovot lcol'Dfou I rz lfN]CIIS]U AgUI)t! zl ol FI $l tul rl tllliu IJ --r- | { rlB ot5 zt7 E e r [l s J+ r'lrel rd'r'il il g .r | |sl, +l , bl bl $frlrlFlrlFlrlrl ,l 2090# 1:)lloud 299r9 0t ''ltv^ 9Nt',lB l-s t lD\.l]lA llv^ 'l yf,olg '8€ t 101 cvod 19631)301 I tz lfN:lCllS:lU AgUl)t! zl at FI <l >l 5I url EI ll ol (')l ?* I r I o I o I (t { [Ei I n t o I E t R I ('l .*,9 ,o-,tl .e,ol .o-p $n d' .tt-,E frE -! relrJ* r{'ril I ts tL .tH slR .t | |rlff ,91 bl ,bl $lB,l lEl l$l,l*1,d rrr I r+r rr+r I r+l !l zl et FI <l >l tul dti blB <15 tutF il rJ'ril r$ *l r-l rJ+ r'helr r!'t *l r*l r'J+ r 9l t$l || r+l {l .l Hu},d g \ .r r | | | r I t g l} r rel trj rrl rl1+ r*lq rglq r Flqfu qr ,l 9l ,lFl, lfNlCIlS,lU AgUl) zo90# utfoud 199 r8 0l ']lv DNntJ.Lsr rD\.nt^'ltv'l )troi€'8€r fol ovol :1901'Df,ou I tz z',-b' , -T t n I 5 ,,-ttn'b,-t' i fl I lo'4'9'-4'4'4' 7'-{' 2090# Dlfoud r99 t9 of, '.llvn 9N|lrJ lst l5\nll^ llv 'l )lo'18 '8€| rol ovol :I9(I]'Df,ou I rz lfNlcllslu Agul)!l F TL ei o o ol z c t-- ti_ r ___[ IU t-- l.|) TU q sl ol tl otl FI [-l $ol at F IL ei o \t il6 tu J o o o F F o z )r F !- ei o to FI tLl dl ol tol ({}l H r|-l q ,fl r-l r-l I bl lt .-Nl!.. Ftul r+l ll bt +t. $l l$l$+r r# I YI ol Fl I 'Q' _l bl 6l ol r+ Oll \l TI F '$'i E:t 5- F u- d o t* 6) zo90# n:lfoud r59rs of, 'ltv 9NtlH lsr tD\fltr lNA 'l )|f,Olg 'S€ r lo'l ovox t5o;luf,ou rtz rfNlctsru Agul) tr J il E 1 d 6 o J IL I p o rrtrltHttY !..* !--!- lf,X:l ld N]lZIIUJ z0e0# rf:ltotd ls9 ts of, 'l|v^ 9Nt' l lsr l9\fl'lt^- VA 'l )fo'tg '8€ I lol ovou lSclDlol llz ]fN]CIS]U ABUI) tr J il I o S z d v o o J IL I =p o b _l tl N a (r} ui J r) ul o c{ m .rt rt ' .',Sl ' .j,a ' Pall ' Pg e,, 2090# l_lltotd 199r8 of, '' VA gNnH $r t9\nt|Al|YA'l )fots '8€r lo'l cvou :lDo:lDfod r tz .lfN=lClSlU ABUI) T]NI SJ t-l | | .zl t> {l ti dl l<( -il I =- ---r I tl z J IL v o o J IL J tu lu J z o s w o o o l"-l a -ta tg: z J L v_o o J TL v tu L tL f 2090# tll(oud l59lg of ''ltv^ 9Nt'Ii lst tSvtlt^'trv^'r )lols '8tr 1()r ovou :l9olt)tf,ou I tz .lfN.lClSlU ABUI) ll N e (o ui J o o rt oafd ACTIOIII FSRM Delar$n€nt of Community Development 75 Ssuth Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tet: 970.47S.2139 tax:., 97A.479.2452 web: wwvr.vailgov-corn ? Design Review B ' a"' IUilltffIIfit Project Name: METHER RESIDENCE Proiect DescripUon: Participants: FINAL APPROVAL FOR AN ADDmON OF GRFA (BEDROOMS & DINING ROOM) DRB Number: DR8070114 0312612007 Phone: 970-925-5099 owNER METHER FAMILY 1992 TRUST 031261200V 9 W 57TH ST 4200 NEWYORK NY 10019 APPUCANT BETH LEVINE, ARCHITECT P.O. BOX 1825 AVPM co 81620 License: C000001399 ARCHITECT BETH LEVINE, ARCHITECT ProJect Address: Legal Descripdon: Parcel Number: Comments: 031261?.007 Phone: 970-925-5099 P.O. BOX 182s AVPM co 81620 License: C000001399 227 ROCKLEDGE RDVAIL LOCAIiON: 227 ROCKLEDGE RD Lot: 13 Block 7 SubdMsion: VAILVIUAGE FIUNG 1 2101-071-1502-9 Motion By: Second By: VoE: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Apprcvalz 04/042007 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB apprwal does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction actfuities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date I or nn"r uppro?r, unless a building permit is issued and #uo,on is commenced I and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effedive date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subJect to the pending employee housing regulations ln whatever form they are finally adopted; prwided, howwer, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April L5,2007, this Ordinance shall not apply to such dwelopment applications. Plannen Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paad: $3OO.OO I . f,rr \r|',:t NWWY/.I' ,ffiMEffi"*nr9tat Effln eHnrl- rrn*n { # I.rE 3r r- rn rI -!d rE Ertf = rat ilf IEt- .5 *ts tr r&rtl rffittll tr ar *f H E, I rqd, r #r b Hn H ffi E rs rt t r||-rHh rrfff tr rr mrt h$d osi,,ft #;&r-tl E m,H' tl th 6.d sh tH d lhffirrhrl !*rt=- ts 5r rq trrf H J ct*-*r riJS- rotrdhFord uq-I2-n*J_ ffi/E-zz1 rrrrn; Ztbl -o,1tt. €o?1 mcdlo.ffr3tJo.CtrrtrrdtD! 7*, tE({dh{.D ?qall Fac.It"-n or{rD{rb{rF InotftilarG va-hilnc-l,^e, Hhrlltr- Fa ra*z bzD tl,r k*J .u$, fr Er|llpqniccltif r,r5h ffi ilcEtittrrrcfilaan'lrtt S turr Gr rft *r tqt | fl nrt 'lffl c rilrd 5r, OrdG f$ ilbr f t'IF ulfl #lD bffdrgrb5tfar-Fa-t,-rt J||q,dtDtr-|'Hf,.fcdifl|lIl *rrl,g -rffifufubh&tlltlFoG$t ruofiT ffrtf, *tur&, fsdb-ffi ttE S bG,tubFrfftfudwfltft'iac|bD*f,hEEl bE EtqBlzoo$ tr:t8 rtr SOOZtooz q.zf u.n,(I, o v o \-q at vv,6r lrillt- [pdffi tr st|E tl Mrrn - c},| nrffiulbr \F.-ffil I 'c| }lfrhihr (nta@. O terhiltbl zt Le.u,Lq ,fttt* I .'i i 1ri r, ir I t r ti q., J t , ,rl i .4* Jl fu" ,-i f i'*'l*****'i{.**l*********+*****************f,*f***l******++*rl.*************:}:1.++****+t*****{'*'l**** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Nurnber: Ro7oO0035? Anount: $300.00 03/26/2oo703:17 PM Payment Method: check Init: 'JS Not.ation: 2745/P.ET H ITS\ll[NE Permit No: DR8070114 T14>e: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2LOL- O'l L- L5O2 -9 Site Address: 227 ROCICIJEDGE RD \TAIL Location: 227 ROCKLADGE RD Total Fee6: $300.00 ThlE Payment: $300.00 TotsaI ALL Ptnts: $300.00 Balance: $0.00 +++++**++{***++++++t**+*'s****************'}+t+*f*******+*'}**+t*****************+****{'*+***t+* ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DeEcription Current Pmta DR OOXOOOO3TT22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 300.00 f u.iJ1 tu'tr" Zn l/-ar*lz-o:'' ..*- lF€----u* tn{tll an W=. Eaaf Elowftc,t-,. st$ +{x *$Lg (- \ N t) t{' !: ra Febnrry | 5, zffi[ RAETIIER SITE COVERAGE CALCI.]I-ATION Allowable Site C-over4ge: 2W/ox21,876 sq.ft = d375 sq.ft. Existing Site Coverags: 13 A: 1807 sq.ft" 13 B:2189 sq.ft page2J2 RAETHER REMODEL REQUESTED AREAS: 133,sq.ft GRIA tXrq.ff- SircCowrage ,/\ 40K Remaining Site C-overagt: r ,.f PV Beth Levine Architect Inc. P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (nqe264w3(P) Q7qn62993 (F) March 25,2007 TownofVail Community flevelopme,nt 75 SordhFrontageRoad Vail, CO E1657 RE:.227 RocHdgeRoad Lot l3A, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing To Whom It May Concern: I m submittal a small addition for the Raether Residence on 227 Rockledge Road The projegt has aheady been ryprcved for site modifications to the drivcway, and deck areas. Thu+ I m submifiingtheproject as both'Change to 4prroved plans" and *Addition' because oftbe added squae footage. The ryproved DRB ryplicdion is: DRB 060320. Mr. Raether is slvseftst ihis applic*im will be his one time ryplicAion fm GRFA under 500 sq.ft without re,placing fte roof wilh Class A no wood s"kes ps the lew ordinanc€ 3, series of 2OVI. Tbe prroject has an existing EHU, so, 6e project akeady qualifies fcthe EHU credirs. I have inchded the following items for the submifral: l. New DRB Addition 4plicdion- 2- Join Pro,perty Ourler Wrifien Appmval t"etkr. 3. Copy ofthe DRB 060320 approval 4. Ar€a and site cov€nagp calculcions for tte Raether property, 2-15{7; with drawirys showing tb arpa and sie coverage calculdion 2-t47. 5. C,opy of thc Joint Properfy Ocmffs area ed site coverage calculations witr BLA drawings showing tbc sitc coveragc calsuldion 2-t47. 6. Additioml photogrAhs. 7. (3) sets of propoaed a&ition, (1) with tre aea red ma'ted. AII of tbe site documeffi w€,rc approved wilh tfo driveway and patio approvat Thank you forttc revi€w ofthis ptojecl incerclv.2a /44 6"-hI-dl -l o z n -r'1 F C.opy: Panl Rasth€r 82/2 s. - FogEdirFFFmtciddtl idqF*st d"; ata,}/.i"t q. bdrr drb b te#qfue b tou -,/- ' . r -t ,/ a . r t& fit aJfr qrffis-dry-E t& b tlt fis oa 0r gi'gtilE ci& pw b cw ffia fr, tiz M # # sd ,q,t,Frc. 'frL- . @afihEn r. rr?r Department of Community Deyelopnent 75 South Fmntage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 EU{ 970-479-2452 wrmtvailgou,com ArgustS, AnG Ms. Beth Levine Beth Lwine Architect lrp PO Box 1825 Avon, GO 81@0 (fax) S70.sa6.2993 Rs RaetherReeidence z27_Rockledge Road/Lot i3, Block 7. VailVillage ld Filhg DRB06{t320 Dear Beth, Congrafridons on lhe unanimous apgovd yeebrday, bythe Deign Revieuv Board, of a proposal b radeeign oe parking asa' dgt, reFlnins nie, ano iis,iuaeo laitscatnfirre rrererericeo aooress. rne Boad apgrrued tn propcd wl0r tretuilnrving condiitin: t Prior to issarca d a Tempotary Ceftfrcab d Oeupancy fiom the Twn d.Vail, aE awtfunt shatl ' plart,orp fa'*r s,nuoe tt*,n orooooo,d at flB pr,petty anier u M6am sfie di$;;requtremenb- Tln l g' foF/t qruc€ shdt rcmiin bs inattw (2) 12 - l 4l-$,ruG,s at t.EwEsfBm prryrtynrc. I have endosedtre approval formneeded for-),ou to submit !,our buildlng permil pleaee cafi with any remaining qu€stions or concqns. Thank pu for your patience In wtrat iinot ahrv,ayr a simpe oesen'narcnv prOCesS. ,, 1 --2 970.479.24il erdosure {pu"r.uooru BlltrrrroEtEltFt.'tt Design Rwiew Boad ACTIOII FORlil D€parfn€nt of Cotn|lu|Itty D3|reheil€||t 75 South FrurWs Roed, lrbil. Cohrado gt657 td:97|l..l79.Zl39 fu:9m.4zt.Za52 web: ww.vaiftrw.coltr Pndd[atre: RAEIHERWAUDRII/EWAy Prqfect Dc.lpdotr: ORAltrmtcr: DRBG0320 9 W 5TTH ST4200 NEWYORK r{Y 10019 APruCAI{T BETH I.EVINE, ARCHIIECT P.O. BOX 1825 AVP!,I @ 81620 llertss qXXnOilIB ARCHTTECT BETH TEI/INE, ARCHITECT 9,12412ffi Phor: 9nt46{09!I P.O. BOX 1825 AI/PM . @ 81620 LiE lse: qxxxnt3gg @ectrdtcce 227RoOq..EDtrRDVAIL t'odffi z27R@CEDGERD tegnl Dccoifian: Lots 1it dodr: 7 Sfrdrfirbn: VNIVIIIAGE FtUt{c 1 ffitumben 2101ry1-1502€ Gommsrts: seeonditirn FIML AAOVAL TO REEIJII.D AilD MA'{D THE EqSNilG Vrc@ElI RETAIilIT{G WAII; REBI ILD THE NORT}I DEq( b add sbne po6ts; dd neil larOseping abg vr€#rn pmpefty line (see dam for all specs), Paltdpants: ou,ritER MEfiER mrqfr_i rigzrnusr o7p4t2w gil24l2W Pttqe: 97O92G50!D BO RD/SrrAFFAGTtOtl lloEon ry SondnVl VG: Gonrf,tions: Fitrlen DonYdrd 5+{} ACOon: APPROVED DabofApponlz 6,IOAZ(ffi Cord:8 (PLiN): No drar€es b ttrese phns may be made wlutorrt tre writtrn onsent of Town of Vail sffi andlor the apprcpriab ranlerv ommlttee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB apprwal does not @nstiurE a permft br bullding. please onsllt wlth Town dVail Buildirg pemonnel prbrb corrtructon aAUUes, Condr 201 DRB appunl shall not beome valid br 20 days Hlovulrp tre dab of approval. Oond: Al2 nppoal d tfib.project $dr lapce and beorre rnrd orc (r) year brhiltrg the dab d tud appwar, unress a hdrdrtg pennr b rsrcd and ciriiuon r 6gnrnen636 and b dillgedy nrsned torrard cnpledon. Cord: @t$008325 Prb[ to lssuatc d.a T€mprary Oerufrcate d Ocarpancy fronr ttre Town of Vall, the apdhant $all plant one frrcr spr,re stan propceh at frre FoEV @rner b a@rnmodaE dtedbtane rcqurrenrants. rte ig fuotsprd crE||;ernarn 6$dl tlrc (2) t2- 14, sprues atthe r@m prcper$ ftn. Plenncr: DRBFeePaftl: szo.ot a Beth Levine Architect Inc. P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (nqv264993(P) (e70)e26-2W2(F) Mr. Paul Raether Kohlberg Kravis, Roberts & C.o. 9 West 57 Street NewYorlq NewYork 10019 RE:227 RockledgeRoad. Vail, CO 81657 Lot l3Ae Block 7, Vail Village l$ filing Parcel Number: 2l0l07 | | 5029 TOWN OF VAIL AREA CAI,CTJI,ATIONS: LOT 13, conpising lots, 13A and l3B Znning:ninrylSeqmnary Total Areaoflot 13: 21,876 sq.ft. (as per Dreiref Bfl€ll & Co. Suney dared: 10''27-1981) GRFACAI-,ICLILATION: AllowableGRFA: 10,(XX) x .46 = 46fi) sq.ft- 5,(XX) x .38 = 19fi) sq.ft 6,876x -13 = 894 Total =F94 sq.ft. Dishibution: 13 A(4P/o) = 2,958 sq.ft. 13 B (600/o) = a'436 sq.ft- Existing 13 AGRFA: 2223 sq.ft.. Guage:519 sq.ft (600 sq,ft. allowed) EHU: Type tr: 519 sq.ft (550 sq-ft. allourcd) Renaining GRFA for 13 A : 2,958-2223435 sq.ft February t5,2W7 Lyru' Fritzlen, AlA, Arthitcd Wlllrm F. Pit.r|:e- AR hik,r j Tyron Dcardufi Dire( tor of AK:hiledure K thr Hcilinga, Oiiice Nlanng('r FRITZLEN pI RCT ARCH ITECTS vAtt, cotoR Do Io: Attn: Fmm: Re: CC: Atbched Please Find: Progress Prinb Soecifications Plans Shoo Dnwins x Odrer The ltems Usted AboveAre: For Rwierv and Comments x For Your Use .As Requesed -Returned After Rwiew Other Remrts: 1650 East vail Vhlley Drive, Falhid$e C.1, Vaif , Cck'radtr fl1{r57 r P: 970.476.(rlJ4l F: 97ij.47t..+9t)1 F' ink '@irila(hrtlr t5.coln wrq*,.vailartJri ter-ts,rrrm Docuolenll TETTER OF TRANSMITTAT Date:Wednesday, February 1 4, 20fl7 Beth Lwine Architect Inc. Daniel Keel Kirby Residence - GRFA Calc Item No.No. ofCopies Description 1 1 GRFA Calc for Kifuy Residene as submitted b TOV 'I Lyno F bfen, A{A, Architect William F. Pierce, Architect Xathy Heslinga, Busineis Manager Existine CRFA CredlB r Belol Grade *. Grage Total GRFA Credits FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS VAIL,@IO&iDO Kirby Residence Plqed *0602 - GRFA Cakuhrbn Parcel # 2101071 2fiDl Phrrsical Addres: 217 Rodl@e Road Vail. CO 81657 Legal Address: Lot 138, Block 7, Vail Vilhge 1i Filing Zoning: Primary/ Secondary : Total fuea of Lot 13 findud€i .[ 3 oan€k)' 21,876\. FL 6s per Druel, Eandl & Co.9tryet datd: 10.27.1981) Allowable Site Coverage tndudes aI 3 oa'cek) 2046x21,876!' Ft = 4,375 &. FL Existing CRFA . Crornd Floor 1697 Sq. Ft . lvlain Floor 2189 Sq- Ft . Upper Floor 865 Sq. Fr . Sauna/ Wine Rm 29f 5q. FL Tdal Exlsdng GRrA 5,0.f2 Sq. ft 5,042 Sq. FL Ootat ExiningcRFAr_ 1,134 E. RfforatcRF^GEdtu)k&2ggg.&/ Allowable GRFA tfo? td 13 - incirdes a[ 3 mceb) 1Q000 x .a5 = a6O0 Sq. Fr 5,fi)0 x .38 = 19m Sq. Ft- 6,876x .13 = 89a Sq. FL ' Tdaf = 7,3':t44.Fa Allowable Area for Lot 138 orz noudedse Roedl 7,394 Sq. Ftxffi6 = 4,a36 Sq. ft tA nFL 6ce attadrcdp4e hr daaild arll;tipiotr) 6,00 Sq. FL 1,13it Sq. Ft t5b ffi 1650 East Vail,Valley Orive,. Fallridge C-1. ., Vdil, Colorado 81657 P: 970.476-6342 F:970.47b.4901 E: i nf.r@vailarchitecb.com www-vaila.chi tecls.com +r-'**^:€9zl- Kirb Residence TdlErkdruLourtrvrtliqrnFoffi 9|16 To|J Vbrdcd Wd Sqrm Fofu {sge #6d dqr*n 6he*) (ail rqrd bot{es go nobd fronr left to tigt* core€Pondttg wih the elevation) East Noft Wcsil TdYertlcC Wr[ Srnsr Fodam BdaGr* (see daced elevdirnshe€tE) (ai sqrate botages ae nobd torr H to ti;t'tt conuopmdng Yrih tho elet afion) East Noft Wost 160 55 txt 0 0 o 21 78 't5 il{l 0 0 GRFAcdoJfior 2 56 27 52 0 Addldon lGRFAfiomLL KIRBY RESIDENCE 21' rCrrEGt rtl\D ulr r3r, rtcxK z v^r.t,!.l^cE rsT naE v L@oe', tnoFcr rrdo m o o rTs 'il$ ilt E t 5 Hffi KIRBY RESIDENCE lof r!r, |.ocx 7. Y &ttr^cE lglt*trc vrl.(Ital6t 'loEra@ o o $Ts ,ilI E & 5 HB o o *f,i $ll =tlt H il[ il5 ilf, -10 r z MH KIRBY RESIDENCE atrrffrtnoro ror r!a, *ocrz v lr,lircc rst tltt vrl. ct 1166., #rrad KIRBY RESIDENCE '|' r(ET,ECt TOAD utT 1!a, trtrl 7, v rrrurc! tsr tlrc vl|, Gtt lilgt tloEf rrcm o o o o MH KIRBY RESIDENCE ?ltrEu9GEOO utr 13|,ucr7,v !.!tl^cE lsT nDE vt|, cotLSt tloFcrJe l- &r * r r* r,.J,rt rf.l t? I it I rt tlli& '.: -.-., i. i ^tl: -:,, i',, -: -.i ii L .!-i i'i'i..i=i'i'i-i'i: fr ffi.------l wl', I lr I i !..i-€ r ffiFst hffi . FffiI :.:-.:::::- Effi ,,tu\'e\qt$$t 't#-E I I i-:. t I t l\- ' :,: l-' r-_- i i.l r-T :::n rll ii { .l E E IT KIRBY RESIDENCE ra't 1l Irlzvtlnl^c: rtrtl|G YX.(Dlllg troErrrE KIRBY RESIDENCE 2|'TTN.fiEND utf r, i.cf zvrrlnuaE tsrcuG ul oona67 Grr@ !l o I ia t:' ?a * * rl* l* ll*lltl rtJ tr? tr lr* it.'ir n r. i.. il F F. F .rtr il . . ir tl Q,,ih r r.1,, rl, ri /lr r?' t r?L ttt t t! dr !\" L'J | ',-;rt r"r. ''i, it'r in.lq p F tr ti tt E liiliiii F -:" ; i-;i-, i"S' tr'?rr?*lrlr* F *_ Eiet h!'j i 1,.:- i-li! t! ' ti ir!-A'r'+ei i. l. l'l'r r-!-l'l- h 6 { d EH tl KIRBY RESIDENCE trtlmnfff txD LOtlr!. ndtzY f f,.lr6E $rtrtG vr\ (Illr6t rrcF'E 7 -l -{o :i' t- rE KIRBY RESIDENCE rrr raxngEE go 1o1 1r8. r(r 7. ta!.Yur6t lsf EfE vrr, aDn.lit rlEf'E ffi {s \ s \n s F .t s C .T tO ^N $r h .!C li! *IE S\s fuagg ilga &I NF tE" 'fl-e ril s\| t\t ''1 r\ $$ I ) q \tr $ \J s0 $ l< {€+e *$ te\+ $qffi o \ $ * \ sQ \\\ "1\ I t I \ \l tl\\ $\h r- \ -n i:l ) \1.ilI $$ s \s { J \ ,$ + $tk $$ $i J j t i I L \$s\$+t$ $r D t rJ) \n qEo{'0-t- s t' A -4,$\ --t $t 3h $Ii* \S\^rr*ifr u \r" I !i. \, ,.s \d $ .lL k s tr €e <'?5 ,rrS a t, -* 3qL s $ I t\ \t' ? {.0. }] I $ N I|[Il b cl \-) Ba arE O \-', \, $g$s ;O.AG ^Qa$s I grr t $$p & *:$r rn l-/t -t gl \f \n l\ _$ o\$:. \$ isl rit su$$.sl *l Jlf $t $ <C b $ qft f.[N N ltfl rf|{a $$f la dq€ Sgq- f.is$ $[ Ee nfli O, \./ \/ nB$$ I8"* $ E€IT fl$g $a$ uT $$ $$ $$ Su t I , a +:- Date: q/z/m Legal description: Zone Check '"ffi#''o-&0-J ' Lot ti Address Z owner ka.cilr,r Architect ?*-+l Louit{. Phone Phone qe/- q?91 Proposed +5 Total 1fr? Remainino TotalGRFA Site Coverage Height Setbacks Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Driveway ZtD?/ ?O7 20' 1s', 't5' 133 Yr (hr*.. w Atnt c v ckl. % Proposed Slope os cJqe olo Minimum Required 3' t6' Yes nr a4' No Yes no zlz^rr, No 1) Percent Slope (< > 30%) N/A Floodplain Wetlands Water Course Setback (30) (50) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) RocKall c) Debris Flow I Previous conditions of approval (check property file): a"/4 ls the Property non-conforming? Describe: 2) 3) 4) 5) Proposed use uryltv Buildable area Existino Pri4qry_pRFA +{de5F.ff+E RFA +W ?,q€8 ??zz t33 15 w -k? {?6 D'6eE1hi tl q.t7{ 3,19( + ,,L 4f = (30) (33) Front Sides Rear Allowed -7,*/ &tn 4. rob (3oo)dD(eoo) (1200) Permitted Slope Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Are finished grades less than 2:1 (50o/o) Environ mental/Hazards --. I Design Review Checklist Project: tr SURVEY tr SITE PLAN Scale Legal description Lot Size Buildable Area Easements Topography 100 yr. flood plain Water Course Setback Environmental Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot elevations Scale Building Height Encroachments Setbacks Eaves / Overhangs (4") Decks / Balconies Garage connection Site Grade / Slope Retaining Walls Fences Parking / Garage Turning Radius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage Fire Access tr BUILDING ELEVATIONS Scale tr FLOORPLANS tr LANDSCAPE PLAN tr MISCELLANEOUS Scale GRFA 250 additionalGRFA Crawl / Attic Space EHU Color / Materials Roof Pitch Existing trees ' Proposed trees Condo Approval Title report (A&B) Utility verifi cation form Photos of site Building material samples C.O. Verification Sun / Shade Angles Utilities (underground) View Corridors Variances Plat restrictions -.t Design Review Bo ard ACTtrOT{ FOF,III DeparhTent of Community Development 75 Sauth Froltage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 tsf: 970.479.2139 fax,:. 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project l{ame: METHER REMODEL Project Description: Participants: Proiect Address: 227 ROCKLEDGE RD Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: 061 L312006 Phone: 970-926-5099 DRB Number: DRB060227 FNAL APPROVAL TO REBUILD AND DGAND fiE FXISTING WOODEN RETAINING WALL; REBUITD THE NORTH DECK. OWNER METHER FAMILY 1992 TRUST O6IL3I2OO6 9 W 57TH ST 42OO NEW YORK NY 10019 APPUCANT BETH LEVINE, ARCHITECT P,O. BOX 1825 AVPM co 81620 License: C000001399 ARCHfiECT BETH LEVINE, ARCHITECT 0611312006 Phone: 970-926-5099 P.O. BOX 1825 AVPM co 81620 License: C000001399 227 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL LocaUon: l.ot: 13 Block: 7 Subdivision: VAIL ULLAGE RUNG 1 2101-071-1502-9 same scope approved under DRB060320 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: WTHDRWN Conditionsr Cond:200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel -t{" .r Lfaro(;ft4c6t t t --,oti7,oth7 Ilesign Review Board ACTIOT{ fORM Department of Commsnaty Development 75 South Ffontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailEov.cofn fi)st{tr C{:d,tfi-eql} 6lGLCS*rl{fi? PToJect.{ame: RAETHER WALVDRIVEWAY Proiect Description: Participants! APPUCANT BETH LEVINE, ARCHITECT P.O. BOX 1825 AVPM co 81620 License: C000001399 ARCHilECT BETH LEVINE, ARCHITECT Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: owNER METHER FAMTLY 1992 TRUST 07/2412006 9 W 57TH ST 4200 NEW YORK NY 10019 DRBNumber: DR8060320 07 12412006 Phone: 970-926-5099 RNAL APROVAL TO REBUILD AND EXPAND THE DGSTING WOODEN RETAINING WALL; REBUILD fiE NORTH DECK to add stone posts; add new landscaping along western property line (see plans for all specs). 07 | 24 | 2006 Phone: 970-926-5099 P.O. BOX 1825 AVPM co 81620 Licnse: C000001399 227 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Location: 227 ROCKLEDGE RD Lot: 13 Block 7 Subdivisionr VAIL VILI-AGE FIUNG 1 2101-071-1502-9 see condiUon BOART'/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Voh: Conditlons: Fritrlen Dorward 5-0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval= O8l02l2N6 Cond:8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review ommittee(s). Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constihrte a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. '\r cond:zozl t . 'l Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and @nstruction is commenc€d and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008325 Prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy from the Town of Vail, the applicant shall plant one Gwer spruce than proposed at the property comer to accommodate site distance requiremenb. The 18'foot spruce shall remain as shall two (2) L2 - 14'spruces at the western property line. Planner:DRB Fee Paid: l2O.0O T"J . tt. Wre OrH 6 o T'o tltt N o HnrAorrtrtsozn * HIJffiD lSF orrt0 Ir.tlt tsE ffiIr rdffi I!p-rff-fr {td llftFFEclIlbr EIF ..tdr o rrhlSl Effi t DT JT g 3'O FEh 'JE-EEC-I V-rr-rt /-rw cloEr#b E ',:E=ffirr--le =EEffilID ---=-G- *.8 o Eg,':F5i!]Es--r *G 3! :'rdbD ' rE [qeJa {Z-s EL D?.Boco3eo ','t, ,, 'rf '+t' i. ';r (' f, Conepfird Reuiew Apdicaton fior Desbn Rsryhut Oeptnent d@rnrrry Da,gFr't 75 Sodr f?orfe M, \,b1, cobr& 816t/ w, gm.Inzr;B w, E i4r!t2152 r*b:rww.rdgw.gr o o f'. ii t*.y''' ta, L,t { .,. t 06- t 2-06:02:05PM; 't desfpUon) !qt|r FrrffTowlllR ffifTEilAD'IOVTLEIT4 '+t p.oytborbh€su,tftDr apFoEld$e l*f 'b' l€'-PQ" "' 1 (, r I I I a roht ott{s d Fqsty locbd lt (d.fGrbgal t(prtr bcen g|bnud b t! Tryn d r'I cmrnuay hdoFrefi Dcp6ttnat6r tle rqd hgot €ft:tls bbe qnplcErat Ucartfcs rmd.btl'I wd€lEErttfet ttre poped fryoctl*|G fddc: h!F3d{/l2 E,o{ -.-. '- " " '' ' ':+)tz:r#-' *'-- -- '' '-' ' .-- gd06@-9?6{z3eq'slqF8a',!il8oqtzlunf 08/0712008 12: l8 FA,( 'l .'-c KXB IA0o2t010 tand Titlo Suerantse Gompeny cuslomEl DfcTlDurlot hcl fGZ,f999 koprrtyAddre: II)T I'A BIJ( 7 VAIL VIIJ.ACB IST FI.(i lr^lsEss€ADtatts lt^LE TAIA zlr llDgErir. v &co rtst /rE ttn8lAtD{tt8 Dloa: 9lG{?6laj0 Frr: glGat6.tltt lcot Vb Corrbrl' Orordtlfrdcr= u2671tl lxEflao. MAGTEL AIlrD DAvtD F. XAC ttr-rtst l9r snEEr ED$DAI&IL Ot2t DtoD: tt30{tt{6'6 s.lrvl Ul 16l tttvle Fe zrr,1*ztat s*'u#mlffHl I4ND frnt drln^lftE cotfPAlfy lOtt,EOt{ll|(EID.w.rE P.O.Eff3yt vALGO tr66t /ln! v.lletcfttomrp, Mt ftil, tfi-F Fl*: Jl01l&t,5l F.* ,tlJ-47c4,iin O8/O7l2o0e 12:18 FAI XKB o 003/0r0 t.8ato '- CTIRD: J.t-75 CEICAGO TITLE INSUN,AilCE COIIPANY GOrmTrrEl|T FOB llTll tttuiAlrcI clllcAco ltrlj nsuRAtcE @rPAllY, r ccpcrdo of nboud, h.r!b cdlcd rhc corprry, fc r vrluruc cilri&ndo. hrtrlby cqudts to kro lE pdct s pdkcr of dil. In!|r|6c., r lcrourl tl scb&rb A. b frvor or er propord lulrd aod b g6c&b A s efrt or EattlF of,rbr crtrr c iltctc* corocd f,onty b 6r tod dodDcd c ni|Ird roh &tr&tr A, opc prynmioltr preto,6d chrErr thcrcfot ; dl tobftgl to ilrc prorldcn of Sdrh A url E ant ro rlo ioldonr nO S{8nlhtor lonof. Thb ccmltnat drdl bc clhcdw olt dla t idcnfiry of rhl progacd t[sred rod tb rmqrar of tbe pdcy or gdHoc crdrcd for hrru bcco rnrrtd h gchr&& Aie'lof tt rhc cqray. crda rr dro rhc of fto irurocc of thb Ccrmtltn.lt d by $trt!|rot rtrdorr.rmt , Ihlr CGlr6G.r B prl[rdnry to fr. ir|rc. of rl po&y c adlda of rl& hnrrc rod d llrullry ud oDftrticu hrran& rtell ecrc eld tqninrE rir nubr rfa rfc cftcftD d.A t36?of or rrioo 161 pOni or pdlda cmdttGd fu *rll_ire*, r&lrlowr fd oecl, gwldcd rn.r tc fitr1r !o kg! |uch pdicy ;pdidlr b nor rh! fult of rbl cclpray. fttr ctndbrrt ar! nor bc rrsd q Hdtlt rao cona*pci ty m udortcd of0orr or trlt" - rN srT}{EsE tyllEREroF, drocoprry !r cupd rtir cmor:aor ro L d!!ld rd rl&d, ro b.Gh!rrld !fr- ccrotalnod !y a nrthcan o&a c q;nr d rb Cry, I n iG iltn tE t .Irrr.fhbcqttrrdln[t [Gtfcc6|r |' of 6. rtra SorabtgfioGrbIrr.EftctttlDtr.. L/\ND TITLA GUABAilTEE COUPANY 10t S. Ftoutags Bd. f., Sults 203 P.O. Box 357 Voll, Colondo ElOlE (nq 478-2251 FAX (970) t78-t58{ cl[cAGO TInE |t{'Unarftb clnoAlrfv P{e ty;7A-^"rrtW eu6cizrdOflEE@i 08/07/2008 12:18 FrX xrB E oo./0 | 0 l.and Title Guarantes Comprny YOUR COTTACTS D.tG l$zl-1999 PropatyAildrul: L(rI I3AELK? VAILUIIi\GE ISTFI.G Auyrr/Borrorrrr: PAI'LBRAENIEN Sdlcr/On:r: EREIIDA C. M g NEIL AI{D DAVID F. M.AC NEN, Or(&Ndcr: Ulfi1n If ym hrrc ray iaqdrk or rqfln fudDrr rrrtarlcC plcr* codrd c of tb arubrrr bdor: lorCtodryAituc: Y.X CtqtrtGrc[pr MibMoec, XraUcr 106 s- FRoNTA(E nD. W. tm3 P.o. BoX 357 VAIL, CO il657 ?MF:n04?Gt2Sl Frc: nO47&4J34 EclilbAd*rc: Vrtrlltl.Dcpa|IK lOE S. FRONTACE RD. w' il:AO3 P-o. BOX 357 VAIL. CO E1657 Ptuz 9M75.XE\Fg: 9|tl,{?G45:14 EsTrtrrTE 0F ITI| E ftts Arlr Omlrr Policy lGlT-9z fidsuc Rrc)frrX4sl 52. '3e Et5 00 00 TOTAI az.t53.oo TnANKtUUtrOBYolnmDrt 08/07/2008 12:18 FhX 'l xxR 6 oo5l010 Chiogo Tirb lunruc: Corpat ALTA COMM ITMENT 0rrOrihrNc. VtSl4Yl Cd.Rcf.:Sch.dd.A kopsryAddru* LOT I3A BI.x ? VAIL VITJACB IST I[,G l. Efi.trclH.: OctotcroS, 1999il5$0P.M. 2. DoBct to bc Irastr rd lbopof Imcd: 'ALTA' o.s's Ponb lo!fl -gl PnoOoredlmst PAI'LE. NAETHBR $.0m,000.m 3, Ths :lrtc or llta'ttt b tb H dcslH r rrf*nd ao h fib Coonituat ud rwcd lrrdn lr: AFcG$ry!€ 4. Tlth 30 tlc Grtrb or lafersf cward hgdl b rf &c d?acttro Jetc fr:rrof, rn{cd ln: 8REIIDA G. MAC NEIL AIID DAVTD F. MAC NEIL 5. Tbc lrDd ttfrrfld to h tttr Cocdtnnt b rllscdbcd G follors: I.gT I3A, A RESI'BDIVISION OF I.OT 13, BT,OCK 7, VAIL VILIACE FINST FILING, ACCOIDINC TO TITE PI.AT IFC{TRDED ruNE 25, t99O IN EOOK 5:N AT PAGE r99, SOI'NTY OF EAGI5, STATE OF COII}NADO. 08107/2008 12:18 FAX xxR G 008/010 t. ALTA COMMITMENT Sctc&tc B'Sction I Gcq&cacd) fhc folorrag rrc thc rrqnffis to bc oqficd wlih: OrrOrd:rNo. VISrgn Iro (a) PrtEB F otr br 6t &csl[' of 6e Flur u !!at]|rSglt of tlc fult coaddcntim fsr tc csnc or iccrcsr to bc lasusd. Ico O) Prqct iastnacor(r) caerl4 rhc csotc os bElrt o D? ilarcdEurtbccodul tfuIy Adfurccos( 3o-wit: Irrl (c) P.yotor of rtl irrrr, drtils or rrrorod &yid rd $$trtt ttrhtf &c aDjc*proLcr ntlAuc & |ltdprFbts. Ianl (O Additioorl lqpl$ocils, if ray d&clortl tdoo: RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DAtrED MARCII 3I, T997, FROM DAVID F. MACNBIL AT{D BRENDA G. MACNETLTO TITE PI'ELIC TRUSTES OF EAGLE COT,'NTT FOR TIIE USE OP IIINSDALE EAlilK iL nUST CO. TO SECIInB mE SUM OF 92,025,0@-m RECORDBD APruL 09, I9Y'. IN B(DI3 NiI AT PACE 5I8. EVIDENCE SATISFASTOIY TO TIIE COMPA{Y TTIAT THE TER}IS. COIIDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF TIIE TOWI{ OF VAIL TRAM'F8R TAX HAI'E BEEN SATISFIED. WARNANTY DEED FR(n{ ENENDA O. MAC NEIL AI{D DAVID F. MAC NFIL TO PAT'L E. RAET}IER CONVEYINO ST'BJBCT PROPERTY. NOTE: fTsMS l-3 OFTHE OENBAL EXCEFIIONS WILL EE DELETD FROM IIIE OWIIER'S POLICY T'|P(,tt| RECEIPT OF A SURVEY AFFIDAVIT STATING THAT NO IMPROVEMEhfNS HAVB SEEN MADE SINCB 'A}TUARY 23. I9!'1, UPON THE APPROYAL OF TIIE COMPAIIY Ar{D TIIB RSCEIPT OF A NOTAruZEI' FINALLIEN AFFIDAVTT. ITEM NO. 4 OF TIIE @NERAL EXCEPTIONS WIII BE AMEIIDED AS FOII.oTI/S: ITEM NO. 4 OFTI{E 6B{ERAL ETCEPTIONS IS DELETD AS TO A}IY IJENS OR FUTUN.E LTENS REST'LTINO FNOM WONT OR MATENTAL FUNNISIIED AT flfE NEQUEST OF BREIrDA G, T,'AC NEIL A}JD DAVID F. MAC NEtrL. c}llcA@ Trn,E NsttRAt{cE coMPAI.rY sHAIr trAvE l.to uAE rJTy FoR AIyy LIENS ARTSING TNOM WORK OR MATEIIAL FT'NMSHED AT T'IE REQUEST OF PAI'L E. RAETHET. NOrE: ITEM 5 OF TIIE (ENEnnL EXCEPTIONS wu.L BE DEttrED tF r.AND TITtt RECORDS THE DOCT'MEMTS NEQUIRED T'NDER, SCHEDI,'I^E B.I. ItgrE: uPoN PRff)F oF PAYME$T oF ALL TAxEs, rEM 6 WILL tE AII{EI{DED !'o REa,D: 0810712008 l2:19 FAx xl(B E 007/0 | 0 ALTA COMMITMENT S.trcdrilcB-ScctiolI tscq$co.dr,Our(kNo. VEWfl Godloadc TAxEll AND AssEssMElsrs FoR THE YEAI r99 Ar{D St rSEQttENr YEAnS. ITEM 7 I'IDEN SCHEDI'I.E I-2 WILL IE DEI.ET@ I'PON PROOF TIIA1 TIIE WA1ER AT{D SSWIN CHARGES ARE PAID T'P TO DATB. 08107 12008 l2: l9 FAX o 008/o 1o ALTA COMMITMENT $Se.btc B - Sccmn 2 CsfOru) -Our(ltdENo' Vi2671El Thr pttcl cpr$dc lo bt hrd till t?-ttr- m1alal to ttc lolorla ds rb resl drgad of to ttcrn&frdm et &r Coqray: l. BiOa s clrior of prrtie ir pwctsiol d Sos! by ttc Drtlb $cords. 2, Err@cotr. or drbr ol crmccl mt iorl Dy tb 1r blic tlcordr, 9. Dgcnpeoticl, cdb in boorbry lirr, rlgrnp il rtt+ @uclffi, d rry frcrr rtir.t I oort|lct ||rwiet rt.l ispecriol of tDc frcofucr mld 6rcto* pd rtiA ul s $or'! tt rtc Fe 'coods. 4. Ary tiq or ri!!r o r lico, fu rcrviag. Lbor or r.Eill lbgtobrc os tac|&r fird$cd, hpored by lrr rd Dt$ollbt OllelicrEstlt. 5. Dcfcns, ltns clqrabrncc+ drrctse d&r or otlcr ulcsr, if un cwrrcd, fts rgllariqt b &t poDlic rlcodl or ddrirt arb&Scd ro & cftc8ve d*e Ht,rr Fl6 b fu drc ttc propord inrcd -qtftis of rtcst hr r.al@ thc gor c ir[lrc$ ot ltont|gp tcrro! corrErd bt tHs Coiolo. 6, Tdlr o( Seirl rsffi tctiE[ la lot $ovs rr atdry lior by &c pltltc rcocdr. 7. Licor fu uqril **r rd rc*r c.lergrr. If ray. t. hrddldm, tte oru'rpolicy rill te erbJce o ttcuglg:, U ray, wd la Sccdoa I of Sctc&lc b tccof. 9. nlclfi OP TROPHETOR OF A VEA' OR U}DE TO B'CIIACT AIiID IEMOVE HIS ONE TTIBREEROM SHOUI,D THE SAMB EE FOI'IID TO P'B{RTTATE Ox' NTERSBCT TBE PruMISES AS RESER1IP IN UNTTED STATES PA13NT RECOTDBD SEPTEilBER 04, I92:I. IN BOOK CI ATPA(E9E. 10. sC'tIT OFntAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAIJ CONSIIUQTED BY TIIEAUI1IOR1TY OF TllE INIIED STATEII AII RESERVED IN I'M?ED STA1ES PATENT NECORDED SEPTET{BEN 04. 1t23, IXE(X)X93 ATPAGE 9t. rL TESTRICTII'E CrOI'ENAI{TS WHICIT DO NOT COTfTNN A FOIFEITUNE OR REI'RTER CIJUSq BlrT OlfitlINOtEliInICTtONS. rF ANy, EASBD ON RACE, COLOR, RSIJC|ON. Ot NATIONAL OrJGIN, jrS CONTAINED lN INSIBITMEIIT TECORDED AU(fltST t0. t9@.' tN BooX lTilATPA@ t79. T2. RESTRICTIVE COVENAITITS WHTCTI DO NOT CONfAIN A FORFETTUNE OR RE1'ERTEN CIAUSE, BT'T OMITIT{G A![Y COT/ENAIIIT OR RESTRICNON BASCD ON nACE, COI.oR. NEI.IGION. SE'q HAIIDICAP, PAIT,'ILTAL STATUS OR. NATI(hTAL ORICTN UNIJSIT ADID OI{LY TO TH8 E TTENTIFI/ITSAID COVENAT{T (A) tS E(EIT{FI UNDERCIIAFTEN,42, SECNON 1fi' OF fiE UMTED STATES CODEOR (8) REIATEI' TO HAIIDICAP EUTDOES NOT DTrcNMU{ATE ACAINST IIAIIDICAP PERSONS. AS CONTAINED IN INS'I?T'MENT RECORDED AU6t ST 10, l96il. tN BOOK r71AT pfuggln. r(xB 08/0?/2008 l2:19 FAX xrR E 00s/o r o ALTA COMMTTMENT Schc&lcB.Scc.ioo2 Grcrdor)Orr(hdcrNo. v2&4n Tla polky c ao8dar to bc irrrd rlll codrb c4dor r,o &c follorhg rnhs ttr ry .rc dtD6d of to thanlldecloa o( lhc Cnryqr FIF tsEI,I FEET IN WIDTII ALONGTHE SOUTII LOT UNE OFSI DTBCT ON TIIE RECORDED PIAT OF VAIL VIItr,A(F. FIRST FIUNO. 14. NOIB SAID EAIIBIf,BTT IS TESERVED FOR T1IE USE OF AI.L PRESET{T AND FUTUIE O1IINENS As sET FONtfI OII 1IIERECONDED PLAT OFVNLVTLL/\GE HAI'TFIUNG. EAIIEMENIIS, RESERVATIONS AIVD RESIRICTIONS A.B $TOS'}I OTNESBR\IS $tI THE PI.AT NECORDED N'NE 25, 1990 IN BOOI( 532 AT PAOE I99. ERMS. CO}IDIIIO}U' AND DROVISIOI.IS OF DECLANA'NON FOR A IESI'EDTVISION OF LOT 13, EI,oCK 7, VAILULI.A(E FIRST FIUNG NECORDED 'UNE ?', I99O IN EOO}i 'T2 AT PAGE 2OO AI{D AMEIIDMBTIT R,ECOTDED APRIL 9, T9' IN EOOK 72:' AT PACE 5I9 PI.AT NESTRICTIOD{ AS @Ii'TNNED ON THE PI.AT A FOTI,OWS: FOR ZOI'IINO PURPOSES] TTIB TWO PANCEIs CNEAIED BY TflIS RBSI.IEDIVISON ANE TO BE TN,EATED As ONE ENTTIT WTffi NO MOTE TT|AN OTiIE TWG,FA}'ILY REIIIDBNCE ALI,OWED Ot{ T}lB COMEINED AREA OF THE TWO PARCEIJ. ,lLIOwA8l.E cnOSS N$IDENTIAL FLOOR AREA FON, THE TWGFA}|ILY NEilDENCE WII,I,8E CAICT'L/I'TEI' BASED ON TIIB COMBINED ANEA OF TWO PARCETS. NOIE: LAND tfT[^E GUAMNTPE COMPAITIY tS tN AECETPT OF A SArISFACfORY IMPROI'EMET{T LOCATTON CENTIFICAII DATED'ANUARY ZI, I9T' PREPAXED 8Y EAOT.E vArLEy survBylNo, INc., toa No. totg. lJ. l6- o 010/o l o I(KB OslOTlzOOg 12: l8 FAX O LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMTANY DISCLOSI'RE STATEMEITT Rrqulrql bt C.n'S' lGll'tZl A) Tle obid lt|l Pt!9!rt any DG toqrcd in r qpEcbl orilt dittttiot' B) A octd6'l' of Tu:c Dn,, 1i,$i!8 t.c! nrh3 Jurilliuio Dry !G obtdlgt e'@ ib cc'd' TtEscr'9 stdldit3d ltclt' C) ltc hfroadm regrrgiry rycArf districr ud 6c b@fidcr of ttcl 'littisE Ery bc obrricd t- o. sontdE6; C-titdo-"" th: Cdnrt CbrL rd Rccs&r' or tE couu'' Agsltt6' E&cdvc Segrrroucr l, 19y,, cRs 3G1c406 En'll't| |[$etl dowg rcdvcrt frr rccud|ar c llbl b ec dctt ed rcosrtcr', of6€ $"f,;;do " tn d,5 "t " f"rt[.-iJU r hft' dtp .,d boc6 ng$n of .r tcuc qEbalf of raicu ncifrilJi*sL?-y rctu$ b rEcod @ file rat doouru thrt doclrt codorD, cxcor 6rq $. ,wilffi bt [. iip-iti#" rull rct .pprv to oosortdDt tut or ufiic[ il;F,tfu fr'r*o"fitr;f,t"r tloroidor n rtc op orrir of lb docilotds rt|sw rortirNY lqtl9 NEw IOf,[. llErLO lAlK. LOltlDOlY TELECOPTCI'YIRSHEET rED|NF(nr|a'll(Xc('frtThlllEDtlfTlllttAc$rItIl'lESaClltI!GA!,LYtllVtrICED^llD CltftlDtrm^l 3|rrlrl anor rrru|Dflr ort,y ros TnE tEE G rE lruvtDt ALf, EilflTYI{AEt m,Ot |l tE rtADGl Or lTtSXEISArCEttl()Tlf,llfrn5lDrEc|t|EilI,YqtArsr|EiEtvrrifrilfinrl|ATr$.IDtSWnAnOil, D[gTln[rTrtit (n utt.lcrrlto or Tf,l8 llrroFr ls lTllcll,Y lnomnD. t vou r|^vs sf@'vlED TITF rujfiry I{ ERno* tflDirtE &titEDtaTELY ||onrT us tY Tlutf[r{E rIrD rEnnN lf,f (nrclftAl llDSG^cl m u3 AT r f AFf ADDIISS vla rf,x Ir.5. t0tTAL tlnvrcl PLEAITE I'GLTYER TEE TOU.{'WING MATERIAL AS SOON AS PIOSSIBI,E DATE: IO: COMPAIVY: FAXNI'MBER: FROM: Jwo1,2006 Bctb Lcvirc 'lnvlnhzrr3 Peul E" Rrcihcr NITMEEROFPAGES: l0 6rcLvDEs@vErr Gg SEilfIBY: SE!.4!rl$lf(2l2rZti&l91.ll Plcuc rotif ur inncdirtdy tt Ql2l 230-941 I if rol propcrly rocrtvod. TBATII( YOU o Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com July 6, 2006 Ms. Beth Levine Beth Levine Architect, lnc. PO Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (fax) 970.926.2993 Re: Raether Residence 227 Rockledge Road/Lot 13, Block 7, Vail Village 1't Filing DRBOGO227 Dear Beth, Thank you for attending yesterdays Design Review Board public hearing of a conceptual review proposal to revise the driveway, retaining walls and vegetation at the referenced address. The Design Review Board primarily discussed the options for landscaping and requested to see the following information at the time of their final review: . Please submit a new landscape plan, which indicates the applicant'Vowner's intent fore replacement of the vegetation that is proposed for removal. The plan should pay special attention to the privacy needed between Lot 13 and the lot to the west and the privacy tolfrom the street. The Board clarified that though a foot for foot replacement ratio will not be required, substantial mitigation through new plantings will be required. Please plan for the three +/- week deadline when you are prepared to submit for final review. Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns regarding yesterday's meeting. Thank you in advance for simple design review process. Elis-abeth Eckel Reed f,-p *"",""",,t'"^ From: Sent: To: Su$ec't: Philippe Courtois [cbgvail@comcast.net] Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:29AM bethlevinearch@centurybl. net Replae this with your subject d srrln_66$n49L .jpsJpg (34s 4_1 scan_662974959_1 .tsgjps (1 M8...Dear Beth, Enclosed are the locates for 22'7, there is the water line and the curb stop is buried below the concrete that will- the east side and the sewer line is in the back and goes can see . CalI me with any questioos. Philippe 331-8233 well under the existing driveway need raising. Most locates are on out underneath the deck as you Ilndergrout)FACILITY LOCATION SKETCH {71s1471-022s TICKET# LOG #:Foolage: AODRESS: EXCAVATOR: tlotr, glrtod: O Pdrn O;bF trtlttor! WH3r{!IilE! Co.r9lr.{t PruWnr otm H0IJIIB uY 8E il lxt Amr, ISE l'lc1lJDE, 8UI Af,E nol UIITU I0, SEeor0my Ergi$8, flAIEI, tlo tnEf, tnB G$ sBvt[6. lt ls m ililmms msrucnury m GFr msr umro. Aily uB[s pmumD cy uoER6R0u[0 t(lcsm $[ c0tfrigty 0[!y gm il(l mmHlt tr DlG ALERT Ons or rnore ol th€ tollol|na hlgh p.ofla tacflilgs he6 bs€i 1€l6d In or nEr yor.rr dlg rrsa Please pot hole and vedfy locdlon. tr Elec{ric Feeder tr Flber Optlc El Duct Run E H.P. Ge8 B O00 Pair or Grester Telephone B 4' or Bigg€r Gas tr Watch & Protec{/ Standby Required Please caf l 719-471.A229 to schedule a flme. ffifiro-FToTiFi6' Date Atl --------------- .M Tirne EXIEHDEI' JOB AGBEEHE {' Or co('p€ny qrd | €rae th€itis o.iginal locnb ft&et b ar srErd€d irb ard tlEt bcates wil be dorE on a daFbdry b€sis. No eica'/dhg w.;i take ple |.rft 6itr|€d p6p€.t[ark b reaeived by or.r Con|p6ny with tl5 d9 EEa d66.r€d. Exca\rabrs Signatue NORTH A I I E-G-w T- w F/O -DR-s- Electric GaE cAw Telephon€ Waiat Rber Opllc Duci Run S€wer ' t0ctE ut8l,s tRE (lfltl G000 fl]R 3{t l}AYs m uHu lfistEt E HIt f|lR RE Hfit6 tF pAItI Htx!$ Aff tEsIRoYEt 0R l{EIIfiERa!. Yiln nctEll$ H(lTlilu0 tt il48t6 tlt 0EsTRotEt. rHF Sl(EIet ls #rR|lrnfiE 18 lilgls H0RtzBllItuY tntll ExtEfimR snE 0F IHt FtftrrlY I c|}il$I)nE} t cl)BSfcT t0cAn0il: COMMENIS PRINT TOCAJORS NAME Signature of p€rson on job site o,-. w ted;lz cl - rtt?4+pC LoT rz 6t-k 7 F;tt e 2 J'.7 tr r-'- 4 ' id\ ..- - tf co""rtt DevelopuENr *ornG Fonm I Approved with conditions fi Denied Status: I Approved Routed To:Georqe Chalberq, PW Date Routed:06/14106 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:06t21t06 Description of work:Retaining wall replacement, etc. Address:227 Rockledqe Road Legal:Lot 113 lBlocklT Subdivision: I vait vittage 1"t filing Comments:Date Reviewed: 6/21106 Need additional review bv Fire Call out top and bottom of retaining walls. No walls over 6'. Surface 9'x19'. Heat in drivewav? Provide a Revocable ROW Provide stam PE drawinos for combination walls. More comments with revisions. ****+**+'lf*t**++*'*'t**tr*f+**************'l:t'i,t{'+++t***********************+************t*'if***+ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement **i*l"lr*'i+*+*+t{r*+rl.+***rt********************************lr{.+****'1.+1.*{.{.{.{.+*+*+++*************** Statemene Number: RO5O0O1o51 Amount: $20.00 07/24/2oo5L0:34 AM Palment Metshod: Check I,EVINE Init : ,fS Notation: 5271 lBETH Permit No: Parcel No: Sitse Addrees : Location: This Payment: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003LL2200 DRB05O320 1]4)e: DRB-Minor AIt, SFR/DUP 210r-o7L-L502- 9 227 ROCKITEIrcE RD VAIL 227 ROCKLEIX|E RD ToEaI Pees: Total ALI-. PmEs : Balance: Description DESTGN REVIETI FEES $2o. oo $20. OO s2O. Oo 90. oo Current Pmts 20.00 Beslgn Revierrr Saard ACTIOI{ FORF{ Depirunent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Rsad, Veil, colorado 81657 tel:970,479.2139 fam9fl1.479.t452 ryeb: sww,vailgw.com Project ilame: KIRBY RESIDENCE Project Description: RNAL APPORVAL FORTHE ENCLOSURE OF DCSTING @VERED DECKS, NEW LOWER LEVEL DECK Participants: OWNER KIRBY, STEVEN T. & SUZETTE HLAITI2OO6 24 RryERVIEW HEIGHTS SIOUX FALLS sD 57105 APPUCANT FRTTZLEN PIERCE ARCHffiCTS l2l LU20O6 Phone: 970476-6342 1650 EASTVAIL VALLEY DR, #C-1 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001402 ARCHmCT FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHmCTS L2lItl2OO6 Phone| 970-476-6342 1650 EASTVAILVALLEY DR" #C-1 VAIL co 81557 License: C000001,102 Project Address: 217 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Locataon: 217 ROCKLEDGE ROAD Legal Descrlptionr loh 13B Blodc 7 Subdivislon: VAIL VILLAGE 157 Parcef Numbert 2LOL-O7L-2000-1 Comments: DRBNumber: DRB060559 BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Action: STAFFAPR Dab of Approvalz 0Ut2l2O07 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of apprwal. Cond: 202 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditionsr Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approral, unless a building permit is lssued and constructlon is commenced and is diligendy pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 All danelopment applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subJect b the pending employee housing regulaUons in whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, howarer, that lf the Town hils to adopt the pending employee houslng regulations by April 15, 2007, this Ordinance shall not apply to such daelopment applications. Planner: Blll Gibson DRB Fee Pald: SSOO.OO Application for Design Review Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vaii, Cobrado 81657 tet 970,479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.d.yail.co.us General fnformation: All projecb requiring design review must receive approrral prior to submifring a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the partidjlar approval that is requested. An application for Design Revie| cannot be accepted until all reguired infofmation is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be revier,rred by he To\ryn Councii and/or the planning and Environmenbl Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a buitdlng permit is issued and construction commences within r0r44vm one year of the approval. Location of tlre Proposa lt Lrrt: /Vffilock: 7 Subdivision: PhysicalAddress: /'V fuefr Fr--'r- fuz parcef No.: 2l O I O'7 I ZOOo (Contact Eagle Co. Assessof at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) zoning: f/ Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: v Ft 6)o o. 9 ul frrq Type of Review and Fee: O Signs H Conceotual Revierar E New Construdion V nddition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) f] Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr SeDaration Reouest $s0 No Fee $5s0 $300 $2s0 $20 $20 No Fee PIUS $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an additbn where square fmEge is added to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions). fur minor dranges b buildings and site improvements, $ch as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, efc. For minor changes to buildings and site impmvements, such as, reroofing, paintjng, window additions, landscaping. fences and retaining walls, etc. For revigons to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. Separation Request [gP::T:gdet"g' *.o,o., I i a .i , f,*.j -l PROPOSED MATERIA1S Tvoe of Material Buildinq Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Exr*f nt a rn/ff'+/ fiye &Tt*,s6, Ll Color fryr{l4A @ 1t E7 x/ /<---Tl f\.-)'4, 1l u E-vr+rtN A EAtgf/Fra ,I rl ll Notesi Please specifo the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 5 of L2/O2l07lO2 14 4l Botanical Name PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name Ouantitv Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS E}IfiNG TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in heiqht Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please speciry other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc,) PageT of Lzl02l07l02 ,-ffi description) JOIIIT PROPERTY OWT{ER WRITTEN APPROVAL TETIER ,,(*rnrnu .) W' f ' tW .i;ointorrnerofpropertytocatedat(address/tesal r{ FurNz prwide this letter 6 written appro/al of the plans dated JZJ been submitted to the Tonrn of Vail Communfi Development Department for the pmpGed improyements to be ompleted at he address noted abore. I understand that tfie proposd imprc\rements indude: I further understand that minor modifications may be rnade to the plans over the course of the rwieur process to ensure compliance with the Tqryn's appliobfe odes and reguhtiom. Page2ot Lao407l02 ALTA IOANFOLICY SCHEDTJLEA Order Numberi o2o322LL Policy No.: ri''-97O2-a'14LG Date of Policy; !f6qanrlr61 L9, 2002 at 3 :23 p.u. Amount of Insurarrce: $ sea, s: g . ro Iran No.: o013o8ggo2 1. Name of Insured: PHH IIORTGAGE SERVICES, its succecgorg and/or assigns 2. The estate or interest in the land which is encumbered by the insured mortgage is: FEE SIUPIIA 3. Title to the estate or interest in the land is vested in: STS\IEN T. trIRBY AIiID SI'ZETTE II. KIRBT 4. The insured mortgage and assignments thereof, if any, are described as follows: I Deed of Trust dated ocToBER 30, 2002, er.cut€d by sT$rE EIREY AKA STEVEN T. EIRAY AltD SUZETTE H. KIRBY, to th6 public Trustee of Eagle County, to secure an indebtedaegs of $968,539.10, iu favor of PIIE I|oBICI'GE SERVICES recorded NOI/B!{BER L9, 2OO2 as Reception No. 81'1350. 5. The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: SEE ATTACIIED T,.EGATJ DESCRTPTION ALTA T,OANPOLICY SCHEDULEB-PartI Order Number i o2o322rr Policy No.:u-9702-1L4415 This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fbes or expenses) which arise by reason of: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession, not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public recorG. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents, or an act authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. 6. Any and all unpaid taxes and asseEs[angs and unredeened ta.x sa1es. 7. The effecg of inclusiona in any gelleral or specific rater coaservancy, f,ire protection. soil congervation or other digCrict or inclusion in any water ggrvice or gtreet iDProvet[eDt area. B. Reservations or exceptions coBtained in U.S. Patentg, or in AcEs auchotitiBg lhe issuance chereof,, recorded S€Pcenber 4' L923 in Book 93 at Page 98, reserving 1) Rights of the propri€tor of a vein or lode !o extract and renove hig ore therefron and 2) rights of way for ditches and catrala conatructed uttder the autshority of che unit€d states. 9. proteceive Cov€aallts fo! VaiL Village First Filing, record€d AugrrE t 10' 1962 ia Book 17{ at Page !79 as ReceBtioD No. 96381. 10. All lattsers as shown on tlre Plat of vail village First Flling. 11. Declaration for a Resubdivl'gioo of Lot 13, Bloek 7, vail village First Fi1ing, recorded June 25, 1990 in Book 532 at Page 200 as RecePtion No' '128357 aad A,B€ndtletrt recorded April 9, 1997 in Book 723 at Page 519 ae Reception No. 6L9487. 12. A1I Datters as shorn on the plat recorded ituae 25, 1990 in Boolc 532 at Page 199 as Reception l{o ' 428355. 13. Encroacboent of wood/gtone raI]' inEo Lot 13A, ag ghono oa laPloveDeDt L,ocation certificace, daced ilanuary !4, f997, blz Eagl€ va1ley SurveyJ-ng ' rnc', ilob No' 1059. lt. tpplicatioa f,or revocable peruit to erBct o! Daintain inprovemenes on a public right-ot-way recorded septe!,ber 5' 2001 aE RecePtioD No' 766599' Continued on ne:<t Page Continuation of Sehedule B - AI|TI loan pollcy Policy lIuDbGr: ll-9702-{11115 15. A D.€d ot Trust datrd UARC1E 17, 1999, ex.cutsd b87 s|llvtlt T. trIREI tltD EuzErTt E. KIRBI, to tb. Public l8utc.. of legle CotrDty, eo tacura aa i.ndabEcdaats ot $990,000.00, in favor of lloR|flgI tORtCt€!, fHC. locordcd lltRCB 26, 1999 as R.c.ptdon lfo. 690?113. TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€m€Nrt Statement Number: R060002097 Amount: $300.00 12/t7/20060!:47 PNI Palment Method: Check Init: iIS lilotation: 14124lERTTZTTEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS Permit No: DR8050559 TIT)e i DRB - Addit.ion of GRFA Parcel No: 2101-071-2000-1 Site Address: 217 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Locatior: 217 ROCKL,EDGE ROAD Tota1 Fees: $300.00 Thia Payment: $300.O0 Total ALrL Prnts: $300.00 Balancer $0.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description DR OO1OOOO31-122OO DESIGIiI REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 300,00 Beth Levine Architect, Inc. P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (970)92649e3 (P) (970)e262en F) Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE 227 Rockledge Road Lot 13A, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing June 12,2006 To Whom It May Concerrr: Enclosed is the Conceptual Review Application for Design Review for ?27 Rockledge Road driveway, parking area and patio remodel. The existing -llfl |fr1nd td sLps bave already begun to fail. Mr. Raether would like to rebuild it p-Fry with conirete *d rtglg *tertigg: l_f4t_E_t!"}g3$q" 9-"Y pT..Is T."u." 7"1" errn"from the road by I will be able to have the retaining walls less than 3' in inthe set back and less tlan 6' in -provide the-exact 6otin"r-fiOffiffiiagw s,r"ey that has be€n ordered. I will have to rcmove the trrees that were planted directly next to the wood retention. g The deck railing shall consist of stone eird columns and wooden rails. Please see the photogrry,s'{d{qlh{ the details shall marcb- The entire parking' walku,ay and patio *U'€ly Raether Reddence Fhal DRB Rgvlew 08.02.06 Cammens from C,onceprunl rwlw o A new landscape plan will be needed, which indicates intent for replacement of the vegetation that is proposed for removal.r The plan should pay special attention to the privacy needed between Lot 13 and the lot to the west and the privacy to/from the street.o The Board clarified that though a foot for foot replacement ratio will not be required, substantial mitigation through new plantings will be required. lrreair- frlt'ft rtirst,||.E lt Nt 9t, PROPOSEDTREES Al,lDSHruES PROFOSED III{]ECAPIITG t-- frr6z"W ?---- --\ @3t' 5 AM ..|,*vrp"'v aftl 53a'l 'Jttstt ?6enva CffiAf*.S+t= ?uFl&,e].W Shrubs-s Gal. Tvpe 'SouaraFoGoq GROI'|ND @\,ER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSIO{I| @t'lTROt Plee specify dter hrxtscape ftsb"€s 0'e rcbfrtr|g u*' gG' illlrming pmb' eE ) ftrue 7 of r2lV4l8lV lr .1. August 3, 2006 Ms. Beth Levine Beth Levine Architect, Inc. PO Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (fax) 970.926.2993 Re: Raether Residence 227 Rockledge Road/Lot 13, Block 7, Vail Village 1d Filing DRB06-0320 Dear Beth, Congratulations on the unanimous approval yesterday, by the Design Review Board, of a proposal to redesign the parking area, deck, retaining walls, and associated landscaping at the referenced address. The Board approved the proposal with the following condition: r Prbr fo issuance of a Temponry @dificate of Occupancy ftom the Town of Vail, the applicant shall plant one fewer spruce than proposed at the property comer to accommodate s,le drstance rcquircmeds. The 1 8' foot spruce shall remain as shall two (2) 12 - 1 4' spruces at the westem prcpefty (ine. I have enclosed the approval form needed for you to submit your building permit. Please call with any remaining questions or concerns. Thank pu for your patience in what is not always a simple design review process. Best Regards, Elisabeth Eckel Reed 970.479.2454 enclosure ---'- r|GL o F F F k EJ -ti \) + :i--t< \ N d t\l t\) ) s>-Ii \ N}L\- rE F !::1 fi:Fc* #.; + t\) -: '! ? N _s +$ sI- 'e**..'.:.d,!+ ) + \ I\L rlf;itixfl u'f F * t-t'l. 't. " :I r -.rt ,;: ! I .& ' '.""i!'Y- -r 4f.t"" v':\r\ lrt t\ N 1- ll- J \. 5 S (.l \j =l -'t \s \) R S o -r 7s \J TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Job Address: 227 ROCKI-EDGE RD VAIL l-ocation.....: 227 ROCKLEDGE ROAD Parcel No...: 210107115029 Project No : ;reTd.i -6 .((O Status . . Applied. Issued. Expires . O DE'ARTMENToFCoMMUNIT#vnr-opMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 805-0289 olitNER RAETHER FAMTTTY 1992 TRUST O9/2L/2O05 9 W 57TH ST 4200 NEW YORK NY 1001-9 APPIJICANT COURTOIS BUII-,DING GROUP, ].NCO}/21,/2005 Phone: 970-331-8233 P.O. BOX 13L3 VAIL co 816s8 License: 306-B COIflIRACTOR COIIRTOIS BUILDING GROUP, INCO9/2L/2005 Phone: 9'70-33A-8233 P.O. BOX 1313 VAII,co 816s8 I-,icense: 306-B Description: FINAL APPROVAI, TO REPI,ACE WINDOWS AND CO]JOR C}IANGE FORM BLUE TO BROhIN Occupancy: R3 Tloe Construction: V B Single Family Residence Valuation: S30.000.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace lnformation: Restricred: y # ofcas Appliances: # ofGas Logs: 0 #of wdrd Pellet: 0 ****** :t**i.{.:**:t*xi( Building---- > s441.75 Restuarant Plan Review-> $0. o0 Total calculated Fees-> s731' 89 Plan Check--- > 92a7 .r4 DRB Fee----------- > $o ' oo Additional Fees*---- > $0 ' 00 Investrga[on-> $0. oo Recreation Fee-------> $0.00 Total Permit Fee---- > $731' 89 will catl------> is - oo clean-up Deposit------ > $o ' oo Paym€nts---------- > S731' 99 TOTAL FEES------------- > $?31'89 BALANCE DL'E--------> $0'00 **t *+***{.*r.++*tr** Approvals: Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMEI{m 09/26/2005 JRj"{ Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS see page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fulI the information required, completed an accurate plot L.-\ t: ,3\\cl ,tt.l- t Ua.^\ \J ISSUED 092u2ffi5 1213012W5 06128/2m6 plan, and state that all the information "T*i..a is correct. I agree to comply *ltf, tlnfo.rn tion and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SI{ALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFTCE FROM 8:0O AM - 4 OF OWNEROR CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PACE 2 *tr<****.**<:8rr *{<*rF+rt*******t *. {. ** *:* ** ** {<* *:t ** *:lt {< it * * * * * *,8 * * * * ** * rF * ** * * * *,F* ** ** {. * * * i! ** *t! **** *** ** * * * * {. ** ** ** * * * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0289 as of 12-30-2005 Status: ISSUED * * ** * ** ** * * * *:t. ** * {< * * {<* * * * * * * * * {. * 4.* ** d( * * * ** {c 4c * it * * * * t ** ** * * * ** >k* d. *,k* ** {. * t * {< ** * * ** * * * *** * {.* ** 1.:F lt r< t< * * *'l *,1*,& * Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: O9l2ll2W5 Applicant: coLlRToIs BUILDING GROUP, INC. Issued: l2l3o/2m5 970-331-8233 To Expire: 0612812W6 Job Address: 227 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Location: 227 ROCKLEDGE ROAD ParcelNo: 2lOlO7ll5O29 Description: FINAL APPROVAL TO REPLACE WINDOWS AND COLOR CHANGE FORM BLUE TO BROWN **!**!****!*{<****************4(*************t<***,t*,*,r** COnditiOnS *********,1.****,F**+{.'l.ir+******4c**.******.******* Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQINRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. : Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQURED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2OO3 IRC. *****t************++**********+************++*******'************************{.**js******:t***** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statenent * * * * * * * * * * ***** *+*****+******+t+***++ + * * * * * * ** **+*++******+****************1.*******:F******** Stat,ement Number: R050002210 Alnorrnt: 9231. B9 L2/30/2OOSO9:44 Att!Pa)rment Method: Check fnit: DDG Notation; courtois Buil-ders 6925 Permit No: 805-0289 qT)e: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 21OL-O7!-TSO2-9 Site Address: 227 ROCKI,EDGE RD VAIL I-,ocation: 227 ROCKIJEDGE RoAD Total Fees:This Payment: BP 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 1- 1 1- 1 0 0 PF 00l"00003L12300 wc 00100003112800 $731.89 Total ALIJ Pmts : $731 . 89 $731.89 Balance: g0.00 *'F****** * * * * * * * + * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * +** * * * * * * ***********,i**** * ***** ******** **************d.***:**** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BUTIJDING PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES Wf IJIJ CAIIJ TNSPECTION FEE 44L.75 247 -14 3.00 tl 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 For Parcel # Contact Ie Coun Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.e ffiFOROFFICEUSEONLYw CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: C Db P lntur?g€ 12q, 1e^E)i! Town of Vail Reg. No.: 7 aoe Contact and Phone #s: V3l''a 77 3 Email address:o b C4.,./Niw @(4yZ Contractor Signature: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING:$ 3A, Ed -ELECTRICAL: $ t*-OTHER: $ :- PLUMBING: $ r- -MECHANICAL:$rorAl:$ zet o eo - Q_-t at - e7t-tsez Job Address: Zzl ?eqAfub5 t?4 Job Name: {2 Subdivision:Filing: tailed [^lr-lo arl eg?u iEt1ffi WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair($ Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No 0<)Work Type: Interior ( $ Exterior (1) Both ( ) Type of Btdg.: single-family (/) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No/Tvoe of Fireolaces Existing: Gas GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WgodBurn Noffvoe of Fireolaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning JNOT ALLOWED a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No n.,".,rmenl2_-- Requestect Inspect Date: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 ' lnspection Area: irm stteAddress: ?31 R83[LEB3E f;8I#' A/PID lnforma$on Activity: Bt}s-o2Sg _ Type: A-BUILD SubType: ASfR Stttus: lSsuED Const fvo6: occupiirtii 0L'e: V B Insp tuea: lm ormier: RAETHER FAMILY 1992 TRUST Apptffi;i: C-frRroSBUiLDlhlcGB9!-lP,lN!. Phon€: e70'331-8233 c;-ffi;a;;: counrotsBoitotruconoup,tlrc. Phon6: s7t}331€233 D;-#6il;;, FrIfrf Appn-oriAL'io nep-Laqq-ryrNDows AND coloR ct-tAf.tcE FoRM BLUE ro BRol/vN - - t l'oiice: egtsss win&w must comply to 2003 IRC'JMONORAGON Flequested lnso€ctlon{sl Inspegtion Requqst 90 BLDG-Flnal COURTOIS BUILO{I{G GROIJP, l}^lc.i Philipe JMONDRAGol.l Time Erp: Reouested Time: 09:00 AM ' Phone: 97$$1€433 EnteredBy: LTILLMAN K Iteml Requ€stor: Asslgngd.To; ACUOn: lnso€cuon Histsrv Ql il'rffi '(ry-\llem: It€m: Item: Item: llem: Item: Item: ttem: ItEm: ttem: Item: 10 B LDG Foolinqsi Sleel 20 BLD+Foundauorystedl g) BLDG-Framlnq 5o BlDGlnsuta6n 60 BLOG-Sh€ebock llail 70 BLOGMlsc. 90 BLD@Flnal 21 PLAI+ILC Foundatlon Plsn 2? P[AN-[LC Slt€ Plsn 533 PLAN.TEMP. C/O 534 PIAN. FINAL C/O REP?131 Run Id: 4077 Y-",1"[til Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORM Depaatme t of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:97S.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com trt q-HTY EETIELCPTEI{' Project Name: Project Description: Participants: OWNER Proiect Address: 227 ROCKLEDGE RD Legal Description: Parcel Number: Commentsi APPUCANT TCC CONTMCTORS, INC. P.O. BOX 2123 EAGLE co 81631 License: 540-8 CONTRACTOR TCC CONTMCTORS, I NC. DRBNumber: DRB050475 RNAL APPROVALTO REMOVE OLD CEDAR SHAKES AND INSTALL CLASS'B' HEADY SHAKES ON 1000/o OF ROOF METHER FAMILY 1992 TRUST OgIOilaOO5 9 W 57TH ST 4200 NEW YORK NY 10019 O9lO7 12005 Phone: 970-328-2340 09107 17005 Phone: 970-328-23i10 P.O. BOX 2123 EAGLE co 81531 License: 540-8 227 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Location: Loe 13 Block 7 Subdivision: VAIL ULLAGE RLING 1 2101-071-1502-9 SEE CONDMONS Motion By: Second By: Voter Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of APProvalr 09/022005 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. ConO: ZOZ O Phnner: Joe Suther Appoval of ttris projd shall lapse and become voftl one (1) year tulbwing the date of final apprwal, unless a buiHirq permit ls issued and construction is commenced and is diligendy pursued toward ompletion. DRB Fee Pald: *2O.0O O Minor Exterior Alterafns Application for Design Review Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular apprwal that is requested. An a-pplication idr oesign nevLw cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission.Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and c6nstruction commences within ffi;-t".10""*"1"*,, -(( {t^ ,,r,,. rt,/ sl ,/ " * ,- .<+ // . fl / ltfs-< 6 4rn,., <L.k-, o,u toa 2- a/ rool l.-/ Location of the Proposall Lot: 1.3 Block: ? Subdivision: Physical Address: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): ft a e lh 14 Ft,,r.l ,t /?et Tt u^+ Mailing Address: Q t^l F? rh. st r'po ,y'ru k-k t t y' / nr t q Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): E-mail Address: IOI4Nffi Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New Construction D Addition tr Minor Alteration t- lm_u$i-family/commercial)\ n*r,l.'t{ \ o-t*'*' 'fl_ M injr+lteration ' 4€I9|ofgg!YtluPt"*) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to Dlans Design Review Board. No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such at re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re.roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 * €\$ {tf ,* q already approved by Planning Staff or the RECD SEP - 6 $ CheckNo.: / By: MeetinsDad: q- z/ ' o{ DRBNo.: Planner: <-!. ' proiect No.: w 57Ttl 9T4200 iEWYORK NY {QOtg ffiT:t3DEsc:uillrl:lA-.i6ii&'oei d.l+m Bx{s:lz Pc42o:3 srrD l2-tt4 il;r6 ;il tiscr eKorzr Pc{sre DEc lr{te{7 Queries t Desisn Revrew *^Y - "f;!'^Z ) ACTIOI{ FORM Departmefl t of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.?'t52 web: www.vailgov-com cfftfifffY 06/ErnFiG r Project Name: Project Description: METHER RES, MNDOWS DRB t{umber: DR8050484 FINAL APPROVAL TO REPI.ACE ALL WINDOWS IN THE STRUCTURE AND CHANGE fiE COLOR BLUE TO BROWN Participants: owNER METHER FAMILY 1992 TRUST 091t212005 9 W 57TH ST 42OO NEW YORK NY 10019 APPUCANT COURTOIS BUILDING GROUP, INC09/12I2005 Phone: 970-331-8233 P.O. BOX 1313 VAIL co 816s8 License: 306-8 CoNTMCTOR COURTOIS BUILDING GROUP, INC09/12I2005 Phone: 970-331-8233 P.O. BOX 1313 VAIL co 81658 License: 306-8 227 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Location:Project Address: 227 ROCKLEDGE ROAD Legal DescriPtion: Parcel Number: Comments: Lot 13 Block 7 Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE RUNG 1 2101-071-1502-9 SEE CONDMONS Motion By: S€cond By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACIION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of APProval: 09/13/2005 Cond: 8 rp-rnrur No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of vait stiff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' Cond:0 Gf-,qrult DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with iown of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' C.ond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' Cond: 202 Apprcvalot o* *hall hpse and become w" on"tr*, following the date of final approval, untess a building permit ls issued and @nstructbn is ommenced and ls diligentty pursusd tornrd completion. Plannen Wanen Campbell DRB Fee Paid: +2O.0O ;mi one year of the approval. Description of the Request:- e al-ee e Minor Exterior Alte pplication for Desig ;"Hs'"* General Informationl All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' Please refer to the submittal ,"qrnut"nS foi tne particutai approval that is requested' An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the community Development Department. The project may also need to oe teiie*ea by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission' Design review approval r"d" uiiol a building permit is issued and construction commences within Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tBl: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www'vailgov'com ilrrtpo '4ff ta of the Proposal: t-ot: I 2 ebck: f Subdivision: zoning! Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicantz Pvvo?{ ?' C'^c 'svrvlf (tl MailingAddress: f + ';'7 'tr*L a---' -- Vf Phone:| -b273 N .F, axt 41u- 6t a?- O -Typeof Reviewand Fee: A trSigns$50P|us$l.00persquarefootoftota|signarea.{ E Conceptual Review No Fee trNewconstruction$650Forconstructionofanewbui|dingordemo/rebui|d'tr Addition ffi :nf..,o#,.;",l,mii,':fl,,:XfJffi;J:.1'["#?,il:"'"T:l;:::j' \*h. tr Minor Alteration $250 For minor changes to buildings a{ :ite imnlovgments' such as' A " iffiffiffimmerciar) ruffir;.rl*::' Eileqw@gEls' r:nces and \'- ('ff )tino, ut r^ton $20 For min6r changes to buildings and site improvements' such as' \-7iri'sroru'ity/duplex) ;Uffllt;rf:ltfle, window additions' landscapins' rences and D Changes to Approved plans $20 liu"*nr_,lptans already approved bv Planning staff or the O Separation Request No Fee oiov8(w-+zr;;ftr Fs;ff*?h'e'' Meeting Date: I - Statement TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Arnount: $20.00 09/L2/200502:27 PM Init: iIS Notation: 692?/CoIITTOIS BT'II,DING GROUP Permit No: DRBO5O484 1}t)e: DRB-Minor Alt'SFR/DuP Parcel No: 2101- 071- 1502 - 9 Site Addrees: 227 ROCKI-'EDGE RD VAIL' I,OCAtiON: 22? ROCKI,EDGE ROAD SCaeement liluriber: R050001493 Payment Method: Check This Paltment 3 $20.00 TotsaI Fees: TOIAI AIJIJ PMES T Balance : $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accounu Code DR 00100003 L12200 DescriPtion Currents Pmts 20.00 DESIGN RSVIEW FEES PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvpe of Material Color Buildino Materials Roof srains /?'ntat'o Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows t/ Window Trim V /l*'. I D@rs Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other 5*xu-+ +TU C-z-i9 ?4l-*E> lz... I.-[r-(* Jrr-.re-z--o Notes: please speciff the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and atbach a color chip. o aD, {R Hv \ j-a a .l a a .c r.f f ,*,bF i;- l *F I I i I i I I I I i I :r*.r,i ,'' ^" .-l_.*l _, ,,. 'j;+ t lr' ,. . ':ili' ' ot- o Beth Levine, Architect, Inc. P.O. 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (e70) e26-4ee3(P) (e70) e26-2ee3 (v) TRANSMITTAL Date: 6, n.OS ro: bill b;fun TaV FROM: Beth Levine r'Vr!-W u/14it\ r -/rt1i,'HK-7 \,, f) | 1\r, RE: n1 INCLUSIVE: %Uttftt ?'oc-A We.AT/'i4+i(5t^ ,*UY 6ruLe** th d- crf1 4 a' bHtr- T 4u+z +, +1"4 o'-isatt U 6lrv tu*!i''-,J' "a*or3 NOTE: COPY: APril26,2005 Beth Levine, Architecg Inc. P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (970)e264993 (P) (e70)e2G2ee2(F) Mr. Paul Raether Kohlberg Kravis, Roberts & Co- 9 West 57 Street NewYork,NewYork 10019 Dear Paul, I would like to summarize my meeting with the Tovm of Vail on Thursday: 1. The house directlyto the east of you is considered half of a duplex plat with yolrr properfy, 227 Rockledge. The whole property is lot 13 A & B, wittr it containing prt""L o;, -tlro and three. ZZZ Ro"n*ag" is on parcel two. Becaqse the property is zoned duplex, both houses are calculated together for lot size and development rights. 2. The neighbor to your east is on parcel l- 3. Parcel 3 is joint property for parcel I aunrd'2- 4. Parcel 1 must sign offon any development for parcel 2' 5- The overall lot Jze for lot 13 is 21,fiX) sq,ft. I do not have the specific division for each pacel. O. tne minimum allowable lot size in the Town of Vail is 15,000' 7. I-ot 13 A and 13 B has both developed the following with the tovm: Interior Conversion and the Additional 250 sq. ft. 8. A recalculation of the GRFA would need to be done under Ordinance 14 for both parcels. Ordinance 14 changed how square footage is calculated for the Town of Vail. 9. A land trade with the Pownells would be considered a minor subdivision. Nothing could be done to make either lot nonconforming with the town regulation- Each lot must be able to have 600lo of the lot landscaped. 10. You could also request an access easernent with the Pownells. It would be a private negotiation. Pa* of your driveway would be on lot 14, the Pownelt'" ptop.tfy.- I t. You can rebuild your existing driveway and parking area exactly as it is and not have to conform'to any of the new regulation- 12. If you build something differen! you must have any retaining wall 3'0" high or lower for the first 20 feet of your properfy (your front setback) and walls behind thal 6'0" or lower. 13. Any vegetation that you dish$ must be replaced with equal vegetation The options I see tlat you have are as follows: I . Tatk to yourneighbors on parcel I and decide if you would have the option to negotiate with the Pownells. 2. Consider an eas€'ment with the Pormells. 3- Rebuild the driveway and parking alea with the stone ret€ntion you would like' The desip require,rnents with the wall heights arc very doable' Please consider the opions available to you. Please E-mail or call to discuss the opions that I havc sent you and the information from the Town ofVail' Thank you for the opportrmity to provide you with architectural ssrvices. I will be hap'py to follow any ofthe options rthich you prefer. Sincerely, Beth Levine, Architect, Inc. a\6,1V tu7-11'7r /"f I V, b/oo/c- t Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Crmmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 faxj. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DRB040573 Project Name: Project Description: KIRBY REROOF REROOF SAME FOR SAME Pafticipants: Project Address: 217 ROCKLEDGE ROAD Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: OWNER KIRBY, STEVEN T. & SUZETTE H10/29l2004 Phone: 24 RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS SIOUX FALLS sD 57105 License: APPLICANT PLATH CONSTRUCTION PO Box 3367 Eagle, CO 81631 License: CONTMCTOR PLATH CONSTRUCTION L0/29 12004 Phone: 970-949-1905 10/2912004 Phone: PO Box 3367 Eagle, CO 81631 License: 148-8 217 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Lot: Block: Subdivision: 210107120001 SEE CONDITIONS Location: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of APProvalz L012912004 Cond: 8 (P|AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' Plannen Joe Suther ConO: ZOZ O Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 agl o e Eve Home l-lanaBernent s?o-lu-ros1 P.? e :_ -rr!Appllcalion for Design ReV?b* - - hprrrln of Currnnfy Oaalgrnn 76€fln Rrnbg! Rd. vd. cddjo 6t657 * gtfL{rr.rls tu uo37g2A6ll |liat wnv.Flgov.Efir G.nerrl hfoflnallofi: Al !'!Fdr r{*tte d4n tuh rni.||d,g +Flc Ffd 6 cuhttp a ult|ep Darnf |!dh.tbr pta ,!hr b .n' 'oru '"$id'." h lrr nrrhr- #;"d ua t 6;16l r.'!flcdon tu Dct r h,br carfl b.-pcc.dl |!+hl|mo f r6a ty m Ao-r.riOr.r u ti ru,tno oy tri riryr airu rla. * **unh€ r lorr.rntD.' rrr b rrrrrrrndcnrrrrctnic-t,nrrut-frun om y.e.or6frifrr.*- ' ItrcdFtlon of &c tqrrt J s o E o-(L lJ- lJ- F U) $F bH 7fr Noun ilO' UJ k o ll.II t Lq{on ot $G pilpo.al:ta: lfu$w Furcf No.: &lol o X-no o o .L.* (Oof hct Eade OD. Amrar S?0{a&S6{0 b, prrEel no.} Ionlng: alanE(sl d Oncr(rl: f,rtrhg AddEG!:. Owrer(rt Slgorlut-(sl: flrmoof^DpllE.tr|:. [.ilir{ Arldnaa] C+nrilAdrtrrr: q$N'', q9', f.'el}pe of Rrvlew rnd F.r:. sb,u . Coaptnl hdorv . i5Yoltufrr . Addttin . lt|o.Ah|fton (trrl|f,t|dftourlrrddl . fftor^h|on (irffinat/.rflr) . outgnbfgurdFln 'WH'e /k3'o? hElof t2lo{rbiro4 J> lio Ffur tr.qf prr !+r1B toor ol toLl shn at!. t{o Fe t65-t HEEHIVED OCi 2 5 2;il TOV.COM.DEV. oTtt4ry4 9v\'L*- TaJ o(- /i < 7€ot" raodge 4fl' -!-ot i s3, B \k ?O V.-^t\).[*1.-l',L DEPARTT4ENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT \J NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES MECHANIEAL PERMIT Permit #: M98-0103 217 ROCKLEDGE RD 217 ROCKI,EDGE RD 2tot-o7L-L5 - 03 0 APPI-,ICANT WEICH PLUMBING AND HEATING PhONE: 970-845-445L atr,es ieattlc, P. o' BOX 3944' EAGr'E' co 8L63l- CONTRACTOR WEICTI pf-,Ut'{efNe AND HEATING Phone t 970-845-445L etlas truarrNg, P. o' BOX 3944' EAGLE' co 81631 OIIINER KIRBY STEVEN T & SUZETTE H -.fT z+ niveRvrEw HErcHTs, srolrx FALLS sD 57105 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAII-,' CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 Job Address-..: l,ocaEion......: Parce1 No.....: ProjecL Numlrer: Fileplace Infodnatslon: ReecricEed: Status. -.: ISSIIED AppIied..: 06/L8/L998 r-s-sued. . .' 06/t9/L998 Elq)ires . . I l2/L6/L998 DescriPtsion: ADDINd BOII-,ER AND SNOW MELT SYSTEM Valuation: *Of Gaa LogB: 6, o00. oo *Of wood/PalleE:*Of Gas APPI"iances: Mechanical--_> Plan Check- - - > InveEtsigatsion> $ti11 cal!-- - -> Restualant Plan Revj.el'- -> DRB Fee-_---_--_ TCIAL FEES- ---. Toeal cal,culaEed Feee- - _ > Addi,tional. Fee6- -- - - --- -> Total Pennif F€6---_-_--> Pa!turante_-__-_- 120.00 30.00 . o0 3.O0 .00 .00 153 .00 153 . OO 153 .00 153. OO .oo wLrr sarr-- - -2 EAla.iIcE DUE---- i+*** { r r rr ra i * rr B.Ar.A.ilcE DUE---- [E?TorgB]goo"*Hr"or*lraElrtfijMRilE*, _D_epr: BUTLDTNG Divisj-on: EETTezgBggooflfr*" DEpARrr{ENr onn* *ll*""o oE6.: FrRE Division: i'?*u#kHf, fi ""F$:iEtEfu ffi s.Ein-H-9r;.*+HslnE$1fl #?:ffi Effi ' ; . Eg,ii5#, Ifr"fi t*5 fi Eili 1 i sli*ffi E" i a A eS !ry" ^so_c-,rAp rE R e- AND I : Htf,Lt+#fiHt$I*_Fraft S; g*+i'EU's 16 Bfl $ 8I'H"E' A ? 3 t u uXto ;ffit$g:ffi ffi EB^f; Hl:gm*Hl,tliff s+'lHsH:gflsHnT*""ffi iH:L"' fr6bd - P ti-"-Rrift;HJYFfi FHEhlEffi ry+ry FEBET*s.Rf*"Bh*tHEl ' Bffifry:EgEt"n,, *" *****Jr********************************'r*****************************:}*********** CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECI,ARATIONS ' I h.rlhrr rckDoyladgc th.t. I hrv! r.ad- thi;.t plicrtlon. f lllqd out ln f,ull ch€ tnforea;- rcsyia.d, cout,l.t.d u accuratsc ploc pl"', .nd Er.r,. rhrr rll rhs tnfo-o.ci"" p-;A;.;-;l-rcquir"a- ie ;";;;:- i-I"ili ," conpt y ytgh rhc tniorueeloa .nd plor pt in,::":f"l:.1*"-:ii.;T"::"ff11;;,* ;:ii:,trj;"j":"*":*:;^::i:-:::"::'i::!ordins ,o ,hc royn,! zosr,ns -,d ,u*iv,,ion eodG!' d"r'str ncwlcr epprovcd, nnrroru ""iiir"g-"lu]".-"!"#;i$i;J:l"I?:T:*'Hr:il1i"-il:;:":: REQUESaS EoR INsPEerIotIg smEIJ aE ADE IaB}rTY-PooR HoURs AT 479-2133 Oi' AT OlrR opFrcE FRoait aloo Afi s:oo pM SIg!{ATI'RE OF OIINER OR G1oI{TR,ACTOR FOR HTMSEIJF AID O!,NER TO$N OA VAIIJ, C€LOR.IDO gcatqEnE .r 9l* $t a at'r *ta r *.0. *Jt *r at aa t a ra rt.r ttt t}t{ t J f t a tr * t tr tr r.. f r }.. ir 9 gt.t€urft Nuubcr: RBc-0a16 looun!: ls].og o6ll9/ra 09.43 P.td.nts U.bhod: Clt NolrtLoq: 10115 Init: AW Porul,ts Xo: ll9g-o103 $'pc ! B-tlBcH P.!c.l llo 3 2101,- 0?1-15 -O3 0 gLtsc Addr.B. r 217 RocKLEDcE RD Loc.lion: 2 r.? ROCKLBDGE RD I{ECHANI CAT, PERI{IT 153.00 153,00 lborrtlc 120.00 30.00 3.OO Thi. P.yrtc!!! Total, Paas r 153.00 To!.1 LL! Prt'.: Balahcs: .0o * a* t * til ltf t.l $t t*tt t **i, * I lt * t.a r* * tt r ll t a t t* t 'r t ttt tlt * llt* e tat tttt tA Accounc Codc Dcscrlp!ion uP 00100003111300 I'tEclrAltIcA.L PERIrT FBE!' PF O01oOOO3112fOO PL.en CHECI( PEES wc 00100003112300 tJItL caLL INSPEerIoN FEE o o $t ::i x"-rt "l a9 ,, qPv O';Y,^goPn [\art- ", ,)fiaza-8640 -for. Parcgl f -., Toqnl OF vArL coNsrRucrroN ---ii"lf"riitor -o7/- /L elo pERMrr AppLrcATroN FoRM ff(' ',sp!fflb ,./ oxrxt .({-qP lPt * LICATION ionEacs."'{a919 ,9tlil}1^ssE s sors "'ill^",- x- r,r ?? ^^r,d,ni,?r/r,rr,,.1r, pER.\lrr /r offti roqnt dr vArL coNsrRucrroN FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED I RMIT INFORHATION * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r' * * * * * *r**************ir*******\, '--- --\ i, . --{ -'t - . h.i ---L.! -I 1-erunruing t I -EIeNricaI y{ -u."n.ni-cal [ ] -other t I -Bu/i{di ror Nak: / t(/tbY - Job Acldress z ']7J-: Leqal nescripEi-oiT-Aot_ Block__ Filing sueurvrsroN: lwners Name: Address: Ph'- A r-rsilir-p-sf , W- Addressi -Ph'- tl -;enerar Description: 5 pa'u"e-ld o'iueqt-y' /t' lorkCIass:[]-Newg/-erteration[]-Additiona1[]-Repair[]-other-Y' tumber of Dwelling Units, (Nu:nber of Accomnodation Units, I .tumber and rype of Fireplaces: cas AppIian""=. / cas Logs]O- wood/PelI"C-Q-: , k * )r )r ,r ,( )t * * rt * * * * * * * )t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * '( * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt * :k : |urtor*": $ ...- iiur'reiHc, T-ELECTRICAL: $--.----- MECFIANICALz $ 6-dta - OTHER: $ TOTAL: $ I * * rt * * >k * * * * * * * * * * * *'* * * *')t * * * * coNTRi\cToR INFORMAI'ION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * )k :t )t )t t' 't ' lu'"r.f Contractor. b^-(. q,.ilh - Town of VaiI Reg. NO'_.- tcldress: Phone Number: ;Iectrical Contractor: ---- Town of vail Reg' No'-_- ,A.trrJqq: Phone Nunbef: )Iumbing Contractor: 'ddress: techanical- Contract orz ( ,orJ-, Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Reg. No. Reg. No . Al>-m \ddress a (rc( teYr ,4.'6^', c,a -Phone Nurnber: &15-Wel .)k,,.)r:r***,r*******,t*rt*f *+*rtt.)9'***$,*1f$f1-{gFFfCE USE * * * * tt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :t :k:t *: _. r,.1 nuri,orNc Pr,AN cHEcK FEE:]UILDING PERMIT FRE: ir ', ' ' ,LUMBINGPER}1ITFEE:...1.:1PLUMBINGPLANcHEcKIEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: -.-:sri---.--:--.-:;- ' j MECHANICAL PI'AN cHEcK FEE: TLECTRfCATJ IIEE: _- . r'iii ' . .RECREATION FEE: )THERTYPEoFFEE:.;;.\cr,new-UPDEPoSIT: )RB FEE: . TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: GROUP VALUATION I]P DEPOSIT REFT}ND TO: lomnents: ) CLEA.N \);t ui ( \ L.'t t i B\\{? F.,HGI: 1 AREPI CD f'(EFTlf,i Tol{N oF ufill'' coLoRnilE AItt:l/ig+5 Er7t*t3 REAUESIS - INSjF,ECti'l HGftK I;HEETS FOfl: r/13/1999 -,.,-- -F-- ,-.;:::rii:.1=::l=:i===e:=r!=E==g===c:5===El===::::=i===!========at=ic==si====5i==ltE==== *cbrvrbyr FriB*{rlltl l/L3/19 fype; A-BUILD $tatnsr IS}SLJED Constr': AIiFR ' Add!'esE I J37 RDCI(L-EDEE RI) i-+c"rbron: ll/ I?OLKLEDEE R-D F,;rr.re 1 : c I rF 1-rZl7 1- 15 -lzr89 Occ : Us e : DEStrr'l|]Lir:rrr: -I'N]:ERTOR frgMOSEL. fiFID LBFI''ftDDITION' ' '' ''' . AppI icant I ot H{.lLLtlRAN COI\ISTRUCI IBN CO F''hone: .ffi3sE7-9t'tlo OwnErI irltrC NEIL FRgiFiOdl 6 & DffViiJ f: -JT Fi'rone: -., Corrt|actol.: O'|IALL.OFAN COtlS-tRLitrlIgN CLr p'1166ff583€tE7-960|a Loc:ksr Holdsl ;rlrd Notices' fI{:TIUIT'Y f.loLice; $Iot 5E eq r.r F gr e FI-DG-FinaL f:19. Inspec:h i orr Req ue st Ruqi-,s51ar': BILL. I n f ai-mat i on. . " . : tZtfl; Gttil C,onme ts: t^IILL Iten eI 6 pect ed. Irrspeetion l{iatorY.' " -. Itern: 'ala5l lzl clliveway grade f inal Iten i UIEAlCr BLDG-Fuot inEs/'5tee1 1d7 /'ee./ 98 1n sPect or : CD ILem: 6|au|;:rl4 BLD6"-tj o r-rn d;rt i '.rn./St'er+I Lb*nt r fi'A53rrt I-'LttN-lt-i:5itc Plarr f r: r,m r tZttZitt3Ut BLDI:i-Fr"rrot i tr p ltltd/A6i$8 InrPettorI All-l- FIOTES : PI?ilUIOE FIRE HLIJIi{1I{Li l'[exri lalaB4cl ]+ +i hlot On F:ilp 'x *' I L ern : AUIASUI FLIIG-InsttIat ion VAili/$8 InsPeet or: rlR-f Notes : rl[]RRECTItrNEr f,Of4FL!]Tf: uila6tllzt Fl-l)6--5h eetrr.rck l''laii I OB/tll98 Inspecbor": JRl4 rzllaaBtr r. .T hlst tjrr F i I € l+ * t&fib7 trt L{LDS*lt.l i sc. fiftorjur FLDG-Finai trfi53rA ELDr;-TemP ' f:/fl U '1154* BL..LtG -F i ner 1 ClA FIlrrnF: 39rZr-4737 trFLI- Act i on Eonmerrts Tine Exp |qct i on l $'ll-'F R Ac:tirirri fil-'I,'1t l.lI i ll I l,l lrtAL-l-- Ii T Aclt iorr r AF[''Fl V'.{I-.OR tsARRIEft Acbir:n; iiFFR gF.F.ROUED l^l / L-i (i t-; ri e (: L i otr rr ot ed: .5TiJ]: R ;-TRINFIR. l,Jr'coi'r'etrb i. ons not eLl; ON f;LL EXTERIOR t,ItrLLs AF'F.RI]VEE i-1'rr:n: Iterni It{rfll lbem! Itrlfi, l.Lem!*!;i*sthtw'[frt/rr &r- Lf, -o,u^ frff(-t/nfra ry' ffi fg -.a27 4-- M)f*tln/rr t/o; \ o COMMLINITY DE TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit VELOPMENT \-r.r-' \ Lol AT ALL TIMES #: B03-0001 \).L(to1- r1t ,s ts uB\\<l NOTE: Job Address: 217 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Location.....: 217 Rockledge Road ParcelNo...: 210107115030 Project No : r 'fr ru j UC'UT owNER KTRBY, STEVEN T. & suzETTE :F^OL/22/2OO3 24 RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS SIOTIX FAI,T-,S SD s7105 License: CONTRACTOR PEAK PROPERTIES - RON BYRNE OL/22/2003 ]-OOO LIONS RIDGE I,OOP SUITE 3A VAII-,, CO 8L657 License:164-A APPI,ICAIflr Peak ProPerties 1000 Lions Ridge LooP 3-A Vail, Co ul-b5 / L,l-Cense: Status . Applied Issued. Expires Phone: .. : ISSUED . . : 0112212003 ..: 0112312003 ...: 0712212003 Phone 97Q-479-999O oL/22/2oo3 Phone: 479-9990 and 150 sq'ft Description:ffiirt'"i.rfi"hower/sink and add closet in bath interior conversl-on Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Tvoe Consffuction: VN Type V Non-Rated Valuation: $50,000.00 Add Sq Fr 150 Fireplace Information: Rcstricted: Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofGas.Loss: 0 #of Wood Pellel: 0 r. 't * )* *+ +,t:!rt* ** * **:* !t*:l til * tt 't:l* *'i * * ++ * Building----> $490 ' oo Restuarant Plan Revie\d--> 90 ' oo Total Calculated Fees-> $834 ' 00 Plan Check--> $31s'50 DRB Fee----'------> So'00 Additional Fees-----> 90'00 lnrestigation-> $o ' oo Rereation Fee--------'> $22 ' 50 Total P€rmit Fee-----> S834 - 00 Will Call---> 53 . oo Clean-up Deposit------> $o ' oo Pa},Inents-'-----------> 5834 ' 00 TorAL FEES------> $834 ' o0 BALANCE DUE------> s0 ' 00 Approvals:ri5m-t -o!ro0 BUrr,DrNG DEPARTMENT oL/22/2oo3 JRM Action: AP Item: 05400 PI-,ANNING DEPARTMEMr oL/22/2oo3 ao AcLion: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI Item: 05500 PUBI-,]C WORKS PAGE 2 ,k**,*d.*****'t:*******:t******t*******d.*****************************'*******{'**'F***+'F'|}*<*********d'****'t{t******* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B03-0001 as of 0l-23-2003 Status: ISSUED *****!8,F*,t***********,f+{.**,r*,t**************,F*****,F**++*************t*:}****{'+*d'*!t*+******'t+'}***:t'**'f**:l'***:f Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT APPlicant: PeakProPerties 479-9990 Job Address: 217 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Location: 217 Rockledge Road ParcelNo: 210107115030 DescriPtion: Move tub/shower/sink and add closet in bath and 150 sq' ft' interior conversion **,F*****************************+**x'*************:F Conditions Applied: 0112212003 Issued: 0112312003 To Expire: 0712212003 *****+**.**+**********'F****',t*d'+************** Cond: 12 reitc.l, FIELD INSPECTIoNS ARE REQUIRED To cHECK FoR coDE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 fsiDC.l' sMoKE DETEcToRS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDRooMS AND bvnnvsronv As PER sEc.3l0.9.l oF THE 1997 uBc' o . ,-a-rL:--*.o See page 2 of this Document for any cEnditions that may apply to this permit' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required' completed an accurate plot plan' and state that all the information as required is correct. i ugr.. to comply,with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure-according ioihe towns zoning and subdivision codes' design review rpp."*d, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto' RxeuEsrs FoR INSeECTIoN sHALL BE MADE TwENTy-FouR HouRS IN ADvANcE BY TELEPH0NE AT 479-2149 oR AT ouR oFFlcE FRoM 8:00 AM - 4 PM' RFORHIMSELF AND OWNER * * * * ** * * * * * * {. * * + * * * + + i' '} * * * * * * * * {' * '} * + * * 't * * * {"( *'F+** * '{' * '} * * * + + * * t' * * * * * + * * * ** * * ** * * * ** * * * + * ** +* * t TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statemeft *:lf****,***{.+****,r***:1.'i*+*!t'*:}:}**:t**:t'*******'}************:}tt+{'t'**+**:********"**'}+*****lt***+*',}*:} Statement Number: R030003526 Amount: $834'oO oL/23/2Oo3L0:51 AI"l Payment Method: check Init: DDG Notation: Peak Properties 2oO2 Permit No: Parcef No: Site Address : Location: This Palment: BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 RF 11100003112700 I^lC 00100003i12800 BUILDING PTRMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES RECREATION FEES |^lILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 803-oool T14)e: ADD/Ar'T sFR BUrLD PERMTT 2 1010 7115 0 3 0 2].7 ROCKI,EDGE RD VAII., 217 Rockfedge Road Total Fees: TotsaI AIIIJ PMES : Balance : $834.00 $834.00 $o. oo $834.00 *{! 'N. + * * + * * * + * * * * {. * * * * 't **'}+****** ***+*** * * * {' {' * + * * + ** '} + * * + * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** + +**t} * +:* 'l * {t * +* ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current Pmts 490.00 318.50 22.50 3.00 tl WILL NOT = AIFEUILDING PERMIT APP MWNOFUAIL sepmtrical,plumbing'mechanical, e 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CoNTRACTOR INFIEMATION rF INcoMPLETE oR fi,|flful1 _o*f _ Permit #: fcArfgry ,-, ^"4 rechanicar,e$ 81 Contact and Phone # s: 77?- o7 own of Vail Reg. No :General Contractor: PE+F r tufEul €s Email address: COMF F I'^I t rATI.| r'IC E.|E EII III NING PERMIT Labor & Materials LEIE YALI.,AII\/I!\' I OTHER: $o,no'*c,S #doa o - ELECTRICAL: $ ,L 6IEO -rornm tZ\ 0TO For Parcel # CoQtact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit ***ddt**rr****r*i*********************FOR OFFICE USE O N LY*****t*****t*******t*******+***r****** Al0l ^ 07 l- frio-oa I rounddress: f // flg{E LElq JobName: f(Evf K tnn tu'*" Y V !t' Phone:'.7.o, Box lAl groax F4 tt 5 Owners Name-. STEvE K lftB ( L esET WorkClass: New() Addition( ) q"dg Repair( ) Demo ( ) Other ( ) il. ". Eru exist at this location: Yes ( )NoAl ffirk Type, l"terior $d Exterior ( ) Both ( ) tt6. ot n.*t.odation Units in this building: No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Wood/Pellet( ) Wood Burni Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED ffi--TesT ) No( ) a Fire Alarm Exisi: Yes 0712612002 \wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM DOC t- '--*--L-'I - -]-l "1 ql LL a.ai --r \='\ rl-.u'rlJ Fl +<.fr !I tl I.! FIi. -.: ; <.= F)z. l \,s :Ui a.: d-cL z'c l-z ).9 .i<J= --\ {) !': 'iF -:(\s! l$ o-\ -';( \.-\ r^{ s $\-5 -r:l :-l *iE R:co s*- i{" S :=G \ .. u-t +:tu \1].) q k tU \5 .\s- Ja \)s k' L I : I I I =_\r\l 6f'P ={2 t.-\ o \)\) ft .\\\ {R \-sb \ \ \LT I I t I $ : I I ) ," dr,(/7 E I s \ \|$E t l.. ----a lo r TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8r657 9'10-479-2138 oil*rrr*r oF coMMUN,rt orurrot *, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E03-0007 3Oi t{ti\ Job Address: 217 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 217 Rockledge Road Applied . . : 0210412003 Parcel No...: 210107115030 Issued ' . : 0210612003 ProjectNo : -9 R. 16;>.g)c,rrr- Expires ' .: 08/05/2003 ohrNER KTRBY, STEVEN T. & SUZETTE HO2/O4/2O03 Phone: 24 RTVERVIEW HEIGHTS SIOUX FALLS SD 57l-0 5 License: COMIRACTOR WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC O2/O4/2OO3 Phone1. 97O-949-a4O3 P O BOX 1118 AVON CO .JIOZU T-,icense: 145-E AppI_,ICANt WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC 02/04/2003 Phone: 970-949-L403 P O BOX 1118 AVON CO 8162 0 License:145-E Desciption: replace lighting wiring and rewire bathroom area. install readiant heat below floor tile Valuation: $5,000.00 t ir* + *:*,t 'r ** ** * * * +i Electrical-------> $90. oo Total Calculated Fees--> S93 ' 00 DRB l'ee-----> $o . o0 Additional Fe€s-----> $0 ' 00 Investigation--> So. oo Total Permit Fee-----> $93 ' 00 Will Call-----> 53 ' oo Pa)T nents----------> $93 ' 00 TOTAL FEES-> Se3 .00 BALANCE DUE----> $0 ' 00 Approvals:Item: 06000 ELECTRICAI-, DEPARTMENI o2/o4/2OO3 DF Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{TI CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filted out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the to$,ns zoning and subdivision codes, design review * *** {. * * * * 't * * * * * * * * * * **+* * ********:}***:f *'t**'} {.*** **** 'N.***** ******:t*******'t*1.**** ***** ***:}***.i* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement {.*** * * + * * * * ** * ** * * * *:} * * l. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *{. * * * * * *'t * * * *.1. * 'f * * + *. * + {. * +:i,} * + * * * * * *:* + + * * * * t * * * * * *,r * * * * Statemenu Number: R030003644 Amount: $93.00 02/05/2OO3L1 :30 AM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: White River Electric 14458 Permit No: E03-0007 TlT)e: EL,ECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 21-01071-l-50 3 0 Si.te Address: 2L7 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL I-,ocation: 217 Rockledqe Road Total Fees: S93.00 This Payment: $93.00 Total ALIJ Ftnts: $93.00 BaLance: S0.00 * +** **+*** * * ** + {. * * * * '1. ** * * * * * * ** **+*+t}*** ***,F*+:1.:1.** +* * * * * * * * *,t *:} * * * * * * * '}****'f ****,}** ***+***** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Cunnent Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEI4POMRY POI'ER PERI4ITS I^/C OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEI 90.00 3.00 appro-v€{ UnifonnBuilding Codoard otorOiu** oftfte Town applicable o &ercto. REQLGS'IS FOR INSPEETI']N SHALL BE MAE|E IWENTY'-FOUR HOURS IN FROM &OO AM-4 PM. Feb 03 03 O6: 22p s?us 6?4s p.1 I no CATION WILL OMPLETE OR Prcject #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O-47 9' 2149 (InsPections) 75 s. Vail,- Assesnrc Office at 970-328- 86/K, 9I visit for Parcel # Contad coMpLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIoNS FoR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) Ci,tet * (nEuired if no bldg'FEprovldedabove) Zio lo'7 il Job Name: K i RtsY K FSr bf-^Jc-'l=Job Address: 'Lta Rot-r<-l e-c5* f&r .tr! / vi <- er El7^'Owners Name : :!i,.lc vr ,r 14''rb z{ *epan( ) TemPPower( ) Otner( )=-:-:: ooui un EHU axist at this location: Ycs ( ) No ( )iv"rk'Typct tnteiiot (-{ Extcrior ( ) Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Snglefamily (Drpl.=( 1 lvtft-famity ( ) Cornmercial ( ) Rcstaurant ( ) Othcr ( ) No. of AccommodaLion Units in this building; I wo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I Is lhis Permit for e [gil!b: Yesli$Ycs( ) No("7 Does a Fire SPri ooes a rire Alarm Exist: Yes No( ) ELECTRICAL VALUATION: I 5., dc<t ' ocr AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: CONTRACTO R IN FOR'MATIO N ffi anZ P-nond #'s: i3.-t+- 'l?o - {*1-ot+o 'fo,rrn of Vail Relg, No-: t+5 E Electrical Contractor : t;t/l}f 'f€ 'r7ttfl'fL €te "rr'''t- Gar- **+:k++*+*r!+***********+***+*+*++*******FOR OFFICE USE ONLYn****+t'*+it*+*+****rrJt$*+rt{*tr*rr***trtr'* FEB - 4 2003 TOV-COtr,f.DEV. o EVELOPMENT TOU,N OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 ARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P03-0002 3o:-ooo1 Job Address: 217 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 217 Rockledge Road Applied . . : 01,/29/2003 ParcelNo...: 210107115030 Issued' ': 02/11'/2003 Project No : P Rf o 3 -o@S Expires ' ': 08/10/2003 OIIINER KIRBY. STEVEN T. & SUZETTE HOL/29/2OO3 PhONC: 24 RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS SIOUX FAIJITS SD 5 /IUf License: CONTRACToR SITNDANCE PLWBING & HEATING OL/29/2OO3 Phone: 970-74A-4977 P.O. BOX 3684 AVON, CO 41620 License: l-01- - P ApPI-,ICAIrflt SITNDANCE PITIIMBING & HEATING OL/29 /2003 Phone: 970-748-8977 P.O. BOX 3584 AVON, CO 8162 0 License: L01-P Desciption: BATHROOM REMODEL Valuation: $8,000.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restricte d: ?? # of Gas Appliances: ?? # of Gas Logs: ?? # of plumbing--> Si.20. oo Restuarant Plan Review-> $0. oo Total Calculated Fees-> $153 ' 00 Plan Check--> 93 o . oo DRB Fee--------*--> So ' oo Additional Fees--------> S50 ' 00 hveshgahon-> $0 . 00 TOTAL FEES----------*> $1s3 . 0o Total Permit Fee------> s2 03 ' 00 i\riU Call----> 93 . oo Payments-----------> $203 ' 00 .............:i::)i.i?1i;;;l $o oo Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEIiI| oL/29/2oo3 DF Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 .:::.::"1.:..::":.:.'-"":.:::-""::1."".::".::-".:-"-::":-1"":*::".:::..:.:."":::..:"".3,-"-.-".:.:11.1.T"""."-; DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an u..1r.ui" plot plan, u*r'rd ,tut" that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and ttri?rlrr.*" according to the towns zoning and iubdivi$ion iodes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other srdinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR. TNSFECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAIICE BY TELEPHONE AT 479449 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM &00 AM-4 PM. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET 1 ffiru Plumbing Permit #: gl o - ql g -zt+g ( I nsPections) -co r,rrucrqB-I N Fo RM ATro N ALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) APP mvv0FUtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 6-nu-ct and Phone #'s:Ewn-of Vail Reg. No': -lumbing C-ontractor: Job Address:_r-.._ \l.J Subdivision: Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( )Alteration Yf eePatr ( ) other( ) G "r gldt=insle-familv ('.,'l- Dup|exti ) t'lutti-famitY ( ) Commercial (lRestaurant( ) Other( ) ffi,To. ot n.*rnrodation units in this buildingl ffi"s D*"[i.g units in this building: ffinEomtwood burning GffiATdse iI device?VAT-I No ( ) EffiIVEP JAN 2 szoot TOvsoM.oEv'F/everyoneforms/PlmbPerm R€ouc|bd lnsplct Dats' -' lmpct!{on Areei Slb Addr€8t: AIF[} Inlbnnrlton A.Srrlt{: HFTXXX T1ryo:q*m: KRBY, srEvEN r. affiiP*.'JT Phonet 479'99q1 Pttono: 9n}479$g) Inspqq:tlon Rcgqslt ABI'ILD , Jsnc 05,2003 RDVAIL *otHi ff Mrt:h|fAnr:B3I'ED JRM ffifr"ffiRr*s - RoD{ BIENE ffirffirq'ltffio{co.ve*lo. R€a$qqEilEnfg|gdd lbfirt 00 BLDG-FIn l Rmrc5toc PE/l'|( PROFERTES - Eo!! FYFM ci:Hmernr: wtCAqX)46 BEFORE t(n"M. Requ€obd nmc:' Phon€: 08r0oArt 9?!rt79g$ .AIONDRAGC'N K Ase$rydTo: COAr/tS Acdofi: lbm: Rscuc8lof: cmfun€rdr: Art&tn€flTo:- Acion: TlfneEry: e{t g-DG-Flnd PEAK PROPERTES. RO}.I B\|RTf todnwcg.0446 CDA\lls TlmeEt9: tnrslsfls0.lIsery hem: 30 *1fr[tfi8*oo.*., ;"ff,*: Ad{on: APAPP^ow{J bn: 60 *Til[##*,r""*"" Ac{on: APAPPRovED rirnr: 60 BtDgBh#*Js"*' GcJceeMcd- Ardon: cRCoRREcrslFEQ!8EP hm: fil ttem: 90 ""K,*# ffi; .Ftr"il* ne"srna €ff RbSFfr HUiSHXHfFfixsrt*tc REsr oF GYP.$ulg()3 iili;cor: JRM ---lcflotr: APTPPR$'ED crfrrnintr iiifho{/ED coRREcr GRN BoARD BL"DG-Mbc. BLDe.Fksl 10100 Atl 97t>479m REPT131 Rr:n Id: 1-0?3 .rbwx'orv,qn 75 S FRONTACE ROAD VAIL. CO 8I657 970-479-2t38 ADD/ALT SFR BLILD PERMIT Job Address: 217 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Location.....: 217 Rockledge Rd. ParcelNo...: 210107115030 ProjectNo : ?PSOD -o3L3 OWNER KTRBY, STEVEN T. & SUZETTE H11./06/2OOO 24 RIVERVIEW IiEIGHTS SIOIIX FAI,LS SD Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: # ofGas Aooliances:***'i*****,r***r.*,r:.*+**************,r**********,r***+*******x*xii***+,r***0 # of G;x Logs: 0 s71os j ) v-coNrRAcroR cRAwFoRD coNsrRucrroN r1,/06/2poocqhlG: 9-70-328-2899 P.o. Box 3832 / ,v. EAGLE, co X ,Zr{-a (8l-631- ,/ vt I f r i aa*^^ ,/ V .,t\ A "':::::: 2GO-B ,/ V ' J,t r APPLTcAIin ;T*:H ;:T:'.'2T " $F""f i 'non"' :'ftP]"; tti)APPLTCAIiTT CR.AWFOR n.o "ol^l:T:'.7T n )N"'(':'n" "' ;'t{\|t'T EAGLE, co / / rV,l \n I ,,..,." (<4X \ry r4r;,,g/, R:tn"ii:3"'"*isring skylighr w/ 2 vej,'x "*"]r"n/ f', 0 V" ^-"t --r--r \// | .z ll I (^' occupancv: ' /tQQ/i ,\ O?' ;Typeconstrucrron: \ \r\\ (, .l \0\'tv Valuation: $5.600.00 Add Sq Ft: O V \ V' O DE'ARTMENT oF coN{rvrlrNrrt Orro. *ru*9,f, f?t NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSIE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 800-03 19 Status . . Applied. Issued . Expires . ISSUED 11106/2000 1l/16/2000 05/15t2001 -4" # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUNfI,tARY *********,*****ii**********f***r*i(*,!****,r*****,|:*,*:r**:***r)r,f)Gx*,rr. Building---> Plan Check-> Investigarion-. Will Call---> 5O.00 s0.00 $iJo.00 $0.00 S105 . 00 Restuarad Plan Review-> 558.25 DRBFee------------> S0 - 00 Recreation Fee--------> S3 . 00 Clean-up Deposil----> TOTAL FEES__--_> Total Calculated Fees--:- Acklitional Fees--> Total Permit Fee------> Pa)4nents-----------> B.{LA}JCE DL'E-->*x***,r*********,}****)t*:ll*,*,Fxx***,t****,t******'i)*i****i.'*)t,*********:i*****i*xx*+xfl*****x**)t*il:ilt*'*'. fg$:"ti,.o ",,,-,*;;; - c,""frK"^;;:';;;]* ,."*, llll:':ffiJ$AHno*r**", ^"i""' ^' rppr;v::'"qgjt nt Tf Fm. nq.nn rirDrl T-'FD^ DrFMElar.' orr..^]'ou -v-( -tfuno'rtem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT arnount ftem: 05500 PTIBLIC WORKS dat See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this pe'rut. DECLARATIONS . I hereby aclnorvledge that I have read tfri.fti.ution. tilled out in firtl the informati* ..0"{ completed an accwate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigo review approved' Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWXNTY-FOUR HOLRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-2138 OR .,\T OLrR OFFICE FROM 8;00 ALt ' 5 PNl. Send Clean-uo Deposit To: Crawlord Construction ATT]RE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNER * *< * ** *** ** ** t! +*:t** * * * * ** **** d.:{. *+ ****rt**** ***+ ** +*** {< *,r. lrr*** * * +,t< * *** *** *** ** + **** +*** ***** * * +* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO 5taremenr 'l'*************++*'1.***,t'|**********{t****'}******,1.*****:F***+**:1.+****+****t **+*r.:t i.,t ************** Statement Number: R000000212 Amount: 1296.25 IL /L6 / 2OO0O1,: 15 pM Payment Method: Check fnit: JAR Notati-on: 62a9 Permit No: 800-03L9 Type: ADD/AIT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 21010 711503 O Site Address: 217 ROCKLEDGE RD IIr Location: 217 Rockledcre Rd. Total Fees: 9296.25 This Palment: 9295.25 Totaf AI-rIr pmts: 5296 .25 Balance: S0. oO * *** * *+ + + * **** ** * * * +*+ * + *** * * * + ** ***{.* * * *+ +* *** * * ** ** * **x ***,r *** * *+{.*j&+ **x* +* *+ ***** *** **** * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current pmts AO D2.DEPO8 CLEANUP DEPOS]TS 1OO.OO BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PIRMIT FETS 1O5.OO DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEi^] FEES 2O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 68.25 I^/C 00100003112800 TJILL CAIL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 -2 4 rlr 27 OE 9{ ET -2 |{0 FT IJ lr Fr El('z0 dat lq Or & qr E o rl Ft 6 fl ! OH nlo UEI a U F t &!l p m ; E{ (, tq A AFi a2 FIE g4 at F FT FI zz Etp -o F:: F,F AE '<D ro ErE o E A FI F'HE oo oi= b1 4 !t ;f F) a x FI F z o H H!a to zril q ga Etd o oc F EA rl| 40 (Jo F c E A z a to ;I "; d6 =>titE|{&4 0 Ito I (c o AAtJ tlov-Os-Oo t.2:56p 'qe 'ffoqo$b{_Gaoa c(12_.APFLICITTOT U'ILL I{OT 8E AclCEPTtD IF IT{COilPLETE OR UTSGI|ED P-01 75 S. !'rorrrrc Rrt.Vall, ColorlEo f1657 Pmfect #; Bulfdlng Permlt #;gl O-179-2r4tt (Inrp€cuonr) t{cpar'.tr Pcrorilr *c rrg*'ud for af;ffi qrtu Brr[DIt{G PERIT|IT (libor & MaErtab) i:)\" \^/ z Vaf"J<- a t<, \, r.fr Work Oass: fle'rv ( ) lddlUon ( ) Remodel Repei'r ( ) Derto ( ) Other ( )Wor&Type: Intefior( ) bftefior( ) ffiJ Does An EHU sist at this locatiofi: ye5 ( TlDe of gldg,; tinglc-{amity (Tuo,frmity ( ) trtutd-famdy ( ) Cu?,fterd* ( t n"s""ra;t t ) Othcr- No, of Exbting Dwelting UniB in this nritatrgr No^ of Aeommo.tatbn units an mis buitiing-/ aFiresprinktersffi COIIIPt"ETE VALUATIOTS FOR RIiIIUND CI.F:ANIJP DEFOSIT.N); COTfi RACTOR ITIFORHATIO 1I ,-:/cr9.yonq/brnrtf Oldlgp{:rm RE0DNoI/ 0620a0 $ Y'aE\5 eFIt.;r.r LX isTI \\ 6 t/q" = l' K,,.bt '1 l7 / V^.\ 1,p"1 \eluX Ce^\.< i\. \\ia.i o Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.219 fax! 970.479.2452 web: vwvw.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Kirby Residence DRB Numberl DRB030004 Project Description: Move tub/shower/sink and add closet in bath and 150 sq. ft. interior conversion Pafticipants: OWNER KIRBY, STEVEN T. &SUZETTE H01/14l2003 Phone: 24 RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS SIOUX FALLS SD 57105 License: APPUCANTPeakProperties 0U14l2003 Phone:479-9990 1000 Lions Ridge LooP 3-A Vail, CO 81657 License: ProjectAddrcss: 217 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Location: 217 Rockledge Road Legal Description: Lot: 13 Block: 7 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 Parcel Number: 210107115030 Comments: interior conversion of 150 sq'ft' BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date ofAPproval: 01/2012003 Conditions: Cond: 8 (pLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (pLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO Application for Design Review General Information: AII projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. pl€ase refer to.the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requesied. An a-pplication ior Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Develbpment Depaftmlnt. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the planning and Environmental Commission.Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and c6nstruction commences within one year of the approval. Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Description of the Request:awE C (ar€ Locationof theproposalt tot: l7 alock: 7 Subdivision: V V [rf Physical Address: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: 9/; 7tt gp)D Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s)r Name of Applicant: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: D Signs E Conceptual Review n New Construction d Addition O Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request tr ! $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild.$300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions).$250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 $20 No Fee For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. 5""u:H:i['-tBoPr a n s a I read Y a pproved bv Pr' HiH ct{ f EqF Efir/ be i?:"ff*'"|ffiavt ,uN t I i'ilm rn \-E. i I I ! s c\T (-- \n \ \ \ I I I L (, n .r,m i+fn .'\ rl 4*- *{ S\' --s\9 *;5 r1 1. \s l- *E,s *Y{ii i.\t {i 3 @ s (- \t ', 4'o"--t- - --- -- r s$/ r'-- {f. c_q --N > -r_F> =i:di= "r^ri h F stus 7FD n n=2 Ls ''i i{Fr =, ,,r_F E_ r---.)IF --f- i It \ G t I ? \n \ \ { t^ I I \ I I t I Ct r e t\ -{q b I i nr \s t I LlPEl Ctc 12 27-O2; 2: +s-pM; BLUESTE M CAP o ITAL CO.;605 334 121a Form AO/CHI LTG PolicyNo. CTEHZ6Z|4| Onr Order No. V26Z14I Sdredule A Amout $20.000.00 Property Address: LOT 138, BLOCK 7, VAIL VILLAGE 1ST l. Policy Date:February I l, 2000 ar 5:00 p.M. 2. Name of Insured: STEVEN T. KIRBY AND SUZETTE H. KIRBY 3.The estate or interest in the land tlescribed or rcfened to in this schedule and which is covered by this policy is: A Fee Simple Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: STEVEN T. KIRBY AND SUZETTE H. KIRBY 5. The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: THAT PORTION OF LOT 13B, A REPLAT OF A PORTION OF BLOCK 7 VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING AND LOT 2 OF RAETHER MINOR SUBDTVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED FEBRUARY IO, 2OOO IJNDER RECEPTION NO. 72244O,WHICHWAS NOT INCLI,JDBD IN THE DESCRIPTION OF SAID LOT I3B, BLOCKT, VAIL VLI..AGE FIRST FILINC'CCORDTNG TO THE ORIGINAL PI-A,T OF VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING RECORDED IN THE EAGLE COUNTY RECORDS, COIINTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. Land Title Guarantee Company R.epresenting Chicago Title Insurance Company ;605 334 1218 # 3/ 4 12_2-7_A2i 2:4gPMi BLUESTEM CAP TAL CO U LTGPo$cyNo. CTEl1262l41 Form AO/CHI Our OrderNo. V262l4l Schedule B This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attomeys' fees or expenses) which arise by rcason of General Exceptions: 1 . Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line dispules, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate suwey and inspection of the premises. 3. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafler firrnished, imposed by law and not shownby the public recorils. 5, AI.IY AND ALL TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS' 6. LIENS FORUNPAIDWATERAND SEWERCHARGES, IFANY. 7, RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCIIES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNMED STATES PATENT RECORDED DECEMBER 19, 1997, IN BOOK746 AT PAGB 892 RECEPTION NO. 642836. 8. TERMS. CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS OFEXCEPTTONS AND RESERVATTONS AS CONTAINED IN IJNITED STATFJ PATENT RECORDED DECEMBER 19, 1997 IN BOOK 746 AT PAGE 892 RECEPTION NO. 642836. g. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, AND RESERVATIONS OF EXCHANGE AGREBMENT RECORDED MARCH I7,1,997 IN BOOK 720 AT PAGE 71E' 10, EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE PLAT RECORDED FEBRUARY 10, 2OOO RECEPTION NO. 722440. 11. TERMS. CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT CREATING RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS RECORDED FEBRUARY 10, 2OOO RECEPTION NO,'122441. 1?_27-O2: 2 :4APM: BLUESTE o lrAL co, ;605 334 1214 I.AND TITTE GUARANTEE COMPANY EI{DORSEMENT 1.10.3 case W62747 Poficy CTE8262747 Iroan # Property Address Owner IrOT 738, BLOCX 7, VAIL WLLAeE 7Sr STEUEN T. XIRBY AT'D SUZETTE fr. KTEBY ITEM 4 OF TEE ..EXCEUSIONS FROI{ COVERAGE " OF POLICY NI'MBERED CTES'Z62L4L IS ITARSAY DELETED . This endorsenea I is made a parE of the pol,icy or cornitment and is subj ect to a7f the cezms and provisions thereof and of any prior endorsenents thereto. Except ta the excent exg)fegsTy stated, it neiEher madifies any of t?re terrrs and provisions of the poTicy or cofitnitment and prior endorsenents, if any, nor does it exEend the effective date of Ette policy or comniEment and priot endorseren Es or inctease the face ajmounE thereof. CouaterslgE€d: Representing Chicago Title Insurance Company Jan OS O3 O2: 33p Jan o? 03 o3;'s;p* I, (print name) """t::"",='t e,rv.#r/F,v 7?-o6tv Eag I e Ege 'JiT.""p.l @oo2 P.?'anh,aci D,r., g aN Ll -'-ii+l$iSiity^lIsi_ description) provide this letter as rvrltten rpprovi,l of the plans dated Lefr r I further undersbnd that minor modifirdHons may be made to the plans ouu. *u coJrse of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town,s applicabh codes and reguJations. been submitted to the Town of vair cnm*,,^r*. ^,. . -- which have Vail Communlty Development I to be completed at $re address ^J :^",: ": -=]eiopment Department for the proposed improveirnenis B Em o "/ t t N::': I unde*tand that the proposed improvemenls incrude: 6 joint ownef of propedy located at (address/legal -0i^d J-i 1x.pn..n^- t) ^ ^... (Date Page 2 of LZl02tO7loz *r******** ****{.****:}*** *,}****. * ***i.i.****** + * +:1. *.t * *:t + * * * + * * * * * * * + * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * ***:*{.*'}** TOWNOF VAIL. COLORADO Statement + *** * * * + * ** * * **,i * * *,t * * * ******it** '|*:t:;*+* {.*********** * * ****** ************** ********* * ******'t*{. Statement Number: Ro30o035o? Amounu: $300.00 OI/]-4/20030]-:27 PN! Payments MeLhod: Check Init: \IAR Notation: 1996 Peak ProDertieE PermiE No: DR8030004 Type: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 21010711-5030 Site Address I 217 ROCKIEDGE RD VAIL Location: 217 Rockledqe Road Totaf Fees: 5300.00 This Payment: $300.00 TotaL AL,L Pmts: $300.00 Balance: $0.00 * * ** * * * * * * * + * * * *:l * * * * * * * ** * * * 'lr * * + * *.* * **********,t*** * **'***** * *** * *,i * * i. 't:l * * * + * + + * + * * + * * * * * * * * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniplion Cunrent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REV]E!,/ FEES 300.00 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: KIRBY RESIDENCE DRB l{umber: DR8010170 Project Description: Replace/shorten retaining wall Panicipants: OWNER KIRBY, STEVEN T. & SUZETTE H06/25l2001 Phone: 24 RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS SIOUX FALLS SD 57105 License: APPUCANT PinyonBuilders 0612512001 Phone:471-2182 Tom Po Box 9003 AVON, CO 81620 License: ProjectAddress: 2L7 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Location: Lqal Description: Lot: 13 Block: 7 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 Parcel Number: 210107115030 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date ofApprovalt 06/28/2001 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0004838 REVOCABLE RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT REQUIRED WITHIN 30 DAYS FOR ENCROACHMENT INTO ROAD EASEMENT. Planner: Brent Wilson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 qu"r,ionrtll the Planning Stafrat 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a buiiding permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. N OF THE r-) l.u''cta t ?0ll B. C. D. E. F. G. PROPOSAL: PFIYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #: &l ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: BLOCK:FILING: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Offrce at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) PHONE: owrrER(s) srGNA NAME OFAPPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: 1t - 4tga PHONE: Conslruction of a new building. lncludes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial buildine. fi.qlioor Alteration -$20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining wails. etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applyrng for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, .{LL SUBMITTAL REQ{IIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. 7s souTH FRONTAGE ROAr!, VArL, COLORADO 816s7. R E C E I V E D ) H.ryPE OF REVMW AND FEE: El New Consfruction - $200 tr Addition - $50 TO|[/N OFVAIL Pctwer Questious? Crll rhe Planuing Staff gr 479 -2lfS APPLTCATION FOR I}ESIGN RE\/IE.tr/ AP"ROVAL GE}EES]. bIFQRDTATTON This rypliceticm ir fc'r al'y pn:j.xt rcquiriog Design Rcvicw apprrrvsl- An1l projr.ct rc.qr.riritg &5.ig1 rcvicw rnusr rcccive Dasiga R€{iew apgroval prior ro srhftdDg fEra bnilding pcrdit For spccific hformrdol. rcc t}c subaittd requiremmx f* tbe particslor &pftovd $or is rcqucxrcd. Tbe appliceriqrr connot bc accq)rcd u*il all rbc tequircd itrfoffietiou is suhuiacd Tbe poject nay also med rc b. reviewed by Oc Towl Cormsil atrd/or thc Plancing arrd Enwirosgrrdal f,omrnisslstr- Dcrfa Rcric- Boartl approval cxpirel ont yt:er ufier fisel epprovel -nlt$ r bulldlrrg pc?rhlt 13 irford rnd col rtrtcfioD is rrtcd^ OF TI{E O dal B. r' F. G. Jun-zz-o]. 02:53P Fe P -OZ LOCATIONOfFROPOSAT' [OT:---_BLOCS,, "r'{Lt}rc-_PHYSIcALADDBISS:. ar-r ={ m L h AS.- (li - _ PARCEL;:3 ZON'ING: NAIUE OF OWNER{S): MATLIHGADDRESS: O}YNER(SI $IGNATU NAME OF A}PLIC.A.\T: IvTAILING ADDRESS: TYPE OFREVIEW AND FEE.E Ner Coutnrctioa - glOO Cofrtnrcdon df I new buildiD&fl A.l.lltlon - (Cooua 5ag1" Co. Asrcs.<$rs Officc at g?0-32&t6rl0 for ;nrcll €) PHONF. 100zet,(ot 8 l-sl se:rE ls/it./go '!rl r!'-r :-.t 7:j !!:_E:r_ -: i.!c. ?: - : L O_g._g II. (y**. Alhrrtlor - S30 trcludas any.ddirion rhcrc square foolrcr, is addcd ro rny rcsi&ndal or cosrascisl bnilding J20 Includ-es miu.or r:haqgrs ro builtlings anrl sire irrprcvenrcrrls, s.ch as. rerocfiig. paiarin& Uadow addirions, landscaping terrces and reuiaing wElle. etc. DnD fees |'c fu bc Paid a! lbc rime ofsub!6iBri. Lrtcr. whcn cpplyrng l'or ,r buildjng pcffnit, plcrse idcnrif t|r: acgurac *'dr.urtirrn of rhe pmjecr- Thc Tou,u otvail wilt adju*i rhel lce:rc"ord;rrjto rte pro.lcct valuariq. PLEASE SUASUT T}IIS A}PLICATION, ALL SUBI}IIITAI TT.EQUTREMENTS ANI} THE FEE tO TIIE DEPAN,TME}IT OF COI'MIII\TTY DEVELOPYTENT. '5 SOLTIH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORAI}O t1657. TO& c=r-r rle i:t:,: ' surcr I BtrNo,tN I { BASIS OF BEARINGS (t- s Bgo 4l 'w I I I I i -) t61.2',2 8r,30' NB4":o' E :) z a -? 'q * LOT I3A 8780 SQ FT. 0.202 AC. -.. -.* ) L-'-7 l-\ l\\/ '-\ -f I _tU -oi o{O ,q .-l ;l ) I t, I I \s-=-__,, '(,1 n ,,.,1 h V-r :\_I th -'(o N) h u{> r>tJ ^, rot.: s....-,U TI UI'IY EASEMENT \R \* \i \ \R' \a- r_or t3B rSeoo so. Fr, 0,102 Ac. N 76"8.OO' l-- I i--- -i )) Tr ;-'-'- (-1 r-r drr?*r* i I [-r r I t- -L _ _ Jr:,,r L--- r 'Tffi_ "/1,,,_r.=l.f :i Iif,ft ,. lr ,l /whLa@Tffi. A" d.J't + rX: Qr' t - RO^D+ fsrmrut -' ?#. ?** ^A w.pL^.^ rr,hi^t*t- .-r^.M ,,,*A s\^-LA' gt hun 4 tl".aY'ha. A +t 't 'i 1 i'J..i i F,r,i ,_i:ii.i-rr1_T*r rTCr. :eq KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. P.Q, Bax 4572 Vail, Colotcdo 81658 r970) 948-9391 FAi (97O) e49,15t7 =HEET rye. --. f ce cil-cultEo 9Y - -ts-&.Fri.-.-- oarE oH€CKED B\, -- DA'E . . e/ | i -/4 aCAt, -- ,r ' F" ceNc, 5lrAB V #3's e lz" eA. hlAY 1 f5 \t Dlr{ Lg ?+t' &"/__.I^tv x l-N I l+.. EA.' l rar -1 ,N 4'M'tt' 6SAVEL BAoE I ) - #5 cohtr' m /r) - ff1 N:, tl if5s €,lt-o YsBr, E fi'e LIlt-*tttl r{rr-'r\: !rl l i!tl ltt' , +'& D€.AIN To DAYLiQHTI j / I'0", u t/ 11""\ " /-t.r, | -rn !i'"KJl"',',' ; -:"' 'i.r* i.lr :il r, - '\ - "*-:i'2i.;,'?:; - |, -1 ii, - ). r rr.t ' il '.),"t ^.r --- lr -L?rJ.'t -llt r^ili;* ! i; . .J-.r.' jr - t -!-..- ..': ,';El'.2': c, i' "f -"'j7; i'la f naeF Houesr+d-l-e h" o'c.'.=?'I !fT. oF lr'liLLr 5LOF6 A9 $!-loFlN fi Dt^lL6 e z+" v rl-'- _ | |Gll lr',.'; ir.{:ir 'r.:.i l# oi '< r.oNT . C Fcry, 'i J e," , ,bi '1 9" qF.r- AND Af td .L -i VAL gJEF.O' FILTEE FA AT Dr.Ai[J AUD i.^iE.EF HdLE 5 2 E o ,l f * * *+,f *+ ** * +,**+ * **** +**+,1 IgwN oF vAtr , coloR J*****+*+*******+**+*+****'lt*'i+***+**+**+******'t*'t*+t.,i***+;i*****'r*++!*rrr* +* *'* * + *,i * + {.{, *,} + **** * * * * ** ** * * *** *+ +:r * * * * *** ** * r * stalemgDt "tn:*- L;;:l:". "T;Ilji;;T.ffiJ::i.T;H.1: ;;;#,.,j ;iT *.*.*i*:*r. Notation: 362+ Permit No: DltBolo1"n *_ -------- parcer No: ,ffl;;rt#.r, ryne: DRB - Minor Atreration Sitse Address: 21? ROCKLBDCE RD VAfL Location: Thia Paynent:$20.00 Total Feee:Total A]-lL pmte:$20. 00 s20. 00 * * **+ *+ ** * {r,*+* {, * ** **!*,*** IgwN oF VAIL, coLoRAr******+***********+*++*{'*i'*********+*******+*'}***+*:r.'i**r!r**!***:r*****--::r:#l-iffi::l--*-'F**'r'******************,i****'t ***r!*****,r,+***,******:****-----:lT:fffj- parmenE u.*r.J, *off:::"t Amount: $20'00 05/a6/zoo'.:.s;li * tiloration: 362+ Permit No: Dt{Botor"n *_ -------- parcel No: ,fil;;ll:rr. rype: DRB _ Minor Alreration Slte Addrese, 212 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Location: Thie payment : Account Code 920.00 Descri pti on Total Feea:Total AIitJ Emts : Current Pmts $20.00 $20 . oo DR 00100003112200 ;ili;N iliil il;; - - --'----;;-;; _ _ _.ll _li _ I D Location: esign Review Acti Form TOWN OF VA Project Name: Kirby residence DRB Number: DR8000042 Project Description: modify existing skylight and install metal chimney cap no elevation change Pafticipants: OWNER KIRBY, STEVEN T. & SUZETTE HLO/26/2OOO Phone: 24 RIVERV]ETT HEIGHTS SIOUX FAI,I.,S SD 57105 APPLICANT Eagle Eye Management LO/25/2OO0 Phone: 475-9085 Po Box 4351 t on IL VaiI, Co I l-55I Project Address: 217 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Legal Description: LoU 13 Block: 7 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING I Parcel Number: 2l0l07l 15030 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Motion By: Action: APPROVED Seond By: Vote: Date of Approval: lll0l/2ooo Conditions: Cond: I No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or ihe Design Review Board. Planner:DRB Fee Paid: S20.00 c. D. E. F. G. GENERAL INFORMATION This ap9lication is fbr any pQiect requiring Design Rfliew approval. Any prdect requiring design review must receive DesEn Rsriew appro\€l prior to subrnitting for a buildhg permit. For specific inbrmation, see ttre subminal requiternents for he partiorlar aproral tlrat s reguested. The appltatirn cannot be accepted until all fie rcquircd infonnatbn is submitted. The project rnay abo need to be reriewed by the Town Courrcil and/or the planning and Environrnental Commission. Dcdgn Rcvkrw Board epproval cxfirc. onc ycar rftcr linat epprwel s;rb.r a bullding p.rmit &r bcucd end conrtruction b slertcd. B. LOCANON OF PROPOSAI-:to-,, r? hnfrJ# z FIUNG: / PHYSICAT ADoREsS: 2 t I &r.Ll.-A+e FARGET I: MME OF OVVNER(S): owrER(s) srcrrATURE( I{AME OF APPUCANT: MAIUT{G ADDRESS: PIlQNE:9ta -4?a ADr 5 {r||lrrorAlteretion - fzo DRB ftes are b be paid at the tirne of submattal. Later, wien appling fur a bui6tng permt! pbase itenry the accurate valuation d the pmiBcL The Tirrrun of Vail wiil adjust the fee acorOlrg to tre p.djed ,ot ati:n, H_EASE SUBllrT THrs ApplrcATtofl, ALL sUEHtTrfi_ REQUIREI{EI|TS AIID THE FEE TO THE DEPART}IEIIT OF @IITIIUilITY DEI,EIOPIIETYT,t5 souTt{ FROTTAGE ROAD, Vlil.' @LoRADO 81657. H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:tr t{aflCorrtru&n - 1200 tr Addldon - tsO Crnstructbn of a nerrr building. Includes any addition where square footage b added to any residenthl or cornmercial bui6hg. Indudes minor chaqges b buildings ard site inprorements, strch as, rercofing, painung, windo$, additions, landscaphg, feflc€s and retaaning walts' etc. (Gntact Eagb Co. Assesson ffice at970-328-8e$ tor parcel #) PtlONe q"6-u"a1oCf BECEIYEDOCT ? 6 2M I o *i**+'t**+****+,i**:t'*******+******+*'l*****+***+**:tnirr*r*;*+rr*,*****,t*****,tr*++*,i+tt+**t+*,*a**,* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO SbtEMENt * *+ **'t t * *'l* ***tf * * * * ** *tt** ** *.f :*** * *'*f *** * * **'i** * * irr+,i r+ * ***** ir* * ****'i* *!t't:**i *** * *+*rt'*,i****a* statement Number: R0o0oo01i.? &nount.; g20.00 Lo/25/zooo:-L:57 Att Palrment Method: Check fnit: JAR Notationr 3052 Permlt No: DRB00004Z Type: DRB - Minor AlteraE,ion Parcel- No: 21010?115 03 0 Site Addre8s: 21? ROCKI_.EDGE RD IIJ Location: Total FeeB: S20.00 T'his Palment r g2O.0O Total AL,IJ pnts: g2O. O0 Balancer $0.00 * *** *lt** **{t* **!t*t} * ***+ i+* * ** ++*** * ***'t** * i+ +:i* * * * * f ** *,}'l* +****+* *'i**l***'r*{t* ***+***,t,t* +* a* *'* ACCOLTNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Desription Current pmts DR ()O1(}(}()O31122()O DESIGN REVIEh' FEES 20.00 ! o P. r Itclaf t esgn, trrc. P.O.8o(3fm PROPOSAL Var, CO 0r€68 Page No of Pages We lereby stmit speifi.cations ard estima{e fur mffi"Xy**e cfilNFy htih hinimrm 24 ga. kynar tmt€rial to tmFtr 6 ctodey matc$ edding kim . cap wit conpl€cty iEhr tigft ct*rrtreys tt m) Prdrid€ direrter io drect draiftege a,ry fron drimney where ?@f ,ne€ts- TOTAL COST: $it.794.70 we herdry propose to firnish labor aad materials - complele in aocordanct with rc aro.re specirotions, for thc sum of dotlars ($3ts4-.7Q ) with payment to b€ made as follorvs: 5096 and signed proposal to sd. Find 5096 upan cqnpk&rn. All rortqinl is gD$atd€od io bc I ipecifird All *!.* 1o be coophed ia r r.vslsludiko rr'oer acolding to strndsld prr*ri8- Any illq,.tiod; d*i"b"fio6 rtovc +'cifiG'riorE iuvotvilg t*lra orxlsr wiu t ex€cut€rr od] upoo rlrit!tr ord6rs, .trd wlll bccoc !n efirr' ctug. ovcr ud rborc 'h' €stumde, A 'grc{l|!€olr cDdi4Sod ttpc seikec. r€idqt or dchys ba1*trd <n' wrrol rlis Fopo..l lrbjocr no icr6draca *i6b JO &yr od ir is w*l rhc{qnEr d l[c oprion dthc urdssignoc. Authmized Signdure The ahove prices, as oullined above. ACCtrPTED: ACCEPTANCE OFPROPOSAL ryecifications sd conditions ue lrereby occepted- you arc aullrcrized to do Oct 23 OO O5:48p Des i gn Inc uj'" o"o' ddlr*"0"" Sienature PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO:PHoNF lorn owrsrm NAME Eagb Eye f&n€genent STREET STREET CITY GlrY lsrAre STATE @il500 tbe uofk as specified. Payoat *ill be '"".r. a o I ff Loae& I t-[zslo, I I Ktt' G,J qaolt'coo,t fqes*d t-^^l Ine-- ;+"-l h+ \,U r'+{d-ra+/n. frtl wu t\ re9uD,,,^;Y i r't rt-q nrh uJo r->o,,,-J Aut- frrV"JJt &^' 9'or' ' I , #* " " ir,jg[; f ft lYou R P R o P= tJ NOTICE ls HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the Town of Vail wi1 hotd a public hearing ii'"di"iil".i" *iin Sectiotiie'06'Oeb of tne Municipal Code of the Town of Vait on July 8, tggu, "i bid6?ii.'i.-tii. rJ*. ot vaii rt'runicipal Building' in consideration of: A request for an exterior addition utilizing the 250 ordinance, located at 781 Potato Patch/Lot 21' Potato Patch. Aoolicant: Sissel and Richard Pomboy Pidnner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a worksession to discuss. parking and retaining wall heig.ht variances to allow for the consrruction of a new d;id.;;;iirie r-oOg" at rionsnJiO, tocatel at 380 East Lionshead Circle/Lot 6, Block 2, Vail Lionshead' znd Flllng' Applicant: Lodge at Lionshead, represented by Ric Fields Pidnner: Dominic Mauriello A request for front and side setback variance-to allow for a residential addition to the Messenbaugh l"iiir'".ii. rd"ii",i it szg F"ilvay Courulot 5, Vail Village 1Oth Filing' Applicant: Robert and Hildegard Messenbaugh' represented by Mike Guida Pidnner: George Ruther A request for worksession to discuss a conditional use permit fora.,proposed addition to the Vail 'in.i"Ll""-.t-ia-;i 1 I V;ii noionract J, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing' Applicant: VailReligiousFoundation Pidnner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a conditional use permit, a density^and lront setback variance lo allow for a Type ll EHU above the existins ;;;S;:ffi;o iizzi'no.iledge Road/Lot 13A, Block 7' VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Steve KirbY Pid.nner: Dominic Mauriello A reouest for a setback variance to allow for a snowmelt boiler to encroach 5'5 feet into a sideyard ;;ffi;k, b;"t"Jliio+s Sunburst Drive/Lot 1, Vail Vallev 4th Filing' Planner: Applicant:Landon and Mary Hilliard' represented by Larry Eskwith George Ruther llllllllll sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114voice or479-2356 TDD tor information. Communitv Developmenl Department Published iune 21 , 199€ in the Vail Trail' FILE COPY F4440 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 D e p artment of Community D evelop ment 4.. ' June I I, 1996 Danny Swertfeger Gwathmey,{Pratt Architects, p.C. 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: The addition of an employce housing unit at the Kirby residence, Lot l34, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing. Dear Mr. Swertfeger: We have receivcd your application for a conditional usc permit to allow a Type II EHU on a primary/secondary zoned lol an application for a variance to allow a front seiback encroachment uptol'6'frornthcpropertyline,andadensityvariancctoallow3g3.4sq.ft.ofGRFA. Staffhas produced the following comments bascd on the itcms submitted: l ' If this project is approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission (pEC), you will need to file a Dcsign Review Board (DRB) application. 2. Parking for this house and any EHU on the propcrty must be accomplished within the confines of the property owned by the Kirbys. There is one enclosei parking space provided and one space provided u'ithin the driveway. Thc cntire sitc, inctuaing parcels A & B, requires a minimum of six parking spaccsl five spaces for the two residential units and one additional space for the EHU. You must have a minimum of three parking spaces on the lot which contains the EHU. You indicate in you letter that the applicant is relying on the parking contained on Lot l38 to fulfill the parking requirement of Lot l3,\. The Type II EHU regulations are clcar that the parking for the EHU must be located on the sami iite as the EHU and must not reduce required parking on-site. There is no indication that the owner ofLot I38 has anv knowledge about the repre senktions being made about parking on the Lot l3B. It is the opinion of Town staff that this application cannot move forward until this parking issuc is resolved. 3. The Fire Dcpartrnent has identified a potential issue with your floor plan that shows a $RECYCLED PAPER Agenda last revised 7 /2196 9am 6. A request for an exterior addition utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 781 Potato Patch/Lot 21, Potato Patch. Applicant: SisselandRichardPomboy Planner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL JULY 22, 1996 7. A request for a conditional use permit, a density variance and front sehack variance to allow for a Type ll EHU above the existing garage, located at 227 Rockledge Road/Lot 13A, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Steve Kirby Planner: Dominic Mauriello WTTHDRAWN ililt/il/il 8. Information Update 'r Request for endorsement of Vail Tomorrow 9. Approval of June 24, 1996 minutes Sign language interpretation available upon request wilh 24 hour notificalion. Please call479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for informalion. Community oevglopment Department Published July 5. 1996 in the Vail Trail. t 5. A request for an interior remodel, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 548 S. Frontage RoadAilestwind Condominiums. Unit #305. Applicant: Jim Beedie, represented by Mike Haselhorst Planner: Lauren Waterton STAFF APPROVED 6. A request for a setback variance to allow for a snowmelt boiler to encroach 5.S feet into a sideyard setback, located at 2049 Sunburst Drive/Lot 1, Vail Valley zfth filing. Applicant: Landon and Mary Hilliard, represented by Larry Eskwith Planner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL JULY 8, 1996 7. A request for a conditional use permit, a density and front setback variance to allow for a Type ll [HU above the existing garage, located at 227 Rockledge Roadilot 13A, Block 7, Vail Village l st Fiting. Applicant: Steve Kirby Planner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL JULY 8, 1996 8. A request ior a worksession to discuss a parking and retaining wall height variance to allow for the construction of a new parking area at the Lodge lt tionsn;aC, located at ggo East Lionshead CircleiLot 6, Block 2, Vail-LionsheaO, 2nd Fiting. fpplicant: Lodge at Lionshead, represented by Ric Fields Planner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL JULY 8, 1996 9. A req_uest for a conditional use permit to construct a trailhead parking area, located at Red Sandstone Roadiparcel A, Lions Ridge 1st filing. Applicant: 1oth Mtn. Division/Town of Vail Planner: Russ Forrest WTTHDRAWN il/ililt/t/ 10. Information Uodate 1 1. Approval of June 10, 1996 minutes !io1 tangu.aoe interpretation available upon request wilh 24 hour noliflcation. please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 r uu lor tnlormaton. - SIGMA ENTERPRISES, INC. Ime 17. 1996 [ ,,-.- /,&tZ BarryE. Qrrnninqham Dominic F. Mauriello Tovrm ofVail 75 South Frontage Road Vaii, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Mauriello: Thank you for copying me on your letter to Mr. swertfeger dated June l l, 1996. r had no idea there was an application for a--Type tr EHU propo.r"g_;-;il;"rtqt p;tt"g lot (ot l3B).obviously that wo'ld be totally rmacceptaute to me. Lot l3A and rgE-have been legally subdivided and l3A has no legal right to my land As a I rmderstand the situation, the application for the Type tr EHU is only valid if you consider the two lots as one' As r stated above, the lots have be#legafly ."pu..tri and I would not agree to my land being part ofthe application, particularly since m] shareis 6ooi of theoriginal lot. rn general' parking is tight on our street, and I object to any variance that would increase houses above their maximum allowed square footag". ifl horrr", must accommodate tleir parking requfuements in their o*o ga.ager or drivewiys, and as tle *o* pit"*p-in tne middte otthe winter' tle size of each driveyay decreases sfficantly. t c*noit"tierr'elot 13A could have 3 acceptable parking spaces in the winter. In summ4ry I am totally against a variance to add an EHU to a house which is already over its allowed square footage, has only one enclosed girug", and minimal driveway parking. I still don't 'ndersrand how l3A gbrT"{ _u building iermit a few years "c;;;;"ild its rwo story garage right on Rockledge Roatl with no setb-ack. To now turn tni't into eryloyee housing would add to tle injustice. Yours sincerelv. *f (/t"'""'=71 271 Anemone Drive . Boulder, CO 80302 t (303) 442-2a61 . FAX: (303) 440_9509 I NAMES & ADDRESSES OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS TO THE KIRBY RESIDENCE 1) Block 7, Lot 10A - 167 Rocktedge Road Francis A. Beer, Trustee 115 Hawk Lane Boutder, CO 80304 2l Block 7, Lot 1OB - 19? Rocktedge Road R.H. Pickens & Jan Rymer 8l't 1 Preston Road, Suite 800 Dallas, TX 75225 3) Block 7, Lot 11A - 226 Forest Road G. John Krediet / C.F. Capital Corporation One Landmark Square, 18th Floor Stam{ord, CT 0690i 4'l Block 7, Lot 118 - 224 Forest Foad Forest Road Trust 205 Mulberry Metairie, LA 70005 5) Block 7, Lor 12 - 226 Forest Road l OOO Broadway Company 233 Milwaukee Denver, CO 80206 6) Elock 7, Lor 138 - 227 Rockledge Road Karen F. & Barry E. Cunningham 217 Rockledge Road Vail, CO 8i 657 7l Block 7, Lot .t4C - 267 Rocktedge Road Richard F. & Mary R. pownall / Revocable Trust - pownall, Richard F.267 Rocktedge Road Vait, CO 816b7 8) Block 7, Lot 15 - 27A Rockledge Road Julianna Dews P.O. Box 362 Vait, C0 et65g 9) Block 7, Lot A(17) - 307 Rocktedge Road Walter E. Jr. & Robena Hussman P.O. Box 2221 Littte Rock, AR 72203 10) Block 7, Lot 8(171 - 322 Forest Road The Cousins of Vail / Jackman S. Vodrey P.O. Box 6O E. Liverpool, OH 43920 111 Block 7 - Natlonal Forest Land Kathy Hardy National Forest Service P.O. Box 1 90 Minturn, CO 81 645 f '"" tit'tit'"tft5You* PRoPtt NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail wllt .ngtO a public hearing in accordance with Section 1 8.66.060 of the Municipal Code oi tne lo*n of Vail on June 24, 1996, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. tn consiOeiition of: A_request lor an interior remodel, utilizing the 2S0 Ordinance, located at 2943 Bellflowerl Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Frank Bannister Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a^conditional lse permit to allow for the alteration of the Vail Transportation Center,located at 242 S. Frontage Road. Applicant: Town of Vail public Works Planner: Dominic Mauriello ^.request to construct a trailhead parking area, located at Red Sandstone Road/parcel A, Lions Ridge 1st fiting. Applicant: 1oth Mtn. Division Planner: Russ Forrest A request for a cond.itional use permit, a density_and front setback variance to allow for a Type ll fdfllJ^above the existing sarage, tocared atzzz'aoixre;s; R;Aildfibe, erol[2, v"iivirrdf," ist - |l tr I -- 'J- J-' Appticant: Steve Kirbv Planner: Dominic Miuriello A request for an interior remodel utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 427 Forest Roadilot 4,Block 2 Vail Viilage 3rd filing. Applicant:Henry Kravis Lauren Waterton Planner: A request for an interior rernodel utilizing the 2s0 ordinance, located at 54g s. Frontage RoadAflestwind Condominiums, Unit #3"05.- -- - ' Applicant: Jim Beedie, represented by Mike Haselhorst Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a minor subdivision of Lots 2 and 7/Block B, Vail Das schone #1, located at 2446 and 2450 Chamonix Lane. Applicant: Karin Scheidegger Planner: George Ruthei' A request for a worksess"9,l10 gl.9r:?, a parking and retaining wall height variance to allow for the construction of a new parking area al the'Lodgiat tionshead, located at 3g0 East Lionshead Circleilot 6, Btock 2, Vait Lionshead, 2nd Fitin; -- Aff"'i'3,?t' b?rff ,Ail,i'J}., jiead, repre sent.-o uy n i. ri. ro, //ilt/t/tl sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification.for information- Communrty Development Department Published June z, i996 in thd Vail Trail. Please call 479-21 14 voice or 479-2356 TDD May 1O, 1996 Ms. Lauren Waterton Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 Re:Addition of an Employee Housing Unit at the Kirby Residence Lot 13A, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing Dear Lauren: My office represents Mr. Steven Kirby, who is interested in constructing a 320 s'F' Type ll Employee Housing untt ieHui within ihe existing garage at his residence' Attached please f ind an application ,"qu".ting a conditional _Use-Plrmii to construct a EHU in accordance WithRegu|ation18'57otthe-To*notVai|ZoningCode'|nadditiontoaConditiona|Use Permit,heisrequest,ng"u",iun"etoRegulation-tg.t3.o60tobui|dinthefrontsetback and one to Regulation rS.ig OgO to incriase G.R.F.A. density. Mr' Kirby has chosen the existinggarageasthe|ocationfortheEHUduetoa|ackofavai|ab|esitecoverageonhis propertY. Withtheexceptionofawa|kwayandentrydeck,theunitwou|dbeconstructedentirely within the wall and ,ool ,,ir"trr" of an existing garage, thus not having an impact on site "orr"r"g". building height, or other structures in the vicinity' IhavereviewedtheissueofparkingandfoundthatinaccordancewiththeOff-Street parking Guidelines 2.5, parking ,p"Lu" per dwelling unit are required. As a Primary/ secondary building consisting tt t*o separate uniti, it is my understanding that 5 spaces are needed, with 1 additionri"p."" being required for the proposed one bedroom EHU' presently, the adjaceni primary unit has 2 covered and 2 site parking spaces ano my client,s secondary unii nas 1 covered and 1 site parking space for a total of 6 existing soaces. o Ms. Lauten Watetton Addition of an Employee Unit at the Kirby Residence Lot 13, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing May 10, 1996 Page 2 ln recent years, the Town of Vail has attempted to provide more employee housing directly through their own efforts and indirectly by encouraging individual property owners' lt is Mr'Kirby,sintentiontohe|pfulfi||thisbyprovidinganEHU.Inordertodoso,itwi||be nu""r."iy to grant him the variances that he is requesting ' once you have had time to review the attached information, lam sure that you will see that granting the requested variances will have very little impact on existing conditions in tf," rri"inity;f the proiect and would serve the Town's wishes to provide more housing' The following is my understanding of the existing conditions as they relate to the variances being requested. G.R.F.A. Densitv Variance l.TheKirbyResloenceisinthesecondaryhalfofa''Primary/Secondary'.Bui|dingand has already taken advantage of the 250 S'F' Rule' 2. presently and based on th; evaluation outlined in a letter dated May 10, 1995 from Mr. Andy Knudsen to this office (please see attached copy), our client's residence has -73.4 S.F' of G.R.F.A. available' 3. In accordance with chapter 18.57.050-8 ltem No.5, the minimum size Employee unit is 300 s.F. 4. The proposed EHU would be 320 S.F, and when considered with the present -73'4 available,itwillrequireaDensityVarianceofplusorminus393'4S'F' 1. As indicated ny the site Plan on sheet A-1, the garage is presently located within the front building setback. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or require additional information' S incerelv, DS/ml Enclosu res GWATHMEY/PRA copy to: Mr. Steven KirbY updetod 4/17195 Appltcaion PECMEETTNGDA APPIICATION T'OR A VAIIIANCF. CN\TERALNFORMATION ThfuproccdrcfurequLcdfcoyprojcctrcqucchgrrrirc. Ihoqplinionwillnotbcrcc@cdundldltbc lnlbmdon lr arbducd. ^ff'[Rff#lgoil"q|t*"tftr{L #:II Employee residence. He will have to be granted a GRFA Density Variance and a varlance setback. B. NAIUE OF APPLTCANT (t'?o or ptut 6ppxgss P.o. Box 1211 prfOXn(605) roO CITY, STATq ADDRBSS 1000 S. Frontaqe Road West pItONZ (9701 476-1 147 CITY, STAIE'ZP Vail. co 81 557 D.NAIUE OF OTVNBR(S) (tylo q e Kirb owNEn(s) Box 1211 ( 60s) 331-390 ctTY, STATE,aP Sioux Falls, SD 57101 E. LOCATIONOFPROPIOSAL: Lorl3A-BrocK-:-Flt,nrq Vail Village 1st. Sloux Falls, SD 57101 r*t | ' 1-- .tects, P.C. 27 Rockledqe Road STREET CITY,STAIE'AP Vail, CO 81657 tr.. EEE $250.00 PA|D CKf BY Tto foc nnl Uo pdd bofco thc Counnity llwcloprU Ilopctncot will rcg yanFqoul lIL ANTACENTPROPERTYNOTIHCANON Stsqo4 sd&$Edcnvotopcr oftbc nunerof owncn of ell propaty rdjecrnt to ths arbj.otpropcrty tNCLItDtNG PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETII, ard i li* of thek n mo ut'tnlit"f d&srr.IHB APruCANTIf,IIT BB NESFOT{StsI,E KX, q)RTECI MAIUNO AIIDRE|iSES. IV. PN,E.ADDLTCATION OONFERENCE Apctpplicdm coftremo wr'th r plming cafrmembcr ir fiongly rcconuncndcdto dctcrurinc if any rddithrrt informnion ir ncericri hb {plicttiott ivill bc rcccaed unlcsr lt h complca (nnr* includc ril ltcnu rcqrdrcd S tho ming dn&iteor). It ir tic 4plicut't rcAcdbility ro rnrlo rn qpdn6rc6 sfih tho dafrb fhd oa abo! ddfttorl e$ofurl rcqr&cmrn V. SUNMNTALIMONMATTON iLb.rs,i i'io Ii i rin r' A cofrlPfl,i'd? APPUCArTON WILL S'fRiEAxtLiM THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASTM} TTIE NT'MBER, OF C'IONDITTONS OF APPROVAL THAT 1IIE P|"ANNING AND EIIVIRONMENTAL coMMtsstoN (pEc) MAy sflruLATE. AttrAcpNDmcNs oF ..JPROVAL MUST EB CTXPILED WITTJ BEFORE E iIWONTC PCNTNT N TSJUEO. revised LOl5l92 APPLIqAIIOtr tOR CONDITIONAI. USE I. Thls procedure ls reguired for any project condltional use permJ.t The appllcation will not be accepted until subnl-tted. c.NAI{E OF oeNNER(Sl ADDRESS LOCATION ADDRESS SrsNAruRE (S'x 121 OF PROPOSAI,: =3900 IREGAJ', : LvorJSS_ltggK_L FILINGT/a:LI vi 1 laqe 1 st. , Date of Applicatlon Date of PEC Meeting A. NAI'IE OF APPLICANT Steven Kirby ADDRESS P.o. Box 1211 ggoo B.NAME Otrt AppLICANTtS REFRESENTATM Gwathmey/Pratt Archltects, p.C. ADDRESS 1000 S. Frontage Road West HONn(970) 475-1147 OWNER(Sl (prlnt or rype)-&and Suzette Klrb DTPT PERIIIT ,,l a,ne&E t+u' '1 required to obtain all informatLon is D. @ IT. PRE-APPI,ICATION CONFERENCE: A-pre-appllcat,ion conference-with a pranning staff member r.s strongry suggest,ed to determrne if airy aaai[ionar inrormatton rs needed. No apprlcari.on wrlr be. "c"ept"--uni"s" ir;;;l;i"'J*urt,incrude arr itens reguired by rhe zoi,ing adminisiiuio.il--it'ie the _apprlcanq,s responsiblrily to male in-ippoint.eni-iri*,-ir,"staff to find out about addttlonar submittai'requirer."i"l --- III. PLEASE NOTE IT1I A.gOIIPI.BIE APPLICATION YIILL STRTAI.ILINE THE APPROVAL PRocEss ron voun pno.rEcr By opcRnasruc THE NUMBER oF . CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AI{D ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. AI..Ir COWPiiiONS OF APPROVAI, MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDINETERMIT I'-ISSUED. Four i4i copies of the followlng information must be subnltted: 1. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and its operating chalacEerlstrcs ina measuies-piJiosea to make the use compatible w-ir_h ntho- h.,-.r-.,-.Lr^- r- vrcrnriy. -Y.rl_lJo'L II,,I.|J w-ar-- f;tl.!=.: ij:. UF=J-t j-es r^. i.iie The descriptlon must also address; a. RelatLonship and impact of the use objectlves of the Town. 227 Rockledoe FEE $2OO.OO PAID (Not App1lcab.le)cK*BY THE FEE MUSE BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSA.L. F. st'amped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners of all prgpgrtlr adjacenr ro the subject property TNCLUDTNG pRopERTy BEHTND AND AcRoss srREETs, and a rtsl of names and mairinf--AddTESSCS. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBT,i rON CORRECT-OWNERS AI.ID CORRECT ADDRESSES. on development hoject J L^dv"" z""t^s ?/ S E ViewCorridors I variances -/ ""na J 'ots'u / BuildableAra -Ph "ouu.errirh,y' sou"ot, db'site coverage J/$ earestoverhangs (4') / Pr"k-iB"loooi"* ! orsrcN REvIEw cHEcKLIsr 0 EHU Easements Encroachments Fire Access Snow Storage 7 / _,/ I cRFA -> Aa'*<\;a 1?P..s'e J Lighting :' n<r*-,t = 7q3,'1 5f. -/ -/ / 7 -/ ****(access and grade) ,U( rn"" ,/ ^*r,n, /*n*Course Setback J tn*o*rrental llazards &, 2soadditional IRFA eJd- ColorWlaterials Site Grade\Slope RetainingWalls Fences ._r N Yliry. Parking/Garage 0'# ; t$K** Tuming Radius Condo Approval tL c.o. verification )( Crawl\Attic Space -u( ,*o*.on*,", -fu( rio"rqort(A & B) ! urrooo(underground) / urrn*r*ficationform -/ loo vr. flood plain -/{ Garageconnection -y/rwos*", -/rtoo,pr^,y' "*,*relwations .O pnotororr't" 7 sooffircn -r/. "*r*rmat€rial samptes .fr ]- lnwn :l 75 sordh ttontrge road nil colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (30:tl 47$'2139 May 10, 1991 Mr. Eric Johnson Amold, Gwathmen Pratt Architects 1000 S. Frontage Road W. Vail, CO 81657 Fe: ProPosed KlrbY 250 ExPanslon l.ot 13, Btock Z Vall Vlllage lst Fillng Dear Eric: As we dtscussed on May 9, 1991, the catculations tlsted below reftecl our understanding of he annent status of GFFA for the Kirby and Cunningham residences: offtce of communfty deudopmenl a Lol size:' GRFA allowed:' Gredits Total Allowabte GRFA: ?rimary/Curii ringi rar':i Rssidencg' Existing GRFA: Remaining GRFA available for Secondary/Kirby Residence : Additlonal 250 issued August 12, 1987: TotalAllowable GFFA for KirbY: Secondary/Kirby Residence Existing GFIFA:" ' - Calculations done by Amold, Gwathmey' Pratt - - Calculations done by Town of Vail 21,780.0 4428.0 + 850.0 5,278.O . , gt_ _ - 3,337.0 1,941.0 + 250.0 2,191.0 - 2.264.4 - 73.4 'L./ {:i .\ .{.- Mr. Edc Johnson May 10, 1991 Page2 o . The calculatlons tlsted above show that the two residences on lot 13' Btock 7' Vail Vlllage First Filing, exceed fne attorable GFFA by ZC.+ sA.n. qlnce the. Klrbv residence has already benefitted from a 250 expansion, he only pto.est'a*ilable which woutd altow more GRFA' woutd be a density *tiil;. fne Cunniirjham residencs will be ellgbte for the 250 exoansion atCr NovernOer 2,,l993,wtrei'nvJ'ears wilt hane passed since the Certificate of Odcupancy br that drvelllng unit was issued' lf you have a ditferent understanding of these calculations, please contact me at 479-2138' Untass I hear from yo", f *in rcep fi of thdmatedal you submitted, as well as this letter' as part of the fite or tnrcirope-rty, uut t ilt consider your request withdrawn since there is no ilaif*f" AnFA. Tha;k you ior your help and cooperation on this prolect Sincerely,, ./_>fut,6 nnalrfuuon{n Town P-lbna6r lab d,1 o unity Development Plan Rou c ting r\ ,J,/Form ,&forf Comm Approved >( Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Greg Hall, Public Works ,U. Mike McGee. Fire Dominic F. Mauriello, Community Development Kirby remodel 227 Rockledge Road Lot l3A, Blk. 7, W lst. Filing Addition of EHU requiring a conditional use and a density and setback variance. Conversion of the existing garage to EHU. See attached letter. Project Description: Dcrs,rr* swertf qec's \e'*eJ. - ?ary.,.-cr Ee€-|f|., to \?eAn (,J caortu) ' 6ao - O5 .4V t Community Development Plan Routing Form Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Greg Hall, Public Works Teni Martinez, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Routed To: Dominic F, Mauriello, Community Development Kirbv remodel 227 Rockledse Road Lot l3,at, Blk. 7. VV l st. Filing Addition of EHU requiring a conditional use and a densrty and setback variance. Conversion of the existing garage to EI{U. See attached letter. ject Description: i\everyoneuomvouform May 10, 1996 Ms. Lauren Waterton Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Addition of an Employee Housing Unit at the Kirby Residence Lot 13A, Block 7, VailVillage 1st Filing Dear Lauren: My office represents Mr. Steven Kirby, who is interested in constructing a 320 S.F. Type ll Employee Housing Unit (EHU) within the existing garage at his residence. Attached please find an application requesting a Conditional Use Permit to construct a EHU in accordan0e with Regulation 18.57 of the Town of Vail Zoning Code. In addition to a Conditional Use Permit, he is requesting a variance to Regulation 18.13.060 to build in the front setback and one to Regulation 18.13.080 to increase G.R.F.A. density. Mr. Kirby has chosen the existing garage as the location for the EHU due to a lack of available site coverage on his property. With the exception of a walkway and entry deck, the unit would be constructed entirely within the wall and roof structure of an existing garage, thus not having an impact on site coverage, building height, or other structures in the vicinity. I have reviewed the issue of parking and found that in accordance with the Off-Street Parking Guidelines 2.5, parking spaces per dwelling unit are required. As a Primary/ Secondary building consisting of two separate units, it is my understanding that 5 spaces are needed, with 1 additional space being required for the proposed one bedroom EHU' Presently, the adjacent Primary unit has 2 covered and 2 site parking spaces and my client's Secondary Unit has 'l covered and 1 site parking space for a total of 6 existing spaces. Ms. Lauren Waterton Addition of an Employee Unit at the Kirby Residence Lot 13, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing May 10, 1996 Page 2 ln recent years, the Town of Vail has attempted to provide more employee housing directly through their own efforts and indirectly by encouraging individual property owners. lt is Mr. Kirby's intention to help fulfill this by providing an EHU. In order to do so, it will be necessary to grant him the variances that he is requesting. Once you have had time to review the attached information, I am sure that you will see that granting the requested variances will have very little impact on existing conditions in the vicinity of the project and would serve the Town's wishes to provide more housing. The following is my understanding of the existing conditions as they relate to the variances being requested. G,R.F.A. Densiw Variance 1. The Kirby Residence is in the secondary half of a "Primary/Secondary" Building and has already taken advantage of the 250 S.F. Rule. 2. Presently and based on the evaluation outlined in a letter dated May 10, 'l 995 from Mr. Andy Knudsen to this office (please see attached coPy), our client's residence has -73.4 S.F. of G.R.F.A. available. 3, ln accordance with Chapter 18.57.050-8 ltem No. 5, the minimum size Employee unit is 300 s,F. 4. The proposed EHU would be 320 S.F. and when considered with the present -73.4 available, it will require a Density Variance of plus or minus 393.4 S.F. Variance to have a EHU constructed in a garage located within the front building setback 1 . As indicated by the Site Plan on Sheet A-1, the garage is presently located within the front building setback. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, DS/ml Enclosures GWATHMEY/PRA copy to: Mr. Steven Kirby For lnfondati.on VAIL VIIT.AGE - Charges - AL?A Owner Policy Tax certif.--:toTAL-- l{ith your rernittance pleaee t. Effective Date: February 25, Lgg1-.at B:00 2.' Policy to be issued, and proposed fnEured: ||Af,q'A'l O]rnef rs pOliCy Forn 8-1970 (Anended f0-I7-70) . Proposed Insured: STEVEN T. KIRBY ANCI SUZETTE H. KIRBY ?;. The est.ate or Lnterest in the land described or r€ferred to in this Comnritment and covered herein ls: A Fee Sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered hereln is at the .effective date hereof vested in: CHARLES YTNG i. The land referred to follows 3 92,058.00 920.00 92, O78. 00 refer to v16577-2. A.M. $1,40o,000.00 I ln tnig Connitment is tlescribed as iJoT l3A, A RESi'BDIVTSIoN oF L,OT 1,3, BLOCK 7, VAII VILI.AGE FTLLING, ACCORDING TO THE Pr,At NiC6RDED JUN; Zi,_rSgO rN 532 AT PAGE 199, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE Or COiOiAOO. FIRST BOOK The following are the reguirenents l. Paynent to or for the account the full consideration for the lnsured. gf the grantgrs or nortgagors estate or interest to be ?. Proper lnstrun€nt(s) creating the insured must be executed and-duly cgtate or fLled for 'i :' r.' "i t. interest to be record, to-wit::- , 3, EVIDENCE sAfIsFAcToRY To THE couPANY THAI THE TERMS, coNDfTIoNs PROVTSIONS OF THE TOWN Of VAII, TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEiN SATiSFIED. 4. T{ARRA}ITY DEED FRoM CITARLES YTNG To sTEvEN I. KIRBY and SUZETTE H.CONVEYTNG SUBJECT PROPERTT. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCUMENTS SENI FOR RECORDING! I ANO I(IRBY The policy or policies to be tot Lowj.ng unl,ess the satne are the Conpany: issued will contain exceptions to the disposed of to the satj.3factj_on of 1' Standard Except.ions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6' ?axes and assessments not yet due or payabre and speciar ;assesshents not yet certified tc the ireas*r=i,s office- 1, Any unpaid !.rxes or agsessnentE against said land 3. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. OR I.,ODE TO EXTR.AdT AND REMOVE HTS ORE FOUND TA PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE pREr{rSEr: PA?ENT RECORDED Septenber 04, tg23, fN BoOFi fr 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS UNITED STATES AS RESERVED TN UNITED 1923 , IN BOOr( 93 AT PAGE 9e. II.. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CIAU;]i BUT oMr?trNG_R-EsrRrcrroNs, rF ANy, BASED ou'-nace, coloR, RELrcroN, oR NATToNAL oRrGrN, AS coNTAiNED rN rNsrRUrr{ENi ilconosD August lor Ls6z, rli BOOK 174 AT PAGE ].?9. T2. UTILITY EASEMENT ALONG THE NORTHERLY I,oT LIJ.IE OF SU&'ECT PROPERTY AS SiiQ,:::oN THE RECoRDED PLAT oP vArL vrLr.AGE FrRsi Filrrvc AND THE REsueDrvrsl-ori TiiERETC. lJ ' ROAD EASEMEN" FTFTEEN FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE SOUTH LOT LT}JE OF SUBJECT PRoPERTY As sHovrN oN THE RECoRDED PLAT oF vair.vri.r-cce, FrRsT FTLTNG- NOTE: SAID EASEMENT IS RESERVED FoR THE UsE oF ALL PRESENT AND FUTURE owNERs As sET PORTH oN THE RECoRDED pr.ai oi-varr. vrr-r,ecE prRsT FrLrlrG..:.4. EASEIqE}JTS, RESERVATIONS AI{D RESTRTCTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON TTiF PLA:RECORDED June ?5, 1.990 rN BooK 532 A? paCi-fgg- J-5. ?ERi"{S, COI,{DTTIONS AND PROVISTO}IS 73 , BIT.TCK 7, VATL VILI.AGE FIRST AT PAGE 2OO. 9. RIGHT OP PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAJIIE BE AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES AT PAGE 98. CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF TH5 STATES PATENT RECORDED Septenber 0.i, OF DECIARATTON FOR FTLING RECoRDED June A RESUBDTVISTON OF :,JT 25, 1990 fN BOOE:-.-: :ni:E .' I June 8, 1995 Plannlng and Envlronnental Division Comnunity Deve3.opment Department Tor"rn of Vail Vail, C0 Dear Sirs: We wouLd llke to subnlt thls letter in support of the appllcant Steve Klrby at 227 Rockledge Road, Thls project will not have a negative Lnpact on the nelgh- borhood or tlre town of Vail. In essence,this w111 allow the house to be conpleted,9[e urge the Connunlty Developnent Departnent to approve this request. Jutl .. r lSllti TOV.COlvl]lll. DEV. DEM, S19cqre1y, '1 Mr/ //,',,,- "*y F' Dlck Pownall Mary Pownall 257 Rockledgre Road Vall, C0 81557 % Drvt t a TOWNOFVAIL unn,no.-4!(.!!- DEPANTTTTE\T OF C!f, IJit L}|IT}' DETELOPMEI|T sfu{2, [.]-JuJ*tor / 'i.. n c,,/ln- / l(z D^TE------:-,r----i-J----:- 0l 0000 41540 ZONINGAND ADDRESS MAPS s5.00 0l 000042415 UMFORM BUILDINGCODE 554.00 ut 000{J 42415 LINIFORM PLI.IMBING CODE s39.00 0l 0000 424 l5 TNIFORM N4ECHANIC.A,L CODE $37.00 0l 0000 424 I5 I]NIFORN{ FIRE CODE s36.00 r,1 m00 42-115 NATIONAL ELECTR]CAL CODE sJ7.(ru 0l 0000 424 l5 OTITER CODE BOOKS 0t 0000 4t548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS s7.00 0l 0000 42412 X-LROX COPII,S s0.25 0l 0000 42412 5 I UIllbS 0l 0000 42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM 55.00 0l 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE.INSPECTIONS 0l oo00 413i2 PLAN RE\TIEW RE.C}IECK FEE IS4O PER HR. 0t 0000 42i32 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 0t 0000 41.112 CONTMCTORS LICENSES FEES 0l 0000411r3 SIGN APPLICATION FEE s20.00 0t 000041413 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE SI.@ PER SO.FT. 0t 0000424-10 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 0l 0()0041i31 PRh PAID DESIGN RI'VIEW tsOARD FEE 0t oo00 42J 7l I}'.N/ESTIGATION FEE { BUILDINC 3l oo00 45 I lo IUV PARlil^-G f UND 0i 0000 22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUNT * 0l 0000 2l I l2 TAxBLE@r-Jm * 0l 0000 41010 TAXABLE@4.02 (TOWN 0t 0000 42371 ts U lLDln-G INVESTIGATiON OTI{ER UA{.t ikNC€?<o'q) 0l 0000 41i30 ADDI I IONAL GRFA '250"s200.00 0l u)00 4I3i0 CUNI]I I IONAL USE PERMIT s200.00 0t 0000 4r330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION LESS THAN IOO SO.FT.s200.00 0l 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION I\{ORE TIIAN 100 SO.FT.s500.00 0l 0000 41i30 SPLCIALI]tVELOPI{ENTD]STRICT tNEW 5 t.500.00 0l 0000 413i0 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMA}OR AMEND 5I.000.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND s200.00 0r 0000 41330 SUtsDIVISION 0l 000041330 VARIANCE s250.00 0l 00004t330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS s250.00 0l 0()00 4 l3_r0 RE - ZONL.\G $200.00 OTHER ,IHER ,,**,,", ZrBBr{ Pn,n^)ct ITOTAL: Jso.oO t crsgt r.*.,r 50?Y ' ,t.Or-,*.*,/[r'^k- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIIT, CO 4L657 970-479-2]-38 DEPARTI,IENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMEIiIT o f//',i4{g ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 898-0110 NOTE: THIS PERMIT ADD/AIJT SFR MUST BE POSTED ON BUII-,D PERMIT APPLICAI{T O'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO BOX 756, MTNTURN, CO 81645 COI{TRACTOR O'I{ALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO BOX 756, MrlirrURN, CO 81645 OIIINER MAC NEIL BRENDA G & DAVID F -JT 215 E FrRST ST, HTNSDALE rL 60521 Description: INTERIOR REMODEI., AND LOFT ADDITTON Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family T)G)e Construction: valuation:L09, 000 SEatus. . Applied. Issued. - Expires - Phone: 303827-9500 Phonel. 303827-96OO TOV/Comm. Dev. ilob Address: L,ocation. . . : Parcel No..:Project No.: 227 ROCKI,EDGE RD 227 ROCKLEDGE RD 2r0a-07L-L5-029 PR,t98-0075 Clean-up approved amount FireDlac€ InformaEion: RestricE€d: Add Sq FE: *of ca6 Applianceg: Bu11din9-----> Pfan check- - - > Invcstsigatsion> ReseuaranE PIan Revler,- - > DRB Fcc-- ------ foLal calculated Fee6- - - > AddiEional Fees----- ----> 716,OO 504.40 . o0 .00 100.00 Rlcrcation Fcc-- - -- - -- -- > '00 ToEal Pcrmit Fee-- -- __--> 1,a33.40 wi.tL call- ---> 3.oo Prlztrcnt s - - - - - - - - TOTATJ FEBS----- 1?883.40 BAITANCE DUE---- .00 Dept : BUILDING Division: CHARLIE .fRM Dept : PLANNING Division: PI,ANNER cbarton Dept: FIRE Division: DepE: PttB WORK Division: rIEM: O51.OO BUILDING DEPARI'IVIEITT o5/L3l1998 JRM Action: NoTE PtANs To 06'/02./]-998 'JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED ftbm: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTI4EIiII o5/L3/a998 .rRM Action: NorE PLANS ro os'/LL/L99,8,CBABToN Ast.ia4i APPR appr pre ITbM:' O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT o6/02/L998 JRM Action: APPR N/A Itbm:' 05500 PITBLIC WORKS o6/02/L998 JRM AcEion: APPR N/A cLcalr-Up Deposit.- -- -- -- _ >500.00 plan, arrd 6tsats6 thaE eIl tshe inforh.lion Provid€d ae required iE corrsct- I agr€6 t.o cooPly t.o corlPly sith all To*rr oldi.nances and scalg lawe, and to buiLd this structure according !o codes, degign review approved, UniforE Buil.di.ng code and other oldinanceB of the Town REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIONS SHALT BE MADE T}IENTy-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEIJEPHoNE AT 479-2L3 compl€t.6d an inf,orua!ion accuratc plot ana plot plan, subdi.vi sion FROM 8:00 A.M 5r00 PM date #Of Gas Logs: FEE sttMl'tARY See Page 2 of trhis DocumenE for any conditions thaE may apply to this permit. DECTARATIONS I hcrcb). ecknoel.€dg! tshal I havo tcad bhia aPpLication, fiLl?d out in full th. information ISSIJED os /13 /t998 06/30 /t998 t2/27 /1-998 *of wood/Pal-let: 1, 8S3 .40 -50. oo 1,833.4O it Refund SGnd Clcin-ttp Dcpodit ?o: O' mLLORAN CoNsl AIGNATURE OF OW}TER OR FOR HIMSELF IND O9{NER Page 2 *********************************************:t********************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 898-0110 as of 06/30/98 Status---: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit \pe: ADD/ALT SFR BUII-,D PERMIT Applicants-- : O'HAI-,LOR,M{ CONSTRUCTION CO 303827-9600 .TOb AddTCgsZ 22'7 ROCKLEDGE RD L,ocatsion-'-t 227 ROCKI-,EDGE RD Parcel No-- : 2L0L-O7L-L5-029 Applied-- t O5/L3/t998 Issued---: O6/30/t998 To E:<pirez t2/27/1998 Descriptsion: INTERIOR REMODEL AI{D LOFT ADDITION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIEI,D INSPECIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO C}TECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. 2. SMOKE DETEETORS ARE REQUIRED IN AI,I, BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 I]BC. ld{tf OF VAIIr. CELORAITO gcrt6nnt I i a f tr rt t a t l| ta* * a t a* at tr* a t l' ttt t t t a t *t t t t t tr rt t t tl t i aa* | * a t at I ra 8t.t..nc NurtrGr! RBc-oa19 Arouni: 1.229.00 06/10/99 o||.3I P.yEeng nrchod I CK Noertion: 5358 Inils l{Aw Pcrllts No: 898-Ot1O Tlpa: A-BUIITD IDD/A'JI SFR EUITD PB P.rc.l l{o: 2101-071-13-029 giE. lddr!68 3 22? nOCKLEDGA RD Locrtlon: 227 RoCKIIEDGE RD Totrl Pcc6: I, s33.10 ThLr Pa)d.nts !t22t.O0 ToEal A&L Poc! | Bal,ancs I 1.E33.40 . o0 tt a t ttttttttt tttt a a a +i t tatt tart, t tt*tttt ttt*,rfrtAtt t ttarltttttttt AccourC Cgda ttGdcrlpglon DR OO1OOOO31122OO PRE PI.ID DAg REv BOARD BP 00100003111100 BUILDINe PERI|II FEEg ID00100002{03100 CLEANITPDBPOSTTS FC 00100003112900 mtJlr clIrL $lgPEcrro FEE lDounE -50. oo 7 76. 00 500.00 3.O0 o e o e c|BE HT *tr 4 EE fit E ra gl EE g T ll sg rEr 9E .o o-3,q H 3B !o ou o 'l q & o .' c;C' o o c c |. 0 0 o o o E !!. H H E B U g E o fl o z 9:{il{adl !go oN o oo IA CT ('|c|& o o o o C' o o o o |lt x u H o la C|t{!l T tl D F B E! o D -T FIT JF E <o li Lt ll O|.'T{HH H'aor EO o:I\C'C|O <t F I E i D I *E !|t B t H !G EI'at ct r.B c E E 8" $ 6$ A T H o I (, &I A A D H &o T c F E !l $. |o o E cl ta ; ID .{Ca I>E-*.5to g8r EE8 a"-."". t"rle councy n""""""1rrt"" V ac 970-32818640 for Parcel 4. TowN oF vArL coNsrRucrroN pER.\lIT f YEL r, 2fqC,ll Ser rl pERMrr Appr.,rcArrox roii" ODAO O _t .v 1r ,\ 1 ;i*iilSfiiptr'"* PNqS-&ls I APPLTCATToN MIJST BE.FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED \t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tr * * * * *'t't PERMIT TNFORMATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :r ,r * * * )\,-|q-nuirains [ ]-Prumbing [ ]-Erecr,ricar [ ]-Mechani'car [ ]-orher. rob Narne, V v $.zl4tezt-Job Actdress: u1 .IlDq1L4at- rLD Legal- Description: r,ot 134 aloct-| rifing- - -m SUBDIVISION: )wners Name: AAti(- f4rcNetu ' ' Address , L14 vort utlrrL ,rt)W Lu+ 'l-ocVttrtgt vtr) ,*i{.qb. .rrchirecr: barunY _iatarft?+gL Addr"=", leneral Description:UqT ftMrficN .rork ctass: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration fi-aaaitional t lln"p.ir [ ]-orher lurnber of Dwelling Unit.s:Number of Accommodation Units: fmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet r'*********J'*:k******t(*{'************ VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ]UILDING: $to ]LUMBING: $,- t:.1i-1li.li::::i:i:i.Al,if.":i..co"NrlAcgoR rNroRMAr.,roN,t***Ak**************rr'r***** Er,EcrRrcAL: $ ll,ooo HECHANfCAI,, $--_- --OTHER: $ToTAL:+W I 'IOli * * **lL* * * * ** * * * * * * * ** rr * * * * * *) hfiilElh vair Req. No. {(7-B ;t**6h;r Nuhber: W-J ' __E;a=AE;F- d(o tddress: iddress: )lumbing rddress: Contractor: lractor-: _l^lLrNl./-T ^LLLNLLL gawh*^\,-Er-- c.;.f,own or vuir n"s3l J.nft.-t fOaone Nunber: -4?i-fts<; 1 e c tr i c a 1 con! rac, r,or.: -.=Qltt r"*r__Li*cwt-tL _' Pr rt n"g. No. l3+-P ?LI. n3b lechanicaL Contractor: tddress: f.bJ €- own of Vail one Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunrber: Reg. No. : :i* >tr:t**:t ********** ** ** ** ** * *****FOR OFFICE USE :t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'r rt * * * * * * * x * * }UTLDING PERMIT FEE:,IUMBING PERMI'I FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ;LECTRTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: lomments: BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PIAN CHECK IEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PER}'TIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: VALUATION CLEA}I UP DEPOSIT REFTIND TO:,}oX ?S g Ott!,+ttnrcl/tNl l€^.)(T.. cD .u^tur1',Lr'-;N tLA 8lb{5 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROAD vArL, co 81_657 970-479-2L38 APPLICA}IT CONTRACTOR OIINER DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLUMBING PERMIT iIOb AddTESS: 227 ROCKTEDGE RD LOCAEiON. . .: 227 ROCKLEDGE RD Parcel No.. : 2101-071-15-029 Project No. : PR'J98-0075 .JERRY SIBLEY PLIJMBING P O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO 81645 'JERRY SIBI,EY PI-,IJMBING P O BOX 340, MTMTURN CO 81-545 MAC NEII-, BRENDA G & DAVID F -.]T 2L5 E FIRST ST, HTNSDALE IL 60521, .^ Ba(o//O J .JOBSITE .AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P98-0054 Stsatsus.. Applied. Issued. . Expires. ISSI]ED os /L3 /L998 06 /L8 /L99e L2/L5/]-998 Description: PLTUMBTNG FOR INTERIOR REMODEL Valuation:13,600. 00 FEE SI'MMARY Phone: 3038275736 Phone:' 3038275'735 Toeal CalculaCcd Fecs- - - > 265.50 Plurrbing-- -- - > Plan check-- -> Investigalion> l.li l1 call----> 210.00 .00 3 .00 . o0 ,00 265.50 265.50 Rcsluaratrts Plan R.vieF- - > TOTAI FEES- -. - -Additional Fce6-------- -> ToEaI PerrniL Fec-----__-> PaymentE------__ BAIANCE DUE-..- .OO Item: 05100 BUTLDTNG DEPARI14EM Dept:O6/02/L998 JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED .fRM- ITbM:.O56OO FIRX DEPARTT4ENT DCPI:06/02/]-998 JRM Actj-on: APPR N/A BUILDING Diwision: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECI,ARATIONS I hrreby acknowledge tshat I have read lhiF appticaeion, filled out in futl Che infornation rcquircd, conPleled an accurate Plob plan, and 6tate EhaE all Ehe infordalion prowided as required i6 correct. I agree !o conply with the inforoation and plot plan, to conply wieh all Topn ordinanceE and Etate 1a$8, and to buil.d tshis strucEure according to che aown'6 zoning and €ubdiwiaion code6, design rewiew approvcd, Uniforn BuildinE Code and other orilinances of the Town applicable thereto' REQI'ESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SIIAIJL BE U'.DA TWBNTY-POUR HOURS IN ADI'ANCE BY I lom{ OF VAIL, COIORIDO scrts.snt rt+rl r*t ttttt tttttt Ittiart*r at t*rrir*rtirrr* t gtsr!.utll NuEb.n3 REC-0416 l|!oqng: Pq'[cnE lilcthod3 CK Nolrtlon: 25932 265.50 o6l1el9e 1o:,15 IniEr rA9l P.ldlE No: P9g-005,a Tt'pc: B-PIMB P&lr a c PsRult Parc.l Noi 2101- o7t-15-029 sLte Addtess: 227 RocfLEDGB RD l,ocacion: 227 ROCI(I,EDOE RD ToEal Feer: 3hL6 Pa]rurns 255.50 totsr1 Mr IiBc6 : Balancc: t *tf t rr**rrttt **r t tt t tt |'t t * attra ttatttt t t ttl*r lt a * i 'rtir?l t t +t t!l t+tt AccourrB codo D€Ecrlpcion 2 65.50 265.50 .00 JIEOUTIL 210, OO 3.00 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUTGING PERJ{TT TEES PF 00100003112300 PLNit cl{EcK FEtsg tic 00100003112800 9lrLL cr&! gPEcTroN FEE TOI,'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAfI-,, CO 8L557 970 -479 -2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINITY DEVEIJOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M98-0094 Phone z 3038275736 Phone z 3038275736 2 ,2OO . OO l+of wood,/PalleE: TotaL calculaled Peca- - - >7a .00 7S.00 MECHANICAL PERMTT 'JOb AddTCSS. , . : 227 ROCKIEDGE RD LOCAtriON : 227 ROCKLEDGE RD Parcel No. -... : 2l-0L-07L-1,5-029 Project Number: PR,.f98-0075 sEatus.-.: IssuED Applied..: 05/Ls/L998 rssued...: 06/L8/]-998 E>cpires. . : L2/L5/L998 APPTICANT iIERRY SIBI.,EY PIJI]MBING P O BOX 340, MrlilnRN CO 81645 COTflTRACTOR,fERRY SIBL,EY PLIJMBING OhINER P O BOX 340, MTNTI'RN CO 8r-545 MAC NEIL BRENDA G & DAVID F -.fT 215 E FTRST ST, HINSDALE IL 50521 DescripE.ion: Valuation: MECi{ TNSTATL BASEBRD HEAT USE EXTSTING STUB OUTS Fircplace Inforiracion: Restricbed:*of cas AppI ianc6s:+Of ca6 Log6: FEE SUMMARY Mechanical---> 50.00 15.00 3.00 RestuaranE PLan Rewielr- - > DRB Fee----- --- TOTAIJ FEES- - - -' Additi.onal Fce€- - -- -- - -- > .00 ToCal Pcrrri! Fee--------> Plan chcck---> Investigation> . o0 . o0 74.o0 will cal,l---->Pavment B - - - - - - - - BUILDING DiwiSiON: FIRE Division: BAI.ANCE DUE- -.. BUTLDTNG DEPART'II4ENT DCPT:JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED JRM-FIRE DEPARTIVTENT DEPt,:JRM ACTiON: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL' 1. FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI.ICE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 507 OF THE ].99]- I]MC.3. INSTALI-,ATION MUST CONFORM TO II{ANI'FACTI'RES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF TIIE 199]- IMC.4. GAS APPLIAI{CES SHALT BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SIALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 IJMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPI-,Y WITII SEC.5O5 AND 703 0F THE 1991 IIMC.6. BOIL,ERS SIIAII-, BE MOIJNIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNI.,ESS LISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBI.,E FI-,OORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOI'EST.8. DR.,AINAGE OF MECIIANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SIALL BE EQUIPPED W]TH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.21L9 0F THE t-991 IIMC. Item:05100 o6 /Ls / L998 Item:05500 o6/t5/L998 ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS E t h.r.by .ckloort.dg. chrt t hrv. r."." tJonrrcrtl,on. fltl.d our Ln full crrr lrtonrEr r.qul,r.d, coqrl.t.d ra .csrE ts p1ots t|l.n, lrld .ts.c. thrt r11 Ehc Lnforraclon lrrovldcd a. r.gul,r.d ,,a corr€cg. I rgr.. tso cdtrly ytBh Cha lntormatls .t|d plot pl.n. bo coaDly rlth dl lorn ordinrnclr |nd rtsrt. lar., arrd to bulld chL. .trqctura accordlng bo tsb. torn, r rqrlng rnA ruHt vialon codc., d..i,g!| ri'vl,rr rPg'rovcd, gnllcr.! Bullding Cod. .nd ogh.t craintrnc.r cf ehc Torn rppllc.blr tsh.!.to. RlQUBg"g FOR INADEeBIONB glt[!& BE r|eDl ${ar$rf-Fom HOITRS ltf lDlrAllcE BI IBIJEDIONB lT {?9-2139 OB AT OtR OttlCE IRO$ O!O0 }X stOO Dll grqqrsRa oF om|BR oR oonTRAcT(x FoR H ||tEIlr ll|D ofil|ER *}'trf trtrtttt.!rtt' t.rrrrJrrttrtrttt.tatttt totlr oF vllt . 6tpRrDo t it.trtiliartt!trltlttrtttar!r!rtlttrtli*?ttrt'artrtrtitti.ratirrli.aatia.r lotrl Laa r 7g,oo ToE l lrr! Pug.3 tttt}tl. *tttttttrtttittt!}irttttttltttltrtalata!}tta't*t*ttrttrtattrttr Sttc.Dt lfu!b.r! nEC-O415 l|,ourre r P.!|a.nr t.t'hoalt cK Nog.Elon r 29933 9ErtaErC 78.O0 05,/10,t98 10 r36 IBtt! UAw Pczult tto: U98.Oo9a TlD. r B-[ECtt P.rc.l. t{o: 2101-071-15-029 gltc lddrr|. | 3?7 ROCRT ED@ nD Loc.tion! ?27 RoCKITIDCE XD nrir Payr.lrt Ellr'lc.: l4aoqrnts Ood. I|..ctlPBion u? 00100003111300 nEcHllrlcl& PaRUIT lBEs Pt oo1oooo311!300 Pril[ CHECG tlEtt rc 00100003112400 tf:ltr ClIr& INgPEqUOlf llE uECllllIrC.AIr PBRIII:! ?3.O0 78, O0 ,00 L@ultE 60, 00 15. OO 3.00 6Vfta//a ff**zr orql rs6 z|*g*?I x3l.",::#m":*:fatt ps6si\rudr **Ti'3"'t$ru ronu -f ii tggo #: -, APPLICATION ItlUsT BE FTLLED oUT COIIPLETELY OR fT !,rAY NoT BE ACcEpTED U L--.' f,***************************** PER!{rT TNFORI{ATroN ***************************** Owners Name: Architect: [ ]-Electrical g]!-uechanibal I J-other Job Address: Ph. Ph. Nunber of Acconnodation Units: Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nurnber: 5b\ BUU,DTNG PIAN CIIECK FEE3 PUIMBTNG PI,AN CIIECK FEEI UECIIANTCa'L PIA![ CTTECK fEE: RECRE.ATION EEE: CL,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAIJ PERITT EEESs BUTLDTNGs STGIATIIRE: ZONTNG: STGNATIT'RE: Electrical Contractor: Address: . Plurnbing Address: BUII,DING PERUIT FEE3 PLI'UBING PERUIT FEE: l.tECEl|NfCAL pEnUIT FEE: ELESTRTCAIJ FEE: OTTIER TYPE oF FEEs DRB.FEE: Mechanical Address: ********************************FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* ceneral Description: Fdd Work Class: pt']-t'tew [ ]-AlteratLon t l-Additional I l_Repair I Number of Erwelllng UnLts: t #*"= and T11pe of Fireplacesi cas Appli"n .=1{ cas Logs_ Woodr/pellet_ lf********************************* VALUATTONS ********************************* BUITDING: $EI,ECIRICAL: S OTITER: I lfEcHANrcAtr!3FE.TOTAI,:E CONTRACTOR II{FoRI{ATTON *** ** * *** * * **************** Address:c s Town of VaIl Reg. NO. t- Jreot n of vail neg. No.!AQ-F , p}ron" Nunber: RL+-Sf*-- f ,t OOYfr* o-f v.ail Res. No.-- Phone Nunber: CLEIil ItP DEPOSIT tEntm TO3 TOWN OF VATL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 APPLICAICT CONTRACTOR O}INER DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'N I TY DEVEI-,OPMEIiIT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELE TRICAL PERMTT iIOb AddTCSSZ 227 ROCKLEDGE RD LOCALiON. . .: 22'7 ROCIGEDGE RD Parcel No.. : 2101-071-L5-029 Project No. : PRiI98-0075 WIRE NUT ELEETRIC PO BOX LLl2, AVON CO 8L620 WIRE NUT ELECTRIC PO BOX LLl2, AVON CO 8L620 MAC NEIL BRENDA G & DAVID F -.IT 2L5 E FrRST ST, HTNSDAT,E rL 6052L ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: 898-0102 Stratrus...: ISSIIED Applied..: 05/L3/L998 Issued...: 08/05/t998 E>cpires. . : 02/OL/L999 Phone:. 303-476-4236 Phone: 303-476-4236 Description: ELEC|RICAL INfERIOR REMODEL Valuation:11, 000 . 00 FEE St,l,lMARY Eleclrica1-- -> DRB Fee InwestigatsioD> Will calI- -- -> TOTAL FEES-. - > 194 . O0 .o0 . o0 3.00 20:.. o0 201.00 .00 201.00 201.00 ToEaI calculaced F6e6- - - > Additional Fees-- -------> Total PcrmiE Fee- - -- -- - -> Pa)rmcnEe-------- BAIJANCE DUE---- ITCM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARI1iIEMT 05/02/]-998 JRv Actsion: APPR APPROVED IICM: 05600 FTRE DEPARTI4EMT 06/o2/L998 JRvr AcE,ion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowledge tsha! I have read lhi6 applical.ion, fil1ed ouL in fuLl thc information rcquired, complctsed an accurace pLoE p1an, and.tsale thaC alf thc lnformation providcd as rcquircd iB cortect. I agrca to coropl,y wiLh !h. infortnatsion and ploe pIan, to :onp1y rith all Tolrn ordinanceB and 6tate 1aw6, and tso buiLd thl6 6tsructsuls accordi.ng to the Tonn's zoning and aubdivision codea, deeign rewiew approved, ItDif o!!r Building codc and other ordinanceE of ghe To$n apFli,cabLe tshereto. RBQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHA!,IJ BE MADE TWEIfTY. POUR HOT,RS IN A.DI/ANCE BY TET,EPHONE AT 479.2138 OR AT OUR OFPICE FROM g:OO A!.I 5:OO PM DenL: BUILDING Division: iiRM-Dept: FIRE Division: TCr0f or vtII,. @toRtDo 9t ts.E rt !|urb.r t REC'04!2 houng ! Prl@€nt' tLthod. CK Narrll,on, 3?71 20t . O0 0tl05/9a 11r11 lnlE r IilW P.ldlts l|o! Ar8-0102 TlFr r E-EITEC ELEgIRtCtL DEIRJ'III Fr!B.1 !|o3 ?101- 071-15.02i siB. ilddr... r 227 RoctLlEE RD l,oraclon! 2t? noclcl.tDcl RD Totrl Flrt t 201.00 lotrl lI& Frlr ! 201. 00 e01.00 Brlrncc! .00 l[oung 19r. OO 3. O0 ItrlB Pqrrcltt Aceount code D.sc!lpuion BP oo1oo0o3111400 EIrEern:CN. PERTAIT tAEg r{c 00100003111ao0 muL clLL ll$tP8qlld FBE FoNOI O! VlIl. ld: lefPlgo Klyuerd: mcl U..r: arI[OLEt| lccltrlty ltrl,RE.n nc. - Inrprcclon Prgcalrlng '-r/02/99 tDD/rLT sPR Bltrt D PER$I P.nit tro i 898-0110 9t.Bu.3 llxll!--l|oEl.c. ! sloE 52 In prctLon ltcrg lnap.cEl,on Dcacription 3 Drc€ lnapaccor o1l13,'f 99 eo Entar qrtion: A.ldd rn Bntry C-Cll.ng. rn Entry lr-D.l.E. rn anEry lppllcrnt ! o' ldd!...: 227 BOCI(IIIDGB RD F2.lf.xt lg.u F3rPrcvloua It.r E{.tr xt' 12 Engllcs :20 1 Ps-Flrrt 12 BnBri.. Ettc.R.eutn Co lt.u l,iEC on lgolrtsl,on APPR APPNCA/@ o De sign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Projcct Name: MacNeil Ploject Description: Interior Conversion and heated stair and walkway Owner, Address and Phone: David & Brenda MacNeil 215 E. First Street. Hinsdale.IL 60521 (630) 6ss-4636 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Danny Swertfeger, Architectural Services PO Box 2374,Yai[, CO 81658 (970)926-72s3 Project Strcet Addrcss: 227 Rockledge Road Legal Description:Lot l3A, Block 7, Vail Village First Parcel Number: 210107115029 Building Name: nla Commcnts: Over GRFA by 73 SF; project complies with requirements of lnterior Conversion section of the Code of the Town of Vail. Board / Staff Action Motion by: nla Seconded by: Vote: Action: StaffApproval Conditions: Obtain a Building Permit before starting work Town Planner': Christie Barton Datc: January 14, 1998 F:\EVIiRYONE rDRB\APPROVAI-\98\MACNEII-. I I 4 DRB Fec Pre-Paid: $50.00 MWTI OFVAIL Department of Commanity D*elopment 75 Sowh Fronage Rnd Vail" Cobrado 81657 97e479-2138 FAX9704792452 December 24. 1997 Danny Swertfeger, AIA A,rchitectural Servi ces P.O.Box2374 Vail, Colorado Re: Setback Variance Application forthe McNeil Residence/Lot l3Ao Block 7, Vail Village First DearDanny, I have received your application requesting a setback variance at the McNeil Residence. Upon review of your application and the Town of Vait Municipal Code, I have determined that a variance is not required to convert the lofted area to GRFA. On August 5' 1997, the Vail Town Council approved Ordinance #l 3, Series of 1997. In part, Ordinance #13 permits the interior conversion of lofted areas and crawl spaces to GRFA so long as certain requirements are met. your proposal meets the necessary requirements. In order to take advantage of the interior conversion regulatior; you will need to submit a new application. Please complete the enclosed DRB application and return it to our office with the review fee of$50.00. I believe your request can then be sbffapproved. rf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me by telepho ne at 47g-zl4l. Good luck with your project, tL. ^a-?,"J^a GeorgeRuther, AICP Senior Planner Town of Vall Department of Communlty Development 75 S. Fronlage Road Vall, CO 81657 ,^,"J-t-9t %;- Please make checks payable lo the TOWN OF VAIL 001 0000 31 ffii,"JTi,ffi'e?'R,$#: # ffoHt rr*.".0 i:s:6e PnY To TIG llFJ,H,:ffIry "'-" '#Lffi'hBth' *. #l&l[ uftL,', ** fr"rg; THr,oJ-r," *[i. h*" ffimffi'*iffk-,Jt ffiIf, lr 001 0000 31 001 0000 311 TISI( YII] FOR YilJR PRYIE{TI 1 0000 3'll 001 0000 311 2s00 o [uttn offce of comnuilty dtntclopnc||l ?!.ordiftotilrg.tod rdtcelbE|6ST (scr)4?SA3t (36)4792t3e May 10, 1991 Mr. Edc Johraon Amold, GraathmeY, Praf Aldliteets 1000 S. FrodtagE Road W- Vail, CO 81657 Re: ProPosed Kltby 250 ErPanslon . Lot 13, Blocft 7' Vall Vlllage lst Fllng Dear Eric ra As rre dtscussed on tutay 9, 1991, the catsutations lHed bElor reflect our undErstanding of ths crrrant sErhrs of GRFA br the Kirby and cunnlngham residEnces: Lot size:' ' ' GRFA a[otiled:' Credts Tobl Allorable GHFA: ?rirnary/Curii drrgi r:t;fi Rasldsnis' Exls$ng GHFA: Remaining GFFA awilable for Secondary/KitbY Residence : Addilonal 250lssued Augttst 12 19tl: To&rl Allowable CfiFAfor l{O[ Secordaty/KitbY Residenca Exiselg GRFA:- '-Galqdalions done b' Atnol4 Qrdtmay, Pratt - - Gdslldors dona bY Town of Vail 21,780.0 4A?3.4 + 850.0 5278.0 - 3,3i17.0 . at 1,941.0 + 250.0 e191.0 - 2.264.4 -73.4 . .^- - a rtl aalAa lt.et . !l . !t . PaFle2 . The calanlafions tlsFd et€ sfiow thd thetrrvo 'Bsbencss on lot 13' BlodT' Vall \f$age Frrsl Fi[ng, reed x[ 4t"i,,"tFGHFA by ;;'il[-qT* fte- l{tbv Eddencs has afeadv benefittsd tmm a 250 €xpandon, !F dtly ptfi;af"U" wtrictr mirU dtour mors GHFA rvould be a denstty t atfia. fne Cunntnjtram resiOenca will be e1cbla for the 250 emansion dcr Hoveiidda tggg, rvtren- five-fars wu rrare pcsa dncs ihe c€rdncdg ot 6firpancy or fia ailemrq unit was issed' tt yuu trare a dlfierent urdersandhg of thes. e cdculationq please contac't me d 47$2138' Untess I hear from ytt:ffi rc.e ir ot r,Jmattial you sdbmltb4 aE well as thb lefiter' as parr of the ffte 1or ttg-itp;rty;bft *nl ?nllotivo-'teq1test withdrawn since here is no anailable GRFA- Tlta;i F" i.;ryour hep and cooperdion on thts proiect ot( ACHITECTURAL SERVICES P.O. BOX 2374 vAlL, coLoRADO 81658 (970) e26-7253 January 8, 1998 Mr. George Ruther Toutn of Vail Commu nity Development Department Vail, CO 81657 Re: Lot-l3A Block-7 Veil Mllage First Filing - Intorior Conwrsion Dear George: Att*hed ptease find my clients application for an Interior Conversion, to add GRFA to th€ vau1ed eeiling area within their exisling garage. As indirpted on the attached drawings, the added flcor area occurstdalVwithin the limits of the existing walls and rcof of thal garage. It is my understanding of the Interior Conversbn regulation, that all available GRFA upuld have to be utilked prircr to their reques{ being apprwed. Attached you will find a letter fiom the Tornrn Of Vail to Gwathmey Pratt Archilects, where the status of GRFA for this lot has been sumrnarized. Based on this lefter, all arailable GRFA has ben used. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely CTURAL copy to: Mr. David Macneil . .. -(rJ L ti:*eo''tlNt dFF sr$ {Iq \j c+(ll ,r il 6$n F d*- 5q:F[F $rt FI F$ fil v $ d E (li s- Qp a-- : Z=L t\.I'r-l 3 (tr nl F !|ut-o'l Ex t6-I tN6 F@ r r$ Fn GT\T $e I+ tr I t-q 6\P E s..rT $(r1 r s E i"'il 'SR N 'F$$ n{rn 'PF3 19 ET It*!'tnvfii ' >frr )fr- iEP E s$ -{ \lol'',jr'6P )+'------) \ I l I I F* i$ R$*s \ I .='X Hr$ Htr i$ 66 vF E A I -*'( -+ I \.Al l\-ts f: at*g(#* *. NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES TltyN 0F vAILly n n^ ,i 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 D epaftment of Community Development APPI,ICANT MICHAEL LAUTERBACH P.O BOX 3451, VAIL CO CONTRACTOR MICHAEL LAUTERBACH P.O BOX 3451, VArL CO OWNER CI,TNNINGHAI'{ KAREN F 217 ROCKLEDGE RD, VAIL Description: ALT/ADD oF 250 sq.ft. Fi reolacc InforFation: Restricted: UOt *ffir#*tuffiffiffi*irrr**ir*lr*#rrri:**rrt*ffi*** FEE SUI'|I,IARY Bui tding-----> 195.00 Restuarant P [an Revi ev--) PLan check---> Investigat ion> tli l. ! Cal,l.---> 1?6-75 DRB 227 ROCKLEDGE RD ROCKLEDGE RD 2toI-071--15-03 0 PRJ95-0070 8165I 8155 8 co 81657032 Sq Ft: Gas Appliances: fof Gas Logs: .00 50.00 .00 100.00 Phone: 303 442-2461 #of wood/Pat Let: Total Calculated Fees---> 474.75 Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. Status...: ISSUED Apptied..: 04/24/7ee5 rssued. . . : 05/lo/1,995 Expires. . : tl/06/I99s Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation:15, 000 Add Additionat Fees--------> TotaI Pernit Fee-------> .m 471.75 474.75 .00 3.00 Recaeation tee--------> Ctean-Up Deposi t-------->Paynent TOTAL FEES------ffiffi ,rffi*ffi(ffiir***#ffi ***ff ffi ffi **ffi **rdr**ffi ffir*uiffir*ffi *ffi lr****ffi Dept,: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: ITe.m: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 05/10/1995 GARY Action: APPR ItEm:..05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 05/03/1995 LAUREN Action: APPR ITE.m:' O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT 95 /t0 /L2e_1^G4BI_ _ _ Action : AppR N/A Ite.m:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 05/10/1995 GAP.Y Actj-on: AppR N/A ffiffi ***#ffiffi{.|tffi **Jr|t**Jrtffiffi tr***Jr***tffi **ffi d*ff ffi t"t*tff iiffi ffi ffi ffi t*ffi*** See Page 2 of this Docunent for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknolrtedge that I have read.this apptication, fitl,ed out in ful,l, the information requi red, compteted an accurate ptot Ptan, and state that a[[ the infornation providcd as required is correct. I agree to compl.y iith tire iniormation and pl,ot ptan,to comPty Hith att Tolrn ofdinances-and state [aws, and to buil.d this structure according io- the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unifofn Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the town afpticabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS iN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: B. E. CUNNINGHAT'I {g *nnt"or*o /f*w,o rlw lt{@ AND OIINER TOWN OF VAIL Departnent of Community Development Page 2 ** 75 South Frontage Road Department of Community Development Vail Colorado 81657 CONDITIONS geWlWfrUNt$gLoL as of 0s/L6/91. Status---: IssuED **mrb7blntrY{t*******************************************************!t****:t!**** Permit Type: ADD/ALT sFR BUrLD PERMIT Applicant--: MICIIAEL LAUTERBACH Job Addressz 227 ROCKLEDGE RD Location---: ROCKLEDGE RD Parcel No--: 2101-07L-15-030 Description: ALT/ADD OF 250 sq.ft. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns ** rt******* ******* ************* 1. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND IN CORRIDORS AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC. 2. BEDROOM EGRESS rS REQUTRED pER S8C.1204 OF THE 1991 UBC.3. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.4. Retaining walls not to exceed six feet in height 5. AII materials to maLch existing Applied-- r oa/2a/L99s rssued---t 05/L0/L995 To Expire z LL/06/L995 tp^*otoouo ******* TOWN OF ******* *** **** REC- o 0020 Anount: --a55o*h'hotttag?M.-- - - - Eep anmmt af € emmunity D ev e lo p m ent vaiLCdawtislffiz: 895-010L Type: A-BUTLD ADD/AIT SFR BUrLD PE 97G479aWLl7Ma9 2 L 0 L- 07 L- 1 s - 0 3 0 FAq(Wg-Bgqgrysz 227 RoCKLEDGE RD Location: ROCKLEDGE RD Total Fees:274.75 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Account Code 01 0000 41331 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 ****************************************** Statemnt ****************************************** 274.7s 05/16/95 L4243 s40Hftt0 This Payment 47 4 .75 474.75 .00 **************************************************************** Description Anount DESIGN REVIEW FEES -15O. OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 195.00 PLAN CHECK FEES L26.75 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 1OO.OO WItt CALL INSPECTION FEE 3. OO {P'.""nuo'*o 'J.a THIS TOWN OFVAIL PERMIT MUST BE POSIED ON ELECTRICAL PERMlT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES . Permit #: E95-0081 75 South Frontage Road Yail" Colorado 81657 970-479-2I3V479-2I39 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT OWNER CONTRACTOR Department of Community De,velopment Job Address: 217 ROCKLEDGE RD Location... : ROCKLEDGE RD Parcel No.. : 2101-071-15-030 Project No. : PRJ95-0070 Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 04/24/L995 Issued...: 05/22/7995 Expires..: Lt/L8/t995 MICHAEL LAUTERBACH P.O BOX 345I , VArL CO CUNNINGHAM KAREN F 217 ROCKLEDGE RD, VAIL EAGLE VAILEY ELECTRIC P O BOX 1116, MTNTURN 816s I co 81657032 co 8164s Phone: 303 442-246L Phone z 30382'75'172 Description: ELEC. FOR REMODEL/ADD. Etectricat---> 50.00 Valuation:500.00 FEE SUltllARY *ffi****ff**ff***ffiffi***tffi*rtr*ffifi Total Catcutated Fees---> 53.00 DRB Fee Investi gat i on> 1., i tL ca l. t---> .00 .00 3.00 .00 53.00 Payments------- lt {tT t ,lLl, il, Additiona[ [ees---------> Tota! Pernit Fee--------> TOTAL FEES---> 55.00 .00 t *|H*t*ffiffi*Hffi**Hffi ffi *tffi ***ffi ffi ********ff ****t***tr*ffi ffi ****# Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 05/22/1995 GARY Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: *ffi ,r|tffi *ffi ffi *ffi *r*ffi **ffi **ffi rffi *ffiffi #ffi ffi #ffi ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL **ffi***f*|||k'tffiffiffi****ffi****ffirj**ffi*****trl*******H**t***************#****tc****ffi*******ffrin*r*ffir*ffir DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apPtication, fitl,ed out in ful.t the informtion required, compteted an accurate ptot Ptan, and state that alt the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to compl.y vith thc infornation and plot ptan,to comply t{ith al,l. Tovn ordinances and state [avs, and to buitd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdjvisibn codes, design rcviev approved, Uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Tolrn appl,icabte thefeto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ITADE TIIENTY.'OUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47F2138 oR AT ouR oFTtcE FRoI,I 8:Oo AIII 5:oO Pil OF OI,I}I€R OR CONTRACTOR FOR (+{ 414' W {g *rn""*ruu* AND OI{NER a lc **************************************************************** TOWN Of VAIIJ, COLORADO Statemnt IOWN U!' VAI.IJ , LurJrJlf,.ar/v *************!t************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0023 Amount:2L.75 05/22/95 /95 ]-5.53 Payment Method: CK Notation:fnit: GM Permit No: P95-0074 fIr[)e: Parcel No: 2101-071-15-030 Site addreaar 217 ROCKLEDGE RD Location: EAST SIDE B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT This Payment 21..75 2L.7s .00 Total Fees: 2L.75 Total ALL Pmts; Balance: **************************************************************** Account code Description Jlllount 01 OOOO 41311 PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 15'OO 01 OOOO 4L332 PLAN CHECK FEES 3'75 01 OOOO 41336 WILL CALI, INSPECTION FEE 3'OO NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLUMBING PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #! P95-0074 Job Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..:Project No.: 217 ROCKLEDGE RD EAST SIDE 2101-0 71- 15-0 3 0 PRJ95-0070 ISSUED o5/22/Lee5 o5/22/tee5 LL/18/7ees Status.. Applied. Issued.. Expires. APPLICANT MIKE LAUTERBACH OWNER CUNNINGHAM KAREN F' 217 ROCKLEDGE RD, VAIL CO 81657032 CONTRACTOR VAIL VALLEY PLT]I4BING & HEATING P O BOX 2048, AVON CO 8t620 Description: PLTJMBING FOR REMODEL ffiffirffi#*ffi* FEE SUllllARY Ptumbi ng-----)15.00 Ptan check-> 3,75 21 .75 Invest i gati on> tli l. L Ca t !----> Valuation: Phone: 303 442-246L Phonez 3Q39497771 500.00 Restuaaant Ptan Revi ev--> ToTAL FEES-- ,00 Total Cal,cutated Fees---> AdditionaL Fees-------> Total Perni t Fee------> Paymen ?1 .75 .00 ?1 .75 21 .75 .@ 3.00 ffi,h*ffi t**ffiffi f,r*ffi *ffi*******ffi ffi ***ffi *******oo**ilSlfi*llX;-*---*;ii-*-****#-* IgeF.i,gllgo,BUrLDrNG DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:05/22/Lee5 GA't' o"tdftBirttfi*ou o""*ouo" **rri*'tt/(*ffi f***'rf,*ffi ***ffitffiffi *****ffi**ffi ****ffi ****ffi*ffi ffi DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedg. that I have read this application/ fil.l,ed out in futt the inforrnation requircd, conpteted an accurate ptot ptan, and statc that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agrec to compl,y r]ith the infornation and ptot ptan,to comply Hith al,l, Tovn ordinances and state tavs, and to buil,d this structure according iothe Town's zoning and subdivisi6n codes, des'ign Pevie!, aPproved, Uniforn Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the Tovn appLicabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I,IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 8Y TELEPHONE AT 479-?138 OR AT OUR SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND OIINER uki:;/q,#n IcE FRolt 8:00 Alt J ' O &.D+***********t******** **********************************!r***************i TOWN OF VAILI COLORADO &.!+.1**! Statemnt *****************il********************************************* statemnt Number: REc-0023 Anount3 53'oo 05/22/9.5 Lsz-43 Payment Method: trt- Notation' rnit: GM Permit No: Parcel No:site Address: Location: This PaYment 895-0081 Tlrt)e: B-ELBC 2101-071-15-030 217 ROCKLEDGE RD ROCKIEDGE RD ELECTRICAT PERMIT 53.00 53.00 .00 * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :l* * ** ** * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * !t * * !t ** * * * * * * * * * Account code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 4L336 Total Fees: 53.00 Total AIJL Pmts: Balance: DescriPtion ELECTRICAI., PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Anount' 50.00 3 .00 l,itBrqs-od.o 3,.* "" "#T:#T,m[ll @pER,.,rr i/I V .rrJ-r)--- - v TOWN OF VASUj CONSrRUCTfOF''I .{,q L." ) PERI-IIT #I ""*i;rilFr+"oT1q'zrpru{s '-r - ^l ApplrcArroN Musr BE FTLLED our cffi{Sft/llUBDH,D[PT"o, BE AccEprED BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERUIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERUIT FEE: EIJECTRICAL FEE; OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE:wzo - J t, L.,ur .TtlfolflJfillllluury,rs rro'r. EE ACCEPTED X**:************************** pERMrr rNaoRuATroN ***************************** I '9,/1-nuiraing 1r,/1-erumling gr{-ntectricat [ ]-Mechanicat [ ]-other t | .rou Name! Cutt\h'ilt^m ls'o Rshanr{ob Address: j)7 &pcxttu.t r<> t t r FtLt46 Legal Description; Lot_[l Block_l Filing susprvrsroN, l, ,r'Li.[t'qo Oh'ners Name: R,CUUlttrtt(, ljAU Address:12 Pataz ,n.'rf]. vt Architect:Address: lofa Poto>en.'o!I? tn- ceneral Description: work class: [ ]-New JyJ-atteration lf-AdditJ-onar [ ]--Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwell.ing Units z I Nunbei i,i &,cconmodation Units: #*"t and Type of Fireplaces 3 Gas Appliances - Gas r,ogs_-_ Ifeod/perret - lf*******""..'.iAi::i;t************* VALUATtYLii;,:1t**********;'**:t*,********,r*** BUILDfNGT $ ,Fr.U ELEcTRIcAtz $__2 t2!:g p 9THER:PLUI'IBfNG: $ =/Oc.O . C,. Add.ress: o.";. 11^"5 Y:il Reg.- No-a,?7(-6 Phone Number: -1zC-W Electrical Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. Plunbing Contracf.or: Address:Reg. NO. Mechanical Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. ********************************FOR OFFTCE usE ****** ** ******* * *** * *********** BUILDTNG PI,AN CI{ECK FEE: PLI'MBING PI,AN CHECK FEE3 I,TECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: Town cf Vail PLone Number: Town of, Vail Phone N';imber: Town of Vail Phone Number: ]L YL VALUATION BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIG}IATT]RE: Lr' th \-tzi,t' CLEAII I'P I}EPOSIT REII'ND To:C ta wtttnl € HAm V t o t*rhe{ o Om#r,'#_iil lbr",i"*i{t I ,r' .i\rn:il 1 ^: i.,o'" :'f -' {ign Review Action FCh TOWN OF VAIL Category Number ,^r. I ][l'' {15 Proiect Name: Building Name: ProjectDescription: \i\l''v/\i:t- L--ii..i , "'tt\',.'it-- .i ',.'.'.''r,''.' 4','"rt ,'tt ,rl i'ii'..t.'i Owner, Address and Phone: " ,,.,i:itt .,:') Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot 1 ? Block t Subdivision zone District ?l:, Project Street Address: Motion by: / -..:-Board AStatf Action' Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval I Disapproval fl StaffApproval Conditions: Town Planner Date: i i'- i 1.--i DRB Fee Pre-paid 1052 Orangc Placc Boulder, CO E0304 303-444-1567 FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE: Jan.ll,l995 PROJECI': Cunningham Residence Remodel (250 s.l) 217 Rockledgc Rd. TO: ATTN: Town of Vail Community llevelopment Lguren Wlterton NUMBER OF PAGES TNCLUDING COVf,R: I COMMENTS Lauren, At dlscussed todayt this fax witl s€rve to rcvise thc plans submitted on the Cunnlnghrm Rcsidcnc€ r€garding tbe ttbeting of thc 5 foot ceiling hcight ruom ns ItStoregc". The conect labcl for this room should be "Crtwl Space". I rvlu mrll you tbree revised prints showing thir revision. Thank vou.llt/4 Ronrld Wells, Architeet lVclb Grcup Archltectc ccl Cunninghrm Gunningham Adiacent Property oruners Francis A. Beer, Trustee 115 Hawk Lane Boulder, CO 80304 Mr. R.H. and Mrs. Jan Pickens 8111 Preston Road, #800 Daffas, TX 75225 Mr. G. John Krediet % CF GaBital Corporation One Landmark Square, 18th Floor Stamford, CT 06901 1000 Broadway Company 233 Milwaukee Denver, CO 80206 Mr. Steven and Mrs. Suzette Kirby 24 Riverview Heights Sioux Falls, SD 57105 Mr. Richard and Mrs. Mary Pownall 267 Rockledge Road Vail, CO 81657 USFS P.O. Box 190 Mintum, CO 81645 tl3lq6- "ddcl*^* srrT qrf dt-l PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the following application on January 18, 1995 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for an interior addition in the basement level at the Cunningham Residence located at 217 Rockledge Road/Lot 13, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Barry Cunningham, represented by the Wells Group The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours lor public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on January 6, 1995. TOWN OFVAIL "^*_2,_/6_,__%/2- CHECKS MADE FAYABLE TO TOWN OF \/Atr. .l rt_. t- r!, H .a r__ f'lisrel leneeus rl.=sh i r-- 1 :J-!4 I !: ftr: .1f, Fle,:eint # 1{,i-1El 0-m00;::st -oFtr :'_=,r:,1"I s ,_:f:: # 4r:1i ffi Erlrt:Firi rjul.{i{I}.t6Hr1'l..FDplTir:rt.lf,L .FiFir iTm0'nm-l-SI6F- Fric'r-ini t*nd*re,j .;' :rl!:1" r:i[i l p99l?119 :JS* rreri, p;i,j rtniounr. paid 10000.12371 r fi 1 fitlt:lt:i41 f,f,t:*:tlE .:-t:ti. .Jt:l 0l 0000 4l{l 0l 0000.110i0 i I i ISTRICT IMI] CASHT lcr*"^*,ILJLI -,- mit.d 2/24OO Date of Application APPLICAT|ON FOR ADDTTTONAL GRFA (250) pRE-AppLrcAroN coNFEBENcE S{ .tlfnui, Ut\,l, DEPT. A pre-application conference with a member of the ptanning staff is strongly encouraged lo discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be addecl to a sit6. lt shouid be und€rstood that this ordinance does not assure each property an additional 250 square feet ol GRFA. Flather, the ordinance allows for up to 250 souarb fe-et if the conditions seiforth in Ghapter 18.57 or Chapter 18.71 of the town oivait coEe are?ret. Applications for additions under this seclion will not be accepted unless they are complete.This includes all information required on this form as well ai Design Review Board subm1tal requirements III. APPLICATION INFORMATION PROJECT DESCRTPTfON A C nn v ". f rf a" ^ o_ d* Le <x,i*,:.,ln oust . B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Ndre$ _f Z Legal Description: i1rJ-etock-Z- Fitina t/6 ; I V;//U, ttt E lty Standard 250 Type ll EHU 250 Type V EHU 250 il. * Date of PEC Meeting 1if necessary)- ffil*iii*W Zone C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address -2 ,r) z D.NAME oF APPLIOANT'S REPRESE NT ATrvE:,u e I I t 6 r o n ( ( R, o ^ w e t I ) Addr"u NAME OF OWNER(S): Slgnature(s Address Phone-t&)- DI6f F. Filing.Fee of 9200.00 is required at time of submittat of a standard 250. For a request involving an EHU, the lee is waived. E. ta o I I I # h \11 f;fr \l I T I x tl ,t \l I IL CIIECK REQUEST PREPARED BY: .42-2,DArE: ny'r/fa DESCRTPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND rOF-jf, Jw'arcr- NAI,IE OFJOB: ACCO('NTNUT{BER 01 0000 22002 AMOLINT OF REFUND: DATEAPPROVED: I- | APPROVAL SIGNATURE: } JOB NAME t, INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ------@ PM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: TUES"W ED a, THUR flz BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr rl tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICALT {nouen tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR tr t] FINAL O FINAL APPROVED :\ CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,fa,r.i') f-(1 - DATE i:-INSPECTOR 8'i" r;a P t .* INSPECTION REQI.'EST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ______ (ffi) eu PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT HEADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNOERGROUND ;(noucn i D.w.v. dnoucx / wArER Krnnrr,tr,.ra ?2 n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHAN!CAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORBECTIONS: DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I INSPE N REQUEST OF VAIL I ,2!.38 ilo WN 479. )Tt OW 79- c T( AM CALLER TU WED READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: $r BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION 'POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL V Cro-...-r/ P ..^..- tr FINAL D FINAL ELFCTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING I] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL tr FINAL 'a f,{}FPaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR 3 qr -otol d* "^" (., I L j t/5 JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: i: rNsAnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 THUR FRI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BT o tr tr o E tr ILDING:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O BOUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEF i.PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL E o FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL D FINAL {eeeaoveo,l S0RRECT|ONg/ _ tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR DATE i:'tF - , " ' <. (1 !' a ,-, c,. I .t./tt)t! PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ',.t11, JoBNAME -!t INSPECTION REOI'E,ST TOWN OF VAIL ; 479-2138 6Hfi-\ rnr DATE l-r READY FOB INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: ),, - t ,-, -- CALLER TUES WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ,_ BOOF & SHEEB " PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL O FINAL JEl APPROVED -tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIBED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR BEADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR rfl - !t'! INSPECTION REQT'EST TOWN OF VAIL + ------4-p PM 1J.72 tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED th. \ ,l I ,'l ,' t -//r. // 5 -'ll//"Jt t ' "t':/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oo-, I -,/9 - f{JoB NAME '-lflttt)/j/r ln ) / 479-2138 y'''r:,dr4 d-r--' 2'i -,,^ usN,FRI tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - BOOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR B FINAL O FINAL DATE INSPECTOR :..!,, ).b CALLER TUES ,F?s- t r / PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON tr DISAPPROVED WED THUR FRI 'i- r- -'.-rr INSPECTION REOI'EST TOWN OF VAIL "fr 479-2138 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. O BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NA|L|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr E POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E ( prrual tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR o_ tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,or, y', zr/e A rNSpEcroR AQ C F.v..llrttl 3rooo.fl In I clrl STEVEN T. KIRBY and SUZETTE H. KIRBY, Plainc iffs v. RON BYRNE and CHARLES YING, De fend an tg p61ap1 9p coLoMDo SI,'BFOEIYA IN A CWII CASE oASEHUMAER 93-M-392 Te Andy KnudUsen, Tovn of Vail ConmuniEy Development, 75 South Frontage Road llesE, Vai1, CO 81657 479-2138 D VOU ARi COMMANDED to .pp€er In thr Unltod Stdes Dislrlct Court d lhe pltc, ddt. enc, tttnc spoclfiod bolow to lostlfy ln lhc abovc case E VOU ARE COMMANDED to rppoar at th€ pt*., dd., |'d tirnc lp€clthd b.low to t.ltlty.t thc trldng ot I d€posltlon ln lh€ abovo casa. D€F6rno|r Vail Westin, l3O0 l{eet Haven Drlve Vail, Colorado E yOU AR€ COMMANDED to prcducc and p.rmlt inspocllon rnd copying of tha following documcnts o. obi€ctr st th. pl&c, dslr. and tlm. !9.clficd b|c|olfl (||3t documlnt! of obtoctsl: See Exhibit A attached to the Notice of Deposition. El VOU ARE COMMANDED to pcrntt iBpcctloo ol th. lollowing pramlrcr d tht dd. lrd tltil 3p.clti.d b.lot Any organiratlon not I party to this sull thd l! lub9ocn .d lor th€ tddn9 of I dopoo||lon lhdl dodgrutQ On or mol! oftbors. clirrclor!. Or m&.ging rcpnt!, or othar pGnpn! {dro csr3€nl to lsstlty oo ltt b.h.lt md msy ltt fodf for crch thc on which thc p.rlofr wlll lt tlty. Fedcnl Ruhs of CMI Ptoccdutr, qUG[ e24 Hustbad, Esq.(303) 628-9585 Appel, Powers &Johnson, 1200 lTth I.Iednesday, July 7, 1993 at 9:00 a. m. St., Suite 3000, Denver' C0 80202-5839 Patrick Q. Rothgerber, Attornev for Plaintiff €-aa. trrt fa ca C[hClOerrari.t 'utp rE ra!€ q A..d arerrrgrp rg ofln |t.fl1rnr q 'lS F.l9 .ord F, rooicsqt{st|rqururlx' !|,toproro.rn| re|o uoc 4fl9r Iq pqio(5tr.c lFrF Ff {r-E.Fsr r| [rl! ultp rA tilrFlr rFtt-.rd tt4 r uon3.lor6 olF.lerr.F 9oilr|! q I Fe uFp| rro 9t $ntr q ir.od@r q P.ler. iFrqrlotq uqm E Rrlf rsq q.EoFrcqatrdrl,Fqurl pf, Frqtd! Frtr Jo ||autf,! fo iJrc, Firr f,c q tsq r. I4r t t Jro stPojd lntr |gr.(r,tE$ FoFxt qlnrdqraa ol ary|,dil sar..t Y (1, Yl€Od8t'E OL Ol'llOl{OdElU ltl SIU/IO O) 'ruotups€ pag[cadr sodt lil|o t oca.tgord F G,|r|a.l(f JOa&u| grEde la!|trd!€ {(ltn rqOr Ftf q n,.o.lqrr| ato uroqr ot uoijrd .ro fro trl||t[ pst d|||t9t{ r.P <!r u|o|{tr lar! aqalar,0o I| lorrrE F[ f||E|! ro l|,arr{r|.r rC ,cl P-t ttur!!.llrtrqr. PJr.q ql|,dqll.qr,|q.q Fqr ri lurd.r|l $ ro.|.dgnr rS 4Dos ro qrnb l|r|odq'|| rO &p.trlF Jo ot p.{ena u6r.6 a t3.E! or l{ru, un€ re 'pr4 p.xl .F q aaltu, 0ol |'q aroul pr.ll ol aalra(b pll|.rFqna JrLtl4 q Ar€ r to rFU[o rt ro &rd r |qr g oqr uos.d t ..ltau./ lttl) .E 'Ir.d &f lo ls.ab.r .qr r toq aF||rJ lgn|l rJ.6.qr uro4 tuotri|ai pti ruxtrlg ul cxnralnsto Jo aru.^a tspa{ts a4qltaag lc, lDlEllrlol {t ,o uquFo 3Jr.d r. DeirFl|lun s! lo uropaqp t.rplo [[ Jo 'rrotFurrolu! pFfllrrxxt Jo lsr!(top.ap .||tt 3a, ttur.ggucrJ.tfto xt l.J3x .prrl qo untottalp tllnla/ 0l 3r.dqnt.I(tl) !.prnq angrn ol uoo*l r rpclqm (r0 ,o .3qfdc Jr^lr.|o uo||da3t q, 9r! rft .tur p.l3.tor.l x.{o ro p.6.tt |,.l p .|tLo|asF 3.rfrb.r (tt0 ro .cpq q Fpt .ql qct{r q .r|t ql uNl|r Grd qfltr {|[ u,lo{ pr4 ol por'tullrog aq FFt goett ou.9lo uf Iru u6r.d r {t tt 'at.u 3r|o lo tt!, (dcr(al .. p ro .rro!..r.oll .{l ot }c.lqr|. 'rt10 Ftar. lror {d ut cl.rq Dtqta lfaf6.l.o FIo|6u, 3 t 9r|.r uar|.t |.tA arar Efit q-l F ur OO! ||rtl !qr, Gr|6 j ol prr,rbl AdtF.rc$orrlFdrFuC o{rusr.d tt ,||"O., (ld lqeFu- JO' rrn.tQrro.r.,.ott ol tltl 0l . II nF.lqm .|I AFo|ll.o qFnb t|tr|l|pq-rrroaqilr $iqr& |J'E rq !o$o.rtl|r4t rro M O Eg.|ttilF a4l.bo 9.a rro$ad!4 arf, uro{ arFIr-, ..u.& t||t {dF{S{odrloJCUprr,olgr.t.tou q qr uoa.d I|' l{l {d Fr uof,rroro ta(filE' olrFr t' q'rs 1,o0srFll aro pduD ol ,aero t' rot l|n 1|' ! |rou, lcrpord q Pa9l|t,|tE uarad a.a ol rys udn lru rurodqr re a4.r- ard ro tglrt rrq rtr uo0tf ao I F.!q arrjaodqr rS |l3rur & u.E rB lor.e|o |' ol uftra {d ld@..aflr.J.1rO F.or{ Jo aF|,.Ftr, qf Id€ P|. F.daul ol FOnl' r| |qr Frlr rrr.odqE rtr ost r.. I|'d ro trr|J q uolp.fqo ll flqurrd .te,o, rtllrF lr 9.FI!F.9 .lO lO F ro ltt'o 0u- .1€ b uopcroq ol socartqo uq$ri n .o.I| L r|o ol Fttstt .g l.|rrol f, .F lt|d.$ udn xr.3 lotAxaJ.ur gaptr tr|o t8 l q rul| g3.L I an{(l|r€!| 9.Up.6.n{t .|S rol{roHodqns r0|oFlAraa '|p rop't qon'Iru AILtoc Bt tlo0c..ttq uurr.d ptt caFord ol p.9tr|l,|rr€ rJo.i.d. tru s$ p Qr(pl qdr6ltd q F.htts €, !H ro !q -tilf fF{Fodfqradc q pa9t|lur.E aaaltJa l,ontdairl ! lro$trp {rd lo Efil iS lt uaJad q taddl lo0 p..u t .ltLrd ,o uo03.dtll r taon0 .lqfAa Jo irr.{ureop tr.drd l|oq pcttsolF9 to oqld€ Fr uqF.allrt luxd Fr Fngord ol P.9ttun!€ ua|l.(l V MCt qrlrrrol|raFtrrc a.l . tr,. |'utrl|. Fl q p.urq |ol, .r |nq lpcpsl rrur $tgtr 'uoll .firr rurdorE ut Anp qlg lo qtarq ul l.uro||t Jo &rd .|[ uodo .|odut D|| Ifng q|{ acrolua lF|{3 plr.|l !r ||, od$! rI $q(r p tirrre |D urc rgt|ldqra tio q F.fqil uatd r |.ar..bF ua9 .rm .(|pon a{-6ul pto[ q 6.ts .lqGr€al '|o IFF ]r.od(F. t p .9! r.r F Gr[n q rs.q mtlro.tLr alo|F |'.F&cd Y (tl wl€rodSns or l..EcSlls Stl6lld Jo xqr.)eroud l.) € t c a.r|d '.rnP€ord lt o lo .ctnu Fr.9.J '9t qnu E4lEl,!o.sl4sr E4!4! tg-AJU!!.!rt uo peF.t El 'l5el,@ ptr.rul 8l -q^rrs to potd .r|| q peuFl {Jo6 t otpurrolu! oulooctol eg1 F$ t tlrsrry ,o s.t?ls pcgun eql lo snq e$ Jepun &n[.]€d lo AFued rePun Uslc.p I tr}o lr)r l:rsjo .rQ mEr |4 ndlrs 0t llraov IN THE UNITED STATES FOR TH8 DTSTRICT Civil Action No. 93-M-392 DTSTRICT COURT OF COLORADO NOTICE OF DEPOSITION STEVEN T. KIRBY and SUZETTE H. KIRBY, Plaintiffs, v. RON BYRNE and CHARLES YING, Defendants. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Wednesdlay, iluly 7, 1993, at 93OO .n., and continuing from day-to-day until cornpleted, the undersigned counsel for Plaintiffs steven T. Kirby and Suzette H.Kirby will take the deposition of Andy Knudtsen, before a certified shorthand reporter at the VaiI Westin, 13OO West Haven Drive, Vail,CoLorado pursuant to the Federal Rules of Civil procedure, where and when you may be present as you deem advisable. DATED this 24th day of June, 1993. 1200 17th Street #3OOO Denver, Colorado 80202-5839 (303) 623-9OOO Attorneys for Plaintiffs Steven T. Kirby and Suzette H. Kirby , APPEL, POWERS & JOHNSON trick Q.ead, No. L6905 CERTII'ICATE OI' MATLING I hereby certify that on this 24th day of June, 1993, I forwarded a true copy of the foregoing NOTICE Of DEPOSTTION by depositing the same in the U.S. rnail, postage prepaid, addressed to: Joseph A. Cope, Esq. Frascona and Joiner 4750 Table Mesa Drive Boulder, CO 80303-5575 Elizabeth Savage, Esq.Otten, ilohnson, Robinson, et al-. 1600 Colorado National B1dg. 950 17th Street Denver, CO eO2O2 Renee Sullateskee, C.S.R. 4204 Meining Road Berthoud, CO 80513 -2- EXHIBIT A Unless otherwise indicated, the following definitions and terms shall be applicable to the Subpoena Duces Tecun contained herein, and the witness is requested to provide the infornation required by each definition where applicable. L. ttDocumenttr or ndocumentsrl means the original and any non-identical copy of aI1 writings, recordings and photographs, including, but not Iinited to, Ietters, telegrams, cablegrans,telexes, memoranda, notes, work papers, records, reports, studies,calendars, diaries, agenda, minutes, books, parnphlets, periodicals, newspaper clippings, graphs, indexes, charts, tabulations,statistical accumulations, Iedgers, financial statements,accounting entries, press releases, opinions, contracts,affidavits, transcripts, legal documents, records of meetings and conferences, records of conversations and telephone calls, still photographs, videotapes, rnotion pictures, tape recordings,rnicrofilrns, punch cards, conputer programs, printouts, lie detector exarnination records, recording rnade through data processing techniques, and the written information to understand and use such films and records. 2. Documents that ttrelate tolr any given subject means any docurnent that in whole or in part constitutes, contains, embodies,reflects, supports, identifies, states, refers to, deals with, enbraces or is in any way pertinent to that subject, including,without lirnitation, docunents concerning the preparation of other documents. 3. In order to expedite the deposition process, please produce the documents as they are kept in the usual course of business and/or organize and labe1 them to correspond with the categories of this request. YOU ARE HEREBY CoMMANDED to bring the following documents to your deposition: 1. Any and all docunents that relate to any structure and/or residence located at 227 Rockledge Road, Vail, Colorado. 2. Any and all docunents that relate to any work engaged in with regard to 227 RockLedge Road, Vail, Colorado 3. Any and all documents that relate to the Town of Vail's calculations or position in regard to the construction of additiona)- sguare footage of living space at 227 Rockledge Road, Vai1, Colorado. /.6253\P- 0EPKNu. PoH -3- t \*,txr\ -?t)\\ *:N.r\ S ,l \*.,*-. :l ' Irtr B t Bu*' t - ,^r;rr.rr^e€, {.*. , laT 13, B 16.'E ? ) I I ffis0 FEB 0 41995 February 3, 1993 Mr. Andy Knudtsen Town of Vail CommunitY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Kirby Residence Variance for Additional DensitY Setback and Encroachment into the Dear Andy: We have revj.ewed your letter dated May 10, 1991 ' regarding the Kirby residence. we have examined the figures and feel you are essentially correct. The only recourse the Kirbys have is to f1le for a variance to add approximately 260 sguare feet over the garage. It would be helpful if we could get the Staff's reaction to this application before going through the whole process. Please call if you have any guestions or need to discuss this further. Sincerely, Developrnent West GWATHMEY/PRATT/SCHULTZ ARCHITECTS, P.C. Edward M. Gwathmey, ArA EMG/ad Enclosures copy via fax to: Patrick Hustead [r \ , t, r\ U V v ,l \rJ \ lt, \q\ ,ro' \ [t d1 :t I r/ tr' ,'\ n$0 JUN 171991 lol' lj Llol 1 Wt llttfi- 1'r' June 17, 1991 Mr. Andy Knudtsen, Planner #l- Town of Vail Comnunity Development 75 South Frontaqe Road west Vai1, cO 81657 Re: Proposed Expansion to Kirby Residence 227 Rockledge Road Dear Andy: Mr. and Mrs. Steve Klrby bought 227 Rockledge and wish to add GRFA into the attic above the existing garage. With your help over the past several months, we have determj-ned: The property is 2L,7BO square feet which yields Adjusted per new ordinance 4428 GRFAC 850 sq. ft.r' A 250 was qranted on the secondarv 250 sq. ft..'Total A1lowable With your he1p, we have Prinary,/Cunningham 5528 sq. ft. concluded existing adjusted GRFA's are: 33?O @ 60%/Secondarv,/Klrbv 2264 @ 4O*/ Excess on the L.,ot We have a non-conforming density which could the prj.or method of calculating GRFA. Note,exlsting ratio is in conformance. Per the recent PEC ruling; understanding the 100* but the secondary cannot exceed 40t, we conslder: Secondary side Adjusted per new ordinance Granted already for second side Adjusted GRFA Existing is 2264 sq. ft. l-eaving a--<-' ,.1 Y*'*kJ \{!! x aa28 be attributed to however, that the primary could be would propose you 1,77L.2 sq. f t. 425.O gq. ft. 250.0 sq. ft. 2446.2 sq. ft. 182.2 sq. ft. Mr. Andy Knudtsen ,lune 17 , L99L Page 2 Further the exigting has a single car garage of 470 sq. ft.; we propose to reconfigJure per enclosed plans to get two cars in less than 600 square feet thue reducing existing GRFA by l-.7O. Addinqr that into the proposed addition: By my interpretation of the ordinances, I feel the Kirbys can count on .A */ ,o l6ono f ^ua/ u FU 170.0 sq. ft. 352.2 gq. ft. If you don't agree, don't hegi-tate to call and discuee thig. I feel that we must apply for a PEC front setback variance for GRFA over the garage ln the setback and r+ould like to make the next subrnittal deadline. I look forward to hearing fron you. Sincerel-y, ARilOI.,D/GWATHMEY/ PRATT ARCHITECTS .P.C. Edward M. cwathney, EMG/ad Enclosure copy to: Steve Kirby I Yz.t t1o'o. 7( ..2 O o aa.FA.ae , c^ft Ya-E9q-ry a o bffiilF? F€.1/'ffi.]rE I Na z,llAlt € I I flTl-fft.P*' lllttl li .i-- frp rt{rE#h/ -l! W a+fSf t-ewv W o o \, -.----..--V-fficfqr5{-Ug€ -'-- \ \* :trqw:u@lPBz U'tt'' o" o t50s11H6a Wlhbanrs TO FA 4ApEEt +urew w \AFl6 w@wt< OATE: b 4'l .91 SI{EET NO. FIKPY RE3ffi-K€- --?w#AtT@ fn FcdAsEbE Kcql> - VAlt- rficoPY olfice ol community developmenl May 10, 1991 Mr. Eric Johnson Amold, Gwathmey, Pratt Architects 1000 S. Frontage Road W. Vail, CO 81657 Re: Proposed Klrby 250 ExPanslon Lot 13, Block 7, VallVlllage 1st Flllng Dear Eric: As we discussed on May 9, 1991, the calculations listed below reflect our understanding of the cunent status of GRFA for the Kirby and Gunningham residences: 75 eouth lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 {303) 47$.2139 Lot size:' GRFA allowed:' Credits TotalAllowable GRFA: PrimaryiCunningham Residence' Existing GBFA: Flemaining GRFA available for Secondary/Kirby Residence: Additional 250 issued August 12,1987: Totial Allowable GRFA for Kirby: Secondary/Kirby Residence Existing GRFA:" ' - Calculations done by Amold, Gwathmey, Pratt " - Calculations done by Town of Vail 21,790.0 4,428.O + 850.0 5,278.0 - 3,3i:17.0 1,941.0 + 250.0 2,191.0 - 2.264.4 - 73.4 $? #oa'|{{ o a Mr. Eric Johnson May 10, 1991 Page 2 The calculations listed above show trat the two residences on Lot 13, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing, exceed the atlowable GRFA by 73.4 sq. ft. Since the Kirlcy residence has already benefitted from a 250 expansion, the only process available which would allow more GRFA, would be a density variance. The Cunningham residence will be eligible for the 250 expansion after November 22, 1993, when five years will have passed since the Certificate of Occupancy for that dwelling unit was issued. ff you have a different understanding of these calculations, please contact me at 479-2138. Unless I hear from you, I will keep all of the material you submitted, as well as this letter, as part of the file for this property, but wilt consider your request withdrawn since here is no available GRFA. Thank you for your help and cooperation on this project. Sincerely 6Sr"4 6J,,-^,Lnh*', 5l 14b.a l42tf.t 1787.t- n tlt 'tl- b<z.r.t bcq.s b04.4 ttft'6 lab ,z fiax I lw"ar twl Urf". 6^-"-t Cu-".,,; ^l^,--<7- t421. t >- lu4'4 U,4s. q y bo1.t (q'r\ 7,t'l 'i 'Yr an t-r+-^J lo$ ru J**tr 3\Gq. v Andf (nudt Town Pllnder &E[',[ APR 24tgel April 24, 1991 Ms. Kristen Pritz, Director Town of Vail- Community Development 75 South Frontag'e Road West Vail, CO 81657 Re: Kirby Residence 227 Rockledge Road Vai1, CO Dear Krlsten: The following represents our calculations and understanding of the above address and the allowed GRFA increases under Ordinance No. 37 and 41 , and the 250 sguare feet increase allowance for existing structures. Lot Size 21 ,780 sF Parcel One, Two, and Three Lot 13, Block 7 Vail Village First Filing Town of Vail GRFA Allowed ZS*-ot t S, OOO Sr 1 08 of 5, 780 SF TOTAL Prj-mary Residence 608 of 4,428 Allowed Increase 1 Allowed GRFA TOTAL Existing GRFA GRFA Credits Adjusted GRFA Overage a.l.l,wotL ja(L 0/22/88 2G57 +4zf 3 337 3, 750 sF 578 SF T,TZ4 sF .2 t . 2,657 sF '25rS SF Z;gd1 sF 3,337 SF 425 SF 2 ,9'1 2 SF =55 SF r f-}r - t4a l- )Ir ^ v-t -^13\ f 6"-*rlJ^--',-,' 6J t-<Ia,h-/-') ''r-2- - ZS\ 'Ms. Kristen Pritz April 24, 1991 Page 2 Secondary Residence 40* of 4,428 1$:-25{ // t I tlU- GRFA credits d,llat "l Adjusted GRFA t 4Z( Existing GRFA /{4r'z A11owab1e GRFA increase I rncrease for Existing structures 1z{0 it5'14 TorAL ALLowABtE GRFA TN.REA'E '-z'l?/'t-. -'^*Al 2204'4 proposed addition and the calculations involved. Please advise. The site coverage increase for this addition would be 42 SF, which we believe is within the allowable. Sincerely, r,o/cwatruqev/pRArr ARcnrrEcrs, P. c. ard M. EMG/ad Enclosures:1. Floor Plans with GRFA 2. Final Certificate of ffid./"'' /-' fr@ 425 SF zw 2,055 SF dn/tz 1 a1 sF 250 SF 386 SF Calculations occupancy dated 1 /10/89 Aenowa bexvq + tAF*,, l- -t ft)ag#ze a?tF I l l -l -J 'rfirn ".tt o-"f 7P?@ 41Ft?fae ffraF{ lb " e u.'1+tl ?@e+W F@1-ltor_l EKll;lTlFl€2 f-'lltlA t$ve> - v+'l SI{EET NO. 71(d ?eatoe*Ica ?eo?o4?e Apo rTlaFJ O?.1 @aew?P@€ 74O - \/.-Alt- (- i )' -) I I l---j- 4- €;. t211 A/r, i I 1,__t +bYvt@At+ . .++' b.1?tot -__l -l eYtfttt-JtZ ' ovo@. +pP O.A.t .'l' ?c fa -+- ?Fa ?oqzO *-lae.Al^b6 { 14.1 I Flc?:=.:-)\/A lO EFfF DATE: 4/L+/41 SI-IEET NO. Kt t..3=?tQW ?fanWe ??dfadfl A?crTta Fl o?.1 (4)4FV9?e? @FO' VAlt- d?7g? l?'t6v I,i I tt> tl rf l\ ,Ifi A I +l rt $is $itr ilq lq ,l I T- I P $'r f $n il I $l d -l tI|r m ( v J o +l 'I I I I i F )s u i DATE: + /z+/qt SHEET NO. FIF>Y ??+tzavra? 221 F.odrLwbe P^? ' vAl L :l f 3q1a PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL DATE HEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED [ilUil rnt [t : a^ ADi PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL EI FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER u ptvwooo NArLtNc - O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB T] SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIRED tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR t 75 routh hon|{c ro6d udl, coloillo E1657 (303) {7$2138 (3qr) |792139 April 10, 1991 Mr. Eric ,Johnson Arnold, Gwathmey, Pratt Architects 1000 S. Frontage Road w.Vai1, CO 8165? Re: Kirby 250 Proposal lpt 13, Block ?, Vril Village 1rt Filing Dear Eric: In my research of the file on the above referenced lot, I found a letter from Barry E. Cunningham, dated Septenber 20, 1984, which explained the status of the lot at that time. Below is a List of each of the issues described in that letter: 1. Parcel 1 was vacant at the time of the letter. 2. Parcel 2 had an existing structure on itr $rhich appears to have been built quite some time previously. 3. Parcel 1 was intended for the prirnary residencer and Parcel 2 was intended for the secondary unit. In your application, you included a Certificate of Occupancy dated November 22, 1988. This, r determined' r*'as for the Cunningham residence. The Town cannot approve a 250 for this residence since only 2 I/2 years have passed since this C.O. was issued. I do not believe this is the residence which your client, Mr. Kirby is interested in' anyway. I understand Mr. Kirby is interest,ed ln the smaller' older residence. Frorn further research in the file, however, f found that. the Town issued a buiding pernit for a 250 expansion for this residence on August 12r 198?. As I am sure you are aware, the Town cannot approve a second 250 requestr and as a resuLt, the application you submitted March 25, 1991 cannot be approved. tprLE BoPY offfce ol communlty dcvoloPment Yq3$ i":il Mr. Eric .fohnson April 10, 1991 Page 2 If you have any other lnfornatlon, through the file together, please Sincarely, ffi^, ):il\3ren d-r4 or if you call ne at would like to go 419-2L38. I C o{ o 1 ,ll.t ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRTCTS ./1 . nl DATE: 4-Y''lt l? tt I t/'t! rJat r-,EGAL DEscRrprrou: l,"t----il Block / rirlng Va' I Utlit',4 | ADDRESS: OVINER PHONE PHONE ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE Allowed Existing Proposed Total Height Total GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping + (850) (425) 20. 151 15 1 (3o) (so) Retaining Wall Heights 3'/6' Parking Reqrd carage Credit (3oo) (600) (900) (1200) Drive: Pernitted slope -.19L Actual Slope Date approved bY fown Engineer: Environrnental/Hazards: 1) Flood P1ain 2) Percent sloPe 3) Geologic Hazards a) snohl Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow 4) Wetlands Does this request involve a 25o Addition? How much of {he allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? 10 6rr,,,/fu/7 S1 tggf PROJECT: DATE SUBT.II COI,IMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIFTION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: connents: FIRE DEPARTI.IENT Reviewed by: Comnents: INTER- DEPARTI.IENTAL RTVIEW DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Date! S{o;r 4 k/.r* "r("|,A"q, /* 7 2t l)ZZ'o A>x"r^a-"'{ Date! Date: Date: POIJICE DEPARTIENT Reviewed by: Conments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: connents: revised3/LL/sLn nKE.- fln/ F, /,4-r Lt/, 4-4'?/ fl'(^& o ta rt *)k jbl)rltr 1ril ,ilT* I LETTEftF TRANSMITTAL ffitr0 MIR 2 5199r DArE z/zE[ql lrosruo.ro: T,o,V t-. t L--otaat,4. L)A)iloP RE z2-1 P-cLVl4*- F-rS- Pr,/"z-l oa_e_- ( ettacneo D under seDarate cover via ! Shop Drawings U Copy ot letter D Prints ! Change order D Plans I Samples E Specifications the following items:WE ARE SENDING YOU tr COPIES DAIE NO.DESCRIPIION -/2-4 T+b TP. n/?-€>Jd. ce + n(p 74.);e*JV'ffu C"e+-&.dz4b^r^- /+Uz,.-*+ Pwp'-^I-r a,L^)t/\A,/+sls TLolrn Pb,.,* / rLr^ q /+/a PXca+i..^ Q.r^-- r>lo-,+ / elt^tn'=Cv-rz'^-.{ cz\ ter}-t{-,Fo'c-<-1,.4>)v*cv, THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I For approval D For your use I As requested E For review and comment I] FOR BIDS DUE Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections fl Resubmit - copies for approval D Submil - copies for distrubution D Return - conected prints tr tr tr D 19- - PRINTSRFIURNEDAFTERLOANTOUS REMARKS il endosurcs ae not as noled, kindly noliy us aa once, nra'n tl^fl n r lnatl ,ILi/ tJ ivtHn 6 I lvvl March 20, 1991 Ms, Kristen Pritz ' Director Town of Va1I Cornmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Re: Kirby Rernodel Lot 13 Block 7 Vail Village 1st Dear Kristen: Mr. and t4rs. steve Kirby wish to convert their existing garage into a two bedroom/bathroom addition above with an access stair from the airlock of their residence aL 227 Rockledge Road. We would reguest a pre-application meeting to discuss the following: 1. Slte coverage and GRFA calculations as to how we should proceed. The functional and architectural conpatibility of the nei-ghborhood. To determine if the additionaL 250 GRFA is applicable to this residence. we wish to apply for the March 25 DRB submittal deadline, wlth your assistance. Thank you in advance. Sincerely, ARNOLD/GWATHMEY/PRATT ARCHTTECTS, P. C. Eric Jo EJlad hson, Architect z. 3. Enclosures March 15, 1991 Ms. Kristen Pritz, Director Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Co 81657 Re: Kirbr:y Resldence 227 Rockledge Road VaiI, CO Dear Kristen: The following represents our calculations and understanding of the above address and the allowed GRFA increases under Ordinance No. 37 and 41 , and the 250 sguare feet increase allowance for existing structures. Lot Size -Parcel Thto and Three, Lot 13, Block 7 VaiI Village First Filing, To!'ln of Vail GRFA Allowed ZsE- oE-l sl oo'o sr 108 of 6,780 SF TOTAL Secondary Residence 408 of 4,428 GRFA credits Adjusted GRFA Existing GRFA A1lowab1e GRFA increase Increase for Existing Structures TOTAL ALLOWABLE GRFA TNCREASE 21 ,780 sF 7t qp 3, 750 SF 678 SF 4;TZ6-ffi 1 ,771 .2 SF 425.0 sF 27T6ffi 21055.0 SF 141.2 sF 250.0 sF 391 .0 sF Us. Kristen Prltz March 15, 1991 Page 2 The enclosed drawings contain the existing residence, the proposed addition and the calculations involved. Please advise. The site coverage increase for this addition would be 42 SF, rhich we believe is within the aLlowable. Sincerely, ARNOLD/GY'ATTTMEY/PRATT ARCHTTECTS, P. C. d M. Gwathmey,}^ EMG/ad Enclosures l-' KNowALLMENBYTIIESEFRESEM:'T{I,CltarlesYing,.of-|c'1tt}aWashingo'ndesire to purchasc " porti* * r,oiirliiocki, v.il vur.iJii"t iriT.di Y*^*""u"' ard that I dcsire to authqrizc Ron Byme of Vail, Colorado to"iut"ftt"t t"id-lnt and Uke any otlrcr actior *lm regut o said purchasc aB may bc neccssary' Now, THEREFoRE I, Charlcs ying, hercby make, corstitutc and appoint said Ron Byrne as 'my oue lawful attonrey in r""t i* ." -d in *y .rr*, *ril ,nis pover_sfialltc rcvoked by rre' geocrally authorizing him, to do,c'xectiS' -a n1fil *f Li whaavcr that ought to bc donc wtth tg"tds io sad putchase as I could do ifpersonally present. My said Amomey ir ernpowir,ed to determfure in his sole discretim tbe dme whc'o' purposc for and mannerinwhich *y p$;;;i;"-rr"rrraup*rriro rrtuu be exercise.4 and theconditions' provisiurs *d "o"",,"orJ"i -y ii-*#", or iocument which rny be executcd by hin prsuant hereto. IN Wffi'IESS W}IffiEOF,I hereunto set my hand and saal &ie Tth day of luly in the yca One Thousand Nine Hundred and Bighty Eight State of Colordo Onthis?thdayofJuly,lg8Epenorrallyappearod.tlrcabovenamedCharlesYingardhe actnowledged the foregoin-g fi;trl;;"i d 6e nis ro" act and decd before me' Charles Ying Mycommission ^Pfut ALTA CoMl'tITMENT SCHEDULE A APPIication No' vL6577-2 For Infornation OnlY VAIL VILI,AGE FI.,G 1 - Charges - ALTA owner Folicy $2,058.00 tax certif. $2o'oo --toTAr-,-- $2'078'00 Wlth your remittance please refer to v16577-2' l^. Effectlve Date: February 25' 1991 at 8lO0 A'M' 2. Policy to be iseued, and proposed fnsured: nALTAT Owner, s pol icy $ 1. , 4 0O , 000 . 00 Form B-197o (Amended t0-L7-70) Proposed Insured: IiTEVEN T. KIRBY ANd SUZETTE H. KIRBY 1 ?t. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in ! tfris cornmitment and covered herein is: I A Fee Sinple I 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: ' CHARLES YTNG 5. The land referred to in this commitnent is describ€d as : follows: LOI 13A, A RESUBDIVTSTON OF LOT 1.3, BLOCK 7, VAIL VILIAGE FIRST FTLLING, ACCORDING TO THE plAT RECORDED JUNE 25, 1990 lN BOOK 532 AT PAGE I99, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE I l""rrou"E B-r. '(Requireraents) application No. V:6s77-z The following are the requirements to be conrplied with: l' Payment to or.for the account of the grantors or morrgagors ot the full consideration tor the estate or i.nterest to be lnsured. 2' Proper lnstrurnent(s) creating the estate or interest to be ineured must be eielutea--"na anry firecr for record. to-wit: .3' IYI.?:I!F SATISFACTORY TO THE CO}TPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDTTIONS AND pRovrsroNs oF "HE TowN oF varr, rnar,isrs;i',iei'HAVE BEEN seriiFrso. 4' WARRANTY DEED FRoII CIIARLES YING To srEvEN r. KIRBy and SUZETTE H. IuRBy CONVEYTNG SUBJECT PROPERii. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCUMENTS SENT POR NTCONPING!! PAGE 2 I SCHEDULE 8.2 ( Exceptions)Application No. vL6577-2 The policy or policies to ba issued will contain exceptions to the fol towing unless the same are disposecl of to the satisfaction of the Conpany: 1. Standard Exceptions I through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and asseesments not yet due or payahle and special asgessnents not yet certified to the Treasurer,s office. '?, Any unpaid taxes or assessnents against said land. 3. Liens for unpaid water and gewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT oF PRoPRIETOR oF A VEIN oR LoDE fo EXTRACT AND REIVIoVE HrS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMIEES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Septenrber 04, t923 | IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUC"ED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNIIED STATES AS RESERVED rN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Septenber 04,1923t IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. I1. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS T{HICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CIAUSE, BUT oMrTtrNC RESTRTCTToNS, IF ANY, BASED oN RACE, coLOR' RELIGTON, OR NATfONAL ORIGfN, AS CONTATNED rN INSTRUMENT RECORDED August 10. rs62, IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 1-79. UTILTTY EASEMENT ALONG IHE NORTHERLY ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF VAIL VILI"AGE 13. THERETO. ROAD EASEMENT FTFTEEN FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE SOUTH LOT LTNE OF SUEJECT PRoPERTY As SHowN oN THg RECoRDED PLAT OF vAfL VTLLAGE, FIRST FILIN6. NOTE: SAID EASEMENT IS RESERVED FOR THE USE OF ALL PRESENT AND FUAURE OWNERS AS SET F'ORTH ON THE R,ECORDED PIAT OF VATL VILLAGE FTRST FILING. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RSSTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE PLAT RECORDED June 25, 1990 rN BooK S32 A? PAGE 199. TERMS, CONDTTIONS AND PROVISIONS OF DECI,ARATION FOR A RESUBDIVISION OI' LOT L3, BLocK 7, vArL vrLLAcE FrRsr FTLTNG RECoRDED June 25, 1990 rN BooK 532 AT PAGE 2OO. Lz,LOT LINE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN FIRST FTLING AND THE RESUBDTVISTON r4. PAGE l""""ourE B-2 (ExcePtions)epPtication No' VL6517'2 16. PIAT BESTRICTION AS CONTAINED ON TITE PIAT AS FOLI'OWS: FOR ZONING PURPOSES, THE BE TBEATED AS ONE ENTITY ON THE COI.IBINED AREA OF AREA FOR THE TWO-FA}IIIY AREA OF TfiO PARCEI.S. .IT{O PARCEI,S CREATED BY THIS RESUBDIVISION ARE TO WITH NO UORE TIIAi"6*il.TWd:iAU11V. RESIDENCE AIJTPWED rr{E tt{o pARcEr,s. ir,iit^iii ing:t-ytrDENtrAL FrsoR REsTDEN.E wrlr, "t^iii6iir'ereD BAsED oN THE collBrNED PAGE 4' ) 1/ \h 'l ,'j v ' | ,o 1a \ , a:_" :i'i i i '.,;-.-,:l :,.:,., r ,.'f '*'r ti -:.'1 , I s;! c'i .ij':'-;1 '' ,.i.1 ',:l ri - .ll t f t Kunkel & Associatet Inc. f ,|Olrftavl|lc. CrYl! :ltcltllEll||o ' ra^tflxo ' P6, Bot aog . I 13 Ertl ath st'.rl E.dr. Colo.rdo !t631 ' Phon., (3o3) 324-5366 o t'j !q. \ .Fbrf&:5:r' I {_. .' /e,: /'r 20t " I BlocE 7. Lot:104 ,,/Mr. Francis A. Beer l15 Hawk lane Boulder, CO P0302 slock 1.J-ft l:9F: - "/ Block ?,.Lot 14 o* / Nffi;am;. wtlliam B. Paulsx ML Yd Mrs' Richard Pow iTi"?tr;;'#tii* sui'l" ioo ?'frtbqt::1"'u Blosk 7. L*ot t I . / PlocF.?,' rot lS ( Mr' and Mrs. Bemard Sarnuels/ Ms' JuliannaDews SOZ+ f,vetYn Court P'O' Box 362 ilf"* Otfli*,LA 70124 Vail, CO 81658 Blockl.I4t l2 ^ ,,/ 1000 BroadwaY Co. ' 1000 BroadwaY Dcnver,CO 80203 busNsg \)drSsd.\'3€q\. i I PUBIJIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Design Review Board of the Town vail will hold a public hearing onApril L7, L99L at 3:OO p.n. the Town of Vail lrlunicipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for an additional 25O sguare feet of cross Residential Floor Area for the clatzle residence located at 2317 Gamish Drive. Lot 20, Block H, Vail Das Schone 2nd Filing. applicant: Mr. Ernst Glatzle A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Xirby residence located at 227 Rockledge Road. Lot 13, Block 7, Vail Village 1-st Filing. Applicant: DIr. Steve Kirby The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COM!.fT'NITY DEVEI.,,OPIIENT Published in the Vail Trail on April 5, L99L. of in 2. ACcouNT t 01 0c00 41330 co.u. Ds/. APPUCAIION FE=S I 0000 41540 ZONINc AI,ID ADDRESS UAPS l 0c00 42415 1988 UNIFORII BUILDINC CODE 1 0c00 42113 't988 UNtFoRtt PLUilEtNO CODE 10c00 42115 1988 UNIFORII UECHANICAL CCDE r 00c0 12415 ISES UNIFORII RRE CODE | 0000 12413 1SE7 NATIONAL ETJCTRICAL CODE r 0000 42113 oTlia? coDE B00Ks 1 0000 4:548 PR|NTS (unens; 01.0000 12412 coFlEs ./ STUDIES B / RE-INSFECTION oFF HouRs lvspaeaox rb 0t 0000 414t3 .stclt APPtrcaTIolf + \sr\"*\nLLl 4:{,0\ I t nff'oMAR2srggr APPLICATION FOR PROPERTIES IN FCR ADDITIONAL GRFA EXCESS OF ALLOWABLE GRFA Date of nppt lcatron-? r@/11 Date of ona m""tingffi/tl1 A pre-application conference with a menber of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to Oiscuil-itre provisions.under wtrictr aiditioni'l GRFA can be added to a site. tt srrouii E!-r'niliiiooa tnai-ttri! ordinance.does not assure each property an additional 250 siiu-ti idel oi enfn. Rather, the ordinance allows forgg@ ,50 gqrt* feet if certain conditions are met' App'lications for additions under this sectlon wjll not be accepted unless they are complete. rnis-iniiliiei'iii into",iilion rCquired on this iorm as well as Deslgn ileview Board submlttal requlrements' A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: %TarF /+\ie> B. LOCATION OF Address a Ford Lega'l Description: Lo1p-atoct-lr'it ing Zone 0istrict ?/q C. NAFIE OF APPLICANT:ghova tst Address D. NAIVIE OF APPLICANT'S *ro*rhrorlvE, @ raar.r, la4> 42. FrqatHa Fegd Wcst phon. t'l-9-ll-4il NAr'rE 0F oI,|NER(S Signature(s) Address 1 hone +1L - l7b1 F. Flling Fee of $'l0O.0O is fuuired at time of submitta'f * +t't The following infonnat'lon, in addition to DRB submittal requirements' shall be required with this submitta'l: l.' 'VerJfication that the unjt has received a flnal certificale of occupancy' Z. Names and mailing addresses of::adjacent property-owners and of owners of unrts on tn" .irE i;I.-'ilir-inioi*iiion'is'available from the Eag'le countv Assessor's office. 3. Condominium association approval (if applicable)' 4. Existing floor plan of structure' G.YourproposalwtllbereviewedforcompliancewithVai]'sComprehensivePlan Aitaa^ Tna E. * DRB IPPLICIIIIOII DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: 7 I IA IqI DArE oF DRB l{EErINez Al 11 (41 *****!.I|IS APPLTCATTON WTLT, NOT BE ACCEPTED I'NTIL ALI, INFOR}TATION IS SUBUTTTED***** I.PRE-APPLICATTON IIIEETTNG : A pre-application meeting with a planning staff nember is stronqly suggested to deternine if any additional inforrnation is needed. No application wiII be accepted It is the applicantrs responsibifity to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional subnittal reguirements. Please note that a COUPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB rnay stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. Application wiII not be processed without Ownerrs Signature. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTTON: B. Legal Description Lot la -Block t subdivision i',,'+t zoning "/+c. NAME oF AppLrcANr. =tfevc tsttrPY t'lailing Address: Stot X Fafle A.D. E1n .Q1 i"ne (*5.77o'1bo D.NAI'TE OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATIVE:A.b.? 4194-$6--. EA E.NAME OF OWNERS: SIGNATURE (8} : Mailing Addres€: Condoninium Approval if applicable. Phone 'tb. n +-l Phbne +1(., lq61 Mailins ixil"' F. G.DRB FEE:pennit is naid for. VALUATION $ o- $ 1o,oo1 -$ 50,001 - s150,OO1 - $50o,001 -$ over $ 10, ooo $ 50, ooo $ L5o, ooo $ 5OO,OOO $L, ooo, oo0 $1, 000, 000 FEE 91O.OO $ 2s.00 s 5O.OO $10O. Oo $2O0. 00 9300. o0 II. IMPORTA}IT NOTTCE REGARDTNG ALL SUBMTSSIONS TO THE DRB; A. In addition to meeting subnittal reguireroents, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and buiLding corners. Trees that will be removed must also be marked. Ttris work must be conpleted before the DRB visits the site. B. The review process for NEw BUILDINGS wiII nonnally involve two separate neetings of the Design Review Board, so the applicant should plan on at least two neetings for a final approval . c. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled neeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be reguired to be republished. D. At the discretion of the zoning administrator, the following items may not have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Planning Department for approval: a. Windors, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. auilding additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space, which have had fetters subnitted from adjoining property owners approving the additioni and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium association. E. You may be reguired to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris flow, wetlands, etc). tou should cbeck with a Town Planner before proceeding. ?-t . ,.1 LIST OF I-TATERIAI,S NAME OF PROJECT:FiSB-t' €iEg.EP\tc'E LEGAL DESCRIFTION: I.,OT_I3 BIPCK ? SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS I zz1 ?c&.laAJgl- fur) DESCRIPTTON OF PROJECT: The following infornation is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING UATERIAI.S: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other required for submittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF }TATERIAL ced>r COIOR h&fural s{vcaa 'l? r -... B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: N/A PI.ANT IATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES I *xt+:vb f ,.Vy1,rvn, EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Phone: Botanical Name Common Name ouantitv Size* *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.Minimurn caliper for height for coniferous deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate cl>J trees. "' t' PLANT }TATERIAI,S: PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTTNG SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size 5 qallon. Botanical Name corunon Name ouantitv size* of proposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is Tvpe Square Footacre GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR IIETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.OTHER IANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimning pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining walls. ltaximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. f.I 33::,ffi :iI"B":tE,,:?*""" APPITfCATION FOR DUPI.EX SUBDIVISION REVIET (Chapter L7.24 Vail Municipal Code) (PLEASE PRrNT OR TYPE) A.APPLTCANT Charles Ying IIAILING ADDRESS c/o Ronald J. Bvrne, ?85 Bridee Street Vail. CO 81657 PHONE 476-L987 Jay K. Peterson B. c. APPLICANT I S ADDRESS 108 REPRESENTATIVE S. Frontage Road 11307, VaiI PHONE 476-0092 PROPERTY OWNER Charles Yin and Karen F. Cunnin OIITERIS SIGNI PHONE 476-1987 I,IAILING ADDRESS C o Ronal D.IOCATION OF PROPOSAL: STREET ADDRESS 2I7 Baltlc4ee Bae LoT-13-BI,oCK 7 -SUBDMSIoN-Ygi.1 viLlare--FILTNG-le!- CHECK #_PAID E. F. APPLTCATTON FEE $r.oo. 00 I.IATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: 1. Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivision plat shall be subrnitted to the Department of Comnunity Development. The plat shall include the following: a.The final plat shall be drawn by a registered surveyor in India ink, or other substantial solution, on a reproducible medium (preferably rnylar) with dinension of twenty-four by thirty-six inches and shall be at a scale of one trundred feet to one inch or larger with rnargins of one and one- half to two inches on the left and one-half inch on all other sides. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot for all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks' alleys, easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or conmon uses and other important features. All curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, central angle, are scored distances and bearing. AII dimensions, both linear and angular, are to be detennined by an accurate control survey in the field which must balance and close within a limit of one in ten thousand. North arron and graphic scale. A systematic identification of all existing and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and names for all streets. An identification of the streets, alleys, parks' and other public areas or facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedication thereof to the public use. An identification of the easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use. Areas reserved for future public acguisition shall also be shown on the pIat. A written survey description of the area including the total acreage to the nearest appropriate significant figure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be shown in this manner as well. b. c. d. f. DECI-,ARATION FOR A RESUBDrvrsroN oF roT 13, BrOcK ?,VATL VILI,AGE FIRST FILTNG, TOWN OF VAIL, EAGTE COttNTy, coloRADo Recitals 1. Karen F. cunningham whose address is 1350 old Tale Road,Boulder, colorado 80303 and charl-es ying who=" address is zzoz Fairview Avenue East, #7, seattre, wi-f,i"gt-" 9g102 hereinafter collectively referred to as 'Declarantsrr are tf,e ordners in ree simpre of the following described real estate, hereinafter---rrsuoject property,' situate in the county of Eagre and state of coLorado,to-wit: See attached Exhibit A 2- Declarants have constructed two singre-family residentiar-units' one on parcel A and one on parcel B as shown on the plat for the subject property. 3 - Decrarants. wish to provide for se[rarate ownership of A and Parcel B as estates in iee sinple. Declaration Declarants hereby pubrish and decrare that the following tems,covenants, conditions, easenents, restrictions, uses, resenrations,linitations and obligations sha1l be deened to run with the rand described herein, shalr be a burden and a benefii to Decrarants, their successors and assigns-,.and.any person acquiring or owning an interest ll th? real proPerty which is &eicribed rt.ii"in ina fnpiovlr"tt=---toirt therein, their grantees, personal representattv"=, h;iir;--;u"""==o6 and assigns. 1. .Divisign ef .Real .propertv into Two parcers. The subject property is hereby divided intJtwo fots as fottows: Parcel A Parcel B such lots - being nore particuLarly described in Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof. Parcel 2. Division of Real Propertv Lnto Two Fee Simple Estates. (a) The subject property shall consist of two separate fee sirnple estates as follows: (i) Unit A now owned by Charles ying consisting of a fee simple estate in Parcel A, together rrith a1l iloprovements thereon, all easements and rights-of-way appurtenant thereto and as provided herein. (ii) Unit B now ovrned by Karen F. Cunningham consisting of a fee simple estate in Parcel B, together with all improvements thereon, all easements and rights-of-way appurtenant thereto and as provided herein. (b) Title to each Parcel may be held individually or in any form of concurrent ownership recognized in Colorado. In case of any such concurrent ownership, each co-owner shalL be jointly and severally liable for perfornance and observance of all the duties and responsibilities of an rrownerrr with respect to the Parcel in which he owns an interest. For all purposes herein there shall be deemed to be only two owners, the owner of Parcel A and the owner of Parcel B. The parties, if nore than one, having the ownership of each such Parcel shall agree among themselves how to share the rights and obligations of such ownership, but aII such partj.es shall be jointly and severally liable for performance and observance of all of the duties and obligations of an rrownerrr hereunder with respect to the Parcel in which they own an interest. (c) Any contract of sale, deed, lease, deed of trust, rnortgage, wiII or other instrunent affecting a Unit shall describe it by its designation as Parcel A or Parcel B, whichever the case rnay' be according to the Plat entitled A. Resubdivision of Lot L3, Block 7,vail village, First Filing, Town of Vail, col-orado recorded in .Book at Page at ttre Eagle County Clerk and Recorderrs office (the trPIatrr). (d) Each Parcel shalL be considered a separate parcel of real property, shall be separately assessed and taxed and shall be free frorn any control by the owner of the other parcel except as otherwise specifically provided by applicable law or this Agreement. 3.common Service Facilities. Conmon utility or service connections, conmon facilities or other equipnent and property located in or on either Parcel A or Parcel B but used in common with the other parcel, if 6ry, shall be owned by the owners of both Parcel A and Parcel B equally as tenants in commoni and, except for any expense or liability caused through the negligence or viLrfur act of any owner, his fanily, agent or invitee, which shall be borne solely by such o\tner, aII expenses and liabilities concerned with such property shatl be shared equally between the orrrners of Parcel A and ParceL B. The owner of the Parcel on nhich such conmon property is not located shall have a perl>etual easement in and to that part of such other Parce1 containing such property for purposes of maintenance, repair and inspection. ExpenGes- for construclion and future naintenance, repracement and repair of future conmon utility services to the property shall be allocated egually between the ordners of the two units. 4. Alterations. Maintenance and Repairs. (a) If any improvement on Parcel A or parcel B is darnaged or destroyed, such damage or destruction sha11 be promptly repaired and reconstructed or denorished pursuant to the Town of Vail-Regulations. Repair and reconstruction neans the restoration of the improvements, to substantially the same condition in which it existed prior to such darnage or destruction. Tbe cost to repair and reconstruct any iurprovement on parcel A or parcel B shall be the soLe expense of the oerner of said Parcel except as modified by paragraph 3 above and without prejudice, however, to the rights of such ohrner under any rule of 1aw regarding riability for negrigence or wiLrful acts or omissions. Notwithstanding anything contained above to the contrary, if the negligence or wi]lful act or omission of any ordner,his agent or invitee, shall cause damage to, or destruction of any improvement on the other Parcel , such owner shaLr bear the entirl costs of repair or reconstruction. (b) Utility or serrrice connections, facilities or other utility equipnent and property located in, on or upon either of parcel A or Parcel B which is used solely to supply a service or utility to one parcel shall be owned by the owner of the Parcel using such utility or service and all expenses and Liabilities for repair and maintenance shall be borne solely by the owner of such Paicel who shall have a perpetual easeruent in and to that part of the other Parcel containing such property for purposes of naintenance, repair and inspection. (c) The owners understand and agree that potential development rights nay exist under present or future Town of Vail regulations that may perrnit expansion of the dwelling units, vhich development rights have not been utilized to date. The owner of Parcel A shalL be deened to have exclusive ownershi.p of and rights to forty percent (40*) of those development rights. The owner of Parcel B shall be deemed to have exclusive right to sixty percent (5ot) of those developrnent rights. No exercise of those development rights shall be made by one owner without first obtaining the written consent of the other otner, whiclr consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The other owner, before giving written consent, shall be entitled to review the developrnent plans and any blueprints or surveys prepared in connection with the developnent plans. Under current Town of Vail regulations there exists certain development rights because a structure is more than five (5) years old. Any rights obtained under such regrulation or any future I'like-type[ of regulation shalt belong solely to the owner of the structure on that owners parcel . If either onner exceeds his development rights and because of this the other owner is not allowed to utilize his full development rights, the excess development shall be rernoved by the oqrner thereof irnnediately upon the demand of the other owner. 5.Mechanicrs Liens, fndemnification. (a) Except for items incurred as a conmon expense as provided for herein, if either orrner shalt cause any material to be furnished to his Parcel or any labor to be perforrned therein or thereon, the other owner shall not under any circurnstances be liable for the paynent of any expense incurred or for the value of any work done or material furnished; all such work shall be at the expense of the owner causing it to be done, and such ot/ner shall be solely responsible to contractors, laborers, materialmen and other persons furnishing labor or materials to his Parcel or any improvements therein or thereon. Nothing herein contained shall authorize either owner or any person dealing through, with or under either owner, to charge the Parcel of the other owner with any mechanicrs lien or other lien or encurnbrance hrhatever. On the contrary (and notice is hereby given), the right and power to charge any lien or encumbrance of any kind against the other owner or the other ottnerrs Parcel for work done or materials furnished to one ounerrs Parcel is hereby expressly denied. (b) If because of any act or omission of either olilner any mechanicrs or other lien or order for the paynent of money shall be filed against the other ownerrs Parcel or any inprovenents therein or thereon, or against the other owner (whether or not such lien or order is valid or enforceable as such), the onner whose act or omission forrns the basis for such lien or order shall, at his olrn cost and expense, cause the same to be cancelled and discharged of record or bonded by a surety cornpany reasonably acceptable to the other owner' within 20 days after the date of fiJ.ing thereof, and further shall indemnify and save the other owner hararless from and against any and all costs, expenses, claims, losses or damages, including reasonable attorneyrs fees resulting therefrom. 6. Enforcement. (a) ff an owner, at any time, shall neglect or refuse to perform or pay his share of any obligation required herein, after fifteen (15) days written notice to such defaulting onner, the other owner may make such paynent or perfor:m such obtigation and expend such sum as may be necessary to perforn such obligation, and such other owner shall have an easement in and to that part of such defaulting o$rnerrs lot as is reasonably necessary to perforn the obligation. (b) AII sums so paid or expended by an owner, vith interest thereon at the rate of eighteen percent (18t) per annum from the date of such palaent or expenditure, shall be payable by the defaulting owner upon demand of the other owner. (c) A11 suns so demanded but unpaid by the defaulting oqrner shall constitute a lien on the Parcel of the defaulting ohtner in favor of the other owner prior to all other liens and encumbrances,except: (i) liens for taxes and special assessments; and (ti) the Iien of any first rnortgage or first deed of trust of record encumbering such unit. The lien shall attach from the date when the unpaid sum sha1l become due and may be foreclosed in like manner as a rnortgage on real property. To evidence such a lien, written notice of the lien shall be prepared, setting forth the amount of the unpaid indebtedness, the nane of the defaultj-ng owner, and a description of the unit to which the lien shall attach. Such notice shall be signed by the owner in whose favor the }ien sha1l be clained, and the lien shall be recorded in the offices of the Clerk and Recorder of the county of Eagle. In any foreclosure or other collection proceedings, the defaulting owner shall be required to pay the costs and e:q)enses of such proceedings, including reasonable attorneyrs fees. (d) 'i'hd lien provided for herein shatl be subordinate to the lien of any first mortgage or deed of trust, including all additional advances thereon. In the case of such first nortgage or first deed of trust, sale or transfer of either Parcel as the result of court foreclosure through the pubtic trustee, or any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure, including the transfer of a deed ln lieu of foreclosure, shall extingruish the lien as to obligations which become due prior to such sale or transfer, but shall not relieve any forner owner of personal liability therefor. The first nortgagee of such Parcel who acquires title by way of foreclosure or the taking of a deed in lieu thereof, shall not, however, be liable for any past due anounts and/or obligations due hereunder and shall only be liable for future arnounts and/or obligations aceruing after the date it becornes the owner of such Parcel . No sale or transfer shall relleve such Parcel from liability for any amount and/or obligations thereafter becoming due or fron the lien thereof. fn the event of the sale or transfei of a Parcel with respect to which suns shall be unpaid by a defaulting owner, except transfers to a first nortgagee in connection with a f6reclosure oi its lien or a deed in lieu thereof, the frlr-f,"="t or other transferee of an interest in such unit shall be jointty and severally liable with the seller or transferor thereof for any such unPaid sums. (e)uponwrittenrequest.ofanyoldner'nortgagee, prospectivd iort-ga€tee, purchaser or other prospective transferee of a Fir"Lf, the own"i 5f ine ottrer Parcel shall issue a written statenent ="tti"i forth ttre arnount he is owed under this.paragraph.S, ^if any' iucn s€atement snaif be binding upon the executing owner in favor of "ti-p"t"on wbo may rely thereon- in-good.f3ith:.-Unless a request for =oln-staternent rttiff bL courplied wittr witnin fifteen (15) d3ys- after i"""ipt thereof, -"ii ""p"id'surns which became due prior-to the date of making such r"q"""i sira1l . be subordinated to the lien or other inter6st of the-person requesting such state:nent' (f) Each provision of this declaration shall be enforceable by any owner fV i-pr-""""aitg for a prohibitive_or mandatory injunction ;; bt"a suit oi aclion to iecover -damages. ^ If -court proceedj'ngs are instj.tuted in conne"tiot with the righ€s-of enforcement and remedies ;;;;f;;-i"-irri= pectaration, the preiailing.party shatt. be entitled to recover its costs and expenses in cottnecfion Lherewith, including reasonable attorneYrs fees. (9)Eachownerherebyagrees-thatanyandallactionsin equity or ';i fir - wttl"n are instituted to enforce any provision hereunder shall l" Ui""gttt in and only in the courts of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. (h)FailuretoenforceanyprovisionsofthisDeclaration shaLl not operate as a waiver of ai'ry suctr provision, .tle right to enforce such provisions thereafte;,-;; oi ity-other provision of this Declaration. (i) Any exercise of any riglt -granted hereunder by one owner nith r"=p"it to the othei--'o*tt"its Pircel , inclu-ding but not linited to the use of any easem""t gii"ied.herein, shatl be. exercised i" u-ri""er which shall not unreasoiably hinder, irnpede or ilopose upon such other ownerrs use of his Parcel' 7. Easements. parcel A and Parcel B are subject to a blanket easement for support. Each parcel is also subject t6 an easement for maintenance' repair and repta""r."t-"f ,rtifity- -iitt"t. no!t. crossing such Parcel and serrring the other Parcel . Such'easement shall U" €"tt (10) feet in width and centered on the existi"e--"tiiity ii""=. Al1 dirnage to the surface of the ground and improveients thEreon caused by any work in to coruply with each provision of this Declaration, and any necessary exenption or reservation or grant of title, estate, right or interest to effectuate any provision of this Declaration: (i) shall be deemed incorporated in each deed or other instrunent by which any right,title or interest in any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B is granted, devised or conveyed, whether or not set forth or referred to in such deed or other instnunent; (ii) shalL, by virtue of acceptance of any right, title or interest in any portion of Parce1 A or Parcel B by an owner, be deemed accepted, ratified, adopted and declared as a personal covenant of such owner and, as a personal covenant, shall be binding on such owner and his heirs, personal representatives, successors and assignsi and, shall be deemed a personal covenant to,with and for the benefit of each owner of any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B, and (iii) shall be deened a real covenant by Declarants, for themselves, their treirs, successors and assigns, and also an equitable senritude, running, in each case, as a burden with and upon the title to each and every portion of Parcel A and Parcel B. (e) Severabilitv. Invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Declaration in whole or in part shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision or any vali-d and enforceable part of a provision of this Declaration which shall remain in full force and effect. (f) Captions. The captions and headings in this instrument are for convenience only and shall not be considered in construing any provisions of this Declaration. (S) Construction. When necessary for proper construction, tbe masculine of any word used in this Declaration shall include the ferninine or neuter gender, and the singular the plural , and vice versa. (h) Governinq Law. This Declaration is made and executed under and in respect will be governed and construed by the laws of the State of Colorado where the property is situated. IN WfTNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned being t}le, Declarants lrer,ein, have hereunder set theii hands and s6als t}.is- lQN day of T- '-?' , 1988. il DECT,ARI\I{:I'S It / --- :t' / Z'Z t-: , t -7' ti e), . z ,z . .,t r.1,'z' KAREN F. CI'NNINGHAM 4v- 'TATE gg 61o1-/o COIINTY OF Eo5 I e The foregoing of 0u"e.bev instrument )) ss. ) was acknowledged before Karen f. Cunningham. rne this ,rn U^y STATE OF COI'NTY OF , 1989 by ss. Witness my hand and officiaL seal . My co'nmission expires on: 3-t-t') a ) ) ) (Attached hereto Lot 13, Block 7 County, Coloradoj Lot 13, Block 7,thereof in the Recorder. and made a part Vail Village Vail Village First Filing, according to the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk nap and ( rrSubj ect propertyr' ) Title is subject to the following: 1.. Right of Proprietor of a vein or rod.e to extract and remove his ore therefron should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the prenises as reserved in united slates patent recorded September 04, L923, in Book 93 at page 98. 2- Righ! of way for ditches or canars constructed by the authority of the United States as resented in United States patent recorded September 04, L923, in Book 93 at page 99. 3. Restrictive covenants which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but omitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color, reLigion, or natural origin, as lontained in instrurnent recorded Augrust Lot L962, in ao5k iza at page u9. 4. utitity easement along the north and east rot lines of subject property as shown on the recorded plat of vail viltage First F+llng and the recorded To$rnhouse ttap of frct 13, Block Z, VaiI village First Filing. 5. Road easement fifteen feet in width along the south lot rine of subject-property as shown on the recorded plat of Vai] Virrage,First Filing. T.he- fofggoing instrument was acknowledged before ne this t* Uu"ot OvZaAYT\{ZO - , lese by charles yingl Witness my hand and official seal . My comrnission expires on: OE"/.1Z EXHTBJT IIA'I of Declaration First Filing,for a Resubdivision of Town of Vail , Eagle 10 EXIIIBIT NBfl (Attached hereto and uade a part of Declaration for a Resubdivlsl.on of Ipt 13, BLock 7, Vail Vlllage First Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado). Parcel A Parcel A, accordlng to tbe Plat entltled A Resubdivision of Lot 13, Block 7, Vail Village First fJ.ling, !tsown of Vail, Colorado. Parcel B Parcel B, according to the Plat entitled A ReEubdivlsion of Ict 13, Block 7, Vait Village First filing, Town of Val.I, Colorado. 11 i" --. -{o @ Tr Fg IrP 5 tHi 3 l9s 1 lT= 9.Ei s l=t i 35 o<4o.6t 9,3 FE zi5 fri= T m =-{ rFlrFrfFl 9+ 9+ 9.f =FF llm= tn> FP"t-o o z 4 n c o {o z 'u m F ={ nnF Nrp -Et mZ?oo(D Fr=F = r.,g> rQ oz =q mt ll lHo Iro l'- !l'< 159 -t Fm l.o!3={ -{o @ m x lft !{ o z c o @ (tt { m -F z tJ)oz o (-..) fi (rr I fln l '-r( I G @ z 3 IT F z F' F F CJ ttl o 2O im nz >m on or-a 7o an o 2:-{c 8E da n z m F z tr, F z trj I tr, ld l€ lz lo lll lo I s.\'|o\ I N \o @ l !- z lrl D{ H rql H |o l=lo sli ith Fl!r,rlz tar I I t'c l5 l* I a € z v) FI H E III z il P r ! = { H H € F F E H C)z H lt' lF E Ir \o 5 \o I s @ t-.1 to l€ l6 EI; stfl *lz rt I lH t?l* I ,li lf, le, l6 t I a 5 ! P. gttE$ :=EiF 3 s! d95 - =--o o EFlEi gFgt; 1ag4€ il*FiF igggi iFiri qB;*I -g $IE rr P z Fi oF c-E <T Q\ K) o i tD t- -l z =z t- m , =-{(t z m m m o l-< " lz lz t-l t> lr_ at,;r o I I I E I fro<>n!{m lq t:l>Ir-tt- t- L t;lo lz 1* I' I I z t- =z i m -.t I 6 x z 8 t- m m€ z6 .,2 - (D z>9R 'r di d= ':o e9 .h6 z c z t at tl ll z m € F lx t- m -{o z F g =z -' m !T 7 { m o !o c ! .tl t- I 6 2 (t tlt (f,n ;l € F Irl Fi F H frl z o F.t-j tt)ts r4 €H 4 o € € trr rr Ooe 2 gi :ii aH F io F>tr s E9 t'J.4 3: g H 29 oo o -nz z 5 E x N@= Pm= (rl-- 5-<,< 3 z v)H d Cl H H o 4 F F H |.t H o z Q. F H Irl I T t'AJ Or 1..) €o o N)s :UI 14 al 1 d o 7 >i It d a q H 7 t-.: s G E z 2 c, =z 6 v {o u I m fr-l f-t E,l c)=l FOI ,s 9i r< 1l FOI F;I 2-l I I I I I I ol -tl I I I I I L{ z F H a v, F-l '.o o @ -t o -r T rn a = ='n m m U' U'm { x o f'm z m o .2 -{ m L z 7 m s tTl € @ o !o m m 6 2 'n m m N) x =m z t- =z q) m t-m t- f- z m ^ o t- z m = !m n =-{-rt m m U' VALUATION !m 7 =-{ =I H F 3 m o - 2 - !f-c 3 g z o m -m o --{ 4, t- @ c -I 2 N 5 o tJ l\) c'\ N N) ul (,t-^ F.s.N 1..) N)F' +$\\+s APPLICATION OATE:ftruqust 22, 1988 DATE OF DRB IIEETII{G:September 7, l9Bg t}RB APPTICATION t*ffiTHIS APPLICATION }IILL NOT BE ACCEPTEO UNTIL ALL INFORI4ATIOII I5 SUBI,IITTEO****T I. PRE.APPLTCATIOI{ I'IEETING: A pre-application meetlng with a p'lanning staff member is strong]y suggested to detemine lf any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless lt is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the appllcantrs responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion wi'l 'l streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. 'R'JECT DESCRI'TI'I{. The addition of a qarage and vestibule on the south side of the house. Minor addition to the living room e and reduction of upper 1eve1 floor space (equal GRFA swap) B. LOCATIOI{ OF PROPOSAL: AddreSS 227 Rockledge Road Legal Desription Lot Zonlng Primary,/Secondary I3 Block Filing C. MI{E OF APPLICAI{T:Ron Byrne Mdress D. MIIE OF Address E. MI,IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATTVE : @ Vail, CO 81657 tel ephone 47 6-1987 47 6- 4433 1000 South Frontaqe Road l{est Vail, Co 8L657 Ron Byrne tel ephone OIINERS: Gordon R. Pierce, Architect Signature Mdress 285 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 telephone 47 6-4433 F.DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATIOII $ 0-$ 10,000 $1o,ool-$ 5o,0oo $-5o,ool - $ 15o,ooo $l5o,0ol - $ .5oo,ooo $500,001 - $l,ooo,ooo | 0ver $1,000,000 be paid at the time a bu'ilding permit is requested. FEE $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ s0.00 . $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB:IHPORTAI{T I{OTICE REGARDING 1. ln addltton to meetlng submlttal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property llnes and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be iurfla. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the . slte. 2. The revletr process for NEll BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Deslgn Revlew Board, so plan on at least two meetings for thelr approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the 0esign Review Board at their schedu'led meeting and rho have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ ished. LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N: L0T-L3:- uLut'l( -!.rr|.trtu >- ffi ieducllcn-ll STREET ADDRESS: "DES0RIPTIOI{ 0F PR0JEcrt .ll, IIAI'IE OF PROJECT: The following Board before A. BUILDTM LIST OF I'IATERIALs kledqe Road -floor space (equar uKl;. swcrP7 ' information is required for submittal by the applicant to the 1tssign Revis a final apPnoval can be flven: iIAIERIALS: IYPE OF }IATERIAL Match existing COLOR Roof Std'lng 0tlrer lall ilaterials Fascia Soffits llindoxs llindor Trim lloors lloor Trim Hand or Deck Ratls Flues Flashings ... Ghimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0tJrer B. LAI{DSGAPII{G: }hme PLANT }IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTITIG TREES TO BE REIIOI,EO Match existinq ,rp'fzrool Stucco l4aLcb-€:Fi.€+i+q --+{atcfrss-i#'ii9 -*a+e*-elrts+i+g- \.lIa.t€h-etei:sfirgi lqew wood and glass ent+ance oor anct w t t{atch existing None None Stucco None None of Deslgner: Phone: N,/A Cormon Name 4a,tute , - Botanical Name Quanity Size*Z-zT"'-/z' for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers'*Indlcate callper ,*cl"'oN TOWN OF ' jxw . ,.....fl4 ,+t: REQUEST VAIL INSPECTION: } NAME MON CALLER ES WED rTHUR I FRI ------@@ READY FOB LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor, /of''6//{ na BUILDING: tr FOOTIN PLUMBING: tr FOUND GS \Tt( G SH )D flo oc S N ;.E A TEEL / STE R ILING NAIL tr o tr tr tr tr o UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V.ATI IG ist OD ,TIC ro( iI ON {EE NF IN }K ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMIN ROOF &GAS PIPING D piv-wob- tr INSULA POOL / H. TUB tr SHEET {1 6 nrunl R ( tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR ELfINAL tr FINAL -/)PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: 3rr1 t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT '*Jl"toN TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL - \ DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON t'* ''--q%i: -4- ) JOB NAME BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr n n tr A FRAMING tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB eLo \ _ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr r'l ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D tr SUPPLY AIR tr EINAL tr FINAL 61, co )PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RECTIONS: \a-----F-,/INSPECTOR PEBMIT NUMBER OF PFOJ ,*rl,";;*o5, $FgyEs{ THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ,/ MON (\- CALLER {UES WED tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr E tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILINq POOL / H. TUB tr o tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT EI SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL -g$ernovED (-.eoRREcrtotts: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR. ar.r ' :. l -o -"!. - I- ,! INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL r . DATE /-1'- N2 JOB NAME READY FOR locnrroNJ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETBOCK D POOL / H. TUB NAIL o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR INAL tr tr FINAL APPROVED ':CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr RE]NSPECTION REQUIRED .t /^ rl rr ga1q- ,t - (l' o4 / tNSpEcroR <., i\ \L@ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION TOWN OF 1 ..-^\RE(Jl'Es T vAta'- . ' r,i*R JoB NAME DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON,.- TUES.:WED THUR FRI E D D D tr tr t] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED TFPPaoveo .- CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR -{o @ m !g !-o l*h E t<x :t! )r I lm: 6 l3c I ITE g f-:m=r-r =3=.6q 4o,6E n3 clt >t =E ii;I !m ! -{ nlFhl - Fi lrf =trq m:- q ii=gP" c)o 2 g F c o {6 z !m F ={ tr!E X .Tl -It Or-cc z=9@ 22 oo z c,z lq rnt lor l\l lNo l<o lo!lo<t9 T m :0 3 f {o @ m x m ! -.1 o z L o @ U' -.1 m g (D z 3 m N) l..J ! F o ts o F 0c o m o z C) 2p lc 3= a6 c) 2n -lm vz >m c)F -{> a =tr z !T FI p. H. Ft o - !,ta H ! o { H.H F.!o\ I \o 6 { Hl: l.ll t<l> lF l!lm le, l6 I I I I H |o l{lz lo I'r t<t> lF ! 3 € |.?o { t't o B t,lm l-o I = o FI ts o o ct FI ts E lz ls lo t? I' \o 5 I Or cl\ 19 3 u 3 F g o n a t-t FI o d E l1r t< l-= tfr 5 \.| o\ I 1..)\o (, t ! a I !. H iEgE ;iiFF f.adP.3 - =-'o or FSEEl lagE€ ilrEiF iggii iFiFi *;*d+ aiiH.E ;'0 -o cl H o !t Y \\ I nt o t o o z -t , C){o a -n o ! =o m -'n z 0 -{-m o €z m ! 0 l o z r m I =a z m m m l-< " lz tz l- t>lt- tq, lo I I l- I I oi 'n.E m alm Bln I I I m :r t-r gt z g)c f -{ z + !m -{I x z m a t-t-c m I q o I -.1 = z r ln t m gt €m t-c z o c z { -l z z -l at, z m € --t m t > o z x tt =z m -.1 m o t o ! o 'n o ts o ct s tr t'i F o 0q c,NF. eF cd g *z gE; E E ;oo o ;i = z r9 5i Ot F >, -ill N @=tl N .n = Ele 6€ F r t, € o o o z z o F @ F I z z o -l m o ii z z =z -{u -l o , -{m l' =Ll r=F F a=E , F! olFl l< oH 15 iH'lg 3l r-l I ,l I I I I b @t\\\ t!N)F 5t*-\. @ @ gEo 6': ml I I I I I -{o -{ t- !m F =+ -Tl m m (n at> m -l x o r m z m ! t4, -.t m L z fI s m =@ o u a m m I z 'n m m 3 m o I 2 o t- -9 .- @ 2 o m m cl =,- z o I Irt o 7 @ - z m t = T m 7 = =1l m m tt VALUATION !m v =-{z I H ts ti =m o I z o - !t- =g z o m -m o 6 - @ |- 2 N)tJr N) o t,N c (,s,\o F.)N)o\ o l\) tJl N rssrR rNsfp#*o$, REeuEsr WED THUR FRI NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER 1$) rues PM AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER )-eouruoaroN / srEEL b rnnurruc r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING N INSULATION tr SHEETROCK r| O POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH CI EXHAUST HOODS tr n CONDUIT tr D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL i"(lpnoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: rnrsprcroi" ,*rl"toN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL r I i'I DATE i/- t' JOBNAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER ruqF WED PJ/AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING D n ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE E1 OF trc tr- CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED / connEcrrorus: INSPECTOR t ,"rl"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL PERMI DATE READY FOB LOCATION: T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: NAME CALLER TUES \;. , BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL EI FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION HEQUIRED 7A r 'f L / i,.{it4, :.,}i ,*rt"toN REQUEST VAIL A PERMIT NUM DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON CALLER IUEs rHUR . rdl '':READY FOR LOCATION: PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr FOUNDATTON / STFEL gnoucH / D.w.v. ROOF & SHEER UROUGH / WATER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL ere trT trF trc tr- MECHANICAL: O HEATING EI EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ..-:-trhP*riovED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED truspecron" a qF E[* It {lF[q"ttrqlri s!{FlFq|qtT'''- "--' READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: rlr -#l.rtiflftE r\{td- -- -,"i*' " --- 1 .l TION REQUEST ])WN r)tr VAII t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \\ - \\ a*\palE \\- '. \\- \'r .loe ,/ NAME CALLER BUILDING: I] FOOTINGS / STEEL ' pLuubrnc: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH/WATER tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER u plvwoori NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL r'l tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER IIECHANICAL: tr HEAT]NG $ouut tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT -tr SUPPLY AIR EI- tr FINAL // 'iwaoveo /0 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE ,l- r|- ,f ?JOB NAME INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL AM PM ,4-.- {&--{".. READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNOATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION BEQUIRED INSPECTOR iql a PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON wED Tinun I rnr | \ : o.... ,4mh PM CALLER TUES READY FOR LOCATION: -t---*-'\---- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION /,STEE. r_r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED Project Application Proiect Name: Project Descriplion: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot l= I , etoct 7 , piling Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: f;'/1f -\ut"'/ Date Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 1,.._\ __, )) ,'../ Su m mary: Town Plan ner E statt Approval -l m I 1--lm I;E lm:lOo l-n o l!<tm! l=T l=F : ! a o C/ t c 1l c 't 1 n t : -n!Or-cC z=oo \2 oo z nnFl -><><I lxtP<l u t<r :r<P.=!ra.t 3//'\\q7 o o.o B 3 o 3 o o o 3 =FP lI m_-ii=gF" f- oztt zort!F.,c)rtlt F.T Fi Ft Lz'l b Z t' trl lx ctC)rE Fd FF tJFtr!rrt F! I Et,J tr]H'{l..r Z H H ltf .-.sF z o@ 'o F i-, t rdF C"<z tJ U) "S atc os +f }H 4 d #o -rrn s +,x q ca l v I 2 m 5 -.] 4 4 -1 rrl 4 -t 3 F \' t l5 3 lb I lF 8 It" r lb e )l e H t=If Jd ID m ^m -It I o z (-o @ H2 =b 6d tl bv F)A HY l-r Po? |'{ -o f o I =m v: z =IT at ><r irl o E l-r { o = o {m uz >m C)f,l -{> a o Qr z, t- 3= 1Z ()c) 2 4'r lfr r,f n o m 'T' z. o z -{u o atr -v,zl ol IF <lo >l 1'.'.1 '-l I Fl, E I> F E F r')P ld'Ff F rD r F I = m !N]! --{-(D a+ ; r UI o tn c?o, ()E =t><F D p oP effi <, t,.Dl -l I ,l rl I I dH €F zl Y l-rl )e ix a-F rrl !K Bh zE 9H F HI oF)(, 15 rl<>E F r l-r to l= lz lo -n E lo ll t> lF It lm lo tm lo f lz +tr mlO Fl= l'r'l t<l>l-l!tm lF'lz lo I I I I I z>9R IO I<r.I < >o ii -r uto z c z = z a) r -l z -.1 =o x z m t- c m z m € m =z o = 1t c I ^2 t o o 0)o --f o {o o. ao (D l qt o AT cl o' A)o =o I =o = =o f 3 !) =.o 5 @ ; ()o = (D- o o !t f 0t o c' il o - p_ o) ;f o <t 0t o =!r _!l t o -{ o- E3F <o- 0:a P Jq)=. 848 Suia'o0lo - f o frai ,6'9 ts fo- I (o d o =. (D o 3 !t =o J !) o. p. ,E lq)'3 !t € lA o) 0 =o. 6' o 6 0)o o o ='ro lc, lE -E.l-o Itst l0l l{ .lt ''!R Y -Qs I lt- I tf O=o r3' 6-E \=.l4 f @ o o o gl o € A'!p. o o o o o ftil 0ll x _j IA 'I \ o o z -{ o -.t "rI o I =@ m t-'n f\)(Jl o o @ F 2 o T m a = = T m u =...t -n m m U' I I I c)l >l -l I I o J t-'tt m n = ='Tl m m U' ebrc7Vnz) {I I ! Proiect Name: Project Application 2d. Proiecl Descraption: Contact Person and Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Lesat Description, ao, \J , atocr -J-- rlting Comments: !y ttt , Zone - Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL (r\ Summary: {'*hn"9.'\E statt Approval t FOXLEY CATTLE CO. 1727 TREMONT PL. DENVER. COLORADO OO2O2 301t.202-{,s00 July 22 , L98'l us. Betsy Rosolack office of Conmunity Development Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: DRB Application for 227 Rockledge, Lot 13. Block 7. vail vlllaqe lst. Dear Ms. Rosol.ack: The most current address that se have for Mr. Barry Cunninghan is 1350 oldtale Road, Boulder, Colorado. Very truly yours, 74-0l{'fu Phillip A. chambers a PAc:ms 46L-O722 FOXLEY CATTLE CO. 1727 TREMONT PI. o€NvER. COLOf, AOO 0{1202 303-292-05{n iluly 21, 1987 Ms, Betsy Roaolack office of Comunity Developnent Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road VaiI , Colorado 8L657 Re: DRB Application for 227 Rockledge. Lot 13, Block 7. Vail Village l.st. Dear lrls. Rosolack: Enclosed are photographs of the house at 227 Rockledge, which show the house from each side. The close-up photograph of the soutlr sLde shows where the new entry will be added. Also enclosed is a copy of the latest title insurance concerning the premises. By letter dated october 8, 1984 to Barry Cunningham from Thonas A. Braun, Town Planner with the Town of Vail , it lras stated that Lot 13 is entitled to an aggregate 4438 sguare feet of GRFA. By agreenent of the parties the property at 227 Rockledge is allocated L775.2 square feet. The existing house has L650 square feet. Very t5uly yoursr, Phillip A.Chanbers PAC:ms 454-O't2L o G*ln) L* /3 Bl/c 1 o 6 ItU ts /' ,*, t' (L >( ', P/., I e./4a r^l ee I ,I O:] 1,ril, +, /rr*'r,'Cn"TJ: t9.=':( tVo t tu,t'!f LtTtz- q6'fgva' L^I t b+- /l Lt rY "{. '-,- s -J-. --1 h -r k^*- tz+cr tr/ , I.)&Y' \) 13 sa Qo, OCD o(1 /hi-€.-/ Pou,J!, fZ..-a( tr , Y)A.5 tL zL-) (?*-C I " 4-H / Uln a. I)u,,n^ ?^-{* z;-1'#- A I lf s L Cs( lo\a-,-.{Le-p.-/ t tl i I L,ffluln n FotL/ p: ". h."'1o".1Q, Tztt-'-'yt 'r-a 3 A r\ - r- il ilC {--c-t tt n1r-Ja J.L,.. lc,^""--L(o 3 Bn, u. L a*'-- ^ t (\t Q'/za eoZ >( 4 aozz- K-...o'y' 'J.,,-r-r'r* $cnr^8 ' s 6 z- ( 0-v -)n Qyf , b*,-.- ()"-&u--4, La. 2s1zy- , I o.t 7/zt l6 / o o o APPLicA{ I ON FOR PROPERTIES IN FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA EXCESS OF ALLOI,JABLE GRFA Date of Appl ication;!rr3_!|, r{d] Date of DRB Meeti ns Aufrbsf q ,1 8? PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under wnicn aoaiiionit gnrn can be added to a site' It should be understooo ttrit this ordinini"-Jo"r not assure each property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, tire orJinance alrors-to. gg'i5 250 square feet if certain conditions are met. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted are.complete- This includes alI information,eqri."a-on-tIis to.m Design Review Board submittal requir*"ntr. unless they as r.rel I as B. A. PROJECT E"sr LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Add"".. Legal Description: Lot l3 Block -1 Fil inq Zone District C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Addr"rt hon.x'.NAME OF APPLiCANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: ?g'T- Addrur, ?o.$ot r t88 .bB)J iP Co xa f phone&li4): !-f,ao NAr.tE 0F 0I^JNER(S): ffX C€ ** Signature(s) Addres s hone_?):{2:e-fu) F. Filing Fee of 9100.00 is required at tinre of subm.ittat u%g?s'l,Jp,g7 rc The fo] l.owing information, in addition to DRB subm.i ttal requirements, shall be required with this submittal: l. 'Verification that the unit has received a final cert.ificate of occupancv..)(-zla\es and.mailing addresses of a.djacent property olriers and of or.iners of \ units on the same lot. This information is ava"iliute from the Eagie County \--....-_ n::g,sor' s office. 3. Condominium association approvai (if applicabie). 4. Existing floor plan of structure. DESCRIPTION: {.r \.*-:..-r*s.. .. t,o APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB MEETII'IG: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION t,lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determinb if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator) . It is the applicant's responsibitity to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requ'irements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may st'ipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a build'ing permjt is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Z 2Q! C 4r ;10Drrral ,+^lb NAI"J €, B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Zon i ng Descri pt'i on Lot t3 C. NAME OF APPLICANT: D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: dt2 o F'i1ing f r<:r te1 ephonerAl -14:' O rAO tel e pho ne 3e3: z1!Z -O S@ Bl ock 7 Address Po.@x gq?. .\^\JFL , Co SozO \ telephone b7-aqz-65do Addres s E. NAME OF 'o. 0WNERS r Si gnature Address DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION @ be paid at the time a building permit is requested. FEE $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ Over $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ s0.00 $ 100 .00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submjttal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that wjll be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approva'l . 3. Peopie who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republished. -tax o tl. ; 4: The following items no longer have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. l.lindows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not a'l ter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space, which have had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addjtion; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium association. 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. o LIST OF MATERIALS MME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR The following information'is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Si di n9 0ther Wall Materials fr,J by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR crAAK dE J L)4r Fasci a Soffi ts l.li ndows l,'lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues F'lashings Ch i mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhou ses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES *^L A tvertA(r 5ttt- 4S E*ttt'-J &'- *i.L At Fnsf/ sh^L lS (xtst'46' sAre 43 ExrSrr)(r, Sturt- A5 Fxtsrt)? *LL *s t*tsrrS6' of Designer: phone: Botanical Name Common Name Quanity Si ze* EXISTING TREES TO 4*,.n lonu, BE REMOVED h.*-v.tt- I esrqw , t.Ll '*'{' for coni fers . (over) "/l *Indicate calioer for deciducious trees.Indicate height o , - PL-ANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Quanity Size (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Tvpe Square Footage GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa]ls, fences, swimming poo1s, etc.) please specify. PARCEL THREE i ----oL \4 --------- -*e285'b \"1 $"J)---, a ! jrt too' i j t --f-r=-35-5-t'.a"w- ---*--:-o'; #eeeo -, ",1 .':e\^a'"-{;ft6\s 'rR\**--€ x !t m U) r- i f;.\t o 2. I _40!_ J-t-- xo tic' < rn(-, \ :tcv€L. 0 CERTIFICATE OF SECRETARY OF FO>(LEY CATTLE CO. f, Phllltp A, Chanbers. the duly elected Secretary for Foxley Cattle Co., a corporatlon organlzed and exlstlng under the laws of the State of Delaware (the "Conpany"). DO HEREBY CERTIFY as folLows: 1, As of rluly 20, 1987, W. C, Foxley 1s the duly el.ected, quallfled and actlng Presldent of the Company. 2. fire seal afflxed below ls the genulne seal of the Conpany. EGCUIED on iluly 20, L987 . (CORPORATE SEAL) ( MrNz | 072087 Secretary '..ti-..l Reccption NoE--_ __ Recorder tr rl --l WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED, t ade rhis L 2 th day of June re 87, b.,*".n JOHN WITTEIfYER and NANCY JEAN I"IITTEMYER of lhe Slate of Colorado, granto( Counry ot Boulder and 362132 JcoL 4+ ^.u-24,L J0llHhEl it i'itlLLii i iAELE CTY. RECONDEft J,L 13 ll u il{ '0J Stunree: whosc legal address it 17 27 Foxl ey Cattl g Co. a corporarion orlr,nizcd and exisriog undfr and by vinue of the laws of the Srate of Dgl aWa fg Tremont PIace, Denver, Colorado g0202 WITNESSETH, That the grantor, for irnil in consideration ol.lhe suDr ol 't't***FIVE HUNDRED FIFTEEN I]IOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO CENTS (g515,0OO.OO)**DoLLARS. thc rt'ceipt and sufliciency of which is hercby acknowled8ed, has granted. bargaincd, surir and con'cycd, and by th€sc preseors ocs grunt. urugain. sell.convt'!' and confrm' unto the grantee, ils successors anrl assigns forcver, all of the rcal prol^-rty,. logcthcr \r,irfr inrprovemenrs. il un), situute, l) ing and beinu in rhe Counry of Eagle lnd Sralc ol.Colorado, dsscrib€d as lirlloss: SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT A AND INCORPOMTED HEREIN BY REFERENCE r\ afso known by strcet ltnd number as: 227 Rockledge Road, unit B TocETHltR uith irll irntl singulrr lhc hcrcditunrcnri lnd uppurtcnances rhcrcunlo hcrongrrg rrr in anywise apperraining. and rhc rc*cr\ion and rc'crsi()ns. remainder lnd Itantor' eilhcr in law or equity, of in anrl to thr" atxrvc barguint'tl prcnri\{s. $'lrh rhc hcrudir.rr|t]nls nd rppur(cnuncc\.TO HAVE AND TO HOLD rhe said prcrnises above bargained and describcd, wilh thc irppurlc nirnccs, unto tne grantee, rls succcssors and lssigns forcvcr' And the Srantor' for himsetf' his heirs and Personal reprcsentalive$. docs covenant. grant. bargain und agree to and with rhe gruntee, irs succc$sors and GssiSns' that at lhe time of the ens€alin8 and delivcry of thcse prcs€nrs, he is wcll seizerJ of thc prcmises above conveyed, h&s good. sure, perfcct.absolute and indefeasible eslal'e of inheritance' in lau in fee simple, ard has good righr, fu p.,wer and lawfur authority ro grant, barSain, se a.d contey tl.c sanrc in manner and form as aforesaid, a,,d lhat thc same a,. frec and clear from alr former and othcrgrants, bafgarns, sar€s, Iicns. hxes. as!€ssrnenrs,encumbrances and Estrictions of wh,years and subJect 'ff'J:::'Ji:Tffi::^"f:"::l:;i:,::.::"*:"l3lr":*,:;i:":ffi* agreenents of record, il,n"::::r,:T: ::l::Tj::::::::1r*.,:,r.session of rhe lirirnree. irs successors and assisns, asarnsr al and enry pcrson or peni.ns ::::i]''::::::.',j:"-',:.':l'i'^:i-'l::iaovp.'rthercor.thcsrunrorsharan'<rwirwA^-*;;;;il;';;*i;;ri;1;H-ffiil,#il;includc rhc plural, lhe ptural the singular, and thc use of any gendcr shlll bc ull gcnrJcrs lN \1I1'NESS lVHliRIiOn The granlor hls rxccured lhis decd on lhc d!rc STATE OF COLORADO, counry of Boulder my band and official scal. r{ARRANTY DEED tlo Co.ponrjon) For phoroFrphic R..ord l Thc fi-rrcgoing instrun)cnl $,i!s ircknowledgcd bcl.orc nrc in rhe Srarc of Colorado by JoHN WITTn{YER and NANcy JEAN wrrr#!;. My commission cxpires County ol'tz4 / Lrt- BouLder dayof June ti re87 . ji P.O. Box 1440 Boulder, Colorado- $0306 Br.dford hrbljrhrnf. JStj $ 6rh ^\c . t.JrL$riJ. CO ll0_rt.l _ rt{)lr lrt.69(},, -1 No, 952. Rev. t.fl.t. 0 EXHIBIT A Unit B of Lot 13 B'lock 7, vair vilrage, First Firing, according to Townhouse Declaration recorded in go6k-t<r at.oag9Zg,l-oi tne fagte County, Colorado records, and including specrrrcarry: A'l'l that portion of^Lot 13, B'lock 7, Vail V.illage, First Filing, a subdivision in the county of.Eag1e, !tq!e of coioiado, accordlig to the recorded plat thereof, described as follows: PARCEL TI.IO commencing g! !t" southeast corner of said Lot .|3, thence N 0 degrees 19 minutes l'J, 75.00 feet along the east line of said'Lol-13; ihence-S Aq degrees 39 minutes 50 seconds l.l. 79.35 feet; thence S 13-degrees 47 minutes w,3.24 feet-to.the. true point of biginning; thenie-H 76 degrees 13 minutes l{, '16.00 feet; thence it tg degreei 47 minrrtes i, zZ.eO f6ei;thence N..76-degrees 14 minutes t.l, 47.00 feet; thence S 13 iegrees 47 minutes hl' 49.17 feet; thence s 'l 5 degrees 45 minutes 30 sec6nds E,19-14 feet to the southwesterly line 5f said Lot 13; thence S 60 deqrees 32 minutes E, 55.64 feet along the southwesterly line of iuia lot t: to a_point from which the true point of beginnino -bears N 13 degrees 47 minutes E; thence N 13 degrees 47 minutis E, 5g.36 feet to the true point of beginning. Together with an undivided 40 perceni interest in and to Parcel Three, more particu]arly described as'follows: PARCEL THREE All.that portion of.Lot l3 Block 7, Vail Village, First Fil.i ng, a subdivision in the County of.Eagle, State of C6lorado, according to the recorded plat thereof, described as fol'lows: commencing q! lhe southeast corner of said Lot .|3, thence il 0 degrees 19 minutes ll' 75.00 feet along the east line of said Lot t: to ttre lrue point of beginn_ing; thence-s 84 degrees 39 minutes so seconos }J, 79.35 feet; thence s 13 degrees 47 minutis_v1,3.24 feet; thence tt zo iegrees l3 minutes tr|, .|6.00 ieet; thence N 13 degrees qZ;inuiei-fl ZZ.SO'feet; lfen9e N..76.degrees t3 minutes t.l,47.00 ieet; thence S t3 degrees 47 mrnutes l{' 49.17 feet; thence s 15 degrees 45 minutes 30 sec6nds E,'19..|4 feet to the southwesterly line 6f saia Lot 13; ttenie-H 60 deSrrees 32 minutes l{,27.88 feet along the southwesterly line of siia Lot tg; lLgngg N 0 degrees l9 minutes w, g7.oz feet alo-ng the west-line of siid Lot 13 to the Northwest corner thereof; thence l,l g4 degrees 30 minutes E, 167.22 feet along the north line of said Lot 13 to ine-northeast corner.thereof; thence-S 0 degrees 19 minutes E,76.96 feet along the east line of said Lot 13 to the true point of beginning, County 6f Eagle, State of Colorado. t i{T\ il*,. :}'t?iE-rct4. .F if r': 1 1r'.:rrr. .! .:?,. r "..$ -INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL - I 3ol'l ,*, 1l>lY1 J.B;NAME INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: -----@ PM BU dr trl trl -l -l trl trr tr ILDING:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr F'NAL tr FINAL /,-n 1rt+- 6fAppaoveo t' CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPHOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT --/" * 1"7 I INSPECTION TOWN OF , r;.!:-i;1., '.Va.\,\\..'L\-..1 REQUEST VAIL. DATE ' READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:\., r-S.r{Es \ r@ THUR FRI @PM JOB NAME MON CALLER N,:?: t I I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER D tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr T] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL ED '%../tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORR '/' \) ';( 7 DATE / / -() / INSPECTO t INSPECTION REQUEST VAILr PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE NAME CALLER MON TUES READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEQTION:WED PM TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FBAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr tr o s ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr HOUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr Frt{AL tr FINAL VED '.| tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR'. tr\ i ;INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR PM AM READY FOR LOCATION:- 't,I "' ,'-, TOWN OF VAIL. BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICALT T] TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: D HEATING b' tr o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: )E} bISAPPROVED E}TEINSPECTION REOU IRED L'/AIE INSPECTOR l -INSPECTION TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL . oate t'/' /J - [,V, JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: WED THUR FRI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr E] tr o o FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING EI,ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr o CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL I tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DArE //- /J'/7 l rNSPEcroR €r o PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL.PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT tNs . JOB NAME DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND 'ci noucu / D.w.v. FROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr D ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,'/=t 1'12 tr APPHOVEI.)ISAPPHOVEU \-- .. Z.DM.INSPECTION REC]UIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR' I ,a -.rf\lll -)J\l w./ - . rr vl/1 (/l i t.-- i f-- :, v i+ t. PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL* t\DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ,,P-aoucnl D'w.v. Fl{oucH / WATER ,_ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NA|L|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION C] SHEETROCK n tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING O ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT n N SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL ROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR . o PE tNs r.) i t;CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL.,PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER {J9Fe MON AM FRI WED -'.1 THUR BUlLDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING cxirusulnrton rj:-'X-tr tr n POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR tr dINAL D FINAL /ieenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED " CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR 1 r\ I t:. \.J I I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL. NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: //'- \'MON TUES,/ WED THUR FRI l||'---....2 .1 ^ 17 l i '-< /' t LOCATTON' ^+- li.c;l't ,t /r-4)(t r'l AM PM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor. tt '.;,rf51 Jes a BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. I] ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB EI, SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL D E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR "1_tr FINAL tr FINAL ,PROVED BECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED co INSPECTOR-= I KrC,'r l\\\t \INSPECTION TOWN OF VAIL.REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \-'s.-4q.DATE \ .}\ I]I.']iJOBNAME -\J CALLER TUES qil;j FRr WED READY FOR |NS(ECTIQN:r \', r\ LOCATION: MON. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr .i II FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER ITIECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,a7 tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: '71 VED \\- l NSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIb PERMIT NUM DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PM READY FOR LOCATION: ER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -7flileenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The beloritems giving a permit Please check off need to be compl ete before a final C of 0. jn the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: l FI NAL ECTRICAL DATE: FINAL BUILDING TEMP0MRY C of 0 tl I I CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: o o rr''.'{ffti*:i- I'1l,{fii *']1,")]r"- L.s.ttp. 16827 I I I s 8494 7s.59 PANTEL 'TWO =o .9 o} c o = "$ "t/ ROAD (3o') MH* 8-49-3.1.1 ?dr\rr\^ ry' ffi &iF" - E1E.:J, r l\:\w,,1,. ]) t(/f1 Jv *f T;**ll I t---r.!I-:Y:::---J \. PARCEL ONE \ru' RoaD EAsEI'tE/vr o ";ffi.T:,""" llntcr-tountetn .ffi.;ffi;E=:Gn...-rc7a llEnglnecrfngrrl :3c:!- a3a-='sa @ A A CAP ?3 i.,i'l'' i':i tNlN - ALT qARCELq\E LOT UAIL VILLAGE, t3, BLOCK 7, FIRST FIUNG, I hereby certlfy thaB Ehls lBproveDent location certlficate was prepared for the Dortgage lender and the ElEle Lnsurance eoepany, fhat lC ls noc a land survey Plet or lurproveoen! survey plac, and Ehat lE 1s not Eo be relled upon for the establlsh- oent of fence, bullding, or other fuEure lnprovenent lines. I furrher certlfy thac the improvenents on the above described parcel on thls date, excePt utlllty con- necElons, are enBlrely wlchln che boundarles of the parcel, excePE as shorrn, chaB there are no encroachuents upon the degcrlbed preulses by loproveuents on any ad- Jolnlng preElses, except es lndicaced, and that chere is no aPParen! evidence or slgn of any easemnt crosslng or burdening any Part of sald parcel, except as noged. Thls certlflcate doeg not consEltuce a tltle search by Inuer-Mountaln EnSlneerlng lo deCernlne ownership or eeseoents of record. For all lnforuaClon regardlng eareDents, rlghte-of-uay or tl.tle of tecord, Inter-Hountaln Englneerlng relled upoo the plot of Voil Villogp. First Filing. tl0TtCE: According to Colorado law, you must ctxlmnce any legal actlon based upon any defect in thls survey r'lthln three years after you first dlscover such defect. ln no event, may any action based upon such defect ln thls survey be cormenced rbre than ten years from the date of the certificatlon shor{n hereon. IMPROVEMENT L&ATION CERTIFICATE Brion T. Kelly Professionol Lon Surveyor No.24318 il/9/87 l" = 20' RADO ?, ji,. :s,c'e fg |.t t+\ -r Hf ate Fl ?|+fg tl Fff a E9 |.1 |1 -H ri g ts d l'r )>\- cl tl ai -La a+(-)a E9 Ft E+g a-r F{ HI F -l -i F v d.tf ta rEl E f9 ra+E g n f+, -a -f fg -? -l F{r tEFS *xt-'H:;O =>=H ^nZ-l YFrlt ;!rs XA* -zHda OC. :e €o?F fn - r'r ,-..: FT=E 9oi < 'tt -l zai F=O X!-r \i>+F-;>an*!*rG z rro rl rrt =oucaF :t> i-\Flr YQZ Z=:l .,F^ r^ arl L,o<-znt i.H F2c A ... Z {v/i F=g :=E 11"'E x<>ci5 ktra .x . :'l tr !.tF-t l, rn arr z q z z H z E Ut H z r tt1 E H F v,H z CJ rrt z € o F (t) H t, z H H ri o n I (, la :J z I.)\o 5 -t o € m c) z z z D t m t',J { cl ,{F r{o H t, rt r..o ci N { F H t-l H r rl U'H z lrll 3 Itl w NJ FJ \.c| @ @ ie;ii ti =: i;-i=. : e s i P=+*r 9 i c :_t3i iE i ie i;31 1*ZtZ= 1i+il:11; I i=e: iq ?=:3 6';:PT i?3;:E ; q:T;6- E ? 1i+:liiili :.? =.'t al ,i!1r^ =c'il3l. ! vl 2 o z g,f att t- m ()o 2 q F F o {o z T m F =-{ --- m t= -ti I g rldb{ F g mo lr B E FE li s i th tT = E -- l9 R =Od l! i 9.>ln.tr 7 liiF 8 t3-1 i l=P i EE;5.TE ! :>= 6 r e@ 6 g =-e g€ Y =E i'i *n T m ={ t o 4o n+tfi r1 v 9n HT dg 2p P=<(! dA v s! iE -ro o> 70 t- o 2n -tm az >m on -l>or v n C) =m o -{ o €z m n J z =m C)c =z. =6)- -.3 rrl a m =c)m ;m ii 6)c)>'r-tx t>d m c)r z c) t- D -nx :_ -t .-l m r trl 6 l€ lz to lr l>7 nl lF, 'n = l{ t€ lz o II lF l, lm le, !a 3 'r1 3 -t m - [l h v ,€ I ,l_/ IY '/-)4 /, t-l lo l€ lz lo l'l|K D l.(l! lm |r' lz tv ( lri I in F, V,t, W ,l V r -t ! tr I t)tr F l-{lo l€ lz o t1r l< l> t; lfi lz le I IH \o IT d I -n EO F T_- =@ c r a rn at1 = (D 5 s F F I (Jl Or \ Ft!FE tl trE po F .lJ L.l .H YT s)ft p T I-H r I ll f <, c -t f\) f\) G) I -{(.'r .{ =:|- m U' ilH 3 Its I ilf-! :IIE9 l-+Jd @ m x m ! -.1 o z L o @ H2 =b zh o?a ' L/'')lFr lo t' lcf fl lFt\ I,r.l(o ''/lt* (7 t F.r tZP / F*st ssEt sEi t =i *F (, (D:aJ =-.oo C3++o*tr- 5=5{ aStg 3aB=(o9 +o ael€ -E orE il-3- = il i; 31 !:g5 @3ul Podr = =< = Eg*F <o-f E:d. E d ;Eai I ut a'= ;;3€.Eg9E E 5 <t,i z o t- l_ =o z -!m T ="t o z m m m l< -' lz lz t>lr | <h, L;r to r l o<'rl -o m O il* tl F]IF IH tf tl It-lfo tl tl It- Il ll,t) F ll tr!x :r { a-t-a I I F IT lo lo l" I T_ IrD ,t> l-l l-t- lor t- I r lr '16 I z a c r -l o z !m -.t 6 ^z m fl T T rn g I 2 -.t z I fi m g, l'- {fll t- =z z -.t o o o = l 6 2 z a z m € -i m ,t > ^2 =o z m E m ,o ! t- 6 z 6)NF 1x.1 B dH F io a>'n $ €9 7C)l,!o t i 5= F b ztz oo o 'rtzz 5 v x NE= Nm=oE- !-<to< 3 I (^) s \o (tl €o o N)ro ro O O O o O W 9 V Y r 10,It U tb Y V V v V rNl ol zl zl 9. 1 ol r-l ol 2l ol zl ql ,ml arl (l :ll ill 1l tl z z 0 = =-{ 4 > m wl Fr 0r d,l o:il ol -l I I I I I 0l tl ml I I I i = N) \o \l I o { |-T m :! = ='n m m at> o m -{ x -m z c ! m !o I { m It 2 m m { v II o m 2 1t m m CN 3 m z t- !- =z m t-m o -{,6 !f- z m 7 @ t- z .tt m =i !m =-{'n m m IJ' VALUATION !m v =-{ 2 o { {-II z o t- =I z o ri f-m o =o t- c,z o \)o o o o o O! o o @ o o o N (t (t c (t .F s (o (Jr (tr o o Ol N).'I ol o F Or Ol t F (,(, Ol W +{pt55 t 4{,Ztog 6397 ruu l 36.?a Town t:{ Vai I 75 S, Frontage Rcad Vail, Colorado 811657 Flan analysis based on the 19EE Uniform Burilding Cnde t- Project Id: CUNNINC}HAPI RES. Address: LOT-1f, ELI'i-7 VV1 Occupancy: R3rH1 Type o{ Congt: V-N NORTH Fraperty 1 i ne B. tl Feet EAST Froperty I i ne 18..:r Feet SOUTH Property line 1B.O Feet h,EST Froperty I i ne 5. 5 Feet Date: l"lay ?€l I tgAT Contractor: ? Architectr WELLS GROUF Engi neer: NONE Fl ans Er.taminer: 6ARY HURRAIN B. O Feet 18 . tl Feet 18.0 Feet 5.5 Feet NOTE: The code iterns listed in this report are not intended to be a compl ete Iisting o{ all possible cc:de reqnirementg in the 194:: UFC. It is a gutide to gel ected sections of the cocJe. TYFE nF CONSTRUCTIBNTV-N SHFARATION DIRECTINN FNUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE FROTECTION FL NAI"{E OCD AREA ALLDUIED A,/A OEC LOAD REA'D EXITS EXIT NIDTH ? Dwelling RS 7Q7 Unlimited 3 1 {t.OE TOTAL 7(:r7 Unlirnited l( :) I O.O5( O.OS) I Par k i ng Gar age l"l1 n7S 30OCt 0. 1 9 3 1 (,. (,6 I DweLLing RI 134 Unlimited O 1 f-r.Ol TOTAL 713 f,692 C!. 19 3 ( 5) I C). C,7 ( *. O?) F Dwelling RI 1196 Unlimited 4 I 0. 09 TETAL BUILDING TOTAL 1?9& Unlimited 4( 7, ? O.$9( O. 1S) 14?Cr 14651 O.lC, 6 * NOTE: Indicates that this occupancy is not al laned on this 4loor-Table 5-D * NOTE: Indicates that this occLrpancy is an accessc:Fy area*Sec. 3gt1l. {a} exc. The al I owed l'l area i s SOOO sn. {t . {or a mi:red octrLrpancy. --- $ec. l ll}:l . REGUIRED OCCUFANCY SEFARATIflNS MI-RS I hr Materials approved {or thr construrcti on are required on the garage side only and t 3/g inch golid core, sel{-closing door. -- $ec, 5C13. (d) ex #J AlI glaeing in hazardong locations (see sectit:n 5406. (d)) is required to be t:{ sa{ety qlaring material . -- Sec. 54{:}6. EXTERTnR Q ,"*r RATrNris AND oFrNrNf*otr"tto* NORTH EAST 5OUTH WEST . OCC BR6 NON-FRG OFNE BRG NON*ER6 OFNG ERG NON_ERC OFNG ERG NON_ERG OFNG WAL"L NALL FROT hIALL TJALL FROT WALL hIALL FROT l,lALL WALL PROT Pll Crhr l-rh r None Ohr tJhr None Ohr tlhr None tlhr Ohr None R3 {:thr {:}hr None Ohr (-thr None l:}hr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ther exterior well ls may be of COF4BUSTIBLE material . Noner -- No {ire protection requi rements {or openings. Frot -- Openings are to be protected with S/4 hr {ire aggembl ies. 5O7. t:{ the' area o{ the wall man i murm, SEc A(t4. (b) NnP -- Openings are not permitted in thig wall.* -- Thege walls may be reqt-rired to have a parapet wall 3O inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is requrired to have the sa.ne {ire rating as the wal1. See section 1709. for details and enceptions. OTHEH BUILDING ELEHENTS Tahler 17-A ELEMENT HATERIAL FIRE RATINE NOTES AND EXCEFTIONE Interior Eearing waLl ANY NONE Interior nanbrq wall ANY NONE Structural Frame AFIY NONE Exterior $trurct Frame See footnote *1 .5haft Enclogrrre ANY t hr- F1 oorlCeiling Assembly ANY NtrNE Roof /Ce*i 1 i ng Aseermb I y ANY NtrNE Stairs ANY NONE FOOTNOTES; 1) l'linimurm on exterior side also based on exterior brg. wal l requirernents. Frovide a thr ceilino in the hagement, -- Sec. 17{t5. Baged en gection 33t13. (b) The roo{ing on this br-ri lding ig not requrire'd to be +ire retardant, EXIT NOTES: A stairway in a dwelling murat be at least f,6 incheg wide. -- $ec. 3106. (b) -- Sec. I3t:)6. (c) pxc.*1 The maxi mrrm rise o{ a step is f;l incheE and the minimLlrn run is ? i nches. Frovide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 5l:) incheg. f{i ni rnum heiqht=36 inches, ma}iimum opening si:e=6 incheg" -- Sec, 1711. exc 2 The minimurm headroorn is 6 f t. - 6 inches. -- Sec. 3ftt6. (p) Frovide a self-clnsing, 1, 3/4 inch thick, solid core or noncsrnbngtibI e door between bagement and lst story. -* Sec. 1703. The max i mltm travel distance in thi* br-rilding is 15{t feet. -- Sec. f,303. (d ) ADDTTTBNAL REaurREr4ENTs fn trN occuFANcv For l"l1 occupancy For R3 clccupancy Frovide a window or door sleeping, -- Sec, I2O4, A window mu=t provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft., a cl6ar height a( 24 inches, and a clear width o{ ?0 inches{minimurn). -- $sc. l?04. All habitable rcrorns require exterior glazed openings equral to lOZ pr more of the floor ar€a. (rnin 10 sq.{t.) -- Sec' 1305. {a) AlI habitable rooms requrire an openabl e exteri or openinEs egual to 57. or .nore o{ the floor area. (min 5 sq,ft.) -- 5ec, t?05, (a) The minimum ceiling in a habitable spacr is 7 feet & inches except kitchensn hal ls, and bathB may have a ceiling height of 7 feet. --Se'c. -* 12t)7. (a) to the exteri or {rom every room uged for l Tgwn of Vai. I 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado €11657 Plan correction hased on the l9B5 Uniform Fuil.ding Code Froject Id. CUNNINGHAI"I RES. Addreper LBT*13 FLI{-7 Wl 0dcupancy: RSrHl Type of tronstl V-N * SHEET IDENTIFICATION Date; f"tay ?El , l9B7 Contractor: ?Architect: WELLS GROUP Engineer; NONE Flans Examiner; EiARY IIURRAIN CORRECTION REGUIRED E AU 860iao+ts 121O. (a) Laundry room needs a five air lvlechani cal room mugt the Ul'lC. Provide drains and over{ low draing or 6cupp€tl*. Secti on SZCI7, This area requri res an exterior openinE-for emergency escape or- rescuE with clear area/dimengiong speci{ied. -- Sec. 12A4. A smoke detector is required in the acc€rss erea to all rooms ubecl for sl.eepi ng purpoces, -- S'ec.r| 443 ventillation system capable o{ providing. changes per rouF. be Frovi ded with comb. air as per chap.6 o'f A3 5 644 7ft4 EA5 9A7 Earage door to outsi de ig swinging dverr Garage floor drain needg to go to a dry Derk drains must not go to the Eehrer. AII glass nust comply with chapter.E4 a step. we1 1 or a sandtrap. of the UBtr. P.k-r Po.*.o 7 *:r:;:;?'--' / P'l r "''L- ).r-,,,r qa /.a e?/uc/. ' f /7aT f,l o. r<c -.-/ /o'un rn-.,/rogr ,7 "oot ,tf--.st-d /7 /ncar--tjt azr/ a// A*.F./*n.- /4a/ il )t )- //.b 772y'.-zasy' y'o loou ed-2,/.o//-a{ aml Vro//7 6ti/./rg, ,t y'le /oi/ ar€q ,fi2c.e Z-t// z7 ,zas b*/f ,o7r,Lk y'o goo*4 odty', J- <,aar,/c/ no/ asA /,4. .ok/2s-,/*.- ,/ fl./ ./aze s:eeh zu/o/s /off-nzn? az 3.//.c1, /"/- /o/./y, // "/ / Z z/as hn/e., z%, '* //o/ o-? /.2fr<-rs / aal Sece>ec/ez.yz Aa-s- on e.ze ,/o/ 4eg ,6 /aoA c>z/Dal/4/e , /./- c4y'er)or am/ ,4"jtt/^ -/Z/._6u,:/d+ 4oz- ,/o 6. e./o-cn, Z/ r-rA)2 ,/7"-;7'.//. ?a'e ah ./o/ /a por.-,/ , 4/a,/r1)zzc, -,t/--^^.-L J/ ^ -/ /' \.//4,azg4 //. e?72 sr1-.,4ans7ft o/.*2. 2_zez<t Czaamrcila."" ,4*zs-, €/a2 aa ,/o7oro- 27. J- ca2 _{e.<_ fro,r' y'/e /aztre Zac }z-za<_ //oo, .//<_ f-f./4/ e,rct-/sZ-/. an/ 2- 7zr=y/..-za /.t< ,4.tVA/ /--e, F'2, aAo zq/ d-,.2//.-/ y'lo/ /r/<,./-{J',, €r'r-rr//,2'/./<z,az bqz'zzt ,Srgz/e ft*.? ,4ornc a2" /oy' /V/A )S On/7 ga.la td and //e- Ezne /*"r* c/ap/.x aa Z-y' /V, P^r"-/ '+ .is al GTsa €?r/ a.zo/ afzoi, //r. ,4 etg/z/ )s S fz/ a/e,r. E/ong zrz/l/ 17, an// ./ ,-/ n.y//o,s 7/r-' z*g cazz(e'7naz4l 7/o,/ ezs*., o,/.L-, e7 ,?.J/-Qu ,4-/. .4osr7azz( auy' 4 @,4o/, 2 utsz?Qd ,/.*t; -/';' 'ee/eza/ y''Ltc n 4ogrtzsy' .ry2 aoz/ zai- -o/ ry <?>aae.o a4o"-/ *;( gv71r..,/.Jz art/ -f 2a2./e/ ,/rk:- --n/rr*or/;-r, fr*/ o/ azAr/4c,y't drozr)gs an/ ezs*t-<.AJn.e.*-r /oo. 6-on aj".*A aop/ ,4uy do )n ft./ eoni/o"-- y'o #< / .2,/2.,/e /ro-rr - Z )t .z-??r/ zza/o,ntr4-""/ig #o//* a// .ga6e1t")1s,un am/.a>2<*r-.c/ri-, re- - rJlt, 7t// r /r"y, 2.4 f/ at2 a e a.d1ra-e e rz I 4 222 a A?/n.rS' -' are, * /u no4/r2/, -T *za>./1 ,/rV= )7e/,r exp/aoolor" -/t, -7- lon,. no/ zec.r'nn/ * o(/ no/,ie o/c,a7 a///. 6u,^//,)y oo/rr//,.r a ref.rp-.d h #o/ aze /*,(rnf f/ece en ,Qo./4+. ?'/, t -.-_) rrt c < re /y' ,/ 2"2e 9*-= 4 zJ ,2o-/4/gu Z/-P,o. B.; s6z; th;1 a. o t^lollS orOUD' ltd Y V \./ | \Jl Tovsn of Vail Building Dept. 75 S. FYontage Rd.Vail, C1C 81657 Iftn: Gary Murrain July 2, 1987 Dear @ry; Enclosed are drawings reflect.irq the revisions you required as a result of your plan dteck of l,lay 28, 1987. Ihe following revisions liere made. 1. An overflo,r scrrgper vras added to the q4nr dedc. 2. Clarification - I checked al-l bedroorn egress wirdows arxt ttrcy Sualify 3. Snoke iletectors vcere added at bedroom hallways. 4. A 50 CElt fan ruas added at ttre laurr:Iry roon. 5. Otside ccrnbustion air kit was added for the mechanical equipent. 5. Ga.rage man door swing has been changetl. 7. Garage floor drain will exit out the rcst wall of the gar4te at a point that will not exceed 16" above finished grade. 8. tilc deck drains will enpEy into the sanitary sffiri all will dayligttE. 9. All glass will ccrply with chapter 54 of the 1985 UBC. I hope this addresses aLl the required revisions. If I have inadvertantly onmitted anyhhing please let. me know. "T* ry" for.,.your cooperation; lL''/ ( (/,€h Ronafd L. fiblls, AIA l€lls Groq>o Ltd. Ardritects cc: Cunninghanr dtfr -!.W flY 2975 Valmont Road Suite 320 Boulder. Colorado 80301-1361 303-444-1567 fuu- B,f fmn, ff, I NTEP.-DEPARTMENTAL REVI E|.l W&a,q DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING z(€ ' {<f7 /4,Fo40 /22, ut€ut47 da.t fl.<d3c> 6€- K6oo (J //4/ -' e S ? "//"n"'n' ? { ao,t 1loez-(O)G€ Fo'+a PROJECT: DATT SU6I'IITTEM CCI".IiENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: oa €zzata4l{ Reviewed by: Conments: Reviewed by: Corruirerrts: POLICE DEPARTI.IENT Date Date .,)\grf, 61 o" Comnents: e 6zarez Zoc,a. /o<-o€'1 7'/4^J (*." e- S€ 7 O^e co7 For< rTez (o4o €ofJ FIRE DEPARTHENT .ftan '','tos7 2ocLLae6€ (.ozlve€ oF RiC?EATiOI{ DEPARTI,IENT Reviewed by: Cor--,rents: ..'.' t- -'Date +t (,o>oso lJ ar$..r-.C c>o +,o L.E .l' E;rSE (J|,l3o.ts .F Ult +rt o U|+rL€t I o u.!E g> tc,.Fc,Yt>t(,o,lturgcc >(,r-OOO {, !t ct.l, e,.IF 5 L t o.a, co rEltUl!tdE L O.C t\.r. at +r g €F*5rE .6 t Lt LCc'CO.n o O>\OE FCt C o = L.lrtt o (J o, (, (|,.F tt.P ,E u +,O OIF EG +,rnlE>oc,-E- FEE C L c).F ' FrO >lJ+,E9 ggo b o+, au (, uo .(J6(uar>r!' F. -C O > a,6.!r > L ..'Ofl Q, tlF lr, a, C UtCt |J F.F. C'GCUI!,F >i+, F +,O C-. C-C r' = .6 I H.Ptt r s- ) /4 .-p -.a':"."''.=? EllU t\ft )",lLHU ' t l&.f r ^/\ yv \J /lr.$ n '6 E /.")r . f i$$'ft 5 El 3+ rii:aT I ':,7 nt'gL,r JdZF- t! €!.€ d cl 6 ol.€ tr I r, 00 {,Flvar,I.!€9OE E AFI g! !t O C .t{r, ,txolr F .o > .tt rx u ho rt o 6lu |. Ql !, 'l . Ci O .0 O E,'l OlorrXCdE CdF{rr..ktuLrrt ot l, ,r{€ o 5 {r{Oq€A loL }.'E 6OOF{!Or{!, C6 O E +{ O > U !l 00o tr€ r, 1.. r, OOX OE qt C o t !! ., O E l.{ C|b ql l.! r! C! tr r{ F OFt Otr !r 0rE - (t'EO |. r|.l F CL r, g {, Fl t, O O E qt t 0, a o tr o cl u Cr!. O !, >.! U t !v{6.ro xuoC!.9 c|6ao €oar-{oxLa6 EEC I C t O a.6 A I l. t|l . E LO OO'tt. O -rlO'O. {rl}. t:!ra lt,O tFl Q+t ! E.r{q0 r{ O (! O t\ qt C '.1 t!Orr-{CtO.o!tO l{ tl ,r{ +{ l, .rl k il Fa C ll| 1...{ 0! rO q|l llr t\ Fl ,',{ r, ,{ a Qr a, o p n-Q u nt arrr! oL E tE.DE uO'ia,! Ekl O ! O .C g-C L U g rr rJ oECrrOrJqt t.EO .! O O ! O 6 .J c tr > u. a. r, a, d o E! t, o -r o 6 h o .H rl C O lr O !,C t !.raE3cLoo o!rrt ar|J.6E E lrrr! .{O€Ct O D+l r! r{ t{! 0O r,, U L o o.r{ atr t c c .i tro r{ O 6O6+{ +, l..O O ! t €!t ot C O .ru.'ltoEo -o 6 il.a L cE rr!5€€Tt O {, t!rrtn{O OL O i|.{E l. rlq l..o o r, 5 ., o o o >O.rt o|O!rt !rC!O;O C O qr -C r{ L r{ q-l E ! +l'O!'1, r, C!€ O .rg!=C! trr, O tr ll Or{t:goqto !rE ctr{o0 E Dr.lE {F{ >.rl 5 E O !l r.r -!OE O .rl Q| erl. It o.d!ro.o!roco o,={ r, qt tl|+{ t, lt at 9 lL 'cF{-lcrroooi-a '.Eog.t*9SU "*flF l.r aj >r{ .r Fl .t U O +l | =r! ar! oox! oE|l.- 'EE>F{tr lJqtarE OoOz ., tr 9'.| O..l O O € f. | -d5t !rl...E {t O';x 09!'E(|oo ocrJS fr.LtrOEOl't,r.tr:-t{og.c ero6 !t oGo}.rrEtrOOO +{O |J t{O !.C3 lt(,EkOE .'{OL-ooEcor!Eox i}.E ;OFlOel> !.C +l rl ''=- 5.i b -clirG !tloo '\OO tJot !'.rr-.-a d lrt. cl.c 6 o0 $. O O C :olaoEo Eo o!rQ=r.oE +{r{ or{ oE O.r+{ tr LT|.CE ilttOE Z v c o u ort o 'l o e Or.O.cOEO.d EO€q FraoE!ratFo Hrrot "l lhl ,pO pl oO ,OO'92 5 i- d t) a( il F..()$ oN 1€ el to) taJ =ot I ril o tt a !et lU t * -.1 iu CI!: f, ,F- ilr E o o I t Eil$ e Fil !l rl -ro :t> IHF ---r--rl fi 'r il^u q \D N i a I E o \ i I t o N h I I I l( : a E I ]- I T f, Y lJ qi a n t t I H E t tr $ F $ l- F E I E i3s IFF 3 ,Jg H3t ills ilsb =P HI rIH til Ir sef ill LNILIfi LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME__-{- U N tt tnt L ll A r< R ts t DEil( e lot__j*3_rlocr FILING ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, mrst be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site p1an. Date Mountai n Be'l I 1- -244-F157 l,lestern Slope Gas Harry Moves 1-468-2528 Public Service Company Gary Hall Holy Cross El ectri c Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail CabIe T.V..feff H.gghqs i949-5530 Upper Eagle Va11ey Water and Sanitat'i on Discrict David Krenek (Please bring a site Plan when obtaining UEVWSD s i gn atures ) NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit frorn the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtai.n utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A building pernit is not a Street cut pernit. A street cut pernit nust be obtained separately. X si4vte€ 'lp {X{S7/^./Q Eu/Lt , ti r1 .'ir /tt 4{t.'r-s-, .- i This forn is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. t-4-4 1"/4/ ,4-J/-€ 7 1-r c^* Fer naw eeR6 -t:L/:_!:!pl er.o fi 1'r n'rrysheeJ_ 6_4*7 5 ^2/-b7 Jo \. I .t , Proiedt Nariie: .i Proiect Application Proiect Description: Contacl Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: /? n Legaf Description: Lot t / , Block / , Filing Comments: , =on" P/. Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL .\tCt L .c V"--c)- =D-rI t /' I lf Summary: 1350 Otd Tale Road Boulder, C0 gOSOs March 13, l9B7 Thomae A. Braun Town o{ Vai I 75 Siouth FrontaEe Road Vail, [0 41657 Dear Tom; AE we digcugeed in our telephone converEation on Merch l0r 1987, I would like to request that the DRB approval for my reeidence to be built on lot 15, ELI{ 7, Vail Village 7th be extended {or an additional year. The approval waE due to expire on l"larch 1?n lSA7. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely youFs, /1 J ,'( I j - ;-l-la*- - - - i;lg-,,--A -)'Barry Cunni ngham lown n |lflI 75 routh trontage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olllco of communlty development 0ctober 2, .|986 Mr. Ron Wells 2975 Valmont Road Suite 320 Boulder, Colorado 80301-1361 '?tsf Re: Cunningham Residence, Lot_13,._El_!_7'_Vail Village 7th Dear Ron: I have reviewed your revisions to the Cunningham residence and find them to be 'in compljance with Town zoning regulations. As we discussed last week, modifications to the landscape plan can be reviewed by the staff, but I would not be ab1 e to approve any reduct'ions jn the amount of materials (as is shown on the revised plan). As you mentioned, a total 1y revised landscape plan wi1'l probably be prepared. This may be submitted for review any tine prior to construction. The DRB approval does expire on March 19, 1987. A request for an extension may be approved at the staff level. I would recomnend you make such a request if a building permit is not applied for prior to this date. Sincerely, n ;1 ll ,/r. \tr.r..- A?t)'dn*"-...-_-- Thomas A. Braun Senior Planner sept. 11' 1986 Tom Braun Departsnent of Commanity Develognent Tovm of Vail 75 S lYontage Road Vail, CoLorado 81657 Dear $om, I am enclosing blueprinEs of the site plan, floor plans ard exterior elevations on ttre Cunninqhdn Iiouse so you might re-confirm that the design ltnets your lard use regulations, vis-a-vis square footage, building heighe and coverage. As you recal-l, one Irrcmber of the DRB sugges€ed !',e take anottpr look at the design of the west wall of the garage, indicating its appe€rr€rnce didnrt se€rn to be c.onsistant with the overall design. Although this was a request, and not a cordition of aFproval, ive have rpdified ttre design ard I thirik the result conforms to the overall clesign thenre. lile have altered the dor*nsEairs garne roon exterior mlI arut the master babtr wirdcny at tlre tub area. Dfy calculations irdicate we are wittrin the allowable @RA. I $ould apreciate your confirrnation of this. We jusE recently received authority to proceed onto the Construction Docunents Phase of our rork ard e:<pect. to be corq>lete ard ready for building permit subilittal within eight to ten weeks. We may ho\,eever, choose to wait until l4ardt to sutrnit for a building permit. l'ly notes iruticate rde mrst sulcrnit for a permit by l4ardr 19, 1987 or request an extension. wculd you confirm this date? Sipperely, Itl Ia--Rbnald L. Iiblls AIA Irlells Group l-td. Arhcitects cc: Barry ard Karen Cunningham R[fi/pp Ercl. : Cunninqham House 2975 Valmont Road Suite 320 Boulder, Colorado 80301-1361 303-444-1567 -N o . To$( 8---,,'^-* (* f t"'-. ,-l-*-7") , \ gry \t,'-, "-/ arr'\ r. <>a4r4rt,g n\\.u.J- - \liij.,n 0",*-,/\ aY\ t-A \ I fllr {\be- \Aortl'i[i1r[ . I .: f,i**.* -\'',-..--L. I -.-.r t- bqg \r =\t r\:ltq-- rt o -* f^-p ll i. A '1,@ alllL& +" uaJ- - ^-J ll,*^ L.- {..r,^- ,.1}u.6 d/ A So-va-,L a.r,-t-a^{ -- r".*^^*-'$- d.*.*1 /;r /l {^-\ADuJ (/\r\ ^n- \ Qo*a -l-*[L r.r"^f ^^-*.J- ,"' Jt*.1"""u7 o r\'('"\ W 1- I^- rr"l-., -6*,t .,'("'- ,-roJL' A-!/u'aq^',A J''Le Sa-t+ L. -&*- \ 6^r* k'a^oon'*-t 1., -n 5r* -,.11 Ju J-