HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 7 LOT 7 LEGAL.pdfCoir$''Jt{lt} W\€L0elliEtr Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Developrnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgoucom Project Name: Project Description: Project Address: 107 ROCKLEDGE ROAD Legal Descriptionl Parcel Number: Comments: Pafticipants: OWNER ROSENBACH, SUSAN AND GARY 11/26/2007 Phone: 203-629 217 TACONIC RD GREENWICH cT 06831 APPLICANT GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTIONLI|26|200T Phone: 845-5656 PO BOX 373 VAIL co 81657 License: 302-A CONTMCToR GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCilONLT I 26 I ZO07 Phone : 845-5556 PO BOX 373 VAIL co 81657 Licensei 302-4 107 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL ROSENBACH CHANGE DRB Number: DR8070677 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS (LANDSCAPE CHANGES) Location: Lot: 7 Block: 7 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE 1ST 2101-071-2001-1 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actaon: STAFFAPP Date of Approvah LZl L312007 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS' fond:202 Approval of this pro1ect shall lapse and become vrcld one (1) year following the date oi iinal approval, unless a building permitis issued and construction is mmmened and ls diligently pursued toward completion. Ptanner: Bill Glbson DRB Fte Paid: f,2O'OO Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Informadon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permlt applicaton. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular apprcwl that is requested, An application for Design Ra/iew cannot be accepted until all requlred Information is recefued by the Community Development Deparbnent. The project may also need to be reMewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Deslgn rcview apprcval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commenes within one year of the approval. Descriptionof theReque"t ehnT,o {o a'/ro,"\ InJga'< location of the Proposal: Lot: ') eocf: '7 SuMivision: PhysicatAddress: /o? R".kle-.\Fe R*4 Parce|No.:W(ContactEag|eCo.Assessorat97o-328-8640forparce|no.) Zoning: l{ame(s) of Owner(s):\Lsr;.:id-/t f(c: Mailing Address:'71<on i<- Phone:a?5 - 34 E-mail Addre5s; loAn Type of Review and Fee: f^CnunsotoApprovedPlans $20 Submlttal Requirements: v nf w 0 v 0 F \l \ ;A cT For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Design Review Board, theS' rosjfs :r.i ?$01 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association -*ffi" Owner(s) Signature(s): i tco,/\<-<r ,c,yllFari F:bdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRBUrb-change-to-approvedJtlans-lltage-os11-2006.doc l' t, t'{.*'t**'lr*1.** *'}'***{'f *f **'t*****f t+tf *+**+ttttt**+***'i**t ****{'* ***,t,****f,,}*{.,},t****:},i*t***,t******* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ++++++*tf,*+++++++**l+1+++i++*+a**+************************i(*+*******************+++f++++t**+ Statement Number: R070002583 Anount: $20.00 LL/26/2OO7L1 :03 Ali! Payment Method: Check fnit: iIS Notation: 910 73 /GEORGE SHAEF'FER CONST Permit No: DR8070577 type: DRB- Chg to Appr P1ans Parcel No: 2101- 071- 2 0 01- L SiIe Addregg: 107 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIIJ IJocation: 107 ROCKL,EDGE ROAD Total FeeE: 520.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total A]JL pmt8: g20.OO Balance: $0.00 ++***++f*ff+f**+****tt*******++*:t+****++t+'!1.:**+*+++*****.*+*************f++++++**+*********** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3I722OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LEfiTER OF TRANSMITITAL P.O. Box 373 VAIL,COLORADO 81658 Novembq2l,2007 l'o"No 0537 Rosenbach Rockledge TO: Town of Vail Community Development Attn: Bill Gibson WE ARE SEI{DING YOU ! Shop drawings I Copy oflefter EAttached flUnder separate cover via E Prints fi Plans I Change order tr the following items: I Samples I Specifications COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 2 Updated Landscape Drawings THESE ARE TRANSIIITTED as checked below: fi For approval E For your use I As requested E For review and comment tr ! Approved as submitted ! Approved as Noted E Retumed for conections ! Resubmit _ copies for approval I Submit _ copies for distribution E Retum corrected prints ! FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS: Enclosed are two sets of updated landscape drawings drawings. COPY TO: File tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US SIGNED: Gcorgc Shrclfcr Comtructioo Comprtry If enclosures are not as noted, klndly notify us at once. Venior | .0 cEttt]twEi/ELmEts' Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Developrnent 75 Ssuth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorads 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: ROSENBACH CHANGE DRB Number: DR8070628 Project llescription: RNAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS FOR LANDSCAPING, LIGHTING, DECK RAILS, ROOF ELEVATION, ETC, Participants: OWNER ROSENBACH, SUSAN AND GARY 10/2912007 Phone: 203-629 217 TACONIC RD GREENWICH cr 06831 APPUCANT K.H. WEBB ARCHIECTS PC L012912007 Phone'.970-477-2990 953 S, FRONTAGE ROAD, STE 216 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001627 ARCHITECT K.H. WEBB ARCHffiCTS PC L012912007 Phone: 970-477-2990 710 WEST UONSHEAD CIR, UNIT A Project Address: 107 ROCKLEDGE ROAD Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: VAIL co 81657 License: C000001627 107 ROCKIfDGE RD VAIL Locaton: Loe 7 Block 7 Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE 1ST 2101-071-2001-1 MoUon By: Second By: Votei Condidons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actlon: SfAFFAPP Date of APproval; LLI 1612007 Oondl 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' @nd:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building perconnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pusuant to the Vall Town Code' ChapEr 12-3-3: APPEAIS ' "Oond:202 Apprwal of thls prcJect shall hpe and beome vold one (l) year bllorrring the date of final appmnl, unles a buildlng pefinlt ls hsued ard ondrucdon is ommenced and b dlllgenUy purcued bvad compleffon. Planns: BlllGlbson DRBhPald: f2O.OO Changes To The Approved Plans ffi Application for Design Review [\\t1",, Depaamentof community Development myilbFffity "'iji15;:liX:;,18"i.x1b,?iHdo 8t6s7 web: www.vailoov.com General Information: All projects requlring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit appllcation, Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departmenl The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building perrfiit is issued and construction commenres within one year of the approval, Description of the Request:4K tP+^)Stir,\rfiFg, t)(L ^) t 'bl r-4. J tl/ - $ O D. nJ & LocationoftheProposal: Lot: Y Block;+\JU I9J Subdivision: PS Physicaf Address:lo? Pc,c,laasg Parcef No.: alol o+lLoo tl (Conbct Eagle Co- Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zonins: Thrtt^tl i q<-z! TD+.PY Name(s)of owner(s): 'gusp.J t edf-l P'o:aae*cH MailingAddress; L't f \ t-rLtz rre l4-!). Phone: owner(s) signature(s)r @ Name of Applicant:k-tt ut{Bf Cre-<-t/lrrgctS Mailing Addressr ?t's uJ, U(erNSq€?+-t) Crta- Srg A Phone: u.Phtr, .-o*- Pry.7.": Type of Review and Fee: ffilgnees to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Design Review Board. Submittal Requirements: 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Ctanges Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association L' 2007 TOWN OF VAIL rF, ll {m il iitl 2 6 F:lcdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_change_lq_approvedjlans_lJago_1tr18-2006.doc \.!. ,. r.(.._ 1 . r . ' j. khwebb archite(trpc TRANSI.I ITTAL To: Eill Gibron lrom: l'lkhad [urrent LL: Date: 10.26.2007 te: Rosenbarh DRB EttcLoslo: (3) {ull setl of DRB changes to approved plans drawings l{otru: Bil - Here are thru comphte sds of drawings for the Rosenbach lesidence on Rockledge Road. We havr madr sevenl rmall modificationl to the house that may require approval. Here is a list of the propored changes:l. Sheet Ll: We would like to add a permeable sand nt path along the rart side of the houle. The addnss marker hu been modified to allow mon of thr existing trees to remain. The boulder retaining walls at the SE corner of the site have been modified to bettrr accommodate existing conditions and proposed planting. 2. Sheet [3: The planting plan has bttn modifird to illustnte the linal planting locationl of the (l) +{5' tall existing, relocated Spruce trees. 3. Sheet A002: Additional exterior lights are proposed along the new path 0n thr eart dde of the residenc. l{one are to be >18"H nor more than 501{. Thry are thc ramr fixtun as the pnvioudy approved Teka hturn Path light. 4. Sheets Al02 and Al0l: The electrical service entrance t0 the house has been relocated to the east side of thr house. We are proposing a cantilevrred electrical rervice endosure that will match the adiarent materiah. 5. Shmts A20l and 4202: Wc would like t0 remove the boulder bue couning at the Garage/Guest chimney. I think that should cover dl of the propomd changr that we would like to make for the residence. Please let mr know if you have any questions or need anyhing ehe. Thanks, l'lichad G . D eil- ctift n^9 llro wut Lrot.srmo aK[E, sttrTE A vA[. (0r.0MD0 r6s7 lllo.fil.lllo 970.47?.tt6i 1r1 www.khwebb.com I I t+ll++++t*t+lf++*+*++*+*1lt+l++*++l*ata+l+a+++**'t+'t**t***+++*'lraa*++f+***++++***++***+***+*'a* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Starement r*t****'l'**+**,l**f***'t*{'{.,}*+f****'}**'}***'}***'}****r*****r********r****t*,*,*,t+*+******i****rfr+* Statement Number: R070002352 Amount: $20.00 L0/29/200704:39 pM Payment Method: Check Init: ,JS Notation: 2586/K.H. WEBB ARCHITECTS Permit No: DR8070628 Ilpe: DRB - Chg to Appr plans Parcel No: 2101- 071- 2 001. - 1 Site Addres6: 107 ROCKIJEDGE RD VAIIJ Location: 107 ROCICrJEDGE ROAI) Total Fees: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total AIJIJ pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 l.:l*:t********'l'*:l*t**{.******i+******'a**lta't***+tf*'l*l{.*f*********'}***l'*+******lf+*++++*+++++*:l ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OOIOOOO3I722OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT j-#r Legal Description: Lot Subdivision: Address: Qo Bo<373 Developer: \ld,l . a 8G59.Project Number: lmprovement Completion Date: DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT oy, CD. ed intothis 'l-C aavot 5a'2Hr,11\ xl .zo olt. t t |9'( uLc h ll'tr'r@;e'beuetopWno tne TowlJ?by and among Vail (the'Town"). WHEREAS, Occupancy lor ( (address, legal Agreement, including compl of the following: forth in filed in of the T number)morovement to provide security or collateral sufficient in the provisions for completion of certain improvements set bid(s) in accordance with the a and soecifications of the Community Development Department Vail; and WHEREAS, the Developq lhes 3ili The Developer agrees to eilablish a cash deposit account with escrow agent, in the amount of $_3Lj-5Q._r_e-Q_ as for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a defaull under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to furnish all equipment and materials necessary to perform and complete all improvemenls referred to in this Agreement. The Developer agrees to complete all improvements refened to in this Agreement on or before the _Oayof t\\rVch ul]l?,20lgl The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in accordance with all approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Community Development Department and Public Works Department of the Town of Vail. Receipt funds to: F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\Administrative_Actions\DlA cash fomat_1 l2002.doc Page 1 ot 5 o o 2. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide collateral as follows: A cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of $ 2t Z60 as collateral for the completion of alt improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of security or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein in this Agreement and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative security or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall be and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply for and the Town may authorize a partial release of lhe collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement after the subject improvement is constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition shall the dollar amount of the collateral that is being held by the Town be reduced below the dollar amount necessary to complete all uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements referred to in this Agreement are not constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town as complete on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security referred to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 12-11-8, Vail Town Code, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy referred to in this Agreement may be revoked until all improvements referred to herein are completed by the Developer or the Town in accordance with this Agreement. Flcdev\FORMS\Permlts\Planning\Administrative_Actions\DlA 6ash format_'l 12002.doc Page 2 of 5 lf the costs of completing the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12%) per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvements referred to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shall be subject to penalties pursuant to Section 12-3-'lO (Violations: Penalties) and Chapter 14 (General Penalty), of the Vail Town Code. 7. The Developer shall warranty the work and materials of all improvements referred to in this Agreement located on Town property or within a Town right-of-way, pursuant to Chapter 8-3, of the Vail Town Code, for a period of two years after the Town's acceptance of said improvements 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Flcde\AFORMS\Pemits\Plannlng\Admlnistrativeictlons\DlA cash format_'l'12002.doc Page 3 of 5 Dated the day and year first above written. STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foreooino Jff i'y ir ,zoQkby lope,r lmpqovement Agreeme Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires J-il-a9 \- Z./-L: h1 ' -'1-/ -Town Planner STATEOFCOLORADO ) )ss. couNTY oF EAGLE ) Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: The foreqoinq Developer lmorovement Aqreement was acknowled 11 iayoi O-\-oWi <-- ,20-!_E by Lp.r\\ccvr,^ ( .s"\\$fiz;, d'i,s F:\cd€v\FoRMS\Permits\Planning\Adminislrative Actions\DlA cash format 1 '12002.doc Page 4 of 5 ATTACHED COPIES OF THE ESTIMATED BID(SI Flcdev\FoRMs\Permits\Planning\Adminlstrative Actions\DlA cash format 112002.doc Page5ot5 D,ennis Thompeon 09f2012006 09:59 AM To: @: ct: Subjeci: Fw: longs letterhead September 18,2006 To: Mitch Sturde George Shaeffer Construction Company RE: ROSENBACH RESIDENCE 107 ROCKLEDGE ROAD VAIL COLORADO This is for work to remove foundation, regrade lot and renegotiation of lot in the event that the project does not go ahead. TOTAL COST FOR THIS WORK $ 25.OOO.OO Thank you, Long's Excavation Inc. tartalctt t;"n \, "Jerry Mcarthur'' To: <Mitchs@gsconco.com><Jery@centurytel.net cc:> Subject: longs letterhead 09/18/2006 04:50 PM Please respond to Jerry September 18,2006 To; Mitch Sturde George Shaeffer Construction Company RE: ROSENBACH RESIDENCE IO7 ROCKLEDGE ROAD VAIL COLORADO This is for work to remove foundation, regrade lot and renegotiation of lot in the event that the project does not go ahead. TOTAL COST FOR THIS WORK S 25.OOO.OO Thank vou. Long's Excavation Inc. Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Please make checks payable to the TOWN Receipt No. 5ao A I Date--!!-l-:3J-!4- OF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 314'l'110 Address Maos ZA $5.00 001 0000 3141110 Zoning Maps ZA $20.00 001 0000 319 4400 Custom Maps 001 0000 3141112 Other Code Books CB 001 0000 314 1211 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 3141111 Xerox Cooies XC $0.25 001 0000 3141111 Master Plan MS 001 0000 3141111 Studies. Master Plans. etc.MS 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees CL 001 0000 240 3300 Developer lmprovement Aqreement Deposit D2-DEPl0 AD al,zgo. a 001 0000 312 1000 Restaurant License fee fiOV)RL 001 000 110 oo0 001 000' 001 000, ;,' :-' . all item No spee nf I lt SA MS MS MS MS MS MS _ Rer (, tJ\ TOTAL: ,eiYedbyi t, (, 260 ' oa f/cdev/f orms/admin/sales_action_form_2006 1t5t06 ({ a o E{ .-r a rJg IJH 7 o frr EO N oe dra E !a o OFI F lro v' (J I OAF Vlr(Z (\|D Fio .48 E.>o o Ei v o k ; 4 k dl -2 '{o F.o o FF Q(/)zo q!l OF z2 &o !r> F FF aa EO FE o r:F AZ '<c ro F: o u2 oo AE o E] 3 H d A tl z F H EU dLt zla E14 o (,r{F EA UL' A p (,,, ,o fi k z 5 F o Irl ; rrrEq Flo 3 oollt FtTf 8ElErloFlEfl r $eeigx Review Soard ACTIO}I FBR,H Departnent of Community Bevelopment 75 South Frofttage Rnad, Vail. fslorado 81657 telz 970-479-2139 fax: 97a-+79.2452 web: www.vallgovrom Project ilame! ProJect Oescriptlon: Project Address: 107 ROCKLEDGE ROAD Legal DescrlpUon: Parcel l{umber: comments: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS (ROOF AND POOL AREA) Paficipants: OWNER ROSENBACH' SUSAN AND GARY 04/09/2007 Phoner 203-629 217 TACONIC RD GREENWICH cT 06831 APPUCANT K.H. WEBB ARCHffiCIS rc O4lA9l2OO7 Phone:970477'2990 953 S. FRONTAGE ROAD, STE 216 VAIL co 816s7 License: C000001627 ARCHffiCT K.H. WEBB ARCHITECTS PC 0410912007 Phone:970-477-2990 710 WEST UONSHEAD CI& UNITA VAIL co 81657 Llcense: @00001627 IO7 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL ROSENBACH RESIDENCE loh 7 Block 7 Subdlvision: VAILVILIAGE 1ST 2101-071-2001-1 DRB Number: DR8070138 Location: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Approval; 04 | 26 | 2007 Cond; 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not @nstitute a permit for bulldlng' Please consult wlth Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activltles. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days followlng the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this proJect shall lapse and beaome void one (1) year followlng the date of flnal apprwal, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligendy pursued toward completion' @nd;113 All dwelopment applications submitted to the Tovrrn after the efrective date of Ordinance 2O Series 2005 shall be subject to the pending employee housing regulations in whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, however, that if the Tovvn hils to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April L5' 2007, thls Ordinance shall not aPply to such dwelopment applications' Ptannen Blll Glbson DRB Fee Paid! S20.00 Changes To The Appruved Plans Appllcadon for Deslgn Revlew o€psftnoent of Cdrnrunlfy Dsdoprl€nt 75 Sooft FfiftHtc Ro!d. V.lL Coh|ldo El05t tet 9?0.{19.2128 faxl 9ItL4}9.1{52 rEb: rflrv{.vilhff,com Geneml InfsrmaHont All prDJ€cti Nqulrltq deslgn rederv nrart ruelve agprsrd pdor to q$n*ffng r bull*rg permlt rpdHofr. Fl€ert alfcr lo thc g|hlrltt|| rqulremfil3 for 01e p|r{cula. afp.ond dret B ruqu€5bd. fn ap#catho hr Oe{go Revleru cannot be roryted undl il nqulred Inlonn Uon b r€tetued bt tllg Conmunfy DcrtlotrIrGrrt 0{S6ftfirfiL TDn priqrc{t rnry aho n€rd te be mtt*rcd U Bn Tonn Councf ad/or the Flanil}g ard Envlronmentd Comnlsdofl. Eulgn rerlew epford hgcrr unleir r bulHlng prffilt h hrurd rnd:onrffucgon ccmnrmccl wltlrln onc 6rr of ttcaFgruvrL I$SwL a N 6,g o l--r u)e L€crgon of t|l€ F?oporaft fstl ] Bo*:]- subdtutslon:d\r 1€.f PlryrlcalAddrus; { <a t f-q ct-,-atle-- F$, -- Prrcsl t{o.r ?-i or o} t'uos tt (Contact Eaglc Co. A${s{or at97t-328-86{0 for parrel rE,} lonlng! ilrm{r) of Ovrnrr(r}:6"rr+.,r t g*+-f f a.rr-JR.Ace.S llrlllng lddrcrrr a-l* Owna{r} $lqnrtun{r}: llasnr of tppllctnt: ilalllng Addterr:'fs-ro r.u L-4q_r! E mrllAddrgf|: r-*. {-T" tr{e.4 t DpcoilRsrlewmd F€s: {t{qrnl"r * Approvrd Flrrs Sillmlfiil Rrqulr*rxntrt t20 For r€rdihfir to plrffi |||fidl r!gn'\,E t ry runnftrg ${ff or the DeCgn RErte& Aoill 3 Sets of Ftans Addrefitrq Pru'lect CharEFs sllgnahtre of Homeoffne(c) or A$o('Etlon **r*,,iJ6z z-67 F;ldfiAFcAtGilPc|rr6APhntrhdt0RSldt_d|ng€_lo_r$frte6dJ.fir-|Jtreq_l0'le.mf,.iloG f if\' ..4 "\ f .fi' *d--r,, t ''. 'J iL, t""', .;'nr c\ ,, a.c 't : $ .rf fr-.'t ltr' tl *******+*+++++**********+**+*'+'l+*******++****1.*,1.*********'t****+*+'i*++*'i*****++****+********'* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement **************++*llf*+*+{.+******************{.+*************'*****'t*****+********+*+*++++++++* Statement Number: R070000428 ArnounE: S20.00 04/09/2007I0:23 AM Palment Method: eheck ARCHITECTS Init: rTS Notation: 2362lK.H. WEBB Permi t No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location : This Payment: DR807013 8 2101- 071-2 001- 1 107 ROCK],EDGE RD VAII, 107 ROCKLEDGE ROAD Descriotion Total Fees: Total AL,IJ Pmts : Balance : T]4)e: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans $20.00 *********++++++++f++++*+****+*+*'i******d.****************i.*,lt'1.*******************************+ ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current gnts DR 00100003 LL2200 DESTGN RE\':[EW FEES 20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORtrl Department of Com munity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi970"479.1452 web: $wvr,vniigov.com Project l{ame: ROSENBACH ADDnON Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A RENOVATION OF A SFR Participants: OWNER ROSENBACH, SUSAN AND GARY 0612712006 Phone: 203-629 217 TACONIC RD GREENWICH cT 06831 APPUCANT K.H. WEBB ARCHITECTS PC 06127l?;006 Phone: 970-477-2990 953 S. FRONTAGE ROAD, STE 216 VAIL co 816s7 License: C000001527 ARCHITECT K.H. WEBBARCHITECTS rc 0612il2006 Phone: 970-477-2990 710 WEST LIONSHEAD CIR" UNIT A VAIL co 816s7 License: C000001627 PrcjectAddrcss: 107 ROCKLEDGE RDVAIL Location: 107 ROCKLEDGE ROAD Legal Description: Lot: 7 Block 7 Subdivision: VAIL WLLAGE lST Parcel Number: 2101-071-2001-1 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION DRB Number: DR8060261 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 08/16/2006 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: DUNNING FRITZLEN 5-0 C.ond;8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond;0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approral, unless a building permlt ls lssued and constructlon is ommenced and is diligently pursued bward completlon. Cond: CON0008283 Fire sprinkhr system requircd and shallcomply with NFPA 13R(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: @N0008284 Monitored flre alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and VFES standads. Plann€r: Billcibson DRE Fee Paid: $SOO.OO Atrptfru'.t -*{e{trGenstrudion Application for Design Review Depaftment of oommunlty Development 75 South Frontage Road, Valf Colorado 81657 telt 970,479.2L28 fa'/:t 970.479,2+sz webl www,rrallgov.com Ganeral Informatlon: All prcJects requlrlng deslgn revlew mu* recelve approval prlor to submlttlng a bulldlng permlt appllcatlon. Please rEfer to the eubmltbl requlrements for the partlcular approval that ls requested. An appllcatlon for Deslgn Revlew cannot be acaepted unfll all requlrcd lnformatlon ls recelved by the Communlff Dev€lopment Departnent. The project may also need to be rwlewed by the Town Councll and/or $e Plannlng and Envlronmental Commlsslon. Derlgn rwlaw approval lapese unle'r a bulldlnE permlt ls leeued and constructlon commencas wllfrln one year of the approval. Deso{ptlon of the Request:S$*l,-t grf W Sf^J&UA'FterAt uY th-}..rcf ul^J locrtlon of the Prcposah tot ? etoctr ? subdlvlslon:UA.{L VlL,*ffi fI nun? Physlcal Addrcss: Parc€t No.: Lt olo+tzoo11 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86{ for parcel nol) zonlng: PP-'rrytn lX/*icq"'e*r-Y Name(s) of Owner(s):6u5rc.. t e*r*f FoqarBect+ Malllng Address:l2.D.L,talt Lr o6e9( Name of Appllcant;F* ur€EB ^Aa+tr*..rg Malllng Address:?ro - t-ls^JE u6. .L7 E-mallAddress: eyn,ut**-l Q *iu*bb, ost+ Fayt 1?D, {l7.lfl6t (), H o o c A'D --t Itpe of Revlew and FeE: tr Slgns tr Conceptual Revlew r Fl, New Constructlon )6 nddnon tr Mlnor Alteratlon (m uld-famlly/commerclal) n MlnorAlbratlon (slngle-famlly/du plo<) D ChangesbApproved Plans tr Sepan0on Request $50 Plus $1.00 per quare foot of btal slgn arer. No Fee $550 For constructlon ofa new bulldlng or demo/rebulld. $300 For an addltlon where square footage ls added to any resldenual or commerclal bulldlng (lncludes 250 addltlons & Interlor converslons). $250 For mlnor changes to bulldlngs and slte lmprovements, such as, re-nroflng, palnung, wlndow addltlons, landocaplng, fences and rctalnlng walls, eh,$20 For mlnor changes to bulldlngs and slte lmprovemenq such as, rerooflng, palntlng, wlndow addltlons, Iandscaplng, fences and retalnlng walls, eb,$20 For revlslons to plans already approved by Plannlng Staff or the Deslgn Revlew Board. No Fee owner(s) Slgnature(s) r +f*+t*'l*'**'|*******t'1.***a**'l+*+'t*****+****i*+t*t***t**+**tttafttf*i++++{,+*************t'**t*** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statenent *********a**{'*++**i*ltft+lfft*i+******'},t******t*********'r*****t+**l'**a'**********{r*+**++****+ Statement Number: R060000883 Anount: $300.00 06/27/20060A:20 AM Payment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: 1902/K.H. WEBB ARIICITECTS Permlt No: DR8060261 Type: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No! 2101-071-2001- 1 SiIe AddreEs: 107 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Location: 107 ROCICLEDGE ROAD Total Fees: 5300.00 Thia Paltment: $300.00 Total ALL PmtE: $300.00 Bal.ance: $0 . 00 *f*'tl'*****tl***'a{'**'lr'}'t*'}'}********+******+++****+{"}*t****{'**+*+*t+t+llllf*tlff*l++tlf+ff*+f+f ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3II22OO DESIG:N REVIEW FEES 300.00 -.ffi NEWCONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Informrtlon: The revlew process for new construcffon normally requlres two separate meeflngs ofthe Deslgn Revlew Board: a conceptual revlew and a flnal reMew. Appllcanb shordd plan on presentlng thelr development proposal at a mlnlmum of two meeungs before obtalnlng flnal approval. I. SUBMITTAL REqUIREMEI{TS|'* / All pages of Apptlcaton ls mmplete a Checldlst ls completed and slgned d Stampd Topographlc Survey*t' SttedndCradtrig itanr, --9 c-or.rgff-/snoAl ,\^rr^Jtfs^^.A.rT tt-r!s., FE?- p4'g' f$are$f d Landscape Plan*t' Archltectural ElevaUons*q Exterlor olor and materlal samples and speclflcatlons.t' Ardltedural Floor Plans* 4- Llghtlng Plan* and Qtshee(s) for proposed flxtures t' Tltle rcport, Includlng Schedules A & B to verlry ownershlp and easemenb*o Phobs of the exlstlng slE and adJacent stuctures, where appllcable.q Wrltten approwl from a condomlnlun assodatlon, hndlord, and Jolnt owner, if appllcable o slte€peclnc Geologlcal Hazard Reportr lf appllcable*o The Admlnlstrator and/or DRB may requlr€ dre submlsslon of addltonal plans, drawlngs, spedflcatlons, samples and other materlals (lndudlng a model) lf deemed neceseary to determlne whether a proJect wlll comply wltt Deslgn Guldellnes or lf the Inbent of the proposal ls not dearly Indlcated. ?lca,ru,rslall llrcc (l) ca/e,r affie aalerlolc aoled B,llt aa acteilrt (/, **For Inbrlor con€rslons wlth no e)derlor changes, the submlttal requlrements Include a omplete set of e{stlng and prcposed floor plans, a Utle report, and wrltten apppyal lrom a condomlnlum assodatlon, landlord, and Jolnt owner, lf appllcable. I have read and underctand the above llsted eubmlttrl requlrementsr PrptectNam$ &q,iNB'4rt-tf fJ'Uo\'Nrn\) #.sb natura DateSNSn€d Fr\cd6^FoRMS\Permlbwannlng\D RB\d6-nafl-6nstn lcddLl 1-23-2005doc Page 3 of 14 LU23,lzop/' Bulldlns Mrterlalq PROPOSED MATERIAU; TVoe ol Materlal Color Trtc- 6TFlntu^J+ 97il/t lr8 hlertD srDt^JL W*tAi,'J PFY sm*V-gTo^Je CoATEI*.J €;itr€t- 2r- F,9 crbftA ElgabrN lr< T*+ u-4f.,et\g (.3hA4.c-ucr(o- +r4ild Bua6-p fl(.{ra.r C/r*D BuAc{-. Lx Fe @^+- Roof Sldlng Other Wall Mateilals Fasda Sofflts Wlndors Wlndow Trlm Doo|s DoorTHm Hand or Deck Ralls Flues Flashlng Chlmneys Trash Endosures Greenhouses Retalnlng Walls EGrlor llghUng Ott|er Notes: Vlthee t *atl*cri€? h1-,&56 U-* hQ (^A-f+ Zt"tc- lcrqq.l krF{ \S{E<L l ulcoO t N/a tah^u ntrL ecAt{ Ehyl,p,, frI gtXE+ erd,.rt':BPr,tt6f, 'tt$ P.Aou Le Please speclfy the manufadue"s name, the olor name and number and attach a color drlp. '-rrtu, d 6urtrt* str fl,o,d rP bFB lh*'rrrl+, S\F,g TBD t\1@a* E*a',t)t\) BLg-\ !+-€r^r^J *ttJt- $15] G{,€l Pf-Y 6t*'+- 9t"^J( r:/x Fr\cda4FoRM5uemlE\Plannlng\DRB\d6-ne!,ir_rflEtrucful-11-23-2005,d0c Pdge 7 of 1+,ri?,,f?ff,' PROFOEEDTNEES AND SIIRUBS PNOFOSED LIT{DC'CAPItrO Boftrnloal llame Glmnenff|E!. ?tc6* $ttff,tJ$ , 4{)|r)P.ttro 6?4)q ^JoOtrr*:.dlnp 4^d$rlgltu/A ., eru$u lb ,,4 strl e-,*'qt ti o*,')Mteed pdg{/ufi eq,wwe ll aJEl'lF. tfftLl a.gnoJl, arlc{ trSffiN6TRCES 1OBE RE}fiN'ED ffiftJ& D,){5ilffi r,l*tr"1."\ &AA3t- +v#vE AffiJ #.1{r.-.|---rtF. Mlnlmum Requlmments for l,.ends0afl:g: GROTIND@VER soD 8trD IRRMATION TW6OFEROSION CONIRON. Dslcluous Tt€ - z"callper Conlhruls TtG - d In HgFrt Shrube- 5 Grl. 9sn$sEeEf,s btao --- * A4 Vffilttu(rl pw,k q+wg l,{AuJF-,*p,.:rQ^qAs' ..!-, ...-- Qttfi,totstfr9,.--., farrlo.- *, a*reJA M MBrAltfrds €,ilFaEtS a" cttt- .b84. dtt5 f r-, &L,-.,.. ll NoFIE € ltJu.ofilrrvf( *urn:ptztn(- PAP S{ena epelfy otnr hnGcape fbatms (l€. r€talnlry walb, Grne, R\drr\ffiIttt\hmil:\Flmlne\mB\CbJlrv-c0flfindorLu.zt{m6ilh0 ho|SdK tUllm6 FX I LUMINAIRE@ PM-20 PATH LTGHTtNG Bo LD, SoLrD AND BEAUTIFUL The FX llminair@ PostModerne9 is errgineer€d without compromise in ihe spirit of a large contemporary comoercial bollard. Ihecisely rniled ftom 6061 T-6 alloy, this model looks and performs like no otler. Computer designed parabolic reflector, diffi:ser cone and optics work together to produce long projection beam spread with no glare This bold derign is a great match for an edgy custom home in Santa Monica or a stainless steel railing beach pad in The Hamptons. AII exterior componmts are finished with a military marine-grade process of acid etching chromate plating and polyester powdercoating to assure long-term appearance and integdty. The most obvious application for the PM-20 is, ofcourse, any project that speaks a sophisticate{ dea.n and modem design language. The PM-20 can also be mounted on decla with optional deck mount. @ - Utrttutte o Alpt tclttot t s We ore onstontJy omozed ot tE ronge of prcje(ll in whlch the PM is used Frorn dn NBA olLio/s hone In Mllwoukee tn o reseord science /ab entry in La lolla, the PM spons the orchiteaurol gonuL Sinple forn- hrgh pefonnorse noketlis fxate erfrwnety velsafle o PERIM ETER LtcHTtNc E @2006 FX LUMINATRE' 800.688.1 259 www,FXL.com" The PM comcr scndard wldr a 20 watt Xenolux@ AR- | I, SuperSpD<O (SS), and in any fnlsh optlon. STANDARD OPTIONS! I + 2 + 3 ORDEREDTOGETHER ON SAME LINE Your cholcc of ons l.trrp wlll com€ pre-lnstalled. ,/ -\ &J Xenolur@ AR- | I ,/ SupelSplX@ PM f-] l-.1 tl t.l 20 wert Xenolqx@, widc, f2" b€am Avg life 6fi)O hours 20 watt Haloeen. wlde 32' beam Av[ life 200() hourr Choose from dre followint optiom. All hare regular lead times, E @2006 FX LUl'llNAlREo 800.588.12rt9 www,FXL.comn * {- *a | = Pu-zo-az PostMount | = PM NON-STANDARD OPTIONS! MUST BE ORDERED ON SEFARATE L]NEI Comes pre.assembled with SuperSplX@. All odrer mounting opdons will arrlve In separate box i SJ SuperJ-bd0 150" x 12.00" pM FostHountn L50 x 13.00' I't t' 1 1.2 ,4 .20 .t0 For converslgn to lumens Muhply footcandlcr x | 0, Scr FX glossary for a full d€scrlpdon of fc lnd lumcn& iili TE !-l !: F!!t l!!i itl !FTE t; bts l_ Hi*Hg $*: **1 $ Ela ffi* l;ilsiEll EffiI FFIIi Flgl'rr s !HR E I I tt .g 6i ti €i lii iii z ,iiii ,ii;E 3 c (J o U) . 44 I *Fs P.33 OE6I ! E'F F 5"E'"" E3F m a I -t XE ra 'l rEt :"! i X ri EIt ,t $ *E ?". !. F, Ei"" lE E' s""'EqEE dfi$h Bgt= o 4. - 5 *oE A E Er- II z F I o l Y d q EB EE !d TE te [98 ETI !.lI r.. 0tr e Y I I I I I el EI -3d E o) c) ,,(-'\ v(f\c1,i I ln (n \ ;; o T'a- o T E #o =rO I F E - =(\{E cl CO ry FX I LUMINAIREO cG-20 .90y "9. tr ry. Trr',r Er-rss BEAUTy Brcss ond copper hove been cd fw o thotsond years in noalcol Micalons. Novoi ofdlitects undernod ond erploined the higfi stenSth ond noturol corpeon rcsistonce oF these semiprecious metais, The gorden envlronment is os targh ond cor6th os any fand in the hrgh seos. fhe copper will patlno noturolly ova t)me ond con be occelsoted with soludon sproy, For potino fomulos visit our website ot www.FX-comlpodno 3.00" TRrr_ www.FXL.com' WALL LrcxrrNc ORGANTc Snree, ENGTNEERED Qullrrv The FX Luminaireo halogen lamp CusodeGradinoo was developed to fill the need for an unobtrusive specification grade wall light that would inuoduce glare-fiee illumination onto safety and circrrlation areas. This patent p€nding 12v unit is a perfect choice for high tafEc public areas or walls near people-water such as resort applications. An innovative adiustable lamp mount allows the installer to fine tune beam proiection to suit any need. Solid brass and composite construction make this modd a lasting value. Its deep cowling and recessed lamp position allows pedestdans m view uphill without dangerous glare. Obviously, glare-free illumination should be the primary function of any fixture that is designed to provide safe passage through foot trafEc hazards. STAtRWAY LtcHTtNG Prnrr etrn LIGHTING @2006 FX LUMtNAIRE' 800-688- | 269 The CG comes sandard \ddr 20 wett Xeaolu$ MR-$ spnad lcru, and dl. faceplate In Bns (BS). @*S*r = CG-20 @ Xenolqr(@ 1.lR-8 a Sprcad Lcns Brals STANDARD OPTIONST I + 2 + 3 ORDEREDTOGETHER ON SA}IE LINE Choor. from irry watt Xenolux or Hrlogcn (H). Xenolux is stahdard. Braas is siandrrd.All sdler For conva|.3lon to lumensr Muldply foot andles x 10. See D( glossary ior a tull descrlption of fc and lumens. rNSTAll FX IJJMIrAA€ CUSTODE GRADIT'IO ^3 arp$,N t sbtot6g t gEc lt! At'|O PFOVIT'ED W|aE Nul& PLASIT ?D|A EMT TUSIIIO C^l.| AE DRILI.EO FOB I]z CONDUIT TUBtNg ug!{q A 7'l: ho[E aAW @.N 99.00' FX llrMll\|1iFE oUAIODE OAAD!'IO FXIUFE ||it@aFOF^rE6 A hErOV Bt€ C t FOA LAIP FEFtlCEllEMI, Al'lO SOUq IFA68 bDY IHA' 6UDE6 !{SIDE A ' D|A PL SDC E fT $€E!E (IOT AUPPLED WNH THIS PFODI.ICT] USED FO8 PFENNETALI 'ION ALIONMEIVI. TTiB NATAUATbN MAXE6 ADJI'6TU€MI6 TO TIIE WATI A FENFECT MATOT WAIEAPA@f AI€EVE Eif,I TO FFEVEIIT WATEF FROM EEEPINO IHBOUGII -IHE WAIJ. ANO INT'' TH€ tll/tF ftousNg- OIIJE OF GBAY El'lT @|{DU|T WIIH STRAiDEO THHN WliE sr2Eo 10 t ATGH WATTAOE IOAD. THIg FIXTURE IS DESIGNED FOR DOWN LIGHTING ONLY. DO NOT USE IN UP LIGHT POSTflON 12 G qIALE 1G gA. CASLE E BS Brass (sf, n,lr,|,tt i!r&to) Allow 6)ctra tim6 for the following finbh optlons: Bronze Metallic Dei€rt Grdrltc Black Wrinkle r/erde Specklc Sedone Brown WhhsWrlnHr M/eathered lron @2006 FX LUMINAIRE' 800.688.1269 www.FXL.com' urEaPucE \SLumidre Drccriptior Wostwood 714 end 714-2 are ultra-oomDact wall fixtures for uss with PAR20 mstal halid6 l8mp3. Both modgls ar6 provided with E remotB ballasirhouslng assembfy and are suitEble for usa with 12o,20€,24O,277 or 347V lina voltage (speciry). Mod€l 714 providrE downlight or uplight by way of th6 l80o rotEtionEl fixture he!d. Model 714-2 providss oombination uplight 8nd downlight. Variou6 l6n66s. louvors and aolor or diohroio filter9 can be combinad - up to three at onoa - to creata multiple lighting effeats, Lumibrs'g oxolusiv6 Siphon Protsation System (S,P,S.) prevents wat€r from siphoning Into the fixture through its own lead wirea. SPECIFICATION FEATUREE A ,.. M.terial Housing and hood a16 prscision-machln6d from corroEion-r6sistant 6061 -T6 Eluminum billet. Mounting o€nopy ls construoted from corrosion-resistant silicons aluminum. B ,.. Flnish Fixtures 816 double proteoted by a chromate conversion underooating and polyester powdercoat paint flnlsh, surpassing tha rigorous demsnds ofthe outdoor snvironment. A vsriety of strndlrd colors are rvailablE. G ,,. Hood Hood is removable for easy relamping and aecepts up to thres internal acoessories st onqa (lenses, louvers, filters) to achi€va multipl6 lighting aftucis. We6p hol€s pravent wster collootlon on th6 uplight position. UghtlrE D ... Garket HouEing and hood a16 6eal6d with a hlgh temporaturo silioons o-ring ga6k6t to prevent water intrusion. E ... L.ni Tempered glass lens. factory s€alsd with high tsmpar!ture adh€siva to pravent water int|usion and breakage dus to thormal shook F .,. Mounting & Adi$tibillty Both models mount ovsr a standard 4" J-box and conngct to r rumoto motal halid6 bslla6Uhousing assembty (provlded). Model 7'l 4 provides downlight or uplight by way of the 180o rotationel fixture head. Model 714-2 provides combination uplight and downlight. Lumllrg's sxclu6iv6 SiDhon Protsctlon System (S.P.S.l prevents wst6r ftom siphoning into the fixturE through its own lead wires. G... Hardw*c Stainlos8 sto6l hardwrro i6 standard to provide maximum oorroslon-r€sistanoe, H ... Socklt Ceramlo socket with 250" C Teflon@ ooated lead wires and medium base. | ... Brlh|t Romoto coro & €oil ballasUhouslng !E66mbly is standard 11 20l2W240l2n f$l V). Maxim u m r€mots mounting distancs is 50'. R6tsd for -2o' C atarting t€m06ratu re, J ... Lamp Not includsd. Available from Lumldrs s6 an aoosssory - se6 reversa side of this page. K ,.. Labele & Approvab UL lnd oUL li6t€d, Etandard w6t l!bd. lP55 rEt6d, Manufactured to ISO 9001-2000 Ouslity Systems Standard. IBEW union made, L .., w'rt.nty Lumier6 warrants its fixtures against dsfscG in matarills & workmanship for thre6 (3) ye6rs. Auxlll!ry squipment suoh as transformeF, ballasts and lamps oarry the original manufactursr'E wsrranty. WESTWOOD 714 714-2 39Y[ (max.l PAR20 M.t8l Hlllds lY.ll [@ -l I 6+'v2,Itl4mml I e-u. I l241mml I l W-lu,!od TIad Speoltloatlon. and Dlmonilon. .ubl.st to chrng. without notlcc. Coa lt your l!p|...r|!iiw for lddliionll opilonr lnd inhh.r w$/wroopc.llghtingrom W-twood tla PHOTOMETRIC DATA wEsTltfooD 714l714-2 l €s,tutood714n1+2 Lamp= CDM39PAR2O/SP cBcP=23,000 Wesn d711n1+2 Lamp= CDM39PAR2O/FL CBCP=5000 Conr of Ll ht ohtrnc! to lllu|nlnrt d Pl.n. lniri.l Ndir Footc.ndl.| S6am Dlalndtcr Con a of Li ht Diatrnco to lltumin.r.d Pbnc lnlrLl N.dh Footcandl.5 Ba.m Oiamctat LAMP INFOBMANON Lamp ANSI Coda Watrs Beam Spread CBGP 'K Llfe (hrs.) Base Volts CDM3gPAR20/SP M130KK.39 39 10' 23,000 3000 9000 medium 120-347 CDM39PAR2o/FL M130KK-39 39 30.5000 3000 9000 medium 120-347 NOTE: lnferior quality lamps may adversely affect the performance of this product, Us6 only namd brand lamps from reputable lamp manufacturers, NOTES AND FORMULAS . B6am diameter is to 50% of maximum footcandles, rounded to the nearest hslf-foot. . Footcandle values are initlal. Apply appropriate light loss factors where nocessary. . Bare lamp data shown. Consult lamp manufscturGrs to obtain detailed specifications for their lamps. ORDERING INFORMATION 6rnDl. Nuhb.r: 7l+2.MH3gFra2o.l20"gI PAR20 Meral Halide UoDorrrl Westwood Wall FlxtJre H.ad Ouantlty , One Lamp Headl Two Lamp Headsr Black Brcnza City Silver V6rde P..ch Olchoic nn r, 2.50' Dt &nb.r Dldrolc Fln r. Zs|r D! ql..n Oldrrclc Flt r, 2-50' Dlt M.dluh alu! Dld,olo Frlt.r, 2.50' oi! Y.lloJ, Dld olc Fllt r,2.s0'Dl! R.d Dldlrolc Fllbr, 2.50' ol! Da* Blu. Oldrclc Fllt r, 2.50'O. Usht Elu. Cld'!ol. Flh.r, 2.50" Dl! Ndtd Os.[y Dl6rol. Flh.r, 2-50' Dl. Mlg.nir ochrdc FIhd,2.5d ol. R.d cdd Fnt r,2.50! Di 816 cd.. Flt .. 2.50'Ol. Gr.d c.ld Flli... 2.50" 01. Y.llfl cdd Fln-,2.S0F 01. M.r@ry V.por C.ld Flh.i. 2.50' Dl! Not .: ,t Includ.ro.. r.mot NID b.ll!.l.nd hou.ins NA Etyr.l z lncrud.r tw Ernor. fllo b.ll..l. . nd hou.ing. IWR .Vl.). . Llmp noriiclud.d. . ConBUllyoll CooP.r Ughling |tpE.ontniv6Lrlddinonll oPlioi. lnd nnl.h.r Un.$ gpr..d L.nr (.lcrg!i. rlrnd.d b.!6 .prad), 2.50" Olt qv.r.ll 8gn.d l.n. (hds.. h.m .!r!rd), 2-50'Dl! a GOFR Ughtlng Olltu..d L.n. (pi.'\,ld. .v.i' lllumlnstd), 2.50'O. H.r C.ll Ldrv.. (..du6 gl.r!),2.50'U. 39W PAA20 M!t!l Hdld. sooi 3lWPAR?o M.t l H.nd. Fl6d Spoalllcstlons and Dimensiohr rubloct to chango without noilco. Luml.ro . Custorn.r Fln l C.nt r . I l2l Hlghwry ?l South . P.rcht . Clty, OA 3@80 . TEL 7?C4a6.48m . FAX 7?0.486.4801 ADLO32482 v,rtr&op€tllghtlng<om TEKA ILLUMINATION Descriplion Bderior ,/ interior woll mounted luminoire Moteriqls ond Conrhuciion A. Heovy pure copper foceplote B. Copper rivels C. Tronslucanl etched white ocrylic diffuser D. Cost oluminum wsll plota with powder coot finish E. Supplied with HPF, eleckonic bollost for minus l5'F $qrtlng, l20V is stondord t. Pro/ided with stoinless steel fosteners Mounling Orler o recessed 31l' or 4' oclogonol wiring box Product Number lo.p Foceplofe Finirh Opion Ar954lO I3W 2GV Copper Brcuvn Potino Opionr ovoibble ol cldro cost I . Add suffix BP for brc /r'n potlno 2. Add sufftx # 277 lor integrol2Z7V electonic bollqst Note Complles wlth ADA requiremenl€. U.[. ond CUL llsted, sulbble for wet locotions TEKA ILLUMINATION. INC 86 Gibson Rood, *3 Temdaton, Colifomio 93465 (8051434-351 | T-77 ArcodE FullShiEld l--'-l Fo< 18051 434-35 I 2 wurvrr.tekeilluminotlon.com O OoFyllghrEl(A d4 lty' I lry T44 Poth Light TEKA ILLUMINATION .j Description b<terior pothwoy ond Gorden lumlnohe for G4 or GY6.35 lomps Moleriols ond Conshuciion A. Heovy woll solid copper disc B. Mochined solid bros cop C.Mochined solid bross base D.lvlochined solid bross stem cop E. Etched, tempered borc*ilicota glos diffuser F. Mochined solid bross spocers G.All {ostaners ora I 8-8 stolnless steel H. Heovy woll z/e' O.D. copper stem l. Completely seoled with hlgh temperoture silicone 'O' rings J. Supplied wiih 36' ol # 16 AWG direc.r buriol roted wire for remote I 2V supply K Supplied with mochind bros slip fit odoptor threoded for 14' l.P. ond ollo,rn for field cutting of stem Mounting To ony ]l' l.P. threoded fittlng or uslng the woiloble mouniing options listed bdow Produd Number Lomp B A F E (' D Soiurn Ootions qyoiloblE ot odditionol cosf I . Add suffix BP for brc^,vrl potino 2. Add suffix #20 honsformer Adopter Kit, cost bronze housing mntoining on eledronic I l 6V oulput honsformer for 12QY or 277Y supply. Recommended for use with TEKA mountinq kit #33 3. Add suffix #30 Clomp on blodes for mouiting in eorth 4. Spectfo #3OO Remote Tronsformer Kit (3OOW mox. wlth l5OW min.l in U.[. 3R roinlight box. 5 . Order # XE35C- I 0 br I 0,0@hr. 35W aelogen' lomp - loazer wottoges ovoiloble Finish Option SPt-23'10 / Noturol l2V 35W GY6.35 Brown Polino sPL-2360 / Nickel* I2V 35W GY6.35 *Nickel plote U.L. ond CUL listed, suiloble for wet locotions TEKA ILLUMINATION, INg 86 Gibson Rood, #3 Templelon, Colifomio 93465 1805) 434-351 I Fo< {8051 434-351 2 www.bkoilluminotton.com ssk' O Copy.igh IEKA 20el LiEON COffIPATIBIE lu4l AND !Afil!!_It{t0Rl0JIl0r{ r0R tHt499 SERTES USE WTH 4" I.OW VOITAGE HOUSI]IGS PROJECT INFORfIIAIION FIXTURE: PROJECT : DATE : ()RDERING E)(AMPLE : I.HI{99/IRI4|,9CO ADJUSIABLE GIMBAI @ ADJUSTABTE GIMBAT 4@ AIUUSTABIE PULI DOW'I --.v ADJUSTABLE SPOT (E N/A il/A il/A N/A W: White B : Blod< 6: Gold 1{ i Nsturol ADJUSTABTT PULL D0W1{ 1{/A il/A W: White r i siolli l{ : Noturol 1{oIES * Do nor spo,lify trim ring,A tdm Sxyfu1tnltchils_fl11sj1rqdCigd_:lplCry U[ ry!s,qllYtS!qUl9Nl0,_9t_Uqr4[ o ffnhh 0THER IHAN its own. i- J78 ----1' ir r, t*i I 4t J[-tN | :_r#fq=_f i i 'qsn+JY\ i' i i_ 5"______.i i LRt409 Lomp(sl, l2v 50v'l li,tRl6 75W itor W: White BlBloak l{ r Ncurol C0 : (opper i- 3/a'-- ffffi;1 .?'r-' i,{45+15'). i i_ 5"____r LRt456 Lomp(s!' lzv 50W ['lRl6 450 od'h 3580 rot Cul-lut g4Y2' .I tRt467 lompbl, lzv 75tl|l tr,tRl6 890 odl.,358o rot. cnt-oin sln' W: Whits B : Blodr ( l throme 1{ r Noturol t0; topF; ilO: lilorho nI480 Lomp(s)r r2v 50t,\l MRl6 890 od';., 3580 roL Eut-lll.l 941/z' [Rt485 Lomp(sl' l2Y 75U ltRl6 350 odi., 3580 rot Ciiirt,Savl 27/a' W: While d: Blocli ( : (hroms 0: Goid 1l : lioiiiiol (0: (opper tRl435 tonp({, l2V 50l'{ f,lRl6 tut-arl.:Mlb'" rzr-n I ADJUSIABLE PI'LL DOV{N LiEOn 5461 W'.leffsnon Blvd. Lol Angeles, 90016. R 800-515-4880. E800-972-{880. wv.liton.om Prcdm 4odfiotiom leclo drcngr vit|iout nofte. f Chicago Titte hsuraace Company ALTA COMMITMENT Our Ordm No. VS001lZg9-i Se,hedule A Cust. Ref.l Pmperty Address:' 107 ROCKLEDCE RD, ANVA LOT 7 BLK 7 VAIL VILL. 1ST./RAETfiER MINOR SUB VAIL, CO 81657 1. Effective Date: September 16. 2005 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, anil Pmposed Insurcd: "ALTA" Owner's Poltcy l0-r7-92 $U,500,000.00 Pmposed Insured: GARY ROSENBACH AND SUSAN ROSENBACH 3. The estate or futaest ln the lald described or re&rred to in this Coomitment and covered herein is: SEEATTACIIED 4. Title to the estate or interest covered hereit is at the etroctive date hrirtof vesterl.in: VERNONTAYLOR, JR, 5. The land referred to tn this Commitoeat ir descrlbed as follows: PARCEL 1: LOT 7, A RTPTAT OF A PORTION OF BLOCK 7.VAIL VIITAGE FIRST FILING AND LOT 2 OF RAETIIER MIhIOR STEDIVISION, ACCORDING TO TTIE PLAT RXCORDED FEBRUARY 10, 2()()O RECBPTION NO ,72?,440, COI]NTY OF EAGLE, STAIE OF COLOMDO. PARCEL 2: EASEIVIENT AGREEilIENT AND GRANT OF TASEMENT RECORDED MARCH 29, 2()()() I,jNDER RECEPTION NO.725778. - I' [tl t! t J ,Our Order No. VS001f Zl9_d 3. Ths ecrate c ints$t h $e land descdbeil or reforrcd to hr thls Cormritment and conerud heruin is: . AFeeslnpli;astoPlicnrl AtrEAM4ENi. as bPARCEL2 -t'm t ra I ALTA COMMITMENT Sdedule B - Section 1 (Requirements) The following are the requirtmenb to be complied with: Ircrn (a) Payment.to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the firll consideraflon for the eshte or hterest to be insured. Item (b) Proper lnsfiEent(s) creatltrg the eitate or hterest to be. insued must be executed and duly filerl for recod, to-lvlt: Itern (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assesmenb levied and assessed against the subJect premises which are rlne ard payable. Itera (d) Mditio.nal rtquiremeots, if any disclosed bdow: LAND TITLE GUAXANTEE COMPANY HAS RECEIVED AN IMPROVHVIENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE/SURVEY FOR TIIE STDJECT PROPERTY PREPARED BY EAGLE VALLEY SURVEYING, JOB NO. 1203.4; DATED APRIL 27, 2004, TIIAT tri ACCEPTABLE TO THE COMPANY. *** IN ADDMON, A SI.'RVEY AFFIDAVIT, EXECUTED BY VERNON TAYLOR, JR, IS NECESSARY'INDICATING,TTIAT TIIERE HA\E BEEN NO NBW IMPROVEMENTS, EASEIUENTS OR BOI.JNDARY CIIANGFS SINCE TIIE DATE OF SAID IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATVSTJRVE'Y AND TITAT TIIE IMPRO\EMETITS SHOWN ON JAD tr\.PROVEXVEI{T LOCATION CERIIFICATEISURVEY IIAVE NOT BEEN ALTERED Str{CE TTIE DATE OF SAID IMPRO1r'.ELIENT LOCATION CERTIEICATE. **i EVIDENCE SAIISFACTORY TO TIIE COMPANY TIIAT TIIE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF TTIE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. WARRAI.ITY DEED FROM V.ERNON TAYLOR, JR. TO GARY ROSENBACH AND SUSAN ROSEMACH CONVEYING SI'BJECT PROPERTY. THE FOLLOWING DELEflONSA,IODIFICATIONS ARE FOR THE OWNER'S POLICY. NOTE; ITEfuIS 1-3 OF TIIE GENEML H(CEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. I]PON TIIE APPROVAI OF TIIE COMPAI{Y AND T}IE RECEIPT OF A NOTARZED Ftr\AL LIEN AFFIDAVIT. ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENEML EXCEPTIONS WIIT BE AMENDED AS FOILO1IVS: ITEM NO. 4 OF TIIE GEMRAL EJCCEPITONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FTIIIJRE LIENS RESI,JLTING FROM WORK ORI4ATERIAL FURNISHED ATTHE REQUEST OF VERNON TAYLOR, JR.. CHICAGO TITLE INSTJRAI{CE COMPANY SI'ALL IIAVE NO LIABILITY FOR AIIY LIENS ARISING FROM WORK ORMATERIAL FIJRNISHED AT TIIE REQI.JEST OF GARY ROSENBACH Our OrderNo. V500117394 2. ALTA .GOMMITMENT ScheduleB-Secdonl tseqrdreneuts) Our Order No. V5001173M Contimred: AI{D SUSAN ROSENBACH. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF TIIE GENERAL EXCEffiONS WILL BE DELETED IF LAN-D TrII-B GUARAT.TTEB COMPANY CONDUCTS TTIE CLOSING OF TIIE CONTEMPLATED TRANSACTION(S) AND NECORDS THE DOCIJMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. , NOTE: I.JPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TA)(ES, ITEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: TA)(BS AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR E(l()S AND SUBSEQIJENT YEAR,S. ITEM ? IJNDER SCHEDI,JLE 8.2 WILL BE DELETED TJPON PROOF THAT TIIE WATER AND SEWBR CIIARGES ARBPAID IJP To DATE. I . *+***r**** NOTICE OF FEE CHANGE, EFFECTTIE SEPTEMBER 1, 2002 ******+**' . ,Pursuant to Colorado Revlsed Statute 30-10-421, 'The bormty clerk and recorder shall collect a surchdige of $1.00 &r ' eag! document recelved fur recordlng-or ffllng in bls or her ofEce. The srcharge shall be in,addition to any other fres pemired by shhte. " t:iltl ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-SectionZ @xceptions) OurorderNo. V500f17394 . Thc poliry or polides to be lssued wltl contain excepdons to the following unlees the same are dbposed of to the satishcrtion of the Coupaqr i. Righs or daini of parties in lrossession not shown by the public records. . 2. Easements, or claims of easemenb, not showtr by the pu.blic recor-ds' 3. Discrepatcies, conflicb in bormdary lines, sLorbge in area, encroachmehb, and any frcts whic! a correct srrrrey ald inspection of the premises would disclose and whic.h are not shown by &e publlc records. 4. Ary lien, or right t0 a llen, for servlces, labor oi material tleretofore or hereafter firntshed, imposed by law and . not showi by tho Public records. 5. Defec{s, liens, enctmbrances, adveme claims or other masen, if any, crrated, first appeadrg in the public rrcords or attachiag subsequent to the efective date Lereof but prlor to tbe date the proposed insured acquires of record for value,the estate or futerest or mortgage thereon covered by this Conmibnent, 6. Taxis br slecdal assessEeEb wtlch are rct sho! 'n as exisfrng liens by the public records, 7, Llens fot unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. In adrlidon, the owner's poliry wiU be $bject to tle mortgage, if any, troteat h Section 1. of Schedule B herrof. 9. RIGIIT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EKIRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE TIIEREFROM SHOTJLD ITIE SAIUE BE FOUND TO PXNETRATE OR INTERSECT TIIE PREMISES . AS RESERVED IN UNfiED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPTEIIMTN 04, 1923, IN BOOK 93 ATPAGE 98. 10. RIGHT OF W. AY FOR DIICHES OR CAIIAI-S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF TTTE {JNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN IJMTED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 04, 1923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 1r. RESTRICTTVE COVENANIS WHICII DO NOT CO\r.ren{ 6 raRrEmJRE 9R REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON NECE, COLOR, RELIGION, SE)(, SEXUAL oRIENTAfiON, FAMILIAL vrATUS, IvIARIAL STATUS, DISABIUTY, ITANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR'FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO TIIE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY AP?IJCABLE LAW AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 10, 1962, IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 179. , 12. EASEMEN'TS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON T}IB RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL ULI.AGE FIRST FIIJNG. t t, I I I 'I : I : ' "T II I ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Secdon2 (Exceptions) Om Order No. V500117394 The pblicy or pollcies to be issued v'ill contaln exceptions to the following unless tle same are disposed of to the satishction of the Company: 13. RIGIIT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY'OF THE IJNITED STATES AS RBSERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED DECEMBER 19, - 1997, INBOOK?46ATPAGE.892RECEPTIONNO. 642836. - 14. TERMS, coNDmoNS AND PRovISIoNs oF EXCEPI]oNS AND RESERVATIoNS As CoNTATNED IN IJMTED STATES PATENT RECORDED DECEMBER 19, 1997 IN BOOK 746 AT PAGE 892 RECE?TION NO. 642836. 15. EASEMENTS. RESERVATIOI{S AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOI'IIN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PI^AT OF RAETHERMINOR SIEDIVISION. 16. EASEIIENTS. RESERVATIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RFSERVED ON THE PLAT RXCORDED FEBRUARY 10, 2OOO RECEPTION NO. 722440. NOTE: QLIIT CLAIM DEED RSCORDED StrTEMBER 12, 2005 RECEPIION NO. 92911s 17. TERMS, coNDmoNS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEIVIENT AGREEN,IENT AI\iD TERMINATION OF DECLARATION, COVENANTS AND ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT RECORDED MARCHzg, '2000 AT RECEPTION NO. 725778. 18. I TERMS, CbNDrIIONS ANq PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT AGREEMENT AND CRAI\TT OF EASEMENT.RECORDM I\4ARCH 14' 2OOZ AT RECtrTION NO. 789055' . r9. TIIB EFFECT ON SUBJECT PROPERTY.OF PAVER WALK WITIIIN nTruTY EASEMEI$TS AS SHOWN ON IM?ROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPANND BY EACLB VALLEY SITRVEYING, INC., JOB NO. 1203.7 DATED APRIL2T' 2OO4 Hrll hr. t ..ytf r 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com July 13,2006 KH Webb Architects Attn: Michael 710 West Lionshead Circe, Suite A Vail, CO 81657 RE: Rosenbach - 107 Rockledge Road/Lot 7, Block 7, Vail Village 1'r Filing Dear Michael, The Town of Vail Staff has reviewed the design review application for the proposed Rosenbach Residence addition located at 107 Rockledge Road. The lollowing is a summary of the comments from that review. 1. The utility approval and verification form must be submitted. 2. Section drawings must be submitted. 3. The site plan must be revised as follows:. All proposed rool ridge and eave elevations must be labeled (including the'lerrace").. Interpolated natural grades must be shown within the building footprint.. All required parking spaces must be shown.. All required snow storage areas must be identified and the size labeled in square footage.r The limits-of-disturbance fence must be shown. No construction, grading, landscaping, etc. may occur on adjacent properlies without submitting written consent f rom those owners.. The site drainage must be shown.r The top-of-wall (TOW) and bottom-of-wall (BOW) elevations must be labeled lor all retaining walls and site walls.. The driveway grades, percent slopes, and spot elevations must be labeled.r The driveway must be labeled as snowmelt heated or unheated.r Show the existing building outline.. Submit an erosion control plan. 4. The landscape plan must be revised as follows:. The landscape plan must be coordinated with the building designs shown on the site ptan. ' The limits-of-disturbance fence must be shown. No construction, grading, landscaping, etc. may occur on adjacent properties without submitting written consent from those owners.. Landscape area calculations must be submitted. fp1"",","""'* Department of Community Development Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 tutx 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com Please submit revised plans addressing the above listed items to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development by 5:00PM on Monday, July'l'7,2006. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel lree to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, )4'/'"14-h'L BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail .t2 {,il nrcvcrra r'rrrr Page I of l Bill Gibson - Rosenbach From: Bill Gibson To: michael@khwebb.com Date: 0712512006 8:56 AM Subjectr Rosenbach Hey Mlchael, As you are aware the DRB reviewed the Rosenbach renovatlon (107 Rockledge Road) at its July 19th hearing. Please submlt revised plans addressing the comments from that review (i.e. preservation of odsting pine trees, additional green space in the auto court, relocation/elimination of the pool, etc.) by this Friday, July 28, for further review. This item has tentatively been scheduled for further consideration by the Design Review Board at its August 2,2006, hearing. Sincereln Bill Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 (970) 479-2L73 (97O) 479-2452tax fife://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\GW) 00001.HTM 0712512006 Y{eb rthit ettt Pc TRAl{5I'I ITTAL I To: Bill 6ihon Dnr: Re: 0r.14.0{ losenbach lsidena from: ilichael funcnt Ie: Elrrosro: llotrs: Biil - llm is thc utility appmul and vedfiotion sign off form for th lorenbach. Pleue let m0 kn0rv if you have any guestions or nred anphing dse. Thankl tlichad 2U$ VAIL Fle-^ rE ll ln\ =vtr=u lit ruL z 4 l[r I rowN !E lllr soutt noxnet BoAD wtfi Jn 16 vAr! (0l0M00 u65? lllo.tll.Illo D0.lt?.196r (f) www.khw0bb.rom I vttL,ltvv| .vi 4t.J, .-^ r.vt.ttLt9 vv.r.9ar L Jul 18 OG O9: l2e Gror3r Shrrff 9?O-e'r5-70r 3 AdhorEod 8ldh.qur.Commcnr. Ellg qwetT 970,5rl,7tE9 (ts) 97r3&r.0zs7(fbr) 97O,ed7-O7?2(d) @nttEts Strue Wlters svattrioowrs.com . rr)"'I 9!' i '""1 €xc€t HtElt ?RErsrRt €As 970J62..1076 (t l) 9m,.t68,1.{rr (fdx) conE|.E Ritl 5i9!rG ||OIYGNOSS ELECTUC 97!.9,175{?5 (H} 970.9(5-{081 (far)gl'ltcts Jo|l Vromr iuoooe$rus.nrn {llr-* txct|. tit&tY 970.262,{O3E (fu) cont!ct$ lft8oeEftgrD tr'..02a . \fr0ain 8o9rt - O,rrl ;r' EFI.ERIYER'AIBI SlErluoiErllcT 970.a7L7.m G{f 970.476.{G9 (too CEfi(t: tu llE|Gc 91,^lh*c6crwd-orr ctlersTC^rrr gm.#.wtd.1t00(H) 970,.lClJ672 (1b,0 n, ^CorE! E dDqc l ' &rtt: r, ri.Es vdtErft e nC rdfv.-g:: d|tn& d er It?crEtfr b o!E|t . h& lyd Fm t fro|n !r. DOilIlNt! o,Pr.ffc ltat t ttElour| oaVd.h ary ouilc rloltot y 6 reElnrnt r fift| tle T(rn d ved. 7.2 /--\ b.\\r/.{ lmuwADP[OVALrvEuFr noil atE ffrtn . ,t 5:T j?g_p:Tl!_!lF_t.ryilg hrpfolrnlcrrt nr ,Et rnDrr ,y .ilrtrg B p|!pa..t rr't, Ef,r,|cq .l deo ro Y?lY Etc lvrlllry r|r| Elirl lb rrct o|tslrlnbtnlJnEba td h q$m6r rrtr gtprrrrg rorr Ldg' pbn rnrl sd*dary hEildort. A Jt: FL tn4rng g| tC ilrr fb pbr, rra faruoni O*-b.;$iffi ilfi-ib;u "fr;6r |pfwrl .nd vcr{ldorr. it t j i I 4 rl f t s Cle,t r. r ote uiny rgiovd e vcriffir frm hc dgnahr't' froil cxtr d dn urv carpnrc+ ad m coihtr*3 ,c mlde dnc!, '| lhcfa r,lt*To;nxil Fslro|tfl||N.r.m pnahrat -trt Urc errOoric in fsila Z r r utny cornpf,ry hc -,:1! "q.t|}G pqpi+ --g+t Uc uut, rgErtdrr dtit lrG olr.iy dr uE,fiV vsrsc*isr fottn tlut lhcre ir r poblrnr JrEr ni* o ue mma ihe lsn !i,cl- dtcr ;-;hfi;i-en uFd tGilr to tha I|q-or.Y+ ]|ffir, plFa r!:F in rfid Orrt t b th r.rpdrctt, f uc-otl rgerrl a16-nc rilriiri to niiorye kJrttfuFoilsn$ The D!trJ+!r S rlqulrd ar! rgEar b gtNr* nt rwird rtrrirg to t r uurr lof re+orrl I |G.v€ifodot , tna 9f94. *" - .ncrtd in rry rvtr .ft.r ttrr rlstc rfnrrm rrrc (unha arrmd iiotcuy illo "prh 61e 6g| m6rt |'sr d n*' for|i). ! I .l F:lteruoan@lHlto6..loc h|lrtofr! Drb ruE,lfrE Jul-ll-!00i |l:!6 Fron{IUSD 11017810t1 T-?ll P 001/001 F t00 Irrl\..\ ununtrPtnflAtlvmfic noil *|fl-ftHl{o ,. v.rfi thrt thc prop6d imtro,ttn stt wltl ncimPact xY alchg *.Pf'p5o-gry ssYicr!' and C3o to verify $|Yi€c ||dail*y ntd tocd;l-i; lE, 'timu'O,r .tl *nt'ii'Uc tiri h conirq$qt-iftt pc9ltht Fut ttf rty Cln tld sar*unm rrcu*onr. A dE F;'#J;ffi,g ei"t, froot pL' ano *'u"i' d'! b $btd*tl b thc blodft' udltitf for aeFwd rd Yrfitldim. quEsr 970.5r3.7rE9 (td) 970.3&{.0257(rd) 970.687.0722 (ot{) contr(ts: sGt c w efs swffisoodcat Qfo . ^ ,'l ('. t t"-a lrrl ErcEtl|Icfl ?nESSUnE6A5 970,262.{076 (td) 97tr.468.r,to1 (frx) &nt!ct! Rich sisncros HOLYCR6'ELBclrlG 97O.94?.542s (rc|) 97!.9{5,,t08r fsr) contEc JcfiVrflltt ,, -^ ivmcd@bhrcrocli@!! Lff" EXCET ETIRGY 970'264"P38 (rar) Conocts: acssMshElglr Comrt.||l crt ffi3&o*ii'""\ EACLi iIJERWAIERT sAl|r^nflqsTlllcf 970.{75.7{8{l (ttl) lffi'HtflS''qt-. .hadeeoawgd.C|'o eo||crsrcrlr.€ 9?0.,46S.f6944 1100 (d) 970.{68.672 (fa) corE:ordDottlr 'L/&0Q b?*tv (b@rocilE cr!!3ili.Sll ffi,n*, *ro*, a v€d6dgr furm hG i$arcsfrcn e..tt oa ute utlty comric. lrd rr srrnsttl ora mrdc direclty ; u,"'i".rn;dt 'i4nt wiu Flrrm dt t ttl€t re m poblar nd tlc daeloprnt at poc' z tf r dftt csng.ny hrs oqElrB q ute D.!P!4 cmtudton. ulc t/my ilF€aetr&t€ 9t l IEE drccuv m tha tdlky ;ftadiffi'lii rir@ r a pmug; *ria nirl p ur rr$awrl rttc Er dr|r|d iln bc .lr3.ld in n ltldlcd l€tt to th. Tqrn d Val. Howe|.r. Oon fe+ n mird thc t it thG t€*crdblfy C $e dilty cqtT'ny ild tha tppllce't to ttlolv' il6dtd Ptl|latni 3. Ttc€ ysfficninr .lo rfr rciln rhe dttldor d the rtponrSfr to olah '-hluts w'y Ptlr'|'|lt-lh'|l the Dca.|fiart df piiic w; i nc imr, * vur. rii*' F- @131t- ryHjq1:H3v or cdnm'nt Ttc Derdopcr tg rqdld rs aglr6 to $ffi ert ttrid ffi|s bttr udllr fof maprml i tGrG.iicrlioo itur' iii,rlnrJ-ir,, o,a-"f..A n rtt wr.l-lfUr Ure rrilrotau c0rrerrr date ('tiltll odulrit rn.dtrrly tloEd trthln dt @mm3rt dlr d u|B fBn). t,|thh thc Til|| d \hl. Dsrdotc/s ggnara P'166ry1p9q!\ttrntr\Phrnh0\DR8\tl!-mhot-rLll'a'2o5Sc Fq.ldlS ru2Va00l Jut ly an )g:rttj t'.u/ lo-l ''KcrcXueUcid{U RN"' tmuwArttoyfllYtlltrr'Til flE-[-l1<,-trtr uirrir-Dro?ad nwr,lrr,r rcr,nrr,rcdr BE rflvr,vt-, 15 & b ,rtt rUkray-dF.| m ctn ftr * otluttr r|tt naff b,rrj ; or;rruin *h gt9;|t' rq'' USry rIl rld ?tt-rheF+iTl.rn!ph,hrtufi|eerdpXa,trcorpn qtrh,aoairrrfUintirOtriri:-itnilii-dlui fr ltoif rld €fiGtfi. xttL sLrtll I LtY t ax..YNlultltJ)( fElbc q|IEr 970.5t3,7ut (rd) 970.3t{.02tg|I)9n,g,.7,0mldl r'i,&rtdr 3EV.U|.E .r*ti,megrcarg$ 0,'11,, rrdrrmrrrelilrr3ts ---T--- 370.264..ott (ld) ./1f\ f I em.rcr.r{orou) /tlllll Onairrnsir!'6 ,_V&W r4YCtG-BrGllrc, .. U 97!.9.t.54;t5 (rrt) jr | ,.1 tD.9.3.rlott (hr) , ,1t'- 1l' Cdt* S vlodr ' ivrdlcltqse.<cn {"" ruEC iu. Al**9 2r nk\ foe.rnal Ar-* *(4s S+rerl G**sd - mrsm llctrnlttv 970.26t.it039 (frr) Contxtr! xn !€rl 970:62.0r.Xrtlrn lqrt- U!' ," .,4a$Gr|ilCAI]I 910..63559 crt rrcO (Cr) 9t0..ts,2572 (fu) rr Conm: |tflEr P" lrft firadctb cdnc|'a,com Datraopg'r Sgtirrc 1. tq 0b -,4n.|rlYsf^lnl |l|?AftorEtilc" 9t0..t5.?.a0 gf) 97Ua76.aC, (rrc) CorE: E f5h , " fittlalCrtrralnio l. tt tlro udlv mow e ydllcilFr lom .hT tglrlr?.lrun ro of g! y!ry! cqrrp$o, .nd no coffinrrtr .{| nr|th dt'r.!,dr llr iorrn, gn T*n wt! pcsrfira thrt th?c ra m proltaar mo ur cl*pdrc aittroiei - - -- l. lf I uolity strp.Dy lrr| oramt wth rt| r!9e||a csfircal, q dry GFajufit rhd tur dne, cr 0|r,Jtlity !ffiqPL qnt tt ur?. r r pouin rhltb drl b b rw. nt,ru rinrk n|i b da.ilj h - mcia lGl' b triii Tdn- d YdL Hor.|r?, ths hrr h rniad U{ f b h. rgorblb of h. uU}, .trn;;-,rd Or |PDtEr b fFtw Hr|tifid rrcblciE, l. Th|I r,.itiouotr rlo not t.lcyc th. cqrtrx&r of th rlF iuiltv b. otrrin a hJUc wry ?|nr|l! ft|tr tj,ta Dortnfit C tiiDlc Wo.*r i bI Totil ot vr. '- i;. r;i:j.!4rif,-:; ;;f_*drn:r. '' crn d vrt. r bi|erlr r;r r rrffi'eitlJ'LrlL.- Tl'r. DG,rlop|f lr 'rqultd .q, !!iFr b rnr* -tt.rtti- ftr*Tt D tlF tfr.| fD rt{r!|!|rd i rrrdidor , ttrr .{,unnqt rlot tc lrt|l h r mr dir m earola qntrr CtOrrf Orful[ffi-iii ilh !|. sUrsrl -r. ot OJs hnl f:\atntoffit\prrrspnilsgpra\turfid-r!_lt 2$l03.tE plrsrlS oitE rvzt/il,ot sz-gr- ru=firift. *,- o.,J'ffi-*:,W, -gWSt 3, v n oC "cray rErvG€ lvd tfry rd boEr tiF |Iw qr-rdbl rU iba DruJ. aA!-'tiq| dr Erhg F lftfrrrtd sctlsuilc inl![|dms. A itr piil iddng grdtg ltrt h crl rr.! -rdUE lhrl tc rr.+r o m urnii rrEue3 for +provC er$ sfitlan- Arlt|orLrdtbnilutt lronraE e0 QryFT 970-513.7189 (td) 97o3E{.01t(fc)9m.@7.0n21d, {.ri Coobcs: Smre W[.rE .]Y lgdgllgrcrL<m 0l';11r : _ir EI€EIGSI 'NE TECl5 9t0.26a.$76 (d) 9r0.{tt.1i0 r (f!il) Cont ce Rlh Sbrcr6 roLY cross Et tcTtlc . em.$7s4zs (Rr) ilr,{$D.9r9..161(fE),r1r' 1[' cfitrcc ].|l vlwfl - iglnnQhfrwr.sl[l {tr' EXCTLEE'T 970:64{m(F.I) Ccu.ti l(h Baeil 9t0.f64.02*fSil'|tEogFt- (. l' ','' ' -,, TOT IIVERTAICTT $t[tAtloftEtucr 9ro..r7rt.7F (d) 970.47C.{C9 (Ar) Cmtrd Frtd lldc. r '' ftrdcsoenr96,ffo ,/tfl||Qrs:rcrrr! 970i6S:689 d. U00 (rd) 970..156.252r (f.x) r,contlch 8r.d Odc v' @ SD.i ur&rYrrrro'Arru fiy*rv*.J ur&'YrttloYArtru Th-fdrt| flrr.sro rrffy tr-!r Fr!9Fd.Frr||s|tsrfl nA tfGt|t dt aF! ?-n46 1. Ir hc lIilV Tptqc t, vrl0dil ho! llt canatrct ttm ci c th. ut €qnerth+ rrd m qrrrbrc ilrt. firty or tha farn, tiaTourxil Frr|mctl|* ttEr lla{, prfr|r l!' thcG*n* an fa, a tf . udry ('|pf|y trrs cEuttEwil nr Fieod ccrlll.tcl tlr dry n?ttffi,r ||rf tn fid, at tt! d|tt 'dn€niar hm tuttlFc B r Ft|3r r$idt n drD b.!dd, IfiChrtnltErocrlbtdh.rffitAuOri Town d lbfl. Hov€rir, CcE l(.!p h rfr th*, t b lh. trpffiy d thc uty GcrF ltd tlr ffitb ndt idcnillcd Dro0bnr. 3. th6a E itLrtlqE (b not rdelE dp cilte' d drc GrF$ry !o ottrb r hl* Wry Flttttut th oEont||attd lhc D.ydo9.r B ..qufet ailt .grc€ b eDmt fiy rused dnrhet E tl| uil5at f!. rFrFoyd & ,cu.'lfHo tr thr srbnlttcd plil5.rr.ltsed hfiywty 8frct S|| ilUrffiC *ttltrm dfr} (ut$dE xblrp.cn .ilynoE $iltdreil|rnt rnr d this fum). hflc lNdts.t6rT*0 dY|a r*hhth.?omCtU. oct clops''r 99neJ|! Ec F:\fr@r'Z}l0!5.6c Pr$tCA rrtintiDS , nd09:I 900['61 "trlf |d /9E'0rl A$U1rll ssoxc Al0|1 lJt 19,2CC6 2 iCPiJl ) H0LY (;lt05$ Htil((jY rru. ,0 ,Ll Fnor iDl'tal <lln r.Ir- g$4 unurY^rrmy Lrv'uFrcr,,o,. 7o/TTW."7 Thls fqn Jrves E vrf,y uri dE lord nrF!ranE|.3 d n4 rn9*l y ffiig a lqotcd rtft tfi,icls, n{ dso to vrrtft $n lac ddrHty rrd lantbo b rw ffifuclar rU lrub b! lEst in aqtncnon n|,i DnDdtre lqfi uilty plfr J|d sdrcdjlng iruUfttir6, A ctc pl4, lndudng g|!ftg Cao fioc DEr, rtd lhnltoE, rm[ bc $bnM b ttr. fo0odng uulitht r'+pro.6rmdvcrtutm. lAf poc#.ua$6€ P,eAti -ru46,lu-atiEld.lhiEt QUEST e7o.5r3,7rsg (td) 9Z)34r.0257(fa) 9m.6t7.0nil (cdl) r..r Co.rtrds: StErrc l{atrrs ,ry s!roQorTLcan o"tfltt oL-rou",*oro-, 9nt.262.4075 Cd) 970.,168.140r {f.$ Conb.t Rl(h $sEo6 H4YCnC$ErCruC 970.9{7.s.+15(td) }r't,1 9m.9s.rl08t (fu) r.,r lt '!l Conbct Jeaf Vmfln uosD@bshcIgllroo {t"" EICEL EXENEV 970.252.4038 (hx) Contactsi xlt 8o9rt 970.262.{lz,t Ka$uin3o9at- 1.lr ,,'' -,4A|3LC iIV;RUATIRI saxlTATlox Dusrnlcr 92r.416.1480 (E) 9ru.+76.rI89 (fa()cffi: Fr€.! lldce t fjad€c('€rrYsd.dt .,,.O0f3$Orlr.E 970..1682669 ott 1100 (td) 9n.#8.2572 (fu) t.ConE: &dDorc !/' bradelv -CpJClrOAhE rqDEttLe[I t, |f tho udlty ep4ovrl & verificatlon hmt h!5 signlturtrfrom cadr of th€ udty coflf.nlrr, lnd no coflnqrts arc mldr dttcuy fi tfic fionn, tfic Town wil Fesume that tfFE lrc no prollcnrs md tfte davCoFrnt 6n pruerrt. 2. tf ! utilry dtlpa.ry hrs ctrrr|t tu'th |hc fpoa.d cu|tEudfi, t|lc ttlly trFcllrtrdvr stlt rEb ffiy m ura ufty rE ncdin hrm thd theri b i pnltcm $tti n-.r b bc ndu!.r rh! hqr rhos th.'r b€ Cf.|Gd h rl illdld ktar to hl Town d tu. H(||!ttr. plclsc krrp h rtnld|.t t b 0r n6Do,rdEitt of U* uufrt @ny ad tra lpCb.t b r!$n idgt$cd godens. 3. Ih.3.vgificatirs&rdni.l|at|Ecati&dfi|Crlr9dlufttoobhrhrficWayttnnttcnttnDrptnartd Puuic vY* * thc Twr€f vd. urt |# rrlt tsiFhd}fri * rr rrf nlHk tCrtdri'or.EEt ueEl5 ttra Tfln d Vtt. Ablbn|ibdrHblrn d n h lldH rFrur- - ll|cDqrdogcbrq*€d.rd{rs to$b*'|yml!! tlilhgEtothcrrilli!'furrr.rprr tnrarllbdo rrhr sutmllrd thnr ro dtetEd h alv||ryfutln erthcbd Cltrrtre 'r*. (unb$ d|qrirta tpclbl, rEd '|fir ttrc o.rnErt reedthEfum). erEtr@ nllr lFccc tJ A t'crco --fcgpthrr€ eAnLg A+1. T[re ratery P/c tfer wrr,u tlgo-(i Bg r{(+-Elf ^, , "AraEc-<|fD -UanlEA h. iu \\- li 9s' ' ,q' oi+e'' d fo E 5!llsrEt*, Devdoplr'3 Sgniure Fr\dG^F0nfiryrrfl3\FtrdErD*qtb_mhq_Jt_tt-2!-zD5-.hc p{Groft:r Itlffiq ;*sffi*+*wD,t?0o5 we rch b it ectJ PC : iTRA NS1'|ITTAL To: Irom: ([: Bill Gibson l'lichael (urrent Re: 07.28.06 Rosenbach Residence IficrosED: Noris: Biil - l|rre an the changes that we would like to submit for linal DRB approval for the Rosenbach Residence. We have addressed the Board's con(ernl rogarding additional green space in the aut0 court and pnscning the two mature ev€rgreen treer in the south-east comer 0f the court. ()ur dients would still vcry much like t0 push for the acceptance of a pool. We have pulkd the pool, hot tub, and firepit 0utd00r featurer cloter t0 the house to minimire their impaC 0n the site and to lowrr the umciatrd site walls. lt looks like the top of wall condition at the poolt infinty edgc ir now 6 feet. }lopefully the Eoard will bc amenable to thh re-design, if not in thr vt06t case rcenario we will have a proposal ready without a pool, with a largu hot tub. We are planning on iust bringing this alternative to the merting with us, because we would prefer at all cost to procred with the plans submitted to you now. let me know if then arc any problms or if you havc any que$ions or need anything eke. Thank, Michael llll souu nottncr RoAD tvtiT srr 16 vAr. (0r.0uD0 u6ir 1r70.{?t.trt0 tr0.477.lr6i 1r1 www.khwebb.com I r D) 'o r o -t L.l n, c>J+1g PI "N i'lF \F $i F r I li I tl ll I I l lt |l ll tl il )-o t) 'l tro -lo \fix - ltr -l)\ ts..R -F--1. I I I I I rl EJ' I ol ol tl I ll I ll I lt tt J I I I -R\ T*.tr lr,n F. tJ- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I tl N ; d' 3.'o l- I lo b.- I I I I I t1 tl tl ll tl |l tl tl ll -ii o(]J :o(3I e.1 'l "l'r'l )l hl r-l ,l \l rl \l I I I I I r. ; F' I IN f" N I I lr o F: R ,>fl :.9 .5 :3 a I h lr't>-tl.li- I t^ $'\F I I I I I I I .r I t. I ln 7;,tl tl>lo. l=f(^t t=F\ l5 l* ro- I IN IO lz I r) lFl AJ t lz t-ult t-1 lc) l{I^' t.!tr? td. tl h ls I It I ?It/) l, ":-o=)\, rh -, <rrr B c)'t;5f-EHbE .J'..lj=ii,2=.K r .l rrt E.F.t.2 E: ^:- ; ('q € c).c .1 ..1 .i cr I rjl FA f{Ir I o F v-t ,_ H A-g s 5', I l- f..J lt{lr{t$ I I o I I I 1,.\ Lr I lo\I' I I I tl ln I\t l\ I I I Ir I .i a? -\ r* |\) I D\ l6 I I .vt c k. R ltn I6. /-l ll'-llv tl tl tl I\o l"r I o ; I I lst t' lN I I I I o\ t\, .3 o o L^, s \ ,,;rt i. ll 4 ftl! TEN * rls .\- t c.. \I tFt I t I i'i lt\ | I o k l\h,| | t'-t\I 1:-FI I trl I l\r t;l,I. i tf rt\ 9 .g I I .l IN I I I I .= l- K I z lo I I I 'tt o (./) o ! ,.} s I' f- ts!t\, t./r frr O o tA. c, b)N a ui b)' r-l r)q -rt n3 _ue (.) !E =<.8'3:3h'l .3380.4 'j .7'. tr {,UJ !r i{ F{. b pt,l3 | | tE lB llls 4d Jg D= L' z (,t)z I F. >J .::':iU F r.a u tzl ta\l ril 5 a s d,n (tt EA €.!EN E oE c.l u "S rF ^)I..*tn(2 u)z o o _.1 E L'' LJ o'.f= !-{ (J t l z c,H l,r) lJ I g tq ,.'s 'EF ,^o .nEiJovTn =q:?s.=i.,g E2 -dolJ € I E.g g * k E g 9 {o 6 :E'u 3 .7 i. "EEE.qgs'Eez d d E &, fi E E;i E f I tt r-l-, i I .8 -\ L' u1 .€ r4 ct r"t cD go€sY .5ll''ilo g'd.9FU 8';gHs V)QAlrnri .E€5 g fr, g z,t *g { e€gE t r€€Eg s #sfssHj3g$f$gg. z' .Jl tr<l t- 6 J ){ cn tr Ofrrlll-SltTl EElrELdPtiEXT Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Cornmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www,vailow.com Proiect Namel ROSENBACH CHANGE Project Descrlption: Participants: Project Address: 107 ROCKLEDGE ROAD Legal Descriptionl Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DR8060520 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APROVED PI.ANS TO RELOCATE HOUSE ON SITE TO VACATE EXISTING EASEMENT ENCROACHMENT OWNER ROSENBACH, SUSAN AND GARY 11/10/2006 Phone: 203-629 217 TACONIC RD GREENWICH cT 06831 APPLICANT K.H. WEBB ARCHITECTS PC 1l/10/2006 Phonet 970-477-2990 953 S, FRONTAGE ROAD, STE 216 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001627 ARCHITECT K.H. WEBB ARCHITECTS Pc LLlL0l20o6 Phone: 970-477-2990 710 WEST UONSHEAD CI& UNIT A VAIL co 816s7 License: C000001627 107 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Location: Lo$ 7 Block: 7 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE 1ST 2101-071-2001-1 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval; O2l 1312007 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year followlng the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pending employee housing regulations in whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, however, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulatlons by April L5, 2007, this Ordinance shall not apply to such development applications. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Pald: $20.00 ,.m Changes To The Approved Plans Appllcatlon for Design Review Departm€nt of Communlty Development 75 Soutl Frontage Road, Vall, Cdorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2128 tax 970,4n,2452 web: www,vallgov, com General InfonnaUon: A[ projects ]€qulrhg deslgn revle\i, must recelve ap$oval prlor b submltthg a bulldlng pcrmlt appllcatlon. Please refer to the submlttal requlremenb for the partlcular appro\ral tfiat ls rcquested. An appllcatbn for Deslgn Re\rlew cannot be accepted untll all requhod Informatlon le recelved by the Communlty Dwelopment Dopadment, The project may also need !o be rarlewed by the Town Coundl and/or $e Plannlng and Envlronmental oommlsslon. D$lgn r€vlcw rpprovrl laprer unlerc a bulldlng parmlt lr bsusd rnd oonstructlon commcnoer wlthln onc year of tfte approval. Dcscrlptlon ol the Requeat:fe E,a.-Atd +{at6 nr gtTg To \riFC,LF etiTt^r& €AlfillFruT €ilCi,o.e*$rLTtrf I CI 7 s) a F o h $o Locatlonof th€Prupocal: tot: t eloctl t SubdlMslon;-llL€ Phyelcal Address: parcot No.: Zl€le1!? !!ll (Conbd Eagle co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zonlng:f,t<,**lj( /5sa.' rbiqf-\ I{ame(s) of Owner(s):6osAr'*r ( e*-cr1 f45-tG'+4t+ Malllng Addregs:h.aT A3l 'Lo?,67)sv62- Owner(c) Slgnature(r) : Nrm€ofAppllcanh lrtk t^Ji3R AP{,thFz{l Malllng Addrecs: . TypeolRevlewandF€e: V changes to npproved Plans Submittal Roqulr€m€ntr: $20 For rA/lslons to plans already approved by Planntng Stafl or tfie Dsslgn Re\rl€w Board, 3 Sets of Plans AddEsslng ProJect Changes Slgnafure of Homeowner(s) or Assoclatlon F:tcd6,tFORMS\Po.r 6\Pla dng\DRBld6_dwtrc-lo-approwdJrlrm_lJragr_1G18-2006.doo \ I I **********'l'!***********'i*'**+********+***{'*'tf******'}**l+************+**************'}********{r TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement *****************+****************f*****+****+**'1f,**'1.*******+**+*'|*'r*f*****+****f+*+++**fft* gtatement Nuriber: R060001939 Amor:nt: $20.00 lL/L0/20O6LO:12 AIvI Payment Method: Check Init: iIS Not.ation: 2148/K.H. WEBB Permit No3 Parcel No: Site Address : Location: Thia Pal.ment: DRBo50s20 2101-071-2001-1 107 ROCKI,EDGE RD VATII 107 ROCKIJEDGE ROAD I)T)e: DRB-Chg to Appr BlanE $20.00 **!*'lr****{(***+**+***++'i*'1.'*{r**{.f't*******'}**,}*********************+'l**'t****t**+t+tttf*+*'}****** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DeEcrlption Current Pmts DR 00100003 LL2200 DESIGIN REVIEW FEES 20.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 a TOIIhIOT'I/A[, f4 DEartment of Community Dnelopmmt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Cohrado 81657 970-479-2r38 FAX 970-479-2452 utww,oailgou.com November 30, 2006 KH Webb Architects Attn: Michael 710 West Lionshead Circe, Suite A Vail, CO 81657 RE: Rosenbach - 107 Rockledge Road/Lot 7, Block 7, Vail Village 1'r Filing Dear Michael, The Town of Vail Statf has reviewed the design review application for the proposed changes to the previously approved Rosenbach Residence addition located at 107 Rockledge Road. The following is a summary of the comments from that review. . Adjust the second level eastern cantilever (i.e. bathroom) to comply with the side setback reouiremenls.. Submit an updated landscape plan.e Submit reVised landscape area calculations (minimum 60% of lot area). Label the top and bottom elevations of all retaining walls.. Submit PE Stamped drawings for all combination retaining walls and all retaining wall greater than four feet in height.. Revise the driveway entrance to not exceed 28 feet in width.. Submit details for the new wall/fence located east of the visitor parking spaces. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contacl me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, 4r/.zz-^4- .4-t-.--- Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail lwctczto t*u n c)o z U'{F C o =o z !m F ={ 'Tt t Or- z=o@ t= 6c,z -IG -t d @ m _lO L'O l-.8 E l; o :t l'fiE e 19s :l t-;o tm _u IrE I l<-{1 l=t :T=6.e 4o.6E n&FE fi5 I !m ! 5 { =-t1t u, -I z 6) x-rJ m -m o -{v o t- ! 3 m o - z.o t- D!€ c) 2.4 7Z >m ot -{>or 7 o i v o r t- =(! z a t!z 3 m o I l" I I o r OJ q,(r) (D Fr v,(+ I , = F z,e E rf1 atr =vr EP rn r t- a o 2 ilt9 ile il: slF l6 I F Hrn tgE lzl t!l t>l lFl lrl tml 19' I FI tl ll m F (tr E an'r t{lt 13 tr' tfi P t I l-{ ls t3 l-rt t<t> lF II lf tz F L p F r m -|-{E F U' c) tJl J n c q o = iF r-F >l EF f,p (,Fh 'fn 8F o t')tf otD :st)|,|t+ =n EI o.l =l sl t D F D p o w m v, P t\) o ,c) F o o (D oz =q r1-1 t Lr Eo FO l!K)<Fr o t'n Hr arlm <f,t { -{o @ m x m !{ o z L o @ )a { m !m v ={-{/ { '/i a7-r =o z r m 3 { U)z m m o m l< '- lz t- m 6 z o =z l- ! 'c)r\,F +oi E Rf ar-m Fio nlr1 E 68 c)<2 2 29 3: g c 20 - -l o6 6 arz 2 t o ,iE |J>_ N@= Sm=t.rI-$-<,< = F & F lPr ,=Itl 'c, gl|,r >(+illo F Ir.c) rS I I 1". F r l\) lro t (o l@ t{ {o -.1 r !m n =t -n m m v, (o F 2 C'!m u ={ Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing zone - Com ments: Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Town Planner Staff Approval -PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: fdty, * INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL _______@'"yE2 THUR FRI INSPECTION: BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PFovED Ag tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: L, DATE INSPECT a {et ==, et -l E g l- g z o p t|l fl 3! 1 -l t-'i t- t m t-- m D 11 - |n trl rn m z { at ;z m z m m D - D z ;n ilx \, t\r i o< cm 'D^ z^ 12 t;> ah tr-l ot ;;I z 9> Z^= N 't! ;:l;l$ VALUATION tlt il 6 "o F, >- z z o |l .l o rl ,i ,) tn FI o ttt o 'i z o ; t,f I ! DtrSIGN nnvln\'l llo^nD DATE OiI [II']'TING: T1ETIBERS PRIS]INT: SURJECT: ACTION TAKEN BY IIOTION: VOTE: BOARD: f,A,Xl ry* FOR: SBCONDID BY: AGAINST: |tilflfr ',i4{ur,n AI3ST]]NTION: ./ ^ r)r)nn\t Ji l'\ , , ,/,I l' t- L L\. DISAPPIIO\'liD: --.-*- SI.JIIIIARY: o 'l fr T Y DESIGN REVIEI!' BOARD ACTION DATE OF MEETING: I'{EMBERS PRESENT: SUBJECT: TAKEN BY BO }!OTION: VOTE: FOR: APPROVED: DISAPPI],OV[D: ABSTI]NTION: va /h.4- /r,n AGAINST: SUIII\IARY: t ARTHUR G. BISHOP 8 CO. The Design Review Board Vail, C0 81657 Gentlemen: Arthur G. Bishop & Co., in beha'lf of Grace McKnight, the house at 167 Rockledge Road, requests a roof change on Present'ly the house has a tar and grave'l roof. It is that approval be given for a cold roof with shake shingles.letter are two pictures showing the house and the roof. Thank you very much. November 10, .|976 owner of the house. requested lrlith this /-/ t O