HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 7 LOT 8 A LEGAL.pdfa t ilL E COP TOWN OFVAIL Department of Communiry Development 75 South Fronnge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 Scptcrnbcr 16, 1997 Larry Eskwith Bailcy, l{alring & Pctcrson Vail National Bank Building 108 South Frontagc Roacl Wcst, Suitc 307 Vail, Colorado 816-57 Rc; Cappy EHU Proposal Dcar Larry, Thank you lbr your lettcr of August 2 l , 1997. proposing a solution to thc cmploycc housing unit violation at thc Cappy llcsitlcncc at 166 Forcst ll.oad/Lot 8, Block 7, Vail Villagc First Filing. As you rcqucstcd, I rcvicwcd and discusscd your propo$al to allow your clicnt to dccd-rcstrict crnployce housing oft'-sitc in cxchangc for thc Town's rclcasc of thc EHU dccd-rcstriction rcquironent on l-ot 8 with thc stafl'. As a rcsult of our discussion, the staff bclicvcs that whilc thcrc may bc somc rnclit to our proposal, it would bc bcst if thc illcgal construction that occurrcd at your clicnt's rcsidcncc bc rcmovcd and thc cmploycc unit rcnted pcr the rccordcd dcctl rcstriction. As you are awalc. this issuc has bccn ongoing fbr months. Whcn you rcccivc tlris lcttcr, pleasc contact mc so wc may discuss issuing thc building pcrmit to rcmove thc acccss door installcd illegally and rcsolvc this violdion. lf you or your client havc any questions or conccrns, plcasc do not hesitatc to call. You can rcach rnc by tclcphonc at 479-2145. Sinccrely.' fL+?et-t George Ruthcr. AICP Town Planner {g rr"r"uo " r", i t - ; 3 ,' jtl JI , '.Jtl a ot//c,' 'q:OEJyED 3a: i 9 i93! ' ',.\\r, \/ z -_J :<r -; !!!!o 5 IFO -dt('Er+ o -Or rol o|IG i!:f,tul -FS -6 -ao rroz :N =n8 -"d :F IoD6 _ot IFIO :\GI ICr . IFIIO -oa rortl :tO :ot.r.E5o -aO Fr ct e1 Tho Typ€ t EHt, sha rEt b. dl'r,ld€d |nb ary ?om o{ ttmafiaree, lmarvat owrEfrhlp, o,. Itadional leo ownorslrip as lhGo lorna Nr€ dst|nd In tho Muldpsl Code o, hr To*n of l. Y.+irritlg'ittJulji ; trii,.r il<.rct-r:,ri;-reL ifJ a poor oopy u.nd rl11 not pi'iotograph weLl . Thie N' not the fault of thts offioe' Ol TYPE I EMPLOTEE HOTJSINO tJNIr RESTRICTIVE COVENI|NT vvtlER EAS,ls fiE owns of cori n ('flg PropefiO; end \ftIERF-AE, fio Oflnr wtsh8r tO daDa c€rteif €6fbfo|E on tr|g u6e qt a untt or aFsrEn€nt loclfed oo the Ptoperty ror fie Oon€fit st h€ Onner arit 6. Torn ol Vail, Cotorob filto To$,nJ. Notlr, TI|€REFOBE. fia Ofn€, froa6 heroby trpors, B'tsuirtr. rcrnowraqs, dootar€ lbt dr.bondl ot all pssorE yrho mef h€rwralter ptjrfiAse, 0r 16655, 61, hod th6 suqed land the folts,rirp ' rsrFicliong, covefiants. arE col'tjlUo/lr, all of vrttl$ t' afi bo desmod b ftn tri$ ihe tur, and In|,rr to h€ Denc{it Ead bs borEing llan ts Omar, h, rssp€cfv€ grarnee', carao*orri"rd "'{rig||!.J 1 . Ths Eriddyee Hourirq Unil, contaJnfq 3b0 Hsquur le€L is:hsroby ,€$trbt4d a6 a T,oe I EnprsyE€ Houring r.rnit (EHt4 whrch mu't c'rflpry q'rrh alr thr o,ovlsro* of se{dofiF 1g.S-t.020, 1&57.090, E ld 1g.F7.o.JO o, trtc val Muntdpei Cbde as amanded. 2. The Type t Enploye. Xo*i'a Unit"ha! bo leasod b tonanh ?ho arE iJl-tirns emdoyees rrrho work h E€ote County. An Ettt 8ha,l not bs l€es6d tof a poriod less than htrv corB€cliiv6 days. ftt fta p{trpocas of tti6 s€c[sn, a fulFunF€nrploy€o b on6 who rro(ko 8n avorag€ ot thlrv horrrs otdl tvoek. , 3. A Typ€ t FHU r,'!, b€ sold, !"anrfsrod, of convsled u"grysfi*V fro.n any .tnglo,amlV or btlo hrnly dwoltim onv il it maets fie blloilhg condldone: : . al n must be us€d by t\o OFEi ot ho Typ€ I EHU !E a p€rmancnt rsirence. Fol th€ urposE o{ ttts pahgr'ptr, e p€rmenml rrsio*'o 6|,"[ mean rh, home or da'o in *htch one'6 haDtbtbn lr nr€d ar*l to wfii:i one, xhmarer he ot sltc lt . eIsf,t ha3 r pra3odt Inlendon of r€o/mhq aie, a d€prrttjr5 or a.b6€noe thrrrrrom r€giambdr ol $. durEion of rhs€nca. tn derernrinirrg wttat lo a ponrl. Ed r€sberr, t\€ To?rn stltf dharl hj(s thB,olbwirE o;m.rnsanes rehtlno b b€ orrEr of lha rEsldenco itto o4counE Uslrese pislits, ernCoym€nl Incorna sourcs. ra3idencs ba irsm6 or oMg !u purpos€$, !06. marltal sbiro, ,Eldonca ol parsots, spouse Uld d ftBo it any. localon ot plional ,rd rEal plop€r?. erd nFtor vohtds r{lnr{b bl tf a Tlpe I EHu is gold, t€nSecrud, or con\rslFsd csrrah{y fom lhB othe? unit in a nrc.Famfy d+sfltng R b I psn d, fiflr bofi th6 Typo I EHU and tho untt to tvhtch it i! dlchad Ehall bo BubJoq to al thg prc,iabnB sat fud| In SecUon .t8,57.@0. 5. 7. 6 8. L 10. 1',l Or No later than February 1 ol each year, the owner ot sach emptoyee housing unit within the Town which is constructed lollowing the ellective dale ot this chapter shall submit two copies ol a repo( on a lorm to be obtained lrom the Community Development Department, to the Community Development Department of the Town ot Vail and Chairman ol the Town of Vail H0using Authority setting forth evidence establishing that the employee housing unit has beon ronted throughout the year, the rental rate, the employee, and that each tenant who resided within lhe employee housing unit is a lull.time employee in Eagle Gounry. The owner ol each EHU shall rent the unit at a monthly rental rate consistent witl) or lower than those rnarket rates prevalent lor similar properties in the Town ol Vail. The Town of Vail Housing Authority will determine the market rate based on the study ol other units ol comparable size, location, quality and amenities throughout the Town. The market rate shall be based on an average ol a minimum ol five rental rates ol comparable units. ll the unit is not rented and is not available at the market rate lt shall be determined to be in noncompliance. In addition to any other penalties and restrictions provided herein, a unit lound to be in noncompliance shall be subject to publication as determined by the Housing Au0l0rity. Fifty percent ol the parking required lor the Type I EHU shall be enclosed. lf a garage is to be shared by both the primary r€sidence and the Employee Housing unit, access to the garage lr0m the Employee Housing Unit shall be guaranteed by the owner of the primary residsnce. Thirty days prior to the transler ol a dead lor a Type I EHU, the prospective purchaser shall submit an application to the Community Developmenl Department documenting that the prospective purchaser meets the criteria set forth above and shall include an aflidavit aflirming that he or she rneets these criteria. The provisions ol theses restrictive covenants may be snforced by the Owner and the Town. The conditions, restrictions, stipulations, and agreements conlained herein shall not be waived. abandoned, terminated, or amended except by the written consent ol both the Town ot Vail and the Owner of the property. d gl e1 By: I |llilt ililr ilil ll|il ilI ]]t ililt ilt illt illt |lll 611960 6l/ 13/ 1997 03:26P 2 of 3 R 16.00 D 0.00 N 8715 P984 373 0,00 Eaglr County Clcrk jt"day ol ^,r\, -^6m:^.i^n ^_^:.^.. Anne E. Wright, Notary Public 'v,, Lv"""'rr'\r' ' r,^r./rrEr. _ ___d{resnimissisnBipier6lFlggg 75 S. Frontagc Road 2 I ra\1!n. in(lr\clNr nl't do municipal corporation . McLaurih, Town Manager Notary Public o; o, fec"r"$e< Eo1ly HcCutcheon Torgo Clerk Town of Vail 75 S- Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 I lilill llill ilil] ]ilt ]lt lil] ililt lil ilil ilil Ltl 611960 0t/t3/t997 03;26p BTtt p984 373 3 of 3 R 16.00 D O.OO N 0.00 Eeelr County Clcrk t{gr r1 The,lor69oin9 instrurnofil was ac&novri€dged bglore me ,n,, j t 0., 5:{\iv-L.Toj k- Norary pubic-*--[V- Bnrlnv, [Iannnvc & Pnrrcnsox A h.oFEssroNAL CoRPoRATToN ATToRNEYSATLAw LINCOLN CENTER 1660 LINCOLN STREET, SI,IITE 8175 DENVER, COLORADO 80264 TELEPIIONE (303) 837-1660 FACSIMTLE (303) 837-0097 August 21,1997 VAIL NATIONAL BANK BIDC, IO8 SOUTII FRONTACE ROAD WEST, SUITE 307 VAIL, COLORADO 8165? TELEPIIONE (970) 4?6.0092 FACSIMILE @7 0\ 41 9-0447 % L-uc g,6luV1 \*il rliU*ge Mr. George Ruther Planner, Community Development Department Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 Re:166 Forest Road Dear George: I appreciate you and Andy meeting with me the other day on behalf of my client, Mr. Michael Cappy, to discuss GRFA use on the above referenced lot. As you are aware, Mr. Cappy presently has a Type I employee housing unit on the lot that contains 650 square feet. Mr. Cappy would like to have the employee housing restriction removed so that he may utilize the 650 square feet lawfully, pursuant to the new amendment to the Town of Vail GRFA ordinance. However, Mr. Cappy realizes that this would not be fair to the Town of Vail, as the Town's interest in obtaining employee housing would not be met. Mr. Cappy suggests therefore, that in lieu of restricting the 650 square feet of GRFA on his property to employee housing, Mr. Cappy purchase an offsite employee housing unit containing no less than 650 square feet which would be restricted pursuant to the Town's employee housing agreement. In fact, although I have not fully discusscd this issue with my client, Mr. Cappy may be willing to purchase and restrict two off-site employee housing units. We believe that independent off-site employee housing would be more appealing and affordable to prospective tenants than a 650 square foot secondary unit attached to a primary unit. The concept of meeting Town of Vail employee housing requirements off-site is not new. In the past, Special Development Districts which were required to provide employee housing as a condition of obtaining increased GRFA have been allowed to meet this requirement by purchasing oflsite employee housing units. Ls* fr Mr. George Ruther August 21,1997 Page2 Please advise me of the staffs position on this proposal aftu they have had a chance to consider it. Ifyou have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely,M Lawrence A. Eskwith LAE/dn Enclosure II\t',il1 It f;! j ! .:l i I \0 o ./ ./ ,.. -. !. ,!, tt Fooh.l / Exltt,H J_ "l -/Plre -- z _Pdd z* Ct. l{0. 6iax *- rgetyw &2 I o o -o .r'l m .n =--1 o @ m x m -o -l z @ I -m b F4 r)r" rt 14 r \o \o F. m F =-t z I lr t\t\ll l-.r l-r t-t lf\) I o o z o -t o T i a m t- '11 CIIECK REQUEST PREPARIID BY: -----\'DA'fE: VENDOR NAME: VENDOR NUMBER: DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND F.oR BP # NAME OF JOB: ACCOLINT NUMBER: OT OriOO IZOOZ AMOUNT OF REFUND:d> DATE APPROVED: APPROVAL SIGNATURE: ffi' *HmlH 'ffi-'= ilIillil*1, i ;t o =z t- n m tffil;Ei = z llglEHl ; i =EllEl:f l: i: l;il n I =O rr|g Eloii lol oE: tr ,df o; Iz rn=l D nlz= l2t o or Z slHs l8ifiai s BlEe lirzlt ? H|EE lsrE!l x SlZz | >rrll I ot o titro ElEa l=r I Bl9al, I ZIZ:' I rts lP 'l.'l I ri iY I<l I rL! lN lEl I r? r?l*l I lF ix Irlt | |lr.ll I I ol lel lEr :i I lBl l't I llBl ll'll-llri tl -t t- m = =_Tl m m u, d F tr ts rr tr c U'm + x t-m z c I'l L m 9. z m tn € m o m I =z m m =m I z t- T t-c = 2 o m l-m o -t o -o t- z -m 7 c z m = m 3 =11 m m u) VALUATION =m 2 |. t- =z m t-m a 6 t- (D c - 2 \) D- o o \J o L! o LN |.J @ <@ e fvl a't F{A -0 f{l -r l'l g F{l rg tl ft rG E9 Ft Ft -L+t gt r+ -l't ,F \- GI Ft T ts F r+ are -)6 E9 F{l E gt -lo F H a- -.rar F,w -r ara rtl E f9 r)? an ,-l i r+,H F l!| ha -F+ -.i-A{+ .': :l -,.1 +;*+*=-i-+:=o i; ,- -; :r: -lq-jx ^rZ--i>jrJ-r. vfr.r'r<*=t+ir; 5d>a AUr= Za--lr -.: \J -F -, FI !-r-.-: ss=e -\^>>. 7_f -rl -..1 Z;--,xkd X>.-'c?t :- () i!: { -ae <:rr z E(f, --,, F r- ! i?1 -x> ;- r- fn YQZ Z:J A flt \J -\ - 'tl XS++"fr ? 7-': ^,-z '1 r\-F -\>u j-j= >>u ZZc ;<> --A Hto - -_l \J L,J ln F'T z Fd r< ts rt,z u)r{ { H H rll o I u) =._4 = =z 19 lJ- it-, r I t I 2 = i<z I I i ..; t H P rq t- c) h) \, lFE$g5 ; iqeE e ; iFE ig silgEE F;Eiti 5+=*l lEiia !o -l o z It f o ah r >o m I )r,LT COPT January 27, 1997 Michael Cappy 9300 Shelbwillc Road #300 Lo uisvil le. Kenttcky 40222 RE: Type I Employee Housing Unit, at 166 Forest Road/Lot 8, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Dear Michael, The Town of Vail Dcpartment of Community Dcvelopmcnt received an anonymous cornplaint of a zoning violation at your residencc. Thc cornplaint rclatcs to tlrc illcgal construction of an interior connection between the singlc-family rcsidcnce and thc cmployec housing unit. Pursuant to Section 18.57.020K of tltc Municipal Code. "Each EHU shall have its own cntrancc. There shall be no interior acccss from any EHU to any dwelling unit it may bc attached to." This lctter shall scrve as written noticc of the violation of Scction 18.57.020K of thc Town of Vail Municipal Codc. Thc violation shall bc a misdemcanor. punishable eithcr by finc of not less than twcnty dollars an{ not more than thrcc-hundred dollars. or uot ntorc than nincty days'jail sentence, or both. lbr cach and every day that such violation continucd. Upon rcccipt of this letter, pleasc contact nle within fivc working days at thc addrcss above, or by tclephone at970-479-2145. so wc may discuss thc corrcction of thc zoning violation. Failure to coniact ms within five days shall lcsult in this issuc being turned ovcr to the Town of Vail Municipal Court. Obviously. our desircd course of action is to rcmcdy the violation without having to resort to going to court. I anr hopeful that we can rcach a mutual agrccmcnt and resolve this issuc to cvcryone 's satisfaction. Sinccrcly. George Ruther Town Planner xc: R. Thomas Moorhcad, Town Attorney Susan Connelly, Director of Community Dcvclopmcnt Iq[J 3jl1 / T0tiN 0F vRiL C0M-DEU Posl-lt'r brflnd fsx lrgn$ririltal 03-479-2452 RUG 96 LO:42 No . 004 P . 01 20'o CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT Lsgrl Dordriptiorr: l-oi 3 Bbct< J_, SuMividon u".i t vt I I age lstFlling . Date of E,Flratlon: q/30/05 Addreea: 166 forgst-.Bsg$.-Lqi.L' -Q9-.- Account Numbor:!.!8@@ DEVELOPEN fi FHOVEMENT AGHEEMENT THI$ AGHEEMENT, made end ontersd into thie Jo_-day ot 4gsij_*."-., 19lgq, by and among Beck and Assoctates. rr!g-,,., (herelnafter cglled h9 'Ds\rglopef), and frre TOWN OF VAIL (herelnafter called the Sorn). Agreement;and iudgment of sel forth WH i C,ondilion 0f apprwal'of lhs Lan9sggge Plans. ..- wlshes to onter IntO g Devsloper lmprovernont to proWe sou.lrlty provlslons for wlrhes to performence ol conshuctlon of the to wlth thsT In a doller amount of s_l!,!!o.(1 for the the wotfr to pnnrlde Eecurlly Cappy Residence Landsca $ 23,270.00 $ Boo.oo $ 24,070.00 x 1.25 Copper I'la I I Pl an each 0 $100.00 ea $ 30,087.50 Evifop0r rhallcompleb, In a good workmantike mannsr, all n acdo|danc6 lt,ith ell plaffi and A. NOW, T}{EBEFOHE, in coneidoration of the followlng mutual covsnanF and agreements, tho Dwghper and fte Town agree es tollowt: The Developer 8gn$, st lb solo cost and rxpensqs, to tuml8h ell 6qutpm0nt ecaEsE}-t*RQrlorm ard complete all lmprovements, on orbefore WHEREA$, tho Dwelopor Plane, dalod August 2 Incldental thsrdo accodlng to and In o0mp[ancg wtth the foltorying: a. such other deslgns, drarlngs, maps, spednca||ons, skstctee. and oher mattsr submltted by the Dwcloper to bE approvad by any of the abov+referenced l0lug:llSlfll{T"fl !"l1gy:Hl1|*d_111,i19""i,11"i[T$ron_orand gryn aocoruanco wtn eil ptaffi and $pEclflcailons fllEd in the Ovelopmant Dapartment, tre Town ol Vail, and to do all work t t t E'4 L iEt ,lr g:t*r' -{r@,-€s /a. Sucn omeralgns, dftNflng$, mepa, rp€c|noefionqft"n"", and other matter submltted fihe Developerto bE approved by anyVEre abov+reterenced govemmsntal snti0et.. Allsald work shallba done under the inspection of, and lo the sailsfaction 0f, thc Town Enginoer, fio Torm Buitdlng Ofticlal, or other otflclal from the Town of vall, a8 aflectod w rpectat dtgtrtds or servtce dtstflcts, as thelr rerpeotlve h&lrust may appear, and ghqll not be doemod complete untll approved and Eccoptafl aa comploted by tho Town of Vail Gommunlty Developmont Departnffit and Pubth Workr Department. 2. To Eecule and guarantii pcrformancg of ih obligatioru as set forlh herein, the Developer agrces to provlde seolrlty urd collatorEt a$ followt: PiSo 1 of 3 / TotJN oF vRIL cotl-DEU T3-47e-24s2 nucee6 10 :43 No .004 P .02 A cash deposlt eocount In hc emount of $_fE $9.=00__tg b6 hotd hy ltre Town, as o$crow agent, sh&ll provldo Bto sccudty for the lmprsvemenle set tortr above lf there is a dpfault under the Agreement by DwEbpEr, 3. The Dwolopcr may al any tme substltute lhe collateral orlglnally set forth above for another form of collatefal aocqbble to t|e Town $ guErantee ne tatttrtul completion of .thoss improvemenb tolenud to heloln and &e pBrlormanc€ ot ths terms of thts Agraement. Such aEcsptanco by tht Town of dbmatlve oolhteral ehall be at the Town's sole dlsaretlon, 4. Tho Tovtn thell not, nor shalleny offlcer or snployes hereof, be llable or responshle for any aooldgnl, loes ordgmrge happonlru or occuning to the work specified In thls Agreemont prlor to the complctlon and rmaptanae of lhc sarne, nor ghall the Town, nor any olllcer or omployee thereof, bs llable lor any pEttonr or property Injured by reason of the naturo ol ssld work, hut all qf eald llabliltice ehall and are hereby asaumcd by the Dweloper, The Developer hereby agrcss to Indemnlly and holrl harmless the Town, ard any of irs offlcor8, aggnts end omploys?B ag*tgt any loeeas, clair[!, damages, or liabilitles to which the Town or any of lts offhers, agents or employees may beoome subject to, insofar as any such l088ss, clalm& damagss or liabilitlee (or aotlons in respect thereo0 that arlse oul ol or are based upon any performgnce hy ths Dgvelopgr hergund$; end the Developer shBll rgirnburse tho Town for any and all legaf or othcrc,(pgnses reasonrbly Inouned by he Town In c9nnectlon with lnvestlgatlng or dctrndlng any euch loEE, dalm. damago, llablllty or actlon. Thls Indamnlly provlslon shall be In a*lltlon to any olher ilr&iltty wnrcn me Dev6bper may have. 5. lt ls mutually agreed lhet the Developer may.dpply to fre Town and rhe Town thall auth0flzo for partiEl rolease of thg wllateral depoelted wittr fte Town lor each category of lmprovement at euch tlme as such lmprovemsnts a|E ogntfuctect In comptiancg wlth ail ' plans and spedlllcatlons as referEncod hereunder and accopted by the Towit. Under no c0ndiilon willthe amount of the collataral frat is being hpkl be rsduced below the amount necgssary t0 complete such improcmanb. 6. lf the Tow-n determlnCf trat any of the improWmonts conlomplalad herein are not.oonslructed ln compllance wlth trc plafls and spesficatlon$ set forth heiein by thB dato set forth In paragraph 2, the Town may, but ghall not be rcqulrud to, wlthdraw from thE cash gleposlt such funde as ma-y be n6o6isEry to complete tre unfinlshed lmprovements. ThE Town ehall releass such funds upon ffre wfitten requgst of $e statf ot frre Comrnunity PevJlopment Departnent etating fietfie tmprovomene hevo not beon compteted ai requirsd by the agreement. Th€ Town slrall not rsgdru the ooneamnce of the.dweioper prtor toine rolease ol thp funds, nor shall the Tomr be requlred to vorlfy lndryend€ntly that the l.mRloverye.nu hevo not beon cornpleted as rcdulrod by ttrb Agrodment, hit shalt roleasE such funds eolely upon the r€quest ot the Communltir OevelbpmeniDeparrment. lf the qosF of complefing fie'wod( sxc€sd ths emount of the d€posit, ths oxcFss, together wllh lntered at twelve psroailt p€r snnum, shgl b9I ilen agaitigt tho proporty ancl m?.y qo collsctod by clvlt sult or may be oertlfled to tfis trearurer of Eagte Couhtyio O-e collected ln the sarne manqer ar dcllnqrent ad valorim taxee levled agalrcl suatr pmperty. ll ths psrmn holder felle or refuuoB to-ooriplete fts daenup and tandecaftng, ar detthod ln itrts chsptgr' euch fallure or refusal shall bc consldered a vbhtnn ot tne zbntig coue. 7. The Dcvolopar wanentt all work and materlnl tor a perlod of one year after ffi:csptanoe of all work rsfsnsd to ln thls A0reement by ilte Town iursuant to section 17.19.25t' if cuch wotlt le locatsd on Tourn of Vail properg or withln Town of Vail right-of-way, F Tha nnrllsc haratn rrrrrftrallv anra.a thcf lhlo Arrraamanl mav ha ornaru{ar{ frarrr 7. Thc Dcvdo5.wanilth allwork and mahdal for a pgdod of one year after tri8:tr?:Hill3fr i:ffi sH#H,i$g#i;T,fi #ffTffif$il*,**. 8. Thc pafllos hsrsto muttdly agrec that hls 4groement may be amended from tlms to tlmo, provldod hat auch rmrldrbnb br In wdtlng And Fxootrted by all partles hereto. Dated lhe day and year flnt rbove vfflttgn. Prgr ? ot 0 TOIdN OF URIL COI'I-DEU wltnes8 my hand and oflioial teat. My commi*ion explros: $TATE OFCOLOHADO ) couNTYoF EA.LE ) ss' 2f ':,Z;::ffi:ffiYY\WV*^'|mW^'WW;i:H:'::i:::: Wttness my hand afft offhlgl My commisslon explres: 4 ' a IfO5-4ie-24s2 STATEOFCCILORADO ) ) sE.couNwoFEAGLE ) Theloregolng Developer lmpmvement Agreemrent $,as acknowledged beforo me tlrls 29. day Ot-A!tgll9! . l9pgb! Andrew J. Beck, President of Becli and Associates,-Inp. 10:44 No .004 P.03 President, Beck .and Associates, Inc. t{dd.d 028/lL l- I *o#"""rN .'NSULTTNG "*"rs"*,CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS I I SOILS AND FOLINDATION INVESTIGATION PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 5, FILING I, BLOCK 7 126 FOREST ROAD VAIL. COLORADO Prepared for: Chupa Nelson R. A. Nelson & Associates P.O. Drawer 5400 Avon, CO 81620 Job No. 95-155 September 28,1995 DENVER:12354WestAlamedaPrkto!.,Suite130,Lakewood,COE0228(303)9E9-1223 AVON: P.O. Box 1791, Avon, CO 81620-1794 SILVERTHORNE: P.O. Box 2747, Silverthorne, CO 80198 ;ftli*^N ,at I I I t I I ',,j:.iL;r::i;- , $-,)tt' '" i:i:' ; li. sase r j .:,-1*y .. 'r. .)ttl t T I I t t I I T T I I l. t TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SITE CONDITIONS INVESTIGATION SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SITE GRADING BELOW GRADE CONSTRUCTION FOUNDATION FLOOR SLABS FOTINDATION DRAINAGE LATERAL WALL LOADS CONCRETE SUR-FACE DRAINAGE COMPACTED FILL LIMITATIONS VICINITYMAP LOCATIONS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS LOGS OF EXPLORATORY TEST PITS TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL TYPICAL EARTH RETAINING WALL DETAIL I I z -1 A .l 5 6 6 6 8 8 9 10 l0 ll l2 Fig. I Fis.2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 ,al T t t I I T t I I I I I I t I I I T I t ,) T I t I t t I I I t t I I t T T T SCOPE This report presents the results of a soils and foundation investigation for the proposed residence located on Lot 5, Filing 2 in the Vail Village Subdivision, Vail, Colorado. The approximate site location is shown on Fig. 1, Vicinity Map. The pulpose of our investigation was to evaluate the subsurface conditions at the site and to provide geotechnical recommendations for the proposed construction. This report includes descriptions of subsoil and ground water conditions found in the exploratory borings, recommended foundation systems, allowable soil pressures, and recommended foundation design and construction criteria. This report was prepared fronl data developed during our field investigation, our laboratory testing, and our cxperience with similar projects and subsurface conditions in the area. The recommendations presented in this reporl are based on the proposed residence construction. We should be contacted to review our recommendations when the final plans for the structure have been developed. A summary ofow findings and conclusions are presented below. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY l.Subsurface conditions encountered in the two exploratory borings were relatively uniforrn. The subsurface materials consisted of 4 to 5 fcet of topsoil underlain by cobbles and boulders to the maximum depth explored of 8 feet in TH-l and 10.5 feet in TH-2. From the cobble and boulder layer, to the maximum depth explored of 16 feet, the subsurface rnaterials consisted of a weathered siltstone. Subsurface conditions obselved in the exploratory test pits consisted of l8 inches of topsoil underlain by cobbles and boulders to the maximum depth explored of2l feet. ,l t I I I t t t t I T t I I t T T t I I I t t T I T I I I T I I I t t I I I At the time of this investigation, no free ground water was encountered in the exploratory borings to the maximum depth explored of 16 feet. I{owever, ground water was encountered in exploratory test pits TP-3 and TP-4 at depths ranging from 4 to 8 feet. The residence may be constructed with a spread footing foundation system supported by the cobbles and boulders or tl.re weathered siltstone, as recommended within this report. Slab-on-grade floors may be constructed on this site with low risk of movement, as recommended within this report. Retaining and foundation walls may be designed and constructed for cut and fill areas. Drainage around the structure should be designed and constructed to provide for rapid removal of surface runoff and avoid concentration of water adjacent to foundation walls. Below grade construction at this site requires special precautions as recommended in this report in order to maintain the stability of the sides of the excavations. Since ground water was encountered in the exploratory test pits, shoring may be required to maintain the stability of the excavation. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION A duplex, constructed of rvood and cast-in-place concrete. is planned. We believe that slab-on-grade floors will be built. The structure is stepped to match the contour of the sunounding ground surface. Maximum column and wall loads were assumed to be those normally associated with residential structures. Excavations of up to 20 feet may be required for construction ofthe duplex. -). +. 5. 6. 8. , ., I I I I T I I I I I I I t I I I I I I l- I I I I I T I t I I I I I I I I I t SITE CONDITIONS The proposed residence will be located on Lot 5, Block 7, Filing I of the Vail Village Subdivision, Vail, Colorado. At the time of this investigation, access onto the site was by the existing driveway and easement on the northwest corner of the lot. Due to the steep grades of the site, access onto the site was difficult and limited to the northem portion of the lot southeast of the driveway. The site slopes down to the north at approximate grades ranging from 30 percent on the northem half of the lot to over 65 percent on the southern half of the property. Due to the steep grade of the lot, the potential for rapid surface runoffexists. Boulders were scattered on the surface throughout the site. Coarse grained sandstone conglomerate bedrock outcrops, approximately l2 feet in height, existed on the southern half of the lot where the site was staked by the owner for boring locations. On the east adjacent lot, a similar large outcrop existed at about the same elevations as those present on the site. This outcrop was approximately 15 feet in height and 60 feet in length. The overall topography of both lots was also similar, indicating the bedrock may continue through both sites. In addition, sirnilar rock has been exposed along the cut made for the road in the east direction. Water enrerges tiom a fissure at the bottom of the outcrop on the lot and runs in the north direction. Due to dense surface vegetation, it was difficult to determine the path the water follows. However, there appears to be a french drain in the center of the norlh side of the lot. The material of this drain consists of gravel and cobbles. The drain is graded with the natural surface. It is possible the drain was formed naturally. Water emerges from the drain at the road then runs to the east in a ditch along the road. -l I I I I I I I T I I I t I I I I t T I I I I T t I I t I I I I I t T I I I Residences existed on the adjacent lots to the southeast and the west. No residences existed on the lot directly uphill or to the east of the site. Vegetation on the site consists ofgrass, weeds, bushes, surface vines, and aspen. INVESTIGATION Subsurface conditions were investigated at this site on July 8, 1995, by drilling two exploratory borings, using a 4-inch continuous flight auger, at the locations shown on Fig. 2, Locations of Exploratory Borings. Due to the steep grade and the inaccessibility of the lots, a track-mounted drill rig was used. Although four boring locations were staked by the owner, only one Iocation was accessible with thc drill rig. l'he locations of the borings are on the northern extent ofthe probable building area. Access to the other locations staked was not possible because of the very steep grade and the bedrock outcrops. A field engineer fiom our officc was on-site to log the drilling of the exploratory borings. Additional data was obtained by the field engineer by walking the site and the adjacent lots to the south and east. Due to the cobbly and bouldery subsurface conditions, soil sample retrieval was difficult and representative samples could not be obtaincd. Accordingly, no lab testing was performed. In addition, the rocky conditions caused practical auger refusal on boulders in both attempts for exploratory boring 1'FI-1. 'l-he observed penetration resistance values are presented on tlte Logs ofExploratory Borings, Fig.3. In addition to the two exploratory borings, four exploratory test pits were dug by the owner to observe the subsurface conditions. l'he locations ofthe exploratory test pits can be seen in Fig. 2. A representative from our office was not on-site when the test pits were dug. However, the representative from our office did observe the exposed soil , al I t I I I I t I I T I I I I I T I I t t I T I t t I I I t T T I T t I I I conditions within the test pits on August 2, 1995. No soil or rock samples were obtained from these test pits. The subsurface conditions encountered in the exploratory test pits can be seen in Fig. 4, Logs ofExploratory Test Pits. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The subsurface materials consisted of about 4 to 5 fcet of topsoil underlain b1' cobbles and boulders with pockets of dry to moist, gravelly silt and clay to about 8 to l0 feet. Beneath the cobbles and boulders, a weathered, hard, sandy, gray siltstone was encountered in exploratory boring TH-2 to the practical auger refusal depth of l6 feet. In addition, practical auger refusal occurred on a boulder in exploratory boring 1'H-l at a depth of 6.5 feet. For this hole, the drill rig moved to the northeast and refusal due to a boulder occurred again at a depth of 8 feet. The subsurface conditions exposed in the exploratory test pits consisted of 18 inchcs of topsoil underlain by cobbles and boulders to the maximum explored depth of 21 feet. No bedrock was observed in the exploratory pits. As discussed in the SITE CONDITIONS of this report, an outcrop of a coarse grained sandstone conglomerate bedrock existed within the area staked for borings by the owllcr. A similar, but much larger, outcrop existed on the east adjacent lot at about thc same elevation on the hillsidc. This suggests this rock formation may continue through both lots and is present beneath the proposed building area. However, the sandstone bedrock was not encountered in our investigation ofthe subsurface conditions. At the time of this investigation, free ground water was not encountered in any of the exploratory borings to the maximum depth explored of 16 feet. However, ground water was observed to be seeping into exploratory test pits TP-3 and TP-4 at depths t t t I I t I t I t T I I I I T T T I ranging from 4 to 8 feet. Standing water was observed in the bottom of exploratory test pit TP-3. No water was observed seeping into test pits TP-l and TP-2 however, the soils were moist at a depth of approximately 12 feet in each test pit. SITE GRADING Cut and compacted fill may be needed to construct the foundations, floor slabs, retaining walls, and landscaping. We anticipate that heavy duty construction equipment will be required to complete the excdvation since auger refusal on boulders in the soils was encountered in both borings. Up to 5 feet of topsoil was found in the exploratory borings. All topsoil beneath the proposed residence should be removed. It may be used in the landscape areas. Fill should be placed and compacted as recommended in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. BELOW GRADE CONSTRUCTION Due to the depth of the excavation and the steep slope of the site, shoring will be required to stabilize somc of the excavation slopcs. The near surfacc subsoil, which consisted of cobbles and boulders classifies as Type B soil in accordance with OSI{A regulations. The cobbles and bouldcrs encountered below the water classify as Type C soils. OSHA rcgulations should be followed in any excavations or cuts. FOUNDATION The near surface material at potential foundation elevations consisted of either cobbles and boulders or weathered siltstone. In our opinion, the cobbles and boulders or 2. 3- +. 5. 6. T t T t t I I t T T t t I I T I I t T the weathered siltstone will safely support spread footing foundations. The spread footing foundation system should be designed and constructed to meet the following criteria. L Footings should be supported by the undisturbed natural cobbles and boulders, weathered siltstone or compacted fill. Soils loosened by machine excavation should be cleaned from the excavation prior to placing concrete for the fbotings. We recommend wall and column footings be designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 3,500 psf. Column footings should have a minimum dimension of 24 inches square and continuous wall footings should have a minimum width of 16 inches. Footing widths may be greater to accommodate structural design loads. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced to span local anomalies in the soil. If pockets of soft soils are found in the bottom of the excavation, the soft soils should be excavated to expose firm soils. The bottom of the foundations may be constructed on the firm soils or the resulting excavation may be backfilled with compacted soil or lean concrete. Any soils placed as backfill should be placed and compacted as recommended in the COMPACTED FILL section of this reoort. The foundation soils contain cobbles and boulders. Removal of cobbles and boulders may result in depressions and rough bottoms to the foundation excavatiou. The resulting depressions can be backfilled with courpacted fill or lcan concrete. Refer to preceding 5 for backfiil requirements. The base of exterior footings should be established at a minimum depth of 4 feet below the exterior ground surface to protect the footings from damage caused by frost action. 8. We recommend that a representative from our office observe the completed foundation excavation. Variations from the conditions T I t I I I I t I T T I I l I t I I I described in this report, which were not indicated by our borings, can occur. Our representative can observe the excavation to confirm the subsurface conditions are as anticipated. FLOOR SLABS The near surface soils at the approximate proposed floor slab elevations consisted of either cobbles and boulders or topsoil. We believe that the cobbles and boulders will safely support slab-on-grade floors. We recommend the following precautions for the construction of slab-on-grade floors. Slabs should be placed on the natural cobbles and boulders or compacted fill. If topsoil occurs at the proposed floor slab elevations, it should be overexcavated to exposc the underlying natural soils and then backfilled with compacted on-site soils or approved fill. Fill may be required to establish the grade for slab-on-grade floors after removing the topsoil, any cobbles and boulders, or in excavations beneath slab-on-grade areas. Fill should be placed and compacted as recommended in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. Placement and compaction of fill beneath slabs should be observed and tested by a representative of our office. 3. A 4-inch layer of free draining gravel should be placed beneath the floor slabs. FOUNDATION DRAINAGE Surface water frequently flows through the relatively permeable backfill adjacent to buildings and collects on the surface of relatively impermeable soils at the foundation elevation. In addition, water was observed in the subsurface soils at depths of 4 and 8 feet. To reduce the accumulation of water adjacent to foundation walls, we recommend provision of a foundation drain. The drain should be sloped so that water flows to a sump ]. z. I I I I t I I I I I T T I I I I I T I I where water can be removed by pumping, or to a positive gravity outlet. Recommended details for a typical foundation wall drain are presented on Fig. 5. LATERAL WALL LOADS Basement and retaining walls will require lateral earth pressures for design. We anticipate basement and retaining walls of 8 to 12 feet in height. Lateral earth pressures depend on the type of backfill and the height and type of wall. Walls which are free to rotate sufficiently to mobilize the strength ofthe backfill should be designed to resist the "active" earth pressure condition. Walls which are restrained should be designed to resist the "at rest" earth pressure condition. Basement walls are typically restrained. For design, an equivalent fluid weight of35 pcfshould be used for the "active" earth pressure condition and an equivalent fluid weiglrt of 45 pcf should be used for the "at rest" earth pressure. The fluid weights are for a horizontal backfill condition. A "passive" equivalent fluid weight of 300 pcf can be used to resist the wall loads where the soils will always remain in place at the toe of the wall. The equivalent fluid weights do not include allowances for surcharge loads due to hydrostatic pressures or live loads. A coefficient of friction of0.4 can be used at the bottom ofthe footing to resist the wall loads. Backfill placed behind or adjacent to foundation and retaining walls should be placcd and compacted as recommended in the COMPACTED F'ILL section of this report. Placetnent and compaction ofthe fill should be observed and tested by a representative of our office. To reduce the possibility of developing hydrostatic pressures behind retaining walls, a drain should be constructed adjacent to the wall. The drain may consist of a mauufactured drain system or gravcl. If gravel is used, it should have a maximum size of , al I T I I I t I I I I t I I I I T I I I T T I I I t I I t t t t I t t t T t 1.5 inches and have a maximum of 3 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. Washed concrete aggregate will be satisfactory for the drainage layer. The gravel drain fill or manufactured drain should extend from the bottom of the retaining wall to within 2 feet of subgrade elevation. The water can be drained by a perforated pipe with collection of the water at the bottom of the wall leading to a positivc gravity outlet. A typical detail for a retaining wall drain is presented in Fig. 6. CONCRETE The soils in the area may contain soluble sulfates. Sulfates can cause damage to concrete members constructed with ordinary cement that come into contact with the soil. Typc V cement is normally recommended for high sulfate areas. However, a suitable alternative of Type V cement is a "modified" Type II cement. Thc "modified" Type II cement contains less than 5 percent tricalcium aluminate. Use of a cement rich mixture (maximum of 0.5 water/cement ratio) and 5 to 7 percent air entrainment further increases the sulfate resistance. This cement should be used for all concrete members (slabs, foundation, foundation walls, curb and gutter, and sidewalks) that come into contact with the soil. SURI.'ACE DRAINAGE Reducing the wetting of foundation soils can be achieved by carefully planned and maintained surface drainage. We recommend the following precautions be observed during construction and maintained at all times after the structure is completed. l0 I t I I I I T t I I I I I I I t I I I Wetting or drying of the open foundation during excavation should be minimized during construction. All surface water should be directed away from the top and sides of the excavation dwing construction. The ground surface sunounding the exterior of the structure should be sloped to drain away from the building in all directions. We recommend a slope ofat least 12 inches in the first l0 feet. 4. Backfill, especially around foundation walls, should be placed and compacted as recommended in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. COMPACTED FILL Fill may consist of the on-site cobbles and boulders or weathered siltstone free of organic material, or approved imported granular fill. No gravel or cobbles larger than 6 inches should be placed in fill areas. Fill areas should be stripped of all vegetation and topsoil and then scarified. Fill should be placed and compacted in thin loose lifts, moisture conditioned to within 2 percent of optimum moisture content, and compacted to the recommended compaction shown in the following table. The recommended compaction varies for the given use of the fill. l. 2. J. Use of Fill Recommended Compaction Percentage of the Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density (ASTM D-698) Percentage of the Modified Proctor Maximum Dry Density (ASTM D-1s57) Below Structure Foundations 98 95 Below Slab-On-Grade Floors 95 90 Backfi ll (Non-Structural)90 90 ll I t t I I I I t I I I I I I t I We recommend that a representative of our office observe'and test the placement. and compaction of structural fill. Fill placed below foundations or slab-on-grade floors is ' considered structural. It has been our experience that without engineering quality control, poor construction techniques and habits occur which result in poor foundation and slab performance. LIMITATIONS Although the exploratory borings and the exploratory test pits were located to obtain a reasonably accurate determination of foundation conditions, variations in the subsurface conditions are always possible. Any variations that exist beneath the site generally become evident during excavation for the structure. A representative from our office should observe the completed excavation to confirm that the soils are as indicated by the exploratory borings and test pits and to verifr our foundation and floor slab recommendations. The placement and compaction of fill, as well as installation of foundations, should also be observed and tested. The design criteria and subsurface data presented in this report are valid for 3 years from the date ofthis report. l2 I I I I I I Jt t I I I I I I I T I I I T I t I I I t I I t I t I t t I I I If we can be of further assistance in discussing the contents of this report or in analyses of proposed structures from a soils and foundation viewpoint, please call. KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS Reviewed rr,il'll*+l.K""At* William H. Koechlein. P.E.. President SBIWhK (4 copies sent) IJ ,l I I I I I I I I I t I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I T t t I I I I T t t I t o \ IGST l,Eqpow DRrv6 ar,Esrars zo VAIL \ .'.---.-=-_-''. .ui# & BEAVEReryry "o"%E I + I NOT TO SCALE FIG. 1 JOB NO.96-156 VICINITY MAP I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FOB€ST ROAD EUILOING ENVELOPE EXIST]NG "i'-5{ 8250 ---___.___ ".1 I le,Lors i ---i_""" PROPERTY LINE LEGEND: O tHotceres AppRoxtMATE LocATroNs oF ExploRAToRy BoBrNcs DRILLED BY KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS ON JULY 8. 1995. I txorcRtes AppRoxIMATE LocATtoNs oF ExpLoRAToRy IEST prrs OBSERVED BY KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS FIELD ENGINEER ON AUGUST 2. I995. SCALE: 1':30' LOCATIONS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS JOa NO. S6-155 FIG. 2 I I t I I I I I I I T t I I t T T I t t TH- 1 EL.8262 di;;,,eeeND: O E roPSorL 16/ 12 10 F llJ lll TL z_ I F o- ul o 88/ II 50/z F lrJ ul IL =t (L ul o C0BBLES and BOULDERS, Silt Ienses, Siltstone fragments, Dry Lo moist, Very dense, Grey SILTSTONE I Weathered,Dry to moisL, Hard, Grey lndicates Praclical Drill Rig ref usal. 15 20 I DRTVE SAMPLE. The symbol 16lI2 I indicates thaL 16 blows of a I4O F pound hammer falling 30 inches were required to drive a 2.0 inch 0,D. sampler I2 inches. NOTES: The ExploraLory Borings were drilled on ,luly 8, 1995 with a 4-inch diameter continuous fliqht power auger. No free ground water lras encountered at the time of drilting. The Boring Logs are subject to the explanaLions, ti.mitations, and conclusions as contained in Lhis report. 2, 3. JOB NO.06-165 LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS Fro.3 )o' ra( $i 00, )Q $ = $ I T I t I t I I I I t t I I I I I t I TP- 1 EL. 82 TP-2 EL.8268 TP-3 EL. 82 TP-4 EL.8258 6f 6f F IIJ llJ l! z_ I F lL UJ o F t! l,lJ ll- =I F (L IU o LEGEND: r5l lYl roPSorL l3J |trn F8i| COBBLES anrJ BOULDERS, LE Si ltstone rragments, D \r^ e,. ,l ^- ^^ -,.very uerrSe, tJr ey NOTES: r,':- pit. ! - ..,- Indica tes ponded water.-=- Indicates depth in which water was observed seeping inLo test Sitt lenses ry to moisg l. The Exploratory Test Engi.neers field eng i 2. The Test Pit Logs ar concJ-uslons as conta PiLs were observed by a Koechlein ConsulLing neer on August 2, 1995, e subject to the explanations, limitations, and irrad in +hic r6n^r+ JOB NO. 96-156 LOGS OF EXPLORATORY TEST PITS FIG,4 ,-! I t I I I t I I T t t I I I I I I I T I 12' MtN.CLAYEY BACKFILL GRAVEL BELOW GRADE WALL GRAVEL MANUFACTURED DRAIN (SEE REPORT FOR BACKFILL RECOMMENDATIONS) 4 INCH DIAMETER PROVIDE PLASTIC SHEETING GLUED TO FOUNDATION WALL TO HEDUCE MOISTURE PENETRATION.PERFORATED PIPE.12' M lN. NOTE S: .I . INSTALL EITHER: A. APPROVED MANUFACTURED DRAIN SYSTEM AND GRAVEL COVERED PIPE OI.I B, GRAVEL WITH PIPE 2. DRAIN SHOULD BE AT LEAST 6 INCHES BE LOW TOP OF FOOTING AT THE HIGHEST POINT AND SLOPE DOW NWAR D TO A POSITIVE GRAVITY O UT LET OR TO A SUMP WHERE WATER CAN BE REMOVED BY PUMPING. 3, THE DRAIN SHO U LD BE LAID ON A SLO PE RANGING BETWEEN 1/8 INCH AND 1/4 INCH DRO P PER FOOT OF DRAIN. 4. GRAVEL SPECIFICATIONS: WASHEO 1 1/2 INCH TO NO.4 cRAVEL WITH LESS THAN 3% PASSING THE NO. 2OO SIEVE. COMPACTED BACKFILL = (o JOB NO. 96-166 TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAlL FIG. 5 "l t, I I T T T t I t t I I I I I I I I T T I 12" MlN. I CLAY BACKFILL 10'1'f-----=- COMPACTED BACKFILL (SEE REPORT FOR BACKFILL RECOMMENDATIONS) WASHED 1 1/2 INCH TO NO.4 GRAVEL WITH LESS THAN 3 PERCENT PASSING THE NO. 2OO SIEVE. N OTE: INSTALL EITHER MANUFACTURED DRAIN SYSTEM 4INCH DIAMETER PEBFORATED PVC THE DRAIN LINE SHOULD BE LA ID ON RANGING EETWEEN 1/8 INCH AND 1/4 PER FOOT OF DBAIN AND LEAD TO A GRAVITY OUTLET. I I t T T T t I I T I I t I 1. APPFOVED MANUFACTURED DRAIN SYSTEM AND PIPE OR 2. GRAVEL WITH PIPE PIPE. A SLOPE INCH DROP POSITIVE JOB NO. S5-156 TYPICAL EARTH RETAINING WALL DETAIL FIG.6 t=LEHIISCNPIHG, IHC. ,r.J.-"'Eq Janeg Fltz' Frfz fr Goydord londscoping, Inc. Londscoplng, Inlgotton fr Molntenonce eo.0a(1315 Voll, €ololodoBt6E6 August 20, 199f Andy, _ fele is t.he tandscape Forest Road: : Plant llatdrlal Spruce & Aspen Shr ubs Sesdl n9 Sod Irrigrtlon llf scel l.ane'oue Itens Labor. rlute . : Pi ns Thapks, estinate for the '"u=*'" Jomrs Fltz {, Lor,rren (oo$ 476-u , : Cappy Resldeflce rln : $1 5, 140 : 1,090 850 : 190 $ 3,ooo . $ 2, ooo 780 ' 220 I P.€1 BECK AND ASSOCIATES, INC. lil:li:+ .tA?! ."tli: 1,"11:3 {:9,'?1,rig i!# gi fri!:- ::i!j, l.r. i';i] af:!} l,:1::.,:,li! i!,** lEr'1-q LAlit:;Agi tiP i 3irlili,{{t AND ASSOCIATES, P.O. BoX 4030 vAlL, coroRADo 81658 (303) 949.1800 rNc. r:tOal0lll9r! lOl OO?gr. VAIL NATIONAL BANK vAtL, c0 81558 82-3lr/102r CHECK NO. I FILE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213q479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 August 14,1996 Department of Community Development Ken Robertson Pierce, Segerberg & Associates, Architects 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Cappy reviscd landscape plan/166 Forest Road/Lot 8, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing Dear Ken: Thank you for the proposcd revised landscape plan for the Cappy residence, located at 166 Forest Road. Upon rcview of the proposed landscape plan, the stafffinds tlat the landscape plan meets the basic intent and desires of the original Dcsign Review Board approval, and therefore, staffhas approved the revised landscape plan dated August 14,1996, Should you have questions or concerns with regard to our approval ofthe revised landscape plan, as always, please do not hcsitate in giving me a call. You can reach me most easily at479-2145. Sincerely, fbrR*r--^ George Ruther Town Planner GR/jr {,7 ^'"'"""*"r olgn Review Action Fdlr TOWN OF VAIL ,, ,, ,.-., L. t lz / category Number r-l 4 oate frl /"/ /1/> . Projeclt Name'. / *,tz=l=z- *;E :->i,n t !6t l----,t ozf---, 'l /1 Building N€tfte: / r.f -i\ K F.-r r."-- ,rc: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot S Block J Subdivision t/rr. I rJ,/ld.,,- /5f Zone District ? /:.tt Project Street Address: Comments: Board 1'St6' Motion by: Seconded by: n Approval ! Disapproval / StaffARoroval Conditions: Town Planner oate: ef r.l f q/ DRB Fee Pre-paid PERMIT NUM R OF PROJECT tNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 rtr DAIE fl JOB NAME ryl/77 READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr D tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER O,F PROJECT '- --INSPECTION REQUEST ,.r'1 TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ,/ ,' I ''ri " l(, -'DATE 't I '/\'l I fr {';JOB NAME INSPECTION:l/oN ruES, (6;; rHUR f(' lt ,'r'/ / AM t CALLER FRI READY FOR LOCATION:'r. ,' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rN#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL , '1 /\t't' PEFMIT NUMEER OF PROJECT oRre I ,JOB NAME 479-2138 CALLER INSPECTION:i TUES't THUR FRI PM READY FOR LOCATION: MON WED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr CI E FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNsfctoN REeuEsr ECT TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 PERMI DATE ; PROJ JOB *o*r 0,fl 1ru,/, no^*-- CALLE (ruJg/ :t REA OR HEADY FO LOCATION: N ON: MON { r,r eE* , WED HUR FRI PM L V'/7'/Z/t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEH - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL Y t,4 ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT t./ ll -/^ ., ,\\ltt/.i\ ,(lVlf L-- tr D tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL {t-- tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 THUR JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER Sr-UnarNc: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER * PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK E POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr tr D o tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL N FINAL t'$ert,fteo f,RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR z {n*q p y', trl ttu qr'oo ,tc _ [,r..,L Z,) PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: TU.6S I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 JOB NAME CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r-r BOOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING - PLYWOOD N o lr.r$r-nrror'r O POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL ROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 4z L !; f\ -,)/., lJ v.-. , .t./ .\ ) t 7 L ,) _1;) ( .\ )4 (, PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,5 " ,:.j. 75 I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 t, s-DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLEh TUES "-"Y ( rHURJ FRI \__-/R READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: r/ O( UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V, D ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL o tr o D tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ROVED Plo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR /r:; - ffilu INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ,.,"1i ;' tn<_- r'/i.rti '1"--a/-..- PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: <', ;'-o{-., ..) / -' JOB NAME CALLER - MON TUES WED r;"G) FRI AM BUTLDfNG: f r;r;/,,7 :ip1fl ft(,,5{t4 v- \rruuatnc' (roorrruos z srter- t.,.t'"'i-'-T -'/I) t4 ,=. lo uruoeRcRou*o --i- ' --:"=""':::-- -7' =-- -_---- -' -- Kfor1" lgl-Zg11+ it,;, ,}'t , , , tr /-1- --\tr RoucH / D.w.v. tr.FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr .ROOF & SHEEH tslywooo NAtLtNc INSULATION - tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FI tr tr FINAL tr FINAL VEDi O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,L1,,,"-.2?- -DATE INSPECTOR AUG-82-96 FRI 8?: IS tt cK & ASSOC.P .62 Page lofz BECK & ASSOCIATES MEETING NOTDS DATE: July2, 1996 THOSE PRESENT: Ken Roberteon, Georgc Ruttrcr, & Mark Stevens PURPOSE: To Revicw Site Conditions Relstivc to Towu of Vail Requk€ments PRBPARED BY: Mqrk Stwens, July 3, 1996 NOTE$: I. Review of South Site Wall and Upper Boulder Wall A, Arces of gtonc vcnccr woil whero top of wall wss roisod pcr pronious req$est ftom the T,O,V, me*s the intent of requc$t 0s now built if grading is provided from top ofwall slopi4gup to boulders to reduce upozurc of boulder walls. B. Boulder walle above stone rrerrcer wall aro satisfac'tory as thw now are if conditions in section "y'f' abow are met and zuitable landscaping is provided where possibtc ct horizafitsl brcaks in bouldcr wsll. C, West end of boulder wall at southwest corner of EIIU will be satishctory if grading at foot of wall is brought as high os pradical without sacrificing poeitivo drainage tom behind EHU. Grade abovo this section of boulder wall must be landscaped and grad€d so that it is re-integrnted irto the etdsting hillsidc, II. Rsvicw sf Doulder'fYalls East ofHouso and Abova Ddvo A. The first two boulder walls abon'e thc ddvoway retaining wall are satisftctoty rs they aro now with the assumptionthat final Eading wil slope up to the base of each wnll B, The third boulder wall rbove driveway that extendr esst from the northeast luner ofhuusc will be rtducad in lurgth so that gradc nt this location will match more closely the udsting gade. C, No additional bouldsrs n€€d to be used to inc'rease heiglt ofwell at mskc-up rir intekee on east side ofhnuse. D. The boulder wall bclow tho vener wall at thc dcok will have heiglrt increasod to six feer so that exposure of veneer abovcwill be ruluctd to uix lbct. E, Grade at East side of house will be done so that gabtcs do not at any location orceed l3ftrl',, trI. Boulder \ilalls snd Crado Bolow Driveway A, Shon boulder walls as placed ar€ sadsfb60ry. B. A s$'ale at the edge of the etreet will be formcd for dtaimge. IV, Hcight hsucs at North Elevation . ^u:u= 16 FRr 6?:11 "5". & Assoc- lot" tt*" P.6B Page}of? , A, Eaws at nsth eidc of family room roof hav€ b6€n out back an adcquate dietonc€to land witlin GRFAbelow arrd have been determined to be sarisfndory i as built. ' B. t'hc upper yeneered slte wall at entry planter will be conttrued st eaoh ond. At i the east end it will cortinue south until it perpendierlarly intersects the wall at thc front entry door. At the wcst etrd it will continuc south until it perpendicularly intersecte the well *t the garage door. C. At thewest sids of the stainray towcr, theuppor planter wall mentioned above will be positioned so thst a plumb line fom outslde of fmished ftcia will ftll on top of site walL D. At the east sidc ofthe $ainray tower, the uppcr planter wall meartioned above witl bo 24' 1e6 ftaming wtrcrc it sontinr.ras along tho urtry door londing porsllol to thetowprwell. -@ ?e€Tz,'-n'a/ NORTHWEST COTORADO COUNCIT OF GOVERNMENTS 970 468-0295 October 28, 1996 Dan Stanek Town of Vail Building Department Fiank Kilian Elevator Test and Inspection olr\Aoip\planirsp.mmo /l /..' Eogle Counly: Avon, Bosolt, Eogle, Gypsum. Minturn, Red Cliff. Voil, - Grond County: Froser Gronby. Grond Loke, Hoi Sulphur Springs, Kremmling. Winter Pork, . Jockson Counly: Wolden, - Piikin County: Aspen, Snowmoss Villoge,'Routt Counly: Hoyden, Ook Creek. Sleomboot Springs, Yompo, * Summit County: Blue River, Breckenridge, Dillon, Frisco, Montezumo, Silvertf orne N\(@C, Post Offiie Box 2308 Silverf horne, Colorodo 80498 MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Project Name: Location: Comments: Permit Number: B950040 Elevator Type: Drum-passenger resicence The plans have been reviewed and found to conform to all apptcable ANSI 17.1 and UBC codes. The elevator/escalator at the above location was inspected and tested on September 25. 1996 and a Final Inspection Certificate has been issued. FAX970 468-1208 Cappy Residence 166 Forest Road Vail, CO o Signature: I /1 /. / \,/.+l{af,zu Elevator Inspection Program - Inspection Form Building: # eadress: /66 frMf fup _Erevalor vnit* f6_/0Ae tr l-llcanoo:gapacittz eyfA tttzlnut l,ct: hrtcu r*zO Z Datc of Inspecti,,, 7 - 2rf'4/Safe to Carrl <*l 2,ib Resufts of Inspection: In Conplia.nce (Y or$? {I Categor-r of Safety of Elevaton l. Safe 2. Incidentil 3. Moderate 4. Eazardous 5. Critical If NOT in compliance, enter a checknark by each appropriate violatioo / problem l. Fire Danger in Eoistway 3. Oil Lcaks on Packing 5. Machine Room OfT Code 7. AI{SI Code-Need Ladders 9. Eoistrvay lloors Not R.ated 11. Code - Doors erceed Torque 13. Fire Eaz - Pit Rm Cleaning 15. Lights Needed forPit 17. Lock Machinc Rm Doors 19. Othur 20. Othcr 21. Othcr 22. Othcr 23. Othcr Bf dg Name: rA?P/ 26$ ?tv/cE citvr uA/L ca -.'^, 4+ +t:_, /-_rype: 1J/))7qL - &&tatVt/c* 2. Ventilation Needed J. Oil L€aks on Valve Units 6. Hydraulic Safefy Tests Due 8. Fire Eaz - Machine Rm Acc 10. Labcl Machine Doors 12. Fire Eaz - Machine Rm Store 14. Switches Malfunction 16. Replace Coven ls. A,TYSI Code - Cupacity Platc 24. All ANSVAIT.I Tests current (y or n) Comments md Dcscription of Problems: Rcsponsiblc Paqv: Orgrnization: Street Add rcss: City: zig: Phonc: Inspecton /I/ACA& sigrrature: { '; ' REF.T 1E 1 TUWN OF UnIL, CULORADU 11/Ol/i6 Q6;46 REOUESTS FOR INSFECTION HORK SHEETS FOR:11/ l/96 , Activity: E95-OOP9 LI/ L/96 Type: B-ELEC flddressr 166 FOREST RD Loeat i on : F,ar.ce I : ElOl-871-15-AAIF Status: I55UED Occ: PAGE E6 AREA: EG Constr: NSFR De scr i pt i on: Appl icant : RI V IERA ELECTRIC CONST. : CO Fhone: Owner.: CAF'F.V MICHREL L F.hone: Cantractor': RIUIERR ELEtrTRIC CONST,, CO Fhone: Llse: 3A39S793Ara 3'A*93793CrO Inspect i on Req ue st Requegt ot.: lrlar"k Req Time: 61:QtrZt It ems r.equee ted to OEf9A ELEC-Final Information.... Eomments: be Inspeet ed. . . F,lronel 9rr9-39 17 Act i on Eonment-g - T Ti me Exp Inspeet i on Iteml It en: Item r Item: Item: Histor'y.... . rZtC'f 1O ELEC-Temp, [-,ower. AO1EO ELEC-Rouqh 16/19/11 Inspectori EG IA/"c7 /93 Inspector': EG II/A8/SZ InBpector: EG 04130 ElEtr-Condtrit raral4Cr ELEC-Mi sc. oralgur ELEtr-Final A$/eL/9L Inspeetor.: EE AA/P.3/96 Inspector: EG /t- r za' ffetion: FA Aetion; ffF,FR Act ion: AtrtrR F'ARTIAL UF.PER FLT]OR CARETAKER UNI T,/GARSEE APF'RT]UED Action: DN not ready Act i on : AF,F,R AFF ROVED I / AUG-21-95 iloN 12r43 BEC ASSOC IATES K AND o FA)( N0. 3039494335 pn1 IE August 16, 1995 Towrt of Vail Community Development Attn: Dan Stanek 75 Soudr Fmntagc Road West Vail, Culoradu 81657 Fax: 479-2452 Dear Dm, This lctter ir In rcgards m your requesr 0f Augusr 4, 1995 ln reference to the gas well at the nofth west corner of the Cappy Residence at 166 Forest Road, It is necessary for an arca well to he ingtalled at the gas service entrance bccausc the gas service enters thE foundrtion wall below grade. The grer well will allow the gas line to be visually inspected at the point of enttanec through tho foundation wall. It is understood that this area wcll is nqt hc bc back-frllcd to allow IE manent vlsual inspection, Please feel free to call me at 4'19-1748 if you have any questions or concerns. Sinccttly, 'Bt uutrl&rttu4 Bruce Norring J Prdect Superfuitendent Beck and Associatca, Inc. BN/di Filc Stevc Hogoboom HOV-6 t -95 tlED O9 :62 A 10/3ol$fr {O!{ 1b:38 FAtr s70 4'16 4d08 PIEI{CE SEGERDTRG VAIL - s-lr ttElrGtl t"lJ se' 'r | | a Assoc -l74A P.A2 Itr Eouldz I TILE/fAX' 'i' ER October 21 | 7995 Mr. Ken Robertson Pi€rec' segerberg and As-sociateS i^06^o-il,"tl Er-on.ase -Road vlest ";ii, cororarln 8165'7 Re: CatrPY Rceidcnce PN 94-tc0 ;l:T-::"ri$to.??t:ti,T"',":1.:t"1;'1?;i;[Tfil,fiij:,l;lil$il;' ";;;;*ed the strucuural' ::-"'":-; ffi;u;";; ;asart' .;:t"ilt?l *Xffi:.' ; reflrcnced proJ€G ii"i*"nioi*un"*uhog drawi"l* II;i..:'or:, December igsued bY our o: 1995 - rr vot have- -any if"-':':l.irffi'*:l?:;o'oEY""otnn Llris rnatber' prease feel, free to ca) SincereIY, EecoEAR/RrcE '*r0 (l \-X'r oliver t{ ' PO F.rx 614! islit!,:9JSl lAxr (ro!1 67t'0ltltt clatcs O R t: -1e,1*,'a-- O ?5 South Frontogc Roail Vail, Colorodo 816J7 t0t -479-2 t t I / FAX t0t -47 9 -2 I 66 Department of Public llorkslTransportation MEMORANDUM TO: Beck and Associates Att: Bruce Norring FIIOM: Charlie Davis DATE: April 14, 1995 RE: The Cappy Residence 166 Forest Road Here is wriften notification that the Town of Vail Public Works Department has granted Beck and Associates an extension on the access permit for the Cappy Residence. Permit # 2842 has been granted an extension for 30 days from the date of this memorandum. This does not release the contractor from the responsibility to obtain a utility/R.O.W. permit for any work that is required for this project. lf there are any questions regarding this please call me al479-23M. ,;fihank You. f\ W"4"!nW'A Charlie Davis Construction Inspector nill tlr'tT. A8F11-95 TUE t t I i-tr' BECK AIID t 9:21 ASSOC IATES Ffl( N0, 3039494335 D n1 FAX TRANSN{ITTAL BECK AT{D ASSOCI.ATES, INC. DATE: PAOES (INCLUDINC TRANSMITTAL) : TO: ATTENTION: FAX #r FROM: RE: COMMENTS: //7q. z ?s'L RE$PONSE REQIIIRED:YEs[] NotI HARD COPY TO FOLLOW: YF.s I I N0 t I IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE RECEIVING, OR DO NOT RECENTE ALL PAGES, PLEASE CONTACT US AT (303) 949-1800. P,o, BOX{030 . vAtL,Co[oRADO 0 tt6lt{Ot0 rettpnonr lor-ere-tm I FAx 30l.ta94lt5 AND9t9'03tt APR-11-95 TUE BECK AND ASSOCiATES o FA){N0,303sff35 EStrOBAF RTCE Affi& P, 02 83/1{/rttt t8!l$ 39?4943175 \.- | PAGE E? a !I ll, Hft T a h [l |a fi \J $ g { l6 IE E l* lI 4 d 6 E t u- d F $t ! a rl lt t t rE ;ul $.3 , f t E C I $ 5 I I I t I thr lI w iirr 'rTH -/C t:ll|tlf[t{ H${ ,.' 3AI qF, APR-1 1-95 TUE gt22 gJl.l4/ll|l, lb: JI ASSOC iATES BECK AND lu'*f *Jll'l;J'li$" pnl FAtlb, B, Ptolroh CAFtr FFhgS€E FaYlr|ona!froi. l{s,1 fi1gp $lrmi 6Dt9 Dfltn ty: Ohl, Doffi Jll,+IQ 'r {r,e t1a I ts1;JH r.lcJ Elb rolt cA. 17 rot"n lei n Consu lti n? En g i neers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12354 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 130. Lakewood, CO 80228 MAIN OFFICE AVON SILVERTHORNE (303) 94e-600e (303) 949-9223 FAX April 20, 1995 Mr. Bruce Noning Beck & Associates P.O. Box 4030 Vail, CO 81658 Subject: Excavation Inspection Cappy Residence 16l Forest Road . Vail, Colorado Job No. 94-254 As requested we inspected the foundation nlaterials exposed in the completed excavation at the subject site. The purpose of our inspection was to verify that the exposed materials would safely support a spread footing foundation system for the proposed residence. The materials exposed in the bottom of the excavation for the residence consisted of hard bedrock. In our opinion, the bedrock will safely support a spread footing foundation system designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 5000 psf. We appreciate the opportunity to provide this service. If we can be offurther service, please contact us. Sincerely, KOECHLEIN CONSULTINC ENGINEERS (303)s89-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (303) 468-6e33 (303) 468-6939 FAX ilA-.*<-(*-[t*S William H. Koechlein, P.E. President wHK/hk I li i'i r*' ,, .,. i lD l. | : t) | PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE -.,- INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TUES. r*l4,Ep, THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: ',1 ( BUILqJNG\ Itioorrr.rcd / srEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB NAIL o tr D tr D FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ,L.'.''" APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RRECTIONS: /" ! co INSPECTOR .. t -r ,A 4r .An//4 J..', i.: - (/UYv -==:]:=]--=---== L I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL , 479-2138 ./ /'5.,4,t ,ntt------' CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PERMIT NUMBER OF'PRO DATE BEADY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME 6,e?'-{g PM LocArloN: //' /, hLr|t:-- I i/ ' /'#-'4 n< BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOOTINGS / STEEL \rouruonrroN / srEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETBOCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL /EI,APPFOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR '{///'/ v^6 FF- l: , ia, Ilic. CALCULATIONS FOR CAPPY RESIDENCE VAIL, COLORADO FILE NUMBER: C95O22A 08 /2L / e5 REMOTE AREA "A" -DESIGN DATA- OCCUPANCY CLASSTFICATIoN: NFPA 13D DWELLING UNIT TYPE OF SPRINKLERS: CENTRAL oPTIMA REsIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENT BASIS OF COVEFTAGE: 20 fE. x 20 fr. NI]MBER OF SPRINKLERS CALCULATED: 2 heads MTNTMIJM GpM REQUIRED pER SPRINKLER: 1?.0 gprn TOTAI SPRINKLER WATER FLOW REQUIRED: 35.2 gprn TOTAL WATER REQUIRED (vrith domestic): 35.2 gprn FLOW AND PRESSURE (e BOR): 35.2 gpm 0 69.3 psi SPRINKLER ORIFICE Sf ZE: 7,/16 inch NAME OF CONTRACToR: ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. DESIGN/LAYOUT BY: STEVE KYLE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION: VAIL FIRE PREVENTION CALCIJLATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM HRS SYSTEMS, INC. ATLAI{TA, GA I I I tiEt-,T 1J 1 TnbJr'l fiF tJAll-." r;ill .O[?Al)(] t.t /fit+i1h rtrT:frr7t Rti: {irl_lr!i;Tf:i t trR Ihli:iFiE:u"f 1r:.iN l.ll:lRl,i EiFltiHT{i; F:olir.l I /' Fl*ti.vityr F,.:)iii't?til"rrlTt L.i.i 4l!16 1yp*r B"BUlt...ilr liit;rtr..rrr I[i$ 6cidi"ess: l6e' rnRFgl- RII l.- or::;it i. on ; l::,ar.rtj I : ;:1. tlt 1.-tzt71- i 5-A[]5 Ilesi:r"i1::bi rrrrr itJEtl RE$[D[Nil|:: t tT]l l"yl-'ll FlpiprL i(:..-:{ril, i tlHL,'l'; & Fls!::OiliilT[::.ij;, .l N(.. {Jwn ei" I l-:i:l l:' F Y f4 t t:}l6L t- t- Irrntr';,rct c,r': BE:L:il, & ASliOt-Ii.'lTL.ii, IM: l-Jc:c r R.li r. fiHU [:,1-r [in F : ]Ul,lg.+9 [,lione I F'l-iaire: J';tZt,i9;r9 [..J i ri I l EtlIZl J 8t'ra U InE[.ir:i::t. r c,tr liet]r..tes f Jn{ rir'nr.e1. i. ri",, " . Rctlr.te.,,t ci I lt1[lRl/' - Fl;:i:i/' & flLl$Uti F,te-'q lrme; Ol rOtZt (-iimmer'ts r Itertg rec.l r-te*.bucJ trl be IrisSrei:l::ed. , tlrZrlj.t+rlr BL. Dti ..[: i n a .l C / fi I Flrone! I4+ - l. /:Jttlf^l T i m er [i. it 1:i .1. nr pnc:t i I t eirl '[ Lenr cin l-l:i:t ai'y. . ,, " "I Orrliiljii Irbt-F I i..lr.iL. {:./i:J I fier:;:li:: Frh,- T E.l?1F,, {: ./ tl ?18/i:i:.:/!iI In rr 6;*rri:; oi'r 1... F' : [t051tZ tirivnw,*y r;i'ade l'r.na]. tAtl1tJ::;,1'-i ii Irisp.iacbor'r [-. [:' ; tZttiltZ 101 F,tl.,l)G*-F ool: inqr./ijt ee 1 (i3/ i.{,'./t}:i Inr'pec:t or r [-iF: fl;.i:li-i1. z'9S I risl:ncb r:r' : Lllr *\.::;1i-:'.Ji,/ qrr I ii:' p.;ec:t *r : Ill:i il4/47 l'i1 Inspet::l,orr DS P.t4 / i't,,'95 In rr p{ir-t r"rr' n DS rzll.ir'Ozrl55 I r-r * 1: e,.-: i, oi': ili; t::ti) / tI5 /'ql.j Ir, *pertol'; f,:l Qti.) /,::t I)f Ins1:erhor': [)1i fic:t iori ! AFfir{ [i[,]-'R{:,vEn/i::t]riR[:1,: rii:lN RE0lr F),:-:{. r on: Frf.:'i-'ti ii[rl-lnfl iiRfiDt: tll"i. i:\ct i ori I Fit-,F,h. FIF,F'ni]l,E.l) r:i,:t i. rrr: li]F Fr[{ pAliTIf:}L- f:n(],I .tNfi l:lllt-v Fr(rb i n: AF:'f:'R F'OF{'|iAL. Ohlt.Y FlcL i'on * F'il FAI1TIA!-- l.Fll"ElliO'? Fn0l-INil,i Ar: L i orr : FiF lr[,i iii.ir...l1-l-l F nf-rT I r{F r: n : lll!I...]i:, i READY trn : fiF F fl t-lf '[.iflnUHD on: Al-'Fll ,5LAB Fr-lR 5-F'A Lt'rm l.tt:rrr t:lct rlc l: Nr:r'LesI flt-,F,Ri.JVi]l.. T0 Ftrl.lR Ftrt,lE:R sFCTL0N$ Ii156tJ/'.i7,,;1:/l$'7 REGLJ J. f?I]5 ENb F I EI_ REF'N|:iT I,I I TH AF'F'ROUAI- ilF tr]s BI-] i I.,1-5 Fil ftl'1r.[::l] filitr S I Lir{HD Ffit L. Ot^lF,D FY AN OR I G l NAL. l{FIRD f"t}F.'\' ilhlD i: 5L:1!: L.lF STllljlll-URAt., F,l-AN1i fit),/;::.i /9iJ Insg:ecboir: Dii Act:i urri I AF'F'R 5I "fF: hJF]L".L. t'.lr:tp;: hlf;ED l"..HTr-F-R FR{lM ENGI.NEF:ll ON t-l^l[^lliR SII-li tlAL.L ffND tJFl-'Fl? F0 I t; e rn r fltiJ tiit i:ti] Rt. I)tl* F ri,-rircl;ri; I on /St e e I Utr./it i.,i 95 In;Fet:torr DS \n:i 1E:6 / 9:i Ini:;p.iec:tor: DSj V:; 1 ?7 / Sf I. rr :; p e i:. l; r-i r. : D{!i t:!t4 i\tr::'lqA Inr1.rrii. l,,rr I [ii; il.tts 191';t i51.i lri:ir:Ei:t rr.: l)ii li'rly ,; 1 i 1 9A 11 E [r r.i (.:t e ]'' ; I",.t--i tlt!+ ,/ 'l!+ / I5 Lrrsl.re*.Loi.: Illi;; A5/ I 1 ,''?F-; 1. ri ts[]*i::t {rt'i i.lF thf /;li::,/?:i I i'r s 1i i+ ': b o r' : t)lr t.4:r i ,..:,".1/ '4:i Ir;t:ector-r L)!:j tril?i /,itlt,!95 Inspeebor' : I-11, t2t9 z',:::!r ,'9lri InsprcLor": i)li Aet i on: [:'PR Fr*t i arr: Flt-'F:'fi At: [. i rr n : AF.'F R Ai.' i; r ri ri : [:']. flc t i rrn: lll-'l-'R Ar: l, i ril ; PlfiPt6' Ai-:bi.on: AF'Flt A.-.'L i. i;n : FlFrl-",R At''l: ir:,n: AFI-'R f-lc: h :i ti n r AF I-'R Artr L on: (lFFR Ar: t; l ri rr : i:iF:' F:' R S I1-E I^IALL. NORTHI^IEST NNRN[:Ii T-INt-Y AF.F'ROVED f-,f-tRT IRt- It'l!IFEC-r I fiN FTFlRTIAL. ONI.-Y FIF'F'ROVED NF.F.RO VEI] AF'F:'RNVED,/ T-:O R RE.{: T I NN RE,ND AI.,F'ROVED AF:.F,ROVED F:fJl-INDAT I LIN l. r:; {:UltlF l. L,'f F: DTi: ] VEI^!AY Ivllvlalaa lnSPeeEoI-: LrD HCLlgn: HFFII -tr lE wttl,-t- f rJ|"stc"rt olFllrlp I Notesr NEED LETTER FRtlM ENG AFtrRUVINB FLACEHENT OF CUNDRETE I 1/S6 CHANGED FROm *4 Trf *5 BAR HORIZtrNTAL NBRTHWEST I REFTISr TEWN OF UAILT COLORADO FnBE 11 TL/A4/S$ O7:IfiIZI REAUESI-S FT]R INSF'ECTION IdORH SI.IEETS FORI T I/ 4/96 AREA: CF 3./57 CHRNEHD FROM 1E'' O.tr. TII IO" tr.E. URTICAL WRI-L F.ORTIO Item: oErSErZr F,LAN-ILC Site Flan Itern : tZirA03O BLDG-Fr.arninq L@/en/93 Inspector.: D!3 Aetionr AFF'R ffFFROVED Notes: NEED LETTER FROIYI ENGINEER ON STRIJCT FRAMING Item: tZtatZt4rzr * * Not On FilE * * Itern : fitlBEUr BLDG-Insulat ion Ln/\fi/93 Inspect sr': EG Act i on : AtrFR AFF ROVED Item: AEA6A BLDG-Sheetr'oek Nail LL /tA/93 Insuect or.: CD Act i on r trF'F R AF,FROUED Notesr COMtrLETE BATHR0OMS t^,ITH DURRROtrK,COMF'L.HTE OTIIHR nREAs Itemr 00tA8Ut * * Not On File {.* A4/lA/93 Inspeetor-; CF Action; FtI OFEN FORM Item: OOOTIZI BLD6-Misc. A3/?t|/95 Inspeetor: D$ Act ion ! AFpR ftFF,ROVED fi3/A4/93 Inspeetor': I)S Ac-b ion: AF,FR FARTIAL UNDERFROUNG IIUST Itenr OOFiil FIRH*TEMP. C./O @A/"cE/96 Inspector': MCGEE Action: AFFR tco Notes: f ir"e spt'inkler/f it e erlar"m test-failed penmisgion to give tco with expiration date B/3tZtl96 t et est schecJr-r I ecJ tZtB,lt6.zrj6 lfr/e3/96 Ins;rector.; JEFF A Action: FTFFR approved ItBm ; rzrrZrrzr9rZr BLDE-Final It en I OO53|Z' nLDG-Temtr. C./u fi&letlg6 Inspector': CF Action: DN DENIED Notes: l"enove debr"isn rnaterials and tools handr.ai 1s and gnar.d r.ails on exter.ior. and inter.ict- stair.s mr-rst be conpl et ed closrtt'e on gar-aqe mman doiir lequired fire dept appr-ova1 r'equired e l evat or f in;rl appr"oval required e l ectri eal final appr^oval l"eqt-lir'ed kitchen and bathl'oom mr-rst be functioning OB,/i::3/96 Inspeetor: DS Act ion: AFFR RF,pREVED NOTES: LANDSCAF,PING NOHF'LETED AND AFIF.ROVED LlY I1-15-96 JUNH|DEBRI! AND TOOLS 6ONE VENT HT]LE IN EARAGE F,ATCHED EtrSMETIC INTERII]R COMPLETED ELEVATOR TO BE CERTIF. IED BY 9-112I-96 AND trANNI]T BE USJED UNTIL IETIFIED BY NNRTHWEST CI]IJ Item: {ttZt54E BLDG-Final C/0 t a { Date: 06/25/1995 JOB TITLE: CAPPY WATER SUPPLY DATA sptr,en 'YSTEM HYDRAULTC elrets RESIDENCE REMOTE AREA "A" Page 1 c95022A SOURCE NODE TAG SUP STATIC PRESS. (PSr) 98.0 RESID. PRESS. (Psr) 50. 0 FLOW e (GPM) 978.0 AVAIL. PRESS. E (PSI ) 97 .9 TOTAL DEMAND (GPM) REQ'D PP55S. (PSr) '79.1 AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE NODE ANALYSIS DATA AT SOURCE SPRINKLERS 16.4 18. 6 22.9 28.8 31.0 31".8 48.3 44 .0 45 .6 53.3 54 .4 5't .9 69.s 69.3 60.2 79.7 35.2 GPM O. O GPM O.O GPM 35.2 GPM NODE TAG 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 1B 19 20 SER BOR BFD SUP ETEVATION (FT) 60. 6 60.6 64.3 49 .5 49.s 49.s 39. s 39 .5 39 .5 29.5 29.5 28.0 23.0 23,0 23.0 0.0 NODE TYPE K= 4.20 K= 4,20 souRcE L I .U 18.1 PRESSURE DISCHARGE (Psr ) (GPM) 35.2 ,n*,Q"u* sYsrEM H'DRAULT. *o""o,Date: 06/25/1995 JOB TITLE: CAPPY RESIDENCE REI4OTE AREA ,,A'. PIPE DATA Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH DISC. vEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) (GPM)F. L. /Fr 17.0 0.811 PL 10. 6 150 FTG 0.223 TL 18.1 0.81i PL 11.3 150 FTG 0.251 TL 18.1 1.055 PL 6.7 150 FTG 0.0?0 TL 17 .0 0.811 PL 10.6 150 FTG 0.223 IL 17.0 1.0s5 PL 6.2 150 rrTG 0.062 TL 35.1 1.055 PL T2.9 150 FTG 0.237 TL li.0 1. 055 PL 4.0 150 FTG 0.028 TL 35.1 1.055 PL L2.9 150 FTG 0.237 TL 11.0 1.055 PL 4.0 150 FTG 0.028 TL 11.0 1.055 PL 4.0 150 FTG 0.028 TL 24.2 1.055 PL 8.9 150 FTG 0. 119 TL 35.1 1.291 PL 8. 6 150 FTG 0.089 Tt 35. 1 2.009 PL 3. 6 150 FTG 0.010 Tt 22.L2 4E 34 .72 10.00 3ET 23,50 TB .67 3ET 35,27 5 .46 T 9.96 L2.75 Dana ) PRESS. SUM. (PSI) PF 7.6 PE -4.8 PV O.B PIPE TAG END ELEV. NOZ. NODES (FT) (K) Pipe: 1 7 49 .5 0.0 1 60.6 4.2 Pipe: 2 6 64 .3 0.0 s 60.6 4,2 Pipe: 3 9 49.5 0.0 6 64.3 0.0 Pipe: 4 B 49 .5 0.0 7 49.5 0.0 Pipe: 5 9 49.5 0.0 B 49.5 0.0 Pipe: 6 11 39.s 0.0 9 49.5 0.0 Pipe: 7 10 39.5 0.0 L2 39. s 0.0 Pipe:8 12 39. s 0.0 11 39.5 0.0 Pipe:9 18 29.s 0.0 10 39. s 0.0 Pipe:10 19 29.5 0.0 18 29.s 0.0 Pipe: 11 19 29 .5 0.0 L2 39.5 0.0 Pipe: L2 20 28.0 0.0 19 29.s 0.0 Pipe:13 BFD 23.O 0.0 20 28.0 0.0 PT (PSI) 28.B 0.0 t6.4 17.0 22.9 0.0 18-.6 18.1 31.8 0.0 22.9 0.0 31.0 0.0 28.8 0.0 31.8 0.0 31.0 0.0 44.0 0.0 31.8 0.0 48.3 0.0 46.6 0.0 46.6 0.0 44.0 0.0 53.3 0.0 48.3 0.0 54.4 0.0 s3.3 0.0 54.4 0.0 46.6 0.0 57.9 0.0 54.4 0.0 6C .2 0.0 57 .9 0.0 PF PE PV PF PE PV 5.9 1.6 0.9 2.5 -6 .4 0.3 12.7. L6.25 3ET 32.85 38.92 5ET 61 .52 3.46 T 11.06 74.54 ET 25.14 34.L2 2E 40.L2 11.2s E2T 29.45 23.00 2E 32.00 5 .00 E L2 .60 PF 2.2 PE O.O PV 0.8 PF 0.8 PE O.O PV 0.3 PF 7.8 PE -4.3 PV 1.1 PF L.7 PE C.O PV 0.1 PF 2.6 PE O.O PV 1.1 PF 0.7 PE -4.3 PV 0.1 PF PE PV PF PE PV Pt' PE PV PF PE PV 1.1 0.0 0.1 3.5 -4.3 0.s 2.8 -0.6 0.5 0.1 -2.2 0.1 I rl Page 3 Date: 06 /25 /1995 JOB TITLE: CAPPY RESIDENCE REMOTE AREA .A.. PIPE DATA (cont. ) PIPE TAG END EI,EV. NOZ. PT DISC. NODES (FT) (K) (Psr) (GPM) Pipe: 14 BOR 23.0 0.0 69 .3 0.0 BFD 23.0 0.0 60.2 0.0 Pipe: 15 sER 23.0 0.0 69.5 0.0 BOR 23.0 0.0 69.3 0.0 Pipe: 16 suP 0.0 sRcE 79.7 (N/A)sER 23.0 0.0 69.5 0.0 NOTES:(1) Calculations were performed by the HASS 5.8.0 computer program under license no. 8115J 49 granted by HRS Systems, Inc. 2193 Ranchwood Dr., N.E.Atlanta, GA 30J45 (2) The system has been balanced to provide an average imbalance at each node of 0.008 gpm and a maximum irnbalance at any node of 0.125 gpm. (3) Velocity pressures are printed for infornation only, and are not used in balancing the system. Maximum warer velocity is 12.9 fE/sec at pipe B. (4) PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: C.PIP PAGE: B MATERIAL: Copper HWC: 150 Diameter (in) 0.811 1.055 L.291 2 .009 PAGE: D Diarneter (in) sp*?^len sYsrEM HYDRAULT. allar,ts 0(GPM) DrA(rN) LENGTH PRESS. vEL(FPs) Hw(C) (Fr) SUM. F. L. /Fr (PSr ) FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE 9.1 psi, 35.1 gpm 35. 1 2 .009 PL 6.42 PF 0 .2 3.6 150 FTG T PE O.O 0 .010 TL 2J..52 PV 0. 1 35.2 3.000 PL 78.50 PF 0,2 1.6 140 FTG ETG PE -10.0 0.002 TL 136. s0 PV 0.0 Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet ETLCBGAD Ell Tee 45 Chkvlv ButVl-v GatVlv AlrnVLv Dryvlv 3.00 4.50 1 .50 7 . 60 9. 10 1 .50 0. 00 0 . 00 3.00 7.60 1.50 7.60 9.10 1.50 0.00 0.00 4. s0 9.10 1. s0 10.60 9.10 1 .50 0.00 0.00 7 .60 15. 10 3.00 16. 60 9. 10 1 .50 0.00 0.00 MATERIAL: DIRON HWC: 140 Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet ETLCBG EII Tee LngEI Chkvl Bfyvt GatVI t Date: 06/25/L995 JOB TITLE: CAPPY WATER SUPPLY CURVE 12 0+ 110+ 100+ 0\\\ spntmn sysrEM HyDR.AuLrc **"Q. RESIDENCE REMOTE AREA "A" Page 4 \\\ \\\ \\\\ \\\ \\\50.0 psi g 9ZB gpm-> * Flow Test point ,cl lt" 90+ I I uoT-r I 7O+ \\\ P R E s s U R E ( P s I ) \\\ \\\ 60+ 50+ 40+ 30+ 20+ 10+ LEGEND I 1'.v X = Required Water Supply 79.72 psi e 35.2 gpm : 0 = Available Water Supply 97.90 psi € 3s.2 gpm- ,{. 0++-+---+----+-----+----__+________+________+_________+_________ __ +200 300 400 500 600 7OO 800 eoo 1000 FLOW (cPI.{) r) ALL-STAT8 FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 6045 E. -t6TH AVE., *12 COMMERCE CITY, CO. 80022 HYDRAULIC CATCULATIONS FOR CAPPY RESIDENCE vArL, coLoMDO FILE NT'MBER: C95O22B 08/2r/9s REMOTE -DESIGN DATA_ OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: NFPA 13D DWEIJLING UNIT TYPE OF SPRINKLERS: CENTRAL oPTIMA RESTDENTIAL coNcEALED PENDENT BASIS OF COVERAGE: 20 fE. x 20 ft. NIJMBER OF SPRINKLERS CATCULATED: 2 heads MINIMITM GPM REQUIRED pER SPRINKLER: 17.0 gprn TOTAL SPR.INKLER WATER FLOW REQUIRED: 35.2 gprn TOTAL WATER REQUTRED (wirh domeeric): 35.2 gprn FLOW AND PRESSURE (g BOR): 35.2 gpm g 69.3 psi SPRINKLER ORIFICE SIZE: 7/16 inch NAME OF CONTRACTOR: ALI-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. DESIGN/LAYOUT By: STEVE KYLE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTIoN: VAIL FIRE PREVENTIoN CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM HRS SYSTEMS, INC. ATLANTA, GA l Date: 06/25/1995 JOB TITLE: CAPPY WATER SUPPLY DATA spntr,en sysTEM HyDRAuLrc anm,ls RESIDENCE REMOTE AREA "B" Page 1 c950228 SOURCE NODE TAG SUP STATTC PRESS. (PSr) 98.0 RESTD. PRESS. (PSr) 50.0 FLOW e (cPM) 978.0 AVAIL. PRESS. e (Psr) 97 .9 TOTAL DCMAND (GPM) 35.2 REQ'D PRESS. (PSr) '19.7 AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: TOTAI, FLOW AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES TOTAT, DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE NODE ANALYSIS DATA AT SOURCE SPRINKLERS L5 .4 18.8 26.5 28.7 3r.7 48.2 43 .9 46.5 53.3 54 .4 57.9 69 .5 69.3 60.2 79.7 35.2 GPM O.O GPM O.O GPM 35.2 GPM NODE TAG 2 3 '1 8 9 10 11 L2 18 19 20 SER BOR BFD SUP ELEVATION (FT) 59.3 58 .5 49 ,5 49.s 49.5 39 .5 39 .5 39 .5 29 .5 29.s 28.0 23.0 23.C 23.0 0.0 NODE TYPE K= 4.20 K= 4.24 SOURCE PRESSURE DISCHARGE (Psr) (cPM) 17.0 L8.2 35.2 ,n*r3"* sysrEM H'DRAULT. *o""* Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. PT DISC. vEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. (PSrl (GPM) F.L./FT (PSr) 11 9 eipe: 1 49 .5 0.0 59.3 4.2 P j-pe: 2 49.5 0.0 58.5 4 .2 Pipe: 3 49.s 0.0 49.5 0.0 Pipe: 4 49.s 0.0 49.5 0.0 Prpe: 5 39. s 0.0 49.s 0.0 Pipe: 6 10 39.s 0.0 12 39. s 0.0 Pipe: 7 L2 39. s 0.0 11 39.s 0.0 Pipe: B 18 29 .s 0.0 10 39 .5 0.0 Pipe:9 19 29.s 0.c 18 29.5 0.0 Fipe: 10 19 29.5 0.0 1? 39.5 0.0 Pipe: 11 20 2B.O 0.0 19 29 .5 0.0 P j-pe: t2 BFD 23.0 0.0 20 28.0 0.0 Pi-pe : 13 BOR 23.O 0.0 BFD 23.0 0.0 Date: 06 /25 /1995 JOB TITLE: CAPPY RESIDENCE REMOTE AREA "8.' PIPE DATA PIPE TAG END ELEV. NOZ. NODES (FT) (K) Page 2 17.0 0.811- PL 15.67 PF 5.8 10.6 150 FTG 2ET PE -4.2 0.223 TL 26.L7 PV 0.8 26.5 0.0 76.4 17.0 23 .7 0.0 18.8 LB.2 28 .7 0.0 26.5 0.0 3t.7 0 .0 28 .1 0.0 43.9 0.0 3I.7 0.0 44.2 0.0 46.5 0.0 46 .5 0.0 43 .9 0.0 53.3 0.0 48.2 0.0 54.4 0.0 53.3 0.0 54.4 0 - 0 46 .5 0.0 57 .9 0.0 54.4 0.0 60 .2 0.0 s7 .9 0.0 69.3 0.0 60 .2 0.0 LB.2 0.811 PL 13.08 11.3 150 FTG 2ET 0.254 TL 23 .58 PF 6.0 PE -3.9 PV 0.9 17 .0 0.81L PL s .46 PF 10.6 150 FTG T PE 0.223 TL 9.96 PV 35.2 1.055 PL t2.9 150 FTG 0.239 TL 12.75 2.2 0.0 0.8 12.7s 35.2 1.0s5 PL L6.25 I2.9 150 FTG 3ET 0.239 'IL 32.85 11.0 1.055 PL 38.92 PF 4.0 150 FTG 5ET PE 0.028 TL 6t.52 PV 35,2 1.05s PL 3,46 PF I2,9 150 FTG T PE 0.239 TL 11.06 PV 11.0 1.055 PL ]-4.54 PF 4.0 150 FTG ET PE 0.028 TL 25.I4 PV PF 3.0 PE O.O PV 1.1 PF 7.8 PE -4.3 PV 1.1 11.0 4.0 L.7 0.0 0.1 2.5 0.0 1.1 0.7 -4.3 0.1 1.1 0.0 0.1 1.055 PL 34.12 PF 150 TTG 2E PE 0.028 TL 40.L2 PV 24.2 1.055 PL tI .25 PF 3.5 8.9 150 FTG E.zT PE _4.3 0.119 Tt 29 .45 PV 0.5 35.2 1.291 PL 23.00 8.6 150 FTG 2E 0.089 TL 32.00 35.2 2.009 PL 5.00 3. 6 150 FTG E 0.010 TL 72.60 PF 2.9 PE -0.6 PV 0.5 PF 0.1 PE -2.2 PV 0.1 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE 9.1 psi, 35.2 gpm I Date: 06 /25 / 1995 JOB TITLE: CAPPY PIPE DATA (cont. PIPE TAG END ELEV. NODES (Fr) y r-pe : L4 SER 23.0 BOR 23.0 P j-pe: 15 suP 0.0 SER 23.0 SRCE 0.0 NOTES:(1) Calculations were performed by the IIASS 5.8.0 computer program under license no. 8LL5J 49 granted by HRS Systems, Inc. 2193 Ranchwood Dr., N.E.Atlanta, GA 30345 (2) The system has been balanced to provide an average imbalance at each node of 0.009 gpm and a maxinum imbalance at any node of 0.123 gpm. (3) Velocity pressures are printed for inforrnation only, and are not used in balancing the sy6tem. Maximun water veJ-ocity is 12 .9 f t,/sec at pipe 7. (4) PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: C.PIP PAGE: B Diameter (in) 0.811 1.055 7.29L 2 .009 PAGE: D Diameter ( in) MATERIAT: Copper HWC! 150 Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet ETLCBGAD EII Tee 45 ChkVIv ButVIv GatVlv AlmVlv Dryvlv 3.00 4.50 1.50 7.60 9.10 3.00 '1.60 1.s0 i.60 9.10 4.50 9 . 10 1 .50 10. 60 9. 10 7. 6J 15.10 3.00 16. 60 9.10 MATERIAI,: DIRON HWC: 140 Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet ETI.,CBG Ell Tee LngEl Chkvl BfyVI GatVl 1. s0 1 .50 1.s0 1.s0 spntsn sYsrEM HYDRAULTc exar,Os RESIDENCE REMOTE AREA 'B' ) NOZ. PT DISC.(K) (Psr ) (GPM) 0.0 69.s 0.0 69.3 79.'1 (N/A) 69. s 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q(GPM) DrA(rN) LENGTH vEL(FPS) Hw(C) (FT) F r IE'.n 35.2 2.009 PL 6.42 3. 6 150 FTG T 0.010 TL 2L.52 35.2 3.000 PL ?8.50 1.6 140 FTG ETG 0.002 TL 136.50 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 Page 3 PRESS. SUM. (PSr) PF 0.2 PE O.O PV 0.1 PF 0.2 PE -10.0 PV 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Date: 06 /25 /1995 JOB TITLE: CAPPY RESIDENCE REMOTE AREA .8" WATER SUPPLY CURVE 120+ 11d+ \\\\ \\\\ Page 4 \\\ \\\\ \\\. \\\ 50.0 psi g 978 g;pm-> * FIow Test Point 100+0\\\ I I 90+ spntnn sysrEM HyDRAULTc ANALOs \\\ \\\ P R E s s U E ( P s I ) 80x 7O+ 60+ 50+ 40+ 30+ 2O+LEGEND 10+ 0 ++-+---+----+-----+------+--------+---_____+_________r___________+ 200 300 400 500 600 ?00 8oo 9oo looo Frow (cPM) X = Required water Supply 79,71 psi € 35.2 gpm "0 : Available Water Supply r 97.90 psi G 35.2 qprn rt ALL_STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC.6045 E. 76TH AVE., #12 CoMMERCE CITY, CO. 80022 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR CAPPY RESIDENCE vArL, COLORADO FILE NUMBER: C95022C 08 /2t /s5 REMOTE AREA .C" -DESTGN DATA- OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATIoN: NFPA 13D DWELLING UNIT TYPE OF SPRINKIJERS: CENTRAI oPTIMA RESIDENTIAL coNcEALED PENDENT BASrS OF COVERAGE: 20 ft. x 20 ft.' NTJMBER OF SPRTNKLERS CALCULATED: 1 heade MINIMUM GPM REQUIRED PER SPRINKLER: 24.0 gPM TOTAL SPRTNKLER WATER FLOW REQUIRED; 24.0 gpn TOTAL WATER REeUTRED (wirh domestic) t 24.0 gpm FLOW AND PRESSURE (g BOR) 2, 24.0 gprn 0 Z?.? psi SPRINKLER ORIFICE SIZE: ?,/16 inch NAME OF CONTRACTOR: ALI_STATE FIRE PROTECTION, rNC. DESIGN/I-,AYOUT BY: sTEvE KYLE AUTHORITY HAVING JURI'DI.TI.N: VAII.T FIRE PREVENTI'N CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM HRS SYSTEMS, INC.. ATIANTA, GA I Date: 06/25/7995 JOB TITLE: CAPPY WATER SUPPLY DATA spntrn sysrEM HyDRAULTc allar.,ts RESIDENCE REMOTE AREA "C" Page 1 c95022C AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE NODE ANALYSIS DATA SOURCE NODE TAG SUP NODE TAG 4 6 9 10 11 L2 18 19 20 SER BOR BFD suP STATIC PRESS. (PSI) 98.0 RES ID. PRESS. (PSr) 50.0 FI,OW e ( GPM) 978.0 AVAIL. PRESS. E (PSI) 91 .9 DEMAND (GPM) 24 .0 24.0 24.0 REQ'D PRESS. (PSr) 87.9 AT SOURCE SPRINKLERS 32.7 38.2 48.8 59.1 56.9 58.2 63.8 64.3 66 ,4 77 .8 77 .7 68.6 87 ,9 24.0 GPM O.O GPM O.O GPM 24.0 GPM ETEVATTON /E'rF\ 64.3 64.3 49.5 39.5 39 .5 39.5 29.5 29.5 28.0 23.O 23.0 23.0 0.0 NODE TYPE K= 4.2O SOURCE PRESSURE DISCHARGE (PSr) (cPM) ,"*,il"u* 'YSTEM HYDRAULT. ^o"O, Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PT DISC. VEL(FPS) t1i^J 1g;(PSr) (GPM) F.L./Fr 38-2 0.0 32 .7 24 .0 48. B 0.0 38.2 0.0 Date: 06/25/1995 JOB TITLE: CAPPY RESIDENCE REMOTE AREA..C,. PIPE DATA 24.0 1.055 PL L6.25 PF 3.9 O. O B. B 150 FTG 3ET PE .4 .3 0.0 0.117 TL 32.85 PV 0.5 PIPE TAG END ELEV. NOZ. NODES (Fr) (K) Pipe: 1 64.3 0.0 64.3 4.2 Pipe: 2 49.5 0.0 64.3 0.0 24.0 0.811 PL 14.9 150 FTG 0.422 TL ,,tt l 24.0 ,1.Oss PL B.B \*l.GO'FTc 0.117 TL Page 2 PRESS. qTTM (PSI) PF 5.6 PE O.O PV 1.5 PF 4.I PE -6.4 PV 0.5 (FT ) 2E 13.16 18.67 3Er 35.27 L1 9 10 L2 t2 11 18 10 Pipe: 3 39.5 49.5 Pipe:4 39.s 39.5 Pipe: 5 39 .5 39.5 Pipe: 6 29.5 39.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 U.U c.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 SRCE 0.0 s6.9 48. B s9.1 58.2 58.2 56.9 63.8 59.1 61.3 63.8 64 .3 58.2 66 .4 64 -3 68.6 66.4 77.7 68.6 77 .B 77.7 87 .9 77 .8 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.5 0.0 0.1 1 .5 1.055 PL 38.92 2.8 150 FTG 5ET 0.014 TL 6L.52 PF PE PV 24 .0 0.0 8.8 0.0 7.5 0.0 2.8 0.0 1.055 PL 3.46 150 FTG T 0.117 TL 11.06 1.055 PL 14.54 150 FTG ET 0.014 TL 25.14 PF 1.3 PE O.O PV 0.5 PF 0.3 PE -4.3 PV 0.1 Pipe 19 18 Pipe 19 L2 Pipe 20 19 Pipe BFD 20 Pipe: BOR BFD 7 29.s 29.5 8 29.5 39.s 9 28.0 29.s 10 23.0 28. O 11 23.0 23.0 7 .5 1.055 PL 0.0 2.8 1s0 FTG 0.0 0.014 TL 16.5 1 .05s PL 0.0 6. 1 150 FTG 0.0 0.0s9 TL 24.0 1.291 PL 0.0 5.9 150 FTG 0.0 0.044 TL 24.0 2.0C9 PL 0.0 2.4 150 FTG 0.0 0. 005 TL 11.25 PF L,7 E2T PE _4.3 29 .45 PV O .2 34.L2 PF 2E PE 40.t2 PV 23.00 PF 2E PE 32 .00 PV 5.00 PF EPE 1,2 .60 PV L.4 -0. 6 o.2 0.1 -2.2 0.0 FIXED PIJ.ESSURE LOSS DEVICE 9.1 psi, 24.0 gpm SER BOR SUP SER Pipe: 12 23.0 23.0 Pipe:13 0.0 23.0 0.0 0.0 24.0 0 .0 2.4 0.0 24.0 (N/A) 1. 1 0.0 2 . 009 PL '6 .42 150 FTG T 0.005 TL 2L.52 3.000 PL 78.50 140 FTG ETG 0.001 TL 136.50 Pr' 0. I PE O.O PV O.O PF 0.1 PE -10.0 PV O.O f/o ,"*1""* sysrEM H'DRAULT. *o"C,Page 3 Date: 06/25/1995 JOB TITLE: CAPPY RESIDENCE REMOTE AREA ,C.. NOTES:(1) Calculations were perforrned by the HASS 5.8.0 computer program under lj.cense no. 8115J 49 grant.ed by HRS Systems, fnc. 2193 Ranchwood Dr., N.E.Atl-anta, cA 30345 ( 2 ) The systen has been balanced to provide an average imbalance at each node of 0.002 gpm and a maximum irnbalance at any node of 0.0?B gpn. (3) Velocity pressures.are printed for information only, and are not used in balancing the 6y6tem. Maximum water vetocity is 14.9 fL/sec at pipe 1. (4) PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: C.pIp PAGE: B MATERIAL: Copper HWC: 150 Dianeter Eguivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G A D 811 Tee 45 ChkVlv ButVlv Gatvlv AlmVlv DryVlv 0.811 3.00 4.50 1.50 7.60 9.10 1.50 0.oo o.o0 r.055 3.00 7 .60 1.50 7 .60 9.10 1.50 0. oo 0.00 L.291 4.50 9.10 1.50 10.60 9.10 1.50 O.O0 0,00 2.009 7.60 1s.10 3.00 16.60 9.10 1.50 0.00 0.00 PAGE: D MATERIAI,: DIRoN HWC: 140 Dj-aneter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L c B G EII Tee LngEL Chkvl Bfyvl GatVl rr ,"*rt,r* 'YSTEM HYDRAULT. **"t Date: 06/25/1995 JOB TITLE: CAPPY RESIDENCE REMOTE AREA 'C" WATER SUPPLY CURVE 12 0+ 110+ Page 4 \\\ \\\ \\\\ \\\50.0 psi e 978 !Jpm-> * Flow Test Point 100+0\\\ 90+ x P 80+ R E D u R ( P s ) s 70+ I 50+ 60+ 40+ 30+ I I I 20+LEGEND X = Required Water Supoly 87.88 psi € 24.0 gpm 10+0 = Available Water Suppty 97.95 psi € 24.0 gpm 0 ++-+---+----+-----+------+--------+--------+---------+-----------+ 200 300 400 s00 600 700 800 900 1000 FLOW (GPM) rl ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 6045 E, 76TH AVE., *12 CoMMERCE CrTY, CO. 80022 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR CAPPY RESIDENCE vArL, coLoRADO FILE NUMBER: C95022D 08 /2L/e5 REMOTE AREA 'D' -DESIGN DATA- OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATIO.II: NFPA 13D DWELLING uNIT TYPE OF SPRINKLERS: CENTRAL OPTIMA R.ESIDE:{TIAL CONCEALED PENDENT BASIS OF COVERAGE: 20 fL. x 20 ft. NLTMBER OF SPRINKLERS CALCULATED: t heads MINTMT,JM GpM REQUIRED pER SPRINKLER: 24.0 gpm TOTAI. SPF-INKLER WATER FLOW REQUIRED: 24.0 gpm TOTAL WATER REQUIRED (with domestic): 24.0 gpm ri-ow AND PRESSURE (e BOR)z 24.0 gprn e 70.8 psi SPRINKLER ORIFICE SIZE: 7/16 inch NAME OF CONTPJ,CTOR: ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. DESIGN/LAYOUT BY: STEVE KYLE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION: VAIL FIRE PREVENTIoN CATCULATICNS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGR,A}{ HRg SYSTEMS, rNC. ATLANTA, GA ,n*l"r* sysrEM H'DRAULTC *o"t,Date: 06 /25 / i995 JOB TITLE: CAPPY RESIDENCE REMOTE AREA "D" WATER SUPPLY DATA Page 1 c95022D SOURCE NODE SUP STATIC PRESS. (PSI) 98.0 RES ID. PRbSS. (PSI) 50.0 FLOW 0 (GPM) 978.0 AVAIL. PRESS. E l PSI ) 97 .9 NODE TAG 10 11 t2 13 15 17 1B 19 20 SER BOR BFD SUP ELEVATION (FT) 39 .5 39.5 39 .5 42.3 42 .4 26.s 29.5 29.5 28.0 23.0 23,0 23.0 0.0 NODE TYPE K= 4.20 SOURCE AT SOURCE SPRINKLERS 51.5 52 .6 52.6 32.7 40. s 5I.2 55.4 57.5 s9. s 71.0 70.8 6I.7 81.0 TOTAL REQ'D DEMAND PRESS.(GPM) ( PSr ) 24 -O 81.0 24.0 GPM O.O GPM O.O GPM 24.0 GPM 24.0 24.0 AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE OTHER HOSE STREAI.{ ALLOWANCES TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE NODE ANALYSIS DATA PRSSSURE DISCHARGE (PSr ) (cPM) Date: 06 JOB TITLE PIPE DATA PIPE TAG END NODES PT DISC.(PSr) (GPI.I) ELEV. NOZ.(Fr) (K) 1 42.4 0.C 42.3 4.2 2 26.5 0.0 42-4 0.0 3 29.5 0.0 26.s 0.0 5 39.5 0.0 39 .5 0.0 6 29.5 0.0 39.s 0.0 29.s 0.0 29.s 0.0 B 29.5 39. s 9 28.O 29.5 10 23.0 28.0 11 23 ,0 23.0 I2 23.o 23.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 tn*|."r* sysrEr,i HyDRAuLrc o*orf ,Page 2 /25/le95 CAPPY RESIDENCE REI.IOTE AREA "D" PRESS. SUM. (PSr) PF 1.9 PE O.O PV 1.5 P.rpe 15 13 Pipe I7 15 Pipe 18 t7 24 .0 1.0 14-9 24 .0 24 .0 0.0 B.B 0.0 24 .0 0.0 8.8 0.0 -8.6 0.0 3.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -8.6 0.0 3.2 0.0 15.4 0.0 5.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q(GPM) DrA(rN) LENGTH ./EL(FPs) Hl,i(c) (FT) Pipe: 4 10 39. s 0.0 t2 39.5 0.0 F- T /t|6 0.811 PL B-29 150 FTG 2ET Q.422 TL 18.79 1.055 PL 2I .25 150 FTG ET 0.117 TL 31.8s 1.055 PL 32.08 150 FTG 5E 0.117 TL 47 ,08 1 .0s5 PL 38.92 150 FTG 5ET 0.018 TL 6L.s2 1 . 055 PL 3.46 15C FTG T 0.000 rL 11.06 1.055 PL 14.54 150 FTG ET 0.018 TL 25.t4 1.055 PL 34.L2 150 FTG 2E 0.0s1 rL 40.12 40.5 5L,2 40. s 55.4 5L.2 51.5 52 .6 52 .6 52 .6 s5 .4 51.5 57 .s 55 .4 57 .5 52 .6 s9 .5 s7.5 61 .7 59.5 70.8 6I.7 71.0 70.8 81.0 71.0 3.7 -6. 9 0.5 5.5 I.3 0.5 PF 1.1 PE O.O PV 0.1 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV Pipe T2 11 Pipe 18 10 pipe 19 18 Pipe 19 72 Pipe BFD 20 Pipe BOR BFD Pipe 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 -4.3 0.1 2.7 0.0 0.2 0.5 -4.3 0.1 Pi-pe: 20 19 8.6 1 .055 PL 11.25 PF O.O 3.2 150 FTG E2T PE 0.0 0.018 TL 29.45 PV 24,0 1.291 PL 23.00 0.0 5.9 150 FTG 2E 0.0 0.044 TL 32. OO PF 1.4 PE -0.6 PV 0.2 24.0 2. 009 PL 5.00 PF 0.1 0-0 2.4 150 FTG E PE _2.2.0.0 0.005 TL t2.60 P\' 0.0 PIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE 9.1 psi, 24.0 gpm SER BOR SUP SER 24.0 2.009 PL 6.42 PF O.O 2.4 150 FTG T PE 0.0 0.005 TL 21.52 PV 0.1 0.0 0.0 13 0.0 sRcE 23.0 0.0 24 .0 (N/A) 1.1 0.0 3.000 PL 78.50 PF O. 1 140 FTG ETG PE _10.0 0.001 TL 136.50 PV 0. O P.i-pe NOTES: ( 1) Carcurations were performed by the HAss 5.8.0 cornputer program under license no. 8115J 49 granted by HRS Systems, Inc. 2193 Ranchwood Dr., N.E.Atlanta, cA 30345 (2) Jhe systen has been bal"anced to provide an average irnbalance at each node of 0.007 gpm and a maximun irnbalance at any node of 0.081 gpm. (3) velocity pressurea,are printed for informati-on onl-y, and are not used in balancing the system. Maximum water vltocity is 14.9 ft/sec at pipe 1. spnlr,sn sysrEu HvDRAULTc ANALTG Page 3 Date: 06/25/1995 JOB TITLE: CAPPY RESTDENCE REMOTE AREA "D" (4) PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: C.pfp PAGE: B MATERfAL: Copper HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths (in) E T L c B EIl Tee 45 ChkVlv Burv1v 0.811 1.05s T.29L 2.009 PAGE: D Diameter ( in) in Feet GAD GatVIv AImVIv DryVIv 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.50 0.00 0.00 3.00 4.50 1.50 7.60 9.10 3.00 7.60 1.50 7,60 f.io 4.50 9. 10 1. s0 10. 60 9 . 10 7.60 15.10 3.00 16.60 9.lo MATERIAL: DIRON HWC: 140 Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet ETLCBG Ell Tee tngEl Chkvl Bfyvi GarVl ,r*,i,r* .YSTEM HYDRAULT. *o""1 Date: 06/25/7995 JOB TITLE: CAPPY RESIDENCE REMOTE AREA "D.. WATER SUPPLY CURVE 120+ 110+ 100+0\\\ Page 4 \\\ \\\ \\\\ \\\ \\\ 50.0 psi g 978 gPn-> Flow Test Point 90+ 80x 70+ 60+ 50.| 40+ 30+ P R E s s U R E ( P s I ) 2O+LEGEND X = Required Water Supply 81.03 psi € 24.0 gPn 10+0 = Available Water supply 97.9s psi € 24.0 gPm 0++-+---+----+- -----+------+--------+--------+---------+-----------+ 200 300 400 500 600 700 FLOi{ (GPM) 800 900 1000 ALL_STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 6045 E. 76TH AVE., #12 CoMMERCE CITY, CO. 80022 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR CAPPY RESIDENCE VAIL, COLORADO FILE N['MBER: C950228 08/2L/95 REMOTE AREA '8" -DESIGN DATA- OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: NFPA 13D DWELLING UNIT TYPE OF SPRINKLERS: CENTRAL OPTIMA RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENT BASIS OF COVERAGE: 20 ft. x 20 ft. NUMBER OF SPRINKLERS CALCULATED: 2 heads MINIMt'M GPM REQUIRED PER SPRTNKLER: 17.0 gpn TOTAL SPRINKLER WATER FLoW REQUIRED: 35.1 g:pn TOTAL WATER REQUIRED (trith domeetic): 35.1 gprn FLOW AND PRESSURE (g BOR): 35.1 gpm e 59.1 psi STRINKLER ORIFICE SIZE: 7/16 inch NAME OF CONTRACTOR: ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. DESIGN,/LAYOUT BY: STEVE KYLE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION: VAIL FIRE PREVENTION CAI.,,CULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRA}4 HRS SYSTEMS, INC. ATI"ANTA, GA Date: 06/25/1995 JOB TITLE: CAPPY WATER SUPPLY DATA spnftr,nn sYsrEM HYDRAULT. allelts RESIDENCE REMOTE AREA '8" Page 1 c9s022E FLOW ANALYSIS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE TOTAI-, HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE OTHER HOSE STREAM AI-,IOWANCES TOTAI-, DISCHARGE FROl,l ACTIVE NODE ANALYSIS DATA SOURCE NODE TAG SUP NODE TAG 10 11 L2 t4 t5 i6 t7 18 19 20 SER BOR BFD suP STATIC PRESS. (PSr) 98.0 AGGREGATE RES ID. PRESS. (PSr) 50.0 FLOW e (GPM) 978.0 AVAIL. PRESS. O (PSr) 9'l -9 TOTAL DEMAND (GPM) 35.1 18.1 17.0 3s. 1 REQ'D PRESS . (PSI) 70.1. AT SOURCE SPRINKLERS 35.1 GPM O.O GPM O. O GPM 35.1 GPM ELEVATION (FT) 39.5 39.5 39.5 42.L 42.4 41.5 26.5 29.s 29.s 28. 0 23.0 23.0 23.0 0.0 NODE TYPE R= 4.20 K= 4.20 SOURCE PRESSURE DISCHARGE (PSr ) (GPM) 37 .2 39 .4 39.4 18.5 2t.7 16.4 30.8 40.7 44.8 48. 3 59.9 59.7 50. 6 70.1 ,n*-Q"u* 'YSTEM HYDRAULT. *o"O, Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (PSr) (GPM) F.L.,/Fr 18.1 0.811 PL 0.0 2r .7 0.0 lL .2 150 FTG 4.2 18.5 18.1 0.250 TL 0.0 0.0 0.0 c.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Date: 06/25/1995 JOB TITLE: CAPPY RESIDENCE REMOTE AREA "8" PIPE DATA 18. I 1- oss PL 2I.25 PF 0. 0 6 .6 150 FTG El PE 0.0 0.070 rL 31.85 PV !7 .0 0.811 PL 23. s0 PF 7 .9 0.0 10.6 150 FTG 4E PE -6.5 17.0 0 .223 ''rL 35. s0 PV 0. B 35. 1 1 .0s5 PL 32.08 PF ll.2 o. o 12.9 150 FTG sE PE 1.3 0.0 0.23'l TL 47.08 PV 1.1 3s. 1 . 2 .009 PL 5.00 PF 0. I 0.0 3.6 150 FTG E PE -2.2 0.0 0.010 TL 12 . 60 PV 0. 1 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE 9.1 psi, 35.1 gpm 0.2 0.0 0.1 Page 2 PIPE TAG END ELEV. NODES (F1) Dina. 1 t-5 42.4 L4 42.r NOZ. (K) (FT) 5 .62 ET l-3.t2 PRESS. qIIM (PSI) PF PE PV 11 15 Pipe: 2 26.5 42 .4 3.3 0.1 0.8 L.Z -6.9 U.J 30. B 2t.'t 30.8 L6 .4 40 .7 30.8 31 .2 39 .4 39 .4 39 .4 40 .7 37 .2 44 .8 40 .7 44.8 39 ,4 48.3 44.8 50.6 48.3 59.7 50.6 59.9 59.7 Pipe.: 3 t'? 26.5 t6 41 .5 Pipe: 4 18 17 10 t2 29.5 26.5 Pipe: 5 39.5 39. s 1.oss PL 38.92 PF 2.2 150 FTG 5ET PE O. O 0.036 TL 67.s2 PV 0. I Pipe: 6 t2 39.5 11 39 .5 Pipe: 7 18 29 .5 10 39.5 Pipe: 8 L9 18 29.5 29.5 Pipe: 9 19 29 .5 12 39.5 Pipe: 10 -tz.b 0-0 4-6 0.0 -LZ-O 0.0 4.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 PF 2.8 PE -0.6 PV 0.5 0.0 1.05s PL 3.46 PF O.O O.O 150 FTG T PE 0. 0 0 .000 TL 11.06 PV 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 .055 PL 14.54 PF 0.9 150 FTG ET PE _4.3 0.036 tL 25.I4 Pr,' 0.1 22.4 1.055 PL 34.r2 PF O. O 8.2 150 FTG 2E PE 0. 0 0. 104 TL 40 .I2 PV L2.6 1.055 PL II.25 PF O.O 4.8 150 FTG E2T PE 0.0 0.036 TL 29.4s PV 4.2 0.0 0.5 1.1 -4.3 0.1 ZU 19 28.0 29.5 35.1 1.291 PL 23.00 0.0 8.6 150 FTG 2E 0.0 0.089 TL 32.00 Pipe: L1 BFD 23.O 20 28.0 Pipe: 12 23.O 23.0 Pipe: 13 23 .0 23.C BOR BFD SER BOR 35.1 2.009 PL 6.42 PF O. O 3.5 150 FTG T PE 0.0 0.010 TL 21.52 PV 'l ,r I spnrl.nn sysrEM HyDRAULTc ANALyn paqe 3 Date: 06/25/1995 JOB TITLE: CAPPY RESIDENCE REMOTE AREA .'E" PIPE DATA (cont. ) PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS.END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) Hw(C) (FT) StJI'l . NODES (FT) (K) (PSr) (GPM) F.L./F? (psr ) Pipe: L4 35.1 3.000 PL 18,5U PF 0.2 sup 0.0 sRcE 70.1 (N/A) 1.6 140 Frc Erc pL -10. 0 sER 23.0 0.0 59.9 0.0 0.002 TL 136.50 pv 0.0 NOTES:(1) Calculations vrere perforned by the HASS 5.8.0 computer program under .license no. 8115J 49 granted by HRS Systems, Inc. 2193 Ranchwood Dr., N.E.Atlanta, GA 30345 (2) The system has been balanced to provi-de an average irnbal-ance at each node of 0.014 gpm and a maximum inbalance at any node of 0.185 gpn. (3) Velocity pressures are printed for information only, and are not used in balancingl the system. Maximun water velocity is I2.9 fX/eec aL pipe 4. (4) PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: C.PIP PAGE: B MATERIAL: Copper HWC: 150 Diameter Eguivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G A D EII Tee 45 Chkvl.v ButVIv catvlv AlmVlv DryVIv 0.811 3.00 4.50 1.50 7.60 9.10 1.s0 0.00 0.00 1.055 3.00 ?.60 1.50 7.60 9.10 1.50 0.00 0.00 L.29\ 4.50 9.10 1.50 10.60 9.10 1.s0 0.00 0.00 2.009 7.60 15.10 3.00 16.60 9.10 1.s0 0.00 0.00 PAGE: D MATERIAI.,: DIRON HWC: 140 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B c EI1 Tee LngEl Chkvl BfyVI catvl I rt I P R E s s U R l! ( P s I ) 1 10+ 90+ 80+ 70X 60+ 50+ 40+ 30+ 2O+ 10+ ,""l,"r* sysrEM H'DRAULT. *o"O.Date: O6/25/1995 JOB TITLE: CAPPY RESIDENCE REMoTE AREA WATER SUPPLY CURVE l2 0+ 100+0\\\ Page 4 \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\\ \\\ \\\50.0 psi g 974 gpm-> * FIow Test poi_nt \\\ \ \\\ \\\ LEGEND X - Required Water Supp1y 70.12 psi € 3s.1 gpn ,: 0 - Available Warer SuppJ.y 97.90 psi 0 35.1 gpn 0++-+---+----+-----+------+- -----__+________+_________+___________+200 300 400 500 600 700 800 9oo 1oo0 FLOW (cPM) o ALLSTATE FIRE PROTECTTON. INC. 6045E T6THAVE #12 COMMERCE CITY. COLORADO 80022 Telepl,one (303 ) 288-3901 F':r\ { 3(t.j) 2lJl{- I 9.1() CAPPY RESIDITNC:E FIRE SPRINKI FR SYSTEM PRODUCT LITERATURE PIPE AND FITTINGS A.) Typc "M" Coppcr Tube B.) Soldcr Joinr Coppcr & Brass Firrings SPRINKLER HEADS A.) Central Optima Rcsidential Conccalcd pendens B.) Cenrral CBR-2 Residential pendcnts VALVES A.) Watts #909-Ml 2" Reduced prcssure principlc Backllow prcventer rr.ith B,) United Brass #125S Globe Valvcs and #1265 Angle Valves C.) United Brass #76 Gauge Tesr Valvcs D.) Waus #FP53L l/2', pressure Relief Valve ACCESSORIES A.) S1'sten Sensor OSY2 Supervisory Srvitch B,) Pottcr Elcctric Signal "VSR-F" Vane T1,pc Waterflou. Alarnr Srvitch C.) Tolco Fig 200 Trimlinc Adjusrablc Srvivel fung Hangers D.) Argco ltem { 3/8" Sicel Eyc Sockcr E.) Tolco Fig. lt)O 3/8,'All Thrcao Rod F.) Sncct & Donaldson #401 Whire Sprinkler Canopy #909AC Air Cap VAII FIRE I Aj,;-;*Ff#RT^.ENT ,,, FHffiH SPR Introduction of Contents ' , '):i.:)i j;. f.OrntlinalrCrt Ol CcOrtrtrrry ;]|(, v{trlt;tir :,,,' '::1::t|i!:dly rn llipinrr sysl{}nls Wrllr r t: , I ;i I I I r:. I I , ; i ; .': ',:-'t i;,': 3:l InC (lrJ,llrIr)S vrltiClt lr:tvr' l;t(jc ll lll..': '\ t):ttt'! ;t1)plrt;;lrrlr I nlilvr, jl:; ltilrlrl,,, lor tr,:,.i.''":, .,i;tt;,tr lt;r, l(iil) i,-,t-)r)lt, lrr;rj.IrJ,,,;,11L11;.. sprinkler system in a building being in- electric resistance lrllri)illJClr()rl l.l l l)/r ljl;rrt1,rr j . , ir:J l,4otJ,-,1 (.rr' i , i,r'y1r1r,,; ,; llry rr! lrl I .t,,r't)l li. ;r: ', ; '' llttl"' l'1;;';' l:' ,irrrJ l: rilrrri;r, . Jorrrrnr) Ir,r;itnr) ;,, l)ir;tltnq \..,ti11 l.lpacc i,irrrila tro l.t [)(]rlorrnanCC ........ . Ir-,clrrtrcal Data.. . ... .. I ube Cltaractc rrslrc:; Friction Loss Tabtcs o F rrclion Losses. f:ittings and Vatves . . 1O . Tubc Bcndrng Guide r0 , Hanger Spacinq . 10 . I'ianger Sizinq 10 ' Soldering and Brazing . 1 i Material Specif ications .. r I Figure 2. Copper is very effective in residen- tial applications, such as this multi- family unit. 1.'.: . lit.i:) ,. ' );):t:: | , t|)i','... ". .:ti ) (,olnl),1(_i !..,iiti.lI tj;lj;rj:, ;, )tl( ,jiiir; r:L1l r' ,i.i!;t:ro:: a\t\a -- .t:a; r)f) lilr) Sl);i(:(t i,:r:rJ ,ri lo ir)s1:tll llll)rr [] |ar;l I t'1,,:(,i ;)tt :).', (,r:):).::3r, ll,lltS Cirrr I)rr ccorrorttrc;tlly i,:lrrrr;.-tlr:rJ ll,,:;ol(ltfrite or t)r,iziig usllrt convollltonal cqrriJtrrtrrril or cleclrrc r,r s;rslancc toolS. Jorirng rs done wilfl stand;trd fi irrr]:; or nrechanrcal tce-pullrng devrces. BenrJng and fornring of thc tuLr: rs easy rluc lo copper's ductrliiy Modificalion and rcpai is sirnplifrr.lcl lrr occrr prerj spaces the jnstallation is clean and coppcr can be easilv fit into tillht spaccs and around fixtures. The corrosion rorl.io^i" of coppcr, both externai and internal, helps to maintain a neal ap pcarance and provides superior flow ch a racte ristics.In terms of installed costs and material integrity, copper pro.vides a lorv maintenance project with excelteni eJonomy. The re_sult is Ueneficial to everyone from the conlra.lor io the OuitOing ow ne r. Figure 1. Copper fire commercial stalled with heating. NFPA Standard and Model Code Acceptance IJI i','. .,1);i:Ot'rli; .' .t).'.,. .: of lrr:iri ii.r:.trri (.,', , ii,.,,' . wilil l.:) r, j.:r.ClrO , it;' ..'. ColtP'lr sYsierrs i;;;.'il beer r:l rcliable se rvice ior cecaoes. due to superro r pe ':ormence ano economy. NFPA 13, Stancard for the InStallation of Sprin,.ler Sys- tems, Light Hazarc Occupan cies (Section 1 7.2t rncludes rhe follovrrng types of o.:cupa ncies:. Apartments . Churches . Clubs/Restau ranis . Dormitories . Du,'lllings , l lospilals . l-lotels & Motels .Inslrlltllons . I J rr r:;inq llonrr::; . ( tllrrL: []r r rili rr r rl::. i 'ri lllrr: {llrldul(l:;. tloouring l lou:;r r:, .liclrools " Iownlrouses 1963 Tlre National l-ire Prr-l lcction Association (Nl- PA) includes hanger spacings for copper conductors in NFPA 13 (Section315.1.11). 1968 NFPA approves Type L copper tube as a conductor (Seclion 3 1.1.4), revises the hanger spacings, approves lorcll brazing, and recognizcs copper's excellent corrosion resistance. 1969 Copper Development Associalion begins a full scale lrrr) lc3: proQrilnr aintcd at lind- rnq ll)e most funclional and (:os1-e iiii(:lrvil 5y 5le ri, 197n l',li:l)i lli rSecticrrs 3, 1 j j ,;' :l i I ,1 I l|)C]t]orl3 Uirl Ol i','p':.,, r.;titr-) i.i r;rtl.tit,rr ,l:, Stltl' ,rtrlc r;irtttiUcioi:-' itttd litc usc of lypr: 95 5 lirr ;rrtlitnony soldt-'r iOr lorrrflQ cOppCr tube anCl furtings (Section 3-1.1 .l). '| 976 Composite copper- steel systems are accepted vlhere steel :'isers supply cop- per branch lincs in high-rise buiidings. 1980 NFPA 13D is published for one- and two-family dwell- ings, and approves the use of copper. 1989 NFPA 13R for residen- tial occupancies up to iour sto- rres, is published approving the use r,.,1 copper_ i" Natonal Frre Proleclron;s:acraiior. 3ziiaryanarch Pa.\. Ourncy. i A O?269 NBC - Natirxral Buittng Code: &ritdrE Offciats and Code Administratocs Internatonal. 40151 West Flossrnore Road, C.xrntsy Ctub Hilts. tL 604Z/ SBC - Standard Buitdirq Code: Souttrem Buitding Congrejs Intemanonat, Inc.. 9OO Monldair Road. Eirmingham. AL 35Zt 3 UBC - Uni(orm Euildif€ Code. lnternational conference of Buffiing Off|cals. 5360 South woftman Mi Boad. whiflier, cA 9o€ol Figure 3- NBC, SBC, and UBC recommend standards that are the bases tor state and local code re-quirements- Regulated by strict codes for safetv and durability, copper is rcadily accepted in lhe fire sprinkler industry. BuiHing code officals recognize c6iperi tinre p.oveir qtalities. Copper's [Jerref its i,. r;, , o l I i.rr rrlli rr q :,)t'tl : : ..: . .:., r;. .:. ': ).) ) | i)t lt,lvrt iitr; ii,tliri.ir' lri,t:;lri; rror tirrt lvltrji,l oi ,i,,.. lri orl t;llc :;loriiclc. col)p\)t \,.): j.: Lr n likc pla:;lic altcrn;_rlivi::;. l- unelif0cted by L'xposurc to s r:r ligirt Copper will not suppcr: corlrt)LJSlton or prodUcC tO) r{ g ases. Comparisons to stecl in !.,,a1 lhickne ss and weight shoyr a noll)er advantage ol c.oppc: )nrAler prpe srzes can be used, which means grcalcr jrtl;i ' ).tt' .:' il/l rJr,.ri)lt . l:t: : ) Ji'': .. ll f;, t;i i; i)rlill,,'.' ilr )rji ir:o.ilJcItO k,,.,;,,S,u iir{) iUt),_.()i c;IJS[iq il lO COl, l;rpsr: ili:rrdtnq in thc ficld can i;r: done ccld using l)and toots. ,']|ld sltoD ttenciing may utilize rjither hand or power bending nrachrnes Fabrication of cop- per is possrbte in a very small rvork area. Heavy pipe thread- rncl nrachines are replaced with portable. r:asy-to-use hand lools, so lob siic cleanliness is f acilitated, llarrgers, Supports arrd Fittinqs )i)i)'tl :;l. li.';:r :,:tj,.)tit.: l r , :'. . . ' I t ; i r t rl , ) r :: it.trj tur),)ot 1.- llr;l'r do ltlaslrc pror,g syslcms l)o:,,'ls(.' oi lirr_. rrc;drly of cop pc. In gcrnerai. ai I0ast onr_l hanoer is required for oaclr horrzontal tube iungth inslalled [:or hanger spacino detail, see Table 5, page 10. Tube straps. U-hooks, or periorated straps are all ac- cepiable hangers rvhere struc. tural conditions permit Flal iron (steel band) hangers, ring nanoers, and clevis hangers may also be employed and are macje to copper tube sizes. Standard pipe siie (SpS) steel band and ring hangers can also be used. Special plating or painting of ferrous hangers is not required when used with copper tube since the potential for galvanic corrcsion of the hangers is slight, except in wel or conosive atmosphgres, for example, where special coated sprinklers are required. Pressure fittings are avail- able in all slandard tube sizes and in a wide variety ol pat- terns. Typically, with copper systems the fittings are smaller than with steel or plastics_ . . ,.,''t Sch.40 Steel lbs. 'Weighl is based on pounds per linear foot for 2-oranreter I'Ibe and/or pipe, iocludin_o water. Figure 4. Comparative wall thicknesses and weights of copper tube vs. steel pipe. Figure 5. Typical fiftings used in copper fire 50.,n*,n,. installations. 'Joining Techniques o Copper tubr: anri firlrrrr;s art: ;oined metallurqicrlly try soldrtr, rng or braztng and arL lcax-rrltc due lo the positiv,: nrt'laIic trorrded lorni:;. l)old,;iirtrl anrJ Iiralut(l ;rrr: f;isl ;lnrl',rilrrtri;n: Inclltoori ol lttrrrrnrt !.,/rii) ,1;1liJ ar0 lorrjlt,J:t itrrii;t v, r1_,ly OI gaScs, f acilitatirrg hrlir l;rorJlr: trvily on thc job sitr There are also elcclric resrsl_ ance soldering and brazrng hand tools whrch employ healrng erec_ trodes lor iorning tube and lrt_ tings (fig. 6). The lools are tight- weight and should be consroereo wnen an ooen flame is a concern. Another advancemenl in join_ ing technology is a hand tool designed to enable the quick pulling of tee conneciions and outlels, thus reducing lhe num- ber of tee fitlings and brazed lornts (Fig /) Tlris state_of_lhe. arl forming mctlrod shorlens the Irrrrc necded lo allacll r9e Jornis.and branches can b6: [orm.6 4 lo 1., lrnres faster. Savings of 1O% ..i 25./,, oi on Silri cosls ir:lv{) t),t{ lll rJolr1;1111111,-,J. /\ L)r.,, t{tcil;}l,ital lc nna .:, v1.., lrirn lor copl)cr luitc oflers a r)r;tclrcil | ,lllcrnalr,.,e to soldering arrcl ltrazrng large diameter IuDe. Grooved.end piping has been Iamilar to pipe fitters and sprink- fer syslem contractors for many years. Since 1925. lhis method of joining pipe has been used reliably on sleel and iron oioe in HVAC, fire proteoion, prdcbss prprng and related applications. Now this method of mechanical joining is available in a system for copper tube in sizes iom 2,lz ugh 6 irrches (Fig B) Includ- are copper @uplings. 45 and 90 degree elbows, straiqhl tees and qrooved f lange adaplcrs Finally . a crpper sysienr can be tested wilho(rl delay inrnrecji. ;rlelv atler it has bccn co t 0lclcrJ lf a loak does occur, thrj a,r'sitn) c;Il ll,_. :rllter drlt;tt:d al Qtt,^'r..irozr:n ln lllC ,tr{t;t of Ilt{l Jorni ar)d prornptly rcpaired Dealing with Space Limitations Figure 6. Electric resistanc.e hand tools are suitable for soldering or brazing copper tube. --'- ^ Buildings wilh Light Hazard Occupancies are often desrqneo wilh severe mechanical spale lrmrtatrons. Copper's excellent properties nol only allow smaller prpes to be used, bul also allow the tube lo be berrt to bypass obslruclions if necessary. Con_ necttons are clean and easy and can be made in very tight spaces. This becomes a sionifi-, cant advantage in relrofit in"stat- : lations.-FreQuentyrdetails oi tne : actual mhstiuction:site]mayhiti, exactly.matdr the drawingd..Lasl : mtnute design chang,es maibe ' needed. lf mpper is-used, j6b charges are rarely a prob6m because the syslem can be ad- lusted in the field to accornmo- date variatiors frorn lhe plans. Only danga thatareithin the limitafons of your hydnulic cal_ culaticns should be made. Mecfianical grooveG endloining system for copper piping. Figure 7. Hand-held tool for pulling ouflets to quickly form lee connections- Performance llt,' (Jllrrr' : :ly:i1,'r; /'f l.r l|, ''t)tli: i;.i,:i.. i);.:t.;t): : r5 rtr.d 11r,,rl ;ritt.1it,,;1 i )',, (.ol)i)cr lrr': Litirrtklr:r . r,IIitI)()|i;trIi i') |v1liy ."', j 'i1,,, ,' ;)i ,,rjl, ' : , . I | / 1 I i I I j a;.,.. ' . . . rti)lt ''':l . i'ti:' ":\-tt: t (;Oi,:r.. : ii)tit(l rjJlt,:)r.: ...,..-i,l l,-,lti l-(r: -il:ijr1l(J lo rj;,-r:t.:r).: lrO t rtern,: ;flai uxtr:rrtal corrost0f I ll cloes nr,i rlevelop intcrnal surlJcu r0u(llItt]ss 0r e x,)ur I L'ncc a gradual narrovring of re passage caused by internal corrosror,. The ootential for plugging of sprrntiler head ori_ f ices and small diameter branch lin es is signifrcantly reduceo with copper tube srnce the normal thin, proteclive cor- rosron irlm in the tube bore does noi ilake off. This also redrjces ihe need fcr periodic ,lll'lr j {)lj'ri l ,-tj,:, r frtr)lti,,' 'il, t' ;i i .Ji ' :l 1,,':rr. ,r;llri :: ,l:iii.).;:, . .,:., llt.t :,|i),1|.)r i ,,r,,,,, t.,;lr ; :, col)i)r)r l),rlnilr. :.:ijltLjttrj r.;,,i, ;irrri lcr:rj ,rr;ln srir)(-l in rrr,:rr;, Irydraulically c;rlc ulatecl sy,, tenls. In pipe schcdule systclits this advantaqe rs reflecleo rn lhe increased nurnber of sprn. klers pernritted by appticabte standards for copper lines or two-inch and larger. Further, nrore, NFI,A recognizes lhe use of r/o inclr co;l1ter lutle rn sprinkler applications while the miniurn sizc requirement for steel pipe is one inch. Pipe Material Flow Capacity Normal Pipe Size - CTS ):. ,..,ii .,,t,1,:,1l ', l r' );J:) -,i .!:,1(ltii iit,lt't-'liir') l :. t)":()(tii;r;tri ;:irrlri1, lrl -;:ri\ ,,.. -lr,_,i- vtit,-.rc ltlitnrt;trj r'.,itiln c <oosed irr a lirc siru;r lron (,o:)p4r lrrllc rvrll nol cict(l rror:rlc rvith i:qe or becomr: Cmbnllled arrd lail, but rcmainS Cf f s61;r. f or ltre lrf e ol llte rn. stallalion. Should any parl of tne system be damaged, il can be repaired quickly and easity, ollen by soldering or brazirrg in a nelv piece. TeeS for ner.r spnnkler drops can also be mechanically fornred in place usrng hand tools 5afe SUI] ri BO 70 70 '- ^^{vwo o .---s0 8. U) do3 '-o tr ev (L CI obu o 3_ s0 ro -40 tr ^ -{l I Ll- vv (, 20 20 tlCoppcr Figure 9. Comparison of Flow 6 - Polybutylene Capacities irr 3 common lscn. 40 Steel types of pipe. 10 Technical Contents 'I Physical 0haracteristics ol Coppcr Tubc 2. F riclicn Loss Tables 3. Friction Losses: Filtrnqs and Valves 4. Tube Bendrnq Guide 5. Hanger Spacrng 6. Hanger Sizinq /. Soldering and Brazinq B. Material Specif icationi 1. Physical Characteristics of Copper Tube For Use in frre proli:ctrort syslL.rns, thrcc types of seant. less drawn copper tubc (Type K, L and M) are currenlly ac cepted by NFpA 13, t3D and 'l3R (Section 3-1.1.4, 3-3 and 1-5, respeclively). For all tnree types, lhe outside diameler is equal to the nominal diamerer plus t/e inch. However, wall thicknesses (and thus ;nside diameters) vary. Type M cop- per tubing has the thinnest wall and is also lhe leasl cosllv. Type L is lhe second thinnest. Type K tube has the thickesr wall, the smallest inside diam_ eter, the greatest cost, and is nci \'.,r{,,riy r.r.3,-.d. I i,i)c:i I ;nd K Jrt rr.,,trl y.,1r,;:1, [lgnding i5 rg aLirarl All r:rj;t:r,-,r lul)o iS avail. ll)l'1 r' rjr;1....' l)', dl l,'tnl),,i rr. 'i i r;t r(l: r; lilta) iit l iorr lrnl ril,l 20 ii-'rji 'rjr).J) i,:r,1, f,, ;rnU I trr; (lis0 dvjrl-);) .. rn i.lIt),J';llC(j (soil) icntpei. suplllicd rn crtircr 20. f oot slrargltl lengttrs or rn 1 00- f oot coils lor ;azes up to 1 inch and 45-foot corls for sizes up to 2 inches. Wrought and casl copper and copper alloy soldcr joint pressure fittings are accepted by NFPA 13, t3D and i3R. These are available in a wide choice of configuralions for use with each type of copper tube. Tdble 1. Physical characteristics of tube, types L and M ELKHARrtoou.r. coRpoRA'o", r.rtrNc pRoDU"r. o,u,J,J* {, f ( Elkhart Wrot Copper Fittings Pressure and Drainage Solder-Joint Fittings Elkhart !^Jrot Copper Pressure and Drarnaqe Fittings are produced from commcrcrally pure copper under specialized processes and under slrict Inspection and qualrty conlrol The corrosion resistance of Wrot Copper Fittings rnakes them ideal lor use in plumbing. healing. rcfrigeralron. arr condrlronine. drainage installatrons and for any othcr piprng where copper tube itsell is satisfaclory. WE INVITE YOUR lNOUtRy. Thrs calalog contains a large varicly ol types and sizes of Wrot Copper Pressure and Drainage Fittrngs. We invile your Inqurry on any fi ing or srze nol shown. we also tnvrte your request fof quotarrons on any special f itt ings or dimensrons. CONTENTS Marketing Policy. . . ....lnsroecover Couplings ..page 2 Unions. ..._page 3 Adapters .,.page 4 Elbows .....page 6 Tees... ....page 9 Capsand Plugs.. ..page 14 Reducers ...page 14 AirChambers .....page15 P-Traps .,..page 16 Return Bends ......page 16 Drainage Fittings . . . . ....page l7 Test Caps . .page 23 Straps. ....page24 Engineering Data. . .. . ....page 25 WROT COPPER PRESSURE FITTINGS Elkhart Products Corporation. plumbing products Division manufactures a line of Wrot Copper Solder-,Joint Pressure Fiftings in sizes ranging from %" to 8". With over 1OOO items and sizes to choose from. the foilowing pages represent the most complete line in the industry. These fittings are produced in accordance with sBecifications shown in ANSI 816.22 forWrought Copper and Bronze Solder-Joint pressure Fittiigs. 6 | Elkhart proclucts torporation Yt- | A subsidiary of Amcasr tndustriat Corooraion , r:YL !v ENGINEERING DATA (\ \ Working Pressures and Solder 'I ir,r t;rlrl,. ol rrr;rrnrlrrrrr $.0rkittg J)r(:ssuf(:s ll{.1rtw ntusL l)(: Lrrrrirrrstoorl to rcllt:ct. rvlrat is gcrrcrall_1, corrsi<icre<l as goo<l r'ngirtcerirrg pr;rr:t icc urrrlcr reason:rlrl.v corr.sLarrt. artd favorablc c,r',rlitiorrs: i.c., pr<:ssurcs rr.hiclr are fairly sLca<l-r,, abscrrcc of l);rf ticulariv corrosir,c rucdia, ctc. [Jrrusual c<trrditions rcquirc rnrr(rasc(l sa[ct_r, factors an<l thcrcforc lorvcr u,orking prcs- su rr..; sltrrultl bc uscd. ( Rated Internal Working Made of Copper Water Pressures of Piping System Tube and Soldered Fittings w.lcr (r) Cooo.r W.i.r Iutj€ -tlomiirl Sir!t ( 'fhe cata gaven lor 50% tin-50 tead lhc v.lues;n th,s tabte.re based on data in th€ Nation.l 9ureau ol Standards PuDt'cationr. ..Buitdi.r€ Materials and 5lruclu.es Repo.ts gMS 58 and BMS aJ-.. (a) Includrng orhe. 6onco..os;ve taquids rnd gases (b) AST M 832. Alloy crade 5OA (c) ASt^r 832. Afioy Grade 5a <onritlenl vrith the mqle riol: appf,es afso to. the 40% tin-60 lead,ltoy. NOIE The attove table is trom data pubtishcd by thc Copp?. and Erass ReSea.ch Association. : Eroring Alloyr I (Melling ot or obove I OOO"F.) Temper<rlure qnd p.er:ur€ rotings ond procedurcr employed. Estimated Quantity of sd-50 solder Required to Make 1c0 Joints ( l. Ihe.quantiry of ha.d sotcter u.ed ir dep.nctent on the ikitl 3lJlf rif""'1.'iT;lit roreest'nraftns pu'pos's' 7s or thc a. I;i:"?: of Sorda. Ftur wifl rre .cquired tor c.ch pound of ,o,.t! D.s. r. I %- lo l- rn(l LY.' ro 7' ln.l.2'l, - to (- Incl S- lo l- | 6rl 100 -50-50 150 Tin-Leod (b) ?OO 250 200 r 50 too t/ 5 t?5 90 | 50 roo 75 50 r35 90 70 45 95_5 I OO fin-Aotimony ' |50 or 95-5 ; 2OO Iin-teod (<) ; 25O 500 400 300 200 400 350 250 t75 300 775 200 r50 270 250 | 80 | 35 Sir.lt'v,'l-tN'ly2'2-2\r't't\1-a_5'a-a' Ouoority in Posnd:.5 ./5 t.o t.{1.7 t.9 ?.4 3.2 3-9 1.5 5.5 8.t5.32- EII<harC Products Eorporation A subsidiary of Amcast Industrial CorDoralion ENGINEERING DATA Wrought Copper T and Bronze Solder-Joint Pressure Fittings f-- ^ --l l'-" -l MALE END Dimensions of Soldered-Joint Ends (in inches) M.lr t.d i rii,d. Mlral i or.d.r.r Tnrctn.sr I ol rrrr,nq rl0 0ulii6€ Dirtnatct Srlndrrd ! k{g|n (In,r{c 0ia..,rit!. (c Srra ilin. li.r.fri.|. t/a t/' I tv! t,/? 7 2th 5 8 0.248 0.313 0.49f 0.611 0.7 47 0.8t2 r.122 1.7t2 1.62t 2.t2t 2.621 3.12l 'r.621 4.121 5.r 2l 6.121 8.t l9 0.251 0.316 0.50r 0.626 0.75t 0.876 1.127 1.377 2.t27 7.621 f,.r27 3.627 4.127 5-t27 6-127 8-t?7 0.38 0.44 0.56 0.69 0,81 0.97 t.03 t.t6 l.4l t.53 1.12 1.97 L22 2.f2 3.22 '1.09 0.252 0.377 0.502 0.627 0.752 0.af 7 r_t:8 I.378 1.628 2.128 2.628 3.r 28 3.628 {.t?8 5.t28 6.128 8.t28 0.2s6 0.t81 0.506 0.631 0.756 0.881 l.l 12 t.382 r.633 2_t 33 2.633 3.t 33 3.633 4.133 5.t33 6.133 8.133 0.ll 0-31 0.38 0.50 0.62 o.7 s 0.91 o.9l 1.09 t_47 I.66 l.9l 2.r 6 2.65 3,09 3.tt 0.022 0.026 0.03r 0.036 0-038 0.0d1 0 0d6 0.050 0.055 0.064 0.074 0.083 0.093 0.t 0l 0_ 5 0.r30 0.t86 0.r8 0.30 0.39 0.57. 0-63 0.14 0.98 t.?3 1.47 l.9r 2_89 3-81 1.f o 5.1? 7.55 Ertracled kom Amefican Nalional slarda.d wro(€hl'copp€. ard wrought-&onze solder-Jo{nt Pressure Fillings (ANS| Bl6 221 wilh th€ oermission ol lhe pub{isher. The Arn€.can Socrely ol Mechanicat Engi.re€rs.345 East 47ih St.. New yo.t. N_ y. -l- I I F I _L -r- LT ll l--i t T' 1l li r# TJ ( ( ( ( ( ( o @ I f.1*,:Ji*xffir"oto'nno""o- ENGINEERING DATA ( ( Wrought Copper Solder-Joint Drainage Fittings f)irnensions of Soldered-Joint vr | |1: I p^ q.. Ends (in inches) See Diagram Page 26 Itnt'|. tJ.l' 1 311 | 611 rl32 | 6ll 2.1 13 0 50 0.56 0.62 0 0.10 0 0J2 0 0.r? t79 r 53 2.0 r l,: tl/1 t'5 i i 621 0.56 r l/8 062 r 628 0.69 2 r ?8 , ] 2r2r 1.t2r , I Jr2r i.r27 I t/l \ ,--t ] Il2l Il?7 o Br i I 128 l.ul ' o.r5 j o.ors 2 e8 r.ol : rza r.r:: _i r.oo l_ o.or, ___l,lt _ frlraclcd trom Am':{.aan N3l'onal stancard wroughl copper and t'./tJ :nr copper Afoy sorder Jo,nt Dfa'nag.-, ;,r,ngs (ANst Bt6 2gr f.,:h te,,:ss..J. a:lrr. i)ubl,jher. llvj ,im,rnc.jn S€rely ot Ltechanrcrt Eng,nelrs 3a5 [as::7th St. l,tev, york N y ( Wrot Copper Fittings Large FITTING MATERIAL: Copper A oy #122. phosphorus Deoxid rzed-H ig ir Resrdual Phosphorus (DHp), Com- posrtion. 99% Copper; .015-040% Phosphorus. WELD MATERIAL: Silicon Bronze. Meets soecifica- tron American \r'/elding Societv (AWS) A5. Z-69 and American Metals Sociery (AMS) 4616 B WELD SPECIFICATTONS: Tensile Strength-Up to 58,000 PSI Yield Strength-Up to 25.000 PSt Elongation in 2"-53 to 55% tlardness-80 to 100 Brinelt (500 kg Load) Temperature: Melt lB32oF. Ftow t93loF DiameterWelded Design METHOD OF JOINtNG: EtectricWetd DIMENSIONS & SPECIFICATIONS: EPC Wetded fittings are produced rn accordance with specifica- trons shown in Amcrican National Standard (ANSt) 816 22 to( wrought coppet and bronze solder-ioint pressure fittings. TESTING: Each fitting is individually teslecl v/ilh air under water. The bursting pressure of the rveld exceeds that ol straight, seamtess ASTM BBB-/0 Type L copppr walcr tube. annealed. of conrpar- able daameler ( ( t lSl'aht vrradtions l.onr thcse wcifht! musl bc crpected i pr.cticc- Copper Water Tube-Standard Dimensions and Weights I o,1!id.*?T;:',' L '"{lisid. Di.m.t.r. l.rh.t W.ll lh'(tn.1!. I nclr.r tPound! o.r tinr.. root Sar€j Typcs I x-t-M'Tvpc r l'9<TtPc rlp" orvv Ire. i Typ. \IL rvx Tvx rloc lvx Tvct ( 4 6 E 2 5 I .37 5 .500 .625 .750 .87 5 t.125 t.375 t.625 2.r25 2.625 3.t25 3.625 4-t25 5.t25 6-t25 8.t25 Y4 % r/- % -:1'1 tt/t tVz zVz .40? .527 -652 .7 45 .995 t.245 t-48| | .959 2-435 ".907 3.3 85 3.8 57 4.805 5-741 7.583 -3ts - 430 .545 .666 -785 t -o25 1.265 | -505 1.985 7.465 2.945 3.{25 3-905 4.47 5 5_815 f -725 t.291 1.527 2.OO9 2.495 2.98 | 3.459 3.935 4.to7 5.881 7.7A5 1.295 1.54 | 2.O41 3.O35 4.q)9 4.98 | 5.959 .oe5 | .o8o .roe I .oeo .r20 | .too .r34 | .tto .t60 | .r25 .o3 5 .o49 .o49 .o49 .065 -06s .065 .o72 .on3 .o30 .o3 5 .040 .o42 -o4J .o50 .o55 .060 .ozo 192 140 271 200 .o25 .o25 .o28 .o30 .o32 -ot5 -o42 .o49 .o58 .065 .of2 .o83 .o95 .t09 .ta7 -lzo .o40 .o42 .o42 .o45 -o58 .o72 .o83 -t45 -269 - 144 .4t8 .64 | .8 39 t.o4 r.36 2.06 2 -93 4.q, 5.t 2 6.5r 9-67 | 3-9 25-9 .t26 .r98 .2 85 .362 .455 .65s .8 64 l.t4 1.7 s 2.48 3.33 4.29 5.3 8 7.61 to.2 t9.3 .t06 , .r45 i .zo< i -roa, .328 . .las i .68? i .650 -xo j -soe t.lc I r.oz ! 2.o3 | I 2-68 | l.6e 3.58 |4.66 | 2.87 6.66 | 4.43 I 8.e? i 6.1o I t6-5 | - 1fi) | Elkhart Products tolrporatian I A subsidiary ol Amcast tndustriat Cor@ration Page 26 ENGINEERING DATA Copper Water Tube-Calculated Bursting Pressure'( '/a 3/a 1/t 7A .rl /^ 3 3/ 5 500 6?5 / 50 .87 5 t.t25 t.375 r.625 2.t 25 :]o 5 .102 5'17 .65') ./ 45 .99 5 1.245 1.48 I 1.959 ll5 430 .5.1 5 .66 6 785 t_o25 1 _265 r.505 r.955 2.465 2.945 3.425 3.90 5 4.47 5 5.845 7.725 .035 o{9 049 049 .06 5 .065 .065 .o72 .o83 -095 .t09 .r20 .t34 . 160 .t92 .27 | o lo ot5 .o.10 o{2 .o4 5 .0 50 .o60 _o70 .o80 .o90 .IOO .t to _r25 _140 -200 t\ / oa) / | o.) 5.600 .1. / CO 5. too 4_ ?OO 3.400 3. ?OO 2,800 2.600 ?.500 ?.4 00 ?,300 2,?OO 2,300 2,.roo '. too '. 100 .. /oo I 900 .: 500 I 500 2.800 1.700 ?.loo 2.200 2. roo 2.OOO r.900 t.900 1.900 ?_ooo i 3C'0 5 00a |.604 .r.ooo l. /oo 3.200 2.900 2.700 ?.400 2.?OO 2.roo ?,ooo 1.900 r.800 1,60,0 t.800 .t 300 .1 ?O0 l. 800 3. .100 3. too z.too ?,.r oo 7.700 2. OOO t.800 l.zoo | ..2o0 r,600 1.500 r.400 1 .500 % I lt/t rth .' 6 : 8; 2,625 2.435 3. | 25 2.907 3.625 3.385 4.l2 5 3.A57 5_ 125 4.805 ( ( ( 6.125 8-t25 lls v/r, ' ;a Borst'^t Prcsl',.F. t t). per Sq. l,r. 5.741 7.583 . i _ VJ.t Thickness, tnchcs D 0 = Out3id€ fube Diamclc., rnchas S . Tcns'lc St.enllh (36.000 Lb. ocr So. rn lo' rj.ir(t tu:,rs !.(t l: _lal to. sr.: turr4sl \''llthlaclorols.ileiyo{3,n12i.{o.krnao.es5u.eallow,rblcbycommonus;rqeuptol50 F a.rr:),: lrt..:- ri l/::-..r!)o!r':i!rsrrnt:a.ess .cs Soldering and Brazing Copper Trlbe Soldering and Brazing with carr ary sotder ioint {ittings is the most common system for joining copper tube. The American welding Society defines soldering as a joining process which takes place belorv 8400 and brazing as a simitar process which occurs above 840:. .. The basic theory and technique ol sotd€ring and brazing are the same lor all daameters...the variables are: the amount of hme. heat and lilter metal required to complete a designated ioint. A good joinr is the product ot a welt trained craftsmaln who knows and resOgcts lhe materiats and methods he uses. Basic Steps in Joining Process Measuring - Measuring the length of the tube must be accu-rale. lf the tube is too short it witt not reach all lhe way into the socket of ll'c fining and a proper ioint cannot be maJe. Culting - Cutling tube can be accomptished in a number of diflerent ways to produce a satislactory. square-€nd cul. The tube can be cut wilh a disc type tube cune( a hacksaw, abrasive wheels. or stationary and porlable bandsa$6. C€Iemust be taken that lhe tube is nor delormed while being c1jt. Regardless of the cutling method used. the cul must be sAuare with the run ol the tube so lhat ll rvrtl seat properly in lhe tinang socket. Reaming - Most methods o( cutting leave a small burr on the end of-the tube- Unless these rough &Ees are removed. erosioft- corrosron may octur due to local turbulenc€ and increased veloci- ties in the tub€. Tools used to ream tube gn<ts irrclude the reamin!blade on the lube cu er half-round or ound files, a pocke-t knife. cr a suitable deburring lool. lvith annealed tube. care must be laken nor lo ger lhe tube end oul.of-round by applying too much pressure- 8orh the r;rside and rhe outside ol the tube may require removal of the burr A grogerly reamed piece ol tube will orovide a smooth surlace lor be er ltoiv Clcaning - Cleaning rs quickly and easity don€. The removal of oxides and surface soil is c(ucial if filler metat is to ltow oroo- erlv Oxidcs. sudace s^rt and ort can interfe(e wrth the strenqlh of the ioint and this may resutt In lhe joint s lailure. Mechanrcat cleaning is a simple ogeration. The end ol the tube should be cleaned usrnq sand clolh or nylon abrasive pads for a distance only sliql'tly more than rhe Jeprh of the lining socket. The aocket of the fitling should atso be cleaned using sand ctoth. abrasive pads, or proDedy sized fining brushes The same precautions. as when reaming the lube. Should be observed_ Copp€i is a soft metal: it too much materiat as removed- a loose lit will result and interlere with satistactory capillary action rn making the ioinl. The capiltary spac€ belween tjbe and fit- tang is approximately CC4-in. Solder or brazing tilter metal can lill this gap try capillary airion. This sFcing is criticat for the liller metal to f low into the gap and lorm a strong ioint. Chemi- cal cleaning may b€ utilized. providinq lhe tube and fittings are thoroughly riosed. according to the manufacturer's recom- mendalions {urnished with the cleane( This wi hetp neutratize any acktic conditions that may exist. The surlaces. once cleaned. should not be touched wilh bare hands or oily gloves. Skin oils. lubricating .rils and grease irnOair solder ow and rt etting. Temperature Ranges Up lo lhis @int, the joining process is the same lor both soldering and brazing. The choice for sotdering or brazang witl ( ( Elkhart Products torporation A subsidaary ol Amcast Industrial Corporalion ENGINEERING DATA ( Soldering and Brazing Copper Tube continued lrom Page 2B al.jo{,.r: ::,Od OtCrijlrfrl a,t'\tltlr'., .>t)lt),,t tti rll lr'. (l,t'i,l; , |a1)tl -,,1 :": ifr,-5,'5i':rr : t' ir't 1: ) :)'i!) tt )i 1 ,.,, 't) .' t't |.t:: 1, :)/,: '. . .:i 1.;r'l l)'r 1; r": ,.lr'!.' )'t'.,,:: ,:":t\': t , t:, ', ) 1:'. : \)|!l||,:.''...s|l...|''|i''..i'.|'''',,'j':':l;'' tlracllCrj 1,rlOS: :,ol()t\ tna r'; done ,l: I!nli).r ,l1lJrrt5 ,rli,-,ol :l )(i i lr) jj:)O a -.rlili.: AtAZiia \ t|.)ti': ;i r.jn_ar.,r,tlrrr,", t,''ttl lr) lt,i^ 110O'F:l1550'F Becalr3e ol lhe drtler.rncrlS rn lrr(j 50ldi)nnq and bra./r,rq Drl- cesses. riach !'/rll bc drscuss{td set);rately Soldering Applying Flux - A non-aggressrve solderrnll llux rs rccom- mended Strr lhe flux belore use A good llux v.lll dissolvc and remove traces of resrdual oxrdes lrom lhe surfaces to bc iorned. frrolect i'ie Surlaces lrom re-oxidal'Jn durrng heatr-nq and Oro- mote lhe lveltrng ol lhe surlaces by lhe soldcr A lhrn. even coaling of llux should be aoplied vrlh a brush lo bolh lube and littrng Avoid lhe usc ol lrnge(s to arrply flux. Chemrcals In lhe f lux can be harmlul if carried lo lhe eyes or open cuts. Types ot Solder - There are a va(iely ol solders availablc that v,/ill produce sound. leak-tighl ioints Solders that are used lor piping acclrcations contain tin and varyrng amounl" ol either antimony. copoe( lead or silver. Choice ol solder vJill depend upon apglication and local codes. For potable water syslems. solders ..1,hich do nol conlarn lead zre the besl choice. Assembl,r - Atler both surtaces are properly lluxed. they should be assernbled by pla,^ing the litlrng on lhe tube. making sure the tube seats against the base ol the litting socket. A sli9t.: twasting rnotion is suggested lo ensure even coverage by the flux. Reriove the excess flux rvith a rag. Because ol the heat that is requrred during soldering and brazing. only colton ra-os shoulC be used. Complete all p(epared ioints within a single rvork day Care must be taken to assu:e thal lhe tube and filtings are properly supported r.rlh a reasonable. uniform cagrllary sp3ce around the entire circumterence of the ioinl. Unilormity ol cap- illary space will ensure good filler metal penelration if the guidelines of successful joint makrng are followed. Excessive jornt clearance cin cause the filler metal to crack under stress or vibration. Heating - Eecause of the open llame and high temperatures requrred ior soldering and the (lammability of the gases used. safety precautions must be observed. The heat as generally applied by use of an airlluel torch. These torches can use acetylenc or a variety ol LP gases. Electric resistance pliers can also be used. Heating should begin with lhe tlame perp€ndicular to the tube. This preheat will conduct lhe initial heal into the sockel for even distribution ol heat inside and out- Preheating depends upon the si.e ol the ioint - experi€nce will indicate lh€ proper amounl ot lir,re. T're llame should now be moved unto the fit- ttng Move the tlame f.om the fining socket onlo the tube a distance equal to lhe fitting socket. Touch the solder to the ioint. ll the solder does nol mell. remove it and continue the heating process. 8e ca.elul not lo overheal or direcl the llame Intc the litling cuF. This action can sluse lhe llux to hurn a.d destroy rts et(ectiveness. When the melting temperature has been reached. heat may be apptied to the base ol the cup to aid capillary action in drawing the solder into the cup. Applying Solder - When the tube is in a ho(izontal position. start apglying the solder slighfly ofkenter of the bottom ol the 'oint. Poceed across the bottom Jl tile fitting and up to the top<enter position. Return to lhe point of beginning. ovedap the starting point and ihen proceed up the incompleted side to the lop. Again. overlaoping the solder Molten solder will bJ drawn inlo the ,oint by capillary action regardless if lhe solder is bern9 led upward. downward or horizontaltv Cooling & CIr:aniig - ?:1li,rr llrc torn: nzs f,{ren com0leled. natu- r;jl I r.,1 :r': r., l_.,'i l,f r(' " /./)lurri m.t, Cjr!',./t Lrnrr{r:€Saay SIagSSeS (rr lrr.'tr.r: .::r'j -r:r./ r'-',,rll rn cvanlLral la'lute ClCan Oll any r/tlIli: r)rnr; :lLr, f. lil;l v, -r r,l(l B ra zirr cl AOI)lyrrrll l:lrrr '- 'rr, : .r'-,; \).-,,:t:' t 5t,ii na l)i)itltt lOrrll5 Are ,1,11..'.::;' r: ir1)iJ "irf, r I:\t)t irl t\. : rri'jrcllilar;,.i:)lr' Ijr;r,'ln{j llllrnl, ?.t() \';J.,t\ btSilc SrnirlZr tO SOIdC nO llux{tS. l)rn.',:)/j lirir,,, (;..)5Ol.r._- Ja(J rOct1,.: ii:tirdu;1 CrrdCS lrOm lhC I'r,.': :t-, Ir'.,{ .., : ,.j/ Cr.)'ir4t lt)4 mr-:.:, \,rrlaCCS l:Cat re'Orr{l.llron duflnq hciilrnq rnd lho/ prornolS lll{r vrellrng ol ll)e surlaces to be torn{l(i t)y llc brazrng lrller m{.:lal Flures also provrde the crallsfiran vJrlh an rncJrcalron of lcmoeralure A00trcalton ol lhc l[rx rs lhc samc as v/hen soldcflng l1 lhc ouls'de of thc l,tt,ng and lhc heat allecled area ol the tube are coveted wrlh llux. tl vJrll Drevcnl orrdatron and grcdtly rmo.ove lhe appearance ol Ihc lor nl. Brazing Fillcr Metals - Ihere are lwo genefal tyoes ol bra2rng liller nctals used lor torning corrper lube ECuP ( Brazing - Cop- per - PhosDhorus) and BAg (Brazrng ' Srlverl Thcse brazrng liller metals are classrlred accordrng to therr comOonents BCUP liller melals a.e p(ele(ed lo. totnrng copper lube and lillings The phosohorus in these trller melals acls as a lluxrng rgcnl and thc lo!'er percenlage ol srlver makes lhem relalrvely lovJ cosl lillcr meials when using cooDer lube. w.cughl cooocr litlings and LICUP brazing lrller melal. tluxrng rs an option due to lhe sell fluxtng aclion of the phosohorus p.esenl in all comoo- ncnts ol the brazed iornl The choace ol bra2ing fillcr melels deoends uoon lour main faclors . drmeosional Iolerance of tne tornt . lypc and malerial of fittrng {cast or v/rouqhll . desired atoearance 'cosl Heating - Oxy/luel lorches are generally used when b.azrng because of lhe higher lemperatures rgqurred. Due to recent innovations In atrlluel torch lip desrqn. they can now be used on a wider varety ol sizes lor soldeftng and b.azing When vrorkrng wilh lemperatures thrs high. safety grecau- Iions must be followed and care laken to orotect both the ooera- tc; and the materials being used. The heating operation is the same as for soldering. Firil ore- heal the tube ar,d then lhe tube and tining. When the brazrng liller metal slarls to melt. apply the heat at the base of the litting socket to help draw the brazing liller metal in by capillary action. Applying Erazing Filler Metal - Remember to allow the heat of lhe ioint to melt lhe liller metal. Oo not mell the liller metalwith the torch. The melted {aller metal nill be drawn into the ioint by capillary actioo- lt is very importac( that the f lame be in contin- uous molion and sh,Juld nor be allowed lo renrain on any one point long enough to burn lhrough the tub€ or fining. When the ioant is complete. a conlinuous lillet should be visible com- pletely around the joint. It the liller me:al lails to flow. or has lhe tendency lo ball-up. it indicates oxidation on the me(al sur{aces or insuflicient heat on the parls to be ioined. ll the faller metal refuses to enler :he ioint and tends to llow ove' the oulside ol eilher part of the ioint. it indicates that this part is overheated or that thc other Dart is underheated Cooling and Cle€ning -- When the ioint is ccmglete. allow it to cool naturally. Flux residues can be removed by washinq with hot water and brushing with a slainless steel wire b,-ush. Summary ll the parts to b€ ioined are properly prepared. g@p€rly heated and the correct liller metal is used. the linished ioint should be sound. Soldered or brazed coca€r piping systems. when installed properly. will provide years of safe and reliable sewice. ProFer training of lhe correct instatlation techniques. such as those iust covered. will give lhe crartsman the ability to achieve consislenlly.eliable solde.ed and b.azed iOrnts in a drameters. Preparcd with lechnical assistance lrom the Copper D ev e I o p m e nt Assoc,alion. ( EII<hart Proclu'cts torporation A subsidiary of Amcast Industrial Corooration OptimarM Concealed Automatic Sprinkler Manulaclurcd by: Ccnt.ai Sprrnktcr Conrt).rrry 451 Norlh Cannon Avcnuc. Lansdatc PennsvtvJn'a t9446 The Residcntial Optima Conceated rs the world's first 20' x 20' conceated residentiat sprinkler. tt is UL Listed for residential occupancies as outlined in NFPA i3. NFPA l3D and NFPA 13R with very lor.r flows and pressures vrhile providing the aesthetic appeal of a ftat conceated ceiling plate. ll is designed lo compensate tor varyrng ceiling heights by uritizing a drop dorvn dellector and an adjustable thread on escutcheon_ This feature is significant because it allows the ceiling to flucluate over %- in height_ The thin cover ptare proiects only %e' below the ceiling lor lhe maximum in unobstructed and aesthetic appearance. To prevent damage to the sprinkter and io allow the sprinkler to b€ located in the ceiling. a special prolectrve cap is provided. This ptastic cap has a cone shapect point that can be pressed against the wafl board to locate the position of the sprinkler and allow the hole lo be cut correc y. The Residentiat Optima Conceated Sprinkle r employs Centrat.s exctusive link activating mechanisnr. Tne sprinkler is brass and the cover ptate is available in brass. chrome ptated or urhits paintcd. Opcration: Thc Central flesidcnlial Optima Concealed Sprinklcr absorbs hcat through lhe ceiling covcr plarc which is soldered to the adiustabtc rctainir ring with a fusible altoy 41 lhc ralccl lcmperalurc. lhe a oy ,uscs, resullrng rn thc platc dropprrrq away from the sprinkler. Al this point. the deflector drops down betoy,/ lhc ceiling sudace. bringing aboul the link's exposure lo ihe tirc's hcar. f lrc lrcal fuses tlre link's thermal cterncnr rcsulting in a rapid expulsion of botlr thc aclivaling mechanism. as wc as lhe scaling cap Waler can norv llor.., In a pallern gnginccrcd lo rtlccl lll(_r covcrage rcqurrcnlenls. Model: ROC Styfe: Conceated (adjustabte) Wrencfi: Optima Concealed (Part f l0Z4) Orilice Size: 'Ae' 1tt.t mm1 K Factor: 4.2 6o.o6t Thread Size: tL' (tz.t n t!.p.f . Approvals: U-L. Tcmperature Rating: l65"Fn4"C Sprinkter with t 35"F/57"C Cover Plare Maximurn Working Pressurc: | 75 lrsi Factory Hydro Tesr: tOO% ar 500 psr Description ' i1+:-f tlffi /,1,6 Product Techn ical Data e 5n Sii)n(rard I:rrrr5lrcs. Spnnklcr: brass Cover Plate: btass. chrome plated snd whitc painted with custom painted tinishes available. Lengrh: 2' to 2%' (5.t dn to \;.3 cm) Cover Plate 3'/i 6.zs cd diameter Ceilirrg Opcning . 2'h' (6 3s cml Wcrglrt: /.9 OZ. (22! yans) c?r.lplel.a asscrnbly rvitlr covcr plarc Patcnred $,ittr additional parents pcnorng. No- 2-7.5 l'r l/2' noduc.ng Corr;rt n-r; r .cc <t n(Y!air9 C,autl g 2lll' ! ll4' 3 l/4' OiJmctc' - Figure 2 Residentiaf Optima Concealed penden t (Activated) 2 rr2' !u8' Fc d rk6.rT CqOb{ Ff Design"' O I I Data Design Requirements-Residential Optima Concealetr Coverage Area (tt xfi) Single Head MLrtiple Hcad Minimum I Minimum Flow I pro.rrro (gpm) | (psi) Minirnum I |tlinimum Flow l Pressurc @pm) | (psr) 20 x 20 l:m sq rr.) 18x1B(3zasqrr), t6 x t!y213111 l4 r !4 r'aa.'ll_ l2 x 12 1t.r: sq. rr.1 ._*33.7 JZ. t 18.4 t7 | 164 I t7 I 164 I'13 | 9.6 24 1B 18 r8.4 96 13 18 18.4 13 Caution: Minimum spacing between spdnklers is g.. ceiling cover plates are available in a variery of metallic or painted finishes_ For custom painted finishes, the cuslomer musl lurnish a quick-drying paint. preler- ably lacquer-based, to ensure proper color duplication. One quart of paint is required for each 200 olates. rynstallation ( The Cenlrat Model ROC Residential Optima Concealed Sprinkler must be Installed in conformance with cuffent NFPA 13, NFPA 13D and NFPA 13R Standards. Deviations from these requiremenls and slandards, or any alteraticn to the sprinkler assembly itsell will voad any warranty made by Central Sprinkler Company. ln addition, installation must also meet local government provisions, codes ancl slandards, as applicabte. The system piring must be prop- erly sized to ensurc the minimum required flow rate at the sprinkler. Check lor the proper model, style, orifice size and temperature rating prior lo installation. lnstall sprinklers after the piping is in place to avoid mechanical damage; replace any damaged units. Wet pipe svstems musl be prctected from freezing. Upon completion of the installation, the system must be tesled per recognized standards. In lhe evenl of a thread leak, remove the unit, apply new pipe joint compound or tape, and reinstall. lnstallation Sequence Step 1. The unit must be instafled in lhe pendenl position. Step 2. The face of the sprinkler litting should be installed a nominat 2U' (!y.'l behind the finished ceiling line- Adjustmenis, to compensate for variations in fitting face to ceiling height, may be made by threading the cover plate retainer in and oul of the unit's support cup. Step 3. Use only a non-hardening pipe ioint compound, or Teflon' taoe. Apply only to the male threads. Step 4. Hand tighten the sprinkler iflto the fitting. Avoid making contact with the deflector when using the Central Sprinkler Optima Conceated Wrench to tighten lhe unit inlo the fitting. The wrench is desigrred to mate with lhe body's wrench bosses, inside the threaded support cup. A 'Telbo is a tradefia.t ol the DuPont CorD. leak light joint requires a only 7 to l4 ft. lbs. of torque. Torque levels greater than 2l ft. lbs. may distorl ttre orilica seal, resulting in leakage. Step 5. After initial instaltalion and before the cover ptate is instalted, cover the sprinkler with the special plastic protective cap. The cap is specially designed to nor only protect the sprinkler. bul allow the ceiting installers to locate the sprinkler by pressing lhe ueiling board up against it. The end of the cap has a special Optima Concealed Wrench "{rA o tJ q rsLvrrtrrrrjrrul.u pru{idul|(,n. & To remove the systern lrom service , rnode. first reler tO the Systern operalin( ten a n ce :#:"i::#:::I',ff,[: oo,#I *","; ^G..--\ the ceilirig board for the localion of tne sprinkler. Care shoutd be taken rr only press lhe 561;nn ligh y againsl lne Cap aS CXCCSSTVe prCSSure vrill '-ramage lhe sprinklcr This cap musl ,j rCnlOy{)(, l(): t!-.t,.,:)tttr.lo{ l\ . t'.,tt )i1 (-\jt|(,t )1. ,lcp [t io r,t,;!;::i ijirj ..r)rl )a] c{)ver ,rlC. r1l;Jl)r,, f lly lt t :, : ;'.' t it \: ('.O't A( 'larncr rnlo lllc Srrpporl Cup Con. i rue llrreadrng untrl thc COVCr .-'lainer's flangc resis againsl the *lace ol lhe ce itrng 3aution: Special care musl be taken '...,lren Installing trilh a CPVC syslcm. >:lrrnklers must be installcd after the ;.anuf aclurer's rccommended settrng ':xe lor lhe primer and CCmCnl tO -.ilsure thal neither accumulale witt,in ''J spnnkler. special care musl be laken wnen . rstalling vrith a copper system. .,rinklerS must be installed only after i: Inside of the sprinkter drop and . ssociated fiuings have been wire -ushed to remove any flux. Residual :Y can cause corrosion and in ::'erne cases can impair proper ;rinkler operation. Care Main Sprinklers musr be handlect carefufly. ney musl dot be lranspo.led o( slored na,re i.lrbienl tempecitu(e rnay exoe€d..r lO"F8{t"C. For b€st res{rlts, siore Ureiri 1 d:y. -ot loc'.tion in lhe originat .- ' rpptng package. Do not install sprinklers that have been opped or visibty damaged. Sprinkters og never b€ pai(iled. coated. olated or €red in any other way lrorn manufac. red condition or lhey may not funct@n opedy. Any sprinkte(s allered in sucn anner musl be .eplacecl. The owner is responsible lor the proper ,era:;ng condition ol all lire prolection :vicea and accessories. Thc NFPA 'g.r Ce(ltral Sor.nkter Conrl.|lrry .:rled in U.S.A and Mainlenane o( Wate(&ad Firc Protedion Syslens-cootains gddelines and rninimum mainlcnar|c€ reqd{cynents Furlhcrmore. lhe local Adtariry llaving Jurisdiclion may h ave addilional fegula, tions and rcer.,irem4nls for mainlcnanc4. l/:;lrn(1. ilir.t Inli)44lrxl llr.tt rr,rr..l l)C ,1i1t11r1tl l; r'; ;l{Jvr',.t1)l.l l ) lr,rv,t 1:xrrrLl.jr ..y,li rr . ';)..t)C(jlCd I aq?l; | ( l'/ l)y,t rlrr,llliC{.: rrt j1,.,'r : l,rrn 5(-,,vtcc LCngllr (rt lro(l l)ct|.Jr_'crl 5rrcll r.rst)cclroos c.tn v;t/y drre to acccjSr brftly. arnbtcnl alrnosplrcrC. v-.ale. Suplty. and srtc aclivity Oo not aucmpt to rcasscmblc or olherwisc rcuse a so(inkler lha,l has opcraled. Rcplacc any sprinklcr cxhibil- rng corrosion or damage: always usc ncv./ sprinklers ol lhc samc orifice. slytc. and lcmFeralure falang as replaccments. Because the discha(ge pallern |s c,rlical lo prolcction ol tilc and propcrly. .rolhing should be hung or allachcd Io thc sprinkler unit that would dis/uol lhe pallern- Such obstructions musl be removcd. In lhc event lhat conslruction has alle(ed the original configuralion. addilional sprinklers should be instaltcd Io maintain the proleclion tevel. Oo not auempt to rcplace sprinkters vlthout first removing lhe lire protcction syslern trom service. Be cenain to sccure permission lrom att authoirtres havino jurisdictron. and notrly att prersonnet ino may be af(ecte(t during system shutdown A lire wa{ch du(ing maantenance periods rs a recomme nded precaution. rnode. first reler tO the Systern operaling sr'ra otf af rfi hrdf E-6il'$ffi'6iQe+: rcoaircd aN retum€d ro sAnb€ ;rrruC-,;-- ately. Insp€ct th€ entire system fo. r. damage aftC rcplaaa ot rc?air as rt<es- / sa./. Spr;nklers thal d'd nol opcralc bul ( wcre sublecled lo co(osrve elemr--nls ol !'t.1\t,tt,,lr''i4 t)( a \f-t:',.,t r11 1'lrrr:l-rr,:i,Jf ,l:; ,,.,)frlr,:t..,.r,i)r.ri., . .r:r.J r,':Jl.r' ,.: ' ,\,..,:., :r, ll\' ;,:t:!)t)/,it, ll,t.'rttl ILt | , : 1 , , . : , , : t . - 1 ' r j.,i.t|l rllrrl,rillrrlr rCl,lJi-., )tl0i rr_'tltr,r...,|l!rrr"; .r!'r I rit{lr/1.i i ra.)rt<J G u:r/lotec: Ccntr,ll 5l)rrnll,,,r Co.,rl p3fly r,,/rll .cp.tir and/or rcplacc .lny oroducls lound lo bc delccl'vc In mArc.rJl or workm3nship v,/ilh'n a pcriod ol onc ycar lrom lhc dale ol sh'pmcnt Pleasc (cler lo thc currenl Prrce Lisl lor ludhcr dclails ol lhe warranty. HIl,ll?ti:l,,, Ordcring Information: Whcn placing an ordcr. indicatc lhe full oroducl name. Plcase spcc;fy the quanlily. rnodel. stytc. oriticc size. lempcrature raltng splnklcr finrslt. covcr ptale tinish. and spnnkler r.,/rench.' For spcciat painlcd covcr plate finishcs. lrr.3 customer nrusl suppty a qurckdrying Oa'nt. p(clc.ably in a laCquer.basC ,;oish lo Insure propcr colo( duplication. lvithoul such a quide. Ccntral Sprinkter Ccmgany cannol be responsiblc lor acceptabte color matching. All cuslom painling ol lhc Cove( plate must be cornplefed al the lactory. Availability and Service: Cenlral sp(inklers. valves. acc€ssori€s and oth€r products a(e available (hrotrghorn the . U.S. aod Canada. and intemationally, lhrough a n€two.t ol Central Spdnkler - distdbulion cenlers- YoU may write direclly to Central Sprinkler Company. or call 215-362-O7OO for the dislributor nearest vou. Convcrsion Table: I anch = 25.400 mm I foot = 0_3nq8 M I pound = 0.4536 kg I foot pound = t.36 Nm t psi = 6.895 kpa = 0.0689 bar = 0.0/03 kg/cnrj IUS gallon = 3.785 drn' = 3.785 ftrcrs Cont ersions arc opprcximalc. Remove the existing unit and insra[ the .eplacernenl. us|'ng only the recom- mended sprinkler wre'ncfi. Be ce.tain lo maldl model. sty'e. orifice. and tempe(a- lure ratir€. fENTRAL ..-.. Central Sprinkler Company 451 N. Cannon Avcnuc. Lansdate- pA l9.t4c Ptrorre (215) 362-O700 FAX (2t51 362_538s noc.0 oncealed GBR Residential G lass Bul b Automatic Sprinklers Manulactured by: Central Sprinkler Company a51 Norlh Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 O o Recessed Pendent Pendent Product The GBR Concealed, Recessed and Pendent sprinklers have the ability to cover large areas with very low flow and pressure requirements. This, combined walh the aesthetics of lhe concealed and recessed glass bulb design, provides a sprinkler that is attractive and cost effective. The Central Model GBR Aulomatic Sprinklers Incorporate the latest in glass bulb technoloqy, which results in a much smaller more attractive sprinkler. The operating mechanism consasts of a liquid-filled 3 mm diameter frangible capsule that is only 2.0 cm in length. The Model GBR Automatic Sprinklers are intended for installation in accordance with current NFPA 13, NFPA 13D and NFPA 13R Standards and Gentral's Residential Installation Guide. They are available in 7/ 16" and 1/2" orifice sizes, and a 155'F/68"C lemperature rating. The Model GBR Sprinklers, escutcheo,rs, and concealed plates are available in brass or chrome plated and white painled, with additional special painted {inishes available. Operation: The glass bulb capsule operatinJ mechanism contatns a heat- sensitive liquid that expands upon application of heat. Upon reaching the rated temperature, the frangible capsule ruptures thereby releasing the orifice seal. The sprinkler then discharges water in a pre-designed spray parern to contrcl or eKinouish the lire. Description -.u__ ---:--a Technical Data ResidenriatAootications The Model GBR Automatic Sprinklers are :rttended for Residential Applications in accordance with NFPA 13, NFPA 1gD, and t,tFpA t3R. I Ottwhi@ and other cuslom linishes avaitadeuryn rquest- ' Cover plale only, custom finishes av^itable u@n rcques:.. Highest allowable ambient tempereture tot storage: t OOT/SgT tof tSST/60Tsprinklers.. Highest allowable ambienttempeeturc lot stoage ol cover plates: l0OT/3gT.. Ma:xtmum wor kingpressure: I75p.s.i. - Factory Hydro Test : I O@o @ S0O p.s.i. Model & Deflector Style K-Factor iOritice) Temp. Rdting Approved Escutcheon Finishes t Approvals Thread Size (NPT)Length Oef- leclor width GBR Concealed 4.3l'/,6"1 5s'F/68"C ModetGBR (135'cover plate) Bras-". ChromePlaledr WhitePainted' UL ULC Vz" t?.7 mm 5.O0cm I %c' 3 O2crn GBR Pendent& Recessed Pendenl a.3 (%e')hss"flos'c Model GBRc-:.,QR Recesse;r Brass Ch.ome Plated Whrte UL ULC 52:-$ 11/'c" 3 o?cm GBR.2 Pendent& Recessed Pendent 4.3 ('A.'l r55'F/68'C Model GB Res/QH Recessed Brass Chrome Plated White UL ULC l2.7rwn 2V'; 5-21c,fr| 'lt4c' 3 O?crn GB.RI Pendent & Recessed Pendent s,3 ( %'l 155'F,',d8.C Model GB ResJOR FlecesseC Brass ChromePlated While UL ULC l2 ?mm 2" 5.08cm lt/,e' 3.02cln No.4-1.O Univr'rsal o risure r O GBR 7/16" Residential Concealed p.ndent \r,/re nc h (Parl:1122) -t Figure 2 Gi3R & GBR-2 7/16' Residential pendent Figure 3 GBR & GgR-2 7/16" Residential Recessed pendent Fac€ ol Reducing Couplang ; N N --{1 .t! No{e Cenrjrr r [tlJrt rb .r rJ I esojcr!€rrrs .nay t e Gad. L-. ,E nrarfrrn dEltoctor 6unro: ot . slr ir$I,+s. whe.r G/ng c€ _a1.3 i.,ro*t 6i ce*.tg 6o.rai€o.t. f,e taco o, hlole: onlv the Mod€l Gg .les./o8 Resdent,at Recessed Esf,rtcrEon r€y b€ us€{. substrlur|o.l ,i oiher _roc€ssed escurch€or.s ma, ..Dai. rtr€ op€raring sensilr,ry i; dit,;;;;;;,"are lRturB Ccvd,r\- <r w|d De ta. : r /16. reklv.Rklhe cB-R r - 1/2'*;:"ri,r Pendenr frunsiallation Nole Only lhe Model Gg Res-/OR Besidenlaat Recessed Escutcheo. may be used Sucsl,tutron or olhea _recessd" esculcheons may impar |he op€ratng sensnerty and Orskrbulon panern Figure 5 GB-R1 - 1/2" Residential Recessed pendent ,:;:rl(l,ltLJ:i (,t ,li j::,. ::: _,|] :,) l.'.r j;;/.. 1 .. :.iitll !i'Lll ,/r)r/j : . ..,,jr: t:riv..',ili:;..:),., ^ " 'ii)rUlkli)r COntit t:ry lr't .talrjrllorr ltii I :1 , , r'r'rusl also nreel local qOvernmenl provisro:' codes. and standards as al)l)trcable The syslenr prping rnust bc properlv srzc,: : ensure lhe nrinifrum reouired flolv rale al lh.: sprinkler. Chcck lor the proper model. slyle. onf rce srze. and tcmperature raling prior to installation. Install sprinklers alter lhe prpinq rs in place to avoid mechanical damage: replace any damaged units. wel prpe systems must be prolected from f reezing. Upon completion of the installation. the system must be tesled per recognized standards. ln the event ol a thread leak. remove lhe unit :lpply new pipe joinl compound or tape. and reinslall. lnstallation Sequence Step 1. The unit must be inslalled in '5e pendenl position. Step 2. Use only a non hardening pipe jornr compound or Teflon'tape. Apply cnty to mate threads. Sprinkler Design Requirelnenfs Maximum Maximum Spacing Location Eetween From Any Sprinklers Wall Minimum ijesign Flow (Plessure) 1 3/8" Max. i::i .,1 rl:il ii,ll l"1 l I /',1 ri I ; ---,,' ''r,- " l \; r r I \.1.. r i l'/'\ i-'- {lrz zzz:.zs z)zz tl7) _.t t316".___ - _ 2 7t8"-_ Mrntmum Hole in Cciling is 2", Maxrmum rs 2 1/2- Face of Reducing Coupling I I I I I i I I I I 1 11/16' Ref. GBR 7/16' Coocealed Pendent GBR 7il6' Pende.: GBR 7J T6. Recessed Pendenl ;;-^ Pendenl & Recessed Pendent 12' (or less) l4' 14 @r less) r8 6' (o. less) 7 8' 7 (ot less) 8 I t! GPM (r0 6 psi) 16 GPV (13 8 psil rg GPM (19.5 psi) :2 GPM i7I Fsr| i l4 GPN{ 'r0.6 ^s,) | I I GPN {6, psr) 1l GPt4 {6 5 p:.ll l2 GPM (7 I psr) lb GP;1 1r3; psrr 10 GPM (: I ps'l l4 GPM (lC 6 p$r l4 GPM (10.6 ps'l l6 GP[t (13-8 ps'l l6 GPM (13.8 ps'l Two or Mo.e On.:SPrinkler Sprinklers 13 GPM (J.1 psi) r0 GpM (5.4 psr) l6 GPt.l (r3.8 psi) 13.5 GPM (3.8 osi) 21 GPfvl ll3I pst) l5cPtU(l2.2psr) 14 (o( less) 7 (or less)16 8 18 9 12 (o( lessl 6 (o. /ess,t4 7',16' 8' I l8' 9. I 20' 10 ri cPM (r0 6 psi) 16 GPM (13I psi) I9 GP,, (19 5 psi) :3 GPM (9 I psi) l8 GPM (17,5 psr) l8 GPM (17.5 p$) 20 GP[, (21,6 psi) 20 GPM (21.6 psi) cB,nl I 2' l Pendenl & ReLesseo Pendent 12 (o, tes! I 6 (ot less) 22cp'A lti.Z psil 16 GpM (9 I ps,l 14 7. (ot tess) 2{cpM(2o5psi) tTGpM(l03Ds,}16 6 30 cPtl (32 O p... Jr (,pN (15 i pslr Note: CLanlats lUodLl 65 or 4Ot eso,tcrre9ns may be (jsed, td the r,&rirrrrB defndo. dsra.ca or {'st{ apdbs. Whcrr us{lg Ccnrars Modet 65 cr{rE €sdj.h.vr. tt€ tace The maximum dellector dislance do€s not diller lrom the NFpA maximum tle 'h,Jong coqjng srnub tte r a- , t/16. bcraw cedioo k1e i ol 4" berow the cerlng. ' Teflol is a trademark ol the D,rPont Co.p. qto ^ 1 Tllc.)y,,ner rs r!-:slonrirlt.r 1r)i ilrj ,, ,,, O ''i' r-' 'r.'r'rr'rr Brj ceni:rn io nralcl) , .J.:;llrfra) Ct)t".lt t\, ': t ' ',::, r'. : "f lrcn ;"rO let,'ll,:iralljrr: frrrlV: " .: '.," tl)i:.i) l ,'ril.j r,Iil:,.j-:al Io itr.: l) I i'; . -; " t,i:,'ir:.1 Step 4. lland lighten lho spflnklcr rnto ttre fittinq. Then use a Central Uni\,ersal Wrench to lrghlen the unrl Into lhe frtting. A leak-tighl lornt requires only 7 lo 14 {1.- lbs. of torque. a langential lorce ol l4 lo 28 lbs. delivered through a 6" handle will deliver adequate torque. Torque levels over 21 ft.-lbs. may distort the orilice seal, resulting in leakage. Caution: Special care must be taken when installing sprinklers with a CPVC system. Sprinklers must be installed after the manufacturer's recommended setting time fo; the primer an1 cement to ensure that neither accumulate within lhe sprinkler Special care must be taken when installing with a copp3r system. Sprinklers must be installed only afler the insrde of the sprinkler drop and associated finings have been wire brushed to remove any tlux Residual f lux can cause corrosion and in exlreme cases can impair proper sprinkler operauon. Sprinklers musl be ha ldled care- fully They must not be transported cr stored where ambienl lcmperalure may exceed 100"F/38"C. For best resulls, store them in a cooi, dry location in the original shrpping package. Do not install sprinklers ihat have been dropped or visibly damaged. Sprinklers should never be painted, coated, plated, or altere d in any other way from manufactured condition or they rrray nor ;u,rction properly. A,ny sprinklers altered in such manner must be replaced. q1994 Central Sprinkler Comgany Printed in L sA. 11,,|, ,t1,lr,r I I I I I 1 -1 I r I . I ' I I .1 ,: ttt lr,t ': 1. lcslrn(1. an(j rns[){)clror) llriiJ r11L]sl l){) or)r.tyoU ll is reconlnrondod tlrirl lll)fllrklcr systerns be inspected reqularly rrv a qualified inspection scrvicc. Lcngth of time between such inspections can vary due lo accessibility. ambient atmosphere. watcr supply, and site activity. Do not attemot to re-assemble or otherwise reuse a sprinkler thal has operated. Replace any sprinkler exhibit- ing corrosion or damage; always use new sprinklers of the same type and tempera- ture rating as replacements. Eecause the discharge paltern is critical to protection ot lite and property, nothing should be hung or atlached to the sprinkicr unit lhat would disrupt the oatterrr. Such obstructions must be removeo. In the event that construction has altered the original configuration, additional sprinklers may nJed to be installed to maintain lhe orotection level Do not atlempt lo rcplace sprinklers withoul first removing the fire protection sy3tem from service. Be certain to securc permission f rom all Authonties Having Jurisdiction, anC notify all personnel who may be affected during guide and valve instruction. Drain water and relieve pressure in the pipes, Remove the existing unit and install the replacement, using only thc special fENTFI,AL Central Sprinkler Company 451 N. Canno^ Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone (215) 362-0700 FAX (215) 362-538s i r..,.t , rrl,tl r, ) rl/)1 : .: : . ., ":;lr: ,".1,' .,i|():;r\./'j .lii-'rllCrllS oi C0rlrbr,sllOrr Or r-. r ( :' tf;:; rr, . r l'-ri r); )il r.ll r J r rls sltor r lcl bt: Irsi)ec1e(j. an(1 rcplirccd rl nccd bc I l\a Aulhonty Having Jurisdiction will (lelail mrninrum replacemenl requtrements and regulations Guarantee: Cenlral Spr|nkl -'( Company will repair and/or replace any products found to be delective in nraterial or workmanship wilhin a period of onc year from lhe date of shiprnent. Please reler to the currenl Price List lor f urlher details of the warranly. Hl,ll?ll1l?., Ordering lnf ormation: When placing an order, indicate the f ull a product name. Please specity the quantity, model, style, orifice size, temperature rating, type of finish or coatang, and sorinkrer wrench (Note: Protective plastic caps for pendent atyle sprinklers are avarlable upon requesl.) Availability and Service: Central sprinklers, valves, accessories, and other products are available throughout the U.S. and Canada. and internation- ally, through a network of Cenlral Sprinkler distribution centers. '/ou may wrile directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call (215) 362-0700 for the distributor nearest you. Patents: Palents ar(, per'Jing. Conversion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 loot = 0 3048 M 1 pound = 0.4536 kg nTTf Gare & il:f,:":i:$H".'lT:"::ffi:""::: l---7E-. . . precaulion. |*./| IU a I nle n a n C e .#":iff [,i;;f f L:',:T, :",]f ", 1 foot pound = 1 .36 Nm 1 psi = 6.895 kpa = 0.0683 bar = 0.0703 kg/cml 1 U.S. gallon = 3.785 dm3 = 3.785 liters Conversions arc approximate. Series log REOUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE BACl(FLOvv PRTVENTIR 1"- 909 11/2" .2'- 909-M1 Thc \\'atts 909 Scrics Rcduccd l)rcssure I)rinciolc Backflo* Preventt'l s are dcsigned to provide supcrior crois-conneoion control prolection of the potable water supply in accordance with national plumbing codcs and containment conlrol for water utility authority requirements. This series can be util- ized in a variety of installations, including high hazard cross connections in plumbing systems or for containment at the service line entrance. With its exclusive, patented design in- corporating the parented "air-in/water-out" principle it pro- vides substantially improved relief valve discharge peiformince during the emergency conditions of combined back-siphonage and backpressure with both checks fouled. No. 909-QT. Standardly furnished rvith full port, resilient seated, bronze ball valve shut-offs. 3/r" and l" shut-offs have tee handles. Modei 909 for temperature: up to 140'F. Modu lar construction with replaceable seats. Compact for installation ease. Horizontal or vertical (up or down) installation. No special tools required for servicing. (Options can be combinedl Suffix S - with bronze strainer_HW - with stainless steel check modules for hot water and harsh water cond itiorrs.LF - without shut-off valves. Prefix U - with inregral body unions (%,, and 1,, only|. Prefix FAE . with ftanged adapter ends 11V.,', t%,,,i.'onlyl. l{0TE: The installation of a drain line is recommended. Wheo installino a drain line, an ak gap is necesary. For vertical installations, a vent elboi ls also necessary and the dkection of flow can be up or down lor sli'_ Z,' . (ser: l.age 2) S izes: S izes: 3/4" ,, 11/q", ( A reduccd presstrre principle backllorv prevcnter shall be irutalled at each cross conoectiorr to prc\ent back\rhorrage and backpressurc backflorr of hazardous materials inio the lotablc rvater suppll'. The asrembll, shall coruist of a pressure .lifferen_tial relief valve locatcd in a zone between two positive seating checl va.lves. -Backsiphonage protection shall inbude provision to admit air dirc'ctlv into thC reduced pressurc zone via a separate channel from thc ivater discharge "h"nr,"l, ". air""ity ir,to tt "suppll pipc r.ia a sel)aratc vent. thc assembly shall include trvo _ tightly closing shrrtoff vah,cs bclore and aftei the assembll,, test 1' . cocls and a llrotcrt irl, st ri|i ner upstreant of tlrc No. I gate valve. L , , ,r:_*..."11b-t\' (sl)ccilr i\{odcl 909 for temperatures up to 140"F or \lodr.l 9091l\\' for t(,orl)craturcs up to 210"F1 shail mect rhe requirsDcnts ot ASSE Std. l0l3; AWWA Srd. C_5Il_99 CSA B&.{; FCCCttll ot USC lr{anual Scrction l0; UL Classified File No. EX3I.SS. Lisred br. IApl\,tO (UpC). SBCiI (Standard ptumb_ ing codc)..\1,atts llc{rilator Co. iv"a.t msgf-i or 90geTI{\V-S or eqrrivalent. ES-90-1S.'3 .<-.;* i {.,rr-it: ,. ba H lYr '- I'\' 4- :.-'. -1i..' No.9095.Or Sall Valve Test Cocks Fint Check Module Arry. Second C heck Module A!sy. Wrter 0utlet HOW IT OPERATES Thc unique relief valve construction incorporates two channels: one for air, o;re for water. When the relief valve _opens. as in the accompanying air-in/water-out diagram, the right. hand channel adntits air to the too o_f the reduced presure zone, relieving the zone vacuum. The channel on the left then drains the zone to atmos- phere. Therefore, if both check valves for'1, arrd simultancoL3 negative supply and positive back pressure develops, the reli:i valve uses the air-in/water-out principle to stop potential backflow. 8.P. Zone Pateot #4,241.752 HooTRS: 815 Chestnur Sr.. N. Andover, MA 01845 MAIL 8ox 628, Lawrence. MA 01842 Teter: 94-7460 Tel.(508,688-1811 tar(50E;794-1848/794-1674 Inlemalional Subsidiaries: Wans Regutator 0! Canada Ltd.hl. (416) 851 8591 ta(: (/16) 851 3288 Wans Regulat0r (Nederland)b,v. letex: 844 35365 . r ) r ) i I r l r r ' : : r ) I ) Ilr )r i(' I llf)9 r'r'lcott t'lt cr li ';t{jijliii ,':::rr....- ii,rfi ritt,, k .rr':tl: :-, l;',1 ,:r.. ., :i... ':lt:tlis .rrtrl ilrttil,' \1odt,l i)09 iuii;rl)1.. for suJrplv t)ri.siurr, up to I?- :rt)(l will{'r lrt,.l,..r;1ltlri,\ ttI io 1.1(l l'. \l(,(ill lJrilJlI\' .Ltit:rl)1,. for. srrn1,l.,. irr,'siilr{, lll I'Sl ;rntl \r':ltl.r i,.ntl)r.r'itiur{,S UI) tr.r ll0 1'. (Are Approximate) l[o. 9O9AG Series ArR GAPs When installing a drain lioe use 909AG :eries Air Gaps on No. 9O9 backflow preventers. ' 909EL series elbows are for air gaps on backtlow orevenler! in ve.tical installations. I,.SI l;i l'lrr 'l:t,, lro iiv it ;. -. _,1' ) ;i : '.i:. | : l,,r: . ,ii::-:,i,ir. :liir' .r..'iiir(. r..,rl,' r ,lrr,, l; t':rl|r';rnrl rcli .i r:r1,,,. 1r<,'11'r.1,,'r. ilron;t,, lr,rrlv lr'st ()( ks. CONNECTIONS 3/a "-l" 909-NPf l:crnalc Iiucadcd lltr<ir'(onncction. l t: "-1" 909-It l-Nl) l' i\lalc'l-hrcacicd 8od1' Conncction. Tested and certified under ihe follouing standards for reduced pressure principle bacKlow preventers: A.S.S.E, No. 1013; A\\IWA C-511-89; CSA 864.4: FCCCIIR of USC Manual Sec- tion 10. Listed by IAPMO (UPC); SBCCI (Standard Plumbing Code). Check local codes for approval of vertical installations. IMPORTANT: |NOUIRE wlTH GOVERN|NG AUTHOR|T|ES FOR LOCAL INSTALLATION REOUIREMENTS. ELAOW 9O9EL h- j_!_ r\l{f-rrilI lron Sody llo.O.rc- For Xo,909 SL.! Dnin 0ud.r Sizc 0:mcnionr Al8 9(B,AG.C 90t-ft{ 909-AG-f 90!l-t t-F Air Gap Elbow. Ai. G.p €lbo*. 3&" rnd l" 3/r" rnd l" I r/|" thru 2" I t/a" thru 2" ;?3la- 431a" 3rys' 44a" 23la' 6la" 3s/a" I V? lb! 3/e lbr. 3tk lbr. 2 lbr n llt/l EiiSl 0 NS (! nchesl Size 909S-OT - Ueqg-OT E F I c lwidth A D B c TotalWei96l 116t.1 Les I With Strainer lStrainer 3la" 1" ltlq" ltlz" 2" Zit la 2211a 25sls 2131rc 304/a lltla 173/re 20sle 21zla 23sla 75lta 75lta 113h 113/q 113/c 4 4 5 5 5 4slq 43lq 6s/e 6s/e 6s/e 11t la r3 14 l5 l6 63/a 7 1'r lz 7t lz Tela 3tle 3tle 5'tla Stla 5tla l4 i5 40 40 40 '!5s/e 17tlz 42slq 44 473|e ' I ypical maximum system flow rate 17.5 {eet'1se c. ) ^")a o-i 15 20 25 l0 75 10 15 35 6PH ?O FPS ?0 15 Rro 5 0 20 rq Rro 0 ?0 15 g v', an o- ,v 5 0 20 e15 v)ato 5 10 20 60 70 15 6Pt1 FPS 1" 909 5 10 15 20 25 l0 35 40 45 50 55 606Pr1 5 7.5 10 15 20 FpS 1%" 909 (; l0 t0 50 5 7.5 10 80 90 100 20 't%" 90s 10 ?0 l0 s 40 50 60 70 7.5 10 2" 909 80 90 100 15 6Prl FPS 75 100 5 7.5 10 175 200 GPrl FPS 125 150 15 ,.,1 1t'zX'-"..I 1.- fhcse vetvcs a.c des;gocd tO. gcnc.at ScrviCc wlrCrC t;grtt Shvt olf a^d f.Cquent utc frc d,tt.rcd f ttcy .!'C CSI].C;Jtly rccomrncndcd lo, ttst_ ,'fit jlf a-n. r,.. o l_ w,r.C/ :^d qri 3a. '." :. 24r ra oon .lrat.rrl,( d,.,(.. :ttc .,tt,rco ;, ,,vt,!Cl (rf,(- troktr-.. tl._'.rr'.r., (tt.,t |) ut:.tt t:rt:ttl., ,t.\t) lttr:n.,,, .r t.Qrrr 1/:.11 v,vt,t, tu'l loJ(t (cl^d.l.On.r llrt:y.trc COo.,t.(rCrC(, -,() t,r.lr rr'7 (.t^ r).! ,i-p.'C\a(] w,tlr trI] v.]t!c ,rifl'/1 rrrrr/ oOC.r/:{t fn:,t.On. w,'.lCr,rvltr ltttttt t...,t,t1: lrrn.,,, v.!r-..:,, t,t.r:r,.,t C...r.t},,elr.rCC.rlrt.: .roo mCfJlt.C (tiC1. nOn -;l:l)C.,tO5 fr,rCi,^rl-.rrr{J t,/,-.try (j,rty t\tCt,:11 COr|.,tttrCt.O^ ,.1 ClrO((C Ol d,5(t ri rva'lJOlC tO nrJkC ttrCSC v.ttvc'!, .,rr,titrt{-' tol . o.,l ..trfrt,Car,oo; r 2;S z t?6S ,l t,:tco 'r r'r- Sl',5i|{r sc'ucr. 2- t.'a o{y. Arf,.Ovcc by r:r: Nc* Yort Cry Bo,J'O cf S2rda.os a.d Apocats u.c.-.: Calcnoa' No. t0t9.8l.SA €c.r'Jc{ *lt No. t25SO AuOUc' O5c and (arc.o lo. ?O0 wOG r€r(e (No 9ea/nt. FeCOr, rrC<ECO tO. l..e SOr,^irC, sc:.-ace tTit t t?6t l-.1,'i):)Cd s-t;r .'JC l2j to lCttotr' d(4 :O: g.,vratJt tC.e,CC ll.lclud,^9 .-lCJm 1265 1267 I265O '-':;r i.ca;q x3^O.,,r.,..i |?6IO $'::r l.t t:c t.tJ.rctr.i\\-{ t 25SB .-:n 3.,,,...-t, tr.r116".a....r | 25f O w{'l 3:cn!c ltJ.rd..{\r {+ff.i:Jr! 4 *JJ_, ili /.lso AvJJaUe vn{r I I l:note - t265ll.l 125 lbr. v/SP 200 lbr- V/OC lO01l Pr<trurc fcetcd Scrc*<d €nc., tl,ring Stcd' Snivcl O::c I totdc. Vc.til.ltcd n lsdr..0^, ilio; AvJ.lJblc r;ah l't.tit;C ltr^i \r,trcct tltrougl, l - Ooiry Mrtc.;Jt: 0ro.r.c Coo,o.h;ng lo ASf ^l 0l.1J-5t\ 1255 1257 - ..i tl l+t-;^ :-.- "-l I I Sirc lll'3/8-u2-.L/4't'r !r?-2' NO r?5S r25r I fJ{ -| ?fr}z'2 toz'2 ty3?-2 Jtn2-3 9/r6 < t/16 ( r rrt5- o | 3r{ -r 3/{2 r[j2'2 v6'?vr J 2 ]n2'7 2111)' Gligd-t I r/r6'I r/B-3 tr{ -J rr2-' lra Strip wt, (lrrr.l -{a -56 .60 r.OO t 8l 2.5'J69 sea l.lo. r265 l?6t zlJz-r5,rG-| 3'u2'| 7t:t2't l5rl?-l]/4 2-2 tttl2 o | 3r. -I 3/{'z rnz'l ? lrE-2 Y.'a 2\1?c (Oor.dl 2 vr-l f,-I t/{'3 5ra-1-a tf2-5 r/r -6 rt2 s^b \1'1. ('.u1-l .<a .56 -69 -9<|.)6 l?6 537 Oura- Un.r Prc\l?r3 r2 6 6 t2 Ou.rn. C:-,r: . :.. 60 (n o FIRE PROTECTION VALVES. I to:jt_ VA[ '/[',ij(11 ji ,i\i,11 \/[- Lri!'Cl '.r ttrc sD.'nkl(r .nOusi.y lo tclievc lpC of crcess \.,/Jter Jnd to pjcvcnt l(c€zing. . Sirq: |i2" tcd Jla.. gtripping Wcighrr: . ll2" - 0.43 ttx. l/4-' .0.56 tt, r. Q.rlnri11, Pcr Crn.: l2 valvc unscats o.{y by torce ot gravity causing b:ll ru lall ofl scat. Use o.Uy h hodrodaf pos,. . tion. Oo not usc v!;0t .no(c lhan O.€ lL ot hcad (s3ler p(cssufc) on U drcd( 3OO lbs. V.|OG I Ooolo l.lyd.ostaric Icsred t{e:lvy ll.tndwhccl Rcplaceabte Rvbtrcr Oi:c tor Watcr Scrvicc Sc. cwed [ndg Rising Srcm Sc.cwcd Bonnct l- i,|Jle Pipc Ih.!.Jd Intct x I t/?- L,ralc llosc ftr{cJd Ourtcr (Spccily Hosc llr:Jo;t orhe. l[]n rnose aiovd Body Malc(;Jl: Bronre Conlorming ro ASflr td5-5A App.ovcd by rhe New York City Board ol StJndards and AppcJls Undc. CalcndJr No- tO79.8t-SA. Ouant;ty Per Ctn.: 2 BALL DRIP VALVE /6 ( ( 30 l"l 23s No. FP53L Relief Valve Set 175 PSI GD ,,noo.,,,nlers Laboratory hsred walls No. FP53L is designed for use in tire protec_ tion grid systems to provide protection again5l 91695- sive water pressure caused by thermal expansion or line surge. lt has a standard ,|75 psl pressurs relief setlrng and can be installed horizonlally or vertically. Bronze body construction u/ith stainless steel spring io inhibit corrosion. The valve is conslrucled with a preci_ sion stem guide to ensure pi-oper reseating The lest lever affords periodic manual testing and flushinq ol v/alenYays and SeatinO surfaces. Underwriters Laboralory lisled Forge d stainless steel spring Eronre body c0rtslructi0n l0r superi0r slrength and lo prevenl corrosion Manual tesl lever Valve slem is guided t0 enhance resealifl0 |,1" male inlel r temale outlel 175 PSI pressure seflino -l / 11 Prt:ssu re For applications requiring a UL approved retief valve to provide pressure retief proteclion from water Dressure in excess of I Z5 pst. Each vatve sha be bronze body con-'\struclion with ferggf, stainless steel spring. lt shall have a .lest lever and the valve shall be guided to enhance reseattng and lo decrease chance of the seat being mis- aligned. Wans Regulator Company Modet No. Fp53L. ES-FP53L 9328 P.inted in U.S.A. ES-FP53L Approved product for use in firc protection syslems Pressu.e Hetref Vatves should be tested pr'riodically lo ensure that the product has not been atlected by corrosive water cqn- ditions anC to ensure that the valve and discharge piping have not been allered or lamoered y/ith- Wodd Class Valvcs ffi!ffi*" -Si.r(c rAt. -P|-UM8ING 6 N€AIING OlvlSlO 815 Ct.stour Strcit florrh Andov.'. MAOt645.6096 USA l.'. (5061653.t81r r.r: (508) tg{.tE!o lc.ni Indutticr (c|nrd.l t.ic. rrl. (.16185r.8591 f.r: (. t6l SSt-8?6E wrnt Indstt i.r (tr.o9cl EV f.r: .3t.g336.5^at92 w.Ilt o(r.n 8v trt; .3t-g33d-5zlr3 %- NPT Male Outlet %" NPT Femalc Outlct ch sY2 ts0ry SINGLE SIDE ENTRANCE FOR CONDUIT Straight conduit entry above thc OSy2 bracket and away from the J-hook adjustrnents makes the installation faster. easier. and helps eliminate unwar.ted call backs. Requires less expensive fittings. Durable metal enclosure gives the sr,vitch protection from adverse weather conditions- SYNCHRONIZED DURAELE SWITCH ASSEMELY Two 10 AMP 125250 VAC switches provided as standard are locked in a synchronized position and encloseci in a rugged terminal block for added srrength and durability- Accommodates up to '12 AWG r.vire- NEW ERACKET DESIGN Makes installation faster and easier. Suitable for '1" to 12" valves. ADDITIONAL APPLICATIONS The OSY2 supervisory switch, without its gate valve bracket. can be used to monitor side- bracket style pressure reducing valves. lt5 three- position switch gives vandal and valve close signals, The adjustable shaft rhakes installation easier. SEMS CLAI\4PING PIATE BRACKET Enables wiring to conform with UL 753 Paragraph 17A.2. SUITABLE FOR INDOOR/OUTDOOR APPL!CATIONS OPTIONAL TAltvlPER SWITCH KIT =^5YSTE!WSENSGR:---.-.-- .- A Dl vltloN oF Pl rrwAY-- ----- 3825 Ohb Avenue. St. Chrrtes. lttin<is 60174. 7OS-37?-6363. frX: 708,37?.6495 l. ct^r,{v rlq.c7<.rao< . 14Y. 4rc.ct<-f6-o ErwEE f; - MEA ;;m @<P9 ,I Potler Eleclrlc Slgnal Co:npany :2081 Cralg Rd.,,/P.O.Box 28480 St. Louig, Mo. 63146 Potter Elodrlc Slgnol & Mtg. LTD 1967 lrsll€ Sl ro{: Don Mllls, Ontarlo, Canada M3B2f.{3 (3r4)878-4321/(BO0 25-3936 PIPE SECnON SHOWN FOR ILLUSTRANON. PURPOSES ONLY u.s. PAT. NO. 3921989, CANADTAN pAT- NO. .t 009680 OTHER PATEMTS PENDING, POTTER ELECTRC. Rd.. I99O c I 6)-14 1- I 833 U.L USTED Servlcc Prert!re : Up lo I /5lrsl lllnlmum Fl'or Rate f or Alarm: l0 GPl,l llarknur:r Sucgn: 18 FPS Cornaa Radrqa: fwo sots of S.P.D.T- (Form C) i-. l0Amp.@ tzsr2s0v-Ao | 2 Atnp.@ 0-.30V. OC Roslilvo ErMro nme<tel Ljmhatlons: 4g'FnmF - 4.5" C/49" C Cond:h Entrrnco.: 2 oponhgs tor lZcondu! Csutlon: Thb d€vks ts not Inlended lor apptlcadons In explosive gnvitnn€nls. Slze. Avrflrhl€: For lyp€ K L & l,{ coppor plp€ - srzes7,2ln'.3' & 4' For lbted CFr'C p{p€. S0R 13.5 (standard dlnEnslonalra o) - $z6s7.? ln'&3' Ssrvlc. Us€: Al.noorab Spnnkl€r One or Two Family Dwelling Rosijeraial Oca.rpanclss up to 4 slories Conu"J Sation Locaj iurEz:1 Roncr: .}ation ProSe';ry Ofllonal: Ccrsr TamperSwllch OrJ€r Stk No.00900lB NFPA-IJ NFPA-I3O NFPA.l3R NFPA-7I NFPA-72A NFPA-728 NFPA.72C NFPA.?2O GENERAL INFORI,IATION The t{odel VSR.CF is a vane typo watedlow switch fo:. use on wet sprinkler syslems. lt is uL Lisled for use on type K. L & M copper pipe. sizes f thru 4'ard listed CPVC pipe, SDR 13.5 (slandard dimentionalratb). sizes z lhru 3'. The unit may also be usod as a sect-ronal waterllcw de. teclor on large systems. The unit contains two single pole. doubto throw. snap adion switches ard an adiuslable pneurnalic retard. The swilches are actuated when a llow ol l0 gaflons per miruJte or (roie occrj.s downstream of the dodce. The flow cond(ion Inust exist lor a perind of l:rne necessary lo over@me the selecled retard perird. ENCLOSURE: The unit is enclosed h a general pur- pose. cast aluminum housing. The cover b heH in place wnh $/o tafrpe( resistanl screws which require a spcrcial key lor removal. A lield installable cover tamper switch is available as an optirn whidr may be used lo irF. dbate unaulhorized renroval of tho cover. See Eulletin 763 lor inslallation instruc;tions ol lhis switctr- INSTALLATION: See F(7. 2. These devbes may bo nrounted on a horizontal or verti- cal ppe- On horizontal pipe they shoutd be inslalled on lhe top siCe of th€ pipo wher€ rhey wifi be accessible- The unG shlub not be installed within 6 inches of a fit- tirE which cl€r€os th€ diredbn ol the watedlow or within 2.1 i.Ches c{ a vafue Or drain. Drain the sl:lern ard drill a hole in the pipe using a ckor- ler saw in a stcrr speed drill. The 2- atd z IZ devices r:quire a fda with a min. dia. ol I l/8' to a max. dia. ol I tl6'. Al o(f€r sizes require a hole with a dia. of I 7/B- lo a rnax. d€. ot 2 U16'. Clean tho irsde ol the pipe ot alt growth or olher mate,ial lor a distarce equal to lho pipe diameter on eilher side ol ttt€ hole- Ro[ the varc so that it nuy be insorted into the.holc. do not berd or qeas€ il. Insert the vanos so lhat tho anow oo the sa6l€ points in tho dir€ctbn ol the watedlow. In$all the saddt€ srrap and tighten nuts altemately to an svenual lGl in_-hs. ol torque, so€ Fig. 2. The vano musl rK,( rub the irsd€ o{ th€ pip€ or bird in any way- PRNTEO Tfl USA AULL€NN 77t PAG€ T OF 2 tRJ coaoi^. c^ - (tr.l ttt.55ee ( ,'TRIMLINTi' Siz<: [(angt - lf 7 tlvu 8 irrch pr1x. Material - Stccl. Mil. G.rlvanized to G-90 fication. Funclion - For fire sprinkler and other general piping purposes. Knurled swivel nut dcsign permits hanger adjcstment alter installation- Spring tersion on swivel nut holds it securely in hanger before installation. Swivel nut is easily removed- Approucls - Undemriters' Laboratories lsted and Factory Mutual Engineering approved. Con{orms to Federal Specification WW-H-l7lE. type 10. and Manufacturers Standardization Society SP59, iyp€ 10. Maximum Temperature - 650"F Finish - Mil. Galtanized, HDG, and Stainler.s Steel- Order By - Figure number and pipe size. FIG.2OO ADJ US'TABLI IITNG I-IANGSII slxci ( .--.7'-'-/l\+- I PIF€ ROD StZ!SrZ€ BC sTocl( srzf,'qJ{I APINRO)C REc. WEGHT LOADLBS. PfX !o(t I 3/8 3-3.16 2-Sl8 r-l/8 t6oax5/8 400 tz l- l/8 2-Sl8 r.3/8 2-T8 400 lfua x 57'8 l - 1,.2 3/g 2-42 3/8 4-r/8 r-3/4 l6ga x I J. U'3/6 13- l/6 8-314 3.1/4 l2ga x l.I./4 400 2-3/8 7 -vs s.r/1 l6ga x I 9. r/8 6-V4 I4ga x 1.3/16 ( 2-3/8 I|lIlr-lt HANGERS AND FASTENERS, cont'd. WOOD DNIVE SCF.IEWS /\r I 't'..-\ \\ --: .' -1 ,/ - a ..:, _ :, ./:-... . ' ,("-' STEEL EYE SOCKET OFFSET STEEL EYE SOCKET SIDE EEAM CONNECTOR 800 8*1015 ( L8S/ KiG 33 t,? 50 ii0\ll" I li6)l lt" \i\el \--- ) Af i hangers are available tor Yz' threaded rod- Call for a quote. ANGLE ERACKET O TYl KTG 1l14xl'/'' 2 | l4x2' ll l16x2' IIEM stzE OTY/ K€G LBS/ KEG 4 3/8'2500 130 lIElt'!stz€ 0l // K€G LBS/ XEG 3/B -1000 55 ITE[l stzE OTY/ cs L6S/CS 6 7 38' 1t2' ro0 100 t2 t., /.'a {.1 ,,,.. 4 .J "l 1 ItEfti s:zE OTY/ cs L8S/CS I 3/B -r00 JJ C3 \ -( t.r(;. 9') lrt I tttt(t:A|) IiOt) OUI'tO t I.NOItt I'rr,' ii,t't,1,. .j,,.'i :r,.,. i,':,, ut it t,vl rrr I rrrrir itttt,:riol , (-.: r l., rr r li:.,".:i lrtoxintutn IcnVcrorurc - 7..{J-i- Fitislt - [)l.rin. Occtro Cal,,anizcd. and Stainlcss Stccl. Ordcr By - Ffuurc numbcr. rod Clrnrctcr. rod lcn3t lr. and finish. a1^.(. RaC to^r) l rr5 toR SfJr!4c[ rfxf5.ROO 5r2.f t-.'t'f lio-( 610 5{0 lU0 l0t0 rstO l6t0 211(t 2t2O 37/0 3lia 1to t/? 5/8 3/4 7/s FIG. rcO ALL THREAD ROD FULL L€NGTHS Size. Ronge - l/1 rhru t-ll2 irrch rod in 10.{-tcng(ns. Materie - Jarbon Steel 'Mqxr'mrrm T c n o e r a t u re -' ? 50. F fn;s& - Pbh. ilxtro.Galvrnizcd, and Stainlc.s Steel- Ord.cr By - Figure nunrbcr. rod .lbnrcter. and finish sfsi:8€'.H rE:?+ v{2{0 215 t2 RryffDelgroFa6.rursffi erEF y4 2710 24?0 r23 rferils:?qlF3@mBEerry I t1960 4420 m ROO suI (sof ''gf Ptx l@ Fr PERMIT PROJECT Bfrootlo NUMBER OF .;.' ' .) INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE , JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FBAMING D ROUGH / WATER ,-.., ROOF & SHEER u pr_vwoob r.tnrr_rruc tr cAS PtPtNG O INSULATION - D POOL / H. TUB _ tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr - tr D_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - w"''tr, tr FINAL tr FINAL PM AM tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED 7 \ 'a.l .7J - \ DATE INSPECTOR -i. -,. .!-:fr INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TI.-}ES READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D o E tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING T] ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED tr DISAPPHOVED REINSPECTION R EQUIRED CORRECTIONS: "./ 4.. ,4 {7 1 ./)t !,.:,. ' o/?-- DATE INSPECTOR -:- .;. *-f \i t ,T srATE OF COLORADO I DIVISION OFFIRE SAFETY - PLAN REGISTRATIONFORM t Date__ a-/J)-/!i_ Contractor Regishation Number oo8 '4i Contractors Name [LL-SlLTff FI.iii rr{f f ECt'Ioj.,r I}.Jt ^ MailingAddress $04J ::. ?6tr'r Ave. 0i2 City _e Telephone No. Name of System Test Signature Certification No.(Qualified Fire Inspector) Jurisdiction Comments Zp Code !{.};) ? ? (for additional comments use aeparate sheet) Distribution: Original copy goes to,Dirrision of Fire Safety upon totalcompletion of form. Copy to local fire department: Copy to contractor and copy to building owner upon completion and sign-off. o o I NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMII Permit #: M95-0133 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-24s2 Job Address...:Location......: Parcel No. .. ..:Project Number: Department of Community Development APPLICANT STONE SHEETMENTALMECHANICAL 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTION 81501 CONTRACTOR STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTION 81501 OWNER CAPPY MICHAEL t 1901 EVERGREEN RD, LOUTSVILLE Ky 40223 Description: HUMIDIFICATION AND VENTILATION 166 FOREST RD 2101-071-15-0 05 PRJ95-002 4 Status. . Applied. Issued.. Expires. Valuation: #0f Gas Logs: .: ISSUED .: 08/2e/re9s .: 08/31/rees . : 02/27 /!e96 Phone z 3Q324250L4 Phone: 30324250L4 24t496,0O #0f uood/Pat tet: *t***ffi*ffffff*ffi*'tlt,rr.*t****|t*}*ir*trl*tr**l*|*f,tri*l**#(** FEE SUlll,lARY ffi**********ffffi**ffiffi******fitrff****ffffi** l,lechani ca [---)5m.00 Restuarant Ptan Revicrr-->.00 Totat Calcutated Fees--->628.00 Ptan Check---> 125.00 DRB F tireptaca Intornation: Restficted: lnvestigat i on> t,iLt ca L t----> .00 3.00 #0f Gls Appt i ances: TOTAL FEES-._- .00 Additionat Fees---------> .00 628.00 TotaI Permit F!F-------> Payments-------_---->628.00 6?8.00 BALANCE DUE----ffi ***ffit**|t*/rffii**tjr*tl.lt*ffi J.'r***'r*'rffi ******r**rffi Jr*ff **ffi ****ffi tffi ffi ffi H*tffi ff **trt*****,rffi ** IIe-m: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/29/1995 CHUCK Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I. hlreby .8cknoetedgc that I have read.this apptication/ fitl.ed out in fut! the informtion fequi rcd, compLeted an pLan, and state that etl the infornation provided es requircd is corfect, r lgree to compty riith tire iniorrnation to coirpty Hith al.l, Town ordinances and state [aus, and to buitd this structure ing to thc Torrnts :oning and codes, dasign revirw Epproved, uniform Buil,ding code end other REAUESTS FOR II{SPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI,IENTY-TOUR HOURS T}I 0R AT oUR oFFIcE FRol{ 8:00 A 5:00 Ptl SIGNATURE OF Oi.INER OR CONTRACTOR TOR HII'ISELF AT{D OTJNER accurate p[ot rnd pl,ot p[an, 3ubdivision ?t|p'*u"uo **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statennt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0060 Anount: 628.00 0eFL/95 15:04 Palrment Method: CK7362 Notation: ck for 620 & csh Init! l{}IC **************************************************************** Permit No: . Parcel No:Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L3t2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 M95-0133 Tlpe: B-MECH MECHANICAL 2101-071-15-005 166 FOREST RD Total Feea:628.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description MEC}IANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES VIILL CAI,,L INSPECTION FEE PERMIT 628.00 528.00 .00 AInount s00.00 125.00 3.00 'L/*,,':v*rJ:f***=frfi98[PFPi PERI'IIT APPLICATION FO olo,az 8- )t-29 ?n APPIJICATION MUST BE 'IT.',ED OUT CO!,IPI,E'S"V ON J{/ [ ]-other Legal Description:4 Block / Filinq -t [ ]-Butlding [ ]-plurr,ing [ ]-Electricat ffl_!{eehanibat Job Name: OApei?G=,n., 13 Job Addre ssz lhL R)at Lot f owners Name: Architect: ceneral Description: aaar"==, /4o/ Address: { Electrical Address: . Plunbing Contractor: Address: BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERMIT FEE: I'fECHANTCAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of VaiI Reg. NO.Inl>q Phone Number: eil-<+T BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONfNGS SIGNATURE! A0s2ttW L ftl"t and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas Apptiances {* * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * *** * * * * ** * * * ** * VALUATTONS cas Logs_ Wood/pellet Igork crass: t$1-uew [ ]-Arteration [ ]-Addrtionar I l-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Nurober of Acconmodation Units: * * * ** *** * ** * * * * ** * * * ** * * * * * * ***** BUILDfNG: $EIIECTRICAL: S OTIIER: $ MECHANICAT,' $.ffi - TOTAL: I fNFORMATION * * ** *** ** * * ********* ** * *!r*!r Address:Town of Vail Reg. NO. Contractor: Phone Number: rTown of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUTIJDING PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLUI'IBfNG PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREJA,EION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: CI.EAil UP DEPOSIT REFIIND TO: h \s \. g E E -o _l \$ z {J IL z o F {o z f o IL -l F il_ { IL 1 lJl I I I \ -o _t |l '.lu J \)o (* I I I rtf I tr- "l-"I t_' HIB Flil tp:il Iri ; rli sls Flfi \t hn -l ffi+9 s I ;ti blc slu t'l< <lo ol0 F' I I f l-S'\ rlB, :t L- sia 6 ir siB p ,,q< ,,o- -1 I I I )t---/ L .t , ,)-l'-t li l* t;i\- .\tl r1 -Fl ll o o N\ B,) -911 filn " ll Ft$ ]t- + I itt ti tr IL il [l F I o v s M '/t7i trl */ti ,Y b _l o il \ t\ t I / ,'/ l,l" l :T .1 4-,\)(z -ID _J -/* N\o w -x +l*E Flilt t$\--....- -X-q \ ,o-,e ,,q-,e Profecl: OAfrfRESIPENOE Revlsions:Prof. No,: q4lob Sheel 9Dl TF 7fD Eroob.r/Ftlo. .nd A..oc{d.., Ino.Drovn 8y: OhlR @,r'lnt*rfirrt Aga;t Iu,TT\Dole: l/26/49 ( o o 2'-O:--lo *4 x I al, 6 l,2"o.c., onLg. TYP. 5TONE PAVIN€ PER ARCH'L, 3q'-3" T,O.5LAB ELEV. T.O.9LA9 (vARrEs) 5EE ARCH'L. ui \D a J I \)u u.l tu o I o g v 6" THK. CONC. ELAB w *4 HoRtz. eA. l2"o.c, TYPICAL. 9" THK. CONCRETE IAALL REINF. W (2)- tE'e HOR,IZ. CONT. TOP 4 WTTOU, *4's HORIZ. @ 12"o.c., 1 *4's VERT. @ lb"o.c., Tfp. 4' THK. COf{C. g.Ae 6/ER 4' el EA9E ON IJNDIgTI.REE' QIL OR @t.1P/!41@ STF|JCf,L F|LL.*AB W 6xb, nl.4xnt.4 I,!d'# o RE ,3 F'|O-ptrT]'{,,T-(P. l4x4x3/b LED6E AN@LE (EALVANIZED) coNT., A/ 3/4"A x 4" EMBIED EALV.EXP. WLT3 o 24'o.c.,TfP. *4 ot^1L5. - I 24"o.o., frPICAL CONT. 5PREAD FTO. NORTH AND EA3T hIALL AT OECK (REVIaEO) 3/4"=l'-o -.$ _l N v J o ffl Prolecft OAPh' RESIDENCE Rcvlslons:Prof. No.:44lOO Shcel 9D2 7E lD E.€b.r/Ftlo..nd ^..o.d.t .. hc.Drown By: OhlR JJJJL \ &'r-!'AhdrJ Eat-.Dotc: l/26/qs o o \ sroNE PAV|N6 r #E;dari* =BU 3q'-3" T.O.gLAe ELEV. 34',-4" T.O.5LAe (vARrEe) 5EE ARCH'L. I F8R H:ffi o (D A J I \)v lu tu o I o tu E W *4 HORIZ EA. l^lAY o 12"o.e, TYPICAL. 3ECTION IAALL OFENINE 3/4"=l'-O L4x4xl/4 LEO9E AN€LE - EXTEND 6" MIN, EA. END 6 BEAR ON MAgY. TYP. (2) - *5's EA.6lOE OF CO|E. hhLL OPENINE. EXTEND 2'.O'PA3T O?N'O,EA,gIDE, T],P. *4 Dr{L9. x 24"o.4., TYPICAL CONT,gPREAO FTE. l$za.|| | |" ln g J \) to IL L Profccl: CAPT| R?9lf)et.{6.E Revlslons:Prof. No,: q4lob Sheel 303 Ea@baz'Fllo. atrd AaaoCrtaa. Ino. 6tldodlrfrdaar:r trlR Drqwn By: ONR Dofc: l/26/q5 o o o 4' THK. @&. g.-AE OVBR f €RA\GL AAgE ON I,,I.IPI5T!'RBEO goIL OR cot-tPAclw ?fev,f'L FllI. REINF. SL^€ W bxb, }{,l.4x}{i.4 141'lF. gLAE MIP-DEPTH, fr?. s o g =P CL a L} u-r C) h ,R gTONE FAVIN@ PER ARCH'L. 2'-O"_---l-o *4 x l-" or^nt-g e 1|2"o.c., T-(P. T.O.glLA'ts ELEV, 0-l _/ Eli' 6' THK. COI.IC.gLAB REINF. W *4 HORIZ. EA. NAY O l2"o.c, TY?ICAL. A, THK. 4ONCRETE I^.IALL REINF. Yt/ e)- E'E HoRtZ. CONT. TOP 4 AOTTOM, *48 HOR,IZ. @ l2"oz., 6 *4's VERT. @ lb"o.c., TfP. lb *4 clr4Lg. r el -" e 24"o.c.,TYPI6\L 34'-4 T.O.9LAB B.O. I4ALL 6ONT. gPREAD TTE, FOR AD9'L NOTEg, 5ffi DTL. t/9p2 3/4"=l'-O Profecl: C\PF|( RE9IDENCE Rcvlslons:Prof. No,: q4lob Sheet 3D4 |E1TtrD E.cob.rrGttoc anrd Arcoclrlco. Inc-Drown By: Ol,rlR - \ &rrlru trrdn eat-,Dotc: l/26/q5 o ( I o o CL F8 \s \ \ gTONE PAVIN€ FER ARCH'L. 2'-O"=---l o *4 x ld oru-s. @ l2"o.c.,TfP. epA FER ^*rR[tI DRAr^{rN6s. F H lJ-o T.O.9LAO ELEV. 6' THK, @I.IC.gLAE REINF.w *4 t+aR,tz. EA. y.lAY @ l2"o.c,ffPld\L. A" THK. CONCRETE T{ALL o t.I REINF. t^l/ Q)- E'e HoRtZ. CON-t. ToP 6 aOTTOV, tt4'e HOR'IZ. @ l2"oc, 6 *4'E VERT. @ lb"o.o.,7Y?. lb *4ot/.i{-:9.. r 4-rl @ 24"o.c., r-ftlC\L T.O.gLAts B'. AALL ELEV. CONT. gPREAO FTA. FOR AOD'L NOTE5, 3Ee OTL.l/9/D2 sOUTH AALL OF aFA UECH, ROOM j/{"=l'-O Prolecf: CAPPY RESIPENCE Revlslons:Prof. No.: q4lob Sho€l 3D>Eaobar/nloc and Ataorelatca, Ina.trlR &,'.fi,V&tfrtdwur Orovn By: OhlR Dotc: l/26/q, o I o CL F8 ?ru EH t-l-o & s \ gTONE OECK OVER frLto eRoul oN 60NT. l^I.P. MEMtsRANE oN 3/4' THK. TCE EXT. PLYl",lD. - 9EE AR6H'L FOR ADD'L. NOTEg -- 4'THK. @W.gLAE A\GR 4' €RAVEL AA9E ON IJI.|9ISIIJREED NL O? COIE ACTED 9fflJ6T'L FII.L. REINF. €{-AD W Oxb. V11.4*ll.4 r^l.F . gLAa MI9-PEPTH, TYP. Q) - 2x NAILER tA/ t/2"o x 2 l/2" EMBED EXP.BOLTS @ t2"o.c., MAX., TYP. 6- EXTENP 14.P. MEMBRANE /\ owe 6oNc. ^ALL. 3q'-o' tfr, t -*iEl T.A. h!ALL ELEV, -t I t.-t ll -lll-r'' A" THK. CONC. T4ALL REINF. A5 IN OTL. I/31 2ETAIL 3/33 a a 4" 2x DECK J5T5 PER PLAN 9fMP30N U2bLJ H6R (OR E@UIVJ O EA, JgT, TYP. ,1I3ED E Prolecf: OAPTI RESIPENCE Revlslons:Prof. No.: q4lob She€f 30b Ef?-d.ar/'Flloc and Aaaodrba, lno.trlR ea.frO&Ud,dEgrI*' Orown By: ONR Ooic: l/26/q, 31,{ALE FER AP4HL, Otg1. 44',-4' T.o. l,.lALL ELEV,:,:l I ll^ l-g .,V l\ gTONE VENEER PER ARCH'L. lt4tl -il t-il t-t l r-!r-t trr-r-_r-?-rl X o J f- gTONE PAVI I l/2" cLR.. T-(P. PER ARCH'L. 3q|6" T.O.910Ne ELEV.* ,. ,=J* Dv.tLs. .s lo"a.c., T'(P.il-tTt-tTl:I r':--:--ir r r-:-r r r._| t-il t---:--l l l':"':'-l Il:":-ll''t:lll:lll 12'THK.6ONT. SPREAD 7T6.WE)-*4'E HORIZ. CONT. LON€'L. ol J \) c{ tL F 6ONf. DR.AIN PIPE PEF, ARC)II- Oy%- 3',-b"o+l-Tl pnr o lb"o.e., TYP. ts.O. I^IALL ELEV. b _l _l *4x @ 24" .S I O|AL3. TYP. CON7. 12" x 12" SHEAR KEY t'-lo" vt5Eo SOUTH AALL AT DECK 3/4".1'-O rJ a" tr*. .o*eere S, RETNF. w (2)- le'c t&r,roP a @TTOy+, t6'+v lo'o.c,.. a r4,3 |.t RlU c a X € q _l {. v J \) $ =]T-tr-t-t t*tT' -l I l-rl I l:-._l ll , r-l I l-l I l- -lll-rr' Proicct: CAP?YRE9|DENCE Shccl 3ul Ea€trar/Rlo. .nd /l..od.taa. Ino- Oofe: 2/b/q9 o ct- I$clt (JR UN Fs OY 'g rl-.a hc il];.o eF J tn q F 6 _t a It o o + -l ln tl o o o -l o ol I o F t- *li f) rtl ll Flfi * Qr P Fl c{iilr Gl-W I$fii sln ttlln Hlr \ =lil "b\PZ tlv b I ll $ :tu J \)o {_l L z o F- {o z l o TL J { F v L b _l n r() I o o ,,o-,4 ,,tr Projrcl: cA'lffi REgIDENC,E Rcvisions:Proi. No.: q4lob Shcct 9Db fd 7D E gftb.r/Ftloo .ncl Al.odat.r. Ino.Orown 8y: OAR, \ CFrfg Srtrt !,Atr!Dolc: 2/13/q3 NOTE, CROSSI ALLg SHOh,rN DASHED FOR CLARITY. cL(c> *,c>N l.Lr\\C)N N F E -c - P (2 - *5'E eA. Stoe oF OPENII.I6, TYP. t . {eLL FER orL.5/% (2)-*5'sx6'-0" E EA. CORNER OF OPENINo lO" THK. x 2' c.oT.{.C. FTE. HOqtZ. 16"o.o. e 2b'-q 1/b" T.O. V.[A.LL/ 9,LOPE ts.O. AALL A5 gHO'^{N NOTE: 5EE DETAIL 4/91 FOR ADr,,L }^IALL REINF. REdUIREMENTg. 'AIPE OONT, O1.1, TfP. 5'-ll" Profecf: CAPT(RE5IPENCE Rrvlsions:Proi. No.: q4lob Sheet 90q 7D 7D E €tt.r/Tllo lnd ^..ooftm.., lnc.Drown 8y: OlalR IUL \ Co -!|&r-rd gAtY.Dole: 2/13/<3 I t/2" THK. LTlzrlT; CONC. FILL, TYP i4 HOR,|Z. CONT. 4" THK. CONC.gLAts REINF. W bx6,lz{l.4xl^11.4 h,lt^lF o uto-oe?T4,TfP. O" THICK CONC. FNDN, '4ALL REINFORcED N,/ .(2)-*9 tlORtZ. COt{f . TO? I 9OT; PROVIOE oORNER 9AR9 OR pOL4EL9 O EA. HOR,IZ. tsAR INTO CRffi|,{.ALL, EA. END, TYP. coNT. b''111K. CONC. SPREAD FTO. T.O. AALL/ T.O.9LAO 24', tl *4 x Nl Dr.{,L3 o l2"o.c., l(P. 3/4"=l'-O Pro[ccl: CAPPY RESIPENCE Shcci SDlO Prof. No.: C4lOb E 6b.r,/ftla rnd A..odd.., Ine. dgtL ( I ttr lF tEiS?g5ffrH*rrEsrs/v'.rL o &.BAR *r* ry P,? FAGE 02 I Coltt,zxl lE lV Hll-tl .t1rt'o 9*rff-Pll{9 fOi EAUIVJ o l2'o.c"TQ EPI.7O' FLANCG. 6TAOC8RP, TY?. g o g - F .17l'O 9t{CI-Flt{9 TO EM. BATTOM fl.ANAE ) 24'oz.9fl&e3ffi,Tr?. f{€Fg. a l6'oa.2* 511Jtr7E rl l6"ac., ffP. PLYl^@. ED€e }.|Al11116 o EA. 2x lg, TraP. l/2' F,|-Y1^D. hIALL SIITE., TYF. 3l4ll'-O 9TEEL Bl'{. FER FLAN Nl V4U FI1'TEP gfIFR E (OhE glDf AHLY) O l|0raa, ETAilE VETGER FB ARAh'L Pr#ill.,lYP. . L4x4xll4. x (VARIEE) @lrlT. f.6t(t tl2|''ltb a 1Loqo.o" Vrl (21 - .aID'O THRJ.SOLIE 'a 3',6A", fY?. n-AaE ll€Rg. a EEAI.1 gTlFf, |? t.oemong, rrr.LED€'E At{.9t-E - lEt{D * a1efr oF l4AsaNFr/ o\GR 00aR" Trrr. T{OG:FRo\4PE t/1' TtTt'E gTtFR |lb EA. 'IPG OF BII. r.,GA. BEARIH€ l.paAiflot{A, Al{9 r q- aF Fryag.t EEA|uNC FOINIB, T/P. MAIN EAN',AOT l'fE/Ar|?EFI 9/$tl'4 gECflON FETN. HANC'EFIg Prcfrc0: AAR IltlDAttE levldcnrl ^- frq. Nc.:filOD $rrir- 9,Dtl Orsrn fyl €lrf Dafor UAqq, I r|\ Ltg a't, arg. qiEt r.n rt\r,flr I rv I -r. YnIt- F. J g1llal7995 11:35 343.t9431?6 EBCOBAR RICE age6 PAGE Og rJ( a LE9€iE AT€LE . EEXD W ATFV.IE OF MASONS/ avER PaaFv TW. HAE,I/,4E UsroEe Ug PLASE }€}R9.. EEAM gftFt| lf' LooAflAn\rg. ryP. #cno'i ililt' ffin** nM--;#1.ff*tJfr?;nFF ffi;X3ffin,bo U/4'rl'.€ Vll | ,-.r *^.,. Wm-*a$.zxbrl*,rLr / ;'ilgd: il'6;;aY i$j,Hffia$* ( ru"%E$wl REDTYF g"i '€B*frk .,t-.,1.ah'oi-F.,€ - ,f4 Kffi.'* wfu f ; ry A!/l-rln|E /- a.c Tt Lr- tI lrfh \o Btt. @rfot4 ,/ a tb"os., TfrF. ll,:\\'LAN€Er.24'ct, . / 6,\] ro tt€Re. . t6'on. Al | ,+4 Pd'e*rl*#' AIV/ I t'En"nr*e- nwiffiffi,*#ff, al I Gc ttrt[€ I FLooR - t/?. pr.fte.,rn ^4A|- iffi:"dt6"i.,# ]eHr€., llt. nl | 'Z fixe srDe o[il w+ 'i\\-e" . ] eroNE vE ER 'V1l ll\ N 161a666'L --nJ | -.jz7- i pl€tg.,Tl,P. Wl i w -1;i$:!r,:liyf,*, i ./ )/D.o ltfl)-ecl-"a i coNT. l-6xs l/2*1O J o ?' 4{"t/?', i NolE, pRo\/tOE v+ FtTllt2 9T|FE lLb EA.gIDE AF EF{. HEE . EEAR,II{6 LO6AftOt{6, TY'F. /.\ MAIN €ARAet oooRlTEADER I ) / E, l9T Frcfccr CIf|( RlflgE€E hlrlonrr Prol. lro.;{416}th..t gr,tl ER,ffiE 0acra Itr OlNl, DoL! ,AOFA, FR 1S'5 silLaltgge 1lt 36 1S:4? PSn ffiO{ITECTS TRIL 30319431?6 EIOOBAR RrCE P.4 PASE 04 ASEE o F o g E lf- h 8$ IJ.IN ()\ F$o 'CONT. G)-Zxb QVEF- t*gT.EgL IEAFT. I l/2".11{K Lf. l^lT.4ONT. tx I{AILER W .t-n"O Eltor-Ptt{g fo Es,{. foP. Ff-AN6tE a llro,/e,, 8"4012. 1Y?. rWO t-&l9t' n/.|J"+fgR (DY .lgf MF[J, TYF.+{tO. | .|oISTF FER 10p111.1tp. -r5=91E8. gA\M FER FLAN t{/ lf2'*'x t'Q's{DaW&)-}lD'o l}rilU-EOL'l? O t'OA, TO tr*. .pt91, DEL. l--lOl9f }V l€- 511FFEI€F!' AA REAI)eY.|arst i,lFR. 'lf,lh'DECr|()/r'tr'o AT 'LlVlNe LS/EL', gHT. 63 Pnl.cft "lAel g?t2 ErD lq--!r IE/Ea. tL LJE \ ilr -rEin I I'tffi LO'?5 19:47-P9R_FRCHTTECTV!RrL I a3/LotL996 11:35 3034943175 l' il lf I I l'I lT=I J.'''Ll'.'- ESCOBAR RTCE ASSOC o F,r& eE caHanere \t\ \i" ir ft\g1frJoII,RAI H6,ta. FTIR 9' $I t $l F I o vEffi. @tl, JalNf I ll2"tl'.Or gBfLL r fi,Par<f OAhCL 6" MtN. |NTO 6p|€igtE f/P. rJ!3E HILTI l#A' woref aAFgrrLEg (OR €lR,OO 9O}^EL TO MATOH stzE Ar{tr spAalNet oF HORIZ. EAR9 ' |{.L al-o .tolNT t 06,ATr(2r{9. frP. EAJVJ.IY/P. FOLLO}I Al-L t'lFR'r tlJBLlgl'tEg FEC€t'flGl{gATtoNg FOR I}tEfALLAfION. a'(HNJ (at#. HALL EEF g6}GPI.,LE coh ERETE 9OT{EL€E*1E iDULf;, EAF LEI!E'1l 'L'T,'O' ?tF n I v1l I 2r-c !t 5hf.f 9,r'-t? Prcfrcft CXI|lf REilDE[tlEE o{o o o -U o o r)\l -- 7 /:) tsr rl NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M95-0143 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 38/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-24s2 Job Address... Location Parcel No..... Project. Number Department of Community Development 165 FOREST RD 2101-071-15-005 PR,J95-0024 'Status. . Applied. Issued.. Expires. ISSUED oe /06 / tees oe /L4/tee5 03/L2/tee6 APPTICANT ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, ]NC 6045 E 76tH *12, COMMERCE CrTY CONTRACTOR ALL-STATE F'IRE PROTECTION, INC 6045 E ?6TH #12, COMMERCE CITY OWNER CAPPY MICHAEL L 1901 EVERGREEN RD, LOUTSVILLE KY 40223 Valuation: #0f Gas Logs: Phone: 3032883901 Phone: 3032883901 11,500.00 #0f Uood/Pattet:#of G83 Apptiances: Restuarant PLan Revieu--> DRB Fce-------- TOTAL fEES----- 80022 80022 303.00 303.00 303.00 303.00 Description: FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM ti reptace Infornation: Rrstri ctrd: *ffiffi*tr********fi***/r****|tffi*ff*'tffi#(#***irl(* FEE SUm,lARy #r*ffir*rr*fi****t**fr****ffi,r**frffi***H*****ff*** l,lechani ca [---> Plan Check---> Invest igat i on>l.litt CaLl,----> 240.00 60.00 .00 3.00 .00 Total catcutated Fees---> Additionat Fecs---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> I!e,B;.,q5i40 BUILDING DEpARTMENT o9/O6/I99s DAN Acrion, APFR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL ].. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL AS NOTED OF LETTER ATTACHED. *****************:l************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I,hcreby acknoutedgc that I hav! read this apptication/ fitl,ed out in fuLt the information requi red, compl,cted an sccurate plot pl'an, .nd state that atl the infontnation provided as required. i.s correct. t agree to conrpty ri.ittr tire information and plot itan,to comply eith a[[ Tovn ordinanccs and state Lawi, and io buiLd this structure according io'tne rorn. s ioning ana subdivisibn codes, d.sign revieH aPproved, uniforn Buitding code and other ordinances of the Toun afpticabtc thcreto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIOI{S SHALL 8E }IADE TUE}{TY-FoUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47}213E On AT OUR OFTICE FROr E:m A 5:(D pH SIGNATURE oF or,rNER oR coNrRAcroR FoR HrilsEtf AND ouNER ? - ' g 6 {p *"n"uorut, **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statennt **************************************************************** Statemnt, Nurnber: REC-0069 Anount: 303.00 O9/L4/95 09:49 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #3939 Init; LRD Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L3L2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Total Fees:303.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Deecription MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE M95-0143 Type: B-MECH MECIIANICAL PERMIT 2101-071-15-005 166 FOREST RD *,*************************************************************** 303.00 303.00 .00 AIIrount 240.00 60.00 3. O0 Ifl$l,.*__ l-Mechanical I E-Other [ ]-Building [ ]-P1unbing Job Narne: cApprr RESTnENcE Owners Name: Architect: OWN OF VATL CONSTRUCfI PERMIT APPLICATION [ ]-Electrical t Job Address: j Legal Description: Lot h 4 Block 7 riling Address: Address: Ph. . {prnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances v {* ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * ** * VALUATIONS ceneral Description: work class: [x]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additionat [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Wood/pellet ********************************* BUILDTNG: $ ELECTRICAL: $_ -,\ otHnn: f f:*"1""' ,q-t:;Eiffi; *r'@- ;;;il; +-L l]*******************{*l{*"***- cok-TRAcToR INFoRMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *teneral Contractor: aLr._snFATE F,rRE pRorEcTToN To$rn of Vail Recr- llo- tr?Cl-S General Contractor: aLr._SnFATE F,rRE pRoTEcTTON Town of Vail Req. NO. a?O-S.Address, eoas n. zottt nrr.. + rz phone lr"rnre.: -Z-Cq>?1fr- . Commerce City, Co. 80022 Electrical contractor: -Address: 'sLor: ;;:1""f"ffi:1,*"n.No.- Plunbing Contractor: Town of Vait Reg. NO.Address: Y::l1l]:.1 contractor: rown of vair Reg. No.AqOfeSS: DL^h^ rr.--l- - - ^Phone Nurnber: ********************************roR BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERMTT FEE: r{ECHANICAL PERI.{IT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUITDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI]MBING PIAN CHECK FEE: I''ECHANICAL PIAN cHEcK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: LDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: ,CLEAN TIP DEPOSIT REFI'I{D - I .l {,1 'i . EEP-2t-9E MOr.l g9/t2,/1995 15: lE P. 6= trEI3E 82 Gg raB 388-6 NM BECH I U TB.EAEE e. fis6(}c. 9?B 4 ?9 L T,l B ESCIE^R RICE AS5; E I) EacobariHlcc lnd Aosoclatcr.Inc.El\,'" Septcrnbr22, 1095 Picrco, iiegerberg ud Arsocirtq Archftecte t000 South Frofisge l(ord west, $uits 300 Vri[ CO 81657 Rq CrppyRtsidnce PN 94totl Attar Kea Robmsoo Dcu Kcn: TluE lette'r ir to codnnnry colverEatiol $dh Mlrk $ten'cae rt Boe] rtd Acooobtoc oa Srpteuber 21, 1995, rugrndfitg the tbotirgr for thc sig6 l4qirirg rvsllr dorg the &ivtuny, for the rbov+noted projcc. PlerEo fEfrr to nDplaneetd dstrd lflrzz, drted EiZ&95, MarL uotcd thnt nolr tLc *rr* co.d oftbo drivawry, tbc od*ing arbgredo orterirl bolow tho utbipefcd elwrtion ofthc drlvamy ir rolld bedrools He rskrd ifthe qnll dowsk rot€d oil lhe€t .liD22 eould bc rmbcdded direaly into the mfid bcdrock mrterid, rrthcr thra ptovldtutg fte tent dowels bro the footiu. Ihc vcrtisrl rlowrle nny be cubcitdcd dircctly into thc bedrosl, provldd thrt the bcdrtch is eoli4 rufiocrtured mrtc,rid- Tho t,rrs should bc dowcllcd r rrhimrn ofcight (8) iuohcc into the eolld boilrocb snd eecurcd with epory groot thc ftrll dopth of&s rubsdnnt. Tho douah dtotrH ettcnil n minitltrn of 2''4* into thc corcf,eta urrll, rlrr| hc hgrat wi?} the vcrtlorl well reinforc,in$ s$ trotEd or shErt IiDz?. Ifyou hrvc any additioral qucdloto rtgu'diug ttil* uuttyr, plOrm ftcl tce to odl us et (lO3) 678.5002, Tfukyou. Slnc*roty, n*.:)4*)1"F. AIIIIT Alsof : I A' rF:$, rNc. lIIil /I I I Il I tt t I t \/ Y:w'wd \-t I fv 0livorWlRice, P.E" oor Drrrcr Nori4g, Brok rnd Aaroc, F'o, Bori 5la5 I ongntonl- CO t0!01 rErE. (ll1) 6t*-t0Jl' IAX' (001J 6?ts8&92 r.0, 8$ ?0J65 Bouldtr, CO l0tt0 Ttl P/PA1(l itlE) aqa.3l?i t- 9EF-28-95 llOFl 81/ 22{7775 BDt l0 09:r4 nH EECE A nggoc.t U loJ ETo gotlE P. B4 NAGE 61 O?NT, BdfiP 6l'{w E)-*='s t{oRtz. -&A*a J *cpNT. EoHg bt'l l^|'/ (?J-#t'.' Fl'':lRl7 €,ROUT.ALL OELLg 6ALIO FULL }.,IALL nT.i ?#ltOE 9.o\. LAODER FEINF, HOICIZ.t l6rrs.a" TYP, r'Z)'rF'+ lioRlu. gaNT.- SLAF ANIT/OR 6EPRACK' EXTENP PIAIL'i 4A E AF o INTO MAg'Y ''TI(L, TYF. ExST'e OOI{A LEVELINe 9LAB OVER E}EDRPOI( I,.{ALL llEli{r, rv *5'r VEfiT. | Lb"a.d,q 6A., LAPOER REIHF. I{OFqIZ. | 16"a.a., TYF, €iROUf ALT CELLB gpLto, ft'J. ?" GLF( TYP *+ \?'!lRf. * *D"o,a. TfF. A' fl{E. MADY RE,nr. lv r, \GR?. I g'OE.t a QA'L potB rttlHF. r{oFlE. a to'c.6., i,lN{. 9EE Altril'L trl"i€g 4ON6 LBr'ELN€ gLAE ON ?OLIF ggtrFoaK- rF's ft?Rlz, I 24'ta.a., tAP 3 EOf., TYF, OftILL + EFO +" I'llN, lNrtT EXgr',E 60H6. 5LAg, TYP. {I i T rJl lu E {> UI E A J I u { ul u{bl 16" Tl+K. MAEY tl 9lpyt-'o to HATcH vERr. N.IAAR9: DRILL I EPOXr Gl rl' rHro Exslo Cot&.E F d J tu E HAgtrNFI-E &" T?{K. HA3'Y }'{ALL 2" 6tR tTlt' rf'c VERT. c 16"o.o., lYF, itr THK. f.lAgY I,{ALL (I OA)E;5E) eae-dtarc 'ahEER Aml , grlAtNAd'E N01?3,9EE I lDfL. r/5E)27 I Frolrc} "nO,&T 42 lVest Meadoa Driuc Vail, Colorado 81657 t0t-479-22t0 Vail Fire Department September 5, 1995 Steve KyIe All-State Fire Protection, Inc. 6045 E. 76th Ave., Unit # 12 Commerce City, Colorado 80022 Re: Cappy Residence Dear Steve; We have reviewed the plans submitted for the fire sprinkler system at the Cappy Residence in Vail. We have approved the plans as noted with the following concems: l. We would like to see the four sprinkler heads in the living room calculated. The original scope ofNFPA ll-D was the mobile home and single-family residence. In the full scale testing, ceilings were nornrally 8 foot and floor areas for the entire residence did not exceed 1500 square feet. No single room was large enough to require more than two sprinkler heads, hence the l3-D requirement to calculate for two heads. Our recomrnendation was to use l3-R as the base design standard. In Mr, Cappy's residence, the living room ceiling is l7 feet and the living room itself is over 380 square feet. The plans show four heads in the living room. With use of quick response sprinkler heads in the living room, it is possible that a fire in the living room could cause all four heads to activate. 2. Hydraulic remote area "C" is of some minor concern. The system pressure available is 97.9 and the system demand is 87.9 psi. . Remote area "C" is at the top of the structure and is there,fore, most susceptible to changes in the peak demand water flow, We would like to see a safety margin of l0% minimum. The calculations show that now but any minor change or fluctuation in the availablewater may reduce the margin to below the l0% minimum. 3. Please use a l/2 inch orifice on the inspector's test. The intent i d flow from a single sprinkler head. A 3/4 inch discharge may activate before a sprinkler head would o \) All-StaF Fire piotection, Inc. lappy Residence plan Rwiew Page 2 I J;#r,Hrt3"fl"ffi fi ,i,1t'.n:ryarentlvnotincru{qdinAu-statercontrast.we deaits and te.t certincatlt"'lu:1tt underground' The-vail F;;'irpilJ*, o*0,:es tor the rmderground per NFPA stanJaro-si**] 5' conceared combustibre co^nsrrueioa atti.cs, an$ crawr spaces must not be used or accessible for use as stofage or used u,,u.fr*ilar $paoes. Prease contact us ifyou desire more information or wish to discucs these issues. Sincerely, MchaelMcGee FireMarshal FSSr 006 cc: ChiefDuran . Dan SIg.k, BuildingDepartment ' SteveHogoboor4 B-eck il-As;. ryoi ,,1N?Tl fj&!,.,fiar; I . fFp-25-9s MoH 89:32 A I't BECK & ASSOC. 9?A 4?9 1?4A p,stz ..t\. l ' ,,rrorrn6 tilED t?;r4 FAx s?0 il0.0, r,rERcE $E.EREER. vArl ?laot ,-ER August ?, 1995 Mr - Ken Robe::tson Pierco, Segerberq and Aesociates 1000 $outh Frontage Road Wect Vai1,, Colorado 81657 Rer cappy Hesidence PN 9d108 Dear Ken; this lotter is to conflrm ot:r: telephone conversations with you on JuIy 25 and July 2?, regarding re-evaLtletinn of the deslgn of the headcre ab thc abovq notcd project- Per our ccn'rersatI ont, the follo'aing substitutions nay be madcl ll where two 2xl0ts are calred ouL ell l.ire dr-awinge , three ?x 6 3/4 No. 2 D.f .r wtth rwo I/Z lnch thtck S.rlywuud f litcil 1,\ plates, (total header thlcltnees 5 1/2 inches) nay be usect. -' 2J Where three 2x10's are called out on the drawrngs, Ehree L 1/A x 6 il4 tilinro-Lanri.neled beans may be USed. 3) At thc Wcet eido of the house on the ]"lasi:er Bedronm Framirrg Plan {sheet 54), the threc L 3/4 x I L/2 Micro'Larrinated beanL ire,tt]e! Jrtdy be replaced with a w6x15 steef beam, with 1/4 lnch thlck fltted sLiffener plates each slde of thc bean vrebr at the centerline of bearing, each etrd of, the beam.. If you have any additionat questions regardinE these items, plea0e faa.l f ree to eai 1 r:e af. {303) 6?8-5002. Sincereiy, ESCOEAII/RICE AT.ID A.TIEIOCITTES, INC. L+*'\rho B6'( a,1 4s Lonrofl'r. cogosol P() lcx /ut)': tFt.?: t-?03) 678-5Od! 0puidrg CO 80306 F Y /1r111A7r.t85, iELF /.|) I $0j) 491-:rl ?r: . -\ r v' (,_(!: iii._(-(". H-1--{.1 &(; h 'Jf' NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PErrNiI #: M95-0082 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213q479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address...:Location......:Parcel No.....:Project Number: Department of C ommunity D eve lopme nt OWNER CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR Description: Investigation> lli tt Ca! l.----) CAPPY MICHAEL L 1901 EVERGREEN RD, T,OUTSVILLE Ky 40223 GUARANTEED PLUMBING & HEATING P O BOX 2156, VAIL CO 81658 BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC P O BOX 4030, vAIr_J co 81658 166 FOREST RD 2101-0 71-15-0 05 PRJ9s-0024 Status. . Applied. Issued. . Expires. Valuation: fof Gas Logs: ISSUED o6/o!/t9es ro /23 /L9e5 o4 /20 /Lee6 ( Phone: Phone: 3039494320 3039491800 64, 000 . 00 #of !ood/Pa l, let:Fireptace Information: Rest ri cted:#Of Gas Apptiances: ****************ffi********************************ffi*** FEE SUI'lllARY ****ffi*Jr****#t**************r**trl*********************** echani cat--->1 ,280.00 Restuarant Plan Revi ev--).00 Total CatcuLated Fees---> P[an check---> 320.00 DRB .00 1,603.00 Additionat Fees---------> Total Permit Fee--------> Payments------- 1 ,603.00 .00 1 ,603.00 1 ,603.00 TOTAL FEES-_-- ****ll|llll#:;;;;;;i-***********i*** codcs, design revieu aPProved. uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town afptigqpte thereto. accurate ptot and plot pl,an, subdivi si on REQUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI'ENTY-IOIJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY .(X) 3.00 Item: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/0l/1995 DAN Action: AppR Dept: BUILDING Divj-sion: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. 1. CqMBUSTTQN__AIR_IS REQUIRED AS pER SEC 607 OF THE 1991 irMc 2. AggESs ro_HEATINQ EQUrpunNr Musr coMpl,t wriH Sb-e.505-a----703 0F THE 1991 UMC-3. INST4\LLATIQN_UqST gO\4rOBM TO MANUFACTURES SPECS AND . lo AppENDrx CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 tMe.--4. EIELD-INQPEETIONS-ARE REQUTNEP_FoN CIJDE COMPLIANCE PER sEc 305 0F THE 1991 UMC.-5. pERMIT,pIr4,NSr AND CODE ANAIIYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECH ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECfION_NEOU-N-5i: _- '- ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I. hereby .scknostldge that I have read.this appl,ication, fil.tcd out in ful.t the information required, compl.cted an ptan, and state that all the inforrution provided as reguined is correct. I agfee to compLy riitn tie iniornation to comPly vith al'l' To|rn ordinances and state Laws, and io bui!d this structure accord.ing io'th. torni" ,onin! "no {gon"urru* SIGNATURE OF OT'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HT SELF AND OIINER AT OUR OFFTCE FRO S:00 A[ 5:00 Pl'l **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt *************:t************!r************************************* Statemnt Number: REC-0090 Amount:1,603 .00 t0/23/95 08:14 Payment Method: CK Notation: ck11458 fnit: MMC Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L312 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 4]-336 Tota1 Feea:1,603.00 Total ALL Pmts; Balance: oescription MECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES TIILT CALL INSPECTION FEE M95-0082 Type: B-MECH MECIIANICAL PERMIT 2toL-o7L-15-005 166 I'OREST RD ********!r******************************************************* 1, 603.00 1, 603.00 .00 . Anount 1r 280 .'00 320.00 3 .00 I "?ARCEL /I: rowN oF vArr coNsrRuc,,;D ""*#'ilSEDr'T UAY 2 2 lee$ PERr4rr # O0/0 , APPLTCATTON MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY oR rT r'IAy NoT BE ACCEPTED Ii***************************** pERltrT INFoRIIATIoN ** **** ****** ***** * ******** i**t\t [ ]-Building J/1-nrurnring [ ]-Electrical f{l-Mechanlcal [ ]-other ,/1 -t /l ' tl - ,a rob Name: Q4f , { IlRdt--"tc f rob Addre ==t / 6 6 Fa{6y' ,4* Legal Description: Lot_ Block_ FilirS suBprvrsroM Owners Name: Architect: ceneral DescrLption: Address: Address: ,l Ph. Ph. Work Class: ffi-New [ ]-Atteration [ ]- Nunber of Dwelling Units: !P.n.r and Type of Firepla lT************************* .BUILDTNG; $ r nLUMBTNG z 44,ann,rn v ,u::::i.::;il:H* * * * * * * * * * * Address: Plunbing Cqntractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBTNG PERMTT FEE: MEcHANTcAL PERMTT ruxz @"-, ,-aET ELECTRTCAL TEE: orHER TYPE oF Fnxzwtr-Let@ DRB FEE: itlonal I Nurnber of l-Repair [ ]-other Accomrnodation Units: / wood/Pelle ces: cas Appllances tJ Gas Logs ******** VALUATIONS ************ EI.,ECTRTCAL: $ Electrical Address: Contractor: MECHANICAL,@ CoNTRACTOR TNFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. ttQa-oa FOR OFFICE USE BUTLDING PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: oo BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: +e- **** * ******* ********* OTHER: TOTAL! Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: ******************************* PI-,AN CHECK FEE: GR9UP r{-A VALUATION CLEAIT UP DEPOSIT REFTIND IO: ^-AA Q MBER OF PROJECT PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NUI 5 JOB NAME rN noN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 4tQ - tt ,--r t ________Qlq --,)PM INSPECTION: (! WED THUR FRI /aeeaoveo t. ).tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLvwooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o o_ tr FINAL .,'tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL EI FINAL CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR -jY j '"t t \ ;#roN *rouisi TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 c ,k,1q3 READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO 't, \ N: Mott ua'fnrri WED THUR \FRI I tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V. O ROUGH / WATER (.r(., I \\rD / J| trgiL + ouNDATroN , ar==[ I 'f : oo i-:/n l-'ci.r0' / q FRAMING n ROOF & QHEER - pLyWOOD NA;L;NG + tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL T] FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTI N REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE , -.]il,i;^- 5 3ct- Qc INSPECTOR /'+ {-l< '' f lrr{ ,lTrtrtu t IIISPEcTIoN REQUE$T TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI t ,., 479-2138 READY FOB LOCATION:/,),/r- BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL fuoencnour.ro 'W8fl46$y tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr 0 tr FINAL FINAL Er-ictRrclr-t tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FjINAL tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: 5 .TOWN OF VAIL NAME -. - I INSPECTION REQI.JEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oare -1.'; l' i-) | "lt: , ,o, 479-2138 READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: B.UILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING O INSULATION o PooL l*r" rue I tr tr F SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr tr, tr tr SUPPLY AIR FrNAL tr D FINAL 1Lr/fufiEs tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ///1 YL/INSPECTION REQUEST 'JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTI LOCATION: 4 TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT . BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: FOUNDATION /-ETEEI- tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / O.W.V. tr o tr tr tr tr FRAMING L<..|i l:r;!.." OROUGH/WATER ROOF&SHEER.'-"---= R GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING .- tr POO,I_ / H. TUB FINAL O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr.CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED ORRECTIONS: - -- :' Lt/DATE , r -r ') INSPECTOR o 7 #- {-"*-z- ,l "-4'7- rz/t*ln*' ,-l'C" y3' t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL (+v-, FRI l?. o/YIT,L UCI SCDqC PERMIT N BER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON UM NAME CALLER TUES @ THUR #_1" 479-2138 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING O FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D,W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING fr ROOF & SHEER '- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o o tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPHOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 1 CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ?- DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUES q =M PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ,@ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBINGI tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V.(rour'ronloN / sr-EEL B FRAMING tr tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr fI tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH -D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR { tr o FINAL O FINAL O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR IDATE Escobar/Rice and Associates. Inc. Consul t ing S truct u r al En gineers Marr-h )1 l OOq --!.1v-. - | t Mr. Ken Robertson Pierce, seqerberg and. Assoclates 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 8165? Re: Cappy Residence PN 94108 Dear Ken: At the request of Bruce Norring at Beck and Associates,Escobar/Rice and Associates has revj-ewed several- issues regardlng the concrete foundations at bhe cappy residence (re: Field nepori dated March 15, 1995) . At the front (north) side of the provide a level bearing surface for the footing for the stem walts,requirements are met:1) The concrete has a minimum ultimate compressive strength at 28 days of 3000 psi;2) The leve]ing. concrete has a minimum thickness and width equal to that shown on the structural drawinqs for the f ootings,.3) Dowels are provided to the concrete stem wa1ls. The dowels should be the same size and spacing as shown on the structural drawing's, and should be embedded into the footing (leveling) concrete, as per the requirements noted on the Concrete Dowel Schedule, Dt1. l-lSD13.4) The concrete thickness may be less than that shown on the structuraf drawings, if t.he natural bearing material is solid, unfractured bedrock. In this case, the rebar dowels should be embedded the required depth into the bedrock, and should extend the mlnimum Iength 'L, (as noted on the dowef schedute) into the stem wall. At the North-East corner of the house, a foundation stem wall step of 4 ft. (due to over-excavation to provide solid bearing material for the footing) does not presenL a structural problem. Two No. S verticar rebars shouLd be provided at the wall step, extendi.ng 2 ft. past the edge of the step, as required per the structural general notes, Sht. S5. house, the concrete used to the foundation may be used as provided that the following PO. 8ox 51.15 Longmont, CO E0501 TELE,tFAX: (303) 678-8852 P.O. Box 20365 Boulder, CO 80308 TELE / FAX; (303) 494-317 6 Cappy Residence Page 2 At the short length of slopinq bedrock surface on the South side of the house, adjacent to the future mechanical room, the concrete footing may be placed dlrectly on the bedrock, with No. 5 bent rebar dowels, 18 inches by 18 inches, embedded 8" minj.mum into the bedrock with epoxy grout, aE t2 inches on-center. If you have any additionat questions regarding these i-temsr please feel free to call me at (303) 494-3176. Sincerely, INC. Copy: Bruce Norring ""'xn'T': *o,7'.'* UlJ r'u (L* Oliver W. Rice, P.E. IATES, sEP-20-9J !l*f 0s/zQ/gA Wm 08:44 9?g o lAIL 6E:27 FH EECK ,o* nro?u ,oou & ffsgoc. PIBRCE SBGERBSRG 4?9 1748 P.6? @ool 4'fHK. aON4.3LAg REfNF. W bxb, H).4xir{|.4 r'{lrtF a gLAD |,llp-9ffTf{, TfF. €ANf. FOHP FEAH (?-llf'c HORIZ. D'ftjK, rNCFrJ F4^3Y I,{ALL ITEINT. IN rE'I VERT.a l'b"e.o,, 1€A. LADDEFI FIEI}IF, I"IARI I l4rrlr.o., lW. €,fiAU' ALL 6ELLS #Lta.r-/F.--+-r4 rE-€" 9r{L. a 21"o.c,pRlLt r EPor$r lz'tNto Exl6flNg OOXA.3LtE , EED@4K, T\?. eHST|HC CoNc, 9LAE.ON.6RAPE A r.,h=aNnv HeLl lr aRA L gr*sE_ W dtt',rt-o ?ralrol: FiA.EAT Rrviricat:Frrl. t{r.r.l4lOl Shrrt e,Pz9 *tslf,r]d^-. lra - errr--ihr- Orrra lyr Olf Drdr: anOt# P. 63 479 L74e 974 o ECK & ASSOC. ,O',9 Fl'| B I . sEP-2S-95 r,rED gB :2? dlo *rH gU:t lIiF o F j F {I F z 1 $i tu u i F .S 0. uPE s'F '.1t *HH oS. o I o n *m h3 *.t E KF' T8 ts In OP P o $ v E. ="9 9: EJ E{ 'H-r" "E Profror: OAF,|Fr PEAF/etll€;E F.:l P rD k P ut ? J o I tr lt) X ul 2 's #6 =. tD [fi,, Hrf, o -! tl t rf) v_ {J J [l \) Irl z F {z s tr {o z 3 o ll ilili'|r E .drrrHo. rril AffiirH., itro. -:JIJIL \ ffiA frw.ra lrrrll. Zinuln 0F*URIL col{rDEtt,:: IIr:ggg-4rq-24s2 DEc 06'94 10:17 No.001 p.01 : olqnl#!{l;,1;'[J,ffi **F€itt,*,, nW ,.{ i\ ,QP' ' PEn!{.rjlP1*c4rt9tf ,ro$l'. Fi.,i ^ .^-_ *{i' DAEEtJiZ-o -74 tEB ^1 T0[P6#f,*El$,ffi'nn FrLriED ottt! qoupr.ErErrv on u-. ^ 1Y: - . . -rr****************r*****r****** EERr,rrr rl*onuArr"*ry-Tgll$Ht|Fllffl***n***7rt ,/tvt-bnlrdtng t l-plunbtng [ !-Brrctrtcal I !-uechrnr'Ar I i-other ilob Naner ^^' \- - ' irob Add:iecr. /a-a 4a=- ?_:- -Lega1 oerorlpt!.onz to+ 8_ Btoalt*f ,Lrfng orilners Nauer : -- &rr1". Addresrr - .-)' - "'(' "'{E/atrcav/4(4,,/cv/E////e ^/Ptl,tfOZ:2&,!Q ArchLtect'Mxdressr //ry)-t n*o r:.1 -/o, -- ..-/7/ r-tuz>pn.4ZL4/53 etsneral Daacrlptlonr ldorh claeg. g'rf-few I l-flterafton I !-rddftlonat t 1_gspal.r I l_other.__llunber or Drvelllngt unftcl i Nuilrcr of Accotsroaatlon unlte: lppl iance eJ_ cas T.oEzl{ wood,/pelter vArJrASrONS ***********t******** ***** ******** OtrItEBr I TOTAL:W INFORrfiAlrrog ****r** ****** +** * * *** ** **** Iown of, Vail Phohe Nunberr 8eg, NO. *********************f***+****** nnD pyIlpING prnlrrr FEEI ti4a;b|-oFFreE [tgE ***t** ********* **** **** * * ** *r+* i FyIlDrNc Fr,,&lt ctrEcK FEE: l,llrllPxlfc pr.,aN clreck rEEi i CLEIN-UF.DEFoEITI d To ,[l- DEPIt?tF-l,E'r.c FBSBI gad rorAIJ t******t***aoo " p BUILDfNGT 3\ Electrlcal Addrese:-.y'€- O o Addrege:€r, - oa zr Itg!_B$q prnrrrr rrii ffi T,TECTTAITCA& PER}TrT FEE:ELECMTCAI, AEES ITFBR IYPE OF raBr &tuui DRB [EEs 5ao _ Phone Nurnber: _ZZg-t -/.^frt '---- ' '.' o.J(1' roTffil""$.,H:1, " "s' No' 4*d .rrl Y ---Town of vatl ReE. No. /26-f 6u<y' //tto. ffi!fr EUILDfNOT STSIiIAIUREI ZONilGI $IGI{ATTIEET tIEMORANDttM TO: CHIEF DURAN FROM: FIRE IiIARSHAL MCGEE DATE: O3/r4/s5 a RE: .APPY RESTDEN.F/---- Ken Robertson has subrnitted a set of plans for the Cappy residence, proposJ-ng to instal-l a pre-action flre sprinkler systern in the basement level of the structure, with partlaL flre sprinkter coverage in the stairway and adJoining corrJ-dors and Landings. The plans also indicate there will be a stand.pipe with hose valves on each l-anding. The owners has reportedly connitted to installing a fire alarm and detectlon systen. While the overall effect of lnstalling such a system woutd reduce the potential effects of a structure fire starting ln a sprinklered area, there are severar rooms in the house thlt are unprotected by a fire . sprinkler systern. The ownerrs only notivation to instarr a fire sprinkrer system Ls due to the lack oi f ire d.epartment access. I am concerned that the overall leveL of safety, expressed or implied, may. not be equJ-valent to that intended Uy itre codes adopted within the Town of vail . we have historicarly required a structure without accesg to have a fire sprinkler systern lnstarled in 100* of the habitable area. If the st,andpipe _ were to be deleted and fLre sprinklers installed ln the renaining portions, r feel we wourd -meet the intent of the code. I suggest we have the plans reviewed by a consultlng fire protection engineer before we approve or deny the plJns as subnitted. t THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL NEW SFR BUILDING PERMIT Permit, #: TIMES 895-0040 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 De Dart ne nt of C onununiN D eve lo nnent ' Status. . :: APPT,IED APPLICANT BECK & ASSOCIATES, P O BOX 4030, VAIL CONTRACTOR BECK & ASSOCIATES, P O BOX 4030, VAIL OWNER CAPPY MICHAEL L 19OI EVERGREEN RD, Description: NEW RESIDENCE WITH TYPE 1 EHU INC co 81658 Ll\\- co 81658 LOUISVILLE KY 40223 Factor Sq. Feet Valuation Total Valuation: .00 Town cf vail Adjusted VaLuation: 1,400r000.000 #0f Gss Logs: 2 #of llood/Pal, Let: Job Address: 166 FOREST RD Location..,: Parce1 No. .:Applied..z 03/14/tsss Issued. . . :Expires..:Phone: 3039491800 Phone: 3039491800 Occupancy Type Table Date: 04/0I/7992 Fi reDtace Information: Restricted: YES dof Gas Apptiances:1 *******1rffiffiffi**trfi*t*':hfHitrtrtt****ffii**fffi FEE SUtlllARY triffi*****t**#rffiffiffi(#r*ffit**'Hr*'t.ljt****Jrlr* Bui Ld'i ng-----> Plan Check---> Investigat i on> Ite 03/Ite 03/Ite 03/Ite 03/ **#Jrrr**ffi*ffi See Page I hereby acknoL plan, and statc to conpty lrith codes, dcsign r REOUESTS FOR II{! Send C lean-Up D. ,..:. rltt i ITMENT 1: APPR TTMENT 1: APPR -IT 1: APPR URS IN ADVANCE BY TELEP 5, 540.00 3,601 . ^' Restuarant Ptan Rcvi e!r--).00 500.00 djY.Z> Totst Catcutated Fees--) 11rt,€.3.?5 Additional Fees--------> .00 Total Permit Fee--------) 11 ,483.25 t,i tt catt----> 3.Paynents > 11,4E3.25 trffi(r*ffi ir#r** Jr**fr ***********rt**rt#rtrr*lr*ffi(lrtriffi #ffirrHr}f* Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: DeDt: PUB WORK Division: r: APPR t*ffi ***ffi ********ffi *k*r*****#****irH*****1*ff ,r******ffi *#i*ffi : any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS on, fil,l,ed out in tutl the infofmation rcquired, conpteted an accurate plot rcquired is correct. I agnee to compty with the infornation 8nd ptot p[an, nd to buitd this stnucture according to the Tovn's zoning and subdivision and other ordinances of the Town appLicabte thereto, ll " ':r '| I r;'r-. " :: l' 2iti'-, '| , t2rl "-i. 1'lttt.i" i.)::..i. BI.LANCE DUE---- -EP'O F AT 479-273q OR AT OUR OFFICE FRor,t 8:00 Ar,r 5:00 UU} [J . ,i, i'1it t 'rl :; '; i 1 t ,,t:.,' a.f o-l- ii rl .i SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIiSELT AND OIINER 4,"5 o ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 895-0040 as of 03/16/95 Status: APPLIED ******************************************************************************.** Permit Type: NEw sFR BUILDING PERMIT Rpplied: 03/14/t995 Applicant: BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC lBsued:3039491800 To Expire: .Tob Address: Location r Parcel No: 2101-071-15-005 Description: NEW RESIDENCE WITH TYPE 1 EHU Conditions:1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION.2. 2. FTRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAI-, OF FIRE SPRINKLING SYSfEM IS REQUIRED. 3. NO RIGHT_OF-WAY WORK UNTIL ANOTHER PUBLIC WAY PERMIT IS OBTAINED. **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Nurnber: REC-0009 Amount:tL,263.25 03/t6/e5 11:30 Init: TT Payment Method: CK Notation:521. 1 Permit No: 895-0040 Tl?e: B-BUILD NEW Parcel No: 2101-071-15-005 Site Address: 166 FOREST RD Tot,al- Fees; This Payment 11,263.25 Tota1 ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVTEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE SFR BUILDING PER 11r 483.25 LI ,483.25 .00 Amount 5,320.00 500.00 3, 601.00 1,000. 00 839.25 3.00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 NOTE: THIS PERMIT Mt'ST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit *: 895-0029 Description: Valuation: *********#tri**Sn***ffiffi**l******H*****f***** FEE SUltilARY *****ffi**t*ffir*#*fd*ffi*t**Jit**t#rffi**'t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-21 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 APPLICANT RIVIERA ELECTRIC CONST., CO 2107 WEST COLLEGE AVENUE, ENGLEWOOD CO CoNTRACTOR RTVTERA ELECTRTC COIIST. I CO 2107 WEST COLLEGE AVENUE, ENGLEWOOD CO OWNER CAPPY MICHAEL L 1901 EVERGREEN RD, LOUISVILLE KY 40223 Job Address: 166 FOREST RD Location...: ParceL No.. i 2LOL-07 l.-15-005 D e p a r h n e nt "f SgUVWy .2r!, k#Wso epplied..z 03/Ls/L9 Issued. . . : Expires. . : Phone: 3039379300 8 0110 Phone: 3039379300 I0110 236.W .00 236.N 236.00 .00 Electri cat---> 233.00 PLan Check---> lnvest igat ion> t,i IL ca l.l,----> ToTAL FEES---> ?36.40 3.00 Totat Catcutated Fe€s---> Addi tionaI Fe.s---------> TotaI Plrnit Fee--------> Payments-------- BALANCE DUE--_ *******Jr*trt******tdr**lrtffi*ffi**Jr**tffi***ff*i**H*******t**rt**,tlrrr*ttffir*****ffi*****#ri*ffi***ffiffr*ffr*'rJr,(fir Item: 05lOO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 03/15/1995 DAN Action: APPR DeDL: BUILDING Divi-sion: irld*trrrffiffdrtrt#rtrti*titrHntt*,t**ffir****#(*ffi*f,tttrtdr**tlclr**Jrtr:htjr*lntffiff(ffiiffi* CONDITION OF APPROVAL #.ffiiir**ffirirt *rffir*ffi*t**intJrrt*ffi*:hlHr*:lr*Hr*rr#lhtffiffr*kffi***ffiffiffi#rHotffiffr:**r*rt*ffiffiittnt DECLARATIONS t hereby acknovtedge thEt I havr read this apptication, fil,l.ed out in futt the information required, compteted an accuPate ptot p[an, and state that atl. the information provided as required is corr.ct. I agree to compty uith the infornation and ptot ptan, to compty t.lith att Town ordinances and state tavs, and to buiLd this structure according to the ToHnrs zoning and subdivision codes, design revie!, approved/ unitorn BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thercto, REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI.IEI{TY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-?138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI'I 8:OO AI,I 5:OO PN ***********************************************:l**************** lowN oF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0009 Anount: Payment Method: CK Notation:5211 236.00 03/t6/95 11:32 IniT: TT Pernit No! Parcel No:site Address: This Payment Account code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 4L336 Total Fees:236.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 895-0029 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2101-0 71-1s-0 05 166 FOREST RD **************************************************************** Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILI, CALI INSPECTION FEE 236.00 236.00 .00 Amount 233.00 3.00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES Job Address: Location. . . : Parcel No.. i 166 FOREST RD 2101-0 71-1s-0 05 CAPPY M]CHAEL L 1901 EVERGREEN RD, LOUISVILLE KY CAPPY MICHAEL L 1901 EVERGREEN RD, LOUISVILLE KY GUARANTEED PLI]MBING & HEATING P O BOX 2L56, VArL CO 81658 900.00 225.00 3.00 Phone z 3039494320 40223 40223 TOTAL FEES_---- *t****H***#**t*ffiff*ffit**ffi****Hr*ffi****ffi*ft*#*itffir**:Hr**H*ffiffi***ffi AdditionaL Fees---------> Total Pernit Fee--------> Payments------ BALANCE DUE---- .m 1,128.0C 1 ,128. oO .00 I!qm: .051Q0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:03/15/1995 DAN Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL ****ft*H#lr***tHrft*'dnHrffrffi#*i.riH#*ffiffi*ffitH'Jrl*fth***rHrir#(rHrtrtrffiffi*ffi***ht DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this appl,ication, fittcd out in ful.t the information requi.3d, compteted an ac.urate ptot pl,an, and state thrt atl the information pr6vided as nequi red is correct. I agrce to cotnpty with the information and ptot ptan,, to compty with aLL Town ordinances snd state taws, and to buiLd this structure according to the Tovnrs roning and subdivision codes, design nevieu approved, Unifonn Buiiding code and other ordinances of the Town appt'icabl,e thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS STIALL BE ADE TUENTY-FOUR HCURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2136 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII E:OO AI'I 5:OO PI4 SIGTIATURE OF OT'NER OR CO}ITRACTOR TOR HIITSELF AND OUNER T0llil0FtrfiIf,lZ "ru,nrr^.," ."0 r." ,-'-',,i. f . oo*-nn'^ 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 1 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-47e-2452 Deparunent of Comnunity Deve lopment APPLICANT OWNER CONTRACTOR Description: Ptumb'ing-----) Ptan check--> hvestigation> Ui l.l. cal.l.----> ffirr*#iffir*t*HJr#(L*'****##r*tffi *rrri||f FEE SUI'lfiARY ffi Restusrant Ptan R?vi eH->.00 TotaL caLcuLated Fees-> ' 1,128.00 Statu8...: APPLIED Applied..t 03/ts/Le Issued...: 03/75/19 Expires..: 09/7I/L9 I rr! ****{r**********************************************C.************ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** statemnt Number: REC-OOO9 anount{ 1tL28.OO o3/L6/95 11:34 Payment Method: CK Not,ationz 52IL Init: TT Perrnit Nor P95-0016 Type: B-PLMB PLITMBING PERMIT Parcel No.: 2101-071-15*005 Site Address: 166 FOREST RD Total Fee6: 11128.00 this Paymei-rt 1, 128. O0 Total ALJL Pnts: i 1, 128. OO Balance: .00 ***************r.************************************************ Account Code Description Amount 01 OOOO 41311 PLT'MBING PERMIT FEES 9OO.OO 01 0000 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES 22s.00 01 OOOO 4L336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO , ,|.. Nane: CAPPY RESIDENCE Date: December 7, 1,994 Occupancy: R3rM1 Type of Const: V-N Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK I Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 479-2t38 Plan analysis based on the 1991. Uniform Building Code Project Numberz L2'1 94 Address: 166 FOREST RD Contractor: BECK & ASSOC Architect: PIERCE, SEGERBURG & ASSOC Engineer: OLIVER RICE NOTE:The code items listed in Lhis report are not intended to be a complete Iisting of all possible code requirements in the 1991 UBC. It is a guide to select,ed sections of the code. SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property fi.ne 23.0 Feet 23.0 Feet EAST Property line 1.2.0 Feet 12.0 Feet, SOUTH Property line 42.0 Feet 42.0 Feet WEST Property line 17.0 Feet 1?.0 Feet EXTERTOR WALL FTRE RATTNGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT R3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None M1 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior wal-ls may be of COMBUSTfBLE material. Sec .2201 . None -- No fire protection requirenents for openings. Prot -- Openings are t.o be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies.50t of the area of t.he walL maximum. Sec.2203. (b) & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft wit.h no dimension greater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permiLLed in this wall.* -- These walls may be required to have a parapet wa1I 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is required to have the same fire rating as the wall. See sect.ion 1710. for details and exceptions. o t8 FL NAI'{E AREA MIN.LIGHT MTN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 3 Master bedroom 2I5 3 Master bath l-55 3 Ha11s, closets, etc. 393 TOTAL FOR FLOOR 7'14 2 Living room 434 2 Dining room 169 2 Kitchen 287 2 Farnily room 27 9 2 Powder room 24 2 Ha1ls, closets, etc. 260 TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1453 L Bedroom & Bath #2 335 1 Bedroom & Bath #4 227 1 Bedroom & Bath #4 223 1 Bedroom & Bath #5 150 L Laundry room 42 1 Caretaker Unit 331 L HaI1s, closets, etc. 500 TOTAL FOR FLOOR L824 B Garage #1 342 B Garage #2 552 B Mud room '75 B Mechanical room 4I B Bedroom 208 B BaLh room 4t B Ha11s, closets, etc. 285 TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1.544 BUILDING TOTAL 4051 ZJ..JU 0.00 0.00 43.40 16.90 28.70 27 .90 0.00 0.00 22.70 22.30 J,O.UU 0.00 33.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.80 0.00 0.00 1n ?C I .30 0.00 2L.'10 8 .45 r-4. J5 r_J. y5 0.00 L1-.35 11.15 B .00 2.I0 r-6.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.40 Z.UJ 0 .00 Yes No No No No NO No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No YeS No No No No No Yes No No Yes 1 1 1 z 1 1 I 1, 1 1 1 l_ t- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 z FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that. opens directly to the exterior is required from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. 1,204.1) The rninimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The mininum clear width is 20 inches 3) The mininum clear area is 5.7 square 4l The maximum sill height is 44 inches 2l The nurnber of exits is based on Table 33-A 3) A mechanical- ventilation system may be used openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c)4) The requirement for an egress window in the Sec. 1204 .5) The requirements for 2 exits from the 3rd floor is based on Sec. 3303. (a) exc. 3. .F^^.F (Dwellings) in in lieu of exterior basement is based on ;f.t ROOM DIMENSTONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than ? feet 6 inches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. ff the ceiling is sloping, then the minimurn height is required in only L/2 of the area. --Sec. L207.lal Every dwelling unit shalJ- have at least one room which has not less than 120 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shal] have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec.120"7.(b) HabitabLe rooms other than a kitchen shall- not be less than ? feet in any dimension. -- Sec. I20'l . (c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing materia]. -- Sec. 5405. (d) 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2') Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors. ?l G1 azi nc in storm dOOrS.J'4) Glazing in a1l- unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and encfosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building waII enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet.6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bott.on exposed edge of the gl-azing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface.7, Glazing in an individual fixed or operable paneI, other than those locations described in iLems 5 and 6 above, than meets all of the following conditions:A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet.B. Exposed bottom edge less than L8 inches above the floor. C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of the plane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface. Included are structural baluster panels and nonslructural in-fiLI panels. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at. a point centrally locat.ed in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. 121"0. (a) 4 . A smoke detector is required on the ceilj.ng or wall in each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required in the basement. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4. A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 1.210.(a) 4.If the upper level cont.ains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is required in t.he ceiling of the upper level cLose to the stairway. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 rg Smoke detectors are reguired to be wired to the building's power source and shall be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 3. Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are located. -- Sec. 12L0. (a) 4. OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: BeLween the garage and. the residence, materials approved for Lhr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 1 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minut.e fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503.(d) exc. #3 STATR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 lnches wide. -- Sec. 3306.(b) The maximum rise of a st.ep is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimurn height = 35 inches, maximun opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. L-1L2.(a, exc. #1 The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for lhr fire-reslstive construction. -- Sec. 3305. (I) SHAFT ENCLOSURES: 1) Chutes and dumbwait,er shafts wit.h a cross-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 26 gage galvanized sheet metal with a1l joint.s locklapped- The outside must be t hr construction. AIl openings into any such enclosure sha1l be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door I 3/8 inches thick or equivalent. -- Sec. 1?06. (f) 2l Gas vents and noncornbustible piping installed in walls passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be in L hour shafts. -- Sec. 1?05. (c) 3) AII other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly. -- Sec. L706. (a) CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS :1) Provide ventilation either by mechanical neans or by openings in exterior walls. Opening shall provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl- space. Openings shalI be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical. -- Sec- 2516.(c) 6. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 10t of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the building official approves. For a 20'l .0 sq.ft.. crawlspace area: Ratio Minimun sg.ft. of vent 1/150 1 .38 2) Provide 18-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening may be required to be larger if rnechanical equiprnent is located in the crawl space. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2. 3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood, the minimum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders is is 12 inches. -- Sec. 2515. (c) 2. ADDITIONAL REOUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This project will require a site improvenent survey. Such survey shal-l be submitted and approved prior to request for frame inspection. All crawl spaces within the Town Of Vail are linited to a earth to structural floor ceiling height of 5', be earth floor only, be ventilated as per UBC 2516 (C) 6 with minirnum access as per UBC 25L6(C)2 and maximum access of, 9 sq. ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shal1 reguire an engineer design. Such design shal1 address drainage, soil retainage and structural design. Excavation belo\"r slabs on grade shall not be permitted without prior approval. Address nunbers shall be posted plainly visible and legibLe from the street,. For ML occupancy Slope garage floor to allo$r for drainage to outside to provide a floor drain with sand and oi1 interceptor to dry wel-l or to sewer. Any garage floor drain connected to sevrer must be approved by Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation Di.strict. In garages with living area above, the walls of the garage which are bearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fire resistive construct.ion. UBC 503 (B) . the Project. Number: 12794 Address: 166 FOREST RD Contractor: BECK & ASSOC Architect: PIEBC, SEGERBURG & Engineer: OLIVFR RICE I # SHEET IDENTIFICATION Toran of Vail 25 SouLh Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81557 (303) 479-2t38 Plan review 1991 Uniform ASSOC based on Building Code Nane: CAPPY RESIDENCE Date: Qecember 7, L994 Occuparfcy: R3, M1 Type of Const: V-N Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK CORRECTION REQUIRED A bathroom is required to have an openable window or a mechanical ventilat.ion system. -- Sec. 1205. (e) fn bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventiLation system connected directly to the outside sha11 be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closet or lav. may be ventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205(c). Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall be installed as per UMC 1104 and 1903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 6t in length and shall not be concealed withi-n construction. Ducts shal] terminate outsj-de the building and not exceed 14' length. Domestic ranges sha11 have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30" to unprotected combustibl-e material. UMC 1901. Heating and cooling equipment l-ocated in the garage shall be installed with the pilots and burners or heating elements and switches at feast 1"8" above the floor level of the garage. UMC 508. Furnacea not listed for closet or al-cove installation shal1 be installed in a room or space having a volume at least 12 tines the volume of the furnace. A boiler unit will require a space 16 times larger t.han the boiler. UMC 504 (b) Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipmenL, vent locatlon and termlnation, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation. a t The design, eonstructlon, and installation of elevators, dunbwait,ers, escalators and their troist,ways shall be as per the requlrements of UBC Ch. 51. this includes fire-resistance of enclosure & openi.ngs, hoj.stway ventilation, and vestibule requirements. Include a copy of the solls report for the site to be bullt on. -- Sec. 2905. TOHTV OF VAA Vail Flrc DtPartment 42 Wett Mcadow Dritte Vtil, Colorndo 816t7 J 0J -47 9 -22t 0 March 13, L995 Kenneth Robrrtson PJ.erce, SeEerberE, & AEEociateg Io00 south Srontage Road West Vail , Colorado 91557 Re: Cappy ReEidence - Schemati's sprlnkler neslgtr Dcar Keni We hevG revLetred the Flans that Steve llogoboott sublll-tted for tfre eippV nesfaencl, enowiig proposecl locatl-ons for flre sprinkler filiiai't-i,iEide of th-e stalfltay on each landlnE' our recollcction of the dlecussion we had last.week' y.as th?! tor ug io coneid€r an equivalency, rqc would. orpect to s.. the exlt ,."g-prttccted.:Ih; t'lgence oE-firr lFrinkler coveraEe in the l[ilr-it-e-.-ri Gnae,--in our opinion, to lEave a-eriticat potlon of lfrl-route of egresi gnproteclrd._ Ehe lack of detail iE a conoern ii-wl1f. ins'piinr w-e rrcrlved do not chou any fire 3prLnlrler [*"ar-in the loiler level , except for two heads in the entry. As \re dlEcusreilr aDY atructurc haE an inteEratecl s-erl-es of ,'systtnErrr each inte'r-ae-pendant to some ilegree, on each other' Wttn tne'taclc of fire departnrnt acrceFs to tb'e 6tflrctur6, tte are concerned the levet of liie safety and as a seco-ndary. con-cern,.th9 tevelofpfopertyproteetion,maynotbeequlvalenttoBhetnEenE prcecrlbed ln the adopted codeE. wrwillraepreviouslystated,qpprovethebuildingpennit on"" J "ott-it'tettl fJ proviad a firr rpri-nkler, Eysteu throughout-the elroclurJ. is nade. -lE an altirnative, .the.U"i!gtt Fire Code does orovlde f6r e procaee under A3ttCIe 2, Dlvlsion IfI, SectLons 2'301- iii'i.ioil-*tri?r, in esgence, arrows fbr review by a iire protectlon .iigf"eer.- Such --rJview iay be conducted by any trErallfied enilneer...ecacpteble to the ahtef"'n' Thn applicant uay wish,to sonsider hqvlng the^plans rgviSyef bv an outlia" Enti{f, preferably a registered fire protection Ii"ilil"",;rth trrJ tntenl of preeErlbtng-a systen or systeni that fi-niopelly lnstallcd, nould provlde a level of safety equivalenE io 'tfrai inltendeil Uy tne cotlei adopted wlthl-n . the Town of VaiI ' 5""n-i""fewing cnEl'n""= Ehoulcl be dxperie1rggd. ln conducting these [f;.-;i-revf6wg ind ehoulcl be tanili.ar rrith the toca]- faototrs. NAR-13-1995 t3:41 cappy Residcnce Pag€ 2 I havr enelosed a tropy of the psubsgsbip--rolter for the Coforiao SociEiy-ot fire Br-otcction Englneer' (SFPE). Please caII us lf we cen be of assistance' SincerrlY, fi4#'+3/*-"r=- l,tichael ltloGee Fire Marshal cc: Dick Duran, Fire Chief c".is. Ruth;;, DtPartarnt-oi connunity Deveropnent iiin6 llogoboon, BEck and AEtoaiates z b E EEEEE!?E EEHiHEHH r ='XF t"A HF F o i'u E lr{.a ti ErJ Etl FI I- Hl IE FE IH lF zt. lE IH HI IE PH FI g tt fi rll eEE HE p EH HEHAHEE F EE aa EEEEF-a? t4AR-13-1995 L3tB2 Eg EE Ft t{t n EEEgEEEE HEHFHHHiH EE IF TF H}E 3g=gHs FTIF HHEHH HHIHHF E IE EEEaEgEEEF EEEEHEEAHE l-a 1-l aa E E E 'rl ts ItH b6)z riq lnA .('l >Ft FE ln rddCl HAF -{8* l4;t r- E (A EEHTE E E E,.tE HtsEE t4t 4 tt B.: H"lcl Fl gF F P trt o t?* Eql '{r4 tE 'Flt{l-rl B*H \IHE .F B.fr "u H'u . F{r lrl tll t EFEEE IH EF**r= FcH.H BEFE F> )<i 4=Fs' Fp tr, {td f $++$$FFF HCEA$E$E -Jtrr tJl \O ?r O\P QFI s r'.r toeoi O\!El-or t{ l\t I zl -.r c! (JJ S.€FJ UJ E }-I {o gss$il P5'r?r 6 hJ r.J F. ct\ HHHH H H tlt 6Ja *l ttt EE 14F H H ro TOTffL P.64 z .'| m I o o T' 'Tl 1' m -{ i o m x m .It I o o z a -{n c o {o z !m F ={ F z P \o \o o -,|m --I { TD m Ig 1-O t-,h E l<x f IHE E l9c :1 l!-: S ItrP o lir I l-? m =r-l 1 x=.o.<1o-de s3 ctl >l =E i'i i .rl -I m = mcD -t- =2. r !D Or- z= 22 = rrr z EN ft E: *r) w qE '# P. ft o z (-o @ EA mf 4rri s =z o -l -o f\) 1o --t -a rfi \,| f, =m I z r c =t!z o C) aa -{m vz >m l>or-n t- z =!t c)P H E |! € H;uia C)>,r c)E =D <F F lo 19 m r I =l I C)E =F <F t> l0 lm r I ,l -l I I *lg lo t: F lz lo I I I t<o l=lz lo E t> lF l!tm lF,lz l{|o l= lz to l6 l-r rn loF t{F lzl tol l-r l€li lE lr lFi lr lu Its lp IIH tz t<lo lE l lrd II I tFl I lF-{I lf'r tto lF. lH lf,lE lrlc)I t', 1 s.\o I s' t, ld t{ lz lo lI t> lF xo rn€ +i-z6 .z i _f z r m -r (t z m m m l<.' z m € --t m I ;z o l ONP --O-l E R;4>:f P io F>_tr r 68 o<z 2. q2 3= e H ztn o6 6 -rr2Z € - NE= t< = 'H lz l(/: IF IF li-' l,. h'r t<l'IH lo IE t l- lz K/l lFl tc F E r H3a iEe 8*B I:F =o o :EF =B€ilp. =-.o o :t +- :.s-g *oro Q 8.a r9.B aH= 9 -o qils ! qrE qr -;'-f +i;d:q o -+ --OO+ =-.i='rar = (D ..=Bo 1e g or6= = s.= JA=silq o-f gii I ? s.i :dg d -o els .D ci =. ql { lo 0t =o =o u, o o o o o. (o o -t N o 3' @ 0t o. o c o e s. 2.o o o o ln o.o L GI o (D € qr E E o _o.c =o J rn = 5'(o o o o.o It f o o z o F @ F =z -.t 8 -.{o -l r !m 7 = ='n m m U' - z !m F =f m =-Tl m m U' tq54,K?., "^,(!!("{(,, ,,7/?2 PERI'{TT APPLTCATTON DATE: l/ tu li6 (. . . . : : ::: ::: : : :. :: :. ::. : : ::: "ili"ffi ffi , $of.rf0[dlfrri:0tffi ::: :* . . * * * *tr) -.t l-Buiilding [ ]-plunbing gr.(nte"trt"at [ ]-Mechanicat [ ]-other Job Name: Carl'*i Rertilc.E Job Address: ll6'ta, frrrecL F.L Legal Descriptio n: r,ot-.1L Bloclc_ FiIinS 3 suBptvtsroN, y!, # 3 Owners Narne: Architect: Address: Address: Ph. Ph. f,nEJ"t--t- Jt"..--General Description: Address: Plurnbing Address: Contractor: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FOR BUTLDTNG PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: @-OTHER TYPE OF FEE: - __ DRB FEE: L,/^A nr/{" te'I F e--r- fot- 4-onS4 rr.e c;d-r o".- . {pnber and Type of Fireptaces: cas Appllances_ cas Logs_ wood/petlet_v It********************************* vAtuATIONS ************************ ** * ******7 I {e'v'v:'--a'*"1 'P"v*"v oncl FlIlTT.FlTNr: o t - -. tl r\^ 4Y- work crass: [ ]-New yfitteration [ ]-Addltional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units:Nuilber of Acconmodation Units: BUTLDING: $ELECTRICAL: $ 'lOD l OTHER: $PLWBING: $TOTAL: I Address: Electrical contractor: 11')Xit<'F';ve'r El,z"-+r^',--:tr-Req. No. t+s E -^'^1\+1 - lL/ u ?- Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PIAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEESs BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNA1TURE: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: VALUATION CLEA}I I]P DEPOSIT REtrI'ND TO! av **************************************************************** TOIIN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0003 Amount: 53.00 0l/L9/95 09:46 Permit No: E95-0009 Type: B-ELEC EIJECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-071--15-005 Site Address: 166 FOREST RD . Location: 166 FOREST RD Payment Method: Notation: TT ENTERED Init: *******l******************************************************** Account Code Descriptj-on Paid 01 OOOO 41313 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 5O.OO 01 OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO Tot,al (This Payment) : 53.00 Total Fees: 53.00 Total AI1 Payments: 53.00 Balance: .00 tr-- t.. i I I ;l$ir. :*..rTfl; iild' -\."p,t"' : -,\. ffi ' rowN oF vAlL (sfr') PUBL|C WAY PERMIT rawNMy/ c,AtP BISTDHCE IOt 8, u.N 7, V VAt,LtI DR. 166 !0nt8t ROAD Contractor's copy to bo kepl on fobdte. I 2. .t. SIAT }fiLLIR ET. (Job Ngrr. of Locdon ol wbrkl IBECr$nrD€B, CO 453-6095 (Excrvsthg Cofi|ract!'/r Namo, AdksEs, Phonr, ard Llcorso No.) *t E I t o t i F a E I .!c tr I o E * B a I 5 - oo.r \o\s Work is for (chcle one) permit Fee ilvrro Billto: Paid:JAIEIL ITNXTWT, JE Recaipt #:ronE (Publlc Wo&8)Fubnc Wo|k8) INSPECTION REMARKSI SKETCH PIAN OF WOBK ATTACHED February 7, 1995 MichaeL Mlller Brembaum, Welnshienk and Eason 370 17th Street, Suite 2600 Denver, Colorado 80202 Re: Code Requirements ,/ Site PLan - Michael Cappy Residence Dear Mr. Mlller; As $e discussed during our phone conversation yesterday, r have listed the Flte Departnentrs Concerns and attenpted to addless what r understand to be. your clientrs concerns, regard the requirement to install a fire sprinkler systen. r reviewed the initlar set of ptans subrnitted to the Town of Vail Department of conmun_ity Devel-opnent in Novernber and again in Deceilber of 1994. severar issues were identified as needin! to ue addressed, sunmarlly; 't Tbe drlveway rnust be a minimurn width of 12 feet. * Access to the south side of the house is lnpractl_caI due to the sloper !!. terrain, the configuration-of retaindt walls, and distance. * The most remote point of the house at grade lever is in excess of_ 150 feet (the length of the preconnected fire hoseE used for initial attacl) and there-fore, a requii-nent to j.nstall a fire sprinkler systen applies. :t rhe configuration and rength of the driveway prohibit access by the_fire department. _A fire spriirtcier system rnust be installed unress the driveway cair be realt|""a-t"arlow access frorn the west (requirlng-a lgo degree "rrrti r"the driveway alignment) . These conments were given to Bilr Resrock prior to the review :1,..1: -D^._1t91_l:view Board. rt.is ny unaeisti"-in9- tnli o."ig;i Revrew Eoarct granted their prelinlnary and conditionJt approvatl Code Requlrenents / Sit.e Plane Page 2 On or about January lO, ]-995, I received a phone calls fron ceorge Ruther, Town of Vail planning Departnent, and fron BiIl Reslock, wanting to know what they courd do to get the buirding permit released. The expressed intent was to get Btarted on the excavation and site work. r tord both ResLock ind Ruther, that a letter of conmitnent to install a fire sprinkler system was sufficient to release the pernit. Bill Resl-ock had been discussing options with Fire rnspector Jeff. Atencior_ regarding the fire sprlnkler requireruent.- one possible option dlscussed was a proposal to lnstall a ndry standpipe.rr In a meeting prior to the l6th of January, Bili Reslock and r briefly discussed tbe dry standpipe option and r tord hln it was unrikely it would be approved. we- aia- arlow one case back in the late l97ors which proved the concept was unworkable. lJpon receipt of the letter dated January 16, 1995, r allowed the _ building per:rnit to be released, anticipatini. a guick resolution. such resolution has not been realizeb to date. !{y concern iE that as excavation continues and the foundation work is being started, we stil1 do not have a conmitnent to either i.nstalr a fire sprinkJ-er systero or any other alternative. The physical reFtraints of the slte lirnit-most lf not alr options,other than installation of a flre sprinkler system. since about. 1979, ttre Vail Fi.re -Departnent has historicalry taken an aggressive position on building fire protection into th3 structures. we are open to trengineered design and equivarenciesrl which allows an appricant to accomplish an equal tivel of fire protection through a variety of means. Two criticar factors pertalning to eguivarencies rnust be pointed out. The unifora Fire cod.e, 19gl ed,itLon, Articre 2,Division rrr, sectLons 2.301 , 2.302, and possibly sdction {.1oi',relating to Alternate Materials and Method.L, proo-f of conpri.rr""i tecbnicar reports,. and possibly a hearing by the Board ot ippJars,nay reguire such rralternatives, incrude Lctual rengineerea-irins;'with sufflcient detail to cl.early demonstrate ths sarne reiel of performance and reliability, can be achieved. Evaluatlon of alternatives should consLder the service derivery leveLs.provlded by the Flre.Departnent. Response tirn-s,number of availabre personnel , tlne required foi catl-baci personnel to arrive- on Bcene, engine cornpiny availabltity, "rra other factors should be considered. These variables have been identified and the data is avairabl_e if needed. rn short, there are only 2 flre fighters on duty assigned to the East vail station and 3 or 4 at the Main Vali station.