HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 7 LOT 14 AND 17 LEGAL.pdfI I tt r r* /7 l',L.{rtiYt l>r.L- VU,\ t 5f- Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 Mr. Richard Pownall 267 Rockledge Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Refund for building permit #899-0152 Dear Mr. Pownall, I have enclosed coples of checks issued for the clean up deposit and partial refund of the building permit that were sent to the contractor. The checks were issued to the contractof because he paid for the permri. Please contact him for any refund due to you. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Sincerely, r,Al- fut*<-l'6t^J"/-4--"-t - I Lylrne Campbell' Office Manager {; *""o"-r^u* Lrrt \q.C- , Btul UU.\ \ Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 July 11.2000 Mr. Richard Pownall 267 Rockledge Rd VailCo.,8l657 Re: Refund for BP # 899-0152 Dear Richard, I have received your written request to cancel your building permit for 267 Rockledge Rd. The 1997 Uniform Building Code section 107 6 will allow us to refund 80 % of the building permit fee and the plan check fee. Listed below is a breakdown of all fees paid and which amounts that will be retumed to you. I have put in a check request for the total amount today If yor,r dc not receive your refund within thirty days, please call me at (e7o) 47e-zt42. Building Permit fee: $i125.00 x 80: $100 00 refunded Plan Check fee: $81.25 x 80 : $65.00 refunded Clean Up deposit: S100.00 = $100 00 refunded Recreation fee: 52025 : $20.25 refunded Will Call fee: $ 3.00 : $3.00 refunded Total refund= $288.25 Charlie Davis Senior Building InspectorlPlans Examiner {g ^n "*ornr"* rowN oF vArrJ ""'€{#jl;:PP.oMM'NrrY 7s s. FRoNTAGE ROAD tJD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT sFR BUILD PERMIT ,Job Addressz 267 RoCKLEDGE RD Location...: 267 Rockledge Rd. Parcel No.. : 2101-071-l-5-022 Project, No. : PR,J99-0085 DEVELOPMENf ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: B99-01-52 Status...: ISSTED Applied..: 05/L5/L999 Issued...: 06/25/L999 E:<pires . - z !2/22/L999 APPLICANT POIII{AIJIJ RICHARD F & MARY R - REVOCABLE TRUST-* POI'INALL RT, OWNER POV|NAI,IJ RTCHARD F & MARY R - REVOEABLE TRUST-I PO$IIiIALI., RI , CONTRACTOR STEVE CITARK CONSTRUCTION P-O. BOX 2065, VArL, CO 81658 Deseript j-on: Add deck and dormer to wesE side Occupancy: R3 I)pe Construction: V N ValuaE.ion:7, 500 Single Family Residence Type V Non-Rat.ed Add Sq Ft: 135 267 ROCKTEDGE 267 ROCKIEDGE *of Ga€ IJogE: RD, VArL CO 81_657 RD, VArL CO 81657 Phone: 970-476-3307 *of tfood/Pallet:Flrcpl.c. InforE Eion: Rcrttlcrod: y.€ llof Gas Appliahccs: PEA SOUMARY Building-----> Pl.n ch.ck- - - > InvG sC i git. i on > will call- -- - > R€Btslrarant Pfan Reviefl--> DRB Pec--------- Recr€atsi.an Fec------ ----> Cloeh-up D.po6i!--------> TOAAI, FEES..--.. Tolal CalcuLatod Fccs- - -> Additional Feeg-------- -> Total Per it Pce--------> Paybent'S------- 125 . OO 81.25 ,00 3 .00 .00 20 .00 20 .25 loo.00 349.50 .oo 349.50 349.50 BAIANCE DUE- -- - .OO r + i r ii t r rr. !r ir 't IIEM: O51OO BUITDTNG DEPARIT'TENT 06/16/T999 KATHY ACIiON: NOTE 06'/23'/L999 dRI4 Action: APPR Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEIITI 06/L6/L999 KATIry ACtiON: NOTE o6'/1e'/L999 AOCHS AcEion: APPR rtCM: O5600 FIRE DEPARTIVIBI'flT O6/23/L999 iIRM Actsion: APPR rtem: 05500 PI'BLIC WORKS 06/23/1999 irRM Action: APPR Dent: BUILDING Diwision:Routed to ,JR: APPROVED 'JRM DepE: PLANNING Division:Routed to Allison Dept: FIRE Division: Deot.: PUB WORK Division:N/A N/A See Page 2 of t,his Documents for any condibions that may apply tro this permit. DECI,ARATIONS I ho!€by acknorl6dg6 Ehai I hawe read thi6 application, filled ouE. in fulf tshe inforeatsion required, co|npleted an aecurate plot plan, and 6tsat€ lhac all Chc lnforoat,j.on provided as requircd is correcC, I agrce Co cornply rilh the infolbatsj.on arld plot pLan, to couply rilh a1l Tont! ordinancaE and eeaEc 1ar6. and Co build Ehj.a structure accotdi.ng Lo tshe Toiatr's zoning a$d aubdivision coda!, daaiF rcvicu approvcd, Uniford Building code and other ordinancca of the Totrn applicabl€ thelatso. REQI'E8TS lOR INSPESIIONS gI4IJI' BE IIA.DE TWENTI'FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEIJEPHO E OFFICE FRoM g:00 A}l Stoo PU g.nd Clcan-Itp DGpoEit To: Richard Pornall OF OWNER OR COITTRACTOR POR HIMSELP A.ND OHNER Page 2 ***************************************+**************************************** CONDITIONS PermiE #: 899-0152 as of 06/25/99 Statsus---: ISSIIED ******************:t************************************************************* Penn:it Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant--: PO$INALIr RICIIARD F & MARY R - irob Addressz 267 RoCKI-,EDGE RD tocation---z 257 Rockledge Rd. Parcel No-- : 2LOL-O7L-L5-022 Vail village 1, LoL 14C, Block 7 Descript,ion: Add deck and dormer to west side Applied-- t 05/L5/L999 Issued---: 06/25/L999 To E:qrire: I2/22/L999 ************************************** COnditiOns * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIETJD INSPEqfIONS ARE RBQUIRED TO CIIBCK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE.2. SMOKE DETE TORS ARE REQUIRED IN AI.,I, BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER S8C,310.6.1 OF TIIB 1997 T'BC. o r + ar tr* rr a * i r t t l| * * rt tt ta * ittr, * t r I * rt 1l !O OF \AI!, CltLoRtlro gEa!€tEtE Jttltr+rr*irar.r*rrrr!}rrrir,rtt*rii,r...r'}r*itrt StrE.nnE l|u[bar: REC-053{ lrc|mt ! p.lnr€Dt. Hrlhodr Cx( Nol.tion! 1943 a'r tt t t ', *rt t | * * * 299.50 0612S199 17 t52 lnits: atN PcniE No I Darccl [o: gitc AddrlrE ! LoctEion ! Ttr16 Pryt nt 899-0152 1)p. I A-BUILD tDD/At T 2101-O71-15-O22 267 ROCIIIjEDCE RD 26? nockl.dgG Rd. Tgcal F.Ga: 299.80 ?otaJ' ALtr P!r€: Eelrnc.: SFR BTIIIID PE 349.50 349.50 .oo trccoutrE Code DR 00100003112200 Bp 00100003111100 PF 001000031123(}0 .lD D2.DEPOS Rt 11r,O00o3I12700 wc 00100003112800 Dcacraiptl,on DESIG:I REI/IEW AEES BUILDI}IG 98Rl.|I' TEES PI.II| CHACK FEES d.EIIII'P DBPOSITg RECNE.}TTOIN FEES rllrlr CIIJL llfsPBCi?IoN rEE A[ount -30.00 12s.00 s4.25 1o0.00 2l).25 3.00 INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR TfE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED Contact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-E640 for Parcel # Parcel # ZlOr- o-lr- 15- 622 Date b/rt (9? rowN oF vArLGNSrRUcuoN pERMr picolo*Tffi- oc85 Permit # P'u*,r., il /Jn,n: rl.orn -8.*oJo/ JobAddress: 26'7 Building (l)Plumbing ( )Electncal ( )Mechanical ( )Olher ( ) Legal Descriptio n: Lot---1ft!Block-2- Filioe V.-y:l-- Subdivision Owners Name:fiic/'r,ru/ P-.nnall M*ess: 2u7 froc i( /e dae /VJ,pnone# //l -gL/ I g Architect:Phone#_!/741/l!!i!- Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: i'zn (o L'er Addirional( )Repan( )Other (Alteration 0C) I Number and T1'pe of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BUILDING: s 7-iot.roo PLIIMBING $ OT}IER: TOTAL CONTRACTOR INFORMAT]ON Generalcontractor: MAddress: .fo t? Me,, G"rr. O, Town of Vail Reeistradon No.Phone #?76- 14a2 Electrical Contractor:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Registrarion No. Plumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Reeistration No. Town of Vail Regislratron No. Address: Phone # Address; FOR OFFICE USE SIGNATURE: Number of Accommodation Urrrts: Q ff6bp.n.t t VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHAMCAL $ Gas Logs Phone #_ffi JUN r s 1939 BUILDING: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: oo Design Review Action Form Project Name: Pownell Residence Project Description: Deck addition to dormer on westside Owner. Address and Phone: Dick & Mary Pownell 267 Rockledge Road, Vail 476-s418 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Same Project Street Address: 267 Rockledge Road Legal Description: Parcel C, Resubdivision of Lots 14 -17, Block 7, Vail Village lst TOWN OF VAIL Building Name: nla Parcel Number: Comments: Dormer addition approved on 6-3-98. Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Deck shall not extend more than 5' from the residence. Town Planner: Jeff Hunt Date: April 19, 1999 FlEvERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\99"POWNALL Board / Staff Action Action: Staff approval DRB Fee Pre-Paid: 50.00 TAWN OF VATI" ![ate ReCeiVe, eu.rtio,fill rhc pla,rning srarrri 47e-2l2ri APR 01 1999 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION Fzf11 - oo89 | \-- This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsigr Rcviov approvat. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign review must rcccivc Dcsign Rwiew approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmir For specific information, see the submittal rcquircnrents for thc particular approval that is rcqucsted. Thc application cannot be acceptcd untit all the requircd information is submittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and./or thc planninj and Environutcntal Contmission. Design Review Board approvat cxpircs onc ycar after final approval untcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:hrQ-lvt€l< k2r2/flofu 7V L){et- F4-15n1 O* .ft B. c. D. E. MAILINC ADDRESS: H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr New Construction - $200 Construction of a new buildine. . (Contact Eagle Co. Asscssors Oftice at 970-328-8640 for parcel #)& J, 6" PHONE: PFrySICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #:C ato\ o1t rloez ZONING:.:?ua NA,\.,IE CF OWNER(S): OWNER{S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: ff Addition - E It{inor Altcration - F. c. $50 Includcs any addition whcrc square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or comrncrcial briilding. $20 Includcs minor changes to buildings and site improvements. such as, rcroofing, painting. window additions. Iandscaping. fenccs and retaining walls. ctc. DRB fces are to be paid at the time ofsubrnittal. latcr, when applying for a building pennit. pleasc identiff thc accurate valuation ofthc projcct. Thc Town of Vait will adjust thc fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL. COLORADO 8I657. "Eetag:_ LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LQT /{ BLOCK: 7 FILING P(5qq-eg' tsqq . o tsa Por,onrrL Date Received rAN i 3 2000 January 6, 2000 Kathy Warren Community Development lll SouthFrontageRoad Vail. CO 81657 Dear Kathy, We have a permit to do a minor rernodel on our home at 267 Rockledge Road. We originally planned to do this in May/June of 1999. In April I had to have neck surgery which made it impossible for me to tackle the project. If possible, we would like to extend the permit into 2000. Our current plan is to begiu construction in May. We would appreciate it if this extension could be granted. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, ^.,''/., ---t l/) Dick Pownall 476-5418 5uc"n-qct -hc /"lu",oo fuooznm t/-alzooo TOI{N OF VAIL Id: ACIP135D Activity Maintenance - Fee Permit No: 89 9 - 0152 Status: ISSUED Ke) rord: @ACnl User: CIIARLfE Item Summary. APPIiCATTT: POWNALL RI CHARD F & MARY R Addres6: 257 RoCK].,EDGE Rll o7 /1-L/ oo eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Totsa1 Feea: Paymenta : Balance : u Calculated Fees: o Additional FeeB; u Total Fees: 349.50 .oo 349.50 349 .5 0E 349.50s . ootr aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I ae6CCeede6c€cccecceccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef n ltem DescriDtion Fee Pa)ments Balanceo flaaaaaaaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar{ U OO1O BUII,DING PBRIIIIT FEBS N OOTO DESIGN REVIEII FBBS N OOSO PLAN CI{ECK FEES O O13O CLEANUP DEPOSITS U O14O RECREATION FEES N O],50 I{ILL CALL INSPECTION FEE t: 0160 RESTAT]RANT PI,AN REVIEW t: 1210 INVESTIGATION FBE (BLDG) a6c6eeEceeceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee r ESC=New ODtion 125 .00 20 . oo 8L.25 Loo.oo 20 .25 3 . O0 125 . OO 20. oo 4L.25 100. oo 20 .25 3.OO u 9t Lst 4 too.o> 2o, )s [ilo {n A/oi '5.oo 6(D 4(rs. oo 4 o.r. oo /po. "= PeropoeA 2e r.l,,OE-A PzruPPQ i] LJ - g Ettt-otr,tG Vu.urr ffes O1JS,oo X ,3t>: dToo,oo Qrr,-*toe.D R*l clrrc ,< F€ E9 Cca+r.r ,-lP Or Pasrr Pece.6i411o.1 F€€S [riri-c CyfcL FEe ffpii-,'sro t.5 Btr SzO dPo,r-t t?92 d Bc Se< , 167, G '$z oo Peruv1e0 Tortt<- f2eS.a,*rO ?* ruL lozooo o ,/r/" " B??- o ts+ ;H,, t/rr,(;- 2-r." ia t- /-\ t) J /7 t t iue/ /; ot (bara.ru.., i 77 /,teua:/;7 za eot T izs- ,g.,-*h F,o.b u u 4J , ' L1../ - oe -t .oras z I i l.-'r^)iy4*,4 etr*"4"2 t r4l U<-&6 -42 #4- & .4.9,-rrz** 44'^-tf( J ^1"a-h^1 Z-{.( 4 & #-.- .=-u-zdl-b J-e '/1b.-,v//mefr/*"1k, z-b ? /.. //.4; ,fJ // ---t@-4a-a4 -4u/<-"lfu.a d.z a; /^/--//-l *^**r' -* za ? '//4, -4'" -/""-'- en-.*onZ/'z-? , ?za -SYzs- Pi32-8L ,: .FPo ENT*td REcErvrNG *oPoRr PAGE: 1- FpO NUMBER : F11181 DATE RECEIVED: 7/24/OO REMARKS : REFUND WITEDR.,,AI{N BLDG PERMIT RECEIVED BY: LC EI{:|ERED t 7 /2a / 00 l-0 : 23 BY: LCAIiIPBELL VENDOR: 0000001 - STEVE CLARK CONSTRUCTION TNVOICE NUMBER: OO-0724 S CLARK INVOICE DATE: 7/24/00 INVOICE POSTED: 7 /2a/00 L0 :23 BYr LCAIvIPBELI-, PAYME}IIT DI]E: 7/24/OO AMOI]NT: $ 188.25 ACCOUI{:T# PROJ# AMOUNT ITEM DESCRTPTION ooao00o31111oo $ 100.00 80t REFUND PERMTT FEE 899-0152 00100003112300 $ 65.00 80? REFIIND Pr,AN CK FEE 11-1000031L27o0 i 20.25 1003 RECREATION FEE 00100003112800 $ 3.00 100% wrLL cALrJ FEE ..7;,''t.i i;tJ - a Rn*""'-" r rr: (.ii,,rr.'-'.=-!a"l- i-t; rtt*' oz OD .o F. L FI & E I cl o FI o F ot z o (, FI 8lH Fr o.vlFt @ 't 6Z to AE j H ':e <o Fi ('o Hl. aa zo dn!OA U o lq o d FI 4 6 U d dl zz rir t I' t{zz !lE :o F,= az '{A 'o FIE F.H HB oo A= d EI F F' !( ar 2 o H Bd EU ZE =g o uEl F ilo c! a:o I tu H E4 (J , a z fd E H <.D cl r!E> ql 511 &10 4g EOt CAts O Des Project Street Address: Lcgal Dcscription: Parccl Numbcr: Commcnts: ign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Projcct Name: Pownell Residence ProjcctDcscription: DotmcrAddition Owncr, Address and Phone: Dick & Mary Pownell 267 Rockledge Road, Vail 476-5418 Architect/Contact. Addrcss and Phonc: same 267 Rockledge Road Parcel C, Resubdivision of Lots 14 -17,, Block 7, Vail Village lst Building Namc: nla Motion by: Sccondcd by: Votc: 4-0 Conditions: Town Planner': Christie Barton Date: 613t98 Board / Staff Action Action: ConsentApproval tri \liVliRYON E\DRB\APPROVA l.\9ll\P( )W\ ELI-.60.t DRB Fcc Prc-Paid: $50.00 , Qucsrions? i. Planning StatTai 479-2 i 2ti This application is for any projcct rcquiring Design Rcviov approval. Any project rcquiring dcsign review must i', rcccive Design Rwiew approval prior to submitting for a building pomit. For specific information, see the subrnittal rcquircnrents for thc particular. approval that is requcsted. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc required ' ' infornration,is submittcd. Thc project may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Plaming and Environnrental Commission. Dcsign Rcview Board approval cxpircs onc year after final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUEST: b4rvt*R- fue /T/a ir T7' AJF-7- F&t-7pN AF A4ffiE l-EgEt_ - '//gr-=t-/op- Apvt=Ee>/Ottt B. c. D. tr F. G. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LQT: /{ BLOCK: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL#:c (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONINC: NAMEOF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRISS: t4../. owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OFAPPLICANT: J. 5- MAILINGADDRESS: H. TVPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 Construction ofa new building. PHONE: FILING: ;.The Town ofVail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. APPLICATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND TTIE FEE TO THE. OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE'ROAD. vArL. coLoRADO 816s7. ;!i I l. 75 6outh lronlaEe road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 October J-, L987 Mr. Gunther Hofler 302 Hanson Ranch Road VaiI, Colorado 91657 Re: The Tennenbaum Residences Dear Gunther: Sincerely, A. Peter Patten. Jr.Director Community Development cc: Dr. Robert M. Drisko olflce ol communlty development This is in response to your letter of septenrber 24th and also to update you and other interested area property owners on the status of the Tennenbaurn construction projects. The staff nemorandun that you found in our fires dated December 22, L986 was in error as -it related to the maximum GRFA on the three parcels. The correct figures are as follows: Parcel A: 3,750 sg ft for a duplex Parcel 83 3,000 sq ft for a single fanily Parcel C3 2 | 005 sq ft for a single farnil_y These numbers are refrected on a recorded subdivision p1at. we have recently worked out the,problem with the single finily structure on Parcer B regarding GRFA. The structure wirl iot contain more than 3,OOO square feet of GRFA. Regarding the duplex under construction on parcel A, we have found this afternoon that the structure is three feet over the height lirnit and have stopped work on the project untir the situation is rectified. r would hope that these actions reassure you and other area property owners that the rules and regulations regarding zoni_ng and construction will be enforced with regard to €nis ana arr other construction projects in vair on a fair and ecruitabre basis. Wp PETER PATTBN COMMUNITV DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR THE TOWN OF VAIL.SEPT. 24. IT SEEMS THAT NONRESIDENT DEVELOPERS ARE UNDER THE ( WRONG ) IMPRESSION THAT HOTEL-LIKE OPERATIONS AND CONDOMINIUM-SIZE BUILDINGS ARE PERMITTED IN THE AREA OF BEAVERDAM, FOREST AND ROCKLEDGE ROAD. FOR THIS REASON I HAVE STUDIED P]LES AT YOUR OFFICE AND I'OULD LIKE TO VERIFY CERTAIN G.R.F,A. MAXII{UM ALLOI"JED SOUAREFOOTAGES FOR FOUR ( 4 ) BUILDINGS ON ROCKLEDGE ROAD. 1. ) 4- )3-) LoT L7, PARCEL B: 3.OW SQUARE FEET. LOT 17. PARCEL A: 3.7@ SQUARE FEET FOR 2 BUILD]NGS. LOT 14. PARCEL C: 2005 SQUARE FEET. IN THIS CASE THE TOTAL AREA ALLOT'ED IS 8.750 SOUARE FEET FOR ALL FOUR ( 4 ) BUILDINGS COMBINED. IN A MEMO FROM YOUR DEPARTMENT TO THE PLANING AND ENVIROMENTAL COTIMISSION DATED DECEMBER 22. 1986 IT STATES: 4 o"iE I^iOULD REOUEST THAT G.R,F.A. BE RESTRICTED BV CONDITION AND ON PLAT TO A MAXIMUM OF 7.518 SQUARE FEET TO BE DIVIDED AMONG THIS TIME YOUR STAFF WAS RECHECKING THE ARCHITECTS DRAHINGS I WAS ASSURED THAT ALL RULES AND REGULATIONS ARE TO BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION, HOFLER 466 FOREST ROAD MAILING ADDRESSE: 302 HANSON RANCH ROAD, VAIL/ CO. 81652 C.C: AREA HOME AND PROPERTV OI^iNERS. P',', Resub of Lots Qu u,Block 7, Vail Vill"s" It B?ock 7, Va jl Vjl lage 'lst INFLUENCED BY INFLUENCED BY Lot 15 Dews, Ju]ie PARcEL B LoT 14 RIcHARD & MRY POWNALL PARcEL B Box 362 267 ROCKLEDGE RD Vail 81658 VAIL C0 81657 LOt 16 BARBARA EP GIBBS, ETAL , PARCELS A,B BOX 2769 IGLAMAZOO, MI 49006 LOt 13 CUNNINGHAM, BARRY E WITTEMYER, JOHN & NANCY JEAN PARCEL C 1350 OLD TAIE RD % MOSES, WITTEMYER, HASSOSON B0ULDI:R t0 80303 BOX 1440 BOULDER CO 80306 Lot 12 QART PARCELS B,C 1OOO BROADWAY DENVER CO 80203 Lot 18 ROBERT & MARY DRISKO PARCEL A 2929 BALTIMORE KANSAS CITY MO 64108 Lot 20 MRGARET GILLIN CHILDERS PARCELS A & B 755 PARK AVE APT 48 NEI.I YORK, NY 10021 LOT 21 N.L.l.l.PARCELS B,C % NORMAN WAITE, JR SUITE 5OOO ONE FIRST NATIONAL P CHICAGO IL 60603 BL0CK I VAIL VILLAGE 3rd LOT I WITTYMEYER SEE LOT 13, V.Vi]1age 1st, B1k 7 PARCEL A LOT 2 E.B. CHESTER, JR PARCEL A B0x 8227 ROCKY MOUNT NC 27804 BLOCK 2, VAIL VILLAGE 3RD LOT I HERMAN & JANE HELLBERG PARCEL A % PENCOL ENTERPRISES 322 MIN ST CHALFONT PA i8914 o @ m Is LO l-..h E t<: f IHE A lar ^ f I-rX?!'l: Y -!r' IrJ >14H I l={l l=l 1 x=.o.<1o.dP ;9 i60 CE >t 16 fri1 I m 3 { a I ! 3 9. @ t=lt=ilrt 9< 9< 9< iH-E Ya= --t\J -2 =Z =-OO gF t- N|=I' --:R -fl!ot- z=0(D 2=oo z o o z g F c o =o z -o ln 7 ={ I {m l*= l"-IH | \c)lo \l z o -l m I o o .It o 'n !m I f -{o @ m x m !-{ o z (-o @ g. -'l m ,.4, (//v >/ v ur O f\) @ @ 5 o 9"-{m nz >m +>or-n tD z =IT -e =T ==l--r' n m = m r z.o n+cn o m 'f z z {7 o a l- =g z o o i t i I o, q, o ln, -tt r z =E =E >lt 8ls !l^ 6l=@l tu l's otlo -.rl{l=x,lol ol"ol' -l Jl (Dl ol (ol rDl I o-l I I { t'tt .iE €E zl aF JF !F l- fTl !p FF 6E F{f-IJ ftl |JEO ol/)?l -l oE =F =E -DO .+tr c. p,-sF =N r r -F iF' @l t\) |;l ('ll \.1 |(^) |N)l {lr mlO rl= lo li l6 I I E lo t:t> lF It I l-{to l€ lz lo IT lI !F 3 =z.rrl o,tt qJ o (D H to l€ lz lo l'r'r t<t> lF l!m lF, l6 I I Its lo t?l- I arC)- Eg$ 6Pg o Esr Eg8 =o o '<9€{Eo- i *n'J-+(D ==-.o I =+- j.5 g iio o Q 3a r 9.t aF= lt .. (o sg€ lt orE D -;'-= +i; 6gq o =. --oo+ J-i=450 ..:Bo 539 qrdr =< =J q'= =ilq o-f s.i59 q=; $;s 3q$l,,ro='69d 6'' -o. TI€ Ei - l-l D f *=E;:Fg \Ji co tr =.=a- O(t N j+Fsi f ,83 oB oo . F4 33 o-r , oo lNAr ;lt o -{ iN 33 I l>.. P "t Il-l 5 N ;1._'s g :l -\o f i lt; )-to il$ Fg I l..l + cL ;tF 9e rlk 3 (t il\.- q' I il '-- ! s.'l Eo il' Fs :I FF rl f.r il do ;t =o 'l :J (2 !l 6'rl f Ni; 6'lj {l F \F o,F\v r-l \L \\ tr \' as >o ZA il mC :lm 20 mI Po €z m o o 2 t o -{ 'n 't' =m t-.tl l!t> tx l= I" I I I I t_l g at _l z l z r T m ! =-{ z m m m l<' lz lz t=It Ir- Ig,li lo I I L r I I {o<'n! m lm tf, lt't lm >llr tl ll,, O ilg ll" il il O O ll" il It-ll cu >-{ ll-tf H .ll ^l tl tl |l--llr ('ll' tl m x :r €- 6 @ F H -{ t_ or l-- I (o IP t8 l:IrI l> l= T- I'I t_t? I= z F o z !m I -o I z m <t, <t, t-t- fi tr a I -t z -tl i z I m f m a m =z c z f o = J z c z - at n t: m F 6 2 3 z t- m r m !o c ! o r t- j{ z ro l\)F (Jr tn -l 3 o (D l\)(J-r a o -t o) =rD k)p z K E <J'l K3 =H F rt,F =rD r l"|.lr F E Orgr 5fi E +1i s3 >F > 'n -= z 6 ^8 e9 ir 2 I ;3 E E H nzq -o o o 11 Z 2 )-no nt :i' -nl N @ =1l N m ==l q, I Dl i - <lr< =l =9l n I !o :r)F t)F o € o \)F EF t.rE, ==.+rE re z d)e ;ttr GI/' d 4 =YI I I I I I I I 2l^ Fi-EP =B B,l ir- =9 YE 6 t- 0r?;'; P"# tF ik il' l= l= .o, t9, t< -,o 9l'-tl, ilc^' mrr I l(O lt-'@ ,€t{F ,i Ir t! -{o -t t-T m =-l TI m m <t, o m -{ x f-m 2 m a { m t2. 2 a m s nl o m o v m 6 z n fll m 3 m o 2 l- !-c 3 = m t-tn c)-t 3 o !-z m - @ c -0 z m ={ !m = ='Tt m m (t) VALUATION !m u ={ z o -l o -l 3 m o z |- !t- 3 P z o m m C)-l 2 o t- o - 2 o f\)F i^)ro o O o (tl o 5 o o I o O F !(.'l N) F (tl ('r O o (r)F ct) iJO J'r (tr o (o (t \l s W-45883 5'lr.17 Town o{ Vai I 75 S. Frontage Fioad Vailn Cslorado 91637 F l cln anal yt;i s helsFd on the 1985 Uni{orm Fuilding Code I Fro.ject Id: P0NNAL RES. Address: 267 Rfl|]IILEDGE RD. Occt-tpancy: RI ,' l"l1 Type o{ Congt: V-N Date: l'lay lIn 19f;17 Contractor: 0IJNER FUILDER Arrhitect: INTERATECT Engineer: ALLEN GRASPIICt'l Fl ans Examiner: 6ARY I'IURRAIN NOTE: The cods items Iisted in this report are not intended to be a cornplete l isting of al I postlibl.e coclr* re*qr-tirementg in the 19{35 UFI. It is a glri de to sel ected sPctisns fi{ the corje. TYFE OF CONSTRUCTITJN:V-N !iEFARATION DIRECTION ETDUNDARY AREA INCREAEiE FIRE PROTF:CTIOI! NtrRTH Property line 44.O Feet 44.{t Feet EAST Froperty l ine 4,5. t-t Feet 43. tl Feret SOUTH Froperty li ne ?6. C, Feet 36. t-) Feet NEST Frnperty line :l€l ,{) Feet 18, {:t Feet Area increased 1S.75 7. {or open aFea ori 3 sides. FI- NIAI4E OCC AREA ALLObJED A,/A OCC LOAD RE6!.D EXITS EXIT I,IIDTH 3 Dwerl I ing R;5 557 Unl imit-ecl : I (1. (J4 -f OTAL 567 un1 i mi ted ? ( i) 1 (). C}4 ( (:1. C)4)I F arr k i rrg Garage I'll 5?B 3Or-tO O. 18 ;l I (:). f-)S l Dwellinq R3 13lt-t Llrrlirnited 4 l. (:).09 TOTAL 184€ 104:i? 0. 18 7 \ El ) 1 O. 14 ( r:1. 16 ) F Dwelling Rf, ltlt4tlr Unlimited :i I t).Cr7 TOTAL 104{:} l_htimited f,( B) : 0.c]7( o. 15) EUILDING TOTAL 34 15 77717 {J.$g 9 * NOTET Indicate.s that t-hi.: occLrFancy is not allor.rred on thig floor-Table 5-D * NOTE: Indic.rtes that this occlrFa.ncy is an acce-sory area-Sec. 3.1.:,3. ta) el.c. Ther *rl l gwed f"l are.: i.s I {:}t:x:} sq, f t. .f or a mi::ed occLrpancy. -- {5ec. 11(:r?. RE0IJIRED fJTCUF'ANCY SEPARATIONS f'll-Rf, L hr l"lateri al s approved {or thr constrlrction are requrired on the garage si dr* only and 1. 3/S inch golid core,, sel f -closinq dnor. -- Se'c" 50f,. (d) ex #J All qla:ing in hazardt:lrg locatinns (srre section 54(:)6, {d) } is reqlrired t$ be of sa{ety gla=ing material . --- Se'c" 5406. 330f,. (d) ooorrro*oL REaurREr,rENTs #." nN octruFANcy For l"l1 rrccLrFAncy Ft:r RF crcclrpancy Fravi de a window nr door to the elrteri or *rom everv room ursed for sleeping. ** Siec, 1204. A window mlrst provide a clear open area o{ 5.7 sq.ft,, a trlear height of ?4 inchesn and a clear width cl+ ?(:t inches(rninimlrm). -- Sec, 1?O4. Al I habitable Ftrorns require exterior gla:ed openings equal to L (-tZ or more of the floor area. (min 1O sq.ft.) -- sec. 13(t5. {a) Al I habi tabl e roorns reqlri trB c1rr openabl e Futeri or openi ngs eqltal ta 37. or moFe of the f loor aFea. (min 3 sq. {t. ) -- Sec. 13(-t5. (a) The rniniinnrn cei I ing in a habitable space is 7 f eet 6 inches except kitchens, halls, and baths rnay have a ceiling height o{ 7 {eet. -- Se."-c, -- Ll{:}7. (a} I H t't f ti,t ft f f f t't fi N t i'I'f,i'f,i't f t'u,i'i'f't f t't ; FUILNING SUPIHARY 'Lllt'lHfiHllfifil,,ItfltEflHnNHNHNHtrt'il'u',filtfilutilNHNHttnflHtltll.fflttfli,'i.tfHnNfHllbll,lNt'll,l? ; Congtruction type: V-N t A N D D N D D DNDNO NDN DDN D D D DDDDDDDDDDNDDNDDNDDDDDNDDDDDDNNNDDNPD DNN €, ; FASEI'IENT TL]CCUFANCY R5 ; AREA 1(-r4(-l ;Allowable area = UNLIPIITED AREA ; FLDOR # 1 cOCCUFANCY l"l1 F.T r AREA 5?A 13:t) sThe area ratio "f or this +loor is 0.lE} : FLOOR # I ;fiCEUFANCY Rf, : AREA 367 t ;Allowable area = UNLII"IITED AREA t ;The area ratio {or the entire bni lding is {,. t:)? t HNItI,tHnHilNttHNflt'tNNHItHttHHt,tNtil,tttfiililttNHttNt'tfittfittnfitiltilttNt'iltHfifiNflttNNtiltHN( The al l owed l"l area i g f,tlrtl t"t sq. f t. f or e rnixed Bctrupancy. --- Sec. 11O?, HIT ANY I";.EY Ttr CONTINUE. lroject Id. Ftrt^INAL RES' Addiess: 267 ROC}{LEDEE RD' OccLtFancy ! Ri r l"l 1 Type o{ Csngt: V-N D;tte: l4aY 13' 19817 Contractor: OWNER FUILDER Architect: INTERATECT it,oin*".: ALLEN GRASMICh:: ;t;;t Examiner: GARY I4UFRAIN * SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTIOI.I REEUIRED ========================.=========================--===========================1 This are'e requtires an exterior opening for ernergency escape ot t*=t't* LJi th cle'1r area/di fnensl on5 gPecified' -- Sec' 1304' "l own o+ vaL r ^ 73 S. Frontage Foad lal 1, Colorada €3t657 Fl an correction based on the 19EE Urriform Br-tilding Eode 3 A smoke' detector is reqltired in the access area to aI I roomg t-tged f or sleeping pLtFpcrses' -- Sec' 1310' (a) Incl t-td e a cEFy tr+ the goi ls report f or the gi te to be br-ti I t oI1 ' tdooDST0VEHUSTBEcoLoRADoSTATECEFTTIFIEDAsACLEANE(URNINE TYFE. STAIF{S STAIFS DVER 44" : HANDRAILS ARE REO' EATHROOMS BATHRGOF{S WITHOUT WINDOUIS MUST HAVE I4ECH' VENT FIFEF'LACE FIREFLACE I"IUST EtE IN A 1HR SHAFT FIREF'LACE CAP THE TOF'OF FIREPLACE CAF T4U5T BE OF NONCOMEUSTIFLE MATER I ALs. AT A? Fl r: A7 5 6 7 a -di*a,-5ii*irra*.; =!l =r7^..3//,1\:141--r/ | ()o z CN {fr c c){o z F \ @ s d @ m rq t-o t-h E t<: f IHE E l9n 7 lri g lld s f=E i i5 o.<Tc 3t a9-i;o ctt >t 1-o R3 I H I =-{ !tr! fiHE Yo=tn= =Frr^98"t- Bf-rfl E3P F5=;-o @ 1l-,= 6=9' 4,o -{n+cn o R= ZA ;>62. \r, > =I c t- 3 g z C) e !E 20, -{o o>iE t- 2"-lm nz >m C)F -t>or- n =m C)-t o €z m .|o- @ z =IT ==t-r m =o m t- l_Hm uiA o>'t- o -l l,-t5 @ ]- -rt t-z o 9) = q, It) (D u,cl' --l m t-m -{ t€ lz lo t1t l<l> lF l! lm l9) lz -n 3 H |o l€lz le l<t> lr I 3 -{ €z n r !m P z tl u = l-{to l{ lz lo 111 t<t> F lm t!l, lz tl l{ t{ lz le t<t> It- l* I F = o ? 3 D D m "n o {3 t- n m z m I a a I P, !m 7 ={ z o -{m I o o ! o 11 !m u { -.{ @ m x m T -{ o z L o @ I -l m 0 -{m c)O N)G N: G o o -{ o z t- !m ! =-{ CN z m m o m l<' lz lz t= t>lr- -l m I x z lr! t-t-c tn N@= N-=(r+ 5-<E< = re ;a i;; e E l'e9 2 3*lt€jsro:at q*;*s B';iq€ Sgei;990,96.o el*+3ai3;lse{8 >s, =6 vz r>-{mc )lm m 'tl Po =z m aO-i6 i;F iF T =m r -n e;*;i 6' o! F !P o: m 3l =el o >'F 1u1 I I I I l> 9r f.ill - \-rr-\\ !m u ={ z o 75 sodh lrontage road uail, colo.ado 81657 (3ql) 47S2138 (3Gt) 4792139 oflice of community developmenl Date: Dear Sirs, on a recent check of building pernits, we find that the below referenced permit has exPired. The Town of Vail Building Departnent has not received a request for a final inspection on this project, the last inspection request was dated ,, n.,-i*' . Please reply in regards to this within 30 dayd frcjrn the date you receive this letter- Your inmediate attention is requested. If you have any further questions concerning this natter please feel free to contact me at 479-2t38. Sincerely, Expired Pennit Information: Dan stanek Tov Building fnspector Dslj lt t NAME OF ADDRESS: PHONE #: COMP/\NY:\b,tJ-J '/. Must be **Submi t Type of registration be.in Appl icat'ion made by: DATE OF BIRTH REGI5TRATION FEES TT IS IMPERATIVE THAT ALL CONTRACTORS HAVE THE CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION PREQUALIFiCATION FORM received and approved^pfiqt to issuance of registration.to the Town of vair slitdirs-oii.ri;;;.=t. PLEASE SUEMIT COPY OF A,\Y PERTINENT REGISTRATION t"llTH General contractor A,,or construction Management Regular cost Generar contractor l":;';;;:i.li!#t;lll;!fl3]; .$17s.00 plumbing. . .. .,, uu'uatlon under $1,000,000) 100.00 Mechaniiat...::::::. ""' 7s.oo Electrical..:.:::::. " 75.00 speci al ai;; i ;;;;' ;;*;i i :' ;i ;;; :';;;;; ; ;.;;;;;;;; : .;i;;;;;" ta : oo Excavation. etc.... 75.00 owner/Builder..::::::::::::::::-, ""' 7s.oo .'/o,- Renerval Cost $tzs . oo 75.00 qq nn 55.00 55.00 55. 00 55.00 d;E FOLt O'/lING INSURANCE CERTI FI CATES : rr Bodily Injury or property Damage l0 ,000. 00 the State 9f Colorado are lhe sole owner &: Tor_any accidents. At I wl | | provide us with lJC. ,tration, you must re of Coloradol- NOTE: Thank I Janei'l TOV 8ui Gentlemen: Our Records 75 south frontage .oad Yail' cole7s66 61557 (303) 476-7000 :- Indi cate L T LE.]\ )E the your compan_v needs to reneiv the fol lor,rinq: Expi ration Date /21e, ($r,ooo,ooo.oo) D0LLARS. LIABILITYINSURANCE ,, F e*r, *+ a.a " * - t. ; "J-or rHi"f#ri''@i'onr-i,ullioru I{ORKI4EN' S COMPENSATION w^fr(^##,!;?. MASTER'S LICENSE Expiration Date Please fi'l I in the date_of birth of the ovner of'the company and return forrn to the Town of Vail Building Departmenr. DATE 0F BIRTH 0F 0t^iNER ZF M"u /gZ? THE AEOVE MENTIONED MUST BE RENEI.,/ED WITHIN It{) DAYS. THAI.IK YOU FOR YOUR COOPEMTIOII AND II"IMEDIATE ATTEIITIOII TO THIS I,IATTER. Si neprely, \ l\\s-- \ \r\\s*.195-\.*-sr\1|J\ T0V 8ui )-ding Dep-artment thi s COMP/$IY:NAME OF ADDRESS: PHONE #: Must be received and **Submit to the Town PLEASE SUBMIT Type of registration CONTRACTOR approved '. -'of Vail B COPY OF A FICATION FORM -' istration. .. -:-- ..- \- I^IITH APPLICATION. Application made by: DATE OF BIRTH REGISTRATION FEES Generar contractor A or construction Manaqement Regular cost (Valuation over g1,000;000) ..$175.00 General Contractor B or Construction Management (Valuation under 91,000,000) . f00.00 P lumbing. 75.00 Mechanical 75.00 Electrical ... ...... 75.00 Special (includes drywall , 916ss, masonry, concrete, elevator ofn 7F nn Excavati on. 75.00 0wner/Builder.. ... fT0.-.U0> w Renewal Cost $125.00 75.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 IT IS IMPERATI VE THAI 4L! IIIIJRACTORS HAVE THE FOLLOI..JING INSURANCE CERTI FI CATES: #L: $1,000,000 jn the aggregate for Bodjly Injury $1,000,000 in the aggregate for Property Damige 0ption #2: Combined single limit of 91,000,000.00 -WORKMEN'S COMPENSATI0N - Show that you are covered in the State of Colorado *No workmen's comp Provide a letter stating you are the sole owner &will not hold the Town liable for any accidents. At the time you hire someone you will provide us with lJC. N0TE: If you are purchasing an electrical or plumbing reg'istration, you must provide a copy of a Master Registration from the State of Coloradol-- L.r/.'/,/,'/.1o,/7/IL/d'///l''rn'+lz'29/'32!''rr'r'-'''7 jlilf .til;''',,.' tJ.,l.u,u" 4,,,v 2,/,, ta tr ? z (n s 'o TOV Buiiding Dept. ,- LIABILITY - Option By:A Corporation A Partnership An individual Principal Office: (AIA Document Number A-305 79 Edition may be 1. How many years has 'contractor under your your organization been present business name? in business as a 'a'/''r'"' EXPERIEICE QUE5TIONNAIRE used in lieu of 2. How many years construction work experience in the proposed has your organization had? type and size of ./.&. yca.".+ 3. List the most recent projects your organization has had in construction work similar in type and size: Type and Class of work When Compl eted Name and Address of 0wner 4 u-,-r4/,., <r-a< ,Jnue / 15-' 4. List municipalities you have licenses and current status: t-. 5.i,thut other important compl eted? Type and C'l ass of work projects of sjmjlar magnitude has Your organization tlhen Conpl eted Name & Address of Orner i].o:"t^ /(. 2o c.nc-h.: o+-r,a. 6.Have you ever failed If so, where to and comp l ete any work awarded to You?L/o why? 7. Name the Surety Compan-v, bonding capacity, and the name and address of the local agency you expect to use: 8. What is the construction and experience of principal indjviduals of your organ'i zation and to be direct'ly involved in any proiect in the Individual's Nanre ' Present Pos i ti on or Office Yrs. of Con- s tructi on Experi ence the those individuals Town of Vail. Magni tude & T-vpe of llork In l'lhat Capacj ty? r'1 / /? J o/ett€r..rs,gJ:t .7,tr:. ..{"rFv: /r. .EJr*-nt--t ," \ \ ClzJat.( /aa.'et ) .ly,.i"ect:..etc.. 9. Do you hold any valid licenses, i.e. Master Plumber, Architect, Electrical? t,, lr 10. tist the major or corporation own items of equipment or will be used in which you, or your the Town of Vail: company, 11. List below the Contracts whjch you, or our corporation were party to, duri ng the previous that were involved in litigation of any type: company, ten (r0) or years , L2. The following is for all contracts which you, or your company,or corporation were party to during the previous iive iS) years. A) Percentage of projects completed wfthjn schedule. ....{n<.. . . ..% 14. 1E How much of the work will you do directly compared to sub-contractors? S-oZ Banking References / lL-A. V,c, | /"h t''/,4.,, /f B. Trade References (7) A. s,//e, /t; l:"j B. EJn "J* ,A/4, (*n,L, c. ,l/.,fy't*. / o.n /., D. 4 t. /uua u\ E. /A--"- C!,,1., Dnru.. f- 16. Have you ever had a license under any name that was: in our area or any other area A) Revoked B) Denied C) Suspended If so, please explain: il,L l7) If registrant is Corporation or Partnership, please state appl icant relationship/posi tion : 18) What is your postion in this registration? A) Officer B) Stockholder C) Principal D) 0ther: Cd'-q etft,t//e, 't9) Social Security *, .{f/.:.?.'(.-. ?.{f.2.... I ,z r\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION , I TOWN OF r_.i, { ,z----\rHUR ( FRr) REQUEST VAIL AM .PM ( , ',,.r DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: OTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr tr tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR DATE ,-..' 1:-':t'INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM OOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER B FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL - .El APPROVED , CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ,14/INSPECTOR. - _ ,i,. ,4, ,,I INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL -t t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME i ,.; i r; BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION i STEEL C FRAMING D n ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING t] GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL o D O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: F tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH D tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL II APPROVED V// " '.i; C] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORBECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR .ti INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: I JOB NAME CATLER TUES i READY FOR LOCATION: MON WED fHUR,. FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND EI..ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_--., i.. . .t l.-.. j RAMING tr tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING EreAS PIPING * INSULATION SHEETROCK FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ;APPROVED / CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 1 --) DATE l '/ INSPECTOR. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE q -ru - k-7 JoB INSPECTION:MON INSPEC-Tl*O!l, €t-..-,^.\J. " <l=.-t \.- ...^, .€ ".-,r.'tA i,1 REQUEST vAlL . *orJ READY FOR LOCATION: ruEs weo (_ r-Hiin FRI , AM, PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL EI(FRAMING r; t =-hooF & SHEER tr GAS P]PING E PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr tr u FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER o tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr EINAL tr FINAL W CORRECTIONS; tr DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI tPM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB C SHEETROCK NAIL o tr 0 ._______________ tr FINAL -ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. PO' tr ROUGH - D CONDUIT tr_ tr FINAL - tr FINAT MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ..,q,RPPROVeO ', OORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECT.OR ,--. <'/ ; I I cJ :1. (r, .Y PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DAIE i2 l/o, l.t JoB NAME '2 ltoi INSPECTION: MON INSPECTION REQUEST 'ail=. tpv CALLER TUES READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL 'itr ,Y BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL aFRAMTNG {J- ; t9.9.t^LsrSFt -tr GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr tr n POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL x- F'r,'.-r\r\c€7-------l T] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT f1 t tr SUPPLY AIR n tl ,C FINAL tr FINAL i//enaoveo )ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tNs a PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DAT JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECIION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI tPM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FFIAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL o_ tr 'F---i .--t. Lr'tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o tr trNAL tr FINAL fl,Aeenoveo clfRnecrrorus: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES -a AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEF " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER ' ;i MECHANICAL: O HEATING 'ai tr ROUGH.-tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR '-j:12\1 | PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT rNs.lctoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED :THUR -(' FRI .<. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / O.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D tr tr D tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETBOCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL E] FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT .''J' 1 ]. JOBNAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE CALLER TUES WEq THUR FRI AM tPM READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDlNG: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr r-t tr o tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr D ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr EI_FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING D ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR a O FINAL tr FINAL y/aeenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ) ,' i'1 {| PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ome i- I 7 .'''.1, JoB NAME rNsenoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI .t ./ AA' DM /1' t1 ,/ LZ1 ) r\ t (CALLER TUES READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr E tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL -\EI"APPROVED .'-' ' CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED *ifi*o" DATE INSPECTOR ,o As one of the mony people instrumentol funding the initiol limited portnership, we this oreo ond everyone feels sold down the We will check the situotion privotely to ollowoble GRFA ond height stondords, so seriously. AIso, we ore constontly blocked porking onywhere convenient to them. If you olso, this vrould ot leost ollow residents to Ad8 o .,. lrh tl*4, ' fi,t, {bj, 'tt 4 ,d 7 september 39, 19A7 Mr. Peter Potten Town of VoiI Plonning Dept. Deor Mr. Potten: we hove o home ot 525 Forest Rood which we bui.rt in lg6s. This oreo hos retained quolities of low densit!, and tight architecturol stondorcls which hos kept this oreo unique 1n voir. l{e ore getting distressed by the duprex ond single fomily development of Mr. Tonnenboum on Rockredqe Rood obove us.It oppeors thot the squore footoge ond Height for surposses qllowoble stondords. If in foct they do, we request thot the construction be shut down until the situotion is rectified. in the success of Voil by built the first homes in river by this development. see if they follow the pleose toke our request by construction workers could control the porking get in ond out of their homes / \,\ iL/ 44,. Dr. Robert M. Drisko