HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 7 LOT 22 LEGAL.pdf0) I $l \l NI \-l \\| E 't1 o,E (t :o c) 3 -a G o a OJ 'o = 2 o = C ',1 g Q) -tr o./ 0v'l -1 al >I I I I I I o; F z (n ! (n tl U |- ul o-l 'rl 6l a\ "i ol 4../l 61 (rr t ,J (E - .l ;l 'l ,-t z I I t'F!l Pl .ol t; i-! I xt -{ t; t-lrr sl F o,l ql Frt atl 'I IL ..4 EZ =.: 6D :'1 .- .= r-- +i ' 14 l >.2 .',..|nA t--l lft v\ / q O,J --J.\ z (E U) .H (6 z >.9 ;td 5 c., F< !?=!,1 .: i+ 6H (!E €; i'i co(',t (d X= .=v-. F I: ;arol Xra s i.9 ;eY ==?€J; (a 'io6 0Jeho { v: ,pA^ 5;t v)(!qJ cJ!- ,Y- qt U.>.E .eEi F-o F U z '4 A D U U o tr{o trl H .( U H fr{H H fr trl U \ O \'!a< co g"x n\ .t- \rr. S -=E ,xv g) -='-s L 5 .Y -\ (.)q) (r) .h >, .s) B' bO E |l G o 11-3?#ou rn"p""tl:,? F"duF?,t n-"eoning t"n" 'o Requested lnsp.ect Date: Tuesday, October 31,2006 Inspection Area: CG Site Address: 245 FOREST RD VAIL 245 FOREST ROAD A/P/D lnformation Activitv: Const Tvo6: Owrier: Applicant: Contractor: Description: Nbtice: Notice: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: t"o ''i83: U-iJ* Phone: 970-845-0466 Phone: 970-845-0466 Status: ISSUED Insp Area: CG In9 tale UBMITTED AND ROUTED TO CHRIS GUNION, BILL GIBSON .1""33"Y? b"GlJ3"8,l? heisht (as shown on sheet 4100) to allow for HEARTH IS DENIED. NON.COMBUSTIBLE THROUGH ROOF. FIREPLACE HEARTH REVISION EET CODE FOR ELECTRICAL PANEL. ROUTED ) VALUATION. CGUNION ON AIL.TO CHRIS GUNION, BILL GIBSON AND FIRE. IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT RECEIVED AND ROUTED TO Requested Time: 02:00 PM ' Phone: 904-2546 Entered By: DGOLDEN Requested Inspection(sl Item: 540 BLDG-Final C/O Requestor: EVANS CHAFFEE CONSTRUCTION GROUP ----- - NC Comments: l\tlgqh final also scheduled , will call 904-2546 Assiqned To: GDENCKLA - Action: Time Exo: EVANS-CHAFFEE CONST,GROUP.INC. field and office sets re-issued. - CGUNION rved bv Planninq. with the condition that the void main level staircase is r-ft. in area. - BGIBSON REPT131 Run Id: 5928 l%€?#ou In"p""{i:,T,F"dyFiL*fo'trng t"n"'n Requested Inspect Date: lu-esday, October 31, 2006 Inspedtion Area: CG Site Address: 245 FOREST RD VAIL 245 FOREST ROAD A/P/D Information Activitv: M05-0227 Const Tvp6: OWrier: SHANNON. Applicant: WESTERN Sub Tgne: NSFR Status: ISSUED Inso Area: CG Contractor: WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY, lNC. Phone: (719) 591-0020 Phone: (719) 591-0020 DescTiotion: INSTALLATION OF THREE DIRECT VENT GAS FIREPLACES AND ONE GAS LOG SET FOR A NEW SFR Reouested Inspection(s) : *ecuested rime: gglggirB : cheduled. will call 904-2546 A : Entered By: DGOLDEN K ; L't rotiltiFig. cuRRENTn, BEING wrRED ro Low voLrAGE swrrcHEs. ITIONS OW VOLTAGE 310 315 320 JJU 340 390 Item Item Item Item Item Item REPT131.Run Idz 5928 hr-ttli.y-, ll,2006 t?iTfh c Ui.-||r.!!-.4rh-1!-e-qJ1. Pc .r1ueztsl 1-jlfo. I 00lyj6rP. 2-ztt IRREVOCABLE LETIER OF CRED FORIIAT Leg.l D.$dptlm: tot Developsr: Pt{ect }tnbec lmprovcilent nE\rEloPER lU PROrrEn Ein AGREEUENT Onq ,'t Lefierof &odtExlrdonhc T}lls aYol lvllY ' 20!lr.byandanron "Dwelopef)'-.and the Torn of vbit (ne Tourn') and - (iho'Bat*')' WHERE S, drc Developer, as a condhim of epgroral of thE Temporary Certitlcate of Ocqfancyfot 2-ll( fDaaer R.r.'aa r IJT ?'t trr - ? legal desoipdon, and pn{ed number) widles b efltet itlb a Dcvebpar lmprovlmcnt Agrermcnt and WHEnE{S, thc Dwrloper lc oDlgatad b provl& EeartV or colhterel eullident ln 6c Jqdgpnpnt of drc Town to mEks rsoruble provbkrnr for oomplelbn of cartCn impJovtxntnt!.at iortn n ule attsfied esErratcd bld(s) tn eccordancc wlth O|e approved pbno and speciflcationc ftlcd in the cffice of lhe Cqnmunity Daelopment Departrpnt of the Toum of Vait ard WHEREAS, fie llerreloper wish6 to provue securlty to guaranEe perbmance of ittls A$e€fDilt, lrrcludlrry cornplcrton d all lmpovements r€fefled b h tf! Agecmcrq by nnam of 0nfolloring: an lnerocrole sw t qxit#fuflhi tte emounl # o) aE th€ cecuilty tu tre conpletfion of ell imprunrnenu refuned to h |hb Agreanent in the event ttrere b a (|efiart uner t|b Agreenent by 0n Devebper. NCn t TIEREFORE. in comtscralon of tlg follavltp muhnl ownante and agreemelG. lhc Dcwloperand theTdlD rgtt. arfollo|s: 1. The DevelopGr agr€Es, at ils sob cost and expense, to fumish all equtsm€fit 6nd matadab neoe$aty b perfom ud wnpHe all improvBrnents reforFd to in r|b Agr€enent TIro applorcd pbns and spedltcatonsfilca h fic ol oi im fonrn of Vaf, and to do al rulr Inddonlal her€to acorlng to and in compllilco with Ote fo[otrring: FtatslFoilislfit|AtolActtot5iltll-1tzulz.ttoc Pt[5 | of t *r.Mar, 11,2006 12 c?0.7a1n2 1a{9, 180.!3asf. L2zo a, A[ eaid work eha[ be done rnder the inspection of, and b tte satis'faclaon of, the Town Planner, the Torn Enginrr. fhc Twrn BulHir€ Off,dal, or othsr official fiom the Town of VCl, ag alltcctrd by lpadal dlSlcts or seMce disttits, as their reepeotire lnterest mry eppcar, and shdl not be doemed complete un0| gpprowd end accePtcd as 6omdeu$ by 0le Communlty Dst/elopment Deprrficnt md PuDlac wotl(t Depadtrpril of the Tou,n of val' 2. To secure and guarant€e p€rbmance of the oblgations as set fdtr hercin, the Developer agreeg to prwide searily as follorv:: fn€\rocable !,/f{er a s*,*BWlltLT .ln thc rnrounto( C'grgap- (125% ol thc ulal coctr of the attadred ecdrnated bld(sD wllh (nare of bank in Eagle County. Colorado) set b expineonUiri 3o OofofErrrF .2ontr (not to erpbe less than 30 dalrs abr the dab Get tbrtfi in Paegnaph 1 of this Agreernent) as tie securltytbrt|e4omplstlon ot a[ lmprowmdlts refbred b In thb A9rcefil€|G h fie er€nt lher€ b e d€firu|t l'dcr th'lr Agreom.flt by lht h,lttPc/. 3. Thc De\Elopcr mly at any tlmc s6situle thc sccr.rl$ otlglnolV sct fofi aboto tol another fom of seofity or colhEral acehblo to the Toun to Suarflilee Ule hithful completloo of hose hlprowmems refened b in Ods AgreorDent dd lhe perlorrFno d Ote tErm! of Utb Agro€ment Such acccp@nce by lhe Town of albmadw secudty or m[ateral shall be at the Town's sole dasctetion. 4. The Town shall nol nor shsll any offioer or emphyee fereof. be Inbb or responsible for any accHenl. bss or damage happening or octrfiing lo the wo* specllted in lhis AgFemgnt prior to ttrc ompbdon erd accegb'|ce of [to ogne, mr 3hall tfic Tqr,I|, nor sny olilcrr or cmpbyec fr€raot, bo lhHE for any pe$onc or prcpcdy idund by tason cf thc naturc ol satd uorlq brn all of aald lhHlltcs shdl and .rc hcr€by .aat tmcd by thc Dcvclopcr. Thc Dercloper hereby ag[ces to irdemnify and lnld hamlcsr the Town, and aryl ol lte omoers. agent; and employees agalnst any lossss. chNne. Oamagae, or llabllhlea to whlct the Torm or any of tts omss. agerG or ettddye€ may beconn ESt€d to, ltrpfJ as any eudr loeges, dafons, dsn€ges or trabillies (or aciloru hr resped lheleof) lhat alse q.* of or are baaal upon any performenoe by fre Devetoper heretmder: ard lhc Davslopot shall reimburse the Torrn t6r arry -and alt legnl or other eryenses reasonab[ incrred by the Tovn ir connectitl wilh hv3sdgding or tlEfenrtirrg any sudr loss, daim, ddnage, liablliV or aaion- Thts idernnily prcvlslon slrall be In addlton b .ny o0lff llablltty wftlci the Developer my harc. 5. lt iE muhraty agreed f|at thc Dcvdoper may Oply fot and the To*n may authorizs a pddial rebase of lhe gecl|ilty pmvidcd to t'|0 Torun tof eaoh catq|ory of iDprortement at sr.rdr lime aS grclr improvernenE at€ OOnSfuCCd h complance wfth all phns and specificftns as f€fercnoed herernder and accspGd by the Torn. Under no oordilion shall lhc doller amount of the eearrlty provlded to he Torn be reduced belm lhe dolbr amount lffisary to compleb ai un@mpllGd implwcrnents refured lo in lt*l Agrpcrneot FiL.teylFoRlsDlA\Dl^ creft bnnrLt r2o02(bc w, 2 d 5 ,nFr|1ta.yr ll.,-lgg! STATEOFCOLORADO @UNTYOF EAGLE STATEOF@LORADO COUNWOF EAGLE t I i3J lh op [.r1.-wsl!_.Lrr h-i!-qc-J.1,. Pc o e Tuleeall r+!p. 1.80!sroof. 5.rn ) )Es. ) per lmpovement Agreement Lrt .2VJ,z-by: ) )cs. ) ,ff mln€ot my hand ad 2n8 Myornmission oPlres; Torm Planner lsed before mc thb j.r,\ r '-.--. r/Vt 9r.0/5tt'r erd6'ifttRllsiDlA\DlA od b|r|!t_llatfE.& PtgE rl df 5 s.r./la.v- 11.2006 t ? i lJ lh ff t{11,Jg!,!.,l tq h.i t e-c_t s, PC t701702+t2 1-s|!o. 180lys6P, 4.p1 8. lf thc Tonrn daArmines, at iB sole ditdetlon, that any ol the lnprolemonts referred to in thb Agreem€nl rPProrr.d ph-tl9 ?nd specincatbns fled In-ttc qlltce of the Town sf Vei or nbt accepEd by tlre Town as n Pangraphi of thas lgranneht, the-Tqrn nEy, h.|t shall to in thb Alrecmeatard compleb-the uncom Rrs{rtnt tJSectOn 12-11-8, Vail Torn @de, lhe Tem to in thls Agr€emenl rnay be revpkod unt8 all lmprwements refened to hercln are complded by thc Dev€loper tr the Town h gccoldarp fith th'ts Agreemen lf thc ooss ot compleiling the uncomplebd lmprovemenb pb'md to in thb Agrset|lelt exceed the dolbr amowtt of fre sqriV prwided to thr Tou,n, thc ercess, tog9|ller with intsrest at twEtte percant (1?96) Fr mngm, lhal b€ a llsn agalnst he prcperty and may bc colected by clvll euh or may bc cerdfled to the teasrer of Eag er drllnquont ad ralorem toce bvied aga compbE thc lmprolemenb refefied to coniiaerca a 'Aob|in of Ti0e 12 (Zontng Regdations), of the Vall Toum Co!c. and tha Devebper sfiatf bc subjat to penalir puniram O Sectin lZ-+1O Mrohtoil: Pemltles) and Chaptar 14 (Gemral Penalry), Va[ Town Code. 7- The Develcper rhdl unnrntythe uork and mHiab of al lnprovcmcnts Gfetred b in thir A$rcmart locabd on Tun property or wiuin a Tortn ri$fdrray. puFuent to Ch.Pttr 8€, of lhe-Vat Torun Code, tr a perflo ot tuo lr€Is atl"r tho Toun'r .oolP||nof of 3rld lnprovenrents, 6. The parliec h.rdo rmrtnly agrt6 that thb Agreoment may be emended from tilre to time, pro|ldCrrt tt|tt tudr lmerr<tnentr bc h ufiiung 6nd $(e.uted by all prlios hepto. DaEd |hc day and year ffi abor,e urYtttart ) ) co. ) STATEOFooLORADO COuNTYOFEASLE tllitress my h6nd and My commioeion bperhpr6rementA F:lGd$iFoRtlSlDADlA aEdt fofirat_l12oql.toc hgF 3 ot 5 Mav, 11, 2006 l2:29PM Kl| Ilebb Architects, PC |.rEFltE ccilElb r D{n . trr6q*g ilo. 1801 P. I . lrlllltd . f|rt lt-aat . tlfre .$rtM If.-EUO Il frr . rrrrJ . LF-,. rll.r I : ,ff\A,bq,"2'a Ir[, \|' rtrtt I I tr.-. J I ar,Jt . r alt fta rlh Lt-{r aF..f-t ' t5r ttsl rF ' f arb tr-ltffr'.tE ttrE l*lrft.rtb lai.rrF far-'tJb rF I lnt a Irf,t 'lrr,r ' r rFrt ' .e lr.a 'r lL..I t 3r,| 3r.E t tltat a l{.lrtt r rul'a lttl rr t(L I a I t-lrtt t[! ra ra I .a L{/, tI aJfra hEL t- - fTffitr //f"/ i 7€p/ s)' f *ns -! I lfrr-|!' -t s,Jt F qFrEFtnqr.r r- l9l" V lFnD - fi 7, bog G.,r/-b-ir {raar,--4t4 r/ Iit IdnE hw@ tr,*,a1 # 2rtl0 f ?,177 E 'Hi z'we's- # ?92 a rt. ) {t*r ft rrt .tt h-F..H ,f sn,//7 TRREV''ABLE .TANDBY ,e* oF cREDrr Letter oI credil Number: 8661723 Amoun! U.S. S 38,500.00 lthiny eight rhousand five hundred dollars and zero cents U.S DOLLARS) This Letter o.f Credit is issued on May 11, 2006 by lssuer in favor ol lhe Beneficiary {or the account ol Applicant. The panies' names and lheir addresses are as follows: APPLICANT: MICHAEL S SHAITINON 72420 Srlver Spur Lane Rancho Mirage, Celif ornie 92270-4048 BEiIEFICIARY: TOW]{ OF VAIL 75 S Fronlege Rd Wesr Vail, Colorado 81657 ISSUER: FIRSTBANK OF VAIL 17 Va'l Road Vail, Colorado 81657 1. LETTEB OF CREDIT. tssuer eslablishes this lrrevocable Stendby Lener ol Ctedil {Letter of Ctedit) in favor of BeneticierY in lhc amounr indicated sbove. Beneficiary msy d.aw on this Lerrer of Credil wirh a Drafl {or Drafls, il lhe mexamum nurntt€r of drewings is gr€aler than onel, Each Draft shall be signed on behalf ol Beneficiary and be marked "Drawn under FirslBank of Vail Lefl8t of Caedil No. 866?723 dated M6y 11,2006." Drafts must be presenled at lssuer's address shown above on or before the Expirsrion Dete. The or€senlation of anv Drsft shall reduce the Amount evailable under this Lener of Credit by lhe amoont of the draft. This Lener ol Credit sets fonh in tull rhe rerms of lssue.'s obligaion 1o Beneliciary. This obligation cannot be moditied by any reference in this Leter of Credit, or any document to which this Letter ot Ctedit may be related This Lener ot Credit expires on the Expiretion Date. 2. DBAWlilcS. Panial drawings shall not be permined under this Lener of Credir. -Dra{l" means a draft drawn al sight. 3. DOCUMEiITS. Each Draft must be accompanied by lhe following, in odginal and two copies excepl as staled: A. The original Lelter of c.edil, logether with any amendments. lssuer shall be enlitled to accepl a drafl and the documenra{on described above, as required by the lerms ot this Lette. of Credil, lrom sny person purpo ino to be sn aurhorized officer or represenlative of B€neticiary withoul any obligation or duty on lhe pEn ol lssuer lo veflfy the idenrity or authorilY ol the person presenling lhe dralt and such documentation 4. SPECfAL f if STBUCT|O[\IS. Drafr submified shall .eference lhe properly identified as 245 Forest Rosd, Vail (Lot 22, Block 7' Vall Villaqe Filing No. 1 ) in reoard to the completion of the landscaping S. EXPIRATION OATE. This Letrer ol Credit expires at the close oJ busrness al lssuer's address al 6:00 PM Mountain Time lTime) on Jrrne 30. 2006 {Dsre) lssu€r agrees to honor all Drafts presenl€d in slrict compliance wilh the Provisions o{ this Lener ot Credit on or belore th€ Expirarion Date. 6. NON-TRANSFERABLE. This Letter of Credit is nor transferable. 7. APPLICABLE LAW. This Lener ol Credit is govern€d by lhe Unllorm Custohs end Praclice tor Documenlary Credirs, 1993 Eevision, lnternaional Chamber of Commerce PLlblication No. 5OO iUCP), or any laler version or amendment This Lett€r ol Credit is also govemed by the laws ol Colo.edo, except as those laws conflct wilh rhe unilorm Customs and Prectice lor Documentary Credils, Documenr 5OO. ,^. f 'il'o(z By PaullR. Wible, Eiecutive Sr..dbY !.(.r Of Cr.lii co/4NwP€rtllo0937 100005 18701905 1006Y G1996 B!nke.. Sysrems. Inc . sr. Cloud. MN El@ T-TBA]K LOAN CENTER JuIy 10, 2006 Town of VaiI /\ s Fr^nfrda u.ta.i WeSt rr-ir -.\ a1eE1 I66-L123 Michael- S. Shannon To Whom It May concern: Our records indicate the above referenced letter of credit has expired. In order to process this file properly, please return the orj-ginal copy of the Ietter of credit in the encfosed postage paid envelope. If you have any questions regarding this matcer, please contact the Loan Department at (303) 235-4500 or (800) 964-3444 outside the Denver Metropolitan area Dave Rogers Loan Assistant / der Enc.Iosure (s ) p.o. Box 1 51sl 5 LAKEWOOD. COLORADO 80215 PHONE 30323$11500 Sincerely, COIAI HTY OE\,ELOPI{ETT Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970,479,245? web: www,vailgov.com Project Name: SHANNON RESIDENCE Project Description: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI.ANS (GUARDMIL AND DRIVEWAY GRADING) Participants: OWNER SHANNON, MIKE AND MARY SUE 07I3LI2OO6 PO BOX 1746 RANCHO MIMGE cA 92270 APPUCANT K.H. WEBB ARCHITECTS PC 0713I/2006 Phone:97o-477-2990 953 S. FRONTAGE RD, STE 216 VAIL, CO 81657 License: C000001627 ARCHTTECT K.H. WEBB ARCHTTECTS PC 07/3112006 DRB Number: DR8060332 Phone: 97O-477-2990 710 WEST LIONSHEAD CIR, UNIT A VAIL co 81657 License: C000001627 245 FOREST RD VAIL Location: 245 FOREST ROAD Lot:, 22 Block: 7 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 1 2101-071-1302-5 BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 08/04/2006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date oon* of final approval, unless a bullding permlt ls lssue and constructlrn ls ommenced and is diligenUy pursued toward compleEon. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: f20.00 Changes To The Apprcved Plans Application for Design Review Departnent of Communlty Development 75 South Fmntage Road, Vall, Colondo 81657 tef : 970,479.2128 laxi 970,479,2452 web: www,vallgov.com Gcncral Informadon: All projerts requlrlrB dedgn revlw must recelve approval prlor to srbmltflng a bulHlng permlt apdlcauon, Pl€ase refer to the sbmlHal requlrements for the pardcular aproval Srat ls rcquested. Ar applkatbn fur Deslgn Revlew cannd be accepted until all requlred Informatbn ls recclved by the Communlty Da/elopFEnt Departnrenl The prorect may also need to be revlewed by he Town Councll and/or tfie Plannlng and Envlronmental Commlsdon, Dadgn revlew apporal lapres unleor a bulldlng permlt b lrrued and co trudon commencs wlthln onc year of thc approrral. locatlon ol tlre Proposa 12 612 ZZ atock:-[ Subdlvl Phyrlcal Address: l{amc of Appllcant: $20 For revlslons to plans already approved by Plannlng Staff or the Dedgn Revlew Board, Submlttal Req ulrementc: 3 Seb of Plars Addresslng ProJect Changes Slgnature of Homeowner(s) or Assoclatlon Deocrlptlon of tft e Request: Owncr(s) slgnature(s) : TYpe of Revlew and Fee:rt A Changes to Approved Plans I- For Offl Fee Pald: F:\cdsv\F0RMs\Pcmlh\Plannlng\DRBHrb_chsngc_to_!pp10\,cd_plans_lJrage_06-t 1.20m.doc *web erchit ectr Pc llillie tldddl lll krc Et.crosn ication, check, I l4"rll" drawing l{ olr s: Attached h a drawing of the site plan showing the area of the guard rail we would like t0 ertend towards fotert road. Ihir nction of guud nil rmuld be in the l(lY 1"0.W. but we fecl it is necesrry to have due to gradt change. We propor€ to bring $e guud rail ort 8-12" from the east neighbort stone wall. Pleur rwicw and call if pu have any quertionr T}ank you, lron: t(: llillie Aldrirh, AIA ksoc IRAI{S}IIITAt I lll rouu nonmr roo urfi ff rr vlr. oroiut lrat Illo.fil.lllo,t'.an.tra5 (r) www.khwehb.(0m I I qto FiN =. ;\'t=,td a H €o m z =m t t; \+'s E o 0l F F' U Fl E FX .i Bi il' F;d. Ei a:Eft BE (D2 -z o g q (ti o) o\o::ul 9g 66 Eo o+ x (t, oq '-.1 x ii o 3 D) ? EIE l#l€t> t;lc lo la t,lo I (-, Y !le il3 IE t; IE l= I' -Fl .:r x 4aa 6'tr'i. oa E e o (D 3 0-lro 40Pg SQI=it==<m:m -{.r=t'n ;H!; FE!E H ;E Ho SHAl|NOl| RESIDE||IE .webb >t€t + Cr-) trr ldn ndnrc rorw-'tllna t{ t! rrsl trotnn nlinl|c t )> t *faaaf+++**llatl**+++a+++***f++tta***a+++++*+{'+++**a**+*+++++**t*+a*+***+*++++!t{'****g**{'*+++ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment +'itt****f,**+*++**f+tt+*+**+++*++a***+*t+*+**{r****t+*+****+****'f*******+**+*+t+**+***'tffffa*+ Statement l{Lunber: RO5OOO1112 Amount: $20.00 01 /3I/200602:31 PM Pa)ment Method: Check Inits: iIS Notation: 1951/K.H. I{EBB ARCH Permit No: DR8060332 Type: DRB-Chg to Appr Plang Parcel No: 2101- 0 71- 13 02 - 5 Site Addrees: 245 FOREST RD VAIIJ Location: 245 FOREST ROAD Total Feea: $20.00 This Palment: $20.00 Total AIJIJ trnts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accounts Code Description Current Pmts DR OOIOOOO3LI?2OO DESTGN RE\TTEI| FEES 20.00 Page I of3 BIIIGibson. RE: FWI SHANNON RESIDENCE - 245 FOREST RD. From: Bill Gibson To: Millie Aldrich Date: 081041200611:22AM Subject RE: FW: SHANNON RESIDENCE - 245 FOREST RD. Hey Millie, In this specific situation, the change to approved plans DRB approval and the updated Revocable ROW are all that is needed. Bitl >>> "Miflie Aldrich" <millie@khwebb.com> 08104106 11:05 AM >>> Hey Bill - just got you fax, thank you.. do I need the conlractor to submit a "Revisions to Building Permit" application, or are we covered in the Revocable Flight of Way permit? MILLIE ALDRICH, AIA Assoc. k h webb architects p c 710 west Lionshead cirol€ unit A vail - colondo 8155? 970.4'77.2990 (t) 910.417 .2965 (D From: Bill Gibson [mailto: BGibson@vailgov.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 3:31 PM To: Millie Aldrich Subjech Re: FW: SHANNON RESIDENCE - 245 FOREST RD. Hey Millie, I was routed the plans just today, and we will contact you once the review has been completed. Bitl >>> "Millie Aldrich" <millie@khwebb.com> 08/01/06 1:58 PM >>> Hey Bill - just checking in with the status on this... file:i/C:\Documents and Settinss'rAdministrator\Local Settines\Temp\GW)00001.HTM 0810412006 Page 2 of 3 Thanks,. MILLIE ALDRICH, AIA Assoc.k h we b b a rch itects o c 710 west Lionshead circle unit A vail . colorado 81657 970.477.2990 (t) s70.477.296s (O ---Original Message--- From: Leonard Sandoval [malltplLSandg,val@valgsv.Sqn] Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 7:59 AM To: Millie Aldrich; Bill Gibson Subject: Re: SHANNON RESIDENCE - 245 FOREST RO. Good Moming Millie and Bill, PW has no issues, and approve installing the guard rail along driveway per submitted plan. I only ask that ifs included in the Revocable ROW Permit. Thank you ls >>> "Millie Aldrich" <millie@khurebb.com> 0712612006 10:44 AM >>> Hi Leonard and Bill - Attached is a drawing of the site plan showing the area of the guard rail we would like to qxtend towards forest road. This section of guard rail would be in the TOV R.O.W. but we feel it is necessary to have due to grade change. We propose to bring the guard nil out 8-12' from the east neighbor's stone wall. Bill - I also attached a copy of the changes to approved plans. We will drop off a check, drawings, and application today. Please let me know what other applications I need to fill out. Thank you... MILLIE ALDRICH, AIA Assoc. k h webb architects p c file://C:\Documents and Settinss'rAdministrator\Local Settines\Temo\GW)00001.HTM 08/0412006 o ACTION FORM Department af Community Developrnent 75 South Frontage Road. vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2,152 web: www.vailgov,com Project Name: SHANNON RESIDENCE Project Descriptionr CHANGE TO DRIVEWAY SITE WALL Participants: DRB Number: DR8060114 OWNER SHANNON, MICHAEL S. PO BOX 1745 MNCHO MIMGE cA 92270-1058 APPUCANT K.H. WEBBARCHITECTS PC 04l2LlZO06 Phone: 970-477-2990 953 S. FRONTAGE ROAD, STE 216 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001627 245 FOREST RD VAIL Location: Lot 22 Block 7 Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE FILING 1 2101-071-1302-5 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 05/03/2005 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please mnsult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 04l2rl2006 Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motaon By: Second By: Vote: CondiUons: Planner: Application for Design Review Deparunent of @mmunity Development 75 SdJ$ ftontage Road, Vall, Colorado 81557 tef : 970.479.289 fax:970.48.2452 web: www,valhov.@m Gancral lnformedon: All projects Equlrlng deCgn revlcv mu* recdye apffoval p.lor to submttdng a bulldlng pe+mlt appllcatl'on. Please refer b the srbmltal requlrements fur tfie partkular appronl that ls requested, An appllcaoon for Dedgn Redery cannot be accepted unul all requlrcd Informatlon ls r€celvd by the Communty Dwdopm€nt DepartmenL The pmject may also need to b€ re\rleevd by the Torn Coundl and/or the Plannlng and Envlronmenbl Commlsslon. Dcbn rwlcw eppovel lepra unlell a bulldng pcrmlt b lsued and condrudon ommgrcel wJtfiln onc ycar of tfie apprcvel. Locadcnofthe Propocalz t*z?Z glock: 7 subdtvlslonr 7lo Zonlng: Nafir) otOwne(r): llalllng Addrs: fYpe of Rwlew rnd Fcc:tr 9gns tr Conceptual Rsrlerrt tr Nerv Construcilon tr Addldon tr Mlnor Albratbn (mult+hmlV/commedal) tr Mlnor AlEratJon (slnglefamlly/dudex) Chrnges to Appo/ed Hans (@ntact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcd no.) Ownq(r) 9gneErs(r): nemeorAppuom Mrr^'= Ar-sa,ro - (-.1{. llJS@ A&l\rrfzrE ?C, $50 BlE $f.00 per squar€ foot of btal dgn ar€a. No Fee S650 For conshrctlon of a nar bulldlng or demo/rebults. $300 For an addluon where square lbobge h added b any resldandal or commedal hlldlng (lndudes 250 addluons & InErlor converdons). $250 For mlnor drang€s b bulHlngs and db lmprovemenb, sudr as, rerooflng, paln0ng, wlndow addltlons, landscaplng, fencec and retllnlng walls, eE For mlnor d|anges b hJlHlngs snd dte lmprcvements, such as, r€roof,ng, palnUng, wlndow addlUons, lmdnplng, fences and Gtalnlng walE, etq For rcvFbns b plans already aptroved by Plannlng Stafr or the Deslgn Revle|Y 8oard. D19 \,llt d "I $20 $20 Check No.: ( \t- **+++*!i**+*+++++********++++*****t****++*+**++++++f+*at*+++*+********+++++***************++* TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADOCopy Reprinted on 04-21-20016 rt 09:36:28 04/2112006 Stat€rnent **++++{t+****l+++++t*************++++**++++++++t**+l't*if**+***+**+*++**+**t*+**************** Statement Nunber: R050000420 AInount 3 $20,00 04/2L/2OO5O9:3G AlI Payment Method: Check Init: IJC Notsatsionr #1769,/KH Y|EBB ARCH Permit No: DR8050114 Tl4)e: DRB-Chg to Appr Plana Parcel No: 2101-0?1-1302-5 Site Address: 245 FOREST RD \IAIIJ L,ocation: Tota1 Fee6: $20.00 Ttrie Payment: $20.00 Totsal ArL Pmta! $20.00 Balance: SO. OO ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deecript,ion DR OO1OOOO3LL2?OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES Currents Pmta 20.00 - -- April 20, 1006 Iom ol Yail c/o lill Giblor Phnner 15 Soudr 5rcnage had Iai[ tdordo lll57 lc il5 lonrt M. lot ll, llock 7 Yail tint liling (C lott Euton, lnru 0aflee Dear Bill - Plcas rcvicw thl rttachcd dnwing All #69. I have prcposed thrt w€ €rtend the vast ntrining sitc rnll of thc parting rm up 3'{1". IhL will zlory mmc pdnry frun dre wot ddc neighhft dtc rnll. Plean call if you hae any que$ionl. Thark pu, llilh Mridr, lll lsroc kh. rcbb rrhitccs pc .\ 'I t-ri. ! I x ea +.13 iiT 2 3 J \t A s- \ s €A s \r \.b' { ut \J tr F 7- )J 4.3 PI C \n J z h \r1 r.'- q- '1-'( -t i,'tll ,l'' t.t;il rr>-- h-i=*- {s s \a -'<. \ -a \\s b s { \,\) R Irl H "* (o t- F tsI F I I n 3 td P \A V' ,4 Il{ H 'o fl rT + -:=: ! :=; o-\C) =h 6 --t =l tl B /, /N /N fN I I q)l '-., Fl : -'!' (, t< =. (!I -El c.,>. (,l q'd ::SooSJ 5 d $tN E 2.1 G<i E A bog q u Cl (E'- =89 < :r * ^:l q P6 P.q F "-E+!' -9 r Kz !EstE Ett;1 SsEis i E U;.b q., l: bo =5(s n !" ii &-i-o ..i ? v(o rD t\r! aV S Ftr .vl AJ € t-U - 3 3 q) (,/) v bD ?t rU s \ l/ -'---/'r---- o-\o \C\ (./-) V gsr :E=3 = J= : :- J : o ' 6rrr o rt t1!! !t tor tlGr rI {t z o F uJ J ul J J 3 =UJ d N ct)F F (t) Ap r. 20. 2006 11 : llAM IAGLI VALLEY JIMPS 1,|0.9341 P. ppg.1gg1 SHANNONRESTDENCE JOB NO. SHEET NO. SL26 OF CALCUT-ATED By TFA DATE 04.18 06 scALE 3/4": 1'-0 P.O BOX 2494 AVON- CO 81620 n lulions N6INEERING WALL NOT DESIGNED TO RESISI IJEAV/ VEHICLE I[i]PACT coNT. BOND BM. @ TOP & BOT. w (2)-#sS CONT. HORIZ FULLY GBOL'IED 8' NOM. CIVU WALL STONE VENEER PEB ARCH: #5 DWLS, x FULL HT @ le EPOXIED IN 3/4'O X 6' HOLE IN SXSTG. CONC. WALL STONE VENEER PER ARCH, coNr. L 4x4x114 Wl llta x 4' EY\P. AI{CH'S @ 2a' (6',-0 MAX. STONE HT.) CONT. L4x4x1/4W1UOx4' EXP. ANCHS @ 24 PRO\IDE 1' MIN. GAP ABOVE DRIVEWAY SUBFACE AL . INFO OF EXSTG. PEBIMFIER GEO N PER ENG. ovrrYfr"rf'7' Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81G57 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:970-479.2452 web: www.vailgoucom SQ*|,ufl?Y C6\'ELOF {T Project Name: SHANNON RESIDENCE Project Description: CHANGE TOTHE APPROVED PLANS (FOUNDATTON AND EXTERIOR UGHTS) Participants: OWNER SHANNON, MIKEAND MARY SUE LOIZLIaOOS PO BOX 1746 MNCHO MIRAGE c 92270 APPLIOqNT K.H. WEBB ARCHITECTS PC LOl2Ll2O05 Phone: 970477-2990 953 S. FROI|TAGE RD, STE 216 VAIL, CO 81657 License: C000001627 ARCHITECT K,H. WEBB ARCHilECTS PC Lolzrlz00s Phone:970-477-2990 953 S. FRONTAGE ROAD, STE 216 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001627 Project Address: 245 FOREST RD VAIL Location: 245 FOREST ROAD Legal Description: Lot: 22 Block 7 Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE nUNG 1 Parcel Number: 2101-071-1302-5 Comments: DRB Number: DRB050566 Motion By: Second By: Vote: CondiUons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 1 1/03/2005 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review commlttee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date oo of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2o.oo Location of the Proposalz Lot:?-L Bbck '1 Subdivision: Physicaf Address: ZtK fro-gFr R^ ,Yuu 6u>n*sr Parcef No.: LWlD].ll?DZl (Contract Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name of Applicant: Malling Address: E-mail Address: Type of Revlew and Fee:. Signs . Gonceptual Review . New Construction . Addition . Minor Alteration (m ulti-fami ly/commercial) . Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per squarc foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residenfal or cornmercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenE, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Straff or he Deign Rwiew Bmrd. Descriptionof theRequest: LD\,rEg Se'rlpN ot N,LTH ,{ArL Sfi4€' FA{L Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.21 39 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submitbl requiremenb for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The proiect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Deslgn revlew approval lapses unless a buildlng permlt ls issued and construction @mmences wlthln one year of the approval, v rr 6)o "1 o q 5\6\ Owner(s) Signature(s) : For Office{saOgly: Fee Paid: (-r' "n** *o..1qls- sr. +*ll++++++a+*+a**a+++++++af+f*t++{'{'a+++*++*+*tl'+lf++tata++++**++fff+*{'ftt+t+++t++t+++l+tf+lt TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€o€nt a**a*++aa|'{'*+'i**+t**+*aa+*+*a+***+****+******a+*+++*+*aat+*+*ata+********f+++a+*+++++**at**a Statenents llurnber: R050001775 Amount: $20.00 LO/2L/2OO5L0:38 AI}l Palznent. Itletshod: Check Init: aIS Notation: 1415/K.II. WEEB ARCHITEeTS Permit No: DR8050555 Tlrpe: DRB- Chg to Appr Plang Parcel No: 2101-071-1302- 5 Site Addresa: 245 FOREST RD VAIL Location: 245 FOREST RON) Total FeeE: $20.00 ThiE Pa)ment: $20.00 Total ALL Pnts: $20.00 BaIa.Dce: S0 . 00 ACCOI,]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code DeEcriptsidr DR 00100003ta2200 DEsrGlN RE\rrBw mEs Currents Pmtse 20.00 Bed,llot' o \,rl) *b" Cet. ]lo. Color LanD 1{ .Descrlptlon +F L€{t S ver 15ftV. PAF 38 or R4{) 15M. PAR 38 or R40 S Yer lsM. PAR $ or R40 150W. PAR 38 or M0 2L80D2 While DPAK'+ mL80S3 Silver TvJo Iampholders round cover, insido gaskeb and ground screr/s L{trD S ver 15cir r. HeaW duty PAR 38 slip-on qaskel or ff40 and ground scEw Color Lanp Mrr.Doscdptlon 150W. $andafdlampholdtr, Pln 38 oround spike. or R40 wallbrackst, gaskd, and scre'Ns Lampholder Covers lnsi* gasld and ground SCI9'l D€€hshidded lamphoLder, 0round splke,rall bnclct, 0aslal, ano scE!16 lvlolnts to [-80 series lampholde6 Cal. tlo.Color Lrmp t{.r.Dr&rlptlon HV-2sOCFBR BronE 25M. Mighty l-ighf Minican Heary duty T4 quarts ti)dure includes mou ing plale, wire nuls, and lamp Dry-lite' Lampholders, Garden Lights & Accessories Color Lanp llrr.0sscdltlor Stan&.d Inslde gasket and ground sctew D.PAI( T oL{0 DL+DBR BTonz€ DL€0-WH Whlte q a E cl t Dascrlltlon s-1, sJ-ll, +r2 @ sJ-21 @ h' w one hole Devi€€ moun[ Two ho e Device mount Tlrce hole Devlce mount &srrlFllon Tiee hole Device mouni l}rE€ fiolB Devlce mounl Thrce hole 0e!lce mouri Cal, ilo, Cal. No.Descdptlon I III -T I LC-2t I IEU E LC€t St|ndrd (Fh' x 4t1'\ LG11 LC.2t LC€1 .runDo (Th' \ 51 1 LF11 LF31 s-12 s.3.RD one hole one hole TYio holes Thrc! holes Si.nd.rd .ru|t|bo (416'dhmeter) (4'4 diarEtr)sn-FD s!11 sJ.21 sJ-31 x' tt' C.t. ilo.DlrErlDtlorl Cat. llo. D-PAK' * DLC{l DLC.3I.BR DLG3I-WH rmr'. DSS-I Silv€r DSS-I.BR Bronze DS$t .WT $ihiE DSS-3 Silver DSS-}BR Bfonz€ DS$s"WT Mile one hole bpped one hole hpped one hole lapped Thrcs bpped holes Tirrce bpp€d holes Tire€ hpped holes SilvBr Bronzt Whit8 h' Y2' w ThomasEBetts H34 O 2OOg Thomas & B€tb Cot?oratlon. Sp€cfbauons ar6 subl6cl b chargo withoul notca. WWW.tnb.COm fud"lht' Dry-titd Lampholders, Garden Lights & Accessories Photometrics Photometrics are strlctly a functlon ot tho lamp used, 150 PAR S/FL i.!t { ?'a I E tr 15O PAR 38/SP i tu I a E' t_5r i Er ""\\-> T ?I -!a olone!f.o|.I^x.16 or! DCa^E!!.D. ttrr dls Mlghty Lights' >\s \at'/ \ \L q q E er E 'Photometrl6: Bsam SDread Horizontal & Vertical 89e x 6€F HV-2sOCFBR -lur-itl^E. '&la based 0n 250 Wdl, T-4 quanz hmp rehd 4t150 lurTbns and is applic€bb t0 HV-25GCFBB fxture. FOOT CANDLE FORMULA CANDEH LIGHT VALUE IN FOOT CANDLES otsterce2 = etnGtveru DrsrANcE FRoM BULB ThomasEBetts H36 O iDO3 ThonEs & Bons Co.poratbn. Spocflications arc subjocl to chango witfiod nollc€. WWw'tnb,COm tt Octobr 17, 2005 Iown of Yail t/o Bill Gibron- Planner 15 $outh lronage Roed Yail blondo 81657 Re: Changer to approwd phnr: 245 tonst Rd. Lot 22, Block 7 Yail lirn tiling Deu Bill - Ihere rn two changs to approved planr l. ftange to thr ertrrior rconcr. Pleue src rthchrd ryecifiotion. ?. Pleue nview dre attached dnwing lrom lfiWA drawing l5l #33 and JDI dnwing lLl. We would like to loatc an elcctrical pancl in the north cnwl lpace. Ihere is a floor acces lmm the lower hvd to get to the cnwhpace or an oubide accelc door to $c crawlspacc. ()ur cnwlrpacc b only 5'-0" height and we are uking to lower the slab in thc proposed location of dre meter, u rhovm on All#31, l'-8" to give ul the proper deanncer we need. lf thb k accephbh by the lown Phnnen, phue fonnrd to Plan Reviewer - ftris Gunion. Call if you havr rny questionl q lhank you, - //. /,/dr|ol - l'tillir Aldtich, AIA tusoc ,- kh. webb uciitec$ pc -cl a .c GENERAL REOUIREUENTS RGURE E3305.1''b,c,4' WOBKING SPACE AND CLEARANCES For SI: I inch = 25.4 mrq I foot = 304.8 mro- a- EquipEctf piping Erd ducts shsll Dot be placcd ir the ehadcd area cxtctrdi.Dg diecdy abovE thc top ofthc panclborrd trom the parclboad !o the cciliry aboYe. b. Thc working spacr sball bc clcar aud uobstroctrd fioro thc floor to a hcigbt of 6.5 fc€L c. Thc worki[g sp8cc 6bdl not bc dcsigDatcd fot storrge. 4 Panclboardg, scrvicc e{uipnrsr aDd simitar cnclosures shdl not bc locarcd in barbroons, loilet rcoros 8rd clotbcs closcts. c. Sucb wort spaccs shall bc providrd with aditrsial Ughting wbllE locsred idoors. 2OM INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTTAL CODEO I r||o n rlr ur: lfl6c lrnolt5lltl qqa/tt 00it0to l t oru rmu tfl tllll0tslu lt0l{l{Yl|s CD CD + Lrt J -,= &. i :- .i-€ = = = 55 ==!t= ioE ot- ore Fi *t= r =l? + u -(l) 36 uu zz UL) oo J e IJJ ^z trs ro:qa firJ tF =H c)J JUJ J tJ &.F U UJ tr I I l- b15 -' ltn NI El:+ llJ -'(J l.l *z 6$ -a 5E AVON. CO 81620 PH 970.949.7100 lulions NGINEERING PROJECT JOB NO.SHEETNO. sL7 OF cALCUTATED BY TFA DATE 10.16.05 SCALE 114" : 1'-0 0311-04 rOW = B2O2-4 = 8197'-7 l4/LSPACE 4" CONCRETE SLAB 4" GRAVEL BASE ON UNDISTURBED GRADE OR COMPACTED STRUCTURAL FILI PER SOILS ENGINEER. PROVIDE 1" DEEP SA\AN OR TOOLED CONTROL JOINTS AT 12'.0' MAXIMUM SPACING EACH WAY. REINFORCE SLAB WITH 6x6.W1.4xW1.4 WELDED WIRE FABRIC. 12'-41', TOW : 820714 = 8197-7 LOWERED SLAB IN MECH TOW = 8207-4 = 8197'-7 I +Hitu- 1\TOW = 8202-6 I r-OF--B're7'-7 SCALE 114" = 1'-0 P.O. BOX 2494 AVON. CO 81620 PH 970.949.71 FAX 970.949.3377 lutions NGINEERING PROJECT JOB NO.03'1 1-04 SHANNON RESIDENCE SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY TFA p41E Jl!" - 1'-0 i 0.16.05 SCALE SAW-CUT EXSTG. SLAB 1/2"4x4'HOIES@ 16" IN EXSTG, CONC. SLAB (2)-#5's CONT, TOP # BOT. 4'SLAB PER PLAN t" t' FD PER ^RCH]^ | l-.u. rE|1 AF{Un:- +...'\- EXSTG. CONC. Wp.**"l I TO EXSTG. SLAB Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel : 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: SHANNON RESIDENCE DRB Number: DR8050452 Project Description: CHANGE TO THE APPROVED P|-ANS (WINDOWS) Participants: OWNER SHANNON, MIKE AND MARY SUE 0812612005 PO BOX 1746 MNCHO MIMGE c 92270 APPUCANT K.H. WEBB ARCHIECTS PC 0812612005 Phone: 970477-2990 953 S. FRONTAGE RD, STE 216 vAIl. co 81657 License: C000001627 ARCHffiCT K.H. WEBB ARCHffiCTS PC 0812612005 Phone:970-477-2990 953 S. FRONTAGE ROAD, STE 216 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001627 Project Address: 245 FOREST RD VAIL Location: 245 FOREST ROAD Legal Description: Lot: 22 Block: 7 Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE FIUNG 1 Parcel Number: 2101-071-1302-5 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: Date ofApproval: 08/2512005 Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|JN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date or nnat apilal, unless a building permit is irrr"O uno?*truction is commenced ' and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee paid: $2O.OO Application for Design Review Departsnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.21 39 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.@m General lnformatlon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requiremenb for the particular approval that is requesied. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Deslgn revlew approval lapses unless a bulldlng permlt is issued and construction commences wlthln on€ year of the approval. Description of the Request: Name(s) of Owner(s): MaifingAddress: ?t:. Eol ,7q. 'RatCte M,c^rrf , (A 72L'7D Location of the Proposal: Lot'. ZZ Bbck: ? SuMivision: Physicaf Address: 748 Toagg.l. P--> \/xt, (ororz.^,*--, Parcef No.: ZlolO1rl3o7l (ContactEagleCo.Asscsorat9T0-328-8640forparcel no.) Zonlng: Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: . Signs . Conceptual Review . New Construction . Addition . Minor Alteration (multi-fami ly/commercial) . Minor Alteration (single-familyiduplex) Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $20 No Fee $650 $30o $250 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to arry residentiql or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interiorrconvercion6). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sudr as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or he Design Rwiew Board. Owner(s) Signature(s): For Office FEE HE|o:cne*xo.: l3Z( Br- t , I r, TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Nuniber: RO5OOO1401 Amount: $20.00 08/25/200502:31 PM Palmene MeEhod: Check Init : ,JS Notation: 132L/KH I|EBB Permit No: DR8050452 T)4)e: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2101- 071- 13 02 - 5 Site Addrese: 245 FOREST R.D VAfL Location: 245 FOREST ROaD ToEal. Feea: $20.00 This Palment: $20.00 Total Ar,r, Pmts : $20 . 00 Balance: 50.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deacription DR OOIOOOO3II?2OO DESIGN REWEW FEES Currents Pmta 20.00 k hO. w e b b atchite(ttpc INAl|S14 ITTAL To: Bill Gibson lrom: l'lillie Aldrirh CC: l'latt Shoulden Date: 8.26.05 k: Sftarnon Residenre - lorest Road Ettctosto: ASI #19a, #l9b; (2) sets Sheet A101,A300, ltamped SDS partial plan Revised window layout Norrs: Hi Bill Atached h the application for changes to approved plans. See the 8 % X | | A5l # | 9a and ASI # | 9b showing the approved and proposed elevationr. We would like to flip the windowr 0n the lower level bedroom 059 due to privacy. lf you approve the change please forward the 2 seu (office / field copy) plus SDS rtamped partial plan showing the change to ftris Gunion for the amendment to the building permit set. Pleare call if you have any questions or need any additional information. Thank you, t,tiilie llil rourr rnoxucr R0aD $/riT JTt 116 y r. (0r.0MD0 !r65i l,l0.4lt.ltr0 910.1?i.1965 {r) www.khwebb.<om l =z ol €l (, =1 6) t-rtl # E8 lll 'r' o -:< Nl AI Hl \t t- 5 !r) tn Hq 21 tn=i i=(J:g rri 5= 0 "' lz TSwg o->o ONzs s=" e H N *== ===':=== = =.o F\t €z,= !! FJ ==-o == -<P >ta + \o cl T -; aEe S|{At{l{OI{ RE5IDEI{TE lt! Iorlit tDA!f , (!t0M00 k.h.webb lttlilarlt Pt tJ, l.[rn nanrd Et rfl llmlrr r|l|.ol tcolDn in{D.lfl >l zt- €= =z w= €H N =====:=== ==''F.' ==q = r\r ==E_ == -cP l>lrt + \c,cr ; T {; I =: 5HAltt{0ll RESIDEilCE tlt f0if$ toll u|l r0|'0MD0 k.h.webb dt.hir.tts.r. 'lt o0fl IutE DrD tat Il[ur. l-o1 ttnfili filttlx =;=5 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 kx: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us DRB Numben DR8040374 Participants: OWNER SHANNON, MIKE AND MARY SUE 08/02/2004 Phone: PO BOX 1746 MNCHO MIMGE c 92270 License: APPUCANT K.H, WEBB ARCHTTECTS PC 0810212004 Phone:970-477-2990 953 S. FRONTAGE RD, STE 216 VAIL, CO 81557 License: ?v5-ProjectAddress: OREST RD VAIL Location: 245 FOREST ROAD ?d, . Legaf Description: Lot: ffilock:7 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 Parcef Numberz, 2LOL07 LL3024 Comments: Project Name: Project Description: SHANNON RESIDENCE NEW SINGLE-FAMILY P,^bfrc I^)xU BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: ROGERS DUNNING 5-0 Act.on: APPROVED Date of Approvalz t2l t5l2004 <p'0.,,a,/ z/to/os Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail slaff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued towa rd completion. Cond: CON0006849 Prior to the application for building permits, the applicant shall revise the oo driveway desgn per the Pub ic Works Department s engineering standards. Cond: CON0006850 The roof shall be natural cedar shake material. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $650.00 '-l rr rl ,t,.r' "'I ,ti,'.! - -i.li RECEI LL Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.21 39 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General lnformation: All prolecb requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requiiements for the particular approval that is requesled. An application for Design Review cannol be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lot: Physical Address: Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Btock:7 suuoiuison' VAIL Vu-s4E l? Fl)-lNf Phone: E-maif Address: Kv't-e @ tttlurEa,*.catt rax: /7o- /77- 276€ Type of Review and Fee: . Signs $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior mnversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Meeting Date: Planner: offi Paid: Minor Alteration (mulli-family/commercial) Minor Alteralion (single{amily/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request Only:U For Fee Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signatu re(s) : ot 121041011Q4 cn*rNo.V9 Sa{-ay'K.(,.@tW Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Rod, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479,2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be revier,ved by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building petmit is issued and construction commences within on€ year of the approval, Description of the Request: Hb,.,-, ri-r,'{ I 6 Location of the Proposal: Physical Address: Parcel Maili Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (m ulti-fam ily/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-f am ily/duplex) Changc to Approved Plans Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For corstruction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sudt as, rermfing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaintng walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Deign Review Board. No Fee For Office Use Only: FEE PA|o: Meeting Date: Planner: Check No,: - - zt'av **j** ****** *** ** +** * * **!r'i* * *** r. * * **** * * *{.+ * * {r * **** * * *:t** * * * * * * * * * *** * * * *** ** * * * + * tr *** **:l** + i. * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *****!3******t * * * * * * '1. * * * * ****:i *** * * * ** * * *:i *** * * * * * l.** * * * *** * *:*** * * * * **** ** ** *****,i***{.***** ** Statement Number: R040005324 Anount: $550.00 08/02/2OO4t2:57 PM Pal'ment Method: Check Init: iIS tilotaEion: #4054/K.H. }IEBB Permit No: DR4040374 q/pe: DRB - New ConsLructioD Parcel No: 210107113 024 Site Address: 255 FOREST RD VArL Location: 245 FOREST ROAD Total Fees: S650.00 This Payment: $650.00 TotaL Al.,L, Pmts: $650.00 Balance: $0.00 * * *'*'r * ** * ***rt* i.'t*** **,r'** * {. * * * * **r.tt* * tr***,} * {. ***t** +rr * *** * !r * * * * * 'l * *,** ** * *,t* **** * * * * * * * * *'t** i* * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descnjption Current Pmts DR OOiOOOO3II22OO DESIGN RTVIEW FEES 650.00 From Land Ti t'l e (SB) O Tue 20 Apr 2oo4 05:02:37 PM MDT O Page 4 of 8 Chic4o 1t0c trcurarc Conpaay ALTA COMMITIIENT Schedute A Our 0rdcr No. V5fi105221 CusL Rtf'.: Pnrp"rty Addres: 225 FORF^STROAD 1. EfiecdveDatt: Ad08'AIEatS:fi)P'M 2. Policy to be f,rsue4 and Itoposed Insuroil: Iilomdion-Bidcr Propoced Imwd: MTCHAtsLS. SHANNON 3. Thc {x*tte rx inlerert iu tle land descrihed or rtferred to in this Comnitnent ald covered htrsin is: A Fec S\mpe 4. Tltlc to thc cstatc otr itrbrcst covcrcd hcrcid is a[ lhc cfloclivc dale hcrcof vcslcd in: MILEABLS. SHANNON 5. Ilc Jrd rclcrcd !o iD lhis Commitrncnt is dcscribcd as follows: UN 24 BU)CK 7, VAIL VIIIAGE TIN^ST FILING, ACC\)NDINC T{} IIIE RECORDED PI-AT THrfiCOr. COUNTY OFFiGT,r| STATI1 0F COT0nADO . From Land Title (SB) O Tue 20 Apr 2004 05:02:37 PM MDT O Page 5 of 8 ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Seclion I (Roguirtrnenb) (hu ()rdtr No. V5m0522f The fouowiDg arc lhc rtquircmcnts to bc c.omplicd wilh: ncrr (a) ftyrrnt b or for lhc accounl ol ltc gndon or mdgqoc of lhc full coaidcrdioo for lhc cslah or iderest fir be insued. ltcm (b) hopcr irtnmU(s) clcdie lhc cslrtc or idcrcst 1o bc iEurtd rust bc cxcculld ad duly filcd tor rccotd' tr-wit llcm (c) lhyn1nl of all trxc'f, ctorgcs or mscssrnc{b lcvicd ad asscsscd lgaimt lbc subjctct prtmiscs which rrc duc adpydfle. Ibm (O Add0ool rcqrirttncds' if ary dscloocd bclow: l}ils coMMnMENT ls roR lNl'oRll'tAllloill ol{LY, AND No I{MCY Wrr BE ISSUrll) PT,'R^SUANT EEREII). . From Land Title (SB) O Tue 20 Apr zo04 os':02.37 PM MDT O Page 6 of 8 ALTA COMMITMEN T SchdrleB-Section2 (Exccptions) ()ur Order No. V50005211 Thc policy or policicr to bc irsucd will conhin cxccptions l,o lhc followiqi unlcss lhc samc arc disposcd ol to the satidaction rlf the Cortpany: l. Righls or daht of prlics in poescssion not shwn I lhc gtHic records. 2. Fbcrnnlfi or clainc of eacnpnts, not shown by dre pHic rccords. 3. Discrtpies, codlict in lxrdary lineq shrrfige in flrs, enmslmenb, and ry frh which a conwt survey ad irspoction of ore pumises woutd discloBe anil which ue mt sbwn by lhe puHic rccords" 4, Aqv lien, or right tr a licq for sewicrq latrr rx mderiul lterehfore or helsdbr frmisDed' irnprxed try law ad mf shown by ffrc Fblic rccords" 5. Defectl [enl ejgunh1ups, adverse claimi or oltrrr rnllers, if my, crcale4 fist appearia in tbe prbfic recordl or attochirg suhcq[ed b 0rc effeclive &b ficreof b prior b fte de OE ppoced irrwed acquires of record for valrr lh cstrlc or inlcrtst or tmrlgagc lhcrton covcttd by this Commilmcnl 5. Tues or special sserslnents which art rrt shown s exislirg liem by tre public ttctnds. o Op Tre$rltds oFicf. 7 . Liem for rryaid saler ad sewer cttge.n if any. . & ln dditioq lhc owcds policy wiX bc sr*rl'cca lo lhc EDrlgagq il ary, mtcd in Scclion 1 of Sclcdulc B brtof. 9, TIIGHT O1'PROPIIETOR OF A VEIN OR I.ODI]'TO ID(I-RACT AND RTLITOVI] HIS ORJi THEREROM SE0TJLD TEE SAME BE FOUND TO PEI{EINATE 0R INIER^SEL-T TIIE PREM$ES AS RTLSIIRVED IN UNtTfiD STATIIS PAIT'NT RnCORDTjD SriFT[ftrRr'.R M,7923. N RooK 93 A1'PAG0 S. IO. RIGHT 01' WAY lOR DTICIHTS OTT CANAIS CONST'RUCT]ID BY THD AUT}IORITY O}' TTTE UNNH) .STAIES AS RE.SERVD IN UMTU) STATE.S PATENT RECORDED SETEMBM' 04' 1923, rN RmK 93 AT PAGE S. II. REISTRICTIVI1 COVT'NANTS WIilCH D.O NOT CONTAIN A FORTIEITURE OR Rf,.J\MRTT'R CIAUSFJ' BUT OIilTUNG RESTRICTTONS, ll'AI\Y, BASED ON IrACI:, COLOR RELIGION' OR NAfiONAL ORI(;IN, A.S C(}.ITAINq) IN INSTRT]MU\TRECORDED AUGUSTIO' T962' IN BOOK 1?4 ATPAGD I79. 12. F..ASEMTdNTS, RFSnRVATTONS AND RnSTRICTIONS AS SIIOWN OR RISERVItD ON THII R.ECORDI)D I,I.J\T (X- VAIL VILLAGD ]'IRST T..LING. .From Land Title (SB) O Tue 20 Apr 2OO4 05:02:37 PM MDT O Page 7 of 8 LAND TITLE GUARANTI]E COMPANY Df,SCL( ISURE STATEME,NTS Noh: Ilmuad to CR.$ 10-11-122' mtice is herchf given ftd' A) The flbirl ttsl troperty mry be locded in a spcial trxirg dbtrr-ct B) A Ccdific{tc of Tarcs Duc lisli"B cacb tmiry jurisdiclioo my bc ohairrcd fmm lhc County Iletlurt's adodzed qtnt O The irtrormdion rcgudrg specid dishicts ard dre bom.Iades of such dstricB rrray b obtaimd fmm lh Bosrd of Counly Coauissioncrg th Coudy Clcrlt and Rccordcr' or thc (budy Asscssor. No&: llftcctive September l, 19yt! CRS 30-10-405 rcquires Ord dl tbctnrpnts rtcerved for rucordig or lilitg h lbc cbrk ad rccordcds otficrc ehall codain a bp mrgin of at lc6l or irh ad a IcIl' right ad botlom margin of at lerst om hdf of u i.nh. Ite clerk d ncordrr my refup b rccrxd or file my drnmil b{ does mt coffonr! except tdr thc rcquircDent for OE bp margin shall mt appy to docrlrrcnt! wing forms on which slncc is pmvidcd for rccordi4 or lili4 inforrulion at lhc top mrgin ot lhc documd. Nob: Colorafu Division of tmurance Regoldioc 3-5-1, Par4rzph C of Ar{icle YII rcquircs tltat 'EYerJ tillc cdily sh|ll bc rcspciuc for dl ord&rs which ap1rcar of rccord IEor 10 thc lim of rtsolldrg whrever fu dde entif cofrcb 0rc dosi4 d is rcspmiHe frr reordi4 rl1 Fling of legd doflrrrcnts rcsultirg from tre hrnrlion whiclr was clof,ed". Pnoyilcd trat Isd fitle Guaanbe Compony coduds lhc closiq of lhc iarrcd lracac{ion sd ir rcspomiHc tor rtcordng lhc legal docunmtr fnm fu tamrliul excepftrn n.nber 5 will ult appeur on fu ()rmds fill'c Policy ud fu fer*rs Policy when bsrcd Noh: AlErmlive mclaEic's llm gnrbction firr the (hrncr may bc availalle (qnrcsly by &letion of Exception rn 4 of Scfredde B, Section 2 of Ore Oornnitnent fiorn ttre Orrner's Policy b be bsrrd) r4on comflirc with lb fdlowing codiliom: A) Ibc t,."t 4r"6bd in Sr:hedrle A rrf ftis crnmnihrcd must be a si4lc fmily rcsidene whidr irrcludes a c"onfominiun or townlrouse uit .B) No lrbor or mahrials hvc bccn ftrrislcd by cchanics or malcrial-srcn for purposcs of conrttclion on thc ld descdhed in Sc}tdle A of ftis Grnmituut wifrin fre prst 5 nrnths C) fb Conrpny most receive an ryogiab Cfiilavit irdermifyrg flrc Cornpeny 4aimt un.filed rechanic's and rnlcrial-md s licc. D) Ihc Crmpmy nmlt rtceive paymnf rf fu rypupiab prmim. E) tr dpre hs been co6tructiorg in4mverrcrts or nqior repdn ur&rlalen on fte Fofrty lo be prthased wilhin six cnolhs prior b thc Datc of lh Conrnilrmnl th rtquircr*ds lo ohain covcragc for rrrecorded ten will irlo&: di^scknrue of certciD comtr*lirn it'ormlitxr; fiDncid id(tmdiln s lo lhe sctrler, trc bdl&r and or frre contrrbE payrrcnt of fft 4profiae premirnn folly cxccubd ldcEDify Agrccmols srlislrctory b thc company, rn4 any addilioml rcquircIlrnls as Ery bc rceesey {&r an exminrtion of fu drrrtsdd idomton by fu Grryuy' No covcragc will bc givcn rdcr ary cirtunslaacs Ior hbor or malcrial for which tb icuttd bm cofrnctcd lor or grecd tr 1ny, Notc: ltrnuad 1o CRS 10-[-123, mlicc is hccby givcn: Ttis ultice appliexl hl owrds poncy cormihrcnh crrririring a lmren severare instrured cxceptiorq or exc€pliom. in Schdule R, Section 2. A) Ihd ahrt is recordod cvidc4s lhl, g .r.iiErul cslstc hss bccn scvcrt4 lecc4 or olhcrwisc conveyed fmm the srrfre estrtc d 6rt thcre is a sdxrqr.i$l lil@lihnd that a ftird prty holds some or all inbrtst in oit, gm, other mimrals, or geodrcrntl urcrgy in the pmpcrty; ad It) ftd such mircrd cslslc may i.rluls lh rigfil b cnlcr ad usc th pmpcrly wilbul &c surfme owads pcmdssion No0ing hcrtin codtird win bc dccmd b obligah lhc company b provi& rry of lh covcrqcs refentd b brciD urlcss fu alxrve coditionr arc fully $di,fied DoEn DrscLcgur! O9lO7lO2 From Land Tit'le (SB) O Tue 20 Apr 2oo4 O5|o2237 PM MDT O Page 8 of 8 JOINT NOTICE 0F PRIVACY POLICY trt&tity Natiooal flnancicl ()rrmp of Companius/Clhicago Tillc Insurancc Company and Land fillc Guarsol,cc Compony JulY L, 2tt01 Wc recoeri?r rd rtccct lh rivry cxglalion; of bdsv's cocunrcil ard lbc rcqriremcntr of apflicablc fqlcrd ad den: ciiircv lgtrs. W'c tcfrryc tC iUriip you rryrr rf hrw wc tr[[, yorr IIm-FHic pcnond irfilmrlft|n ('I'cls.tDl lnforildiori'l. c'd lo wbm it is disclo6cd -wi[ fom lb bcis for a rclaliochip of ln6t bctwccn us atd llI F|flic ftat wc n:rvc.'llh ttivacv St$cmcEl uui'ldqi lhd cxplantion Wc n:servc tE right tl! cl|strgc ttis ltivay SldcrEnr tmm lirn lo linic coafulcnt wilh applicrtlc privocl laws. ln lhc coursc of our brsincsg wc mry collcct Pcrsonal hforrnation about you lrom thc lolJowing sourocs: r Your aulhorizcd c Prtscnlali vc; p&formd hy, us., rir ditiafts, or olhcl'1; dilirx thft wc cithcl obhin dinrdy fnm tksc Our Policies Regarding the Prolection of the Conlidenlialily and Security of Your Personel Inlormslion Wc nuiffiin fivsir.l^ clccErtnic d Err rrcss or inkision Wc timit acccss 16 lh comctirua with povtd4 glducb or scrricts to ytru tr fo Our Policies and Practices Regardi4 the Sharing ol Your Personal Inlornation Wc nrrv shn vour ltrsrrnal tt'orrrr.lirm wilh rxr ffiriohs srch s insumc ctxrpnitx, 4cds, d ohr nr{ csldc s6ficrrcril scrvicc providcs. Wc dco my dirclosc yriur ftrsood ldonntioo: : :[[fl*"ii.H*,ffi0**u*. I dl firr produch or scrticts ltat wc trtcvc you ln addtioq wc will dicclosc h law ir do su or w-hn vc Iilormtirn wFn ohcrrvisc b cdrrtc ou righs ub'rry Om of rhF irytrtut nspomililifal of s<rc of our qrfiffqt'd compmics is tr, Itcord docmft in thc pHic domaio Such'docunrcds- nEv codain vour Fcrsonl Intormdin Itighl !o Acccse you, p..ro-t lnformation rnd Abitity to Corrc*t Srrors Or Rcqucst Changcf Or Dctclion Ed ouL law, 1.o q tr s:uch rnqnetl All 4qrsh suhfllcd b lhc li&Iily Nalionl fitrlaial Group of ClorrpnicdChicqo fillc lcurarrt Coryoy $hall E in wdtiq, ud delivcn:d tr th'fttllowing d&u'*s: lr. Sadl Multiplc Products or Scrviccs lf wc govih you wilh mre lhrn orc linorrial fodrct or scrvicc, you oay rtccivc nprc llran or privrcy m{icc fnm ris. Wc rpolrrylz: for any im)nvcnicrc lHfi msy c[rsc y(]tl forr PI,IY. Po! . CaI o Building Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials F6cia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls E)derior Lighting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Material Color Page 6 of 12114101lO4 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Bo:tanical Name Common Name Quantitv Size ffi;J' Fafc-'Fh'\ EosrlNG 'FEES frcT Pr*Fr< BIc ,1"'" // ,5! /'l' TO BE FEI\4O/E/ Rar*r"o Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Tres - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. ' Type Sqgare Footage GROUND@\ER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of 12104101lM NL"-iEre DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION FEATURES Westwood 904 and 90+2 are ullra-compact MR16 low voltage halogen fi)*ures. Model 904 provides downlight or uplight by way of the 180" rotational fixaure head. Model 9A4-2 provides combination uplight and downlight. Both models mount directly to anywall surface or over a standard 4' J-box and require a remote 12V step-down lransformer (not included). Various lenses, louvers and color or dichroic filters can be combined - up to three at once - to create muhiple ligtaing etrects Lumidre's exclusMe Siohon Protection System (S.P.S,) prevents water from siphoning into the fixture through its own lead wires. MATERIAL Housing and hood are prec'rsion- machined from corrosion- resistant 6061-TO aluminum bille! brass, bronze or stainless steel. Mounting canopy is constructed from corrosion-resistant silicone aluminum, brass, bronze or stainless steel. FII{ISH Painted Fixtures constructed from 6061- T6 aluminum are double protected by a chromate conversion undercoating and polyester powdercoat paint finish. surpassing the rigorous demands oJ the outdoor environment. A variety of standard colors are available' Brass, Bronzg or Stainless Steel Fixtures constructed from brass, bronze or stainless steel are left unpainted to reveal the natural beauty of the material. Brass and bronze will Patina naturally over tirne. HOOD Hood is removable for easy relamping and accepts up to three internal ac@ssories at once . (lenses, louwrs, fifters) to achieve multiple lighting effects. The flush lens design sheds water and minimizes debris collection on the uplight position. GASKET Housing and hood are sealed with a high temperature silicone o+ing gasket to prevent water intrusion. LEI{S Tempered glass lens, factory sealed with high temperature adhssive to prevent water intrusion and breakage due to thermal shock W€3lwood goGz MOUNTI G & ADJUSTABILITY Both models mount directly to wall surface or over a standard 4'J-box and require remote 12V step-down transformer {not included). Model 904 provides downlight or uplight by way of the 180' rotational fixture head. Model 904-2 provides non- adjustable uplight and downlight. Lumidre's exclusive Siphon Proredion System (S.PS.) prevenB water from siphoning into the fixturs through 'rts own lead wires. HARDWARE Stainless steel hardware is standard to orovids maximum corrosion-resista nce. SOCKET Ceramic socket with 250" C Teflono coated lead wires and G,U53 bi-pin basa. ELECTRICAL Remote 12V transformer required (not included). Available from Lumiere as an accessory - sge the Amessories & Technical Data section of this catalog for details. LAM P Not included. Available from Lumidre as an accessory - see l"amps under O4cal Amesso 6 on.the reverse side ofthis Page. LABELS & APPROVALS UL and cUL listed, standard wet label. Manufactured to ISO 9001-2000 Quality Systems Standard. IBEW union made. WANRANTY Lumiere warrants its fixtures against defects in materials & workmanshio for three {9 years. Auxiliary equipment such as transformers, ballasts and lamps carry the original manufacture/s warranty. Catalog #Type Proiect Comments Prepared by Date 5OJU (max.) lUlRl6 Halogon LOW VOLTAGE tt- WESTWOOD WAL L SAMPLE NUMBER: 904-50MRl5-12-BK Model 18f rotational head Combination up/down light Source Source Volts Fi nis h Accessolles ------: I 5OMR16 | 12 | I ,*a-s'c-'t'tvtl H"t.t- | lz =12V I eaintea Meta! i See reverse page ::Hl1;ffi:'*"" lEili',ss,", ilE.i=il:rffif- €IlElttt r2v remotetrcnsfomer l$l:m*: steel \rcquired - not included . / Accessories consulr your representntive for scrditionar oprions and llnishes. x'lFutc-**H:I*: Finish WWW.COOPERLIGHTING.COM :.-- O-* F -a wEsTwooD 904 I 90 4-2 W6b^rood 904/90+2 Lamp=50MR16/NSP (EXT) CBCP=11,000 Westwood 904/90i1-2 Lamp=50MR16/FL (EXN) cEcP=2000 cono of Li Westwood 904/90+2 LAMP=sOMR16/NFL lExz) CBCP=3200 Westwood $4/90+2 Lamp=50MRlOWFL (FNV) cBcP=1200 Cone of Li ht Distano to llluminatcd Plane lnitial Nadir Foolcandl€s Beam Diameler Dinance to llluminaled Plane lnhial Nad? Footcandles Eeam Diafl6tol Cone of Li Cone ot Li ht Distanca to llluminated Plan. lnirial Nadir Foolc.ndles Beam Oirmeter Dinance to llluminated Plan! L.mp Wtn.ge Mulibli.l 35W x 0.57 20W x 0.30 P INFORMAYION ANSI Code Watts Beam CBCP 50MRI6iNSP EXT 12"3050 4000 uu5.l 50MR16/NFL EXZ 3050 GU5.3 bi-oin 50MR16/FL EXN 2000 4000 GU5.3 bi-oin 50MR1 FNV 1200 3050 GU5.3 bi-oin NOTE: Inferior qualty tamps may aclversely affect the pedormance of this producL lJse only name brand lamps from reputable lamp manufacturcrs PTICAL ACC ES 25" 40" 60' 3200 4000 4000 3050 & Dichroic F22 = Red color F33 = Blue color F44 = Green color F55 = Yellow color F71 = Peach dichroic F72 = Amber dichroic Fr3 = Green dichroic F74 = Medium blue dichroic F75 = Yellow dichroic F76 = Red dich roic F77 = Dark blue dichroic F78 = Light blue dichroic F79 = Neutral density dichroic F80 = Magenta dichroic F66 = Mercury vapor color EXT = 50-watt MRl6lamp - narrow spot EXZ = So-watt MR16 lamp - narrow flood EXN = sGwatt MR16 Iamp - flood FNV = 50-watt MR16 lamp - wide flood Lowe.wattage lamps and/or additional distributions may be avaitable. Seet|'e Accesso es &Technical Data seclion of this catalog for details' Lenses & Louverc DIF = Diffused lens LSL = Linear spread lens OSL= Overall spread lens LVR = Hex cell louver FH2O3 = Angled glare shield (specify finish: BK, BZ, CS, VE, WT, NBR, NBZ, NSS) FH2O/I = Straight glare shield {specify finish: BK, BZ, CS, VE, WT, NBR, NBZ, NSS) TAGE CAELE & TRANSFO RM ER See the ,Accessote s & Technical Data section of this catalog for details. NOTES AND FO RM U LAS Beam diameter is to sop/o of maximum footcandles, rounded to the nearest half-foot' Footcandle values are initial. Apply appropriate light loss factors where necessary' . Bare lamp data shown. Consult lamp manufacturers to obtain detailed specifications for their lamps Specifications and Dimensions subiect to change without notice. GOO / PER Lighting Lumi}]E.customerFirstcsnt€l.1l21Highway7{south.Peechtle.ci.ty,GA30259.TE1770.4a6..80o.FAx770.446.4401 AD1032500 Horizontal recessed luminaires -.-wm sloneo ote cast alumrnum f aceplate and asymmetrical internal oplical system. Flush machined, clear tempered glass Suitable for wet locations. ElectrEiqqrllast for 0"F startrng. Colorl Blac{ or \,vhite. Recessed eEE vertical recessed die cast aluminum machined, diffusers with ucent ceramtc tor wet locations. tor 0'F starting. Lamp Lumen B 118WPLL2G11 120o 13 415Aa 1 27W PL:2G11 1800 16e/rc 41'Aa 139WPLL2G11 2500 2OY2 41sAa BEG c (@ Lumen 8W PLL 2G11 1200 PLL 2G11 1800 B t.J 417ro 16%e 41Vre |- ^ ^ ^ t'\ | \zaP H=24 in.{! .u r:t) fl 10 12 14 :Fffi MP H=24 in .-... :tr --'-J\.'1... \\"\,' t0_ ;'f &&P t]--21ii w 4 1? 11 \l M'IP H=24h 'ol t t0 rz PLL 2G11 2500 20Y2 41s/s 02/25/2004 10:12 FAX 858 535 1234 v FX I LUMINAIRE@ PM-20 FI LUilINAIRE @ oor PostModemd is compromise in rm aPPeannce language. The mounted on de& mount. UNUMTTED APPLrcArroNs We orc colistontly omoEd ot he tonge of prcFcb h whkh drc PM b used. Frorn on NBA aLsdt fiofi|e in /rtlxat]*iee @ o rcsectrd1 science /ob enty n Ln )olla the PM spons the otr}titecunol go/'lin Simpl. fom- tugh pcibnwa nd<es dis ftale extwrrt r€rsdne P ER|l.r ET ER LTcHTTNG @ FXL,codr' : Bor-o, Sor-r AND BEAUTI The FX engineered PM-2O can aleo ded<s with the spirit of a contemPorary commercial Preciseb milled ftom 6061 T{this modd looks and lil<e no otlrer. Computer d parabolic reflector,cone and ootics work together projecion beam produce long wirh no glarc. This bold is a greal matci. for an edgy home in Santa Montca or a steel railing beadt oad in The All qterior are finished with a m manne-graoe process of acid drromate plating and to:tssure PowoelcoaunS and integrity. The most application for the PM-20 is, of any prolec( that spealcs a dean and modsn @2003 FX LUt{lNAtRE'800-600-1269 www. 02/26/2001 10:15 FAI 858 512 o PM.20 ' N frfut Jlfli" #r t' 12 t.+ t .20 4 .to Fo? cofiv€rdon to lu|ngr:loa.arodlaa x |0.5.r Fxd6t rtbra ddrrlgdon of fc rnd hnrrnr- LAIrP OPT I O r{S ;lNlSif oPTTONS Brpnz! 1'letJllc D€scrt Granitr Blrck WrinHr Sihcr Meu.lllc r/€.dr Speckls S.dom Brown Wlits WdnHe \ b.dlr€d l.!.t }I OUN TII{ G O FTIONS FXL.co&r' r E 53 34 H( LUilINAIRE @002 o PosrMoo:lrso ORDERING INFORHATION I For high pcrformrncc and prcdicablc hmp lltu wr FX LUt llt{AlREf Trrdornrrn ont Th! D( E n$o.mcr it speo.icrlt datilned for dlc hith rrch larnps uscd h ogr fotu oi - thr uss of l eriar porrrr luppllcs can c&se prsnttut! hmp fdllrt rnd odrer problcmr lndudln! thc risk ot ira For morc infoimrdon on tl*s vary impontnt sutiect ple6lc contrct us rt &G5891269 or on the wGb, for th. bookl€t q|dtltd 't nd€rsQndlq UL Usrint Sandrrds for Low Vloltete l.ndscape UShtlrE' @2003 FX LUl.llNAtRE' 800.6E8.126 9 www. |. i j t/l Datc: tll/b/oY Lcgal dcscriptiou Lot 22- Block o zoNE CHECK - Fiting Addrcss G*ncr-__5foaarel_- : Zonc district 4lo l4u Totgl GRFA -ti* + Phonc Pbonc hoposcd usc Buildable arca Allorvcd Existing O+ Proposcd -|zfo = Rcmaining (. Tota!I =-,g.?sg --""- Sitc Covcragc Hcight Sctbacks I ri { .t ,r I ii 'I I ivfinjmum i tilb{ (30x33) Front Sidcs Rcar t? %qz _ 3',t6', + l/a82 =7Z I il I il ,./ ,t/ / - Z ' .Encloscd Proposcd Slopc ll.6 92. t4{tB t aoo GDD (6(eoo).(r2oo) lu.L 7 J(eQUrC6 ? Pcrmittcd Slopc t7- y" Ycs_-rZ_ No Ycs r/ No I ) Pcrccnt Slop c (< >30%) ?) Floodplain 3) Wcrlands 4) Watcr Course Setback (j0) (j0) 5) Gcologic Hazards a) SnotvAvalanchc b) Roclfall c) Dcbris Florv Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com December 7.2004 K.H. Webb Architects 953 South Frontage Road, Suite 216 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Shannon - 245 Forest Road/Lot 22,Block 7, Vail Village Filing 1 Dear Mille, The Town Staff has reviewed the revised design review application for the new Shannon residence located at 245 Forest Road. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: 1. Title report, schedules A and B, must be submitted. 2. The site plan must be revised as follows:. Five parking spaces are required and must be located within the property boundaries.o Retaining walls in the front setback shall not exceed 3 feet in height, and all other retaining walls shall not exceed 6 feet in height.r Portions of the driveway snowmelt within the Forest Road right-of-way shall be in a separate zone and labeled as such at the control box.. The proposed 12toot evergreen at the west edge of the driveway entrance does not meet the driveway site distance standards and must be removed.o The proposed combination retaining walls must have a minimum bench of four feet.r The proposed parking along Forest Road is not recommended by the Town of Vail Public Works Department. lf the Design Review Board chooses to approve the parking, a guardrail will be required. 3. Public Works Department approval of a Revocable Right-of-Way Permit is required for all existing and proposed improvements in the Forest Road right-of-way. 4. PE stamped drawings must be submitted for all retaining walls between 4 and 6 feet in height. 5. The crawlspace access shall not exceed 12 sq.ft. in size. The proposed crawlspace stairway shall count as GRFA on the crawlspace level and exceeds the maximum allowable GRFA. f,-pLt"""o"'"t* T.0IIINOI'l/l{[, Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 tulx 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com Please submil revised plans to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development addressing the above listed items. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173 and/or Leonard Sandoval with the Town of Vail Public Works Department at (970) 479-2198. Sincerely, BillGibson, AICP Town of Vail {p?.rt .,to "^."^ o FIL TOM'IOF I/AII Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwvailpov.com August 23,2004 K.H. Webb Architects 953 South Frontage Road, Suite 216 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Shannon - 245 Forest Road/Lot 22,Block 7, VailVillage Filing 1 Dear Kyle, The Town Staff has reviewed the design review application for the new Shannon residence located at 245 Forest Road. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: 1. Title report, schedules A and B, musl be submitted. 2. The site plan must be revised as follows: . Setback lines must be shown and labeled. . All proposed roof ridge elevations and all existing and proposed grades underneath the roof lines must be shown. This will be used to calculate building height. . Locations of all utility sources and service lines must be shown. . All required parking spaces must be shown (9'x 18'enclosed spaces and 9'x 19'exterior spaces). Five spaces are required. . Snow storage areas and square footage calculations must be shown. o Site coverage calculations must be shown. . Top and bottom elevations of the pillars and all retaining walls must be shown.r Retaining walls in the front setback shall not exceed 3 feet in height, and all other retaining walls shall not exceed 6 feet in height. r The driveway entrance shall not exceed 24 IeeI in width. . A maximum of two curb cuts are allowed. . The driveway must be labeled as heated or unheated. . The front stairs and pillars shall not be located less than 10 feet from the Forest Road edge ofasphalt.. All improvements located within the Forest Road right-of-way shall be located between the side property lines (i.e. no improvements shall be permitted in front of Lot 25). . The proposed guest parking must be revised to meet Town of Vail engineering standards. erl i.E EEcTcLED PlPER D ep a rtm ent of C ommuni ty D ev elopme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com 3. Public Works Department approval of a Revocable Right-of-Way Permit is required for all existing and proposed improvements in the Forest Road right-of-way. 4. PE stamped drawings must be submitted for all retaining walls between 4 and 6 feet in height. 5. The landscape plan must be revised as follows:. Adjust the limits of disturbance fence to protect all existing trees to be saved (i.e. near driveway entrance) and adjust the fence to include all landscape planting areas (i.e. east property line).. Show all trees to be removed. Label soecies and size.r Landscaoe area calculations must be listed. 6. Lighting plan: maximum of 20 exterior lights allowed (1 per 1,000 sq.ft. of lot size). 7. Red-lined floor plans and elevations must be submitted for the basement level GRFA calculations. The crawlspace below Tim's room, guest #2 and guest #3, is part of the lowest level of the structure and must be included in the above/below grade calculations for the GRFA basement deduction. 8. Red-lined floor plans identifying vaulted areas with floor-to-ceiling heights of '16 feet or greater (i.e. Main Level). Additional cross-section drawings and/or reflected ceiling plans may be necessary to show this information. Please submit revised plans to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development addressing the above listed items by Friday, August 27,2004. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173 and/or Leonard Sandoval with the Town of Vail Public Works Department at (970) 479-2198. Sincerely,-. 4J/f h.,4/- BillGibson, AICP Town of Vail f,-p1t","uo 'n'"^ w Action Form OF VAIL Project Name: Shannon Residence Project Description: Building addition of 1,542.7 sq. ft. of GRFA Owner, Address and Phone: Mike Shannon,285 Bridge St., c/o Ron Byrne, Vail, CO 81657 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: William Resloch 72338. Costilla Pl., Englewood' CO 80112 Project Street Address: 245 Forest Road Legal Description: Lot22, BllG 7' Vail Village lst Parcel Number: Comments: BuildingName: Motion by: Brittain Secondedby: Bishop Vote: 4-0 Conditions: Materials: Rock veneer - moss rock Stucco Chimneys - Clay Beige Paving and caps - sandstone Roof- shakes Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 6ll7l9E Board / Staff Action Action: Approved F;\EVERYoN E\DRB\APPROVAL9E\SHANNoN.6 I 7 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50.00 oooaoo I qucstionlall thc Pllr-'ning Stafl'ri 47i-: l2ti APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigrr review must rcccivc Design Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the subnrittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcquested Thc application cannot bc accepted until all the requircd infornration is submittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and/or the Plaruring and Environnrcntal Conrmission. Design Rcvierv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: P,e\\g'.$Le TOWNOFYATI, B.FILTNG: J L 15 246 F eALla Fo (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssots Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) PKYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #:c. D. E. F. G. ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS:_ OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: V MAILING ADDRESS: LtfiatZvJ"rg (t bo\\Z H. TYPE OF REVIEWAND FEE: tr Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. pllsys.jog -113 1514 Addition - E l\tinor A.ltcration - $50 Includcs any addition whcre square footagc is addcd to any rcsiderrtial or conuncrcial bdilding. $20 lncludcs nrinor changcs to buildings and site improvcmcnts. such as, rcroofing. painting, window additions. landscaping, fenccs and rctaining walls. etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr, whcn applying for a building pennit. please identifo thc accurate valuation of thc projcct. Thc Torvn of Vai[ rvill adjust the fce according to the projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLTCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREI\IENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL, coLoRADO 816s7. PHONE:g?o 4?c 199-1 I lf f,i5 /1 lnr' \r L,r .TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 May 15, 1998 BillReslock 7233E. Costilla Pl. Englewood, CO 80112 RE: DRB apptication for shannon Residence at 245 Forest Rd/Lot 22,81k.7, Vail village lst Dear Mr. Reslock: The Community Development Department has reviewed your Design Review Board (DRB) application for a UuitAing addition on the above-referenced lot. In this review, we have diiermined some issues ihat need to be addressed. Please address the following issues by Monday, May 25,1998, in order to remain on the DRB agenda for June 3' 1998. If you are unable io meet this deadline, we will schedule it for a subsequent meeting with the Design Review Board. Tbe issues that need to be addressed are as follows: l. Please correct the grading on-site to a maximum of a2:l ratio. Also, please place a note on the site plan indicating that all grading shall be less than 2: 1. 2. Please remove the trash enclosure located in front of the building. Accessory strucrures are required to be incorporated into tbe primary stnrcture. Trash cans could be stored in the garage. 3. Please provide spot elevations on the roofeve ofthe northwest and northeast corner ofthe new addition. 4. please provide a lighting plan for the entire structure. All light fixtures on-site must comply withihe Town regulations (i.e., flood tigbts in parking area must be removed). Page 1of2 {S *"n"rro t^rrr For your information, our rwien, of the proposal shows a total GRFA of 5,008 sq. ft. (545 sq. ft in the secondary unit) and 2,956 sq. ft. ofsite coverage (l4o/o\. Please revise the plans and resubmit to me by the time indicated above. If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to give me a cilltt479-2148. Teni Partch, hoject Engine er Colorado Senior Planner Pqe2of 2 Agenda last revised 06/01 10 am DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, June 3, 1998 3:00 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION, LUNCH - Gommunity Development Department 12:00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT SITE VtslTS 2:00 pm 1. McDonald's - 2172 N. Frontage Road. 2. Dayco - 1315 Spraddle Creek Road. 3. Shannon - 245 Forest Road. 4. Pownell - 267 Rockledge Road. 5. Ballesteros - 600 Vail Valley Drive. 6. Northwoods elevator Building F2 - 600 Vail Valley Drive. Driver: George 3:00 pm 1. Red Sandstone Affordable Housing Development - Final review of 18 unit Dominic development ProPosal. 945 Red Sandstone Road/Part of Parcel A, Block D' Lionsridge Filing 1' Applicant: Town of Vail MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 3. Scolnick residence - Conceptual review of redesign of a single family residence. Christie 2935 Basingdale Blvd./Lot 19, Block 6, lntermountain. Applicant: Jay & Sheryl Skolnick, represenied by John nq!!91 U'OttOt'l: SECOND: VOTE: 2. McDonalds - Exterior changes. 2172 N. Frontage Rd./ Lot 2, Vail Das Schone #3 Applicant: George Greenwald MOTION:SECOND: 4. Pownell residence - Dormer addition. 267 Rockledge Road/Lot 14, Block 7, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Dick and Mary Pownell VOTE: Dominic Christie MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: 5. Shannon residence - A-ddition to a primary/secondary residenc 245 Foresr Road/Lot 22, Br""[;,V;it fiilg" rrt.Appticani: Mike shannon,lq'ei"Jliiiii by wiliam Restock MOTION: SeCOTO: V( Corporation - Conceptual review for a gazebo.Creek Road/Lot 12, bpraddte Creek ilril;.David Argo, No Name Architects Dayco Holding 1315 Spraddle Applicant: MOTION: 6. 7. 8. SECOND:VC Dominic Christie George George George Christie L 10. 11. Barresteros residence - Exrerior additions and interior remodel 600 Vail Vailey Drive/Northwoods, V"if V,ff"g" iih.Applicant: Ray Story MOTION: SECOND: V( Mountain Haus - Final review of the revised west entry additiol 292 East Meadow Drive/pert ot fract e, VJt-Viilage r st.Applicant: Stephanie Lord MOTION: SI C9ND: V( Yaros - Final review. 5119 Black Bear Lane/Lot g, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision Applicant: Dr. Ronald yaros, representeJ 6y lonn perkins MOTION: SECOTO: ' v, JAG Vail residence - Final.review of a primary/secondary resi,4969 Meadow Drive/Lot 1 1, Block S, Aighomtth.' lqpjfI, JAG Vait, represented Uy t_ynn Fritzlen MOTION: SECOND V Pf|ygggt Building F2 - New elevator stair tower and exterii stair.600 Vail Valley Drive/Vail Valley 7th.Applicant: Northwoods condoAssociation, represented t/eber MOTION: SECOND: \ 12. Gore Creek Grille - Amend previous approval. Cr,,223 Gore Creek Drive/Block SB, Vail Viilage 1st.Applicant: T. Michael Ditch WITHDRAWN Staff Approvals Krediet residence - Minor changes to approved plans. George 226 Forest Road/Lot 11, Block 7, Vail Village 1st.Applicant: John Krediet Chester residence - Interior conversion. Christie 395 Mill Creek Circle/Lot 19, Block 1, Vail Village 1st.Applicant: E.B. and Kay Chester Wetcher residence - Window addition. Dominic 4496 Meadow Drive, #1506/Timberfalls. Applicant: Mr. Wetcher Auslria Haus - Exlerior wjndow change to retail space .,B.,, George 242 East Meadow Drive/Part of Tract C, Block S-D, \ il Village 1st.Applicant: Austria Haus Development Group Ridgeview Square Townhomes - Minor alteration. Christie 4506 Spruce Way/Ridgeview Square Subdivision. Applicant: Janice Cuccia, Manager Ridgeview Square Townhomes Jacobi residence - Window modification. Dominic 2009 Chamonix Lane/Resub Lot 28, Buffehr Creek.Applicant: Jean Paul & Lillian Jacobi Larson residence - Changes to approved plans. Dominic 2685 Larkspur Lane/Lot 8, Block 2, Vail Intermountain.Applicant: Eric and Ellie Larson Vergara residence - Addition of soft cover canopy over deck. Dominic 2399 Chamonix Lane/Lot 18, Block A, Vail das Schone #1.Applicant: Joseph Vergara VailGlo Lodge - Revised signage. Dominic 701 West Lionshead Circle/VailGlo Lodge.Applicant: Craig Holzfaster Mountain Haus - Window addition. Dominic 292 E. Meadow Drive, Mountain Haus Unit 106/Block 5, Vail Village 1st.Applicant: Alberto Sanchez Head residence - Change to approved plans. George 325 Mill Creek Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vait Village 1st.Applicant: Martha Head Vail Mountain School - Window replacemenl and air condition installation. George 3160 North Frontage/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Valley 2nd Filing.Applicant: Vail Mountain School f9p_ugon residence - Interior conversion. 1295 Westhaven Circle/Lot +e, Obnlyon.Applicant: David Ferguson The applicati office hours , jj:o*",,',fr:rxflti:i'#HfJligT$:,j;fl:?regurar Department, sign language interpretalion available upon request with 24 hour notification. please call 47g-2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for'informatior. ZONE CHECK Addrcss Orvncr Architcct Zonc Lot sizc "*t--1-6G Vv 4<f ' Phonc Phonc hoposcd use Buildablc arca Alloived Proposcd Total o = SL|S rotarGmA fifu. tSO 9* = gaz4 ftq+ Primary CRFA _ + (425) (675+) - -F Sccondary GRFA + (425) (675*) SLI< * * 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? Remainin e Lcgal dcscripti6n: Ldt l20v Drivcway pennittcd Slope % hoposcd Slopc Complics with TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finishcd grades less than 2:i (50%) Envi ronm cn tal.4lazards Prcvious conditions ofapprot'al (chcck propcrty filc); l) Pcrcent Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain |ia 3) Wetlands nro 4) Water Course Setback (30) (50) A{> 5) Geologrc Haz:rds (AJ nn-e- a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Roclfall c) Dcbris Florv No No Is thc propcrty non+onforming? Dcscribc: BS Trees etbacks ite Grade\Slopc DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST Projcct: Scalc Bencbmark Q FLoORPLANS 'L scate GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crawl\Attic Spacc EHU B BUILDb{GELEVATIoNS fI LANDSCAPE PLAN MISCELI.ANEOUS ."'ff;; til*'*"lr,"' noo& Form .Larry Pardee, Public Works Greg Hall, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Return To:Dominic Mauriello, Community Development Date Routed:5n2/98 Retum By:5t20t98 Proiect Name:Shannon Res Project Address:245 Forest Road Project Legal:Lot22, Blk 7, Vail Village lst Project Description:Addition to home. 6-3-98 DRB Approved X Denied (cite detailed reasons) l. Approved with conditions Plc(rr--e (eiur{n\k . t. m€c\ ?'\ (i'o( i ?ci\c\\ iu- rdt\(l\\ U ?.vtcn f eer€ vCt-I a)l\]iqU' (ev,esred 5l\4\'rb (et-(l-\cd lii t{1116 Date received: Date reviewed: I I oLD Re,,rc NATT.NAL TrrLE rNsuttE coMpArvy ALTA COMMITMBNT SCHEDULE A Our Order # VI4665-2 For Information OnlY LOT 22, BLK 7 VAIL VILLAGE FIRST - Charges -Alta Lender Policy $928.00 Tax Certif. $20.00 Assign Rents,/Lease $10 .00 s3l3 : 33 *** THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE, BIJ'T AN ESTIMATE OF FEES. WHEN REFERRING TO THIS ORDER, PLEA ORDER NO. V14665_2 *** 1-. Effective DaEe: at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: frALTArf Loan policy 10-17-92 $850, 000 .00 Proposed fnsured: FIRSTBANK OF VATL 3. The estate or interesE in the land described or referred to in t.his Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title tso Ehe estate or interesE covered herein is at the ffective date hereof vesEed in: ICHAEL S. SHANNON 5 - The land referred to in this CommiEment is described as follows: T 22, BLOCK 7, VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FII,ING, ACCORDTNG TO THE CORDED PLAT THEREOF, COI'NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO" PAGE 1 <> ALrf.oMMrr SCHEDULE B-1 (RequiremenEs) MENT Our Order # VL4665-2 The following are Ehe requirements Eo be complied with: 1. Pa]rment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the fuIl consi-deraEion for t.he estate or interest Eo be insured. Proper instrumenL(s) creating the esEate or interesE to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: SE OF DEED qF TR ST DATED PI'BLIC TRUSTEE F COI'}TTY FOR THE SUM OF $ 0,000.O RECORDED y a6, May 1-1 8, FROM MICHAEL S. SHANNON TO THE OF FIRSTBANK L TO SECI'RE US 1 SAID DEED,OF TRUST L6, 198 IN BOOK 4 FUR ATP 88, rN BOOK,4€3 SECURED I ASSIGNMEM OF PAGE 759. RECORDED May 760. DEED,F TRUST FROM S. SHANNON TO LIC TRUSTEE O THE USE OF FIRS OF VAIL TO SECURE THE SUM OF $850,000.00. SENATE BTLL 98-045 STATES THAT EFFECTIVE JI]NE 1, 1998 THE FEE FOR REQUESTS FOR RELEASES OF DEEDS OF TRUST WTLL BE s15 .00 . PAGE -2o ALrl"oMMrrM SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions ) ENT Our Order # vL4665-2 The policy or policies Lo be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the saEisfaction of the Company: 1. SEandard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessments not yeE certified to the Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. ANY AND ALL TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS. 10. RTGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOIJND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATEIfT RECORDED September 14, L923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 11. RIGHT OF WAY FOR D]TCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED September 14, 1-923, rN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 12. RESTRICTIVE COVENAIIIS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIG]N, AS COIXTATNED IN INSTRIJMENT RECORDED AuguST 10, 1.962, IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 179. 13. UT]LITY EASEMENTS, FIVE FEET IN WIDTH, ALONG THE NORTH AND EAST LOT LINES OF SUB.]ECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING. 14. DEED OF TRUST DATED January 02, a990, FROM MICHAEL S. SHANNON TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COIJNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF VAIL TO SECURE THE SUM OF $850,000.00 RECORDED January 05, 1990, IN BOOK 520 AT PAGE 718. 1-5. ASSIGNMENT OF REITTS AND OTHER RIGHTS RECORDED January 05, l-990 IN BOOK 520 AT PAGE 719. a c---r-<z--€i-et'5€\*--r'l- @'e'€-->tz--c=>\a--{-ll-. /-o<>, rz'1 4'---ra'=-- c)-.C--..-J t,q /<'/1s \tJ 't PAGE {3 cr<f r{- b AL1 res- ? 'a<?"'E)1u3 LAND '!o,cuARANt"f coMPANY DISCLOSI]RE STATEMENT Required by SenaEe Bill 91-14 a) The subject real property may be locaEed in a special Eaxing district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer or the County Treasurer's auEhorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such disEricts may be obEained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Required by Senate Bill 92-143 A) A Cert.ificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction shall be obtained from the County Treasurer or the County Treasurer's authorized agent. ACCENT ACCENT/UNDER RAIL This versatile, compact fixture provides safety and security when installed under patio/deck railings. May also be wall mounted or used with supplied stem adapter. powder coat.Stem mount Socket 12-VOLT single contact bayonet base, nickel plated. Wirf ng l2-VOLT fixture wired with 42" ot 105oC # 18-2, SPT-1-WA leads. "OUIC DlSC"rM cable connector supplied. LAMP GUIDE Syslem Lamp Type Wattage 12 VOLT 1156 (supplied with fixture)(nomrnal at 12-VOLTS) ACCENT/STEP Kichler's "step lite" fixtures add safety and security to stairways, paths or patio areas. Fixtures offer a choice of louvered faceplate or white acrylic lens. LOW VOLTAGE (12-VOLT) zinc plated wilh white interior. Socket 12-VOLT wedge base. Widng 12-VOLT f ixture wired with 18" of 105oC #18-2, SPT-1-WA leads. LAMP GUIDE System Lamp Type Waltage 12 VOLT 912 (supplied with fixture) 11.6 (oominal at 12.VOLTS) ACCENT/WELL Kichler's well light will shed focused illumina- tion on trees, shrubs, or exterior walls. 30o swivel from vertical provides uplighting for silhouetling, shadowing, or grazing effects. For a unique application, mount f ixture in decorative planter. LOW VOLTAGE (12-VOLT) K-l5089 ABCHITECTURAL BBONZE @ K.15089 BLACK K.l5089 VERDIGRIS SPECIFICATIONS Houslng Combination die-cast and stamped aluminum housing with rubber gasketed heat resistant lens. Heavy duty polyethylene sleeve provides in-ground lixture support. Finish Baked thermoset oowder coat. (Verdigris color hand-applied). Socket 12-VOLT porcelain bi-pin push in socket. Wiring 12-VOLT fixture wired with 42" of 105oC #18-2, SPT-1-WA leads. "QUIC DISC"'u cable connector supplied. LAMP GUIDE System Lamp Type 12 VOLT 168 xtcHlen lle Hlr'rc MR16 (not supplied) Max. Wanage K.9494 K-9494 Clear br 60-w. Mi HED SOLID BRASS - bnrs I llass Panels. S-light, --- ,,. ...-..- .-,lDia. 8%1 Body Hgt. 181 Overall 44': E).lra lead wire 17'i U.L.,listed lor damp location. K.9499 POLISHED SOLID BRASS G'r:Y":l1X$an ers s- r is rrt, ti 60-W. Max. (C) Hgt. 13%'; wrorn / , Extension 2321. $gt. from center of wall opening 93/4': ;I ,',:'.'i' SOILOE BRASS o Project Applidation Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ZZ erocx 7 ,ru'^n //r,/ /,92 ,/Jt,t"^" F/, Com ments: Design Review Board Z - <-- cz.z D"," " t '/ D ISA P PR OVAL t )t7 Town Plan ner El Start Approval o o z o {7 o {6 z T ttt v ={ d. @ m l'o.l_r,o _'.h E <x I !y t m: 6 6at iii :1l< ='-:-_ ; c|iq I -rm=-! =3=.o<To,d3 g,* ct,>l z^Q i;=o .,t1 ! m u { <trq =oo !)> t- T-lft tFl r_Jr._J+4 -r'l !Or z= 22 z ' .rl r-r+r rX Lq<l t_ll .t I - 0z tq mil o. l -.- o Xo ;I PO .11 !m 1 =-t -t o (D m x m T I o z C o TD 2 -{m F z U) z U)r H Vi I I I I O O l.\ -.o @ o= uHi o>'r zj 3:C)=--{ o o>iD t- 2n -lm nz >m on --t > T =m -l 9p -lc *< d=a n z.O =-{4T cn m -f z o z --i -t (!z T F z z z F (h H rll z c) E4 F H z tr D 13 r l3 IH l!d t> lrrl t; t>lz tz l= I a P l-t l- $-F 5\ I I TD |- 'Tl =z P r t;lr Iti t> lr{ I Its | (/) lFl { H t a H f H r c) s I 5 ! 4 z rq F tJ € l-{to l€lz le t<l> lF l! lB lz I H z z E F z H c) F E lz l't1 l<t> lF l! F lz t;ll t3 I I tJ rrt lci F t€F lzl le lE t< tc l> lt!IF IF tr, trq lB lu tlts lz lD to tt Ito tt3 FI t, I Is'I lr I FI tl tl F' o. I o\ N)\t i.J {l<3b rr l-.{ 'E :h fftr an . H zo eF r- Ed o,ti co it IF 'r I I I \o N) I l! l.J { -.t mO t= o 'r1 r- m o z 9 t0) o -;E3d - o!t; !a*-€ ;g ii =:EF *JBs' (/, o:aJ.+-.ort c f --o*E- 5i.Bg * i. or o F s a6 ci: o * = *o f (o94@ -o x q,o*=E -lt o O e.g=il JaI6 {oa-5 J-o o *(r,31= ae48 i'=99 3 s91 ;;F= E= frq <o-f 0:aR d r 6 =.i 8 a 8; $U a 5 ;3 qi 'l(,o=.,=!r-o o { !, o C =(! o o f o o r o>tz rq (/) tr, HFd oo ECD H urH r 4,. z -{'r m €2 m z @ t- j z o l z t- 1'm t =a z m m m a. z :r c -l fio<>'rT, a € o ln i € II ls t- I z CN c - _--t z --l rn -i I 6 z m :o c m IO tr€ za 'z = z>9R Id !<,..j.t < >0 o>m!oro z c z = z rn € --t m -.t z X o o -x z F X m ! i m ! t :n |. F 2 ONF --o-l E Ri A;:M F Eo =26 dqo o<z nOq f o 62 rZ c X zan od o -nzz € I E< = N N a\ z ^ -.1 -{ I @ Fd t!H<OF FU t-FIF .2 .u .F FE tr F F z t-: u E H H r{ z z F g t- 2 z I m a iE FtF zFi OtZ eF sir EF iiE lp I dl I "li rl tl or t::T ;ri "'N) tN l.r' (Jt I rl I'o NO l-lr ll i -{ r !m =-l -r'l m m U' c m -l x l-m z rYl ! --{ m I o z m m € m !m --t z m m =m o I z o t- t- g z m t-m o o ! z o m o I @ = 2 m = = m 3 =-Tl m m u, VALUATION =m z o t- !|- =@ z o trl t-m .) 6 t- @ F 2 !l'.) s o\ @ m v = =2 9 \o u)lJl I \o ! (, 5' &t'4ePr*Otl -r-,ru Q I o 0 AUD ,7lme \ H l$ Itr fil x g 7 C $ fl ft h 0 v 0 fr z o s J fr n I 6\ q In L fil C I G 5 fil x $ 6 { ff $L N 0 It DATE: o/o /q- SI-IEET NO. €t\A+lt{Nl Fe,art,FrtcE FF/I€?ED P=c- l=.A(JDzAft; P(A,.I Q-46 - 3- 1-o^'- |h,"or'sEcoNDARY DATE: rev.'12J17191 LEGAL: LOr 22 BLOCK 7 FILING VAIL VILLAGE 1 ADDRESS: 245 FOREST RD OWNER: SHANNON REiTODEL PHONE # 476:t147 ARCHITECT: AGP PHONE # 476-1147 ENGINEER: PROPoSED USE p/S SITE INFORMATION LOT SIZE: IS THE LOT SLOPE OVER 30% YES/NO NO. OF UNITS ALLOWED ON SITE NO 20,822 2.O NO. OF GARAGE SPACES (MAX.2 PER UNIT ALLOWED) 2.0 GRFA ALLOWED ON SITE AS RATIO OF LOT SIZE 4,332.2 INCREASE IN ALLOWABLE GRFA PER ORDINANCE 37 850 ToTAL ALLOWED GRFA WITH ALL INCREASES (INCLUDING 250's) 5,182.2 ALLOWED SITE COVERAGE 4,164.3 SITE COVERAGE USED 2.092.0 SITE COVERAGE REMAINING 2,072.3 LANDSCAPE COVERAGE 12,493.0 TOTAL GRFA USED ON SITE 3.745.0 GRFA REMAINING ON SITE 1.437.2 PRIMARY UNIT FLOOR BASEMENT SO.FT. 1ST. FLOOR SO.FT. 2ND. FLOOR SO.FT. sRD. FLOOR SO.FT. LOFT FLOOR SO.FT. TOTALS TOTAL GABAGE CREDIT ADDED GRFA(IE 250?) GRFA ALLOWED ON SITE GRFA USED IN PRIMARY UNIT GRFA REMAINING ON SITE SECONDARY UNIT FLOOR BASEMENT SO.FT. 1ST. FLOOR SO.FT. 2ND. FLOOR SQ.FT. 3RD. FLOOR SO.FT. LOFT FLOOR SO.FT. TOTALS TOTAL GARAGE CREDIT ADDED GRFA(IE 250?) GRFA ALLOWED (40%MAX)2nd GRFA USED lN 2nd UNIT GRFA REMAINING 2nd UNIT 520.0 CREDIT 520.0 5,182.2 3,007.0 2,175.2 GARAGE COMMENTS: 520.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 520.0 GARAGE COMMENTS: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 TOTAL 520.0 0.0 3,007.0 0.0 0.0 3,527.0 TOTAL 508.0 10.0 nn v.v 0.0 220.O 738.0 O.O CREDIT 0.0 2,072.9 738.0 1,334.9 0.0 It+tt u Roblnson Plumbtng & Headng of Squaw Greek Bc64' Edwards,@8f632 . Phone:303-926-3859 October 14, 1991 To llhon This llay Concern, This is to acknowledge that I say gas line at the Shannon Residence at line was under pressure . a test gauge on the nel' 245 Forest Road. The /! [,/.. ,P; J-/- Lt^- /L /J"*, fu n/nfor lb cvco 'ZZi, + b{2a(toJen- b? re' Tv)€- *eali+toJ *j4 *a.-ac, -=A-i ,_2-L'./??lz .lOO :1t=le?Et ocT I 11991 + 1Ia.6 Pt{ DFI .cetvtFJe w#? zbx ab 1' cvct I Jr on, lor< bb bt, fove ,l.ox bg -.Totve'g OATE: Q- tz- - tt SI-IEET NO. F6lt{4ot{ utt- Yi{I', LU#[T5'----.- ,y 4ar5{ ?tfituia 4oWlbtatb wtxz7s41p ?@ttt$ tvv Llltt-r.TY HaY'Ue5 tc ce?e Rftrc-)4- I BAt-l FffpFr +t{EEr AA (a'wnr\ t4, a lt- oF OATE: I a .n ..ll SI{EET NO. 4r'f-lAq{F-l+t ?E€'lFE{cE z+S ffi @ '\lAtt- $t t J €.,r cl .. -i :) J a 2 ',t ! r E G I -f t$ Nr ll ID ,L q tl F .o \}f L E T s 6-g ;0 rH tll October 10' 1991 Ms. Shelly Mello, Town Planner Town of viil Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West VaiI, CO 81657 Re: Shannon Residence 245 Forest Road Vail, Colorado Dear Shelly: Please accept this floor plan revision above residence. Respectfully submitted, ARNOLD/GWATHMEY/PRATT ARCHITECTS, P.C. Architect Enclosure to the addition of the tvr >dclN ,wa >;orrt "+ll. Dt rt >dJuftcn -.a +p q^e- A (+cz- caJ\cLqzJ €,t4^rlf.; wocrta Tro f<qygT ,.J a/.el r,eDfr, A ?t1o>W - I -t-"1d # OATE: Jo.\.41 SI{EET NO.Hw)?ew ?a\/l12lptJ_ o46 fuf*t FaAP 'vAtL * Plan Review Based on the 1988 Uniform Codes PROJECT NUMBER: 7291 ADDRESS: 245 FOREST RD OCCUPANCY: R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VN DRB APPROVAL REQUIRED: YES NAME: SHANNON RESIDENCE DATE: 'l-2-9L CONTRACTOR: ARCHITECT: AGP ENGINEER: PI'ANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUTRED The itens listed below are not intended to be a complete Listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of, the codes. fhe following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of, any of the pro- visions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Towrt of vail . 1. EGRESS WINDOWS TO MEET CH 'J.2 UBC REOUIREMENTS. 2. MECHANICAL VENTILATION REQUIRED TN LTEU OF NATURAL VENTILATION. 3. HOSE BIBS TO BE AIR GAPPED. 4. GARAGE DOOR NEEDS TO BE SELF CLOSING BETWEEN HOUSE AND GARAGE. 5. THIS PRO.]ECT WILL REQUIRE A SITE TMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRTOR TO REQUEST FOR FRAME INSPECTION. Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Ludwig Kurz Jim Shearer PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION May 20, l99l Staff Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Jill Kammerer Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Amber Blecker Absent Connie Knight Kathy Langenwalter Gena Whinen The public hearing was called to order at 3:25PM by Chairperson Diana Donovan. 1. Schone First Filins. Applicant Peter Jacobs of Davs Inn Chuck Crist moved, and Jim Shearer seconded, to table this item to a May 28, l99l meeting of the PEC. The motion passed, 4-0. 2. Lot 6. Block B. Vail Ridse/2642 Cortina Lane. Applicant: Chris Neuswaneer Jill Kammerer explained that a previous wall height variance request had been brought before the Planning Commission on March 25, 1991, had been denied in part, and then appealed to the Town Council, who denied the appeal. The plan now prcsented had changed to include tiered walls with at least 3 feet of planting space between walls, and a spa/sunroom in the front setback on the easr side of the structure. The north wall of the spa/sunroom would serye a retaining function. The lower wall of the retaining walls would be 4 feet tall and constructed of timbers. The second wall would range from 2-8 feet in height, and would be concrete construction. Staff recommended approval of the variances, finding no grant of special privilege, and believing the changes resulted in good site planing. The slopes on the site were in excess of 4570, resulting in a recommendation to grant a front setback variance to allow the constn:ction of the spa./sunroom. Staff further recommended approval of the wall height variances with additional plantings. As previously stated, under the applicant's proposal, the nonh side of the spa/sunroom served as a retaining wall. Staff recommended that the north side of the "bay" window on the west side of the home could also serve the same function. Chris Neuswanger agreed to the additional vegetation, but felt that perhaps too many trees were being required. Considering that this property has no trees on it currently, he rcquested fewer plantings. He also showed the Commissioners examples of rctaining walls in other areas of Town with greater than 6 foot heights. He believed the proposal he had made did not exceed what has been granted to others. He did have a concem, however, in changing the "bay" window to serve a retaining function. He indicated it would hurt the design and lighting of the interior of that room, as that was the only natural light in the room. He thought it would throw off the entire balance of the room. Chuck Crist noted he voted in favor of the original proposal, and his vote had not changed. He did not think it was necessary to require the "bay" window be changed, as he happened to think they are a positive feature. He did not have an opinion on placing additional plantings on the lot. He would support the proposal without any modif,rcations to the "bay" window. Ludwig Kurz indicated he had voted against the previous proposal, but felt the improvements in the current proposal were positive. He also did not find the "bay" window to be of concem. Jim Shearer agreed with Ludwig that the "bay" window need not be changed. Jim asked the applicant if he would find the additional landscaping acceptable, and Chris answered it would be firne, Diana Donovan concurred with the comments of the other Commissioners. Ludwig Kurz moved to approve the request for wall height and front setback variances for the Neuswanger Residence, lnt 6, Block B, Vail Rtdge2642 Cortina Lane per the staff memo, subject ro the condirions, and with the elimination of the second condition regarding the "bay" window. Chuck Crist seconded the motion. The vote was a unanimous 4-0 in favor. J. lst Filine/193 Beaver Dam Road. Apolicant: Jeanne M. Bailev Jill Kammerer explained the rcquest to construct a three-space, detached garage in the front setback, and the proposed site plan. On May 1, 1991, the Design Review Board reviewed the plan to determine if the garage separation would be acceptable. They determined the site con straints warranted the buildin g separation. and found that the proposal met findings A, B and C of Section IV of the memo. Jirn ( Shearer seconded the motion. It was approved 4-0. Since the applicant's representative for item 6 was available, the Commission jumped to that item. 6. Villaee lst Filins245 Forest Road. Apnlicant: Michael Shannon Shelly Mello explained the request to place a Eara,ge with GRFA below in the front setback. The slope beneath the structures on the lot does not exceed 30%, and thercfore the garage was not automadcally allowed in the front setback, per Section 18.69.050 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. The proposed strucnue would encroach a maximum of 14 feet into the setback. The request met all other zoning considerations. Staff recommended that additional landscaping be added to screen the addition and a metal grate driveway be used to avoid the need for excessive fill and retaining walls. Staff found there to be no grant of special privilege, and recommended approval with the following conditions: 1. All nees effected by the siting of the garage will be relocated. 2. Additional landscaping, three 8-12' spruce and two 3" caliper aspens to the east of the garage will be planted by the applicant. 3. The staff recognizes that there are traffic/parking problems on Forest Road due to the lack of on-site parking located directly adjacent to the road, and recognize the merits of keeping some additional parking available in this area. A condition of approval is that one space be removed to allow for additional planting, which would include trees, that would serye to screen the parking areas. This plan will be reviewed by the DRB. This approach still allows for a total of 6 parking spaces. Four spaces are requircd per the Town of Vail parking requirements. 4. The proposed metal grate system be used for the entire drive to eliminate the necessity for fill and retaining walls below the driveway. Findings A, B and C2 suppon grant of the variance. Ned Gwathmey, applicant's representative, said he thought the additional parking was benefrcial, but it was no problem to remove it. Diana Donovan questioned how to soften the impact of so much asphalt. Ned suggested on-deck planters. Jim Shearer moved to approve the rcquest for a front setback variance, Shannon Residence, l-ot 22, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing245 Forest Road pcr the staff memo with a correction of the garage encroaching 14 feet, and the parking area be screened sufficiently with landscaping. All of the parking may be retained if the Design Review Board finds the proposed scr€ening to be sufficient. Chuck Crist seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0. 7. Ludwig Kurz was appointed by assent to the Municipal Complex Task Force. 5. A request fo'r a wo'rksession to rcview the Town of Vail Master Transportation Plan. Aoplicant Town of Vail The Commission reviewed various aspects of the proposed Master Transportation plan. A hearing was scheduled to take place on June 17, 1991 at 6:30PM. ,Y. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GI\EN that the Planning and Envj.ronmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on Nlay 20, 199L at 3:00 p.m. in the Town of VaiI Municipal Building. Consideration of: L. A request for a minor amendment, and a request for a conditional use permit, Special Development District No. 5, Simba Run Resorts, Lots 5, 7, 8, 9 and part of Lot L0, Block C, Resubdivision of Lionsridge Subdivision/1100 North Frontage Road West. Applicant: U.A.P. Holdings Co. 2. A reguest for a Gore Creek stream setback variance for Russell's Restaurant's proposed outdoor dining deck' Lot A, Block 5, Vail village lst Fili.ng/228 Bridge Street. Applicant: D.R.R., Inc., d/b/a Russell's 3. A request for an exterior al-teration in Commercial Core I for Gorsuch, Ltd. I LoE E/ Bl-ock 5, Vail- Village 1-st Filing/ 263 Gore Creek Drive.Applicant: Paul Golden 4. A requesU for a front setback variance, Bailey Residence, Lot 38, Block 7, Vail Village lst Fi1in9,/193 Beaver Dam Road.Applj-cant: Jeanne M. Bailey 5. A request for a front setback vari.ance, Shannon Residence, LoE 22, Block 7, YaiL Village 1st Fi1in9/245 Eorest Road. Appli.cant: Michael Shannon 5. A request for a worksessj-on to review the Town of Vail Master Transportation Plan.Applicant: Town of Vail '1 . A request for revievr of the Vail Village Streetscape Master Plan for formal recommendation to tbe Town CounciL. The Master Plan addresses the general area fron E. Lionshead Cir. to Ford Park, and includes w. Meadovt Dr., E. Meadow Dr., Willow Bridge Rd., Gore Creek Dr., Vail Valley Dr., Bridge St., and Hanson Ranch Rd. Applicant: Town of Vail Any items tabfed from the May 13, 1991 PEC meeting agenda. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public review in the Community DeveloPment Department office. Town of Vail Comrnunity Development Department Published in t,he Vail Trail on May 3, 1991. /'l K/',,,f 5'/ - ?7 Hlirifrll#ril,?*n irreer l:g;'llfi'3T,l1l"o'" r,"0 Q:^lgl3,ft?S Chicago, lL 60614 Mr. Ron Byrne 285 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Suite 500 Denver, CA 80222 Mr. Ed Hicks 3026 South Padre lsland Drive Corpus Christi, TX 784'15 1000 South Broadway Denver, CO 80203 ffiiyu'rri rr.l:t6A(&O-,l nppltclrtoli FoR A vARTANcE I. Thls will A. procedure ls required for not be accepted until all any proJect lnformatlon requestlng a variance. is submltted. The application NAI4E ADDR RESS OF APPLICANT /I :1{hl$ t45 Frffbr Koru> B. PHONE PHoNE 4'?b'lt1 flb5- c.NAME 0F oHNER(S)(typ or print s t'oiL cr' 6lb5 NAHE OF APPLICANT.S REPRESENTATIVE NTD EhAIT\MC1 ADDREs \e{e FrzAt5 WtbT '5tno1 ADDRESS PHONE D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS (-+b frP€.:t FoAr) E. LEGAL D Esc R r pr r oN Lor :LL BLocx{r tL r NG__Vyl 5r FEE THE YOUR F. A'list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIND ANO ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT l.lILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT I4AILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE I.IITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO.'DETERMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION I.IILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO I4AKE AN APPOINTMENT }IITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION t.llLL STREAI'ILINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR' YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUI'I8ER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED I.IITH BEFORE A EUILDING PERMIT IS ISSIIED. III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEHENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existlng or potential ' uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to whicn rcrlet rroil'une strrct or titeral lnterpretation and . enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatlbi'l ity and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the variance On light and a'ir, distribution of population' transportation, traffic faci'lities, utilities, and public safety. Yarlance t 4. How you uest complies w.ith Vail,s Comprehensive plan. I r req IV. 9. A topographi-c and/or lmprovement survey at.a scale of-at least l. - 20r stamper ' bv a Golorado tl.:Igo iurveyor {ni'ruding rocatigns-or-iri-.*iriir; fip;il'-ments, lncluding-grades and !tevaiions. -Othir eternenis wnrch must be shown are_parking qnd.loading areasr lngress and egress, lanascppeA areas and utility and drainage features. c. l:t!g plan at a sca'le of at least l"'20' showing existing and groposed bui I di ngs. D. All pre'limlnary building e'levations and_floor plans sufficlent to indicate the dimensions, general-appearance, sca'le and Lse of a.ll oriiii.ir'"ni"rp."".existing and profosed.on the site. - E. A preliminary tltle report to verify ovrnership and easements F. If the proposal is located ln a nru'ltl:family development which has a homeowners,association, then written.approval from the-associiiion rn iuppJii ir'irii-"'proiebt must be received Uy'i ouly authorized ageni ro" said association. G. Any additional materia'l necessary for the review of the app.lication as determined by the zoning adminisirator.. * For interior modificatio1sr ln improvement survey and site plan uay be waived by the zoning administratoi.. Time Requirments The Planning hnd Environnenta'l Commission meets of each month. A complete application form and (as described above) must be'iubmitted a minimum PEC public hearing. No incomp)ete applicatjons administrator)_wjll be accepted by the planning nated submittal date. on the 2nd and 4th ltondays all accompanying material -of 4 weeks prior to the date of the (as determined by the zoning staff before or after the desig- '\| i ffi0i,i ,,,- ,O ApriL 22, 1991 Mr. She11y Me11o, PLanner #1 Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West VaiI, CO 81657 Re: Shannon Residence - 245 Forest Road Variance for Au Pair Unit in Front Setback Dear Shelly: Pursuant to all our discussions regarding the Shannon Residence 'they wish to proceed with the following understandings: 1. The existing unit is the primary unit. Lot size is 201821 .68 square feet. Total GRFA is 4,332. Depending on outcome of 60/40 interpretations between 560 and 600 square feet of GRFA renain with the primary. Since the Staff ruled the 250 was not available for this application, we are therefore using GRFA. Employee unit discussions may apply to this addition; it will be an employee unit. The garage can go into the front setback. See enclosed survey. 4. The new space can extend into the front setback similar to the variance granted to Chris Neussranger 25 March '199'l . See enclosed "Application for a Variance. " This seems to be a no braineri the benefit is to obtain an employee unit without an increase in building volume. Enclosed garage parking on Forest Road would also seem beneficial to the neighborhood. 2. 3. Ms. Shelfy MeLlo AprLL 22, 1991 Page 2 Donrt hesitate to call if you don't agree or if you need additional infornation. The Shannons would like to get going on this project (before their kids go off to college) this spring. Sincerely, ARNOLD/GWATHMEY/PRATT ARCHITECTS, P.C. Edr,rard M. EI"IGlad Enclosures copy to: lvlike Shannon Gwathmey, I A reguest for front residence, located 245 Forest,Road Lot I.Description of Variance R ested: Front Setback Variance Under Section 18.69.050 of the zoning code, there is no front setback reguirement for garages on lots qthere the average slope of the side beneath a proposed structure and parking area exceeds 30t. The Shannon lot is accessed from the south off Forest Road. The subject site is presently very steep, the majority i-n excess of 50t. The applicant is requesti-ng approval of a front setback variance in order to construct a bedroom in conjunction with an attached garage in the front setback, 8 foot fron the front property line. The bedroom proposed is below part of the garage. The 12 foot encroachment i.nto the front setback would result 1n a 8 foot setback, therefore, a 12 foot front setback variance is required. The proposed garage will be at the level of Forest Road. The applicant is requesting to construct GRFA in the front yard in conjunction with the garage. in order to eliminate the need for excessive fill to be added below the garage. II. The relationship of the reguested varlance to other existing or potentj.al uses and structures in the vicinity. others in Lhe vicinity have simllar parking/s1ope cons j.derations ; most have no garages. Several residences with garages have GRFA above. Taking Lhe garage proposal out of the eguation, the additional GRFA witl not be noticeable or even perceptible. III. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpreLation and enforcement of a specified regulation 1s necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sj-tes in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege, Retief will allow for the construction of the garage in a sensible way with usable space rather than backfill below; the character of the neighborhood will be enhanced. fV. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportatj.on, traffic, facilitiest utilities, and public safety. No adverse effect; all are al1owab1e extensions of the existing residence. yard setback variance for the Shannon in the Primary,/Secondary Zone District, 22 Block 7 vail village First. V. How your request complies with VaiI's comprehensive master p1an. The need for employee housj"ng and covered parking are publicly stated if not inclusions of the master plan. This small addition cannot adversely effect the big plan. 75 south fror age road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47S2138 (3q!) 47S2139 oflice of community developmenl April 5, L99L Mr. Mike Shannon P.O. Box 7 vail, co 81658 Mr. Ned Gwathney l0OO S. Frontage Road vail , co 8L657 Re: Shannon Residence Lo|L 22, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing Dear Mike and Ned: The following details the GRFA for the above property under the pre-1991 and current GRFA regulations: D'.a-1qq1 current Lct Size: 2Ot82L.68 sg. ft. 2O,82L.68 sq. ft- Total All-owablez 4,332 s.f. + 550 s.f. 4t332 + 850 = 5,!82 s.f . of credits available (excludes garage). if used (excl . garage) Max. Allowabl-e for Second Unit: L732.8 s.f.2,O72.8 s.f. 3,007.3 s.f Existing GRFA: 2,456.3 s.f. Credits Used: 339 s.f. 29 s.f. -Deductions: L69 s.f. -Available GRFA: 1,875.7 s.f. storage N/A airlock N/A stairs N,/A 2,L'l4.7 s.f. As we discussed, there seems to be have been some confusion concerning the lot size. As per the survey by Eagle valley Engineering and survey, received April L, 199L, the lot size is 20;821.68 sq. ft., rather than the 24to25 sq. fc. which was Mr. Mike Shannon Mr. Ned Gwathney April 5, L991 Page 2 indi-cated in the Town of vair permanent file for the renodel cornpeted in July, L987. The staff considers.the-existing residence to be the prirnary unit for the rot. At this time, beciuse there is remainini enra'o" -- the property, and onry one unit exists, a 250 additioi cannot be granted. There are a number of issues being reviewed by the pEC and Town council ytrigh rnay enabre you to a-cornprish, ii part or whole,your goal of adding a- caretaker/employee uni-t without using i portion of the arlowable GRFA and ltilr allow for an additional secondary unit. However, at this time, no legislation has been enacted. Please contact us shouLd you have any further questi.ons. Thank you for your.patience during the zoning check. We hope this information is helpfut. Sincerely, Kristan Pritz Cornmunity Development Director /ab cc: Ron Phillips 1o er Shelly Tom Pl o FTLEcoPY 75 souih lronlage load Yeil, colorado 81657 (303) 47$'2138 (303) 479-2139 After our conversation on Friday, M and I had the opportunity to sit d and discuss your concerns this norning. After reviewing th file, our records indicate analyzed as a primary unit.that the remodel for y Based on a lot size of , O25 sg.., the allowable GRFA for the sq. ft. The square footage property was deternine t for the residence that was constructed under the building perrnit had a total GRFA of 2,520 sq. ft. Enclosed is the zone check sheet, the building perrnit, and a letter from Peter Looms. This information indicates that everyone understood the unit was a prinary unit. SheIIy Mello will try to complete a GRFA check using the old formula and new formula by Thursday, April 4, 199L. This assunes we will receive the survey today. At this time, the application for the 250 request is incornplete. Our department wiII need a starnped survey showing contours in the area of the garage and residence, as well as lot area and a title report showing ownership and easements. The contours on the survey are particularly inportant so that we can detennine if it is acceptable to allow the garage to encroach into the 20 foot front setback. April 1, 1991 Mr. ilike Shannon Vail Associates P.O. Box 7 vail, co 81658 Re: thanuou Lot 22, Dear Mike: 250 Addition Bloclc 7, Vail village Flrst Filing oflice of communlty developmenl ;on5 29, 1991-, Shelly Mello Mr. Mike shannon April 1, 1991 Page 2 Once the GRFA check has been completed, the staff would like to sit down with you and Ned Gwathrney to discuss the project. We would like to neet with you on Thursday afternoon, April 4. As you know, the Planning and Envirorunental Cornrnission is discussing the 250 Ordinance at their April 8 meeting. If it is determined that you are eligible to use the 250 ordinance, it is important to resolve these issues as soon as possible, so that you wlll not lose any pgleEELaI option to use the 250 ordinance. The staff, at ttris time, believes your unit does not meet the requirernents for the 250 ordinance. However, as I stated to you in our phone conversation on Friday afternoon, f wish to discuss the issue witb Larry Eskwith and meet with you and Ned to rnake sure our decision is fair to you. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 479-2138. Sincerely, r) t 0.t (ri5t" {Yfft Kristan Pritz Cornmunity Development Director /ab Enclosures cc: shel.ly lteJ-lo Ned Gwathney Ron Phillips DEFHRTMENT @F .E@MMUNITV DEVtrL@FMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM XXXXXXX TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT; MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Comrnunity Development Departrnent March 25, 1991 A request for a front setback variance, Shannon Residence, Lat22, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing/245 Forest Road. Applicanr Michael Shannon I. DESCRIPTION OF TIIE VAzuANCE Under Section 18.69.050 of the zoning code, there is no front setback requirement for gamges, on lots where the average slope of the site beneath a proposed structure and parking area exceeds 307o (except as may be required by the Design Review Board). The staff has interpreted this to include existing structures. In this case, the average slope beneath the proposed garage is greater than 30Vo. However, the remainder of the lot where the existing residence is located is less than 3OVo. The staff has determined that the allowance to place the garage in the front setback without a variance is not applicable to this lot. Therefore, a front setback variance is requested to locate the garage and the GRFA in the front setback. The Shannon residence is accessed from the south off of Forest Road. The site slopes down to the north from the high point on the south side of the lot. The slope is approximately 37.5Vo at the south end of the lot, where the garage is proposed to be located, and averages approximately 20Vo midway through the lot where the existing residence is located. The low point of the site is located along the northem property line. (See Section I and2 on Exhibit A.) The applicant is requesting approval of a front setback variance in order to construct a gamge which includes GRFA below. The gamge encroaches a maximum of 14 feet into the front setback and the GRFA below encroaches 12 feet into the setback. This encroachment into the front setback would result in a 6 foot front setback. The applicant also requests that the existing 3 surf'ace parking spaces remain. This request is due to the lack of available on- street parking in the area. The floor of the garage will be at roughly the same elevation as that of Forest Road. Some fill will be necessary to construct the driveway as the applicant proposes to use a combination of fill and a metal, grate platform for garage access off of Forest Road. The applicant is requesting to construct a secondary unit (GRFA) in the front yard in conjunction with the giuage above, in order to utilize the space below the garage and to eliminate the need for excessive fill to be added below the garage. I ZONING CONSIDERATIONS This lot is located within the Primary/Secondary Znne District. There is an existing single family residence on the lol The additional 458 sq. ft. of GRFA will provide for a secondary unit. With the addition of the secondary unit, *re total parking requirement for the project will be 4 spaces. As proposed, T spaces would be available. The following details other development standards for the lot: Lot Size: 20,821.68 sq. ft. Allowed GRFA: 4,332 + 850 sq. ft. = 5,182 sq. ft. Allowed Second Unit: 2,157.8 sq. ft. Existing GRFA Primary: 3,007.3 sq. ft. Secondary: 0 GRFA Proposed (Second Unit): 458 sq. ft. Proposed Garage: 446.5 (2 car) Site Coverage Allowed: 4,164.3 Existing: 1,492.0 Proposed: 1,980.0 UL CzuTERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of criteria and findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested front setback variance based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The requested setback variance, if approved, would not adversely affect the use or enjoyment of adjacent properties. By concenffating the development on the southem portion of the lot adjacent to Forest Road, less site disturbance will occur. If the applicant were to construct the same amount of GRFA. but not locate anv of the GRFA in the front setback, the living area would be located further down the slope, thereby creating grcater and unnecessary site disturbance. Three to four 4" caliper pine nees will be displaced by the siting of the garage. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to obtain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Because of the steepness of the lots in this area, there are several properties in the area which have taken advantage of the section of the zoning code which allows the construction of garages to occur in the front yard. However, due to the change in slope midway through the lot, this particular property does not qualify for this allowance. Although the neighboring homes do not have GRFA in the front yard associated with the garages, staff believes that allowing GRFA in the front yard of this property will minimize site disturbance, and that relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of this provision of the code is warranted. The staff finds that, by allowing the construction of the garage and the GRFA in the front setback on this lot, there will be no grant of special privilege. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities' public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff finds the requested variance will have no significant impact upon any of the above considerations. Public Works has reviewed the proposal and approves of the garage location in the setback. V. FINDINGS The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the followins findings before eranting a vadance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a gtant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be derimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinitv. 2. J. A. B. C. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: 1. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the obiectives of this title. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. 3. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specifred regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the front setback variance with the following conditions: /l.// All trees effected by the siting of the garage will be relocated. 2.ttt Additional landscaping, three 8-12' spruce and two 3" caliper aspens to the east of the garage will be planted by the applicant. 3. The staff recognizes that there are traffic/parking problems on Forest Road due to the lack of on-site parking located directly adjacent to the road, and recognize the merits of keeping some additional parking available in this area. A condition of approval is that one space be removed to allow for additional planting, which would include trees, that would serve to screen the parking areas. This plan will be reviewed by the DRB. This approach still allows for a total of 6 parking spaces. Four spaces are required per the Town of Vail parking requirements. 4. The proposed metal grate system be used for the entire drive to eliminate the necessity for fill and retaining walls below the driveway. Staff does not believe approval of the request rvould be a grant of special privilege and would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or weHare. The topographic conditions of the site have created unique development considerations for this site. The planning staff believes a hardship would be imposed on the applicant if the strict and literal interpretation of the zoning code were to be enforced. Further, the strict interpretation of the front setback requirements would result in an inferior site plan in that a greater area of the site would be disturbed in order to construct a driveway, garage and GRFA within the setbacks. Findings supporting the variance are A, B, and c-2. c :\oec\nemos\hannon.520 -,J!ru; DR8 APPIJICATION DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: 1l *T***THJS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED TTNTIL ALL INFORI'TATION IS SUBMITTED*iI*** I. PRE-APPLICATTON MEETTNG: A pre-application meeting with a.planning-?!lff menber is sti'ongly- suggested to deteraine if any additional intorialion-i.s needed. No anplication will be accepted the zonino administrator). It is the applicantrs aPPointment with the staff to find out about additional subnittal requirements. Please note that a CoMPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your pioject by decreasing the.nu:nber of -conditions oi appiovil thal the DRB may stipulate-' Ar''L conditions ot apiroval must be resolved before a building perurit is issue-d. epplication wiII no-t be-pr-ocessed iritnout owner's signature. tg€ glY'Uosgb WITEA A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:tT\fl"r IEJ> ws LegaI Description Lot (L Block Subdivision VV l' C. NAME OF APPLICN{T: Mailing Address: D.NA},IE OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATIVE: Mailing Address:0trD Phone E.NN{E OF OWNERS: srGrfATuRE (a) : F. G. B.I-CATION Address OF PROPOSAL: Phone +1b .6!zpt Mailing a661s55; /rRlE ' Phone condoninium Approval if applicable. Nd|AFn-}6Ap\+ - DRB FEE: The fee will be naid at the time a building VALUATION $ o- $ 101001 -s 5o, oo1 - $150,ooL - s500,ooL -$ over $ 10,000 $ 50,0oo $ 150,0oo $ 500,oo0 s1, 000, o0o $1, 000, o0o FEE s 10.00 s 25.00 $ 50. oo $r.oo. o0 $2Oo. oo s300. 00 I t II. il'IPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBI.{ISSIONS TO EIIE DRB: A. In addition to rneeting subnittaL requirenents, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property l-ines and building corners. Trees that wil'I be removed must also be narked. llhis work nugt be completed before the DRB visits the site. WL{.'L EE: Sf,[l$- , B. The review process for NEw BUILDINGS will notnally involve two-separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so tbe applicant should plan on at least tso meetings for a f-inal approval. Htt A$fiI(AF*t ' c. Applicants who fail to aPpear before the Design Revies- A-olrd at their scheduled ueeting and who have not asked for a postponenent will be required to be republished' D. At the discretion of, the zoning administrator, the following items may not have to be presented to ttre Design n6view soard. They, however, have to be lres6nted to ttre Planning DePartment for approval: a. Windons, skyliEhts and sinilar exterior changes that do noCatier the existing plane of the building; and b. Buildins additions that are not viewed fron any ottrer t6t or public space, which have had letters subnitted froi acljoining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent f,or' or nanager of a condoninium association' E. you may be required to conduct Natural Hazard studies on your propeity (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris floi, wetla-ndsr-e€c). You should check vith a Town Planner before Proceeding. LIST OF }.IATERIAI,S NN.TE OF PROJEqT:CARA(23\AFrmrtrP - IJGAL DESCRIPTION: IOT-14 BIOCK SUBDIVISION STRSET ADDRESS: OF PRO.TESIS The following infornation is required for subnittal to the Design Review Board-before a final approval can be given: Au/{a F4<Tt til ktugTt 1C2 A. BUILDING !,TATERIAI,S: TTPE OT UATERIAL COI,,oR S$Eq- - l-itrI Roof .sidlng ottrer wall Uaterials Fascia Soffits l{indows l{indow Trin Doors poor Trirn Hand or Deck Rails Flues flashings Chimneys Tfash Enclosures Greenhouses other n,Lf#)> PRf)t\f,p \\-Dtri, 1o t-lF,Talt' B.IANDSCAPTNG:Name of Designer: Phone: PIANT ilATERIAIS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Conmon Narne ouaqlitv SLzet' Aw Jpgpele nEt4AlD - EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED To ea Ffl^cAf#- *fndicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minirnurn calip?E for i-..iia"""" [t""i-it.i i"qt"t. Indicate height for-conif,erous DESCRIPTION PLA}{T IdATERIALS: Fotanica} Name CAmQD--[3ee ouantitv Size* PROPOSED SHRUBS EXTSTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. 5 qallon. I\r'pe Scruare Footage GROI'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OT IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEArURES (retaining rtalls, fences, swiTning ;;;G,-tti. f'- pri,i..-rpe"irv. rndi6ate heishts of retainins walls. Dtaximum height-of wllts sithin the front setback is 3 feet. u.iir"r--n"iettt of walls elsewhere on ttre property is 5 feet N0 $E\il . {ll,.li Ai ,{ r,,,,islo April 22, 199'l Mr. She1ly MeI1o, Pl-anner #1 Town of Vaif Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West VaiI, CO 81657 Re: Shannon Residence - 245 Forest Road DRB Application Dear Shelly: Having submitted a Variance for Front Yard Setback to PEC' we request a conceptual hearing with DRB so if/when PEc approves this variance, the Shannons can proceed with their smalI proj ect. Don't hesitate to call if you don't agree or if you need additional information. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, AFI{OLD/GWATHME]T/PRATT ARCHTTECTS, P. C. M. Gwathmey, Enclosures copy to: Mike Shannon r o hwn 75 toulh frontrga rcad vCL coloredo 81657 (3Ct) 4792138 (3€,47$2t3s offfce ol communlty dweloprnenl May 29, 1991 Mr. Ned Gwathmey 1000 S. Frontage Fload Vail, CO 81657 Re: Shannon Residence, Lot22, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing Dear Ned: I am writing to confirm our conversation last week concerning the use of the secondary unit on . .the above lot. The requested additional "au pair" unit of 458 sq. ft. of GRFA will be considered the secondary unit for Lot 22 because of the provision of kitchen facilities in the unit, as defined in Section 18.04.190, and the fact that the unit meets the definition of a dwelling unit in Section 18.04.070 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Should, at some point, the applicant wish to use the remaining GRFA on the lot to provide an additional unit, only 2 kitchens, i.e., dwelling units, could be provided on the property. The kitchen in the unit below the garage could be relocated and the GRFA in this unit be applied to either the primary or secondary unit, provided the secondary does not exceed 40Y" ot the allowed GRFA. The staff is currently proposing a program which would allow a pimary', secondary, and permanently restricted employee unit on a Primary/Secondary zoned lot. Should this proposal be approved and the "au pair" unit below the garage qualify, this mav be an option available to your client to legitimize the unit. Please call should you have any questions. lab o o \ ) I a il $ J 7 F. fr I H, J a {i-o $ i \L $ TL [\\\\)l J E d t 'l 2 -+g \t 'lr i \ I d $fi 4l 7 I -+ I I B i$ la l+ =r '3lD $F uP +* o $ * \ \\--f I 9n, FI ff'E zj+:K \ i r$2 $ :tr t P *ffi il d 6 z- # \+ ll k tal d ?.5 I \t ) rfl l $ su +h 6U zr s$ -bi _tti :Al B ul ii t t{s{ + t P h$ *s* il F rl $Fl $$H SHANNON ADDITION ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS Mr. Norman Waite 1710 North Burlington Street Chicago, IL 60 6'l 4 Mr. Ron Byrne 285 Bridge Street Vai1, CO 81 657 Capelli & Associates 2696 South Colorado Boulevard, Suite 500 Denver, CO 80222 Mr. Ed Hicks 3026 south Padre Island Drive Corpus Christi, Tx 78415 Mr. Jerry Gart Gart Brothers 1000 South Broadway Denver, CO 80203 MAR 2 5lsef March 19, 1991 Ms. Kristen Pritz, Director Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Co 81657 Re: Shannon Garage Addition LoE 22 Block 7 Vail Village 1 Dear Kristen: Mike and Mary sue shannon have had three little ones since remodeling their secondary unit at 245 Forest Road. They wish to add a two-car garage and a bedroom per the existing sketches for mother-in-1aws and/or nanny. we would reguest a pre-application conference to discuss and determine if: 1. the 250 is applicabte to this secondary residence. 2. a variance is reguired to put the garage in the front setback. 3. this is indeed a seeondary and how the 60 140 division applies in this non-conforming case. They wish to proceed this year; I would hope to- obtain dlrection and make necelsary applications Monday, 25 March, with your assistance. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, LDIGT{ATHMEY/PRATT ARCHITECTS, P, C. ward M. GwathmeYt EMG/ad Enclosures copy to: Mike Shannon c. lst :t 5199f SHANNON PRIMARY/SECONDARY Lot Area - .478 acre GRFA Total Adj usted Adjusted GRFA 20,821.68 sq. ft. = 3, 750 582 408 plus Total Secondary 2 r152 Existing residence by new method is 4 ,332 425 4,757 5rg5 1,902 250 2r840 sq. ft. L3+t qrr1- /GWATHT4EY/PRATT ARCHTTECTS, P. c.*rso@ : Sf}9-: ward M. Gwathmey, 1t6 jll$ I r{[,..,:.',,i991 {PtO ]0,1 t'\dN\o \1r March 19, 199'l Ms. Kristen Pritz , Director Town of VaiI Community Development 75 South Frontage Road lrlest Vail, CO 81657 Re: Shannon carage Addition Lot 22 Block 7 Vail Village 1st Dear Kristen: Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Mike and Mary Sue Shannon have had three little ones since J'r''*-' remodeling thelr secondary unit at 245 Forest Road. They wish t add a two-car garage and a bedroom per the existing sketches for mother-in-Laws and/or nanny. We would reguest a pre-application conference to discuss and determine if: 1. the 250 is applicable to this secondary residence. 2. a variance is required to put the garage in the front setback.3. this is indeed a secondary and how the 60/40 division applies in this non-conformlng case. They wish to proceed this yeari I would hope to obtain direction and make necessary applications Monday, 25 March, with your assistance. EMG,/ad EncLosures copy to: Mike Shannon lso Lot Area - .478 acre = GRFA Total Adj usted Adjusted GRFA SHANNON PRIMARY/ SECONDARY 2 1 1991 20,82'1.68 sg. ft. = 3r750 582 = 4r332 425 = 4 t757 40r plus Total Secondary ' 'ZouZ '1D1L'b = 2t152 Existing residence by new method q. ft. 'f'43- ''{',t:-)1?\ htu APPLICATION FCR ADDITIONAL GRFA FOR PROPERTIES IN EXCESS OF ALLOWABLE GRFA Date of Appl ication 4'2<'al Date of DRB Meetins4' l-1',91 PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference wjth a member of the p'l anning staff js strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be added to a site. It should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an addit'ional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for !g to 250 square feet if certain conditions are met. <bt tyTtR-f+lC'l,gl<p . Applications for additions under this section wjll not be accepted unless they are complete. This includes al'l information required on this form as wel'l as Design Review Board submjttal requirements. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: l{ 245 fWT PDAI2 8. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address +44 fcg6 Ri'Al> Legal Description:Lot UL Block 1 Fi linq VVtjr t Zone 0i strict ?/S C. NAME OF APPLICANT: IfiCtAEL. S s+}A+II-|(lJ Raa..rs %5 Fbefs[ FcAD - VAIL Affr'ltaJtS phon"_11k-&oL D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address rtg, a.:l.{[d fprsporae BoaO_ t]€i_${_p E. NAI'IE 0F oWNER(S) ** Signature(s) Addres s Filing hone F.Fee of $]00.00 is requjred at time of submjttal The following jnformation, in additjon to DRB submittal requirements' shall be reouired with this submitta'l : l. Verification that the unjt has received a final certificate of occupancy. 2. Names and maiiing addresses of adjacent property owners and of owners of units on the same lot. This informatjon is avajlable from the Eagle County Assessor's office. 3. Condominium association approval (if appl icable). - 4. Exjstjng floor plan of structure. R.XI-.c2sVD- G. Your proposal wil'l be reviewed for compliance with l.JoT,api6A6u-- Vail's Comprehensive P'l an. o o /-- ---- \ \_.- .--Y.\ f- \ -\z: -.a'r -!I t +- a s ! !!r r t \ N Ut $ R $ ul F 9. I \ *eF ]HE -F I _+* - \ \\ \ \ \\ \\ f{ {{<rX ,r\ ix A *\ $\n\F\fr\ \ \$$li $fiE, \ :.\ I :r '. It h r * T { s [n \ *s !i .N B d* I,$ SF flx gf "il tt ptr di '. E a-cr $ F F t 'F $t l6 l<ldr ltl t-.-l\ f. v z-I fi 3$ Ii$ ffil lffil (F Vqzq * PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,^,, ttfl"t fq I JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER iNSPECTION:MON UES INSPEc-fl f,+ $F8usst / uz t-t> FRI .t. AM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEFGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING r-r FOOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL . tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR uN\\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,^_,\ - \\-\\ JoB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL i CALLER TUES . \tvoN l \\(1. WED THUR FR Ptr,l!READY FOR LOCATION: INSP CTION: \ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr C tr . D o UMBING ! FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D.W.V. ROUGH i WATER tr FRAMING GAS PIPING POOL i H TUB D tr FINAL u tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o tr tr tr TEMP..POWER ! HEATING ROUGH o tr ! EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ! FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: oerc f6-Zt-11 rNSPEcroR I i 4 I tl L_l /i \/'i _l I + to 0 PERMIT N DATE NA[/E CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES LOCATION: INSPECTION TOWN l--- REQUEST rvAlh ' .r,;UMB t0 T JOB OJEC BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W,V.ON i STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER r-r ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION trPOOLiHTUE tr FINAL tr tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr E tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL ! o FINAL D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DArE /0 -/6 - 7/ |NSPECToR NN\ I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT r D+rE \\ =\S -\ JoB NAME l\x-* SEnoY ros LOCATION: INSPEC INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST vAlh..' .r, MON TUES \THUF .(\ .. CALLER BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL AMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION TPOOLiHTUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n C D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr o tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL futt*outo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED omt /b -/k - 7/ rNSPEcroR PERMIT NIJMBER OF PROJECT \\ :\ a\'\t . \;\ DATE \\ - -\ - \\ JOB NAME 74- TNSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAltr r .ALLER F": C.r,- ., ? y ?- 3 c: r t- 1L- 1 .,.a A READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON .1 {Jr (-\/- -ruES wED f{D FRI r ) ,121- AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND FRAMING O ROUGH / D,W,V, O ROUGH / WATER _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB -E SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: porsneenove o tr..REINSPECTION REQUIRED /l s/iE ,i c,/ ''7 i' 'i ,i TNSPECTOR ,/ o PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: <:\ I --\/l, lr(/, tln Y*/ iluMB i() X U ER R n OJEC v.I o R I :P 6 )ts T JOB NAME TNSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL} .. ot1 L-l ts THUR FR tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED MON CALLER TUES )*s { ,t tr-APPROVED COHRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED NSPECTION BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W,V. O ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - FOOF & SHEER .- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E POOL/H TUB tr SHEETRgCK NAIL tr f]tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL DATE INSPECTOR t I N s P E 9;rJ*o N, $Foo l-r 5s r PERMIT PROJECT OF t/ DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON ?v "-- _ -----\ TUES ,,,,-WED/l:/ CALLER -.... READY FOR LOCATION: THUR FR AM PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D,W.V, ROUGH / WATER KI tr D tr tr tr FRAMING /(. ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL ! o FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING O ROUGH tr' D tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED EINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, /a ^ (l'q/ rNSPEcroR n L,t/l c-t-r' I .ol T fe't-:ffi -t,* s a /- 1-i; 1'tIF PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 7/JOB READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TNSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VA|E r tr I vl.j vrl tot' /C"6,,i )/1 /)4-{6ctr CALLER MON TUES THUR @ a^i\ K-y's zs PM or< i l' BUILDING: D FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ON / STEEL ( noucH / D.w.v. -(RoucH / wATER tr D FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING x!:ns PtPtNG tr INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL J-+e+ tr tr FINAL f1 E FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: x Henrrruc <-T) <f tr EXHAUST HOODS tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR Ll D O FINAL tr FINAL )*4eenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT -T - :v/( DATE ,J (/ -c/ //' ''/ |JOB NAME INSPECTION:[/oN CALLER TUES WED READY FOR LOCATION: BI A tr D E o tr tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V, D ROUGH / WATER ,-j- . / FOOTINGS / STEEL *A! tr-;t "' .r: /'') ('1. ) FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr u tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR a O FINAL tr FINAL \RAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oate ( ,7-'// JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: PLUMBING: oorlNGS/srEEL -/or*t J' Q o ,NDERGR.,ND tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH i WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL - tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE OT trF trC n MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -g'lP'a"^ INSPECTION REQ TOW OF VAlF,i pESr ,*PERMIT NUM ER OF JECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER IVON TUES WED A'/ t .-r' 1--- READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL o tr o FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION o tr tr o POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK:d NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL tr UNBERGROUNQ FoucH/DWV, GAS PIPING t ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL )4\PPRovED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER FPR JECT t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN gr,1/Xt ' .*. O1 r,/ I t-t--'v))-\-.--/DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: FJrppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED CALLER or.rz s#el BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS OUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr o tr tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL tr FJNAL ELEClFICAL: EI TEMP. POWEB ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL tr FINAL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /) t .t7 . D^rE Y- Q- 7/ rNSPEcroR ?rr INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIT PERMIT DATE 3 --/ *, /(JOB NAME CALTER FEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON ,i TUE WED FRI AM@ i/ L-4- G.1'<- ELECTRICAL:, tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPFLY AIR D tr tr q FINAL FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W-V. O ROUGH / WATER TINGS / STEEL o tr tr tr D tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL i H, TUB tr FINAL INSPECTOR "^r. k- l-?1 u, * INSPECTION TOWN OF ?7 r" 7z" a REQUST VAllaa ' -.'PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT I t t rr4)27"vt)J on , llf t//f/ JoB NAME !il/' INSPECTIO MON READY FOR LOCATION: ,ez) @ ------@g tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILOING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER tr FoolNGS / srEEL t tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING arrntr r qLrtrtra i Tt !--'-o o\Ecn - .* tr GAS plplNc " PLYWooDNATLTNG -----F : - T1 f r\lqf ll Tra\t\l ' I n p.).)i ./ H Tl tr INSULATION "- ,1 tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL. FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT U SUPPLY AIB trtr O FINAL tr FINAL F(A(PRovED tr DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS:,*?h /€z INSPECTOR a I t t SPE cfloN REQUEST TOWN oF-r VAlln 4rr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:Moy, CALLER TUES frun w"6 {' PERMIT NUMBE BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL (nppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR .A}TAL INSPECTION' s COI,IPLETED _ The ltens below aeed to be conplete before glving a pernlt a flnal C of O. Please check off ln the box provided. FINAI PLT'UBING DATE: l---l tl FINA], MECHANICAI. DATE: FINAI ELECTRICAI. FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:$XST SIDE: TIilPORARY C OF O CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: l--LA}IDSCAPING DTIE DATE: @ m 'r-DJDJI_* - F FEE # E E E;;9q 3 :06;E g V= m P o 7 iq I -m=--1 a3 blb*b* B =.t=I! o q +YF T o.6>= 6 3 *9= E *N=6 F E E: fr1 a\ T m ! = 2 i,-\ art R<2A *; 9> 2=-4 t- 3= i3 2a -.{ m vz >m on -{>or-n T =m -t o €z m n (- z m a ==z. m m =c)m --o>'r- -l @ t- -r.l =z a 1- t-- rGl rrl #ltt {m t-m --{o €z n t-ft m F)z I 6 l€z o 'rt t- m o z l = m r t'l (o 5 (o I \-J o (Jr N) €z o -n t- I m o N I T rn |n l.IF lo t>lI z :3 - I I {z .lr t- m c') z A \l I \l @ -{o €z 'll l- m z (, I t'n t, F EO F Tn F E =tr X t =v1 F I ot =D <F fE -rm v F F F F !ql +(F {D ?r cdr ro{*l I I rn --l rn t- =aJ) = = o --.{- =z =E >F I lc'ml(D -' l-r @lo ol(D xl lc)(^) l-' tJ lc lcl'l- I I I I I I e P. T m v ={ (,z =q mil ll EE bo!t-<Eo t'n m I o3 ==rn-{ oo q@ -im o)X .\m (, 1)o-{ --- o otz \1,-,/ .?,,.2 .//r ic o o z o -{n F o =o z -qr o -;E3d - olgo ! 6',Rq ;g ii =<R{o=.i F- =+oi.:i ;.1d6 (, o:af 5:.sg r131 5 5 0Q 9q'96. 3aB=(o!+(,) 6',e- d€ -! o! a.3- = il JaId 5s3i (/,l== ec4 s i =.9 P @3ol D'^.:J = =< =i^-,F= E= frq <O-f E:d- R d 3;E i Fd *i -'qR6 *ai€>u^(,o=. ,x ar =o o o { q) o o o t f o 3 =g (o o.o !) o- o o =f o I,' o =lo -{o { =o !t o =o o C)t-rn =.I -0 --{ xo m I m z. n-l c) ^m z. a-/r --l >o zA {> mc f'\ tr =m 20 m'n Fo {2 m o o z o It 'r1 = @ m t-.I ft x z t- =z fro1 [:l9lF l>lo l"i ]I tl l518 l"l=il l o z a-.It m t =o z m m m z 2 = at -t c i I o z m c m m -l € (/) I m I I 2 I z I fl m t- trl es la OJ ln o €m l-tr z c z - I o _-l o z c z -.1 l- z m { t- m z =o z |-a m I { 't m a n i t- : z di Hll =1.-ll rnll Fl.F-rt.ol'ol' Fl mlr =li ot:ml"r-l ' ll -ol Pt, ^t Hll zl:-li -oll Otu' =2x2 55 U* -F io 2o 'I +fi ae DX g-g zrf o 69,io= E b Yz v,o99 I --.l{:9 =i Fr 'ts@= !$m= (r)4 -n5-<xr< ;z. -z. I qJ t9 19 O c'l (t z z o F ID g t- 2 z o -{m U' z z =z 6 --{ o u {m =- 2 ;'n x:: F- == -l m ,c)t],'F =- z f O) o) Ol I o -t l- !m v 3 -{'Tl m m (t', @ m x t-m z i m T L i m L z m m € @ o , m m i 2 .n m m @ c't x 3 m r z f- = =o m t-m o --{ c) t- z m 7 (D F z m =i m =-Tl m m q, VALUATION !m a = z o 3 m o 2 t- |- =z m t-m o -{F c) t- =z o n N ol O o o o Ca) (tl O Crl F l\) (t f\) (tl tl ro {F o o Ot O c co tl \) '' /{ z/,/rL cK qo/7L G.n PETER LOOMS o AIA vAlL. coLoRADo 81657 &ryu,,1 A* Cil?t' Lt zz / 3/*k 7 tA/ iltf"y f=/4 'F/7o ;q {; ?_* Wt;r e* ffi^/Urb y,*oust hr f,q Afu G4{ /rt at*e '7a./ *&^F' z4,oz{ se.tu %f (em prz,*,f,/ /+sz [Q,rr ,---. { 'fr*,* 6RfA (a"a) z77o grf Jnr"d'"r"1 6RfA @/-) /saz &.tr /f{ ; are /",bA {*rA),/+ #;f+tryW 6a tra{s./h .,A/ilr.*/ -tf tuil ?xa"/,<(/<"/rh/.4-I tet/'/jo*-n ctt {4t g{<, {t/t.a f{' /r,-wi/"""/, ,/*^ ry,nz,*r^= W (r^;4*/ 6 .*/hf -A s/",,,r. azr {*W{;^q s/"M /** a4 .;6/ #',"*oA [t- eh:fuU -4 gft,&@-/"^ f{"*",de\ l* ",\&.h.,..- fc- .crrt#r.1 y'e a.c,\^e -. c4- DI STRI CTS riting JJ lsi 0ne Phone ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DATE: LEGAL Biock ADDRESS: O!'.lNER ARCH I TECT ZONE DISTRTET PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei ght TOTAI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Si te Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retai ni ng ',,Ja1 I Heights Parki ng Credi ts : Garage Mechanical Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Al I owed (30)(33) t{G5a 20' 15' L5' (30 ) (50 ) (3oo)(600) (eoo)(lzoo) (50)(1oo) t'26 ] f En\ (2oo)(4oo) _@ ( 2l<lo A't / Pro po s ed V Slope Actual Aval anche Fiood Plain Slope l.|etl ands Geologic Hazard Comments : Zoni ng: Date: Approved/Di sapproved o APPLICATION OErc, DATE oF DRB MEETING, JttUe I /qeiA' DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION I,IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI'ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meet'i ng with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless'i t is complete (must'include all items required by the zoning administrator) .It is the applicant's respons'ibifity to make an appointrnent with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamljne the approval process for your project by decreas'ing the number of condjtions of approval that the DRB may st'ipu1ate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Add"es' 245 frFesf kAD , VA/L Legal Description Lot 22 Block 7 Filins Vt/ /-f Zoning 3 */. C. NME OF APPLICANT: Address NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: telephonefifr)-5764) D. Address ft1ePhoney'!/!]1// E. NAIIE OF OI,INERS: telephone(76 1gH?€ permit is requested.F. 5i gnature Address DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,000 $1o,oo1 -$ 5o,ooo $50,001 -$ 15o,oo0 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ Over $1,000,000 be paid at the tjme a building FEE $ to.oo $ zs.oo $ 5o.oo $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: l. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and buitding corners. Trees that wi'l I be removed should also be marked. This work must be compieted before the DRB vjsits the site. 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS w'i'l'l normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Rev'iew Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. Peop'le who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Siding Other }Jall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts lli ndows lili ndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngS Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses , 0ther LANDSCAPING: Name of B.Desi gner: phone: Botanical Name Common Name Quanity Si ze* for conifers. (over) PLANT I"IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height Size 54AL, 544L, 5 44L, 5 - PLANT I'IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name Tvpe Conrnon Name Quani ty € Square Footage CdP4VL/S SOD SEED TYPT OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHERTLANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. Project Application Dale Proiect Name: Proiecl Description: Contacl Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol Block Filing Commenls: Design Review Board Dale DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner E statt Approval o Project Application Project Projecl Contacl Description: Person and a^t"*t{ /?t /?&' ,,^" 4/Uffi hizl#, pno"" 4bft.Ef W, kJW- Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legaf Descripri on: tot 4L , Btocx 7 ,r,^n V V y' *f- , .o^.7-4- Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Dale: Town Planner E Statt Approval o INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING N INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL E tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR Etr O FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED , CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB t INSPECTION TOWN OF RE.U;ST , VAIL NAME CALLER TUES AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER ' PLYWOOD NAILING EI GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTR]CAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR .?',, ./ )' INSPECTION: MON TUES WED ' ..THUR ,' FRI READY FOR LOCATION:( 'i -" PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DAIE /,,4....,., ",,. 'o,..,''li UAL L tr,I.( BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL {innvrr'rc ,!',}-. _'ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPING FRAMING .] Ii- - PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr o frNAL tr FINAL OVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTO.H. C] t,DATE ll </Or. O PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE , '' JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED ":*THUB FRI AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr O FINAL O FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING EI ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPHOVED ..-.V - 'tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTION$ INSPECTOR DATE PERMI DATE T NUMBER OE P-ROJECT INSPECTION TOWN OF REOUESI VAIL CALLER '. ' READY FOR LOCATIONT' .INSPECTION: \ MQN TUES .WED THUR FRI :AM. PM BUILDING: I d roorrrucs tr FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL . ), PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.ON / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL ,APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR t T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REOUEST . TOWN OF VAIL PERMI DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER u pivwoo-o Nnir-rr'rc ...--tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL D o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL .. j4 APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPBOVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF DATE JOB NAME PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: UN LLEN TUES THUR FRI MON WED PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATEB tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWoOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL I READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER MON .TUES INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING - BOOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB ci(sneernocK NArL tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr p r/ilnr-tr FINAL AFPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER TUES READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI .-nil='PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK E POOL / H, TUB FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL O FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED i/ DAT INSPECTOR t INSPEGTION TOWN OF t- REQUEST';AIL I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT l,\.,, ra+'- DATE \\4/V__]2- JOB NAME I CALLER READY/ roR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED \ BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR D '";i;i)tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED EINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR | *--7 o PE PERMIT MBER OF ROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: '1.' JoB Nnue INSPECTION: z- .'_ )\_ -r 1 uoru .; '-'' t'' . ,a ,[ BUlLDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL D tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR B FINAL tr FINAL -qy'neenoveo ' COBBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED naTtr tNrqotr/'\Ta\a DATE,, ,'- INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME t INSPECTION I' REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr D tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT o tr SUPPLY AIR a irrunl tr FINAL 6 feenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED i DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUE9T ' TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED ] THUR MON FRI AM PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr E c tr tr tr D UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. BOUGH / WATER O FRAMING D tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL - tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH o tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr EINAL D FINAL ,ei' eennoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR Project Application Proiect Name: Projecl Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Lesal Descriptio n, ro, '77 , ,ro"* Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL I I I l,i{l: Ml? \i;til iU wn 22.,74.' L:b;riL--..--.... t i{(.) .d qoit cldt(t) to t! fl. t{acDoI*ELL r.!dr i. 7009 Bast Glrarq qityl aDd CcutY ol Darwer' ir O. Cioorrt " colorado , tb. truotf'a t.'l , rta &O ot Oolo!.do' to tlt I , .rd St.t ol Eaglc li l l I I li l. I S#"#:*1fr i."iiffi i:t:sir of Eaglc, State 9f Colora<lo' FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belol'l items need to be complete before g'iving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0RARY C of 0 DATE:-\ \w*\ (-_)