HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 7 LOT 31 LEGALpdfo /a V;/lq,lz* /-oi, blk-7 ooitif,r{rlYtErrEroflrE t Design Review Eoa o d ACTIOI{ FORII Department of Commufl itY Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado E1657 tef: 970.479.21:19 tax:978.479-2452 . web: wrvw.vailgov.tom Project Name: Project Descripdon: Paftlcipants: Prolect Addrcss: 64 BEAVER DAM ROAD Legal Descripuon: Parcel Number: Comments: Mofion By: Seond By: Vote: Conditions: APPUCANT PI.AIII CONSTRUCTION PO BOX 3367 EAGLE co 81631 License; 148-8 CONTMCTOR PI-ATH CONSTRUCTION O5l30l2W7 Phone: 328-5515 PEROT REROOF DRBNumber: DR8070235 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTEMTION FOR A REROOF FROM CEDAR SHAKES TO TAMBRITE SLATE, SLATE GREEN owNER PEROT, H. R. & MARGOT B. O5l30l2W7 PO BOX 269014 PLANO TX 75026-9014 0sl30l2w7 Phone: 328-5515 PO BOX 3367 EAGLE co 81631 Llcense: 148-8 64 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL location: Loh 31 Block: 7 Subdivislon: VAIL ULI-AGE FIUNG 1 2101{71-1300-4 BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR DaE of ApP|ovalz 05 13012007 Cond:8 tet cNlt No changes b tf1ese plans may be made wittput the written consent of To,vn of Vail stin ana/or the appropriate rwial committee(s). Cond:0 (pt-AN): DRB approval does not consdhrte a permlt for building. Please consult with ioan of Vail Building personnel prlor to consbucdon activiHes. Cond:201 DRB apprwal shall not beoome valid br 20 days following the date of approwl. -t\r't lyi;iJ l-rr i^t'-1 $\.t .,\+" qoh, zozl Planncn Joe Suber Apptt val of thls project $all hpse and be@me rcH orc (1) year dbring the date d final apprwal, unless a bulldtng permlt b bgred and @nfuctbn b cornmetred and ls dlllgently pumled buard ompleflon. CoruC: 113 All derclopment appllcatbns submltted to the Tcnrn after tln effbcthe date of Ordlnane 20 Series 2006 $all be sdDject b $e pendlng ernployee tnslng regulatbns in whabrcr foin they arc llnally adopted; prndded, horever, that if tie To,vn fails to adopt the perdlng efiiployee houslng tegulatlons by Aprll L5' 2W7, thb Odlnane shall not apply b $dr developrnent applkafrons. DRB Fee P.ld: $2o.OO GSCC l'l.ay 29. O? 12:5?p tir 9?O o ) 8i+5-?Ol3 P. i Gcncrul tfonndon: Alt pdBcts rqulrlng.derlgn revlew must rf,id(c itgotr.l paab rffilng a br|ttfttg tsrnrt rlrPfi reter tb dr€ stmtfal requlrsnott for tho prttirar ryunl tht A t!$d. An '.pFlc.l|on let @nnot be .aospted und .Jl dryId Infdm$0 5 tdrd bt ||E. Cilt|nurtty Dovrloprrtit Dof protcd rrray rlso mld ut ba E{|qH uy ttlc Tfil @ld l|ltor t|le Fhrt|lng rtd Envllo fi€ttE Octgn nvteu -ptoUi|l hrao |||ilrr UIftl rn|nh b b|||al llt codlldiotr oilr|t' onq yrrrr ol llrc at ronl Applicallon f,or Decign Rcview ElcFfitcit d Co,wlltJtft OorrttsPttEnt TSSouth Rrrrhg! Rs.4l,U, frtab 816f, bl: !170.479.24!! . tbq.: gtL.ra*{tt ||t.h firw.ttva!4o.tts t7 P €t, o \, o N tr ,t (Conm Elgb co. Aessc ct 9/O328-a16.{O lb g : <:t|.ru.} 11__ P|ir tr"OO p qgr fo*c6at dgn lcr tuf 6nEudl$ ot r ntrr h{dlne cf tmCnbti|{,hr|n dilat rdE qrrrc lhage f rdoed o any cond|a'rLl hil5ing (llt.fdct 210 ldr|ltbnr |l htcrbr o fa rt*|o?d!trEb hdrlrgr rd * fngroIrnlfts, . @Ei|) odndng, whdow rdlo.t|s, laloiraplng,rf|imri.{ru,e. tu mbrds|erto h{*rgl ud.gtE lrnFonrnentr, I {rllofff, prmng, wlhdun addedr5, lrfibctg&tfl ||ryutnf$*e 16 rrddd b C-E dlrdt rpOrwed by Ptarlng Ddln nai,Uw litftt ' .r:n. Pl€{se sr; ,r[ Rat'icw .':drt The t.]:n lnbsirxl. I r r:i 1y1ggo .i.:.4tL .2i,{u)-- locogon of thc Propmll PhycstAddn€rs:. palolt'Ilo.: zonlnlt: ll.||r.l$) ol Own€(o)! rt.lllotE Addr€rG Typstlncvhwrd Fcr! O Shnri cl corFepu,.l RrdcnY tr l|cw Ontirdm El Additlon :\ -'' B Mtmr nftgatlolr - ' ,- (muwttnrty/conrncltril) V frillnrsAltsratbn / Irinote*mlly/duplcx) B Chiligos b Agprorld F{!r|s . O 9ep:radorr fqued *$ nb 6.? {F50 1300 t250 lro |a0 tlo te P,i;l€'tb, or |r ! rs Ons),|f a;.. ?r,rtGfi alnd Ci ari. [tr rgs; ;ndl il;r'f or the llo.: 'Dn8& erqcd YBJ -o zt ttfll+f*+++*a*++**+****aar*a*+a**+l****'3*********+aaf+a+f++al**f:tal'{'*ltt!|'}'}ataat*taa*tttt+lt TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Satcment +t't**'t'lr'l'i*'l'}tr**r'|'**|t*l't*'i**r*'|'ti'******llia++t*a*f 'ttf ****+f t{r**f +*a'**a**+****+l++t+++++{'tt*'} Statenent Nudber: R070000821 Amount: $20.00 05/30/20O7L1:11 AIr{ Palment Method: eash Init: iIS Notation: $,/Pf,Afg CONSTRUCTION Permit No: DR8070235 r!4)e: DFaB-Minor A1t, SFR/DI'P Parcel No: 2101-071- 1300-4 Site Address: 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL I.,ocaIion: 64 BEA\TER DAIi! ROAD Total FeeB: $20.00 ThiE Palment: $20.00 Total AIIJ Pnts: $20.00 Balarce: S0.00 ACCOI,]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description DR OO1OOOO3IL22OO DESIGN RSVIEW FEES Current Ihlta 20.00 o7--_ I Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Connie t(night Ludsig Kurz iliu Shearer Kathy l{arren llembers Absent Dalton tfillians PLANNING AIID ETTIRONUENIAL COI'IIiISSION APRIL 23, L99O staff Kristan Prltz Ton Braun llike l'lolllca Penny Ferry Betsy Roeolack Staff Abeent shelly ltello and Environnental Connission neeting was called to p.n. by Diana Donovan, Chairperson.llhe Planning order at 3:2o ftem No. 1: Diana Donovan felt there uere soue changes she needed to discuss with Ton before approving the mi'nutes. Construction. Kristan PrLtz exPlained that iten untll the next neeting. Amotion to table the rninutes ffon the,lprll 9' 1990 was made bv Jilo Shearer and seconded by Kathv warren. VOTE: 6-OINFAVOR IleLSg. 2.t- glock 2. Lionsridqe rilincr uo. 3,. @hinais. Dauehinais-l'toseley the applicant reguested to table the ttotion to table the iten untll .Mav 14. 1990 waE nade bv Kathy warren and seconded bv Jin shearer. VOTE: 6-OINFAVOR Iten No. 3: ttike t{otlica presented the project saa requesting two seParate iteme: explainlnE that the a preliruinary Plan appllcant for a uaJor eubdlvielon and a uajor anendnent to sDD No. 16. ltike revlesed trt"-appi"pifite c"fiiil" relating to the requests found withln the ueno. fne eiiii-iiconnenaed-approval of _tlre.prellnlnary plan id" tr,E-slk ueaaowt-.,tlai.tfslon an-d-the anendnent to SDD No' 16 1;lth condltions. --rrrE pi"posir hsfcarll followed the underlying Resldential Clustei r"-"f"i and Planned Unlt Developnent zoning origl.nally aPprovea by Eagle County' rathv warren asked to see ttre prevlous plat th?t had been il;;;";e-;e ilsttirea snetner Lhe snall- getbacks and roof oi-"ifra"S"-ma U6en-iaaressed and tlike arplained that all of the iliiaffi, incfuafng-tfre overtr?n9e, vas rlquLred to be wlttrin ttre conflnei of the building envelope' KathyaskediftheGRFAofttreernployeedwelling.unlteuasin addition to the iif"".a GRFA and liXi answered that there would be no additionar-ciii,-tfr- tnpfoyet unlts sould be included Ln the te,OOo sg. ft- of GRFA allowed' Ludwig Kurz felt there uere many positlve.polnt-s-regarding the. ;;il;3.i:--He likI.i-in. i"aulti6n-in denslty. He also liked the -.ir-gt-!nt or the ioad the way it nas ProPosed' in order to pi"3Jt"" the rneadow area as nuch as possible' chuckCristaskediftherewouldbeanadditionaltapfee.forthe ;;i;y;;-,tt it "tti iix"--"*prainea that the tap fees vould be up to the diEcretlon Ji tnlJ-uppEi ragre Varley water-&-sanitation Distrlct. Ctrucr-aiso aiiea if-a hone that lncluded an enployee ;;i;-;;ia iiquire-;;";;;d-piixrng and !{ike explained that under surrent regufatiott-ro""tea-parkiig would Lndeea be reguired for a hone with an emPloYee unit' Kathy warren aEked what the setbackE were on the previously approved prat aii-Uii"-""pi.ined that they were approximately the Eame. Kathy Etaled-lfr"i -ifnc" the eetbacks nere the sarne she ;illi "ppiii" the project-. tn addition' she wished to know how additionar parxing-roi,ra be handled and Kristan explained that- there uere no piiiiili"", ior "aaition.l.parking._ Each home had a number of parrii;';;;;;; ;;qlrr;;- ieratiire 1,o,cnra. AlI required parkinq nust be 5rr 3ite. xitny conmented that she thought the iroject nlooked goodrr. Jim shearer had no najor concerng rith the proJect. He sas also concerned about trr" piiiing but 11as nore confortable due to the ti-vlous e:<planation bY Kristan' Connl.e Knight wished to clarify whether the Dauphinais Subdlvisior, "rpioiee units werL in additlon to the allosed GRFA per the sDD. K;i'";;"-;*pi"i"!a that they uere in addition to the a110wed cRFA ot:;;"-"." -soo uot did not exceed the GRFA that uould have been ippfiea with the underlying zoning' o Dlana coumented that the building envelopes where not all the sane size, yet the allowed GRFA per envelope Yas the eame throughout. She guestioned how this worked and lGistan errplained that the variation in the size of the bullding envelopes would present no problens building. Chuck Crist asked what the site coverage was and Xristan explalned that they rere allowed to bulld on essentially the shole slte vith the exception of the setbacks. A notion for approval of the prell.ninatrr plan uith conditions oer the staff memo as follows was nade bv Kathy l{arren and seconded bv Chuck Crist. 1. The development of each buildLng envelone will conPly with the rockfalt niticratlon reports Prepared by Nicholas Larnpiris. Project Geologist, and Donald G. Pettvgrove. P.8., Project ltanager with Banner Associates, Inc. Such reports are dated Februarv 23, the hazard nitiqation for their lot. per the above narned reports. Ihis restriction shall be noted on the Final P1at. VOTE: 6-OINFAVOR A motion for a reconrrendation to the Town Councll, for approval of the rnaior arnendnent to soo tlo. 16 lltF the iollowincr conditions Der the staff neno Vas nade by Kathv Warren and seconded bv Ludwicr Kurz. 1. That apnroval of the najor anendnent to SDD No. 16 be EontJnqent uDon pgc approval of the Final PIat for the subdivision. 1987. February 25. 1987. ilune 12. 1987, ilune 15. 1987. Dgl!!9'g 3. That no oortions of anv brlilding strall extend over the Luildinq enveloPe boundariee. I VOTE: 6-OTNFAVOR Iteu No. {: ltike !1o11!-ca explained that Jin l{orter Yas representing ur. n. Ross Perot. Jin was appealing the declslon of the etaff concerning the definition of neite coverage.n The request before the PEC centered around the Town of VaiI Zoning Code definitions of nsite coveragen and iBuildlnE.r' The applicantrg position was that rrbecause the garage would be totally covered by exlstlng grades (the site over the garage slll be taken back to its original grades and landscaped conditione), the garage was not covering the site.rr The etaff belleved that the garage was lndeed a building as defined in the code, the garage required new grading and did not neet existing grades, and did not support the applicantrs position that the garage should be considered aE a tlnascape feature. The staff could not support the applicantrs request and felt the garage should be included as site coverage as defined in the Townrs zoning code. Jirn ltorter exptained that he ras not dlsagreeing sLth the definition of rrbuilding.tr He felt the garage was deflnitely a building. He vas disagreeing wlth the definition of nsite coverag-.n He felt the bullding did not cover the sl.te, the site sas covering the building. He also uiEhed to polnt out tlrat currently there tras no parking on the slte. If the.appeal were not granted, the only optlon vould be on-grade parklng and to canre lnto the site. He showed an elevation of how the cut would look. Ttre retaining wall would Lncrease 14 to t9 feet. Jin Btated that regardless of the on-grade parking inplications, the proposed garage would not cover the site. The slte would cover ttre-garage. Jiru explained that Dlr. Perot Yas offering to landicape the area across the street where he presently parked on the Townrs property. The dlsagreeuent vas the defl'nitlon of isite coverage. rr Chuck crist asked Mike if, in fact, according to uikere calculations, the proposed grades vould not be exactly as exlstJ-ng, raiher iL would be 2r higher and ltlke concurred. ilin explalneit that they would be Dore than happV !9 b5fng the Erade la-cr to the originlt neigtrt but he felt that if they were going Applicant: JLn llorter. for H. RoEs Perot. I to conplete the project, they should do it correctly by aaking it nore aesthetically pleasing. Kathy l|arren felt she had to agree wlth the staff. She viewed the project as an earth shelter. siupty because the bullding uas burled was not Justification for deteninlng Lt not to be eite coverage. She felt tbat if it sas conpletely below grade rather than on grade, with an entry, lt sas site coverage. Jl.n Shearer felt it was site coverage. He did not rant to eet a precedent and felt lt would be very dangerous and could be costly overall. On the other slde, he felt the Connission had an obligation to the town of Vail to ensure that proJects ilooked goodn and felt that the proposal vould look better than Yhat sas presently there. He felt the project needed a solutlon but that an exception to the definltlon of site coverage sas not the appropriate means. Connie Knight asked what the square footage of the garage sas and Mike answered 1100 sq. ft. Connie stated that the proposal brought back to nind the Briner petition to do new constructl'on underground with a garage bay. This was a setback reguest, but' she felt it was relevant. Brinerrs request was denied and she felt she needed to be consistent and deny the Perot appeal . Ludwig Kurz stated that in general he agreed wlth Jim Shearer. The Biiner request was for new constructLon and the Perot proposal was for an addition to an existing building. Ile did- tropL to see the proJect acconplished In a uay to provide on-sLte parking but did not feel the site coverage appeal sas the correct avenue. Diana Donovan agreed with Kathy Warren that the garage sas definitely a building and nust count as site coverage. Stre suggested that Jirn Morter look for another avenue and Jln asked if-Oiana was referencing a procedure or design and Diana answered oboth. n Discussion centered around clarifying trground levelrr and general agreeuent was reactred that nground levelrr was that area uhere a person could drive into the garage. A motion to deny the apneal and uphold the staff declgign Der the staff nerno was made by Kathv Warren and seconded bv Chuck Crist. VOTE: 5 - O IN FAVOR OF DENIAL OF TTTE APPEAL Ithlle the applicants for Item No. 5 were setting up vieual aides, the conmission skipped to Iten No. 6. Transportation Task Force.Iten No. 6: Chuck Crist Volunteered for the Task Force. ften No. 5: Tom Braun explained that the iten was tabled at the lPPl-i:11!::request after lengthy discussl.on at the PEC's April 9th Deeting. i;nrb;r-"i-a"=ig" ciranges had been uade in resPonse to conrnents u"d" UV the planiing Cointssion and the alpllcants had reguested- ;-;;ri'session p;i;; io rtnartzlng the reaEsign. Ton highlighted design changes is found in the staff nemo' peter Janar wished to clarify that the t{arriott did I'ntend to """ii""" working with the etiff and the Connission. They wished i" w"iX within ihat was reasonable and neet the-goals and oU:""ii""i of tne fort. They had taken euggestions fron the last ;;;[il; ina naae-"ha1g"r. tti.Uetieved that they had sincerely tried to responde to all the lssues' Ned Gwathrney explained that he had reduced the nass by-noving the ioJe garaen to -ttre eage to cover the garage and removed 1 floor f."Efl--uea poiniea oit the changes on the elevation plans ?Td E".p"i"a tne'ctrang.r-ott the.bef-o_ie and after nodels. Regardlng lfrE-i"""foring oi'itt" existing ttarriott, the -dpplicant had agreed io cornrnit to {,he tie-in between the tso buildJ'ngs. and to eliminate the dari wood color. The lnltlal thought was to flip the color to be iieht with dark trin. 'lltrey had not connitted to ttre cotor and were open to suggestions' Kathy l{arren felt there rfas etill too nuch GRFA and too nany ""it'r. She did like what they dld wlth the nass, houever aiEfritecturally,-irte tired tha other building better' She was still not comfortlUfe uith 93t site coverage and- 4? unit/acre. Itt"-["iiaine= r"ii.="ni"a on.the comparison chart presented in the staff me.o wLre built prior to zoning.enactnent. lhere were ;;;";;;-arre zonin!-ri=-"t.irged to avoid hlgn aenslty proJe-cts. Fundamentally, "t6 r." not 6pposed to additional density' but not so much. { In reEponse to Kathyrs opposltion to high density, Jay felt that the down-zoning was aimed nore at the outlying areas' not the core areas. Peter Jamar stated ttrat one To$n of Vail Goal ls to try to acguire this type of unit, and that the project fit everlt'hing eIJe except aensity and GRFA. Janar also felt that thls proJect voutd pump vitality 5.nto Lionshead. Kathy said that tbey had input from peopte against the-proJect because they were concerned about the lncrease in density. She wanted to know if there uas any support for the project. Jay responded that a hugh nunber of people ln Lionshead suppo4 !tt"conlept. Jay added that he didnrt llke to bring then in during- this part of the Process. Peter Jaroar pointed out that the Land Use Plan also supported the proJect. Discussion of updating the Land Use Ptan followed and Iom eaid that the docunent was designed to be long-ter:m and revised every three to five years. Torn also added that regarding the 9oa1s and policies of the Land Use Plan, it did support this tlpe of proposal . Kathy said that she would feel nore confortable If people vere Uroultrt in who said they were in eupport of_tbe project. Peter Janai said that they had actually told people to stay away. Kathy replied that Lhe people could srite letters or siEn a petition. Rob Levine said that he presented the idea to hls board and that they supported the idea ind that they did feel it would add vitifity-to Lionshead. Kathy said that knowing that did nake a difference to her. Kristan said that she nas very glad that the appllcants were not bringing in lots of people to push for the proJect. It was inpoitait to look at-the Iand Use PIan and Speclal Development__ Ol'strict criteria and base the decision on that. tfhen the etaff nakes a decision, they nust base the deciEion-on goals and policies that ari in ltace. She felt lt was lnportant that the itanning Conmission ule existlng regrulatiols- and pollcies. Jay said thit you have responsibiltty to tlre neighbors. He added that he ai-Cl trave adjacent property ownera give input ald have cone back with revisions. He felt the project did reflect nany vlew points. Connie asked if there waE tnlrthing to evaluate the SDD on and f. Kristan responded that there uere nine design crlterl.a. Kristan added that the staff reconnendation was based on the fact that the plan was in compliance with all nlne criteria. Peter Jamar pointed out to Connie that the chart on Page 8 of the nemo was a conparison and that they were tryl.nE to fall vl.thln those parameters. Connie replled that she felt there YaB etlU too much GRFA and she also felt that the destgn ras not as good. Connie felt that the landlord uas being too greedy and blocklng sone of their own views. Ned responded that people dld not buy an assigned unit, they purchaeed a floating unLt. ,flu eald that he had forgotten to nention that he would llke to aee a aassive planting on the west elevation to hlde part of the parkl.ng structure. Diana said she would like to have underlying zoning to utllize when an applicant, at a later date, asks for other approvals. She felt that it was essential . She did feel also that the new design was a great improvenent. Dlana felt that there was no problem with the density, that the Land Uee PIan stated that you should add density where sone already exists. Diana wondered what the Town of Vail was gettLng. She was hoping the Town would gain more landscaping and nore enployee unlts and she would llke io see more landscaping on the end toward the blke patb. Kathy was hoping that part of the top floor could be raoved back to increase the view frorn Vail Spa. l{ed replied that he could change the proportion of roomE and could push it back 15r' Diana felt that it was a negative inpact on the bike path at present. Peter Jamar said that there sould be a better nodel at the next meetLng. BiIl Burding, attorney rePresenting Vail Spa, felt this Yas a step in the right direction ttrat the building.was belng pu!!9al uaci<. He still felt a 58 unit increase vould'lncrease traffic drarnatically. He added that sith the off-ranp added-plus- the added traffic to the Marriott, there would be a definlte change in the neighborhood. Jay Peterson asked Bill Burdlng lf there were any other concerna and ltr. Burding responded that there uere not any Dore concerns and that they ippreciated the applicantrs lnterest. Jay added that the Town was changing, that shat we aee nor|' ls not Uhat.we were going to see over the next 10 to 15 years. Diana stated that she would rather aee the exterlor unit be enployee units and if you need nore denslty_she rould rather 8ee It^in-Lionshead than in the Village and would rather eee lt near the Frontage Road if in Lionshead. Stre felt that if more density -! i uas going to be added that this location had nerit. She stated that she felt that Forest road was residential , this was connercial and that the added density here had less impact than l-f density were added to any other buildlng along Gore Creek. Kathy felt the southeast corner looked nore llke a notel . She was concerned about the appearance on ttre uest elevation. She did not want it to look like a parking strrrcture. Kristan stated that if this was going to go to the Planning Cornmission on ltay 14, she needed all drawingE and application naterials in her offlce by April 3oth in the uorning to allow tine to review. Kristan questioned the use of an underlying zone district. Jay suggested High Density Multiple Fanily. Dlana stated that if underlying zoning was used she did not sant the neno to say that this proJect did not fit the zone district. Peter Jamar stated that an SDD does become very specific, and therefore it night be sinrpler to have uerely an SDD, that hls personal preference was not to do an underlying.zoning. Tom reninded thern that if they did not do the bultding they would have to come back and reapply. Kristan stated that was why she would like to see some underlying zoning. Diana felt that anyone could adopt an sDD. She added that lt would not be smart and that it vould be conplicated to add underlying zoning now. She would like to do the SDD and tlren add underllinq zoning. Tom reminded the board that the underlylng zoning would need to be part of the ordinance. itay stated that 80t oi the site was HDMF. Tom explained that L,arry Eslasithrs opinion was that exlsting sDD uas not necessary or reguired to adopt an underlying zoning. Kristan felt that the llst of uses was the most inrportant part of having underlying zonlng. Ton -said that ttre rest was all detenined througtr review process of an SDD. Diana felt that usually the uses on the underlying gruidellnes were the main issues. Diana said tlrat Ln this partlcular proJect it doesnrt, but that if they cane back for other requests, I't night help. A rnotion to table until llav 14. 1990 was nade bv Kathy warren and seconded by Jin shearer- VOTE: 6 - O The rneeting adjourned at approxinately 6:oo P.n. 9 s fo: Planning e Environmental Conmission From: Conmunity Developnent Department Date: Aprll 23, L99o RE: An appeal of a decision of the zoning adninistrator,pursuant to Section 18.65.030 of the zoning code, regarding the definition of rrsite coveragerr, (Sections 18.04.040 and 18.04.350 of the zonlng code), specifically as it relates to Lot 31, Block 7, VaiI Vlllage First Filing.Applicant: H. Ross Perot I. DESCRIPTTON OF TIIE REOUEST The applicant is the owner of a single fanlly home located at 64 Beaver Dam Road, and has recently presented plans to the conmunity Development Department which entail a naJor remodel and expansion of the residence. one portion of the renodel calls for the construction of an attached three-car garage and entry on the site (presently, there is no covered parking on site). only the north elevation wall, or gtarage entry, would be exposed and visible from Beaver Dam Road. The roof of the garage would be covered with soil and the grades would be recontoured to berm up against the sides of the garage, (see attached site plan and elevations). The property ls zoned Prinary/secon;itary Residential . Given the current zoning, as well as the(steep slopes on the lot' the site coverage for this prpperty is linited to a naxinum of 15t of the total site area.) Total sLte area : 151681.6 square feet or 0.36 acres Allowable site Existing aite Proposed sLte (with garage) Proposed site (if garage is coverage coverage coverage coverage*not counted) *Note: The applicant silI still coverage, by 35.8 square feet, count towards site coverage. 2,352.2 square feet or 158 11103.0 square feet or 78 3,498.0 square feet or 22* 2,388 square feet or L5.22 need to decrease site even if the garage does not t/' The reguest before the PEc centers around the Town of Vail Zoning Code definitions of rrsite coverageil and rrbuildingrr, which are aa follows: n18.04.360 SITE COVERAGE - Site coverage means the portion of a site covered by buildlnqs, excluding roof or balcony overhanEs, neasured at the exterior walls or supporting menbers of the building at glegldlegel". n18.o4.040 BUILDING - Building Deans any structure having a roof supported by colunns or walIs, or any other enclosed structure, for the housing or enclosure of persons, animals, or propertyx. 7 Tllre applicant is appealing ,,/ garage should count towards - definitions. II. APPLICANTIS RESPONSE the staff deteminatLon that the site coverage based on the above Please see the attached letter from Jin Uorter, dated epril 16, 1990, for the applicantrs response. rrr. gtaELBEgPgs.E After review of the deflnitions in Section 18.04.o40 and 18.04.360 of the zonl.ng code, the staff believes that the proposed garage should be included as site coverage.. Ttre purpose of site coverage is to linit tbe area of a site ;which is covered bv buildings. we believe that the proposed f/ garage ls indeed a buildingr is defined above. The garage - is a structure which has a roof, and the roof is supported by walls. The north elevation of the garage reads very clearly as a garage, or building. In respect to the definition of site coverage the staff believes that the building would be constructed gbg:fs--grouns! level and that the soil placed on the roof of the garage should not constitute ground level , but only an artificial recontouring of the siters grades. In addition, rrthe exterior walls or supporting nenbersn of the building are clearly vislble at ground level . The appllcantrs position is that rrbecause our garage wl-ll be totally covered by existing grades (the site over the garage will be taken back to its original grades and landscaped conditions), our garage is not coverlng the siterr. In reviewing the existing grades, compared to the proposed grades over the garage, the staff has determined that the grades differ by as nuch as 4r. Generally, the proposed grades are 2r above the existLng grades. [/fhe staff does not support the applicantrs position that the garage should be considered as a landscape feature, as defined in Section 18.O4.2OO, which is as follows: nlandscaping neans planted areas and plant naterials, including trees, Bhrubs, lawns, flower beds and ground cover, together with the core development such as walks, decks, patios, terraces, water features, and like features not occupying more than 20t of the landscaped area.rl Certainly the bermed areas and soil and grasses on the buiJ.dingrs roof are possible to consider as landscape naterials, however, the proposed building must still be addressed by using ttre site coverage and buildlng definitions when deterninlng site coverage for the proposal . The appllcant has drawn some comparlsons with the underground parking at Bistrop Park. It is true that the underground parking for Bishop Park was not counted as site coverage. The staff's justlfication for this exclusion from site coverage is due to the fact that the parking is conpletely underground and that the parking structure is not visible from anlmhere on the site. 7tn surnmary, the staff cannot support the appllcantrs 1 / request. We feel that the garage should be included as site \/ coverage and that the applicantrs request does not neet the " intent of site coverage, as defined in the Townrs zoning code. We believe that if the applicant feels strongly about this particular garage design, in this location, then the applicant shoutd proceed with a request for a site coverage variance. \!\ n i^o li fi-r, b\\d tl il :':'s i 5i a a:" - :i,i.t ! rl a i . , I I I { a I l, I I rl ,l w[/ I \ rl',,.t il ,l( 11 i\ l\$,j 1 r ( t:I 1 1 \r 'l]io '.i t,u I ' , l,!.l ll J \. i -{- nt, , lt 0l .6 o r, _j I -t o g) G o (j) I -J I nl ol ()l 3l uJl + -t o i) c 6 E (, al = A Ffoiess ona; CorporalLoa 1t::e:: \,aaca^ rr,ve Cross,3aas ai V.r' va Co orado 8l6r? 333 .rra 51Ca MoruenAncnIECTS April 16, 1990 Ms. Diana Donovan Chair, Planning and Environmental Commission Town of VaiI 75 S. Frontage Rd.VaiI, Co 81658 Ilello Diana, This letter is to document our appeal of the Community Dev- elopment Departmentrs recent decision regarding a site cov- erage issue, at the H. Ross Perot residence at Lot 31, Block 7, VaiI Village First Filing. There is currently a small single-family residence on the property. Because the site climbs at a 45 percent grade irom eelver DEIm Road, there is No on-site Parking at all. The Perotts currently must park across the street, in an ally which is either in the Beaver Dam Road right-of-way, or is on Tract B, or both. we are proposing an expansion of the home. Part of the proposed expansion is a garage which is BURIED TCIIALLY bnr,ow E1T5TING GRADES, except for the retaining waII which allows aecess into the garage off of Beaver Dam Road. Please compare our situation to that of BishoP Park, where their garlge is covered by existing grades, excePt the retaining witts which allow access to the garage. Their garage is not considered to be site coverage. We feel that because our garage will be totally covered BY EXISTING GRADES (the site over the garage will be taken back to its original grades and landscaped conditions), our garage is not covering the site. Rather, the site is cove' iing-our garage. consequently, $re neet the definition of landscaping, Paragraph 18.04.200. I We on look forward to Monday, .fune 23. MonrenAncnrECTs Pg. 2 resolving this with you at your meeting AIA ilRrrr/sJ cc: H. Ross Perot ilay Peterson Waffen Lawrence . Morter, lot|t{ OF VAII, ?5 S. FRODTTAGB ROAD \fAII", C1C |Jr.657 970-479-2L3'J DEPARII{ENT OF CO[o{UNflY DEVELOFIIEIVT b{-3(Bt\.- a U vlr t:tr- AI.L TIMES NOTE:TEIS PBRTIIIT MUST BB POSTBD ON PROJECI TITLTE: PEROT REIIODEL ADD/ALT SFR BUII.D PBRMIT .IOBSITB AT Femit Depts: FIRB DepL: PIIB WORK ation. . - : Parcel No. -:F6ject No.: 54 BE,AVBR DAM RD 210L-071-13 -004 PRrf99-0078 INFIJOOR HEAT REPlNunberWofSDwelling Units: 000 Tonn of Vail Adjusted valuatioa: 8,000 lof crar A9plianc..:lof G.E lpgr:*of ld/P.lI€E 3 Plan ch.ck---> Inl'.acl,gi.t j,6r> |rill crll -- -- > ?ot-l Alsulltcd Fcc.---> tddiLiod|al, loco----'- ---> Tot.l Pcr:rit Pcc_-------> Payionea------- Btt tf,ca IxrE- - -- al .25 .o0 3.00 -oo .00 .00 100.00 309.25 309.25 .oo 309 -25 309.25 .oq Item: 05x00 04/L4/L999 Itsem: 05400 04/L4/L99e Itsem: 05600 04/14/L999 It,em: 05500 04/L4/L999 FIRE DEPARI!{EITT CEARLTB ACEiON: PI'BLIC WORKS GIARI,IE ACtiON: BIfILDING DEPARIilENT DePt: CEARLIB ACTiON: APPR CIIARTIB DAVIS PI.ANNING DEPARIT{ENT DEPI: @ARIJIB ACt,lON: APPR N/A a.t ar.....aa r att tr.-ttlrtatttaa BUILDIIilG Division: PLANNITdG Division: APPR APPR N/A N/A Diwision: Division: t!r'tattttiiatttaaaaartat rcc|Eaga plgg .Dd ploc plrn, aubdivi.idr FEOi EIOO A|| stoo Pir iataaar.atlt'ttarattti.atttiatttatatrt.tttt.r. See page 2 of this DocunenE for any condlt,iona tshat nay apply Eo Ehis peruiL. DBCIARATIONS I h.trby .cbonl.dg. tb.ts t h.vr t.rd ts[ir .Elrlic.tior, fillod or.rh ln full tho Infor lbion rcquir.d. eoqtlaEaa ltr Flra, rnd agre. Eb-E .1I fh. infot!.Lidt pEovid.d.. rrqui!.d l. corrccL. I agr.. !o caply rlLh the lnfd|recloo to coQly rlth .11 torm ordln|ttc.c .nd at-ec l.rs, .trd to buttd btdd stsructur! eccording !o lhc totn'r zcoing end cod.., &.i$r r.r.iar .pplornd, Utrifon Buildilg Coda rDd otltB! osdia rc.r of th. Torlr qrylicrblo Ehcr-to. nIQOESIS lOE nrgPlqrtotro !ttlN.r. aE ,nDE rfllltta-ro0n tplns $r AIt lrcB 8l TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund appfOvgd '" - Address: 64 BEAVER DAM RD amount date Description:REMO\IB BI{TRAN II Pilcphcc tnfollaEion: l..t!icted: t...rrr.-.t.tttt..tt......t.rr FEE SltrI|nRy EuildiDg-----> 12s-oo nGagurt-Dt Phn Ravt ar- -> Dnl Fen-------- nrcE.Lio6 F.c_ --_ - --- -- > Clc|n-UF Dcltoat"i - - -- -- -- > !O J PEES----- .rtta a+aratttttaora-aa..ir|raa rrtrti',trtaai APPI,ICAIST SSAEFFBR CONSTRU TION P O BOX 373, \fAfL CO 81558 CONTRACTOR SEAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, IfAITJ C1) 81658 OYNT{BR PEROT E R & IIARGOT B L237'7 IIIERIT DR STE 1700, DAI.I,AS TK 75251 899-0063 SEatus- - -: APPROVED Applied..: o4/L4/L999 Ibsued. - -: o4/L4/a999 Bq)ires - -. LI/LL/L999 Phone:970-845-5555 Pbone:970-845-5656 S.!rd C1!rn-Bp DePoEiC To: GqtIGl Englln Srcln:roll oF cgtrtRtcron ron EruaBLF llID ol|XaE PAGE 2 ********r.l***tt*r*t**************************!r*:l*****!rrr:l*******l**:r************** COIIDITIONS OF APPRO\TAI Pea'mit #: 899-0063 as of 04/L5/99 Status: APPRO\IED ***t***************:l*****************t******a****ll*********.l******lt*:r*********** Pemtr Type: ADD/ALT sFR BITILD PERnTT AlDlicant : SIIAEFFER CONSTRUCTIoN ,.Iob Addreaa: 64 BEAIIER DAItI RD I,OCAIION: 64 BEA\IER IIAITI RD Parcel No: 2101-071-13-004 Applied: O4/t4/L999 rssued: O4/L4/L999 *:r*****!r*******ttr*ltt*******!r****t***t***t*t*******t*********tt****************** C1]I[DITIONS ******i*******trtrt*******r!t**rl*******l***t******!t*tia********t***********tr******* t. TIEI,D TNSPEC:TIONS ARB REQIIIRP TO CIIACK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CB- 2. SMOKE DFrtscroRs ARE REQITIRBD IN ALI-, BBDROO|TS AND EVBRY STORY AS PBR S8C.310.5.r. OP Tm 1997 UBC- SOltf Ol Vtll,, @!(RllrO Rqrrlntrd! ovlgltt l0 !30 ttrtc[|E 8trts.qrt ltd.r: RIC-O503 lDutrt i Prtrr.nC tlChod! CG Xol|tlon r 52109 9O9.25 O+lLSfgt Lo.Zl Inits: rtl P.r[il fo! E99-0063 tlD. ! I-AUIITD rDD/lLT aFn lUIl,D 98 9rrcrl f,o: 2101-0t1-13-00{ gltr lddr.rr: 5a BlllrB DIL RD toc.cr.on: 6a EEIVER Dlll nD llri. Pq|!.oc Tgt l 1.4: 309. 25 Toc.I llL Putr 3 Brlrttc! ! 309.25 309.2s ,oo Accotr* cod. D.acrl,pcLon Bp 00100003111100 Bor'lDlltc PEnxtl tElg PP 0O1OOOO31123OO Plrllf CIIECK lllg llt D2-DBP03 Cl,ElIft P DEPOAII8 rc 00100003112300 rI',E clLL lra9Belld Pll lrcunt 125.00 81.25 100.00 3. O0 Tq{N OP VAIL 75 S. FROTfTAGIE ROAD \IArt, @ 81557 970-479-2L39 DBPARIIIEITT OF COMMT'NINT DEVBLOPUBNT NOIE: TIIIS PERIIIIT l[ItST BB POSTBD MECEAIIICAL PENMIT Job Address. . . : 64 BEAVER DAljl RI) I,OCAEiON. . . ... : 64 BB.AVER DAM RD Parcel No..... : 2101-071-13-004 lrojecc Number: PRJ99-0078 APPLICTIfT TIHIlts IIATBR PI,ITUBING & HEATING P O BOX 4290, EAGLB, CO 81631 COIITRAETOR WIIITE WATBR PLIIMBING & BBATING P o Box 4290, EAGr,B, CCI 81631 OIWER PBROTER&MAR@TB L2377 MERIT DR STE 1700, DALLAS Descript,ion: REPI,Ad B{TRAN INFI,OOR NBAT W/WIRSBO ON itOBSITts AT AI,L TII'IBS PermiE *: M99-0025 Status...: ISSIIBD Applied..: o4/L4/L999 riiued. ..t o4/L4/L999 B:qrires . -. L0/lL/L999 Plrone: Phone: 11( 75251 ValuaEion: lof e.. !og.: 970-925-3708 910-926-3708 3, o00. oo lot td/PrII.c !lit p1.o. Iifotr.ciofr: tt atricc.d! Y lof Or. ttDl i.trc.. ! tart.,atlrarr!rrrttrar.rrrtrrrrtar,'rr.rr.rtltr.,'ratrr.rrtriirr pBB SU|O!|RI rttariatt,rrarrrrr.aa'rttat'l,}ttt.trrtt"tt'tttttt"trt''t'tt' Irchenicrl---> 60.00 |Ltgu't'nt Pl.tr n'vI'Y--> 'Oo Tot'l c cul'ts'd E es---> 78'oo 91rt! ch.cl---> 15.00 ttIE !c'-----'-' ttrErtig.Giotr> 'oo lctlAlJ P!rs--*-- ,*r. crrr----> 3.oo :il;*';;::--::::::::-: "':33 aa.lrr..raatl,rJrtr.a.r..rr-raaaa.tr.a.+raraatr.araaattatttii.araattaaatatt'laart.rtttaai"'tttttttt l " o""'ttt"rtt"' t ot' tt""t ' IEem: 05100 BuTLDING-DBP.ARIII{EItT --Pept: BIIILDING Division: 6i7T.L tllli-dififlIE eEql-"E- ADDn csenr'rr DAvrs rEem: os6oo prRB_DBpIiRT!,rENi'--- :._---- --Dept: FIRE Division: 647rtt79t5-sanr,rs AcEion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPRO\IAL 1. FIBLD INsPBqrIoNs AR8 REQIIIRED To cHEcK FOR coDE corrrPLIAIiICB ' r***!l*t!t*****t*:r**t*************r*t*ttt*t**t***:l**!t:t******t****t**************i* DBCI.ARA'TTONS t h.rcDtf actlorlc€f, !h.t r h-v! r..d rhla tptrllcatsls. fiuad out tn full th. intotr.Liot! rcqulrrd. cqrl.tad rn rccur'c' PIot plrn, rod !trt. Ehrg .ll cllr info!:lrclqr ptovldcd er nguir:d i! corrccb ' t rgrc! to cqly rith th' lnforr'tiqr rnd PloE plrn' to c.-t ly sich .rr toin otdim|tc.. .nd .caE. lerr, rad uo build thl. otructur. rccording Bo rhG Torn'| tosri'g 'nd 'ubdlvitio'r co&r, at .igrr rvirr rl4rrovrd. unlloxl Bulldlt€ cod. ]id oLb.a ordt nuc.. of utc lortr .pPl icrbl' bh'F to' oglsrs Fo9 TEDEGIrO|'A $nt& BB !|IDE rEffl-Fom Hog'e atonfint o! olrtR on c(rrrrcLn Fon HIISB!? rD olltE I I I tBoH atoo llf 3!0o Pt m f oF vArt, cbt|oRlm Rqrrintcd ! ol/15199 10:3o gtateunE rrr !a tl t t rrattJrl a lol t ta 0I r a tr* * gErg.Ertt NuDb.r ! BEC-05o3 lEor.rnts: 7s.oo o4/L5/99 10.26 Payo.nE fcEhod ! Cl( Nocation: 252{ Inilr .tl| P.r6it lfo, lt99-O026 TyP.: B-UECH P.rcel llo: 2101- 071- 13 -004 91t.6 Addlc6g: 64 BEAVER DA}| RD Location! 54 BBAVER Dt|}, Rt) ]|ECXIIITICAI, PBRXIT rri trrl|t I *t ttt ** t ttl, tt t t a t t t t a* * t t* a rrr ta * *!r tt tt*at Togrl F6cE: this Paldanr 7g.oo locrl tIJ. IrutE: Balance: lccount CodG Dcscription llp oo100003ttL300 uBcErnrcAIJ PBR IT FEBS PE 00100003112300 PrJ$t CrBCR FBBtt l{c 00100003112800 rILt, clrL rNltPBcrroN PBE 78. OO 7S. 00 .oo lDounb 50.00 15. 00 3.OO ParcetH /?-Lel -a1 I -9-e+ Building}Q Legal Descripion: BUILDING: $ PLIJMBING $ TOWN OF VAILQNSTRUCTION PERMT APTICATION FORM INT'ORMATION MUSTBE COMPLETE OR IEE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTTI) contact the Eagte couw Assessors Office at 976328-8640 for Parcet# P Rsq c{ €o78 Oarc: 4 JobName: Pzftr JobAddress:C+ g6-vv Electrical ( )tvtechanical S Other ( ) 5T' Subdivision VF iu Vt u-te, e ,Ffline [ "] owners Name: Roc> Pep:r-Address:Phone# Architect:Address:Phone# Description of Job: workctass: New() Alreration() Additionat() @ orher() Number of Dwelling Units: /AtC- Number of Accommodation Units: OME NumberandTypeofFircplaces: casnppriances lrt/A Cast-ogs NA Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS PLECTRICAL: S Ct MECIIAMCAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION -- ?_- {a4.pyurn;- Ce, General Contractor: a)lWt >*2c.Pp,ftl.Addressl Town of Vail Registation No. Electrical Contractor: Ma*fE TownofvailRegtsnattonNo. ../ Phorc# - - 37g - ptumbinsconrractor: v-'rrrz, tt-*lrp wulkF&ES q fir#fl'q mq? - oa1b Town of Vail Regstration No. I 6 q - P Mechanicd Contractor:Lto ilC Town of Vail Registation No. Phone # FOR OFFICE USE ,,N6 r-ot 3l ntoct< OTIIER: TOTAL $€-$ 8L eo Phone # BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: Yn*"* (qb) t4i-sare aGB Address: 3 SIGNATURE: FI ov .o oo a E o rl.oz ob .o OE 9 H ot .€8 P"H e8 rla llE c)0 E A lr g I I E{ H g i P E E FI A !l E R F E l.d !l x o t E c tJ t,F 4 tl o ta o (., a o a E .a ot4 trH b8 OA on E| o(o orB orQ o EE DD LO HT E< x E H ( HF.a2 ED -o F,- at rr Fl ez '(D HI H{o I E lrF HA OD AI 31 o o tr 6 I E H H E l. u o lr A Ed to aq|aE q E IT S EE o ao D E9 (.'(J o F.ql o tt E Fl 4 h E I E E A z B q a. I E o ,l: rn : arD o lrl 4a I> EIt{:to ac'q ro t rx o AAI{ llJ J 0- @ z o =F o .:i;::: i.H E * r=u i i= E=;t:ii i =,23'zii !€ E=. a 5r9:. e ? i €;:: i: : : ::;a!id:.: - ?= E :EE gI l: Z i i.= i= E i;i;:eE;:;:Z -t.2 .-€ i 1;, tE zE E i E E:; :. ;E t i::.i E 5 5 :E!!::;;: !: i?: )2 o o +, o o\o\ @ F l-. an FI H H r'. u H FI 00 H ut E 3 z I U F N \o ln .i. z oo c) I & la Ff z H (n t4 (,) tsl z H ut E-r z l.l lrl (1 lJxa v!-<>x Qtru >zz ES< 3dz ^<\J YAi-z"Y -zi H.h tsz al kt \J -<.^FtrZ zbA r{,1 \ -.!<az=IQF-J <%ca or z :f-F--r!-<se{*<-F<Y a')li l-=a l-!Lt Z.^<-y :-l : r,i ENHU PFfA ri ,., L!tto> J !4 \.)a>i..{ z { *YV sEx:lLrr(l I\>L)-triqh u=x:.,,FYl TSXF rl{ F -e. -rF lll tl{h H .*, r+ O. FR EN It -t IF a trt rf-t t -F5 -l ff-d F fir ?h.€v F .a : --11 19 F\ -a LI t- -a Et rFt e H H f\ -,\/ l{-l tl A.{.f a t-l .fJ rFr .lJ +t h er rl v o z F G, IU o- r\ \o Or \o o € \o <\CN (r) (7) o I \o @ F\ .n !r.l tlJ u- - uJ €Eft9+V) d6 0tlerlb c'\ N & N H r-{ =t.] t-{E B! €t\rE \. | 6:1 ': Pt d'.1 iiH t! !-2 OE 2s ;}4 -H 5E dt uJ (r F F U'z o z z llll zl FII H EI <l* ztt'j 4t&Fll ts AI Ell c)AI D 4&(JFr aa v) AH <o A^g<bx zY. 2 6 !'l =< c6 ;_\oE ZH z^ RF] 2 F 2 rL = z F F FI z I @ Fq & pr H H Fl z H a F .t>lt) Fl @ Fr rtl V) \O a c) <') F\ EX F{O . Itl Cq F.] !do<(^a> A z rd Fl ;o F o o/ d tu (J' (o a o o o O ; =o E =l -i o o- (E '.q) q) E*te '=O.o;i s bE; E.e*€*Eg8 E.:9 c E 6P.E c-o>':P-b :'-;-o :EPi € >=:c9oF 33;; E EAR IIEo *OOc iEoS .: eet $iSE o- o cl- SE;.e oidor E*e€ E61i :E€ H E6FS -ecf *s<_-s€;;ggl: 9 c -o.5 *EFe 6R5o 869 F 9E o -PEg: rc uJ z 3 o uJ 'r z E uJ z 3 II llJ F z ; @ 6l ftl R $' o\.if -s fl 5 R r GI F (f)I P rn ot .<r F ac tl ra 6l rr F .s N t\ *fi {, t = IIJ z o ) 5 :< uJ -() z J I F llJ J t! (,z 6 d J 9 z o UJ = x c( UJ Iu z ; u./ uJ E lo ; uJ ; uJ z o ul o F uJ l z |lJ x F uJ o f <n UJ tlJ tL F = UJ o- F z o =l E F UJ J UJ z dl = d 2 I (J uJ Fl H NO|lVn']VA F]E B z tE z H rr () &H an z o C.) ; 3 zzt- tr ^ 6z = r =Y rg oE aaE z>-()oo9 ()zX LL<oq i !J-E :! X tr.J aXz iNC' N N >tr -I z tr I IL cc o- t uJ q F E F \o r\ uJ E z E o o z tr E uJ F s >4 =UJ z ll tl ll t z l z Oa FuJ < (.)o< =H Ru-6o <z tr z ,. 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I CO [: CY) O -$ LIJ F (l) dl o -z F L IJJ !a I.IJ d) o F F Eo HE > (') O_N Y>(J<r> I uJ F l+r oE zo 4 .)t' ^3 E =3 E == g JO Fl o-t! A !DtrI = /,-3V tra b'//' w^ (-'za < ./,)4 u, -r -s9 E -.-2A NV = = UJ .L tL lu F = E uJ (L lt- llJ o z o I F (r I E d tr u,l J F l o 5 IL ut !) F c o E ct -9 o o =, .=c t E E o l, AO 1I rr C!o >E =i rE -!*.=€ E =E lrJ o-z 9 F o E F a z o o J .-i6 1,, \,, = ==3 - i\ -r- d;= .J)z J zl ol Hl zl g ol FI =.1 ol uJl il al >l ttl ol zl =l ot FI I I I I I ol zl dl PI -t il ttl ol 5l g Ol rJr FI F I F<l l^al o | '-{Bl lo ot I Al \o <l El q I Fll I (.ll .f,1 Fll I r-a AZ H>cl CI s 4 <tr Eo x H t4 H =H x E t g \t)ln \o rn I ln -$ @ I pol J, l c!l I I cil =.1 ol Hl JI <l >l ttl ol zl 3l PI ol =.1 ol ull 5l ?l >l :l ol FI IY H r'1 r:l E N |\(n c\l a t, uJ td H a rd & F UJ =z (n -1 I ,.l u?l ;l ol <l FlI |ll HI >l |l H z =tr z 6 =) o E F z =.r ltl = l-gc.> =+E Oz -rO <F (ts() IJJ <zE trt z () E,F O uJ J () uJ E T O trtrtr ,^g trJo J'-co +)<(o (Jc .-{ .o Jr-o-o cLx <(tJ l)- tt1 H c:l)r9C, i= AL ulp .o @ op Ec, (JH q- U)P U) (\l E i{- L q)+,+) (u .-J F t trl (5 z, -J qtr UP rr|- O vo UJ Ld z, lJ rn (n at @2. Y=z=oi FE IL uJu Y-H oq)F F =cE '. Ho-t tr- \ t o!: r^t r+ -\ |n t\a I :<N I e \>t I Yrl rl gur bk Ztf F =E,lrl o-z o F (J D E,F a z o () :t + :L 'l uJ F o d J =I C) IIJ =n (,z J tr I F o J J d J *0 $AI + e ,-s 'ii =z lo G a d. '{. s I ($ |-.ol q -] an UI o d J = $l I (l I aL F c d = J1 JS *[ a n {l {l =l aEl d ,l rj e -$ -{ u g an uJ E =- K tr I s r\ j o- -5 F 6 + J .t \..t il J 1 =E] trl I (! !l rl g'l Cs .l 't ?t $ol Hl ,l -.rl V <l )'ilo ol zl FI E =tr ci ..1 o1 uJl 5l <l >l ttl ol zl =l ol FI E tJ-l ci z .; uJ TL q z 3 o F =d o z o ut : >1 lI.l ol zl =t q H g o o ul crl Ji al >l ttl zl 3l 9l ui UJ (r ul z =o F C) uJ F -C) t JO <(F C()ur<zE trz o () J(ts 6P f;3 Ets J, 2P =<zE fF d6 (J 6F =3 i,z =g F HE o2 <()sl il -, I x .xx z o9 =e coo =z =f dP ntr (,o zG 95 55 d) tlJ -',i t d.z <s tlt L \-/ rl =o Es g E,^ < E=4 BH 9 -F CE ,= ur F 5tr g =_z 1u :- E;q E ;39 H g=P H Et! X O- Eue r €tri ftl fp ** --E!' - I F a z = z $i* *l: T { !d e g !iE:= 5 () >--E P:s59 H€E:i gEFIg sEpei tr ^ 62 q 5 >e F I oi qroe.z>-o 8e ft t!<(9q i.H6s -R 2 dNO. zl .. >l o ul UJ uJ z o F E. uJ c z tr z tr J f o z o J 3 F |ll lll o- l!>o I =lEIel a qlSlEI9 ? btdttrtH u,l -t ><x .<' !! O ".,,1ffi""5";:ilp,",,t O 75 South Frontage Road VaiI , Colorado 81557 (303) 479-2L38 Plan analysis based on the 1988 Uniform Building Code Project Nunber: 81690 Nane: PEROT RESIDENCE Address: Date: Septenber L2t L99O Contractor: SHAEFFER CONST. Occupancy: R3,Ml Architect: MORTER ARCHITECTS Type of Const: V-N Engineer: MONROE Plans Examiner: I'ICTIAEL WHITAKER NoTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code reguirements j-n the 1988 UBc. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. Portions of the material contained in this progran are reproduced from the Uniforrn Buildinq Code ( l-988 edition) with permission of International Conference of Buildingr officials SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE'PROTECTION NoRTH Property line 20.0 Feet EAST Property line 58.0 Feet SOUTH Property line 16.0 Feet WEST Property line 26.0 Feet 20.0 Feet 58.0 Feet 16.0 Feet 26.0 Feet o Page OPENING PROTECTION SOUTH WEST BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT ohr ohr None Ohr ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE material . Sec.22OL. None -- No fire protection requirements for openings. Prot -- openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50? of the area of the wall maximurn. Sec.2203.(b) & Table 5-A Maxirnum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dirnension greater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NoP -- Openings are not perrnitted in this wal1.* -- These walls may be required to have a parapet wall 3o inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is reguired to have the same fire rating as the wa1l. See section 1709. for details and exceptions. AREA !,IIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS #z Code review for:Project Id.: PEROT RASIDENCE Address: EXTERTOR WALL FIRE RATTNGS AND Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT R3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None l{l- ohr ohr None ohr ohr None 3 Master bedroom 3 Master bath 3 Loft Bedroom 3 Loft Bathroom 3 Storage room 3 HaIIs, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR 2 Living roon 2 Kitchen 2 Bedroom #l 2 Bedroom #2 2 Recreation Roorc 2 Elevator 2 Halls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR l- Garage L Furnace room L Bedroom #1 l- Bedroon #2 L Bedroon #3 1 Bedroon #4 1 Storage room I Hal1s, closets, etc, TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL 29L 55 202 48 85 2L4 895 511 368 L62 L76 235 56 805 23L3 759 LO2 210 r.85 L80 L76 151 842 2645 5853 29.LO 0.00 20.20 0.00 0. 00 0. 00 51. 10 36.80 L6.20 17.60 23.50 0.00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 21. 00 1.8.50 18.00 L7.60 0.00 0.00 1 4.55 2.75 10.10 2.40 o. 00 0.00 25.5s 18.40 8.10 8.80 Ll-.75 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0. o0 10. 50 9.25 9. O0 8.80 0. o0 0. o0 Yes No Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No t_ 1 t_ 1 l_ L 2 L t L L l_ L t L t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Page # 3 Code review for:Project Id.: PEROT RESIDENCE Address: FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable windo\it or door that opens directly to the exterior is required from this roon. The ninimurn clear openable area must rneet the following. -- Sec. 1204.1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The rnininum clear width is 20 inches 3) The nininum clear area is 5.7 square feet 4) The naximum siIl height is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Tab1e 33-A (Dwellinqs) 3) A rnechanical ventilation system nay be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- sec. 1205. (c) 5) The reguirenents for 2 exits from the 3rd floor is based on Sec. 3303. (a) exc. 3. ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet neasured to the lowest projection. If the ceiling is stoping, then the rninimun height is reguired in only L/2 of the area. --Sec. L207. (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one roon vhich has not less than 120 square feet, of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. l-207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be Less than 7 feet in any dirnension. -- Sec. L2O7. (cl GLAZING REQUIREI,IENTS :L) A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material . -- sec. 5406. (d) 2) Note windows and doors in a tub or shower area are reguired to be safety qlazed regardless of the height above the floor. -- 5406(d) 5. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREI.IENTS: A snoke detector is reguired on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally ]ocated in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. sec. 1210. (a) 4. The srnoke detector is reguired to be wired to the building's power source. -- Sec. 12L0.(a) 3. A snoke detector is reguired on all stories. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. If the upper level contains sleeping roon(s), a snoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway. --sec. L210. (a) 4 o Page *4 Code review for: Project Id.: PEROT RESIDENCE Address: FIREPI,ACE REQUIRE}TENTS : MASONRY FIREPI,ACE:1) Fireplace nust be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707. (b) 2) The firebox must be at least 2O inches deep and walls of firebox are to be 10 inches thick. If the lining is of firebrick then the walls nay be 8 inches thick. -- Sec. 37O7.(c, 3) The roininum clearance to cornbustible material is from the fireplace, srnoke chamber, and chimney walls is 2 inches. Combustible material nay not be placed within 6 inches of fireplace opening and combustible within 12 inches may not project more than 1/8 inch for each 1 inch of clearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) 4) The hearth urust be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 inches thick, and supported by nonconbustible naterial . The hearth size must be at least: ff Opening size is: Front extension Side extension Less than 6 sg.ft.16 inches 8 inches L2 inches 6 sq.ft. or greater 20 inches -- Sec. 3707. (k) & (r) 5) chirnney height must be per Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPAR,ATION : Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for l-hr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing L 3/8 inch solid core door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) ex #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must The maxinum rise of a step is -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc.#1 Provide a handrail on one side there is 4 or nore risers. -- be at least 36 inches wide. -- sec. 3305. (b) I inches and the ninirnum run is 9 inches. a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimun height =36 inches, naximum opening size = 6 inches. -- sec. L7LL. exc 1 The minirnum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (P) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for thr fire-resistive construction. -- sec. 3305. (n) ATTTC REQUIREI{ENTS:L) Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear height of 30 inches or more. The niniurun size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30 inches or more clear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205. (a) 2) Provide ventilation in all attic areas. The net free vent area is to be not less than L square foot for each 15O square feet of attic area. The vent area may be L/3oO if at least 50t of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the attic. The upper ventilators nust be at least 3 feet above the eve or cornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) For a 895.0 sq.ft. attic area: Ratio L/LsO L/3OO Mininum sq.ft. of vent 5.97 2.98 Page # 5 Code review for:Project Id.: PEROT RESIDENCE Address: CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS :L) Provide ventilation either by nechanical means or by openings in exterior walls. Opening shall provide a net area of not less than 1 sqluare foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space. Openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical .-- Sec. 25L6. (c) 6. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 10? of the above if ground surface area i-s covered with an approved vapor barrier and the building official approves. For a 500.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area:Ratio Miniurun sq.ft. of vent L/L5O 3.33 2) Provide l-8-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening may be required to be larger if mechanical equipment is located in the crawl space. -- Sec. 25L6.(cl 2.3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood, the ninimum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The mininum clearance to beans and girders is is 12 inches. -- Sec. 25L6.(c) 2. ADDITIONAL REQUIREI'IENTS : For R3 occupancy THIS PROJECT WTLL REQUIRE A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SI'RVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR FRAME INSPECTION. ALL CRAI,IL SPACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL ARE LU'{ITED TO A EARTH TO STRUCTURAL FI,OOR CEILING HEIGHT OF 5,, BE EARTH FIOOR ONLY, BE VENTTT.ATED AS PER UBC 25r.5(C)6 WrTH MTNIMtTM ACCESS AS PER UBC 25r.6(C)2 AND MAXTMW ACCESS OF 9 SQ. FT. ANY BUILDING SITE WITH A SIOPE OF 30 DEGREES OR MORE SHALL REQUIRE AN ENGINEER DESIGN. SUCH DESIGN SHALL ADDRESS DRAINAGE, SOrL RETAINAGE, AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN. EXCAVATION BELOI{ SI,ABS ON GRADE SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED I{ITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. For Ml- occupancy SLOPE GARAGE FI,OOR TO ALI.,OW FOR DRAINAGE TO OUTSIDE OR PROVIDE A FLOOR DRAIN WITH }TITH SAND AND OIL INTERCEPTOR TO DRY WELL OR TO SEWER. ANY GARAGE FI,OOR DRAIN CONNECTED TO SEWER I.TUST BE APPPROVED BY UPPER EAGLE VALLEY WATER & SANTTATTON DISTRTCT. Project Nunber: 81690 Address: Occupancy: R3,It!1 Type of Const: V-N Town of VaiI Connunity Development 75 South Frontage Road VaiI , Colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L3a PIan review based on the 1.988 Uniforn Building Code Name: PEROT RESIDENCE Date: Septenber L2, L9 Contractor: SIIAEFFER CONST.Archi-tect: I,IORTER ARCHITECTS Engineer: IIfONROE P1ANS EXaminer: !,TCHAEL WHITAKER Portions of the naterial contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniforrn Building Code ( 1988 edition) with permission of International conference of Building officials SHEET IDENTITICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED ! 3,4t5 TIfROUGHOUT AII electrical work to be complete to the requirements of the l-987 National Electrical Code. 2 *tr*,r.**** 3,7 CRI{L SPCS 3 l,tECH ROOM EXT. COVER This project will require a site irnprovement survey. Such suryey shall be subrnitted and staff approved prior to a request for frame inspection. Areas delineated as crawl spaces or nonhabit. basemnt. shall have less than 5' ht. from earth to structural fJ.oor/ceiling above, a dirt floor only, be ventilated as per UBc 25L6, with access min. size as per UBC 2515 and rnaxirnum access size 9 sq. ft. For heating or hot-water supply boilder applications a floor drain shall be supplied for suitable disposing of accumulated fluids. ttMC 2LL9. Exterior surfaces with stucco applications shall be provided with exterj-or netal lath as per UBC 4706 or as per manufacturers instructions for thin coat applications or synthetic stucco applications. Glazing in a hazardous location is reguired to be glazed with safety naterial . -- sec. 5406. A bathroom is required to have an openable window or a nechanical ventiLation system. -- Sec. l-205. (c) In buildings of unusually tight construction (all new construction within the Town of vail), combustion air shall be obtained frorn the outside. Such cornbustion air openings shall be as per IIMC Ch. 6. 6r7 3,4,5 3 DOORS ET AL BATHS MECH ROOM Required corrections for:Project Id: PEROT RESIDENCE Address: # SHEET TDENTTFICATION o Page CORRECTTON REQUIRED #z 92 LO 2,3,4 11 6 L2 3,4,5 13 SUBMIT 14 SUBMIT 15 S-9 GARAGE The garage must be separated from the dwelling by thr fire-resistive construction on the garage side.-- Table 5-B & 503. (d) exc.#3 ELEVATOR The design, construction, and installation of elevators, durabwaiters, escalators and their hoistways shall be as per the requirements of UBC ch. 51. This lncludes fire-resistance of enclosure & openings, hoistway ventilation, and vestibule reqluirements. ELEVATIONS Unless the lower level is clearly shown as a basement (6' or less from floor above to grade for 50* of building perimeter), a 3 level dwelling will reguire 2 means of exiting from the 3rd. level if 3rd. level exceeds 500 sq. ft. UBC 420 & UBC 33O3 (a) . EI-,EVATOR Elevator shafts which extend through two or nore floors shall be enclosed in a shaft of one hr. fire resistive construction. openings (doors) shall be protected by a self-closing assembly with a one hr.rating. (Except doors to outside. ) UBC l-706 (a) (b) A nechanical drawing shall be provided showing heating and/or cooling design. A one-line electrical drawing for each level is required for this project. solls RPT. Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. (b) & (c) O Project Application a ProjectName: fO < o '/ " Project Description: Contact Person and o Darc Y '/9'76 Phone Owner, Address and Phone: -StoS Architect. Address and Phone: Lesal Description,r-ot j/ , arocx. ? .ritinsV,V;/4no l?t ,zone- Comments: Design Review Board Date 7, /s,?o Motion by:Atu+ Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL 22"*/i"Ja "^n-i ,./n Ae:{, Town Planner Date: El Statt Approval a o -}AB ZONE CHECK FOR srR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRICTS DATE: JI'ly 16, 1qq0, T,EGAL DgscRrprroNE-:r- Brock z r11tn9 vail village lst ADDRESS: OWNER H- Rnss PFROT ARCHITECT MnPrEq APcHITECTS ZONE DISTRICT P/S PROPOSED USE IFT SIZE Height Total GRFA Prinary GRrA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sldes Rear Water course Site Coverage LandscaPlng Fence,/Retaining !{all lteights Parking Credits: Garage Mechanical Airlock Storage Zoning:Approvedr/ Di s aPProved *Includes ProPosed 250 **30%+s1oPe-ChaPter Allowed (30) (33) 39 lY + 75O ! 4n6R* 406ff* Nq 201 15 1 15 I (30) (50) (300) (600) (e00) (1200) (50) (10o) (25) (s0) (2oo) (4oo) Proposed Ln67 **/ -)E-r'_J.Lr' NAr' Ua*;r*e qin.*|, 2,0-151"-* 1.2\.?O t4 CaL--7al. PHONE PHONE ffi - ' ,7C ElnC 4068 n/n 3'1 6' Jq ,'/ 3 ,u4 f4^^. Drive: Slope Pennitted z E?o Slope Actua1 4q' Environmental/Haz ards :Avalanche t/ Flood Plaln Slope Geologic Hazards GRFA - ord. 36 (ie88); 18.69.050 0rd. 4 (1985) r.\(ssz(\rs,,,_ 100 Date: / rs' ts ?6 /\ lr-q /&/ '?'zt'?o t/'-- itl?f) Project Application Date 3" 18'?/ Proiect Name: Project Descriplion: €g|facrFlrgon and-Phene Owner, Address and Phone; Archilect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block , Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Town Plan ner Date:j'/>,1t Staff Approval m?MAn 15leer APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB |IIEETII{G: ORB APPLICATION *****TIIIS APPLICATION t.lltt I{OT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFOMATION IS SUBIIITT[D***.* I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A prc-epplicatlon-mceting-wlth-a plann{ng staff member rs strongly suggest,ed to ' dctermlno lf anv addltloial tnrorf,atton Ts-neeceJl'-ilir applcatioi wiii-ue-acceptea unlcss lt is cornoleiE (rnJst i;;iffi';ii'ii.ili-i.iui"i;;y the zon.ins adnrinjstrator).li^i:.th9 aqqlicint's iesponsrt[iiiiy to make an-a-fpointr.nt wirh the staff to find out about additiona'l submittal requr'rements, preiie note that a cSMpLETE appiica-tion will streanline the-approvai'iro..ss ror.your-p*ji.t by decreasing the numbe:^of condltlons of approvat ihai itte'bne i;iy iiiiriit!.-"irr conditions of approvai must bc resolved before' i uuttatng -piriii' ts lssued. ... A. PROJECT OESCRIPTIOI{: Request to approve attached revisions inciuding window changes and security gate revjsion of previously approved single fam.i 1y residence. B. LOCATIO}I OF PROPOSAL: Mdress Legal Description Lot_jL__ B'tock z_ Fil ing Vail Villaqe Ff rst Fi'! inq Zonlng c. [A]48 0F APPLICAI{T: Address tel ephone D. MI'IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address tel ephone 47A -; 1135 €. MI.IE OF O}JIIERS: Slgnature Address r^:r7? f,LrF','+ nF{vo q,r{+o 1Ann, ne|rrq, rr- 7q^?o.-. te] ephone tlll],00, F. ORB FEE: The fce nlll be Paid at the time a bui'l ding permit is rgqussig6. $ 0-$ lo,00b $10'001 -$ 50.000 $.50,001 - $ 1s0;oo0 $150,001 - $ .5oo,ooo $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ over $1,000,000 II'IPORTANT NOTICE RECARDII{G ALL SUSMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1' In addltion to necting.submittal requirements, the appiicant must stake the siie to lndlcate property i{nes and buliding cdiie"s. -r"!!i that witr be removed should also be inarrla. This woit musi'ue compiiteo'u.io.u the DRts visjrs ihe sl te. will normally invo'lve two separate,'neer-ings on at least two meetings for thejr approvai. .3. People who fa{1 to appear before the Oesign Revjew Board at their schcd,.r,trd meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be requireo io J.:' republ 'lshed. ' r,z 788- ?00 I FEE $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 2, The rcvlcw process for t{B,t BUILDINGS . of the Deslgn Revlew Board, so plan qfr0;, "', r I,i9gt A Prclcss onal Ccrpcralion 143 East Nlcadow Dr ve Crossroads al Vai Va , Colorado 81657 303,?76 5I 05 MoruenAncnrECTS Letter of Transmittal oate 7/pa-a44 /1, /7?/ ro: fu-z af LLil At//. af &.zr-z't--;fi2 ./,lh: fV/b flail'a-- Proiect: ,Pzo/ &sr/z---" h)/, &/araaz &<:z/aY4 Please tand cncloscd tho tollowing: Dated aay'f/t r Copies Ol /zaez, rta*/" €/aua-/t o-z,t//tzahnfr-- 4 tt/afuv) .a.dd;7.rr5 a V*-EVr znzt- bzd-raan FZa t aall/zt /z^oa eey' //q r /eaa, Remarks: rVtb, /4sr' €/usa./ra-, r//os,t-or+,- atz/ets afu),4a=z5 @ ,eas/z--r h-ftztaz-t *zd ,A-//azaV &zz.6t4 i //ez>*a-tua2 *thfr. fZuiS/J-t AS alelera zz2- ft jafuaeZ //+*t.i*n-e<- azt acy't /7 1 Z E.a. ,lz'sA P.FP . a-pp/taa-hza>-u err,/1 l/n I Er Ve-r* ,z.ar-ds, V/as-u- fr>oc a.tLa,'+z4- a&i*zirc/ 7a:nz-r a44zsf<Z @s ,4 qa-"u ha-zZ frzq /----s*.-,s Ar rzSTanSeE b rba2 , Pz{*{.- aa'r a4a-'./' %-V*,-/?,, a-e. - /,4# pz-f fu*rr*-, br4//?.2 /V?ae/-/a( M Q/azlti l/tcazzz- \ : li I I tz io :I iF ;<r>;IJJ iJ I |rI. I l.F :I il-iD io i(n tl rl Ir Llp tl II I fi,'\{i $l $ii ll 4::rllI E*\5 I rl- l+-r\ttl l+rd IR | ,.'-t--( s *s Jr KE $[ -1 | ll -LI-fT {nl f: s f f $ rl, {J \ -J \'t' $ -i- ---jj --f; li -t-;:.1I I I t"-+ ii il ir ) N ril $. $i t _t r$ $ I ul {{( ,t ul t- Gl f t .s'$ t{ _\i :t r) EI I.i- {'q @ F til F a -J._ * l-- - i ti rl |--\ I I I t/ c F t:. t- $ rl I' \ J \ F T\ _t t-{- ; \ J 6 +' 'i $ { t; J ql _l { J J { \{-\ r-\l'c: d $r t u $e l$ *$r\ -i fo: FROM: DATE: su&IEet: _r uEuoBuDsu Plannlng and Envl-ronnental Conrnissl.on Conmunity Developnent Department Uarch lX, l99L A reques! for a front setback variance for the Perot residenc'e, Iocated at 64 Beaver Dan Roadr/ Lot 31, Block 7, ValI Village First Filing. AppIlcant:RoBB Perot I.DESCRIPTION OT THE VARTAITCE REOUESTED The appllcant is proposing a front setback variance in order to explnd a ground level entry, into the residence which is presently under construction. The variance request, if approved, would allow for the entry to encroach a maximun of 6 feet into the required 2o' front setback area. The expanded entry vestibule' as Proposed, would be located west of the current garage. The proposed entry vestibule would be located approxinately 6 feet back from the north face of the garage as it parallels Beaver Dam Road. It should be noted that the existing 3-car gtarage ls petmitted to be located in the front eetback area, as the average grade on the sLte exceeds the required rnininun of 3ot, which allows garages to be constructed in the front setback. Architecturally, the design of this nelr' expanded entry vestibule would natch the structure presently under construction. The entry vestibule would be enclosed on all sides. However, the applicant is proposing an open, lron gate as the front door. Because the front of tbe entry vestibule would be rropen, rr thl.s proposed vestibule does not constitute slte coverage, nor does it count as Gross Residentlal Floor Area (GRFA). ft should be noted for the record that the Perot residence was given final DRB aPproval and was issued a building pernit in August of 1990, which was prior to the amendnent to the Town of vail zoning regutations, which nodified the definitions of site coverage and GRFA. The Perot resl-dence wlll be reviewed under the troldtr regulations until a Tco is issued on the structure. T II. BACKGROI'ND AND HISTORY April 23, 1990 - The PEC, by a vote of 5-O, denLed the applicant's appeal of a decislon of the zoning adninlstrator, regarding the definition of rsite coverage.rl Dtav 14. 1990 - The PEc, by a vote of 7-O, unanimously approved a ELte coverage variance request for this site. The reguest was for 21* eite coverage, which the staff supported. Hbwever, this was nodified during the PEc hearing and the PEC subsequently approved a 22.1t sLte coverage variance. The regueEt was for an addition to the existing structure, which included an attached 3-car garage. The PEc found that the existing structure and the steep slopes on the lot created a physical hardship. :t'fav 16. 1990 - The Deslgn Revlew Board, by a vote of 4-0-1, granted final deslgn approval for the Perot residence, and 'also approved a request for an additional 250 sq. ft. of GRFA. The request sas approved with conditlons. Julv 23, 1990 - The PEc, by a vote of 7-o, unaninously approved the appllcant's request for a site coverage variance. This variance reguest included the denolLtlon of tlre existing single fanily home and called for the construction of a new sinqle family hone, with an attached 3-car garage on the site. The applicant's request was for 2ot site coveralte, (the zoning code allowed a maximun site coverage of 15t). Aucrust 15, 1990 - The Design Review Board, by a vote of 4-0, unanimously approved the applicant's reguest to denolish the existing single fanily residence and to construct a new residence with an attached 3-car garage on the site. The applicant's request included the use of the 250 ordinance. - Aucrust 16. 1990 - The Town of Vail Conmunity Development , Department issued a buildlng permit to allow for the - construction of a nelt single fanily residence on the lot. III. ZONING ANALYSIS Tota1 site area - 15,682 sq. ft. Allowable site coverage - 2'352 sg. ft., or 15t Existing site coverage - 11154 sg. ft., or 7* Proposed site coverage - 31159 sg. ft., or 20\ Allowable GRFA - 3,818 sq. ft. Additional reauest - 250 sa. ft. Total allonable GRFA - 41058 sq. ft. constructed GRFA - 4,068 sg. ft. IV. CONSIDER,ATION OF FAETORS The staff's oplnion is that the proposed front setback variance request, if approved, rrould have no significant lnpact upon other existLng or potential uses and strrrctures ln the vicinity. No existing or proposed landscaping would need to be nodified in order to allow for the expanded entry vestibule to be constructed as proposed in the front setback. The strLct literal interpretation or enforcement of the In order to ensure unlfornity of treatment of sites in the general vicinity, it is the staff opinion that the setbick variance request should not be ipproved. we believe that the applicant has taken fuII advantage of the developnent standards for this site, such as GRFA and site coverage, as well as the allotilance for the garage to be placed in the front setback area. we are unable to identify any speclal circumstances or unigue sl-tuations which exist solely on this property, and which would allow us to support the applJ-cant's reguest for the front setback variance. The staff is of the opinion that approval of this reguested variance would be a grant of special privilege, and we believe that the setback variance request does not warrant relief fron the strict and llteral interpretation of the zoning code. The effect of the use on liqht and air, distrLbution of oublic facilities needs. A. B. c. v. The staff finds no signiflcant considerations. FTNDINGS that the reguested variance vill have negatlve effect upon any of the above That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special prlvilege inconsistent with the llnitatlons on other properties classified in the same district. A. B. c. That the granting of the variance will not be detrlmental to the public healtb, safety or nelfare, or naterlally lnjurlous to properties or improvenents in the vicinity. That the variance iE warranted for one or nore of the following reaeons: 1. lftre.etrict literal interpretation or enforcement of the speclfled regrulatlon would result in practical dlfflculty or unneceasary physical hardship lnconsistent vith the objectLves of this title. 2. There are exceptLons or extraordinary circurnstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties ln the sane zone. 3. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regrulation would deprive the applicant of prlvileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the sane district. STAFF RECOMIIENDATION The staff reconrnendatl.on on the applicant's reguest for a front setback variance is for a denial . Staff has been unable to identlfy a physical hardship, and we are of the opinion that there are no unique or unusual circurnstances that exLst on thiE lot that are not found on other lots in the general vicinity and within the P,/S zone district. The staff also believes that, given the extent of this denolitlon/rebuild construction proJect, the applicant could have designed this entry vestibule without requesting a front setback variance. l{e believe that access fron the garage into the naLn reEidence could have been designed in a manner that htould have allowed an entry vestibule to be constnrcted wl-thout the need for a setback variance. The staff does not find that the requested variance neets any of the fLndinga aa listed in Section IV of this Demorandum. v. ; vl .il fl, d ,t rfl il F I ;'fl I 3l' - J)"I lot -4r -- (- | 1 I I i l"lr |;r Ir\ xt- .i'-4:.J tEil \ Existing gate./wal.l 4-u* €',/!\-..<'e \ Ea--, Proposed locatlon PROPOSED SECURITY GATE REVISION | / 1t -- l''-ot additional 56.25 sq. ft. u-\ ri J ir t. t -i kt I tl i'l tA ;$-,re ":J . -l .n, '' -.tj'1i,, ?. c'a c ' .. ?\rfx.v , c tJ:f bJ'o i4, laxe''t 1 location -.il \1 =z ,r-et . t l I I I I I Ji lir : ),i -l l-'. t\)-(tll \ r'q ,\:-\ .r i t t- \$- ,'- t ) I t. I ul nl J f -l I (\ i-.I -A I $ h :. tl ti -1 t: I i l: tl @ : : I it't. r9 .l rt r-F.- t; tJ "1 - J (l 0' t )J -!l lll I lrl .t .L {\I $rl A Nr tl,l Itr $u( rn .? t, u- i. rl ilu ,,t t\!:l di ti h .l t:.i $ .{ s l. )r \6 .:s ti d ii, I \ rl { I \ F 1l I I I iJ a,)rl r!.! tiu (l I a $ {- \s : 't- ll 1l E J \ L i I I{l t\O I t{$ | t$t o 't ! i \ i I I \ I t I I I ]u rI rs. $l ..g ir :{r) Et !.tr TI J -! .n I I -l .!I o |! b0 I I t- r!rl {t|L r.l t. 5h : -| |ut t-;t;4l= H l-.o 6l , rl ;l 3l EI rl El I @ ll t....--i .-a ,l lr -'r I I r, --_ \i tr .0 --- .!I o d-r Ii \q TS $y ti. is ts rt iu f\ i. \ \ \ \ \ I I j d,F t-; $ $.& \ { I qi nl '(r I t 1. 'I 'bo ic l- --rL.th x li t:\ r't .iI -f r:- $$'l .. -r $d I :l T trl $ J it 0- I 1 \ .l q- tl t. { H J rt ul 1 $.\ r$F t * I Pl FILE C0PYr PI,ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION March 11, 1991 Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Ludwig Kurz Kathy Langenwalter Jim Shearer Gena l{hitten Absent Connie Kntght The rneeting ltas called to order at Corornission welcorned Gena Whitten as Connission. Staff Icistan Pritz Mike Mollica Jill Kannerer Andy l(nudtsen shelly Mello Amber Blecker 2:30PM by Diana the new mernber Donovan. The of the 1. 2. This iten was postponed, due to Pete Burnett being called in for jury duty. a satellite dish in a setback.Applicant: Satellite Receiving Systens Shelly Mello briefly explained the process of a minor annendment to a Sop. The approval was per the previous PEC neeting, where the Connissioners expressed their desire that the dish be placed at ground level . Shelly elaborated that there would be a brown, wood fence to natch the building trin and 3 sPruce trees placed to screen the dish. Additionally, shrubs will be placed on the south of the dish. Shelly concluded her presentation by stating that the Design Review Board tras not yet reviewed or approved this placement, and their approval would be necessary before the dish couLd be installed. She then called for conment by the ConnLssl.oners. Chuck Crist began by asking if the adjacent condominium onners had been notified. shelly verified that all adjacent propertar oarners which would be iurp-cted had been notified of this project over a week before. Procedurally, Diana Donovan requested clarification fron staff of whether the Connission could discuss this without fomally calling it up. Shelly indicated that if the Conmission infornally agreed with the staffrs approval , no action would be necessary. If, on the other hand, it was apparent that the pEC was ln disagreenent, the issue should be disCussed by the pEc. I{hen the public was asked for connent, Irene Westby, nanager of the Talisnan Condoniniuns, asked, for clarification-of the-rocation of the dish. sherly Dterlo indicated the rocation on a site plan and explained the request. Ms. Westby indicated she had no problen with the landscaping, and she didnrt believe the owners would have any difficulty with the entl_re placenent. since there nas no further pubric connent, Diana Donovan opened Commission comment by stating she had no concerns over the-Iocation, but she did not llke the idea of noving the trees in order to install a fence for screening. Further, Diana conmented that the efforts to screen structures often result in naking thern more obvious. she suggested that the fencing be integrated-with the existing landscaping. Jin Shearer stated that he liked the plan. Ludwig Kurz stipulated that he had the same comments as Diana,and that he would like to see the trees remain where they were,as it would be healthier for the trees. fn concluding the discussion, Diana Donovan stated that the Connl.ssion was ln favor of upholding the staff approval , with a stroncr recornmendation to DRB regarding the integration of the existing landscaping and the proposed fence. 3. A rgqqest to.amend Ofdinance llo. 13. 1983. to establ_ish an additional view cgrrLdor. and to clarifv wording in ttre ordinance. The view to be protected extends fron Frivolous Sal ,s to the east over the Red Lion Building toward the Gore Ranae Applicant: Town of Vail Andy l(nudtsen sumnarized the changes which had been nade since the previous submission of this iten to the Conmission. He indicated that staff had rephotographed the proposed view corridor without clouds surrounding the core Range, per the pECrs request, and at a height of 5'-2t to better reflect the angle at which an average person would be looking at the view. staif further taped the photo at both the staffrs reconmendation for the boundaries of the corridor and the PEC,s request for the boundaries to better illustrate the specific lines. In addition,on one of the photographs, the proposed post-Christiania expansion had been taped as a reference point for discussion. o Staff presentation vas given by Mike ltolllca. llhe request was to encroach a maximum of 5 feet lnto ttre front setback of the lot in order to e:<pand a ground level entrance. ltike lndicated that the existing three-car garage under constrrrction in the front setback rraE acceptable Eince the 1ot slope average was over 30t. After glvlng a brief hlstory of the lot's developnent, Mike elaborated on the analyeis of the zoning. He stated that the site coverage and GRFA was at the maxlmum allowed for the site. Regardl-ng the Consideration of Factors, l{ike conveyed that the staff had a difflcult tine with this reguest. Although there would be a negligible impact on the surrounding neighborhood,Etaff could not determine what site hardstrip existed to warrant the granting of a variance. Staff believed that Eince the house bad gone through extensive plan revl.ew and desigm' the entrance could have been designed vl.thout the need for a variance. As an exanple, the entry could have been designed in conJunction with the garage. Mike reninded the Conmission that in order to Erant the variance, they nust find the granting of the variance would not be a grant of -pecial privilege, that the granting woul.d not be detrimental to tle general public, that the strict or literal interpretation of the regrulatlon would result in practical difficulty or.physical hardstrJ.p, that ttrere rtere exceptions or extraordinary cl.rcunstances applicable to this sl-te which were not generally found in the sane area, or that the strict interpretatl.on of the regulation would deprive the applicant of prlvileges enjoyed by others in the same zone diEtrict. staff believed that the current variance application did not neet any of these criteria. In conclusion, staff recomnended denial of the variance request, aE there waE no finding of hardship or unigue circumstances. Jirn ltorter, architect for the appllcant was queried by Diana Donovan of what would be accomplished with the addltion of an open gate to the entry vestibule. Mr. llorter responded that the gate was open air with a wrought iron door, but not openable for eecurity reasons. When Kathy langenwalter asked why the entrance was being noved, !tr. l,[orter reviewed the changes on the site plan, and said that there were sPecial cLrcrrmstances surrounding Mr. Perot with life and death consequenceEi. rrThe security concerns had arl.sen fron a change in sorld events subsequent to the design of the house.rr This expanded entry sas ? change requested by Mr. Perot'E security tean, and was believed to be a problem in the sight area Burrounding the entrance. 11 Kathy Langenwalter quizzed the staff about whether a variance would be necessary if the wallcway were designed with decorative netal , but no roof. ltike clarified that there sould need to be a wall or fence height variance under that circunstance. Mr. Morter elaborated that walls without a roof would not solve the security concerns. Chuck Crist requested infor:nation on what material would be used on the outside wall. ilin l,lorter said it would be stone. Jin Shearer asked lf the walkray walls could be sloped or lowered to be more architecturally pleasl.ng. Jin uorter thought that perhaps the grades next to then nlght be able to be raised. Turnlng the Conmission's attention to the requirenents necessary for grinting a varJ-ance, Dlana Donovan stated she beLieved that there was a unJ-que hardship to the owner. She supported the request. However, she felt that if ownership of the house changed, that the addition should be removed. Gena Whitten said she did not believe there were enouqh inpacts to warrant a condition of later renoval . Diana believed that to not require the later removal would be setting a precedent. Kathy Langenwalter reiterated that the oldner could not create the nardsnip. Jirn Shearer elaborated that he felt granting this variance rnight be a grant of special privilege. chuck crist errplained tris opinion that if the ownership changed, there would no longer be a hardship, and that the entry walk should be removed. Gena thought that the removal should be at Mr. Perot's exPense. Diana asked the Connission how they would like a condition of approval phrased. Mike Mollica requested clarification that the C-ornnissioh was looking for language that would reguire the addition to be renoved if Mr. Perot sold the property. Diana anssered affirmatively, that the expansion should be removed upon a change of title. JLn Morter requested that the provision be_ expanaea to state that removal of the entry wouLd be required if the ownership of the property left the fanily. Mr. Perot night want to visit his children if they were the subseguent oltners. The same security concerns would exLst as long as the ownership remained in the Perot fanilY. Kristan Pritz offered guidance to the Cornnissl.on that if they wanted to approve the varlance, Lt nould be difficult to reguire an approved structure to be renoved, but that if the Conrtission felt the variance was for safety concerns, It would be appropriate to approve the reguest, and there rtere unusual ciicunstances on the site, such as the topography and the Iocation of the garage already encroaching into the setback. L2 o Jln Shearer confided his hesitance to set precedent to base a varLance on securlty concerns, as there could be many in the Town sho belLeved they had sinilar concerns. Kathy Langenrtalter expressed her belief that this particular variance was based on extraordinary circumstances. she wanted to be sensitive to the ordner as weLl as to the site, and conpared the reguest to one for an owner with a particular disability. she believed the variance was for a unique conbinatlon of slte conEtraints and owner hardshLp, and that if the ownership of the property changed, the addition should be removed. Gena llhitten said she did not think that a removal condition would be necessary. Ludwig Kurz agreed with that opinion. Neither Chuck Crist or Jfun Shearer had an opinion on the condition. Kathy Langenwalter moved that the Cornml-ssion approve the reguest for a front setback variance for the Perot residence, located at 64 Beaver Dan Road/ Lot 31, Block ?, VaiI Village First Filing, as subrol.tted, and with the finding that extraordinary circum- stances are appllcable to this site which does not apply generally to the other sites in the zone districtr, in that the garage was located in the front setback of the Property due to the overall slope of the lot exceeding 30t. Additionally, an expanded entry/security gate was necessary for this owner. Chuck Cr-ist seconded the rnotion. Kristan Pritz indicated this would not be counted as GRFA for the house. The vote was a unanimous 6-0. subseguent to the votJ.ng, Diana Donovan indicated she appreciated the staff's assistance l-n forurulating the wording for the varJ.ance, even though they had originally recornmended denial. 7. 8. 9. unit.Applicant: Town of Vail units as a ConditLonal Use.Applicant: Town of Vail Public Accornrnodation District' 18.24 - Cornnercial Core 1 District, 18.25 - Comnercial Core 2 District' 18.27,- Cornmercial Core 3 District. 18.28 - Conmerciel Sgnrice cen€ei District, 18.29 - Arterial Business District. t4.36 - Definitions; to add a new definition for affordable housincr 13 10. Public Use District, and 18.39 - Ski Base/Recreation District; to allow affordable housinq units as a Conditional Use.Appll.cant: Town of Vail A recruest to amend Chapter 18.58 of the Municloal Code - Supplenental Regulations to nrovide speclflc developnent,/ zonLn<r standards for affordable housing units.Applicant: Town of Vail These four iteus were presented together by uike MoIIica. He described the changes requested, nanely extrllaining that the changes were reconmended fron the Town of Vail Affordable Housing Study as Phase I changes. IIe sunnarized these as being proposed as conditional uses for differing zoning districts, as well as defining Affordable Housing Unit (Aru). The staff reconnendation was that all suggested changes be approved. Tlpe I units would be allowed as a conditional use in Sf, 2-F, and P/S zone distrLcts. llYpes II and III would be a conditional use for Residential Cluster, Low Density Mutti- Fanily, Medium Density Multiple Family, Public Acconmodation, Cornnercial Core I, Connercial Core II, Conmercial Core III, Cornmercial Serrrice Center, Arterial Business District, hrblic Use and Ski Base/Recreation Zone Districts. Staff also recommended adoption of the definitlon of Affordable Housing Unit as being rra dwelling unit, with a restricted floor area, that shall be used for long-ter:m rentals, or ownership, by local employees in the Upper Eagle Valley (Gore valley, Minturn, Red Cliff, Gilman, Eagle-vail, and Avon and their surrounding areas) for the specific pur?ose of housing.rl Staff also encouraged the adoption of the development standards for AFUs, Tlpes I, II and III. These development standards would be in the Zoning Code under Section 18.58.330 and cross- referenced. Chuck Crist asked for clarification on the parking requirements, specifically if an AFU were placed on a P/s lot, would the enclosed parking be 5 spaces? Kristan responded ttrat yes, there could be up to 5 spaces, but one enclosed space would be required to be on the lot. She also clarlfied that there would be no GRFA credit for the garage. Mike Mollica further explained that the AFU would have to cone fron existing or available GRFA, but that the rr25o ordinancerrt after possible revision and reenactment for this specific purpose, could be used for a portion of the GRFA. Jim Shearer requested infonnation on what specifically would be included in a full kitchen. Mike stated that it trould include a refrigerator, sink, range and/or nicrowave. Mike continued his explanation of the three tlpes of AFUs. Typg f would consist of 3O-O-7O0 sq. ft., including a bath and full kitchen. Tlpe II is L4 rK -ULi-LD?,- nrya.4 'a-//lef z4 alln $lrcpuaty oo ftEC'0FEB 2 8leet PUBI,IC NOTICE NoTIcE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that the PLannlng and Envlronmental Connission of the Town of vall slll hold a public hearing in accordance wlth Section 18.66.060 of the nuniclpal code of the Town of Vail on llarch 11, 1991 at 2:OO p.n. in the Town of VaiI tlunicipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a front setback varlance for the Perot residence, located at 64 Beaver Dan Roadr/ Lot 31, Block 7,Vail viltage First Filing.Applicants Ross Perot 2. A request for a condLtional uee peruit to errpand the Vail llountain School , located at 3150 Katsos Ranch Road,/ Lot 12, Block 2, vail village 12th Flling.Applicant: Vail Mountain School 3. 4. 5. A request for setback, landscape and site coverage variances and an exterior alteration to the Lifthouse Lodge at 555 East Lionshead circle,/ I,ot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead lst Fillng.Applicant: Robert T. and Diana Iazier A request to amend Chapter 18.04 of the Municipal Code -Definitionsi to add new definltions for accessory unit, affordable housing unit and studlo housing unit.Applicant: Town of Vail A reguest to amend Chapters 18.10 - Single- Fanily Dlstrict, 18.12 - Tno-FamiJ.y Residentlal Distrlct and 18.13 - Prirnary/Secondary Residential District to allow accessory units as a condttional use in the above referenced zone districts. Appllcant:Town of Vail 6. A request to amend Chapters 18.14 - Residential Cluster Dist;ict, 18.16 - Low Density Muilipie Farnily Disirict, 18.18 - tilediun Density t{uLtiple Fanily District, 18.20 - High Density !,tultiple Fanily Dlstrict, !.8.22 - Public Acconmodation oistrict, La.24 - cornmersLal Core 1 District, 18.25 - Commercial Core 2 District, X8.27 - Commercial Core 3 District, 18.28 - Colnmercial Senrice Center District, L8.29 - Arterial Businesg District and 18.36 - Public Use Distrlct, 18.39 - ski Base/Recreation District; to allos deed restrlcted affordable housing units and deed restricted studio housLng units as a conditional use Ln the above referenced zone dlstricts.Applicant: Town of Vail . ttl ltenc tabled trou tbc Febnrary 25, L99I PEC ueetlng agenda. llhe appllcatl.onr and lnfornatlon about the propoeals are ' available for publle Lnrpcctlon ln tbe conmunlty Developnent Departuent oftl,ce. llown of ValI ComunLty Developnent l!.pafruent PublLshed Ln the VaIl Tral.l on Febnrary 22, L991. The lterns below glvlng a pernlt Please check off FI,NAL PLU}IBING AI, INSPECTION'S ueed to be couplete a fl.nal C of 0. ln the box provlded. COMPLETED before t_--] DATE:tl FINAI UECHANICAI, DATE: IUPROVEUENT SURVEY ,( RESID. NA}IE: PCN'T ELECTRICAI, FINAL EUILDING EAST SIDE:$EST SIDE: TE}TPORARY CERTIUCATE OF OCCUPAI{CY DATE: FILE NAUE:#15b2 //t-.'- "/J */ * W 4 ^ r'c'o' n;h /tt/'^ rilcoPI lnwn 75 souih trontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 479'2139 otlice of communlty developmenl March 6, I99L Jim Morter Morter Architects L43 E. Meadow Drive Vail , CO 8L657 Re: Perot Residlence Dear Jim: The Town of Vail is in receipt of the Improvement Location Certificate for T,ot 3L, Block 7, VaiJ. Village rirst Filing. Said Improvernent Location Certificate (I.L.C.) was completed by Eagle Va11ey Surveying, fnc. of Eagle-Vail, Colorado. Upon initial review of the I.L.C., the planning staff has raised some questions about the height of Ridge C, whicb is listed at an elevation of 8,2L2.3 ft. on the I.L.C. As you are aware, the building perurit issued for this site indicates a maxinurn ridge elevation of 8,212.0 ft. fnitial review of this f.L.C. would indicate that Ridge C is 4r' over the allowable maximurn ridge height of 33 feet. In an effort to avoid construction delays on this project, the staff overlayed the f.L.C. with the original topography for the 1ot and has reanalyzed our base elevation under Ridqe a. Based on this additional review, the staff feels courfortable in assigning a base elevation, under Ridge C, of 9,L79.5 feet. This would place the ridge elevation at 32.8 feet in height. It should be noted that the original staff calculation of building height was based upon the site ptan provided by your office. it appears that the topography indicated on this site plan differed slightly fron that shown on the survey. This nay explain the discrepancy in the ridge elevations. Jin llorter l{arch 6, 1991 Page 2 The planning staff will now authorize the building departnent to conplete the framing inspectLon for the above-naned property, as we feel that thls property neets the requirernents of the zonLng code. ff you should have any guestions or comnents regarding any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at 479-2L38. Sincerely, kl;A hltu- Mike uollica Senior Planner /ab cc: Kristan Pritz Tom Cole, I{orter Architects an Jt iJ Ylr o rr1^ ,it/itli\ .t A Profess onal Corporation MoruenAncHrECTS 143 Easl Meadow Drive Crossroads at Varl Vail. Colorado 81657 303i 476-5105 Letter of Transmittal Date: To. March 1, 1991 Town of Vail Department of Cornmunity Development Attn : Mi ke l|ol'l i ca Perot Residence Vai1, Col orado Prolect: Please lind enclosed lhe followino: Copies Mi ke, Per our telephone conversation of 03/0I/91 regarding Perot residence ridge heights taken from the inprovement survey dated 02/27/9L, I have included a revised ridge detail which effective'ly drops the overall roof height by 4". As we agreed this will satisfy all Town of Vail build'ing height requirements. This detail will only affect ridge "C" on the improvement survey mentioned above. Please note that Morter Architects finds it very hard to believe that Town of Vail officials can accurately interpolate 2 foot contours to the nearest 4". Also, base contour elevations should be agreed on by all parties prior to construction in order to avoid this problem in the future. Remarks: Please include this letter in your files. Thank you, Ahonas AJo1e, /.l.A, MORTER ARCHITECTS \ \ t I N u R!\,)\s t I\-R .r- a. $. ^\ -.\. \r{'\n\Y! / d I.t4'r\ -s \a$$$i N N{..,\ }-N.; 0 -i \ t \\\ \ $ \ r\ -l \\ .\ ,-'t \\ \\a\ t ^t \\ _\ ^l . \ t r \\ \s \ \j ^\ -\\ ^' if \t- -^ l: \a \- \ \\ -\ rI-\ l\ - X\ \ \t lrr \t \l-\(NN. \ ir ira -Itll \!l i'\ \\ \\ l\\ \\\ \' \\I\ \s \ G I rlt |:(tri '!*F fr t id; $t d \$ t :I $ iIi* i : $ rt $[ i $ i $[st i n \)t t I \l 0 $a't- io t\ .*t t * o (r i:I0 ;ul ('$ -r0 -il- _t r.rl .l 11{tl tcl S $$ t$ B"r I ($[ ttr Ccl$.rf t J_- i 9a'$ql r-t0 kT(dl- 1 ilh5' \td$-*,'lt N{c ,l- '1 0 t- -t ,{HL:X t'II i" i$. IS. N-{ ii +I rj 15 $"4 i $i s \ 'N $ \ //s ,e s I d d_ {, J II F EI o F z |rI 1rl \ \ a\ N N \ \ J I' F EJ o F z lrJ lrJ (J o I a $ \\\t \\ 5 J tL F $ : { $ :j j J 's $7.. d !! d i*[t I { iL ri El $[ --$r c H rll ( a s -9 d $ d_!l 0-$llt -J o .t- '.d $$u!1t $ [tm[$il $l .J l- rtl ,S =0 *u tt 0, Q rr-i.(. \l {_l rI -I {. zsl ,e \ ) 0 d d ( a $,l \t;;\F ,o I .ll 1l \)l 0-l \ I ---ll I l.r ,J i t"l llr l-r.l r tLl 1. lu tl! r,\l \r \ ft J .C\ rr).t d' \fi .l -l .{LI \) .l: X e{ rl _t rtr s I $l \t { rt I r,,l .t .{i t. J .L $ it s \+,\ N b It I 1- s I ,t t1 l\l \(\ ( !. -o- $t t)iu rii- I L I rl ti I l --- -- I I _----- I H lr ii ii I ll Ll -N I r- --1 g e .I rF Gl (J o o ? =,9tr Eo boE;Gl: 'b0e I E oi. L __:F-. -, i .2 ttt,x ol.fi 3ir '- rG{' cL 'r\ ol hr iil I ,, tl t. t-l JI tl=\i {t Il siq (iil r I'i d\Y I t J { \ a \J '_l t;vq- l(.-,\ \ ri) \J t\- --lr \\ cl t r \\ u B"t( {* H I 0:F t' lr- T rl. $ c\ ,{. q $ t I (t /-al /Y I "rl*\ F,:,/ \ll'I i\ lc'\ .ltr \ SI-tt t l'.2 s z o I ta I EI 4 II F (J =4 D I lrJ tt o lll (h o O.o 4 O. )$ rI $. $i -\l'$ 1q trl 0.rd it I} Et [-tr {$ q $r i'r)HJO l! \) l. U tL \ . u\.J. -r T-S s'l .'ir {.' |\-r utJ d-N ,f .I _t { _{ u)r ff I {tl rt I \ \ _l sl I 'l- JI 9l \\I J _\l qi ull *"1 \l _rtl \ _t N- \Cl 1- J l\l IU I l:- l{ $ I s $ I \ t.,t t- 0 J I a 2 o Irl ;F :< >'uJ J llr rF I F 4 o z =t o b0 c ct F -(J F -3 \-, Ji Ur, );uJl _\ i-.1\h,I l-\,r ,r\; s- ,t + .t t-ll $l ),i dl YI $l "r' I _-t I -Il ('t,l 0:_ tl )-- | I rl ,l rl l1 LT s I t'I li 't:t, 'l I i, I I l! il lr .l .. -lI $ l! 5 \ a-. $k' I r9 lrl r lr'r . c- i-{-l:-l!il li,,'''T-1 i .l d u 0' (- )*ut \i.i-l .. ul PI $u( ,$ rrl ri) '9 ,:'r ,I -r $\r[ .r1 t \ !.{ d\ (\ l*, FJ .{\ t,\ ). t _l ul trl \ * tL\ i\\$\I ..t\ ti l I I -D.-- ilI d *l !-'l {. t:( 3 i:\ I lr fIu d t' j s t' f. .J t l s $ -t- -L \ N d t\ $l s \l l c\(' 1- tl :tl ._2 L J \ L } -.l .I f \i u \ _ri sri {' i 7-- , I I l r.r t'!= {l}$t\.t'il \t.-t-l{ 0- F q sr ,c'l )io,r rrtb /"' It?' - t1't {.. t fl'\ f -,-.- 1 I i-2*,,.-1 /1 €- ^'.-Y r. /l ( --'/'- Setback line / n/.Proposed location rlr I I I ! I I I I I ! I I ___.i:- I li'; d \) I ;r ..,-r r)l !-. F. ;- e= C . ..?.-+ b^L (4' L-<x**?- '3',- b'!1>'/ /:tL GATE REVISION l / 10 :' 1r-- c. rt additional 56.25 sq. ft. INTEP.DEP.qRT}IENTAL REVI EW DATE S[J3lflTTEO: z. tt. ? t CCI.i!4ENTS IIEEDED B\ z_4J_ ERIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: . FIRE DEPI.RTI.iENT OATE OI PUBLIC HEARING J. II,? / Date Reviewed by: Conments: POLICE DEPARTI4ENT Revieued by: Connerrts: . i 0ate o pt'ccodtrc ls requlred for lny proJect irci. ba lcccltrd urltil 3ll lnlonratic.n t{r.,\ts 0i APPLicAt{r _H. Rogs f e10! Ae0REss--... 123z-jie.i! Dt: - Dal l as, TX 75251 Appl icrt f cn 0atr-F,9b1uqrV tl, !Se] pEC l.ttETtir6 6.11 " March 11' 1991 APPLICI,iIOII TOR A VARIANC' n$'[FEB 111991 roqucsting e vari0,:cg. 'irrt ,:p1.1 itrLl0tl is s..,bnittec. This wl l'l P1,9,1; (214)788- 3001 q RiPF,tgftiiA iIyE J i rn l4orter/Warren Lawrence tiAr4E CF Alni,tss A|FLICAiiI'5 P.0. Box 1301, Vai i C0' 81658 t'hoitE q4q-0120 ,ruu( L ) :12377 Merit Dr. Dal l as, TX 7525L pir,rrr; (214 ) 788-3001 0, tocATroil 0F PR0P05AL eooneis ^gpsea-velq'lL3!--- " -.- -+A;/-L/l%- t.[,GAL oqscp.lpr!oil toT-,31 alsg]i*7 . .titl-I116 1:! F- FEE r1o0 P^ts-UIJULcx *J5-73-_ FRo'tr-liqlter lLLeldJesj.-€-.- Tlt[ FtE ilUST S; PAiD BtFoR: rHE Cctif4uiilTY 0;titl0Pt{Eiti 0alAnIilir'T l] lLL.t'|;Ctii Y,lui{ ptici'0tAl. llt. FclR (,1 ) c0Pl15 0r TilE F0LL0|{Iil{: }lusT 3e susrllTi!0: ,. , A l.ilt rTElt :lili:.t[iiT 0f T]ti pR!i I Si :ij: JU,li rli Tn:: ..j:.Rl A.jC; pri:ril ,1Ti:'ti lrifnr ',:fl" li.rr (T.l1l't,(rrt r|ri'v " '- ' F.' /r I irt of the naiircr of ownsr:; ql .1ll pr'op','r'ty edjlcent [o tlre sr,L.j;;c: iic:e r':/ iilCr.l"Utjitj Pp.JFiRTY EEiilli'J AriD ACPoSS 5llittlS, i:nd iheir mullir''j :cjr,:;"e:. Th[ AlFLlCAtir l{il-L 85 fir:iFiiiistBLt ioR 00R!.ECi tnii.ilic AD0qIs!is. :i, j\ pRF,i'rgi-:ia.tlitl clrlfllr.iiil- !iir''r A i'LAlrlilllti STAiF ilt:'13;;i is s'i,ll:i:,1-i -(;'i:::[:]:D f0 1;ITiniui\ii!FAliY LDi)!TloriAt. Jllti:,RIAiI0i{ lS ittli]!:5. lio ItpiLitriTI,i:i 1l)i.1. i,i iCitl'Ti! \,riLLSS ll !S tiilPt:;'lri (il'i3T iiiiLUi.lt ALL lTill: rl!Qrjl{i.c.9 el frli ii;'i ;'ir; iof.i:ir::iTriAii,e). lT Is it:[;i;tir:.qllt''s Ris'i0iislSlt:iY i0 r".rril ,'.'l-.ridj];iii:r-iil rltiir Tlr! 5TAtjr 1i FIIiD 0UT AllilUT r\DiriTl0llAl. Sl,j3t4lTiri! llEQl'jlni.l'rlhT5. pllil: ilcIg lhni t rs',li$-! ir.Fi.icAil'.11i 1lr,-l.5T.iEir,rt.iil:: 'tlli,f,in:l;','.ft. i'iila':;::: s:,i' y(.lLlil iriiil.'!af iiY Dlfar.slll-c*;H6 lir.,,li0ER 0t: coitn!Tl0iis 39 AllAcli t 'ir''r'i :iii i!':','r IiiLl aiin ll,,iiiirlrl:li;,i'," adliXlSSI0li :,.qY sTli:Ui.ATi. At.i, C0ill,liltlfi:i 0f iri'?li,l1.:,1- t".'))'i 1:i' c,;l'r,i .lit r:tfr 3;lclia A EiJltDliro Fi:K'llI IS !ssfiD'. 0,,,lNsR (s )pri nt ) . A p|oiessroniil Corporatrorr fr_ ',lJ l rsl \1arnai.)!! Dr ",1 (lro.ssf rild5 at Var Ve i {lrrlot rrlo i-r'65,/ :Oil l:ii ''l:15 February 1l-, 1991 VARIANCE REQUEST Perot Residence Lot 31, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing Nature of the Variance: The applicant requests a front setback variance allowing a 6'foot maximum encroachment in order to allow the owner's requested security concerns at the lower level front entry. The regulation relating to this issue is 18.13.060. This addition is a natural extension of the garage and lower Ievel entry as previously approved by DRB and PEC. In addition, Mr. Perot requests that his security concerns are not voiced publicly, in lieu of recent world events. MorueRARcH ITECTS PUBI,IC NOTICE NoTIcE Is HEREBy GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental CornrniFsion of the Town of Vail wlLl hold a public hearing in accordance with Section L8.56.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on March 11, 1991 at 2:00 p.n. in the Town of VaiI Municipal Building. Consideration of: A request for a front setback variance for the Perot residence, Iocated at 64 Beaver Darn Road/ Lot 31, Block 7,vail vittage First Filing.Applicant: Ross Perot A request for a conditional use pernit to expand the vail- Mountain School , located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/ I'ot L2' Block 2, Vail Village L2th Filing.Applicant: Vail Mountain School A request for setback, Iandscape and site coverage variances and an exterior alteration to the Lifthouse Lodge at 555 East Lionshead Circle/ Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead lst FiIing.Applicant: Robert T. and Diana Lazier A reguest to amend Chapter 18.04 of the Municipal Code -Definitionsi to add new definitions for accessory unit, affordabte housing unit and studio housing unit.Applicant: Town of Vail A request to amend Chapters 1-8.1-0 - Single- Family District, 18.12 - Two-Family Residential District and 18.13 - Primary/Secondary Residential District to allow accessory units as a conditional use in the above referenced zone districts.Applicant: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Town of Vail 5. A request to amend Chapters 18.r.4 - Residential Cluster District, 18.L6 - Low Density Multiple Fanily DJ"strict, 18.18 - Medium Density Multiple Fanily District, 18.20 -High Density uultiple Family District, La.22 - public Accommodation District, L8.24 - Conmercial Core 1 District, L8.26 - Conmercial Core 2 District, La.27 - Commercial Core 3 District, 18.28 - commercial Service Center District, 18.29 - Arterial Business District and 18.35 - Public Use District, 18.39 - ski Base/Recreation District; to allow deed restricted affordable housing units and deed restricted studio housing units as a conditional use in the above referenced zone districts.Applicant: Town of Vail L oo AU itens tabled fron the Febnrary 25, L99L PEC ueetlng agenda. The appll.cations and lnfomatlon about the proposalE are available for public Lnspectlon ln the Connunity llevelopnent Departnent office. Town of VaiI Connunity llevelopnent Department hrbliEhed ln the Vail Trail on Februarrl 22, 1991. T 2B F**or<r<y u. Eaa>, ,.).. OJJ7 pouGL+ +yE. ,grrrz-D+u-a9t T:x. TSzz-r . T A1 \,rLl E. cp.^naE4g u. Hsrrva,.t 16g b For<EbT RP. VatL t Co. ArcSz \X taoopEt' / E/^r<D,aR/L a.V\ / '-' -' -v--' t'-- (-r I 2115 urwT tsrL pr<. GoLDtvN Co, gO+o I t 4loo tt CHt=,<r<y trNGLEtroo7 T'llom*g E.' 14 t LL9 DR. 40. Dot tp . NELJTILhJ f: " N\,r\:^. -"-\ \ t' ,4 {L.l I'La r'uvl .-/.,2/ -V,//u 3o Yf fatc LtNg t ,; LO 'l .i ;l :l . :l 'tl 'l - ri tl .l :: I : :bT .: I '; ..Lor oz .\7Yuorvo4zea1, FREE9E,,9tontD H. Hlttl+ouoE , t<a.nt xl H,S?oo E, tTth AvE. - PENzEK / co, Daza_a ()L,r)t/.vr nuZo V!-or-/' t , DtrtrHRTMtrNTT @F ,EE)MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXXXX sArEs AcnoN FoRM XXXXXXX @sI EA. .IOTAL IUOL'NT cou. DR/. APPUCAlION lZEtt scel lsnesls Cash u;-lf,-i+l 1l:1: r:.1f r:'l I O( F:*,:EiF,t S fiE44tl I o( ll:I;:T,l:'H"" ; Flttr':ut-ii t+rrd*re'l :' 1r:'iE1' !:rEl I i.em Faid trmaunt Paid r;-1 ! BBnfJ 4 I I f, [1 E1 F-1 t:l THFHr{ V{fLI \jr-,u r rE::hi*r CHt{i5 | 0000 4|32:r loFf xa,ns NSPECI|ON 'b | 0000 11172 a UCENSES 'EEIS ot o00o al{t3 .stcn a??ttc,ttt0tr f ::"'-,'+O Project Application Project Name: . Project Description: €c'fitrefFt6?Sannftfflrofre Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot -tt IJI ,Bloct ? ,p;slnn t// t*, Zone Comments: Design'Review Board Date ' Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Town Planner MR FtB 1 1gg,A P rofcssronal Corporatrcn i,13 East i,leadow Drive Crossroads al Vail Vai , Colorado 81657 303/476-5105 MonrenAncl ITECTS Letter of Transmittal 4ea{ *4r'arzd- az/ar/r/ oare F4brzzry a// /?? / ro: 4a.u - e;l a/ &-*ru--z;r?7 Dz.tz/aV-zz:",f 4rh' rVt& ,4a//t;:u ,,ot"., ftref ,&S lr'z__ztz_ /ai/, bla-ozn P easc lind oncioscd thr: ioliowrng Dated ar/ay'?t or/zr/rr Cop es /ac-t ,/eaaa ?zafuzs //*n + 2/2/}w .z-/Zr'r'2'a>z E/azo/, o*- a,/a;t'--t /2/a--? | E/aua*).--,)//zcs*al>-t a-/ fuz--ah /zt( )//aqfz-.-r;,.,a a/ ..2-zasfa/# zo7 Bemarks: rV'r'b I cc. - 4,4as r% u QCZae b+ur---7 a-z Shaz4zz lr=sh c*t:a4- Arl*rzT. /J;caz- et- Fj,4f, 7"e av FF.-fl,l FAo>a? ub, -\wArJ .P?qvt (T AZtsTf2 SW-lE ^TlO il l 311 | I I 'L"rce c?82.c,-. frye.+..A8 V' t').t F p?Lovv i, -.|.1p. \f *)d td 1'L s T $l rlar. r,a, - dttd :vzrtiw, - ?^-lP/I -A Al, - bt-Otta7t\!%ffi?f ro; -PBLLA + Aa17ca Ptl _.i2frWue ItIHP,N SE^T \N/6P#Z WLN -wrilpaw io,>rftarJ e wFaN*zl4 ilo?Tv? .a.PAtJ%fa -7fra7 ?Wtt>+rae"ay'o/ar \ I I /G i rI $. $i s r(\$ t i {( d u) t_ GI f t- .s$ F Ir r) Et .trtr {r .rl I lr ll I'_ff ll Ir | 'l i t-r -l -f ! b d h *i d i I l -r J 0 j { "]r s 0!- 3$ u--r$ ! _t s-g f f \ *, s-+ + J $ $ h = cr, J r[ 3 ;l $ $h ni I I 't ,.t lr- r$F $T *-. J t I r1 ri --r - 1_t-- 1 I ,l- ---1 I I r t-- $ I I + FI-F cit f .r FI l-rll I rL_! \ -l s-d I o g 7. tt! 0-\ --{ ttl -+ -r+-s {.l i \r -r s -$ I $+ N- $ {I a) a o EP 8t$<18 )r$ 3tL \I I d\ -\: i I I t I I tI rl iF i)io i|a z o I l- lr|J |rI li -t.L -il I I 1- I llr tt --l r- -{ | ;lF-? I I $ * t l * -\ K rd { *$d- u){tr t$ ]T tr rF*.?+?' i+. ltg far. l'71 o -,{!-- rJtr.rer. -I!!'TF {;.T,tEr I D' Project Application /O , t t.?O Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: P n /, u Architect, Address and Phone: f^^ ( A / -f 4g-t-, '3 1 abcx r7 , r,t^s V, n// e /4 , zon" P/5 Com ments: Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board Date APPBOVAL D ISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Town Planner Darc: /0'/Y.?c) Staft Approval A Prolessional Corporalion '143 East [,4eadow Drive Crossroads at Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 303/476-5105 MonTeRARCH TTECTS RSo0cT1?M Letter of Transmittal o^,", ta/to /?a ,', .A/ta ap7//;a 7,zt:z a/ /a-z 'bV;. ;7 h-,-*;Qz Ez ue/@ Proiect: /z4Df ,&siz:-rn ft-;t, btera-.& Please find enclosed the fol owing: Dated Copies //z//za / ,"/ of ftats 4 /4?tu /<zc-- /2/a-'/? s a2; ;r'/ez4- *2V 'u'5;fu'&' 7VP*/6 fry/fu il--":=-._*"', '-'>rk_q',4:"'.'r,' 'c|FFf4dF:::.S.rsrT-r{FFEpq45jprar"ffi+EtF a-l v Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person arid Phone owner, Address and phone: H. A o*r P" 4 Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Deicription: Lot -1 ,ritins l/' t/,?Za- e l4 , ,on" ?/9 Commenls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Town Planner Date:?' rz,7o Staff Approval A P rofessional Corporalion '| 43 East Meadow Drive Crossroads at Vail Vail. Colorado 81657 303/476-5105 MonrenAncnrECTS Letter of Transmittal Date To: as r/lz,/?a Zkz" rlhit Otfl a/b.zor"'--;9 4rtLt : rVt'b rr7o77''"2{- Oazlaf.-.-t-"f Proiect:/d,?esib,a- /aiY, &/aza.Ap Please find enclosed the f ollowing: Dalod Copics Of al/aa/?o 2 Ey/-c-i.- E/ala*'-.s - Zaat*-ft tpza-z.<-t aadzd- aeTei>4 5+'r7 4Zazz daz 7b Snts rz2'aztr*,-a-A ' Remarks: ..V/,?4,',/ ha-za lhUxZzZ- fl4154 t/ana-hcozs 4s dr/4// 1 f *-:fZ--l ro * .6.,4V/ ) co-f,),-, r/xr, fT. ::?-? .ry o2**1>-a/ trtazraa-'s at ,r/*4f /62,/ . // ao-- ,h;.4- F/zasc 4a2.. / fi* ****TTHIS APPLICATION I{ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORI'TATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION UEETTNG: A pre-appllcation meetlng wlth a plannJ'ng staff member ls stiongly suggested to determine If any additional inforrnalion-is needed. No aoolication will be accepted unless it ls complete (must include all, itens required bv ttre zonino iaministratort. It is the applicant's @ an appointment with the staff to find out about additional subnittal requirernents. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the.nunber of Londitions of appiovtl that the DRB rnay stipurate' ALL conditions of alfroval must be resolved before a building permit is lssued-. Application vrill not be processed without o$tnerrs Signature. DRA IPPLICATION DATE APPLTCATTON RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEEIING: A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:Single FamilY Residence Jul 16, 1990 B. IPCATION OF PROPOSALs Address L,egal Description Lot __31- Block Subdivision Va i l Vi l l age 1st Zoning P/S c. D. NN{E oF APPLICANT: H. Rols Perot Mailing Address: 12377 Merit Dr', Suite 1700 Da'l]as. TX 75251 Phone (214) 788-3001 _ NAI'{E OF APPLTCANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:MORTER ARCHITECTS Mailing Address: 143 E. Meadow Dr.' vai'l - C0 81657 Phone 476 -5105 E. NAME OF oWNERs: Same as app'l icant SrGNATURE (A) : Mailing Address: Phone F. G. Condoniniun Approval If applicable. $0 s 10, ooL $ 50,001 $150, 001 $50O, 001 $ Over s 10, ooo I 50, OoO $ . 15o, ooo $ 5OO, OoO $1, ooor ooo $1, O0O, 0oo DRB FEE: The fbe will be oaid at the time a building permit is paid for. VALUATION FEE s 1o.oo I 25.00 s s0.00 sloo. oo 9200.00 $30o. oo (ovER) /.' -€- FL (J ':il=] o a2'tt xax tL^ I -J t'"rIaiJ/'Q APPIJCATIOX T6F frii6qABI,E ?E.FJ.TIT A STRUSn,N,F OT{ A PT'BIJIC (Plcase tlP6 or prlnt) amn . ? 24-'fa ., ,, OWNER OF DROPERTY NAI-IE OF APPIJICAN! I IIO ERDCT OR I{AINTAIN RIGFI-OF-WlI Fengc othcr Tall IandreaPLnS-L }DDRESS LEGAI, DEECRTETTON OF PROPERTY BO BE EEBI'ED| EI #.:f '1.#ffi"3:3?lliilr; corner lot Inclde lot DESCRIPITOX oF ErRUqruRB oR rEsr(Fl INro rii3"t?*Ili l;Eil fiEii"il"hii#dt;;;;'{Eil;' nEnrrirresl any.otber affected ;;;;;i"il;;;-ii' Ii,r-pio:i"t-?I91 lt: ::lll^:L:+T"nsronad) and ;E;liJIGr'-i"-ii"ii-'E-iitvitlons ilf appltcable)' Does structure presently exlsf? Ptopoecd date for connenoencnt of conetruotlon In qonslderatlon of thl lEguance of a revocabl'e-pennlB for the etntoture above fiifJJi.ai-Jpprtcant lErees as follottEr 1. Tlrat thc Etructur€ hcreln authorlced on a revoeable perolt basls r, reiiii;Gc';;iilri;.I;.ri [t : rand. absvc de-Ecrlbed' z. rhat the e"fiil-i--rrrnrtia "f:!|t!:llll to the tlne or iiiucture'descrlbed tn thlr aDplrsatlon' 3. That the rpiiilant-atriri n"tfii-ttre rown llancer' or hls dulv authortzed 5;;;i;-d;;rt-;ili-$,o'I-i' ln' iavanEe if ttre tlnre for oonnencenent of conetructLon, ln order that prppel f"Ep"ctf"n llay bc atade ly t-he To'fll' 4. The appllr.r,['ali"ll-tJini6nnlif ar1a hold_hamlesE tbe tloun of vair, rt.-oiEiI"i", -"di;i;;;"t"d-ti:l-t^fron and aEalnst aII tiabllity, clalns and Ceiands on.adcount of tnJgra'-I?:3 or danaEe, iilriiil;-*ii4"i.-rrniutlon clalns arislns fron bodlry rn:"i'li;-i;i;;";i rnlrirvl- slFx"t::r-dlsease' death' proPcrty rosS'oi danage, oi airi other loss of any Blnd whbtsoever,-inr6rr-iirse'out of-otr are ln any nanlre! connected rriii-iipiiElnt; " -aottvltree ..P"T:":"t to thls i perml.+., rt ai-Jrr-ihj"ry, rosJ,-or-aanaE-" {t.eaused {n whole or I'n Part bYr gr ts,el1f1ea't6-Ut caiEed ln tthotr'e or in pitt rl' the'ict, onleelen, €tlotr prof,esslonal error' s!.stake, ""iridJi',";;;-;i#t-iiur€ Ei ine aPprlcantr lls contractor 6i-Euucontractor or. any.aff,leer' enployee'or represenr"tiu"-Ii-iil;-;dlicint, ils contr_actor or hlE subconrra..iil -irrS"ippiicint--iet-des to lnveslts1te, handle respond to,-ina iii-pi'"irrae defefrse for and.iefend tgalnst' any euoh rf"iiiflir-_9fafut, oi denranOs at the Eole expensE of the apprfcint.''rne applleint also agrees to bcar aII orher "*p"n!Il"i;aiii"g-iil;;i;; lncruaing.court coets and uttorncylg f,ees, ryhet}ier or-iit'eny -uctr ilautrttyr.Glalns, or denand= ifr"ged -irC groundtess'- f,a1se' or fraudulent' I I I :tfll,:":: lrrtr to procure and 1-1l19j.- at tts offi, co6t, a pottcv or polrcre* "?-ln=;;d;; enilicil*irJo-rn"urc asarnsr all 'labll-ltv clah=, al"iiiJ-I"a othcr obtlgatlone asguned by the appttiant p"rsua"C-i6-tf,i" paragraph 4. Applloante further_ fgree^to reteaeE the Iown of Va!,I, tts orrteers, aEenrs 3y_-!ypr;y.lr-iio; di_;A.."ii rrorurty,etalos, deninds, or-act-roni-or iauscE-of aetions whatsoever artstns out of 11y, ginJe.,-rJl"'o;-rlltrv. r;^;ffi appttcant or to the apptt:T!,e pfoi"iif-caused-ly-trre T;*r.of vatt,tts .fflcerE, rsente airc ;gpr6yi;i-rrrrri iiii.ilE rn ualntenance or snow reno""r-iIii"lct6g or rny other :iHi ii: : *":fffr IE:"f1-55y -# iJi i-piipEit"l'",'aeta, trhat the pamrt p"v p" rdv6iaa l'henever it re dete'r.ned that the encroachnlg1, ;g;Ii:ifrion, or orher etrucrure constitutes a nursaDce.r-eeetroys.or J.npalrs the uee ot. the rrght-or-ray bv ttre. puirt", -"oilItrtutnE-i-tr"iirt hazard, or Ene properry upon.r'hrch ttri enc-ioa.nnent, "Siiiittron, or srrucrur€ exlsts, r,s requlrea ioi use uy irri-priiiier or rt rnay be revoked at.any €tuE-foi-iny reason deened eufflclent by the Tom of ValI. T!l! ttt." appl{cant wlll renove, at bls erqrense, the encroachrnent, obstructlon, or-ltructure rfithtn'ten aaye after reeetvlno :lrl::-:i'di ;i"ca{io"-of-iiri,-permrt.That the applliant agrEes to'nalntaln- any.landscaplng associated with the Encroacrrn.nt- on- the rlght-of_uay.That ln the event. saiO-renr"if'Jt tlre encr6achn€nt, t-a obstnretlon, or shnrctuie-ii-ioi'accompl!.shed wlthln ter.davs, thE Town r1 f-erguy-ailrriliiz.d.to-re'ove EaDe and have rhe rrshr tc eahe an ag6essment-iiirnJt-Ef;I'i"iii"ty .oa ;:i*"lr:n:"iffi:i_or r",ovi-i-Ii ir," eane nanier ae seneral 5. 6. ?. 8, 9. 10. That tire-appllcant has read and condttions set forth ln speclat eondltlons: and undergtands aII of the tenos thls appllcatton, Elgnature (If Jolnt APFROTIED: I r(>'-3*Qt..' Date Project Application Date ?,/0,?( Proiect Namei Pro,ect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone:n;sc Brot Architect, Address and Phone: ption: Lot j I Btocx r7 Fitins v' l/'/" r. l4 . zone - / Legal Descri Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: D ISAPPROVAL Summary: 4 r4a Town Plan ner 7'/o ,? /Date: Staff Approval A P rofes slonal Corporalion 143 East fleadolr Dri!c Cross roads at Vail Va,l, Colorado B 1657 3C3i476..510s MonrenAncnrECTS Letter of Transmittal l66tg0 dls 0"m Date: To: a8/?a,/?/ .7aa,rt "f/a/ /'A?l ;f A.z.Tz.--r9/,(2z4rz/ryPhi /+h. r77/b rVa/h'd' P'oiu'tt t4'/zTt &Etb.- &euA tbzo-r,A, /-i/ Piease lind enclosed the following Datcd C o pies as/zt/at /,at frqotd 2roTzte/ /Zt'/s / a71' tl ,deo/6Vsr+--V /*mdsaTzz 4tifu /rr z/%o4zz( *Zz._ p*roszd_ pta--' ,ft,//4 fu.a /rsc't-sy4-, ,'l --%-+'turuQl A /^- i fr</!?-*,A s,h*T b ,aue+u -*24< 69t--< a--n s-///a.7/ea*-- a2"4/ zatft ry f<4s-n7s r/a-rce--nr \t.- 'l I I I -l ) 'r- I .:\ -i9 , [ -'r_j 1,,lt,l (J'\t- \\-.. c- I I I ,f it:ll"r '! -J ;-,'l rti : _iJs t -"'r'a '1 U,-\ji) \- { 4 $+ + '- t :Ir ; T d )lr-rJ l,'r/ rtJ \ 4 ,f l. A I I I .l \{ ro \s -r{ s s I {f) )l*Jlu Vu \--,)'rtr \\d{.. J \\ 1- .{ \) -\,i ,t t\ I .t t !- { ( _) d .t (\ -t JrJ tf ]|s r) trl t7- orh "il -\ \y: I **** r t t **t t at* r r t a t t t I *t t 'r **t * ** t t UNIT ONE P R I M A R U N I T tnfn luo221s90 A P roicss cnal Corporation 143 E.rst Mcadow Drivc Crossroads at Va I Va l, Colorado B 1657 303i,176 5105 MoruenAncHrEcrs Letter of Transmittal Dafc: OBrtZt /qo ro /aturz al14;t 'h". o" r-, i rV &t a/a7 r-rz-+ .4rh' /Vf4,rAe///2L ''"tn"'En f /Z;az--,a /ar/, b/ryaza Plcasc lind enclosed the tollowlng Dated Cooies Of a,y'a/eo /7a24" z-zzerg 4z/4t,4// 4f . rtd./iaz4- )b ;,t/actula aCF4.. a/cac/a./c.z qAF4 fr A /ae/Zy'a/6*at,e qtr4 /a6A / p/ars ,/slza- & aTTrauzd- Q1 2.4e. e-,4 asy';//o e rg'cczsftd- lryrk' ry ,?4 ltuft /4L-?116.f/a".'acft-<-t b/42. /trr"tkz ; / az-f /hbc & /az/a*) an s thez/Z rzdz'/va-,muf /// zt*"ka€ /4'42 a*/cou/4+a-- )rzzz+zsraz'5 4S aher-sn. r* qA*t- -ne/ **zastry;/F/C+s- A*2/ -4azL 4L/24-c./ dtnzz Hqt Addlfra-zzz// MoruenAncnrECTS hfo-t at aazVzuzat e4-ft ' ar/rc1ru * f,fr..cc.o - EV/$ 4*--r--- fl4oU. /anf V?,L/r-z<- Sbre-fhrdz>2, 72.(:-rn frtfZ afu- ry Sbck- {";*r{i t, t,/)h*//-<s-r^- &zah arl7 /*nc4 ha-osz,4u--s /ltn&s - frt/a tC, 60{?? *-/E &ronzc )ra/so aB/ts/ /a Project Application s^1" 8'/5'76 ProjectName: fo n o ' Proiect Description: Contact Person and owner, Address and phone: !.1. R,e /Lq4 Architect,Addressandphone: \' /4ra 4n 'StOS: erocx ? ,ru,nnV'Vr%-z I* ,zone- Comments: Legal Description: Lot il Design Review Board Date t, /s.?o Motion by:Atu+ Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL eJ.Ja ,^-t -( ,lr Ad{, Town Planner Date: E statt Approval DRB IPPIJICAIION DATE APPLTCATTON RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB !,IEETING: 1990 *****THTS APPLTCATION WTLL NOT BE ACCEPTED U}ETIIJ AI'IJ INFORI{ATTON IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLTCATION UEETING: A. pre-appllcatlon ureetlng vlth a planninE staff nember Le strongly.suggested to deternine il any adaitlonat information is needed. No applicatioir will be accepted the zoning-administratorl . rf@ responsibility to make an appointroent w-iltr ttre staff to f out about additional subrnittal requirements. please note to make an appointroent with the staff to fl_nd out about add A. PROJEST DESCRTPTTON: that a CO!,IPLETE application will Jtreanline the approval process for your proJect by decreasing the nunrber- of conditions of approval_ thaL the DRB rniy stipulate. ALL conditions.of ap-proval must be resolvel Uef-ore a building permit is issued. Application will not be processed without Owner.s Signature. Resi dence B.IPCATION OT PROPOSAL: Address Legal Description Lot 31 Block Subdivision Vai t V'i | |age I st Zoning P/S c. D. NAI!{E OF APPLICANT: NAI'IE OF APPLICANTTS REPRESENTATIVE:MORTER ARCHITECTS Mailing Address: 12377 Merit Dr.,Sui te 1700 na11as. TX 75251 Phone (211L7€8-3001 Mailing Address: Vail. C0 81657 Phone 476-5105 E.NAIIIE OF OWNERS: SrGNATURE (s) 3 Mailing Address: Phone F. G. Condoniniun Approval lf applicable. I i cant VALUATION $ o-I 1o,oo1 - $ 5OrOOl - $150,001 - 9500,001 -I Over I 10, ooo $ 50, ooo s . 150,000 I 500r 000 $1, ooo, ooo sl, 000, ooo FEE 91O.OO I25.00 $ 5o.oo $100. oo 9200.00 $300.00 (ovER) LIST OF IIATERIAI,S I,EGAL STREET NAI'IE OF PROJECT: Peret Peqidenne DESCRIPTION:LoTll- BIocK 7 SUBDIVISIoN -+a.i-l-{jl+aq€{st ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PRO.'EcT: S'i nqle Fanilv Res'idence to the Design The following lnformation is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING }IATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WaIl Uaterials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trin Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses other IANDSCAPING: required for submittal approval can be given: TYPE OF T.IATERIAL Conc. Tile COI.oR Sand l,.lood Stucco Gray-Bei ge River Rock Stone r.r ^,r Dark Bronze Llqu NA r^rnnrt Match Wi ndows ei ge landscaoe Designs BY El'l ison Botanical Name Cornmon Name ouantitv Size* NA linnnp r Coooer hll t\l n B.Narne of Designer: Phone: PI.ANT MATERIAIS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REI,IOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. eciduous trees i trees. s trees. Minimun caliper for Indicate height for conj-ferous ZONE CITECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRIEIS l3Eli ffi Brock z Filing vair virase lst ADDRESS: OWNER H. Rnss PFR0T ARCHITECT MnRrEq aaCFITFCTS ZONE DISTRIET P/S PROPOSED USE IOT SIZE Height TotAl GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear I{ater Course Site Coverage LandscaPlng Fence/Retaining WaII' Heights Parking Credits: Garage Mechanical Airlock storage Zoning:Approved/DisaPProved Date: Staff Signature *Includes ProPosed 250 **30%+s1ope-Chapter Flood Slope Allowed (30) (33) 38 t7 + 7So:_4!68L 4 n6R* 201 15 1 15 I (30) (50) J.5 (300) (6oo) (e00) (1200) (50) (1oo) (25) (so) (2oo) (4oo) Proposed "t/ -4!i6J- -JL/'/lq' -TL<unRiitte ailrry,*l -Z,D-JS!".+ 1.2\,?o tua t.,la, 7 201 PHONE PHONE - ' ' A1C E,|r)E 4058- n/a s!1- t'l L' a4 t/'^4. Geologic Hazards OK GRFA - Ord. 18.69.050 36 (1988); 0rd. 4 (198s) Qssrdr** Drive: slope Pernitted t E?o slope Actual Environrnental/Hazards :Avalanche L/ Plain /rs.t-s?6> jtsl,I + \ lr-,- /&I '?'zt'?o "/^- jtl?f) ED;ur 160m Date of Appl ication_94;y5, 1990 Date of DRB Meeting Rug.iS 1g9O PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-app'lication conference with a member of the p'lanning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provis'ions under which additional GRFA can be added to a site. It should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an^additional 250_square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for gg tb 250 square feet if certain conditions are met. App'licat_ions for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete. This includes all information required on this ionn as well as- Design Review Board submittal requirements. A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTION: Sinste Famitv Residence B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address FOR APPLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA PROPERTIES IN EXCESS OF ALLOWABLE GRFA Legal Zone C. NAME Description: Lot-31 Block_L __Fil ing_ygjl_1fl_l_A-qe lsl District P/S OF APPLICANT: Address 12377 Merit pr.. Ste honelz!4Ugg-3oqL D. NAIVIE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: NORTTR RNCUTTTCTS Address 143 E. Meado!\l Dr.. V hone__426=i105__ NAI'IE 0F OI'JNER(S): Same as app'licant Signature(s) E. ** Address F. Fil ing The following information, in additjon to DRB required with this submittal: l. Veriflcation that the unit has received 2. Names and mailing addresses ofradjacent un'its on the same lot. This informat'ion Assessor's office. submittal requ [ements, shall be a final certificate of property owners and of is available from the occupancy. owners of Eagle County 3. Condominium association approval (if applicable). 4. Existing floor plan of structure. G. Your proposal wil'l be reviewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. $100.00 is o APPLICATION FOR PROPERTiES IT{ Date of Appl ication__i1p6;3* 1996 0ate,of 0R8 Meeting Aprit ra. 1990 A pre-appl lcation conference with a member of the pianning staff is stronolv encouraged to discuss the provls{ons under which aiditionir -inrn iir"i."iijia to a site' It should be uirdersiooo-tnit tniJ ireiniii.-l'ors not assure each proper,an addit{ona'l 250 ssuare reei oi-o[ni.'- nainir, ilrl"d.ii.iri.'liriii"i;, i r['250 squ.are feet if certain .onattionl'are met. Applications for additlons under thls.section wil't not be accepted unless they are complete. This rnciudei iii iiiii*iitron required on thi;-r;; il',r.ir"l!'DesiEn Reyfew Board submiti"r '-"eqriiin.nt.. A. PR0JECt DESCRIpTIOT{, B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address ryry / ftltr'z-ra? aFy'Z,h-hai, //.,/eo FOR ADOITIONAL GRFA EXCESS OF ALLO{ABLE GRFA Legal Description: Zone 0istrict P/-S Lot_,,11 _81ock_l_Fi I in9 C. NAiI€ OF APPLICAI{T: Address 12377 ll H. Ross E. * D. NAr'rE 0F AppLIcANT's REPRESENTATIVE: ttgrter Architects - James Morter Address none--42.6:5JQ5--- ilA,tE 0F 0HNER(S);Ross P Signature(s ) Address I hone_l2.i4_Ilgg JSOL F. Filing Fee of $lOO.OO is requ.ired at ttme of subnitta.l The folio*'i!g informationr in addition to DRB submittal requirsnents, shall be rcqulred xith thts submitial: l' Verification that the unit has received a flnal 'certiflcate of occupancy.2' flrnes and mai?ing addresses of':adjacent property gwners and of owners of units on the same 'lot. This lnfoimation'ts-ivi'tt;6i;'rrom-ure Eifii-cJrnty Assessorrs office. r(21$) 788-3001 Condominlum association approval (lf app'licable). Exlsting floor plan of structure. Your proposa'l will be revlewed for conpliance with Vail's Comprehensive plan. 5. 4. u, 12377 lterit Dri 143 E. tbadow Dri { PUBLIC NOTICE NoTfcE fs HEREBY cIvEN that the Design Review Board of the Town of Vait wi}l hold a public hearlng on August 15, 1990 at 3:00 p.n. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of cross Residential Floor Area for the Perot residence located at 84 Beaver Dan Road. Lot 31, Block 7, VaiI Village 1st. applicant: II. RosE Perot 2. A request for a sign variance for Up llhe creek Bar & GriII, located at 223 core creek Drive. Creekside Building. Applicant: Peter Stadler 3. A request for a Satellite Dish Antenna for the Oelbaun residence located at 3907 Lupine Drive. Lot 3, Block 1, Bighorn lst. Applicant: Ron Oelbaum The applications and l-nfornration about the proposals are available in the zoning adnLnistratorrs office during regrular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVEI'PMENT Published in the Vail Trail on July 27, 1990. x**\ \ rt\r. gtr,1. \-:Lr')\\eN ri\ \\tql )q\\'ii \. -\\l '; .; .l Lor ; VI Zb NVy+Ar<r<y u. Eas> J.. O33J poubL+ ,^vE. ,g)t:z- tloo D+,Lr-,6,!, rx. Tszz-f l\,4,*,. E . CH^FrEErzg s, / errvEs .et<t,jAK 16,r b F7RE;T I<P. VAtL t Lo. 01657 Lor z1 hooxtaY , E+rcb,LaJe- d. I 2715 urftd tst-L pr<. Goupet .t Co. 8o+o t tL CHltKt'<Y trN(2LErJOoP T4on*g E, 111t-t-9 DR. 40. Dat rP T Oo \rf fa,o,-tLJ9 , .Lor oz \^t ^rvor(>eair, NEutn*il T: FKEEgt=,,btontD H. HtttHou>E / r<.*ru xl H. 5?oo E, tTth AvE,v ^\. ^ pENvEK / co. Dozza \s\r*:qr,\ \* tr\, etss. sr..s.s.es= \ss As ta\$\\.\,-.., ,., . A ^ &- gv*<r4 t:\ \-\tqD . \\f,, A ,r, ba'91' (f -U v*ii* ^\^ioro 'gtun_a_, l"r[ v I I '1 - Lj. 70 nfi,e' -,", l"r-(-/..V4-- /'24 ..L"tr*{ 4 /furn--,,/fi */d> a.a\ "/P4^-! h'q Z*Y 4 /"x8 K-4^ - rvr'..;< iln64 .h^&-yrtn- o^ d1 tL& /e-.r'.< c'/ h'.-\' ,/R /@ */ ,*ril ( %|ffi r ,1 , -Nq t' I I I a.{-.o '. earyryi( ?-o D.rta i,- o\ 4,ft fr(,^.77*\A,;rt4 /a/- -ta" *u .2 /*"Zrd 4,4*rg.,;.a * ""r4*l */Qe v/74- e, {t Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Connie loright Ludwig Kurz ill.n Shearer Kathy warren Dalton lNillLans PIAI|NING AIID EI{VIRONMENTAL COI,II,IISSTON iluly 23, 1990 In the interest public hearLng. Staff Kristan Prltz lilike !.tolllca Sheily t{ello Andy Knudtsen illll Kannerer Betsy Rosolack Penny Perry Susan Scanlan of tine, rork seesions were held prior to the Susan Scanlan preaented the proposal as per the staff neno. 285 S. Frontaoe Road West.Appllcant: Amoco corp. Tom l.tcCurdy, representing the Anoco Corporation, responded to the issues addressed in the nemo e:<plaining that contamination was found on the Gateway Eite. However, they dld not yet know the- extent. After talk-ing with staff, Amoco chose the proposed slte because it would cause the leaEt hardship for all concerned since any other location deleted parking spaces. Regarding alternate methods, the proposed design was the best for the situation. It was possible they would need larger ttells, however, they had already allowed for additional apace ln the roon for an additional air stripper. Amoco originally proposed to use a portable buJ.lding. He said that etaff had connunl-cated concerns ttrat a portable bulldlng would not neet deslgm criterla. negerding the use of the Gateway slte rather than the Alplne Stindard eite, the present owner did not want them to use the basement as waa orlglnalty planned. The owner had e:<pressed concerns of liability and parking. Chuck Crlst asked how nolsy the systen would be and Tom Uccurdy explained that the only noise would be genera!9d-Uy a compressor. ThL conpressor would be withln an enclosed bullding and the inpact would be nLnirnal . He felt the nolEe from the highway would be nore obtrusive. chuck then asked, lf the probleD was uore extensive than originatly thought, would Anoco have to build another station elst where? Fron what distance could the wells be punped? Ton titccurdy explalned the welle could punp up to 2oo-250 feet away. Dalton and L,udwlg had no connents. Diana asked how deep they tested the water and fom McCurdy errplained they test anlmhere fron 20 to 4or belon the ground surface. Diana also asked how nuch water would be processed in 1 day and fom Mccurdy explained that the systern processed 35 gallon? p9T uinute. -Oianl was concerned about how the Water and Sanitation department would handle the sltuation and how Lt would affect the Toirn,s water supply. Tom ltcCurdy explained that the water would be dLscharged to the l{ater and sewer pl?nt and the water plant discharged-to the Townrs streans. He dia not feel that 35 gallons-a minute would affect the sater supply. Kathy Warren asked Ton Briner, lhe architect for the-proJect, if they would be able to bern on either side of the building and Tom staled ttyestr, on the sides but not the front or rear. Diana felt that the applicant should consider extra insulation to nitigate the noise. She asked Kristan if this would be an oppoitunity to clean the island,/area_up and Shelly reml-nded Diana airi tne bolrd that there is a possibility of a Eidewalk as well. Tom McQurdy explained that there was an unldentlfied easement and Diana felt-that it waE an issue that staff could handle and inforn the board if it would be a problen at the next neeting. shelly felt that the Town needed to Eee the flnal reports when they iane out before naking a reconDendatl-on and lloll.DlcCurdy did;rt feel ttre flnal reports would affect the location of the building. He felt the present rneeting waE to center around the aesthetics, noise etc. chuck crlst asked how the air discharge was done and if it required stacks. Tom llcQurdy explalned that vents would be used. Chrick also wanted to know if there would be an odor and Tom McCurdy e:<plained that the odor sould be no nore than the gas station itself. )I I Ross Davis, repreaentlng ur. watson, an adJacent owner, felt that the plans ioo1La good. He waE concerned about Echedullng of the consiruction. Url Davis suggested that the applicant was asklng for an unnecesEary setback iiriance from a non existent lot line. He further suggesled that the lot lines had been vacated via a 1964 condorninLurn map. Kristan etated that she waa Borry that the proJect had been affected but felt that the staff could not lgnore the fact ttrat they had not received a letter of approval from the condonlniun ass-ocLation. Krlstan added that she felt this waB a civil issue that the owners needed to resolve before the staff revl,elted the reguest. She concluded that the staff wished to table until the Auiust 13th PEc neetlng. Andy invlted Mr. Davis to present nl: na€erial for further study prLor to the next meetlng. She told Jin Morter that he could go to the Deslqn Revlew Board for a conceptual review on Augrust lst if he wished. A motion to table Iten No. 8 until the Augrust 13', 1990 and Eeconded bv chuck crist Itot rtS\t g, A rectuest for a sLte coverage.varial f- Block ?. vall Villaoe lst Filing, 6' (.V *ri..r,t, r. nort p.rot \- Diana asked the applicant lf the stakes outtining the footprint of the house were current, and Jin llorter answered rrno.rl Discussion centered around whether the board was comfortable enough to proceed though the stakes were not current and it was decided to proceed. lll,k Uollica explained that the applicant was requesting a.sl-te -overage varianie to al1ow for the- construction of a new elngle fanily-hone, with an attached three-car garage. The exislilS -singti faniiy hone on the site ltas proposed to.be demolished, due to itructura-l concerns with the foundatlon. Given the steep slopes on the lot, the slte coverage reguirement of the property was-limited to 15*. Because the slopes exceeded 30t, the applJ.cant was allowed to locate the garage within the front sitlack area without a setback variance. Mike reviewed the hl.story of the proJect, the zoning analysiE, _and the criteria and flndlnls appticiUte to the proJect. The staff recornnendation was ror apfrovii. staff berievLd the rot was encumbered with a physical hardship, due to the extrene Blopes on the eite. staff 13 Road. also believed that the grantlng of the varlance would not be detrlmental to the public health, safety or general' welfare of properties or peraons ln the vlcinlty. For those-reasons, staff iert tnat it would not be a grant of special privilege to aPprove the variance request. Jin ttorter, the architect representing the applicant, explained that the slte had a hardehlp. Given the opportunity, the appllcant would prefer to put the garage under the house. In oieer to do this, the house would have to be Ln the front setback. As the detailed ptannlng began wlth the previous proposal , they found lt lnpractlcal to remodel . The current proposal net aII other requirenents. As ltike lrad stated' they coula build a carport and lt sould not count as site coverage.ilin polnted out tree locatl.ons and offered to replace any trees that would not have been renoved by the prevlous plan. Chuck Crist asked if the area across the street would still be revegetated as in the previous proposal and Jl.n answered rtyes.rl Connie Knight asked why the PEc did not review the 250 request and Kristan explained that the 250 request was not part of the site coveraqe variance which should be looked at on its own nerit. .fim Morter stated that if they were not to recelve the 25o request, they would delete a loft bedroon on the top floor and therefore site coverage would not change. Jin Shearer \ras concerned about landscaping. He lranted to be sure that the appllcant would save aa many trees as possible. He felt that the excavation of the home presented a high risk to nany of the trees on site. Jln Morter explained to Jlm Shearer that they had looked at many different scenarios and the current proposal was the best- The trees to the northeast of the house would have a big inpact if removed. Kathy Warren felt that the applicant should be reguired to exteisively landscape due to the loss of mature landscaping and Jin Morter agreed. Ludwig Kurz felt that the applicant should keep all pogsible . -trees-with the conditlon that any danaged trees be replaced with nature/substantial trees. A motion to approve a sLte coveraqe variance Der the staff neno wlth the fotlowlna conditions was nade bv Kathy Warren and seconded bv Connie Kniaht. conditions: 14 The applLcant ptant nature landscaoLn<r throucrhout the site. The elte of the exiEtLng structure be taken back to natural crrade and landEcaoed. The area across Beaver Dan Road be reveqetated. VOTE: 7-O IN FAVOR Krlstan reconmended that trees on the site be photographed and sl-zee determl.ned before a bulldlng pennit Ls released eo that lf trees dle due to construction, there sould be agreement on size and tlpe replacement trees. Iten No. 10: 1. 2. 3. as a perrnitted use.Applicant: Dean LLotta Andy Knudtsen presented the proposal for staff explalning that the-applicant ias proposing to change the.zoning code to allow a lrew pub as a uee by right ln the Commercial Senrlce Center zone district. The request ias to deflne the brev pub uee in the definition section of the code, llst the uete as a petmltted use ln the CSC Eection of the code, Ilst the use, with lfunited off site sales, as a condLtional use ln the csc sectlon of the code, and includi a paragraph, also ln the CSC section, regarding operating charlcteiistics. Andy reviewed the backgro-gnd reeearch tlat had-been done and the applicable criteria and flndings. The staff recomnendation was for approval of the request. Andy, at the reguest of Iarry Eskwlth, clarified the difference betirien on-ELte-consumption, retail saLes for off-eite consunption, and wholesale sales. Kristan felt it was important f,or the board to underetand that the brew pub use was intended to be accessory to a reEtaurant. Dean L,iotta explained that he was not plannlng on brewlng 9n a. constant rasis-. He wanted to brew 3 tb 5 times per week (Brewing took approxfunately ?5 ninutes) and he would llke to be able to lrew airiing norna-l working hoirrs. If |t becane a probleu |n the_ future, he would be happy-to change the hours of brewing.- He had been glven a 1OOO barrel a year cap. He stated he would hate to 15 be at 1000 barrels on Decenber 15 and be forced to go 2 weeks without business. He asked what would happen in that situation? IGistan explained to Dean, that if he was that close to his cap, he could come back and requeet a hlgher cap. Dean felt that the eale to a reetaurant patron that took a 5-pack hone ehould be consldered on-eite ealee. Krl-stan stated that' not only restaurant patrons buy beer to take out, but others sould use the pub as a llguor etore and it vould create addl.tional traffic. Diana felt that lf the pub was going to have botlr sales for off-site coneunptlon and wholesales, they should be consldered as two separate conditLonal useE. Dean ehowed the board pictures of what the equipnent looked llke and how lt would be lald out on the slte. Krietan suggested that if the odor was a problern, the staff (T.O.V.) could initiate a code change. Dean agreed that he would conply wlth future odor control ordinances. Kathy warren suggested that the Lssue be discussed when he cane to the board for a conditional use permLt for off-site eales. The barrel per vear cap be lncreased to 15oo. ften No. 3. Permltted Uses--(Gl referenclng operatinq hours be deleted. VOTE: 7-O IN FAVOR Item No. 133 1. 2. 3. eeoarate cohditional uses. & AEsociatee. 16 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Planning and Environmental Connission Connunity Development Department JuIy 23, 1990 A request for a site residence on l,ot 31, 64 Beaver Dan Road.Applicant: ll. Ross coverage varlance for a new Block 7, VaiJ. Village lst Filing, Perot I.DESCRTPTION OF THE VARTANCE REOUESTED The applicant is lst Filing, which reguesting a site construction of a three-car garage.site is co the owner of Lot 31, Block 7' Va5.l Vlllage is located at 64 Beaver Dam Road. He is coverage variance to allow for the new singJ.e fanily hone, with an attached The exlsting single f?qi_U-@he existing concrete fron Beaver Dam Road to the residence. The the (the property current average is zoned Primary/Secondary zoning, as well as the steep slopes beneath the Residential . Given slopes on the lot structure and o a maxirnurn of t the front applicant is allowed setback area without use the sloPes to locate the garage within a setback variance. Note: If the average slopes on this lot were less than 3ot, then the site coverage restriction would be increased to 2ot and the garage woul.d not be allowed in the front setback without a variance. The appJ.icant has rnade a 25o request and this wlll be reviewed by the Design Review Board at their August 15, 1990 neeting. ihe proposed residence meets all the other zoning standards, including GRFA. The parking requirement for this proposed residence is three spaces. Because of the slopes on the lot the Town code reguires one covered parking Epace for each dwetllng unit, (Section 18.69.050 (K) ) . on-site will stair eading II. BACKGROT'ND AND IIISTORY l,lav 14, 1990 - approved a slte Total Site Area: Allowable Site Coverage: Existing Site Coverage: Proposed Site Coverage: 15,682 sq. ft. 21352 sq. ft., or l5{1,154 sq. ft., od7 *'' 31159 sg. ft., or 20t 3r818 sq. ft. _?58 sq. ft. 4,068 sq. ft \4,067 sq. ft-..? position that the reguested site will have a DgsLlliye inpact on potential uses and structures in April 23, 1990 - llhe PEC, by a vote of 6-0,.denied the applicantrs appeal of a declslon of the zoning adninistrator, regarding the deflnltion of I'site coverage.rl The PEC, by a vote of 7-0r unaninously coverage varLance request for thls property. erager.which the ed durlng the staff hear lance. E-Eeuast sas for an addition to ,plus an attached three-car garage. The PEC found that the existing etructure and the eteep slopes on the lot created a physlcal hardelrlP. III. Z9NINGJANAIII9IS The applicantrs request is to allow a 5t increase in Eite coverage, or an additional 807 sg. ft. This reEults in a site coverage of 2Ot. IV. Allowable GRFA:Additional request: Total Allowable: Proposed GRFA: CRITERIA AIID FINDINGS Upon revies of criterla and Findings, Section 19.52.060 of tire vait Munlcipat Code, the tlepartnent of Connunity Development reconnends approval of the requested variance based upon th@: A. ConsLderatLon of Factors: 1. the viclnltv. It ls the staffrs coverage varlance other exlsting or ttre neighborhood. Parking for this property is currently provided by a emall gravel surface lot innediately north of Beaver Dan Road (this area is not owned by the applicant). The applicant is proposing to neet the Townrs parking reguirement with the construstion of a three-car garage located within the boundaries of l.ot 31.consists o ch is coverage.If arage u cov nould be 14.7*. The proposed garage will bS_-covered lv so$/sod on threl eides aia tfe onty vffi garage would be the north elevation. crades over the garage will be Eubstantially sinilar to the existing grades, plus or ninus a few feet. The existing graveled, surface parking lot will bE 2. plan for this area has been proposed (please see the attached site plan). The alrlrl icant could remove a portion or tha c'arage which wEifltfEffiease sitE coverage. However, the able to have all the required parking enclosed to avoid the view of parked cars and retaining walls. It is also inportant to note that technically, one covered parking space is required. The covered parking space could be accompllshed by building a carport; however, staff believes a garage will be more aesthetically pleasing. The deqree to which relief fron the strict and literal interpretation and enforcernent of a The Town plannlng staff has historically been supportive of requests for the addition of covered parking. In this particular situatlon, qiven the steep qrades of the slte. the etaff believes th-at v oca a rea reque or a vartance.The staff be the llteEdI--EFFF of the zoning coders definition of site coverage would present a applicant. our rationale is 7 hardship upon the \-s baEed on the fact a that the zon code allows the IT of this title without trrant of special privileqe. area o lots. Conversely, the z se 3. The etaff flnds that the reguested varLance will have no signlflcant negatlve effect upon any of the above considerations. ThE varlance, Lf approved, shoqld e the flow of tra Bea need for !-edestrians to crosa the road to gain accesa to their vehicles. v.FINDINGS A. B. c. That the grantl.ng of the variance will not constltute a grant of special privllege inconsistent with the lirnitatlons on other properties claesifled in the sane district. That the granting of the variance wlll not be detrirnental to the public health, safety or welfare, or naterially inJurious to propertles or inprovenents in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or rnore of the following reasonss 1. The strict literal interpretation or enforcernent of the speclfied regulation would result in practical dlfficulty or unneceaBary physical hardship inconsistent with the obJectives of this title. 2. There are exceptlone or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the eane slte of the varLance that do not apply generally to other propertleE in the saDe zone. 3. The strict Lnterpretation or enforcenent of the speclfied regrulatlon would deprlve the applicant of privlleges enJoyed by the ownerE of other properties ln the sane diEtrict. VI. STAFF RECOUI{ENDATION The staff approval . recommendation for the We believe this lot is proposed variance ie for -enlunbered with a PhYslcal hardshl due to the eJ.leve e varlance detrinental to the public lrealth, safety or of properties or persons in the vicinity. reasons, staff feels that lt would not be a privilege to approve the variance reguest. V A, B, Cl. and C2. / ,"-- --:\lti ; ----+L r-i t --.---. _l) \..r--J :-\---- \:\l\ -,-' --'--- - --- -:..'- z o E F lrJ J lrI rF I F 4 o z z o I F IIJ J EI F ttl El = Ll I tT- I I tl!l--| 4.,:::.::: u t C A t ?c J t a : cr I$ €r t o o .{ i'--7 I .t/ I I I 1.n,r\ ,ll1 1 T1990 KL\.r U .tu'- ' ' DtrFMRTMtrNT @F ,tr@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XTXXEXX .ALEs AcTroN FoRM XXXXXXX Rt['0 JUi 16 tggo A Professional Corporation '| 43 East Meadow Drive Crossroads at Vail Vail, Colorado 91657 303/476,5105 MonrenAncHrECTS Letter of Transmittal Dare: ez/o /?a to: fir* n//^i r /rh,.rA,z /ha///a,_ *")".rh?f ?asdz--*- /a,/,bt -.ao Please find enclosed the following Copies ot il/A eou-a7o e,a./ca/a7'2r-zS \u-r,*,t .b le'ts 4e Remarks: /Z/b Fryny(Wr, V/zaz . rEL 3T3'11d-a7La @ or):1 o():1 Jun. !5 '98 I1-;tB AAAA ilORTER ARCHiTEC"iS rcqussting a variai:ce. The rppl lcarlon ls suD$l ttcd. NAI.IE OF APPLiCANI H. Ross Perot AOORESS 2377 l4erit Dr. 7525t __PH0NE (214) 788-3001 NAI'IS OF AEFLICA|TI' 5 REPRE$ENTAIIVE Jim l4orter/l,larren Lawrence A0DREss P.0. Box 1301 Va j l 81658 PHoNE q4q-n12o Dal I as. TX 7525L nunnr (214) 788-3001 ADORESS IESAL oESCRrpTt0n r0r_-_31_610cK_Z_FrLrt{G 1st F. A lirt of the namer iiICLUDIN6 PRCPERTY ThE APPLICAIIT IJILL '^ltlilJUr.- r,, i -<f)e."-Fe-E $ioo plrs \OI?_.:!k *--jg1L- Fnoi'r tlprter Archltec s THS FEE ilUST SE PEiiAETONT THE COY,I,IUI{ITY OEVELOPI\iEtIT OEPARTI,iEIiT HILL ACCEPT YOUR PR()POSAL. 0f o}{ners of s,ll propcrty adJacEnt to the subjact property BEI{IN0 AHD ACRosS STRIETS, &r,d their n!{lin0 eddresses. 8T RTSPONSIBLI FOR CORHECT I4AII.INC AOORESSIS. A pRF-apolll!.Titll coill'lllc,iicz fiirn A pLAtiNlttc STAFF i,lEllBr-n Is STi0rklt-? sUeGEsTsD T0:cETEp.lllNEIFANY'ADDITIoNAL tl{F0R\lATI0i{ IS tlttD(D, N0 lPpr-tcArtnit Ittr-t. sE AccEpTEIl uNLtss rT Is cct.lgLETL {i4uiT iiiiLuijE ArL trEf,ts n[QurfiEo By fHe z0$iriG A0litNlSTRAT0R). IT IS iHl APPLJCAIIT'S RESPOIIsIgILITY T0 r'1AKE Alt i1PP0l;,tTilENT HITIi TIE STATF TO FIND OUT ASCUT ADOI.I.IOHAL SUSIIITiAL REqUIREI'tIIITs. pLsns: Hcig ftAT p. c0lqgrE Appi.icAiloti uilt. sTiiEAr.tLllls llt[ I,i1t:lc",lt. FictSss F,--R YOUR PRO.]!IT BY DECREAS:N6 TH€ NUNSER OF CONDITiOIiS OF APPRCVAI.. TilliI TIi€ PLiNNING AIIO Ei\ViROII]4EIri'iAt CO!L\ISSIOIT F.AY STIPULATE. ALL COIIDI?IONS OF APPROYAL I,'IUST SE C0illtli:0 r,lifll iiiF0l'ri A BiJlt0!l{0 FERl4lI tS ISSIIED'. FQUR (4) COPIES 0F tHE F0LLOt{llG MusT sE suBr,ltTTEO: ,r, A iiqlTTEI SI.{Ti:-iiflT 0F T}lC. pRECtSF iiATURq Oi'Ti1E V,r.RIA|{CE FE!Ug51g,X.qlrn lrr REGllt.A.T I Cli !NVOL.VE!-1. TUF (rdrcucr.,r r11r.' :.':.1 ;'i;;;,;.t ;:;. tl Rrc'oJUN251990 pEC ilEETINC DATE J,tiy 23, 1qgo APPLICAIION FOR A VARIANCI s prtcedure ls requlred for any proJect I nct bs lcccpted urltil all infonnrtion or'lNEP.(i ) III. Var i ance Reqt-1s-.s1 F er":rt fte.: i derreer Lc't f,1t Illc,ck 7, Va'iI Villaqe+ F:ir"gt Filirrpl Nat urtl ,:'f the Vari ance r 20.te 7a The appl icarrt reqr,rests a *itdcc.vel'age vat'iavic-t: fr.,:,rrr 15'/. aI1,:wabler tc, Eftlt. The r"enr-rlat ic,r, i vrvc I vercj i:; I B. e,9. (,5L-t! pafalli'aphs E arrcJ L. ar The re I at i,:nsh i p r-, f t ]re nerl tre!:t ed v,al" i ance t t, c't her' ex i sit i rrg tr,'' pcrt errt i a I Lr$s:s arrd gtruct tlr"es in tlre vicinitvr -Iher pr.c,p*,:iar I ccrns;is3tr; trf r.errrovirrq the ex i=t rrrg 3-st*i"y regidencel rit'rd c:crrr-."tt"Lrt:t irr5i a rr€+tJ ;$-!itf,.,'"y r'est j. cl€if rr(:an {trr tlre garrre siter. Ther'e' are nc, :;tr'r,rct r-tr"eg in th€ vic:ir'ity that al'e d irect lv af fecttrtJ trv th i g reqtrest. -f h.: degFee tc, which relief fr'arn th€r stl^ic:t {r}. I iter.al irrterr-pt etat i*,rr ancl eln {"c, r" r'eltnel rrt c,f a speci f ierd reprrlat ic,n i:: neceo;s;lry to ach ieva' cc'rtrpat ibi I ity arrd uni fernrity ,:rf treatrrrent an$ng gite:i irr the vicinity or' L<, att"rin the *b.jeret ives c,l' this t it le withr,qt grar't r,f special privi lel1e*; -fhe"r'e ane 4 $itLtationg in whit:rt hardshi psi a.l'ri cr.eated r'el.rt irrg b '::'devel,rpnrerrt c,f th is parrt ier-tla'. *iite: a) Sect i(]n 1S. 69. trSO addresrses the develE,pmtirrt c,f Ic.ts where ther averaqe glc,pe of the sit€r. . . is in excess3 c,f J()%.UndeF t he:;e r"eig rl l,at i r--,ngr site c*ver"age is l itrtited bt 151. i::1"; we al'E dealing wibh a nelat"-ttl r rrl trlllt lc't -.;ize c.f lfi' 6SE square fereto arrd wer f ace a 45/. s I c, pe t we are r-tnd rt I y r*estr"icterd in c,ur !3ite cc,ver'aB.i. b) $e'r:t ic,n .18.69. O5(t erlss stipulertes nc' r'eqr.rir.ed set lrac:J< f c,r $al'afltnlr'Fy ther inrpl icnt i,:rrt ,:tf this Fat.;rflrta{lh!we f rrrther irrct'easel Llre ""rlrgady re':;trictecj giter t:'tveraqe aI Ir:wanct*: by placinq tfre gat'arg€rr trt-tt l'rir habitaFrle siet b.rc k. intent of r-rrrs i ght 1y area uf perrali;:€id in tlre f t'':'n b :r. pace I l.le "rlea sirnply f*l lc,urirrq tlrt+ parragra pfr L- tr reduc:e rJr^iverway cuts tc, the npper' '3 r.ll- s i t e'o ancJ aFe r-trrd u I y f c,r" dc, i ng sc.,. c)It was ni'igi.nal ly interncled t*' i ncc.rrporat e the. eExistirrg st r*r-rct r-r t'e. intc, the rr€rw desiqn. 'f h i:: iclera recieverd FEC clnd IIRF apllt"L:'val. irr Apnil and May trf 1990. Hc'wt.avel': it has tll"t:v€lrr urrfearsaLlls tc.' :;alvager and incnr"par"atel the.r exisb ir't-l gt rr-rct ttr'e+. I L rrt r-tl;t be ngrrr,rve*cl, lhis netw pnonr,sal rrteaet s *r1l tlre crite.t^ia crf ther prervic,r"rsly appt.':'ved strbrrtittal. Sr+et i c,rr 19. e,g. f)5(t, paragr"aph E st a l e*; nc' r .:re than 1t.t'l. c,f tlrer site trtay be ec,veFed by dr"iveurays Et' grtFf;rct.. parking. The at'ea hre al'e asl+ing f,:rr additic,nal site c:{tver*aFe inclucJt*s! c,f f-gtneet p.erl<inq. The quest ir,n i:r encll c.,seci park i rrq &\B p!"npclsic*cJ artd del:iired by the Trwn ,rf V;*iIt v$. unene I osed snrface parking arr(J re'tainirrg wa11s. Nc,te the 4:lr4 sI,:pe and the degree c,f r-ertarining reqltit'e*d tn *btain grrrfacs oat'l<inq. Tlre erf f ect c'f the vani arrce c,rr I i gltt ancl in i r', distributir,n c,f populat iorrt t r'anspar.t at i c,rrr traffice faci litie+s;. r-rt i I it iesr and publ ie safety. a) There can orrly be pc,sit ive t+f fects c'n light "rncl air by arl l,::,wirrg thi:r variarrcer. l^lel are pt'c,pc'si rrq a t*tally bur"ieacJ rJat'arJ€? in l ieu erf pr'terrt ial gr-rr.f ace par"kirrg and nrassive retairrirrg wal ls, whileE rrtaintairring the requit'erd l arrdsca per ccrve!"a Be, Thene is n.r etf f eict tln d istri brrt ic,n ,: {" popr"rlation. There ig a nn:-'it ive ef fect c,n tnansJ:c'rtat ian by the t*l i r,ri.rrat i r.,n u-, f srrrface paPkinpn ancJ by lrnu,virJ inr; c'rt-' siter parkirrg. cl ) -t b) c) d) Ther.e is a signif ieant pcrsit ive ef fect (,rr t!.af f ic: f aci I it ie:;, e) Ther-e is nc' effeaet trn Llt i I it ies. f ) There is a pnsit iver erf fect c.,rr pr.rbl ic: safety, by r.errr':ving the ex ist ing parking fr.c,n ercr.c,g::i the lrtl-{:et. r'"o .;{ J DtrFHRTMtrNT @F t-/ lJ E@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXTXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM XXXXXXX 01 0000 41330 COM. DEV. APPUCATION FEES 1 0000 41540 ZON'NG AND ADDRESS I.IAPS 1 0000 42+1s lrsaa ullrron,, au,u,No co*- 10000 42+i Hiscel I aneous Cash ,'1F-,-,:.'{,-'-tE [ri+: t4 : I ?r oooo 424i ':':r i 4+ : r J 0l OOOO 4241 F.:FCFiEI # fi4t55t . IN,IETER IIRL-:HJTEI::T5 '..FFP FEE 1 ooo0 4241 ff*orn* ren,J*rs,J ) rr,.rE1.rj.ls I 0000 4241 Iten paid Flmount paid I oooo .4154 fflrtBllE+llf,BElrrfi lFB, gF f:h.::nq,: re t r_.r rned l 01.0000 4241 1 0000 4237 \t,:u r c.rgh ie r 5T | 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS UCE}ISES FEES r 0000 41330 0l 00oo 41413 .SIGN APPLICATION -,*Fa=-- a Project Application Date 5- /6.?o Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot a(Btocx 7 , rni^eUi! lL'Zs-e lt , zone - Com ments: Depign Review Board Motion by: /" 'f h, seconded av L " y'|. I DISAPPROVAL 6 .lL,?o Date D Statt Approval a Wrcte;ffi rii ii' .r.rl ai tl tti li;l, ) il lii alL-el-, - Er,44 A. -,-,---_.__ _,_ f_71acu_- _EI:ZL_fu?ryr_-lfu22 *_ _ - iii -A/4tu=ke-6e/ry--tu@ ii ----*i h*At-"u' &*e 'oJ-?:7- fu*/4---s-- //lrua -'-nt,t-n >fu4.' fuv**-rrytu -h44tfu - -l-- I APPLICATIOT{ FOR PROPERTIES TII FOR ADDIIIOI{AL GRFA EXCESS OF ALLO{ABLE GRFA Date of Appl lcatlon_6p411_2_ 19gg Date of DRB ileeting_,finy ilo, ttto A pre-appllcatlon conferencc with a mernber of the p'lanning staff is stronolv encourased to discuss the provtsrons unier wnicr abditio.ir-dirn ;;n"i:"lilt to a sita' It should re uhaeriioid-tfial-utis oroininii-ilies not-assure each property rn addiilonal 2s0 sguare teei oi-eiri.'-'nair,ir, ilri-i"Jr.irce al.tows for ug to 250 squ.are faet if iertain conaitions-are met. Appllcatlons for additlons under thls sectlon wi]l not be accepted unless they are comelete. This includes iit iiiriniiiidn rid"i"ii oi-tiir form as welt as-Deslgn Review Board subnitiit -riqufii,.nt.. A. PR0JECI DESCRIpTlOil, B, LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address LeEal Description: tot ,!l_Block_L _Fi l in Zone District PrlS C. I{AII€ OF APPLICANT: Addrass 12377 N r (21$.).788-3001 D. NAt'tE 0F AppLlcANT's REPRESENTATIVE: ,. Uorter Archirects .- Janes Irorter .-Address hone__4z.fuslo5__ E. NAitE 0F OuilER(S); ffi Slgnature(s) The folloring'lnfonnatiglr jn addition to DRB submittal requirements, shall be rcqulred rlith thts submittal: l' Yerlfication that the unlt has received a flnal certificate of occupancy.2. tlames and maillng addresses of:adjacent property owners and of owners of units on the sann lot, This infoforatton'is'iviiti6ii'irom-*ri rigii'cdunty Assessorrs offlce. 3. Condqnlnlum as3ociation approval (lf app.tlcable).4. Existlng floor plan of structure. G. Your prtposal will be revlewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehensive plan. NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET AODRESS: OESCRIPTION OF P Roof Sl di ng Other t'lall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts l.li ndows tlindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Rel ocated EXISTING TREES TO 8E REMOVED LIST OF MTERIALS 31 7 Vai 1 Vi I Iage Fip5l : ree npw hodrnnm<, o.,n:ndod I ivin+ afea! nncl elevatnf. Spruce Filing (3) The following lnformation is required for submittal by the applicant to the Oes';n Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Wood Shi nql es t!e!Ufq-l- Strrcco Off-Vlhite \tnne Dry-stack/l4u1ti-color Unod GraY Reige Wood GiaY Bei qe Cl ad Grav Be'i qe tnloodrclad Grav Beige of Deslgneri Mnrtpr Archi tpcts phone: a76-q t nE Botanical Name Common Name ouani tv Si ze* A Fl for declduclous trees. Indlci'r,! i,Jht for coni fers , /nt''PP) *lndlcate callper . PLANT I'IATERTALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUES TO BE REIOVED GROUND COVERS ,o*l, n.*Comon Name Si ze -- Type Squc: e Footaqe s0D Rc-cbod and sod/nati ve orasses VA Hi gh A'l ti tlde rni., wi th wi] d f I owerq 5 ,600 SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Automati c C, oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retalnlng wal1s, fences, swjruning pools, etc.) Please specify. PINNNING AI{D SNVIRONIiENTAL COMMISSION UAY 14, 1990 Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Connie Knight Ludwig Kurz Jirn Shearer Kathy Warren Dalton Wi}lians Staff Kristan PrLtz Mike Mollica Shelly ltello Betsy Rosolack Penny Perry The Planning and Environnental CommisElon neetlng was called to order at 3:OO p.n. by Diana Donovan, Chairperson. The site visits took longer than expected, in the interest of time, the Cornmission skipped the review of the 1041 request and Iten No. 1 and went directly to Iten No. 2. Item No. 2: A recruest for a condLtional use pennit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at Lot 11B, Matterhorn Villaoe Subdivision.Applicant: Iililliarn Clen Betsy Rosolack explained that the applicant lras reguesting a conditional use permit to allow for the operatlon of a Bed and Breakfast in two bedrooms of their Prinary/secondary zone district. The staff found that alt appllcable review criterla and findings had been satisfactorily net and the reconmendation was for approval . Daltonrs najor concern was the trash enclosure and the use of only 2 trash cans and Mr. Clem responded that they had used 2 cans for many years. Dalton then asked if Mr. Clem would be willing to reUuitd the enclosure, and ltr. Clem stated that with bears in the area, the durnpster would have to be constructed of concrete block to withstand damage. Discussion then centered around the steep driveway. A motLon to approve the recruest oer the staff meno was made bv Connie Kniqht and seconded brr Dalton Willlans. VOTEs 7-OINFAVOR The ComrnLssion then discussed the 1041 application scheduled prior to the Public Hearing and then proceeded with ften No. 3. lthey would go back to Item No. 1, approval of ninutes at the end of the agenda. Iten No. 3:A reauest for a final plat for a najor subdivision for SDD No. 22. a restdcdi@ Construction. Kristan Pritz e:<plained that the reguest vas to finalize the prelirninary plan previously approved unaninously on ltarch 25' fggo. The Town Engineer had changed the sidewalk location to the south side of the subdivision road to allow for better drainage. The staff recomnendation was for approval of the final plat with conditions as found in the Demo. Pat DauphinaiE explained that there would no longer be a detention pond as found in the original proposal . As explained during the prelirninary plat review, they would be addressing drainige as rrcomprehensively and extensiveJ-yr! as possible in conjunctlon with Public Works. Diana asked who ttre adjacent property owners vere and Pat responded that the Roost Lodge was to the south and Tract B to the east was easernents. Pat added that the biggest concern of the Cornnission during the last meeting was street cuts along Lionsridge Loop and he did consolidate the nurnber down to 5 at the Town Council review of the project. A motion to aporove the Final Plat for a naior subdivision for SDD No. 22 per the staff neno and conditj.ons ?s follows was made bv Kathv Warren and seconded bv Chuck Crist. Conditions: 1. The PEC chalroerson shall sion the plat when the subdivision Inprovements aoreement has been finalized ind aonroved by the Town encrineer and Town Attornev. 2. The Subdivision Inorovenents aqreement shall provide the Town of VaiI with sufficient collateral to quarantee construction and installation of their recruired inorovernents per the Town Enqineer. PEC. and Comrnunitv DeveloBnent resuirements. VOTE: 7-OINFAVOR Item No. 4: A recruest for a final plat for a major subdlvision Phase III)Appllcant: Brad and Susan Tiossem ttike l{olllca explained that the surnrey of the Final Plat strowing the as-built road had not been completed as e:<pected. Therefore the staff could not reconmend approval , but rather tabling the item, contrary to the memo. He felt that the Eurvey would ghow that the road as-built night encroach into the open space tract' and creg Hall from frublic Works had not given his final approval . Brad TJossen explained that he had an urgent need to begin building and that the horne would be going before the Design Review Board Wednesday. He understood that the lack of a surrrey would conplicate natters, but asked if it was possible to approve the project contingent upon the topographic survey. Mike did not feel comfortable with Bradts request. He felt that the final plat should be in place at the tine of flnal plat approval . There should not be contingencies. Xristan Pritz said that given the clrcumstances that the road is already built, she felt that it could be possible to approve the finaL pfat wittr the building envelopes remaining the same as the pretininary plan and that no changes be nade with site coverage or GRFA. She felt that the circunstances were very unusual . A motion to anrorove the final plat for a malor subdivl.sion for SDD No. 16 with the foltowing conditlons was nade bv Kathv Warren and seconded bv Ludwiq Kurz. Conditions: 1. The PEC chairperson not sicrn the plat until tbe Subdivision lrnprovements Aqreernent has been finalized and aporoved bv the Town Attornev. 2. The Subdivision Inprovements Aoreenent provide the Town with sufficient collateral to quarantee construction and Lnstallation of the recruired fire hydrant and access road construction and pavino. 3. A Final Plat be subrnitted showinq the as-built road topoqranhv. Anv differences/adiustnents,be, considered as pirt of the road tract and not the buildino envelopes. Finding: Unusual Circunstances ln that the road is alreadv existincr. VOTE: 7-OINFAVOR Item No. 5: Applieant: H. Ross Perot Mike llollica explained that the appllcant vag reguesting a site coverage variance to allos for the constnrctl.on of an attached three-car garage, and a najor renodel and expansl.on of the existing reeLdence. Given the current zoning and the steep slopes on the lot (appx. 45t), the slte coverage requirement for the-property wae llnited to 15*. staff belleved that the lot was encunbered sith a physical hardship due to the extrene elopes on the site and that the granting of the varlance sould not be detrinental to the public health, safety or general welfare of properties or persons in the viclnity. The.approval of the varlance would not be a grant of special prl.vJ.lege. The staff reconmendation was for apProval . Kristan stated that it was her belief that the wallnray on the west side of the site was to be renoved and the area landscaped. Jin Morter e:<plained additional changes that were made sLnce tbe application hid been subrnitted. He had enclosed the stairs on thL east side of the garage ln the Lnterest of security. The difference took the site coverage fron 21t to 22.1t. There was general concern of the visual inpact of the present home, specifically the railings and ligtrts on the wallnray and Jin lllorter iesponded ttrat tre could reconfigture the walk to include 3 steps and i landing, 3 steps and a landing. This would elininate the need for railings. Steve Zorichak, an adjacent property owner expressed his approval of the proJect to the board by stating that he felt it was a rrvery constructive inprovenent. rl Ludwig stated that the elinination of the stairs east of the garage made the aPpearance less intrusLve. lte lLked the change. chuck Crist wanted to be sure that the applicant intended to Iandscape the existlng parklng area north of Beaver Dam Road. t and also wanted to know how big the pull-off for the rnailboxes would be. Jin answered that the pull-off would be as small as allowed. The applicant would llke to keep the asphalt down and landscaping up. Jin Shearer liked the new proposal better. connie Icright asked what percentage the additLon request represented and Dlike answered 1.1t. Connie also wished to know if-the additionat 250 GRFA request waE rel.ated and Mike e:rplained that it did not relate to this request. A recuest for a site coveraqe variance for an i Diana explained that she could eupport the proJect because the hone was already existing. The Connission had always supported parking in a etnrcture and off tlre road. She llked the solution. Dlana did want any approval to be contingent upon the staff verifying GRFA figrures. shearer. CondltionE: 1. GRFA and Site Coverage be verified by staff. 2. Existinq Concrete Sidewalk be renoved. 3. l{altcwav to buLldLng be reviewed bv the Desicrn Review Board. 4. Pull-off for nail boxes be kePt to a nininun with the appllcant workinq closelv with staff on the issue. 5. Remove or bem the fill area bv the nail boxes--to be reviewed bv the Design Review Board. VOTE: 7-OINFAVOR ftem No. 6: Circle. Lots 4. 7. C. and D. Btock 1. Vail- Lionshead 3rd Filinq.Applicant: Marriott CorPoration. Kristan Pritz e:<plained that the applLcant had reguested to table the iten. A notion to table the Uarriott pro'lect untll June 11- 199o was made by Kathv lfarren and seconded bv Jin Shearer. VOTE: 7-OINFAVOR A notl.on to apnrove a sl-te coverage variance for Lot 31. Block 7. VaLl Villaoe ]-Et Flllng wLth the follovin<r conditions uas nade bv l(athv llarren and seconded bv Jinr 5 arnendment to Special Development Dlstrict No. 7 A notl,on to aoprove the ninutes from the April 23, 1990 neetLng as wrLtten was nade bv Chuck Crist and seconded bv Jin Shearer. VoTE: 7-OTNFAVOR ftem No. ?: DiecussLon and aopointrnent of PEC menbers to the ZonLno Code RevisLon Task Force. Item No. 1: ApBroval of ninutes frorn April 9, 1990 and Aprll 23. L99O meetinqs. A notion to approve the minuteE fron the Aoril 9, 1990 Jin Shearer. VOTE: 7-OINPAVOR Kristan Pritz explained that the PEC will be the task force for the Zoning Code revielon proJect. She asked for volunteers to be a workLng group. Kathy warren, Diana Donovan, Dalton Willians and Jin Shearer Volunteered. lgCn No._8j_ Appointnent of a PEc nenber to act as a DRB alternate. Jin Shearer volunteered to act as alternate to the DRB. Item No. 9: RemLnder of Discussion with Council on Firenlace Ordinance Anendment. luesdav Work session. uav 14th. Kristan explained that nany architects and builders had been asking for exceptlons to the current ordinance regulations and that staff felt the need to review the ordinance for possible changes. ftem No. 10: RevLew and discussion of potential ooen soace purchases in the West Vail area. Site visits to potential areas for open space were made earlier in the day. General discussion of these areas followed. The PEc was Eupportive of the West Vail parcel purchase. Sone menbers also recounended that the HUD wirttt property to the east of Vail Das Schone Shopplng Center be considered for purchase. The rneetlng was adjourned at approxinately 5:00 p.n. PUBLIC NOTICE NorrcE rs IIEF€By crlrBt{ that the planning and Environnentar connission of the Torn of vail will hold a publlc hearlng in accordance wl-th section 18.66.060 of the nunl.cipal code of the Sown of Vail on Uay 14, l99O at 3:OO p.n. in the Town of VaiI Irlunicipal Buildlng. Consl.deratlon of: K, 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. A request for a flnal plat for a najor subdivision for SDD Ng:.1e,, on a portion of parcel A, L',ionrs Ridge Subdivision,Filing No. 2 (The Vatley - phase III)Applicant: Brad and Susan TJossen A request for an exterior alteration in order to conEtnrct an addition to the Belt Tower Building at 201 Gore Creek Drive.Applicant: Clark Willingban / Bell Tower Associates, Ltd. A request for a site coverage variance for an addition on L.ot-11, Block 7, Vail Vill_age 1st fillng.Applicant: H. RosE Perot A reguest to apply High Density Uulti-Fanily zonlng to the Mariott l{ark Resort and for a rnaJor anendneit to Sfecial Development District No. Z (Marrlott Uark) in ordel to add 58 tineshare units and 8 employee housing'units.Applicant: Marriott Corporation. A reguest for a conditional use pernit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at L,ot 11B, Matterhorn Village Subdivision.Applicant: Williarn CIeu A request for a maJor subdivislon, a request for a varlance to the maxinurn height for retaining walls, and a reguest for a variance to the maxinun percent grade for a road, -on a parcel-cornnonly referred to as Spraddle Creek, an approxinate 40 acre parcel located north and last of the Main Vall I-70 interchange and east of the Spraddle Creek Iivery. Conrrencing at the Northeast corner of ttre Southeast l/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th Principal lteridlan, belng an Bagle County Brass Cap properly narked and set, wlth all bearl.ngs contained herein being relative to a bearing of S OO 11 t 6Ou E between the Northeast Corrrer of said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4, and the Southeast Corner of said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4 being an Eagle County Braas cap q.' properly narked and aett Bald No*,heast Corner of the soutneast L/4 ot the southweet L/4 belng the Point of beginning; thence S OO 11r Oon E along tlre-eaet llne of eaid Soutlreast L/l oC tlre Southweet L/4 of Sectlon 5 a dl'atance of 1320.14 feet to the Southeast Corner tlre said Southeast L/4 of the Southweat L/4 of Sectl.on 5i thence I 89 'l7r 48rr w along tlre south llne of eald southeaat L/4 of tlre Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a dletance of 901.00 feet; tlrenca N 73 481 3in w along InterEtate ?0 Right of ltay llne a dl'etance of 2L4.L2 feet; thence N 65 52r 12i W along eald Rlght ol Bay line a dlstance of 2{1.10 feet to a polnt on the sest llne of sald Southeast l/4 of the Southveet L/4 of Sectl.on 5; thence N oo 2or 31i lf along the uest llne of said Southeast L/4 of, the Southueat L/4 of Sectton 5 a dl.etance of 1161.66 feet to the NorthueBt Corner of the Southeaet 1/{ of tbe Southwest L/4 of Sectl.on 5 belng an Eagle County brace cap properly narked and get; thence N 89 {1' 12n E along the north line of said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest 1rl4 of Section 5 a dlstance of 1331.07 feet to the Polnt of Beginning. Said real property contalnlng 39.55 acreB, lore or less. The appllcations and lnformation about the proposals are available for publlc lnapection ln the Connunlty DeveloPnent IrepartDent office. Town of Vail Connunlty Development Departnent Pr.rblietred ln the Vall Trall on Aprll 27 ' 1990. MoruenAncn o ITEC TS May 14, 1990 Perot Residence Lot 31, Block 7 Vail Village Firsr Filing Lot Size Allowab1e GRFA Additional Total Allowable GRFA Total from Scheme date 5/14190 A Prolessional Corporation 143 East Meadow Drive Crossroads at Vail Varl, Colorado 81657 303r476-5105 15,682 s.f. 3,919 250 4,059 >€€ g/l,t/z f Scheme Dated 5/t4/90 Site Coverage )Previous Scheme Total (Dated 5/3/50) TO: FROU: DATE: RE: Planning and Environmental Conmission Connunity Development Departnent Uay 14, 1990 A request on Lot 31, Dam Road. Applicant: for a site coverage variance for an addition Block 7, Vail Village lst Fl-ling, 64 Beaver H. Ross Perot I. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARINICE REOUESTED The applicant is the owner of a single fanily houe located at 64 Beaver Dan Road, and is reguesting a site coverage variance to allow for the construction of an attacbed three-car garage, and a major remodel and expansion of the existing residence. The property is zoned Prinaryr/Secondary Residential . Given the current zoning, as well as the steep slopes on the lot (the average sl.opes beneath the proposed structure and parking area are approximately 458), the site coverage reguirement for this property is linited to a naxinum of 15t of the total site area. Because the slopes exceed 3ot, the applicant is allowed to locate the garage within the front setback area without a setback variance. Note: If the average elopes on this lot were less than 30t, then the site coverage restrlction would be increased to 2ot and the garage rrould not be allowed in the front setback nithout a variance. The applicant has made a 250 request and this will be reviewed by the Design Review Board at their uay l.6th neeting. The proposed residence meets all zoning standards, including GRFA. II. ZONING ANALYSIS Total Site Area: Allosable Site Coverage:Existing Site Coverage: Proposed Site Coverage: The applicantrs reguest is to coverage, or 11005.8 sq. ft. coverage of 21 t. allow a 6t lncrease in site This results in a site 1 15,681.5 sq. ft. 1r154.0 3r358.0 III. CRTTERTA AND FINDTNGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.06o of the Vail ltuniclpal Code, the Departnent of Connunity Development recornnends approval of the reguested variance based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationshio of the requested variance to It ls the staffrs position that the reguested site coveralte variance will have a Eitive inpact on other existing or potential uses and structures in the neighborhood. Parking for this property is currently provided by a small gravel surface lot irnrnediately north of Beaver Dam Road (this area is not owned by the applicant). The applicant is proposlng to meet the Townrs parking requirement with the construction of a three-car garage located within the boundaries of Lot 31. The proposed garage will be covered by soilr/sod on three sides and the only visible portion of the garage would be the north elevation. Grades over the garage sill be substantially sirnilar to the existing grades, plus or minus 4 feet. The existing graveled, surface parking lot will be elininated, and a revegetation and landscaping plan for this area has been proposed (see attached) . The applicant could renove a portion of the garage which would decrease site coverage. However,staffrs opinion is that it is preferable to have the parking enclosed to avoid the view of parked cars and retaining walls. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interoretation and enforcement of a specified recrulation is necessarv to achieve conpatibilitv and uniformitv of treatnent anonq The forrn planning staff has historically been supportlve of requests for the addition of covered pa-fing. In this particular situation, given the present siting of the house, and the steep grades, the garage location and size present a reasonable reguest for a variance. The staff believes that the literal enforcement of the zoning coders definition of site coverage would present a 2. 3. hardship upon the applicant. This is because on the one hand, the zoning code pronotes the constructl.on of garages within the front setback area of steep lots. And conversely, the zoning code does not allow for GRFA to be placed vithin the front setback area, or over the garage. Hence, siting of the residence and garage tends to be nore spread out over the lot area. The effect of the recruested variance on licht and air. dLstributlon of nopulation. transportatlon and traffic facilities. public facilities and utilitles. and nublic safety. The staff finds that the requested variance wiII have no significant negative effect upon any of the above considerations. The variance, if approved, should improve the flow of traffic along Beaver Dam Road, and will elininate the need for pedestrians to cross the road to gain access to their vehicles. IV. FINDINGS A. B. c. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the lirnitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrinental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvenents in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or nore of the following reasons: 1. The strict literal interpretation or enforcenent of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions appLicable to the sane site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the sane zone. 3. The strict J-nterpretation or enforcenent of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the ownerE of other properties in the sane district. V. STAFF RECOUMENDATION The staff recornrnendation for the propoeed varl-ance Le for approval . we believe this lot ls encunbered wlth a physical naiasnip, due to the extrene slopee on the slte. We also believe that the grantlng of the varlance would not be detrinental to the public health, safety or general welfare of properties or peraonB Ln the vlclnl.ty. For these reasons, staff feels that it sould not be a grant of epecial prlvilege to approve the variance request. 4/L ^*/"r( 6" '2 " t ?o 2;t1 '-o-A , C *;.e( #to- ,{re 'r-i1"4 I ry C b-,'n ^fu*-4 'k @ ,a*-5 ,/< /'a.,"r2.rne-1 / ba O O /H- *rh 4 -"^// O rp-<.v ryJ + ,-,-(/ . ' ,0t*nYa^4,/f,ftrk -F ,+ u\ /.7&0\ /.7\Lt\a/r*rtov . @ >rO .{,!1u,J /r.@ .A ,a--,& /4 ^4 /""U-,Crl% t A &-*< X ' \/rv: 1-o ,i, tr|, 11." ,tt o .-9 o q) l\. \\ ...\ t a.- =_\\- . ' '...-/ - a1*.4 r- tA U.JW bF'tve '16 Fi iaa )r r ex rsrirB - - I SPRUCE TREES ( -'-i l----)::.1.-i HC Tf,(L- 8E BEITOVEO 7A ,- :80 , I -:A t at-a \rl 6RRBGE o tl ll =\ l -__&t --^\ lt51 EX IST ING STRUCTUBE o I I I I F------ = - EAST ETEVATION -4-:2/-e t.-.o Y::;s#:f:ffiffi.f* OK- oK- o(.Ft .fu4 OK+ oK- OK+ o Kry /4 h "eJ.*/(f-*4 t{, q .b/. A"^r*-1.<* Row ef ft/^-Zd, t+-,% tur WZ4rvL 0(-Kune 6rn* frft ".//J ,3v { 6eFA .',r+-. ,4f &",44 U ,u*.-t, F-2, lrt 17 - t.tr-r,t U*.n*t A Prolessional Corporation 143 East Nleadow Drive Crossroads at Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 303/476-5105 MonTeRARCH TTECTS Letter of Transmittal Date: eey'rfto rc: ftna+4 Ua4?&,.';-,,4 lQuq+ hL:rn;P ,qotua- Proiect. ,4-ra/ &i'a*'-'a- /ai/, Cct Please find enclosed ihe following: 0ated of/to/to Copies 2 ot /tr:tszd- /*ra/seef,z- V /a+.- /i/2 rzTazf /*e4'^?4 D Remarks: n'ans:.ff::::*1,"13,:::::::,?,:onnv tr lYl0NlANtR0S BUltDtN0 UNII A Box 1700 VAIT, COLORADO 8I657 (303)476.5922 Your Rcference r:i.J, Uf. r:fLl l.J. '..,.J I riE rBt uI ]J-!EE 4IEf aFg JSrf r D 600 EAST MAIN SIRTET B0x 2230 ASPEN, C0L0RA00 81611 t303)925.1766 'l n 507 LINCOTN STREgT Box 280 STtAlilB0AT SPRINcS, C0t0RAD0 80477 (303)8791611 PREMIUM t-_5 5.oO _ Q TOTAI,g S*-- AMOIINT ADDITIONALCHARGES COST OF TAX CERTIFICAI'E J SURVEY COgTTt CC's To; I a. ln The eftective date of this commitment iu January. 12, . rs\_Z_6 at B log Au. At which time fee tifle wes vested in: RAIlitOltD B. BREit{Nm aDd JOYCE lt. BRXNNER, as JoI[t Tenante SCHEDULE A 1, Policies to be iegued: (A) Ownere'; E. ROSS PEROT (B) Mortgagee'r: yo. 46, 5011 26? ., c Sheet 1 of 4 COMMITMENT TO INSUBE "lT"-":1:Il::{itte. Insurance companv, a california coryoration, herein ceued the compeny, for iiil il;;;;;iil;T,h;;c^L - 1.,r -l..t*I"^fl li"o" gl rhe .proposed in*urea nem"a ii s.i"J"rl i, * ;#;;;;;t li .ilru;;i: ;; ll*ll1".:_. tl:ff."_lp '_lbiect to the provision" "rCrr,-i"i"r;;; il;"t" i#;iltri;;';ij;iffii;tions shown on the inside of the cover. AutlrolrraD troRAtul: owNDn 5-17O. OOO.9O g 267 ^AA MORTGAGE t--_.--"--5_-._ .,- xo. c-rr[F trrv. ..r!-?! P. @3 ?88 S9?o ?T4 6/@/L99 Pcrot Eroup 15153 The o " ffi;|ffi,X,*U " thc Steto of Ooloredo, County or EaBla IOT Sl, BL,Ocr 7, VAIL YIi.LAOE TIBET rILIM} Itf6, 4dr.tfil Zfr C Shcct,qt of {SCHEDULE A-Confinued P.84 "/88 369'/o 2L4 ras/Ei/L934 15:54 Penot Group Ihe o No. 46,5gl,p67 c Sheet 3 of 1 BCHEDULE A-Continued NEQUIREMENTS A. B. c. 8' The tollowing sr€ the regutremcnts to be complied with prior to the issuance of said policy or policies,Any other instrument recora"o sr,ueeqo"; ii iiir.o*t" tr.irt -"y "pp*i as an exceptjon under schedure B of the poltcv to be isaued..un6t;'h;;is. ,,ot.a, *u dd;;nd;-"rt be recorded in the office of clark and recorder of the county in whictr gaid prrn.iv is loceted. Release by the PublLc Truatee of Deed or rrugt from Lervrence B. Roblnson aad sra A. Robrneon_for i["-uei-of Arapaboe Nattonal Bank of Boulder ;:"iT;l".tt3e!30i00, daieJ Jui. r , rstn "na 'eco"aeo Jun,-iol-iszz r.o BelcEee bv the lubrfa.Trustee of_Eqgle county of Deed of Truat fron Ralmond B' Brennet i$ q9i*J-u.-gri'iner rJ"-irre-use of Arapaho. Nrtlonar i3* n Sif io$r3lt3l;3oro3:;a N;;;[;"-i6,'idza ,",o"a"a-noi;,L," rz, Deed fron Raynon-d E. Brenner and_Joyce M. Bronuer wrth recrtar rn body,fi:rffi::'f"Hf . aakuowr.edcr;;i ir."t gi,""toie-"""-il"sua'd "no-irirl. to po. 461 501,267 g Sheet 4 of 4 SCHEDIJLD B THE POLICY OR POLICIES TO DE ISSUED HEIIEUNDER WILL NOT INSUITD AGAINST: 1. Eights or claims of parties in possession not ehowrr by the public recordg. 2, Easements, or claims or eagements, not thown lly the public reeords. 9. Discrepancleg, conflicts in boundary linos, shortage in llres, encroachntents, antl any facts whlch a corr€ct Burvey and inspection of the premises would dieclose and which are not ehown by the puirlic records, 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for eervices, labor, or material heretofore or herenfter furnished' iln- posed by law and not shown by the public records. 6, Taxes due and payable; and any tax, special asse$sments, charge or lien imposed lor water or sewer Bervlce, or for any other sfiecial taxing district. 6. Uttlfty eaaement es shown on the Plat of eald subdlvlsLon, sald easemor belng ov'er the Northerly 10 feet of eubJect Property. \?. Reservatlons eB contalned ln United Btates Patent, t8. Restrletlona, whlch do not contaln a forleltur€ or reverter clauset as contalned ln lustrumert recorded August 10, 1962, ln Book 174 at Page 179. TI]TFiL P. O5 A P rofessional Corporation 143 East i,leadow Drive Crossroads at Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 303/476-5105 MonrenARCHTTECTS Letter of Transmittal Date: s/7 /go To: Town of Vail Departrent of Community Development 75 So. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Attn: Mike Mollica Prorecl Perot Residence Vail, Colorado Please fnd enclosed the lollowing: Copies 5/r/eo I set 5/rl90 Remarks: Mike - If 4 1 ? Preliminary p'l ans with revisjons in responce to 5/4/90 meet'ing with Tom Cole (l'lorter Architects) and Mike l4ollica (Town of Vail). Plans with calculated floor areas Title report as requesled 5/4/90 Pre'l 'iminary landscape p'l an you have any additional questions or comments, please call A. Cole ARCHITECTS D s \ '\, I ,\ |.,/ a \ March ..,...,...8a{ordar. 77 ]io, 921,{, $ AEEAn-n' OEED.-To Joinr T.tirnb. -Err\,fot..l Publbhin8 Co.' tf,ll.tG St4ut St!€$L Dehvcr, ColorEdc -&i6 05.'gi.,9E l5 r l9 A B..oded Tns DnEo, Mua,- thi, AYi by &,/f4 Rel'l ,$74,TILINC STAUF betsecn RAYIdOND E. BREI.INER and JOYCE M. ERE$NER Husband and l{lfe "C'.tF" 6unty ot hgle rnd sbte of Cd.ii.rado, of tha lirat patt. end Hr-R. PEROT and MARGOT B. PIROT ott.hc Clty ef Pstlfgultyof Dallas 8otfie, ol tbe eecond Part: TexaE WITNESSETE, t.hlt tbe rrdd DA$y of tie first per! lor lnd ia coasider*tioa of the gum ol Ten Dollars and other good. and v4luable eonsidgra-tL.ons-----:+^9lll$ and other good sld valuable consideradons to the ssiat perty of thc first past in hucd pstd by thc said palttes ol tns secOnd perr, tbe rcceipt wher€of lg bereby confessed rrrd acleowltdSpd, !s3 83qnt 4 b$gataed, gold rad cotsvcycdl and by these presents docs gE8rt, bsrgpin, sell, couvcy snd son{it8 o'uto t'he Esid Faftlat ol second pert. their heire aDd osrigas forever, Dot iD ten8rcy i.u comncn but in jqint tmsrrsy' all the follOw{ng described lot o! pnrcsl of land, situete, lying r:rd being in tbe CouEly o! Eag 1e and State of Colorado, to wit: Lot 31, Block 7, VAIL VXI,I.AGE FIRST FILING TOGETEER witl &lt *rrd siagular tlle bereditsserts aEd splrErtenarces tleresnto bdolghS' or i.ll snywire appetaiaing and tle rtversion ard !€sersions, t.eEaiDder lDd naai.nde!:s, !eDt€, lssoe3 Eud lrofts tbereoli and all tie estat€, right, titlg ihtcrest, cldm and denand $bgtsoever ot the said pslty of the ftlEt part' eltber ia law or equitt, of, iD sJ}d io tLe rbove b$8$!ed P3t@ia€3, eith tbe hattditarDents md eppurteoancea To EAVE AND TO EOIJ) thc said prcrnlses abova basSebed eoil described, with the .ppuftcrsnce!, unto thc arld partie6 of the second patt, their leiw snd essisas fo*ver' Aod tbe e.id Partt ot ttc first !s!t' for himeeu' blc heira, executors, a:ld sdElElstrators, do€s cove$ant' grsE4 bsrgallt ald ag:r'ee t'o ead wit! t'he said partiea ol the second part, their hei$ alil Essigls, that Et the ri-e of tbe +'raqlirg ald detivcry of tlese Pres€Bts, be lg sell e&ed of trbo prenises above conveyed, es of 8ood, $urq petf€cq ebsolut a,ad indefeesible estate ol ilhorit4nca' ln hw' in fee siEpler ehd h3s good ritht, full pover aad lawfcl tui5ority to grebt, barseis, stll r'!d convey trhc grne i'n aer:Der fid fort sfore$id, gDit tbat the qsnc are free ald clca,r firrn ell lormer end othe! g"ants' bargsins' sales' liens' tsxes, assessloarts a,ad arcunbreoces ol n'hstever kinil or na,tule soeveg exCept a1l taxgs and assessnents for the year 1.976 and subsequeEt years; subiect to easemeEts, reservatioDs, and restrictions of record' aod tbe ebove buggiDed preaiset il the quiet asrl peaceable posecssion of the aaid pattiee o! the sccond pslt" tle aq.tTivo! of thar.r, tbair as.gigos aad t.he heits aail assigas of eqcu ann'ivor. agBbf,t all sld evary 9e?9oa or p€!8olll tarfr:lly claiaing or to elair'. the wholE or sDy part t$e*of, tie Esid perty of the lirst palt eba[ gEd will WABRANT AND FoEEVER DEFEND' Tbe sineTlEr number sball inc|ude the plurl, the Slural tfic siagllal sDd the use of ely sifir !0c|Jultiliny fif MAR 3t;?6 end State ol ge$der 8ha[ bc applicsble to sll gtlders. IN WITNESS WffEBEOF the ssid party of th. fitst Pst! bts hereu to set band cnd gesl t}}e dsy snd yeor firt ebove rsrittea, SiSned, Sesled aad Dclivarcd ia the Presonce of Ra nd E. Brenner, Hugband a^, c fla'<U4 -.8*.!'.8reaner and iloyce M. Elreuner, Husband and Wife 4/f IlreaDer, fio/J 67 \ {.[ '.i t o- N^..-..lilfr.llz WANNANTY DEED STATD OF COI,O l"'..,CouDty I horcby certlly thet thh Inrtrurnsnt wes llleal lor rccord ln rny oflics *1a.....3tA12........dsy of ...... fr ur-12........... .............. . ...., r c. /-6-...,'t ... 1,.1i..........o'"toru......E.tt.,and duly recordsd hr Fllm No........-..-..,..,, Rcceptlon No-..-.,,"r..--..-.-..-. .mdr'rrilb-. E, Kre-.... .. sty . e&t*u)-.fr-Jh . ... f.:: . .D.tr|tt, v""",s. 1.,,0.4 f-L,.. 'fo t{ o ol F N s r^1 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS IIEREBY GITTEN rhar the Deslgn Review Board of rhe Tol'D of Vall wt1l hold a publlc hearlng on l{ay 2, L990 at 3:00 p.u. ln the Tootr of VaIl Mualcipal Bulldlug. Conslderatlon of: 1. A request for Addltional 250 of Grosg Resldentlal Floor area for Blghorn Terrace Untt D-7 Appllcant: Kathryo Beoysh 2, A rqqnrt &or arc.* for lrot Dia'i{oad. l lddtGirrusl 25d of Groro Rrctdcotlsl Eleor.l 31, Block 7, Vall Vlllege Lst | 64 Bravrrl 6 Appllcrat! !. loeg Parot : 3. A request for Addltlonal 250 area for Marrlot ark Resort tloashead Clrcle. of Groes Reel.deutlal Floor Unit f687 I 7L4 West App1lcatrt: Pat and Joeeph Bl11ottl the appllcatlons aod infornatlon about the proposals are ava11able ln the zonhg adnlnlstrator's offlce durlng regular offlce hours for pulblc lnspec t1on. TOI{N OF VAIL COMMI'NITY DEVELOP}TENT DEPART!{ENT 'nOff.cnca 1n thc Ve$ Trall oa Aprll 13, 1990.{ SslN uNltrs-u'\ \r=\ b.S b\\=o \ t*Nf slssrs S \b \\b. N- I NTER-OEPARTI'IENTAL REV I EI.I PROJECT: DATE SUEHITTEDz S.Z.?o COI.'d.IENTS NEEDED BY : ERIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE OATE OF PUELIC HEARING ",>f. f-A'^ Date PROPOSAL: R"""b"l Pusfrc lfoRKs ) Eevler*ed-by: comr'ents: ) Va.aln+rr-D.o-1- h.nu.-b L iJan^--| ,/ Date Revf ewed bv: -- - - --' - /- rjate ' ' 6rk Corunents: ',' SlrP 'tu'trl Revleved by: Comnerrts: ' Date t 'dl, r. ..'. ii Revle"red by: Coraents: Date ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S zoNE DISTRICTS DATE: Aori I 2. 1990 LEGAL DESIRT-PTION: LOt 3I BIOCK ADORESS: Ol,lNER Fi l ins-ya [-Mlgse Fi rst Fi I ins ZONE DISTRICT Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear }later Cours e Site coverase 20%= il3b Landscap'ing Fence/Retai ni ng llall Heights Park i ng Credi ts: Garage , I'lechani cal Ai r'l ock S torage So lar Heat Dri ve: Sl ope Permitted Env j ronmen ta I /Ha zards : Al I olved (rn)(33) 3818 +250240a8 3818 20' 1C, 15' ( 30)(50) t",v*=2352f .502- 2.5 Proposed 33-nAX' s??s lz f _0_* 15' (New Construct j on ) l5' (New Con s t ructi on ) 311? F a* ED +(- 71V l3rRetai _3.- \*"/-\/ +r--fi- /"L 22.o ?o per (3oQ)(600) (soo) ( taqR) (50)(1oo) (25) (50) (an)(4oo) ning & Garage Zoning €6f aoD t3plr) z 87o - SloPe Actual 71 Aval anche OK Flood Plain OK Sl ope + tre tl ands a( Geol ogic Hazards R&$l( ^ OK Cosments: r*See application for 250 s.f. additional GRFA Zoni ng: Approved/ Dj saPProved 0a te: PROPOSED USE Resi dential ,roi iiie S ta f-T Si gna ture lr hRFA f fr" /.a,-/ e'4'?o MonrenAncn TTECTS A Prof essional Corporalion 143 Easl [,4eadow Drive Crossroads at Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 303/476,5105 Letter of Transmittal %n Cale Dale:May 1, 1gg0 To: Mike Mollica lown ot val I ProjePerot Resi dence Please fi'rd e'rcloscd thc following: Dated 4/L Remarks: ol Site Plan, Floor Plans, Elevatjons as proposed Copies 2 t t41/ LO,t rt) r.l .iJl APF lg'94 13:3: r.r. ADDREsS PEC I'I€ETING DATE l'lay 14, 1990 PF6E g: FoAFo , ^.. .r o,.JgC, variance.'The application F R OI'I c A l'r ERA Sll0p 0F uFrL Application 0.,"O APril 16' 1990 APPLICATION FOR A VARIA}ICE I.'Th_is prncedure {s required fgl any pnoject requasting a uill not be accepted until all infonnatton ls submitted, A. MHt 0F AppLtCAt{T H. Ross Perot tZgZT Merit Drive, Sijite 1600 Oalias, TX PHoNE-g)7:-oo1 B.IAME 0F AppLlcAnrs REPRESEilTATIVE l'lorter Architects - 'Janes Morter .143 E. ltleadow Drive ADDRESS Vaii, C0 81657 PH0NE (303)476-5ios ADDRESs 12377 l4erit Drive, Suite 1600 Dallas, TX 75230 PHoNEi14)788'39: D.L09AT!0N oF.PR0P0SAL AIIORESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 3i BLOCK FILING Vail Village First E. FEE $100 THE FEE IIUST BE PAIO BEFORE THE COHMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I.IILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. adjacent to the subject ProPertY and their mailing addresses. I'{AILiNG AgDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITII A PLANNING STAFF I'IEMEER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEO TO DETERI'IINE IF ANY'ADOITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDEO. NO APPLICATION I.JILL 8E ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (I"1U5T INCLUDE ALL ITE}"IS REqUIRED BY THE ZOt(ING ADHINISTRAToR), tT IS THE APPLICANTTS RESpof{SIBItITY T0 r'rAKE AN APP0INTr.lEt{T [rTH THE SJAFF T0 FINo oUT A80UT AoDITI0NAL SUEMITTAL REqUiREHENTS. PLEASE HOiE MT A COJ.IFLETE APPLiCAIION HILL ST;?ACiiLIi\iA Titg T,PPIICVI,L PROCTSS FOR YOUR PROJECT gY OECTilSI_NE THE NU''IBER OF 'ONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THg PLAIIIIIIIG A,\D ENVIRONI'IEI{TAL COI4M1SSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL COXDITIONS OF APPROVAL I',IUsT BE Col'lPLtE0 l.lITH BEFoRE A BulL0lNG PtRl'llT IS ISSUE-0. ! ' : i ITI. TOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOHING I.IUST 8E SUBHITTEO: A. A T{RITTEN 5TATEI'IEI|T OF THE PRECISE fiNTUNE OF THE VARIAIICE REQUESIEO AI{O TI|E REGULATIOII IIIVOLYED. THE 5TATTI-ITI{T HI,|ST ALSO AOORESS; t. The relatlonsblp of the reqsestildi'rthinc. L'bttt.r exlrtftg br poteatfcl . uses and structures ln the vlclnlty;;l , ,'I .i : eiforcirenc of a specified regulatldn lt necesstry to achleve cqlrlbf lf t and unifomiCy of treafiteot anong sites ln the ytclnliy or to lttrln tlE.r:. objectives of this title without grant of special privilege' ' 0vER' . ,.. r,4",q llt {r3r .,ttGtttlt- F A list of the nanes INCLUDING PROPTRTY THT APPLJCANT I.IILL of owners of all property EEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS,gE RESPOilSIBLE FOR CORRECT 2, Vanianee Request Frerot Residence Lot 31, Fl.aek 7, Vai I Vi I lage Fir.st Fi I irrq Nature c,f the Vari ance; The appl icant reqnests a site ccverBge variance fronr 15* al lowable tn aSl(. The regulat ion involved is 18.69. O5O.' paragFaphs E and L. 1. The relat ionship of the r.equested variance tc, other exi6ting o!" potential uses and structunes in the vicinity! The praject corrsists trf an existing 3-BtoFy residence, approximately 30 feet above street level, with nc direct vrhieular access. The proposal consiste of adding additianal bedrooms and Iiving ar€ras along with a 4*car garage and elevatcr access from street level to I iving levels. There are no gtnuctures in the vicinity that are direct ly affected by this request. e. The degree te which relief from the strict o!. literal interpretat ion and enftrrcement sf a specified regr.rlatic,n is necessary to achieve compatibility and uni formity of treatment smong siteg in the vicinity or to attain the objectiveg of this title without grant tlf special pnivi lege: There are 4 situat ions in which hardsh ips arE! cr.eated relatirrg to develcpnrent of this part icular site: a) Eiect ion 18. 69. OFC) addr.egses the development of lots where the average slop€ of the site . . . is in excess of 3Ot. Under these negulat ions, site coverage is limited to l5t{. As we are dealing with a near-minimum lot si ze c,f 15, 68? squa! Er feet, arrd we face a 45/. slc'pe, we are unduly restrieted in our site coveFaqe. b) Sect ion 18.63. O5O also stipulates nc required setback for garages. By the implieation of this paragraph, we fnrther incneage the already restricted site ctrvel.agel al lowance,by placing the gar.age, but no habitable space, in the front setback. We are simply fcrllawing the interrt sf paragr.aph L to l.educe nnsightly dr^iveway cuts tcr the upper aFea of trur site, and ar€r unduly penal i zed for doinE so. e) In order. to create a unified design, and fctllowing Desi gn Review guide Iines of one structure, we have incorporated the exist ing structure into the new design.Due to the lccat ionn height, and confi gurat ion of the existing str"ucture, r.fe are reqlrired tc, increase site coverage instead of height violations. Note that zarring allows the amount c.f GRFA pr oposed. l,'le are facing an allowable sitnat ion in Gne ar€ra sf the zorring ondinanee, (GRFA, ) and restricted to do so by cther areas of the ord i nanee. d) Seetion 18.69.CrSO.n paragraph E states n$ mctFsl than l0:a of the site may be cc'vered by driveways ar 6Ltrftsce parking. The area He are askinq for addit ional site ccver^age includes off-street parking, The quest ion is enclosed parking as proposed arrd desired by the Tswn of Vail, vs.une'nclc.sed surface parking and retaining walLs. Note the 45/ slope and the degnee of r etaining required to obtain eurface park i ng. 3. The effect af the variance on light and air., dietribution of populat ion,trarrsportat ion, traffice faci l it ies, ut i I it ies, and publ ic safety. a) There can only be posit ive effects on light arrd ail by allowing this varianee. l^re are prapcsing a totally buried qaFage in lieu of potent ial surface parking and maggive retaining waIle, while maintaining the required landscape ctrvprage. o b) There is no effect on distribution of populat ion. c) There is a positive effeet on transportation by the elimination of surfaee parking, and by providing on- .eite parking. d) There is a signifieant poritive effect sn traffie faeilitiee. e) There is no effect on utilitiee. f) There is a positive effect on publie safety. o ":ld I DEFMRTMtrNT @F .tr@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXXXX tALEs AcTloN FoRM XXXXXXX 01 0000 41J30 COM. DEV. APPUCATION FEES 1 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 1 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORII BUTLDING CODE 1 0000 424.R r6ee ilNtFoRLl PLUM8INo cooE 1 0000 42t 10000 42 lliscel laneous Cash fi5*ff?r?0 --_:jil__ Rereipt * 64b962 X.:=or:j_# EH. # EBBs64iI f.r. H. PEFJL]T ,.rlF,p rir Hm,f,un t tende re,J i I ,lrl. Er3 IteD paid Hoount paid EI BffgE4I3f,F&F€I 1[8. sE f,h.:n,3e r-etr-rrne,J i E. Sff ]-HRl,_rl< \/o|.f L,rr_,u r c.:Ehi*r 5T 10000 42. )0 | 0000 42. 1 0000 411 00 01.0000 4i 25 10000 12 1 0000 4i 1 0000 4' r 0000 4 SIGN APPLICATION 20.00 0r 00oo 41413 cOuMENTs: Peso{ Rcsilvt"e .- 2.5lo anlr lw1ffiyc,*r"r.D PUBLIC NOTICE NoTfCE IS HEREBY GfVEN that the Planning and Environmental Corumission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing Ln accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the nunicipal code of the Town of Val-l on Uay 14, 1990 at 3:00 p.rn. in the Town of VaLl Municipal Bultding. ConsideratLon of: A request for a flnal plat for a major subdivislon for SDD No. 16, on a portion of Parcel A, Lionrs Ridge Subdivision,Filing No. 2 (The Valley - Phase rII)Applicant: Brad and susan Tjossem A request for an exterior alteration in order to construct an addition to the Bel1 Tower Buitding at 201 Gore Creek Drive.Applicant: Clark willinghan,/ Bell Toner Associates, Ltd. A request for a site coverage variance for an addition on Lot 31, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing.Applicant: H. Ross Perot A request to apply High Density Multi-Fanily zoning to the t{ariott l,lark Resort and for a najor anendment to Special Developnent District No. 7 (Marriott Uark) in order to add 58 tineshare units and I enployee housing units.Appllcant: Marriott Corporation. A reguest for a conditional use pertuit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at Lot 11B, ltatterhorn Village Subdivision.Applicant: Williarn Clen A request for a maJor subdlvlsion, a request for a variance to the maxinum height for retaining walls, and a request for a variance to the maximum percent grade for a road, on a parcel conmonly referred to as spraddle Creek, an approximate 40 acre parcel located north and east of the Main Vail I-70 interchange and east of the Spraddle Creek livery. Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Southeast L/4 of the Southtrest L/4 of Section 5, fownship 5 South, Range 8o West of the 6th Principal Meridian, being an Eagle County Brass cap properly narked and set, with a1l bearlngs contained herein being relative to a bearing of S 0o 11 | Oon E between the Northeast corner of said Southeast L/4 of t}le Southwest I/4, and the Southeast Corner of said Southeast L/4 ot the Southwest L/4 being an Eagle County Brass cap a 1. 2. K' 4. 5. 6. t properly narked and sett said Northeast corner of the southeast L/4 ot the Southwest L/4 belng the Point of beginning; thence s oo 11r oorr E along the east line of said Southeast L/4 of the Southweet L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 1320.14 feet to the Southeast Corner the said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5r thence S 89 47r 48rr w along the south line of sald Southeast L/4 of the Southwest l/4 of Section 5 a distance of 901.00 feet; thence N 73 48r 32rr l{ along Interstate 70 Right of way line a distance of 2L4.L2 feet; thence N 66 52t L2n H along said Right of Way line a distance of 24L.10 feet to a polnt on the west line of said Southeast L/4 ot the SouthweEt L/4 of Sectlon 5; thence N OO 2Or 31n W along the west line of said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 1161.66 feet to the Northwest Corner of the Southeast 1,/4 of the Southwest L/4 ot Section 5 being an Eagle County brass cap properly narked and seti thence N 89 41' L2" E along the north line of said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 5 a distance of 1331.07 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said real property contalning 39.55 acres, nore or less. The applications and infornation available for publlc inspection Departnent office. about the proposals are ln the Conmunity Development Town of Vail Connunity Development Departnent Published in the Vail Trail on ApriL 27, 1990. I PI.AT{NING AND ENVIRONIiENTAL COI,II.IISSION APRrL 23, L99O Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Connie fhight Ludwig Kurz Jin Shearer Kathy lfarren Mernbers Absent Dalton Willians Staff KriEtan Pritz Ton Braun Mike Dtollica Penny Pcfry Betsy Rosolack Staff Absent shelly uello The Plannlng and Environmental conmission neeting was called to order at 3:2o p.m. by Diana Donovan, Chairperson. ftem No. 1: ApprovaL of ninutes fron April 9, 1990 neeting. Diana Donovan felt there were sone changes she needed to discuss with Ton before approving the minutes. A notion to table the ninutes fron the April 9, 1990 was made bv Jim Shearer and seconded bv Kathv Warren. VOTE: 5-OINFAVOR Iten No. 2: A recruest for a final plat for a naior subdlvision and for SDD No. 22, a resubdivision of Lots 1-19, Block 2, Llonsrid<re Fi-linq No. 3.Applicant: Pat Dauphinais, Dauphinais-l{oselev Construction. Kristan Pritz explained that the applicant requested to table the iten until the next meeting. ltotion to table the ltem until Mav 14, 1990 was nade bv Kathy Warren and seconded bv Jin Shearer. VOTE: 6-OINFAVOR Iten No. 3: A reauest for a najor subdivision and for a maior anendnent to sDD No. 16 on a Dortion of Parcel A, Lionrs Ridqe Subdivision' Filinq No. 2 (the Vallev - Phase IIII Applicant: Brad and Susan Tiossem Uike llollica presented the project explalning that the applicant was reguesting two separate itens: a prelininary plan for a naJor , subdlvision and a naJor amendment to sDD No. 16. llike reviewed the appropriate criteria relatlng to the reguests found within the nerno. The staff reconmended approval of the prelinlnary plan for the EIk lteadows subdivieion and the amendrnent to SDD No. 16 with conditions. The proposal basically followed the underlying Resldential Cluster zoning and Planned Unlt Developnent zoning originally approved by Eagle County. Kathy warren asked to see the previous Plat that had been approved and inquired whether the small setbacks and roof overhangs had been addressed and ltike explained that aII of the building, including the overhangs' wae reguired to be within the confines of the buitding envelope. Kathy asked if the GnFA of the enployee dwelling units was in addition to the allowed GRFA and Mike answered that there would be no additional GRFA, the enployee unlts would be included ln the 16,000 sq. ft. of GRFA allowed. Ludwig Kurz felt there were many positive points regarding the proposal . He liked the reduction ln density. He also liked the lfignnent of the road the way it was proposed, in order to preserve the meadow area as nuch as possible. chuck Crist asked if there woutd be an additional tap fee for the employee unit and llike explained that the tap fees would.be up to the d-iscretion of the upper Eagle Valley l{ater & sanltation District. Chuck also asked if a hone that included an employee unit would require covered parking and Mike explained that under current regulations covered parking would indeed be required for a hone with an ernploYee unit. Kathy Warren asked what the setbacks uere on the previously approved plat and Mike explained that they were approxinately the eine. Kathy stated that since the setbacks were the sarne she could approve the project. In addition, she sished to know how additionll parking would be handled and Kristan explained that there nere no provisions for additional parking. Each hone had a nunber of parking spaces reguired relating to GRFA. All required parking must be on site. Kathy connented that ehe thought the project rrlooked goodrr. Jin Strearer had no rnaJor concerna with the project. He was also concerned about the parking but was Dore comfortable due to the previous explanation bY Kristan. Connie Knight wished to clarify whether the Dauphinais SubdiviEion enployee units were ln addition to the allowed GRFA per the SDD. xristan e4rtained that they were in addition to the lllowed GRFA of the new sDD but did not exceed the GRFA that would have been applied with the underlying zoning- Diana comnented that tbe building envelopes where not all the same size, yet the allowed GRFA per enveloPe uas the Eame throughout. She questioned how this worked and Kristan explained that the variation in the size of the building envelopes would present no problens building. Ctruck crlst asked what the site coverage was and Kristan e:<plained that they were allowed to build on essentially the whole site with the exception of the setbacks. A notion for approval of the preliminary nlan wlth conditions per the staff memo as follows was nade bv Kathv Warren and seconded bv Chuck Crist. Pettygrove, P.8., Project ltanaqer with Banner Associates. Inc. Such renorts are dated February 23. 1987, February 25. 1987. tune 12. 1987. June 15. 1987'Julv 22, 1987 and March 12, 1990, and will be keDt on file in the Town's Conmunitv Developrnent offices. Each individual lot owner will be responsible for conpleting the hazard rnitigation for their lot' per the above narned reports. This restriction shall be noted on the Final Plat. VOTE: 6-OINFAVOR A motion for a recommendation to the Town Council for approval of the maior arnendurent to SDD No. 16 with the followinq conditions per the staff neno was nade by Kathv Warren and seconded bv Ludwig Kurz. That approval of the maior anendnent to SDD No. 16 be continqent upon PEC approval of the Final Plat for the subdivision. That the develooer construct a minimum of one emDlovee dwellincr unit, and that said enplorree dwellinq unit be Eg!!og 3. That no portions of anv buildinq shall extend over the buildino envelooe boundaries. 1. 2. a part of either the first or second building petmlt for the rcroject. All enplovee dwellinq units shall neet the criteria listed in Section V,B'2 of the staff VOTE: 5-OTNFAVOR t{ike llollica explained that Jin }lorter sas representing }tr. H. Ross Perot. ilim was appealLng the decision of the staff concerning the definitlon of ilsLte coverage.n The reguest before the PEC centered around the Town of Vall Zonlng Code deflnitions of rrsite coveragetr and trBuilding.t The appllcantre position was that ilbecause the garage would be totally covered by exlsting grades (the site over the garage sill be taken back to Lts orlginal grades and landscaped conditlone), the garage was not covering the site.i The staff belleved that the garage was indeed a bullding as defined Ln the code, the garage reguired new grading and did not neet existing grades, and did not support the appllcantrs position that ttre garage should be consl.dered as a landscape feature. The staff could not support the appllcantrs requeat and felt the garage should be lncluded as site coverage as defined in the Townrs zoning code. ill.m l.torter explained that he was not dleagreelng wlth the deflnition of rrbuilding.rr He felt the garage raE deflnltely a bullding. He nas disagreeing wlth the deflnitlon of xslte coverage.rr He felt the bulldJ,nE did not cover the slte, the site was covering the building. He also rished to pol-nt out that currently there was no parking on the slte. ff the appeal were not granted, the onty optlon would be on-grade parking and to carr/e lnto the site. He showed an elevatlon of how the cut would look. The retaining wall rould lncreaEe 14 to 19 feet. irin stated that regardless of the on-grade parklng inpllcations, the proposed garage would not cover tlre site. Ttre eLte would cover -tbe-garage. Jirn explalned that Mr. Perot was offering to landscape the area across the Etreet where he presently parked on the Townrs property. The dlsaEreenent raE the deflnltlon of ieite coverage. rl Chuck Crist aEked ltike if, J.n fact, according to t{lkers calculations, the propoeed gradee rould not be exactly as exleting, rather it would be 2r hlgher and ltike concurred. Jln explalned that they would be nore than happy to bring the grade UaLf to the originat height but he felt that I'f they vere golng to complete the project, they should do it correctly by naking it more aesthetically pleasing. Kathy lfarren felt she had to agree with the Etaff. She viewed the project as an earth shelter. Sinply becauEe the building was buried was not Justification for deter:nining lt not to be site coverage. She felt that if it sas completely below grade rather than on grade, with an entry, it sas site coverage. Jim Shearer felt it was site coverage. lle did not want to set a precedent and felt it would be very dangerous and could be costly overall. on the other side, he felt the Connission had an obligation to the Town of VaiI to ensure that projects nlooked goodrr and felt that the proposal would look better than what was presently there. He felt the proJect needed a solution but that an exception to the definition of site coverage was not the appropriate means. Connie Knight asked what the sqluare footage of the garage was and llike answered 1L00 sq. ft. Connie stated that the proposal brought back to nind ttre Briner petition to do new construction underground with a garage bay. This was a setback reguest, but, she felt it was relevant. Brinerrs reguest was denied and she felt she needed to be consistent and deny the Perot appeal . Ludwig Kurz stated that in generat he agreed with Jin Shearer. The Briner reguest was for new construction and the Perot proposal was for an addition to an existing building. He dld hope to see the project acconplished in a way to provide on-sLte parking but did not feel the site coverage appeal was the correct avenue. Diana Donovan agreed with Kathy Warren that tbe garage was definitely a building and must count as site coverage. She suggested ttrat Jin Morter look for another avenue and Jl-m asked if Diana was referencing a procedure or design and Diana answered trboth. n Discussion centered around clarifying rtground levelrr and general agreenent was reached that rrground levelfi was that area where a person could drive into the garage. A motion to denv the appeal and uphold the staff decision per the staff ureno was nade by Kathv Warren and seconded by Chuck Crist. 5 were setting up visual aldes, 6. l{hile the applicants for the Connission skipped to Iten No. Item No. A Iten No. 6: Chuck Crist volunteered for the Task Force. Item No. 5: ToD Braun explained that the item was tabled at the applicantrs iecrulst aftei lengthy discussion at the PEC|E April 9th neetLng. l-i"rU"r of Aesigi cianges had been nade in response to conments r"a"-UV the planiing Co'nTission.and the applicants had reques!9d- i-r"ri'session prioi to finalizing the redesigm. Ton highlighted design changes ls found in the staff memo' peter Jamar wished to clarify that the Marrlott did intend to ;;ai";; working with the stlft and the Connission. They wished a;;;;i within ihat was reasonabre and neet the.goals and "li""ii""s of the Tonn. They had taken sugge_etions from the last r"6if"g and made changes. tl-e.uetieved that they had sJ.ncerely tried €o responde to a1l the issues' Ned cwath!0ey explained that he had reduced the nass by-noving the roof qarden to the edge to cover the garage and renoved 1 floor i.".f]--pea pointea orit the changes on the elevation plans q1d c"rpi.ea tne'cfrang"= ott the.bef_oie and after models. Rggarding -itre-iecoforing of the existing t{arriott, t}9_?ppffcant had agreed to-conntt to ftre tie-in between the tro bulldings_ and to etininate the dark wood color. The initial thought was to fllp int cofor to be light with dark trln. They had not corunitted to ine cotor and were open to suggestione' Kathv warren felt there was etlll too nuch GRFA and too nany ;f;;. -in" did like what they dld wlth the nass, however iicfrftecturally, she liked the other building better. She was "iiff not cornf6rtable with 93* site coverage and.47 unit/acre' tn"-f"ifaings reliestntea on,the comparison chart presented in the staff meroo wire built prlor to zoning.enactnent. There were ;;;=;;;-;he zoning was chairged to avoid hJ.gh denslty proJects. f""air""tally, "n6 was not 6pposed to additlonal density, but not so nuch. at iat I F---------11 @ 4'23 ?a lEc iti * fA ae '*,J* 'r--. -' ;i ^ -**/-J), *2 I'i gf *^44 <- : 0t*-t, M'^ V^r;.*l C4r*rJr- il1 ,14-f 4 \a-, vvzAiA4&""./,/*" fr tr -k t4 -qr"rt.e a,*'4e \a^ ?-- J7'Kd/6 W=- Kd) d f l< /,^,J 1,1 t t I u4<-" c-o rl - - 'I I ''; i : .'; To: Planning e Environmental Connission From: Connunlty Developnent Departnent Date: lpril 23, L99O RE: An appeal of a decision of the zoning adnlnistrator,pursuant to Section 18.66.030 of the zonl-ng code, regarding the definition of I'site coveragerr, (Sections 18.04.040 and 18.04.360 of the zoning code), specifical-ly as it relates to Lot 31, Block 7, Vail ViIIage First Filing.Applicant! H. Ross Perot I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant is the owner of a sJ.ngle fanlly hone located at 64 Beaver Dam Road, and has recently presented plans to the Conmunity Development Departnent which entail a naJor renodel and expansion of the residence. One portion of the renodel calls for the construction of an attached three-car garage and entry on the site (presently, there l-s no covered parking on site). only the north elevation wall, or garage entry, would be exposed and visible from Beaver Dan Road. The roof of the garage would be covered with soil and the grades would be recontoured to berm up against the sides of the garage, (see attached site plan and elevations). The property is zoned Prinary/Secondary Residential. Given the current zoning, as well as the steep slopes on tbe lot,the site coverage for this property is linited to a naximum of 15* of the total site area. Total site area Allowable site coverage Existing site coverage Proposed site coverage (with garage) Proposed site coverage*(if garage is not counted) *Note: The appllcant wiII still coverage, by 35.8 sguare feet, count towards site coverage. 3 151681.6 square feet or 0.36 acres . 21352.2 sguare feet or 15t : 1,103.0 Bquare feet or 7t z 31498.0 aguare feet or 22t 21388 aguare feet or L5.2t need to decrease site even if the garage does not The request before the PEC centers around the Town of Vail Zoning Code def initions of rrsite coveragerr and I'buildingrr, which are as follows: r18.04.360 SITE COVERAGE - Site Coverage neans the portion of a site covered by buildinqs, excluding roof or balcony overhangs, Deasured at the exterior walls or supporting mernbers of the building at ground leve1rr. 'r18.04.o40 BUILDING - Building means any structure having a roof supported by columns or walls, or any other enclosed structure, for the housing or enclosure of persons, animals, or propertyrr. The applicant is appealing the staff deternination that the garage should count towards eite coverage based on the above definitions. II. APPLICANTIS RESPONSE Please see the attached letter fron Jin Morter, dated April 16, 1990, for the applicantrs response. IIT. STAFF RESPONSE After review of L8.04.360 of the proposed garage purpoge of elte the definitions in Section 18.04.040 and zoning code, the staff believes that the should be included as site coverage. The coverage ls to linit the area of a site which lE . I{e believe that the proposed garage is indeed a buildingr Els defined above. The garage is a structure which has a roof, and the roof is supported by watls. The north elevation of the garage reads very clearly as a garage, or building. In respect to the definition of site coverage the staff believes that the bullding sould be constmcted gbgYelgegng! level and that the soil placed on the roof of the garage should not constitute ground level, but only an artificial recontouring of the siters grades. In addition' rrthe exterior walls or supporting nenbersil of the building are clearly visible at ground level. The applicantrs position is that rrbecause our garage will be totatly covered by existing grades (the site over the garage will be taken back to its original grades and landscaped conditions), our garage is not covering the siterr. In reviewing the existing grades, compared to the proposed grades over the garage, the staff has deternined that the grades differ by as much as 4r. Generally, the proposed grades are 2r above the existing grades. The staff does not support the applicantrs position that the garage should be considered aE a landscape feature, as defined in Section 18.04.200, whlch is as follows: ilandscaping neans planted areas and plant naterials, including trees, ehrubs, lanms, flower beds and ground cover, together with the core developrnent such as walks, decks, patios, terraces, sater features, and Iike features not occupying more than 20t of the landscaped area.rl Certainly the bermed areas and soil and grasses on the buildingrs roof are possible to consider as landscape materials, however, the proposed building nust still be addressed by using the slte covera€te and building definitions vhen determining site coverage for the proposal. The applicant has drawn Eome comparisons with the underground parking at Bishop Park. It le true that the underground parking for Bishop Park sas not counted as site coverage. The staff's justification for thls exclusion from site coverage is due to the fact that the parking is conpletely underground and that the parking structure is not visible fron anlmhere on the site. In summary, the staff cannot support tbe applicantrs request. I{e feel. that the garage should be included as site coverage and that the applicantts reguest does not meet the intent of site coverage, as deflned in the Townrs zoning code. We believe that if the applicant feels strongly about this particular garage design, ln this location, then the applicant should proceed with a request for a site coverage variance. I {l \ n ,,t.. I I t / .1.! i',+* t( r!-xl:'ss: 5i a;:' ' :fi.r! il a i . , q, OI a1 :q tlt II tl -g lt ,. /0, I lh/, '$t'-nrf','j'w 1 I {t- T ri r)ifr t\.. I t_l ;\\p s .t J ) I t t i ii t, {rl A 'ti i"l ,,i ii \fi / I I \ i a - ,rr,lE It I l.l. ldt t:ia I [._i 'r o)al t! .!(9 _l I nl ol rll 9l tdl s -i (, c o E I o E I I I I I I +\,, AP.oiesso^;Co'i,.,a:o- t MoTUTRARCH ITECTS April 1.5, 1990 Ms. Diana Donovan Chair, Planning and Environmental Commission Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, CO 81658 HeIIo Diana, This letter is to document our appeal of the Community Dev- elopment Department's recent decision regarding a site cov- erage issue, at the H. Ross Perot residence at tot 31' Block 7, VaiI Village First Filing. There is currently a small single-family residence on the property. Because the site climbs at a 45 Percent grade irom Beaver Dam Road, there is NO on-site parking at all . The Perotts currently must park across the street, in an ally which is either in the Beaver Dam Road right-of-way, or is on Tract B, or both. We are proposing an expansion of the home. Part of the proposed expansion is a garage which is BITRIED TOTALLY Sel-,ow EXISTING GRADES, except for the retaining wall which allows access into the garage off of Beaver Dam Road. Please compare our situation to that of Bishop Park, where their garage is covered by existing grades, except the ret,aini;g walls which allow access to the garage. Their garage is not considered to be site coverage. We feel that because our garage will be totally covered BY EXISTING GRADES (the site over the garage will be taken back to its original grades and landscaped conditions), our garage is not covering the site. Rather, the site is cove- iing-our garage. consequently, $te meet the definition of landscaping, Paragraph 18. 04. 200. ,: I MonrrnAncnIECTS Pg. 2 l{e look fonrard to reeolving thls with you at your meeting on Monday, .fune 23. JRM/SJ cc: H. RoEs Perot Jay Peterson l{arren Lawrence I .jr*DtrFMRTMtrNT @F tr@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXXXX ToLEs AcTroN FoRM XXXXXXX 01 0000 41330 COM. DEV. APPUCATION FEES 01 0000 41s40 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 1 0000 42+1s 1988 UNIFORII BUILDING CODE r 0000 42415 1988 UNIFOR}.I PLUI,{BING CODE 1 0000 42415 .1988 UNIFOR}I MECHANTCAL CODE 01 0000 4241s 1988 UNIFOR}I RRE CCDE 'f 0000 42415 1987 NATIONAL EI-ECTRICAL CODE 1 0000 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 41548 E PRTNTS (M\IARS) 01.0000 42+12 xERox coPtES ./ sruores 1 0000 42371 ENALry FEES / RE-INsPEcT.IoN 1 0000 41322 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FE CoNTRACTORS UCENSES fEES 1 0000 41330 ol 00oo 41413 .SIGN APPLICATION 0ct.9'g, 9.42 TER RRCHITECTS TA- 3A3-4?647tO * Fr) Po-- c^tcwttrotr ,l/Elltl D^tt - cl{EcKlo tY -/O'?-% ilro_RoAil & ASSOC|ATEi, tilG Conlultlil 3t?uctur.l Endnirn - tol North Srrcrdc SutE 300 l/^^ ( coLoR Do sPRtNog, coroRADo-iogo:t ,J F-nn o tcD|@!y's115ja1 Oct. 9'9i 9:zB @ I{FTER ffi{tTECTS fa- 3a3-47ffi71',P.3 MORCAil r AsSoCnrE8, tilG. Goarulthl trructurj Enflrrn 101 Nor{r Cucrdr Suitr 30O coroRADo sPRrNGs. @toRloo 80!,03 cfllcrlD av - P-rC G:"(U I .***.--.4 *-L--- c^Lct t^Tlo tY tr!ra@bl'ca,r'|, lr.tr CTORGE SHAEFFER mgs ^,,?.,6$go P.O. Box 373 Vail, Colorado 81658 (303) 84s-s6s5 August 16, 1990 Mr. Gary Murrain Town of Vai l Bui'l ding Department 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Gary: Enclosed are 2 copies of pians for the Perot residence remodel a1 ong with a completed buiIding permit appl ication. These plans were approved by the Design Review Board yesterday, 8/15/90. Our company is starting the demolition of t,he new house as we d'i scussed earlier. A demol ition permit has been i ssued and with that permit we also plan to start the excavation of the new home. f{e willnot pour any concrete on the project untilthe building permit or at least a foundation permit'i s rejeased from your offi ce. Should the bui lding permit not be released for some unknown reason, it will be our responsibility to restore the site back to a natural state. Si ncerel y, George Shaeffer Construction Company fur?*'* Rob Fawcett Project Manager RFlsd'l cc: Mr. & Mrs. Perot Warren Lawrence Jim Morter Tom Cole Dennis Thompson George Shaeffer tNs c ilor.r REeuEsT TOWN OF VAIL .\-fr\ ,t:l .. {:tl READY'FOR LOCATION: CALLER THUR @ PECTION: BUILDING:PL tr tr tr cl tr tr UMBING: tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: (. tr B tr TEMP. POWEF O HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL APPROVE 11 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR Hsb? tEsrllG-.{ t-l, -rt q DATE ' D -t-nve \Q{ot PERMIT NUM ER OF PROJECT REQUEST VAIL JOB N CALLER TUES BUILDING: o FooT|NGS/STEEL r fr UNDEBGROUND qFouNDATroru zsreel@ tr RoucH / D.w.v. tr ROUGH/WATEB ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELE trT trF trC tr tr HEATING TEMP. POWER ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ISAPPROVED |qnerruseecroN REeur RED ,o'r= ?,,r7*,Q) rNSPEcroR ' ;;''. - l-- '1 5uz- J PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT no'. '4 ll1 JoB NAME -fur"/-l TOWN oF VAIL KLLLdJ tu('\-- READY FOR LOCATION: il"r,o"REOUEST INS I tyc-@ T).,-.), r 4VrnntumatNc: FOOTINGS / STEEL 2/ Li- 1-' t' \/ \//L ?\ \* tr UNDERGROUND t-l tr tr tr D tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATER FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH - tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL flrnenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTTONS: oor= ?'/f *2 a rNSPEcroR rNs CTION REQUEST OWN OF VAIL CALLER WED 6;D'*'READY FOR LOCATION: i. BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER TINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER u PLYwooD NATLTNG O GAS PIPING E INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ffis{oP 4la'z- e PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor, /-/f- 2a JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER ''-t:\ruES a wEp-/ THUR rnrs#cnoN REQUEST VAIL TOWN OF FRI BUILDING: n -/ PLUMBING: (roorrrucs / srEEr "ftga o uNDERGRouND tr tr tr tr tr c FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING -INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL !rneenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR tNs CTION oor, 41Z1 ,^) t r\ TOWN OF /', r ut R*-.t.1^ ^-.- REQUEST VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED LOCATION:i ),, APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED THUR AM PM O REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: ,/\n...rr-\.-- s.f6orrr.rcs/ srEEL \ \-rV \ \ Vt t u !-PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. fI ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION I D tr EI POOL / H. TUB tr o SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D tr tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIF O FINAL tr tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ntfrsnop ._[ 5vL PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: lNs z, it- CTION TOWN OF ,. r'. i -*a.Tt'5"r{';15+ :..}1lr }tifl REQUEST VAIL YRppnoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEI tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING - ROOF & SHEER _ PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr SHE4TROCK NAIL / , lL -, . , , . t, U .-"E \L-e-XXt \ r) \ W ry+r{Au)€v6-d/tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT t-l r-r Etat A I tr FINAL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL CORRECTIONS: Or INSPECTOR niFsH@ INS Q:ua 'f 1- "'!r PECTION REQI'EST PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF r"l3o PROJECT JOB NAME INSPECT M QALLER TUES READY FOR LOCATION: L APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED .-u 'p RElNsPEcTloN REQUTRED BUILDING: [toorrr.rcs / srEEL tr uNDERGR.rro"6: 't- tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB I tr SHEETROCK NAIL E- tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: D HEATING D ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n .. r-t D SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL CORREQT,IONS: DATE INSPECTOF PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ' Y-r--.' r^rsilctoN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE tl JOB NAME CALLER TUES READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: WED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND uNDATIoN / srEEL Vi:u G\ /fl F/r-. tr RoucH i D.w.v. FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ar / v't4- INSPECT REQUEST VAIL IN DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES THUR *tre '.". \ \sor I PERMIT EEATITTN f Et I lvll \ TOWN OF INSPECTI NUMBER OF BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D,W.V, E ROUGH / WATER O FOOTINGS / STEEL OUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING D tr o o tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSUTATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB D FINAL *tr TEMP1 POWER O HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORBECTIONS: o^rE //-/(r"-qO rNSpEcroR Ftffi*e JOB NAME tNs TION OWN OF ' fi.'.F YYr , lY" ;nt:sr.rirrvfl REQUEST VAIL "{ -, READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: AM PM (, 1 /lat .)( ... BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEd tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER ' PLYWOOD NAILIN O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FiNAL tr FINAL MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL Xnppnoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo_, /- 4- g r INSPECTOR Priftsxop 'tE :TlswtFElr\''-T*ryJryt!}1s4lE*rE tNs REOUEST ].pEpnt DATE OWN OF VAIL INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED READY FOR LOCATION: M BUILDING:PLUMBINGT tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT trF trC tr_ tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRd oarc /-4-f/ rNSPEcroR h, * < ' tl.,/' /Y "--) /.,.,| -/u PERMIT NUMBER PF PRgJECT ,^r= I f tj ftlJoB NAME drr\ ) READY FOR INSPECTION:THUR LOCATION:4-'']---| BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NATLTNG T Kot PTPTNG - tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEH MECHANICAL: E] HEATING SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED )Ffneenoveo CORRECTIONS: ome /-"/f -INSPECTOR (/t-(p )- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT olle /')\''?/JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI APPROVED THUR FRI REQUEST VAIL AM PM rNstcnoN TOWN OF tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL o tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PTYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr tr GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB tr { u FINAL tr ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: oerc /' r,f P,,/ ' rNSPEcroR ': . ::jg:Tr'.j . fl"i # mlstsjr INSPECTION REQUEST VAIL uo.** o' o"@ 4; '1L. a READY FOR INSPECT]ON: LOCATION: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: IruNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr tr D tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING T] GAS PIPING tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: I tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o ndlhspecroN REeuTRED I oo* l-Ze-91 rNSpEcroR ' - .: a:-l;--:-;-- \. t \\\,\ - PERMIT NUMBER OF PRO-JECT 'NstcnoN TOWN OF REQUES VAIL T A e\-\- DATE (-/- \\ JoB NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR READY FOR IN LOCATION: I I t/ i .'! BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: U UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PtYWooD NAtutNG tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION D tr n POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr \I q J\ tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr FINAL XAPPRovED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTI M9N TUES WEP THUR rNs#ctoN REeuEsr PERMIT NUMBER OF P€OJECT fu \xi \.\\TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION:..".(, i AM g_) BUILDING: tr FQOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr o tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER u ptvwooo NATLTNG GAS PIPING EI INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PRovED €")tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE 3--j2 ^ 7/INSPECTOR REQUEST ' ' ;-fr" ' rNsttoN TOWN OF VAIL AM €D THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: Pr!MBTNG:' l) O UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING oucH / *otr* ( i' ,? ,ASPIPTNGW ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION D POOIL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL GTRICAL:,MEGHANIGAL: o tr tr tr tr O HEATING ROUGH Q EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL )d*neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr,HEINSPECTION REQUIRED oo-,, 4-/- t/ rNSPEcroR ,//r - 1 v>u d- , -. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT "l oRre 3')1-7t JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: ,;i INSPECTI TOWN OF V WED THUR FRI / 'i7..Ltl ), ,4rl,r_S-Gs'(e BUILDING: tr POOTTNGS / ST€EL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDAITON / STEEL I tr tr tr tr o 1 UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATER 4 p rnnn,trruc ,L ROOF & SH GAS PIPING " PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n: POOL / H. TUB NAI.L TJ tr tr FINAL tr FINAL I ELECTRICAL: , t MECHANICAL:,f i tr rEMP. r6Wenl=,E HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT f'] O SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED IR APPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: *SFsrop I llr / -l -L/ \ ',/ J TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI JOB NAME THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr tr tr T] FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWE MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH F EXHAUST HOODS tr tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr tr FINAL lE/appnovao CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED ,/-Dp;,E 7-J- '// tNSpEcroR / t/<t.a Y )U ,J-- i-l* U INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I JOB NAME DATE (/ / '/, READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES tr DISAPPBOVED WED ,THUR n-' ., a' a U.rppnovEo .CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUlLDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL D FOUNDATION / STEE- PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D,W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH i WATER - BOOFA SHEER " PLYWOOD NAIL tr GAS PIPING V-tttsuurtorrt {tr SHEETROCK I tr POOL / H. TUB INSPECTOR \sru,\ O READY FOR LOCATION: lN ,*r!"toN r r TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL T JOB NAME -1 \ CALLER . \ TUFS WED T \\ \.MON tr FOOTJNGS / STEEL .-a,ffik,ffi#.,il BUILDING:PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr - FRAMING D ROUGH / tr ROUGH / tr GAS PIPI o PooL / H. D.W.V. WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING NG O INSULATION TUB o o FINAL tr tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr o tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL [eeenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED / ' - r''> ./oerc 4-"5 -7/ lNSPEcroR