HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 7 LOT 36 LEGAL.pdfTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Job Address. . . Location Parcel No..... Project Number APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit €: M97-0163 123 BEAVER DAM RD VATL VILLAGE FILING 1 2LOL-071-12-001 StaLus. . LOT 36 BApplied. Issued.. Expires. ISSUED oe /oe /Lee7 oe/17/Lee7 03 /70 /leeB JERRY SIBLEY P O BOX 340, JERRY SIBLEY P O BOX 340, MALLINCKRODT MEHAN MARIAN PLUMBING MINTURN CO 81645 PLUMBING MINTURN CO 81645 ELIZABETH _ TRUSTEE v - TRUSTEE, 500 N Phone z 3038275736 Phone z 3038275736 BROADWAY STE 2000, ST LOUrS MO 6 Valuation:29 ,950 . OO Fireptace Information: Restricted: {Of Gas Appliances: fOf Gas Logs: {Of l,lood/Pa l, Let: i ************i*******i************************************* F EE sul lARy *******t********ff********#***************************** Description: ADD SNOWMELT BOILER l.lechan i ca l---)600.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--).0O Totat Calcutatcd Fccs--->.0O Additionat fees--------->Plan Check---> 150.00 DRB 755.00 .oo tnvestigation> .0O ToTAL FEES----- uir.r car,r____> i.oo iiilii:;;;::_:_:_:___:_i trt:B8 ***************t*************************************i***************t*************t********************************#************ Iten: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:09/10/1997 CHARL,IE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS It6.rni'.05600 FIRE DEPARTI'IENT Dept: FIRE Division:09/IO/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL ]. FIELD INSPECT]ONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHEqK FOR qODE qOMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE ].991 UMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APP],IANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 UMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND 703 0F THE 1991 UMC.6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.B. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRATN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. ********r.*************************************************************tr*tt)t*!ttt*'"-n DECI,ARATIONS t I hcrcby .ckno$lcdgc thrt I havc rcrd thls apptlc.tion, tlttrd out ln futt th. intormtlqi rcqulrcd, co+t.tcd rn .ccu?.te ptot pl.n, md !t.te that .tt thc into?|.tlm prolrldcd.r r.qulrcd if cor?cct. I .9r.. to GoTty ylth tha lntora.tlon ard ptot ptm, to cr+ty utth ltt Tot.n ordlnlncar.nd !tat. tanr, ard to boltd thlr rtructu?c .ccordln! to thc Tounr r rmlng lnd.rSdlvlsldr codcs, d.slgn rwlGl, rpprovcd, lrnltor. asl tdlng cod. rd othcr ordl|rJrc.3 of th. T6,r! rppt lc.bt. thGrcto. REOI,,ESTS FON I SPECTIOI{S SHALL 8E rAD€ flaE TY-FOTJR HorrRt $r IDV ICE 8Y TELEPInftC AT 47]21:18 0n AT orJi OlflCE FRofr 8:q' A|| 5:00 prl stct{ TUFE of o{NER oR 00 rucTol for HI|$ELF AND Ot En **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: RBC-0325 Arnounti 753.00 09/1!/97 10:32 Palment Method: CHECK Notation: E25284 Init: LRD Permit No: M97-0163 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No! 2101-071-12-001, site Address: L23 BEAVER DAM RD Location: VAIL VILL,AGE F]LING 1 LOT 36 BLK 7 Total Feea: This Payment 753.00 Total ALL Pnts: Balance:**************************************************************** Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL TNSPECTION FEE 7s3. 00 753.00 .00 Account Code 01 0000 413L2 0t 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Amount 600. 00 150.00 3.00 I hfrby .oknovt.dgc thrt I hrv. rc.d thl3 rplication, flttrd out in tutt thc info .tion rlqulrcd, corptctcd !n.ccurrt. ptot pta!, Ird 3t.t! that rl.t thc inforntidr pFovid.d.t r.$rircd l! corr.ct. I !9r... to co?ty yith thc inforntion ard plot plrn, to co?ty t ith rtt Tor r ordlnsncos and stetc lrra, and to bui td this ltnuctura according to thc Toun's uoniru rnd suHivisioi codca, d.3lgn rerricr, lpprcrrcd, lrnifo fti tding Code end othcr ordlnancec ol thc Tanr rptic$t. thercto, nEQUESTS FOn I SPECTIQIS S]l LL BE l|rDE IllEIrY-FqrR ffiURS IN AgV tlCE BY IELEPllOtlE AT 47921!q 0n AT drn oFFICE rnoi E:@ Ail 5:lp P SIGI{AIURE OF OUIIER OR CSITRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OIINER PERI'IIT 'I t APPLTCATToN uusT BE FTLLED OUT COMpr.,ETEr,y oR IT litAy Nor BE AccErrrED x******r********************** PERMIT TNFORUATION *********************** ******rl [ ]-Building [ ]-plunbirng I l-E].ectricat f(J-uechanibat [ ]-other rob Nane: [14llr r0J{Job Address: Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing LIVISION: ohrners Nane: fl,Address:l3 Architect: General Description: I{ork class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration f-^l,aaitronar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units.. 2-- Nunber of Accommodation Units: f*"t and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances- Gas Logs_ I{oodlpellet_ lf********************************* VALUATTONS ************* ******************** BUILDING: $EI,ECTRTCAL: $OTHER: I I\rlAIr: rAq. A-Sp Address: Mechani actor: Address: ******************************** FOR oFFrcE usE ******************************* Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLIJMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAI" PERUIT TEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: r.fEcrnNrcAuf7EFF- CONTRACIOR f NFORIT|ATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Pbone Number:ll^z \tl -4own of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. BUTI,DTNG PI,AN CEECK FEE: PIT'IIIBING PI.AN CHECK FEE:I'IECHANICAL PIAN cITEcK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI,E:AN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI.IIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATT'RE: NO; CLEAI{ I'P IIEPOSIT NEFI'TID lU: b d 1^$ % 3 g E z B HE EH 3E I Potio 266 sq. ft. See New Mechonicol Room Plon. Potio 189 sq. ft. lne J onifold \ \q NOTE: Cleor oll existinq droins (typ);:: ' ROAD C sondl \t q -a c \i+ .o!t(D c)c|F B$9 rirl!6l6| e oo 3 889 T5 a a T tt 3 {sB :sg ggg $ s 6 E € E o a }{o HZ iH Ed o2 EE BH l' \ .--9 *s ".&go * u t--+ -? \-;+-o 6Q ,-$s Review owNo Projcct Name: Mehan Project Description: Heated driveway, walks and patios. Owner. Address and Phone: Marian Mehan Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Jerry Mallikin,2076 Vermont Road Projcct Street Address: 123 Beaver Dam Road Legal Description: Lot 36, Blk. 7, Vail Village lst Parcel Number: 210l-071-12-001 Building Name: Commerts: oO Action F F VAIL a a ryn T o Des orm Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: Secondcd by: Vote: Conditions: ffi#;l p^,/;f,e- '/ tz^uule pa'n r)fi^ 9'/ inrel' n{ rmL Ut" Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 9-9-97 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 TOl./fN OFVAIL oo Qucstions? c"lO #r,., Staff at 4?9-212f'l APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIBW APPROVAL GENETTAL INFORMATION -Ilris application is lbr any projcct rcquiring Dcsigil Rcvicrv approval. Any pro.icct rcquiring dcsigtr rcvierv ntust rcccii,c Dcsign Rcvicrv approvnl prior to subnritting tbr a building pcrrttit, Fot'spccitic intbnnatioll, scc tltc stlbrttiltal rcquircltcpts lbr.thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc applicatiott catltlot bc acccptcd trntil all thc rctltrirctl illbrnration is subruittcd. The pro.icct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Cotrncil and/or thc Planning alld Epvirollrcntal (lommission. Dcsign Rcvicw Bourd approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final appl'oval unlcss a builcling pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. \r? /zl ). DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: LDt I , d4.'a' Lr. C. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PFIYSI(:AL ADDRESS: FII-INC: D. D. PHONE:----------*rl...........-+- O Wn* E R(S) S tGN A'r U RE(S) : NAME OF APPLICANT: PHONE:42r ) V.-) t TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: D New Construction - $200 Constnrction of a ncrv building. D Addition -$50 Inclurlcs any addition rvlrcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or conuncrciitl btriIding. O i\linor Altcration - $20 Includcs rrrinor chungcs to builtlings and sitc irrrplovctttcttls. sttclt as. . rcrooling, paintirrg. rvintlorv ltdditions. larrdscaping, fcnccs altd rctaittittg walls, ctc, E Conccptual Revicw - $0 For atry application whcrc thc lpplicant rvishcs to nrcct with Desigtr llcvrcrv Board to dctcnlinc rvhcthcr or tlot tltc projcct gcnerally conlplics rvith thc dcsign guidclinc.s. Thc DRB docs not votc on conccptttal rcvicrvs. DRBfcesarctobcpaidatthctinrcofsubnrittal, Latcr.whcnapplyingfbrabuildingpcrnrit,plcascidentity thc accurate valuation ofthc project. TheTown of Vail will adjust thcfce accordingto thc projcct valrtatiolt. PI-I'ASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS.qi'TO TTTB FEE TO TIIE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN'T, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL. coLoRADO 81657. pARCELH: )tO | - 07/.lA @l(ContactEaglcCo.AsscssorsOlliccat9T0-l2li-u640forp:rrecl iil ZONINC: NAME OF OWNER(S):rl'.',.,1: MAILINC NDDRESS:<_.f'f^,,/1 (,./ ,{.;l u2 Ll. F. LOT: ''e" Bt.OCK:-]-- MAILINC ADDR o z F =g, UJ o- (n uJ uJ lJ- tr =E UJ r6 ahArr *t --zbl lrl4, N cr')c! z ll N L1 <d F v)a t&',iE toZ tr<bd to =o 6z luJ IF l6 gJ F |r F tr F z : z z o ul F z z 6 J .o .6 o z_z E llJ z 3 o UJ I F o z lt lr| F z o o j-oc a;* 9r EEHEt € 9:g "e iEiEi lEEiE E"; E"t i SE;eJ f E=9! !EE:g ctO'-.:--C= c) U, E gtEt€ iBiiE tt) + E E Itl o z o !o Y UJ o z E F o TIJ J uJ o z = J o- J 2 qJ uJ tu r!z 9 uJ E r|J o o 3 UJ uJ z 6 ul F UJ z atl X F uJ (t o uJ ul tt F = IIJ o- F o z J o F uJ J uJ z o =.J 2 UJ :E NO|lVnlVA la tBl IX I}( x>{ 3fr z z u-=t O O Oi,) ;e=ge et E:lr<oq i<ig EE iNO' N =E I IJJ to z tr .J I (, o-l ttl o- F lr o-U t z E o o >q X z tr ul J 3 uJ z =z :z 9sa <o o< =H 8c;<z a z .. Oz do 3E OI uJ f, .J a uJ z Y i 2 o tr 5 z o o (E o J J i F X X X X F o i z !) J o z Y (E 3 o IJJ o il i-l zl zl .. >l ul ul uJ z tJ) = ul o-) z I tr o I & @ Lr) @ LO (/)z Fl z IJJ tr o dl o ?z o F o- lrJ !. uJ dl i c\l 'o\Fo' =*E uJ (n aL 6.| *>(JO >z (L> g, Cl (J ,z lH H u.r 2E z oP €zea coo d =Z t'1 -) I > =P ff !trEI : "38 =tft A;E b = uJ b E3 2Z E<o. l €fr B9 Ek '9 CE =>>JF =lrJ-E FE E =*i 6b E io-'E ;=Eu{o-i !tr Iu to o F --- E =E,lrl o-z o F ()f E F (n z o C) ai. I el el 1l <l >l .iI I Or .v Or F{ I .if o z d lu E J a l! z 3 o F H ts Fl t4 14 t-l rd ts H B = tr t!l ol zl il I I I I 9l cil utl EI il bl El c ol ltJ FI F, t-l o z -)tr F 4 v 2 H |l H E ii =z dt' -) N Ot o\ I \o F\\t I o- Fl H F (J lal Ft F4l at >l F4t <l vt al ()t I zlH F{l rq F1l >l F <<t lq El q :41 rt El :l =t d fit g Ht&-rl d Hq ae 4A E -.1 O <F GC)ur<zE LUF o C) J 9 E F () UJ J g. 2P g3 ]F d5 C) o G ir g +8,Ft-o2 T-rFnrl LJ b<J L_J ''',|"' iraa, INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL t 'lY',,'.,! 7\ i-.1 CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR 'f i'1 ..7-\"1y)READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING --. r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr N FINAI N FINAI ELEGTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH,O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR D Yrrrunu tr FINAL APPROVED O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED a;; ) CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR . ,, i'."; '; 'DATE .l .f)l o]cI ol 0Jl ol '-l 8l >.1 "l tnl -I lzl ol ut uJ o z z o J (o .6 o z z o I I I I .o:H Ql5 rD1 Frl I I I I L-l ro:LI E cot < -'= url =.dO E<olo .Qz \i \- $l \i=l19 di! aD IJJ UJ t! E =E ul $P?h -lP r .o (,g- h S F o,t t\ at q)F l(!ts E S (l' E (! o E o o o) E o E =l d o o.o.(! =.9 c) oc 6.9 6& E lt' (lg'oP B5 -o Fs P:E o-::s P'o (!E €or t=:6 o-N Esr O-c oB oo aF EE fo Eot -.=EP .uo co €H Ee .YO -:=oE E.e EE '5o >-3 o-o of ()E oc e6 o-o(,):;:'(E o E6 '5E xo tro c..2 .-E =o.:,:'E- b .6.,. cL ,_ a'o(E €o =€;>c9 '- o. '.t C O.O o6 og 5O cc .- fo) o-(! SE at?Eg -(B E;oTt L-E gct i;-co -E (oO oE g, (6 ;E o.!9c t(g OE >9 -o 0,9a OE r-o -o U'l!1!IL tr =E uJ .L J F o F .. >l uJ o uJ IJ z (t, ul z E 2 F a z (t)F <F 2= fio }E tl tl * lJ 'Y l-ol : t:l ; l'-l -ol oa rtsl ol ;El Z u- Ll O O rdl .t z-l ; o(dl - o_ .l fi3 dil fr'*-1 (5l luJ z ho-;.o 'a1, o z>oi)<)2 r!<oq HF -5 rJ)c! Or rr) e c lu z E o z E c tu F tl tl ll tl t3 I qrl l:l t<l l>l I tll lol lzl Eil I I .A rol r.{r{lo elF sls Gl r\ _rl * >l rr-l ol 3l c ol ul FI F' o z d t!G J ? lt o z 3 o F tl tl I tel lct I ujl til tzl d3l HPI z, t ! =o = +, an +)N (o = lo l!o t@ .l (\r cj I I >ll\<llN F\}\sH++) r\t i rr,l - I I rr)l (f, I .-{ | I t>-az.ul d a!>dz, J <tr EO (u ro &. o o = =t lt. I I <l stl r-{ I F{l I 3l HI _rl <l >l t!l ol zl FI tn !(u P +, Lr.l I L (I, (u o, U' .t1 E I .l| o t tr- +t ! t- -v,(J (6 = iri z cl o -) E ir g *&F o2 o E, -rO <F E()LU<zt I.IJ F (42 o o F C) uJ F -() G o z E =E uJ o- -I z ,rP =e coo =z JO (L tL "dg AEfi 5u1 E 6E= D!! E lll o- ll-o E9 E<cl €u E9 !ir 5E E dL E 5E : =o-i 8a 9 Itn E XO,E ;t Eu{ €= uJ dl o F -f -nnn I.) @ g) rl c)o !u F 6 uJ F U) co o a z o F o-lrl Y uJ dl o F tr =(r IJJ o- l!o o-o () I uJ F o z ts =E lrl o.z o F (J :)E 6 z o () Arrlit..r.t*185 Fifih Avcnuc 212 777-2A50 WILLIAM A. l\lr.l)( tN( )1.(;l I AIA J. vooDsoN nAtNEl'. JR. AtA 28 December 1984 Pepper Etters P.O. Box 868 Edwards, Colorado 81632 Dear Pepper This is to conflrn that I have reviewed, at the site, the layout for the electronlc security system as proposed by Jeff Hamilton of Securlty Consultants International. I hereby authorize you to erter j.nto a contract with SCI to iniciace thls work. Hovever, I mu6t have a copy of Harniltonr s sketch" so that we can more preclseLy locate elements that will be exposed. Once we receive that drawlng, lre will transfer the lnformation to our oqrn drawlngs, wlth dl.menslons, and theu return them to you.A\that tirne, SCI may proceed wlth the work.A\hat tine, sc Verf Truly Yours /-1 Rainey, Jr. Hanilton (SCI) HGff $tG[ntIY [0t8t|tnn8 1tlnilfinril JOB a SU RVEY Ma\\i,.rk-.Jt \-\ o.^, -. .^r"* *Do'^ -D""J , [ )".\ , C.(.' CONTACT u,.-r",,.'o./ ?n,^,-.1 (' zrz- t?r-za';o) COMPANY ADDRESS PHONE 1 SQUARE - FT. S"-s |try Ir v a:\\v I I oi :l "q ' dt'-/\ F-_, f:coe"oqt Y DRAWING , I I I sutto l+ iil tire fl n notdv 9z / ''' SPECIAL INSTALLATION rNSrRUcro\?,ru DRAWING CODES: PBE AMP MICHOWAVE INFBABED HOLD UP SAFE CONTACT FLOOF MAT SHUNT SWITCH RATE of RISE SMOKE DETECTOR lip lototul pletE l-cplcorurnol plruel Fi|] DooR coNrAcr F;;I DoUBLE DooR CONTACT [6EElovEs11E1D DooR In HU sc Fll sw FR so HGff $tcl|nril c0$t|rnn$ ilftltfiloll] JOB I SU RVEY htl*cc ttCLBoor l]auc ;-COMPANY ADDRESS CONTACT PHONE LEU€C_ JT.rof c3 € L oa,-, DATE OF DRAWING DRAWING CODES: PBE AMP lffilvrcnownvE I oil otctrnu purE lcp lcoltrnol pnruEl F;l DooB coNrAcr [6rcl DoUBLE DooF CONTACT 1 SOUARE _- FT. rr I I lill- ll .,/\ Lg_IINFRARED lfflHoLD uP lr" lsnre coNTAcr liil] rloon urr FwISHUNT swtrcH l-RR I RATE ot RrSE l-rTl suroxE DETEcToR SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 16fr61 OvenxEnD DOOR il,," JOB a SU RVEY YIA+u r r:cE Pd 07- ,,u,r-r,r**ffp $GI ffcuntil 80t$utnffi llllnmll0illt COMPANY ADDRESS CONTACT 1 SQUARE - FT.PHONE WbAn { 1-- ) ooF t-*. uPPaz ca-ueg P DATE OF DRAWING DRAWING CODES: PBE AMP [-n?]utcnowlvE @orcrrel elere l-""lcorutRol pnruEl l;;l DooR coNrAcr MDOUBLE DooR CONTACT INFFARED HOLO UP SAFE CONTACT FLOOR MAT SHUNT SWITCH RATE of RISE SMOKE DETECTOR f"t IHuI E E E @ E lSfr6lovenHenD DooR SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: rNstctoN REQUEST VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF t' I ,-i {-'--].- i ! JOB NAME CALLER INSPECIoN: MoN ^ ruES wFD t"(- @ - AM pM ? 3. Exrr r ,..i i)rr i'1 {,. ci . BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING Fr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr EI O FINAL D FINAL ELECTRlGAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUFT D SUPPLY AIR 1 Q; tV( r -,tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPRoVED .,.,::" $tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oo'. 'r'- '- t/'y''' rNspEcroR I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT r'!/ .. /^'DATE i_,, .1 -, JOB NAME i H'1r1fl,, /?( s INSPECTION REOUESi vAtL i t lr a READY FOR LOCATION: TUES -_Y',o. \AM, PM j ) *.pi CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER " pLYwooD NAtLtNG E GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NA}L"- ,-*\ tn L,ALk'-( O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR 1L4C- ,::..I {1,--r c t t REQUEST' VAIL I li .t PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME READY FOR INSPEGTION:MON INSPECTION I ,t.- I i'',( {- ,'t8-,YYtt t CALLER :)i LOCATION: BUILD!NG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR F APPROVED , CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oerEY'" f- m INSPECTOR PERMI DATE I INSP 1.1" ,, | "li 'j :: JOB NAME T NUMBER OF PROJECT EcrroN ReeuEst'' ! \TrwN oF v READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUNO tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E D trFl tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: EI HEATING q_BottcH O EXHAUST HOODS tr tr tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR FINAL E o FINAL _{APPRovED /'. CORRECTIONS: a tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tffil vrl ! NSPECTTON REQUEST, ,i.;i"to*N oF vAlL t, DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION: . MON-,t _ \-- .:i I ''..4ott"ou.o tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLU[IBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL DATE INSPECTOR , I ,rf Js * REQUES1. : . PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT VAIL ./. ). /:>u T 2 ij*-, INSPECTION TOWN OF .!'-f il | (. L I JOB NAME CATLER ,orc i'/;/f( READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: 6N /::"----4@ ""WED UR FRI I ll) tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: YorsRppRoveo REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION T] POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ,1 t/,', o.,../ /' 1' D^rE ,/2^ /' /6 rNsPEcroR ..1'.r,ll ,. C i'j; t INSPECTION REQUEST TowN oF vAtL t )t I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \ .,\ DATE \..t-- . - \i JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI AM ,'ro*-].- CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr t'r,ruor-f-D FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR o o nANar E FINAL IPPROVED RBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED B REINSPECTION REQUIRED rrl INSPECT ./0j;5 ] PEfiMIT NUMBEB oF PRoJEcT INSPECTION TOWN OF 'l !- REQUEST ''I VAIL I .I r. DATE ? Xd JoBNAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER - ,,I' MON TUES WED . THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOrlriGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ O ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEME. POWER MECHANIGAL: D HEATING \\-\tr EXHAUST HOQDS tr SUPPLY AIR Ed-ppnoveo -zl -\-.... CORRECTIONS: -- tr DISAPPROVED ON REQUIRED DATE /z- /s fr,INSPECTOR I 'i ,Y; PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION TOWN OF ..' neouest VAIL ! t t JOB NAME CALLER TUES p41E | 'L li (, READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: r".. WED THUR FRI AM F6 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL E\FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH EI EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR PROVED RECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECT o J o. a, o o E o z o 4 F o o c !! ! * r?I , ? = E\;r5;f E =zi1ai ;€i; E.x ! Ei:: c i,i!i:I ?6:iii EI i;.iE F :=€ i.;. E !-E l.: l= :i; €; i = g'- -.i ' * a;:-:! --. l=; a-€8sa:l =:: E ! I *i ::;e; t\o Ol o1 4 o ! rIJ = I F o t\(o z o! (7t I d. .o +J c (u E' an (u &. x o 5 o +,E _!4 o ao = t z rr1 trl (1 nl.; ^F-urB 9t)<>x \kJ-ri rt A Bie -di n<\J YAF r+. v t\:og DZ: ,-, \ ir #.aE isz ,a=Q op: c.\\J >bf r!\- FTUTJ <s<=L! f- EJ oa 14 ca \ (a f.1 olr z tlJ F- i- ^t t- -!{{H:;F<Y ot;l=z l*>Q"9 Slrjr-q=Hp -'Frr-a \t,r' l{ ilto>i*FP -.-Y\< HFTX \JFNV - t{rrc(X - F>oy 5!HE ?.F-Y: FSSF tl{ts -f. -rF rF tFa k a tl. Oa FR EN F iF rF a H .f- F :?H -a .aJ a F it{ =v ll- -FT t (F?tl |e ts\d,LI F ia a *lr H La f\sv fH trt a. rFa trt f-| IF if. flJ t|.l h A. € (o o! EO ' o 4 v ,1 .? 3 ( 4 f # '6 e t ' o z z o J f o c5 =l .UI !rd 6' 9 .t e <,E lv)o'= PtE E'e trlg I \$ol \r $r .N IL!'\lk ,N t\ll {l \l \_lrS |jiE '\9 ,/44 o o o o o o (n UJ uJ u- ts =E llJ o- fr 4 P ,f ,, I I P o o <\l (, (Y)L l.o C, r-l PO UJ L) cL v!E o!P.6 =o-E =L!t c@ rd (o o@ (JX o ECO L f..PO (l,e.o- .o G =o.o. G q)E o =(D E o =c l o () o (! ; .q) o (l)c-6.9 VrE !t!c-6c)o9 9i5 -a (6a -:o E:O o.: SE .6d -E EE 5o =.=>5 Ftr 8E eF E.A fo aPl Ei (!6 cO 33 6ar tri if gE _c= o-o E.e EC '5p a:Eo ()! oc !(5 (l'-oo FE o E6 fi Ub :--.;B F.:g-x6 GO cL '- tt,oo €; =i ,i't c9 '-o d6 =o(E ortr so iE .: 6) -Y-oO P6 -- -c cD +' Eg Ho OE LC Qt6 ic -c (5 -E.(6o o.g H'E drf E3 o6 ;E (o! >.9 ll o) 9rE. OE r-o -o lJ) N (f,sf (t) I,IJ uJ t!t =E uJ c J F o F .. >l o uJ o IJJ lu z a F uJ c ) z 9 tr o o o zz tr-6 !1 q t EE 6 uro 7^6:l!<oq Eg FO <ol z.o F .L f o o o o o o o o z, E o z a E UJ J c\l (Y.) I to g rl tl t.-l 16l tcJ I - l--t I 8t I .r.J i .l El ol .ql zl tol (ul ujl PI GI (ol Jl =t <;t Bl lzl E=l 501 rdH I I I dl =.1 ol uIl il t al r ro rt)r{sf I <t]lf O) I -l rl <tl ol -l .l ol z.l ol Hl JI il zl FI (J L P () (u l! t, UI o E =(I tr o-(Y) r.o 2 u 0 ll 2 J q 5l dl (Ul -l d q -ol =l r-l o-l d ol :s orl trl *ll Et I et I -!zl . I ol pl =l tr1 |'Fl l-el .sl a Fl +Jl6.r .!l Nl$r =l-18 -cl =lr-{.|-rl I (tjl -l>".1 d=Nt t4. =l H=-J3 eaE z4:'E() II c o FI o o Fl = z. . n c, +) tr-) t't (Y) I I d -l nt 1 ? 9 g I g I =l cl trt co (a o r{I io (\l Or ll tl l-l l=il .l-r I +)l-rl U|t I ,gl el $l g -l il ":l 3l gFl ii =z dl o -) o !+ c) =+E FF Oz t -.r O <F G()ur<zt t!F t.1 Z,o o )&<o C)F =()HE 4> 9P s3 fF d6 o z -() ul z r^=zr dro =z JO (L u- z1l =uJX dd= E!! E H l! E9 E<a-l 6 (t)ne e9 !a EE :> =l!:-E 5E : Eo-i 8a 9 Etn E XC E ;'au{o-i !E H o F trtr8 ,"' o z t ur.=FUJ OO-dl o -z o F (L lr|Y lrJ co o F F CE t!(L u-|ool > col o. \{ 8El tol Pur '^F 26 E =g, UJ o-z 9 F () :) E, 6 z o (J l,larctr 4, 1987 Joe trlorris Toun of Vatl - Btlildtutg Departrnent. 75 S. Frontage Road l{est Vail, O 81657 Dear Joe: It hes been brcrglrt to <rrr attentitrl that the C of O for tte Mallinclcodt reeiderrce on Beaver Da Road, Pemit llL67O, has been issued mting Pemit #1985. Can yor corr€ct the permit runber on the final apprwal or rrill I new appro\ral process be neceseary? Very truly yours, cCI{yRu3Tr0'I PE:cb1 Encl. SOOUotlsH€Ad Mall r Vail, Cotorado 81657 o Telephone (303) 47m$0 t or Xr O ITUV ,tst$toN ^ tt f \ d.-(-( r A C,<- a T9WN OF /h REQUEST- VAlL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oete I v INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER ruEs @ rHUR @ FRI AM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING - tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n- ELECTRICAL, V MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST tr tr 0 ROUGH HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D- u rrD/nL tr FINAL {///,^o,eo ]OARECTIONS: B DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT rNsPtctoN TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 3 PEHMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR FINAL O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR .\(5 PERMITNUffi INSPECTION TOWN OF THUR FRI REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER \-* INSPECTIO N: \i'\o BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND T] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION B SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL CI tr tr {rrilnr-,: .'*FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o FINAL JPPROVED RRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR I JAMES WIESENFELD & ASSOCIATES I F5ff#P#,.:ffilnr,,,o,nn J,, /\ S'l''&YJ[ll€]Vork,,507 .K! n v' l21,2llt!.!',% Au / \lY April 2e, 1eB5 U,\" t ' HcDonough / Rainey, Architects 135 Fifth Avenue [ew York, l.l. Y. 10C].C Gent lemen : The subject structure was designed in accordance with the Basic Building Code (B0CA). Since the snow loading for the Colorado area is not defined by B0CA, we presumed to substitute the requirements of the New York State Bujldinq Code for the requ'ired ground snow load of 75 pounds per square foot. For a snow load zone of up to 90 pounds per square foot - on a roof slope of 45 degrees - the required design'l ive load is 12 pounds per square foot. We felt that the h'ig preclude layer ,accy u,qy truly/lor/E,/ ja,u /11 ,(,(l/l y'nnes D. wIESENFELD, f nf sma I 'l qi_q!th, had a wind exposure that would s of JDI^l:mab EncI . 1. Snow l'lap and Snow of New York State ?. B0CA Snow l'!ap P.E. Load Requirements Building Code i:iiiit il;:F EEi $i::ii;; ff i::=::: E€Er;!: : E! ;:iF:i;:*i iEF oro€cro6aF6a(o (9ro|.tto!?tqtctGl $*i 8tt8E3$88 o a !- iCtGrOOtaF€Lt qrcitc:lC|tq{6rG|?F o !(l o B- €E =.s o c Stttttrse !O()rt(!lOlF ooooooooo FFrIF-FFlOCt Q OOOOO!o. ;g;FE I g;E;EE ii EE iE:; ii :58ff8 ili :lEi:iiisil' a I I !t T I I I I t t t t F I lc iir I L a E a 6 $ ! E t ! i gl it 6E Ei .t F EI Ei EI il I t I g l t Gi Ee Ei:6 ?1 gi it og 5 3 t;o9 t 'l |! E o c E o a t - t G bs oO 8E clcrcroctcl I I T E c E t E at!ti|aroo C'! oct.|dlroc r-rrr- i. I FR88Et R h5Bef8 c,33e388 E} $E; s gseeeaRSS a tD s J c E =3 ah o N o qt s t g o o o E 5 z Fisg:SgEiE iiiisfui,isigl $E i .. j r _i*,,.,.; ", l:- . ,,,i i,..":..'r,,1 -,.,ln !c I t t TE a. E g =E E 5r F-, FE FE gB :=E =gF -ECE Ptsl--.f E-E= EE GI g == E a E - a ff;$aFgF€i ffigi =E e F9 Eg Sao E--..:-E -ll gE 9g xf 65J id EA tt G).rcl E E E e g to iE| & C G .!tt ID !l o 0 a oo at o I c R E & !l c C! : a' -l R 6 0 o (\. t9 a o e a it: @ r !.. 3l CI o tE {f .t FI'E Ev= d ;e=e !s 9 9:r :gE;E*Fs E- s:se* EEE€€ €;F€ ss ;gE€:F c< EE€ E*€ s €g€ F gaPa SsEs E<f 6 CI rE -l oE - at- -ct €e -I =- =E = !?s l' !4tr € iE c, ==a o.-.lt -l)-g '3€ Er3 i €i d r-A i=€3 F! 3; E€-;3 EE iB g3 E E .E...8 E : f! 5E ee $i=g; *EE Architects VILLIAM A. McDONOUGH AIA 135 Fifih Avcnue Ncw York City J. VOODSON RAINEY, JR. AIA Decenber 12, t985 Torn of Vatl 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 Nerv York 10010 2U 777-2850 RE: $ Mal I inckrodt Dupler Lot 36/Block 7 Vail Village First Fil ing Attn: Kristen Prltz Dear Ms. Pritz, I have received a copy, fron Elizabeth l{allinckrodtr of your 28 October 1985 letter to her regarding your position uith respect to the reflective quality of the terne-coated stainless steel roof installed at the above referenced pro5ect. As you know, thls naterial is designed to rreather to a non-reflective rarn grey color. In order to achieve a uniforn color and texture, it is nost desireable that this process be a natural one. t'Jh I le we have investigated acceleratlon procedures and other coatings, we have concluded with the nanufacturer,that this interference could cause an uneven and undesirable appearance that could renain for nany years. I agree that the condltion of the material shortly after installation was extrenely bright. However, a visit to the site this week has confirned that the desired neathering is proceeding rell. A protected original sarnple was placed against the eristing roof, denonstrating substantial change in color and texture. Slnce I reallze that this experinent can yield a sub5ective concluslon, I suggest that you arrange wlth the contractor to conduct this test yourself. I believe that you will see that the color and texture non energing is as stated at the 21 Septenber 1983 Design Review Board neeting, and that it's current appearance was not 'nisrepresented' at that tine. Pl ea Very let ne kn of your concl uE i ons. y yo. Jr. ters llal l inckrodt Eliz Morgan Douglas NOTES FROM LISTENING TO THE TAPE OF THE MALLINCKRODT ROOF DISCUSSION AT DRB ON SEPTEMBER 2I, I983. Lot 36, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Ajan Tafoya presented the application to the Design Review Board. He stated thar the roof weathers out to a richer grey. The color djfference gives it a nice texture. He also stated that the roof has a low reflectivity. One member asked Allen if he thought the roof was compatible with other roofs in the area. He responded that the color is very subdued and nonreflectjve. Morgan Dougias was at_the meeting and stated that he yJas concerned about the glare of the roof. 41 1en Tafoya said you need to imagine what raw lead would Jook like as it begins to oxidize. The color will be a rich grey. Baldwin asked Tafoya to clarify the length of time jt would take for the roof to achieve the dark grey co1or. Alan stated that they couid probably speed up the process of the darkening of the roof. Alan never did specify exactly how long it would t,rke for the roof to oxidize. Iat lnwn u 75 south trontage road Ysil. colorsdo 81657 (303) 476-7000 October 28, 1945 Elizabe th Ma Llinc,crodt 244 Brattle Street canbridge, uassachusetts b2t38 CERTI FI ED Dupl.ex, Lot 361 Block 7r Re: Mallinckrodt Dear El.izabeth: llage lst Filing Over the past four months, the Comrnunity Developnent Department has received several' conplaints from neighbors about the 6hininess ot your new metal root. I have gent you ietters on June 4, as weLl as .luly I and at this time have not received any corresponcl- ence trom you. In the sp1rit ot cooperation the Community DeveLopment Department and your neighbors are requesting that you clo some thrng to the root to try to speed up the oxidation r"rhich wiLl in turn make the root a darker grey. I lr.stenecl to the minutes ot the Design Review Boarcl neeting on septenber 21r'1983 at which your project r^ras given final approvar. Alan Tatolal representing McDonough Rainey Architects, stated that the root rrould be a rich grey and have a low retlectivity. He also stated that the color is very subduect and non-refLective. He compared the color ot the roof to raw lead ae it begins to oxictize. ft 16 ctear that the root does not have a darl< grey color at this time. I have encLosed a photograph vhich shotrs the condition ot the root. Your neighbors have stated that the roof shines the most during the sumner months vrhen the sun is at its hrghest point. Thereforer the photo does not truly show the roof'a extreme shininess. In factr one of your neighbors, Morgan Douglasr wds actually at the DRB meeting and stated that he was concerned about the glare of the roof. It was at that time that the architect statecl that the root hrould Look Lrke "rar.r 1ead aa it begins to oxidize." The Conmunity Development Department feels that the color ot the root r.ra s misrepresented at the Design Revien Board meeting. We asJ< you to consr.der this issue and its impacts on adjacent neighbors. f strongly encourage you to take aome type ot action that would decrease the glare ot this roof. Perhaps there is t sone type of treatnent that you speed up the oridizatlon process.you rould elther give ne a call or your opl.nLon on thia problen. O could put onto it that would I would also apprecl.ate it if write ne a letter coneerning Slncerely t. .tt I n I V, I V IL-'l n\n€fi^ ,hrnY l)ll) la,\ llr rL Kristan Prltz fown Planner KP:br Enslogure 9c: lfoody Rainey l.tcDonough Ralney Archltects 135 5th Avenue Nev York NY lgqlg 75 aouth tron'..=E rcad uril, cololado :--62 (303) 47&700a July 8, 1985 KP: br ofllce ol communlty developmenl E'l i zabeth Mal I i nckroc-- 240 Brattle Street Cambri dge, Massachuse---s 021 38 Re: Lot 36, Block 7- ;ail Vil'lage lst Filing Dear El izabeth: I understand that yg!_ =-g considering painting the roof with a paint that would stil- =llow the roof material to become weathered.I wanted to make sur= --rat you understood_that if you are itrintcing-of painting the roof- :ne paint color would need t-o Oe revieweA by the Design Review lard. Please let me know ii -.cu wou'ld like to schedule your application for a Design Review_lc=:-d meeting. If you have a'ny-queiiions,please give me a cal, - Si ncerely, -mfutf,r!" Town P'lanner 75 3oulh fronlage road vell, colorado 81857 (303) 476_7000 June 4, ]985 olllcc ol communlty devetopmcnl El izabeth Mal I inckrodt ?40 Brattle Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02.|39 Re: Maltinckrodt DupIex Lot 36, Btock 7, Vail Village lst Fiting Dear El izabeth: I am writing to inform you that the community Development Department is somewhat concerned about the appearance oi ttre "obi-rut".ral proposed for the-dup1 ex. The contractor ii'in the process of putting the roof material on the hous.e. It has been broughl to-our-.atil;ii;; by severa.l peop'le that the roof materiar is very ;hi;t. --w;-;.b;;;iini'tnut the roof material witt eventuaily turn a darfgrey Loror-d;;-i;-;;;;hering. However,the.weathering_process wiil need to oicui qurte ripioiv.--ii within six months the roof materiat is still a shiny dirrin*'ioj;;, ;;" staff wiil need to discuss possible plans. for piinling tne rooi.'-itre-co,,rnun.ity Development Department hoies thai thii wtii ;;i ;;-;;.";;"y. If you have any questions, please give me a call. KP: br Si nce re'ly,v.l 0. t il!ThI$S Town Planner t P ;I t t t r. lnwn n |ltl 75 Eouth lronlage road veal, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 I November 1984 dgparlment ol publlc work3/transportallon CONTRACTOR OWNOR P. Etters Construction Elizabeth Mallinckrodc P.O. Box 869 I West 67th Street Edwards Colorado 81632 New York, NY 10022 Locati-on:Lot 23 Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing; 93 Beaver Dam Road Thls letter ls to requesE your asslstance wlth mainCalnlng access on Beaver Dam, Rockledge and Forest Roads. As you know, there is considerable con- strucEion occurrJ.ng that will continue throughout the winter on Ehese narrow roads. Snowfall accumulaEions, along with resident parking' can further narrow these roads to the polnt that they are impassable. The Town plows need to maintaln access for all energency vehicles. There are two pick-up locatlons ln thls area for anbulance serving Vail l4ountaln. We requesE that you assist us in the followlng ways this hrinter to alleviace poEencial probleurs: l. Please 1lnlr the number of enployees who drlve Eo the worksiEe' Have your employees meet ln a less congesled area in Ehe nornlng and carpool to the Job slte. 2. Observe all traffic slgns regarding parking. 3. Please remove and do not place construcclon sice maEerials, debris and vehicles ln the Town rlght-of-way. Any obJect ln the Town road rlght-of-way ls subJect to removal by Town peraonnel lf it lnpedes traffic flow or snow removal. Thank you for your asslstance and cooperatlon wlth these measures. All residents, guesta and property owners w111 benefit from a safer and more o 1984 efflclent roadrtay system thls ulnter. Please contact me if you ltave any questlons or deaire additlonal lnfornation. Slncerely t /k LETTER TO CONTRACTORS AND OI{ilERS I NOVEMBER Beaver Dan, Rockledge and Forest Roads PACE 2 Stan Berrynan ' Dl Department of Pub lc t{orks /Transpor tat lon SB:Jd cc! Curt Ufkes, Vail Dlck Duran' ValI H. Pete Burnett, Steve Patterson' Po1ice Department Flre Departrnent Superlntendent of Streets Chlef Butlding Offlcial l.' Subdivision Lot Bl ock Filing 1.Submittal ItqU '| tl Vtu- vtccac{g(o Topo MaP Site Plan UtilitY Plan Title RePort Subdivision (ltot Acceptabte) .?-rtnt*1C & (A (B (c (D (E (F |tilEEBlIE-9uE.K w I (Acceptabl e)+# -- (A) (B) (c) (D) (E)Agreement (if apPlicable) :..**d-------_--- - --- 2. tnqineeriqg Requirements lll ;ll[*r'llio. rur '*,f 3. : Source of U!!'lities El ectri c Gas Senet' I'la'uer Te 'l ePltcrie T.V. 4. Cornnen App'oved: f/t/*| /ea Di sapproved, y1 V Bill Andrc:"'s TRANSMITTAI IETIER The Rilti Farbrerslrip Achitectsec. trffisiiAlA PRoJECT: f{ALLrNc K pour KEst ugxlgp- to F^ 7alt) N Br(AtrN o? v,+lt- ARCHITSCT'S PROIECT NO:&zo7 TO: ,./)DArE: 1/z /*4 (f' lf enclosures are not as noted, please inform us immediately. lf checked below, please: ( ) Acknowledge receipt of enclosures. ( ) Return enclosures to us. ( ) in accordance with your teguest FOR YOUR: ATTN: WE TRANSMIT: t7'rd herewith ( ( ( THE FOLTOWING:- .: y/1 Drawings ( ) Specifications ( ) under ieparate covet vaa approval ( ) distribution to parties ( ) information review & comment yd rccord use ( )_ ) Shop Drawing Prints ( ) Samples ) Shop Drawing Reproducibles ( ) Product literature ) TI:rLE- I<?-DOG.T coPrE5 DAIE REV. NO.D€SCRIPTION ACIION CODE A -glrE-pr-*rrr ./ g F*&K tN ? : PhcLg, AAI p drtltrT Lo c"*f , o N/ "S ACTION A. Action indicrled on itcm tfulmitted COOE 8. No .ction tequil.d C. for sign:ture rnd.rcturn lo thit oflicc D. for 3i8n:aurc rnd forwarding rs noted below under REMARKS t, See RTMARKS below RIMARKS (wilh enclosures) tr o o o tr COPIES TO: Chk'd By- Town ol Vail Bulld tr }IIESENFELD AND iT,I ProJect SubJect CONSULTING ENGINEERS Sheet t{o. 511/ 2'/' 64 /?tA t L /.lc E &, oafl' fuusL ties. By JD'Yt/' Chk'd By Foutlalfuo^/t Da1p FED, 2, t261 , -f:-- -a--.:O: :. -:.. ,lri . ; nl '.<, :. '. '.. ?- ' ,.t ' 3)9': ' .' EPN€ PpLLEa /r,/Ia 'r : aU',DqRAaE Ar'4tt :,: alt il : ProJect-o03e Des. By j:Ir.Ul'Chk'd By- Date WIESENFELD AND I4 EAST 34 STREET LEON . CONSULTING NEV YORK, N. Y. IOOI6 ENG l2t2t INEERS 683,5 | ta DAVID \YIESENFELO P. E. JAMES L. LEON P. E. JAMES D, VIESENFELD P, E. March 8. 1984 Mr. Steve Paterson Building Inspector, Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colo. 8L657 Re: Mallinckrodt Residence - Vail , Colorado Dear Mr. Paterson, As you may know, this office is providing structural design services for the above project. Unfortunately, there has been a delay in the processing of my application for Professional Licensure by the State of Colorado. I have been informed by the Colorado State Board that my application is now complete and will be acted upon by the Board at their next meeting on May 15, 1984. I currently hold a Professional Engineer's license in the following states: New York New Jersey Fl ori da # 57627 # 26946 # 33537 A1 so, members of this firm hold Professional Engineer's'l icenses in the follow- ing states: Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Indiana, Missouri, Mary- land, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Texas. It is our expectation that the Iicense will be granted when the Board meets. James D.|.liesenfeld, P.E. L \2 o, 3 o o !.l 9.o * c, l-,no 6(o o0, €'o to 98 g9 TrO -rJ 9.o or-:b G' o o F an o o o 0,5 : 'n t (o v o UI o.o.. o o tt . ot oO 9 * ? P aa t = O = d:=9 : n r 69 g Fr Y='f L' = = -, 1 0, > ='o'; { dl _i. T -; E .+) 0, .+d ; P0'r iJ tJl o -.<o 0,_-t o8 0r; -t r& oo{o'n'nIS9==gil ?alsrFiqqiaiE ool,s+6q.d6-o-;;.-rfJa=.rolo{a€l,5m i:oo='-t 6cr--or1 o=g='|/oi'qx o^)ag. o 9.4 <'r Io .i Ul :. g o o ! =o 0, o t o o o 9.(o a F o o € ls =ln gs or5 n3'8(o n(.,|) o 0, 3 o o,!q o o .i o. 9.g o o o. o,-t 'o g. o o. =o o { f,. 3 o o o 0,-t lt(D r ZZ=1g>a7 =o=l06 =no i F+ 6 n9 6 6q (,-l IF vm cm @ul ]n @ o 0,5 o g z o, 3 o 2 l8 a I'-r lP s 15 :t(o =. IO al; otl +*li*lilflifli ' | | I' I3 -t 0, Equffql =il'*laqx m iol= <l€ ro Fol=ol=o EFls sF; i.l Fl s 8.1 5l q. ldl f 5' a o x lo l5 Nlf t3. t? u,l-l-N'l"l-l-l"l- t'=lu|u|uHt;L.-tuTuIeIf $fl* fl o 0,'t !o o a o o o .t 0, o o .l o,:. o o -l o 0,, o o. €o o o o o .l g. o 0. €o o o o o. 0, -5 -It g. f o o =o o o o g. o o = o o o o o,- !g. o 11 € o o. o o o.o -l g. o =o o o. o o o.o tJl o o -o =o o t o,-t ! 0, o -t f o .t o z C g o n o (,l o o 5 o g o g : o o c o q o o,o. o o o f 3 o, o .l g o o o .t o, -;o o J o,.| 'o o, o - o .t o z z I o o F (, -t oI o o o o o ro o o 3 o f.o U} o 3 o o t € =o =o 0 o f o (o .v g. J.o (r,gl l! !D I z o € o .l r z : o o o N' tv {\t { I N) @ tr o I Project Apptication Of conractpersonand rn""" AL-t#t,\ T+R>Yp1- Owner, Address and Phone: Proiect Name: Proiecl Description: Architect. Address and Phone: Lesal Description' t-ot 3L , atocx 7 , rr,^n y'/ /sl-- , zone - Commenls: Design Review Board seconded av, ,freSf L4L l:' ,.ffiil)q-_-- ---' Q *'t 9\Motion by: oate Ah€+--#fi,'"rr.l- 6{fr-'7 - ",3 ,trr 2.t, e DISAPPROVAL p1,6et 4 t*lO44 Summary: AfT4txtrx)te tt,;Lr I cutu,t+a 7it 6 ' ,<:,JtLS Rf-:PnAr I EN()tNf-/: A0> F$u,.J*A , r,^]s, E statt Approval oo 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 ottlce of communlly developmenl September 28, 1983 Alan Tafoya Rouff Partnership 500 Lionshead Mall Vail, Co. 81657 Dear Mr. Tafoya, 0n September 21, .l983, the Design Revjew Board approved the Mallinkrodt Duplex. The approval is for a primary/secondary duplex with 3128 GRFA jn the primary unit and 2043 in the secondary unit. Al'l available GRFA has been used. The Dpsign Review Board gave their approval with the following stipulations:/.r 14ive, instead of your parking stal],s are required.v{ower all retaining walls to six feet from finished grade; Va1l rety{ning walls within the front setback should be a maryifrum of three feet high. "1ne diiveway and stalls must be paved with asphalt. /A foundation plan stamped by a professional SltgiJlggr shall be submitti:d along with a title repo before a building permit is issued. Si ncerely, 4/4"- 7- un(saire Design Review Board Town of Vail Vai1, Colorado 8i657 JS/rme .o ' rt^ *, Tjt di;14"r 44* a*ttunV.lt j-(Mk'T:: , nru - .n,d- Aa^qld .zf/'d-y r: /: /.4@tLf E:Y"t:- , / u oz)rtiA,"-,;L le"^* izbU.e.,fo et/*tt-, I/ ,-+ta)l*.n) L. +!".i 'r[onn.-. Lt/t -/'be-u,1d-&L )t,t,r' i, r;z covz\-: u(4(44-a,uy rc at//v ?rryzas*{, '4,i"guln,, r(.t u- -/z--/4/./, -"c-o"r/"./") a fi4f"o^t fr/ +/, a lrz -a ,^u , -luo u7. 4t-u , -t-,n)rt<t- dzti-,!{ F/:: }fi*ffi'^ ;:" : :",ryZ :;:i ^ -y',,)ab-&,t^t r( o<4a;4"-l l',/ t/'tfiltzlL .'',Ir t !:t/"2. -7,.&. ',,0 h<r)*1.2 #A 6-n-"tp/*aztt' Wd* /,,"^ t,Lr-t fu-r-. fr tpq,fuJL-', h-c- at-^-_ 11-o/infr-.- tr /-"2" o-.4, J/Ut./,- 't24,"; *aZa,par*C"-P4t"^ L**, -fu^L l" -b^L 'i !.tu 4, fP ulrr*p"*kit d-44- ?*ry/2 ie"it",{1 /iL,-/-a*,k i"" d,n t tt'Uy'i-z t/.# ,,4 - /ua+ Ltlu a-*L -,LzL -f/,- [uo'J"*art d'//4-/i ,/ r.,.<- -f/r- /ua"J,Va? d-,//4-/. rr.tt- a/zn.<z( '/T/LAJ 4,-lt- Vvrt//.r,.4.,rf n / . f) /A ffi/h'nn'11{10 fuuPt o S.(covzL:" fteuza-^E ftt e-u/l, Azz 'Ort*a*.t ,-'94 //* ,uu-i.n Lpo* c4/'L/L futtu- ;t/"n u:alr-+ /tta"'- y" /[,* P""/ G-A c'd"-'-t''--t lWi h rlwt;p. P!*"- -zuaJu- ,e-L'Ltr-4.-^* ido-* dr64 !"t-V 't^*a."-, ul{ ,Lqttrt/zcilcrT l' uil,t ( -- La't{* /u ir'r*\<rn di /-nt/t /r-n-,,'t t z,t J e* ldu uaz4r' At tt,,fzu/4d,*g.caiu- fz+t/--.<' o laz+*-t/- a- -,/r-('uo4'rry -{ o:h-u 7 ii . ,1 '17v-^L-#^) fa'L'rf^M iry t"Li" 44 Mu4,'. ':{,ioroq.t\* / .- hwn 75 louth tront.ge road wll' col6666 31557 (3O3) 476_7000 i9i Al1en Tafoya FR0M: Jim Sayre DATE: September 9, l9g3 SUBTIECT: Mallinkrodt Duplex .. ofllco of communlly dcvclopncnt Lot 36, Block 7, Vail Vil'lage lst The zoning plan check.has been completed on the Mallinkrodt duplex. Three items did not meet the requirements of Vl.ii;i-zoning code, l. Southern unit is 7 feet too high. 2. Five parking stalls are required. 3. Driveway must be paved with asphalt. There t. 2. are also some items needed in order to comp.lete Where are the retaining wa1 ls called for in the Materials'list is .incomplete in that it does not called for in the wetlahd study. Locate construction boundary on site plan. Title report is missing. Locate utility taps into residence. the appl ication: wetland study? list the seed mix 3. 4. 5. 70iii fiir.cK for SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Des cri pti on :Lot U-Block 7 Fif ins l/4t- t t4$4- tsf ffrJAtRM Archi tect tp@t ra\t/ arrrEl/RuofF Lega I 0wner Zone Distri ,t 'Pf S . Lot Si ze 29rio'l $ Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear Water Course Si te Coverage Landscapi ng Park i ng Credi ts : Garage Mechan i cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Storage Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental,/Hazards : Comment;: TryUN. orz (/2f ?-t2 ND. Slooe Actual Aval a nche Flood Plain Sl ope /* -- r4Pa,5_ UT1LTV /av44 - 4zrQftanl 171rzs . /r{P p$-s,r'.a*t Proposed Use Al I or"red (30) (33) 20' 15' 15' (30)(so) Proposed "68 7*1>' ,/_____1_ .2 o z{ (3oo) (600) (eoo)(1200) (161t rool tf ttsot Qoo)(fo) (-;;'*, ooo,^ouzyo6'), 4ltln>Date: - \ aOtAIrL car.isifz2-r-2nsnr fB+$ c>6[ S.TE O*)r-J.t rr)'JH 4;PrDvT f40L pJartU ublic r I l'+" h'^^rtCW US Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District 650 Capitol Mall Sacramento, CA 95814 Public Notice No. 8299 Date: August 19, 1983 In Reply Flefer to: TOWHOM ITMAY CONCERN: Subject: Application for a Department of the Army permit to place fill material in wetland adjacent to Gore Creek, as shown on the drawings attached to this notice. Applicant: Elizabeth Mallinckrodt, 1 West 67th Street, New York, New York 10022. Location: The project is located along Gore Creek and Beaver Dam road within Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West, Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. Purpose: To prepare the site for construction of a primary/secondary private residence, also to enhance and create wetland area. Proiect Description: The applicant proposes to place approximately 300 cubic yards of clean, granular fill on 560 square feet (.013 acre) of wetland as base material for the building's foundation and floor slab. Additional Information: Application has been made to the State of Colorado Department of Health, Water Quality Control Division for certification of the project. SUPPTEMENTAI INFORMATION: Potential For Wetland Creation: Two areas suitable for creation of wetland are present on the site. One is located in the extreme southeast portion of the property where fill apparently was placed in a depression during earlier adlacent construction. The other area is located immediately northwest of the proposed structure. In both these areas, excavation could lower the ground surface to a point where subsurface water would provide sufficient persisting soil moisture to support wetland species. In the case of the area adjacent tothe northwest edge of the residence, topsoil would be salvaged piior to excavation; in the fill area no topsoil exists presently and topsoil from an external source would be needed to supply approximately 6 inches of soil. Following excavation, retaining walls wou ld be constructed to keep upland materials f rom slough ing into the created wetlands. Following topsoiling, the area would be seeded with the following seed mix: Rate (Pure live Seed Ounces per 1,0(Xl Sq. tt.) 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 These special are commercially available in the small amounts required for this site. The area would be broadcast seeded in the fall (after 1 October) and lightly raked. A light straw mulch (25lbs per 1,0fl)square feet) would be applied. tlo PKcfWrT^",t/ctjfts4.Due by: September 19, 1983 Species Grasses Calamagrostis canadensis Deschampsia caespitosa Festuca rubra Forbs Achillea lanu losa Agastache u rticifolia Goodyera oblongifolia Heracleum lanatum lris missouriensis Smilacina stellata Streptopus amplexifolius Common Name - Variety Northern Reedgrass - Sourdough or Alyeska Tufted Hairgrass Red Fescus - Dawson or Pennlawn Western Yarrow Gianthyssop Rattlesnake Plantain Cowparsnip Rocky Mountain lris Starry Solomonplume Twisted Stalk 'spedu!! lpluauruor^ua lupf,rr!u8!s ou aq llr^r araql 'uollpnlp^a ,{.reugug1a.rd rno uo paseg 'lseralu! tt;qnd aqt ut aq ol puno, sr aJuenss! sll sselun patuert aq 1;tal ttutad op 'aldoad aql Jo arElla^ puP sPaau aqt'1eraua8 u! 'Pue uotpnPo.rd poo; ',(ta1es 'sPaau i(traua'41;;enb .ralem'{;ddns ralent 'uollearlar 'uo;le81rreu 'esn puel 'uolluane:d atBUeP Pool,'sanlP^ a}llPl!,r,l PuP t{sl, .senleA Jljols!q 'suJafuof, lpluauiuoJl^ua ;e.rauaB 'sJrleqlsae 'sf,lurouo)a 'uolle^rasuo) aJp asoql tuoue jpareplsuor aq 1;ra,r ;esodord aqt ot tuena;ar aq ,(eur qf,lt{^t srolf,pJ llv 'sluaurulap alqPeasaro, ,(lqeuosea.r stg tsule8e peruplEq eq lsnu lpsodord aql uto4 anJrre ol papadxa aq {eu {lqeuoseer q)lqm llraueq eql'sa)inoser lueuoduJqo uoupzlllln pup uolpelo:d tiloq Jo, uJaf,uo) leuorleu aql palrer llr^r uorsrf,ap reql '(gg7 pe6 X119p) uy aqr 1o,{l!roqlne rapun 'Vdl 'rolprlsluru.tpy {q qlrol las sau!laprnB 1o uorlerr;dde apnlf,ur l1^r uollenle^l '(ygg t Xn €e) pV rateM uPal) aql Jo tgD uo1pe5 ;o llttoqlne raPu n tseratu; r11q nd aql uo ltlngDe s;qr 1o rredurg aql ro uollpnlele ue uo paseq ag lll,\ l!ul.tad p anss! ol rar{laq^ uols!f,ap aql 'pazrJoqlne lrom aql ol luasse lelol ro etels tulurelqo 1o i(lgssarau aql ale!^qo lt saop rou'suollelnta: Io s/$El lpf,ol ro alels 'lerapal 1o luatuetul.r;ut ^ue ro'slqtl.r etenud ;o uorsenur to iuadord ate,r;rd 1o &n[ur r(ue aztJoqlnp lou saop pue sateprrrd a^lsnlf,xa lue.ro legraleur Jo alplse lpar u! raqlla stq8rr iuadord lue an;t lou saop,{ur.ry er{l ,o lueuluPdag aqt {q panssr t;ulad y 'tu;.reaq rrlqnd e tu;ploq Jol suospal aql '^ltrelnf,lued q1m 'alpls lleqs sSulreeq ct;qnd:o; slsanbaX 'uolle)lldde srr{l raplsuo) or plaq aq tuueaq rrlqnd e teqt af,!lou s!rll ur parpads polrad luauuroJ aqt ulqt;m'tu1t1lm ut 'lsanba: {eur uosrad luy'C86f '6f requalda5 eloraq ro uo sluauluror ualllr^ llurqns ot pal!^u! aJP salued palselelu; 'uollenlena r(leu;r.u;;a.rd ,sdro3 aql uo PuE tu?rrldde aqt Iq papnord uollPulrolu! uo Paseq uorleulurralaP srql aper! seq .raaugtu3 Dlrlsl6 ar{I 'le1qer{ lprlllr) rlaql ro satrads para8uepua ro pauatearql i(ue pa11e lou p;no,u r(t1n;De srql'peJe lluJJad aqt uJpatero; aq leul sarrnosai lsJnlln) u^ oulun {ltuasar6 'papalre aq plnom qrrqal agqrt!le sp papuauurof,ar ro pals!l raqtla sere;d ou arP araql pue pa^\a!^al uaaq aneq stuaura;ddns llrltuour sll pue saf,pld JlrolslH 1o ratsrSaX leuotleN aql ,o uolsra^ paqst;qnd lsalpl aql 'B6,ll-E Z (699) euoqdalal ro l0Slg operolof 'uolpunJ puPrg 'llL allnS 'PrP^elnog speorssor] ',glz ,arr;lg Arore;ntau uorpunI puErg rno peluor aseald 'uo;ter;;dde s!ql turPrEtar uolleuiJoru! raqlrnl roJ 'tulpeas 8ur,uo1;o1 reai( aqt 1o tul.rds u; parupld aq plno/\ >pols {:as.rnp 'laal arenbs 969'1 lnoqe 1o eale ue eulnssE aroqe palltrads sqnrqs lo Jaqunu aql raeultul plrlslq t)'Puolof, swvnltl 3 unHruY raPll ParrJaq-Pau ^loll!M ulPlunohl /rrolla^ tv\oll!l urElunow Pau ^ oll!M ulerunohl MoIIM urats anlg lrolanbutl ,,{gqnrq5 alIJns,(auoH A:raqutml poorrntog la!so-Pau raplv lPalurt{l arnrd5 an;g opsrolo1 arrEN uouuoJ pazlrauleluor tupue;d lo sueaul ^q atls aqt or stulanerg 7 l)ul I suagnd'dss esourarer r"r.*Xff: 'ds xr;e5 euP!ralnof,s xllPs Plsrorr! x!lps psortl!nl, Plllrualod PlPrJnlo^ut eJaf,luo'l eJat!uolols snuroJ Prlor!nual snulv sqnr{s sua8und ea:16 saarl sapedg :parue;d aq plnom turirtol;o1 pappe aq plnoaa saoads ,(poo7y1 6628'ON rfrroN )l'l8nd o-of)ds v z z z z 9 7, € E z /l \ ,eqrrnN \ aql 'lf,ols rfuas:nu E86l'6! tsn8nY 7 \.1 b rr l$ EIiE 'Esi $ I .4 ;'e ft{ap; @ r^n \g^^J aa-at- D t No. 8299 I : o (l M.e o U j g llJ 3n il E V 2 J J = Z d 6 g {r z. il d s $il fi o 6 $+f{e $a* lt* Hil$ pfl* krfi R F F e f, $e bh TW $H E $ Es r* $$ 00 '-{ O.ri c{ O jl lirn aJ F- C) OF- ! .n trtrxu o CJ (!F O|.-@F O .rlO.oXO 3(J o< OC) dr^Fl-{ .Fl E 'i r+ .'-l O .r1 or') (d d .(!F)NQ;'O.> l'{.-{ O 0, F4 CN d .'{ .rl r^ ! .1 r.J!r- O tr.1 C0 !J t!'rlX!o o 5F 6 0) O.O z a (l4..Ji $cu o F.r Fr . F-l laFlrigF r-r (! li .Fr '--rOO;dF- u\O .!Nl.r OCtt'o 'o< o !.1!0/.b0.-r 3 (!F{ > .Fl >>tr A IJ 0)lr r! o0 tr (! E 4 9u !.E @(, z 3 F kl z H z F) iq EHi9 FFg fi\f^T e o -. t-l z - z t tu{uldv roN r-"'r:dC)tjFju.)w 'E4A OP.P O PFt oO0r $o a o Ff, o >rE ('FF 0coo {Ft =@utFl o P:'€trr.'nP. 0i (,do P. 11< rJ E o<{ts.ts.€5 !E ts F. ,O O o !o o 4 o Fh< €ori I o r.t o rl]F n t-l pr { P F € o P { :< rf { 1 lt ss lu x $t >.lt I {T {t a D I r$ |R IF F F I Ft o -t n rT P. D.r :.'7 4'o €o 0) N \"] \' ! I :l$i - /l$ 8,,'' lti o, lt 4la i I I I t l-.4<'':- cr= R- IN ;t:-R rc .rtr\l ll ,/ i :s?',/t|.-tl ., ! O !F I l5Ol.Jt ( i 4"f;'t x i ii3iil,,''' r \'l o D P// d5D, iiitff$f*l $frfutgl*--f feft'* q t d- nSStr -ir i |tu' WT, i,1,lffi iffi /;H''$;r ;rW '# l3,i;i7,,'r- ;(.,')ififl Ti,,W,," ril-f F) ]} F I n srI lli I tl \ 66Z8'oN I a Regulatory Unit 4 U.S. Army Engineer District, Sacramcnto crqssroads Energy Building, Suite lIl 2784 Crossroad 6lvo Grand Junction, co' g$of* a Q oz) a(3 -/raf THIS IS TO ACKNO$I.EOGE RECEIPT OF YOUR APPLICATION FOR A DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT RECETVED IN THIS OFFICE ON 9a.,2? ^t /qg ? : - youR rppr_ rcol oN HAS sEEN AsslGNEd N$IBER tl2 fT . pLEASE MAKE REFERENCE TO THIS NUMBER'IN CORRESPONDENCE TO OUR OFFICE CONCERNING YOUR PROJECT. SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING YO!,R APPLICATION OR PROCESSING PROCEDURES, PLEASE CONTACT OUR REGULATORY sEcTtoN, ROOM oR CALL (9t6) 44O- O. A. DENNIS CHIEF, CONSTRUCTION- OPERATIONS DIVTSION oR CALL (9t6) 44O- sP( I rof,r | 9O MAY 8I Ptcvious cdi ti ons atc obsoletc ACKNOWLEDGB,IENT OF ARMY PERMIT APPLICATION REF,T1f,1 TOWN DF VAIL,, COL-OR'IDO I T /. ,. ..J',VI LA/A3/97 tZtE:OS REGUESTS FOR INSFEf,TION I.,ORK llt{EETS FOR t Ii::/e3/97 ==============--===========g======::===': r,::====;:=====-=-====.:::=================:t==== Activity: M97-O163 1PlP3/97 "fype: B*MEf,H Status: ISSUED Constr: ADUtr Addr.ess: 1;:3 BEAVE.R DAM RD Location: UAIL UILLAGE FILING I LOT 3A BLK 7 F,err.ee I : Pl rlr1 - rZt7l* 1e-AOI Deseription: ADD SN0WMELT BOILER Appl icant: JERRY SIBLEY FLUIYIBING trhone: BE7- 5736 HALF - WILL CALL CHRIS -887_5736 Act i on Comment s I F,AB,\ I AREFI '\ f,D Occ: Use: F,hone: 3r2r38P757.36 Owner': MALLINCKRODT ELIZABET|-I * TRUSTEE Fhone: Contr.act or I JERRY SIBL.EY FTLUMBING Frhone: 3€t38E75736 Inspect i on Reqr-regt Inf ormat i on. . . Requestor": CHRIS Req Tine: tZtl:OO Comnents: ttlE$T Items requeEted to be Inspected.. AO39O MECI{-Final Tine Exp I nspect i on Histor y..... It em: rzroltzro MECH*Ror_rQh Item : Ulail4r;l F,l.-MB-Eas F,ipi.ng Il/ l4/97 Inspet:tor: ART Action: AtrFR 1O P$I AITEST t5 MN. Item: OO31O MECH-Heat ing Item: OtZt3i:fi MECH-Exhaunt Hosds Iten: fiO33{r MECH-Sr-rpply Air Item: tZt034ttr MECH-Mi sc. IAIAA/97 Inspector': CD Action: AtrtrR SNOI^,I4ELT DECKS AND l^fRLKs Notes: ZONE I 60 FSI AIRTEST ZONE e 6A PSI F1IRTEST ZONE 3 6OI F'SI AIRTEST Item: OO39A MEEH-Final ItEM I IAIZ'E.]B F IRF_FINAI C/fi M :), -- rIt ot chen and associates coNsuLnNG cecirecxntcll ENGTN EERs lCaio.lta o|.lXl|molt rOa.OOtOrAOOat.ot S/ra&r'a3a a_ Job lib. 24,078 SII AID ECTINDATTO{ I}ilESTIC,AtrICN PROPOSED RESIDENre, IgI 36, BIOCK 7, \AIt VIL.IAGE, FIIJIG I . VAIL, CoITRADO hepared Ebn: RDff-lGnt$Drttt 500 Limshead tlall Vail, O 81657, Attn: IGn lEntr€rttl June 16,1982 oF lccl cAtrtt . cocoiaoo atitxor . oGrvla . talr tat! ctw i- I I I l oo TABLE OF @NIEIIIS cstcutsloNs S@PE PROPOSED EISTKffION SITE @{DITICNS suBSorL @NDlmqls TOUNDP(fICN RECO&,IENDASICbIS ITOOR STABS SI1E GADIT{G I'NDMDRAIN SYSIEII'I g,F8'ACE DRAII{AGE LIMTTAI'IOE oo I I 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 FIq,RE 1 - IrcATICN OF' EIEIORNIOIIT ISf,ES FIqJRE 2 - IGS G' EPTORACOT IOLES FISJRE3-LreEND&IPIES FIqJRE 4 - GRADATTOI TESI REST'I.ITS TABIJ I - SJI,IIIART OF LAFRAITOFIT 1EST RESULTS