HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT A CREEKSIDE CONDOS COMMON ELEMENT PART 2 LEGAL.pdflrt*V@"fr r PtbSB /Crak",itc Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 t€l: 970.479.2139 tax:. 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: Creekside Building ExteriorChanges Project Description: Participants: OWNER SWITZER FAMILY LP 12970 E CAPE HORN DR TUCSON M 85749 APPLICANT MARK V, HALLENBECK PO BOX 6345 VAIL co 81558 223 E GORE CREEK DR VAI_ DRB Number: DR8050528 10/03/2005 Phone: 719-499-5248 Location: INSTALL COPPER BEAM CAPS, PAITN BEAMS (BLACK) TO MATCH EXISTING TRIM ON BLDG. 10/03/200s Project Address: CREEKSIDE CONDOS Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Lot: A Block: 58 Subdivision: Vail Village Filing 1 2101-082-1200-1 See Conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 10/05/2005 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued towa rd completion. Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Planner: CRtrk-stlt JL. /J)tlA F4K/ of.laff zo/s1 /,"ry'U. Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 November 8, 1999 SENT CERTIEED T4AIL. RETURN RICEIP Mr. Charles H. Rosenquist P.O. Box 686 Vail. CO 81657 RE: Multiple Planning/Zoning, Building Code, Fire Code & Health Violations at the Creekside Building, 223 EasI Gore Creek Drive. Vail. Colorado Dear Mr. Rosenquist: Our files show that you are the owner of record owne r for the Creekside Building, which is located at 223 East Gore Creek Drive in Vail. For some time now, the staff at the Town of Vail has been aware of a number of issues conceming the condition of the Creekside Building. More recently, in conducting a final inspection for building pcrmit number 897-0251, the remodel of the Gore Creek Grill, the Building Safety & Inspection Services Division and the Town of Vail Fire Dcpartment discovered many additional violations of the town's minimum safety standards relating to public health, building codes and fire codes. The violations of minimum adopted standards and regulations that were immediately apparent are listed as follows: 1) Sen'age Ejector Pits. There are two open scwage sumps located in the bascment. According to plumbing and health codes, these sumps, which are part of a sewage cjector systcm, must be sealed by a gasketod cover and vented [o a location above the roof /Sec'. 710.10, 1994 UniJbrm Pltnnbing Code (UPC.)). In addition. sewage ejector systcms that serve areas accorrmodating the public must also be equipped wirh dual, backup pumping systems in thc event that the primary system should fail (Sec. 710.9. 1994 UPC). Therc are signs that raw sewage has overtlowed into the bascmcnt of the building. This is also a potential violation of CRS 25-l-107(m), which could be entbrccd through thc Watcr Quality division of the Colorado Departmcnt of Public Health and Education. Plcase notc that this violation alone could result in an order to r,'acatc thc building until such timc thal this unacccptable conditiou has been satisfirctorily'corrcctcd. 2) Unlarvl'ul Construction. A plywood shed roof structurc that rvas apparently constructed on the cast side of the building somctime last year rvas built without the required DRB approval and without the required building permit and in-progrcss inspections (Section.r 106, 108 and 109, 1997 {,/niJorm Building Cocle (UBC).).In addition, it is highly unlikely that the Ljniform Building Code (UBC), as adopted by the town, will permit a combustible,, non-fire-resistive structure with unprotected openings to be built in such close {P *""'uo 'n"* Please respond in writing to this letter within thirty (30) days, or by no later than December 10. 1999, with a detailed proposal to bring the property into compliance with the minimum public health, safety and welfare requirements of the Town of Vail. If you should fail to respond by December 10, 1999, or subsequently fail to implement an approved plan for compliance, the Town of Vail will have no recourse but to order the affected portions ofthe property vacated and to take legai action against you in order to achieve compliance. Of course, legal action should always be a last resort. The Town of Vail staff would rather serve as a resource to work with and assist you in meeting the minimum health and safety standards that benefit all of the town's business owners, residents and guests. -/227':"'='.-,-" Chief Building Official 479-2321 Chief of Planning 479-2148 Mike McGee, Fire Marshal 479-2135 Mr. Charles H. Rosenquist, 1't class mail Bob Mclaurin, Town Manager Pam Brandemeyer, Assistant Town Manager Tom Moorhead, Town Attomev John Gulick, Fire Chief Russell Forrest, Director of Community Development Patrick Hamel, Environmental health Specialist File, Permit #897-0251 Legal File, Creekside Building Dominic Mauriello. Printed bv Dominic Mauriello /08/ee 3:47pm From: Domi-nic Mauri e11o TO: BLDGDIV GROUP, PLANNERS GROUP D I sulcj ecc: ftrd: creekside bui].ding y_=_ 44 14: +7 /=- :::;;;;:==:==::::::: ::;;);;);;::;,;;;;: \==____z The roof over tfre extserior deck ac trhe core creek eri 11e/creeksi-de Buitdi.ngf was approwed by btre DRB. The wa].l- and door to tstre area were not on ctre p1an. I tshink ghe poscs were suppose co be ]-argfer than a 4)<4 - so, from a DRB perspecLi\re che wall and door need to be quality conscrr.rccion and made of sometsttingl oEher ttran pl].wood. The wtrole trtringr needs to be painted tso matsctr the fascia on tshe remainder of tshe bui ]-dinq. TLre a Lr.rcco on t'fre who]" e eas t wa]- ]- needs to be paintsed to match tstre reaminder of uffE vurfsffrlJ. A]-]- of the stsorag'e on l}.e deck needs co be removed. E}Ie 2x4 rs on tsLre ou.tdoor dininQ| deck need Lo be remorzed. The deck rai-1s and fascia need to be repaired/repainced. Fwd=blz: =ceorge=Ru !u}]er:1_2 /O8 /99==J: 47pm=Fwd to: Dominic Ma\rrie11o A copy of tshis information p]-aced in t,he propertslr f i1e wou.1d be tre].pflr]. - Page: 1 ,*ffi E-maif Address: ll',' t<O lh*t*rlw*ll* Fax: /2s- ?1f,/' ,tae1 Type of Review and Fee: O Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Construction $650 tr Addition $300 fl Minor Alteration $250 (Multi-family/Commercial) tr Minor Alteration (Single-Family/Duplex) ( changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request .19UD For Office Fee Paid: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee Construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. An addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window addiuons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee /.FLI OCT - Conceptual Review Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Deslgn review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. DescriptionoftheRequestz TNgf*hL CoPlqz }aqwr rrdtS, ht-Z &,aw< (&,xt<) In t tt?l^ ewtrrn}. Tvlua nr^'ilf,ltho ' ' Location of the Proposal: Lot: A Block: StA Subdivision: Physical Address: Parcel No.: 2Ot- 0tZ- tl@ - t (contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Phone: A?+ 7h -/!tC owner(s) signature(s): 'tn *d |,trmg" Name of Applicant;nlnUz f{rA.tqr^r**ztZ Mailing Address: cnect tlo. :-.,p21-- Bv: DL!|yS-,) f? Y f+******fitto*a*lltffa+aararitlt*tl*****aa+tttaa*tttfataaaaa*aa++**+a**a+aaataaarr**+rara+*r TOMOFVAIL, COLORADO Statcmcnt llt*+*+++aaallllallfff+*l**+****a****f*l}a*+rrtafttaaaaaaa**a*rara*aa+*at****t*t'lta*r*a*****t Statenent Number: R050001633 Anount: S20-00 LO/03/2OO5O4242 PIN! Palment, Method: Check Init: LrC Notations #L2?/MARK v ITALLENBECK Permit No: DRB050528 Tlrpe: DRB - qhg to Appr PlanE Parcel No: 2LOL-O82-L2OO-L Site Addreee: 223 E @RE CREEK DR VAIIJ Location: CREEKSIDE CONDOS Total Fees: $20.00 This Pa)ment: $2o. oo Total ArrJ prrta: $20. oo Balarce: SO. OO at*+*++a***llffllltlftlfllal+fffa*++++l*aaflfl+lff++a+++t+f*+a'***+++++'sflttalafllllafllattll ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account, Code Deacription Current PmtE DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGilT RE TEW FEES 20.00 PETER & NANCY SWITZER 12970 East Cape Horn Drive Tucson, Arizona 857 49 (October-May) Phone & Fax 520-760-1615 P.O. Box 405 Wolcott, Colorado 81655 (June-September) Phone & Fax 970-476-2781 Cell Phone 520-403-6930 October l,2005 Town of Vail Vail, Cduado 8_1657 Sirs: This is notification to you that Highland Builders has been hired by the Creekside Condominium Association to renovate the east stairs to the Creekside building. It is my understanding that the Design Review Board has approved the renovation and a building permit has been issued. Peter Switzer President of the Creekside Condominium Association 9p " d9; ^ff xa : Sst- i$Hi $$fi38 UJ t =(L (L a o z U' =l Z l'- a Eg + .x- r-r * ujx TJ IIt H () F rv \i3c* X ctdur= e?59 Hb9: SUNS a (J c, -I .o J IL E uJ a a o CJ =ul o l I I TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW STAFF APPHOVAL \ DATE: r a 5 u-t [J STAFF: Va,z Vitb'1.6t,;r1 t /t56 7 v IOIilV#T Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: CITEE(SIDB CONDO[NIrr]rS elnty STAIR DRB Number: DRB050193 RECONSTRUCTION Project Description: RECONSTRUCT AND REPAIR THE CREEKSIDE CONDOS EXTERIOR ENTRY STAIRWAY Pailicipants: OWNER SWMER FAMILY LP O5IL3I2OO5 12970 E CAPE HORN DR TUCSON M 85749 CONTMCTOR HIGH LAN D BUILDERS CORPOMTIO0 5 | L3 | Z0OS Phone : ( 7 19) 520-5 100 2598 Palmer Park Blvd. Colorado Springs co 80909 License: 208-A APPUCANT PEEULANGENWALTER ARCHilEC[S05/13/2005 Phone: 970-476-4506 P.O. BOX 1202 VAIL co 81658 License: C000001401 ARCHITECT PEEUI-ANGENWALTER ARCH[ECIS05/13/2005 Phone: 970-476-4506 P.O. BOX 1202 VAIL co 81558 License: C000001,101 Project Address: 223 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Locauon: VAIL ULI.AGE STREETSCAPE Legal Descrlption: Loe A Block: 58 Subdivision: Vail Village Filing 1 Parcel Number: 2101-082-1200-1 Comments: SeeConditions BOARD/STAFF ACTTOI{ Motlon By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By: Vote: DateofApproval:06/01/2005 CondiUons: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007141 The applicant shall install a minimum of a 12 to l5-foot tall spruce to replace the exisitng spruce proposed to be removed prior to requesting a Certificate of Occupancy. Cond: CON0007142 The applicant shall coordinate all construction activity with Scott Bluhm of the Town of Vail Public Works Department, who can be contacted at 477-34t8. Cond: CON0007143 That the applicant shall not remove the two large aspen trees located within the planter as identified as remaining within the application. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: f250.OO DL/3O/28e4 A3:44 528=296147 F SUITZER FAGE B3 I0l,tN C.|t.nl lr o.mrtlon: Al p.trld '.qd't|g c-lgn Evrar mtd rah| S'!vr' Fiol.lo 3'Otn|lfN I bu'l(*le pcrru *ptoelon' pn rrller to lhr !(lb.dttd requlrtttr; 6-d,; p.{t'I; itd/d tnot f qrrirc' An +pllc'ttorl for t}'lEn Fb''F'/ ryror b. rorpod rrdt al rqJJ ilromrrnn f riiira uy _rr cdrrnrnny rrndogflrnt otp't$r'nt Tlr prr'icn rry *o ntd a o. |tt-.,*'W t."i"ttt Cotrd.mil'q tt' Fbtnhe !d E*wiotillstbl Cd|rtrfhn' D..bn rwbu .pFroyrt ,.F;;;l;'ildorrLponn b nt d rrro orrrrt|ctton connt.|n wltiln ona tt{t of lha .PPnoval. \ r Appllcatlon for Derlgn Review tbattflstr ol Go?tL||txlttY Cb*P.||d 75 $rrlh Frorraac. Ro.d. vJ, coffi tl65t bt: 9t0.tl9-.213e |rx: 970,17e2{E *cb: *rs.vrllgov.colYt fev ved CreebtAo C tuonini'rns of tt. PhrdcrlAddrr:&c*Pt\w Itzer 120 Val.Alotdo 0l o P vd I 7/f 'l YI II v \_ -o lJt t rc.f r.o.: ntol.oEblz'Ql tr" Zonlngl [rnr (.1 ot Orn.r{r Wvt A.|,ln1Addru;../o Ornrrlr) L.m. of ApPllcrnt: Irltl|ltAd*!r: lypo of irvltr rnd F.o: . Slg||. OqroPtull Rsrbw . t{.l| Ca.rhditn . Additbn . Phoia: rltt - \llho. Altcrlk}n (mvlt-hmltylcontcrdri) ltur Ah. tbn (r|nelfltnlly/dupl.r) O!|el.bA$.udPEr s.oaruion Ratr-t t5O Ple tl,0 prr rq.xt! iot ol t'cbl .19fl .ri' No F|c taSo Fo. oo,$u.ilon af r n.| brd(rre c drrrc/r*uld' i3O For rn addlton urh.6 aq.n lb.t 3r I ddaC b fly ddrt*t'l or *mnrc|grt WitOing lnOuOr ZSO raOfb't t inttrbr @nrr.llo )' 1260 Foa mkror ch*t|t io buildlngr .nd rlb tnp|ovrnan6' woh *'- n|rFi.|e, p*nrn, rl* rdllm, 5||6fl'ro, t'r fd t'ilrhg urdl, dc' t20 ror mtnit clrngr b bulldh0p rnd dL lnpruleinnt' rudt r' ltr@lhg. prrtrting, wrtrOor dtix'!l, lrodsdtE' blr rtd r!trhhgS,Cta t2O Fd twlbr lo Dltil.Ey ?eru,!d uy p5.{lre $rfl or |hr OdgnRnauEorrl NoF- Eega. co. Arrd e70328flt10 for parl no') $."ffi2s1T *n, 1f3-- o, 5,',#1 Eff".r''"-=ffi T*t!-4.'' .8t/34/2BAa 03:44 526529614 7 P SI"IITZER .I)|lrt PROPIIIY otrrER WRITTET AP?ROYA IErTTN PAGE A2 deidlon) prwite thb bne 13 wdtt€n lpprol/r! of ttto dctu thtcd brn wbrittcd to tho Town of Vdl CormJniv Oaaloprmnt thprtiltt for thc propoccd lnpmvorrntr to b€ @mght d at lhe 9ddrccs ndgd rbo\t, I undrntrnd thet tha propoed irrproranrrnb lrcbdc.: donnini I tunhs unde.lttd thlr mhor nrodrFtuons m.y bc mlda b th' pbts o't' $e oourec ol thc t|vll|f proo6 to cn$rro omdieno wlth the To|rt'l |pplk;ablo co<te and |!fl,tlttifir' .q/l+'za'oE whir*r',r,re cti Prgo 3 of 104O1t04 TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement gtatement Number: R0500005?4 Anrount: $250.00 05/L3/2005L1 :43 AM Payment Method: Check Init: iIg Notation: 1198/swrTzER FAITIIIJY IJP Permit No: DR8050193 TIE)e: DRB-Iqinor Alt, Comn/Mu1t! Parcel No: 2101-082-1200-1 Site Addreag: 223 E @RB CRBBK DR VAIL Location: \IAIIJ VIIJIAGB STREBrSCAPE Total Peee: $250.00 This Payment: $250.00 Total AIJJ [rmta: 9250.00 Balance: $0.00 ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Accormt Code Deacription DR 00100003LL2200 DESr@I REUTEW FEES Current Pmts 250.00 peel/angenwalter architects, l.l.c. david mark peel, a.i,a. kathy langenwalter, a.i,a. 2588 arosa drive p.o. box l2o2 vail, co 81658 970-476-4506 97O-476-4572lax nd of removal and replacement of the spruce. REVISED ENTRY STAIR - Creekside Gondominiums This proposal is for a revised exterior entry stair for the Creekside Condominiums B.uilding. The existing stair and the revised stair are partially located on Town of Vailproperty. The proposed revision improves an existing awkward and often dangerous condition. The existing stair starts out at approximately 46,, in width for the bottom few risers, and then decreases to approximatety sz" wide for the remaining portion. The existing risers range in height fiom 5,' to 10". There is also no code compliant handrail for the existing stair. The new proposal increases the width to approximately 4g,, at the bottom and 54,for the remaining section. stair risers are also revised to a more uniform 6 3/4"+/- and a code compliant handrail is added. since the stair also serves as a service entry for the building and the Sapphire Restaurant, the proposal also vastly improves accessibility. An earlier version of this proposal received "conceptual review" approval from the Design Review Board on April 6, 2005. lt was part of a wenk Associates' submittal for the Promenade stairs and creekside's proposed revision to the sapphire Restaurant entry stairs. The sapphire staiis received final approval. The earlier condo entry stair proposal removed a portion of the existing planter on Town of Vail property. lt also required the removal and replacement of the two existing aspen trees and the existing spruce. The new pioposal leaves the sinol During the DRB meeting on April 6th, 2005, it was determined that there is adequate existing and new landscape square footage in the promenade stair and creekside planters to allow for the approximately 1g sF of landscape area that would be removed by the new proposal. Notr'td eaWr,u= {,aa wtulwd fi.otu rqproyit wlo t"6.2/ 7u^A/ay(Jv to ttoonfU.JV ht^tn Wn4 J, I +JM ah z+1- d,n v +V,'62'1 l,l/Y ,L t pq c1,o b Wryl4,n4tr,!rfuo fftW + v+61,, + Eqbr,o ?Wf]'')4 t,ftce 1t boI*tutw . t' | ' VY gfwra nfrDtA tO fetwrl\ ll v loN q".2- f,l u,{4 rude(ti+' CrrqtnidoWl. C,tuW7 6vd'Itn*n :EX\M Vfulwul WArtl,yrnvrnufil 1Te Nolf; ?Wf d UAtt fi,v hfla metnwre)i +y6v^ *Woy'wnal s m6h/fq !/61/A /'Wdy(lwwylo *U fuMry[touq 6W0Y,1Fe,4" , lf'tte@++/- ,\V)u[ I nl r I top et lwl1t'rw. P,rct ?twt $"'cf,,_. v radel WWWfu / ,/ DESIGN REVIEW / STETT APPROVAL \ o#, 6- t-os ' 0r gqhWo DilMirA - faW &lo ltiaM Ctuffis Cv4,fh,tvti4fr+ Fq trvw 4\l-dl / fryr,,WilaWo(1,4,0f lltwAydoq44 , n. itncnltvttdh vt Wtlfi/f4 utul I 4ql Vrylptwr,vt lWOrtUtW fC Yov4n dW l=-.-----__ nN wvrywtinnl^h,d,uA * f,tt =4'i3- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M01-0187 \ Job Address: 223 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: CREEKSIDE BLDG Applied . . : 10/02/2001. Parcel No...: 210108212000 Issued . . : 1,2/11/2001 ProjectNo: Expires. .: 12/1.0/2001. OWNER CREEKSIDE BUII.,DING LO/O2/2001 Phone: License: CoNTRACTOR TOLrN MECIANTCAL SYSTEMS CO.rO/O2/2OOL Phone : 9'7O-468-LL04 P.O. BOX 23869 SIL,VERTHORME, CO 80498 License : 22l-ti APPITTCANT rOIrrN MECHANTCAT SYSTEMS CO.L0/02/2007 Phone: 970-468-71-04 P.O. BOX 23859 SILVERTHORNE, CO 80498 L,icense: 22L-Vl Dcsciption: BOILER REPLACEMENT FOR CREEKSIDE BUILDING Valuation: $40,000.00 Fircolace Information: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wrnd Pellet: Mechanical--> S800.00 RestuarantlrlanReview--> Plan Check--> 5200.00 DRB Fce---------------> U U'L(o1.- -anen4 \ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES +B otorrr*r oF coMMUNrrv oEvsr?rvrE^n fr"V-,(- So, oo Total Calculated Fees--> $1,003.00 50 . 00 .{ddifill1al f sss----> So . 0o TOTAL |LES-------> 51 , oo3 . o0 Total lrermit Fee---------> $1, 003 - 00 90.00 Investigahon-> !Vill Call--->s3.00 Item: 0510O BUII-,DING DEPARTMEIiIII Lo/os/2OoL CDAVIS Action: AP STATE BOILER INSPECTIoN APPROVAL, ALSO REQU FINAI., Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: l-2 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE- Cond: 23 (BI-,DG. ) : INSTAI.,I,ATTON MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO C}IAPTER 1,0 OF THE 1-997 I]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE ]-997 IMC. Cond:25 (BI-,DG.): GAS APPLIANCES SIIALI-, BE VENTED ACCORDTNG TO CIIAPTER 8 AND SHAI,I, TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 TMC. Cond: CONO0O5052 VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2738 etor approt is required prior to Town ?rr"rt perform'state Boiler Inspector "nnroL is required prior to Town lrr"rt performrng a final inspection DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inJormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plary to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, UniJorm Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ** **++** * *+** *** + **** * * * * * * + * * + * * * * * + * ** +t * ** t * * * * * * * * * * + ** * * i + * * * * ++** * *++* ** *tt*****+****+ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 03-26-2002 at 10:06:08 0312612002 Statement t * + + * * * * * * 'i * * * + * l. {. **i*** ****,r* ++** * *t ** ** +*+f* * *i.* +** **f+**f*f+*** **+*** *++ ****++****i+ *** * + Statement Number: R000001829 Amount: $253.O0 f2/1I/200111:10 AM Palment Method: Cash hit: DF Notation: Permit No: M01-0187 Type: MECHANICAIJ PERMIT Parcel No: 21OLO82L2OOO Site Addrese: 223 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL I,ocaIion: CREEKSTDE BLDG Total Fees 3 51, 003.00 Thi6 Pa)rment: $253.00 Total i\ll, Etnts: $253.00 Balance: $750.00 **+****t+*++****t **t +* * ** ** *** * t ** * ***+* * *** * + * * * a + * * ** {. + 1** * * + + * * * * **++* **++*+*'**+f {.**i++'f 't ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curnent Pmts MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHAN]CAI PERMIT FEES 2OO,OO PF OO1OOOO31123O() PLAN CHECK FEES 5O.OO |"lC OO1OOOO3112BOO I,IILL CALL INSPTCTION FEE 3.OO Izlazl2qgl 14:36 9744581619 T0LIN liEcHAtlIcAL PAGE 02 Aul'-z{-vr EtJ, r I FRor{,1"1fl_:::.."""r. rD.a?641Cqs2 pAcE 2./3 Appucandtlrru Nor EE AccEprED rr rncorprerf,oR ur{srcr{ED Piotect *.' ,suitdingnffi ueararriet rermit+@ 97 W71t-2t 44t (rnspecf ionr) Permlt wilf not De accepted withorjtfie foilowhq Provide Hactt nicril Room teyout drawn to tcale b inclrrde:d llcdranftal Roonr Dirncnilona ,- Colnbu*ion Alf Duct Size and loatirn g Flue, Vent arrd Gas tirr Sze and Loetion .6. tleatLoss CfE:s,y' Equipmerrt Cut/Spec$6Gts * **** * rr | * *****ri* * *++ * t,t FOR OFFICE TmIWVrn 75 S. Frontage RrL - Vail, Colo€do E1557 R IMORIVTATION HGcnanbl C-ontracoor:i;;; r"A'J.h q,,1,-*, G Torvn of vait Reg. }b.:Qntact and phoneTG: Jr r,r'rq SeA e rb.).?r +AA'.la+ .. oQ37b- b6l* Cona-amr S€nafure: -4 ru .. AFrc at 97&or ybit forhtel #E1d # (Rcquircd rrno 2/otog11ao6o Job Name: € c , le r I?r g L o, ec v.n_<, rJ.T-Job edrtress: f€z-;"-€aq sat b ?vA,L co 8t6S* lgl9="'eEqn lL* . llrooc f Rrins:Subdivii'on: Onners llarcz7679p S^,+?c- 2?dl 5-L- - ?O ct -t6rr Engineer: J,*, s.Lr.,E--Address: Tol,tt 11@6_ rro.t Defrriled descrlpbon of wo RFPLT<C eu€ (ct7-f)<(ta'yeilat tTa.,tE tu, WortOeSG: New() Addirion( ) AtE{.ator,(r-) Rcpair( ) OC,er( ) Boller l'.mtlrn: Interior (r.) Exterior ( ) OtJ,er ( t Typeof Srlg: SirEFfamtly( ) Dupt6(( ) FtuttiJamfly( ) Co(6 -^- f{o- qf ExistinE Dwelling Ljnhs in this buildirng: I No. of Accommodadon Units in this buikt,ng: .p ly " @nrerwngjll' e ww aufing n|F.dafz b al yA-qilasc n n/qcrf onc/tnr/rncdrF.mt Yr***r** r* * tt * * * ** ** tt+*+**r+rr++ 3 /b4b8lbr 9 t. . .: lUL1N MLCHAN1CAL PAGE Job No. LBl42/260r 9784b81619 TOLIN IECFIANICA- fr i -t E |''\ ''ur' eguipped with a pressure te&:_ peftlmre gauge, tempenture limit :: control, satEty relief nlve and <lrain valve. The modules are to be manifolded rogether on sltc. . w{Xour aDy int€rvening Stop .,valves. The modular b-oiler assembly is to be equlppcd with a c_o_ltlmon rempejr ture llinit contol,' low water cutoff, makeup water Tlnec.tion, pr-ovlsion foi thernal .otpansion and zupply and rehrrn l srop vatves. Multiple boiler insrallations : req:uirc a srop valve in rhe supDly . and return pipe conncction of: - each boiler. Each boiler needs to .be cquipped wl th a ptessrare'2,4 temp€rature gauge, nrvo tempera-2, rurc limit confrols, safety rellefk valve, anddrain valve(Bderc t over 400 MBH must also includJ an_automatic lor4r water curpfl r Sizes 805, 6 and 7 can be installed as modular or muLioli boilers, Slzes B08, 9 and lO ate to De inshlled as multiple boilers. m botn cascs, minimum recom_ mended side-to-side clearance is one inch or as reguired by local cooes. The "5mart'Cholce i Smartsp€c com- puter softurare i:l?rHr-"*t r-: !: Bwnlam sales represmta0ve for derails. TL -I-tl-7K L f,I, Gommitmentto euallty : : Burnham has eamed a reDuta- tion for quality and dependabfliy daring back to 1850. our continir_ rng commtfinent to quality and eJc€uence ha$ made us Amerini ?s BoUErCompany. Speciffing a heating sr*te m ih ql ( Construction Spcd fi iations. Institute) format ismadeeasywt0r il-Jlltr o 1B/A2/2qar 14:35 -- 2 5lO J--- G \o o {\r d-r tolb- tJot. t( G. I 241y'90 d'Q-,r&4 TO-IN MECHAT.IICA_ ' 11,t1* PAffi 65 \p l, j = l(zs.coo br.r o,rj?"' ' ./ "o .'coe./ - (z,fz F[?ro'rrr- 9784581619 8n e1 / .{ rs 0,, l, 6;r .r.BEAl3 ffi.€R OO;t ty. SERIE5 88 RATIIIGS*llatural and LF Gas e@@Gl rEyEr .rlq sreyirqons up u) Z.O0O teet the ratc of four pc(c€nr (4%) for eactr t.ooo ica ;'il-J;il;_ 1. rrVhen ordedng use prcffi P for packaged and K for knockdown. _Use sumx NSp for natural gps, 6tanding pllot: NE for namral ta.6, etecrontc itniflon; r,sD for LF gas, sancung pttot; riii"i-l"r gr, .ffiffi iti;i;;- "* 2. NCt I=B=R Atins! shown are !aqd..oq normal J=B=R piping and pickup a.llotvarce of 1.1S.Con$ilr thc m"iufacturer for lastaltatione trr"tog uou:.r,li iif,ing anO ptckup requlrcrqlrlFFuch as lnrcmifient sTst€m df 5PECIFKATIOIIs Optional IElurnharfi Form No. PLSt 40l I6tooot -t2tgg_loDtrs - prinred in rtc U.srL O 1999 Bulnhar Corporadon - lancasrcr. pA Phoncr 717-997-4701 t'r'ww'bumham'com operadorr, €xten6lw pipins syffii;:lo r'vrus uuusui'r PrPnt ano ptcf,up requlrc2lrltsf uch as lntcrmifient system of q. lq fogt heiglrt ls measirca ntm top of drafthood to toD of chimncv. / I .1. DOE bcaring capaciry. Furnish€d urirh elecronic igrittiri, -J "-"ni'alnpcr. mfe i{go.r*l Maximun allowsrbls $Drkhg praisure: so pSI (J0 I,SI opttonal). Warcr only. | / Standard Equlpment \/ iffi"%t#fr,ff:sj;ffinactared and wired rbe reliervalve, pressure "o,@ <hihn.,r E*h ".,*^-- ^----,'l^9!!fl tYh:",nt(nished) are shippei in ".p"r"rc'carto-nsi Krocfdo$rn unlts arc shipped with sections assembled arid mbunted;id;#; with'rinniford ina rumirs insi}ffli""#}Iif#i"rt"and vent damptr (when furnished; are shipped ,.p"ildt NgrE: Nor Fon DrREcf rNsrALL/$roN oN coMBUsrrBLE FLooRrNG. A HEAT *r*rp;Gffiaro fiH^"** *{pJ,*Lltl$I}r$}lgp_q AND coNcnEri ncd-f;uoN wHrcrr Kr ovEn A MATERTAL rHAr rs sulrEcr ro MELTNc (pvc, rii-naurarrr n Bift Er-CJ. ffi^i6*Kifrfi.fr3ilf",CARPET, EVEN WITIT A HE/TT SHIELD. UBurnhari An Ee |CAE ao iLAF Cottti/,vr ELJrnfErn Corpcatto.l lqr.El NUDdf, . (r) l,ltr8rcg I=E=r NET f,Altr{G wllTB MAH (21 INIMT'M NiiTIJIAL G/rS ttrEssuRf, Nctfis Mry!,Ufr nrcoMFwD CAIMNSI SEZE FOI.IND rn (h, rlfl' (Fet (x) w$lr. COIITFTT GAT,DON6 I!'PUT IIDTI cB4tg dtln t [rH 24rl E 8058 806A EOTE EOSB. 8098 Er68 7q 3JO J96 162 528 s91 zr2 l4l 261 317 370 ."i o.t rtt r84 2Jo 'tr1 J2l 367 4t5 N/A 4.5 N/A N/A N/A 4.5 1.5 45 4,5 5.0 5.0 7r15 8rl5 9r15 9x15 10x15 r0x15 t 1.9 13.9 15.9 lf .9 19.9 2t.9 7X) fgo 6Es 990 'o95 IM dat be sca ano elevl ons to 2,000 For 2,000 fatings Standard Equlpment Ca! Iron Section Assembly Deluxe Insulated Jacket 10096 Shurdff Gas ConEols Boller Drain Valve 50VA ltansformer and Junctlon Box Aluminized Stecl Burners 1" cas Connection 2" Supply And Reftm connecrions 50 PSI Safery Relief Valve Blocked Vent Srvirch (BVS) - AII Sizes Flame Roll-0ut Switch (FRS) - AII sizes L408oD Htgh Linit Control PssslM niue rwco - aoiB-BloB onty ,1.+t1firh*AchCvT Hig! Limit connol with Manuat Reser - l+ooef ii" "iarGn to L4080) - packaged Bollers OnV Electronic l$icion on 8OSS, BOdn-gtOB for Natural or Lp Gas 24V SBnding pilor on 6068, BOTR fot Natural or Lp cas Pressure Temp€rature Carrye 30 PSI Safety Relief valve Elecronlc lgntrlon on g068 and 8o7B (standard on EOSB, g088-6108l InGrmittent Ckculadoa (24\4 Electronic con(ol sets with RMzggo flamc safeguard b meer Iru vent Damper 8068 thru SIOB (srandard on ao'5n1, available on standing pilot and elecrronic ignition models oniy _ not-arailable with Electronic Control Sets.