HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT A CREEKSIDE CONDOS UNIT 1 LEGAL.pdfDesign Review Board ACTtrON FORM Department of Comrnunity Development 75 South F.ontage Road, Vail, Colorado 8tr657 tel: 97O.479.2139 fax'- 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov-com Project Name: Project Description: Install HotTub on deck Participants: OWNER Karin F. O'Quinn R. Todd SlaO2lL2l2002 Phone: 303-526-5332 25180 Montane Drive West Golden, CO Goldenoq@aol.com 80401 APPUCANT John G. Martin Architect 02/1212002 Phone;477-2476 Creative Architectural Design POB 621 Vail, CO Jmartin@ctive.net 81657 ProjectAddress: 223 E GORE CREEK DRVAIL Location: Unit 1 Legal Description: Lot: A Block: 58 Subdivislon: Vail Village Filing 1 ParcelNumber: 2101-082-1200-1 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ N oltell lla{ T*$DRB Number: DRB020030 Action: APPROVED Date of Approvalz 02l2Ol2OO7 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BLUMETTI WOLDRICH 4-0 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PL{N): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0008864 That the balcony railing must be painted. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: 320.00 O2/7L/oZ iloN 14:00 FAX 30J 875 2272 TIBS/PW EI:ERGREEN Aool _ €elrenl $frnrilnr SilqBF da Hhftcrbn/r*uu. b hltgr nd +trgo*rets; s.dr 4,,'' ,.t EIYF D I r.-,..,.. Efr1 q77-22fl hir'': OZ/LI/DZ UON 17:50 FAL 30J 679 tt?2 tiBS,PW EIERGREEN B oor FEB.11.egze 42?ffi|VRIL F]SRGEIIENT CO. 978 479 96?4 NO. e39 ?.7 MII{UTES OF AFINUAI MEETING CREEI{SIDE CONDOMONTU${ ASSOCIATION .I'EBRUAITY 8,20A? Thc meeting was held prusuaat to notice af Vail Mauage.rnerrq 143 E. Mcadow Drive, Vail, Colorado on Febrr.ury 8,2002 at 9:30 a.m- Meo.bers present at the meering wcte Peter Switzer, Charles Roseaquist by proxy, and Dorothy Oottenborg, Rqport ofDirectors Peter S$tzcr reported that the hstrllation of the new boiler and lread exchaoger had been complctcd pursLunt to the bid provided to 6e Association by Tolin. Tbero rryEs some concenr that the one heat excba:rgec might not be sufficient to handlc the pcak requirerneats 6f fte luilding. Ttere uras some problou wi{r enough hot w'ater early in December, but the temperature of the boiler was i:rcreased at that tirne orad t}ere have been no complaints of any signilicsnce since tbeo. Tolin has provided the Association with a bid of $t500.00 to install a secord lreat exchange.r ta the eveut that it is oeccssary' Paluent for this instalhtioD, if necessary, will be done by special #isessmcnt. ToUa recommended the insulation of ti.e pipes and the storzge tank tbat wou.ld jncrcase ttrs efEciency of the bot water sysiea- Extra Hands Estate Seryice has provided an $8000 bid that is unacceptable. Switze,r directcd Vail MarugeoeDt to contact Extra Hands to detemrinc whether they would iruulate the AO Smith storage tank for $500 and if the;- would , tirat Vail Mauagerueut was autborized to coatract for thjs lvolk- In the event &at Extra Hands would not proceed with the iosulation of the storage tank, thea Vail Manaeomedt was !o s6ck other bids for the rvork, Rsview of Fi-n:mcials utq.t'wurEss There rvas no old bu.qil'ess to cone before fhe meeting. New Business 02/tL,'02 uoN 17:50 FAx 30$ 679 22?2 TTBS/PW EVERGREEN @ oor Il <\l It r,r'as brought to tbe attentioa of the members that the prospective pr:rchaser of the Gottenborg uuit waq intercsted ia bstalling chot tub oa tre dsok aijacent to the rrnit. *Be it vssqtvsa tr,rt io the ereut that any rimited comtroon elemeut or deck areae fftordihg from residontial coldourinlulne rle tscd for hot tqbs or othar outside n ctivities, the owners of said residential condovniniurns chall provide the associstion w'ith satisfactory architecfurrl and engirreering drawingc and epeeifications to insure that der'lagc to the building sfrucfure or other condominiurus in the buiftliug wiU not occur. Priot to the iriatallation of the hot tub, the owuers of the resldcntisl condrminium iustalling tha hot firbe shall cxecutc appropriefe agreonents to indemnify tbe aaeociation or ofher condominiun qnib for dsrnages that u.rry occur as a rcsult of the use of the hot tub includmg, but not limited to water daDage, or sfructural dornagc. In the event that noiSe from the hot tUb becomes a pfoblcm and a naiority of the owuer.ship interests of the Creekcidc Associatior vote to rcllovc the hot tub' itrriil be renoved withil a reqonable tinc of notice of said Association action. Furthar, the ownore shall obtai-u aly written approval n€ceD-sary fnom thc Town of vdl or the Design Review Board End provide the association with ssid writtr:n approval prior to installation. Uee of ttre hot tub hy fhe owacrs or reDterc of tbe unit shall be linitcd to the houre of 8100 a.m. to 9;00 p.n.?' Peter Switz€r rvas elected President of tbe Assosiation and Charles Roseaqui,st wrss electa d Secretary of the Associatien_ No furthcr bwiacss oeoe before tbe meeting and it was adjourned. *ta'i't't't'3** * t l' * | t t** **t *ar***ta a | +a* a* fa + * *l * +l l** *+* *+ ** +f + * * **t++++a + + +*f++f*t tfltaf affl ll I TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€mcnt **+** a+ * a+ ** fflffttltt ftaa* * *ta ***+ *l l* * *** * '}{rff* fll *'} *'} *l +t* * *******a*lll***++*+*a+a ++** a* a Stsatement Nunber: R000001967 Amount: $20.00 02/12/2OO2O8:57 AIrl Pa)ment Method: Check Init: iIAR lgotation: 5271 alohn G. MartLn Permit No: DRB020O30 Ttpe: DRB-Minor AIt, SFR/DI,P Parcel No: 21,OLOA2L2OOL Site Address: 223 E GORE CREEK DR VAIIJ Irocation: Units 1 Total Fee6: $20.00 Thia Palment: $20.00 Total AIJIJ Pmt6: $20 ,00 Balance: $0. oo **{r +{'* *f* *'} + ** t ** * +****l * * rf* ** * **t* ** a* ** a*** * {' '}t '}{'* '}*|''}*'}l*l** t t* trar*rtt*tt *'l' f*tt * * ttar'} *l' ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI.I FEES 20.00 JOHN C. NARTII{. ANCHITECT Flro|3 (tm) at-L7t Fc; (VrOl atr-tu 7 A t|oTl|rB ADO,|T!O{ FOR MIKE NORVELL AT CNGEI(8IDE I}I1T D€CI( lotmoFvx|.coloR Do NOT VIgIELE P3 JOHN G. YARTIN, ARCIIITECT Plrdl. (cto) {Z-24t6 tst (l7nl arl-411, Xiorliad|lGasn rrrJchitnotll|l.aa,n A lol Itts ADomoil F()R MIKE NORVELL AT CRGG!(8|DE l,t{]f DECK lowil oF vaL @LoR^Do P4 VI9IFLE lr.r o z J d= \)tu J uJ P z rLs (-\ 2-x llJ Ms 0-cl il.i Hur {=< g(n YE o> o 1 V \) ILl A lU F tu o_ D o o o 1 r o X tu F I oz u.r {-r \-:ut od $p \D .n 7\J 6r x<IUU i!i! : lt tl Il tl TI TI tI ll l|tl lItl Ir|l rt 4 r! !! an 2442 lnorllnadlvacoo rrr.loine.rarll6.corn AHOTnBADOmOil FOh MIKE NORVELL AT GREEI(SDE I.NTT O€CK T()w!r oF vxL@LoR^Do P5 NEIG}-IEOR I{OT TUEg o^k 2-6-Q2 lncrtiaoth..con ||r.loh,|etnornn.oc.ir P.O. 9.r 62t Voll, C.loi!& llalA Prro|lr (t?0) a1t-2ata rqt (t?o) 17r-Ut? A HOT TT'9 ADDMOil FOR MIKE NORVELL AT CRE|EI(SIDE tn{]T OECK TOWil OF V t!, @LORAOO P1 ?11C)1c/9 G DECK. 04ltj 2-6-02 JOHN G. YARTIN, ARCHITECT P.O. Bor 52! Vdr, ColonCo AtCSa Phc,'.t (t7o, .n-2a16 Far| (a7o\ 1Tr-2237 l.no.llnd|,t .coln rw.johri9|tr6.nn.odi liF A HOT IUB ADDMOil FOR MIKE NORVELL AT C,REEKSIDE I.O{fi DECK TOIYN OF V fl- COLORATX) P2 PI{OTOg OF DECK }lt Spring Spas - virtual Showroom: Sovereign Page I of2 ; *t -l Roomr cnough lo trcil \ou ilnd fire liicnds likc rorlltr. thc collclnporiln st\ lillg of thc Sorcruign r ilkcS;r berutilll addilion lcr an\one's cirsllc lts ertra lorrg loungc. c\l);lnsl\e Llitrnrr-Frcc scilltllg. c\tcrlsi\c Jct \irricl and L\cn\(\xl' !i]blnct nIlLc the Sovcrtign our lulost popul:rr cholcc T I I 2OO2 SOVEITEIGN@ :1..r,'-t !,iattt 1,{i::,r.ri,, ntr riii, r,8 \_/,'\ la-ll l\rij\Itrnr\ llltr'll ll: I {r[,tr6 l.1J] ljr!.i 6lrr itK :81 L8 ,l^ I lir' lh. :.(,4,r le Lll.d' \!lnL l nJur{'l} l . o. \pr lllu: (.r,.rfr. l'lu.' \!.cnled rrlth il.urJt\. lnm r\lrili.!. hlu.l l l) $,th r i1o\ilion \hn$,(. nnrlr)l It'r!l-rcr\':{. 1 \i,i,' \1.!.J";r.I!L I s.,.rhn,! \irn'l;r\ I I.1sr..imr.rrr.. -r il,,6r\ tlr.l,dnrsig( l.i\. ) lh'(r,onilltlJn'nir,u:f lch. lo l\.!irr'n' .rrl ( itr rJr. I i-tu.r1Jr' l\..Fon' J!rs srurn.lrrr rn,l { n lofi \ !ntr(nr l(,, )rl-1r'- i l5! ll) iml ,tr I l(/\ 5lr amp 611 I l/ InJud.\ I i.l ( .1 l,r1tldid I}^\cr i{,fd \,!l rut' /'rr)o. lruh\ Il5\.ra)(|1l^r.,t(h \\r\cnr.rrcr''r)(r) I 4i I l| ( L)nnnrou. | )!f. 1.IIlllr.a\Litr\n l,trqul t I I6r.d t't, rt fi. np ItJJrns l'r|'ornFh\pr$lilr.rr{ lniluddl tj n):.5'I.tJ.rrLL I5lb.d.nnn l,)inro,..U.l. ( la\{i.(I. \Sl\lrrcJ http://rwlrv. hotspring. com/Virtual/soverei gn. html 02t1U2002 -ilgt Spring Spas - Virtual Showroom: Sovereign Page 2 of 2 ' lncludss $ater and 6 adulls \\cighing 175 lbs. each ^' C l .C.l protect!'d subFuel rcqu[ed in 23t)v m(xlc Also avarlable in 230v. i0[Iz. 1500$ Heater I Lrn. . l,rclBile J.ll . lllrdl!9 I,r!! . \ ifl ril \]liN!,rr,, sr).r lot.\, D.dai-[ g..rlor . .\borl lir . ( l.liro!n9!.(-'prjt!t t!{. h ( )ur t1t! Rcqocsr a !r!Bhur. (:uetprnft seflic< t'n!rq} !91i9} ,. l9.X - 1002. \\'atL,ns \'ta.uf&bring (-orporrtiot http;//www. hotspring. com/Vi rtual/soverei gn. htm I 02t1v2002 OWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMIAGE ROAD \rArI,, CO 8L657 970-479-21"38 OWNER APPLICAIqI CONTRACTOR C.e-[-.s A- * A 1i9ii' {f> DEPARTT'IENT oF CoMMI]NITY DEVELopvTIrt\'U , ( 1- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PCTMiT #: 898-0253 ilob Addressz 223 E GORE CREEK DR StaEus.. tocatsion...: 223 E GORE CREEK DR (CREEApplied. Parcel No. . : 21,OL-082-l-2-001 Issued. . ProjecE No. : PRiIgB-0148 E>cpires . ISSUED 0e/oe/re98 09/2s/L998 03 /24 /L999 SWITZER FAMIL,Y LIMITED PARTTIERSH oNE S MADrsoN sr, RocKFoRD rL 611-04 BOI,ES CUSTOM BLDRS BOIJES CI,'STOM BUILDERS, INC P O BOX L279, AVON eO 8t620 Phone: 3039253202 Description: I}TTERIOR REMODEL, EXPAND DECK,REPI,ACE WINDOWS ETC Occupancy: Tl4)e Construction:Tlpe Occupancy: Valuati.on 3 Fireplace fnforuatsion: Rc6tlictcd: Y 82lA3lR1Not III l--HRType 121, 000 i-n table ! III 1-Hour Add +of Ga6 Applianceg: s24. O0 Rcscuarrnt PLan Reviel,--> 535.50 DRB Fs€--------- .00 RcctctlLon Fee_-____----> 3. oO CIean-Up DcPoEi.t'--------> .00 Total calculatsed Fees---> !,952.60 1oo. oo Addibional Fees---------> 'oo ,OO Totsal permits Fee----_-_-> !,962.60 Palment's------- I ' 962 .60 ToVl0omm' Dev. Clean'uP DePosit Refund approved amount tn ffdt" *of cas Log6: FEE SUT4MARY Euilding-----> Plan Check- - - > Inve6Ligatsion> will calI--- -> .......".T:l:.iiii;;;;:;:;:;;.;;i........1:il?;::......"::T:::.:::;;;;;:;:;...::""-..."....-:::.". ITEM: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARTMENT DEPT: BUII,DING DiWiSiON:09/08/1998 iIRM Action: NorE PI'ANS ro GARY o9'/ra'/7998 clIARr-,rE Action: APPR see condiEions iEam;'o54oo-Dr,ar'wrwq DEPARTMEIiilT DepL: PLANNTNG Division: 09108/]-998 .JRT',I AcLion: NOTE PLANS TO PI,ANNER o9'/23'/t998 ,fHIlt{T Action: APPR plans meeE DRB itbm;'6seoo-Frnn onpAnrlaEnt ^ Dept: FrRE Division: 09108/1998 'JRM AcLion: NOTE PI,ANS TO FIER 09708/1998 JRM AcEion: NOTE MAKE TIIAT FIRE 0970871998 ,fRM Action: ilorE FowARD PLANNTNG To FrRE 0970871-998 ,fRr4 AcEion: NorE oNLY TwQ sEYs o4'/257L998 CIIARL,TE Action: APPR see conditions irbm;'05500-D-IJBLre woRKs Dept: PI1B woRK Division:ogli+/tgge &r4 Action3 APPR N/A See page 2 of this Document for any condiEions Ehats may apply to this permlt. DECT,ARATIONS I h!!eby acknonlcdge that I havc read bhio application, fi1l.d oub in full th! information required, colrpleted an accurate Plo: pl,an, and slale that all lhe informatlon providcd as roqui.red is corr€ct. I agree to comply with the lnfon$ation and plot Plan, to :omFty rrith all Town ordinancee and 6tate 1al{6, and to build thi6 stlucture according to tshe Toen's zoning and eubdivision , i: rijn rcvi.cr approved, Unifoftl Building codc and othcr ordinanc.s of lhe Tor,n aPPlicabl€ therctso. - -t I Z',L t.l I Wood/Pa11et.: REeuEsrs FoR rNspEerroNs aHALL BE ,oo" ,,t-"o* HouRs rN tDlnNcE By send Clcan-Up Dapo6il To: BOLES ..t**rt**************************************************************************** Permi-t #: 898-0263 n-."Tn,i t T)pe: ApplicanE: Job Address: I-,ocaEion: Parcel No: x**ir**************************************************************************** FROM 8:O0 Af.l 5: OO PM Re\ CONDITIONS as of 09/25/9e SLatus: ISSIJED Applied: 09/08/L998 Issued: 09/25/!998 To Expire. O3/24/a999 ADD/AI-,T MF BUII-,D PERMIT SWITZER FAIqIIY LIMITED PARTNERSH 223 E GORE CREEK DR (CREEKSIDE #1) 2101- 082 -12 - 0 01 Description: INTERIOR REMODET,EXPAND DECK,REPI,ACE WINDOWS ETC CondiEions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. ALI, PENETRATIONS IN WALTS,CEILINGS,AND FI.,OORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3. SMOKE DETE TORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALI-, BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.1210 0F THE 1991 ltBC. 4. FIRE DEPARTT,IEI T APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 5.. A fire protsecEion system is required for this remodel . Plans and specs must be submitted and approved by the Fire Dept. A11 rough inspections must occur prior tso a framing inspectsion being done. The fire protection system musE be operational prior to occupnacy. The alarm systsem must have proof thats it is monintered prior to occupancy 3E et o=o1 FI o2 o9 .o 0 a L I o o o H i6 f;8 Ft{H IE gE OA E A H E E B H B ,l o H c, c o o c o o o u U E o E !l a o E U E 6 o H lr c E u E U I a l' A !]!l c|P a:i ts l.a Et aoa E aa@ aoF 6A aq @ al egl 22 lo E-E{ E ts u a FH a4 E9 qt rt trH 62 <tl i9 !0 I E A lr Cr H'!0D 89 E(o E li I e H 4 H F{ 6 H q!!tL) '(q|EX E E -E o l!'E Fr !3O I 59 6 6' li o D (, Dl FI I H t !l c E 9l E lr H o I a : c.|it r{E =A EI &a aca ac|-t4OFl E!!q o t at t ta a ttr at t ttt ta ttattttaa 't tl I tt''tttttttltl'' ttttlttt" -r 'rl!tl gr.E.onE NuDb.l s REC-Oast lDounC ! 1'tt'2.60 Otl2il',e lztlo P.l.uant t{.thod: CK NoC.ELon! 253, Inlgt t'C Pcruits No3 893-0253 Tl4t. ! l-uF ^ttDi/A!'T llt BUII'D PER Perc.l No: 2l0l'Og2-12-0o1 gls. Addr.6.: 223 E @RE CREEK DR Locrslon, 223 B GORE CRBEK DR (CREEI€IDE lrl Totrl Fa!!r 1,t52.6o Thi6 P.!ro6nE 1,,912.60 Tolrl .lLL IEEE! !'962.60 Eahtlcr ! . OO , r.1r tttt|}at raattaa trii t tl tll *a i t ata tt' ti tttt !l. "rt t t tl t tr rt'tt " Account coaa D..crlpgl'on "' :D:nro')l1l11oo BITILDINO PERIIIT FEIA rrR ooloooo3u2200 DEgtOt REvtE r ?BB3 PF 00100003112300 PL[{ CHaCK FEBS }.D D2-DEPOA CT,ETNI'P DEPOSIT9 nc oo100oo3112AOO rfILL Cl'.t lltllPEclrd FEE rir!tt a t atr I i ttt at attr ttrlrtaatt ittta ta TO$!l O! vArt , @LoFlDO 8tsrC.drC Anount s2t.00 50.o0 535. 50 500.oo 3.O0 f Con tact Eagle County A""u""orlf t". [f ar 970-328-8640 for Parcel /l . TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION IPARCEL #: !\DlD6L\L(*rol pERMTT Appllc4TroN F6RM ID ,v D^rE. _vEblL PERI'IIT // [X]-Building [ ]-plurnbins [ ]-Elecrricat t )r-{"mutrt,.uFoth",223 Job Name: S.^r',{2.. Pt*d . {>, ri\t < Legal Description: .!5ot--- t @_5_ Architect: Sa.v*ue[ Dc'rr,b-\ Address!@ ph.8tS-qZ-g"l(ffi lpmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances v (* * * * * * * * * *; * *.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS BUTLDTNG: Y /z1,qp- ELECTRTCAL: $PLUMBING: MECHANICAL: $ Address: P.c>. Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: MechanicaL Contractor: Address: General Description: I+\=i Work Class: [ ]-New 1f -alteration Number of Dwelling Units: I ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Address:Ph. [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI{TT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE! Number of Accommodation Units: I Gas Logs I Wood/pellet ********************************* OTHER: $ TOTAL: { Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. No. Reg. NO. u -*********** ***************!t CONTRACTOR lEeneral contractor: ts.\.r O.{;-it.IA fNFORI,IATION *************************** 4 __ -T"11lr of Vail Reg. NO.l('eg Cfl*. dll|E," Number: 4zt" z@-- Reg. NO. ******************************** FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PER}TIT FEE:I.IECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: 4 BUILDTNG ptAN CHECK FEE:tve--s ll pLvt'tBING PLAN CHECK FEE: r'orrf . cO. 6, to7o VALUATION CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REN'ND L[-c."*\.^^-b,\\'-'i , d*-' , f,'o'&4 tz7q, 4'b-,Ca 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303, 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce of communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED I.IITH THE TOWN OF VATL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, L988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for any person to litter, track or deposit. any soil , ,""t, sand, debris or material, incruding trash iump"c"r=, portabre toirets and workmen vehicles.upon any streetl slaewaircl-;Ii;y or public p1?:" or any porrion rheieof. The right_oi_;;t-;, arL Town of Vail streets and.:g"g= is approxinately 5 ft. 6ff pavement.This ordinance will be striilfy enforced by the Town of VaiL Pubric works Department. pers-ons found vi;lacin; this ordinance yirl be given a 24 hour writren ""!i""-t"-;il;;'"aid rnaterial.rn the event the person so notified.does not cornpty with the notice within the 24 hour.tirne sfeciii;;,"tt"'i"tric works Department wilr remove said mateii..:- -"t itr"-'""p""se of person notified. The provisions or trris ordinance sharl not be applicabte to cinstruction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or a1ley or any utilities :-" in.-ilfii_"_r.y. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of Yii-l Bui+ding Department to obrain a copy. rnank you for your cooperation on this rnatter. owledged (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 south trontage rosd Yail. colorado 8'1657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2139 ottlco of communlly developmenl BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME Ii-lli:-fryi.!.lggrj,"r: a Town of Vail [ire Deparrnent Approval,tngrneer"s (Pubric works) reyiew and approvat,'a ptann.i ni'bepartment review or Hea'l th Departm6nt ieview, anb'a_review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total ""ui""-il"v"iui!'is r6ns as three weeks. All commercial (rarge or smail) and ar'r murti-famiry permits wir'l have to follow the above rnentioned maximum requiremlnii. 'Residential and.sma'l 1 projects shourd take a resser arnount of time. However, if residential or smarer.projects impact the various above mentioned departmcnts with reqard to necessary review, th;;; p;;j;cti"may also take the three weet< pe"ioJ. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permi't.as soon as possib'l e. I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. eet was Da te y Development TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED .-.....\ ' I JOb Name: >z^ Y-Z- e-'.- 1) 2) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public propefi? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls dif{erent access needed lo site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Flevocable Right CI Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the righl of way, easements or public property to be used lor staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community YES NO r---''' .- L-"/- Developmenl? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or al Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construclion lnspec'tor, at 479-2158. answered allthe above questions. { b t*...- _r n Cgnrrryofs Signarure IFz<. Kc-andO{ DEC 17 ',S A?.?en 97A9?6?A7A Bot-ES FIRE ALARM CERTIFICATION Datc of Inspcctiqn: Deccmbcr L1 , 1998 Permit Nunber: 8980263 Protected Property: Crcckside Building Penthouse Vail, CO Owuer:Switzcr Rcsidcncc EICEPIIONS: Nonc. Upe-gR!!f,la,x\ Clive R. Rccmrn Presidcnt Supcrior Alarm Vail, Inc. P.1 suPcBlon nmfil,l V & Ct€CTRONICS, INC. Security, Fire, Access Control and Custom AudiolVideo *ft : .t I, Clive R. Recmaa, Presidcnt of Supcrior Alarm Vail, krc. do hcreby ccrtif that thc firc alrrur system at the above address hatbcea fully tested. Thir furludcs all cyeEm dcviccs and circuits. The system functions prnperly and is itr compliance with the Unifotm Building Code requirements in effect at tbc timc thc systcm was installed. tl; Posl Olfice Box 256E I Edwarda, Colorado 8163? Eeole counry(g7o) 926.8788 r summncounry (970) 658-18m r Far(970)92S8790 - ., h-l .,, r VAII-,.i5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD '''-l.r [.,, co gL65'1 970-479-2138 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DOUBLE DIAMOND SERVICES P. O. BOX 1452, EDWARDS, CO 8A632 DOIJBLE DIAMOND SERVICES P. O. BOX 1452, EDWARDS, CO 81632 SWITZER FAMILY I,TMITED PARTNERSH ONE S MADISON ST, ROCKFORD IL 6]-]-04 Plronel. 97O-925-5202 Phone: 9'70-926-6202 DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVETOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAI PERMIT P€""ni F #: [98-0255 JOb AddTESS: 223 E GORE CREEK DR STAIUS...: ISSUED Location...l223 E GOR ECRK DR (CREEKSApplied..: ]-0/07/L998 Parcel No..: 2tOL-082-l-2-001 Issued. . .: LO/09/1998 Project No.: PR'J98-0148 E>cpires..: 04/07/1999 Descriptsion: ELECTRTCAL FOR II{TERIOR REMODEL Valuation:l_3, 000.00 FAE ST]I4MARY Elact.rical---> ': rvc6!igaEion> will call----> TOTA], FEES- --> 234.O0 .00 .00 3.O0 237.O0 Total. calculatscd Fcca--->237 . OO Addicional Fees---------> .oo Payft6nC6--- ----- 23?.00 BAI,ANCE DUE'' ..-' .OO rtem: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMET{T DepE.: BUTLDING Division:IO/07/L99T} JRM ACTiON: APPR APPKUVED Jru/T rt.emi'oseoo FrRE DEPARTMENT Depts: FrRE Division: 10/07/1998 iIRM Action: APPR N/A *t I t iii r iiti titt CONDITION OF APPROVAL DEELAP,ATiONS I hereby ackno{Iedge that I have lead thiE application, f11l6d out in ful1 ch€ lhformation tcquired, conpleted an acculaee Plot p ' -'--- chat all the inforr,,--,on provided as requircd is colrecE. 1 aglec to.:-. ' .. ,ire infornatsion ar'i .]-' Flan, to comply t'ith all Town oldinancc! and rEaee 1r$., and to build thi6 shructurc according Lo the Toen?s zoning and eubdivisj.on codes, deaign rcvie, approved, Uniforrn Buildi.ng code _-'r other oldinances '-hc Tonn aPDlicable thereto. REeUESTS FOR INSPEeIIONS SHAIIJ BE MADE TWENty-fOnR HOI'RS IN A.D\'ANCE AY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFPICE FROM S:00 Al4 5:00 PM OF OWNER OR COI{TRACTOR FOR HIMsELF AND O1'''}]ER TOIW OF I'AII,, @EdADO tU.ts.InC gCrCcEnt NuEb.r t REC-o{52 AqounC ! Pq|Ernt l||Ehod: ctt [otrtlont 963, s3.oo tolor/96 '.2t44 tnl,C. !c P.t lE No! Bta-ooss tyt.t B-lLBc !&aelRlct. PBRIIII Prrc.l No: 2101-o71-o8-00o 8it. Add5...: 22 W MSADofl D[. !,ocrgt on r 22 WEaT [EADCll{ DR (VMl ooRllm) if'hl,r Pryocnc ToEal Fces: 33 . O0 lotrl ll,! hC. ! Balancc: 53.00 51.o0 ,00 &ount 60.oo 3.00 r ar er a * ar.r !l t t tt a Accourt Cod.Dcrcriptlon E9 t01000031:,1400 ELECTRICII, pn$tT llEa :.J i0::.C10)3112s00 9fILl, CA.t t IIISPECIIOIf PaE I Oc.t-05-94 (,2: l?P Oorrb.le Diamond Serv ice T0|JN 0F VAIL C0tt-DEU 10,593_a?s_2452 1);\ft I ( _& t lrl :DS? - lfr-fw TH":I vArr/ cousrRuqrrolr ;i,i::H$gfl ** ";Ct:r;="=,,, 06 No ..,".' ::., PBRHIT #_ 8Q8-oauz , APPLT.ATT.N lrrusT EE Frr.,r.ED our cotiFLETELy oR rT ,,ty rfor BE rccEpTED f ***rrrrratttatr r!, , . r*l'tirtt'iit*t PER'.rr rNFoRtuTroN t *r]*rr..a.ir.*r fr*rrrr.r *r *r [ ]-Buttdtns I l]l-Elrctrtcar I J-U.chrnleal I l_othor Jolr [49133 lcAal DorcrlptJ.gn! r,ot Owners lfaner Archltect: Genertl Daecfl t{orx cIaE6, I -tlew lX-Ahorarl Nunber of Drel Unitr: Job Address: k-.- Ftr Address: Addrese: e I J-Rrpatr I J-other ot AccgtnrlodltLon Unttg: __ car Log'r-- ttood,/Eallet vALUttroNs ****t***tr*ttt*rlttrr*alr*r*a**tr OttlERi I -.--IoTAL!-- PORUAETON *tr***a***ili*r**a**.**t*t* Town of ValI. 13q. yg. Phone Number3 Town of Vall #hber and ryp f*r****r.****r lon: of Flroplacsar caj aitf t **tri*rlar*ar t**.** l{urnber ADpllancos BUILDTNG: Address: Electrical Contractor:lddress: phone Nunber: - --- -'yfi !iffi#;-# * *' r r t i t t t' i r Fon or:,Is3-g* *.*** r i r tr r r *i.. r r * r * r. * * i r.. r {echanlcnl contractor: - -----!--- rddrese: ------' - Igrn o! Vall Rsg. NO. _._____- TOT r. PEFurr FEisr LUuBIrc prnr.rir iEii -- Pg-qPINo PIrAN cHEcft FEE: EcHANTcATJ pnr-rri*iiEs .-_--- PLttuBINc ptnr glfici ii;i '-,---.-- .LqcrRrcrrJ FiE;-- -----q'- HlcllANreAL prax crilci-Fns, --- THER TlpE Ot__ine:. -_.-__ RECREATToN FEE8 _lB FEE; _-_ CLEAN_UP UUpOsrr: ____ BUU,DTNG: STGNAIUAE: ZONTNG: SICNATUnE3 I -PluarblnE BIoc on ( l-ldditi.onal filEffii8li:ite'we- -tF_ -l-. --E TOI,{N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479 -2A38 OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ']OBSITE AT AL,L TrMES PLI]MBING PERMIT Permit #: P98-01,44 .fob Addressz 223 E GORE CREEK DR SEatus..Locatj-on...: 223 E GOR ECRK DR (CREEKSAppI-ied. Parcel No..: 2t0L-082-12-001 Issued. -Project No. r PRaI9B-0148 Expires. w/ ISSUED 1-O/1-5/1-99e L0 /23 / 1-998 04/21-/1-99e APPLICST{| AST AND MCFERRIN PLIJMBING & HE P.O. BOX 1303, 021.0 EDWARDS VILLAGE CONTRACTOR AST AND MCFERRTN PLIJMBING & HE P.O. BOX 1303, O2].0 EDWARDS VILLAGE SWITZER FAMILY LIMITED PARTI{ERSH ONE S MADISON ST, ROCKFORD IL 51104 Phone: 970-925-5862 BLVD., EDWARDS, CO 81632 816 Phone: 910-926-5852 BLVD., EDWARDS, CO 81632 816 DCSCTiPT1ON: PLUMBING FOR INTERIOR REMODEL Valuation:7, 000 . 00 FEE SUMMAIY Plumbing-----> 105.0O 25.25 .00 3.OO ResLuarant PLan Revi.ew- - > ?OTAL FEES- --- - - TotsaI calculated Fees- - -> AddiEional Fees- - - ---- --> Tobal Pc!'rnit Fee- - ------ > Palmente------- 134.25 .00 t34.25 BAI,A.}.ICE DUE.--- .OO .00 Pl,an check- - - > I nvesE igat i on > wiII call ---> l.EEM: U5J-UU LO /L5 /a998 Itbm:' 05500 BUILDING DEPARTMENT JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED FIRE DEPARTMEITT Dept: BUILDING Divi-si-on: JRM-DepE: FIRE Diwision:to/L5/L998.rRM Action: APPR N/A CONDTTTON OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I heleby acknowledge chats I have read thj.s application, fiLled ouc in fu11 the informatsion required, p1an, and 6taEe that all the infoniation provided ae required iB colrccE, I agree to comPly wihh tshe REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE MADE TIIENIY- FoUR HOURS IN AI\,ANCE BY TELEPHONE AT completed an olnac10n accurate plot and plot plan subdi.vi Bi on to compLy with all Town ordinances and state lass, and t.o build thi6 etructure according Co tshe Towt zoning aod codee, design review approved, Uniform Building code and other ordinanccE of the Torrn applicabl'e OUR OFFICE FROM 8:oo AM s:oo Pt'l CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER I trr r a ar. a * I r r rata TOI{l.l OP V}lL, COl,ORlDo BC.lcnnt i rrrrr rri.t r r t a r ',r tr ra rarr rJ i ri r gEAEconE Nuuber r REC-O{5g AnounE: PrynGnt ltcLhod: CK Nol.gl,on: al93 t34,2s Lo/23198 oe.4a rniE: BR P.rELr, No: P98-01{{ t)'t'.: B-PLt!|a PLUIIBINC Parc.l llo: 2101- 082 -12 - O0l SLc. Addr..6 r 223 E GoRE CREEK DR IJocrsl.onr 223 E c'oR ECRK DR (CREEKSTDB) ToEal Fcca: thir P.!'uant 134.25 fotrl AtL Pat6 3 Bahnc. ! PERI,IIT r+ | rrt* * f*Jrrt rrrtitar*rrrrrri 'rrrl| trl*a*rrrrrrrtrarrrtrrrttt*t*rt .trccounts Code D..c!ipEion 134.25 13{.25 .00 Auount 105, O0 26.25 3. O0 DP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUIIBING PERIIIT FEES pF 00100003112300 PLAI| cllEcK ?BEs wc 00100003112900 l{rlt, clrJrJ rNaPEclloll FEE O oct. 15 1.998 agtaffin P2 TOIVI{ OF VIIL CONSTRUCTTON il I APPLICATION MUST BE FIT,I.ED OIIT CO}fPIJIIIELI OR IT t{AY NOT BE ACCEIITED .f x*****r r** ****r r*** *** *l*t**a* pERlrIT TNFORMATT'N r*rt* ** ****r* ***********r*ti*rl -l l-Buirding gf -nrunling I J-ElectEicar [ ]-rrrechanr-cal [ ]-other Job Name: JWtt Job Address: FRON : Panasonic FRX SYSTEN O ,tConcacE Eagle Qeungy AssessoFg Vrff 3/o;,rt8-8640 for parcel {. PFONE |.tr. : Offlce PER}IIT P Legal Descriptiorr: Lot ffo"4 ;rrrfo &:rsrr r-/tE!.;r-+t,Lr.!rn; loE l""r"..L__-_ lilld9 owners Nane: Swfffr:R Fn /e W.,w=i. :, ,,'.r;,. General Descriptlon: t{orlc class. [ ]-New fyf-art"ri;i"; f ,-.;; Nu-nber of Dwerrlng units; .., | ' :rtunber:bi lccor.oaati.n ,r_r;_--l ' .'Nll$-sa" of, Acconnodatlon :Units: l ' : .. lf*"r and Tlpe'of Firepraces: 6a! eppriarr.r"_'l"co= rog"_ wooaTrerret . ! lT***tt***tt't********t********i'l*+** vAr.rArroNs'**r****#r****t*ri*******t***a*a** BurLDrNc: | - Er/EcrRreilr $___=-;, '. : oEnni i, ' :. ' .' .ir,uugrNc: @ Mffi;iE;ilii:- BIHH: ?__,_y z!::_ nr,l,"rJiif .+_ TOIALT: _ u;:il.:ffi;:il:l..h:;h,gJfia:I-o.^3gE-ox#lTroN_,**raa**.*r.t{**r**r******r.r Addrdss: Electrlcal eontractor: Address: , Plutrblng rAddress:-: .. .' Ilechanlcal contraetor Address; PLUT.TBTNC PERMTT FEE:IECEAI{ICAL PERI,IIT FEE!EIECERICAT FE8; OTHER YPE OI. FEE! DRB F8E! cantfdctof: sQ.FT. crrqa[,ItP r]EPosrT qiEFrIUp.m: I o o o o l, TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VATL, CO 8]-657 970-479-2]-38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMEII'I NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANTCAL PERMTT Permit #: M9B-0193 'Job Address. . . : 223 E GORE CREEK DR LOCAIiON : CREEKSIDE BLDG I]NIT #1 Parcel- No. . . . . : 21,01,-082-1,2-001, Pro'i ect Numbei : PR'f 98 - 0148 APPLTCANT OWNER CONTRACTOR -SWITZER FAMILY LIMITED PART}IERSH ONE S MADISON ST, ROCKFORD II-,, 51104 SWITZER FAIVIILY LIMITED PARTNERSH ONE S MADISON ST, ROCKFORD IL 51104 WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION 7025 SOUTH TUCSON WAY, ENGLEWOOD CO 80112 Status...: fSSUED Applied. .: t0/08/a998 Issued. . .: t2/1-7 /1998 Expj-res. . : 06/a5/a999 Phone: 303 -792-0022 Description: INSTALL NFPA13R FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM Fir:ertace lnforn:r!ion: Pes!:ricted: Y Valuation:7,000.00 #of f.iood/Pal1e::*of cas Airplj.ances;#Of Gas Logs: PEE SUMI'IARY Mechanical- > Plan Check- - - > Invesbigation> Ltill call----> Restuafant PIan Review- - > DRB Fee -------- TOTAL FEES-. --- - Total CaLculated Fees -> Additional Fees--- - -- --- > Total Pefinil Pee- - - Pa)'ments_------- BAIJ\NCA DUE. - -. 140,00 35. O0 .00 3 . O0 .00 .00 178.00 178.00 .00 17S.00 1?8.00 .oo BUILDING DEPARTMENT CIARIJIE ACt,iON: APPR N/A DCPI: BUILDING FIRE DEPARTMEITT DEPT: FIRE CHARLIE ACTiON: NOTE PLANS ROUTED-TO FIRE ,JEFF A Action: APPR fd approves plans to comply with al] Tonn ordinances and slate LaHs, and go build Ehis s';rucEur_e ac To',.n' s zoning and subdivision Item:05100 LO/08/1-998 It.em:05600 1,0 / 08 /.L9e8 l.1,/ 03 /1998 Di-wision: Dlvision: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I he].eby acknowLedge that I have read this appLication, filled out in full the informaCion required, completed an accurate plot plan, and staEe EhaE alt the information provided as teguired i.s colrect. I aglee !o conply with che informaEion and PLot F1an, codeo, desi.gn review approved, unifoIm Building code and oLher orrlitre'i-cedof REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TI{ENTY - FOUR HOI'RS IN 13S OR AT SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONIRACIOR FoR HIMSEIJF AND OWNER OFPICE FRoM 8:00 Al4 5:00 PM a r r * r * r r r r r r r t r r !, t t t t t t t t a t r a a t r t r 'r rf * * , t t t ', t t t t t !or{N oP vAlL, CoLOR.ADO gcrE.Ents rr+irrl'atttttta jtrtttai t t* tt t a a r r a a t gt.ccung Nunber: REC-0495 AnounE t Palm.nE MlEhgd: CK NoEaEion! 259? L?a,o0 12lL7l9a 10.a4 InIt ! itl{ PrrtIE No: l.l9g-0193 Ttp.: B-UECH MECII,|IIICAL PERlllT Prrc.l No: 2101-032-12 -O0l sirc AddrseE: 223 E GoRB CREEK DR Locrclon: CREEXSIDE B!,DC tNIT *1 178.00 1? 8. OO , oo r i r t t i, r, t t t l, t * * t r + * * * * * * i t t t t t t r * * Tocal Pcca r Ihir Pald€nE 179.00 ToErI ALL Put6: Balancc ! lccount Code D.rcripciotr up 00100003111300 MECHAlllCl& PERl,lrr FEES PF 00100003112300 Plnn cHaeK FEES We 00100003112300 lftll, CAJ,L INSPECTION FEE Anoung 140. 0o 3S, O0 3,00 oo Design Review Action Form Projcct Namc: Switzcr Rcsidence Projcct Description: Remodcl and addition Owncr. Addlcss and Phonc: Switzer Family Limitcd Partnership Onc Madison Strcct. Rockford. lL 61104 0il5) 962-661r Architcct/Contact. Addlcss and Phonc: same Project Strcct Addrcss: 223 Gotc Crcck Drivc LcgalDcscription: Block 58. VailVillage First Filing Parccl Numbcr: 2102-082- 12-001 Commcnts: TOWN OFVAIL Building Namc: Crcckside Building Board / Staff Action Motion by: BillPicLcc Scconded by: Tom Weber Action: Approvcd Votc: 4-0 Conditions: l. That thc bay windows be built with a 45 degrcc angle at basc. 2. That thc storagc arca addition have thc roofdropped 3'below ihe existing robf, that thc cast an?-south exterior sidcs be set back fi'om the wall. The roof mccts thc wall linc thcn dics into thc wall on thc cast faqadc. - 3. The deck is to bc built as shown. 4. Thc shed roof is to bc built a s shown. Thc slantcd roof is to cxtcnd I ' past new roof. 5. Thc stucco on thc cast side ofthe building is to be paintcd (prcvious condition ofapproval). $tJ: g\u9 ts18- o1t"S wrq1.t ,.\\ co.Ailio"ls. S"ff H'^* 1-e3-18 Town Planncr': Christic Bafton Datc: August 5, l99tt DRB Fee Prc-Paid: 550.00 TOItrN OFVAIL D epartment of Community D eve lop me nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 HX 970-479-2452 August 6, 1998 Michacl Ditch Gorc Clcck Grillc 223 Gore Crcek Dlivc Vail. CO lll657 Rc: Design Rcvicw Board Apploval Dcal lvtichae l: l'hc attachcd approval fortn folthe Srvitzcr rcmodcl includcs thc shcd loofyou ploposcd as an amcndmcnt to your March 4. l99ll approval. I1'you havc any questions, plcasc contact mc xI 419-2454. Town Planner' {7 *'n"un '^"* \,- .a J "q r<(D rc (! a) o i: l.t\ll I I 5-c) ,f 6 5g.r 3.(D g I *F | 5.r lr*l tht Il It ltl Il lllr gFF F€ F g8r/l o ol I fiEtt Fj o It !, g F ?.gtr:g--b't/i < CD :l (r0 (D t^ i=t= tE t* + llt l-t.r E IN F l^ tl A l..J o\{ * .tl + A tJ Or -J i tl o o a o () t.J O. lt So\E.{oul .\)A f'J o \a <-- o. NJ € o o () o €c! N) o .D € :t .E _.9 ) + O:9'dFr Drg(DD)"FCg.e HEE.A !3q,woe'd tiztr' d-=-- ^:' ; c) 0a IA gFgv s 3s E 3EE.?I &s.3E 3 F*ci s(,;t()r;ati6. F:,Y o.(, ='5F (D d o '-'t o 8 ,f () -! (? <t o -| o o o' (rc .\' o v,o s o a (! I I I s + X c\ s S q) \I >.- \ 5 ;J o (D P9.q G E *6 s . ttt p ,,\UJ UJ'o\ c'\ \o t.J f,f,g lF le l€- Fr-Nl qqq 'u o ts (D 5 v2 CD s h') o €.D ?s :Ft H.C) ?2 ut Nc,q@ Fg ta)lo ti(t,-\UJ a € o H H IR z a)7f o d € \n si lv I s-\o\l* b'lu- l$\ t-H l$H i I I I a)6' (D Fd 'lx t,' l5 oe r:.o o tr u 2 ,-| Itlr=t\ t\>'z >_E t>fr #tSl+liFl', 1'. lrl*lr trt a z GI €o .)X F a ,-l EEf*f€€sFaE+s F F s g ag -s" f * g F g + a a a E E 6a F$5 5 P6 cf'F 1?Y5+ageFFsii${EH f * E E q o E AE $ b ? * 8F c) t9 a E e !i 5 t A = s'3€ A E -Q?F!1 6-R=.giiag g-oEi€986 Dt -t e5 c9 o (? tr sau 1Co q{qt 5'9 aE ,o tD r-\i;F \,o -\H rr!ll(V I r\ z H ar(,iji EBh.t 96-*,3 =9.2 ,t u) I k t\ o o o AF 8Z F [. t- I 1.. R N I I | | r tr | | r> E N [\q l\ I r'r-] N | | | | l\At--|_NE EF F f S E g 8 g F c H cl e F 'u F, rn 51 a H ; F =* : t a q 5 i b E € s: E en i I 5 e F g E i i E g ; F €g' 5 g s F g B e il F E H u Ev. v' '' € B g q A ;." E &E C" a 3!t E.a-=F F!/E.3 trta .lJ (D FI t_+, R Kh ,t, r-o rt-o l\l\F l\ t. F oaz 'diSU)B6- t Plrll'ER SWt'l'ZHR ONI' NLU)ISON SIREEI' RO( :K[ ORD, ILLINOIS 61104 Phone 814962-661 t t'ax 813962-1681 V:ril, t:olo. Phone & l'ax97ld.476-27El Tucson, Az. Phonc & F ax 520-529-6147 l\Is. {)hris{v Barton Planner Vail Corumuni{y Developmeot Vail, Colorado tl(r57 Dear Ms. llowd I have encloscd a rcdraft of thc oxlerior improveurenls of mv condominium unil in the Creckside Building, As you can see frorn the redreft, I har e had the rrchilect incorporrte tlte ch:rnges lhat r,+'ere suggested by the Dt'sign Rerie:rr Board when the inilial plan was submitted lo them. I havc changed lhe materials on {he bay rr4ndows lo conlbrm with the exlstlng material In the bullding and havc decreased the size of thc windows lo comply with the suggcsfions of thc DRB. I have also had the archltcct make modilications to lhe drck c:.lension on lhe south side of lhe building so thal it fits n'ith the roof linc anrt also addresscs thc conc*rns of the DRll regardirg the undersirle of the dsck I have taken the plan thal was tlrawrr by Oz Architects and incorporated their dcsign as $a$ suggcstcd. Althoug.tr I have no Inrput into thc rmf line that $'ill be installed bl Nlichael Ditch. I bclieve lhat lhe roof reprcsents whal I have b€rn lold would be acceptablc by the DRB. If you lrish him lo submil a separate application, please advise nre nrd I will tell him lo do so. I would hope that lhis new plan could be submitted to the DRB at nn €rl-y dalc so that I ran bcgin my construction rnd hayc it compleled betbre lhe beginning of the ski season. ,Ity wilc Nancl is in lrail firr about 1{l d:rys and could appear rvilh Steve Nlcl)onald at such a nrerting il it can be schedulcd. 'l-hank yorr vcrv mrrch for.vour consideration. Ifyou do not believe lhal ihe nerr plan addresscd the concerns of thc DRB, plcasc contact rnc immediatel.v so thal I can make the nocessara changes. i .,/'l I .11, ( l'" ..i.u\\a.;4, -1 (pr A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Qr.rtionslll thc Planning Staii'rr 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL 1s ' ot+a CENEML INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any project rcquiring dcsign revicw must rcccivc Design Revicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the submittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc acccpted until all thc requircd information is submittcd. Thc project may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and,/or the Plaruring and Environnrcntal Commission. Dcsign Rcview Board approval cxpires one year aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. PTI OF THE REQUEST: LOCATION OF PRO PHYSICAL ADDRESS:4.. PARCEL *:Jle O.tAa (Contact Eaglc Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): ADDRESS: owNER(S) STGNATUR!($: NAME OFAPPLICANT: ING,AD PHONE: H.ryPE OF REVIEW . tr Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a ncw buitding. X$AAition - $50 Includcs any addition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidentiat or t ' comtncrcial bdilding. tr l\{inor Altcration - $20 Includcs minor changes to buildings and site improvcments. such as, rcroofing, painting. windorv additions. landscaping. fenccs and rc'taining walls, etc. DRB fccs arc to be paid at the timc of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying fora building pennit. please identiff thc accurate valuation of thc projcct. The Town of Vail rvill adjust the fce according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THTS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL. coLoRADO 816s7. TOI'//NOFVAIL : LOT: - BLOCK: Nb FILTNG: Go'ta-C--ne o R, LONG, BALSLEY r V BARRICK, o SWITZE ATToRNEYS AT LAw Post Office Box 17109 o Rockford, IL 61110-7109 One Madison Street . Rockford, IL 61 104 8151962-661,1 o Fax 815/962-0687 ANi EVERA Peier S. Switzer Joseph L. Long Stephen G. Balsley Richard K. Van Evera James E. Stevens Thomas A. Green Thomas G. Ruud Roben C. Pottinger Date ReceivedT;,1" x:'il:l Sheryl L. Kobusscn Douglas R. Hentl Ann E. Switzer William H. Barrick 0i Counscl JUN 15 tg$ ,Tr rn a Q l qqe Town of Vail Attention: Christie 42 West Meadow Drive Vai1, CO 8t657 Re: Creekside Condominium Association Dear Christie: Enclosed is an application for design review approval regarding the remodel on my Creekside Penthouse Uni I tooefher with the foll-owinq items: 1. , ".a" of drawings regarding the remodel bearing a stamp from Sam Darby, Larson & Darby Architects. 2. A project. manual from Larson & Darby regarding the remodeL. 3. My check in the amount of 950.00. I spoke to Michael Ditch and he indicated that his architect was going to provide a plan for the roof at the rear of the Creekside Building and integraLe lt with the storage room which my architect shows on the outside of the pIan. It is my understanding that Mr. Ditch intends to provide you with these drawings and both he and I are going to join in the application with regard t.o my extra storage room and the roof line above the entry way. I have also enclosed a letter as president of the Creekside Condominium Association indicating t.hat the Association has approved the remodel . I wouLd apprecj-ate you processing this Town of Vail ,June 9, 1998 Page 2 app)-ication and letting me know what, if anything, you need further regarding the application. Very truly yours, PETER S. SWITZER PSS : gb Encl-osure CREEKSIDE CONDOUTNII'DI ASSOCIATION 1 Madison Street Rockford, Illinois G1104 ilune 9, 1998 Design Review Board Town of VaiI 42 West Meadow Drive vail, co 8t657 Dear Design Review Board: This is to confirm that the approved the remodel of t.he Peter and Nancy Switzer as spec ions submitted eo approval ter S |-ze President Creekside um Asgociation Creekside Condominium Association has Creekside Penthouse Apartment by indicated on the plans and the Town of Vail in its applicat.ion z F z I z I s I ' F1< k9,' -_ Y Z F:<IE!2 irdH a92 z-<<dz zzA o<; < (.)al,]7-f,q3 *=9 ?;- E;;o>,<oi fi<': T : t H F.o F z O Id z . F z \ IY t(')luJ l6 lz l<\I J \'t\ rll ut z IJJ z g F E J |ll F ) J F IJJ E a F F v,F z E Iu ul t E r ul o t! z -o J -l E => lr e =, =o F - t € NOrrvn'lvA lEl rit >ot'l :*N =oz o9 -th 2 9 cc d.6 FG 9o F> :z :< >(J FO ;.i "l N \i n i\ .oo \ 'N i\ I t- fil lt1 Fl -{ .A r rrl UI m a, (D cr 5 ltl ,,1 t/l\ ':\I.---l/^l l4 1/ I I o o I l( L | -:-lr't.-.t-( Y-A,.?J =-a\.F\-6 ! >i' t-\r \) -horgy .D50 -to--'t o, O,Olct5 erflo. -{O (.+m=tt OFeo 'l o,tJt:'€ur.oo -o =u4(DJ r=(DF.5.+t^-{.o=.urNt-ho Omc+rDF(Dc)ttre-;'J .'E-lm o(Dx -J -+t tJ1 .cffD .(D-m 5(D to--)eo dz r-. O- c| (f .\sO Ctg,3 \\ Ut F{It z, = l.-{a)t-c F(D=mtn m(,/|>xo(,(,-t(n =O O.C)m o>c)=-l Oo- =O =oz,m-n c)n0,t- falro vtr -l 5.-h (Do (Dol ur -o 5m1 ar=o -t .O -+l ctC .oHc'1V, -lo aD -.1 tl c+(D =o,t-5(D o- tJr tt co 'o -t o (D ci -t =(D o(t c!'(DEI -J(D 3q,tn u't (D arlr'|5 Oc+o r- l-o (DtF (n lrrt tl=(DtH o l,Jr u|lm lu'l (u o- t-- (D UI ln fD (D UI (D oJ vl (D -lr -t o 3 t- t^ U)o - -rr o - o ct o vl (D -rD 5 A,-h (D -t llr c).D 1ci (D (D-n -o tn -.t o-=rDu c) o, =0 O g) =o .D =-r. -Cl E1 =(D I (t (D _r.oo OrUl -t -l or<ct o.o(D = t/l eo 1 OJ. o.(D a-vl Eq,o|,o (O -n(D 5 c)(D 0, 1 o o-o /t! =(,3 (1o T= cr(D (D _..r o-o qr(D (r= d nur o o €.+vr5 ..(D mcDcr=dctZU).+C)F X c .-.r. O 5=O c+o -J (D =r.oo (Do. o,5(Dro J.-J=.rJ 5 J.(1 (D -.go o () f\) -t (o x-=J.J.(1o.,(D(D. = vr=ct5 O (D O -r. -r.(,o - O(rFlctr-+rq=:. 5 J,O 0r 5J (D(O @ (D(,g(/|(D or :c+- ct clc+ = m! (-)A,. 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(D r o o cl'.{rct='tet-t 5<o-,.cqrcf (Oci(O5O5<t-Or+(D-'=-r.)O-(Dl-{c+ =.X('|c,+rD() O-q, lFl ::' (D (D (D ,!- Ur C. t oJ t, l:O (DX5(+(,-r('(Dr-o<ovr(Dvr -h-to(D(,'ot .)(,uro)-lO-r.A,5.1-'.!,rD-t(DOOr-i-hc,urrrota=55-..cirJ .+'Dlcf(D(DO-(.)(D J €-1 o,,5 oc+.D=@*O .o==3c+cr=c)O (+rD-OTDS(Do,OO={Tro--5-r==3 ovr-'J.fvr3.-Jul!rD >rDoJJ.5 r)c+Oc+5c)=|.(D.)'C,C)J.=(!rDoO(D(.f(D rD55oJcf=-5 -tO(clJl O (D O- J. 5 5 OOO.-J{r55(D OTTCO-+rqrCO .ct1.+OUl(D!-h:. =-t-Ju O5(DO5-no.-+ct e-n=-J-lJ.(Do-.+=OrDO-o,r+=-5(OQrOOk cr5rD(/'|,=AO (DO.+c+fD!e5O 1<5EE.D(,.-h ==-|roqr-5-!Oc|t/r t -t o -1 1 .f =cr-n'C'A,<OC=OrQ, ci-l .+ O-J-rqrO-r,(DGC.i O.-rO=OO(o-}l =ATOJO--+lCO a)5-J-t=.utt5-t OO(D<O-ctt/r =c+Q,r+| -r. t,tfl) 6 t-.NI l/,.. I I c? (D !G (DJ. '1 cl' o -! 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(D a./l tJ1 a z.3 m =-t a--J:J.c+Ul-o,O(DOrct (D(DrD=orDu)-h o-'-.Dcar|/|-io-tnoo=ttc).c+oq,(,o(D(oo(Dq5 ur=gr5(D=C(Dr oo3.q{ooJ.(D oo-U)(D >or,-ho.eJtt cfgr.tcro(^o,(D PJ59r(D===ff|J.55(D O_V! -.J(DAr9JStCtvrUr =t'/r3=A,F'(^o oo.ur.-t-r€r+or=o-(orDo5=rct-p,.unJoro-r.oa+c)-r.=(,dXa)c|-to =50-9,0!oJ.(Do pr@-JC5o5€-too-uo5(cr5(D=(oororD4-r+.o.(D fD55o,vl O-O.Oi,.ErC:'0a -rroi+1a'/,-tO(O-hq,.+rI,(D(D O5O=OogrorJ'Cr . =<=rD:1 c)c+()o-o .,.(DU|(D3(D(D^'e3 '.f SOro,Cc+Ooo,tt-tJ.5tn5-hd-roo (/o(OO-oFo.,-ro-t t\) .+rt,'o(,ooo-o3 t(D=cc+(O5O(D oo-hoso,oo-t=t/1 J c o o', 6 - o. o r+(D-rc+(DVIO)ttrq,col-co-ottlri,0J.+-to-(D=o=r.q0 ==r(D(,(DeO.LO o-(D=vr:t(o(D .o(crfDrDo,-t=5-t -hour(D--J=(DfDa 1-c)tnoJUtO-C)5cto O-+t@Ocr=qr Sao'u'qrct(n-'t.D(D 0r5=(D=ro.oJ.o-o,==(oCL-Jo,(D-h5s o(D5=.-ra 5rD=ut-'ci€ctcroJ.J.555 OStnV.t-.rql'(,5.Dcil.r.o(D=-J(I)r!-t-totrO-()c+f]:'(D(D=='o<=(D(D rDttO-o,Oqr--r.(DOrUrtn =(<=(l:lo-t^c+:t 6if-J.('-r(DC)(DO'5.+=(DO crSfDC rr(D(D==:=' =l-€(Dgr,cforc+o rDur5d =qly)C<+.+eto=@a(t=tnc+:o-n cl(Dcr.=oq'oo =_h(DOq,-.,.OCr(I,:5-:o't/'o55o(D=rnic+O--t=(Dc+o-<c+O=(Dvr (DO(DJ.-t(D -r-;ul Fl = m =-{o O = = 91crtvtg =.)-,.c 1(D 'oc-t EJ.r)J(1 (t5c++t (o a,J.o|Cg,c)O:'cf ooo 10j-n-to (1J.-J -OOdc+co=o,co5 (,sck crc+=.Do-'o s-{r=-t-l (t tJt c+-a ct a+oro50 Ox'-h(D-+l q,5cf'Ocr c(o=o5 ct€(D JO(nrD o--tf--tr-rD orDoru ct O qJ -{t tn o-(D(Do -h(D=o=tJ,|-o o,qlrD(D =d==:t r-+Otn o=-o-(D =(Dour Oci=o--tg,o,ul o,-rr5 =c'.==4,qr<r-l rct o -,(D-5c+utfD-J=(t a,o(D ar(,-t -tOl'r+.D5(orDo,5(,7='OOcitt(D 9r-'rulrD= g, 9, .i Ul (7 d50 .Do:ro,,.oJgr5 r)=ok c+grO (o5 'o(Dl nt cf @ -t q r. -t o r+ O c) t, -'. r (,) = (-) O. q, c rD c = {D (D o - - c = o (D .D -t -t. =O 'g (O ! 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