HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT A CREEKSIDE CONDOS UNIT 2 LEGAL.pdfoo Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Proicct Namc: Vande Garde Remodel PlojcctDcscription: SuntoontAddition Owncr'. Addrcss and Phonc: Architcct/Contact. Addrcss and Phonc: Architect One. P. A. | 100 Wanamaker #105 Topeka, KS (785) 271-7010 223 Gore Creek Drive unit #2 Block 58, Vail Village lst BuildingNarnc: CreeksideBuilding Larry Vande Garde 3461 SW MacVicar, Topeka, KS 6661I (785) 267-r068 476-1278 Pr ojcct Stlcct Addrcss: Lcgal Dcscription: Palccl Nurnbcr 2l0l-082-12-002 Commcnts: Clark Brittain Hans Woldrich Board / Staff Action Action: Approved Motion by: Scconded by: Votc: 3-0 C'onditions:That the roof section on the west elevation be removed-1. 2.That the railino treatment be modified to be a 42" hioh horizontal rail with vertical rails td match the size of the Gore Greek Grille railing (no balls on top of the vertical element). Town Planncl: Christie Barton Datc: 516198 DRB Fcc Prc-Paid: $50.00 oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Plojcct Namc: Vande Garde Remodel ProjcctDcscliption: DormcrAddition Owncr, Addrcss and Phonc: Larry Vande Garde 3461'SW MacVicar, Topeka, KS 6661I (78s) 267-1068 Alchitcct/Contact. Addrcss and Phonc: Architect One. P. A. I lffi Wanamaker #105 Topeka, KS (785) 271-7010 Pro.jcct Stlcct Addrcss: 223 Gore Creek Drive unit #2 Lcgal Dcscription: Block 58, Vail Village lst Palccf Numbcr: 2l0l-082-12-002 Building Narnc: Creekside Building Commcnts: Board / Staff Action Motion by: nla Action: StaffApproval Sccondcd by: Votc: Conditions: Staff approval for dormer addition only. Sunroom addition on DRB agenda for 5/6/98. Town Planncr: Christie Barton Darc: Sl4l9g DRB Fce pre-paid: nla Qucstions? On. P;:uiri;ig Stai'i'i;t 479-: i2li APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Design Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw nrust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrniit. For spccific infomration, scc thc submittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucsted. Thc application carulot bc acccptcd until all thc rcquired information is submittcd. Thc projcct uray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torm Courcil andior thc Planning and Etrvirort ntcntal Cornnrission. Dcsign Rcvicrv Board apploval cxpircs onc yeal aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issucd and conslrrction is startcd. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:.,4oo S'up.Ba- .n ---! Dc1z,<t 4 TA|//N OF VAIL C. D. E. 4€F. G. B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:__aiae_BLOCK:5'fr FILING: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 223 Gorzt CRrrn 1);rru e - C.A.xr stb. *2 PARCEL X' II o t aZ >l z cPr&n,u., Eagtc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-E640 for parccl #) ZONING: C44-.r'-,,.a.- C'--,y1 a J- NAMEOFOWNER(S): Lipo4 KU^ *'o c C:,+p.oe LArh-P D v+pot 6.<zx MAILINC ADDRESS: 31 c ( s i*/ ''\4a< v '' ca -i- ar6ir<.,+ (<5 €cdtl PHONE: ?tr- .2e > 't a.-t OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S)::K Vi NAME OF APPLICANT: I.D. \J<,p>c (-.<p MAILING ADDRESS:-;.4 /18 4 j PIIONE: Sa.mt +s € TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: 0 Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a ncw building. Includcs any addition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comrncrcial building. lncludcs nrinor changes to buildings and sitc improvemcnts. such as, rcroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fenccs and rctaining walls. ctc. Effddirion -$50 E Minor Altcration - $20 DRB fces arc to bc paid at the tinrc of subnrittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pcnnit. pleasc idcntifu thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Torvn of Vail rvill adjust thc lbc according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THTS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COI}IMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO ItI657. Pre-ApplicationMcetingDatc: ,, ' ' r,i , '!: tcJrfJ H. t' BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Sof'fits Windows Window Trinr Doors Door J'rirn Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Grecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: /tc *aD Fo U l\ COLOR:* 51- tP G 6AD 6, CL.4 b wo'D -€ 6. *c a.\2 S s YS T-€ r't o T)64,A'€( l)J tt-L "< *tcet trt SuNF.oot^ r'rL\ Be -''::t I + Please specify the nranufacturer's color, number and attach a slnall color chip ** All cxtcrior lighting must nreet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcase indicate thc numbcr of fixturcs and locations on a sq,arate lighting plan. Identiff each fixhre type and provide the height above grade, lumens outpi.rt. luminous arca. and aftach a cut shect of the lighting fixhres. Updated 6/97 .\ \ PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Rotanical Nanrc Conutron Namc Ouantity Sizc* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: * Mininrurn rcquiremcnts for landscaping:trccs-2inchcalipcr ifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight Typc - 5 gallons Square Footage CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls. fenccs, swimming pools, etc.) Please speciff. Indicate top and bottom clevations of rctaining walls. Maximum hcight of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elscwherc on the propcrty is 6 fect Updated 6/97 APR. -08' 98(l{EDl 06:52 LINUCENTERURISH TEL:9lJ 27 30 P. 002 JrEr A Mdqry Irpr H. Bct SErtl L. Iolrar.d Do&r L E!!tY A'l E. Svlzsr willirD H. lsrtsI Of Couul 3 85 o !d!r S. Switrrt Jolpt L. l!!! Sqhla C. Edtlct fiturd K V!! EYcrt , rra E SBrstI ltoot A. Gttst Ito@t C. &d toD.n C. F i$lr BARRICX' SW[[ZER, LONG, BALSLEY r YAN DUERA ATrcTN6Y3 AT I.AY Po6t Ofificc Box l?ldl ' Roclfod' IL 6tll0'7r0l Ooc Mrdilor Sqcct ' Rochrd. lL 5ll0{ 815/96a{6ll . F|r 815/962-{1687 April 2, l99g Dr. Lalry Vande Guard 3451 S, lf. Macvicar Topeka, KaDsaE 55511 Dear Larrlr: Thig is to confirm tshat all the members of the Creekeide ConaOminium Association have approved your plans to- rln"t"i" and improve your condominiun-"nl!, putsuant' to the plans tshaL you have eubmitted ro ehe Torf,o--o'g)vaJ-e'. "' PSS:gb cc: Ruee Gotstenborg T- H. Foreman Charlca ltoEenquiEt Steve McDonald APR. -08' 98{l{EDl 06:52 LrNcS OENTER lJRrsH TEL:913 27 JO J85 o ? ..4 ?1 PSS:gb cc; Ruse Gottenborg T. U. Foreman Charlee Roeenquiet stseve MsDonald \,\\t L.-J ,! BARRICK, S0VilzER, IONG, BAIIILEI r YAIY BVERA ATTOTI,ISYS AT I.^W PoBt Otfrc. Box t?10!l o Roclford' IL 6lll0'7r09 ODG Mdiro! Strtct ' Roc'lf,ord. IL 6f l(X 815/962{6ll . F|r 815/962{Xit7 ft|d S, seiErr JorDi L. b!! SE?hto c. EdtlsY fi:b|nt K Vl! EYctr ,JDtt E SlsrEtu Tboor A. Crcat Itoou G. Bltd xoD6n C- hi!8!r April 2, 1998 Dr. I-,arry Vande Guard 3461 S. W. Macvicar Topeka, KansaE 555L1 Dear Larry: This is !o confirm tshat all Ehe members of Ehe Creekaide CondOminium Associagion have approved your plans to- r&^"tt"t. and impro.t- yont condominiuur-u1i-t, Putsuant' to Ehe plans ih"t yon have e-ubmittad ro the TowL''o€rvale' "' um Aisociation P.002 JrEr A. lfiIwt Jrrr lf- Raf sEttl L, f,olqFd Itod|s f. HrDty A!! E, subrr flillirn H. Br'rlcl of Ccurugl tr h #:ft tr ,&,&ffi J r m f f T] ilgi rl 3nd 'ft .:'i fiia Bi.r t F E: E F # lYhrDtlh a d colo| all.yea r nttnd itt lhis ce nt /i ) rtd b le.t I.l clega n t Systcm 8 S u n roo nt.z---=o_ -1.1t'u Dt a ti ( J()rDt.t I tli tt i ttg rr tr t D t ble ds pe,fc( t lJ' u'i tlt this lt o nrc. rFree standLng un ts GROUP 2(){) GROUP 3()O GROUP {O(| GROUP 5(){| S'AN. TO SPANS TO SP^NS TO JII'ANS IO | 6 rcm) /'2361.m) 14rt6lL"rr S mp y combtne two eanros-flf l- u. r1,{Br-r u,ro,r.n-*l No- of B.ys 4 Bays, Aoth cables 5 Bays, Both Gablo3 2 9'41l4 (285 11cm) 11 51/4 (34861cm) 3 13 -8"(416.56cm) 16-g 1/2'(534 67cm) 4 17 -113/4 (416 56 cm) 67522 .1 3/41675 00cn) 5 22-3112 \679 45cm) 27 -6"(838 20cm) 6 26 -7 1/41810 89cm) 32-101/4(1,001 39cm) 7 30 -11"(942 3/'cm) 38 2 1i2 (l 164 59cm) 8 35' 2 3/4 (1,073.E5cm) 43-6 3/4"(1 327 78cm) I 39-61/211 205 23cm) 48'11"(1 490.98cm) add ea bay 4'-3 3/4 (131.44cm) 54 1/4"(1531gcm) Gable Ddlere 1 7 17 *'\ote: I't'ce standing unils mul,rcguire ritlge beant or other sttpp)rts.t7 ffiF O U R O" A s o N s Stote-of-the-ort engi neeri ng inspired by century old trodition of elegonce ond groce. Interiors of richly detoiled woodwork with mointenonce free oluminum outside, Unmotched insulqtion ond solor control ore yours ln this cqrefully crofted ond versotile conservolory. Avoiloble feolures include wood/clod cosement windows, French doors ond tronsoms, Troditionol embellishments such os finiols, ridge cresting, denlil moulding ond etched gloss provide the finishing touch to this modern dqy mqsterplece of Victorlon English Architecture. Combinqtion units (Conservotory ond Leon-To) os shown in illustrotion ore pod of the versotility of this s,ystem. Flont Eleuation C o mb in a ti ot t Corrser u a to ry .. nd Le q,n-To Co|ttbi,tul tn (trrLtert'uktq' and lean-lo.Utrit with traditional bick bateu,all. H o I I l+- IY l* I I I I I I IH lrrl h lFl tx I N I I H 5 t-o \'1 o o I i: 6- ,f t- N =5 o><=:JH qS o .) N o o o. s.o 5 9.N o cJ s if -.1 o, \l(A F o. q x 'rl >t ,t tl ll +l AI l.Jl el o'l {(rl .'_) ,ll I I I I I .l. o\{ tl t') o a |.J Ei o c) s o () a4 c) tJ *< o 5 c, o F' o o l'-) th ,c) o p c () ,-J g F ?.d.i'o or 1:-*=b'lr; < cJ 5 (t:) a) rJ., \ t, 3 :\ \ + ll ^lz \'^.r lO \lx -"'- lo- '.|r t.. ' S\ l\; FFU (,t Lrt O Or \o NJ 83 t='tc)la tv)to c) ol tl tl tt tl II l\o lo- I .o a) (t) (t z o o o c, Lt) o (,J s ?(-\ 1..) .r,{o A {ot (l o .ti o U) YD ct o F (D o q9. o N A, o. (n o .o o o t; ::i = o ()cr E 7-ln lro rf + lnq lb l+ tl t\ Ir I t--- td l1' \ IJ lo ls. IF to l5 15' 0'o rrl o o ()s I ?_c\ F -\ '{Jt-oAt FSf e.8 ce "o 45'SGI 9.qe f.t * oa c-l id9:t.P l' 3 t !J s E: c ? ts 598.?o g&s t Eql&-;T F ol ,--r il*o rlr4 F;;tE6. N;Y l'--g s5 :/o o a o o o o c) C) ti T' ro () D C' o c):l o c,o o' ol '\) o o o-(t t\ >t\,f t-)tf I' I (^j o\ lm 14.t' U? 16 E l.) -F :*)\:I --\ c 6 T-- 6\ T {,t l^\ l6-I \r'| --_.} t(t\ s.-- l-i' I I I I I Fu>,-c);';'Hn-9 7 '.1, .>\. s (- >* 81- (., ii. ls!IC l'/ t)l('tt\ I o .o c) c, t\ lne t.N t\IN T \ \ \..r A.:--- tr U) =ll ttt llr'll z l'- I \ 7f q3- ci il oa () '-J 0q F 'nhFl ()o=' R!3t i"io€sEo oii o vl UI 0e () >_ EtrtrE r[EF rrt | | H I I | fr | | | E | | r | | F | | A | | E, , , V I | | I I p €; n nq 2 F s t i B > o :rr q E 'S 9 g q P 3 $ u & 6 s E l+=--dt s *F t- o =.:;< o( a' J. C)o I I 0a o, (l v, 5 ! o ()5 o I :q qrP;'3.E ;E'=EiA sntr8El d''i.aB 5'RA tt ttl ;t tfC Ed ,e I I I IS t:t\' t-t(-\N\t\ ts\IN I C\.I' I L--\ F lL-.. C/) l^) 2 lc\- F t\ trl t<l-- E l+L l>o NE $.x \' f.r\.a 4 tr U)s | | | | rZ | | | | t|'l tttll< @r'Ft!(n EO()6.) =0a:lA,Fg?,.el 9d aNo.E 6-"88 ax o A (1 |--t Fn -,t € E t !'s Eg F A€'siS*Es 9FF.\;-;iI $ [ e g iB a g E. * H LY tt-'tt;qg ,, P.A)=N;qc,al.ltr H'F 3 F E [ 3 g r g g E !: p€ g q I E_ g F cr E * d H ? 3 n's€S 6 E s g,E e il g5-$=.Et;A'i 6 € g 3 6 u j 'a co--u iry Development l'lan Routinfto r- Routed To: .a Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Puhlic Works Mike McGee, Fire - )-v) I rrd ;) Retum To:Christie Barton, Community Development Date Routed:3t24t98 Return By:4tr/98 Proiect Name:Vande Gardc - sunroom and dormer Proiect Address:223 Gore Creek Drive, Crccksidc #2 Project Lcgal:Creekside Building, Block 58, Vail Village First Project Description:FYI - more construction in the village this summcr! He's workcd out a rl,-, with Pcpi to use his dumpster. Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions Rcvicwed by: f:\everyone\dom\routtornr l)atc revicwcd: tlAY 14 '98 A?:trc ARCHTTECT Oa.iE, PA t/2'stEEL R00s 1 ln' o.c. aN u,JY,./' CAO{UT R.H. sc&Eus 9'o.c cqrt{IEXStfi scREhs 9. o.c. tlt s1F.- ftoDs 4 trl?' o.c. Ro|ret ctl} R PASIIEO TO y TcH Erx$. RA{.JilG AI LE\,EL 8&OU &{ CB{IER SJPPffiIS REQO AT 14' sP^fl 2x4 AllOt0RO TO POSTS AJAi { ra 0r rul]a S{P PftI.TD SIEE. PAIIT T0 ltAlot l/4' r t'CO{T. BR { tF dn.Hqr t' o_c AIot, RAtt oos To vaT.31lI qAor aD _ (coilTNCIs IqF_l rl sEq,RED ro 23- so. PLANTER POSIS r/ (2) t/z' x t t/2,uc scRETs - coutnRsivx 1. nEu vERFr ru olEils(}{s 2. IIItx RAII AS REQT'RED J. CIXIER Sllfr. RAlt Asstt8tY $f EAet Rlt(JtJc SECIIOi{ V. 6 (, o > E ol TI 0l rl sl ol ef orf ol NI TF TE !l l3 I SGALE:3/4-=-iEI #n I o gi el sl ol el erl ol NI i!tt !r t I€W GUARDRAT- o 1t +/- ABOW IEO( CSIIER BEIEI fl.lflrER A{0 2y sQ. POSr TDGE % MAY 14 '98 aZ:a6 npcxt AX TECT o P. 1 o s ll00 S.W lVrouatc, Sniro lo5 Topota, IQaral 66504 Phone (9r3t zifrro Fer (913) 27r:IO2o PAG67O4Ornw, e o 7,1< . (r"eh*;/e lu'd 5 Uail r/ ;M,e J.'r F; l\ $l"uL 56 ' 13 Nov 97 Dominic Mauriello Dept. of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Dominic, I am enclosing copies of the original floor plan of the Creekside building. These are 20+ years old and I made the changes on Creekside #2lhat were present when we bought the condo in 1978 or '79-the fourth bath off the living room and the stairway up to the loft. I don't know of any floor plan changes to the rest of the residential space in the building. As I told you in my phone message I come up with about 5300 square feet maximum in the building and you said we were allowed 8100 in the building so adding 100 to 250 square feet in our condo should be no problem. I can get approval of the other condo owners without any problem whenever I need to do it. Please share these plans with Charles Davis as he and I have talked and he will tell me what building things need to be included in our remodel plan. Looking forward to hearing from you. Larry D. Vande Garde, M.D. 3461 SW MacVicar Avenue Topeka, Kansas 66611 1-785-267-1068 Fax 1-785-267-0824 , ,A \i{ | 7\\J V"Wo .w'i'nr)p)t^\, G"t" ' n,ll' f'\\"1; " <xt1\ P.\l\ipr gy,qtt.z\ -' Sincerely, v DRB IPPLICATION - TOWN OF \TAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: tt*ttttt*t TETS IPPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED ttNTIL AJ..L REQUTRED INFORIIATION IS SOBTIITTED t********* @: A. DESCRIPTION: UJE^)DoqJ Z:iJ ./voZ7H u)eLL F,TYPE OF REVIEW: O revised sl4/sl COIORADO -------ErocT 14les I. D. New Construction ($200.00) X Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual- Review (90) ADDRESS. Cf&trsrDE E.rE.)4n tJN=7 42 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoT Subdivision BIock If property is described by description, please provide attach to this application. ZONING: a meeLs and bounds lega1 on a separate sheet and E. G. H. LOT AREA: ff required, stamped survey showing NAI4E OF APPLICANT: D.,a applicant must provide a current lot area. a-.l{LEy l-r,4t-tDE- 66po&Mailing Address: Phone APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE: Address:(3 R.vrt1 l,'r'ro' { 5.Jztzv,tt ) -t,^J6o)<.t,/(rS.2l4rcr-Qs^)NAME OF Mailing ^? "t€''$#t^$'' /,r\'"0' NAME OF OWN-EBs{ lla ,-ror., u^-o. <",.r-E.---.----...------- .- \ *SIG}IA (s) :Mailing -7$ J r- E-.a )Lt^- .t a a.e J. Condominium Approvaf if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at t.he time of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of t.he proposal. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID: S .1O - ',FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION s o - s 10,000 $ 10,001- - $ 50,000 s 50,001_ - s 150,000 s150,001 - s 500,000 $500r 001 - $1,000,000 I Over $1,000,000 FEE $ 20.00 q qn nn s1-00.00 s200.00 9400.00 $s00.00 , cl\ \' 1 '. n .'f (\ * DESIGN RSVIET| BOARD APPRO\TAI EXPTRES ONE YEAR AFTER FIT{AI APPRO\TAI T'NI.ESS A BUII.DING PERMTT IS ISSUED A}ID CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. *TNO EPPLTCATION WTLL BE PROCESSED WTTEOUT O9|NER'S SIGNATI'RE NEil uaa:ir \ obJ :t!:l I I I I -t YA:W- oovuo]oc'l|vn Z# IlNn fOlSXS:lUC NOTilOOV /l OONln 30uv930NVA 899t9 oPeropc'llE LZ9ZSLV 2p27 xoq'od ?u!6oc Jeilonu [u eqt r66L USSOICO 6 s $$._ __r \.k'Jtr s9"t$R$$ffi BJ oc +{O +.1 E d4, E3 Ot{O+,gt tq 3E; s6E !.: e Eot .-E.5 oEx E8n rE; EFI H.H;dsl iEE t{P -!sg H-? .4.66 4fifi e P oio caJ o ! r.l rg oE '{ lJ $6 9o xo 14. r{EO !fE _o t$4r 4o FF{ sB rl lr 3a p (t. *r9 qd 26 F rfr a 9t{ B3 g{Oit A-{!6 rq t Oo .'r o t{ gl N d at H ct)z I E a I LL () UJ TL U) J (r f F O =E, F-o _$ 6 E N z 3 s $ 3 A, $.a $ q $ z J o- (5 z I =E IL ]L o o E s :$ _l s roF to Nct $+ N s S=.IT _$=+ ! t.z $t '3) wt$s { *$$s NI r \\T \\ -s v { J I' f, IJJ o s /.< \ .l I d. s h rj A I c\ J. 0\ l.u Fl 6 I o 6 ? N I c1 q eq u o- \) S s /a l4 x i:r t{ s N ?q o i J$ \4 t\l"t\ J r\5r $ {t,I?t ...,r't c Y 3 o Nrr -n4.h )g ,r^,.(.i,r.i.!\ lq\L\n $F :\\ .\ v J i(D H *$ s ;'l )rl -sq' -R,sh ii3 I q b rl Fll rl Ut .=l ul {f !l dll a{l ul ol BI $l \ \- "s tt " ll r. 11 ^,{{Q *-|.1 u (, \-( \.1 ti I '5 \I \al ll, I .i' I |. -. - I -q, N J !). 5 $.' h,lt Fl 6 r4 t |.ut N I N I tl' t\ilr j ^etr v\ \r li + {t'I?t n."? c!f O {l- '$4h )^j ,. \-1 11 \c\. a $-_ ,a .J ,.o H *$s;r {Jii-Ril >u3 \ * ''lt F ll+otlt :${r \ ,\ { U ..|( ri L +c q, r.i rdl c-; N [. tl.. ?,q o '/r\ "l \, \o :s. b ,nl it f,l fl ol {l 8l 3l $l ?. t $, .R j' i!'t ir ,Qr -J i J$ \4 I rIi: ,.i \i, ) NAME OF PROJECT: o LIST OF MATERIALS aFJAELS4€ buv,>tt' uAJ-v SUBDIVISION :* .?. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: LOT_ BLOCK DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:14ENDOc^J AJoI.J-H L4.J*LT_ The following infornation is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows 9{indow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other required for submittal to the Design approval can be gj.ven: TYPE OF MATERIAL n/+ COLOR S7-tJcao OFF o,J nu>$- *t,/o Nk) P/4 PEq4 .S 7\tcco i.D4.]GA ph Me ,:N/e - , t^/\//.Y rr r/n B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone: ru,/n PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Ouant.iLv Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Mininum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 j-nches. fndicate height for coniferous trees. Minimun heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. PLANr *r"*tr,Botanical Name Ouantity Size* .PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is 5 qaLl-on. Tvpe Square Footage GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height above grade and type of light proposed. D. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swimming poo1s, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining walls. Maximum height of wafls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maxj,mum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. o Common Name ,N d!' niiE /{ft_;ii lllitlitl ii[;iilq r$fiitii illaillt\ghilti *;HEi' :i { 1filllliil$l;;ffil iqllllili\llffifi* flillilil i!:siHS ! lg s: Ff zo ou 5a a Ut ..{ t4 H o Fr{ .lJ o 0.)frE 3l tc q' Hg tr ': F "3 ii q .: oc .ri ; t +r_Q +)r '! .9 ,t '.{ Cl td 0)u o 4 R ,E ur tr n ii *r,t n E 5t n E ; ! ' inl E ES ; .! ; *iil HfE d $r s $E-* i?ii Hfl!=* ::-roH i.ere HifiH UtgEB & :!:E E::! ,,EH- ,=oo,3 o -:q1 ;iq: nli! 8q*5 i 8E:! ss:! ganH $;t:! s ol lrl I HI 14l pl ol 14 l trl I F-{ |Al H U z & Fr I 70 ia,- l;n l 1illli111* nB 4 stl ".ii::l 5 r.r;3xi F.l :;:Er ";<?id: Fl C*:oo F{uJFiar ..{'jt!;l H Lo ..1 .tJ ..1 o .o HO E< da .rl .'l >'t E It{ O oo BU HO o O'-l +JX o oo +J L{U oq)>.q ..{ {J ol hq .Q(, 0)tr .9 oo ot'..1 c (u ()Ul oo ..1 & 1J o.2 l.l E t{ c) N .tJ 3 q t\l\r -I t\ \\--'l,rl .-.-\ N-){ -\\r\ U| C \co \ '.1 >'-l \ C .tJ .{J o \ t{'-l td O \ o 0 !{ ''r q 0r\0rrroOOU ox.c \Ea.Aag O +J 'I' +' \+J p orJO aaE d .AFtO'Jg'. +r.Ft {J rH trlH +r..t ,0 4 ^.trX O..lbuldo ot 0i O+r 'ld \ C>+rOE r.o> -.{qk00 cE)or 0 c E o dplotH (D +r.,{F{ t{ ."1 .O .'l btll O E a 'vA t+JOtrlx q,b..{o o 6 tr..tl 6 >,(u c E I\,,r t! .lr l't E +J 1{..t O \o3(l)OO r .rl tlt)( d .F Bt{+rX(lOdOC -Oor.q AC+{C 6O z-tu H q, Ll (t o rr,-t(J v.rl . 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