HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT A CREEKSIDE CONDOS UNIT 4 LEGAL.pdfCr-Ln.V ya^l fil isP TOhIN OF VAII-, 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD vArL, co 81557 970 -479-21_38 Electrical---> DRB Fee InvesciEacion> will call----> TOTAI, FEES- - _ > DEPARTMEMT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMEMT NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE ffiouo POSTED ON .fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: A99-0022 AI.ARM PERMIT APPLICAIVT SI]PERIOR .A.I,A,RM AND ELECTRONICS P. O. BOX 2568 , EDWA.RDS, CO. 8L632 CONTR.A,CTOR SI'PERIOR .A,I,ARM AND ETECTRONICS P.O. BOX 2568, EDWARDS, CO. gt_632 OUINER GOTTENBORG RUSSELL B & DOROTHY M 9LA7 E FLOYD PL, DENVER CO 8023]- Descript.ion: UPGRADE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM JOb AddTESSZ 223 E GORE CREEK DR Location...: 223 E GORE CREEK DR #l_,Parcel No.. : 2l0L-082-L2-004 Project No. : PR,J99-0262 Status...: F]NAL CRApplied . . .NL1, / L5 / a999 Issued. . .: L1,/23/L999 Extrrires. . : 05/2L/2OOO Phone:. 970-926-8788 Phone: 97O-925-8788 Valuation:500.00 FEE SUUI4ARY 50 .00 - 00 .00 3-00 53 .00 53.00 -00 53-00 53-00 .00 Total calculated Fees- > Additional Fees---------> ToLaI Permit Fee--------> PaymcnCs-------- tsAI.ANCE DUE----- It.em:06000 aL/Ls/L999 Item:05600 aL/.Ls/L999 1.L/.17 /.L999 1,L/17 /L999 1.L'/237L999 EI,ECTRI CAI., DEPARTMENT KATIIY AcLion: APPR FIRE DEPARTMENT KATI{Y Act,ion: NO"IE MIKE M AcIion: APPR MIKE-II Action: CAlilC 'JNOI.ET.I AcLion: APPR Dept:N/A Dept: ROUTED TO MCGEE APPVD BUILDING Division: FIRE Division: FOR APPR APPROVAI., WITTIDRAI,TIN PER CHARLIE DAV]S CONDITION OF APPROVAL Resubmit wit.h ,j******rr* ** *r** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge thats I have lead lhj.s application, fiLLcd out in fu]I thr infontralion requiled, completed an accurate plot pLan, rnd ltiEc thats aII th€ information proviaed ae required is correcb. r agre6 to coEply wj.th the information and plot plan, Eo cortrply tfitsh all Town ordinancea and Etate Law6, and tso build tshiE €truclur€ according to the Town'6 zooing and eubdivision code6, de6ign review approwed, Uniform Building code and olher ordinances of th€ Town applicable lhereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SIIALL BE MADE TwEMIY-FolrR HottRs IN AD\IANCB BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-2138 oR AT OUR OFFICE FROl.l 8:00 LM 5:00 PM 1-. Pl-ans are insufficient for approval .reguired information. puoae- U\,q o **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,, COIJOR"ADO Reprinted: L2/03/99 20:30 Statemnt **************************************************************** SEatemnE Number: REC-0591- Amount:53.00 Lt/L6/99 L5225 Init.: JRM Pa)ment Method: CK Notation:2591 This Payment Permit No: A99-0022 Tlpe: F-ALARM ALARI4 PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-082-12-004 SiTE AddrESS: 223 E GORE CREEK DR LOCATiON: 223 E GORE CREEK DR #l,CREEKSIDE COIIDO'S Total Fees: 53 .00 Total ALL Pmt.s: Balance: 53 .00 53 .00 -00 :l*************************************************************** Account. Code Description EP OO1OOOO31114OO EIJEETRICAL PERMIT FBES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILI, CAIJL INSPECTION FEE Amount 50.00 3 .00 t*Contact Eaele .*f ,i. s7o42l:864 Y"PARCEL #: )tAit F-* Offlce TOWN OF PERMTT Illl,8tili3fi"slp PERI'IIT I 6Mofi Ph. Ph. 'K- FiLins suBDIv:.,sIoN, VHLILLTL owners Nane: bwftw (n+tenboiov Address: U - Block Architect: ceneral Description: Address: DAIE: il.).qq - - t APPLICATION ltusT BE FIL,I;ED OIII coIttPLEIELy oR fT UAy NoT BE AccEpTED U X*******************'********* PERI{IT rl{FoRl'lA?foN *!r***********rl***************il I J-Building I J-P1r'nt-ing- t J-Electrical I J-t{echanibat [{-other drL Job Nane: CfepXi Uru++ |Job Address: tegal Description: Lot !{ork Class: Nunber of Acconmodation Units: Gas Logs_ I{ood/pellet PIIJMBTNG::D x **** * * * * * * * * ** ** ** **,fEeneral contractor: Address: MECIIANTCAI,: $ Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR oFFrcE usE ** * ** ** * **** ** ** ******* * ** *****BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: .P.U'}'BTNG PIAN CHECK FEE:!{ECHAilTCA! PIAN CEECK FEE: :fffi$l"il"F33iDate Rec TOTAIJ PER}'U FEES: t'[ ]-New gX-art.r.tion [ ]-AdcUrionar [ ]-Repair [ ]_other Nurnber of Dyrellirig Units: |l.l*.t and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances JlT* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vALItATroNs ** ** * * * ***** * ** * ** * **** * ** * **** * * BUfLDfNG: S EI,ECIRICAL: $oTHER: t Eb - ****** Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical. Contractor: Address: ********!t*:r********************* BUTLDING PERMTT FEE: PLUMBTNG PERUTT FEE: IITECHANICAI., PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAT FEE: OTIIER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: TOTAL:W rxFoRrdATroN * *** *** * ******** * **** ***** *Town of Vail Req. NO.Plrone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: l{0l/ 12 l99L-- BUTLDTNG: f- sreuarr:ni: ZONINGs STGI|AfTIRE: I cr.EAN ItP pEPjsIT xEFUm TO: o a o-'| Ra<^2 \-I-^*^F*_, @ctlp&J /6 =u.*- (.=r.--* arz-e d 7€^f t{g|]5-=- FrtY l<!4.{ at; tBL 11 f)eo ?:{flr 7- 6er?&f1 G) F aKU Sfrr t( 6;,T'TT 5 u Fr€.ool'1 1p ururl- Z [!t--erl ENT'.Y I tlruu I ,r1l Il fl sToc^4€- \r,!t-!J. aNe A:-BOruf Fuerz fFr+^-r 6rai-€ riaf' = tt -ct' t=LA i'i C r.u7t i Je- L ol k lr\K 46 tSl TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FROIITAGE ROAD vArL, co 9L657 970-479-21-38 DEPART!{BDTT OF vu COMMTJNIW DEVEI,OPMEIIT \ NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON {IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permj-t #: 898-0350 iIOb AddTEEEZ 223 E GORE CREEK DR LOCATiON. ..: 223 B GORE CREEK DR Parcel No.. : 2101-082-12-004 ProjecE No- : Pt{iI98-0285 stsaEus...: ISSIIED (CRBEAppli€d. . : #LL/L6/L998 Issued...: LL/L7/L998 E:cpires. . : 05/L6/L999 APPLICAIIT ACHEI.,POHL CONSTRUETION P.O BOX 2432, VAIrJ eO 91559 CONTRAETOR ACITELPOHIJ CONSTRUCT]ON P.O BOX 2432, VArL CO 81658 OWNER @TTENBORG RUSSEI,I, B & DOROTTIY M 9L87 E FLOYD PL, DENVER CO 80231 Description: FINISH SI'NROOM Occupancy: Rl Mult.i-Family Tlpe Construct,ion: V l-ItR Tl4)e V l-Hour 'IYpe Occupancy: Phonez 970-949-0440 Phone z 970-949-0440 Valuat,i-on: Fir.lrhcc Infor.Drtion: R..lricCrd: TOV/Comm. Dev. amount *of (}r. Logr: 2 ,900 ilof G.. Applirnc..: Rcleuer!'rC Ple.n RcwicJ- -> RacraatLon Pee- ---------> ckEn-up D.po6i!- - ------ > TO4A! FEEII----- l+of wood/9al1et r r*t*.rir*rrr'.rr FEE sultu^n1. Bulldlng-----> P1.n Ch.ck---> tnv€allgation> will crl1----> Its 11 II,11 It,11 IE 11 ?5. OO aa ,7s ,oo .00 . oo 226.78 226.75 .oo 100 .00 226.14 .lddltsLon.1 P..r- --- -----> Tocrl P.rbLt E..--------> PalrEanE. - - - - - - - BAT.ANCE DUE---- .OO rtttttttit'rtjrtt'a!rtttatttttratt tr*l,tt**tttr**rrrrrrtr..rr.rrarrrr!rrrata*trrr*rrratr*rt!a'arr'arrr.'aiirrr.trra**!t*tlt***tr trta*a* em: 05100 /L6/L998 em: 05400 /L6/t998 em: 05600 /t6/L998 em: 05500 /]-6/L998 BUILDING DEPARTTIIEIiIT Dept: BUILDING Division:EHARLIE ACtsiON: APPR EHARLIE DAVIS PI.,A}TNING DEPARTIT{EI{T DEPT: PI,ATiINING DiViSiON: CHA,RI.IB ACt,iON: APPR N/A FIFA DEPARIT{ENT DEDE: FIRE DiViSiON: CHARIJIE ACTiON: APPR SEE COIIDITIONS PIEI.IC WORKS Dept: PIIB WORK Division:CITARLIE ACTiON: APPR N/A trrtttrt'r'rrrrrrrrrr*ttttrtrrr*rr* +rrrrrrrrrrtttrr tt*rt*a*|,t*iirr*ir.**r See page 2 of this Document, for any conditsions that nay apply Eo tshis permiE- I hcr6by ecknorl.dgc chat t h.w. r.ad Ehi. .ptrllcrtslon, flllod ouC in full thr inf,ororci,on rrquLrrd, coElrl.t.d rt! accuriEe plot FI$, |nd sc.Ca lhrt r11 thc infotortlon provldcd a5 r.qulr.d 1,. colr€ct. I .gr.o to couply rlch gh. lnforE lion end plot plan, co coEply eiBh rll Tovn ordin nc.r lnd .!.tsB 1rr., and to builal Ehi. EEruccula rccordl,ng lo the Torn'. aoning rnd eu.bdlvl.ion eodcr, dcoign rewica alrprow.d, UrrlforD BuildlnE coda rnd olhaE ordinancca of thc Toln REQI'ESTI' POR 5IIAI,L BE IIADE IIIB}ITT.POIN HOINS IN ADI'TNCE BT OI,R OIPICB tRoH 8:0o AM 5!00 PM Sand Clcrn-Up Dcpolit To: ACIIEIJPOHIT rOR HIUSELF A,!ID OIf}fER ':{aa o=,i9 oai FI oiz .o oo EI E |€ o o t,H 9l a H E E ta D o -d A ts H 4 E E tJ ': E, FI i6 fi8 Hrr AgI :8 gE OA n A Er & E ia .J E o g 6l p a H o z o I o .tH qH 3CO UO <s oc ofl oto o AF.z2 pp E|O ptr c E H FIH EA EE q|<9 E tr Fr a2 .lD 'O EiE H( ra o E HFI r1 z 8B f;: l. E 4 F E F E-A H 6 H t{E6 rlq !g E| E I S"g fi8 H U lr A H g 3 & h ttt q a F aa NP AX =TE EI ,4Cgl a(:,-EOF.qtEg **********:t******************!t*********!r*f*************rr************************ COIIDITIONS Permit #: 898-0350 as of LL/L7/98 Statsus: ISSIIED *********************************************!t***!t**!t******************:t******** PermLt Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applicant : ACHELPOHL CONSTRUCIION 970-949-0440 ilob Addrese: Locat,ion: 223 B GORE CREEK DR (CRSEKSIDE ITNIT#I)Parcel No: 2101-082-L2-004 Applied: LL/16/t99e Iesued: LL/t1/L998 To Brq)ire. 05/t5/1999 Descript.ion: FINISH SIJNROOM Conditions: 1 . FIBLD INSPEqIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI'ICE.2. AIrIJ PENBTRATIONS IN WAI'LS,CEII-,fNGS,AIiID FIJOORS TO BE SEAIED WITH AII APPROVED FIRB MATERI.A,I.,.3. SMOKE DETEqIORS ARE REQUIRBD IN A],t BEDROOMS AIiID BVERY STORY AS PER SBC.r_210 0F THE 199r_ nBC.4. FIRE DEPARTI,TEI{T APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE AIYY WORK CAI{ BE STARTED. iirriatrattafiaaatttaaar|,arrttoJrrrtttttaartttitttrttfrrtttttiit ttttt mllf ol vN!, o(trontlro ac.B.]rE tttartattlttl!.aatr!ttittiiataaaataattrlttatttttttatttt'tttttatrirtttttt Strtrcre !tr!bar. EC-0a?7 lrcutrb r Prl4!€nt llaDhod! CK trotrCionl ela9 226.75 lLll?lra lZ.A6 hlc, ilR P.ralB tfo: P.rc.l, llg: !tIB. lddr..r ! Lgcrelon ! Thl. PayDanf Iot l Faaa, 226.7s lorrl lI! PoE. ! !rl-o35o tl't.r a-rF .IDD/ET rP BulLD PBR 2101-Ot2-12-OOa 22t A COnE CREBK m, ,23 I €OnE CRaAK Dt (CREIf,aIDB n|ITtr l Brlrnca! 226.75 226.73 ,00 lccoune @da D.acrlp"lon BP 00!00003111100 EUtt DII|O DtnXtI plt8 PF 00100003112300 P[l!f cHBcR FEES rD D2-DIPOI CDEII|U9 DIDOSTES {c 0010000t1!.2a00 m!! cll]t llfttplqtrq tlt l@urt 7t.oo {t.75 100.00 3.OO TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArrJ, co 91657 970-479-2L35 Job Address...:Locat,ion......: Parcel No.....: ProjecE Number: DEPARII,TBNT OF COMMI'NITIT DEVEI.,OPM$IT PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECIIANTEAI, PERMIT .TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M98-0234 NOTE: TIIIS 223 E GOR.E CREEK DR 223 B GORE CREBK DR ?LOL-082-]-2-004 PRiI98-0285 Status...: ISSUED (CREEIGIDEApplied. . : Lt/ t6 / L998 fssued. ..: LL/L7/L998 E:cpj-res . .: 05/L5/L999 APPLIESNT COI.|ITRACTOR OYINER Descript,ion: MECH TO FINISH STJIIROOM Piraplrc.R..Crlc!cd, I MID VAILEY SERVICES, INC.P.O. BOX '7'752, AVON, CO 81520 MID VALLEY SERVICES, INC. P.O. BOX 7752, AVON, CO 81"520 GSTTEIIBORG RUSSEI.,IJ B & DORqNTY M 9187 E FLOYD PI,, DEMIER CO 80231 Phone: 970-949-4240 Phone: 970-949-4240 1, 000 . 00 #of t{ood/Pallct: Valuation: llof or. r,o96 !l+of o.. Appliuc.!: RcglualanE Plltl Rcviax-- > rrr****rrrrirrl,rrrirrrrr*.i.irirrrrrtrarrr***tlra*rlr**rrarr.rr*r FEB S,'ARI !ltttf+t***ttr*rrrrr*r*rrr*t'rt*tttttt.t*i*r*lrr a Mechanical- - - > Plan Ctrack---> I nwe Bt.l grt ion > will c.l1- - -'> 20.o0 s.o0 . o0 3.00 .00 To!.1 celculat.d F..!---> 29.00 DRB 8!6-------- .00 To!AL FEgs----- 24.00 Addlttoml FG!r---------> Toerl P.loit F..--------> PrldantsE- - ___- -- .oo 2S.OO 2E .00 BAIA}ICE DUE...- .OO t.rr*rttttttttt i 'r t r !lt 'r ', !r r 'r tl| 'rta ttt t tttt * * r * a tll tt a r r r rr. r rrr.rrrrr trttt fr t'ta tt tt* ttt* BUILDING DEPARIMETiIf CHARLIE Act,ion: APPR CIIARLIE FIPA DEPARTI,IENI CSANT,TE ACEion: APPR N/A COIIDITION OF APPROVAIJ 1. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CEBCK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS It,em: 05100 LL/t6/L998 Item: 05600 LL/L6/L998 o"3?8.: BUILDTNG Division: Dept: rrnr Division: r hGr.clry rcknorl.dgc thrt' t hrv. r.rd ehl' rppllcrtlon, flll.d ouE ln full th. lnfotuclon rrquirod, coEplcb.d rn p1D, rnd rfrea Ch.U r11 tha Infolortion provid.d er rrqu!,rcd la co!r.cg. I .gt.a Co c{ttl.y *leh hhe Lnfororbl'on co co[ply rleh tII fortr otdlnxtoa. .nd rcteq hr., .nd to build ghlr ttruccurc .ccoldlng tso tshe Totn'. Eonlng rnd REQI'ESTS FOR INEPB TIO!'! AHTT.', BB UADS !i|ETTT.FOI'R HOt'Rg AIEIIAT(nE OE OIII|BR OR COITTRACIOR EOR IIIIISELF AND OI{NER rceurala pLol and ploc plan, .ubdLvl.Lon At 47r-2139 OR AT OttR OtFtCB FROII 8!O0 Al'l 6!00 PN o tatrtaiitttttttrtt*attr,rt*atit !rra!rittattttttttt mm ot lrAtl, eotoRlDo tt.gmt! U!b.!! t!C-Ot?7 toounE r P.)ra.nt, X.ClroC. Ct< f,otrtsl,osl: 2390 gErEalllt' 2r.oo ltfr1 lga LttS9 lnLt r itR tttttttattttiaatttarrttif ttti|, aat!l*|rtaaarrrr..rarrr'}',ttarrrrarr', P.I|!iC Io3 ltta-ozl{ tylr. ! B-I|ECH ttEcflA$IcuJ PERI|IT Prrcol Xor 2101-0a2-12-OOa 8lt. lddr.r. r 22t E OOi! enlltr3 DR Ipc.tlon: 229 E OOR! cnIE m (caBBrstDB rnarT *1) lotrl F...: 2l.00 lotrl AtJ. ht.! .ia.rr.!rrr.rtr'r!r*r*i'r.ttrrrr*rt...r.r::ll.t:: Accouttt @d.DaaarLptst ofrr Thl. Pqrocnt ,t.oo 29.00 .00 uP 00100003111300 xlcltAl'tcrll plR|.rT rEra Pr 00100003112300 ptrll| cl|8c( FlEs wc 00100003112300 rl!! CA!'J tt|spEgrtol| FEr Alounc 20.00 s.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2t38 iIOb AddrCSg: 223 E GORE CREBK DR Locat,ion- - .: 223 E GORE CREEI DR Parcel No. . : 2L0L-082-L2-004 Project No. : PRJ98-0285 APPLIEANT WEBB ELESTRIC P. O. BOX 5986, AVON, CO 81520 COIITRA TOR WEBB ELECTRIC P. O. BOX 5985, AVON, CO 81620 OWNER GCTTTE}{BORG RUSSEI.,L B & DOROTIIY M 9187 E FLOYD PI.,, DEI{VER CO 80231 Description: ELEC To FTNTSH SITNRooM DEPARI!{EI{T OF COMMT'NITT DB\IEI.,OPMEIiIT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES BLECTRIEAT PERT{IT Penrit, #: 898-0305 STATUS...: APPROVBD (CREEApplied. . : LL/ L6 /199e Issued. . .: LL/L6/L998 Ercpires. . : 05/L5/L999 Phone: 970-748-9LtO Phone: 9"10-748-9LLO Valuatsion:700 .00 FEB 6IJUI'ARY Bl.cErlcal-- -> DRB tce lnvc!!iga!Lon> Will call----> TO4IAI. PEBg--.> Tot'el Crlcul,.god Ecoa- - - > Addition.l Fces---------> Tolrl Pcr:Dit Fca--------> PayD6nts6 - - - - - - - - BAI'ANCE DUE----- 50.00 .00 ,00 3 .00 53.00 .00 s3 .00 53 .00 .00 ir'rl,rrrrr*rrrrr tit*t'ttttttttttt*tratttataarrtatarrJ*rrrr'ltatttr*i*rot|,tiirti}t*irttttttt*t*tttt** IEem: OSOOO EIJEETRICAIJ DEPARTTT{ENT DepT: BUII,DING Division:LL/L6/L998 CTNRTJIE ACI,iON: APPR CIIARI'IE DAVIS IEq!I'.'.056Q0__EIBE DEPARIIMENf Dept: FIRE Division:LL/16/L998 CHARIJIB AcEion: APPR N/A l'ttttt'ttt',tr'.ilttt*'tt*ttt''t.',tt'tlt'''tttrli'tirli'tlrr'.'riti.tiltt.ttttrt'rt.'.!,l'l''ttl'l|lt'ttttlttttt..t' COIIDITION OF APPROVAI 1. FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE- trtttttalrarr*rrtata*trrttttttttarrrrrratrrrrtr ttJritt*rtirrr*tttrrttttitrttttttrtt*trrairttititttttalt*rtt*t'rianrtrri!r DECI.ARATIONS I h.r6by rcknovl.dg. thrt t hrv. rctd thl.. .pFllc.clon, flll.d ouC ln full th. lnfoluatlon raquir.d, coEpl.ted tn tccqrlts. plob phn, and acrc. thr! r11 Bh. lnforr!|clon providld ae requirad i6 corr.cc. t rg!a. co cqlrly rlch th. itlfotrqrblgn |tld Plot PIan, Co coEPly vlbh tll Torn oldin.urcc'a .nd !trg. 1.r., rnd go hrild !hl. ltrucluro rccordlnE Eo gha Torn'r zonlng tnd Eubdlvialon cod.., d..lgB ravl.y rpprovad, Itnifot Eullding cod. lnd oth.r ordln8cr! of th. Tovo applLcrbl. cheE€to. REQUASIS FOR SHAI,'J BB tiIADE Ii{E!ITI-FOI'R HOI'R8 IN ADVANCE BY irrrira,tarrtattt!aattttaatatttallttottttttataataattaattoo'}ooaaaat IOn OF VrIL, Cbr.OntDO Etrta[Dt gc.cr[nB ltrrlb.rr t!c-0a77 lmung r Prltu.nt, U.Ehod t CR NgtrClons ztro s3,00 lr,/17lrs t3 !58 IniE! i'R P.nLs fo! lta-0105 ItDc r B-EtrEc EtrBem'Icll PERrIt Prlc.l f,or 21O1-0t2-12-O04 git. lddr|.|! 3 223 t dOnI cRfEK A locrtLon: 213 a @m CBEgr m, (CnIIIAID! lt lf *1) Iotal ta.a I 53.00 toErl l!! Frgrr lttl.. Patt!.rtts rr r ttt ttta t rtttltJatttttta lccounc @da Brlrnca: 53.00 53.00 .00 lP 0010o003111a00 tt tetRrcrIJ plRtftl tttg ic 00100003112t00 rll,r, ctt t rug9tctto|| tt! D.rcrlpt'i.on leung 50.00 3.00 Legal Description: Lot-- Block owners Name: Do{Lo fulL Address: Architect:Address: qTIRNTIIT C TNN. General Descripti onr(,*ts{: wr aigLlcr\L_.Tt-ruan oxs w44..- . llnepair r :-otr,". Number of Dwelliig' Units:Number of Acconnodation Units:---...:_ #*:: and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances- Gas Logs_ wood/peJ_J.er_ {********:****************:t******** vALUATToNs ?r******************************** BUTLDTNG: $ I?.OO = ILUUBTNG: T--ErEcrRrcAL: $ ?m=OTHER: $ Addres3: Contract-o r : AUIEc?o d C ELectrical Address: . PlurrJcing Address: Mechanical contractor.:Address: TOTAL; $ Tor+n of vail Re,g, No.-ln -6 Phone Number: ff3l""f"ffi:i:yulfr}W Town of Vail Reg. NO.fnone Number: . FOR OFFICE USE ******:r* ***************:r** *****BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PTf lMtrTN/: nr r tr ^rYF ^::gPIIg PLAN cHEcK fEE: Ilgg$.ucAL PrAN cHEcK FEE:RICREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT BUILDTNG: STGNATUF€: ZONING: STGNATURE: PLUI.TBING PERMTT FEE:}fECIIANICAL PERMIT FEE:ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Contractor: b18c A,to contractor: Mf D VALUATION J' I -1. ic'r,EAN ItP DEPOSIT REPrrNp m:\ o 75 south lronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.3 8 or 479-2139 D Y ,l i I I 't I I .l I .J .t {t ,l i!.::yii'i'3i3il"ili"il";.u.::l:?: l!.1t ir- is unrawryr..ro5 .any ;:,ffi "';'+li i;ia"t"ai " g "t'i.; =5;;;:.3iI, =ii li.ili!*i"i ilfu 3;!;i = pr?ee ". ;;t-;;;.iiiiiil"ifi'"1;"=ii;ilil5t_*il;:^;:,1;llii"",Vair streets and. -""a="il-Jip."ir^ui.iv"s'it]'I* pavemenr.This ordinance "iii-t" :;r;:[i;'enforced by the rown of VaiI Pubric'r'rorks o"o1.ir"ntl-'pJi.Ins found .ri.lrJr-ing rhis ordinance will be givcn a 24 hour r.itiun'notice t.-i"ri"" said rnateriar.rn the event the person so notified. does not compry with the notice r+ithin the 24 nour time lpecified, the putti-c rl0rks Department vrirl remove said rnaterial at the expense of person notif ied' The nrovisions-'of"tril= orainancd. strarr not be appJ.icable to ctnstruction, ^ui.,t"r.,.nce or repair projects of any street or atley ". "ry'"fiiiti"= in.the .L!nt_u_"oy.. To revievr.Ordinance Nd. 6 in full-, please stop by the Town of ::li.::i13i'g."tf;i:'n:*"::""iiiin a copv. ri,uni. you ror your TO: Fpnrf - OOtt, SUBJECT: ad and olllce ol communlty developmenl }!Ji-C9ITRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WTTH THE TOIfN OF VAIL TogrN OF VAIL puBLIC $loRKs/col,nruNlTy DE\rELOpl.tENT IIARCH l_6, L988 CONSTRUCTION PAT,KING & }IATERIAL STORAGE 1-?a sh L 'ill 'l rl' onlRelaI ect (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 :oulh tron lsge road v8ll, colorado 81652 (303) 479-2138 or 4?9-2L39 ot,lco ol community devolopment EUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCT TII,IE FMI.IE If'thi.s perm.t.t reouj,res a Tov/n of Vail [ire Department Approva.l ,Ens i nee;''s (.pubr i i wo ris j ;;; ;;'. il i jpbrouui, -i' piiir,ii lS"oeparrnenr rev r eyr or Hea'l rh o:.93iil:nt. revi evr, -unb, u-r.ui.n tv"tiiu,,Hri r ai ng Siot[llE.,l;.the estimated time for'a-totat i.ui.n-iluv,.iuii,u, rons All commcrciat ('tu"g:^:l:Tull) and a.lt mutti_family permits wiil have to follovr ihe abov^e.rnentioned miximum requirements. Residentia.r and smat I pro jec ts shou'rd ilk;-;-i.;;!. urornd or-rime . ' However, .if residential or sntalter proiecit-iipi'ii'the varjous above mentioned departments vith regard' to-necessai!-r.ui.*, these projects may also take the three week period l:::{".li.lpt wi11 be nrade by this cteparrnrent to expedite thjs Pel'ml.'t.as. s.qon as possibl e. - -- !'rrEe ' es ! I:.i!. undersigned, understand the pian check procedure and time Trame.- Date Rflrk Sheet wa s JuihEd--liTo-T 'Communi ty Development Department. TO: FROM: DATE: FIE: MEI/ORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOHS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being perlormed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public fropei;ty?. ls any'utility rvork needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed 1o site other than existing dnveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit" required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property lo be used lor staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, slaging or lencing'plal required by Community Development? lf you, answered yes to any of these questions, a "public Way permit" must be obtained.?ublic Way Permit. applicalions may be oblained at the'pubtic Work's office or at cg.lnqtulity Development. ..lf you h,1ve-any questions please.call Chartie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-2159.' Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnairE@arding the need for a "PublicWay Permit": YES NO )4- A /- 7< d I have read and ans ed allthe uestions. .t\tl 2) --, A e\ 4) 5) b.l 7) B))A-- f,r'\- Contra ols Signature Date Job Name ii .t.,,i REFII I3 J, r----I TOt N 0F VAILr COLORADO F.AGE 17 AREflI CD I'E/17/9a €tBrE9 REGIUESTS FOR INSFECTION l.fORK SHEETS FORrl3/17/99 Activity: B9ti-tZr35O lEitT/9A fyper fl*MF Status: I$SUED Canstr: AMF Address: E?J E $ORE CREEti DR L-ric;ibion: ;:LJ E GORE CREEK DR (CREEKSIDE UNII*r) |-.'a.ce I : i:1 01-A8€'-1e-UtA4 Occ:Use: Description; FINISH SUNROOM Appl icani : AIHELI-'OHL trONSTRUCTION F't]one; 97O-949--A44A f)r^IrIEr! TJOTTENHORG RUS$ELL B & DOROTHY M F'hONE! [-:crntri+ct or: ftCHELtrOHL CONSTRUI-T ION Fhone ; 9'7fi-949-O44r?t V 1*HR I n s pec-'t ron Reque st Req,-tesbor': DAVE |ieci Time: tZt6:OtZt Items reqr-rested to rzlrzilAgA ELD6*Final Infornabion.... Cc.tmmentsr CCINDE be Inspected... , Fhone-r- 47I--8364 *1 l*t tt L | \&(-L/ HCt 1(,n LOlnnerlls Time Uxp I rr s pec'c i on l{i5tor"Y..... It eil : OrZrrilSgt BL.DG-Framing Item. UrtZt0SO BL.DG-Insr-tlat ion fc/09/98 InsPectonr [iRG It ern: rZrba6rar BLD6-Sheetrock Nai I 1gl 11./$8 In:Pector: JRFI I Lenr : o{zl{r7B EtLDG-lrlisc. I bem: 0B€r90r L+LD6-Final ActionI {lFFR SUNROOi4 ffct i on r FtrF R AF [-'ROVED }s, -r.Ttr-,r?nl{rrqrrr'FfirElFr-<, r -'F'l|7!t!rtr':r',!r-1":: fI Ld Ofgn Review Action Fo)t TOWN OF VAIL o.t" N0{, lZ, Wlb Category NumbeI Project Name: Building Name: Project Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVcontact, Address and Phone: Project Street Address:7,74 e, (-o(> Cr,c.v-htw' Comments: Seconded by: Motion by: ,\st"neoorouar fl Approval D Disapproval Conditions: o","' No/. lZ, l{{b DRBFeepre-paid +2o, oD[>L !tl a rl a B Uo !{ HS o.z F ht H tl - U I E E ts trt \, tsl H o D }1 H I H 9 z o t!d f,H Er: o o E n d. ts o U P Fl t{ o trru ..}.tfH ,d trl u,n Etl tdo r{ td Fl F{H<z6 OU r';.- t') **|t *t t :l *** )tH b c |f H lf Fil H z B E u F3 E E' +t ****I *I It t\ ,..t t. l./ YH ^.8 \H F:E t! P ll FJ 0tl l2 ll rd Ftt trl tn >Z u) p,o o an P,{ rd rro F P.O t{op ua H c?trt ^Ft €4'E uto oc'.F.oo o!' 6 \.,o P o I I t1 ;5 P. 5 o r-l P H rr o Fl c,rr P.o it L o d o o tt r" F p, P o P.o { ^*.e) N oo o Ur) caE{trn tto p., P F. trl r-- u o ltl F-(/)oo 5X H ro H H o z rl o r" tu P o o x cfoH ooit a r?ort'!t Pl r-t 1,. F- o Ur tt rtj rfo !, F,. ft ttOr?rrtS< |Jr P. P.o\J ?!orP rroo P- g', o Otaur 5(Dc).n 15 P-Ft tt oo <o F.ott OK op,5 3 9ro o ofi O tl 'tt F, p,H5 p,9,o ott o ral !t5 oo OUI ft H lro 5A o9r H g, r?rr Fl o !t N o z H z o \arl 4ll-L+'1 rrt Fl o z E trl o rrt o e tll F a ; lo F H F F C{ z E tt 3 F,P. 7Z g, It P-E F ttl P.lo rAtr'r{ v tr rd trl H r)It z Fl !t o o Ft o It ln },P rl,fo ord t-1 ti OH UlO sl t,,.2 F] < A,ts.H P.5 q v o,o Fl o (n v, ts-h<p,f.rU O b ur O pru P.F O hr '.r'EEfrt B H Fr 9, PrK rr, O F{F-O rtP.O trl B Ci pJ O P.5 Hr frj P. h;. Ooq .. 5 il t'f I tn p. l.: $*il$E 1 B C" tl, r" fn \J !ftl rro 15 }f ::flB.8 E H r,HERx r F croSrt ts'B$'il9 Fn H p Ptl o o,o. ou{ |lJ \t B'"36; E H HltfiD' tt O tri'g''E? & s . HIJ tsO t- tri -8F5" o u o5Frgrp, -ta dF.l lf O O O F.O hi Fin o S H;FPs g o F.5 tr H !-r.. o o fr'$Ex H n E-fi [ T RrF'r ta il8r 9- g 3[EE* F ilrr H H''U b El tt Di tt,tt 9) ltj U,FH I Fgq H HF:o H FgH *'*'Jc,+#s E H g 3G.* F'ut ooooo sr Ut O O oooo PP Hoooo t EB tsts'.*oE Fe 'B f{E st&+*{/t{' H trt lU tsts c}Ed tt.* z o< ooo(rL'tts p oooooo irt tr{H oooooo Ft{ oooooo BX oooooo HI' t-3 H F Htd ut v, de 3 t e#&a6*hl 14 (rat!.P U]{ oooourNrtd vE PPPSSPH Z oooooo uP oooooo .,8 9F 6 13 rd IlH 8F €F H q to F ttl rd n td N ro o !l o rd !o J o l *-t > F H H F O .tl F v I F rE [It6gPP EEel v Pe'REs$FEqf ' ,$#r E 6B$EF$E Faff rsa Ern lg;[;f;eii r:+e:s rl'r flcli ElEl;r cil l[iFflFs E nr;rgrr r: :,, r;i FEsir;rri ffcEFg Fff IEFE Filiil ilf i[Fi$[g F ii;fiEi iri ;ffi '[[ i srgriiiF iiiElf'IE ifiii ilFri lil iiEiigg E iElgi$i iti iffi ii ufliiii5iE ilip[F fftisr [[[i[ FiF Eiea;if E [rilir rFr '[i ii il*ir$l [[i[Ei l$ igi '[[fi ii rriiFri F FElgrF - sE [E'i F[[E;; -E ,'l r i6 ;s g;*t"' F ut 2:)r' tsl o rrl ru F o C{ trl r) F ulEr F]E FO trr t,t{ rr €U l, trl Uur Ur)FF GIH ulrd ca lil ..H o z (, ci ut U H H a H o z F€o5 <o ts-O rrl {o H UtFJ oo pr€ FI FI.o5 a tt oF-Ftr !l O|tI Fto ort =l 9rF rr r-t F.P.O trl F,tsF. (/l P lroulFUt P!-r.P.oG qqooH oo F. ln H f-Ft p E F -iaH pr€ e ts FI EI FB F' t[c'a a' i{iH FrE'l H or FVE{{ur PIOot-,:|-..O !oo!'sFh Ol r't Ft b, 0, l.rl ' taooP.gFl{€rt l-l r'l d a . !i. Fl USli oF.o:l x F !,P.H UI EB 9 H 9 E E f,s E f, F. 0' d !5 g S,F I E f i t g ; .E Fa H g ",t'F " 3 !'Hd crtsFt ts-ur g a E{O l, r"ztt oo ul l-l o l,|0 H z 6) z o 3 o o in F,€ EB '<H'A tttoc hl<P.F' t-t OPo qq,E 8*E "R trtt '',oo Hd l, qtt F t1'7 <F.or?5cr .. p, P F H lt It to t" E hl w E lt, O 5 r td t1 o o X U o aa ru P.!rq OF !ro o t-l fr o r" E o U o tn l-r.q 5 o o Fl o n h l*. lf ll F a PnJE zFtl uoy EZ tDOFI iC ur FttJt CUlt Ul F,U) Fi trl FF ttl H tTJ J'tal{(t lc? O Fh *ttoloH tD 5Fl t lo F.'l O p, Fnlf,I P.I or0 c)F.Fr n 9,f, O P.r"I slr,o lorUlF I tf,o tsr Ep rD p|ts F -hH HTDFT OTD o tr/l r-h al o ' F'r-l F", F|." g B' l'' P' E.H g EHz br"TDc?1". n Fl HO 3rt o lr"p.(a I P.. Frt o pt, Fl c?l< h 'E't) 5F. HgE HHh E*F i/r o P.FI IJ H (, {'tJ o -PrOFl . r-'O !C lJPt{ar|,/nn B. -Fr tsl x ot,):-=, o 2 39rOU trX. to 3 P.- .)5),iF rt o 3 E trl P.P a 5(D tr|ito F, trl cr P-ut D Aorl oF c Fnr"UlF utd €ooul g| iro H P.^H{ Fh r-t O F'K O F. C"oH p' HUTHP.(a 55 o { 9.P.€ l-.t.E Fc?oiO o i'9,f.l l-.;r €o5(Dtt H O c? 5l-5 ito o OP"f" cl itFift}n orlrro OttrS tt!' Cl Flr?oo o rn gl t,o ooFl r"lr?oo crtfr?€KF,N,F.o r-|.B F.)f 5 I ul P. F.l..t 5 or(aQq f-n * h':pp tsa tsP-too p!, Frt o o P. N o o tn U r-l o U o ut o o t,!t Ft t tt :' tr P. E F F H F B F H H o F o c e o o t{F vt OFI (n ur lr, ( trl o tt,tdu H tl! U F fr H o t,Fl H o z rl€frr<OE U) ttj H oo ZF OE O ttl Ztf F3 I FO OU trl o r{ 1-' dHFI.POE{irP.5 P.!tD oq q o z F crlfd U Hr?itrr v)P- O 1.,- r" O cl tt !l !t Jt ltH (aq o rt cf o It trl l|J 0, lJ !l tno o Hd t{P.Ur O 91 3 F{x o t tto cf oEr. o!d tr. O r-1 ts FIFJH oPoHoz ' E { B*9 ^O P 5 rtr U)!'ltr"P.H o 9|P.X Fn O O ti cf crtrU<Co F- rt l-l l-l X ou o o o r?Itg<0rsrO rr P. o r-t p. Qif p, P.@ o !'o . P lnoFl utrr?r-.ts3 itX H t-,. F.O r" O P.o!' g O,O uro it ft F, !t Otr O O d.?(' P. P. P.c{ Q }nO ts -p, Fn ila l'l r? O ot oEP.p, g, o(/!ttr"5 proit u t<oFrFt oo o l-rntt prq P.o o BqUT,o p, !t9, o trO(rFto c? O P-gr..5c?o tQ olt 5r" H oKtt o Ot' H I'rfoe, ut FO oo Fh|tl U H F' F B F. F 'r l(,r .P- H . l* \ I: t ;t o u:(, H; u 7 c s al - It o n U t tt rg E{H 9 d H o z ;o e o ! ! -c.. o o t{o , U o ri trj v alt c) tq H 14 U t- €l{ o '!' U fg 3 rll 4!,] z o EH FF uH EF FH E rl l 38 1 :r( ::EI r>l a +r a 'F * H F E H H F H E -l H o l. ; nr o fl U 1 \t v 1 F ;r: I l-t t-Y .J '-|t -n -l l P ll I'tl lltt ll t{t >2 9,O O (L{ 'd a/..?o v 1.. o Fr o5 5vr Fa ^t1 {<)C (nC) Oat oo o5 t't\,o 3 O o 3 E o n tll gr a 'J -_) ix :) =F.J o r-l ]t ai o Ot F {/} N I o o I I c)o J a o t' I o o x :a o U lq t{tlt o ,t. u qt (t) c)v H id €H o z lrl tr tt o, F.a o J cr ljrH OrDrn {!r"ot FF| tr F.F.O (Dl'rc arO 8, P'{lSOc?rc 5< tsP-ou m DF,rr@ l),Ppo orro roo . r.l E t''rlPt ca!<q, e.V 4< oo J ts Fro o {o (-t ot0 rc PEr |1l P1)fi oc/o {dc oo ,3(J.l f.eio :lA P.O I ('l cr It o N o z H z o r.o (? lgr t'1 l.- I l9 t:rk g, ':) t- J. o x s t,ii:t o .aJ "t rl ai .4 -F I q :t,+ I nJ o !r C-l H z E tct o ro .o Fi H n z ,J =I 1.,- g g t1 o It ol 3,2 9>Ft F. ttl F.50 Q rrl v>(L rt c!r 6r OH (r11 trt i'3 IH I rll lsH lQt" i\t\Y lf'r-E i'Fl iol gl tl i\E z !r t{ o 'tt o e tlt F (o : E I P.?P t { ts o,o n @ @ @ ,r.t{r< p r" O rt !!no9ttF.! o ; ExrEal + g F$FFsq i g n5 o ,/- r:9, rrtCO g ci Es,8flH I E F 0! r"Hr ft !clt cto| tt }f oottFro H Fi ,'u g-Y g t{ urlP O O OOfLFio P d EF. o ii ctOSd ,r.g[;r3 ] s o- oqt€ ,rf, nr t' gE" g x O rlP. l, F. A pI:EF s $.'?r;' o ri "rH3fi s O O o '" lF ri E -r..3.. X c <rr,' o ai npo I o r-. j1 t'sllr.: $:r:[i E fltil'r '4 [8.,9- R OCOort r{d6o5ir E '.-E o E {Ddg .{ " r3 d t[ F H p r r I I I b ut f. I F tu ?!EE F OO tc <z rt Fr E _E tt g fi .-{b,h,D.c}.s} F il5 36-- F 6 00000 t'i! ^ g ooooo >, lt oooo UE .-F,-*OE €. , t H> Fl t{ rtt +c<acg +r ri E, tt tsts o H' 2 ZO o crur ts cl< o oo(rur P t oooooo €t{!E ooocroo Fn oooooo IEX ooo(roo H I'd BH v r{ &t ?,} 9r FI to a € n € B ru v o J o i; F{Q aZ aaH q c' iE'.ttl' rOD 3' rul' D!( ('ANF UC oooorrt\r.tt I oooooot{>F trl I (>ooooo UP c)oooo<) .rB c'tr 2F ta Fl4 ?dH dn ot lJF H o 2 tt Tgtqrr-I EF LJE I L- l'liscel laneous Ca=h : i-l:-:ln i4;4!:: :''i tr,,-,---, , -, i + _{ -Jr:,I i !:l,: :,:,r-rrrt $ l-:!'i + 1:155 a,;!o,;1-,i;; EIjTEF:FF:1:-E5. Ifli-' FF:E filI[' ilE5i Etl F:E:.i18!,j F:illlEi:' FiE ,,,n'r,r-,a,t t *ri'j+ i-';'l ;' :i:1 " UiJ Item Paid tlmounr Paid [1 i ilu!:1*+ 1f,f, l rjr:rf :]-r ' qU l--l-rirr:l€ i-e t u t-rr*'l I ij'iiE -THFIT{|{ -t'OU lj,:u r :a=t-rier -l';ii:',.,luE I o it TOWN OF VAIL R_ECETPT NO.__ __ A ^ , Dt:pAR fi\lf-\-l oF cortlrLtirrt, DE tTLopIrrE\T , ^,,,. lVa ?ol co ogWwro-u_- ADDRLSS___DATE PR()JECT CIIECIiS I\II.DE PAYAALE TO TOWN OT vATI, T(,IAII 0l 0O()0 415.10 ZONING AND N DDRESS MN PS s5.00 0 c)000 42.1 5 uNrFOffi'--s54.00 0 ft)00 424 UNIFoRlviPtUMffi s19.00 0 0000 424 LTN I F oRM N,l E C I{n N IEATCODE s37.00 0 0000 42.1 UNIFORI,I FIRE CODD 53 6.00 0000 .12.{NN TIONN L ELLCTRICAL CODI:sl7.00 t)oo00 41.{5 0I IIhR CODI.- I]OOKS 0 0000 415.,r8 IJLUI] PRINTS (MYLARS)s7.00 l0 (n00 41412 XLROX COPIES s0.25 0 0000 42412 SIUDII:S 0 000(J 124 )TOVFIBS COMPUTI;R PROCRAM s5.00 U 0000 42i 7 I PENALTY FIJI:S / RE-INSPECTIONS 0 0000 4 r3l:PLn N RE\/ll:w RE-CIIECK FI-E tS40 PERllR.l 0 0000.12_1-32 OFI- IIOURS INSPICTION FIIES U oo00 4 1.1 .,CONTRA('TORs LICI:NSF.S IEF.S o (ru0u .l | {l SIGN APPLI('NTION FEI]s20.00 0 ()O00 41.1 3 ADDITTON^t- slcNA(;E FLti tSt 0OTERSO.FTT- G 0l _oo00J2JJg vTC ART PROJIICT DONATION 0{x)0 4l .l-i I -FRL PAID DIISIGN RI:VIEW tsOARD FlrE %),6D rrt lJlr(ru {iJ /TI\A'F-STIGN TION FI:IJ ( tsU I LDINC)il (rc00 451 0 I()V PARKINC I-UND 0 oo0() ll(il7 l'OV Nl:\\'SPn Pl:R DISPHNSI:RTUND-* 0t 000021il2 TAXABLEro a.SZ esffi * 0t 0000 {10t0 TAx^BLE@{.oZJrowt,tF 0l 0000 4217 t IJUILDING INVTSTICNTION 'I 0l lll:R a, PECAPPLIEAffi 0r 00004tjiO ADIJI I IONAL (;RFN "250 s200.00 0t 00004rll0 CONDITIONAL USI: PERMI I s200.00 0l 0000 4 r3-30 EXTI:RrOR ALTHR^TION ILESS TITAN IOOSQTT.I s200.00 1 0 0000 4l-1i0 f..xTLRroR ALTHRATION [MORF. TrrAN 100 SQ.F-T.]s500.00 0l 000041i30 SI'tCIAL DI-\/ELOP\IENTDISTRICT INEW,l 51.500.0t)0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEV}-LOPM ENT DISTRICTTMAJOR_IMEFII's I ,000.00 :l 0l 0000 41330 sPl-Cln L DEVITLOPMENT DISTRICT I'MINOR AMEND s200.00 0l 00004rji0 SUBDIVISION i{0l 0000 4 t-1-10 VARIANCE s250.00 =d 0l 0000 4l 330 -;-:-;-=::;..-.-:--=-ZONINCCODEAMENffi s250.00 0l 0000 4l 3-r0 RE. ZONING s200.00 OTIIER OTHER :oMMEtiTS. ctr,sq r__l cK.r t I M. o Ll REC. 8Y: