HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 7 LOT 35 LEGAL.pdfDesign Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development -- zs ;o,ih Fiont"Se Road, Vail, C'olorado 81657 '' -lJ, gto..qzi.2139 fax: 970'479'24s2 web: www.ci'vail'co'us Proiect Name: DORE WINDOWS Project Description: EXTERI.R ALTEMTI.N DRB Number: DRB040151 ParticiPants: OWNER DORE, WILLIAM l' 04/28/2004 Phone: C/O DORE' FAMILY OFFICE PO BOX 67 SULPHUR l-A 70664 License: APPLICANT Ripine Construction And Remo04/28/2004 Phone: 97 0-926'2048 P.O. Box 8337 Avon, CO 4923 Lake Creek Village Drive Edwards, CO 81620 License: 705-8 coNrMcTofArpi*tonttt"tion And Remoo 4 | 78 | 2OO4 Phone: 970-926-2048 P.O. Box 8337 Avon, CO 4923 Lake Creek Village Drive Edwards, CO 81620 License: 705-B ProJectAddress: 1O0VAILRDVAIL Location: 10OVAILROAD Legal Descrlption: Lot: 35 Block 7 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE RUNG 1 Parcel Number: 210108218006 Comments: SEE CONDITIONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion BY: Action: STAFFAPR second By: DateofApprovaF 0412812004 Vote: Conditions: ff,fii No changes to rhese prans may be made without the written consent of rown of Vail staff and/or ftre appropriate review committee(s)' Cond: 0 (P|.AN):DRBapprova|doesnotconstituteapermitforbui|ding.P|easeconsu|tWith Town of Vaii g,iiaing personnel prior to construction activities' DRB appro\ral drall not beome rralld fur 20 days furllowlng o U|e date of approral. Cond:201 loe Sutfier DRB Fec PaH: 120.00 Cond:202 mprror of this project shall tapse and become roid one (1) year followlng th. d.F oihnat approrat, unitgss a buitd'ing permlt is lssued and construcdon ls ommenced and ls dlllgpnUy pursued toward omple0on. ,*ffi frplication for Design nl.* Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Reque srz ?ek t>n- LnJ,n+-.r,.lg '- -S*te -vtX--c.'>\Z Location of the Proposal: t-ot: ?( elosk@ft-suuoivision: L'/,,X(L lt tat',u I Physical Address:lc->o Va,- ?{t o parcet No.: ZiOt qlZt 9<r:U (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):D-:ae Mailing Address:Cr ^.FA ri- n'' '- ^! /Al E lrll I I Owner(s) Signature(s): Ai Name of Applicant: ' ' '- Mailing Address: l/wF- RECEIVED Lvrc t ? ,(' Phone: E-mail Address:Fax: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review E New Construction tr Addition tr Minor Alteration (mu lti-family/commercial) F No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retainino walls, etc. Minor Alterauon -$2F For min6r changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, (single-family/duptex) - 1 reroofing, painting, window additions, landxaping, fences and <i<*.e -to l \c( UAA rebining walls, etc. tr Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. n Separation Request For Office Use-.pnly: Fee Paid: .-'' Check No.: ProjectNo.: QGSo,t - et3g Page 1 of I3/LLlr7lO3 No Fee lh- * t t l. t: I a t ri i; ll -_.-a) o TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONIAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970 -479-2138 NOTE: TOViComm. Dev. Clean-uP approved amount date Address Caon. . . Status. . Applied. Issued.. Elq)ires. ISST'ED 04/07 /2000 04/20 /2000 LO /L7 /2000 Parcel No..froject No. GUIDA, JIM CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 750, VATL CO 8L558 GUIDA., JIM CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 750, VAIL CO 81558 DORE WILLIAM 1OO VAIL RD, VAIL : : 100 VAIL RD :2]-0L-082-1-8-006 : PR,J00-0064 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL OF SWIMMTNG Town of VaiI Fireplace Information: Rest.rj cted: Y *of eas Appl iances: Phone:. 9'70 -845-9100 Phone:. 970 -845-91-00 POOL Number of Dwel]ing Units: 001 Adjusted Valuation: 500,000 *of Gas Logs:#of wood/ Pa11et: FEE SUMMARY Building - - - Plan Check Tnve6tigagion> Totsa1 Calculrted Fees- - - > AddiEional Fee6-------- > Total PermiL Fee------ Pal renCs 2,74O.04 t, 521 . OO .00 3 .00 Restuarant PLan Revi-ew > .00 DRB Fee -------- .0o Recreation Fee-------- > .00 Clean Up Deposic------ > 500.00 TOTAL FEES----- 4,364.00 approved PI,ANS TO PLANNING N/A N/A BUILDING Division: PI,ANNING Divj-sj-on: FIRE Divi-sion: PUB WORK Division: 4,364.00 . oo 4.354.00 4,364.00 B.AI.ANCE DUE..-- .OO Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEIfI 04/L7/2000 JRII Action: APPR Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEN'I 04/L0/2000 Jwr Action: NOTE O4/1,O/2OOO AKJERULF ACtiON: APPR ITCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI O4/L0/2000 JRM Action: APPR ILem: 05500 PuBLrc woRKs 04/10/2000 ,JRItl AcLion: APPR Dept: Dept: ANN oK! Dept: Dept: See Page 2 of this DocumenE for any conditions that may apply to t.his permiL DECI,ARATIONS I hereby ackno$1edge that I havc read this application, filled out in fu11 the infomat on required, codpleted an ch the infornacion accuraEc plot and ploc plan subdivision plan, and s!a!6 chae all the inforEat.ion provid€d as required is correcc. I agrce Eo go comply wi.th alL Town ordinances and stsate 1a!rs, and tso build thi6 gtlucLure codes, design revier approved. Uniform BuiLding code and oEher o-dinanccs oflthe Town's zoning and l,^*3t, MV-7- Vut vlI ltt- DEPART1VIETIT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMEI{I THTS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE A,T PRO.fECT TITLE: DORE POOL ROOM REMODEL ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT PETMit, ALL TTMES #: 800-0043 Deposit Refund {0b APPLICA}TT COMTRACTOR OI,INER REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SITALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOT'RS IN A!\IANCE BY OUR OFPICE FRoM e:00 .AJ.l s:oo send CL€an-Up D€posiE To: LIIM GUIDA .Oa"a sr*laruR' ".(t. oR coNTRAcroR FoR HrMsErr AND oe{NER PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF .A,PPROVAI Permit #: 800-0043 as of 04/20/00 Status: ISSUED ********************************************:************************************ Permit. T\pe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMTT Applied: 04/07/2000 Applicant: GUIDA, JIM CONSTRUCTION fssued: 04/20/2000 Job Address: LOCAEiON; 1OO VAIL RD Parcel No: 2l-01--082-18-005 *****************************************************:*************************** CONDITIONS :r******************************************************************************* ]-. FIELD INSPESTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRSD IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 0F Tr{E 1997 IIBC. MAR-zg-@A t7,@2 {, FRoM, rovcM-DEv-DEPr.tD,3?@e24s2 PAGE 2/? APPucArroN wrr Nor BE AtrEPrED r rucoilPff l[uJl!t?t5p* _ "" - n Building Permit #: 8OO-_ootl3 97 O,47 9-2L49 (I rupe,ctions) NVTf-ffiYAIL 75 S. FrontageRd- VaiL Colorado 81657 COMPLETE VAIUATIOI{S FORBT ILDING PERMIT ([abr &, Matedals) at Parcel # z/o/ 6tco 2 /g oo b Job Narne &.{ Poo- !-e,"noztc.lobMdress: /o //*te .€oea LesarDesdiptbn I rot,3t lgbck I lrinnot Ficst I sroolnlrlon, t/ar. t/*-*cr6 owners Name6.. Aa.e Address: /2y',<rc 2o,ro lPhone(q?4 qn'@ Archited/Desig n csrurffi W'otrubv /l?/ Auot 'n ]uiarol e{i-33o z Wm. !,ryt n*- E*,r"*ntl MWL,- r-., Auo^/P'hoae:rrol ?qg -zt6g Debiled desc-riDtion of worlc ioot,. )' F, i " i -zZ* at o 4 c 6p fia -9.c lzt tt | 4(t 4 o -,4t c+ WorkClass: Neyv() Addition( ) RenrodelpQr Repair( ) Denro( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interbr( ) F$erlr( ) Bofr6d.Does an EHU exist at this bcation: Yes ( ) No ({) Typeof8ldE.: SireletumilyDif-Two-famity( ) Multi-hrnly( ) ComercH( ) Reshurart( ) Ofter( ) No. of Exbting Dwelling Units in tfib building: O*r9 No. of Acomrnodation Units in tib buibing: lh/Tvpe of Frelaes Exiss-ns: Gas Apoliances P<I Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pdbt ( ) Wood Bumino 0<1 [o^ypedFircplacesProoosed:GasAoolianes( ) Gastoos( ) Wood/Pelht( ) WoodBuminq(NOf ALLoWED) Do€$aFireAlarmE<is* Yeso() No( ) lDoesaFiresprinktersysEn*st Yes( ) lroF REFUND CLEAMJP DEFOS$ TO: Jr-r G a p,+ 6arsl4ctc7r a., / ContnCbr: ^'t (-t etr aA Lo<t F. I e$Vcfl€l to'-fi al bldgp.rm JIM GUIDA CONSTRUCTION, INC. MEMO PROJECT: DORE' POOL ROOM REMODEL, 100 VAIL ROAD TO: CHARLIEDAVIS, TOWN OFVAILBUII.DING DEPT. FROM: JIMGUIDA DATE: AUGUST 24.2000 RE: STAIR RAILING ISSI.JE CC: COLIN PLATT, OWNER REPRESENTATIVE DEAN KOLL, AMY BIRDSALL, SRI Charlie - Thanks for taking the time to review this stair railing issue. Per our conversation we will re-install the existing bronze pool railing (without modification) back in its original location. - Please attach this for reference to our file. { \ /4|0 G. 8oo-6qg Jim cuida Construclb!, Inc. Psgc I F:\Cotrstructbn CD\Pruj€ct Dir€ctor;s\Dor€ Pool RctrDd€l.-orc.spoMeoce$8.24 m M.m Chlrlib Davis..loc 04-10-00 02:29PM FRoI{ IIilSIDA cONsT. f lt Eullll "*srRucr*,N,,Nc. F.a.loxttov tr,codal FH: (CrU)c${to FAxgr0)!t53{cr P0l TACSIMILE COVER SHEET PIIONB: (Yto)17e-2t?l DATE: f/10/O FAXI(vtqn9-As? T0:Cdyfttru @MPANY: Tb Towa d Vait numng Ogrnrur FR0r{l JdSaSo REF&B{CE; Aictor AblcllcU Tcliry TrnAL r 0F PAGES (6) 0mLUDn|o TIUS mVBn SHEI) MBESA@: Ar'hod arl $ mlu fttthc rrDotor i-lqgtrrFr rqulad. plrrs clr @ ifpu ncal rrytllngclre TW coFBSmFib , 04-10-00 02:29Plr FR0u IItfliDA c0NsT.o P02 l3t:'*j s1,, ?df :'""': ASBESTOS SURVEY REPORT Aprll6,2000 @w 100 Vail Road VAIL COTORADO r{ For: Guidr Construction Ann: Mr, JeffSrye P.O. Bor 760 Yiil. CO 8t658 Petformcd By: KK Environmental l57l 8lm Srcfiol}l'rver. CO E@20 Phonc 303-t87-498 4For 7z$%t-O4t6 KK E1yi66111sq1d Proicst No. 2(X)l j 04-10-00 02:2eP[{ FR0M Jllt|i$IDA c0NsI. KK Environmental l-s?l Elm SrrcctaDcnvcr, COg0z20 Phone 301-887-.t99.f o Frr 72G94 t.el t 6 April6.2000 Mr. Jcfl'Sagc Guida Construction P.O. Box 760 Vail. CO El6J8 Rcl'erencc: AsbestosSurvcy t00 VaitRoad Vail. Colonado Darr Mr, Sage: KK Environmcnt8l i$ plcased to provide you with lhc following rcpon hr thc survey of suspect ostr,'stos tulk ramplcs.taken. Kurtis Kirchner visitod thc proJ;r ri't un itr" rorning ol'April 5,2000' Thrcc bulk ssmples were cotleccd of suspccl asbestos containing maicrial ficvf rrom 1!tc pruject sitc Threc samplcx wcrc collectcd of cach suspccr aCrt,| t.i'rTnii the rcquircmcnrs of 'rhe stltc ol'Colorado Regutarion No. t, the occupational Safi:ty anC icaith Administration Construction lndustry Strandard Regulation 2rcFR 1926. I l0l, una in" Environmcntat protccrion feencY (EPA) National Standsrrts for Hozardous Air Potlutants tNiignpjiegutation 40 CFR Pan 6 l. Following is thc listing of the suspcct asbcstos conraining matcrials sampled: e Plasler Walls in thc pool arca. The samplcs werc dclivered to Reservoirs Environmental Scwices, Inc., lB27 Crant Strcet,Denver' Colorado for Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) analyiis. The Environmental Protcction Agcncy (EPA) and The Staie of Colorado Regulation No. 8 consider asbcstos contcnt in a material 1.0 Vo or greater to bc an osbcstos containing material (ACM). Thc lrbomtory rnalysis indicatcs that nonc of the nmpler eollccted rnd rnrlyzcd contrin tthtos. P03 t. . 04-10-00 02:2ePll FRou JlldlDA col{sT.P01 Mr, JclTSrgp April6.2ttr0 PaW2 Anached are the Bulk Samplc Logp ond Laboneiory ReDorts. Thank you for rhc opportunity for KK Envkonmcnbl to provide you with our scrvicei andlook foruaroio worling "irh you i!ai1 lf you have qucstions. pleasc calt me at (303) BS74ggS. $incerely, KK ENVIRONMENTAL 'ft[F* Kurtis G. Kirchncr Owrur P05 04-10-00 02:ZePll Fn0}{ JIUIDA c0l{sT. !A (,€I i z th c o .E ! :s ta !t E -E 1..I I .g a zi/z B *;€ ts a<*9 E6 = 22_ || ,! =z Ll A ?<4 ?zz e lrt 5 a -E $Ee E'81 z,E < ggFE <€s gr EiEE:E Ei g E -E*- rr 7tr 3 g :o Ef!irz Ei aE FE 'E rr gB U' P, TE 'E ,. =?g.! EE .-.g'9|n ll tl .gE i't HEE €-rJ E E.E $:E '$rE ESE 5eE v 'c- 5 E',e.) g€E rr5< ttE iE3 Il [:E ET{ !aFc ? E ts lE !s E 6 a €E ST n6 -lc EE tu EA' d o IJ = &{e Ets E":.;9\0 5 (nd=zZ]O{=F..c fia>Etst ?gE E<=0a!.9sr- EiE aFr 2 z ;EE E ;aE e e€3 a t ai !=a -.= !9ta E.Fs =t s EA E :14 {e ,tr EEE Ep3 E E.g J'j4 aad ,>>6GE atf(! l|J lrl rJJ P06 g c0:o l-I(q[]- t',r IL "l#04-10-00 02:29Plt{ Fa0l[ I DA C0I{ST, I It F*|1€' Ev lt1 -<!in ti i;t5 , 'F :;:r :! ;! :! iT Ffi lE! ,.El-tsn ;ct ii i: rE5 i(u :fi:Fd aaE Os!t E5E Bt]!!E i!"9 rtx -!=i FFI iiji aa*,ii !(9('9 rtrr !t &r i . Jrqlll r iF g ? EET ;gE c= ES t*tr €,, o =fr'g ,' 3$t f;E I 4n HEi EE f : H frf i n Fin$ gl r f i[si*trq :f HE ,;Eg i ,t i;in ,!a :f' il'"1., . it" E $ 5 Ei d d t ;i;t F s E'-' .s CI .J 0 o >o E tlJ r'( ;.E F I I I I I l-L l* I iA t;'to r* ;e$ trI fli EE 8# il: !d IT :{ ,; s i {..tr E ABt,.; 2 ,FEFE H fi-iEF! o o ^^qg[E,B._ES| DENCE POOL Re{gM R-E}4ODEL .,.".;.. PROJ ECT/D,:_F-, A| L MAN UA L ffir8 lFiliiG)iitit\iIi]) MAR 2 8 ZO{]O J!lVi fir.:l''iA CONSTIiUU r tUi,,j, litC , f !{E{norEc&Srrrar xrn otcr xtr to. avot c4oltoo ttal Dtotttl ttol'|ttl rit|ry. trr|offtct con 1l ll ll DORE RES|DENO 99 t8 PROJ ECVDFTA|L MANIUAL TNDEX P0.0 Thru 0. I P r.0 P2.0 P3.0 Thru 3,5 P4.0 Thru 4. I P5.0 Thru 5. I Deail Section | - Genenl Notes Dl.l General Notes Detail Section 2 - Foundation Details NIA Detail Section 3 - Wall Details D3.l ProjectrDebil Manrnl Indo< ProjeC Direaory Genenl ftope of Work O;dine Specifications Lighting Specifications See Sheeb EL.O - EL I for Lighting and Becrical lnformauon Stwtunl Information See Sheet S 1.0 for Str.rctrral information Grester Pool Sandblasting Chester Pool Re<oating Detail Section 4 - Ceiling Details t.l EdSe of &rretrFtat Ceiting !,.: Edge of Stoped Ceiting @ 46 Floor Line ua; llluminator @ pool Room Ceilins D4.4 ,qccess panei@ llluminator D4.5 Ceiling Sections 94.9 FhtCeiling @ Column epitats D4.7 nant trtictr-e @ +. Ftoor tilrJin! Detail Section 5 - Sbir and Column Details Pool EdgelDeck InErface Seaion @ Stair SeCion @ Stair Seclion @ Stair Not t*ed Section @ Stair Stair Debils Eleration @ Ratl/Walt Section @ Stair Stair Debils Stair Debils Sair Debils Column Ehlation Column Base Section @ Column Base Elewtionfhn @ Cotumn CapiaLOption # | Section @ Column epiut-Option * | Ele\alion/?tan @ Column Qpiul-Option #2 Secion @ Column Gpiu,t-O*ion *Z lleuatiorflan @ Cotumn Capiul-Option #3 Seaion @ Column Capital-Option #3 D5.l D5.IA D5.IB Ds.2 D5.3 D5.3A D5.38 D5.4 D5.4A D5.5 D5.54 D5.6 D5.7 D5.7A D5.8 D5.8A D5.88 D5.8C D5.9 D5.9A P0.0 PROJECTMANTUAL |NDE( . DORE RESIDENO a eers I pROJEgt/pFrAtL MANUAL |NDE( Detail Scctbn 6 - Wndo,v Deuib D6. I Typiol EceriorWndorvJanrb D6.2 Typftal EcerbrDoorJarnb D6.3 fypbf OcerlorWndow Sill D6.4 Dehil @ Bcerior Door Head & Trarsom DeAil Seaion 7- Ooor Dehils D7.l herior Door Herations O7.Z hbrbr Door Details D7,3 Interior Door Deails Oubil Sect on lO -'l'ile Dnwings D 10. I Tile Layout at Wairrcot D10.2 Sectbn at'l'ile Waincot Dlo.3 Not tJsed ' D10.4 Trh b/orn@ LorWall P0. r PROJECT MANUAL |NDD( DORE RESIDENCE O 99 t8 PROJECT DTRECTORY DORE RESIDENCE IOO VAIL ROAD VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT Shepherd Resources, Inc. 37347 US Highway 6 P.O. Box t624 Avon, CO 8t620 (P)970-e49_3302 0970-949-s t2l STRUCTURAL ENGINEER Monroe & Newd Engineen Inc. 70 Benchmark Rd., Suite 204 PO Box t597 Avon, CO 8t620 (o) 970_949-n68 (F)970-949-4054 INTERIOR FIXED FINISHES Slifer Designs, Inc. 105 Edwards Vllage Blvd. Edwards, CO 81d32 (o) 970-926_8200 (\e70-926_8228 LIGHTING CONSULTANT White Lighting Deslgn, Inc. 49 l0 lris Street tMreatridge, CO 80033 (0)303463_566 t (D303-463_6665 P t.0 Projea Drectory DORE REMODEL O GENERAL SCOPE OFWORK NorE: THls DocuMENTts ro BE usED tN coNJUNcloN wtrH THE DMWNGS DATED I'4ARCH t, 2000. DEMOLITION: NEWWORK: 99t8 Sy:.: and sahnee ecsr lemove existing windows wtrere indicated on Demolition plans. Remolre all interior finishes to o<isting structure at walts, ceilings and floon (except existing cabinetry at kitchen area). Remove existing prant shelf, cabre system, irrigaion system, and righting atong south wail. lemove existing lovwall atthe north edge oTtf,e p;L *i::^. 1*-*,tighting,,inctuding tre strEetUmp -O ,.on."r..und the poot.nemove wails where indicated on the Demolition phns. Remove exterior stone veneer as required New watls, ceilings and dormen wti.eGdicated-. New columns where indiated, New windoran where indicated. New interiorfinishes tfrroughout, including: walls and ceilings; tile base and wainscot tile bases and capitals at a.ll columns; and tile and orpet flooring. New exterior finishes to match existin! where indicated. New stone windov sills as indicated o-n the dnwings. ljew lgftingdesign and etectricat (re: sheet elO an? el t;New dehumidification q/stem (to be confirmed). New structure per sheet S | . At demolition and new work to be pe,{orffi by ilr-;aft"ctor U. N. O. P2.0 Genenl kopeof Work DORE RESIDENO 99 t8 OUTLINE SPECIFICATION GENEML INFORI'4ATION: PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE: GENEML DCERIOR INFORMATION: FOUNDATION: DffERIOR STONE VENEER: EXTERJORSIDING: WALLS: CUR\€DWALLS: FIST CEILINGS: CUR\GD CEIL|NGS (targe ndius): General Gontractorwill be responsible forthese items induding, br'tt not limited to: examination of site and documents, addenda, means and methods, installations, bidding and subcontnrcb, local jurisdiction and authoritv. compliance with the Uniform Building Code, and the general conditions of the contract for construction. The General Gontractor shall also retain all tnditional responsibilities for proper execution of the construction of the remodel, including, but not limited to, estimating, purchasing, labor coordination, subcontnctor and sipplier coordination, cost, schedule, guality as defined in the ' Contzct Documents, safety, general management of the project, and subsequent warranty and liabilf issues. lt is required for general contnctor to obbin a minimum of 3 sukontactor bids in a[ disciplines. Whole house access is completely restricted. project a1-ces will be through the east side yard only. A portable toilet will be insalled ouGide for worker use, Wo*en will not be permitted an;,raftere in the home except the pool room and mechanical room or other spaces needed'for access. Demolition: 4/lM-4/SlW Constrrction: 4/lSM-7/lS{0 Re: Sheet Sl for all structunl information. Remove exterior stone veneer per drawings and match existing stone veneer when infilling erterioiwails as indicated on drawings. Relove existing siding as indicated on the drawings and replace with stone veneer - match existing speciei and installation. 16 .Vp. X'.water resistantrypsum board on 6 mil rapor barrier on o<isting or new structure. WaGr resistant plaster on corrosive resistant metal lath on 5 mil rapor banier on new strucure. ,5/8 .t/pe X'water resistant gypsum board on 6 mil rapor Damer on new structure. l/a' thick type X' water resistant gypsum board on 36, type. X' water resistant gypsum board on 6 mil rapor banier on new sfucUre, P3.0 Q.rtline Speciltation DORE RESIDENO 99 t8 COLUMNS, CORBELSAAID CURVED CEIL|NGS (sma[ radius): FAUX PAINTING: Water resistant phster on corrosive resisbnt metal lath on 6 mil lapor banier on new sructure. NOTES: - | | n' radius corrosive resistant comer bead at ouEide wall and ceiling comen - 314" ndius corrosive resistant comer bead at outside comers at window and door retums - Gypsum board to be taped and sanded smooth. Plaster to be installed smooth. Oarner will emoloy separate subcontractor for the ceiling, column and wall parnting. - Gypsum board insAilation sukontractor will need to work with White Lighting Design, Inc. on the oool ceiling attime of instalhtion, as Wrhe Lighting Design, Inc. wrll be insAlling the fiber optics through 6e ryplum board ceilings. The fiber optics at the poj roo#celting will be quite exensive. f faw Rainterto paint walls, ceilings, columns and pool. Specialty Painting:- Ceiling to be blue/green color with clouds.- Weit end of pool room to have a custom mural.- Lip of pool to have a mosaic wave pattem except at the west end where the mural will bleed into the pool.- Pool lap lanes to be striped using the mosaic wave at pool lipwith the possibility of dolphins swimming over and underthe stripes.- Pool entry area to have a custom mosaic pattem.- Columns to be a speciat paint finish.- g..Ui..l coler plates to be faux painted.- The interior of the aluminum storefront doors and yvrnioyl to be farx painted to match the existing handrail/guardnil. P3. I Oudirc Specillcation DORE RES|DENa 99 r8 TILE/I.4ARBLE FLOORS, WALLS, COLUMNS, WAINSCOT. WAINSCOTCAPANID BASE, WINDOW SILLS, COLUMN CAPS ATIID BASE: NLEA4ARBLE SCHEDULE: CONCRETE STEPS & CONCRETE I-AAIDING AT FOURTH FLOOR: DOORFIARDWARE: NEWINTERJOR DOORS: INTERIOR DOOR CASING; Tiles as selected by Slifer Designs. Installed over cemenr backer board at walls and hth and plaster at columnl Tih and grout shall be cleaned and seated immediately upon insbllation, or $ soon as pnctical after gr.out has cured. Tihd floor surfaces shall be securely protected before and after sealing.- Floor and stair landing tile: | 2 x l2 pedn Gold (limestone) - lnir curb cap: 8 x I pedn Gold (limestone)- Column and low wall tile: I x I Muhi Green Mosaic - Kitchen badaplash: border- 4" Breaken Wave Mosaic, Field - 5r8" x 5rB" Botticino Mosaic - Wainscot, columns, and low wall: l2' polished Botticino Ogee (Ogee at columns and ndiused wall to be segmented into l'lengfit - Base for wainscot, low wall and other misc. base: 12, I l2'x]A'polished Botticino (cut into 4'tall pieces)- WainscotDiamondpattem: ahemate tg'x iA, Achilles Mosaic Deco with I g' x I g. Verde Aloi Mosac ( | " x |'), remainder of field to be I g' x I g' polished Boticino (crn in haf triangles)- Slab at kitchen and low wall: Giallo Royal slab.- Slabatwainscotcrp: 3' Hx2' Dx l2;Wslab pollshed Botticino.- Slab at column bue and cap and at radiused wall 3. H xnried D x l2't (circular) polished Botrtino. Cut Boticino in radius and depth per the drawings.- Slab Trim Pieces: I t/2, H xZ %. D x 2l ' W stab polished Botticino at window sills _ | t/<" T x4, W x 12' L slab polished Botticino at storage room door _ 2 :n' T x 4'Wx l2' L slab polished Botticino at patio doors. futt::"{1g carpet and replace with new carpet, carpet spec. TBD,.(glue applied) allow g75.00fard material price. Reue existing hardware at all exterior doo", H.rO*a* for. new interior doors to be determined. A,llow g300/door (instalhd). TdX* P=r Company, 2 panel, top nit arch, knotty alder. Finish: Country Black Light, distressing: Roctcy Mountain Distresed. Re: floor plan for dooi sizes. ' Wood with custom profile. Stain and seal to match doors. P3.2 OuUine Specifiation DORE RESIDENP 99 r8 WINDOWSAT{D DOORS: TOWELHOOKS: IRON MNDRAIVGUARDML: IRON AT MECMNICAL GRILLE: STEEL MARBLE SUPPORTS: BUILDING INSULATION: FURRED CONCRETEWALLS: 2 X 5 EXTERIOR SIUD WALLS: ROOFS & DROPPED CEILINGS: INTERIORWALS: INTERIOR CEILINGS & FLOORS: VAPORMRRIER GEN EML MECHAITI|CAL S/STEM : HEATING SI,STEM: Auminum Doorand Window System: Match existing aluminum door and window systems or approved ahemate. Reuse existing doors in the new assemblies. Contractorto verif existing system can be matched. Window system to have standard installation system; clear insulating low 'E' glass; and tempered glass where required by codes. Exterior finish and interior finish: anodized odnJded aluminum to match existing. Interior Finish: O,rnerwill employ separate sukontnctorto faufinish fre inside of the aluminum doon and windows to match the cristing iron handrail/guardrail. Atbch towel hools perthe dnwings. Towel hook design TBD. Revise the existing iron handrail/guardrail at the base per the deails. Add iron phte to match existing iron handrail/guardrail at top of stair. Add vertical iron bars to match the o<isting if Town of Vail requires the current 4" code madmum to be complied with. ConsultArchitectfor final design. lron to be finished to prevent conodon in this molst application. l" wide woven iron strzp with I'gaps matching the finish of the existing handrail/guardnil, lron panels matching the finbh of the o<isting handnil/guardnil. lron to be finished to prevent conosion in this moist application, Supply steel angle supporE per details to hold up the marble at the wainscot cap and the columns, both at the column cap and the column base. Rl I Unfaced fiberglass batts w/6mil poly vapor barrier on pool side. (verif existing walls have insulation - if no insulation exiss consuh with O,,'ner/Archhect) Rl9 min. Unfaced fiberglass batts w/6mil poly vapor barrier on pool side. (fill entire wail void with insulation) 8' (R24) unfaced fiberglus batts between joists w/6 mil poly lapor banier om pool sirle. Rl I Unfaced fiberglass batts with 6 mil poly vapor banier on pool side. Rl9 Unfaced fiberglass batb with 6 mil poly vapor barrier on pool sirJe. Wds and ceilings to have a continuous 6 mil lapor banier. Care needsto be hken duringthe insallation of the rapor banier as the pool room is a very moist atmosphere. Design/Build. &isting forced air system to remain. fl-o be conlirmed) P3.3 Ortline Soecification DORE RESIDEIC 99 t8 DE.HUMIDIFICATION S6TEM:The De-humidilication system i, to u" " ooffiF system by Stone Mechanical Inc. under a sepante confact POOL CONSULTANIT: wih the O,vner. Stone Mechanical has done consideJle **9 dSe o1 the existing house/pool mechanical gatem and is familiarwith the extensive humidity concems to date.ftg Arting pool is a erester alt atumi"H ffi :' ii i; "*' desired to have the pool sandblasted (see attached directions) and recoated (see athched directions). Color TBD. a".L - Supply and install Gtester high performance anodes (a ,.. minimum of one per pool light) at the pool per ' mindacfurer's recommendation.- lt is White Lighting Design, Inc.'s desire to saritch the POOLWETY: ACCESS PAITIEL: ELECTRICAL AIGHTING S/STEM: \ pool lighb to fibeioptics-. White Lighting D"ogn, in.. to work with Chester pools to verif that this ii posible. The G,vner desires the pool to be safe. All Uniform Building Code and Town of Vail requiremens will need to be compli,ed wifr. Contrzctor to work with Design8uild Consulbnl6ukontractor to investigate alarm deices. Aarms may be connected to pool room doon and also activity in the water. Use moisfirre proof, flush face access panel with gasket as required. Lanens' Manufacturing L-XT style or aiproved aftemate. DesignrBuild; the Electricat System is to be a Desisn/guiH between the ContncorAukontractor. The syiem must meet the current Uniform Electrical Code and other requiremenE of localjurisdictions. See Sheets EL_O and EL_ I for electrical and lighting information. Care must be taken to seal all penetrations made through the rypsum boardAapor banier walls and ceilings. Fiber Optics: \rVtrite Lighting Design, Inc. will supply and installthe fber optic lighting including the illuminators. Power to the illuminators will be by the electrical subcontractor. One of tlre illuminators will be located above ceiling and the othen are in cabinets on the floor above the pool. Genenl Contactorto supply holes through stnrcture as required by fiber opticrinsailer. All penetztion to be approved by the Structunl Engineer. Re: drawings. Contractor to work with Consuhantr5ubcontractor on speaken, volume controls, W jack and etc. To Be lssued at a later date as requested by client. AUDIOMSUAL: Oudine Speciliotion n.1 DoRE nssroeruO 99r8 1) ATERMTES foam irtead cf marble caf @ cohrmn caps - to be ftu( pairEd by LCp. P3.5 OifncSpefrkaim DORE RESTDENCE O 99 t8 CHESTER POOL SANDBLASTING suRFAcE TEMPERATURE RANGE: can be perforrned in ali weather condiuons. Colder temperatrres however, wln allow fasbr removal of coaUngs. EQUIPMENT: 375 CFM Compreesor (minimum) 800 lbg. Pot (ninlnurn) 7/16'Nozzle MEDIA: 2040 Black Beauty or equivafent ilEgl' A. Rernove any and all equipment and fixtures which coutd ba damagod fur flylng rnedia. 8. Indoor pool chould be tented and/or toom and caillng protecled from media. All doors should be sealed and ventilatorg ct6ed (proper braathlng apparatus must ba worn by all crew memberc). C. Remove all anodas, gritls. drain grates, overhang ladders and etC. from pcol tenk. D. Remove hydro-cap gaskets if applicable. E. Plug main drains and all pipe opanlngs (intlabblo test nlugs rsccmmended). The intent is b prevent media frorn entering piping systems. r. Plug inlet threads (', 112- PVC pipe plugs recommended). G. PrstEct deck end/or tile wilh plyrood or equivalent. t{. Rernove perimete.rJotnt sealani (if applicable). l. Rdmove batance tank accsga ptate in gutter or overflow gutter aciasr plate (contact Chester for locatlon and application). Plug and/or tape plpe cpenang or balanc8 tank accags. The intent is to prevent media from entering the balance tank and/or the overflow guter to fllter line. p.r n CHESTER POOL SANDBIISTING glg.Pl A. Sandbtast pool starting in deap and. B. Cl€an and dlspose ofssnd at and of each day. C. Two (21 man crew and proper equipment rF'p blast apprortr.i"rr r,eOo :q. .ft per elght f1-Pf 'd"ti#"-# taunes). rhis r6y vary wi'r tntcxness and type ofcoaungs. t' I"",iil#,fff#t3:ffi3 durins lensrth or project. congrant checks ror STEP q A.. After bb8ung, ctesFup *Stnr, Do not removs plugs until ctaan+p ls cornptete (pr.otecuve gear etriutJ ue wom aurine "|"fi*.p). '...., r'.ed "' ff:o-*#toval of att grit end media ln overllow gutter and remove ptugs and c' lnepect poor and notif, cheste r of any crachs, imperfectona pr penetrations. D' Commerciar brast cails for ccrnorete removar cf alr exrsting coaungs. This lnformation is se of tJrese proceCures. P4. t CH ESTER POOL SAN DBLASTI NG DORE RESIDENCE O 99 r8 CHESTER'POOL RECOATING SURFACE: Sandblasted Aluminum (Earel PAINTTYPE: Chester Epo:y CoaUngs Syerem SURFACE TEMP. MNGE: 50o - 80oF STEP 1 A. After sandblasting, ctoan pool and gutter of all sand, grlt and debrls. B. Power wash End gcrub all ssrfaces to ba painted with a solutioo of one (f) gallon Cheoteretch to three (9) gallons warm water (a stlff push broom and/or acad bru8h ls recommendsd). C. Allor to dry completely bsfore prcceeCing to Step 2 (oil-free compressed air works well to speed drytime). SIP.? A, Mask any Breas not to be painted; this inctudes anode sbds, lighting, deck snd accessoriEs. B. f nstaf f 'l 112- ?VC stubs in inlet fittings. C. Apply first ccst of Chester Epoxy paint (this ccat should be thinned with approximately one (1) gallon thinnar to tive (5) gallons patnt. O. Second snd thlrd coat should be applied full strength eft€r pr€vious coatings ere dry to touch. (P:lnt roay be thinned up to 5% for spray applications). .sT.FP..9 A. Mash and apply any and all markings and stripes. Laat finish coat shoulcl dry approximately 2zi hours before proceeding with masking operation. B. Install inletfittlngs. C. lnstall anodes and test. :D. Instatl maln drain grates and or accessorieg, P5.0 CHESTER POOL RECOATING cElEgat.ugrE 't"jio"!:Jr"be takan to avord morning dew and or standins watgr rn cracks 'care shosrd be takan around drain boxes and grates tor furt parnt coie.rage. ffig:::'J:#tll$ri.tnal chack ror cracks ancuqr corrogion horar (reparr " . C'stomer m*t be warned' fetuffi rosa of warranty ffappricabro. 'lndoor poors rnust ha.vg fan or m3an6 0f constant air ctrcurauon to prevent sotven t ta de n a ir from ryin gibrrilii in i"ir L]i r. :9i""# cgre In tl|e cleaning and preparauon steps wlll dictate succccg of 'Any varlaUon from thesE procedures must be approved by Cheater. *Always foltow manufacureF dirsctions on can. tWhen using spray palnUng aguipment ganercx!! masking is r€comrnend€d. Pleage be sdvised: A cathodic protection "vl?n: is mand_atory for ail alurninurn pools. lf your pool b not eguippgd with riglTiq *"lf-""6i"", pr€asa contact Choctsr poors Csstomer ServlcE at i€0G24&.g86- fa rr'r. - C:lidprr,cdurlba|!{portf This Informatior ts chester assumeg no ttabirities rorihi rri" * ii"u"" of thesa or P5. I CHESTERPOOL RECOATING DORE RES|DENO 99 l8 GENEML NOTES l' These documents, including all informalo1, designs, deails, specifications, configuntions and every other portion thereof, and further pertaining to all originals and copies genente'0, transmineo or circulated for the purpose of bidding, purchaing, schJduling, .onri^.tiin o,- rorsuch other reason as may be required for the project described herein, are and shall remain the exclusive property of Shepherd Resources, Inc. These documents mq/ not be copied, distributeJoi otnenadse placed into use or service of any manner without the erpres wrtneh consent of sliepherd Resources,Inc" or their duly authorized agent. All documens disributed durin!,r'. .fr[" "ine project shall be sunendered to Shepherd Resources, Inc. immediately rp"ri*qr"rt. -- - 2' lt is the intent of these dnwings and specifications to esbblish a shndard of quality. The architect reserves the right to take exceptions to approved methods and materials noir#.teo ne."in. 3' Wo* shall be performed in a workmanlike or crafomanlike manner to the satisfaction of the O,nner. 4' The drawings shall not be scaled to determine constuction dimensions. The contractor and each sukontractor shal verifi a[ dimensions priorto execution of the work, -d ;;r ;; responsibre forthe conect and accurate layout and ionstruction ofthe project. 5' Dimensions are to face of stud, centerline of column and face of concrete unless noted otherwise. 5. Coordinate mechanical and electricat systems with structunl framing plans. 7. Provide all necessary blocking in stud walls and ceilings. 8. lmmediately notif the architect of any discrepancies. 9, Remove, rework, rerocate, or add new mechanicar and erectricar systems as required, The mechaniol and electrical s/stems are to be designrbuild by the O"W.t a *O.li*oor. fn.General contnctor wifl coordinate and work w"hh eao suucontraiorio-".nry -l nn.ri..slrtems designs. Final designs to be approved by the Ovner. 10. AJI materials to match existing or as called or,n, | | ' ltems designated as 'Buih'ins" will be submitted in a buih-in package to be issued at a later date as requested by the Or,vner. 12. An arches width is equal to its radius. 13' Generalcontractorwill be responsible forthese items including, brn not limited to: enmination of site and documents, addenda, means and methods, instailation-i, uiaoing anJiukont ..t , ro..t juridiction and -authority, compliance with the Uniform auiraing Code ";-ui. g""""r conditions of the contnct for construction. Dt.l Genenl Notes MEgTONE ["* EDEE OF TII-E,TILE FLOORII.Io EXE. METAL tr POOL mm 6ElLtN6 FRAM|N6 ROLLED 4'-2O 6A. oALVANIZED 51VD9-(RADIIJS PER PI-A}V ffiTtow).HAt16 rRot"Iil6. (nNC. T5 W oALVANIZED l^llRE 2 LAYERg TYPE X' I4ATER REgIgTANT 6YP.B,D,( t-t/4. THTC,K c talo'TH|CK) ON 6 t4lLVAPOR tsAiRRtER I 4'-20 eA. VAI.IIZED OALV. Ere,@T&T9W 5/b'T(re,'x' },{ATER-RE9I9TANT OYP. BO. ON 6 MIL VAPOR EARRIER DORMER RADII'5 E6[,AL9 ]^ilDTl{ CFrP) I l/2" CORNER tsE^D VAPOR BARRIER TO tsE @Nnbuoug I l/2" coRNER BEAD l3'-3' Al=p. tspTTOM OF FRAMINa l@TEr ,,-,9E4T|ON \.z/ ALE, 6. - t'-o" SDOE q? B R|IUFLAT AEtL[rtO LINE OF EX6 gTRIJCTI'RE AT 4ftt FLOOR 2xO nlTll A'T OI2" RAD. 2'x2r<2.X\/4' gTEEL AT{OLE- 5EA)RETO 2Xb E UO.gTRI.JC.TURE PLASTER ON MFTAL LATH ON 6 MIL VAPOR BAfiRlER 5/On TYTE'X' I^IATERREgISTANT owBD. ON 6 MIL VAPOR BARRIER ON aAJ,VAlnIIzED 1/O. HAT CHANT€-g c 12. OC. MAX ON ROLLED 4' 20 6A 6ALVAhIIZED vfiL 31VD9 c 2'_b' oc.ffiI#TE TO gTRI,|CTURE A9 RreD NITFI GALVANIZED lrltRE c 2'-o, oc. /-\gEcTloN ( t F- '-'' NorE: \J,/ 3At5 6'.t',Q. VAPOR EARRIER TO BE CONTI{/OI5 irROLt_W 4 v 206A I eALVANIZ t 91Ub : GADIIJg PER 4.d !,laF|D4a. 4I{ tDOOi t-[t <tv !s WTTOVI G O<6 PF;EC.A9T @NA. Ts'-FIELD VET?IFY 5?ACIT.{@ 24-At-rP FttsER OTTIC ILLI}IINATOR ON 6AI-V.5TEEL 6RATE, HAI.I6 6RATE FROM 9TR[,CT. A@/E W ?/O' x3' OALY. EXPAl.tSloN Al.t6l{oR l,{/ 6ALV. }.ltRE '- 20 .9.AaALV. 511JD3 - ATTAcH TO STFI'CTURE A@\/EW 3/O' x 3' OALV. EXFAT.ISION ANoHOR l^Y 6ALV. t^llRE I4ATER REgIgTANT ACEffi PANEL /-\9ECTION \_/,/ 54 LE, I t/2' . t4. E"O O' ffllfllt{AToR o rcoL?Oo'.1 CfJLJ\€ 4'- 20 0A aALV.5'IUD3-ATIACH TO 9]RIJCTIJRE AEp\/E 3/b' x 3. aALV. EXPANgION AN6I{OR.lv6At_v. t^$RE DOOR TO FRAME 6A9KETIN6 DIJCT gEALANT- EoTH 5IDfr TER RESIgTANT ACEffi PANEL ITATER RE9I9TANT 6YHJT-| BOARD mmm ?/O'x?' €ALY, D€AI€ION ANCFT'R t{/ 6ALV. tr0RE tof-LED 4. - 20 0A gAL.U:ql\)D9 c 2'-gl. oE.lfRl.Dltv5 FER Ptlw %Tl.ci{ AI-TERNA-rEISTFlrCTLl?AL:l/4'MR1/O'T'i]PE.X. t^tATERf,EStgTA{T 6yT.AD ON 6 Mtti VAPOR BARRIER ON oA.VAIIED 1/b'HAT 6ffAl0'El5 c 12. OO. t'lAX ON4.tOtj-ED 6A_VA}{|ED }€TAL 9TUD9 ffiIfrIED TO STRI'OTUI?E A9TEAD ruTH eA-VA{IzEp ',IIRE. 6 ClfAlO,EJ 9IIJD SRORT gYgTEM T"I{ERE Lre OF T 13 NOT IaI€RE NEEDED rcR slee.;rl:r,FtEt-D I&AIE Ag-READ. ffim ?ruD FRAM|N6 PERPENPTCULAR TO "Tu t\!.bt/2'tl'.c. t/4' ovERAlo. Trpe.)c I4ATER REStgTAtT O\p.aD oN 6 MtL.VAPOR BARRIER ON eALVA{IZED 1/O' }IAT ClfAlS@.s o a2. OO. r,{ru< ON 4.RO|)ED 6A-VA{|.ZED 3/b' x 3' 6ALY. E)(PAt€toN Al.lcl.toR t{/6A-V. t{lRE r€rA- 5TLt29 aErr'RED TO slSrJCTURE AS*EAD N|TH 6ALVA{I2IED }^URE. 4'- 20 aA6ALV. 91VO5 - ATTMHTO gTRI'CTI'RE AEgVE ?/O' x 3' 9ALV. EXPAI.{9IoN Al.tct{oR tll 6ALV. t^tlRE Acc,El.r Lt6l{T- CENTERED ON REr E_.o Al.{P El_.1 FOR.fficIFI6ATION l4AtN cL6. RE, 1245 r*. e OF LIEHT REr D5€ts t __ wbD tuR COUryn cep DETAIL @rIOT€, 9E6TION &AGll12.tl'{. mm 4'-20 0A €ALV.'TI'D. ATTrcH TO LreOFTW 3/b' x 3' OALV. EXPANStON Al,lCl.lOR }G'^I AALL C FOR LOCATION I ll2'CORNER BE^D .gTRI,CTIJRE- FIRLD VERIFY *rcft,{6 0F Tg' 4' - 20 0A 6ALV. 511JD6 . HTTACIH TO EX6.gTRT'CTIJRE LATH E PLASTER o l'-o'R v1c,o|0 FLooR o Nt6t-tE LII,IE 6 CLO BEYOND Y{ALL o 4TH FLOOR LANDINo TOP OF E)<O trRlECAST CNNC. "Ts'-FIELD VERIFY *rcT{6 4" - 20 0A oALv. 51VW - ATTACHTO NEI^I C EX6. gTRIJCTIJRE I@D FLOOR, O NI6HE VAPOR BARRIER 6' - 20 0A oALv. 5T1'D RACK I I/2'CORNER EEAD 6L6 FRAMIN6- 'RE: P45 9E4TIONIELEVATION <,lt F. )41t , l.4F SE4TION l,LEr 9.14' . t-o. a.Allt t{ctG a 41lt l|)aoi r^r|Dol' DOI^lbl TO 2TND FLOOR KITCHEN BEYOND EX6 TREAP gJPPORT CLOMALL INTERSECTION NE'^I TILE FLOOR /-\SECT|oN \../,/ A€. tt2'. t'a' gECTION @ 9TAIR . dO HANDRAIL- CW TO I.4AINTAIN 6ARFET- E)<O TOP OF RAIL.. I,{ELD TO YIRO|UEIHT IRON PLATE O 9TAIR 6I.,RE 4u xl v2n yRo.l€iHT IRON gTRAP- }"ELD TO UO HAI'IDRAIL T tsc:T TIIROIJ6H TILE I4ALL CAP O X O TILE CAP TO T4ATCH FLOOR TILE 5ftC. @ STAIR 6URB CAP CONT VAPOR BARRIER " 6ALV MTL 5'TUD T.IALL ,,.IATER REIgTANT 6YP ED NEh{ DOOR O 9TORAOE CLffiT RE: PROJECT MAM'AL FOR 5rec. tu I pz .t q; F 1QE: PROJECT MANUAL FOR SPECIFIcATION 6' OALV. T4TL gTUP I,..IALL EX6 gTAIR TREAP VAPOR EARRIER 4" 6V t-1ET 911./D (FLAT) I4ATER..|RE9ISTANT EYP BD 9TORAOE CLOSET 9E6TION @ 5TAIR EXO af,f To MA[.{I r_6ARPET-I RE, rc&cT I MAIIJAL FOR \ sPEctFt6ATloN t Fj(6-TOP OFRAIL HEI6HT relqJo FtRorJoHr lRoi-i fl.NTE @ 9TAIR CTRB t/4'xt t/2, yRc/toHT IRON 91RAP. I^{ELD TO F)<E HANDRAIL E EpLT TT{/ROUOH bXOTILE@5TAIR w"{i?1o\t., Shffii-*r MANUAL g9FB=r5r. a.rfffitr ffi$eeasr ..". :. jt EX6 STAIR ]READ EX6 STAIR ]READ 5|JPPORT do STEEL EEAM 6ONTINIJOIJ9 VAPOR BARRIER CARPET- RE: PROJEcT MANUAL FOR 5PECIFI.'.ATION EX6 gTAIR ]READ EX6 STAIR'IREAD 1)o9rORT SToR.r'f,zE CLOSET 9E6TION O gTAIR, 5TOe66 5IM€I,E6TIruTE IJTH E PLASTER AT A RADII'5 A9 A 9.ts6RATE III5TEAD OF #, e*t.uu. n gECTtoN \. ./ X,r.!E, th. . t'-o. nn r'----r- I||| E.iec s tbrr fi- l'r'-bE'c.| gECTION @ 5TAIR PIJATE YiEJ.Dfu TO EX6 METPAN. T@ 1 rcTfot4 CrI?. EACH IREAD) ,l*,r- QTf TO MAIT.ITAIN a<o To? oF RA|L t{El6t-tT_ I^GLD TO T^[ROI'6HT ]RON PI.ATE O STAIR Ct'Rts ffi^fr$6i,ffi'ymf;4ffilL TILE I4ALL CAP CARPET- REI R,O&CT MANJAL FORSft.-IFICATION EX6 gTAIR 1READ EX6 HANDRAIL- CATT TO MAINTAIN EXO T@ OF RAIL I.EI6HT stryi55s @|tr t/4. 9ALV EX@ gTAIR TREAD gI'PPORT 6ARPET. REI R,O&T F{AruAL FOR gPEoIFICATION EX6 gTAIR TREAD T PAhI @NI I/4'6ALV STEEI: PI-ATE IELDED TO EX6 MIL PAI.I T@ a eoTfo{'.l Cr|?. EACH READ) .6ALV MTL gTT'D IrAC-Hepl:!_,rr To wT F".6 TREA2'FAII 'TILE O 9TAIR cl'PA CAP TO HFHihSf'.ilffio' trlLE o FORsftctFtoAiitN TILE o gTAIR ()tRo cAP *cnt4$ FL.QQB !4ATERIAL c \\-.+'6Al_V MTL gTuD :W .IREAD TER RESIgTANT 6W BD ,^,9E4T|ON \J,/ At.6 3'r l'4 Ey,,o t.{Fauour IRON 6t'ARPRAIL ATf TO MAINTAIN EXO TOP OFRAIL I-EI6HT - YIE..D TO l^Rou6HT tRoN PLAIE C LA}{DII.|6 FLOOR l#{J,ww,,, UO Yt{F.o/I/€lI+T IRON €I'ARDRAIL l.lEl^t ,4ALL l#rf4rW;W ll{6 r}ELEVATIoN \-,/ sc LE |t2'r Ia' ,^,gEcTloN I t F_-_ \/ 5c rE, tw..ta. LAT{D )ND 4' OALV MTL 5T1JD ffiEti"ffi,ffi" l-n rn I'i-EErl- | llt I I I H: tl fl I I uc yvR,/uG+tT IRON RAIL- AN TO MAINTAN DG TOP OFTAIL TEEHT.t&D TO rRa|Jat+f IRON gTRAP O LAIDII.|6 FLOOR t l/4'x l ll2'|I{?,AU6HT IRON 5]RAP TILE FLOOR o tANDtt{6 EXO LANDtltG NEN 4' 9T1'D }4ALL 3ToR,reE CLOET FANIfED 2 X49IttDE- ryruf=ED TO RA,$[2 !L\T9OD IIPPoRT5 9E4TION ^J,Er I lt2' t l'4. EX6 gTEE. BEAM EtrOND At1ff6;Krt'te ffio' M?RIS RADllj9=3'-2. r1.":;.:i..1 ,;';'.t._.:Jt i.. i.J1.:. glmoRTs \*',* stfroRTS [-n "*\ rn m |r_.!€r.ra lUl lIl dGEn al..-h H; SECTION @ 9TAIR LATH ANP PI.ASTER FI.ASTER T|LE o t4AtMScoT- oN coNTltrJot S VAPOR BARRIER ON I l/O'fuYl,D rcRl\,tg NITH E}LOCKII{6 EETI^{EEN ASTEdJIRED TILE FLOOR O LAND|tl6=REl w FOR T1LE INFO nt e fl_AgTER ON l/4' x l lt2' I^T?OIJ6HT IRON TRAP EX6 gTAIR LANPII.{6 I l/o'ftY|,/tr CAP ATTACI.IEP TO FANNED Pl_Yt^fD 1ffioRT5 ON 6ALV. MTL LATI{ ON qpryrllllqtJg vAPoR BARRIER qNt | /o'tuYtMoD FOF?149--C)Jf TO ffiCIFIEDRADIIJ, 5 n|TH ELOCK|NG EEII^EEN A5 REG['IRED HAIINED PL'/lrTD--g,pF1OF.Ts \ t/o'tuYtMOo PLAEI'4 3/4. RADltrS - Tr.P.oF 3) ,^,gEcloN \-/ aE,5'r 1'l-er ON 6ALV. MIL LATH ON qg\rlt.llgE vAPoR BARRIER oltt I /o. Pl-Ylt,{ciaD FORl,tg- crTT TO 9FECIFIED*ADIIJ9 4lTtr BL€cKtlE BETnEEN A5 REGTITRI=D VAPOR EARRIER ON 2 X4ct/R\/ED 5TT'D }.IALL tuYtrcoD EoTTtc.tNc CAP - RADII'9ED-REI PRO-ECT MANJAL rcRffi,. a l/4.)<2.X2.X1/o.gTEEI. A}I6LE EpTncft:{g MARB|J _i> o6EE. SEoMENTED. ON CONTINJAJ9 RE glEEr5 M.] I M2 rcR LAYAJT f,Er FRO-ET l'tAt{tAL FOR TILE 9rcF]CATION CONTlNnJg VAPOR BARRIER &Eif#ffi5#*Kffi,I/4'THICK IJNDER O6E) /^\gECTION \J/ gcrt-E| 3' . t'.'. gTAIR DETAIL9 6ARPET- D<O |{FO|./€iUT IRON 6I,,Af?DRAIL QIf TO MAINIAIN ilO TOP OF RAIL rEl6l-fT - yflD TO I O?aJoHT IRON fl..qTE o LANDINo FLOOR oxoTI_ECAP REI FRO-ECT MAN,AL FoRffiCIFI6ATION REr PRO-EGT MAI.IJAL FORgtrEr, 4'o llOSE E)<O L4RO|ur9HT IRON A'ARDRJAIL AT TO MAINTAIN E)<O TOP OFfAIL l'El6HT - l.{ErLD TO IAilRaJGHT IRoN FIITE C IJI.IDIN' FLOOR @ EX6 gTAIR TREAD gI,IPFORT 6'6V l4ET gTL|D "{ALL 4'Xl2' BOTTIcINO MARELE BASE-RE: trROJE'CT FOR greC. gTAIR I^ELL DOt^lN TO ffiNID FLOOK- .T E J MAI.IJAL .x12, FORffic. '6V l.,lET gTI.'D '4ALL FLOOR 5TR['6TT'RE arTTO ].tAinAt[ AI9TOP OFRAIL El€|{r- r{E'oTo ffipr non rTlrr|*.|E.o|.(,.LU LU r,,i!.E b f!.E.8 El...E'a ELEVATION b<G ylf3o'Jeffr IRON €I'AfIDRAIL Wf TO MAINTAIN O<E Ttr OF1QAIL TEIeHT - IEL' TO ,^ROt'6HT IRON PLAIE si.He*EJ3'* ELEVATION ffiim .--- \.- - -r, MARtsLE O6EE gPECIFICAT1ON trrtr€J 6ATION MARtsLE ELEVATION BOTTICINO MARBLE CAP.CITT TO ffiCIFI@RADIUg NO MARBLE OOre=*OMENTED I"XIU @REEN t46Atc5 BoTTI.-IT{O MARBLE E.ASE-CUT TO *ECIFIED RADIUS :to.tuYl49 ELEVATION h%##E/nRrER +I,RRII.I6 A9 REOD TO rcHIE\TE CIJRVATI,RE DOIJEI-E 1t/b'tuYt4D FLAT(I'-IO'DtN EpT|-ICII"{@ MARELE NITH CIHIgE]IED fr6E CAP-Afi TO FIT *ECIFIEDf.^.DIUE. I l/4'x2'X2'xl/b'gTEEL A}€LE eoTrICIT{o I4ARBLE OOEE.5re!,ENTED (PROVIDE PLASTER AN EXIRA I/4'THICK UNDER OOEE FoR, FT,IRRII.&9) IffiAIC },IARBLE NLE- ON I.ATH AND FI-AgTER gE,ru,dZFffi€ffRIER FoR nLE *crparloN tspTrIGITIO MARBLE n|TTI6HI9ELED ED6E E,A9E.4T| TO FIT gFECIFIEDRADIIJS ON LATH AI.ID PI.ASTER ON CONT. VAPOR ts/fiR,IER I l/o'fuYl'D FLATHI'-IO'DIA) TO.PLYIP NOTE: VAPOR BARRIER TO BE @NTINJAJ9 2X4 511u,D /,?\3E6TtoN \/56ArE,3.'t.-o. mm #ffi /,aELEVATtoN-oFTloN *l \/ scA-E, ttD'.t'4' Eo,TTIc.ITIO MAREI-E CAP- CIT| TO ffiCIFTED RADII'5 T46AIC MARBLE TILE- RE' PRO-ECT MANTAL FOR TILE Sffi.IFICAT]dI EoTTI.-IT{o MAREI.E 6AP-AN TO ffiCIF|ElD RAT2II/6 COLI'MN gHAFT 2rc 311.lD I@gAIC I.,IAREI-E TILE- ON IATH AT.ID PI-AsTER MARBLE cAP eEl-orr PA9IED LINE9 INDICATE gTEEL AT{6LE IN LII,EgTONE CAP BELOA glff,HW"€JT?Yfr86* FOR TILE 5FECIFI6ATIO}.I) oN 2<4 911)D5 NFLAN-OPTION *I \/ 96A15 ttt2' . t4. mm l!\/AfiOly fLAl{. courat a fira MARBLE 6AP- }^IITH CHIgELED fuCE- AJT TO gFEIFIEPRADII'5 l l/o'tuYt,{D PflT(f,-2 t/4'DtA) 3',THlcK EOTTIcINO I l2'x4'y2'xl/O'gTEEL AI.I6LE 4'THICKEpTTICII{@ MARELE 6AP- '^IITH CHIgLED WOE- AIf TO SFEIFIEDfADII/6 i.IO5AIC MARBLE TILE- ON LATH ANP PI.A5TER ON 99NIIp!l3 vApoR tsARRtER-REr P@.ECT MAI.{JAL FOR NLE ffiCIFI.-'ATION ^6 VAFOR BARRTER \55f t t/2 . x 2ln x2.xvbY 5TEEI. AN6I-E 3'TH\CKBpTTt'ttto MARBLE 6AP.I^{ITH cHt€.ED WOE- AJT TO sFrcIFIEDRADILI5 DO|.WE I t/o. tuYI4E.PLATgl,-2 t/4. DtA) ! l! c \GNEER, P!_A5]ER, FIJRRII{o A9 REdD TO A6HIB/E A'RVATTRE r^3ECT|ON - oFTtoN *l tl \/ scAr-B t. ' t.€. *fu.+ EoTN.-.ft,IO MARET-E 6,AP-q,T TO glreC'FJED RADII'5 T@5AIC MARBLE TILE-REr FRO-ECT l.,lANrAL FOR TILE sPE6IFI6ATION tsoTTICIT{K, MARBLE CAP-()If To SftCtFtF;g RADfiJg @-oPloN*2 \..l/%At-Er ttt2. tt<. C'LUMN +IAFT 2)<4 STUD },IARBLE ci,e eFJ-oyt LINE OF II.ISIDE @OE OF MARELE CAP ffiLo4,I aFLAN-oFTtoN s2 --\-/ 9CALET |tE t f<r mm Ea/Anaiua-At. caLt aa clFtL D5.8B r-trIffi@ FLATEfI t/4'OtA. -TfP. OF 2) 3'THICK EOTTt6ll'lO l.,lARBll 6AP- trunr ffi?ffii'y- ffi,, I l/o. tuYtlDRtNo _ \,A#;ffi3DEDtA.I tr*?wff"Iiffi-rcR nLE sftcni-lrftoN1 LATH AND pt_AgTER ^/ r \ ttlo-tuyt'x,N6 _ @ \i;!;ffiff,:^e f 3'THICK ErTTI.-lITi(c. MARBLE CAP- VIITT|ffi795;,6n,o DC,JELE I t/o. PL.flry ?tgt'-;,f;""HJtr, LATH E fl-AgTER ffirtoN - o?rto'*2 ffi'#ffi9^* tl \-/ 9CAl-Er ,. . t'4. mm ffi;.w+ fuLID FOAM BOARD ##",m?wrH ffi Srffig#S^ x)LtD FOAl",t tsoARp ##ffffi?wH FOAM _ CAP EEJ-:O1/{I COLUMN +IAFT +Er'ATtoN-oFTtoN *3 *'A!E"ll/:'z1t4t 2x4 91]UD- ffi 41FLAN-oFTIoN #3 __\r/ 56 t€| tVt . t{. ElIlvAnO|.;L^ttt . COt$ aAr{?A ffi@ FLAT(I'-2 t/4' DtA. oraP) ?:*ryqK frLto FoAM EoARp gl_Te srectFtED RADtrre 4I?.',flIH cUt*rup woe -FA,x pAINTED ro uerCu BpTTI.-.ITIO MARtsLE 7:flr/E4t9 FoAt,t EoARD ffiT-o._wnep*npus Ar{DrurH clnsf,jtf'--ffi f4q4 PATNTED ro t4{ro{WTNC]TP IVIARBLE taSHC MARBLE TILE_ H,'ffiH"vmm* FOR NLE ffiCIFICATION cotmNJO|S VAPOR tsARRtER ffiH DA.EI_E t t/o. tuYI4D PLAT(I,-2 t/4'D\AJ !4ll..f VENEER F|_A5TER,ffi,.€ffi9^r* (a9lEc-TioN - opTtoN #3 Il \/ sc I-El r., t,-o. 5/A'},{ATER RE9|9T. OW. BD. EO'rNCINO MARBLE* 3H"i r^tAlr.lscor (.IA}4B ONLY) Bo.TTICIT.p MARELE C gILL 3/4'R^Dlw CORNER FEAE' ntNDOt^t ASoEptELY- I4ATCH 0<O r.'fFR e FtNtg{ RE, INTERIOR ELEVANON9 FOR 31re e LocATtoNg 11: Z (uenp stru.) - \/'/ 9C l-E! 3' - rA' LINE OF gILL BELOA - MATCH w.wwl$ AND PFfAILIN6 (-lAt,fB oNLY) EX6. '^IALL OR NEN NALI TO HAT..,,H EX6. }^IALL @E TILE - -t4Alltrar_ LINE OF TILE C t{AlNScoT BASE VAPOR- tsARRIER w.STO\{E \CNEER.I.,IATCH EX6. DErAtLll.lo O .IAME/}IEAD fi-rP) EXO OOOR Ag-fr{EjL-(- RE, FLOOR P,I-AN AND INTERIOR ELEVATIOI.IS FOR NEht LOCATIO].I9 TRIM-23/b"THI6K DA5FIED LINE INDICATE9 MARBLE cAP o ttAtt€r4T AtsO/E ,^'JAMB tl \/,/ lgcAl.E 3..1,4. mm NINDOI^{ ASEEMBLY- !4ATCH UO l'1FR e FtNts|{ REr INTERIOR ELB/ANONg FOR 917re l LOCATtOl{g OYP.tsD EEYOND I l/2. x 2l/2.MARELE'fRIM 2'x3. EoTnct.{p, MAREI.E CAP l'x2.xl/o, @l,tT.gTEEL AI.I6LE @NT. VAPOR BARRIER t4AtNSCOT ,^'9lLL (l \./,/ ArE.3' r t'{' STONE BFTOND gLare, t/4. / - EX6. hIALL OR NEI^I T,{ALL TO I4ATCH UO ',{ALL COI,I9TRIJCTION rnffirn]i..rEl,.lrl l(l lll --.--IJ-J I ora- r,rrrF_ E r,rn_Eer_ NEhI ruNDO}^|. I4ATciH O<o.MFR E FINIS{ LINE OF 6YP. tsD. EFTOND I^EATIIER STOP Exo. DOOR AS6EMELY- LINE OF gTONE VENEER ts,FTOND 8i"ffi"1# c TNIERT'R NEt^l LocATlol.lS HEAD o MULLED AINDOWDOOR ASSEMBLY 36Al-Er 3' : t'€. rnrT_lE.E'.,-uutl-lElioE..o. r-.a r.E_l D-re H-5.ttsr,6 DETAIL . E'OIRIOI,DAoR ICAD I A€OI.,| o cEfLll.lo c 4TH tuOOR t-ANDlN6 ffi!'ffF'=mtroAt?5 WtffiH. DUCT ffi'ffi'. n,IDE EAre gTEE. PAI{EI-5 DOOR-REr FRO-ErT/ DETAIL "{ALL O ELA/ATOR g{AFT ,llELEVAT|oN t.l,--1]sae.il,l.r- mul ,1TELEVAT|oN \/ 9cAE 3A..tQ F4ECHANICAL DWT oElLlt&9 c 4TH FLOOR I-ANDI}6 tx4 tlD CAgft./6,- ffi-, FRoFTLE gTEEL @RIt LE D<2 tD aAS|/F/€,- ffiou PRoF|LE gTEEL 6RILI F m$iffiE" VAPOR tsARRIER uo cLo - FIELD VERIFY D<2tV CAgbG,- w"to, PRoF|LE sTEEL PANEL D<2tD cAstw- ffion FRoF|LE DOOR l@TEr VAPOR BARRIER TO ElE CONNNJAJS n\gEcTtoN \__/ scAl-E I tEt . t{. LINE OF TILE |.r,ffiff;,eese cA6trb w aETOt4 FROFILE. PROFILE TE'J2. y,tooD DOOR JAMB ',it"W"r'#?E PROFILE T-ED. EXO. I,{ALL- FIELD \/ERIFY hGt^l 2C.4 ,4ALL nnnnl'-EI.'(,.LJ.I UU .c.|I- nirll __- rx-E.qo. AIAMF_ (ueA.o etv.) -\J,/ SC'}ArE 9.. t,{. VAPOR, BARRIER I xl. lwD wc)ETot4 pnoFre- PROFILE T.BD. DOOR; IPOD DOOR JAI-18 colmNJot 9 IXTI,|oOp .,.A€laJ|6 WCIETOM FROFILE- PROFILE r.B.D. OF TILE o DOOR JAMts eoTTICII]A MARBLE TRIM-fEr PROJECT MAN/AI.FORffiCIflCANON ot 5/A' }.{ATERRE9I9T. OYP. B'D. I,{AII.ISCOT BASE EELO',I BpTrI.-.NA MARBLE €tr$p"?NLY_BELolr) }4ATT'AI. FOR ffiC,IFICATION I x 2. t90D cAgn{6 WC)ETOI4 FROFILE- PROFILE T.tsJ7. ffJAMP PETAIL (HEAD stu) \r,/ sCA.EI 3.. t{. 4. lxry1cio/Dc{9ftlG N/AETOT4 PROFILE- PROFILE TE-D. LINE INDICATES LINE OF MARtsLE C IlA|l.{rcT CPF TILE O I'{AIN56OT LINE OF MARBI.E o ,,{AINgCOT tsAgE VAFOR, tsARRIER z#.B.*R' REsrer. V I ztn I -+ AJAMB DETAIL \--l,/ scALEr 3' . l'€' NEI^I4' 5Tt'D T,{AII NEl,l 4. 3' EoTrICIT,IO MARtsLE 6AP 1?E: FROJECT tvtANJAL FOR T1LE *ECIFI.-,ATIO}I MARBLE OOEE.tE: PRO*EOT MAl.lrAL FOR TILE Sffi.IFICAT]OII Ib. Ep,TTICIIIO MARELE TILE - AfT tN HALF AT.{D IITgTALLED ON TIE DIA9O|\{AL - REr FRO.ECT FOR TILE ffiIFIOAr'c4..I DECORANVE TILE INLAY- rcR NLE ffiIFICAflOTI T.O. tuY}lp fEr FRO.ECT MANJAL FOR NLE PATTERN gFEC. trfl%wffi*Ilf FOR TILE ffiCIFICATION .4X12 EpTTICINO MARBLE BASE tE, FROTEGT MAttAL /.\ELEVAT|oN \// 96AEr r. t.-O. mm 514'r.{^.tF-jp. REgtgTANT OYP.E|D. ON VAPOR EARRIER BoTNCT'{p }4ARELE Q4e lVaHlsa_w DOE_'l?E: FRO-ECT l'tANrAL W.ffictflcAnoN -rx2axvo. @NT.gTEEL AI.I6LE tso,TTIOT{c MARtsLE OGEE -REr PRO-E6T uAl.rr.A! F€/R ffiiFtcATlON_oN tn 6Mh4,| FtRRtl.le 0N- - STEET 41.1915 oN VAPoR BARRIER oN gl?troTlrRE ,^,3ECTION \_// g'AlB tr' . t'4. lo. xlo. t@Atc T\LE fE, FROJECT MAIUAL FOR TII-E 9FrcIF'r-.ATION 4.xl2r9/4. Ep,TTtanto x RPIE EAtr w cHtgFJt-w EDaE_REr P@-ECT MAl.{JAl_ FOR TILE ffi\FICATION 6MMJ FIRRINO (n AW 3/4.) LIMEgTONE NLE Fl-ooR REI FRO.ECT MAN,AL FOR TILE 9FECIFICAiION I{OTE' VAPOR BARRTER TO BE CoNnN.rorrg EX6. ',{ALL A/ERIFY EX6. coNDtTtOl.ls) }{OTE: REMOVE EX6 ',IALL FINI9IIE5 TO Ej,<O 5lRtr6rnE-T\.P mm D10.2 Fr]..-.1Et.3,.LU t[J :=:3H; SiH#["S8^f" ON U$"?b'ffiflR MARBLE tsAsE 9 LON '{ALL TO BE bffi*H'ffi*. n gEcTloN \-./ gcxErr.t<' eoTTI.-.IT.{g MARBI-E O6EE-REr PRO-rcT MAN'AL FOR sFE6IFIoATION r@NC T1LE_+ HaH#[^H5"i* 4'X12.re/4. F,IARB|.E EASE ShffitX#ilf" l,lOTE, FIIRR glM. TO DtO2 ELEVATION nLl LAYq,rr. t n nAlL o FI oz 'o n ltl oll 'o o: E -2 s8 FF oqt ze CE (,o L F F E I I a E ,l F o EI c' A B o lo D TJ o I F E d t) H '( ,] o o (, J g C -9 il ,6 ,?c'H q! 58 bt OA OA !l AFI zz &o Frt E U l.F zz !.t E9 od It F.az (D 'o Er= o n ETF taz oo Al' o E FI a E l. A * Er u o H gl t{Eg to ZA o !t E IE o olq F !|A (0 ao 0 !u (ro H F q| (, H t{ A 9 FI E o cl E v c E ar H IA I q A : 6E c!a =>t{le{840 .E ao d n9t 0&2&2001 Inspecdon Reque*t Reportlng Page 1 8:52 am __.- Uall, Co-- Chr Ol -- Request8d Inspcct Dafe: fHnesthy, flrrch 28, 2001 Asslsnsd To: CDAVIS lnspecd5n Type; PI-HB lnsirecdon Aiba; C0 Sitelddresi: ?0S VAIL RD VAIL lOO VALRD 48e-!sfo449!&! A.fvttf ComrTlo'e: FErcsl: ApDlkant:C{tr ctor: O$l}er: Ogrcrl$hn: Inso€cton Hlsbr} Itrrn:21O ll6m: 220 lbft: 230 TlpG: &PLMB - Occuffinsy 210108218[106 EAGLE COTJNTY PLUMBIT.IG A HEAT EAGLE COTJNTY PLUMBING & HEAT DoREVIflLLIATT INSTALL PRV.X'T SSIKJDG SI.}OW UELT FOR DECK cNll€cTloils" F WORK 0e(H00 lnEp€clor: GRG co.wn nts. NEV,/ POOL SUTPPLY LltI€S sub rlffi: ASFR Phom: fl&5€if-$76 Phclr: 3{&52*9076 A.ilon: PAPARTIqL AI'PROVAL S"trtrs: lmpAr€a: tsst ED CD Eegcc€irg&gMEllci Item: 290 Pl-|f,B+lnrl R€qu..tur: JIM GUIOA As:lg@To: CDAVIS ACUOn: r l'n€ tsXD: h4m cdtrrFnrs: l}rogsffiEtlroil conrTRctl rSTGGttlRED FoF THE Acton: fiPP'0""o ]oa Pot - UJ/6 Rrquest€d TIme: 08:&, AM ' Phoft: 479.6dX'Erfi.d By: CDAVIS K Tlrn€ ExD: |.tiOL |5RFfrTNFED FOF THE POOL RTLER Af{D EOI'IFIffihIT PLU}{ANG CONTP"ACTOR 1S RESPONSTLE TO PERFORM THE PERMff IS REAU|RED kn; l,l0 hrn: ?50 llr|n: 280 n m: 2$! Plltl&@s ftplno {oGtloflal)Pl-llSPooUHAlub (ffiono0 PLrFMhc. ldldil{fl PLHBFITEI tR6qulredr 03|i0110,l lm!.cto{: CDAVIS Acto{r: DN DEr,l|ED Coonl€nE: CROSS CONNECNAN @iITRO{. IS REAURED FOR T}G POOL FILTER AilD EOUIPITIENT CM{ECTPI,IS, IFA}K}THER FI.UMBII.I€ CO}ITRACTON |g RES,PON$IBLE TO FERFORM TF€ WO'RK AI.IOTHER OR NEl4t PERirtT lS REOUIRED REpT131 ' '-u Run Id: 485 .\ P0{-0016 Rsquc$bd Inspect Date: Yledne$lay, illarch 28, 2O0l ' Asiloncd Tot CDAVIS lEp.cfr6nTypGr PwB lneirecdon rfbs: GD SlbAddncal too VA|L RDvAL Tvoe: Ocrupgrryr subrffi: ASFR StsTTS: ISSI.JED h6pArs: cD ArPf) IniollErtlorl Actrrfrlr: Const T)fb: P.i€El: olrYnet: ADoltsanf: Co.ftactor: Ele*fu0on: tfrdcs: ?1fi0erfrro6 DoRE. WILLIAI' J. VAI.VALLEY PLUMANG & I.EATING VA[- VALLEY FLuilBlt\S & HEAING Phofl€: 97tr9,f$777f Phone: 970i,*lt+?77{ h}STALL MCKFLOITT, PREVENTIOf{ DEVICE FOR POOL FILLER LbIE p€rd{ F&J for. ntrd corrtractode slgruture ard copes to cofita.{or. - LC'AIIPBELL InsEecflon HlEtorY ll.|n: ItBnr: lbm: norn: lbm: llstr: ,bm: a1o Plli&underotound 2?o PLM&RouffttD.w.v.Zdl Plll&Ranolfilstrr e€ PLMB-c'a6Pb{na 25tl PLlrBPoo{Flbt fi$ 260 PLt BMkc.2$I PLMBFImI (Op$msl) (O!fioft.I) {Of,tond) aoetional) tOptional) tOp0onall iRdqukcdl' R*,6t ntr tc t+n 7b ()uJ AB, ),sre,, ur t/t1T< e* .l-. ti rr li, c l , -',i' itrHl_-- ':*ry:fi.H:Fmr**n .Pasel Requ€$t c! In$€c{ Drte: gtednrsday, fllrdr 18, 2fl)l AsilgnedTor CDAVIS lnsoccdon TvD€: BLDG lncbccti,on Ai'ba: JRM Sit'e Addresc r {Nom Listcd>. IOO VAIL RD A/P,D Inlgmefion Acftuh,: coffit T]rp'ar1 Parcel: Appllcard: Conlraclo.: otrner: Desqlpficn. Comtr|€|rt: Corwnent: EOO4043 :| 21fi0m18006 TlFi: A-BUILD oceUpancy: Sub TIT€: ASFR UsG: V 1.HR Fhona: 97$84$9100 Phons: 970&l$91fi) ISSUED JRM CoNNECTIoNS tlrELDG FOR NEI\I VENNI-^TEilI gtdtt3: |nsp Ar.a: GUTDA- Jttt COITSTRTTCT&9Iv GUIDA, JIM CONSTRIJCTFOFI DORE WLLIAM INTERtf,R RElt OoEt OF slVlMMll.lG POoL RCGM SEE COMI'ENTS - LCAT{PBELL POOL AREAWALLS TESTEDNEG Fon ASBESIOS.LIR RECD4,11/0O- KATHY R€qu€sted rnso€qrisrel ,ND}8('/6O rtcrn; go **,11[]il,^-.^.. - .. flrn)\Requcsior: GUIDA, JIM CONSTR\-,CI9N n /2 tt( | comm6n$: wtttcau L'Wft'OV Asshrnd To: CDAVI$ *-, Jffi , ETEcTREATHRAI ncoXffiEF' R.qu.8H Tlme: 06:O0 Alf ' Plpno: 47$gl90 -or- cdfifD* 1192 S2S6?53 ErltsfdBr FRONT K PLUMBII,JG FINAL RSOUIREC{MUST INSTATL BACKFLOW PRE.VENTH'T.I FOR POOL RTLER A}.ID EOU|PTIENTLINE.AS INSTALLEC'NOWAHAT,CROSS COilINECTPN }-iAS BEENCREATED} Al'lOTl-lER PERMTT WLt P€ REOUIRED lF NHW COTISTRACTOR lS USED lnspecton FllFkry sao PtAt+lLC Slle Phn 3D 4Dq':Ftqmhg Conuncrl|3: O|( TO nBncfit3: O|( TO CO\rER CElLltE OfiILY Ofl0e?O hso€dor: GRG 8tffn hspetr: CD Commenis: SEE iIOTE Comrnerd3: 08,?zlfi F|sDEctor: eD Co m€nb: RESTOFCEI-I\F OAPgoO k8Docbt: JRM COWTTENb: AIOF'R REST OF FHAMIT'IG nam: 20 BLDGFoufflstlofiSb.l (Opdanau '- Aflpro,yrd * 05j0A1OO lnspeclor: JRM ' Aclir)rl: COMTNENIS: APPR RETAJNIFI€ WALL ON 06/0400 hep€ctr: JRM Adbn: Comms $; ADDTL COiflS - WEST SID€ APPRAPPRO\JED APPRAPPROVED CO CERTFrcATE OF OCCTJPANCY Item: €10 ll8rn:10 lbm: tl.|n: t$fllc S[e Phn (R€{ul|8d C*Ftamlrg {Otrttrttli ' 08/'08i/0O-lnso*to.: bRG nBncfits: O( TO CO\rER CEILIM (R€qul|8d) ;Optirlnali "' ADoro{rrd * GRG Affon: PAPARTU\LAIPROVA OflOeOO |nsn€dor: BRG Acton: COC€RTfICAIEOFOCCIJPAI.|CY Conurnis: ADDTL ccr'ins - sTff-L NEED COFY Of llTEgT DETAI-S FRO,]I STRT CTIJRAL Er.Iqr.EER.FY Of IITEST DETAI-S FRO}I ! Acdon: PAPARfiAL APPROVAL 06/15100 hsDGClo{: cD Ac$on: COCERTFEIITEOFOCCTF NCY mr erd3: ADDTL COrilS - ALL FRAil8l{G APFROIIED EXCEFT I{ORTH WALL FEt{D$lO El hfitPECTICN A'.ID E}IG OF RECORO REVEW PFRO1IED EXCEFT T{ORTHWALL FET{D$IO EIEC ROIX'TI ?O REvEwAt\DAFPROVAL OF FRAIJhE Andon: APPRAPPROVED Acfron: APPRAPPRO\,ED Fdon' PAPARITALAPFROVA Arilon: @ CERTFICATE OF OCCI,PA}ICY 0&'2900 ln|D€cbt: JRM Acdon: COCERTIFICATEOFOCCtFAI.ICY CO'l|llIONs3: ADDTL COT/iMS - ].IORTH WAI. AATD ARC}IED }uLL WAY Alt TRATff\E C,OTf,W"E lem: 50 Su)C'{neuHon {O9dooali o8zgrm ftrcpecte '.nil Coilnrrt: BLol|YN hlsll-ATloll 08ng00 hcp.cior: ,nM TETTER FROM STRI-EURAL EITGINEER IS STILL REOUIRED ETC... BALAliCll.lG REPOFT fROl, ME( SYST€M {E\4DET{CE OF I'OISTU BATAAJCIFIG REPOFT RECEIVED ts REPT131 03-2&2001 ilem: 60 BLDOSh.€toocfi Fhn |E240D InsD.ctor: Commonte: AItPRO{IED Acilo'n: APPfi APPRTIVED fI,lo,|to,J I'l39€cb{: JRM Acdon: PAP RTIqLAFPROI/AL CaymsntD: AI9PR iloRTH WALL AND l-lALt 0901/00 lncpectDr: .FM Acton: COCERTIFICATEOFOCCUPAI'ICY Comm.nle: ADDTL COllllS - EXCEPT FOR CElLlt'JG ON ARCH PagP2 liam: 70 FLDClMhc. topfioflto (Fr?2r0O lmpettor: ART Cofirnerit|: R€*nan fooe|gi.Ealt, s 08,0{/00 lmpscbc cD commer$s: COURT.WALXTIIRU Aclhn: APPRAPPROVFD tutloo: t'lOilOTlFlED o&{t{ffi lnsoorior: cD Ac{on: COCERTIFTCATEOFOCCUPAIWY Cqn|tBNt$: ADbIL COHTi|S . DSCUSSED wln{ TE}UJil GUIDA COf'ISTRUCTTON .REOI'IRED INSP€CTION{S FRAIJ|I}IG MECH.RC}TJGH EI.EC ROIJGH,I3TI.E ETC.,..STRT'C ET.IG REAUNEilENT$ LETTER APPROVI}.IG FRATffNG.WELDS CONNECTIOT'I$..ACCESS TO MECH.EOUIPTIENT IN ATTIC h'TJST COI'PLY TO gN.|MC SEC 3[T7. -MECH.EOI,|PilENT IN ATTIC h,H.,ST COI,PLY TO g7I,,II|C SEC 3XI7. - TIAhFffAILSIGUARDRA,N-S BOTH INT€RIOR AID EXTERIOR {815,00 lmc€cbr: CB ^Aclbn: PAPARThLAPPROVTT Cofimsrib: lNTERlClRtATHECElLll.lG,,/- \(Wlsm krsoerior: cD / z^'*cllo+^ coCERTlflcATE oFOCcUpAl&Y Coom€nts: ADbrL cOXilS - STAM.ESS SIEET HAtNllD LATIG,IJSED AIWF SIEI€D ACCORDIIIG llem: S B.DGFInd 0301r01 Cofiinror$s: TOT BCSEC2500 (R|qulrflt) IncDedor: CDAVLS ELECTRICAL FINAL \-\..__l PLt tiSSrlG Fwldt FOR POOI- RLTER I-I.AS BEEN IS USED APPROVIM; COI.INECTI'NS WELD€ETC... BAlli.lCltlG REPORT mOM BIECI'IINICAL CONTRACTOR lS REOUIRED FOR l.lEW r/€NTtt.ATtof.t SYSTEM {E\ittr€NcE oF M0|STURE coLLEcThF oN wlNDoLvs t{QTlcEDi 0&1?JOl lflso€cb,r: CDAVIS Acdon: $'IOI+OTIFIED eommsnb: BALAtlClt€ REPORT RECEITTED SEE FILE r_,1nlr\ \,r! , .. t l\t&'l? rt.rl J\ ' l,/ 'i -'' Otr$t\a por- ooia _ tl ;l il tu tl l a 03'01-2001 lnsg{on Request Reportlng Page 1 9:(b am Vatl, Co-- Ctuol - Rcqu€sbd lnspcc-t Datel Tlrurcdey, tlrcfi 0l, AXII Asslon€dTo: COAVIS- hsoeeti6n TYD.; IIECH Insirecdon lFbe: JR Sih Addre+r: 100 VAL RD VAL IOO VAL RD AJPID lfform€tlon Acfrr{ty: Cong T14ie: Apptl€nt: Contraclofl olin€I: Dg€crlpilon: t/tx!,ilF4 Ttpe: BMECH Occt|parr]f, STONE MEC}IANICTL, hE. sToNE MECHAT{CAL, thtc. DORE WILLIAM UPORADE EXISThIG DEHUUIDIFICATTCN SYSTEM sublm: Asfn Phone: 97t)-242"5014 Pfpne: 970.242-5014 Stats: ISSIJED lrEAIea: JR Reoueshd Tlnrc: 08:00 AIU ' Ptrorn: Enbr.d 8f CDAMS K t-.f cr,-ltn,'rJ 1b S* w (T- RrcnnaCrr-tG 84ao REHT131 Rrrn Id: 437 TOI,{N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAIr,, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 Blectrical---> DEPARTTT{EIIT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTB: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ETE TRICAL PERMIT ilob Address: 100 vArL RD Location...: 100 VAIL,, RD Parcel No.. : 2L0L-082-18-005 ProjecE. No. : PRI00-0064 APPLIEANT PREMIER ELESfRIC CO., INC. P. O. BOX 3839, AVON, CO 81620 CONTRACTOR PREMIER ELESTRIC CO,, INC. P. O. BOX 3839, AVON, CO 81620 OWNER DORE WII'LIAI"I lOO VATI, RD, VATI, Deecription: ELEC FOR POOL ROOM REMODEL *rr*rrrr*t'rt*rri*rilrr.*r.f*rr FBB SUUMARY .IOBSITB AT AI-,t TIMES Permit #: 800-0146 Status...: ISSI'ED Applied..: 08/02/2o|o Issued...: 08/02/2000 Expires..: Ol/29/200L Phone: 970-949-9377 Ptrone t 970-949-93"17 Valuation:6, 000 . 00 DRB F€6 -00 .oo 3 ,00 111.00 at t iar*rir+*rlt t * Total, CalcuLaccd F€es---> 111 .00 Addicional F€e6---------> .oo 111 . O0 111 .00 BAT,A.NCB DU8----- .O0 108.00 InvastigaCion) will call----> TOTAL FEBS... > total Perrnle Pee_-----_-> PayucnEE- - --- -- - **tt* * *r* f tirlr9***t t* f * *rt1t* rtt tt** * t *r * t* r*t*i l* * r*****t*trt *t* iii rrrr**Jar.rr*tt*tla***r*titttt t.trrrr*t* tlirtrrtt**t irrr r$ttttt ITCM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTI{ENT DEPE: BUII.,DING DiViSiON:08/02/2000 KATTTY Action: APPR APPROVED PER-KW Itbm:'.05500 FIRE DEPARTTVIENT Dept.: FIRB Divas j-on: 08/02/2000 KATrry Acrion: APPR N/A ttt*'arrtt*ttt|larlrittttttt'*rr CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CTIECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. ****r*rilt***rt DECI,A,RATIONS I horeby acknowledge thae I h.v€ read chls rpplication, fillsd ouC in fu1l Che infornation r.quired, coEPleted a!1 accurato ploC plan, and 6cet. t.hac all th. infordalion provlded as requilcd iE correct. I agre. !o cotrLply rllh tsha inforeation and PIot' Fl{r. to conply wich all Torn ordlltancco and €clce lars, and to bul1d thi. stluctsulc aceordinE tso th. Tovn'. zoning and subdivLllon code6, d.6Lgrr r.vLoe approv.d, Irni follu Bulldlng Coa€ and otsher ordin.nces of €h. Torn appllcablc tha!.Co. REQUESTS POR INIIPECTIONS SHALIJ BE MADE T9fElfTr-FOIrR, llot RS IN ADI/ANCB BY IEt EPHOI'B OR AT OIJR oPFICE FROII g:OO At, 5:00 Plil * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :t * i * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOV{N OF VAIL, COI,ORADO Stat,emnE * * * * * ** tt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * !r ** * * * ** * * * * * ** St.atemlt Nurnber: RBC-0G51 Amount, :111.00 08/02/OO 13:59 Payment. Method: CIIECK Notation: #3o7GIPRBMIER IniE,: KMhl 800-0146 Tlpe: B-EI,EC EL,EqTRICAL PERIIIT 21_01-082 -19-006 1-OO VAII., RD 1OO VAII RD Total Feeg: 111 .00 Total AI-rLr Pmts: Balance: !*!**tl!t*********************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No: SiE,e Acldress: Lrocat,iOn: This Pa)ment Account Code EP 00100003111400 wc 00100003112800 DeEcrlpt.lon ELESTRICAT PERMIT FBES WIIJL CALL INSPEETION FEE 111 .00 1_1L.00 .00 Amount 108.00 3 .00 A'pLrcAJxoN rf rror er AccEpr€D rr rncomrr-rregfsr Eulldlng Perrnit #: ElccEloal Per-mlt #: 97 A-4' 9-2L49 (Incpectbn$) r0vfiwfl 75 S. FroDtrge Rd.vail Colorado 81657 cottFLErE sQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR AtL OTI|ERS (tabor & Materials) CONTRACTOR INFORIIATION 2, q rt301b $ 11t,00 at :ou lc'"*,) OBeTestt>€N\ C€iobAddress: t OO \Ait Rd. LegBl Descriptbn l[ Loe I BiocK I i-illlg'Subd ivisioi: @ ,*.r?Oifr-roo lOt Phqi€:8qs-9tcD Engaieerr Address:Phcne: model Work CIa$: tlew ( ) Addaior i )Ferodszu_j,"1",.! ) renrpPov/er(:. l_jll:!!l__ work Typea m.no. qr$ b,tcrior ( ) BaUt ( )Does en EitU exist €t ihis iocatic.r: Y€s ( ) No ( ) -Type of Btrlg.: Singbftmili/{.) D'rpior ( } Muki-iami[ i ) Coefr--.rercial ( ) Reburant ( ) Oth?r ( ).-* llo. of Existing Drvdting Units in tfiis ottiuingl I l.lo- of Accomrnodat'otl UfliLq iti this b.tiding: & \, is tJrls oermit for a hot flJb: Yes ( ) No (x) ffio(X Does a Flre Sprinklet S,stenr Exist: Yes { ) No CA) EIECIRICAL vALUA-rlON : $AMOUNT CF SQ Fr- It'l srr{ucruRe : +r*ir*rrlr*ir.*irrttF.r**a*-*rr**t.i*::*-T.TiTTFOROFFICEUSEONLY**tir.***/.?r'*:i*i*itr*'(]rt't*::?'}fn',rtt*',t TOI'IN OF VATL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 APPI-,ICAI{:T CONTRACTOR OhINER sToNE MEC}IANrCAI..,, INC. 1-1]-]- SOUTH 9TH, GRAND STONE MECIIANICAI , INC. 1111 SOIIru 9TTI, GRAND DORE WILLIAIq 100 vArL RD, VArr., DEPARTI4EIiIT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON Job Address...: L00 VAIL RD Locatsion : 100 VA.fL RD Parcel No.... .: 2101--082-L8-005 Project. Number: PR.t00-0064 MECIANICAL PERMIT .]I]NCTION, JI]NqTION, Status...: ISSITED Applied..: 05/30/2000 Issued...: 06/L9/2000 Ercpires. . : L2/1,6/2000 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M00-0054 Phone t 970-242 -501_4 Phone: 970-242-5014 co co Description: UPGRADE EXISTING DEHI]MIDIFICATION SYSTEM Fireplace InfomraEion: Restricled: Y #of ca6 Appliancee: 815 01 81501 ValuaLion: *Of cas LoE6: 64,509. 00 *of tfood/Pallel: 1,529.O0 FEE SI'I'UARY Mechani.cal---> Plan check- - - > rnve6tigation> will call----> Reetuarant PIan Reviet'- -> DRB Fcc-------- 1, 3 00 .0o 325. 00 .00 3 .00 .00 .00 Total Calculaled Fees---> 1,52e .oo Additional Feee---------> ,00 TOTAL FEES.....Total PerEit Fee--------> Palmenea-------- 1, 623,00 BAI,ANCE DIJE...- I i + * * ti! * {r r * r i + IICM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTIT{ETiTT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON: O5/08/2OOO KA,TITY A,Ct.iON: NOTE ROUTED TO CHARTIE 06./L4./2OOO JRM ACLiON: APPR APPROVED ITbM:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTIT{ENT DCPtr: FIRE D1VJ.SiON:06/08/2000 KATIIy Action: APPR N,/A CONDTTION OF APPROVAL FIBLD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CTIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 T'MC, OR SEETION 701- OF THE 1997 IMC. TNSTALI,ATION MUST CONFOR}T TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I]MC, CHAPTER 1-O OF TIIE 1997 IMC. GAS APPLIANCES SHAI,L BE VETiTTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 8 AND SHAI.,L TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 IMC, OR CHA.PTER 8 OF TITE 1997 IMC. ACCESS TO HEATING BOUIPMENT MUST EOMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O17 OF fiIE 1-997 UMC A}ID CIIAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. BOILERS SHALL BE MOI'TTTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.I]NIESS LISTED FOR MOT]DITING ON COMBUSTIBTE FLOORING. PERMIT,PI.ANS AI.ID CODE AI{ALYSIS MIUST BE POSTBD IN MECIIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOI'EST. DRAINAGE OF I4ECHANICA], ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT_WATER ST'PPLY BOTTERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DR,AIN PER SEC. LO22 0F TtrE 1997 I]MC, OR SECTTON 1-004.5 0F TnE 1997 rMC. t_.z- 3. 4. 5. 6. .1 8. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS I h.r3btz rckttorlc€c thrt I h{vr rcrd bhl! apptlcati@, fiu..d ouE ln fu11 Eh.'lnforrabiq! requi!.d, coqrlct€d rn accur.ts ploc p!,an, and rE.ts. that a1l th6 iRfotraeion plovided r. roquilrd l.s eorrccc. I ag!!e to coqrly rich th. LnfonarLon |rld plou phn, co coqtly rith rll ?ouB ordLtrucGs .trd atrte laro, ead tg tndld thi. atluctura .ccording co tb. torn'. zoring ud subdiviaion cods!, d.aigNr r.r.ier .pttrovcd, Itttiforu Buildiag cod. and of th. Tot 'r rpplidablc bhtr|to. QLESTS FOR TIuTPECETOINS 910[&r. BE UADE rtGDtt-FOt R HOt Rn tf,.f,T {79-2139 oR AT OUR OFFICE PROI 6:00 er 5:oo Plit 9I(n|ATT'RA OF TNTR OR COTIIRACTOR FOR HIlfgB'rF AND ****t**a**ti**a**t*+*ta*ltt***t**l*it***it:l*t*t*.1**a**i!t!t'r+aa.tt* TOnl{ oF VAIIJ, COIJOnADO 'gtatenEt a* trt*!t!rt*t* * * !t rl !i *ratal a *, ** * ta * **i'* *t +*!r * t** 't*:rtl!t** * ll t **i*ll *l:r * t i gtatennt linruber: REC-0544 ADount: 1,62a.0o o6/L9l0o Lor41 Pa)ment l|ethod: 14515 lgotatioo: gIlOl{E UECmNICAL Irrl,t: fi Permit No: ltloo- 0O54 Ty?e : B-ttECH IIECIIAIIICAIJ PERUIT Parcel No: 21O1-Oa2-L8-O05 gite Address r l-0O VAIL RD IJocatlon: 1OO VAIIJ RD Tlxis Pa)ment * +rt**t t * il *:lt**r!tl ta il il* ** !t* * * I *.t t * * t f rt * * * *l * t i * f * * t * * t * * * * * * * * * r! * Accoutrt eode Description r|P 00L00003111300 I|BcmNIcAL PERMTT FEES PF OO1OOOO3].12300 PLAN CHBCK FEES t{c o0100003L12800 lcIIJr.' CALL INapE(rroN EEE Total PeeB : L,52A.oo Total AIiL Pmte: Balalee: r,62A.OO 1, 628 . Oo .o0 Atrount 1, 300 . oo 325 . OO 3.00 14AY-24-BS ,,. ' 1E'l', , t'18}.1 63:58 PM STONE T4ECHAHICAL 97A8274255 . Proied #i Building Permit #; Mechanical P6rmlt #: 97 o - 47 e -.7&( I nsrrec tio ns ) ^;.;;rf,rr-uror EE AccEprED rr r*co'pLq,|lo un* P . EI TOWN OFUIIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vell, Colorado 81657 Provlde f'lechanical Roon Leyout drawn to scale to include: F Mechanical Room Dlmenslons 'o Combustion Air Duct Size and Location o Combustlon Air Duct Slze and Locatlon o Fl ue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Location tr Heat Loss Calcs. )6 EquipmentCut/Sp€cShects COIIPLETE VAIUATION FoR MECHANICAT PERMIT (labor & Mareriats) **+*** + *x* r** r<***+ **jk* ** FoR OFFICE *****++***** Fllrwryone/forms/mechperm A5_24_OO 14:56 TO: STONE MECHANICAL Perrnit will not be accepted wlthout the following: -g-49, 9l h s t" c" y."tv A""?itry * o ry*, t llrr{el # (Requlred if no bldg. pefmit + is p-ovit'ed above) z1o1_082_18_006 Job lriame: Dor6 Residence Pool Room Rem6deL JobAddress: 100 VaiI Road Vai 1. Colorado Legal Descript'ton I Lot: 35 Block: 7 Fillng: 1st filing Subdivision: Acldress;Phone:Oyrne rs *utat ,, ,. ,Dore a{4ry1: sourh eth srreer "r. .oil o\}"r;-ror-ro*Entjineer: ^ . - GarrrcK btone system in pool area Detiiled description of work: Upgrade existing dehumidif ication WorkClass: New() AddiUon( ) Alteraflon(x) Repatr( ) Other( ) Boller Locatlon: Interkrr ( x) exferfot ( ) Otfrer ( )Does ao EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Tvpe of Bldg: Single-fanrily ( ) Duplex { ) Multi-family ( ) commercial ( ) Resrauranr ( ) orher( ) Irlc. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building No. of Accomrnodation Units in this bullding: Noy'lype of Fireplaces Proposed; Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs i I Wooo/Felle( j wooa aurning (NoT ALLOwED) =-?i.!i *-rs rnls a conversron trom a wood buming flreplace to an EpA phaselt aevicer \4es t l-- Nol I cttE!3:- 64, 509 . 00 cor{TMcT^ O R I N FO RMATTO N Mechanical Contractori St-o-.4e Mechanica l. . Inc . Town ofVail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #3: Garri.ck Stone 970-242-5014 FAX 970-243-8146 FROM:97OEl2'1425s PO I o3-88-Ol 09:52 STONE MEC CAL TW**fut F.hu.ry9,200I Mr. Carrictc Stoc StsoMocbdcal'Inc' Gnndfimdio,CO. RE: Dcrc' Rcsidene VaiL Coloado Dear Ganidq Bclow ara ttrc airflow rcadingl for Src exirting pod hvtc system' Enhersf Fan: SnpplyFen: HAN I o I D=97O 746 243A I P82/92 Does / < oo6q rv\oo - I'reading Final rcading 1,690cto 1,684 ctu 1.076 cfn I,991 cfri 610 r9m l,l0l rpr (ncurpulleyrnd bclt) Norc: X n.rrrt ofncr prllcy will ctrrotge rirflw 7$1(X) ctn- this poriahs apForimfdy 300 cin poeftirc o pml orca- mc Cdfto ru inrrir ofho|rce nced ro bG scdcd to dlow 6c positivc rir to flow a[ thc odcria drs" Plcosc call if rtu havc arry qurslims- Sincrdy roun*Ht4'"*- ClintGsmu PrasidaqCBVCO 4* 924 26 Bo8d, GrasilJunction, CO 81506 . (ffiO046-778I e3-o8-ol 09:52 STONE MECHANI CAL o lD=97fJ243a?46 PO I /O2 4-o- I\t llll South 9th Stcct Grad Junction, CO 8150t Finn Phone (97q2/.2-5014 Fax Phone (nOn43-WA6 Please Deliver FAX CO\MR SHEET tho following Pages 6,cLr4'gtv*r's-, Firm Name:'"i Address: Business Phone: Total Number of Qtp:.tt+ ttq,_.> Fax phone 97a- (t1-ea pages including Cover Letter: Z From:,fun- Subject: Comments: Date: 4t/" , rime: If you do not Receive dl the Pages, or please call (970) 242-5O14 as THANI(S! if they are not legible, Boon as possible. sToNE MECHANICAL' tNG. lll,':ffi*:ffi:,,., August 5, 2000 TO\AJN OF VAIL Charlie Davis 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Charlie: This lefter is in response to the pool dehumidificaUon system at the Dor€ Residence in Vail, CO. I am responding specifically to the platform that supporb the equipment and the access hole for service of the equipment. I spoke with Jeff Sage at Jim Guida Construction regarding the platform design. Jeff indicated the platform design was included on the structural drawings submifted to the town. Jeff will respond to the town in a wriften format for the design and engineering of the platform. I measured the intemal equipment componenb should any piece of the unit require replacement. The largest piece is a coil that is 32" - 33" in height. I have requested the acress hole size be increased from the code required 30" x 22" to 36" x 22". This will give us the allowable space should the unit require any major refurbishing. f f you have any questions please call me at (970) 242-5014. Sincerely, fnocr - oos/ Oo,rnErrs To 9; rlnrC g Ec^ 3o7.3 O-l"l-Q.- tltl ,tL--t/ -(.ffi Ganick S. Stone Project Engineer Cc: Jeff Sage TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-21,38 APPLICAI.{:T CONTRAC"IOR OI^INER Description: PLutrbing-----> Plan Check- - - > Inve6tigal:ion> will call- --- > DEPARTMEIiIII OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON,]OBSfTE AT AIJIJ TIMES PLI]MBfNG PERMIT Permit #: P00-0078 Job Address: 100 VAfL RD Location.. -: l_00 VAIL RD Parcel No. . : 2L0t-082-L8-005 Project No. : PRJ00-0054 EAGLE COUNTY PTIJMBING & HEAT P O BOX 1t_73, GYPSIIM CO 81"63? EAGLE COT]NTY PLUMBING & HEAT P O BOX ]-L73, GYPSIIM CO 81637 DORE WILLIAM 1OO VAIL RD, VAIL INSTALL PRV,KIT SINK,ADD SNOW MEl-,Tvaluation: suIitMARY r*ri** * * Reobuaranc Plan Revie --> TOTAL FEES------ SLatus...: ISSITED Applied..: 08/04/2000 Issued...: OS/04/2000 E>cpj-res. . : 0L/3L/2001, Phone: 303 -524-9375 Phone: 303-524-9376 3, 000. 00 45 .00 17 .25 - 00 3 .00 . oo . oo .00 ToEal calcuLatsed Fee6- - - > Additional Fees-- --- --> Total Permit Fee--------> Payuenea- - -- - -- BAIANCE DUE.--- IEem: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARI14ENT 08/0412000 JRM Action: APPR APPROVED ILEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARIMENT 08/0412000 JRM Act.ion: APPR NIA CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO C]{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARA*TIONS I hcrcby acknorlcdge that I have read EhiE application, filled out in full p1an, and state that all t.he infordat.i.on provided a6 required i6 correcL. !o conply r'ith al1 Tovn ordinances and Etalc lare, and Co build thig codes, design rewj.en approved, Unifonr Building code and oth€r REQI'ESTS POR INSPECTIONS SHALT BE MADB TflENTY.FOUR HOURS IN A.DVANCE BY Dept,: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Diwision: , conpleled an I agreG to y r{iCh che infonucion town'6 zoni,rtg alrd e tttereCo, OR AT OI'R Ehe inf FOR HI!,{SBLF I.!fD OWNER o a*t *t:r t**!a*:.a **!rtt*:a *il+ a* tt !t:l !t *rr* i:l* !rr * * * t TOln{ oF vArL, clcIoRADO Statennt ttr*t*i*t**at****t*aa**it**l**tlrl*.1**:l******it****t**ttttiat**!r!l*i gtatennt Nunbet: REc-0662 Amount: 59.25 08/04/00 13:59 Pa)ment Metbod: 3?95 Notation: B,AcIrE CO. PIJUIiIB hit: 'tt{ POO-OO?8 TIC)e: B- PIrUB PLUUBING PERII'|IT 2101-082-18-006 ].OO VAIL RD 1OO VAIIJ RD ToEa.L Fees : 59.25 Total ALrLr Pmts: 59 .25 59 -25 Amount 45 .00 11.25 3.00 Pennlt No: ParceJ. No:glte Address: Locatlon: Thls Paynent Balance: .0O **t**ratt*lt**atf*l*******i*i**l*ili***t**irl+!tt****rl**t*i*rl*rt**l*!r Account Code Degcription PP oo1ooOO31111OO PII'UBII|G PRI'IIT PBBS PF OOI.OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHBCK FEES WC OO1OOOO3].12800 WILI, CAIJI' INSPECTION FEE AppLrcATroN l. no, BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLE l* rnrrnn.o Project #:s mwxhFwnlY Buifding Permit *: (l5b -O0\3 Plumbing Permit #: 97 O- 479-2149 (Inspections) Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Ft O YA i t. -/6p Detailed description of work: / At{/ A /-u'/-'F v, s oL,ciDTE6r.,pe ton.P-EeuE^,/ /46y6/oot-QtCt, - FdtxtsTALw lzrT A^J p4QL oaafl6raa- Work Class: New (u/ Addition (p, ) Alteration (rJ Repair ( ) Other ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family (L, Duplex ( ) MulU-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase iI device? Yes ( ) No ( ) PLUMBING:$ 3oo<). Plumbing Contractor: .LE 6o,.t LrTlq; 4 i t4Te Town of Vail Req, No.:Contact and Phone #'s: Contractor Signature: 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Conta.t As*ssrs Office at 970-328-864O or visit COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (tabor & Materials CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ***********************************+***FOR OFFICE USE ONLY********************r(**************** t el# F/everyone/forms/plmbperm fficnnuo 032000 1r'*!t 'f HOW DID WE RATE WTTH YOU? Community Development Deparfnent Russell Forrest Director, (s70)479-213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you conhct? Building _ Environmental_ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB rtrL Was your initial contact with our staff immediate no one available ? lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit N/A Please rate the performance of fie shff person who assisted you:54321Namq (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) Overall effectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you next time? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are committed b improving our service- dr 7. 8. o DEP o EVELOPMENT 0u \f Lo-{ gf b\\c J ARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P01-0015 ]ob Address: 100 VAIL RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: Applied..: 03/01,/2001. ParcelNo...: 210108218006 Issued. .: 03/07/2001. Project No : ft56O lJdp\ Expires . .: 09/03/2001, owNER DORE, WIITIJIAM J. 03/OL/2O0L Phone: C/O DOREI FAI{ILY OFFTCE 5151 SAN FEI.,IPE ST STE 9OO HOUSTON TX 77056-3607 License: CONIRACTOR VArL VAIJLEY PIJIIMBING & HEATIo3/oL/2007 Phone: 97o-949-77'7L P O BOX 2048 AVON CO 8162 0 License:118-P APPI,ICAI{IT VAII-, VA],I-,EY PLUMBING & HEATIO3/OL/2OOL PhONEI 9'70-949-777L P O BOX 2048 AVON CO 8152 0 License: 118 -P Desciption: INSTALL BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE FOR POOL FILLER LINE Valuation: $1.000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: ??# of Gas Appliances: ?? # of Gas Logs: ?? * of Wood Pallel TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2738 Plumbing--> Plan Check-> Investigation-> will call-> $15.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $3 . ?s DRB Fec----> $0. oo TOTAI- I:[ES------> $3.00 90.00 Total Calculated Fees---> $o - oo Additional Fe€s------> $21. ?5 Total Permit Fee---> PaYments---------;' BALANCE DUE---_> l2r.1s 90.00 s2L.15 921 .'ts 90.00 Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENT 03/oL/200! cDAVrs Action: AP SEE CONDTTONS Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEN:I CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (ST,OE.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAT.TCE. Cond: CON0OO4574 A REDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE BACKFL,OW PREVENIION DEVICE IS REQITRED PER 94 IIPC TABI-,8 5-L IPC PER TABLE 608.1. THIS DEVICE MUST RESIST BACK PRESSI'RE AND AIJSO BACK SIPHONAGE AND IS DEEMED TO BE IN A CO}ffTAMINATION TYPE ARE"A (HIGH HAZARD) DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforrration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO IUWN U! VAIL, UULURAD10 Stat€meNrt araflaaaaa*fala++a'i++'laa*rl***ara**a+*af+f++*+*****r*araa*+a**++lta*aa*****ra***a'la**fatt*f* Statenent Number: R000000492 Amorrnt, I S2L-75 03/07/2OOt04:45 pM Payment Dlethod:Check Init: L,C Notation: #27s04/vail valley Plumbing & Heating Permit No: Parcel No: Slte Addrese: Location: This Payment: ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descn ipti on Tota]. Fee6: Total AIJIJ Pmts : Balance: Current Pmts PO1-0016 Tl4)e: PLI'MBTNG PERMIT 210108218005 1OO VAIIJ RD VAIIJ $2L.75 ft*t+'i**+**+++++a**'i'****r****+*f+**++*******rrf********++****r*r'i**'|'t{'+*+++*r******lr*r**+*** 92L.7s 92L.7s 9o. oo PF PP t,lC 00100003112300 00100003111200 00100003112800 PLAN CHECK FEES PLUMBING PERHIT FEES l.llLL CALL INSPECTION FEE J. /C 15.00 3.00 APPLICATIOT.ILL NOT BE q0"t NWN OFYAN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81557 {v',rq Building Permit #: I Pfumbing Permit #igc,t -OotG 97 O- 47 9 -2L49 (Inspections) Contact AssessoB Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcef # (Required if no bfdg. permit ijsp na Nane:flr2V: t /fo/ggg4-- y')l d Job Address: 7/U fuzZ Ea4a - - hz Legal Description Lot, ]J ll aro.r., J llrnins,I subdivision: UfuL UqCCflSf Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: .J-'<-z'S 74 za 442442.-<) /?z'a-r za'4'z-7 7'€t'( /'L / V,.42 y'.12 //- //..124 workClass: New() rygrtrr() Ate=liT() Repair() other() Type of Bldg.: single-family (vf ouptex ( ) Multi-fa;it( ) commerciat ( ) Resraurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: IsthisaconveRionfromawoodburningfireplacetoarrrpapna COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) PLUMBTNG: $ ,4 lAO - CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of Vail Req. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: ,/rt'q7 *:t*********************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*"***r!*****rirr*******/iir*************** Other Fees:Date Received: 'DRB, Fees:' 12001 RECD MAR - F/everyone/f orms/pl mbperm HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Departnent Russell Forres! Director, (970) 479-213s ' Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you contact? Building Environmental _ Housing_ Admin _Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Was your initial contact wiih our staff immediaie slow or no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wa( how long was it before you were heloed? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first lime to file a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit N/A 6- Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you:54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveneffi 7. Overall effectiveness of the Front Service Counter. f 4 3 2 1 8. What rs the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to compleie this survey. We are committed b improving our service. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 816s7 9704',t9-2138 I'ireolace Information: Restricted: Y NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 804-0085 Job Address: 100 VAIL RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 100 VAIL ROAD Applied . . : 0412812004 Parcel No...: 210108218006 Issued . .. : 05106/2004 ProjectNo , ? i? s-Oq-o(SO Expires...: 11,10212004 or{NER DORE, WILLIAM ,J. 04/28/2004 phone; C/O DORE' FAMII,Y OFFICE PO BOX 57 SUI-,PHI]R LA 70664 T_,icense : CONTRACTOR Alpine Construction And Remoo4/28/2oo4 Phone: 970-926-2048 P.O. Box 8337 Avon, cO 4923 l-,ake Creek Village Drive Edwards, CO 81520 I-,icense: 705-B APPLICAICI Alpine Construction And Remo}4/28/2004 Ptrone: 970-926-2048 P.O. Box 8337 Avon, CO 4923 I-,ake Creek Village Drive Edwards, CO 81620 License: 705-B Description: WINDOW REPI,ACEMENT-SAI4E FOR SAI{E Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: $1,400.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 O DEPARTMENToFcoMMUNT-t"rorr"*, # ofcas Applianc€s: 0 I".,o4 s s-, B \\< f # of Gas Ings: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY 'jrr**ia*{*tt*atlr',}**.*r':r*'rr***:*l'*'r**rar**t*+*++'r***t*')t'*'r*:}*'rt $0.00 Total Cslcutated Fees-> $o. oo Additional F€€s--> $0 . 00 Total Permit Fee---> $0.00 Paylnents-_-_> 58? . O? BALANCE DUE-> CI t - ('\ tt \)a^\ Vr\ctctr- '-z\\-J 98? . 07 s0. o0 $87.07 $87.0? $0. 0o Building-> Plan Check---> lnvestigation-> Will Call---> $50. 95 Restuarant Plan Review-> $33.12 DRBF€e-.-._'-----> S0 - 00 Req€ation Fe€-------> S3 .00 Clean-uP Deposit---> TOTAL FEES.._._-..> Annrovals:rf6m: 05100 BUfLDING DEPART!{Elflf 04/28/2004 JS Action: AP IteM: O54OO PLANNING DBPARTI{EMT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{ENT Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I4gree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town app thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOTJRS IN ADVANCE BY 479-2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OF OWNERORCONTRACTOR FORHIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE2 :}:t'}*'t*+:t't!t|t**,*'|*:}*+:|'}!t't'tt*|!t**:t'}:}'t*l.*t***+*'t{t,t*|*'t***t:t'}*'}:''}*t}**:}*'t*t*t**'}{tt**|t!*ll't!t*++**** CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Permit #: 804-0085 as of 05-06-2004 Status: ISSUED '|ti*'t'|'}'||t***'t+**'t'tl.l''|*'|'ti**'t't't'i't't**+|*:ttt|t|***!t*:l|*|'}:t**t:}*'t*lt|'t**'}{tt*'tt}'l:t*'t*****'i*'ilt****+ Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BLJILD PERMIT Applied: 04/28/2004 Applicant Alpine Construction And Remodeling, Inc. Issued: 05106/2004 970-926-2048 To Expire: 11102/2004 ' Job Address: 100 VAIL RD VAIL Location: 100 VAIL ROAD ParcelNo: 210108218006 Description: WINDOW REPLACEMENT-SAME FOR SAME ,'*,1**'i****'t*************'tlt**'t***********'a*{.***,lt't+* COnditiOnS {r********+'}******t*'}**!*****,} ***'t!t'*,trt'****r*:t,},* Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECIONS ARE REQLJIRED TO CHECKFORCODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQLIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.1 OF TIIE 1997 LIBC. + * * +* + ++* ** ** ** a*** * * + + +t +*** * f** ** + +*t + +f t++ l' ** t {lt + * +* *+ +* + ** * ** * * * ** *t + + t t * ** * *r * ** * * * ++ + {r TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Sratement ********t + + +* ** *** t * **t **++ ++******t**++* +x++*** ** * *t* ***+ | +++*** *t t* *** 'i**tt*+ + ** ***+* **+ + * Statenent Number: R040005752 Arnount: $82.07 0S/06/2O}4OB:18 Ali! Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: AlDine Const 1433 Permit No: 804-0085 T)T)e; ADD/ALT SF'R BUIIJD PERMI? Parcel No: 210108218 0 06 Site Address: 100 VAIL, RD VAIIr IJocation: 100 VAIL ROAD Total Fees: $87.07 This Palment: $87.07 Total AIJIJ pmts: $8?.0? Balance: $0.00 * * ** *,1*.* * * * ** f+ t + * t * * * * *t + +++ * * * * * * i. * l"l * +f * ** 'i * * * ** * * *+ at + 'l * * * * * * * ** * + * {r +** * * * * ** +++ +** * * 't * * ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descrjption Curnent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 50.95 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 33.12 I,IC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO APPLICATION NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOM uired o WILL o PLETE OR ll -otfr ffi"EfcErvri Project #: MWNOFVIN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 co CTOR IN General Contractor: ) / Au?n+a co^csr 4 gsAao,A l*"?bgoJ'3 - ContactZnO Phone #'s: 7?t -13 G1 (c*t|'']. 9Zt'a,sz,A> - Ogntractg{Signatu}e:\ -/\ ,/\ -4--IL FORMATION GoMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDINGf ESMIT Labor & Materials BUILDING:S l/oo ('o ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 97 0'328-8640 or!!e[-W Parcel #'7 r,nl OzZt 9oo<'-(-l''/' Job Name: i)5;ze - lrJ,*.. ea 6/r JobAddress: lq) Ja,.. Ro. LesalDescription ll t-ot: 7f ll elocr:OZ\LllFilins:Subdivision: LAru vru'"a6e- Owners Pame: p61z/. luerer,r€a,r Address:,€,€.__ga_.,- Iox6), A.f,*,l!o Phone: Arch itecUDesiqner:_ n/a Address: 7aE4 Phone: Engineer: p/a Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: ?ecrna-i \lr lFr4t*: t 'Lv"a- r-,<.Llrce Work Class: New ( )Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repairffi Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior (<) Exterior (><) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Btdg.: single-family fd) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existing: qeg 4-ppliglges ll No. of Accommodation Units in this building: ( ) Gas Lot i( ) Gas Lc : rs( ) Wood/Pellet( )WoodBurninq( ) ,os ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) ffiNo( )ll Does a Fire sprlnKler syslem trxlsr' r es ( , rrt,, \ ,, -) ***r***************:r*************r**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*****:r*****r******#.*rE*****+r* \\VaitUata\cdev\FORMS\PERM ITS\BLDGPERM.DOC g?&.I* t *?ft'l 07 t26t2002 331';f* :'cffifl'J81ffi1ltrtrns P'sclo AFiDlnlbnnrtlon R.fl.ih{t lns!.cfron(r} tbfii: 00 BLIrc+ln l R.quffirr Alpfnr ComfucUon And Rcmodo&p, hc. To: CI}AVIS nmrErp; Itrn:br: lb.n: llem:lbr:llrn:bm: ttiln:lhn: lhftr: [am: tr.s-ffimm: Ugf*t' kt 12,2(n S,lbA.fffi.t: f00 VA|L RDVAIL IMVALRCTAD Ac[rfn q]+d186 TY!.r [Bt[.D Con*Tvri: Ocnxni*v (,|riid: DORE,wlLLntJ sr'brlB: A8FR $rh.E: Fgt ED hrpftr: OCD Ahhr Comolrc$ori ArxI R.nrd.lru, [8. A|i'frc Comfucnon ADd R.nodctlo, l|E,UfrtmW REPlrCElft NT€AllE FOR gAilE Plmml 9l$Sl$2(l.l8 Phon : 9 }gl*,2018 Rccrsbd Tlmo: 0E:00 All ' Plrme: gl&gaezfi8 {- 37& ?3el Enhr.Cry FRONT l( b}ll n ^6_v r\v U^"d REPIT131 Rlrn Id! 1856 FECEMD: 8.15 - 1; r fl.lc-1s-eBsl 4rlSPtl; 97094S3288 1613e, FRUFII GLOBAL INOUS'RIEs ; *2 9789493e88 -t{ff*ttt P.AW/WE B, c, D. B. -l F. c- H. fucstioru? C"it tt " Ptanning Staffar 47g.2,2g APPLICATION FOR DE$IGN REVIEW APPROVAL A.DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: TION PROPOSAL:LOT: ..,4q BI-OCK: -"7 'FILING: l,V^r\Vilt*l- PFrySICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL#l ltal d??-l D.9ol, (contetEagleCo.Asscssonofliccatg?0-32g-g640forparccl#) ZONING: NAMEOFOWNER(S): MAILINC PHONE:- J'l1..!r.lp $s0 Incftdcs rry addiriur whotr squre footagc ie addod to any rcsidcntiar or commercial building. X20 lnclud$ minor clrangcs to buildings and sitc improverncrts. slch a.s, rrrooting. pdnting. windour additioo* lurdscaping fotrccs and rctaining wallt ctc. DRB fccs are to bc paid Nt thc time of slbmittal, lalcrj wlr-cn?lpgng for a building pcrmir, plcacc idcotif!tho soc|mtc Yaluation of the projecL Thc Town of vait wilr sdjusith"-fcc {cco,{i"c 6 uc pri;ect vauarioi. PLEASE suBMtr THIS AP?LJcArloN, ALL suBtlilrTAl REQuIREMENTs AND TrrE FEE To rHE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY IIEVELOPMENT, 75.9OUTH FRONTAGE ROAD,VAII. COLORADO Et657. olvNER(S) STGNATURE{S); NAMEOFAPPLICANT MAILINC ADDRESS: TYPE OF REvtEw AND FEEr E New Conrrrctlon - flHlll tr Addl6on. E Mlnor Altcrrtion - Consrrrtion ofn ncw building PHOne: ll4ct - l''leo - TOWNOF GENERAL INFORII|ATrON Thi.r.application is for any pojcct rcquiring Dcsig Ra,iw apprwat. Any pmjcct rcquiring &sigr rcviaw mrrst rcccivo Dc$gn Roricw rppmval fion b nrbmitting for r buiiiing pcrnrit For-cr,*iril i"formatiin, scc thc $ubmittal rcquircmcns for thc particular approvnl that is rtqucstcd- Thc alrp-lisaion cannot bc acccprcd until all thc raquircd inlbrmation ir arbmitcrt rhc_projoot mey also nc+d to bc rwicwod by thc Town Council md/or thc plrrning and Environmcflhl Commi$ion. Dcdgn Rcview Board approvel cxpircr olr ycr rftcr finrl rpprnvrl unlcll r bullding permit ii irru0{ rtrd colrtnrctior b rterted. D e gorbzoo (eeist u)" -ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparunent of Cornmunity Development 75 Souft Frontage Roa4 Vaif Colorado 81657 tel 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project ltlame: DRB Number: DR8010200 Proiect Deccription: Landscape modifications including retaining wall, water feature and plantings. Participant6: OWNER DORE, WILLIAM J. 0218/2001 Phone: C/O DORE' FAMILY OFFICE 5151 SAN FEUPE STSTE 9OO HOUSTONTX 77056-3607 License: APPUCANT Land Designs By Ellison 07lLBl200L Phone: 949-1700 Attn: Kathy Po Box1259 Avon, Co 81620 License: Project Address: 100 VAIL RD VAIL Locatlon: legal Description: Lot: 35 Block: 7 Subdivigionr VAIL WLLAGE FILING I Parcel ilumber: 210108218006 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote! C.ondltions: Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval 07 / L9/2001 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0004879 Retaining walls within the front setback or public right-of-way shall be 3' or less in height. Planner: Brent Wilson DRB Fee Paid: f0.OO ).Quesuons? c|" prannrng Stam ar 47s-zL3B APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL PARCEL * 'Ll O\O tLl$noV (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING: T0fill GENEML INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any poect requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal reguirements for the particular approval that s requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may abo need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approvat unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. OF THE REQUEST: R c. D, E. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOr:_ 49 BLOCK: --l FILTNG: F. \r, NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING owr{ER(s) srGNA RE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAIUNG ADDRESS: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:D New Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. 4{1 - t'J,oa H. tr Addition - n Minor Alteration - $5O Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the projecL The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THrS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUTREMET{TS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL COLORADO 81657. Ju--13-eaa1 1a: 45 FRO{| L-FfIDESIGNS sENrl. By: oLoEAL rn*il1rf,,..t**} =- , :;: r,t !r; :, .- t: r. l:':(l! Jii. - I I -+JiA t i,' : 55 6Rt-l'i : LiltlllLslt';hs 9-l8493ffi 110:144U;337583s210 ..r Gt 08it lrqmtf,t[3 : 17 9t#J49*rr9 TO?97[,479P4e..> szofs; lrl:$i75€s?19 P.W,rtrr. F.ditr"J& 3:iilt.-:i l.tocATu|oFPf,ffi,u 'o"lr#-" lf+f,Hl: FffgAtfDIxE*;..LD,..!+'\ F E r t*"e t -rreu-auiotrr- (cottrlEsb @'A'#r 6rE'tttD9&l0r0tu ercet $) I o- E. F. G, rru|Effowf{flS): n lLsrc orc(fl rufrE(FffF-EIIIT: HAI.uG I lt.moFRAtE\tffOfE:d' - -'i&?iiii,*" - rrm Gonsrrur d a rH ufli'+ tr ttfrr- 'fSO ilcG;"rry ramr, *rerc tqilat€ lElB G Sd E uty ts**lOtro,nrrunA{t9 E r.'crbr&r- rzo ffi*ffirE lltatrilEi#,6E of,B ft.c t''i to E s6Ff: Eilof $ffi' tft", Stt mPffi E-ft ,at,nut d hc EoFd' llETorl d\fi|'fl| d FtrE srfllff ils ^rnrGrTlOU ^rr !U!r,rrrr! rtrl|lnPllls ' trD ntc-s lo ili -odxnur- q muur rrElrilEffi' rr somr-ffnrct mo' ve4 colilrm rrsr' PRGEsMl R=gBT JU--13-e@1 10:e5Ffi TE-)3fi5835218 ID)LAPESI6g t Plan TOI4IN Project Name: D'oreletaining wall variance Proiect Descriotion: To allow for a 6'and 4'wall within the 20' Participants: OWNER DORE.WILLIAMJ. C/O DORE'FAMILY OFFICE 515I SAN FELIPE ST STE 9OO HOUSTON TX 77056-3607 License: APPLICANTKATI{YAALTO l2ll8/2000Phone:949-1700 Land Design By Ellison Po Box 1259 Avon. Co 81620 License: Project Address: I00VAILRDVAIL Location: Legal Description: l,ot: 35 Block: 7 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING I Parcel Number: 210108218006 Comments: This application was denied t menta FORM ning and Environ ACTION I Commission PEC000008 %*, Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Rd., Vail, CO 8f657 970.479.2t38 PEC Number: 12118/2000 Phone: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Cahill Second By: Golden Vote: 6-o Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staffand/or the Design Review Board. Planner: George Ruther Action: DENIED Date of Approval: PEC Fee Paid: $250.00 SENT BY: GLOEAL rNDUsrFrEs i i2-i4- 0 r0:39AM; ggTsggsaio => 9709483288: t^. t, t* ro,.r r*n,*fu "'^;#;;;il--;;- -fr-r;r,#1 11 lr.tw.;we a airaa.lrOV*,lZ-Ao lZr4l HnOl|, TOV-CO _oEV-DEFt,lDrt.?t{TltltD.z A P f L I CA?ION FOR PLAI\'NING ^T{D EI\ VIRONM SNT L COMMISSION APTROVAL GE}'FRTL NFORMATION Thir appliaion ir ftt ay pmicsl rc$rt|r t3 $p[tn tt by the Ptso&g td Esviroqonrt Cgurridop. Forrycitic infornettoo. re dtc srb'trtottl rE4rirEerecrt lU tilc prrdcf,icr ryl,rrt rhcr b rrqrnioa TDc ggtii6ict crd not bs rccqed'-rt'l all rnuirud iafaurdoa ir ruhninc+ Tte pojcc ay dro *rd o bt Cyiorrod fy to fo*n Ca13cfl rui/or &nDdp nclics Bqd. A, 71?E OF APPIJCATION: . tr Alkiitioorl GRFAfJSOJ tr BqlaruIBeeffirc tr Codidoe.IlllcF.rtrtt tr lifqftr<r tl NfinorlrtrtivUoa tr Rieing El $iPVlrir'qe X v3irn6e tr Zudnge.odcAruerdmsrt Cl nrffidlcatna Apvcd,Drrdqmrmflrn tr E4lc{cHardnglJntffine__}tr M{isilEll$na CCIErFitrAImdoa fidllflrsr)O lQor cEl MlaorGtllEmrlcAlfrtion fljm*icrd)Cl Spcdaltt i*l@etDlEid g tvl4lorcEl MhaArElE ltbra SDD (;-Lo'r-11-Er-{xjK ? FrLr}iG ADDfiEsST-, loe. -y.il ?ail -..-BUrLD6161{AftE ruVN OFVIIL LOCAI'ION OF PR,OFOSAI.; D. E F, G. ZONL\G: NAMEOpOWNER(S): MAILING AL}D|I.ESJS: o wrrf, R{!I) s tGt{aTuRE$) : N.trvgOf H. HEE.SEETHE sI'BMITTAL RXQUNEI4B}fiSFOR THSA3FiOfR]IATSFEE sgBtgT rurs APFLIC TIOI{r ArJL SUBIdTTAL RIQLIIEME$FfS ArfD TgE rEE TO tSE Dt?ARTilEl{? oF coMlttt ttIITy DEyxt oHr,IErr, "s sorrfE FroNTiEa Rorq--vArr.,eolsnADonfln ${l,-e?-Effi 6t:9lPl'l DEC-I, -?ABA LA244AN TE-J91€4?*454. TEL)3375835a1A IO)LiIEDESI6I.E ID)LAMDESIGI.IS NBCDIUEDDEC fnnntirLPEC}fEdnf, 4 ziln tua3t'. FnGFrffir Rrlgot PAOE:AA1 R=gBz Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us January 8, 2001 Ikthy Aalto Land Designs by Ellison P.O. Box 1259 Avoq Colorado 81620 urili\ i\rr, off Re: Doret Residence Variance request Dear Kathy, I am in receipt ofour application for a wall height variance at the Dore' Residence, located at 100 Vail Road/Lot 35, Block 7, Vail Village Filing No. 1. , I forwarded a set of plans to the Town of Vail Public Works Departmentfor review and comment. The following is a list of comments prepared in response to your request; r Please remove all proposed retaining walls and the "lower pool" from the Town of Vail right of way. The Town of Vail does not wish to have these improvements on our property. r All hard landscape, including but not limited to boulder walls, stone steps, and terraces must be removed fiom the 4O-foot Town of Vail right ofway on the east side ofthe properry. Soft landscape and plant materials may be permitted subject to the issuance of revocable right-of-way permit. . The tbree tier retaining wall design requires a PE stamped detail. . Please indicate all existing and proposed contours on the site plan. This shall include a sufficient number ofToW and BoW spot elevations to accurately determine proposed frnish wall heights. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me by telephone at 4'79-2145. Sincerelv. f.ec;A,*t1 fl'-'*R"*t"a George Ruthei, AICP Chief ofPlanaing Town of Vail Xc: Tom Kassmel, Project Engineer {g*""nuor ro o o (-\ \/\___J_-- \ \,\l .---!(\---) ll ^ 1., I e Land DeSignS ByfSOfl Inc. post orrce Box r25e Avon, coro."oo sr]0.e4e.r7ooph elo.e4e.328ltx rdesisn s@vair.n er Letter of Transmittal Date: 1L. b. O0 ro: 1; ,+ Project: D-r'VecrAr,r.rJ-, loo V;t V^u. 6.^r.;rr,rn^-, Atd,-,,: 8.,^.t W,lto*- Vr-L Please find enclosed the following: l' Ag/ir.a\"^- ,,"'A ('b*;{J P"1;,,*,,,*s L. 1 Loyits 1. 4 apie s 1 I ,|i,, , Remarks: I hrvl tl M\* LA^J . toqt, V",t[q l*1"ovr*r,^k (nttr"^- P. o w. fl b,r*a.1,n1. tt 15 ' ll'10'oo 9vtv l^*xu1 ^fi\o Bv, YM"lb ]IECEIYEDI)EC T 4 2O{[ c/c-r.3t,m 4.m1 I Order l{wnbq: g so i5 7 a g-c:) toc 35. Sloek 7, VAIL VZI]LAEE IIRSP FtrIZXG @?xTt aF gME, SgNf;E OE Cg.T,.I]ADO, TITLE SCNEDAIEA LECIALDES&IMON STE$RT o r.'l).664 P.1 o nJ,{ ?..t*'s'tl i I F"TiotlD'! I . 9C'1 ..3L."@W A?A@Pn t, ALTAOWNF;R,S NoLIq STE]"IIIRT o TITLE N0.664 P,? SCEEDAIEB Oriler l,Itsribcs: s I o t 5 7 4 g-ci Policy No. : o- 9 z o, - S 3 6 6 2 WiHrff :#"y#: asaiwt loss or ilouge (od ttt cnearv wttl rct poy cos*, ettornsts'fees or qenses) 1. Riglrts or daims of pades flr.possession, twt shwn by tlu pubttc records. 2. Essements, or clabns of eaemcws, wt showtt by the pblic records- j' Discrepancies, cotfilcts in bounfury ltus, shortage in area, encroacluurts, ond ary! laca whbh a correct sttrvev od hspeaion of tlw premisis rwtttd discJoie "rd ii;d, ;; ;;ifr*, W ihe pubtic records. 4' A'ty lien, or rigltt to a tlzn, lor seruices, labor or maerial heretofure or lure@afttrzished, irrpos&I ay br)atd not sltofin by tlw public recorils. 5' Y^Hfl'ffi{'ffii,fr#Aif#Y^ or *ceptbu it,pomtts, or (m ad awhorizing ilrc issuarce ttweof; 6. faxes tot xhe year |ggg, not yeE a IJea due aad payabJe. 7. The ettecx of jneJuaioas as Eo the toJtoving Dj.strlcts:EagJ.e eounty cttc 2E5OJ School Tovn ot VaLI trtirtxurn ean eXezy Di91-tlcx Yal.I pr8& t Recieaxion Djstrj'ct .EagI e RCver pacer and ga.r:jtacjor col-orado Rjver pate.f eoryany Ifaj-Z Hster Disttict YaiL Vatet t sadaatjoa D]sxrict.vai.L yEJJ,ey con3oTideteil Disi-riclx OpE,ez Elgle VaJJey CoasoJldaged Dlaezicx EaEJe Coanty Eealth Seryjces 8. .Rese'yatjorls o! erceptjoas coatd.iaed j, O.9. pllentE, or iD Ace.g auehotiziag ure issuance xhercot, tecoaded Agrtt l 12, Iggg ta Book ag at page 4ZS,reeezvtJtE I) Rlghxs of t-he ptoprietot of a yeja ot Tode xo ercttacX astd t',nove lrie ore xherettoa .rrd 2) rCaats ot w4y tot ditches Erd caaaJE, constfizcted under xhe eutloricy of Ete dnixea staEos. 9 ' rerms . coad,itr-ons , resert atio,n a, teatrlcxionz azd obrigaeions .s con trfued iJ!the Paet.ct.lve eove''a'ltr fo.r p4lJ Vj-lJaEe Ei8Et FiJlAg t tcCozded Agtguae ,O.7962 tn Book 77tt at pag€ I79 as .Recep?Jo|t No. 963A1 ard l'otjce, tacordeil ApaiT 10, I9B1 in aook 321 at page l2S a-s Recepxioa No- 2r\zgt. 70. EasemeDxs, te atrLcxaons and rI'9&te-of-yars .s sloytc on tAe p-ter of valJ vif'JaEe. 'First riJtrgt teco'.deit ,utn.tse rb, $ez ut Dook iil "t paEe 'so ir'coat:-uail oa '.eae page I I ocT.31..?O@@ .AAPII'STEI,IART TITLE N0.664 P.3 eoaxLn|Jatton of gchcdala g - I&?a otraer, s poJJ;cy Policy tluarler.. O-g7OI-Sg662 8ec€prjoa No. 96392 - !l' Sasea€ac a,'d RiE rr ot nay g'.axcd xo co@r*ity lreJevr.eion znvestnenx, ric. by Jolrn s- Ace'.goty aad garba:ra Eodgson. fu itticzr-,.,ax "iiora"a D€eearbeE ,7,7960 ae Rg,cepXion No. IO|Z?2. 72. EacemcaX EEalrrx€/d io pt blic Serrjce co.-^o: CoIoEado by Etlzabeth tt, W''bete'.. #.I;i#?t recozded october 22t te6e ir Book ii{lt-iii" 21o ,s R,,,,eptton 13' Te;rms t Qondl,tions I teaerl ations, restrlcti onr. arld obligatioas as coataiaed in X;i:i:::::1:".i":iil7;s.' tecotaed oexobet e . ;r.zi-; sook 276 at pase 14. Ihe tolZovLng as discloeed hy the InFlrovcrneat Loeaxiol- certjffcere by gagle vaJley SutveyiJ,,E. Znc., daxed IIa':cL ig, ,ggg.enczoaehmenXs onto vaLl Roael R.O.f. of ty/o paveg drivevaye, toek waThs,e.lect- tlrer.s. tetephone ped., ',aiJ,boz t j'ighx r laadecape JighX, lLght posx,7lghx-post, uzLJ.lty pede'xal and carb. Far | 20oo t <-r F-l Owner Namel 'lA;e6rfri R006882 0108260012 % PH|LL|PS &ASSOC INC PO BOX 14{t3 CONDO: BISHOP PARK CONDC BK.O502 PG.0251 QCD r1.r2{7 Name ! situs I lritouite E Tract f Condo X Block Sales Misc ( Prc/Suc Remarks Tax Sale Mines Sibling Elags Protest (T) State Asd Control History PPC€rtLtr tr CAMA(A) I Personal (P O oil Gas Q Name Q morite O Mlne Q Sales C Twn Q Parcel O Blk/LotO streel Q condo O [<1]l f;-l Owner Namel r-r-- IDS GENTER STE 1650 sOTH SOUTH 8TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 DEC 07.20€7 R671173 oCO 09-11€8 Name Situs Mobile Tract Condo Block ! sates n Misc( Pre/Suc Remarks Tax Sale Sibling Elags f Protest (T) ! mouite ! vatue State Asd Control History PPCertLtr lvlrr- L BACode Q Name Q lvtoUite Q mtne Q Sales Twn O Parcel Blk/Lot O Street r.-_lF--l Owner Name/ 1R010731 | 2000lsc103 lAer o-Ei-l5-lv la 0108219002 lSl'""TT" Fil- 1000074 |ruffi_-r*ryr* 74 WILLOW RD vAtL co 81657 1, - Name f l Situs ! mouite ] Tract I Condo n Block I Sales I Misc ( Pre/Suc Remarks ll Tax Sale llspc [] Mines [ ] Sibtins _l rtags [l Protest (T] ! Mobile ' Value State Asd Control -- History PPC6rtLtr I CAMA (A) L l Personal (P O oit cas Q t'tame O Mobile C) mine Q Sales (l Twn Q Parcel a) BluLotC) Street C) condo e f <'l f--J-l owner Name/ Pr-Fd-w I I lwrllow 7600 E DOUBLETREE RANCH SGoTTSDALE AZ 85258-21 37 05{3-95 BK{666 pG.,0474 DEC 05.,03€5 ! situs ! Moutte I Tract ! Condo E Block ! sates Misc ( Pre/Suc Remarks tl Tax sale I spc ! Mines fl sibtins Protest (I) State Asd Control History PPCertLtr C oil Gas Q Name C Mobile O Mine Q Sales Q Twn O Parcel O BlULotC street Q Condo O | '; I Owner 0108288002 75 OLD STOTTSVILLE RD COATESVILLE PA 19320 05{3{s BK{t666 PG4474 DEC 05{3€5 I Pre/Suc Remarks Tax Sale MlneE Sibling Elags Protest (f) State Asd Control History PPCertLtr Name O Mobite Mine O Sat6s Twn Q Parcel Blk/Lot O Street fqlt-+l 0108268003 ]ARA LAWRENCE ..'T CHESTNUT PG-(X73 MAP 05{t3€5 8K.0666 PG{t474 DEC 05.03.95 BK{678 PG{267 BSD t0-10€5 Uame fl Situs I ttoulte ll Tract Condo Block Sales Misc ( Pre/Suc ll Remarks n Tax Sale Ll spc fl uines [J siblins Protest (I) State Asd I Control fl ttistory PPCertLtr I CAMA(A) I Personal (P C Oil cag Q ttame Q uouite Q lritine Q Sales Q Twn Q Parcel O BlULotC Street Q Condo O F:lll---l Owner Name/ 0107113002 RESIDENTIAL 1536 ELK VIEW RD LARKSPUR CO 80118 1 BLK:7 LOT:33 8K421? PG{830 WD 11-18-66 BK{214 PG-0781 WD 02-2s69 BK-0219 PG{734 01{8-71 8K.0488 PG{330 12-1447 BK-0243 PG4067 oCD 1 1.04-75 BK{365 PG-0665 QCD 08.,04-83 BK-0368 PG-0129 QCD 07-19€3 8K4488 PG-0330 12-1447 f-l situs I mouite I Tract 'a condo i- Block !l Sales I Misc ( I Tax ] Pre/suc X Remarks : l Tax sale : -, SPc I tvtines I Protest (I) al Mobite fi vatue I state Asd : Control ! xistory PPCertLtr X CAMA(A) L Personal (P (_) oil cas Q Name (_) Mobite (_) ttline I sates (_) rwn Q earcet (-) Brk/Lot(-) street (-) condo O t- -il F;-l Owner Name/ BILLUPS, M. & LA-LEW!'L.B..MANNIX, FB - BILLUPS. JAMES S. III TRUSTEE i8301 BROADWAY STE 319 iSAN ANTONIO TX 78209 10-23-77 8K.0629 PG-0399 WD 12-06-78 BK-0629 PG-0400 WO 06-02-82 8K.0629 PG-0401 WD 08t6-84 BK-0629 pG-0402 WD 01-30-91 BK{708 PG4422 WD 08-06-96 8K.0708 PG-0422 WD 08{6-96 I Name L Situs il Mobile l] Tract I Condo I eto"t Sales - Tax - Pre/Suc ' Remarks . I Tax Sale spc '- Min,, Min€s -- Sibling - Elags _ t Protest (T) jl Mobile I i Value State Asd , ._ Control _ History -'- PPCertLtr CAMA (A) _ Personal (P l- oil and cas : Recording ' lmaging 0107113001 VER DAM TYPE RESIDENTIAL 2,953,120 (_) Oil Gas Name :--\ Mobile (_) Mine f._) Sales (-) Twn i--\ Parcel a_) BlULot (_) Street (.) condo e r::,-l r:;-l 08218009 [] situs Mobile Tract Condo Block Sales Misc ( Pre/Suc Romarkg Tax Sale ll titines ! sittlng ! rtags Protest (I) ! vatue ! state Asd I control History PPCertLtr X CAMA(A) f Personal (P Name O Mobite Q Mlne Q Sales Twn Q Parcet Blk/Lot O Street TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statcocot R00O000307 Anpunt: $250.00 L2/tg/2oOOOg:{4 AIit Check Inlt : irAR ___-T:::::i:__:1,,permit No: pEeooooog Tlzpe: pEC _ Variance parcel No: 21010821E00 6 site Addreas: 100 rJAfLr RD \|AIL Location: Statanent Palment Nunber: Itethod: Ttris Payment:$250.00 Total Fees: Tocal A[1, ftnEB : $2s0.00 $2s0.00 **{t**'t**'t'}r*t****r**+*****'f *'r'r*rr'*'**:}'r'r***+*****r!***************"i*t*llii***********-11;l-o-,.-- ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descr.iption Current pmts PV 00100003112500 pEc APPLICATT0N FEES 250.00 ?0 Bishop Park Condominium Association c/o Phillips & Associates, lnc. PO Box 1403 Vail. CO 81658 ? T Riva Ridge LLC IDS Center, Suite 1650 8oh South th st. Minneapolis, MN 55402 \A/illows Condominium Association 74 Willow E. Drive Vail. CO 81657 Dorrance, Bennett Trustee 7600 E. Doubletree ranch Scottsdale, M $S2SB-2197 Mary Alice Malone lron Spring Farm 75 Old Stottsville Road Coatesville, PA 19320 ? * ? Theordore & Bruce Alfond Barbara Lawrence One Chestnut Weston, MA 02193 JVB Properties - Vait LLC 1536 Elk View Road Larkspur, CO gO11S James S. Billups fll, Trustee 8301 Broadway, Suite 319 San Antonio, TX 79209 Ronald J. Byrne 16 Forest Road Vail, CO 81652 Q,..,, MAY AFFE.T "or* r*orrt PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the TownofVail onJanuary22,2OO1,at2:00P.M.intheTownofVail Municipal Building. In consideralion of: l' --.4 request for a variance from Title 14, Vail Town Code, to allow for 4' and 6' walls within the front Eetback, located at 100 Vail Road/Lot 35, Block 7, Vail Village 1d Filing. J Applicant: Bill Dore Planner: George Ruther A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the division of an unplatted tract of land into two lots, and a request for a rezoning from Residential Cluster Zone District to Single.Family Residential Zone Dislrici, located at 1552 Matterhom Circle/SW % of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81/ West of the 6th Principle Meridian. Applicant: Dave Hilb Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of a proposed special development district io allow for the construction of a new conference facility/hotel; and a final review of conditional use permits to allow for the construction of fractional fee units and Type lll employee housing units at 13 Vail Road / Lots A, B, C, Block 2, VailVillage Filing 2. Applicant: Planner: Doramar Hotels, represented by the Daymer Corporation Brent Wilson A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for interior conversions within Forest Glen Subdivision, located at 4301-4480 Glen Falls Lane/Lots 1-14. Forest Glen. Applicant: Nanry Snyder Planner: Allison Ochs The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Depariment. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 47$ 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published January 5, 2001 in the Vail Trail. "",n,,,?ity Devetopment prun nou?g Form Routed To:Tom Kassmel. Public Works Retum To: Date Routed: Return By: Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Dore 100 Vail Road Lot 35, Block 7, Vail Village 1" Filing Approved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Please remove all proposed retaining walls and the "lower pool" from the TOV ROW. All hard landscape, including boulder walls and stone steps and terraces shall be removed from the 40' TOV ROW . (The steps from the lower lawn to the stop sign can stay) The three tier retaining wall will require a PE stamped detail. (Retaining wall heights should be reconfigured to meet TOV setback reouirements.) Please show proposed contours. Please note that the northwest inlet shown on the plans on Vail Rd., no longer exists. However there is an inlet by the stop sign. Date received: Reviewed by: Tom Kassmel Date reviewed: 1-03-01 I TO,: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department January 22,2001 A request for a variance from Section 12-14-2 of the Town Code, to allow for the construction of retaining walls that exceed 3 feel in height in the required front setback at'100 Vail Road/Lot 35, Block 7, VailVillage First Filing. Applicant: BillDore'Planner: George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Bill Dore', represented by Kathy Aalto of Land Designs by Ellison, is requesting a variance from Section 12-14-2 of lhe Town Code, to allow for the construction of retaining walls that exceed 3 feet in height in the required front setback at the Dore' residence, localed at100 Vail Road. The variance request is necessary as the applicant proposes to conslruct retaining walls up to 6 feet in height in the tront setback on the north side of the residence. According to information submitted by the applicant, the walls are necessary to preserve several large existing trees on the site while allowing lhe property owner to creale useable lawn area on an otherwise very steep slope. The total lineal foolage of retaining walls lhat will exceed the maximum 3-foot height limitation is approximately 100 feet. The retaining walls are a mi)dure of poured in place slone veneer and dry stack boulder walls. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends denial of the requested retaining wall heighl variance to allow for the conslruction of the new relaining walls. The recommendation for denial is based uoon the review of the criteria outlined in Section lV of this memorandum. This recommendation is subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting oJ the retaining wall height variance constitutes a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties in the Primary/Secondary Zone District: 2. That the strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the wall height regulations does not result in a practical difficulty of unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the development objectives of the Municipal Code or the Primary/Secondary Zone District. 3. There are not any exceptions or extraordinary circumslances or conditions applicable to the applicant's property that do not apply generally to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Zone Districl. J. 4. il. Should the Planning & Environmental Commission choose to approve the requested variance, staff recommends that the following conditions be made part of the approval: 1. That the applicant submits a letter of approval from each of the respective utility companies holding rights to easements on the area of the proposed improvements to the Town of Vail Community Development Department prior to applying for Design Review Board approval. 2. Thal only temporary irrigation fixtures shall be installed on Town of Vail property. Any irrigation fixtures installed shall be for the purpose of establishing the plant material only and shall be removed by the owner or his representative three years from the dale of this approval (January 22, 2004) That the applicant executes and receives an approval from lhe Town of Vail Public Works Department for a revocable right-of-way permit prior to constructing any of the proposed improvements on Town-owned lands. That the applicant submits an application to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for design review pursuant to Section 12-11-3 of the Vail Town Code, prior to commencing work on any of the proposed improvements. BACKGROUND Section 12-14-2 of the Vail Town Code regulates the heights of retaining walls. Pursuant to said section, 'lhe maximum height of retaining walls in a required front setback or public right-of-way shall be three (3) feet." CBITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Consideration of Factors Reoardino the Retaininq Wall Heioht Variance: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinily. The area of the property where the applicant proposes to build the new retaining walls has slopes in excess of 40"/". lt is within lhis area that the applicant wishes to construct the new retaining walls to create useable flat lawn areas. lt is only because the.applicant wishes to attempt to flaften this steeply sloping area that the walls are needed. The walls are not needed to preserve the existing vegetation in the absence o{ creating new lawn areas. An inspection of the lots in the immediate vicinity revealed that most, if not all, have slopes which exceed 30%. Staff believes that the proposed variance, if granted, would have a negative impact on the other existing or potential uses and structures in tv. 2. the vicinity of the Dore' residence. lf this variance were to be granted we believe that a special privilege would be granted to the applicant that other property owners in the vicinity and in this zone district do not enjoy. Vail is a mountainous communily. lt is not uncommon for properties in the Town of Vail thal are zoned Primary/Secondary to have slopes in excess of 30%. In fact, it is such a common occurrence, that the Town's development regulations spell out specific regulations to address this situation. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specilied regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a granl of special privilege. Prior to this public hearing the applicant's representative has met with the Town staff on several occasions to evaluale the application. Statf's primary concerns with the application have been the location, quantity and height of the proposed retaining walls. ln response to staff's concerns, the proposal has been revised. The total lineal fooiage of walls has been reduced, in some areas the heights have been reduced from six feet to four feet and the walls have been relocated from the public right-of-way to the applicant's property. While these revisions have been made, staff continues to believe that the applicant is requesting more relief from the Town's developmenl regulations than is necessary. The Town's development objectives speak very clearly to approving only that development which is sensitive to the site and environmenl. For instance, our Design Review Standards and Guidelines state, The location and configuration of structures and access ways shall be responsive to the existing topography of the site upon which they are to be located. Grading requirements resulting from development shall be designed to blend into the existing and natural landscape. Any cuts or fills shall be sculptural in form and contoured to blend with the existing natural undisturbed terrain within the property boundary. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distrabution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff believes there will be minimal, if any, negative effecls on the above referenced criteria. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinqs before qranlino a variance: B. 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. mat the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of lhe variance that db not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretalion or enlorcement of the specilied regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. LanCj DeSignS BVf SO['l ^.. '"., orric- io^ r-a;? Avon, lc c.aoo : if zc.;ra /.oDh e70 eae.l?88fx ces:qnsrdva:i..er 30 November 2000 Tovm of Vail, Community Dwelopment Planning and Environrhental Commission 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Application for a Variance, Submittal Requirements, for 100 Vail Road. Dear Planning and Environmental Commission, This letter is in response to the submittal requirements. l. Nature of the variance requested and spciJic regulation involved The variance we request is for permission to construct a 6' and a 4' height wall within the 20' setback of the front property line. The regulations state a wall shall not exceed 3' height within the front setback. 2A. The relationship o/ the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures. The proposed walls are located above an existing wall that borders Vail Road- The existing residence is located behind the proposed walls. Mature evergreen lrees are located between the existing lower wall and the residence. This area currently has no other uses or struchres. 28. The degree to which relieffrom the strict or literal interpretation ofthe regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treat nent among nearby sites or to attain the objectives of this litle without grant of special privilege. The relief from lhe regulations that is sought is for an additional l' - 3' height of wall to be allowed within the front property s€tback. 2C. The efiect of the variance on light and air, distribution ofpopulation, bansportation, trafic, urilities, and public safety. The variance, if allowed, will allow for all existing trees to be prcserved while granting rhe property owners the ability to improve and enjoy an otherwise steep and unusable section of their prop€rty. Hence, the effect on light and air will be presewcd and possibly improved along with the proposed landscape improvements. There will be no change or effect upon distribution of populatioq transportation, trafrc, or public safety as the proposed walls are located above and out of direct view of road trafrc. 2D. Request compliance with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. The request is part of an overall landscape improvement plarL part of which is proposed on Town of Vail property and has been welcomed as an enhancement The public will benefrt from the landscape improvemetrts, including a water feature and garden plantings, as they view these improvements from Vail Road. If any further infonnation can be of value, please call me at (970) 949-l?00. Please also refer to the Landscape Plan dated 30 Nov. 00. We appreciate your review ofour requesl Yours truly, hr,4-/ Kathy Aalto Land Designs by Ellison cc: Bill Dore' cc: Colin Platt o r - OO Design Review Action Form TOWI\ OFVAIL Project Name: Dore Residence Project Description; Change to approved plans Owner, Address and Phone: BillDore, 100 Vail Road, Vail, CO Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Amy Birdsall, Shepherd Resources Inc. PO Box 1624 Avon, CO 81620, 949-3302 Project Street Address: 100 Vail Road Legal Description: Lot 35, Block 7, Vail Village First Parcel Number:Building Name: Comments: Refer to Nov. 1 I , 99 plans - solid pane glass windows to be used instead of divided light windows Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: StaffApproved Seconded by: . Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 08/30/00 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: sent 8y: ShePherd Resources;970 949 5121 ; Ann $enJf Commurty Derelopmerrt | | | 5. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Ar.rgust 24. 2000 Re; Dore Residence DearAnn, .4\ We would like to request )rour approral regardingthe follorving sitution. dnwings approvEd bythe DRB had diviJed ligfrts designed fortfre rew Frendr doors on ttre Norfr eleratjon in orderto compliment existing divided Flcrr ewr. afterfurtherimestjgation Shepherd Resources, Inc. would preferto divided lights, br.rt a solld pane of glass at this lc,cation. Since this windorr is alumirum comrnercial frame insead of atyprical uood f-ame h urculd to mimk tre look of the cnher windoun. Also, the widilr of the fame divi<ted light asembly on the comrnercial windorry r,vodd severcly redr.rce the e4posed and would not coordinate wih any other windotrr from within the Attached are turo drawings demonstratingthe origirul ard pnposed elerrations. this situaim and reply as soon as possiHe so that the contraF can order llrc ' accordirgly. Arny Bidsall Sttepft€td Resources, Inc, ^*-lr s:'U; Page 2/4 E/FE- Ltr(?, 6t-oc;r + VArL ur'r.r,a4F tgf . IESOUICES INC ' AIA rrol l AVON f970 I orrtcr oox t6?,t coLoRAoo g | 620 t l:tol F970 919 5 | z I nrAncl|rTfqT.coM IT . the betrryeentre windoua. ha\€ forn an nct be aHe to creare he of dass ll rlKE X* *iw shephend F esources;Page 3/3 oef qrrv*r- tilm NORTH l/8'= l'-0" Shepherd R esounces;970 S4S 5121 ;Page 213 Pfofrsh, . +IORTH l/8'= l'-0" TgI FROroSED AE. h.o BA,IK tT OF AVON 0011 w. BEAVER CREEK BLVD. P.O. BOX 5270 AVON, COLORADO 81620 970-949-0100 Febluary '7, 200T. Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West vail, CO 8L657 To Whom It May concern: This is the second letter t,o serve as noti-fication that Letter of Credit #8373981 in the amount of $10,000.00, in the name of Land Designs by Ellison, Inc. matured on August 25, 2000. PJ.ease leturn the original Letter of Credit to: FirstBank of Avon P. O. Drawer 5270 Avon, cO 8L620 A copy of the Letter of Credit is encfosed for your reference. Your immediate attention to this matter is appreciated. P.Iease calL me at (9?0) 949-0100, if you have any questions.{fuM{I- ,James Thomason Executive Vice President .tETlkbs Fnal t^l . alelol ./f,/ ---.tI * Truf ,F\a AU t--'I lv' rtA q ts z /\ sEEA Eb;i Eeii .{E Eg Ei 6lrl F9 OE 9p U t{o .E F.E9 tso tr !t!ok(E bl P H t4 D o E H F o F? 99 9'9o Fo @ P or :.N .C' o ||l z I !o 1 9 z p o C', ts ID z o Fq[E I' @ =CL d 3 c o E o 5 D '.o A c5 a t z c z 0 m F Itr l14 l}| F!lrt It!l! lp .F ilR 'lt rto '19 tl -l rl il rl 0l il )l fll 2l tl ?l I !l il .rl ol Dl I ll tl tl rl I I I tt !l ml <l ol ol >l @l fil 1-rl -1 m I o 'n o I m 0 F 6 I I ,Po 1,.'rN ]J,lo .F 'r 'I I I I rl il l.,l tEl lnl lNl lor I fl lul t3l l.'l tl tl tl tl tl tl Brl tl o'I -l ol FI :tl ol c 5 q_'o:o'4i. .9t :5( Lai l3i tJ lAtl ,:r,!o ! ol ie ia io to gF fro )5 *o 50 io 66'3S !oQ Ee EF sa sg =<. f lc, 3lE dlr olo af 3 lr.dlc FI: cl ol ;l sl 2l 6:J gE Ha or=oo 5s or;;;: .3 c i€- o!!6?'o i rCL: i 6_: i5! lo t iEi r3 !rtl' tgt t:ag 39 JE 2A is <cL s8 i:s6 g; (Ir ao rytl ac -o 6o g; r- -l 9; =@ oo qrE 3a *3 g6 35-3=o@ i.r og olA o-"dP e= =6 6.=o9l rf ea,d4 -g bs *c E: e.!o.6i -T (;ft 6'J o( =.;GI:-''6! r!o,6!-i 9.:ol g' 3'c o I o o o 3 o q'3 D f CT d o d =t o d c ar o f 6_ CL o {o T-1 txt 0, d 1t o 3 o CL r-1 tl tl o J 9 !t o 3 o c ro .o i6 't-i.9.rd !e _o i'd :CL lP !r-)o rl to D1 1.(,'DJ :o t9 a r-L It tx oa d6_ -EL at6 E€ao =. ql qd Bd Es to E-;<|- 6lx 9or 8o +11 J@ ol o= 69 ol d*ga ps P-t .d!.2=o: E6 ar E!'+i ,6. 1 rl-,io: ro i;l ioi :d ;91 t i-n l9_:o i=. e(O :!r iB ta. r 9l-Do nB' fi-=cIr R'g io gE 3q ;5:o- tsc :j or =. oo aO -o E.g i-o tse of !rO 9.<od :o !+o -G 6= @o oo qE 0.s !r: rQE 3.r JO | -a .=?O! 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I tr € 5'r ao CL c =.a tC! o .cr c o CJ c to 5'o It rt t o c It ot I CL !r9 o(o(o:3:Ei qt f: o|l oi q!<i J ol o'. acl )l o a. € o a o o o 3 o f o o CL o o c 3 o J ID e o o o cl ct o o { €!Pt 2l z:9i o oi m a;,3 I v 'o F a m m x l2 :m ,-l r='at !r-,m !1 !m ,u rO i'n 'o ll,rm )o 1;h-l lo !z :C)1F J-:r'n n<DO =C =T SJn 5p \2 m>-tD <r {m O{aO n< 'n nl l-l +> F1 rno -|T m-t 'f't ut a E==>II mz !go a1 ao qffi =z $T 2E q{ 9E 1U.Ofr qi i= iFfr :'<-iol "ca it! iE5 iq:lii i?:1fi, r8;)(4i lg ;! t= $B qd ok tr-{q3 eq -rr = =#FE d$ qil o9 I=gt =<99 ?1 ;9t m!!Ei 9$6s pe ol t9 1c =c g, i1t im- i5d ic-':=u EC bs -ai /\c bt Or z(o2 r? m:3i c(zl ol m'f, I -{i Er o t-m I m ft o .Tl o I m g -l TI o t T E ft m -{o jtBE i 8l ngilai ll EP-fHA $ A fi'E;fl g E i nrisBF =F6incE 4 r-I€AH g ;r[[g z c o F\< - =tsE{ 9. J q"rll 2 OF rti '"1, s* F ilr A - ErEEq OnErtq '.rt"9 igsgB olt ra o&itr il rto f?X D "r9trn B P..Fo E ff8eE4 Fi;ne aF TON rtO O trp 5't"o 3tO trt }|ti Ir,F ttrfo 'FO otl E tso o|r o rF ?allllEaIga egagrla; gggt*gilAa? ;4o I .. =t il s* qa iEase E FE FE s 3? ni $ aa ie ii;g ac gB o P5 .- ,.) g 19 - o*3 t:E Eil €uE oi E6-ils FA 6' E:r_ .i ;o at EC E= E6 E9 €s EE o6 gi Eg OJ <x EE e.E c'loPJg!'rI IE l" I I I I l=to ral lo t6' ls t(D l* I l lE l9 lo It to |1|l l3 lm tz l{lo IE IT t>IT l=a H taz €l.t z t" I I I I t l='ll! 3 tro C' la= I UI @ @ n t 8 -.t I t e. E ! 6 a c : 8 :{{ f,TBA]K OF AVON OO11 W. BEAVER CREEK BLVD.P.O. BOX 5270 AVON, COLORADO 81620 970-949-0100 November 21 , 2000 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, co 8155 7 To Whom It May Concern: This letter shall serve as notification in the amount of $l-0'000.00' in the name Inc. matured on August 25' 2000. Pfease Credit to: that Letter of Credit #8373981 of Land Designs by EIlison' return the original Letter of FirstBank of Avon P. o. Drawer 5270 Avon, CO 8t620 Your immediate attentj.on to this matter .is appreciated' at (9?0) 949-0100, if you have any questions. oox\€ Please call- me James Thomason Executive Vice President JET,/ Kb S JOHN W. DUNN ARTHUR A. ASPLANALPI JR' OIANE H, MAURIELLO INGA HAAGENSON CAUSEY OF COUNSE!: JERRY W. HANNAH ao oo LAw OFFtcEs Dut'rN, AepunNllt-p & Meunteulo, P.C. A PFOFE6€ION^L CORPORAIIOI{ WEsrSran BaNK ButLDtNG r06 SourH Faoxrace Rolo Wesr Surre goo Varl, Colonaoo e resz July 19, 2000 TELEPHONE:(970) 476-<)300 FACSIM ILE: <97 0r 476-4766 highcountDdaw-com email vail lavv@voil.rret CERIIf IED IEGAL ASSISTANIS KAREN M, OUNN, CLAS JANTCE K. SCOFTELOT CLA Ms. Ann Kierulf Deportmenl of Community Deporment Town of Voil 75 South Fronloge Rood Wesf Suite 300 Voil, CO 81657 HAND DELIVERED Re: Deor Ann: Lol35, Block 7. VoilVilloge Filing No. I Enclosed is the originol lrrevocoble Letter of Credil executed by FirstBonk of Avon reloling fo fhe obove coptioned properiy. DHM:is Enclosure xc: Glen Ellison Pleose do not hesitofe to confoct me if you hove ony quesfions. Very truly yours, DUNN, ABPLANALP & MAURIELLO, P.C. b,*oJ /k*utft* dione H. /(Aouriello oo oo R€ceipl tund-s lo: Name: I LETTEB OF CREDIT rcBMAT Address: DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT by and among called the "Bank"). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval ot ne k)^lDt +tp/ict ?'/N FOA folor'/ T€f,eperair€€*riieate-ereeeueanev wish es to enter i nio a oevet ope@' /&d ano WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Developer agfees to establish a letter of credit with a Bank in Eagle County in a dollar amount ot $ l4d00 . eA (25% ot the total cost of the work shown below) to provide security for the following: The Developer agrees, at the sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment to perform and complete all improvements, on or before I The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the otlice of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: into this llh o"v ot v (f1greiqqflgr cg!led f\everyone\fi orms\dev impag. llr Page I of5 oo oo Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any ot the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Otficial, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail community Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: lrrev with Agreement by Developer. in the amount of $ (name of bank in Eagle County) as set lorth above if there is a default under the g. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those imorovements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any olficer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereot, be liable for any persons or property inlured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any ot its ofticers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or aiy of its officers, agents or employees may become subiect to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any ind all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt iS mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvements. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements contemplated hereunder are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth in this Agreement on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required to, redeem the letter of credit as necessary to complete the unfinished fi\everyoneVorms\devimpag.ltr Plge 2 ofj |,1 oo oo improvements. The Bank shall release such funds upon written request from the Town stating that the improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement. The Bank shall not reouire the concurrence of the developer prior to release of the funds to the Town nor shall the Bank be required to verify independently that such improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement, but shall release such funds solely upon the Town's written reouest. lf the costs of completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be-collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, ad defined in this chapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after _ acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town if such_work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of-way pursuant to Section 17.16.250- 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Dated the day and year first above writlen. f:\everyone\forms\devimpag. ltr Prge J of5 oo oo STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE f:\everyone\fororsUevimpug.ltr Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: sJ. The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this tl* day of - Sll.i , ' -rooa .P-oy 6len E. Ellisor-,- Witness my hand and official seal. My commissio n expies: t > /bo /or l/ ,l (l-atUZ_ "t {a_,--.-- _ Notary Public SS. . The forgging Developer lmprovement Agreement waqacknowJedged before Fe this ll l",r.r -f..-'\-,, ' ' .+fr-bv /-\vr.r'r Y-rerc"-\lc oo ao ,r. The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this ll'- day ot J,^l1 , 2ooo .- f,. "**3I"Witness my hand and official seal. o{ flvon STATE OF COLORADO COUNW OF EAGLE tlareryon.Voms\dwimpsg.ltr Ilbve4oae\foms\dcvinpag.ltr Pqa 5 of5 Design Review Action Form TOWII OF VAIL Project Name: TOV right-of-way - access route maintenance and revegetation of disturbed areas Project Description: Access routes to facilitate landscaping activities at the Dore Residence - 100 Vail Rd / Lot 35, Block 7,Yail Village I't Filing and proposed revegetation for areas in right-of-way to be disturbed Owner, Address, and Phone: Town of Vail 100 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2100 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Glen Ellison Land Designs by Ellison P.O. Box 1259 Avon, CO 81620 Phone no.: 949-1700 Fax no.: 949-3288 Project Street Address: unplatted Legal Description: Unplatted parcel located between Lots 34 and 35, Block 7, VaiI Village 1" Filing ParcelNumber: unplatted Comments: BuildingName: Action: Conditions: Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 07110100 DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Board/Staff Action Staff approved with conditions Completed Developer Improvement Agreement required to be submitted prior to commencement of landscaping activities. Approved Public Way Permit required Disturbed areas to be revegetated with a mixture of native plants, shrubs and grasses 1. t 3. {t.}E= MWN OFVAIL D epartment of C o mmun i ty D ev e I opment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us July 10,2000 Glen Ellison Land Designs by Ellison P.O. Box 1259 Avon. CO 81620 Fax no.: 949-3288 Re: Temporary access road to be constructed on Town of Vail property adjacent to Lot 35, Block 7, Vail Viilage l" Filing / 100 Vail Road Dore Residence Dear Mr. Ellison: It is my understanding that you have made a rcquest to the Town of Vail Communify Development Department to have a temporary access road constructed on Town of Vail property in order to facilitate landscaping activities at the Dore residence located at 100 Vail Road. This access road is necessary to transport large boulders and heavy landscaping materials onto the Dore property. According to the Communify Development Department, all of the required application materials have been submitted and approved. In addition, staff is satisfied that once your landscaping activities on the Dore properry have been complcted, the access road will be removed and any disturbed areas will be adequately restored and/or enhanced with native plants, shrubs, and grasses. On behalf of the Town of Vail, the owner of the subject property located befween Lots 34 and 35, Block 7, Vail Village 7d Filing, I grant approval for the construction of thls temporary strucrure. u- Bob Mclaurin Town Manager cc. Colin Plait, Representative to Mr. Dore Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Construction Inspector George Ruther, Chief of Planning Diane Mauriello, Attomey to Mr. Dore {i ""n""uo" 'o Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 July 6, 2000 Glen Ellison Land Designs by Ellison P.O. Box 1259 Avon, CO 81620 Fax no.: 949-3288 Re: Landscaping activities at the Dore Residence - 100 Vail Rd / Lot 35, Block 7,YaiI Village l" Filing Dear Mr. Ellison: The intention of this letter is to summarize the landscape planning requirements that need to be satisfied prior to Design Review Approval being issued by the Community Development Department so that your landscaping activities may resume at the Dore Residence. The Community Development Department requires a landscape plan demonstrating how areas within the Town of Vail right-of-way will be restored and revegetated if disturbed. As indicated on the proposed site plan, a crane will be used to relocate alarge coniferous tree and move large boulders onto the Dore property for the proposed water feature. It is acceptable that the Town's right-of-way area, being used to access tle Dore property with the crane, lnay be revegetated with grass provided that this area is irrigated properly once it has been planted and for a reasonable period of time thereafter. The Community Development Department has more stringent requirements for the revegetation of the site that will be disturbed by the proposed access road. The access road shall be permitted until such time as the landscaping activities on the Dore property have been completed. Once the landscaping has been completed, the access road (including the cement blocks and fill materials) must be completely removed. The site must then be revegetated with native shrubs, plants, and grasses. The new vegetation shall be integral with the natural landscape meaning that it should blend in so that the site looks as though it was never disturbed. This area must also be provided with a method of irrigation suitable to ensure the continued maintenance of planted materials. tP o'nt"'u '^'u* Please submit a proposed landscape plan indicating how the two access areas will be revegetated and specifying the plant matsrials to be used. Staff will then review this plan. Provided the plan satisfactorily meets the requirements of the Town of Vail code, Design Approval shall be granted. Please refer to the sections of the Town of Vail code dealing with site planning, landscaping, drainage, and erosion control for further information (sections l2-ll-5(B) and l2-ll-5(D). If you have any questions or concems, please contact me at 479-2148 or akjerulf@ci.vail.co.us. Hopefully, we can expedite this process so that you may continue your work at ths Dore Rosidence. Sincerely, ,d4t.-4 AnnKjerulf \ l Planner I v cc. Colin Plait, Representative to Mr. Dore Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Construction Inspector George Ruther, Chief of Planning Diane Mauriello, Attorney to Mr. Dore 12-11-5(8). Site Planning: l. The location and configuration of strucfures and access ways shall be responsive to the existing topography of the site upon which they are to be located. Grading requirements resulting from development shall be designed to blend into the existing or natural landscape. Any cuts or fills shall be sculptural in form and contoured to blend with the existing natural undisturbed terrain within the property boundary. 2. Building siting and access thereto shall be responsive to existing features of terrain rock outcroppings, drainage patterns, and vegetation. 3. Removal of trees, shrubs, and other native vegetation shall be limited to removal of those essential for development ofthe site or those identified as diseased. 4. All areas disturbed during construction shall be revegetated. If necessary, the Design Review Board may designate allowable limits of construction activity and require physical barriers in order to preserve significant natural features and vegetation upon a site and adjacent sites during construction. 5. All projects shall be designed so as to provide adequate snow storage areas for snow cleared from the parking areas and roadways within the project. f2-11-5(D). Landscaping; Drainage; Erosion Control:l. Various natural vegetation zones exist within the Gore Valley as a result of the form and aspects of the land itself. The north facing slopes within the valley are typically heavily wooded with spruce, pine and aspen and generally receive less direct sunlight than the drier south facing slopes which typically consist of sage, aspen and other vegetation tolerant of drier conditions. The valley floor which is adjacent to Gore Creek consists of a wide variety of trees and shrubs adapted to the relatively fertile soil and natural availability of water. The goal of any landscape plan should be to preserve and enhance the natural Iandscape character ofthe area in which it is to be located. The landscape scale and overall landscape design shall be developed so that new vegetation is integral with the natural landscape and the inherent form line, color and texhrre of the local plant communities. Since the major objective of the landscaping is to help reduce the scale of new structures and to assist in the screening of strucfures, the planting of large sized plant materials is encouraged. Special care should be taken in selecting the types of plants to use when desigrring a landscape plan. Final selection should be based upon the soils and climate, ease of establishment, suitability for the specific use desired, and the level of maintenance that can be provided. New planting shall use plants that are indigenous to the Rocky Mountain alpine and sub-alpine zones or as capable ofbeing introduced into these zones. A list of plant materials indigenous to the Vail area is on file with the Department of Community Development. Also indicated on the list are ornamentals which are J. 4. suitable for planting within the Vail area. The minimum sizes of landscape materials acceptable are as follows: Required Trees Deciduous - 2 inch caliper Conifers-6footheight Required shrubs - #5 gallon container Foundation shrubs shall have a minimum height of l8 inches at time of planting Landscape design shall be developed to locate new planting in order to extend existing canopy edges or planted in natural looking groups. Geometric plantings, evenly spaced rows of trees, and other formal landscape pattems shall be avoided. Particular attention shall be given the landscape desigr of off-street parking lots to reduce adverse impacts upon living areas within the proposed development, upon adjacent properties, and upon public spaces with regard to noise, lights, and visual impact. Parking lots of fifteen (15) or more spaces shall comply with the landscape requirements found in subsection l2-10-8F of this Title. All landscaping shall be provided with a method of irrigation suitable to ensure the continued maintenance of planted materials. 5. Whenever possible, natural drainage patterns upon the site shall not be modified. Negative drainage impacts upon adjacent sites shall not be allowed. 6. Runoff from impervious surfaces such as roofs and pavement areas shall be directed to natural or improved drainage channels or dispersed into shallow sloping vegetated areas. 7. Slope of cut and fill banks shall be determined by soil characteristics for the specific site to avoid erosion, and promote revegetation opportunities, but in any case shall be limited to a maximum of two to one (2:l) slope. 8. Measures shall be taken to retain all eroded soil material on site during construction, control both ground water and surface water runoff, and to permanently stabilize all disturbed slopes and drainage features upon completion of construction. 9. All plants shall be planted in a good quality topsoil mix of a type and amount recommended by the American Landscape Contractor Association and the Colorado Nurseryman's Association. 10. All plantings must be mulched. I l. Paving near a tree to be saved must coniain a plan for a "tree vault" in order to ensure the ability ofthe roots to receive air. JUL-0t-00 0e:284X FR*BLAITC|{AND +t;i,x 14E1 P.0r/01 F-t18 A PiC'T' Ilrs P.9, caat Crtl A/IE'I nFElTItrl(1ATFOtr' I IABII ..ITY;I.-l*-- . Yl-I .r'r l.t. l Yl'. ! .. r? -:. cEn rAesd larurr,aee otcult ltlc. Bo* 60130 rd Jrr*cticlq eO 81509 r]' gdSa .l aqa-ar c-ont t r-* atff -ra6-1016 L FdIDANtf 3 AFFOROIIIO COVEFAGE CA|PAXY A gr. Past nitE t UrtiE lan. Cc *E*t P$D.€Llra;rrrencc tttltuRlD lll trrema I llic.ffrlhy frbai6l.co!., IE3. Fo Bo* 166 Ea'r cafi 116 na6E! coiFAlr\l c Gqo.lrEtY lfrtieoe^tr IEGBf|trao cc cdtFAt{f o Lar|n|rits lr-lcen l$Gutlsdc co .ffi rnsarscllfllFfTtlTTtEPtOl-HErS!.atR4E-1Jsr8-rg'qwiAYEtE{FSLEDTOrf-rFUilEoMllEDApOvEFERn'|EEcYtetroD tiFF rED.lorw6rAr.q.aar$f Eq{Fq4q,-t=tU-oq9ffiinifri+a.rv'co*rmcr-g9iffi-tiiirrrilrwtttlFFsPssrrolvtl€trrtrs cERrFtcAlEtt vFEEaulooRraYeatrl,f1;qrylg-Ifiifrip-tir-n+-ryiriEq49rmrGnE rlstEtf,tsrToArThETEnis' r rra r,Jr ,rr ..AY rlt rtrN FEdICED St PAO q'l[|S. Fla[l8w tltE c:ctlltrl ffi ur ;D*.l ffi . m r- q F--r' -' co LTF TY?EtrF8$J$FI Fq,EY$JUF'fo.6{tFEgIlvS D TE (lsltogl\rYl ut[l't' cr.P220882f,o3/o1/00 03/01/01 IF{FR'TT AGOfrBAlE r 1,OOO,O00 D mos.ETr.cuFQqlEq r 1,00o,90o PEHHTA! T ADV O&URY -!-1-.oo9,-QS-r 1,O00,oo0 E^c|rmniErtcc BRE O^tlrcl (Atw fi.S-r ]'oo,oog IICD Ae Grtqr L'qgd-t 5, O00 o€rfifr{ED Sflq-F $|lT r 1,00O'ooo c NnDr|ogfF l sav,rul I ArL olll :E I scrttot Fl*e. Elto.o,' ___J - ]JAA||-r AUID ArL OWI,|ID rufor SCrrtoUtE Attl€a :tnCO A[,183 tglo{fr€ailQs TPL22229L o3/01/oo o3/01/Ol lopl-r prJnl (Ff FrDt 3 gogty rpunf thrn*tn 3 FnoPg{IYp rmE t ^rfiooraY. E r$q I (MR^SE IJIEIIW -l^*^wo t_OtlrF llrAlr arft t Orllv. EAcr{ rce|Dgaf I AEei€gAlf 3 S,\A{G.iREa€f I gcEssaaarw lurFe.l.^to&r I dfrlrlrar uHrlEJl f€ful ^acRg{l TE I I yy€(Fll COIFE{EAtlOft A|tO nP'L{wEitt tJAa.nY ndE PR6oR-IDF, l_l rr.o-PAANCFgEIE'ITG 6E r.Fr.t ^lE! I I BA {018561 otlotloo orl'Llot,c F.t^or AEc|oetl r 1oO,00O E 0|95^5€. Pot-cr u f | 5OO,O0O c|.q*^aF-F nfi.orE r 100,ooo A A cl:|En EqniFslBt Plort.a ItigEOrF Lirbil.t.q' rroglo66Ss rsE906638 o''lol'loo or/o1lo0 o!loLloL or/oLloL Sgro fo* IOOO cled 25,000 l.oOO dtd crrtiflcrt holdcs iE adr|ttlcnsl inrurr4 tlcwn of Vell DeF.-lErDc cl Cmitl' Dfrr Glia Elliros ?5 8o Sroatrgt hd vril' G{ q1687 EnSO PqJCGS FE CrftctlJlD 95F0R51tll rr*Jrli coIP^Fr wlr o|IEAffi 1l' Urtr EttrE cFFrtrs^II iorffi NA EI1O 1l# l.FI. CE !|+t r. *FoGE No Onn ltl(t. S u njlr rv, nr e@pt rrmseirrnvsu ., - ---./-H-t+t'-,-,,, , 1 AcoRDQoffiffiArlgHlsa FiFl^f r^r rF F|,Vt.-. ,:raa r|-t-ll|l, PlOuCg Blrncbrgcf fatqrr,n€. c!€rfl D,O. 80* dol30 ga.nd lt|tr€tton Co 815o5 csrjby tqqt_!s_ ____ lt._a'rF(.1}tr,1 lABll lrY:tNsuRAmff&f.ti : 1"ffi Irtat.!!| ? *:. Fr..F f laa -ffiW ooMP tf A qoTF NlEs Ff ruFulNs ej{!+,F=L-.-_ 3c. Plsl 8lE E ltrtiE lrr! ' Co fi:t'ED ffi Crrt t, Ititcr Va'lhy lrbsiarcola, lEs. Do Eor 165 xolcott CO E15EE oorE riY Pilorel lststr'so' cot FA'{Y o gurrnty tlattsal l|l6ufrn€' cc Tt karlnlrF lricrn rnrua'scc eo -----..----r rrirrrrr rrrr, r ,,-.---.-.""' ':.rgrrrr :".i SD AEgl/T FC'R THT FqJCf FENFD rrrr nrmr nesPEor TcVnfiflTrlE E gJr|IgT TO AI.L T}IE TEN|S' : !Et{ HllrED TO Tlf rgJF run F ArY cor{TR CrOEOTI{IR Doclff sr nrE FoLlcE oBlcilED tGnF r ! 3E N EilrcED mr PAD!4!E:-EN',|JniYrt .5v r'r'rvr rI141 FOITCV {urllG ;.ttt"tt*-[ DAG OTI,E,YY) I toucf POnAIPIT o 1l m,OBYt) utrlE co LlF TttE 0F fin F^r*f u^$rfiY aB{FFA- !t slflY Arl.rr|roE l t l occti cr,\n{Glg r Cqfl R.grFA mgr criD2z08A:r6 o3/o1/o0 03l0LloL oEilsF^r ^GOFE!6!E_ t 1,OOO,OOO D FfioFLCt|.OOIPEP ffjc r 1,Ooo,89Q FFFEOITAL r ADv rueftY E^Ci OCgnrEt{qE 3 LOOO,ooo r l,ooo,000 FIIE gAl|rGF (Aryrt.firl-t 1OO, OO9 HeD E(P (AV 4. rlqltl r E.OOO oslor,lot sHSfl{Gr+U|{t | 1.000rooo c Ar,fluil6Flt J An ^ul lLr.orr x | lcHtor f I ntRED A El to,,ot' Alrro ArL olff!{ED AtJIltS lcHtoursiMEa r|nE AIJIE!9 r€fl€wfrlo AdOl tet22229!03/0r/oo 9OPGY fiflI Pf p.trlt,t loofY lftrJFV F;macfi t FFOPEFIY DAT^EE I ^uToo.,cY' E Accqiq I o R El UAn*l _|*trrtro t_.'ttrFRT|^r| atlt oflfv. EAs{ ,g|DEt'tt t AooiFAlE 3 Ft\clroco.ffiErqe t Erctl' trAitfiY J'.ffiBlltoin Ir-flE lx,|rr-l | ^t!.li{ AcoFmATE I I t0186t1 ouo1.loo suoLloL F.$qi AccoENl vrroR(FF3 00s6tE rxni Arr9 0/tPLoYEir rrAl[tlY ltg PROpRET0F' l--l n c. Plan{FFgExFc|JrIrG *rEcng L l lp(l:' | 100,000 E ffiAs€. Fq-c.vq[r | 500,o0o lrlrE^lF- E nA4{E I t'00,000 tgec fo* toOO .lcd ZE,OOO 10oo dcd t t Cfrfl EqsiF.st llcrt-a RiggEst Lf.f*lity rLoSsoa 6as rso8so633g oslo'.foo o3/o1/00 otlotlot oslor.loT C.rrrlflBtt boldpc ia rdalitloBrl iDdrr.d r$r,,JFtr,. .. : am of llail DclrertrFt cl CsEsitI'016 !,llltoD ?5 so Foatrqe nd vail CO E1€87 D.rt JUL-08-00 0e:?8All FR*BLAIIC|{Aft!+#u fil'$Uh^tG'ffil^ F-t18 iFr\r /\r t\ .\Fr-tallEr EY1i.C. trtlt c)=Clot b6/22l2EBg 1.8: L5 s7as4eL57o KRM csNsir*Hrs I PAGE AT KRM coNsuLrANrs, rNc. P.O. BOX 4512 (FNo D4sl5z vAlLooLonAoo 8ta6c lstq e.e€ol FIELD REPORT TO: Lrnd Designs bY Ellison .. Fax 949-3288 ATTENTION: Kim Bryant PRQJECT: Doro Retsinins Well OATE: 6121l200o ARfrIVE: 'l 2:40 P.m. DEPAET: l2:55 P.m' WEATHEB: werm' sunnY JOB NllMBEfl: 0006'24 l observed the t€mporisry rotaining wall ttructurg et thG west €nd of th€ propsny' This wall i8 to b9 u86d for I temporary construction Sccess road to tht propgrty' and will be rsrnoved in one to two month6. Tha retaining wall coneists of stacked inrerlocking concrete blocke that lre epproximately i'-O. r 2'.O' x 6'-0' in dirnension. Ar thr tallest ponion of thc wgll, thero ars four blockl 8t!cksd, for a rctained height of 8'-O'. The retaining wall oxtends approximately 24"0' across th6 ptop€nY. Thore has not baen any backlillino dono y€t. End tho geote)rtils fabric for teinforcing the backlill can b6 sssn et each course of blocks, 6xtending approximitelY 4'-0' from tho beck lace of ths wall' The bac*fill should conslst of granular material and should be well compacted in liftg betwaon orch laYor of geotextile reinforcing. Wth proper backfilling, it is my opinion that the wall' er congtructed' ie gtructurallv sound for I temporary road. COPY TO: REVIEWED: RECDJUNSOZOOO 6atzztzaaa l8:15 s7as4sLs77lU KRM :3\3:-i-TANTS ' PAGE gL KRM coNsuLrANrs, rNc. F.O. BOX 4rrlt (FAX 0.$152 vA|L AoloftrDo 6'toc0 (srol ea$slDr FIELD REPORT TO: Land Derigns bY Ellison .. Fax 949-3288 ATTENTION: Klm Bryant PROJECT: Dors Retaining Wall DATE: 612112000 AERTVE: 12140 P.m. DEPART: 12:55 P.m. WEATHEB: werm, sunnv JOg NUnrBEn' 0006-24 I observed tho tampo'?ry retaining wall structuro et the wsst ond of the ptopeny' This wall il to bs u8ed for I temporarY consttuctio; sccess road ro tho propsrty' and will be removed in ono to two months. The retaining wall con8ists of stacked intsrlocking concrete blockE rhet 8r3 spproximat€lY 2.-0' x 2,-0. x 6.-0. in dimension. Ar the tellegt ponion of the wall, ther6 ato four blockg sttcked, for i rcrainad hsight of 8'-O.. The reraining wall extends approximstely 24''0'acroag tho propsrtY' There has nol bsen any backlilling done yet. and tho geotextil. fabric fOr reinforcing the baChfill can b6 6san at each "ortr. oi Ufoii",iir"nOing upproximatelY 4"0' from tho back face of tho well' The bac*fill should consist of grsnular material and should be well compacted in lifts betwaetr 68ch lay8r of geotextile reinforcing. Wth proper backfilling, it is mY opinion that tho wall' ae Conttfuctsd' is gtructurally sound f or 8 temporary road' COPY TQ: REVIEWED: RECDJUN3O2OOO a: o r: o/ 6 t r9{ EE a 3 o o) a s t I q'\ ct (=6 sJ o G' z. =a a er lll CE ,l I I I t, ri -: o J z J. tx-<s E5 ' t.lr :r:\.r- .$- r! o. .t o ii! ! E o rl I c F o: c o A a I 0 b 'd_ a llr .c A F !o J { U)F t-lo .$ln llll 4 i s tr .S cl F z s s 7 A { d_-b L f.ur F -t.4*J '.1 Pl | .tul I {.1 I rr, I I al I sl | "l I *r F{ rSt .F lD lr, '\ns<v-- 6> fu-EF il,l 3 a t9t- I I I I I I -f ..\ { 3 \J cf s T s s I o$s s H. $z z_ F $ s o_ € $t F- a ..1 \)$tr _{i il. ts \\F o s P J J 7 z ur ts: ?-{lll -l IF J z rtl I_ { r a rr1.o I { d F\.IT {- g |!L N-g d-L wJl 'Ell .F 'ru gH$fi tfl)v :=ill= =rll=il rrtj=l[= 3/tl=ltrl !!,=iltr x I I I. -r,$ .r- I :1.s \I .1. s z.s s 2,fi f;'4' {slr 3{t a niJ .$z---s :I nx S J,- _ BT h: I 4rt :s I t9 3s 6:_t \,n o |L $- o'sg Jd_;F $r tg F4 F!t iIv lL $g bE .4, * tJ.% Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 Julv 3- 2000 Glen Ellison Land Designs by ElJison P.O. Box 1259 Avon, CO 81620 Far no.: 949-3288 Re: Landscaping activities at thc Dore Residencc - 100 Vail Rd / Lot 35. Block 7. Vail Village 1" Filing Dear Mr Ellison: On .Tune 29.2000. the Communitv Developmcnt Department received the following materials: Irrevocable Letter of Credit Design Review Application (incomplcte) including:. S20.00 applicatiorr fee:. photos ofthe existing site:. photos ofthe concrete rctaining wall to be used for one ofthe acccss routes;. a dcscription ofthe crane to be uscd:I a signed utili\' venfication form On June 30d, the Community Development Department received (by fa"r) some specifications for the retaining wal I to bc used. As indicated to you on June 28- when you came into the Communit_v Development office, the cngineer's letter and drawing(s) must be stamped before we can accept them. Further. with reference to the letters sent to vou on June 8u and June 26th, there are some other materials that the Community Development Department rcquires before any permits can be issued so that landscaping activities mav resume at the Dore Residence. Completcd Public Way Pennit application* including: a) $75.00 fee: b)- all required signaturcs: df a starling plan: * Public lV'ay Pernrit submitted on,Iune 26r' did not inchtde these required items {g un"uoruo Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 138 FAX 970-479-2452 July 3, 2000 Glen Ellison Land Dcsigns by Ellison P.O. Box 1259 Avon. CO 81620 Fax no.: 949-3288 Re: Landscaping activities at the Dore Residence - Dear Mr. Ellison: 100 Vail Rd / Lot 35, Block 7, Vail Village l't Fi[ng On Ju rc 29.2000. the Communitv Dcvelopnrent Department received the following materials: Irrevocable Letter of Credit Design Revicrv Application (incomplctc) including :. $20.00 application fcc:. photos ofthe eristing site:. photos ofthe concrete retaining wallto be used for one ofthc accass routes;. a dcscription of thc crane to be used:. a signed utilitv vcrification form On.lunc 30'h" the Communitv Devclopment Department received (by fax) some specifications for the retaining rvall to be uscd. As indicated to !'ou on June 28' whcn you came into the Community Dcvelopment offrce- the engineer's letter and drawing(s) must be stamped before rve can accept fhem. Further. with refcrcnce to the lctters sent to you on June 8d and June 26s, there are some other materials that thc Communitl' Developmcnt Department requires before any permits can be issued so that landscaping activities may resume at the Dorc Residence. l. Completed Public Way Permit application* including: a) 1i75.00 fee: b) all required signatures: c) a sta.ging plan: * Public lVay Permit submilted on,lune 26'h clid not inchtde lhese required items $ *'n"uo ' o'" 2. Completed Design Review Board application including: a) a revised site plan indicating proposed structures, location of limits of disturbance fence, and tree mitigation; b) stamped engineering field report and drawing for proposed access structure (noted above)*; c) a landscape plan** showing existing and proposed vegetation, and any vegetation to be removed (photographs may be submitted to show the existing conditions and the landscape plan must demonstrate that disturbed areas will be reasonably restored - a proposal for revegetation with sod alone is unacceptable); * Engineering report and drawing received on June 2dh and 3dh were not stamped t* No landscape plan was submitted and there were no specifications for the revegetation of disturbed sites 3. Further specification of the crane* to be used - Public works will require evidence of the crahe operator's public liability insruance. * There was no indication prior to June 2dh that a crane would be used to facilitate landscaping Again, the Community Development Department can not issue any permits until all of the required materials are submitted completely and satisfactorily. Sincerely, dt&'"/ Ann Kjerulf / \\ Planner I v cc. Colin Plait, Representative to Mr. Dore Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Construction Inspector George Ruther, Chief of Planning Diane Mauriello, Attorney to Mr. Dore J.N-3A-a@ 13:3? FR0M:LAD ? 9769493€€fl,ro'-l*+*P.@1,/W4 Lanro Desrcws By Et llsoN, INc P.O. Box 1259 Avon, CO 81620 9701949-r7W 970/949-3288 Fax Facsimile Transmiual Dae b .hO. to ro: lhr.r- Ei.rrlag "o'' 411 .lAqz Fruu: h+ua A"t{" ,NunbcrdPrSrlGrchaing6t/cr1: { Rcrnarkr: A"*- - Pt"^(" \4 ,,nr U,** ',{Ur,-. i5 d" .f {rr+'t- *t**t'-\,^.[t*.d^- +t+ br li.r" {h., n{l -i$ ,ruA. l'tt oure o*f ,*FL*f .lL O$r*,irc t Crt"rbfr','"T iv.+..^dr "nl n( ,or*1. wi[ h*vo Lrr*r,*h r "olt k **"1**1 ar^J - I l'tl *1."'.. Pl*sc uJl ;{- alt iq ol. V* @ Vpn \. +r^t a'9 ,w- yroal,vcl ,{ ryp'rv.l. Tl*",.L*, V"+t\ 4^t{" Jt -9-&B 13:3 FRO'I:LFI.D ESil zsl22l26u6 18:15 976949LJ "*tffi*"'r*Jilo"*P.W/EB PA6E OI KRM corcuLrAirni, rNc. P.O-Hagt tFrul9.$rJt7 v[colmlDo or@ F'l!|rrern F/IAD REPQNT m: trnd Doionr W Efison - Fax 9t19-3288 ATIENT'C'N: Kln Brvent pnOJECf: Oore RefinlnO Wrll DATE: 6nlr2o0o AFE7y'Ej r2!'[0 P.m. DPAflI: l2:55 P.m. WEA1HS: urgtin, aurry &AE[ltt''E,,: O(xre24 I obs:wtd th. t6nrpotrry rminirg wrll musturt .t dra w35t md ol tha plopcrty' Thic rvell ir tO b' urrrt for a tomgonrY "-tmtri- *corr road !o dlt Itop'rty' "ttd !9 !r g,movea in qre ro tvw mondn. Ttrr rrtaining wal conrir6 of rUctcd antsd;$lg "6""T8 btodc.thet rru lgprorimarrlv 2.{. r 2.-o. r 6.-0- h d-n nsion. At rhc nllort portion of iro wrlt, thct! rtalout bbclr rt,q*cd,lbr ;;"i; n"fotn or 6..0'. ThG rct1du wdl cfirdt 4pto{Itt!ry 24'4' mrplr dt pronctv' ThcrE h.3 nor blrn rw btc,ktill'tno dona vrt. and Uro gDot nil.-t"Uric lor rciniordng tn bfcltl{ll cut br rccn ar .rch cour"" ot-t]o"[,-"xnndhg aepmrtu'|$V 4'{' fiom q! YFk-f.* ot $t wrll' Thr 5;ckfill shoultl condrt of C;irf* i."i"f "-"a-rhould be wel compssttd in nfts bstv6tn '16h lryrr of ;;;til-t"t"t;;oe ri;nf Jo"r L"rililins, tr b nv opinioo thrt $t u.dl. 13 corutructr4 ir $ructurallv round for I tanoorarv rord. FEWEWED; QDNTO: u lzz/oo P.W3/eB4 97B€493€€fJ 13:37 FRO'I:L.AhD Jtt{-34-e@ tl 1/,l a g o a. p o '/Ti:.J.,6 HEO t 3 /i I I I l. tE ,1 I I I I I I Ir A s { i !s F \) al h- 2 s s F L {t -b L 1 lll F Z I t' J , I I , I lJr F{{<. k'i s3t .F;F t$ rD) rl $; EE$<f_{jt + a F o E ?o a: g o 1l 1l ri c o ) q't E o .t I o I t( t E a I I I I I ,a r9 _i j .- {...'.J .= "! '...r:,-\ ' '. i... " lb rC A t !A Cl iF -1. lp Jg i* $5 E& T 5 i s z. H. J z rtl T- ! <s s5 Itb :trrf l$. .'t Z J.- e7 l'. r '"' i'=t:.fr?.1 .-" - .l =z s 0-t rll F ,i l- t I Jt-l{-3A-eAtr 13:37 FRCI{:LRFD ?,tT*:=T ri.-!,: "*fl**, . ftti =rl $Elllt ll o {t t a_ F T Il l! ! 1 I i J J tr I ID dl A I { o-t\llr ts n -d. L o {.L t I I I t t. a a a o c a i E t ri i z fi fr:al ,1 ',q.lI 3E ] ils .r- |:l !:t I f s z.s s l=lltl ,f:J 'o?E ot ; "E- oq ;;? ili=- aDo .S z-,\s .!x S 5r- -EC D){h.i t Ert Land DeSignS By G" Inc. post orfice Box r?5e Avon, coo.ado 8r6Oe4e.r7ooph e7a e4e.3stltx rdes,sns@vair.net Letter of Transmittal Date: To: Project: 6/29t00 Anne Kjerulf Community Development Dord Residence, 100 Vail Road Please find enclosed the followine: . Irrcvocable Letter of Credit ' Completed Design Revicw Application (2 copies-l with Mr. Dord's signature) along rvith check for g20 minor alteration fce. ' Minor Alterations to the Exterior of Buildings and Site Lnprovemcnts Form with a description of thc crane to be used for the project.. (10) photos conveying existing conditions and proposed building sitc alterations.. The list of materials to be used.. Signcd Utility Location Verification Form. The stamped enginccring drawings will follorv. SENT BY: GLOBAL INDUSTRIES ;2:47PMi 3375835210 9?4948e88 ="1ti;:,,, JIN-C( :CAUA lbI $l t-HUn: Lrll'lD JUH*a€-9O l2 ;42 FFOt'l r TOV- COtl-DE-v-tlcPT 'rE!37!14g'14s.2 QreCim? Call UE Plannkrf S"f at47+21ffl AFruCATTON FOR DC$Cil RETIIEW APPROYAL fwlh t w tgr=_ffi-*ax a I"OCATISIOF PR]SOSAL c D. E. F. G. nrlc 0f lrAr.G OF At'n.lcAlfi i---" r.tAIUifti ilsm Jl}f-!6-effi L?t#I+l Tg.)9/Rl?5eq5e TYI'E OFRB/IBIIAT{O FEE U - - tsfb|rrr|Ifictr -|}2m Corstrffioda-lp'r bddltg'n 4 tffi.;gffiffi;ilT'" 1oa" addcd ro ilrY H r4riror^,urrftrr- tZO\iffii'*rpasrg*uUmbsars rElnprvrcrgrs srJt \-. E,,-*titt* p-rili6, tttrosttritilons' bfite{ingbfereaild q -: -/reoinnrg{*,ttc-DftBftle5nEtobcgd*tletrrpofsDfim.tff,u,hcnappjvirB|br|hfrFlgFcilIt'9h'Ci'c'ir' tE mrrob vrhsn of #-r;;t;tffi-i*f} Vtll-wii-6fir'l3t tp fr en1ns b g1c ptoFc tEltdixr. ta.ErSE eErgf fHIi ftfi.[CrTl0ilt AII-f,&lIITfL rElt'rnFl{Hllt ArrDrHEltElorlrlDGPIEIr|iff f of-colrlflE-rvEvEnPr|Hfi '--- -'i;$ttltt mo#^c ioib,YArL col-onADo tl55r' ftlFoH; H. rb)LrAlO 0€5166 ffitri:F R=l6le PAGETAA? R=982 ,,-ffi ffir.lBtLJXEOBrUsgqu fr[ffi p'qed. '.srp HtH* gffi fHIffi ffiffi InIsaptr|gsrrr E ru elrt Prurs* re.sunE *'--"'--'--i6-fi,ril. t'"dfti{u.m6Qretles4rntbl .cdrliirifnnanerlrilrretpftruftnil[tqfrrl-lrr* - r .r --.--.-..J*r^rity-.r,r rmrrerr]*rs'ird ffi ffi; Etl-fie'b-dprd" 5i1Lg11,YJff"HH ffi ffi"#iilru'0.lqfr=F, E 1'-1''' q*g x*' HrT"E:"d ffi'#.ffiTa;: -D5ffi ;ifi;fdffi;F;'6iir -' vcrr rE nnar epant us ;hrcd"e t-rit b harcd rrd or*udilr ir #212 f-.BEa.L][e PAGE ?/S 9p328{640tupdnd *) JUN-a8-aAA@ A1,"46py TEL)3375835e1A ID)LAND DESIGNS rD,s"64"ls2 PAGE Questions? Calltfre Phnning Sffat 479'2138 MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS GENERATINEORMAilgN This application applies to changes made to a-s'rte or e)fterior alterations of a bualding. Arry altenton in vuhlctr'additionat nriitding square fiooage is added will require an'additiorf application. r. suBMrrTALREOUIREMENTS { photos or sketches which glgely corvey the exising corditions. #-- photos or sketches which Clearlv convey the proposed building or site / alteration(s)- tr All retevant specifications for the proposal induding colors and materials to be used' tr C.ondominium Assodation appoval (if applicable). tr If the intent of the proposal is not dearty indicated, the ldmlnisfiabr may determine dlat additional materials are necessary for the rs/ie$, of t1e application. I 1W un^(r M uilll, W, uwl , on \YYY\ \tt a \StAu - bo h, all lw'/dt't1 lb't'' afM! ,t t-+_l tlt \l ./7 laT \urll Vb l.ont T^lrl , e'$yb,lil Pl l.{r '{!ant'c' tuw \vaw w allto'/,, lL' lh'rh I hy, ol ,.cab k ,h'*\ ll \ -..' ' ' ' l^!, \I,Jil +lL, fuhha( ,\yl)o,n),, A$A t tl? 14 b" ^,4 v " ' ,r 'd+h W|" l,\ltt ,u)alil ' +t bnua u,ll tefr, e u I z,l ,+ lw y,t+ hh^ Vhml)li )u\u (/1" -l I JUN-a6-PAAE 1?:45Pt'1 TEL)914419?45e ID)LAND DESIGNS PAGE:643 R=L@@Z JUN-26-os 12.43 FRoM. Tov-co|j|Ev-DEPT 'rD,s"s4"i|s2 zuItDING MATERIALS: Rpof Siding Ottrer Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Wndows WndourTrim Doors D@rTrim Hand or Ded( Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Endo6ures Greenhouses ReEining walls Bcteri,or trgF,tittg Other TYPE OF MATERIAL: IJST OF-PROFOSED MATERIAIS COLOR: PAGE 4/5 h^un|VW-- * Please speofy the nrBnufadjrer=s color, numFr and attach a small color chip r* All €D(erior lighting must rneet tfie Town=s Ughting Ordinance 12-11'51. If erterior lBtrting 15 prcposed, please indifr *re n-umber d ft<hrres and loetirns on a separute lphting plan. Identity eoch ft)dr€ qpe and prwide the height abore grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attacfi a ort sheet d$e lighting ftrtrres. JUN-a6-2AAB 12:46PM TEL)97A4?9445e ID)LRND OESIGNS PAGETAAA R=!@Az rD,s"647U2 PAGE S/S JUN-zEi-oo 12.43 FRoM, Tov-c"ffv-o""t ' UELITY LOCATIOI{ VERIFICATIOT{ This form is to vertf,y serv-lce a/ailabitity and location for neut constuction and should bc used in onjundon wtUr pr|parirrg your utility plan and sctreduling insfalhttons. The locatlon and arailability of ugrtuC *n*rer'ney be main trunk iines or p.oposeO lines, must be approved and veriFted S tte folloMng utilities for the accompanying site plan- Authoriz€d Sionatule Defie U.S. West Cammunicatqns t&0422-LW!7 468{860 or 949-{530 Public Servi':e Contpany 9,19-5/81(Gary Hall) HoV Cross Electic Assoc 949-5892 (Fed Huslq/lohn SsYd) T.CI. 94$5530 (Hoyd Salzar) Eagle RiverWater & SaniFation Di$id * 47+7480 (rred naslee) NOTES: 1- 6'zg -ot' (l^: n *" -' / 2. 3. tk- '-22 -/// a/ l-tt-ao J,A^/ \. /L ^ O /\/ * plece bring a site pilan, floor phn, and elerations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitauon signatures. Fire floar needs must be addressecl. Jf the uulify \rerlfication form has signatures fiom e#r of fte utility companies, ard no corntnenB ire made'Olrectty on the form. tire torn will presrrnte that there are no proUems and the ds/elopment can plooeed. If a utillv company has concerns with the poposeO @nSfuctien, the utillty represenbtile shall note direcdy oir trb utitity nerification form that ttrere is a problem which needs to be resohed. lrelssmsirorrldUlenbedetailedinanattadEdletterbtheToanofvail- Horuwe[plemkeep in mind that it is the responsibility of tlre utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problens. Tlrese \erifi@tt$E ds not rd-t€ile the corrffir of the resporribility to obbin a Publh Way Pefmtlt from the Department of Publ-rc WodG at the To,vn of Vail. ubiliv locatiorn must be obtained bdore dlgging in arry public right-of-raray or easenrent within the Town of Vail- A buildirJg oermit b not a Publk.t4vav oermit and-mwLbe obtalned seoaratefy. JUN-?6-eAAE 12:46PM TEL)97A479"45?ID)LRND DESIGNS PAGE:AES R=L@Oz co--,?ry Development Plan noutfro.,n Routed To:Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Return To:Ann K.ierult, Planning Date Routed:06t26t00 Return By:07 t03t00 Project Nante: Project Address: Pro.lect Legal: Project Description: Dore Access Road 100 VailRoad Lot 35, Block 7', Vail Villagc 1" Filing Construction of two access routes across public right-of-way to accommodate landscaping activities. Approved *_Denied (cite detailed reasons) X Approved with conditions COMMENTS Need stamped drawing fiom Kim - License PE. For temporary retaining wall. Need Public way pemrit tbe, 75.OO dollars. Pemrit must have all required signatures. lncluding the'l own of Vail Elcc. Dept. lJtiliq, sign off sheet. Date received: Date reviewed:. 6-29-00 -.*t**", **ard Sandoval o Department of Community De "-elopmenl 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 MX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us June 26,2000 Glen Ellison Land Designs by Ellison P.O. Box 1259 Avon, CO 81620 Fax no.: 949-3288 Re: Landscaping activities at the Dore Rcsidence, 100 Vail Road, Vail. Colorrdo i Lot 35, Block 7, Vail Viilage l " Filing Dear Mr. Ellison: The Community Development Department acknowledges reccipt of the tbllowing materials cn June 26, 2000: o Public Way Permit Application o Engineering Ficld Report . Third-party estimatc tbr revegetation/restoration cxpcnses . Copy ofpublic liability insurance coverage . Three stamped topographic survcys o Three site plans With rcfcrence to the letter sent to you liom the Community Developmcnt Department on June 8'h, 2000. there are additional naterials that are required in order for your applications to be properly processed. Primarily, the Communiry Development Department requires a cornpleted Design Review Board application form (afiached). With this application, you are rcquired to submit photos or drawings of the existing site and a signed utility verification Ibrm. Additionally, we require a stamped engineering drawing tbr the proposed access road (adjaccnt to Forest Road) and spccifications on the crane that you are proposing to utilize (ie. sizc, wcight, height, and duration of time to be used). At this time, the Community Development will not require that a Developer knprovement Agreement be initiated. This wouldbe a condition ofDesign Rcview approval, ifgranted. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please contac! me at 970479-2148 or akj erul 1'(@c i. va il. co. us. Sincerely, Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Construction Inspector Post-it" Eax Note 7671 Daie lf"!k>{,(in?.*,,r*ta ffiTrun lrnar Co./Dept.Co. Phone #enon"* ff! -)/t2 -^o 4'rQ -s^?,t Fax # tP u"'""""^"'* Land DeSignS By|O" rnc postotfceBox 25e Avon,coro..aoerf e4e.700ph e70.e4t.32esrx desrgns@va.ner RECEIVED JUN 2sm Letter of Transmittal Date: To: Project: 6/23/OO Anne Kjerulf Community Development Department, Town of Vail Dord Residence. 100 Vail Road Please find enclosed of the following: . Completed Town of Vail Public Way Permit Application/signed utility verification form.. Engineering Field Repon signed by Kimberly McGhee of KRM Consultants, Inc.. An estimate from a third party landscaping company (Neils Lunceford) for the cost to restore or replace any vegetation that is disturbed or removed from the Town of Vail's right-of-way.. Evidence of adequate public liability insurance naming the Town of Vail as an additional insured.. Three (3) stamped topographic surveys for the Town of Vail right-of-way.. Three (3) site plans showing existing and proposed vegetation. We will deliver the irrevocable letter of credit by the end of the day Monday, June 25, 2000. lun-tt$0! 02!t01 FrF O O "[-ro:E,luu 414, boqo APPIICAlION FOHTOilI{otvlll. iu-iucwAyFBBr[T to- '=-rflnn r'' eryv*.lJ l-l'LJ U i ffi;tilild'fr-q*!il.Dnf,#J-trtril'f,trn "@'$mAocEr6 4. \{orl(Fiol (cdronr) wdrr Hccric Tel€Phme 0dr.r TrunCh-witltt (mln.4') bngrt O6pn lDnl8F $ lbEltF s PemitFeD $ - Tote|FermfrFe€ S ilt#ff m*ro.. D6^c*s lrusr BE oN rHE roBBrrE FEF'RE rHE \vL' pJu" O.-tttt"Cornpany (1{0cs2'1s84 ffi lt . Pr.6lio 8erviog t|tural @r Gtoup (1€00'0?2-19871 ,a - u.8.wsot(1{0044,c1987) JOEIS g|TAHTFD. z. Hr$bcr cut-dseprE erc re$rtuscr cn e)ccsudng 11rsnt'T:;ffiffit{trf*' , ;ffifm;If-Hffiil "Hffi 'gffi#fu affi *"#rffi" ".- ii"'firurc arc obulnql, paffiltte€ IF gfll.".1 il;;;frrnt"r/atElgrrrilres' Peas6em$' --- Bond Amount . ATATclble Sewices(1€0f04*1987) --?i trFgl6 Rhrsr WeEr & Eadtadon Olstrtci (oF47$7/tso' €xt' lttq Holy Croea ElccEis @rnfany 0{m+22'1s71 tTdrrfl or \b[ Etsc[ioiltls (S70'4'70€168) Tss,not\rbtllnigdiotr (eZG47S-er68l --F luyn cf lbil FuDlto Won€ corcrucdon lrnpcoFr (9?0{?s2lS) s. #HaEwLL EE Ne rsrAf "$F-f-9f^9-nttf**6{btr tnfl'" cffitrol phn nurd br 6PPttr'd trv tt€ " Ho=,il"wTlii;Ipl'fr;J p'd ti h'ue"s or the pcmrt' 10. Altffia\ralhnmudueoot"lyhancwlthlnlsrotutillth3-Sfl3ido6rt'nedalE-d.s&Faituroblrctify rr ' rreun tn ilre ltnt'n ' " ilffi -Blh h iodciure ot-ggldJlotlry' tcneourrr TTE FEUF F --' --- ,,"ffifi ffi:Sffiffiffi,-#Byr#,Tfr ffi $****ffi"ffi Hish E0fngnny F0il6m€nfit' 01$tou u1 r'rEr 3rB ^-ffi1,:H&1[il.t"re.Tr*Hsffi.'ffi H 3nJ-"iilet *lth nanee, ulrtHingg' 6nd loc'{sl of ( Wlr|I- Fublcwo.r5 \hltorl-Oorttrilr Jurr-zo-oo 09:3lA Ne'if l}nc=ford shop NEILS LUNCEFORD Transmittal P. Ol P.O, Box 2130 Silverlhtrne, Cclorar.lo t)049iJ Phonc (970) 46li 0?40 Tax (9/0) 468.68fj5 Date:- {€--ZO Via: L u.S. tvtatt [ 'l roo.rx q.{q 42EE--I I Fax: Z-fagcs [l HanO Delivered fr i | {orapproval 1_l forrcview&comment for your records n |:l X""'--o'*t1 Copies to : Signed: JUN-46-a666 1A:3?AN TEL)ID)LR].D DESIGI'IS PRGE:Ep|1 R=972 Jun-zo-oo ()9:3IA Nctf fnceford Shop NEILS t-UNCEFORD Lnnd Desiqni by tsllisqn Dolo proi.ct P.O. Bor l?59 Avon, Colorrdo 81820 !"Ig*Jitog P-o"r.l - i!"V z0 - Slrc Yvork Rem{wC tiurlcrqlq blgcks. Rornovc nlt fill mQtcl ul ussd !e bltilil rn'id Reveqetrrlq: i 14151grbg4 31P35 {;.Jrl il[v rlistLrbancc caurctt lrv uqcuss vid Vail no,rd Rcpirir demaicd c(rt : ProDos"d Ey: lllan Evttl* I JLJt{-eA-eAAA 183374f4 TEL) P -O2 i t \ flr;y -J .ir: ,II.rI.'I i |::t '..:;it.r,, j,,;, ,.::rii i 'r, .:; r i..'t , .;;,.. .; ':.: i. i ;rr I j. ',: -, t:.r.i.t. I E,o00.00 3 o,ooo.oo App.ovcd tty: OTE: ' lhru proporal is hispd ot cu||ufll prices ind ir vntid lor t|iriy (30) nr-lendlu duy5 lrrrn thc p,Dpurill d:r:c. ' I l|Ul l:ropo$alprice to bd birs,Dc (l||r prevailino Site Cotrlilions. ' TherP iS nO gutJutkro on Dlanl motedolg wttiuh am not nmFC1y ntair:laincd nnd Ot dun.agcd thrflqh fl cgle.,t, vtndtrli$rn, l,|opur rnainl€nance, iin'ttulij, (jls,, ' A l)rcpirf ncnlol 50% of fhe lDtnl propog3l is reqlrircd pricr to llro i[itielion o'tanclg|.;ilrji, wr;rk. ' flrhhc ulllily liilo loc.tos nntudrnlt lfublic Selvice Co dt{rCtris ar sUjml ont, lruh precaure o;tr, l(nupl|()no rn(l c.tblc wr[ DC $cltldulgd p.ior to w(rr( qq rrpnsing ind wt guidu aur diqgin{ tuculiuts. This may nol Drcvu l dr||rtrgc to yo,rr r|t|ttio$. Tllo clicnt rhllq g1ily llrc (a:it of any nlpuils. ' Pth/ilttj ulility lirte lociler inc trdl|g, tJul ||ol limited lo lowrl vrir:q. and mwer linfi$ orr, uhutdts, elcctr'r"iu dninal lenccs, secu"ly systcn|s low yoltage of ulhr.}t lghling circuitR rhrJt bo losalad hy thc .:Lr,,l und ..ommulrA Od lo u.ruh cDntracJor. All ellullu vvill be made to nvoi(l lltusc lgEalicn5,, fn (irunl will b€ rcsrxxr5iblo lo[ any oost Oa ralljli:; All d|ri|llliru!, arr| qubiecl io vrl|ltlft!r itrd,t(]|I olher UnfOrCturxr rrrjlirys. !li\gglcr c|' l\|; r ' '.l6oaperlsr .y P.r {x)iitt ID)LANO DESIGil.IS PAGE:AAE R=9?Z 97A949157'KRM coNsuLrANrs I PAGE 6T 66/22/2EAA 1.6:15 KRM coNsuLrANrs, rNc. P,O. BOX.5r? (FAn g{+tsz vAlL ooLoRAoo 41050 (!rq 9asssr FIELD REPORT TO: Land Derigne bY Ellison Fax 949-3288 ATTENTION: Kim Bryant frOJECT: DATE: 612112000 AFBIVE: l2:40 P.m. DEPART: 12:55 P.m' WEATHER: w€rm, tunnY JOB NUMBE&' 0006-24 Oor€ Roteining Wall I observed rhc t.mporery retaining wall ttructure et the wast snd of th6 property. This wall is to bo u6rd for I temporary "on'i'u"tioi accegs road to tho groperty' and will be rcmoved in Qne to two months. The retaining *rtt-*n"iat" Ol 3tscked inrsttoikino concrete blockc that are approximately 2.-0' x 1,.0' x O'-0' in dimension, At th€ trll.st portion of ire wgll, there aro four blockt Atacked' lor r .oi".O height of 8'-O'. The retalning wall extendr approxirnatety 24"0' acro83 tho Proporty' There has nor boan any bgckfillino done yet, snd th6 geatextilE-f .bric for reinforcing tho backfill can be s6en ar eaeh coursn of blocks, extending aooroximrtely 4'-0' from {9 qlck face of th6 wsll. Th6 beckfill should conrist ot g'!n"i.i *uterid Jnd should be wetl compactdd in lifts bstweetr e'ch layel of geatextile reinforcing. wittr prop*, backfilling, it is my opinion thgt tho wall, a8 congtructsd' ia gtructurally sound for a tBmporary road. REVIEWED: COPY TQ: JUN-eZ-aAAA 1A:114N TEL)91A949L511 ID)LAND DESIGNS PRGE:881 R=gBz ACORD^ cERTtFtC PRODUCER HRH of Denver 455 Snerman sit'reef', :juate Jvu P.O. Box 9364 Denver, CO 80209 Land Designs By P. O. Box 1259 Avon, CO BI52O lr'll1C/\n lnar DAIE {MMiDD/YY)06/0e/oo OF INSURANCE I oNLY AND CONFERS NO RTGHTS UPON THE CERTTFTCATE I HOLDER. TH|S CERTTFTCATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR I ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDEp By THE POLTCTES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE _ eO]rj-o Casualtv Inqr.rrance qelpaqy fnsurance COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSUMNCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWTHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTMCT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WTH RESPECT TO \ rtllcH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR I,TAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSTONSAND CONDTTTONS OF SUCH POL|CtES. L|MITS SlgX t MAY H4vE IEEN REDUCED BY PAtD CLA|MS. ffi rypE oF rNsuRANcE poLrcy NUMBER 1X']:1"ffi'"?1r",' '3i*1fi[il$Xr?" LrMrrs GENERAL LIAAILITY X cot,turactnr crtERAL LnatLtrY cLA[/rs MADE x OCCUn OWNER'S E CONIRACTOR'S PROT t0'7 467 sEflEl3L r99!!g4IE .$2 ,000, 000 000.000 00Q,000 F4cH gccu.!x!I!E 11 ,oo0, 00Q :F5E D4!49! j4!r,!91n9) 1 250,0q0 MED EXP {Any one person) $ 5,000 1_07 467 $1 , 000, 000 ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON.OW"JED AUTOS BODILY INJURY n4 /n1 /n6 nL/n1 /^1 COMBINTD SINGI b LIMII SOOILY INJURY (P€r person) AUTO ONLY.EAACCIDENT , OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY EACH ACCIDENT AGGREGATE o4/0r/oo 04/0r/0r AGGREGATE $1 ,. 0,0_8_, q 0 0 EXCESS LIABILITY X uMaaerre ronv OTHER THAN UI,,IBRELLA FORM 107 467 WORKERS COMPENSATION ANO EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY THE PROPRIETOR/ PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE OFFICERS ARE 04/0L/00 04/01-/0r STATUTORY LIMITS EAcH AccrDENr $ 500,000 DrsEAsE,EAcH EMPLoYEE s 500,000 107458 DESCRIPIION OF OPERANONSILOCATIONS/VEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS Af] work 'IOWn Or Vaa r Publ-i-c Works Dept. 1309 elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLEO BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANYWILL ENOEAVOR TO MAIL _3!__ DAys wRrrrEN NoIcE To rHE cERT|FtcATE HoLoER NAMED To rHE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOIICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBUGANON OR LIABILITY O ACORD CORPORATION 1993 v a Department of Communiry Deve lopmenl 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t38 FAX 970-479-2452 June 8, 2000 Glen Ellison Land Designs by Ellison P.O. Box 1259 Avon, CO 81620 Faxno.: 949-3288 Re: Landscaping activities at the Dore Residence, Village l"t Filing Dear Mr, Ellison: 100 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado lLot35, Block 7, Vail It has come to the attention of the Planning and Public Works Departrnents at the Toun of Vail that vour company is responsible for disturbing property orvned bv the Town of Vail in order to facilitate landscaping rvork at the Dore Residence locatcd at 100 Vail Road in Vail. Colorado. Due to the site disturbance and lack of requircd approval or pemrits. all landscaping activities being conducted on the Dore property or any adjacent properties shall cease immcdiately. Please note the following codc scctions that are in violation: Per Town Code, Title 8, Chapter 3: Revocable Right-of-way Permits, Section 8-3-1: No person shall erect or maintain any building, structure, stand. cart, -fbnce, bamier. post. hedge or other ohstntction or encroachment under or upon an! sffeet, allet,. sidewalk or other public property without f rst obtaining a permit from the Department o-f Conmuniry, Devcktpment under this Secfion. Per Town Code, Title 13, Chapter l0: Construction Design Standards, Methods, and Details, Section l3-10-5-2: A public wav permit must be ohtained from the Torun I'ublic Works Department prior to any constnrction or excavation within any public or private right o,fway, easement, or hike palh, except when emergency circumstances demand the work be done immediately and the permit connot reasonably and practically be obtained be,forehand. In such a case the person digging must apply./br a permit on the frst regular business day, on which the 'I'own o-ffices are open for business. Per Town Code, Title 12, Chapter 11: Design Review, Section l2-11-1(C): in order to preserve the natural beauq, o1 the Town and its setting, to protect the welfare of the community. to maintain the values create(l in the community, to protect and enhance land and property, .for the promotion of health, sa,fety, and general welfare in the community, and to attqin the objectives set out in this Section: the improvement or alteralion of open space, exterior design of all new development, and all modificalions to existing development shall be subject to design review as specified in this Chapter. {p *'"""'ntn 'n'un U o In order to become compliant, the following materials must be completed and submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Deparbnent: l. Public way Permit application 2. Revocable right-of-way permit application per section 8-3-l including but not limited to: a) a site plan showing the location ofthe encroachment and how it relates to the public right of way; b) a stamped topographic survey c) evidence of adequate public liability insurance naming the Town as an additional insured 3. Design Review Board application including but not limited to: a) a stamped topographic survey for the Town of Vail rightof-way where the encroachment is proposed; b) signed utility verification form; c) site plan indicating proposed structures, location of limits of disturbance fence, tree mitigation; d) stamped engineering drauings for proposed access structure; e) landscaping plan showing existing and proposed vegetation, and any vegetation to be removed; 0 an estimate from a third-party landscaping company for the cost to restore or replace any vegetation that is disturbed or removed from the To*'n of Vail's right-of-way; 4. Developer Improvement Agreement involving the initiation of an: a) Irrevocable letter of credit with a bank within Eagle County for 125%o of the site restoration / revegstation estimate provided in 3$. Please see that these materials are completed in full and submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Departrnent. Failure to comply will result in legal action. Sincerelv. cc.Colin Plait, Representative to Mr. Dore Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Construction lnspector Tom Kassmel, Town Engineer George Ruther, Chief of Planning Torn of Vai I +rT d.ETOER RECEIPT T+r nnn: iTevdd-si - RETEIPT: ffilo7s DESIRIPTIITI IESICII REUIEII FE LJSID IESISE TEOER DETRIL il 4t[t1 0flIE: 6/S/0 TtlTtr O€TN HIIIT TSII}ERH) HIilI TP 329.6 rDR Ee.m TIf,: t5r18:31 .* ee.m lll tx OTY l}HI( Yfl'| FllR YTIJR PRYP{T! own of Vail ment of Community Oevelopment 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 9o-.r'-- Projec::a"t"-!-htbL-O4.- Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Item No. Code # lGost Each 001 0000 314 1110 and Address 001 0000 314 1112 tttz Uniform Code - 1997 - Volume 1&2 lJll@rm Qu!!!Ugtg!g: le97_ lglume 3 001 0000 314 r $60.65 001 0000 314 1112 :ttji: : t :-:]:::E_:::: :"'-- ! Internatronal Plumbing Code - 1997 - ___=-qB $36.00 International Mechalical Code - 1998 I ICB _ q3l !q 001 0000 314 111 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1996 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Fire Code $36.00 $4260 001 0000 314 1112 1112 National Electrical Code icB ; ; 001 0000 314 Alqlgqe4 {penggrotts. q!ds, :l e97_co oq 001 0000 314 1112 Model Energy Code - 1995 $10.00 $12.7s 001 0000 314 1112 of Revisions to 1997 Unform Codes 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1211 1111 $7.00 ; . ; 001 0000 314 XC 001 0000 314 1111 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80/$1.60) o0-1 oo0o gil t t t t TStuOres, uaster ptans, erc MS MS PN $40.00 00'l 0000 315 3000 tPenaltv Fees/Re-lnspections hour OH ;;-r :^JT .$LIK PN Ao RL $20.00 )4w 001_0,000 311 2200 iDesign R9yle/vqs"lqryg_ere-pqt!) ; 001 0000 315 3000 Buildino Investioation Fee ooi oooo gi5 3ooo -l-Build 5 3000 Building hvestigation Fee 001 0000 240 3300 Developer lmprovement 001 240_3300_ Developer tmprovemgnt 4qreg,n9!!q9p9"tt q?-DEPlq 312 1000 Restaurant License fee (TOV) 'ran rnnn c^^^ ,r---I-o-+-,--+ tr^-;7; r't-.r p.001 0000 230 2ooo Soec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev. 17 MS 001 0000 311 2s00 PEC APPLICATION FEES 001 boa 001 0000 311 2500 Additional GRFA - "250"$200.00 0000 3'1 1 2500 Condfional Use Permit nnnn a,t I tEnn Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 sq. ft. Exterior Atteraton - More than 100 sq. ft. sp99!91 !gy9Eprne!! Dislrlq! - NE!,v Development District - Maior Amend District - Minor Amend 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2s00 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 tSubdMsion Fees oOt oooo gt i zsoo Tvariance 001 !999 ?11?!9q_j4o1ing tgle 4rnglsrngnq 001 0000 3'19 3100 iGreenstar Program F:/Everyone/Forms/Salesacl. exo 06/062000 ri:a /'/s5 skz V"Vi//r7t /t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiTTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 OhINER CONTRAETOR DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD,/ALT SFR BUILD PERMTT Job Address: L,ocat,ion...: 100 VAIL RD Parcel No. . : 2LOL-082-18-006 Project No. : PRar98-0155 ON \TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiL #: B98-0198 Status. . Applied. Issued.. Expj-res. ISSI'ED 07 /20 /1-99e oe /10 /1998 o6 / oe /19ee APPLICANT JIM GUIDA CONSTRUCTION Phone: 970 -845-9100 P O BOX 750, VAIL, CO 81558 WILLIAM DORE il:3:""3fl:Tly:+1}", co, .ELL# 471-4*ssTggFtfrirff0nbf-1001 Clean-up De Refund DoRMERS approved single Family nesiaerrFfl O.unt rvp6 v non-Rired dAte Add Sq Ft: FBE SI'I4MARY ?oTAL FEES----- 5,574.00 BAIANCE DUE---- .OO Description: MISE TIflIERIOR REMODEI.,,ADD Occupancy: R3 T\pe Constructlon: V N valuation: 500,000 Pireplace Information: Restricted:*of Gas Appliancc6: cl.€.n-Up D.po!iE-- - - - - - - > *Of Gas Logs: Total calculaled Fees - > #of wood/Pal1eE: Building-----> PLan Check __> rnvesEigation> wiL.l- call 2,'140 .OO 1. 741 . OO .00 3.00 Re6tuarants Plan Revier,- - > DRB Fee-------- Recleation Fee----------> .00 3,674.OO . oo 400.00 AddiEional Fees---------> .00 750.00 ?oEaL Permits Fee---- Palmente------- 5 ,5't4 .OO 5, 6?4 .00 ITEM: O51OO BUII.,DING DEPARTMEIiTT DEPT: BUII,DING DiViSJ.ON: O7/20/L998 .JRM ACLJ-ON: NOTE PLANS TO CHARLIE 08/O5./L998 CIIARLIE ACtsiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS itbmt'o54oo PT,ANNING DEPARTI{ENT Dept: PLANNTNG Diwision: O7/20/L998 JRM ACIiON: NOTE PLANS TO PI,ANNER oa'/o5'/:-998 BWTLSON Act.ion: APPR Brent Wil-son iEbm;'o5eoo FinE-onpaRTMENr Dept: FrRE Division: O'7/20/L998 JRM ACTiON: NOTE PI,ANS TO FIRE o8'/o5'/L998 CHARL,IE Act,ion: APPR see condiLions iaem;"05500 PUBLTC WORKS DepE: PIJB WORK Division:oilrj/1996 -,:nu Action: APPR N/A ; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;";' .;;;; ;;;;; DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have icad tshiE appLicaEion, fiLled ouL in fu11 the information rcquired, conPleted an accurate plot p1an, and etat€ tshat alL ehe infonnaCi.on provided ae required is correcE. I ag!c. tso conply etith the information and plol plan, to comply with all ToIJn otdinances and 6taEe 1aws, and co build this sEluctsure according Eo lhe Tolln'6 zoning and subdivieion codes, design revieu approved, Uniforrn Building Code and other oldinancee of lhe Town appl,icable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHAI,L BE MADE TWENTy- FOUR HOURS rN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFTCE FROM A:00 AM s:OO PM Page 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 898-0198 as of L2/!L/9e Status---: TSSIIED *******************************************+************************************ Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied--: 07/20/L998 Applicant--: .JIM GUIDA CONSTRUCIION Issued---: 08/LO/L998 970-845-9r-00 To Expire: O6/O8/L999 .fob Address:I-,ocation---: 100 VAIL RD Parcel No-- : 2L0L-082-1-8-006 Descript.ion: MISC INTERIOR REMODEL,ADD DORMERS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETEETORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PBR SEE.121O OF THE 1991 I]BC. 3. IF ANY FIRE PROTEETION SYSTEMS ARE PRESEI T,PROPOSED OR MODIFIED, THENT TTIE FIRE DEPARTMEIiIT IS TO BE NOTIFIED AIiTD APPROPRIATE PERMITS MUST BE OBTAINED 4. A STRUCTURAL ENGINEER MAY BE REQUIRED TO APPROVE STRUCTI'RAL FRAMING rrtr.r*rarrrrrt ToWN OF VAIIJ, COIJOR.EDO B.printld I LZEL/9e 15r2{ gtrCruBE gcrgaurt Nu[b.!: Rlc-o434 lrcurt: P.t|t ng Hcthod r cK lfot.gion l 9312 s,62a.oo o8l10/98 11:33 Init: lD Peluit No: 898-0198 Typr: l-BltU.D IDD/ILT SFR BltltD Pl P.!c.l lfo 3 2101-092-18-006 t,oc.Eion: 1o0 vlIL RD t a a J faO9|l t Al lrl l, * l,ll* * I I *tt t a tt al a Aa tjl I * |l t * I * t * a * tt 'lar 'l t attra a t t t De!cripEion Tocrl !.c.: Ihi. P.!|u.n! s,52{.OO Tot.I llL PE!E3 Balancs: lccounc Code 5,67{.00 5,67{.00 .00 llount 2,7lO.OO 350.00 1,781.00 750.00 3.00 aP 00100003111100 BUlIrDIre PlRllll lBEtt DR 00100003112200 DBslOl Rlvrllf lllg PF 00100003112300 P!,tN CIIECK FEEA AD D2.DEPO8 c!,El!firP DlPolllla lfC 00100003112800 t|IL.! CIIJL tlfgPlellON rEE o c o. F o .l E E I o ct o o ':.3B dl F :{o,o9 d8 F o F F o o F il ie ax Hr qa E8 !!E c|0 ii E E T E 12 I U E o I f; o F o F o o o 6 I R l! A E I B c C' C'o o o o H ri I I 6 g o ':o o ll E I E a[ ts o e t{Bi l0 -o |rI EI co rg.ol!tto q EE ET u1 ti H !.I fE E9 E{ e l, F.2e *E I A I c l.H dz 88 E.l A I E I H 2 cl x H g E ,El IU tg ;A I E d" E ;g n * B A x a t{ a !| lr G I T E A t I E H t{.o o T A aa o {D olt &a I>Br..rfo ac' c t8B !|Al. o oo o ot(h ooo .l rl (oo 2 nE E !.5DP a999 H Ez. a X EE 5 ooooo|nl'lurulI 665o0Fi'''FF ltl|ltt!Ullturrnul nn.r.idrr?rt+tr UUir;ro U|6Ulrn 66635 EFii EEEEE gEgE rE aE li n: iE Es gP gq $: E ^o iiE AA r ,rl gx ;; B8 (.), 9 ooooooourg 66o0oFo iooFg -6dut.rtol@o F;FF \ \ '-3 e) : ) )E s; :: E$S fi g Eg E E fr Eff 2 ?, ;E E E E ;E H E H 6H EE EE BBB 6 Fz 6ftA E HE EEE H: ;E Ig rg Eg ;s ;E na eE ^il; Ei ;E !g H6 * ;E ;E !g Eg i ls HHSH$ ;E Bx f;;E H x 3 * i Es$E Eis U. E. U. U U" !" U" U" U 5= i=U= i=:E R s i *i R i E 33 E 3i :i I: i;r q i ! dil sH *E E E E *E s E E -Eg.g 3 3 3 3 E E E E :E :E E g E E E q q "?i.q f,d t t S ld d d d xdd Eg i" i" s E ,:-i.,1 , a'' Deceriber I '' 993 IrJr Jlm Guida Jim Gurda Conoiructlon, lno, P,C, Box 760 Vail, CO 81858 1^-. \,r. f] r- !./uCli lY r' The To',,vn oi Vall is currently shouring Gu)da the Dcre' Rseidance st 100 Vail Roaii' Ths Guida Colstruotlc:, lepfes6nlgti'/610 s.'ryitoh Constructlon to Nedbo ConsirtJcllcf"' Please slgn the fotlowing suthorlzglion E* vour eariiest conveniEncs and fax to o!z otfroB 6t 845'9979 lharebyauthorhcfhelrara'rofValltochangeth'-rrdiiia!!,u-llp-"'!!=f*,'6^ rli" EtnzA vntl eb el857. oarcel nun&r 2101' ,i,! J' i "lri i' r: :' j::, : ;,:n;^ v)- n ", .' v" il, cb a i B s r, l_r : r: ! ! y L? :i ^1r ? l :ioo'afiii linlrauiar/onatruc,on, tnc. to Ned0o construorton, tnG, n )4 l 3*'ot,., \- Sc -*#jo--.Date oueslions Tne oitice number is 845-1C01' rny cager ind tn. slte Fhone 13 479'8c79' CcnstrLidicn, illc lot Mtilnt FA 8u Yll t/rl, C0fr'S ftr lllivetY I rhllilt\' .deo fl|l 6l . Sgtlt Etgtcrhti' Cn tl'] L?t :t78 t/,,r/, ,,,r.-- Constructisn as the conhactor on TOV requires authotization from a the nsmi on ths 'r8'T:s rro:t GuiSe lr lfA Prease cali lvltF elY numbet is 049-?030 k you, f-l DLi Title )\$Tltlt(: Fi3/biy ognl Nedbo ,"..":. Eagle councy n""."".'lrrr"" rc 970-3f,8-8640.f_or.far^ceI 0. TOWN OF VAf L cONSTRUCTfON \ryEL /'W pERMTT AppLIcATroN FoRM ( ome,,4tilp, - -' tnReeeived PEfu\IIT /.J 7P qa - o,,b APPLICATION I-ft'ST BE FTLLED OUT CO}IPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PEzu'lIT fNFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *I t4J-nuiraing [ ]-Plumbing [ ]-Electrical I J-Mechanibar [ ]-other rl rob Name: I ltZZ Job Acldres=r 1$1 Vs^r* 4,-o- r_/^. _ Legal Description: t ot T{ nlock_7_ Filin9 \ sunor.,rsrou: VRre y'r,-,..,,ru_ l- Jwners Name: UJrLt-tAt'r ?orza Addresst @e,.. 7r3-ut|-zutt \rchitect: V l-i, ?wg:.es*""-r-- Addressr bflxj3cd Av.J pn. )0-;zq leneral Descript j-on : tork Class: [ ] -New [r{ -Alteration fil -Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other lumber of Dwel-ling Units:Nunber of Accornmodation Units: Iumber and Tvpe of Firep)-aces: Gas Appliances , '^ r * * * * * *rr*** **** ** * * * * *.** * *** *** *** VALUATTONS cas Logs_ Wood/pelleLZ_ )]UILDING: !?LUMBING: $ 1:t * :t * :t rt i * * * 't * * * * * * * * * * * * *-* * * CONTRj\CTOR INFORMAI.,ION leneral Contractor: Trvt (r r..t,- f\n^ ,(i-'r . ,...-., t4.,Town of VaiI Reg. No.4;gg Phone Nunber:,c.45-9rO.) ;lectrical contractor: iddress: ,Iumbing Contractor: 'ddress: Iechanical Contractor: rddress: : * :k :l :t * * * * rt * * * * rt:t * * * * * rr. * * * * rt * * * * *rU}( }UTLDING PERMIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMI'I FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ;LECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: EI,ECTRICAL: $ MECHANTCAL: $ ** *** * * ** * *** ** * *** ** * * * )t * * * * *)i ** OTHER: TOTAL: ***************************;eneraJ- CQnEracEor: J lvl \cldress, R ft'r 7b,l =Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. No. OFFf CE USE * * * * * ** * * * * * * * *'t * * * * * * * *'f '\ * * * * * BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK TEE:MECTANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP POSIT: TOTAL F g BUILDING: SIGNATURE ZONING: SIGNATURE lonments; GROUP VALUATION -4tn hwa* (n,tlsr CLEAN I]P DEP.OSIT REFTIND TO: DEPARTMENT OF COMMI,'NITY PMENT NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG.Permit #: D98-0011 I DEVELO Phone: 970-845-9L00 Phone : 970 -845 - 9l-00 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up DePPsit Refund approved amount single FamilY Rgsidendete T)4)e V Non-RaLed DWELI.,ING Add Sq Ft: FEE SUMMARY Builaing-----> t25.OO Rc'tualants Plan Reviet.--> 'Oo Totsa1 calculabed Fect---> 329'25 Plan chcck---> 81.2s DRB Fcc--------- 2o'oo Addi tional Poct---------> '00 Inv.Etsigatslon> .OO R€cl"Eion Fa'-__--__-__> 'oo Togal Pcruj_r Fo'-___-___> 329'23 will caII----> 3.oo cl'an-uP D'Po'ic--------> loo'oo Pr!'m€nEs 329'2s toTAL FEES------ 729'25 BATANCE DUE---- '00 ISSI'ED 05/08/L998 06/09/L998 12 / 05 /L99e +of !'lood/Pallet: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 OWNER Description: II{fERIOR DEMO ONI.,,Y OccuPancY: R3 T\4)e Construction: V N Ilpe OccuPancy: 0007 Valuation: Fireplace Infoma!ion: ReoE,.lcE'd: Job Address: Location...: 100 VAIL RD Parcel No. . : 210i--082-18-006 Project No.: Status.. AppIied. Issued. . Expires. APPLICANT JIM GUIDA CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 760, VArL CO 81558 CONTRAETOR .TIM GUIDA CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 760, VATL CO 81558 V{ILLIA}4 DORE 7, 500 *Of oas APPIianccE:*Of Ora Log6: Icem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT- I g iR? / t g? 8 ; oBh**''-"58i8fti'Bfit: ?gig?/t3?8 o"FY*' o,ntEtiBfti on"* IiE$: fli?gg Effiilfi"ilsft$tu, ""*'" DePt: BUILDING Division: .tt?M -iidot : PLANNING Division: O.-ot. r f'f nf Division: be-DE; Due wonx Diwjsion:bebE; lteALtH Pivi si on: DeSE ' el-,sRx Division: APPROVED N/A See Page 2 of this DocumenE for any condiEions DECLARATIONS that may aPPIY Eo tshis PermiE' ilu.],'tilrit"^ t""i"r-"ppr"".a, uniforn Buirdlng code a,',d oEhe! o!dln'nc'6 of, !h' Tor'n aPPlicablc EhcleEo' I he!€by rcknowlcdge EhaE I hev. read tshi€ aPPllcallon, fitLed ouE in fu1l the infornation required' conpl'tcd an plan, end stacc that all lh. infordation Provldad ae rcqui.red is corracts' I agrca to comply vi'Ch tsh€ informaEion tso conPly rleh al1 rosn ordinanccr and eticc Lats' and co build tl:t :::1"::t:-:'::::ti:^::^:l;-t:::.:.::*"t *o accula!a Plo! and p1o! Plan, 6ubdivl eion AT OUR OFFICE FRoM s:00 REQUESTS POR INSPESTION9 S}TAI'I' BE MA.DE TIIENTY-POUR IIOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEIJEPHO g.nd ch.n-UP D.polits ao: {tlll oUIDA t4.-- AM 5:00 Pl4 *******************************************************************!&************ COIIDITIONS Permit #: D98-0011 as of 06/09/98 stsatus: TSSIIED ******************************************************************************** permit Tlpe: DEMo. oF PART/ALr-, BIIDG. Applied: 06/o8/L99e Applicant, ;iu GurDA g9NSTRUCTTON rsgued: 06/09/L998 9?0-845-9100 To Elq)ire z L2/O6/L998 Job Address: L,ocatsion: 100 VAIL RD Parcel No: 2101-082-18-006 DescripEion: INTERIOR DEMO ONI-,Y CondiEions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAI IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAI{ BE STARTED. 2 . FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR coDE COMPI-',IA}iICE ' 3 . INTERIOR DEMO ONLY ! MUST SI'BMIT PI'ANS FOR APPROVAI' PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ..J....i.....'r"*tir.t'tittt...........|t"""'t"'r...'' lOnt O! V tL, @tloRlOO strB'lrlB atttittta ltatta aoa taaa"t't" ot""" 'rtttrrrttt'tr gcrBqrnB tturba!! tlc-0a13 lDlurE : Prld.nt ta.Glpd 3 Cf, DoEatlon: 901t 32t.25 o6l09/tl 15 32o tnll: lltf P.nis tfo ! Dra-Oolt' Tt['. ! A-D!!O Dlllo. Or PrRT/LL Bu Prrc.l llo. 2101'082 -lg-006 l,gc.Elon t 10O Vtl'i nD Tohl F..r | 32r.23 Thlr P.y!.nc 129'25 Toell t'D& PDg.: 229'2s Brlrnca: .00 tttttraaaaataaartraaraiatriira.r.rattaiaattaattaaaooatt"""ttrt' Accoult cod!lt .crlpclon BP oOlOOOO3llltoO BSILDINC PBR IT FBBS DR OO1oOOO31l22oO Dlttrcaf RElrlBi tBEtt pa ootoooo!112300 Plilf ctllcK ?EEg rDoor'oooozao3Loo CLBIITUPDEPO.ITS C Oo],OOOO3112aOO ralLt Clt l' tNsPECIIotf ll8 IDUNE 125.00 20. oo 81.3s 100.00 3.00 o o ,lr o2 OD .o ot x U E r, A t{a,g o c o o o o o E c E E :{a T B U E a o c' o o o l.l b D E H 6 I o I l.{ BH -8 La F,E oo OI ato a o o o o ..8 3E Hr.H AO 20 EE oo E lr !l I o H a D (, H f tr H 33 i8 a lq I o c, o oe. EB !.O EI d1 Ei E tr Frl{43 -o I{I oa a FJ TT sz rO H-H.{l'o c o HH BE R9 E<q E H I o : E H F E A l! 8 H EE al!EE &d I Sr E 3a ff i E ts FI 6 g tr 6 E E a E c l.H ro o F A :: )e o14 oE9 EIL 410 f6o E8t AO.H .. .|.:, tlte Rer:eiVgd :6ncacc Easlc counc" n""o""olrrr"" -ttJUN 0I 19gB ac 970-328-8640 f9r- P.aac{ /' TowN oF vArL coNsrRucrroN pER.\lrr /l \ry:eL lz ZIOIO&LI&FDQ, pERMTT Appr/IqATroN F.RM --- - APPLTCATION }fIJST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT I,{AY NOT BE ACCEPTED I r * * * J. * * * * 't * * * * * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * PEzu'{IT INFORMATION * * * * * * :r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [ ]-Bui).ding I i-prurnbing [ ]-Erectrical [ ]-Mechani-car 6{-otn".lF--o. -_ rob Name: V/io.zr=Job Acldress: tO_Cr /A,. '?c,e..= Legal Description: Lot 7i frolx--f riri"n Address, @ph. Jrl-t"zi,Lzol J rl'("Zq ' ezr lwners Name: Address: leneral Description: tru .lork CIass: [ ] -New [X] -Alteration t Iumber of Dwel-ling Units: il'-\\o J l,\J r Fr (_ \ O C 4,n.j.w j Number [ ]-Repair [ ]-other of Acconnodation Units: ca s Loss_ w".d7#i$t'_f_ I -edditional Iumber and Tvpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances , -' r * * * * * * * * * * 't * )t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS t IUILDING. $ pA ?LUMBING: $ ,..i A /r- ********************************* 1* ,k * * :k * { * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * *.* * * * * CONTTRJ\CTOR INFORMA9.,f ON ieneral Contractor: 'Ti.,r (-. .,,,-,... i.^. .. * t.,._iddress: ?c ''i3cr lL-.> ffi itectrical Contractor: n /t+ v ,ddress: EI,ECTRICAL: $ l'.{ A MECHANICAL,r $__y'A___OTI{ER: $ '7, .g'c.-,t>ToTAL:$@ **********************rr**** Town of Vail Reg. ND. Z9) R Phone Number: !1,{S- 9ro:; Town of VaiI Reg. No. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: )lumbing Contractor: N //rddress; - - Iechanical Contractor:iddress: - Town of Vail Req. NO. Phone Nunber: FOR OFFICE USE *********************rt*)t******* ,LUMBING PERMIT FEE: , . IECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: iLECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: : )RB FEE: I i- I BUILDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLUUBING PI,AN CHECK IEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: GROUP :onnents: VALUATION I CLEAN I'P DEP.OSIT REFTIND TO: DEPARTT{ENT OF COMMI]NITY LOPMENT o DEVE BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES PERMIT Permit #: M98 -0257 Status...: ISSUED Applied. .: 12/LO/L998 Issued. . . : 1,2/L7 /a998 Expires. . : o6/L5/1999 6J-b+:) 8I645 .00 Additional Feea-- -------> 3?8.00 TotsaL Permits Fee -------> Paynente__----- BALA.I,ICE DUE---- .00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-23.38 .lob Address. . : LocaE.ion......: Parcel No.....: Project Number: NOTE: TH]S PERMIT MUST MECHANICAL ]-OO VAIL RD 2L0a- 082 -18 - 00 6 PRJ9B - 0r-55 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: MechanicaL-- > Plan check- - - > Inve sti9at ion > iIERRY SIBLEY P O BOX 340, .TERRY SIBLEY P O BOX 340, DORE WILLIAM PLUMBING MINTURN CO PLI'MBING MINTIJRN CO Phone: 3O38275'736 Phone: 3038215736 Valuation:15, 000 . 00 NEW IN FLOOR,BASEBOARD,MECH SYSTEM Fireplace rnfoi.marlon: ResElicC€d: Y *Of Gas APPliances: #Of Gas Logsr +Of Wood/Pallel: FEE SUiJ!':ARY .oo ToEaL Calculat.ed Fees---> 378.00 3oo.oo Re6tsuaran! Plan Rcvicw--> ?< 6.l DFE Fee- - .00 ToTAL FEES- --- -- .00 37a.00 378.00 wi 11 call----> 3.oo Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEITT _Dept: BUILDING Division:1rlT6/1t9e-'JRM Actio4: APPR APPRovED ,JBM- iEAm;'o5eoo'iffRE DEpXiiMEi'ri -__-- - Dept: FIRE Division: 7i7I6t195e-,lRM- - - Action: APPR N,/A CONDITTON OF APPROVAL 1. FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK !'OR qqDE COMPLIANCE. 2 . tor,relstioN-Aifl- iS nnoul$o-PER sEq, - 59f -QF-Tq-E r-ee]- -quc, --i'. ifrijTlllAilol'r-MuSr eOftForua To MANUFAcTURES INsrRUcTIoNs AND - f-o-AppENDrx cHAPTER 2t oF IHE 19e1 Wg-.--+. ei.s'aFFlrar.ice5-ssall es vsNTuo ACCoRDTI{G-To qUAPTER 9 4ND 5iim,i-,-tsRIliNEte-AS spucrrrED rN sEc.9g5 QE THE l-991 IlMc.s. Ittsss-ro-IEATrNG-EoUiFMENT MUST COMPLY WrTH SEC.s05 AND 703 0F THE 1991- IIMC. e . 3OI1ERS-SIIAa[-BE-MoUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMEqSTIBI-,E CONST.". uNLESS--LiSTED FOR MOI]NTING QN COMBUSTIBLE qLQ9RING. 7. FiifrM]T,FLANS-AND-C9DE AN{lIs_Is MrusT BE PosrED IN MEqHANISAL ROOM PR.IOR TO AN INSPECT]QN.REQUEST e . ijiifNAce - or - MeCliAN j cAt -R0a!49 - cONrArNINq 4EATING oR Hor -w4.TER "' SupFif-eOiisH$--5iial-,i, sr rQurppno WITH A FLooR DRAIN PER SEc. 2]-L9 0F THE 1991 IIMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATTONS I hereby acknolrledge that I have tead this apptication, filled ouE in full the infonnabion required, compleced an accuraLe plot ptan, rnd rcrEc shre rlr t'h. Lnfolur.r.|"ru.a u r.qulr.d i. corr.cc. I rgr.. tso l" "r* th. lnfor'acion "", -r;r:r"".Lo "ornply rith all Tosn ordinanc.s rnd stic. lerr, and to bulld chl. .tructur. .ccordinE Eo gh. Town'. zoning .nd .ubdivilj'on cod.r, drrigm rcvlcv r;4rrovcd, Itniforu Building cod. .nd olhBr ordinanc€s of th€ Torn aPPllc.blc th.r.co. REQI'ESTS TOR TNSPEEIIONS SIITI,TJ BE UA.DE II{BITTY'FOI'R HO SIONATURE OF OWIIER OR CO!!TRAe!OR lOR HIMSET F AlfD OI|NER tt 479'21?e OR AT OI,R oPPICB FROI' Sroo Al| 5:oo PM r*,.fi'*fifi,tr TOIIN OF VAll,, COIORIDo glat,Gmnt, tttrtl)trrl,rlr*l Sl|r.!r|C NulDer: REC-O{SS Anounts ! Pal|[.nc Metshod: cK Notation! 2538{ 37E.oo L2/r7l9s LLtqT rnir,r irN Peruig No: u98-o257 Tl4'c, B-HECH Parccl No: 2101-082-19-005 Locatsion: I.oo \|ATL RD Total P.ca: This PaymrnE 3?8.00 Togll ALL P!rC!. Br1!nc! ! Account code IIECIIANICTI, PER!,IIT ,* *r r* *t,a ttrtilrrrr f t ttttt Jtttt * DGserLpt.lon 378.00 379.00 .00 Aldount 300. oo 75-OO 3. OO Mp 00100003111300 uEcHlltrcArj PERMIT SEAS pp ooro0oo3112300 PLlt{ CHECK FEES t{C O0loooo3ll2Bo0 llILIr CAIII INSPECIION PEE Owners Nane: Architect: General Descrip t_ion: Work Class:_ [ 1-]iew ryIl|. gr v^rl, colis?nu.r'i 0fficc PERMfT APpLfgATr.oN r.'oR-r.r nern: L2// /,ik PEi!\llT ir l/ APPLTCATToN lflJsr BE FTLIED our coMpLETELy oR rr r,rAy Nor BE AccEprED ,{ * * * * * * n * * 't * * * * * * * * * * * ',r * * * * * * * PERMJT TNFoRMATToN * * :t * ,,r * * * i * * * * * * }t * r-r * * * )r ,f * * * . L J vs4f qrrry [ ] -Plunrbing [ ] -ELectrical [1l _Mechan j--cat I J _other ' A t J vLllE. Job Name' fbre' Joh arrrrro--. t t /1 'Job Address: /(I) V".,1 //J --- Legal Description: Lot BIock F-t | 'r ir^ Address, /00 i/.,/ 1c/. pn. Address I oeu [ ]-Additional tl -, [ ]-other 4 Re TJJ Ii] -Alteration Address:t/.6., jytl -8,offidtu Electrical Contr.acEor: Address: Plumbing Contractor:Addresi: Mechanical Contractor:Address: /u.4,,, ?ct,t PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: HECHANTCAL PERHIT FEE:ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE:nPF. FFE . Num'er of Dwe'Iii:g Uni-ts : / Nl.mber of Accohmodation u"r;, :- ^ {pmber ani Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances V -- -a-vrr4q.--c>. -.- Gas Logs_ Wood/petlet /ts** *rt *** ***tk* * **** * ** * rr * )r )r *rr* ** ' t ^ ^ - - x x 't it :t tt * * * * * vALUATToNs * * * * rt * * * * * * )t * * * * * )k * rh * *:k * ,,k .,,( * * * * * * ,BUILDfNG: $NLECTRTCAL: $PLUMBING: g OTHER: TOTAL: *****rt****:k *** **** ** * ** *** *Town of VaiI Reg. NO.Pnone Nunber: b/< id,;- _ Town of Vail Reg. NO.Pnone Nurnber: Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. )Jr/_/Phone Nunrber: -k2-_.r ^7.r/ FoR oFFrcE usE ,r * * * !* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * *BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: :lYyPrNG pr,ar cHecK FEE:MECHANTCAL PLAN CHECI' FtrF. RECREATTON FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATUR-E: ZONTNG: STGNATUR-E: VALUATION I icLEAN rrP pPOSrr REPuNp m: I DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY PMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLIJMBING PERMIT Permit #: P9B-01-60 I DEVELO Job Address Locat,lon. . . Parcel No. .Project No. PLUMBING MINTIJRN CO PLI]MBING MII{II]RN CO 1OO VATL RD 2L0L-082 -18 - 006 PRJ9B-0156 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81,557 970-479-2A38 Stat.us . . Applied. Issued.. Exlrires. ISSI]ED LL/\L/L998 LL/13 /a998 0s/1-2/1-999 APPI-,ICAI.IT CONTRACTOR OI,'INER Descript.ion Plunbing-----> Plan Check- - - > Investigat ion> will ca1I--- -> ,JERRY SIBLEY P O BOX 340, ,JERRY SIBLEY P O BOX 340, DORE WILLIAM : PLIIMBTNG FOR 8]-545 8r-645 Phone z 3038275736 Phone z 3038275736 II{TERIOR REMODEL Valuation:42,000.00 FEE ST'MMARY 530.O0 157.50 .00 3.00 .o0 790.50 790,50 55.OO 445.50 Restualants Plan Revi et,r- - > TOTAL FEES.'.. - 'Tolal Calculatcd Fccs---> Addilional Fees------ - --> Total Permit Fcc--------> Pa)4n€nts6-------- BAI,ANCE DUE---- ,OO Dept: BUILDING Divi-sion: APPROEVD JRIVI-Dept: FIRE Division:N/A Item:05100 \L/ra/L998 ftbm:05600 L1,/tt/L998 BUILDING DEPARTMENT .fRM AcIion: APPR FIRE DEPARTMENT 'JRM Action: APPR CONDITTON OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I heieby acknowledge that I have lcad t'his application, fi.l,led oug in fu11 the infomatsion required, conpfeted an acculate ploE p1an, and Etsatse that all lhe inform.rtion provided as required is correct. I agree Eo comply with the informaiion and Plot plan, to conply wich all Town oldinanccd and Btsatsc Laws, and !o buil.d thi6 elructure according !o lhe Town's zoning and eubdivision code6, design revier approved, uniform Building code and other ordinancee o aDDlicable theleEo. REQUESTS FOR INSPESIIONS S'{AL', BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE e:o0 AM 5:00 PM SIGNATURE OF CONTRASIOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ''. rrr..r.r rr.|..r rt.rrtrr r ri.*rr TOnl, OP VAIL, OOLORIDo 6!aEcont gErE.Enc NuEb.r: nEC-0475 hount: 845,So 11/13/16 1rr51 Prl'[.nC llclhod: Cl(&Cg NoCrtsion: 25299 lniE! DB P.tEiC No: Pr8-0160 TtIr.: B-PLUB PLUI|BINo PBRltIl P.rcel No. 210! -o82 -19-006 Locrgion: 1o0 VAIL RD Tocrl F.r': 845.50 This Payucnc at5.E0 fot.I ItJIr ltucr: t45-qo Brlance i . oo I trrattlt t tt ttr t a ttt a t t* ttar Aceounb cod. Datcrlptsion PP OO1OOOO31112OO PIUUBING PER$IT PBES pF 00100003112300 P&Al{ cHEo( FEES cL0010ooo3123oo0 co&rtRtcroRLrcENgES A[ount 530.OO 55. O0 WC O01OOOO3112g00 I{ILL CALL INSPECrIO}| FEE 3.00 -tt*corl't"" a Eagle cc St#t: :g:.111q .',"#lri .l " "'"gild; xiil, siili3il";#,lv PERIII T /J rl APPLT.ATT.N MUsr BE FTLLED our coMpr-,ETELy oR rr uAy Nor BE AccEprED [***************'t************* PERMTT TNFoRMATToN * * * * 't * * * * * * * * * * ,k )k :r ,r ,r :k * ,t * * * )r ,[ ]-tsui1din9r, [x-rlurnbing [ ]-Erectricar [ ]-Mechanibar [ ]-other Job Narne:I rob Address: /l)C l/.,1 Legal Description: Lot Block r.i r i,.,- Address: Address: ceneral Description: C , e. nc-/, t tln"pui. r tlotr,"t Number of Dwelling units: I Nun-ber of Accommodation urr*l 1)l,^l"t and Type of firepLaces: Gas AppJ-iances- Gas Logs- wood/pel1et ftt:t * * * ** * * * * * * ****** **** * rt * * * * ** *'t ^ ^ - 's x x x n:t:t * * * * vALUATToNs * * * * * * * ,r * * * rt * * * * * * * * rr rr * * * * * * * * * * * Owners Name: Architect: Address: Plunbing Address: Mechanical Contractor:Address: PIUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: SQ. FT. Town of Vail Reg. NO.Pnone NUmber: Town of Vail Reg. No. t3,/^/ynone Number: ,eZ- ,ij7- Town of Vail Reg. No.rnone Number: FOR OFFI CE USE * * * rr * rk * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * P:UpPING PI,AN CHECK FEE: SISPTNG PrAN cHEcK FEE: IIgIll.'rrcAL Pr,AN -cnrcx Enn,RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERHTT FEES: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG; SIGNATURE: BUfLDfNG: $NI,ECTRTCAL: $PLUMBTNG: $TQ,oooo r^}--""*""' i -4'uuu Jd MECHANICAL: $.---_-------v l'ff *** * *'t**rr ** ***it******rr* * *** r.^N ' General contrar:rn..'' )r)))i,^,r'"lrRAcroR rNFoRMATro, _--TOTAL: $ Conlrac^tor:NTRACTOR INFORMATfON * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * *Address: f U,61", EV Town of Vail Reg. No. Electrical contractor: Phone Number: -r:' s !S--tc+t r VALUATION icLEAN UP DEPOSIT REPrrNp TO: I t DE TOVIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 97 0 -479 -2t38 PARTMENT OF NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED EI.,ECTRICAIJ PERMIT ilob Address:Location...: 1-00 VAIL RD Parcel No.. : 2L0L-082-18-006 ProjecL No. : PR,f98-0156 8r-64 5 8r_54 5 FEE 9I'I4MARY APPLICAI'IT EAGL,E VALLEY EI-,ECTRIC P O BOX 1116, MINTURN CO CONTRAETOR EAGI-,E VALLEY ELECTRIC P O BOX LLL6, MINTIJRN CO OWNER DORE WILI,IAM DCSCTiPIiON : EI-,ECTRICAI, FOR REMODEI' El.cErical- - - > 54o.oo DRB F€e .00 Inv.6Cj.gation> . oo will call----> 3.00 TOTAL FEES- - - > 543.00 COMMIJNITY D LOPMENT o EVE ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E98-0233 Status...: ISSI}ED App1ied..: 09/17/L998 Issued...: 09/L7/L998 Expires. . : 03/16/1999 Phone: 970-827 -5772 Phone . 9'70-827 -5772 Valuation:30, 000 . 00 Toue1 calcul atcd Fcea--_> 543'oo AddiEional Fce6--------_> .0o Total perEit Fc€--------> 543.O0 Payment6---- -- -- 543.00 BA!,ANCE DUE.. -. .OO IEem: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT -Dept: BUILDING Division: 65-t li t 16 g a-.lRM- - - --- Asqled| A,PPR APPRoVED .TFt"f irAm;'os6oo-trrRE DEPARTIiIEI,ri --- Dept: rrRn Division: o57li/7g9e tN Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1 . FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE BEQqIR-ED TO CHECK EqB g9DE COMPITIANCE.i. Fins-oEiiEftrMEN"I'- AppnOvAI-Is REQUIRED BEF9RE ANY pORK cAN BE STARTED. DECI,ARATIONS I h.reby acknoi lcdgc Ehac I hav6 rc.d thir epplication, fil1cd out in full thc informallon !!qui!cd, comPLlted an accurate plot 1f.,r, .rra BEaEc thrt sI1 thc infornaEion providcd 16 r.quilcd i. corrccts. I agrec to conPly uitsh Ehe inforrnaEion rnd pLot PIan, Lo "onply with el1 Torrn ordi.nance6 and a!a!o 1rtt6, ana to build tshis etluctsure according to th€ To{n'6 zoning and subdivision codes. de6ign review approved, uni.form Building code ana otshcr ordinrnees of th.r Town aPplicable thereto' REQUES?S FOR INSPEC"TIONS SHAITI' BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY r . .. t.i. cct oRlDo tl|u.ung a t rr ttta atta ta tt a atta tt tratlttttata li i iatttaaaaaaata t" tt' ttt' tt'ti sr.E.DtlC lfi8b.rr lBc-oa3o lstunc: 3li.oo ot/l?,/tl 10t01 PrtD.nc tlcghod ! cf, Xor.Blon: t11373 tnlBt JR}| '..:!i! tro: Era-0213 flE.: !-EElc EllBclRlcl! Plnltll Prrc.l Xo: r1o1-0a2-1a-006 t ocrclon t 100 Vlltr Rl) Itlr ?rl|lclrt Tot l t..a t E13.00 lot.l A&[ PEl|! Bihnca ! st3.00 5{3.00 .oo at r at t at a at i'tr rrtiatritttat aat'o trrrtit't!tt' ltcount cod.D..cllptslon Ep oolooootlt.laoo B&Eet?tcl! PlRllrt llla nc o0rooo03ll2a00 rIl,L clIJ, Il{SPEelld IEE lDounc 5ao.oo 3.00 PER]'IIT // ia a APPLTCATTON I.|UST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELy OR rT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED I******************** *** ******* PEII!,IJT INFORI{ATfON ****** ****** ***** *** ***** *i**tr) \.[ ]-Building [ ]-plunbing g$-rtectrical [ ]-1,[echanical [ ]-other Job Name: Job Addrer"t \Oo lht\ \l.\ Legal Description: Lot_ Block_ filirg susorvrsrou, r\-owners Name: W Address: ph. Architect: Vii ?.o.B'c €aoa Avo.r 8t6ao ph.s4q-<a.o ceneral Description: Work Class: [ ]-New Ft |\ A D rt (f t €cjfn-}c-a-.V D F.t-r'.a:.,.' ,.F o.\\e.oa \$. A $-arteration fi-eaeitional [ ]ln"p.ir [ ]-other_ Nunber of Dwelling Units: \Nunber of Accommodation Units: Electrical contractor: Address: Plunbing Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLI'MBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: !-own of Vail Reg. No. {<,6-€Phone Nunber: 8a-r -<-na $orn of vail Reg. No. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: oFFrcE usE **** * *** ****** ********** ******* BUILDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLT]I'IBING PIAN cHEcK FEE: I{ECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT! TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Contractor: CLEAN IIP I}EPOSIT TEFI'I{D VALUATION MEMORANDUM TO: ALLCONTRACTORS FROM: TOWN OF VAIL pUBLtC WORKS DEPARTMENT DATE: MAY 9, 1994 RE: WHEN A "pUBLtC WAy pERMtT.tS REOUTRED Job Name: Date: Please answer lhe following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'public Way permit.: !YES NO 1) ls this'a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public propefi? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditferent a@ess needed to site other than existing dnveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfeaing the right of way, easemenls, . or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit" , .required? - -'r 'i '- 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, pafting or fencing? B. tf no to 8A, is a parking, slaging or fencing plan required by Communily Development? !f_V9u- algwered yes_to any of these questions, a "Public Way permit" must be obtained.?ublic Way_ Permit' applicalions may be obtained at the public Work's otfice or at c.o.TTrlity Development. lf you have any questions ptease cail Chartie ojvii, ine iown ' ot Vaif Construciion Inspecto:1 al.479-21fi, I have read and answered allthe above questions. Job Name Contractor's Signature Date o I o DEVELOPMEI{:T TO$IN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAlL, CO 8L557 970-479-2138 APPLICAI{T CONTRA TOR OhINER DEPARII,IEI{:T OF COMMI]NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MESIANIEAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M99-0012 ISSI'ED 02 / 08 /1999 07 /2L/L999 0r/L7 /2OO0 Phone : 303 -827 -5736 Phone: 303-827-5735 18, 000.00 #of wood/gal1et: Job Address. -.:Location......: 100 VAIL RD Parcel No... -.z 21-01-082-18-006 Project Number: PRl98-0156 SEaLus. . AppIied. Issued. . E>qlires. .JERRY SIBLEY PLI]MBING P O BOX 340, MINTT]RN CO 'JERRY SIBLEY PLI]MBING P O BOX 340, MIMTURN CO DORE WILLTAM 8L645 8L545 FEE SI'UUATY Description: REMOVE OLD SNOI,iMELT ADD NEW Fireplacc Inforaagion: Rest.rict.ed: Y Valuation: BOILER FOR SNOWMELT *Of 6aa Appliances:*of eas Loge: Restuarant Plan Revi.etv- - >Mcchanical.-- - > Plan chcck- - -> Inveatigatsion> will call----> Tocal calculated Fees- - - > Additional Fees---------> Tohal Pcruit FeG--------> Payoents------- 360. O0 90 .00 - 00 3.O0 TOTAI, FEES-'.--- . o0 453 . O0 453 .00 . o0 453 .00 453 .00 BAI,ANCE DUE.--- .OO rtem: 05100 02/23 /L999 Item:05500 02/23 /te99 BUILDING DEP.ARLENT Dept: BUILDING Division:.lRM Action: APPR aDproved irm-FIRE DEP4,RTIVIENI -Dept: FIRE Division:JRM Actiorr: APPR N/A COIIDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TTIE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.3. INSTAI.,I,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANT]FACTT]RES INSTRUETIONS AND TO CHAPTER ]-O OF THE ]-997 I]MC, CHAPTER ].0 OF THE 1997 IMC.4. GAS APPLIAIiICES SIIALL BE VEIiTED ACCORDING TO CIAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEI.TT MUST COMPLY WITH CIIAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O17 OF TT{E 1997 IMC AND CIAPTER 3 OF TTIE 1997 IMC.5. BOILERS SHALL BE MOI'NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBTE CONST. I]NLESS I-.ISTED FOR MOI]IiEING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORTNG.7. PERMIT,PI,ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANTCAL ROOM PRIOR TO AI\i INSPESfION FSOUEST.8. DRAII\IAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SIALL BE EOUIPPED WITII A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.a022 0F THE r-997 uMC, OR sEgrrON 1004.5 0F THE 1997 rMC.9. At{Y BXTERIOR CIIANGES REOUIRE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL,!].0. STATE BOILER INSPECTION-REQUIRED FOR 1 MILLION BTU EQUIPMENT ******************************************************************************** t DECT.ARATTONS f h.rrby .cfnlorlr€G ghrG t hrwe raad this .pplicalidt, tillad out ia full ghr Lnforo.Eion aaquit.d. cdlrlct.d.n acl.|unta ttlo!pl.rr, artd rtsega tshrt rll Bhc tnforoation providcd lr !.quirad 1! corr.cl. f ag!.. lo collply vtEh th! iDfonatigrt qnd plots plan, to cooE ly rith r11 ToIl| oldinrttca. rtrd rtats. lrr!, and to build thia Etruetura rqeotding Co th. Toltr'a roning .lrd ruHiviaion cod€E, d..Lgn ravi.r rpplorr.d. Itnifor! Butlding codr aDd ocher oldin-trc€r of che toln! qrlrlierblc ghlreto. nEQU!6ES FOR U|aPlcrrde S|AI,L EE XADB TllElflt-Forn SIMTtSE OP ONIf,E8 OR @IIINACIDR FOR IIITSEI,P AXD ONf,ER o !0!!f oP vlll., coll*Alro llEltr[rts gtaBcdrt. I{l!bar! REc-0542 Arcunt:15:.oo o7l2ll99 Lo.Oa P.y..nc $.Ehod: CB [oGtGion: 26930l9fBl''J lnll: aff P.t|!iE do: Xt9-O012 TyP.: B-IICH XECIINIICEL Plnl|ff P.rccl to! 21or-OA2-14- 006 Locrliotr: loo VIIIj RD thir Prtrrcnt Iotal Fect ! {s3. o0 Total lL! t'dtB i E.lancc ! a53.00 453.00 .00 AccounC Codo D..cription xp 00100003111300 uBcllllfrcL& PaurT PEBS PF 00100003113300 PLAlI Cl|lcr FBBS nc 00100003112800 Frlir clltr INSPECTIoN FEB lDorIJrl 360.00 90.00 3.00 7: :7" ;ii:,ra:a;, 3:;::"i:: : ; " I) o ff,i,,,"{, o,'or r]ait /l . 4t,/t)- /'rc-/t 9,, t; "x;i :'-ni):;,;" x ri-,ii lO "'gg. t, vA r L co li s'o,, ",, O A; -- " d'v' v61' 'c-'""' tut*AlrllpllcA"roN roRl.t !r' APPJ,IpATION FoR.l.f otte: Ak/Eq PEP(\IIT iI l/ APPLICATToN lrusT BE FILLED ouT coilpr.ETErJy oR IT lgry lroT BE ACCEF?ED f$o***t * * * * 'rr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PEa)'IJr litnomlArroN 'r**. * * * * * * * * x * * !r * * x * * * * *, , * * LJ J 3-nlunbing [ ]-Electrical [y]_Hechani-ca1 [ J_o!.her thl Job Nane:JOD Address: Legal Description: Lot D1^^1-ntocK_.=-- Filing SugotvISIOu: Address: Address: General De scrj.ption: I'rork class:- [ ]-]iew [ ]-A)-teration [ ]-Additional 1 l_Repair [ ]_other llunber of D*el tiny' Units: I a'rr*l^^ -*-- "ptr.r and rype;;;;";;.".; .u= eppriur,.lulber or Accotrtnodation units, ._-. - W.. _-GasLogs-_I.roodlpe11et--- lqxx*u *xx* **** * * * * * * * * * * * )i 'r * tt * x * * * * vALUATToNg *:rrx*irrr*x * * * .* * ,, * * *.* * * ,; x x Jr >k * x z)r)r:i**BUfLDfNc: $ELTCTP.TCAL: $PLL[lBf NG: g OTIIER: $ Owners Nar,te: Arclritect: rf F*''s.fr* * *. * * - *.! x * * ** * * * * ***x* x * * x Co ,.-t{ " - - ' Eenerrl Contractor: Addresi: F l er-iri r-a'l r.rnn{->:* --,,._! aCtof :Ar.dress: Plurnbing Contract,or : Adcire.s s : Mechat ricai Addres s: * * * i< i. i tlr ** * ** * *** x ** -! :i * u * ; rr * **ri** BUILD]NG PERMIT TEE: PLIT].IE NG PERI.IIT FEE: HE]i{A] ICAL PERMIT FEE: EL]CTI ICAL IEE: OTJIER IYPE OF FEE: NDR FT Et. : TOTAL: $ CTOR INFOR}IATIOII * * * *:,r * * * rr:r * * * * x i.* x * rt * ." * * * * )r Town of Vajl Reg. NO.Phone ]lumbe.r: Town of VaiL Phoni: Nunber: lLnorn of vail Phone Nu:lber: Reg. NO. I'IECIIANICAL: $ Reg. Nc. Toi+n of Vail Phone llunrber: Nr) FOR OFFICE USE *.i * * * * * * * * * i>: * * x * x * * x:a * * * x * * * *,. BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: 3IYIBTNG Pr,F^Ir cHEcK Fi;;MECHANICAL PLAN CHSCK FEN:RECREATION FEE:CI,EAN*UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATUR5: ZONING: SIGNATUR-E: VALUATION ) :i:l:t:I]P DTP.OS].7 ri El'it r;n 'I^.} . DEPARIIT{EIIT OF COMMT'NITY NOTE: 1TIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iTOBSITB AT ALL TTMES AI,ARI' PBRMIT Permit #: A99-0008 o DEVELOPMET.IT ilob Address:LocaEion...: 100 Vail Rd Parcel No..: Project. No. : PR'J98-0166 TIII'L ELE TRONIC SYSTEMS P O BOX 534, AVON, CO 81620 TIIT'L ELE TRONIC SYSTEMS P O BOX 534, AVON, CO 81620 DORE WILI,IAIT Fire alarm sysEem TOWN OF VA,IL 75 S. FROITTAGE ROAI) vArrJ, co 91557 970-479-2L38 APPLICAIIT CONTRAqTOR OWNER Descriptsion: El.ctrLcal---> DRB R.e Invc.CigaEion> ttl11 C.fI----> TOIAI, FEBg- -. > SEAt,U8...: APPROVED Applied..: 02/23/L999 rssued...: 08/L9/L999 Erq)ires. . : 02/15/2ooo Phone; 970-949-4638 Phone t 970-949-4638 Valuation:3,500.00 *r*rri*tr*'rtrr.**a*4..*r**rrta ..***rrr*rr*r FEE sullldlRy *rrrr*.r t.rrr'.r.9t'itr Iob.I Crlculatcd F6c.---> 75.00 AddicloDal f..6-------'-> .oo Total g.tlit Pcc--_-____> ?5.0o 12.OO .oo .00 3 .00 75.00 .00 +rrrrtt*ttrrrrr*rrtrt**iarririirrrar*rrirr'r!rtt itttt*rarrt itttttattttt*rr**at*ttr*trattttl}tit*f',',f1*rrrr+ttit**it*t Ite.m: 06000 ELBqrRICAIJ DEPARITIENT DepE: BUILDING Divislon: 08/L9/L999 KATI{Y Action: APPR N/A iEbm;' 05660- Fr-ds oepi\Rtt'rdlri Dept : FrRE Division: 08/L9/L999 KATIIY Act,ion: NOTE Routed Lo Mike.Uccee- 6-87I:9779-99 KATIit AaEiona aFPn Approved per Mike McGee rirr,r*i.rrrtt*ltaairrttt**rrt*trrtr*rtrtttll*rrarrr tarrriitattltrt.ttr*rr*rr*tt** r*rrtr COIIDITION OF APPROVAL *r*rr.rrrrrrtttttrtrrrrit+atr*rsr!rrrrrgrr riirrrr ttt*trrrli'r!r'rtr1!ltttltjttrtairtrar* attrtt'll***a*rttttt tr*tlttttrttttt*rt DECL,ARA'TIONS I h.r.by acknocl.dg. Chrt t hrv. r..d thla rlrFllc.gionr fil-hd out ln full ch. infornrtsLon roqulrod, cooPlalcd an .ccurag. plo! plan, and .!Bts tshac rl1 th. lnforBrclgn provldad ra rcquirrd ir corlacg. t .gE.r !o eott'Iy rith th. inforucion rnd PIot p1an. to coolrly rtch .ll foxrt old1n.nca. rnd 6crts. hrr, .nd co bulld chl. .crucEur. .ccof,di,ng go Eh. totn'6 zonlng end .ubdiwl.lon coda6, dclign rcvl,cr rpprovcd, UniforE Building Cod! rnd oth.r oldln|ncc. of Ch. tom lPplicablo th.rcto. RBQUBSTE FOR TIIIIPIEIONS I'HAIJIJ BE UADA TWEIIT''FOUR HOURI'IN ADVANCE Bv TET.EPHONB AT 4?9-213s OR Ar OIrR OTRICE FROU sloo Alt 5!00 Pll .. AI(ICTOR.I OP OIINIR, OR @ltTNAeIOR FOR HIIISELF Al{D OI{NER -!r:r****:l******************Y***:t***!r********ir***!t!r**r********rl**!r T9VIN OF VAUJ, coIroRADO sEatemnr ***********!t!t*******!t**!t*****tt*******************t************** statemnt Number: REc-0551 Arnounu | 75.00 o8/r_g /9g r3z4g Payment Method: CHECK Notat,ion: #15639/Nedbo rnit.: xMW Permit, No: A99-ooog Tlpe: F_ATJARM Ar.ARIt{ PERMTT L,ocatsion: 100 vail Rd 75.00 75.00 This Palment,Total Fees:75.00 Total ALL pmt,s: Balance: .00 ******************!t****************************t**************** Account Code EP 001000031L1400 wc 0010000311_2800 Descript,ion BI.,ECTRICAL PER!{TT FEBS WIIJL CAJJL INSPE TTON FEE Amount 72.00 3 .00 JSP lrc. Town of Vail ATTN: JR FROM: David Largen J& David W. Largcn Construclion Mantger I(XOA TIAIN STAEET P o. BOX 3.1O. IIINTURN' @ 81645 (970) 827-5736 Far (870) 827'f,23't '99 t \p il\ Fax:970-827-5234 Mag 19 o .'ERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING, INC. 11:45 P.01 (1 aft'%,,v" rf As per our convercation this moming here is my lctter requeSting an extension on the permitS fOr lhe Dore jobir too vail Road. Permit #'s sre P98-0160 and M98-0257. We have crperienced sevcral constuction &lays due to owner supplicd matc-rial md his selection of the fxoros ho is providing, TLe project hrs in gereral just been tlow due !o the different arcas we have had to *oit oi ut on. time tJkeep tic pro;cct goiig. Please enter this into your systcm so lhat we may have the extension rccogpizcd tbr inspectlon requcsts. Also, I was in the office thc o0rer day picking up eome permils and noticcd I had one ready for 100 vail noad. Tbo only permit I could thint oiwould bc for the new snowmclt boilpr and related ilems- Someone hear obviously [of the amount but ncvcr told me. Could you plcasc check on thot and hove someono call me witt an amount. Date Receivet tlAY le 1999 :Rl, 0EC-04-98 11:10fll.|RAOER ENGINEERIl'lG I 9?0 845 ?522 'o P.01 Rader Engineering Inc. =n r t= ll= u iEn t=nl= uiEl iEl l=l n=l l t l PO Eox ?At . Avof,t CO 816:!0 . LbplEl E|0{4&7C10 . Fo( gt0.s{S.7f,Zt . G.nd di6r{Ovrt.nct FAX ifii*u"**To:Fron: Drsw Radcr Company: Siblcy Date:ru4l9E For:3zz ?7+Pagcs: Job Name: Dor6 Rcsidence Job #: 9859.00 Commeuls: David, here is preliminary snowmelt equipnncnt for pricrng only. This system will accommodate the entirc driveway. B-l SnowmeltBoiler 1,200,000 Btuh input, CSD.I Teledyue LaarsHH-1200 P-5 Boiler Punrp - TWo (2) rcquired Taoo 0013 P-6Injeotion Pump Taco 0010 P-7 Snorrmclt Puurp Taso 1635,I HP Tekmar 662 Snowmelt Control with mixing Tekmar 090 Slab Seasorwith 091 Sockct please catl if you have any qwstions. Cc: Howard 845-9979 hivrcy Noticc: This mosrage il iutcn&d br thc usc of thc individuel or eotity to which it is addressed rnd may contrin inforortiou tbat is privilcSc4 coofidcntial, or cxeupt from disclosuc undcr applicrblc fcdcral trw. If thc tpadcr of the mmcagc is not tbc intrcodcd rcoipic* or r.hc cmployeo or agent rceponsible for dclivcring tbc mcssege to tbc lntctdcd rccipicnl you arc l4rcby notiftcd &at any dissocriaation, dicciburion, or copying of thit comrnrniortion is sbictly prohibrtod. If you hnvo r6ccivcd thir coramunioation ia c,rror, plerec noriry thc sbovo irrocdistlly by tclephone and retum thc qrigin.l mcssagc to thc abovc addrcss vlo U.S, Mrll. TOTRL P. 01 I I'll.l ll l'll'l'l"lnl'lnl'l figfiIllfi[I*filqirfis -7 6f,lvv F v o L u tu z \5 -:-(f) trt o J U z :t U tu f U a OO ll llv. lululul6l6lnl se z\-ly _[g ft $[F fiF nsH ps flmH 6 gH TEE il 8q l:fr I ;F t$a i HE iri F ;F HHt e tF <91 1 gg e $9$ *ilr$$t;fi ;lg,rilFIi+Fr +eqf fiil sfid= *j Ertfr 3h usel ad 6d;b oH 2is? 6F to\9r Ittl o0-LlL or zJ +*X *P- !;He?93* 1asgetifr =[;5g5sH gfiFHfiIfii =fih.PF;F$H:FFiigF Z66EiQ=z [[F frg H il: n$ HtEes *frfilrt{Fi 8;i$Fr-t sEB*;Is1u is[il[xlefi[F 6 u-I rt - -ro gNolt @T t'l oEE 9@tt!l'lA?t@ nt|l6 anibT rff rfi{il FfFrsi, tr(PrcAL oF 2. zh' TEI',IPSRATI,TRE SENOORO SIJPPI. IED U'ITI.I TEKI'IAR CCi.ITROI.ER, TYP. 4" HOIJSEKEEFII.IG PAD *r.O*u, HYDRor.rc PreE FTATFoLD A\{) nF${G. CON\ECT l€l1l 2" FIYDRONIC PIPE TA REmOA/EE),) 9oILER.4. BAi-AI{CE lO 2tO Ctffl- g4lANCE fO L0 &?n. M?TqP' PROA4PE ICOLATIOhI VAL\€6, f.hlloNl. ?flc. M FEorJtREp FoR FEFER OFERATIOT{ A{D I'fAINTEiIAhICE. DAHCID LII.EC INDICATE @{TA. I!.ITEFFACE. BALA{cE TO 91.4 0ft1. lrt" 24" -'1 I I -J 7t Cl'4Et.'1ATl E-? I'IA.IIFOLD *1-3 ZOf.lE fi)'t* I \* z'a' gr.PuJllcEsEtlsoR # I ir--ll TEKfl4R 9l.lOullELTllG @NrrcL be2. AJRrc@P IUITH \GNT FILL VALVE EXPA}..I9Ic'.I TAT.{< 10 cE olzED aY CCi.{tR CTOR SNCILFIELT E,OILER FIFfNG 2vz" ANICAL LEGEND --D<l- eATl valw --+\\F- A{le( vA\/t :{F-- DALL yAL\G tUO (nta|.Ja{C}(l vA\/! 6Erfi ETr!tv4.6 DTflN VAL\C tr!iln rtrt @NtrcL va\/! |.i|c*nr -Ducttrl vav! gl|lTY llLF VA\G @ rulepur H E "* ur...L c.dF tldltr AtL O.lftOl,g Cl{OtlN Of.l LECE}D Af,I NCTT IG€ESSARILY IJgED -.,.t lF ilFr ur*r{ DOIIATEeaD urATlR I Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Dore Residence ProjectNumber: PRJ00-0064 Project Description: pool room remodel and replacement of 2nd lloor windows on north and east elevations Owner, Address, and Phone: William and Kaye Dore P.O. Box 67, Sulphur, LA 337-sE3-5200 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Shepherd Resources, Inc. (Attn. Etizabeth) P.O. Box 1684, Avon, CO 81620 949-3302 Project Street Address: 100 Vail Road Legal Description: Lot 35, Block 7, n"tr vlr<@ ParcelNumber: 210108218006 Comments: Building Name; Dore Residence Board/Staff Action Action:Staffapproved with I condition Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions:1. Materials and colors to match existing Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 04llO/OO Project Name: Dore Residence DRB Fee Paid: Add S20.00 DRB fee to building permit SENT. BY: GLOBAL INOUSTRIES ; 'rr-l:i :7 t). 1 ,' 0 I q: .ttj^{; 6ent By: Shepherd Resounces; ;/ ,i';,,? .';;ruXllU :":, -'^0.,0';,'r;;: ""' r.n. r,, qr€dfons? call thc Planning statf at 479'2138 GENERAT IilFORHATIQil fr!-ldffiTftiiny mdtrt rEgultrg Oerign Fsvi€rr agg.oral A4y p.arcct rcrlfrlp d*ionradenrnusr rsilii'Oe*gn nadar apbrioril prUr 6 rubnttino fur a buuitg F.tml. Fd specltc ffitrnrdon,: t}te submmal .equi€,ttefi ft" Oe p.,frlrlr.'pporol dtct b Equ€tEd, Tha tpg[clibn oainot Dc acrlFd util al Ule Tguiq f11frmamn C st,bmitil, lc piiat rrry ato neO O bc rEvhnd W tlnTown Courfl and/ortic Phnnim and ervfonnenOf CqnmlsSfl. iinitt inirw Eorrd tpgrourl rrytr crq ycrr rltrr llnel rppcoval lolr r bolHlng pcttrrtt L brd mdrondrncdon:4.7t!d. L(fANOil OF PROF(E{I:uor: 3f arocrc ? -m-nrc PHTSICAL A)ORf5S: rAncE- TY"€o D ( DRlft€sambbctr'|datuEbto'grbnitb|.|?F!*J'.''aFlyleforabuufflgp€'|r.t'p|easeldcntry il,. rcorrete vcuttton c oc p.]L-'rrrc 'ffi oivrir'*l eoii' ur. t" ccuttng ta $c Folcd vshsott' ru^E'u.fllTntrsrP'rtc^Tlo$Il_$fi['AlREeUnll|EflTs AlaD filE E5 rD n'r-r prernrxlifT' ot ooHiluttw oEt'E|3trttfi', zl coufil-iloifro! loAD, vArlr @gqRlDo trcT' B, c. D. E. F. G- MTI'IEOF ounER(s) t|Ar'lE Of APPiJCAI{T: i,[AIUNG ADOFESS: (Cofict Eaglc Co. Asecsorr Otftce at 97O328'1640 tr pttg *) nrore. 9rtrl-a5O3f OF REI/IEW A}ID FEE: ilcw Co|rrhrc3ts|t ' eddHot' l.llnor Altrntlon ' i20O Con*lrctfm dr ne'r''r buitxing'-t5o indudcs alw addih whcre rquarc ffige b added to tov rsOcnUrl oi comnrordal buldim. f fO fn?uaes mi,ra a,rngC o Urlbtrnp-td flllqryv"tEnts' sttdt ;;tsoofitp, eerttr6-wi-'t*' aacmn+ Pn'Pphg' ttncg end rCtainlP waft ac. t De sign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Dore' Residence Project Description: Revised Landscape Plan Owner, Address and Phone: Bill Dore', 100 Vail Road, Vail, CO 81657 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Land Designs by Ellison, Attn: Kathy Aalto, PO Box 1259, Avon, co 81620 Project Street Address: 100 Vail Road Legal Description: Lot 35, Block 7,Yail Village First Parcel Number; Building Name: Comments: This approval is for the addition of landscaping, the addition of (20) light fixtures and the addition of one sculpture as described in the attachments and on the planting and site plans dated 12t27t99. Board / StaffAction Motion by: Action: Staff Approved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: 1) Pursuant to Section l2-11-5(O, Town of Vail Code, no more than 30 (total) exterior light fixtures will be permitted on this lot. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 01/03/00 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50 (paid at DRB for remodel) b:b&Qucstions? d|} Planning Staff at479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL l"o. C. D. E. TAWN OF VAIL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is fbr any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicw approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to subnritting for a building pcrnrit. For spccific infomration, scc thc submittal rcquiremcnts for thc particular approval that is rcquestcd. Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until allthc rcquircd information is subnrittcd. Thc projcct may also nced to bc rcviewcd by thc Torvn Council arrd/or thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission. Design Rcvicrv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr finat approval untess a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. A. u. DES RIPTION OF. THE REQUEST: I-OCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: Jq BLOCK: 1 FILINC: I PHYSTcALADDRESS: loo l;l L*al PARCEL #:(Contact Eaglc Co. Assessors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONINC: MAILINC ADDRESS: c. NAME OF OWNER(S): olvNER(S) STGNA'rURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: Construction of a ncw building. lncludcs any addition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comnrcrcial building. Includcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc improvcmcnts, such as. rcrooling. painting. window additions. landscaping. fcnccs and rctaining walls. ctc. H. Av,r.r"- / " btt 2r pHoNE: 141. l'too TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 E Addition -$50 D ['Iinor Altcration - $20 DRBfccsarctobepaidatthctintcofsubnrittal. Latcr,whcnapplyingforabuildingpennit,pleaseidcntify thc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. ThcTown of Vail witl adjust thc fec according to thc project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THTS APPLICATION, ALL SUBN,iITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE To THE DEPARTMENT oF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75.S0UTH FRONTAGE ROAD. vAtL, coLoRADO 81657. BRTcbLYTEsE -l l- l-- g" --l t" (22 gcm) (2.5cm) Thrrmgl p.ol.cilon r.qulr.d to. inLrlor |nd In3ul.ltd wrlla. Add suttlr "P" to Calllog No. RSCL2AK58i2 8/ack n5c2Al(5lE 8/ack nscl-2Brlat 2whde nSG2SKllE Whlre A3DL2jltr3872 Brcnz1 U€E!93!5X!48p4- 12 Volt Cast Louver / Frcsted Lens (2)l8 watt Max. - --_ (2)114 | Lamps (included) 3Y?" (8 gcm) iSC2ArlFl3E 8/ack BsozlrlFt 3E tyh,re nSC2HK5Fl3E Sronza 12O Volt Cast Louver / Frcsted Lens nSS2Al(SlE A/ack iSs2HK5lE Eronze 1m Von lnternal Louvel 40 Watt Max. T10 Lamp F552AK!Ft3E 8/ack nS32Hf3Fl3E Efonze 120 Vok Internal Louver 13 Wan Max. PLC13 Lamp ,,li:t::ii:;" ru (21.ocm L). (5.7cm H). (8.gcm D) 120 Von Cast Louver / Frcsted Lens 40 Watt Max. T,C Lemp (;na^r{. ) ,,0;1;;;ryit;"" fll (21 ocm L). (5 Tcrh H). (8 gcm D) I rt-n u ll---l nF F- g"--l 1" (22.9cm) (2 scm) NOTEr All units supplied with mounting hardware for concrete pour installation. lf other mounting required, order mounting accessory kit. GATALOOXO. itrt2 LAMP WATTAGE 2OW T3 VOLTAGE 12 MOUNTING HEIGHT 3' E 8 a 912 "0 E'o 6 6 e 9t2 T o ? l7 13 Watt Max. PLcl3 Lamp ( I{rrr<1,) Th.rmal prcl.ctlon ]oqulr.d lor Int do.rnd in3uhtad w.ll3. Add luttlr "P" toCstrtog l{o. ACC FEATURES Raccasod HoorlngF Two-piece daa cast housing and finishing ring with silicone o-ring gasket: lour 7r" NPT conduit inletsl internal wirang box. Rctlactota- High performance aluminum reflector assemblies for optimum symmetricai light output. Facc Plrtaa- Bubble lens in UV-stabihzed Injection molded polycarbonata with internal heat shield; die cast aluminum cut-off louver with sealed frosted glass lens: opal lens in Uv-stabilized iniected moided polycarbonate. RSS, clear polycarbonate with internal directional louvers. Flnl.h- Bronze, black or white (RSC, RSV only) thermoset powder coat. All others bronze or black only, Soclata- Incandescent, porcelain medium base; low voltage, single contact bayonet or bi-pin base; lluorescent, PLC13, GX23 oase. El.ctracal Cornpon.nt+ Optional push-in thermal insulation protector for dry wall construction, removable trom inside fixture. Sockets pre-wired with high temperature #18 wire. ESSO R IES Iou!$lna Kht C.t.log tlo. ApDllc.tlon IArH MasonN [AI(NS New Stud Wall XAKEA Existing Stud Wa PHOTPMETRY catal.ool|o. etcul LAMPWATTAGE (2) 1EW I141 VOLTAGE 1?3112 MOUNTING HEIGHT 3' 60€ Loi€anDrat osrAncE (R )@"n0.(UD,'.,"o. GO MHI,S[T B U L-TYTES BCW4-AL 8/acli Long Shtoud BCWI-HL Brcnze. Long Shtoud BGWa-AS Black. Shott Shroud BCW4-ff S Bronze. Short Shroud 120 Volt Cleat Convex Lens H.l D with wide rcllectol | 75 Watt Max. 817 Lamps Order remote ballast housing, see page 47. T ur" _l (15.9ctn) t BCLI&A A/ack, Lono Shtoud tFt t9lteEs{!!.e.&qs.€!4sg + 8,CL16-G vetde. Long Shroud 12 Volt ala^r Tam^ata/1 | a^. 50 Watt Max. MR16 Lamp 6'/r" {16 5cm)r- --i I t.-'-1--1- av,f*-V -rzsi,.r ||r z' tlPT (1 3cm) t ++ +++ +t ++ aC3.L Btack 3C3.G Verde BC3-H Bronze 120 Volt Cleat Tempeted Lens lO0 Watt Max. R / PAR 30 Lamps aCL3-A Btack BCL3.G Yerde aCL3-11 Bronze 12 Volt Clear Tempered Lens 75 Watt Max. PAR 36 / ARI1t Lamps l- 9'/; | (24 lcm) | -lr I rl ..-'1--.7-( | / 4- \ l/ ( 1o 5crn)I T_-r_/ _rl %" NPT I (1 3cm)ACCESSORIES BCV+HL l {I t OoOo BCLi6.tl EXA PLE: aHLC . Latge, Brcnze, Long Shroud, V Convex Cleat Lens O |DO nLBl xtsr n,.t nLa For BGLI6 C.t.los llo. Dercrtption Fini.h o (j 7 4CALC 'CALC 4CHSC rcasc SIf FOUDS For ?Cl, AC4 lnjection molded composite with molded gaskets. Fu y rctatable. Must be used with "R' lamps. Ord.r Cha?t Fo? Optlon.l Sh?oudr, Sp€clty From Each Colurnn. Sito Fini.h Shiolding lenr lgMtlA!9 A= Btack S= Shorf O= Flat Clear 4C= Larye (Bullyte) H= Brcnze L= Lond C= G= Verde a= Convex lce Blue lce Blue Lens Spread Lens Fot B'C7) BCLI, BC3, BCa Louval - Aluminum celled, cut-off louver snals inside lens on existing shroud. Crt.log l{o. D.3crlption Louvet lor BC1, BCLI Louvet lor BCs. BCL3 +++ BCLI'^3 8/ack, Short Shroud BGLI-HS Brcnze. Shott Shtoud gCLl-Og Vede, Short Shrcud 12 Vok Cleat Tempercd Lens 75 Watt Max. MR16 Lanp 6th" ( 16.2cm)f-- -- I '---l- w; V*--Ll-ttu",n)tt I I v," ttpt (1.3cm) T - - 6 16rz (41 9cm)---1 BCL'-na ||Ll Louvet tot BC4 *t 3 .i ? L:€- o --i cs- *e i:J =\z{ -(iJ C!-a .s: I I / 0 -d,./ )=t/ ot .<e .: FF €99 U9 i =":,3 5€e <9 x J6 ; Fr;E 3F 6 Ego BEAcG.t s,ffi Through proper fixture arrangement and placement' the extraordinarily durable, low-profile Beacons add security and aesthetic quality to a landscape' while safely ushering your visitors throuqh the property Because Beacons leature our retractive lens. lght rs cast downward and away from the eyes, resulting in soft, sate guidance' Choose lhe right material lor your application: powder coaled cast alumtnum nalural cast bronze. or dulable f iberqlass reintorced composrte. t lO1g.N Natu@l Cast Bronze 1O1o-H Btonze lN Volt Glass Befactor Lens 100 Waft Max. Al9 Lamp 1O1O-'/|F Brcnze rol'-N (20.3cm)r-l ,rr'l-@ LLI * 120 Volt Glass Relnctot Lens 100 Wau Max. 419 Lamp 8" (20 3cm)t.- -1 ,r'1.@ rll Lll 120 Vok Glass Flefractor Lens Fluotescent 13 watt Max. PLCI3 LamP COMPOS BEACON | :otz'n sr"'tt- 120 Vott Glass Reftactor Lens 100 Watt Max Al9 LamP 1ol2-jlF Btonze 120 Volt Glass Reftactot Lens Fluorcscent 13 Watt Max. PCL13 LamP ITE S t l010-rl 9" (22 gcm)r- ,.rl-,m rnl T - o tolrrr | = Harsn Environment fixture ,,CATCH'N A u)ilo??ER" BY DE L'ES?RIE o De sign Review Action Form TOWhI OF VAIL Project Name: Dore' Residence Project Description: Removal of 3 Cottonwoods from Landscape Plan Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Mark Donaldson, Victor Mark Donaldson Architects, P.O. Box 5300, Avon, Colorado, 81620 Project Street Address: 100 Vail Road Legal Description: Lot 35, Block 7,Yail Village First Parcel Number: BuildinsNarne: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Action: Approved Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 8/9/99 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: n/a #1 l1 5-99 2:37Pil; 19709493288 -> \:2 'F;efirev, LAND DEsrcir;8-o -.: -.-'-*' (il -F :,"-'- F .:'ac.r -f-.jrlFq) o 'rg f_' Y ,4 ?dre o3'". "{t&--o 'l.n ! 5- $-ti -n' €- t: " l! -'- -il 9704792452i _b.+ ;A JI r' j <: ,$-) rs <s ".s (i t-' B 4 l:'r ol rn? !o o !- -ll !t 2 o o +l or ..t, .J -? -$ F 5 d 3 *' .: F tlf} J"l .5 j. t qsl $\ -l (: E. Y Y- t __l- la Design Review Action Form TOWI\ OFVAIL Project Name: Dore' Residence Project Description: Dormer Addition Owner, Address and Phone: Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Mark Donaldson, Victor Mark Donaldson Architects, P.O. Box 5300, Avon, Colorado, 81620 Project Street Address: 100 Vail Road Legal Desuiption: Lot 35, Block 7, Vail Village First Parcel Number: Comments: BuildingName: Board / Stnff Action Action: Approved Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Approved per plans deted 9/9Dt Town Planner: George Ruther TO Design Review Action Form Architect/Contact. Address and Phone: Project Street Address: 100 Vail Road Legal Description:Lot 35, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing Christopher Green, Victor Mark Donaldson Architects, P.O. Box 5300 Avon. Colorado 81520 Building Name:Parcel Number: 210l-08-218-006 Comments: TOWI\ OFVAIL Project Name: Dore' Residence Project Description: Window addition and dormer addition Owner Address and Phone: William J. I)ore' Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board / Staff Action Action: Approved Approved per plans submitted and deted 7/8/98 Town Planner: GeoIge Ruther Date: 7lEl9t F;\EVERYONE\DRB\AIPRoVAL98\DOR8'.70t DRB Fee Pre-Paid:$20.00 Qucstiorrstfic I'k:.:irrng Stl; i:: i li-l i2S APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENEML INFORMATION fnr?f-6/(( This application is for any projcct rcquiring Design Revicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigt rcvicw nrust rcccivc Dcsign Rcviov approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, scc thc subnittal rcquircnrcrrts for thc particular approval that is requested. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc requircd infbrnration is subnriftcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torm Council and/or thc Planning and Environnrcrrtal Conrnission. Dcsign Revicrv Board approval expircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is strrtcd, A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: TOy/N OF VAIL B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:BLOCK:FILINC: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: IO PARCEL *:'7- | o wt &,zlb @o (Contact Eaglc Co. Assessors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONINC: NAME OF OWNER(S): Ntwm l- wtd MAILINC ADDRESS: 6lOl PHONE: O\VNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: V MAILINC ADDRES AJ. co ryPE OF REVIEW AND FEE E Ncrv Construction - $200 Construction ofa ncrv buitding. Includcs any addition rvhcre squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comrncrcial building. Includcs nrinor changes to buildings and sitc improvcnrcnts, such as. rcroofing, painting, windorv additions. landscaping. fenccs and rctaining lvalls. ctc. Addition - $50 4/?r D. E. F. C. H. tr lvlinor Alteration - $20 DRB fccs arc to be paid at thc timc of subnrittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying for a building pennit, plcasc identiff thc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. Thc Torvn of Vail rvill adjust thc fce according to the projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBI\{IT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUTREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTIVTENT OF COI}IMUNITY DEVELOPIVIENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 8I657. This fornt is to vcrify scrvicc avnilabilify an<l localiott lrtr trcrv conslntction: ld shotrld hc rrscd in cortitrnction rvitlrprcpar.ingyorrr'utililyplanandsch;dulinginstallations.'l-hclocationaxlavaitabili(yofrrtilitics.rvlrcthcr tlrcy irc nririn inrnk lincs or proposcd lincs. nrust bc approvcd and vcrificd by lhc follorving trtilitic.s for thc acc<xrtpatryitrg sitc plan. Authorizcd Signaturc Datc U.S. Wcst Cotrrrrruni<::ttions | -800-922-l9lt7 4(rtl-(r860 or 949-4530 I'ublic Scrvicc Cottlparry 949-s?li I (iary l{all lloly (i.oss l:lcclr ic Asstx;. 1)49-5892 'fcd I lrrsky/.lolrtr lhyd 'l'.(i. I 9.19- 5 5l() l;lo.ytl Sitlaz.:tr li:rp,lc l{ivcl Watcl .{r. Sanit:rtiorr l)isllit:t' 416-74110 l?rcd l llslcc F{cle: Uilr.4r.1 wu.1-6 dtVE f'aa='l C,frbt? i ",r^- q9 r-wla2 \L''t^rzt"€\e B"( fr4rrA,{ v-/L.r /1e-' @- h h'.^rtjro^t w(*F -lowFl of Yrlnr' ialnfr.rr** iw'Aaa^erar a/z*/to thl r*fae^,rnru.i |l,tw r'lor &' vea-tP A7z-art'r'u ttntu a + Plclsc bring a sirc plan. lloor plan.:urrl clcvations rvhcn ohtaining Uppcr liaglc Vallcy Walcr & Sanitalion sigrlturcs. Firc florv rtccds nurst bc addrcsscd. NO't'ES: lf thc utility vcrificittim forrtr has signaturcs fronr c:rclr ofthc utility contpitnics, atrd lro conlntctrls arc rnadc dirc-r.tly ort tltc lirrrrt. thc'l'own will prcsuurc tltat thcrc atc no prohlcnts antl lhc dcvclogrnrcrrt cirn proccc<1. lf a utilify oonrpany fias conccnrs rvith tlrc proposcd constnrction. tlrc trlility rcprcscnlltivc shall notc rtircctly orr thc utility vcfificatiorr tirnu lhnt thcrc is a problcrrr rvlrich ttccds ltt bc rcsolvcd. 'l'hc issrrc shoulrt llrcn trc rlctailtxl irr lrr attaclrcd lcltcrto lhc Torvn of Vail. l lorvcvcr, plctsc kccp in rrrind that it is thc rasporrsibility of ilrc utility conrpany arrtl thc irpplicarrt lo rcsolvc idcntilicd problcnrs. 'l'lrcsc vcrillcati11rrs {o no( rclicvc thc (:onlr:rclor ol-thc rcsponsillility lo obtairl a l)trblic W y l)t:rrrrit lrorn llrc l)cparlrncnt ol-l'rrhlit: Works ut lhc'l'orvn ol'Vail.,!ltili!y La0?-l-!lAllSJ-lU$Lb-a ttlttdur.tl l-tsL)La-digclr]g irr :tny prrblrt: r illrl-ollu':ry or c:lscrllcllt rvithin llrc'lirrvn of V:ril A !rirrl-clitu p-o!U!!it.llltll!'ulr!!,{i-!Y:ry t)!:!!,rtililrr(Luus!-l$dliliu-sd--Lcp.!r,[el:' t. 2. I'n!: 4llllt=leA.LlQN (;QIU' lll-l-t1lle-t: Updatctl (r/97 "2 o r..t IJ I -+. .N 7 o t- 7 .,[L tr JL X I\ rl ,n }J l gNS \si #J:l -\J\eis - lcr - l-i'-rcs -Jlr -cn-x ;G' .? -)-(. il -) -7 .') T.:' + r-rr J x, ,Lrj '7 t J \ .\J { .',(:| : _.J ,L t Date Received CREEK BLVD SurrE 20l Box 5100 AvoN, C0 81620 JUN 201998 June 23. 1998 Departrncnt of Community Dcvelopment Torvn of Vail Vail, Co lorado 8 I 65 7 Rc: DRB Submittal 100 Vail Road. Vail Colorado Lot 35. Block 7 Vail Village First F iling l'he anached packagc of materials are subntitted in application fbr t)RB approval lbr rninor e\terior rernodelin-l to thc existing residence rcfcrenced above. Please note thc lbllowing: Scctlnl F loor Bedror.tu; This area is being added in confbrmance u'ith Tow n of Vail zoning ordinancc ll- l 5-,1 C. No addition to the structure is being rnade. The alteration bcing requested rvith this submittal is the substitution ofa double glass fti'ench] door in placc ol'the prel iously approved egress u indo* at this area. l-ilih FloLtr Kirt ltett (iuble Dorntcr .l.s.sentb!.t; 'l-his stluctule is being addcd to bring light irrto thc existing kitchen. 'l'hc size of the dornrer is irr accordance Torvn ol Vail zoning ordinance ll- 15-.1 Cl. The kitchcn rvill rerlain as a kitchcn. Site plans. building ele\alions and plans uere subntitted in accordance rvith the Torirr of Vail checklist fbr DRB subrrrittals. and those docurrents'uvere approvcd by the Tor.vn ol Varl on .lune 2, 1998. l'his is a nrinor design changc to the building and I rvould request this packagc be added to the prcvior.rs as an amendment to that package. Thank you tbr lour tilllc and atlention to this mattcr. Ifyou have an) qucstions. please do not hcsitate to call nre at thc phollc number ncrtcd ou this letterhead. 0048 E Be rvrn 970.9q9.5200 vmd(@voi .net F4x.949.5205 AIA Thrcc l3l Sets Elevations 'I hree [3] Sets colol copies ofphotograph One complctcd DRB application fbrnr rvith of ex isting building depos it Iirrc losures: I Project Marrager | ()61101.9812.doc o D Chris Green. Victor Mark Donaldson Architects. P.O. Box 5300, Avon, Colorado, 81620 949-5200 Parcel Number: 2101-082-18-006 Comments: 100 Vail Road Lot 35, Block 7, Vail Village First Buildins Name: esign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Dore' Residential Addition Project Description: Minor exterior changes and an interior conversion Owner- Address and Phone:William J. Dore' Architect/Contact. Address and Phone: Project Street Address: Legal Description: Board / Staff Action Action: Approved Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions:Approved per plans dated 6-02-98 Town Planner: George Ruther Date: 6l02l9E F:\EVERYONE\DRBWPRoVALU8\I DRBAPPR.FRM DRB Fee Pre-Paid:$50.00 DatGeceivgd MAY 26 1998 May 27,1998 Department of Community Development Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 0 048 E BEAVER CREEK BLvD SurrE 207 Box 5300 AvoN. C0 81620 970.9rt9.5200 vmd@voil.net Fnx.949.5205 DRB Submittal 100 Vail Road, Vail Colorado Lot 35, Block 7 Vail Village First Filing The attached package of materials are submitted in application for DRB approval for minor exterior remodelling to the existing residence referenced above. Please note the following: Second Floor Bedroom: This area is being added in conformance with Town of Vail zoning ordinance 12-15-4 C. No addition to the structure is being made. Alterations to the exterior elevation are for the purposes of installing egress windows to the new bedroom. Fourth Floor - Master Bathroom: The alteration for which approval is being requested is the removal ofthe existing window and installation ofa larger clear glazrng assembly at the end of the tub suite. h.ifth Floor - Gable Dormer Assembly: This structure is being added to bring light into the existing storage room adjacent to the dining room. The size ol'the dormer is in accordance Town of Vail zoning ordinance l2-15-4 C. The storage room use will bc changed to a child's play area. The plans included with this submittal were provided to this office by the current owner and are as close to 'as-buitt' documents as we were able to acquire. The site grading plan provided isliom the documents provided this office from the owner's drawings. A survey stamped ilom a licensed surveyor was not availablc to this office. Site plans, building elevations and plans are submitted in accordance with the checklist provided this office at the pre-application conference held with the Town of Vail Planning Department on May 15, 1998. I believe this package is a complete submittal package in accordancc with Town of Vail requirements. Please confirm the inclusion of this proposed project on the June 17, 1998 Design Review Board hearing agenda. lfyou have any questions. please do not hesitate to call me at the phone number noted on this letterhead. Enclosures:Three [3] Sets Sitc PIan / Floor Plans / Elevations Three [3] Sets - color copies ofphotographs ofexisting building Preliminary Title Report with Schedules A & B Re: T t.05260 t.98l2.doc MAY-22-98 1s r,r\r !l ,/i,l \ lliv, 55 FROM - DORE CONF I DENTI AL rV rl Ylrlll hi\UrltrC!lJ ILL: FAGE 2/2 t, (jf2 lx , Qzo - qv ?- szo l'l QLtcstion.s? Calt thc Planning Srrrfftt 479-2128 APPI-ICATION TOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL OT TI IE RgQUE.'T: LocnTloN or pROposAL t.or: €5 u-ocx,-4f Fn-rNC;{atL y'rrtfu& F, a-s/ PI{YSICAL ^DDRI]SS: PARCELil:gm t OA,Al&fy>[/, (Conrucr r.ag,lc Co. Assc.ssoni OJIicc rt 9?0,'.318-8(140 foryarecl t/) TAWN OFVI'IL l). li. zoNrNc: NAME, Or; OWNER(S): M A I l.lN(i ADI)rt l:.SS: PHONGJ owNEIi(s) srGNA'r!tttr(S): Ci NAME OF API'LIC^N].:' . MAILTNG AI)DRESS: l.l.PE OF REVIEW AND I'EI!: Nqw Conrlnrclion - $2U0 Adttition -$50 Construction of :r ncrv builrling " ... ' i .Inclrrdqr my arlclition rvhcrc srlu:rrc foor.rgc ii adthd to any rqsitlertial or somnrcrrial buil<ting. D Misor Altcrl(ion - $20 lnglrrdc.s minor changgs lo building.r anrl sih irlprowmcnt\ $rch as. , rcrooling. pirirrling. rvirrdo'rv :rdditions. lan(qaping fcncrs nrrd rcLrirting .'.alls. ctc. DRBfccsarctobcDaidittthc(inregftublnittil. Ixtcrwhorapplyingforebuilding;rrmit,plcascidortit'y lhc acanratc valuirtinrl of t,rc prqjc'ct. Tlrc I'otvn of Vail will adjnsr t[c fcc CCCOrding to lhg frfgjcct valuatiOn. ItLli^sn suBMIT Ttlls Al'PI-tcATroN, AI,L strBhf tTT L REQUTREMENTS AND TrfE Ft:F)'rO THti DET' NTM EN'I' OII COMIU UN ITY DEVELOPMENT, 7.S SO UTH FRONTAGE RON D. TY o x vAtL, CoLORADO 8165?' luec-e(r-a L{ 88 u " rcY e6 '98 1A:11811 P,3 O scHEDuLEA LEGAL DESCRIPTION Order Number : 9 s0 I 57 4 9-c3 glock 7, VAIL VZLI,AG5 'TJRS? TTTT}/C COUNTY OF EAALE, STATE OF CAI,ORADO , NRY 26 ',98 TAttOAn ' ALTA OWdEn'S P0UCV P.2 SCIIEDALE A Ordcr Nwmber; esot5749-c3 Dateof Poliq: Ilarch 20, 1998 at 3.'55 P.tr. Amount ofhwurancc: S t,ooa,ooo.oo I. Nwnc of twtucd: llfi'I'INJ{ .I . DOAE ' 2. The csnte or in ere$ in the latd which ic covered by thlt policy ts: FEE SII'PI'E 3, Tttle to the e$atc or lnlercst ln thc land is vvsted in: WILITINT J, DoRE' 4. The land relerred to it, thii policl ts dcrcrlbtd at.follows: SEE AITAC'TED LES,J DESCRI2?ION Policy No, : o-9?0 t -s3 662 I1AY 26 ' 98 12 : 1 1RN . ALTA OWNEN,j' POLICY SCHEDALE B Order Number.' 9 Bo 1 5 7 4 9-c3 Pollcy No,,' o- 9 7 o t - s 3 6 6 2 This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company wlll nctt pay clsts' attorneys',fees or expen:jes) which arisc lty reawn of; 1. Rightt or claims of parties in possession, not sh.own by the public records, 2. Eavments, or clqims of easements, not shown by the public recordt. 3. Discrcpancies,conflictsin houndaryl,inu, shortagclnarea, encroach,,nenls, andany.factt whichacorrect suNey and inspeIion of the premises would ditclose and which ore not i'hown by tha puhlic rscordt, 4. Any licn, or rigl7l to a licn, .for serviccs ; labor or matqial herese|o,"t or hr:reafiu .furnilhed, imposed by latu and not shown by the public records. 5. Unpatenled mining claims; rcservations orexcepliow inpatcntt, ot anect authorizing the issuancetherrtof; water rights, claims or title t0 water, 6, taxeB eor the year 1998, not yet a .lr€n dua and piy{tDl(}. 7, The effecx af ihclusiona as to the toJ,Jowina Distri.:te: Eagle County Rt5 0J Sc,lool Tovn of vail Il inxurn Cemetery Disttiot YalJ Park 6 Resreatjon Disxrr-ct EaqIe Rlver Water dnd s{ritrtio, CoLorado Rlver tta eer Conpany VaiJ. ,later Di1trlcE Vail Watet & Saritdtion Pisttict vaiL vaTl,ey ConEoJidated Di8tr ict uppet Eagl,e YaIIey ConEol,tdated Dtstrjct Eagfe County Haal th Servrces 8. Regeryaelons or exceptjons contained in 0.S, Patcnts I ot in Actg authatzzr.ng tls jssuance theteof, recorded April 12, 1899 in Bctok 18 dt Page 47Sl geperving 1) RightE ot the proprtetor of r uejn or Lodt to exttdcL tnd tefiove lrle ore therefrom and 2 ) righta of way tot ditchel and canaLe conatructed under !re authority of ahe United Stat€s, 9, Tetng, condltlong, teaervationat ieatrictions and. ol).li(Iation.s aE cotttained in the Proxective CovenantB for VaiJ ViJJage FjrEt !iJmg,, reecrded Auguzt 10, 1962 ln Boak 174 at Page 179 aa Rcoeptron No. 96381 and Notice I recorded ApriJ 10, J901 ln Eook 321 et Page 423 as leoepteoa No., 2J779J, lA, Easenenta, restrictionE and rtghtE-of-Nayg as ehown on tha pTat of vail Vlllage, firsL fjlrng, reeorded AuguBt J0, J962 in llook 174 at eage 180 ae ConLinued o/l /1Rxt page t4f,Y 25 ',98 iA: 11QN P.5 Contjnratjon of 9chedule E - ALTA Ovrrette Polley PoJ lcy l',uraDer.' O-97 0 1- 5 3662 Racaptlon No. 963E2. ll, EaFenent dnd Right ot \lay gtanaed to connuntty televl'lan Inveatnentt Znc. by John a, llcdregory and Eatbata Hodglon, tn instrunenl: recorded Decenber !.2, 1968 aa Reception No, 109772' 12. Easenant grantad to Pu.D.llc Servlde Co. ot Colorado by Elizabeth ll . webgxet, ia inatrtnent recotded Octobet 22, 1959 in Book 215 at Page 240 aE Redeption No, 111752 , 13, ferna, gonditlonc, reservat-tona, teet,,ictiona and obl!gatlong as cor!ajaed ln tls D3olaratton af Coveaantg, recorded octobet 6, 1t178 ir) Book 275 at pace 317 ae Xeceptio,, No. 172727. J4, The tollowing as discJosed by the Inptovenent Location Certrficate by Eagle VaJJey Surveyingt Inc, ' dqted tlaroh lEt l99E: enctoaehnen|B onto Veji Road R.o,w. of te.o pavet dtieevays, tock waJf9, eIect. t,rans, aeJephone ped,, naiTboxt light, la4dsr:ape light, light podt, light-poec, uxility PedeEtal. and ourb, '1 1t r. I '1 r ; t' t i F }- .rU l- t-)tt 7 L JA s rA F::-t1 'J l'# i -J-IA\,.r u ' :l \91 ,l I "l I I 5; \ I + R<-l ql Y-l 6r I \r ss <l .l .jl ;l $i Bl I l r.i \t\!l sJl \U | -l r'J Ji {'. I .'$l el Ll \$\ J :oq 7. h: d h $ $z F .\,I\ *l I (r- | ,l sl $l ,nl ol t RI H$rYl l) sl s FI : $l n I sl NI =-z, a 7t u1 tso - t3:l ", ti:.. lLn=ot - lo >o, - IsaA).- lo,:x Tff- DAVIO F EYTCHESON. MANAGER P O EOX 2329 GFaNO JVNCTION. COLORAOO S1502 TELEPHONE: CD:II 24:I'5597 ROUTT COUNTY NATIONAL BANK ALOG P. O. AOX 2621 sTEAMaoaT SPRINGS. COLORAOO ao/477 TELEPHONET (3031 t79'4157 Anthony Williarns,willians, Turner E P. O. Box 338 Grand Junction, CO RE: Our Insured: Your Client: D/L: Our File: Dear Mr. williams: CB.A\MFO ,/,1'tt,trr I r r t r et, r/diu,l&, t,t OAVID F. EYTCHESON. MANAGER . P O BOX 2329 GRANO JUNCTt0N. COLOiAOO artO2 TELEPHON E. t:rc31 2rt3,5597 #nl"gt*. P. O. AOX 27ri' OURANGO. COLORAOO AITI TELEPHONE: t3O:I Z3eOt{O P O. 60X tA GLEia,tEOO SPR|}ieE CO(ORADO At@:r TELEPT€IIE: (Bl ga!t-gt$ November 4, L982 o \ HoImes 81502 COPY Holy Cross Electric Assoc., Inc. George Webster January of 1982 312-10 50 3 This serves to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated septeurber 2g, 1982. Your letter made reference to a report prepared by professor Jackson Furler of the university of colorado. we did obtain a copy of that report and have met with our insured and discussed Professor Fullerrs findings. It does appear to us that professor lerrs re rt confi positi.on that Holy Cross Electric Professor Fuller did confirm that s are appropriate for this voltage system, and that there is no known practical automatic method to detect single phasing. professor Furrer goes on to state that all utility systems supprying prirnary three phase service will occasionally have probrems in roosing-one of lhe primiry three phase linesr EDd that electricar circuits Euch as those 6n somputers, securl-ty, and telephone systems are most susceptible to daalge and should be protected. professor Furler concludls that any utility system will inevitably experience singre phase problems, .ni that susceptible eguipment should be protected to-erfurinate daurage. Page 2 File No: 312-10603 Novernber 4, L982 We have further been provided by our insured with a letter written by Mr. Webster to Mr. I{onte Abeyta of Abeyta Engineering Consultants, who installed ivlr. Webster's electrlcal system. l4r. Webster's letter indicates that Abeyta Consultants did no! carry out the actions which r"r. protised, and that l.[r. Webster was nisled into believing that t.qo"ited handling of certain problems had been performed' It is still our opinion that eguipment was installed in Mr. llebster's home which would be susceptible to damage from anticipated Power failures of the type which ocgurred, and rdere not eguipped with any protection agaj.nst this situatj-on. We have attempted to reach you by telephone to discuss our position' We ask that you contact us in this regard. Very truly yours, Crawford & ComPanY l7','ii t't'(1,,/1"t. ""t ' 't /'t' I'taryanne Kulsick, Adjuster Glenwood SPrings, CO l.tr/p jk :'/: ilg "' oo ez or,o/,L5 //,* p aT ltf / C a n le cf teore < 7'/al e1- 2891 Ellison place Boulder, Colorado 80302 /'ry /zoss To Or+r< lrra* /F Tlr'!s /=o/'N e / '/5 yl': to/ m +l /fl4 iatreat*tte Paqo'^ ( S Ao" tl Be f,ta itil k lf T0'0.Foa leo/oo/1. f,"?',') 7' Re.t. r,atj lo Pe-//"-g JFF: sb Encl. Augusr 23, J-9g2 il07- fl4-, 't r. Sincerely yours, Prof. Jackson F. Ful I er Professional Enginer r Colorado License /lll-t J 3 trlnps 'l /o5s 5/" 6Ab I1r. Dcn Purdy Asst. General l.Ianage r/Operat i ons Holy C:-oss Electric Assoc., Inc.P.0. Drawer 250 Glenwood Sorings, CO 8160I Dear ]tr. Purdy: - -l'ttached is my report of the investigation of the problens assoclated lrith the single-phasing probleur on rhe Vail 24.9 kV feeier serving the resi<ience of I1r. George I{ebster. The report is lengthier than r would like but it seened that rnany points needed to be coJered. The use of r'rye-wye transformers which are nandated at 24.9 kV POSeS :otor protection problems on the secondary side that are someiihat differert frorn Ehose found on wye-derta banks. r n:ce no atrernpt to give a Eechnical explanation of the phasor solution L,ut on11, listed che type o: molor prot.ection needed. j)iease let me know if further i.nforrqaticn is <iesired. rl:ank yc.r for the-opportunity to investigate such an interesting problen and one that r,,'i11 provide several examples for classroon use. InvestLgation of ?rLmary Feeder ProbLems On Holy Cross Electrlc Assn. Systen and A€ Residence of lfr. George lilebster, 100 Vail Road, Vall, CoLorado Investigation nade by Professor J. F. Fu1ler on August L9, 1982, at Vail Index I) II) III) rv) v) w) vrr) VIII) Page 1 Statement of Problem Reported Outages and Associated Equlpnent Failures 1 2 5 6 9 Conclus ions Recommendations Results of Observations from InvestLgation Recotrstruction of Events Leading to Loss of One Phase Sketch of leeder Servlng Webster Residence Attendance at Morning lleeting at Webster Residence on August 20, L982 10 Report prepared bY Prof . Jackson F. Fullet..4-i= Professional Engineer Colorado License #1113 I. Problen There have been several r'raj or outages of electric service furnished by the Holy Cross Electric Association at the i,Jebster residence. 0n the restoration of service, some equipments !,/ere found to be darnaged while others .^'ouId not operate properly. Two questions arise. First, what has caused the problens on the Holy Cross system? Second, \rere these problems a cause of the equipmenc failures at the Webster resiCence? II. ReporEed Outages and Assocj-ated Equiprnent Failures A. August 30, 1981 -- A11 of Vail out for 6 hours, 10 minutes due to 115 kV line problerns on Colorado Ute systen. 1. No reported failure at WebsEer residence. B. October 22, 198L -- Holy Cross 1og sheet shor'7s 10 ninute outage for transformer maintenance on feeder to ilebster residence. Data insuf- ficient to determine if single or three-phase switching. 1. No reported failure ac l{ebster residence. C. Noveniber i9B1 -- Thanskgiving? *- Mr. Webster recalled outage with restoratio:r about 1 p.m. Log sheets and diaries of HoIy Cross report only loss of 1 jurnper at Vail shops on north side of highway that \^ras on a differenc feeder f rorn the one serving the 'l.lebster residence. 1. Failures reported at I.lebster residence included: a. One 3 phase, 2 IIP motor burned out. Fuses b1ew. b. Si:< incandescent lighrs (60-100 r'ratts) in back of boj.lers in boiler room blown. No breaker tripped. c. One 110 volt timer clock motor failed. d. Telephone and security systen electronics failed. D. January 1932 -- High voltage cable failures on feeder serving Llebster residence. Service originally restored on two of three phases. After a cc:rsiderable delay involving field work and additional circuit suitching, three phase service was restored. 1. Failures reported at l.lebster residence included: a. Loss of motor starter and coil supplying 220 volt, single - phase sr"inning pool motor. Motor L'as noc damaged. b. Elevator indicafing lights were dirn and 40 HP elevator motor was attenpting to start and run s1ow1y. )Ir. Webster r*'as at. the residence and switched the elevator circuit off. No dz:-.age \rras apparen! to the elevator equipment. c. Telephone system elecEronlcs I'ere 1ost. Security system lasted 6 hours before battery discharged' E. July 1982 -- Planned feeder (,1tage from 2 a.m. to 3 p.m. I. Failures reportetl at Webs;Ler residence: a- Security system had d:rrnaged electronics and did not restore. b. Telephone syr;tem did not transfer to standby but did restore.This problem nas the responsibility of the phone company. III. Conclusions A. Quality of erectric service by Holy cross Electric Association. 1' 'fhe 24.9/r4.4 kV, 4 wire, 3 phase primary service supplied eirher overhead or underground i.n concrete ducts or metallic conduit follows standard industry practice. The three phase lransf,rmers,connected wye-wye with both the high and 1ow voltage neutrals grounded are appropriate for this voltage system. The loop feed systero operaced radially with 3 po1e, load break switches at each 3 phase pad mounE transformer is the accepted standard.The loop is normally open, which is also standard practice. Such a system when equipped wirh 3 pole sreitching devices and \^rith no fuses in the primary feeders should have a very low incidence of loss of one phase upon restorati-on of service of the high voltage circuit. There is no knor'rn ;racti.cal autonatic ,uihod to detect this single phase condition and alert the system dispatcher to chis trouble. A loss of the internal fuse of any one transforner would also cause the loss of one phase on that secondary but this, again, is extremely rare since the fuse is nornally lost only for an internal transformer failure. Normal practice for a three phase underground source supply would be Eo use a three pore switching device such as a circuit breaker or recloser. In case of a cable fault or failure, the device would trip and lock open, A crew would t.hen patrol the circuit to see if the problem was obvious such as a dig-in. If not, a standard sectionalizing procedure would be followed to locare and isolate the fault. Holy cross allows one automatic reclose operat ion bef ore lockouc . I,,trile lhis procedure is sornewhat unusual for an underground circuit, it should have no different effect on normal sectionalizing procedures. The tine settings used by HoIy Cross are fast enough to protec[ che cable from thermal dar,rage due !o high fauIE currents during Ehis extra reclose operation. This feeder apparently has two single phase transfornrers with siritches connected in series with the three phase feeclers. under normal switching of these units, the three phase feeder would inadvertently lose one phase. There is no indi-cation in the J-og book that this had occurred- The normal open point for this feeder r^ras at a transformer adjacent to a riser pole fed froo an overhead. 24.9 kV feeder. The cable at the riser pole is connected through three single phase, fused cut-outs. This is not a scandard practice and r,,hen 2. 1 4. I. -)- used as the back-up source, greatly increased the chance for the loss of a phase during operation or switching. A fault in a cable might not be detected for some time. Protection of equipment connected on the 208 .qyelI2O volt secondary of a wye-wye transforner r,rith both neutrals grounded and fed fron a A-wire, three-phase source. 1. A11 utility systems supplying prirnary three Phase service will occasionally have problems in losing one of the primary three phase 1ines. This condition is referred to as "s ingle-phas ing. " Different transformer connections such as delta-r"ye, wye-delta or delta-delca will all have different effects on equipnents connected to the secondary and may require different protective rneasures for these equipments. a, A11 types of transformer connection schemes will generate voltage surges or spikes when energized or de-energized. Surges are also generated when devices such as motors are switched on or off. Electronic circuits such as those on computers or those on the security and telephone systems are most susceptible to damage from Ehese surges and should be protected wich surge suppressors at all times. b. If a three phase motor is already running rohen a single phase fault occurs on the prirnary system' the motor will usually continue to run and not stall out. It also acts as a three phase generator and may atEemPt to supply other 1oad. It can on1y be protecred with sone type of a current balance or negative sequence current re1ay. Most voltage balance relays will not protect in this case' If the motor is rrrnnins- this unbalanced condition can cause the motor to overheat badly and fai1. c. If the three phase motor is not running at the time the single phase problem occurs on the prirnary system but is subsequently ca1led on to start, one or more of several occurrences may happen. If the motor starter closes, the motor can have badly unbalanced voltages applied that will attempt to start the motor. The motor nay or may not coEe up to a partial speed or close to full speed, depending on Ehe type of connected 1oad. Usually, the motor will vibrate and have a very large magnetic noise. The motor overload relay may or may not protect the r0oEor by tripping it off- A three phase voltage balance relay would prevent the motor starter closing in this case. I{ith the single phasing of any one primary line and without the voltage balance protection, there are two chances out of three that the starter coil will only have half voltage applied to it. In most cases, this is not sufficient voltage to close the starte!. The coil current thus remains very high because of the air gap when lhe starter does not c1ose. -A- This will usually burn out the coil and cause it to fall to ground. The starler will continue to be darnaged until the supply circuiE tr.lps or fhe fault burns c1ear. If the force on tlrc starter is just sufficient to cause the main starter contacts to just "kiss" but not pul1 all the ' r^/ay in, both of tlre above problens may occur- In addition, the cont.acts thems;elves nay arc and cause further burning in the start.er enclosure. d. Single phase moEors rated 120 volts and connected line to neutral will not nornally have any problem since they will not attempt to start when connected to rhe leg that was single phased. Those connected to the other two legs will operate correcE 1y. e. Slngle phase motors rated 208 or 220 volts and connected line to line have the same two out of three chances of getting into trouble as outlined in items (b) and (c) above. However,- if the motor is already running and is loaded it may trip out the overload heaters and open the starter. If, however, the starter drops open <iue to 1or"z voltage, the coil will burn out and damage the starter. This starter would be protected by an undervoltage relay that would prevent the starter f rorn closj-ng or would open it if line voltage was 1ol: or not pt:esent. f. Depending on the secondary load configuration at a particular instant, the switching of a motor load under these special circumstances may cause surges sufficienE to fail incandescent larnps or other devices connected in a specific parc of the circuit. It is not nornally economic to put surge suppressors on devices olher than those with solid state electronic circuits. IV. Recornnendat ions A. Pri-nary 24 .9 kV sys Eem. I. Change riser pole supply from fuses to solid blades or replace single pole devices with gang operated switch or 3 pole recloser or breaker to reduce probability of single phase operation. 2. Remove single phase transformer from series connection j,n three phase mains !o sorie type of single phase lareral t'o reduce probability of inadverten! single phase operation. 3. GeE feeder naps for loop feeds up Eo date to mininize s'"ritching time Eo return service after a cable failure. 4. Revies recloser relay settings and number of operations before lock-out on underground feeder circuit.s. Consider coordination ' r^'ith high side padmoun! transformer fuses. 5. Review fo11ow-up procedure for replacing d;rmaged cable or equi-pmenr and returning to service ro protect system reliability. a Ncbster Residence I. 11] :l::.::nic,devlces strould have three wire cords ro provide ror case grounds. A11 electrontc devices should have surge suppressor proEection. Single phase 208/220 volt motors should have undervoltage protection. A11 three phase motors should have current balance or negative sequence protection as well as voltage balance protectioi. A11 motors with direc t-connec t ed pur'ps carrying hot vrater should !u,::It"y.O for-Eemperarure rise i"tingr. a AO"C .i".-,"oro, o.r.,a qu u rrse aTnblent carrying water in the pump whi.ch is well in excess of 40oC (104.F) will undoubtedly have L"rfy ir.,"rrfurion failure of the motor windings. 6' The addition of a secondary lightning arrester at the service entrance panel might reduce some_of the surges on the secondary system and increase equipment 1ife. Results of observations from investigation. A. Holy Cross distribution feeder. 1' Padmount transformer installations of wye-wye are correct for this voltage. 2' A11 instalrations inspected (5) including l{ebster residence unic had 1eve1 pads and adequate clearance foi cooling. 3. Ground rods are in the bottorn of the vaults so could only be inspected by flashlight. All appeared ro be sa[isfaccory. 4. A11 workmanship on cable elbows and grounding appeared fo be very good and followed standard practices_ 5. South Lodge transformer cable circuiE towards riser pole was incorrectly labeled and new cable which replaced damaged cable has not yet been made up and connected. 2. 7 6.Sorne pentahead bolts missing on padmount door which only affects maintenance procedures. Record-keeping of field switching has only recently been changed to a110w beEter reconstruccion of response to systen <iisturbances.Reconstruction of seque:rces of January 1982 faiiure prinariiy based on presen! recollection of those lnvofved. Relay settings on I'IcGraw-Edison Type trvE feeder recloser verified at L, 2 for ground trip and A, E on phase Erip. Both set for one fast operation and one delayed operation. Two operations to lock-out. Calculations of total clearing tirne using nameplate data, cable sizes and relay curves furnished by llcGraw_Edi-son confinn thaE recloser operation is sufficiently fast to protect hlgh voltage cables from thermal da;aee. o Nebster Residence 1. The service entrance panel-' all service panels and- equipment installatio"" "nit"i"[-;;-;t of excellenl workmanship' A11 panel breakers were laLeled' Phase labelings at each panel were not necessarilv "t";l;;;;; with the phase labeling at the main service Panel - 2.Damagetoelectroniccomponents-withoutsurgeProtectionisnot unexpected. t";;;-;";;;ut'ot" have since been added !o the telephone and securicy syslem connections' --t,r- 3. The Vista power supply has only a 2 prong plug' was evident. 4. The Vista power supply is on top of another device' blocking the free flow of room air' 5. No case ground is rather high and one pool Purnp motor pump seemed very hot 'The boiler room ambient with a direct connected 8. The loss of i.s not too prob 1en. 1. An elbow on 1) failed to exPlosion - 2. The recloser ( c ircle reclosed once, oPened 6. The failures of the pool pump starter and clock motor and the noisy operation of Ehe elevator motor and the din lights are consistent with loss of one prlnary cable and the type of protec- tion on each of Ehe motor starters' The addition of current and vollage balance ;;;t;;;r;" to all .3 phase motors and undervoltage protection t" th:-;;;;it-pr't""' 240 volt Trotors should alleviate this Prob lem. 7, The failure of the pool alr exchanger notor \'/ouId also be consisteirt with the single Phasing Problen' incandescent lights on the circuit behind the boiler """*p""ana with ihe surges during tire single phasing 9. The loss of the swimming Pool related to the single Phasing svstem conditions ' vr. Reconstluction of events leading to the loss of one phase of the high voltage cable in JanuarY 1982' A. It is impossible to be certain of the exact sequence of happenings but based on the oral reports of those involved in sectionalizing the faulted equipment and restoring servi'ce'- the fo1lowi"g-::::":i" seenstouest.fittheconditions.Noneofthefailedequipmentrs stlll available for insPectlon' ' the high voltage cable at North Lodge (circle 1' Fig' -gtout i wich whac should have been a rather loud . 2) at Crossroads swiEching point opened' azain and locked oPen' pump motor does not seem to be oroil"* as it occurred under normal One of the cables betweer' Kiandra switchgear and the Kiandra transformer failed (circle 3), probably due ro the surge from the failed elbow and at a weak spot in the cable. As irequently happens with a fautt of this type, the rnain cable burns ooen due to the arc. I'Ihen the crew arrived on the scene, they opened one of the loop feed sr,ritches to the east of the l{ebster residence in an atEempt to isolate the fau1t. There r.ras some indication that the noise at the North Lodge transforner had been reported so they knew approxinately where to open Ehe loop (circle 4). They then reclosed the recloser (circle 1) and it stayed closed.The crew then assumed that they had restored three phase service up to the sectionalized circle 4, not knowing that one phase had burned open at circle 3- This particur-ar cable is a hilh molecular weight (HIlw) polyerhylene rhat after de-energizarion wiil somewhat self-hea1, rvhich can nake fault <jetection difficult. The crew then went to South Lodge, opened the svritch toward North Lodge (circle 5) and closed the switch towards the riser pole (clrcle 6) in order Eo re-energize the South Lodge trans-fonaer. The riser pole has three single pole fused swicches (circle 7)which are normally closed. Evidently there had been a prior faulr in the cable between Lhe riser pole and circle 6, whlch probably blevr two fuses- t{h en the creru closed the switch at circre 6,the SouLh Lodge transformer probably had only one phase energized and only sorne few lights were restored. At sorne point here it was learned that par! of the other end of the feeder was missing one phase which happened !o be one of the phases thaE was good at the riser pole. 9. The exact procedure at this point is not clear but jumpers were praced around the failed North Lodge transforr'er and switches closed to restore service to Ehe missing pirase from the riser pole end. This resEored three phase service to all the feeder. 10. calculations show less than a one percent difference in voltage drop using these two differenc feed points to supply this circuit. 11- The lwo phases from Kiandra were evidently energized for the enEire period during 'hich the sr.rltching and b-vpass work were being cione in the Lodge area. 72- The failed North Lodge transformer was replaced as well as the failed cable from Kiandra. 13. if the cables from the riser pole to the south Lodge transformer had been good, three phase service could h:,ve been restored in a shorterperiod of time. ]-4- The cable fault near Kiandra trappening at the sane time as the failed elbow very much complicated Ehe probrem and e..tended the lime required for return of tire belanced three phase servr-ce. 4. 6- R -8- 15. As on any utility systenr, there would inevitably be future single phase problems on the Vail distribution system that r.rilf require the xoot.or protection previously referred to if user equipment is not to be daroaged. tla h '-:S-t (, (!rr@ oo j({(,,l@ 00 Qd .Fl ho > Ft ..{lrO!c, !E (!O .Fl >(,tt .o o o(D 'oooo o, o<t oc (d r+{ rU U t{g 'Fl O >.'{ t{ F{Jl 0!+ro ooo g\lro .rr l. fd F{6l O tl \.u o (i .'to@>.p o rit ll, lr !Fl 3() qt l-o ,4lu I : t' l*'i -u ),"O otl aJ'Fl 'rl C a= a,OH Q'@ lrd t'.1 |Jo rJ rl a o o d o Fl o FI ! o a0 rU .rl f; o tt o |-li o tl (J O!l-f (d ES o!(a .F{€a $x i3 .+v oo (a(t 6t EA rn F.l F o trO otr r., o o€ .O r{o(o BO l. ru o .E o.a 6 <v't 9 o o