HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 7 LOT 38 LEGAL.pdf2-,1 41, .6'osAild (Plumbing & Heating,.lnc. Honeywell TotalHffit'lct. v24t95 TOWN OF VAIL BUILDINGDEPARTMENT REGUARDING: BAtrJYRESIDENCE 193 BEAVERDAMRD. 7do eof )/ YA'L,CO. '/O pttE WE WISH TO INSTALL AN ADDITIONAL BOILER TO THE DOSTING IIEATING/SNOWMELT SYSTEM TO IMPROVE TIIE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE. OUR APPLICATION WOULD INVOLVE INSTALLING A LOCN.IVAR RBN36O.F9 (360,000 btu) BOILER WHICH WOLILD ASSUME TO DOMESTIC HOT WATER Al.lD TNTERIOR SPACE I{EATING LOADS THUS ALLOWING US TO DEDICATE THE TWO EKSTING SLANT-FIN GG375 (375,000 btu) BOILERS FOR SNOWMELT. TI{E EKSTING VENT TS TYPE B 12 INCH. TI{E CURRENT COMBUSTION ARE TWO 30" X 12" LOUVERS DIRECTLY VENTED TO T}IE OUTSIDE AIR. THE SQUARE AREA OF TI{E NEW VENT WrLL REQUIRE l20SQ. IN. TI{E EXISTINGVENT IS I13 SQ. IN. WHICHLEAVES. A SLIGIIT SHORTFALL,INTHE EVENT THAT ALL BOILERS ARE RUNNING AT TI{E SAME TIME. TO INSI.JRE THAT TI{E VENT IS NOT BACK DRAFTING WE WILL INSTALL BACK DRAFT SPILLAGE SWITC}IES ON ALL THREE BOILERS TO PREVENT BOILERS FROMFIRING SHOULD A BACK DRAFT OCCUR. THIS WLL ALLOW FOR TI{E USE OF TI{E EKSTING 12" VENT. SHOULD YOU HAVE A]\ry FURTHER QUESTIONS ABOUT TI{IS MATTER PLEASE CALL ME. PRESIDENT " /'/6-?S of ail Bldg. Dept. cc Rob Fawcett George Shaeffer Construction 303-827-9414 . FAX303-827-5258 . P.O.Box2156 . VailCO81658 -.lsnr{ Honeyrvell Totall{gne"tutst. TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPT. ATTN. GARY MORAN ;.FPWEIES-WE HAVE FOUND THAT THE DOUBLE WALL HEAT EXCHANGERS ARE NOT ADEQUATE FOR RECOVERY. WE WISH TO EXCHANGE THE HEAT EXCHANGERS FOR SINGLE WALL WHICH WILL APPROXIMATELY TRIPLE THE RECOVERY RATE AND SATISFY THE REOU[REMENTS. RESPECTFULLY, CHARLES SMALLWOOD PRES. GUARANTEED P & H INC. --'" --? REQUEST APPROVED 4,rrrlE (4d ,nn i/- /7- 7 7 DUE To THE EXTENSIVE DOMESTIC HoT WATER REQUIREMENTs oEilfiI..gruLBl|' 303-827-9414 . FAX303-827-5258 . P.O. Box2156 . VailCO81658 J UI z z @ cr) I & H F z tEl U f E1 z H Fi F FT H E z xsp n I-- 'urS 9tf,f>x l-J r,r v R_?e 3dz at4\J ;ni-z"v :zi Frb I>0 ra I! \,-<,-t-tr2 Zux ql -\ --i =F=o4c4a \ c/) ft ctE z 3 F'F -lrJ{H:i f-sx 9dc<l=z !*>fte9 SEbri{!.4 !,r 'F \J {;.,F8 ilto>): c.r O EIUE HkSs oFxo r\ rr c( X tr>oy SEFh ,r'FXl F53E irt F -O..ts (H -rf-f |-d ta O. FFI m a- -rF a t{ri-ts -F *flr) trt F tH €v F d{:€F? 11 lc 0o F\aa H {-a{a *Fl -LI f-l {::y t{-a trt A.rl-f a t{ flJ rF.rl-tfrf lr O.I *f,YrY,* 'rrlg i2!*iE :€€;€;:€i;ii : iE;=: ? 3 "- : 3;zc:;!!r.-: - o= E :E€ !3; =i:.:=';= =:;.E:i ?2i?i=e 4.2 ..E i * i;E:i :. : = ; o*:i = 3 5 :Ei!: s; Fi s;;?: 2 I x lrl A z frl U F z c. co r'l .g.ln gcr Aor -o\ E z Y .o o0 AFFIDAVIT OF GARY N{OR,l}I /"IzGCALU V- AFFIAM Oory W,y:r;:.tOr, duly sworn, does state as follows: 1. I am employed by the City of Vail in the Community Planning Office. 2. In the scope of my employment, I visited the site of Jeanne Bailey's home at 193 Beaver Dam Road in late 1991. The property w'as a significant hazard to the public safety as well as an incredible eyesore. 3. On behalf of the City of Vail, I dernanded that the stnrcture be immediately demolished or refurbished. 4. I rvas grateful that the property owner did not force me through the cumbersome process of condemnation of the property. 5. permit. 6. construction 1, 1993. 6. The propelty was demolished in the Fall of 1991., under a valid demolition The project was considered by our Department as an active file and under during the entire Winter of. 1991.192, including January 1, 1992. Construction was commenced as agreed by the property o$'ner, prior to June At no point did our department consider the site as anythins other than resideutial property under construction. Further Affiant saveth nol sTArE OF COLORADO ) )ss couNTY oF ) The foregoing document was signed this 1993 by Gary lv{elea, who appeared personally " ' /}1/JreCH,o ti() Witness my hand and official seal. 2ott'L day of 6ert-unb-ett , Garl Me*r '"/4R/p(//zA before me. Public 993:bailer'.aff H ;-i;:_ slq' ,... " &. \v Project Application 7,s ' ?j Proiect Proiect Contact Name: Description: Person and Phone Y,(S- 96s L Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ja Block 7 r,tinoV.V-44-o l4 . zon" y'3 Com menis: Design Review Board Date by: : :. i. s, Motion by: Seconded APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: 4,,h#r, 7, 5 ,?3 Staff Approval t 7 o EPP!I O revrsed el[let w @: A. DESCRTPTION: DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TETS APPLIETTION I{TLL NO! BE ACCEPEED UNTIL, erJ., REQUIRED INFORI|AIrON IS SgB!{ItrED **********r. ^*, 2J. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction Addirion (s50.00) c. D. ADDRESS: l4 3 b.a.v,t Dn-- La- IEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Block Subdivision If property is descrlbed by description, please provide attach to this application. ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20 .00) Conceptual Review ($0) a meet,s and bounds legal on a separate sheet and \a. - 1 E. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing lot area. must provlde a current F. G. tl Phone - gsqL NAI,IE OF Mailing APPLICANT' S Address: Phone I.NAI'{E OF OwNERS z Jca"anz- Pale, *SIcNAfltRE tsl z Jz-az.,.rrz n &.t-&< 2,.b4et Mailing Address: Phone Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the tlne of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit,, please identify the accurate vaLuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table beloW, to ensure the correct fee is paid. _ A Ar,- - r'rr OO FEE pAfD z S c(/, -FEE SCHEDULE: VAIUATION 0 - s 10,000 $101001 -$ 501000 $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1r 000r 000 $ Over $1r 000,000 * DESIGN RS\'ITEII BOARD IPPRO\InI, E:CIRES ONE YEAR AFIER TI}IAII APPROVAI. I'NI.ESS A BSII.DING PERMIT IS ISSUED .tr}ID CONSTRT'CTTON IS SAARTED. **NO EPPLIC$TION WIIJI' BE PROCESSED WITEOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE i.-... 1 K. s 20.00 rc $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500 .00 REPRESENTATIVE: rT. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additional application information is needed. It is the applicantts responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine if there are additional subniital reguirenents.Please note that a COMPLETE appllcatlon will strearnline the approval process for your proJect. rII. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDINF ALL SUBMISS]ONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal_ reguirements, the applicant nust stake and tape the project site to indicate property li-nes, bullding l_ines and building corners. All trees to be rernoved must be taped. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Revj_ew Board: a conceptual approval and a final approval . Applicants shoufd plan on presenting their development proposal at a minimum of two rneetlngs before obtaining final approval . C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled neeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB docket until such time as the item has been republished. D. The following itens may, at the discretion of the zoning administrator, be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearing before the DRB nay not be required): a. Windows, skylights and sinilar exterior changes which do not atter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building addition proposals not visj.ble from any other lot or public space. At the time such a proposal is submitted, applicants must include letters from adjacent property owners and/or from the agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E. ff a property is Located in a mapped hazard area (i.e.gnow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,setland, etc) r a hazard study must be subnitted and the orvner nust gign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior. to the issuance of a building pernit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town planner prior to DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all napped hazards. F. For all resldentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the building walls or supporting columns. c. If DRB approves the application wlth conditions or modifications, aII conditions of approval nust be resolved prlor to Town issuance of a building permit. II I ]I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additional application information is needed. It is the applicantrs responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine if there are additional subnittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your proJect. III. IMPORTA}iIT NOTICE REGARDING AIL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, building lines and building corners. All trees to be renoved must be taped. AII site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The revielr process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual approval and a final approval . Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal at a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval . C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed fron t.he DRB docket until such time as the item has been republished. D. The following itens may, at the discretion of the zoning administrator, be approved by the Corununity Development. Department staff (i.e. a formal hearJ,ng .before the DRB may not be reguired): a. l{indows, skylights and similar exterior changes which do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building addition proposals not visible from any other Lot or public space. At the tine such a proposal is submitted, applicants must include letters from adjacent property owners and/or from the agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is Located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,netland, etc) r a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prlor. to the issuance of a buj.lding permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town planner prior to DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. F. For a1l resldentLal construction: ar Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside faee of the exterior structural walls of the building; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a four foot distance fron the exterior face of the building walLs or supporting columns. G. If DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. al I 'l' ? v DRB IPPLICSTION - TONN.OS \TAIL, DATE APPTICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: O revtued elLleL AA'? A'ttAA l,v..A/.lAL,l/,*vuJUL 3 0.rw' €eo]. I Lt t??3 ********** ABIS .TPPtICT,TION TIILL NOI BE ACCEPTED t NtrII/ .l[I.L REQUIRED INI.ORIIBIION IS SUBIIIEIED tttt***t** I.@: A. DESCRTPTION:PJ. B.TYPE OF REVIEII: New Construction ($200.00)Minor Alterat.ion ($20.00) Addit.ion ($50 .00)Conceptual Review ($0) c. D. ADDRESS z 14\ M.v,a D*-. ?-1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision ,.L.,.,. ,u If property is described by desqription, please provide attach t,o this application. E. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing NAl.tE OF APPLICANT: 3..a-t'"',-e- kale-,'Mailing Address z Phone 1 a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and F. G. H. applicant must provlde a current Iot area. NAI,TE OF Mailing APPLICAIiIT' S Address: K. Phone I. NAI'{E OF OIINERS: *STGNATI'RE (S) :Mailing Address: Phone Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the t,ime of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a buildtng permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of VaiI wiII adjust the fee according to the t,able belod, to ensure t,he correct fee is paid. FEE PATD:5Ao: FEE SCHEDULE: VAI,UATION o - $ 1or0oo FEE $ 20.00 $ 10r 001 - s 50r 000 . s 50,001 - $ 1501000 s150,001 - $ 5o0,0oo $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ Over $1,000r 000 * DESIGN RE1XIEW BOARD APPROVA! EXPIRES AFPRO\TAI. T'NI.ESS A BUIIDING PERMII IS STARTED. 9100 .00 $200 .00 9400.00 $s00.00 ONE IEAR II'TER FIIIAI. ISSI'ED .END CONSTRUCrION IS O}TNER'S SIGI{ATURE tflTEOUT Block REPRESENTATIVE: **NO APPI"ICATION WILL BE PROCESSED Bailey Residence Plantlng Plan Common Name Botonical Nnme BAn lY D rfb TREES Sprue Spruce Spruce Bristle oone pine Asp€n Aspen Cottonwood Crabapfle SHRUBS Mugopine UIac, purple Ulac, purple Native Birch Porentilla Rose Serviceberry FLOWERS/SEED Perennials Thrr, ,trt 22, l gct Slze Total Cistena Plum prtxlus x cistena C-otoneaster, spreadfu Cotoneaster apiculatus Currat, alpine Ribes alpinium Dogwood, redtwig Cqnus sericea Picea Pungens Plea Rrngens Picea Pungens Plaus Aristata Populus tremuloides Populus tremr.rloides Populus "ngustifolia Malus sp. Pinus mugo Syringa vulgaris Syringa vulgaris Benrla fontinalis Potentilla abbottswood Rosa rugosa Arnelanchier Canadersis g'-10' l0' -l l, ll, -12,. 3-6' )n 30 2112 2ll2" 24n -30 4'- 5' 5 gallon 5 gallon 5 gallon 3'4 5 gallon I ll4tl 5 gallon 5 gallon 4-5' I gallon 3 2 , I 6 6 3 4 3 3 20 3 3 9 9 I 6 20 5 (upine, daisy, daylily, iris, etc.) Perennials groudcovers (kinnickinni ck, mahonia, etc.) Native Seed WildFlowerSod flats flats sqfr sgft 65 10 tl 8165 300 a GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION COMPAN P.O. Box 373 vArL, coLoRADO 81658 (303) 845-5656 TO 'Ta=-,r,^. '+ U.-"( LtrTTil@F TRANSNflITTAL > wE ARE SENDING You ! Attached (unaer separate cover via t)d T2!";'7 the following items: Plans E Samples E Specilications fl Shop tr Copy drawings of letter Prints Change order tr ! tr tr t /zolos JOI NO. Itte^rrtox' tu: t- tn abt i <2,RE: tB0;tn ? D-roar coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION T --'-t-k (1-.rC tta-, vt?-t^:* .,.^-.r.L.tE L 6Ar? ffi' t 'P4/:"4 Lo^J"-a,-lZ, V**u t.t-*J. vtLL- ,^>f trla.e* d.rr^I {^}z ,r?-*,- ,tt[ ,*<r, .?<h-( THESE ARE TRANSMITTED n For approval RFor your use tr As requested as checked below: tr Approved tr Approved ! Returned as submitted as noted for corrections ! n D Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Retu rn -corrected prints ! For review and comment tr D FOR BIDS DUE 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS --f7^.J"1 COPY TO /f--'\ .r SfGNED: '# tmqrcr?tG2 1@ |r. e6i, t G ot!71 ,t ancro3uraa aaa not t3 aotad, kindly notitt u3 ,t onc6. PLEASE MAKE CHE TOWN OF VAIL D EPA RT;\{E}iT OF CO Vl IV1IJNITY DEVELO P}IENT . SALES ACTION FOR}{ . 7')SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD ZCI\T\C .{,NlD A DDR ESS MAIS 0t 0000 4t510 0t 0000 {21t 5 UNT.f OR.\{ B UILDDIG CO D E UMFOfu\{ PLUVAI\G CODE 0l 0000 {24 t5 0l 000042.{r5 I UMFoR}.tI{EcHA}'lcALcoDE UNIFOR,\' FIRI CODE 0l 00ml?{15 0l 00m{2{15 N,\TIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE oTltER CODSEOOKS 0r 0000{2115 0l 0000 .l l54s BLUE PRDTTS 6'YLAR 0r 0000 {21 t2 xEROX COPES / S'IUDIIS 0l 0oco423?r i puxer.ry FEES/RE-x\sPEcTloNs 0l 00c0{t332 i pL,tv nEr4Etv RE.CHEcK FtE [s<0 FER HR.l 0t 00co 42323 OFF IIOURS I.,\*SPECTION FEES 0l c000.il'il2 CONTIL\CTORS LICE\S ES FEES 0t 0000{t-130 S]CN APPL]CATION FEE .01 cEoo 4t4t3 0100C,041413 ADDITIONAI. SIGNAGE F;E ISI.O] PER, SO,IT, 0l c000124.10 IvTcARTpForEcTDoNAnoN 0t 0cE0 1r33|PRE PAJD DFJIGN REVIE1V BOARD E'E 0t 000042412 BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COMPUTER DI 0 41010 rAX 0r 0000 42371 TNVESTTGATTON FEE (BUTLDTNG) I 'TOTAL ouE, 0t 0000.il330 E1CTERIOR ALTERAT]ON ITiOR 0l 0000413i0 TSPECLAL D * * * ,c * * * * *' APPLICATIO.I FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN A STBUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIGHT.OF.WAY "THIS FORU CANNOT BE REDUCED (Please type or pdnt)Fence Wall Lancbcaping other E + o^rE 7-2c -q3 OWNER OF PROPERW 5 NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS LEGAL DESCHIPTION OF PROPERW TO BE SERVED: Lor 3 BLocK 4 suBDtvtsloN . J (tf necessary, atrrach descdption on separato sheei). Uatl U t ll\Z f s# Comer lot Inside lot Attach plans showing encroachm€nt, propsrty line, silewalks, curbs, intakes, hydrants, meters, manholes, any other aftected appurtenanc€ in the project ar€a (to scale or .dimensioned) and section(s) as w€ll as elevations (if applicable). Dogs structure presentfy exlsg Ylct; h,o-ae- atlcdvf 1't Lx.- c-t-*1<k4 Proposed date for @mmenoement of construction i nav^zdid,l<.h^ In consiJeration of the issuance of a revocable permit for the structure above indicated, appllcant agress as follows: 1. That the struclure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclusively to he land above described.2. That the permit is limited specifically to the typ€ ol structure describecl in this application.3. That the applicant shall notify the Town Manger, or his duly authorized agent, twenty- four hours in advance of the time for commenc€msnt of construction, in order that proper inspection may be made by the Town.4. The applicant agrees to indemnity and hold harmtess the Town of Vail, lts officers, employees and agents lrom and against all liability, claims and demands on account of iniury, loss or damage, including without limitation claims arising from bodily injury, personal lnjury, sickness, diseass, death, propsrty loss or damage, or any other loss of any kind whaboever, which arise out of or are in any mannsr connected with applicant's activities pursuant to this permit, if sucfi injury, loss, or damage is caused in whole or in part by, or is claimed to be caused in whole or in part by, the act, omission, enor, professional enor, mistiake, neglpence or other fault of the applican[ his contEctor or subcontrador or any officer, employee or representative of the applicant, hls contractor or his subconFactor. The applicant agrees lo investigate, handle respond lo, and to proviJe defense for and defend against, any such liability, claims, or demands at the sole expense of the appllcant. The applicant also 4rees to baar all olier expenses relating thereto, including court costrs and attomey's fees, whether or not any such liability, daims, or demands alleged are groundless, false, or fraudulent. Applicant agrees lo procure and maintain, at its own cost, a policy or policies ol insuiance sufficient to ensure against all liability claims, demands and other obligations assumsd by the applicant pursuant to this Paragraph 4. Applicanf further agr€e to release the Torvn of Vail, its officerc, agonts and employees lrom any and all liabllity, dalms, demanG, or actons or causes of actons whatsoever adsing out of any damage, loss or injury to the applicant or to the applicant's propsrty Ol-l 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. caus€d by the Town of Vall, lls offcers, {gnb and grployees whlle engaged In mainbnanca or snow removal ac{videe or any other activldes whatsoever on Town of Vail propelty, sffeets, sldewalks, or dghbof-way. That the permit may be rewked sfiongr/er lt ls detemlned that the encroachment, obsfucilon, or olher shJcilrre cons0tJbs a nulsance, dostroys or lmpalrs the use of the dght-of-way by the publlc, constit bs a tratflc hazard, or the propefiy upon whicfr the encroacfirnont, obsffrJction, or structurg exlsb ls reqrired tor usg by the puulc; or it may be rwolod d any tm€ for ily rcason deem€d sufficient by the Town ol Vail. That t|o apdlcant wlll lomo€, d hls expense, the encroadrment obstruc{ion, or structurs wlthln tsn days after rscelvlng mdce of any revocatbn ol said permit. Thd the appllcant {rees to maintain any hnGcaping associdod with the encroachment on the rlght-of-way. That In the ewnt sald removal ol the encroadrment, obstuction, of sffucture ls not acconplishecl wlthln ten days, the Town ls hereby authorized to remove same and have the rlght to make an ass€ssmenl against the property and collect the costs or removal In tho same mannor as general ta(Es ere collecled. That the appllcant has read and underctands all of he terms and conditons set forh in thls appllcatlon. Spedal conditions: Signatu-e ot Propsrty Orner (lf joint ownership, both signalures) APPROVED: rye /n,u^_8.s.?3 {''u'-?3 ea#Date U Wtt,*"'Tcp- GDt o O r*o, soeE SdoFAcE bZ*rNlnGE is f*uert LpffH h Pgru AND Slbucoera otr Po'4r0 l*ltS 6Ftr OF ZOAD FD6E- Cylet 6, 2% sLoP€ .', tl UTILITY IOCATION I/ERIFIC,AIIION The location of utilitleE, whether they be nal,n trunk ll.nes or proposed ll.nes, must be approved and verifled by the followlng utlllties for the accompanying slte p1an. SUBDIVTSION JOB IDT ADDRESS U.S. l{est Communicatlons 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Servlce Conpany 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949-553 0 €arFohTrso n hne( Ge*uts Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: 7-A t-7 3 in any public right-of-way or easernent in the Town of Vall. A bullding pernit is not a street cut pernlt. A street cut permit rnust be obtained separately. This form is to verify location. This should preparing your utility installations. * Please bring a el-te plan when l{ater t Sanitation signatures. serrrice availability and be used in conjunctlon with plan and scheduling obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Authorized Siqnature 7 -2/ -73 A l= q*- aMo-\q& \^^T These verlflcations do not rel.leve the his responsibility to obtain a street the Town of Vall, Department of Public Y ^zt-nS contractor of cut petmit from I{orks and to tgs flii ;{##rw l' | -' ,i,//fffi,,',k) ['-* =-i "#qffit "ii '-iEb I i it]6f/g" ",'il't#-"*q -l = [tffirffi l.:ffi't l\ # ^ii,;flffi,r8-'jf ffi fui*iff; ',," ,1$'tl\(9#*:'*/' tee' > i .l Fc gr..T ;rW',' =r,,'i\,'- -- ; l t:H '97 Wi/r,',', 1 i#P;i ,, ,,,g:,fgpa W;,,1,1 #'l ti ,,"' .t;1 ll'/,,-'.j-nffi lli,l,fttr: ,usi uEiuE :'\t:'i*-$= iffi'N; / <i 6 l-:D 5A ',D€i\.'@ llu ll,t ,ll A E (o -(\l u- -., :1e; I - al- -> +iaa = lrj 9|o ; (JN I n +N !r Flt ;c{ :. @ .o J'€.uJt ()>E o- </^ dF t:- A.g t d c.a a o (\l I t, rl -@ c', @ Y l'-E ; I .'o i i]o ' n lr-i n (8)l r v; ip i... l ! rro \IT I cl FI il i al ! \( 1 I I lh -t. =iE_ -..tL -L-_o ^z-o 6 5 6 -(D ::f U7 trj E 611 :t ol -+. <I: dlE =tE (9 z. J E F a E.tr o UJ T a z o =J iti Yti, ?- Ort&-,(tA OIlt\9. 85.9, W . , ^.- .-{t<= t'Ln, v ?e ar nr*iltUa.e eL. ,t61, e' -=L 9158.1 ' _P___p .O e A. v :-i-\rrrl!\---- . /fl'<\ E, K /'^A b l/ 't I /,, I I I I I ,l I I l' l3 t-itf| ln /s s Sl d. I \ h*\\tN' -{ \- \ \i 'L -l \\ Nr I + I $ $ \ \ N \ N $ $ \ \. N $ $:- I I : I I I I I I I I I i i \i t\ ;\Nill .'.!\\i9 i\is i' I I I I I I I +--. I I \l \\:\r- : \c\i .l I I I l--- '\r \ $ $$ \ .,\ \ jl 1-t \ \ R \ $t $ --\--.-^'-"_ {' $$ ,o;2 .,,? F.Y V/ I - r/e, .a ' 'l: lo .t.--€r.ol - - :. ' ' \. . \ \- \ \ | t-. tlr.lgt-l -\\ ---'r--- -- i<-.__ \ll:-.\ \ = ,g . ,. 1TF ;f; .r'-;+.t'-, -=) --sl* The Ernemann Group Architecls PO Box 4602 Aspen, Colorado 8161 1 303.925 2266 g66t g r l{nf :3llJ 21 Junc, 1993 Mr.MlkeMolllca Otllce cf Communlty Dwelopment Town dVall 75 Souh Frontage Road Vatt, Golorado 8i657 3' Re: Jcannr M. Eallcy Houre, 19!t Beaver Dam Road/Lotff, Bbd< 7, Vall Flrlt Flllng. DearMlke: Conccmlng the exbdor malerlalr lor lhc abow referenced prolect I endoee for your records color photocoplee cil thc drewlngc proecnbd b the DFB at thc tme cf flnal revlar, Aprll 15, 1992. The matodab hdlcated In the photocoplos are lbted as followr: Rool: Pre weahered Terne-Coabd Stalnlcss Steel standlng seam, Sbne Walb: Natfue Colorado Sbne witr natural weathered auriacec (no broken rbnefacer oxpoecd), Strcco Wdlc: Gemenlltoue Streo wlth Inbgral color b mahh Sherwln Wllllame colorc; Beach howe, SW-2(E1 and Dormer Brown, SW-2050. Wlndow Fremeo and Sash: Shenvln Wlllbmg, SW-2051. Wood Entry Doore: Dark naUnlcherry. Sbne Pavlng: Colorado br,rff gandstone, natural delt All of the aborac have been or wlll be Installed as Indlcated on the drawlnge, and as sudt I belloro hat he houcc ls ln full compllance wlth the matedal and color requhementB of our DRBapprovd. Should yot have any quec0onc regadlng hl8 matbr please feel free to contac't me. aelJ. Ememann AIA a \ l-.- ( ru I rll \ 1..-'t \-' u) I :rt l',1 i.l ',,\\ \ ;l ' I \' tl ,' l \ I". " [1 ,r\ r \\ '.\-il ., Nr, \\r'. \.'\.\t' 'ri\ .tl I t !J- tr lil Sr.i(l t\\ /..r \\N ! i '.J ...$ \\\ J s ( i b, tr- A,A ,[f\"(', i ; 2( ,ZTN =tN tr -- \-/ I L I i I i t I t--1, t \ I ,!) i' i\ i , .._.t '. r l\i( tt r,ii. : lr'.i \ )\l :1,i... l\ i\\'Nul '. \1, ,4r'it (t i \( I I t l---;rr l"!: 'l L -:-t-l /'S i\-l {\ Ur (\, r \:_,{. i{1 \_,,, /' \' -l ,,' li -i il\ \l !$ 1\ 'r\n Ko E.. \ R I rl l' -:. s :N \\\ i.- \1 \ S.., .\ \i\N\\\ \\i {.) i{ \\ ts I t ..'\ \' .i\ R N lo <\f 1-$ \.. - r-l \. r tl' r Cl'a '.6- \n \l .o a $ 2't\.\} N 1t' \!] '.t\\] b.- $ \\ \ \ I \' a --l I I I ---i I I tl* a q k ( _\rll I tll I. lt. ] \" (.D I ..' i$ s /r ,A.\ir- I J-l .t.\ |/^\, \\\*'.1 - rr._---t .,1 .l -l-l IE=-,- ll : ,i ) I I l/ \ \ I , i'r-r i( | r,i-t : ii't\,\ :1,i.'. li' tlr rN{ ,4/ jt i--- I i t; i 1- I l I t-- 1 t ur t) -,{ ,..2 l(' S' I -)l -ri :\_ f___-\ lr N\- iN!* I r't .\ tr} ,X hr'\' i rr {\ N ilS N ,,o$-t \ * Nt $ t'l\r 1 rr( ) n I i \.\._--,/l .-l \ | €' I L.\-l'l )/ EF \' ri .\ R $ $ :J,+- - - f --.r 't N iL_' i jG---i--' {lL-_ _ L ] \ l \ q-J'i N $ r,-l)l 1-----1 l-- I i \N Rr\-t "\{ I TS il /_ \_- r* rfl" r Ol' v : c\ tl ( $ t\\t R s ll ..1 \ b.. ,i J $ \\ \ \t o et:t .' {fh :iti ['r .-] I .\ \\l \] I ill 1r! i t \. N \ I + I 1. -'l I J- I I I ,i : rl rl li I ii II .I rl TI J rl 'f rl t. '\ i s ---+ I I I --.t i I I I : I ---! i --1 l. I -f i I I 1 1 ,l --l I .l l-I,.r I J rl I $ .j'r,).r !_.t I I i i I i _!! I I I i I t-.- I L_. I l I I I -l L i rii.x-\v 't Ff l'l ! I ! I ! L fr .ol:,y' -, L o $1. $;$ t t $J { L fr I ! , $ {, F {t t ( -1 a I , Y--s a s ;t, -- lL- I I --1 - - :. I lr I .l t I t* rl I t.' I t' l I , I I I I I - ---.+ |l I. f_ \ R \i t t !f \ I I lr' v \ $ F \ .- ./' ci.ttx V -G o o ! (t o a c u 3 o F (! '- #(,, o, o o .2 o g o o Q G q) E o o. o (E E o g o |! E @ f E ul z 3 \, .E r, uJ c CD OA Q);EO) gs 8S.c !q' X-- =!.E\s ;l 1tF EE o)*-cO E\ ul z z o l! UJ o =I o F z o I I I I u,r I I I I I I *It rrl l< =c et!v.=t=Fl to |l.<Hlg ti lz F EO UF IJ 0- 'J)r' lL = ?. F r-6r rJ} of r.]!.'+-.! l* :a tn f- '_1 = TJ 'll :r ,1'FIJ+ '5r r:r- '1'rJ nf Lrl i.Il --..{ ::1 ':l: i..-ri' ii t,: :'rr !t!:i: ':::t rir ,r" i Lr ,-ft: '_l: r:rl1 F , r.tr: .. >l fi- IIJ lu 2 a t- UJ z 66 <o N o\ 2 z E Fl M (J p tc) cr)(o Lo o O o z t =E UJ o- d -l Ff c/) z H (n z i'D tf){t I I I l..', rcl ltt lo t= l-J Llj F a o o a z o F o-ul Y IIJ dt o F E E IJJ o lt o o-o o IIJ F o z !t i EHsg s o' ri';dr; d * !f 0l If gl c P1 '--r (Y -l i-{ o z ct lf '5' ,3 t:' ,=, ar!.a t5' 'I' '=' ci. |:itl ,i' l:: ';, ,= ; t:- .q ir i.{ !1 :1 r{ t.-r ?{ t..1 * E f:, r.'r li r : :1,{1, r, *r ?+ ,{+r -j" .ii uJ- :i H ':' := ,:l =. rj.l ii i:; air i:t aI'i;] ,:];t r:r' {:r a::ii' r'::r ,:;i i-:r rn .r.i.r .r j: [:i f:;' !.'i :"-iir !. ! ".rl <l :-l zl zlx uJ f, cc llJ z Y i F c{ <r\o\ -ir p z z H a r!(J J A. uJ tr o z =z. 9= d6 3tr -l llj F o E /, E z 'n !l i.'>,F cod 3 >za -, 7, c.'di o' Ptrr-rr5 II4J L_I L-J J .-i6 \., r-,/ =z G.2 -;r.!=;o Eil> E uJ o-t! 1P llt E9 E<clf 60 6e B9 lrL a9 EE => = ltl --5 b=O :.1 |i E :T E U6 E 5s E X>t q- o -'!!tr- ul o F --- ts =E, UJ o-z I F () E,F CN z o o co at)ul UJ tt E =E uJ ,"-G +)n -<6'<<'6 a lLttot \' (f) .ir \o tn .if cr) .if C.l rF. .ir F UJ z J al, UJ UJ u- F = IIJ o- J F o F @ !o -if ln FT t-l E A z H ts an H X rd H H & E |l H I E F <D F <A F FJ E B 2 U) kl H M H E & Y(J Xz =ij zztL4 O O OrJ tr ^ l,?=zrt q 5 >9^ = a" ^ F l--{E E 'TZ o6E<z>-(J 8e fr2 u- < slJ oq iA H6 gE FI ;F rN(5- =>E 3ur& =ct6l LL [r o (J u, G. z tr z tr ul J a Fl Fl H Ff (, =u- J d] @ cfl F J =4 H U) & Fl t-i F ui =z @ o - ?1 El F-l H z gJ z tlt 2 tJ E E C! c'r F \t (n UJ = =tl tr a !! = i o- n H z cn trr vt l! T c'\ct I 2.1 url 1l <l >l bl zl =l OI FI \o ln \o ral rn \' tr o o trJ i tt z B]ot FI 4 F] rJl t-.t z E =.E TL z (5 uJ IE a lt z 3 It l.o I F. 6 =tr I \o r\ .il zl uJ E, J >l tt o 21 ;l o FI s 'il o\ I F\N @ =az. o z (, ul J l! z =o ui UI uj z B F LlJ tr f o E <F EO uJ<ZE,UF .iZ )G <o OF Ftr ;F ',2 -8 E 2? ;# =F )z rJ- o iN YF 13 H5 =g o !+o =+E o2 .l(J <()QN '4 X.'f Ttfl|Rl .--"b+ I t * * * * t (h ^ro. b tsgz *******************r****************************r********************t*t* Infloor System Sizinq Program by Gyp-Crete corporation, Hamel , l"IN I Copyright (c) 1990 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * *** ** * * rt * * * * * * * * * *****rr* * * *** * ** * * HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY Job Narne: BAIL,EY RESIDENCE Location: 193 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL CO Version i-7'* ***** * *r(***** J. t****** IJnr''5 1 * , 7 /O!/92 * r'l .1R nm t * * Installer,/ I n/ . ,- ,/z n '* contractor: cuARANTEED PIJBG. & HTG. INc / Uh/t4-k- fururVd __"------=== =======f=======================-------- TOTAL TNFLOOR HEAT: 95643 BTU,/hr OUTDOOR DESIGN TEMP: -20 dcg. F. ---==== = == === ==== == Roon lZone I i Heat Required # | # | Room Name I BTU,/hr IBTU,/hr,isq' ft' ------+- -----+---- - --+--------+-------- 1 .\ 3 5 o 7 8 9 10 1t_ t2 1_3 1A t6 LI L8 19 2L 22 23 24 I L 3 3 4 4 3 J 4 J 5 6 6 10 10 7 B 5 9 9 1_ t_ FAMILY RM BREAKFAST KITCHEN DTNING RM LfVfNG RM ENTRY POWDER RM GALIJERY MUD RM UTILITY RM BRIDGE MASTER BATH MASTER BDRI'' BTLLARDS CORRTDOR 1/ LAUNDRY APT KITCHEN APT I-,IVING APT BATH/DRESSING BEDROOMl/BATH1 BEDROOM z/BATH 2 CORRTDOR 2 GUEST /STUDY FOYER,/ BATH3 / I,AUNDRY GARAGE 26.2* 24.o*26.!* 20-4* 20.5* 31.0* 1B . 0,r 9.3* 18.5* '1 1 1* 44 .4" 41.0* 20 -2 !6.9*12 nx 26.O* L9 -7* L6 ,2* 17.8r, L5. 5* t2 .3* 20.6* 29.2* 15.5 154.0 sq. ft. 84.0 sq. ft. 99.0 sq. ft. 40.0 sg. ft. 56 .0 sq. ft. 16.0 sq. ft. 154.0 sq. ft. 154. 0 sq. ft. U.:0.0,... 136.0 sq. ft- O BTU,/hT 26 .2 126.8 des. F. 4030 3296 3440 4440 6558 27 29 10 81 3268 20'l I 1,OO2 5332 2827 602I tlt) I L I7 87 2865 3L80 1]-1,2 5432 2062 s5 59 JUUI. IZJ'Z Room: 1 Zone: 1 FAMIL,Y RM Ceiling R-VaIue WalI 1R-Value Wa11 2 R-Value WaIl 3 R-Va1ue Window 1 R-Value Window 2 R-Value vqryL'- r\ v qrL.c: (-arhof P..i P-Lt:11r* fndoor Design Ten; Slab Edge R-Va1ue Hea teC Fl,oor Area Roon Volune Heat Required Max Flr Srfc Temp 40.00 z5-vu 23 .00 23.00 3.20 3.20 'J".L2 0.55 70 deg. F. 0.00 154.0 sq - ft L232.0 cu. ft 4030 BTU/hr 83.1 des. F 0.75 in. Ceiling Area: Wa11 1 Area: Wall 2 Area: WaII 3 Area: Window L Area: Window 2 Area: Carpet Area: Carpe t Pad .Area : Air Changes per Hour: Ext. Roonr Peri.nreter: 'T|ttl'ra Cnrr,.ra.t.- a-^^'! L.! q}JU al! sa . Splmntl Heat Provideo: BTU,/hr,/sq. ft. Req: Max Slab Temperature: Tube Depth: ,(t*'(*************r***************r*********************************it* fnfloor System Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete Corporation, Hamel, MN * Copyright (c) 1990 Version 7.7'" *****************************rr*********************rri****************** HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY PAgE 2 * Room: 2 Zone:, 1 BREAKFAST * 7 /0L/92 * zl"l( nm * * I t * ,l Ceiling R-Value Wall 1 R-Value ' Wa11 2 R-Value Window 1 R-Value VJindow 2 R-Va1ue Window 3 R-Value UOOT I K- V IUC Floor Cov. R-Value Indoor Design Temp Slab Edge R-Value Heated Floor Area Room Volume Hea t RF(. li red Max Flr Srfc Temp Tube Depth Ceiling R-Val-ue Wall i- R-Value Wall 2 R-Value Wall 3 R-VaIue Wi.ndow 1 R-Value Window 2 R-Value Door 1 R-Va1ue Floor Cov. R-Value Indoor Design Tenp Slab Edge R-VaIue Heated Floor Area Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: 40.00 23 .00 z5.vv 5. 00 5 .00 5.00 8.00 A a1 70 deg. F. 0.00 137.5 sq. ft. 1100.0 cu. ft. 3296 BTU/hr 82.0 degr. F. u. /5 1n. 40 .00 zJ - uu 23.00 23 .00 J-ZV 5-ZU 5.00 o .22 70 deg. F 0.00 132.0 sq. Ceiling Area !{a1I l- Area Wa11 2 Area Window 1 Area Window 2 Area Window 3 Area Door l- Area Floor Covering Area Air Chanqes per Hour Ext. Room Perimeter Tube CoveraEle Area Splnntl Heat Provided BTU/hr/sq. ft. Req Max SIab Temperature Ceiling Area Wa1l 1 Area Wa1l 2 Area !Ial1 3 Area Window 1 Area Window 2 Area Door L Area Floor Covering Area Air Changes per Hour Ext. Room Perineter Tube Coverage Area Splrnntl Heat Provided BTU/}:'r/sq. ft. Req Max Slab Temperature 137.5 sq. ft. 84.5 sq. ft. 38 .5 sq. ft. 40.5 sq. ft. 3L.5 sq. ft. 5.3 sq- ft. 33.8 sq. ft. 137.5 sq. ft. NF 0.0 f t. 103.5 sq. ft. O BTU,/hT 87.3 deg. F. L9B .0 sq. 58 .5 sq. 15.5 sq. 37.5 sq. 3l- . 5 sq.4.5 sq. 22.5 sg. L98 . 0 sq. 0.5 0.0 f t - 93.0 sq. 0 BTU/hr zb-L 88.8 deg. f t. ,Ft fr. 1+ 'JOb Nane: BAIIIEY RESIDENCE Location: 193 BEAVER DAM RD vAlL CO fns tal1er/Contraclor: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. TNC ft.fr.Room Volume: 1584.0 cu. Heat Required: 3440 BTU,/hr 83.0 deg. F. 0.75 in. * * ********** Inf Ioor *****)t**rr* Job Name I-location Ins tal lerl Ceiling R-Value I'ial1 1R-Value lJa11 2 R-Value wlnoow r K-vat_ue Window 2 R-Value Floor Cov. R-Value fndoor Design Temp: Slab Edge R-Value Heated Floor Area Room Volume Heat Required Max Flr Srfc Temp: m.,L^ r'r^^rL l U.oe Uep Ln : Ceiling R-Value Wa]] 1- R-Value Wal] 2 R-Va1ue Wal1 3 R-Value Window 1 R-Value uoor 1K-value Floor Cov. R-Va1ue Indoor Design Ternp Slab Edge R-Va1ue Heated Floor Area Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: Le].I].ng K-VaJ_Ue waILl_ K- v a_L ue WaI1 2 R-Value w]'noow J- K-vatue w].ndow I K-vaIue Door 1 R-Value Floor Cov. R-Value f ndoor Desigrn Tenp >1ai' LUQe K-V(-l l'.-i Heated Fl- oor Area Rc,o::r Vol u n.;-, Hea I P e-orr i -;-i Max FIr Srfc Tenp Trrl-rc Dc,nt-h 40.00 zJ.vv 23.00 3.20 3 .20 o .22 70 deg. F 0.00 218.0 sg- L92O - 0 cu, 4440 BTU/hr 40 .00 23 .00 23.00 23.00 3 .20 3. UU o.22 70 deg. F 0 .00 320 . 0 sq. 80.2 deg. 0.75 in. 40.00 23.00 23.00 5.00 15.00 0 .22 70 deg. F 0. c0 88.0 sq. 704 .0 cu. 2729 BTU/hr RB 6 dorr 0.75 in. 80.2 deg. F. 0.75 in. Ceiling Area Wa1l 1 Area 91a11 2 Area Window L Area Window 2 Area Floor Coverinq Area Air Changes per Hour Ext. Room Perimeter Tube Coverage Area SplrnntI Heat Provided BTU/}l.r/sq. ft. Req Max Slab Tempera ture Ceiling Area Wa1l L Area Wa1l 2 Area Wa1l 3 Area Window 1 Area Door l" Area Floor Covering Area Air Changes per Hour Ext. Roon Perimeter Tube Coverage Area Splnntl Heat Provided BTU/hr/sq. ft. Req Max Slab Temperature Ce i 1i. ng Area WalI 1 Area Wa1l 2 Area lf indow 1 Area Window 2 Area Door 1 Area F loor Coveringr Area Air Changes per Hour Ext . Rooir, Perinet;r tTfrthe Cnrzpr a.-i E- a v.'^ Splnntl Heat Provided BTU,rhr,zsq. ft. Req Max S lab Tempera ture 240.0 sq. 71.0 sq. 20 .0 sq. 4.5 sg. 74.5 sq. 240 . 0 sq. oq n n f|- 209 .0 sq. O BTU,/hr 20 .4 84 .7 deg. lr f t. f r. ft.fr ft. f t. r, 320.0 sq. ft. 49.0 sq. ft. 60.0 sq. ft. 40.0 sg. ft' l-11.0 sq- ft. 22.5 sq. ft. 320.0 sq. ft. 0.0 f r. 292.0 sq. f t. 0 BTU/hr zu.) 84.8 deg. F. 88.0 sq. ft. 51 .0 sq. ft. 42.0 sq. ft. 49-0 sq. ft. 28 .0 sq. ft. 52.5 sq. ft. 88.0 sq. ft. 0.5 63.0 sq. ft. O BTU,/hr 31.0 92.3 deg. F. * * t! ,r * * * t * * * * * a r. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:i /i * System Sizing Proqxam by Gyp-Crete Corporation, Harnel, MN * CoPYright (c) 1990 Version L-7-* ***t*************Jr***t*************r!********Jrrrt(*****Jt*******)t* HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY PAqC 3 T * : BATLEY RESTDENCE 7/0L/92 * : L93 BEAVER DAM RD 4:15 pm * VAIL CO T Contractor: GUARANTEED PL,BG. & HTG. INC ft. f r. Roon: 5 Zone: 3 I,MNG RI''I Room Volume: 2560.0 cu. Heat Required: 5558 BTU,/hr #+ Room:6Zone'.4ENTRY fl- * *** * * ****r(****r!**t( * * * ****** ** Infloor SYstem Sizing ****t(******,(****************** t ** Program bY GYP-Crete Copyright (c) 1990 Corporation, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'! **** * * * * * * * * * *.*** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * t * HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY Job Name: BAIL.,EY RESIDENCE Location: 193 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL CO Ins ta11er / ******t(******tt Hamel , MN * Version 1.7 * vgl 9!v" :! ' **r(*******rr******* Page 4 * 7 /Or/92 * rl .'1 4 nn *it r rv l"r!* * Contractor: GUARANTEED PLrBG' & HTG' INC ============================================================_-===-_==========Room: 'l Zone: 4 POWDER RM Room: I Zone: 3 GAITITERY Ceiling R-Va1ue: 40.00 Floor Cov. R-Value: O .22 Ceiling Area: ceiling R-Value WaI] 1R-Value Floor Cov. R-Value Indoor Design TernP Slab Edge R-Value Heated Floor Area Room Volume Heat Required Max Flr Srfc TenP Tube DePth Max Flr Srfc TemP: Tube DePth: Ceillng R-Value WaIl 1 R-VaIue Wal"l 2 R-Value Window L R-Va1ue Wi.ndow 2 R-Value Door L R-Value Floor Cov. R-Value Indoor Desiqn TemP S 1ab Edge R-Value Heated Floor Area Room Volume Heat Required Max F1r Srfc TemP Tube DePth 40 .00 23.00 h a, 70 deg. F. 0.00 50 .0 sq. ft. 720.0 cu. ft. L081 BTU/hr 79.0 deg. F' 0.75 in' Ceiling Area WaII 1 Area Floor Covering Area Air Changes Per Hour Ext. Room Perimeter Tube Coveragre Area Splmntl Heat Provided BTU/hrr/sq.. ft. Req Max S 1ab Temperature Floor Coverinq Area Air Changes Per Hour Ext. Roorn Perimeter Tube Coverage Area Splmntl Heat Provided BTU,/hrlsq. ft. Req Max Slab Temperature Ceiling Area Wall L Area WaIl 2 Area Window 1 Area Window 2 Area Door 1 Area Floor Covering Area Air Changes Per Hour Ext. Room Per ime ter Tube coveraqe Area Splrnntl Heat Provided BTU/hr/sq. ft. Req Max Slab TemPerature 90.0 sq. 90.0 sq. 90.0 sq. 0.5 0.0 f t. 50.0 sq. 0 BTU/hr L8 .0 83.0 deg - ft .LL. 394.0 sq. ft. 330.0 sq. ft. n4 0.0 ft. 327 .0 sq. ft. O BTU,ihT o? 75 .7 deg. F ' 112.5 sq. ft. 93.2 sq. ft. 35.0 sq- ft. 6-8 sq- ft- 6.3 sq. ft. l-8.8 sq. ft- 112.5 sq. ft. AR 0.0 f t - 92.0 sq- ft. 0 BTU/hr L8.5 83.1 deg. F' Indoor Design TemP:70 deg. F- Slab Edge R-Value: 0.00 Heated Floor Area: 350 .0 sq - Room Volume: 3152,0 cu ' Heat Required: 3268 BTU/hr t+ ========::::=:::=:============-========================== ================== Room: 9 Zone: 3 MUD RM 7 4.7 deg. 0.75 in. 40.00 23.00 23.00 3.20 3.20 f . UU 0.21 70 deg. F. 0.00 L12. 5 sq. ft. 900-0 cu. ft' 2078 BTU,/hr 79.2 deg' F. 0.75 in. * * * * rt * * * * * * * * * * * r ** ** * * * *'( * i* * * *** **t*** * * * tt Infloor System Sizing Proqram by Gyp-Crete CoPYright (c) 1990 **** * t * * * * t( * * * ****** * tr J< * * )t *** * Jr***Jr****a**************************************t******** HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY Job Name: BAILEY RESIDENCE Location: 193 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL CO * Installer/ Corporation, Ceilinq Area !{a11 1 Area Wal1 2 Area Window 1 lrea Window 2 Atea Floor Area Floor Coverinq Are a Air Changes Per Hour Ext - Roon Peri-meter Tube Coverag'e Area Splmntl Heat Provided BTU,/hr,/sq. ft. Req Max Slab Temperature Hamel, MN Version 1. ? ************* Paqe 5 "7 / OL/ 92 4:18 Pn * Contractor: GUARANTEED PL,BG. & HTG' INC =======================================================================--=== Room: 10 Zone: 3 UTIi,ITY RM i.iii"n-i'jir"r".: 40.00 i ceilins Area: 75'5 sq' ft' WalI 1R-value: 23.00 i !la1l l Area: B2'8 sq' fc' Window 1 R-Vafue; 3-2O I window l- Area: 2'3 sq' ft' Floor Cov. R-VaIue: O.2L I Floor Covering Area: 76'5 sq' fL' Indoor Design Temp: 70 deqr . F. I Air Changes per Hourt :':slab Edge R-va1ul: 0.00 i e*t. Roon Perimeter: u-u ft' FT 3i:;'s!J.-ilv"i;i, o.oo i e*t. Roon perimeter: 0-0 rt' Heated Floor Area: 76.5 sq. ft. i Tube coverage Area, 59'0-sq' ft' RoomVolume:612.0cu.ft.iSplmntlHeatProvided:0BTU,/hr Heat Required: 1002 BTU/hr I BTU/ht/sq' ft' Req: 13'] Max FIr Srfc Tenp: 76.6 deg. F. I Max slab Temperature: 79'3 deg' F' Tube Depth: 0'75 in. Room: 1- l- Zone i 4 BRIDGE Ceiling R-Va1ue Wa1l 1R-VaIue Wall 2 R-Value Window 1 R-Value Window 2 R-Value Floor R-Value Floor Cov. R-Value Indoor Design TenP SIab Edge R-Value Heated Floor Area Room Volume Heat Required Max F1r Srfc TemP 40-00 23.00 23.00 5.00 5.00 40.00 0.22 72 deg. F. 0.00 120.0 sq- ft. 950.0 cu. ft. 5332 BTU,/hr 94.2 deq. F. 120.0 sq. ft - 248.5 sq. ft- 55.7 sq. ft. 31.5 sq. ft. 1-34 .3 sq. f t . 120. 0 sq. ft. 120.0 sq- ft- 0.5 0.0 fL. 95 .0 sq. ft. 0 BTU/hr 44 .4 L04.0 deg- F. Tube Depth:0.75 in. ===-===-:======:======================================== =================== Room: L2 Zone: 5 MASTER BATH ceilins R-value: 40. OO i ce j'lins Area: :2:'9 t^7' ::;;ii";;i-;;i;", z:'oo i warl l Area: :-48'7 sq' ft' ;;ii ; ;i-;;i;;, z:. oo i wal1 2 Area: 123 ' 5 sq ' ft ' ltall 3 R-VaIue: 23.00 i wall 3 Area: 40'0 sq' ft' Wj.ndow 1 R-Value: 5.00 i Window 1 Area: 5 '3 sq' ft' ;i;;;;;;-";i;;, s-oo I window2Area: 15'5sq'rt- F1;;;-;;". ;-;;i;": 0.22 | Floor coverinq Area: 154'0 sq' ft' Indoor Desiqn Temp: 70 deg' F. I Air Chanqes per Hour t 0'? Slab Edge R-Value: 0 . O0 i Ext. Room Perin'etcr t -P'9 l:'rrrqv Lqvc € -Heated Floor Area: 59.0 sq. ft.i Tube Cover:age Area:. 5?'o_sq' r-u' Rooln volunie: 1:232.O cu' ft'i Splmntl Heat Prov j-decl: 0 BTU/hr Heat Required: 2827 Bl'U/hr I BTUIirr/sq' ft'' Req: 41'0 l"la:: I'1r- Srfc Tenip: 90.5 deg. F.i Max Slai: Tijl-rtrerature: 99'5 ti'-'q ' F' Tube Depth : O .7 5 in ' ****************************:t********t******i**********t*********t***lt**** rnfloor System sizing Proqram by cyp-crete corporation, Harnel, MN ** Copyright (c) 1990 Version L.7 * ****************i***************i****t*****i*********)t******************i** * HEATTNG REQUTREMENTS SUMMARY PAqE 6 * x .r. * Job Name: BAILBY RESIIENCE 7/OL/92 '* Locatj.on: 193 BEAVER DAM RD 4:19 pm * 'r VAIL CO ** Installer/ ** Contractor: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INc * ======= = =========- Roorn: L3 Zone: 5 MASTER BDRM Ceiling R-Va1ue WaIl 1- R-Value Wal1 2 R-Value Wal1 3 R-Value Window 1 R-VaIue Window 2 R-Va1ue Window 3 R-Value Carpet R-Va1ue Carpet Pad R-Value fndoor Design Temp Slab Edge R-Value Heated Floor Area Room Volume Heat Required Max FIr Srfc Temp: 'I ll h6 |t67\f l.r r WaIl 1R-Value Wall 2 R-VaIue Window 2 R-VaLue Door 1 R-Value Floor R-Value Carpet R-Va1ue Carpet Pad R-Value Indoor Design Temp Slab Edge R-Va1ue Heated Floor Area Room Volume Heat Required Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: Wall 1R-Value Floor R-Value Floor Cov. R-Va1ue Indoor Design Temp JJ.aD trOge K-Va.Lue Heated Fioor Are a Roc-m Volune Heat Requr red Max FIr Srfc T'enri,r Tube Depth 40.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 3 -20 3 .20 r .1_2 0.55 70 deg. :. 0.00 427.0 sq. ft. 3416 .0 cu. ft. 8627 BTU/hr Ceiling Area llaI1 l Area Wal1 2 Area Wall 3 Area Wi-ndow L Area Window 2 Area Window 3 Area Carpet Area Carpet Pad Area Air Changes per Hour Ext. Room Peri.meter Tube Coveraqe Area Splmntl Heat Provided BTU,zhr,zsq. f t. Req Max Slab Temperature WaI1 1 Area Wa1L 2 Area Window 2 Area Door l- Area Floor Area Carpet Area Carpet Pad Area Air Changes per Hour Ext, Room Perimeter Tube Coverage Area Splmntl Heat Provided BTU/hr/se. ft. Req Max Slab Temperature Wa11 1 Area Floor Are a Floor Coveringr Area Air Changes per Hour Ext . Room Per ime ter Trtbe Coveraqe Ar':a Splmntl Heat Provi-deci BTU,zhr,u sq. f t. Rec.; Max Slab Ternperature ^.\vl ar ^- Cr .tzl.v >({ - tL. 1-53 .0 sq. f t. 131.0 sq. ft. 279.0 sq. ft. 12.0 sq. ft. 79.0 sq. ft. 21.0 sq. ft.427.0 sq. ft. 427.0 sq. ft. 0.5 /\ r\ f +!r.v l.r-. 382.0 sq. ft. O BTU,/hr zv,z 113. B deq. F. 2I7.5 sq. ft. 99.0 sq. ft. L5.0 sq. ft. 22.5 sq- ft. 276.0 sq- ft. 275.0 sq. ft. 276.0 sq. ft.n5 0.0 f r. 242.0 sq. ft. O BTU,/hT 76 .9 1-06 .7 deg. F. 80.1 deg. F. 0.75 in. 23 .00 23.00 ? ,)n 5.00 24 .00 t -L2 0. 55 70 deg. F. 0.00 276.0 sq. ft. 2208 .0 cu. ft - 4671 BTU/hr 78.5 deg. F. 0-75 in. 23.00 24.O0 n a1 70 deg. F. 0.00 138.0 sq. ft. 1104.0 cu. ft. ]-787 BTU/hr 75.5 deq. F. 0.75 in. 120.0 sq. ft. 138.0 sg. ft. 138 .0 sq. ft . 0.5 0.0 ft. 80.0 sq, ft.. O BTU,/hr 13.0 79.2 deg - F. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * ,r * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * '! * * * * * * t * * t * * * * * * * * * *'* * *Jt****tt*** Inf loor *******r.r(r( System Sizing Program by Gyp-crete Corporation' Hanel' MN coiYriqhi (ai 1990 version * rr * * * * * * * * * * * rt * * * * * tr * * * * * * * * * J< * *'( * * * * * * * tt * * * * *'( * * * * * t * * * * 1-.7 * 7t * HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY Job Name: BAILEY RESIDENCE Location: 193 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL CO zJ . vv 23.00 24.O0 o.2r 70 deg. F. 0.00 68.5 sq. ft. 548 .0 cu. ft. 1-l-12 BTU/hr 78.1 deg. F. u. /5 rn. Wall l Area Wa11 2 Area Floor Area Floor Covering Area Air Changes Per Hour Ext . Roorn Per irne ter Tube Coverage Area Splrnn t L Heat Provided BTU,/hr,/sq. ft. Req Max Slab Tempera ture P-arF 7/0r/92 * 4:20 Pm * * * * 80.0 sq' ft- 40 .0 sq. ft. 68.5 sq. ft. 58.5 sq. ft. 0.0 f t. 54. 5 sq. ft. 0 BTU/hr ]-6.2 8l-.5 deg. F. * Instal lerl * Contractor: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG' INC ===========================================================--=============== Room: L6 Zone: 10 APT KITCHEN Wall 1 R-Value: 23 . O0 i Wall l- Area: 57 ' B sq ' ft ' ;"ii;;-v;i;;, e:-oo i lrarl 2Area: 57'5sq'rt' ;;ii 3;-";i;;, z:-oo i wa11 3 Area: 80'0 sq' rt' wi;;;; i i-;;i;;, :. zo I window r- Area " t2 ' 3 sq ' ft ' - 3.-;;; i il-;;i;" ' s ' oo i Door 1 Area: 22 '5 sq' rt ' Floor R-Value: 24.00 i Floor Area: 143'0 sq' ft' Floor Cov. R-VaIue: O-2L I Floor Covering Area: L43'0 sq' ft' Indoor Desi.qn Temp: 70 deg. F' I Air Changes per Hourt 9': slab Edge R-value: 0.oo i Ext, Room Perimeter: 0'0 ft' Heated Floor Area: 110.0 sq. ft.i Tube coveraqe Area: 84'5 sq' ft' RoomVo].ume:LL44.0cu.ft.ISplmntlHeatProvided:0BTU,/hr Heat Required: 2865 BIU/hr I BTu'/hrlsq' f t' Req: 26 '0 Max Flr Srfc Temp: 83.0 deg. F.l Max slab Temperature: 88.5 deq' F' Tube Depth: 0.75 in. Roon: 1'7 Zone: 10 APT LMNG Wa]l 1- R-Value: 23. 0O i wall 1- Area: 86 ' 0 sq ' ft ' WaIl 2 R-Value: 23.00 I watt 2 Area: 140 ' 0 sq ' ft ' Window 1 R-Value: 3.20 i window l- Area: 29 '0 sq' ft' Floor R-Value: 24-00 I floor Area: 161 '0 sq' ft'Floor R-Value: 24-00 I floor Area: 161 '0 sq' ft' carpet R-Value: 3.-72 i carpet Area: 191 '9 *q' fL' Carpet pad R-Va1ue: 0.55 | Carpet iad Area: 151.0 sq' ft' Indoor Design Temp: 70 deg- F- i Air changes per Hourt 9':SIabEdgeR-Value:O'00|Ext.RoomPerimeter:0.0ft. Heated Fl-oor Area: 161.0 sq. ft. i Tube Coverage Area: L36'5 sq' ft' Room VoLume: 1288.0 cu- ft. i Splnntl Heat Provided: 0 BTU/hr Heat Required: 3180 BTU/hr I BTU,/hr,/sq ' f t ' Req: Ll '7- Max F1r Srfc Temp: 79.9 deg. F. ! Max Slab Temperature: Lt2.9 deg ' F' Tube Depth: 0 .75 in. =============== = = = === ==== === ============================= ======== ===== = = == = Room: 18 Zone: 10 APT BATH/DRESSING Wall 1 R-VaIue Wall 2 R-Value Floor R-Va1ue Floor Cov. R-Value Indoor Design TemP SIab Edgc- R-Value Heated F l- c'or Area P,corr i/o I Ltme Heat R':quil ed Max Flr Srfc TemP Tr.iiie Dcplh * ****************'t** ** * **x ********** Inf loor ********it************************** Systen Sizins Program bv GvP-glgle - Copyright (c) 1990 Corporation, Hamel , MN Version 1'l ,. ***** 8** * * * * * * * * * * * * * it * * * t' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'( * * tt tt * tt * * * t' * Jr HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY * Job Name: BAILEY RESIDENCE * Location: 193 BEAVER DAM RD * VAIIJ CO * * * ** * * r( * tt tt * tt ** * * * D./rF * 7 /OL/92 " r1 -DO nm * * * Installer/ ** Contractor: GUARANTEED PLBG' & HTG' INC =====================================================--==================--== Room: 19 zone: 7 BEDRO0M I / BATH 1- Wa11 1 R-VaIue WaII 2 R-Value Wa11 3 R-Value Window 1 R-Value Window 3 R-Value Door 1 R-Va1ue Floor R-Value CarPet R-Value Carpet Pad R-Value Floor Cov. R-Value Indoor Design TemP: Slab Edge R-Value Heated Floor Area Room Vo l urne Heat Required Max F1r Srfc TemP Tube DePth Wall 1 R-Value Wall 2 R-Value Wa1l 3 R-Value Window I R-Value Window 3 R-VaIue Door 1 R-Va1ue Floor R-Value Carpet R-Value Carpet Pad R-VaIue Floor Cov. R-Va1ue Indoor Design TemP Slab Edge R-Value Heated Floor Area 23 .00 23.00 23.OO 3 .20 3.20 5. UU 24.00 n '1 a 0.55 d a.) 70 deg. F. 0 .00 253.0 sq. ft. 2288.0 cu. ft. 4514 BTU,/hr 78.9 deg ' F. 0 - 75 in. 23.00 23 .00 23.00 3.20 3.20 5.00 24 -OO 1 '1 a 0.55 70 deg. F. 0 .00 WalI 1 Area: VIa11 2 Area : I'lall 3 Area Window 1 Area Window 3 Area Door 1 Area Floor Area Carpet Area CarpeL Pad Area Floor Coverinq Area: Air Changes Per Hour: Ext. Room Perineter: Tube Coverage Area: Splmntl Heat Provided: BTv/hr/sq. ft. Req: Max Slab TemPerature: Wa1l 1 Area: Wall 2 Area: Wall 3 Area: Window 1 Area: Window 3 Area: Door L Area: Floor Area: CarPet Area: Carpet Pad Area: Floor Covering Area: Air Changes Per Hour: Ext. Roorn Perimeter Tube Coverage Area Splrnntl Heat Provided BTU,/hr,/sq. ft. Req Max SIab Temperature L29.0 sq' ft. 40 .0 sq. ft. 43-0 sq- ft. 16.0 sq- ft. 5.0 sq. ft- 21.0 sq- ft. 286.0 sq. ft. 224.0 sq- ft' 224.0 sq- f t. 29.O sq- ft. nq ^ A 4a-U.u J-t. 2L9.0 sq. f t. 0 BTU/hr 1t Q 108 .7 deg. F. ========::::=:::::: :=_==:==:==:========================== ================== Roon: 20 Zone: 8 BEDROOI"I 2/BATH 2 330.0 sq. Room Volume: 2640,0 cu. Heat Required: 5432 BTIJ/hr 54.0 sg. 90.0 sq. 118'0 sq. 5.0 sq. 26.0 sq. 21.0 sq. 330.0 sq. 27 4.0 sq. 27 4.0 sq- 29.0 sq. 0.5 0.0 fE. 251.0 sq '0 BTU,/hr L6 .5 105.7 deg. 1+ 1r- f+ fr. E, €|- fr. Max Flr Srfc TenP 78.2 deg. F. 0. ?5 in.Tube Depth ========::::=:::::======:===----=-=-=-========== =========================== t ** * * * * * * ********************************************************* Infloor systen Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete corporation, Copyright (c) 1990 *****i*it*******tr********************Jt******************* HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY Job Nane: BAfLEY RESIDENCE Location: 193 BEAVER DAM RD VAIIJ CO Installer,/ Contractor: GUARANTEED PIBG. & HTG. lNC Roon Volume: L344.0 cu. Heat Required: 2Q62 BTU/ht Wa1I 1 Area Door l- Area Floor Area Carpet Area Carpet Pad Area Air Changes Per Hour Ext. Room Perimeter Tube Coveraqe Area Splnntl Heat Provided BTU/hr/sq. ft. Req Max Slab Temperature Wal1 1 Area: Wall 2 Area: Wa11 3 Area: Window 1 Area: Window 2 Area: Door 1 Area: Floor Area: Carpet Area: Carpet Pad Area: Air Changes per Hour: Ext, Roon Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: Splnntl Heat Provided: BTU/L.r/sg. tt. Req: Max Slab Temperature: ************** Hame1, MN t Version L.7 t ,.************** Page 9 * * 7 /0L/92 * 4:23 Pm * * * L9.0 sq. ft. 2L.0 sq. ft. 168.0 sq. ft. 158.0 sg. ft. 158.0 sq. ft. oq 0.0 ft. 117.0 sq. ft- 0 BTU/hr L2 .3 96.6 deg. F. 164.0 sq. ft. 132.0 sq. ft. 108.0 sq. ft. 16.0 sq. ft. L8.0 sq. ft. 92-0 sq. ft. 270.0 sq- ft. 270.0 sq. ft- 270.0 sq. ft. u.a 0.0 f t. 238.0 sq' ft. O BTU,ZhT 20 .5 ]-14.7 des. F. Room: 2! Zone: 5 CORRIDOR 2 Wal1 1 R-Va1ue Door 1 R-Va1ue Floor R-Value Carpet R-Va1ue Carpet Pad R-Value Indoor Design Temp SIab Edge R-Value Heated Floor Area Max Fl-r Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: Wa1I 1 R-VaIue Wa11 2 R-Va1ue Wa11 3 R-Value Window L R-Va1ue Window 2 R-VaIue Door 1 R-Value Floor R-Va1ue Carpet R-Value Carpet Pad R-Value Indoor Design Temp Slab Edge R-VaIue Heated Floor Area Max F1r Srfc Temp: rTrrrha Danf h, ^ s,v vv!' v.. . 23.00 5.00 24.00 L.L2 0.55 70 deq. F. 0 .00 158. O sq-fr.ft. F.75.1 deg. 0.75 in. Room: 22 Zone : 9 GUEST ,/STUDY 23.00 23.00 23.00 3.20 3 .20 15. 00 24.00 L. L' 0.55 70 deg. F. 0.00 270.0 sq. Room Volume: 2L60.0 cu. Heat Required: 5559 BTU/hr fr. f r. 80.3 deg. F. 0.75 in. * * * * * J. t t( * tt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Infloor Systern Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete " coPYright (c) 1990 **i*r.* * * * * ** * r! * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * i* * ***** *** * * * * * * * * * tt tt tt * * * *r.** ** ** ** * *** * * ** Corporation, Hame1, MN - Version 1 * * * * * Jt * * r! ************** Page .7 *. 10* * Job Name: BAILEY RESIDENCE * Location: 193 BEAVER DAM RD r, VAIL CO 23.OO o ? nn 23.00 3.20 3.20 5. UU 24.0O o.2L 70 deg. F. Slab Edqe R-Value: 0.00 Heated Floor Area: 130.0 sq' ft' Room Volume: L040.0 cu' ft' Heat Required: 380L BTU/hr HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY 1/0L/92 * 4:24 Pn x * ** Installer,/ ** Contractor: GUARANTEED PIJBG' & HTG' INC =====-_==== = = = = = = === = === = = ======== ======== = === = ========--===========--======== Room: 23 Zone: 9 FOYER/BATH3/LAUNDRY Wa11 1 R-Value WalI 2 R-Value Wall 3 R-Value Window 1 R-Value Window 3 R-Value Door I R-Value Floor R-Value Floor Cov. R-Val'ue Indoor Design TemP: Wall 1- Area: Wal1 2 Area: I'laII 3 Area: Window 1 Area: Window 3 Area Door 1 Area Floor Area Floor Coverinq Area Air Changes Per Hour Ext, Room Perimeter Tube Coverage Area Splnntl Heat Provided BTU/hr/sq- ft. Req Max Slab TemPerature Ceiling Area: Wa1l 1 Area !{a11 2 Area Wa1I 3 Area Window 1 Area Door 1 Area Door 2 Area Floor Area: Floor Covering Area: Air Changes Per Hour: Ext. Room Perineter: Tube Coverage Area: Splnntl Heat Provided: BTU/hr/sq. ft. Req: Max Slab Temperature: 118 .0 sq ' 100 .0 sq. L15.5 sq. 12.0 sq. 22.5 sq. 22.0 sq. 130 . 0 ss. 130.0 sq - nq 0.0 f t. 108.0 sq. 0 BTU/hr 29.2 90 . 8 deg. 836.0 sq- ft- 128.0 sg- ft- 19.0 sg. ft. 50,0 sq. ft- 10.0 sq. ft. 193.0 sq. ft. 21.0 sq- ft, 836.0 sg. ft. 835.0 sq. ft. 0.5 0.0 ft. 672.0 sg- ft. 0 BTU/hr 15.5 70.8 deg. F. Ft- FI fi ft. f+ c, Max FIr Srfc TernP:84.5 deq. F. 0.75 in.Tube Depth: ========::::=:=:=:================== =================== ==================== Room: 24 Zone: 11 GARAGE Ceiling R-value Wal1 1 R-VaIue 91a11 2 R-Value Wa1l 3 R-Value llindow 1 R-Value Door L R-Value Door 2 R-VaIue Floor R-Va1ue Floor Cov. R-Va1ue 40.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 3.20 R nn 5. 00 24.0O 0.20 lndoor Design TenP: 50 degr' F Slab Edge R-Value: 0.00 Heated Floor Area: 836.0 sq' Room Volurne: 5588.0 cu' Heat Required: 12952 BTU,/hr fr.fr. Max Flr Srfc TemP:57 .7 deg. F. Tube Depth: 0.75 in. =__=_===l:::=:::=:======:=====:================ --=====-=============-^======= ***********************************************************'(r.*****t****ti * Infloor system Sizing Program by Gyp-crete Corporation, Harnel, MN * Copyright (c) 1990 ********a**********************t**t*** TNSTAI,I,ATION SUMMARY BAII,EY RES]DENCE 193 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL CO GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INC r' ************** * * * ilob Name:* Location: * * Installer/* Contractor: ZONE NUMBER: 1 of 11 Loops Required: Loop lJength: TotaI Tube Required: Head Pressure: Infloor Heat: ZONE TYPE: Inflo Version L.7' * ****************l***t** Paqe 1 * 7 /Ot/92 * 4:53 Pn * * ==== = ==== == = = = == = = = --==== ==or Comnercial T/2'' BPEX 240 sq. ft. 138 deq. F- 1.0 GPM O BTU,/hT l_ 319 ft. 319 fr. 19. 8 fr. 7326 BTU/hr Tubing Size Tube Area Supply Water Ternp Floor Flow Rate Supplenental Heat Rnl # lRoom Name ]. iFAMILY RM 2 i BREAKFAST Iroop lJength: Total Tube Required: Head Pressure: Infloor Heat: lTube I Tube i # of I Tube IBTU/}:.r/' lDepthlspacingl LoopsiLengthlsq' ft. lo.75"l 9.0" I 0.5 i 18f i 26.2 |0.75"| 9.O" i 0.4 | 138'i 24.0 == ================= ZoNE NUMBER: 2 of 17 d zoNE TYPE: Infloor Commercial L,oops Required: 1 Tubingr Size: t/2" BPEX Tube Area: 93 sg.t24 ft. L24 ft.1.9 fr. 3440 BTU/hr fr F Supply Water Temp: Floor Flow Rate: Supplemental Heat: 100 deg- 0.5 GPM O BTU,/hT Rmi * lRoon Name Loops Requi-red: Loop Length: Total Tube Required: Head Pressure: Infloor Heat: lTube I Tube i # of I Tube iBTU/ht/ iDepthlspacingl LoopslLengthl sq. ft. 3 IKITCHEN t0.75"t 9.0,' i 1.0 | L24'i 25.L )ZONE NUMBER: 3 of 11 - ZONE TYPE: Inflo 4 287 ft. 11_48 f t.6.7 f.t. L7345 BTU/hr Tubing Size Tube Area Supp1y Water Ternp Floor Flow Rate Supplenental Heat ===============or Commercial ===============T/2" BPEN 980 sq- ft. 95 deq. F- 2.3 GPM O BTU,/hT Rmi # | Roorn Name lTube I Tube ! # of I Tube lBTu/hr/ lDepthispacingi Loopsli.,engthisq' ft' 5 8 9 10 D]}JING RM IJ]VII.JG RM GALLERY MUD RM 0.75" 0.75" 0.75" 0.75" 0.75" 9.0" 9.0" l-2 . 0 " L2.0" 1,2 -0" 1.0 1,.4 1-1 0.3 0.2 27 9', 389' 327' ot I 50' zv . .) an c: 9.3 1e q 12 1 iUTILITY RM * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * t ** * * rt* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * ** Infloor System Sizing Progran by Gyp-Crete Corporation,* Copyright (c) 1990 * * * * * * tt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *** * ** i * *** * * * * * **r( * * * * * * t* * * * J< * * * ** INSTAIJLATION SUMMARY * Job Name: BAIIJEY RESIDENCE * Location: l-93 BEAVER DAM RD * VAII CO * Ins taller/* Contractor: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INC * * * * * * * 'l:t * *rt Hame1, MN Version 1. ****ir(*rt**** Page '7, *'** 2' ================== --=======--B============5================================== zoNE NUMBER: 4 of 11 f zoNE TYPE: rnfloor Commercial ----= = ====== === ==== = = == = === == Tubing Size Tube Area Supply Water Temp Floor Flow Rate Supplenental Heat * 7 /0t/92 * 4:53 prn * * * * 1/2" BPEX 209 sq. ft- 118 deg' F. 1.2 GPM 0 BTU/hr Loops Required Loop Length Total Tube Required Head Pressure Infloor Heat .) 184 358 4.8 9]-42 ft. f r.fr. BTU,/hr Rnl # lRoom Name ---l-------- ENTRY POWDER RM BRIDGE lTube I Tube i # of i Tube iBTv/hir/ lDepthl Spacingl Loops lLengthlsq' ft' --------+-----+-------+------+------+-- 6 11 0.75" 0.75" 0.?5" 6.0" L2.0" 5.0" 0-7 o'l 1-0 LZO 50' r92', 11 n 18.0 44 .4 .'la,rl-'i nn ci.ra ^ sv 4rrl, erav Tube Area Supply Water Temp Floor Flow Rate Supplenental Heat Loops Required: 2 I-,ooP Length: 307 ft. Total Tube Required: 514 ft. Head Pressure: t2.1, ft. Infloor Heat: It454 BTU/hr L/2'' BPEX 434 sq. fL. 124 deg' F- ]..5 GPM '' 0 BTU,/hr Rnl * lRoom Nane ]-2 iMASTER BATH 13IMASTER BDRM Total Tube Required: Head Pressure: lTube I Tube I # of I Tube iBTu/br/ lDepthl spacingl L,oops lLengthi sq. ft' io.75" i 6.0" i 0.3 i l-04'i 41-0 lo.75"l 9-0" i r.7 i 509'i 20'2 ZONE NUMBER: 5 of 11 ZONE TYPE: Infloor Commercial Loops Required: 2 Loop Length: 220 Tubing Size Tube Area Supply Water Temp Floor Flow Rate Supplenental Heat L/2" BPEX 439 sq. ft. 117 deg- F. 1.1 GPM 0 BTU,/hr 440 5.0 ft.fr.fr. BTU,/hr Infloor Heat: 852t Rml # lRoom tiane lTube lTube i#of lfube iBTU/l:r/ !Depth lspacing I Loops i Length i sq - ft' 1_5 BTLLARDS CORRIDOR 1// LAUNDRY CORRIDOR 2 0.75" 0.75" U. r3 12.0" 12 .0" 12.0" 1.1 0.4 0.5 B0' 1L7', 1? n LZ. J *************************t*t****************x*********************'(****** System Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete Corporation, Hame1, MN Copyright (c) 1-990 Version 1' 7' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r. rr * * * * * i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r( * * * * * * * * t< * * t' t * INSTAI,LATION SUMMARY PAgC 3 * *** * * * * * Inf Ioor ********** Tubing Size Tube Area Supply Water Temp Floor Flow Rate Supplemental Heat I 1/i1 /Q) * ,4.tr2 hh 'r a * .L/ A 2L9 sq. ft. 119 deg. F. 0.6 GPM 0 B?u,/hr Job Name: BAfLEY RESIDENCE L,ocation: 193 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL CO fnstaller/ Contractor: GUARANTEED PLBG. & HTG. INC Loops Required: 1 Loop Length: 219 ft. Total Tube Required: 2L9 ft. Head Pressure: 5.5 f t -Infloor Heat: 4514 BTU/hr Rml # !Room Name Loops Required: L,oop Length: Total Tube Required: Head Pressure: Infloor Heat: lTube I Tube i # of I Tube lBTu/hr/ iDepthi Spacingl Loops lLengthisq- ft. I9|BEDROOT{ 1/ BATH 1 io.?5" i 1-2.0" i L.o i 2t9',i r7.8 Tubing S ize Tube Area Supply VJater Temp Floor Flow Rate Supplemental Heat --======== = = ==== or Cornmercial =========1/2|| BPEX 251 sq. ft' L15 deq. F. 0.7 GPM O BTU,/hT 1 zbL zoL 9.3 5432 fr.ft. ft. BTU/hr Rmi # lRoom Name 20!BEDROO}4 2/BATH 2 ZONE NUMBER: 9 of 11 a/ Loops Required: Loop Length Total Tube Required Head Pre s sure Infloor Heat lTube I Tube | # of I Tube iB?v/br/ lDepthl Spacingl LoopslLengthl sq. ft. i0.75"i 12.0" i l-.0 i 26L',i 16.5 23t 462 5.3 9350 ZONE TYPE: Inflo Tubing Size Tube Area Supply yJater Temp Floor Flow Rate Supplemental Heat fr.fr.fr. BTU/hr ===============or Commerci aI ===============1/2" BPEX 346 sq. ft. 125 deg. F. 1.2 GPM O BTU,ZhT Rmi # lRoom Narne 22 iGUEST ,/STUDY 2 3 I FOYER,/BATH3 / LAUT'IDRY I Tube I Tube I # of I Tube i B"lU / ht / iDepth lspacing I Loops lLengthlsq. ft. rn .7R||l o n" I ln ?cirr I O n" I tv.tJt).vl 1,.4 I 3l-7'i 20.5 0.5 I 144'i29.2 ************t*******************************************rt************* Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete Corporation,Copyright (c) L990 **************************************** INSTAIILATION ST'I'IMARY * * .fob Name: BAIITEY RESIDENCE * Location: 193 BEAVER DAM RD * VAIL CO * Ins ta11er,/* Conlractor: GUARANTEED PI,BG. & HTG. TNC ======================== ZONE TYPE: fnfloor Commercial Infloor System **************** ;;;G;il;;;-,;------/- Lroops Required: 1 l,oop Length: 305 ft.Total Tube Reguired: 305 ft. Head Pressure: 18.1 ft.fnfloor Heat: 7156 BTU/hr Tubing Size Tube Area Supply Water Temp Floor Flow Rate Supplemental Heat Hamel, MN * Version t.f t' *************** Page 4 * ,r 7 /Or/92 * 4:54 Pm * t * 1 /.)II EIDE'Y J-' A 276 sq. ft. 123 deg. F. ]-.0 GPM 0 BTU/hr Rmi # lRoom Name . lTube I Tube i # of I Tube IBIV/h.r/ IDepthISpacingI LoopsIL.,engthIsq. ft- t-o 17 IU APT KITCHEN APT LIVTNG APT BATH,/DRESSTNG 0.75" 0.75" 0.75" 9.0" 12 .0" 12.0" 0.4 0.4 113' 737', 55' zo.v L6.2 ZONE NUMBER: 11 of 11 ZONE TYPE: fnfloor Commercial Loops Required: Loop Length:TotaI Tube Required: Head Pressure: fnfloor Heat: 12952 3 224 672 5.2 ft.ft.ft. BTU,/hr Tubing Size Tube Area Supply Water Temp Floor Flow Rate Supplemental Heat: t/2" BPEK 672 sq. ft 81 deet. F 1.7 GPM 0 BTUlhr Rml # lRoon Nane Max Head Press , Req: Total Floor Flow: lTube i Tube i # of I Tube iBTu/ht/ lDepthl spacing! Loops lL,engthlsq. ft. 24 IGARAGE to.75" i 72.O" i 3.0 i 672',1 15.5 Total 1/2" BPEX Tube Req:4932 fE- 19.8 ft. Max Water Temp. Req: 138 deg. F. 12.9 cPM Water Temp. Drop: 15 deg. F. htov at wI MEMORANDUM To: TOWN OF VAIL.. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FRO!1 : STONE MECHANICAL. INC. DATE: NOVEMRER 25. 1992 SUBJECT: BAILEY RES]DENCE. 193 BEAVER DAM ROAD. VAIL,, COI,ORADO - PERMIT #5351 SIZING FOR THE BOII,ER F'LUE FOR THE BAII-EY RESIDENCE WAS CAL- CLIL,A'|ED ACCORDING TO THE UNIFORM IIECHANICAL CODE. 1991 ED]TION. CHAPTER 9. SEC. 906 (d) PARA, I 8 2, Project Application F/ef ,z Proiect Name: : Description: Contact Person and Phone Architect, Address and Phone: Owner, Address and Phone: Lesal Descriptio n' ro, 3 K , r,o"r a a{_ Commenls: Design Review Board Motion by: ,"," 4 3/ qz DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: - 53a? - 4347 47 sta./fz r4f f/r/qz - ZL*- z t*.-// z 6/s/rz Staf f Approval ,*", &/ r/r.>- gth rr?,!/,\ {/-- 6/:/rz The Ememann Gmup &chltecls ItO Eox 4602 Aspen. Cctlorado E16t 1 303 925.22ri6 2+ Jury, 1992 Mr. Andy Knudtren Qtfio. of Communlt DrvCopment Town cf Vqll VaX. Colorado ar. E ncmrnn AIA Jernnr Brhy Fob Feutocd ffi(tc€, s€r Lltfu, (t/ I sf HAND DELIVERED 44/ RE: Bdlcy Hulcc, 103 Boover Dam Bd.. Vd. Coloredo Drar Andy: The ovmcr of tto rbqe rdcnnc.d Frejad whlc*r b prrcenfy undcr conc&&Jon, Jlnnc ;1.Brrry' hae querbd ltret tr ildr Bcdmom le rntergcc-tq/oac t|let rbr 6own oa qrr conrtr.rctJ€n dra$r gr. It b ilr und.€tsrdhg ftom r bLphonr ffirnailon x,ft Jlll l(rmmcnr on Maftfi o d fih prr lut hcr aulyrb d our aomtuctbn crrwlngc rl'ulbd ln e GRFA flr ihc ho0rc lit b 20 c$rn fbct brlorr thc merdmm rtrounbb . Harce we wnuH Ik to rdd trb 26 qrlan !||! A_q?gdnW -ORFA b lhr Brlryltoute Mr*br B.druon d ilh irnr. Thb 2C rquara lrt eddldon would lo eeo4hhed by nrovlng ttre iB lL long nodh urll c nc illb?Brdsorr ln enor|hrlydlncton 1..F, Aurdr.d cllr frrd drrrfirgr_drpldq |hls propa.d roofuoon. silroutd tlrrn br lry qucr0onr a nrrd for drrtlcrdqr plero bt m. knolv. dd o tr$ I ci "t I I t. , I oo --\ \,'I I ,"t:t /tl t I I I o t ol 1 I I ,/I q I 'l / / & /\I I ,, I I , 'i I t: r $ { c I I I o v -i-* -.7 tL T- $L H t--- h -l I i I I I I I I I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i,r/l L-r I t,o+-- I I rS r* I I fr n -,1 t+ T I I t\ lo rd I r{- ls N' I I |-. I 1 I I J r 1 c r L I le <: ,2^,j N blo I I I I H I fr---''l >t ?,t +l FF *$Sl .t$ f l ssl N I IHI i r I I I I I .,a sT'- T-1 BAILEY FIOUSE ls€ E€$€. D.m F€d vrn Oolof!(b nr.Effitr€ db lOEr 1@ATrrCO||fie c* 7,fi,fu uo:li'I.;l Uf4t1'*rr*^ -:d FI AI -7^ rl \9t I v t a e}LY I ,t Lou t- I {&Br-..t I ri. ,;f '3 c.' H]r-t i,t tv Tt .r qt.. J .tU c t d I zt ra'l .t $f,,:' . .1.'-. nlh f{Ar}4oa a 7T---' ?; ?{ArEoa tffi*t l{ r4t31 \ -.-r ,il * .4.rt\ t ,., ;- --;{-rr t>t- f!:t|*ZxVa -.r w*t .l'1!. .;i. Trr r .:.d,r ':t.' -tF.EllJl t: !. /-T,s,r i:'''..: rxy a Ir: I " tl ull-,, 'Y BAII.EY 1*18.Nr..&n Vrl, Cdoilb o o l{.o-t4x{x ]et.o fa 2I 1 !. r,tf_ L{1 \lf. :. . ur€ll6 flo*, r,d-rl-BAILF( lClElllrr?Ourt vd. CE [!o E.o UJ a O tr f (L uJ z> P5 <uJ Hfi > IJJ b3 =ES tr€Q 9ra tq('z{=(/)itr Eip + tr uJ 8-r{2 #9 E<z uJ o H5 EE $r tr l) !*J f_, i H a t i -rr- -+\ i.:\ ( z r (! E ul E { 2lzlz ol al o FI FI F =t =t !!lYl tl tt l\l /11 61 61 6 trJ I ull t!r\t nl Ft Ft r- trLtrLtr I I I l-.- I t---. I I I I I It la lr t: I I ,{ J ':{ .1 .\ .q s ,-:1". \ l $t\>; s3 HH tt En o(o 9:e ottN :ER EEX ar -lu qE_ : t oLl 6dt =>t!f >z uJ z lrJ t\ >Li .G tl Itl ull,rl Elll slffi HllEsl E tt-t ;ill+l -ull I itl Elt I ott I ill ccl tllFSl fril1 =lA F-I F =t =ot o CDI Ih UJ I IJJ ol o Ff- F tt t .AL F rl $ I il \a z tr (L a L! F (r d z (L E UJ o F (r f .\ '.\,--<\. ''\:l l I I z tr (I d U)ul r 2 tr E a t,u o F (r s i ^irti ---t i -J I cnl rJr rX \J ,i ri uJ (L o o z ct H z 6 t{ 6 o z I I : I 9 = o \9 .l I -t I 'I z a f, -J o E uJ F t\:'*\ .- | .rv \- v \\ .-l .(\| {{ .- -5J ,r.\\.>\ .i' ^:. '*\\ t'lc=t.\{ i-'s .i \l- * >L_ |r ul dl z (J r' uJ ts uJ e | -'r. I fi tzl tl \ - llrsl -n !eHt 5 llas I fr t|-t E_J EgI o o ro ru rft rfi tf) c,l 'J) u; ii l z 3 l- llJ q, 3': UJ t-. : cl F ,o (5 ll-!'z EE& *4 JS :i? a * ++ *rf *s $s +* + '; tr :i. t: tt) i.' =!.',i (t o: 4,J J n L.| ul l! I u! 0a o 2 3 I I ul > lr' z { tt)f a l- I z llJ t-- tL !- t'm E* lp^ €EF ! gd -c oN ;s;p'FU tr, C'j rfl !-J tri id rfl r, \> .( fllji a z t- BI (r t.t tI tJ. g) C\I o -f g Ia- rf IJ cl o- ltl V ur t cl J1,J :-, a-. l-r o ftt o \t t,o cu o tr fl o 8 N (') t (',o I a f\|o (o .o E o '= a -tt RO >a) lb8 iAc v9 L.C >E >9 v lf)+j tr lrl J 9-,1 d cq i ul z z <t ) rt)it rT P. r-, : /a .4 -,6/44 Prnzt, GK*/1 &k. (or,r-ra '1 9t?FA ,4//na(d : 37te + 756135o , 539"/ GE;Z At/ewed ? 443 2 qsa 5.30?a 4,4rv //z/"ot( __ 6i72: Cc:i.&,4af atcatlr7^t Gc %) ., /, t/p E /,2/.;r/ : 1e///nacl'. 3 ?77 *51 tuu{ '^'oa/'a= 3336 ., 4.'r{{.- -_ - -- - ,/C27 _ J r;ihl .,"o"rtr/ *.1of 4 fy72ti772rt-t; 4SlS - /J& 7 ' //5 4 srt r:co'. /Ynarzt t/ q2 I I I 'iljx',f;f- JK/KP SIIE VTSITS 1:00 p.m. DESIGN REXXIEW BOARD AGENDA .NFRIL 15, L992 3:00 P.M. llindlin Rsgideace - 8OO potato patch Drive.Liongbead fdall - Suadial plaza. Bailey Rssidence - 193 Bcavea Dan Road.Stl. lluseun pocket park - Locatsd at the nortbregt intergection of Vail Road and West Meador Drive. _v_a+} -Cllgray Plaza - 12 Soutb trrontage Road. Ya+l_ V!.llage rnn ptaza - 100 Soutb riontage Road.Seitb Regidcace - 950 Bairvay Drive.BogsorAcuff Resideace - 3235 xatsos Raacb Road.traiser/Ball RegideDce - {916 .Iuaip€r Lan€. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 1. Ski Museum pocket park - Conceptual review; located MM at the northwest intersection of Vail Road and West Meadow Drive.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Conceptual - no vote taken. 2. Lionshead Mall - Sund.ial plaza. Located west of the Lifthouse Lodge.MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Di_ana Donovan VOTE: 3-0 Approved. Applicant agreed to investigate grouting flagstone. the Club - New front entry door. MM 304 Bridge Street/Red Lion Building.MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 4-0 Consent approved. Mindlin Residence. - Addition to prinary unit of JKIAK existing primary/secondary residence. - g00 potato Patch Drive/Lot 7A, Block 1, Vail potato patch. 4. MOTION: George Lamb VOTE: 3-1 SECOND: Ned Gwathmey AGENDA Approved with conditions. Diana Donovan Opposed. 5. Grubbs Residence - 250 Addition and exterior JKIAK I modifications to existing single family residence. 1031 Eagle's Nest Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Village 1st . MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: TIBI.ED TO MtrI 6IE UEEIING. 6. Bailey Residence - New Single Family. JKIAK 193 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 38, Block 3, VaiI Village 3rd Filing. MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 4-0 Approved wit.h conditions. 7. Smith Residence - New Duplex. AK 950 Fairway Drive/Lot 5, Vail Village 1Oth Filing. MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: Conceptual Reviev - no vote taken. 8. Hutchinson - New primary with restricted 2nd unit. SM 2995 Basingdale Road/Lot 15, Block 5, Vail Intermountain. MOTION: ceorge Lamb SECOND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 4-0 Approved with conditions. 9. Bossow,/Acuf f Residence - Bedroom,/Bathroom JKISM Addition. 3235 Katsos Ranch Road,/Lot 5, Block 1,Vail- Village 12th. MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 4-0 Consent approved. 10. Kaiser/Hall Residence - Carport addition to existing SM primary/secondary residence. 49L6 Juniper Lane,/Lot 5,Block B, Bighorn 5th Filing.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABI.ED TO IIAY 6TE IIEETTNG. 11. Frein Residence - Revision to driveway configuration, SM landscaping and elevation changes. 798 potato patch Drive/Lot 8, VaiI Potato Patcb MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry Dorhrard VOTE: 4-0 Approved as submitted. I I L2. Vail Gateway Plaza - Seasonal Christmas Tree MM (60' tall) at the southeast corner of the 4-way stop. Lots N & O, Block 5-D, vail village LsL/t2 South Frontage Road. . MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: IIBI.ED IO IIAY 6TE IIEETTNG. 13. Byrne Residence - Change to approved plans to 'JK allow different architectural treatments for separated prinary & secondary units. 16 Forest Road,/ Lot 1, Block ?, Vail Village 1st Filing.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED TO llAY 6lE IIIEEIING. 14. Vail Village Inn Plaza - Changes to approved plans MM for Phase 4-A. 100 South Frontage Road/Lot O, BLock 5-D, Vail Village 1st Filing. MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 3-1 Approved as presented. Diana Donovan opposed. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Ned Gwathmey ""a "*r*ta*Sherry Dorward Gena Whitten (PEC) George Lamb Diana Donovan (PEC) STAFF APPROVALS: Sl-ifer Building - Modifications, 3 skylights. 230 Bridge Street,/Lot B & a part of Lot C, Block 5, VaiI Village Lst Filing. Herdrich Residence - Landscaping.Lot 18, vail Valley 3rd. Lodge at Vail. - Temporary Tent for Taste of Vail. 174 Vail Road. Thoma Residence - Modifications. LoE 2, Block 8, Vail Village 7th. Vail Golf Course Townhornes, Phase I - Add 4 decks to rear of each townhouse in Building #A. 1560 Sunburst Drive. Creekside Building - Modify interior and one window on south elevation. 223 Gore Creek Drive. C Johns Residence - rnterior remodel, finish off area in basement behind garage. vail Golf course Townhomes, Buirding A, unit #2. Vorlaufer Condominiums - Landscaping improvements.385 Gore Creek Drive. Arthur Duplex - Add 114 square feet to Unit *2.Lot 4, Block 2, Bighorn 1st. Trope Residence - changes to eite deveropment/erevations.Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Village Bth. One Vail Place - Exterior window changes to Unit *3.Resub. Lot C, BJ.ock 5-C, Vail Village 1st. Eaglewood Restaurant - Nerd sign.VaiI Athletic Club/352 yaiL vetley Drive. .l tl , TO: Mr. Andrew Knudtsen Planning & Environmental Commission Town of Vail 75 Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Rick Lamb Associates FRoM: Rick Lamb Associates Landscape Architects RE: DRB/PEC Review LANDSCAPEPLAN Landscape Architecture Bailey Residence' Lot 38' Block 7 Desisn 193 Beaver Dam Road, Vail Village Land Plannins DATE: April I L, 1992 Enclosed is the plan marked, as Jill Kammaer requested, showing the location of the new trees required by the PEC (r), as well as, all other trees (p) planted to complete the design. Please refer to the March 2, 1992 memo describing our substitution of several smaller evergreens in lieu of the single twenty foot tree specified by the PFL . town. The shrubs are all equal in size or larger than required. The attached Modified Grading Plan (4-LI-92) shows a modification to the grading reducing the side slope along the driveway. Please call me with any questions or comments. 23 Athens street cc' ffi: ,r::nffi u;*L."" Cambridge Massachusetts 02138 Telephone 617 868 1939 Fax 617 354 3387 ' '<'4L pfl Ju/"e' '5!,1'[t //"s W ** o,rn [)**' Ct.*f ' N*/' YLo Y2 k{/-+ b,*f p^rt\ ."t<- Jl "r%(J,L"+L-- 0 Cl"a^1 @. a- c-rw<c</. L;L- ;( ^Lj -tr.4Lr.h A--/ *-r'^-{ Lw-dt', / ."f-*4 rA rys!- 'L,.'*- J a /,-- fu({o.-^.. (,r-., bo,ta; /;a.-) a { GL*' R-*;1 */" /a^t/ k'L {t t@ utL^- tL n, , L:k, I ,Q -z /L4 /+(-t-l y'--o 4- t<42 $ \ ft $ r I $ 0 { 3 t E 3rt $ E t o -lr -lyh \hl3 a$rP- o ut rrt $l 5tr -){:Sv $ Z 6 $I o \) \- 6 o € I s/tlL 2/.8 O INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW Ego NIAR t 8$9e PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING G,/tt/?2 Date: FIRE DEPARTMENT Date: Date: BRrEF DnscRrprroN oF rHE pRoposau 7y'74 //9. PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by:ddar-Date: 3- l{" I "-- comment's' t'v*o"t 6 .Z-t/ /7zrt/- / c<-a'r4- fArg-rrzt-.s..t6- O-7 -/ 2/,,--ZqJt"o''7- 7 s .tst/a"c'oE(o' E vz'on..-'(<- /4,-//e"-', POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Corunents: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Conments: }r^ K, PRoJEcr z ktu/' ' DATE SUBMITTED: PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Conments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW '4-{ COMMENTS NEEDED BY: 3/II,/I: - BRIEF DESCRTPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: , -rZ/ ac7* dz.7&///dL,'%:,ry ffim?% Date: Date: f '_%og614eo ryre"*ri"_dp Reviewed by: Comrnents: J5- rroy' DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING ,Y|rche/ : 64 Ah// ,: /h'e- '6raze h*e 179-2/58 Reviewed or, /flS Nt+b Dare : 3-tG - 72 = commenrs , ) De,**1 f4r^:4t h*a--.l f:r r14 :3.>)stv.j: ;;J/ i W7 l& ;t fi,:"&" Z"''tl L4 4 "rce a : / /^cV J-/<. -r/"Y'{; ^t"4 p'o"'4 o /'60z h3' J - t z) .,'- J .v-'-*^t-t- (- " - u N6", 3-Q^P €:;+ fttf-", -?',3)r.rn-J-lp'-t=,a-6-L ,t<--o-u -,'-1.- (^--- / -: ,,// | 1 "ii X s P^--t^4 J,--ti z-,'*.- L b'J+, ,h"* r-tJ oz-,,, '-'t rl r,ns - - (ltot7-7ust'C e (s /"z'1'' 'ty't// frtzzor? FrRE pE'ARTMENT Fan drarrlrrp) TCI FROIII RE: Design Review Board Town of Vail Rick Lamb Associates Landscape Architects LANDSCAPEPLAN Bailey Residence, Lot 38, Block 7 193 Beaver Dam Road,Vail Village March 2, L992 Rick Lamb Associates DATE: Landscape Architecture Design Land Planning 23 Athens Street Cambridge Massachusetts 02138 Telephone 617 868 1939 Fax 617 354 3387 The following response is made with regard to the May 28, 1991 comments of The Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission, on the preservation of existing trees and the planting and size specifications of replacement trees. Generally, preserving specimen trees is to be commended, however, retaining the largest tree may well create a liability in that the stability of the specimen tree may rely on the support of a group of trees. The long term benefit to the community may be better served by preservation of smaller trees that are better able to acclimate to new conditions. Specifically, the Town has required the planting of one 20 foot tree.. As the site is north facing and (sharply) downhill from Beaver Dam Road, planting a large evergreen tree is most feasible along Beaver Dam Road with regard to access, The tree, in such a location, will block appreciable sunlight important for new plantings. We propose planting groups of smaller trees in order to set the placement of the root ball correctly, smaller root balls will not require retaining walls, within other plantings and to enhance the house and site design. Twenty four evergreen and deciduous trees have been specified for the site. The effect, over time, will ultimately be the same as requested by the Town. EilMAR 2 $ez FE E5g e ; F,s€:E 6 Ffl EB F5g tfi FB D:q *otrt € r.r o !=E#5'o i' ItrI} MAR :l t99Z I'U IE trl HE l;E HF tg E t: FH FH F o' 6'rrF { O\g €i5 rCt p>63 I o v, 333F <TPe I R 3; g'g€ 3 Eoor-r F-F-.---!evr==a --E Egg,i ---c saGoaS =--=-O6.is 9EEI(a a E-[" +3 3 "-' :.. :-. i =. =.3 ''' 9.9.3 -'/' u2 O Q. (,o(D"a, (tt g g g, tee =Oa 0q q A) s) H 5'6' i.b: I x I I o.r 5 5g g s**vt3 3 I.>>Ess "€€idEE ;--oc) d o(D Fs !g o 58.w o- 19.o15 r0e 91..t AF 9B lFl € lo'nl I ttE =. lo - lro lo l5 lo t<to lo o o (D n oe Ft o o o o o E v, o o CI' { v, o o 'o o o F =l o o X t- v2 (t) (-) H rD V) t'J (, o aa ct) n o o o J I o OQ o 3 tJ (, @ 6 { @ o\ @ I \o (, \o qNNJ (, Lrr O\ NtQ(, Fi5 i; "s) qeo t.)Ed N;. -o .b< E € o P l- at o o o e16 erltr i'to FIF ztq Ar' l-t tstE olc lv: n p t 3 p ; IF' l!r t (n N KD o o o o F v2 o E F: o F: F (r, v, o o @ o o o o qt (D 5 (/r oa l? Ets riigSSfSgg F iF A**EEEsIiA E li I*f *iE' iuc lr E FsE F a ln D' tg l1 F5$5FH53dF ; ;aH$;is;F€i * gg;E5 ri€r ; ooE Fgeg -" E @ r- F. Fr tJ U) r- r- 5(,l\J|.,'r(,r:U)@t\){F<> v, c q> { a)(t, o o o o g F o ET o o = la I(J FI lOct t.. F;o zR it \J n=t o (t) F I E Ft o XEO :'o r, a)P '-r ET =l =.<o 7l F. (rr P (Jl L,r t n (Jr Lrl tJr (Jl oeoeoeoq@oa0q0a0aoa FptrrF9rFrF)pFDt tJ En Uan z ,eea F o X t- (/)(t)o r-l rl'v) b.)(, o att v) (D o o d oe o = tJ (, @ o\ { I oo o\ @ I \o (, \o qnzF lo eiFr l? F [g 9.9;rg | gtr tr 18 ;'l.g'H lg EF F lS gs - E - =. tlf -lg 19- *v Tq*.E lE Tl- l+ , rr F s? ="- t- .,|? l,_ gy tD 8€"--: lF isyf ll FE E aF ts s.-EF l* {lF H di*' H =E F gf $olo UE 3 l- Plrrr ? t 5a d, F =lX' z -.'- ,3F 3 lB xl?. o FS F Tsoo lE i;lQ E. =E B -b ,- 9 lg *t- r '- F.r a P u = tv: KL,, E a5' g r-LI hr -l^" a g'i g 6E F- El= E Fe 6 ;sD e. sE a b-? F ?' 0a = 3. hx 5.q j: Fi Oa X r+ ;' = .Y =Y F: o Fp=Et. 'o E *oe : ;a Ea q g (< :1 v, (D cA 8a 6 n e *q 3 E (DFg-CL ru Fg €F q6' +3-'vl ? 8: d ,,,n,C a+ --to.B #g a 38 o=P +r o = q?{ a F :-',:n g{ o a\;i !9 r-l oa ()oq !t F?F=Ai (tt 6= FF og =.4 a EtroklAR 2 tes F o 7{t- 3 (t)(t)o o Fl \rl u) tJ (, o vt u) o o o 6 FI o oa o 3 NJ l})€ o\ { I @ q\ @ I \o (,\o ElI Ii ;:' li J* @ illi lt il ll N t: i*ffi' il !l !l nl$rftll i I -lr!'i H i',\ ! t rn?MAR z pe2 .tl I' I i I t! ltl {rl !II t\l . 1I:,'t" il! _- _ _ -!t..i-.- -- - . II (l (| \l ,NI $t €$l @-i+ :! ll t ,eil G' r'i . O O JD !|l il'.tl t Bl I (F {$- 1Cr)- @- q o ,YilArREzt t Et&tltt+t-- --' :_. tflA* iaEF n+&ftALf ' -' t4 ,u7 MY" dPg<. n-ya,/a. twJO r6tE' uie- etn &t ,atue ,,/r. - tl / ././ ffl Tnco ,w /i 6t-.i t:,t tt +{. |[ I ri $!\i { nzLa'F,ffi.ffi-"r 4't w - ' &e3 t$t*l(ffi 4'dw uzzo dl4. - r2 dEfE BAILEY HOUSE l$t BGil rr ONm fu.d w!,cdorttb nr&r:|rnOq!|d*r txl& dtsAr9.n@oGrl *'#.fr*@2apr7d Pe lAlSWfta,v rf'rcda4 rW W**-: #4 /'/an-/'-O' oarc; 6.l&lf- *"'lljltt 6 \'r \l '{ i T DRB APPLICA?rON - TOWN OF VArL, COTORADO DATE APPLTCATTON RECEIVED: DATE OF DR3 UEETING: trars rpprJrcAr#Tr1;:1tf,, "" AccEprED UNIIL NTL, REQUIRED INFORITATION Ia SDEI{ITIIED aatttttt*t PROJEET INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTfONS flpmol iqh/pchli lrl , B.TYPE OT REVIEW: //rt/tu Ulnor Alteration _ conceptual Review ADDRXSS:. lq? Eeever Dan Road' _L New Construction Additlon c. D.ffil":::31'fiti If property is described by descrlptlon, please provlde attach to tfris appllcatlon. ZONING: LoT AREA: ff reguired, applicant stanped sunrey showing lot area. NAME OF OWNERS: ,AN .EIGNATURE(8) 3 Maillng Address; Phone Condorniniur Approval lf appllcable. DRB FEE:bulldlng permlt. FEE SCHEDUUE: VALUATION a ueetg and bounds lega1 on a Eeparate sheet and F F. G.NAI-{E OF APPT,TCANT:,-.9egnnq M.. Bailev Maillnc Address: 4/YZ Mea0ow Lane tlan:-C0'' Bi'6iz- NAI'{E OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATTVEs @tS 14allln9 addgess: 720 East Durant Aspen. C0 8161,t **(See also below) re tOZ gzs-zzaa Eust provlde a current 22560 SF iE of lsiubnce of a "'-'-.-----\\\\.\ t+bo,* R"/. 6/r//q , \ unccz A/a //(/ :nr 66la)ryt ozz2lo lt I. J. K. $ 0-I 1o,oo1 -$ 5o,oo1 - 9150, ool - 95oo,oo1 -I Over .NO APPIJIC1UON lr!!!** Rick Lamb & Associates 23 Athens Street 'Cambridge, MA 02138 EE PROCESEED XIEAOTn! Or!|ERIS EI.CNAIURE Landscape Architec$,s (617) 868-1939 I lorooo $ 50,000'$ 150,000 $ 5o0,oo0 $1r ooo, oo0 sl, 000, 000 $ lo.oo S 25.00 $ 5o.oo s100. o0 92oo. oo $300.00 Primary/Seconda trr0 MAR 2 l99Z @E.SHESK FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZoNE.DTSTRTCTS DATE: March 2, 1992 LEGAL, DESCRIPTIONi Lo[ j& B]ock '7 Fillng . Firqt .'-- ADDRESS:.-. lq3R,eav,ennamRoad - OWNER Jpanne Ra i.]ey. , PHpNE 476-85q2 - ARCirrrECt FI1ONE , 925-2?66 - ZONE DISTRICT JriIarv / Sec.ondarv FROPOsED UsE Rqrrdential r( *Lo3 sIzE Hetght TOTA1 GRTA Prirnary GRFA Secondary GRIA $et,backs ,,1 l{ater courie Alloryed (30) (33) ''3750+756+B5o =53"5i-5-0-IT +425= +425= Sides Rear Setback 20t 15' 1q, (30) (50) 20, Exle!1nq FroppseS 33, q?56sq f,t 49 3 7sq. ft Jj.g-- 20,*T5'T- -T51--' 5'-6' -- 5 T^f .e l Slte Coverage I,andscaping ' Retalnlng V{aII Helghts Farklng Garage Credlt " Drlve: 'Vlew Corridor Encroachmenl ; Environmental /Hazards I 71t frcm center I : ne or creeK 18f8,% _ 3t 16, 5 neqrd (300) (600) (900) (1200) eoo _ PermltLed Slope :93- AcLual SIope 10 . ?1, Date approved by Town Englneer: No--.. ? ? ? structure not in f looci plalil 26.3% Geologic Hazarde a) Snow AvalancheG b) Rocktall - 4)'weu Weuianaa c) r.Debrdg Flol{r ula - ,:, ,,:Ptevloug condit,lonE of, approval (checlt property !ife),L -J - -,Doe9 Lhle regueot lnvolve a 250 Addltion? Ne ,HOw much of the allowed 250 Addit,lon ls used wlt,h thts request ? **Note: Under Sections IE .12, 090 (B) and 18. 13.080 (B) of t,he t"iunrcipa i ;q9del lots zoned Two Pam:.Iy and Prlmary/Secondary which are ress t,han .". ';; ri;;,15,000 sq, ft, ln area illay not, conet,ruct a seconal dwelllng unit. Tlre ;;',','1 ,ijCorrlluntty Development Department mFy'grant an exseptlon Co tnis , t"ir€9trlcllon provlded the applicant meeEg the crlLeria set forth under "'r :lSectione 18,12,090 (B) anl 18.13,080 (B) of the Municipal Code incluci:.ng ,1, ,'time employ€es of the Upper Eagle Val1ey, : ' ,,: 10 gfC,D M,"t li t,-rg; ' .,': i:; ., ' Yes 1) ?.') ?\ Ftood Plain Percent Slope 22,560 SQ FT SUBDIVISION JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING ATJIJtg!DJ The Location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, nust be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Communications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 Gary llall Holy Cross Electric Assoc 949-5892 B'{-fr-- Ted Husky/MichaeI Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.v. 94 9-ss30 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle VaIley Water & Sanitation District * 4'7 6-'7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: 3- s -?& 3- €- ?7 3-5-?2 1. Thj-s form is to verify service availability and location. Thj-s should be used in conjunction with preparing a utility Pfan and scheduling inst allations . 2. For any new construction proposal, the applicant must provide a completed utility verification form. 3. If a utility cornpany has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shouLd note directly on the utility verification form that there is a probfem which needs to be resolved. If the issue is relatively complicated, it should be spelled out in detail in an attached letter to the Town of Vai1. However, please keep i-n mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and owner to resolve identified problems. 4. ff the utility verification form has signaLures from each of the utility cornpanies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and that the develoPment can Proceed. 5. These verifications do not refieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement in the fown of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a street cut permit ' A street cut permit must be obtained seParatelY. * P1ease bring a site planr floor plan, and elevations when obtaining upper Eagle VaIley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire ffow needs must be addressed. DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOt ADDRESS: ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRICTS Block _ Filing OWNER PHONE PHONE Allowed Existinq Proposed Total (30) (33) ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE ARCHITECT **LOT SIZE Height ToIal GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front S ides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining WaI1 Heights Parking C=r sr:.a i,-rorl i t Drive: +425= +425= 20, 1Ct L,) L5' (30) (s0) / 3' /6' Reqrd (300) (500) (900) (1200)_ Permitted Slope 8t Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: View Corridor Encroachment: Yes No a2') Envi ronment a1lHa zards :1) Flood Plain 2l Percent Slope 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow 4\ Wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file): Does this request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the alLowed 250 Addition is used with this request? **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code, Iots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary whj.ch are l-ess than 15,000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Community Development Department may grant an exception to thls restriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.1,2.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code includi-ng permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full- time employees of the Upper Eagle Val-Iey. 10 z o z t =e uJ c o f\\t o\ \o (n (r) o \o .v o FI af, IJJ UJ u- == IJJ d ctgb +fii db rilelh * N c! tr! E v z H vt z ,N [! o\tk9 -i F rg t.a zra ;iE !+<-M t(,.z4 rdE uJ F F t2 z =o o ?z 14 H rrr I Irl l1 cll tsll I Elll uli ztl <ll Fll e{l, EI;o tlJ I F' zi Ol z. si 5i oi o! o.2l zi f {n {s 3 x -l 't 4 i z lFl la tz lo IrI1 IF l= lrrt V t;IF t<IB I]I1 t>IH Ir llrl l-ti t9 @ rn \o ('r F\(f)o X o. H o<A> + + lr a a o (.) h trr L A F z Fl (J ct q) o -9 o (5 .o o-o,6 c 3 e I 0) o o (l,o o c g q o o !, (! q,tt o o ot c E @ E o =l d o o o o.o '.9 E o)o (,E dt o o o c .9 .2 .:t, -o !) tt c 6 o! .s c o N :n 3 o F o ol E o (J o (6 E f o o .9 -c I .o o E (g si '(5 I lE: E :E6g .iIo lsEE iEEE i6g€ rEt5 :i E; 1 '- cLE iE EE iE E-s -,F O O :s;;tEi $r o-(5 o- $EE ('- O E*e E€E g a'-6 ,EEE :ae ge C (6 0'-5ae gEs ]6>.o6= Ef; E es: PEg -o6 o F\.if \T o\ (\ .if O.l (R \ri'+ I cr) G .+ |r)o o o 1\ LN 4 F E uJ z .o I () uJ -o z c J 9 F IJJ u, z 6 = c- J 2 o u, = uJ uJ lt z tr UJ r|'l E - IIJ 5 u,l z 6 uJ o ?E fah "R \lrl "to ii q- 2 n< lr(,} X F ul at f (t> UJ UJ ll E =oa IJJ o- J F o t- (,z o J o g F C) uJ J uJ 0 z = 2 I o uJ - ts ts NOUVn'lvA I t. l14 lq)lz IA la lfrl J=xtr1 tz zv o2 E9 e,F.4 8p ur{ ...rH <v) -e.z fru zz oo 3A =66 5b Q2 r!<o*H6 -8 .ini =>G -I = ll,l =ao z tr J q lt tr o- o e qJ F +ul E z E z 9 uJ J R t3 =uJ z tl II ll a =z l z 9q KO o< =P 9tr 6o <2 a tr 2,. 2= fio ;tr OI ul J J |t>u, llJ z Y =F z F J <tt z (1, =3 F -o Jl <l FI zl zl ,. >| UJ uJ uj z o F = IJJ J z E o CN CA N ra .L z F g)H (r) I I -O {1 H'@ 3Lo 'D-S EK)*o 2o { c{ c'\o\ l\ & AJ A trl & uJ F U'o o -t z o F o-t!Y lr.l c0 o F l- =E lU o- ll'o o.o o I uJ F o z UJ F o E 1r1 cq <4 o\ z ,rP ze oo =z =:l d8 t ul tl €tu 59 E<CL]60 Eo B9 !;b9 .E 51 F-J, =ut:-E h=o dtr X >o-i Ou-E OO 9 iur E XO-t x>t q-oi !tr uJ @ F FqIFN },+ XJ ts =E UJ o-z I F (J D e 6 z o o "dq =r*=t!X dd= 6b6 H u) D( Ff Fl H Fl H z tt I J J o I 2 H c,z t4 t-,1 an H E tr EI gl ii =z )- E Fl H |q E rtl z z lrl F-) IJJ z |.r]z Fl B E N Ch r\\' lll tt o N o\t/l co I \o F\.+.-o- Fl H tr ()E- z z E z Ir1 til F.l N \o .$ X <,,cn u/c o J = \o \o N C.l I rn (\or. L z rn - 6 H rt)z o f4 u) =E tr I o\ctl I .t ol zl .l uJl TI <l >l t!l ol zl =l ol FI \o rn \o rn I ro \' @ : I =e l! .i uj .E t!o 2 3 I F = II o z o gr G J a tt o z 3 o F 2 E o uJ ar J t!o A 3 q ts =E o (' uJ 5 tt o z 3 91 F r.li J llt F E IJJ z =o F () uJ tr ? E t -rO <F EC)uJ<2e (nZ o JE <o ()F =o 5E tJ.J, 2 -8 2F E3 =F d6 C) *5 v3 g6 E ir g +E Ft-o2 o <O HN =a ) i'2 -'1 f ir- 11ir '7 > L{2 () -"- t, -J ,)* Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vail, Col-orado 81657 (303) 479-2138 PIan analysis based on the L99L Uniform Buildinq Code Project Number: 042292 Address: .193 BEAVER DAM Contractor: SHAEFFER CONST.ArchiLect: ERNEMANN Engineer: MONROE NOTE:The code items listed in this report listing of all possible code requirements selected sections of the code. Name: BAILEY RESIDENCE Date: AprLL 22, L992 Occupancy: R3rM1 Type of Const: v-N Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK are not intended to be a complete in the 1991 UBC. It is a guide to FL NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO,EXITS EGRESS 2 Garage 2 Fanily room 2 Dining room 2 Living room 2 Mud room 2 Master bedroom 2 Master bath 2 Powder room 2 Utility room 2 Kitchen 2 Ha]ls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR L Apartment 1 Bedroom #1 l- Bath room #1 1 Bath room #2 1 Laundry room L Mechanical room L Game room 1 Study 1 Bath room #3 1 Laundry room 1 Bedroom #2 1 HaIIs, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL 896 zvo 237 315 t_ L5 370 144 22 '16 r- 93 992 35s5 420 t97 bl Dl. IL LZO 280 JZ zo> 606 z55J 518 9 0.00 z>.ov 23 .'10 3r- .50 0.00 37.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.30 0.00 42.00 r.9.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.60 28:00 0.00 0.00 zo . tu 0.00 0.00 14.80 5 .75 18 .50 7 .20 1 .50 3.80 q 6q 0.00 21.00 v. d) 3.05 3.05 0.00 18.30 14.00 2.20 1.60 13.45 0 .00 No No No No NO Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No NO No No' No No No Yes No 1 l_ 1 1 1 1 l_ 1 1 L z 1 1 1 1 t- 1 L a l- L t- 1 I 1 I I I FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior is regulred from t.hj.s room. The minimum clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. 1204.1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2') The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 sguare feet 4) The maximun sill height is 44 inches ' 2, The nurnber of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventilat.ion system may be used in in Iieu of exterior . openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1-205. (c) ROOM DIMENSTONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height. of not less than 7 feet 5 inches. Kitchens, hal1s, bathrooms and toilet conpartmenEs may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lohrest projectlon. If the ceiling is sloping, then the minimurn height is required in only L/2 of the area. --Sec. 1207. (a) Every dwelling unit shalL have at least one room which has not less than 120 sguare feet of floor area. Other habitable roons except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec . L207 . (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in any dimension. -- Sec. 1207 . (c) GLAZING P€QUIREMENTS:All glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) Glazing in fixed and sl-iding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors.3) Glazing in storm doors. 4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whi-rlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a buiLding wall enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain in1et.5) Glazing in fixed or operbble panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 50 inches above the walking surface.7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operabJ-e panel, other than those locations described in it.ems 5 and 6 above, than meets aII of the following conditions:A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet.B. Exposed botton edge less than 18 inches above the floor.C. Exposed top edge greater than 35 inches above the floor.D. one.or more walking surfaces within 35 inches horizontally of the plane of the gl-azing. 8) Glazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface. Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fiIl panels. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS :A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wal1 at a point centrally located in t.he corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke det.ector is required on the ceiLing or wall in each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4.If the upper level contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the buildinq's power source and shal1 be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 3. Detectors shatl sound an alarm audible in all sleepj.ng area of the dwelling in which they are located. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. FIREPLACE REQUIREMENTS : MASONRY FIREPLACE: 1) Fireplace must be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707.(b) 2l The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and walls of firebox are to be 10 inches thick. If the lining is of firebrick then the walls may be 8 inches thick. -- Sec. 3707. (c) 3) The minimum clearance to combustible material is from the fireplace, smoke chamber, and chimney wa1ls is 2 inches. Combustible material may not be placed wi-thin 6 inches of fireplace opening and combustible within 12 inches may not project more than 1/8 inch for each 1 inch of cLearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) 4') The hearth must be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 inches thick, and supported by noncombustible material The hearth size must be at least:ff Opening size is: Front extension Side extension. Less than 6 sq.ft. 16 inches 8 inches 6 sq.ft. or greater 20 inches 12 inches -- Sec. 3?07. (k) & (1) 5) Chinney height must be per Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for thr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 1 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503.(d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306.(b) The naximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3305. (c) exc. #l- Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is great.er than 30 inches. Minimun height = 36 inches, maximum opening size:4 inches. -- Sec.l7l2.(a) exc. #1 The rnininum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3305.(o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (I) SHAFT ENCLOSURES:1) Chutes and dunbwait,er shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more t.han 9 sguare feet may lined on the inside with not less than 26 gage galvanized sheet netal vrith all joints locklapped. The outside must be t hr construction. A11 openings into any such enclosure shall be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door L 3/8 inches thick or equivalent. -- Sec. 1706. (f) 2') Gas vents and noncombustible piping instal-led in walls passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. r705. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, factory-built chimneys, piping, or ducts that do not extend through not more than 2 floors need not be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. 1706. (c).4) All other shafts are required to be enclosed in a L hour assembly. -- Sec. 1705. (a) CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS :1) Provide ventilation either by mechanical neans or by openings in ext,erior walls. Opening shall provide a net area of not less than 1 sqllare foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space. Openings shall be distributed on tr,ro opposite sides and be locat.ed as cLose to corners as practicaL. -- Sec. 2515.(c) 5. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 10t of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the building official approves. For a 2533.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area:Ratio Minimum sq.ft. of vent.1/150 16.89 2) Provide L8-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening may be required to be larger if rnechanical equipment is Located in the crawl space. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2.3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood, the minirnum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders is is 12 inches. -- Sec. 25L6. (c) 2. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS :for R3 occupancy this project will require a site improvement survey. Such survey . shall be submitted and approved prior to request for frame inspection. AIl crawl spaces within the town of vail are limited to a earth to structural floor ceiling height of 51, be earth floor on1y, be ventilat.ed as per ubc 2516 (c) 6 with minimum access as per ubc 2516(c)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. Ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shall require an engineer design. Such design shall address drainage, soil retainage, and structural design. Excavation below slabs on grade shall not be permitted without prior approval a Address nurnbers shall be posted plainly visible and legibj.e from the ' street. for M1 occupancy slope garage floor to allow for drainage to outside or provide a floor drain with with sand and oil- interceptor to dry weII or to sewer. Any garage floor drain connect,ed to sevrer rnust be appproved by upper eagle valley vrater & sanitation district. In garages with Living area above, the walls of the garage which are bearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fire resistive construction. IIBC 503(b) . Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 (303) 4't9-2L38 Plan review based on the l-991 Uniform Building Code Project Nunber: Q42292 Name: BAILEY RESIDENCE Address: 193 BEAVER DAM Date: Apxil 22, 1992 Contractor: SHAEFFER CONST. Occupancy: R3rM1 Architect: ERNEI4ANN Type of Const: v-N Engineer: MONROE Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK * SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED Exterj-or surfaces with stucco sha1l be provided with exterior metal lath as per UBC 4706 with 2 layers of paper. windows and doors are required to be ' adequately flashed(not with just screed metal) . A lath j-nspection is required prior stucco application. A bathroom i-s required to have an openable window or a nechanical ventilation system. -- Sec. 1205. (c) In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected dlrectly to the outside sha11 be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closet or lav. may be ventiLated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205(c). Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall be installed as pe.r UMC 1104 and 1903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 6' in length and shall not be concealed within construction. Duct.s shall terminate outside the buildins and not exceed 14' 1engt.h. Crawl spaces are required to be ventilated by mechanical means or by openings. Such openings shall have a net area of not. less than L sq. ft. for each 150 sq.-ft. of under-floor area. UeC 2515(c)6. Provide a minimum LBx24" underfloor access. uBc 2516 (c) 2 . Cross connecti.on controf devices shall be installed to protect pollution of potable htater supply by use of approved backflow prevention devices. UPC 1003. 12 13 L4 10 L1 15 Domestic ranges shall have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of not l-ess than 30" to unprotected combustj-ble materiaL. UMC 190L. fn buildings of unusually tight construction (aII new construction within the To$rn of Vail), combustion air shall be obtained from the outside. Such combustion air openj-ngs shall be as per UMC Ch. 5. Furnaces not listed for closet or alcove installation shal1 be installed in a room or space having a volume at least 12 times the volume of the furnace. A boiler unit will reguire a space 16 times larger than the boiler. UMC 504(b) Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, vent Iocation and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation. The stair(s) indicated does not provide the required mini-mum wi.dth of 36 inches. -- sec. 3306. (b) The minimurn width of the run at the narrow end is 6 inches and the run must be 9 inches at a point 12 inches out from the narrower poj-nt. -- Sec. 3306. (d) The open side of all decks, porches, st.airs, etc. which are more than 30" above grade shalL be protected with a guardrail. Openings can not exceed 5". Within R-1 occ. and all R-3, height min. is 35"-outside R-l occ. height min. ls 42". UBC 1?11-. Winding stairways may be used if the required wi-dth of run is provided at a point not more than L2rr from the side of the stairway where the treads are the narrower, but in no case shall any width of run be less than 6". UBC 3306 (d) . At eaves and valleys.an adequate underlayment sha11 be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of felt solid mopped to sheathing,and between layers or a commercial water & ice shield mav be used as per Table 328L. ilLt c0PY 75 3oulh frontage road Ydl, coloredo 81657 (3(x}) 4p2138 (3(B) 479'213!t ofllce of communlty deuelopment February '10, 1992 Michael Ernemann The Ernemann Group 720 E. Durant Aspen, CO 81611 Re: Setback Variance to Allow for a Detached Garage lSf Beaver Dam Road/Lot 38, Block 7, Vall Vlllage Flrst Fillng Dear Michael: Enclosed is a copy of the minutes of the May 28, 1991 Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) rneeting at which the setback variance request for your client, Jeanne M,:.,, Bailey, was approved. The attached copy of the meeting minutes will serve as your record of the conditions of approval. Please note that the approval of this variance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted has not commenced within one year from approval (May 28, 1991). lf approvalof this conditional use permit lapses, an application must be resubmitted for reconsideration by the Community Develqpment Department staff and the PEC. lf you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact Jill Kammerer at 303/479-2138. Sincerely,A , ./-1 fl^Jrt ,14uub' Amber Blecker Planning Assistant Enclosure U' IJJ ul l,|- E =e, IJJ o Lo)89LFt7 t!F E F E F z = ;l ct Fll rnl Arl trll @t I I I &,14 I t4,EI E'{r vl il t{'-l |ru IF lo I I I I I I t_,, '<rc) lt! ib t(J IE t= !O A{ tt) u r4 z H IA z o \: TI .e ul ol *sl *\l .9 \l -E\Sl ;VI a. l J \I \+ *\l N :\ol EI o E c, E Js'OK 3ss E{'i '*6$E$ 5,8 ter 8*l EEI 6*6.9 B E€: EE gE E 6P:E c-o> :!Ei € >= X c9dE -*i(')3E-: E EE; EE EE $;te SEre oi-o-or E€e€ E6:i :E€ F E6F5 -o.:o (!o'-!E7,O6 : --c _-st; f E st; !FEs ;E:E EEgg -o6.x 0 IJJ ul lr'F =E IJJ o- J F o F trl E B td z h z H H fr H .l)z F.r z H F.{ & A1 z H lrl E q C)z H H an t-l X trr z H ts t-l Ff El Y E = z UJ |lJ z LU >c --tr) =@(\1 zz 99 F^ah a3 =ano 6d a)z E<o1 ut-CU FO jni z E o o z tr UJ F J =UJ z zl .. >l o uJ UJ UJ z o F UJ z E f, =I (5 uJ - rl El JI <l >l t!l ol zl il I I I I ol z.l ol tl <l >l |r.l ol zt ..:3t :o|UJ FI F ,.l cnl ;l xl l{rI|Ft(J !.<t,-l E'-l XH F{l FJ l{ z J u- E rd E Fl t-l ii =z o -) >{rd Fl H E rll z z F) gJ =z \o ro <\(\ I c\F-or z IA - i -l_l olo I F4l\o I tl." I ztx I zto I <lFo I Et I trllO I Fl" I *lA Hl g trl I EI :t \o r.rl \o ll.J I r).rf @ fl O't I Nl Jl 3l 3l H v)z () frl 14 Ei .A E tr t!l 3l =l ol FI Eir LU l-o2 F E F z J E LU z UJ (J -) 9 E F UJ C'z d =f O (o O LC)O O o z ts rrr =Eur OO-o o a z o F o-ut Y IJJ o ul F o o F F =E uJ o- lI.o I ut F o z d) f-] tr-IFn (_i L_+t4J F ff o- t!o EE E<af €8 E9 EiE 5E 3'tt- =tur-E h=o Jti : =E i 8r E ir E ;=a, u{€i H m \ v/fls \2/J= -I - - z o9 ze 60 33s J O lrl O. rJ-O ifi =3-1==x()A;E F =E l! o-z I F () D E F U'z o C) nln .* lnwn I|flI 75 south trontags road Yall, coloEdo 81657 (303) 479-2107 offfco of lown attomey August 27, 1991 Jeanne M. Bailey 4'l 92 Nleadow Lane Vai1, Colorado 81657 RE: Lot 38, Block 7, Vail Dear Ms. Bailey, As a condition of the approval and issuan " url )v'ot a oemorr-E.lon permit for the demolition of a resideng;Iocated on Lot 38, Block 7, Vail *;it'rl€ yrned by you and First Filing,(the "residence"),the followinq:the Town of VaiI, Eagle County, Colorado you have agreed with the Town of Vail to l-) No later than July 1, 1992, you will have substantially underway a building which completely covers the oPen foundation left by the demolition of the residence, or in the aLternative, you shaI1 have filIed, re-graded, and re- vegetated the Lot as set forth in the approved demolition plan on file with the Community Development Departnent of the Town of Vail. 2) To secure the performance of your obligations as set forth in paragraph 1, you agree to provide security to the Town of Va1l 1n the form of a cash escrow in the amount of S15,000.00 to be held by the Town of Vail Community Development Department in an interest bearing bank account. You may, at any ti-me, substitute this collateral for another form of collateral accessible to the Town Lo secure the compJ-etion of the obligations described in paragraph L. 3) If the Town determines that you have not fulfilled your obligations as set forth in this letter, the Town shall give a Jeanne M. Bailey August 27, 199L Page 2 you written notice. Unless the work is cornpleted withing fourteen (14) days of such notice, the Town may utilize such funds from the cash escrow as may be necessary to complete the unfinished work. Upon compfetion of the work as set forth in this letter, you may apply to the Town for a release of the collateral you have deposited for the Town to secure your perfornance of the obligations set forth in this Ietter. I"i,'fu:* Rondall V. Phillips Town Manager LAE/dd Date: I have reviewed this letter and Signed, J^n uA' rr, Jeanne M. Bailey ( agree to its terms. O B'\]{( * ':''. li.T tr\AIL l"dny'd7zz4- 'r/ 3e/ 2arle aeeazz.rzt y/a/ m/ h..2tft22*,- 8/t// retzazt 4'.q. z-azzft7 r/u-ru Ser/?/> The Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vall , G0 81657 cehtlenen i Jeanne Beiley hes bcen a has handled all aecouncs hcr an excellcnt cusEoner $50,000 wirh our bank. RAB/sJw 17 vArL ROAO vAtL coLoRADO 91657 August 24, 1991 GEORGE SHAEFFTR P.O. Box 373 Vail, Colorado 81658 (303) 84s-s6s6 August 23 , 'l 991 Mr. Gary Murrain Town of Vai'l 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Gary, Enclosed is a demo'l ition permit app'l ication and combination site plan/revegetation/regarding p'lan for the Bailey Residence located at 193 Beaver Dam Road. Jeanne Bai 'l ey , the property owner , wou] d 'l i ke f or us to proceed with the demo'l ition of her existing residence- This is to minimi ze any risk of liabif ity to her as wel'l as the Town of Vai] due to the tondition of the house as it now stands. I'm sure you'11 agree, removi ng the house wi l'l also e'l im'i nate it as an eye sore. Our o'lan is to demo1ish the existing house and remove a1l materia'l including the foundation from the site as soon as the demoltion permit has been issued. S'ince we hope to start the new house excavation this Fal 1, we wi'l 1 f i]l in the ho] e 'left by the house demolition approximately 4'. Should the construction of the new residence not start this Fa] 'l , we wi'l'l insta]l snow fence around the demo'l'ition excavation. As we discussed, the 'locat'ion of snow fence wi'l'l be determined on s'ite w'ith a bui'l ding inspection at a ]ater date. The fence wi l'l remain in place unti l construct.ion of the new res'i dence begins, which we anticipate wi 'l 'l be no I ater than June 1 , 1 992 . Mr. Gary Murrai" O August 23, 1991 Page Two Jeanne has the fu"llest intentions of proceed'ing and comp'let'ing the construction project of the new home on the site as soon as the design is completed. thould the project not be carried out for any particular reason, a letter of credit from the First Bank of Vai'l for $15,500.00 is enc'losed. This is to act as a guarantee that shou'l d the project not be started by June 1, 1992, the Town of Vai] may use this letter of credit as a bond to make sure the site is regraded and revegitated as per the p'lan. HopefulIy, this 'letter will meet all the requirements to re] ease the demo'l it'ion permit immediately. Si ncere'l y, GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Rob Fawcett CC : Jeanne Bai 'l ey Michae'l Ernemann George Shaeffer Dennis Thompson conBiBtFr,S[^E5il'F^*l LffiTT @F TRANsnfl[TTAL P.O. Box 373 vAtL, coLoRADO 81658 (3O3) 845-s6s6 TO E Samples E Specitications E l4h. "^" gfq lq I lJor No' G a nu lh-u.vat-n RE rz,!-e,^ t>i; J.- nFn'n alln n otoor > WE ARE SENDfNG YOU ! Attached p. Under separat€ cover via hWo( 4o4).+\ the foilowing items: ! Shop drawings tr Copy o{ letter ! Prints E Change order I - Plans coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION L e lt[q I bil^ t2a;/r.'4 f>p..^i2; {&/*'k Hor^ I thlqt teflc -b .a 6o"n 1,14,/,p; (U f?J- ?a**F uqhl P"*4'+;^ *.;* 4"-,0i-fr*; THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: D For approval f;[ For your use E As requested tr Approved as submitted E Approved as noted E Returned for corrections tr Resubmit-copies for approval tr Submit-copies for distribution E Return -corrected prints D For review and comment tr tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO stcNED: (Za k6 ftoDrlct2a0? /@ lE., e|!bl t6. 0lr7l ,t Gnclo.urcr .ta not .! not d, kindly notrttr ur rt onca. GEORCE SHAEFFER P.O. Box 373 Vail, Colorado 81658 (303) 84s-5656 AugusL 9, 1991 Mr. Gary Murrain Town of Vai I 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Gary , /i' as the plan shows. The,cdsts .,$15,500.O0.- Please review the ei ther George or comments. ' Si ncerel y, Rob Fawcetl .j. /',/'/q7 r this should not exceed ,"/ as soon as poss'i b'l e and cal you have any questions or Enclo plan/ Road. app l i cati on and combi nati on si te Bailey Residence pn Beaver Dam //'l'' Jeanne Baileyr,would like for us to proceed with the demolition of her existing residence. This is to mi nimize any risk of liability to her as we] 'l as the Town of Vail due to the condition of the house as it now stands. I'm sure you'11 agree, removing the house will also eliminate it as an eye sore. ft) . ,,,,,,,t.'l-. ourp1anistodemo]ishtheexist'inghouseandr9rt1ovea.l.| materi a] 'i nc] udi ng the foundation f rom the si te / Si nce we hope to start the new house excavation this Fall, we wil'l partial'l y fi11 in the hole 'l eft by the house demolition. Should the project not start this FalI, we wi11 instalI snow fence around the demol ition excavation.{*fitfl- next Spri nS. y' sed is a demoy'ition permit revegetation/p1an for the pe rq.{ t app I i cat'i on me af, our office if | ,\,t _.01& /tt_ry)' ,,1,,, 4 eJsdhiie has the ful'l est ntentions of proceed'ing and comp'l eting the construction projec of the new home on the site as soon as the design is completed.Should the project not be carried out )Qrf.rarantee" .that the s'ite Wti for any part'i cular reason,. be revegetated to a natura'l state s-ts aeb--as -€-*::t€tEeF o'f 1' " ".- 7,'',' ,[l ,i.,i1lt :t',i '/)i 'l: | ,i ,' | ' , *tifl't " ,tl oul ") 1 4i,l ( ir; /l GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY nl 1U9 ,I CC: ,i 'ft' " Jeanne Bai ley I Michael E rnemann George Shaeffer Dennis Thompson ,l ry'- | 1'.''1 't) 8a1/al lol38, 6k q O _ rlz/rr t/a/////gb /st DESIGN RE\ZEN BOARD AGEITDA .tULl 17, 1991 3:00 P.M. RSVTSED 7lL7lgl SITE lrrSITS 1:30 p.n. 0 1 2 3 4 5 lbraban - 87{ Spnrce Court Oberlohr - 2656 Davos Trail Bailey - 193 B€aver Dan Road Rimski - 39{ B6av6r Daln Road Lodge Tower - 200 Vail Road Soanenalp - 20 VaiI Road Gastbof Gransba@er - 231 Gore Creek Drive Bubcap - 143 Meador Drive Super Star Studios - 263 East Gore Cr€€k Drive Scbofield - 1448 Vail Valley Drive Moore Residence - 42L4 Colunbine tlay Wiadstream Condos. - 4295 Coluabiae Driwe Fried - 5L24 Grouse Laae AGENDA L. z. Sonnenalp - Major Renovation to Hot.el AK 20 vail Road/Part of Lots K & L, Block 5-8, VaiI village lst MOTION: George Lamb VOTE: 4-0 SECOND: Sherry Dorward Preliminary approval given to the structure with conditions. Landscaping will be presented later for final approval . WiLLow Bridge Replacement of existing structure MM Located on WiIIow Bridge Road, between the Village Center Condominiums and the Sitzmark Lodge. MOTION: George Lanb SECOND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 4-0 Approved as rnodified. 3. Kravis - Outdoor Lighting PIan 424 Forest Road/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail MOTION: SECOND: IABI.ED TO AUGI'SI 7TE MEEIING. Village 3rd VOTE: \ 9. Hubcap - New Sign 143 Meadow Drive/Crossroads Mall MOTION: SECOND: VOTE; IIBI.ED TO TUGUST ?TE UEATING. 10. Abraham - Entry Addition 874 Spruce Court/Lot 11, VaiI Village 9th MOTION: George Larnb SECOND: Chuck Crist VOTE: 4-0 Consent approved. 11. Kimball Residence - Secondary unit on a lot less AK than 15r000 sq. ft. 1915 West Gore Creek Drive/LoE 28,Vail Vi]Lage west Filing *2 MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry Dorlrard VOTE: 4-0 Approved. 12. Schofield - carage Addition AK 1448 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 18, Block 3, VaiI Valley lst MOTION: George Latnb SECOND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 4-0 Approved. Railing on garage must comply with the Uniform Buitding Code. SM AK 13. Ford Amphitheater Kiosk 530 South Frontage Road MOTION: SECOND: Staff Approved. JK VOTE: 14. Bailey - Nevr Residence JK 193 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 38, Block 7, Vail ViJ.lage lst MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Conceptual review, 15. Rimski Remodel - Modification to approved site plan JK to allow constructlon of a hot tub in the side setback. 394 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 7, Block 2' Vail Village 3rd Filing. MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Cttuck Crist VOTE: 3-0-1 Consent approved. Ned Gwathmey abstained. 16. Lodge Toirer - Repaint windows, doors and balcony BR railings. 200 Vail Road/Lot A' Block 5-C, Vall Village 1st MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TTBI.ED TO IUGUST 7TB I@ETING. 17. Windstream Condos. - Replace Roof BR 4295 Columbine Drive/ttlindstream Condominiums MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: IABLED lO IUGSSE ?IE MEEITNG. 18. Moore Residence - Reroof 4214 Colunbine Way/LoE 6' Bighorn Terrace MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Chuck Crist VOTE: 4-0 Consent approved. 19. VaiI Glo Lodge - Bollards BR ?01 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 2, YaLL Lionshead 3rd MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: |IABI.ED IO IUGUST ?TE IIEETING. 20. Tinber Creek - Addition of Garage SM 2883 Kinnickinnick Road/Lot 8, Block 4, Intermountain MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABI.ED TO AUGUST 7TA UEETING. BR i1 ,:Tf,, !. 1 2I . Trope Residence - Modification to approved site plan ,tK to allotr changes to driveway and adJacent landscaping. 1115 Hornsilver Circle/Lot 7, Block 1, Vail Village 8th MOTION:SECOND;VOTE: TIBI.ED IO TUGI'SI ?IE IIEETING. 22. TVB - Air Conditioning System .IK 575 Lionshead PLace./Sunbird Lodge MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Chuck Crist VOTE: 4-0 Consent approved. MEMBERS PRESENT: T.TEMBERS ABSENT: Ned Ghrathmey Pat Herrington Chuck Crist (PEC) Sherry Dorward George Lanb €lASBBnovAE.: I Ueyer,/Byrne Residence - Changes to approved plan. I Lolu 23, Block 7, Vail Village 1st I I riutchinson Primary/Secondary Residence - Revise interior spaces of i secondary unit. Revise window on north elevation.i i,ot 1, Vaj.l village lst :Gotthelf's/My Jeweller - New awning with signagJe on existing frame.East Gore Creek Drive/Lodge Ptomenade Kramer Residence - New Deck on Unit *3 933 Red Sandstone Road/Cottonwood Park Condo./Unplatted Booth Creek Road$ray - Retaining walls located on Bald Mtn. Road and Katsos Ranch Road. corOruAL DEStcN REuEvO DRB APPIJXC,ATION - TOI{N OF VAIL, COISRADO DATE APPLICATION BECEIVED: DATE OF DRB I{EETINGs aittfatttt TBIS IPP&ICATION fIIrIr NO! AE I0CEPAED uutr! llr! BEQUTRED INFORUAEION r8 SUBltrTI',ED atttattltl PROJECT TNFORUATTON: A. DESCRIPTIONS npmol ish/Rahui lr{ B.TYPE OF REVTEW: l{inor Alteration Conceptual Revlew C. ADDRESS: D. IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: I,ot L B1OCK 7 Subdlvisio' Va1] !-ion's Head F/R5f F.ili If property ls described by a meetE and bounds lega1 description, please provide on a separate sbeet and attach to tfrls application. ZONINGS Primary/Secondary ,),ue 24 /fi/ I, _J_ New Constructlon Additlon E. r.I,oT AREA: If reguired, staurped sur:vey showlng appllcant nust lot area. a current G.NN{E OF APPLICANT:,-*ie,qnnq M., Bailev Ua j.l.lng _A{-d-ress 3 4/eZ M€300w L6r|€vall, UU - Ulbs/ phone 303 476-8592 J. K. 9o 910,001 $ 50,001 9l5o r oot $500,001 $ Over FEE I xo.oo I 25.00 $ 50.00 9100.00 92 00. 00 s300. oo H. NN{E OF APPLICA}ITIS lo.1tl.l".q,tt1Tffii'#East Dur I.NAItfE OF ONNERS: ,#lN TSIGNAIUnE(8) I MaiIlnE Address: Phone CondonLnluro Approval Lf appLlcable. DRB fEE; DRB fees are Pald at the tLme of Lssuance of a bulldl-nq pernit. FEE SCHEDUI.,E: VALUATION - s lorooo - $ 5o,o0o - I 15o,oo0 - I 5o0,ooo - 91,000r000 slr o0or 00o .NO APPI,ICIITON I'IIJ! AE PROCESEED XIEAOI'I! O.rIIERIB SIGNATURE ** Ri.ck Lamb & Associates Landscape Architecgs 23 Athens Str"eet Cambridge, tt4A 02138 (617) 868-1939 RIPRESENTATfVE! @ts t'oo FILE COPYOO &r/eq /rXU.p/".t / Yruri,Tt 4 tV /?3 Ct rcu 'h Pd PLANNING AND EI.IVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION May 28, 1991 Staff Kristan Pritz Jill Kammerer Amber Blecker Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Connie Knight Ludwig Kurz Kathy Langenwalter Jim Shearer Absent Gena Whitten The public hearing was called to order at l1:l0AM by Chairperson Diana Donovan. l. A request for a Special Development District for the Davs Inn site. 2211 N. Frontase Road/I-ot l. Block A. Vail Das Schone Third Filine. a resubdivision of Vail Das Schone First Filine. Apnlicant: Peter Jacobs of Davs Inn Jill Kammerer explained the application. She indicated Days Inn was requesting the CCtrI- zoned, 4.4 acre site become a Special Development Disrict to allow for a 3-story, 37 unit employee housing building on the northwest corner of the site. The north of the site consisted of primarily condominiums and lots zoned Primary/Secondary. South of the proposed employee housing building were the Days Inn and Shoppette buildings. The lot to the west was vacant, and to the east was the West Vail Mall. The units in the building would be permanently restricted for long-term rentals to employees in the Upper Eagle Valley only, and such use is a conditional use in the CCIII zone disrict. The areas where the request did not meet CCItr zone district standards were due to density, an overage of GRFA (predorninantly due to an overage of common area in both the proposed employee housing building and in the Days Inn complex), a shortage in the number of parking spaces, parking being located in the front setback, and a lack of the parking lot containing 1070 interior landscaping. Staff would discuss these items later in the presentation. The proposed building would contain ten l-bedroom units of approximately 550 sq. ft., 26 studio apartments of 270 sq. ft., and one 2-bedroom apartment of 700 sq. ft. Provided in the apartment or on-site would be storage units, ski lockers, laundry facilities, balcony storage, solid deck railings, and a common lounge area of 240 sq. ft. oo oo Occupancy of the units would be restricted to one person per studio, two people per l- bedroom, and three people in the 2-bedroom unit. The rcntal amounts would be set by the prevailing free-market rcnts at the time of rental. There were several changes since the original presentation of the proposal as a worksession on April 6, 1991. These changes consisted of: 1. Increased the width of thc balcony from 2 lfT feet to 4 feet' 2. Provided concealed and enclosed storage for bicycles on the balconies. 3. provided a break in the cxterior of the building, so that a portion of the building is now set back 4 feet from the facade of the other portion of the building. 4. hovided a 3 foot brcak in the ridge linc of the proposed building. 5. provided windows on the east and west ends of thc structure, so that the comer units will have windows on two sides. 6. Increased the size of thc proposed storage units from 6 sq. ft. to 12 and 24 sq. ft. 7. Decreased the proposed density by 3 units through the provision of 2 additional one- bedroom units, and 1 two-bedroom unit. g. Increased the size of rhe lobby alea and opened up the south and east walls with windows. Provided solid railings on the balconies. Increased the pitch of the roof. Modified the proposed roofing material to shake from tar and gravel. Provided bicycle racks for exterior storage of bicycles' Provided perrnanent window coverings for each unit' Used staggered studs in wall constnrction to reduce sound transference between walls of units. hovided wall insulation and use of light-weight concl€tc for floors to decrease sound 9. 10. I l. t2. 13. 14. 15. Fansference between units. 16. Increascd the amount of storage available within each unit' 17. Enclosed trash facilities are proposed. lg. Reduced the numberof bediin each studio unitfrom 2twin beds to l double bed. 19. Increased the landscaping for the project. Jill then explained the nine SDD criteria. The fust related to design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment and neighborhood through- several factors. Staff believed ihe proposal was in keeping with the character of thc neighborhood. The building would be the same color as the existing Days Inn hotel structure, the perimeter of the building would be landscaPed. The second criteria was that the uses, activity and density would provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with sunounding uses and activity' Staff found this location to be excellenr for employe€ housing development. The circulation pattern would be primarily from North Frontage-Road, which would not negatively impact the rcsidential roads Lf Chamonix Road and Chaironix Lane. Thcrc was convenient access to shopping and public oo oo would be affordable, Tony Gooden responded they would be market rates. Jill clarified these units would be free market employee housing. Chuck also stated his agreement with the recommendation the second pedestrian link be removed. Jim Shearer asked if a crosswalk could be placed at the bus stop. Dave Tynell stated one could be placed at the stop itself, but that a stneet light should also be added. Chuck asked for clarification on the building facade, asking if it were going to be stone. Saundra said it would be stucco, but the color would be matched to the existing hotel. Jim Shearer ageed with the recommendation to rsmove the 3 parallel parking spaces in order to provide additional landscaping, and further agreed with Kathy's suggestion to providc a manicured lawn area. Jim also believed the additional pedestrian link to Chamonix [,ane should be eliminated from the plan. He r€quested DRB be informed of the snong recommendation to have the building be color-compatible with the existing hotel. Overall, he was supportive of the plan, and expressed he liked the type of housing being provided. Diana Donovan stated that staff and applicant had done a lot of work on this project, and it was grcat to be able to do an SDD in this manner - all in one shot. She did, however, question the location of the nash dumpster located behind the Shoppene building. Jill stated that the employee housing's trash dumpster would be screened and enclosed, and similar screening could be done on the existing dumpster. Diana suggested moving the dumpster to a less conspicuous location. Saundra Spaeh said they would reorient the dumpster to accomplish better screening. Diana indicated the amount of parking providcd only worked because of the associated lodge use. She said this was an incredible location for this proposal and for the production of employee housing. She asked that the applicant agree to abide by any restrictions on r€nt that the Housing Authority might set in the future. Tony Gooden said they would be willing to review those guidelines, but could not agree to them in advance without knowing what they were. He stated that, since it was going to be set by market rates, if the Housing Authority set rate guidelines on some properties, most likely the market would reflect those rates. The market would take care of itself. David Tynell elaborated that, since this was a private development, they should not be tied to some future rental rate restriction. Diana said that the proposal was receiving bonuses in GRFA and density, among others, for affordable housing, and she believed something should be obtained in return. She wanted to ensure these units would be affordable. Tony could not lock in a promise to do that without knowing what the requirements would be. Kristan explained the Housing Authority may not even decide to set rental ranges or rates. She was concerned about restricting private developers to a rental rate that was unknown at the approval time for the project. She believed the SDD conditions were stringent enough. oo oo Diana stated it was dangerous to gnnt "freebies," and wanted current "affordable" housing to conform to the future requirements. Kristan clarifred that rent controls were critical to the development of some projects, if thcy wetE to be publicly subsidized, but they were less directly tied to private development. Diana rciterated that, since they werc getting an incentive of a density bonus, something should be obtained in rcturn. Tony explained that the rents would bc set at or bclow market. Their objective was to obtain 1007o occupancy, and that would determine the rates. Before a motion was made, Kathy Langenwaltsr clarified with the applicant that they would agree to staffs conditions of approval, along with the staff s landscaping rccommendations, the realignment of the existing trash dumpster, and the provision of a manicured lawn. Applicant agreed. Kathy moved to rccommend approval of the request for a Special Development District for the Days Inn site, with underlying Commercial Core \ITnne Disrict, Lot l, Block A, Vail Das Schone third Filing, a resuMivision of Vail Das Schone First Filing22ll N. Frontage Road to Town Council, with the findings that it conforms to the Land Use Plan and Town of Vail Affordable Housing Guidelines and SDD criteria. Ludwig Kurz seconded the motion. After the motion, an amendment was made to eliminate the 3 parallel parking spaces along the enrrance drive from Chamonix Road, add manicurcd landscaping to ttre landscaping plan, and reorient the existing trash facilities. Kathy and Ludwig concurred with this amendment. The vote was 6-0 in favor of the motion. After the vote, it was noted by staff that the adjacent property owners were each notified twice of the public hearing. 2. A reouest for a front setback variance. Bailev Residcncc. Iot 38. Block 7. Vail Villaee lst Filinpy'l93 Beaver Dam Road. Aoplicant: Jeanne M. Bailev Kristan Pritz explained the changes made to this proposal since the May 20, l99l meeting. The garage location had been moved approximately 24feet to the east to ensure the large evergreen adjacent to Beaver Dam Road would be retained. In addition, the garage had been reduced in size. There would still b€ a loss of some trees, but applicant has agreed to relocate trees from other portions of the lot to help mitigate any damage. Staff had rcquested the applicant increase the buffer between the garage wall and the large evergreen, and the architect agreed to do as much as possible, working between two trees. The new location of the garage was in rcsponse to the dircction the PEC had recommended previously, and staff believed that it was a good design solution. Ot ao Relief from the strict and literal interpretation was waranted due to the dual hardships of a large amount of mature vegetation and the topography of the site. There would be no impact upon light and air to thc site, and staff recommended approval of the variance with the following conditions: L The garage be moved to the east as much as possible, approximately 5 feet, per the saff memo. 2. The driveway be heated per the requirement of the Town Engineer. 3. Replace any trees that will be lost due to the construction of the driveway and gamge. The new trees include one 20-foot, one lS-foot, two l2-foot and two lO-foot ever green trees. An additional 5 aspen trees will be planted to the east of the proposed garage to replace those that will be removed because of the construction. An Younger, architect for thc projcct, stated the applicant was happy to comply with the recommendations of the Commission, particulady in the ability to save as many trees as possible, including the nee in the center of the parking area. Kristan asked if the garage could be moved an additional 5 feet to the east. Mr. Younger indicated it could probably be moved 3-4 feet, and they were investigating various methods to make the cut for the foundation which would have fewcr impacts to the tree. Kathy Langenwalter commented that, if the structure was l0 feet from the tree, there would be no difficulty. Diana Donovan clarified for the members of the Commission who were not present at the previous meeting that the hardship on this lot consisted of the amount of mature vegetation, i.e., trees, on the site. Connie Knight stated she was concerned about the amount of lots in the area with site constraints. This proposal resulted in a l-inch setback from the road, and believed this was a dangerous precedent to sct, possibly resulting in the opening of a "can of worms." Kristan responded that she thought with the Planning Commission's review, and the criteria for a variance, there was quite a bit of review discretion. Since the area is getting built out, there are more marginal lots being developed, which equalled more decisions of this type. Connie also asked why the garage was not attached to the residence. Jim Shearer responded it would result in more impacts, as well as being more visible. Mr. Younger showed Connie the rnodel with both options to clarify the point. Diana Donovan declared she believed the plan was the best for the neighborhood. Ludwig Kurz moved to approve the request for a front yard setback variance to allow the construction of a detached garage on a Primary/Secondary zoned lot, 193 Beaver Dam Road/-ot 38, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing per the staff memo, with the change that the applicant agree to move the garage as far east as possible in order to ensure the large tree adjacent to Beaver Dam Road would survive. The 5 foot margin suggested by staff was not oa oo an absolute numbr, but a goal. Chuck Clist sccondcd the motion. It was approved unanimously, 6-0. Jim Shearer was appointcd by acclaim to wqt( with the Housing Authority. After misccllanoous schcduling dissusEiots, thc mccting was rdjourncd. 10 TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDT.JM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department May 28, 1991 @eviscd May 20th hoposal) SUBJECT: Request for a front yard setback variance to allow the construction of a detached garagc on a Primary/Secondary zoned lot, 193 Beavcr Dam Road/tot 38, Block 7, Vail Village Fint Filing. Applicant Jeannc M. Bailey I. DESCRIPTION OF TT{E VARIANCE REOIJESTED With this proposal, the applicant is requesting a l9-foot, ll-inch (+ or -) variance to the front yard setback in order to construct a 3 space, detached garage. The zoning code rcquirrs a 20- foot front yard setback, and the applicant will be providing an approximate l-inch setback. Therefore. a l9-foot. ll-i4ch front setback variance is reouired. The applicant prcposes to demolish thc existing residence on the site and construct a new residence with a detached garage. The subject site fronts onto Beaver Dam Road. The site slopes down from the north side of Beaver Dam Road to the south bank of Gore Geek. The low point of Beaver Dam Road is on the eastern edge of the property and the high point is on the westem end of the property. The proposed three space garage will be accessed from a driveway which runs the length of the property. The Beaver Dam Road curb cut for the proposed drive will be at the eastcrn edge of the lot From this point, ttre drive dips down into the site, at a grade at its steepest point of l1%, following a path which is generally parallel to Beaver Dam Road, to the western edge of the property. The applicant has agreed to heat the driveway per the Town of Vail Engineer's requirements. The proposed garage structure would be covered with soil, and the roof planted with native grasses. The garage fooprint has been decreased in width by 2.5 feet, and decrcased in length by I foot. On May 20, 1991, the Planning and Environmental Commission reviewed this request. The Planning Commission suggested the applicant look at moving the proposed garage further to the east in order to save a large evergr€en tree adjacent to Beaver Dam Road. The applicant I t was willing to look at this altemative, and tabled ttre proposal to the May 28 Planning and ;r Environmental Commission mecting. U. BACKGROI'ND Section 18.54.050(D(1) of the Town's Municipal Codc statcs, under the Primary/Secondary zone district, "dwelling units and garages shall bc dcsigned within a single structure, unless there are significant site constraints which warrant a separation of units and garages on a site." The determination of whether a lot has significant site constraints shall be made by the Design Review Board. orr May 1, 1991, the Design Rcview Board determined 0rere were significant site constraints (i.e., topography) warranting the separation of the garage from the unit and conceptually approved the separation. ru. ZOMNG CONSIDERATIONS Tnning: Primary/Secondary Lot Area: .5179 acres22,559.7 sq. ft. Site Covcrage Allowed: 4,512 sq. ft. (20%) Proposed: 4,142 sq. ft. (18.4%) (approximate site coverage - final determination will be made at DRB submittal time) Height (Garage Only) Allowed: 33 ft. Proposed: 10.5 Setbacks (Garage Only) Front* Required: 20 ft. Proposed: 0tolinch Rear Required: 15 ft. Proposed: 91.5 ft. Side (EasO Requircd: 15 ft. Proposed: ll3 ft. Side (West) Required: 15 ft. Proposed: 23.5 ft. * Area of setback variance rcquesl ry.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department r€commends approval of the requested variance based on the following facton: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The applicant has moved the garage approximately 2tI fe*t to the east, which maintains a 6 foot buffer between the west wall of the garage and the large evergreen adjacent to Beaver Dam Road. Staffreviewed the new location for the garage with the Town of Vail Landscape Architect. It is his opinion that the garage should be moved an additional 5 feet to the east in order to protect the large tr,ee from construction impacts. He is concemed that the tree will die without more distance between the garage and nee. The applicant's architect is willing to try and move the garage 5 feet to the east, as long as access can still be accommodated up to the garage. The fact that the garage will be earth sheltered creates a positive effect on surrounding neighbors. As was discussed at the previous Planning and Environmental Commission meeting, the staff recognizes that some trces will need to be removed in order to construct the residence and garage. Staff and the applicant have tried to come up with a design that will minimize the removal of trees from the site, while still allowing for the construction of a new residence. With the new location, several aspen trees will still need to be removed to allow for the garage. The Town of Vail landscape Architect also feels that it will be very difficult to save thc trees adjacent to the drive on the northeast. The applicant has agreed to replace the trees that will be lost because of the driveway and garage. The new location responds to the dfuection of the Planning and Environmental Commission. This approach still allows for the earth-sheltered garage access drive down to the site, while saving as many of the large trees along Beaver Dam Road as possible. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Staff believes relief from the strict interpretation from the setback rcquirements is wananted, given the difficult site access and large number of existing trees on the site. The proposal rcsults in a significant setback variance. However, because the garage is earth sheltercd and as many tnees as possible are saved with this design, wc believe the relief from the setback is warranted" 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic fecilitieq public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The garage location and driveway acoess, as pmposed, would have no impact on the above criteria. B. The Plannine and Environmental Commission shall make the followine findines beforc erantine a variance: l. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following rcasons: a. The strict literal intcrprctation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owncrs of other properties in the same district. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the front setback variance with the following conditions: l. The garage should be moved to the east as much as possible (approximately 5 feet) to ensure that the large uee adjacent to Beaver Dam Road will survive construction. 2, Thc drivcway ehaU bc hcatcd pcr thc Towa of Vsil Enginccr's rcquiromcnt. 3, fin applicant has agrccd o rtplacc tbc tpcs that will bc lost due to thc construction of the drivcway and garagc. Tho ncw uccs inchdc onc 20-foot, onc l5-foot, two 12- foot and wo 10.fmt cvcrgrlcn tces. An additiond 5 aspen tces will bc plantod to thc cast of tho prqoscd garagp o rcplacc thoso thu will bG remorred bccruse of tlto construction. Staff bclievcs the applicant has rcspondcd positivcly b thc PEC urd stafr omocrns. Wc bclieve the rcquest mects thc bllowing findings: Bl, 82, B3(a-c), and that thc applicant has achicvcd a wcll dcsigncd projcct trat is sonsitivc to the uniqucncss of this site. c\rc\ncmor\brilcy,528 *t[l;iii ct\G Q ! {s 'lt I I \t bl o I I I I t I l ( \) O *, ERilErArrr{ n*rrr*#r* 720 East Durant ASPEN. COLORADO 8I5TT FAX COYER s}IEET Total nunber of pages includtng thls cover 3tilAY 2 Slesl 4< tf -?Jf7 --sheet ? RsTtarks: f,,fr,,//-. /fu qc/' dxtula/ an ff" pj lnfr.yr q ( Fr^t.rfr. l\A elal I t't;. ', I.:' '/::' a \:. s \i \ s \ t $ \l o T t 'ri N \l t $ \ \ t \ t $ Itl {) I \ fr ;N s . .ls 'J I '!t\ \ .+t li b\\ $.$ :\ \ il $ \' $ \ .\. \ $ t:i r,r {{r" I I I I r \ t $ t'\ \r \\ $" $\ N (.. t' .\t\'\5 Jr tt \\ \ 8\" N (' \[,' $\N /R tso o I It\ $ I f s il.- /R $: \\- \ \ $t s t: $ $ I j I T I \ 'l ji i.r i\\ {i \ s\l\x \. N N \ $ $ ll K' H='\r ,, [l rR \d \\ \ $ t\ t\ :1 U \, I \t, ,i\ ttl ll" \ IN t'-r ir tr t .l *itu o'l #, t'lr rt rl I I I /t ! I 1 i 1 I I 't-- ; .l I I ,.:\t \$ I l= .t ,'a (r' \ :t $ rs '\\ $ x,/1&',,7 gaa/ r,rt,7 /{ Present Chuck Clist Diana Donovan Ludwig KuIz Jim Shearer r rL t c0PY PLANNING AND ENVIRONMEN'TAL COMMISSION May 20, l99l Staff Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Jill Kammerer Andy Knudtsen Shclly Mello Amber Blecker Absent Connie Knight Kathy Langenwalter Gena Whinen The public hearing was called to order at 3:25PM by Chairpenon Diana Donovan. l. A request for a Special Development District for thc Davs Inn site. 22ll N. Frontase Road/Lot l. Block A. Vail Das Schone Third Fitne. a rcsubdivision of Vail Das Schone First Filine. Applicant: Peter Jacobs of Davs Inn Chuck Crist moved, and Jim Shearer seconded, to table this item to a May 28, L99l meeting of the PEC. The motion passed, 4-0. 2. A request for wall heiqht and front setback variances for the Neuswanser Residence. l,ot 6. Block B. Vail Ridse2642 Cortina Lane. Applicant Chris Neuswanger Jill Kammerer explained that a previous wall height variance request had been brought before the Planning Commission on March 25, 1991, had been denicd in part, and then appealed to the Town Council, who denied the appeal. The plan now prcsented had changed to include tiered walls with at least 3 feet of planting space betwecn walls, and a spa/sunroom in the front setback on the east side of the structure. The north wall of fte spa/sunroom would serve a retaining function. The lower wall of the retaining walls would be 4 feet tall and constructed of timbers. The second wall would range from 2-8 feet in height, and would be concrete construction. Staff recommended approval of the variances, finding no grant of qpecial privilege, and believing the changes resulted in good site planing. The slopes on the site were in excess of 457o, resulting in a recommendation to glant a front setback variance to allow the construction of the spa/sunroom. Staff further Ecommended approval of the wall height variances with additional plantings. As prcviously stated, under the applicant's proposal, the north side of the spa./sunroom served as a rctaining wall. Staff recommended that the north side of the "bay" window on the west side of the home could also serve the same function. Chris Neuswanger agrccd to the additional vegetation, but felt that perhaps too many trccs were being requircd. Considering that ttris property has no tsres on it currently, he requested fewer plantings. He also showed the Commissioners examples of retaining walls in other areas of Town with greater than 6 foot heights. He believed the proposal he had made did not exceed what has been granted to others. He did have a concem, however, in changing the "bay" window to serve a retaining function. He indicated it would hurt the design and lighting of the interior of that room, as that was the only natural light in the room. He thought it would throw off the entire balance of the room. Chuck Crist noted he voted in favor of the original proposal, and his vote had not changed. He did not think it was necessary to require the "bay" window be changed, as he happened to think they are a positive feature. He did not have an opinion on placing additional plantings on the lor. He would support the proposal without any modifications to the "bay" window. Ludwig Kurz indicated he had voted against the prcvious proposal, but felt the improvements in the current proposal were positive. He also did not find the "bay" window to be of concem. Jim Shearer agreed with Ludwig that the "bay" window need not be changed. Jim asked the applicant if he would find the additional landscaping acceptable, and Chris answered it would be fine. Diana Donovan concurred with the comments of the other C.ommissioners. Ludwig Kurz moved to approve thc request for wall height and front setback variances for the Neuswanger Residence, ht 6, Block B, Vail Rtdgel2642 Conina Lane per the staff memo, subject to the conditions, and with the elimination of the second condition regarding the "bay" window. Chuck Crist seconded the motion. The vote was a unanimous 4-0 in favor. Aoolicanr Jeanne M. Bailev Jill Kammerer explained the rcquest to construct a three-space, detached garage in the front setback, and the proposed site plan. On May l, 1991, the Desigr Review Boatd reviewed the plan to determine if the garage separation would be acceptable. They determined the site constraints warranted the building separation. 3. Staff believed an alternative garage location with less site disturbance existed. One option was to shift the garage slightly to the east, and access the garage directly off of Beaver Dam Road. Staff agreed that a construction road would need to be built in order to access the site to demolish the existing strucftue and construct a new residence, but bclieved this construction road could be revegetated. If applicant were to access the garage directly from Beaver Dam Road, the Town Engineer rccommended the garage be setback 20 feet from the edge of the road's paving to allow for stacking of cars. Staff recommended denial of the request, citing the following rcasons. First, there was concem for mature vegetation on the site, and the impacts the request would have on that vegetation. Secondly, the siting of the garagc and driveway could be changed to minimize the site impacts, and third, there existed the possibility to build the garage adjacent to the house out of the front setback. In conclusion, staff found no hardship existed to warrant granting of the variance. Before beginning public comment, Diana Donovan asked that the names and addresses of the individuals who had written letters regarding the proposal be entered into the record. Those names and addresses, along with their letters, are attached to the staff memo. Mike Ernaman, architect for the Baileys, stated the owners were pernanent Vail residents with an active family, including 3 drivers, and desired to have the garagc on the entry level to the house, as climbing 15-20 stairs would make it difficult to transport groceries into the house and would also be difficult for Mrs. Bailey's mother to climb. The applicans recognized the imponance of the trces, and were agreeable to doing everything possible to save as many trees as possible. Regarding the location of the garage, and design of the house, the road would not be visible from Beaver Dam Road, as the garage would be partially buried into the slope. Additionally, due to the slope of the site, very little of the house would be visible. They tried to minimize the visual impacts from the road, as well as minimizing the parking demands since there existed problems with on-street parking. He showed the impacts of a garage built at road grade, and indicated the owners found it preferable to tuck the garage below gade. In addition, in designing the structures, maintaining privacy was a primary concem. The ridge of the house would remain below the eye level of pedestrians along Beaver Dam Road. He stated that the construction road would be necessary, but felt staff's assessment of the number of trees removed was high. Plans called for starting construction at the end of summer, with immediate revegetation of the land. Mr. Ernaman illusnated various alternatives suggested by staff with a scale rendition of the house, garage and landscaping. If the garage were placed at the end of the drive, there would not be enough space to tum around. Backing up an 8% grade was undesirable, especially in winter. A discussion took place regarding turning radii and the resulting fill or retaining walls, and whether Eees would still be lost. If thc garage wcre attached to the house, the resulting bulk would be much more apparent to pcople across the creek. Mr. Ernaman stated the owners did not want to diminish the values of adjacent properties, and also wanted to keep the mass reduced by puning the garage in the hillside. The Desiga Review Board had felt this was a good dcsign, and unanimously approved the conceptual design. He asked staff and the audiencc for suggcstions on what could be done to minimize the impacts of cutting the trees. Jill remindcd applicants that there was also thc consideration of the hardship which needed to be resolved. Kathy Douglas, a neighbor, spoke of her concErn that the driveway be heated, especially with the slope proposed. Michael Emaman said hc hoped it would not bc necessary, but would consider it. Ms. Douglas wanted the applicants to take into consideration the amount of water runoff, but stated she liked the design. Neighbor Nancy Tyler felt the garage could be placed west of the current steps (east of the current proposal), which would eliminate the removal of the largest trees closest to Beaver Dam Road. She thought an underground garage was an acceptable design. Michael Emaman thought Ms. Tyler's suggestion was good, except it would increase the driveway slope, necessitating it be heated. Jim Shearer asked if Ms. Tyler's suggestion was taken, and the back-out area was moved, could the uee in the driveway be saved? Mr. Ernaman thought it might be possible. Morgan Douglas, a neighbor, asked if a precedent was being set having a detached, underground garage. Mr. Emaman stated that wilh the expansion of the Town, many marginal sites were now being developed, and the zoning ordinances dealt with more average sites. He belicved each site merited individual attention. Diana Donovan elaborated that there were strict regulations concerning separating garages. Mr. Douglas clarified he did not object, except to the extent approval of the sctback variance might set a precedent. Diana stated this was always a concern to the Commissioners when evaluating a project. Jim Shearer stated he would like to see a heated driveway, and that banking snow should not be encouraged, as it killed more vegetation. In addition, he felt a heated drive was much safer. He was 100% in favor of Ms. Taylor's suggestion of moving the garage to the east if it would save more mature vegetation. He believed the trade-off between a heated driveway with a l0-12%o slope for 2-3la4e tnees to bc a winnablc solution. He said he shared the neighbor's worry about revegetating the area, and would encourage the applicant to replace any trees removed from the sirc with as large or larger trees whenever possible. He did not see a potential precedent set on this site to be a problem. He also felt the profile of the house from across the creek, if the garage were attached, would be a definite negative. Ludwig Kurz asked if Ms. Taylor's altemative were use( would enough turnaround space be provided? Mr. Emaman said it looked like an approximate 8 foot retaining wall would need to be built, and was further concemed about guest parting. Hc stated the family's need was for 3 covered and 3 outside parking spaces with a turnaround arca. Ludwig asked if the alignment of the driveway could be changed to savc m(re u!es. Mr. Emaman indicated it was a balancing act between two beautiful trees as it was, but thc owncrs' intent was to save as many trees as possible. Ludwig expressed his preference to have the garage moved to the east, and suggested heating the driveway. He believed the owners should not be penalizedfor having a beautiful site. Some uecs would need to be removcd, but he believed as many as possible should be saved. Chuck Crist reminded the audience that everything thc PEC did could set precedent, and the fact this might did not bother hirn. He did feel more Eees would be killed than anticipated, due to construction disturbanccs. He also asked why a 3-car garage was necessary, and Mr. Ernaman replied there were 4 cars in the family. Chuck felt the current proposal was better than having the garage at the end of the drive, but he would prefer the garage be shifted slightly to the east to save an additional tree. He was generally in favor of the proposal. Mr. Ernaman related that during the design prccess, they were aware that the house would affect the water flow through the site. They proposed collecting water above the house and piping it below to help minimize the environmental impacts. Jim did not support parking on Beaver Dam Road, but he was also not promoting backing out of a l2Vo gtade drivcway. If the garage were moved to the east, it would leave area on the west end for parking, and he thought the guest parking would be as much as the current proposal. Ludwig stated some nees would be lost due to construction disturbances and nocessary removal. He believed the owners' intentions were good, and it was the utmost importance that the owner and staff ensured no rnistakes were made dr:ring construction; no clear cut should be performed just to allow the contractor easy acsess to the site. Mr. Ernaman stated the loss of nees would be devastating to the owners as well as neighbors. Diana Donovan stated it was acceptable to separate the garage for a better site plan, and was l00%o in favor of a gafage located on the site, rather than off of Beaver Dam Road. Jeanne Bailey stated they would revegetate to make up for losses, and it was their intention to cr€ate a pristine look. Diana indicated it was not her intention to penalize the Baileys for having lots of trees on their lot, but believed sliding the garage to the east might have a better result. Mrs. Bailey stated that would be acceptable. Mr. Emaman stated he would try to move it, and redesign the house, and it would be worth doing to attempt to preserve additional nees. Jim asked that an attempt be made to preserve the ree in the middle of the drive, as well. Diana asked the staff what direction to take at this point. Kristan Pritz recommended tabling the request, since if approval were given and the plan were found to be unfeasible, another hearing would be necessary. She suggested adding this item to the May 28 agenda, if the applicants believed a new plan could be prcpared by that time. Michael Ernaman r€quested this front setback variance rcquest be Bbled so he could work on moving the garage, changing the driveway and turnaround and making slight rnodifications to the house design, as the cars determined the design of the house in that location. He indicated his willingness to work with staff. Chuck Crist moved to table the request to May 28, 1991. Jim Shearer seconded the motion. The unanimous vote of 4-0 approved the motion. 4. A request for a minor amendment. and a request for a conditional use oermit. Special Development District No. 5. Simba Run Resorts. lots 6. 7. 8. 9 and pan of I.ot 10. Block C. Resubdivision of Lionsridee SubdivisionL/l100 Nonh Frontaee Road West. Applicanr U.A.P. Holdines Co. Mike Mollica explained that the rcquest was to enclose a lower level breezewuy to ,onrui.t u meeting/conference space with kitchen facilities for the use of Simba Run condominium owners only. A conditional use and minor amendment to the SDD is necessary. The proposal included adding three medium-sized spruce trees to the rear of the conference space. Mike explained that the limited amount of space affected by the proposal allowed this request to be handled as a minor SDD amendment, as it was less than SVo of the gross area of the SDD (exclusive of rcsidential). The additional parking required by the enclosure was proposed to be handled by restriping the curent spaces in the Simba parking structure. Staff recommended approval of the proposal, citing the fact that the conference space would not be available to the general public, and the addition would not be noticeable, or have any negative impacts, upon adjacent properties. Chuck Crist asked staff for clarification of how many times a minor amendment, of SVo of the site, could be made. Kristan said it was on a per-prcposal basis, and that the SDD ordinances did not set a limit. Mike added that the PEC or staff could still requirc a major amendment if there was a problem. He believed that as long as it was common area in question, it was probably acceptable. Chuck also asked for clarification that the proposal included the additional trees. Mike assured him it did. Ludwig Kurz moved to approve the request for a minor amendment, and a request for a conditional use permit, Special Dcvelopment District No. 5, Simba Run Resorts, l,ots 6, 7, 8, 9 and part of t-ot 10, Block C, Resubdivision of Lionsridge SuMivisiory'l l00 North Frontage Road West per staff memo, including the condition of planting 3 medium sizcd spruce trees, .... , rr .l I rJr- l'lr. and l"trs- Paul E. Ful ler 3232 S. Josephine St. Denver, CO 8O2tO NEO I\,IAYIEIUBI l'la'r l..l " 1?? I l'1rr;, Di anne Donovan " Chai r-pereon F ll. ann i ng ancl Envi rnnment;.r.[ {]omnris-"ni.an Town o{ Vai I 75 $nurth Frnnt:a11er Ro+d V;ri .[ " t])r:l nrada E 165S Re{erence: A garage and {ront set-back variance For: Geanne l.l. Bai l ey Lot f,ff Blncl: / Vai. I Vi. ). I age Fi. r=t Fi I i ng l|' 9f; IJe:avnrr Dam l-[n,acl l"l-9,. Dc)nc]van ; As nwners n{ prnperty I or:at.ecl at .J6f, Fleaver Dam Road. we Dbjert tcl hhe granting n+ a r/r-1r'iance {or the constructi on o{ a qara$e at th* ,rbnve r-e+f erenced nrnncrr}w { nr'- ittg 'f nl. I or,,l i. n g reaeinn$: Fi. r-st ;rn'l .f nremost. i r: th;rt we unclrlrstand t-he qarage i s tn be a separartei $trlrctlrre f rom the house,, Jh_i.s.. w"j.-Ll_-g-L:.e a il'::h.qr"*-ds."ns"i,ty:m.up.e.Ldirqe.."-t.s*."f-E*F-jJ.e"n-E"F-.=.-.a"1o.[s..-Eegiae-r*.nam F*r*.d_*th.U::__-d_s[-t_AEt]-_n.,1.-_fr.p-0_l-bC_[e!1hh.pr_b_ss.d* f,ovenants and buti. l cli nq codeg lr"ave been e:;tabI i sfred th;it requi. rel r;arages tc: ho sttarheci ho t he halrs;*. {ir-rsh res tr i ct i onei were establ. ished t'. n maintain spacing r:{ residents in the area and rihnlrl d f:e en{orced wi thnr-rt ei{trepti on. ll"e5s.n.d.l-y,-'".-ir-uLh.*q.n$ii!-t:us;l-t-p-n'-Hsi*Ld*-r'csu,u-e-i.]-ea|...-s-L$"tl.t.ls. nf--:-+rs"fi!s......$$sru.f-i-s-Fi-t*.L}.L!e--sE-r.uGs--l-r-e,eE*!]"-|J.ths-*p-r-ep-F.r.tx--ry-Li.Eb r!p-rJ.l..d. -q.p-ntr:,l".hu,Le--.-tF- "i!.h"F" "'1-r"aJt-Ltlg-...s-r-as-urll"".p.qg-hrlefl'.-4Jonq--Lhe Elar:!***srf-*c-trr-e--"Er-e-e!i,-**.lh-e"..-eeE-t-hF."-t-1..-q.--v-g-l--L!c--e,L-!.lre-.*!-r-ep--e. s"h.pit[..d-'..f,.]s.p-...hs* B.-..Eii.-sn:'f--i*s-dnl-.re-e,F-Rn.-.!F-.'.d.e1ry-€-...1r-fi.t:"i'*n-F-F.-!' 'The granting nf varianceg {or individr-ral prclpertie:; nrtly ',iierv** tn dimini.;h tl-le urni qlre qual itie:; r:{ the n*ighborhoad, Er-r.i Idi!-rg .odes and c'ivenant-g are meant to protect gt,,l.. prr:p*rty owners {or tlrer good o{; e,rch, Fl Fe\se pnf rrri:e the covenants" reEtrictions and building codes as cltrrentl. y i n pl ace f or- nur nei qlrhorlrood. z-A'/ 4r4"Si ncerel y" FUI l er []alrl E. Fr-r11er '(""rf;f';:'hrn ,n' i;,r,;i,,6r-f" $o MAy 1 zreet ry7 t/l €?/,*ffi***,"*g#f fr'A'''-13;q fr-*/ w Srk un"-*;,4/*tr) Eru.L 7;/o'7,47;i 7cA'7; i;; 8;-* =in'-'' El 7%-Pa-*^ar27'-/ htu Alfu **/ '-/' 34/14 a "ii-,?r,(ffi;*L-,ry@ 'Jrazz'At*-;&% d7r-fu!z't"t'z*'ffiryr rt'*;t oi2.t-fl*T /ffi)gp /*3:/z- <n eo,/c t^-t |,,ff p fu' zr-6:<'%\4-r' L,,'rO?( .ft"*Lr,'ffi;;'fu* JOHN L. TYLER ,)' ' /"7 '?/ lJ*."' D c*r*o*'", efrA**"^, tU[b*rg 1' *ww'',,.*,rood./ Cn't'o'r'rr''''1',t-e)--' fuu.r,'.,- g tfc;r// '{- '25 6J-il" tr"r.a_hez, R /) /nL(/, gly'e. St€ka ilE,'/?3 {"-r Soar"on /)a-r-,'i ti 3,9 [tr!-/z 7, /?-/ . .,. Lra*t' [4]///fg-a - {/ Y c.tz2- Czaz,za.rl it,a'4-ol-' --{(aJo(c(l'dcz'a'ez'' d'Qzat-' -dto .zLp4lze+/ --/-ooro od*+ ffz;rt-;+a azt-a'-' -nV .r, t tl .,t.'L/Lttc.d-<4-44u | ,t . ,. f) " l? / lt (1.{ cr- ,F*r/ -:fr-,r s L,r,'.t' {/"n'"4*'/ rf :";"-'' Q-!L* r r-r/ LrilQE',,fr'ur., *7h' u - 8"; l/Ile4"- -.\ u o*.,**. -t/L\ h* /-,, o -.h. -r'-o + ft ,# v f'/'*"4;7'*" $,*'"r'u/;f,',\ - 'V /, ,--' /," ,7)*4;.. *f ' fif6-*- p*s2{q!rri ;rlEir i../ \., \/ *NtEff3;l'.\A'L!,!it?i" O'' *+,383 fi-aam-, 1)onu & ' /'t ? .- til \Lt.'L 6:-Lo*1 /,)-r*.,.'-ut'ALtl.""* /t d-* lrJr-r-a*u.*,^-.f, f"I .,-,. 3,*Jl"ys'*"*(,., 1'l qJ/"^* 9,t-&t'<-' 'UA I dl.+.+*^- ,*. *iL ()-\.\-.\.- I66t I r Avl/{ oJil ..h , , .,"ii I //5: 2,/A.1,/€ c,/A lR Pe-z,k'i Qozny4,/ . ,,, Pze:{'tr t-vE *are .q4-/ /3, €.a/v,,,,e.,.r/.? F*74 L cA4,.//5t/4-r' 75 Saorrt Fap.va46€ RD 4/ Ka.. z-aT 39- Ozcca 7 V4/z- y'/o2.46€-/--/ESr Pz:zq -L/e'4.v.2/6 /4- Q42aa:7 t/Y /F€ 4,uA ,/ aatt 7'//€,222, z'--nn o- &/.2 za- .tr' r4e4.2 e.< - L/57e? t2ra,aaxr/. Q,<.4.vrea ^./.1/ VzLv z-u+ 4 5.=P4."-+7€ +484 64 zt/'l')c4 42/ 4z- 'a€ccs:t'/'4 /: /v. ll Etz.u 7-4€ 6-.4/ r'./aaa.as>e7 f4a atA y TRee.?aa*42' (1//LL ' .45 z-2..1,"4 7€,44 e 4U.1/€<5 7az Z'z*/5 ..? EF4 /Z/ €- ETZc4Ez/ E ra 7V<: F&'Fe<Z.y t ryr //4zt<- Pzzzzrp 4t2ta€.(aa'S '5/4acC 7i4c.-+ 4S //,/E-ZL 4t. ,-fo.+a .?s?6--1/ ('a<t*t-t 15 ,' t-gzzz7 f : -aa - zz.,gz--+). - PZ.qZSa Pa .-?/af 4e*,uz- //AR"'+'vcad Fr;gA",ezz4 -'€a€16 Ke z-el +L .z -U o>ezs 2 z.va=-/ 4,<A--<. 77)C -y,< Ya a' Fa< y'a rr<. Ca.cls /2€447/1t r.. dF 7-//5 3,?r?1*7.Pt'v 17 ./ t 52,€- . 2l 24 25 IREolFffilo 43 476 POLY PAK (50 Sers) {P175 .t PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on Ylay 2Q, 1991 at 3:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a mj.nor amendnent, and a request for a conditional use permit, Special Development District No. 5, Simba Run Resorts, Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and part of Lot 1.0, Block C, Resubdivision of Lionsridge Subdivision/ll0O North Frontage Road West. Applicant: U.A.P. Holdings Co. 2. A request for a Gore Creek stream setback variance for Russell's Restaurant's proposed outdoor dining deck, Lot A, Block 5, VaiI Village 1st Filing/228 Bridge Street.Applicant: D.R.R., Inc., d/b/a Russell's 3. A request for an exterior alteration in Commercial Core I for Gorsuch, Ltd., Lot E, Block 5, Vail village lst Filing/ 263 Gore Creek Drive.Applicant: Paul Golden 4. A request for a front setback variance, Bailey Residence, Lot 38, Block 7, Vail village lst Filing/193 Beaver Dam Road.Applicant: Jeanne M. Bailey 5. A request for a front setback variance, Shannon Residence, Lot 22, Block 7, vail Village lst Filing/245 Forest Road. Applicant: Michael Shannon 5. A request for a worksession to review the Town of Vail Master Transportation Plan. Applicant: Town of Vail 1. A reguesU for review of the Vail- Vitlage Streetscape Master Plan for formal recommendation to the Town Counci-l. The Master Plan addresses the general area from E. Lionshead Cir. to Ford Park, and includes W. Meadow Dr., E. Meadow Dr., Willow Bridge Rd., Gore Creek Dr., Vail Val.ley Dr., Bridge St., and Hanson Ranch Rd. applicant: Town of VaiI Any iterns tabled from the May 13, 1991 PEC neeting agenda. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public review in the Connunity Development Department office. Town of Vail Corununity Development Department Publisbed in the VaiL Trail on May 3, 1991. 2/4 il--f {- e' -.4'/go prt"" Jean Jonso WserDaker 6359 Kalani Place Dallas, Tx 7524.0 K€nn6lh & Judy Robino 755 Lalayens $test Denver, CO 80218 lf-tfmhadnur€nthal Lltileton, co 80123 Chalbs Biederman Capelll Assodal6s 2696 S. Colorado Bhd.. S'te 500 Denwr, CO 80?22 lHg:i;Pil',',*, Vall, CO 81657 Nancy M. Rlwar$ c/o Narrcy M. Tyler 2Q52 East Alameda, tr17 Ddpver, CO 80209 i t" l€c ,- Aukz/Hetzt 'Z/g /a/q.ztz. . 14lcn4t) hha 9/un#) ' - 11 arrT<crtogz '-/nrc!-!-:,--, r4 fztee ,dA//r&4_gb(nryft3u, _a&and- e_%ug_8:_A _c/ea,,t azz u:a / /. -- ;/ot -b:.ct*tAg, a st4 /,alt -dr:tL--- '5*// fu& /-J -f1ttuzl- 4F-tc'r6 - /t*' ,.Jrol ffirc-lk€ry -'/ ------- - rafuc_&-e*c6rt/- @ <40 L4*y a,1-/ &a,te. .fu"*,<y' --'/ \./ f/anz &4ai 4-zfud lraa-'g4r fue -agu, '* o ,t, ) /q/L{1re fu A-&j I J Project Application 6-/-// Project Name: .gt ,k/ (e '?3 &ua',-t hor,(d 6ar//r.q (**n2 efa*az,J Contact Person and Phone Architect, Address and Phone: . (ai 47/ - B5/z ./ Ernen'pun " r*/fu, €mertPnn '2o t: Ztrant ,z b. a/b// Legal Descriptio n, ro, 36 , ancx 7 { -rv/.r- ^ /'tifrdzotu) at"'t &/:za//y'ir :{ zag/tzt lfAdlozca-' Design Review Board Morionby: 5 "g hta,Ard seconded or, ,Q7 /erzlqb-n 4'o €./.7/ Date DISAPPBOVAL Summary:- s7a7t,y'ca,ny' ak azt:rfuirtk ty'ere 's/t /a* . - eitZrry .rfruefrre ntu;y' /e rtrrnatc/ ent"P-losrd r"flda'/uLu ard, Pa"z/(V 4/(4- /5 3o7" ca,a fuue / ae,r'&zrz atrhazty' o/thz7n4 a- loaru<tt-t tn 5a d/''/a/nz^d /a na/ zza'ncy'ak' 'argV 4-/a.ss /n4/s."95 E Statf Approval H,/3 7'o/ 3t.6/acz- 7 (ai/ kt/aiz trl r//s7 a. SITE VISIIS 12:45 P.M. DESIGN REVIE}T BOARD AGEITDA . MAY 1, 1991 3':00 P.M. Pbase If - The Valley Lindsey,/Nilsson - Phas€ VI, The Val1ey Barnes - 2851 Basingdale Spector/I(alish - 467 Greenbill Court Findell - 1210 Ylestbaven Circle Bailey - 193 Beaver Dam Road Byrne - 254 Beaver Dam Road gussman - 327 Rockledge Road Karats - L22 East Meadow Drive Robertson - Northwoods Condos. Ford Park - 530 E. Frontage Road I,anb - 48?9 Meadow Drive fbarra - 343 Beaver Da.m Road Kravis - 424 Forest Road Lilienthal - Construct East Unit SM 184 Beaver Dam Road/LoE 24, Block 7, VaiI V1l1age 1st MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 4-0 Approved. spector/Kalish - 250 Addition 467 Greenhill Court/Lot 10, Glen Lyon Subdivision MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 4-0 Approved. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 * * Tbere are two items on this agenda wbich are exterior landscape lighting proposals. Please rnake site wisits to tbese properties Tuesday nigbt, April 30th starting with tbe Ibarra residence. The lights will be turned on between 8:00 and 9:00 p.m. AGENDA ''| SM z. 3. MikeII - Bath Addition SM 74-A Sandy Lane/Lot 4, Block 2, YaiL Potato Patch 2nd MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED TO JUNE sTH MEETING. 4. Findell - New Single Family Residence SM 1210 westhaven Lane/Lot 41, clen Lyon Subdivision MOTION: George Lanlc SECOND: Pat Herringt,on VOTE: 3-0 Approved with condit.ions. Sherry Dorward abstained. 5. ffiDemo/rebuild separaLion for garage. 193 Beaver Dan Road,/Lot 38, Block ?, Vai-1 Village lst MOTION: Sherry Dorward SECOND: Pat Herrington VOIE: 4-0 Approved. 6. Singleton - Nelr Primary,/Secondary JK 2476 Garmish Drive,/LoE 28, Block A, Vail Das Schone #1 MOTION: George Lanb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 4-0 Approved with condition Public Works sign off on plans. 7. Breeze Ski Rentals - Sign Variance JK Montaneros Commercial Condominium, Unit 100. 541 west Lionshead Circle/Part of Lot 8, Block 1, VaiI Lionshead 3rd Filing.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED TO MAY 15TH MEETING. 8. Barnes - New Primary/Secondary 2851 Basingdale/Lot 4, Vail Internountain MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Conceptual . 20. Village Parking Structure'- Signage 241 South Frontage Road East MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 4-0 Approved as presented. 2l . Karats - Bay window BR L22 East Meadow Drive, Part of Tract C, Vail Village lst MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat HerringEon VOTE: 4-0 Consent approved. 22. Husaman - Deck BR 327 Rockledge Road/LoE A, Block 7, Vail Village Lst MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 4-0 Consent approved. 23. Lamb - Addition SM 48?9 Meadow Drive/Lot 15, Block 5, Bighorn 5th MOTION: George Lamb SECoND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 2-0-2 Consent approved. George Lamb and Ned Gvrrathmey abstained. 24. Byrne - 250 request SM 254 Beaver Dam Road,/Lot 23, Block ?, Vail village 1st MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 3-0 Conditions: Lighting plan to be submitted with in 6 weeks. Ned Gwathmey abstained. 25. Biederman Addition - 250 request & garage addition SM 254 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 23, Block 7, Vail Village 1st MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry Dorvrard VOTE: 3-0 Conditions: Lighting plan to be submitted with in 3 weeks. Ned Gwathmey abstained. BR 26. \rosey - Addition SM 97 Forest Road/Lot 3, Block ?, Vail Village lst MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 3-0 Approved. 27. Lifthouse Lodge - Banner Sports clerestory ifK 555 E. Lionshead Cirll,ot 3, Block 1, VaiI Lionshead 1st MOTION: George Lanb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 4-0 Consent approved. 28. Manor Vail - Lobby Expansion 595 Vail Valley Drive MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED TO MAY 15TH MEETING. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ned Gwathmey Pat Herrington Sherry Dorward George Lamb I.IEMBERS ABSENT: Jim Shearer (PEC) STAFF APPROVAIS: Beedie - New windows Westwind Unit *404 Nystrom Residence - Stained redwood on house.Lot 7, BLock 3, Vail Village l1th Ford Park - Fence replacement at Ford Park soft ball fields. Precourt Residence - Change to driveway.Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Village lst Wiegers Residence - Changes to approved plan. Lot. 22, Block 1, VaiI Potato Patch vaiL Gateway Plaza - Add guardrail to 3rd floor around south and east deck areas and add exterior door to master bedroom, to Unit *3 (per revised drawings dated 4/L0/91') .Lot N, Block 5D, VaiI Village 1.st Scheller - Renovatlon of unlt, minof exterior Vail Vtllage Inn Plaza American Ski Exchange - New windows & entry Wall Street BuJ-lding ,\Dq t ? 1991 f----t e A tr r\)l:" NI\ sls $lt \l r,r l)$t s r \li | 'l\.Sl'r\.{l ' \ N N \ \ x $ $ \{ h) \ lt $\.t \\ N l! \I \ )l !l N I \\; \ .l \i Nr \l Jl \l \l \t $t Nt $l$ The Ernemann Group Architects PO Box 4602 Aspen, Colorado 81611 303 925 2266 PART II A. Statement of Request Wo roopec{ully request a varlaton from regulation 18.13.060 (whldr calls for a mHmum front yard sotback of twenty leet) so that part of a subtenanean garage may be conshrcted ln sald setback. After a comprehenslw analysls of the slte with rogard to vehlcular acoess lt becatrp apparent hat In order b: 1 . minlmlze lhe vlslble lmpact ot the new etructure(s); 2. mlnlmlze the vlslble lmpac't of the aubmoblle and lts Prcgrammadcally requlred facllltes;3. madmlze prlvacy for the prcPosed house and its nelghbors' and; 4. ma,rlmlze the pre€orvaton of he natJral character and eetdng afforded by fie property lnduding topography, vegetaton, light and alr; the garage should be separated lrom the houee and buried In the steePest Pordon d the slte Just below Beaver Dam Road. lt ls our oplnlon that the loglcal cottllguralbn ot house, garage, and drfueway neoassitates construcdon of the garage In lhe front yard setback as shown on he slte plan. In this proposal, approdmately half of fie garage wlll be complebly buded under eldstng grade. The oher half wlll have a sod roof, compatble with exlstng tenaln. Acces b the garage wllt be from a proposed mobr court at the end of the drfuervay. Because tlp buildlng slte ls on the north slde of Beaver Dam Road the garage doors wlll not be vlslble from the road. Other garages tn the vldnff have been constlc{ed In the front yard setback per eec{on 18.69.050 (L), Inoeaslng vlelble buildlng masses in these areas. It is assumed that a good portlon of tho Intent of a front yard setback ls to create a landscaped buffer betyveen a structtre and a publlc way. In thls propoaal, lhe natral buffer area ls retalned. Addldonally the propoeed house ls an average cf 60 feet frcm ihe front property llne. Furlher, the exlstng slruafon at the slte ls such lhat vehldee are parked at a oibbed area contguous to Beaver Dam Road. Our pioposed arangement wlll ellmlnate this exlstng parklng sltuaton, redudng lhe potental hazards lmpoeed by vehldec at thls area. In summary, we feel lhat thls varlance request: 1. ls In keeplng wlth the Intent and obJecdve of the 2O feet setback ordlnance as related b o$er structJres in ho vldnlty; 2. ls necessaty b enable he slte b be developed In a manner that Preseilc lb €xlsdng ciaracter (and compatbllity wih othor sltes In $e vldnlty) by provldlng a means for locating a garage ttrat wlll Present mlnlmal vlslble lmpacts form the road whlle attalnlng lhe obJecdves ol lhe eetbad< ordlnance by belng placed essendally below grade with a vegetated roof; 3. retalns the llght, alry natural qualldes of tre stte whlle redudng the vlslHe portlon ot the proposed sttlcturs as well as mltgates the lmpac't of vehldee condguous to the road, and; 4. is in total compllance with regard to dwelopment In conluncton wlth r€talnlng the natural beauty of he Vall Valley, vls-a-vle Valls Comprehensfue Plan. frrrD APR 221991 PARTI.F VARIANCE APPLICATION F0R:Lot 38, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF OWNERS OF ADJACENT PROPERTIES: Lot 37: Bo Price{ean Jones Wisenbaker 6553 Kalani Place Dallas, Texas 7524A Lot27: Kenneth M. & Judy Robins 755 Lafayette Street Denver. Colo. 80218 Lot24: Jack R. & Richard J. Lilenthal 701 Watson Lane Littleton, Colo.80l23 Lot23: Paroel B: Capelli Associates Parcel A:Ronald J. Byrne Charles Biederman Zl4Bieaver Dam Road 2696 5o. Colo. Blvd, Suite 500 VaiI, Colo S1657 Denver, Calo 80222 Lot 39: Nancy M. Edvards c/o Naocy M. Tyler 2J52B.ast Alameda, *37 Denver. Colo. 80209 Tract B: ovned by Tovn of Vail fua'b,1/,sl rt, tr't 2/ ruohc<) The Ernemann Group Architects PO Box 4602 Aspen, Colorado 8161 1 303.925.2266 ]r'n APR 2 21eel MEMORANDUM TO: Plannlng and Envlronmental Commlsslon Town of Vall, Colorado FROM: The Ememann Group Archltec'ts DATE: 22Aprll1991 FE: Applicalion for a Varlanoe: Ordlnance 18.13.060 (front yard eetback ln prlmary/recondary dleElct.) APPLICATION DATE: 22 Aprll 1991 PEC MEETING DATE: 20 May 1991 PART I A. NAME OF APPLIGANT: Jeanne M. Balley ADDRESS: 4792 Meadow Lane, Vall, Colorado 81657 PHONE: (303) 47S8592 B. NAME OF APPLICANTS REPRESENTATIVE: The Ememann Grcup Atdtltect ADDBESS: nO East D.rrant, Aspen, Colorado 81611 PHoNE: (303) 925-266 C. NAME OF OWNEB(S): Jeanne M, Balley PHONE: (303) 47&8592 D. LOCAT]ON OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS: 'lSl Bearor Dam Road LEGALDESCRIPTION: LOT Q$ BLOCKJ FILING E, FEE: $100(enclosed checkbyOwner) F, NAMES OF ANACENT PROPEBTY OWNEFS (cee endorure) PART ll - Endosurea - 4 coplea eacfi A, Statement ol R€quest B. Topographlc Suryey 1"-lO C. Site Plan 1"-2O D. Prelimlnary Bulldlng Elevadons E. Tite Beport (vcrificaton of ornership) \rS ,@ ADDRESS: 4792 Meadow Lane, Vall, o o PROJECT: h{TER _ DEPARTbIEI.ITAL REVIEW BALET RESIDENCE 19J BEAVER DAT.I ROAO DA.IE SLIBMITTED: COhIMENTS I.IEEDED n'* 4f'17/$1 ERIEF DESCRIPTIDN OF THE FROPOSAL: OEIilO REBUILD PlJBLIC WORKS hIIKE BRAKE 4/"+/e'l Reviewed by Oote: Cornmen ts: 1) 2) 3) I Vr'CIULD UKE TO SEE OFF STREET PARKTNG ELtt',illtATED tF DRt\€l\tAy IS ACCEP]ED A5 IS OR A SIHN-A.R OI{E IS ACCTPIED. TJP.EA6E CAFINOT TTICROACH CI{TD STREET R.O.W.. ON THE I'{ORTHERLY SIOE OF LOT IT APPEARS IHAT L.A,NDSCAPE WALIS ENCROACH OIITO UnLlTr EASEI,IENT. OVrf.lER lttLL NEED A REVICABLE EASEITIENT FROhI lHE UTTUTY' COt,tFAl.ly{S)-4] DRTVEV/AY GRADE AS SHOV{N EX(IEEDS dK NEED TO REVtsE TO 8:6 h4AXIMUhI GRAI}E.5) EMEANKI,IEI-IT SLOPES OFI THE I{.IRTHERLY S|DE OF DRIVEV/AY ARE IO SIEEP.I WOULO FREFER 2: I SIDE SLOPES UR FLT.TTEE. SOI.{E KIIID OF RETAII'III'IG WALL l,,lA.Y BE I'IECESSARI'.s) slrE GRlrtltNG oht rHE s'f,r.JTHERLy stDE oF DRtvEu/Ay AppEARS To TIREATE PONDII'IG- O\til'lER WILL I{EED TO FRO'r/|DE AN OUILET FOR THE ACCUh4|LA-|ED DRA.IhIAGE. FIRE DEPARN.EN'I Revie*erl b cornnrents:Dote; The Ernemann Group Architects PO Box 4602 Aspen, Colorado 81611 303.925.2266 M E MOBAN DU M TO: Deelgn Fevlew Boad Town olVall, Colorado FROM: Mbhael J. Ememann, Thc Ememann Group Ardtlbcit DATE: 8 Aprll 1901 BE: Propoeed Separafion of garagc sfucttre from ]€oHence sbrrct/rc. Jeanne M. Ballry House 193 Beaver Dam Road Town of Vall, Colorado We respecdully requ€st DRB apprwal b dwelop the sublec't ptoperiy wfth lhc garage ln a stucture separate from the prlmary/cecondary recldence stuctrre, The prlmary obJecilvet of the propoocd Plan for the dordopment of thle dte are: l, to mlnlmlzc the vlelble lmpact cf the no!,Y sructlro(c) lrom Beavor Dam Road and Gore Creek, ll. to mlnlmlze the vlslble lmpac-t of he automoblle and hr programmatlcally requlred fadlldes, iil. to maxlmlze prlvacy for tte propoced house and malntaln the exletng prlvacy for lts nelghbors, fu. and to maxlmlze he preservation ol the natural characbr and ecilng allorded by the property Indudlng bpography, vegetadon, llght and alr. Addltlonally, lssuee trat have had conslderable lnfluence on the propoeed plan are: l. The site la poeeeesed cf slgnlllcant cftarac{erlstcs; sec{one ot lteeP slope, maUr€ conlfert, and Gore Greek on lG norlfiem border. ll, An addldonal man-made slte characlerlsdc lc that ol an cxletlng house (whlch lc b be demollshed) wlth no on-slte vehlcular acoess. The location of the new house as propoeed, In approximately tte aame posldon as he exlstlng house, lc Intanded to cauoe mlnlmal dlsruption to exletng alte. iii. The house propoeed for this elte ls being deelgned for an acdve famlly cf full-Sme Vail resldenb, The requlrements for he house and automoblle uce are suc$ that cloce proxlmlty of house and garagc lc eosendal. 8 Aprll 1991 Page Two lv. An accels ddve lnb thc sltc wlll be neccerary lor the dcmolluon and new conctsuc{on. Thls ddve wlll become ttrc fuhrre Pcrmencnt aub tcc.os to the hor,rao and garage. Thc propoced plan Indlcalec hb ddve wllh mlnlmum pocdUe clopc urd mlnlmum locr cf vcgota[on: Theseparatoncftregaragc|rom|hehotrgew|||enab|ethegarrgcbb..dacedw|$ln the emLankment beloi Biver Dam Boad, and w1h a vege6ated cod rcol on hc garagc It ls Intended that lt become escendally non-vlelble lrom the rcad' Thlr wlll enaur thc house structure (ln bclng 900 aq. tt emallor wlthout attarfred gagqc) to be lecs cltD consumpdro and accordlngty wlil cubctantally dimlnlch the vlelbb lmpacts d.tuct re whlle eniarglng fre opponu-nttee lor harmonlnue dovclcpment cf lhla vory ccncltvo llle' 9ncl, Revl.sed 2lLglg\ _*a iut,tln : iie\ DRB APPIJCATION - TOWN OF VAIL, '/1 I. a DATE APPI,ICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB UEETING3 COIPRADO 4s. ?/ tataaaaatt !AI8 IPPLICAIIION fII,! IIOT EE TCCEPTED UttTIIr lI.! aEQUIRED INFORIIAEION I8 EUBIiITIED aaaatatttt PROJECT INFORI,IATION ! A. DESCRIPTION: ,M;B.TYPE OF REVTEW: ! New Construction Addltlon c. D. I'linor Alteration Conceptual Review ADDRESS! 10? Reaver Darn RcaC I,EGAI, DESCRIPTIONi ,, T,Ot 38 Block / Subdlivisio. Vai I Fili a meetE and bounds legal on a separate sheet and If property ls described bY description, please provide attach to this appllcation. ZONING: I,oT AREA: If reguired, aPPlicant stanped suri\rey showing lot area. G. H. NN,IE OF APPLICN{T: Phone 303 476-8592 vyflirEilse?$$ress: NA!,!E OF APPLICANB'S REPRESENTATIVE: @tS [aitinq a663sss3 720 East Durant Aspen. C0..91611 ,,,,t'k15€€ a-lso below) 4tuy' /.:,, t<,.( - Plrone 303 925-2266 I.NAIITE OF OWNERS: ,AN TSIGNATUNE(8) S Malling Address: Plrone condorninium APProval lf applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees are paid at the tine of l-ssuance of a buildino pemit. FEE SEHEDULE: VALUATION FEE $ 1O.OO I25.00 $ 50.00 $100. 0o $200. oo 9roo. oo .NO ltPPLICIrlON rI&! EE PROCESSED I|ITBOU!! OTNEBIE SIONATI'8E ** Rick Lamb & Associates Landscape Architecfs 23 Athens Street Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 868-1939 E. F. J. x. $o $ 10,001 $ so,oo1 $150,001 9500, O01 I Over - S to,ooo - I 5O,OO0 - s 150,000 - s 5o0,o0o - $1,ooo,ooo 91, ooo, ooo Pri mary/Seconda must provide a current Jeanne M. Meadow ,' lA vru-o ,r^('r,"- ,rrr7j-Ue^',-, it--;-t-F PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and EnvironmentaL Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.050 of the Municipal Code of the town of Vail on May 28, 1991 at 11:00 a.m. in the Tol,rn of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of the following items tabled from the May 20, 1991 Planning and Environmental Conmission neeting: 1. A reguest for a Special Development District for the Days Inn site, 2211 N. Frontage Road/ Lot 1, Block A, vail Das Schone Third Filing, a resubdivision of Vail Das Schone First Filing.Applicant: Peter Jacobs of Days Inn A request for a front setback variance, Bailey Residence, Lot 38, Block ?, Vail Village lst Filing/l93 Beaver Dam Road.Applicant: Jeanne M. Bailey The applications and available for public Department office. Town of Vail Community Developnent Published in the VaiI inforrnaLion about the proposals. are review in the Comrnunity Development Department Trail on May 24, 1991 ( Pt';.- l;^t r &r,/ 5"r/-7/ 48 A4dr,fr^4/A efu]*l \ -2,,l . i3ll!;l'ii,,od*#07 Q;y*lji;,'rr' Q[#JTi#,*$]* Denwr, CO 80209 Denver, CO 80220 Denror, CO 802t0 Lynn W. Hamilton lrvirp J. Slnrvayder Mr. & Mrs. John D. Wie€nbaker 7640 N.E. 32nd Street 1900 Ea. Girard Place 6353 Kalanl Place Bellevue, WA 98004 No. 702 Dallas, TX 75240 Englewood, CO 801 10 Recorded at Reccgiion No. QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS DEED, fvtg& th;s 10 th day of APril betwecn THOMAS H. BAILEY 21991 of the city Colorado. grantor(s). tCounty of Denver and JEANNE MCKENZIE te 91 and State of BAILEY whose legal address is 4792 Meadovt Lane, Vail, CO 8L657 of the County of and State of Colorado, gran(ec(s), wITNESSSIH, That the granlo(s), for and in consideration d(l6l{lttfXK division of marital property in Denver District Court Case No. 90 DR 4125 DoLLARS rhc receipr and iufficiency of which is heeby acknowledged, ha s remised. released, sold, convqtd and QUIT CLAIMED, and by rhese presenrs do€S rcntisc, rclease, sell. convey and QUIT CLAIM unto the grantee(s), hef heirs, succcsson and assigns. forcvcr, rll the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the grantorlG) ha S in and to the rcal property, together with improvements, if any, situote, lyingand being inthe Countyof Eagle andStatcof Colorado. dcscribed as follows: Lot 38, Block 7, VaiI Village First Filing according to the plat thereof recorded August 10, L952, in Book 174 of Page 180, Town of VaiI, County of Eagle, Stat.e of Colorado (NO DOCUMENTARY FEE REQUIRED -- DEED PURSUANT TO ORDER OF COURT) also known by strcet and number as: f93 Beaver Dam Road, Vail, ColoradO TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the samc, logerher wirh all and singular lhe appurtenances and privileges lhercunto belonging or in anywisc thereunto appertaining. and ali the cstate, right. title, intcrest and claim whatsoever, of thc granlo(N, cithcr in law or equity' to the only proper use, benefil and behoof of the Srantee(s). her heirs and assigns forcver. lN WITNESS WHEREOF. The granto(9q ha s executed this deed on the date set forth above. STATE OF COLORADO, CountY of The foregoing instrument was acknowledged beforc me this bvrnoMas H. BATLEY My commission expircs I l ss. J lar of April Witncss my hand and official seal. l9 ,t9 Nol|.y hblk QUIT tlf in Denvcr, insert "City and." ,t L'LL- I: ,J,= t -1. ltr cAt. NO. N NOt txt6 7O Ar2 ff-8at --7 BY COUNTY TITLE CORPORATION -Frontage Roq! l,l. Atte$Colorado 81657 ritf'0 APR 22lg9l Prarldent ENDOFSEMENT I*gUED BY Tiwr Tltle Ineunnc€ Gompany Nothlng hereln conulned ahall be conctrued as extending or changing thc effestive dats of said pollcy, unlers otherwise expreagly rtated. Thie cndonsm€nt, whcn countgrsigncd below by a valldating signatory, ir made a-prrt of seld policy and la rubjcct to ths Exclurlonl from Covarage, rhedulea, conditlom and stipulstlon! thcn6ln' €xcspt ar modlfied by thc provirions hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ths Company her Caused ltr corporats name and l€al to be hereunto afflxed by lb duly authorizd offlcen. Datad: g.""rber 29, 19gg COMMITMENT 301917 fol I ows: TICOR TITLE INSURANCE CO{IIPANY Counteraignod: By_ EAGLE 953 S. Va i'l , I I I LL "t Hll'f I F.;HL I LUill-'Hf l'i O ,dttached to and forming t part of Pollcy of Title Insurance No. SCHEDULE A Item No. 1-A is hereby amended to read as THOMAS H. BAILEY SCHEDULE B PART L, Item No. 2 is hereby deleted. Vdld\ingSigaatory rNoo t Principrl Offi6: E300 $lrhirr Boulcvrrd, P. O. Box 92792, Lor Angrl4' Crllfomft 90@0 Sacreury o SchedulE A 8l I I lngs/Byers llL/nl Rofhgerber, Appet . 1200 l7fh Straer, Dsnvar, Colorsdo Attnl |'|r. potar Inquirier ghould be dlractrd to: Norman E. Lrrklnr & Porerr Str lte 3000 80202 Lucar 1. Policy or policies to be lsrued: ta) E nlrn OwnEm poticy - Propord lnrurrd: 2. Thc olttt! or ln$rast ln Propoild tnrured: DON C, BYERS -\' ,r41 .r.^a. e. \\ . (u) EJnlfn Lorn Portcy, 1020, tAmsndrr*;O;fn!il Amount Prrmium Form _ .1g?0 g 1r11!1000.00 g .2,40!.7! , A. r9 thr land deccribcd or rafcrrcd to in this Commitment and covsred hereln lc a Fea Simple. 3. Tldt to tsid eEtat! or intcren ln rald hnd ir at thc cffectivr date hEresl vested In: E t CCtc tor Roihgerbar, Tlcor Tltle Appcl I Powers lnsurancr Company DEvoN Klil0 BILLINGS fu(rt--, D.Ar* 1sJt'.- d+rtl 'v- g>*-'vlJlO.r,r,-t- 4. Tltc hnd nfcnsd to in this Commitment lr locrtcd in the County o{ - -Stru ol e"roixo ."d aarEiili ii ioiroiJi'" -' Etslo LE6AL OESCRIPTION SST.FORIH ON S}iEET ATTAO.IED HERETO ND BY ]HIS REFERENCE INCORPORATEO HEREIN ANO I{ADE A PART I.ITREOF. Add I I Chrgorr Toc Ccrtlflcator TOTAL CtlAROESr 5.00 s2 ,r10 .7, Thr pramlum rpecified irl Schoduie A is thc €ntiru charga for th€ Tltlc Starch, Tltlr Examlnrtlon and fitle Inrurance. P.3 'v3 L-r,'t!3 | I I LL_(_Ui.ll.HllY_tJF _EF';LE_r-Ol,llTi' -:. _ ;;l'.';liij!:T."s The land referred to ln thls ccrnmltmenf lr locafod In thc county of Eagle r Stata ol Colorsdo lnd oescrlbrd aE toilorsi l.Lt*tQ-a.tr*cJ.J-n*-z C-ro,*.\- Cor-^-.1., -$..*..cL .Bo-a:qo".- .r.. .CX -:)€l-vJ\.E> \)---Y l, -SrJ*-a-e- qQo Ca\q s'rrs:rq.-d., e!-o.r-t- o-1:o* -(r v-rr-\$rG.-{., \bJ.U -S'.;\gNi b\er{\J\!'^\ SL AoA*:, ; Ock-*.o-r-n.".q-," { Part l, $ehoCul:; ; 1, The followlng ers th€ tequiremontE to '1.,. lnsuurn€nts nocessary to crcate seuverod rnd duly filed for rccord. o€ complied wlth: lhs e!late or inler6st to be insured must 2, 1 ; l"'$fI'T w ta6 j0\- Evldrnce safrsfactorl l: 113 conpany or. rts.dury.authorrz6d ag'nf rhaf ouch of +h6 s€cured credrtors or ofher pi.tiel' rd6nililEd rn Excepilone No. ,hrl rhroush rrJJ,,, rncturlvE, unji'. Fii.i'iT, C;;riuiii'ir-iiii comntrinenr ,,ore properly noflf red of.ths, hearing-ihri'lesuttcd rn thr 6ri"r ,cuthorlzrng sare of Proprrfv enfrrsd by-fhe_unrtio'iii+r. Bankruptcy couri for fho 0rctrrct of Colorrdo on Novembcr ie , rsOO' ii-tiii'Ltt in procerd tng capf loned 'Deevon Klng Bil lf lngs, debtorrr, C.s" HJ.'iile]r 3124, . -----"..' '! |-"1! tlf Devon l(ln9 ?jlilngg, ag-dcbfor-ln-possesslon rn fher cErfeln proce€dfn9 c'piloned-r0cvon-K-rng aiiringc, a5oio.;r'c.ri"Ni. Ba-B_1:i524,unrroc sfares Eankruprcy court'ioi'iii"6iitiiii-"r'coiliuii, to 00n c. 8yrrs,ill.jlo"lpifffi.l'll,tl;r;:;"teniiinca-oru.,. ni,tnliiliii.soiu oi p;"il;il, Evldence saftsfacrorl l1 Ih: Compgny of lts duty eufhorrzed agen? rhar the rreat cstate fransfEi tax" tmpoiic'6y-brclnancc No. 26, Sertes of 1979, of fhc Town ot vail, Coloraco nis.Oi!;.0;f lj ina_+n.+ ihe rreir iiporca by Seclon n therecf has bcen f uily rrf r;ii;;"oil iN.rxe ALTERNATTvE, that fhe transaclon ff::fli:rr€d by Rrqulianenr No. ! iu6va rs erempt I;;';;.'provtsrons be propgrly exocgted, SeePartlt,Sch@ TJ ll.1 i'2P tra{} a,nr.rcm L$r 10. ^trf,,"Ur", tef T[r, Inl,.,..i . t*f O Part lf, Schaduio il, Schgdule g ol the Folloy of poilcler to bo lcfl€d wlll contatn Bxcepilons to th6 followhg msttsrs untess tho s€rn€ are olepoard of tp th6 satlstsclon oi inE Compln', "'-"' -^--" . 1. Defectg,'.n,1 ll.ylqrancJi, iJviile cistmi, oi other mettere, lf.my., crear€d, ftr.t appearhg ln tho "'"1( publlc *cordr-or€ttaohlng. auamqJent ro tna rireoirvo iaio'-riereor odi piroi'to'no oaie rna progo€od z $:lt.ff.Jtlllil,loJrlt,,t ot nco'oihi estaricr hiJre;iiiilirte"s. rhereon ccvercd by thra commrimanr. {r) R'Eht! or:t1r,:t{tas tn possoscton not rhown by rhe pubilc recordr.(b) Eas€mentE' or ardmE ot ,"refiiiii, not .hown by tho pubric r6cords,(c) Encroachm€n-tg., -oylfleos, torna"rv nr cflcputli a, oirrol''^otr"ec whteh we,trl Lc rJtqstew€ py an accufare curufy. or rmp*uon of mr promircr: -' - yr.'eo rryserr. r/r r .'';-=/ (d) Any lion' or rloht to lllen, for serrtdor, taoor, or matertal haratolore or hererftcr fumlrhrd, hpoc'd _ 0y taw .|1d.not rhown by the publl€ ilcords.3. gpecial Erceorronr: r {4 ro(orduc and ptyablel tnd any to<r-rpeclal €ssersments, eharec or llel lm-(1:' poscd for wafor irr re"e" servici, or-toi any oirr'Ji'rp."f al tcxlng dlrirlcf.o-...r'i.- \ij< ?>h b' Rlghf of the ProprlEtor of a valn or Lode fo exfract and rafltove hlr ore fhor€fron, ghould th6 sanc bc tound to pene+ral"'oi tnt.rrecf the prmlses hcncby grantcd, ls rEserved tn unlfed-Si"t.s F;# recorded Aprll 12, tg99,ln Eook 48 at paga 470, c' ltght of way for dltchls or canrls constructed by the Euthorlty of fhe unfied strr*, ag reservrd In unltrd btc+c, pit"nr ,icilcia-neii';ii:,tdig,"in aoor,4E at Fage 47t, , , !!vr ue d, Restrlctronr, whrch do'no+ con+aln a forfelturl on rcvrrter clause, buf qntff tns ".l1ll!l!ollr tf any, uased on ;;;; coior, rengton or nattonel orrsrn, as confarncd rn Instiumenr rgcJrdro iususi io,-igEi, ri'a;#'ii.+ rt Prgr 179, : rr- 'rrtr'' e' Easements, rt lhorn.on the Plat of vall vlllaEr Flrgf Flllng flled August t0,1962, ln Book 174 at page t00. -' l' Resirlctlonr, whlch do nof conttln r ferfrlture or revcrfer cftuso, buf cnttftng r.ttrtc+tons, tf rnlf bascd on ,ice, color, "ifiSioi ii-nsttonat orlgln, ar confslnrd on fhc Fiaf of r/ril vtiirge Ftisf rrilne i'ttoc lugust to,t , 1962' ln Bock 174 Ef Fagr 160, -' F .,y'-,J' g, Any and al I unrrdcear€d t$( galt$ loTEl. Upon recrlpt of a certlllcafo of Tcxer oue evldencrng rhqt there are no €xletlng opon.to( rll.i, the speys .xc6pfion riLi noi-ippe.r on the pollclcr fO be tffUed h.rlUnd.r.i ' ' "-' -77-' 'v'v'!i \: h. Judgment in favor. ef l{lillam L. Kerflng^end rhomae A. Keattng, agalnrt Davld L. Bllllngs, In ih. rflount ol 9i7,422,6e piug couit'Lrir, cn?.r.d on Mry 20,( Contl n ued ) Q.n*ou,u EXCEPI' tONs - conilrrued -.__ 1996, ln Clvll Acilon No. I gI corn{y,-cJ,orQdo, rrEnscr,"n.ro,l3.lf,,..iltlil:t,couqt. rn and for Denver (- tililri'^ttvrl Acilon No' 1.8!,01T18, 0lrfricr,coulr. rn and for Denver \ ,il"ii'rlij"5ido, tr8nscrtpt of ,r'i"rt'wlr'.iliiouo Juty I o, 1sE6, rn Book I j '' B;ii':t1ll!:+ rto'-'avrd Lrne Biilrns' and Devon KrnE Bunnss ro rho j -r,.u.. sr8i]r"3oliol'!j;"flP iol-ifrJ ;;; il';i i d;i[iqirr pasr ze6. -- -sirst zt) rs-Bii !'io'ii.iiiili,ifli"l;, 'l;;6,tin J, Mechantcre Lten ll_l.i*.Archlrocfr.jl,r!u amounf of 56,798,44, as Flj:"|ffi: bv staternent "r ri.i'iliJ.aao oec#iei'sl'riii, rn Eook 453 at NOTE: Noilce Exig recordrd octiull' iJl' i$rlj'?rt3":,1,;rb,:i ;fjgrr by prrez Arch rrccrs Judgmcnf ln favor ?f Byltderr Kttch.n g.llf:f lnc., agalngi Oavld L, ll I j {ir: i %ri?, Tii: i,li,i rq il ru; : ;isiir.gli;i;.:r . n - j an ua,y rt::ltl;.T.i"F:::'rji:';;'i;; ir"inili'".s rccorded JrnuaryLllo,Jii,d?l'i" Daed of Trust frorn 'avtd-Lano Bl'lngr Il ?:r:.n Klng Bl,tngs ro +h6 Fubllc Trusfee of Eagrr cluniy-ii"'rlJ ur.-of cherry-creck'Nrronar Bank.Iirfl"ii"r*1.;$.:ll:;j1{3:d;i"""ir, fgs6, ;il' i.#ild Februery r 0, : ii;jl'T;'Lil.:;?j;;iff.ff: ff:;:?"lo;,'ill;j, a.or, c,z at paso 447, N0TEr Arrtgnnrnt or.'rhc,rbovc 0rcd of rrust.fo The Shermcn Aglncy, Inc,recordrd June t!, rcar,'ri-d'oit-iil' ii iagr +zz. k, t. ||ta ll. Any rnd at I rtohts,-:l:lTrr,d6m!ndlr"acilonr oF ctuses of acilon of ?hr prri l or p r a t ntirt . rno. dotondiit-ii=-ilrat ggrfa f n r.t ion enr rr cd,,percz Archttecrr, a pnorelEto;ii"cJli"illon, ptrtnfiff, vr. ,0r rt., Deiendrnirn, ci"ii ffii;; |i.. .a.tstgii,.ii,tiJ.o?llii.l.Ur:l,l,lrlii tor Eagtc Counr.y, d,t;;il;,"r-ii'ir,i'.'ect oi.*rc ,riirI, of Ltr pondur recordod Mrrcl i!, naz, in iJii'tig at page g4. or Judgmrnf tn favor-of Bulldorr Kftchsn !en13r Inc., rgalr orvrd Brr ungs i co.,-iio-ft; b;il;, 11.+h9 amounr ;, irrl.l9l:Jt illj'i8il,cor?!, cntered ol f!!ry".v ;; G$;'in crvii d;il ilo.'r sr 00orr3,Dtrtrtcr Courf In eno tor'oiiuci-iiunty, coioliio,.tilir".lp+ -of rhtch Hm ( Conil n uod) 'I CAT, i,O, Ntiooa?4 io I r44 fi.t4)o $ch odul'e t"!l lconiinr,i:r^ J01917 I I : EXC€PIlONS . c6ntlnued F, Judgmcni ln tavor of Rlchsrd H. Rlght P,C., agalntf Davld L, Bllllnga rnd Oavld Ellllngr E Company, ln plus courf coJt3, ,ntersd cn May 20, 1987, In Ctvtl Dlstrlcf Courf In lnd for DEnver Countyr Colorado, recorded Juna 11 19671 ln Book 463 ct Fage !90, 8r Deed of Truaf from Counfy ior thc ues daird June 1, 1987t rccordad March 12, 1987, [n Ecok 419 at Paga 62. p. JudEmen'i tn tavor of Sf, Anrets Eplacopal Schecl, Inc., a Colorado Non-Prollf Corporrtlon, agalnsf Dayld end Dcvon 6llllngs, ln thE anount of $2r0q9,00 plus court cos+s, eniered on l,lay 22, 1987, In Ctvll Actlon No, V4J278t Dlrirlcf Courf In and for Denvor Couniy, Colorado, trunscrlpf of Hhlch vas recorded May 26, 1987, In Fook 465 af Page 268. gr Judgment In tavor ol Rleherd H. Rlghtl P,C,, agalnst Davld Bllllngs, a/k/0. Davld L. Bllllnge and Oarld L. Bllllngs Company gencral parfncrs and Corner Propcrtlec, Oaylord Partnrrs and Remlap Parfnercr ln ihc anrount ot $41541.64 plus courf cogfe, ontarad on l'1ay 2A, 1987, ln Clvll Actlon No. y62625, Dlsfrlc'l Court ln 6nd for Dcnver Counfy, Colorado, frangcrlpt ot whlch rts recordrd June |, 1987t In Book 461 at Pagr 989, 0avld Bllllngr y'kla the amounl at 94,779.40 Acflon No. V62626, frrnscrlof of whlch tyas Devon Klng Elll tngs to the Publlc Trustec.gf Elgl9 of Carprnier & Klitrktn, P,C.1 to t.curs 826'430,A0' and ricorded July 17, 1987, In Book 466 af Page 246. f, Judgmcnf In frvor of BullC€ru l'loaflng E Alr Ccndltlonlni Co., rgelnaf Davld L. Btlllngt, Dtvld Btlllngs I Co. and Max Barbcrr f! t!€ emounf of $9r186.63-plur court cott;, entered on Fobruary 6, 1987, In Clvll Acflon No, I 85 000tr3' Dtrfrlst Court ln and for Denvlr County, Colorado, tranrcrlpt of Hhlch fts recordad Novembln r, l9d7' In Book 473 et Pagc 483. Ur Judgment In frvor of SLP, rgalnrf owld L. Btlllngtr.ln.th. arnounf of $40;696;1, plus court costs] entered on Novrmbcr r, 1987, tn Clvll Actlon No. I 86'od5o2, Dlrfrlci Courf ln and for Dlnver-County, Colglador- fran6crlpt of rhlch was rccorded $cconber 21,19E7, In Book 47! ai Page 940. V, Crrtlftclte of Srflsfrcflon lssurd by fhc Clerk of tho Courfr of.Judgmenf In f avor of 'ttll llrm L. K.atlng and l'lary T. K.atlng, agalnst Davld L. Bttiinge and Oavon Klng gllllngsd, tn ine rmouni of t300,59! 14 gtus court costs' cntcred on 0cto6r !0, i98?, end Janurry 29t 1988-' ln clvll Actlon No. 8iC115319, Olrfrlc? Court ln and for fhe Ctty an9^ Qll'ly 9cnl""l .-- ColOrado, trriscrlprt of r1hlch was r€cord.d Jtnurry 22, 1988r In Book 477 (Contlnutd) T-. iJ . ? !., r-' | 1.t1{,t B-ll - (Cont!nr:,i:Qcne,culs 3A1917 EXCEFTTONS - conilnuoo at paga 163,-January 2b, 19g% ln Bcok 477 page 650, and June 6, l9gg, ln Scok 465 rf pago 22i. ' ---, ' NoTEI Amended Judgment-Record In thEf-CErtaln acilon gniltled ncoTrmordore Equrfres Incorpcraied, pr"iniiti, ui, Dlyrd-1. Bt ilngs and 'ayrd Krno Bllllngs, Defehdrnt'rr'cl;;i A;;;n No,. 88ovli,.tiin, Dtrtrl.f Couri in anc for Eagre counfy, coicraco, iJii.oug l,ry.iq,-is8ri,'in Boor 483 rf poge 766;and Amended Judgmgl! enierlo on-mry g,'rggir.uno'.*..0.d May r6, r9gg,,ln BoOk 483 at Pag- 767, r'a' r " rreir' 'rtrq rEll N.TEr Aesronnenf of Judgfisnt by lilrram L. Keafrng and Mary T. Kcarng to Cqnmodorr Eiur+tes-jncoiiliiirij . o",a'are corporitlon, and rccord€d June 6, 1968, ln 'Book 48, ;i F;;;';;4. r{' Any and ar I rrghts, cr.armE, dcmends; actrons or clugat of acilon of fhe partles, plalntlf f ana uefindiri, rn tfrEt-ciriat;-;;;ton enf t1ed1 nt{ll1am L. Keeilng and 5z_T: rea+rng, Frarntrifs;-;;. t.;i; L. Bil ilngs 6p{ Q6yql Klng Bllllngs' Dsfendantsrt, civil .Acilon.No, gg c/ -r tn the Dtsfrlct qourt rn and for Eagre couirtv, and ?h6-effect of -th;LIs pendens recorded January ZZ, l9gg, ln Book l7?'ai"eage 163;--' "'v l x. Judgnenf In favor of r{Iil rem L, Keailne and Mary T, Keeilng, agarnst Oavrd L. Bil ilngs, Dovtd H. Mor+rrnei'.io n*rap rnv.r'ln tho amount ot s30Q,r95.i4 otur court cogis, ente"eo.ol.Api il.!a, iibz, tn Ctvlt Acflon No. | 83 orr!f9' oiitrrii-eii,.i"ir ana roJbenr"r'countyr cororado,tFanscrlpt of rhtch rrs recordrd'Ja1,rg1y 22;-l';Ab,li'ao.or 477 at paga 562,rrr.cord€d January Zr, l'EA, ln Book +ti i+,eagi-6O6"rno June 6, 190E, In 8mk 46! af pree i29.' \r' Judgment f n favor of. Traver Aacocrtfe.rr rnc., egarnst Oavld Bil ilnga and Orvon Btlltngtr^ln fhc criun+-Ji-it,l!7.00 giur-court cosra, cnturrd on J.nuary 15, r968'.rn crvil Aclon-N6. lvriafo,-oiiiric+ courr tn snd for Denver Counfy, Cotorado, rriniiiipt ot whtch i.l'iilJiced January 29, rl[a,In Eook 47A at pagc tIl, rr Judgrncni In favor of rraver Assocrlf?ir l!c., rgarnrt D€vrd Bilr,ngs lnd oevon Bl' rner,_ ln rhe arouni-ii-it;4ii.od-;ir;';;il; cosrs, snrrrod on Januarv tr, rgEE, ln crvil Acilon Ni. lvi*gii,-oiiiii.t courr rn and for Denvcr county, cororodo, trinsciipi of whlci,ir,,e"iic.d January zg, DaE,tn Eook 478 ot pagi l|2. !!r ly-:lo rr I rrghtr|crrlmr, demends, acilong or clusc3 0t rciron of thc partl.t, plrlntlff-and dcfindant, tn riral coriafn-iiiion .ntrted, rThc sherraen Agency, fnc.1 vr. Dqvto ianr arirafngs-i'ir-ii'lr.1n clvil Actton (Cont lnued ) I I I : I I I I I I t.. i ;',t;T: r-ri.iTi 4'i3 Pr7't.'13 P.9 o (Continuo,;,; EXCffi'IONS - ccnftnusd No. E€ O/ 05518, In fhs effecf of ihe Noflco of ln Book 479 at page 640. Dlsfrlcf Court Cgnnigncerrant of ln rnd for Denvsr A6tlon recordad County, Febr uary fhe 1988, end 26, bb. Judgmant ln frvor 9f ll-p, A Frorsrrronar corporofton, rgalnst,Davrd L, !]l1llg:,.?t il:s tl.rlg g1o!n+ of $3d,f67.+i piua c6urr cosrs, enrercd on !19nu1r ll, 1987, rn crvrt Acrron No,'86cv8r0l, orsi"l*-ccurt rn md for. _E,rg.l 0 coun?yt Colorado, transcr lpt cf wh lch ras recordcd lhrch 31, l9gg, ln Book 481 at FaEo 442, Judgnreni.In frvor ol John P, Rutherlurd, Jacquellne Ruiherfurd, and Helon l. Ms,{lptnr, Indlvrduelly rnd as executrtx of the Estati of Meicolm Er.ttlcAlpln6, aga.tnrt Ouvld 1.. Bliltngr_ll, tn the enounf or $robri+g.il-ptu"courf costs, entrrud on-l'rarch z, lgga, ln clvll Action No. g5:z-i94g,' Unlted Stateg Dlgfrlct Courf lor ttrc 6trtrtcf of Cqloredo, transcrlpi ot lrhlch wrr recorded Aprll 7, l9gg, in Book 401 r+ paga767-, Judgncni ln favor of lsf lntcratafe Bank of Englcwood, rgalns+ HB propf. E,Jf!?: lnc.,-Hovly BllllngE Reat Ert., and David L. Biltings, In fhe imouni ot 143r24n.16 plur court 6orfs, anfered on March 29, lggg,'l; clvil Acilon No. 1 67.01%89,0latrlct Couri ln and for Denver.cirunfy, Cotorrdo,franscrlpf of tthleh ras recordec Aprll g, 1988, ln gook'461 at prg6 gao, dd. r€. Certlflcafe of Saflrfucflon lssued by the Clerk of thg Court, of Judsmcnl ln favor of PerEe Archlfecfr,.r pnofisetonat corporailo4 agilnst oaito Lane Btlllng! t, and Devon Klng Billtngs, ln fhe a,nount 6t ito,r+o,gl prrt coqrt cort!, cntcrld.on March 26, lg8e, ln Ctvll Acflon No. g76yKg6,Dlstrlct courf ln and lor Elgl. counfyr color'''ador.ar wl,donccd by Arclgnmrni of^Judgneni to Maivln l. Nbirnsn recorded April ll, lgiE, tn Book 4El at Pagr gZE,I I ', ! I I ff.judgmont In fuvor of Sfavsn R. Glbron,F,C., agalnst Davld L. Bllltngs,. ln fhc.anounf ol 8210.37,71 t!qg courf cosfs, inf-rod on Augusf 2j, 198i,'ln clvll A€tloD.No, 1 87 011104, 0lstrtcf courf ln and for-Denvrr counfy,Colorrdo, tranlcrtpt of whtch was rccordod tr'hy 23, 19E8, ln Book 4S4'lf pr€c 455. Judgment ln favor ol Latt Flrm of Mlcharl I T.hynne, agrlnsr Dqvld L.Blllln!!r ln the anount of tEr9t4.8f plus couit eirfi, gnfctiod on January '22, lgaarln clvll Acfton No,'1 97 02i669,Otetrtcf court tn and for Dorwer Cbunty, Colora_do, trrnscrlpt of Hhlch r{!! racordcd May !?, 1968, tn Boolt 4E4 at pege 747. 9S. hh. Judim.nt ln favor ol Jcrt Elrbcrg, agalnst Drvld Bllllngs, In the arnount of .(Oonitnued) (..ir.:J9 ri...tooJJa i o l.iJ4 {r.3.al r. ILJ a _:- - B-rl Eeh;dule - (Continuesi, EXCEFTI0NS - mnflnued JJ. 0 o $800.00 plus courf cosfs, entsrad on July 7, 1988, ln Clvll Actlon No, 1Y93363' 0lslrlcf Court In qnd for Denvor Couniyl Cololado, tranecrlpt of Hhlch was recorded August 8, .l988, In Book 488 af Page 725. ll. Judgment In fdvor of Congtan J. Falllers, C J Fal ltor*, Electra Fal llers, John C, Fal llers, Z D Fal llorl, and Chrlgio 3, Fal llargr ngotflBt Oavld L,Bllllngr, In th6 emounf of $651995.10 plue court ccstr, enicred on Junc 10, t988, ln Clvll Acilon No. 1 87 A16914, Dlrtrlcf Courf In end for Denver County, Colorador iranscrlpt of whlch rrs reccrded Augusi 9, 1988, ln Bock 4EA a? page 775 Judgrncnt In ftyor ol Koefbel d Co,, agolnet Nonth Haven Partnars Bllllngr & Co, Inc,, DL Bllllngs & Co., and 0avtd L. Stlllngr, In amount ol $8r!!3.91 ptur courf ccrfs, rnlrcd on August r, 1987, Actlon No, I 67 011469, Dtstrtct Courf ln and for Dcnvrr Counly,trantcrl.pf of shlch war rscorde{0ciober | 1, '1968, ln Book 492 at 757, \+-grc}- ci+Fr €!-^Jr- \o= -I,J Ltd., 0l th. ln Clvll Colorado, !!gs Resldonflal Contracf to Buy and Sel I Rcrl Ectafc be{vren Devon Klng bllllngs, as Scl ler, and Don C. Byers, as Purchaser, recorded July 13, 1986, ln Book 487 af Page 362, as amended by lnstrunent recorded Augurt 22, 1988, In Book 4E9 af Pagc 726,' e^.*?G-;:' --a)w*Q.*+- - -Q.r-r.<,**.*vX- \Jcrt j.**;\\ .\-l.yr\ EXCEPIToNS\o, H Tl.iRdJoH KK, INCLUS|VE, ABOVE l|||LL BE oELETEo UPON ooMPLIANCE ntTH REQUTREMSNTS N0. 2, ' AND 4 UNCcR pARrt, SS{EDULE B HERSOF. '',ol''" 'ss 15:s? "'#J';:trT#iil'-" co*ft^rror*lro8uA a L.iKlhg tSftloEl{? n,. vAtL Frt'r:let.trat gutlgDrs, CU.TE t6C x^itr.y E, wat ieg t8t Souor tnor?^6€ N0^0 *ist ftlH^o€n v^rL caLoMoc al3Et P.r ?t(trro^rB, l3cJt rr4.+.?: othvEn oREct FC3l 671'r1?0 ltleccriSF:. ll03l.tt.84rd f c lrrr;\:,!ilsr No .(303) .l?6-6.r26 t,/FRoM: j(n vn nn"e oeen, \?-,I!g.-tff 'r*, t'. lDp, ryr , - .. ouR ottDEli "o. 3C' tO. \ 7 Ct \ FAGES -+r cover page)rf Plcaoc .clivcr ar loorr ao 5rocoLbrc EeW5 t!g!!J\!E r..'ir4 E €ttt a\,:tr\ - Dt rro(r rtlt(tE rr,rrj ....!. t- F-.-o!.ro SHOULD YOU IIAVE ANY QUESTIONS, OR IF YOU PAGES INDTCATED ABOVE, PIEASE CONTACT TH3 ,,\|F vo('fl rj\a&aEoic oolFrE lrftrl€lr !.:F EtrE $llotrE IHANK YOU. CONSISTING O.T (Not incluClng .r.cl ttaE I <t.r.r'r5o .-.!, o.,.lt r DO NOT RECEIVE ATL THE ABO\rE NA.iltED PERSON !frr!lDtrrr 6trot.nr LDo.,?lt. I .t I ; ar$Os&lttt tir ttrut'er'Nr, ti..,lr:1:-a!-.:glS fyrr ratala.ra:a{^6r{sri..t tirJ.rao OrtrcEl aa ao|.laf A|ttr tnu carrorAfior |lt .ltar rQral.lo.\ .'aor.l ,en rt .rat 6!La4l!t || t rl-{ r|tt olrtl! Itrrrt @ifi Aatftrat Cortrrl |tral|ra€a|'|||t ItlSrTrC[CccrErr '!l.i|{la - DEFHtsTmENT @F +rrqt .E@MMUNITV DEVEL@FMENtr XXXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM XXXXXXX ACs3UN? t .nal Fsi .tOT&l|A El.. &cuNT car d8r. Appgc.tron Els : tcco 4ls4olzcxnvc ArrD ADBTE$3 tr rs aA^ 1 occ/ ,,\ . IiF -Fillrlhf rlF r-_-rtl I L_ l'liscel I eneau=: L._3sh r.t!+*.r,;.-- ltl i. t : .i::;: It ,ifHi'li.iF irH.iL.:r''..r.:r:rit L-iFr,r FipF, FF.F. l-..lftr,::rr-rr-r t. t.*n,Ji?t.i,d :r 1t:..1i:j, r::ii:i I tern pEid gmoun r paid !i! I i:1rli[:jt:1,,]! i li:Ir:itltlij I ijrjr, rrll l..lh.if t-jr:tijtj r.r: t.Lll.i-i+r-J .:, tj:!. tj[j I a-r -FHF|Htt (.rftl_r 1 occr d. Ot O0oo lrrrj l.ffcf .o,.cJrreor 00 courENR! /3'o , /", Utt, a-.r(ae ,Mz"rrVa-&-. ,tu1y 24, 1989 CERTIFIED ITAIIJ Town of Vail Comnunity Development ATTN: Planning Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81557 centlemen: JULES ORNSTEIN ASSOCIATE: PAULA FI. H ELLER f 700 BRoAowAY, svtfe 777 DENVER, CO LO RADO AOEgO TELEPHONE 303-A37-9300 FAX 303-837-AzlO2 ,/of 38, Dln"( '?, t/nlt V;llrye l* I represent ilulia M. Tyler who preeently owns a residence on Beaver Dam Road, VaiI, Colorado. Please be advised that Ms.Tyler requests that Ehe be inforned of any plans which are processed through your office and which concern the construction or other alteration to the property commonly known aE 193 Beaver Dam Road, Vail , CoLorado. You may contact l,ts. Tyler directly concerning Eame at 2552 East Alaneda Avenue, #37, Denver, Colorado 80209, (303) 778-0775. Youre truly, Rr^ r ruu,\ Paula R. Heller PRH/ke pe: Ms, Jr-rlj.a M. Tyler Foft-Cr dL'"&"f;r( o L^ r 3Y W-^-(c 1 l/U' //ro/rc 1/ tuwn n 75 louth frontage rord Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 4?t-700o otflcs ol communlty dcualopmenl ? [no,u tVo I ' f'l (.r sf 7 O tJ ^Q/'--// iUn^c? eIu *4 Js- fl,t. K,^ ("1 l/"* {rrrr €- P"inl. - (t 'il1 ,,/ 73 6 I c h O F (J z = o )F z P9trtz <Fo. d: Ir.> F|. -<:"': < :. I z i-.cFF<o :rrEii -6a929 \z-<a 2:2 73 ; o < e5 !Er.ctr O<a <oln z; "i5=:lHo:;;<a <4E,,1 '.1 g :E;ie O)*o <oif ti!a:<tr < F'r F = J Y I z z kg -i! o IJJ TC uJ z o z 3 F z L! E ul UJ F cc ul c tr UJ F a F F G J a ! E r IU o o z -o J f o -l 4 :> lr e =, =o l- a It,zt's NOrrvnlvn tl-1- I< >(9('t 2 z F q* aO 9t5 A> :2 IIJ J >c) ; c.i G B U- 2 F c J tr ul 2 UJ IJ3I- IHCUV 'AJNVdn3CO lO 3LVCtJtru3S JO 3CNVnSS| :tZtUOHanV Or fOVn Nf3€ 3nVH sNotrc3dsNt o3utnolu'l'lv c3rrv'rd:to 0o1€ 3HJ. o-L o3NBnJ.3a 39 or st ouvJ stHt :3IoN :s)|uvuttu olnsst lJNvdn3co lo :llvctJtlu3c :o3svi13u :o3nssr u30ao dots lJ31 U30UO NOUC3EUOC lVNIJ m 7 |ll o .{I o 7 HONOU H9NOU HCNOU 3CNV8IN3 3C|AU35 lVNra .o F 3 E z o ut3rs^s u31)Nluds'olnv slldrdoNvrs ONIJ.NIA :lrsvt I NtvEo 'rsto 18 A'lddns u3lvt lVNH I Itl D I 2 o nStsAs !tcNvt'tddv 'lvt{tJ o I |.I 2 G' lrN cNru:t^oc 'rlvr s:lcv'td3u tJ NOllv'tllN3A I'{OOU ONIJOOJ 3nvul 1'tvl NotrvoNnot 't1vM Norrvo nol 11VM NO|j.VONnOJ 'l'tvM Notrvo nol 1t:tls 13lts 13 3t!i cNrroor 9t{trooJ CNIIOOJ ONIIOOJ xcvEMs f SallvN9ls a{OlIvCOl / SlN3ItlUl,OC ft vo 'lvAouddv uorc3dsNr lVtC3dS 'dsNl I)tu HOrC3dSNl Ol SIS|SSSCCV ONV llts auollaedru! ,rol P9.rlnber ea!lou ecur^p3-lrnoq tz orez-etrauoqd |) (r(tug asn luaurlredeq rog) ouocSu No[c:tdsNl €Ol NO OllSOd 3€ Ol Sl L1lU :l |FE t Project Applicalion ql, ll D^," /\PP. . (E , t qq z &a,rur' h,Pro,ect Project Name: Description:Aa.; L(s contactPersonand enon" lV ;r,hal Crae,,-o<n Owner, Address and Phone: Archirect, Address ana Pnonet- rl/7d?42/ {ft7(r7&r)/J Legat Description ao, t"',j I , ",o"* 3 3!. ron" Com ments: f t,liq Design Review Board o^," 4- /t- q? DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Plan ner o^," /-/f-qz E Statt Approval Za/ 84o: 22560 g (/ Orzpl .4//dzud. ,1,ZtO+ TS6tt&' 53Ao/ enrAzl//aue4 frapoxd : / upzn : t /(t,'// Ea?4 izt ca,ep-qe6'auecDGo/") = /rfleE : 2O24 ftrrnntv 4,sla - y'ill, ? = //5 F ant. cou. /yrzoatn4 3 r'sPEstroNts .*{PLETEI} t lhe Lteus below n,eed to be corplete before glvlng a penlt a ftaal C of O. Please check off ln the bor provlded. FINAL PLI'U8INC DATE: t_--l n PINAL }IBCEANICAL DATE: TEI.{PORARY C OF O DATE: CERTIFICATE OF FILE NAME: ?*" urN('* f, 1os TOWN OF VAIL STREET cuT peiur 3. Worftisfor: tcr,cro.lrr WATER SEVITER GAS FermttFee% ETECTRIC TETEPHONE r j E 6 i E E :lt i I t!g o E d i ! of Billto: Paid: INSPECTION REMARKS SKETCH PTAN OF WORK ATTACHEO --r--atgFntftrgplrrr 1rs., \^- . t 5!rF.t-- Holy Cross Elestric Company (94 U.S. Wesr (t €00-922-1987t Heritage Cablevision Town of Vell: (s4s-5530) Vail Fire D€panment (4 lnbation (4 Public Works s8) Police Department (479-221 0': (479-2171) 9' THERE wlLL BE No rorAL STREET cLosuREsl A.cons[ruction tratfic control pran must be approved by the Public Works Depadment pdorto issuance Jin" O-"_0. 10' A[ excavatbn must be done by hand within 1g'of utirities - (senate Bin flz,t. -!1 11' Permittee must contact Public works Department at 479-21sg 24 hours priorto commerrcing bacldill operations.Faiture to notify the Town wiil resutt in forieiui" oi Lno rnon.v. t 2' I cedi'y lhat I have read atl chapters of ritte I 2 - streets and sidewatks, of the Vail Municipal cod€ and wil ablde by lhe same' and thal all utilities and the vaii Forc" "no rire oeparrmenrs hin 'i""n rxltiti€d as r€quired. FOR OFVAIL CUT PERMIT $9r - C-9-Qt -' Starl Oats Completlon Oeb (pormh \&lid br gO Days orrn 4. Wolk is for (circle one) Water Sewer Gas Eleclric Telephone CATV Dt mot trou oi,hef D.LtogtDt| €rc.-\ 5. Trench-widlrh 20' ltt?f,trJ.tt Lenglh lot Deplh 6. 7. 8. Bon Permit Fee $TolalPermil Fee $ - I -'- ALNMATERIAL AND EOUIPMENT MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. -7 5, oo Rubber oul-rBgers are required on excavaling equipment when working on asphall. A signature below ind'rcates a review of the area and qtility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permitlee has option of rouling application through lhe Public Works office to oblain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week lo Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-7480) Public Service Company (1-800-922-1987) Western Slope Gas Company (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company -/ U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) Heritage Cablevision Town ot Vell: (949-5s30) Vail Fire Depanmenl (479-Pof ice Deparlrnenl (47 9-221 lnigalion (479- Public Works s8)0- THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construc{ion traffic conkol plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior lo issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). ;' Permillee musl contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencirE backlill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in lorfeilure of bond money. I cettily lhat I have read all chapters ol Tille 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, ot the Vail Municipal Code and will abide by the same, and lhal all ulilities and the Vail Police and Fire Departmenls hav€ been nolilied as required. Contractor's Signature of Agreem€nt t Finane Dept. by: Eill o: Company Name Approved - Sre€t inspoctor Company Address Bond Released Dab Approved by Sse€t Insp€cbr Sp€cial Corditions Inspection Fbmarks SKETCH PLAN OF WORK BELOW show slreets with names, buildings, and localion of cuts. usE DASH LINES FoR cuT. ^ak) oaror- Rd'l THIS IS NOT A STREET CUT PERMITI White - Public Works Yellow - Financs Pink - Community Devolopmont Gold - Contactor 9. 12. 10. 11. faoposzo Ei n,j" - .,.',.4&[';"rlq' PERMTT NO' n n'tl i ": ''l \, UL \-J *i \,' Contractor's copy to be kept on iobsite. ];.,.qFr' TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT BATLEY RESTDENCE LoT 38' BLli 7' vArL vrLLAGt: lsT 193 BttAvER DAt{ R0AD 1. 2. 3. ARROW EXCAVATION INC. (Job Name or Location ol Work) 328-6599 0R 949-2357 113-X Work is for (circte one)WATER SEWER LANDSCAPING Permit Fee Bill to: $75.00 ! 0 o I I o t 6 E I I c I r tt I 'o o 3 o- I q E 3 paid: JAENIL TIIXNBULL .\f, INSPECTION REMARKS: Receipl #:5955 SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED t ...{.d,r,'. APPLICATION FOR TOWN OFVAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT E LI} it 3:i:-- fp Job Namp Excavating Contractor Name ?- r-'i:Address '7 - t. -', a | - .,r 6 -'. * itrlikr- 5di.ir lL-' Pr-sfi-rr f1'r\')' l5t I i.-l Sf k\( [D i. .;i f_n. J:. +, \-;.- ,"r \i -tl \q2l ,./ i/t-F ...I i !'-/-'\- " i- |d ..,.d t tsq .,J { ,,(.,+fHls ls Nor puBllc wAy pERMlr!\ (Permit Expiration Date) Other Start Date 4. Work is for (circte one) Completion Date Water Sewer Landscaping Gas Electric Telephone Temporary Site Access Length y'J r- Depth CATV ,t/ e 7. 8. Trench-width (min. 4') Bond Amount $PermitFee$ /' li Total PermitFee$ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment wheh working on asphalt: : i Asphalt surfaces undernealh the bucket shall be protected dt all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatutes are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-7480) ---- - r-. . c Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision ot the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Vail: I lrrigation (479-2161) '. i..l !' rq (479-2171) \ l,-tTiutic Works (479-21 58) 10. '11. 9. THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL CLOSURES! A construction tratfic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certify that I have read all chapters of Tltle 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreementsa-signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. F - /-'r-{'^'t3 Date of Signature ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT, 12. 1t,iF-fi.6, tr rl+i! I-,"T White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Community Development Gold - Contractor F e rl'qF frttfti --irlgorf;6r*wg,r?,fd{rs*?: ;i:{r' 5 L) 5"6 PERMIT NUMBER.OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON TUES AM PM READY FOR LOGATION: iw:o tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORREGTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED i, ,l 1" ,^r, ltf ttf qo ,NsPEcroR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OFTPROJECT NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES 5t 3< o ,o, I ti-t.,DATE READY FOR LOCATION: THUR /' j', .tL FRI AM PM ()2 Qc) L t- BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER .--;:- tr FOOTINGS / STEEL O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR CI FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED P"iFisrr* DArE la I 7 /q3 JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CATLER MON TUES WED THUR . g :i.:5,J.6li Lal. .: n! ,',;.I INSPECTION REOUEST 'I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL t. L-l'\4( BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER g FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r.1 ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL (r4Otir:( tr FTNAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ll, 4' ?3 lNSpEcroR ftf* fuftA' INSPECTION OF PROJECT 5Lt5 PERMIT NU BE q DATE ..0tq JOB NAME READv FoR tNspEcro|\ MoN rp5s wED rHUR @ d r" LocArroN: lc{3 5ec,tr,re r \)a rn CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING:PLUMBING: X tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr tr n tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL FINAL ELE trT trF trC u- CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR FINAL X(nn,^' nn.\+ tr FINAL /,.. -,1 PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTIOSHEQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,^r, V'q8 rNspEcroR :-,(l\ 7 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT it,k,l INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: )( ', -'i s- i Uf\ LL ErI )p,.ip'S tl "15 Llt-t ? 6 INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI nrr/| 5--errir BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION D SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr o DFINAT FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING O ROUGH tr o o tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR E"-: tr FINAL FINAL ffieaoveo D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: /--4.'t t-.2)1{, :?n , " "/i /<,) ) i . INSPECTOR nffis*op /), ';;.(rlt"-,' PERMIT NUMBERSF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL oor= G-Jo - { 3 JoB NAME EArcal PFS, ornrcs CALLER INSPECTION:MON READY FOR LOCATION: q d nennoveo CORREGTIONS: tr DISAPPRO tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED oor, f,^,.q O- I 3 rNsPEcroR .t. ffis{o ' -inlrlll{ T{ttfiI!{'lriii; PERMI DATE T NUMqER 'l lct '.1'{ ECT OJ r1. PR Ll OF clroN: ) Joa NAME ) ! INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: ,1, MON ti- n 1.1 WED THUR q\'l-l fl GD @)AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL X tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP, POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL tr FINAL 'l OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT {z JOB NAME /J DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:/f THUR ^r G)CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr o tr tr tr E tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB tr $tr NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr_ t tr,FrrlAL E FINAL OVED , ,' trDISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR PERMIT DATE - READY LOCATI JOB NAME MON TU CALLER r tr DTSAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: O FOOTINGS /,STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEEB t PLYWooD NArLrNc tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR t FINAL' \. .t,r ,.ilt oo* t'2 c - 2J rNspEcroR ECT OJ 2-_ -) I JOB NAME INSPECTION .._ rowN oF lFi'., '4 L4 L-r REQUEST VAIL PERMIT N DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WEP THUR 7rt-- BER P R BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PEFMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT #TflSlqg JoB NAME INSPECTION:MON TUES /l i'' I CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAlL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM i APPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED BU trl trl trl nl -t trl trl tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / O.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR 76ay -t?-rtFeren-< O- a/tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: li { I u.r fr?tqrFn{dii4w"J"'"'-r?t"r'!1f"!esF 5V9 I INSPECTION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT/NU DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER - PLYwooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETFpCK NA|L n /-ffin tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr coNDUtT "-_SUPPLY AIR _tr tr FINAL tr FINAL 4 OVED I tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,*, bf :a f qz ,NSPEcroR 5qsK INSPECTI INSP CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL PERMIT NUMBER DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER q q rd 3W FJlooflNGS / SrEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEU tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL J ).q*1 /znzfi tr T-l ;il;. // / trFrNAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT L'I tr SUPPLY AIR tr_ B FINAL tr FINAL r/PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ffisre a, l'r PERMIT NU 4 D^TE 1 READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI F PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER TUES tNs CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H, TUB XsxeernocK NArL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL fiprqoveo r% tr DtsAppRovED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR fRFaw.lry,ryEr.Tl?"v-$:qJs,?fi qrrrrrtriw I -t/ad il *I ITITS INSPECTIONREQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT )) TOWN OF VAIL DArE 4 3 U J.BNAME INSPECTION:MON ).4 READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOOTINGS / STEEL D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB sHEErRocK Nor@ tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOOOS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL Feppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oerc L-tn 93 rNSPEcroR t} U. : (: PERMIT NUMB PROJECT 4 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEC TION WN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME THUR BU DI trl trl trl (l ( tr !LDING:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB tr GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING rNsuLATroNe tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL D tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH o tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E FINAL ,4 OVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR . f54r',:'ti ,*;iloroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUES READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:Q40!,', (-l i:' i' BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING { tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr'TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL p/neenoveo /cbnRecrtot'ts, D DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR dFi+op '''rr''fr.'l'.r''l*',r;.,.?p..FlFEI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE f /fr/ ?frtl€iic|'Ti,!:i o REQUEST JOB NAME cALLER' )rn* */ srA. &. READv FOR TNSpECTTON: MON rUES WED THUR @--" O" @ LocArloN: /% fiea,' t Tv n VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL K D FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. ROUGH tr HEATING tr EXHAUST NOOOS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr tr FINAL /1 4(paoveo , tr DISAPPROVED tr'REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONSi, tui 'l # TOWN OF '; r.'., . ti :f-?.:-{,4.r.'r!qi!F -Fq REQUEST VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON JOB NAME CALLER TUES 4 ,r{-\AM .ffi-r€- BU trl ol trl trl trl n( tr !LDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB tr GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: u tr tr tr tr HEATING {nouen EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr o FINAL FINAL L TAPPROVED z CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED li '{ INSPECTOR #sro? ' ''2Plt:7i i j'r4;-'r.Tr - PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TOWN OF CALLER DANN lS -9t l" €kr 2..--_-.u TUES WED \THU-A-J TNI REOUEST VAIL t' JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr o tr tr tr UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER E D tr tr tr B FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H, TUB NAIL FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: trHEAT|NG tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HO tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr CONDUIT D rrr'ri-FINAL I '{ffioveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t l. CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR trf}}f;vtETq'u*'-{{?Y5rse+':F,rfl.r:^r"'w.4 FFi',St$\1'ff$.'q,r*VrlwF.,WtrffiF:{,? rN#noN REoirEsr READY FOR I LOCATTON: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oore llttlq.q JoBNAME ,\SA P MON TOWN OF VAIL q INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER { nenrrruo O EXHAUST tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL "?,r 'i I tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED D^rE / ?4.1 rNsPEcroR #srop ,*#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL NAME MON THU AM @'READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 11z UMB PROJECT O-(qtoe BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL {noucr, , o.*.rF- tr FRAMING X ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER u pLYWooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR L .--1t*r\ .,..,, ./' - t,-. :" ' i,*{rtdnt;il-.1 ..:.r I ..G I ;r ", j ::i. irf- .. .. .l PERMIT NUMBER OF P.ROJECT rNsilI"toN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL >l3},oB NAME DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES FRI WED ffil) pv \<- BU DI DI trl I tr: I trl trl tr ILDING:PLUMBING FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr D FINAL ELE trl trF tr( tr_ CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL D tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,^r, t 1/ s/q zz tNsPEcroR nffisroe IT NU PERM DATE MB ,0 TION WN OF REQUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: B D tr o tr o tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trI trF trC tr_ CTRICAL:rtfECHANfcAL: t "..fui_y'- hC /A {nenlruc / t tl tr EXHAUST HOODS TEMP. POWER ROUGH CONDUIT tr D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL '&{hoveo O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR 5,4f g PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE t-t-?z .q 3 JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON I [ (raw/.It.trtl,N THUR FRI CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL @PM TUES @ READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n tr tr n ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK N POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR tr_ B FINAL tr FINAL TPPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,*, / )/y'?L ,NsPEcroR PnFis'o fEirrr:?fr-,i{Fl*E::.T"rfl||!,g1. rr1iirq! hrrt i}lBjitc{1\|Fl:-rs,r$ffr{'ildffF1. t":g{rrcqiiif-;{a.t41.r.4fri$w.sr.Fr*7+rT# i-+ ffi; DATE READY FOR LOCATION: rN#bnoN REeuEsr -@ PM 5(t I PERMIT NUMBER F PROJECT /d' INSPECTION:q JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING }|cns PTPTNG tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL ,p tr o tr o FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr' tr CONDUIT E tr o SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORREdTIONS: INSPECTOR rN toN REeuEsr l .l READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI PER OF PROJECT CALLER f 2-t- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr 0 tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n 'n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr ROUGH tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR J-1; tr FINAL tr FINAL / ://t F(APPROVED -4-//t tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED \ l' //' CORRECTIONS ./ D^rE //- /l '22 rNSPEcroR <2,< / -/ ,J+ 'PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE .-:., :t. +,t .,i, r;, ? t,:ir,i?r} 11.'., , -,;,-' ., jl: ;., tti rN#cnoN REeuEsr o JOB NAME cl,Lr=FR :I {uES WED ; THUR FRI --4y) pv READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ... .r / ,:.ut\{l' TOWN OF VAIL BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr N FINAL E FINAL ELE tr1 trF a-1 ( tr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr FINAL O FINAL \neenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED o^rE //-/7-qZ tNSPEcroR *ffissop ,:r/,^,rrt;-..,rrr ; ,. *,J 1 .=\ss |l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 'NstcnoN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:@ TU WED THUR FRI S\r-' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETBOCK O FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR p neenoveo tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORBECTIONS: DATE /- ,-r{'r-! I )'l ) 0 REQUEST VAIL PERMIT DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: OF I INSPECTION: ROJECT "l L roa runvE NU ll| MB MON CALLER TUES WED ft BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- D tr D FRAMING BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING ryg,ns PIPTNG 6o tta INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr CONDUIT tr tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: B DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED :' rru#ctoN f:x',!/o,-,, rowN ol INSPECTOR " #'5o u, 't PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES JoB NAME B r* I z-{ A t" St t>r'l c e L-t)CoDV THUR @ WED BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - O SHEETROCK NAIL 4 ir)or-l(r11 f.Pilr)f i)Ort fwr+./ tr FINAL PLUMBlNG: B UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB D D D FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr D tr F TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ( orsneeRoveo ( RETNSPEOIoN REQUtRED tt ome lO / 3r.,/ qS- rNSPEcroR glFsrrcp