HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 6 BLOCK 2 LOT 1 PART 1 OF 2 LEGAL.pdfReceivec I Date P.C. FEB JOHN W. OUNN ARTH UR A. AIPLANALB JR. DIANE HERMAN MAURIELLO CARRIE A. HENDON gPECIAL COU SEL: JERRY W. HANNAH Lrw Orrrces DuNrrr, AepLeNrlt-p & MeuRrELLo, WesrSrea BANK Bu rLorNG rog Sourx FRoNTAGE Roao WEsr Surrg 3oo VArL, CoLoRAoo arGsT 2 February 1.999 Mr. Ron Byrne 285 Bridge Street Vail CO 81657 COPI Re: Common Storage Space - JordaVYing Residence Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Village Sixth Filing Dear Ron: Thank you for your letter of the 26th of January regarding your plans for the common storage space located between the Jordan and Ying residences. Unfortrrnately, Mr. Jordan is out of the country, and the letter arrived when I was out of the state. However, a couple of comments seem aPPropriate, based upon our earlier correspondence and the direction which I have received from Mr. Jordan. You have not provided any diagrams or drawings for Mr. Jordan to review, and for that reason he has not been able to consider and/or approve of your plans. However, we have emphasized that the space in question is common space under the declaration and has long been used by both property owners. It has only one entry, which you apparendy intend to eliminate as a part of your project (or at least you intend to eliminate it as an access to the portion of the common storage space on Mr. Jordan's property). If Mr. Jordan approves of the proposal, that project will require installation of a new entry to Mr. Jordan's portion of the common storage space as well as a modification to the exterior of the building. Once again, Mr. Jordan cannot consider approving the project until he sees diagrams and drawings and has a commitrnent from the owner of the Ying property to correct any impact upon his properry, such as carrying the process through the Town of Vail and the necessity of installing a new access door. As I have attempted to emphasize before, please be aware of the fact that Mr. Jordan has not given his approval to your proposal and will rely upon your understanding that no changes are to be made in the status quo relating to the common storage area (whether on the Jordan or the Ying property) witttout the coru;ent of both owners. 0 ii 1999 'ELEPHONE:(970) 476-0300 FACSIMILE: (97 A\ 476-4763 KAREN M. DUNN cEitrFtEo !€oa! asgtlttaNt If you have any questions, you may, of coursg contact me. ftrank you for your cooperation in dealing with Mr. Jordan's concerrul. xc: Mr. Jay Jordan Mr. Jay Peterson Town of Vail Department of CommunityDwelopment very r| - HON tr,YRNE &ASSOftATEs REAL ESTATE EA5 BFIIDGE STREET vAtL, coLoRAOO A1657 97o./47e4g,El7 January 26,1999 Ivft. Art Abplanalp 108 South Frontage Road West Vail. Colorado 81657 Dear Art: .. ! I receiveC your letter of January 2lst regarding the common storage space between Jordan and Ying and the enclosed copies you had sent me of the plat showing the separation points of the two different parcels. I have contacted Stan at Eagle Valley Engineering, who is the surveyor who did the work for you. He is going to go back out onto the site and locate both interior points and exterior points of that same area and mark the same points showing which area belongs to Ying and which area belongs to Jordan. Once he has accurately located the points we will move forward to build a wall, which separates the two storage spaces. Please give me a call ifyou have any questions regarding the separation ofthe space for both the Ying and Jordan residences. CC; Jay Peterson VIA FACSIMILE 476-0099 ffirvtr fi|28 W JOHN W. OUNN ARIHUR A. ABPLANALB JR. OIANE HEHMAN MAURIELLO CARRIE A. HENOON 9PECIAL COUNSEL: JERRY W. HANNAH {- Du ru N, A""ro*,il"o'd"iio, nreluo, P.c. WesrSren Bexx Burtorxo 106 SoutH FRoNTAGE RoAo WEsr Surre soo Varu, Colonroo eresz 2l January 1999 TELEPHONE:(970) 476-0300 FACSIMILE: t97 0t 476-4765 KAREN M. OUN N c6FltFtEo LEOAL AgStSi^r{t Mr. Ron Byrne 285 Bridge Street Vail CO 81.657 Re: Common Storage Space - Jordary'Ying Residence Dear Ron: More than a month has passed since my last letter to you on behalf of Mr. Jay Jordan relating to the cornmon storage space shared bythe owners of the Jordan-Ying property on Beaver Dam Road. We have heard nothing from you since our recent letter, and for that reason we are uncertain regarding whether you now understand the location of the propertyline in relationship to the common storage space, as a result of which there is also uncertainty regarding your intent to do anphing with that space. In the meanwhile, Mr. Jordan has had his properry surveyed and the propefty line separating the Jordan and Ying properties located, in order to confirm it the location of ttre latter in relationship to the common storage space. A copy of the plat resulting from that suruey is enclosed. Please note that this recent survey confirms the earlier information provided to you, establishing that the property line passes through the common storage space, and that approximately the northerly four feet of that common open space is on the Jordan property. As we pointed out earlier, under the declaration governing the property, this common space, as a whole, is for the use of both property owners. Having heard no further information from you regarding your plans, and having earlier advised you that nothing should be done with this space without the agreement of both owners, Mr. Jordan will rely upon the enclosed information to reconfirm the information previously provided and to reassure you of the accuracy of his earlier position. Absent the consent of both owners, nothing should occur which affects this common storage space. A copy of this letter and the relevant portion of the enclosed material is being provided to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development, in order that the Department may have the benefit of this information in the analysis of any plans related to the Jorday-Ying property. As always, if you have any questions, you may contact me. xc: Mr. Jay Jordan (with partial copies of enclosures) Mr. Jay Peterson (with partial copies of enclosures) Town of Vail Depanment of Community Development (with panial copies of endosures) ' '{.'l (f^ /! / / (Jr( ,^o*,/q"i o3" t\-u/ -.'1 PARCEL A (e'5l I i t l:l(t :31 N. ', 1i \.' \ \ \< 1a't d I \ \ \ Rocx vEl,rEER Y'lG / -lo{efiA^l BUILDING OUTLINE f i;e'ar SIORACE RCOU PARCEL B ' ts"t a (- / PARCEL A ..lo{eff /NJ EUILOING OUTLITIE {g5l (a'"'' / /x/ *qi t^q i z-/^\/ ..--dr - 1^ /(1'\1i\.^ ,\9:6r/ J +_r I l\qt\zt\ ?\i zt I -\l STORACE RCOM i \ l> \ \ P N. \ 121 a.3 1*'t d) AUILDiIiG OUTLINE \ -- 1. I / YtirG .44 .fr {/g (- PARCEL B - Two.sToRY wooor SIOEO OUPLEX srucco a ROCI( f 3.8' / ^Rc / LOWEST FL00R ELEV. : gt67.t' P€A|( €LEV. . g2ot.4' 4\ 2.e ""1 t--oL--- \,'<\ \. ')\.\ p5)\-o. seozg o ; e.l It, Yrr'/6 EXTERIOR ROCK FACING o LIGHT POLE /O.9 | / EXTERIoR / ROCK FACTNG /l //\-- !,0*. *o.. JeR0 etJ Ie.eg' ' ' 'trl f C PARCEL A / / --1 -lgGnA^l AUILDING OUTLIf.IE Js it rv/ "'i "t"i d-; \l;t'"., ("'51 f\ o\dr 1 (1'q ;r o = I I t t.; SYORAGE RCOM P F{ \ t 7 r'(z rf! I \\ I ll 1c1 G.v \ Rocx uEtlEEn 4.6 1r't d ) aurLDiNG OUTLTNS / Ytie . atl / f-^t (r PARCEL A ]C ^T l-" /,"i s/o-' -\-d1 *l0GnAt'J gg11-prNG oUILTNE r a'+" ) '-a.S, i,'1\' 9\ 9,1 (\i;r.'".,q tt i \ t;' "\\8l \,3l *.r 7l -l zl FI N. \ 14 STORAGE ROOM L. ej SUILDiT.IG OUTLINE \ / Ytie Deslgn Kevievy Eoard ACTIOI{ FOR}I O€partmsnt of Communlty D€v€lopmsnt 75 Squth Frontsge Road, Vail, Colorado 81$57 tsl: $70.479.2139 faxr 970.479,245? wsb: w?rw.vallgov.com Project Name: Resnik Residence Landscaping Project Description: DRB Number: DRB080075 Locataon: Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 6 Change to approved for modifications to landscape plan Pafticipants: owNER FOREVER TRUST O3l2sl2008 15 BUELL MANSION PKWY CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE co 80113 APPLICANT FIELDSCAPE, INC.0312512008 Phone: 970-845-9045 RIC RELDS PO BOX 1871 AVON co 81620 License: C000002430 493 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Lot 1 Block: 2 Subdivision: VAIL WLLAGE RLING 6 2101-071-1101-1 Comments: SeeConditions Motion By! Second Byl Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action! STAFFAPP Date of Approva[ 05107 12008 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (P|-AN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (P|-AN); Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0009940 The applicant and contractor shall contact the Publlc Works Department prior to the start of construction to flnallze the design of the landscaping water feature to ensure that the rerouted stormwater drainage does not negatively impact nelghboring properties. The Public Works Departnent shall approve of teh final design prior to the staft of work on the feature. Cond: CON0009941 The applicant shall revegitate all disturbed areas prior to requesting final planning inspections. Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO l'linor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Department of Communlty Developmert 75 Souh Fontage Roa4 Vail, Colorado 81657 d: 97O.44.2L28 fac 9m.479.2152 w€b: www.vailgor,cdn General Infonnatlon: All projecB nequlrlng design re\riew must receive apprcval prior b submitttng a bdtdlng p€rmit applicadon. Please r€6er b E|e submitEl r€qdr€ments ftr the partjcdar approval ts|at is r€quested. An application fur Deggn Rwiew cannot be accepEd until all rcquircd Infurmation is rccelved by the Community Development Department. The prcject may also need to be reviewd by the Town Council and/or the Plann ng and Erwironmental Commislon. Deign rcview approval laFc unls a bullding pcmit ie ieoued and comtrcdoo commgroce within ona yaar of llra apptoval. Locdbn of the Propoml: Lou I Bbck:VArc VIUA€E KU'JI, (-, PfrysioalAddresz 442> P*'A,1fu t-'r,^t, Voft' Par.ef ilo.r Zl0l ol ll oll (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 br parcel no.) Erv/=lill 24 2008 V OF VAIL f1 re^ lnl =*IJt lnl llAR |lll TOWN t €ccrigdon of th€ Rqu6t: Zoning: ilam{c) of Owner(s):-EE)L EE+Jr4 Mailing Addres: Orner(r) Slgn.turc(r): tfameof Appfhade EL Fr€Ln.t Itlailing Addrerc: Phone: Type of Review and Feg: tr Sgrs I ILO rF o a Da O q G/ O tr tr a-t D Y I Correotual Review ilew Constsuction AddiUon Minor AlEradon (mulu-f amily/commerclal) Mhor Alterauon (dngle{amlV/dudo() O|arEes b Approved PlarE Separation Request $50 Plns $1,$ per square fuot of btal sign area. No Fee $650 For corisbuction of a rEw building or demo/.ebdld. $300 For an addium where square footage is added to arry rcsidential or commercial building (irrludes 250 addltons & inFrior convenlons), $250 For minor darE€s to buildlngE and dE impo\rements, sudt as, re+oofing, painting, wirdow addidorE, lan6caping, ftnces and retairfng wallE eE, $20 For minor ctEnges to buildings and slE impro€ments, sudt as, r€ffffrE, pain6ng, witdotv addiuorE, landscaFrlg, ftnces and r€taidng walls, eE. $20 For revislons b dans already approwd by Phming Staff or the DeCgn Review Board. No Fe€ Offle Uso Onlv:;'l'?ii""* *ro.,frTT w, M inor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Depaftment of Communlty Development 75 South Frontage Roa4 Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.#9,2128 fax2 970.+79.2452 webi www,vallgov, com Gene|?l Informauou A[ projecb rcqulrlng design rcvie$t must receive approval prlor to submitting a building permit applicaflon. please r€fer to the submitbl requiremenF for the particular approval that b r€quq{ed. Ar application ftr Deign Rwiey{ cannot be accepted until all requlred information ls recelved by the Communlty Dorelopment Depaftnint, The pmject may abo need b be revierrred by the Tot{n C.ouncil and/or the Plannlng and Envircnrnental Commksion. Deelgn rcview apprcvsl lap6€3 unless a bullding pcrmlt is issued and conetrucion oommance3 nyithin one yeer of the approval. Deccripuon of th€ R6quest: Location of the Proposal! Lot: Block: Subdivision: Physkal Address: Parel lYo.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86{l for parel no,) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): l{alllng Addr€ss: Owrcr(s) Signaturc(s): Name of Applicanh E-mail Type of Review and Fee: n ggns D Coneptlal Ret/ienr tr l,le!., Constructim tr Mditlon tr Minor Alhration (multi-family/€ommercial) tr Mlnor Albration (single-tamily/duplo() tr Changes to Approved Plans n Separauon tlequest $50 PlrE $1.00 per square foot of total dgn area. No Fee $650 For consbuctlon of a new buildlng or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addlthn where square footage is added to any residential or @mmercial hildlng (hcludes 250 addittons & InErkn oonverslons). $250 For minor changes b buildings and site improvements, such as, rercofing, painung, windoi, addltlons, lardsaplng, fences and r€talning walq etc. $20 For mlnor changes t0 bulldlngs and slte lmprovements such as, rercofing, painting, windor additions, landscaplng. fences and reblning walls, €tc $20 For rarisions !o plans akeady approved by planning Staff or the Deslgn Review Board, No Fee 'l'l'l***t**{.'}**t++ti+*'}+l'*'t{'{.'}*****f ****{.'t'*'t'}f '}*trlt**tt**'t**'r*****t'{'**a+++*+*+*:}*{.**{r,},*tt*{,**** TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€ment t******'t*{'*i*l+*'t'*'|!'t't't{r***'t'+**t+{r*'}*{r!t'*'t ***'t **tt+*'t*'}**'}*'}'}*'t'}*f ft+******t**r*t**t+++******rt statement Nuniber: R080000325 Anount: $20.00 o3/25/2oo8o9:08 AM Pa)ment Method: Check #2877 Init,: RLF Notation: fieldscape Pea^mit No: DRB080075 T14re: DRB- Chg to Appr plans Parcel No: 2101- 071- 1101- 1 Site Addrese: 493 BEiA\IER DAt{ p;D VAIL Location: t'ot 1, Block 2, vail village Filing 5 Total Feea: This Payment :$20.00 Total AIJIJ Pmta : BaLance 3 $20.00 $20.00 so. oo ************+f*********'i*****ti+*+**:l**t 'lrll'{.*+++************+++i****+**t*****tf*+******{.t**'} ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code De s cr ipt ion Current Pmts DR 00100003T12200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20. 00 sJaAoJpunorD pue sessBJD A .9.o3 rr r)! .'; x \J.6 dr{ Q .'xii d dd ra|,)N F\CN sqnrqs Sstsss f)s rD !, z t\t\ ll) Et!cte (nH'd EI a).E (l v) a,!!lrI ,' 66 (rl I o EI d,o,-H H S-6g E zzEg53 >: ! FO .lu t3 090 d6 ;;oo oo d,!s=E3 ('t5 o- q) o 'o tt) t (t) a',q Itl crl q 'o rd 6 O rt E.E a, l{ (Ed dco-E gfr s g EE E FqE.!S-sfr.c fr *EEE $H eE & e x t!#*}E E El s e t;tE r g E IE E E g f tys s 6 ESig E i (3) /1--c\?6 ffi ffi Jil o o.r i! Etb F >E EO .34 F3 oob E!6 {*s q,dH $F P-g .3? dfl (, o ID (n o, U z c (n E .a z o U a) F{5 ro a) -q U CN .l-J g (6 tr{ C{ saaJI U NPLAI'T ED PARCEL A orcto6aD nDila€ rxEr uuau D 0€rB* |' t llD tt totB: r) dlE Oa !.i\/Er: 2^/@ t) g.|ll,Erot rxs |roa l0 na/EStE In 0r roatotoatat lEtRcH tot E^sEont 0f itcoio (olB nsr pLArltD). DErFAc.i5nttlvf corouxrs lsrBsr{P fllI !1n0o&E oi nry diHR l clt tcl rtl taclriatE L q.ilon mtt strRc! l|^y c6ctrE l) tollcE locolulc to cc.ff 6 u, ru, raist co|rro$E y tEctf EI|o| 45tD UfOr |r{y Dttact tx llG n lYtY llD|| rlf,E lEAiS rF|ll YOU alist DECol/Ei 9,'08 oCrECr. r ro t\,Olt ruy r|ar |dn !^so uPot Axy DtfEct N nG grittl 8E couroicED |orE r}xl lEN lElra llot rlI ! rE 6 l}€ cttttr?0Df sloltl a) eE6 oa FtoFcttt u|C |.oa no|. rotatal|ts FurD ot Itr. !) lals o. ltElrnot+ stuai r r|rt(E tJoo tfrR s€ coi lor a lfiit-ttl.{ a) Pa6'lE TDiESS! .i! *AVll !|r m o t rYo-sroit roao, snrco a ffr s|!.D t/2 ltrd. l.t 000Ls cor*Errrs tiE rl rtpio(*rE tn a( olr*tE x.x DootEs oacdrot s ti!! rfit rttiolqNE fit|t Dutffix OF VAIL P^icE ^ oi Frlcal L ## miD Ptt I lll,l. ctP L3 ,lllrloa ,,.,{*. o'* ".d'* I * i *1: ,,..' o-zcrsn'+5" / i:65.8?' l-J2.29 C l[:N-61.5?gR{lzs 5gLan 24- 6& tt.Ca ^, sQ 16,\) ' coFo '- utlul* " .DESIGN RE\'IEti' . STAFFAPPROVAI. \ ft.5.t.o-7 * STAFF: !l'i!fl!c3 cqrrE^rE t ICd .L haL o tur'.| trd SdFF. rEH.td 6fi tlr. t6 C !r. Sob ot C.ld!.b. d. i-rAt c.tolr !5t tib f.t tlthtc i'tt u .FO. ry nr oi(, grd.. rt oFvd.., rd li.t llr .!i.r L o..s!b ond c!.ttct to l'. h-l or r|' hr.rhh., ffi P.L3 lolla 0olr- TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PARCEL B, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2 VAIL VILLAGE, SIXTH FILING TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO JoB No. 1027 Pb(€ topEoit iD boulder voids io s€6b pl,.nting po.ket Ior rocf tardEr pl.ntg SloPe --lJtrl- V Not toscd€ Large Boulders at Boftoln of Slop€; badd.6 sl6ll rere in diopb nw r? .o 'lS. ,-_--4E$srtng braoe all boulded 1,8 to 1/2 Mln, with dass 6 r@d ba$e a reouired Set boldeft in codpa.ted Bubgrade ar a 1:l.loF rux. 1.rlt - 21l''Thi.r sinddm Ptr€r, Frnd Prrleh 6 ,oht Saln{ im srtos{ toinl crlr to lu{dr Mdor L Od,.l ,ith CE.!.d Steft . !'o.c. All Exp&d6l.id tr/dl rlr 6qrio. Joblr tld.lsld 9$.! P.wr C@lFdrF SoiL Rlpon. Doweled Gr€ased Sleeve to connect the existing conoebe slab to the proposed Bridge. Remove existin8 stone paving as required to accomrnodate the Bridge stone. For spacing and specifications, see Structural Drawings. Existing Heated Stone Landing. Existing Wall After pordon rernoved- @ rc Z]\ Bridse Lavout Plan r ffill 7l) Bridge Stone Layout Plan \-_r/ tru {' Face Delow Bridgc 86.z'.(verify) !{ dll llE ro.l litdrn f d.rAoc!na. OJ U (-. CJ ']c .r<o CJ /J U 'Fl c o c) & c) .q F o d 0)o c)€(t) Colorado Butf Stone Patio over Concrete SIrb wilh Heat to mrtch th€ existlng ston€ landtng and tt€p& Slolrc Bridge ovcf Concrata FoEr Colondo Buff Keyrtonc with Rlvcr Ro& vmecr. fj62'Cor"do r!ff 846. Irlrr b0 TE oi J1 U o Fl G o :E (a 0,1 fr o d OJ U }r t! Edctlng Wdl After portion renoved. lqrd&sU 3" Colorado Buff Stonc elabs, eize ae note4 ovedapptng the ctone veneer by 2". Line of stone veneer (below). /:\ Heated Bridse Elevation \---,/"/ Yr..r'{ $','\.s I t.o L3 t! 1..o o U $t''l o U AJ bc d t{ (! o 3 F bi x ('r COtt IW [E\,EL@ €rlr Design Review Board ACTIOT{ FORFI Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vall, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479,2139 tax:97O,479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com Proiect Name: FOREVER TRUST CI{ANGE Project Description: DRB Number: DR8070673 CHNG TO APPR TO DELETE GATE AND ADD GAS I.ANTERNS TO STONE PIERS Partaclpants: owNER FOREVERTRUST rt12012007 15 BUELL MANSION PI(WY CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE co 80113 APPLICANT K.H. WEBB ARCHITECTS PC tll20l2007 Phonet 970477-2990 710 WEST UONSHEAD CIR, UNIT A VAIL co 816s7 License: C000001627 Proiect Address: 493 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL 493 BEAVER DAM ROAD Locatlon: Legal Descriptlon: Lot: 1 Block 2 Subdivislon: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 6 Parcel Number: 2101-071-1101-1 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Act.OnI SIAFFAPP Date of Approvalt 1113012007 Cond:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult wlth Town of Vall Bullding personnel prior to construction activlties. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town @de, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEAIS. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a bullding permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. *m Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2128 f axt 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town C-ouncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, $equest:m3 H (}) E o 6- { (,t.t Locationof theProposalr l-oe a etoct: 2 Subdivision: Physical Address: Parcel No.! Zoning: ?9 n.r",., Mairino Address: t5 Buet t (Y\arr;vr ?L,^.,r Clur'v. Hirt s V;tla, Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: E Changes to Approved Plans Submittal Requirements: {(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) 'tr'' 11o- t't11 - >Qb{J\ $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Design Review Board. 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association ciEtt vE[n\ lill i I 2007 llll a Flcdev\FORMS\Pennits\Plannlng\DRB\drb_change_to approved_plans_1jage_10-18-2006.doc TOWNOFVAIL, COI,ORADO Statemeot r****'+l********+*'l'$f+{'r.*f****i******r**'t'**f i*****r*l****+'t********tt******+*'f*++'i**+*t*t}{t{'** Statement Nudber: R070002565 Amount: $20.00 Lt/20/2OO708:53 AIr{ Pa]tment Method: Check Init : irs Notation: 2591/K.H. MBB Permlt No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: This Palment: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003t1.2200 DRB070673 2101- 071- 1101- 1 493 BEJAVER DAII{ RD VAIL 493 BEAVER DA!! ROAD 920.00 De s cript ion q4)e: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans DESIGN REVIEW FEES Total Fees : TOIA1 AIJIJ T'INtg: Balance: $20.00 $20.00 9o. oo Current Pmts 20.00 GAS & F"JECTRIC LIGTTTS sNcE 1945 . 2l"GasFrwhOrrrFPo*Mourl SilmtmsrREEr l{cworbor,[A?0131 (fr{r52i948'5 Td NOFVm _ vE-,|rlll flEYlEUl a / STAFF,APPROVAT \/ t t4 \oxre, ll l3o /o , n'-3npF. f<ur A t}-tl Y. o Ft t- 3J U A rsqB {n[ot Jq \rsa #K fG .t|lt qra thdt w s8ry t st {fi *q *l *l rC rnc, CAUTION IMFORTAITITNOIICE l. coNNEeT IGNIIER. FOWm.TO 24 VAC FOWm. ONLY; NE\IER C0.INECT TO l2O VAC. 2 DOffCn $IORT 2{ VACTGNnBRTNPUT FOWETT LEADS TO GA&TGIIT CIIASTilS. 3. KBEPPHOIGSMNRLBADSWELL ffiARATED e.75 rNcrr) FROM firB trcrr VOLTAGBIJ.AI}. & AIJ, WARRAI{IIEII ARE VOID IF TTIE ABOYE INSTRUCTIONS ARE VIOLATED. fiODEL: XNAI-24A-S HOOKUP DIAGTAI{ TWISTED PA]R