HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 12 BLOCK 2 LOT 1 BOOTH FALL MOUNTAIN HOMES UNIT 1 LEGAL.pdfBoone: West Deck Enclosure Vail, CO E1657 303-ist7-0u2 Drawins Index: C: Cover Ex. 1 First Floor Plan Er 2 Sccond Floor Plan Ex.3 Third Floor Plan Ex.4 North Elevation E)C 5 South Elevation Ex. 6 West Elevation Ex. 7 Essl Elevation Drawirgc for DRB A1 First Floor Plan A2 Sccond Floor Plan 43 Thhd FloorPlan A4 North Elevation A5 South Elwation A6 west Elevation N Esst Elevation Town of Vail Ars and GFRA calculations Booth Falb Mountain Homes Lot size: t 06,830 square feet 21,900 square feet oYer 40% 844E6 square feet to base the GFRA on at 44 sq.ff/100 sile q. ft Allowable GFRA = 37, l7l square feet Summary of GFRA for Booth Fa.lls Mormtain ltronres (Note: See the srbmitted Conrlominium Map for the back up ofrhe GFRAs) Unit Area (squu€ feet) | 2456 2 1423 3 1273 4 r5n 5 1678 6 l27J 7 1886 I 1543 9 1423 l0 t576 I I 1353 t2 1623 t4 tu6 15 l59l 16 t2'13 t7 1843 18 1423 19 1361 Tqtd 28,303 The calcllation iacludes areas over I 6 feet in height. The colculuion does not iqclude r€ductions for the baseDrtlts. Proposed Unit #l Addition; Existing GFRA 833 sq ft 913 sq ft 728 sq ft ?A14 qfr NewGFRA Total .88sqft 92lsqft 88 sq ft l0ol sq ft nla 728 sq fl U6 sq ft 2650 sq ft August 5, 2fi)5 COPY AT---"'-i-'i'\'THE ' \it', i i, :: ,ia] EIi. ', , ..,,,ji rl.L C:uli'iivltSSlON Level I 2 I Oral YOrlr\l of "/n ll D:::.'l!i:=VlEi'/ S1;T F i: APPROVAL ' :F@19fr5,fr*{fr: IrL frAn4r-tl56nOorwo-s /t t, bpx Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 Ieli 970.479.2139 taxl. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: BOONE RESIDENCE DRB Number: DRB050263 Project Description: ADDMON PORCH, KITCHEN, AND BEDROOM Pafticipants: owNER BOONE, CATHERINE S. & MICHAE06/L3/2005 7266 S BOULDER RD BOULDER co 80303 . APPUCANT BETH LEVINE, ARCHITECT 06/13/2005 Phone:970-925-5099 P.O. BOX 1825 AVPM co 81620 Ucense: C000001399 ProjectAddress: 3094 BOOTH FALLS CTVAIL Locationl BOOTH FALLS MOUNTAIN HOMES, UNIT 1 Legal Description: Lot: I Block 2 Subdivision: BOOTH FALLS MTN HOMES Parcel Number: 2101-023-0200-1 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovah O7lL9l20Q5 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007346 The applicant shall submit a staging plan and limits of disturbance plan, for review by the Town of Vail, with the building permit application. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $300.00 I I r-i ofthe Devel@ment 75 Colorado 81657 70.479.2452 web: www 'Yailgov.com General Information: All proJects requirirg design roriew must receive approal prior to stbmitting a tre' su-brnittal iequnrements for the partic.lar appronl that is requested. An accepbd untit alt required information is received bY the communitY Developmenl to be renriewed Uy frb forvn @urrcil and/or the Plannirg ard Erwironmental Comm ,rr,for " buildiig permit is llsued "nd -nsttuCion commences within one year of the apprwal' Additions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review arr( Physical Address:T1 Fo& I parcef ilo.: @(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8&10 for parcel Zoning:fur+F rr,t4i Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: X Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:ltvinz Maiting Aflres;s: YO lbts OA blb Phone: Fax: eUtr+"A+zl. ttrz Typeof Revierrand Fee: \t tr Sqns $50 Plts$l-00 Per O Conceptual Review No Fee - tr Neur Gonsfirction $650 Y noaition $3oo /- B Minor Alteration $250 For minor dta (rnuftifamiV/commerciat) reroofirB, pai walls, etc El Minor Alteration $20 For minor cha (single-family/duphx) reroofing, pai u,alls, etL tr changes to Approred plam $20 For reriisirns to plans atready apprwed by Ptarurins sbff or ute D6i(rl Revkw Board.g Separation Request ilo Fee k1 rthtn 'lftwS t- ***** + + * * + * +*'l' t + +{.++dr*+**+***+***** * + * * * * * ********************+**!t****++* + + * * + * t + + * + + + * + + * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Number: R050000829 Amourt: $30o.Oo 06/L3/200504:54 PM Palment Method: Check Init: ils Notation: 2527 lBETH LEVINE Permit No: DRB050263 I)pe: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2LOL-O23-O2OO-L Site Address: 3094 BOOTI{ FAIJLS CT VAIL Location: 3094 BOOTH FALLS ROAD , #1 This Payment: $300.00 Balarce: $0.00 * t*** * * * * * **********+***i***++**+++* | * ** * **********f,****ri++++++**+*++*++++*+*+**t*****+***** ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Accormt Code Current Pmts Total Fees: $300.00 Total AL,L Pmts: $300.00 DeEcription DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 300.00 dlr tts ADDITIONS . RESIDENTHT OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS General Informadon: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of GRFA (gross residential floor area). This includes proposals for 250 additions and interior conversions. See l-itle 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for specific regulations. I. SUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS** 4e- bv40 wc.ir Ef Exterior color and material samples ancl specr'ficatio ns' -VA'r.&v1 C'd6+t*1 ? Architechrral Floor Plans* J D Ughting Plan* and Cut-shee(s) for proposed fixtures 'llvtLl+h egtsli"l . EiTlUe report, including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easements* \' gfFnotos of the existing site and adjacent structures, wlrcre applicable. OzlVrifren approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable u Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* ijA O The Administrator and/or DRB may require tlre submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not dearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the mderials noted wilh an aslerisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior chanoes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a UUe repod and written approval ftom a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. tD I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: C-ontractor Signature Date Signed I PROPOSED MATERHLS Tvoe of Material 'Color Buildinq Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Wndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Tnsh Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please gpedff tte manufacture/s name, the color name and number and atbch a color chip. A,tL' UtaAA.- Atd't Daaa A nf 1'r lndt'rA InA t PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name OuantiW Size PR.P.SEDTREB Fltrnc- @\ned . AND SHRUBS E(ISNNG TREES TO BE REMOVED . Minimum Requirements for Lardscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2- carioer Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe .square Footaqe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Pbase speciff other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, ek.) Pane 7 nf 1)ln4nqtna BOTNE AND ASSOC PAGE O2 g6l g2l2g85 l9;53 3834156344 . ^ !a RE@RDER RECEPTION NO' PU151 ; r(CD LOAII NUMBER:0040?42636 REQUEST FOR RBI,EASE OF DEED OF TRUST AND RET'EASE DATE: FEBRUARY 21 ' 1999 BORROWER(S): MICHAEL BOONE AIID CATHERINE S- BoONE . BENEFICIARY: CoLoRADo NATIONAI' BANK DATE OF DEED OF TRUST: O7-L2'91 RECPRDING DATE OF DEED OF TRUST: 0?-19-93 COUMIY OF RECORDING: EAGLE RECEPTION AND/OR FILM No(S) 'r s10113 BOOK: 614 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: LOT: CONDO IINIT 1- BLTOCK: SUgOrVrSrON, BOOTH FALLS MOIINTAIN HOME9 DEED oF TRUST (L'E[IDER) :. i STATE OF VIRGINIA, COT]IIITY OF HENRICO ,7999 9IDENT TARY SAVIITG'S BANI(. !ry COMIqISSION EXPIRES: 09-30-99 nirgRN- 19 , BANK OP AlttERrcA ' r';. ' PO BOX 263 8A RreH OlfD, VA 2323 SEGIION r Commbsioo Erpios: SeO$nt 30, l9N oF fRugr colrltEvs I,EASE ' AS TIIE TERMS N{D ISFIED. BANK OF AT''ERICA, FSB, A FEDERAT SAVINGS BAT'IK' 5 t i mui nl rflrtt nl rilnFru rulli nfiuililll- 3El38l GrlllllC0t Wtei|? tll Srtr Ftrtr?t * ? ? ll.H D 0.0! ]l 0.0t Errlr 90 RECORDED AT o, cLocK _. M. ASSISiANT VICE. PRESIDEMT $wiiri ,.'Oostoqtld',E tr- i :* i' SEAL,J *ji.. blSAi-r.'.: 'i;,"n*."qi EOOI'IE AND ASSOC PA6L V3 ABl82/2885 19:53 3034158344 IIAVE IJNDER A}ID BY THE REAI, ESTATE . -tO HEVE ADID TO IIOLD THE . IPPUNTC}TANCES THEREUNTO (PAGE 2) RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST ffi*E"Foffi#i: il;T'ffi-'#e"1.-a'il: * rNrEREsr '.Hrcl{ r a*rn nl' rrrp't{lEdts(GHE nronesarp DEED OF rRgiT-lI sAry-,--I-lS;*1.H?ffiJ#ffi3.\3'il^#grf iur,r,veup BEL,oNGING FolgyPli ffi*H#'IS tE#,#R il6cinnrie snro ABSOLUTEIJY RELEASE' DEED OF TRUST. IC TRUSTEE PI'BT.IC TRUSTEE OF lAS ACKNOWIJEDGED BEFORE ME ON RECEIVED BY PU151,.KCD o040742636 ifE) BY , @ExPTRES r#!,rl#llr,Ilull,.|u$lll!iluJ{Lr,ilt|ililr NorE AtirD pnsp*ttP1fUgT RETuRNED To: U4rt+ eL€\lAr1N Boone Residence Remodel 3094 Booth Falls Road' #l Vail, Colorado 81657 Beth Levine, Arcbitect, Inc' P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO.81620 (970)926-4993 (Phone) (970)926-2993 (Fax) ' Sheet No. Page fui7aa €,.l4'lttTtqN- Boone Residence Remodel 3094 Booth Falls Road, #1 Vail, Colorado 81657 Beth Levine, Architect' Inc. P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO. 81620 (970)926-4993 (Phone) (970)926ae$$ax) Sheet No. Page V)e5f eE\ttnDil Boone Residence Remodel 3094 Booth Falls Road, #1 Vail, Colorado E1657 Beth Levine, Architect, Inc. P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO.81620 (970)926-4993 (Phone) (970)926-2993 (Fax) Sheet No. Page Boothfalls Mountain Hornes Jr.me 9,2fi)5 Strsau Fritz J'n'rid,,nt 'I'urt 'l'ullitrt Secrrton. 'fren-strer (Jrav Rubirr B,nrd llorntxr l}'e E-iscr Board'llenber (lrais -{nslirirl lloord ltltmbt DearMichael, The Bootrfalls Homeovrner's Board of Directors har met and approved of your attacH plans to make imprumenB to your unit, inctrding improverrents to the common area with tb€ followir4 omditions: l. You must do as much a possible to match exiting the prop€rties. 2. Windows must be ahnninum clad wift da* bronze exterior finish. 3. Siding shall bc 6" rough mw cedar and run vertically, 4. Stain and tim shall match existing colors. 5. Decking material for and exterior decks shall be Trex t-vpe of composite material, gray incolor. 6. You seekand r€ceive all necessary apprcvnl from the Town of Vail. ln addition you understand and agree thar any improvements made in a conunon af,ea are the responsibility of the individual homowner to nuintain and that you will hold tlp Association harmless from any liEbility associated with this improvement. The Association appmves of the architectural aspects of these imprcvements. Sincerely, li{}?i lltorir{irlls lloacl" tri:rii. {t0 ti}65?. P{} lil,r .i{i9-1. \ *il. i;o lll{i:!8. 97i}-.176-5,91:i Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479,2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com ,\Z/.zC BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail June 25, 2005 Beth Levine Architect, lnc. PO Box 1825 Avon. CO 81620 RE: Boone Residence-3094 Booth Falls Road, Unit 1/Lot 1, Block 1, VailVillage Filing 12 (DRB05-0263) Dear Beth, The Town Staff has preliminarily reviewed the design review application for the proposed Boone Residence addition at Unit 1, Booth Falls Mountain Homes. The following items must be submitted to make this application complete: 1. Stamped topographic survey. 2. Site/grading/landscape plan. 3. Site coverage and landscape area calculations. Please submit above listed items to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development by no later than Wednesday, June 29, 2005. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, h4. /J--<- f,-ph"n"uon"r, Jun 2? 05 O6:56e Beth Lcvine Rosen 9?O-926-2993 Beth Lwine Architect, Inc. P-O- Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (970)e2H93(P' (97o)y26-29% (n J;tme27,2005 Toum ofVail Departm,ent of Conmunity Derrcloprnent 75 Sonth Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Bill Gibson ViaFor RE: Boone R€sidence - 3091 Booth Falls Roa{ Unit lllatl,Block l, Vail Village Filing 12 (DRB05-0263) D€arBill, I ma with Elisabeth Eckel on May 24, 2005 for a pre-application meeting. My main concern regarding the pr,oject nras that the only available existing drawings were the Condominium Drawings. Elizab€th and I rwiewed the project and she said that I not be required to provide the sunrey ad the site,/grading,flandscape plan" She also that f wsuld need to calculafie the GRFA as it has chang€d under ordiaance 14 for the entire project She did not say that I needed to supply the sitc coverage and aea calcul*ions. The areas that my client is int€r€sted in infilling all occur under existing building; and thus are not new site coverage. Please call me d.9264993 witt any firtter questions. Beth Levine p." Beth Levine Architect, Inc. P.O. 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (970) e264ee3(P) (e70) e26-2e%g) f4H[:tri\riEFf, JUi_ 1 tJ 20C5 TOV.COM.DEV. DRl3 6 so L63 flello Bll- A1 rtrrr,t= s Yrne '6orsa, Beil L€{rN€ t$ ,tiY k%ltrTB'r. f- r^fA f6ce To 6110 rrtc' ertc.,o s'e.l' Dq-r.rnerrr d $a* sfioA 5 Ttf€ Fexx or\ lil u^llf (* r) ae nF ?b?q urNe Tte;e vwl9 Ttt€ tuN*p \t*O 'Jt{€Fl r'f-g V4&@ ;; eect 4eu- n|rfl4r'tto r'l ^- .* ao u('-e/ E hJaJ- M a)L 6al ?/V-Ju$c' t'os-' p -+ e€ueVe ri€' M-€ N(r&A I*e QrV€ .l,|e k C{ $45'Ps.-+4,4"4Pd "'^ w,1-"or4z / 7t/>,4 | 7+2-,4 /73o,?7 / f tr.47 )l to1 r{ BNN 's 'l'd T 3 d t 'xNtual3HJDtW .f ouvHJtu fl tz-tzc-0a6 xvJ | | tz-8zt{r6 If9 t8 00wo-lo3'3-lcv3 t0zs '3nN3Av SX3RWVHJ Stl. 6t9t xofl od sltJl/rnlts cNnt!t!tNtoNir '|ltvtrI|JNfl tr NCISAC ]'IVA\ CNINIVIIIU JIIAHS E-IJIJ SAhIOH NA\OJ S'I'IVJ .,,\ lE /..n. X ld o z F UJ IJ I ar1 a & (./) F]J trr F aa $o'\ ca a\N r r-1 m kl A V tsts F+l z a,v,lrl z o I 5a =g a z J L frl lr))E =E fri ;x EfiiirEsE:i'FiFi$Eg: l> R: 5 l d Jo qs f,r a*fl3 f,I e E ".'| =Eh 36 g3 H o z d E lrJ ,n6 JO ,r, Eig- FEFEsEEI aaa$:iH; 333EEEi? 6ar!+(toFoo FFFFFFFF HHHHHHHH 66466666 F UI bl 6 p -. x I t\ .i I I o hh udd St t 9oo vly-X dE5 zt d. [.r . frl -l J J N \l (J J N F c Fl I ar.$t --t--I a (qo FA 8E E.6.9 -36'();Ee;9or-t <.9 (l)# L 3 >b a-F_o ox F- C : =.9 .@Xo € u.9 * o';oe E cr'9= 5 o*9Ex lox ,:i o= Y SPbe z.=ot +o> ( \ o- t-L -o o()= E e'u co f E f'. uJ .g D 7 ?tr=tYriL o) o - io a o ;<o J F .r,2 (v .lJ-dr\- a)6 u) tn vt = tr f op -t-z- :o = e U:') + t ou)_) q- ac r-JC)i,r a = 6*5.s <-E U1 (n rin- -l.,J !,i --- > o F F r,r{-5# ri ri z-:' d) q) = = Egc'(J LJ 4ttJ-z z d .*.-g 6A o*-\J FT FT t{ -o\J \9 f ill- ill lllo tqo llN L,], ill; ||- Lls n H mo N T>-:o O.. I .iJ 7 \\ x> -) l-- ) \,c,l $x o (L EE O(L e-IJ FF zqo u- (J ,.v>o ^=>x>q 'Jd2 <\-o) Lr.t@ .\v) f\NN n F o J <' \0 -J ,lq It .r y Y. =(o -'t)ol-.rlr) b, t/'l +rr)ZF' .{--- -Cc|OJ --Q (otou) Nt)f.. 'n m (o )o s \ \ J X" = -+ o) @ z T t( z LrJ t trJ |-.r rr-)(, (o ,v"\ ipE il bJF O) K 5o:6t E i,i Ld , J ,"\ =o &R *o-69 z l z T, a)l ll [ [tt ( c r-.,8 .g-9 - r,^ P e=58 -ft 'e z EtEE ,EiE-Ht :l =s =2 5'-*-t idgE:5Po ryEa,h YgE= €'iisrIt oI::s EiaE ;R5;+lL, H==Har u;i;:;?i;E;;i UgF=U X ;P ULL^Z; c zx-3i; Ft Ei H E!€E:€;;rl-,,r,r*7 o 5!- -9- >---6"= b!SaHgE.a F; g€ iFgg:; Br & rE_ife" .= 9 - F.E.=iZ*,.4i cP 66=H'g € Fb *ei g: s E $Fs F==hti ; HgE i;:$f 3x 'r 9-t'-x2 ! g npii a p;I s riE Ii;ul i;y]g-,66.t.636 =:q ts tgI;:EEE$$[Ei P ;giE;II g:; eE;c - o;=! giE E:ai€e.E.e:.8*€= e.9€ g; = rt) F, (O r-|\ tl - -€r) ;;=F. ll Irl GFJ U7 u- L = N ='N b,g !+ c\l zta (L o u)> 6H ll lt ti { a - --..,5 Eui Lj.l Fu)z b"; F(J o- td UJu)o u 38 z. UJ =cJt O, rrJ ou)-o Ld JF *E F.c, F. 'r) t! + 5.,r (t a vl I f I I I I I I I f,I.I -"-- J n !- ) Beth Levine, Architect, Inc. P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO.81620 (970) 926-4993 (Phone) (970)926-2993 (Fax) Boone Residence Remodel, Mike and Katie 3094 Booth Falls Road, #1 Both Falls Mountain Homes Vail, Colorado 81657 Drawing Index: C Cover Ex 1.0 First Floor Plan - (Only existing drawing) Drawings approximated by BLA Ex. I .1 First Floor Plan Ex.2 Second Floor Plan Ex, 3 Third Floor Plan Ex, 4 North Elevation Ex. 5 South Elevation Ex. 6 West Elevation Ex.7 East Elevation Drawings for DRB July 16, 2005 A1 A2 A3 A4 First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Third Floor Plan North Elevation Eurfiaq i* 6,squarefeet) A5 South Elevation ,4,6 West Elevation A7 East Elevation Town of Vail Area and GRFA calculations Booth Falls Mountain Homes Lot size: 106,380 square feet 21,900 square feet over 40%o 84,486 square feet to base the GRFA on At 44 sq,ft./I00 site sq.ft, Allowable GRFA = 37,171 square feet Summary of GRFA for Booth Falls Mountain Homes (Note: see the submitted Condominium Map for the back up of the GRFAs) Peqst) atn 2 1423 3 1273 4 1511 5 1678 6 1273 7 1886 8 1543 9 1423 l0 1576 11 1353 12 1623 14 1846 15 1591 16 1273 17 l79l 18 1423 19 1361 Total 27 ,818 square feet The calculation includes the areas over 16 feet in height. The calculation does not include the reductions for the basements. Proposed Unit #1 addition: Level 1 2 TOTAL Existing GRFA DR,ao 10263 t\ -l | ,' ll ?+'- tl ia?'itlr;"''4''!"'r'a ir ll'- ?r' NA,IJ 4ntW UV .{'*-"r. : lh s' -. *l w,r'\^ffiw -wD(rypffi> FLAfq Boone Residence Remodel 3094 Booth Falls Road' #1 Vail,,Colorado 81657 Beth Levine, Architect, Inc. P.O. Box 1825 Avon. CO.81620 (970)926-4993 (Phone) (910\926-2993 (Fax) Sheet No. Page 6t7tn 6'tbo6 b,('a5 u-tl ,D€ 1, lb,E; lb'24t \ i r '\ "l'r '1' Etil MZil'nN\#E J ll \ U? I *_l Dpf,l-ild,{.lgrt} wlw /4* l''d' Al qt u" l, ll'' v " I lb\zt' 0 -t l- -lJt N I {\\) : n -t t- ,T FI6t{l Ae'V meil{P fLwY W-D Boonc'Rtsidome R.emodcl 3094hoth Fa[s Rond, #1 ValL Sslordetl657 Beth Levine, Architect' Inc. P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO.8['620 Q7qnfu4993).@hone) (970)926-2993 (['ax) $hoetNo. Page AZ Ito'"4"lb', 2" ,*J wtqlN{2 Y,?, i) -,1 F Itl Y $.1 \ _$r 1}ltPP f4@P- Wp?ngD t*lt-4tl Boone Residence Remodel 3@rt Boo0h Falls Rosd, #l Veil, Colorado 81657 Beth Levine, Architect' Inc. P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO.81620 (970)9264993 (Phone) (970)92G2993 (Fax) Sheet No. Page fr? I t -t t\ l* lb + $ Boone Residence Remodel 3094 Booth Folls Road, #1 Vail, Colorado8tr657 Beth Levine, Architect, Inc. P.O. Bor.1825 Avon, CO. E1620 (970)926-4993 @hone) (970)925.2993 (Fax) Sheet No. Page d g^45r 6twj tlffir-* gfrV&ry4 YF<tY* e@ Boone Residgnce Remodel 3094 Booth Falls Road, #1 Vall, Coloredo.El65T Beth Levine, Architect''Inc. P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO.81620 (970)9264993 (Phone) (970)926-2993 (Fax) Sheet No. Page hw 4 trc.(- Boone Residence Romodel 309f ,hoth Falls Road, #1 Vaili Colorado 81657 Beth Levine, Architect, Inc. P.O. Box 1E25 Avon, CO. &1620 (970) 926-4993 (Phone) . (970)926-2993 (Fax) 6'lz6 Sheet No.Page re Hfrrr+ bltrynp{e lsa*rc Boone Recidence Remodel 3004 Booth Frlls Road, #1 Vail, Colorado 81657 Beth Levine, Architect' Inc. P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO.81620 (970)92fu4993 (Phone) (970\926a9n (Fax) /r'b.o5 b.l),DS:n,lb'as: ShedNo.Page A1 oo*tfi.Ftw tEvElJoFlEl*F 5ec- Debt-67j3 Pe6-064 Hff'* Vo,ov:t4-1''"1 'u taf l, d?r D nity Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81557 tel:970.479.21,39 fex:97O.,{79.2452 web: www.vailgov"corn Proiect Name: Project Description: Participants: Prcject Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: BOONE RESIDENCE ADDmON (WEST SrDE DECK ENCLOSURE) DRB Number: DRB050,100 owNER BOONE, CATHERINE S. & MTCHAE0S/08/2005 7266 S BOULDER RD BOULDER co 80303 AppLroqNT BooNE, CATHERINE S. & MICHAE08/08/2005 7266 S BOULDER RD BOUI..DER co 80303 3094 BOOTH FALI-S CT VAIL Location: UNIT #1 LoH I Blodc 2 Subdivision: BOOTH FALLS MTN HOMES 2101-023-0200-1 MoUon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 09/13/2005 Cond: 8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). @nd:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. @nd:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. C.ond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO Planner: Additions-ResadenHal or commerclal Application for Design Revieuq Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 97O.479.2L28 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com All projects reguiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Reques* Ertz-r-ascf Ag o p NgSt DecX- -(Ael A.rOru\) /A,+l D Ao€lA. B€uo{, Location of the Prcposal:Lot: * | Btock: {l subdivision: se 8bf-62/"3 ?st- & Physical Addrcss: Parcel No.: ZIO ( O 2.3 O zlco I Tonino: L.od Oa^r3rrv MuqrPLe FArltLV Name(s) of Owner(s):,lArce,', K*ne Boortle Mailing Address: Name of Applicant:e BooNe Mailing Address:-tzJ.V S. Boo rocL Po*o Boooer-Co ?o3o3 Phone: E-mail Address: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 Construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 An addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee RECDAUG-BZOO5 F$rH*#b:ltt' a,ecrno.: !{gB ay: Type of Review and Fee:tr Signs D Conceotual Review tr New Construction ry Addition E Minor Alteration (Multi-Family/Commercial) E Minor Alteration (Single-Family/Duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request 3o3- 511- o QAL Owner(s) Signature(s): "*o* o.,., 4\?tof DRB No.: , -I5g' 00,s6s- oLT\ IOINT PROPERW OWNER WR,ITTEN APPROVAT LETIER I, (print name) fftn€ 5 Boo }1g , a joint owner of property located at (address/legal to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. e los l"r (Dtte) 12t09/04 .J. '.r j ''.' r". '.; i: ..:rr| { .:,. j .',! i: .;-'r1r'r ) I !,.i :' ir'.1 ,r li, l' r.t.' ADDMONS. RESIDENTHL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of GRFA (gross residential floor area). This includes proposals for 250 additions and interior conversions. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for specific regulations. I, SUBMITTAL REOUIR.EMENTS**,/ 4rett pages of Application is complete EI;Checklist is completed and signed Er Stamped Topographic Survey* - Ssc. *Lb (/(oo t/.ag tr Site and Grading Plan*- c.rt^6 {t atLvA\ 07 Landscape P qrhl6r) Ef Architectural fiE*enor colo lE Architectural tr- 6 easements* { cable.{ , and joint owner, if applicable tr Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* il/A tr The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed neces$ry to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, Please submit thrce (3) copies of the materials noted with an aslerisk (*), **For interior convercions with no exterior ghAES, the submittal requirements include a complete set of odsting and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal r€quirements: Project Name:lb$Az der Dac.jr. arlct oso€6 Contractor Signature 12/09/04 I0l4/N ADDITIONS . RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAT REQUIREMENTS Topographic suFvey:. W€t stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor . Date of survey o North arrow and graphic bar scale . Scale of 1"=10'or I"=20). Legal description and physical address . Lot size and build able area (build able area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 400/0, and floodplain). Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey . Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must q+shownrr$ho\n, e{,*iqg pins.or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner,' "ir.-ir.. \ ! r - rr! .i.rJtlr u I a a Show right of way and prqbrgliqeE; tndod|ngberrirEsfdi3tamq ad curve information. Indicate all easements identified on the suMivision plat and recorded against the propefi m indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions. Spot Elevauons at the edge of asphalt, along the sffeet frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevaUons on either side of the lot. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above gnde. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.). All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.). Environmental Hazards (ie. Rock Fall, debris flow, avalanche, weUands, floodplain, soils) Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addiUon to the required stream or creak setback) Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: a a a a . Cable W Sewer Gas . Telephone Water Electric . Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property. Site and Grading Plan: .Sca|e'oft4;2o.or:latge.ri..-.,,...:-''-..i,i],,l'l' . Property and setback lines . b(isting and proposed easements - . r Existing and proposed grades o Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other sbudures lncluillrg decK, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevaUons. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height. 12t09t04 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS TYoe of Material .,..."e'. ,-.1 i ;.. t .:.Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows WndowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please speciff the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip, t2/09t04 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name @mmon Name Ouantiw Size EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED tlotle Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper @niferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Type Square Footaoe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please speciff other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, srflimming pools, etc.) ra09/04 *******+tl+*t*t*******+**+****+*tf,**************++********f*+++t******+++***+++*++*f,**ltt+**+ TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Srarement tt*+a*****+****+***++tl++****++*++++**t**+++*+++++*+++++++**+*****+******+a+****1.***++*****+ Statement Number: R050001250 tunourt: $300.00 08/08/2O05t2:33 pM Palment Method: Check Init: LC NoEaE.ion: #1438/MICIAEL BOO!{E Permit No: DRB050400 I)pe: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parce1 No: 2101- 023 - 02 00 - 1 Site Addrese: 3094 BOOIH FAITS CT VAII Location: 3094 BOCIIIT FALLS ROAD , #1 Total Fees: $300.00 Tleie Payment: $300.00 Total AIrIr PmtE: $300.00 Balarce: $0,00 ******+***l*l******************+**+**l{'***+++{r**'}*****+++f+*****+++++******+**++++t********* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accormt Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 300.00 Boothfalls Mountain Hornes -{nsal lrrilz Tolr'l'al[',ot ,\ t t r e n r r.'f r a t -. r t r e r Grar, l? ubin Roorl lltmber l)et- \I isor Roord \Icmhcr Craig \nsficld Ilaari l[nnbt August 4,2005 flear Michael, The Boothfrlls Homeowner's Board of Directors has met and approved of your plans to enclose the west deck facing Boothfalls Road, including improvements to the co lmon area with the following conditions: l. You must do as much a possible to match exiting the buildings. 2. Windows must be aluminum clad with dark bnonze exterior finish. 3. Siding shall be 6''rough saw cedar and run vertically. 4. Stain and trim shall match existing colors. 5. You seek and receive all necessary approval from the Town of Vail. In addition you uderstand ad agree that any improvements nrade in a comrmn area are the responsibility ofthe individual honreowner to maintain and that you will hold the Association harmless from any liability associated with this improvement. The Association approves of the architectural aspects of tbese improvements. Sincerely, 3i)91 IlootLlull' Il,rad. \ ail. C() []lfi.'ri. PO llor 3{i9 I Ynil. (l,,1llfii8. 9i()-176-58liJ Boone: West Deck Enclosure Katie and Mike Boone 3(D4 Booth Fells Roed, Unit#1 Vs4 CO 816s7 301s17-0842 August 5, 2005 Sunev Index Sl Booth Fals Mournain Homes Topographical Survey 52 Booth Falls Unit 1 Dock Survey (Area of in r€quest of variance)53 Booth Falls Mountain Homes Condominium Map Drawine Index: C: Cover Ex. I First FloorPlan F)(.2 SecondFloorPlan Ex. 3 Third FloorPlan Ex. 4 North Eleration Elc 5 South Elevation Ex.6 WestElwation Elc 7 EastEleration Drawings fur Variance Rwiew Al First Floor Plan AZ Second FloorPlan A3 Third FloorPlan A4 NorthElwuion 45 South Elevation A6 WestElevation A7 East Elevation Photo Index: SouthElwation East Elevation North Elenation Town of Yeil Arca and GFRA calculations Booth Falls Mormtain Homes I.ot size: 106,830 square fcet zl,Nl0 square fta over 40f:/o 84,486 square feet to base the GFRA on at 44 sq.ft/100 site sq. ft Allowable GFRA: 37, l7l sqrure feet Sumnary of GFRAforBooth Falls Moudain Homes (Note: See the ilbmitt€d Cordoninium lvl4p for th€ back up ofthe GFRAs) Unit fuca(squarefeet)| 2456 2 1423 3 t2T3 4 l5ll 5 l6t8 6 t2t3 7 tEt5 8 1543 9 1423 l0 t576 ll 1353 t2 1623 14 1846 15 1591 16 t273 17. lt43 l8 t423 t9 136l Total 28,303 Thc calorlation ircludes areas ov€f, 16 feet in hcight. The calculatioo does not include reductions for tlre bosemeirts. Proposed Unit #l Addition; Level I z 3 Total ExistiryGFRA 833 sq fr 913 sq ft 72t sq ft 2474 sqft NewGFRA Total 88sqft 92rsqft E8sqff l00l sqft n/a 728sqft 176sqft 2650sqft lr Planning and Environmental Commission 1/*t 6ttn7-#i''7 D' lrf t, blq + ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Development 75 South Fontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: BOONE RESIDENCE PEC Number: PEC050066 Prcject Descripton: SETBACK VARTANCE (DECK ENCLOSURE) Pafticipants: owNER BOONE, CATHERTNE S. &MICHAE08/08/2005 7266 S BOULDER RD BOULDER co 80303 APPUCANT BOONE, CATHERINE S. & MICHAE0S/08/2005 7266 S BOULDER RD BOUTDER co 80303 ProiectAddress: 3094 BOOTH FALLS CTVAIL Location: 3094 BOOTH FALLS ROAD, #1 Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block 2 Subdivision: BOOTH FALIS MTN HOMES ParcelNumber: 2101-023t200-1 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: KJESBO Action: APPROVED Second By: BERNHARDT Vote: 5-0 DateofApproval: 09/13/2005 C,onditions: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Tou,n of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 dap following the date of approval. Cond: CON0007522 This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval for the related design review application. Planner: Bill Gibson PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development September 12,2005 A request for a final review of a variance from Section 12-6F-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Vanances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition within the setback, located at 3094 Booth Falls Road, Unit 1/Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 12, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC05-0066) Applicant: Michael and Katie Boone Planner: BillGibson il. SUMMARY The applicants, Michael and Katie Boone, are requesting a variance from Section 12-6F- 6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code; to allow for a residential addition within the setback, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yariances, Vail Town Code, located at 3094 Booth Falls Road, Unit 1 (Booth Falls Mountain Homes). Based upon Staffls review of the criteria outlined in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of the requested variance subject to the findings and conditions noted in Section lX of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicants, Michael and Katie Boone, are requesting a variance from Section 12-6F- 6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code; to allow for a residential addition within the setback at Unit 1 of the Booth Falls Mountain Homes (aka Booth Falls Townhomes). The applicants are proposing a two-story enclosure of an existing roofed deck located on the west side of Unit 1. This addition will add 88.5 sq. ft. to the unfinished lower leyel of the unit and 88.5 sq. ft. to the second-story master bedroom (total of 177 sq. fl of Hew GRFA). As this is an existing roofed declt, the applicant is not proposing to alter,the existing roof. The northern corner of this deck addition will not be located within the require.d 20 foot setback; however, the southern corner of the proposed addition will encroach 3.29 feet into the setback. This addition is similar to deck enclosures that have been constructed at other units within the Booth Falls Mountain Homes complex; and the building materials, paint colors, etc. of this proposed addition will match the existing building. A vicinity map (Attachment A), the applicant's request (Attachment B), and architectural plans (Attachment C) have been attached for reference. ilt.BACKGROUND The Booth Falls Mountain Homes were originally approved for construction in early 1973 under Town of Vail jurisdiction. At that time, the site was zoned Multiple Family District. The setback requirements of the Multiple Family District were 10 feet on all sides except those abutting National Forest Service Property in which case there was no setback requirement. The Booth Falls Mountain Homes were rezoned to the Low Density Multiple-Family District in late 1973. The setback requirements of the Low Density Multiple-Family District are 20 feet on all sides, thus yielding the Booth Falls Mountain Homes legally non-conforming in regard to setbacks. Simibr deck and porch enclosures have been approved by the Town of Vail for Units 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, and 16 of the Booth Falls Mountain Homes. One deck enclosure constructed at Unit 4 is located wiihin the 20 foot setback; however, the enclosure was approved by the Town of Vail without the review or approval of a.variance by the Planning and Environmental Commission. The applicant, owner of Unit 1, recently received Town of Vail approval for the enclosure of the north front porch, a south deck, and the conversion of a crawlspace. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Order of Review: Generally, conditional use permit and variance applications will be reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission, and then any accompanying design review application will be reviewed by the Design Review Board. Planning and Environmental Commission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of a variance application, in accordance with Chapter 12-1 7, Variances, Vail Town Code. Design Review Board: The Design Review Board has no review authority over a variance application. However, the Design Review Board is responsible for the final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of any accompanying design review application. Town Council: The Town Council has the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination, or interpretation by the Planning and Environment'alCommission and/or Design Review Board.'The Town Council may also call up a decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Desion Review Board. Staff: The Town Staff facilitates the application review process. Staff reviews the submitted application materials for completeness and general compliance with the appropriate requirements of the Town Code. Staff also provides the Planning and Environmental Commission a memorandum containing a description and background of the application; an evaluation of the application in regard to the criteria and findings outlined by the Town Code; and a recommendation of approval, approval with modifications, or denial. tv. V. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Gode ARTICLE 12-6F: LOW DENSITY MULTIPLE-FAMILY (LDMF) DISTRICT (in part) 12-6F-1: PURPOSE:. The low density multiple-family district is intended to provide srfes for srng/e- family, two-family and multiple-family dwellings at a density not exceeding nine (9) dwelling units per acre, together with such public facilities as rnay appropriately be located in the same district. The low density muftiple-family district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling, commensurate with low density occupancy, and to maintain the desinble residen.tial qualities of the district by establishing appropriafe sife d eve lo pme nt sta n d ard s. 12-6F-6: SEIBACKS; ln the LDMF district, the minimum front setback shall be twenty feet (20'), the minimum side setback shall be twenty feet (20'), and the minimum rear setback shall be twenty feet (20'). CHAPTER 12-17 VARIANCE (in part) Secfion 1 2-17-1 : PURPOSE: A. Reasons for Seeking Vaiance: ln order to prevent or fo /essen such practical difficuUes and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this title as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, variances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficutty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the sife or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical fimitailons, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not'be a reason for granting a variance. ZONING ANALYSIS vt. Address: Legal Description: Zoning: TotalSiteStandards Allowed/Required Dwelling Density (max): 17 units Density, GRFA (max): 37,171 sq, ft. 3094 Booth Falls Road , Lot 1 , Block 2, Vail Village Filing 12 Low Density Multiple-Family District rl Land Use Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Current Land Use: Multiple-family Residential Developmenl Site Size: 106,830 sq. ft. (2.45 acres) Buildable Development Site: 84,486 sq. ft. (1.94 acres)Hazards: None (rockfall hazard mitigated) Existinq 18 units 28,303 sq. tt.- Proposed no change 176 sq. ft. Site Coverage (max): 37,235 sq. ft. (35%) 12,205 sq. ft. (1 1%f no change* Setbacks (min): Front: Side: Side: Rear: North: South: West: East: 20tr. 20ft. 20ft. 20 ft. Residential Residential Open Space 21 tt. 7.6 ft. 3.6 ft. 165 ft. 16 ft. no change no change no change ' per Community Development Department files t' "covered decks' are counted as site coverage VII. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Current Land Uses Zonino ERWSD Utilities Eagle County Jurisdiction Two-Family Residential District Two-Family Residential District Natural Area Preservation District VIII. REVIEW CRITERIA The Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the following factors with respect to a variance application: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The applicant is proposing to construct an addition in the same manner (i.e. design, building materials, paint colors, etc.) as numerous other units of the Booth Falls Mountain Homes. Therefore, Staff believes the proposed addition will have an architecturally and aesthetically compatible relationship ' to the other units of the Booth Falls Mountain Homes. The existing deck is a roofed structure that is already considered to be site coverage. Therefore, this proposed addition will not affect the site coverage or landscape area development rights of the other owners of the Booth Falls Mountain Homes. The proposed addition to Unit 1 is located directly adjapent to the Booth Falls Road righfof-way. This addition is not located directly*adjacent to another unit of the Booth Falls Mountain Homes or a neighboring property owner. Therefore, Staff does not believe the requested variance will adverqely affect the development rights (i.e. building separation requirements, etc.) of any neighboring property owners, in comparison to existing conditions. The proposed addition will add bulk and mass to the existing building within the setback. However, Staff believes the existing deck is already perceived as bulk and mass since the deck is covered by the main roof of the building and framed by columns that extend from grade to the roof. Staff believes the proposed enclosure of this existing deck will have less visual impact to adjacent properties than other possible additions to this unit. 2.The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. The applicant is proposing to construct a deck enclosure addition in the same manner (i.e. design, building materials, paint colors, etc.) as numerous other units of the Booth Falls Mountain Homes. The north end of this proposed deck enclosure complies with the required 20 foot setback; however, the south end of this enclosure encroaches 3.29 feet into the setback due to the configuration of the existing building on the site as it relates to the alignment of the property boundaries and Booth Falls Road right-of-way. The proposed addition will be 88.5 sq. ft. of new GRFA on each story (i.e. two stories for a total of 177 sg. ft.). As proposed, 26.5 sq. ft. of the addition on each story (i.e. 53 sq. ft. total) will be constructed within the setback. This is equivalent to 30% of the proposed addition. Staff does not believe constructing a deck enclosure addition on the west side of Unit 1 in strict compliance with the setback requirements would be physically practical, nor aesthetically desirable. Therefore, Staff believes the requested degree of relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of the setback regulations is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among units at the Booth Falls Mountain Homes. Since the applicant is proposing to construct this deck enclosure addition in the same manner as numerous other units of the Booth Falls Mountain Homes and a similar setback encroachment was approved by the Town of Vail for Unit 4, Staff does not believe approval of this variance request will be a grant of special privilege. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. While the proposed addition is located adjacent to the Booth Falls Road right- of-way, it will not be located any closer to the street than the eisting deck structure. Therefore, Staff does not believe this ,proposal will have a significant impact on the public health, safety or wHfare, public facilities, utilities, or light and air, in comparison to existing conditions, Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. In 1993, a similar deck enclosure was constructed at Unit 4 of the Booth Falls Mountain Homes that encroaches approximately 4 feet into the required 20 foot setback. Although this addition to Unit 4 did not receive Planning and Environmental Commission approval of a setback variance, this addition was approved by the Town of Vail. 3. 4. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department remmmends approval, with conditions, of a variance from Section 12-6F-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code; to allow for a residential addition within the setback, pursuant to Ghapter 12-17, Yaiances, Vail Town Code, located at 3094 Booth Falls Road, Unit 1 (Booth Falls Mountain Homes), and setting forth details in regard thereto. This recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this'variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: "The Planning and Envircnmental Commission approves the applicant's reguest for a variance from Secfbn 12-6F-6, Setbackg Vail Town Code; to allow for a residential addition within the sehack, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, located at 3094 Booth Falls Road, Unit 1 (Booth Falls Mountain Homes), and sefting forth details in regard thereto; subject to the following condition: 1. This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval for the related design review application." Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: "The Planning and Envircnmental Commission /?nds; 1. The granting of this variance will not constitute a granting of special privilege inqonsistent with the limitations on other propedrbs c/asslfed in the Low Density Multiple-Family (LDMF) District, since the applicant is proposing to construct this deck enclosure addition in the same manner as numetous other units of the Booth Falls Mountain Homes and a similar setback encroachment was approved by the Town of Vail for Unit 4 of the Booth Falls Mountain Homes. 2. The granting of this variance will not be detrimental to thtepubtic heatth, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity since the proposed addition will be in the same location as an existing deck structure. 3. This variance is warranted for the following reasons.' a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, due to the configuration of the existing building on the site as it relates to the alignment of the property boundaies and Booth Falls Road ight-of- way. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the vaiance that do not apply generally to other properties in the Low Density Multiple-Family (LDMF) District due to the configurafion of the existing building on the site as it relates to the alignment of the property boundaries and Booth Falls Road right-of-way. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the Low Density Multiple-Family (LDMF) District since the applicant is proposing to construct this deck enclosure addition in the same manner as numerous other units of the Booth Falls Mountain Homes." X. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Applicant's Request C. Boothfall's Homeowner's letter of approval D. Architectural Plans E. Photographs F. Public Notice Attachment: A Attachment B KATIE AND MIKE B OONE 7266 SOUTH BOULDER ROAD BOUDLER, CO 80303 303-499-2434 Angu"t 8,2005 Planning and Environmental Commission 75 South Fronage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Application for zoning variancg Booth Falls Mountain Homes Unit #1 Dear Members of the Planning Commission: Thank you in advance for considering our need fot a zoning vadance for the west deck enclosure at our Booth Falls tovm home in East Vail. We look forward to u/orking with you to provide whatever is needed to complete the process of application and approval. We are very er<cited about our prof ect as we have lived in the unit for many years and had hoped to one day to be able to make improvements to unit. We have plans to enclose several decks and make other imorovements which we feel will enhance value and appearance of the unit. The Booth Falls HOA has encouraged and approved of our plans. Hopefi-rlly, with your approval we will be able to underuke this project soon. It has been a pleasure to workwith Bill Gibson through the Desrgn and Plan review process. He has been very helpfirl in assisting us to understand what is needed for the zoning variance. We hope everything is in good order and look forward to meeting you. If for atry r€ason you need to contact us please call 303- 577-042. Katie and Mike Boone RE: Requested Variance from Vail Town Code: Setbacks - Section l2-6:f-6 Property Address: Booth Falls Mountain Homes 3094 Booth Falls Road Unit #l Description of Nature of the Variance: Pursuant to Vail Town Code 12-17-1 through 8 (Variances), a variance is requested in order to enclose an existing deck located on tlre west side of the unit #l Booth Falls Mountain Homes. A comer of the west deck extends into the 2Gfoot setback required by Vail Town Code l2-6F-6. The planned west deck enclozure is an integral part of a package of enclosures and improvements to the unit. These enclosures are improvements that have been encouraged and recommended by the Booth Falls Homeowners Association. The Town of Vail Design Review Board has already approved planned deck enclosures and improvements, on the south and north side of the unit. The Design Review Board's approval ofthe west deck enclosure requires the grant ofthis requested variance. The west deck enclosure requires building a two-story wall including a foundation that is 16 by 5 feet. This enclosure exists within the current footprint of the building and roofline. The west deck extends into the 20-foot setb4ck in a pie shaped section 16 feet long by 3.29 f@t wide. (See attached exhibit.) In total the west deck enclozure encroaches 24.46 square feet within setb A strict irtterpretation of Vail Town Code l2-6F-6 would require building the enclosure diagonal$ along the set back. Attempting to construct an exterior wall and foundation diagonally along the setback beneath the existing roofline would present construction difficulties and visual unsightliness. In this case we feel that the literal interpretation of the regulation results in practical difficulty inconsistent with the objectivegrof the title. Precedent exists within the Booth Falls Mountain Homes complex for a deck enclosure within the 20' setback. (Unit #4) There is no variance application on record for this enclosure. Consideration should also be given to the fact that when the Boothfalls Mountain Homes were built in 1973, several of the other units were constructed with living spaces within in the setback. (Units #3, 5, 10, 13 and 1S) in the vicinity The west deck enclosure is consistent with improvements encouraged by the Booth Falls Homeowners Association. Eleve,n owners have constructed a total of 25 deck enclosures. One additional owner is awaiting permit to begin his deck enclosures. As stated above these enclosures are improvements that have been encouraged and recommended by the Booth Falls Homeowners Association. We have no reason to believe that granting this variance would in any way be detrimental to the public healttr, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. In conclusioq these points lead us to feel that a strict interpretation and enforcement of the 20-foot setback regulatioq l2-6F-6, would be inconsistent with the purpose and objectives of the Vail Town Code Setbacks. Granting of this variance does not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties within the Booth Falls Mountain Townhomes association. ,!J tn io x+ts :0 sq!it')\l =F E 3 -| *tI \l { \F 7 f E 3 x trl d :o o '2. 5 Y 3 {,b 7 ) }| P E o j I f {. € rrt F r ,".*'*.-".'".-..*.".,.-"J Attachment: C Boothfalls Mountain Homes Susan Fritz Prcsidcnt Tom Talbot Secretor7, Treosutcr Gray Rubiu Boaril Mctts'cr Dee Wisor Boonl Membcr Craig Ansfield Board Member August 4,2005 Dear Michae[ The Boothfalls Homeowner's Board ofDirectors has met and approved of yow plans to snclose tlre west deck facing Boothfalls Road, including improvements to the common area with the following conditions: l. You must do as much a possible to match exiting the buildings. 2. Windows must be aluminum clad with dark bronze exterior finish. 3. Siding shall be 6" rough saw cedar and run vertically. 4. Stain and trim shall match existing colors. 5. You seek and receive all necessary approval fromthe Town of Vail. In addition you understand and agree that any improvements made in a common area are the responsibility of the individual horneowner to maintain and that you will hold the Association harrrless from any liability associated with this improvement. The Association is in favor ofthe architectural aspects ofthis project. Other deck enclosures have visually improved the overall appearance ofthe buildings. Unfortunately 30 years ago your building wat laid out with ttle deck encroaching into an easement by approximately 24 square feet. As this somewbat unsightly foot print hq.s existing for over 30 years we believe granting a variance and enclosing this deck will be argreat improvement Sincerely, President, Boothfalls Mountain Homes 3094 Boothfalls Road, Yail, CO 81657, PO Bor 3094 \rail, Co B1658, 9?0-4?6'5843 Attachment D \ -..u -r lb\2".€L6tl lL a" AFV. R4Ar-\- Boolrc Rftlde!|c. RrEodcl 3094 Booth Fellr Rord' #l VdL Colorrdo t1557 Bcth Lcvirc, Arthitccq bs P.O. Bor 1t25 Avoo' CO. 81620 (90) 9264993 (Phone) 19?0) 925-2993 (Fu) Shccl No. Pr8,e 4'lz'o€ 6* l.l tp-ll o4 l'-?tl lb'-zt) l'?'- ll u vt lN I ?l sr 94L llu Doone Rcrldcrcc Rcmo&l 3094 Bootb Frllr Rord, dl V8il, Colorsdo 81657 -Beth Lrvilc, lrcUitoct, Inc- P.O. Bor 1825 Avoq CO. E1620 (9?0) 96-4993 (Phoue) (970) 926-2993 (Fcx) €)zE 4,2 b'll.e5 Sh3lt No. Prgc lbt,ztl = N I {-- 24t.4tl tlt-Orl Boo!€ R€ld.EG Bsodel 3091 Booti Fdb Rord' #r . VrlL Colorrdo 81557 B€th Lcvire, Architcct' Iltc. P.O, Bor lE25 evoo, CO.-81620 (970) 9264993 thoue) (90) 9262993 @u) Sbclt No. ' P.8!4t2.4 d,+ 0'lt a6 Boo!3r ReridGtrc. E.|lodcl 30948octh,fdL Rer4 #l Vd{ Cdon& t1657 Beth Lsvbf, Atghllcct, I!c. P.O, Bor lt25 Avon. CO. t1620 (970) 92G499!t (Phonc) o7olYlf-.?lXn Grrl 4'l7.aS E'1..+ /?.ll o= Sho€t No. Prgc Boqn. Rc.idoocc RGBodal 3094 Booth Fdlr Lord, #l Vsll, Colorrdo tI657 Betb LcYhe , Arshitoct, Irc, P,O. Bor 1825 Avoq CO. 81@0 (970) 926-4993 @honc) (970) 9G2993 (Frr) 4lLag o*5 -bl a? Sh€ct No. Prgc q t$ L\ lb t\ ls t6 \ \\I Bootre RerldeDcc RGEodel . 3O94 Booth Frlb Rord' fl Vq , Colondo 81557 Beth Levbc, Architect, Ilc' P,O. Bsr ltIl5 Avoq CO, 81620 (970) 9264993 (Phone) (9?0) 92&2tYi (Fsx) 4tz os 6{-. (? lslla€ Sheet No. Prge 1'r .r$ pts.lLptt Boouc R'|Holce Reoodd 309,1Booah Fr& nord' ff Vdlr Celondo 81657 Bctb Lovlnq Architogq lac' P.O. Bor 1t25 Avoa, CO, t162ll (970) ql6-{93 (Pho!c) (970) 92G2993 (Flr) Shtct No, PrsP la.?e5 611 b 1l'a6 'E'-d, I ll''e" |JbD 4tkrv VoLGPIA w*1t* trW,?\-@?-WDVa* ,7\PA^] -. /4- l'-d' Boolc Rgidencc Rcoodcl 3094 Booth Fdlr Rord' #l Vrll, Colondo t1657 Bcth LcYbg Architcat' Ile P.O. Bor lE25 Avon, CO. E1620 (9?0) 926-{993 (Pbotre) (970) 92G2993 Grx) 6tZ4 I a ,a.g b'Z'oS a.tl'a€ Sheet No.Prsr A Et(s" b ll'' 7"lbL?,' %'-n" rcJJ#Pt\€A8:( ?htg-' t Nal wqel+ffi\*' t#bND fIrcP Wo?FA Booqc Roddclcc Roaodol 3{l!l.l Boclh Frllr Ba4ll Vril Colorrdo 8f657 Bcth I4Yitrc" Archiaecl. IDq P.O, Bor ltilS AvoD, CO. El62ll (970) 96.{993, (Phonc) (970) 926293(rrl) Shcct No,Pesc AZ -J wqlg? Y,7' f*\9C ?@"- VgeTa'+6P BooD. Rtddclct Rcdod.l 'i1044 Boorh lr||r Ror4 #r Vrll, Colondo t1657 ,t L."io* A**t' tt. P,O. Bor|1825 Avon, CO.81620 (970) 92&{993 (Pbonc) (9?0) 92629Y3 (Fu) Sbc.tNo, Prgc I'tz'"a 6 lb'a€ U' 6,a5 4/.tl'a'6 P? -L.v N$rr aEW4Til - ?k?ot@ Eoolc nrdddrcr RrEedol 'ioOl roco nrur 1".4 *r \Irll, Cobttdo flfas? BGtblrvilG, Archiaecq Inc. PJo, Eor 1&15 Avon, CO. tl6il0 (970) 926-1993 (PhoDC) (970) 92G2993 GrI) 6'l? 05 6.tn 06 b'/'a4 atl.a5 Shco[ No.Prsc 4 Qvil (LeV 5l\at-[ - Pf-o lh,el;-1ffil,-at- Boone Roddclco lonodd 3()D48oot& Frll, Ror4 ill Vrll. Colondo S1657 Beth L€vi|rc, Atchitocq lns P.O. Bor trttrS Avon, GOi &!620 (9?O) 926.{Pnt' (Phorc) (9?0) 926.2999 (Frr) 4,1?6 5,ln.d5 u'?,o1 b'l1o> Shecl No.prsc N i BooEG Rtri&Dc. R.Eodcl . 309ll Boo$ DrJb Ro.d' ,tl VelL Cobrrdo t1657 B.a! Lerilc' Arcbit€ca' trlc- PS.ha$r5 AYon Cg;6it620 (fi0) 92G4993 (Phonc) (970) 9261993 (Fu) Sheet No. PTgC N? Hhraf bltqrNb Ubtffi Doorc ReridcDcc Rcnodcl 3ell Booth Frlh Ror4lll VdL Colondo E1557 BGth Lcvitre, Arcrhitcct' IDc. P.O, Bor 1825 Avon, CO.81620 (970) 929993 (Phore) (970) 92G293 (Fer) Shert No. Psgc b,b,a5 a.ll'og BOOTH FALLS TO IT l DECK I a- I I -l 0.1 3' ENCROACHMENT EXISTING DECK TO BE ENCLOSED UNIT 1 EXIST'ING BUILDING UNIT 2 --l I 3.2e' ENCRoACHMEN T I I I t__ 20'SETBACK -------- - BOOTH FALLS COURT BOOTHFALLS TOWNHOUSE UNIT I DECK COI.]NTYOFEAGLE STATE OF COLORADO BENCHMARK ENGINEERING SERVICES P.O. BOX 4619 775 CHAMBERS AVENUE, B2O1 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 (e7o) 328-2111 FAX (s70) 32a-?l13 - EX|-t \gIT I Bobne Residence Remodel 3094 Booth Falls Road, #1 Vail, Colorado 81657 Attachment E Beth Levine, Architect, Inc. P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO.81620 (970) 926-4993 (Phone) (970) 926-2993 (Fax) Sheet No. Page A-e\l,r<'l1crj.-l " #sf '..,J Boo4e Residence Remodel 3094rBooth Falls Road, #1 Vailr Colorado 81657 Beth Levine, Architect, Inc. P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO.81620 (970) 926-4993 (Phone) (970\ 926-2993 (Fax) Sheet No. Page €-,;tEUftnDrJ Lgv/rnoF{ Boone Residence Remodel 3094 Booth Falls Road' #1 Vailo Colorado 81657 Beth Levine, Architect, Inc. P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO.81620 (910\ 926-4993 (Phone) (970)926-2993 (Fax) Sheet No. Page Attachment: F THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-35, Vail Town Code, on September 12, 2005, at 2:00 pm consideration of: A request for a final review of a variance fro ils in regard thereto. Planner: Bill Gibson A request for final review of a final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-4, Minor Subdivisions, Vail Town Code, to allow for the subdivision of the Conference Center development site; final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-9C-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a public convention facility and public parking facilities and structures; and final review of architectural deviations, pursuant to Section 8.3.3.A, Review Criteria for Deviations to the Architectural Design Guidelines for New Development, Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, to allow for a public convention facility and public parking facilities and structures, located at 395 East Lionshead Circle/ Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Lionshead Filing 1, Lot 3 and 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 2, and . setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Town of Vail, represented by Pylman & Associates, Inc.Planner: BillGibson A request for a correction to the Vail Land Use Plan to designate the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Area, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Town of Vail Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a text am'endment, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Vail Town Code; to Section 12-2-2, Definitions, to define the term "Time-Share Units" and to amend Section 12€H-3, Conditional Uses, High Density Multiple-Family (HDMF) District; Section 12-74-3, Conditional Uses, Public Accommodation (PA) District; Section 12-7H-4, Permitted and Conditional Uses, Second Floor and Above, Lionshead Mixed Use 1 (LMU-1) District; and Section 12-71-2, Permitted and Conditional Uses, Basement or Garden Level, and Section 12-71-3, Permitted and Conditional Uses, First Floor or Street Level, Lionshead Mixed Use 2 (LMU-2) District, to replace the terms "fractional fee clubs", "fractional fee club units", "timeshare estate units', "fractional fee units", and "timeshare license units" with the term "time-share units", and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: George Ruther The applications and infotmation about the pro'posals are available for public inspection during ofiice hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 97047*2138 tor additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970- 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published August 26, 2005, in the Vail Daily. tr Rezoning $1300 tr Major Subdivision $1500 E Minor SuMiiision $650 tr Exemption Plat $650 E Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000 tr New Sp€cial Development Distict $6000 tr Major Amendment to an SDD $6000 E MajorAmendmenttoan SDD $1250 (n exterior modifiatiorc) Variance Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Ds/elopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.47 9.2L39 tax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must building permit application. Please refer to tfre submittal requirements for th nn application for Planning and Environmental Commission revievv cannot be is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Toln Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: $6s0 $400 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 E Conditional Use Permit tr FloodplainModification tr Minor Exterior Alterauon tr Major Exterior Alteration E Development Plan E Amendment to a Development Plan tr Zoning Code Amendment !( Variance tr Sign Variance I Location of Prcposal: ts-'rr* F l +Physical Address: parcel No.: ZtO tOZ3o 2. o Ol (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 parcel no.) zoning: Lpt) bDoarT! l{rrLTl PLE F.ilrt]ut Name(s) of Owler(s): rt Name of APPlicant X#nG Eaolrle MaifinsAddress: IaVO,toufll Sora,orad' e8 WOAn-rlO UOgo3 phone: 3o3 - Ft?-O64? tt trr rZ- Mailing Address: E-mail Address: FECIAUG.'82005 JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN IPPROVAL LETTER I, (print name ) f,tn€ S Boale description) , a joint owner of property located at (address/legal lbrte Et t;a-ocX-r+L provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated ich have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: Erlr-r,osrrl€ oF t"le3f W cX- .66 Aoo ecr*r*>oee, ' Be|-oo ttt:] NEsr bgc#. I fufther understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. sf e Ios (Date) Pase2 of 6-04128/04 . ijlq'r]!- I -.rrr'n)t ,3t,'n.1;I'.rAT(,t'.o.ti .-'.'ii Tpcril ' T'e.lD n] ..rt*\ I l: o.^: i,r-c{] kru cS lPcS- -ttt J-.1 #l rll rt: . : ,1 "'-r b -r irJ:r..;=..'2 g. o r rt..:- ,[^qo-if ttg .:vJrbl.ii. 11 -'{1 aJ l?rr...i ']1 Jsc.:cli-]i] .11:;.r,-7 tr.r&,i gH; Cr('-13€ :'s|iri,rr-r-:!4iJ O&fL -:n ,;r lF Application for a Variance Submittal Requirements GENERAL INFORMATIOT Variances may be granted in order to prevent or to lessen such practjcal dlfficulties and unnecessary physlcal hardships as would result from the strict interprebtion and/or,enforcement of the zoning regulations inconsistent with the development objectives of the Tovn of Vail. A practrcal difficulty of unneessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the locatlon of existing structures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vlcinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate viclnity. Cost or inconvenience to tie applicant of strict or libral compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS Fe€: $500.00 Stamped, addressed envelop€s and a list of the properq ouvners adjacent to the subject proPerty, including properties behind and asoss steets, The list of property owners shall indude the olvners' name(s), conesponding mailing address, and the physlcal address and legal descdption of the property owned by each. The applicant is responsible for correct names and mailing addresses. This information is available from the Eagle County Assessot's omce. tr ,{ fffrU. n pOrt, including Scfredules A & B ,KWtitt* appronal from a condominium agsociation.landlord, and ioint owner. if applicable. /ft I written descdption of the nature of the variance tequested and the specific rcgulation(s) involved, including an explanation of why the variance is required and why the suict or literal interpretauon of the specific regulation(s) would result in a physical hardship or practical difficlffy. , ! a *nitt"n statement addressing the followingl ' a. The relauonship of the requested variance to other existjng or potential uses and structures in the vicinity, b. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interprebtion and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of beatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of tiis title without grant of special privilege, c. The efrect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, tsafnc facilities, uulities, and public safety.d. How the request complies with adopted Town of Vail planning policies and development objectives. I( starp"a fopographic suwey (Four complete s€lts of plans). tr rxisttng and proposed site and Grading ptans (Four complet€ s€ts of plans). -No Ql/OlN1 OC4)4Nq ,{ eri"tlng and Proposed Architectural Elevations (Four complete sets of plans). { fxistins and Proposed Architectural Floor Plans (Four complete sets of plans). All plans must also be submitted in 8.5" x 11' rcduced format. These are required for the Planning and Environmental Commission members' Informauon packets. fi AAaitionat lrlatedal: The Mministrator and/or PEC may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specificationt ' - samples and other materials if deemed necessary to properly waluate the proposal. I have r€ad and understand the above listed submittal rcquirements: Project Name: Applicant Date Signed: Page3 of 6-04128/04 %p€'. hlEsr DEc{- €NcwtgoeE TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement Statenent Nunber: RO5OOO1248 Anrount: $500.00 O8/O8/2OOSL2:13 PM Payment Method: check Init: Lc Notation: *143?/MrCHAEI., BOOIiIE Permit No: PEC050055 fype 3 PEC - Variance Parcel No: 2101-023 -0200-1 Sitse Addrese: 3094 BOOTH FALLS Ct vAIt Locat,ion: 3094 BOOTH FAI,LS ROAD #1 Total FeeE: 5500. oo Thia Palment: $500.00 Total ALrr ltnEa: $500.00 Balance: $0. oo *++****+++++r+++t*****++++****++++*****++*******f***+++*+********t**++*********f,1**++*++f++* ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account code Description Currenu Pmtss PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES 500,00 I I't 510113 38 I.OT CONDO ITNIT 1 ' ..:-.: -'., oP vIRGINrt, 'gOrnXlT OP EBTRTC! THE BX A}T OP sAr FOREGOING REOUEST FOR RSI.EISB IIAS BER'RB MB ON FEBRTIARI 23. 7999 BI,IADE.S A'SSISTAI T VICE PREiIIIDENT ISAEILIIA A)(EI'SOIr, ASS.ISTAIIT SECRETARY OF A!{ERTCA, FSB, A PEDERAIJ EAT{K. EI(PIRES; -99 A}N]K OP AII,TSnICA PCI EOX 26380 RICHIiPND, VA 23235 i [$l,lp,!',&,":,#Fll-,u[$F.||||iiii' 00a0742636 OF DEED OF TRUST AIiID RELEASE B@NE 07-12-93 07 - 19- 93 OP PROPERTY: BITOCK: ION: BOOIB FIL&S lilOOrTArN HOl.lES TO E PUBLTC TRU9TEB OF &AGT.8. TTT PITBIJIC TRUSTEB Ip wnlCll THE ABOI/B DEED OF TRUST @ltrrgrg SAID 'PROPERTY, ) PI,BESE EI(ECI TE TIIIS R.ELEASE, AS TI{E D$ESg IIAS BEEN FI'IJJY PAID AT|D/OR THE TERT|IS NiID ONS OF TIIE TRUST IIAVE BEEN F(N,LY SATISFIED. OF AMERICI, FSB, A EEDERAL SAVfNGS BAIK, OF TRUgr (IJBSDER ) VICB. PRESIDETT A.SS9I TElfT TCr: (PAGE 2) REIJEASB OF DEED OF TRUST KNOW N,IJ MEN, TIIAT TITE ABOVE REFERENCED GR,AI{TOR(S), BY DEED oi-rnbsr, coiwEYED cenrern REAIJ PRoPERTr DESCRTBED rx sArD nseo or inusr, To TIG puglrc 13UST8E OF TIIE couN:rY REFtsRENCED AEovE,-r[ lItB Stlre op mr,onnpo ro BE HBID rN TRIIST To sEc{'RE nIB Firvr.mr oF TIrE TNDEBTEINEsg REPBRRED ?o THERETN' t|ow THEREFoRE, AT TI|E HRII:nB!' REQI'EST oF TIIE I,BGAIJ IIoI.,DER oF THE SATD UTOESIEDNBSS, A\TD IN CoIISIDER,ATION OF I'HE PREUISES fgS pa1t@IT op nre-irirrtTgRY SIil, RECEIPT oP riltlcH Is HEREBy AcxlloFr.EDGED'I'AsTI|BPgBI..TcTRUSTEEINTIIECU,NTYFIRST nEF.ERENCE Aiovb, Do HERBay REttIgE, RBLEASB AI.ID QITITCIAIU inriO -nii-pnr5Eli5'1 O1gyER OR 9DNERS OF SAID REAI, PRoPERfr, Al[D ngrorggHErRs,succEssoRtlA}fDASSIGNSOPsltcllowNEROR orornns FOREITER; eIJ, nrs RIGHIT, TrTLE AND rNrERBs:r nHICH r rrw- UTuDER DND BY VIR4IEN AFoRESATD-D9P 9l Ey9T-II rrE-REAI EsrArE ossq4@lffifqp' T9 IlyA$P^rg iglP;1n seun, Crrrr er,r, nui-ffi7CEFS\4PfgLEP[q99.5HEREslrro s-ErrilcrNc FoREVER; #$ttrlRnrsn'felP !qR!qI-{*!I llP essor,t rELv REr;EAsE, ffqqN@E'fp f.'SF\rER' DTScIIARGE sArD DEED OF TRUET. C TRUSTEE POBI,IC TRUgBEE !'IATE OT CCIIRIDO'Cd'IITf OF EAGrl Trc loiEomrc lsr Dclrr WAs AEFX'WT.EGED EER'rl \.E ('. 6''I'' Er rEllY scf,,t,. Ar qErlttt rE .E r rsrEoFE cr cqrrrY corcnrDo ot tt,U DlrELY oo}trlsrlttlltctlls |AS ACTNO}TI,B]DGED BEFORE MB ON rTE) BY -6ffie6Fffi. @xprREs OF Ncrre AND osEf,ttP RECEIVED BY PU1sl;KCD oo40742635 ruru|llllrJf uu!ruljlHll]|ruf l 2 .J 2 t tl.O D l.I I t-t Erlr O0 -lL o o9 g6 FTL (! c! oc!cc EiI oo ocD o6 == =o6 v o -9 Io<rt<cr+s NO qqqqqrg9:!99!X ()oooooooo ooooooooo dt.t(x*_-sEltoqldlllto|IlcttD EEEEEorNotNcrrGtotNcrl idiEE6EEEEEEEEE JJJJJJJJJ .= (.l c: c) d) $t N rrl c! or na <rr <rt N c.E rF F tF T5 g P B g g P P g P g P P P 49========F'='==.:'E> iL ir iL ir iI E iE iI iI iI E iI iI fl,o o c, o q cr o o o o o o o c)1= q q' cD c! o cD o ED o ED o cD rt j( .:l, 6 .! .E 6 6 q @ dt .ir 6 6 6 d E5 ll 6 oo o rs (u .E 6 6 (E 6 (E 6 0 6 €JO 6g g-FTL ,F F F fr # E E E E 3 E l g g nrrrrE.e,eBgt26i g# * € E E * E f # # E { E E ErL lL tL 5 = lL = = lL lL ? + .c E f;E E E s n E E E E E E E E H ,;o cr tr! >f||?Eg2glOoOOoO()Tl)lf)f8 I I I S I B I P S P I S :- (!, (., G, fi' dl, (o (v) Gt (rt G, ct c, ct (ll' E gEFEgF}IgFggFFg gFIFgEFEg$EE*gfugI t/t gEp,rr=e i€ E = =o E E €e H Edf P 6 f; s 6 IEEE g I q F E P ; E E F F - F 5I E 2 I 3 Es=Esr Eia E-EEE g E = E s s E F eE E fi E p F F F 5 E E E ,E q : fi s E : E € E E E $ E E t E E q EE F E P o 3 = F i E-EE E E E .P d E E E E E g E E E .H E S F C{ G) !f |.' 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THUR FRI ili.; .'\ ,{ 1-.t .4 ,/,.,^.,: ,'v,'r. r LJ APP ROV E D I-J UPON THE CORRECTIONS ! orsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORFECTIONS: n nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR tNsPECTrilt FTEOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE"., .,' ,',..'.' , . . .', ' ,',',JCIBNAME ,i TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER E ornen TUE n pnnrtnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI E eppRovED )EIorsAPP RovE D E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: ,Fl nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR DATE TIME lNsPEcTlC.t TOWN OF necerveo ,:i' nut PM CALLER ..., '' " FIEBUESiT VAI L I orHen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrtal LOCATION I"TUE,. READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ..EApp RovE D D uporu rre CORRECTIONS ! orsappRovED FOLLOWI NG COR BECTIONS: D nerNSPEcr DATE 'tt't' INSPEGTIC\'FlEEUEST TOWN o F VAIL ,,'1 : CALLER E orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrral.LOCATION READY FOB INSPECTION WED THUR FRI ., AM,PM .El,appRovED .. EJ uporu THE FoLLowrNG ! orsnppRovED CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE tNsPECTrilr FIEBUEST TOWN OF VAIL TIME REcErvEo , . Aru put cALLER E orxen MON COMMENTS: 'G WED THUR FRI fl penrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION AM PMJ E nppRovED f]otsnppRovED fl nerNSPEcr El uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS Town of Vail F'T,NCTRICAL PMMIT 276 s........-.--...-.........-.- Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 76 N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation .,OB SITE DURING CONSTRUGTION 2I HOI.'RS AI}VAI\ICE NONCE REQI,'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS rxa o. F. l!rarrr. a!., orlrvaa 4r0.52 I fr /" tn_ Permit Ntr. 000225 Lrc. No. Ltc. No. Llc. No. Meter Size ,4 x $3fi).00 = Amount Date Paid UAIL WATER AIID SAi{ITATIOI{ DISTRICT TTAIER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT NAME OF JOB NUMBER OF UNITS Date Billed 'fr;::::,.J!W, GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water TAP PERMIT WI LL NOT BE ISSUED UNTI L TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID ]N FULL. Bldg. Dopt. - White; - Wat€r 6nd Sanitation - Gre.n; - Public Work.-Can6ry; - Contractot - Pink; - Accounting - Goldenrod o r .,' -(-'.-',,i; _.-_V_\l..lZ-._.___- J.. )i;:s . 1 .,...J:) L . .2t':cl ' 31:rl l-'. -r i. Toj.l-c:';, Ur j-ir;r)., or lJc::;)r,':cir-l Jlcsicl::;';-{-al )i 0"'i 5 - 'r) ll -.. 'l ^r-- ,l!i) (. 7.t:t) S:.ii t*"--- tl'[i] Cc:;;r-i c:'c i. a.'l-X J...t,0:' S)ror..'t:1.. o;: Tr)b :.1 .L..5[] :: -- Ice li:c):',-l:cs ): () .2ii -. .1ir-,1 a1)(l l.'a'Le'r. fo ;rta:.ns >: 0 .25 :: l+ tli jj':. r; .!. !-. L 2trcl .J i:.o_ rl'i:ir S;rtt:i ll''::0.2s :i tr..J_-.*__-ilas 2ncl 3r.d It-ii)3.00 ::ao ,l. Ur::i I ' .l- ()'i: / lJtl Roonts ( Livin g rocxs r !.i.r.';L iJ c: d:.r.) o.,:.: or;i ^o=:_--.,,.. ) v_ _ *\.eJ ?4tlr ------:- Sho:rs Q.-,.,!i^-\ :r I Ofl = I,OO r| l)-.-|J r l, (1, ) 1c<-.r. r) ! ., ' lncl 3 :'d Itth - ---'. -' K.itclrens .ricsiclcnt j.al x 2. S)0 = .-__-: Dis:hi'as)rcr- s' 1 nA = --"- at J..vV - 5 r:-.r a trclJ. " I a{II; L 2rrd '------- . Xitc|,::irs Cor,';rct cial '' ): 2. S0 ::.j)..ct Di lltr..,.r sirc n >: I . 0 0 :: ---rr ).lns -< l] :t s .'l;rrl 3rrl lt t]: ],ij ir( 13. I i l.q I I \C LO D:rs lsi: 2t<\ 3r'ri ll "u ir (rr :j.lltr t!;lir::- ( l; .' : ri;r'.: rn o i c-,:-r c ) (iu'J,ji(lc Sirl':i nil J.crs iiri'. liosc Cabinc';s ..')' Cr>t;,;;rct'c j'aI ashcr''): ?.00 ?: :r:00 !' >r 0.33 = )1 1.00 = lja s .l- s'E 2i,'.) 3::.1 ll'ulr Selvice Sta'ui-on x30.00 = x 5.00 =' St.'iir:ri.ng Po'o1 Conve:rt io:r Cc:lric:r ))e]- ite:-'s otr tl 0.1-$ :' T(rT.riL, )'Ofi]TS :1.() . tt tl J.,c,:i;:t s = 'Ic-i;al. Urri'Ls 0tr l"i:i:it >. $3C ,o l. I t.. i. I !. I I I I I I t' i . . Doa.:.'cl of Di: ecto: :: ' VaiI \'l;t'uer and Sanitation 'll i c*r'. -l ni .00 =(j ]. 4 cn'.: i,al- a:': cl .l.jfy_!_ -r-rJ'ri:D [, L.il(: u\r,..;.,r-\: r -LL/r,r: r'. ^:-.-:,-.:-.i:..---i, __, r .:_...,.{jn..r:,r , n}:.,,s_i c.-r ]_ .ll- ccr::::;clcj-a11- stt:uct',r::rs r 'tire Dj-s i:':!'c:'l slra ll itll::ltt.-i i:i':1,:':";^' i'J:'i-": L'!\"" toY' ai:d sr:"ren l':ip rcc' ai'ld ?'::te ],,t as:;t.ss;e i alcco:-diirg to thc ll^. .--,-^ -,-.,,,c--!.:r 3":r,li,ir",-Ir")i'n.ii..i, ira-ll',, li:,r'r-:-ci-s,i;r'r-i't:rI:-::l]1-.1:j:::i;r'-;r':'cri ;,::;::;;i ;;, il;';;iiiii.i_ t-p re.c r>ai<r. rirjs: rnc?""1.:::..s]-,.r1-t- Jltii-:r:.J J(r- rv .r-.r "t-io .;"-rl;.r:linc tl:e l:uilci-i-Irg, oit:re:lrs l''atcr a.nci seiter- scrJlc(1 chalge. -t- rl -tg q q -,{ -*- F'tt I \- \ -I 3Kr 5i$i ( R-,, ('l*l t --- oe+ abt l'r ?'vNl4 ltdtl --- Nate lalo I6i?" I o_A_ _rr_ i ' uu't'., L . W -€Jhp<t tal{I 2t;4Y;ar- F; 4l - --l l.,,lll i ' rjNrr r'll a-.e-vma\ ll4n 7 i I I'