HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 12 BLOCK 2 LOT 1 BOOTH FALL MOUNTAIN HOMES UNIT 16 LEGAL.pdfaa Design Review Action F orm TOWN OFVAIL Project Namc: Boothfalls Mountain Homes Projcct Dcscription: Dcck cnclosurc and addition of window and door Owncr'. Addrcss and Phone. Steve Prawdzik 15965 W. Ellsworth Place Golden, CO 80401 (9701479-5168 w. (303) 573-0222 Architcct/Contact. Addrcss and Phonc: same Project Stlect Addrcss: 3094 Boothfalls Rd. #17 Lcgal Dcscription: Lot I.' Block 2, Vail Village | 2th Parcel Number: 2102-023-02-0t6 Buildins Name: Boothfalls Mountain Homes Commcnts: Added GRFA: 80 sq. ft. No added site coverage 1,465 sq. ft. of GRFA remaining in Boothfalls Townhomes Board / Staff Action Motion by: nla Action: StaffApproval Seconded by: nla Vote: nla Conditions: All exterior materials must match existing building Town Planner': Allison Ochs Datc: September ll, 1998 DRB Fcc PLc-Paid: $20.00 I. :\EVtTRYONIi\DRB\APPROVAI j9li\PRAWDZIK.WPIt Qucstions? Call thc ,|h'n, Staff at 479-2128 APPLrcArroN FoR DESTGN REvrEw APPRoDUte Recgivg( ltAY 18 19S CENERAL INFORMATION Tl*t "pplt""tt"" is for any Jrrojcct rcqtriring Dcsigrr Rcvicrv approval' Arry projcct rcqtriring design rcvicw nrust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvrcrv approual prior to sibmitting tbr a buiiiiing pcrruit. F'or spccific infonnatiorr. scc thcsub.rullal-. .---:-i-id rcquircr cnts for thc particulaU approval that is rcqucstccl. Ttrc appiication canrrot bc acccptcd until all thc requircd infornratiou is subruittcd. Thc piojcct may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Torvn Courcil and/or thc Planning and Errvironmcntal Conrnrission. Dcsign Rcr;ierv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrntit is issued and constrllction is stnrtcd' DESCRIPTI,ON OF THE REQ TOI]/N OFVAIL B.LOCAI'ION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: I I]LOCK:FILINC: PI.IYSICAL ADDRESS: pARC'EL 4. ^1 o\'b'Ln't')-a'v ZONING:oA5 | NAME OF OWNER(S): MAII.INC ADDRESS: PHONE: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: TYPE OF REVIEIV AND FEE: trt Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a trcw building' O Adtlition - $50 Includcs any addition rvhcrc squirrc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or conrntcrcial building. E Conccptual Rcviov - 4 c. E. F. LJ. l{. Minor Altcration -$20 Iuclurlcs ntinor changcs to brrildrngs and sitc itnprovcnrcnts, such as' rcroofing, painting. tuin,lotu add'itions, landscaping. fcnccs and rctaining walls, ctc. $0 For any application rvhcrc thc applicant rvishcs to nrcct rvith Dcsign Rcvicrv Board to dctcnrrinc whcthcr or not thc projcct gcncrally conlplics with thc dcsign guidclincs. The DRB docs rrot votc on conccptual revicrvs' DRB fccs arc to bc paid at the timc of subrnittal. Latcr, whcn applying for a building pcrnrit, plcasc idcntify the accuratc valuatiou of the projcct. TheTorvn of Vait will adjust thc fec acoordingto the project valuation' PLEASE SUBiVtIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBIVTITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTIITENT OF COMI}TUNITY DEVELOPI!{ENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' vArL. coLoRADO 81657. t LIST OF PROPOSED II1ATERIALS ext 64tt-t - CglQ.B:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Sofljts Windows Windorv Trirn Doors Door'I'ritn lland or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chinrncys. l'rash Enclosttrcs Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting*+ Other + Pleasc specify thc rnanufacturer'S color, nunrber and attach a slnall color chip *+ AIl cxtcrior lighting must nreet thc Town's Lighting Ordinancc l8.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcaseindicatethcnunrbcroffixhrrcsatrdlocationsouaseparatclightingplan. fAeltifycachfixhuetypeandprovide it . t.igt t abovc grade. lunlcns output, luntinous area. and attach a cut shcct ofthe lighting fixtures' Updated 6/97 Botanical Nanrc Conrnton Namc Ouantiry Sizc+ PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION i I TYPE OR METHOD O/F I I I'tr (JK MEI'HOD OF ERO.SION CONTRO/-r swirnming pools,.etc.) please specify. Indicate top and ls rvithin thc front setback i"3 i;;; 'i;;i;;' iiirn, ", +Mininrurn rcq ts for landscaping: Ufiatcd 6D7 MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE.EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS . GENERAL INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations ofa building. Any altcration in rvhich additional building square footage is addcd will require an "additions" application' I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS Photos or sketches which clsafly convey the existing conditions' Photos or sketches which ClCarly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). All relcvant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be uscd. Condominium Association approval (if applicable)' If the intent of thc proposal is not ctearly indicated, the Administator may determine that additional materials arc nccessary for thc rcvicw ofthc application. o TOl'fN OF VAIL icrv applications. approve with certain mod.ifications. Dcsign Rcvierv Board for decision. All staff c follorving typcs of Dcsign Review applications may B. c. Any application for an addition to an exi.sting building that is consistcnnvith thc architcctural dcsign.tnatcrials and colors of the building. and approval has becn rcceived by an authorizcd member ofa condorr nium association. if applicablc: Any application to nrodify an existing buikling that does not significantly changc the existing planes of the building and is gencrally consistcnt with thc architcctural desigu. materials and colors of the building. including. btrt not lirnited to extcrior building finish materials (e.g. stonework. sid;ng. roof tnaterials' paint or stain,)' cxterior lighting. canopics oi awnings, fcnccs. antcnnas. satcllitc dishcs,rvindorvs. skylights. siding' nrinor cotnttrcrcial facatlc improvclrcnts, and other similar modificarions: Any application tbr sitc inrprovenrents or modifications including. but not limitcd to. driveway tnodifications. sitc grading. sitc rvalls. rcnroval or modifications io exisring landscaflng. installation of acccssory structues or rccreational facilities. vt.ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES B. C. If this application rcquircs a scparatc rcvicw by any local. statc or Fcdcral agcncy othcr tha' thc Torvrr of vail. thc application tcc shall bc inclca^sed by s200.00. Examplcs-of such rcvicrv. rnay irlcltrdc. bttt arc not linritcd to: Colorado Dcpartnrcnt or Higt *"y Acccis pcrrnits, Arrrry Corps of Enginccrs 404. ctc. Thc applicant shall bc rcsponsiblc for paying any ch arc in cxccss of50Zo ofthc application fcc. lf. at the applicant,s rcqucst. any for hcaring, causing the matter to bc rc-publishcd. thcn thc cntirc fcc for.such rc- paid by thc appricant. Applications dccrncd by thc Conrmunity Dcvclopnrcnt Dcpartnrcnt to havc desigrr. land usc or other issucs which nray havc a significant illlpact on thc cornnrunity nray rcquirc revic-w by consultants i1 addition to Torvn staft. Should a dctcrmination bc made by thc To,,vn staff that an outside consultant i's nccdcd. thc Corrtrnunity Dcvclopnrcnt Dcpartmcnt rnay hirc thc consultant. Thc Departmcnt shall cstinratc thc atlrount of moncy nc€essary to pay thc consultant and this amount shall be forwardcd to thc Torvri by thc applicant at thetime of filing an application. Expcnses incurred by thc Town in cxccss of thc amount forwarded by thc application shall bc paid to thc Town by thc applicant within 30 daysof notification by the Town. Any cxcess f nds rvitibc rerumcd to tn" "pfticanr upon rcvicrv cornpletion. Updated 6/97 o fuq1 8".IAL lls P"oJ 4r ? V tew o 6t6T vtEW - €ftST vtEw ?LftN l lbl L I t l(' BEDRoon ', uurne>DrcK J _ _- a o o E AST VIE\^/ I J tr*rish nX o Sooril VIE^/ o I I I I I I t- PRo PoSED -t O Soorl* V t ew 1a-- p'---J Ex t5T t^) G I o WEST VIEW 1/- >l +S'+l Ex tslf,l N TFIi] {i.r r I P RoPosED BOOTHFALLS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Susan FriE Presiderl Gerald Greven Treasuret Linda Ansfield Secr€{ary Libby BorE Kathryn Boone Board Member I,lay 5, 1998 Re: Steven Prawdzik Unit l-6, Boothfalfs Mountain llome s Dear Steven, The Boothfalls Mountain llomeolinels Association' hereby give you perrrrission to enclose the upper deck of Boothfalls Unit 16 as outl-ined in the specification attached. Thre A-ssociation continues to be of the opinion that enclosing some of the porches i:nproves the appearance of the whole ptoperty and it is a benefit to all homeowners to upgrade the property. We add these stipulations . That all materials used in new construction blend with lhe existing, r:lits , That the Homeornrners association can not be held in any way lialcl-e for al-terations of the associati-on's alcove described properEy. That you assume all responsibility for the Property you are assr.ming, f rom the condomj-nium association. Homeohrner s Assn. Susan F.rit z President, Booth 3{X}4 Boothfalls Road PO Box 3592 Vail, Colorado 81658 (970)476 5843 12:33pn Frbm: Mike Mollica Subject: Booth Fa1ls Townhomes ===[fQff,===============5 / 0I/99-10 : 4 0am==\Tusb a reminder--Although there is a TOV approved mitlqation plan (another big berm) for bhe hazards on this property, it has nob been congLrucLed yeE. The homeowners are still trying to determine how to pay for it. Anyway. . . t,hese townhomes are sti1l located in a geologlc hazard zone.Therefore, a site specific hazard report, and an owner affidavit, IS required for addlClons Eo unlLs. FYI--An owner (Steve ?) was at, t.he counter this morning and asked about enclosing an outdoor deck. I t,old him chat a hazard repore was necessary, or he could Just wait. until the berm was constructed. He was OK with that. ft15+ rcrrc,\\'J' TO:PLANNERS GROUP, RUSSEI1 FOTTEST, Page: 1 oo oo Geolo rd Revlew (Legal Descrlp n) The undersigned has/have read Hazard -, 1 by Report, dated there is he potential h reaching the proposed house, causing damage. We are prepared lo accept these facts and Department grant us a permit. (Name, O'vner) srATE OF COLORADO ) couNTY or ho te )1"'' nown lo me to be the person executed the same for the purposes and conside erein e The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of known to me to be the 19--....- by person whose name is he executed the same subscribed to the loregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that for the purposes and consideration lherein expressed. My commission expires: cltomilh!:ad os / lo/ 98 SIEYE PRATDZIX UH LI Colmqs & Latwrus CoNsLlLTINc GEol.oGErs P.O.Box23 StrT, CoLoRADo 81652 PHoNE/FAX (9?0) 87G5400 (24 IIoIlRs) GETI o o E oo1 o bon A+rot Vro(f t 'p' BBSE4S .?ffi*ffiT3 September 2,1998 RE: I.oT I BLOCK2 VAtr. V]LLA@ I21IIFLtr{GUNIT 16 3094 BoorH FAus Roi{D uNn l7 PMS/DZIK I.ESIDENCE ADDMON Steve Prawdzik 15965 W. Ellsworth Place Goldeq Colorado 80401 Dearlvh. Prawdzik: Peryourrequest Ihave examinedthe above referencedproperfywithresp€cttotll€ Potential for rock fll t;g";, and parthularly with respoct to any potentbl increase in rockfall damage hazerd 16 *igftf"ttiig pirp"tties asthe result ofconstructbnof, theproposed additionconsisting ofaroughly S dUy f O n aeck enclosure on tle northea,$ side of tbe unit. As you are awre tbe property is *ntuit*drnirlioa'Tligh SwerityRockfillHazard" zoneontheTown ofVail geologichazardmaps. The hazard is preseniin the form of one rnajor and several minor ledges of Minturn Formtion smdstone, linrstong and dolomite in the steep slope which rises to the northeast ofthe Booth Falls condominiums. Unit 17 is in rhe second (downhill) tier ofbuihings at this location, and is thus substantially protected from rockfall by the uphilt srructure, as well as by tbe intervening road and parking lot' It is my understanding tirat tte adaitionis limited to the enclosure oftb€ existing deck only' tbat the fcsent "p"" rp""" ;nd* the deck will not be filled iq ad tbat exi*ing grading and landscaPing will not be si'$dficanUy altered Therefore the expo$.ue ofthe structueto rocl&llwillnot be increased in my n,[y, *r ",iff rn" aherations increase the possibility of diversion of rockfqll toward other properties" It is my understzrding that the benn constructed several years ago above developrnents to the east is to be e*ended to protect the Bootl Falls condominiums. This exteirsion wilt substantially reduce the rockfrll hazard to the subject property as well as neighboring properties. The property does not fall within mapped smw avalanche, dehis avalanchg or dehis avalanche ftu*ia ^*.. As proposed the addition will not alter roclfrll or drainage pdterns arourd ths existing structure, Jt --.tghif.**ing $ading and landscapingare altered suchmodifications should be desiped so that significant changes to existing drainage capacrty and character do not occur' PageZ The proper,ty is in a geologically sensitive arera but the proposed addhio^n as descriH wilt not increase the hazard to olher propsrty or strucnFes' or to public rights-of-way, Slildingst roads' J*.f", ""r"r"nts, utilities, oi A"nitit* or other properties of any kird' This report is irrended to **orj with appropriate portions of Town of vail Reguhtrons cbpter 12'21-15' and nothing ;"r"1*d n"-"in rno,m Uinterpreted as zuggesting ttatihe subject property is not exposed to the ,'.,.tr.t Ahazazl lfwnrr hnve anv nrrestinns. or ifT can he offir*her service. olease do not hesitate to TgU 13:57 FAX 3032795705 nl UJ,! ren+ "" ' :":;'P,,*,{1't '/' 'tz'ozl4 3ai'c'u Og/Og/gg flED 20:54 FAI 3032?95704 oontact me. STEVE PRAWDZIK IIf, LI Bruce A. Co Conzulting Geo GHTI o t @oor. Page2 The property is in a geologically sensitive area but the proposed addition as described will not increaseltre-trazara to other property or structur€s, or to public rightsoflway, buildings, roads' streets, easernents, utilities, oi fa"iliti"r or other properties ofany kind. This report is intcnded to comply with appropriate portrons of Town of Vait Reguhtions Chapter 12'21'15, and nothing contained nerein shouU teinterpreted as suggesting that the subject property is mt exposed to the mapped hazard. Ifyou have any questions, or ifl can be of further service, please do not hesitate to o Cor,rrNs & LAMPIRIS CONSU-TN.IG GEOI-OCISTS P.O. Box 23 Str,T, COLORADO 8I652 PHoNE/FAX (970) 876-5400 (24 HouRs) Ih,INCIPAI,s Bruce A. Cotlins' Ph-D. Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. Septernber 2, 1998 RE: LoT 1 BLOCK 2 VAIL Vtr-LAGE I2'I,FLN.IGU}ITT 16 3094 BOOTHFALLS ROADUNTT 17 PRAWDZtr( RESDSNCE ADDMON Steve Prawdzik 15965 W. Ellsworth Place Golden, Colorado 80401 Dear Mr. Prawdzik: per your request I have examined the above referenced propertywithrespect to the potential for rock fall iamage to, and particularly with respect to any potential increase in rockfall damage hazard to neighboriig properties as the rlsuh of construction ol the proposed addition consisting ofa roughly S dUy 16 ft de;k enclosure on the northeast side of the unit. As you are aware the properfy is coffaLedwithin a'TlighSeverityRockfallHazard" zone onthe TownofVail geologic hazardmaps. The hazard is present in the form of one major and several minor ledges of Minturn Formation sandstone, limestone, and dolomite in the steep slope which rises to the northeast of the Booth Falls condominiums. Unit I 7 is in the second (downhill) tier ofbuildings at this location, and is thus substantially protected from rockfall by the uphill structure, as well as by the intervening road and palking lot' It is my understanding that the addition is limited to the enclosure of the existing deck only, that the present open space qider the deck will not be filled in, and that existing grading and landscaping will not be significantly altered. Therefore the exposure of the structure to rockfrll will not be increased in any wiy, nor wilt the alterations increase the possibility of diversion of rockfall toward other properties. It is my understanding that the berm constructed several years ago above developments to the east is to be extended to protect the 3eefi1f'alls condominiums. This extension will substantialb reduce the rockfall ltazardto tlre subject property as well as neighboring properties. The property does not fall within rnapped snow avalanche, debris avalanche, or debris avalanche U* aiones. As proposed the addition will not alter rockfall or drainage patterns around the existing struct*", utttrorrgh if existing grading and landscaping are altered such modifications should be designed so that sigrrificant changes to existing drainage capacity and character do not occur. Page2 The property is in a geologically sensitive area but the proposed addition as described will not increase the hazard to other property or structutes, or to public rights-of-way, buildings, roads, streets. easements, utilities, oi f*iliti"r or other properties of any kind. This report is intended to comp$ with appropriate portions of Town of Vail Regulations Chapter 12-21-15, and nothing contained herein should beinterpreted as suggesting that the subject property is not exposed to the mapped bazard. Ifyou have any questions, or ifl can be offurther service, please do not hesitate to contact me. Bruce A. ..'7'.........: Kd,libl$lE