HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 12 BLOCK 2 LOT 12 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL 2002 2003 LEGAL.pdfI I I I I I I I I t I T T I t I I t I Lmrtro Enrnoy Sorotror{s 604 32% Road. Clitton, CO 81520 . (970) 434-7956. Fax (970) 434.9487 Submiffals For Vail Mountain School Cabin Fire Alarm Vail, CO L.,\ rr , S\k Z. -!\\!^--\ \) ..L\'-'9^- \ Z .- (\U$\ I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I Lr"nto Enrnoy Sor'noils 604 32'/" Road . Clifton, CO 81520 . (970') 434-7956 . Fax (970) 434-9487 Vail Mountain School Cabin Fire Alarm Vail. CO Index Tab#l Smoke Detectors Tab#2 Fire AlarmControl Panel Tab #3 Homs/ Strobes Tab tl4 Pull Stations I I I I I I I I I Models Avallable Two'Wire Models 2W-B 2WT-B 2-wire standard 2-wire standard with thermal Four-Wire l\4odels 4W-B 4WT.B 4-wire standard 4-wire standard with thermal Accessories 2W-MOD SENSRDR RT A77-AB2 Producl Overview 2-wire loop test/maintenance module Sensitivity reader Removal/replacement tool Retrofi t adaoter bracket I I I t I I I I I I Plug.in detector llns - mounting base Includcd Laag€ wire entry port ln-line torminals with SEM9 scJews Mounts to octagonal and singlegang backbores, 4-square backboxes, ot direct to celllng Stop.Drop 'N Lock* attachmsnt to base Removable detector cov€| and chambet for easy cleahing Bulltjn remoto malntenance slgnaling Drlft compensation and smoothing algorithms Simpllfled sensitivity measurement Wide angle, dual color LED indication Loop testing via EZ Walk fuature Built-in test swltch Syetom Sensor's 13- series imoke detectors represent a signlficant advancement in conv€ntional detection. The i3 famlly ls iounded on three princlples: Installation ease, Int€lligence, and Instant inspection, Installation ease. The i3 line redefines installation ease with its plug-in design. This allows an installer to pre-wire the bases included with the heads. The large wire entry porr and inJine terminais provide ample room for neatly routing the wiring inside the base. The base accommodates a variety of back box mounting methods as well as direct mounting with drywall anchors. To complete the installation, i3 heads plug-in to the base wiih a simple Stop-Drop 'N Lock action. Intelligsnce, i3 detectors offer a number of intelligent features to sirnplify testing and maintenance. Drift compensation and smoothing algorithms are standard with the iJ line. to minimize nuisance alarms. !7hen connected to the 2W-MOD loop tes/maintenance module, or a panel equipped with the i3 protocol, 2-wire iJ detectors are capable of generating a remote mamtenance signal when they are in need of cleaning. This signal is indicated via an LED located at the module and the panel. To read rhe sensitivity of iJ detectors, rhe SENS-RDR is a wireless device that displays the sensitivity in terms of percent per fooi obscuration. Instarrt inspectlon. The i3 series provides wide angle red and green LED indica- tors for instant inspection of the detector condition, indicating: normal standby, out-of-sensitivity, alarm, or freeze trouhle conditions, rJ7hen connected to the 2\f-MOD loop tesdmaintenance module or a panel with the i3 protocol, the EZ ti/alk loop test feature is available on 2-wire iJ detectors. This feature verifies the initiating loop wiring by providing LED status indication at each detector.9g@t$,r*wr"u I Archft ectlEnglneer Sp€clfi catlons I t I I Smoke detector shall be a System Sensor iJ Series model number-, listed to Underwriters Laboratories UL 258 for Fire Protection Signaling Systems. The detector shall be a photoelectric type (model 2W-8, 4I7-B) or a combination photoelectric/ther- mal (model 2$fGB, 4WT.B) with thermal sensor rated at 135"F (57.2"C). The detec- tor shall include a mounting bas€ for mounting to 3E-inch and 4-inch octagonal, single gang, and 4-inch square back boxes Electrical Speclficatlon6 with a p.laster ring, or direct mount to the ceiling using drywall anchors. Viring con- nections shall be made by means of SEMS screws. The detector shall allow pre-wiring of the base and the head shall be a plug.in type. The detector shall have a nominal sensitivity of 2.5% per foot nominal as measured in the UL smoke box. The detec- tor shall be capable of autornatically adjust- ing its scnsirivity by means of drift compen- sation and smoothing algorithms. The detector shall provide dual color LED indi- cation which blinks to indicate power up, normal standby, out of sensitivitv, alarm. and freez.c trouble (model 2IfT-8, 4WT-B) conditions. rD(hen used in conjunction with the 2u -MOD module, 2-wire mode ls shall include a maintenance signal to indicate the need for maintenance at the alarm control panel, and shall provide a loop testing capability to verify the circuit without test, ing each detector individualll'. Opefatlng Vallege Nominal'. 72/24 V non-polarized Min.: 8.5 V Max.: 35 V S:arrdl)_v Cur6nl 2-wire: 50 /./A maximum average 4-wire: 50 pA maxirnum average Peak Standby Curreli 2-warer 1OO pA I I I I &1ax irnum Ripple Volta(e 30% of nomlnal (peak to peak) LED Modes LED filode Power up Normal (standby) Out of sehsltlvity Freeze trouble Alarm [rar jr,':u$ Alarm Curf ent 2-wire: 130 mA limited by control panel 4-wlre: 20 mA @72Y, 23nA @ 24U Alarm Conl6ci Ralings 2-wkei n/a 4"wire:0.5A@3OVAC/DC Power Up Sequenc€ for LED Indlcatlon Cohdltiot Initlal LED status indication tlreen l.ED Blink every 10 seconds Blink every 5 seconds oTl oft off Fed 1.5l) Blink every 10 secohds off Blink every 5 seconds Blink every 10 seconds Solld Physlcal Speclfl catlons Cperati:rg lemDera!ur€ Range zw'B and 4W-B: 32'F-L2O"F (O"C-,496C) 2WT-B and 4WT-B: 32'F-1OO"F (0"C-37.8"C) Ope.ating Hu.nid'iy Range 0 to 95% RH noftcondensing thermel Sensor 135'F (57.2oC) fixed Sersi:iviiy 2.5%/lt. rlominat iM oi.int ing 3ltinch octagonal back box +inch octagonal back box Sing,e gang back box +inch sqliare back box wlth a plaster frng Direct mount to ceiling I I I I I t I Input Termiiats 14-22 AWG Dimensions {including base} 5.3 inches i12? mm) diameter 2.0 tnches (51 mm) height 2WT-B and 4WT-B only: 41'F (soc) System Sensor Sales and Service Wei€?it 6.3 oz. (178 gr€ms) Ordeling Information 130 mA max. llmlted by control panel 130 mA max. limited 20 rnA @ 72V, 23mA @ 24V 2-wire loop test / malntenance module I I I Systsm sensor HGadquartGrs Sy3tem ScBor CanEdE Sy3i6m San3or In Chlna 3825 Ohio Avenue Ph.905.A72.0767 Ph: 86.29.524.6253 St. Cha.les, lL 60174 Fx: 905.812.0771 Fx: 86.29.524,6259 ln':994:-'l:913 systedr semor Europe system sonsoi In stnsepore rx: oJu/3/ r-o4Yo ph: 44,14o3.276b00 ph: 65.6273.2230 Documents-on-oemaoo Fr, 44.7403.2765Qr Fx: 65.6273.2610 8OO/736-7672 x3 www,systemsensor.com @ 2002 System S€nso.. The company reserves the riElht to change prodlct specitications without notice System Ssnso. - Far East Ph: 85,22.797-9OO3 Fx:85,22.736.6580 System Sgnsor - AugtrElia Ph: 673.54.28!.142 Fx.t 6t-3.54.28\.772 Syglem Sonsor - Indla P h: 91.724.637.77 7 O x.2l OO Fx:91.124.637.3118 AO5 031&q)2.3/02.#893 t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I GENERAT The Fire.Llte MS-5012 is a 12-volt, five-zone fire alarm control panel with built.in communicator. The integral com- municator transmits event intormation (alarms, troubles, supervisories, faults, etc.) to a cenlral staiion. The MS- 5012 may be used in a variety ol cost-etfective applica- tions, including: local fire alarm control panel (communi- cator disabled), fire alarm control panel/communicator, stand-alone sprinkler supervisory communicator or slave communicator to a UL listed host Jire alarm panel (requires N.O. dry contacls to tdgger tive channels). Selectabte trans- mitting formats allow the MS-5012 to communicats lo vir- tually all central stalions. FEATURES . NEW LARGER ENoLOSU4E.. Five programmable Initialing D€vice Circuits (zon6s). Zones may be programm€d for: / Two-wir€ smoke dstectors lZones2 & Sl./ N.O. contact devicos (pulls, heats)./ Four-wire smoke detectors. / Watertlow operation (Zone 3 only)./ Supervisory operation (Zone 4 ontyl.. One Style Y (Glass B) Notification Appliance (Bell) Cir- cuit {NAC).. 1.0 Amp of Notification Appliance power.. Relay driver outputs for alarm, trouble, supervisory and communication failure.. Dual-line rotary- or Touch-Tone@dial DACT interfaces to public telephone network (leased phone lines ar€ not required).. 12-Volt ooeration.. Built.in voltmeter measures: / Primary AC line voltage. / Battery voltage. / Zone voltage.. Surfac€ Mount Technology.. Programmable via built-in keypad (no costly external pro- grammers necessary).. Complies with NFPA 72-i993 edition (Local, Central Sta- tion and Remote Slation IDACT onty - not polarity rever- sa4 Fire Alarm Systems).. Reports in several major communication tormats (see r6verse).. Fuseless, power-limited technology meels new UL power- limiting requirements, effoclive May l, 1995.. Smoke detector alarm verification (Zones 2 & 3).. Single-person walk test.. Programmable Auto Silence timer and Silenco Inhibit timer. MEA 118-93-E FCC 1W6USA-74525-AL-E . 16-Event history bufter.. Accurate real-time clock-, Extensive built-in transient protection.. Electronics and operational controls fully enclosed in a lockable cabinet capable of housing up to 7 AH batter- ies. OPTIONAI. REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR The RZA-sF is a five-zone Remote Annunciator tor use with the Flrewatch 5000 S€ri€s control/communicators. They mount to a single-gang box and otfer slide-in zone identification labels. The BZA-5F provides the tollowing: . Zone 1 LED (red). Zone 2 LED (red). Zone 3 LED (red). Zone 4 LED (red). Zone S LED {red). System Trouble LED . Local Piezo Sounder . Silence Switch NOTE: RZA-5F rcquires use of ADM-12 diver module. A LED' are i n di viduall y s u pe Nised. @ s624 @ Frre.ure"Alarms www.tirelila.com seprember 23, 1997 DF-51186 A3-100 MS-5012 Fire Alorm Gonfrol Ponel with builf-ln DACT Section: Control/Communicators This document is not intended io be used lor installation purposes. We try to keep our product taon up.to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipat€ all requitements All specitications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Fire.Liie Alarms One Fire-Lite Place, Northford, Connecticut 06472. Phone: (8OO) 627-3473 Toll Fre6 FAX: (877) 699-4108 FAX Back:(BBg) t I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I SPECIFICATIONS . Singie PC board design using Surface Mount Technol- ogy (SMT). . Two modular telephone jacks tor connection to RJ31X Modules. AC Power . 120 VAC,50/60 Hz,0.32 amps.. Wire size: minimum 14 AWG with 600-volt insulation-. Buill-in brownout circuitry.. Built-in voltmeter. Communicqfor . One line-active indicator for each of two Dhone lin6s., 'Kiss-Off' signal LED.. Dual low telephone voltage detect circuitry.. Programmable event codes per each format. ' Up to 40 transmitted events/messages.. Seloctable/Deselectable transmissions of 40 events.. Five zon6s may be configured to five channels as a slave communicator (channels are auto-resettable). Communicqtion Formols . 20 PPS, 3+1 standard and expanded.. 20 PPS,4+1 standard and expanded.. 20 PPS, 4+2 standard and expanded. Inirioting Device Circuifs (zones) The MS-5012 includes live programmable Initiating De- vice Circuits (zones). Circuits 1, 2, 4, and 5 are Style B (Class B). Circuit 3 is Style D (Class A). . Initiating Circuit 1 - Manual Pull Station . Initiating Circuit 2 - Two-Wire Smoke D€tector . Initiating Circuit 3 - Waterflow . Iniliating Circuit 4 - Supervisory . Initiating Circuit 5 - Four-Wire Smoke Detector NOTE:'Default circuit descriplions are listed. Circuits 1, 4, and 5 may be prcgrammed to monitot any nomally open (N.O.) type ol lnitiating Device. Citcuils 2 & 3 may be programmed to power two-wire smoke detectors. All circuits are power limited and fully supervised. They a ow for up to 100 ohms of line resistance and the terminal bfocks aflow tor 12 to 18 AWG wire. Notificotion Applionce Circuits . One Style Y (Class B) @ 1.0 Amp.. All circuits are fully poweriimit€d and m€et th€ n€w UL power-limiting requirements, effective May 1,1995, us- ing tuseless technology. Auxlliory Outputs . Resettable 4-wire smoke detector power @ 200 mA.. Non-resetlable power @ 185 mA.. Relay drivers tor use with optional remote relays. Cobinef Specificotions The cabinet is red with a dark blue overlay. Knockouts on the top, sid6s and back provide ease of wire entry. The cabinet also can be surface or semi-flush mounted and is compact in design. Page2ol3 - OF-51186 Gsbinet Dimensions Eftective Juty '1996 Door: 14-314'high x 12-3/4" wide (37.465 cm high x 32.385 cm wide). Backbox: 14-1/2" high x 12-1/2" wide x 3" deep (36.83 cm high x 31.75 cm wid6 x 7.62 cm deep). Trim Ring: Part # TB-g.R 17-518" high x 15-5/8" wide (44.7675 cm high x 39.6875 cm wide). PRODUCT IINE INFORMATION Model Desulptlon MS-5012 Five-zone, 12-volt Fire Alarm Control Commu- nicator (includes box & transformer, tochnical manual, and a Jrame & post operating instruc- tion sheet). RZA-sF Five-zone Remote Annunciator mounts to a singfe-gang box (rcquircs ADM-12). ADM-I2 Annunciator Driver Module. DP-5024 Inlemal Dress Panel. MCBL-7 DACT phone cord, 7 feet long (2 rcquircd). TR-3-B Trim ring. PS-1242 Battery, 12 volt, 4.2 AH. PS-127O Battery, 12 volt, 7.0 AH. I I I I I I I uL usr:o nEcEtvERg conportbte wlth rhe ftrs.sot2 Formdt # (Addresses 16 & 42)Ademco 685 (1) Siler Xnighl 9000 tft cs+000 {3) FBI QP22OFB OBborne Hofrnan Models 1&2 Badionics 0000/6500 (5) S€scoa 3000R (7) SuGuard MLR,2 {8} 0 (NOT USED) 'I (fior usED) 2 3+1 /Standafd/1 800/2300 ! 12)r'$)/(s,6) 3 3+l/Epardedi 1 800i2300 ( t2\r'$l 3+1 /Standard/1 900/1 400 r'e)r' (4J 3+1 /E)oanded/l 900/1 400 ( (2J ,/ (4\ o 4+1 Atardardil 8002300 ( (21 ./ (4)r/ (5) 7 4+ 1 /Epanded/l 8002300 t/ (2)r'g) I 4+1 /Slandard/1 900/1 400 r' {2)r'Q) I 4+1/E&anded/l 900/1400 r'e)r'(t 4+2/Shrdard/1800/2300 r' (21 r'$)r/ (5) B 4+2/Epandsdfl 800€300 ,/ (21 ,/ (41 tl 4+zlstada'd/1900/1400 ./ (21 t/ 14) D 4+2/EDanded/'t 900/1 400 r'Q\r' 14\ E (NOT USED) F (NOT USED) KEY: (1) Wilh 685-8 Line Card with Rev. 4.4d software. (2) With 9002 Line Card Rev.9035 sottware or 9032 Line Card with 9326A software. (3) Rev. 4.0 softwar€. (4) FBI CP220FB Rec-1 1 Lins Card with Rev. 2.6 software and a memory card with Rev. 3.8 software. (5) Model 6500 with Hev. 600 software. (6) Model 6000 with Rev. 2O4 software. (7) With Fev. B control card at Rev. 1.4 software and Rev. C line card at Rev. 1.5 software. (8) Version 1 .62 sottware. I I I I I I I I I I I I DF-51196 - Page 3 ol3 I I I I I t I I I I Modelg Avallable* Ho.n/Strobe$ P1215 P24L5 P2430 P24L70 P121575 P247575 P2475 Strobee s1215 s2415 s2430 s2411"0 s121575 s241575 s2475 Horns H72/24 *Refer to Ordering Informatlon for othef configurations Product Ov€rview I I I I I I I t I Meet UL and ADA siginaling requirements Lon/er current draw More devices oer looo Lower installed cost Univefsal mountlng plate included Accessoty mounting plates available Fiel&eelectahlo ft orn tones Electromechanical / 3kHz Temporal 3 / Non-temporal 3 High / Low dBA output Available in 15, 15/75, 30, 75, and 11O cdndela Synchronlzable horng and strobes wlth Sync.Circuit." modulo Aestbetic design System S€nsor's SpcctrAlertc wallmour* se?ieb includes a complete line of eleetronic ho:ns, strobes, atrd hom/strobes, Intsnded for primary signaling use, Sp€ctrAlert producto meet UL1971, UL4G4, and Americans wlth Di3abillties Act requiremente, Techrclog/, With its extremely efficient reflector design and Xenon flash tube, SpectrAlert offers current draw reductions as high as 407o over previous gener- ation designs. By consuming less current, the flexibility to conn€ct more devices per loop is possible, for a lower installed cost. Installation, SpectrAlert products offer installation ease which also lowers the installed cost, By taking up no room in rhe back [rox, SpectrAlert strobes and horn,/strobes make wiring connections simpler and faster- Each SpectrAlert includes a universal mounring plate fot 4" square and single gang back box mounting. Accessory mounting plares are also available for small footprint or surface mount applications. Flexibilny. SpectrAlett offers the flexibility ro meer a broad range of requirements. The SpectrAlert horns and horn/strobes feature a number of field-selectable/reversible horn rones. For visible requirements, SpectrAlert strobes and horn'/strobes are available in a wide variety of confgurations to address non-sleepin€i area, sleeping area, and corridor requirements. Offerings include 24-volt models at 15,15175,30, 75, and L10 candela, and 12-volt devices at i.5 and 15/75 candela. fiil 7a ..,\ ,ffit Aesthetlcs. 'Io meet building owner aesthetic requrrements, SpecrrAlert \89 QtO <> W n/|fA incorporates a stylish, low lrofile design. And this aesrhetic is consistenr across lsrEn I Englnesrlng Speclfi catlons I I I I I t T I I I I Gene.al SpectrAlert horns, strobes and horn/strobes shall be capa, ble of mounting to a standard 4" x 4"x 1rl2" back box or a single gang 2" x 4" x 711*" back box using rhe unjversal mounting plate included with each SpectrAlert producr. Also, SpectrAlert products, when used in conjuction with rhe accessory Sync.Circuit Module, sha.ll be pow- ered from a non-coded power supply and shall operate on 112 or 24 volts. 12 volt rated devices shall have an operating voltage range of 1,0,7-1,7 volts. 24-volt rated devices shall have an operating voltage range or 20-30 volts. SpectrAlert products shall have an operaring rem- perature of 32' to 120"F and operate from a regulated DC or full wave rectified, unfiltered power supply. Horn Horn shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Model capable of oper ating at 12 and 24 volts. Horn shall be listed to UL 464 for fire protective signaling systems. The horn shall have two tone options, two audibility options (at 24 voits) and the option to swirch between a tenporal 3 pattern and a non-temporal continuous pattern. All horn models shall operate on a coded power supply. Strobe Strobe shall be a System Sensor SpecttAlert Model - listed to UL L97L and be approved for fire prorective service. The strobe shall be wired as a primary signaling noti6cation appliance and cornply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appli- ances, fiashing at 1Hz over the strobe's enrire operaring vo.ltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector sysrern. Speclflcatlons Hom/Strobe Combinatlon Horn/Strobe shal] be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Model - listed to UL 1971 and UL 464 and shall be approved lbr fire protective service. Horn/strobe shall be wired as a primary signaling norificarion appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilides Acr reguirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at lHz ovet tbe strobe's enrire operadng voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. The horn shall have two tone options, two audibility oprions (ar 24 volts) and the option to switch between a temporal 3 pattern and a non-temporal confinuous paltetn. Strobes shall be powered independently of the sounder with the removal of Iactory installed .jumper wires. The horn on horn/strobe models shall operate on a coded or non-coded power supply (the strobe must be powered continuously). Synchronlzatlon Module Module shall be a System Sensor Sync.Circuir - listed to UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The module shall synchronize SpectrAlert strobes at 1Hz and horns at temporal 3. Also, the module shall silence the horns on horn/strobe models, while operating the strobes, over a single pair of wires. The module shall be capable of mounting to a 4tt/te" x 411|:l;'x I/s" back bo-r and shall control two Style Y (class B) or one Style Z (class A) circuit. Module shall be capable of multiple zone synchronization by daisy chaining multiple modules rogether and re-synchronizing each other along the chain. The module shall not operate on a coded power supply. Walk fest .spectrAiert hofn/'st.oi,e ard hofr otlj:t vloti on "walk lesi$" 'rlth :ime .--riirations of ,1 Secon0s ct greati:r Inpui iernlineii 12 to 1a AWG Dimens,ons Slrobe ard iloB!//sirobo viith Lrntversxl ploie 5'x 55/B'x 215/16" Sirobe and rorn,/strobe wlth smail footDfint p,aio 33/ B' x 55/s" x 25/t6" lJcrr wit;: rn,vorsal mour:inE plaie 5'x55/a"x15/$" l-iolfl !./llJro,ri r)oufiIj'lg pjni6 213/ 16t' x 55/$" x 75/t6" Weighi, slfobe a d lvril,/strclle 8.8 oz. Vveal terprc,c'f lil9rn and hofr/s!robes) Operatinf{ Teanpe,atirre 32'F to 150'F (0"C to 66'C) ioritdocr strcbe cnly) -40'F to 158oF 1-40"C to 70.C) Ul,C Caladian A,i odnl!i -40'C to 66'C !!cighi, ilorn o)l]v t.2 02, I I I I t I I l\tounl ing 4 x 4" x 1r/2" ot 2" x 4" , !7/B' standard boxes [,4ax imum h'unldliy 95% es tested per U1464 i.r{ioor Operalilrg ;.+rnDeraii,re 32"F to 12o"F {0'c to 49'c) Voltage$ !2 ot 24VDC and FWR untilteted Operaling voliage rangeY !2V : lO .5.!7V ; 24V : 20.30V Operali g vc,ltage r6ngc* lwiii Syio,Cir.uit rlrgri le. Ivtill) 72V, 77-77v i 24v, 2O-3Ov * lhese proctucts should be operated w(hin tfieir rated voltag€ range; uL doe6, l)owever, test tuhctiona,jnleSrjty lo 20% 8nd +10% of manutacturer,s stated ranges. lJ.S, Palent Numbers 5,914,665 6,O49,446 SpsctrAlert Current Dlaw Table I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I T I Horn Only Horn/Strcbe ,.5 cd l'iigh/Lolv Temo,/ TQn+ Volrirne ilon Electrl} meci. Hornlstrobe 1575 cd l"iigh/''Lolv fernP,/ Tone Volune a\on Electr6 mech- Honlstrobe 30 cd Av ilig!1./io!.J;f Tone Volume Nl Electro mech. 24V Mo.lels 24il L,Jodeis Hz Hlgh lnteftupt. Horn/Strobe 75 cd Avtfagt fligt/Lo,lj ienp/ Ione l'olurle Noi Electrc High mech. Hz HiEh Itlerupl. Non Horn/Strobe 110 cd Av9ragr digl,/ Low I eilp/' iote Volurre No, T€mp Interrupt. Electr+ rnech. Temp Hz High Temp Interrupt. Sound Output cuide (dBA) Strobe Only AretaEt: C 12Y Modets ,Lo.ri'l rzv I rtv | :rv iil.'c"r" I acv | :av I sc'.' Feak Cirr izv $lod€ls lo.svl r;v I liv I zc'., ru oaeis I zcv I ir,v I stv :c Rlrsh ill 12V ii4odets lc.sv I rri' l:rv I 24V [4o!iels :ov|:at,|:a;1, Ce*1ela oc oe w DC DC DC DC oc DC DC DC 0c 0c DC DC DC 15 133 ,.59 114 15?a1 t2a 50 61 43 60 36 60 4€0 460 450 46C 4AO 204 135 ?@ 13!1a5 ao 10€92 124 190 97 129 1t6 147 198 x68 L82 1,42 !71,99 150 56 49 64 62 490 524 490 520 4ao 150 199 1501207 15C 194 104 88 126 145 135 116 164 t47 271 30 7A a4 67 a2 5a 72 M 183 201 2LS 18:2!6 9?129 116 152 L4T 198 1?O 123 159 LO2 350 344 460 480 240 ?30 290 340 110 M 22A 191 115 114 460 230 370 Average Ourreni { rnI{ )Avefege C!r.eri (lI]A) Avorege Current lmAj Avtfage Curleni irrA) Avsrage C fi*nt ltnA)Avgrage Curleol a iA; Ul Reve6.r.nt Room dBA e volts DC Anacholc Room peak dBA Q 1ott.,/volt9 DC Temtcral l.io n- Icrrirg.al Low Low Tone Electromechanical 3000 HZ Interr High lone Electromechanical 3000 HZ Interrupted 3O0O HZ lnterf L2 | a7 l2o lzt I ao High Tone 3000 HZ InterrLtpted ao.s lLz lL7 120 124 I SpectrAtert Orde.lng lnformation I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I t a2 209 a2 167 209 17L 60 64 a2 159 191 ].7L 64 159 L91 64 64 L49 191 64 749 70/ lo/ la 0 10/18 Plate for Single Gang Only Surtace Mount Back Box Skirt Plate {replacement llotss: Agency Listings - Indoof models: uL, utc, FM, csFM, MEA. weatherproof modets: uL, csFM istrob€ on,y), MEA, ulc.All.ofthese SpectrAlert products are designed for walt mount ohly. Atl weath;fprDof models gy91 use weatheip,l;f ba;k b;,, model WBB. Installation ol tess than 75 c6n_de|astrobesmaybepermlssib|eundertheequjva|entfaci|itationc|aUseo|theADAAG(sec'-5.Howevel,|tisthere5ponsibitity;'ihgErsonbi'JriiIivJediiilnen.e alarm syslem to.detefmine the acceptability oi less than 75 candela strobes. All 15l75 candela slrobes or horn/strobes are recbmmended for 20, x 2d' rooris oitess.'norn ano norn/slroDe currenl draws assume horn is set at temp 3, electromechanical tone and high a{rdibllity.'* FWR = F{rll Wave Rectified System Sensor Sales and Servlce Sy6tem Sergor llcrdqDrrlers 3825 0hio Avenue St. Charles, lL 60174 Phi aoolSENSOR2 tx:630/377-6495 Documents.on-Demand aoo/ 7367672 x3 www,syslemsensor.com Systen Seruor Canada Ph:905.812.0767 Fx:905.812.07?1 Eystem Sensor Europe Ph: 44.1403.276500 Fxt 44.1403.276507 Sy3tom Sensor In Chlna Ph:86.29.524.6253 Fx:86.29.524.6259 SFtem 9en6or ,n Slngapore Pht ts5.6273.2230 Fx:65.6273.2670 System Senio, - Far Ea3t Ph: Fxr85.22.736.6580 Systent Sersor - Au3tr€lla Ph: 673.54.287.142 Fx:673.54.287.772 Sy6t€m Sensor - Indla Ph: 91.124.637.1770 x.2700 Fx:91.124.637.311E P 1,2t515 P2415 P241575 p2430 P2475 P247tO P L2157 5K lw eath e r p I oof ) P 24757 5K (weatherproof) P2475K (weatherproofi P24110K (weatherDroof) P241575P (no lettering) p241575AG (AGENT) P241575EV (EVAC) ?721575V1 P2475W P 241575W P2430W P247 5W P24rL0W ,-roru, ur* 24 24 24 24 24 1' 24 24 24 24 24 24 75,/ 7 5 15 !5/75 30 110 L5/75 75/75 710 152 6A 74 92 148 165 L24 74 L4E 165 74 74 P24L575A P247 5A P241!0A P 24157 sKA (w e athe I prco1 P2475KA (weatherproo0 s121575 s2415 s24757 5 s2430 s2475 s247X.A S121575K (weatherproof) S241575K {weatherproof) S2475K {weatherproof} S24110K (weatherproof) S241575P (no lettering) s241575AG (AGENT) 5241575EV (EVAC) s121575W s2415W s241575W s2430W s2475W s24110W _ s241575PW 12 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 L5 /75 15 30 110 7s/ 75 75/75 75 110 L5/ 75 742 49 67 140 L42 49 123 740 49 49 49 s247575A E24754 s24110A S241575KA (weatherproof) S2475KA {weatherproof) S24110KA (weatherproof) Candela Avg. mA* e om. VDC Avg. rhAl 9 om.FWR* * 1 181 a2 100 167 209 209 82 82 O 2002 System Sensor. lhe comoany r€serves the ,ght to ch6nge product specjtjcalions w'lhoul nolice,405.093601o. 9/02. f 10O2 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I t I t November 20, 2001 DF-52004 F-050 kD Fr re.Lrre" Alarms f ron,"PrP* lfl,|gn'rfqrions \-/ | www,lhellte,com I Seclion: Conventional lnitiating Devices GENERAL The Fire.Lite BG-12 Series is a cost-eftective, teature- packed, non-coded series of manual fire alam pull sta- tions. lt was designed to meet multiple applications with the installer and end-user in mind. The BG'12 Series tea- tures a variety of models including stngle- and dual-action versions. The BG-12 Series provides Fire.Lite Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACPS), as well as other manufacturers' controls, wilh a manual alarm iniliating input signal. lts innovative design, durable construction, and multiple mounting op- tions make the BG-12 Series simple to install, maintain, and operate. FEATURES ' Aesthetically pleasing, highly visible design/color.. Attractive contoured shape with light lextured tinish.. Me6ts ADA 5 lb. maximum pull-force. . Meels UL 38, Standard for Manually Actuated Signaling Boxes. . Easily operated (single- or dual-action), yet designed to prevent false alarms when bumped, shaken, or jarred. . PUSH IN/PULL DOWN handle latches in the down po- sition to cl€arly indicate th6 station has been operated.. The word "ACTIVATED" appears on the top of the handle in bright yellow, turther indicating operation of the sta- tion.. Operation handle teatures white arows showing basrc operation direction, for non-English-speaking persons. ' Braille text included in finger-hold area of operation handle and across top of handle.. Multiple hex- and key-lock models available.. U.S. patent-pending hex-lock needs only a quader-turn to lock/unlock.. Station can bs opened for inspection and maintenancs without initiatlng an alarm.. Product lD label viewable by simply opening the cover; label is made ot a durable longiife material.. The words "NORMAL" and "ACTIVATED" are molded into the plastic adjacent to the alarm switch (located in- side).. Four-position terminal strip molded into backplate.. Terminal strip includes Phillips combination^head cap- t:ive 8/32 screws for 6asy connection to Initiating Device Circuit (lDC). . Terminal screws backed-out at factory and shipped ready to accept field wiring (up to 12 AWG/3.25 mmr).. Terminal numbers are molded into the backolate. elimi- nating the need for lab€ls. ,@* ,m*'?'f'**LISTED ryff7150'0075:184 @- (except 8G-12LPS anct BG-lzLPSP) . Switch contacts are normally open. . Can be surface (with SB-10) or semi-flush mounted. Semi-flush mount to a standard single-gang, double- gang, or 4" (10.16 cm) square electrical box.. Backplate is large enough to overlap a single-gang backbox cutout by up to 112" (12.7 mm). . Optional trim ring (BG-TR). . Spanish version (FUFGO) available (BG-l2LSP). . Oesigned to r€place the popular BG-10 Series.. Models packaged in attractive, clear plastic (PVC), clamshell-styie, Point-of-Purchase packages. Packag- ing includes a cutaway dusvpaint cover in shape of puli statron. t docsmect is not intended to be us6d tor installation purposes. We try to keep our intormation up"to-date and accurale. We cannot coyer all specjtic applications or all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. information. contact Fire.Lite Alarms. One Fire-Lite PiacB. Northtord. Made in the U-S.A. Phon€: (800) 627-3473. Toll Free FAX: (877) 699-4105, FAX Back;(888) 388- DF-52004 - Page 1 ol 2 t I I CONSTRUCTION . Cover, backplate and operation handle are all molded of durable polycarbonate material.. Cover features white lettering and trim.. Red color matches System Sensor's popular SpectrAlerltt"t horn/strobe series. OPERATION The BG-12 manuai pull stations provide a textured finger- hold area that includes Braille text. In addition to PUSH lN and PULL DOWN text, there are arrows indicating how to operate the station, provided for non-English-speaking persons. Pushing in and then pulling down on the handle activates the normally-open alarm switch. Once latched in the down position, the word "ACTIVATED" appears at the top in bright yellow, with a portion of the handle protruding at the bottom as a visible flag. Resetting the station is simple: insert the key or hex (model dependent), twist one quar- ter-lurn, lhen open the station's front cover, causing the spring-loaded operation handle to relurn to its original position. The alarm switch can then be reset to its normal (non-alarm) position manually (by hand) or by closing the station's tront cover, which automatically resets the switch. SPECIFICATIONS Physical Specificatlons: 8G.l2 s8.10 wP-l0 WBB Hoightr 5-5 inches {13-97 cm) 5-5 inches (13.97 cm) 6.0 inches (15.24 cm) 4.25 irEhes {10.79 crn) width:4.121 inches (10.47 cm) 4.121 irrf€s (1037 cm) 4.69 i.Ehes (11.9t cm) 4.25 irrches (10.79 cnl Oeplh: '1.39 inchas (3.53 cm) 1.375 inches (3.49 cm) 2.0 inches (5.08 cm) '1 ,75 irEfEs (4.445 cm) 52004r1-rbl Electrical Specificatlons: Switch contact rallngs: gold-plared; rating 0.25 A @ 30 VAC or VDC. ENGINEERS' & ARCHITECTS' sPtcrFrcATtoNs Manual Fire Alarm Slations shall be non-code, with a key- or hex-operated reset lock in order that they may be tested, and so designed that after actual Emergency Operation, th6y cannol be restored to normal except by use of a key or hex. An operated station shall automatically condilion it- self so as to be visually detected as activat€d. Manual stations shall be constructed ol red colored LEXAN@ (or polycarbonate equivalent) with clearly visible operating in- structions provided on th€ cover. The word FIRE shall aD- pear on the front of the stations in white letlers, 1 .00 inches {25.4 mn) or larger.' Stations shall be suitable for sur- face mounting on matching backbox SB-10; or semi-flush mounting on a standard singie-gang, double-gang, or 4" (10.16 cm) square electrical box, and shall be insta ed within the limits detined by the Americans with Disabili- Page2otZ - DF.52004 ties Act (ADA) or par national/locai requirements. Manual Stations shall be Underwriters Laboratories listed. 'NOTE: The words "FIRE/FUEGO" on the BG-|2LSP shalt ap- pear on the tront ot tho station in white letters, appraximately 3/ 4'high. PRODUCT LINE INFORN|IATION odel Desuiption BG-J2S Single-action pull station with pigtail connec- tions. hex lock. BG-12SL Same as BG-125 with key lock. BG-12 Dual-action pull station with SPST N/O switch, screw terminal connections, hex lock. BG-12L Same as BG-12 with key lock. BG-12LSp Same as BG- 12L wiih English/Spanish (FIBUFUEcO) labeling. BG-12LOB Same as BG-121 with "outdoor use" listing. lncludes WBB outdoor backbox, and sealing gask€t. BG.l2LO Same as BG.l2L with 'outdoor uso" tisting. Ooes not include backbox. BC'.l2LA Same as BG-121 wilh auxiliary contacts. BG-l2LPS Same as BG-12L with presignal feature. BG-l2LPSP Same as BG-12LPS with English/Spanish (FIBE/FUEGO) labeling. SB-10 lndoor use backbox. WP-10 Ouldoor use backbox. WBB Outdoor use backbox. Wte LengIh Stdp Gaugc J I I I I I I I t I t T I I t I l- 1.000' (25.40) I € a , Lir'rrreo Enrnoy Sor,unolrs 60432% Road. Clilton, CO 81520. (970) 434-7956. Fax (970) 434'9487 Submittals For VaiI Mountain School Cabin Fire Alarm Vail, CO Town of Vail | | ;> \(. t Lo\ t4 , I>\\ < , r ,. tt .rr+i \)c..-\ \J r L\<rch- t't- /\ UIAIS OFFICE COPY I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I t Li"rtro Enrnoy Sor'notrs 604 32/, Road . Clifton, CO 81520'(970) 434'7956' Fax (970) 434-9487 Vail Mountain School Cabin Fire Alarm Vail, CO Index Tab #1 Smoke Detectors Tab#2 Fire Alarm Control Panel Tab #3 Horns/ Strobes TabiA Pull Stations I t t t I I I t I Models Avallable Two-Wire Models 2W-B 2WT.B 2-wire standard 2-wire standard with thermal Four'Wire Mode,s 4W.B 4WT.B +wire standard 4-wire standard with thermal Accessoties 2W-MOD SENSRDR RT 477-AB2 Product Overvlew 2-wire loop test/ maintenance module Sensitivity reader Removal/replacement tool Retrofit adapter bracket I I I I t t I I I I Plug-in detector line r mounting base included Large vvire entry port ln.line terminals wlth SEMS screws Mounts to octagonal and single'gang backboxss, 4square backboxes, of direct to celling $topD?op 'N Lock'" attaghment to base Removable detector covet and €hamber for easy cleaning Bullt-ln remote maintenance signallng Drlft compcngation and $moothing algorithms Simplifled sonsltlvlty measutemcnt Wlde angle, dua, colo! LED indication Loop testlng vla EZ Walk teature Built-in t6sl swttch System sensor's 13- series smoke detectors represent a signlficant advancement in cohventional detection, The i3 tamity is lounded on three princlples: Installation ease, Intelligence, and Instant inspection, Installatlon ease. The i3 line redefines installation ease with its plug-in design. This allows an installer to pre-wire the bases included with the heads. The iarge wire entry port and in-line terminals provide ample room for neatly routing the wiring inside the base. The base accommodates a variety of back box mounting methods as well as direct nrounting with drywall anchors. To complete tbe installation, i3 heads plug-in to the base with a simple Stop-Drop'N Lock actlon. tntelllgence, i3 detectors offer a number of intelligent features to sirnplify testing and mainten^ance. Drift compensation and smoothing algorithms are standard with the ir line, to minimize nuisance alarms. When connected.ro the 2I{/-MOD loop tept/maintenance module, or a panel equipped with the iJ protocol, 2-wire iJ detectors are capable of generating a remote ntaintenance signal when they are in need of cleaning. This signal is indicated via an LED located at the module and the panel. To read the sensitivity of iJ detectors, the SENS-RDR is a wireless device that displays the sensitivity in terms of percent per foot obscuration. lmtant inspectlon. The i3 series provides wide angle led and green LED indica- tors for instant inspection of the detector condition, indicating: normal standby, out-of-sensitivity, alarm, or freez,e trouble conditions, When co^nnected to the 2\f-MOD loop test/maintenance rnodule or a panel with the ir protocol, the EZ Walk loop test feature is available on 2-wire ir detectors. This feature verifies the initiating loop wiring by providing LED sratus indicarion at each detector.9e @ IH*"+ u,*.u I Archltect /Englneef Speclf lcatlons I I I I Smoke deeccor shall be a System Sensor i3 Series model number-, listed to Underwriters Laboratories UL 268 for Fire Protection Signaling Systcms. The detcctor shall be a photoelectric type (model 2W-8, 4W-B) or a combination photoelectric/ther- mal (model 2V/'I-B,4wFB) with thermal sensor rated at 135"F (57.2'C). The detec- tor shall include a mounting base for mounting to 3%-inch and 4-inch octagonal, single gang, and 4-inch square back b<lxes Electrlcal Specifications with a p.laster ring, or direct mount to the ceiling using drywall anchors. Wiring con- nections shall be made by means of SEMS scrcws. The detector shall allow prc-wiring oI the base and the head shall be a plug-in type. The detector shall have a nominal sensitivity of 2.5% per foot nominal as mcasured in thc Ul, smoke box. The detec- tor shall be capable of automatically adjust- ing its sensitivity by means of drift compen- sation and smoothing algorithms. Tle detector shall provide dual color LED indi- catio) which blinks to indicate power up' normal standby, out of sensitivity, alarm, and freeze rouble (model 2WT-8, 4!V'T-B) conditions. When used in coniunction with the 2V-MOD module, 2-wire models shall include a maintenance signal to indicate the need {or maintenance aa the alarm control panel, and shall provide a loop testing capability to verify the circuit without test- ing each detector individually, T I I I Opef.rtirrg Vohage Nomlnal: 12l24 V non-polarlzed Min.: 8.5 V Max.: 35 V Siafldby Cufi.:nt 2-wirel 50 irA maxlmum average A-wire: 50 pA maximurn averaEe Peak Starndby currenr, 2-wlre: 1O0 rJA 4-wir€: n/g Nl.lxin1!m RlpDle Volla{e 30% of nomihal lpeak lo peak) LED Modes LED Mode Normal (standby) Out of sensltlvity Freeze trouble Alarm Maxlmuni Alar$ Curfeni 2-wire: 130 mA limited by control panel -wirc: 20 frtA @72V, 23nA @ 24V Alarm Contaci Ratlngs 2-wlre: n/i 4-wlre:0.5A@30VAC/DC Power Up Sequence fol LED Indicatlon Condilion lnitial LED sta!us indicatlon cree^ LED Elink every 10 seconds Blink every 5 seconds off off off Red LID Elink every 10 seconds off Blink every 5 seconds Blink every 10 seconds Solid Physleal Speclflcatlons Operat jng Ternperttilre Range 2W-B and 4W-B: 32'F-120"F {0oC-49oC) 2WT-B and 4Wf-B: 32'F-100"F {0'C-37.4"c) Qperat,frg Hl|rlldiiy Range 0 to 95% RH non-condensing Tfermal Sensor 135"F 157.2'C) fixed Sensklvlty 2.5%/ft. nomlnal ft4 ountlng 3y:lnch octagonal back bo)( +lnch octagonal back box Single gang back box +inch square back box with a plaster rlng Direct mount to ceiling I I I I I I I Input-lerinihals 14-22 AWG Dlmensions ( includlng base) 5.3 Inches (127 mm) diameter 2.0 inches {51 nm) helght Freeze lroublc 2WT-B €nd 4WT-8 only: 41'F (5'C) system Ser|sor sales and Service Weiglrt 6.3 oz. (178 grams) 20 mA @ 12V, 23mA @ 24v 20 mA @ l2v, 23mA @ 24v 2-wir€ looo test / maintenance module I I I Sy3tom Sensor lleadquartlrs 3825 Ohlo Avenue St. Charles, lL 60174 Phi 800,/SENSoF2 Fx:630/37?-6495 Doc(lfrents.on-Demand 8Oo/736-7672 x3 www.systemsensor,com gy3tem Senso. Canad{ Ph:905.812.0767 Fx:905.812,0771 Syatgm S€nsor Etlrop Ph:44.1403.276500 Fxt 44.7403.276507 Systsln Sengor ,n Chtna Ph:86.29.524.6253 Fxt 86.29,524.6259 syetem seDsoi In slngapo.o Ph:65.6273.2230 Fxt 65,6273.2610 Eystenr 9a'r9of - Far Eaat Ph: Fx.85.22.736.65E0 SyBtom Sonsor - A{atrElla Ph:613.54.281.142 Fxt 673,54.2a1.772 6!t3lem ssh3ot - Indla Ph: 91.124.637.1770 x.2700 Fx: 9!.724,637.3718 @ 2oO2 $stem Sensor. The company reservos the right to chango prodocl specilications without notlce.A05.031&oo2.3/02.f 493 I I I t I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I GENERAI The Flre.Llte MS-9200 is a compact, cosfeffeclive, ad- dressable fire alarm control panel with a capacity of 199 Fire.Lite 300 Series devices. A single Signaling Line Cir- cuit (SLC) loop supports up to 99 smoke detectors and gg control or monitor modules. The panel uses surface-mount technology and is designed for ease of installation and programming. lt features lhe latesl in fire oroleclion tech- nology, including mainlenance alert and aulomatic detector test. lts new, larger enclosure is capable of housing 12.0 AH batteries. New as of September 1, 2001, the MS-9200 wil include on the motherboard (Rev. PC-D) built-in interfaces for a prjnter and remote annunciators. FEATURES SLC Loop . SLC can be configured for NFPA Style 4, 6, or 7 operation.. SLC supports up to 198 addressable devices [99 detectors and 99 monitor or control modules ], including new addres- sable dual monitor module.. SLC loop max. length 10,000 ft. (3,M8 m) @ 12 AWG (3.25 mm,)- Notification Appliance Circuits (NAC's). Dual Inlegral NACs, Style Y or Z (Ctass I or A).. Silence Inhibit and Auto Silence timer oDlions.. Alarm, trouble and supervisory relays, standard.. May be programmed for Steady, Mafch Time, Temporal or California code (reguires software PIN 73750 or greater).. 3.0 amp NAC power, expandable to 6.0 amps. Programming and Software . Autoprogram and Walk Test features identify two or more deyices set to same address.. Keypad programmable on panel, with two user-defined passwords, plus an Autoprogram feature.. Custom English labels per point may be manually entered or selected from an internal library file.. Remote Acknowledge, Silence, Reset and Drill via MMF- 300 modules and LCD-40 remote annunciators. User Interface . hlegraf 4o-character LCD display with backtjghting.. Real-lime clocl(calendar.. History file with 500-event capacity. Advanced Fire Technology . Maintenance alert warns when smoke detector dusl accu- mulation is excessive.. Battery charger for up to 60 hours of standby power.. Waterflow or supervisory selection per monitor point. MEA l6-94-E (MS-9200) California State Fire Marshal 7165-0075:158 (M5-9200) MS-9200 . Fuseless, power-limited lechnology meets UL power-limit- ing requirements, effective May 1, 1995.. Detector sensitivity printout (requires v2.1 software).. Presignal delay option per NFPA 72.. Rapid poll algorithm for manual stations. Re$ponds to alarm/activation in less lhan two seconds.. Operates with untwisted, unshielded wire (up to 1,000 ft./ 304.8 m) for retrofit applications (U.S. patent 5,210,S23).. 300 Series addressable devices fealure decimal address selection. Address of each device can be easily set In lhe field by use of a screwdriver.. UDACT-F Digital Alarm Communlcator reports 56 zones or 198 points to a Central Station.. Built-in printer interface - UL listed for permanent attach- menl,. LCD-40 Series alphanumeric, }-character, backlit remote serial annunciators operate over built-in high-speed EIA- 485 port. Up to 32 may be supported on the MS-9200 (requires software PIN 73750 or greater ). /(i, /4. ( ut l {utu)\ I|, L' \ L /\-/ \-/s624 cs68 (MS-g2OO,MS-920OE) (MS-g2ooC) July 30, 2002 DF-51276 41-100 FITE.LITE ALATMS MS-ezOO(C/El Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel Section: Addrossable www.tiretite,com document is not intendsd to b€ used for installation purposes. We try to keep our Jct information up-tGdate and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applica- or anticipate all requirements. All specllications are subjecl to change without t. Fot moe intomation, contact Fire-Lite Alarms, One Fire-Lite place, Northford. Ellgttrtilts t Milt|Jruililit3 Made in ihe U.S.A. DF-51276-Page1of4 alarm vetinca on I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I SYSTEM PERIPHERALS AND WIRING 24 VDC Wire Reouirements Twisted-pair shielded 'E,A-485 lnterface (DlM-485) built into the moheftoard - 4 wires (New as ot 9/1/01) LCDaO$dLCGt[ upro 3,m0fi. (1,825.8m) bdlvFr €lch LC[I{}s lCLl-toL h the E|A{S tmp and b€lwoFr €€ch LCD.,() or LCIL,lllL and th€ FACP Distance in Feet (melersl 10,000 (3,048) 8,000 (2,438) 4,875 (1 ,486) 3,22s (983) 1,000 (305) SMOKE DETECTORS s0350 sD350T c0150 w PULL STATION Bc'12LX 'EIA-232 htertace (PlM24) built into the motherboard (New as ot 9/1/0'l) v€|s/on 300 S€n€s devices 2) 'C' suftix designates Cehadian vorsbn MS-9200. LCD-40 and pnnler oplon cannot be used WIRING REQUIREMENTS The SLC requires use of a specific wire type to ensure proper circuit operation. lt is recom, mended that all slc wiring be twisted-pair shielded to minimize the effects ot electrical interference. Wire size should be no smaller than 18 AWG (0.75 mmr) and no larger than 12 AWG (3.25 mrn2) wire. The wire size depends on the length of the sLC circuit. use the table below to determine the speciflc wiring requiremenls for the SLC. Untwisted, unshielded Tvoical Wire Tvoer 12 AWG - Belden 9583, cenesis 4410, Signal 98230, WPW 0999 14 AWG - Belden 9581, Genesis 4408, Signal 98430, WPW D995 16 AWG - Belden 9575, Genesis ,t406, & 4506, Signal 98630, WPW D991 l8 AWG - Balden 957 4, Genesis 44O2, & 4602, Signal 98300, WPW D975 '12 - 18 AWG '1. AWG wire size conversion to m€trlc siz6: t2 AWG = 3.2gmmr; 14 AWG = 2.Oommr; ,16 AWG = 1,30mmr; .tg AWG = 0.7smmz Page2ol4 - OF-51276 ElA485 in ACs lilode (2 wir€6) t I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I COMPATIBLE ADDRESSABTE DEVICES All feature a polling LED and rotary address switches. cP350 Addressable lonizalion Smoke Detector. SD350/SD350T Addressable Photoelectric Smoke Detector. (T= with Thermal Sensor). 0350P/D350RP Addressable Duct Detector. (R=with relay). MMF-300 Addressable Monitor Module for one zone of normally-open dry-contact initiating devices. Mounts in standard 4" (10.16 cm) box. Includes plastic cover plate and end-ofline reslstor. Module may be configured for either a Style B (Class B) or Style D (Class A) initiating device circuit. MDF-300 Dual Monitor Module. Same as MMF-300 except lt operates in Style B (Class B) only. Provides two Class B circuits. MMF-301 Miniature version of MMF-300. Excludes LED and Style D option. Connects with wire pigtails. May mount in device backbox. MMF-302 Similar to MMF-300, but may monitor up to 20 conventional two-wire detectors. Reouires external 24 VDC power. Consu/l factory for . compatible smoke detectors. CMF-300 AddressableControlModuleforoneStyleY/ Z (Class B/A) zone of supervised polarized Notification Appliances. Mounts direclly to a 4" (10.16 cm) electrical box. Notification Appliance Circuit option requires external 24 VDC to power notification appliances. CRF-300 Addressable relay module coniaining two isolated sets of Form-C contacts, which operate as a DPDT switch. Mounts direcfly to a 4' (10.16 cm) box, surface mount using the SM8500. BG-12LX Addressable manual pull statlon with interface module mounted inside. 1300 This module isolates the SLC looo from short circuit conditions (required for Style 7 operation). Compatible with legacy Fire.Lite 300 Series devices. Please consult factory for further information on all the 300 series devices: CP300, SD300, SD300(T), C304, M300, M301, M302, C304, and BG-10LX. MIES.' tl "A" suffix should be included only when order- ing ULC listed units (e.9. SD350A, MMF-300A). 2) For more on MS-9200 Compatlble Addressable Devices, p/ease see the fo owlng data sf,eefs (document numbers): sD350tsD350T (DF-521 49), Cp35O (DF-521 58), MMF-300 Se eslMDF-3o0 Monltor Modules (DF-52121) and BG- 12LX (DF-52013). EIA.232 PORT PIM-24 Printer/Pc Interface Module, Cable, DB9F Connector and g-pin male to 25-pin female adapler. DlM.485 LCD'40 Display Interface Module. NOTE: PIM-24 and DIM-485 options are not available simultaneously. Neilherthe PIM-24 or DlM485 is needed with the MS-9200 motheroard Rev. PC-D. COMPAIIBTE ANNUNCIATORS/ DEVICES USING EIA.485 PORT LCD-40 Series: 4o-character, backlit Lcg-type fire annun- ciators capable of displaying English-language text (requires one DIM-485 per MS-9200 panel to interface with up to 32 LCD-40 annunciators). Requires software P/N 73750 or greater - contact Fire.Lite Technioal Services about soft- ware compatibility questions. AFM/AFM-X Series! LED-type fire annunciators capable of providing up to 56 software zones of annunciation. Avail- able in increments of 16 or 32 wilh expandable (AFM-X Series) and non-expandable (AFM Series) configurations to meel a variety of applications. LDM Series: Lamp Driver Module series for use with custom graphic annunciators. UDAGT-F: Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter. NOTE: Fot more on MS-9200 Compatible Annunciators and Compatible EIA-485 Port Devices, please see the following data sheets (document numbers): LCD-40 (DF- 51474), AFMIAFM-X (DF-51465), and LDM Series /DF- 51384). FIELD-PROGRAMMING FEATURES Off-Llne Programmlng: Creale enlire program in your office using a Windows@based PC computer (order pro- gramming kit PK-9200W separately). Upload/Download sys- tem programming locatly to the MS-9200 in less than one minute. Auto.Programmlngi Command the MS-9200 to pro- gram itself (takes less than 30 seconds). In the Auto- Program mode, the MS-9200 scans for all possible devices at all addresses, stores the device types, and addresses found, and then loads default values for all options (General Alarm). lt also checks for two or more devices set to the same address. On-Llne Edit: While still providing fire protection, the MS- 92OO may be programmed from the front panel. Simple menu trees displayed on the LCD allow the trained user to perform all functions without refening back to the program- ming manual. English Label Library: Quickly select labels from a standard library of more than 50 adjectives/nouns, such as 'FLR 3 HALLWAY," or enter custom labels letter-byletter. Use recall function to repeat previously used label. Program Check: Automatically catch common e,rors, such as relays not linked lo any zone or point. MAINTENANCE ALERT The MS-9200 continually monitors each smoke detector and responds lo a reading of 80% of the detectors alarm threshold. lf the detector continually reports an 80% thresh- old reading (8/10 of what is required to be an alarm condi- lion) for 24 hours, a trouble condition is created. This re- duces the risk of false alarms due to dust and dirt by alerting a trouble (maintenance) condition rather than initiating a false alarm. AUTOMATIC TEST OPERATION The MS-9200 performs an automatic test of each detector avery two hours. Failure to meet the test limits causes an AUTO TEST FAIL trouble type. System Reset clears this trouble. DF-51276 - Page 3 oI4 t I I I t I I I I I T I I NFPA STANDARDS The MS-9200 complies with the following NFPA 72 Fire Alarm Systems requirements: . LoCAL (Automatic, Manual, Waterflow, and Sprinkler Su- pervisory).. AUXf LfARY (Aulomatic, Manual, a nd Wateflow) (requires RTM-gF).. REMOTE STATION (Automatic, Manual, and Waterflow) (equires RTM-BF or UDACT-F).. PROPRIETARY (Automatic, Manual, and Waterflow).. CENTRAL STATION (Automatic, Manual, and Waterflow) (requhes UDACT-F). CABI NET SPECIFICATIONS Door: 17.11" (43.46 cm) high x 14.71" (37.36 cm) wide x 0.375" (0.95 cm) deep. Backbox: 16.90" (42.93 cm) high x 14.50" (36.83 cm) wide x 4.50" (1 1.43 cm) deep. Trim Ring (part # TR-4-R): 20.02' (50.85 cm) high x 17.62" (44.75 cm) wide. SPECIFICATIONS . Primary input power for MS-9200 and Ms-9200c: 12o VAC, 50/60 Hz, 2.3 Amps. Primary input power for MS-9200E: 22Q1240 VAC.50 Hz.. Total 24 V system power: 3.6 A (expandable to 6.6 A).. standard Notification Clrcuits: 2 (Style Y or Z).. Expansion Notlfication circults: up to 99 (using CMF300 module).. Nolification Appllance Power: 3.0 A (expandable to 6.0A with XRM-24).. Four-wire deteclor power: 300 mA.' ' Non-resettable regulated power: 300 mA.'. Non-regulated power: 2.5 Amps maximum.* *NOTE: Subtract from total 24 VDC source,. Battery chargerrange: 7AH- 18AH (BB-17F battery cabinet for 18 AH balteries).. Remote charg er (panel charger disabled, requires MS-920O circuit board #71741, available June 1, 1998): 25-120 AH (use CHG-I20F).. Charge float ratet 27 .6V.- Charger current: limited to 0.8 A.. Control panel Alarm, Trouble, Supervisory Relay con- tact ratings: 2.0 A @ 30 VDC. CONTROLS AND INDICATORS LED INDICATORS 1. Ac POWER (green). 2. FIRE ALARM (red). 3. SUPERVISORY (yellow). 4. ALARM S,LENCE (yellow). 5. SYSTEM TROUBLE (yellow). MEMBRAI{E SWITCH CONTROLS 1. ACKNOWLEDGSSTEP 2. AI-ARM SILENCE 3. DRILL 4. SYSTEM RESET (lamp test) 5 - 16. 1zJxey pad w,th tul alphabet 17 -2O. 4 cursor keys 21. ENTER LGD DISPLAY 40 characters (2 x 20) with longlife LCD display, backlit. I t I t I I Page4ol4 - OF-51276 PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION MS-9200 AddressableFheAlarmControlPanel. Includes LCD display, single printed circuit board and cabinet. MS.9200C Same as above with ULC listing and OP-1-B dead-front oanel. MS-9200E Same as MS-9200 wiln 22Ol24O VAC. 50 Hz transformer (UL listed). RTM-8F Plug-in Relay Transmitter Option Module. Provides eight Form-C ralays, plus municipal box and remote station connections. DP.I-B FuJf-lenglh internal dress panel (required for FM apptications; included when orde ng MS-9200C). UDACT-F Digital AlarmCommunicatorTransmitter. XRM-24 120 VAC, 100 VA Transformer. Expands system power supply. Expands Notification Appliance power from 3.0 amps to 6.0 amps. 'PlM-24 Printer Interface Module reouired to connecl a 40- or 8o-column orinter.*DlM-485 LCD-40 Display Interface Module required to convert EIA-232 to EIA-485 for use with the LCD-40 Series annunciators. PK-9200W Programming Kit for Windows@based PC computer (requires PIM-24 and assoclaaed hardware). TR.4-R Trim Ring for semi-flush mounting. BB-17F Battery box, required to mount PS-12180 bafteries. BB-55F Battery box, required to house two (2) PS- 12250 batteries and one ( l) CHG-120F battery charger. For batteries greater than 25 AH, consult factory for hou singlmounting anangements. CHG-120F Remote battery charging system. Required for charging 25 to 120 AH bafteries (can only be used in conjunction with MS-9200 circuit board #71741). PS-1270 Battery, 12 volt, 7.0 AH, (two required). PS-12120 Baftery, 12 volt, 12.0 AH, (two requied). PS.12180 Batlery, 12 volt, 18.0 AH, (two required). PS.12250 Battery, 12 volt, 25 AH, (two required; requhes cHG-120n. PS-'|2550 Battery, 12volt, 55 AH, (two requied; requhes cHG-120n. FCPS-24F Remote Power Supply expands NAC outpuls by 6 Amps or total system power by 4 Amps. *NOTE: PIM-24 and DIM-485 options are not available simultaneously. Neithet the PIM-24 or DlM485 is needed with the MS-9200 motherboard Rev. PC-D. Windows@ is a registered tradernark of Microsoft Corporation. I I I I I I I I I I Horn/Strobes P 1275 P2415 P2430 P247tO P L2I575 P247575 P247 5 Strobes st275 s2415 s2430 s24110 sL27575 s241575 s2475 Horns Hr2/24 +Refer to Ofdering lnformation for other configur€tlons Ploduct Overvlew Models Avallable* I I I I I I I t I Meet UL and ADA signaltng requtrements Lower cufient dtarv More devices per loop Lowet installed cost Uhiversal mounilng plate included Accessory mounting plates available Fleld-selectable hom tones Electromechanical / 3kHz Temporal 3 / Non-temporal 3 High / Low dBA output Avaifrblo ,n 15, 75/75,30, 75, and 11O cdndela Synchronizable horns and strobes with Sync.Clrcuit* module Aesthetic design System Sensor's SpectrAlert" wall-mount aeries includes a complete line of electronic homs, strobes, and horn/strob€s, Inlended for primary sighalinEi use, SpectrAlert products meet UlLg?l-, UL464, and Amerlcans with Disablll es Act requirements. Technologly, !7jth its extremely effc.ient reflector design and Xenon flash tube, SpectrAlert offets current draw reductions as high as 4O%o over prevrous gener- ation designs. By corrsuming less currenr, the flexibiliry ro connect more divices per loop is possible, for a lower installed cost. Instaflation, SpectrA.lert producrs ofter installation ease which a.lso Jowers the installed cost. By taking up no room in the back box, SpectrAlert strobes and horn/strobes make wiring connections simpler and faster. Each SpectrAlert includes a universal mounring plate for 4" square and single gang back box mounting, Accessory mounting plates are also available for small footprint or surface mount applications. Flexlbility. SpectrAlert offers the flexibility to meet a broad range of requirements. The SpectrAlert horns and horn/strobes feature a nnmber of field-selectable/reversible horn tones. For visible requirements. SoectrAlert strobes and horn/strobes are available in a wide u"ii.ty of.onfiiuralions ro address non-sleeping area, sleeping area, and corridor requirements. Offerings include 24-volt models at 15, LSl75, 30,75, and 1.10 candela, and 12-volt devices at 15 and 15/75 candela. R O * @ |H* ffin*f;#? ;ilr'il:l;iil',:.i,' Tl,lili'i*i*Jil:::'i:t':1'"' """' I Englneerlng Speclfl catlons I I I I I I I I I I General SpectrAlert horns, strobes and horn/strobes shall be capa- ble of mounting to a standard 4" x 4"x 1rl2" hack box or a single gang 2" x 4" x 1?s" back box using the universal mounting plate included with each SpectrAlert product. Also, SpectrAlert products, when used in coniucrion with the accessory Sync.Circuit Module, shall be pow, ered from a non-coded power supply and shall operate on l2 or 24 volts, 12 volt rated devices shall have an operating voltage range of 1.0,7-17 vo(ts. 24-volt rated devices shall have an operating voltage range or 20-30 volts, SpectrAlert products shall have an operating retn- pe.rature of 32'to 120"F and operate fronr a regulated DC or full wave rectified, unfi.ltered power supply. Hom Horn shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlerr Model capable of operating ar 12 and 24 volts. Horn shall be listed to UL 464 for fire protective signaling systems. The horn shall have two tone options, rwo audibility options (at 24 volts) and the option to switch between a temporal 3 pattern ancl a non-temporal continuous pattern. All horn models shall op€rate on a coded power supply. Strobe Strobe shall be a System Sensor SpecrAlert Model - listed to UL 1971 and be approved for fire protective service. The strobe shall be wired as a primary signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appli- ances, flashing at 1Hz over the strobe's entire operating voltage range. The strohe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. Speclflcatlons Horn/Strobe Combination Horn/Strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Model - listed to UL 1971 ^nd UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. Horn/strobe shall be wired as a primary signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signa.ling appliances, flashing at 'LHz over tbe strobe's entire operating voltage range. The strobe light sha.ll consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. The hotn shall hav€ rwo tone options, two audibility options (at 24 volts) and the option to switch between a temporal 3 pattern and a non-temporal continuous pattern. Strobes shall be porvered independently of the sounder with the removal of factory installed )umper wires. The horn on horn/strobe models shall operate on a coded or non-coded power supply (the srobe must be powered continuously). Synchronilation Modulo Module shall be a System Sensor Sync.Circuit - listed to UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protecrive service. The module shall synchronize SpectrAlert srrobes at 1Hz and horns at temporal 3. Also, the module shall silence the horns on horn/strobe models, while operating the strobes, over a single pair of wires, The module shall be capable of mounting to a 4tUrc" x 4rrlu"x 2th" back box and shall control two Style Y (class B) or one Style Z (class A) circuit. Module shall be capable of multiple zone synchronization by daisy chaining multiple modules together and re-synchronizing each other along the chain. The module shall not operare on a coded power supply. t I I I I I t I lvalk Tesl SpeclrAlert horn/$robe and h('rn anly wo+i on 'yjafk tr!$ts" with trnJe duratlons of 4 seooads or greatef Inpu: Ternrln€ls 12 to 18 AwG Dimensions Strobe rnd hori,/slaobc wllh universol plale 5"x578"x215/16" Slfolte and horn/stlobe wilh snali footprint plaLe 33/8"x55/e"x25/!6' Hor?r witi? univefsal rnountinE plate 5,\56/8,x!s/$, Horn !!lthout rnou{titlg plalo 2r5/ !a",, 55/ 16" x 15/ $" Weight, slrobe and horfl/strobe E.E oz. Weatherpioof ( horn and hoanlstfohes) Operating lemperature 32oF tq 150'F {ooc to 66oC) (outdoor strobe only) -4O.F to 158.F {-40.C to TOAC) ULC Canqdian Mod€ls -40'C to 66'C Vollage!; 12 ot 24VDC €nd FWR untl,tered Operating voltEge range: 12V: 10.5-17V; 24V: 2O-30V Operoting vohage range* (wiih Sync.Circuit moqule. tu]Dl.l L2V, r7-L7V ; 24V, 2O-3Ov i Tfiese p.oducts should be operat€d within their fatod voltage r6nge: UL does, however, test tunctional integrity to -2O% and +10% of manufacturer's stated ran8es- u.S, Patent Numbers 5,914,665 6,049.446 !i/eight, hom o[lv 7.2 oz. fvlounting 4" x 4" x 71/2" ot 2" x 4" t 77/s, standard boxes Jndoor Operdlirlg Tenteratuae 32"F to 120.F {0'C to 49.C} l\4axiinum hunridliy 95% as tested per LJ1464 gpectrAlert Curent Draw Table High I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I t I 3000 High lnteftupt. Non Horn/Strobe 15 cd liigh/Low TemD,/ Tone Volutne Non Hom Only High/La\r Jernp/ volumE Ngn Electrc mech. Horn/Strobe 15?5 cd hi{ihlLow lemp,i Tone Volume Non 24V Models 24V Models 24V Nlodels Low Ternp Hornlstrobe 30 cd Horn/Stlobe 75 od Averog€ tiigh/Low Temp/r Tooe volufire Non Electrq High mech. Hoh/Strobe 110 cd 12V Models 12V .t7vl20vl24V Electre mech. ,nterrupl. Sound Output Guide (dBA) NAINA 69t83 Strobe Only AverAge C 12V Modets ro.svl :tlv I rzv irre'rt {r}lAl 24V t\,1odels zovla.rvlsov Peak Currerlt iluA) 12\, Nlodels | ?4V h4odels lrl'lo.svl l?v | 17V | 2(iV | ?4\j | 30V in Rush C 12v Models r.o.:rv I r:r, lrrv 24V iliodels zovl:,4vlscv candela oc oc oc DC oc DC DC D€DC DC DC DC DC DC DC oc DC oc 15 133 159 114 !57 a1 124 50 61 43 60 60 460 450 464 480 135 204 135 145 ao 108 92 124 140 190 97 129 116 !47 19A 15,/75 104 182 !42 17L 99 lso 49 64 490 490 520 4AO 150 199 150 201 794 \04 ga 726 145 97 r35 776 164 74/27! 30 78 a4 82 5a t2 143 219 2!6 97 L29 116 L47 194 145 170 159 102 141 350 480 190 2q 230 2a0l29o 3AO 110 NA 220 140 191 115 550 230 22A 370 Average Curre l rnr{}Average Curie|ri (tnA) Average Cur6nt {mA}Averoge Current (rnA) ?4V tV!odel5 Average Cunert (t A)Averagt) Current ifiAl ljl Rovotberant Room dBA O volt3 DC Anecholc Room Peak dBA @ lott./vottg DC 10.s | 12 117 120 124 3000 HZ Interrupted Tone Electromechanlcol 3000 HZ Interrupted Non lerYlporal Low Tone 3000 HZ Inr Electromechanicel L2 | 17 120 124 | 30 94 96 94 96 94 98 100 707 702 93 to0 \ High 3000 HZ lnterrupted I Sp€btrAlert Ordering Informatlon 82 t67 209 82 767 209 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I Cand€la Avg. ma* 9 om. voc Atg, mA* Ot{on,FWR*' 7 1E1 78 too 209 L67 209 a2 a2 Arnerjca Sync lvlodule Plate for Singte cang only Surtace Mount Back Bot Skirt Plate (replecement 17r 64 159 171 64 159 !97 64 64 64 149 191 149 191 t{otos: Aeency Listjflgs - lndoor modejs: Ut, UtC, fM, CS}M, MEA. Weatherproof modets: lJL, CSFM tstrobe onlv). IvlEA. ULC AI|ofthe5espect|A|ertprodUctsaredesigned,forwa||mo'l'lht.only'.A|lweath;lploof.rnod.e|smuiiuse'weatrleipi detastlobesmaybepermlssib|eundeltheeqUiva|entfaci||t€tion.cla!seoftheADAAG-(sec.77i'noweveatlislrr"liirioniiuirriibrtnip" a'8rm system to cletermine the acceptabllity ot less than 75 candela stfobes. A ll 15/75 candela strobes oi horn/strobis are recommenoed tor 20 x 20 rooms or less.*Horn and horn/strobe current draws assume horn is set at temp 3, eleqtromechinicat tone and high audlblliiy.** FWR = Full wave R€ctilted System Sensor Sales and Servlce Syste|h Senror HcaalguE ters 3825 Ohio Avenqe St. Charles, lL 60174 Ph:800/SENSOR2 Fx: 630/377-6495 Documents-on'Demand 800/?36-7672 r3 www.systemsensor,com System gemor Canada Ph:905.812.0767 Fx:905.812.0771 Sy5iem Sen3or Europe Ph: 44.1403.276500 Fx:44.7403.276507 Syst6n Serso? In Chlna Ph:86.29.524.6253 Fx:86.29.524.6259 System gen3or ln Slngapoie Pht 65.6273.2230 Fx:65.6273.2670 Sy3lem S6n3or - Far Easi Phr Fx:85.22.736.6580 Systg|n Senaor - Auatrllla Ph: 6L3.54.281.742 Fx: 673.54.281.772 Syiten Soh3or - Indl. Ph: 91.124.637.1770 x.27O0 Fx:91.124.637.3118 P2415 P24757 5 P2430 P2475 P24770 P121575K lweatherprooR P 24157 5K (weatherproof ) P2475K (weatherproof) P24110K (weatherproof) P241575P (no letterlng) P241575AG (AGENT) P241575EV (EVAC) P121575W P2415W P241575W P2430W P247 5W P247r1W -P247575PW 72 24 24 24 24 t2 24 24 24 24 24 24 15/75 15 30 110 15/ 75 110 75/75 15/75 75/75 t52 74 92 74A ao! L24 74 L48 P24157 5A P2475A P24110A P241575KA (weatherproof) P2475KA (weatherproof) s1215?5 s2415 s241575 s2430 s2475 524110 S121575K (weatherproo0 S241575K (weatherproof) S24?5K (weatherproof) S24110K (westherproof) S241575P (no lettering) s241575AG {AGENT) s121575W s2415W s241575W s2430W s2475W s24110W _ s241575pW - 24 24 24 24 24 !2 24 24 24 24 15/75 30 110 75/75 15/75 75 110 15/75 t5/75 742 49 140 442 49 !23 r40 49 49 49 s241575A s24?5A s24110A S241575(A (w eathetrr.oofl 52475t{A {t1i eatherproot) O 2OO2 System Sensor. The company r€serves the righl to change product speciiications witioot notise A 0549 3d O 70. 9 / 02. * rOO2 t I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I T I GENERAL The Fire.Llte BG-12 Series is a cosleffective, feature- packed, non-coded series of manual tire alarm pull sta- tions. lt was designed to meet multiple applications with the inslaller and end-user in mind. The BG-12 Series tea- lures a variety of models including single- and dual-action versions. The BG-12 Series provides Fire.Lite Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACPs), as well as other manufacturers' controls, with a manual alarm initiating input signal. lts innovative design, durable construction, and multiple mounting op- lions make lhe BG-12 Series simple to install, mainlain. an0 operate. FEATURES . Aesthetically pleasing, highly visible design/cotor.. Attractive contoured shape with light textured finish.. Meels ADA 5 lb. maximum pulj-force. . Meets UL 38, Standard for Manually Actuated Signating Boxes.. Easily operated (single. or dual-action), yet designed to prevent false alarms when bumped, shaken, or jarred.. PUSH IN/PULL DOWN handte latches in the down Do- sition lo clearly indicate the station has been operated.. The word "ACTIVATED" appears on the top ot the handle in bright yetlow, further indicating operation of the sta- tion. . Operation handle features white arrows showing basic operation direction, for non-English-speaking persons.. Braille text included in finger-hold area of operation handle and across top of handle.. Multiple hex- and key-lock models availabte.. U.S- patent-pending hexJock needs only a quarter-lurn to locuunlock.. Station can be opened for inspection and maintenanee without initiating an alarm.. Product lD label viewable by simply opening the cover; label is made of a durable long-life materjal.. The words "NORMAL" and 'ACT|VATED" are molded into the plastic adiacent to the alarm switch (located in- side). . Four-position terminal strip molded into backplate.. Terminal strip includes Phillips combination-head cap- live 8/32 screws for easy connection to hiliating Device Circuit (lDC). . Terminal screws backed-out at tactory and shipped ready to accept field wiring (up to 12 AWG/S.25 mm2).. Terminal numbers are moldsd into the backplate, elimi- nating the need for labels. '9. @ @- (exceDt BG.I2LPS and BG-l2LPSP) Calitornia State Fire Marshal 7150-0075:184 I . Switch contacts are normally open.. Can be surface (with SB-10) or semi-f lush mounted. Semi-tlush mount to a standard single-gang, double- gang, or 4' (10.16 cm) square electricat box.. Backplate is large enough to overlap a single-gang backbox cutout by up to 'v2" (12.7 mm).. Optional trim ring (BG-TR). . Spanish version (FUEGO) available (Bc-12LSP).. Designed lo replace the popular BG-10 Series.. Models packaged in attractive, clear plastic (PVC), clamshell-style, Point-of-Purchase packages. Packag- ing includes a cutaway dusvpaint cover in shape of pull station. November 20, 2001 DF-52004 F-050 @ Frre-Lrre"Alarms www.tirelita.com BG-I2 Series Monuql Fire Alqrm Pull Stqtions Section: Conventional Initiating Devices document is not to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep inlormation up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover a specific applications all requirements. All specifications are subiect to change without notice. For intormation, contsct Fire.Lite Alarms, One Fire-Lite place. Northtord. Conneclicut fltc[{t$tr$ I itillrffiufltr Made in the u.s.A. Phone: (800)627.3473, Toll Free FAX: (877) 699-4105, FAX Back:(888) 3BB. DF-52004 - Page 1ol2 I I CONSTRUCTION ties Act (ADA) or per national/local requirements. Manual . Cover, backplate and operation handle are all molded Stations shall be Undorwriters Laboratories listed. of durable polycarbonate material. "NOTE: The wotds "FIRE/FUEGO" on the BG-IZLSP sha ap- . Cover features white lettering and trim. ll{ on the front of the station in white letters, approximately 3/ . Red color matches System Sensor's popular SpectrAlertrM horn/strobe series. PRODUCT UNE INFORMATION I I I I I I I I t I I I T I I I I OPERATION The BG-12 manuai pull stations provide a textured finger- hold area lhat includes Braille text. ln addition to PUSH lN and PULL DOWN text, there are arrows indicating how to operate the station, provided for non-English-speaking persons. Pushing in and then pulling down on the handle activates the normally-open alarm switch. Once latch€d in the down posilion, the word 'ACTIVATED" appears at the top in bright yellow, with a ponion of the handls protruding at the botlom as a visible flag. Resetting the station is simple: insert the key or hex (model dependent), twist one quar- ter{urn, then open the slation's tronl cover, causing the spring-loaded operation handle to return to its original position. The alarm switch can then be reset to ils normal (non-alarm) position manually (by hand) or by closing the station's tronl cover, which automaticallv resets the switch. SPECIFICATIONS Physical Specifications: BG-I2 sB-10 wP-10 WEE Helght:5.5 irrctEs (13.97 cm) 5.5 irahes (13.97 cm) 6.0 inctEs (15.24 cm) 4.25 irEt€s (10.79 cm) wldth:4.121 inches (10.47 cm) 4.121 inches (10.47 cm) 4,69 irrches (11.91cml 4.25 irct|es (10.79 cm) Deplh:1.39 irEhes (3.53 cm) 1.375 irEl€s (3.49 cm) 2.0 irrhes (5.08 cm) 1.75 irEhes (4.445 cm) 52004tLrbl Eleclrical Specifications; Switch contact ratings: gold-plated; rating 0.25 A @ 30 VAC or VDC. ENGINEERS' & ARCHITECTS' SPECIFICATIONS Manual Fire Alarm Stations shall be non-code, with a key- or hex.operated reset lock in order lhat they may be tested, and so designed that after actual Emergency Operation, they cannol be restored to normal except by use of a ksy or hex. An oporaled station shall automatically condition it- self so as to be visually d€tected as activated. Manual stations shall be constructed of red colored LEXAN@ (or polycarbonate equivalent) with clearly visible operating in- structions provided on lhe cover. The word FIRE shall ao- pear on the front of the stations in white letters, 1 .00 inches (25.4 mm) or larger.. Stations shall be suitable for sur- face mounting on malching backbox SB-10; or semi-flush mounting on a standard single-gang, double-gang, or 4" (10.16 cm) square electrical box, and shall be installed within the limits defined by the Americans with Disabili- Page2of2 - DF-52004 Desc ption Single-action pull station with pigtail connec- tions, hex lock. Same as BG-125 with key lock. Dual-action pull station wilh SPST N/O switch, screw terminal connections, hex lock. Same as BG-12 with key lock. Same as BG-'t2L with English/Spanish ( F I R FJF U EG O) labeling. Same as BG-12L with "outdoor use" listing. Includes WBB outdoor backbox. and sealino gasket. Same as BG-12L with "outdoor use" listino. Does nol include backbox, Same as BG-12L with auxiliary contacts. Same as BG-12L with presignal feature. Same as BG-12LPS with English/Spanish (FIRE/FU EGO) labeling. Indoor use backbox. Outdoor use backbox. Outdoor use backbox. Model BCr-l25 BG-12S1 BG-12 BG.12L BG.12LSP BG-1zLOB BG.12LO BG-l2LA BG.12LPS BG-12LPSP SB-10 wP-l0 WBB E e t 3 From: To: Date: Subjectl CG: Lynne, <MichaelGlass@alpinebank.com> "Lynne Campbell" <LCampbell@vailgov.com> 1210812006 4:53PM Re: Bike oath bond <jrefior@vms.edu> I would appreciate a copy, please fax that to my attention at the fax number below. Am I correct in assuming the town needs a new $3000 letter to replace this expired, $61,860.00 letter? That is how I plan on proceeding, unless this isn't what you are looking for. Thanks. Michael Glass Senior Vice PresidenVManager Alpine Bank Vail 141 East Meadow Drive, Suite 8178 Vail, CO 81657 970-748-5721 970-476-2366 (fax) michaelglass@alpinebank.com "Lynne Campbell" <LCampbell@vailgo v.com>To <MichaelGlass@alpinebank.com> 12108/2006 04:47 cc PM <jrefior@vms.com> Subject Re: Bike oath bond Mr. Glass. As I mentioned to Janet, I found a letter of credit issued April 't, 2003 in the amount of $61,860 which expired September 2, 2003. lf this is the conect letter of credit I can fax this to your attention if that is acceptable for your copy. Lynne Campbell Office Manager, Community Development 970-479-2150 phone 970-479-2452fax lcam pbell@vailgov.com See our web site www.vailgov.com >>> <MichaelGlass@alpinebank.com> 1210812006 4:23 PM >>> Lynne, I am in the process of preparing a new $3000.00 letter of credit (bond) in favor of Vail Mountain School. We hope to have everything put together and to you by Monday, December 11, 2006 in the afternoon. In the mean time, if you have a copy of the old letter of credit which we plan on replacing with this new letter of credit, I would like to receive a copy before hand. Thanks for your cooperation. Contact me with any questions or concerns. Michael Glass Senior Vice PresidenVManager Alpine Bank Vail 141 East Meadow Drive. Suite 8178 Vail, CO 81657 974-748-5721 970-476-2366 (fax) michaelglass@alpinebank.com --- Forwarded by Michael G|ass/ALPINF,CO on 12108/2006 04:17 PM ----- Janet Refior <jrefior@vms.edu> To 121081200611:08 michaelglass@dpinebank.com AM cc Subject FW: Bike path bond Michael - can you send the letter to Lynne Campbell stating what bond and bond amount are being held at Alpine Bank for VMS? Thank you Janet M. Refior Business Manager Vail Mountain School 3000 Booth Falls Road Vail, CO 81657 9701477^7160 From : Lynne Campbell [mailto:LCampbell@vailgov.com] Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 11:05 AM To: Janet Refior Cc: Russ Forrest Subject: RE: Bike path bond lwill do some more digging but in the mean time can Mr. Glass send an uDdated lefter to our office? Lynne Lynne Campbell Office Manager, Community Development 970-479-2150 phone 970-479-2452fax lcampbell@vailgov.com See our web site www.vailgov.com >>> Janet Reflor <jrefior@vms.edu> 1210812A0610'59 AM >>> The smaller bond was released many months ago. The only bond that is at the Alpine Bank is the $61,860. Which ltalked with Michael Glass at Alpine bank and he said that he would reduce the $61,000 bond to the $3,000 that is needed. Please let me know if this will work. Thanks Janet Janet M. Refior Business Manager Vail Mountain School