HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 12 BLOCK 2 LOT 12 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL LEGAL.pdfCq\|\iJXITY OEVEL@$ENT Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com Project Name: VMS WEATHER STATION Proiect Descrlptaon: Weather Station DRB Number: DR8080094 Locatlon: Roof over gymnaslum Participants: owNER VArL MOUNTATN SCHOOL 04|t4120o8 3OOO BOOTH FALLS RD VAIL co 816s7 APPUCANT JORDAN MESCH AND PETERABUSI O4lt4l100g phonet9TO-477-7L60 3OOO BOOTHFALLS RD VAIL co 81657 Project Address: 3005 BOOTH FALLS RD VAIL Legal Description: Lot: I Block: Subdlvision: VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL ./.,\ .J,*i,.t-- {1i1 ^g i }. Parcet Number: 2101-023-0600-1 0 $ Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of Approval: 04/2312008 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for buildlng. please consult with Town of Vail Buildlng personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days followlng the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PIAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit ls lssued and construction ls commenced and ls diligendy pursued toward completion. Crnd: CON00099U The applicant shall paint the electrical box a color that dosely matches the brown color of the rest of the weather station parts, prlor to installation of the weather Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fayJ. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us @neral Information: All projects requiring design review must reeive approv"al prior to submitring a building permit application. Please ref6r O fre submittal requirements for the partlcular approval tfrat is requested. An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepEd until all required information is receiv€d by the Community Development DeparlmenL The project may also need to be revlev{ed by the Town @uncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Cotlrmission. ifesign rei4env approval tapoes unle.c a buiHing permit is issued and constuuction commence witsrin one year of tlre approval. Description of the Request: brr sP q'+ v^r zonins: ' 6enet*l tls<- Name(s) of Owner(s):tJaU flr\.ru.,r,,*o-lu-, S.I"o" I Maillng Address:3ooo -Bo"*f.\s Phone: Name of Applicant: O Signs tr Conceptual Rsriew D New Construction O Mdition tr Minor Alteration (mulU-family/commercial) E Minor Alteration (singlefamily/dudeo Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request For OfFce Use Only: retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already Design Reiav Board. $50 No Fee $6s0 tooo $2s0 $20 No Fee Plus $1.(D per square foot of tobl sign area. For @nstruction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addiuons & interbr conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenE, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, windovv additions, landscaping, fences and u tr Check l,lo.: By: DRB Nr0.: Physical Address: Parcel NG!l lot ctaa 6tboo {(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') ffi.1rtnt-Vt*l Location of the Proposal; t-ot, I'2+ocf: Saqls o Owner(s) Signature(s) : e^y fi^J. U rtt'+t€ 6l,r"3rL Cl t-,'/e-nt, t'r, \ Paid: o* ""'0P) ot -oro4 'frr! i ,, / 1.r'. Lf ii/i,t I' :l\,r..J .L'Y-L \ "r l'1 i ) tl i(. :L /:,. ; ,' t l/ rUa af I o o o s 4/4108 Design Review Board Community Development Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Regarding Vail Mountain School Weather Station Dear Design Review Board Members, I am Jordan Mesch and I am responsible for the weather station project at the Vail Mountain School (VMS). This request to install a weather station is the result of a project I did for my 7th grade science class. The weather station is a great way to collect real time weather data for accurate study for a variety of studies and uses at VMS. VMS hosts ayearly science fair and this device will provide data for many science fair projects. Purpose The Purpose ofthis project is to teach kids how to carry out a project and to install a machine that can send data to the school website, that can hold long term data, and that can help educate kids on the climate change over a long period of time. This station will give real time readings to the VMS website and stores its real time data every 15 minutes. Location This weather station would be installed on the peak of the roof above the school's gym. It willneedtobefixed6-8'abovetheroofforaccuratedatareadings. Theheightofthe weather station is critical for it to obtain accurate data readinss. Interference with Neighbors The weather station will be visible to the neighbors but should not make a major difference in views from the household because the weather station will not be blocking the views of the mountains. The weather station will only be in the views to the school and the highway. The weather station needs to be fixed 6-8' above the roof but is only about 2 feet wide. It will have slightly more of an impact than the existing weather vein found on another portion of the building but it will still be somewhat insignificant. 3000 BooTH FALLS ROAD . vAtL COLORADO 816s7 .970-176-3850. FAX970-476-3860 . WWWVMS.EDU Request On behalf of the Vail Mountain School I request that Town staffor the DRB approve the proposed weather station. I have enclosed a photo what the weather station looks like and a mockup of what it might look like on the roof of the building along with the required application form and application fee. If you have any questions about this application or project, please call me at926'9620 or Dominic Mauriello d.748-Og2}wm nitpea me with the preparation of this application Sincerely, {L,}^nk Jordan Mesch I ,) 3l .l ,t q +l J Jtl 1=l F+ vt EI G j Ei ai j o:a t N tr El ol q gl $ &i 3 tl (^(.i q ul q lll d tl 8i t-i w fi d 3 .l t!: t/1 \9 z r/o s s' }J b t E a =e' f $ ffh. . r-- qj ,€ ** * *++***'i**+*++**++**+*+**++ * *** ***+:t**{. ** +*****+ '} ++ * * *** **+ +f ***+*:}***** + ** * ***t** ** *t+*+* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **+i+*+** +i.++*t+** * * *** +*******+***+** *+*** * ** *+* * + ****** *** f,+t* * *** *++** +*++**t* +*+++* ****+ Statement Number: RoSOOOo44O Amount: $20.00 04/L4/2OO9L1 :06 Alit Palrment Method: check Init: RLF Notation: 1555 VAIL MOI'MTAIN SCHOOI, PermiE, No: DRBO8OO94 Type: DRB-Minor AIt, Comm/Multl Parcel No: 2101-023-0600-1 Site Address: 3005 BOoTH FALLS RD VAIL Locatlon: Roof over gYrnnasium Totar Fees: $20 ' oo This Payment: $2O.Oo Total ALL Pmte: $20'00 Balarce: $0.00 *+ * + + ** * t* *++ **** **++* *,!* ** *+*:l*****+******+ +** ++*+*+*++++*+++***t*++*tta** ++*++*++++++++++ + ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO].OOOO3LI22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 I 200 1 r 2002 t o 2402 !ilreetAfirtcs islgnmsfi FilEUOilF$IIEI rtnergeE --;'iltufu- AtV' T-03? P 0r/0r F-517 llov-20-02 05:31pr trOY-Ots-.4 lltta' Fron-EAGLE C0UllTY AI3ULAI{G ,reo=.v, -| 9709265235 ,nt6.t {t t' ,5a*'"'1, (t ffit& z*ffii*e*eflb#{frGffr3. (f,gE l#- aiEiilffi';;- EgtIE nlldtH'gllcrnil|# tmffiffi**-wtvdl g1d3ll.$ fuHEC oG'a.6GS}€4IJE 6(Fo f,#ffiffi ffituo*Wdwffi' -N3v."z,zw B:434M Tcr Avoli ce&"r. rDta?9.4?eea5'z No.BaG lrpu-??r:6a lt.la FtrOIr r EOV-COll-oIv-l x6q-Ge-t* I t ' ra ;;;; ' ti;1;r-"et'-DD'r 'o ii&rrrasnle Ftwqrailril'fir '-FT h#qc$rms \ f*tcrns*c*rm,orryFsr ffiffii 'e Fudlb:'ffiffi rnllW*ernrtt rJia, #t {th ilF-' (W W t|rllt'lr{Fry-g.Ftf,tr 6*fae'- P,aoE 7/'2 e4. H#HF# ffi.H",,ffi ffiH-**rne inrrcirsts wffi ffi*"* ffiffi ffi:mu.o ffiffi$*.rarpo ffififfffi) -*-r!ov.'c?.?gE 8!43Rr4 TCI AVON COLO.-- NOV-a1-52 t 1' 12 Fnoll; ToV-Cr'!|-ulrv-usFr ' *o-"on" lf r Fe F?ertrralr'e*'-ogrr' t D.9"64?:l2452 ID'E?34'U2 Srr.[ Addr€c* Acoiglrilffit ard Clnnge Folltl "ffi l"f I I I I FrF{rffilrE llae8Af'€it n.ntttv$ffiF . f-turr+* tlgdEcsttrt @tE' or'=rcrffirffi F7-tWd F$edFhcEfAdnlt %ffilna 'il|i,,rffiry-e,f,u&t6ew, W+ffi' ' - :--ta!.. lbrfidleflED#Irf lrlg,rturdrFP tl NO.886 P.:ICE B)',l FBEE zIE e.t- #ffiffi* ffi='*e gffi.znm+ ffiffffi*,g's"o ;fiffiffiffi *Wratw*W --t'rov "?2.?w?NOvr2t-O2 l€r57 8i11ff .rour!'1flY9-9%9't.o dmnsr ADDRESS ERRoR tr'oRM r:, A.4'w + Mv E- LaiS ffffmi* L Vep co iles PropettY Ow[sr Signauru ActionRcqurc*c{ IagalDessiPtiou t D ; B?9rl E2 No.BA6 P.4rGE r/1 ?gea o ffiHffi&ffiffiffi?ffiffiffi#'ffis' wtrffiffis,,u,,^ nePwn{6#a"srw-peya6eaofihechatge; - I Eogtc Cornty embulance bisuict - Io* of Vail Fire Departnent EacJe couityAss!.ssors offi- 1o* ofval PoliceDaantneot ilfi;Ri"*'w.t--a*oi"t*-Distict U's-Posats<uice ffi-iil-iei-tt iEueiEec'rucoettt USWest hrblic Scr,rice Corrpaury loiJq ftnfpr & Assoc-' E911 Coordinaior ffiFsuJ;ffgb'h;*,*cts TCl'cablwisim Tom of Veil reqr&re ft: aggroprire tltfurs bc co$Pi'or1lb pmcd u rhe pnurir* l'lnlri€oilv dwlbet Sarrbcasr{gng.tesogtcloroHifi*T' ;I;*#'-*-tdfi*"*';snrubavcualp}s'alphr'uooctic ffi;ffi dc*b'f* t aaruoa r t'i4I' olacdc ddtls$ Cur,edAdftesga --n'nt#I . * [,* Y: $]*M ffi - k tfod.l t'r'f TheComrnuityD?r,dopneltDaP'l$GutlrrvctifisdtleGorrectaddrcrgsrtlcabove t[stcil propcrtv' frc "ai#A1pi".ya "" t: U"ndltg **erPoniti with the addr'cEs ttre Town of ve' r*, "o1*lT rh"'tr*J, prcese up&t€ your rworde rccordlDgxy' ContnuuttY DevelPP.ueot: Fhouc 479-Zl3E Fs 4tS'2452 Department of Community Development 75 South Frcntage Road Vail, Colorodo 81657 970-479-2138 Fttx 970-479-2452 wwvci,vail.co.us TO: FROM: DATE: VIA FAX Eagle County Ambulance District, Steve Knight (926-5235) Eagle County Assessors Office (328-7370) Eagle fuver Water and Sanitation District (476-4089) Holy Cross Electric, Engineering Depr. p49-4566) Public Service Company (949-3289) Public Service High Pressure Gas (468-1401) TCI Cablevision (949-9138) Town of Vail Fire Department, Mike McGee (4'79-2176) Town of Vail Police Department, Miranda Steber (479-2216) U.S. Postal Service (476-1065) US West, Carson Bell (970-244-4349) Johnson, Kunkel & Assoc.: Andrew Dewell, E9l I Coordinator (328-1035) Community Development Department, Town of Vail November 20,2002 for Vail Mountain School Em The attached map shows a change of building name that has been approved by the Town of Vail. This change will make it easier for emergency vehicles to locate the properties. Please update your records accordingly. Ifyou have any questions, please contact Allison Ochs at the Community Development Department at (970) 479-2369. Ifyou did not receive 6 pages (including thk page), please contact our ffice immediately. WAIL\DATA\EVERYONE\FORMS\ADDRES S\ADDRES S.CHN {P *u"'"'uo '^'"' @ -g f -t- m tl ].z $ s s s s o +s 3 F E- =.4 : & -\-N- -,- 4 -r(-\F-s..\ =.-+ {>s sr $ - ..\?.,. s\'a-+ F$ * rE 5 _p-$ ->E =(-t :R -{ =:? \t a tn g<?>a-t-a L ..? l-r Oar <:(1 l>rr- ='oZ ,- (i -J f- )- i-{;r z_-'r ld t- '1 :" cn;r 4^F <+li- L-r .,r.,/ t-a v l-DaF Ftl - \-/ > =. O*l C]L r{' F>tn 2=e O " F.F{ i{H >Y rn<OH QA zz c) riii;iil!l iliiilii iiii iirl Itr !li t: l;|It.rii . rqt -t l- 1z1 ,-t o=cz 7. <1 c)> t.. !!i !ll lii:ii ]ll ltr ir:ili i{i;lr iilii iil i! ;'1i !!lr ^;'i ti tlt i:tiil; i'J i! tit ; I i,l rlili I II!ii:i i ! ! i ql!'i I I I iil flt ii t!ll i: ."1 !illillii' riiti:it iiii'iir l!it tl ;1lt i! iiii;! rlli I :rti i: i'lrii iili{l !i !i iiii'ii!t rli I ll t::iiii:ii [!!l ii rf ili il ii iiii ti I'It2;l rli i rlt , !i ii lir li Ir lr i: il il r--! li lr i I: :T ll ll r, ,t ! t I i li la iI It ii It i!li t, 1!'; .. i I lllr i: il ;ii irl rfl iii Ii d; rri 1i iq iii iI ii,iiii i ii' |{ ii ii,ii 'i'itiiiii rliil iif !.1 I ,:ft';- ii lli li:i i lrl iliil ii .I ;f t iFi i iil i rll - il:i: I Jr 3 | ei t ilfii | [i ir I Itr ill il riri I I il lll Iri tl rll !li l:i ll l! il il ' :fi:i iiil; ii:ll ii'!i iir{lt I I t i t I I r I I a trl l! tl iiliifiili iti ! il 1i rril ;'l it ri I ll i! :l l!.i l1 rl ia rl 3l il I I !l :l {l il ,l ii ,:r il I ii El:i :'iii rli! lil nE It! ii, f' ij', 'i "ii ii I "'t lli o o o <-2 5\)\O <3 -s --a\<*f" -r I S +- \) s. 7 f, d6 ti E - aqrt -iprr:l ! llqiEl 6," q5: {* !ill .irl rl rl tlt g<?> =z <) -i .47 E ztz g.saF c?E; is I;1" 9- PF'"s 85 9 oF g rt'g F>t,)o =Z t1 =;ttt <a6 E-r zz :: I I q t- rlt tll !ri I I !l --f- \ \ i!; rn -< (\j' --"\ =_\/z lii$fFf,ii$itr Eilrilfiiir , ; I!t:t9 I I I I T if l{ir ;i'i I ll .ft 'll.a"5 I > i lrlr ili r = it:t !E 'lEl I tl tl VAIL I/|OUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colondo MASTER PLAN '-----. I ii r; i \l!!lr.i \l I r;i ;i ,iiiiiir '---'' jtili i o o Nov 19 O2 o3:45p eagle countg ambulance g7O 476 o51g !t'rov-l-oev-osPt' tD'9?04"*2 NOV-OBiO? 1g'Fs FEo mp€rtYottner NatI€: Ma{trng Addressi Pmperty O\!er SgnahJre; \ ***R€qu€dld: bgalDesoi$iot: Parcel !to.: cur€ntPhy$cal Addtte$ htFced PbtstratAddr€ss; TrB fonwins qqb fiA b. dldflGn of thc chuge:, FigtecosnEYAmbdanFDifif-t I:air"corrrdlsseryoome l: 6G3lvtjyg-*sftndonDr'tit H HolY Goss ElecbE rt p.1 PAGE 2/G irf, n6cPr+atdu 479.2200 (teD 479-2215 (b0 tutticworkrr {?9:r5s (FI) 4i9'2155 (rdx) l8deosuilYfileno.; qrd,oass (d) g6:z3s (ftilo pt on or,^ ritt fo*, n *e Dqwwt dco'wwntrl DcwloPwilL ILlLIl2A62 Lt:L2 9743281635 Nou-oe-64 i fro2 FFoH= lov-|J-o8v-D8Fr', JOI+I5OhI KUI.KELSASSDC rp.e?647lrt'z PAGE 6LlgL Pvqertyowner lhfic: MaiktgAddl€s PrrytyOgterSalUre:e-L. f*aionneq;#d: l.egal Dercttto.t: httdlb.; Currtrt F rysicd Ad&6: Prop4d qrrScd Atltlre9g: fia fstbvAs Wnatu flil| be ffid of the ctuqt:. EruhCo|lIWAIrfillnI&!otsbff ' eade Comty As6tor! Oflhe ofoRtvsiYaailsmffinDiilt! HolyffiSefiid Ec€tEglft tubfcseilics HtttIISUE @ rt To$mdvrfFheltcgtdft ttr Torrr of Vail Hbe Depafitettt U.S, Podd Senfa m,, Kr*el 8|. reedil+ drr eordrranr AliiT0abhServig ryrvdl4*vrP ffi#!wfl#"-*trw.uwtut f *t .cr-,.e ?F -a'r'-r"r - --- - . ,_ @u nits eu. $all httt ut g*tt t" o;ritgrgd t in2fu mu*rtcf,d&css' lWttnw all,lcr f i- itdnoi w tttc N',,,s11 t w',wtr ^d&w Heb: vnt wd,uail.CGtr$ &qrlrd franilnryDarGloPtn c {i9-2138 (ul) {}e2'lE? (filq Fl:Drrrbarts 479.2250 (eD 479,2176 (ftB) PcalceDlpdt: +79,1200 (E{) 4iD.2216 (tu) HallcWc*s 4?9.2rs8 (El} {is.a66 (h) E ebc.rrttAntq|re 4?5.ss (d) 926-s3s (tu) lluSeryh*: fnsx rcwt itt foril to tla Wawr t Cowauty Dcrctoryte tr Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.4n.2139 f ax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: Mtn School Cabin Historic PEC Number: PEC020062 Project Description: Special historic and architectural structure designation for the Mountain School log cabin Participants: OWNER VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL 09/30/2002 Phone: 3150 KATSOS MNCH RD VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT Braun Associates Inc 0913012002 Phone: 926-7575 Dominic Mauriello POB 2658 Edwards, CO Dominic@braunassociates.com 81532 License: ProjectAddress: 3094 BOOTH FALLS RD VAIL Location3 VMS Log Cabin Legal Description: Lot: 12 Block: 1 Subdivisiont VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 12 Parcel Number: 210102301017 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Rollie Kjesbo Second By: Doug Cahill Voter 5-0 Conditions: Action: APPROVED Date of ApprovaF lOl28l20O2 Cond: I (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Pranner: fldl{ kn4o/l PEC Fee Paid: $0.00 IOIIN B D tr tr tr ! tr C b((' tr Conditional Use Permit tr FloodplainModification tr Minor Exterior Alteration ! Major Exterior Alteration - Development Plan ! Amendment to a Development Plan ! Zoning Code Amendment E Variance - Sign Variance $6s0 $400 $650 $800 $1500 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Depaft ment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2739 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the pafticular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type ofApplication and Fee: Rezoning $1300 Major Subdivision $1500 Minor Subdivision $650 Exemption Plat $650 Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000 New Special Development District $6000 Major Amendment to an SDD $6000 Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (n o exte rio r m od i fica tio ns) Historic Structure $250 Description of the Requestr Request for special historic and architectural structure (the Vail Mountain School Cabin) oursuant to Title 10. Chaoter 2. of the Town Code. Locataon of the Proposal: Lot: 12 BlocklZ-- Subdivision: Vail Villaqe 12th Filinq (a.k.a.. Lot 1, Vail Mountain School Subdivision) Physical Address: 3160 Katsos Ranch Road. Vail CO 81657 Parcel No,i 210102301017 ( Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) zoningi GU Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Name of Applicantl Mailing Address: Rfi:F-1vtij E-mail Address: donrin ic(g)braunassociates.com Fax 926-7576 Owner(s) Signature(s): For Office Use Only: -,i* piil,--f <O 'a-check No.: 5L6 ay: i o . - \\td t/c. \V/ t THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the TownofVail on October28,2002,at2:00P.M.intheTownofVail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a "Historic and Architectural Structure" designation, to allow for the relocation of the Vail Mountain School Cabin, pursuant to Title 10, Chapter 2, Vail Town Code, located at 3'160 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 1, Vail Mountain School Subdivision. Applicant: Planner: Vail Mountain School, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. Matt Genett A request for a worksession to discuss a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for an amendment to the Town of Vail Land Use Plan and the Vail Village Master Plan, to facilitate the construction of "Vail's Front Door" project and associated improvements and setting forth details in regards thereto, located on an unplatted parcel, generally located south of the Lodge Tower and west of the Vista Bahn Ski Yard. A more complete metes and bounds description is available at the Department of Community Development. Applicant: Vail Resorts Development Company Planner: GeorgeRutheriAllisonOchs/MattGennett A request for a worksession to discuss proposed redevelopment projects in Lionshead, specifically including the Vail Resorts Core Site, West Day Lot, Tennis Court Site, North Day Lot, Holy Cross Site, Waste Water Treatment Plant and associated public improvements and setting forth details in regards thereto. A more complete legal description is available at the Department of Community Development. Applicant: Vail Resorts Development Company Planner: Allison Ochs The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published October 11, 2OO2 in the Vail Daily. TO: FROM; DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department October 28,2002 A Request for Special Historic and Architectural Struclure Designation under Title 10, Chapter 2, Vail Town Code, for a structure located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 12, Block 2, VailVillage 12th Filing. Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by BAI/Braun Associates, Inc. Planner: Matt Genneft ll. ilt. SUMMARY The applicant, the Vail Mountain School, is requesting an Historic Designation under Title 10, Chapter 2, Vail Town Code, forthe Baldauf House, known as the "cabin", located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 12, Block 2, VailVillage 12b Filing. The Special Historic and Architectural Designation reguest is made is made pursuant to, and in accordance with, Sections 1 0-2-1 and 10-2-4 of the Vail Town Code. Staff is recommending approval of the applicant's request. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The Vail Mountain School has requested the Baldauf House be granted a Special Historic and Architectural Designation to allow for certain flexibilities under the Universal Building Code (UBC) afforded to a structure so designated. The subject structure was built in 1906, prior to the existence of building codes. BACKGROUND The Booth Falls area was originally owned by Vail Associates (VA) and annexed into the Town of Vail in 1972. ln 1979, the Vail Mountain School relocated from the Lodge at Vail to its present location on seven acres donated by VA. The "cabin', the proper name of which is the Baldauf house, was constructed in 1906 by Charles Baldauf. The daughter of Charles Baldauf, Mrs. Edna Baldauf Norgaard, told stories of the cabin's history and her life there to students of the Mountain School. The subject property, to which the cabin is proposed to be relocated, was rezoned from Agricultural & Open Space (A) to General Use (GU) in September ol20O2. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Plannino and Environmental Commission tv. o The PEC is responsrb/e for final approval or denial of a Special Histoic and Architectural Designation. Desiqn Review Board: Action: The DRB has IVO review authority on a vaiance, but must review any accom panying D RB ap pl ication. Town bouncil: Actions of PEC may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the PEC erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or ovefturn the boad's decision. Staffr The staff is responsib/e for ensuing that all submiftal requirements are provided and ptans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also adylses the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the propefty and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteia and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Sfatra/so facilitates the review process. V. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Title 10, Chapter 2, Yail Town Code - Special Historic and Architectural Structures (Attached) Town of Vail Land Use Plan - Public and Semipublic Land Use Designation "lncludes fire stations, churches, schoo/s, water and sewer seruice and storage facilities, communication facilities, and municipal facilities such as maintenance and storage facilities." VI. CRITERIAANDFINDINGS 162-1: Designation; Criteria: For the Parposes of the cunently adopted edition of the Uniform Building Code that describes histoical buildings, if a building or structure within the Town shall be designated as having special histoical orarchitectural significance and such building or structure meets the following criteia: A. lt has been in exr.sfence for at least fifty (50) years. The cabin was built in 1906. B. /t has impoftance in the history, architecture, archeology, or culture of the Town as determined by the Planning and Environmental Commission. The cabin is one of the five original buildings still in existence in the Vail Valley. The structure is indicative of early 1900's architectural style in the Rocky Mountains. The cabin was the home of the Baldauf-Norgaard family, one of the original homesteading families in the VailValley. C. D. E. 10-2-4: Planning and Environmental Commission Determination: The criteria the Planning and Enviranmental Commission shall use to determine whetherto designate a building or structure as architecturally or histoically significant shall include but not be limited to the following: A. The assocr,a/ion of such building or structure which events have made it a significant contribution tothe history of the Town orthe sunounding area, the State of Colorado, or the United Sfafes; The cabin is one of the five original buildings still in existence in the Vail Valley. B. The connection of such property with persons significant in such history; The cabin was the home of the Baldauf-Norgaard family, one of the original homesteading families in the Vail Valley. Distinctive characteristics of a type, period, method of construction; The structure is indicative of early 1900's architectural style in the Rocky Mountains. The geographic impoft.ance of the property; and Reference the information listed above. The possibility of important discovery related to prehistory or history. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the request for a Special Historic and Architectural designation pursuantto Sections 10-2-1 and 10-24 of the Town Code. Staff s recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section V of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented and the following findings: 10-2-1 A. lt has been in exisfence for at least fifty (50) years. B. /f has importance in the history, architecturc, archeology, or culture of the Town as determined by the Planning and Environmental Commission. 10-2-4 A. The association of such building or structure which events have made it a significant contibution ta the history of the Town orthe sutounding area, the State of Colondo, or the United Sfafes,' B. The connection of such property with persons significant in such history; C. Distinctive characteistics of a type, peiod, method of construction; D. The geographic importance of the property; and E. Ihe possibility of important discovery related to prehistory or history. vlt. VII ATTACHMENTS A. Applicant statement B. Photos, newspaper article, etc.C. Adjacent property owners D. Title 10, Chapter 2, Vail Town Code I B,qil BR.,\LltN AssoclArEs" lNC. PLANNINC and COMMUNITY DEVFLOPMENI OcLober 7, ?OO2 Lorelet DonaldEon Town Clerk Town of Varl 75 South frontaqe Road Varl, CO 61G57 lland Deh ered Re: Amendment ol Proleclve Covenants - Vatl Vllaqe Twelfth Tinq Dear Lorelet: AtLached lo lhts letLer E a co?y of amendmenLs Lo the protecL:e covenant5 ol the Val Vllaqe Twelfth Finq as executed and recorded wfth the Ea7le Covnty Clerk and Recorder. These amendments are benq Vrouded to yov VursvanL to the proLecIve covenancS. Maunello, Edwards Village Center; Suite C-209 O | 05 Edwards Village Boulevard Post Oflice Box 2658 Edwards. Colorado 8 I 532 Ph - 970.9267575 Fax - 970976.7576 www.braunassociates.com a * t September 30,2002 Russell Forresl AICP Dirsctor of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 Re: Application Submittal for Historic Cabin Designation, Vail Mountain School, Vail, Colorado Dear Russ: Included with this letter is an application ($250 fee) to designate the "cabin" located on the Vail Mountain School campus as a historic structwe pursuant Title 10, Chapter 2, of the Vail Town Code. The purpose of this designation is to allow flexibility with building codes for a building constructed priot to existence of building codes. While flexibility is being sought, the overall safety ofthe structure will be ensured. Below is the list of application requirements and criteria required by Town Code for such a request: A. The Owner of the cabin is the Vail Mountain School. located at3l60 Katsos Ranch Road, Vail, CO 81557. B. The Cabin is to be located on Lot l, Vail Mountain School Subdivision (a.k.a. Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12'n Filing). C. A picture of the structure has been provided. D. The VMS cabin was built in 1906 and was known as the Baldauf House. E. The cabin is one of the five original buildings still remaining in the Vail Valley. The structure is an example of the architecture used in the rocky mountain region in the early 1900's. This cabin was the home of one of the original homesteading families (Baldauf- Norgaard) in the Vail Valley. The criteria the Planning and Environmental Commission shall use to determine whether to designate a building or structure as architecturally or historically significant shall include but not be limited to the following: A. The association of such building or structure which events have made it a significant contribution to the history of the Town or the surrounding area, the State of Colorado, or the United States; Our Analysis As stated above, this cabin wus built by one of the original homesleaders of the Vail Valley. The cabin is representative of the architecture of the early 1900's. B. The connection of such property with persons significant in such history; Our Analvsis As stated above, this cabinwas built by one of the original homesteaders of the Vail Valley. The cabin is representative of the architecture of the early I 900's. C. Distinctive characteristics of a type, period, method of construction; Our Anal\)sis This cabin is characteristic of the construction in the mountain west in the early 19a0's. Distinctive of this architecture is the use of log materials and chinking. D. The geographic importance of the property; Our Anqlvsis The geogtaphic importance of the property is that it is located in the Town of Vail and that it represents the general location ofthe original homestead. E. The possibility of important discovery related to prehistory or history. Our Anqlvsis To our knowledge, there is no important discovery related to prehistory or history. I Ifthere are additional materials that can be provided or ifTom or I can be ofassistance do not hesitate to call us at926-7575. Thanks again for your help. Sincerely, Dominic F. Mauriello. AICP 0rt'04'200? 15:11 From-9lEAR rnlVlnUl0En l. PER|(ttrs T-4?8 P 00e F-921 0r0478?118 ffi v-d€ apf ld* . AMENDMENTTOPROTECTryECOVENANTS OF VAIL VILLAGE TWELT"TH ['ILTNC, EAGLE COTNTY, COLORADO THIS AMENDMENT TO PRO'I'ECTIVE COVENANTS OF VAIL VILLAGE TWELFTH FILING, EAGLE couNTY, coLoR,A,D() (rhis "Amendment") is made by rhe trndersig:ed owners. Racitats A. On Augusr t6, 19'12, Vail Associates, lnc., a Colorado corporation (.VAI,), recorded the "Protective Covenants of Vail Village Twelfth fiiling, Eagle Couuty, Coiorado"" ar Book 225" Page 88, of the real propery recorcls of Eagle Counry, Colqrado (dre "lnitiel Covenants'). On Seprcmber 25, 1972, VAI rccortied an "Amendmeqt of the prorecive Coveuants of Varl Village, Twelfth Fiiing" at Book 225, Page 475, of rhe real properry records of Eagle Counry. Colorado (the "First Amendmenr"). The Inilial Covgna$rs, as amended bv the First Atl errdment and arry othsr duly nrade and rccorcled amendffro , are referred to in thr s Antgndrner:t as the "Prolecti\,e Covenants." B. Pursuant to Secrion 16 ofthe Protecrive Covenants, rlte protective Covenanrs nray be atnended by and with the wrifien conserrt of the owrrers of 66o/a of the privarcly-orvned ianri included vuiririn rhe boundaries of Vail Village, Twelfth Filing. C. Th.e undersigncd own 66% of rire privately-owned land included wirhin the bounderies of Vail Village, Twelfth Filirrg, and desire to amend the Protective Covenarrrs &s rhev af'Jbcr Tract C and Lot I l. D. Pursuarrt to Secrion I of the Protective Covcnar:ts, VAL as rire initial owner of the atYecred Pt'operty, was ro establish the Booth C)reeh Planning ard Archirectural Conrrol Conrmittee. lt appears drat uo such comminee w4s ever formed and that &e renns of Sec.tiou I of the Prorective CovenanB have nor been enforced with regard to any of rhe exisring developmeni within the affeded Froperty. l}ercJbre. Section I of rhe Prorccrivc Covenanri appears ro be obsolete. Delerion of Section I ol'the Proteciive Covenan6 will avoid any polential inequity that may result if future d*veloprnenr were made subject rc tbe review of an archirecturai control commi$ee. NOW, TI{ERIFORE, in consideradon o1' the prernises and orher good and valuable consideration, the receipr zurd sufficiency of which are hereby acknowle4ged, fie ruidersigned agree arrd declare as follows: Amcndmenr Agregnent (Concerning Truct C) l. Alrendmenj of Sec3inn 2.4. Secdori 3.4 of the Protective Covenants is a:lended by deledng tire referetrce drercin to Tract C, zud it ir agreed and acknowledged rhat Tracr C may 0ct-04-200? l5:14 From-$IEAR rnlrlnmcen & PERtfltls T-1?8 P 003 F-921 s704767118 be used for school related parking/bus enclosure, facujty housing, and/or recreatio[ acrivities or facilities as permiued under the applicable zoning rcgulations of rlie Towu of Vail in effect from tir:re ro time. (Concerning Lot l1) 2, Amerrdnrem of Section ?,2. Section 2.2 of the Protective Covenants is arnended by dcledng the refetence therein to Lot 11, Block 2, and it is agreed and acknowledged thar Lot 11, Block 2, rtray be used for recreation faciliries, relocation of existing 950 square foor school cabin, and school access/parkiug as permitted under the applicable zoning regulations of tJre Town of Vail in effect ftorn tinre ro time. (Concerning Architectural Control Commirtee) 3. Deletion of Section L Section I of the Protective Coveuants enrirled "Plannins arrd Archirectural Control Commince" is hereby deleted in its enrirery ald shall no tonger be oi any force or effect. 4. AdditioFal Conformirre Chalees. Aay provision of rhe Prorective Covenarrts ourside o1' Secdon 'l by which the approval, consent or authorization of the Planning and Archirectural Conuol Committee is required prior to undertaliing sny acr or conduct is hereby amended such rhat no such approval, collsent or authorization is required prior ro urrderukirrg rhe acl ot' conduct in quesfion. 5 Counrerp+ris. This Amendment rna), be execured in tlre fonn of two or utore counterparls that wbeD talieu rogether shall constiturc a single, fully-executed instrument. 6. Effect of this Amendmenr. Except ars expressly provided i-n this Amendment and any other duly made and recorded amendment(s), dre Prorective Covenants remain in futl force and effect. sara J Fi sher ililrltililill ]iltililtltililtliltililt E.gl€, C0 314 ililllil flBlfl,?s..^ R 101 .a0 D o.go 0ct-04-2002 15:15 Fron-r{EAR rnN.}rurcrn s PERl(rils s7047671 1S T-428 P.tD4/021 F-S?l THIS AMENDMENT is execured by the urrdersigned as of the dates given below. OWNETT OF LOT II AND 12, BLOCK 2I Vail Mountain School STAT6 OF COLORADO COUNTY OFEACLE Mounlain School, a {\6t,{on- ^lhe foregoing irrstrurnent was ackrrowledged 2002, by ?€Jer< fi, A&t^tst __ _ as before me dris Z6ciav ) I cc. ) [ilriltiltililltilil]ililil of August, of Vail Wiuress my hand and official seal. ll My commission expires: ,t z ltrp lzao"f sa.i J Fish€a lilllil f'flift?,,... R r01 ,O0 D 0.00 0ct-04-2002 15:15 ) ) ssi ) before-ne ais l{aav or I lllill llil llilil iltil ilr ililil lllllllilllillilllll fifrifli,?',.^314 R 101 .00 p 0.00 Slre J Flihar E!91c, co Fronr-tiEAR ttofu*nr* & PER|(t||s 8t0478it l8 T-4?S P.005/0?i F-S21 THIS AMENDMEM is executed by rbe undersiped the dates given below. OFLOT& JOTIN B. STATEOFCOLORADO COTINTYOFEAGLE The foregoing 2002,by Witness myband aad official seal. My commission expires: gct-04-?00? 15r16 Fron-llEAR rnlr,frnuoln & PER|(INs . gs/L2/?Ag2 22|6a 978-9?6-7575 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTYOF EAGLE THIS AMENDMENT is executed bythe undersigned as of the dates given below. OWNER{S) 0F LOT 58' BLOCK 2r T-4?8 P.006/0?1 F-gZl FACE O3 r[, r4' 6' A:- ruonfY GARToN 4m '4- A---MdfuLe6 The foregoing was acknowledged before me tlris .1$ day of Wihess myhand and offrcial seal.u'''[b??["-FiEi8l: My comrnission expires: ) \ <c' ) lillll *fffli,?,... R 161 .00 D a.00 I lllill ilffi ililil iltil ilt ilililt |lilI til ill| Sarts J Fi.sher Er€le, Cb 314 0ot-04-200? 15: l6 From-[EAR rnerfnulcn { PER|(Tl,|s 9104?6?1 18 T-428 P g1t/021 F-Szl THIS AMEI-IDMENT is executed by the undersigred as of rhe dates given below. OWNER(S) oF LOT 28, BLOCK 2: STATE OF COLORADO COLII{TY OFEAGLE My commission expires: JANE HEDLUND NOTARY PUBLIC STAIE OF COLORADO My Commlsrion Expies T|:131ZWS STATE OF COIORADO COI.NTY OF E,dGLE JANE HEDLUND NOTARYPUBUC STATE OF COLORADO My Cornmission gxpiros ??gzoos Tbe foregoing t was ac , 200! by Wimess mv hand and offlcial seal.Vr 'l+>lu5 before me oiJ4a"v of ER{S)LOT?B,BLOCK2: ) ) ss: ) before me thirdav The foregoing +strufte-rrt acknowledged ,200L, by Winress mvhand and official seal. My commission expires; of llllillililililuil|ililtililil Sa.a J Fr3n6l ENg16, CO I llllliillilll lil llll fi#lflil?',...r14 R tol .00 0 0.00 0ct-04-2002 '15;16 I From-HEAR rnlfnnutmn & pERtilils 97047$I1 18 T-428 P.008/0Zl F-g?1 THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the undersigned as ofthe rlaes given below. STATE OF COLORADO COTJNTY OF EACLE ) ) cc. ) Witness rny hand and offioial seal. ) ) ss: ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of as 2001, by nF owNF+(s)pFLoT I , BLICr-L: /W*_E_ .< l- I r My commission expires: ,.1/t//15 owNBR(S) OF LOT ___, BLOCK*: STATE OF COLORADO COLTNTY OF EAGLE Witness my hand and officiai seal. My comrnission expires: r ffiilt ililt tillt iltil ililtililt il g:ra J Frghsr E{916, C0 Nomrylublic 0ct-04-2002'15:17 From-WEAR rnlrfnurmn & PERI(il{s 970476ir r8 I-128 P.009/021 F-921 THIS AI,IENDMENT is executed by the undersigred as of the dates given below. STATE OF COLORADO COLINTY OF EAGLE \ The foregoing lqrmurent was a( #\-2oo/,by+ was acknorvledged before me tlris-S-day of owNER(S) OFLOT Witness my hand and ofEcial seal Mycommissionexpires: (.t.', Dl ZOOS aa STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OFEAGLE owNER(s) oqLor tS"BLocK I : The foreg{ng instrument was acknowledged before me ttis$'\Aay of 100f, bv frohtnS #tce,r31 as My commission expires: I lllil llil llillil lllil lll llilill llll lll lill llil llil l'flii.i'?''.^ Sara J FrEh.r Erslo, C0 314 R 101.00 D O.00 ) ) ss: ) NotaryPublic Notary Public 0ct-04-?002 15 : l7 From-$iEAR TRAVORUEGER & PERKniS s7017671 18 1-429 P.0r0/021 F-gzt THIS AMENDMENT is executed by tlre undersigned as of tho dates given below. owNtrR(s) oF Lor fuLBLocK i : 9tIA&hIBt-+ STATE OF COLORADO COLINTY OF EAGLE ) ) ss: ) Witness my hand and official seal. The_ foregoi My commission expires: 4,L> l,tl5 /\4rl / lr a I t^ //I t1.^1^* -)\j-W lrtffiPubifc owNER(s) oFLor6A.BLoc:K 3 : STATE OF COLORADO COL]NTY OF EAGLE Witness my hand and official seal. Mv commission exoires: S/Ot /l-l YT7----* llllllll Eososs lfllllfl ;ir;,;,;t?'" *o R 1O1 0o 0 0,00 I lllilt til ililil il]t ilil lill |lilt ill iltl 5!r! J Fr,rhtr Eaglr C0 314 0ct-04-2002'15:17 From-$EAR TRAOKRUEGER & PERKt|\ls 9i0416i1 l8 I-125 P.011/021 F-921 THIS AMENDMENT is execured by rhe undersigned as of the dares given below. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COU!\-'TY OF EAGLE ) ) ss: ) lstrUment v Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: & I> ' /,,-5 /\\L x ,t .1 /,/ *. .-. Ndiary Public owNER(S) OF LOT _, BLOCK : 2001, by before as The foregoing instrument was acknowledged me this _ day of qq' of Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires I Notary Public 0ct-04-2002 ' l5: l7 From-liEAR rnQ rnuemn & PERKTlis 91047671 l8 1-428 P.01?/t21 F-Szl THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the undersigned as of the dates given below owN[:R(s) oF LoT I /,stocrc 1_: 1*L,-, _,-- / . The foreCqjng instpment yas a( J u-/ ) /._- 200 /", bv ZL:z:ahr_z=gjt_olla acknowledged before me ts;s f aay of STATE OF COLORADO COTNTY OF EAGLE ) ) ) nt ss: Witness my hand and official seal. .t/ My corrmissiou expires: ? /:>l/a 5 owNER(s)oFLor | (,nrocx_ { I STATE OF COLORADO COLINTY OF EAGLE ) ) ) The foregolgg iqstrumeut was acknowledged before qlr) ,/ L-_ oay of Witness my haad arrd offici;ifpeal. My commission expires: illl il il|il l]]ll |ilil ill lllil] lil ill llllll J Fiehor Er5lo, C0 E14 lllllll fiflifl,',l,,... R 10r.00 0 0. o0 0ct-04-?002 15:18 9704757118 T-428 P.013/02t F-S2l MOUNTAIJ'r HOMES, LOT 1, BLOCK 2: 5#te ) ) ) nt 7:ur- , 2002, bv futr- 4= ulz iJ{oIa From-l|EAR TRU KRUEGER & PER|{Ills THIS AMENDMENT is executed by rbe rurdersigned as$rhe owNER(s) or ulur ?/? STA1E OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Witness my hand and oIEciaI seal. My commission expires: -2bh5*:7-7--r- owNER(S) OF UNrr MOUNTAINEOMES, #_, BOOTEFALLS LOT 1, BLOCK 2: STATE OF COLORADO COLTNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing ) ) ss: ) in-qtrnrnellt waS acknOWledged befbre me this as _ day of , 2001, by of ffii*p '.JsvrY.^i Wimess my hand and offrcial seal- My commission expires: Notary Pub)ic I llllll lllil lllllll lllll lll lllllll lllll lll lllll lil llll i'frii'l'i".., Sara J Fiih6r Erele, C0 3t4 R 161 .00 D 0.00 0ct-04-2002' l5:18 From-NiEAR TRU I(RUECER & PERltII{s 9i047671 l8 T-4?8 P.t14/021 F-921 THIS AMENDMENT is executed by rle undersigned as of the dates given below. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing insbument {*-*- ,200}, by Li.t-*rI- Wihess my hand and official seal. My commissioo expires: was .aclqowledged before L l. *..\- ) ) ss: ) tiris r:fday of lllilrltilulltffi ililIilil lill il ilil lllllll 8@6055 lfl lfJl PaEe: r3 or zO Ll l',l 09t24t7oo2 lO:44A F l0r.00 D 0.60 owNER(s) oFLoT 2d BLOCK2: 0ct-04-?002 l 5: 18 r'lAY-69-?68? 18:33 ;/ srArE oF//hn///^/ t ,tl COLDITY ONXit//*t4- I lllil llil lllill lllll lll llllil llllt lll llllll lil llil P*e'l$l'1""." Sara J FiEhEr Erslp, Co 314 R 1Ol .00 O 0.OO JJil::[JltJ:[T,' "*n'l],,..,=,6 e70476r1rs,ilr,,J;1: P 015/02r,',-{r!,^o THls AMEI\IDMENT is cxecrrred by thc unricrsigncci as of rhe dates givcn helow. Rouse Invc.rtmcnt Co. owNER(S) OF A PORTION (0.591 acres) OF ) ) ) before Witness my hand and official seal. My commis"iou expiles: me 0ct-04-?002.l5:18 From-wEAR TRU}KRUEcER & PER(lils 970416ir t8 T-428 P.016/021 F-921 THIS AMENDMFNT is executed by the undersigied as of the dares given below. srArE oFP-rm? COIJNTY OF E*Gi#5r-n#-",-s.o ) Witness my hand and offrcial seal. ) \ cc' ) The ioiegoing instrumenr was ackoowleciged before rne this _ u)y of as 2001, by of My commission expires: dl"v )t , )cro \ owNER(S) OF LOT __, BLOCK _: STATE OF COLORADO COLINTY OF EAGLE Wjtness my hand and official seal. My cornnission expiles: Notary Public illlflillff ril]lil tlillilil tilil jrulil il ill Ee,?fr,?,i;,* 0ct-04-2002. l5:19. STATE OF€EI4R-ADO From-[EAR TRfi KRUEGER & PERKINS T-4?8 P.gt7/t?t F-921 t1 870475ii l8 THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the undersigned as of the datos given below. owNER(s) oF, uNrr -J'1q;a""rrF,ALLs MOUNTAIN HOMES, LOT 1, BLOCK 2: ) ) ) b The foregoirrg instrurnent w.qs.3cloow,f$ged,be.lore me this Ck'day of 200A,by as ouwn,{Tln*-solY-t Witness my hand and offrcial seal. My comrnission expires: owNER(S) OF IJNIT MOUNTAIN HOMES, ss: The foregoing irrstrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of as t of 2001, by l"Jdr,\ couNTY oFEAGI# YIN#^P^ STATE OF COLORADO COI.DITY OFEACLE Witness my hand and official seal. My corumission expires: NotaryPublic lruililulltffi t||]ilil|l ilil il ll||il l|[l #frffil*_ 0ct-04-2002.15118. From-|lEAR TRU KRUECER & PERKI|'IS 97047671 t8 T-428 P 018/r2t F-g?t THIS AMENDMENT is executed lry the undersigred as of the dates given below. STATE OiI COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The f.oregoiug . insllument was acknovirledged before me rhis lfauy of \YJU--,zIW, by irtrqr, A,Mr.t, as of ' u e Witness rny harrd and official seal. STA'fE OII COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE L' w l\Elr,(s, rJIl LUI | ,ItLlJLlt | : / 14-& A4.JU t /.Y1 _.UOU ss: ) ) ) The foregoing iustnulent was aclcuora,leclged betor-e me rhis l]4aay of +Trr , 200f by ..Trrr/i Vnurig?ui.+f as owNER(S) OF LOT ,4 , BLOCK I ' Witness my hand and offlcial seal, My commission expires: ficanfrttslol&lihw&'llf'''6 ilil1 I llililtil il il]r ililillil ]ilt Iil ililt J Frsher EasI6, C0 314 "t-Pgg.,lh= NolaD, Public 5al a 0ct-04-2002, l5:19 STATE OF COLORADO COINTY OF EAGLE ) ) ) Fron'$iEAR TRU |{RUEGER & PERKI|IS 97041671 1 I T-428 P.019/021 F-921 THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the undersigned as of the dates given below. LOCVIJKHAC ss: , The foregojng ins;nrment was acknowledged before me this $Oay of >uff , zooZ,bv ./+ze_bt/#ar- Witless my hand and official soal. My cornr:rission expires: ] /-r/A1 I lllill lllll lllllll lllll lll lililll lllll lil lllil lll llll i',e'lfrl'l;'...safs J Fl3h6f Ercle, co 314 R iO1 .00 D O.o0 owNER(S) OFl,OLsAe BLOCK 2 : 0ct-04-?00?. 15r19 Fron-[EAR TRU l(RUEffiR I PER|{llis 9704767t r8 T-4?8 P.0?0/021 F-9?l THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the undersiped as of the dates given below. OWNER OF TRACT C, BLOCK I: The Vail Corporation, a Colorado colporation By, N *n", ?aLrFft lJ n r+ prux,{ rflc,5,Vou STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Corporation, a Colorado corporation. Wimess my hand and official seal. n-Tbe foregoing instruEent was_4qlnowledged before.me r 2002, by (D /" 1L(!O h6J+-Ov1 | ll as btr, V tCe_ s llauv of September. hTsidWrhe Vaii ) ) ss: ) Noury Public lllllll ftfllfr31;:..^ R r0r.00 D 0.oo |ilil ilil||il ]l||ililtililil]il illiltl Srrr J Fiihsr E.gI., C0 314 0c t-04-t00?.15;20. From-|liEAR TRUI I{RUECER & PERI(|NS 9701i671 l8 T-4?8 P.021/l?t F-02t THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the undusigned as of the dates given below' owNER(S) OF UNIT *-2, nOOnuaU.S MOUNTAIN HOimS, LOT lr BLOCK2: STATE OF COLORADO COINTY OF EAGLE 2002,by STATE OF COLORADO COI.JNTY OF EAGLE 2002, by ) ) ss: ) llle instrument was acknowledged before rne this l4 'qt day Witness my hand and official scal.{V}-l;--[ 3' My commission expires:6- z?-o I owNER(S) OF IINIT # +, BOOTHFALLS My c'ommlulon ErFlrsr 09129,4004 LOT I, BLOCK2T of September, ) ) ) Wimess my hand and official seal.W;^*4 &-€tut*> My commission expires: --? :-33 3L .$9 .tai*tsrl I ropsrn)il,erlvelT tcrW ^_.*r$v b,$€f, otftfil dil,$a s$ot ,rv cornmrsston apires 00peE00?__ ._. -- ;Hil:;l.J'*l ffi w $o 1A 4l ing-instrument was acknowledged before nru thir J!-duy of September Notarv Public llllllllllll|] ruililililt ]|] tl ilflilll [l Eti$H,,... 1612A/2A82 2li4g 97A-926-7576 o BRAUN ASSOCIA PAGE A3 TES o E. The cabin is one ofthe five original buildings still remaining in the Vail Valley- The sttucture is an orample of thc architecture used in the rockyinountain region in the earty 1900's- This cabin was the home of one of the original homesteading families (Baldarf- Norgaard) in thc Vail Valley- The criteria the Plaruring utd Environmental Commission shall use to detctmine whether to desigrate a building or structurc as architecturally or hisbrically sigrificant shall include but not be lirnited to the following: A. The association of such building or structurc which events have made it a significant contribution to the history of the Town or thc surrounding are4 the State of Colorado, or thc Unitcd States; Our AnalJtsis As stated ahove, this cabinwas huilt by one olthe original homesteaders of the Vail Yalley. The cabin is rqresentative of the architecture of the early J900's. B. The conncction of such property with pcrsons significant in such history4 Our Analvsis As stdted above, this cabinwas built lry one olthe original homesteaders of the Vail Valley. The cahin E reprwentative of the architecture olthe early 1900's- C. Distinctive characteristics of a type, pcriod, method ofconstructiou; Our Anallsis This cabin is chardcteristic of the constntction in the mounlain wesl in the early I g00's, DLstinctive of this archttecture is the use of log matet ials and chinking. D. Thc geographic importance of theproperty; Our Analysis The geographic irrrpoftsnce of the property is that it Lr located in the Town of Vail and. lhal il represents the general location of the original homestead- E. The possibility of import4r,t discovery related to prehistory or history. Our Analvsis To our lctowlcd.ge,, lhere is no imporlail dbcovery reloted to prehktory or history. Ltd/ 2a/ 2tab'2 BRAl..t,t ASSUCTA Ifthcrc arc additional matcrids ttrat can bc providcd or if Tom or I can be of assistarce do not hcsitdc !o call us tt926-7575. Thanks again for your help. TE5 o 2L:48 914-PAtr S4 BRAUN ASSOCIATES LA/2812A62 2It4a sEP 30 e002 972-926-7576 9: 39Fh _Hitor's -Notc: Ia u corthud qlon lo halD thc cauv;t* t t t t I ll l I t F l} I t i: Ir I .t a'".S .t +'f ! ii ! i i t* L':r \ lr lili 1.,{ ','i .: i.t si ta :.if :,! . tt: r;.i Rr . t t,. LNSERJET l8/28/2882 2Ii48 sEP 30 eodz s:4rRH ] r-nsen:Er 3zoo 974-924-7576 BRAUN ASSOCIATES Ba I dauf Ig/2A/22A2 21i48 972-926-7576 SEP 30 ?QO? 3.41An BRAIJN ASSOCIATES LITSERJET 3ZOO LZI2A/2682 2I:48 976-BRAI.J}.I ASSI]CIA tr Gnditional use Permit tr Roodplain Modification O Minor b(Erir Albratlon tr Major B@rior Albratton fl Development Plan tr Arr€ndment to a Develooment plan tr Zonlng Code Amendment E Van'ance tr Sign Variance TES o PAGE 08 Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Cbmmission Department of Communfty Development 75 50uth Fmntage Roa4 Vail. Cotorado 81652 tef ; 970.a79.2139 lax: 970.419.2452 web; www.ci.vail.m.us General Information: isslon review must receive approval prior to submitting a requirernents br the particular apprwal that ls EquesteA. n r€vie\,y cannot b€ accepted until all fequired information The preject may also need b be revievr€d by tfre Town fype of Appllcation and Fee; o o tr tr tr tr tr V n I Reroning $1300 Major SuHivision $1500 Minor Subdivision $650 b(emption Plat $650 Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000 New Specisl Development Distrld g6000 D 95000 D $1250 $250 $5s0 $400 $6s0 $800 11500 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 Description of the Reguest:for s Locauon of the proposal! Lo[ 12 BlockL_L_ SuMlvision: Vail Villaoe 12fr Filinq (a.k.a.. Lot Physical Address: 3160 Katqps Ranch Road. Vail CO 81657 Parcel No.: 210102301017 ( Eagre co. Assessor at 970-328-g640 tor parcel no.) Zoninq: GU l{ame(s) of Owner(s): l4aillng Address: Phone: - 926-795 Owner(s) Signature(s): IAl2Al2AgZ 27148 I 974-9 26-7576 o BRAUN AS5T]CIA TES o PAGE 62 BAI/BR.AILIN ASSCCIIAT PIANNING and @|4MUN|TY DEVELOPHENT Septernber 30,2002 Russell Fonest AICP Director of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. FrontageRoad Vail, CO 81557 Ro: Applicatior Subminal for Historic cabin Desigration, vail Mountain school, Vail, Colorado Dear Russ: Included with this letter is an application ($250 fee) to dcsignate flre "cabin" located on the Vail \foutain School campus as a historic stucture pursuant Title lQ Chapter 2, of thc Vail Town Code, Thc purpose of this desigration is to allow 0exibilitywith building codes for a buildilg consfiucted prior to existence of building codes. Wirile flexibility is being sought, the overall safety of thc structue will be ensured. Below is the list of application r.equirements and criteria required by Town Code for such a roquest: A. The Orrncr of the cabin is the Vail Mountain School, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road, Vail, CO 81657. The cabin is to be located on lot l, Vail Mountain schoot subdivision (a.k.a. Lot | 2" Block 2, Vail Village 12'r'Fililrgl. A picture ofthe structure has been provided. Thc VMS cabin was built iu 1906 and was known as the Baldauf House. B. c. D. F.dwards Vlbgc Centec Suite C.209 0 1 05 EdwardsVillage Boulevad Fod Office tlot< 2658 Edqaxh, Colorado 8 l612 Pt\. - 970926.7575 rax - 97Q,926.757 6 w\r,rw,brauna sf ociatr5.Com I li I l'+{'*+ + tt +t + +ata t*t+ *l+***+ | * a * +++ f+*a ** rr* ++ r+a.l ++.r+ +ftr,* ++r,+a+tta+t,} +a+rt* t+a rfr+ar r+TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO State'llcnl +*+'tll+frr'+tl+*+++++'**+'rt't**l+t+**+a+a*t+t+++ita+**lltltartarr*ta'+ttrrrr.rli*f*aratl,a a*t Statement Nurnber: ROOOOO3lgo Anount 3 g25O.OO Og/30/200204t47 pM payment uethod: Check Ini!: iIAR trtountain gchool l{otation: 565 vail Permlt No! PECO2OOG2 Type: PEC - G€nerlc Parce] No: 2LOLO23OLO:-7 SiTe AddreeE: 3094 BocIlTH FAIJIJS RD I,AIL IJocatlon: \rM{t Log Cabin ThlE payment:$2so.0o Balance: gO. OO +t+t | ** ++*+tt i* +f+ t l+'* * f,+t **+++t+ t*+*t+++tl +i+ a** +*+++a tla*+a *t+++{'tlat.ra+ttta*i++a+ t + tfft, ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current Pmts PV 00100003112500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 250.00 Total. Fees: TOTAI AIJL I'rNtA : $2s0.00 $2s0.00 o o 2001 iouru or verr- 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 APPLTCANT BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC P.O. BOX 4030 VAIIJ, CO 81658 License : 11" 7 -A OWNER VAIIJ MOUNTAIN SCHOOIJ PO BOX 602 VATIJ CO 815s8 License: CO}TTRACTOR BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC P.O. BOX 4030 VAIL, CO 81658 L,icense : 117 -A ,\\.. ,\ \ \1.\\i 1,. \ ISSUED 1,2/7e/2001 12/3r/200r 06/29/2002 Desciption: PARTITIONWALL, Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fireplace Inlormation: Building-> Plan Check-> Inves tigation-> wiu cdl--> WINDOW AND DOOR ADDITION E1 E1 III lHR ?? $s,000.00 Restricted: S95. oo Restuarant PIan Review--> $61 . 7s DRB Fee $o. oo ftgcreation Fee-------> S3 . 00 Clean-uP DePosit-> TOTAL FEEg_-----> S of Gas Appliances: s20. o0 so. oo s0. oo Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees----> Total Pemrit Fee_> Payments--------1 BALANCE DUE_> $179.7s $0.00 s179.75 s1?9.7s $0.00 DEPARTMENT OT COTVTT'ilTV DEVELOPMENT - , --\ \,' ' \ '(-.1 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: 801-0383 Job Address: 3160 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL Location.......: 3160 KATSOS RANCH RD Parcel No....: 210102301018 ProjectNo. : PRl01-0484 Wood Pelleh Status...: Applied.. : Issued...: Expires . . .: L2/19/200L Phone: 970-949-19oo a2/L9/200L Phone: 1-2/L9/200L Phone: 970-949-1800 Add Sq Ft:0 0 # of Gas l,ogs: 0 fr 14 #of Approvals: r€E.m: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT L2/27/2oo! JRII Action: AP Item: 05400 PITANNING DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PUBIJIC WORKS ;" p"; 2 of this Document f., t conditioru that may apply to ,f,irf,*i.. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiorg filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that dl the inforuration as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforrration and plo,t nlan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sEuchue according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniforsr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQT,JESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOI,.IRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47}A38 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:fi) AM . 5 PM. Send Clean-up Deporit To: N/A ATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIN{SELF AND OWNEI PAGE 2 *********************ir*****trt***t_{it*********'HtH***ffi*ltr**t ******#*******+************t*********irtrt CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 801-0383 as of 12-3i.-2001 Status: ISSUED It***)t****{.***!tffi***************f,****!****#**#*******#*****H************r.********rr********rt******* PermitType: ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Applied: tz/19/2001. Applicanr BECK & ASSOCIATES,INC Issued: 12/37/2001 970-949-1800 To Expire: 0G/29/2002 Job Address: 3160 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL Location: 3150 KATSOS RANCH RD ParcelNo: 210102301018 Description: PARTITION WALL, MNDOW AND DOOR ADDITION Conditions: Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. **f **+*****+************'1.************+t*li**t t *'t** ** * *+** * * **r.*+**** *+ ******* * **+****+ i * t***l TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **+{l****'|.*+***++*****t********+****,1.*+*******i'+***********+{.rt +*****r*+t*******+*****{.**+{'** StatemerrE Nurnber: R000001859 Amormt: g1?9 .75 12/3L/2OO10B:50 At{ Palment, Method: Check Init.: JAR Notation; 4103 PermiE No: 801-0383. 114>e: ADD/AIT coMM BUIITD PERMT Parcel No: 2101023 01018 Site Address: 3150 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL Location: 3150 I(ATSOS RANCH RD Total Fees: $719.75 This Payment: $L79.75 Total AI,L pmt,s: 9129.?5 Balance: 50.00 * + ++ * * *** *** * * * *** *** ** * + * * * * * *+ * * ** 'r. *+** * * * r.* + ** * * * * r+ *** * {.*+ * ** ** *** + * ** **{.++* * * * * **+t* *** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERM]T FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REV]EW FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES I^]C (]OIOOOO31i2BOO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 95.00 20.00 61.75 3.00 COMPLETE OR U Project # Building Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 -2L49 (Inspections) TVWNOFYIN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81557 req O mechanical. etc.! Town of Vail Req. No.: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ 3?OO a ELECTRICAL: S ?erC>-OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ C,MECHANICAL: $ lOrce'ro'rAl: $ S@g a For Parcel # **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*************i************************ DRB Fees: F :/everyone/forms/bldgperm Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-854O or visit .P"t":'n. -,-------r^r---!!,----r ,n,l c)z 3 o i ola f-@pplication will not be accepted without parcel number) < r c--' c)t-7 Job ttame: L)arl M.-*\on^ af^-rf Job Actdress: 3 { I (.f Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners tlam\N.AL'^,.'' llnoaress: 3lLo tL*E -A^T\Phone:41tt- B<sr ArchitecvDesigner Nt A Address:Phone: Engineer: N A Address:Phone: Detai|eddescriptionofwork:P.I.\uo'^.-.\\,,.,,-\o-EA-o.F WorkClass: New( ) Addition(},) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ($ Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commerciat $ Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: O No. of Accommodation Units in this building: O Noffype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Nofiypeof FireplacesProoosed:GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq(NOTALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Vesfi) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Ves fy) No ( ) REC'DDEC 122 Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Buildina Permit Submittal Checklist Department of Comm unity Development Project Name: Project Address: acceoted. - All pages of application is complete o Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form ^/4 o Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex o Complete site plan submitted o Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) D Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No du mpster,parkinq or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval o Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition rs occurnnq '''-.4 -' Window and door schedule A/A r Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Nt o Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) N L o Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection IVA cr Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on olans /v.4. NA ilA NA NA IA NA ^/+ o Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Si gnature: Date of submittal: F :/everyone/forms/bld perm2 Received By: fuJ'r-)t+,/-J Nmt0F,wmv HOW DID WE RATE WIIH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community D evelo p ment Department Rus sell Fones! Directo r, (970)179.213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental_ Housing_ Admin _Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Was your initial coniact with our staff immediate_ sow _or no one availabls 2 3. lf you were required to wail how long was it before you were heiped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5, Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bldg Permit N/A 6. Please rate the performance of the stafi person who assisted you:54321Name: (knowledge, responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efiectiveness ofthe FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 Z 1 8. What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our service. WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": Is this a new residence?YES K NO o o o o o Does demolition work being performed public property? YES Is any utility work needed? YES is the driveway being repaved? require t f the Right-of-Way, easements or NO Nov YES NOY Is a diffeient access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? Is any drainage wo being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements,YES NO Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES NO Is the Right-of- ments or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES- N If answer is NO, is rking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES NO If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. Bo. L" A.*o.,I'. ContfaCtor $iqpaf rrre Job or Project Name: Date Signed: uf YES- No y or public property? NSWERED ALL THE ABOVE OUESTIONS. F:/everyone/forms/bldperm4 Company Name I have PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Buildino Permit Application, . If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. you can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works. located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies, ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction, Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew, The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. understand the above. Signature F :/everyone/forms/bldperm5 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeKs. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the underslgned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so lt may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date: F : everyone/forms/bldperm3 o PW#:r! !rl APPLICATION parcet#: FOR TOWN OF VAIL T[[.TT[.TT.TTT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 - Bldg. Permit #:ET!.[TTI Job Name Strest Address nnn-[l (lrunknowncau L_i L_J LJ I | 479_2139 ext.0) Excavaling Contractor Name Mailing Address 2. TOV Contractor's License Number REOUIREO () Phone #zip cty 4. Start Date Work is for lcircte one) Other Completion Date Water Sewer Gas Electric Telephone CAW Landscaping (Permit Expiration Dats) Temp. Site Access Trench-width (min. 4') Bond Amount $ 6. ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STARTED. -,Rubber out-riggers are required on Asphalt sur{aces underneath the B.A signature below indicates a signatures are obtained, permittee necessary Town of Vail signatures. ST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt. otected at all times. utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company ng application through the Public Works office to obtain the up to one week to process. Depth Total SF $ Total LF $ Permit Fee Total Permit Fee $ Public Service Company (1-800-922 Public Service Natural Gas Group (1-800-922-1987) U.S. West (1 -800-922-1987) !.1 TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle RiverWater & Sanitation District (970-476-7480, ext. 114) Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800-922-1987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail lrrigation (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Public Works Construction Inspector (970-479-2198) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traftic control plan must be approved by the Pub|icWorksDeDartmentoriortoissuanceofthepermit' All excavation must be done bv hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). . Failure to notifY the Town will result in forleiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certity that I have read all chapters of Title 8 - Public Ways and Property, ol the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. {n 11. 12. Contractor's Signature of Agreement Print name cleady ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, ]NCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. Date of Signature White - Public Works Yellow - Contractor Please read and chcck off each of thc items below: o The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. u The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary 0r permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. o Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancv issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: F :/everyone/forms/bldperm5 f-l Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED '. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-1 AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED F No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) 'Whenever any police officer frnds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundmentcharge. (Ord.2(1968) $ 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and willcornply with the above code provisions: Print Name F /cveryoo€/lbrms/bldpcrnrT ^o - - t I I I i;?;iti;f!&:!:k3t"iJif Vntt p4ou|tTAtN ?ftoot- 3"D Frooz OFF r(E p -el-a@/ P"J ,n f ,rf o, (- 5'_//" l-5' I I + 'fivk V' / LL/a' I F:i1; lf u5.\.-$,-. L.-- TOWNOF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : 31bO KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL 3160 KATSOS RD 210102301018 tooor"r*r oF ..MMUNITY DEVE;PMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E01-0285 Status...: Applied. . : Issued . .: Expires. .: ISSUED 12/28/2001, 1,2/3r/2001. 06/2e/2002 OWNER L2/28/2ooL Phone: CONTRACTOR 't2/2e/2001, Phone:97 0-949 -1-403 APPLICANT t2/28/200]- Phone:97 0-949-7401 Desciption: INSTALL ELECTRIC WIRING TO UPSTAIRS OFFICE Valuation: $1,000.00 FEU 5U]\,tIVIARY Electrical---------> S50 ' oo Tot'rl Calculatcd Fecs--> S53 - 00 DRB Fce----- > So. oo Additional Fces--------> $0 ' 00 lnvestigation----> So.o0 lotal Permit Fec------> S53 00 Will Calt-----> 53.00 Payments------------- ---> $s3 00 TOTAL FEFS-> S53.00 BAI-ANCE DUli----> $0 ' 00 Approvals:I€dm: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT t2/28/2OO]- DF Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 i3..-"..1:.1.:..1"::"..:..::::::::::..::...::.:::::.:...::..::."..:..:::..:..".:..:.-::5-"-'-T-1-; DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an "...,rut" plot plan, un.l ,tut" that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inJormation and plot plan, to c'omply with all Town ordinanccs and state laws, and to build this structure accordiug to the towns zonin6 VAIL MOUNIAIN SCHOOL PO BOX 602 VAIL CO 8r_658 License: WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118 AVON CO IL520 License: 145-E WHITE RTVER ELECTRIC P O BOX r.118 AVON CO 8162 0 License:145-E Action: AP rerielapproved, uniform uilding Code *ote, oraances of the Town applicable REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV VTELEPHONE AT OUROFFICE FROM 8:(X) AM'5 and subdivision code+ design thereto. PM. OFOWNEROR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANDOWNEF ++** * * ** * t** + * * 't * * t + * * * * f, * * * * **f +t* + ++**++ *,1** f*+ + * *f+*{.+**+ ***+ ** ++ +**f + + i*f * *+ t* * *'l f* * * * * * TowN oF VAIL, coLoRADo Statement t * + * * * | t *** * * *+ + i * * * + t'tt*+* ** t * * *** * * {ri * 'i I r *** **'r.*t*** * *+t* * *'i*i******++ +**** + t+** + f a* * * *+* + Statsement. Nurnber: Ro0OOo1851 Anount: $53.00 L2/3L/20OlO2:00 PM Palment Method: Check Init : iIAR NoEation: L3r4'1 /VI}j.LEe River ELeceric Permj.E. No: E01-0285 Type: ELECTRfCAL PERMIT Parcel No3 210102 3 01018 Sitse AddreBs: 3150 KATSOS RANCH RD vArL LocaEion: 3150 KATSOS RD Tot.al Fees: $53 .00 This Payment: $53 . O0 Total illlr t'rntB: 953 .00 Balance: $0.00 * +* ** * + ++* * **** * * * * * * ++ * a* r * * **+** * * + ** * * + *f * * * ** * * *:t*t **+ * ** * + t +** * * l*+*tl *l** i** { +** * +fl+** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts Descri pt i on EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY POWER PERI4ITS hJC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPICTION FTE 50 .00 3.00 Dec 27 O1 10:56a lr APPLICATI Electric, Inc 9?I 6?4S o94 o IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: . Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O - 47 I -2149 (Inspections) COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW B and VALUATIONS FOR ALt OTHERS (Labor & Materials) p. r 75 S. Frontogc Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Conbct Eaole Count D 7e OI eEsle@IhiLcom for ParceI # ffi :(R"q u-ileE- ii no utds- permit # is provided abore) A I O, 0 > t-Ol-Ol|-- rob Name: V C,,\'I\nuntrin Schoo \ Job Address:tl b o Kalsos krrt]t Ktad,V LesalDescription ll r-otr f ,| llaroa,: ) ll riring, VV lb llsuooiuition, -$,v?t'l' $JItSi,,*zin gho,r1 11eagr7gs:goX b0) goil, c,o ll.Phone: Ll-jb- 38te) Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed {csqription gf woqk'"fi+;Ii"--zlx.ift,c wi fj ntu +o u(slairs o(4, eu Work Class: New ( ) Addition (Repair ( ) Temp Power( )I *"'i"o",rD(l O$er ( ) work Type: Interior ([) Exterbd ( ) Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Singlc-tumily ( ) Duplc\ ( ) Multi-family ( ) Conrmcrcial (fQ Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Exsting Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No (V ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Ves h() No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (N) No ( ) il EECTRICAL VALUATION: $AMOUNTOF SQ FT TN STRUCTURE: CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Contact and Phone #'s:il hrArlil c1M - 14 0 Town of Vail Rcq. No.:IIA5E r tle Contractor Signature: +r**********rr*+*****+*+++++*'++'r++**-r**+FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***+++**i***3*++***:!t +*-t:t**++*******+ F :/everyon{forms/elecperm Deo 2? Ol I O: 56a lJh i te o River e rl".r\i ",Inc S?I 67/+S os4 o p.2 { I i o Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. a Underground services have to be inlconduit (PVC) from the tra'nsformer to the electric meter, main disconnect . switch and to the first electrical distripution circuit breaker panel. o The main disconnect switch shall bd located next to the meter on the exterior wall oF the structure easily accessible. ,r All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. n o SignatuiE In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring o4 feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. \ \ NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in Commercial buildi rgg or structures excecding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smalter than size #8 will be relmltted with the Town of Vail. a All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRp approval from planning. This application will ngt be accept?d without a copy of the DRB appCIval form attached (if applicable). l'( If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevatcd plafform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtainra building permlt. I If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elcvated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will suppott the added iconcentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this.application. ' ,i'If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required, If this permit is for a commhrcial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. '1 l' I t o Signatuif \ 1 DateSigned If you have any questions regarding tne 6Uove inforrnatipn or ha e additional questions,rr you nave any que$tons regarorng tne aDove Inroffnanpn or na e agofilonar quesuons, pfease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97A-479-27.47. The inspector can be TOWN OF VAIL ELESTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings betpreen the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspecto lwillcalllou back. o R€quer$ed In.p€ct D.tei Fdttay, February 0l, t002 lnspecuon Arer: CD SIte AddEscI 3T60 KATSOS RANCH RD VAJL ,l$'o stOO KATSOS RANGH RD APlPloSrrcgqr Actlv[y: BO143a3 T\D€: A.CO]rltl Sub Tvl}.: ACOII Const Tvpi: CbcuFaircv' Uts: ilt ltlR Otffi€r: VAIL MOUNTAIN SC}IOOL': BECK Phonc 970-94918O0 : BECK Pl1orN6: 970-9491800 : PARTI DOOR ADD|TTOTJ : ROUT WiAPPfiOVA. DFLORES R€ouested Insp€ctor{si Sulps: lnspfuea: RequesEd Tlme: 0E:00 AIS ' Phon€: 97tl'94+t8m Ente?od Bv: DFLORES K 'gSUED CD Itern: 90 Bl-O€.Flnsl Roqus€to{: BECK & ASSOCIATES. INC Codrirn€nls: g]+ 1 291 As,signed To: CDA\rlS Acthn: Tlms Exp: i -s3!^qtlon Hl$torv ll6i . :{) BLDG-FI mlno 01ini ia2 -lnspeclor: Itenr: 5O E}LDc-lnsuls8ofi fiani: llern: ilsn-rt It€ft1 fteft. ftem- h-ern: tt6fr!: Itam, ltam: ll8m: llem' " A$oaov6.j '' JRI.T ' " Aripruvsd "' JRM' " 4p,{}rwgcl "' JRM i.cih)n. 4P AFPROVED ,.ldtlL"i: AP APPROVED O t 'O7/t 2 hrspactL.l .titi BLDCr-.Sheetrock tlall 01ru'//02 llrcwctor:/0 BLi-rG-Mlsc.Sl ELDG-Ftnal 530 BLDG-Ten'rp. CiO 532 PII-TFMF cr(} 533 PLAN.l€ktP C/O 53? Pt"AN-FlllAL ci(r 5:{a FIRE-FttuAr cio s39 fw-FrNN. CiO 54O BLDG.FiT€l C,rO 21 PL{N-lt C Fc}ufflaton Plan 2? PLAISILC Sn6 fl|er' I l I I I I I I I REPTl31 Run Id,: 1303 Page I of2 Brent Wilson - VMS plan From: "AlanDanson"<Aland@vailnet.com> To: <bwilson@ci.vail.co.us> Dater 09123/2001 10:58 AM Subject: VMS plan CC: "RussForrest"<rforrest@ci.vail.co.us> Dear Brcnt: As you know, VMS is proposing to tear dowr its existing facility and relocate to a new facility, twice the sizc, along Booth Falls Road on the lot it recently purchased from Booth Falls Townhomes (the "tennis couft" site). I am writing to you in the hope that you can talk to the VMS folks about thcir plan before it gathers momenhrm and engenders a nasty neighborhood fight. Peter Abuisi may be under the impression that only one or two neighbors are opposed to his plan, but you and he should know that virtually all of the contiguous neighbors are opposed to the plan, that we have already spoken with legal counsel and that we are prepared to fight vigorously on legal grounds, if it comes to that. Puuing legal issues asidc, however, the neighbors are convinccd that there is simply no justification for VMS doing what it proposes, and I hope that I can convince you of that as well. The neighbors have always becn supportive of VMS, even as it has cxpanded over the ycars beyond its original conditional usc permit. It is likely that the neighbors would support thc school's plans to renew and even to cxpand its buildings on its existing site. If this renewal and expansion required a relocation of thc existing socccr field, it is likcly that the neighbors would also support a new field, properly landscaped, on the tennis court site. It is also likcly that the neighbors would support a relocation of the exit of Katsos Ranch Road to allow school cxpansion to thc east. In other words, the neighbors arc not insensitivc to the school's needs, but we do believe that the school should keep its buildings substantially where they have been since the school was foundcd, rathcr than disrupt an entirc neighborhood. Why does the school want to move to the tcnnis court site? On September 14, I attended a mceting that the school arranged to tell thc neighbors of its plans. Thcy showcd us two plans, plans A and B, that utilized an expanded footprint ofits existing site. Then thcy showed us scveral itcrations ofa third plan C that called for the school to completely trash its exiting 32,000 square foot facility and build a new 65,000 square foot facility on the tennis court site. I listened very carefully to the rcasors why the school favored plan C ovcr plans A and B, and there werc only two: l) that traffrc noise on the existing site made plans A and B undesirable because the noisc would prevent the school from opening windows in warm weather, and 2) that ifthe school was going to trash the existing buildings and rebuild them, this couldn't be accomplished in the limited time available between academic years, so the school had to build on the tennis court site while preserving the existing facility until construction of the new building was complcted. The noise issue is a rcd herring. All of the neighbors know that thc highway noise increases as the land slopes upwards away from the Intcrstate and that the noise on the tennis court site might actually be worse than the noise at the curent, lower site. The school also seems to ignore the fact that DOT has offcred to build, frce ofcharge, a bcrm between the frontage fi le ://C:\Windows\temp\GW ) 00002.HTM 1|0212001 road and the Interstate. As for the construction issue, a phased constmction plan and the use of temporary modular stuctures, some of which could even be located on the tennis court site durine construction. would solve that problem. If anything, the school is already too big for the neighborhood. As good neighbon, however, we have put up with dangerous traffrc at the start and end of the school days, andjust this Friday we had to put up with some 50 cars parked illegally along Booth Falls Road in connection with thc VMS Fun Run. Ifthe school is reasonable, the neighbors will continue to support it. The school was moving toward a reasonable expansion on its existing site, but it seems that several very wealthy trustees dangled their checkbooks in front ofPeter and he, da'"led by the possibility ofa much largcr and brand new school, conveniently forgot all ofhis earlier protestations about keeping the school an intimate leaming environment. He also forgot, it would seem, what it means to be a good ncighbor. We are good neighbors. We will work with the school to get its reasonable nceds met, but plan C is simply not reasonable. I am leaving on Sunday for three weeks and will retum on October 15. I hope that by then you will have been able to talk sense to VMS. Good luck a and thank you for listenhg. AIan Danson Note new e-mail address: aland@vailnet.com 3005A Booth Falls Road Vail, CO 81657 9'7 047 6-1243 office phone 97 0- 47 6-6 5 4 5 residcnce phone 970-4'16-7647 fax Page2 of2 fi le://C:\Windows\temp\GW ) 00002.HTM rt/02t2001 file:i/C:\Windows\TEMP\GW) 0000 I.HTM r. Xtz Bz W lz's' Page I of I ir^ ,,-o\l Mt08/200r Booth Falls - Rezonitg & Subdivision Adjacent Property Owners List Vall Village Filing 12 CAULKINS FAMILY PTNSHP 1600 BROADWAY 14OO DENVER, CO 80202 BURDICK, JOHN A. POBOX2267 BOULDER, CO 80306 BOOTH FALLS HOMEOWNERS ASSOC C/O SUSAN FRITZ PO BOX 356 vAtL, co 81658 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL PO BOX 602 vAtL, co 81658 FITE, KENNETH DAVID 6415 E PRENTICE PLACE ENGLEWOOO, CO 80111 GARTON. TIMOTHY PO BOX 7E9 vAtL, co 81658 SHIFFRIN, JEFFERY S. 3130 BOOTH FALLS CT vAtL, co 81657 BINGHAM, BRENT A. & BARBARA G. 3130 B BOOTH FALLS CT vAlL, co 81657 GAZIOGLU, HALIDE K. 3120 BOOTH FALLS CT vAtL. co 81657 BENNETT, JOHN B. C/O GORE CREEK PROPERTIES PO BOX 1666 vAtL. co 81657 COBB, JAMES T., JR & RUTH M, 1319 S DOWNING ST DENVER, CO 80210 WURTS, JOHN S. 11 CEDAR WY coNcoRD, MA01742 Vail Village Flling 13 GOTTLIEB, JOHN E. & LYNN C. 3021 BOOTH FALLS RD vAtL. co 81657 SCHABACKER, BARBARA BRITAIN - JONES, KAREN J. 32 CHARLOU CIRCLE ENGLEWOOD, CO 80111 MARSH, PATRICIA E. 3011-ABOOTH FALLS RD vArL, co 81657 KUHLKE, K. LEE & AMY I. 1501 ESTANFORDAVE ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 EGGERS. BILL T. & ANN 3OO5 BOOTH FALLS RD vAtL. co 81657 DANSON. ALAN S. & SILVIA 3OO5 BOOTH FALLS RD # A vArL. co 80657 I e THIS I PROPERW ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-34 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 12, 2001, at 2:00 P. M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideratlon of: A request for a variance from Section 114B-3(D) Vail Town Code, to allow for a second building identification sign, located at 548 S, Frontage Road/Wostwind Condominiums. Applicant: WesiwindCondominiumAssociation,lnc.Planner Brent Wilson Boothfalls Homeowne/s Association, represented by Braun Associates, lnc' Russell Fonest A request for variances from Section 12-6D-6 (Setbacks) and Title 14 (Development Standards- locating required parking in the Right-of-Way), to allow for a residential addition and remodel located at 2955 Bellflower Dr. / Lot 6, Block 6, Vail Intermountain' Applicant: Alan Peters, represented by Braun Associates Planner: Allison Ochs The applications and information about the proposals are available.forpublic inspec.tion.during regular office hours in the projecl planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 Soutfi Frohtage Road. The public is invited to attend_project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town r f Vail Community Development Department. Pfease oall 47$2138 for information. \ sign language interpretaiion avaitable upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479' N466, Teleptrone forthe Hearing lmpaired, for informaiion. Community Development Department Pubfished February 23,2OO1 in the Vail Trail. Ffi-e9-ehaL 17: E4 FRowI: BRALII AS5|TTES 9749e61576 r0:sflrseasa P.AAL/W6 BAI/ER.AIIN ASSOCIATE PtAt'.lNlNG rnC coMr'lrrf'llw DEVELOPMENT FAXIRAN'MI''toTfi ro, Svgztl 6rr*aef- FAX #I L{7+ LL{sL FRO}$ Oo^,^]nf C. DAr& LIz a( a t R& 6z)olxt+'(1r. gae,elr(p. (includer thir couer rheel) GOMMENIT: G-,i*;c-' Q,us, t1w {s a "wfrad rtile eftrl-. Ttc.a #14 uat (crud@d a* ilvar ,nat ra[e^-flo ae s'"$e"f 7a7"'l'1 t,6nd anLuf la ILte-J vt4g eik. a'g $, "A Qn{*'in, Plm'G ccll il you houe not receiucd all pqtet ot hrpc ony problenrr with thb tronrrnirion. Sradr Vrtlagc Ccntct Suitc C-2O9 OlO5 Eduardr Vtllage Bdie\.atd Foer Olrre 80. 2658 Ed$adt, Colortdo 81 6:12 Pta-970976'575 F* - 97O,9262576 $/ww.blrtl'rrssoortt'rqn Fn-e6-Mt 17;e4 FRr}43ERAutl ASSfTES 97A9e61516 {,\ ra:sllff*+t P.A@./M land Title Guarantee Gompany Datu 0I-19-21X)l To; BRAIJN & ASSOCIATES Attn; ITOMINICMAIIRIELLO P.O. BOXr6sE mwARDS, CO tl6l2 RE: WI\26G2 < { FF€-?6-2aa7 17:24 FRO'1:BRALhI ASSIUTES e749e67s76 ro.s(5*4*P.@A3/gE6 4_ CXricago Titlc Itts'ualce Compuy AI-TA COMMITMENT OurorderNo. VnVez Sch€dule A Curl. Rtf.; Property Addrers; A PORTION OF LOT T2, BLOCK 2, VAJL VIL'LAGE. FILING NO. 12 l. Effedive Datr: Janu;tw 04. 2001 at 5:00 P.M- 2. Policy to bc Issucd, and Proposcd lruurcd: 'ALTA' Ouner's Policy lLll-Yz Prtrlrosal lusured: VAIL MOIJNTAIN SCHOOL. COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORPORANON < 3. The estale or inlenst in the land dcscibed or rcfered ro in thh Corunihnest :rnd covercd herdn is: A Fcc Siruple 4. fith to the estrte or intcrest covercd herein is er the etT.edive date hereof vcstcd in: BOOTH FALLS HOM EOWN ERS ASSOCIATION, COLORADO NON.PROFIT CORPORNTI ON {- 5. The land rtfrrerl to in this Couudtmmt is dc$oibd u; folto*r: SEB ATTACHED PAGE(S) FOR LE6AL DBSCRIPNON FEB-e6-?aaL 17:?4 FR$'1:BRnL[.] ASUTES e7ae61s76 Tot9f7n4*P.AA4/W6 OurOrrlrrNo. Y27126G2 LEGAT DESCRIPIIOII A TRACT OP IA}.ID LYING IN LOT 12, BLOCK 2 OF VAIL VILLAGE TWELFT}I FILING' A sUBDryIstoN OF PART OF TTIE SOUTTI.WEST I /4 OF SECTION 2 AI.ID ftTE SOUTHEAST I/4 OF sEcTtoN 3, TOWNSHIP 5 souTII, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE 6q.ERINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ToWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COT'NTT, COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOIJOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT WHICH IS I'IIE MOST NORTIIERLY CORNER OF SAID LAT N, AND THE SO'UTHWBSTBRLY CORNER OF LOT IO, BLOCK I OF SAID VAIL VILLAGE TWELFTH FILING, AND SAID POINT AI,SO BEING ON THE EASTERLY RTGHT OF \VAY LINE OF BOOTH FALI.s ROAD. A DEDICATED STREBT, A}.ID SAID POINT AI.SO BEING THE TRUE POINT OF DBGINNING; TIIENCE ALONG SArD RICHT OF WAY LINE TIIE FOLLOWING TwO (2) COURSES: (1) SOUTH 25 DEGREES 24 MINUTES 54 SECONDS wEsT A DISTANCE OF 175.96 mET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; (2) 85.00 FEET AI,ONG A CT'RVE TO THE RIGHT HAVINC A RADIUS OF 326.I? FEET, A CENIRAL ANGLE OF T4 DEC'REES 55 MINUTBS 52 SBCONDS, AND A CHORD BEARINC SOT'TH 32 DBGREES 52 MINUTES 50 SECONDS WBST A DISTANCB OF E4.76 FEEr: THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGIIT OP WAY LINE SOUTH 79 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 3l SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF ?6?.24 FEBT TO A POINT ON TTIE SOUTIIWESTERLY EOI,JNDARY IjNE OF L,OT 5, BLOCK I OF SAID VAIL vlLt-AGE TWELFTH FILINO; THENCE ALONG TI{B SOUTTIWBSTERLY BOI'NDARY LTNE OF LOTS 5, 6. 7. 8, 9 AND IO, BLOCK I OF SAID VAIL VILLAGB TWBLFTI{ FILING THE FOIJ0WING FM ($ CoURSES: 0) NoRrH 27 DEGREES 17 MTNUTES 30 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET; (2) NORTH 27 DEGREES r7 MINUTES 3l SECONDS WEST A DIYTANCE OF 109,55 FEET: €) NOfi'TH 14 DEGREES 26 MINUTBS 39 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 6E.15 FEEr; (a)INORTH 43 DEGREES 34 MINUTBS 03 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE oF 39.55 FEET; (5)NoRTH 64 DEGREES 05 MINUTES 23 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 13I,87 FEETTOTHE TRUB POINT OP BEGINNING, COIJNTY OF EAGLE. STATE OF COLORADO. NOTE: TIIE FINAL POUCY DOES NOT IN ANY WAY CUARAIfrI OR INST]RB THE DIMENSIONS OF THE ABOVE DESCRIEED I.AND, THE LEGAL DESCRTPTION IS DERIVED FROM THE C}IAIN OF TITLE AND ONLY AN ACCURATE SURVE"T CAN DENERMINE THE DIMENSIONS. ( FFF-"6-?aa1, 1?re4 FR04: EIRnLN ASUqTES 9789e67r76 n:sJse+se P.OS5/W6 ALTA COMMITM ENT SchedulcB-$ection2 (Erccptions) Our Order No. vnn6G2 The policy or policies to be lssucd will contein excepttons to the follouing unless thc sarne arc dirposed of to the satisfaclion of thc Comluy: l. Righls or chims sfFardes h possqssion u)t showtr by the public rccrrrds' 2. Eassnenb, or claims of eaqtrnents, mt showtr by tbe public ttcntd.s- 3. DiU:rVparrieS, molliclr il boundary lircs, shortrgc in 0ree, encKlrchmerB, ud arny hcfs which r Corrcct $m/ey sld irupectiOn of the prEmi$cs u{uld disclose eod whictr are not showr by the public records. 4. Any lieo, or right to a lien, for scrvies, labor or rnqerial thcrctofore nr.bersfter ftmittqj, imposcrl by law uul rr)t slx)wn by dtc public rccords 5. Defecrs, liens, cncrmbranccs, ildvcrsc cleims or odrer uanen, if rry, creaEd, 6rs1 4peuing iu the public ftcords or 316ghing subscquent to ttre eftctivs dirc hscof but Drior to itre date tlre ptoposed ilsured rcquires of rccord for vatue the estrie or intelcsl or nortgage thereon covenrt by this Commiunent- 6. Taxes or spuuial asssssrngnts whiclr lrc ntrt shown rs cristing lianr by the public records. 7 . Lienr for uqp'aid rvr6r "'d scwer charges, if rny. \ 8. In dtrlitirrn, thc owncr'u policy will lrc suhja:t to thc ortgags, if any, nnted io Section I of Scltcdule B hereof. 9. RIGHTOFPROPRIETOR OFA VEIN ORLODETO EXTRACTAND REMOVPHIS ORB THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMTSES AS RESERVED IN T,N]TED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 06, 1905, IN BOOK4E AT PAGE27S. IO. RIGI.IT OF WAY FOR DTTCHES OR CAI.IAIJ CONSTRUCTED BY TITE AUTIIORITY OF TIIE UNTTED STATES AS RESERVED IN TJNITBD STATES PATENT REEORDED MAY 06, 1905, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 273. 4,- - ., I I, RqSTRICTTVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITT'RE OR REVERTER CIAUSE, BUT OMITTINC ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION B^SED ON RACE. COLOR. RELIGION, SEX. HANDICAP, FAMTLIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO TTIB EKTEN|: TTIAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXSMPT IJNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNTTED STATBS CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HA,NDICAP BI,IT DOBS NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUCUST 16, INL,IN BOOK225 AT PACE 88 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRI,'MENT RBCORDED SEPTEMBER 25, 1972, IN BOOK 225 AT P. ACE 475. 12. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTfuCTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON TTIE RBCORDED PLAT OF VAI VTLLACE TWELFTH FU,ING. FEB-?6-?aAI 17:25 FRO'I:BRAu.l ASUTES 97A9?6'7576 To.s:79(45F-P.AA6/qB6 ALTA COMMITMENT Sche&leB-Section2 4--.. (Exoedions) Our Ordcr No. V2:11266'-2 Tho poticy or policic to bc issued wlll contrin erceptl,orc to the follornng unlcs lhc srrue are dispccd of to tht satisfedion o[ the ComPauY: 13. TERMS, CONDITIONS AI{D PROVISIONS OF CONDTTION CONTAII'IED IN QUITTI.AIM DEED RBCORDED MAY 23, I 979 IN BOOK 285 AT PAGE 8I9 AND DECTARATION RECORDED IUNE 15. 2OOO, I]NDER RECEFflON NO. 732248. 4-.. 4- T gNI BR.AILIN ASSOCIAIIES" lNC" PLANNING and COMI'4l.lNlTY DEVEIOPI'lENI February 8, 2001 George Ruther Chief of Planning Town of Vail Vail. CO 81657 Re: ^A.pplication Submittai for Boothlalls Property Dear Gcorge: Attached is the application materials required for a Land tJse Plan map amendment, a rezoning request, and a minor subdivision for the property owned by the Boothfalls Homeowner's Association (part of l.ot 12,Yail Village 12" Filing) on Boothfalls Road in Vail. The Association wishes to rezone and subdivide its land to allow for the development of two duplex lots. The materials provided should be sufficient for the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Town Council to rendcr a decision with regard to these applications. The following materials are included with this submittal: r Fee of$450.00 . SiSned application form . Boothfalls Homeowners Association authorization letter o Title Report o Adjacent property owners list and stamped envelopes . Geologic hazard report r Written statement supporting applications . Topographic survey ofthe site (4 copies) o Minor subdivision plat (4 copies) We would like to propose that these items be scheduled for a worksession with the Planning and Environmental Commission on February 26,2001 and the final hearing with the PEC on March 12,2001. Additionally, we would like to schcdule a worksession with the Town Council on Edwards Village CenteI Suite C-209 O | 05 Edwards Village Boulevard Pod Ofllce Box 2658 Edwards, Colorado 8 | 632 PF, - 9709267575 Fax ' 974.926.757 6 wr,r,w brau na ssoc ia t es.com March 13, 2001 and first reading of an ordinance on March 20,2001. Please let me know if this schedule works with your schedule. If you have any questions about the applications or need additional information, please let me know. I can be reachedat926-7575. DEC-?6-?A^A 14:3e PP611. "*Or" D 3 nssIrArES eTae?67s76 or.ro*,lo#;"J'r:"'":r ron ^rorloTrj, APPLICATION FOR PTANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION equiring approval by the ptanning and Environmental commission. For sDecific remenb for the particular approval that is requested. The application can not be on Is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed'by the Town council A. TYPE OFAPPUCATION:O Bed aM BrcaKast Dit - bdivision X A,r,,,J",.*,+,o tr tr tr o tr tr B Special Development District Major or tr Minor Amendment to SDD PHYSICAL ADDRESS: Employee Housing Unit (Type: ) Major or E Minor Exterior Alteration (Vall Village) Major or Minor Exterlor Alreration (Lionshead) Variance Zonlng oode Amendment Amendment to an Appmved Development plan (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for oarcet # ) LocArToN oF pRoposAl:q# p=-,Locx:-Z- RuNe :IZs E li'r" --_*-J DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST; a n tr. F. H. NAME oF ow:rvea(s): 6^a:tt^fr.t ls .+f 011 owNER(s) srcNAruRE(s): NAME OFAPPUCANT: MAIUNG ADDRESS: '. Asoe't''a{ion -J*n PHONE: JaJ - - Fax'. 42-a- 4<,?G pHoNE: 12G-7579 FEE: See submittal rcquirements for appropriate fee 5,rlo. f25o +tee"rrn5Z€.,oo PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIR,EMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. r ZqD 4 zoo. R E,.t . l'i ;0 rtru u B 200i "u/Eco/ 'ffi/, --/rcor -&cz I/r'to( su6 /t zo,,Jruc fee Paid: . /<n.oo cK#: -?570 /.)R.fC')/ -(X;:2 "t BOOTHFALLS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Susan Fritz Presldent Gerald Greven Treasurer Steve Prawdzik Secretary January L5, 200L George Ruther, Chief of planning Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road vail, co 81657 Re: BoothfalI Homeowner' s Association Tennis Court Site / 31,60 BoothfalLs Road Dear Mr. Ruther, The Board of the Boothfalls Mountain Homeowners Association met on December 76' 2000. At that time we approved submitting the necessary applicatj-ons to the Town of Vail- to rezone, subdivide, and amend the Vail Land Use Plan for our com.nonly held property referenced above. AdditionalLy, we have authorized Braun Associates, Inc. to act as our representative with respect to these applications. S incere Iy, President, Boothfalls Homeowners Association. 3094 Boothfalls Road PO Box 3592 Vail, Colorado 81658 (970)476 5843 :'::: \ 10 White Rlver N ationat Forest ----'1 .\; \:'l I L Map from the Vail l-and Use Plan showing the subiect property as being owned by the Town Figure 4-E Inventory of Town Owned Property Town of Vail Land Use Plan Booth Falls Homeowner's Association Braun Associates. lnc. Map I o o *****'*'t*****'t******{t***+**f+++t+**++t++++****+'i*f,***fi**t++****,t:trif*****+++*+*+**+r.,tr*++*'t*** TOWN OF VAIL, COLOMDO srsrem€nt **'l*********{' l***+**f,******++**+***{.+*****!tf*t************t*t*{.r * *,t *** ** ** ** + + +*** * * * *,t, * *** * Statement Number: RO0OO0042B Amount: g25o.O0 02/Og/ZOOLO}:04 At4 Palment Method r Check fnit: JAR Not.at.ion: Minor Subdlvieion ck #25?0 Perfiit No: p8C010006 Type: pEC - Minor Subdivieion Parcel No: 2101023O10Lz Site Addreee: 3094 BOOTH FAr_,LS RD VAIL L,ocation: 3160Booih Falla Rd/part of Lrz,B2, w!2 Total Fees: $250.00 This Palrment: $25O.OO Total^ AIJL pmts; $25O.OO Balance: S0. 00 ++ + + ++t +++*+*'i* + ***'l + * *** * * 'l 'i 'l 'i 'lr * * ** **+ a* +* *+* * *rtr{(* +***'t+ *** +++ *******,t**+,}+r +*i++t ** ** ** * * * ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current pmts PV O()1()O()O31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES 250.00 **!t**t*++t*****t{t**t**tt**ttt**ttt'ta**ttttftaftatt}ft*tttat**fttf+**aa*lal*+tttltl+ft+f*t+*t TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO srat '"Ept *ft*l*t*x**rftt*'tt*tr*rt+*rt*ftti*trttr***r**tta*tr+*t*t+*trttlrtft+l*|t+tll****tllf'l*t+l|l't'tt gtatemelrt lfirmber: R000000429 Arnourt: $200,00 02/09120OL09:0? All Payment ltlethod: Ctreck lttit, : iIAR llotation: RezonLng ck# 25?0 PermLt No: P8C010007 Type: PBc - Rezoning Parcel No: 210102301017 81te Ad&eaa: 3094 BOOTII FALLS RD \/AIIJ Location3 3160Booth Falle Rd/Part of 1r12,B2, W12 Sotal FeeE: $200.00 T'h16 Palment: $200.00 Total ALL PmtE: $200.00 Balancer $0.00 +'}*i**'***tl*tt*t*'l**tltl.**l**t*******tt***rt*+{r++*rt***l++****l*l*****t**ltla********t********t* ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri Dti on Cuffent ffis PI, O()1()()OO31125()() PEC APPLICATION FEES 200 .00 ***l + *t++ * ++* '+**+ +**++ * ** * * * * * t * * + * * * * '!+,i* * + {t + it* * 't **'i'ttr * t * * +*i ++ ** +* ** * +:f ** + **,f + * + + + *** t* TOWN OF VAIL, COLOMDO srstemenr +*+ * + * + ++ + * * * t * **'lt t * * ** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * {r * ** +f + ** 'r* ** '} +** 't * ***** + {' ** ** ** * '} + *'}* * * * f ++* * * * * * stat.ement Number: R000000428 Amounr.: 9250.00 02/og/2oolog:04 AIrl Palment Method: Check Init: JAR Notation: Minor Subdivigion ck #2520 Permit No: pECOIOOO6 T)4)e: pEC - Minor Subdivielon Parcel No: 2101023 O 10 1? Site AddresE: 3094 BOOTH FALLS RD VAII Location: 3lGoBooth Falls Rd/part of L12,82, W1z Total Fees: $250. OO Thie Payment: gz5o.oo Tot.al ALIr pmtg: S25O.O0 Balance: 90.00 * *'* * * t****'i * 't * *'i* * ** * t* ** * + +i++{t*+* 'lr'} !t*'} {.*+* * **** *t + + *f +******+f {r*****++***+t r+++**+'r+*f +++*,* ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Description Current pmts PV ()()1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES 250.00 * * * *** + f+ + * * 'l* * * * * * * * ++*{. * ** * * *+* I ++t* + * t * + 'r+ ++ ** * * * **ti** * * * **ii**** **t+ + * + * a + *+* + *** 'r+*l t+* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statem€nt * + t **'i'lr * * * + * | ++* * 'r*'i * | *t +t + + t + {' t't * 'f*t* +*+ * * {rr} t+**t+ * ***'t't I +**rt** i lr+ ***f *tt + | + f {r* * t+++ {.t * *'}l Statement Number: R000000429 Amount: $200.00 02/O9l20OlO9:0? AItl Payment !!ethod: Cheek fniE: JAR NotaEion: Rezoning ck# 25 ?0 Permit No: P8C01000? Iype: PEc - Rezoning Parcel No: 2101023 01017 Site Address: 3094 BOOrH FALLS RD VAILI Location : 3150Booth Falle Rd/Part of 1,12, 82 , W12 Tota1 Feea: 5200.00 ThlE Palment: 9200.00 Total ALL Rnte: 9200.00 Balance; S0 .00 **+'i'l,i*+**++'r*d.'f't*'tr'trrt******'t+**********Ii****+*********'i*****+**t * **{. ** ++* * * * **** +** '},}'l * * *** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current ftnts PV OO1()()OO31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES 200.00 NG AND ENVIRONMENTAL PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE Monday, March 12,2QO1 PROJECT ORIENTATION / - Community Development Dept. PUBLIC WELCOME NO LUNCH MEMBERS PRESENT Site Msits : MEMBERS ABSENT o coMMrssloN 1. Westwind Condos - 548 S. Frontage Rd.2. Boothfalls - 3160 Boothfalls Rd. Driver: Russ NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6.00 p.m., the board may break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearinq - Town Council Chambers 2:00 pm 1 . A request for a variance from Seclion 1 1-48-3(D) Vail Town Code, to allow for a second building identification sign, located at 548 S. Frontage Road/Westwind Condominiums. Applicant: WestwindCondominiumAssociation,lnc.Planner: Brent Wilson / Bill Gibson 2. A request for a worksession to discuss rezoning from Agriculture and Open Space to Two Family Residential and a Minor Subdivision to create two residential lots and a request for a recommendation to the Town Council for an amendment to the Vail Land Use Plan changing the land use designation from Public/Semi-Public use to Low Density Residential, located at 3160 Booth Falls Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12'n Filing. Applicant: Boothfalls Homeowne/s Association, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: Russell Fonest 3. A request for variances from Section 12-6D6 (Setbacks) and Title 14 (Development Standards- locating required parking in the Righfof-Way), to allow for a residential addition and remodel located at 2955 Bellflower Dr. / Lot 6, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Alan Peters, represented by Braun Associates Planner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL MARCH 26,2OO1 4. Approval of February '12,2001 minutes 5. Information Update The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspeclion during regular office hours in the project planne/s office located at ihe Town of Vail Community Development Deparlment, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. o PLANNI 1:00 pm 1:30 pm oa Sign languago int€.pr€'tation available upon requedt with 24 hour notificeton. PleaBe call 479-2356, Tdephon€ for he Hearing lmpalr€d, for Inbmaton. Community Development Department Published March 9, 2001 in the VailTrail. o '12 c yt\Q,tn-N'rS 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r00 Fu: 970-479-2157 www.ci.vail.co.us TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM Vail Town Council, Staff and Community Members Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk 0 March 6, 2001 Microphone Use in the Town Council Chambers It has come to the attention of the staff and outside transcribers, during the course of having to transcribe and listen to some of the Town Council meeting tapes, that the quality and audibility of the Town Council work session and evening meeting tapes are poor and difficult to understand. It is very important that everyone, including council members, staff and the public speak into the microphones clearly and speak within six (6) inches from the microphone. This will alleviate some of the distortion, echoing, and audibility issues we are experiencing. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding of this issue. Please contact me if you have any questions at 479-2136. {,7 *"uo"o Tn' FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development March 12,2001 A request for a variance from Section 1 1-48-3(D) Vail Town Code, to allow for a second building identification sign, located at 548 S. Frontage Road/Westwind Condominiums. Applicant: WestwindCondominiumAssociation,lnc.Planner: Brent Wilson / Bill Gibson ll. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The Westwind Condominium Association is requesting a variance to allow a second building identification sign at the southwest corner of the Westwind building (facing the Lionshead pedestrian mall). Section 1 1-48-3(D) of the Town of Vail Sign Regulations allows a maximum of one building identification sign per building. This application involves the placement of a 7.33 square foot hanging wrought iron sign along the southwest entry adjacent to the Landmark Building. This sign would supplement the existing 17.25 square foot building identification sign along the northern fagade of the condominiums. An existing non-conforming sign at this location was removed recently and a variance is necessary for its replacement. The applicant's statement of the nature of the variance request is attached for reference. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES The PEC is resoonsible for evaluatinq a proposal for: 1. The relationship of the requested variance lo other exisling or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among srtes in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requesled variance on liglrt and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed vanance, t Desisn Review Board: Action: The DRB has NO review authority on a variance, but must review any accompanying DRB application. The DRB is responsible for evaluating the DRB proposal for: - Architectural compatibility with other structures, the land and surroundings - Fitting buildings into landscape - Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects the topography - Removal/Preservation of trees and native vegetation - Adequate provision for snow storage on-site - Acceptability of buibing materials and colors - Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms - Provision of landscape and drainage - Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory struclures - Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances - Location and design of satellite dishes - Provision of outdoor lighting III. STAFF HECOMMENDATION Upon review of the criteria outlined in Section lV of this memorandum, the Community Development Department staff recommends denial of the variance requesl to allow for a second building identification sign, located at 548 S. Frontage Road/Westwind Condominiums, based upon the following finding(s): 1. That special circumstances or conditions do not apply to the land, building, lopography, vegetation, sign structures or other matters on adiacent lots or within the right-of-way, which would substantially restrict the effectiveness of the sign. 2. The variance applied for departs from the provisions of the Vail Town Code more than is required to identify the applicant's business use. lv. A. CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION -SIGN VARIANCE Consideration of factors: 1. Special Circumstances Exist: There are special circumslances or conditions applying to the land, buildings, topography, vegetation, sign structures or other matters on adjacent lots or within the adjacent right-of- way, which would subslantially restrict the eflectiveness of the sign in question, provided, however, that such special circumstances or conditions are unique to the particular business or enterprise to which the applicant desires to draw attention, and do not apply generally to all businesses or enterprises. The applicant states the variance is necessary to facilitate buildlng identification from residents and guests arriving via the Lionshead pedestrian mall While it is recognized the building fronts along a major pedestrian way, residenVguesl vehicular tratfic arrives via the entrance along South Frontage Road (where the 17.25 square foot building idenlification sign exists). The Westwind Condominiums are not part of the town's "parking pay-in-lieu" program and resident/guest parking is accommodated on-site. Therefore, staff believes the issue of pedestrian traffic from the mall area is only relevant to short-term guests returning from a day of skiing or shopping in lhe Lionshead vicinity. This situation is identical to nearly all other residential properties in Lionshead. Additionally, the town's Sign Regulations currently allow for pedestrian traffic circulation signage to address this issue without a variance. Staff does not believe there are any special, unique circumstances on this site thal warrant a deviation in the application of the lown's Sign Regulations Applicant Not Responsible: That such special circumstances were not created by the applicant or anyone in privy to the applicant. Staff does not believe lhere are any special, unique circumslances on this site that warrant a deviation in the application of the town's Sign Regulations. Harmonv Maintained: That granting of the variance will be in general harmony with the purpose of the sign code, and will not be materially detrimental to the persons residing or working in the vicinity, to adjacent property, to the neighborhood, or to the public weltare in general. Similar variances have been approved in the past for building identification signs on large condominium or hotel projects. lt is important lo note, however, that a variance approved for the Landmark Building in 1989 (to allow for three building identification signs) involved a stafl error in the interprelation of the sign code. 2. 3. 4. In 1987, the PEC approved a similar variance for the Evergreen Lodge (formerly the Doubletree Hotel) upon finding that the location of a large retaining wall restricted the exposure of one idenlification sign lo passersby. Therefore, the "special circumstances" criterion had been addressed to the satisfaction of the PEC. With regard to a Chateau at Vail sign variance in 1986, the PEC found the location of the Alpine Standard gas station blocked the visibility of the guest entrance to the hotel and that an additional sign was warranted along South Frontage Road. Therefore, the "special circumstances" crilerion was also addressed in this situation. Staff does not believe an approval of this variance requesl would be materially detrimental to the persons residing or working in the vicinity, to adjacent property, to the neighborhood, or to the public welfare in general. In Line With Provisions: The variance applied for does not depart from the provisions of this Title any more than is required to identify the applicant's business or use. The Town of Vail Sign Regulations currently allow for pedestrian circulation directional signage that would address many, if not all, of the association's concerns. This type of signage is encouraged in the town's master plan documents. Policy 6.7 of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan encourages a "consistent, comprehensive direclional signage program. Vehicular and pedestrian-scaled directional signage should be incorporated into the design of all primary corridors." Therefore, stall believes there are alternatives under the provisions of the town's Sign Regulations that could meet the applicant's objectives without the need for a variance. Other Factors: Such other factors and criteria as the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the lollowinq findinqs before qrantinq a variance: 1. That special circumslances or conditions apply to the land, building, topography, vegetation, sign structures or other mallers on adjacent lots or within the right-of-way, which would substantially restrict the effectiveness of the siqn. 2. That such special circumstances were 1ot created by the applicant. c. B. 4. That granting the variance will be in general harmony with the purpose of this tille and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. The variance applied for does not depart from the provisions of the Vail Town Code more than is required to identify the applicant's business use. DESTINATION RESORTS 610 WES'I' I,IONSHE D CIR(]LE vAIL, (l( )LORADO 81657-5293 TELEPTTONE (970) 476- r 350 FA.\ (970) 476- r6l7 February 9, 2001 Town of Vail: Brent Wilson Pl=nning & Environment Committee 74 Q trrnnlana Qr{ Vail, CO etdsz Dear PEC Members, The Westwind Condominium Association is requesting a variance to install a second sign onto the south side of their building because unnecessary physical hardship. The building has two active entrances to our building and only one visible sign. One entrance services our Frontage Road driving traffic and the other entrance services our Lionshead Mall walking traffic. At this time the building has the only one sign that is placed above its front entrance on its north wall. This sign is only visible to someone on the Frontage Rd. or approaching from the north side of the building Many of our guests look for our building from the mall area and the building does not have any visible sign for someone approaching from the south. As you are aware, many Vail visitors do not have cars. They use the bus system which drops them into the Lionshead mall. They then approach our building from the c.rr rth rln t:nnt \A/ithnr rt thic cinn raro harra har{ anrt r,riii nnntinr ra tn ha..ra tn visitors approaching from the mall that are unable to easily find our building. At one time the building did have a sign in the requested location that was stolen. Apparently, since we did not replace that sign immediately, we now have to request a variance to install its replacement. Because of this unnecessary hardship the Association is asking for this variance which will allow the inclallatinn nf a narnr connnr{ cinn fn ho innalad nn tho hr rildinn'e enr rth r,rroct corner according to all other sign regulatrons. We thank you in advance for your consideration. \"/ty'estwind Condominium Ass.. Inc. A Lowe Enterprises Company D {. x t -N N FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development March 12, 2001 A request for a worksession to discuss rezoning from Agriculture and Open Space to Two Family Residential and a Minor Subdivision to create two lots and a request for a recommendation to the Town Council for an amendment to the Vail Land Use Plan change the land use designation from Public/Semi-Public use to Low Density Residential localed at 3160 Boolh Fall Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12tn Filing. Applicant: Booth Falls Homeowners Association represented by Tom Braun Staff: Russ Forrest DESCRIPTION & PURPOSE OF THE REQUEST: The applicant is requesting that the property at 3160 Booth Falls Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12rh Filing, be rezoned from Agriculture Open Space to Two Family Residential (Attachment A). This parcel is 54,892 square feet (1 .26 acres) in size and is owned by the Booth Fall Homeowners Association. Existing improvements on the lot include a tennis court. To facilitate this rezoning the applicant is requesting an amendment to the Vail Land Use Plan, to change the land use designation from Public/Semi Public to Low Density Residential. The applicant is further requesting a subdivision of the parcel into two lots 12W (24,840 sq. ft) and 12E (30,052 sq. ft) The applicant has a contract to sell this land to the Vail Mountain School. The Vail Mountain School has not yet determined what they may eventually propose for the site if they acquire the land. The other reason for the proposed change in the Land Use Plan and rezoning, is thai the Homeowners Association would like to sell the land to pay for a rock fall mitigation berm to protect the Association buildings from a high rockfall hazard. There has been significant damage to Association buildings from rock fall incidents in the past. A rock fall mitigation plan consisting of a wall north of the Association buildings has been approved by the Town of Vail. This^application must be reviewed based on the criteria for a Land Use Plan amendment, a rezoning, and creating a subdivision. II. BACKGROUND The Booth Falls area was originally owned by Vail Associates (VA) and annexed into the Town in 1972. fhe Booth Falls Condominium project was developed in 1973. In 1979, VA quit claimed a 1.26 acre parcel to the Booth Fall Homeowners Associaiion, Based on information from the applicant, the land did have a private deed restriction on it that allowed Vail Associates to repossess ihe land if the land were used for uses other than recreation or open space. However, in 2000 Vail Resorts removed that deed reslriction. The existing tennis court was developed by the Booth Falls Homeowners Association. The subject property is shown below: STAFF RECOMMENDATION The March 12 meeting regarding this item is a worksession. Staff does not have a final recommendation at this time. There is a review of the criteria presented below. il. V. tv.ROLES OF THE REVIEWING BOARDS PEG: The role of the PEC is to make a recommendation to lhe Town Council on the Land Use Amendment and the rezoning application based on the criteria stated below. In addition, the PEC will make a final decision on the minor subdivision based on the criteria below. Town Council: The Town Council would need to approve or disapprove a resolution to amend the Land Use Plan. The Town Council would need to approve or disapprove an ordinance on changing the zoning. DRB: The DRB does not play a role with these three applications- VAIL LAND USE PLAN AND CRITERIA FOR AN AMENDMENT General Overview of the Plan The Vail Land Use Plan was initiated in 1985 and adopted in 1986 by the Vail Town Council. The main purposes of the Land Use Plan are two-fold: . To articulate the land use goals of the Town.r To serve as a guide for decision making by the Town. The Vail Land Use Plan is intended to serve as a basis from which future land use decisions may be made within the Town of Vail. The goals, as articulated within the Land Use Plan, are meant to be used as adopted policy guidelines in the review process for new development proposals. In conjunction with these goals, land use categories are defined to indicate general types of land uses which are then used to develop the Vail Land Use Map. The Land Use Plan is not intended to be regulatory in nature, bul is intended to provide a general framework to guide decision making. Where the land use categories and zoning conflict, existing zoning controls development on a site. To be effective, the Land Use Plan must be updated to reflect current thinking and changing market conditions. The Vail Land Use Plan can be amended in three ways: 1) The Community Development Department can update and revise the plan periodically. The Community Development Department then makes recommendations for lhe proposed changes to the Planning and Environmental Commission, where these changes would then be considered in a public hearing format. The Planning and Environmental Commission would then make a recommendation to the Town Council, where another public hearing would be held. The Council then adopts the chahges by resolution. 2) The Planning and Environmental Commission or Town Council can also initiate amendments to the Land Use Plan. Again, both boards hold public hearings and the changes are adopted by the Town Council by resoluiion. 3) The private sector can also initiate amendments to the Vail Land Use Plan. Applications may be made by a registered voter, a property owner, or a property owne/s authorized representative. The amendments are then heard by both the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Town Council. The Town Council then adopts the changes by resolution. Land Use Plan Desionation Description Current Land Use Plan Designation: Public/Semi-Public (PSP): The Public and semi-public category includes schools, post office, water and sewer service and siorage facilities, cemeteries, municipal facilities, and other public institutions, which are located throughout the community to serve the needs of residents. Proposed Land Use Designalion: Low Density ResidentiaL This category includes single-family detached homes and two family dwelling uniis. Densi$ of development within this category would typically not exceed 3 structures per buildable acre however, all of the adjacent residential uses exceed 3 dwelling units per acre. Also within this area would be private recreation facilities such as tennis courts, swimming pools and clubhouses for the use of residents of the area. Institutional /public uses permitted would include churches, fire stations, and parks and open space related facilities. Criteria for chanqinq the land use plan Any amendments to the Land Use Plan require a public process. Adjacent properties are notified, the Planning and Environmental Commission holds a public hearing and makes a recommendation to the Town Council on the proposal. The Town Council adopts the changes by resolution. Any changes to the Land Use Plan must address the following three criteria: Crlterla 1: How conditions have changed since the plan was adopted? Physical conditions and the fundamental land use patterns of the neighborhood have not changed since the 1986 adoption of the plan. However, the demand for tennis has deminished and the program at the Vail Mountain School has expanded. Vail Mountain School provides a valuable community service. Crfteria 2: How the plan is in ertor? - The plan is in eror with regard to the ownership of the lot. The plan identifies this lot as Town ownecl land. That is not correcl. Therefore, the land use plan designation of Public/Semi Public may have been done based on inconecl information. There are not other lots with the PublidSemi Public designaiion that are privately owned (i.e. noi owned by a public or quasi public entity). vt. Crihia 3: How the addltlon, deletion or change to the plan is in conceft with the plan ln general? Adjacent lands are designated as low density residential in the plan. This proposed change is consistent with the adjacent uses. There is also other significant open space in the neighborhood and Town of Vail compatible with Town of Vail development objectives. REZONING GRITERIA Zoninq Overview The cunent zoning is Agriculture and Open Space. The applicant is proposing to rezone the property to Two-Family Residential. The Town of Vail Zoning Regulations are intended to: "Promote the coordinated and harmonious develooment of the Town in a manner that will conserye and enhance its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residential community of high quality." In contrast to the Land Use Plan, which serves as a guide in land use decision making, the zoning and subdivision regulations are the regulatory tools to control development. The zoning regulations are specific with regards to development on property, including density, selbacks, height, etc. Where conflicts exist between the Land Use Plan and the zoning for a site, existing zoning controls development. However, in cases where a change in zoning is considered for a site, the land use designation and land use objectives as identified in the Land Use Plan are important considerations in the decision making process. Summary of Existinq and Proposed Zone District The parcel is currently zoned Agriculture Open Space. The applicant is proposing to change the zoning to Two Family Two Family Residential (See attachment B) Rezonino Criteria 1) ls the existing zoning suitable with the existing land use on the site and adjacent land uses? Staff believes the existing zoning designation is suitable with the existing and adjacent land uses. However, the proposed zoning of Two Family Residential is consistent with the adjacent uses. In addition, the lot size of 1.26 is inconsistent with the minimum lot size of the Agricultural and Open Space Zone District which is one dwelling unit per 35 acres. 2l ls the amendment presenting a convenient workable relationship with land uses consistent with municipal objectives? The proposed rezoning is the same as the adjacent zoning. lf the Vail Mountain School acquires the site for residential, educational, or recreational uses, these uses can be accommodated as a permitted or conditional use (s) in the Two Family Zone District. lmpacts can be mitigated through the conditional use permit process and review. There are no apparent infrastructure, environmental, or circulation impacts that would be generated by this proposal. 3) Does the rezoning provide for the growth of an orderly viable community? In accordance with the provisions of the Town of Vail Zoning and Subdivision Regulations and Vail's Master Plan Elements, staff believes this rezoning provides for the growth of an orderly viable community. 4) ls the change consistent with the Land Use Plan? lf the Vail Land Use Plan is amended to Low Density Residential for the site, then the proposed rezoning would be consistent with the Plan. The Vail Land Use Plan does identiry the adjacent land uses as Low Density Residential which would be consistent with the proposed use of the site. Specific Land Use Plan goals that are consistent with the application include; 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial, and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. New subdivisions should not be permitted in high geological hazard areas. (The applicants stated purpose of this action is to facilitate the mitigation of a high rockfall hazard on an existing property.) 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas. 5.1 Additional residential growth should continue to occur primarily in existing, platted areas and as appropriate in new area where high hazards do not exist. Zoninq Analvsis Existing Zoning: Agriculture and Open Space District Standard Allowed Existins Lot 12 Min Lot Area 35 acres with a min. of 1 acre of buildable area 54,892 sq. ft. or 1.26 acres Density 1 unit Buildable Area 1 acre 54,892 sq. ft. GRFA 2,000 + qaraqe credit 2,000 Site Coverage 5o/o of area or 2,745 sq. ft. 2,744 1.7 Proposed Zoning: Two Family Primary Secondary District Standard Allowed Lot 12W Lotl2E Min. Lot Area 15,000 sq- ft.24,838 sq. ft.30.052 sq. ft. Min. Fronlaqe 30'200'?q' Density 2 DU+ 1 EHU GRFA (see attachment b) 5,588 +500 for EHU 6,103 +500 for EHU Site Coverage 2lo/o of the total lot area 4,967 6,010 VlI. REAUEST FOR A SUBDIVISION The proposed subdivision meets the criteria for a Minor Subdivision as defined in 13-2-2 (E) in that the proposed subdivision contains "not more than four (4) lots fronting on an exisling street." Atiached is a copy of the proposed plat for the site. The criteria for reviewing a Minor Subdivision includes: A basic premise of subdivision regulalions is that the minimum standards for the creation of a new lot(s) must be met. This subdivision will be reviewed under Tille 13, Subdivision Regulations, of the Town of Vail Code. The first set of criteria to be considered by the Planning and Environmental Commission for a Minor Subdivision application is: Lot Area: Both lots have at least 15,000 square feet of buildable area as defined in section 12-6D-5 of the Town Code. Frontaoe: Both lots meet the minimum lot frontage of 30 feet. Dimension: Each lot would meet the minimum dimension standard requiring the lot to enclose a square 80 ft. by 80 ft. The second set of criteria to be considered with a Minor Subdivision application, as outlined in the subdivision regulations, is: The buden of proof shall rcst with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of fhis Chapter, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent rcgulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable. Due considerction shall be given to the recommendations made by public agencies, utility companies and other agencies consulted under subsection 13-3-3C. The Planning and Envircnmental Commission shall rcview the a'pplication and consider its apprcpriateness in regard to Town policies rclating to subdivision control, densrtres prcposed, regulations, ordinances and rcsolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integity and compatibility with the sunounding land uses and other applicable documents, effecls on the aesthetics of the Town. The Specific Purpose of the Subdivision Regulations is as follows: To inform each subdivider of the standards and criteria by which development proposals will be evaluated, and to provide information as to the type and extent of improvements required. Staff Response; Staff has reviewed the minor subdivision for compliance with the applicable evaluation criteria. Upon the completion of our review the staff finds that the proposed subdivision complies with the subdivision criteria. To provide for the subdivision of property in the future without conflast with development on adjacent land. Staff Response; The proposed subdivision and rezoning are consislent with the adjacent land uses and should not present a conflict to development on adjacent land. This proposal could enhance the Vail Mountain schools opportunities for improving and enhancing their facilities. To protect and conserve the value of land throughout the Municipality and the value of buildings and improvements on the land. Staff Response: The existence of open space beside property can have a positive impact on property values. However, staff does not believe that this proposal will have a significant negative impact on adjacent property values. To ensure that subdivision of property is in compliance with the Town's zoning ordinances, to achieve a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses, consistent with Town development objectives. Stat? Response.' The proposed subdivision and rezoning is compatible with adjacent land uses and provides a workable relationship amongst land uses consistent with Town Development objectives. lt should be acknowledged that an objective of the Land Use Plan (pg 31. D-2) is to "continue to preserve open space and that the Town should purchase land critical for open space preservation." However, this parcel was not identified in the 't994 Comprehensive Open Lands plan as a parcel for acquisition. To guide public and private policy and action in order to provide adequate and efficient transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreation, and other public requirements and facilities and generally to provide that public facilities will have sufficient capacity to serve the proposed subdivision. Sfaff Response.' This goal of the Subdivision Regulations is intended to ensure adequate public facilities are provided concunent with land subdivision. The property is currently served by sanitary sewer, water, electric and gas. Slaff finds that sufficient capacity exists at this location to facilitate the subdivision request and the associated land development application. To provide for accurate legal descriptions of newly subdivided land and to establish reasonable and desirable construction design standards and procedures. Sfaff Response; The proposed minor subdivision plat has been prepared in accordance with the standards prescribed in the Town of Vail Subdivision Regulations. To prevent the pollution of air, streams and ponds, to assure adequacy of drainage facilities, to safeguard the water table and to encourage the wise use and management of natural resources throughout the Town in order to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the community and the value of the land. Stat? Response.' Staff believes the minor subdivision request complies with the above- described criteria. Attachmeni A: Applicants submittal Attachment B: Summary of existing and proposed zone districts Attachment C: Proposed Plat F:\cdev\PEC\MEMOSUI \Landuseplan change for 3160 Eooth falls.doc lrEAUl&rR.,AurN ASSocrA-l-rES, lrNC" PIANNING and COt"llvlUNllY DEVELOPl.4ENT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Town Council Planning and Environmental Commission Booth Falls Homeowner's Association, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. February 7,2Q01 Proposed rezoning to Two-Family Residential, Land Use Plan map amendment to Low Density Residential, and minor subdivision to create two residential lots located at 3160 Booth Falls Road/Portion of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 12. Edwards Village Center Suite C-209 0105 Edwards Village Boulevard Post Oflice Box 2658 Edwards, Colorado 8 1 632 Ph . 97A9)6.7515 Fax - 9709)6.1516 www.DTaunassoctatcs-com I. DESCRIPT]ON OF THE REQUEST The Booth Falls Homeowner's Association (BFHA), owner/applicant, is requesting approval of three separate applications; a Land Use Plan Map amendment, a rezoning, and a minor subdivision for land the Association owns located at 3160 Booth Falls Road (tennis court site). Specifically, the BFHA is requesting that the Land Use Map designation of "Public/Semi-Public" be changed to "Low Density Residential," the property be rezoned from "Agriculture and Open Space" to "Two-Family Residential," and the 1.26 acre parcel be subdivided into two duplex lots. The proposed residential lots are generous in land area (24,838 sq. ft. and 30,052 sq. ft.), well above the minimum required by the Two-Family Residential zone district of 'l 5,000 sq. ft., and consistent with all other provisions of the two-family zone district. The zoning and proposed use of the property is consistent and compatible with the other duplex lots in the neighborhood. The lots have been designed to provide adequate access to the parcels and adequate areas for the development of duplex structures while respecting other developed homes in the area. II. BACKGROUND The Booth Falls area (205 acres) was originally owned by Vail Associates, Inc. and annexed to the Town in 1972. The Booth Falls Condominiums project was developed in 1973 subject to an approved plan by the Town. In 1979, VA quitclaimed a 1.26-acre parcel (the subject property) to the BFHA for the use of the Association. A tennis court was developed on the site by the BFHA, which still exists today on the property. The Vail Mountain School property and the subject property were both zoned "Agriculture" in 1972. Subsequently, in 1973, the Agriculture district was changed to the Agriculture and Open Space district, thus effectively rezoning the subject property as well as the Vail Mountain School property. In the 1990's, the Vail Mountain School propertywas rezoned to General Use. o In 1986, seven years afterthe subject propertywas purchased bythe BFHA, the Town of Vail adopted the Vail Land Use Plan. The Land Use Plan designated this property as "Public/Semi- Public" use, even though the property was owned by a private entity (see discussion below). The existing conditions of the property today include some recently planted evergreen trees, Aspens, a fenced tennis court, and areas that have been regraded with berms and fill. III. DISCUSSION Land Use Plan Map Amendment from Public/Semi-Public to Low Density Residential The Land Use Plan is intended to be a general policy guide upon which the Town boards should base future decisions with respect to land uses. The Plan contemplated changes in conditions and the economy. The Plan contains language recommending that the plan be updated "every three to five years." The Plan has never been comprehensively updated since its adoption in 1986. The Plan contains a section stating how the plan should be utilized. lt's states in part: The Land Use Plan map and the goal statements are intended to serve as the primary focus for the review of development proposals, along with Town ordinances and regulations. The Plan Map and goals statements are founded upon the supporting information and data contained in this document and therefore should not be utilized as the sole instrument for analysis of a project. Any project should be reviewed within the context of the intent of the overall Plan document. With respect to rezoning requests the Plan states that: It will be the responsibility of the applicant to clearly demonstrate how conditions have changed since the Plan was adopted, how the Plan is in error or how the addition, deletion or change to the Plan is in concert with the Plan in general. We believe there are several valid arguments, which support the change in land use designation from "Public/Semi-Public" to "Low Density Residential." 1. An error was made when the Land Use Plan was adopted in '1986. The subject property was shown on Figure 4 - E "lnventory of Town Owned Property'' (see map 1 attached) as being owned by the Town of Vail. This property was never owned by the Town of Vail and was owned by the Boothfalls Homeowner's Association at the date of adoption of this Plan (and had been owned for seven years at the adoption of the Plan). lt appears that this mistake then caused the Town to designate this property as "Public/Semi- Public." Additionally, the Plan states that the land was "dedicated to the Town of Vail as open space as part of subdividing." This statement is incorrect, as the land was never dedicated to the Town of Vail for any use. We believe that this error in the understanding of the land ownership led the Town to Booth Falls Horncowner's Assocration Braun Assocrates, lnc. Page 2 of7 designating the property for public/semi-public use rather than a designation more relevant to its ownership and the context of the neighborhood. All other properties designated by the Town as PubliciSemi-public are lands owned by the Town (i.e., Public Works shops, Vail Village parking structure, Lionshead parking structure, Mountain Bell property, etc.). The Booth Falls Condominiums as well as all of the neighboring residential lots in this area ate designated as "Low Density Residential" in the Land Use Plan. The proposed designation for this property as "Low Density Residential" is therefore consistent and compatible with the neighborhood. The cunent designation of "Public/Semi-Public" on the propefi is incompatible with the designation of surrounding property. This land use designation promotes the use for the construction of potentially large buildings such as "municipal buildings, water and sewer service and storage facilities, post olfices, schools, and other public institutions." This is not to say the public uses are always incompatible with low density residential uses, but rather in this specific instance, given the configuration of the parcel and the close proximity of the surrounding residential uses, certain public facilities may be incompatible. The proposed change in land use designation is consistent with the Vail Land Use Plan map and goal statements when the Plan is reviewed as a whole. Rezoning Request from Agriculture and Open Space to Two-Family Residential This property is located in a neighborhood where the majority of the lots are zoned Two-Family Residential. The residential lots which are adjacent to this lot are zoned Two-Family Residential and the Booth Falls Condominiums are zoned Low Density Multiple Family. The properg to the south, owned by the Vail Mountain School, is zoned General Use. We believe the rezoning is warranted for the following reasons: 1. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the zoning on neighboring property and is generally compatible with the neighborhood. 2. The Land Use Plan, in reference to this property, states, "the site offers no apparent unique visual or environmental benefits." The Plan goes on to say that the Town should consider the site for "dispositlon" (even though the Town does not own the property). Therefore, the Plan acknowledges that this property does not hold any unique characteristics warranting that it be preserved as open space. Subdivision Request The proposed subdivision creates two duplex lots meeting all of the subdivision criteria found in the Town's regulations. Additionally, as evidenced in the hazard report provided with the application, there are no high severity hazards affecting the property. We believe the proposed subdivision is consistent with other residential lots in the neighborhood. Booth Falls Homeowner's Association Braun Associates, Inc. 2. 4. Page 3 of7 IV. ZONING ANALYSIS Zoning: Two-Family Residential Standard Code Requirement Lot 12W Lot 12E Lot area 15,000 sq. ft. 24,838 sq. ft. 30,052 sq. ft. Minimum Frontage 30' GRFA Buildable area 15,000 sq. ft. > 200' 35' 5,158 sq, ft. 5,678 sq. ft. 24,838 sq. ft. 30,052 sq. ft. V. CRITERIA Land Use Plan Mao Amendment To amend the Land Use Plan Map, it shall be demonstrated that conditions have changed since the Plan was adopted, that the Plan is in error, or that the proposed addition, deletion, or change to the Plan is in concert with the Plan in general. As explained in section Vl of this memo, we believe it has been demonstrated that the change is warranted due to an error with the application of the existing land use designation and that the proposed land use designation is in concert with the Plan in general and with other land uses ,n the vicinig. Rezoninq The PEC shall make the following findings before recommending approval of a zone change req uest: 'l'. ls the proposed zoning suitable with the existing land use on the site and adjacent land uses? The proposed Two-Family Residential zoning for the property is consistent with the existing land uses on the property and those residential uses in the vicinity. The adjacent residential land uses are also zoned Two-Family Residential. The property to the south is zoned General Use and approved for use as a school facility. Residential uses in this area are compatible with these school facilities. 2. ls the amendment preventing a convenient workable relationship with land uses consistent with municipal objectives? The proposed rezoning will create a convenient workable relationship among land uses in the area. The proposed zoning is consistent with the Town's Land Use plan, which outlines the municipal objectives of the Town. Booth Falls Homcowncr's Association Braun Associates, Inc. Page 4 ol 7 3. 4. Does the rezoning provide for the growth of an orderly viable community? The proposed rezoning is consistent with the Town's subdivision regulations and provides for an orderly viable community. The proposal will create two duplex lots in a neighbor predominately occupied by duplex development. ls the change consistent with the Land Use Plan? The proposal is consistent with the requested land use map designation for the property. Additionally, the proposed zoning is consistent with the Land Use Plan in general and the following goals and policies found in the Plan: 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.7 New subdivisions should not be permitted in high geologic hazard areas. 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas (infill areas). 5.1 Additional residential growth should continue to occur primarily in existing, platted areas and as appropriate in new areas where high hazards do not exist. 5.4 Residential growth should keep pace with the market place demands for a full range of housing types. Subdivision The first set of review criteria to be considered pertain to lot area and site dimensions as specified in the Zoning Regulations, 12-6D-5: A. Lot Area The Town Code requires that the minimum lot or site area for a property located within the Two-Family Residential zone district be 15,000 square feet of buildable area. The Town Code defines "buildable area" as any site, lot, parcel or any portion thereof, which does not contain designated floodplain, red hazard avalanche, or areas in excess of 40o/o slope. Both proposed lots meet the minimum lot size and buildable area requirements. The lots do not contain any areas designated as floodplain, red hazard snow avalanche, or any areas with grades in excess of 4Qoh. B. Frontaqe The Town Code requires that any lot in the Two-Family Residential zone district have a minimum frontage of 30 feet. Both lots, as proposed, meet the minimum lot frontage requirement of 30 feet. Booth l-alls Homeowner's Assoclatlon Braun Associates, lnc. Page 5 of 7 C. Site Dimensions The Town Code requires that each site be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area, 80 feet on each side, within its boundaries. The proposed resubdivision will create lots of a size and shape that satisfy this req u irement. The second set of review criteria to be considered with a minor subdivision request is as outlined in the Subdivision Regulations, 13-3-4, and is as follows: The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of this Chapter, the zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the application and consider its appropriateness in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrity and compatibility with the surrounding land uses and other applicable documents, effects on the aesthetics of the Town. The purpose section of Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, is intended to insure that subdivision is promoting the health, safetyand welfare of the community. The subdivision purpose statements lrom 13-1-2 (C) are as follows: 1. To inform each subdivider of the standards and criteria by which development proposals will be evaluated and to provide information as to the type and extent of improvements required. One purpose of subdivision regulations, and any development control, is to establish basic ground rules which the staff, the PEC, the applicant and the community can follow in the public review process. This application has been submitted according to the requirements of Chapter 13, Subdivision Regulations. 2. To provide for the subdivision of property in the future without conflict with development on adjacent land. The proposed plat does not create any conflict with development on adjacent land. 3. To protect and conserve the value of land throughout the Municipality and the value of buildings and improvem_ents on the land. Since there are no changes to land conditions or development standards proposed, we believe this proposal will not be detrimental to the value of land throughout Vail, nor will it be detrimental to the value of land in the immediate area. Booth F'alls Ilomeowner's Associatlon Braun Associates, Inc. Pagc 6 of 7 4. o To ensure that subdivision of property is in compliance with the Town's zoning ordinances, to achieve a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses, consistent with Town development objectives. We believe the proposed plat will not preclude a harmonious, convenient and workable relationship among land uses consistent with the Town's development objectives. To guide public and private policy and action in order to provide adequate and efficient transportation, water, sewage, schoots, parks, playgrounds, recreation, and other public requirements and facilities and generally to provide that public facilities will have sufficient capacity to serve the proposed subdivision. This purpose statement is intended primarily to address large-scale subdivisions as opposed to this particular proposal. We do not believe that this proposal will impact any of the aforementioned facilities. To provide for accurate legal descriptions of newly subdivided land and to establish reasonable and desirable construction design standards and procedures, The proposed minor subdivision plat will provide for accurate legal descriptions for the proposed lots. To prevent the pollution of air, streams and ponds, to assure adequacy of drainage facilities, to safeguard the water table and to encourage the wise use and management of natural resources throughout the Town in order to preselve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the community and the value of the land. Since this proposal does not involve any immediate construction or development, it will have no immediate impact on these issues. In the event that developmenl is to occur in the future on either lot, all applicable Town regulations and standards will be adhered to during the development review process. 5. 6. 7. Booth Falls Ilomeowner's Associatlon Braun Associates. Inc. Page 7 ofl Courns & Asscr.ATEs €€orrercrl AND NlrwAL REsouFc€ coitsrJLTrMrs P.O. Box ?3 . tl16 AlrNeou DRrvE SrLT, CorrnAoo 81652 Pxorue/Fa:< (97O) 87 6 -54oO bocol€rof .nct January 15,2001 Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP BAUBraun Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 2658 Edwards. Colorado 81632 Steve Prawdzik Booth Falls Homeowners Assoc. 1036 Speer Blvd. Denver, Colorado 80204 RE: RrsusprvrsroN oF Lor 12. VATLVTLTAGE 12* FruNc Dear Mr. Mauriello: At Mr. Mauriello's request I have examined the subject property for the purpose of evaluating potential geologic hazards to the tract, and the effects of mitigating such hazards as may exist on adjacent properties, in accordance with Town of Vail Regulations Chapter 12-21-15. The property, part of Lot I 2, Vail Village 12* Filing, is being considered for subdivision into two lots and subsequent construction of duplex dwellings on both los. The property lies on gently-sloping to nearly-flat ground on mixed alluvial and glacial gravels at the mouth of Booth Creek. The surface of the lot has been significantly disturbed by past construction actMties, both on and adjacent to the property. Because of the low slopes generally-stable and well-drained nature of the unconsolidated materials, slope and foundation stability should not present any problems, although as always site-specific soil testing and well- designed final grading and drainage are required. The northeastern boundary of the tract constitutes the downslope limit ofa high-severity rocKall zone as shown on the Town ofVail geologic hazard maps. The area is shielded by the rocldall protection trench and berm constructed on the hillside to tlre northeast several years ago, and it is my understanding that a new structure, below the northwestern end of the existing one, is to be constructed to complete rockfall protection for the remainder of the exposed Booth Falls subdivided area. These structures together with existing buildings, roads, and landscaping upslope from the property should constitute adequate protection. I would suggest that the existence ofthe limited hazard that is present be considered in building design and final grading and landscaping, although since the propefty is not within the mapped hazard zone this is only a recommendation. The moderateseverity debris-flow hazard zone associated with Booth Creek as shown on the Town of Vail geologic hazard maps passes through the western part of the property, approximately equivalent to the east and south edges of the tennis courts. Construction and grading since tlte delineation of this hazard zone have substantially reduced the exposure, although debris overflow down Booth Falls Road remains possible. A berm should be Page2 incorporated into final grading and landscaping along the northern and western edges oft}te property to keep such overflow that might occur substantially on the road and away from structures. In addition the possibility of debris flow should be considered in building and site landscaping design, with foundations within the hazard zone extending at least two feet above final grade with no significant openings facing north and west, as well as positive drainage away from all sides of the structures. The site is not within or close to any of the Town of Vail's identified snow or debris avalanche hazard zones. The necessity for proper drainage and soil testing has been noted. While soils and bedrock materials found intheareado notordinarilycontain radioactive minerals, inhabited structures should as a matter of course be designed to preclude radon gas accumulation. Likewise, the Vail area is one of many faults, some of them of signi{icant displacement, and as a result, although there has been no movement on these structures for thousands of years, inhabited structures should be designed and constructed according to the Uniform Building Code provisions for Seismic Zone l. The site is in an area of modest geological sensitivity, and site-specific mitigating measures are not anticipated to be significant. There is nothing to suggest that the proposed subdivision or potential site specific hazard-mitigating measures that might be required will increase the haz ard to other property or strucflrres, or to public buildings, rights-oFway, roads, streets, easements, utilities, or facilities or other properties of any hnd. This repon is intended to comply with appropriate portions of Town of Vail Regulations Chapter 12-21-15, and nothing contained herein should be interpreted as suggesting that the subject property is not exposed to the mapped hazards. lf you have any questions or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. This teport concctns natutal po<csses that all unpr€dicEble and in large measurt poorly Undcrstood. lt is int€nded to identiry potential observrbleha?rrdsto which the subject propetty is exposed and to suggest mititetint mealu.es in compli.nce with applicabte retulatiorls. l+othir8 in this.Epon ihould be construed or inteaPt€t€d as sutgestidt the ablence ofthe detcrib€d hazaads, or thot the rErommcnded mititatioN will paotcct thc rlbj€ct propcfty ftorh dte darcribed hrzerds under all circumslznces, foreseen or unforeseen. Nothint in this ftport should b€ conlErrad or interpRtcd as suggestirt that rddttional unidemitlcd hazeds arr not pFes€nt. lt nust also be understood tfiat'mitigation" doer not mean eilher tie elimination ofthc hazrd(s) or prwrntion oftfie consequ4[ces ofa hezard cve t or event5. only tfie redu(tion to thc er(tant reasonably possiblc ofthe lrttcr. 8y accepting this riport all prtsant aod sub.equec paftics thereto agt€ to iodemniry rnd hold hannl.ss the prcprrcr for e ny.nd all damates, direct. indirrct orsooscqucmial, includingpcEonrl injuryorloss oflife, above.nd bEodd the o.iginal cost ofthis sndy. causcd by or resultir8 from any o(cuFence ofdE dcscrib.d or other hazrrd(s), whcthd or not such damages m.y resolt liann failure to idcndry said hazardlsl or from f.ilure or inedequscy ofproperly engineered, constlctcd,.nd m.idained .tcomocndcd mitigations. lte preprrer oftfiis repoJt c.rxrot.nd will not be rEsponlible in any way or manner wh.tsoev€r for dle prc pcr engineri ng, conat{uctiod, and/or rEaintenance ofrccomrnerded mitigatio[s. or dr. ioadeqqcy or failut€ of impn gerly enSinaer€d, coNttucted. and/or maint.ined rccommend€d mitigations, or mitigstions drat har€ been alteEd in any wry whstroev$ flotn tllosa EcomDendad bt' the prepErer. ATTACHMENT B AGRICULTURAL AND OPEN SPACE (A) DTSTRTCT 12-84-1: PURPOSE: The Agricultural and Open Space District is intended to preserve agricultural, undeveloped, or open space lands from intensive development while permining agricultural pursuits and low density residential use consistent with agricultural and open space objectives. Parks, schools, and certain types of private recreational tacilities and institutions also are suitable uses in the Agricultural and Open Space District, provided that the sites of these uses remain predominantly open. Site development standards are intended to preclude intensive urban development and to mainlain the agricultural and open space characterislics of the District. (Ord. 8(1973) S 12.100) 1 2-8A-2: PERMITTED USES: The following uses shall be permitted in the A District: Plant and lree nurseries and raising of field, row and tree crops. Public parks, recreation areas, and open spaces. Single-family residential dwellings. (Ord. 8(1973) S 12.200) 1 2-84-3: CONDITIONAL USES: The tollowing conditional uses shall be permitted, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the orovisions of Chaoter 'l 6 of this Title: Any use within public parks, recreation areas, and open spaces which involves assembly of more than two hundred (200) persons together in one building or group of buildings, or in one recrealion area or othe public recreationalfacility. Cemeteries. Churches, rectories, and related structures. Low power subscription radio facilities. Private golf, tennis, swimming and riding clubs, and hunting and lishing lodges. Public and private schools and colleges. Semipublic and institutional uses, such as convents and religious retreats. Ski lifts and tows 10 Type ll employee housing units (EHU) as provided in Chapter 13 of this Title. Well water treatment facility. (Ord. 6(2000) $ 2: Ord. 8(1992) $ 30: Ord. 37(1991) $ 1 : Ord. 30(1988) $ 1: Ord. 16(1985) $ 1: Ord. 16(1976) $ 1(a): Ord. 14(1975) $ 3: Ord. 8(1973) S 12.300) 12-8A-4: ACCESSORY USES: The following accessory uses shall be permitted in the A District: Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to permitted agricultural uses, including barns, silos, sheds, corrals pens, and similar uses. Home occupations, subjecl to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the orovisions of Section 12-14-12of this Title. Privale greenhouses, toolsheds, playhouses, garages or carports, swimming pools, patios, or recreation facilities customarily incidental to single{amily residential uses. Retail sale of plants, trees, or other Jarm or agricultural products grown, produced or made on the oremises. Other uses customarily incidenlal and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof .(Ord. 21 (1994) $ 12: Ord. 16(1976) $ 1 (a): Ord. 8(1973) S 12.400) 12-84-5: LOT AREA AND SITE DIMENSIONS: The minimum lot or site area shall be thirty five (35) acres with a minimum of one acre of buildable area. (Ord. 34(1979) S 1) 1 2-84-6: SETBACKS: In the A District, the minimum front setback shall be twenty feet (20'), the minimum side setback shall be fifteen feet (15'), and the minimum rear setback shall be fifteen feet (15') (Ord 50(1978) s2) 12,8A-7. HEIGHT: For a flat rool or mansard roof , the height of buildings shall not exceed thiny feet (30'). For a sloping roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty three feet (33'). (Ord. 37(1980) $ 2) 12-84-8: DENSITY: Not more than one dwelling unrt shall be permitted for each thirty five (35) acres of site area, of which one acre must be buildable, provided, however, that one dwelling shall be allowed on a lol or parcel of less than thirty five (35) acres which contains one acre of buildable area. Such dwelling shall not exceed two thousand (2,000) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA). (ord. 3a(1979) S 1) 1 2-8A-9: SITE COVERAGE: Site coverage shallnot exceed five percent (5%) of the totalsite area. (Ord. 17(1991) $ 14:Ord. 8(1973)S 12.507) 12-84-10: LANDSCAPING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT: Not applicable in the A District. (Ord. 8(1973) S 12.509) 12-84-11: PARKING: Otf-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 10 of this Title. No required parking shall be located in any required setback area, except as may be specifically authorized in accordance with Chapter 1 7 of this Title. (Ord. 8(1 973)5 12.510) L2 ARTTCLE C. TWO-FAMTLY RESTDENTIAL (R) DISTRICT 12-6C-1: PURPOSE: The Two-Family Residential District is intended to provide sites for low density single-family or two-family residential uses, together with such public facilitles as may be appropriately located in the same district. The Two-Family Residential District is intended to ensure adequate light, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling, commensurate with single-family and two-family occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential qualities of such sites by establishing appropriate site development standards. (Ord. 8(1973) S 3.100) 12-6C-2: PERMITTED USES: The following uses shall be permitted in the R District: Single-family residential dwellings. Two-family residential dwellings. Type I employee housing unil as sel forth in Chapter 13 of this Title. (Ord. 6(2000)$ 2: Ord.8(1992)g 7: Ord.8(1973)S 3.200) 1 2-6C-3: GONDITIONAL USES: The following conditional uses shall be permitted in the R District, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with lhe provisions of Chaoter 16 of this Title: Bed and breakfast as further regulated by Section 12-14-18 of this Title. Dog kennel. Public buildings, grounds and facilities. Public or private schools. Public park and recreation facilities. Public utility and public service uses. Ski lifts and tows. Type ll employee housing units as set forth in Chapter 13 of this Title. (Ord. 6(2000) $ 2: Ord. 8(1992) $ 8: Ord. 18(1990) g 't; Ord. 20(1982) $ 5: Ord. 8(1973) $ 3.300) 13 1 2-6C- 4: ACCESSORY USES : The lollowing accessory uses shall be permitted in the R District: Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the orovisions of Section 12-14-12 of this Title. Private greenhouses, tool sheds, playhouses, garages or carports, swimming pools, patios, or recreation facilities customarily incidental to single-family and two{amily residential uses. Olher uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. (Ord.8(1973) S 3.400) 12-6C-5: LOT AREA AND SITE DIMENSIONS: The minimum lot or site area shall be fifteen lhousand (15,000) square feet of buildable site area. Each site shall have a minimum frontage of thirty feet (30'). Each site shall be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area eighty feet (80') on each side within its boundaries. (Ord. 24(1981) g 1) 12-6C-6: SETBACKS: In the R District, the minimum front setback shall be twenty feet (20'), the minimum side setback shall be fifteen feet (15'), and the minimum rear setback shall be fifieen feet (15'). (Ord. 50(1978) S 2) 12-6C-7: HEIGHT: For a flat roof or mansard roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty feet (30'). For a sloping roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty three feet (33'). (ord. 37(1980) $ 2) I 2-6C-8: DENSITY CONTROL: A.Dwelling Units: Not more than a total of two (2) dwelling units shall be permitted on each site with only one dwelling unit permitted on existing lots less than fourteen thousand (14,000) square feel. B.Gross Residential Floor Area: 1. The following gross residential floor area (GRFA) shall be permitted on each site: a. Twenty five (25) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) for each one hundred (100) square feet of the first fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of site area; plus I4 b. Ten (10) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) for each one hundred (100) square feet of site area over fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet, not to exceed thirty thousand (30,000) square feet of site area; plus c. Five (5) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) for each one hundred (100) square feet of site area in excess of thirly thousand (30,000) square feet. 2. In addition to the above, four hundred lwenty five (425) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) shall be permitted for each allowable dwelling unit. C.Employee Housing Units: Notwithstanding the provision of subsections A and B of this Section, a Type I employee housing unit shall be permitted on lots of less than fourteen thousand (14,000) square feet in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 13 of this Title. Any Type I employee housing unit exisling on or before April 18,2000, shall not be eliminated unless all dwelling units are demolished, in which case the zonlng on the property shall apply. However, an existing Type I employee housing unil may be replaced with a Type ll employee housing unit on lots of fourteen thousand (14,000) square feet or greater. (Ord. 6(2000) S a: Ord. 8(1992) $$ 9, 10: Ord. 37(1990) $ 4: Ord. 12(1988) S 3: Ord. 23(1981) $ 1: Ord. 22(1981) $ 1: Ord. 22(1979) $ .l: Ord. 12(1978) S 1) 1 2-6C-9: SITE COVERAGE: Site coverage shall not exceed twenty percenl (207") of the total site area. (Ord. 41(1990) S 4: Ord 19(1976) $ 4: Ord. 8(1973) S 3.507) 12-6C-1 0: LANDSCAPING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT: At least sixty percent (60%) of each site shall be landscaped. The minimum of any area qualifying as landscaping shall be ten feet (10') (width and lenglh) with a minimum area not less than three hundred (300) square feet. (Ord 19(1976) $4:Ord.8(1973)S3509) 12-6C-11:PARKING: Off street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 10 of this Title. (ord.8(1973)S 3 s10) 15 o o b! i tl lir r iliiiliiii :t lit ll ilii!!ii,iii,:iilihi li,iri;lii,iti I I I II; irl ti'r I i tl Il !1 rl rl tl il 5 i^ &l ltt rli ,ll !-": t,{ Ed x? I lr ll i!l Itl irl iil EI itl il lrl ltl itl ' lll l[r 3 Ir;ezl ^l -l c\l 7>i'2 -r\J:'1 -J o J i-r-I \JX ts -7 F ;-<-v4,.crFi rFXs n-\J- . +i:< r-t z-F r* 4 E-l: \-/ -.{ Z j tl r- I |-{ l*l e .-l^f-r v _I i^- <..>'Zn r l'\ o t-{ t< Z <48 >t" n i if il..liii ifr:i: !l r :11= - !l ING AND ENV]RONMENTAL COM PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS/MINUTES Monday, February 12,2001 PROJECT ORIENTATION / - Community Development Dept. PUBLIC WELCOME 11:30 am MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT o MISSION Site Visits : 1. Peters residence - 2955 Bellflower Drive 2. Brandess Building -2077 N. Frontage Road Driver: Bill KEX NOTE: lf the PEC hearing eltends until 6.00 p.m., the board may break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearino - Town Council Ghambers 2:00 pm A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, located at 363 Beaver Dam Road I Lol2, Block 3, Vail Village 3'o Filing. Applicant: FritzlenPierceArchitects Planner: Bill Gibson Bill Gibson presented an overview of the staff memorandum. The applicant had nothing to add. There was no public comment. MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Brian Doyon VOTE:6-0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a Type ll EHU deed resiriction to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development. This document shall be recorded at the Eagle County Clerk and Recordeds Office and will require that the employee housing unit be permanently restricted for employee housing. 2. The Conditional Use Permit for the proposed EHU is contingent upon Design Review approval. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, located at 383 Beaver Dam Road / Lot 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3' Filing. Applicant: FritzlenPierceArchitects o PLANN l:30 pm 2. Planner:Bill Gibson Bill Gibson presented an overview of the staff memorandum. The applicant had nothing to add. There was no public comment. MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE:6-0 o APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1 . Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a Type ll EHU deed restriction to the Town of Vail Departmenl of Community Development. This document shall be recorded at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorde/s Office and will require that the employee housing unit be permanently restricted for employee housing. 2. The Conditional Use Permit for the proposed EHU is contingent upon Design Review approval. 3. The applicant shall revise the site plan to meet the parking requirements prior to final Design Review approval. 3. A request for a final review of a proposed special development district to allow for the construction of a new conference facility/hotel; and a final review of conditional use permits to allow for the construction of fractional fee units and Type lll employee housing units at 13 Vail Road / Lots A, B, C, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 2. Applicant: Doramar Hotels, represented by the Daymer Corporation Planner: Brent Wilson Brent Wilson presented an overyiew of the staff memorandum and stated that all owners within the Alphorn were nolified regarding the proposed application, above and beyond the minimum notification requirements in the Town Code. He discussed the deviations from the undedying PA Zoning, as noted in the staff memorandum. He stated that the Fractional Fee Club Units met the criteria for a conditional use permil and staff recommended approval of the conditional use permit. He stated that the Employee Housing Units did not meet the criteria for a conditional use permit and staff was recommending denial of the conditional use permit. Tim Losa of Zehren and Associates gave a presentation of the proposal. Tim stated that the proposal was in compliance with the master plan criteria and described how the proposal was compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. Tim continued his presentation by taking the Commission and public through the floor plans of the proposed building. Tim spoke regarding the proposed parking deviation, stating that the employee housing units would not generate the need for additional parking. The traffic engineers then presented the traffic report as submitted. Brent Wilson clarified the recent changes to the parking regulations, which take into consideration the mix of uses within the commercial core areas. He also discussed the parking requirements for the proposed EHU's, restaurant, retail, and conference space. He then clarified the parking requirements for spa facilities, which is not listed in the Town Code. He said the parking requirements for spas are set by the PEC. Staff's recommendation is based on the requirements of other jurisdictions and compared to the Town requirements for a medical/dental office. Diane Golden questioned the requirements for the conference facilities and Brent clarified the requirements. Connie Dorsey then spoke to the parking requirements and the mixed use of the hotel facility, stating that, while he agrees with the staffs numbers as based on the Code, the parking requirement is excessive. He then discussed the EHU requirements, and the shared management team between both sites. He added that parking was not required on the previous approval for the Wl site. Brent Wilson addressed the recent changes in both the parking requirements and the EHU regulations since the original Wl site was considered by the PEC. Connie then addressed the employee need for the Chateau site and the Wl site, stating that the management team for the sites would be shared. The Commission expressed that, because these hotels could be sold separately and the PEC has only been asked to review the cunent application for the Chateau site, these two cannot be considered as one project with regard to employee generation. Tim Losa then discussed the peak times for restauranl uses, staling the breakfast is the peak time period for the restaurant. He then added that the seating requirement of 1 seat per 15 sq. ft. is exlremely tight for the function that they were considering, adding that they would like lo see an additional reduction as a result. The Commission requested additional information regarding the conference facility size. Brent Wilson then clarified the issue of restaurant parking and stated the requirement was one space per 250 square feet (or 16.6 seats), in accordance with the Town Code. Greg Hall was then invited to the podium to speak to the parking and loading and delivery requiremenls. He stated that the turning movements for trucks meet the MSHTO requirements, but without any room for driver error. Greg expressed concem that while the left turn lane off of the Frontage Rd. was adequate according to their parking study, he questioned the numbers used, believing that the left tum lane was not adequate with the numbers from the ITE that he used. He reiterated his eadier statemenl that loading and delivery would be more appropriately located at the west end of the property, with truck access coming off of South Frontage Road. Public Comment: Jim Lamont, Vail Village Homeowners Association, expressed concems about the proposal, specifically the loading and delivery. Jim reiterated the importance of employee housing on the site and the importance of clear communication regarding lhe EHU's. Jim believed that the two sites should be considered as one with respect to employee housing and loading and delivery. Jim also objected to the applicant's exhibit showing proposed redevelopment at other sites in the vicinity. Jim staled that the staff report was exceptional and that Brent did a tremendous job representing the concerns of the adjacent properties. Lon Moellentine, President of the company that owned Alpine Standard, stated that they are interested in growth and development, but believed that the impacts of the proposed redevelopment are of great importance to Alpine Standard. He was concemed about the on- going business of Alpine Standard, and the possible redevelopment of the Alpine Standard. Lon stated that they have ingress and egress rights to the spur road behind the Alpine Standard. Bill Pierce, representing the Alpine Standard, clarified the rights of Alpine Slandard to use the easement and also expressed the rights of Alpine Standard to use that spur road for egress. Bill stated that the proposed location of the loading and delivery for large trucks will be located at the main enlry and in the front selback. He also expressed concerns regarding the blockage of traffic into the Alpine Standard site. Lon Moellentine retumed to the podium to express additional concerns regarding the site distance and vehicle visibility from the Alpine Standard exit. The represenlative of the Scorpio stated his concerns for the loading and delivery. Jeff Moellentine, representing Alpine Standard, expressed his concerns for the truck maneuvering abilities adjacent to the Alpine Standard site. Gwen Scalpello, representing 9 Vail Road, expressed their concems regarding the loading and delivery, the openness of the loading and delivery, and the noise of the proposed loading and delivery. Specifically, she expressed concem about the truck tumaround. She also stated their concems regarding the bulk and mass of the proposed building. She stated that an SDD was not necessary. Margie Kell, Vice President of Alphorn association, stated her concems. Al Martinson, of Scorpio, expressed his concems and requested the ability for the public to view the application contents and the massing model for an extended period of time. Yvonne Martin, of Scorpio, expressed her concerns regarding the bulk and mass and aesthetic appeal and stated that the building was too urban. Rick Scalpello, 9 Vail Road, expressed concerns regarding loading and delivery and stated that it was not appropriate adjacent to residential properties. He stated that the berm that was added is partially on their properly and didn't believe that it was appropriate for them to lose some use of their property to mitigate the loading and delivery. He also indicated that he was concerned regarding the stand-alone nature of the 2 hotels. He believed that these should be looked at as one siie for redevelopment purposes. Brent Wilson presented answers to some of the public comment concems. Specifically, he affirmed Bill Pierce's assumption that loading and delivery was nol permitted within a front setback, that the applicant had a right to apply for an SDD for the Chateau site alone and that the Town had an obligation to bring the application through the review process. Commissioner Comments: Brian Doyon stated that '!ve cannot sacrifice our community for redevelopment." He stated his problems with the proposal, specifically regarding height, bulk, and mass, stating that the character of the building does not fit with the Town of Vail. He expressed concems with the height of the building - way too high. He said the building ignores the character of the neighborhood. As for parking, Brian did not believe that any deviation to the parking would be supported. He also expressed concems with the traffic effects on Alpine Standard. Also, he believed that the proposal should meet the landscaping requirements. As for EHUs, Brian stated that he would look at this application as a single site, and that the applicant should meet the staffs analysis for EHUs. Chas Bemhardt expressed concerns regarding the deviations from code for the height requirements on the Meadow Drive side of the building because of the pedestrian nature of lhe street. Doug Cahill stated this prqect needed to fit on the site. He also stated an appreciation for all of staffs hard work. Doug expressed concerns with the bulk and mass of the project, especially along Meadow Drive. Doug supported staffs position on the parking requirements and the EHUs. He stated that loading and delivery was a huge issue and getting all the adjacent properties to discuss the issue would be beneficial. John Schoffield stated that a little tweaking needed to occur to the plans. John stated that a combination of the Alpine Standard and the Chateau site would be beneficial to both parties. He reiterated the necessity of an SDD on this site, but stated that some changes to the proposal need to be made. He staled that bulk, mass, height, loading and delivery combined contributed to making it difficult to approve this project. John stated that while the height on the Frontage Road was okay, the Meadow Drive side needed to step down somewhal. He stated that the proposal needed to meet the parking requirements. He noted the problems with traffic and loading and delivery and advocated making it as less intrusive as necessary. Diane Golden reiteraled Brian's comments. Diane believed that the EHU's were necessary and that no deviation would be allowed for parking. She was terribly uncomfortable with the loading and delivery not being underground. She expressed concerns regarding traffic congestion in the roundabout and the Alpine Standard. She is more comfortable with the height and bulk. Galen Aasland reiterated that while he believed redevelopment is good, he still has concems. He believed that the height along Meadow Drive was excessive and needed to meet the maximum 48' height requirement. He stated that in order for the project to be an SDD, the project needed to be more oriented to the pubic, rather lhan inward. He believed that the proposal needed to meet the requirements for parking, EHUs, and landscaping. Special Development District MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Brian Doyon VOTE:6-0 v- DENIED RECOMMENDATION TO THE TOWN COUNCIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FINDINGS OUTLINED IN THE STAFF MEMOMNDUM Gonditional Use Permit for Fractional Fee Glub Units MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE: 6-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FINDINGS OUTLINED IN THE STAFF MEMOMNDUM 1. The approval of this conditional use permit is not valid unless an ordinance approving the associated special development district request is approved on second reading. Conditional Use Permit for Emplovee Housinq Units MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE: 6-0 DENIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FINDINGS OUTLINED IN THE STAFF MEMOMNDUM. 4. A requesl for variances from Section 12-6D-6 (Setbacks) and Title 14 (Development Standards- locating required parking in the Right-of-Way), to allow for a residential addition and remodel located at 2955 Bellflower Dr. / Lot 6, Block 6, Vail lntermountain. Applicant: Alan Peters, represented by Braun Associates Planner: Allison Ochs Allison Ochs made a presentation per the staff memorandum dated February 12,2001 Dominic Mauriello, representing the applicant, stated that there were hardships that existed on the lot and lhat 47Vo of lhe lot area was unbuildable. He further stated that the configuration of the south right-of-way line created a unique lot shape. The applicant then presented the floor plans and site plans and discussed olher structures built with variances. Galen Aasland asked why the applicant should be granted GRFA in the front setback on the second level. Dominic Mauriello stated that this was the only place to locate the GRFA and stated that there were other lots in the neighborhood that were in violation. Hans Vlaar, a neighbor, expressed concems about the height and mass. He further stated that the size and design of the house didn't meet the character of the neighborhood and would like to see the second level eliminated. He stated that the front setback was not a major concern. Doug Cahill mentioned that this project reminded him of the Vail Plaza Hotel proposal wilh too much bulk and too much mass being proposed. He noted specific concem with the amount of encroachment into the west side setback stating inadequate light and air. He said the west side should match the east side; 11 feet. John Schofield stated that some variance was necessary, but the amount requested was excessive and said a one-car garage was only one option. He said the building could also be pushed to the north and he could not support this request. Diane Golden stated that she agreed to the front setback variance, but had concems with the two stories on the side setback with living area. Brian Doyon stated that he believed they had a hardship, but encouraged working with the neighbor. He said he would accept some GRFA in the setbacks and recommended minimizing the amount of the variances requesled. 5. Chas Bemhardt stated his major concern was lhe three-foot He recommended that the request be minimized. Galen Aasland believed that the curent proposal was unsupportable and a three-foot setback was unacceptable. He said the front setback was less of an issue, but the second floor must be removed. The applicant stated that the he would talk with the neighbor and said the Town was contradictory with their regulations. Galen Aasland stated lhat the applicant's design was driving the need for the variances and recommended that the application be tabled and redesigned. MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Brian Dovon VOTE: 6-0 TABLED UNTIL FEBRUARY 26, 2OO1 Allison Ochs stated the re.vised plans needed to be submitled a minimum of seven working days in advance of the 26'n meeting. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the installation of rooftop telecommunications antennas at the Brandess Building, located at2Q77 N. Frontage Road (Brandess Building)/Lot 39, Buffehr Creek. Applicant Jayne Brandess Revocable Trust, represented by Abacus Communications Planner: Allison Ochs Allison Ochs made a presentation per the staff memorandum dated February 12, 2001. She stated that staff was recommending approval with conditions. Glen Clocky presented the proposal. He stated that his applicant wished to place nine cellular antennas atop the building. He stated he agreed wilh the conditions on page 2 of the memo. Brian Doyon had no comments Chas Bernhardt agreed with the staff memo. Doug Cahill recommended that no mechanical equipment should be construcled in the setbacks. John Schofield had no comments. Diane Golden agreed with the staff memo. MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Chas Bemhardt VOTE: 6-0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONSI That the applicant is required to provide adequate provisions to screen the equipment from public view. These provisions will be reviewed during the design review process. That the applicant either reconfigure ihe equipment at the northeast comer of the lot to comply with required setbacks prior to Design Review Board approval or that the applicant be granted a variance by the Planning and Environmental Commission to allow for the placement of the equipment within the 20 fi. setback prior to final Design Review Board approval. 1. 2. 6. A request for i recommendation to the Town Council on proposed text amendments, to allow for clarification & corrections to the Town Code. A complele description of the text amendments is on file at the Office of Community Development, located at 75 S. Frontage Road. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Allison Ochs Galen Aasland recognized a letter received by Art Abplanalp. Allison Ochs made a staff presentation. There was no public comment. MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE: 6-0 APPROVED RECOMMENDATION TO THE TOWN COUNCIL 7. A worksession to discuss an interpretation of the definition of site coverage. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: George Ruther WITHDRAWN E. A request for a recommendation to the Town Council on the proposed Vail Land Use Plan amendments to change the land use designation for the following properties: 1. LDR to OS, located at 3880 & 3896 Lupine Drive/Lots 15 & 16, Bighom Subdivision 2no Addition.2. OS to HDR, located at 160 N. Frontage Rd. WesV generally located northwest of the l-70 interchange at the main Vail exit, known as "Mountain Bell," A TRACT OF LAND IN THE SOUTH HALF, OF THE SOUTHEAST OUARTER, SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT THAT IS NORTH OO DEGREES 28 MINUTES 16 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 686.60 FEET FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIOIAN, BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; ALSO BEING A POINT ON THE NoRTHERLY RIGHT-oF-WAY OF INTERSTATE 70; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 16 SECONDS WEST ALoNG THE EAST LINE oF SAID SECTION 6 A DISTANCE OF 633.40 FEET: THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 27 MINUTES 21 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 2633.76 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST BOUNDARY LINE OF VAIUPOTATo PATCH; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 07 MINUTES 12 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID EAST BOUNDARY LINE A DISTANCE OF 361.21 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE, SAID CURVE ALSO BEING ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF.WAY OF INTERSTATE 70: THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY ON THE FOLLOWING 8 COURSES: 1 ) A DTSTANCE OF 204.62 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RTGHT, SA|D CURVE HAVTNG A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 02 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 18 SECONDS. A RADIUS OF 3990.0 FEET. AND A CHORD NORTH 85 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 1O SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 204.60 FEET;2) NORTH 80 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 06 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 21 1.80 FEET;3) NORTH 84 OEGREES 55 MINUTES 50 MINUTES EAST A DISTANCE OF 319.70 FEET;4) SOUTH 79 DEGREES 56 MTNUTES 2e SECONDS EASr A DTSTANCE OF 424 40 FEET;5) SOUTH 69 DEGREES 55 MINUTES 21 SECONDS EASTA DISTANCE OF 303.20 FEET;6) SOUTH 74 DEGREES 21 MTNUTES 35 SECONDS EAST A DTSTANCE OF 204 70 FEET; 7) SOUTH 83 DEGREES 36 MINUTES 29 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 826.30 FEET;8) SOUTH 71 DEGREES 33 MTNUTES 4s MTNUTES EAST A DTSTANCE oF 196.10 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF LAND DESCRIBED IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 218 AT PAGE 419, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Allison Ochs WITHDRAWN 9. Approval of January 22,2001 minutes 10. lnformation Update Diane Golden and John Schofield will be absent on the 26th John Schofield expressed concem with the amount of public skate time at the Bubble. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office localed at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notificaton. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department c has Doug Brian 5-0- o o I t : ,tt),...\ l,: l:,: ',' ,i,:r .,,,,. I :,...l i , ,',..,. 10 White Rlver Natlonal F otest -----l '\i \l l I L Map from the Vail Land use Plan showing thc subject property as being owned by rf,e Town Figure 4-E Inventory of Town Owned Property Town of Vail Land Use Plan Booth Falls Homeowner's Association Braun Associates. Inc. Map 1 NffR le-eaa1 97A9261516 J P.Ae3/Z,e.3 t 'r=" MAY AFFE.T "or* ,*orrt PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-34 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 12, 2001, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a variance from Section 11-4B-3(D) Vail Town Code, to allow for a second building identification sign, located at 548 S. Frontage Road/Westwind Condominiums. Applicant: WestwindCondominiumAssociation,lnc.Planner: Brent Wilson A requesi for a worksession to discuss rezoning from Agriculture and Open Space to Primary/Secondary Residential and a Minor Subdivision to creale two residential lots and a request for a recommendation to the Town Council for an amendment to the Vail Land Use PIan he land use use to Low Density Residential, 3160 Booth ail Viflage 12'n Filing. Boothfa ented by Braun Associates, Inc. Russell A request for variances from Section 12-6D-6 (Setbacks) and Tille 14 (Development Standards- locating required parking in the Right-of-Way), to allow for a residenlial addition and remodel located at 2955 Bellflower Dr. / Lot 6, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Alan Peters, represenled by Braun Associates Plannen Allison Ochs The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspeclion during regular office hours in the project planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Pubfished February 23,2001 in the Vail Trail. Booth Falls - Rezoning & Subdivision Adjacent Property Owners List Vail Village Filing 12 Vail Village Filing 13 CAULKINS FAMILY PTNSHP GOTTLIEB, JOHN E, & LYNN C. 1600 BROADWAY 14OO 3021 BOOTH FALLS RD DENVER, CO 80202 vAlL, co 81657 BURDICK, JOHN A. SCHABACKER, BARBARA BRITAIN . JONES, POBOX2267 KAREN J. BOULDER, CO 80306 32 CHARLOU CIRCLE ENGLEWOOD, CO 80111 BOOTH FALLS HOMEOWNERS ASSOC C/O SUSAN FRITZ MARSH, PATRICIA E. PO BOX 356 3011-A BOOTH FALLS RD vAtL. co 81658 vAlL, co 81657 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL KUHLKE, K. LEE & AMY I. PO BOX 602 1501 E STANFORD AVE vAtL, co 81658 ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 FITE, KENNETH DAVID EGGERS, BILL T. & ANN 6415 E PRENTICE PLACE 3OO5 BOOTH FALLS RD ENGLEWOOD, CO 801 11 VAIL, CO 81657 GARTON, TIMOTHY DANSON, ALAN S. & SILVIA PO BOX 789 3OO5 BOOTH FALLS RD #A vAtL, co 81658 vAlL, co 80657 SHIFFRIN, JEFFERY S. 3130 BOOTH FALLS CT vAtL. co 81657 BINGHAM, BRENT A. & BARBARA G. 3130 B BOOTH FALLS CT vAlL, co 81657 GMIOGLU, HALIDE K. 3120 BOOTH FALLS CT vAtL, co 81657 BENNETT, JOHN B. C/O GORE CREEK PROPERTIES PO BOX 1666 vAtL, co 81657 COBB, JAMES T., JR & RUTH M. 1319 S DOWNING ST DENVER, CO BO21O WURTS, JOHN S. 11 CEDAR WY coNcoRD, M401742 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: o MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development March 12, 2001 A request for a worksession io discuss rezoning from Agriculture and Open Space to Two Family Residential and a Minor Subdivision to create two lots and a request for a recommendalion lo the Town Council for an amendment to the Vail Land Use Plan change the land use designation from Public/Semi-Public use to Low Density Resideniial located at 3160 Booth Fall Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12'n Filing. Applicant: Booth Falls Homeowners Association represented by Tom Braun Staff: Russ Fonest DESCRIPTION & PURPOSE OF THE REQUEST: The applicant is requesting that the property at 3160 Booth Falls Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12'n Filing, be rezoned from Agriculture Open Space to Two Family Residential (Attachment A). This parcel is 54,892 square feet (1.26 acres) in size and is owned by the Booth Fall Homeowners Association. Existing improvements on the lot include a tennis court. To facilitate this rezoning the applicant is requesting an amendment to the Vail Land Use Plan, to change the land use designation from Public/Semi Public to Low Density Residential. The applicant is further requesting a subdivision of the parcel into two lots 12W (24,840 sq. ft) and 12E (30,052 sq. ft) The applicant has a contract to sell this land to the Vail Mountain School. The Vail Mountain School has not yet determined what they may eventually propose for the site if they acquire the land. The other reason for the proposed change in the Land Use Plan and rezoning, is that the Homeowners Association would like to sell the land to pay for a rock fall mitigation berm to protect the Association buildings from a high rockfall hazard. There has been significant damage to Association buildings from rock fall incidents in the past. A rock fall mitigation plan consisting of a wall north of the Association buildings has been approved by the Town of Vail. This application must be reviewed based on the criteria for a Land Use Plan amendment, a rezoning, and creating a subdivision. II. BACKGROUND The Booth Falls area was originally owned by Vail Associates (VA) and annexed into the Town in 1972. The Booth Falls Condominium project was developed in 1973. In 1979, VA quit claimed a 1.26 acre parcel to the Booth Fall Homeowners Association. Based on information from the applicant, the land did have a private deed restriction on it that allowed Vail Associates to repossess the land if the land were used for uses other than recreation or open space. However, in 2000 Vail Resorts removed that deed restriction. The existing tennis court was developed by the Booth Falls Homeowners Association. The subject property is shown below: STAFF RECOMMENDATION The March 12 meeting regarding this item is a worksession. Staff does not have a final recommendation at this time. There is a review of the criteria presented below. il1. a IV. ROLES OF THE REVIEWING BOARDS PEC: The role of the PEC is to make a recommendation to the Town Council on the Land Use Amendment and the rezoning application based on the criteria stated below. In addition, the PEC will make a final decision on the minor subdivision based on the criteria below. Town Council: The Town Council would need to approve or disapprove a resolution to amend the Land Use Plan. The Town Council would need to approve or disapprove an ordinance on changing the zoning. DRB: The DRB does not play a role with these three applications. V. VAIL LAND USE PLAN AND CRITERIA FORAN AMENDMENT General Overview of the Plan The Vail Land Use Plan was initiated in 1985 and adopted in 1986 by the Vail Town Council. The main purposes of the Land Use Plan are two-fold: . To articulate the land use goals of the Town. r To serye as a guide for decision making by the Town. The Vail Land Use Plan is intended to serve as a basis from which future land use decisions may be made within the Town of Vail. The goals, as articulated within the Land Use Plan, are meant to be used as adopted policy guidelines in the review process for new development proposals. In conjunction with these goals, land use categories are defined to indicate general types of land uses which are then used to develop the Vail Land Use Map. The Land Use Plan is not intended to be regulatory in nature, but is intended lo provide a general framework to guide decision making. Where the land use categories and zoning conflict, existing zoning controls development on a site. To be effective, the Land Use Plan must be updated to reflect current thinking and changing market conditions. The Vail Land Use Plan can be amended in three ways: 1) The Community Developmenl Department can update and revise the plan periodically. The Community Development Department then makes recommendations for the proposed changes to the Planning and Environmenlal Commission, where these changes would then be considered in a public hearing format. The Planning and Environmental Commission would then make a recommendation to the Town Council, where another public hearing would be held. The Council then adopts the changes by resolution. 2) The Planning and Environmental Commission or Town Council can also initiate amendments to the Land Use Plan. Again, both boards hold public hearings and the changes are adopted by the Town Council by resolution. 3) The private sector can also initiate amendments to the Vail Land Use Plan. Applications may be made by a registered voter, a property owner, or a property owne/s authorized representative. The amendments are then heard by both the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Town Council. The Town Council then adopts the changes by resolution. Land Use Plan Desisnation Description Cunent Land Use Plan Designation: Public/Semi-Public (PSP): The Public and semi-public category includes schools, post office, water and sewer service and storage facilities, cemeteries, municipal facilities, and other public institutions, which are located throughout the community to serve the needs of residents Proposed Land Use Designalion: Low Density Residential'. This category includes single-family detached homes and two family dwelling units. Density of development within this category would typically not exceed 3 structures per buildable acre however, all of the adjacent residential uses exceed 3 dwelling units per acre. Also within this area would be private recreation facilities such as tennis courts, swimming pools and clubhouses for the use of residents of the area. Institutional /public uses permitted would include churches, fire stations, and parks and open space related facilities. Criteria for chanoino the land use plan Any amendments to the Land Use Plan require a public process. Adjacent properties are notified, the Planning and Environmental Commission holds a public hearing and makes a recommendation to the Town Council on the proposal. The Town Council adopts the changes by resolution. Any changes to the Land Use Plan must address the following three criteria: Criteria 1: How conditions have changed sincethe plan was adopted? Physical conditions and the fundamental land use patterns of the neighborhood have not changed since the 1986 adoption ofthe plan. However, the demand for tennis has deminished and the program at the Vail Mountain School has expanded. Vail Mountain School provides a valuable communily service. Crlteria 2: How the plan is in error? The plan is in enor with regard to the ownership of the lot. The plan identifies this lot as Town owned land. That is not conect. Therefore, the land use plan designation of Public/Semi Public may have been done based on inconect information. There are not other lots with the Public/Semi Public designation that are privately owned (i.e. not owned by a public or quasi public entity). Criteria 3: How the addifion, deletion or change to the plan is in concert with the plan in general? Adjacent lands are designated as low density residential in the plan. This proposed change is consistent with the adjacent uses. There is also other significant open space in the neighborhood and Town of Vail compatible with Town of Vail development objectives. VI. REZONING CRITERIA Zoninq Overview The cunent zoning is Agriculture and Open Space. The applicant is proposing to rezone the property to Two-Family Residential. The Town of Vail Zoning Regulations are intended to: "Promote the coordinated and harmonious development of the Town in a manner that will conserve and enhance its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residential community of high quality." In contrast to the Land Use Plan, which serves as a guide in land use decision making, the zoning and subdivision regulations are the regulatory tools to control development. The zoning regulations are specific with regards to development on property, including densig, seibacks, height, etc. Where conflicts exist between the Land Use Plan and the zoning for a site, existing zoning controls development. However, in cases where a change in zoning is considered for a site, the land use designation and land use objectives as identified in the Land Use Plan are imporlant considerations in the decision making process. Summarv of Existino and Proposed Zone District The parcel is currently zoned Agriculture Open Space. The applicant is proposing to change the zoning to Two Family Two Family Residential (See attachment B) Rezonino Criteria 1) ls the existing zoning suitable with the existing land use on the site and adjacent land uses? Staff believes the existing zoning designation is suitable with the existing and adjacent land uses. However, the proposed zoning of Two Family Residential is consistent with the adjacent uses. In addition, the lot size of 1.26 is inconsislent with the minimum lot size of the Agricultural and Open Space Zone District which is one dwelling unit per 35 acres. 2l ls the amendment presenting a convenient workable relationship with land uses consistent with municipal objectives? The proposed rezoning is the same as the adjacent zoning. lf the Vail Mountain School acquires the site for residential, educational, or recreational uses, these uses can be accommodated as a permitted or conditional use (s) in the Two Family Zone District. lmpacts can be mitigated through the conditional use permit process and review. There are no apparent infrastructure, environmental, or circulation impacts that would be generated by this proposal. 3) Does the rezoning provide for the growth of an orderly viable community? ln accordance with the provisions of the Town of Vail Zoning and Subdivision Regulations and Vail's Master Plan Elements, staff believes this rezoning provides for the growth of an orderly viable community. 4) ls the change consistent with the Land Use Plan? lf the Vail Land Use Plan is amended to Low Density Residential for the site, then the proposed rezoning would be consistent with the Plan. The Vail Land Use Plan does identify the adjacent land uses as Low Density Residential which would be consistent with lhe proposed use of the site. Specific Land Use Plan goals that are consistent with the application include; 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial, and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.7 New subdivisions should not be permitted in high geological hazard areas. (The applicants stated purpose of this action is to facilitate the mitigation of a high rockfall hazard on an existing property.) 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas. Additional residential growth should continue lo occur primarily in existing, platted areas and as appropriate in new area where high hazards do not exist. 5.1 Zoninq Analvsis Existing Zoning: Agriculture and Open Space District Standard Allowed Existinq Lot 12 Min Lot Area 35 acres with a min. of 1 acre of buildable area 54,892 sq. ft. or 1.26 acres Density 1 unit Buildable Area 1 acre 54,892 sq. ft. GRFA 2,000 + qaraqe credit 2,000 Site Coverage 5%o of area or 2,745 sq. ft. 2,744 Proposed Zoning: Two Family Primary Secondary District Standard Allowed Lot 12W Lot12E Min. Loi Area 15,000 sq. ft.24,838 sq. ft.30,052 sq. ft. Min. Frontaqe 30'200'35' Density 2 DU+ 1 EHU GRFA (see attachment b) 5,588 +500 for EHU 6,103 +500 for EHU Site Coverage 20% of the total lot area 4,967 6,010 VII. REQUEST FORA SUBDIVISION The proposed subdivision meets the criteria for a Minor Subdivision as defined in 13-2-2 (E) in that the proposed subdivision contains "not more than four (4) lots fronting on an existing street." Attached is a copy of the proposed plat for the site. The criteria for reviewing a Minor Subdivision includes: A basic premise of subdivision regulations is that the minimum standards for the creation of a new lot(s) must be met. This subdivision will be reviewed under Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, of the Town of Vail Code. The first set of criteria to be considered by the Planning and Environmental Commission for a Minor Subdivision application is: Lot Area: Both lots have at least 15,000 square feet of buildable area as defined in section 12-6D-5 of the Town Code. @!gG: Both lots meet the minimum lot froniage of 30 feet. Dimension: Each lot would meet the minimum dimension standard requiring the lot to enclose a square 80 ft. by 80 ft. The second set of criteria to be considered with a Minor Subdivision application, as outlined in the subdivision regulations, is: The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of fhis Chapter, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent rcgulations that tha Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable. Due considention shall be given to the recommendations made by public agencies, utility companies and other agencies consulted under subsection 13-3-3C. The Planning and Envircnmental Commission shall rcview the application and consider its appropriateness in rcgad to Town policies rclating to subdivision contrcl, densifies proposed, rcgulations, ordinances and rcsolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integity and compatibility with the sunounding /and uses and other applicable documents, effects on the aesthetics of the Town. The Specific Purpose of the Subdivision Regulations is as follows: To inform each subdivider of the standards and criteria by which development proposals will be evaluated, and to provide information as to the type and extent of improvements required. SfaffResponse.'Staff has reviewed the minor subdivision for compliance with the applicable evaluation criteria. Upon the completion of our review the staff finds that the proposed subdivision complies with the subdivision criteria. To provide for the subdivision of property in the future without conflict with development on adjacent land. Staff Response.' The proposed subdivision and rezoning are consistent with the adjacent land uses and should not present a conflict to development on adjacent land. This proposal could enhance the Vail Mountain schools opportunities for improving and enhancing their facilities. To protect and conserue the value of land throughout the Municipality and the value of buildings and improvements on the land. StaffResponse.' The existence of open space beside property can have a positive impact on property values. However, staff does not believe that this proposal will have a significant negative impact on adjacent property values. To ensure that subdivision of property is in compliance with the Town's zoning ordinances, to achieve a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses, consistent with Town development objectives. Sfaff Response; The proposed subdivision and rezoning is compatible with adjacenl land uses and provides a workable relationship amongst land uses consistent with Town Development objectives. lt should be acknowledged that an objective of the Land Use Plan (pg 31. D-2) is to "continue to preserve open space and that the Town should purchase land critical for open space preservation." However, this parcel was not identified in the 1994 Comprehensive Open Lands plan as a parcel for acquisition. To guide public and private policy and action in order to provide adequate and efficient transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreation, and other public requircments and facilities and generally to provide that public facilities will have sufficient capacaty to serve the proposed subdivision. StaffResponse; This goal of the Subdivision Regulations is intended to ensure adequate public facilities are provided concurrent with land subdivision. The property is cunently served by sanitary sewer, water, electric and gas. Staff finds that sufficient capacity exists at this localion to facilitate the subdivision request and the associated land development application. To provide for accurate legal descriptions of newly subdivided land and to establish reasonable and desirable construction design standards and procedures. Sfaff Response; The proposed minor subdivision plat has been prepared in accordance with the standards prescribed in the Town of Vail Subdivision Regulations. To prevent the pollution of air, strcams and ponds, to assure adequacy of drainage facilities, to safeguard the water table and to encourage the wise use and management of natural resources throughout the Town in order to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the community and the value of the land. Staff Response.'Staff believes the minor subdivision request complies with the above- described crileria. Attachment A: Applicanis submittal Attachment B: Summary of existing and proposed zone districts Attachment C: Proposed Plat F:bdev\PEC\MEMOSE1 \Landuseplan change for 3160 Booth falls.doc a I BNil BR.,\UIN ASSOCIAIIES, lNC" PLANNINC and COMN4UNITY DLVTL OPMENI TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Town Council Planning and Environmental Commission Booth Falls Homeowner's Association, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. February 7,2001 Proposed rezoning to Two-Family Residential, Land Use Plan map amendment to Low Density Residential, and minor subdivision to create two residential lots located at 3160 Booth Falls Road/Portion of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 12. Edwards Village Center: Suite C-209 0 105 Edwards Village Boulevard Post Office Box 2658 Edwards, Colorado 8l 512 Ph - 9709267575 Fax 9749 )6.1576 www.braunassocia I es-com I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The Booth Falls Homeowner's Association (BFHA), owner/applicant, is requesting approval of three separate applications; a Land Use Plan Map amendment, a rezoning, and a minor subdivision for land the Association owns located at 3160 Booth Falls Road (tennis court site). Specifically, the BFHA is requesting that the Land Use Map designation of "Public/Semi-Public" be changed to "Low Density Residential," the property be rezoned from "Agriculture and Open Space" to "Two-Family Residential," and the 1.26 acre parcel be subdivided into two duplex lots. The proposed residential lots are generous in land area (24,838 sq. ft. and 30,052 sq. ft.), well above the minimum required by the Two-Family Residential zone district of 15,000 sq. ft., and consistent with all other provisions of the two-family zone district. The zoning and proposed use of the property is consistent and compatible with the other duplex lots in the neighborhood. The lots have been designed to provide adequate access to the parcels and adequate areas for the development of duplex structures while respecting other developed homes in the area. II. BACKGROUND The Booth Falls area (205 acres) was originally owned by Vail Associates, Inc. and annexed to the Town in 1972. The Booth Falls Condominiums project was developed in 1973 subject to an approved plan by the Town. In 1979, VA quitclaimed a 1.26-acre parcel (the subject property) to the BFHA for the use of the Association. A tennis court was developed on the site by the BFHA, which still exists today on the property. The Vail Mountain School property and the subject property were both zoned "Agriculture" in 1972. Subsequently, in 1973, the Agriculture district was changed to the Agriculture and Open Space district, thus effectively rezoning the subject property as well as the Vail Mountain School property. In the 1990's, the Vail Mountain School property was rezoned to General Use. In 1986, seven years after the subject property was purchased by the BFHA, the Town of Vail adopted the Vail Land Use Plan. The Land Use Plan designated this property as "Public/Semi- Public" use, even though the property was owned by a private entity (see discussion below). The existing conditions of the property today include some recently planted evergreen trees, Aspens, a fenced tennis court, and areas that have been regraded with berms and fill. |il. DtscussroN Land Use Plan Map Amendment from Public/Semi-Public to Low Density Residential The Land Use Plan is intended to be a general policy guide upon which the Town boards should base future decisions with respect to land uses. The Plan contemplated changes in conditions and the economy. The Plan contains language recommending that the plan be updated "every three to five years." The Plan has never been comprehensively updated since its adoption in 1986. The Plan contains a section stating how the plan should be utilized. lt's states in part: The Land Use Plan map and the goal statements are intended to serve as the primary focus for the review of development proposals, along with Town ordinances and regulations. The Plan Map and goals statements are founded upon the supporting information and data contained in this document and therefore should not be utilized as the sole instrument for analysis of a project. Any project should be reviewed within the context of the intent of the overall Plan document. With respect to rezoning requests the Plan states that: It will be the responsibility of the applicant to clearly demonstrate how conditions have changed since the Plan was adopted, how the Plan is in error or how the addition, deletion or change to the Plan is in concert with the Plan in general. We believe there are several valid arguments, which support the change in land use designation from "Public/Semi-Public" to "Low Density Residential." 1 . An error was made when the Land Use Plan was adopted in 1986. The subject property was shown on Figure 4 - E "lnventory of Town Owned Property'' (see map 1 attached) as being owned by the Town of Vail. This property was never owned by the Town of Vail and was owned by the Boothfalls Homeowner's Association at the date of adoption of this Plan (and had been owned for seven years at the adoption of the Plan). lt appears that this mistake then caused the Town to designate this property as "Public/Semi- Public." Additionally, the Plan states that the land was "dedicated to the Town of Vail as open space as part of subdividing." This statement is incorrect, as the land was never dedicated to the Town of Vail for any use. We believe that this error in the understanding of the land ownership led the Town to Booth Falls Homeowner's Association Braun Associates, Inc Page 2 of 7 designating the property for public/semi-public use rather than a designation more relevant to its ownership and the context of the neighborhood. All other properties designated by the Town as Public/Semi-public are lands owned by the Town (i.e., Public Works shops, Vail Village parking structure, Lionshead parking structure, Mountain Bell property, etc.). The Booth Falls Condominiums as well as all of the neighboring residential lots in this area are designated as "Low Density Residential" in the Land Use Plan. The proposed designation for this property as "Low Density Residential" is therefore consistent and compatible with the neighborhood. The cunent designation of "PublidSemi-Public" on the property is incompatible with the designation of surrounding property. This land use designation promotes the use for the construction of potentially large buildings such as "municipal buildings, water and sewer service and storage facilities, post offices, schools, and other public institutions." This is not to say the public uses are always incompatible with low density residential uses, but rather in this specific instance, given the configuration of the parcel and the close proximity of the surrounding residential uses, certain public facilities may be incompatible. The proposed change in land use designation is consistent with the Vail Land Use Plan map and goal statements when the Plan is reviewed as a whole, Rezoning Request from Agriculture and Open Space to Two-Family Residential This property is located in a neighborhood where the majority of the lots are zoned Two-Family Residential. The residential lots which are adjacent to this lot are zoned Two-Family Residential and the Booth Falls Condominiums are zoned Low Density Multiple Family. The property to the south, owned by the Vail Mountain School, is zoned General Use. We believe the rezoning is warranted for ihe following reasons: 1. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the zoning on neighboring property and is generally compatible with the neighborhood. 2. The Land Use Plan, in reference to this property, states, "the site offers no apparent unique visual or environmental benefits." The Plan goes on to say that the Town should consider the site for "disposition" (even though the Town does not own the property). Therefore, the Plan acknowledges that this property does not hold any unique characteristics warranting that it be preserved as open space. Subdivislon Request The proposed subdivision creates two duplex lots meeting all of the subdivision criteria found in the Town's regulations. Additionally, as evidenced in the hazard report provided with the application, there are no high severity hazards affecting the propefi. We believe the proposed subdivision is consistent with other residential lots in the neighborhood. Booth Falls Homeowner's Association Braun Associates, Inc. 2. 3. 4. Page 3 of7 IV. ZONING ANALYSIS Zoning: Two-Family Residential Standard Code Requirement Lot 12W Lot 12E Lot area 15,000 sq. ft. 24,838 sq. ft. 30,052 sq. ft. Minimum Frontage 30' > 20Q' 35' GRFA 5,158 sq. ft. 5,678 sq. ft. Buildable area 15,000 sq. ft. 24,838 sq. ft. 30,052 sq. ft. V. CRITERIA Land Use Plan Map Amendment To amend the Land Use Plan Map, it shall be demonstrated that conditions have changed since the Plan was adopted, that the Plan is in eror, or that the proposed addition, deletion, or change to the Plan is in concert with the Plan in general. As explained in section Vl of this memo, we believe it has been demonstrated that the change is warranted due to an enor with the application of the existing land use designation and that the proposed land use designation is in concert with the Plan in general and with other land uses ln the vicinity. Rezoninq The PEC shall make the following findings before recommending approval of a zone change request: 1. ls the proposed zoning suitable with the existing land use on the site and adjacent land uses? The proposed Two-Family Residential zoning for the property is consistent with the existing land uses on the property and those residential uses in the vicinity. The adjacent residential land uses are also zoned Two-Family Residential. The property to the south is zoned General Use and approved for use as a school facility. Residential uses in this area are compatible with these school facilities. 2. ls the amendment preventlng a convenient workable relationship with land uses consistent with municipal objectives? The proposed rezoning will create a convenient workable relationship among land uses in the area. The proposed zoning is consistent with the Town's Land Use plan, which outlines the municipal objectives of the Town. Booth Falls Homeowner's Association Braun Associates, Inc. Page 4 of7 3. 4. Does the rezoning provide for the growth of an orderly viable community? The proposed rezoning is consistent with the Town's subdivision regulations and provides for an orderly viable community. The proposal will create two duplex lots in a neighbor predominately occupied by duplex development. ls the change consistent with the Land Use Plan? The proposal is consistent with the requested land use map designation for the property. Additionally, the proposed zoning is consistent with the Land Use Plan in general and the following goals and policies found in the Plan: 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.7 New subdivisions should not be permitted in high geologic hazard areas. 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas (infill areas). 5.1 Additional residential growth should continue to occur primarily in existing, platted areas and as appropriate in new areas where high hazards do not exist. 5.4 Residential growth should keep pace with the market place demands for a full range of housing types. Subdivlsion The first set of review criteria to be considered pertain to lot area and site dimensions as specified in the Zoning Regulations, 12-6D-5: A. Lot Area The Town Code requires that the minimum lot or site area for a property located within the Two-Family Residential zone district be 15,000 square feet of buildable area. The Town Code defines "buildable area" as any site, lot, parcel or any portion thereof, which does fiot contain designated floodplain, red hazard avalanche, or areas in excess oI 4Oo/o slope. Both proposed lots meet the minimum lot size and buildable area requirements. The lots do not contain any areas designated as floodplain, red hazard snow avalanche, or any areas with grades in excess o'f 40o/o. B. Frontaqe The Town Code requires that any lot in the Two-Family Residential zone district have a minimum frontage of 30 feet. Both lots, as proposed, meet the minimum lot frontage requirement of 30 feet. Booth Falls Homeowler's Association Braun Associates, Inc. Page 5 of7 C. Site Dimensions The Town Code requires that each site be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area, 80 feet on each side, within its boundaries. The proposed resubdivision will create lots of a size and shape that satisfy this requirement. The second set of review criteria to be considered with a minor subdivision reouest is as outlined in the Subdivision Regulations, 13-34, and is as follows: The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of this Chapter, the zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the application and consider its appropriateness in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrity and compatibility with the sunounding land uses and other applicable documents, effects on the aesthetics of the Town. The purpose section of Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, is intended to insure that subdivision is promoting the health, safety and welfare of the community. The subdivision purpose statements from 13-1-2 (C) are as follows: 1. To inform each subdivider of the standards and criteria by which development proposals will be evaluated and to provide information as to the type and extent of improvements required. One purpose of subdivision regulations, and any development conlrol, is to establish basic ground rules which the staff, the PEC, the applicant and the communig can follow in the public review process. This application has been submitted according to the requirements of Chapter 13, Subdivision Regulations. 2. To provide for the subdivision of property in the future without conflict with development on adjacent land. The proposed plat does not create any conflict with development on adjacent land. 3. To protect and conserve the value of land throughout the Municipality and the value of buildings and improvements on the land. Since there are no changes to land conditions or development standards proposed, we believe ihis proposal will not be detrimental to the value of land throughout Vail, nor will it be detrimental to the value of land in the immediate area. Booth Falls Homeowner's Association Braun Associates. Inc. Page 6 of 7 4. a To ensure that subdivision of property is in compliance with the Town's zoning ordinances, to achieve a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses, consistent with Town development objectives" We believe the proposed plat will not preclude a harmonious, convenient and workable relationship among land uses consistent with the Town's development objectives. To guide public and private policy and action in order to provide adeguate and efflcient transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreation, and other public requirements and facilities and generally to provide that public faeilitles will have sufficient capacity to serve the proposed subdivision. This purpose statement is intended primarily to address large-scale subdivisions as opposed to this particular proposal. We do not believe that this proposal will impact any of the aforementioned facilities. To provide for accurate legal descriptions of newly subdivided land and to establish reasonable and deslrable construction design standards and procedures. The proposed minor subdivision plat will provide for accurate legal descriptions for the proposed lots. To prevent the pollution of air, streams and ponds, to assure adequacy of drainage facilities, to safeguard the water table and to encourage the wise use and management of natural resources throughout the Town in order to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the community and the value of the land. Since this proposal does not involve any immediate construction or development, it will have no immediate impact on these issues. In the event that development is to occur in the future on either lot, all applicable Town regulations and standards will be adhered to during the development review process. 5. 6. 7. Booth Falls Homeowner's Association Braun Associates, lnc. Page 7 of 7 Corns & AssocrATEs e€oloercrl fND hll]|tnlL neso(n.E CongJLT r.rs P.O. Box 23 - 1116 f*lnrore DRrvE SrLr, Co-oR^Do 81652 Pnou/Fru< (970) 676-5400 bccol€rof .nct January 15,2001 Dominic F. Mauriello. AICP BAI/Braun Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 2658 Edwards, Colorado 81632 Steve Prawdzik Booth Falls Homeowners Assoc. 1036 Speer Blvd. Denver, Colorado 80204 R[: RnsunnwrsroN oFlor12,v^uvruAcE 1 2ilHuNc Dear Mr. Mauriello: At Mr. Mauriello's request I have examined the subject property for the purpose of waluating potential geologic hazards to the tract, and the effects of mitigating such hazards as may exist on adjacent properties, in accordance with Town ofVail Regulations Chapter 12-21-15. The property, part of Lot 12, Vail Village 12s Filing, is being considered for subdivision into two lots and subsequent construction of duplex dwellings on both lots. The property lies on gently-sloping to nearly-flat ground on mixed alluyial and glacial gravels at the mouth of Booth Creek. The surface of the lot has been significantly disturbed by past construction activities, both on and adjacent to the property. Because of the low slopes generally-stable and well-drained nature of the unconsolidated materials, slope and foundation stability should not present any problems, although as always site-specific soil testing and well- designed final grading and drainage are required. The northeastern boundaryofthetract constitutes the downslope limitofa high-severityrockfall zone as shown on the Town of Vail geologic hazard maps. The area is shielded by the rockf,all protection trench and berm constructed on the hillside to the northeast several years ago, and it is my understanding that a new structure, below the noriLhwestern end of the existing one, is to be constructed to complete rocldall protedion for the remainder of the exposed Booth Falls subdMded area. These $ructures together with existing buildings, roads, and landscaping upslope from the properry should constitute adequate protection. l would suggest that the existence ofthe limited hazard that is present be considered in building design and final grading and landscaping, although since the property is notwithin the mapped hazard zone this is only a recommendation. The moderate-severity debris-flow hazard zone associated with Booth Creek as shown on the Town of Vail geologic hazard maps passes through the western part of the properfy, approximately equivalent to the east and south edges of the tennis courts. Construction and grading since the delineation ofthis hazard zone have substantially reduced the exposure, although debris overflow down Booth Falls Road remains possible. A berm should be Page 2 incorporated into final grading and landscaping along the nonhern and western edges ofthe property to keep such overflow that might occur substantially on the road and away from structures, In addition the possibility of debris flow should be considered in building and site landscaping design, with foundations within the hazard zone extending at least two feet above final grade with no significant openings facing north and west, as well as positive drainage away from all sides ofthe structures. The site is not within or close to any of the Town of Vail's identified snow or debris avalanche hazard zones. The necessity for proper drainage and soil testing has been noted. While soils and bedrock materials found in the area do not ordinarily contain radioactive minerals, inhabited structures should as a matter of course be designed to preclude radon gas accumulation. likewise, the Vail area is one of many faults, some of them of significant displacement, and as a result, although there has been no movement on these structures for thousands ofyears, inhabited structures should be designed and constructed accordingto the Uniform BuildingCode provisions for Seismic Zone l. The site is in an area of modest geological sensitMty, and site-specific mitigating measures are not anticipated to be significant. There is nothing to suggest that the proposed subdivision or potential site specific hazard-mitigating measures that might be required will increase the hazard to other property or structures, or to public buildings, rights-of-way, roads, streets, easements, utilities, or facilities or other properties of any kind. This report is intended to comply with appropriate portions of Town of Vail Regulations Chapter 12-21-15, and nothing contained herein should be interpreted as suggesting that the subject property is not exposed to the mapped hazards. lf you have any questions or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thi3 raportconcctns natulalprccas3es that aar unpaedictable and in lerge neasur poorly understood. lt il intelded to idcntirpotcrtisl obscrsdbl€ hazardr to $4 ch the subject property is expos€d and to sugt€3t mitiS.tint m€aturEs in .ompliancr with epplic.ble rE$rl.tions. Nothing in this trport should b€ constn€d o. interpreted ai suggestint the absence ofthe de$ribed hazaads, or that the recomm€nded mldt.tiom will prot ct thc subject pfoperty from the d€rcribed holads under all chrunttrnces, forrs€cn or unforcseen. Nothing in this rrport should lrc construed or intcrpEtcd as rutgesting thaa addltional unldentificd hazarda arE not prs.nt. lt must also be understood drat "rnltigation" doai not mean either the eliminadon of the harard(s) or pEwntion oftfie consequenccs ofe hazaJd evett or ewnts, only the reducti,on to dl€ eit€nt ftasonrbly possible ofthe l.tter. Bysccepting this rcport all prescr|t and subiequent p.rties thcreto.Fre to indcmnit and hold hannlcsr thepltpar€rforanyend rll damages, direct, indir€ct orgoneequential, including personrl injuryorloss oflifa, aboye and bsyond thc original cost ofthis 'tudy, crus€d byor rcsultint frqm any occuncn e of th. de.(rlb.d or other h.z.rd(s), whetlrtr or not su(h damages may result ftom failurc to idcftiry said hazerdl3) or from f.llurE o. inadequacy ofplopcrly €nti n€.rtd, co[structcd, e nd m.intailcd ]ecomm.Irded mitig.tions. The preparer of thls ]eport cannot ond will not ba r€spoNible in any way or mann$ whatso€ver for the prop€r cngine€ring, conrttuction, and/or tDrintctlatlce ofr€commcnded E|itigrtiong, or the inadequacJ o. failure of impDperly carglocertd, constructed. and/or maintained recomEended mititrtions, or nitigrtions that hsve bce1l sltered in any wry whrtsoevcr ftom thosc rfcommendcd by the prrprrer. ATTACHMENT B AGRTCULTURAL AND OPEN SPACE (A) DTSTRTCT 12-8A-1: PURPOSE: The Agricultural and Open Space District is intended to preserve agricultural, undeveloped, or open space lands from intensive development while permitting agricultural pursuits and low density residential use consistent with agricultural and open space objectives. Parks, schools, and cerlain types of private recreational facilities and institutions also are suitable uses in the Agricultural and Open Space District, provided that the sites of lhese uses remain predominantly open. Site development standards are intended to preclude intensive urban development and to maintain the agricultural and open space characteristics of the District. (Ord. 8(1 973) S 1 2.1 00) 12-BA-2: PERMITTED USES: The following uses shall be permitted in the A District: Plant and tree nurseries and raising of field, row and tree crops. Public parks, recreation areas, and open spaces. Single-family residential dwellings. (Ord. 8(1973) S 12.200) 1 2-84-3: CONDITIONAL USES: The following conditional uses shall be permitted, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of this Title: Any use within public parks, recrealion areas, and open spaces which involves assembly of more than two hundred (200) persons together in one building or group ol buildings, or in one recreation area or othe oublic recreationalfacilitv. Cemeteries. Churches, rectories, and related structures. Low power subscription radio facilities. Private golf, tennis, swimming and riding clubs, and hunting and fishing lodges. Public and privale schools and colleges. Semipublic and institutional uses, such as convents and religious retreats. Ski lifts and tows. 10 Type ll employee housing units (EHU) as provided in Chapter 13 of this Title. Wellwater treatment facility. (Ord. 6(2000) $ 2: Ord. 8(1992) $ 30: Ord. 37(1991) $ 1: Ord. 30(1988)$1:Ord. 16(1985)$1:Ord. 16(1976)$1(a):Ord.14(1975)$3:Ord.8(1e73)S 12.300) 12-84-4: ACCESSORY USES: The following accessory uses shall be permitled in the A District: Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to permitted agricultural uses, including barns, silos, sheds, corrals pens, and similar uses. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-14-12ot this Title. Private greenhouses, toolsheds, playhouses, garages or carports, swimming pools, patios, or recreation facilities customarily incidental to single-family residential uses. Retail sale of plants, trees, or other farm or agricultural products grown, produced or made on the premises. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permilted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof .(Ord 21(1994) $ 12: Ord. 16(1976) $ 1(a): Ord. 8(1973) S 12.400) 12-84-5: LOT AREA AND SITE DIMENSIONS: The minimum lot or site area shall be thirty five (35) acres with a minimum ol one acre of buildable area. (Ord. 34(1979) S 1) 1 2-8A-6: SETBACKS: In the A District, the minimum front setback shall be twenty feet (20'), lhe minimum side setback shall be fifteen feet (15'), and the minimum rear setback shall be fifteen feet (15') (Ord. 50(1978) s2) 12-BA-7 HEIGHT: For a flat roof or mansard roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty feet (30'). For a sloping roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty three feel (33'). (Ord.37(1980) g 2) 12-84-8: DENSITY: Not more than one dwelling unit shall be permitted for each thirty five (35) acres of site area, of which one acre must be buildable, provided, however, that one dwelling shall be allowed on a lo1 or parcel of less than thirly five (35) acres which contains one acre of buildable area Such dwelling shall not exceed two thousand (2,000) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA). (Ord. 3a(1e79) $ 1) 1 2-8A-9: SITE COVERAGE: Site coverage shall not exceed five percent (5%) of the total site area. (Ord. 17(1991) $ 1a: Ord. 8(1973) S 12.507) 12-8A-10: LANDSCAPING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT: Not applicable in the A District. (Ord. 8(1973) S 12.509) 12-8A-11: PARKING: Otf-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 10 of this Title. No required parking shall be located in any required setback area, except as may be specifically authorized in accordance with Chapter 17 ol this Title. (Ord.8(1973)5 12.510) L2 ARTTCLE C. TWO-FAMTLY RESTDENTTAL (R) DISTRICT 12-6C-1: PURPOSE: The Two-Family Residential District is intended to provide sites for low density single-family or two-family residential uses, together with such public facilities as may be appropriately located in the same district. The Two-Family Residential District is intended to ensure adequate light, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling, commensurate with single-family and two-family occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential qualities ol such sites by establishing appropriate site development standards. (Ord. 8(1973)$ 3.100) 12-6C-2: PERMITTED USES: The following uses shall be permitted in the R District: Single{amily residential dwellings. TwoJamily residential dwellings. Type I employee housing unit as set forth in Chapter 13 of this Title. (Ord. 6(2000) $ 2: Ord. 8(1992) $ 7: Ord. 8(1973) S 3.200) 1 2-6C-3: CONDITIONAL USES: The following conditional uses shall be permitted in the R District, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of this Title: Bed and breakfast as further regulated by Section 12-'14-18 of this Title. Dog kennel. Public buildings, grounds and facilities Public or private schools. Public park and recreation facilities. Public utility and public service uses. Ski lifts and tows. Type ll employee housing unils as set forth in Chapter 13 of this Title. (Ord. 6(2000) $ 2: Ord. 8(1992) $ 8: Ord. 18(1990) $ 1: Ord. 20(1982) $ 5: Ord. 8(1973) S 3.300) 13 1 2-6C-4: ACCESSORY USES: The following accessory uses shall be permitted in the R District: Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-14-12 of this Title. Private greenhouses, tool sheds, playhouses, garages or carports, swimming pools, patios, or recreation facilities customarily incidental to single-family and two-family residential uses. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof . (Ord. 8(1973) S 3.400) 12-6C-5: LOT AREA AND SITE DIMENSIONS: The minimum lot or site area shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of buildable site area. Each site shall have a minimum frontage of thirty feet (30'). Each sile shall be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area eighty feet (80') on each side within its boundaries. (Ord. 24(1981) g 1) 12-6C-6: SETBACKS: In the R District, the minimum front setback shall be twenty feet (20'), the minimum side setback shall be f ifteen feet (15'), and the minimum rear setback shallbe fifteen feet (15'). (Ord.50(1978)S 2) 12-6C-7: HEIGHT: For a llat roof or mansard roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty feet (30'). For a sloping roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty three feet (33') (ord. 37(1980) $ 2) 1 2-6C-8: DENSITY CONTROL: A.Dwelling Units: Not more than a total of two (2) dwelling units shall be permitted on each site with only one dwelling unil permitted on existing lots less than fourleen thousand (14,000) square feet. B.Gross Residential Floor Area: 1, The following gross residential floor area (GRFA) shall be permitted on each sile: a. Twenty five (25) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) for each one hundred (.1 00) square feet of the f irst f ifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of site area; plus I4 b. Ten (10) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) for each one hundred (100) square feet of site area over fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet, not to exceed thirty thousand (30,000) square feet of site area; plus c. Five (5) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) for each one hundred (100) square feet of site area in excess of lhirty thousand (30,000) square feet. 2. In addition to the above, four hundred twenty tive (425) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) shall be permitted for each allowable dwelling unit. C.Employee Housing Units: Notwithstanding the provision of subsections A and B of this Section, a Type I employee housing unit shall be permitted on lols of less lhan fourleen thousand (14,000) square feet in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 13 of this Title. Any Type I employee housing unit existing on or before April 18, 2000, shall not be eliminated unless all dwelling units are demolished, in which case lhe zoning on the property shall apply. However, an existing Type I employee housing unit may be replaced with a Type ll employee housing unit on lols of fourteen thousand (14,000) square feet or greater. (Ord. 6(2000) g a: Ord. 8(1992)$$ 9, 10:Ord. 37(1990) $ 4:Ord. 12(1988) S 3:Ord. 23(1981) $ 1: Ord. 22(1981) $ 1 : Ord. 22(1979)g .l: Ord, 12(1978) S 1) 1 2-6C-9: SITE COVERAGE: Site coverage shall not exceed twenly percenl (20%) of the total site area. (Ord.41(1990) S 4:Ord. 19(1976)g a:Ord. 8(1973)S 3.507) 12-6C-10: LANDSCAPING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT: At least sixty percent (60%) of each sile shall be landscaped. The minimum of any area qualifying as landscaping shall be ten feet (10') (widlh and lenglh) with a minimum area not less lhan three hundred (300) square feet. (Ord 19(1976) $ 4: Ord. 8(1973) S 3.509) 12-6C-1 1 : PARKING: Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 10 of this Title (Ord.8(1973) S 3 510) 15 o 3i 6_ .l !li tll |,I ;lil !r I rtrtl !lil ililil !tlJi; I ,l iJ i iii illl lit tll ;il ili !l1r t.rll Lil rll lli , lii - I.l' iill iflii liil r? tl flil :l iri iri il i,rl I ii*lli I I l I lf irl F, ir ii iiiiiiii fiiiiiii "l ;l iil Iiil rqi !}I !s.q r ;il il :! lI rl iill Ir ii I' ii itr ll l!' I il ilt tl I llr : l!;drl N r) '1 Crl >>,2 -v=1,1 o i \JX F -7 F :--<It. A rr F] \, 'ur TFXH iFv- - H6 EO<E 4;)-!r. R -lO;-=?,--> a-a i rio >-4-Z <cnE >=F Fr-l D a o )a o FINAL PLAT VAIL VILLAGE TTVELFTH FILING A RESUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF LOT 12, BLOCK 2 TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO r) rh F D- d tli. t t b !o q-{. L4l r2f od ror !t ^ddi .a t l r?, ed 2, td !E t r-ft tlht a ? .) r't) 7) &{!qt. od Lct lltt - !o,o5o.q n &rd!6L r- rd !2r - 2.3ro rl rl ctrrfrrrt tr o€o|canor ron ronrcr6Et or EEo o. nusr Houxr l|n d M rr r|n r,-ir 0!.1 a6lr! Fd. ndm ,G.th.. c.Eldo rl6-Pt!.r cdF.fl-l ha.a tr rd& .r o .Eig.e. r rLd.a n-l 6 lh.l r.C rF drrr.d i ti.rF c. l\:., tqr. c4dr, Cd.lo, dcrft.d d rC.r e.lht ol . rd^r 6i.i r. h io.r drh.ny .tr ct -rd d 12...d t!. -u6...{.'} ffi o. t l rO. cdr I d rdd vol rriq. rdnh .E {. ..4 -a Fi* .b l-{ 6 rh Ea-t hc^nh{. srmll{ r.2tF Fq 'El d 14 ca.t' .r t {r., drkr rh. mtu cnd dra or ' vdl 2, ^ P.!4r;dr Or A Podt . Oa h. ro C Vor, tal cdnlr. Cds!d.: {.a lo th. a.d.d' d di{ .El .r .a th. FE d d fr ai/trb lry@lt dd lrcd d i6 o ii.cd'F'i!'r.rbtii..o.ftF^ft'.R:'id-i-dr q.i b oi dhorkn or lrE' Fud' o. -id d GgFql{'h d 6afi4L rd der hd.6Y .e.i lc th. o.'rui{ o. tu icri r,. hd.r 6a id.h '6'r.x{'6 t lrr .drt 4F*r. .d Flrida li. *!i... td tieE-z-bdr ,b,n @d ri-&-r "k-h..-b.- -ff.i-'b ''"' * d rr Nft.d h. SUBJECT SITE rn nd oh to 16 r.i.t b rD 'rr d-. ot d .-!. tu cd .EunkqEG .r.d d ,&6: VICINITY MAP NO SCATE o.r.ntlt.-&'c. t d r|| G{-d- cdF' roa s.rn Fqiog. .-d [-t - sut. 2ol / ,o, ,o SCALE: 1' : 50' lo 60' Idok.!'CFli'6.t dd.fu'qq|.t.dbUdn.'rd|-'lg.dd4ifu.cd|6'|l416o@d rc.iy !' tu qd uid- q rFib d d'rrt rs6 rrr !!dlu.. d th. @ .o .i..d uFri rE e.od h cdrEran dhoP'l6bh6q!|!rb.. 6d -l rhi. - &r ol FtrFtrFI--l-. s LOT E 4J34'03' E - 39.56 tr<',t d thtr _ ..r .r tu[rc ao rwRoxlt{{ colrssnn cainrrrrl rt rrl C.r .6 ooFod br rh r.$ ol vlr A..ih{ ai Ed,66rd .-- lhy or --------.^.0.. 199 olu E .oi r.rt h-P?.fll coec06 srr'26'39'E-6a.15 A\ ^o o' &'ll"t== -_- "a.i6n'nrd c@i!i6n LOT 7 ccr,{ri of . -_-) ctmrncrrT tr rArs Pro do irf,.ty c..tfi, th.l l . .(l{ ctlsr ot d|dF'd|d'----.ird. a6a.d ' it r5r o4 !d ,l 4o|c|_-_--'- r|r tr.{.r'|l hn uE{ q crFiLdF b.rd.. $. _ rbt ot o@li rdb idnffi r.eicti Colffodo f,o.-Pbtir c.ddim, l-1{5:t'52- R=J26.r7' L=65.0o CLEN=8,r.76 l'cfrir.id.4i'd: i(E'vh'nqdF| BRG-S J252 52- W clfi( r€ itconotr's cr[FE rf cd h h o.r.. d ri. o.i ri,r uJt -&rr or 20- ond i. cd/ Gor!.. .. ic.9tbn 3y ---o.Fn' l-06'53 2J' 17'E - 50.00 t-J9.22 CIEN-J9.20' aRGrS J6:5a 07' W SHELI I OF ] JoB NO. 142 LOT 12rV F-"rt?..?{ "# a|lJt v ' Booth Fallq - Rezoning & Subdivision Adjacent Property Owners List Vail Village Filing 12 CAULKINS FAMILY PTNSHP 1600 BROADWAY 14OO DENVER, CO EO2O2 BURDICK, JOHN A. POBOX2267 BOULDER, CO 80306 BOOTH FALLS HOMEOWNERS ASSOC C/O SUSAN FRITZ PO BOX 356 vAtL, co 81658 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL PO BOX 602 vArL, co 816s8 FITE. KENNETH DAVID 6415 E PRENTICE PLACE ENGLEWOOD, CO 80111 GARTON, TIMOTHY PO BOX 789 vArL. co 81658 SHIFFRIN. JEFFERY S. 3130 BOOTH FALLS CT vAtL, co 81657 BINGHAM, BRENT A. & BARBARA G. 3130 B BOOTH FALLS CT vArL, co 81657 GMIOGLU, HALIDE K. 3120 BOOTH FALLS CT vAtL. co 81657 BENNETT, JOHN B. C/O GORE CREEK PROPERTIES PO BOX 1666 vAlL, co 81657 COBB, JAMES T., JR & RUTH M. 1319 S DOWNING ST DENVER, CO 80210 WURTS. JOHN S. 11 CEDAR WY coNcoRD. M401742 Vail Village Filing 13 GOTTLIEB, JOHN E. & LYNN C. 3021 BOOTH FALLS RD vAtL, co 81657 SCHABACKER, BARBARA BRITAIN - JONES, KAREN J. 32 CHARLOU CIRCLE ENGLEWOOD. CO 80111 MARSH, PATRICIA E. 3011-A BOOTH FALLS RD vAlL, co 81657 KUHLKE, K. LEE & AMY I. 1501 ESTANFORDAVE ENGLEWOOD. CO 801 1O EGGERS, BILL T. & ANN 3OO5 BOOTH FALLS RD vAtL, co 81657 DANSON. ALAN S. & SILVIA 3OO5 BOOTH FALLS RD # A vAtL. co 80657 o TH IS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPT PUBLIC NOTICE I NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 26, 2001, at 2:00 P,M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for variances from Section 12-6D'6 (Setbacks) and Title 14 (Development Standards- locating required parking in the Right-of-Way), to allow for a residential addition and remodel located at 2955 Bellflower Dr. / Lot 6, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Alan Peters, represented by Braun Associates Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a modification to an existing conditional use permit to allow for the use of two modufar classroom units at Vail Mountain School, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road I Lot 12. Block 2, Vail Village 12'h Filing. Applicant Vail Mountain School Planner: George Ruther A request for a variance from Seclion 12-6GO of the Vail Town Code, to allow for a proposed addition in the rear setback, located at 5027 Ute Lane/Lot 31 , Vail Meadows Filing 1. Applicant: T. Larry & Renee Okubo Planner: Brent Wilson A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a Type ll EHU, located at 185 Forest Road/Lot 26, Block 7, Vail Village 1"' Filing. Applicant: Oscar Tang Plannen Ann Kjerulf A request for a variance from Section 12-7H-10 of the Vail Town Code, to allow for an propose addition in the rear setback. located at 660 West Lionshead Place/Lot 1, Vail Lionshead 1o Filing, l"rAddition. Applicant: Lions Square Condo Association Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, located at 1552 Matterhom Circle/Lot 2, Timber Vail Subdivision. Applicant: RanchCreekDevelopment Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a variance from Section 12-7D-5 of the Vail Town Code, to allow for the addition of mechanical equipment within the required rear setb4ck at the Brandess Building, located at 2077 N. Frontage Rd./Lot 39A, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Jayne Brandess lnevocable Trust, represented by Abacus Communications Planner: Allison Ochs A final review of a request for a rezoning from Agriculture and Open Space to ily Residential and a Minor Subdivision t for a recommendation to the Town Cou changing the land use designation from al, located at 3160 Booth Falls Road/Pa ,L . L\v Filing. lv Applicant: Boothfalls Homeowneds Association, represented by Braun Asgociates, Inc.Planner Russell Fonest A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of Phase I of Donovan Park improvements, generally located southeast of the intersection of Matterhom Circle and the South Fronlage Road. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed special development district to allow for the construction of a new conference facility/hotel; and a final review of conditional use permits to allow for the construction of fractional fee units and Type lll employee housing units at 13 Vail Road / Lots A, B, C, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 2. Applicant: Doramar Hotels, represented by the Daymer Corporation Planner: Brent Wilson A request for a major amendment to Special Developmenl District #4, to allow for the conversion of an existing indoortennis courtto a spa, localed at 1295 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Village. Applicant: L-O Vail Hotel Inc.Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a conditional use permit, to amend an existing conditional use permit, to allow for one addiiional Fraciional Fee Club unit, located at Vail Mountain Lodge, 352 E. Meadow Drive/Part of Tract B, Vail Village 1" Filing. Applicant: Braun Associates, lnc.Planner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office, loceted at ihe Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Pf ease call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpreiation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published March 9. 2001 in the Vail Trail. I t .a a Departmenl of Community Deve lopment 75 South Fronrage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us Pr--ln. Ahr ric i Heaclmastcr 3160 Katsos Ranch Road Vail, CO 81657 Re:Vail Mountain School - 31 60 Katsos Ranch Road / Part of Lot 12. Block 2. Vail Village 12h Fiting. Dear Peter: At its March 26th meeting, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission approved Vail Mountain School's request for a conditional use permit to allow for the use of two modular classroom units. This approval carries the following conditions: 1. That both modular classroom units will comply with all town design guidelines, be painted to match the existing school building (beige base with brown trim) and that additional landscaping for buffering will be added surrounding the new structure. These issues are subject lo review and approval by the Town of Vail Design Review Board. lf any revisions are proposed to the existing approved "Phase l" or "Phase ll" development plans for Vail Mountain School (approved April 24,2000) prior to the commencement of construction, the applicant shall return to the Planning and Environmental Commission and Design Review Board for review and approval of the amended development plan. That the conditional use permit for both temporary structures shall expire on May 31 , 2003. However, if a building permit has nol been issued for the construclion of the approved development plan for the school by June 1 ,2002, this conditional use permit will expire on thar date (61112002). The existing mechanical equipment behind the school musl be screened during the summer of 2001, subject to review and approval by the Town of Vail Design Review Board. 2. A {i *'"'"'"o '^"' t' This prolect is scheduled for a final review by the Town of Vail Design Review Board on Wednesday, April 4m. lf you would like to discuss this issue in further detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at (970) 479-2140. Good luck with this project. Sincerely, lr^-r-'f Q: a 1 D epartme nt of C ommun i ty D eve I op men t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 36 FAX 970-479-24s2 www.ci.yail.co.us April5,2001 Peter Abuisi, Headmaster Vail Mountain School 3160 Katsos Ranch Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Mountain School - 31 60 Katsos Ranch Road / Part of Lot 1 2, Block 2, Vail Village 12h Fiting. Dear Peter: At its April 4th meeting, the Town of Vail Design Review Board approved Vail Mountain School's request for design review approval of two modular classroom units. This approval carries the following conditions: 1. The school's existing mechanical equipment will be screened with the horizontal pattern as submitted. The equipment enclosure (and protruding pipes/stacks) will be painted lo match the roof (subject to approval by neighbor Kathleen Scott). Pursuant to the Planning and Environmental Commission's previous condition of approval, this will occur as soon as possible. 2. The siding ol lhe new modular unit will be painted to match the stucco on the main school slructure. The trim around the doors, windows and fascia of the new modular unit will be painted to match the trim on the main school structure. lf you would like to discuss this issue in further detail, please do not hesitate lo contact me at (970) 479-2140. Good luck with this project. Sincerely, B*.-+- (r'- Brent Wilson, AICP Planner ll {p ^r"r""ro r^r* FEB-22-01 THU II:3I Al,{ SENI EYI qWATHMEY PRATT d{rl II{TN, scHoor FA)( Nol970 4?6 3860 sctfuLrz AR'HITECT ; e70 47 6 | 61 2 ; Ori,r"Jr_L;, H,,,i; ur?r;r,rr rr, APPLICATION FOR Pl",tNNlNC AND ENV|RONMENT COMMISSTON APPROVAL Ilrir eppllcetion ic for any projcct rcquiring approral Uy thc Planning and Environncnbl Cornmission, For s1 iifonnrtioil. sac thc obmiltal rcquircmcots forahc particular rpproval that ir rcqucctcd. Tho application crn acceptcd unlil rll rcquired informarion is submJned. Tlc prolrt mry dro ncql io bc rcvlcwcrl by thc Town snd/otthc Dclign Rcvicw Board. A: TYPEOFAPPLICATION:tl Additioorl CRFA (2t0)t] Bcdurd Brcekfast f Condtional UsePerrnit O Majoror trMinorSubdlvislon O Rczming u Sign Vaiancc O Varlancc tr Zoning Codc Ametdrnont ; losrdrncnt lo an Approvod Dcvclopmcnt Ec8loycc llousing Unit (typo: __; Major or E Minor CCI Eltrlrlor Alrcntion (VrilVllrep) 0 Mrjor or tr MlnorCEll hCrrtorAlrcration (Umehcrd)tr SJrccicl Dcvcl+rnart Di*ia tr Mojor or tr [tlhor Amcodrnrnt ro rrr SDD o tr o ; l'rrt'-r'i : c. DEscRrprtoNoFrHBREetrEgl' t) Eff!'retorJ aF SYBTIN4 coNbt Uarg OEGf',rtT FaF- oN€ yl6e6e^fL Ourtsg Co$, Dr f'totV*U US€ pCtril AN re'lapggft{L LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT.--I 3-BLOCK_A_ FILING 12tu F)vt o. E. ^DDRESS: 31jroy*T€c6 F,frNrtt R*o EU|LDINCNAME: N tTaAL utg gz"1p"rr-,7 NAMEOFOWNER(S):ArL t^lruNTl\ MAIUNG OWNER(S) ETGNATUR[,(S): NAME Of R.EPR,ESEMA pHlrtfla( -l@ FEE .SEETHE SttBMtTTAL R.EQUTREMENTS FOR Tr{E APPROPRIATE FEE. vArL COLORADO il6s7. SUBM]rI THIS APPLICATION, ALL STIEMITTAL REQUIRE TilENIS AND TIIE FEE TO ' DEPARTMENT OT COMMI'NTTY DXVELOPMENT. ?5 SOUTH FROMAGE ROAD, s 212 4 ty.2l tt1 st-rlao L v^tL 6ltF'1 -ro-{'tb-Poto wgaT F, ! Or t t I I I II: b(.1 Drtc: PEC Mcctin3 Datc--.-_ is,' ff"-t TETIR OF TRANJSMilTTAT DAIE z-lzzlOl i.rooruo 912,0 ro Bfevl LAJ rt,4o t{ To u'l* oP V^l\- ae, VA\L vv\OUh/TA-lN €<"rtOOL WE ABE SENDING YOU Attached f{ Via [] Pf ints/sepias U Change order HftND the following items: n Specif ications tr Shop drawings t I a.,n\/ i-!+ lAttar n 1l fl ! Plans Originals Samples 7ItI"t l"+ ?,6.c. APPurc;ATlor..l fulz c.olro,Tlat/4t- gsf L,sT oe N6laffio[u5 ADDF€qSA5 NqJA€^JT mou^rn&lN, SC,btoeL THESE ABF TRANSMITTED as checked below: il w tl L] tl ft ll fl For approval For your use As requested Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for correclions fl For your records [] Fevise and resubmit fl For review and comment fI PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US W\frPTU+ LUW PE.C FOR BIDS DUE 19 REMARKS- Rqgy95N4- Ti" rc-fqr--o!j {.E. rrr]'rIIS{ TBrT drL! p5€l 4oA"{'tlTEt} NeYT ur€h< rtouNTrttNJ ic.r-lpoq- FuF-nt€e De3cprFslr'.r4 i-tle TrJo 6€PfiP*TE fi€au6sTq gplutY TFA ruv@1d4 lS N6C€69F#-Y fr€zbL $wn U3+SG Lfrtt-. yo ac,H€Duu€, rdlL..L T:gc-oqs jT|€ LETT6P- L.)+.{ OUfl. urvoftPs'iitPD I $,zoo.crc F6 rS rP fstv 6I) slcNED 6colT VtwONt-COPY TO lf enclosute,s are nol a6 not€d, kindly notity us at once. Date: 2-22-2001 Re: Vail Mountain School - PEC Submittal Names and mailing addresses of all property owners adjacent to the subject property, including properties behind and across streets. Concord MA01742 11. Cobb, James T Jr. & Ruth M 1319 S Downing Street Denver CO 80210 '12. Bennett, John B C/O Gore Creek Properties PO BOX 1666 Vail CO 81657 13. Bingham, Brent A & Barbara G 3130 Booth Falls Court Vail CO 81657 14. Shiffren, Jeffrey S 3130 Booth Falls Court Vail CO 81657 1. Tiampo-Oskarsson, Mary Jo 1219 6th Street Boulder CO 80302 2. Navas, Jorge & Sybill 3255 Katsos Ranch Rd Vail CO 81657 3. Cadmus, Mark & Marta 281 Bridge Street Vail CO 81657 4. Danson, Alan S. & Silvia 3005 Booth Falls Rd #A Vail CO 80657 /u 6 Eggers, Bill T&Ann 3005 Booth Falls Rd Vail CO 81657 Marsh, Patricia E 301 1 A Booth Falls Rd Vail CO 81657 Kuhlke,KLee&Amy 1501 E Stanford Ave Englewood CO 80110 Schabacker, Barbara Britain Jones Karen J. 32 Charlou Circle Englewood CO 80111 Caulkins Family PTNSHP 1600 Broadway 1400 Denver CO 80202 Wurts, John S 11 Cedar Way 7 8 I t/ rc. f,e, Kenneth David 16140 E Radcliffe Place Aurora CO 80129 '16. Garton, Timothy PO BOX 789 Vail CO 81658 '17. Feeney, David J & Barbara A - 3145 A Booth Falls Court Vail CO 816574629 I v 18. Scott, Alan M - Walker Kathleen M JT 936 Detroit Street Denver CO 80206 19. NEVIS ENT LP 1345 Trapp Lane Winnetka lL 60093 10 v 20. Mclaughlin, Brandy L PO BOX 112 VailCO 81658 21. Parliament. FrancinE R & Marvin 3241 Katsos Ranch Rd VailCO 81657 22. Piper, Duane & Carolyn PO BOX 5560 VailCO 8'1620 23. John Galt Mountaineering oi Norman Laskin POBOX222 Gamelian Bay CA 9614H222 24. Burdick. John A PO BOX 2267 Boulder CO 80306 25. Gaziogiu, Halide K. 3120 Booth Falls Court VailCO 81657 O rHrs 'TEM MAY AFFE.T YouR aPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance wilh Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 26, 2001, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for variances from Section 12-6DO (Setbacks) and Title 14 (Development Standards- locating required parking in the Right-of-Way), to allow for a residential addition and remodel located at 2955 Bellflower Dr. / Lot 6. Block 6. Vail lntermountain. Applicant: Alan Peters, represented by Braun Associates Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a modification to an existing conditional use permit to allow for the use of two ular classroom units at Vail Mountain School. located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road I Lot 12. k 2, Vail Village 12th Filing. icant: Vail Mountain School Planner: George Ruther A request for a variance from Section 12-6C-6 of the Vail Town Code, to allow for a proposed addition in the rear setback, located at 5027 Ute Lane/Lot 31, Vail Meadows Filing 1. Applicant: T. Larry & Renee Okubo Planner: Brent Wilson A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a Type ll EHU, located at 185 Forest Road/Lot 26, Block 7, Vail Village 1"' Filing. Applicant: Oscar Tang Planner: Ann Kjerulf A request for a variance from Section 12-7H-10 of the Vail Town Code, to allow for an propose addition in the rear setback, located at 660 West Lionshead Place/Lot 1, Vail Lionshead 1't Filing, 't"'Addition. Applicant: Lions Square Condo Association Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, located at 1552 Matterhom Circle/Lot 2, Timber Vail Subdivision. Applicant: RanchCreekDevelopment Planner: Bill Gibson A requesl for a variance from Section 12-7D-5 of the Vail Town Code, to allow for the addition of mechanical equipment within the required rear setback at the Brandess Building, located at 2077 N. Frontage Rd./Loi 39A, Buffehr Creek SubdiVision. Applicant Jayne Brandess lnevocable Trust, represented by Abacus Communications Planner: Allison Ochs A final review of a request for a rezoning from Agriculture and Open Space to Primary/Secondary Residential and a Minor Subdivision to create two residential lois and a request for a recommendation to the Town Council for an amendment to the Vail Land I Use Plan changing the land use designation from Public/Semi-Public use to Low Density 41 I .^lh ' b'Residential, located at 3160 Booth Falls Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing. 'tt(t I J Boothfalls nor"onv*, Association, represented by Braun,Ociates, tnc '- Applicant:Planner: Russell Fonest A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of Phase I of Donovan Park improvements, generally located southeast of the intersection of Matterhorn Circle and the South Frontage Road. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed special development district to allow for the construstion of a new conference facility/hotel; and a final review of conditional use permits to allow for the construction of fractional fee units and Type lll employee housing units at 13 Vail Road / Lots A, B, C, Block 2, Vail Village Flling 2. Applicant: Doramar Hotels, represenled by the Daymer Corporation Planner: Brent Wilson 4! A request for a major amendment to Special Development Districl #4, to allow for the i conversion of an existing indoor tennis court to a spa, located at 1295 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Village. Applicant: L-O Vail Hotel Inc. Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a conditional use permit, to amend an existing conditional use permii, to allow for one additional Fractional Fee Club unit, located at Vail Mountain Lodge, 352 E. Meadow Drive/Part of Tract B, Vail Village 1"' Filing. Applicant: Braun Associates, Inc. Planner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspeclion during regular offlce hours in the project planneds office, located at the Town of Vail Community Developmenl Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published March 9. 2001 in the Vail Trail. lt--F I ,*,a rrEM MAY AFFE.T voun plpenrv PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 26, 2001, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for variances from Section 12-6D-6 (Setbacks) and Title 14 (Developmenl Standards- locating required parking in the Right-oiWay), to allow for a residential addition and remodel located at2955 Bellflower Dr. / Lot 6, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Alan Peters, represented by Braun Associates Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a modification to an existing conditional use permit to allow for the use of two modular classroom units at Vail Mountain School, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road I Loi 12, Block 2, VailVillage 12th Filing. Applicant: Vail Mountain School Planner: Brent Wilson A request lor a variance from Section 12-6C-6 of the Vail Town Code, to allow for a proposed addition in lhe rear setback, located at 5027 Ute Lane/Lot 31, Vail Meadows Filing 1. Applicant: T. Larry & Renee Okubo Planner: Brent Wilson A request for a conditional use perm.it, to allow for a Type ll EHU, located at 185 Forest Road/Lot 26, Block 7, VailVillage 1" Filing. Applicant: Oscar Tang Planner: Ann Kierulf A reouest for a variance from Section 12-7H-10 of the Vail Town Code, to allow for an propose addition in the rear setback, located at 660 West Lionshead Place/Lot 1 , Vail Lionshead 1" ffi*13zssl Kenneth David Fite 6415 E. Prentice place Englewood, CO 801 11 WE ARE SENDING YOU U Attached tl Shop drawings I Copy of letter ue#m @F TRANSMITTAL oarc ll talo I | rcarlo 1120.2 ro, $pSFJJ gg l t-,5oN T, o.v. ne, !yv\S - ?.eC-. ry1EFTlNJ4 y1ftp.<+t 'L-<oF D ! Samples E Specifications p. vi" ftnPO - the folowins items: [] Prints/sepias D Change order D tr Plans Originals coPlEs DATE NO DESCRIPTION alt)[o)N€r,J AD0rtg95 Forl Vnrr-r-AQ€ trruilqtL" W(..2- , V6(:€2 uNrT A THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: fl tr rl D u n ! L] For approval For your use As requested Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections ! For you,u"o,ffiCD [WAp , n L-l Reviseandresubmit "' t.t 200I I For review and comment ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS Et^J EFJNFTH D/tvr0 frTc to* tL e. ?r?rtTlue Pen+e DLD pr6TH pprvr\rTt I to l+o t2 , r++oL.t-lFF€ PL hulLaPA A> , oO lL1 SIGNED COPY TO ll enclosures are not as nated, kindly notity us al once. Iu: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: o MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development March 26. 2001 A request for a modification to an existing conditional use permit to allow for the use of two modular classroom units at Vail Mountain School, focated at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road I Lot12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing. Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Architects Planner: Brent Wilson EACKGROUNp ANp OESCRTPT|ON OF THE REQUEST On June 15, '1999, the Vail Town Council affirmed the Planning and Environmental Commission's approval of a conditional use permit (CUP) to allow lor the addition of a modular classroom struclure at Vail Mountain School. This approval carried the following conditions: 1. That the conditional use permit for the temporary structure expire on July 1, 2000; unless an extension to July 1, 2001 is granted by the Planning and Environmenlal Commission. 2. That the temporary structure be removed from the property on or before July 1, 2000; unless an extension is granted by the Planning and Environmental Commission. The Commission may extend the approval subject to the applicant submitting a long-term plan for improvements to the town for review and approval. The extension may be granted for one additional year and expire on July 1, 2001. 3. That the applicant submit a writlen statement to the Town of Vail agreeing nEt to reappear before the Planning & Environmental Commission with a requesl for an extension to the conditional use permit for the temporary structure, prior to installing the structure. 4. That the applicant implement the exterior materials improvements recommended by the Town of Vail Design Review Board prior to occupying the structure. Due to unresolved issues with permanent construction solutions at Vail Mountain School, the applicant is requesting an exlension of the previous CUP to allow for a two- year conlinuance of lhe existing modular classroom and the placement of an additional identical structure to the east of the school building and the log cabin. The modular classrooms are intended to accommodate an increase in the demand for students to attend the school. The school's headmaster, Peter Abuisi, anticipates a net increase of 20 students enrolled next year (2001 2002 school year). Each modular classroom is approximately 20' x 60' in size and can accommodate about 18 students. The applicant is proposing to keep the existing temporary classroom in its existing location. The new modular classroom would be located to the east of the log cabin in an effort to mitigate neighborhood impacts while preserving an adequate area for future construclion staging. Staff has identified the following outstanding issues involved with long-term redevelopment or expansion at Vail Mountain School: . Pending land negotiations belween the school and an adjacent property owner. . Fund raising for construction costs for the approved development plan. . Resolution of lraffic mitigation concerns along the frontage road prior to construction. Since Vail Mountain School received PEC approval in 2000 for a long-term development master plan, the rockfall berm has been removed, the property has been re-graded, and the parking and drop-off areas have been re-aligned. A reduced copy of the proposed plans and a letter describing the applicant's request have been attached for reference. II. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Planning and Environmental Commission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for approval/denial of a Conditional Use Permit. The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, ulilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facillties and public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, tralfic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. 5. Such other factors and criteria as lhe Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmental impact report is required by Chapter 12 of this Title. Conformance with development standards of zone district. o. 7. o I Design Beview Board: The Design Review Board has no review authority on a Conditional Use Permit, but must review any accompanying Design Review Board application. ln this instance, DRB review will be a condition of approval. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Communily Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approve the applicant's request for a conditional use permit to allow for the use of two modular classroom units at Vail Mountain School, subject to the criteria outlined in Section lV of this memo and the following findings: "l . That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or mainlained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properlies or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. lf the Planning and Environmental Commission chooses to approve this request, staff recommends the lollowing conditions of approval: 1 . That bolh modular classroom units will comply with all town design guidelines, be painted to match the existing school building (beige base with brown trim) and that additional landscaping for buffering will be added surrounding the new structure. These issues are subject to review and approval by the Town of Vail Design Review Board. 2. lf any revisions are proposed to the existing approved "Phase l" or "Phase ll" development plans for Vail Mountain School (approved April24,2000) prior to the commencement of construction, the applicant shall return to the Planning and Environmental Commission and Design Review Board for review and approval ot the amended development plan. 5. That the conditional use permil lor both temporary structures shall expire on May 31, 2003. IV. REQUIRED CRITERIA AND FINDINGS. GONDITIONAL USE PERMIT A. CONSIDERATION OF FACTORS: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development obiectives of the Town. According to the Otficial Town of Vail Zoning Map, the Vail Mountain School is located in the General Use Zone District. The purpose of the General Use Zone District is to: "provide sites for public and quasi-public uses which, because of their special characteristics, cannot be appropriately regulated by the development standards prescribed for other zoning districts, and for which development standards especially prescribed for each particular development proposal or project are necessary to achieve the purposes prescribed in Section 12-1-2 oI lhis Title and to provide for the public welfare. The General Use District is intended to ensure that oublic buildings and grounds and certain types of quasi-public uses permitted in the District are approprialely located and designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses, and, in the case of buildings and other structures, to ensure adequate light, air, open spaces, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of uses." (Ord. 21 (1994) S 1 0). Sectrons 12-gC-2 & 3 oulline lhe oermitted and conditional uses allowed in the General Use Zone District. The lemporary modular classrooms are an allowed conditional use in the General Use Zone District subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit. Staff believes this proposal is not in compliance with the provisions of the Town of Vail Design Guidelines. Therefore, staff is recommending a condition that the temporary struclures are reviewed and approved by the Town of Vail Design Review Board. The Vail Land Use Plan applies a "Public/Semi-Public" land use designation on this properly. This category includes uses such as schools, post office, waler and sewer service and storage facilities, cemeteries, municipal facilities, and other institutions which are located throuohout the communitv to serve the needs of residenls. Staff believes this proposal is in compliance with all applicable objectives of the Vail Land Use Plan. Staff believes the proposal furthers the following specific goars: 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the oermanent resident. 6.1 Services should keep pace with increased growth. Stalf does not believe this proposal conllicts with any of the goals, objectives, or policies stated in the Vail Land Use Plan. Although Vail Mountain School signed.an agreement stating it would not return for an extension of this request, the school has a right to re-apply and the town has an obligation to bring the application through the development review process. Staff believes there are outstanding issues that preclude the school's ability to commence construction in the immediate future. o 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. The requested conditional use permit will have positive effects on the immediate needs of the school to meet growing demands. Each temporary classroom will allow the school to provide educalional opportunities for up to 18 students. The structures will also provide the Board with additional time to pursue expansion opportunities to meet the school's long-term needs. lt should be noted that the temporary classrooms should not be considered as a long-term solution to the school's demand for soace. Staff does not believe this request will have any negative impacts upon the other above-listed facilities. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Vail Mountain School recently look measures to realign their parking and drop-off areas in an effort to provide a more efficient circulation system. Thus far, the result has been positive with a significant reduction in traffic congestion along the frontage road during peak periods. The re-alignment of the parking circulation provides additional "staging" area for cars on-site during peak "drop off" periods. Vail Mountain School states the additional (18-20 student) capacity of the new modular structure should not impact parking needs as the students (high school freshmen) will not have parking privileges at the school. Staff does not believe this request will have any negative impacts upon the other above-listed issues. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Staff believes that due to the exterior improvements proposed (including landscaping), the location of the structure on the school site, and the temporary nature of the building, the temporary classrooms will have minimal negative impacts on the character of the area. The proposed structures comply with previously approved setback provisions on the property. B. FINDINGS The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with eqch of lhe applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. 'l/ai^t Mountat Scfioof PMA/ty Mr. Brent Wilson Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Wilson: Vail Mountain School has submitted a request for a conditional use permit to extend thc lease on the modular unit placed on campus in August, 1999. We also may request placement of a second modular unit on campus. These requests are being made to help us through the period of funl{, raising, final building design, and construction. It is our hope and our intention-to begin building in May, 2002 with completion before December of that year. A master plan for the campus was approved on April 24, 2O0O, and we went to work immediately on the first steps of addressing it. As of this time we have cleared the land for construction at a cost of $325,000 and have developed working drawings with the architectural firm of Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Architects, and Beck and Associates, the contractor. We have hircd a professional fund raising team whose work will be completed in May, at which time we will implement all of the fund raising strategies which we have been developing since the fall of this academic year. ., We hope you will view the steps already taken as an earnest effort to replace the temporary building and the second one we are requesting at the soonest possible time with a permanenr structurc that will add to our program and enhance the neighborhood. Thank you for your consideration of this request. February 27,2001 Peter M. Abuisi Headmaster Sincerely, 3160 KATSOS RANCH ROAD . VAIL. COLORADO 81657 . 970-476-3850 . FAX 970-476-3860 ,J= li L rl | ,/ tl ^ irl tt lt\ | | ,; il:: rlii fil lll lil rli ll tl r( ll\ili ll ; V'( /l')'-..\ | | lrItl *7, -9,pv- /r i'll !il-t r (] (J! tl il lt z tl \ li tl ll tl tl ll T I x E r I # r I -{ J -{\\l tl i. a aY '^-o 1^.t^ -"v 2o q I 9 g$ lei {n e il jzrgt sb 026:rclrrHcuv z1-lnHcs r-LVUd AlttlHrvlg :rg luag !ge :t! !0-tt-re|rl 717 a8e4 at t \ \ F---'\+ i{$ $$* T F .: t { o + o 5- t:J-r:rYY t.z:bbtsM I-XUM of li sI\UVTUUN AI\U HI,JPK I N5 9IWT6/431 P.b Tail fu[outfiain Scfrool May 19,1999 Town of Vail Design Review Board 75 South Frontagc Road Vail CO 81658 Dear Desigr Review Board Merubers: Thank you for considcring our requcst to place a modular classroom on campus for academic years 1999-2OOO and 200S2001. Having this rcmporary space will allow us to oifer our program to a new gradc of students and to crcate a more suirable computer lab. - I appteciate your concem that rbe modular unit would be removed aftcr two years (twenry- four monrhs). We would be pleased to commit to that timc limitation. Wc arc horiorabli peopie erd would nor ent€r inlo this agreement with false inrentions Pleare contact me if you have guestions or wish to view the site. Thank you for your considcration of this rcqucst. PMAfy Peter M. Abuisi Headmastcr Sincerely, 3160 KATSOS RANCH FTOAD ..vAtL, CoLORADO 81657 r (970) 476-g8s0 r FAX (970) 476-3A60 MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Department of Community Development DATE: March 26,2001 SUBJECT: A request for a modification to an existing conditional use permit to allow for the use of two modular classroom units at Vail Mountain School, located at 31 60 Katsos Ranch Road I Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 1 2tn Filing. Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Architects Planner: Brent Wilson I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST On June 15, 1999, the Vail Town Council affirmed the Planning and Environmental Commission's approval of a conditional use permit (CUP) to allow for the addition of a modular classroom struclure at Vail Mountain School. This approval carried the following conditions; 1. That the conditional use permit for the temporary slructure expire on July 1, 2000; unless an extension to July 1, 2001 is granted by the Planning and Environmental Commission. 2. That the temporary struclure be removed from the property on or before July 1, 2000; unless an extension is granted by the Planning and Environmental Commission. The Commission may extend the approval subject to the applicant submitting a long-term plan for improvements to the town for review and approval. The extension may be granted for one additional year and expire on July 1, 2001. 3. That the applicant submit a written statement to the Town of Vail agreeing not to reappear before the Planning & Environmental Commission with a request for an extension to the conditional use permit for the temporary structure, prior to installing the structure. 4. That the applicant implement the exterior materials improvements recommended by the Town of Vail Design Review Board prior to occupying the slructure. Due to unresolved issues with oermanent conslruclion solutions at Vail Mountain School, the applicant is requesting an extension of the previous CUP to allow for a two- year continuance of the existing modular classroom and the placement of an additional identical slructure to the east of the school building and the log cabin. il. The modular classrooms are intended to accommodate an increase in the demand for students to attend the school. The school's headmaster, Peter Abuisi, anticipates a net increase of 20 students enrolled next year (2001-2002 school year). Each modular classroom is approximately 20' x 60' in size and can accommodate about 18 students. The applicant is proposing to keep the existing temporary classroom in its existing location. The new modular classroom would be located to the east of the log cabin in an effort to mitigate neighborhood impacts while preserving an adequale area for fulure construction staging. Staff has identified the following outstanding issues involved with long-term redevelopment or expansion at Vail Mountain School: ' Pending land negotiations between the school and an adjacent property owner. . Fund raising for construction costs for the approved development plan. . Resolution of traffic mitigation concerns along the fronlage road prior to construction. Since Vail Mountain School received PEC approval in 2000 for a long{erm development master plan, the rockfall berm has been removed, the property has been re-graded, and the parking and drop-off areas have been re-aligned. A reduced copy of the proposed plans and a letter describing the applicant's request have been attached for reference. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Planning and Environmental Commission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for approval/denial of a Conditional Use Permit. The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development obiectives of the Town. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streels and parking areas. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. 5. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmental impact report is required by Chapter 12 of this Title. Conformance with develooment standards of zone district. o. 7. o Design Review Board: The Design Review Board has no review authority on a Conditional Use Permit, but must review any accompanying Design Review Board application. In this inslance, DRB review will be a condition of approval. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approve the applicant's request for a conditional use permit to allow for the use of two modular classroom units at Vail Mountain School, subject to the criteria outlined in Section lV of this memo and the following findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. lf the Planning and Environmental Commission chooses to approve this request, staff recommends the following conditions of approval: 1. That both modular classroom units will comply with all town design guidelines, be painted to match the existing school building (beige base with brown trim) and that additional landscaping for buffering will be added surrounding the new structure. These issues are subject to review and approval by the Town of Vail Design Review Board. 2. lf any revisions are proposed to the existing approved "Phase l" or "Phase ll" development plans for Vail Mountain School (approved April 24,2000) prior to the commencement of construction, the applicant shall return to the Planning and Environmental Commission and Design Review Board for review and approval of the amended development plan. 5. That the conditional use permit for both temporary slructures shall expire on May 31, 2003. IV. REQUIRED CRITERIA AND FINDINGS - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT A. CONSIDERATION OF FACTORS: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. According to the Official Town of Vail Zoning Map, the Vail Mounlain School is located in the General Use Zone District. The purpose of the General Use Zone District is to: "provide sites for public and quasi-public uses which, because of their special characleristics, cannol be appropriately regulated by the development standards prescribed for other zoning districts, and for which development standards especially prescribed for each particular development proposal or project are necessary to achieve the purposes prescribed in Section 12-1-2 ot this Title and to provide for the public welfare. The General Use District is intended to ensure that oublic buildings and grounds and cerlain types of quasi-public uses permitted in the District are appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses, and, in the case of buildings and other structures, to ensure adequate light, air, open spaces, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of uses." (Ord. 21 (1994) S 10). Sections 12-9C-2 & 3 outline the oermitted and conditional uses allowed in the General Use Zone District. The temporary modular classrooms are an allowed condilional use in the General Use Zone District subject to the issuance of a condilional use permit. Staff believes this proposal is not in compliance with the provisions of the Town of Vail Design Guidelines. Therefore, staff is recommending a condition that the temporary structures are reviewed and approved by the Town of Vail Design Review Board. The Vail Land Use Plan applies a "Public/Semi-Public" land use designation on this property. This category includes uses such as schools, post office, water and sewer service and storage facilities, cemeteries, municipal facilities, and other institutions which are located throuohout the communitv to serve the needs of residents. Staff believes this proposal is in compliance with all applicable objectives of the Vail Land Use Plan. Staff believes the proposal furthers the following specific goals: .l .1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both lhe visitor and the permanent resident. 6.1 Services should keep pace with increased growth. Staff does not believe this proposal conflicts with any of the goals, objectives, or policies stated in the Vail Land Use Plan. Although Vail Mountain School signed an agreement stating lt would not return for an extension of this request, the school has a right to re-apply and the town has an obligation to bring the application through the development review process. Staff believes there are outstanding issues that preclude the school's ability to commence construction in the immediate future. 2.The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. The requesled conditional use permit will have positive effects on the immediate needs of the school to meet growing demands. Each temporary classroom will allow the schoolto provide educational opportunities for up to 18 students. The slructures will also provide the Board with additional time to pursue expansion opportunities to meet the school's long-term needs. lt should be noted that the temporary classrooms should not be considered as a long-term solution to the school's demand for space. Slaff does not believe this request will have any negative impacts upon the other above-listed lacilities. Effect upon traffic wlth particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal ol snow from the street and parking areas. Vail Mountain School recently took measures to realign their parking and drop-off areas in an effort to provide a more efficient circulation system. Thus far, the result has been positive with a significant reduction in traffic congestion along the frontage road during peak periods. The re-alignment of the parking circulation provides additional "staging" area for cars on-site during peak'drop off" periods. Vail Mountain School states the additional (18-20 student) capacity of the new modular structure should not impact parking needs as the students (high school freshmen) will not have parking privileges al the school. Statf does not believe this request will have any negative impacts upon the other above-listed issues. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Staff believes that due to the exterior improvements proposed (including landscaping), the location of the structure on the school site, and the temporary nature of the building, the temporary classrooms will have minimal negative impacts on the character of the area. The proposed structures comply with previously approved setback provisions on the property. FINDINGS The Planning and Environmenlal Commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes ol the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 3. 4. o That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimentalto lhe public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. 'l/ai[ Mounta t ln ScfiooI PMA/ty Mr. Brent Wilson Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Wilson: Vail Mountain School has submitted a request for a conditional use permit to extend the lease on the modular unit placed on campus in August, 1999. We also may request placement of a second modular unit on campus. These requests are being made to help us through the period of fund raising, final building design, and construction. It is our hope and our intention to begin building in May, 2002 with completion before December of that year. A master plan for the campus was approved on April 24, 2000, and we went to work immediately on the first steps of addressing it. As of this time we have cleared the land for construction at a cost of $325,000 and have developed working drawings with the architectural firm of Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Architects, and Beck and Associates, the contractor. We have hired a professional fund raising team whose work will be completed in May, at which time we will implement all of the fund raising strategies which we have been developing since the fall of this academic year. We hope you will view the steps already taken as an earnest effort to replace the temportry building and the second one we are requesting at the soonest possible time with a permanent structure that will add to our program and enhance the neighborhood. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Februarv 27.2001 Peter M. Abuisi Headmaster Sincerely, 3160 KATSOS RANCH ROAD. VAIL, COLORADO 81657 . 970-476-3850' FAX 970-476-3860 Mar-14-01 1 3: 38; tl tl tl il ll il \tl tl rJl / Page 212 Sent By: GWATHMEY PRATT SCHULTZ ARCHITECT;97O 476 1612i e t .,S I I t .i r \\\ \ ffi "ct -\ b O, z. o-",oa.& 6.. 9,? lai a' tt rl ll --- I il '\t.- F'l Y ,1 : rl I tl \ii )r tl ll tl il +t j .T o E s t. 6 J I t { # tl tl ll ll t, *ii -J I I 5-19-1999 12:56PM rt SNO|,/DON AND HOPKINS 97ad767l91 lRoM fr o{ Ilail fu[ountain Scfioa{ May 19,1999 Town of Vail Design Review Board 75 South Frontage Road Vail CO 81658 Dear Design Review Board Memb€ni: - Thank yo1r-!ol considcring our requcst to place a modular classroom on campus for academic ycars 1999-2000 and 2@&2001. Having $is temporay space will allow us to oherour program to a new grade of students and to create a more suitable cornputer lab. ^ I apprcc-iate your concern that &e rnodular unit would be removed after two years (twenry- four months). lVe would !e pleased to comrnit to that timc limitation. Wc arc hodorabli peopie and would not enrer inro this agreement wirh false inrentions. Please contact. me if you have questions or wish to viow the site. Thank you for your considcration of this rcqucst. Peter M. Abuisi Headmast€r PMA/ty r-b 3160 KATSOS RANCH ROAD o.VAIL, CQLORADO 81657 r (920) 476-a850 r FAX (970) 476-3960 (-| MEMOS Vail Mountain School Redevelopment 2002 August 20, 2002 Town Gouncil A request to amend: the Land Use Plan desig emi Public for Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12rn Fi approved mitigation on Tract C, Block 1 and Lot rezone Lots 11 and 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12'n Filing to the General Use Zone District | \,r. FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Vail Town Council Department of Community Development August 20, 2002 A request to amend: the Land Use Plan designation from Low Density Residential to Public/Semi Public for Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12'n Filing; amend the rockfall hazard map to show approved mitigation on Tract C, Block 1 and Lot 12, Block 2 of Vail Village 12th Filing; and to rezone Lots 11 and 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12rh Filing and Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12'n Filing to the General Use Zone District Applicant: Vail Mountain School represented by Braun and Associates Planner: Russell Forrest DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant is requesting the following: 1 ) Resolution 12, Series ot 2002: A request to modify the official Town of Vail Rockfall Hazard Map to indicate approved mitigation for 3160 N. Frontage Road/Lot 12, Block 2, and Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12'n Filling; 2) Resolution 13, Series of 2002: A request to amend the official Town of Vail Land Use Map for Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12'n Filing from Low Density Residential to Public/Semi-Public; 3) Ordinance 21, Series of 2002: A request to rezone Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing to General Use, The northern portion of this lot is zoned Agriculture Open Space; 4) Ordinance 22, Series of 2002'. A request to rezone 3010 Booth Falls Road/Lot 1 1, Block 2, Vail Village 12'n Filing from Two-Family Residential to General Use; 5) Ordinance 23, Series of 2OO2: A request to rezone Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12'n Filing from Two-Family Residential to General Use; The applicant will also be asking for the Town Council to approve of the final plat and the dedication of land involved with moving Katsos Ranch Road at the time a final plat is submitted. RECOMMENDATION BY THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) On August 12,2002, the Planning and Environmental Commission unanimously recommended to the Town Council that they approve the above mentioned requests. The PEC also approved of three conditional use permits (conditions are in attachment B) and a preliminary plat for a major subdivision request. The DRB has reviewed the application and was generally very supportive of the building design. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS FOR OECISION MAKING Staff would like to remind the Town Council that new criteria and findings were approved in 2002 for rezoning and text amendments. These criteria and findings should be referenced as outlined beginning on page 13 of the PEC memo in any motion on this proposed ordinance. The criteria for amending the Land Use Plan are on pages 1 1-1 3. The criteria and findings for amending the hazard maps are on pages 21 - 22 of the staff memo. SIGNIFICANT ISSUES Attachments: 1. Ordinances and Resolutions . Resolution 12: Rock Fall Plan Amendment o Resolution 13: Land Use Plan Amendment . Ordinance 21 Rezoning of Lot 12 , Block 2, Vail Village 12'n Filing o Ordinance 22 Rezoning of Lot 1 1 , Block 2 Vail Village 12th Filing . Ordinance 23 Rezoning of Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12'n Filing 2. Conditions from PEC on Conditional Use Permits 3. Memo to Planning and Environmental Commission (includes plans) Applications: The applicant has had 4 meetings with the PEC and one meeting with the DRB regarding the development plan for the school. Prior to submitting an application, the Vail Mountain School met with adjacent property owners to discuss the project and strategies for addressing adjacent property owner concerns. The application did change significantly as the project was reviewed by both the neighborhood and the Town's boards. Most significantly, the site disturbance on Tract C was significantly reduced and the applicant is now proposing one zoning (General Use) for the entire development site. The Land Use Designation for Lot 11 and Lot 12 is Public/Semi Public. The applicant is requesting a Land Use Amendment for Tract C from Low Density Residential to Public Semi Public. 2000 Approval: The applicant did receive approval for a development plan in 2000. The applicant did not act on that development plan but choose to continue to work on it's planning for the school and expand its land area for the school by acquiring Lot 1 1 , Tennis Court area on Lot 12, and Tract C. The applicant is asking for the same approximate number of teachers, students, and class rooms as was aooroved in 2000. Overall Mass and Heiqht: The maximum height is 41 feet. The proposed structures are larger than the 2000 development plan with approximately 87,300 square feet of gross floor area versus approximately 55,390 square feet of floor area approved in the 2000 master plan, which is nearly 58% increase in floor area. lt is important to note that the Vail Mountain School has increased its land area from 6.1 acres to 9.18 acres. That is an approximately 50% increase in total lot area. Overall site coverage for development plan is 157o versus the 2000 approved site coverage of 14.1%. Emplovee Housing: With the additional class rooms that were proposed in the 2000 master plan 2 employee housing units were required (30% of new employees). The applicant is proposing 8 employee housing units on Tract C. Circulation and Parkinq: Currently there are traffic congestion problems on Katsos Ranch Road when school is over at the end of the day. The School is proposing a new circulation plan that would eliminate school traffic on Katsos Ranch Road except for the I employee housing units on Tract C. A new exit lane would be created of the new parking lot directly onto the Frontage Road. Therefore traffic circulation on Katsos Ranch should be significantly improved and the Traffic lmpact Analysis concludes that there should be no significant impact on Booth Creek Road. Parking stays the same at 116 parking spaces as was approved in 2000. The applicant is proposing 20 additional valet parking spaces for events. Environmental lmpacts: Staff required an Environmental lmpact Report for the project. Please contact staff for a copy if you would like to review it. There are existing trees that would be removed as the result of the project. Approximately 330 aspens and 40 evergreens would be removed. However, the landscape plan helps mitigate that impact. The applicant is proposing to add 445 deciduous trees and 250 evergreen trees to the site as part of the landscaping plan. ORDINANCE NO 21 Series of 2002 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 12, ZONING REGULATIONS, CHAPTER 5, ZONING MAP; REZONING LOTS 12, BLOCK 2, VAIL VILLAGE 12TH FILING FROM THE AGRICULTURE OPEN SPACE DISTRICT TO THE GENERAL USE DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Town Council finds the amendment is consistent with the Zoning Regulations, and that the amendment is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses and appropriate for the surrounding areas; and WHERAS, the Town Council finds the amendment supports a coherent and harmonious development plan for the Vail Mountain School and is consistent with the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the development objectives of the Town . WHEREAS, the Town Council considers it in the interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to amend the official Town of Vail Zoning Map. WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail has recommended approval of these zoning map amendments in accordance with the approved criteria and findings for a rezoning as per Ordinance # 4, Series of 2002 at its August 11th,2002 meeting; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that this amendment is in accordance with the approved criteria and findings for a rezoning as per Ordinance # 4, Series of 2002. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF Ordinance No 11 , Series ol 1998 I O vAlL, coLoMDo, rHAr: Section 1. The Official Zoning Map of the Town of Vail is hereby amended as follows: That Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing from Agriculture Open Space to General Use; as shown in attached map Exhibit A.. Section 2. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 3. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 4. The amendment of any provision of the Town Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision amended. The amendment of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 5. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall Ordinance No. 'l 1 , Series of 1998 not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST READING this 20th day of August, 2O02 and a public hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 17h Day of September, 2002, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Ludwig Kuz, Mayor Attest: O Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this 17th day of September,2002. Ludwig Kuz, Mayor Attest: Lorelei Donaldson. Town Clerk Ordinance No. 11 , Series of 1998 Attachment A Ordinance No. 11 , Series of 1998 ORDINANCE NO 22 Series ol 20O2 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 12, ZONING REGULATIONS, CHAPTER 5, ZONING MAP; REZONING LOTS 11, BLOCK 2, VAIL VILLAGE 12TH FILING FROM THE TWO FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO THE GENERAL USE DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Town Council finds the amendment is consistent with the Zoning Regulations, and that the amendment is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses and appropriate for the surrounding areas; and WHERAS, the Town Council finds the amendment supports a coherent and harmonious development plan for the Vail Mountain School and is consistent with the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the development objectives of the Town . WHEREAS, the Town Council considers it in the interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to amend the official Town of Vail Zoning Map. WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Gommission of the Town of Vail has recommended approval of these zoning map amendments in accordance with the approved criteria and findings for a rezoning as per Ordinance # 4, Series of 2002 at its August 11th,2002 meeting; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that this amendment is in accordance with the approved criteria and findings for a rezoning as per Ordinance # 4, Series of 2002. O Now, THEREFoRE, BE rr oRDATNED By rHE TowN couNcrL oF THE TowN oF Ordinance No. 11 , Series of 1998 o vArL, coLoRADo, rHAr: Section 1. The Official Zoning Map of the Town of Vail is hereby amended as follows: That Lot 1 1, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing from Two-Family Residential to General Use; as shown in attached map Exhibit A.. Section 2. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. O Section 3. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 4. The amendment of any provision of the Town Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision amended. The amendment of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 5. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall Ordinance No. 'l l , Series of 1998 not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST READING this 20th day of August, 2002 and a public hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 17h Day of September, 2002, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Ludwig Kuz, Mayor Attest: O Lorelei Donaldson. Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this 17th day of September,2OO2. Ludwig Kuz, Mayor Attest: Lorelei Donaldson. Town Clerk Ordinance No. 11 , Series of 1998 Attachment A Ordinanc€ No. 11 . Sories of 1998 ORDINANCE NO 23 Series of 20O2 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 12, ZONING REGULATIONS, CHAPTER 5, ZONING MAP; REZONING TRACT C, BLOCK 1, VAIL VILLAGE 12TH FILING FROM THE TWO FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO THE GENERAL USE DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Town Council finds the amendment is consistent with the Zoning Regulations, and that the amendment is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses and appropriate for the surrounding areas; and WHERAS, the Town Council finds the amendment supports a coherent and harmonious development plan for the Vail Mountain School and is consistent with the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the development objectives of the Town . WHEREAS, the Town Council considers it in the interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to amend the official Town of Vail Zoning Map. WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail has recommended approval of these zoning map amendments in accordance with the approved criteria and findings for a rezoning as per Ordinance# 4, Series of 2002 at its August 11th,2OOz meeting; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that this amendment is in accordance with the approved criteria and findings for a rezoning as per Ordinance # 4, Series of 2002. O Now, THEREFoRE, BE rr oRDATNED By rHE TowN couNcrL oF THE TowN oF Ordinance No. |1 , Series of 1998 O vArL, coLoMDo, rHAr: Section 1. The Official Zoning Map of the Town of Vail is hereby amended as follows: That Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12th Filing from Two-Family Residential to General Use; as shown in attached map Exhibit A.. Section 2. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof" regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. O Section 3. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 4. The amendment of any provision of the Town Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision amended. The amendment of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 5. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, O inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall Ordinanc€ No 11 , Series of 1998 O not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST READING this 20th day of August, 2002 and a public hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 17th Day of September, 2002, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Ludwig Kuz, Mayor Attest: O Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this 17th day of September, 2002. Ludwig Kurz, Mayor Attest: Lorelei Donaldson. Town Clerk Ordinance No. 11 , Series of 1998 Attachment A Ordinance No. 11 , Serios of 1998 o o Odlnan€ No. 11 . Seri€sof 1996 l1 Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A OurOrderNo. V274179 Cust. Ref.: Property Address: LOT II, BLOCK2, VA]LVILLAGE, TWELFTH FILING TRACT C, VAIL VILLAGE TWELFTH FILING 1. EffectiveDate: Octoberz3,z}Ol at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: 'AITA' Owner's Policy 10-17-92 Proposed Insured: VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL. COLORADO NON-PROFTT CORPORATION 3. The estate or inter€st in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: 4 pss gimple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effettive date hereof vested in: JOHN A. BIJRDICK AS TO PARCEL I TI-IE VAIL CORPORATION, A COLORADO CORPORATION AS TO PARCEL 2 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: PARCEL 1: LOT 1I, BLOCK 2, VAIL VILLAGE, TWELFTH FILING, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 16,I972IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 89, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL 2: TRACT C, VAIL VILLAGE, TWELFTH FILING, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 16, 1972 ]N BOOK 225 AT PAGE 89, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. al ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 @xceptions) Our Order No. Y274179 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: t . Rights or cleims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by dre public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, anrl any facts which a co[ect survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter fumished, imposed by law and not shownby the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse cleims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or. attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for vaiue the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commiturent. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. 7. Uens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 8. In additioq the owner's policy wilI be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGTIT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UMTED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 06. 1905. IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 273. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UMTED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 06, 1905. IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 273. 1I. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX. HANDICAP. FAMILIAI STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND oNLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) rS EXEMPT TTNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAPPED PERSONS, AS CONTA]NED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 16. 1972,IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 88 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 25. 1972.IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 475. 12. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE PLAT OF VAIL VLLAGE TWELFTH FILING RECORDED AUGUST 16, 1972IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 89. ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section2 @xccptions) Our Order No. Y274179 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaclion of the Company: (THE ABOVE ITEMS AFFECT BOTH PARCELS) 13. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF JOINT RESOLUTION AND NOTICE OF ENCUMBRANCE RECORDED DECBMBER 30. 1991 IN BOOK 569 AT PAGE 626. (THE ABOVB ITEM AFFECTS PARCEL 1) irom Lano tt!te lne') tt nef zuul tl:+-t:zl, ,tl, m5l tdge J ur .lr Cldc€o Tlde lnsuece CoDFry ALTA CO}I}ItTIVIENT Sdredule .{ Our Order No. Vt &6-7 CusL ReL: Proprrtt Addr€s: I]OT lL BLoCK Z VAIL YILT.AGE. T1IELFTH EILING A PORNO:{ O}'LI)T T2. BI,oCK A V-AIL VIIIAGE- Tltr&FT}T FILNG l Erecttve Dol€! UgrLll-2002 rr S:00 P.M. 2. Pollcy lo be hsued, ed Proposed lDsured: 'ALTA" O$Rr's Poncy l0-l7-92 1405,000.00 hoFs€d InsEedj VAIL MOUI\TAIN SCHOo{+ @LORADO I\ON-PROFTT CORPOMTI(N 'ALTA" Lqr PolkJ 10-17-92 PmFsed lltutdi ALPII\TBA\K f40s, mo.m 3, Th€ cst8tc ol Intcrtst ir thc lr|rd de$crtbcd or rrf€rr€d ro in lhLs Commltsr€nl snd co!'ercd hcrciD isl A F€r Sir$e 4. Tltlc to the esirte or lnterBl coycrcd hereln ls rt th€ efiectlw dde hereof ve$ted lnr .IOIIN A. AURDTCIL .AS TO PAR(]H- 1 - VAIL MOL-\TAIN SCE@I. Cfi,ORADO IiON-PRSTT CONPORATTOi.I. AS TO PARC-EL 2 5. Thc land relcrrtd lo ln thls CoEmitsn€nt is dcscrlb,cd as follows! SEE ATTACIID PAGq$ FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTIOITI From L8rd Title lved 27 Mar 2002 11:41:20 ,tlt lrST Page 4 of 11 Frorn Land Titl€It/ed 27 Mar 2002 11:41:20 AM MST Page 7 of lL ALTA CO}4 IIItT}IENT SdrddeB-Socdon2 (ErepllorB) our Order Io. v?:l4$'7 Th€ poticy or polkirs l,o be issu€d wlll conLsin cxceptioDs to the followhB uDless tht samc rr€ disPosed of lo thcE dslaction ot th€ CornpaDy: l. ftgllls or cldIIE of Frdes tD poss8rlon mt slElrr by tlE Fib[c ltcort. 2. Esgfl|eft, or clelrE oI q6€uHlts, Dt sbvn bt lbc F.rulc ttcorG 3. Dlscl€Frcli.s, corflcb h boudsry tlrE, shrlsge In ates, encrEhrEnts, d flt trcb wHch I corrccl slllrejr cnd tupecdon ot tE Fends€s would dlsclos€ ud Bldch ale Dt slDqn by tlE Frlllc record6. 4. Ary lten, or dgbl !o c lle4 fora€rvlces, lrhor or nrderld lbelltofore or bledler fimlEhed, In4.'6€d by lsu erd |Dl stEqn bt tlt FHic trcods. 5. D?tccb, licrr, erplrrhsrcs, dverse dailE or otE ltnltrs, if ry, ct!tr4 llst rperrirE in ltE PSIic rflords or rttatdrB sub6eq[tl|l to ttE €fec[ve daac lEr€of l|d Fior to lhe d*4 the pmposfd ir|sutd e.quires oI rcclrd for vdtE the csbl4 or l eltst or lmrtEogc thenon covqrd by tlfu CarrrdarrEnl 6. Tsres or sFciel 8ssesstc $ xtlch src Dt shvn s exirtiB lieE by the FrHic rccol*. ?. Ijens lor |mFid vabr Ed sercr <lEB€$, lf rrJ'. t. h dddoD h owDeis po[q. slll be slbJcd b ilc Imr!g4e, lt 8ry' mEd In S€cdon I ot S{hcdrl€ B lE]eof' 9. RIGTIT OF PROPRILTOR OF A V'Ef\ OR LODE TO UTNACT AJ\D IIEMOVE TIIS ORE TEENEFROM SHOLI.D TEE SA\IE BE FOU:{D TO PEFIETXA1II OR INTEBSECT THE SREMISES AS RESER!-ED IN UNITED SI'A'ITS PATET'{T NECORDI'D IIIAY 06, T9O5, IN BOOK 4t AT PAGE 273- 10. RIGI{T OF WAY FOR DTTCIIES OR CANAIS CONSTRUCTED BY THI] AUTIIORITY OF TIIE TI-ITIED STATES.AS NESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATEIT NBCORDED MAY ff. Illos, IN BOOK 4E AT PAGE 273. rT, RESTTIC'ITV-E C\O\'EI{ANTS. IVEICI] DO }IOT CONTAIN A FORFEITUNE OR RE!'ERTER q-AUSE, BUT olt{ITTING ANY coVH{A-\T OR nESTRICTI(X.{ BASF.D Or.l RACE Cq-OB RELTGIOi{, SDT ITAIIiDICIP, FAMILI,AL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNI,ESS .A.\D ONLY TO TIIE D(TENT TBAT SAID COVEI\ANT (A) TS UEITPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTIOI 36fi OF THE (AIIID STATES CDDE OR (B) REI-ATES TO EANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DLSCRIMD{ATE AGANST HANDICAPPED PERsoNs, AS Coi'{TANED IN NSTRU}IEiIT NEC\oRDED AUGUST T5, 1972T IN BOOK 225 A1'PAGE 88 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRTJMEI\T RI'CONDED SEFTE}IDM. 25, TY'I IN BOOK 225 A'I' PAffi /'5. 1Z r!,ASttMEt\TS, COl,iDmOr$ COVEI\AI\'TS, RBSTRImIONS, RESEnVATI(XIS Al{D :{OTl{i ()l! ,IIIE PI-AT OT VAL YITI.AGE TIi'ELFTH FtrING RECORDED AUGT]SI'16, I'2 IN R(X)K 225 /rT PAGE 69. Fron Land Titl€ lred 27 Mar 2002 1114L:20 AM MST Page I of 11 , A L1.A CO}T}IITItIENT Sdedule B - Sectbn 2 (Er$palons)Our Order No. V7':I4E,A6-7 The potl(v or polici€s ao be kuued will conliln €xaeptiorB 10 dre tolhwl4 |Dl€ss the e|mc sre disPosed ot to lhe sstislactlon of th€ CoEpaDt: TIIE ABOVE ITEIVIS AFFECI- PARCEL 1 13. RIGIIT OF PROPRIETOR OF A I-EN OR LODE TO EXIRACT AND RB{OVE HIS ONE TEERETROM SHOL1D TgD SA}TE BE FOTI\ID TO PENETTATE OR INTERSF,CT TIIE PNEMISf,ls AS RESERi-M IN UNITED STATES P.{TENT XECORDED III{Y 05. 1905. IN B(X)K la AT PAGE 273. 14 RIGIIT OF }I'AY FOR D]TCHLS OR CA}{AI..S CONSTRUCTF,D BY 'I'TM AUITIORIT"I' OF TTIE U\lrrED S'I A'rES AS RESERVTqD IN UNTTED Sr ATES P TETT RllcoRDED MAY 06. r90s. IN B()OK.|8 AT PAGE 27J. 15. RBSTTICTTV'E COIEI\-ANTS VITIICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REI'ERTER CI.AUSE. BUT OMITIING AI\1 COV'EI{A}IT OR NESTRICTION BASED OT..I RACE. CNI'R RE.TGTOITI. SE}C HAIiDICAP. FAMILIAL STA'I-[]S OR NATIONA I, ORIGIN UNLISS AND O\I,Y TO TIIE D(TE\T' TIiAT SAID COVI]NANT (A) TS UEIIIFT UNDER CHAPIER 42. SECTIOI 36{t7 OF THE [I{MD S'TATES CODE OR (B) RE.ATES TO TiANDIC.{P BU'I' DOES NOT DBCRIMI\ATE ACANSI HANDTCAP PERSONS AS COIITAII\ED IN INSTRTI}IE{T RECORDED AUGUST T6. T97Z IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE EE A]D .{S AMENDED IN INSTRTJMENT RF,XONDED SEPTEIIBER 15. IY'2. IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE /}?5. 16. TEruIXS. CO\-DITIONS A}ID PROVISIONS OF COh]VEYANCE OF UT'II,ITI'EASEMEYI' ntscoRDu) r\{AY 24. ry,3 N BOiOK 229 AT PAGD 274. 17. EIISEMEI\-TS. RFJSERVATIMS AND RESTHCTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERI'ED ON TIIE RECORDU) PIAT OF VAIL V-ILIAGE T1IELFTH I'IT \G 18. 20 FOOT UTILITY tsASEIIEI\'T AIJO]{G THE NORTIIEASTERLY IJOT LINE OF SUB.IECT PROfERTY. TWO SEPAXATE 2{} F@T UTILTTY EASIEMEITIIS TRAV'ER.SING FORTTONS OF STJBIECT PNOPERTT. AND 30 FOOT UTILITY EASEME\T AI'}IG THE SOUTEERLY I-OT LI]\-E OF SUB.IECT PROPFJRTA'. ALL AS SHOWN ON TEE PIAT NFTORDED AIJ@ST 16. rY,2 N BOOK 225 AT PAGE 88. 19. TERMS. CO}iDMONS A\D PROVISIONS OE CICTr)DITIO\S CONTAINM IN OUIT4I.Arlt DI'ED NECORDED (X]TI}BER 14. l9M N B@K 3I1 AT PAGE 24. From Lard Title lied 27 Mar 2OO2 U:4L:20 AM MST Page 9 of 11 ALTA CO}IYTTIVIENT Schedde B - Soctbn 2 (Exctpalons) our Order 1{o. v274f'8l;-7 Thc policy or polides to be issucd vtll contsln exceptiorE to th€ tolktwtq Et€sE abc same arc dlf,Poscd of 10 thc ssdslsctlon of thc Cornpo||J/: m. B(X)K lt79 AT PAGE 837. 2L TERMS COI\-DMONs A\ID PROVISTONS OF AITIE\DED AND NESTATED DECI-ARATI(XI] RECORDD MAY 02" 2m1 AT RECEPTIO\ )'lo. 7s60sr. 2?. DEED OF TRUST DATtr) APHL 3(I. ]IIOI. FROI{ VAIL MOUN'TAIN SCHOOL COTORADO IrIO-.{-PNOFTT @RFORATIO\ 'I O TIfE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF C(X-NTY FOT TEE T-SE OF ALPTNE BANK TO SECURE TTTE SUI\{ (xi $2sO.t}m.OO RECORDED MAY O2. 2OOT. UNDER nEc@TIoI{ lio. 7s50s3. TEE ABOI-E rtSUS AFFECT PARCEL 2 , Spoth Feed SheetsrM [3,' and Mrs.Adatr 3035 BooLh f alls Road Varl CO 61G57 Caulkrns F amrly 7 arLnershp | 600 broadway, # l4OO Denver CO 60202 Mr. and Mrs.Danson 3OO5A Boolh Falls Road Varl CO 81657 Ms.Flowers 4 | Foxchase Drve Dothan AL 3630 | Dr. and Mrs.Gottleb 3O2l BooLh falls Road Varl CO 61657 V.Johnston ?O tsox 2444 fdwards CO 61632 Mr. and Mrs.Lamb 3 | 30 booth Falls Court Varl CO 61657 Mr. and Mrs.Lrscher | 226 ?ne Acre BetLendorl lA 52722 Mr. and Mrs.McCormrck 7O4 Avenda ZaVata Rancho Vrelo TX 76575 ))pvs tnterprses -._tar45 tfa?? Lane Wnnelka lL 60093 Mr.DenneLt TODox ICCC Varl CO El65B Mr. and Mrs.Cobb l3l9 5. Downnq Slreel uenvet LU oultu Mr. and Mrs.Eqqers 3OO5 Booth lalls Road Varl CO ElG57 Mr.Garton ?O Box 789 Vat CO El65E Mr. and Mrs.Gverry 3 l3OB Booth Falls Court Varl CO 81657 Mr. and Mrs.Katz I O35 ?earl Street, 5th Floor Boulder CO 60302 Mr. Leavrtt PO Box 2340 frsco CO 80443 Mr.Lubrn 323C Katsos Ranch Road Varl CO 61C57-4G35 Ms.McLaughhn ?OBox I 12 Varl CO 61656 Mr. and Mrs.Parlament 324 1 KaLsos Ranch Road Varl CO 61657 Use template for 5160@ Mr. and Mrs.Cadmug 261 tsndqe SLreel Val CO 61C57 Mr. and Mrs.Current 3235 Katgos Rznch Road Varl CO ElC57 Mr. and Mrs.f eeney 3 | 454 tsooLh Talls Court Varl CO 8t657-4G29 Mr. and Mrs.Gazoqlu 3 | 20 tsooth Falls Covrc Varl CO 61657 Mr. and Mrs.Jasper 24738 Foothrlls Drrve No. Golden CO 6040l Ms.Kuhlke l50 | E. Stanlord Avenve Enqlewood CO EOI lO Mr. Lrnafelter 62 Glenmoor Place Enqlewood CO EO I l O Ms.Marsh 30 | | -A Boolh Falls Road Varl CO 81C57 Mr.Navas I E3 Gore Creek Drve Varl CO 61657 Mr. and Mrs.Pper ?O Box 5560 Avon CO B1620 V\ @o*ttt Address labels 5160@ Smooth Feed Sheetsrt I l6 Wfthershrnn Drrve Charlotte NC 26262 I 0275 Ltttle Patuxent Fkwy. 32 Charlov Crcle Columbra MD 21044 Enalewood CO 60 | | | Mr. andMrs.ScotL Mr.Speck Mr. and Mrs.Stermle 93C Detroft Street 54Ol W. Mocknqbrd Ln. PO B,ox 2024 Denver CO 6O2OG Dallas TX 75209 Varl CO 61656 Mr.9tory Ms.TnmTo-Oskargson Use template for 51600 Ms. Jones and Ms.Schabacker Mr.Vukhac 1335 3. Downrnq Street Denver CO 60210 'vu.'J,,urt, andMr.Remers O *ru" lnvestmentCo. O 3230 Katsos Ranch Road l2l9 6thStreet Varl CO 01657 5oulder CO 60302 Mr.Wurts Mr.Wyman | | CedarWay 31 9. flarrrsongtreet Ro Concord MA 01742 Easton MD 2t6OI 2l Ln WC @^*otr Address Labels Laser 51600 ^. ,o-,CIgrg Josel Ronald tsraddock FO Box lOO5 O*r,?A te3tz Town of Varl ?otato Patch ?artners ShaVro Const. Co. ?ensron ?lan 75 5. Frontaqe Road 765 PoLato Patch Dnve ?O Box 5640 Varl, CO 61657 Varl, CO 61657 Avon, CO Ot62O Mew l-aprn DtqhornMutual san. f ?ec. co Eaqle Aver water 15an' Dstnct' z3z w. Meadow Drve clo Allen ?achmayer 646 forest Road Varl, co 6tG57 4zo4 cotumbneway #4 Varl' co 61657 Vail, CO 6165 Robert D. thultz, Jr. Varl East Lodqrnq Assoc. 9kr Club Varl 4 | | 2 5prvce Way 4093 E. Spruce Way 34 ?O Box 5 | 6 Varl, CO A | 657 Varl, CO O I G57 Vat, CO 61656 Lodqe At lonshead Assoaatron 360 E. Lronshead Crcle Varl, CO 61657 Town of Varl 75 3. Frontaqe Road Varl, CO 81657 d"t sserPPv oruenv@ Varl CorT PO BoxT Varl, CO 61656 609tS tQ elrlduel asl nrsFe{S PaeJ qpours G,. rrEM MAYAFFE.T"or* r*otr" PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on July 8,2002, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a final review and recommendations of the following applications related to the proposed redevelopment of the Vail Mountain School: 1 ) A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to rezone 3010 Booth Falls Road/Lot 1 1, Block 2, Vail Village 12'n Filing from Two-Family Residential to General Use; 2) A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to rezone Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12'n Filing from Two-Family Residential to General Use; 3) A request for a recommendation to amend the official Town of Vail Land Use Map for Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12'n Filing from Low Density Residential to Public/Semi- Public; 4) A request for an amendment to the previously approved development plan and a new conditional use permit for a private educational institution and an active outdoor recreation area on 301 0 Booth Falls Road/Lot 1 'l , Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing and 3160 N. Frontage Road EasUa part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12'n Filing; 5) A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of eight Type lll EHUs located on Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12'n Filing; 6) A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a private educational institution and active outdoor recreation area located at 3160 N. Frontage Rd. EasUa part of Lot 12, Block 2, VailVillage'l2th Filing; 7) A request for a for a conditional use permit to allow for temporary modular classroom structures located at 3160 N. Frontage Rd. EasU a part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing. 8) A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to modify the official Town of Vail Rockfall Hazard Map to indicate approved mitigation for 3160 N. Frontage 'Road/Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village''|2'n Flling; 9) A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a text amendment to Section 12-84-8 (Density), Vail Town Code, to amend the GRFA requirements in the Ag and Open Space Zone District Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: Russ Forrest A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to of an amendment to Section 12-7A-7 (Height), Vail Town Code, to increase the maximum allowable building height in the Public Accommodation Zone District. Applicant: Bob Lazier, represented by Jay Peterson Planner: George Ruther A request for a final review of a major subdivision; a request for a conditional use permit to allow for a private educational institution and to construct employee housing; and setting forth details in regards known as "Mountain Bell"/an unplatted piece of property, located at platted as Lot 1, Middle Creek subdivision. worksession to discuss a development plan approval thereto, located at the site 160 N. Frontage Rd./to be Applicant: Planner: Vail Local Housing Authority, represented by Odell Architects Allison Ochs t --,., ; A request for a recomm"no"il to the Vail Town Council to amend otu"n Park Master Plan and a request for a final review of an amendment for the previously approved development plan, to allow for the construction of the Donovan Park Pavilion, located at 1600 S. Frontage Rd. WesUUnolatted Donovan Park. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by VAg, Inc.Planner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. fhe public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published June 21, 2OQ2in the Vail Daily. I August 12,2002 Amendment to the Vail Mountain School Development Plan and associated rezoning, conditional use permit, and hazard area amendment requests located at Lots 11 and 12, Block 2, VailVillage 12h and Trac{ C, Block 1, VailVillage 12h o Attachment 3 MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: August 12,2002 SUBJECT: Amendment to the Vail Mountain School Development Plan and associated rezoning, conditional use permit, and hazard area amendment requests located at Lots 1 1 and 12, Block 2, Vail Village 1 2'n and Tract C, Block 1 , Vail Village 12tn Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by Braun and Associates Planner: Russ Forest O r. .,MMARY The applicant is requesting final decisions and recommendations on the various applications that have been submitted to redevelop the Vail Mountain School. lt is critical that the Planning and Environmental Commission utilize the criteria and findings referenced in section Vl of this memorandum in considering a decision. There are a total of nine applications involved with this proposal. The Planning and Environmental Commission should reference section ll for a summary of those applications that the Planning and Environmental Commission makes a recommendation to the Town Council on those applications where they are making a final decision. Since the last Planning and Environmental Commission meeting on July 22nd meeting the applicant has: . Created a pedestrian trail from the north parking area to the school.r Further moved the soccer field away from the street.r Completed a lighting plan o Created a pedestrian connection to the bus stop. il.DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST This project involves the following properties: Parcel Current Zoning and Use Proposed Zoning and Use Lot Size Property Owner 1 ) Lot 12 S , Block 2, Vail Village 12th (Current SchoolSite) General Use (GU) General Use Zoningl school, soccer field & 88 parking spaces 6.1 acres Vail Mountain School 2) Lot 12 (applicant has referred to property as 12N), Block 2 VailVillage 12th (Tennis Court Site) This site was not properly subdivided and is actually part of Lot 12. Agriculture Open Space (AOS) General Use Zoningl 12 parking spaces, relocated cabin 1.28 acres Vail Mountain School (Previously owned by the Booth Falls Homeowners Associations) 3) Lot 11, Block 2, Vail Village 12* (lot directly west of current soccer field) Two Family Residential General Use/ Soccer Field .408 acres Vail Mountain School 4) Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12tn Two Family Residential General Use/ 8 EHUs & 16 parking spaces required for EHUs 1.19 acres Vail Resorts Project Area The following is a summary of the applications for this project: Applications that the Planninq and Environmental Commission will make a recommendation on: 1) A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to rezone 3010 Booth Falls Road/Lot 1 1, Block 2, Vail Village 12'n Filing from Two-Family Residential to General Use; 2) A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to rezone Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing to General Use, The northern portion of this lot is zoned Agriculture Open Space; 3) A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to rezone Tract C, Block 1 , Vail Village 12th Filing from Two-Family Residential to General Use; 4) A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to modify the official Town of Vail Rockfall Hazard Map to indicate approved mitigation for 3160 N. Frontage Road/Lot 12, Block 2, and Tract C, Block 1 , Vail Village 12In Filling; 5) A request for a recommendation to amend the official Town of Vail Land Use Map for Tract C, Block 1 , Vail Village 12'n Filing from Low Density Residential to Public/Semi-Public; 1il. Aoplications that the Planninq and Environmental Commission will make a decision on: 6) A request for an amendment to the previously approved development plan and a new conditional use permit for a private educational institution and an active outdoor recreation area on 3010 Booth Falls Road/Lot 1 1 , Block 2, Vail Village 1 2tn Filing and 3160 N. Frontage Road EasU Lot 12, Block 2, VailVillage 12'n Filing; 7) A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of eight Type lll EHUs located on Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12tn Filing; 8) A request for a for a conditional use permit to continue to allow for the existing temporary modular classroom structures located at 3160 N. Frontage Road EasU a part of Lot 12, Block 2, VailVillage 12th Filing; 9) A request for a major subdivision and preliminary plat approval for the Vail Mountain School Subdivision, A resubdivision of Lots 11, 12, Tract C, and Katsos Ranch Road, Vail Village 12tn Filing in accordance with Title 13, Chapter 3, Vail Town Code, and setting forth details in regards thereto. The Town Council will also need to accept the dedication of land and approve of the subdivision. BACKGROUND 2000 Vail Mountain School Master Plan On June 8th, 1999, the Vail Town Council discussed Planning and Environmental Commission's decision to approve a conditional use permit (CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT) to allow for the addition of a temporary classroom structure at the Vail Mountain School. The Council agreed the CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT could be extended for an additional year if the applicant presented a master plan to the Council within one year. On April 24'n, 2000 the Vail Mountain School received approval for a development plan (master plan) and a conditional use permit for the expansion of the school facilities, including eight Type lll employee housing units. Attachment A summarizes the development parameters that were approved for the master plan. The Vail Mountain School Master Plan involves significant improvements constructed in two separate phases. Phase | (June 2000-Julv 2001) improvements include:. Demolition of the rockfall mitigation berm . Removal of the existing temporary classroom structure . Construction of an eight-classroom wing to the north of the existing building . An elevator connection to all floors . Reconfiguration of the existing access and parking area to allow for the addition of a "drop off' lane and additional parking. Phase ll (lonq{erm) improvements include:. Addition of a 300-seat auditorium . Faculty housing . Additional classrooms south of the gymnasium . Additional parking It is important to note that the proposed 2002 development plan and the approved 2000 master plan propose the same number of students (330 students) and 28 class rooms. The 2002 proposal does include a larger auditorium (400 seats versus 300). The total floor area is approximately 31,993 square feet larger than the 2000 master plan. Parking (116 spaces) and employee housing is proposed to be the same for the 2002 application and the 2000 master plan given that the number of students and faculty will remain the same. B. History of the Propefi The following is a brief synopsis of Vail Mountain School development over the last 20 years: 1972 -Yarl Village 12th Filing was annexed into the Town of Vail and platted. This subdivision plat shows Lot 12 at 8.66 acres in size. 1972-At the time of annexation Agriculture Open Space zoning was applied to Lot 12. The total area of the parcel was 8.66 acres. The minimum lot size of the Agriculture Open Space zone district is 35 acres. 1979 -Vail Resorts conveyed the Tennis Court site to the Booth Falls Homeowners through a quick claim deed. 1979{he first two story building was constructed on the site. 1980-Vail Resorts conveyed the land the school is on today to the Vail Mountain School. 1979 - Original 2-story building constructed 1984 - North classrooms and rockfall berm constructed (berm is no longer necessary) 1989 - Gymnasium and stage addition constructed 1992 - Additional story added to existing building 1995 - Library expansion 1999 - Temporary classroom structure constructed IV. ROLES OF REVIEWING BOARDS Order of Review: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by the Planning and Environmental Commission for acceptability of use and then by the Design Review Board for compliance of proposed buildings and srTe planning. A. Major Subdivision Planninq and Environmental Commission: Action: The Planning and Environmental Commission rs responsible for final approval/approval with conditions/denial of a major subdivision. Specifically the the code states: The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of this Chapter, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and B. Environmental Commission deems applicable. Due consideration shall be given to the recommendations made by public agencies, utility companies and other agencies consulted under subsection 13-3-3C above. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the application and consider its appropriateness in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrity and compatibility with the surrounding land uses and other applicable documents, effects on the aesthetics of the Town. (1997 Code: Ord. 2(1e83) S 1 Conditional Use Permit Plannino and Environmental Commission: Action: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval/approval with conditions/denial of a conditional use permit. The Planning and Environmental Commission will make recommendations to the Town Council on rezoning land, text amendments, and modification of hazard designations. The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and oublic facilities needs. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. 6. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmental impact report is required by Chapter 12 of this Title. The Planning and Environmental Commission is also responsible for prescribing the development parameters on General Use zoned land and ensuring the development parameters conform to approved zoning in other zone districts. The development parameters that must be considered include: e Lot area . Setbacks . Building Height 2. 3. 4. 5. . Density . GRFA . Site coverage . Landscape area . Parking and loading . Mitigation of development impacts C. Design Review Board Application Desiqn Review Board: The Design Review Board has no review authority on a conditional use permit, but must review any accompanying Design Review Board application. The Design Review Board is responsible for evaluating the Design Review Board proposal for: r Architectural compatibility with other structures, the land and surroundings o Fitting buildings into landscape . Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects the topography r Removal/Preservation of trees and native vegetation . Adequate provision for snow storage on-site . Acceptability of building materials and colors r Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms . Provision of landscape and drainage . Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory structures o Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances . Location and design of satellite dishes . Provision of outdoor lighting . The design of parks D. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a E. recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. Rezoning, Major Subdivision Town Council: The Town Council is the final decision making authority for a rezoning or a text amendment. Final actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission maybe appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the Planning and Environmental Commission or Design Review Board erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. The Town Council is also responsible for accepting land for public right of way in a Major Subdivision. SUMMARY OF PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION & DESIGN REVIEW BOARD INPUT o o o The Planning and Environmental Commission asked that a sensitive lighting plan be developed. Make the parking on Tract C more consolidated. There was some interest in moving the Headmasters House onto Tract C. The Planning and Environmental Commission wanted to see a management plan for the EHUs to show how the units would be used by employees of the school.o There was a comment to move Katsos Road further to the East to create more space for the school. There was a comment to subdivide the headmaster's house from the rest of the school and recreational field. There was a need for additional information on retaining walls and grade cnanges. Create enclosed parking for EHUs on Tract C There was concern expressed about the van parking on Tract C. There was agreement with Design Review Board that the height of the gymnasium could be reduced. There was general support that EHUs on Tract C were appropriate. There was some concern about the overall mass of the school. Some members did not support an amendment to add the 425 credit to the Agriculture Open Space Zone District. V. a a a a a a Julv 8th 2002 Plannino and Environmental Commission Meetinq . The Planning and Environmental Commission asked the applicant to rezone the tennis court area to either General Use or Single Family Residential. There was agreement that a more appropriate zoning should be used for the headmaster's house and the soccer field. o . The majority of Planning and Environmental Commission indicated that they would not support a text amendment for the Agriculture Open Space zone district to accommodate a425 GRFA credit.. The Planning and Environmental Commission did not approve of parking on the Frontage Rd for overflow parking.o There was some interest from the Planning and Environmental Commission in pursuing event parking at the Booth Falls trailhead.o The Planning and Environmental Commission wanted to see a sensitive lighting plan for the project.o The Planning and Environmental Commission stated that the fence beside the soccer field must be moved at least 10 feet from the edge of asphalt of Booth Falls Road.. Several members of the Planning and Environmental Commission commented that the school was addressing their concerns and moving in the right direction. Also the new plan was similar to the plan approved in 2000 in that the school would be accommodating the same number of students and would have the same number of staff. : Planning and Environmental Commission heard testimony from adjacent neighbors that the school was still too big and that the height should be further reduced to minimize the visual impact of the school. There was testimony regarding the need to remove parking from Tract C. Also lighting was a critical issue neighbors were concerned about. There were also comments that the school needed to improve trash removal and clean-up of the grounds. A letter from Wlnston Associates was provided to the Planning and Environmental Commission by several Katsos Ranch neighbors that outlined their position on the project and recommendations for Tract C. Julv 22nd 2002 Plannino and Environmental Commission Meetinq . The Planning and Environmental Commission asked that a pedestrian trail be created between the north parking lot and the school.o The Planning and Environmental Commission asked that a MOU be created to facilitate parking on the Booth Creek Trail Head for special events in the winter.. Planning and Environmental Commission asked that the bus stop be moved to the south side of the bus turn in.. Planning and Environmental Commission asked that the Soccer Field be moved further from the road. June SrH 2002 Desion Review Board Meetinq . The Design Review Board was very supportive of the architectural form of the building. Specifically they liked the horizontal and vertical variation in the design.. The Design Review Board liked the contrast in the use of materials and that several roof materials would be considered.. The Design Review Board requested that the applicant look at sinking the gymnasium to reduce the height of this element to address concerns from adjacent property owners. . The Design Review Board expressed concern regarding any impact to the aspen stand on Tract C.. The Design Review Board asked to see a very sensitive lighting plan. The Board asked that low level ballard lighting be used.. The Design Review Board asked the applicant to consider structured parking underneath the soccer field which could enable the parking to be reduced on Tract C.. The Design Review Board wanted to make sure that the applicant would have adequate landscaping. They were concerned that much of the landscaping was on Colorado Department of Transportation right-of-way and wanted to make sure that they could plant that material.. Design Review Board asked that a gate be considered for Tract C to prevent non school related traffic from parking in that lot.. Design Review Board asked whether a porte-cochere was needed for the entrance to the school.. The Board inquired whether there was adequate space for loading and delivery. l0 vt. A. APPLICATION CRITERIA, FINDINGS, STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS, AND CONDITIONS AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE PLAN FOR TRACT C 1) General Overview of the Plan The Town of Vail Land Use Plan was initiated in 1985 and adopted in 1986 by the Vail Town Council. The main purposes of the Land Use Plan are two- fold: . To articulate the land use goals of the Town.. To serve as a guide for decision making by the Town. The Town of Vail Land Use Plan is intended to serve as a basis from which future land use decisions may be made within the Town of Vail. The goals, as articulated within the Land Use Plan, are meant to be used as adopted policy guidelines in the review process for new development proposals. In conjunction with these goals, land use categories are defined to indicate general types of land uses which are then used to develop the Vail Land Use Map. The Land Use Plan is not intended to be regulatory in nature, but is intended to provide a general framework to guide decision making. Where the land use categories and zoning conflict, existing zoning controls development on a site. To be effective, the Land Use Plan must be updated to reflect current thinking and changing market conditions. The Town of Vail Land Use Plan can be amended in three ways: 1) The Community Development Department can update and revise the plan periodically. The Community Development Department then makes recommendations for the proposed changes to the Planning and Environmental Commission, where these changes would then be considered in a public hearing format. The Planning and Environmental Commission would then make a recommendation to the Town Council, where another public hearing would be held. The Council then adopts the changes by resolution. 2) The Planning and Environmental Commission or Town Council can also initiate amendments to the Land Use Plan. Again, both boards hold public hearings and the changes are adopted by the Town Council by resolution. 3) The private sector can also initiate amendments to the Vail Land Use Plan. Applications may be made by a registered voter, a property owner, or a property owner's authorized representative The amendments are then heard by both the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Town Council. The Town Council then adopts the changes by resolution. tl 2) Land Use Plan Desiqnation Descriotion for Tract C Current Land Use Plan designation for Tract C: Low Density Residential: This category includes single-family detached homes and two family dwelling units. Density of development within this category would typically not exceed 3 structures per buildable acre; however, all of the adjacent residential uses exceed 3 dwelling units per acre. Also within this area would be private recreation facilities such as tennis courts, swimming pools and clubhouses for the use of residents of the area. lnstitutional /public uses permitted would include churches, fire stations, and parks and open space related facilities. Proposed Land Use designation: Public/Semi-Public (PSP): The Public and semi-public category includes schoo/s, post office, water and sewer seruice and storage facilities, cemeteries, municipal facilities, and other public institutions, which are located throughout the community fo serye the needs of residents. 3) Criteria for amendinq the Town of Vail Land Use Plan Any amendments to the Land Use Plan require a public process. Adjacent properties are notified, the Planning and Environmental Commission holds a public hearing and makes a recommendation to the Town Council on the proposal. The Town Council adopts the changes by resolution. Any changes to the Land Use Plan must address the following three criteria: 1. How conditions have changed since the plan was adopted? Physical conditions and the fundamental land use patterns of the neighborhood have not changed since the 1986 adoption of the plan. However, the Vail Mountain School is proposing to expand their program and physical space consistent with a development plan that was approved in 2000. Since the Land Use plan was adopted the need for employee housing has significantly increased with only a 1o/o vacancy rate in the rental market in Vail. Employee housing is a critical need in the Town of Vail and any proposed use that generates new employees needs to provide a reasonable amount of housing for their employees 2. How the plan is in error? The plan is not in error with respect to the land use designation. However, this land will be an integral component of the school's operation, and a Public/Semi Public land use designation will be more appropriate in the future and will facilitate a cohesive development plan for the community and the school. t2 3. How the addition, deletion or change to the plan is in conbert with the plan in general? Adjacent lands are designated Public/Semi Public to the west and Low Density Residential to the north. This designation allows for the creation of associated housing for the school which is similar to how housing located at Buzzard Park which supports the Town of Vail Public Works operation also with a Public/Semi Public designation. The Town of Vail Land Use Plan also states on page 8 of the plan that affordable employee housing should be made available through private efforts, assisted by limited incentives and additional employee housing needs should be accommodated at varied sites throughout the community." 4. Staff Recommendation The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission forward a recommendation of approval to the Vail Town Council for the land use amendment in that it allows for uses consistent with adjacent land uses and the creation of a harmonious relationship with the adjacent residential and institutional uses and that this application meets the criteria mentioned above. B. REZONING OF LOTS 12,11, AND TRACT C 1. Rezoninq Criteria Before acting on an application for a zone district boundary amendment, the Planning & Environmental Commission and Town Council shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested zone district boundary amendment: The extent to which the zone district amendment is consistent with all the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and is compatible with the development objectives of the Town. Lots 1 1 and 12 have a Public/Semi Public Land Use Plan Designation. Rezoning Lot 11 and the northern area of Lot 12 will increase the conformance to the Vail Land Use Plan. With an amendment to the Land Use Plan for Tract C, the rezoning of Tract C to General Use zone district would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The affordable housing on Tract C is an integral part ofthe school on Lot 12. The extent to which the zone district amendment is suitable with the existing and potential land uses on the site and existing and potential surrounding land uses as set out in the Town's adopted planning documents. A school in a residential neighborhood is suitable and can work well together. Schools are typically located in residential areas. The 1) 2) I.) school has been located on Lot 12 since 1980. There has been a relatively harmonious relationship between the school and the adjacent neighborhood. The location of school employee housing on Tract C is also consistent with the adjacent neighborhood. Tract C currently has a zoning of Two Family Residential. With that zoning, the lot could be subdivided into three parcels and have approximately 15,000 square feet of gross residential floor area. The school is proposing 2 structures with 8 employee housing units for a grand total of 7,280 sq. ft. of gross residential floor area. 3) The extent to which the zone district amendment presents a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses consistent with municipal development objectives. The proposed rezoning of the entire area of Lot 12 as General Use creates a more workable relationship among land uses and corrects an error that occurred in 1979 when that land was improperly subdivided and conveyed to another owner. Lot 11 which is now owned by the Vail Mountain School should be rezoned to General Use since the use of the property will be a school. This lot has been surrounded by school land and this rezoning creates a more harmonious workable relationshio with the Vail Mountain Schools development plans. Tract C will continue to have a residential use that is interconnected with the school. The proposed housing on Tract C in relationship with the circulation plan for the school will reduce traffic on Katsos Ranch Road. These rezonings essentially consolidate the land on and around the school into the same zone district (General Use) and creates a more workable relationship for the school's development plans and allows the impacts of the school to be effectively mitigated to the extent possible. 4) The extent to which the zone district amendment provides for the growth of an orderly viable community and does not constitute spot zoning as the amendment seryes the best interests of the community as a whole. By rezoning the northern area of Lots 12 and 11 to the General Use Zone District there is increased conformity to the Land Use Plan since the designation for this land is Public/Semi Public. With the amendment to the Land Use Plan for Tract C to Public/Semi Public and the development of housing on the site for the school that amendment will also serve the interests of the community as a whole by having an employer provide housing for a portion of the new employees that would be generated by the project. 5) The extent to which the zone district amendment results in adverse or beneficial impacts on the natural environment, including but not limited to water quality, air quality, noise, vegetation, riparian corridors, hillsides and other desirable natural features t4 6) An Environmental lmpact Report was prepared for this proposal. No significant environmental impacts were identified in the report. There are existing trees that would be removed as the result of the project. Approximately 330 aspens and 40 evergreens. However, the landscape plan helps mitigate that impact. The applicant is proposing to add 445 deciduous trees and 250 evergreen trees to the site as part of the landscaping plan. The extent to which the zone district amendment is consistent with the purpose statement of the proposed zone district. The purpose statement of the General Use Zone District is defined in Section 12-9C-1 , Vail Town Code, and reads as follows: "The general use district is intended to provide sites for public and quasi-pubfb uses which, because of their special characteristics, cannot be appropriately regulated by the development standards prescribed for other zoning districts, and for which development standards especially prescribed for each particular development proposal or project are necessary to achieve the purposes prescribed in section 1 2-1-2 of this title and to provide for the public welfare. The General Use District is intended to ensure that public buildings and grounds and certain types of quasi-public uses permitted in the district are appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of resrdenfs and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with sunounding uses, an4 in the case of buildings and other structures, to ensure adequate light, air, open spaces, and other amenities appropriate tothe permittedtypes of uses. (Ord. 21(1994) g 10),, A school is a public or quasi public use which does have special needs. The development plan process provided for in the General Use zone helps ensure that the proposed development is in harmony with the adjacent uses and that the potential impacts of the building are adequately mitigated. The extent to which the zone district amendment demonstrates how conditions have changed since the zoning designation of the subject property was adopted and is no longer appropriate. With regard to Lots 12 and 11, the proposed rezoning addresses an error that was made in 1979 when the northern portion of Lot 12 was conveyed to another owner. In addition, the school has surrounded Lot 11 making a residential development on that site difficult at best. With regard to Tract C, an increased need for employee housing has resulted in the last 20 years. lt is now a matter of policy that when an employer generates new employees that they need to accommodate housing for a percentage of those new employees. Also employers are finding it necessary to provide employee housing to recruit high 7l t5 quality employees. Therefore, staff believes that the eight proposed EHUs are an integral and necessary component of the school. 8) Such other factors and criteria as the Commission and/or Council deem applicable to the proposed rezoning. 3. Necessarv Findinqs. Before recommending and/or granting an approval of an application for a zone district boundary amendment the Planning & Environmental Commission and the Town Council shall make the following findings with respect to the requested amendment: 1) That the amendment is consistent with the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the development objectives of the Town. 2) That the amendment is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses and appropriate for the surrounding areas. 3) That the amendment promotes the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the Town and promotes the coordinated and harmonious development of the Town in a manner that conserves and enhances its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residential community of the highest quality. 4. Staff Recommendation The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission forward a recommendation of approval for the rezoning of Lots 11 and 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12'n and Tract C, Block 1 , Vail Village 12'n and that the prc posed amendments are consistent with the criteria and findings described above. C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT(S) FOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN, EIGHT EHUs ON TRACT C, AND MAINTAINING THE MODULAR STRUCTURES ON THE SITE. 1. Criteria for a Conditional Use Permit 1) Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. The Vail Land Use Plan applies a "Public/Semi-Public" land use designation on this property. This category includes uses such as schools, post office, water and sewer service and storage facilities, cemeteries, municipal facilities, and other institutions which are located throughout the community to serve the needs of residents. Staff believes this proposal is in compliance with all applicable objectives of the Vail Land Use Plan. Staff believes the proposal furthers the following specific Aoals: t6 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas (infill areas). 5.1 Additional residential groMh should continue to occur primarily in existing, platted areas and as appropriate in new areas where high hazards do not exist. 5.3 Affordable employee housing should be made available through private efforts, assisted by limited incentives, provided by the Town of Vail with appropriate restrictions. 5.4 Residential growth should keep pace with the marketplace demands for a full range of housing types. 5.5 The existing employee housing base should be preserved and upgraded. Additional employee housing needs should be accommodated at varied sites throughout the community. 6.1 Services should keep pace with increased growth. With relationship to the conditional use permit for the temporary structures, Section 12-9C-3, Vail Town Code allows for temporary structures subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit. The Vail Town Code requires the issuance of a conditional use permit for temporary structures, in part, to insure that adequate steps are taken to insure that the structure complies with the development objectives of the Town. The intent of allowing temporary structures is to accommodate those situations when a permanent structure is not appropriate or circumstances, such as duration of use, warrants a temporary structure. In the case of the Vail Mountain School, staff believes a temporary structure is warranted for a limited period of time to accommodate the immediate needs of the school while the school completes construction of the new facility. Staff believes the two-year request is appropriate. However, a request for an extension to the two-year timeframe should not be permitted. 2) The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Transportation - please refer to item 3 below. Schools - Planned improvements for the school would increase capacity to approximately 300 students and provide affordable housing for teachers and l7 staff. Staff believes the proposal would have a significant positive impact on educational opportunities in the Vail Valley. Parks and Recreation - Staff believes the proposed auditorium facility could be a valuable amenity to Vail residents if managed via a public/private partnership. The applicant has expressed a desire to provide opportunities for public events at the auditorium when school-related functions are not planned. The redevelopment of the soccer field will also provide recreational opportunities for the community. The requested conditional use permit for the temporary structures will have positive effects on the immediate needs of the school to meet growing demands. The temporary classrooms will allow the school to provide educational opportunities for up to 18 additional students. 3.Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. The applicant has completed a traffic impact assessment. This study concludes that traffic on Katsos Ranch Road will be reduced. Traffic on Booth Creek Road will not be increased significantly and the traffic consultant has concluded that additional turning lanes are not required. Adjacent fields and open space will provide more than the 30% of the parking area for snow storage. However, the applicant needs to identify snow storage for the EHU parking and the north parking lot. With the change in circulation of the parking area and with the eight EHUs on Tract C a net decrease in traffic will occur on Katsos Ranch Road. 4.Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The proposed structures are larger than the 2000 development plan with approximately 87,300 square feet of gross floor area versus approximately 55,390 square feet of floor area approved in the 2000 master plan, which is nearly 58% increase in floor area. lt is important to note that the Vail Mountain School has increase its land area from 6.1 acres to 9.18 acres. That is an approximately 50% increase in total lot area. The applicant is attempting to articulate the building to reduce the perceived bulk and mass of the building. However, this is still a large structure for this area of Vail. The proposed EHUs are compatible in scale with other adjacent uses. The total floor area of the EHUs is less than if the lot was fully developed for duplex development under the Two Family Residential Zone District. With regard to the conditional use permit for the temporary structures, staff believes that due to the exterior improvements of the structures, the location t8 o 2. of the structure on the school site, and the temporary nature of the building, the temporary classroom will have minimal, if any negative impacts on the character of the area. Findinqs for Conditional Use Permits The Planning & Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. Staff Recommendations and Conditions The Department of Community Development recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approve of the proposed conditional use permits, based upon the above mentioned criteria and findings referenced above, for: . The Development Plan . 8 EHUs on Tract C . Continued use of modular trailers lf the Planning and Environmental Commission chooses to approve of these conditional use permits, staff would recommend the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall provide the Town of Vail with an easement for the existing public bus stop at the southwest corner of the property prior to building permit submittal. 2. The applicant shall provide the Town of Vail with drainage easements in accordance with the proposed grading and drainage plans. These easements shall be recorded prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy or certificate of occupancy for any proposed develooment on the site. 3. Prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy or a Certificate of Occupancy for any phase of the school, the applicant shall complete and receive a Certificate of Occupancy for the eight employee housing units constructed on Tract C except for the occupancy of the cabin. 3 t9 4.All housing units on Tract C shall be deed-restricted as Type lll employee housing units. These units must be constructed in conjunction with the approved development plan. Required Type lll deed-restrictions shall be recorded by the applicant with the Eagle County Clerk Recorder prior to the issuance of any temporary certificate of occupancy or certificate of occupancy for development of the school. The employee housing units shall comply with the minimum requirements for Type lll employee housing regulations, as defined in Chapter 12, of the Vail Town Code. The bicycle/pedestrian path shall be constructed by the applicant as per the approved development plan. Construction shall be completed prior to receiving a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the School. An easement shall be provided to the Town of Vail by the applicant for the bike/pedestrian path prior to the issuance of a building permit. A cash deposit shall be submitted to the Town of Vail by the applicant prior to the issuance of any building permits for 100% of the value of creating a bike path/pedestrian trail for the entire length of Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12 Filling of the same quality and width as the path specified in condition number 5 above and more speciflcally described in the Development Plan. Approval of the conditional use permit for the development plan is conditioned upon the rezoning of Lots 12 and 11, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing to the General Use District and approval of a final plat. The conditional use permit for the modular structures shall be null and void two years from the approval of the conditional use permit for the two modular structures. This conditional use permit is valid only for the current number and location of the existing modular structures as of the date of this approval. The Vail Mountain School shall not use any public right of way for parking. A debris flow berm should be designed and constructed prior the location of the cabin on the northern portion of lot 12. A qualified engineer or geologist shall conclude in a written letter to the Community Development Department that the berm will adequately protect the cabin from a debris flow with out adversely impacting private or public property. The applicant shall verify with a qualified lighting expert that luminance for all types of exterior lighting do not exceed 125. The applicant shall submit a report to the Town that the lighting complies with the Town's development standards, prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 5. o. 7. 8. L 10. 11. 20 The applicant shall submit revised development plans to the Town identifying adequate snow storage for the north parking area and the parking area for Tract C prior to the issuance of final Design Review Board approval. Hazard Plan Amendment: 1. Criteria for Hazard Amendment Specific criteria for amending the Master Hazard Plans are not provided in the code. However, the purpose statement of Chapter 12-21 and provisions for providing mitigation for development specified in Section 12-21-15-C.1 of the Vail Town Code do provide criteria for a decision to amend the hazard master plan. The following are the recommended criteria for making an amendment to the hazard plans: 1) That the mitigation supports the purpose statement of section 12-21 which states in part "The purpose of this Chapter is to help protect the inhabitants of the Town from dangers relating to development of flood plains, avalanche paths, steep slopes and geologically sensitive argas.,,," Based on the review of the mitigation by qualified professionals the mitigation will help protect the inhabitants of the Town from dangers relating to geologically sensitive areas. 2) That the corrective engineering or engineered construction or other mitigation or alternations can be accomplished to reduce the danger to the public health and safety to property to a reasonable level. Based on the engineering design of the rockfall berm and the review of the construction by qualified engineers, staff believes that the rockfall hazard is reasonably mitigated. Dr Bruce Collins a qualified geologist has concluded that the mitigation will be effective in protecting the northeastern portion of Lot 12 and Tract C. 3) Such mitigation does not increase the hazard to other property or structures or to public buildings, roads, streets, rights of way, easements, utilities or facilities. Based on reliable engineering input the mitigation will not impact other property or structures, or public buildings, roads, streets, rights of way, easements, utillties or facilities. 4) The applicant must establish by clear and convincing evidence that the information contained in the site specific Aeological investigation is reliable. 12. D. 2l The rockfall berm has been reviewed by a qualified geologist and Bruce E Collins has concluded that the mitigation will effectively protect Lot 12 and Tract C. 2. Staff Recommendation: The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission forward a recommendation of approval to the Town Council of an amendment to the Rockfall Hazard Map to show approved mitigation on Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12'n Filling and Tract C, Block 1, VailVillage 12th Filing. E. MAJOR SUBDIVISION 1. General Overview of a Maior Subdivision Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, of the Vail Town Code establishes the review process and criteria for a major subdivision proposed in the Town of Vail. Pursuant to Chapter 13-3 (Major Subdivision) of the Town Code, the first step in the review process is for the applicant to meet with a Town Planner to discuss the preliminary plan. Staff has met with the applicant on several occasions to discuss the proposal and address submittal requirements. Staff feels the applicant has successfully complied with the initial step in the review process. The Town of Vail is required to notify the following agencies that a major subdivision is proposed and that preliminary plans are available for review: a. b. d. e. f. Department of Public Works. Town Fire Department. Town Police Department. Public Service Company of Colorado. Holy Cross Electric Association. U.S. West Cablevision company serving the area. National Forest Service. Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. Vail Recreation District. Eagle County Ambulance District. Other interested agencies when applicable. n. t. j k. t. The next step in the review process shall be a formal consideration of the preliminary plan by the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission. The applicant shall make a presentation to the Planning and Environmental Commission at a regulady scheduled meeting. The presentation and public hearing shall be in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Vail Town Code. The applicant's appearance before the Planning and Environmental Commission today shall serve to meet the public hearing and presentation requirement. 22 The burden of proof that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of the Zoning Code and other pertinent regulations shall lie upon the applicant. In reviewing the preliminary plan, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the application and consider its appropriateness in regard to Town policies relating to: 1. SubdivisionControl;2. Densities proposed; 3. Regulations,4. Ordinances, resolutions and other applicable documents;5. Environmental Integrity;6. Compatibility with surrounding land uses; and 7. Effects upon the aesthetics of the Town and surrounding land uses. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall have twenty-one days from the date of the review of the preliminary plan to approve, disapprove or approve with conditions or modifications, the major subdivision request. Within ten days of making a decision on the request, the staff shall forward the Planning and Environmental Commission's decision to the Vail Town Council. The Council may appeal the Planning and Environmental Commission's action. The appeal must be placed within seventeen days of Planning and Environmental Commission's action. lf the Council appeals the Planning and Environmental Commission's action, the Council shall hear substantially the same presentation by the applicant as was heard at the Planning and Environmental Commission public hearing. The Council shall have thirty days to affirm, reverse, or affirm with modifications the Planning and Environmental Commission decision. The appeal hearing shall be held during a regularly scheduled council meeting. The final step in the review process of a major subdivision request, after Planning and Environmental Commission preliminary plan review, is the review of the final plat. At any time within one year after the Planning and Environmental Commission has taken action on the preliminary plan, a final plat shall be submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department. The staff shall schedule a final review of the final plat. The final review shall occur at a regularly scheduled Planning and Environmental Commission public hearing. The review criteria for a final plat are the same as those used in reviewing the preliminary plan as contained in Section 13-3- 4 of the Subdivision Regulations. The Town of Vail has the ability to require certain improvements when approving a major subdivision. The following improvements shall be required by the applicant unless othenruise waived by the zoning administrator, Planning and Environmental Commission, or Council: 1. Paved streets and parking lots; 2. Bicycle and pedestrian path linked with the town system and within the subdivision itself; 3. Traffic control signs, signals or devices; 4. Street lights; 5. Landscaping; 6. Water lines and fire hydrants; 7. Sanitary sewer lines; 8. Storm drainage improvements and storm sewers; 9. Bridges and culverts; 10. Electric lines; 11. Telephone lines: 12. Natural gas lines; 13. Other improvements not specifically mentioned above but found necessary by the Town Engineer due to the nature of the subdivision. 2. Criteria for Review Section 13-3 of the Town of Vail Code provides the criteria by which a proposed major subdivision is to be reviewed. Section 13-3-4: Commission Review of Application; Crleria states: The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of this Chapter, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable. Due consideration shall be given to the recommendations made by public agencies, utility companies and other agencies consulted under subsection 13-3-3C above. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the application and consider its appropriateness in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrity and compatibility with the surrounding land uses and other applicable documents, effects on the aesthetics of the Town. 1) Subdivision Control There are two lots being platted as part of this major subdivision request: Lot Zoninq Lot Size Frontage Lot 12 General Use 347,826 sq ft.950 ft on the Frontage Rd./680 ft on Booth Creek Rd. Tract C General Use 52,010 sq ft 360 ft on Frontage Rd 24 2) Densities Proposed Density does not apply to EHUs or a school 3) Regulations Both lots 11 , 12, and Tract C are proposed to be zoned General Use. The General Use District requires an approved development plan in conjunction with development on the site. The rezoning is contingent on the Planning and Environmental Commission's approval of the development plan. 4) Ordinances, resolutions and other applicable documents In reviewing this proposal, staff relied upon the Town Code and the Vail Land Use Plan. The issues relating to the Town Code have been addressed previously. 5) Environmental lntegrity The Vail Mountain School does have a rock fall hazard and a medium severity debris flow on the northwest corner of the site. The rockfall hazard has been mitigated by the existing rockfall berm. A qualified geologist has concluded that the berm does mitigate the rockfall hazard on all areas of Tract C and Lot 12. The geologist, Dr. Collins, also recommends the construction of a debris flow berm on the northwest corner of the site. A condition of approval is recommended above to ensure this occurs if the cabin is located in the northwest corner of the site. 6) Compatibility with other adjacent Land Uses Compatibility with adjacent land uses is described above. The Vail Mountain School has been located onthe site since 1979 and has operated harmoniously with the neighborhood. The eight EHUs are consistent in bulk and mass with other adjacent residential uses. In fact their total floor area is less than would be allowed under the current Two Family Residential zoning. 7) Effects Upon the Aesthetics of the Town and Surrounding Land Uses The Vail Mountain School and the eight EHUs will need to comply with all applicable Design Review Board guidelines, There are existing trees that would be removed as the result of the project. Approximately 330 aspens and 40 evergreens. However, the landscape plan helps mitigate that impact. The applicant is proposing to add 445 deciduous trees and 250 evergreen trees to the site as part of the landscaping plan. 25 Findinqs. The following findings are used for a Major Subdivision: That the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of the Major Subdivision Chapter, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable. That the application is appropriate in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrity and compatibility with the surrounding land uses and other applicable documents. and effects on the aesthetics of the Town. 4. Staff Recommendation The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approve the preliminary plat for Vail Mountain School Subdivision, a resubdivision of Lots 11, 12, Tract C, and Katsos Ranch Road, Vail Village 12'n Filing based upon the criteria evaluated in mentioned above in this memorandum. The recommendation of approval includes the findings mentioned above. In addition to the findings above, staff recommends the following conditions: 1) Within one year of the Planning and Environmental Commission's approval, the applicant shall submit a final plat to the Department of Community Development for review by the Planning and Environmental Commissron. 2) Prior to submitting a final plat the applicant shall address all comments of the reviewing agencies to the satisfaction of the said agencies. Any comments shall be incorporated into the final plat. ZONING ANALYSIS Vail Mountain School is located in the General Use Zone District. Pursuant to the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations, the purpose of the General Use Zone District is to: provide sites for public and quasi-public uses which, because of their special characteristics, cannot be appropriately regulated by the development standards prescribed for other zoning districts, and for which development standards especially prescribed for each particular development proposal or project are necessary to achieve the purposes prescribed in Section '12-1-2 of this Title and to provide for the public welfare. The General Use District is intended to ensure that public buildings and grounds and certain types of quasi-public uses permitted in the District are appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses, and, in the case of buildings and other structures, to ensure adequate light, air, open spaces, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of uses. (Ord. 21(1994) S 10) ? 1. 2. vt. 26 Sections 12-9C-2 and 12-9C-3 of the Vail Town Code outline the permitted and conditional uses allowed in the General Use Zone District. Public and private schools and educational institutions are a conditional use in the General Use Zone District subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit. The Agriculture Open Space zone District is outlined in 12-8A of the Town Code and the Two Family Residential District is in section 12-6C. )1 Zoninq Analvsis Lot 12 and Lot 11 Zoning: Lot Size: Density: Setbacks: Cabin General Use "All development standards in the GU zone distict are prescribed by the Planning and Environmental Commission 7.98 acres (Lot 12 S) or 347,826 sq. ft. Lot 12 S & Lot 11 Existinq 2000 2002 Prooosed nla nla nla nla nla nla Side/Booth Ck Rd nla Side/East nla FronVnorth nla School Side/Katsos: Frontage Rd: Side: Booth Greek Rear: Height: Parking: Site Goverage: Landscape Cover Snow Storage Floor Area: Students Faculty 90' 76' 358' 23' 27' 85 22,027 sf (8.26%) 20,488 sf 261 43 25' 162' 135' 20' 25" 370' 20, 41' 100 16%/55,804 sq. ft. 710/o1246296 sqft 31o/o for main parking No defined storage for other parking 87,383 320 48 24', 76', 358' 20' ?A' 116 14.1o/o 55,390 330 48 28 Tract C Zoning: Two Family Residential / Proposed zoning is General Use Lot Size: 1.194 acres or 52,010 square feet Existinq (allowed TFR) 2002 Prooosed Density: 2lsite Not counted towards density (potential for 3 lots) 6.7 units/acre (Total = 8 EHUs) Setbacks: Side:East : 15' 138'Side:West 15' 30' Rear: North 20' 25' Front: South 20' 65' Height: 33' 33' Parking: 2.5/unit 16 Site Coverage: 20o/o 9% /4,859 sq ft. Landscape 76Yo139,692 Area Floor Area: 7385/1 lot 8,478 (EHUs excluded from GRFA) 11,250/ 3 lots of 15,000 total sq ft. 29 Summarv of Entire Proiect Total Area: 9.18 Acres or 399,837 sq ft. Existino 2000 Approval Prooosed Plan Density: nla Setbacks. Main School BuildingSetbacks: Cabin Side/Booth Ck Rd Side/East FronUnorth School Side/Katsos: Frontage Rd: Side: Booth Creek Rear: Faculty Housing Side: East Side: West Rear: North Front: South Height: Parking: Site Coverage: GRFA: Total school Floor Area: SEHU's=4d.u.'s SEHU's=4d.u.'s nla nla nla 27' 85 spaces 22,027 sf (8.26%) nla 31,990 sf 36' 116 spaces 37,469 sl (14.1o/o) 4,800 square feet 55,390 sf 25' 162', 135' 20' 25" 37g', 20' 138' 30' 25' 65' 36' - 42' 116 + 20 for events 60,663 sf (15%)" nla 95,861 sf nla nla nla 90' 76' 358' 23' : 24' 76' 358' 20' 30 Attachment A 2002 Master Plan 3l .l o d z TJ L - Fd F z z z o a EE Fl 'l - -t >o 0! "' 2 Nz tr. rso r\J o b;O.)t p !i ii it ITASIERPIX{ VAIL I,|OUNIAIN SCHOOL UIC!tr Gl) 1E lr IE It I' ,4\\]7 il il il tl I iiiii t','\'t\ \ '\.\.\. "ar.\ -; !6: r it'P f ii = ;ri z EE" 8 ie X I u /'. \\.. 7 '1 Fg olt ,, iE .. I i; t; iz I Ir iiiril ilii::l':lrl; I I iiirl,l lriiil |,ASIER PI-AI,{ VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL VEI Cdofi& ,a . dlrE gdi =iri= EIB l4 EBX lii iiiii,, li,lASIER PLAll VAIL iI/|OUNTAIN SCHOOL Vd, Cdc&illlffiil,x frr t.F 1a; lx t e g FI g rii iit ilt t1i t tl iiiil; iilii' IIASTERHI}I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL \fl,cffi !: illllliilll o €T)-t- El-ta i** l? 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Cdorao i) .! t: ^-.:IiE - 1 1i)''.1.',/ 4 g ,o 5 I o iii;.,ir ili;i,il 'iiii'ii VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vri, C{kr.6 | ! , iEl,ler n*n lil . r fiEfi lul rfr 'iE a4 ;i 1i! e ri F rI -i t:s eq F{ € ug t; i tq -T ii Eh tl lu t {q 4 I t E + !i t { a 4 tl:ttr rlil!'tEl tl o GT) EI;llr il? tl l=7 I I I r-l'r \r|7 =l I I + ,1. i-L - (;D 'f PIE TE i* 1F I I l A \]7 c fi 8 i a ./-l \(:r )v ;:li :it =i: t: I l z'i\f-l-t \ t-, I I r- I 1l q t E n E r I il, tl' tl' il rlf tt!rh r ! F li t: E I I B !l t iiiii;lr iil III IiIASIER Ptlli VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL 'id,C&ro llt TI v |\)b I\J I I B E E 1 I -i !- t 5 ! t E $ 18 E F B E g E !t E iiiii;l,,iii ll"lFtfiil,d il,lFrrildll MASIER ru}I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Var Cdod , *l' i! 3i il !l ti lr ;io 4-l r .L li l5 i: l>-tl i=t- I I l .. t-.1H .,t-, , B iiiiil'ii MAS]ER PI.A}I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL '/rl, CdrS i l1 r ; E I 6 E s 6 u I l"lFFiil,il l,lFEfll-rl ':li'i!F i s F It 4 t t H { n I RF l-: T E , E b 6 6 P h E t B iiiiilii MAS]ER PW VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL vd,c&* FFFII,I ".", t;tl Fir,l"l ll ,1t 'iE s fli t I l' I 1 I i' I I I -t q B ta_l1 ,/LJl EE E VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL '/d, Cdmh ,.t t E q --l il ;l il :l il 'l F1 :l d ! j; i l, l l l'1 i "l 1i I-t ffl n tfrl E] iiiiiliii MI6]ER PLI}I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL vd cM ill,li[FilEIl ,l*l'1!F P g B s I I I - t- l I I I ! I I I I t I i EE t{ i i I i ni il' II tl t _ti a I l1 E I A I g! rE di t;-l !t E I B t E ii llitrll,{iiiii llii M STER Rtll VAIL Ij|OUNTAIN SCHOOL Vd, Cdra& lill lliil ts,;l! !I i r= i h E ts + I il iiiir, "1,MASTER PI.AI'I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vdi Cohr& ti,ili'l=rl i iiF l"'l F *li 1! \L il! I I i I I ;! ;i l: u t t @ I B g s i,ltnil,{r ,|:l! 1i rii iiiiilr MNiTR PIIX VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL '/c,cM .,f ll .ir t' t' tl I iiiii |:r l" I,IASTER PI.AN VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vd, Cobnd 'll:El,liii I /;l \Yi7 T !T ii: 't9 li' !B j3 i I /: '\\-/ ft 1.o * fts = la /:l'\\i7 -T' fit i+ E l= I I {: lei"r \t., irP t9 lr, r3 IP !iF -l .a 't4 B B ., ErF F !E ?i- E ie ;z il;\t-l o 1. qt I iiiii iiiii VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL E l*u 'il Vail, Cdordb :f- ii o I L /'T-\iil.i \l-l ;lE 1tr It l;tll l; t- --1.. iT7 ?z\(xl', .L ;14 4l- II i- iE t9 /-l-\\+/ o (,i,) -r EIEH olFE IEE IEF EE ]E IF ,-l'r \.J7 I I l7 li o ii iiiii'1, fl l'l'l fFill'll ill.l,lfEEll-rl i s rlrl' ti i,,iii tit t!t ..lti I'ASIER fl.AI{ VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL VC.CM t o VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Va . l]oloado MASIER P$N VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Va ColorAb i !l iijl " I a, r!! on i;; Er E{r E:I IA \' o o o lllii iliii;jlili. iir i I!|ASTER PLAII VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Val. Clhrab iiiti llf ol llr tl I .1, li!t; t t ll,l E 3 l,l' ,$ -:+.:- l Fi[,uJ n.. ;ll *r "1 ! tr taF 'iE iiiii'l MASTER PW VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL 'rd, CdrS E I'i =P+ L lei:;!,i -!l ir;:: li"' 11 iiii !:1i .- -1 flli (o) i; ir:li i: :!11 r'ii,(;l I' iji ' i1: (t) .- l: irl il,llt ill MASTER PI-AN VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL o jii:i ilrii, iiili,1!l;i iliii Vad Cdoodo n i: ;;.| t@l t' 1'iltillllill] illiilfflit,l Attachment B Infomation From Applicant 32 I rsrur rErR.AurN ASSocilATlES, lrNC. PLANNINC ANd COMMUNITY DEVELOPI"lEN I August 6,2002 Planning and Environmental Commission And Russell Forrest. AICP Director of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 Re: August 22hearing for Vail Mountain School Project, Vail, Colorado Dear Planning Commission Members: Thank you again for your insightful comments on the Vail Mountain School prqect. We appreciated the opporlunity to review with you our progress on the project at your last meeting. We are requesting a final review of the project at the August 12 hearing and bclieve that we have addressed all ofthe issues raised by the PEC and the neighbors. Thc revised plans that have been submitted address the specific comments raised at the July 22 hearing. Below is a list of the comments and how we have addressed them: o Rotate or pivot the soccer field to provide increased separation of the northwest comer of the field to Boothfalls Road. o The plans were revised to provide this separation and provide a landscape berm between the soccer field and Boothfalls Road. . Move the bus stop to the west side of the bus stop loop. o The bus stop has been relocated to the west sidc of the bus stop loop. r Provide a direct pedestrian connection ffom the bus stop to the school and provide a raised crosswalk within the parking area. o A direct pedestrian connection and raised crosswalk have been provided. Edwards Village Ccnter; Suite C-209 O 105 EdwardsVi lage Boulevard Post Office Box 2658 Edwards, Colorzdo 8 | 63? Ph - 9709 )61575 lax 974976 /57 6 wrvw.brauna:soc ates r orrr r Provide a painted crosswalk at the entrance on Boothfalls Road to allow pedestrians the ability to cross. o A crosswalk has been provided in addition to sidewalk connections to the bus stop atea. r Provide a paved path from the cabin area to the school. o A paved path has been provided. r Add a statement in the parking management plan that the school will pursue an agreement with the Town of Vail to utilize the Boothfalls trailhead parking area for overflow parking during special events. o This language has been added to the Special Event Parking Management Plan (attached). We believe that we have addressed your final comments on the project and hope that you will approve/recommend approval of all of our applications. Thank you again for your help on this project. F. Mauriello. AICP o o o o Varl Mountatn School Speaal Event ?arhnq Manaqemenl ?lan o Avqvst E,2OOz t. Varl Mountarn School Speaal Event Parktnq Manaqement Plan Auqvst | 2, 2QO2 PurVose fhe VurVose of thrs SVeoal Event Parhnq Manaqemenl ?lan (here alLer, "Plan") rs Lo requlaLe how Varhnq s conlrolled dunnq spectal events at lhe Varl Mountarn School (YM3) campus. The school wrll utrlrze lhe Plan when plannnq sVeaal evenLs or when worktnq wrth communfty qrovps deunnq to use lhe school's facltrcs. Thrs Flan o ntended Lo be a qude. Addtttonal parktnq solultons may be developed by Lhe school worktnq n concerl wfth the Town of Varl. Speaal Events The VroVosed gchool |aa|bes have been destqned to address the tyTcal proqrammahc needs ol the Vat Mountarn School. fhe Varhnq prouded on the sfte wll meet the day-to-day needs ol the school. Addtlonally, fhe | | G parktnq 5?ace5 prowded on-sfte exceed LheTown's parfunq reqwremenl for a 4OO-geaL avdftonvm. fhe Town's parhnq requrement ol I Varhnq per | 20 sq. tt. ol seattnq Iloor area qenerales a need lor 30 parhnq 5?aces (3,5OO sq. fl. seahnq area). lowever, VMS understands Lhat certan rare evenLs may exceed theTown's parktnq calcvlalon and the nvmber ol sLandard 5?ace5 prouded on-gte. VMS wrll lrom ltme-Lo-Ltme have evenLs n lhe audftonum or wrlhrn the athlebc faa|treE lhaL may qenerate parktnq demand beyond the normal caVaaty oI the deaqnaled parknq areas. ln these rare arcvmstances alternaLtve parktnq 5cenatos and modes of tranEportatron wrll need Lo be uftlved. VMS, on a case-by-case basts, may allow olher communly qrovVs Lo vLrhze ftE lacltbes. These communty evenLs may requre sVectal ?rovsons lor Varhnq deVendnq on Lhe nvmber of parbrctVants and the LyVe of event planned. ?arktnq Alternat:es Durnq sVectal evenLs VMS may emVloy (or requre oI olhers vLtlvtnq Lhe school taa|ttes) Lhe Iollowtnq parAnq manaqemenL technqves n order lo redvce VarAnq tmpacts Lo lhe neghborhood and thelown's streeL network. One or a combtnahon oI the tollowrnq technqves may be uLtlved. A parhnq Vlan s altached Lo Lhtz Vlan. t. I 2 tv. Encouraqe vsers lo uLltze Lhe Town of Vail bus 5ystern. TheTown'E bvs stop ts located on lhe property and s VroxtmaLe to the school's facrlfttes. VMS wrll tse no ces,leLLerg, or llyers lo ndcaLe thaL the Town'E bus system s available and encovraqe parLwrVanls Lo take Lhe bus to and lrom lhe campuE. Requrelencovraqe Lhe D5e ol plvale ghvLLles Lo deltver users to the Troperty Irom other remoLe pubhc parktn7 areas. Ihese pubhc Varktn1 areas rnay nclude the CDOT ?arktnq area located at the east Vatl nterchanqe, tsooth Talls Trarlhead parhnq area, f ord ?ark parhnq areaE, Lhe Vat Vllaqe Varktnq strvclure, and the Ltonghead TarAnq sfrucLvre. Any use of thefown's parktnqlaclftres wil requre coordnatton wrth the Town of Varl. Enploy Lhe seruces oI a VarAnq valet to v5e the on-sfte Varkrnq areas a5 elltaently as possble. Wfth valeL iervoe approxtmalely 20 addftronal cars that can be accommodated wfthrn the deEtanated ?afKtnq afea1. Encovraqe carpoo|nq by users and ?arta?antE. The school wrll notrfy quest and ugerg Lhat Varhnq s |mfted on the proVerty lor sVeaal events and wtll encovaae them Lo nde toaeLher. c The Varl Mountarn School wrll pursue an aqreement wrth the Fown to allow overtlow parAnq dvnnq speaal events on the Boothfalls Trarl llead parAnq area n exchanqe lor the use of VMS parhnq lor the Town's overtlow rn the summer monthE. Tarknq ReEtnchons Tarktnq on BooLh f alls Road, Katsos Ranch Road, and the Norlh FronLaqe Road wrll not be endorsed or encovaqed by VMS. VM9, through noIces to parents, ?aftio?anls, and vsers, shall ndrcate LhaL parAnq e Trohtbfted on BooLhFallERoad,Kalgos Ranch Road, and the North Frontaqe Road. VM9 wrll work wfth the Town of Val and code enlorcemenL to ensure that users ol the school faclfttes do not park on these nevhborhood 5teet5. 3 AUG-O1-02 THU 13:23 Date: To: From: FOUGINSGROUP FAXN0,3037e2s P 01 August 1,2002 Dominic Mauriello rolSlE PdrI'n$ Llclr!, wpd Subject: Vail Mountain School Project - Parking and Access Since cornpletion of the traffic impact study (TlS) dated May 9, 2OO2 for the Vail Mountain School Project, the proposed school parking corrfiguration has been revised. The TIS was based on a total of l'l 5 parking spaces on the site with B0 parking spaces in the main school lot access frorn Booth Falls Road and 35 spaces in the faculty lrousing lot access from Katsos Ranch Road. The current plan identifies a total of 120 parking spaces with 92 spaces in the main schooi lot (Bootlr Falls Road access), 12 spaces in the northern lot (Booth Falls Road north access), and l6 spaces in the faculty housing lot (Katsos Ranch Road access). The parking supply on the school campus will sufficiently serve the averate day to day school operations. These operations currently include school plays, performances, meetings, and athletic events. The revised parking configuration will result in slight diversions in traffic (15- 20 vehrcles) from the Katsos Ranch Road to the Booth Falls Road intersection along the FrontageRoad. Thistrafficdiversiondoesnotwarranttheneedforauxiliarylanesalongthe Frontage Road since the percent increase in traffic over existing volumes will remain at less than 20%. As noted in the TlS, alternatives to reduce parking demands should be considered if an event occurs on the site or at the auditoriunr that creates a parking demand in excess ofthe proposcd 120 spaces. A parking manatement plan has been established by the school that addresses parking dernands and methods for containing these vehicles on site for large events. Tlre parking alternatives include shuttle service during large events, valet parking assistance where vehicles are stacked on the site, or identifying overflow parking areas such as remote parking areas. Becauselessthanl0eventsperyearareplannedatthcauditorium,on-siteparking should be adequate in most cases. There are aclequate areas (renrote and valet parking, etc) tlrat allow for opportunities to contain excess parking demands within the site boundaries, This concludes our supplemental review of the current parking and access plan for the Vail Mountain Sclrool site. T P.O. Bnx 1976A1 BouLoER, FHtrNE: 3O3-652-3571 r EoLoRAos EO3DEl-z76El FAX:3O3-652-45'7+ 6A/A712A82 A5:45 979-926-7578 o BRAIN ASST]CIA FII fRANttllttloltl TES o PAGE 6I I BAI/BRAUN ASSOCffi FIANNING nd COMMUNITY DEI/ELOf}4$.IT rl DATE t3l7l6( - lhre 'r( h"t [,^^^^J (^Jt'r7* h$. finfva Lln,\ Ge'n'outd:Atpens: $1o f,ra7r*'c: L{O Dlccra cclt ll yog harr nct 3aGC1 d qtt Fager or houc ony problrmr whh thlr trarunrirr'nu ,/', .+r. ro: K.l<S tZv.r*<| FAX#: q?T LL|SZ . FRoMr Oo^ . *u frtuLS PAGEtT (lnduder tfrfu cover lhet) CO}l}lENTt: h'rr Ofict 0o< 2650 Edrmrdr Colordo 81632 ft.-970.9&757' tlx.-Y|O,9N,7576 rrararbrernecrcinrgaal 68/s7l2gA2 65:sS 976-925-7576 au07l2ggz Ft.G.,:m o,,tuffit&u*o TES o BRAUN ASSOCIA KCJD PAGE E2 PAGE A4 rs.stg P.vz DECIDUOUSTRES ATNUS TENUIFOL]A . FBil(INUS PENNSYLVANICA LANCEOLATA POPULUS ANOUSTIFOLIA POPULUS TREMUTOIDES cot{lFffiouslRHl ABIES LASIOCABPA PICEA PUNGENS PTNUS ARISTATA PINUS PONDEROgA DECIDI'OU8$IRUBI ARTEIIISIA FILIFOLIA AMELANCHIEF ALNIFOLIA . OARAGANA ABORESCENS CORNUg STOLONIFERA COTONEASTER ACUTIFOTIA JAI,|ESIA AI,|EFICANA I,ONICERA INVOLUCRATA I,|AHOI'|IA REPENS . RIBES ALPINUI4 RIBES AUREUI|| SYRINGA VUIqARIS YIBUBNUM OPULUS EO{FEROUS.SHRI,B$ CERCOCARPUS LEDIFOLIUS JUNIPERU$ HORIZONTALIS'BLUE CHIP' JUNIPERUS SABINA'BUFFALO' JUNIPEFU$ SABINA TA|I/|AHISCIFOLIA ffiout{Dc0vERSFERtNiltALs AOUITEGIA ASTER ALPINUS CHBYSANTHEUM MAXIMIA4 COREOPSIS GBADIFLORA ECHINACEA PURPUREA GA]LLABDIA X GRANDIFLOBA LAVANOUIA ANGUSIIFOLIA UIi|ONIUM LATIFOLIU[4 SEDIIM SUBAIPINE FIB OOTORADO SPRUCE ERISTLECOiIE PINE PONDEHOSA PINE SANO SAGEBRUSII SERVICEBERRY SIBERIAN PEASHBUB BED OSIER DOQIf',OOD PEKING COTONEASTER MOUNTAIN II{OC|(ORANOE tsEARBERRY HONEYSUCKLE CBEEPINO GHAPE HOIY ALPINE CURRANT YELLOW FLOIIYEFING CURRANT COl\4|t]|ON LITAC EUf OPEAN CFANBERRYBUSH THIN.LEAF ATDER GREEN ASH I{ARF OWLEAF COTTONI\IOOD OUAKING ASPEN COTU[lBINE PURPLE ASTER SIIASTA DAISY COREOPSF PURPLE CONEFLOIilER BLANKET FI.O$.,EF ENOLISII LAVENDER SEA LAVENDER AUTUMN JOY 25 10 EE 50 125 25 5 160 160 160 50 50 100 60 100 160 160 50 50 6.6'Bl 3'CAL. 2' CAL, 2''CAL, 6-1o', 8.10' 6..l0' 6.10' 50 6'B&B 5G 5G 6G 5G 5q 5G 5G 6G 5G 6G CUFL.LEAF.MOUNTAINMAHOGANY 50 BLUE CHIF JUNIPEF lOO EUFFALO JUNIPEB lOO TAMARIX JUNIPFH 1OO 5G $G 5q 5G 400 415 450 475 400 300 200 400 400 1G 1G IG 1G tu IG 1G 10 1G oBIs?/2602 L7.o2 30389? EACSIMILE TR4r{s. MrrrAL DATE: AUgUt?,20(D NIJMBEROTPAGES: I (INCLUIIINGCOVER) TO: Kyle Schracder COMPANY; Klipp Colussy Jenls Dubois FAX NIJMBER! 103'8e3'2204 IIROM; TieNord SIIBJEGI: rigbting Stn'lads TROJECT NTJMEER 75II.O1 MESFAGE: Thc flteriqr lighting daign for thc Vail MouaAin Sc,bool meets tle Tqwn ofVail Dwelopmml Slsdads as follows. t . Heigbt l,inite - Tlpe S 1 fixtule is mormtcd to a E' pole which is the maxirstru hoigld rllourcit for aresidentiel zone- 2. LtSt Soruecs Affxod To Shuctru,es - Tpe 52 ir a uall sconce mourded to the wall * a heifht of 10' above finished grornd, thus meetitg the requirmart that no fixfiue b rnounted on the rpof. 3. Cutofr Shields - Typc Sl fixture meets the ort-offrequirmcnt by r louvcr that sbields the lamp and does not €init lightabqve 60 degces tor vertical. a. i6ing.$e. For type 53 the ratio of pource lumcns, 9,000 ftroeos, to lurninous arca, 100 sq. in., is 90 which iE less Om ths natdmum 125. Calarlation Sr:mmary Tte illuminencc lcvel the parkhg lots are derigned b re those recommeaded bythe Illuination Engineaing Soci*y. Tbe average illuminmce level for the West dd East Pqltint lot are 0.4 foolcandles end 0.2 ftotcandlee, respeotively. ?ITA8E VERIFY REtrIPT OF AI,L DAGES. ITAilY ARE MNSING' pLEAsE CALI/ (301) 2?&lEZl FORRETRANSnfi$ilot{. SG: PAGE g3 PAGE g2 6A/87/2962 05:65 97o-926-7576 BRAUN ASSOCIA Kq]D TES o o Bnruou,t Imzn co!'G'IUIG Er![@lNe ffioft.lr|l/Emhltl0 F{eU aLaa+ cDrat (Ettr*l t- Olrt ltrsrg C\Ilhrdr.d 5.(Wdlrql l.lhllt4.ty |trtd l|EIrLI2uSllolElllN tI rtrbd lttrrFalr AUAT/26A2 85:05 dBlgTlZgA2 L7t62 H.E,?.ZEE, 970-326-7576 ,,'fif,iQ,u,r* BRAUN ASSOCIA KCJD TES o rc.*l9 PAGE A4 FAGE 03 P,Lft, Far gE Sul{ctt Domlnlc'sruqr.lrst 38.e93.2204 AuS,7. 0Z Clv|TAS t grtar D.rl!a ata r ltr!! rr I >!rr(rrrt..tfrlltcr Pu l{at o.t; CVTTE: Hl{ot FI0lT 1l{ tl|n$rtti f$le, Ftun flnd cndord e uule of vegetlden thrt Dominic nqueshd' ASSOCIATES PI4NNING :rtd @t,ll',ltJNmY DEvEtOPt4EhlT gBl6912862 A2:49 979- FROilc 926-7576 o BRALfr{ ASSOCIA TES o PAGE 6I /a/-\- PAGET: (tncluder ffi 6rrer firrt) CO}filENf3: r^,'/lqga @ €.*ta,1)l o^ t*rl t,w. Plcortccll ll ycu lrovr nct ncrfucd oll pcgcr or horncry pollcrnr urlth tbbts'lrunirrbn. €dua EVil+! c-t!q Srjto G2O9 0 105 Edrrertb Bdfcrryd Fo4 Omcc 8o( 2658 , 11 6dmrd+Cofondo0l6l2 . \ 1L ,"4 -V \?Ph - vr0.vr6.7575 Fa - nO.92675rG rrlfw.bralnasociate!.cdn b1 {u '\lt// 68/a912602 A2:43 6Bt67l2|g2 7TA2 976-926-7576 BRALIT.I ASSOCIA KE]D PAGE 62 PAGE 04 No.slEl P.?t?o,1ufftu8*,ro TES o DEBIPUOU$TREB l!ryll-q.lF[ulloLlA' :. -- THIN-LEAFALDFB filIlry.U! pEINsyL-|'ANtcA LAN0EoLATA siiLr! A'sil --- lgl.tll.lla 4ll_ousTtFoltA NARn'oyl/iihr cofior\lwooo POPULUS IREMULoTDES 0uniln'OTijpnf-' '!''"r"v'l 25 F6'B&10 3'CAL,26 2'CAL,385 2'CAL, 50 125 25 50 CO|{IFffiOUSTREB ABIES LASIOCABPA PICEA PUilJGENS PINUS AF]STATA PINU$ PONDEROgA DruDUOUS $RUBS ABTEI,|ISIA FILIFOLIA BIBES AUREUM SYRINGA VUTGARIS VIBURNUM OPULUS 00||I|FER0us.$tRrtss GTOUl{DCOVER$/PERIII}IIAL$ AOUITEGIA ASIER ALPINUS SUBALPINE FIB COLOSADO SPRUCE BRISTIECONE PIIG PONDEROSA PINE $AND SAqEBRUSH SERI/ICEBERRY IEt L. q!v FLoyr/ERtNG CURRANT COI'4[,|ON LILAC EUROPEAN CHANFERRYE USH COLU[1EINE PURPLE ASTFR SIIASTA DAISY c0FE0Pgls PUFPLE CONEFLOl//ER BLANKET FI.OWER ENOLISH LAVENDER SFA LAVEI|DER AUTUI\/|N JOY 6-10', 8.10' 8-lo' 6.10', 50 100 100 100 400 475 450 475 400 300 200 400 400 160 50 160 6' B&B 160 5G 50 5G 50 6G 100 5e 60 5q 100 50 160 sG 160 6G 50 sG 50 6G IQ 5G 50 5G 1G JG tu 1G Irt 1G IG gB/A9l2AA2 02.49 970-926-7576 avsTlzaqz \7:s2 3s3uo4 BRATJN ASST]CIA KCJD f ACSIMILE TRAltf sMlrtAl TES o PAGE 63 PAGE 62 O DATE: Awrpt7,2oo2 IITIMBEROFPAGES: I (INCLTJDINGCOVER} TO: Kyle Schracder CIDMPAI\IY: Klipp ColuscyJ€illc Dubois FAX I{T.II4EERz 303-893 -22M FROM: TiaNod SIJEJECT: Ushting Stautuds PROJECTNUMBER 75II.O1 I}fiSSAGE: Thc ottuior li-ghting desigu for the VaiI Morntain School meete rhe Towa of Vail Dwetopment Sttndards as follorvs. l. Uei8ht Limiis - T)?e Sl fixnue is mormted to a E' pole which is the msximun hoight allore<t for aresideutial zone. 2. ueht sowcea A.ffixcd To stucturcs - Tlpc s2 ie a wall sconpeEourted b the wall ar a height of 1o above fiaishpd gmund ttus mectiag tlre requirunmt that no fixtrse is mowtod on the roof. 3. cutoff shields - Type sl fucturc mccts tbe cut-offrequiruent b5ra louver tbrt s5;"1* n. lamp aail does rcr emit light dove 60 rbgrces from vertical. 4. L-umiaance - For t1,pa s3the ralig of source lrrmens, 9,090 lumcos, to luminous arca, 100 sq. in., is 90 which is lets tha the urximum l2j, Calculation Sruuury The ill 'rqinrocc level thc prrkiug t Or*. Illumioation Bngine€dng Society. and East parking lot de 0.4 footcandleg aod 0.2 ftotcandleg. resu TIJAEB VERIFY RECEIPT OF AI,L PAGE& IF ANT Af,E Mn|strNG, TLEASECAI.L(303)rI&38?0 DRREITAI{Snfi0sIoti. cc! Bmupur ffarrzn colliu,ratc E€DqA[lc. ffiredlE tt€l#5tttLr t|iB ll3 au-\ cctrr w?*Il tdFlt ||lr.s3 crl!*|rEr.t tlur\ {.cJ sctrntrt r, tirr tt'roLultfl i0lu1rn9 th,lttr6rr|_E |b! 68/A9/2662 a2:49 aug8l20g2 15:22 972-926-757A 3a34Crr BRAI.N ASSOC]ATES hJil.rsll}{ ASsOCro PAGE PAGE g4 a2 ALrcusr 7, zooz MR. PETEF, M A6tJl5l - HeADMA5TeR vAL l4ouNTAlN )CHOoL J|6O KAr5C9 RA IcH ROAD vA'L (o. 0t657 D6AR MR, ADUl9l. TPAr,rK You roR YouR LEfTER' or AtrcusT CF rH3 VAIL MoUN-'AINJCHOoL rO HFLP THE KAT5O9 RANCH ROAO NEISHEORI-IOOp. LefieR ANA APPRIOAIc THE ReVl9lONS TH? PEvbt-oPr16Nr or TRAcr ( To FIeLP RE5oLvE TH|S JlTUATloN \t/E oPPORTUNI"Y -rO REVIFV THt 5PeClFrC PERCCNTA T OF iVERGRTIhI9 U3E PTRENNIAL PII^ITII.JCJ AN.E LAI.IDJCAFINa' ZOOZ Ar.,,lD THE GENeRAL Cof'tllTrENTS TE THE INPACT9 OT THE EXPANSION ON NEIGHOORg HAVf REVIEVID YOIJR I1A5 IIAD| TO THE PROPOSEP RtGlUtrST THar 11E NEIGHDORS HAVE AI'tl FOtr THE LAi\II'5^PC AND ARCHITECNJRE 9ESOLVE ANY 155{J65 PRIOR To -tHe 9ERT: LAI{O:(APE DOTJLOER5 AT.ID VlTl{ THe ctrfilTFleNT OF 'JUDg"rAl.ITlA THe NEIAHEOR) UNDeRSTAN? THE DrrlcuL rN trAKtNC SPeCiFlc COfa{'rHtNTS AT THr5 5fAce or THE PRoecT ctvEN THe Pfvle\r/ REoUIRED DY THt TCt\l/t\t' Of vAtL, l-lovEvER, THe NEI(HDORD ARf ADOUT THB I.A6K OT SPFCIF|CITY IN YOVi, LRTTEA CoI\CFRi{INQ THE AND ARCH ITCCTURE OF PRQJECT- A9 THRY ARE OeVELOPED AN? PRIOR. TO NEIGI-{X)R5 CAN ReflAtN tN THe PROC355 rcvN5 RDvleW. TH|S \|/AY rH6 TO\I/N COHPLETING i.rg ReVIEV OF THE THE KEY 6TUE5 TCR THE NEIGHDORHOOO A' TOLLOV' i. THe NETGHDORe VA^IT fo De suRE T THP sIZE AND N(/IVIgER OT TRCES 616/@ !03.,t,t0.tt00 . FAx tcl.l.t.5rrr . www wrNSroNAtlotsrA .con ' l2t9 PEAEL ttR€€T, sutTt r00 . tou!0Err, co r0!01 sA/69/2A02 62:49 s7g-928-7576 Bsnltzoa2 15:22 3@Oeu BRALIN ASST]CIATES . r,tilisTq{ Assme I PAGE g5 PAGE O3 i l I z Trlt tuil-PlNc ARcHlrt(TuRE lrlcLuDE{ HlcH otJAlTY DtSlqN Al0 |1ATeE|AL5 \r'HrcH r'\rL\JOB NIATURA rrOrc (arr*OX'vlArELY 25y' 6r THE ExreFlOR' cr-evlitot,t) IN9TALLEo 1'g AftAR AJIPART oF fHe DUlL9|Nc 9TrucrvRs AID THAi rHe oeTAtLJ ANp mATrRhLe Or',i eAc'+ rouR FLCX ARe gUrrlCleN?LY I arreRENT lo THE gullDlhl(Lt Vuu ruOfr APPEAR IOBNTICA.. i i Ti{e NelGHDoFg (J|{DEc:/rAh,p rHEJcHooL |5INOT lN A P0strloN -,O conFtT TO rHe5e lreMi UNTIL TH6 geTAtLeo teilcN lt runte{ ALollc. RATHTR rHAN vlrHHoLP :lr I NEIGHDORIiOOA5 5UPPORT OF THE PROECT O!T TO LACK OF 9PICIFI65 AT 1.!I9 T|HE. THEY VotJLD RATHER VORK C@PtRATIVeLY iu/lrl-l Trtb yHooL /A'9 THE rrSTAlLS or THe pRQJECT CAN 9E PRovpeg. I i i THAr.Jsg YOv FOR YOUR CCJNCIOERAiON or lHl5 AppROACH AtlD VE LoOK FORVAR.D TO YOUR ReFPol{5e )rNctR6r-Y, wrf.DToN ADO(rAl") ING tub %*g RoDEnf L FrERLarz A),LA JENTOF. AesOCrArE C?: lt SNNY I UDIN \\. r\-'-" r--'" , u t 'J DOHrNrc MAURteLLo, pRAUN ASCOCIATE) I ; I t 1 ! i i ,l I i I \t .i I i .l t ! allloz. lot.{{!,t100 . rAX rot..r,rf ..rr | , lyww.wrpltO\^lSo.t..oA , 2719 P€AA! tttlEi. SU'tt ,00 , DouLDEf,, co trro: o o I o 2) * P.*n {, TZe 7) - Ttleua C* [, , n u7 ,* Vr_tLn # o c,.t L ,\ 1) f^o,=- +* pl-. L 1) o ,t t I October 1,2002 Town Gouncil A request to vacate a portion of the Katsos Ranch Road right of way in consideration for new right of way as identified in the Vail Mountain School Subdivision. o MEMORANDUM TO: Vail Town Council FROM: Department of Community Development DATE: October 1,2002 SUBJECT: A request to vacate a portion of the Katsos Ranch Road right of way in consideration for new right of way as identified in the Vail Mountain School Subdivision. Applicant: Vail Mountain School represented by Braun and Associates Planner: Russell Forrest 1. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The Vail Mountain School is requesting that the Vail Town Council approve of the realignment of Katsos Ranch Road which involves vacating a portion of the existing right of way on that road and accepting new right-of-way. As the land owner of this right of way the Town Council must approve of the Final Plat of the Vail Mountain School Subdivision. 2. RECOMMENDATION BY THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION On August 12,2002, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved the preliminary plat for the Vail Mountain School Subdivison and on September 23'd, 2OO2 the PEC approved the final plat subject to Town Council approval. Staff is recommending that the Town Council authorize the Mayor to execute the Vail Mountain School Final Plat. Attachments: A. Ordinance 27: Authorizes Mayor to execute Vail Mountain School Final Plat B. Memo to PEC on Final Plat AttachmentA Ordinance 27 ORDINANCE NO 27 Series ot 2002 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING TOWN OF VAIL RIGHT OF WAY AND VACATING RIGHT OF WAY IN THE VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL SUBDIVISION IDENTIFIED IN ATTACHMENT A WHERAS, the Final Plat for the Vail Mountain School Subdivision is consistent with the development standards in section 14 of the Vail Town Code. WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a preliminary plat and major subdivision for the Vail Mountain School consistent with the criteria in chapter 13-3-3 of the Vail Town Code on Septembet 12th ,2002 WHEMS, the Vail Town Council approved of Resolutions 12 and 13, Series of 2002 and Ordinances 21 ,22, and 23 Series ol 2002 that supported the redevelopment of the Vail Mountain School as proposed on August 12,2002. WHERAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved the final plat subject to Vail Town Council approval consistent with the criteria in Chapter '13-3-6 of the Vail Town Code on September 23,2002. WHEREAS, the Town Council considers it in the interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to move the Katsos Ranch Road Right of Way consistent with the Vail Mountain School Final Plat. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. That the Mayor is authorized to execute the final plat as set out in Attachment A which will vacate a portion of the Katsos Ranch Road right of way in consideration for new right of way identified in the Final Plat of the Vail Mountain School Subdivision. o Section 2. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 3. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 4. The amendment of any provision of the Town Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision amended. The amendment of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 5. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLfSHED ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST READING this 1st day of October, 20O2 and a public hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 1Sth Day of October, 2002, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Ludwig Kuz, Mayor Attest: Lorelei Donaldson. Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this 15th day of October, 2002. Ludwig Kuz, Mayor Attest: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk ATTACHMENTA VAIL i'OUNTAIN SCHOOL FINAL PLAT !:ii,i ii;,l,j,i ,,ii I i " i,,,",.i i I r. iirii iiiiiiiiliiii iiiiiii:'il iii iiii:iiiiiiii i ij ii, i:i ;iliiili Ii iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiii l*iiiri riiiliii il ; iiii; i i j;i i,!:5 . i" - i :. . .,i:i ,iiire :::r!'lll:ll iriir: iti;;'lit:!;I ir i:ii , jitliiili!:i , r,ii:! ;!il,i'::l:, !r!,^I r.,o.::5?r!t .irtiil , t:::!:";r;r:: ':il::i i l::,i;.1;i{:: , t:: l,;lri': !::lii:iil;i" ;ri : i}:':: I iit;iill'llf .. . :;i;ii; i i'!;i:!,i;"I . |: ' :I;1;;: ! i?;:!i;ii!,;! ; ii: : !!;rir'. il i i'il:ii!,ii'i :ii. ::.:?:i!i i. 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Li i :!li:: i1r :,,"1;9;11 ' I l: i: .3 : iili i,l !i.:ii;;t I !r i! , r!liii i!! lt;llir.i !,i i i rii i ,1 ,;;' ;;! r;r!;:l:: I li: ; i.t I r.i.i I;|r:t;:u:ir:;!:ii ! ;rl t : : {'6:j'ri ;t- r-,.p::: L i ir: r i"i : t ,lilii ;li ;li!:ilii :i' i'',:;i, ii'1.:.iii 'i,,* :l;i; :;; Il;:!lri 'i , ,i'li : , ,ii l! , l'; I i" ;iil! ;::i;';ii!!i ;;'i l,:i : ii i i, il ; ;i] ,: : ;;i;r:i:i, ;iiiiill! i,ii .i ' !i ii! ii ,ii ; ; li ii il ,ii: ii ',i 1 : -*- o o o h l. a 33 EE E 9 z !13 i I \h iirl?: -. ii?!58 : 2 z_ I \./ \l a ,} /1 .: -Y ei iE;il;:!!!EI ii ll ir iii; rlt tt:rlj lrt !i; E E -.---t< I 3 z2 mq FO >r) 843 z r,r'* E rE SEiE i6 "E',.e = m 6i.." >Z -;z) "E:TEE f .,t'H 70= 4 =..:< El YO =z <z >E 4, tr,"r", qbr I o o o o Attachment B PEC Memo MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: September 23,2002 SUBJECT: A request for approval of a final plat of Lots 11 and 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing, Katsos Ranch Road, and Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12th Filing, located at 3'160 N. Frontage Road East and 3010 N. Frontage Road East and setting forth details in regards thereto. Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by Braun and Associates Planner: Russ Forrest I. SUMMARYAND DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST rt The applicant is requesting approval of a final plat of Lots 11 and '12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing, and Tract C, Block 1, VailVillage 12th Filing, located at 3160 N. Frontage Road. The Final Plat would change Lots 11 and 12 to Lot 1 and Tract C would become Lot 2. The PEC approved the preliminary plat on August 12th ,2002. There have been no substantive changes ofthe final plat except for some changes in the signature section of the plat. Staff is recommending approval of this application subject to the findings and conditions outlined in section Vll of this memorandum. II. BACKGROUND A. 2002 Master Plan The Vail Mountain School at the August 12th 2002, Planning and Environmental Commission meeting received final approval for: 1) A request for an amendment to the previously approved development plan and a new conditional use permit for a private educational institution and an active outdoor recreation area on 3010 Booth Falls Road/Lot 11, Block 2, VailVillage 12h Filing and 3160 N. Frontage Road EasU Lot12, Block 2, VailVillage 12tn Filing; 2) A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of eight Type lll EHUs located on Tract C, Block 1, VailVillage 12th Filing; 3) A request for a for a conditional use permit to continue to allow for the existing temporary modular classroom structures located at 3160 N. Frontage Road EasU a part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing; 4) A request for a major subdivision and preliminary plat approval for the Vail Mountain School Subdivision, a resubdivision of Lots 11,12,TractC, and Katsos Ranch Road, Vail Village 12'h Filing in accordance with Title 13, Chapter 3, Vail Town Code, and setting forth details in regards thereto. The Town Council will also need to accept the dedication of land and approve of the subdivision. On August 12,2002, the applicant received approval for the following requests from the Vail Town Council: 1) Resolution 12, Series of 2002: A request to modify the official Town of Vail Rockfall Hazard Map to indicate approved mitigation for 3160 N. Frontage Road/Lot 12, Block 2, and Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12h Filling; 2) Resolution 13, Series ot 20Q2'. A request to amend the official Town of Vail Land Use Map for Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12'n Filing from Low Density Residential to Public/Semi-Public; The following ordinances were approved by the Vail Town Council on September 17, 2002:. 1) Ordinance 21, Series of 2002: A request to rezone Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing to General Use, The northern portion of this lot is zoned Agriculture Open Space; 2) Ordinance 22, Series of 2002: A request to rezone 301 0 Booth Falls Road/Lot 11, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing from Two-Family Residential to General Use; 3) Ordinance 23, Series of 2002: A request to rezone Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12th Filing from Two-Family Residential to General Use; B. History of the Propefi The following is a brief synopsis of Vail Mountain School development over the last 20 years: 1972 - Vail Village 1 2s Filing was annexed into the Town of Vail and platted. This subdivision plat shows Lot 12 at 8.66 acres in size. 1972-At the time of annexation Agriculture Open Space zoning was applied to Lot 12. The total area of the parcel was 8.66 acres. The minimum lot size of the Agriculture Open Space zone district is 35 acres. 1979 -Vail Resorts conveyed the Tennis Court site to the Booth Falls Homeowners through a quick claim deed. 1979-the first two story building was constructed on the site. lll. A. 1980-Vail Resorts conveyed the land the school is on today to the Vail Mountain School. 1979 - Original 2-story building constructed 1984 - North classrooms and rockfall berm constructed (berm is no longer necessary) 1989 - Gymnasium and stage addition constructed 1992 - Additional story added to existing building 1995 - Library expansion 1999 - Temporary classroom structure constructed ROLES OF REVIEWING BOARDS Planning and Environmental Commission: Action: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval, approval with conditions, or denial of a major subdivision. Specifically the the code states: The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of this Chapter, the Zoning Ordinance and other peftinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable. Due consideration shall be given to the recommendations made by public agencies, utility companies and other agencies consulted under subsection 13-3-3C above. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the application and consider its appropriateness in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, denslfies proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrity and compatibility with the sunounding /and uses and other applicable documents, effects on the aesthetics of the Town. (1997 Code: Ord. 2(1e83) S 1 Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. Town Council: The Town Council is the final decision making authority for a rezoning or a text amendment. Final actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission maybe appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the Planning and Environmental Commission or Design Review Board erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with B. c. modifications, or overturn the board's decision. The Town Council is also responsible for accepting land for public right of way in a Major Subdivision. IV. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS A. Title 13: Subdivision Regulations Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, of the Vail Town Code establishes the review process and criteria for a major subdivision proposed in the Town of Vail. Pursuant to Chapter 13-3 (Major Subdivision) of the Town Code, the first step in the review process is for the applicant to meet with a Town Planner to discuss the preliminary plan. Staff has met with the applicant on several occasions to discuss the proposal and address submittal requirements. Staff feels the applicant has successfully complied with the initial step in the review process. The Town of Vail is required to notify the following agencies that a major subdivision is proposed and that preliminary plans are available for review: a. Department of Public Works. b. Town Fire Department. c. Town Police Deoartment. d. Public Service Company of Colorado. e. Holy Cross Electric Association.f. U.S. West g. Cablevision company serving the area. h. National Forest Service.i. Eagle River Water and Sanitation District.j. Vail Recreation District. k. Eagle County Ambulance District.l. Other interested agencies when applicable. The next step in the review process shall be a formal consideration of the preliminary plan by the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission. The applicant shall make a presentation to the Planning and Environmental Commission at a regularly scheduled meeting. The presentation and public hearing shall be in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Vail Town Code. The burden of proof that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of the Zoning Code and other pertinent regulations shall lie upon the applicant. In reviewing the plan, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the application and consider its appropriateness in regard to Town policies relating to: 1. Subdivision Control: 2. Densities proposed; 3. Regulations; 4. Ordinances, resolutions and other applicable documents; 5. Environmental Integrity; 6. Compatibility with surrounding land uses; and 7. Effects upon the aesthetics of the Town and surrounding land uses. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall have twenty-one days from the date of the review of the preliminary plan to approve, disapprove or approve with conditions or modifications, the major subdivision request. Within ten days of making a decision on the request, the staff shall forward the Planning and Environmental Commission's decision to the Vail Town Council. The Council may appeal the Planning and Environmental Commission's action. The appeal must be placed within seventeen days of Planning and Environmental Commission's action. lf the Council appeals the Planning and Environmental Commission's action, the Council shall hear substantially the same presentation by the applicant as was heard at the Planning and Environmental Commission public hearing. The Council shall have thirty days to affirm, reverse, or afflrm with modifications the Planning and Environmental Commission decision. The appeal hearing shall be held during a regularly scheduled council meeting. The final step in the review process of a major subdivision request, after Planning and Environmental Commission preliminary plan review, is the review of the final plat. At any time within one year after the Planning and Environmental Commission has taken action on the preliminary plan, a final plat shall be submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department. The staff shall schedule a final review of the final plat. The final review shall occur at a regularly scheduled Planning and Environmental Commission public hearing. The review criteria for a final plat are the same as those used in reviewing the preliminary plan as contained in Section 13-3-4 of the Subdivision Regulations. The Town of Vail has the ability to require certain improvements when approving a major subdivision. The following improvements shall be required by the applicant unless otherwise waived by the zoning administrator, Planning and Environmental Commission. or Council: 1. Paved streets and parking lots; 2. Bicycle and pedestrian path linked with the town system and within the subdivision itself: 3. Traffic control signs, signals or devices: 4. Street lights; 5. Landscaping; 6. Water lines and fire hydrants; 7. Sanitary sewer lines; 8. Storm drainage improvements and storm sewers; 9. Bridges and culverts; 10. Electric lines; 11. Telephone lines; 12. Natural gas lines; 13. Other improvements not specifically mentioned above but found necessary by the Town Engineer due to the nature of the subdivision. v. B. Land Use Plan The Vail Land Use Plan identifies the land use designation of lots 11and 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12h Filing as Public/Semi Public. Tract C, Block 1 , Vail Village 1 2 Filing land use designation was changed to Public/Semi Public and the zoning was changed to General Use as part of this development application. The affordable housing on Tract C is an integral part of the school on Lot 12. The definition for Public Semi-Public is: Public/Semi-Public (PSP): The Public and semi-public category includes schoo/s, post office, water and sewer seryice and storage facilities, cemeteries, municipal facilities, and other public institutions, which are located throughout the community to serve the needs of residents. The Vail Land Use Plan also identifies several applicable goals on pages 6-8 of the plan.: 1.7 New subdivision should not be permitted in high geologic hazard areas. 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas.2.5 The community should improve non-skier recreational options to improve year-round tourism.5.5 The existing employee housing base should be preserved and upgraded. Additional employee housing needs should be accommodated at varied sites throughout the community. SUROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING The surrounding land uses and zoning are as follows: North of Site Single family and duplex homes zoned Two Family Residential East of Site: Single family and duplex homes zoned Two Family Residential West of Site: Single family and duplex homes zoned Two Family Residential South of Site Frontage Rd. and l-70 Right of Way, Katsos Ranch Open space is on the south side of l-70. SITE ANALYSIS Vail Mountain School is located in the General Use Zone District. Pursuant to the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations, the purpose of the General Use Zone District is to: Provide sites for public and quasi-pubfib uses which, because of their special characteristics, cannot be appropriately regulated by the development standards prescribed for other zoning districts, and for which development standards especially prescribed for each pafticular development proposal or project are necessary to achieve the purposes prescribed in Section 12-1-2 of this Title and to provide for the public welfare. The General Use District is intended to ensure that public buildings vt. and grounds and cenain types of quasi-public uses permifted in the Distict are appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses, and, in the case of buildings and other structures, to ensure adequate light, air, open spaces, and other amenities appropriatetothe permifted types of uses. (Ord.21(199a) g 10). Sections 12-9C-2 and 1 2-9C-3 of the Vail Town Code outline the permitted and conditional uses allowed in the General Use Zone District. Public and private schools and educational institutions are a conditional use in the General Use Zone District subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit. The Agriculture Open Space zone District is outlined in 12-8A of the Town Code and the Two Family Residential District is in section 12-6C. Zoninq Analvsis Lot 12 and Lot 11 Zoning:General Use 'All development standards in the GU zone district are prescribed by the Planning and Environmental Commission 7.98 acres (Lot 12 S) or 347,826 sq. ft. Density: Setbacks: Cabin Side/Booth Ck Rd Side/East FronUnorth School Side/Katsos: Frontage Rd: Side: Booth Creek Rear: Height: Parking: Site Coverage: Landscape Cover Snow Storage Lot 12 S & Lot 11 Existinq 2000 2002 Proposed nla nla nla Lot Size: nla nla nla 90' 76' 358' 23', 85 22,027 sf (8.26%) 25' 162' 135' 20' 25" 370' 20' 4',1' 100 16%/55,804 sq. ft. 710/o1246296 sqft 31o/o lor main parking nla nla nla 27', 24' 76', 358', 20' JO 116 14.1o/o Floor Area: 20,488 sf 55,390 Students 261 330 Faculty 43 No defined storage for other parking 87,383 320 48 Zoning: General Use Lot Size: 1 .1 94 acres or 52,010 square feet Existinq (allowed TFR) 2002 Proposed Density: 2/site Not counted towards density (potential for 3 lots) 6.7 units/acre (Total = 8 EHUs) Setbacks: Side:East : 15' 138'Side:West 15' 30' Rear: North 20' 25' Front: South 20' 65' Height 33' 33' Parking: 2.5/unit 16 Site Coverage: 20% 9% /4,859 sq ft. Landscape 760/o139,692 Area Floor Area: 7385/1 lot 8,a78 (EHUs excluded from GRFA) 11,250/ 3 lots of 15,000 total sq ft. Tract C o Summarv of Entire Proiect Total Area: 9.18 Acres or 399,837 sq ft. Existinq 2000 Approval Proposed Plan nla SEHU's=4d.u.'s 8EHU's=4d.u.'s Density: Setbacks: Main School Building Setbacks: Cabin Side/Booth Ck Rd Side/East FronUnorth School Side/Katsos: Frontage Rd: Side: Booth Creek Rear: Faculty Housing Side: East Side: West Rear: North Front: South Height: Parking: Site Coverage: GRFA: Total school Floor Area: 27', 85 spaces 22,027 sf (8.26%) nla 31,990 sf 36' 116 spaces 37,469 sl (14.1o/o) 4,800 square feet 55,390 sf nla nla nla 90' 76', 358' 23' nla nla nla 24', 76' 358' 20' 25' 162' 135' 20' 25" 370' 20' 138' 30' 25', 65' 36' - 42' 116 + 20 for events 60,663 sf (15%). nla 95,861 sf vil. A. APPLICATION CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Criteria for Review Section 13-3 of the Town of Vail Code provides the criteria by which a proposed major subdivision is to be reviewed. Section 13-3-4: Commission Review of Application; Criteria states: The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of this Chapter, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable. Due consideration shall be given to the recommendations made by public agencies, utility companies and other agencies consulted under subsection 13-3-3C above. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the application and consider its appropiateness ,n regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, densfiies proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrity and compatibility with the surrounding land uses and other applicable documents, effects on the aesthetics of the Town. 1) Subdivision Gontrol There are two lots being platted as part of this major subdivision request: Lot Zoninq Lot Size Frontage Lot 1ZlLot 1 General Use 347,826 sq ft.950 ft on the Frontage Rd./680 ft on Booth Creek Rd. Tract ClLot2 General Use 52,010 sq ft 360 ft on Frontage Rd 2) Densities Proposed Density does not apply to EHUs or a school. However, the permitted and conditional uses include: The following uses shall be permitted in the GU district: r Passive outdoor recreation areas, and open space.e Pedestrian and bike paths. (ord.21(1994) s 10) l0 The following uses are conditional uses: o district, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with o the provisions of chapter 16 of this title:o Child daycare center.o Churches.o Equestrian trails.o Golf courses-o Helipad for emergency and/or community use o Hospitals, medical and dental facilities, clinics, rehabilitation centers,o clinical pharmacies, and ambulance facilities.o Major arcade.o Plant and tree nurseries, and associated structures, excluding the sale of o trees or other nursery products, grown, produced or made on the premises.o Public and private parks and active outdoor recreation areas, facilities and uses.o Public and private schools and educational institutions.o Public and quasi-public indoor community facility.o Public buildings and grounds.o Public parking facilities and structures.o Public theaters, meeting rooms and convention facilities.o Public tourisUguest service related facilities.o Publictransportation terminals.o Public utilities installations including transmission lines and appurtenant equipment.o Seasonal structures or uses to accommodate educational. recreational or cultural activities.o Ski lifts. tows and runs.o Type lll employee housing units (EHU) as provided in chapter 13 of this title.o Water and sewage treatment plants. o Proximity To Parking Required: The following conditional uses shall be o permitted in accordance with the issuance of a conditional use permit,o provided such use is accessory to a parking structure:o Offices.o Restaurants.o Ski and bike storage facilities.o Sundries shops.o TourisUguest service related facilities.o TransiUshuttle services. (Ord. 17(2001) $ 2: Ord.6(2000) $ 2:Ord.21(1994) S 10) 3) Regulations Lots 11, 12, and Tract C are zoned General Use. The General Use District requires an approved development plan in conjunction with development on the site. The rezoning is contingent on the Planning and Environmental Commission's approval of the development plan. 4) Ordinances, resolutions and other applicable documents In reviewing this proposal, staff relied upon the Town Code and the Vail Land Use Plan. The issues relating to the Town Code have been addressed previously. tl 5) Environmental lntegrity The Vail Mountain School does have a high severity rock fall hazard and a medium severity debris flow on the northwest corner of the site. The rockfall hazard has been mitigated by the existing rockfall berm. A qualified geologist has concluded that the berm does mitigate the rockfall hazard on all areas of Tract C and Lot 12. The geologist, Dr. Collins, also recommends the construction of a debris flow berm on the northwest corner of the site. A condition of approval is to have this berm constructed in the northwest corner of the site prior to occupancy of the cabin. 6) Compatibility with other adjacent Land Uses Compatibility with adjacent land uses is described above. The Vail Mountain School has been located on the site since 1979 and has operated harmoniously with the neighborhood. The eight EHUs are consistent in bulk and mass with other adjacent residential uses. In fact their total floor area is less than would be allowed under the current Two Family Residential zoning. 7) Effects Upon the Aesthetics of the Town and Surrounding Land Uses The Vail Mountain School and the eight EHUs will need to comply with all applicable Design Review Board guidelines. There are existing trees that would be removed as the result of the project. Approximately 330 aspens and 40 evergreens. However, the landscape plan helps mitigate that impact. The applicant is proposing to add 445 deciduous trees and 250 evergreen trees to the site as part of the landscaping olan. B. Findings. The following findings are used for a Major Subdivision: 1. That the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of the Major Subdivision Chapter, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable. 2. That the application is appropriate in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrity and compatibility with the surrounding land uses and other applicable documents, and effects on the aesthetics of the Town. VIII. STAFFRECOMMENDATION The Community Development did not receive any additional comments from the various reviewing authorities which were notified of this application as per Title 13 of the Town Code. The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approve the final plat for Vail Mountain School Subdivision, a resubdivision of Lots 11,12,Tract C, and Katsos Ranch Road, t2 Vail Village 12'n Filing based upon the criteria evaluated in mentioned above in this memorandum. The recommendation of approval includes the findings mentioned above. In addition to the findings above, staff recommends the following condition: . The Vail Town Council will need to approve of the changes in Right-of-way ownership within 60 days of the approval of the final plat.o Additional drainage easements required by the Town of Vail Public Works Department be granted by the applicant and recorded with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for the first phase of construction of the school t3 I I I ! t: 9.r: i;:.i: i !l!!:;i!::t rt:r:!i:i:!: !ljtirt _-F:r ! r?ri:;.:ii!: .,:: -ril!r:$i!ii t:' l':::r!rirr:i ! ; t: i:t:'t:ii i'i:!i:,:l:r! i Mr:i!itlt:; ! !:!i !;5::l i; iilii !tlli i!i I Ji i. . ) r;.i i i l: ! !:; ::i!ti ' Si irl ! :!i-'(i; . Itlh:! i :r:l;i! !n ::!:!r: : i: r!-litr. !! tt i.i i I ;il i:! ;'i , I!5 .,i : ! ii ! ;:i i r. ri i iii !i: , i:i ii: i irl i ili li I :; iI ; i: :: ii: : {-! i: i,: l, i'il :,; 1 r ! l: : :i ri ! li : ': i. 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MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: July 22,2002 SUBJECT: Amendment to the Vail Mountain School Development Plan and associated rezoning, conditional use permit, and hazard area amendment requests. Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by Braun and Associates Planner: Russ Forrest I. PURPOSE Since the July 8th meeting with the Planning and Environmental Commission the Vail Mountain School has further revised its development plan and the application it has submitted. The applicant has again requested that the July 22nd PEC meeting be a worksession and that a final decision be tabled to August 12th. Both staff and the applicant (attachment A) have identified issues on which they are requesting input from the PEC. Changes have been made to the overall development plan and reductions of those plans are provided in attachment B. II. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST This project involves the following properties: Parcel Current Zoning Proposed Zoning and Use Acreage Owner 1) Lot 12 S, Block 2, Vail Village 12th (Current SchoolSite) General Use (GU) General Use Zoningl School & soccer field & 92 parking spaces 6.1 acres Vail Mountain School 2) Lot 12 (applicant has referred to property as 12N), Block 2 VailVillage 12th (Tennis Court Site) This site was not properly subdivided and is actuallv oart of Lot 12. Agriculture Open Space (Aos) General Use Zoningl 12 parking spaces, relocated cabin 1.28 acres Vail Mountain School (Previously owned by the Booth Falls Homeowners Associations) 3) Lot 1 1, Block 2, Vail Village '12tn (lot directly west of current soccer field) Two Family Residential General Use/ Soccer Field .408 acres Vail Mountain School 4) Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12tn Two Family Residential General Use/ 8 EHUs & 16 parking spaces required for EHUs 1.28 acres Vail Resorts The following is a summary of the applications for this project: Applications that the PEC will make a recommendation on: 1) A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to rezone 3010 Booth Falls Road/Lot 1 1, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing from Two-Family Residential to General Use; 2) A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to rezone Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing to General Use, The northern portion of this lot is zoned Agriculture Open Space; 3) A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to rezone Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12'^ Filing from Two-Family Residential to General Use; 4) A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to modify the official Town of Vail Rockfall Hazard Map to indicate approved mitigation for 3160 N. Frontage Road/Lot 12, Block 2, and Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12'n Filling; Applications that the PEC will make a decision on: 5) A request for an amendment to the previously approved development plan and a new conditional use permit for a private educational institution and an active outdoor recreation area on 3010 Booth Falls Road/Lot 1 1 , Block 2, Vail Village 12tn Filing and 3160 N. Frontage Road EasV Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12'n Filing; 6) A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of eight Type lll EHUs located on Tract C, Block 1 , Vail Village 12th Filing; 7) A request for a for a conditional use permit to continue to allow for the existing temporary modular classroom structures located at 3160 N. Frontage Road EasV a part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12'n Filing; 8) A request for a major subdivision in accordance with Title 13, Chapter 3, Vail Town Code, and setting forth details in regards thereto, located at Lots 11 and 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing and Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12th Filing. 9) A request for a recommendation to amend the official Town of Vail Land Use Map for Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12'n Filing from Low Density Residential to Public/Semi-Public: III. SUMMARY OF PEC INPUT June 10'n Meetinq . The PEC asked that a sensitive lighting plan be developed.. Make the parking in Tract C more consolidated.o There was some interest in moving the Headmasters House onto Tract C.o The PEC wanted to see a management plan for the EHUs to show how the units would be used by employees of the school.. There was a comment to move Katsos Road further to the East to create more soace for the school.. There was a comment to subdivide the headmaster's house from the rest of the school and recreational field.o There was a need for additional information on retaining walls and grade changes.. Create enclosed parking for EHUs on Tract C . There was concern expressed about the van parking on Tract C.r There was agreement with DRB that the height of the gymnasium could be reduced.. There was general support that EHUs on Tract C were appropriate.. There was some concern about the overall mass of the school.. Some members did not support an amendment to add lhe 425 credit to the Agriculture Open Space Zone District. Julv 8th Meetinq o The PEC asked the applicant to rezone the tennis court area to either General Use or Single Family Residential. There was agreement that a more appropriate zoning should be used for the headmaster's house and the soccer field.o The majority of PEC indicated that they would not support a text amendment for the Agriculture Open Space zone district to accommodate a 425 GRFA credit.. The PEC did not approve of parking on the Frontage Rd for overflow parking.. There was some interest from the PEC in pursuing event parking at the Booth Falls trailhead.. The PEC wanted to see a sensitive lighting plan for the project.. The PEC stated that the fence beside the soccer field must be moved at least 10 feet from the edge of asphalt of Booth Falls Road.. Several members of the PEC commented that the school was addressing their concerns and moving in the right direction. Also the new plan was similar to the plan approved in 2000 in that the school would be accommodating the same number of students and would have the same number of staff.. PEC heard testimony from adjacent neighbors that the school was still too big and that the height should be further reduced to minimize the visual impact of the lv. school. There was testimony regarding the need to remove parking from Tract C. Also lighting was a critical issue neighbors were concerned about. There were also comments that the school needed to improve trash removal and clean- up of the grounds. A letter from Winston Associates was provided to the PEC by several Katsos Ranch neighbors that outlined their position on the project and recommendations for Tract C. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD INPUT FROM JUNE sTH MEETING . The Design Review Board (DRB) was very supportive of the architectural form of the building. Specifically they liked the horizontal and vertical variation in the design.. The DRB liked the contrast in the use of materials and that several roof materials would be considered.. The DRB requested that the applicant look at sinking the gymnasium to reduce the height of this element to address concerns from adjacent property owners.. The DRB expressed concern regarding any impact to the aspen stand on Tract c.. The DRB asked to see a very sensitive lighting plan. The Board asked that low level ballard lighting be used.. The DRB asked the applicant to consider structured parking underneath the soccer field which could enable the parking to be reduced on Tract C.. The DRB wanted to make sure that the applicant would have adequate landscaping. They were concerned that much of the landscaping was on CDOT right-of-way and wanted to make sure that they could plant that material.. DRB asked that a gate be considered for Tract C to prevent non school related traffic from parking in that lot.. DRB asked whether a porte-cochere was needed for the entrance to the school.. The Board inquired whether there was adequate space for loading and delivery. CHANGES IN THE PLAN SINCE JULY 8TH The applicant has made the following changes in the submitted applications and development plan: The applicant is proposing to replat Lot 12 as one lot and have the entire lot zoned General Use. The applicant has withdrawn their variance and text amendment request for the Agricultural Open Space zoned area (Tennis Courts) since this land is proposed to be General Use. The applicant is proposing 12 parking spaces and relocating the cabin to the tennis court area of the site. The applicant is proposing 8 employee housing units (EHU) on Tract C but has eliminated the off-site parking for the school. There were 31 parking spaces on Tract C in the previous plan, of which 16 were for the EHUs. The current plan proposes 16 spaces that are required for the EHUs on this site. The enclosed parking for the school buses was also eliminated from Tract C. V. Parking Breakdown Main Parking Area 92 Tract C EHU parking 16 North Parkinq Area 12 Total Event Parking 120 Additional 20 spaces in main parking lot vt. . The event parking plan has been changed to accommodate an additional 20 valet parking spaces. All 20 of these spaces are located in the main parking area. Total parking provided for special events is 140 spaces. No parking is proposed on the Frontage Road. DISCUSION ITEMS Circulation and Event Parkinq: Staff believes adequate parking is provided for normal school operations. With regard to event parking, it is positive that no parking is proposed on the Frontage Road However, it is unclear whether adequate parking is provided for special events. The traffic and circulation analysis in the EIS should further evaluate the amount of event parking that is needed. The previous proposal included 60 event parking spaces. The current plan depends heavily on managed parking and may result in overflow parking on Katsos Ranch Road or Booth Creek Rd unless adequate shuttle service is to another available parking structure if possible. Also, additional spaces may be accommodated in the parking lot if it is entirely valet parked. Tract C Site Disturbance The applicant has further reduced site disturbance on Tract C by removing 15 parking spaces from Tract C. The only parking provided on the site is the required parking for the EHUs. Does PEC feel that the level of site disturbance is appropriate for the subject property? Also Attachment C summarizes the development potential for Tract C given the current zoning of Two Family Residential. Overall Mass, Site Coveraqe of the Proiect This issue should be evaluated at the August 12 PEC meeting. The development statistics for the original proposal are included in Attachment C. New Site Plan for Tennis Court Area ls PEC comfortable with the location of 12 parking spaces and the historical cabin on the tennis court area of Lot 12? ls PEC comfortable with the layout of the soccer field? There is now a 10 foot separation from the fence of the field and to the edge of Booth Creek Road 1. 2 J. 4. 5. Conditional Use Permit ls the PEC comfortable with the continued use of temporary classrooms while the school is being redeveloped, if the development plan is approved? 6. Pedestrian Access Staff believes pedestrian access is needed from the new north parking area and cabin to the school. Attachments: A. Letter from applicant B. Revised Plans C. Original development statistics D. Input from Katsos Ranch Residents AttachmentA Applicant's response to PEC input I snr BR.AUTN ASSoclAtlES, lNC. PLANN NG and COYIf'1UN TY DEVELOPIIENT July 18,2002 Planning and Environmental Commission And Russell Forrcst, AICP Director of Community Developmcnt Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Response to Comments on Vail Mountain School Project, Vail, Colorado Dear Planning Commission Members: Thank you for your insightful comments on the Vail Mountain School project. We appreciated the opportunity to provide answers to your questions and to hear your encouraging comments on this project. We intend to give the PEC an update of the Vail Mountain School project on July 22 and conduct a final review ofthe project on August 12. We have madc several significant changes to the plans to addrcss issues raised by the PEC, neighbors, and the Town staff. Bclow is list of changes that we have made to the plans and our applications. These changes will be reflected in more detail at the August 12 PEC hearing. o Parking and Development on Tract C We have eliminated all of the staff parking and the bus cnclosure from Tract C. This modification is in responsc to the comments we heard from the neighbors. Additionally, wc are creating landscape berms and areas to help buffer the faculty housing from the surrounding residential uses. The proposed development complies with all of the devclopment standards of the existing Two-Family Rcsidential zoning including site coverage, landscape area, setbacks, and building height. o Rezoning of"Booth Falls" Parcel (northern part ofLot 12) In response to concerns and direction exprcssed by the PEC at the June 22 PEC hearing, we have amendcd our application to now request a rezoning of this parccl to General Use. ldwards V llage Centel Suite C-209 0l05 Edwards V llage Boulevard Post Offlce 3ox 2658 Edwar<Js, Colorado 8 | 532 Ptt 9749)6 7 57 5 tax 9 /0.9 )6157 6 wwwbrau na ss<>ciaLcs.cotr r Additionally, our proposed plat now reflects the consolidation ofthree parcels to one larger parcel (Lot I I, Lot 12, and the Booth Falls parcel). Development of Booth Falls Parcel The future head of school residence has been removed from the plans. VMS will seek other opportunities to provide a residence for future heads of school. The existing school cabin is now proposed to be relocated to this parcel, north ofthe proposed soccer field. Additionally, in order to accommodate the parking removed from Tract C, we are proposing aparking area adjacent to the cabin to accommodate l2 vehicles. This area will provide parking for small meetings and gatherings that may occur at the cabin. Additionally, in the summer months this parking area can help alleviate parking on Booth Falls Road by trail users. Soccer Field The PEC raised a concem about the proximity of the soccer field to Booth Falls Road. In response the soccer field has been shifted slightly in order to provide adequate buffer to Boothfalls Road. We believe there is adequate space on both ends of the field to provide landscaping and buffering to surrounding uses. We believe this change addresses the safety concems raised by the PEC. . Parking Management Plan for Special Events The PEC expressed concem about the use ofthe Frontage Road for special event parking. As you iue aware special events occur at the school on rare occasions and the parking management plan is intended to provide direction when planning such an event. ln response to this concern we have modified the parking management plan to eliminate the use of the Frontage Road for event parking. Further we have modified the language of the plan to specifically identi$ the trial head as a remote parking opportunity. We hope that the PEC agrees with our specific responses to concerns raised by the PEC and neighbors. We believe the proposed changes represent reasonable compromise to the concems we heard. iello, AJCP o o o o Varl Mounlarn School Speaal EvenL ?arhnq Manaqement Plan o Jvly 22,2OOz o t- Varl Mountan School Speaal Event ?arbnq Manaqemenf, ?lan Jvly 22,2OO2 ?vrpose The pvrpose of thrs Spectal Event ? arhnq Manaqement Plan (here after , "?lan") ts lo reqvlale how VarAnq s conLrolled durnq spectal events at the Varl Mountarn School (VM3) campvs. The gchool wrll utrhze thrs Plan when planntnq speoal evenLs or when worktnq wfth commvnfty qroups destnq to vse the school's faalfttes. Thrs Plan s nlended to be a qutde. Addtilonal parktnq soluLtons may be developed by Lhe school worktnq n concerl wrth the Town of Varl. Speaal Events The proposed school Iaaltbes have been destqned to addresE the LyVcal Vroqrammabc needs of the Vatl Mounlarn School. The parAnq prouded on the ste wll meeL Lhe day to-day needs ol the gchool. AddtLtonally, the | | C parAnq s?ace5 Vrouded on-gfte exceed lheTown's parktnq requrement Ior a 4OO-seaL audtlorvm. The f own'E parAnq reqvrrement ol I parhnq Ver | ?O sq. ft. of seabnq lloor area 4eneraLes a need for 30 parAnq 5?ace5 (3,5OO sq. tt. seatnq area). ftowever, VMS undersLands that cerlatn rare evenLs may exceed LheTown's Varktnq calculahon and Lhe number ol sLandard 5?aces prouded on-stte. VMS wrll lrom hme-Lo-ftme have events n the avdttonum or wrLhrn the athlettc laclftEs that may qenerate parAnq demand beyond Lhe normal caVaaly ol the deaqnated Varhnq areag. ln lhese rare arcvmgLanceg alLernaltve parktnq scenatos and modes ol Lransportatron wrll need Lo be uLlved. VM9, on a case-by-case bagts, may allow olher cornmunLy qroups Lo vttlve fts faaltLes. These commvnty evenLs may requre s?eoal ?rovtston5 lor Varktnq deVendtnq on the number ol parbapants and Lhe type of event planned. Parkrnq Alternat:es Dulnq sVeoal events VMS may emVloy (or reqwre oI others vtt|zn1 Lhe gchool laclfttes) the lollowtnq parhnq manaqemenL Lechntques n order to redvce parAnq rmVacLs to the netqhborhood and the Town's 5ffeeL nefwork. One or a combnahon ol the followtnq technqves may be vtlved. A VarAnq plan s atlached lo thts plan. il. ilt. ? lv. E-ncouraqe vsers lo utlve the Town of V atl bus sy5tem. fhe f own's bvs slop ts located on lhe proVerty and s proxtmate to the =chool'g laclftres. VMS wrll u5e nohces, leLters, or tlyers to ndtcaLe that the fown's bus system e avatlable and encovraqe ?artta?antE to take the bvE to and |rom the campug. Reqarelencovraqe the ule ol ?rwate shuttles to deltver vsers lo the properLy lrom oLher remote publtc parktnq areas. These pub\c par\nq areas may nclude the CDOT parkn7 area located at the east Varl nterchanqe, Dooth Falls Traihead VarAnq area, Ford Park VarAnq arcas, the Varl Vllaqe parknq structvre, and Lhe Ltonshead Parktnq 5Lructure. Any vse of Lhe Town's Varhnq laalfttes wil requre coordnatron wfth lhefown of Vai. EmVloy the serwces ol a parhnq valel Lo u5e lhe on-stEe parktnq areas as elfoenLly as Vosable. Wfth valel servtce apVronmaLely 2O addftional cars that can be accommodated wfthn Lhe desvnabed parktna areas. o Encovraqe carpooltn1 by users and parilcyanlE. The school wrll notrly 1uest and users lhat Varknq E hmfted on the property lor speaa eventg and wll encovaqe them to nde toqeLher. Tarknq ?estrrctrons ?arhnq on booth f alls Road, Katsos Ranch Road, and Lhe North TronLaqe Road wrll not be endorsed or encouraqed by VMS. VMS, through noilces lo Varents, parttapanls, and vgers, shall ndtcate that Varhnq s prohbfted on Booth Falls Road, KaLsos Ranch Road, and the North Trontaqe Road. VMS wrll work wfth the Town of Vatl and code entorcement lo eniure that users ol the school laalftreE do nol park on Lhese neqhborhood gfreeLs. 3 Attachment B Revised Plans o o o o o a lir!:; fil!:t :;ii:l; I *11i" j'!rlr : ':! lii! i i:ili!t I ;iiiiii i iriiiil i' ::rtirr I r: iil:tii i it ii:ilit: ;i lr I j I 5 .: i: ,t , i ! ;. l:! ti , ti i !: i tr i. it ! i;i .:'i ! i'r | : -i- rtt i .:- rtr r l".i l..l i t. :r I l. il ttli:!r r il ! ,ii i,..:tli: i, i,, ":l i;1,iii ; il; i;: ii lll i ;ii il ii t. I-- i1 ti :.:7 ;i ;r: rlr !.:ti! !ii ti tii lr ! '; !i t. ! !i I] i1: ! .!r !;r t I i i lr t.l 1i j. ir .! - a ir ! irl 'i 1l r ;; ;l . t rlt: i!r - i:!i :: t;;!; I ! r..!il ' li t F!lil i: !::i: :l ;: ri_! r!t :: i:!r l,!i: ::5 'i:iiiii!:'.r :ri!iili:ii; ir !:r! t ^ ;i riii I Bl! li:i - i ':Ir;:i; :!i! iiliii.!' ' r .:iil;iiii ,,:E.. " ,L ;i;,iii rl;l lr:i!!i ;i: !i- :.I !iii Ifi ir;-: !ii l!r! :!: ;ii r !;i iil: !!i !rii ii!:i!it:ll !i l! "l !r ?r-ii :::ri i!:!: ,-. !l! i,.i iii:ii ir':1r ;ir lii r:i i!j :i: i;l rlJ cii -+- I a '( z fL *.t-Cr 1 r-i j< (-) E1 > lr- )r ' ^F r-r z- ra 7. )i= P lo v -1 L.', -J !T! .O Zz (hn HO >" /z . (n< t<1-'ci i r-{ ar) < <)rr =zC)' Ecn * -Fr Ht7 -y):- rr z? \JO Fz "1 '-r -. Vl <=>a D (f)t I I ! t I O o o o o o O o Varl Movntarn School Reduced 5fte and l-andsca?e Plans o o P F - F F \.b o F o C, .F' o ) l.**'*o g "99 z. A.Z 3 r-:6 Z zEA e iEg =- F z E - EFz; Hr; =,ZF = EE" 8 3.4 ,lr - _-.- sh td :=ai ia 6B o --l I I ---1 ( - -.' 7^\ ailr^ ''-;i- '+^t^ e,vz" ""2 v .j E t- i= F "1"' - +. :d8 ;- I 2 E /l sc i =i ! I i: I I 2 E c TE,*sYrlgssqe ';, 5 I 4 I F ? E T x I E @ at,*,,ei offi!En It' laEEii IEEEgH de 'l- = = = !2 I a =. i- \)_,, -. '1 .:' -- -, .' o o o Varl Mountarn School Soccer fteld West End Detail o o ,. -\caddLsheeb\A'l {0.d0n 07 I 17 lVz 1 2:55:47 PM l'L za' A.4fH4 5we Ltv'ttt'l*nY I\zdt ...\CaddtEheeE\A1 -00.dgn 07 I 17 I OZ 1 2:56: 1 Z .pM I |EnylEtR.AutN ASSOCI|A]IES, ltNC. PIANNING and COl.1l'lUNlTY DEVELOPI.,IENT July 17,2OO2 Dob Perletz, Wrnston AssoaaLes Kenny Lubrn Katsog Ranch Road Nerghbors VIA TACSIMILE 47C-39t 2 (3O3) 449-G9 t I Dear Kenny, Bob, and Nerghbors: Ths letter E ffitended to demonstraLe the Varl Mountarn School's commrtments to the Katsos Ranch Road resdenl=. We heard your comments and concerns exVressed n ?er5on at the Plannrnq Commrssron heannq and throuqh yovr wrftLen coffesVondence. follownq the Plannnq Commrsston heaanq we have spenl some Ame re-examrnnq alLernahves for the cam?vs layouL. We vndersLand LhaL the thrvst of yovr concerne revolveg arovnd the locabon of the bus enclosure, Lhe addfttonal laculty Varhnq onTract C, and the overall matntenance ol lhe landsca4nq on the VMS carn?us. We have nclvded a reused sfte planllandscape plan that we beleve addresses yovr concerns n thrs reqard. We are now ?ro?o5nq elmtnabon of the bus enclosure, relocalon ol the laculty VarAnq 5?aces lo the weEl porhon of the camVvs (near Dooth Falls Road), and development of a Euftable landscaVe Vlan lor lract C. AddtIonally we undersLand that the netqhbors are loobnq lor some commrtments from lhe school wfth resVecl to construcbon rmpacts and lonqer-term manlenance. Wfth yorr su??ort ol the Vrolect, VMS rs makrng lhe lollownq commrtments to the nerqhbors: . The development ol fract C wll be hmrfed lo lacvlly houanq, parknq tor the tacvlty houstnq, and landscaVe rmprovements. Edwards Village Center; Suite C-209 0 | 05 Edwards Village Boulevard Post Ofllce Box 2658 Edwards, Colorado 8 | 632 Ph - 970.926.7s75 lax - 970.926.757 6 wwwbraunassociates.com fhe bndscape Vlan lor Tract C wll nclude substanilal landscaVnq n lhe lorm ol berms, qround cover, and lrees. The matenalg and deLaled landscaVe plan wll be as Vroposed on lhe aLlached landscape plan and malerrals ltsl. FvrLher, AsVen Lrees to be preserved on the lot wll be dentfited on lhe proVerLy and any ol Lhose Lrees lhal do noL 5urv:e Lhe conslrvcbon ?rocess wll be replaced. The Destqn Revrew Board has lnal reuew avthorfty on the landscape glan. The landscaVnq on the properly wll be svpporled wfth an rnqahon sysLem and wll be marnlaned by the Val Mountarn School n a heallhy manner. Any veqelabon that does not svrv:e wll be replaced n Lhe approplaLe qrownq perod. VMS rs ?ro?oznq htqh qualtLy archftectvre and malenalE for the lacvlLy houanq. A sample ol Lhe Vroposed elevattons and malenals s atlached. The qraphrc reVresents the qeneral aVplcaton ol these matetals. the Deaqn Rewew Board wrll have ulhmate control over the matenalE vsed and the extent of therr apVlcabon. Vehcular and pedestnan access lor restdents dunnq Lhe Katsos Ranch Road relocahon and conslrvcilon process wrll be mantarned at all tmes. There may be a need Lo control trallrc dvnnq crrtrcal penods n Lhe relocahon ol the road and regrdents wrll be rnform ed oI these bmes by Lhe conLractor. Dust wrll be controlled duanq the consLructton ?roce5s by waLennq and other Lechnqves. Addrhonally, Katsos Ranch Road wil be sweVl Venodrcally lo Vrevent dvst. VMS wrll Vrowde netqhbors wfth a conlractor's reVresentatve phone nvmber dvnnq consLructton. Thrs contact ?erson wll be avarlable Lo meet wfth nerqhbors to resolve constrvcIon related $suez. We hope thatyou aqree wfth our reused plans lorTract C and can lend yovr supVort oI our a?plcalon based on evr commrtmentg to vou. Domrnrc F. Maurrello, AICP I I I I z e5 TJ L r-n --ttlF tS'$+\*r $ \lV t- CJ o o /z1N'//\ m00 stfls Ir6$rRr vErfiR FACULTY HOUSING_ NORTH EITV. ALT I FACULIY ||OUSING- TIST IIIY. ArT 1 JULY 17, 2002 PRELIMINARY ELEVATIONS VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado o IACULTf IIOUSING. NORIH tLTV. ALT 2 FACULTT HOUSING_ HIST EIIV ALI 2 8J61 $lfll€nc $rco rom gI[ llAl0if,Y W,ffi |,|OUSM_ t' FACULTY o o FACULIY HOUSINC- FAST [LTV. ALT 2 JULY 17, 2002 a$7' ,J**r PRELIMINARY ELEVATIONS VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colomdo Attachment C Development Statistics from original proposal Note These statistics have not been updated to reflect the most current submittal) Zoninq Analvsis _Note: All Numbers for the proposed school are approximate and need to be further verified. Lot 12 S and Lot 1 1 (Assuminq Lot 1 1 is rezoned to General Use) Zoning: General Use * All development standards in the GU zone district are prescribed by the PEC Lot Size: 6. 122 acres (Lot 1 2 S) or 266,674 square feet + .408 acres or 17 ,772 square feel= 284,446 square feet Lot 12 S & Lot 11 Existinq 2000 2002 Prooosed Density: nla nla nla Setbacks: FronVKatsos: 90' 24' 24' Frontage Rd: 76' 76' 25' Side: Booth Creek 358' 358' 340'Rear: 23' 20' 20' Height 27' 36' 42 (approx) Parking: 85 1 16 84 lot 121115 total (includes 2 bus spaces) Site Coverage: 22,027 sf (8.26%) (14.1%) 20.9o/o Floor Area: 20,488 sf 55,390 75,900 Students 261 330 320 Faculty 43 48 48 O Lotl2N Zoning: Agriculture Open Space Lot Size: 1.28 acres or 55,756 square feet Existinq 2002 Proposed Density: nla 1 Setbacks: North Lot Line: nla 20' Booth Falls Rd: nla 20' East Lot Line: nla 85' Height nla 31' (Need to verify) Parking: 0 Need 2.5 Site Coverage: nla 4.8o/ol5Yo allowed Floor Area: nla 2,425 (proposed)/2000 allowed Tract C Zoning: Two Family Residential / Proposed zoning is General Use Lot Size: 1.28 acres or 55,756 square feet Existinq (allowed) 2002 Proposed Density: 2/site Not counted towards density (potential for 3 lots) 6.21lacre (8 EHUs) Setbacks: Katsos Ranch west: zOft 120' N. Frontage 15 25' North (Katsos) 15 18 Height 33' 24 approximately Parking: 2.S/unit 1 15 total/29 on Tract C Site Coverage: 20Yo 6 5o/o Floor Area: 7385 sq ft on 1 lot 5,660 (EHUs excluded from GRFA) or 3 lots of 15,000 for 12,535 of totalGRFA. l0 Summarv of Entire Proiect Density:nla Existinq 2000 Approval Proposed Plan SEHU's=4d.u.'s SEHU's=4d.u.'s 1 Dwelling Unit (headmaster) Setbacks: Main SchoolBuilding Front/Katsos: 90' Side/Frontage Rd: 76' Side: Rear: Faculty Housing FronUKatsos: Side: Rear/Frontage Road: Height: Parking: 20' 25' 350'+ 20' - 40' 20' 130' dc 36' - 42' 115 + 4 for headmaster res + 15 drop-off spaces 1 loading space 65,800 sf (16.7%). 5,040 sq. ft. (EHUs) 2,425 sf (headmaster) 75,900 sf 36' 116 spaces 0 37,469 st (14.1%) 4,800 square feet 55,390 sf 358' 23' 24', 76' 358', 20' 27', 85 spaces Loading: Site Goverage: GRFA: Total school Floor Area: 0 22,027 sf (8.26%) nla 31,990 sf Lot 11 Lot 12 *Site Coverage Detail Use Parcel Site Cover % of Lot Residence Boothfalls Parcel (Portion of Lot 12) 2,700 sf 4.8Yo Cabin School 950 sf 5.3o/o 58,500 sf 22o/o Facultv Housinq and Bus Enclosure Tract C 3,650 sf 6.5% II Overall Plan All Parcels 65,800 sf 16.7% o Attachment D Input from Adjacent Residents t2 JUL, 15,2002 l2:08PM BEVERLY MC|(II'IiIEY EricJ Speck 3150 Ea6t Booth Falls Court Vail, CO 81657 Tef 970 477 7498 N0.2962 P. 2 July 8, 2002 Planning and Environmental Commission Town of Vail 75 South Frontbge Road Vail, CO 81657 : Dear Gommissloners Vail Mountain School's Request for Expansion Approval My name is Eric Speck, and I regret that my pre-existing business commitments caused me to havi to depart Vail yesterday aftemoon. I wish that I could attend today's meeting in person, and I thank you for the opportunity to allow my representative to submit this statement- By way of introduction, I achieved a life-long dream about a year ago when I purchised a home in Vall, located at 3150 Booth Falls court. while I am a new homeowner in the community, I am a long-time patron of Vail, having spent as much time as possible in the Valley since my first visit over 30 years ago. After gr€duating from the University of Denver in 1978, I set a goal of returning to Vail on a permanent basis. I am a significant step closer with my new home. I never thought I would find myself writing in opposition to any project that has the goal of improving the quality of education. Personally, I place a high priority on improvements in education because it is So important to Our communities, Our youth and our ability to compete on a global basis. lt is for this reason that I ierve as a trustee fbr a nation-wide endOwment for continuing education and certification in the travel industry. l, therefore. feel embarrassed wdting to you to express concem about the Vail Mountain SChool's proposed expansion plans- I am writing to formally express my opposition to the manner in which the School proposes to ainieve its long-term goals. While I understand that expansion of its iacilitle" is desirable and necessary, the proposed solution places undue harm on me and many other members of the Booth Falls community- My home is located at the end of the culde-sac on Booth Falls Court, just above the School- | am pleased that eadier proposats, that would have affected more residents in Booth Fatls, have been shelved. My home, however, is likely one of the most negatively afiected homes under the cunent proposal. My major_concem is that the proposed expansion will completely block my views of Gorg creek and the beaver refuge. Today, my primary living room window. which is on the highest t2 t o v o o JUL, 15,2002 l2:08PM BEVERLY McKINNEY Fil???t, and Envirotental commission July 8, 2002 N0.2962 P. 3 floor of the honire, frames a beautlful vista to the beaver pond. Tomorrow, if approved, the View will be of roof-tops. I understand that modifications are being made to the plans in order to address some, but not all, of these concerns. Dominic at Braun AssOCiates is currently preparing a viery analysis which will confirm the degree of impact to my highest floor views. Certainly plans could be additionally modified to either excavate further or lower the roof. i hope that the school will re-consider its position that the south expansion mudt also include such a hlgh, multi-story roof. A Compromise here could potentially result in a workable solution for all involved. Today, the Vail Mountain Schml is situated in harmony with the-small community of Bobtfr Fatls homes and our beautlful. natural sunoundings. lf approved, the school's expansion will place our community in the shadows of the building's imposing structure. I hope that these public hearings will result in a compromise that suits the key objections, and objec{ives, of all parties. ln the interest Of compromise, I am resigned to the fact that my lower floor will be walled in, that nOiSe from the schoOl will increase, and the open greenJands beside my home will dlsappear. I hope, however, that plans may be modified so that the views from my upper floors will be preserved. Thank you again for the opportunity to address your meeting today. I appreciate your on-going interest in this issue' O I -v o o THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PR o OPE RTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of ' Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on July 22,2002, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, to allow for time share units on the first floor of a building or above, located at the Antlers Condominiums, 680 West Lionshead Place/Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead 3'd Filing. Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Rob Levine Planner: George RutherMarren Campbell A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to of an amendment to Section 12-7 A-7 (Height), Vail Town Code, to increase the maximurn allowable building height in the Public Accommodation Zone District. Applicant: Bob Lazier, represented by Jay Peterson Planner: George Ruther I A request for a final review and the following applications related to the rftproposed redevelopment of the : R 7 ' 1) A request for a recom Town Councll to rezone 3010 Booth Falls RoadiLot 1 1, Block 2, Vail Village 12 om Two-Family Residential to General Use; 2) A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to rezone Tract C, Block 'l , Vail Village 12th Filing from Two-Family Residential to General Use; 3) A request for a recommendation to amend the official Town of Vail Land Use Map for Tract C, Block 1 , Vail Village 12'n Filing from Low Density Residential to Public/Semi- Public; 4) A request for an amendment to the previously approved development plan and a new conditional use permit for a private educational institution and an active outdoor recreation area on 3010 Booth Falls Road/Lot 1 1 , Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing and 3160 N. Frontage Road EasUa part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12'" Filing; 5) A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of eight Type lll EHUs located on Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12'n Filing; 6) H requesi for a conciitional use permit to allow foi'a pi'ivate educational instituticn anC active outdoor recreation area located at 3160 N. Frontage Rd. EasUa part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing; 7) A request for a for a conditional use permit to allow for temporary modular classroom structures located at 3160 N. Frontage Rd. EasV a part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing; 8) A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to modify the official Town of Vail Rockfall Hazard Map to indicate approved mitigation for 3160 N. Frontage Road/Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12'n Filling; 9) A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a text amendment to Section 12-84-8 (Density), Vail Town Code, to amend the GRFA requirements in the Ag and Open Soace Zone District: 10) A request for a variance from Sectiorr to 12-84-5 (Lot Area and Site Dimensions) to allowfora subdivision creating a lot which is lessthan 35 acres, located at Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12'n Filing (Booth Falls Tennis Courts); 1 1) A request for a major subdivision in accordance with Title 13, Chapter 3, Vail Town Code, and setting forth details in regards thereto, located at Lots 11 and 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12tn Filing and Tract C, Block 1 , Vail Village '12'h Filing. Applicant vair uro#ain School, represented by Braun n"=t"te", tnc. t Planner: Russ Forrest The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign fanguage interpretation avaihbb upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published July 5, 2002 in the Vail Daily. o Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 t rcrtcuo e^"en Mr. and Mrs.McCormtck 7O4 Aventda Zapata Rancho Velo TX 78575 FBRfiK3fl "ilE"E?Fo'F'fr=96 I99o*"F9""o=6i-ownisvrr-uE Tx 765ao-91r+6 oa 07 / Lo/oe SEND o qg FEi qg ffl srs= :r;sg;ggFsdFtFFri;fIEfl+Fs*i3FF iE q;f ;E glf $1if Fr*f;*eta:ia'3aIFaIi#il*5',{5g5 gfr i3g $fr 53+ ,€Efl o iaslgft:ilH*i IiFii mgm*uglttlllgiliiigiiliallg=ilffigelEgi,*ts ig;fii *;igi E{ fr3eird*€ qE€l er ii Eg F$ ;+* Hn esqsn u i$F; i ili ggflgiiif i*gt 3q di $ ig =; pe rr D gg:'*t *l gl i; Ei+llie t$li ii 'g ' [i g il =FIar 3:i3i:i*[ HF=+gBi*iii s dH E si -lg flA pt es r: $* irt*; **'x e* * ;* s gg xl ig }l ai ;g lg itii rg i g$ t H1 fti -.1 t Lr 5 o c g 8E R = xE s EE$$ E E EEE'A fi ^:. E,qge d -4.--tEE q *EeE s H a6EE E in kE'SO !E E *P.cS E E -E'E*t ;(D '6!€ c -G B e6*E *-? EXPI:* ;fiie gE H Es_E =. EE E- EgP PE +E FE Eb e E c*- .eE AE E'= !g r*ae L) = o.\gE g= E"or Hg ES RR ;F ido u= €t ?E *.o8 Eg gq S H frE _NAH €8 6E fis #E $T €;t€ hF =E Eg Fg 5F Department of C ommunity D€r'e lopmenl 75 South Frotxage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 {,2 urrruo "^"o^ t--in=,.:'''*O- 5kr PO Vatl, Club Dox Vat 5tE atG5A li,,i,,,h,li,',i,i,i,'i'ii""iti" "ili"i""iil"i'i'it'i July 8, 2002 Amendment to the Vail Mountain School Development Plan and associated rezoning, conditional use permit, varian@, hazand area amendment requests. it a' I MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: July 8, 2002 SUBJECT: Amendment to the Vail Mountain School Development Plan and associated rezoning, conditional use permit, variance, hazard area amendment requests. Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by Braun and Associates Planner: Russ Forrest I. PURPOSE The Vail Mountain School has begun to respond to the input from the DRB, PEC, and additional input from the neighborhood. that the July 8th PEC meeting be a worksession and t to July 22no. Both staff and the applicant (attachme hat they are requesting input on from the PEC. Changes to both the building and the overall site plan have occurred and reductions of those plans are provided in attachment B. New development statistics are not yet available on these revised plans. II. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST This project involves the following properties: Parcel Zoning Proposed Zoning and Use Acreage Owner 1) Lot 12 S , Block 2, Vail Village 12rh (Current School Site) General Use (GU) General Use Zoningl School & soccer field & 84 parking spaces 6.1 acres Vail Mountain School 2) Lot 12 (applicant refers to property as 12N), Block 2 Vail Village 12'n Space (Tennis Court Site) This site was not properly subdivided and is actually part of Lot 12. Agriculture Open Space (AOS) AOS zoning/ 2000 sq. ft. Head Master House and portion of soccer field. 1.28 acres Vail Mountain School (Previously owned by the Booth Falls Homeowners Associations) 3) Lot 11, Block 2, Vail Village 12'h (lot directly west of current soccer field) Two Family Residential Applicant is proposing to rezone to General Use/ Soccer Field and cabin .408 acres Vail Mountain School 4) Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12h Two Family Residential Applicant is proposing to rezone to General Use/ 8 EHUs and 29 parking spaces + 2 bus spaces 1.28 acres Vail Resorts The following is a summary of the applications for this project: Aoolications that the PEC will make a recommendation on: 1 ) A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to rezone 3010 Booth Falls Road/Lot 1 1 , Block 2, Vail Village 12tn Filing from Two-Family Residential to General Use; 2) A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to rezone Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12'n Filing from Two-Family Residential to General Use; 3) A request for a recommendation to amend the official Town of Vail Land Use Map for Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12th Filing from Low Density Residential to Public/Semi-Public: 4) A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to modify the official Town of Vail Rockfall Hazard Map to indicate approved mitigation for 3160 N. Frontage Road/Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filling; 5) A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a text amendment to Section 12-8A-8 (Density), Vail Town Code, to amend the GRFA requirements in the Ag and Open Space Zone District; Applications that the PEC will make a decision on: 6) A request for an amendment to the previously approved development plan and a new conditional use permit for a private educational institution and an active outdoor recreation area on 3010 Booth Falls Road/Lot 1 1 , Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing and 3160 N. Frontage Road EasUa part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing; 7) A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of eight Type lll Emus located on Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12'h Filing; 8) A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a private educational institution and active outdoor recreation area located at 3160 N. Frontage Rd. EasUa parr of Lot'12, Block 2, VailVillage 12th Fiting; 9) A request for a for a conditional use permit to allow for temporary modular classroom structures located at 3160 N. Frontage Rd. EasU a part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing; 10) A request for a variance from Section to 12-8A-5 (Lot Area and Site Dimensions) to allow for a subdivision creating a lot which is less than 35 acres, located at Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12h Filing (Booth Falls Tennis Courts); 1 1) A request for a major subdivision in accordance with Title 13, Chapter 3, Vail Town Code, and setting forth details in regards thereto, located at Lots 11 and 12, Block 2, VailVillage 12th Filing and Tract C, Block 1, VailVillage 12rh Filing. III. SUMMARY OF PEC INPUT FROM THE JUNE lOTH MEETING ' The PEC asked that a sensitive lighting plan be developed.o Make the parking in Tract C more consolidated.. There was some interest in moving the Headmasters House onto Tract C.. The PEC wanted to see a management plan for the EHUs to show how the units would be used by employees of the school.. There was a comment to move Katsos Road further to the East to create more soace for the school.. There was a comment to subdivide the headmaster's house from the rest of the school and recreational field.r There was a need for additional information on retaining walls and grade changes.o Create enclosed parking for EHUs on Tract C o There was concern expressed about the van parking on Tract C.. There was agreement with DRB that the height of the gymnasium could be reduced.o There was general support that EHUs on Tract C were appropriate.o There was some concern about the overall mass of the school.. Some members did not support an amendment to add the 425 credit to the Agriculture Open Space Zone District. IV. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD INPUT FROM JUNE sTH MEETING . The Design Review Board (DRB) was very supportive of the architectural form of the building. Specifically they liked the horizontal and vertical variation in the design.. The DRB liked the contrast in the use of materials and that several roof materials would be considered. . The DRB requested that the applicant look at sinking the gymnasium to reduce the height of this element to address concerns from adjacent property owners.. The DRB expressed concern regarding any impact to the aspen stand on Tract c.. The DRB asked to see a very sensitive lighting plan. The Board asked that low level ballard lighting be used.. The DRB asked the applicant to consider structured parking underneath the soccer field which could enable the parking to be reduced on Tract C. ' The DRB wanted to make sure that the applicant would have adequate landscaping. They were concerned that much of the landscaping was on CDOT right-of-way and wanted to make sure that they could plant that material.. DRB asked that a gate be considered forTract C to prevent non school related traffic from parking in that lot.. DRB asked whether a porte-cochere was needed for the entrance to the school.. The Board inquired whether there was adequate space for loading and delivery. V. CHANGES IN THE PLAN SINCE JUNE 8TH Complete plans for the revisions the applicant is making have not yet been submitted. However, the plans reflect the following changes. . The floor plans of the school have changed significantly and applicant believes that the overall floor area has been reduced.. The site plan for Tract C has changed. The parking area has been consolidated and 16 enclosed parking spaces have been provided for the EHUS.o A variance is being requested to replat the area known as the Tennis Court sites because this land is zoned Agriculture Open Space and is under the minimum lot size of 35 acres. The Tennis Court area is currently 1.28 acres.o An event parking plan has been submitted that involves valet parking in the proposed West parking area and on the Frontage Rd.o A more detailed landscape plan has been submitted that shows the Aspen stands on Tract C.r The Vail Mountain School has also received approval from the Town Council to proceed through the planning process to determine if additional youth recreational fields would be appropriate on the Booth Fall Park and on Tract A Vail Village 13 Filling. Community Development has not yet received any applications related to this request. VI. DISCUSION ITEMS 1. Subdivision of Lot 12 and associated Variance: In 1979 and 1980, the school site and Tennis Court site, respectively, were improperly subdivided and conveyed to the School and the Booth Falls Townhomes. The Town Code speaks to the conveyance of land without a subdivslon in section 13-1-3 which reads: A. General Prohibition: lt is unlawful for any person, business, or corporation to violate any of the provisions of this Chapter or to transfer, sell, lease or agree to sell or lease, any lot, tract, parcel, site, separate interest (including a leasehold interest), interest in common, condominium interest, time-share estate, fractional fee, or time-share license, or any other division within a subdivision within the Town until such subdivision has been approved in writing by the Administrator, Planning and Environmental Commission and/or the Council (whichever is applicable) and a plat thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County Clerk B. Prohibitive Conveyance: No lot or parcel of land, nor any interest therein, shall be transferred, conveyed, sold, subdivided or acquired either in whole or in part, so as to create a new nonconforming lot, or to avoid or circumvent or subvert any provision of this Chapter. Lot 12, based on the Town's plat records is actually one property. The applicant is proposing to now subdivide the area that has been zoned Agriculture Open Space from the land the school has operated on for 20 years and that is currently zoned General Use. The chronology of events is as follows; I In August of 1972 Vail Village 12'n Filing was annexed into the Town of Vail and platted. This subdivision plat shows Lot 12 that at 8.66 acres. At the time of annexation Agriculture Open Space zoning was applied to Lot 12. The total area of the oarcel was 8.66 acres. The minimum lot size of the Agriculture Open Space zone district is 35 acres. In 1979, Vail Resorts conveyed the Tennis Court site to the Booth Falls Homeowners through a quick claim deed. In 1979, the first two story building was constructed on the site. In 1980, Vail Resorts conveyed the land the School is on today to the Vail Mountain School. As the school applied for additions in the 1980s they also had to pursue site coverage variances (5% is the maximum site coverage for AOS). The PEC on several occasions recommended that the Vail Mountain School to General Use. In 1990, a report that the Town commissioned prepared by Tom Braun recommended that the Agriculture Open Space District be eliminated since agriculture was no longer a use in the Town. ln 1994, the Town Comprehensive Open Land Plan recommended that the AOS district be changed and that a "pure Natural Area Preservation District and a Recreational Open Space District" be created. In 1994, after the Open Space Plan was adopted, staff moved forward with open space text amendments and over 50 parcels were rezoned to either General Use, Outdoor Recreation, or Natural Area Preservation District. Staff attempted to eliminate all AOS lands but only changed the zoning on private lands where the owners approved of that rezoning. As part ofthat rezoning the area of Lot 12 that the school was on was rezoned to General Use and the Tennis Court site that the Booth Falls Homeowners Association was on remained AOS. Staff at that time believed there were two separate lots and effectively reduced the area of Lot 12 that was zoned Agriculture Open Space and increased the nonconformity. c. a. b. d. e. t. g. h The applicant is proposing to subdivide Lot 12, which they now own in its entirety. The applicant would like to maintain zoning on the Tennis Court area as Agriculture Open Space (AOS). This requires the applicant to request a variance because it is smaller than the minimum lot size. Also, the AOS zone district limits GRFA to 2000 square feet. Therefore, the applicant is also asking for a text amendment to amend the GRFA requirement in the AOS zone district to allow for the 425 GRFA credit. Staff believes there are several alternatives that avoid a variance and the need for a text amendment that could address the needs of the school and adjacent residents. These alternatives include: a. Subdivide the minimum areas possible for the headmaster's house and place that area in the Single Family Residential (SFR) zone district. This would also require a Land Use Amendment which the applicant is pursuing on Tract C. The minimum lot size is 12,500 sq feet for the SFR District and the maximum GRFA with that lot area is 3,550 square feet. The remaining land where the soccer field is located could be integrated with the rest of Lot 12 and zoned General Use. The Headmaster's house could be a Type lV EHU which does not have a maximum floor area but the SFR Zone District would limit the size of the house consistent with the size of homes in that neighborhood. The neighbors could also be assured that other types of institutional uses could not be pursued without a conditional use permit. b. Another option is to rezone the minimum areas possible for the headmaster's house as described above and place that area in the Single Family Residential (SFR) Zone District AND subdivide the area for the recreational field out and place that in the Outdoor Recreation Zone District. The remaining land were the school is located could stay as General Use. This option would further restrict this area of the site and limit it to public recreation or parKs. c. A third option is to keep lot 12 as one lot and zone the entire area General Use. This would limit individual housing units to Type lll EHUS which have a maximum floor area of 1200 seuare feet. The Land Use Plan identifies the entire site as Public/Semi Public and the General Use Zone District is most consistent with that Land Use Designation. The two major issues related to the variance application are that 1) Lot 12 was not subdivided and was improperly conveyed to two different interests after the land was annexed into the Town and 2) the AOS land is less than the minimum lot area and is not the best zone district for this site given the proposed uses. The applicant is attempting to resolve the plafting problem with the property. However, a variance is not necessary if one of the alternatives discussed above are pursued. lf the applicant chooses to continue to pursue a variance, the Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating a variance proposal for: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. 2. Circulation and Parkinq: A valet parking plan has been submitted for special events. Sixty one (61) additional parking spaces are identified in this plan which involves parking on the Frontage Road and the West Parking lot. Frontage Road parking will require Colorado Department of Transportation approval and possibly other improvements on the Frontage road. In addition, it appears that the proposed parallel parking on the West parking lot for events would obstruct Fire access. Twenty four feet of drive aisles is needed. Only twenty feet is provided at points. Also the Fire Department needs a pull - otf on the Katsos Ranch side of the Building. The applicant is proposing parking for the school on Tract C which is within 300 ft of the school. This is permitted in the parking standard section of the code 12- 10-6 if the Town Council approves of the off-site parking. However, the PEC is allowed to determine the parking requirements in the General Use Zone District. Staff believes the most conservative approach is to request Council approval of the 21 off-site parking spaces not associated with the EHUs on Tract C. Staff would request that PEC provide direction on this interpretation. Section 12-10-6 states: 12-106: PARKING; OFF-SITE AND JOINT FACILITIES: All parking and loading facilities required by this chapter shall be located on the same site as the use for which they are required, provided that the town council may permit off-site or jointly used parking facilities if located within three hundted feet (300') of the use served. Authority to permit off-site or joint parking facilities shall not extend to parking spaces required by this title to be located within the main building on a site, but may extend to parking spaces permitted to be unenclosed. Prior to permifting off-site or joint parking facilities, the council shall determine that the proposed location of the parking facilities and the prospective operation and maintenance of the facilities will fulfill the purposes of this chapter, will be as usable and convenient as parking facilities located on the site of the use, and will not cause traffic congestion or an unsightly concentration of parked cars. The council may require such legal instruments as it deems necessary to ensure unified operation and control of joint parking facilities or to ensure the continuation of such facilities, including evidence of ownership, long-term lease, or easement. (Ord. 8(1973) S 14.400) 3.Tract C Site Disturbance Staff believes the applicant has made significant progress in reducing site disturbance on Tract C. Sixteen parking spaces for the EHUs are enclosed. Staff would recommend that the van enclosure be moved to Lot 12 and that the area currently proposed forthe van garage be used an outdoor recreation arealpicnic area for the employee housing units. Overall Mass. Site Coveraoe of the Proiect Staff does not have complete plans to revise the development statistics. Staff recommends that the PEC review the proposed changes in height and floor area with the applicant. Staff will ensure that accurate development statistics are calculated prior to a final decision. Private view corridors have been evaluated and included as an attachment. Soccer Field The fence for the soccer field is directly beside the edge of asphalt on Booth Falls Road. At least 10 feet of separation is needed between the edge of asphalt and the fence line. This is critical for snowplowing and safe pedestrian access. Also the soccer field if designed correctly could provide additional opportunities for snow storage and event parking. Pedestrian Access Staff believes pedestrian access is needed from the headmaster's house to the school. Also staff is recommending that a cash deposit be submitted to the Town prior to Building Permit submittal for the value of extending the pedestrian/bicycle trail along the length of Tract C. Text Amendment for AOS Land The applicant is asking that the 425 GRFA credit is applied to AOS zoned lands. The purpose of the Agriculture Open Space Land ls to: "preserve agricultural, undeveloped or opens space lands from intensive development while permitting agricultural pursuits and low density residential use consistent with agricultural and opens space objectives. Parks, schools, and certain types of private recreational facilities and institutional also are suitable uses..." Single-family residential dwellings are permitted uses in the AOS zone District. Staff can not yet confirm if the 425 credit was specifically not applied to the AOS zone district for some specific reason. A 425 credit would be a 21% increase in the total floor area for a house in the District. lt may have been considered to be inconsistent with the purpose statement for the District. Also, since 1990, staff has contemplated proposing to eliminate the AOS District since agriculture is no 4. 5. o. 7. longer a use in the Town of Vail. The PEC should consider that an amendment to the AOS Zone District will affect all properties that are zoned AOS. Several examples of properties zoned AOS include: Ow_lL Prooertv Home Owners Assoc: Tract A Vail Potato Patch Cara Beutel Unplatted land east of Nugget Lane Bighorn Mutual San Dist 4095 Columbine Drive (pond) Vail Resorts Public Works Snow Dump Vail Resorts Tract E Vail Village 5'h lvistabahn; Vail Resorts 615 & 601 Forest Rd (Tennis Courts and ski way in Lionshead) Lodge at Lionshead Tract | &J Vail Lionshead Filing 1 Attachments: A. Applicant's response to PEC input B. Revised Plans C. Applicant's Variance Request D. Input from Katsos Ranch Residents Attachment A Applicant's response to PEC input t0 IEAII IEIR.AUN,\SSOCIIATIES, IINC" PLANNING and COMI'lUNlTY DFVELOPT'IENI IuJy 1,2002 Planning and Environmental Commission And Russell Forrest, AICP Director of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Rc: Response to Comments on Vail Mountain School Project, Vail, Colorado Dear Planning Commission Members: Thank you for your insightful comments on the Vail Mountain School projcct. We appreciated the opporfunity to provide answers to your questions and to hear your encouraging comments on this project. We are in the process of responding to your comments and want to share with you some of the changes we have already made to the plans. We have not completed all of our revisions particuiarly to the main schooi ouiiding, but we have developed major changes to other ponions ot the pian and woulcl llKe to get your t'eedback. We nave ais0 respohoeo to commcrlts tnat we heard from some of the neiehbors. Included with this letter is a document summarizing the major comments we heard on June l0 and how we have either addressed these comments or are in the process of addressing them. We anticipate a final review on the project at your July 22 meeting and therefore are treating the hearing on July 8 as a worksession. Additionally, we have amended our application to include a preliminary plat of the property. As part of the replat of the properfy we will also be seeking a variance from the lot size requirement for the Agriculture and Open Space parcel that exists on the property. We have heard very Edwards Village Center Suite C-209 0105 Edwards Village Boulevard Post Oftlce Box 2658 Edwards, Colorado 8 1 632 Ph - 9709)6.1575 Fax'970-926.7576 wwwbraunassocrates com strongly from the neighbors that we should not seek to rezone this parcel ofland and we believe \rye can accomplish our project goals while respecting the input we have received from the neighbors. We have included a document addressing the proposed preliminary plat and related variance. Thank you again for your help on this project. f taRl BrR.,\uN ASSocilAtlES, lNC. PLANNING and COMI''lUNlTY DEVELOPI"lENT Varl Mountarn School ?esponse to PEC Comments of June lO and Neghbor Comments July 6,2OO2 CommentslRc5?onsesl | . Gymnaavm roollne tm?atft aqhthne of houanq unts dtrectly to north. The qymnaavm s n Lhe ?roce5s of betnq redeaqned and lhe locailon and hetqht of lhe qymnacvm and other malor elemenLs of the proposed bvldnq are n Lhe process of betnq reevaluaLed. The reveed plans svbmftted represenL our preltmnary rei?onse Lo netqhbor and ?EC concefii. ln qeneral Lhe buldtnq footTnnt has qolten smaller, lhe qymnalvm has moved aVpronmabely 35' to fhe east and has been lowered 2' , and the selback of Lhe burldrnq lrom Katsos Ranch Road has been ncreased. A vrew stvdy has also been nclvded wrth our EubmftLal. The wew stvdy ts Laken from the matn level deck ol Lhe ScoLt resrdence looktnq to the wesl. The wew wfth the June I O Vlanz and Lhe reuged Jvly 6 plans are nclvded lor comparson ?w?o5e5. Greater detarled Vlans wtll be prouded lor Lhe July 22 ?EC heannq. 2. The ?EC ilscussed the grogosed texf. amendmenl and had 4uesbont abouL Lhe, .r.r f .{. ^ e+r ^n t^- rL.-- rhtn..ta The AqnculLure and OVen Space zone dsLrcL hmrts fhe Grosg Resdenhal Floor Area (GRFA) Lhat s allowed n a anqle-f amly dwelhnq Lo 2,OOO sq. ft. ln Lhe early | 99O's Lhe dehnLton of GRFA was chanqed Lo amVliy lhe calculabon. fhe old defntilon ncluded exclvgtong lrom Lhe delnftton for Lhnqs lke sloraqe areas, atrlocV-E, mechancal space, and slarrs on mulLple levels of a butldnq. These exclvstons were removed from lhe deltntton of GRFA and replaced wtth a 425 sq. lt. credft lo compensaLe Ior lhe new smpltted dehnLron. flowever, lhe Town nadvertently dd nol apply the 425 sq. Il. credft to Lhe Aqrtcvltvre and Open Space zone dtslrct. Therelore homes n lhs zone drEtncL were effect:ely downzoned as the Vrewovs credftg and exclvsron5 were not reVlaced wrth the 4?5 sq. lL. credtL. Edwards Village Center Suite C-209 0105 Edwards Village Boulevard Post Oftice Box 2558 Edwards, Colorado 8 1 632 Ph - 970.9767s75 Fax - 970.926757 6 www.braunassoctates com Our applcaLton wtll correct ths effor n the preuovs leqtslatton and alEo allow the Vatl Mountarn 3chool Lo have an adequalely stze tvLvre head ol school regrdence. We beleve ths $ a far and equftable resolutton. 3. ?arktnq durnq speaal events was ex?ressed as a concern. The amovnt of reqvtred Varhnq prouded lor Lhe school $ deLermtned by the stvdent ?o?ulailon. The school E ?ro?osed at 32O sLudenLs,lhe same nvmber as approved by the Town rn Aprrl 2OOO. The Vlan Vroudes B5 parktnq 5?aceg on the matn cam?us, | 6 parAnq space5 (E enclosed) for the faculLy houstnq, and | 5 addthonal 5?ace5 (? enclosed) on Tract C, lor a total ol | | G spaces. Addtttonally, the fvLure head ol school regrdence wil nclvde parhnq for four vehtcles- There wtll be s?eaal evenLs that occvr wrbhrn the athleilc facifttes and n Lhe audftolum on a very nlreqvenL bals. Some ol these events wrll qeneraLe parktnq beyond lhat avatlable. To address thts concern we have prouded a Spectal Event Parhnq ManaqemenL ?lan Lo be made part ol the VrolecL aVVroval. Thts plan proudes lort r Restrrctrn q paeAnq trom occvrnnq on Dooth Falls Road and Katsos Ranch Road c Valel parhnq wrthrn bhe matn Varhnq loL c ?arktnq on the Fronta4e Road . Use of TOV Bus system . Use of pr:ate shvttles We belteve thv parAnq manaqemenL plan adequaLely addresses conceffis abovL ctenL Var\nq. 4. TraIIrc mpacls to Booth lalls ?oad and Katsog Ranch Road were ex?ressed a5 a concefn. fhe ffalftc analysts Vrouded rn the Envrronmenlal lmpact Report clearly shows thaL the overall tmpacls of the proposed redeveloVmenl s wtlhrn acceptable traffc =Landards and actvally redvces tmTacls to Lhese two streeLE. Currently all of the traffrc enLers the Echool trom DooEh f alls Road and exft= on Katsos Ranch Road. fhe redesrqn of Lhe parAnq area and arcvla\on ?altern5 chanqes Lhts trafttc flow. The malonLy of Lhe lrafhc Lo lhe sfte wrll contrnue to enLer the sfte from DooLh Falls Road, buL a dtrecl ext lo the North f ronlaqe Road e now benq Troposed. Addfttonally, Tract C E benq developed wfth 6 lacully unLs requnnq | 6 parhnq 3?acee. The sfte s also Vroudtnq l5 Iaculty and stall parAnq 5?ace5 Lo meet lhe Town requrements. The stafl parktnq 5?ace5 wtll qenerate 2 tnVs each ?er day; Lhat s arrval n the mornnq and departvre n the afLernoon. The readenhal parhnq, stnce ft e related to lhe school functron, wrll have reduced LaTs compared to a LyTcal dwellnq unrt (6 lnps vs. I tnps for a tyVcal dwel\nq unrt). We wovld expecl no more than BO trps Ver day from VMS laclftres on KaLsoE Ranch Road, comVared to the traftrc ex?enence on K,alsos Ranch Road today oI over 2OO LnVz (from VMS facrlrtres). Therefore the proposed parknq and arculatton plan tor the school wll rmprove the overall Lraftrc mpacts on the neqhborhood. 5. The ?EC rcquested that VMS consrder provdrnq qaraqes for the lacvlty vnfts on Tract C. The ntent ol thrs commenl was lo prowde lor the storcqe needs ol restdents and to also redvce the amovnt ol svr+ace parhnq and pavement on Tract C. fhe plan presenLed to the PEC on June lO ncluded 29 surface Varhnq 5?aces and 2 enclosed 5?aces (for vans and shuttles). The June I O Vlan ncluded a loop road wfth a landscape eland runnrn€ east wesl n Lhe mddle of the Varhnq area. Pnor Lo June lO, we conducLed a netqhborhood meeLnq where we prezenLed a plan wfth 47 surlace VarAnq 5?ace5 onTract C. The netqhbors asked vs lo redvce Lhe amount of par4nq and Lhe amounL of VavemenL proVosed. ln rezponse Lo Lhose concerns, the plan rewewed June lO by Lhe ?fC reduced VarAnq 5?aces by 34Vo. AILer Lhe June I O heannq we lurther reftnea the plan for Tracl C and prowded 2 .onrenf -q ro nevhbors to qet. I.hetr eezponse lo the elant fhe orooosed plans nclvded 6 qarage s?aces for regrdentE, 4 drveway 5?ace5,2 encloged vanlbvs 3?ace3, and I B surlace 5?ace3. Addftronally, lhe parkn4 loL was cedestqned to eltmtnaLe Lhe loop dnve and reduce Lhe overall sq. ft. ol pavement. The landscaTe ffealmenl and bermtnq wa5 ncreased to Vroude addbonal 5crcennq. The trash dumVsler wag ehmrnaLed from the Vlan and tra5h cans wll be Vrouded wrthrn the qanqes lor each dwellnq vnt. We beleve the VroVosed plan e compattble wrth fhe svrroundrnq readenilal communrty and ncludes substanbal chanqes n res?on5e lo the =pecrtrc Esues and concerns ratsed by Lhe PtC and Lhe netqhbors. 3 o 6.ReqardnqTract C, try lo marntarn as mvch ol the AsTen Grove as possble. One of Lhe Esue= Vresented by nerqhbors was the Vreservatton of the Aspen qrove on lhe east end of Tract C fhat proudes a bvtler to the restdence lo the easL. The reused deaqn addreEses lhts rssue by proudtnq a seLback of appronmaLely l45' lrom the proposed faculty hovanq lo the easL proVerty |ne for fract C. Thrs EeLback Vroudes a tqnlrcanl bulfer to the enstrnq restdence on Lol I whrle ?reseNnq the malorfty of Lhe extsttnq AsVen Grove. Addrtronally, Lhere has been some suqqesbon of makrng the more level porbon oI the east end of Lhe ate nLo a " park-lke" seLbnq Ehal covld be vsed by netqhbors. We have qealed a qreen s?ace area below the Aspens lhal can be ulltzed by Lhe resrdenLs ol lhe laculty hovanq and eryoyed by Lhe nerqhbors. A svbstanilal berm hag been develoVed between Lhe FronLaqe Road and Lhe parAnq area as an exLenaon of lhe qreen space lo proude for bulfennq and sueennq of the parhnq Irom the frontaqe Road and screemnq of the Frontaqe Road when vrewed lrom propertres Lo the north. The dweway to the home on Lot | (Slermle readence) cwrent ?asses acrojg TracE C wrthout lhe benefft ol an easement. VMS wtll qrant Lhe owners oI LoL I an ea5ement Lo allow lhs dr:eway Lo enst n VerVetvfty once VMS own5 Lhe property. The proVerly wtll be conveyed Lo VMS once a burldtnq permtl v obtaned lor the prolecb. We belteve ths redestqn prowdes excellenl overall screennq and bvffeanq Ior the neqhbors. A concern was ex?ressed by netqhbors reqardnq Lhe tyTe and quantfty lenAc.an. mal.errzl bena proude.rl on Ttart. Q, .zn/ alona KatsoE Ranch Roarl to icreen the school burldrnq to the west. fhe bndscage plan Trowded to the ?tC ts conceptual n nature. The DRts rs reqvtred fo approve Lhe landscaTe plan for a develoVment ?roJecL. A more detaled Vlan wtl be prouded to the DRts for fts consderahon. Addtttonally, we are n lhe ?toce5s ol rehntnq the overall landscape plan, ncludnq the Tlan for TracL C. The landscape plan wll nclvde qenerous landscape maLenal (qround cover, shrvbs, landscape bovlders, Everqreens, and Aspens). Trees wll be locaLed lo sollen the mpact of the propoEed Etrvclvres on lhe netqhbors az well ag the Lraveltnq pvbltc. AddtLtonally, lhe eaEL elevaLron of Lhe matn school bvtldnq e bernq rewsed and a qreater seLback s betnq grouded Irom KaLsoE Ranch Road. There wll be 7. I op?oftunilel lor proudnq landscaTnq on Lhe eagt end ol the butldtnq to fvrlher buller ft lrom vges Lo Lhe eaEf. The netqhborhood destre lor a htqh qualfty landscaVe ?rcsenf,aton $ con=tstent wrth fhat ol the school. 6. There was dscvsEron about the type and quanhty of lqhttnq proposed on the ?ro?eraY. Ovr apVroach to ltqhttnq on thrs proVerty wtll be Lo proude the mrnrmum necegsary Lo make lhe parhnq areag sale. The ntenilon s lo proude low-level ltqhtnq of a pedestaan scale more consstenl wfth a regtden\al prolect. Snce ltqhtnq e requlaLed by the Deaqn Revrew Board, we have not prouded detatled Vlant Ior Lhe PEC. On Tract C, ovr thouqht s to proude tyTcal restdenilal wall sconces al lhe entneg Lo the bvldnq and no ltqhbnq wrthrn the parkrnq area. 9. fhe nerqhbors want to vnderstand the school's constuctton ?lan5 and how the landscape would be marntatned alter consLNclton. The conslrucbon oI the Vrolect e conlemplaLed Lo occur n Vhases. Stnce a conlraclor has noL been selected the detatls of exacLly how the Vropct mqhl be seqvenced s yet unknown. llowever, n accordance wth our EIR submrtled for the prolect, Lhe constrvcLton plan wll nclvde ?rovtlon5 for erogton and sedtmentahon conlrol and dust control Lo reduce mVacts lo the neqhborhood. A schedvle ol waLennq and olher dvEt control technques wtll be utlved Lhr ovqhovt Lhe consLrucbon Trocess. fhe Destqn Revrew Board e responstble lor reuewnq and a??rcvtnq the landsc.ape glan and landscage rnqalton plan. All dtslurbed and reveqetaled -1"p1o ,7711 be rna.aterl \A/arranf.ee ?rnv$tenj ,^4tl be_-ecl ahltsheA wth _lanAsc.arze. conlractors to en5ve replacemenL ol any maten al, whrch does nol 5urv:e. Addtbonally, the Town of Varl haE enforcement mechansms lo ensvre lhaL the landscaVnq e manlaned Ver the approved landzcape plan lor the VrolecL. fhe zx27:J:i,::"JiT:"::,2;:::':::i":;:i:::'*econ?anvLoma'lnLa'rn'Lhe I O. fhe netqhbors expressed concerns reqardrnq the locahon ol the proposed vanlbus enclosure. The approved masLer plan lor lhe proVerty (2OOO) accommodaled the Echool's shutlle vans unenclosed wfthn the parAnq area. These shvttles are vtilzed Lo vans?orl students Lo s?orL Iacfittes throv1hout Eaqle County. The shvltles are noL uLtlved on a datly basts for LransVorbnq stvdenLs Lo and from school. ln order to mtnt(nve lhe vpval mpacL ol these vehrcles and Lo Vrowde an all- wealher parhnq area,lhe school t5 ?ro?ostnq to Varkthese vehcleg wrthrn a vrsually pleastnq qualtty strrclure. The plan Vresented on June I O ndcaLed such a strucLvre to be localed on lhe eagt end ol TracL C, tucked nto Lhe htlgrde. Nobng concerns ratsed by netqhbors abouL the rmVact of thrE sLrvcLvre, we have revsed the locahon of the faalfty and have placed ft belween f,he two resrdenilal slruclwes Lhereby reduanq Lhe vsval ffi?act of Lhe slrucLure and benchrnq rl further nLo the hllstde to redvce fts heqht and mass. The Troposed strvclvre will read as a restdenilal butldrnq. | | . The archttectvre of the laculty vnts has been ratsed as a concern by the netqhbors. The slructures lo accommodaLe lacvlLy and stall were destqned to apVear as two-famtly or duplex slrvcLvres and nol as mulLyle lamtly sfrvcfvre=. lttqh qvalfty maLenals are ?ro?o5ed lo IurLher reflect the archftectvral character ol the net4hborhood. The archftecLvre ol these bvtldnqs E benq further rehned by prowdnq enclosed parAnq and by arbcvlabnq the bvldnqs so thaL they appear more condensed. AddtLronally, lhe archftectural lreaLment ol the sLrvctwei s betnq vaned to en5ure lhe buldtnqs do noL look denbcal. The DRB wll rewew the fnal archftectvral destqn and maEerrals lor these reidenbal buldnqs. We belreve lhe VroVosed f acvlty houanq wll and that the proVosed deaqn and maLetals r r': n a, ",1 p n I v,.n l.l1 nl \ r' r r,-..,, I A e nf.t a I c;|. I t a.l.t.) " e ? be an asseL to the nerqhborhood betna vLtltzed are compaLtble and n the area . | 2. fhe control ol and resLnchons lor laculLy houanq vnts was dscuEsed by Lhe PEC. The lacully hovanq betnq requred s lhe same amovnt requrred oI Lhe A?il 2OOO aVVroval. Thege dwellnq unts are reqvtred Lo be deed-resLncted as Type 3 employee hovsrnq unLg and as such, lheEe vnfts mvst be occuVed by full-trme employees. VMS wrll further restrrcL lhe dwellnq unrts to be occuTed by fts laculLy and slall only, thus nswnq the availabilfty of hovanq to promoLe Lhe school's o?erabon. As wrfh any project rn the Town of Varl, lhege vnts are requred Lo be matnEatned for the use by Lhe employee demand qeneraLed by the 5?ecrttc ?rcJect qenerutnq lhe need. The restnctrons mposed on the Varl Mountarn 5chool should be the same as mposed on other prolect throvqhovt the Town. The VMS proposal E consstent wrth the Town'g houanq requlailons and consls;tent wth applrcahon ol these reqvlabons on other Trolects develoVed wrthrn lhe Town. 7 o o o o o IEAII IBIR.AUIN ASSOCIIAITIES, IINC. PLANNING and COI'4f1UNlTY DEVELOPMENT t. Varl Mountatn School )Veaal Event Tarknq Manaqement ?lan July 6, 2OOz ?urpose The purTose of thrs SVeaal EvenL ?arknq Mana1ement ?lan (here aIter, "Flan") s Lo reqvlaEe how parkrnq e controlled dvnnq sVeaal evenls at Lhe Varl Mounfarn School (VMS) campuE. The Echool wrll ulrhze th.s Plan when Vlannnq =pectal events or when wor\nq wrth communfty qrouVs destrnq lo use the gchool's factlftres. Thrs Plan E ntended Lo be a qude. Addrlonal Varktnq solvIons may be develoVed by lhe school worktnq n concerL wtbh the Town of Varl. Speaal Events The proVosed school laciltres have been deaqned Lo addresE the tyTcal Vroqrammabc needs ol Lhe Vatl Mountarn School. The Tarktnq Trouded on the sfte wll meet the day-to-day needs oI the school. Addtbonally, the l | 6 Tarktnq 5?ace5 Vrouded on-sfte exceed the f own's parktnq requremenL lor a 4OO-seat audftorum. fhe Town's Varhnq requremenL ol l VarAnq Ver | 20 sq. ft. ol zealnq lloor area qenerates a need lor 30 parAnq 3?acee (3,5OO sq. ft. sealtnq area). llowever, Vl'/t3 undersLands that certatn rare evenlg may exceed the Town'g parktnq calculailon and Lhe number ol spaces Vrouded on-zte. . -\.rl 43 '.r,:!l frOr:l trr.:e Lt. l,n': n7r12 .3.t,ga.19 6, !h2 4ty',lr',rrLrm €'r ,,,fth,n rhe-" tthleltr faohbes that may qenerale parktnq demand beyond lhe normal caVaaLy ol Lhe destqnated par\nq area5. ln lhege rare aratm5Lances allernatve VarAnq scenanoi and modes of transVorLatron wrll need Lo be vLlved. VMS, on a case-by-ca5e ba55, rnay allow oLher commvnLy qroups Lo uLt|ze fts faclftes. These commvnly events may requre tpeaal ?rovson5 lor VarAnq dependnq on the number of parLapanEs and the type ol event Tlanned. Tarktnq Alternat:es Dvrnq spectal events VMS may employ (or requre ol others utltzn1 lhe school faalbez) Lhe lollowtnq parAn1 manaqemenL Lechntques n order lo reduce VarAn4 tmpacts Lo Lhe netqhborhood and lhe Town's sVeeL nelwork. One or a cornbtnaIon ol the follownq lechnrqvez may be uLrlved. t. ilt. Edwards Village Center; Surte C.209 0 | 05 Edwards Village Boulevard Pod Ofllce Box 2658 Edwards, Colorado 8 I 532 Ph. - 970.9)6.7 575 Fax - 970.9)6.757 6 wwwbrauna55ocraLes.coI]l Encovra4e u3erc to uttlve the Town of V arl bus system . The Town' s bvs slop ts locaLed on lhe property and s proxmate to the school's taalftres. VMS wrll vge nobces, letLers, or llyers Lo ndtcaLe that the Town's bus system s avarlable and encouraqe partaVants Lo take the bus to and lrom the campuE. Reqwrelencovraqe the vse ol pnvate shultles to delver vsers Lo lhe property lrom other remoLe pub|c parktnq areas. These pub|c Tarknq area3 may nclvde the CDOT garAnq area located at Lhe east Varl nlerchanqe, Ford ?ark parAnq areas, lhe Vatl Villaqe parhnq glrvctvre, and the lonshead ?artunq structvre. Any use of the Town's parktnq lacltbes wil requre coordrnalon wrth lhe Town of Varl. EnTloy the servces of a Tarhnq valet to use the on-Efte parknq areas as elhaently as posstble. Wfth valet servae aVVronmately 30 addfttonal cars that can be accommodated wfthn the desanated parkrna areag. Encovraqe carpooln4 by vsers and parttapants. The school wrll notrly quesL and userE thaL parhnq s lmfted on the property lor sVectal events and wll encovaqe them to nde toqether. c UEe lhe FronLaqe Road shovlder Ior evenl parktnq. VMS wrll coordnate wfth the Town of Vail to safely utlrze the fronta1e Road adycentto Lhe school lor parAnq. Appropnate aqnaqe and delnealon wll be uhltzed wblect to Town approval. The Fronta4e Road rn lront ol the school prowdes lor 4 | addfttonal parhnq s?ace5 advcenl to the sfte. iai i.rirg .i1:: Lr i,-i,rr-.ri r: ' ' , r : ri:!:' !-=-: ?ar4nq on Booth Talls Koad and Katsos Ranch Road wrll not be endorsed or encouraqed by VMS. VM9, through nobces to parents, part;apants, and users, shall ndtcate thal parAnq e prohrbfted on Booth Falls Road and Kat=os Ranch Road. VM9 wrll work wrth theTown of Varl and code enlorcementto en3vre that users oI the school factlttes do nol parkon these nevhborhood a IE,\III]BIR.,AUII\ .\SSOCIIA]]ES, IIN C. PIANNING and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT June 3, 2OO2 Russell forrest, AIC? Communty D ev el op m ent D r ector Town of Varl 75 3ovth Frontaqe Road Vatl, CO 6l657 Re:Request to Vroceed throuqh the Vlannnq ?rcceie Dear Russ: Braun Assooates, lnc. has been hred by the Vail MovnLatn 9chool to asstst lhem wfth the master Vlannnq ol Lhe school's Vroperty n east Vai. Addrtronally, they have asked us to beqtn a dtaloque wrth the Town of Val concernn7 the potenttal rn?rovernent ol two park ?ro?ertrcl owned by the Town. The Varl Mountarn School wrth fhrs lelter n reqvestnq apTrovallromlhe Town Councrl to allow uE to Vroceed throuqh theTown'E revtew ?rocess to estabhsh recreahon/soccer helds on two Town owned Vroperiles. As you are aware the Varl Mountatn School s n the ?rocess of obtatnn4 Town approvals lor fts revsed master plan tor fhe camVvs n ea5t Varl. As part oI lhe master plannnq ?recenq the Varl Mountarn 3chool has recoqnzed a need for addtttonal Es:c::!r:creaL:cn l:ld,s, The t/ll3 Trope:fy 4oq+.r.c!.dlau,-t1r*l-h3--;r.srnrber.o! racreaf.,on lelds needed by the school and the school has looked elsewhere rn the Town and the netqhborhood lor opportvnbes to develop a commvnty park amenty (mVroved recreahon telds) whtle al the same ilme Vroudn4 recreabonal faclfttes n close pronmfty to the school. The school has rdentited two town-owned ?arceli n bhe uanfty ol the school thaL would helV the school achreve fts qoals and also create a nerqhborhood amenty. these parcels areLot I l, Dlock l,VarlVtllaqe 13"" Frlrng (thetsooth Creek Park) andTracl A, tslock 2, Vat Villaqe 13"' frlnq (tsald Movntan Park). Lot I I ts cutently developed wfth Lwo tenns covrtE and Tract A rs currently vacanl. Both parcels have been dentfied aE parkproperhes by theTown. Tlease reler to Lhe attachedwanfty map. *,l Edwards Village Center; Suite C-209 0105 Edwards Village Boulevard Post Offce Box 2658 Edwards, Colorado 8 | 632 Ph. - 970.976.7575 Fax - 970.926.7 57 6 www.oTaunassoctates.com lf the school E qtven lhe "qo ahead" we wrll develop concept Tlans lor mTrounq these parcels and conduct meebnqs wrth the nerqhbors as well as theTown stafl to obtarn npvt. The Varl Mountarn Scltool may ultmately submrt a condftpnal vse permtl aVplcabon lo seek approval of any proposed rcqeatton telds. Thank you for your consrdera\on. o o o Locailon Map o o I rEAr/TEIR.AUTN ASSocrAnEs, rNC, PLANNING and COMt4UNITY DEVELOPMENT Vail Mountain School Lot 11, Block 2, Vail Village 12'h Filing RezoningCriteria Below is the codified criteria used by the staff, the Planning and Environmental Commission, and the Town Council when reviewing a request for a tezoning. The criteria have been add-tessed and we find that the proposal frilly complies with each cdterion. This section is applicable to the rezoning of Lot 1 1. Tbe extent to pbith tbe qone distict amendment is conistent arith all tbe applicable elenents of the adopted goals, objectiaet and policiet oatlined in the Vail Conpreheniae Plan and * conpatible utitb the deuelopnent objectiues of the Town. Our Analysis: The current zoning, Two-Family Residential, and the cufient land use designation of Public,/Semi-Public on Lot 11 annctp^te ^nd allow institutional uses and quasi-public uses such as schools, school telated facilities, recteational faciJities, and othet public and quasi-public uses. The proposed zoning of General Use will also allow these institutional and residential uses and facilities. The proposed rezoning for this lot is consistent vrith the Vail Comprehensive Plan and specif,cally the goals listed in Section VI of the submitted application report for the Vail Mountain School. Tbe extent to abich tbe qone dAticl amendment it tuitabh aith the exiting and potential land utes on the ite and existing and potential wtmunding land aset a1 xt oat in lhe Townl adopted planning documentt Our Analvsis: The proposed zoning and land use designation is compatible and suitable with adjacent land uses. The amendments will allow an extension of the existing school use and related facilities to the west of the existing school onto the subject property. Residential uses ate located to the west and north of Lot 11 and other school uses are adjacent to the south and east. The existing school has eristed in the netghborhood for over 20 years. Many residents purposefrrlly located to this neighborhood to be close to the school. Schools have been developed in residential neighbors throughout this country and have been deemed a compatible use. The school propetty acts as a logical transition between t}le intensive intetstate use and the less intense tesidential neighborhood. b. Edwards Village Center: Suite C-209 0l 05 Edwards Village Boulevard Post Offlce Box 2658 Edwards, Colorado 8l 532 P . - 970.926.7575 Fax - 970.926.757 6 www,DraunaS5octates.com c. The extent t0 which the qone di$rict amend.ment prennts a hatmonioas, conuenient, workable rclaionthip among land uvt consi$ent with nunidpal deuelopnent objectiuet. Our Anal}'sis: As stated above, the proposed use of the property is consistent and compatible with the neighborhood and will provide fot a harmonious relationship to the adjacent land uses. The character and scale of the proposed facilities will be controlled by the Town through the conditional use process to ensure that potential development will be compatible with neighboting residential uses. d. The exte t t0 ubich the qone dislrid amendnent pmuidetJor the gmwth of an orfur! dable conmuniry and does not constitute Sot qoning ar the amendment serues the beJt interertr 0f the tommuniry as a whole. Our Analysis: The proposed rezoning is a logical extension of the existing land uses on the subject property and on neighboring properties. The uses and development limitation w"ill be established through the conditional use process and will ensure the development of an ordetly viable community. The proposed land uses are in the overall interest of the community given the educational and recreational pusuits being contemplated. e. Tbe extent to phich the qone district amendment rcsult in aduerse or benefcial imparts on the natural endronment, including but not /imit€d t0 water qualifi, air qua/i!, noise, uegetation, i?aian corridon, hillidet and other deirable nataralfeatures. Our Analysis: As evidenced from the Environmental Impact Report submitted with the ptoposal, the ptoposed tezoning will have litde impact on the nafirral environment of the site ot the Town as a whole. The site itself does not contain any unique nahxal qualities. The site has been regtaded and impacted by development over ttre years including the origrnal development of the subdivision. Other environmental irnpacts are addressed jn fhe Environmental Impact Report and the findrngs of this report adequately address this criterion. "f The exlent to wbicb the qone dittrict amendment is consistent witb the purpovs oJ tha pmpond qone distict. Our Analj'sis: The proposed zone district is consistent with the pulposes of the Geneml Use zone disttict. Additionally, the ptoposed land use for the property is a school facility and related recreational uses, .urhich are permitted by the proposed zone district by conditional use peimit. The proposed zone district will allow for adequate Iight, air, and open spaces and allow for development of quasi-public uses harmonious with the neighbothood and community as a whole. C. Tbe extent to which the qone di$rid amendmenl demon$rates bow conditiont haue changed sinw the qoning d.engnatnn of the :ubject propenl wat adopted. and is no longer @pmpiate. Our Analysis: Given the localion of the subject patcel and the development of tlle existing school facilities since the prope$y was originally zoned, the likelihood of t}e parcel developing fot single-family or duplex development is very low. The proposed use of the propetty as a school facility and tecteational uses is apptopriate for the property and compatible with the swtounding uses. b. Sucb otherJactors and criteia as the Conmision andf or Council deen applimble to the pmporcd reqoning. Our Analvsis: None orovided. '' 'l Attachment B Revised Plans ll o I I l. ri, ili ril t:! liI riI I !I t i'' t. !li :l !, h :i r! rhti: :;: i:i )'!.1r !::t: ! ;!"i;!r: j: il!;l il:!:t' _.-rir l !r iiriiil it!rltt :i i iilt I It t i! , |i t! :1I i ||Jg lI: i ! i.!_. ijl i I l:ii:iii I !i"I ii,i ir : rd iiiiil ,: :ir i-iiiir i: i:!r:il;ir:a r{r !lii ll ii l!i; I .. -:l li . i6 i; :l ; t!! ti: t::ri I ll: :[ ] :! !l ri i!l i!tt ii ii t::lil I til r r 3:tr: ti 'ir i ii lil i! , ii i:i ir | : il iiir i'. :i; ji i H! ,li ri .l i!.! ri a il : ,l!:It i t- ' 16! :t:t i; ii:i !r3l !i rii: 'EE: l: :i!: ! i: t: [l in iiil li 'i ;:ii r - ;l !:i! i lli :i;t - i ,i: r!iii !!l:r j!!:i!!l r :-"i,iiil t ! ""'ie:! l--!: O z (n a F i-a ?= x F.! -E d) l-r r- - r+r l-. E- r r-i ;. ! - ,,\!J l& r-r v <*1 <u E H>F F.. i -- -- ^l .-., - z -i r-. E Fl r\ Z- --i=P -r {O \J (n7 =F.'L'4 J3 rrl t: iir I;; l! . it- :r i ii. ,:lr; ci ;: ir i;:ti :: i i, .,li il !l ii ! ii !; ii ii ii ,! i:hi p t1 r, :ri;;;[f .. ll' iil;iip.t' :!o! r-:! ! t-, il !: -.: ili ;r: iai trr i:: : r! i r' :'t -----ril ilt i'3t: i'! I ';: iir;!iiili:: it!ri: iilii;hi z (n t-r (n -l (-) U) z F z 5 Fl F I z J lrl '. .:l -;r !:l ir;l I! !J:i i.l Iii-: ir'illl rtl itit lli :Ir- | Ilri il: lilJ :I!f{ lli r.i:! iil ;il! ;i; ililj i=lr t- z U) U) !i -*- 6 ^l z 6 z2 V)a t<Q >a =.13 e O rF,.rI 6 "F-*f m N,-,- 2 '';z= = i-E8 Xs,F'H zEr i YO =z <=>t -- b. Pi \: \.n ="9 r;iii Y 3 5J a i I B€IB E !t8 I Qrtu iii';l;iiiiil= I I I F 9o > z. z ,^= O '.1 J F F F-\ (t z z z J Fl [r. z > F o 8 (-)il,l*l il i,iltr:ri Fliri',liri llJfll i io a\6)riF,liiiiiiiililliil il,l ll, ilil ':ii il I iiiiii(ti;iiiii ;< 5 E 6 E:. a.t iiit,l,iilii lwip*liilillilll I ltij lri, l li e,l 6 F ,o o tl I lal, e ',il il'l 6- )iiiillr ;l{iiii oFJqoJ Ir ro9!s{*,ff411!l ., ti t,'.: ,,{.i,,'i t e ll ilil 8.llI ll I grrc ]ooHcsNUonnv o a I. I E t iil! o a E ! R a ; I t ll, :-,!l lEl ( = I ir .l 'l \ < /iil 'l I --';'lr,llljlillillll .l ;iiiil op,wrFr )l i iijji llo(]Hls Nrvi(]IlI nvA :i,ilJ. it t:!ill ;; ; :i! \ ! !i:: li,' i:,1 i, rli i rl I lr ):, i..: 1t Jil i.r i;t t;iri ilii rii.i iii,i ,,1 i, :i ;,lir rill t ili ltr:l i) |lil;ii ltljil il: ,i' riii:l i i;il li,' .: ..l i, ,-., i,tl {i,-" t tl rllll =l iir;l'l fiiir iE ,i ,1, I ;:i;jl amprT^ I i iii:: I 100IIIS Nivfl0l,ll TVit .; ' :i: ..: :I a ,$ ?t 3 ! Li:E'li E at:tttd i ttltEE!6 B Ei T.T I I 3r. d I,'fit I Nlfll[Lf ]rE ;! s,' l[1H,{ ,l'l E Erfil rNulut ,!ei=lE titiHtE EEiTT'' 5 .1" I I I I I I I I I I -l 41 ,1-.(1t) o :: lii''.'lroouxNiT*"t' f ii',.1 -**#U .Iltiirl,rlIl,l'lrl friir li;l ; ,l,l,l;tlii,I'1, I I r(1 tn '-r-! I I ii, l'l(q,r li,l llliilltI l l,I ljtfil t'iii'.rliiiii I I lr:i =t I r l-i L- _f I / l-T 1 tl { u! L-dl ./-{- . I t- al I 6 |--l tt (-- -" I o s l- I _l il rl1 El; 0t o i I i l l lr ti tl !I ri lt t!ti ri o iliii(-,:jjiii li,lliiilillll,l lili*i,lri, l'l e ii l li t; i +l I I i iEl it' iiiilO:jjjill **m*'- @l . ,l: f-t H I trHt nt.in i ID-r[' t pr-'- 1 / 'rr/ iffi t F+.Jrur r; :_3- j___t;i l-l ;il'l { l I lliiii |E,l tilliiili l l I ilhl l!i, I j rl I Iil *---tr L- ) \-\ al\\_/l :l {l 5 ri /-t\ r-Li +D 1 F ( -f I I _liE lr r : i N iir i':ii i :ir.'-.i:lij lii,riilii iii'.'jijij ia o -+ : I i I o AI ,i S' o D I r ,/ sq-\il ii l/r i ! llt:i'ilti ; i;/! ; lltl r--?- !+r r'1 );t /lii,j1i,t ...- -La EI -,:: ,iiiiii li In 1l t: "''[3]I" ili I tlI -{F- I I rr I I b li Gl ILV <{ ;tii;,''l:ili :iiii... { I I -l Tl {ll hi o 1r I { r-* H LLJ , LL.l rn'lr( f---? tl L_] AN eo n tl LJ ul nl lll l-l \ --r- fr t-r r-r" fr:--r rr +-r + --r i.-l L--l -+--1 +r il ;lrl i ' ,ljiili lei iiiii |'- lil l'[: '" I |tR ll'i I I lfi lr! l ;l ]_ rl i ,fr,), /,1 ty', : 1! ). ', iF !I I ll I rl ll ii, ir '. e ,i riiiir:,liijii I I -t ?l el :i :ir ,-F.ut ? al -E l'd 0, Ari ;t! ,/-t\{-:t \-17 /T\tp i I I i I I I I -tt ,l l"i'iiillr- liiiiil [I0tA F lffillllil,l lil'iiiill * ,l'l E /t\ Y gt Eel EEI eEl ;bl EAE rrj; @ s ,T ll ll EI 5al rEl :ll FHI€ Hcli @ t!taettsE ll!5sg:a! l.,r5t5!5! iil pl(3 ,,iiiii 'iliii !;Iri : ttrt i: iJll i; i ili : lltl i I ii, ,l{( F ),iiiii iiiil i iiiii( ) I 4e$c tP T I :1 *1 f 6 lalL.s; l F,lililllllll l I]rliiiI *illl il:jiiii :l Ee!ari l;a 3iE ac ---'.1 Attachment C Applicant's Variance Request l2 I snr BR.Ar-rN ASSocltAl-tES, lNC. PI-ANNING and COIYtIUNlTY DEVELOPN4ENT Varl Mountarn School AV plt c att c.t n 3 u p plement . ?reltmtnary Subd:tston ?lat . Relaled Vanance ReqvesL t.Summary ol Request At the rcque5t ol f own staff VMS has svbmftled a Trehmtnary ?lat applrcatron Lo mod$y the contrqvrailon of Lot | 2 and Tract C due to the reloca\on of Katsos Ranch Road, eltmtnate Lhe loL lnes lor Loi I I and combne Lol | | wrfh Lot | 2, and lo re-create lhe "DooLh f allg Parcel" (thaL ?ortton of Lol | 2 cvrrently zoned AqnculLure and OVen Space). fhe proposal wll reduce the lotal number oI parcels from four to lhree. The Vroposal allows what has exEted lor over 25 years to conbnve to ensl wrthoul any new tmpactz Lo Lhe communLy. Dooth Falls ?arcel (Troposed Lot | 2D) The porLton of Lot | 2 LhaL s zoned Aqnculture and OVen SVace was created rn the | 97O's when Varl Assoctates deeded the Vroperty Lo the Dooth falls Condomtnvm Assoaahon. Last year Lhe Vatl Mountarn School Vurchased Lhe Varc.el lrom Lhe Booth f allg Condomtnrum A5socratron The proposed plaL wll qeale a new label for that parcel, LoL | Zts, and lor all nlents and Vvrposes nolhtnq s VroVosed to be chanqed wfth resTect to the parcel's lze or zontnq destqnaLton. Ovr proposal merely formalves whaL has ensLed as a separate parcel and been recoqnzed as such by the Town of Varl for over 25 years (see attached maps). The DooLh Falls parcel s | .2G acres. Staff beleves that snce Lhe parcel s lesE than 35 acres (lhe mrnrmum parcel zve ol the Aqrtcvllvre and OTen SVace zone dtgtrrct), Lhat alonq wrth the propozed resubdtvtston of lhe Vroperty VM9 muEt seek a vatance lrom the mrnrmum lol srze reqwrement ol 35 acres. We have nclvded an aVV\cahon for thrs varance Lo allow Lhts ?arcel Lo exrsl a5 ft has lor 25 years. Edwards Village Center; Suite C-209 0 | 05 Edwards Village Boulevard Post Offce Box 2658 Edwards, Colorado 8 I 532 Ph. - 970.926.757 5 Fax - 970.915.757 6 www.braunassociates com llr. lltstory of Acilons Taken by the Town The Town ol Vatl has recoqnzed Lhe Sooth f alls Parcel (proposed toL l2D) and Lhe Varl Mounfarn School Tarcel as separate parcels tor Lhe Vast 25 years. Below s a lst ol achons taken by Lhe f own on these parcelz. The lact that Lot | 2 had been ?revpu5 d:tded nlo lwo parcels wa5 never raeed a5 a concern wfth any of the acltons laken by theTown. Varl Mountarn School ?orLton ol LoL t | 976 - Condfttonal Use ?ermft approved for the onqtnal Z-story buldrnq t | 983 - Condfttonal Use Permft aTproved for Lhe soccer feld t | 9E4 - Condftronal Use ?ermft approved lor the north classroomE and rocklall berm . | 969 - Condthonal UEe Permtt approved f or the qymnasvrn and sLaqe addftton c | 992 - Condfttonal Use Permft approved f or an addtttonal sLory Lo the exstnq bvtldnq o | 995 - Condftronal Use Termtl approved lor the lbrary expanston c | 99C - Varl Mountatn School parcel (porlton wrthout 6ooth Falls parcel) s rezoned from A6ncultwe and Open Space f.o General Use o | 999 - Condthonal Use ?ermft approved lor Lhe lemVorary classroom c 2OOO - Condthonal Use ?ermt aVproved for a masLer redevelopment Vlan lor the cam?vg . 2OOO - Condthonal Use Permt E a??roved lor Lhe lemporary classrooms DooLh Falls ?orLton of Lot c | 97 6 - Permrt lssved bv Town f or consLructron of Tenns Courl lL o clear irom thrs lenqtny l5l ol actton5 thaL tne f own naE recoqntzea ine Booth f alls parcel and Varl Mountarn School parcel as 5e?ante Varcels ot land. The actron that most clearly demonglrales Lhefown's acceVtance oI fhe 5e?araLe parcels s the rezonnq acilon LhaL took place n Lhe mtd- | 99O's. That rezonnq acbon resulLed n lwo parcels ol land: | .2G acres zoned Aqncvllvre and Open Space and 7 .3E acres zoned General Use. lv. Sample of Srmrlar Vanance ApTroval fhere are several examples varances qranled by the ?EC lor Lhe VlaLtnq or replalhnq ol lots that do nol meet the mrnrmum loL gtze lor the zone dtsLnct n whtch they are located. One recenL example B the vanance qranLed to ?aL Davphrnats (Rrchard Stravsg) on June I l , 2OO I . Whrle lhe cage E nol dtreclly on pornl wtth the rcque)L bernq made by VM9, ft does show a ?revtous nqdenl of aVVrownq a plat Ior a loL LhaL does nol meet Lhe mrnrmum loL stze. What rs stmtlar about Lhe lwo ca5e5 E LhaL boLh were dealnq wfth a replat that was not chanqtnq what had e 5Led lor 25 year5 or more. ln the DavVhnaE case the stafl was recommendrnq denal lor a vatety ol reaEons, but the PEC dsaqreed wfth gtafl and unantmovsly apVroved Lhe reqvesL. A coVy oI the =taff memorandum s atLached for your rnformatron. Subd:rsron Vanance Crftena and Fndnas Delow are Lhe crttena and ltndrnqs requ-nred to be constdered by the ?EC lor qranLnq a varance from the mrnrmum loL lze as requred Ior Lhe VlaL oI the DooLh f alls parcel (proposed Lot | 2O). a. fhe relahonshtp ol lhe reqve5led vatance lo oLher extsttnq or ?otenilal vses and sLructures rn the vrcrnrty. Our Anal)usrs: The proposed vanance wrll allow tht= | .2G acre parcel of land, zoned Aqncvlture and Open Space, to eAst n fts presenl and hstotcal condtilon. The Tropozal wrll not chanqe the zonnq or conltqvrabon of thrs parcel and Lherefore ts relahonshry to oLher uses and sLrvclvres wtll be unchanqed and conLnve as ft has foc Lhe past 25 years. b. The deqree bo whrch reltef from Lhe stncl or lfteral nlerpreLabon and enforcement of a specfied requlaLton E necessary to achteve compahbthty and unformtly of fieaLmenl amonq sfteg n the vtctnly, or to alLatn lhe obJecL:e5 of bhrs lftle wfthoul qrant ol s?eaal Vlvtleqe. Our Analvsrs: The VroVosed valance wrll allow re\ef trom lhe ElncL nLerpretaLton oI the lol stze requremenL and allow thts | .26-acre Varcel to ensl as ft haE lor 25 years. The owner and the netqhbors have reled vVon lhe extsLence oI thrs lot and Lhe zofinq on ths loL n fts currenL gtze and conftquratpn. fhe owner doeg not wrsh Lo chanqe bhese condbons at Lhrs trme. The loL sve and conttqvraLron was not created by the ?resent owner bvL has nslead nherfted the condtLton. The lob stze and zonnq of the parcel has been allowed to conbnve by theTown of Val throvqh vanovs development 3 a??rcval5 and rezonnq achons over lhe ?asL 25 yea5. No 5?eaal ?rvleqe $ betnq conveyed by ths aclon, as fhe condrilon has presenLly and hsLoncally extzted. c. The eflect ol Lhe requesled vanance on \qhL and atr, dtstrbubon of popvlabon, LransportaLton and Lrafltc Iaclbes, Vvbhc faaltileE and vtthhes, and pvb|c salety. Our Analvsrs: fhe proposed vatance wrll have no ellecl on any ol these crftena as Lhe Varcel aze and zontnq as lhey extsL Loday wtll be unchan1ed. The followrng lndnqs arc a??rc?tate lor lhe PEC to make wfth respect to ths applrcatron. a. The qranbnq of the vanance will not conshtute a qrant of speaal pr:ieqe nconststent wrth the hmrtatrons on other proTerles classfied n the same dptnct, as the Tropefty currenbly exrstE aE a | .26-acre Tarcel zoned Aqncvlture and Open 57ace. b. The qrantnq ol the vaaance wll not be detnmental to the Tvblc health, satety, oe welfare, or matenally InJunous to TroTerbes or tmprovemenL= rn the ucrnrty. c. As documentedheretn, there are excepbonal or extraordrnary crcvmgtances or condftions apThcable to the sfte ol the vanance that do not apply qenerally to other properttes n the game zone. /1 .1 Copy ol the OIIraal Town of Varl Address Map BOOTH FALLS CONDOS 1 VAIL VILLAGE FILING 12 Dooth Falls Parcel shows vp as a separate parcel cow ol the Offrcral Town of Varl Zonnq Map 2OOO and Tnor V'iS)i:z))z) )z'r ) .* VAF" V ll.'Jl-'A$Er;lElrl+ I.lLr.IP,,va' ',,, .. .rr5 rv..n\.,r ra-.,ra ..!r...:',r,.. .\r" ..vr,.\.,r ,u....4* ..u. -.!,-... .x.'1.-43 .+^J..,.v-il.+. ..tl Qi.:)Z1f fi :{s\txi*vix;t}eH't-dg:rJdy$ .li;*_ t D,.'wii ' I ai',s 7ai eti >lv,,n5 Jl as a separale ?arcel r'\\! i++4r x+'+4 +a1++4++4++++++ CoW ol the Offraal Town of Varl Zonnq Map Cvrrent tsooth Talls Tarcel shows v? as a separale Varcel -t Attachment D Input from Katsos Ranch Residents l3 A7/42/2442 L4i 24 o 95911 WINSTON ASSOC o IATES PAGE A6 36344 Iuly 2,20Q2 Russ Fomest - Planner Town of Vail Community Development Deparbxent 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Vail Mountain School Dear Russ, zoning for this parcel. As proporty olr.ners along Katsos Ranch Roil we would like to regist€r our opposition to the proposed expansiou of the Vail Mountai4 School. Our primary concern is the impacts of the proposed development adjace.rht to Katsos Ranch Road including the chaage in use of the portion of the developmFnt east of Katsos Ranch Road. In an effort to clarifr our concerns we have engaged Wi{ston Associates, 11c., landscape architects and land planners to review the project and 4scuss with the neighbors the issues related to the expansion of the Vail Mountaur School. Attached is a letter ptepared by Winston Assiciates that accurately identifies our concems and documents ow efforts to worklwith the Applicant snd thek consultants to resolve tle issues. At this point is appears tt$t our primary oonoom of the intensity of use on Tract C is not being addressed by the [4,pplicarrt. Based on this positron we are unable to support this project at this time andJ request the Town deuy the change in Thank you for considering our position as ydr review this project aod please forward these comments and the attachrnents to ttre atlt appropriate parties including the Vail Town Counnil, Planning and Envimnmental flommission and fhe f)esign Review Boatd. Sincerely, Katsos Ranch Road Propgglr Owners A7/82/2282 L4t24 34344 o 96911 WINSTON o ASSOCIATES PAGE 67 A7/82/2882 LAt24 o fEtl-L o ASSOCIATES PA6E 61 WINSTON Iuly 2,2002 Mr. Kenny Lubin 3236 Katsos Ranch Road vail, CO 81657 RE: Vail Mountain School Expansion Dear Kenny, Thank you for contaoting Winston Inc. conceraing the proposed expansion of the Vail Mountain School. As you know,AssociatEs, Inc. is e firm of landscape architectg and planners that have a long hi of working with the Town of Vail and is familiar with development issues in the area. I have received, from the Applicant's the "Applications for Rezoning, Land Use Map Amendrnent, Conditional Use,Text Amendment and Hazatd Map Vial Mountain School", a plan showing Amendrnent", "Envirortmental Impact Rport proposed landscaping and revised site plans C. I have peviewed these docum€nts as you identiffing impact$ to your neighborhood as alternative af,rangemcnts for Tract requested with the purpose of Expansion. I have also been ia commtmi aon$ultant Dominio Mauriello of Braun I withthe Vail Morurtain School's attemptiflg to identify mitigation for the proposed development. cornments and discussions with the neighborhood is the proposal requests changing the use the proporty along the Road (Tract C) and east ofthe intersection of Katsos Ranch Road and the Road. Presently Tract C is zoned as Two Family Residential and the proposal is most recent plan provided by the Applicart change the zoning to General Use. The eight residential units with one garage Based on my review of the submittal, the Sohool's coosultant, the prtmary issue to space aud one flIrfaoe space per unit, 16 plan also strows concephral landscaping The proposed development on Tract C does The proposed clcments that Promote a as follows: F The amormt and arrangement of multifamily or comrnorcial $sult of the Vail Mountain Sehool parking spaces and a bus gange. The to oonifers and aspen. match the character ofthe neighborhood. inconsistent with the neighborhood are is moro consistent with either a IAX l0t-,t,tt-6tt | . www,wrNSToNASsoclarES o I!,1 , zztt rEArL StRElr SutT!aouLoEt co 10301 a7 /22/ 2262 o 9691 The bus garage is not co[sisteot with The landscaping, although obviously would include decorative rockwork, The bus gmage is inappropriate uses because the majority of homes are impacts are low, however there are rcsidential neighborhood. not of residenhal character. that the proposed developmeut is the and their guests will havc to travel pa.st signifrcant modification to the plan and due east and vertically lower than the been simularcd? How effective is the proposed development. Have the scFening with a number of the looking dowu on Tract C? F The applicationproPosesa disturbance to Katsos Ranch Road. How will this be mitigated? Is there aocess available during construction for daily traffrc alrd emergency access? F What are the impacts of coDstructlon es such as dus! noise, construction EafEo and what are the mitigations?codstruction activities be limited to certai-n hours of the day? How will drlst bc managed and cleaned up during and after coustructi on?Blter coDsrrucuon t Is the locaflon ofthe kinder play area hdjacent to and easily accessible to Katsos Ranch Road appropnate? Is therc adequate screening on the we{t side of Katsos Ranch Road to screen and help integrate the brdk ofthc school ulith the neighborhood? I4i 24 36344 t,INSTON ASSOCI The eight rmits axe in two ideatical dings that that havc bccn sited together, which appears multtfanilY or o ATES The proposal has the potential to degrade the quatity ofthe neighborhood by having a density and character ofuse that is Ranch Road. This issue is increased by ttre with the area accessed by Katsos eotry to the neighborhood and each this projeot to reach their destination. To mitigate the impacts of the proposal would need to include, at a minimrrm, the F Eliminate the surface Parking to the amount ofparking requircd by code for the faculty housing only or a way to soreen the parking from the Frontage Road, Katso Ranch Road from the homes within the neighborhood. ts Access to the faculty housing needs bave a single family residential character rather thafl multifamily or The two fourplexs shottld include garage and interior storage space for people using the housing and not for The two residential buildings need to school in general. designed and sited so each building has a single family or two farnily character. The Tract C landscaping needs to the character of single-famtly uses that ground covers, pererudals, etc. the area In additiou the following are a number of issues (in no particular order of importance) that are not addressed in th€ additional clarification or a commitment on materials provided arrd need the Applicant: ts What are the visual impacts ofthe and the proposed development on Trast C on the homes east of the ProPosed The application assr:mes that the proposed developnent that the visr.ral PAGE A2 3Ol .t(9-a9t I' www.wtNsl'oNAssOcrAtES o 9591 o ATES PAGE A3 A7/A2/26A2 L4t24 34344 The neighborhood mail boxes have access meet meets U.S. Mail dcvelopment? If so how much and Will there be deed restriotions on T the use changed? WINSTON ASSOCI accommodatod wr0r a pr:ll off. Does this Is there appropriate lighting? Is there a way that the mailboxes could be to allow for drivcr-side access? How offective will the landscaPing Is there a long-term commitment to Will it bc irrigated? be in winter? the landscaping for the project? What type of lighting is proposed for scale and not allow ligltt pollution? faculty housing? WiU it be residential Will there be any tnrck traffic on Ranch Road rclated to the proposed ? C so the faoulty housing cannot be sold or Tho neighborhood would ueed a that the project will bc strrted and completed within alr exPcditious time There is concern that the work may start before the Project is fimded and tlnt Katsos Ranch Road may be under construotion for an time. In my opinion, this application for the Vail School Brpausion has the potential of significant negative impacts on your The Applicant's consultant has stated that faculty surface parking is on Tract C. This single element creates a' condition that is difficult to mitigate' In an neighbors have formulated a plan thet they to work with the Applicant, the I may mitigarc a development that does not rnatch the character ofthe neighborhood.plan inoludes strategies to screen the parking, and oreate a chaf,acter more with residential neighborhoods. Attsched is a copy of my letter to Braun Assooiates the neighbor's proposed mitigation. Without adequate commitnent ftom the to address the above issues and a commitnent to mitigate the basic issue of recommend opposition to this project. dense ofa developmen! I would Again thank you for involving Winston in this project; we are available to provide fi:rther service, as you deem If you have any questions or need any call.edditional inforrnation please do not hesitate Sincerely, WINSTON ASSOCIATES, INC. Robert L. Perletz A.S.L.A' Senior Associates l0l.4a0 91,00 !TREE'r.5UrTE r00 . EOULDER. g7/82/2942 I4i24 o IA I E.5 30344969t 1 IJINSTON ASSOC PAGE Z4 June 28, 2002 Dominic F. Mawiello, AICP Brar:n Associates, Inc. PO Box 2658 Edwards, CO 81632 Dear Dominic; Thank you for yotu reoonsidcring yoru prwi Vail Mountain Sohool. My understanding is position concerning discussions on the it is yow client's position that the primary issue of the basic change in use for your client is unwilling to relocate the eight parking offof Tract C. ract C is not negotiable and you believe units and associated faculty Hewever, the neighborhood remains willing discuss mcthods to mitigate the impacts of the proposed use. If those discussions do resuh in adcquate mitigation, as viewed by the neighbots, they retain their right to this project. Thrs is not intended as a threat, but based on previous communicati with you I did not want there to bo any additional misunderstandings as to the Mountain School. of the neighbors conceming the Vail Based on this prernise, the following are that the Vail Mountain School mav consider in preparing revlsions to existing P Does tbe exisrirrg grade allow for Ranch Road to be relocated to the east side of Tract C? This maybe a solution to the neighbors' issues of residential units and faculty parking lot intensity of use by combining the with the remainder of the school. If for the neighbors. was looked at please provide the analysis Can the two residential structures be to give them morc of a character of a siagle-family neighborhood? One -plex could be rotated and the exterior materials and design details could be ed so the buildings look different. The neighbors are aot willing to located off Tract C. on thc bw garage. This use must be As a result of the existing grade may be a creative way to screen the parking from view from both the Flontage and neighbors driving up and down Road construct a berm at the property Katso Ranch Road. Along the F line with a 6' stonewall on top. Orr north side of the wall allow the wall to 712/02 301-.a0-t200 . FAX 303.at9.6911 . www.wrNsToN^sSoctATE .cor,1. t299 PEARL !TF,EET, SUITE r00 . BOUIOER, CO 80101 z7/92/2642 l4i 24 o ASSOCIATES 3834496911 t tIINSTON providc retsining ard Bovc the lot adjacent to the wall. Then grade sepaiate the parking from tle faoulty Landsoapc the grade between the housing and the parking to help the parking from above. ts Continue the stonewall on both sidas Iktso Ranch Road along the Tract C ftontage and the school's frontage.wall would necd to be a high quality instal I ation of natural stone of high residential developmcnt with and finishcd capstones.colurnns located proportional to its ts The stone could he intngratcd into the the architeoture ofthe faculty housing to Tract C, the meil box pull off and fi:rther rehforce the sense of single fanrily residential development. F The wall needs to bc hcavily with adequate number and size evergreen trees to screen the parking and the Looating tees on both sides ofthe wall help in the screening and I tug[ quatrty cnaracter. rhe landscape needs to be corsistent with high-end ial design and not employee housing.b In the draft commenf lnttcr thnt I You flrE a lint of in,lues that need specific responses as to what specific the Vail Mortrtain School is willing to make. I recommend that this information at this point in the discu$sion will be helpfi:l in reaching compromise acc€ptable to the neighbors. Again thank you for your continued effort to forward to yow responses. Sincerely, WINSTON ASSOCIATES INC. with the neighborhood and we look Robert L. PerlcE, A.S.L.A. Senior Associate 7tzt02 PAGE A5 ]01.r.0.9200. FAX t0!.4.tt.6t t - www.wrN9lONASSOCtATE$90u(DER, CO €010? o O rHrs rrEM MAYAFFEcr ror* treRr" PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on July 8, 2002, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 'A request for a final review and recommendations of the following applications related to the proposed redevelopment of the Vail Mountain School: 1) A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to rezone 3010 Booth Falls Road/Lot 1 1, Block 2, Vail Village 12tn Filing from Two-Family Residential to General Use; 2) A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to rezone Tract C, Block 1. Vail Village 12'n Filing from Two-Family Residential to General Use; 3) A request for a recommendation to amend the official Town of Vail Land Use Map for Tract C, Block 1 , Vail Village 12'" Filing from Low Density Residential to Public/Semi- Public; 4) A request for an amendment to the previously approved development plan and a new condiiional use permii for a private educationai instiiution and an active outcjoor recreation area on 301 0 Booth Falls RoadiLot 1 1 , Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing and 3160 N. Frontage Road East/a part of Lot '12, Block 2, Vail Village 12n Filing; 5) A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of eight Type lll EHUs located on Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village '12' Filing; 6) A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a private educational institution and active outdoor recreation area located at 3160 N. Frontage Rd. EasUa part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing; 7) A request for a for a conditional use permit to allow for temporary modular classroom structures located at 3160 N. Frontage Rd. EasV a part of Lot '12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing. 8) A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to modify the official Town ofVail Rockfall HazardMaptoindicateapprovedmitigationfor3l60N.Frontage 'Road/Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village'12'" Flling; 9) A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a text amendment to Section 12-84-8 (Density), Vail Town Code, to amend the GRFA requirements in the Ag and Open Space Zone District Applicant: Vaillt/ountainSclpol,Planner: Rrtss Forrest represented by Braun Associates, Inc. A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to of an amendment to Section 12-7A-7 (Height), Vail Town Code, to increase the maximum allowable building height in the Public Accommociation Zone Districi. Applicant: Bob Lazier, represented by Jay Peterson Planner: George Ruther A request for a final review of a major subdivision; a request for a worksession to discuss a conditional use permit to allow for a private educational institution and development plan approval to construct employee housing; and setting forth details in regards thereto, located at the site known as "Mountain Beii"/an unplatted pieceof property, located at 160 N. Frontage Rd./to be platted as Lot 1, Middle Creek subdivision. Applicant: Plan ner: Vail Local Housing Authority, represented by Odell Architects Allison Ochs A request for a recommendation tte Vaif Town Council to amend DonovElrPark Master plan and a request for a final review of an amendment for the previously approved development plan, to allow for the construction of the Donovan Park Pavilion, located at 1600 S. Fiontage Rd. WesVUnplatted Donovan Park. App.licant: Town of Vail, represented by VAg, lnc.Planner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend projict orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 47 9-21 38 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 47g- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published June 21, 2002 in the Vail Daily. o { lf) $ () +N I rf) x o a r.l ;: Q e .t t, F s .F\ SF sdh F $\o dva FEI ESt s xu io5x dps -= \AJ ) u-l -Sx (J Ji :< Qn t\is fr $r :s ,s ri-ri : ): ; -') .J ri ): ^^l June 10,2002 A request for an amendment to the approved development plan; a request for conditional use permits to allow for the construction of Type lll EHU's, to allow for an expansion of the Vail Mountain School, to allow for a private outdoor recreation facility, to allow for a private school/educational institution and to allow for temporary modular classroom structures; a request to modify the official RocKall Hazard Map to indicate approved mitigation; a request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a rezoning from Two-Family Residential to General Use (Tract C); a request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to amend the land use designation from Low Density Residential to Public/Semi-Public (Tract C) and a request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a text amendment to Section 12-8A-8 (Density) Vail Town Code to amend the GRFA requirements in the Ag and Open Space Zone District, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road / Lots 1 1 & 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12h Filing and Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12th Filing. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department June 10,2002 A request for an amendment to the approved development plan; a request for conditional use permits to allow for the construction of Type lll EHU's, to allow for an expansion of the Vail Mountain School, to allow for a private outdoor recreation facility, to allow for a private school/educational institution and to allow for temporary modular classroom structures; a request to modify the official Rockfall Hazard Map to indicate approved mitigation; a request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a rezoning from Two-Family Residential to General Use (Tract C); a request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to amend the land use designation from Low Density Residential to Public/Semi-Public (Tract C) and a request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a text amendment to Section 12-8A-8 (Density) Vail Town Code to amend the GRFA requirements in the Ag and Open Space Zone District, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road / Lots 11 & 12, Block2, Vail Village 12h Filing and Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12th Filing. Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by Braun and Associates Planner: Russ Forrest I. PURPOSE The purpose of this worksession is to allow the applicant to introduce the Vail Mountain School applications to the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). The applications propose amending the 2000 approved master plan for the Vail Mountain School (Attachment A). Staff is still evaluating and awaiting additional information to verify the development statistics for the project. The applicant is requesting that the Planning and Environmental Commission identify issues to further address in future meetings and to identify additional information that the PEC may need to make a final decision andlor recommendation. Attached is a description of the proposal (Attachment B) from the applicant and an Environmental lmpact Report (Attachment C). II. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST This project involves four properties with the following zoning: The following is a summary of the applications for this project: A. Request for an amendment to the approved development plan for the Vail Mountain School. The PEC is being asked to consider an amendment to the 2000 Development Plan for the Vail Mountain Schoo/. This involves determining the development parameters for the site. Approval of a development plan is integral to approving a conditional use permit for the school. B. Request for 4 Conditional Use Permits 1) Construction of I Type lll EHUs on Tract C (Currently zoned Two Family Residential and proposed to be General Use) 2) Expansion of the Vail Mountain Schoo/ on Lot 12 (s), Block 2, Vail Village 1lh 3) To allow for a private school and recreational facilities on Lot 11. 4) Allow temporary c/assroorns at the Vail Mountain Schoo/ during the construction of the new buildings. Parcel Zoning Proposed Use Acreage Owner 1) Lot 12 S, Block 2, VailVillage 12h (Current School Site) General Use School & soccer field & 84 parking spaces 6.1 Acres Vail Mountain School 2) Lot 12 N, Block 2 VailVillage 12s Space (Tennis Courts) Agriculture Open Soace 2000 sq. ft. Head Master House and portion of soccer field. 1.28 Vail Mountain School (Previously owned by the Booth Falls Homeowners Associations) 3) Lot 1 1, Block 2, VailVillage 12h (lot directly west of current soccer field) Two Family Residential (Applicant is proposing to rezone to General Use) Soccer Field and cabin .408 Vail Mountain School 4) Tract C, Block 1, VailVillage 12b Two Family Residential (Applicant is proposing to rezone to General Use) 8 EHUs and 29 parking spaces + 2 bus spaces 1.28 Vail Resorts C. Rezoning of Tract C from Two Family Residential to General Use and a Land Use map amendment from Low Density Residential to Public/Semi Public. After further discussrbns with staff, the applicant will submit an application to rezone Lot 11 from Two Family Residential to the General Use Distict D. Zoning Text Amendment to allow for 425 sq ft. GRFA credit for home s in Agriculture and Open Space Zone District. The 425 GRFA credit applied to other residential zone drsfnbfs does not apply to Agriculture Open Space where a single family residential unit is a permitted use E. Hazard Map amendment to remove High Severity Rock Fall Hazard designation from Tract C. This area is protected from the rock fall berm above Katsos Ranch F. Design Review Board Application for the entire project. Note: The applicant will also propose in the near future a Major Subdivision to move the intersection of Katsos Ranch Rd. and the Frontage Rd. to the east and create a new right of way. III. BACKGROUND 2000 Master Plan On June 8', 1999, the Vail Town Council discussed the PEC's decision to approve a conditional use permit (CUP) to allow for the additisn of a temporary classroom structure at Vail Mountain School. The council agreed the CUP could be extended for an additional year rf tne appircani presenrecl a master pian ro rhe eouncil within tire next year". On Aptii 24rh, 2000 the Vail Mountain School received approval for a development plan (master plan) and a conditional use permit for the expansion of a school facilities including eight Type lll employee housing units. Attachment A summarizes the development parameters that were approved for the master plan. The plan involves significant improvements constructed in two separate phases. Phase | (June 2000-Julv 2001) improvements include:. Demolition of the rockfall mitigation berm . Removal of the existing temporary classroom structure . Construction of an eight-classroom wing to the north of the existing building . An elevator connection to all floors . Reconfiguration of the existing access and parking area to allow for the addition of a "drop off'lane and additional parking. lv. Phase ll (lonq-term) improvements include:. Addition of a 300-seat auditorium . Faculty housing . Additional classrooms south of the gymnasium . Additional parking It is important to note that the 2002 proposed plan and the approved 2000 master plan proposes the same number of students (330 students) and 28 class rooms. The 2002 proposal does include a larger auditorium (400 versus 300). The total floor area is approximately 20,510 more than the 2000 plan. Parking (1',|6 spaces) and employee housing is proposed to be the same for the 2002 application given the number of students and faculty will remain the same. Historv of the Prooertv The following is a brief synopsis of Vail Mountain School development over the last 20 years: 1979 - original 2-story building constructed 1984 - north classrooms and rockfall berm constructed (berm is no longer necessary) 1989 - gymnasium and stage addition constructed 1992 - additional story added to existing building 1995 - library expansion 1999 - temporary classroom structure added ROLES OF REVIEWING BOARDS Order of Review: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by the PEC for acceptability of use and then by the DRB for compliance of proposed buildings and site planning. Planninq and Environmental Commission: Action: The PEC is responsible for final approval/denial of CUP. The PEC will make recommendations to the Town Council on rezoning land, text amendments, and modification of hazard designations. 1. 2. J. The PEC is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, acoess, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. 4. 5. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. 6. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmental impact report is required by Chapter 12 of this Title. The PEC is also responsible for prescribing the development parameters on GU zoned land and ensuring the development parameters conform to approved zoning in other zone districts. The development parameters that must be considered include: - Lot area - Setbacks - Building Height - Density - GRFA - Site coverage - Landscape area - Parking and loading - Mitigation of development impacts Desiqn Review Board: The DRB has no review authority on a CUP, but must review any accompanying DRB application. The DRB is responsible for evaluating the DRB proposal for: . Architectural compatibility wrth other structures, the land and surroundings . Fitting buildings into landscape 'a . Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects the topography r Removal/Preservation of trees and native vegetation . Adequate provision for snow storage on-site r Acceptability of building materials and colors r Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms o Provision of landscape and drainage r Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory structures r Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances o Location and design of satellite dishes r Provision of outdoor lighting . The design of parks Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. Town Council: The Town Council is the final decision making authority for a rezoning or a text amendment. Final actions of DRB or PEC maybe appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the PEC or DRB erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. Rezoninq Criteria Before acting on an application for a zone district boundary amendment, the Planning & Environmental Commission and Town Council shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested zone district boundary amendment: 1) The extent to which the zone district amendment is consistent with all the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and is compatible with the development objectives of the Town. 2) The extent to which the zone district amendment is suitable with the existing anrl potentia! land uses nn the site and existing and.potential srrrrnundinG land uses as set out in the Town's adopted planning documents. 3) The extent to which the zone district amendment presents a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses consistent with municipal development objectives. 4) The extent to which the zone district amendment provides for the growth of an orderly viable community and does not constitute spot zoning as the amendment serves the best interests of the community as a whole. 5) The extent to which the zone district amendment results in adverse or beneficial impacts on the natural environment, including but not limited to water quality, air quality, noise, vegetation, riparian coridors, hillsides and other desirable natural features. 6) The extent to which the zone district amendment is consistent with the purpose statement of the proposed zone district. 7) The extent to which the zone district amendment demonstrates how conditions have changed since the zoning designation of the subject property was adopted and is no longer appropriate. 8) Such other factors and criteria as the Commission and/or Council deem applicable to the proposed rezoning. Necessarv Findinqs: Before recommending and/or granting an approval of an application for a zone district boundary amendment the Planning & Environmental Commission and the Town Council shall make the following findings with respect to the requested amendment: 1) That the amendment is consistent with the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the development objectives of the Town. 2) That the amendment is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses and appropriate for the surounding areas. 3) That the amendment promotes the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the Town and promotes the coordinated and harmonious development of the Town in a manner that conserves and enhances its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residential community of the highest quality. Prescribed Regulations Amendment Before acting on an application for an amendment to the regulations prescribed in Title 12, the Planning & Environmental Commission and Town Council shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested text amendment: 1) The extent to which the text amendment furthers the general and specific purposes of ihe Zoning Regulations. -Hu||,v999:/-|l||1.'.4:||l||v|\vvg|ql|\,||9.l.-''. 2) The extent to which the text amendment would better implement and better l achieve the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objectives, and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and is compatible with the development objectives of the Town. The extent to which the text amendment demonstrates how conditions have substantially changed since the adoption of the subject regulation and how the existing regulation is no longer appropriate or is inapplicable. The extent to which the text amendment provides a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land use regulations consistent with municipal development objectives. Such other factors and criteria the Commission and/or Council deem applicable to the proposed text amendment. 3) 4\ 5) V. vt. Necessary Findinqs: Before recommending and/or granting an approval of an application for a text amendment the Planning & Environmental Commission and the Town Council shall make the following findings with respect to the requested amendment: 1) That the amendment is consistent with the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and is compatible with the development objectives of the Town; and 2) That the amendment furthers the general and specific purposes of the Zoning Regulations; and 3) That the amendment promotes the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the Town and promotes the coordinated and harmonious development of the Town in a manner that conserves and enhances its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residential community of the highest quality. STAFF REGOMMENDATION As this is a worksession, staff does not yet have a recommendation. ZON]NG ANALYSIS Vail Mountain School is located in the General Use Zone District. Pursuant to the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations, the purpose of the General Use Zone District is to: provide sites for public and quasi-public uses which, because of their special characteristics, cannot be appropriately regulated by the development standards prescribed for other zoning districts, and for which development standards especially prescribed for each particular development proposal or project are necessary to achieve the purposes prescribed in Section 12-1-2 of this Title and to provide for the public welfare. fhe General Use Disirict is intended tb ensure that public buildings ano grounos anil'Certain iypes or quasi-prjblic uses Bermitteo in rne District are appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses, and, in the case of buildings and other structures, to ensure adequate light, .air, open spaces, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of uses. (Ord. 21(1994) S 10). Sections 12-gC-2& 3 outline the permitted and conditional uses allowed in the General Use Zone District. Public and private schools and educational institutions are a conditional use in the General Use Zone District subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit. The AOS zone District is outlined in 12-8A and the Two Familv Residential District is in section 12-6C. Zoninq Analvsis _Note: All Numbers for the proposed school are approximate and need to be further verified. L-ot 12 S and Lot 11 (Assuminq Lot 11 is rezoned to General Use) Zoning:General Use L All development standards in the GU zone district are prescribed by the PEC Lot Size: 6.122 acres (Lot 12 S) or 266,674 square feet + .408 acres or 17,772 square feet = 284, 446 square feet Density: Setbacks: FronUKatsos: Frontage Rd: Side: Booth Creek Rear: Height: Parking: Site Coverage: Floor Area: Lot 12 S & Lot 11 Existinq 2000 2002 Proposed nla nla n/a g0' 76' 358', 23' 27' A6 22,027 sf (8.26%) 20,488 sf 24', 25', 340' 20' 42 (approx) 84 lot 1211 1 5 total (includes 2 bus spaces) 20.9o/o 75,900 24', /o 358', 20' ?A' 116 (14.1%) 55,390 stucients Facutty 2bl 43 'Jc0 i2u -' -.'" "--'i 48 48 Lot 12 N Zoning: Agriculture Open Space Lot Size: 1.28 acres or 55,756 square feet Existinq 2002 Proposed Density: nla 1 Setbacks: North Lot Line: nla 20' Booth Falls Rd: nla 20' East Lot Line: nla 85' Height nla 31' (Need to verify) Parking: 0 Need 2.5 Site Coverage: nla 4.8%l5o/o allowed Floor Area: nla 2,425 (proposed)/2000 allowed Tract C Zoning: Two Family Residential / Proposed zoning is General Use Lot Size: 1.28 acres or 55.756 souare feet Existinq (allowed) 2002 Proposed Density: 2/site Not counted towards densitv (potential for 3 lots) 6.25lacre (8 EHUs) o-4lr-^!,-. Katsos Ranch west: 20ft 120' N. Frontage 15 North (Katsos) 15 Height:33', Parking: 2.5lunit Site Coverage: 20olo 25', 18 24 approximately 115 total/29 on Tract C 6.5o/o Floor Area: 7385/1 lot 5,660 (EHUs excluded from GRFA) 11,250/ 3 lots of '15,000 sq ft. l0 Summarv oLEntire Proiect Existinq 2000 Approval Proposed Plan SEHU's=4d.u.'s nla Density: Side: Rear: SEHU's=4d.u.'s 1 Dwelling Unit (headmaster) Setbacks: Main School Building Front/Katsos: 90' Side/Frontage Rd: 76' Faculty Housing Front/Katsos: Side: Rear/Frontage Road: Height 27' Parking: 85 spaces Loading: Site Goverage: GRFA: JO 116 spaces 22,027 sf (8.26%) 37,469 sf (a1%) n/a 4,800 square feet 20' 25' 350'+ 20' - 40' 20' 130', 85', 36' - 42', 115 + 4 for headmaster res + 15 drop-off spaces 1 loading space 65,800 sf (16.7%)- 5,040 sq. ft. (EHUs) 358' 23', 24', 76' 358f ZU 2,425 sf (headmaster) Total school 31,990 sf 55,390 sf 75,900 sf Floor Area: *Site Coverage Detail Use Parcel __ Site Cover _% of Lot Residence Boothfalls Parcel (Portion of Lot 12) 2,700 sl 4.8% Cabin Lot 11 950 sf 5.3%School Lot 12 58,500 sf 22o/o Facultv Housino gnd Bus Enclosgre Tract C 3.650 sf 6.5% Overall Plan All Parcels 65,800 sf 16.7% ll vil.DESIGN REVIEW BOARD INPUT FROM JUNE sTH MEETING The Design Review Board (DRB) was very supportive of the architectural form of the building. Specifically they liked the horizontal and vertical variation in the design. The DRB liked the contrast in the use of materials and that several roof materials would be considered. The DRB requested that the applicant look at sinking the gymnasium to reduce the height of this element to address concerns from adjacent property owners. The DRB expressed concern regarding any impact to the aspen stand on Tract c. The DRB asked to see a very sensitive lighting plan. The Board asked that low level ballard lighting be used. The DRB asked the applicant to consider structured parking underneath the soccer field which could enable the parking to be reduced on Tract C. The DRB wanted to make sure that the applicant would have adequate landscaping. They were concerned that much of the landscaping was on CDOT right-of-way and wanted to make sure that they could plant that material.. DRB asked that a gate be considered for Tract C to prevent non school related traffic from parking in that lot.. DRB asked whether a po(e-cochere was needed forthe entrance to the school.. The Board inquired whether there was adequate space for loading and delivery. vilr. plscUSlsrN ITEMS 1. Circulatioj and Parkinq: There are 115 parking spaces split between two areas with 84 spaces on the west lot and 29 spaces + 2 bus parking spaces on Tract C. Sixteen spaces are required for the eight employee housing units. The plan does appear to be consistent with the 2000 approved master plan in regard to parking. The only major change in use is a larger auditorium (400 seats versus 300 seats) and the l addition of over 20,000 sguare feet in floor area (primarily in common space). Average daily trips are actually reduced on Katsos Ranch Rd wtth this circulation plan. t he tlR concrucles that an auxitrary iarie rs not neeoeo on the Frontage l Rd. lt does state that additional auxiliary parking may be needed for special ] events. Public Works is still reviewing parking and circulation. Does PEC want to see any additional information on this issue? 2. Tract C Site Disturbance Could site disturbance on Tract C be further reduced by having two way circulation and a cul-de-sac versus putting an island in the middle of the site? Also could some of the parking be structured or integrated into the 8 EHUs? The site disturbance could be reduced by placing the bus parking on the west side of the school. Also the existing aspen grove on Tract C needs to be included in the landscape plan to indicate how much of that area would be impacted. o t2 3.Overall Mass. Site Coveraqe of the Proiect The proposed site coverage for the School is approximately 22o/o which compares to an existing site coverage of 8.260/o and an approved site coverage from the 2000 plan of 14.1o/o. The floor area is approximately 20,000 square feet more than the 2000 approved plan. Should the applicant look at structured parking or are the proposed berms adequate to screen the proposed surface parking? Should the gym be sunken to further reduce the height of this element of the building? Again it should be noted that the DRB was very pleased with the overall design of the building and felt the articulation of the building reduced the apparent size of the facility. Emplovee Housinq Units Eight Employee Housing Units are proposed and the applicant is willing to consider deed restricting the head masters house on Tract 12 N. lf the Head Masters unit was deed restricted that would be 9 EHUs provided by the applicant. Staff does feel that additional storage is needed for the 8 proposed EHUs on tract C and that those EHUs need usable open space. It is important to note that Type lll EHUs can be sold or transfened separately. ls the PEC comfortable with that possibility? Rezoninq and Vacatjlo Propeltv Lines The applicant has stated that they are willing to rezone Lot 11 to General Use and vacate the property line. This still leaves the Boothfalls lot or 12N zoned Agriculture Open Space with a portion of the soccer field on both GU and AOS zoned land. The school has agreed to keep the Boothfalls lot zoned AOS as part of their negotiations with adjacent property owners. Staff can not find a regulatory reason to prevent this action. A structure overlapping property boundaries would be prevented due to set back requirements. Text Amencimeni for AOS Land The applicant is asking that the 425 GRFA credit is applied to AOS zoned lands. The purpose of the Agriculture Open Space Land ls to: 'preserve agricultural,,undeveloped or opens space lands from intensive development while permitting agricultural pursuits and low density residential use consistent with agricultural and opens space objectives. Parks, schools, and certain types of private recreational facilities and institutional also are suitable uses..." Single-family residential dwellings are permitted uses in the AOS zone District. Staff can not yet confirm if the 425 credit was specifically not applied to the AOS zone district for some specific reason. A 425 credit would be a 21% increase in the total floor area for a house in the District. lt may have been considered to be inconsistent with the purpose statement for the District. Also since 1990 staff has contemplated proposing to eliminate the AOS District since agriculture is no longer a use in the Town of Vail. The PEC should consider that an amendment 4. A l3 to the AOS Zone District will affect all properties that are zoned AOS. Several examples of properties zoned AOS include: Owner Propertv Home Owners Assoc: Tract A Vail Potato Patch Cara Beutel Unplatted land east of Nugget Lane Bighorn MutualSan Dist 4095 Columbine Drive (pond) Vail Resorts Public Works Snow Dump Vail Resorts Tract E VailVillage 5m (Vistabahn) Vail Resorts 615 & 601 Forest Rd (Tennis Courts and ski way in Lionshead) Lodge at Lionshead Tract I &J Vail Lionshead Filing 1 l4 April 24,2000 A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an expansion of the existing facilities including eight Type lll employee housing units at Vail Mountain School, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, VailVillage 12th Filing. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: o MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department April24, 2000 A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an expansion of the existing facilities including eight Type lll employee housing units at Vail Mountain School, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 1Ztn Filing. Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Architects Planner: Brent Wilson BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST- The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow for a phased master plan for long-term development at the Vail Mountain School campus. This conditional use permit would also include an approval for the construction of eight Type lll emploiee housing units. On March 13th of this year, the PEC conceptually reviewed this proposal and requested that the applicant address the following concerns prior to final review of this proposal: Employee Housing Units - The PEC stated the school should be required to provide employee housing at the same rate (30%) as other private developments in the Town. Based on an increase in capacity trom 244 to 300 students, the school would be requi:'ed to provide a total of two ernployee housing units (based on the standard of 1 't:tff lnlnber/10 str.:dents - 56 :dC'l sturlents"3O%). \/a:r \4lLrnt:in Schocl is p'oposing eight Type lll employee housing units. However, due to mobilization costs and economies of scale, the applicant would like to construct all of the proposed EHU's in conjunction with "Phase ll" improvements. Traffic Circulation - lt has been observed by members of the PEC and the Vail Town Council that a re-occuring probtem during peak traffic flow at the school involves the "stacking" of cars along the frontage road in anticipation of left and right turn movements into Katsos Ranch Road. The result is a congested access to the school and impacts to traffic flow along Katsos Ranch Road and North Frontage Road East. In an effort to address this concern, the applicant has provided a relocated access and revised parking and loading configuration for significant additional drop-off capabilities (10 cars at one time) within the property boundaries. A transportation engineering consultant has reviewed the proposal and forwarded a traffic study to town staff for review. Landscaping - The PEC stated the existing and proposed parking areas should be upgraded to meet the Town's landscape requirements for parking lots. The applicant has provided a revised landscape plan based on this input. l l \WAIL\DATA\EVERYONE\PEC\MEMOS\OOVMS2.DOC o Buffering between the school and housing units - The PEC requested a buffer to separate the institutional uses from residential uses on the property. The applicant has revised the site plan to reflect a separation of these uses. History of the Prooertv The following is a brief synopsis of Vail Mountain School development over the last 20 years: 1979 - original 2-story building constructed 1984 - north classrooms and rockfall berm constructed (berm is no longer necessary) 1989 * gymnasium and stage addition constructed 1992 - additional story added to existing building 1995 - library expansion 1999 - temporary classroom structure added On June 8th, 1999, the Vail Town Council discussed the PEC's decision ro approve a conditional use permit (CUP) to allow for the addition of a temporary classroom structure at Vail Mountain School. The council agreed the CUP could be extended for an additional year if the applicant presented a master plan to the council within the next year. The Vail Town Council reviewed the plan at their March 7rb meeting ano expressed unanimous support for the plan. The applicant is requesting final review of this request from the PEC today. The plan involves significant improvements constructed in two separate phases. Phase | (June 2000-Julv 2001) improvenlents include: ' Demolition of the rockfall mitigation berm ' Removal of the existing temporary classroom structure ' Construction of an eight-classroom wing to the north of the existing building . An elevator connection to all floors ' Reconfiguration of the existing access and parking area to allow for the addition of a "drop off'lane and additional parking. Pll,se!.r-!@r:. Addition of a 300-seat auditorium ' Faculty housing ' Additional classrooms south of the gymnasium . Additional parking il. ROLES OF REV|EIUING BOARDS Order of Review: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by the PEC for acceptability of use and then by the DRB for compliance of proposed buildings and srfe planning. Planninq and Environmental Cgmmission; Action: The PEC is responsible for final approval/denial of CUP. \VAIL\OATA\EVERYONE\PEC\MEMOS\OO\VMS2.OOC 2 o PEC is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and publlc facilities needs. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to sunounding uses. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposeo use. The environmental impact report co;rcerning the proposed use, if an environmental impact report is required by Chapter 12 of this Title. Conformance with develooment standards of zone district Lot area Setbacks Building Height Density GRFA Site coverage Landscape area Parking and loaclino Mitigation of development impacts The 1. ?, 4. 6. Desiqn Review Board: The DRB has no review authority on a CUP, but must review any accompanying DRB application. The DRB is responsible for evaluating the DRB proposal for: Architectural compatibility with other structures, the land and sunoundings Fitting buildings into landscape Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects the topography Removal/Preservation of trees and native vegetation Adequate provision for snow storage on-site \wAIL\DATA\EVERYONE\PEC\MEMOS\OO\VIUS2.OOC o Acceptability of building materials and colors Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms Provision of landscape and drainage Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory structures Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances Location and design of satellite dishes Provision of outdoor lighting The design of parks Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. Town Council: Actions of DRB or PEC maybe appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the PEC or DRB erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the applicant's request for a conditional use permit to allow for an expansion of the existing facilities at Vail Mountain School, located at 3160 Katso-" F.anch R.oad/Part of Lot 1.?, Block 2, Vail \/illana 12.rn Filin1, haeeC on thp fnllnr,vinn findings: . , . l 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the General Use zone district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. lf the Planning and Environmental Commission chooses to approve this request, staff recommends the following conditions be placed on the approval: O 1. The applicant shall provide the Town of Vail with an easement for the existing public bus stop at the southwest corner of the property. WAIL\DATA\EVERYONE\PEC\MEMOS\OO\VMSz.DOC 4 2. The applicant shall provide the Town of Vail with drainage easements in accordance with the proposed grading and drainage plans. These easements will be recorded prior to the issuance of a grading permit for any proposed grading activities on the property. 3. Prior to the issuance of any permits for the "Phase ll" improvements on the property, the applicant shall conduct a revised traffic study for staff review to ensure appropriate mitigation measures (if applicable) are addressed in a manner that is proportional to proposed "build-out" traffic impacts from the project. lt is acknowledged that the threshold for identifying traffic impacts from this proposal will also include existing conditions and "Phase l" improvements. 4. All housing units on the property shall be required to be deed-restricted as Type lll employee housing units. These units must be constructed in conjunction with approved "Phase ll" improvements. Required Type lll deed-restrictions will be recorded prior to the issuance of any permits for Phase ll improvements. The employee housing units will contain full kitchen facilities, as defined in Chapter 12,Vail Town Code. 5. The bicycle path will run with a straight alignment from the parking area to Katsos Ranch Road ("punched through" the berm while avoiding vegetation). An easement will be provided to the Town of Vail for the bike path. IV. ZONING AND THE APPROVAL PROCESS Vail Mountain School is located in the General Use Zone District. Pursuant to the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations, the purpose of the General Use Zone District is to: provide sites for public and quasi-public uses which, because of their special characteristics, cannot be appropriately regulated by the development standards orescrihed fnr other zoning districts, and for which development standards .. espe4iallv nreenriherl for cach nartinr rlar devclonme4l nloPosal o[ lrro"Le,cf At? . -. ... necessary to achieve the purposes prescribed in Section 12-1-2of this Title and to provide for the public welfare. The General Use District is intended to ensure that public buildings and grounds and certain types of quasi-public uses permitted in the District are appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses' and, in the case of buildings and other structures, to ensure adequate light, air, open spaces, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of uses. (Ord. 21(1ee4)S 10). Sections 12-gC-2 & 3 outline the oermitted and conditional uses allowed in the General Use Zone District. Public and private schools and educational institutions are a conditional use in the General Use Zone District subject to the issuance of a conditional use oermit. \\VAIL\DATA\EVERYONE\PEC\MEMOS\OOWM52.DOC 5 O Zoninq Analvsis Total Floor Area: V. REQUIRED CRITERIA AND FINDINGS . CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT A. CONSIDERATION OF FACTORS: r E:l:leSh;ltCjq:ltqr_lb9l'"rs4lbe.cteye.lspl0ed.ehrecrives_Ollh_e._JQvvn-- . .- The Vail Land Use Plan applies a "Public/Semi-Public" land use designation on this property. This category includes uses such as schools, post office, water and sewer service and storage facilities, cemeteries, municipal facilities, and other institutions which are located throughout the community to serve the needs of residents. Staff believes this proposal is in compliance with all applicable objectives of the Vail Land Use Plan. Staff believes the proposal furthers the following specific goals: 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the oermanent resident. Zoning: General Use *All development standards in the GU zone district are prescribed by the PEC Lot Size: 6.122 acres or 266,674 square feet Existinq Phase I Phase ll Density: nla nla 8 EHU's = 4 d.u.'s Setbacks: FronUKatsos: 90' 78' 24' Side/Frontage Rd: 76' 76' 76'Side: 358' 358' 358'Rear: 23' 23' 20' Height: 27' 27' 36' Parking: 85 spaces 104 spaces 116 spaces Site Coverage: 22,027 sf (8.26%) 29,081 sf (10.9%) 37,469 sf (14.1oh) GRFA: nla nla 4,800 square feet 20,488 sf 31,188 sf 48,688 sf (+10,700 sf) (+17,500 sf) \\\/AIL\OATA\EVERYONE\PEC\MEMOS\OO\VMS2.DOC 6 f 1,3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever oossible. 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas (infill areas). 5.1 Additional residential growth should continue to occur primarily in existing, platted areas and as appropriate in new areas where high hazards do not exist. 5.3 Affordable employee housing should be made available through private efforts, assisted by limited incentives, provided by the Town of Vail with appropriate restrictions. 5.4 Residential growth should keep pace with the marketplace demands for a full range of housing types. 5.5 The existing employee housing base should be preserved and upgraded Additional employee housing needs should be accommodated at varied sites throughout the community. 6.'1 Services should keep pace with increased growth. 2. The effect of the use on liqht and air. distribution of oopulation. transnortation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities. and other public facilities needs. Staff believes this proposal will impact the following facilities: Transportation - please refer to item 3 below. staff. Staff believes the proposal would have a significant positive impact on educational opportunities in the Vail Valley. Parks and Recreation - Staff believes the proposed auditorium facility could be a great amenity to Vail residents if managed via a public/private partnership. The applicant has expressed a desire to provide opportunities for public events at the auditorium when school-related functions are not planned. 3. Effect uoon traffic with particular reference to conoestion. automgtive and pedestrian sa&rtv and convenience. traffic flow and control, access. maneuverabilitv, and remov_al of snow from the street and parkino areas. Traffic - The applicant's traffic engineering consultant performed trafiic studies at Vail Mountain School on two occasions. Based on both the consultant's findings and traffic projections from the town engineer, construction of Phase ll improvements (specifically, the auditorium) could trigger the need for dedicated turning lanes. o \\VAIL\DATA\EVERYONE\PEC\MEMOS\OOVMS2.DOC 1 The Town Engineer's projections of need are based on the following data: ITE industry standards, traffic counts for the 1Stn busiest skier day along the frontage road, the CDOT access code, and an assumed 300 student enrollment at build- out. Staff believes the proposed re-routed access is sufficient to meet the needs of users for existing and proposed "Phase l" improvements. However, due to potential fluctuations in student enrollment and traffic patterns, a revised parking study will be necessary to determine the extent of traffic impacts and mitigation (if necessary) to ensure a practical implementation of future plans once "Phase l" improvements have been constructed. Parking - the Vail Town Code (supplemented by ITE parking standards for educational facilities) would require a minimum parking space count of 104 spaces (total at build out). Howevei, staff believes a higher number of students at Vail Mountain School commute by car than at an average high school and that the minimum 104 spaces should be increased slightly. The applicant is proposing a total of 116 spaces (an increase of I 1.5%). Staff believes this is a preferable, but not excessive, amount of parking. Effect upon the character of the qle-a in which the proposed use is to be located, includinq the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surroundinq uses. Staff believes the proposed scale and bulk of the additions are consistent with the existing facility. Additionally, staff does not believe the additions will negatively impact adjacent uphill structures. The proposed roof ridge height for the auditorium facility is 1' 8" higher than the existing building ridgelines and less visually impactive than the existing rockfall mitigation berm and chain-link fence. B.FINDINGS The Planninq and Environmental-.lQommission shall make the followinq findinqs. before qrantino a conclitional use oermit: 1.That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. 4. 2. 1 \WAIL\DATA\EVERYON APEC\MEMOS\OOVMS2. OOC @ffitnH m l*l'FE I Efl e.! fi tHl 3J' ', HBI!:o ri !!1.: tai Fi: I -E a =l ,lHl* o ^ MV)1IVA l'o:i rpNrr,:r 9o€$Dr o9r€ E6+>e NrYrJ{no[4 ltYA aaffi1q)']'|YA l. au *)rw gpertr) osg l&+x NtYfNfloH'IYA @tfrltrE o i:rl! i r!! i r/ 1--I zi /\t 1: ll\r q: e t ! I I I f F :5 I a :\ : El :l I , ,:!! ,[Hli o t I I 9 I 3 t T I ! $lr r $ltls tr$ r it I "I [{ t 88 i T$E\ T Et $ rlllli$li Fl*riii @ @iltnH o | :l | :il I i5 I lgllqil le-r;$i I el rml I tiil l lffl! dr: ,l$ I t e t E t I rl t: g !i 1,-' li t i,. ;t ;r o ;r|:ai i[H o o4Y&1d) 1tV t,* tf'tvz ai:-v> cgE laanE NtY-LNnOhr .]|vn @tfillE ! I !6 $ I !6 H L til; llll' t*' rl tl'o il rll !+t .I iI .lr + '6 I il I + ++ili $;1t ,I| ,ft llrlll oaY&1e)'1tv^ tr" Jrl l{Jrlfl *sL!4,. OqE lda+ts NtvrNnor.r -I|YA @ilttrH ''6 $ l t i 6 $ t t l I ! l 6 I Ocl'rrtlO-lO, '.IIVA Iwolj l'l-rN\d €O€I\fJ o9E 16ann Ntvrl.tflot.l tt vA @ffinH dmi ll,o G $ o Jm' fl,o 6 F 6 I flt ilt Hi t t il,o @rIH ,lmi EI el r|}o $ l ilirliillili ++l'+ ill $ ili + lll .ll II J il! 1r ? i o @)t?p172'1lYA DvoH H4N\/?l gO9I\Dl A9E lMo+.r>s NrYr.NnoH TYA t ourttldt'Y cE\rEL@rEriT Design Review Board ACTIOH FORIII Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Roed, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www,vallgov.com Project Name: VMS WEATHER SfAnON Project Description: Weather Station Participants: OWNER Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: 2101-023-0600-1 vArL MOUNTATN SCHOOL 0411412008 3OOO BOOTH FALLS RD VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT JORDAN MESCH AND PETER ABUSI 0411412008 Phonet 970-477-7L60 3OOO BOOTHFALLS RD VAIL co 816s7 3OO5 BOOTH FALLS RD VAIL DRB Number: DR8080094 Location: Roof over gymnasium Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of Approyalz 0412312008 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS, Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, Cond: CON0009917 The applicant shall paint the electrical box a color that closely matches the brown color of the rest of the weather station parts, prior to installation of the weather station. Cond: CON0009924 The applicant shall appropriately dull any and all metallic or shining objects that create glare, prior to installation of the weather station. Planner: Nicole Peterson DRB Fee Paid: $250.OO Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tef : 970.479.2139 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submifting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the pafticular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community De\relopment Department, The project may also need to be rryiewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Envionmental Commission. Design rcyiew apprcyal laps€s unl€s6 a buikling permit is issued and consfuuction commencs wfthin one year of the approval. Description of the Request:tct ::( br sP o,..1 va, Locauon of the Propostl: l4, /2-16.L' PhysicarAddress: ? occ B "", Eeqtts c thA Zook, tr parcef 1{o.: 1t of o4z ouao {(Cmtact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:6enerc,{ lts- \a !;-=-' a U<r.^I iyrt* Vts'r C-nn,F't a fi.-l' rJ,ttrq,€ 6l,x3rf- Mailing Address:Uau! G) Name(s) of Orner(s):0c'.*( W1o,^u.,*atv-, S.1."" j 3oot 'Bo"-tt. !o-\s 8ob5t Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:&ooo 3.'..r*l !u,\tt '3r tf t-,Je*) Type of Review and Fee: O Signs O Conceptual Review D New Construction ! Addition n Minor AlteGtion (mutti-family/mmmercial) El Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Apprwed Plans Separation Request For OfFce Use Only: Check l,l,o.: By: $s0 No Fee $6s0 t300 $2s0 .z'-\a2 Phone: 9ru c{-??- -ltb\ Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For consbuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addiuons & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site impror€rnenB, such as, rerocfing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and rebining walls, etc. For rdisions to plans rlready Design Revhw Board. /u I tr tr $20 No Fee DRB l,lo.: Fee Paid: **'0*.) ot-olo4 @ry s 4/4t08 Design Review Board Community Development Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Regarding Vail Mountain School Weather Station Dear Design Review Board Members, I am Jordan Mesch and I am responsible for the weather station project at the Vail Mountain School (VMS). This request to install a weather station is the result of a project I did for my 7th grade science class. The weather station is a great way to collect real time weather data for accurate study for a variety of studies and uses at VMS. VMS hosts a yearly science fair and this device will provide data for many science fair projects. Purpose The Purpose of this project is to teach kids how to carry out a project and to install a machine that can send data to the school website, that can hold long term data, and that can help educate kids on the climate change over a long period of time. This station will give real time readings to the VMS website and stores its real time data every 15 minutes. Location This weather station would be installed on the peak of the roof above the school's gym. lt will need to be fixed 6-8' above the rooffor accurate data readings. The height ofthe weather station is critical for it to obtain accurate data readinss. Interference with Neighbors The weather station will be visible to the neighbors but should not make a major difference in views from the household because the weather station will not be blocking the views of the mountains. The weather station will only be in the views to the school and the highway. The weather station needs to be fixed 6-8' above the roofbut is only about 2 feet wide. It will have slightly more of an impact than the existing weather vein found on another portion of the building but it will still be somewhat insignificant. 3000tlor'rilltAt.LsI{oAt ).VAIL,('ol.r)ttnt)t-rBt657.r)70-176-J85().1AX970-+7638(.10.\\\\\\.\',M5.t t)tl Request On behalf of the Vail Mountain School I request that Town staffor the DRB approve the proposed weather station. I have enclosed a photo what the weather station looks like and a moclarp of what it miSht look like on the roof of the building along with the required application form and application fee. Ifyou have any questions about this application or project, please call me at926-9620 or Dominic Mauriello at748-0920 who helped me with the preparation of this application. Sincerely, 1N 'tr I 3i E4 Ei 4H il gg tI Efl gi 5fl H EE q fig S €i ,t rri $ l.'* ta+'lrfl++*++r*+**afff++aa*****faa*t+t+a+++aara***tal+*a*aaa*l*+*fflt***a'l*a+***+fat+af*fara* TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statement *f+++f+**+**a*t**++rat+'l+**t|''}*t+t+f+*'l*****+a+fl+a+*t*{+*i+**lt+a+*a++**t+t+tttt't+ft**+*+++ Statement Number: R080000440 Arnount: $20.00 04/L4/20ogL1 :06 AM Payment Method: Check Init: RIJF Notation: 1555 VAIIJ MOI'NTAIN SCHOOIJ Permit No: DR8080094 f!4)e: DRB-Minor Alt, Conun/Multi Parcel No: 2101-023-0500-1 site Addrese: 3005 BOOIT{ FAIIJS RD VAIIJ Location: Roof over gyrrraeiun Total Fees: 520.00 TtrJ.e Payment: $20.00 Total AIJJ Pmts: S2O.OO Balance: $0.00 *f*'itf+t**+f*tl*'tf+tt+****+**+*lfl+*****la+{''t++*t**t+**t**+tl+'tffff**+*ff***********ftll*+fa ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO].OOOO37T22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 u {\(\ DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT \^o{ r2. . -B \V.. ?ruWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 ' \ | , \ t, t l*{r,\)a--.-\ U4,L\.-1 '<._.()\-,,' NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M07-0120 Job Address: 3216 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: VAIL MOLTNTAIN SCHOOL Applied . . : 0710512007 Parcel No...: 210102306002 Issued . . : 0711112007 Legal Description: Expires . .: 0110712008 Project No : OWNER VAIL MOI,'NTA]N SCHOOL 07 /05/2007 3OOO BOOTH FALLS RD VAIL co 81557 APPIJICANT IIERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING 07/05/2OO7 Phone: 97O-827-5736 P.O. BOX 340 MINTI]RN co 81645 License: 152 -M CONTRACTOR ,JERRY SIBLEY PLTMBING 07/05/2007 Phone: 970-827-5736 P.O. BOX 340 MINTURN co 81645 License:152-M Desciption: INSTALL A NEW BOILER, SAME AS EXISTING, CIIRRENT BOILER IS LEAKING Valuation: $3,500.00 Fireplace Information: Restrictedr # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pcllet: 0 *+**'|{*++i*****.l*l**|,t****+|*'l|i*,t***+**ll*+*++**t*{***l*i'*|+|**,|t|FEEsUMMARY+|*+**|llt'**+*+++|'li'*++**'|{*'' Mcchanical--> $80. OO RcstuBranl Plan Review-> $O. OO Total Calculated Fees--> g1O3 . oO Plan Check--> $20. oO TOTAL FEES----------> 9103. oO Additional I'ees---------> SO. oo lnvestigation-> so. oo Total p€rmit Fec------> s103. oo Will Call---> $3. OO Payments--------------> S1O j. OO UALANCE DUE-----> $0. oo ,i + ***l*+{ l'}*++,ll+ ftem: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 07 /05/2007 JP(M Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BI-',DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTAIJLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S fNSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC, Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF Cond: 29 (BI,DG. ) : ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC,, Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOII-,ERS SHAI-,L BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NoNCOMBUSTTBLE CONST. LINLESS LTSTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND coDE ANALYSIS MUST BE PoSTED IN MECHANICAL RooM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOILER ROOMS SIIALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLoOR DRATN OR OTHER APPROVED ::T,"-.:?.:..?-::-:-::l):.-::,.:]:-::'..:.:::,"-.:.:"i,-:-":-1,1T.-ll-1L;.1;*.*++,,,,,,i,{,,,,{***,,+**+++*+,{,,ir..,}'.!+,,*+,*,,,,,, DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, lnternational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUISTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV THE 2OO3 ]FGC. 3 OF THE 2OO3 OM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER lf*+* t | | r*ll*+****r*r.'tll+**i'r***t+t***t'rt*f,f****rr**+*tl***tr*tt+*r*tt**ttt***i*r*tf+**rr**t TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO statenent Number; R0?0001209 Amount,: $103,00 o7 /LL/2Oo102:58 PM Pa]rment Method; Check Init: DDG Notation:,Ierry sibley :i:::____ _ Permit No: M07 - 012 0 TYPC: MECHA}II CAI. PERMIT ** * '| *rr'*l+*t ***t*tt*** t* Parcel No: 2101-023-0500-2 Site Address: 3215 I(ATSOS RANCH RD VAIL L,ocation: VAIL MOI'NIAIN SCHOOL This Palment:9r.03.00 Statement | + * * | | rt*rf* t * ** * rrr+ * * * * ** | *rl + * * *rrr*r * * * l* I * r* rt+ Total Fees: Total AI,IJ PmIs : 9103.00 9103.00 Balance: $0.00 * * {l****r*r * lf****'l*** *l *l+**rr r***rf**t*'t*t*tt*i** * * * *+ I f tt+ * * | | ti f ft * * * | r* *rt* t * * i* * r. rt *t* * ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code De script ion Current Pmta MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 vrc 00100003112800 MECHA}IICA], PERMIT FEES PInliI CHECK FEES WIIJL CALL INSPECTION FEE 80.00 20.00 3.00 08/2s/2007 16:11 FAX, 57o82752s4 Jerry Slbley PIbDB INC n Heat Loss Calcs, o EquiPment Cut/SPec Sheets xr*#'rr*FoR oFFICE UsE oNL Other Feesl El6ffifveo: ileptedByl @ oor APPIICATIOI{ WtL[ ilOT BE ACCEPTED tF INCOIIPLETE OR UNSIGNED TOV Proiect #: -Mof' 6 t2b Building Permlt Mcohanical Per lzo 97 O- 47 9'2149 (Inspections) iffiithout the following: 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Pro out drawn to scale to Indude; u iong o ind Location o Ftue, vent and Gas Line siie ano Locadon JUN 2 I 20|J7 ********+*******x \ob - 5ao, Job Mdress: SZL|rob Name:V*r)f- Ml) WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Alteration( ) RePairM Od.rer( ) ffit*' Yes( ) No( )il.ffit- rttr,o.Kl Exterior( ) other( ) mmerclal ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Acommodation Unlts in this building; trto, of Existing Dwelling units in this building: as Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet () Wood Burning (NoT ALLOWED) y***rfi ** ** ***t ri *:l'****+*{'** + * **x Fr \cdevVOAMS\Perrnlts\Bullding\mechanlcalJrermit-1 1'23-2005 DOC Ltl23lz0os A- 07-12-2007 4:13 pm Vai Ite Address: Fridav, Julv 13. 2007 JRM -' 3216 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL A/P/D Information Requested Inspection(s) Item: 200 MECH-Rouqh Requestor: JERRYSIBLEY PLUMBING Comments: Assioned To:- Action:1",1".-0, !e- SubTJpe: ACOM Status: ISSUED lnso Area: JRM Phone: 970-827-5736 NT BOILER IS LEAKING ^"".o2,k '#r;PI ' Phone: 970-827-5736 2551 Entered By: DGOLDEN K i REPT131 Run Id: 5865 Vail Mountain School Vail, Colorado PROJECT MANUAL September 16,2002 CNIL / SITEWORK PACKAGE Colussy Jenks DuBois A Architect Job ED SEP r n 2002 TOV€OM.DEV. Vail Mountain School I I I T I I I t I I I I I T I I I I I Vail, Colorado PROJECT MANUAL September 16,2002 CTVIL / SITEWORK PACKAGE Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. Architect Job No. 2001.028 t I I t PROJECTTEAM OWNER: CONSTRUCTION MANAGER/ GENERAL CONTMCTOR ARCHITECT: LAND PT,ANNERS: CIVIL ENGINEER: VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL 3 160 Katsos Ranch Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970.476.3850 970.476.3860 FAX Earl R. Weiskittel, Business Manger Shaw Construction 760 Horizon Drive Grand Junction, Colorado 81506 970.2423236 970.24r.5618 Clark Atkinson, Project Director Keith Oxenreider, P.E. Project Manager Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architecs P. C. I 5 12 tarimer Stree! Bridge Level Denver, CO 80202 303.893.1990 303.893.2204 FAX Greg Cromer AIA, Principal in Charge R.Timothy McKay, Project Architect Braun Associates, lnc. PO Box 2658 Edwardq CO 81632 970.926.757s 970.926.7576 FAX Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP JVA Consulting Engineers I 3 l9 Spruce Street Boulder, Colorado 80302 303.444.1951 303.4441957 FAX Kevin Tone, Director Howard McHenry Project Engineer I I t I I I I I I l I I 3 I I LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, & PLUMBING ENGINEER: Civitas 1200 Bannock Street Denver, Colorado 80204 303.571.0053 303.825.0438 FAX Craig Vickers, Project Director Anne Desjardins, Project Lead JVA Consulting Structural Engineers 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, Colorado 80302 303.444.1951 303.4441957 FAX Thomas P. Skinner. P.E. Beaudin Ganze Consulting Engineers, Inc. 14142 Denver West Pkwy. Suite 195 Golden, CO 80401 (P.O. Box 39 Vail, CO 81658) 303.278-3820 303.278-3843 FAX Jon Brooks. P.E. Mathew D. Wallace, P.E. I l I t I I I I I t t l I I I t I I I I I I l t I I t I I l l I ! I t I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. PROJECTMANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT TEAM DIRECTORY BIDDING R.EOTJIREMENTS Invitation to Bid Irstructions to Bidders Scope of Work Descriptions CONDITIONS OF THE COT{TRACT 00800 00015 SPECIFICATIONS DMSION I - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01010 01027 0103 s 01040 0104 5 0110s 01300 01400 01421 01500 0t561 01562 01600 01630 01700 01740 DIVISION 2 - SITE CONSTRUCTION 02300 025 l0 02530 02630 o2740 o7750 TABLE OF CONTENTS General Conditions ofthe Contract for Construction Supplementary General Conditions Notice / CADD Files Agreement / ElecEonic Media Drawings Index Summary of Work Applications for Payment Modification Procedurcs Coordination Cutting and Patching Administration, Proccdures, Codes Submittals Quality Control Refercnce Standards and Definitions Construction Facilities and Temporary Controls Construction Cleaning Dust Control Materials and Equipment Product Options and Substitutions Contract Closeout Warranties Earthwork Water Distribution Sanitary Sewer Drainage System Asphaltic Concrete Paving Portland Cement Concrete Paving 01010 l-3 0to27 14 01035 l-3 01040 l-10 01045 l-4 01 105 l-5 01300 l-6 01400 l-5 01421 14 01500 l-10 01561 1,2 01562 I 01600 14 0t630 l-3 01700 l-9 01740 l-3 02300 1-l I 02s l0 I 02s30 I 02630 l4 o2740 t-8 02750 t-8 TOC- I Vail Mountain School Prcject Number 200f .028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. DTVISION3 - CONCRETE 03000 03401 DTVISION 4.MASONRY (Not Used) DTVISION 5 - METAIS 0s500 Metal Fabrications DIVISION 6 -WOOD ANDPLASTICS 06105 Miscellaneous Carpentry DTVISION 7. THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTTON (Note Used) DTVISION 8 -DOORS AND WINDOWS (NotUsed) DTVISION 9 - FINISHES (Not Used) DTVISION TO - SPECIALTIES (Not Used) DTVISION II -EOUIPMENT (Not Used) DTVISION 12-FURNNHNGS [Not Used) SECTION 13 -SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION (Not Used) SECflON T4 - CONVEYING SYSTEMS (Not Used) SECNON I - M ECI{ANICAL SYSTEMS (Not Used) SECNON 16 - ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS (Not Used) END OFTABLE OF CONTENTS Site Concrete Precast Concrete Structures 03000 l-8 03401 l-3 05s00 l4 06105 l-s I I I I 'l I I t I I t I I I I T I I I TABLEOFCONTENTS TOC-2 T I t T I t I I T I t I I t I I I I I REQUEST F'OR PROPOSALS VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL - Phase I September 16.2002 To: Invited Bidders From: Keith Oxenreider Proiect Description Shaw Construction is working on behalf of the Vail Mountain School, founded in 1962, in the development of a new K-l2 campus. The infrastructure and site work planned for the Fall 2002 will initiate the complete renovation of the existing cirmpus. This Phase I work entails removal of the existing soccer field, construction of a new soccer field, utility abandonment and relocation, site drainage, earthwork, landscaping, re-location of Katsos Ranch Road, and the relocatior/renovation of the VMS cabin, the school's historic landmark. Status of Prior Biddins - Bids have already been taken for the Design-Build Soccer Field, including drainage systcm on the field, surface material, turf, and irrigation system within the soccer field perimeter. The owner has already selected the Soccer Field design/build team to be involved in the project. No additional Proposals will be received in these trade areas. Schedule Depending on the weather, it is the desire to complete the re-location of Katsos Ranch Road including paving, utility re-locations, overlot grading and as much of the soccer field underground systems as is feasible. The underdrain and storm system adjacent to the soccer field must be complete this year. Soccer field construction will be dormant durins the winter and will resume as soon as is feasible durine the 2Q03, for play to resume in the early summer of 2003.) Distribute Requests for Proposals F Pre-Bid Conference on site @ 3:00 pm ) Deadline for receipt of Proposals - Site/utilities ) Deadline for receipt of Proposals - Cabin ) Selection and Notice to Proceed - SiteAjtilities ) Selection and Notice to Proceed - Cabin ) Mobilization & Commence Katsos Ranch Road F Submittals complete for utilities and site related work ) Mobilization & Commence Soccer Field F Completion of Subgrade for Soccer Field Builder to commence underdrain system F Completion of Cabin re-location and renovation 9/r7/02 9/24t02 9/27/02 l0t!02 r0/4/02 l017l02 r0t7/02 t0n4/02 t0/14/02 r0/28/02 2/1/03 ****Refer to Project Manual for VMS Master Schedule **** Proposers shall carefully review this information to plan material orders and manpower in order to assure completion, including all final approvals and inspections, prior to that date. Should it be necessary to include in your proposal any additional expense for expediting the submittals or the work (including overtime), bidders will be expected to include the cost of that service in their bid. On-soins School Activities The site is immediately adjacent to the existing school with on-going educational activities. Shaw will provide construction fencing segregating the activities, however, ALL subcontractors must comply with all parking restrictions and activities in a manner, which minimizes disruptions to the school. Staging will be allowed within the construction area on site, however, all excess materials must be removed or suitably stored by Subcontractor when work ceases during 4Q02. Proposal Deadline - Please deliver/fax to the office of Shaw Construction LLC,760 Horizon Drive, Grand Junction, CO 81506, not later than fax/telephone modifications to the bid are acceptable prior to the bid time. Please note that the Request for Proposals will become part of the contract documents. Any exceptions to this Request For Proposals must be identified at bid time and may disqualify the bid. Proposal Information A. All proposals shall include the following information: l. Scope letter provided by the bidder describing in detail all proposed work, with inclusions/exclusions - Isolate costs of individual workscopes (Utilities, earthwork, asphalt, concrete, etc.) 2. Preliminary schedule showing durations for each key activity 3. Resumes of Field Foreman and Project Manager 4. Altemate Pricinglr'alue Engineering proposed by Subcontractor. All Bids must be in compliance with the plans, specifications and this Request for Proposals. Alternat pricing muyst be identified separately. Bid Documents - The following list constitutes the documents issued to datc on which bidders should base their bids. In the event ofa conflict, this Request for Proposal shall take precedence over these bid documents. Each bidder is responsible for all work that pertains to the tradc. Bidders are also responsible for checking for the issuance of addenda or clarifications that could be issued prior to bid time. Drawings and Specifications for the Project as prepared by Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois C0.1, cl.0-c1.5, c2.0-c2.4, c3.0-c3.1, c4.0-c4.1,A0.0-A0.2, AC2.00, AC2.0l, Ll.0, Ll.l, sc2.l, SC3.l, MCl.0, MCl.1, 8C1.0, ECl.l dated September 16,2002 T I I I I I t I t I I I I t I I I I t I I A Soils Report will be complete approximately 9/22.Proposers should be aware that the soils r will likely be comprised of glaciated cobble, sandy clay and periodic boulders and that earthwork activity will substantially alter the existing visual conditions. r Request For Proposals from Shaw Construction dated September 16,2002. r Safetv & Insurance Requirements - - urance in I th the Owner and afety program in - compliance with OSHA standards. t r ax' include in their Proposal the costs for any permits that may be I required by agenci I It is,likely that a C , which enforce work hours dunng subcontractor's r work. T General \ilorkscope Clarifications - I ' The Parking t ot Exit onto the Frontage Road is included in this work package for a length of I 65' north from the edge ofthe new concrete crosspan on the Frontage Road.. The demolition of the existing main School, and excavation activities associated with the I New School are not included in this work package. t r Faculty Houtittg * fr""t C iS rglL included in this work package. Subgrade for Tract C including a l/l slope through the proposed building foundation retaining walls is included in I this work package as shown +/- 0.1'. (Excavation ofhousing shall be provided under a t separate package). Grading, site drainage north of the New School is included in this work package. I ' Retaining boulder walls north of the New School is not included in this work package. I (These scopes shall be included in later Phases.). Demolition and re-grading of the existing parking lot and paving of the new parking lot is I not included in this work package. Selective demolition is required in this work package t +qoz tbr rhe new soccer r-reld.r The existing berm between the Frontage road and the existing parking lot is to remain I undisturbed (except at Parking Lot new exit) until Summer of 2O04 and is not included in this I workpackage.I The excavation/backfill improvements for the new Cabin foundation and adjacent areas are I included in this work package with pavement targeted for 4Q02.t r No pavement, hardscape walks or curb/gutter is included in this work package except for the work for Katsos Ranch Road, and the parking lot adjacent to the new Cabin which are to be I completed 4Q02.r I Standard Requirements -I I Each bidder is responsible to provide all of the following items related to the Subcontractor's installation as a part ofthe base proposal:. Verification of existing conditions for conflict prior to beginning work. I I I I I Verification of field dimensions. Dimensions provided by the Contractor are for approximate coordination only. All survey and layout by a person qualified to guarantee dimensions. All trenching, backhll, machine and hand compaction. Core drilling or blockouts through walls, floors, ceilings or roof. Unloading, hoisting, and spotting of all material supplied under the subcontract including the furnishing of any equipment required to do so. Cutting, patching, and sealing ofall surfaces to be penetrated by the Subcontractor. Fire rated assemblies are to be fire safed or hre caulked as necessary. Cleaning of adjacent surfaces as necessary to receive the work. Access doors required to access the Subcontractor's work. Any task lighting required to perform the subcontractors work. Clean up and disposal of trash on a daily basis into dumpster furnished by Shaw. Use of existing facilities will not be permitted; Shaw Construction will provide temporary toilets, dumpsters and temporary power. All other facilities including temporary phone are to be included by Subcontractor. Subcontractor shall supply all means necessary to perform own work. Specific Trade Requirements - each bidder is responsible to include as a part of the base bid: -Surveving (includes but not limited to). Verification of existing grades and benchmarks.. Horizontal and vertical layout and control for all systems.. Provide as-built drawings that include all triangulated staking points to key underground components (valve boxes, etc).. Layout to include site items - retaining walls, monument sigrs etc.. Staking for sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water line at 50' intervals and stake manholes, hydrants, fittings, etc.. Bluetops for asphalt should be at25' intervals and include all concrete pans and trickle channels. -Demolition and Buildine Movins (includes but not limited to)r Removal and./or abandonment of existing utilities as shown on construction documents.. Removal of the concrete foundation, slab, sidewalks, and exterior fireplace at the existing cabin location as necessary to allow new construction.. Design-assist approach to moving the existing Cabin from the SE corner of the site to the NW comer of the site, including: L Assisting the desigr team in creating a safe and efficient procedure to moving the building while maintaining the integrity and appearance of the existing structure 2. Saw-cutting or separating of the existing log walls from the existing foundation 3. Stabilization of the existing building structure 4. Hoisting of the building 5. Moving the building 6. Setting and re-connecting the building to the new foundation . Salvage or sale of materials on the jobsite is not allowed. I I I I I I I I t I I t T t t I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I t I t I I I I t t I I ' Protection of existing facilities fiom damage. Repair of existing if there is damage.r Temporary fencing, barricades, permits, etc. unless otherwise noted is provided by the General Contractor.. Provide adequate dust control.. Asphalt and concrete saw-cutting as required for own work.. Disconnect and cap offexisting utilities.. The methods and procedures for demolition shall be reviewed and accepted by SHAW prior to the start of work.. Specify the number of mobilizations.. Note any salvage or re-use of materials for the Owner. -Earthwork (includes but not limited to). Verification of existing grades relative to the civil drawings.. Clear & Grub . Removal, stockpiling, and replacement of topsoil only in areas west of the New School (around the soccer field and cabin North ofthe parking lot - the topsoil area under the soccer field shall be completed by others.) ' Material, equipment and labor for the installation of the perimeter drainage system at the cabin tied to nearest storm box.. Erosion control, vehicle tracking control (total of(3) locations on site) , erosion control, and silt fencing.. Provide access for the building moving subcontractor. ' Grading will be to +/- 0. l0 foot for roadbase, concrete paving, curbs, and landscape areas.. Scarify and recompact soil under concrete paving, sidewalks, curbs, etc.r Provide temp meter and all water for compaction. ' Verify that there is positive drainage away from all building foundations (existing and future).. Maintain access for school activities and as required by fire department.r Provide import and/or export of materials as required.. Site demolition (asphalt removal, site concrete removal, trees, etc.) and removal from jobsite as clarified above for this Work Package. .r Provide unit cost for over-excavation, removal of unsatisfactory materials, import of structural fill, removal and re-compaction of existing material.. Structural excavation and backfill at concrete foundations for Cabin.. Complete installation of boulder walls, including excavation, installation, and backfill.. All hand excavation and compaction.. Riprap at drainage structures.. Sweeping debris and cleaning ofroads from own operations.. Provide traffic control for own operations . Provide a fugitive dust permit (for 25 acres or more).r Provide temporary roads including fire department requirements.. Provide all mobilizations as required. -Asphalt (includes but not limited to)r Provide unit pricing/ton for temporary asphalt paving at temporary parking and temporary road access . Striping of existing parking lot to provide more efficicnt parking. ' Provide traffic control.. Provide unit pricing for patching of utility trenches, etc. r Provide all traffic signage and handicap signage striping. ' Existing manholes and rims, covers, and valves are to be left in place during paving operations.. For parking lots, it will not be allowed to pave over manholes and break out paving later. -Landscapinq (includes but not limited to)r Relocation of approximately (12) existing hees noted to on-site location (assume within 700 feet of existing location). -Utilitv Subcontractors (includes but not limited to)I A complete workscope is to be included in your bid unless noted otherwise in your proposal. Any items that are to be excluded shall be specifically identified. . Subcontractor should include all provisions associated with limited available space for parking, staging, storing ofmaterials the required sequence ofthe work, and any and all costs associated with performing the work within the schedule. These provisions may include items such as: LayouUSurveying, Traffic Control, Temp Fencing, Erosion Control, Demolition, Tree Removal, Roadway Barriers, Temp Water, Anti-Tracking GraveUCleaning of Vehicles (before leaving site), etc. . Owner/Shaw Construction will provide Suwey Benchmark and initial staking. Any subsequent staking or re-staking will be by subcontractor. Subcontractors are required to provide all surveying, layout, and staking for their scope ofwork. Triangulated as-built drawings will be required for all below grade work. . Provide a master plumber license or a water service license as required by the municipality for the installation of domestic water lines.r Final adjustment of manholes, cleanouts, and hydrants to final elevation and grade.r Extension of existing utilities to complete installation as required by the project documents.r Water and sewer service stubbed inside the Cabin Foundation.. All concrete thrust blocks and pipe reshaining required.. Backfill all trenches to +/- .10 foot.. Export all excess material generated by utility trench excavation.. Provide traffic control, sawcutting, patching ofasphalt and/or concrete as required for installation.r Removal and capping of any existing utilities/disconnects.. Furnish and install irrigation water supply tee, meter and pit.. Furnish and install riprap at drainage sFuctures.. Boring of utilities, if required.. Connections to trench drains, area drains, etc.. Flow fill trenches and old utility lines.. Lowering or relocation of existing utilities.. Street cleaning for debris caused by own forces.. Provide a definition and unit cost for rock cxcavation.. Televise lines, testing and chlorination.r Erosion control at storm drain inlets.. All permits and fees as required, including state erosion control permit.r A preconstruction meeting with the Town of Vail Engineering and Public Works.. lnclude all required mobilizations.. Provide unit price/lf for (2) 4" schedule 40 conduits in joint trench including hench and backfill t I I I I t I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I t I ' Include unit price/lf for schedule 40 - 4" and 6" sleeves to be installed under paved areas including trench and backfill. -Concrete Structures (includes but not limited to). Cabin foundation concrete. ' Fumish and install all concrete materials and pumping if required for the subcontractor's work.. Set all embedded items furnished by others.. Include layout for work performed. ' Shaw will provide weather protection; Subcontractor shall include labor and admixtures for cold weather per ACI standards. .. Labor and equipment for hoisting of form materials. ' Examine the schedule and include sufficient form materials to meet schedule demands.r PoinUpatch walls as necessary. ' Fumish all methods for conveying concrete including hoisting and pumping as required.r Subcontractor is to fumish and install rebar. -Concrete Flatwork (includes but not limited to). Fine grading and recompaction ofsubgrade from + or - .10' provided by others.. Fumishing concrete material.. Fumish and installation of rebar.r Concrete sealers and hardeners.. All layout of subcontractor's work.. Include all tooled and sawed joints.r Provide all labor and materials for edge forming.. Furnish and install all expansionjoints,. All forming for slab recesses and steps. -Masonrv (includes but not limitcd to)t The newJireplace and. chimney is intendedto he a near exact replica ofthe existing fireplace and chimnqt hut built to existing codes and standards. Subcontractor will be expected to verify and document existing conditions with pic'tures and sketches prior to dismantling. ' Fumish and install all concrete masonry units and stone veneer to rebuild the existing cabin fireplace and chimney in the new building's location. ' Existing fireplace will be dismantled by subcontractor in such a manner that the existing stones (from the mantle down) will be re-used in the new fireplace (from the mantle down). I I I I Provide bracing on a daily basis ofall free-standing walls over 8 feet in height Grouting will be as directed by the structural engineer but not greater than 8' lifts. Provide shoring ofopenings as required. Provide material and labor for all through-wall flashing/reglets/embeds/lintels/etc. at masonry walls. Fumish and install covering of all masonry walls for temporary weather protection if needed (SHAW Construction to provide heat). Masonry final cleaning. Provide all layout for masonry work. Fumish and install fire brick and chimney flue. Hoisting of all masonry materials. ! I t I r Furnish and install expansion joint assemblies in masonry construction.r Construct mock-ups as specified (multiple if required).. All scaffolding and hoisting shall comply with OSHA standards. -Structural Steel (includes but not limited to) . Steel fabricators are to include the fabrication of all structural and miscellaneous steel for a complete steel package. Steel fabricators shall include all miscellaneous steel items shown in the Contract Documents whether specifically shown on the structural drawings or not.. Provide fabricated non-gauge hardware.. Fumish all steel embeds and l/8" anchor bolt templates for installation by others.. Identify steel erection subcontractor and steel detailer. -Miscellaneous Framinq (includes but not limited to)r Removal and re-installation of the followine Cabin items: l. Exterior awning 2. Interior stairs and balcony 3. tnteriorrailings 4. Interior walls at the east closet 5. All doors and windows r New construction for the following items: 1. New lower level floor framing (scab framing from floor to area of walls where cut for cabin move approximately 18" -24" will be necessary) 2. Interior walls 3. New exterior walls 4. Installing of windows and exterior doors r Provide hourly rates and material mark-up for all replace and repair work not anticipated -Millwork (includes but not limited to). Shaw will provide new wood trim, wood base, shelving, door and window casings, and wood paneling as show on the new cabin documents. lnclude Installation of same.. Install interior wood doors (new and existing) furnished by Shaw. -Bituminous Dampproofiney'Waterproofine (includes but not limited to). Provide protection board per manufacturing recommendations.. Provide labor at the time of backfill. -Roofing (includes but not limited to). Complete roof system at the new cabin'king" and covered porch, including shakes to match the existing roof.. All roof transition and miscellaneous flashing.. lnclude alternate pricing to install new roof on the entire building to match the existing roof.. lnclude warranty, and specify manufacturers. -Exterior Buildins Insulation (includes but not limited to). Provide and install insulation as specified.. Verify that design details conform to manufacturer's recommendations. Please specify the manufacturer used.. Assume application to more than one building elevation concurrently. t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I t I I I I I I I t I T I I t -Caulkins (includes but not limited to)r Masonry expansion joints, both interior and extcrior if shown.r Concrete paving joints. . Caulking of window frames.. Sidewalk to building joints.. Logs to masonry.r Be sure that all caulking is compatible with associated materials. -Glass and Glazinq (include but not limited to). All mirrors and interior glass including interior windows.r Provide tempered glass as required by code.. Thermal break for frames as required or specified.. Low-E coating, heat mirror, or similar if required.. List any long lead items, which may effect the schedule. -Drywall (includes but not limited to)r Provide qualified supervision, labor, equipment, and materials for the complete GWB installation for the new walls and ceiling in the lower level of the cabin.. All thermal and sound insulation in soffrts, wall framing, etc.. Fire insulation, caulking, and acoustical caulking as required.. Install access doors provided by others.. All sound caulking. ' Provide alternate price for Skim coating ofexisting surfaces in cabin lower and upper levels.r Provide scaffolding and hoisting for the work of this trade, including labor to stock material. ' Provide unit pricing and,/or hourly rates and material mark-up for cuUpatch work necessitated by building move. -Lower Level Cabin Wood Floorine (includes but not limited to) ' Floor preparation including leveling and filling as necessary to receive the flooring material. ! I Final cleaning of the floor surface prior to the installation of the flooring material. Investigation for verifying the compatibility of proposed flooring adhesives with the subsurface. Should proposed materials not be compatible, the Subcontractor shall notify the Contractor in advance of framing subfloor. Provide altemate pricing for installation of reclaimed/owner fumished flooring. lnspect, survey, and accept floor surfaces prior to installing flooring. Hoisting of materials to all locations needed. Thresholds and transition materials. I ! I I -Paintine (includes but not limited to) ' Provide qualified supervision, labor, equipment, and materials for staining or painting all areas in the cabin to match the existing finishes. ' Caulk all interior locations where door and window frames, countertops, cabin€ts, casework, and other finish products abutting to painted surfaces.r Masonry sealers and stains.. Provide over-spray protection as required.r Provide minor substrate defect correction as necessarv. Toilet Accessories (includes but not limited to) I I Note specified manufacturers. Please state the manufacturer to be used.. Verifythat drawings and specifications are per applicable codes. Please note any discrepancies. -Fire Sprinkler (includes but not limited to). Before submitting a proposal for this scope, please conjirm with Shaw Construction that a Fire Suppression System is requiredfor the relocated Cabin.. Provide all flow and tamper switches requiring electrical connection by the electrical subcontractor.. Secure current flow and pressure data from the serving utility for verification ofdesign.. Drain line from the inspector test valves shall be routed to an adjacent drain or landscape area. Locate the inspector test valve so as to not stain paved surfaces.. Provide head types (concealed, pendant, or semi recessed) as called for in the specifications, or state head type ifnot specified.. Wire guards where sprinkler heads are in areas subject to being damaged. ' Coordinate head and pipe locations with other trades occupying the ceiling cavity.. Fumish and install check valve or backflow prevention device and hre department connection acceptable to municipality.. Fumish and install fire hose cabinets and stand pipe system.. Pipe identification.. All design-build requirements along with professional liability insurance.. Furnish and install sprinkler heads for exterior sofftts and other exterior areas requiring coverage.. Verify that the sprinkler system entry room meets all requirements.. Fire sprinkler coverage per NFPA and governing agencies.. Guarantee system against freezing. This will require inspection by Subcontractor ofall lines after insulation before GWB to ensure that outside air sources are not in close proximity to pipes and that a glycol system is provided ifnecessary. -Plumbins (includes but not limited to). Provide connection of sanitary and water lines just inside building wall.. Pipe identification and./or painting of piping as specified.. Pressure reducing stations, as required.. Provide (2) frost free water hose bibs.. Plumber shall be responsible for verifying that all waste lines are clean of debris and flowing freely prior to Owner Turnover.. Flushing, testing, and chlorination. Provide the Health Department with certification of the domestic water system if required. I I For Kitchen, fumish and install Tehp garbage disposal. Rough-ins and hookups to all kitchen equipment includes refrigerators, dishwashers and garbage disposals. Lav sinks shall be china. Kitchen sink shall be two-bowl stainless steel, with minimum depth of 8". Kitchen and lav faucets to be American standard, Delta or Moen lever style. Include rough-ins and hookups to all kitchen equipment. Kitchens items may include electric range and oven, refrigerator, ductless exhaust hood, dishwasher and garbage disposals. Caulk all plumbing fixtures as required. Provide proposed size, type, and model for all fixtures and equipment. All machine and hand digging, backfill, and compaction for trenching. Fumishing of pipe bedding material. I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t l0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I All natural gas piping from the meter to each point of use. Please specify gas pressure assumed if not shown. Demolition of plumbing items along with protection and/or rerouting of plumbing system to allow demolition/moving. Seal all penetrations through walls and ceilings as required to maintain fire rating, weather and water tightness.. Core drilling is by plumber.r The plumber shall provide all saw cutting, as necessary -HYAC (includes but not limited to). Fumish and install all venting and control wiring. ' Include backdraft dampers on all outside vents. I t I I Furnish and install all louvers and vents. HVAC system will be used during construction for temp heat. Subcontractor shall provide a full warranty fiom the date of Substantial Completion of the project. Provide coordination of system components for the ceiling cavity with all other trades. Insulation of all piping and ductwork. Fumish and install fire smoke damper motors that are compatible with the fire alarm system, if required. Fumish and install all related access doors. Fumish and install low sound bathroom exhaust fans and vents. Provide proposed size, type, and model for all fixtures and equipment. Provide altemate to fumish and install complete hydronic fin tube baseboard heating system. -ELECTRICAL (includes but not limited to) ' Provide coordination of system components, which occupy any ceiling cavity with all other trades.r Fumish and install services to transformer and electrical pedestals. Coordinate with Civil drawings. ' Fumish and install new wiring required for new wall outlets, lighting, and switches. ' Include conduits for phone services to outside pedestals. All tele/data boxes are to have cover plates. Punchdown of phone and CATV will be done by phone company and IT consultant. All cabling shall be Cat5/RG6.. Provide itemized costs for Tele/Data system conduit, rough-in, and termination.I Reconnect/upgrade install design-build fire alarm system, to meet code. Verify with local authorities to ensure design and installation of a complete system. Include line voltage and connections to bathroom exhaust fans (installed by others), garbage disposal (installed by others) and all other equipment and appliances. Provide temporary power and lighting to construction office and all structures. Include temporary phoneldata line to construction trailer.. Provide proposed size, type, and model for all new fixtures.. Provide hook-ups for all kitchen appliances. Invited Bidders - Only those Subcontractors and material Suppliers invited to bid this project may submit proposals. Should any Subcontractor intend to further subcontract any portion of the work, the sub-tier subcontractor must be identified with the bid. The Subcontractor must notifv the Contractor of its intention to subcontract any portion of the work at the time of the bid. I I l1 Biddins Substitute Material/Equipment - As a part of the base bid, all bidders must use specified material or equipment unless substitutes are authorized by written addendum prior to bid time. All proposals not clearly indicating substitutions will be assumed to be proposing per plans and specifications. Bidderst Alternates - All bidders are encouraged to submit proposals using alternate materials or systems which might reduce the costs of construction or improve construction methods or finished quality. All altemate proposals must make specific written clarification at bid time if the work deviates from specifications; bids failing to do so will be assumed to include requirements of the bid documents. The Subcontractor is responsible for notifying the Contractor ofall changes required ofother trades in order to coordinate the change from the original specifications. Contract Award - All bids will be evaluated as a combined proposal including the base bid, altemates, unit prices, and schedule; the final award will be made on the basis of the best over-all proposal for the project and not simply on the base price. Subcontract. Insurance. and Bond Forms - All successful Subcontractors will be required to execute an agreement using the SHAW Construction L.L.C. standard subcontract. This form is available upon request. All Subcontractors will be required to provide insurance for Automobile Liability, General Liability and an Umbrella with a policy of at least $2 million, and shall provide Workers Compensation in compliance with state law. The insruance companies should be "A" rated companies by Best's Rating Guide. Subconfractors are asked to provide an alternate price for the cost of Performance and Payment Bonds. All bonds shall be issued by surety companies listed in the most current Federal Reeister published by the U.S. Department of Treasury. Acceotance of Proposed Desien - Bidders should review the proposed method of installation of their work for compliance with current industry standards and materials. Unless the bidder takes specif,rc written exception to the intended work, the Subcontractor's or Supplier's proposal implies the full "wanantability''of the installation or product as designed, including the compatibility of products with adjacent surfaces or materials. Should you have any questions regarding this invitation or the project, please contact the undersigred. Sincerely, SHAW Construction L.L.C. Keith B. Oxenreider, P.E. Project Manager t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I t2 I T BID FORM ! Please submit your bid on the attached Form, with a breakdown attached for all items. Include each and every item pursuant to the Bid Documents for each phase of work you propose to I complete and as itemized below. - L Cabin Demolition & Building Moving I 2. Earthwork - 3. Asphalt 4. Landscape I 5. Utilities r 6. Structural Concrete 7. Concrete Flatwork I 8. Masonry 9. Steel - 10. Misc Framing I ll. Millwork 12. Dampproofing I 13. Roofing t l4.Insulation 15. Caulking I 16. Glass & Glazing t 17. Drywall 18. Wood Flooring I 19. Painting I 20. Toilet Accessories 21. Fire Sprinkler I 22. Plumbing I 23. I{VAC t I t I I I I l3 I Vail Mountain School I Project Number 2001.028 t Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. I GENERALCoNDITIONS ! The Fifteenth Editiorl dated 1991, of "The General Conditions of the Contract for Constuction", AIA Docurnent tr^ 4201, as published by the American Institute of Architects is hereby made a part of these specifications. I Each Contactor shall be obligated to and sball specifically consont to the provisions of the General Conditions, Supplementary Conditioos and Division l, to the extent of the work to be performed under the Contract. f AIA Docurnent A201, being ftequently published and widely available, is considered to be in the possession of each r Bidder. Copies of AIA Document A20l nray be purchased from the American Institute of Architects, 1735 New York Avenue N.W., Washington, DC 20006, or ftom the local AIA Chapter office. This document may also be I examined in the offrce the Architect. I Bidders are cautioned to obtain and refer to tlle correct edition of AIA Document 4201. as noted herein. ^.s, I Bidders are hereby specifically directed, as a condition of their bi4 to obtain the necessary number of copies of the - General Condifions, and notifr and apprise all subcontractors, suppliers, and all other persors, parties, or entities engaged in the Worh as to the contents thereof. I No contachral adjustments will be made as a result of failure on the part of Bidders to acquaint themselves and all interested parties with the provisions of the General Conditions. I I I I I J T I t I .ENERAL coNDrrroNs Page - I I l SECTION OOOI5 - INDD( OFDRAWINGS I A0.0 Cover Sheet A0.I Proiect Data Sheet / Code information I A0.2 Site Phasing Analysis I crvtt- I C0.l General Notes, Legend, and Abbreviations I Cl.O Demolition and Phasing Plan Cl.l Overall Grading Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan Cl.Z Grading and Drainage Plan Cl.3 Grading and Drainage Plan Cl.4 Grading, Dminage, and Erosion Cohtrol Details a C1.5 Erosion Control Details and Stormwater Management I C2.0 Overall Utilitv Plan C2.1 Sanitary Plan and Proffles C2.2 Water Plan and Proffle C2.3 Utility Details C2.4 Utility Details I C3.0 Katsos Ranch Road Plan and Proffles C3.l Katsos Ranch Road Sections and Details ;: I C4.0 Horizontal Control Plan F C4.l Horizontal Control and Site Details I LA,NDSCAPE I Ll.0 Overall Site Plan I Lt.l Tree Transplanting Plan I ARCHITECTURAL I AC2.00 Cabin Ptans, Elevations, Sections rF AC2.o1 cabin Details I srRUcruRAL SC2,t Cabin Foundation / Framing Plans t SC3.l Cabin Sections and Details MECHANICAL I MC 1.0 Mechanical General Notes i- MC 1.1 Crbin Mechanical Plan I ELEcTRT.AL !l EC 1.0 Electrical General Notes I Ec l.l cabin Electrical Plan I I t. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I I I ; I l I I I I I I I I I I I t I AGREEMENT FOR USE OF ELECTRONIC MEDIA / INFORMATION (General Contractor Version) hereinafter referred to as 'Contractor', hereby requests (Ceneral Contractor's legal name) Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, hereinafter referred to as "KCJD", to provide to its subcontractor, (Subcontractor's legal name) hereinafter referred to as 'Subcontractoro, the following drawings (on electronic media using AutoCAD version 14.01J with respect to KCJD'S project known as VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL. Contractor shall bay to KCJD a service charge in an amount equal to $50.00 per drawing but in no case less than $250.00, upon execution and submission of this Agreemenl Such charge is intended to cover KCJD's costs in reproducing and providing the information on electronic media to Subcontractor, and shall not be deemed to create a sale or purchase. In the event that Contractor's request is approved, payment is received, and both this Agreement and an oAgreement for Use of Electronic Media (Subcontractor Version)" are all received in good order, Subcontractor will be subsequently authorized to access and use the information as agreed. In the event that Contractor's request is denied, or if Subcontractor fails to execute a proper 'Agreement For Use of Electronic Media / Information (Subcontractor Version)o, the payment required by item I above will be returned or refunded to Contractor, access to and use ofthe information will not be authorized, and this Agreement will be null and void. Contractor specifically acknowledges the following with regard to any electronic media information, drawings, data, and CADD files; (collectively and hereinafter referred to as oinformationo) that KCJD may provide to Contractor or Subcontractor. a) They are KCJD's instruments of serviced prepared by KCJD and/or its consultants for KCJD's clieng VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOI" Vail Colorado. bl They may contain error, omissions or could be corrupted or infected with a software "viruso. c) They may be in process and may not, as provided, contain all available information and/or reflect the status of the project as of the date they are issued. d) They are not contract documents for the project and only signed and sealed hard copies of the drawings shall be considered part of the Contract Documents. eJ They can not be used for deriving dimensions by scaling. Under no circumstances shall transfer of the information described above on electronic media for use by Subcontractor, be deemed a sale by KCJD and KCJD makes no warranties, express or implied, of any nature including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and Contractor's, or Subcontractor's, use of this information is solely at its/their own risk. KCJD and or its consultants shall be deemed the author[s) of the information contained on the electronic media and shall retain all common law, statutory and other rights, including copyrights, to such inforrnation, and providing same to Contractor or Subcontractor does not constitute a waiver or relinquishment of such rights. I I 7. Contractor hereby warrants that it has requested the describcd documents solely in order to facilitatc its own or Subcontractor's work of on the project and that it or Subcontractor have sufficient education, training and skill to properly intcrpret and apply the information, and that it and Subcontractor will not use or permit the use, in whole or in par! of the electronic media information for any other purpose(sJ. Furthermore, use of the information on the electronic media does not rclieve Contractor or Subcontractor from fully complying with the requirements of the construction Contractor Documents, including, but not necessarily limited to checking against, verifying and coordinating with the construction Contract Documents, actual conditions as constructed, and work completed or to be completed by other trades. In no event shall KCJD, its directors, officers, employees, agents or consultants havc any liability or responsibility of any nature whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from any of the information contained on the electronic media or for Contractor's or Subcontractor's use of such information. Contractor agrees to waive all claims of any nature whatsoever against KCJD, its directors' officers, employees, agents or consultants arising directly or indirectly from any ofthe information contained on the electronic media or for Contractor's or Subcontractor's use of such information. Contractor further agrees to the greatest extent permitted by law to indernnify, defend and hold KCJD, its directors, officers, employees, agents and consultants harmless for and from all liability, loss, clairn and damage, including attorncy's fees and costs of defense arising out of or in connection with Contractor's or Subcontractor's use of the information described above. The above.described electronic media and/or the information contained thereon shall not be lent or in any manner furnished by Contractor to any person or entity other than Subcontractor. Specifically, methods of transfer ovcr telephone lines, modems and all digital elcctronic devices, through "web siteso, elcctronic mail and the like are strictly prohibited. The electronic media shall be transferred exclusively and direcdy via the disk provided by KCJD. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective partners, heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns of KCJD and Contractor. (legal name of Contractor) (Corp. officer, partncr or authorized agent) (printed or typcd name) (printed or typed title) t. T I t t t I I I I I I t I I I I 8. 9. 10. 11. t2. (date) F:\admin\AGREEMENT FOI{ USE OF ELD(I MEDIA-INFo.doc 1.02 I t I I I I t t l I T I Vail Mountain School Project Number 200f .028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. SECTION OIOIO-SUMMARY OF WORK PART I -GENEML I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes: I . General Requirements. 2. Work Covered by Contract Documents. 3. Contract Method. 4. Work Under Other Contracts. 5. Mandatory Sequence. 6. Contractor Use of Premises. 7 . Occupancy Requirements. 8. Owner Furnished Products. 9. SpecialRequirements. 10. Schedule of responsibility matrix. B. Information available to the Contractor but not in the Contract: I I T t l. Vail Mountain School Soils Report: Soil borings were taken the week of August 26, 2002 and the final report is not yet available. It is anticipated to be made available during the bidding period. Soccer Field Design / Builder: The soccer field including drainage system, rootzone, gravel base, turf, and irrigation system has been awarded to American Civil Constructors - Sport. Shop drawings including details of drainage systems will be available after review on or about Octobcr I 2*. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The Work to be done under this Contract shall bc done in a workmanlike mannet to the satisfaction of the Construction Manager and Architecg of the Work as shown, documented and set forth in the Contract Documents. If these documents or Project conditions make it impossible to produce first class work or to warranty the work or its performance, or should discrepancies appear among the Contract Documents, request interpretatiory correction or clarification prior to bidding as set forth in tIe Bidding Requirements. Ifthe Contractor fails to make such request, work must be performed in a satisfactory manner and no request for added cost or extension of time will be considered. Should conflict occur in or between Drawings and Specifications, Contractor (or Installer) is deemed to have estimated on the more expensive way of doing work unless he shall have asked for and obtained written decision before submission of Bid as to which method or materials will be required. The Contractor rcpresents that he fully understands the nature and extent of the work, all factors and conditions affecting or which may be affected by it and characteristics of its various parts and elements and their fitting together and functioning. WORK COVERED BY CONTMCT DOCUMENTS D. t.03 I I I STJMMARYOFWORK 01010 - I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. A. The Project consists of site grading, Katsos Ranch Road realignment and associated utility relocations, underground utility work in preparation for School Building construction, and the relocation ofan existing Homestead Cabin with associated additions and remodeling. The Project will be referred to as 'Civil / Sitework Package"- Vail Mountain School. l. Project Location: 3160 Katsos Ranch Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 2, Name of Owner: Vail Mountain School. 3. Construction Type: Existing Cabin is Type V - N. B. Construction Documents, dated September 16, 2002, were prepared for the Project by Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C., Writer Square, I 5 l2 L:rimer Street, Bridge Level, Denver, Colorado 80202. C. The Work consists ofconstruction of site gradin& utilities, road work, cabin relocation and addition including but not limited to: l. Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract. 2. Site Urilities. 3. Site improvements and finish grading. 4. Concrete stem footings. 5. Wood partitioq floor and roof framing. 6. Exterior wood siding 7. Stone masonry veneer and Fireplace 8. Interior finishes. 9. Roofing systems. 10. Wood casework with plastic laminate tops I l. Mechanical Systems: a) Plumbing. b) HVAC systems. 12. ElectricalSystems: a) Sewices and distribution. b) Outlet devices and lighting. c) Telephone and data conduit systems. 13. Project Closeout CONTRACT METHOD The work will be constructed under multiple CMGC - subcontractor contracts. CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES General: During the construction period the Contractor shall have partial use of the premises, as indicated in the Contract Documents as 'Limits of Construction' for construction operations. The Contractor's use of the premises is limited by the Owner's right to continue use of existing buildings on site and perform work or to retain other contractors on portions ofthe Project. OWNER-FURNISHED PRODUCTS Owner Furnished and Installed: Owner will furnish certain items as listed below. Contractor will be responsible for coordinating his work to accommodate these items including but not.limited to, physical space fit, utility connections and rough-in, power wiring and electrical characteristics. 1.04 L05 1.08 I I I t I I T T I I t I I I T I I I t SUMMARYOFWORK 01010 - 2 r I Vail Mountain School I Project Number 2001.028 I Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. I Contractor will include in his scheduling the latest times when information, especially physical dimensions, piping electrical rough-ins, for such items are required and so notifu the Owner in writing. I l. Residential kitchen equipment I I l.Os SPECTALREQUTRX,MENTS ' A. Provide operation and maintenance manuals, and special warranties in accordance with Division I Sections'Contract Closeout' and "Warranties.I I PART 2 - PRODUCTS [Not Applicable) I PART 3 - D$cUTIoN (Not Applicable)I END OF SECTION OIOIO t t I I I I I I I I I suMMARYoFwoRK 01010 - 3 I t I I I I I I I t I I I I t t I I 1.02 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. SECTION OIO27 - APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT PART I.GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. This Section specifies administrative and procedural requLements goveming the Contractor's Applications for Payment- 1. Support the data shown in the Schedulc of Values aud Applications for Payment with the Contactofs Construction Schedule, Submittal Schedule, and List of Subcontracts as directed and approved by Architect. Schedules: The Conbactols Constuction Schedule and Submiftal Schedule are specified in Division I Section " Submittals. " SCTIEDULE OF VALIJES Coordination: Coordinate preparation of the Schedule of Values with preparation of the ConEactor's Construction Schedule. l. Correlate line items in the Schedule of Values with other required adminishative schedules and forms, including: a. Contactor'sConstructionSchedule. b. Application for Payment forms, including Continuation Sheets. c. Listofsubcontractors. d. Scheduleofalternates. e. List ofproducts. f. List ofprincipal suppliers and fabricators. g. Schedule of submittals. The Contractor, immediately upon execution of the confract and prior to Notice to Proceed shall meet wift the Architect for the purpose of developing the Project Construction Schedule and the Contsact Schedule of Values. The Contractor shall develop a schedule for conpleting their portion on the Work, in conjunction with other Contractor(s), at the Pre-Construction Conference(s). From this schedule and the values assigned to each work activity, the Schedule ofValues, rounded offto the nearest dollar, equal in aggregate to the Conhact amounts(s), will be generated. Format and Content: Use the Project Manual table of contents as a guide to establish the format for the Schedule of Values. As a minimum provide at least onc line item for each Specification Section. l. Identification: Include the following Project identifrcation on the Schedule of Values: a. b. c. d. e. f. Project narne and location. Name of the Architect. Name of the Architect. Project number. Contractor's name and address Date of submittal. APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT or027 - 1 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C D. Arrange the Schedule of Values in tabular form with separate colunms to indicate the following for each item listed: 1. Related Specification Section or Division. 2. Description of Work. 3. Name ofsubcontractor. 4. Name ofrnnufacturcr or fabricator. 5. Narne of supplier. 6. Change Orden (nurrbers) that affect value. 7. Dollar value. a. Percentage of Contract anrount to nearest one-hundredth percen! adjusted to total 100 percent, as supported by Contactor's ConsEuction Schedule. E. Provide a breakdown of the ConEact amount in suffrcient detail, in the opinion of Architect, to facilitate continued evaluation of Applications for Payment and progress reports. Coordinate with the Project Manual table of contents. Break principal subcontact amounts down into several line items. F. Rouud amounts to nearest whole dollar; the total shall equal the C,ontract arnount. G. Provide a separate line item in the Schedule of Values for each part of the Wotk where Applications for Payment may include materials or equipmenl purchased or fabricated and stored but not yet irutalled. H. Dilferentiate between items stored on-site and items stored off-site. Include requirements for insurance and bonded warehousing, if required. I. Provide sepafitte line items on the Schedule of Values for initial cost ofthe materials, for each subsequent stage of corpletion, and for total installed value of tlrat part of the Work. J. Margins of Cost: Show line items for indirect costs and margins on actual costs only when such items are listed hdividually in Applications for Payment. Each item in the Schedule of Values and Applicatiors for Payment shall be conplete. Include the total cost and proportionate share of general overhead and profit nnrgin for each itern K. Ternporary facilities and other major cost items that a(e not dfuect cost of actual work-in-place may be shown as separate line items in the Schedule of Values coded under their relevant specification section numbers. L. Changes to Schedule ofValues: Update and resubmit the Schedule of Values ten(10) business days prior to the next Applications for Payment only when Change Orders or Construction Change Directives result in a change in the Contract amount. Only approved Change Orden and CCD's at the time of this submittal shall be included as chanses to the total contract amount. I.O3 APPLICATIONSFORPAYMENT A. Each Application for Payment shall be consistent with previous applications and palmrents as reviewed and certifred by the Architect and Architect and paid for by the Owner. I . The initial Application for Payment, the Application for Payment at time of Substantial Conpletion" and the frnal Application for Payment involve additional requirements. I I I I I I I T I I I I I I T I I t l APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT 0t027 -2 I I I t I I I F.I I I I I I I I T I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. B. Payment-Application Times: In accordance with the Agreement and Conditions of the Contract. C. Payment-Application Forms: Use forms provided by the Architect for Applications for Paymenl D. Application Preparation: Conrplete every entry on the forrn Include notarization and execution by a person authorized to sign legal documents on behalf of the Contractor. The Architect will retum inconplete applications without action. 1. Entries shall match data on the Schedule of Values and the Conhactor's Construction Schedule. Submit updated schedules ifrevisions were made. 2. Include amounts of Change Orders and Construction Change Directives issued prior to the last day of the construction period covered by the application E. Transmittal: Submit 3 signed and no&arized original copies of each Application for Payment to the Architect by a method ensuring receipt within 24 hours. One copy shall be complete, including waivers of lien and similar attachments, when tequired. l. Transmit each copy with a transmittal form listing attachments and recording appropriate information related to the application" in a manner acceptable to the Architect and Architect. Waivers of Mechanics Lien: In accordance with the Conditions of tlrc Conhact and with each Application for Paymen! submit conditional waivers of mechanics lien from every entity qiho is lawfully entitled to file a mechanics lien arising out of the Contract and related to thc Work covered by period of the current Application for Paymen! and unconditional waivers of mechanics lien from every entity who is lawfully entitled to file a mechanics lien arising out of the Confract and related to the Work covered by the period of the previous Application for Payment. Submit frnal Applications for Payment with or preceded by final waivers from every entity involved with performance of the Work covered by the application who is lawfi,rlly entitled to a lien. 1 Waiver Forms: Submit waivers of lien on forms, and executed in a manner, acceptable to the Architect. Initial Application for Payment: Administrative actions and submittals, that must precede or coincide with submiftal of the fust Application for Payment, include the following: l. List ofsubconftactors and their addresses. 2. List ofprincipal suppliers and fabricators including their addresses. 3. Schedule of Values. 4. Contractor's Construction Schedule (preliminary if not final). 5. Schedule of principal products. 6. Schedule ofunit prices. 7 . Submittal Schedulo (preliminary if not funl). 8. List of Contactofs staffassignments. 9. List of Conhactor's principal consultants. 10. Copies of building permits. I l. Copies of authorizations and licenses from goveming authorities for performance of the Work. 12. Initial progress report. I 3 . Report of preconstruction mceting. 14. Certificates of insurance and irsurance policies. 15. Data needed to acquire the Owner's insurance APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT olo27 -3 Vail Mountain School Project Number 200 I.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION OIO27 16- Initial setdement survey and damage report, ifrequired. Application for Payment at Substantial Completion: Following issuance of the Certificate of Substantial Corpletion, submit an Application for Payrnent. l. This application shall reflect Ccrtificates of Partial Substantial Coryletion issued previously for Owner occupancy ofdesign"ted portions of the Work. 2. Adminishative actioru and submittals that shall preccde or coincide with this application include: a. Occupancy permits and similar approvals. b. Warranties (guarautees) and maintenance agreements. c. Test/adjusVbalancerecords. d. Maintenanceinshuctions. ". 14"1"1padings. f. Startup performance reports. E Changeover inforrnation related to Owner's occupancy, use, operation, and rnaintenance.b- Final cleaning. i. Application for reduction of retainage and consent of surety.j. Advice on shifting insurance coverages. k Final progress photographs. l. List of inconplete Work, recognized as exceptiors to Architect's Certificate of Substantial Coryletion Final Palanent Application: Adminisnadve actions and submittals that mrst precede or coincide with zubmittal of the final Application for Payrrent include the following: Corpletion of Project closeout requirements. Coryletion of iterns specified for conpletion after Substantial Conplefion. pnsurs +ha[ rrnsettled claims will be settled- Ensure that inconplete Work is not accepted and will be coryleted without undue delay. Transmittal ofrequired Project construction records to the Owner. Proof tlnt taxes, fees, and similar obligations were paid. Removal of tenporary facilities and services. Removal of surplus rraterials, rubbistr, and similar elernents. Change ofdoor locks to Owner's access. I ! I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT 01027 -4 B. 1.02 1.03 1.04 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 200f .028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. SECTION 01035 - MODIFICATION PROCEDURES PART I -GENERAL I.O1 SUMMARY This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements for handling and processing contract modifications. MINOR C}IANGES IN THE WORK Architects Supplemental Instructions (ASI's): Architect may order minor changes in the Worlg not involving adjustment to Contract amount or Conhact Time. Such changes shall be effected by written order issued by Architect. Contractor Requests for Interpretation (MI's): Contractor may request additional inteqpretation or clarifrcation by using and submitting a Request for Interpretation (RFI) on form following the end of this Section.. Architect will allow 5 working days for response. RFI must clearly state issue for clarification and proposed solution. Additional forms may be obtained from the Architect. ctrANGE ORDER PROPOSAT REQTJESTS Owner-Initiated Proposal Requests (PR's): The Architect will issue a detailed description of proposed changes in the Work that will require adjustnent to the Contract amount or Contract Time. If necessary, the description will include supplemental or rcvised Drawings and Specifications. 2. 1.Proposal Requests issued by the Architect are for information only. Do not consider them as an instuction either to stop work in progress or to execute the proposed change. Within l0 working days of receipt of a Proposal Request, submit in a form and with a level of supporting detail acceptable to the Architect an estimate of cost necessary to execute the change to the Architect for the Owner's review. a) Include a list of quantities of products requiretl and unit costs, with the total amount of purchases to be made. Wherc requested, fumish suwey data to substantiate quantities. b) Indicate applicable taxes, delivery charges, equipment rental, and amounts of tade discounts. c) Include a statement indicating the effect the proposed change in the Work will have on the Contract Time. There will be no Conhactor initiated Change Orders. The Contractor may only request additional information or clarification by using and submitting a "Request for Information" (RFI). CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE Construction Change Directive (CCD's): Architcct will prepare and sign a wriften order to be signed and completed by the contractor. Signahre by the Architect constitutes an immediate change in the Work and Contractor shall respond with signature and a proposed basis for adjustment, if any, in Construction Sunr, Contract Time, or both. Owner rnay, by Construction Change Dircctive, and without invalidating the Confact, order changcs in the Work, within general scope of Contract consisting of additions, deletions, or other revisions. Contract amount and Contract Time will be adjusted accordingly. Once signcd by the owner, the change becomes accepted as a change to the contract and a Change Order will be issued. MODIFICATION PROCI]DTJRES 01035 - r Vail Mountain School Project Nurnber 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Paclage Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. t . Witltin l0 working days of receipt of a Consfiuction Chauge Directive, submit in a form and with a level of supporting detail acceptable to the Architect an estimate of cost necessary to execute the change to the Architect for the Owner's review. a) Include a list of quantities of products required atrd unit costs, with the total amount of purchases to be made. Where requested, firmish survey data to subsantiate quantities. b) Indicate applicable taxes (other than those identified in General Conditions as exempt), delivery charges, equipment rental, and amounts oftade discounts. c) Include a staternent indicating the effect the proposed change in the Work will have on the Conhact Time. B. Construction Change Directives will be administered by the procedures contained in the General Conditions of the Contract. I.O5 CHANGEORDERPROCEDURES A. Upon the Owner's approval ofa Proposal Request or Constuction Change Directive, the Architect will issue a Chauge Order for sigra$res of the Owner, Architec! and the Contractor on a form acceptable to Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCIS (NotApplicable) PART 3 - DGCUTION (NotApplicable) END OF SECTION OIO35 t t I t I I I t t I I I I I t I I I I MODIFICATION PROCEDTIRES 01035 - 2 I I RFl REQUEST FoR INTERPRETATIoN I Project: I ro: I Re: RFI No. From: Date: A./E Project Number: Contract For: Specification Section:Paragraph: Detail: t Request: Siped by: E Attachments Response From: To: Date Rec'd: Date Ref d Siped by: Copies: D Owner B Consultants B ! O File I I I I I I I B. D. t I I I I 1.03 I I I I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 200f .028 Civil / Sitewodt Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. SECTION O1O4O - COORDINATION PART I -GENERAL I.O1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and supervisory requiremen& Decessary for coordinating corstruction operatiors including, but not necessarily limited to, the following: 1. Coordinationprocedures. 2. Submittals. 3. GeneralCoordination. 4. Corrylote Systems. 5. MechanicaVElectrical,iEquipmentCoordination 6. Cleaning and protection. I.O2 COORDINATIONPROCED{IRES A. Coordinate conslruction operations included in various Sections of these Specifications to assure proper, efficient and orderly installation of each part of the Worlc Coordinate construction operations included under dilferent Sections that depend on each other for proper installation, conDection, and operation. 1. Schedule construction operations in the seguence required to obtain the best results wher€ installation of oue part of the Work depends on installation of other cornponents, before ot after its oqal installatioa 2. Coordinate installation of different cofiponents to assure naximum accessibility for required maintenance, service, and repair. 3. Make provisions to accommodate iterns scheduled for later installation Where necessary, prepare rnemoranda for distribution to each party involved" outlining special procedures required for coordination- Include such items as required notices, reports, and attendance at meetings. As identified in other Sections of theso specifications, the Contractor is required to notifu the Architect in advance of certain stages of work. The Contactor rny be responsible to the Owner for the costs of extraordinary services of the Architec! Engineers and Testing Companies du€ to inaccurate notifications which result in inaccurate, untimely or unnecessary visitations to the site. The Confiactor shall bear full responsibility for delays caused by improper conqrliance with this Section. Failure to provide prior notification shall be grounds for rejection of identified work, requiring removal and reconstruction at the Confractor's expense. All work required to be reviewed or tested by Architect o Engineer shall not be covered until such reviews/tests are completed. The Contactor shall uncover all enclosed work that has not had required reviews/testing and restore areas at his own expense. SUBMITTALS Coordination Drawings: l. For all locations where several elements of equipment, mechanical or combined nnchanical fire protection and electrical work must be sequenced and positioned with precision in order to fit into the available space. Prepare coordination shop drawings showing tle achral physical dimensions at accurate scale required for the installation. Prepare and submit coordination drawings vrith conllicts and suggested rosolutions noted, prior to purchase/fabrication/installation of any of the elenrents involved in the coordination F. COORDINATION 01040 - I 1.04 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. 2. Lay out the mechanical and electrical work in conformity with the Contract Draqrings, coordination drawings and other shop drawings, product data and similar requirernents, so that the entire rpchanical plant v/ill perform as an integpated slatem properly interfaced with electrical work and other work B. Staff Nanres: Within 15 working days of Notice to Proceed, submit a list of the Conhactot's principal staff assignments, including the superintendent and other personnel in attendance at the Project Site. List their addresses and telephone numbers. l. Post copies of the list in the Project meeting roonl the terporary freld office, and each terporary telephone. GENERALCOORDINATION General: l. Each entity involved in the performance of work for the entire Project shall cooperate in the overall coordination of the worlg prorrytly, when requested, firmish information conceming its portion of the worl and respond prorytly and reasonably to the decisions and requesb of persons designated with coordination, supervisory administrative, or similar authority. 2. Where necessary, prepare rnernoranda for distribution to each party involved outlining special procedures requircd for coordination Include such items as required notices, reports, and attendance at meefins. a. Prepare similar memonnda for the Owner and separate ConFactors where coordination of their work is required 3. Coordirnte installation of all underground and above ground piping, fire protection piping and nrecbanical duct work including stratification of plenum spaces. Rernove and reinstall all work installed that interferes with the work of others and which was not coordinated with others at no additional cost to the Owner. 4. Coordinate rough-in and hook-up of kitchen equipment between plurnbing, electrical and kirchen equipment irstallen prior to bid. 5. Coordinate all elechical items both on the site and within the building envelope including shatification in the plenum spaces. Remove and reinstall that interferes with the work of others and which was not coordimted with others at no additional cost to the Owner. Administrative Procedures: l. Coordinate scheduling and timing of requircd adminisFative procedures with other construction work to avoid conllicts and assure orderly progress of the work Such adminishative activities include, but are not limited to, fte following: Preparation of schedules. kutallation and removal of tcnporary facilities. Delivery and processing of submittals. Progress meetings. e. Project closeout activities. C-onservation: l. Coordinate construction activities to ensure that operations are carried out with consideration given to conservation ofenergy, water and materials. 2. Salvage materials and equipment involved in performance o[, but not actually incoqporated iq the Work Refer to other sections for disposition of salvaged materials that are designated as Ownels property. I I I t I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I B. a. b. c. d. COORDINATION 0to40 -2 D. F. 1.05 1.06 t I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I T Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architccts, P.C. Site Utilization: ln addition to thc site utilization limitations and requirements shown on the drawings, and indicated by thc Contract Documents, administer thc allocation of available space equitably among entities needing access and space, so as to produce the best overall efficiency in the perfonna[ce of the total work of tlre project. Schedule deliveries so as to minimize the space and time requiremetrts for storage of materials and equipnrent on the site; but do not unduly risk delays in the work Coordination Meetings: Include in scheduled meetings, coordination of various entities and activities as set forth in Section 0 I 200. Where necessary, schedule additional coordination meetings for this purpose on an as- needed basis. Mechanical and Electrical coordination meetins shall be in accordance with General Conditions. layout It is recoguized that the Contact Documents are diagrannnatic in showing certain physical relationships of the various elements and sys0ems and their interfacing with other elements and systems. Establishment and coordination of these relationships is the exclusive responsibility of the Contractor. Do not scale the drawings. Lay out and arrange all elernenb to contribute to safety, effrciency and to carry the harrnony of desip tlroughout the Work In case of oonflict or rmdimensioned locations, veri$ required positioning with Architect. Substate Examirntion: The Installer of each element of the work muit examine the conditions of the substrate to receivc the work, dimeruions and spaces adjacent, tolerances, interfacing with other elernents and services, and the conditions under which the work will be performed, and must notify the Contractor in writing of conditions detrimental to dre proper or timely conpletion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been conected in a manner acceptable to the Installer. I:rge and Heavy Equipnrnt: 1. Wherever possible, preanange for the nnvemant and positioning of large equipment into the building structure, so that enclosing walls and roofs will neither be dclayed nor need to be retnoved, 2. Otherwise, advise Contractor of opening requirements to be maintained for the subsequent enty of Iarge equipment units. Coordinate the nrovement of heavy items with shoring and bracing, so that the building stucture will not be overloaded during the movemcnt and installation. 3. Where equipment or products to be irstalled on the roof are too heavy to be hand-carried, do not tsansport across roof deck; position by crane or other device so as to avoid overloading lhe roofdeck. COMPLETE SYSTEMS It is the intent of the Conhact Documents tbat all systems, including mechanical and electrical, be conplete and functional to provide the intended or specified perfonnance. The ConFactor shall providc all incidental iterns and parts necessary to achieve this requirement. Provide correctly sized power, utilities, piping, drains, services and their connections to equipment and systems requiring thern, whcther or not specific items are listed in the schedule included in this section. ARCHITECTTJRAL COORDINATION All work to be reviewed or tested by Architect or Engineer shall not be covered until such reveiws/tests are conrpleted. The Contractor shall uncover all enclosed work which has not had required reviews/testing and restore areas at his own cost. COORDINATION 01040 - 3 Vail Mountain School Project Number 200f .028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. I.O7 MECHANICAI.iELECTRICAI-/EQI,IIPMENTCOORDINATION 1.Sequence, coordinate and integrate the various elemenb of equipnrenl nrechanical work and electrical work so that various systerns and mechanical plant will perform as indicated and be in hanrnny with other work of the building. Neither the Architect or his engineering consultants will supervise the coordination" which is the exclusive responsibility of the Contractor. General Contractor, MechanicaVllechical Subcontractors shall check and review the Mechanical and Electical Drawings and Specifications to assure coordination botween Divisions 15 and 16. Any errors and/or omissions noted between Divisions 15 and 16 shall be brought to the attention of the Architect for decision It shall be the responsibility of the Mechanical Contactor to transmit to the General Contractor, all changes of electrical characteristics which result from substitution of equipnrent. Any and all cbarges for such changes shall be the respousibility ofthe Mechanical Contractor. The Mechanical ConFactor shall not fabricate ductwork until heishe has irupected the space in which ductwork will be installe4 coordinated the location of the ductwork with the light fixhyes to be installed by the Electrical Contactor and is assured that all ductwork will fit the space provided. The Electrical Contractor shall trarsmit final nppssysd shop drawings and product data showing sizes, heighb, and locations of light fixtures to the General and Mechanical Contactor to allow the coordination to take place. The Mechanical and Electrical Contractor shall coordinate the layout and installation of nrechanical and elechical equipment in Mechanical and Electical Roorns. Where exhaust fans are interlocked with other npchanical equiprren! the interlock wiring shall be fiunished by the Mechanical Cont'actor under Division 15. Wiring from alarm contracts to alarm system by Elechical Contractoc all control fimction wiring by Mechanical Couhactor. Fire and smoke detectors in ductwork on mechanical equipnrent are mounted under Mechanical Contmctor. All othen are rmunted under Electical ConFactor. Tenperahre Conhol Panel: Electrical Contractor shall coordirnte quantity and location of rp6hrnisal control panels with Mechanical Plans and Specifications with rnechanical cog6actor. Provide at 120 volg I phase dedicated to the nearest pauelboard ofconect voltage characteristics. All steam traps, valves, shutoffs, conderuate pumps, and fittings necessary tare to be fumished and installed by the Trade Conhactor supplying components Mechanical and Elechical coordination rneeting shall be in accordance with Gcneral Conditions. Conply with lhe following requirenrents: a. Verifr location of all electrical outlets, switches and thermostats with Architect prior to installation b. Install piping, ductwork and similar services straight and tue, aligned with other work, close to walls and overhead shucnrre, allowing for insulation, concealed (except where indicated as ex- posed) in occupied spaces, and out-of-the-way with maximum pissageway and headroom rernaining in each space. c. Irxall electrical work in a nca! organized manner with conduit and similar services in or parallel with building lines, and concealed unless indicated as exposed.d. For all work maintain maximum practical overhead clearance but not less than 6" above ceiling. Where exposed rnaintain 7'-0" minimum clearance. e. Arrange all work to facilihte maintenance and repair or replacenrnt of equipment. l,ocate services requiring maintenance on valves and similar writs in front of services requiring less rnaintenance. Connect equipnrent for ease of disconnecting, with minimum of interference with other work. f. Provide space to permit removal of coils, tubes, fan shafu, hlters, other parts r+'hich may require replacement. T t I I I I I T T I I I I I I I I I I J. 4. 5. 6. 9. 10. COORDINATION 01040 - 4 B. C. I T I t I I I t I t I I I I I I I I T Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. g. l,ocate operating and control equiprn€nt and devices for easy access. Fumish access panels where units are concealed by finishes and similar work Review proposed locations for access panels with the Architect prior to installation ofdevices requiring access. h. Routing of exposed conduit on finished walls or building corponents shall be reviewed with Architect prior to installation i. Integrate mechadcal work in ceiling plenums with suspension systenl light fixhrres and other wort so tbat required perfornnnces ofeach will be achieved. j. Give the right-of-way to piping slstems required to slope for drainage over other service lines and ductwork k. Advise other tradcs of openings required in their work for accomnrodation of mechanical and electrical elements. Provide and place sleeves and anchors required in other work. Any sleeves or conduit required for refrigeration lines f.unished and installed under the rnechanical contract shall be fumished by the Mechanical ConFactor and installed by other Trade ConFactors in their portions of ihe work. l. Fire protection installer to coordinate and provide penetrations through stuctural elenrcnb as part of their work, and with the approval of Architect. rL Necessary flues and/or vents and fans of size and capacity required to operate fixtures specified, together with final connection between roughed-in vent openings and fxhres, will be fumished and irstalled by the Mecbanical Contsactor unless specifically indicated otherwise. n. All plumbing, stoarn, elechical and ventilation worlg both material and labor required to serursgf rhis equiprnent shall be firmished by the Supplying ConEactor urless specifically identified otherwise. The work shall include roughing-in to points indicated on mechanical plans, and final corurecting ftom rough-in pint to various pieces of cquipment requiring such connections and the supplying of all nccessary materials and labor for this worlc, except as hereinafter noted. o. All steam Easp, valves, shutoffs, condensate punps and fittings necessary are to be fumished and insalled by thc Trade Contractor supplying conponents. B. Access Panels: Access panels for concealed valves, contols, danpen, pull boxes and other devices requiring access and located in concealed positiorrs other than above lift-out ceilings will be furnished by Installer of item needing access. Fumish panels as specified in Division 8 Section 'Access Panels." Coordirnte locations with other hades and with Architect. I . Veri$ location and size of all panels with Architect prior to installation of devices to be accessed. 1.08 COMPATIBILITY A. Provide products and equipnrent which are conpatible witr other work rcquiring mechanicaVe lectrical interface including electrical cormections, control devices, water, drain and other piping connections. Verif electrical characteristics, fuel requirements and othcr interface requirements before ordering equipment and resolve conflicts that mav arise. l. Make connectioru to controls directly attachcd to ducts, piping or equipment with flexible connecnons. Unless otherwise specified, all line and disconnect switclres, safety cut outs, control panels, firse boxes, or other electrical controls, fittings, and connections not a part of the fxhue as lumished standard by the manufacturer shall be fumished loosc by Equipment Manufachrers (other than special fabricated items) and shall be mounted and wired corrplete by the Electrical Trade Contractor. Refer to following schedule for defuritions of resporuibilities pertaining to asscmbly, setting and connection of equipment items. Unless otherwise noted in schedule or herein, final setting and connection of equipment items shall bc performed by the Tradc Contractor supplying the equipment item COORDINATION 01040 - 5 l, I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 I Civil / Sitework Package I Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. D. Coordinate equipment, mechanical and electrical work in accordance with the following schedule. I I: lnstaller ofequipnent requiring electrical service E = Electrical Installer M : Mechanical Installcr I TD : Tenperature Contols Installer I I t T I I t I T I I I I t 01040-6 I COORDINATION I I I I I t I I I I T T I I t t I t T Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. l. 2. 3. POWER CONTROL SETINPLACE WIREDAND WIFJDAND FTJRNISHED ORMOIJNTED CONI\IECTED COI\I\ECIEI) ITEM BY BY BY BY rOther Equiprnent Motors oMechanical EquipErcnt Motors .Magnetic Motor Starters: Automatically con- Eolle{ with or without HOA switches oAutomatically con- tolld with or without HOA switches and fumished as part of factory wired equiprnent oManually contolled oManually contolled and fumished as part offactory wired equip- nrent .Fused and unfrrsed discon- nect switches rline voltags (115v) thermo- stats, time clocks, etc., not connected to panel systems rlnterface of mechanical systems and dcvices with the fire alarm system oElectric thernnstats, tirne clocks, remote bulb thermo- stats, motor valves, float conhols, etc. which are an integral part of or directly attached to ducts, pipes, etc. .Terperafure confrol panels and time switches mormted on tenperahle conhol panels .Motor valves, damper motors, solenoid valves, EP and PE switches, etc. rAlarm bells .Control circuit feeders .I-ow voltage controls, thermostats, valves, danpers, etc. .Fire protection controls .Fire and smoke detectors, including relays for fan I TD M M E I M E M I M M M E E E E E TD M E E M E El TD M E E M E El TD M E E M M M TD M EA4 E M M E 4. 5. 6. 1 8.M M M E M M M M M M M 9. 10. lt. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. t7. COORDINATION 01040 - 7 I I I I I t I T I I I t I I I I I I t M E M M M M E E E E E M M E E E M M M E M E M M 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. shutdown POWER CONTROL SETINPLACE WIREDAI\D WIREDAND FTJRNISIMD ORMOT'NTED COI\INECTED COI\NECTED NO. ITEM BY BY BY BY 18. oBoiler and water heater conEols, boiler bumer conEol panels, inter- nally wire.d .Pushbutton stations, pilot lights .Heat tape rDisconnect switches, ther- mal overload switches, manual operating switches .Multi-speed swirches rContactors C-onbol relays, tans- formers rRefrigeration cycle, sooling tower and confiols Note: Motor driven units which are contolled from line voltage automatic controls zuch as line voltage thernnscats, float switches or tinp switches which conduct full load currcnt of the motor shall be wired for both power and conhol circuit under the elechical contract. However, if the contol device does not conduct firll load curren! then the responsibility shall be tnt set forth in the above schedule. @xaryle: a 208 volg 3-phase, 3-wire motor requires 120 volt contsol. Electical Installer shall fumish a 120 volt circuit for conEol and 208 volt circuit for power aud wire the power circuit Mechanical Installer shall wire the control circuit) Note No. l: Wiring from alarm contacts to alarrn system by Fire Alarm Subcontractor; control firnction wiring under Division 1 5 . Note No. 2: Disconnects for Air Handling units are field rnounted- Note No. 3. It is the intention of this specification for all conduit and wiring which connects to contol equipment or provides controls to mechauical equipment to be provided by the Temperature Confol Subcontractor. Other portions of the specifrcations which may be in contlict with this concept shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer for clarifrcation prior to Bidding the Projcct. The ED shall provide line voltage wiring conduit and junction boxes for the express purpose of ternperahre contols. It shall be the responsibility of thew Temperature Conhol Subconhactor to coordinate the location of the junction boxes (if not otherwise shown on the Electrical Drawings) and to utilize these junction boxes for tenperahre conhol wiring. The Tenrperahue Control Subconr-actor shall extend line and/or low voltage wiring ftom junction boxes to all mechanical and control components which require conuol wiring. Note No. 4.: For connection to auxiliary contacts if required. Note No. 5.: Device is used in the power wiring circuit to the equipment. Contol finctions do not exist. Note 6.: Fire Protection Subconhactor shall provide for fre sprinkler systern PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) COORDINATION 01040 - 8 D. t I I t I I t I I t I t I I I I I T I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.OI GENERALINSTALIATIONPROCEDTJRES A. Inspection of Conditions: Require the Installer of each major conponent to inspect both the substate and conditions under which work is to be performed. Do not proceed wrtil unsatisfactory conditions have been conected in an acceptable nunner. l. Inspect materials or equipment immediately upon delivery and again prior to irstallation. Reject damaged and defective items. 2. Recheck nrasurements and dimensions, before starting each installation Manufachuet's Instuctions: Corryly with nranufacnrer's irstallation instuctions and reconrnendations, to the extent tbat those instuctiors and recommendations are more explicit or stringont than requirements contained in ConFact Docurnents. Installation: l. Provide attachm€nt and connection devices and methods necessary for securing work. Secure work tue to line aud level. Allow for expansion and building movernent. 2. lnstall each conponent during weather conditions and project status that will ensure the best possible results. Isolate each part of the conpleted construction ftom incornpatible material as necossary to prevent deterioration. 3. Coordinate tenporary enclosures with required inspections and tests, to minimize the necessity of urcovering co[pleted constuction for that purpose. Vjsual Effecb: Provide rmifirrm joint widths in exposed work. Arrange joints in exposed work to obtain the best visual effect. Refer questionable choices to the Constuction Manager for Architect's final decision Mounting Heights: Where mounting heights are not indicated install individual components at standard mounting heights recopizcd within the industry for the particular application indicated. Comply with Unifomr Federal Accessibility Guidelines. Refer questionable mounting height decisions to Construction manger for Architect's fural decision prior to start of installation. CLEANING AND PROTECTION Clean and protect construction in progress and adjoining materials in place, during handling and installation. Apply protective covering where required to assure protection from damago or deterioration at Substautial Conpletion. Clean and provide maintenance on completed construction as frequently as necessary through the remainder of the consfuction period. Adjust and lubricatc operable cornponents to assure operability widrout damaging effects. Clean and protect the balance of the Project site and neighboring properties impacted by the Work. Limiting Exposures: Supervise construction operations to assure that no part of the constuction, complcted or in progress, is subject to harmful, dangerous, damaging, or otherwise deleterious exposure during the consfuction period. Where applicable, such exposures include, but are not limited to, the following: l. Excessive static or dynamic loading. 2. Excessive internal or extemal pressures. 3. Excessively high or low temperatures. 4. Thermal shock. 5- Water or ice. 6- Solvents. 7. Chemicals. 3.02 B. c. D. COORDINATION 01040 - 9 Vail Mountain School Project Number 200 1.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. I I I I I I t I I I t I t I I I I t I 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 2t. 24. Puncture. Abrasion. Heavy trafrc. Soiling, staining, and corrosion. Cornbustion. Electrical currenL High-speed operation kryroper lubrication. Unusual wear or other misuse. Contact between inconpatible nnterials. Destructive testing. Misalignment. Excessive weathering. Unprotected storage. Irryroper shipping or handling. Theft. Vandalisrn END OF SECTION O1MO COORDINATION 01040 - l0 D. F. I t I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I t I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. SECTION OIO45 - CUTIING AND PATCIIING PART I . GENERAL 1.OI SIJMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirefirenb for cutting and parching. I.O2 DEFINMON A. "C\rtting-and-patching" is defined to include but is not necessarily limited to the cufting and patching of nominally corpleted and newly performed portions of work within tlre OonFac(s) but not shown on the dmwings, in order to accordate conshuction requirerrenb; and is defined to exclude integral cutting- and-patchiry during the manufacturing, fabricating, erecting and installing process for individual units of work Drilling lhe work to install fasteners and similar operations are excluded from the definition of cutting-and-patching. I.O3 RESPONSIBILITIES C.ontractor shall be responsible for all cutting, fitting and patching, including attendaut excavation and backfill, requircd to corylete the Work or to: l. Make ih several parts fit together properly. 2. Uncover portions of the Work to provide for imtallation of ill-tirned work 3. Ranove and replace defective work or work not conforming to requiremenb ofconhact Documents. 4. Remove sanples ofinstalled lvork as specified for testing. 5. Provide routine pcnehations ofnon-structural surfaces for installation of piping and electrical conduit. Refer to other sectiors of the specifications for specific cutting-and-patching requiremcnts and limitatiors applicable to individual units of work Before cutting, check drawings, shop drawings and the work of other t ades to coordinate penetation locatiors. Sleeves or other built-in corponents sball be provided by the hade contracto(s) requiring the sleeve (or builrin item). Trade Conbacto(s) requiring sleeves or imbeddcd items shall provide coordination of the proper location and alignrnent of such sleeves, etc. Embedded items shall be provided to trades resporuible for the constnrction of areirs receiving sleeves or embedded items. All penetrations in weather-exposed surfaces, fire walls, sight-exposed surfaces, and similar conditions shall have pipe or sleeves fit tight to surrounding construction AII concrete penetatiors shall be core drilled. No penetration shall be created by jackhammer or other impact-cutting device unless approved by the Architect. Utilize drilling and sawing type equipment only. Fire caulking and other requirements associated with the penetration shall be provided by the trade constructing the penetation. Where cutting and/or patching is identified as being "BY OWNER" or "BY OTHERS", the Contractor CUTTING AND PATCHING 0r045-l I I I T I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I 1.04 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. shall coordinate and schedule his work with work by others to provide a snooth interface of various corponeuts. STJBMITTAIS Proposals for C'ufting-and-Parching: l. Submit a proposal describing procedures to be used in cutting and patching a minirrnrm of 72 hours in advance ofthe ti"'e cutting and patching will be performed and request approval to proceed. 2. Description of why cutting-and-patching cannot reasonably be avoided, how it will be perforrned how stsuctural elenpnts will be rcinforcd prodrcts to b€ use4 firm and tades to perform fte Worlg approxirrate dates of the Work, and anticipated resuls in terns of variations Aom the work as originally conpleted (stnrctrat operational, visual and ofter qualities of significance). a. List utilities that wifl be disnubed or otherwise affected by worb including ftose that will be relocated and those lhat will be out-of-service terporarily. Indicato how long utility service will be disrupted 3. Where cutting and patching involves addition of reinforceure to shuctural elements, submit details and engineering calculations to show how reinforcenrent is integra.ted with the original stucnre.a. Approval by Architect to proceed with proposed cutting-and-patching does not waive his right to later require corrylete rermval and replacement of work found to be unsatisfactorily cut-and-patched. 1.05 QUALTTY ASSIJRANCE A. Requirennnb for Saucnral Work Do not cut-and-patch stuchiral work in a nrarner resulting in a reduc- tion of load*arrying capacity or load/deflection ratio. B. Operational and Safety Limitations: Do not cut-and-patch operational elements and safety-related corrpo- Denb in a nunner resulting in a reduction of capacities to perform in the marurer intended or resulting in decreased operational life, increased rraintenance, or decreased safety, C. Visual Requirerrents: Do not cut-and-patch construction exposed on the exterior or exposed in occr.pied spac€s, in a rnanner that would in the Architect's opinioq reduce the building's aesthetic quality, or result in visual evidence of the cutting-and-patching. Remove and rcplace work cut-and-patched in a visually unsatisfactory nunner. PART2 -PRODUCT 2.OI MATERIAI.S A. Use materials that are identical to existrng rnaterials. If identical rnaterials are not available or cannot b€ rsed where exposed surfaces are involved, use rnaterials that match existing adjacent surfaces to dre firllest extent possible with regard to visual effect. Use materials whose installed perforrnance will equal or surpass tlrat of existing rnaterials. PART3. EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION Before cutting existing surfaces, examine surfaces to be cut and patched and conditions under which cutting and patching is to be perfornrcd. Take corrective action before proceeding, if unsafe or unsatisfactory CUTTING AI\D PATCHING oto4s-2 r Vail Mountain School I Project Number 2001.028 I Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. I conditions are encountered. Veri$ locatiors and dimensions prior to saw-cutting or drilling. Noti$ the Architect if dimensions are at substantial variance with indicated dimensions. t B. Except as otherwise detailed or indicated, the Contractor sball notiS the Archirect and acquire his approval before cutting any of the following: I l. Penetratiou of sfiuctural building corrponents 2. Planned penehations larger that orc square foot which are not shown on the drawings. 3.P I 4. P or safety ofoperational elenrents.r 5. P resishnt eletrFnts or qrstems. 6. Penetations affecting the visual qualities ofsite-exposed elefiEnb. I 7 . Any element qihere the existence of a penefation or the process of cutting may render the elernent t unsuitable to receive subsequent worL I 3.02 PREPARATIoN t A. Tenporary Supporc Provide adequate support for work to be cu! to prevent failure. Do not endanger other work I 3.03 PRoTECTToN I l. Provide adequate protection of other work during cutting-and-patching, to prevent damage; and t provide protection of the work from adverse weather exposure. 2. Avoid interference with use of adjoining areas or intemrption of free passage to adjoining areas. I 3. l'ake all existing pipe, building, until provisions t' 4. Protect a darnage due to c 5. Demolitio by the Contractor to be conplete I at the end conditions ovemight. I 6. Repair all of construction to rnatch existing construction with no noticeable differences in continuity, firnction, or app€arirnce. Repairs shall be t 7' '#;:T*"":"..0*:: 18.n Id by the Conshuction Documents. I 3.04 CUTTING-AND-PATCHING I A. General: Enploy skilled worken to perform cutting-and-patching. Proceed with cutting-and-patching at the t earliest feasible time and conplete without delay. B. Cutting: t 1. Cut work by mcthods least likely to damage work to be retained and work adjoining. Review proposed procedure wiilr original Installer where possible, and conply with his recommendations. I 2. Cut holes and slots neatly to size required and tenporarily cover openings when not in use. ! I .I-ITTINGAI\D PATCHING 01045-3 Vail Mountain School Pmject Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. 3. In general, cut work with sawing and gindrng tools, not with hamnrring and chopping tools. Core drill openings through concrete work 4. C\rt through concrete and masonry using a cutting machine such as a Carborundum saw or diamond core drill. All concrete sball be coredrilled. C. Execute excavating and backfilling by nrethods which will prevent settlanrnt or damage to other work. l. Conply with the requirerents of ap,plicable sections of Division 2 vihere cutting requires excavaring and bacldlling. D. Fit work airtight to pipeg sleeves, ducts, conduit and other penetations ttrough surfates. E. Patcbing: l. Review all anticipated patching procedures proposed for exposed nusonry surfaces with the Architect prior to work 2. Parch with searns u/hich are durable and as invisible as possible. Conply with specified tolerances for thework a. Where feasible, insp€ct and test patched areas to demonstrate integrity ofthe irstallation 3. Restore exposed finishes of patched areas; arr{ u/herc nec€ssary extend finish restoration onto retained work adjeining, in a rnanner whisfu lvill slirninah evidence ofparching. a. Where a patch occurs in a snrooth pahted surface, extend final paint coat over the entire rmbroke,n s.rface s661ining the patch 4. Where rernoval of walls or partitions extends one finished area into another, patch and repair floor and wall surfrces in the new spac€ to provide an even surhce of rmiform color and appeannce. Rernove existing floor and wall covcrings and replace with ncw Daterials, if uecessary to achieve uniform color and app€aranc€. 5. Patch, repair or rehang existing ceilings :rs necess:rry to provide an even plane surface of rmiform appearance- 3.05 FIEI.DMEASUREMENTS A. Veriff locations and dirnensions prior to saw-cutting or drilling. Noti.$ the Architect if dimensions are at substantial variance with indicated dimensions. END OF SECTION OIO45 I I I I I t I I T I I I I I t I I I I CUTTING AI\D PATCHING 01045-4 B. D. I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I Vail Mountain School Project Numbcr 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. SECTION OI1O5 - ADMII\USTRATION. PROCEDURES. CODES PART 1-GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section includes general administrative requirements and procedures and related applicable codes. 1.02 coDES A. Obtain all permits, inspections, approvals, and certificates required by law. Conform to all laws, ordinances, nrles and regulations applicable to the location of the Project. B. The Contractor shall pay all permit charges and fees associated with the work which have not been identilied as being paid by tho Owner. I.O3 REGIJI.ATORYREQT]IREMENTS A. Regulations: Obtain copies of the following regulations and retain at the Project site, available for reference by parties who have a reasonable need for such reference. l. Town of Vail 2. Uniform Building Code 6y ICBO, 1997 Edition) 3. Uniform Plumbing Code (1997 Edition). 4. Uniform Mechanical Code (by ICBO, 1997 Edition). 5. Uniform Fire Code, (1997 Edition). 6. National Electric Code (NFPA 7G1999 Edition). 7. Related Uniform Codes Standards. 8. Lif'e Safety Code/National Fire Codes by NFPA l0l 1985 Edition. 9. ANSI-a17.l Safety Code for Elevators & Escalators 10. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSFIAJ. 11. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 12. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) July 26, 1991 13. Other specific standards and regulations as specified in the individual sections when specified to be available at the site. See infividual specification sections for other codes applicable to this Project. The Contactor is responsible for notiffing the Architect of any loowledge of possible conflicts or discrepancies betwoen requirements of these Construction Docurrcnts and indicated Codes and Standards Publication Dates: conply with codes and standards in effect at the date of the Contract Documents, except where a standard ofa specific date or edition is indicated. RestrictionVCritical Criteria: I . Require conpliance with all requirements and codes adopted by the Fire Deparunent, Utility Conpany, and Health Deparunent having jurisdiction. Require conpliance with all other local, state or federal requirements which are applicable, particularly the Yail 2002 Corstuction Hours Ilandout covering any local ordirmrces regarding dust control, noise abatement or permissible hours of construchon. ADMINISTRATION, PROCEDUR-ES, CODES 01105 - I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. I I I T I 3. 4. 2. In case of conllict between referenced applicable codes, or other requirernents, the one having the more stringent requirements sball govern Where governing codes or requirenrents indicate that the Drawings or Specifications do not apply with 0re minimum requirernents of the codes or requirements, the Contactor shall be responsible for providing an imtallation which will corrply with code requirenrnb. Drawings and Specifications shall be followed where they are superior to code requirements. Protection of life, health and public welfare as it relates to the execution of the conshuction contract is the responsibility of the ConFactor. The ConFactor shall bave sole responsibility for conpliance on the job site to all applicable portions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and conpliance with tlre Equal Erryloyrnent Opportunity Ait. INSPECTIONS The contractor is responsible for paying all inspection fees associated with the work and 6661dinafing all inspections required by C.ontract and all regulatory agencies including, but not limited to: I I t T I I I I I I I I I I l. ') J. A. B. 1.04 1.05 1.06 l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Foundation Inspection General Structral inspection Mechanical inspection. Elechical inspection All ottrer irspections required by regulatory agencies having jruisdiciton C€rtificate of Occupancy irspection (for Certificate of Cor4liance) Contractor shall notifr ap,propriate parties when deficiencies have been corrected- DflSTING UTILITIES The existence and location ofunderground utilities and corstruction indicated as existing are not guaranteed- Before starting auy work disturbing, 116ving or penetrating the ground, call the Utility Notification Center of Colorado, 303-534-6700 or 1-800-922-1987, to locate, stake and identi$ depth ofall buried utilities within the construction limits.. Obtain location information for water and sewer lines from the appropriate entity. SURVEYS, LAYOUTS AND LEVEL STANDARDS General: Working ftom lines and levels established by the property survey, establish and nnintain bench nrarks and other dependable markers to set the lines and levels for the work at each story of constuction and elsewhere dn the site as needed to properly locate every elcment of the work ofthe entire project. As construction proceeds, check every major element for line, level and phunb. Calculate and measure required dimensiors as shown within recognized tolerances. Do not scale the drawings to determine dimensions. Advise entities engaged in construction activities of the rrnrked lines and levels provided for use. Record deviations ftom the required lines and levels, and advise the Architect prorptly upon detection of deviatiors exceeding indicated or recognized tolerances. Record deviations which are accepted (not conected) on the record drawings. Refer to Division I Section "Contract Closeout" for record drawing requirenrcnts. ADMINISTRATION, PROCEDURES, CODES 01105 - 2 t07 T I I I I I I I I I I I I t T I I t I Vail Mountain School Projcct Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architccts, P.C. B. Site Inprovements: I-ocate and lay out site irrprovenrents, including pavements, stakes for grading, fill and topsoil placemen! utility slopes and invert elevations by instumentation and similar appropriate means. C. Building Lines and I-evels: Working from lines and levels established by the property survey, locatc and maintain benchmarks, batter boards and other dependable markers for sfuchres, building fowrdations, colurnn grids and locations, floor levels at each story of construction and elsewherc on the site as needed to properly locate every element of the work for the entire project. Establish and rrnintain contol lines and levels required for mechanical and elechical work D. Calculate and measure required dimensions as shown within recognize for specified tolerances. Do not scale the Drawings. If any dimensioD camot be determined by written dimension or by the calculation of dirnensioned conponents, contact the Architect for additional ioshuctions. E. Coordinate all nades and provide additional bencbrnarks, levels, etc. as may be needed for proper execution of the work. F. Basic layout: The Contractor will locate and rnaintain positions for building comers, birse lines, grade elevations, and prftnary wall lines for all entities engaged in constuction and will establish final grading contol levels. All other layouts, gade stakes and levels required for the Work are the respomibility of each Lstaller. The conhactor shall presewe and maintain these lines and points ufil the project is accepted. Suweyor: Engage a Iand Surveyor or a Professional Engineer experienced and specializing in land suwey work, who is registered in dre State of Colorado, to perform the services specified in this section, Suweln, Layouts and lrvels. Layout Procedures: l. Veri& layout information shown on the drawings, in relation to the property suwey and existing bench nrarks, before proceeding with the layout of the achral work. Locate and protect existing benchmarks and contol points. Preserve permanent reference points during conslructlorl 2. Do not change or relocate benchmarks or control points without prior written approval. Pronptly report lost or destoyed reference points, or requirements to relocate referencc points because of necessary changes in grades or locations. 3. Pronpdy replace lost or desfoyed project contol points. Base replacements on the original survey contol poins. 4. Establish and maintain a minimum of two penna.nent benchnr,arks on the site, referenced to data established by survey control points. 5. Record benchmark locations, with horizontal and vertical data, on Project Record Documents. 6. As the work proceeds, maintain an accurate surveyot's log or record book of such checls, available for the Architect's reference at reasonable times. QUAIIFICATION CERTIFICATION Tradc Qualification 1. As identified in other sections of these specifications, the Conractor proposed to perform certain portions of the work shall provide written certification ofexperience and qualificatiors. 2. Submit to the Architect a written statement of the proposed Contractor's qualifications, experience, and,/or manufachuer's certification to perform identified portions of the work. Dxcept as specifically noted othcrwise, required manufachuer's qualification certification shall have becn issued and in ADMINISTRATION. PROCEDTJRES. CODES 01rOs - 3 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. effect no less than six (6) months prior to the Bid Opening. Refer to individual specification sections for detailed requirenrnts. 3. Do not procted with related work until such certification is reviewed and accepted by the Architect Work which is executed without required prior qualification review by the Architect shalt be subject tg rejection Certification Requirernents l. Failure to submit required certification data within the designated period or failue to satisry the specified ninimum standards for qualification sball be gromds for rejection of the proposed Contractor or Trade Contactor under the terms of the General Conditions of the Contract. 2. Work which is executed without required Qualification Certification sball be subject to unconditional rejection and conplete replacement according to the Specifications at the expense of the Contactor. Submitrals L Submittals for Qualification Certification shall conform to the following requirerrnts and procedurcs. a. Submit 3 copies to the Architect for certification, I of which will be acted upon and retumed to th€ Conhactor. b. Refer to Division I Section "Coordination" for outline sutrmry for required Qualification Certification PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3-EXECUTION 3.OI CONTRASTOR'SCONSTRUCTIONSCIIEDULE A. Contractols Construction Schedule Updating: At twice-per-month intervals, update schedule to reflect actual construction progress and activities. Issue schedule 3 days before each regularly scheduled progress meeting. l. Revise schedule immediately after each meeting or other activity where revisions have been recogrizsd 61 64de. Issue updated schedule concurently with the report of each such meeting.2. Include a report with updated schedule that indicates every change, including, but not limited to, changes in logic, duration, actual starts and finishes, and activity duration's. 3. As the Work progresses, indicate Actual Completion percentage for each activity. B. Distribution: Distribute electronic and bard copies of approved schedule to Architect, Construction Manager, Owner, separate contractors, testing and inspecting agencies, and other parties identified by Contractor with a need-to-know schedule resporsibility, in a mutually-agreed format. l. Post copies in Project meeting rooms and temporary field ofhces.2. When revisions are made, disuibute updated schedules to the same parties and post in the same locations. Delete parties from disbibution when they have conrpleted their assigned portion of the Work and are no longer involved in performance of constmction activities. 3. Hard copies to Architect may be substinrted with elecfionic copies only, if MS Project is used. When scheduling program used is not MS Project, hard copies may be substituted with elecfionic copies only, ifone licensed version of the applicable scheduling program is provided. I I I I I I I I I I T I t I T t I I I ADMINISTRATION, PROCED{JRES, CODES 0r105 - 4 r Vail Mountain School I Project Number 2001.028 a Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C I ll 3.02 DELTVERY,STORAGEANDTIANDLING A. Properly cartoD, crate, cover and protect rnaterials, products and equipmant for shipping, bandling and I storing. Use appopriate means for hoisting and loading which will prevent damage of ov€rshess to items I being hanclled or shipped. Store them under roof in connolled enviroffnent whenever feasible otherwise store off the ground under suitable coverings prope.rly secured against wind and weather. Protect all items I ftom rain, snow, moisture, win4 col4 heat Aost, su4 staining, discoloratioa, deterioration and physical I damage from any cause. Refer to individual sections for specific requirements. END OF SECTION OIIO5 I I I I ADMrMsrRATroN, pRocEDUR.Es, coDES I I I I I I I I I I 01105 - 5 I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenlts DuBois Architects, P.C. SECTION O13OO - ST'BMITTALS PART I -GENERAL 1.01 srJlrr\4ARY A. Section includes administative and procedual requirernents for submittal atrd review of prodrct data" shop drawings, sanples and similar items required by the specificatiom. I.O2 ADMINISTRATTVESUBMITTALS A. Refer to other Division-l Sections and other Contract Documents for requirernents for adminisfrative submittals. Such submittals include, but are not limited to: l. Schedules. 2. Permits. 3. Applications for paynent. 4. Performance and payment bonds. 5. Insurance certificates. 6. List of Subcontractors. 7. Schedule ofValues. 8. Inspection and test results. 9. Closeout documents. 10. Coordinationdrawings. B. Such submittals are for inforrnation and record and do not require action on the paft of the Architect except where not in confonnity with the C-ontract Docunents. If such non-conformity is observed the Architect will not'fy the Conractor within two weeks of receipt of document Failure to observe or notiS by the Architect does not relieve Contractot of coryliance with Conhact Documents. 1.03 SUBMITTALPROCEDURES A. General: Make submithls from Contractor to the Architect after Conhactor has reviewed each submittal and indicated his action thereon except for sanples aud selection zubmittals. No submittals are to be sent directly to the Architect's Consultants. 1. Under no circurxstances shall unreview€d submittals be permitted to be used in conjunction with ihe work. 2. Submission of Shop Drawings, Product Daq and Sarryles shall con.stitute a representation by the Contactor that he/she has reviewed the submittal and that all measurements, conditioDs, and relevant criteria ofthe Constuction Documents have been checkd verifed, and coordinated 3. The Architect's review of submithls is for overall design conformancq color, texture, patt€nL etc. The Contraclor shall assurne full responsibility for dimeruional accuracy, quantity, corpliance with Drawings and Specificatiors, performancc, enors, and omissions of Submittals. Any and all discrepancies between submittals and Contact shall be specifically identified by the Confractor (in witing on the submittal) at the tinre of submission Such discrepancies shall be considered nonconforrning work unless specifically waived in writing by the Architect. 4. Submittals prooessed by the Architect are not Change Orders. The purpose of submittals is to demonshate to the Architect that the Contractor understands the desigr conc€pq and that such understanding is demonshated by indicating and detailing the fabrication and installation methods intended to be used. SUBMITTALS 01300 - I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitcwork Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. I t I t I I I t I t t I J. I I I t t I 1. 2. J. 4. I. 5. Review by the Architect shall not relieve the Contractor from full conpliance with requirements of the Contract Documents. 6. If deviations, discrepancies, or conllicts between Shop Drawing Submittals and the design drawings/specifications are discovered either prior to or after Shop Drawing Submittals are processed by the Architect, tlrc design drawingVspecifications sball conhol and shall be followed unless specffi cal ly shted otherwise. 7. No color, pattem or texhle selections will be nr,ade until sanples for all such selections have been received by the Architecl For color selections that are to be nrade from runufachuers sanples, submit the mauufachrer's full range of colors and pattems. 8. Producb and Materials not sp€cified nor as "approved substitutes" prior to the bid shall be surnrnarily rejocted unless: a. Significant extenuating circurmtanc€s exist such as the closure of a rnanufachuer, or extended delivery period restrictions. b. Architect shall be consulted prior to approval of any iterns not previously approved as a substinrte (during bidding) or specified. 9. Unless otherwise noted in wriring upon submission to the Architect, Submittals shall constitute an fuplied statement by the Contractor that submitted iterns can be fabricated and delivercd to the project site within the proposed Project Schcdule. Coordination: Coordinate preparation and processing of submittals with performance of construction activities. Transmit each submiftal suffrciently in advance of performance of related constructiou activities to avoid delay. l.Coordinate each submittal with fabricatioq purcbasing, testing, delivery, other submittals, and related activities that require sequential activity. Coordinate trarsmittal of different tlpes of submittals for related elements of the Work so processing will not be delayed by the need to review submittals concurrently for ss6ydination. The Architect resewes the right to withhold action on a submittal requiring coordination with other submittals until all related submittals are received. Processing: Allow sufficient review time so that bstallation will not be delayed as a result of the tinp required to process submittals, including time for resubmittals.t Allow 15 working days for initial review. Allow additional tirne if processing nrust be delayed to permit coordinafion with subsequent submittals. The Architect will prorrptty advise the Contactor when a submittal being processed must be delayed for coordirntion If an intermediate submittal is necessary, process the same as the initial submittal. Allow 15 working days for reprocessing each submittal. No extension of Contract Time will be authorized because of failure to tansmit submittals to the Architect sufncicntly in advance of the Work to permit processing. D. Submittal Preparation: Place a perrnanent label or fitle block on each submittal for identification. Indicate the name of the entity that prepared each submittal on the label or title block. Provide a space approximately 4 by 5 inches (100 by 125 mm) on the label or beside the title block on Shop Drawings to record the Contractor's review and approval markings and the action taken. Include the following bformation on the label for processing and recording action taken. a. Project name. ST'BMIITALS 01300 - 2 I Vail Mountain School I Project Number 2001.028 I Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. I l Rl3; *u "u*"ss orthe Architecl d. Name and address ofthe C.ontractor. e. Nanre and address ofthe subcontactor.I f. Name and address of the supplier. g. Name of the manufacturer. I lL Nuruber and title of appropriate Specification Section. I i. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate. - 3. Shop drawings are to be Project specific (suppliers typical details are not acceptable as submittals). I 4. Include cost for required revisions to Shop Drawings in the basic scope of Work for all specifi cations sectiors. I E. Submittal Transmittal: Package each submittal appropriately for transmittal and handling. Transmit each submittal ftom the Contractor to the Architect a transmittal foml The Architect will not accept submittals I received from sources other than the Contractor. - 1. On the transmittal, record relevant information and requests for data. On the fonn, or separate sheet record deviations from Contract Document requirerrents, including variations and I limitations. Include Contractot's certification that information corrylies with Confiact Document requirenrents. I F. Do not Proceed with purchase, fabrication, or installation of submittal related work until rnarked either I 'No Exceptions Taken" or 'Make Corrections Noted" by the Architect. Resubmit as required until so marked by the Architect. Work which is executed without required prior review sball be subject to I rejection. Removal and recorutuction oftejected work shall be at the Contractor's expense. t G. The Contactor will maintain oue copy of all final "approved " submittals to be delivered to the Owner I with the Project Close-Out Documents, O& M Manuals and Warranties. I r.o4 'TJBMTTTALSCHEDULE I A. After development and acceptance of the Contacto/s Construction Schedule, prep,rre L conplete I schedule of submittals. Submit the schedule within 10 working days of the date required for submittal of the Conhactot's Conshuction Schedule. I l. Coordinate Submittal Schedule with the list of subcontracts, Schedule of Values, and the list of r products as well as the C,onhactor's Construction Schedule. 2. No adjustnrents for project delays due to rejection ofsubmittals will be considered. I 3. Prepare the schedule in chronological order. Provide the following information: I a. Scheduled date for the fust submittal. b. Related Section number. I c. Submittal category (Shop Drawings, Product Data, or Samples). I d. Name of the subconaactor. e. Description of the part of the Work covered. f. Scheduled date for resubmittal. I g. Scheduled date for the Architectrs final release or approval. 1.05 sHoP DRAWTNGS I I suBMrrrAls 01300 - 3 I T I T I I I t I I I I I I t I I t I D. F. G. F. 1.06 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colusy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. A. In conjunction with the first progress schedule, the contractor shall submit to the Architect a shop drawing submittal schedule outlining dates for submittal of all shop drawings and product data. B. Shop drawing submittals will note verified field-measured dimensions, as-built conditions, or special coordination conditions with other contractors. All on-site measurements shall be made before shoo drawings are reviewed by the Architect. Submit newly prepared inforrnation drawn accurately to scale. HighlUht, eucircle, or otherwise indicate deviations from the Contsact Docurnents. Do not reproduce Conhact Documents or copy standard inforqution as the basis of Shop Drawings. Standard inforrnation prepared without specific reference to the Project is not a Shop Drawing. Shop Drawings include fabrication and installation Drawings, setting diagrarru, schedules, pattems, templates and similar Drawings. Include the following information: l. Dimnsions. 2. Identification ofproducts and rnaterials included by sheet and detail number. 3. Cor4liance with specffied standards. 4. Notation of coordination requirements. 5. Notation of dirneDsions established by field measurerrent. 6. Sheet Size: Except for terylates, pattems and similar full-size Drawings, submit Shop Drawings on sheets at least 8-l/2 by I I inches but no larger than 30 by 42 inches. Each shop drawing submittal shall consist of a minirnum of one sepia and three prints. The Architect will provide one corrected copy of the submittal to the owner. Contractor is to provide one additional drawing when consultant review is required. Shop drawings and product data submittals shall be reviewed by the conbactor for completeness, accuracy and conformity with the coutract documents. Notes and corrections shall be made on all copies of submittals, signed by the individual reviewing the documents, and stanrped with the contractor's date/review stanp. Every sheet of strucrural submittals shall be stanped and signed by the conhactor. Architect will teturn the reproducible print only to the Contractor. Contractor shall provide prints of marked up reproducible to subcotrEactors and set of record documents to be submitted to the owner in project closeout with O&M mauuals. Additional print will marked as "Record Document" and maintained. l. Include sufficient copies so that desired distribution can be made by Contractor to the Contractor's freld office, home office, Record Documents, fabricator, and any other involved in the submittal. If initial submittal becomes final subminal, provide sulficient additional copies that may be needed to meet these requirements. Do not use Shop Drawings without an appropriate final stamp indicating action taken. Shop drawings and product data not stanped and signed by the conhactor will be rejected and retumed by the Architect. Only accepted shop drawings or product data shall be kept at the job site. The Contractor shall keep a conplete set of such documents on file at the job site. ROUGH IN DRAWTNGS SUBMITTALS 01300 - 4 4. 1.07 I t I I I I I I I I t t I t t I I I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. A. For all equipment requiring mechanical and/or electrical connections, rough-in drawings shall be provided which show size and location required for all utilities. Where flexible or quick-connects are to be provided, submittals shall clearly show the size, t1pe, and location of rough-in piping/electrical etc. I.06 PRODUCTDATA A. Collect Product Data into a single submittal for each element of construction or systern Product Data includes printed information, such as manufacfirefs hstallation instructions, catalog cuts, standard color cbarts, roughing-in diagrams and ternplates, standard wifing diagrarns, and perfonfiuce curves. l. Mark each copy to show applicable choices and options. Where printed Product Data includes information on several products that are not require4 nnrk copies to indicate the applicable information Include tlie following information: Manufactret's printed recommendations. Corrylianco with trade association standards. Cornpliance with recopized testing agency standards. Application oftesting agency labels and seals. e. Notation of dimensions verifred by field measurement. f. Notation of coordination requirements. Do not submit Product Data until conpliance with requirements of the Contract Docurrents has been confirmed. Submittals: Submit 6 copies of brochure material and related saryles. Each copy shall clearly show applicable choices and options. One will be returned with action stanp and markings. Provide additional copy when consultant review is required. Unless nonconpliance with Contract Document provisioru is observe4 the submittal may sewe a.s the final submittal. Distribution: Fumish copies of final submittal to irutallers, subcontractors, suppliers, manufacturers, fabricators, and others required for performance of construction activities. Show distribution on transmittal forms. Do not proceed with installation until a copy ofProduct Data is in the Installet's possession. When required submit additional copies for maintenance manuals. Do not permit use of unrnarked copies of Product Data in connection with construction. SAMPLES The Architect will provide the Contractor with a checklist indicating materials where color, texture or finish is subject to selection by the Architect. Certain other sanples will also be requested for use by the Architect in preparation ofcolor and material sample presentations for the Owner. Pronptly after receipt of the checklisg the Contractor shall assemble and deliver to the Architect two (2) cornplete collections of all required samples. Upon receipt of a complete collection of samples, the Architect will, with reasonable promptness, make the selections and prepare and deliver to the Contractor a schedule covering all items subject to selection The Architect reserves the right not to make individual determination or selections until all sarnples of materials are furnished. Submit full-size, fully fabricated Sarples cured and finished as specified and physically identical with the material or product proposed. Samples include partial sections of manufactured or fabricated cor{ronents, cuts or containers of materials, color range sets, and swatches showing color, texture, and Pattern. a. b. c. d 2. 5. 5. 6. 8. STJBMITTALS 01300 - 5 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Ktipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. 9. Mount or display Samples in the manner to facilitate review of qualities indicated. Prepare Sarryles to nntch the Architect's sanple. lnclude the following: a. Specification Section number and reference. b. Generic description of the Sample. Sample sourco. Product narne or name of the rnanufachrer. Conpliance with recognized standards. Availability and delivery time. 10. Submit Sarryles for review of size, kin4 color, patterq and texhfe. Submit Sanples for a fiqal check of these cbaracteristics with other elements and a conparison of these characteristics between the finel submittal and the actual coryonent as delivered and installed. Where variation in color, pattern, texh[e, or other characteristic is inherent in the rnaterial or product represented, submit at least 3 multiple units rhet show approximate limits of the variations. Refer to other Specification Sections for requirements for Sarryles that illushate worlcranship, fabrication techniques, details of assembly, connections, operatiotr, and similar construction characteristics. Preliminary Submittals: Submit a Iirll set of choices where Samples are submitted for selection of color, pattern, textue, or similar characteristics from a range ofstandard choices. The Architect will review and rehun preliminary submittals with the Architect's notation, indicating selection and other actioD- Submittals: Except for Saqles illushating assernbly details, worlimanship, fabrication techniques, connections, operation, nnd similar characteristics, submit 3 sets. The Architect will retum one set marked with the action taken. Maintain sets of Sanples, as returned, at the Project Site, for quality conparisons throughout the course of constuction- Unless nonconpliance with Contract Docurnent provisions is observe4 tle submittal may serve as the final submittal. Sanple ses may be used to obtain final acceptance of the construction associated with each set. Distibution of Sanples: Prepare and disribute additional sets to subcontractors, rnanufacturers, fabricators, suppliers, installers, and others as required for perforrnance of the Work. Show distribution on taosmittal foms. TEST REPORT SIJBMITTAL Distribute one copy of testing reports by the testing agency as follows 1. General Contractor's Project manager. 2. General Conhactor's Field superintendent. 3. Owner. 4. ApplicableEngineer. 5. Architect. 6. Other copies as directed- MANTJFACTIJRER QUALIFICATION/CERTIFICATION Submit 4 copies of required manufacturer certifications. APPLICATOMNSTALLER QUALIFICATION/CERTIFICATION c. d. e. f. I t t I I I I ll. 12. 13. 14. I T I 15. 16. 17. 18. B. T I I T I I I I I 1.08 1.09 1.10 B. STJBMITTALS 01300 - 6 I I I t I Vail Mountain School I Project Number 2001.028 ! Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. - I A. Applicator/Installer Qualification/Certification shall consist of a certificate, letter, or other appropriate document issued by a product manufachrer or regulatory agency which states that the con4rany or I individual who is applying or installing the product has been trained and is currently certified by the I certificate issuer and that product guarantees/waranties will be honored. Submit 3 copies of each r qualification/certifrcation document. All such certifications shall have been issued no less than 3 months prior to the bid opening date. I l.o9 ARcHrrEcr"s ACTToN 11 A. Except for submittals for the record or information, where action and retum is required, the Architect will t review each submittal, mark to indicate action takr4 and return pronrptly. 1. Conryliance with specified characteristics is the Conhactor's responsibility. t B. Action Starry: The Architect will stanp each submittal with a uniforrn, action stamp. The Architect will mark the starnp appropriately to indicate the action taken, as follows: 1. 'No Exception Taket'': When the Architect ma*s this action, the Work covered by the submittal rnay proceed provided it corrylies with requirements of the Conhact Documents. Final payment depends on that corryliance. 2. "Make Conections Noted": When the Architect marks this actio& the Work covered by the submittal may proceed provided it corylies with notations oi correctiors on the submittal and requirernents of the Contract Documents. Final payment depends on that coryliance. 3. "Rejected": When the Architect marls this action, do not proceed with Work covered by the submittal, including purchasing, fabrication, delivery or other activity. Revise or prepare a new submittal according to the notations; resubmit without delay. Repeat if necessary to obtain different action mark. 4. "Revise and Resubmit'': When the Architect marks a submittal "Revise and Resubmi(" do not proceed with Work covered by the submittal including purchasing, fabricatioq delivery, or other activity. Revise or prepare a new submittal according to the notations; resubmit without delay. f Repeat ifnecessary to bbtain dilferent action mark. a. Do not use, or allow others to use, submittals marked "Not Approved Revise and Resubmit" at tlre Project Site or elsewhere where Work is in progress. I 5. "Submit Specific Item": For uspecified submittals the Architect will return submittals to the I sender and request specific submittals as specified or mark this action with one ofthe two actions above. t PART2 -PRODUCTS (NotApplicable) PART 3 - EXECTITION (Not Applicable) I I ENDoFsECTroNol3oo I I I I SUBMITTALS 01300 - 7 I I Vail Mogntain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. SECTION 01400 - QUALTTY CONTROL PART I - GENERAL 1.OI SUMMARY A. This Section includes administative and procedural requirernents for qualif-conhol services. I.O2 RESPONSIBILITIES A. Contactor Responsibilities: Provide inspections, tests and similar quality contol services, specified itr individual specification sections and required by goveming autlrorities, except vlhere &ey are indicated to be Ownet's responsibility, or are provided by another entity. These services include those specified to be perforrned by an independent agency and not by the C,ontractor. Costs for these services shall be included in the Contract Surn l. The Contrdctor shall eqloy and pay an independent agency, to perform specified quality conhol services. Frequency of Quality Contol testing shall be established by the Conhactor, and shall be sufficie$ to etr$ue the delivery of a conplete and firnctional Project in accordance with Contract Docunenb. 2. The Contractor is responsr'ble for quality control of the Consftuction All acquisition of materials, sequence of constuction (except as otherwise indicateQ, and rneans and methods of construction shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. 3. The Con(actor shall be responsible for assuring conpliance with the quality shndards as indicated in the Conhact Docturpnts. In additiorl the Conbactor shall be responsible for: a) Review of submittals prior to their being forwarded to the Architect for review. The Contractor shall rnark submittals with comneots and shall indicate the date and party conducting the Contactor's review ofeach submittal b) Final inspection of the project prior to calling for the Architect and Owner to conduct a g6{ inspection The Cootractor shall provide his inspection comments to the Architect and Owner prior to the scheduled final inspection c) Verification of conpletion of prmch-list items prior to calling for venlication inspection by the Architect and Owner. Retesting: The Contractor is responsible for retesting where results of inspections, tests, or other quality- confrol services prove ursatisfactory and indicate noncorrpliance with Contract Document requirements, regardless of whether the origiual test was Contractor's responsibility. 1. The cost of retestitrg constuction, revised or replaoed by the Conffactor, is the Contractor's responsibility where required tests performed on original conshuction indicated noncompliance with Contract Document requirements. 2. The Contractor is liable for corrective action which the Architect feels is required including complete removal and replacement of defective material. Limitations: Whero manufactured products or equipment are required to have representative sanples tested, do not use such materials or equipment urtil tests have been nrade and the materials or equipnent found to be acceptable. Do not incorporate in tlre work any product which becornes unfit for use after accepbnce. t I I t I I T I t I t I t t I T I QUALTTYCONTROL 01400 - I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. D. Standards: l. Generally accepted Construction Industry standards for materials, products, quality, and worlcnanship shall supplenrcnt the Specifications. T T I T I I I I t I I I t I I I t t I F. a) Where industry staodards arg lsss rhan the Specifications and Drawings require, the ConFact Docrunenb shall govern b) The Contractor shall provide truterials and products which conform to industry standards of quality. 2. Conshuction tasks shall be performed by crafomen skilled and experienced in the rades requLed Work shall be subject to review by the ArchitecL 3. Work and/or rnaterials which fail to neet ac.c€pted industry standards of performance, quality, and/or app€aranc€ will be rejected and shall be brought into coryliance or replaced by the ConFactor at no additional cost to the Owner. Materials and Workmarship : l. Unless otherwise specifie4 or indicated on the drawings, material shall be new, of best quality, and without flaws, and detvered rpon coryletion in an rmdarnaged condition. 2. Worknarship shall be the best of its respective kind- Iabor shall be perfornrcd in a thorough qorknanlike rranner by qualifie4 efficien! and skilled nrchanics, acceptable to the Owner, Architect and other tades involved on the job requiring acceptable subshate for the performance of their work Miscellaneous Constnrction: l. The Contactor shall srpply necessary backup constnrction, miscellaneous screws, bolts, fasteners, lirq and other accessories requked for the conpletion ofall parts of the work 2. Miscellaneous and accessory iters shall be of a size, type, and finish appropriate to the task and conpatible with the finishes of materials with which they are used. Drawings and Field Measurements: l. The Conhactor sball veri& dinensions which rnay affect the assembly of various parb of the project Discrepancies between actual and designed dimensions which materially affect the fimction or appearance of an area shall be reported to the ArchitecL Associated Services: The C.onhactor shall cooperate with Owner or other agencies performing required inspectiors, tes6 and similar services and provide reasonable associated services as requested. Notifr the agency sulficiendy in advance of operations to permit assignment of personnel. Associated services required include: l. Providing access to the Work and fumishing incidental labor and facilities necessary to facilitate inspections and tests. 2. Taking adequate quantities of representative sanples of rnaterials that require testing or assisting the agency in taking sarrples. G. QUALITY CONTROL 01400 -2 3. 4. 5. J. I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. 3. Providing facilities for storage and curing of test sanples, and delivery of sarrples to testing laboratories. 4. Providing adequate facilities fot safe storage and proper curing of conqete test cylinders on the project site for the first 24 hours after sasring as required by ASTM C3l. 5. Providing the agency with a preliminary design mix proposed for use for material mixes that require conhol by the testing agency. 6. Security and protection ofsanryles and test equipment at tho project site. Duties of the Testing Agercy: The independent agency engaged to perform inspections, sanpling, and testing of materials and constuction specified in individual Sectiors shall cooperate with the Architect and the Contractor in performance of the agency's duties. The testing agency shall provide qualilied personnel to perform required inspections and tests. Test shall be made by an accredited testing laboratory. Exc€pt as otherwise prol'ided sarpling and testing of materials and the laboratory rnethods and tosting equipment shall be in accordance with the latest standards and methods of the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM). Where additional or specific information concerning testing methods, sarryle sizes, etc., is required requirements are included under the applicable sections of the specifications. l. The agency shall notiff the Architect and the Contactor pronptly of irregularities or deficiencies observed in the Work during perfionnance of its services. 2. The agency is not authorized to release, revoko, alter, or enlarge requirements of the Coutact Documents or approve or accept any portion of the Work. 3. The agency shall not perform any duties of the Contractor. Coordination: Coordinate the sequence of activities to accomnrodate required services with a minimum of d"luy. Coordinate activities to avoid the necessity of removing and replacing construction to accommodate inspections and tests. l. The Contractor is responsible for scheduling times for inspections, tests, taking samples, and similar activities. The Contactor is responsible for providing equipment and facilities required for conducting field tests and for collecting and forwarding samples. Contractor shall not ruie any materials or equipment represented by samples until tests, if required, have beeu made and the materials or equipment are found to be acceptable. Any product deemed unfit for use shall not be incorporated into the work. All materials or equipment proposed for use may be tested at any time during their preparation or use. Contractor shall furnish the required samples without charge and shall give suflicient notice of the placing of orders to permit the testing. Products maybe sampled either prior to shipment or after being reviewed at the site of the work. Control tests of concrete work shall be made at the Owner's expeff;e at such tirnes and number as directed by the Owuer. Drilled pier and related concrete operations shall be observed by a Geotechnical Engineer selected and paid by the Owner. Conhol tests of fill and backfill shall be made at the Owner's expense by the Geotechnical Engineer Laboratory. The Geotechnical Engineer will made sufficient tests at the expense of the QUALITYCONTROL 01400 - 3 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C" Owner to assure hitn/herself that frll and backfill conplies with material and compaction requirenrents in the specifications. 7. Confrol tests of masonry work shall be nude at the Owner's expense in accordance with directions issued by the Owner or Architect. 8. Testing of stnrctural welds shall be nrade at the Owner's expense in accordance with other specifrc sections of the specifications. 9. Contsol tests of asphaltic coucrete paving and base course shall be rnade at the Owner's expense by the Geotechnical Engineer Laboratory. The Geotechnical Engineer will rnake suflicient tests to be assured that asphaltic concrete paving and base course conplies with material and conpaction requirements in the specifications. I.O3 ST]BMITTALS A. Certified written report of each inspectioq test or similar service, will be submitted directly to the Architect wi6in 3 business days of receipt. Submit additional copies directly to goveming authorities where L Report Data: Written reports of each inspectioD, tesg or similar service include, but are not limited to, the following: a) Date of issue. b) Project title and number. \ c) Name, address, and telephone nurnber of testing agency. d) Dates and locations of sarryles and tests or inspectioos. e) Narnes of individuals making the inspection or test. f) Designation of the Work and test method. g) Identification ofproduct and Specification Section h) Complete inspection or test data. i) Test results and an interpretation oftest results. t Ambient conditions at the time of saryle raking and testing. k) Comments or professional opinion on whether inspected or tested Work conrplies with Conhact Document requirements. l) Name and signahre of laboratory inspector. m) Recommendations on retesting. 2. Test Reports: Test reports, whether performed for the Owner or the C.ontractor, shall be submitted to the Architect, Owner and Conhactor as soon as results are available. Reports shall be clear, concise, comprehensive wriften forms containing required test results. I.O4 INSPECTION AND TESTING I.ABORATORY SERVICES A. Quality Assurance: The Contractor is resporsible for corrylying with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Testing perfornrcd by the Owner's Agents shall not be relied upon by the Conhactor as sufficient to assue that the constuction is in conpliance with the Contract Docurnenb. The Contactor shall procure and pay for testing necessary to assure that the constuction is in conpliance with the Contact Documenb. t I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I 1 I QUALITYCONTROL 01400 - 4 I T t I I I I I I I T I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. B. Testing: Testing Laboratory and/or Engineering services are required for quality control in portions of the work identified in other sections of these specifications. The Confractor shall provide all materials required for testing at no additional cost. Tests required by these Specifrcations shall be performed in strict accordance with referenced testing methods, procedures, and conditions. Pertinent data shall be included in clear, corryrehensive written forms according to the Architect's or Engineer's requirements. C. Cost of Testing: Unless indicated otherwise, Owner's testing shall be performed by the Owner's authorized agents, at the Owner's expense. Costs for re-testing of non+omplying work shall be borne by the Conhactor. According to the judgement of the Architec! ANY portion of the work in this contract may be tested at any time for any reason. Costs for such testing shall be bome by the Contractor only if such tests indicate that work does not meet Contract Document requfuements. D. Equipment Testing: Equipment testing shall be as determined appropriate by the Owner to assure proper performance according to the rnanufacturer's specificatiors for each equipment itern After all utility connectiotrs to equipment are corplete4 the Contractor shall conduct funl tests of equipment in presence ofArchitec! Owner, and/or their duly authorized representative(s). Unless waived in writinC by the Owner, the requirencnb of this section shall apply to all installed equiprnent itens having utility connections. E. Architect Notification: TLre Contractor shall be resporsible for notifuing the Architect at least three (3) working days prior to cornnencing work which is identified as requiring testing. F. Coordination: Refer to Section 01040 - Coordination for related requirenrnts and outline of required testing and laboratory services. PART 2 - PRODUC'TS (NotApplicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 REPAIR AND PROTECTION A. General: Upon completion of inspection, testing, sample taking and similar services, repair damaged construction and restore substrates and finishes. Comply with Conhact Document requirements for Division 1 Section "Cufting and Patching." B. Protect construction exposed by or for quality-control service activities, and protect repaired construction. C. Repair and protection is Contractor's responsibility, regardless of the assignment of responsibility for irspcction" testing, or similar services. END OF SECTION O14OO t I I I I I QUALITY CONTROL 01400 - 5 D. F. G. J. K. L M. I I I I I t I t I I I I I t t t t I I Vail Mountain School Project Numtrer 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. SECTION 01421 - RTFERENCE STAI\DARDS AI\D DEIII\{ITIONS PART I -GENERAL I.I DEFIMTIONS A. General: Basic conhact definitions are included in the Conditions of dre Conhact. B. The term *indicated" refers to graphic representations, notes, or schedules on the Drawings; or to other paragraphs or schedules in the Specifications and similar requirerrrcnts in the Contract ' Docurnents. Terms such as "show&" "noted,u "scheduled" and "specified" are rred to help the user locate the reference. Ixtcation is not limited. C. 'Days": Unless otherwise statd the temr'days" shall refer to 'talendar days". 'Demolish": Also "Demo". Dismantle a defined conponeut of existing construction; remove it ft6m the site, and dispose of it. "Directedn: Terms such as "directed,n 'rrequested," nauthorized," 'rselected" "approved," "required," and "permitted" mean dfuected by the Constuction Manager and Architect, requested by the Consuuction manager and Architect, and similar phrasos. "Engineer": Design professional acting as consultant to the Architect and/or Owner. "Approved": The tenn when used in conjunction with the Architecfs actiotr on the Contractot's submittals, applications, and requests, is limited to the Architect's duties and responsibilities as stated in the Conditions of the Contact. "Regulations": The term "regulations" includes laws, ordinancos, statutes, and lawful orders issued by authorities having jurisdictiorq as well as rules, conventions, and agreernents within the construction industry that control performance of the Work. "Fumish": The term "firnish" me'rrs to zupply and deliver to the Project site, ready for unloading, unpacking, asseribly, installatio4 and similar operations. "lnstall": The term "install" describes operations at the Project site including the actual unloading, ternporary storage, utrpacking, assembling, erecting, placing, anchoring, applylng, working to dimension, finishing, cwing, protecting, cleaning, and similar operations. "Provide": The temr "provide" means to furnish and install, conplete and ready for the intended use. Projecl All work associated with the project as indicated in the Conhact Docunents. An installer is the Conkactor or another entity engaged by the Contractor, either as an employee, subconftactor, or conftactor of lower tier, to perforrn a particular construction activity, including installatio4 erectioq application, or similar operatioDs. Installers are required to be experienced in the operations they are engaged to perfbml l. The term "experienced" when used with dre term "installer," neans having successfutly completed a minirnum of five previous projects similar in size and scope to this Project; being familiar with REFERENCE STANDARDS AI\D DEF'II\IITIONS ot42t - t Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. I t t I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I 3. the special requirements indicated; and having conplied with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. Trades: Using a term such as "carpentry" does not inply that certain construction activities must be performed by accredited or uuionized individuals of a corresponding generic &ture, such as "carpenter." It also does not i-Fly that requirernents specifred apply exclusively to hadespersons of the conesponding generic narrc. Assiping Specialists: Certain Sections of the Specifications require that specific construction activities shall be performed by specialists who are recognized experts in those operations. The specialists must be engaged for those activities, and their assignments are requirements over which the Conhactor has no option- However, the ultinrate responsibility for fulfilling contract requirernents remeins with the Contractor. a. This requirercnt shall not be interpreted to conllict with enforcing building codes and similar regulations governing the Work. It is also not intended to interfere with local tade- union jurisdictional settlements and similar conventions. "Project site" is the space available to the Conhactor for performing construction activities, either exclusively or in conjunction with others perfonning other work as part of the Project. The extent of the Proj€ct site is showu on the Drawings and rnay or rnay not be identical with the description of the land on which the Project is to be built. "Rei$tall": Install a corponent of existing consfruction (which has been rerroved from its initial location) into new constuction in the rnanner indicated. "Remove": Dismantle a defined cotrponent of the existing construction and dispose, reinstall, or deliver it to a specific entity as indicated. "Work": Also '"The Work". All work associated with the project as indicated in the Contract Documents. "Testing Agencies": A testing agency is an independent entity engaged to perform specific inspections or tests, either at the Project site or elsewhere, and to report on and, if require4 to interpret results of those inspections or tests. "Indicated": Information communicated in any portion of the Crnstruction Documents. Cross-referencing between portions of the Constuction Docunents is normally required for conplete communication SPECIFICATION FORMAT AND CONTENT EXPLANATION Speci.fication Format: These Specificatiors are organized into Divisions and Sections based on the 16- division format and CSVCSCs "MasterFormat" nunbering systen Specification Content: These Specificafions use certain conventions for the style of language and the intended meaning of certain terms, words, and phrases when used in particular situations. These conventions are as follows: 1. Abbreviated I-anguage: Language used in the Specifications and other Contract Documents are abbreviated. Words and rlesnings shall be interpreted as appropriate. Words inrplied" but not stated, shall be iuterpolated, as the sense requires. Singular words shall be interpreted as plural and plural words interpreted as singular where applicable as the context of the Confract Documents indicates. N, o. P. a. R t.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS 01421 -2 D. 1.4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. 2. Inperative mood and strearnlined language are generally used in the Specifications. Requirements expressed in the imperative mood are to be performed by the Contractor. At certain locations in the Section Text, subjective language is used for clarity to describe responsibilities that must be fulfrlled indirectly by the Contractor or by others when so noted. a. The words "shalt" "shall be," or "shall conply wit\" depending on the contex! are inrplied where a colon (:) is used within a sentence or phrase. I,3 INDUSTRYSTANDARDS Applicability of Standards: Unless the Contract Documents include more string€nt requirements, applicable construction industry standards have the same force and effect as if bound or copied directly into the Contract Documents to the extent referenced, Such standards are made a part of the Contract Documents by reference. Publication Dates: Conply with standards in effect as of the date of the Contract Documents, except when a specifrc date is specifred or when the standard is part of an applicable code which includes an edition date. Conflicting Requirements: Where corryliance with two or more standards is specifred and the standards establish di{ferent or conllicting requhements for minimum quantities or quality levels conply with the most stringent requirement. Refer uncertainties and requirements that are different, but apparently equal, to the Architect for a decision before proceeding. l. Minimum Quantity or Quality Levels: The quantity or quality level shown or specified shall be the minimum provided or performed. The actual installation may comply exactly with the minimum quantity or quality specified or it may exceed the miuimum within reasonable limits. To comply with these requirements, indicated numeric values are minimum or rnaximun\ as appropriate, for the context of the requirements. Refer uncertainties to the Architect for a decision before proceeding. Copies of Standards: Each entity engaged in construction on the Project must be familiar witlt industry standards applicable to its construction activity. Copies of applicable standards are not bound with the Conhact Docurrrcnts. l. Where copies of standards are needed to perform a required construction activity, the Contractor shall obtain copies directly from the publication source and make them available on request. Abbreviations and Names: Trade association names and titles of general standards are frequently abbreviated. Where abbreviatiors and acronyms are used in the Specifications or other Conhact Documents, they mean the recognized name of the trade association" standards-producing organization, authorities having jurisdiction, or other entity applicable to dre context of the text provision. Refer to Gale Research's "Encyclopedia of Associations" or Columbia Books' "National Trade & Professional Associations of the U.S.," which are available in most libraries. STJBMITTALS Permits, Licenses, and Certificates: For tle Owner's records, submit copics of permits, licenses, certifications, inspection reports, releases, jurisdictional settlements, notices, receipts for fee payments, judgments, correspondence, records, and similar documents, established for compliance with standards and regulations bearing on performance of the Work to the Construction rnanager. REFERENCE STAJ\DARDS AND DEFINITIONS 01421 -3 Vail Mounain School Pmject Number 2001.028 Civil / Siteworft Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - HGCUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION OI42I REtrERENCE STAIYDARDS AND DEIINITIONS 01421 -4 I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 200 1.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. SECTTON OI5OO * CONSTRUCTTON FACILMES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. This Section includes Minimum requirements for temponry services, utilities and facilities. Nothing in this section is intended to limit types and amounts of temporary work required, and no omission from this section will be recognized as an indication by Architect tl-rat such temporary activity is not required for successful completion of the work. The use of alternative facilities equivalent to those speciffed is the Contractols optior! subject to Architect's acceptance. B. All temporary facilities shall be installed as required by applicable code, OSHA, laws or ordinances. C. Engage the appropriate local utility company to install temporary service or connect to existing service. Where the company provides only part of the service, provide the remainder with matching, compatible materials and equipmenq comply with the company's recommendations. D. Ercept as otherwise indicated. the costs of providing aod using temporary utility services are induded in the Contract Sum. 1.02 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Scheduled Uses: Provide temporary facilities end services at the time ffrst needed at the site; and maintaiq expand and modil! the facilities as needed throughout the construction period and do not remove until no longer needed. At the earliest feasible timg and when acceptable to the Owner, change over from the use of temporary utility service to permanent service. l. The Contractor shall arrange for all temporary utilities needed by him during construction and shall pay all fees and charges related to such utilities. B. Conditions of Use: Keep temporary services and facilities clean and neat in appearance. Operate in a safe and efficient manner. Talce necessary ffre prevention measures. Do not overload facilities, or permit them to interfere with progress. Do not allow hazardous, dangerous or unsanitary conditions, or public nuisances to develop or persist on the site. C. Control dust, erosion, water accumulation and debris on the Project site. Perform work of this Contract using reasonable noise suppression techniques in order to minimize the impact on nearby persons or adjacent properties. D. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the replacement, restoration, repair or cleaning of any damage or loss incurred as a result of faulty compliance tithe the requirements of this section. At the discretion of the Owner, an equitable settlement value may e established in lieu of correction of damage or loss. This amount shall be deducted from the Contract Amount by.Change Order. E. The Contractor shall comply with verbal and written instruction of Loss Control Agents of the Owner's Insurer to minimize potentially hazardous procedures and conditions. I.O3 QUALITYASSURANCE I coNsrRucrroN F'AcILITrtrs Ai\D TEMpoRARy coNTRoLS 01500 - 1 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. A. Regulations: Comply with industry standards and applicable laws and regulations of authorities having jurisdiction including, but not limited to, the following: l. Building code requirements. 2. Health and safety regulations. 3. Utility company regulations. 4. Police, fire department, and rescue squad rules. 5. Environmentalprotectionregulations. B. Standards: Comply with NFPA 241 'Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alterations, and Demolition Operations," ANSI Al0 Series standards for "Safety Requirements for Construction and Demolitioq' and NECA Electrical Design Library "Temporary Electrical Facilities." l. Electrical Service: Comply with NEMA, NECA, and UL standards and regulations for temporary electric service. Install service in compliance with NFPA 70 "National Electric Code." C. Inspections: Arrange for authorities having jurisdiction to inspect and test each temporary utility before use. Obtain required certiffcations and permits. PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERTAIS AND EQUTPMENT A. Provide either new or used materials and equipment for temporary facilities, which are in substantially undamaged and serviceable condition. Provide types and qualities which are recognized in the construction industry as suitable for the intended use in each application. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI GENERAL A. Use qualified workers for the installation of temporary facilities. l.ocate facilities where they will serve the Project adequately, and result in minimum interference with performance of the work. l,ocate ffeld offices for easy access to and obseryation of the construction work. 3.O2 INSTALI.A,TION A. Use qualified personnel for installation of ternporary facilities. Locate facilities where they will serve the Project adequately and result in minimum interference with performance of the Work. Relocate and modifu facilities as required. B. Provide each facility ready for use when needed to avoid delay. Maintain and modifu as required. Do not remove until facilities are no longer needed or are replaced by authorized use of completed pcrmanent facilities. 3.03 TEMPORARY FACILITIES BY CONTRACTOR A. Use of Project Site: During thc entrre construction period the Contractor shall have limited use of the premises for constmction opcrations, as managed by Shaw Construction the CMCC, including usc of the site. Refer to the "Construction Plan" as written bv Shaw Construction. I t I I t I I I t t I I I I I I I I I CONSTRUCTION F'ACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS 01500 - 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I Vail Mountain School Project Number 200 1.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. 1. Coordinate use of site with other Contractors. 2. Conffne operations to areas within Contract limits indicated. Portions of the site beyond areas in which constmction operations are indicated are not to be disturbed. 3. Comply with rll requirements of govemmental agencies having jurisdictiotr- B. Sanitary Facilities: Comply with goveming regulations including safety and health codes for the type, number, location" operation and maintenance of ffxtures and facilities, but provide not less than the speciffed requirements. Install sanitary facilities in available locations which will best serve the needs of personnel at the project site. l. Provide temporary toilets as required. 2. Supply and maintain toilet tissue, paper towels, paper cups and similar disposable materials as appropriate for each sanitary facility, and provide appropriate waste paper containers for used materials. 3. Any graftti vandalism on sanitary facilities shall be removed immediately by the Contractor. C. Wash Facilities: Install wash facilities supplied with potable water at convenient locations for personnil involved in handling materials that require wash-up for a healthy and sanitary condition. Dispose cf drainage properly. Supply cleaning compounds appropriate for each condition. D. Temporary Water: Provide all construction water including water for system testin& deaning and maintenance. E. Drinking Water: Supply drinking water for construction personnel by containerized tapdispensers with paper cups. F. TemporaryTelephones: I. Provide temporary telephone service for all personnel engaged in construction activities, throughout the construction period. Pay for service except for toll calls which will be paid for by party making such calls. Z. Include as part of the telephone system a telephone answering machioe, a separate voicedata telephone line, intemet access and a facsimile machine with adequate paper supply. G. Temporary Power: Provide temporary electrical power to a temporary pole and meter, location as required. Electrical installer will provide sewices from this point as specified. Contractor shall pay for all temporary power induding installation and hookup. l. Temporary electricity and lighting shall be provided by the Contractor and removed upon completion and operation of permanent electrical service/distribution and permanent lighting. Receptacles shall not be used for construction power. 2. Temporary electricity/lighting shall include: temporary electrical service and meter, 120/208 volt, I phase, 3 wire, minimum of one double duplex outlet for every 100 feet of temporary loop, minimum ofone double duplex for every interior room regardless ofsize and, on la4ger rooms, one light for every 750 feet. 3. Contractor shall pay for all electricity used through temporary and permanent systems up to date of substantial completion for new construction. For renovation projects where the existing electrical service will be available, the Owner will pay for clectricity used. 4. The Contractor is responsible to damage to permanent wiring or fixtures as a result of temporary use and shall replace receptacles and device plates showing wear. The Contractor must clean permanently installed light fixtures using methods recommended by the manufacturer. I I I I CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS 01500 - 3 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. I 5. Ternporary lamps must be retrroued and replaccd with new lamps at completion of thc work. Thermometer: lnstall an official project outdoor thermometer, in a shaded-from-the-sun, conveniently readable locatiory which will give reasonably accurate readings of the actual temperatures, and which can be reached easily for resetting. Instrument: Re-settable type indicating daily maximum and minimuur temperatures. Keep a permanent daily log of those readings. Access Road: Provide permanent access road to construction area in location as indicated on drawings and acceptable to Owner and ArchitecL Include curb, gutter and other items as necessary. Temporary Fire Protection: Until ffre protection needs are supplied by permanent facilities, install and maintain temporary fire protection facilities of the types needed to protect against reasonably predictable and controllable fire losses. Comply with NFPA l0 "Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers", and NFPA 241 'Standard for Safeguarding Constructioq Alterations and Demolition Operations". l. locate fire extinguishcrs where convenient and cffective for their intended purpose, but not less than one extinguisher on each floor at or near each usable stairwell. 2. Store combustible matcrials in containers in firesafe locations. 3. Maintain unobstructed access to fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, temporary fire protection facilities, stairways and other access routes fbr fighting fires. Prohibit smoking in hazardous fire exposure areas. 4. Provide supervision of welding operations, combustion type temporary heating units, and similar sources of fire igni8on. Dust, Noise and Environmental Hazard Containment: L The Contractor shall erect barriers suitable for the containment of environmental hazards. Environmental hazard containment barriers shall bc constructed and maintaincd in compliance with the requirements and regulations oflocal, state and federal regulatory agencies. 2. Barriers shall be maintained in place fbr the duration of need. Heating During Construction: 1. Cold Weadrer Protection: Provide such heat and fucl, heating units, equipment as necessary to protect the work from damage due to cold. Maintain €quipment and surroundings in a cleary safe condition. 2. Provide temporary heat required by construction activities, for curing or drying of completed installations or protection of installed construction from adverse effects of low temperatures or high humidity. Select safe equipment that will not have a harmful cffect on coml:tleted installations or elements being installed. Coordinate ventilation rcquirements to produce t}re ambient condition required and minimize consumption of energy. 3. Provide temporary heat as necessary to heat encloscd spaces to the temperatures described below: a. F,xcept as odrerwise specificd, maintain a rninimum temperature of 50", and a maxirnum tcmperature of 78o. At all times during the placing setting and curing of drywall and ceramic tile, provide sufficient heat to produce a uniform temperature in thc spaces involved ofnot less than 55'. Before, during and through the placing ofwood finish and the application of other intcrior finishin& varnishing painting, etc., and until final acceptance of the work, provide sufficicnt heat to produce a tempcrature ofnot less than 60". b. lnclude power and operating costs. I I T I t I t I I I I t I I I t I I I II CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS 01500 - 4 I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 200f .028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. M. Heating Facilities: Except where the Owner authorizes use of the permanent system, provide vented, self-contained, LPgas or fuel-oil heaters with individual space thermostatic control. l. Use of gasoline-burning space heaters, open flame, or salamander heating units is prohibited 2. No fuel type ofany kind {gas, propane, etc) shdl be stored inside the of building. 3. Temporary heating units shall be in good repair and shall be maintained in safe and good operating condition during their use. AII temporary heating units must be tested and labeled by U.l F.M., F.I.A. or otler recognized organization related to the fuel being consumed. 4. Provide temporary enclosures necessary for holding temporary heat for masonry and concrete work and for thawing frozen ground. N. Use of Permanent Heating Facilities: l. Permanent heating units may be used for temporary heating purposes provided: The Contractor makes request and receives approval from the Architect and Owner. The building is completely enclosed. Heating unit has sufficient vents, ducts, etc. to make it save to operate. 2. Units and ductwork used for temporary heat shall be cleaned and placed in first-class working order prior to final acceptance of the project 3. Use of the units for temporary heat shall not reduce the mandatory warranty period of eighteen months from the date of ffnal acceptance. O. Utility Costs: l. The Contractor shall obtain all qtilities and shall pay all utility charges in connection with the operation up to the date set in the Certiffcate of Substantial Completion, except as otherwise specified. 2. Use of permanent metering for temporary utilities shall not be allowed unless approved by the Architect. 3. In using the permanent heating system, the Contractor shall assume complete responsibility for its proper operation and for correction of any damage which may occur to permanent heating system. Use of permanent heating system by the Contractor shall in no manner compromise the warranty of the system. 4. Warranty of the system will commence at date set in the Certificate of Substantial Completion. P. Shoring and Bracing; l. Where construction requires temporary shoring or gracing of excavations, beams, columns, etc. during erection, demolition, cutting, etc., the Contractor shall provide such temporary construction of type and configuration appropriate for the task. Should engineering be required for temporary shoring or bracing,, the Contractor shall acquire and pay for such engineering. 3.04 SECURITY Security: Provide security program and facilities to protect Work from unauthorized entry, vandalism, and thefu Install substantial temporary doors, windowq or other closures on partially completed areas of the building when interior finish product (i.e. gypsum watlboard doory frames, casework, etc.) is deliveted on site. Provide adequate locking entrance to prevent unauthorized enttance, vandalism, theft and similar violations of security. Work areas shall be secured at the end of each working day and at other times when construction areas are not manned. b. c. CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AI\D TEMPORARY CONTROLS 01500 - 5 Vail Mountain School Project Number 200f .028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. 3.05 FIELD OFFICES AND SHEDS A. Field Offices: 3.06 A. 3.08 I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t T I 3.07 l. Provide insulated, weathertight temporary offfces of sufficient size to accommodate required office personnel at the Project site as part of this contract Keep the ofrfice weathertigh! heated, clean and orderly for use by the Contractor and for small progress meetings. 2. The Contractor's Field Offfce will not be permitted to occupy space within any existing school structures or within incomplete portions of building(s) under construction unless authorized in writing by the Owner. 3. The Contractor's oflice shall be equipped with a telephone, fax machine and such other amenities es are necessary for the conduct ofthe Contractols business. Architect's/Owner's Field Offi ce: l The Contractor shall provide, at his expense, an office facility at the site for the use of the Architect, the Owner and their authorized representatives. 2. The office shall have a secure door with locking mechanism, lighting heating, electric power, and separate telephone service. 3. The Office shall be equipped with two chairs and a plan table of 3'x7' minimum dimensions. 4. The ArchitecVOwner Office shall be near the Contractor's ffeld of;ffce. STORAGEAND PROTECTION Storage and Fabrication Facilities (for work not subcontracted): Install individual trailers or sheds as required to accommodate the work; sized, furnished and equipped properly including temporary utilities as needed. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION AND SIGNS Project Identification and Temporary Signs: Prepare project identiffcation sign at location indicated or as directed. Support and install sign on suitable posts and framing of treated wood or steel. Maintain signs throughout the construction period. Do not permit installation of unauthorized signs. l. Project ldentification Sign: Engage an experienced sign painter to apply the required graphics, in a neat and professional manner in 3 colors (maximum). Electronic image for sign graphics shall be made available by Architect upon request. Photocopy enlargements of graphics from Contract Documents will not be allowed. 2. Provide project identification sign 48'x 96'x three quarters inch (32 sq. ft. area) exterior glue AD plywood with (7) 4' x 4' x l2 {' wood posts, colors and lettering as later detailed, indicating name of Proiect, Owner, Architect, Professional Consultants, General Contractor and Prime Subcontractors. Sign format inclicated on the drawings. 3. Submit shop drawing of project sign for review. 4. Install sign in location as agreed by Contractor, Architect and Owner. Protect and rnaintain sign for the duration of the project. BARRIERS AND ENCI,OSURES CONSTRUCTION F'ACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS 01500 - 6 I I Vail Mountein School I Project Number 2001.028 a Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. t A. Baricades, Waming Signs and Lights {For work not subcontracted): Comply with standards and code requirements for the erection of structurally adequate barricades. The Contractor shall acquire all permits A required for erection of barriers in public ways. Barriers requiring engineering (i..e. protection from l overhead falling objects, etc.) shall be designed by a registered engineer. The Contractor will pay for the r engineering of all barrien. A stamped submittal of all Engineered Barriers shall be submitted to the Architect for review. Barriers shall be maintained by the Contractor so that their functions are not I compromised at any time. Paint with appropriate colors, graphics and waming signs to inform personnel f and the public of the hazard being protected against Where appropriate and needed provide lighting including flashing red or amber lights. Repair and replace work damaged by temporary protective I facilities. I B. Roof Access Barriers: Roof access ladders and scaffolding shall be removed at the end of each work day, .'-l.ss suitable barriers are provided to prevent access.I I c. Traffic Rouring: || l. Pedestrian andlor vehicular traffic shall not be impeded by operations conducted in the execution I of this Contracq except as permitted in writing prior to construction. a 2. Closures and alternate routing of traffic shall be performed in full compliance with the laws, I regulations, and procedures of goveming authorities, applicable codes, and regulations. - 3. Refer to Shaw Constructions written 'Constnrction Plan" for complete description.I f D. Enclosure Fence: Before excavation begins, install an enclosure fence with lockable entrance gates. Enclose the entire site or the portion determined suffrcient to accommodate construction operations I throughout the construction period. The construction fence shall enclose an area sufficient to I completely enclose all of the Contractor's work area including space for staging, stockpiling of materials, field offices, storage trailers and sheds. Install in a manner that will prevent people, dogs, and - other animals from easily entering the site, except by the entrance gates.I t l. The Construction Fence shall be an I I gaugq chain-link fence of 6'4' height (minimum) with 2' - comer posts and I -ll2" line posts at 8"4' on center (maximum). Set posts in compacted gravel. I t Z. The Construction Fence shall be removed at the completion of construction. Damaged or disturbed soils shall be regraded and compacted as specified. I E. Walks: Install and maintain temporary walkways around the construction work and to of&ces, toilets and ! similar places at the site. i 3.0e pRorEcrroN oFwoRKAND pRopERry r A. Protection of Work: The Contractor shall obtain the advice and recommendations of his installers for I procedures to protect their work. Installers are responsible for protecting their work and that of other I trades while working at the jobsite or in an area thereof. When the Installer is no longet working in the area or at the job, the Contractor shall provide protective measures and materials to assure that each I element will be without damage or deterioration (other than normal weathering for exterior exposed I materialsJ throughout the remainder of the construction period up to the date of ftnal acceptance E Remove protective coverings and materials at the appropriate time but no later than final cleaning operations. I r I coNsrR'crroNF'AcrLrrIEsAr\DTEMpoRARycoNTRoLs 01500 - 7 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I T I t I B. c. D. l. Provide protective coverings at walls, prujections, jambs, sills, and soffits of openings. Protect finished floon and stairs from traffic, movement ofheavy objects, and storage. 2. Prohibit traffic and storage on roofed surfaces, on lawn and landscaped areas. 3. Always protect excavation, trenches, and building from damage from rain water, spring water, ground water, backing up of drains or sewers. Provide pumps, equipmen! enclosureq to provide this protection. 4. Storage: Where materials and equipmcnt must be stored and are of value or attractive for theft, provide a secure lockup. Enforce discipline in connection with the installation and release of ma- terial to minimize the opportunity for theft and vandalism. The Contractor shall protect all curbs and gutters and streets adjacent to the property. The Contractor shall provide, install and maintain all shoring bracing and other temporary construction necessary of the protection ofadjaccnt or existing construction to remain undisturbed and as required for the safety of personnel and public. The Contractor shall locate all underground utilitics and maintein suitable markings to identiry their location- All buried uUlities, include lawn sprinkler systems, shall be preserved during the progress of the work unless otherwise indicated. The Contractor shall identitr existing substandard conditions in writing prior to beginning the work, or assume responsibility for the correction of such conditions under the terms of this secgon. Architect and Owner will verify substandard existing conditions identified by the Contractor. Demolition, construction, and other operations performed in the course of the work shall not cause deterioration or damage to other adjacent property or utilitieE public or private, directly or indirecdy. The Contractor shall schedule loading to take advantage of pavement material consolidation during cooler tcmperatures. Minimize loading paved areas during hot weather. Employ plywood (or other suitable method) to distribute wheel loads to the greatest extent possible. Environmental Protection: Provide protection, operate temporary facilities and conduct construction in ways and by methods that comply with environmental regulations, and minimize the possibility that air, waterways and subsoil might be contaminated or polluted or tlrat other undesirable effects might resuk Avoid use of tools and equipment which produce harmful noise. Restrict use of noise making tools and equipment to hours that will minimize complaints from persons or ffrms near the site. Designate an area on site for wash out of concrete trucks. Designated area must be in a location to receive paving under work of this contracL l. Noise: Minimizc noise at all times near residential areas. All equipment shall be properly muffled. Do not operate noise equipment after hours. 2. Dtrst Control: Control dust which becomes a nuisance to the Owner, private property, or traffic. 3. Debris: Monitor the collection and scattering of debris, loose debris or debris caused by the execution of work. CONSTRUCTION F'ACTLITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS 01500 - 8 t I I I I I T ) I I I I I I I I I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 200 1.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P-C. 4. Pollution: Take extreme caution to prevent spilling or littering of water polludng substances. Do not pump any foreign materials into the sanitary or storm sewer collection systems. Provide labor, equipment and materials as necessary to remedy pollution. No butning of debris, nor any other air polluting methods or equipment shall be allowed. 5. Erosion Control: Provide such facilities as necessary to prevent erosive damage to tJre Owner's property or to adjacent properties. 6. Comply with Vail 2002 Construction Hours Handout and Shaw Constructions' "Construction Plan'. 3.IO TEMPORARY FACITITIES BY APPROPRIATE SUBCONTPACTOR A. Water Service: Contractor shall provide water required in the work as well as tempordry connection, plumbing pipin& etg necessary to convey same to places needed. Bulk water for site grading shall be provided by site grading contractor. Obtain water sen'ices from nearby Town water main es permitted by Town Authority. B. Light and Power Contractor and each Subcontractor shall make their own affangements for power as required. Contractor shall pay all electric Utility power chatges. 3.I1 OPEMTIONSANDTERMINATIONS A. Supervision: Enforce strict discipline in the use of temporary facilities. Umit availability of temporary facilities to essential and intended uses to minimize waste and abuse. B. Janitorial Services: Provide daily janitorial services for temporary offices, toiles, wash facilities, and similar areas at the project site. Require users of otler temporary facilities to maintain clean and orderly premises. C. Maintenance: Installing entity shall maintain temporary facilities in good operating condition until removal. Protect from damage by freezing temperatures and similar elements. l. Maintain operation of temporary enclosures, heating, cooling humidity control ventilation and similar facilities on a 24-hour day basis where required to achieve indicated results and to avoid possibility of damage. 2. Prevent water ftlled piping from fteezing. Maintain markers for underground lines. Protect from damage during excavation operations. D. Termination and Removal: l. At the time the need has ended for each temporary facility, or when it has been replaced by authorized use of a permanent facility, or at the time of Completior; promptly remove the facility unless requested by the Architect to be retained for a longer period of time. 2. Complete or, if necessary, testore permanent construction that may have been delayed because of interference with the temporary facility. Repair damaged work, clean exposed surfaces and replace construction which cannot be satisfactorily repaired. 3. Materials and facilities that constitute temporary facilities are the property ofthe installing entity. CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES A}[D TEMPORARY CONTROLS 01500 - 9 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenl:s DuBois Architects, P.C. END OF SECTION OI5OO CONSTRUCTION T'ACILITIES AI\[D TEMPORARY CONTROLS 01500 - 10 t Vail Mountain School t Project Number 2001.028 - Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. I SECTrON0ls61-CONSTRUCTTONCLEANTNG . PARTI-GENERAL t l.ol SUMMARY I A Section includes facilities, equipmen! nnterials, and labor for cleaning and waste disposal during t constuction Refer to Division I Section 'Contact Closeout'' for Final Cleanine. - I.O2 RESPONSIBILITIES: r- A. General: Contractor and each Subcontractor and Installer is responsible for specific cleaning operations of r their work to the specification sections. - B. Pollution ConEo operations to corryly with applicable anti-pollution laws and local ordinances. Buming or burying of waste rraterials on the project site is not permitGd- Disposal of I volatile fluids, acids, caustics or other haz^rdog5 materials and wastes by durying in storm or sanitary I sewers, or into steams or waterways is not pemdtted. t C. Neighborhood Debris: Conhactor will conduct rogular intewal cleanup of entire fence line of Project I property site as required to maintain cooperative relationship ofadjacent honreovmers. - I.O3 PROJECT/SITECONDITIONS:-I ! A. Tenporary site storage of corstruction waste shall be in suitable containers. All waste storage sball be housed within the constnrction fencing. r PART2-PRODUCTS .b 2.OI CLEANINGMATERIALS: f A. Use only cleaning materials recomnended by nnnufacturer ofsurface to be cleaned t B. Use cleaning nraterials only on surfaces recornnended by cleaning material manufacturer. I 2.02 CLEANINGEQUIPMENT: I I A. Equipment used to clean surfaces shall be appropriate to the surface being cleaned I PART3-EXECUTTON I 3.ol wASrE DrsPosAL t A. Collection and Disposal of Wastes: I l. Establish and cnforce a daily system for collecting and disposing ofwaste materials ftom construction A t site. Provide suitable trash containers at a central collection point I other suitable mears for removing trash safely and cleanly from f a) Conply with NFPA 241 for removal of combustible waste material and debris. t coNsrRucrroN.LEANrNG 01561 - I Vail Mountain School Project Number 200f .028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. I t I I I I I I I t 1 I t t I l I 3.O2 2. ConFactor and each Subcontactor and Installer is responsible for cleaning and rernoval of his tash 6d de!fis fe this collection point 3. Do not hold collected materials at the site for periods of more than 7 days. Handle hazardous, .lAngerous or unsanitary wastes separately from other waste materials, by containerizing properly. Dispose of each category of waste material in a lawful marmer. Do not bury or bum waste materials on the Ownels property. a) Enforce strict prohibition against th€ washing of waste rnaterials down sewers or into waterways. 4. Waste concrete and rnasonry shall be rcrnoved ftom the site and legally disposed ofby masonry and concrete installers. CLEANINGIJP Cleaning and Protection of Work: l. At the tinp each unit of worlc or elenent ofthe consEuction is co[pleted substantially in each area of the Project, clean the rrnil 61 s[srrn1 L a condition suitable for occupancy and rse as intende4 ad restore minor or superficial denrage. Replace unis and elerrpnts which are darnaged beyond successfirl restoration 2. Where subsequent construction activities could result in darnage to other work in place, provide appropriate protective covering or other provisions. 3. Repeat cleaning and protection operations during remainder of constmction period, wherever work might otherwise be damaged by sustained soiling or eryosure. During Constuction: Oversee cleaning and eDsure fiat building, grormds and public properties are maintained free from accunnrlation ofwasb rnterials and rubbisb- Take nrcasures to prevent spread oftrasb, debris, cartons, packaging or other waste nraterials on or off the Project Site by wind- Sprinkle dusty debris with water. At the end of the day, cleaur4 site and access and dispose of waste materials, rubbish and debris. Rernove snow and ice from public sidewalls adjacent to site and ftom access ways to the building and consfiuction Clean adjacent and nearby steets of dirt occasioned by consfuction operations; frequency and rrthods as required by governing autlrority. Vacuum clean interior building arcas when ready to receive finish painting. Conpleted areas shall be broom cleaned at the end ofeach work day. Remove from site and properly dispose ofall waste concrete, mortar or other debris no less ftequently than once per week Contaminated Earth: l. Renrove contaminated earth and dispose of off site- Replace with clean soils, as ap,provd in accordance with Division 2 "Site Consfiuction' using nraterials appropriate to the location on the site and meftods specified for fills and bacldlls. Contaminated earth includes, but is not limited to, waste concrete, mortar and plaster; debris and waste rqterials; areas used for cleaning tools, washing mixers and concrete trucks and areas containing oils, solvents, paints and similar liquids or their residues. END OF SECTION 0156I t I l. ) 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. CONSTRUCTION CLEA}IING 01561 - 2 I r a Vail Mountain School f Project Nurnber 2001.028 t Civil / Sitework Package , Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. t SECTION 01562 - DUST CONTROL 'I I PARTI-GENERAL - l.ot SIJMMARY I A. Section Ilcludes: I l. Application ofwater for the alleviation or prevention ofdust nuisance. t 2. Conhol dust resulting from the Conhactofs performance of the Work on or offthe Project site. - PART2-PRODUCTS I rv 2.ot MATERIALANDEQUIPMENT I A. Xffir;Tff. ."**".*" for secwing the required volume of water. Contactor will pay for all water used |l PART3.DGCUTION I 3.OI GENERAL I A. Corply wift conditions of the Fugitive Dust Permit, obtainod by the CMGC. 3.02 APPLICATIONT -, I A. WaterMethod: I I . Make available at all tirnes a mobile unit with a minimum capacity of I 000 gallons for applying water I 2. Xlfft#ifh "onpacting ertbankrne* rnaterial, fill materials, subbase base or surfacing material rr and for controllihg dust by nreans of pressure tlpe distributors or pipe lines with a spray systetrL or I hoses witb nozles that will insure a uniform application of water.r END OF SECTION01562 I I I ! I I I I DUsrcoNrRoL 01562-1 I I I Vail Mounain School I Project Number 2001.028 - Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C T SECTION OT6OO . MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT t PARTI-GENERAL t 1.ol SLJMMARY I A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirenrcnts goveming the Contractor's selection of f products for use in the Project I I.O2 DEFINTTIONS I A. Definitions used in this Article are not intended to change the meaning of other tenns used in the Conhact Documents, such as "specialties," "systerns," rrsEucture," "finishes," "accessories," and similar terms. Such terms are self-explanatory and have well-recognized nreanings in the construction industry. l. "Products" are iterns purchased for incorporation in the Worlc, whetber purchased for the Project or taken from previously purchased stock The term "product" includes the terms "material" "equiFment " "slrsterq" and terrns of similar inteut. 2. "Named Products" are items identified by the manufacturefs product name, including make or model number or other designation, shown or listed in the manufacfure/s published product literahue, that is current as of the date of the Contract Documents. 3. are products substantially shaped" cug worked" mixed finished, refined or otherwise fabricated processed or installed to form a part of the Work 4. "Equipment" is a product with operational parts, whether motorized or manually operated, that requires service connections, such as wiring or piping. 5. " Substitutions": Requests for changes in products, matedals, equipment, and nrethods of conshuction required by Contact Documents proposed by the Contactor prior to the bid are considered requests for "substitutions" and is part ofDivision I Section'?roduct Options and Subsfinrtions." The following are not considered substihrtions: a) Revisions to Conhact Documents requested by the Owner or Architect. b) Specified options ofproducts and construction methotls included in Conhact Documents. c) The Contractor's determination of and conpliance with governing regulations and orders issued by goveming authorities. I.O3 SIJBMITTALS I A. Product List: Within 30 working days after commencernent of the Work, submit 3 copies of conrploted rF fist ofmajor products proposed ior use, with generic name ofproduct, name ofmanufacturer, trade name, and model number of each product. I I l. Provide a written explanation for omissions of data, and for known variations from Conhact requ[erneD$. || 2, Coordinate the product list schedule with the Contactor's Progress Schedule and the Schedule of I Submittals. t B. Architect's Action: The Architect will respond in u.riting to the Contractor within l0 working days of I receipt of the product list schedule. No resporse within this time period constitutes no objection to listed - manufachuer's ot products, but does not constitute a waiver of the requirement that products comply with Contact Documents.I 1.04 QUALTTY CONTROL I t I I T MATERIAL' AND EQTIIPMENT 01600 - I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I 1.05 1.06 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. A. Conform to applicable specifications and standards. B. Corply with size, rnake, t)?e and quality specified or as specifically approved in writing by the Architect. C. Manufacttued and Fabricated Products: l. Desigr, fabricate and assemble in accord with the best engineering and shop practices. 2. Manufacture like parts of duplicate units to standard sizes and gages, to be interchangeable. 3. Two or nrcre items of the same kind shall be identical and by the sanre manufacturer. 4. Products shall be suitable for service conditions. 5. Equipment capacities, sizes and dimensions shown or specified shall be adhered to udess variations are specifically approved in writing. 6. Visual Matching: Where Specifications require matching an established Saryle, the Architect's decision will be final on whether a proposed product matches satisfactorily. a) Where no product available within the specified category matches satisfactorily and also corrylies with other specifred requirements, coryly with provisions of the Contract Documents concerning "product options" for selection of a matching product in another product category, or for noncor{rliance with specifred requireneuts. 7. Visual Selection: Where specified product requirements include the phrase ". . . as select€d from rnanufachuefs standad colors, patterns, texhres. ." or a similar phrase, select a product and manufacturer that conplies with other specified requirements. The Architect will select the color, pattem and texhre ftom the product line selected. Do not use ruterial or equipnrent for any purpose other than that for which it is desiped or is specified. MANUFACTT]RER'S INSTRUCTIONS When Contact Documents require that i[stallation of Work shall conply with manufactureds printed instructions, obtain and distibute copies ofsuch instructions to parties involved in the installation, including one copy to Architect and one copy to the Contractor. l. Maintah one set of corplete irstructions at the Project site during installation and until conpletion of the Project. Handle, install, connect, cleaD, condition and adjust products in strict accord with such instructiors and in conformity with specified requirements. l. Should Project conditiors or specified requirements conllict with manufacfirer's instructions, consult with Architect for further irshuctions. 2. Do not proceed with work without clear instructions. Perform Work in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Do not omit any preparatory step or installation procedure unless specifically modihed or exempted by ConEact Documents. PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver, store, and handle products according to the manufacturer's recommendations, using means and methods that will prevent damage, deterioration, and loss, including theft. MATERIALS AI{D EQI.IIPMENT 01600 - 2 t l I t I I I I I I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 200 1.028 Ciril / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBoh Architects, P.C l- The Contractor shall obtain fiom materials suppliers, product data speci$ing the environrnental conditions suitable for the storage of the particular product. Proper storage includes all ternporary heat, weather protection, sunlight protection, etc. as necessary to preserve the properties of tbe product prior to installation or application. 2. The Contractor shall provide for the proper storage of all products and rnaterials whether on the project site or at a recrote location. Store products subject to darnage by the elenrents above gromd, under cover in a weather-tiglrt enclosuro, with ventilation adequate to prevent condensation. Maintain terperatue and humidity within range required by manufacture/s instructions. 3. Schedule delivery to minimize long-term storage at the site and to prevent ovetcrowding of constuction spaces. 4. Coordinate delivery with installation time to assure minimm holding tirc for items that are Ilamnable; hazardous, easily danrage{ or sensitive to deterioration, theft, and other losses. 5. Deliver products to the site in an undamaged coadition in the manufrcfuret's original sealed contaher or other packaging system, complete with labels and instructions for handling, storing, . unpacking, protecting, and installing, 6. Inspect products upon delivery to ensure coapliance with tho Coatract Documents and to ensure that produch are undarnged and properly protected. 7. Store products at the site in a marmer trat will facilitate inspection and measurernent of quatrtity or counting ofunits. 8. Store heavy materials away from the Project structure in a manner that will not endanger the supporting construction B. Work By Others: The Owner may provide rnaterials or equipment to the project site as indicated in the Contract Documents, The Conhactor shall receive such materials and shall provide for the proper storage of the rnaterial prior to its being incorporated in the Work. The Contactor shall inspect all such deliveries immediately after receipt and shall notiff the Owner ofany defects which are apparent PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.OI PRODUCT SELECTION A. General Product Requirements: Provide products that conply with the Contract Documents, that are undamaged and, unless otherwise indicatod, new at the time ofinstallation. 1. Provide products conplete with accessories, tdn1 finish, safety guarcls, and other devices and details needed for a conplete installation and the intended use and effect. 2. Standard Products: Where available, provide standard products of t5pes that have been produced and used successfully in similar situations on other projects. B. Product Selection Procedures: Procedures governing product selections include the following: 1. Proprietary Specihcation Requirements: Where specifications name only a single product or manufacturer followed by the term 'No Substihrtions", provide the product indicated. No substitutions will be permitted. 2. Semiproprietary Specification Requirements: Where specifications nanre I or rnore products or manufacturers, provide I of the products indicated. 3. Where specifications speciff products or manufacturers by name, accorrpanied by the term "Or Equal," "Or Approved Equal," or *Or Approved Sirilar" corply with the contract document provisions in Division I Section "Substitutions" to obtain ap'proval for use of 41 'rnnamod product. I I I I I I I I MATERIALS AI\D EQIJIPMENT 01600 - 3 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. 4. Descriptive Specifrcation Requirements: Where specifications describe a product or assembly, listing exact characteristics required, with or without use of a brand or trade narne, provide a product or assembly that provides the characteristics and otherwise conplies with contract requirements. 5. Performance Specification Requirercnts: Where specifications require coryliance with performatrce requirernenb, provide products +h"t corryly with these requirements and are recommended by the rnanufactuer for the application indicated. a) Manufacture/s recommendations ruy be contained in published product literahre or by the Eanufacturet's certifi cation of performance. 6. Conpliance with Standards, Codes, and Regulations: Where specifications only require conpliance with an iryosed code, standar4 or regulationo select a product that conplies with the standards, codes, or regulations specified. PART3 -EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALI,.ATION OF PRODUCTS A. Conply with manufacturet's inshuctions and recommendations for installation of products in the applicatiotrs indicated. Anchor each product securely in place, accurately located and aligned with other Work B. Clean exposed surfaces and protect as necessary to eDsure freedom ftom damage and deterioration at time of Substantial Conpletion. END OF SECTION 01600 I T I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I MATERHLS AND EQI,IIPMENT 01600 - 4 I - Vail Mountain School I Project Number 2001.028 I Civil / Sitework Package . Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C I sEcTroN 01630 - PRODUCT OPTTONS AND SUBSTTTUTTONS PART I.GENERAL ' 1.01 SUMMARY I A. Section Includes: Administative and procedural requirenrcnts for Conhactot's selection ofproducts for use t in the Pmject and for substitutions ofproducts not specified" I 1.02 DEFIMTIONS I - A. Definitions used in this Article are not intended to change the rneaning of other terrns used in the Contract Docurnents, sucb as "specialties", "systems", "sEucture", nfinishes", "accessories", and similar terms. Such temrs are self-explanatory and bave well recognized reanings in the constuction industy. B, Products: Are items purchased for incorporation in the Work, whether purchased for the Project or taken I from previously purchased stock The term "Product" includes the temr "material", "equipmenf', t and tenns of similar intenl r C. Named Products: Are itenx identified by rnanufacfiuefs product name, including make or model f designation, indicated in the manufacturet's published product literature, that is crment as of the date of the ! C.on8act Documents I D. Materials: Are products tbat are substantially shapod, cu! worked, mixed finishe4 refined or otherwise f fabricated, processed" or installed to form a part ofthe Work. I E. Equipment: Is a product with operational parts, whether motodzed or manually operated, that requires f service connectiors such as wiring or piping. 1.03 QUALITT/CONTROL I f A. Source Limitations: To the firllest extent possible, provide products of the same kind, from a single source. t I.O4 PRODUCTSELECTION -- A. When products are specified by ASTM or oth€r reference standards, furnish products conforming to such _-r--sngg 5rrndardS.I I B. When products are specified by trade name or manufacturet's name and model number, whether or not reference standartls are also specified the specific item mentioned shall be understood as establishing type, I functioq dimensioq appeaftmce, and quality desired. Other manufacturer's products will be considered t provided sulficient information is submitted to allow the Architect to determine whether products proposed are equivalent to those named. Where more tban one manufacturer is specified" the Contractor has the I option as to wbich manufrcturet's products are to be used. I - C. Where rnanufacturers are listed as acceptable for specific proprietary products but precise identification by model, series, or trade name is not specified submit detailed product iuformation for such products for I Architects acceptance prior to oraerUg. Include specific requirements for modifications to other f constuctioq as specified for substizutions, including power and utility requirements, characteristics, ca- pacities and locations. Submissions consisting of only general catalogues or vague, inconplete data will not f be considered. I I pRoDUcr oprroNs AND sr,BsrrrurroNs 01630-1 I I t I I I I I I I F. 1.05 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. D. When terms "or equal", "equal to", "or approved equivalent", "Or Approved Similaf' and other similar terms are rsed, provide only the specific product or products specified or approved by written Addendurn E. Do not fumish producb of rnanufacturers not specified or not approved in writing except where such products have been specified solely by reference statrdards. Substihrte products proposed must be equivalent in quality, perfornrance and appearauce and such equivalence is solely the judgement of the Architect. It is fte futy of tlrc paxty making the request to provide sufficient information with the request. The Contractor shall identifr each individual iten and proposed "equal" Thb burden ofproofof"equality'' rests with the Confdcbr. There is no obligation for the Architect to prove non<quivalence. Approved substitutions may, because of different size, weight, configuration, power requirements, utility connections or other characteristics, require modifications to other elenreuts of the Work If such substitutions are use4 all such modifications to other elements of the work must be shown by shop drawings or other submittals as appropriate, and approved. The cost of such rmdifications are solely the Contractols. Conpafi'bility of Options: CorryaUbility of products is a basic requirement of product selectioo- When the Contractor is given the option of selecting between two or more producb for use on the project, the product selected must be coryahtle with other products previously selected, even if the products previously selected were also C,ontractor options. The conplete coryatibility between the various choices available to the ConFactor is not assured by the various requirements of the Contract Docwnents, but must be provided by the Contractor. GENERAL PRODUCT REQTJIRXMENTS Provide products that coryly with the Contract Documents, that are undamaged and, unless otherwise indicated, unused at the time of installatiotr Provide products conplete with accessories, tirn, finisb safety guards and other devices and details needed for a conplete installation and for the intended use and effect. It is the responsibility ofthe Confractor aud his Installers, as experts, to noti$ the Architect ofany specified product tbat to his knowledge will not meet the requiremenb or is uusuited to the application indicated or specifred. ST'BSTITUTIONS Basis: Prior to 7 days before the Bid the Owner and Architect will consider substitutions of products in place of those specified. Procedure: l. Submit 3 copies of each "Substitution Request" form following end of this Section for consideration Submit requests in accordance with procedures required for Change Order proposals. Make written request for the substitution with full documentation. Include complete data on the proposed zubstitution substantiating corryliance with the Conhact Documents including product identification and descriptioq illustrations, capacities, operating daa, performance and test data, references and sanples where applicable, and an itemized comparison of the proposed substitution with the products specilied or otherwise approved with data relating to Contract time schedule, design and artistic effect where applicable, and its relationship to separate contracts. r.06 I I t I I I I T I PRODUCT OPTIONS AI\TD SI,JBSTITTITIONS 01630-2 I l I l I I I I I t I I t I T Vail Mountain School Project Number 200 1.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. 3. No requests for substitutions will be considered after the Bid Opening. All requests for approval of zubstitute items shall be categorically rejected if received after specified deadlines or if uou- corryliant with any conditions of this section- B. Consideration: Making such requests for substitutions is a representation by the C,ontractor trat: l. The Conhactor has personally investigated the proposed substitute product and deGrmined that it is equal or superior in all respects to lhat sp,ecified and will carry the same warranty; 2. The cost data are corrylete and include all related costs under this Contract but excludes costs ulder separate conhacts and excludes Architect's redesign costs, and the Contractor waives all claims for additional costs related to the substitution v&ich subsequently becorne apparen! 3. The ConFactor has personally investigated the proposed substitute product and determined that it is equal or qry€rior in all respects to ftat specified and will carry the sarne warrdnty; 4. The cost data are conplete and include all related costs rmder this C.ontract but excludes costs under sepante conFacts and excludes Architect's redesign costs, and the Confractor waives all clairrs for additional cos$ related to the substitution which subsequently becorne appareng 5. Tho Contractor will cootdinate the inshllation of the accepted substihrte, making such changes as - rmy be required for the Work to-be corrylete in all respects. 6. When approved by the Ownet and Architect, such substitution will be documented by Addendum modi$ing the Specifications. 7. Acceptance of substitutions shall in no way be interpreted as a waiver ftom full conpliance with ofter specification requirements, unless requesb for approval ofsubstitute iterrs specifically request relief ftom specifred requirements and the requested relief is specifically granted in the approving addendurn 8. Materials and equipment accepted as "equal" to specified producs will be listed in Addenda and disfibuted to all Oonstuction Document holders ofrecord No other notification of the Architect's approvals will be issued" The Architect will not list products which are not accepted as "equals." C. UtilityRequirements: 1. Any differences in utility requiremenb, hook up, fabrication, or corsfiuction between specified items and proposed substitutions shall be clearly identified in writing by the party nraking the request for approval ofequals. 2. When the Architect accepts a product proposed by a supplier as being "equat' to a product specified in the Contact Docurnsnts and such proposed product requires a different quantity and/or arrangement of any o&er part of lhe work from that specified, detailed, stated in the Approval, or indicated on the Contract Docurrnts, the Contractor shall provide the same at his own cost and exp€nse. PART 2- PRODUCTS (Not applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not applicable) END OF SECTION 01630 I I t I PRODUCT OPTIONS AI\D SUBSTITUTIONS 0r630-3 Klipp Colussy Jcnks DuBois Architects, P.C./- I SECTI0N O17OO - CONTRACT CLOSEOT]T i PARTI-GENERAL I . I.OI SI-IMMARY t- I A. This Section includes adminishative and procedural requLements for contact closeout including, but not r limited to, the following: | 1. Substantial Completion. l] 2. Final Acceptance. 3. Record document submittals. ;; 4. Operation and maintenance manual submittal. I 5. Submittal of warranties. 6. Demonstrations, 7 . Final conpletion and payment. I 8. Post construction inspection. ! B. Closeout requirements for specific construction activitios are included in the appropriate SectioDs in I Divisiors 2 tbrough 16. t C. Con0:actols responsibility is to conplete the project in accordance with fre Conhact Docurnents and to I enforce their requirernents on their efiployees, suppliers and Subcontactors. r D. Time of Closcout Time of closeout is direcdy related to "Final Acceptance", and it therefore a single tirne period for entire work. I l.O2 COMPLETION (refer to General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions of the Contract) rl A. en that all w I to I conhact the and provi items in accordance with the General and Supplementary Such written I notification shall constitute the Contractor's certifrcation ofi tability ofthe t work for the Architect's review. Before requesting an inspec performed or submitted to the Architect: r- t l. Log of all subcontractors, and a log of all materials and product suppliers. Include addresses and phone numbers ofeach party. t- 2. the Contact Surn Il 3. PR's, etc.)t 4. er requirements. 5. Obtain and submit releases enabling the Owner unrestricted use of the Work and access to services I and utilities. Include occupancy permits, operating certificates, and similar releases. I 6. Submit inspection reports and certificates ofagencies having jurisdiction. 7. Record submittals (product data and shop drawings), I 8. Submit to Architect, preliminary maintenance manuals, with wananties., I g. Pl*g" . or settlement surveys, testing reports, property surveys, and similar funl record lfiotrnatlon. - 10. Deliver tools, spare parts, extra stock, and similar items. I I coNrRAcrclos'our 01700 - I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. t I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I l t 11. Make final changeover of permanent locks and transmit kep to the Owner. Advise the Owner's personnel of changeover in security provisions. Complete startup testing of systems and instruction of the Owner's operation and rnintenance personnel after operation and maintenance nunuals have been submitted and approved. Inspection Reports and certificates of agencies having jurisdiction. Discontinue and remove terporary facilities from the site, along with mockups, construction tools, and similar elemeuts. Conplete final cleanup requirements, including touchup painting. Touch up and otherwise repair and restore marred, exposed furishes. The Contractor shall notiS all applicable regulatory agencies that dre Project is conplete and ready for final irspection, etc. Notifications shall include: a. Town of Vail l) CertificaleofOccupancy b. State of Colorado Plurnbing Board c. State ofColorado Electical Board d- Health Departrnent e. Any other agencies having jurisdiction. Within 5 days of notification and receipt of submittals, the Architect will schedule an Initial Inspection. Initial Inspectioa Upon the C-ontractot's claim of Conpletion, the Owner and his Engineers, the Architect and his Engineers, as appropriate, will inspect the Project as indicated in the C.onditions of the Conhact. The "punch list" irspection will not be rnade until preliminary operating and maintenance manuals bave been delivered to the Architect and formd by him to be subshntially cornplete. The combined total mrmher of prmch list iter6 identified by the Owner and Architect sball not exceed 100. lf m61s rhan 100 deficiencies are identified, the irnpection will be canceled and Contractor will be billed for both the Architect's and Owner's tiare spent. ConFactor shall take notes and distribute punchlists to the Sub{ontractors. Multiple Punch List: Conkactor shall notif Owner and Architect 30 working days in advance if they anticipate multiple punch list for different areas of the building. If Contractor requires additional 'lunch list" inspections, and Architect and his Consultants will be reimbursed by Contractor, for the tirne and travel. l. The Confactor will proceed imrnediately to conplet€ all iterns and will transmit to the Architect weekly a report of the progress on or conpletion of each item on the "punch list" and the Contractols list. Any non-conforming or incorrplete work coming to the Architect's attention during this period will be added to the list. Inspection Procedures: On receipt of a request for inspecfion" the Architect will eittrer proceed with inspection or advise the Conhactor of unfilled requirements. The Architect will prepare the Certificate of Substantial Completion following inspection or advise the Contractor of corstruction that must be completed or conected before the certificate will be issued. 1. Results ofthe completed inspection will form the basis of requirements for final acceptance. At final pay application, the Architect will submit to the owner a list of all inconplete items and assess a value. An amount of three times this value will be wittrheld from final and subsequent payments. 12. 13. t4. 15. 16. D, l. F. CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Vail Mountain School Projeo Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. H. In the Application for Payment that coincides with" or first follows, the date Substantial Conpletion is claimed show 100 percent corryletion for the portion of the Work clainred as substantially conrplete. If 100 pcrcent cornpletion camot be shown, include a list of incofiplete items, the value of inconplete cotrstuctio4 and reasons the Work is not conplete. Submittal of Final Application for Payment shall be ia accordalce with the roquirernents of the General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions of the Contact. Application shall not be submitt€d until all conkact closeout requirements have been met. I.O3 FINALACCEPTANCE A. Final Inspection: Within five (5) days of receipt ofa request for inspectio4 and all required submittals and repor(s) have been submifted, fte Architect will schedule a final inspectioa 1[s inspection vrill be attended by the Architect, the Architect's Consulbnts, Ownet's Representative, the General Contractor and major Sub{onhactors. A punch-list ofwork to be acconplished before acceptance ofthe project will be prepared by the Architect and distributed to all concemed parties. At the tinp of final inspection, the Conhactor shall tum over all rnechanical systens and utility responsibilities to the Owner. If the building has been occtpied prior to final inspectioa fie Confractor will tum over s]6tems at &at tirne. 1' Upon conpletion of tris inspectiorq the Architect will continue to closeout the project as indicated in the Conditions of tho Contract or advise the Confi:actor of Work that is incorrplete or of obligations tbat have not been fulfilled but are require.d for final acceptanc e. 2. Ifnecessary, inspection will be repeated- B. Kcying Inspectior,... Unless otherwise arrznged. at the tinre of final inspection tbe Contractor shall provide all kep at the project site. A full inspection of all locla and keying will be conducted by the C,onbactor and Owner at that tirrn. At the conpletion of the Keying Inspectior, all keys will be tumed over to the Owner's Project i,Ianager. C. Reinspections: Should Owner and Architect be required to perform more than one conpletion inspection or rpre than one final inspection because of failure of Work to corryly with origjnal certifications of Contractor, Owner will conpensate himself, Architect for additional sewices, and deduct amount paid ftom fiml paynrcnf to ConFactor. D. Within 30 calendar days ofthe issuance oftbe final punch lisl tle Contractor shall have cornpleted all punch list items. At lhat tfune, the Contactor sball advise the Architect in writing that the work has been thoroughly inspected and is conducted the following shall be submitted to the Architect: L A set of drawiags marked in red erasable pencil to reflect variations between original drawings and as-built conditions. Changed areas sball be clouded and reference trc instrurnent that described the cbange. (ASI, CCD, PR, RFI, etc.) 2. A log of all subcontractors, and a log of all nrraterials and product suppliers. Include addresses and phone numbers ofeach party. E. Withh 10 calcndar dap of receipt of above notification and submithls, the Architect will schedule an acc€ptanc€ review. F. If all prmch-list iterns have been conpleted to the satisfaction of the Architect and Owner, fie Architect will reconnrend acceptance ofthe project. The project will then be placed on the Board ofEducation agendz for accepnnce. CONTRACT CLOSEOIJT 01700 - 3 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C I I ! I I I I I T : I I I I I I I I I G. H. L r.04 1. If the Owner elects to accept the project without corpletion of all punch-tst items, an amount e$x to three tirnes the value of inconplete work will be held ftom subsequent pay requests until items have been conpleted. The Conbactor shall then submit to the Architect: l. All guarautees and warranties required by the Contract Documents. All guarantees and warranties shall bear drc effective date of the reconnrpnded date of Final Acceptance as established by the Architect a. A written v/arranty addressed to the Owner, properly siped and notarized warranting tbat the ConEactor and each subcontractor shall remedy any defects due to faulty materials or workrnanship and pay for consequential damage resulting therefrorq which appear in his work within a period of one (l) year ftom the Date of Subsiantial Conpletion b. Warranties as specified in hdividuat sections of the Specifications. All warranties shall include the nanre and address of the Contractor, subconFactor or supplier, the prolect narne, and the iter{s) being warranted- Warranties specified rmder individual sections of the Specification for periods longer than one (l) year sball include paynent for consequeutial damage due to faulty materials or worknalship for firll duration of wan-anty.c. Inspection C€rtificat€s: Each zubcontactor shall, upon conpletion of work, secure in tiplicate all certificates from any State or local goveming body having jurisdiction in dictating tbat the work is in strict accordance with applicable codes and deliver same to the ConFactor for trarumittal to the Architect. 2. Final Application for Paynrent No additional paFnents will be made if certificate of occupancy (or certificate of conpliance) has not been provided. 3. Consent ofsurety to final paynrent 4. CertificateofOccupancy. 5. Operating and maintenance nnnuals for all equiprrent and products as required by the Conhact Docu[pnts llnlst be approved and submitted to Owner. Upon receipt of the preceding items, the Architect will recommend final payment including retention. All closeout related documents, submittals, and required paperwork shall be delivered to the Architect AT ONE TIME for each phase of closeout. FINALCLEANING Sequencing/Scheduling: Final cleaning, including all labor, materials and equipment necessary, shall occur prior to final and acceptance inspections. The Contractor shall nnintain cleaned areas in a spotless condition until final acceptance. Materials: All materials used in final cleaning shall be manufactured for the specific purpose for which they are used or shall be recommended by the manufachrer of the product or material being cleaned. Adjusting and Cleaning: At the completion of the worlg the Contractor shall remove all spots, dust, grease, fingerprints and flims ftom floors, walls, ceilings, windows, doors, glass, cabinetry, hardware, frxtures, elechical and mechanical equipment and elevator equipment. l. Clean all plumbing hxtures to sanitary conditions. Remove all water stains from fixture surfaces.2. Vacuum carpets. Shampoo carpets ifnecessary to remove stains. CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 4 I I t l I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. 3. Clean surfaces in non-occupied arsas. Broom clean concreG floors, Wipe down and rernove spots from unpainted walls and ceilings. 4. Power scrub and buffall hard surface flooring. D. Restoration of Darnaged Materials: Rernove and replace all items which cauot !e conrpletely cleaned. Replace all broken, scratched or cracked glass and plastics. 1,05 RECORDDOCUMENTSTJBMITTAIS A. General: Submit Record Documents in accordance with Conditions of 6e C,ontmct within 28 calendar days of Substantial Completion. l. SubmittalsRequired: a. Allidavit of Payment of Debts and Clairns: AIA G706. b. Afrdavit of Release of Liens: AIA G706A. c. Consent ofsurety to Final Pa)rnelt: AIA G707. B. Upon conpletion of the Projec! submit I copy of Pmject Record Documents to the Architect for review. Upon approval of the submitted documents, the Contactor shall submit 4 corplete sets ofproject record docurnents to the fuchitect for delivery to the Cherry Creek Schools Project Manager. Architect will incorporate changes and submit electronic files only to Owner. C. Asbestos Qsftaining Material: Provide a letter certifting that to the best of the Contuactor's knowledge and belief, no asbestos containing rnterials have been incorporated into this project D. Sales and Use Tax Certificates. E. Miscellaneous Keys, Switches, Etc.: All loose keys for hose bibs, adjustnent keys and wrenches for door closers and panic hardware, keys for electric switches, electrical panels, etc., shall be accounted for, labeled, and hrmed over to the Owner. Provide evidence of delivery to Owner by sigled receipt. F. Spare Parts aud Materials: As specified in individual sections, dcliver to Owner stating amounts of materials delivered (number of gallons, cases, etc.). Provide evidence of delivery to Owner by signed receipt. G. Record Drawings: Maintain a clean, undarnged set of blue or black line white-prinf of Contract Drawings, Specifrcations, Addenda, Change Orders, other modifications to Ore Conhac! Field Test Records, Approved Shop Drawings, and other approved documents submitted by the Contractor in conpliance with specification requirements. Mark the set to show the actual installation where the installation varies substantially from the Work as originally shown. Mark whichever drawing is most capable of showing conditions fully and accurately; where Shop Drawings are used record a uoss- teference at the conesponding location on the Contract Drawings. Give particular attention to concealed elements that would be diffrcult to measure and record onto record documents at a later date. l. Label each document 'PROJECT RECORD COPY' h 2" high printed letters. Keep record documents current. 2. Mark record sets with red erasable pencil; use other colors to distinguish between variations in sepaxate cat€gories of the Work. CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 5 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. 3. Mark new information tlnt is irryortant to the Owner, but was not shown on Contact Drawings or Shop Drawings. 4. Note rclated ASI's, PR's, CCD's and RFI's nurnbers where applicable. 5. Contactor to record the following infonnation in the Record Project Manual: a. Manufacturer, hade narne, catalog nrmrber, and supplier of each prqduct and item of equipnrent in each section actually installed. b. Changes by addendum, shange order or field order. c. Other matters not originally specified. 6. The following information must be recorded on the Record Drawings: a. Location ofall new exterior tmdergroud utility lines. b. Location of intemal utilities and apputenances concealed in constmction referenced to visible and accessible feafiues of the stuchre. 7. Organize record drawing sheets into rranageable see, bind with durable paper cover sheets, and print suitable titles, dates and other idenffication on the cover of each set. Store record documents apart from documents used for construction- Project record documents shall be available at all tinres for review ofthe Architect or Owner. 8. Record drawing inforrnation with opaque lines and symbols confomring to Contact Drawings. Note where positions ofelernents have been cbanged- Follow rnethods directed by Architect. 9. Keep Record Documents current Update at least weekly. 10. Record field changes ofdinrersion and detail made during constuction process. Il. Record changes nrade by Change Order or Field Order. 12. Record details not on original Conh-act Docur€nts. 13. Do not permanently conceal any wor( including lay-in ceiling panels, until required information has been recorded a. Horizontal and vertical location of underground utilities and appurtenances referenced to permanent surface inrylrovenrcnb. b. Location of internal utilities aud appurteumces concealed in consEuction referenced to visible and accessible feahues ofstruchre. c. Deptls of various elernents of foundation in relation to rnain floor level. d. Location ofall valves, dampers, controls, balancing devices, junction boxes, cleanouts, other items requiring access or rnainteuance. H. Record Shop Drawings: Maintain as record drawings: l. kgibly annotate shop drawings to record chenges made after review. 2. At conpletion of the project the as-built noted set of documents shall be tumed over to the Architect. The Architect will utilizs this information along with other available data in preparing t]re "As-Built Record Drawings" for the project. 3. Refer to Divisions 15 "Mechanical", and Division 16 "Electrical" for supplemental requirerrcnts for Project Record Documents. I. Record Specificatioru: Maintain four (4) complete copies of the Project Manual, including addenda, and three copies of other written corstruction documents such as Change Orders and modifications issued in printed form during constuction Mark these documents to show substantial variations in actual Work pcrforrned in conparison with the text of the Specifications and modifications. Give particular attention to substitutiors, selcction of options and similar inforrnation on elements that arc concealed or cannot otherwise be readily discerned later by direct obseryation Note related record drawing information and t I T I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 6 a. b. d. e. I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. Product Data. Identi& in each section maDufactuer, tade n;ame, catalog nuriber, options, supplier, color, texhrre, pattem aud Subcontactor as appropriate. I . Upon conpletion of the Wort submit record Specifications to the Architect for the Ownefs records. J. Record Product Dah: Maintain one copy of each Product Data submittal. Mark ftese docurnen6 to show sipificant variations in actrral Work perfomrd in cornparison with information submitted. Include variations in products delivered to the sitg and from the manufacfurefs insbllation insructions and recommendation Give particular attention to concpaled products and portions of the Work which cannot otherwise be readily discemed later by direct obsewation Note related Change Orders and nrark-up of record drawiqgs and Specifications. 1. Upon coryletion of the mart-up, submit corplete set of record Product Data to 6e fucbitect for the Owne/s records. 2. Maintain list of products provided rmder each Specffication Section and any changes made to bmnc model Subcontractor or ftstaller, so ftat final listing will accurately reflect the nuterials, equipment and systems incorporated in the Work Use list for creating Table of Contents for Record Product Data submittal. K. Record Sarryle Submitted: Imrnediately prior to the date of Conpletion, the Conhactor will rne€t at the site wift the Architect and the Owner's personnel to determine which of the submitted Sanples tlnt have been maintained duing progress of the Work ars to be transmitted to the Owner for tecord purposes, Coryly with delivery to the Owner's Sarple storage area- 1.06 OPERATIONANDMAINTENANCEMANUALS A. Operation aad Maintenance Manual Submittat When each constuction activity that requires submittal of operation and rnaintenance manuals is nominally conplete, but before Substantial Corrpletio4 submit operation and rnaintenance manuals specified. Operation and Maintenauce Manuals must b€ Eubmitted reviewed and approved prior to any owuer training sessions. l. Organize reviewed operation and rnintenance manuals into suitable sets of manageable size. For multiple volume sets- include volume number and total number of volurres on spiae and cover. Include all sections for building and corresponding volume on Table of Contents. Do not limit Table of Contents to sections included in a specific volume, 2. Bind data into individual 3-ring binders for each manual, properly identified on front and spine. For large rranuals, provide an index sheet and thumb tabs for separat€ information categories. 3. Provide I to 2 inch (25 to 50 mm) maximum thickness volumes as required to contain information, sized for 8-l/2-by-l I -inch (215-by-280-mm) paper with irside pockets or pocket folders for folded sheets. Each set of maintenance manuals for Owner training and use must be bormd at full length on manual's left edge. 4. In each maintenance manual, include information specified in individual Specification Sections and the followins of each item: Product Manufachrer Item name Item number Serial number General location Emergency instructiors. Spare parts list. COIJTRACT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 7 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. t T I I I h. Copies of specific warranties. i. Wiring diagrams and circuit number (if applicable)j. Recommended maintenance procedures and turn-around times. k. Inspection and system-test procedues. l. Copies of applicable Shop Drawings aud Product Data. rn Listing of required mainteuance rnaterials and services. n. o. P. Names, addresses and phone numbers of nearest sources of manufactuer's representative for product service and maintenance materials. Maintenance drawings and diagrams. Precautions against inproper maintenance and exposure. 5. Roofing Maintenance Insurance and Repair Instructions: a. At the completion of the project, submit copies of manufacturer's standard literatue describing the care, rraintenancg and repair of the installed roofing systern b. Include guidelines to assure validity ofwarranty coverage. c. Include names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the Conhactor, Manufacturer, Regional Distributor, and Manufachuer "hotline". 6. Submittals: a. Provide four (a) corylete sets of printed operations and maintenance instructions for all identified components of the work b. Instsuctiou nranuals shall be dclivered to the Architect at one time for his review and approval. (2) prelimiuary copies may be delivered for review prior to frnal (4) submittal. 7. Refer to Division 15 "Mechanical", and Division 16 "Electical", for supplemental requirements for Operation and Maintenance Data- B. Miscellaneous Record Submittals: Refer to other Specifrcation Sections for requirements of miscellaneous record-keqing and submittals io connection with actual performance of the Worlc knrnediately prior to the date of Corrpletioq corrplete miscellaneous records and place in good order, properly idenfrfied and bormd or filed, ready for continued use and reference. Submit to the Architect for the Owner's records. l. Include manufacturet's certifications, field test records, copies of permits, licenses, certifications, inspection reports, releases, notices, receipb for fee payments, and similar documents. I.O7 POST-CONSTRUCTIONINSPECTION A. Prior to expiration of one (l) year from Date of Substantial Conryrletion, the Owner, Architect and Contractor will tour the project to detcrmine whether corrective wananty work is required. Conhactor will be notified in writing of all deficicncies. Contractor must correct noted deficiencies within ten (10) days of receipt ofnotification. I.O8 DEMONSTRATIONS A. Mechanical Systems: Confractor/Mechanical Subconhactor shall instruct the Owner's representative(s) once on the proper operation and maintenance of the mechanical systems. As a minimum, presenting participants shall include Mechanical Contractor, and the CMGC. The Design Engineer shall attend this demonstration. I I I I I I I I I I t I t I CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 8 I ! .a Vail Mountain School I Project Number 2001.028 t Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. I I B. These instructions shall be video taped by the Contractor. At the conpletion of the instructional periods, the video tapes shall be tumed over to the Owner for futue reference. I C. Electrical Systern: C.onhactor/Electrical Contractor shall instruct the Owner's representative(s) twice on r the proper operation of the entire electrical installatiorL including any and all special systens provided under this contract One ofthe instuction periods shall be for building users. I r.lo wARRANrY sIJBMrrrALs 1| A. In accordance with Divisionl Section'TVarranties." I PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) I PART3 -HGCUTION (NotApplicable)a END OF SECTION O17OO I I I I I I I I I I I I coNrRAcrclos'o'r 01700 - 9 I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. SECTION OI74O - WARRANTIES PART I -GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requtements for warranties required by the Contract Documents, including rranufacturers standard warranties on products and special warranties. l. The Contractor shall guarantee in writing to the Owner that all work performed and all matedals and equipnrnt fumished utrder this contact are new and in accordance with the Contract Documents, are free ftom defects in equipment, materials, or design furnished or workmanship performed by the Contractor or any of his subcontactors or suppliers at any tier. Such guarantee shall continue for a period of eighteen months from the date of final acceptance of the work. 2. Under this guarantee, the Contractor shall agree to remedy at his own expense any inferior or defective equiprren! rnaterials, worlcnanship, or design that should develop during the guarantee period, or in restoring any other work damaged in fulfilling the terms ofthe guarantee. Manufachuer Guarantee and Warrantv: l. As identified iu other Sections of these Specifications, the Contactor shall obtain and provide written manufacturer's guarantees andlor warranties for specific materials, products, and equipment firmished under ' is contract. 2. Such guarantees and warranties shall be valid for the period of time stated in each applicable specification ftom the date of fural acceptance of thc work, but not less rh2n l8 months. Disclaimers and Limitations: Manufactruefs disclaimers and limitations on product warranties do not relieve the Contractor of the wananty on the Work that incolporates the products. Manufacturer's disclaimers and limitations on product warranties do not relieve suppliers, manufachuers, and subcontractors required to countersigl special warranties with the Contractor. DEFINITIONS Standard ptoduct warranties are preprinted written warranties published by individual manufachrers for particular products and are specifically endorsed by the manufachuer to the Owner. Special warranties are written warranties required by or incorporated in the Conhact Documents, either to extend time limib provided by standard wananties or to provide greater rights for the Owner. WARRANTYREQUIREMENTS Warranties as specihed in individual sections of the Specifications. All warranties shall include the name and adfuess of the Contractor, subcontractor, or supplier, the project name, and the itern(s) being warranted. Warranties specified under individual Sections of the Specifications for periods longer than one (l) year shall include payment for consequential damage due to faulty materials or worlcnanship for full duration of wananty. Related Damages and Losses: When conecting failed or damaged wananted construction, remove and replace construction that has been damaged as a result of such failure or must be removed and replaced to provide access for correction of warranted construction. I I I I I B. B. 1.02 1.03 I I I I I I I t I I I I WARRANTIES 01740 - l Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. C. Reirutatement of Warranty: When Work covered by a warranty has failed and been corrected by replacement or rebuilding, reinstate the warranty by written endorsernent. The reinstated warranty shall be equal to the original warranty with an equitable adjustrnent for depreciation. D. Replacement Cost: Upon determination that Work covered by a warranty has failed replace or rebuild the Work to an acceptable condition conplying with requirements of the Conhact Documents. The Contractor is responsible for the cost of replacing or rebuilding defective Work regardless of whether the Owner has benefited from use of the Work tbrough a portion of its anticipated usefirl service life. Ownefs Recourse: Expressed warranties made to the Owner are in addition to inplied warranties and shall not limit the duties, obligations, righb, and remedies otherwise available under the law. Expressed warranty Periods shall not be interpreted as limitations on the time in which 0re Owuer can enforce such other duties, obligations, rights, or remedies. l. Rejection of Warranties: The Owner reserves the right to reject warranties and to limit selection to products with warranties not in conflict with requirements of the Contract Docurnents. Where the Contract Documents require a special warranty, or similar commitnent on the Work or part of the Work the Owner reserves the right to refuse to accept the Work, until the ConFactor presents evidence that entities required to countersign such commihents are willing to do so. EXCLUSIONS Warranty requirements contained in these Specifications take precedence. Exclusion clauses shall be superseded by warranty coverage requirements of the Specifications. The Contractor shall notiS the Architect of design conditions which cannot be fully warranted. Such notice shall be in writing prior to purchase of the affected prduct or systen Failure to provide such notice shall not be grounds for waiver of warranty requirements contained in the Specifications. Upon receipt of such notice, the Architect will consider modifications ne€essary to assure that final construction is warrantable to the full extent of specification requirements. SIJBMITTALS Submit written warranties to the Architect prior to the date certified for Substantial Completion. All warranties aud guaranties will become effective as of the date of Final Acceptance ofProject. l. When a desigrnted portion of the Work is complcted and occupied or used by the Owner, by separate agreement with the Conkactor during the construction period, submit properly executed warranties to the Architect within l5 working days of corpletion of that designated portion of the Work. When the Contract Documents require the Contractor, or the Conkactor and a subcontactor, supplier or manufacturer to execute a special warranty, prepare a written document that contains appropriate terms and identification, ready for execution by the required parties. Submit a draft to the Owner, through the Architect, for approval prior to final execution. F. I I I T I I I I I I l.u I I I I t I I I I D. B. l.0s WARRANTTES 01740 -2 I I I I I I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 200 1.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenla DuBois Architects, P.C. C. Form of Submittal: 1. Guarantee and Warranty certificates shall be bound into the Operation and Maintenance Manuals as specified in Division I Section "Conract Closeout." 2. General Contractor Guaranrce: Submit four original executed copies to the Architect with Project Closeout materials. 3. ManufacturerGuaranteeAVarranty: a. Submit two sample copies to the Architect prior to ordering warranted products. b. Submit four original executed copies to the Architect with Project Closeout rnaterials. 4. ExtendedWarranties: a. Submit two sarryle copies to the Architect prior to ordering warranted products. b. Submit four original executed copies to the Architect with Project Closeout materials. 5. Upon Substantial Conpletioa include original executed warranties in Operation and lvlaiatenance Manuals, including t1ryed description of the product or installation, including the nanre of the product and the narne, address, and telephone number ofthe Installer. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NotApplicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NotApplicable) END OF SECTIONOTT4O I I I I I I I I I T T I WARRAI\ITIES 01740 - 3 I Vail Mountain School t Project Number 2001.028 a Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. I SECTION02300-EARTHWORK PART I - GENERAL r I.I SECTION INCLUDES I A Clearing grubbing and site preparation I B. Removal and disposal of debris C. Handling, storage, transportation, and disposal of excavated material - D. Sheeting shoring, bracing and protection work I F: i:Ifiii,il'o dewatering as required or necessary u- I oDsoll t i' L'm**:l'nu,",,aembankments J. TrenchStabilization r K. Slope Stabilization I L. Erosion Control rt M. Appurtenant work I r.z REI-ATED sEcrIoNS I A. Section 02740 - Flexible Pavement I B. Section 02750 - Pordand Cement Concrete Paving I I.3 REFERENCES t A ASTM c33 - concrete Aggregates r B. ASTM Cl36 - Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates C. ASTM D1241 - Material for Soil Aggregate Sub-basg Base and Surface Courses I D. ASTM D698.- Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using I 5.5 lb Rammer and I Z-lnch Drop E. ASTM D4253 - Test Methods for Maximum Index Density of Soils Using a Vibratory Table I F. ASTM D4254 - Test Methods for Minimum Index Density of Soils and Calculations of Relative Density I G. ASTM D2922 - Test Methods for Density of Soil and Soil - Aggregate Mixtures in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth) .r H. ASTM D3017 - Test Method for Moisture Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures I L Town of Vail, Department of Public Works constructions speciffcations and standards, latest edition, and t Standard Details. I t.4 SUBMITTALS r A. Submit under provisions of Division One Speciffcations I B. Product Data: Submit on all products or materials supplied herein I C. Test Reports: Indicate supplier, sieve analysis, optimum moisture content and density in accord and with t' ASTM D698 or D4253/D4254 if appropriate for crushed rock or gravel, pipe embedment and material for fills and embankment I I.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. All imported mate.ial to be free of hazardous and organic wastes and 'dean'as defined by EPA. t EARTFTWORK O?3OO-I I I t I I I I I t I t I I t I I I t t I c. D. z.l Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. 1.6 REGUTATORYREQUIREMENTS A No burning is allowed. Comply with all codes, regulations and laws. 1.7 DELIVERYSTORAGEANDHANDLING A. Deliver, store, protect and handle materials under provisions of Division One Speciffcations I.8 ENVIRONMENTALREQUIREMENTS A. Protcct adjacent structures and surrounding areas from damage during excavation, fflling, and backfllling B. Protect work from erosion or other similar types of darnage until the project has been completed. Leave protection in place for subsequent contracts as directed by the Engineer C. Do not backfill or construct fills during freczing weather. Backfill or construct fflls only when temperature is 35 degrees F and rising l). Do not use frozen materials, snow, or ice in any backfill or fill area E. Do not backfill or construct fill on frozen surfaces F. Protect excavated material from becoming frozen G. Do not rcmove trees from outside excavation or fill areas unless authorized by the Engineer; protect from permanent damage by construction activities H. Provide temporary bridges for roadways, walkways, driveways, etc. PART2 PRODUCTS MATERIATS General - Soil materials, whether from sources on or offthe site must be approved by the soils engineer as suitable for intended use and specifically for required location or purpose. All import matenal to be certified as 'clean' for EPA purposes. Classification of Excavatcd Materials: l. None 2. Remove and handle all excavatcd material rcgardless oftype, character, composition, condition, or depth. This includcs the sandstones and claystones encountered onsite which have historically been ripped from place. 3. Transport and properly dispose ofany rubble and waste materials found in excavation off the Owner's property Fills and Embankments l. To the maximum extent practical use excess earth from excavation for fflls and ernbankments 2. Obtain additional material from borrow arcas as necessary 3. Free from rocks or stones larger than I2-inch in greatest dimension and free from brush, stumps, logs, roots, debris, and organic and other deleterious materials 4. Fill and embankment material acceptable to Engrneer 5. No rocks or stones larger than 6-inches in upper l8-inches of fill or embankment 6. Where allowed, distributc rocks and stones through the fill to not interfere with compaction 7. Crushed rock or gravel: Graded I - 1/2-inch, ASTM C3 3, free of dust, clay or trash Topsoil l. Topsoil is defined as friable (easily crumbled) clay loam surfhcc soil found in a depth of not less than 4" below existing gradc, 2. Clean topsoil will be stockpiled or imported fbr rcvegetation and spread to 4" minimum depth EARTHWORK 02300-2 I 3/4 lt2 3t8 G. I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil ./ Sirework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. 3. Reuse stockpiled topsoil containing plants and seeds in designated areas only. E. Pipe Bedding: Graded gravel l. Washed rock - l-l/2 inch minus 2 t-lt2 I 3/4 t/2 3/8 2. Washed rcck - 3/4 inch minus 100 95-100 80-95 3045 10-2s <l Sieve Size (InchJ Percent Passing by Weieht 100 95-100 254s <5 3. Washed 3/8 inch pea gravel 4. Squeegee Sieve Size (InchJ Percent Passirig by Weight 3/8 No.4 No.8 No. l6 No.30 No.50 No. 100 No.200 100 85-r00 3U70 540 0-15 0-10 &5 <l F. 5. Finely divided site excavated material free from debris, clay lumps, organic material and stones larger than 2-inches in greatest dimension. Compacted Trench Backfill l. Job excavated material finely divided; free of debris, organic material, and stones larger than 3-inch in greatest dimension, without masses of moisg stiff clay Z. Graded gravel: As speciffed for pipe embedment Trench Cover l. Free of brush, debris and roots 2. May contain rubble and detritus from rock excavation, stones and boulders if well separated and , arranged not to interfere with backfill settlement 3. In upper l8-inch no rock or rock excavated detritus except with specific acceptance ofEngineer 4. No stones larger than &inch in greatest dimension within 3 feet of top of pipe Free Drainage Gravel L Graded gravel with less than 5% passing #200 sieve and more than 50% retained on the #4 sieve EARTT{WORK 02300-3 t I I I I t I T I I I I I I I I I t I B. c. B. 33 34 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. 2.2 ACCESSORIES A. Straw bales used for erosion control barriers: Wire or string wound and less than one year old. Do not use bales in an advanced state of deterioration regardless of age B. Stakes for erosion control bales: Z-inch x 2-inch wood stakes C. Silt Fence Fabric: woven polypropelyne l. Miraff 100X, "Envirofence" 2. Or accepted equal D. Slope protection: Jute Netting E. Erosion Mat: straw and coconut fiber with geosynthetic rncsh l. North American Green C350, turf reinforcement 2. Or accepted equal J. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.I EXAMINATION A. Field verify the location of all underground utilities, pipelines and structures prior to excavation 3.2 PREPARATION A. Clear site of roots, trash, and other objectionable material and debris except for that indicated to be left standing B. Clean and strip subgrade for fills and embankments of surface vegetation, sod tree stumps and organic topsoil C. Stockpile all vegetative debris and organic topsoil in designated stockpile areas, completely remove stumps, roots, and any non-organic waste materials from site and dispose of off-site D. Preparation of right ofways - clean, as necessary, for access, stringing ofpipeline materials and construction of pipelines and appurtenant structures E. Use stockpiled debris to restore'natural areas' designated on the plans F. Do not use open burning, on-site buming is not permitted PERFORMANCE - GENERAL Perform work in a safe and proper manner with appropriate precautions against hazard Provide adequate working space, clearances, shoring and ventilation for work performed within excavations and for installation and removal ofconcrete forms Contain all construction activity on the designated site. Cost of restoration off site will be born by the Contractor D. Clean sub-grades ofloose material before concrete is placed thereon E. Except where exterior sudaces arc to be damp-proofed, concrete structures that do not have footings that cxtend beyond the outside face of exterior walls may be placed directly against excavation faces without outer forms PRESERVATION OF TREES Do not removc trees outside fill or excavatcd areas, except as authorized by Engineer Protect trees left standing from permanent damage by construction opcration 'frim standing trees as directed by Enginccr EARTHWORK 023004 3.6 3.7 3.8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I T I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Pacltage Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. 3.5 TOPSOL c. D. E. F. B. C. B. c. Strip native topsoil from designated areas and areas of building construction and paving to whatever depths encountered in a manner to prevent intermingling with the underlying subsoil or other objectionable material Finely shred all vegetation down to ground line and leave on surface. Where trees are indicated to be left standing stop topsoil stripping a sufffcient distance to prevent damage to the main root system Location oftopsoil storage piles shall be determined by conshuction activity, or where otherwise directed. Construct storage piles to freely drain surface watei. Cover or water storage piles if required to prevent windblown dust The quantity of loose stockpiled topsoil will be measured by the Contractor after stockpiling work. Contractor will be required to replace any missing amount of stockpiled topsoil with speciffed topsoil At the completion ofother work in each area, place and grade topsoil to maintain giadient of existing slopes and contours except as required for building construction oras required by Owner DEWATERING Provide and maintain adequate dewatering equipment fincluding power supply if necessary) to remove and dispose of surface and groundwater entering excavations, trenches, and otlrer parts of the work Keep each excavation dry during subgrade preparation and continually thereafter until the structure to be built or the pipe to be installed is completed to the extent thet no damage from hydrostatic pressure, flotation, or other cause will result Dewater excavations which extend to or below groundwater by lowering and keeping the groundwater level beneath such excavation at least l2-inches below the bottom ofthe excavation Divert sudace water or otherwise prevent it from entering excavated areas or trenches to the extent practical without damaging adjacent property Maintain all drainage pipes, keep clean and free of sediment during construction and final cleanup Dewatering excavations to surface waterways requires a Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment dewatering permit Contractor must obtain dewatering permit and comply with discharge requirements therein, if necessary SHEETING, SHORING AND BMCING Provide proper and substantial sheetin& shoring and bracing in accordance with OSHA trenching standards, as required, to prevent caving or sliding, to protect workmen and the Work, and to protect existing structures and facilities Design and build sheeting shoring, and bracing to withstend all loads that might be caused by earth movement or pressure, and to be rigid, maintaining shape and position under all circumstances Do not pull trench sheeting before back{illing unless pipe strengtfi is sufficient, to carry trench loads based on trench width to the back of sheeting Do not brace sheeting left in place against the pipe, but support it in a manner that precludes concentrated loads or horizontal thrusts on pipe Cross braces installed above the pipe to support sheeting may be removed after pipe embedment is completed TRENCH STABILIZATTON Thoroughly compact and consolidate subjrades for concrete structuret precast stnrctures, and utility trench bottoms so they remain firm, dense and intact during required construction activities Remove all mud and muck during excavation Reinforce sub-grades with crushed rock or gravel if they become mucky during construction activities D. B. \-. D. EARTHWORK 02300-5 Vail Mountain School Project Nunrber 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. D. Finished elevation of stabilized sub-grades are to tre at or below subgrade elevations indicated on drawings E. Allow no more than l/2-inch depth of mud or muck to remain on trench bottoms when pipe bedding material is placed thereon 3.9 ROADWAY EXCAVATION AND SUBCRADE PREPARATION A. Excavate for roadways per the lincs, grades, cross sections and dimensions indicated on drawings B. Excavate unsuitable material frorn the subgrade and scarify to a minimum depth of8-inchcs C. After shaping, roll subgrade compacted to 95 perccnt of max density within 2 percent (*/-) optimum moisture content, ASTM D698 D. Reshapc and wet as rcquired E. Removc soft or otherwise unsuitablc material. and reolace with suitable material 3.IO FILLS AND EMBANKMENTS A. Level and roll subgrade so surface materials will be cornpact and bond with the first layer offifl or embankrncnt B. Place in horizontal layers 8-inch max uncompacted depth C. Spread and level material deposited in piles and windrows before compacting D. Thoroughly compact each layer by rolling or other means acceptable to Engineer to 95 percent of max density within 2 percent (+/-) optimum moisture content, ASTM D698 E. Alter compaction methods if material fails to meet specified density F. Where a trench passes through a fill or embankment, place and compact fill or embankment to l2-inches above the top of the pipe before excavating the trench G. Add water and harrow, disc, blade, or otherwise work each layer to obtain the uniform moisture conte nt and adequate compaction 3.I I BORROW OR SPOIL AREA A. Obtain suitable material required to complcte fills and ernbankments from on site areas as required B. The location, size, shape, depth, drainage, and surfacing of borrow pits or spoil fills shall be acceptable to Engineer C. Make all areas regular in shape with regular graded and surfaced side and bottom slopes when complcted D. Use material frce of debris and deleterious rnateria- 3.I2 BTASTINC A. Blasting or other use of explosives is not permitted 3.13 TRENCI-IEXCAVATION A- Establish alignment and grade or elevation from off.sct stakes B. Excavate trcnches so pipes can be laid straight at uniform grade without dips or bumps, between thc terminal elcvations indicated on the drawings C. Comply with pipe spccification sections regarding vcrtical and horizontal alignrncnt and max joint deflection D. Where grades or elevations are not fixed on the drawings, excavate trenches to provide a minimum depth of bar-kfill cover ovcr the top of pipe l. L5 feet for drainage prprng 2. 2.5 feet for gas piping 3. 3.0 feet in pavt'cl or graded streets where srrrface grades arc fixed I I t I I I I I I I T I I I I I I t I EARTHWORK 02300-6 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I Vail Mountain School Pmject Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. 4. 4.5 feet for sanitary sewer and water piping 5. Increase depth as required at vertical curves and for clearance beneath existing pipes, conduits, drains, drainage structures, or other obstructions encountered at normal pipe grades E. Measure pipe cover depth vertically from top of pipe to finished ground or surface elevation F. Do not open more trench in advance of pipe laying than is necessary to expedite the work; not more than 200 feet G. Except where tunneling or boring is indicated on the drawings, speciffed, or permitted by Engineer, excavate trenches by open cut from the surface H. Umiting trench widths Excavate to a width which will provide adequate working space and pipe clearances for proper pipe installation, jointing, embedment 1. If needed to reduce earth loads to prevent sliding cut banks back on slopes which extend not lower than I foot above the top of the pipe 2. Stipulated minimum clearances are minimum clear distances, not minimum average distances 3. Max trench width from Ginch above the top to trench bottom of the installed pipe: Pipe O.D. plus 24-inches 4. Limiting trench widths and permissible clearances from Ginches above top of pipe to trench bottom for installed pressure and non-pressute piping Minimum Trench Maximum Trench - Pipe Size flnqh)width width 4 6 a tz J. If the width ofthe lower portion ofthe trench exceeds the max permitted provide pipe of adequate strength, special pipe embedmeng or arch concrete encasement as required by loading conditions and as determined by Engineer Mechanical excavation l. Do not use where its operation would damage buildings, culverts, or other existing property, structures, or utilities above or below ground; hand excavate only in such areas Z. Use mechanical equipment of a type, design, and construction and operated so that a. Rough trench bottom elevation can be controlled b. Uniform trench widths and vertical sidewalls are obtained from I foot above the top ofthe installed pipe to the bottom ofthe trench c. Trench alignment is such that pipe is accurately laid to speciffed alignment and is centered in the trench with adequate clearance between pipe and trench sidewalls 3. Do not undercut trench sidewalls 4. Recompact trench bottom disturbed by bucket teeth prior to placement of embedment material Except as otherwise required excavate trenches below the underside ofpipes as indicated in the drawings to provide for installation of granular embedment pipe foundation material Where in earth, trench bottoms for 6-inches and smaller pipe may be excavated below pipe subgrade and granular embedment provided or the trench may be graded to provide uniform and continuous support (beween bell holes or end loints) of the installed pipg Contractor's option Whenever so directed by Engineer, excavate to such depth below a grade as Engineer directs and bring the trench bottom to grade with such material as Engineer may direct Provide concrete, or other foundations made necessary by unstable soil as directed by Engineer Excavate to provide adequate clearance for tools and methods of pipe installation M. N. o. l6 l8 24 t -6' I -6" 1-8', 2 -0" 2 -8' 3-0" 3-6', 4 ,6' L-O 2- 6', 2-8" 3-0" 3-8' 4,0" 4-6', 5-0" EARTHWORK 02300-7 3-14 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. P. Do not allow any part of bells or couplings to contact the trench bottom, walls, or granular embedment when pipe is joined a. Cuts in existing surface construction l. No larger than necessary to provide adequate working space 2. Cut a clean groove not less than l-l/Z-inch deep along each side of trench or around perimcter of excavatlon area 3. Remove pavement and base pavement to provide shoulder not less than 6 feet wide between cut edge and top edge of trench 4. Do not undercut trenches, resulting in bottom trench width greater than top widths 5. Make pavement cuts to and between straight or accurately marked curved lines parallel to trench centedine or lirnits of excavation 6. Remove pavement for connections to existing lines or structures only to thc extent required for the installation, as detcrmined by Engineer 7. Where the trench crosses the drives, walks, curbs, or other sudace construction, remove and replace the surface construction between saw cuts as specified for pavement PIPE EMBEDMENT A. Embed pipes above and below the bottom ofpipe as indicated in the drawings and as specified B. Spread and surface grade granular embedmcnt to provide continuous and uniforrn support beneath pipe at all points between pipe joints C. After grading, aligning, and placing pipe in final position, and shoring home, deposit and compact sufficient cmbedment under and around each side ofthe pipe and to hold the pipe in proper position and alignment during subsequent operations D. Place and compact embedment material uniformly and simultaneously on both sides of pipe to prevent lateral displacement E. Granular embedment compact by slicing with shovel or vibrating F. Maximum uncompacted thickness of layers: 6-inch G. Compacted embedment l. Maximum uncompacted thickness of layers: 8-inch 2. Compact to 95 percent rnax density as determined by ASTM D698 3. Compact to 70 percent relative density ASTM D4253/D4254 3.I5 STRUCTURAL FILL A. Refer to Soils Report for specifications and placement of structural fill. 3.I6 TRENCH BACKFILL A. Compacted backfill L For full depth oftrench above embedment 2. Bencath pavements, surfacing, driveways, curbs, gutters, walks or other surface construction or struCtureS 3. In street or roadway shoulders 4. Beneath fills and ernbankments B. Whcre the trench for I pipe passes beneath the trench ofanother pipe, compact the backfill for the lower trench to thc bottom of the uppcr trench C. Place job excavated materials in 8-inch max uncompactcd thickness, uniforrn layers D. Increased layer thickness may be perrnitted for uncohcsive material if Contractor demonstrates to Engineer's satisfaction that specified comprcted density will be achieved E. Use methods and equipment appropriate to the material to be compactcd to prevent transmission of damaging shocks to pipe I I I t I I I T t t t I t I I I I t I EARTHWORK 02300$ A. B. c. D. E. I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. F. Compact to 95 percent of max density within 2 percent [+/-J optimum moisture content per ASTM D698 or to an equivalent percent relative density per ASTM D4253/D4254 when appropriate G. Graded gravel I . Deposit in uniform layers of l2-inch max uncompacted thickness 2. Compact with suitable vibrating roller or platform vibrator to not less than 70 percent relative density per ASTM D 4253 /D 4254 H. Uncompacted backffll l. Compaction of backftll above pipe embedment in locations other than those specified. is required only to prevent future settlement 2. May be placed by any method acceptable to Engineer which will not impose excessive concentrated or unbalanced loads, shock, or impact on, and will not result in displacement of installed pipe 3. Do not drop compact masses of stiff clay or other consolidated material more than 5 feet into trench unless cushioned by 2 feet minimum of loose backfill above pipe embedment I. Finish the top portion of backfill with at least 4-inches of topsoil corresponding to, or better than, that underlying adjoining sodded areas. 3.I7 DRAINAGEMAINTENANCE A. Do not backffll trenches across roadways, drives, walks or other trafrffcways adjacent to drainage ditches or water courses prior to backfflling the trench on the upstream side ofthe trafficway to prevent impounding water after pipe is laid B. Backffll so that water does not accumulate in unfilled or partially ftlled trenches C. Remove materials deposited in roadway ditches or other water courses crossed by the trench line immediately after backfilling is completed and restore ditches and water courses to original sectiorl grade, and contours D. Do not obstruct surface drainage any longer than necessary E. Provide and maintain temporary bridges and otler structures across unfilled trenches as required to maintain traffic 3.t8 PROTECTION OF TRENCH BACKFILL Where trenches are constructed in ditches or otl-rer water courses, protect backfill from erosion Install ditch checks where the ditch grade exceeds I percent Minimum depth: 2 feet below the original ditch or water course bottom for the fulI bottom width Minimum width: l8-inches into the side slopes Minimum thickness: lZ-inches DISPOSAL OF EXCESS EXCAVATED MATERIATS A. Use excess excavated materials in fills and embankments where indicated on the drawings to the extent required B. Dispose of suitable excess excavated materials at locations on the site as directed by Engineer C. Remove debris, junk, broken concrete, broken asphal! rock, stones, stumps, logs, roots, and other unsuitable material from the site and dispose of it D. Except as otherwise permitted, dispose of excess excavated materials away from the site of the Work or as directed by Owner E. Distribute excess earth from excavations located in unimproved property directly over the pipe trench and within the pipeline right-of-way to a max depth of &inch above the original ground surface elevation at and across the trench and sloping uniformly each way l. Carefully finish material thus wasted with a drag blade machine, or other suitable tool to a smooth, uniform surface without obstructing drainage at any point 3.19 EARTHWORK 02300-9 Vail Mountain School Project Number 200t.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. 3.20 FINAI, GRADINC A. After cornpletion of all other work and after backfilling is completed and settled, bring to grade at the indicated elevations and slopes. B. Graders and other powcr equipment rnay be used fbr final grading and slope dressing if the result is uniforrn and equivalent to hand work C. Grade all surfaces for effective drainagc D. Provide a 2 percent minimum slope except as otherwise required E. Grade and surface to maintain gradient as indicated F. Provide survey per Division One Specifications, overlot survey 3.21 SLOPE AND CHANNF,L STABILIZATION A. Cover slopes or channel thalweg (deep waterline) with erosion control fabric mat where grade is greater than 2H to lV or where indicated on the Drawrngs B. tay fabric smoothly on surface, bury top end ofeach section in 6-inch dcep excavated topsoil trench. Provide 6-inch overlap minimum of adjacrnt rolls. Backfill trench and rake smooth, levcl with adjaccnt soil C- Secure outsidc edges and overlaps at 48-inch intervals with 4-inch to 6-inch U-shaped type pins or wooden stakes depending on ground co.tdition D. Lightly dress slopes with topsoil to ensure close contact between fabric and soil E. At sides of ditches, lay fabric laps in direction of water flow. Lap ends and cdges minimum 6-inches F. Maintain integrity oferosion control fabric I t I T I I I T T I I I I I I T I I I 3.22 B. C. D. 3.23 B. 3.24 STRAW BALE EROSION CONTROL BARRIERS Place straw bale erosion control barriers where designated on the plans, required below and/or where directed by the Engineer. Ficld locate straw bales along slopes, next to water courses and downstream of disturbed arcas to prevent surface runoff from eroding areas disturbed by Contractor during construction, to minimize the transport of suspended solids downstream or into adjacent streams, canals or ditches. Install each bale with wire binding oriented arorrnd the bale rather than on top ofthe bale. Stake each bale twice with rcinforcing stecl or wood stakes deep enough into the ground to securely anchor the bale. Maintain and replace bales as rcquired for an effective erosion control barrier. SETTLEMENT Warranty for setdcment of all fills, embankrlents, and backfflls is stipulated in the General Conditions from final complction of Contract under which Work is performed Repair or replacc within 30 days after receiving notice from Engineer or Owner FIELD QUAI,ITY CONTROL A. Provide undcr provisions of General Conditions B. Coordinate testing with Owner. Owner will provide all ficld testing to dctermine cornpliance of in place and backfill materials and compaction in accordance with the specifications C. Fills and Embankment L Two rnoisture-density relationship tests, ASTM D698, on each type of fill matcrial 2. One in-place cornpaction test fbr cach 2000 square feet every I .5 feet of vertical lift of material placed 3. Additional in-placc compaction tests at the discrction of the Owner D. Pipe Ernbedment arrd Backfill EARTHWORK 02300-10 I Vail Mountain School I Project Number 2001.028 I Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. I 1. Two moistureJensity relationship testt ASTM D698, or 2 relative density tests, ASTM I D42531D4254, as appropriate for each type of embedment on backftll material proposed, except granular embedment material - 2. One in-place compaction test every 100 lineal feet of trench in the compacted embedment zone and I at every 1.5 feet of vertical lift of backffll materials, ASTM D29721D3017 I 3. One in-place compaction test near top of trench for trench depth of 2 feet or less, ASTM D2922/D3017 I E. Additional testing as directed by Engineer J END OF SECTION I I I I I I I I I I t I I I EARTHWORK 02300-l I r Vail Mountain School Proiect Number 2001.028 I Civil / Sitework Package I Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. I SECTIONOzsIO-WATERDISTREUTION I PART I . GENERAL I l.or suMMARY I A. Section Includes: I I . Water service lines to 5' outside line of building for Domestic use. I 2. Water service lines to 5'outside line of building for Fire use. 3. Accessories. - 4. Trench excavation and backfill. r B. Related sections: l. Earthwork: Section 02300 I 2. Water, Intemal Meters and Fire Service Inside Building: Division 15 I 1.02 REFERENCES I A. Eagle River Water & Sanitary District 'standard Specificaitons for Water Lines,' latest edition, and Standard Details and the Town of Vail Public Works construction standards. I B. Reference Standards: Unless indicated otherwise, all work shall comply with standards referenced ! herein and indicated on the drawings. I l.o3 suBMrrrArs r Submit product data and catalbg information for all manufactured products fumished under this I Section in accordance wil,h Section 01330. I PART 2. PRODUCTS I 2.ol MATERIALs I All piping valves, ftttings, hydrants, connections, and concrete shall conform to the requirements ofthe I referenced stsndards and drawings. t PART 3 - EXECUTION I 3.01 INSTALTATIoN Trenching pipe and fitting installation, testin& excavation, backffll and compaction shall conform to the I requirements ofthe referenced standards and drawings. Compaction shall comply with Section 02300.r t END OFSECTTON I t I I wATERDISTRIBUTIoN 02510-l r Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 I Civil / Sitework Package I Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C I SECTION 02530 - SANITARY SEWER - PARTI-GENERAL I l.ol suMMARY I A. Section Indudes: I I. Sanitary Sewer to 5' Outside Line of Buildings I 2. Accessories including Cleanouts, Etc. r- B. Related Sections: I l. Backfrlling: Section02300 I 2. Sewe, "nJ Doinage Inside Building: Division 15 I l.o2 REFERENCES I A. Eagle River Water & Sanitary District 'Standard Specificaitons for Sewer Lines,'latest edition, and' I Standard Details and the Town of Vail Public Works construction standards. '- B. Reference Standatds: Unless indicated otherwise, all work shall comply with standards referenced - herein and indicated on the drawings. I l.o3 sUBMITTAts I Submit product data and catalog intormation for all manufactured products furnished under tl-ris f Section in accordance with Section 01330. t PART2-PRODUCTS - 2.ol MATERtats I Alt piping; clean-outs, connections, and concrete shall conform to the requirements of the referenced I standards and drawings. I PART3-EXECUTION I 3.01 INSTALLATION I Trenching, pipe and fitting installatiory testing, excavation, backftll and compaction shall conform to the - requirements of the referenced standards and dnwings. Compaction shall comply with Section 02300. T END OFSECTION. r I I I SANITARY sEwER ozs3o-l I I t I I I I t I I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Clvil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. SECTION 02630. DMINAGE SVSTEM PART 1 GENERAL l.l r.2 SECTION INCLUDES Piping and concrete structures for storm sewer system and roof drainage RET.ATED SECTIONS Section 02300 - Earthwork Section 02750 - Site Concrete Section 03401 - Precast Concrete Structures REFERENCES ACPA - American Concrete Pipe Association ASTM C76 - Reinforced Concrete Culverg Storm Drairy and Sewer Pipe ASTM Cl50 - Portland Cement ASTM C443 - Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe, Using Rubber Gaskets ASTM C497 - Testing Concete Pipe, Manhole Sections, or Tile DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Comply with applicable requirements of ASTM C76 Comply with Town of Vail Storm Drainage Design and Technical Criteria, latest edition. SUBMITTAI.S Submit under provisions of Division One Specifications Shop Drawings: Indicate standard loint detail, elevations, piping sizes complete, pipe laying schedule, and details of specials and ffttings Product Data: Provide sufficient data on pipe, gasket material, lubricant and accessories to verifr compliance with specifi cations. Manufacturers Certiftcate: Certifr that pipg meets or exceeds specified requirements. Conffrm all materials comply with applicable standards. Test Reports: Submit all shop and ffeld test reports in accordance with Division One Speciffcations DELIVERY, STOMGE, AND HANDLING Handling l. Handle so as to insure installation in sound undamaged condition. 2. Use equipmen! tools and methods for unloading reloading hauling and laying that do not damage pipe or cause an impacl Damaged pipe will be cause for rejection 3. Use hooks or straps with broad well padded contact surfaces for lifting sections of pipe ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS Weather limitations: Do not install piping over frozen surfaces or in standing water. I I t I I t A. B. c. l.J A. B. C. D. E. A. B. A, B. c. D. E. 1.4 1.5 1.6 T I I 1.7 DRAINAGESYSTEM 02630-l 7.1 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. PART2 GENERALPRODUCTS c. PIPE MATERIALS General: Provide pipcs of one of the following materials, of weight/class indicated. Provide pipe fittings and accessories of sarne material and weighvclass as pipes, with joining method as indicated Fittings: Furnish ells, tees, wyes, couplings and other fittings of the same type and class of material having equal or superior physical and chemical properties as acceptable to the Architect Reinforced Concrete Pipe: ASTM C76 l. l2-inch RCP Class V, with modified tongue-andgroove compression gasket joints complying with ASTM C443. 2. l5-inch RCP class IV (class V when specified on plans) with modified tongue-and-groove compression gaskct joints complying with ASTM C443. 3. l8-inch thru 24-inch RCP Class III (Class lV or V when specified on plans) with modiffed tongue- and-groove compression gasket joints complying with ASTM C44J.4. 27-inch thru 36-inch RCP Class II (Class III, IV or V when specified on plans), with modified tongue- and-groovc compression gasket joints complying with ASTM C443. PVC sewer Pipe: ASTM D3033, Type PSP, sDR 35 (perforated for under drains only); or ASTM D3034, Typc PSM, sDR 35 with PVc, ASTM D3033 or D3034, solvent cement joints complying with ASTM D2855 using solvent cement complying with ASTM D2564; or elastomeric joints complying with ASTM D3212 using elastomeric seals complying with ASTM F477. ACCESSORIES Use pipe plugs or caps provided by the pipe rnanufacturer and approved by the Engi.cer for pipe stubouts. Cleanouts: Provide as indicated, pipe extension to grade with ferrule and countersink cleanout plug. Provide round cast-iron access frame over cleanou! with heary duty secured scoriated cover with lifting device. Cleanout riser shall be of equal diameter as service line it is installed on. Maximum riser diameter shall be 8'. Trench Drain: ACO Kl00S orapproved equal. CONCRETE CATCH BASINS Sand-Oil Interceptor: I - Number of Units: Per plans 2' Single unit. Multiple units to perform separation, capture, or storage is not acceptable.3. Design flow rate: 2 cubic feet per second 4. Minimum runoffvolume capture: 70 to 90-percent of annual runoffvolume 5. Total suspended solids removal at annual runoff volume: 70 to 80 percent 6. Floatable free oil removal rate at annual runoff volume: 90 percent 7. Must be capable of trapping silt and clay size particles in addition to larger particles 8. Designed for HS 20 traffic loading at surface 9. Equipped with internal high flow bypass. External bypasses are not acceptable 10. Minimum l2-inches of oil storage, lined with fiberglass to provide secondary containment of any hydrocarbon material I l. Minimurn one acce ss point from surface for maintenance 12. Manufhcturer: Carcler Concrete Products - Stormceptor STC I 200 Approved equal Precast or cast-in-place as shown. Use concrete which will attain a 28-day compressive strength of not lcss than 4,000 psi with a cenrent content of not less than 6 sacks Der cu. vd. I I t t I I I T I I T I I I I t l t I 02630-2 B. D. 2.2 2.3 a. b. DRAINAGE SYSTEM A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. L J. 3.2 I I t I I t I I I t t I I I I I I I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 200 1.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. C. Precast Concrete Units: ASTM C478 and C789, wall'Bo, minimum wall thickness of l/12 of intemal diameter. Cast steps into units. l. Prqvide as shown on drawings D. Cast-in'ptace Concrete Units: As shown on the drawings complying with the City and County of Denver Design and Construction Standards and Colorado Department of Trensportation. E. Catch Basins, Frames and Gratings: Grey cast iron, hot dipped asphalt coated, ASTM A48, Class 30 B. 7.4 CONCRETE MATERIATS A Follow requirements specified in Division Three sections. 2.5 SOILMATERIAI.S A. Furnish pipe bedding and cover as specifted in Section 2300, Earthwork. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.I PREPARATION A. Shape trench and place bedding as speciffed in Section 02300 and as shown on the drawings. l. Dig bell or coupling holes 2. Do not support pipe on blocks or mounds of earth. 3. Provide uniform and continuous bearing and support for full length of pipe between bell holes 4. Minor disturbance over a maximum length of 18 inches near the middle of each length of pipe will be permissible by the withdrawal of pipe slings or other lifting tackle B. Alignment and Grade l. Except as indicated on the Drawings, lay all pipe straight and at a uniform grade. 2. Use batter boards to determine and check pipe subgrades. 3. Other methods of maintaining alignment and grade may be acceptable if approved by the Engineer. PIPE INSTALLq,TION Inspect pipe and accessories for defects before lowering into trench. Replace any defective, damaged or unsound pipe. Carefully lower pipe, fittings, and accessories into tle trench with derricks, ropes, and other suitable equipment to prevent damage. Do not dump or drop pipe or accessories into trench. Pipe embedment shall be as speciffed in Section 02300 for pipe. Protect from lateral displacement by placing the speciffed pipe embedment material. Do not lay pipe in water, under unsuitable weather conditions or under unsuitable trench conditions Joint to form true and smooth line. Remove any pipe not making a good fit. Begin pipe laying at the lowest point unless reverse laying is accepted by Engineer. Utilize implements, tools and facilities as recommended by the manufacturer and/or catch basins if required to remove debris. K. Keep pipe clean during and after laying. L During construction, close all open ends with watertight expandable type plugs. l. At the end of each day's operations. 2. Whenever pipe ends are left unattended. 3. Deposit adequate backffll on pipe to prevent flotation. 4. Do not use wood burlap or other similar temporary plugs. M. Remove and re'lay any pipe which has floated. DRAINAGESYSTEM 02630-3 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. 3.3 CATCH BASINS/STORM STRUCTURES t t I T I t I T t I T I T t t I I I t 3.4 35 Construct catch basins to the sizcs and shapes indicated, and to conform to requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. l. For precast units, set in place to accurate elevations on firm, solid bed, plumb and level. Install special precast structures per specifications and manufacturer's recommendations. 2. Set cast iron frames and gratings to the elevations indicated. TRENCHDMIN Install per manufacturer's recommendations. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Field inspection and testing including a lamp test will be performed for every section of pipe after backfill has occurred l. Contractor shall furnish suitable assistance to the Engineer 2. A minimum of 75% of a true circle will be required to indicate a properly constructed line 3. Contractor will repair any section not passing the lamp test Request inspection immediately after placing cover over pipe. Backfilling and testing as required per Section 02300. END OF SECTION B. c. 026304 DRAINAGESYSTEM A, D. D. I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t t Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. SECTION 02740 - ASPFIALTIC CONCRETE PAVING PART I GENEML I.I SECTION INCLUDES A. Full depth asphaltic concrete paving over prepared subgrade 1.2 REI.ATED SECTIONS A Section 02300 - Earthwork B. Section 02750 - Cement Concrete Paving I.3 REFERENCES A ASTM C29: Unit Weight and Voids in Aggregate B. ASTM C88: Soundness of Aggregates by Useof Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium Sulfate C. ASTM Cl17: Materials Finer than No. 200 Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Washing D. ASTM C t 28: Speciffc Gravity Test and Absorption of Fine Aggregate E. ASTM C I 3 I : Resistance to Degradation of Small Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine F. ASTM Cl36: Sieve or Screen Analysis ofFine and Coarse Aggregates G. ASTM D4: Bitumen Content H. ASTM D5: Penetration of Bituminous Materials L ASTM D70: Speciffc Gravity of Semi-Solid Bituminous Materials J. ASTM D93: Flash Point try Pensky-Martens Closed Tester K. ASTM Dl 13: Ductility of Bituminous Materials L ASTMDIIS8: Bulk Speciffc Gravity of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures M. ASTM D1559: Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtures Using Marshall Apparatus N. ASTM D2041: Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity of Bituminous Paving Mixtures O. ASTM D2170: Kinematic Viscosity of Asphalts (Bitumens) P. ASTM D2172: Quantities Extraction of Bitumens from Bituminous PavingMixtures a. ASTM D2419: Sand Equivalent Value of Soils and Fine Aggregate & ASTM D290: Bituminous Mixing Plant Inspection S. ASTM D946: Asphalt Cement for Use in Pavement Construction T. ASTM D692: Course Aggregate for Bituminous Paving U. ASTM D1073: Fine Aggregate for Bituminous Paving Mixtures V. ASTM l24l : Materials for Soil-Aggregate Subbase, Base and Surface Courses W ASTMD2026: CutbackAsphalt(Slow-CuringType) X. ASTM D2027: Cutback Asphalt (Medium-Curing Type) Y. ASTM D2028: Cutback Asphalt (Rapid-Curing TypeJ Z. M$2: Mix Design Method for Asphalt Concrete and Other Hot Mix Types -The Asphaltic Institute (AI) I.4 SUBMITTALS Submit under provisions of Division One Specifications Samples: Provide samples of materials for laboratory testing and job-mix design for asphaltic concrete paving section. Record of Work: Maintain record of time and date of placemeng temperaturg and weather conditions, retain until completion and furnish copy to engineer. Test Reports: Submit laboratory reports for following materials tests l. Coarse and ffne aggregate from each material source and each required grading a. Sieve analysis: ASTM Cl36 IAASHTO Tl9) ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING 02740-r Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. I I I I I I I I I t t I I t I t t t I b. Unit weight of slag: ASTM C29 (AASHTO Tl9) c. Soundness: ASTM C88 (AASHTO Tl04)forsudace course aggregates only d. Sand equivalent: ASTM D2419 (AASHTO Tl76) c. Abrasion ofcoarse aggregate: ASTM CI3l (AASHTO T96), for surface course aggregates only 2. Asphalt cement for each penetration grade a. Penetration: ASTM D5 (AASIITO T49) b. Viscosity (Kinematic): ASTM D2170 (AASIITO T20l) c. Flash Point: ASTM D93 (AASHTO T48) d. Ductility: ASTM Dl l3 (AASIITO T5l) e. Solubility: ASTM D4 (AASIITO T44) f. Specific gravity: ASTM D70 (AASHTO T43) 3. Job-mix design mixtures for each material or grade a. Bulk specific gravity for fine aggregate: ASTM C128 IAASIJTO T84) 4. Uncompacted asphalt concrete mix: Maximum specific gravity ASTM D2041 (AASHTO T209) 5. Cornpacted asphalt concrete mix a. Bulk density: ASTM D1188 (AASIJTO Tl66) b. Marshall stability and flow: ASTM D1559 6. Density and void analysis a. Provide each series of asphalt concrete mixture test specimens, in accordance with MS-Z b. Use Marshall method of mix design unless otherwise directed or acceptable to Engineer 7 . Sampling and testing of asphalt concrete mixtures for quality control during paving operations a. Uncompacted asphalt concrete mix i) Asphalt cement content: ASTM D2172 (AASHTO Tl64) ii) Penetration of recovered asphalt cement: ASTM D5 (AASI ITO T49) iii) Ductibility of recovered asphalt cement: ASTM D I I 3 IAASHTO T5 I ] b. Compacted asphalt concrete mix il Sulk density: ASTM D1188 (AASHTO TI66) ii) Marshall stability and flow: ASTM D 1559 c. Perform at least one test for cach day's paving but not less than one test per each 4000 sf of each lift. QUALITY ASSUMNCE Conform materials and installation to applicable portions of Colorado Dcpartment of Transportation and the Town of Vail Public Works/Transportation construction specifications, standards and details. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS For work on public streets or rights-of-way conform to the requirements of Town of Vai[ Public Works/Transportation construction specifications, standards and details for the Construction of Curbs, Guttcrs, Sidewalks, Driveways, Street Paving, and Othcr Public Right-of-Way hnprovements- DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLINC Deliver, store, protect and handle rnaterials undcr provisions of Division One Specifications Transport mixture from mix plant in trucks with tight, clean, non-sticking compartrnents. Coat hauling compartments with lime-water mixture to prevent stickir)g. Elevate and drain cornpartment of excess solution before Ioading mix. Cover to protect f'rom weather and prevent loss ofheat when temperature is below 50 degrees F Providc insulated truck beds during tempcrature below 50 degrees F on long distance deliveries 1.5 1.6 t.7 B. C. D. ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING 02740-2 I Vail Mountain School I Project Number 200f .028 I Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.G I I.8 ENVIRONMENTALREQUIREMENTS I A. Do not apply when underlying surface is muddy, frozen or wet I B. Do not p1".. by rp.."ding ".rJ ftnishing machine tack coat or asphaltic cement when temperature is I below 45 degrees F and falling. Place when above 40 degrees F and rising I PARTz PRoDUcrs 2.1 MATERTALS I A Tack Coat: Emulsiffed asphalt: S$1 or CSS-lh, ASTM D977 B. Asphaltic Cemene ASTM D946, AASHTO M226, ACl0 or AC20 grade determined by design mix, I homogeneous, free from water, no tendency to foam when heated to 347 degrees F, and per CDOT I Standard Section 702 ' C. Aggregate for Asphaltic Concrete, General t l. Sound angular crushed stone, crushed gravel, or crushed slag: ASTM D692 I 2. Sand, stone, or slag screening: ASTM D 1073 f 3. Percent wear: ASTM C l3l, less than 45 for aggregates retained in #10 sieve D. Base Course Aggregates for Asphaltic Concrete I l. Uncrushed g"u"l *ay b. us"d in mixture if it meets design criteria speciffed l| 2. Provide uniform quality combined aggregates witl a minimum sand equivalent velue of 40 3. Provide aggregate in gradations for courses to comply with Class $ Colorado Department of I Transportation, ASTM C | 36 I E" Surface Course Aggregates for Asphaltic Concrete l. Provide natural sand unless sand prepared from stone, slag, or gravel or combinations are required to I suit local conditions I 2. Provide uniform quality combined aggregate with a minimum sand equivalent value of 50 I 3. Provide aggregate in gradations for courses to comply with Class SX, Colorado Department of Traosportatiory ASTM C I 36 I F. Weed Control: First application, "Roundup.' Second applicatiory Casoron &10 or W-50 or equal. I 2.2 ACCESSORIES I A Traffic Control Devices l. Signs. Sign faces, posts and bases shall be in conformance with the following materials speciffcations. I All nonstandard sign faces, posts and bases must be approved by Jefferson County. Nonstandard I signs will not be maintained by Jefferson County. 2. Street Name Signs. Sign blanks shall be 6061 or 5052-H38 aluminum alloy .080 inches thick, or Sequentia brand polyplate .135 inches thick. Facing shall be green Hi-lntensity reflective sheeting I with white Hilntensity reflective sheeting letters and numerals. I 3. Sign Posts. All sign posts shall be two (2) inch by two (2) inch galvanized telespar tube with.120- inch wall thickness, and three-eighths (3/8) inch holes drilled on one (l) inch centers, all sides over I full lengtlr, ten (10) feet in length. I 4. Sign Post Bases. All sign post bases shall be twist resistant mounting for telespar type post consisting r of a steel angle ( l/4" x 2-l/2" x 2-l/2 x 24") with a formed and welded steel plate (l/8" x l0" x 15") used with a compression fit VJock wedge of I /8-inch galvanized steel. The wedge must have a one- I half(1/2) inch hole drilled in one side for removal. I B. Pavement Marking. Specified pavement marking materials shall be used at locations as identified below. l. FS TT-P-I 15, Type I Alkyd, white or yellow color meeting requirements of CDOT Standard - Specification 708. t ASPHALTTC CONCRETE PAVING 0?740-3 I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. #8 and larger #16 to #100 #200 Asphalt Content Discharge Mix Temp. PART 3 EXECUTION I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A. B. 2.3 3.I 3.2 2. 3M Stamark 5730 preformed plastic marking material or an approved equivalent shall be used for crosswalks, stop bars, symbols (i.e. turn arrows) and striping for separation of turn and through lanes.3. Preformed plastic marking material or reflectorized paint shall be used for all other pavement marking. Use of thermoplastic pavement marking is not permitted. 4. Furnish paint with a no-pick-up maximum drying time of 20 minutes, when tested according to ASTM D7 I I using a wet film thickness of 0.01S-inch when tested and applied at 77 degrees F. MIXES/SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL Determine full depth design mix based upon aggregates furnished l. Test mix by independcnt laboratory at Contractor's expense 2. Grade dependent on temperature during placement 3. Submit mix designs under provisions of Section Division One specifications for review and acceptance by Engineer Submit mix design giving unit weight and to meet following requirements prior to placement of asphalt: Air Voids in Mix, % VMA" % min. Establish a single percentage passing each sieve size, a single percent of asphalt and a mix temperature. Maintain job mixes within following percentages of design mix: Aggregatei: r8% r6% t2% 10.5% r200F EXAMINATION Establish and maintain required lines and elevations. Provide grade a d location stakes under this section as required for asphaltic concrete paving work. Operate healy, rubber-tired front loader over subgrade of paved areas. Where soft spots occur, remove loose materials and replace with road base aggregate compacted to level ofsubgrade. PREPARATION Prepare subgrade under provisions of Section 02300 Loose and Foreign Material l. Remove loose and foreign material from compacted subgrade sudace immediately before application of paving. Clean surface with mechanical swcepet blowers, or hand brooms, until surfaces are free frorn dust Weed Control Propertv - 50 Blow S Mix SX Mix Marshall Stability lbs ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING 027404 A. B. A, B. J,) t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I T I I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. l. If vegetation exists on subgradg remove surface vegetation within three days prior to application of pavement or apply ' Round-up" at rates following manufacturer's instructions. 2. Do not apply within 20 feet oftrees or shrubs. D. Tack Coat 1, Apply in similar manner as prime coat, except as modified 2. Dilute material with equal parts ofwater and apply to contact surfaces of previously construited asphaltic concrete or portland cement concrete and surfaces Apply at rate of 0.05 to 0.15 gallons per square yard ofsudace Apply tack coat by brush to contact surfaces of curbs, guttery catch basins, and other structures projecting into or abutting asphaltic concrete pavement Allow surfaces to dry until material is at condition oftackiness to receive pavement Whete asphaltic concrete will adhere to surface, tack coat may be eliminated by Engineer NNG/FRAME ADJUSTMENTS Set ring/frames of subsurface structures to ffnal grade as a part of this work. Placing fung/Frames l. Surround ring/frames set to elevation with a ring of compacted asphalt conctete base prior to paving 2. Place osphalt concrete mirture up to l-inch below top of ring/frame, slope to grade, and compect by hand tamping ' C. Adjust frames to proper position to meet paving D. If permanent covers are not in placg provide temporary covers over openings until completion of rolling operations E Set ring/frames to gradg flush with surface ofadjacent pavement 3.4 PREPARING THE MIXTURE A. Comply with ASTM D995 for material storagg control, and mixing and for plant equipment and operation B. Stockpile l. Keep each component of the various sized combined aggregates in separate stockpiles 2. Maintain stockpiles so that separate aggregate sizes will not be intermixed and to prevent segregation C. Heating l. Heat the asphalt cement at the mixing plant to viscosity at which it can be uniformly distributed throughout mixture 2. Use lowest possible temperature to suite temperature viscosity characteristics of asphalt 3. Do not exceed 350 degrees F D. Aggregate l. Heatdry aggregates to acceptable moisture content Z. Deliver to mixer at recommended temperature to suite penetration grade and viscosity characteristics of asphalt cement, ambient temperature, and workability of mixture 3. Accurately weigh or measute dry aggregates and weigh or meter asphalt cement to comply with job mix formula requirements Mix aggregate and asphalt cement to achieve 90-95 percent coated particles for base mixtures and 85-90 percent coated particles for surface mixture, per ASTM D2489 EQUIPMENT Bituminous Pavers: Self-propelled, spreads without tearing surfaces, and controls pavement edges to true lines without use of stationarv forms Rolling Equipment 3. i 5. 6. ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING 02740-5 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. l. Steel-wheel roller: Self-propelled, contact pressure of250 to 350 psi perinch of width of roller wheel, equipped with adjustable scrapers and means for keeping wheel wet to prevent mix from sticking 2. Pneumatic-tired rollers: Self-propelled, contact pressure under each tire of85 to I l0 psi, wheels spaced so that one pass will accomplish one complete coverage equal to rolling width of machine, oscillating wheels. Remove and replace immediately tires picking up ffnes C. Hand Tools: Provide rakes, lutes, shovels, tampers, smoothing irons, pavement cutters, portable heaters, and other miscellaneous small tools 3.6 PI.A,CING THE MIX Place asphalt concrete mixture on prepared surface, spread and strike.off using paving machine Complete placement over full width of section on each day's run Spread mixture at minimum temperature of 280 degrees F and maximum 350 degrees. With ambient temperatures below 50 degrees F, maintain minimum temperature of 300 degrees in the truck prior to lay down Inaccessible and small areas may be placed by hand Conform to the grade, cross sectiory ffnish thickness, and density indicated. Paver Placing l. Unless otherwise directed, being placing along centerline ofareas in crowned section and at high side on one-way slope and in direction of traffic flo 2. After first strip has been placed and rolled, place succeeding strips and extend rolling to overlap previous strips 3. Complete base courses before placing surface courses 4. Place mixture in continuous operation as practicable Hand Placing l. Spread tamp, and finish mixing using hand tools in areas where machine spreading is not possible as acceptable to Engineer 2. Place mixture at a rate that will insure handling and compaction beforc mixture becomes cooler than acceptable working temperature Joints L Construct transverse joint at right angles to centerline whcn operations are suspended long enough for mixture to chill 2. Construct joints to have same texture, density, and smoothness as adjacent sections of asphalt concrete course 3. Clean contact surfaces free ofsand, dirt, or other objectionable material and apply tack coat 4. Offset transverse joints in succeeding courses not less than 24 inches 5. Cut back edge of existing pavement or previously placed course to expose an even, vertical surface for full course thickness 6. Offset longitudinal joints in succeeding courses not less than 6 inches 7 . When the edges of longitudinal joints are irregular, honeycombed or inadequately compacted, cut back unsatisfactory sections to expose an even, vertical surface for full course thickness 8. Wearing course constructed in even numberof strips; place I longitudinal joint on centerline of road 9. Wearing course constructed in odd number of strips; place the centerline of I strip on centerline of road Gutter: Finish surface high adjacent to concrete gutter so when compacted surface is slightly higher than edge of curb and flashing A. B. c. D. E. F. t I I t I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I G. ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING o27404 B. c. D. E. F. G. J. B. c. D. 3.8 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I Vail Mountain School Proje<t Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. 3.7 COMPACTING THE MIX A. Provide pneumatic and steel-wheel type rollers to obtain the required pavement density, surface texture and rideability Begin rolling operations when the mixture will bear weight of roller without excessive displacement Do not permit heavy equipmenq including rollen to stand on ffnished surface before it has thoroughly cooled or set Compact mixture with hot hand tampers or vibrating plate compactors in areas inaccessible to rollers Start rolling longitudinally at extreme lower side of sections and proceed toward center of pavement. Roll to slightly different lengths on alternate roller runs Do not roll centers ofsections ffrst under any circumstances Breakdown Rolling l. Accomplish breakdown or initial rolling immediately following rolling of transverse and longitudinal joints and outside edge 2. Operate rollers as close as possible to paver without causing pavement displacement 3. Check crown, grade, and smoothness after breakdown rolling 4. Repair displaced areas by loosening at once with lutes or rakes and fflling; if required, with hot loose material before continuing rolling Second Rolling l. Follow breakdown rolling as soon as possible, while mixture is hot and in condition for compaction 2. Continue second rolling until mixture has been thoroughly compacted Finish Rolling l. Perform ffnish rolling while mixture is still warm enough fot removal of roller marks by combination of steel and pneumatic rollers 2. Continue rolling until roller marks are eliminated and course has attained specified density, and required surface texture and surface tolerances 3. After final rolling do not permit vehicular traffic on pavement until it has cooled and hardened. Erect barricades to protect paving from trafffc until mixture has cooled and attained iG maximum degree of hardness Patching l. Remove and replace defective areas 7. Cut-out and fill with fresh, hot asphaltic concrete 3. Remove deffcient areas for full depth of course 4. Cut sides perpendicular and parallel to direction of traffic with edges vertical 5. Apply tack coat to exposed sudaces before placing new asphaltic concrete mixture 6. Compact by rolling to specified surface density and smoothness JOINING TO EXISTING WORK Cut sides vertically and apply tack coat to exposed asphalt surfaces before placing new pavement. Meet existing thickness of surface and base courses, but not less than speciffed for new work. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL The owner will engage a testing agency to perform field testing to determine compliance ofin-place asphaltic concrete paving materials and compaction in accordance with Section 01450 Testing Agency will test in-place pavement for density and thickness. Contractor to verifii linal surfaces are of uniform texture, conforming to required grades and cross sections Testing agency will take not less than 4-inch diameter pavement specimens for each completed course from locations as directed by Engineer ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING 0274U7 Vail Mountain School Project Number 200I.028 Civil / Sitework Packagc Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. E. Repair holes from test specirnens as speciffcd for patching defective work F. Minimum acceptable density of in-place course materials is 95 percent ofthe recorded laboratory specimen density. Immediately re<ompact asphaltic concrete not conforming to acceptable density. Remove and replace all sections not in conformance density requirements G. Thickness: Variations from drawings l. Base course: l/4-inch + 2. Remove and replace paving less than minimum thickness H. Surface Smoothness l. Test using a l0 foot straight edge applied parallel to direction ofdrainage 2. Advance straight edge five feet, maximum l/4-inch per foot from nearest point of contact 3. Do not permit pockets or depressions where water may pool 4. Remove and replace areas, deficient in smoothness. Overlay corrections may be permitted only if acceptable to Engineer I. Inspection: The work ofthis section is subject to the inspection and approval ofthe engineer and/or owner. The following inspections are required: l. Protection of adjacent propcrty 2. Staking and establishment of elevations 3. Establishment and compaction of subgradc 4. Placement and compaction of bitimous base course and wearing surface 5. Final inspection 6. Obtain approval of each element of work listcd above in sequence of tis completion before proceeding with the next item 3.IO CLEANING A. After completion of paving operations, clean surfaces of excess or spilled asphalt materials to the satisfaction of Engineer 3.I I PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK A. After final rolling do not permit vehicular traffic on asphalt concrete pavement until it has cooled and hardened and in no case sooner than 6 hours B. Provide barricades and warning devices as required to protect pavement and the general public 3.12 WARMNTY A. Provide installer's 2-year written warranty endorsed by the contractor warranting the pavement from creepin& shoring, cracking softening, settlin& ponding and other defects due to improper placing or defective materials. Replace defective materials upon notification by the owner in accordance with the rcquirements of the onginal work. 3.I3 SCHEDULE OF MIX PLACEMENT: A. Refer to Drawings for asphalt thickness and lift requiremcnts. I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING END OF SECTION 02740-8 I I Vail Mountain School t Project Number 2001.028 I Civil / Sitevork Package - Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. r sEcrIoN 02750 - poRTLAND CEMENT coNcRETE pAvING I PART I GENERAL r I.1 SECTION INCLUDES I A Forming, jointing placing and curing of concrete pavements, curbs, gutters, cross pans, islands and - sidewalks. I r.2 REI-{TED sEcrroNs I A. Section 02300 - Eartlwork I I.3 REFERENCES - A. ACI 214 - Recommended Practice for Evaluating Compression Test Results of Field Concrete I B. ACI 301 - Specifications for Structural Concrete for buildings I C. ACI 304 - Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete D. ACI 305/305R - Hot Weather Concreting I E. ACI 306/306R - Cold Weather Concreting I F. ACI 308 - Standard Practice for Curing Concrete r G. ASTM A82 - Cold Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement H. ASTM Al85 - Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement I I. ASTM A497 - Welded Deformed Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement I J. ASTM A615 - Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel for Concrete Reinforcement - K. ASTM C3l - Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field L ASTM C33 - Concrete Aggregates I M. ASTM C39 - Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens I N. ASTM C94 - Ready Mix Concrete O. ASTM Cl43 - Test Method of Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete I P. STM Cl50 - Portland Cement I a. ASTM C260 - Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete ' R. ASTM C309 - Uquid MembmneForming Compounds for Curing Concrete S. ASTM C494 - Chemical Admixtures for Concrete I T. ASTM C6l8 - Fly Ash and Raw or Calcinated Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in I Portland Cement Concrete U. ASTM D994 - Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete (Bituminous Type) r. V. ASTM Dl t 90 - Concrete Joint Sealer, Hot-Poured Elastic Type I W. ASTM D1751 - Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for concrete Paving and Structural Construction I X. ASTM D1752 - Preformed Sponge Rubber and Cork Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction I Y. Town of Vail Public Works/Transportation construction speciffcations, standards and details. I I.4 SUBMITTATS I A. Provide under provisions of Division One Specifications I B. Product Data: Provide sufficient information on mix design and products specified to verifu compliance with specifications. Provide data on joint filler admixtures and curing compounds I l. Existing data on proposed design mixes, certified and complete I 2. Submit reports of ffeld quality control testing I t PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING 02750-l Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jcnks DuBois, Architects P.C. I.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work in accordance with ACI 301, Conform materials and installation to applicablc portions of Colorado Department of Transportation and the Town of Vail Public Works/Transportation construction specifications, standards and details. I.6 REGUTATORYREQUIREMENTS A. For work on public streets or rights-of-way conforrn to the requirements of Town of Vail Public Works/Transportation construction specifications, standards and details for the Construction of Curbs, Gutters, Sidewalks, Driveways, Street Paving, and Other Public Rightof-Way Improvements. B. Obtain cementitious materials and aggregate from same source for all work 1.7 DELIVERY, STOMGE, AND IIANDLING A. Dellver, store, protect and handle materials under provisions of Division One Speciffcations B. Reinforcing steel: Store on supports which will keep materials from contact with the ground and cover C. Rubber and plastic materials: Store in a cool place, do not expose to direct sunlight D. Prepare a delivery tickct for each load of ready-mixed concrete E. Contractor shall submit tickets for all concrete delivered to site: I . Quantity delivered 2. Actual quantity of each material in batch 3. Outdoor temp in the shade 4. Time at which cement was added 5. Numerical sequence of the delivery 6. Quantity of water that can be added in the field based on mix design 7. Free moisture in ftne and coarse aggreSate in percent by weight 8. Temperature of batch I.8 ENVIRONMENTALREQUIREMENTS A. Do not place concrete when base surface temperature is less than 40 degrees F, or surface is wet or frozen B. Protect concrete from rapid loss of moisture during l.rot water placement PART2 PRODUCTS Z.I MATERIALS A. Form Materials l. Form Matcrials: Plywood: PS l, waterproof resin-bonded, exterior type Douglas Fiq face adjacent to concrete Grade B or better Fiberboard: FS LL-B-810, Type IX, ternpered, waterproof, screen bac( concrete form hardboard Capable of supporting loads imposed by construction equipment, straight and free from warp. Clean and strong enough to resist pressure of concretc when placed and retain horizontal and vertical alignment. Coat forms witlr a non-staining form release agent that will not discolor or deface the sudace of the concrete Joint filler: ASTM Dl75l orDl752 typc;3/4-inch thick unless indicated othcrwise B. REINFORCEMENT l. Where reinforcernent is specified herein or indicated on the plans: a. Bars: ASI'M A6l 5, Grade 60 b. Reinforcing Welded Wire Fabric (WWF): ASTM A185, steel, l6 gage minimurn i) Furnish in flat sheets PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETI PAVING 02750-2 I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I t I 3. I I I I t I t Vail Mountain School Project Number 200I.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Arrhitects P.C.c. Dowels: ASTM A6l5; 40 ksi yield, Grade 6Q plain steef unffnished ffnish d. Fibrous reinforcement: Collated, ffbrillated, polypropelyne ffbers, tensile strength 70,000 psi i) Use 1.5 lbs. Per cubic yard minimum iiJ Fibermesh or equal 2.2 ACCESSORIES A. Curing Compound: ASTM C309, AASHTO MJ48, white pigmented liquid membrane B. Joint Sealers: Polyuretlrane base, elastomeric, self leveling, shemical cure, handling 50% joint movemenq Sikaflex-2C-S L or approved equal C. Sheet Materials: AASHTO Ml71, 4 mil D. Expansion Joint Material O.5-inch thick, ASTM D1751, asphalt impregnated fiber board, glass ffber or sponge, or dosed cell polyethelene foam; Texmastic "vinylex 3600," Sonneborn 'Sonoflex F,o or approved eoual CONCRETE MIX Comply with ASTM C94 Maximum Coarse Aggregate Size: l-inch Portland Cement ASTM C150, Type II; 555 pounds minimum per cubic yard of concrete Water/Cementitious Material (Cement and Fly Ash) Ratio: Less than or equal to 0.45 Slump: 4-inch maximum l. May be incteased to 4.5 inches for hand work, acceptable to Engineer 2. As low as possible consistent with proper handling and thorough compaction Volumetric Air Content 5961% after placement for l-inch aggegate l. Maximum 69Gl% after placement 2. Vary air content with maximum size aggregatg ASTM C94, Table 3. Strength: Compressive strength as determined by ASTM C39, 4000 psi minimum at 28 days Consistency: Uniform slump, suitable for tfie placement conditions with aggregate floating uniformly throughout the concrete mass, flowing sluggishly when vibrated or spaded Adjust mix as required to meet specifications Contractor may substitute fly ash for up to 22 percent of cement at a ratio of the speciffc gravity of cement divided by specific gravity of fly ash Admixtures: Content, batching method, and time of introduction in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations for compliance with this specification l. Include a water reducing admixture 2. Calcium chloride content shall not exceed 0.05% ofthe cement content by weight SOURCE QUALITY CONTROLAND TESTS Provide under provisions of Division One Specifications Submit proposed mix design to Engineer for review prior to commencernent of work Tests on cement and aggregates will be performed to ensure conformance with specified requirements Test samples in accordance with ACI 301. EXECUTION EXAMINATION Verifu compacted subgrade is acceptable and ready to support paving and imposed loads Verify gradients and elevations ofbase are correct Check completed formwork for grade and alignment to the following tolerances: l. Top offorms not more than l/8-inch in 10 feet 2. Vertical face on longitudinal axis, not more than ll4-inch in 10 feet A. B, C. D. I I I I I t t I I I I I A. B. L. D. E. F. G, H. I. I K. PART 3 3.1 A. B. C. PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING 027503 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. 3.2 PREPAMTION A. Subgrade l. Prepare subgrade in accordance with Section 02300 2. Moisten subgrade to depth of 6 inches at optimal moisture not more than l2 hours prior to placement to minimize absorption of water from fresh concrete 3. Check for soft spots by proof-rolling or other means prior to setting forms. Remove soft yielding material and replace. Compact to specifications under provisions of Section 02300 4. Check crown and/or elevation of subgrade to assure specified thickness. Compact to specification additional material used to bring to correct elevation. Remove excess material where subgrade is too high 5. Clean subgrade of all loose materials before placement of concrete. Do not disturb area inside forms after fine grading is complete B. Frame Adjustment l. Coat surfaces of manhole and catch basin frames with oil to prevent bond with concrete pavement for concrete collars 2. Set frames of structures in full grout bed to provide bearing. Set to ffnal grade 3. Form construction joints and blockouts as indicated on drawings 3.3 PERFORMANCE AND INSTALIATION A. Transporting mixed concrete l. Transporting of mixed concrete shall conform to ACI 305R 2. Do not exceed manufacturer's guaranteed capacity oftruck agitators. Maintain the mixed concrete in a thoroughly mixed and uniform mass during handling 3. Do not incorporate additional mixing water into the concrete during hauling or after arrival at the delivery poin! unless ordered by the Engineer. If additional water is to be incorporated into the concrete, revolve the drum not less than 30 revolutions at mixing speed after the water is added and before placing concrete. 4. Furnish a water measuring device in good working condition, mounted on each transit mix truck, for measuring the water added to thc mix on the site by the Engineer 5. Provide delivery ticket and comply with delivery requirements of this section B. Forming l. Place and secure forms to correct location, dimension, profile, and gradient 2. Install sufficient quantity of forms to allow continuous progress of work so that forms can remain in place at least 24 hours after concrete placement 3. Join neady and mechanically tamp to assure firm placement. Assemble formwork to permit easy stripping and dismantling witlrout damaging concrete 4. Oil forms prior to concrete placement 5. Place join ffller vertical in position, in straight lincs. Secure to formwork during concrete placement 6. Set dowels, expansion joints, preformed construction joints and header boards as specified or indicated on the drawings 7. Low roll or mountable curbs may bc formed without the use of face form by using a straight edge and tcmplate to form curb face B. Backfill behind forms as required to prcvent water from entering subgrade C. Reinforcement l. Add fiber reinforcement to rnix at plant prior to delivery to jobsite 2. Place bar or WWF reinforcement at mid-height of slabs-on-grade or as shown on the drawings a. Install in as long lengths as possible. Lap adjoining pieces at least one full mesh and lace with wlre b. Support with metal chairs, brick or stone is unacceptable 3, Hold all tie and marginal dowels in proper position by sufficient supports or pins 4. Mechanically install dowels or place on supports ifcenter longitudinal loint is sawed in lieu of placing plastic stnp I I I T I t I I I I I t t I I I I t I PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING 027504 02750-5 G. I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t Vail Mountain Schoot Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. 5. Interrupt reinforcement at expansion joints 6. Place dowels to achieve pavement and curb alignment as detailed. 7. Provide doweled joints inch at interruptions of concrete with one end of dowel set in capped sleeve to allow longitudinal movement 8. Grease dowels on one side ofjoints with caps on greased end D. Placing concrete l. Place concrete in accordance with ACI 301 Z. Lightly moisten subgrade or base course immediately before placing concrete. 3. Ensure reinforcement, inserts, embedded pertt and formed joints are not disturbed 4. during concrete placement 5. Deposit concrete near ffnal position. Minimize segregation and damage to subgrade 6. Place concrete continuously over the full width of the panel and between predetermined construction joints. Spread mechanically to prevent segregation and separation of materials ' 7. Consolidate concrete witl vibraton and spade next to forms to remove air spaces or honeycombs 8. Do not place concrete in forms that has begun to set 9. Do not place more concrete in one day than can be finished before dark the same day 10, Curbs and Gutters: Automatic machine may be used for curb and gutter placement at Contractor's option. If machine placement is to be used, submit revised mix design and laboratory test results which meet or exceed mioimums speci{ied. Machine placement must produce curbs and gutters to required crosrsectioq lines, grades, ffnish, and jointing as speciffed for formed concrete. If results are not acceptablq remove and replace with formed concrete as speciffed I l. Walks: Construct sidewalks with a minimum ttrickness of 4-inch. Tool edges to rounded proffle and ffnish as specified or as shown on the drawings. Pitch walks l/4-inch per foot for cross drainage unless otherwise indicated E. Cold weather concreting l. Conform to ACI 306/306R, except es modified herein 2. Minimum concrete temp at the time of mixing Outdoor Temp at Placement Concrete Temp at (in shade)Mixing Below 3OoF Between 30'F & 45"F Above 45oF 3. Do not place heated concrete which is warmer than 80 degrees F 4. If freezing temp are expected during curing maintain the concrete temp at or above 50 deg F for 5 days or 70 deg F for 3 days with forms in place 5. Do not allow concrete to cool suddenly Hot weatLer concreting L Conform to ACI 305/305R, except as modified herein 2. At air temp of 90 degrees F and above keep concrete as cool as possible during placement and curing. Fog sprayers or special wetting agents may be required for protection 3. Do not allow concrete temperature to exceed 70 deg F at placement 4. Prevent plastic shrinkage cracking due to rapid evaporation of moisture 5. Do not place concrete when the actual or anticipated evaporation rate equals or exceeds 0.2 lbs per sq ft per hr as determined from ACI 305, Fig 2.1.4 Joints I. Sidewalk and pavement a. Contraction joints: At intervals not to exceed l0 feet and I l/2 inches deep b. Expansion joints: l/Z-inch premolded joints where sidewalks end at curb returns, against fixed objects, at points of sharp radius, and between sidewalk and driveway slabs. Place expansion joint a maximum of every fifty feet. 70"F 60'F 450F PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. 2. Curb and Gutter a. Contraction joints: At intervals not to exceed l0 feet made by insertion of l/8-inch template at right angles to curb and I l/2-inch deep. b. Expansion joints: At curb returns, against fixed objects, at points of slrarp radius, between adjacent sidewalk and curb at all curb returns, between sidewalk and all driveway slabs along straight lengths every 200 linear feet. c. Construction joints: around all appurtenances such as manholes, utility poles, and other penetrations, extending into and through sidewalks. Install 0.5-inch thick preformed expansion in these joints. Install expansion joint filler between concrete sidewalks and any fixed structure such as a building. Extend expansion joint material for full depth of concrete except stop 0.5- inch below finish surfacc. Prot€ct top edge of loint filler with removable material or metal cap 3. Place joint fillcr between paving components and building or other appurtenances at temperatures above 50 dcg F. Clean all dusg debris and water from joint. Recess top of filler l/4-inch for sealant placernent. 4. Provide keyed joints as indicated. H. Finishing 1. Run straight-€dge over forms with sawing motion to fill all holes and depressions. 2. After striking-off and consolidating concrete, smooth surface by screeding and floating. Use hand methods only where mechanical floating is not possible. Adjust floating to compact surface and oroduce uniform texture. I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. J. 3. 4. 5. After floating, test surface for trueness with a l0' straightedge. Distribute concrete as required to remove surface irregularities, and refloat repaired areas to provide a continuous smooth finish Finish sudaces with a wooden or magnesium float. Plastering of sudaces is not permitted lmmediately after float finishing slightly roughen the concrete surface by brooming in the direction perpendicular to the main trafffc route. Use fine hair fiber-brisde broom unless otherwise directed. Coordinate the required final ffnish with the Architect before application. On inclined slab surfaces and steps, provide a coarse, non-slip finish by scoring surface with a stiff- bristled broom, perpendicular to line of traffic Edge all outside edges ofthe slab and all joints with a 0.25-inch radius edging tool. Work edges ofgutters, back top edge ofcurb, and formed joints with an edging tool, and round to O.5-inch radius, unless otherwise indicated. Eliminate tool marks on concrete surface Brush with soft bristle brush to remove trowel marks and leave a uniform appearance just before concrete takes initial set. Direction of Texturing: a. Curb and Gutter: At right angles to the curb linc b. Sidewalk: At right angles to centcrline of sidcwalk. ll. Place curing compound on exposed concrete surfaces immediately after finishing. Apply undcr pressure at the rate of one gallon to not rnore than I 35 square fect by mechanical sprayers in accordance with manufacturer's instructions acceptable to Engineer. Joint sealing l. Seal joints and clean concrete prior to opening to traffic. 2. Seal all expansion joints. 3. Separate concrete from other structures with 3/4-inch thick joint filler. 4. Place joint filler in concrete pattern placcment sequcnce. Set top to required elevations. Secure to resist movement by wet concrete. 5. Extend joint filler from bottom ofpavement to within l/4-inch offinished surface. Curing and protection l. Irnmediately after placemeng protect pavement from prernature drying, excessive hot or cold tem pera tu res, and mechanical injury 2. Flavc plastic shceting, straw, burlap and/or canvas materials available at all times to protect fresh uncured strrfaces from adverse weather conditions PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING 02750-6 t I I I t I t Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. 3. Do not permit pedestrian traffic over sidewalks for 7 days minimum after finishing. Do not permit vehicular trafffc over pavement for l4 days minimum after finishing or until 75 percent design strength of concrete has been achieved 3.4 FrELD QUALITY CONTROL A, Tolerances I. Division One Speciffcations - Quality Assurance: Tolerances Z. Maximum Variation of Sudace Grade: l/4- inch in l0 ft 3. Maximum Variation from True Alignment: 3/8-inch in l0 ft B. Division One Speciffcations - Quality Assurance: Field inspections and testing C. Take cylinders and perform slump and air entrainment tests as required by Division One Speciffcations in accordance with ACI 301. Unit weight and mix temperature will also be taken D. The ftrst three loads will be tested for slump and air content. If any one test fails to meet requitements, that load will be rejected and tests will continue on each load until three consecutive loads meet requirements. Thereafter, ffve concrete test cylinders will be taken for every 75 cu yds or less cu yds of concrete placed each day E. One additional test cylinder will be taken during cold weather and cured on site under same conditions as concrete it represents F. One slump and air entrainment test will be taken for each set of test cylinders taken G. Cylinders will be tested as follows: 2 at 7 days, 2 at 28 days and I at a later date, if necessary, as directed by the Engineer H. Maintain records of placed concrete items. Record datg location of pour, quantity, air temperaturg and test samples taken I. Thickness of fresh concrete may be checked by Owner at random. Coring will be conducted in accordance with Town of Vail, Department of Public Works requirements, Where average thickness of concrete is de{icient in thickness by more than O.ZGinch, but not more than l.0-inch, payment to Contractor will be adjusted based on amount indicated in schedule ofvalues fot pordand cement concrete paving as speciffed in the following table. CONCRETE PAVEMENT DEFICIENCY Deficiency in Thickness Proportional Part of Contract Price Allowed t I I I I t I I I I I I 0.00 to 0.20 0.21 to 0.30 0.31 to 0.40 0.41 to 0.50 0.51 to 0.75 0.76 to L00 Over 1.00 t00% 80% 72% 68nh 57% 50% NONE Note: When thickness of pavement is deffcient by more than one inch, and judgment of the Engineer is that area of such deficiency should not be removed and replaced, there will be no payment for the area retained. Failure of Test Cylinders or Coring Results: Engineer may order removal and replacement of concrete as required upon failure of 28day tests or if thickness ofpavement is less than 95% ofspeciffed thickness SCHEDULE OF CONCRETE SCHEDULE OF CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT Fiber reinforcement rcquired for all concrete flatwork, including curb and gutter, sidewalk and pavement Rebar reinforcement required for all cross pans J. 3.5 3.6 A. B. PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING 02750-7 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitewo*. Pac*age Klipp Colussy Jenlcs DuBois, Architects P.C. C. Trash pad and dumpster locations lGinch tlick concrete with #4 rebar, l2-inches on center, each way, three inches clear on all sides END OF SECTION PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING 02750{ I I I I I t T I t I I I I I I T I t t Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. SECTION O3OOO. SITE CONCRETE PART I GENERAL I.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Cast-in-placeconcrete B. Reinforcing steel C. Forms D. Concreteaccessories I.Z RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 02750 - Pordand Cement Concrete Paving I.3 REFERENCES A. ACI 214 - Recommended Practice for Evaluating Compression Test Results of Field Concrete B. ACI 301 - Structural Concrete for Buildings C. ACI 304 - Recommended Practice for Measudng Mixing Transporting and Placing Concrete D. ACI 305/305R - Hot Weather Concreting E. ACI 306/306R - Cold Weather Concreting F. ACI 308 - Standard Practice for Curing Concrete G. ACI 309 - Standard Practice for Consolidation of Concrete H. ACI 315 - Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures I. ACI 3l B - Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete J. ACI 347 - Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork K ACI SP-66 - American Concrete Institute - Detailing Manual L ASTM A82 - Cold Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement M. ASTM Al85 - Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement N. ASTM A615 - Deformed and Plain Billet Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement O. ASTM C31 - Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field P. ASTM C33 - Concrete Aggtegates a. ASTM C39 - Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens R ASTM C94 - Ready-Mixed Conqete S. ASTM Cl50 - Standard Speciffcation for Portland Cement T. ASTM ClTl - Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete U. ASTM C260 - Air Entraining Admixtures for Concrete V. ASTM C309 - Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete W. ASTM C494 - Chemical Admixtures for Concrete X. ASTM C6l8 - Fly Ash and Raw or Calcinated Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral admixture in Portland Cement Concrete Y. ASTM D994 - Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete (Bituminous Type) Z. ASTM D I I90 - Concrete Joint Sealer, Hot-Poured Elastic Type AA. ASTM D 175 I - Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Non-extruding and Resilient Bituminous Types] BB. PS I - Construction and Industrial Plywood CC. Town of Vail Public Works/Transportation construction speciftcations, standards and details. IA PERFORMANCETOLERANCES A. Confirm to ACI 301 and ACI 347, as modiffed herein. ln case of conflict, ACI 347 governs over ACI 301, SITE CONCRETE 03000-l Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Packagc Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. 1.5 I T I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I A B. D. B. tt. C. D. 1.6 1.7 SUBMITTALS Submit under provisions of Division One Specifications Shop Drawings: Reinfbrcing bar lists, fabrication and placement drawings I . Indicated bar sizes, spacings, locations, and quantities of reinforcing steel and wire fabric. Bending and cutting schedules 2. Indicate pertinent dimensions, materials, bracing, and arrangcment ofjoints and ties Product Data: Provide sufficient information on products spccified to verify compliance with specifications. Provide data on void form materials and installation requirements, joint devices, attachment accessories, admixtures and mixcs Test Reports l. Submit reports of tentative concrete mix design and testing including a. Slump range on which the design is based b. Total gal of water per cu yd c. Brand, type, composition, and quantity of cement with manufacturer and plant location identified d. Brand, type, composition and quantity offly ash e. Spccific gravity and gradation of each aggregate f. Ratio of fine to total aggregates g. Sudace-dry weight ofeach aggregate per cu yd h. Brand, type ASTM designation, active chemical ingredients and quantity ofeach admixture i. Air content and tolerance j. Water/cementitious material ratio and tolerance k. Comprcssive strength based at 7- nd 284ay compression tests 1. Tirne of initial set 2. Submit suppliers certified fly ash test reports for each shipment delivered to concrete supplier a. Physical and chemical characteristics b. Certification of compliance '.vith dre specifications c. Signed by Contractor and concrete supplier 3. Existing data on proposed design rnixes are acceptable if certified and complete QUAI,ITY ASSURANCE Perform work in accordance with ACI 301 Acquire cement and aggregate from same source for all work DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver, store, protect and handle materials under provisions of Division One Specifications Cement and fly ash: Store in moisture proof enclosures, do not use if caked or lumpy Aggregate: Store to prevent segregation and inclusion of foreign materials, do not use the bottom 6-inch of pile s in contact with the ground Reinforcing steel l. Store on supports, which will kecp it from contact with ground and protected from oil or other materials detrimental to steel or bonding capability- Cover to prevent unacceptable surface corrosion and contamination. 2. Tag bundles of reinfbrcing bars and wire spirals with metal tag showing spccification, grade, size, quantity and suitable identification to permit chccking, sorting and placing. 3. Tag bundles of flat shects and rolls of welded wire fabric similar to reinforcing bars. Rubber and plastic materials: Store in a cool place, do not expose to direct sunlight SITE CONCRETE 03000-2 A. B. c. D. A. B. I I I I I T I I I I T I I I I I T I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 700 l.0ZB Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 FORMS A. Prefabricated: The Burke Company "Burke Forming System," Simplex "Industrial Steel Frame Forms", Symons nSteel-Ply", Universal "Uniform", or equal B. Plywood: PS l, waterproof resin-bonded, exterior type Douglas Fir; face adiacent to concrete Grade B or better C. Fiberboard: FS LL-B{ lQ Type IX, tempered, waterproo{, screen bact concrete form hardboard D. Lumber: Straight, uniform width and thickness; free from knots, offsets, holes, dents, and other surface defects E. Form coating: The Burke Company'Burke Release #1," Industrial lubricants'Nox{rete Form Coating', L & M "Debond', Protex "ProCote', Richmond "Rich Cote', or equal F. Form ties: Removable end, permanently embedded body types with waterstops not requiring auxiliary spreaders, with cones on both ends, embedded portion l-inch minimum back from concrete face. If not provided with threaded ends, constructed for breaking off ends without damage to concrete. The Burke Company "Burke Penta-Tie System" or equal. REINFORCING MATERIALS Bars: ASTM A615. Grade 60 Welded wire fabric: ASTM A185 or A497 Bar supports l. General: PS 7; CRSI Class B or E, fabricated from galvanized wire having PVC coated legs a. Tie wire: 16 1/2 gtge or heavier, black annealed wire Fibrous reinforcement Collated, ffbrillated, polypropelyne fibers, tensile strength 7O000 psi i) Use 1.5 lbs. Per cubic yard minimum iil Fibermesh or equal 2.3 CONCRETE A Cemene ASTM C150, Type II B. Fly ash: ASTM C618, Class C or Class F, except loss on ignition not more than 5% C. Fine aggregate: Clean, natural sand, ASTM C33; no manufactured or artiffcial sand. D. Coarse aggregate: Crushed rock, natural gravel, or other inert granular material, ASTM C33 except clay and shale particles no more than l%. Free of all materials deleteriously reactive with alkalies in the cement in an amount to cause excessive expansion of concrete. E. Water: Clean and free from injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkalis, salts, organic materials, or other substances that may be deleterious to concrete or steel. Provide mixing water free from deleterious amounts ofchloride ion for prestressed concrete or for concrete which will contain aluminum embedments including that portion of the mixing water contributed in the form of free moisture on the aggregares. F. Admixtures l. Acceleration: High range water reducer 2. Retarder: ASTM C494, Type D; Grace "Duratard-H9' Master Builders "MGHC', Protex "Protard", Sika Chemical 'Plastiment", or equal 3. Plasticizer: ASTM C494, Type A; Grace "WRD A-HC," Sika Chemical "Plastocrete", or equal 4. Air entraining agent: ASTM C260; Grace nDarex AEA,, Master Builders "MB-VR-, Protex l{ES", Sika Chemical 'AEK', or equal ACCESSORIES Polyethylene film: ASTM C171, 6 mil Expansion Joint Filler: ASTM D 1751, asphalt impregnated {iber board, glass ffber or sponge,l/2 inch thickness unless indicated otherwise SITE CONCRETE Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Packagc Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. C. Bonding Admixture and Bonding Agent: Sika "Sikalatex" bonding admixture and agent or Tamms 'Akkro-7T" bonding admixture and Tamms *Tamms Bond" bonding agent, or cqual MIXES Design concrete mix within the limits specified Comply with ASTM C94 Cement Content l. Minimum Portland cement, lbs per cu yd for concretc containing a water reducing admixture Coarse Aggregate, Size from No. 4 Sicve to Concrete Slumo l/2"3/4" I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I 030004 A. B. c. D. E. F. G Il. t. K. L. 26 2" 3" 573 592 61 I 545 564 s83 5t7 536 s55 2. Contractor may substitute fly ash for up to 20 percent ofcement at a ratio of the speciftc gravity of cement divided by specific gravity offly ash Water/Cementitious Material (Cemcnt and Fly Ash) Ratio: Less than or equal to 0.45 Slump: 4-inch maximum l. As low as possible consistent with proper handling and thorough compaction Volume Ratio of Fine to Total Aggregates: Coarse Aggregate Size Minimum Ratio Maximum Ratio 0.40 0.3s 0.30 r/2' 3t4" l" 0.s5 0.50 0.46 Initial Set: 5-l/2 hrs + I hr after water and cement are added to the aggregates as determined by ASTM c403 l. Adjust retarder or accelerator quantities to compensate for temp and lob condition variations Volumetric Air Content: l. Maximum 6% + 196 after placement 2. Yzry air content with maximum aggregate, ASTM C94, Table 3 Admixtures: Content, batching method and time of introduction in accordance with the manufacturer's recommcndations for compliance with this specification 1. Include a water reducing admixture Strength: Compressive strength as determined by ASTM C39 Age Minimum Strength 7 deys 3,000 psi 28 days 28 days 4,000 psi 3,000 psi @ Cabin Stern walls and Footings Consistency: Uniform slump, suitable for the placement conditions with aggregate floating uniformly throughout the concrete mass, flowing sluggishly when vibrated or spaded Adjust mix as required to meet specifications FABRICATION Reinforcing Steel: Accurately formed, fabricated in accordance with ACl 3 I5 and 3 l8 exccpt as specified or indicated on drawings, free from rust, scale and contaminants which will reduce bond SITE CONCRETE I I I t t I T I I t I I I I I I I I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 200 1.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. 2,7 SOURCE QUAUTY CONTROL A. Test the proposed concrete mix for each size and gradation of aggregates and each consistency intended for use in the project B. Aggregates l. Sample and test according to ASTM C33 2. Determine bulk speciffc gravity in accordance with ASTM Cl27 and Cl28 C. Compression tests l. Prepare 2 sets of compre$sion test cylinders from each proposed concrete mix, 5 cylinders per set 2. Test ? cylinders at 7 days, 2 at 28 days and one at 56 days 3. Make, cure and store in accordance with ASTM Cl92 4. Test in accordance with ASTM C39 D. Slump tese ASTM Cl43 E. Total air contene ASTM C23l F. Fly Ash: Supplie/s chemical composition and physical analysis test PART 3 EXECUTION 3.I EXAMINATION A. Verifu site conditions under provisions of Division One Specifications B. Excavation, Backffll, Subgrade Compaction: Refer to Section 02300 for requirements C. Verifu requirements for concrete cover over reinforcement D, Verifu that anchory seats, plates, reinforcement and other items to be case into concrete are accurately placed, positioned securely, and will not cause hardship in placing concrete 3.2 FORMS A Design to produce hardened concrete to the shape, lines, and dimensions indicated on the drawings B. Conform to ACI 347 C. When placing concrete against rock, remove all loose pieces of rock and clean exposed surface with high pressure hose D. Provide substantial forms sufficientb tight to prevent leakage of mortar E. Brace or tie forms to maintain desired position, shape, and alignment during and after concrete placement F. Locations to be ffnished to a speciffed elevation, slope, or contour, bring form to true line and grade and provide a wooden guide strip at the proper location in the forms for finishing the top surface with a screed or template G. Install form ties on exposed surfaces in uniformly spaced vertical and horizontal rows H. Do not remove or disturb until concrete has attained sufficient sttengtrh to safely support all dead and live loads L Maintain forms in place for a minimum of 40 hours for length of curing time in accordance with ACI 306/306R when tempereture is 45 deg F and below J, Remove forms carefully to prevent surface gouging, corner or edge breakage and other damage 3.3 REINFORCINC STEEL A. Accurately position reinforcing steel on supports, spacers, hangers, or other reinforcing steel at maximum intervals of 4 feet on center B. Secure with wire ties or suitable clips. Tie 50 percent of all reinforcement and reinforcement at intersections for wall and floor construction C. Except at contact splices, minimum clear distances between bars, the greater of l. Nominal diam of bars 2. 1.5 times max size of coarse ag1regate SMECONCRETE 03000-s 34 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. 3. 3-inch in other locations D. Splices l. As specified or indicated on the drawings A. B. c. D. E. F. G. H. l I K. L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I 03000-6 B. C. D. B. c. 2. Splices at other locations will be acceptable, if approved by Engineer 3. Do not weld or tack weld reinforcing steel except where specifically indicated on drawings TMNSPORTING MIXED CONCRETE Transporting of mixed concrete shall conform to ACI 305R. Do not exceed manufactureds guaranteed capacity of truck agitators. Maintain the mixed concrete in a thoroughly mixed and trniform mass during hauling. If additional water is to be incorporated into the concrete, revolve the drum not less than 30 revolutions at mixing speed after the watcr is added and before placing concretc. Furnish a water measuring device in good working condition, mounted on each transit mix truck, for measuring the water added to the mix on the site. PLACING CONCRETE Place concrete in accordance with ACI 304, ACI 301, and ACI 318 Predetermine limits at each pour and place all concrete within limits of pour in one continuous operation Rigidly secure forms, reinforcing steel, embedment, and anchor bolts in proper position Remove all mud, water, ice, snow, frozen material and debris from space to bc occupied by concrete Clean sudaces encrusted with dried concrete from previous concrete operations Convey to the point of ffnal deposit by methods which will prevent separation or loss of ingredicnts Place concrete in ffnal position without being moved laterally more than 5 feet Place concrcte in approximately horizontaI layers ofproper depth for proper compaction, not more than 2 feet Placc subsequent layer while the preceding layer is still plastic Top finish concrete when thoroughly settled Remove all laitance, dcbris, and surplus water from the tops of the forms by screeding scraping or other effective means Overfill the forms for walls whose tops will be exposcd to the weather and screcd offthe exccss after the concrete has settled COMPACTION Thoroughly compact concrete during and immediately after placement Work concrete around all reinforcements and embedments and into the corners of the forms Use mechanical vibrators which will maintain 9,000 cycles per minutes when immersed in the concrete, I l/7hp motor minimum COLD WEATHER CONCRETING Conform to ACI 3O6/306R, except as modified herern Minimum concrete temp at the time of mixing Outdoor Temp at Placcment Concrete Temp at Below 30"F Between 30"F & 45"F Above 4 5'F J) J.r) 3.7 A. B. 700F 600F 45"F C. Do not place heated concretc which is warmer than 80 degrees F SITE CONCRETE t I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I t I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. D. If freezing temp are expected during curing maintain the concrete temp at or above 50 deg F for 5 days or 70 deg F for 3 days with forms in place E Do not allow concrete to cool suddenly 3.8 HOTWEATHERCONCRETING A. Conform to ACI 305/305R, except as modiffed herein B. At air temp of90 degrees F and above keep concrete as cool as possible during placement and curing C, Do not allow concrete temperature to exceed 70 deg F at placement D. Prevent plastic shrinkage cracking due to rapid evaporation of moisture E Do not place concrete when the actual or anticipated evaporation rate equals or exceeds 0.2 lbs per sq ft per hr as determined from ACI 305, Fig 2.1.4 3.9 EXPANSIONANDCONTRACTIONJOINTS A. Contraction joints l. Provide as designated in Section 02750 B. Expansion material l. Provide as indicated on drawings and in Section 02750 2. Firmly bond to previously poured joinl Face with a suitable adhesive 3. Pour new concrete direcdy against joint filler 4. Seal accessible edges 3.IO CURINGANDPROTECTION A Protect concrete from moisture loss at relatively constant temperature for at least 7 days after placement except that the time period for curing by saturation for concrete being protected from low temp shall be I day less than the duration of low temp protection B. Cure concrete by methods which will keep concrete surfaces adequately wet during curing in accordance with ACI 308 C. Maintain rate of temperature change less than 5 degrees F in any one (l) hour period D. Membrane curing l. Membrane curing compound may be used in lieu of water curing on concrete which will not be covered later with mortar oi concrete 2. Spray apply membrane curing compound at not more than: a. General use: 300 sf per gal recommendec 3. Cover unformed surfaces within 30 minutes of ffnal ffnishing 4. If forms are removed befote the end of the curing period, immediately apply curing compound to the formed surface before they dry out 5. Protect curing compound against abrasion during the curing period E. Film curing l. Polyethylene sheeting may be used in lieu ofwater curing on concrete which will be covered or hidden from view 2. Begin ftlm curing as quickly after initial set of the concrete as possible 3. Completely cover the surfaces with polyethylene sheeting 4. Overlap the sheeting edges for sealing and anchorage 5. Seal joints tretween sheets 6. Promptly repair tears, holes, and other damage 7. Anchor covering continuously at edges and on the surfaces es required to prevent billowing 3.I I DEFECTIVE CONCRETE A. Defective Concrete: Concrete not conforming to required lines, details, dimensions, tolerances or specifted requirements B. Repair or replacement of defective concrete will be detennined by the Engineer SITECONCRETE 03000-7 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. C. Repair defects in formed concrete suifaccs within 24 hours of removing forms D. Replace defective concrete within 48 hrs E. Cut out and remove to sound concrete honeycombed or otherwise dcfective concrete F. Cut edges square to avoid feathering G. Comply with Chapter 9, ACI 301 H. Perform repair work so as not to interfere with thorough curing of adjacent concrete I. Adequately cure repair work 3.IZ FINISHING FORMED SURFACES A. Remove fins and other surface projections fro- all formed surfaces except exterior sudaces that will be in contact with earth backfill and are not specified to be dampproofcd B. Use a power grindel if necessary, to remove projections and provide a flush surface C. Remove fins and fill all tie holes except where indicated otherwise l. Clean, dry and fill tie holes with epoxy grout 2. Finish flush to match the texture ofadjacent concrete D. Grout clean all exposed sudaces under provisions of Chapter 10, ACI 301 where indicated othcrwise l. Grout clean surfaces exposed to view to produce a smooth uniform surface free of marks, voids, surface glaze and ccment dust 2. Use nonshrink grout mix with bonding agent. Dampen sudace and apply with cork or rubber float 3.]3 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Field inspection and testing will be pcrformed in accordance with ACI 301 under provisions of Section 01400 B. Ownels geotechnical consultant provide field and compressive strength tests to deterrnine compliance of concrete materials in accordance with the specifications except as indicated otherwise under provisions of Section 01400 C. Field Control Test l. Tests by ACI certified technician 2. Provide all equipment, supplies, and the services ofone or more employees, as required D. Slump: Provide a sample from each truck load in accordance with ASTM Cl43 if requested by consultant and when making tcst cylindcrs E. Air Content: Provide a sample from each truck load if requested by Consultant and when making test cylinders F. Compression Tests l. Provide one set of 6 cylinders each day when up to 50 cu yds have been placed 2. Make one additional set of6 cylinders for each additional 50 cu yds or each major pour placed in one day G. Failure of Test Cylinder Results l. Upon failure of 28day test cylinder results, the Consultant may require the Contractor, at his expense, to obtain and test at least thrce 4-inch diameter cored samples from area in question 2, Concrete will be considcred adequate if average of three core tests is at least 85 percent of and if no single core is less than 75 percent o{, the specified 28{ay strength 3. In thc event an area is found to be structurally unsound, the Engineer rnay order removal and replacement of concrete as required. The cost of the core tests and removal and replacerncnt of defectivc concrete shall be borne by the Contractor 4. Fill all core holes as specified for repairing defective concrete I I I I I I I I T t I I I I t I I I I STTE CONCRETE END OF SECTION 03000-8 I Vail Mountain School I Project Number 2001.028 I Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. r sEcrIoN 0340r - pREcAsr coNcRETE srRUcuREs I PARTI GENERAL ! I.I SECTION INCLUDES I A. All precrst vaults including precast inlets and manholes complete with steps, ring and cover as required r B. All other necessary appurtenances I t.2 RETATED sEcrIoNS I A. Section 03000 - Concrete .- B. Section 03600 - Grout I r 13 REFERENCES I A. ASTM A48 - Gray lron Castings I B. ASTM A185 - Steel Welded Wire Fabrig Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement - C. ASTM A6t5 - Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bors for Concrete Reinforcement r D. ASTM C33 - Concrete Agg,regates I E ASTM Cl50 - Portland Cement t F. ASTM C478 - Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections G. Town of Vail Public Works/Iransportation construction specifications, standards end details. r 1.4 SUBMITTAIS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01340 I B. Shop Drawings: Ptovide sufffcient data to verifl, compliance with the specifications and to illustrate t construcuon and assembly C. Product Data: Provide manufacturer catalog information on castings, grating and accessories to indicate I compliance with specifications I D. Design Data: Include calculations prepared by precast manufacturer indicating design loads and material r reouirements for reinforcement I 1.5 or.*r*rrroRAcEAND HANDLTNc A. Transport and handle precrst concrete units with equipment to protect from dirt and damage I B. Do not place units in position which will cause damage I C. Handle by means of lifting inserts - D. Do not move from manufacturer's yard until curing is complete I PART2 PRoDUcrs I 2.1 MANUFACTURERS I A. Carder Concrete Products r B. Amcor Precast C. Or equal I 2.2 MATERTALS A. Reinforcement t PRECAsrcoNcRETEsrRUcruREs t 03401-l Veil Mounrain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. l.Reinforcing Stecl: ASTM A6l5 Grade 60 2.Welded Wire Fabric: ASTM Al85 B. Concrete: Refer to Division Three Specifications l.Minimum compressive strength:4000 psi at 28 days Z.Cemene ASTM C150, Portland Cement, Type II 3.Aggregates: ASTM C33, free of deleterious substances C. Precast Sections l. Specification: ASTM C478 2.Minimum wall thickness: 6 inch 3.Grade rings as required D. Gaskets: ASTM C923 l. Mastic: FS S$S210A, "RAM-NEK" or equal 2.Rubben Neoprene,40+ 5 hardness when measured by ASTM D2240, Type A durometer E. Castings: ASTM A48 with asphalt varnish coating hot dip applied at foundry, 6 mils thick F. Manhole Steps: Steel bat l/2 inch Grade 60, dropfront type, with polypropylene coating applied by manufacturer, Type MA Industries, [nc. "PS2-PF" or equal C. Inlet Gratings and Manhole Ring and Cover l.Cast iron, heavy duty traffic type, ASTM A48, Class 30B. Grind bearing surfaces to ensure fla! true sulraces 2. Covers to seat at all points on ring Manhole Height Adjustment: Use precast concrete grade rings Rock Subbase: l-ll2 inch minus, well-graded gravel Water: Clean and free of deleterious substances FABzuCATION A. Vault Section l.Precast concrete dimensions as shown on plans 2.Precast lid: Same or greater reinforcement and wall thickness with capability for H20 loading 3.Joints: Shiplap or tongue and groove with double mastic gaskets, each joint to set equally and tightly 4.Access opefling: Minimum 24 clear 5. Pipe connection: As indicated on Drawings 6. Pipe knockout: As indicated on Drawings B. Grating and Metal Frame: As specified on drawings PART 3 EXECUTION 3.I EXAMINATION A Verifu items provided by other sections of Work are properly sized and located B. Verify that built-in items are in proper location, ready for roughing into Work C. Verify excavation for vault is correct 3.2 PREPARATION A. Excavatiory Backfill, Subgrade Compaction: Refer to Section 02300 for requirements B. Rock Subbase I . Remove water and place 6 inch minimum depth 2.Vibrate for compaction 3.Level top to accept precast sections with uniform bearing all around 4.If material below vault is unsuitable, excavate as directed by the Engineer and backfill to grade with l- l/2 inch minus rock and comoact t-r t J. I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I t I I I PRECAST CONCRETE STRUCTURES 03401-2 t t I I I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework Package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois, Architects P.C. 3.3 PI"{CING PRECAST SECTIONS A. Thoroughly clean joints of sections to place gasket material B. Place gasket material on base or lower section to ensure watertight fit between lower precast section and upper precast section C. Fill inside and outside of joint completely with non-shrink grout and trowel smootrh D. Cure non-shrink grout using approved methods outlined in Section 03600 and as recommended by manufacturer 3.4 PREFORMED GASKETS A. Remove and replace vault sections which have chipped or cracked joints B. Thoroughly clean section joints C. Install gasket in conformance witl manufacturerrs recommendations D. Only use primer furnished by gasket manufacturer 3.5 MANHOT"E RINGAND COVER A Place ring in bed of non+hrink grout on top ofvault B. Carry non*hrink grout over flange of ring C. Set top of ring flush will all surfaces subject to foot and vehicular traffic D. Use precast grade rings for height adjustment END OF SECTION I I I I t I I I I I I I I PRECAST CONCRETE STRUCTURES 034013 I I - Vail Mountain School I Project Number 2001.028 tt Civil / Sitework package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. I SECTION 05500 - ME"IAL FABRICATTONS r PART I -GENERAL - l.ol SUMMARY I A. This Section includes the following:! l. l,oose bearing and leveling plates. I 2. Loose steel lintels. I 3. Shelfangles. 4. Steel framing and supports for applications where framing and supports are not speciffed in I s "rff.:'r::::::-etartrim r 1.02 SUBMITTATS I A. Product Data: Not required. I B. Shop Drawings: Detail fabrication and erection of each metal fabrication indicated. Include plans, elevations, sections, and details of metal fabrications and their connections. Show anchorage and accessory items. I l. Provide templates for anchors and bolts specified for installation under other Sections. 2. Provide Shop Drawings for the following assemblies:I I a. Ledge angles I C. Welding Certificates: Copies of certificates for welding procedures and personnel. I I.O3 OUALITY ASSUMNCE I A. Fabricator Qualifications: A ffrm experienced in producing metal fabrications similar to those indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in"aenrice performance, as well as sufficient ^'^'lugd6n gxp5city to produce required units.I t B. Welding: Qualifu procedures and personnel according to the following: I l. AWS D 1.1, "structural Welding Code-Steel.' I 2. All welders to be employed in the work shall have certiffcation of having satisfactorily passed appropriate AWS qualification tests within the previous I2 months. I 1.04 PROJECT CONDTTTONS A. Field Measurements: Where metal fabrications are indicated to fit walls and other construction, verifu t dimensions by field measurements before fabrication and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings.I Coordinate fabrication schedule with construction progress to avoid delaying the Work. I l. Established Dimensions: Where field measurements cannot be made without delaying the t Work, establish dimensions and proceed with fabricating metal fabrications without field I METALFABRI.ATT.N'05500 - I Vail Mountain School Project Number 200 1.028 Civil / Sitework package Klipp Colussy Jcnks DuBois Architects, P.C. measuremcnts. Coordinatc construction to ensure that actual dimensions correspond to established dimensions. Allow for trimming and fitting. ].05 COORDINATION A. Coordinate installation of anchorages for metal fabrications. Furnish setting drawings, templates, and directions for installing anchorages, including sleeves, concrete inserts, anchor bolts, and items with integral anchors, that are to be embedded in concrete or masonry. Deliver such itcms to Project site in time for installation- PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI METATS. CENEML A. Metal Surfaces, General: For metal fabrications exposed to view in the completcd Worlg providc materials with smooth, flat surfaces without blemishes. Do not use materials with exposed pitting seam marks, roller marks, rolled trade names, or roughness. 2.O2 FERROUS METALS T I I I I I I 2.03 Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars: ASTM A 36/A 36M. Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes: Select according to AWS specifications for metal alloy welded. FASTENERS General: Provide Type 304 or 316 stainless-steel fasteners for exterior use and zinc-plated fasteners with coating complying with ASTM B 633, Class FefZn 5, where built into exterior walls. Select fasteners for type, gradc, and class requircd. Bolts and Nuts: Rcgular hexagonJread bolts, ASTMA307, GradeA (ASTMF568M, Propcrty Class 4.6); with hex nuts. ASTM A^ 563 (ASTI',,1 A 5631"{1, a,'t1, where inciicateci, llat washcrs. Anchor BolLs: ASTM F 1554, Grade 36. Machine Screws: ASME 818.6.3 (ASME Bl8-6.7M1. Lag Bolts: ASME 818.2.1 (ASME B18.2.3.8M). Wood Screws: Flat hcad, carbon steel, ASME B I 8.6. l. Plain Washcrs: Round, carbon steel, ASME B I 8.22.1 (ASME B I 8.22M)- Lock Washers: Flelical, spring type, carbon steel, ASMI B 18.21.1 (ASME B18.21.2M]. Expansion Anchors: Anchor bolt and sleeve assembly of material indicated below with capability to sustain; without failure, a load eqrral to six tirnes the load imposed when installed in unit masonry and equai to four tirnes the load irnposed whcn rnstalled in concrete, as determined by tcsting per ASTM E 488, conducted by a qualified independent testing agency. l. Material: Carbon-steel colnponents zinc-plated to conrply with ASTM B 633, Class Fe/Zn 5. t I I T T I I I I I I I D. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. l_ MDTAL F-AI}RICATIONS 05s00 - 2 I I I t I I I t t t I I I I t I I I t Vail Mountain School Project Number 200f .028 Civil / Sitework package Klipp C.olussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. J. Toggle Bolts: FS FF-B-588, tumble-wing type, class and style as needed. 2.04 GROUT A. Nonshrink, Nonmetallic Grout: Factory-packaged, nonstainin& noncorrosive, nongaseous grout complying with ASTM C I107. Provide grout speciffcally recommended by manufrcturer for interior and exterior applications. 2.05 CONCRETE FILL A. Concrete Materials and Properties: Comply with requirements in Division 3 Section "Cast-in-Place Concrete" for normal-weight, air-entraine4 ready-mix concrete with a minimum 28day compressive strength of 3000 psi (ZO Ntmal unless otherwise indicated. 2.06 FABRICATION,CENEML A. Shop Assembly: Preassemble items in shop to greatest extent possible to minimize field splicing and assembly. Disassemble units only as necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Use connections that maintain structural value of joined pieces. Clearly mark units for reassembly and coordinated installation. B. Shear and punch metals cleanly and accurately. Remove burrs. C. Ease exposed edges to a radius of approximately l/32 inch (l mm), unless otherwise indicated. Form bent-metal corners to smallest radius possible without causing grain separation or otherwise impairing work. D. Weld corners and seams continuously to comply with the following: l. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion resistairce of base metals. 2. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap. 3. Re'move welding flux immediately. 4. At exposed connections, finish exposed welds and surfaces smooth and blended so no roughness shows after ffnishing and contour of welded surface matches that of adjacent surface. E. Provide for anchorage of type indicated; coordinate with supporting structure. Fabricate and space anchoring devices to secure metal fabrications rigidly in place and to support indicated loads. F. Cug reinforcg drill, and tap metal fabrications as indicated to receive finish hardware, screws, and similar items. G. Fabricate joints that will be exposed to weather in a manner to exclude water, or provide weep holes where water may accumulate H. Allow for thermal movement resulting from the following maximum change (range) in ambient and surface temperatures by preventing buckling opening up ofloints, overstressing of componentg failure of connections, and other detrimental effects. Base engineering calculation on surface temperatures of materials due to both solar heat gain and nighttime-sky heat loss. METAL FABRICATIONS 05500 - 3 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. l. Ternperature Change (Range): 120 deg F (67 dcg C), ambient; 180 deg F (100 deg CJ, material surfaces. I. Form exposed work true to line and level with accurate angles and surfaces and straight sharp edges. J. Remove sharp or rough areas on exposed traffic surfaces. K. Form exposed connections with hairline joints, flush and smooth, using concealed fasteners where possible. Use exposed fasteners of type indicated or, if not indicated, Phillips flat-head (countersunkJ screws or bolts- Locate joints where least conspicuous. 2.IO LOOSE STEEL LINTETS A. Fabricate loose structural-steel lintels from steel angles and shapes of size indicated for openings and recesses in masonry walls and partitions at locations indicated. B. Weld ad.loining members together to form a single unit where indicated. C. Sizc loose lintels to provide bearing length at each side of openings equal to onetwelfth of clear span, but not less than 8 inches (200 mm), unless otherwise indicated. D. Calvanize loose steel lintels located in exterior walls. 2.I I SHELF ANGLES A. Fabricate shelf angles from steel angles of sizes indicated and for attachment to concrete framing. Provide horizontally slotted holes to receive 3/4-inch (19-mm) bolts, spaced not more than 6 inches (150 mm) from ends and 24 inches (600 mm) o.c., unless otherwise indicated. B. For cavity walls, provide vertical channel brackets to support angles from backup masonry and concrete. Align expansion joints in angles with indicated control and expansion joints in cavity-wall exterior wvthe. C. Galvanize shelf angles to be installed in exterior walls. D. Furnish wedge-type concrete inserts, complete with fasteners, to attach shelf angles to cast-in-place concrete. 2.17 FINISHES, GENEML A. Cornply with NAAMM's "Metal i'-inishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. B. Finish metal fabrications after assemblv. 2.13 STEEL AND IRON FINISHES A. Galvanizing: Hotdip galvanize items as indicated to comply with applicable standard listed below: l. ASTM A 123, for galvanizing stecl and iron products. Z. ASTM A 153/A 153M, for galvanizing steel and iron hardware. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I METAL FABRICATIONS 05500 - 4 D. 3.01 I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I Vail Mountain School Pmject Number 2001.0?8 Civil / Sitework package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Ardritects, PC. B. Preparation for Shop Priming: Prepare uncoated ferrous-metal surfaces to comply with minimum requirements indicated below for SSPC surface.preparation specifications and environmental exposure conditions of installed metal fabrications: l. Exteriors and Interiors (SSPC Zone lBJ: SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3, "Commercial Blast Cleaning.n C. Shop primer shall be conpatible with paint systerns specified in Division 9 Section '?ainting." D. Steel and iron fabrications exposed to view shall be finished with high perfornrance paint system as specifi€d in Division 9 Section'?ainting.". E. Apply shop primer to uncoated surfaces of metal fsbrications, except those with galvanized ffnishes and those to be embedded in concrete, sprayed-on fireprooffng or masonry, unless otherwise indicated. Comply with SSPGPA l, 'Paint Application Speciffcation No. l,' for shop painting. t. Stripe paint comers, crevices, bolts, welds, and sharp edges. PART 3 - EXECUTION INSTALT"{TION, GENEML Fastening to In-Place Construction: Provide anchorage devices and fasteners where necessary for securing metal fabrications to in-place construction. Include threaded fasteners for concrete and masonry inserts, toggle bolts, through-bolts, lag bolts, wood screws, and otAer connectors. Cutting, Fitting and Placement Perform cuttin& drillin& and fitting required for installing metal fabrications. Set metal fabrications accurately in location, alignment, and elevation; with edges and surfaces level, plumb, true, and free of rack; and measured from established lines and levels. Provide temporary bracing or anchors in formwork for items that are to be built into concrete, masonry, or similar construction, Fit exposed connections accurately together to form hairline joints. Weld connections that ere not to be left as exposed joints but cannot be shop welded because of shipping size limitations. Do not weld, cul or abrade surfaces of exterior units that have been hotdip galvanized after fabrication and are for bolted or screwed ffeld connections. Field Welding: Comply with the following requirements: l. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion resistance of base metals. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap. Remove welding flux immediately. . At exposed connections, finish exposed welds and surfaces smooth and blended so no roughness shows after finishing and contour of welded surface matches that of adjacent surface. 3.02 INSTALLINC MISCELT.ANEOUS FMMING AND SUPPORTS A. General: Install framing and supports to comply with requirements of items being supported including manufacturers' written instructions and requirements indicated on Shop Drawings, if any- 1. 1 METALFABzuCATTONS 05500 - 5 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Gvil / Sitework package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. Anchor supports for operable partitions securely to and rigidly brace from building structure. C. Support steel girders on solid grouted masonry, concrete, or steel pipe columns. Secure girders with anchor bolts embedded in grouted masonry or concrete or with bolts through top plates of pipe columns. l. Where grout space under bearing plates is indicated at girders supported on concrete or masonry install as specified above for setting and grouting bearing and leveling plates. 3.03 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Touchup Painting: Immediately after erectioq clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas of shop paint" and paint exposed areas with the same material as used for shop painting to comply with SSPC-PA I for touching up shoppainted surfaces. l. Apply by brush or spray to provide a minimum 2.Gmil (0.05-mm) dry film thickness. B. Touchup Painting: Cleaning and touchup painting of ffeld welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas of shop paint are specified in Division 9 Section "Painting." C. Galvanized Surfaces: Clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas and repair galvanizing to comply with ASTM A 780. END OF SECTION O55OO I t I t I t I I I I T I I I I I t I I METAL FABRICATIONS 05500 - 6 I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C SECTION 06105 - MISCELLANEOUS CARPENTRY PART I -GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A This Section indudes: l. Framing with dimension lumber. 2. Wood furring grounds and nailers. 3. Plywood and blocking. 4. Sheathing. I.O2 SUBMITTATS Wood treatment data as follows, including chemical treatment manufacturer's instructioirs for handling storing installing, and finishing treated materials: l. For each type of preservative'treated wood producg indude certification by treating plant stating type of preservative solution and pressure process used, net amount of preservative retained, and compliance with applicable standards. 2. For waterborne-treated products, include statement that moisture content of treated materials was reduced to levels indicated before shipment to Project site. 3. For ffre-retardant-treated wood products, include certification by treating plant that treated materials comply with specified standard and other requirements as well as data relative to bending strength, stiffness, and fastenertolding capacities of treated materials. a. Include statement that installer will use ffre retardant-treated wood produc* at al1 mounting locations for handrails, door stops, grab ban, plumbing ffxtures, luminaries, casework, display and tackboards, wall mounted door holders (mechanical and magnetic), miscellaneous equipment and all other surface mounted items as required for propet anchorage. I.O3 DELIVERY, STOMGE AND HANDLING A. Keep materials under cover and dry. Protect from weather and contact witl damp or wet surfaces. Stack lumber, plywood, and other panels. Provide for air circulation within and around stacks and under temporary coverings. l. For lumber and plywood pressure treated with waterborne chemicals, place spacers between each bundle to provide air circulation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 LUMBER, GENEML Lumber shall meet the requirements of U.S. Department of Commerce voluntary product Standard PS20-70 "American Softwood Lumber Standard" and plywood shall meet the requirements of Product Standard 1-74 NASI 199.1 and bear proper identification of such. MISCELLANEOUS CARPENTRY 06105 - 1 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C B. Grade Stamps: Provide lumber with each piece factory marked with grade stamp of inspection agency evidencing compliance with grading rule rcquirements and identifying grading agency, grade, species, moisture content at time of surfacing and mill. C. Wherc nominal sizes are indicated, provide actual sizes required by DOC PS 20 for moisture content speciffed. Where actual sizes are indicated, they are minimum dressed sizes for dry lumber. l. Provide dressed lumber, S4S, unless otherwise indicated. See plans for locations of rough sawn materials. 2. Provide dry lumber with I9 percent maximum moisture content at time of dressing for 2-inch nominal [38-mm actual) thickness or less, unless otherwise indicated. 2.02 WOOD-PRESERVATIVE-TREATED MATERIATS I I I I I t I t t I T t I I C. A. B. General: Where lumber or plywood is indicated as preservative treated or is specified to be treated, comply with applicable requirements of AWPA C2 (lumber) and AWPA C9 (plywood). Mark each treated item with the Quality Mark Requirements of an inspection agency approved by AtSC's Board of Review. L Do not use chemicals containing chromium or arsenic. Pressute treat aboveground items with waterborne preservatives to a minimum retention of 0.25 lb/cu. ft. (4.0 kg/cu. m). After treatment, kilndry lumber and plywood to a maximum moisture content of l9 and l5 percent, respectively. Treat indicated items and the following: 1. Wood cants, nailers, curbs, equipment support bases, blocking, stripping and similar members in connection with rooffng, flashing, vapor barriers, and waterprooffng. 2. Wood sills, sleepers, blocking furring stripping, and similar concealed members in contact with masonry or concrete. Pressure treat wood members in contact with ground or freshwater with waterborne preservatives to a minimum retention of 0.40 lb/cu. ft. (6.4 ke/cu. m) DIMENSION LUMBER General: Provide dimension lumber of grades indicated according to the ALSC National Grading Rule (NGRJ provisions ofthe inspection agency indicated. Interior Partitions: Provide framing of the following grade and species: I . Grade: Construction, Stud, or No. 3. a. Specics: Hem-ffr north; NLGA. Other Framing: Provide the following gradcs and specrcs: I. Grade: No. 2. 2. Species: a. Douglas firJarch; WCLIB or WWPA. MISCELT"A,NEOUS LUMBER 2.03 2.O4 t I t I I MISCELLANEOUS CARPENTRY 06105 - 2 I I I t I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I Vail Mountain School Pmject Numbet 2001.028 Civil / Sitework package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C A. Fabricate miscellaneous lumber from dimension lumber of sizes indicated and into shapes shown. B. Moisture Content: 19 percent maximum for lumber items are not specified to receive wood preservative treatmenL C. Grade: For dimension lumber sizeg provide No. 3 or Standard grade lumber per AfSC's NGRs of any species. For board+ize lumber, provide No. 3 Common grade per NELMA, NLGA, or WWPA; No. 2 grade per SPIB; or Standard grade per NLGA" WCLIB or WWPA of any species. 2.05 PLYWOOD A. Plywood: Provide either all-veneer, mat-forme4 or composite panels complying with DOC PS 2, nPerformance Standard for Wood-Based Structural-Use Panels,' unless otherwise indicated. Provide plywood panels complying with DOC PS l, "U.S. Product Standard for Construction and Industrial Plywood," where plywood is indicated. B. Trademark: Factory mark structural-use panels with APA trademark evidencing compliance with grade requirements. Span Ratings: Provide panels with span ratings required to meet "Code Plus" provisions of APA Form No. E30, "APA Design/Construction Guide: Residential & Commercial.' Miscellaneous Concealed Panels: APA-rated sheathing Exposure l, span rating to suit framing in each location. Plywood Underlayment: Undedayment B-C Exterior with fully sanded face, thickness as indicated but not less than l/2 inch [12.7 mm). Miscellaneous Exposed Plywood: A-D Interior, thickness as indicated but not less than 7/2 inch {12.7 mmJ. G. Plywood Backing Panels: For mounting electrical or telephone equipmen! provide fire-retardant- treated plywood panels with grade, GD Plugged Exposure l, in thickness indicated or, if not othenvise indicated, not less than l5132 inch (l1.9 mm) thlck. 2.06 CONCEALED,PERFORMANCE-RATEDSTRUCTUMLUSEPANEIS A. General: Where structural-use panels are indicated for the following concealed types of applications, provide APA-performance-rated panels complying with requirements designated under each application for grade, span rating exposure durability classiffcation, and edge detail {where applicable). l. Thickness: Provide panels meeting requirements specified but not less than thickness indicated on the Drawings. 2. Span Ratings: Provide panels with span ratings required to meet "Code Plus" provisions of APA Form No. E30, "APA Design/Construction Guide: Residential & Commercial." B. Wall Sheathing: APA-rated Structural I sheathing. l. ExposureDurabilityClassification: Exterior. 2. Span Rating: l2lQ 16/0,20/0, orWall - 16 for stud spacing of 16 inches (406 mmJ or less. D. F. MISCELLANEOUS CARPENTRY 0610s - 3 D. 2.O7 Vail Mountain School Project Number 2001.028 Civil / Sitework package Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C C. RoofSheathing: APA-rated Sructural I sheathing. l. Exposure Durability Classification: Exposure l. 2. Span Rating: l6/0orRoof- 16 and24/0 orRoof-24. B. c. D. Floor Sheathing: APA-rated Sturd-l-Floor l. Exposure Durability Classification: Exposure l. 2. Span Rating: 16" O/C. minimum as noted on plans FASTENERS General Provide fasteners of size and type indicated that comply with requirements speciffed in this Article for meterial and manufacture. l. Where miscellaneous carpentry is exposed to weather, in ground contact, or in area of high relative humidity, provide fasteners with a hotdip zinc coating per ASTM A 153 or of Type 304 stainless steel. Nails, Wire, Brads, and Staples: FS FF-N-105. Power-Driven Fasteners: CABO NER-272. Bolts: Steel bolts complying with ASTMA 307, GradeA (ASTM F 568, Property Class 4.6); with ASTM A 563 (ASTM A 563M) hex nuts and, where indicated, flat washers. t I I I I t I T T T t I I I I I PART 3 - EXECTJTION 3.OI INSTALI"\TION,GENERAL A. Discard units of material with defects that impair quality of cerpentry and that are too small to use with minimum number of ioints or optimum joint arrangemenL B. Set carpentry to required levels and lines, with members plumb, true to line, cut, and fftted. C. Fit carpentry to other construction; scribc and cope as required for accurate fic Correlate location of furring, nailers, blocking, grounds, and similar supports to allow attachment of other construction. D. Apply field treatment complying with AWPA M4 to cut sudaces of preservative-treated lumber and plywood. E. Securely attach carpentry work as indic-ated and according to applicable codes and recognized standards. F. Countersink nail heads on cxposed carpentry work and fill holes with wood filler. G. Use fasteners of appropriate type and length. Predrill mcmbers when necessary to avoid splitting wood. 3.02 WOOD GROUNDS, NAILERS, BLOCKING, AND SLEEPERS A. Install whcre shown and where required for screeding or attaching other work. Cut and shape to required size. Coordinate locations with other work involved. I I t MISCELLANEOUS CARPENTRY 06105 - 4 I Vail Mountain School I ProjectNumber 2001.028 ! Civil / Sitework package ,, Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C I B. Provide continuous lumber blocking at all rnountiag locations for:. l. Handrails. I 2. Door stops.l. 3. Grab bari. 4. Plumbing fixtures. t 5. Luminaries. I 6. Casework. 7 . Miscellaneous equipmenl 1a 8. All other surfaces mounted items as required for secure anchorage. r C. Blocking shall be continuous between stsds, and continuous for the length ofitems to be mounted. I D. Attach to substrates to support applied loading. Recess bolts and nuts flush with sudaces, unless f otherwise indicated. I E. Blocking shall be continuous between studs, and continuous for the lengtlr of items to be mounted. I 1. Install 12' blocking at top of all wall cabinets and fasten 2o kom each end and at 6" o.c with finish screws and washers. ! F. Use Pressure Treated wood products at exterior roof and masonry support areas including sleepers, sills, blocking furring stripping or members concealed or in conact with masonry and concrete. Use I at wood framing members less than 18' above grade and for floor plates over concrete slabs. Brush f apply speciffed preservative solution liberally to all field cuts in pressure treated material. I 3.03 INSTALT.ATION OF PLYWOOD PANEIS r A. General: Comply with applicable recommendations contained in APA Form No.830, 'APA I Design/Construction Guide: Residential & Commercial," for types of structural-use panels and I applications indicated. l. Comply with "Code Plus' provisions of above-referenced guide. I END OF SECTION 06105 I I I I t I MrscELLANEous .ARPENTRY 06105 - 5 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Traffic & Safety Section 222 South 6rh Street. Room 100 Grand Junc{ion, Colorado 81501 (970) 248-7230 July 20, 2005 Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP MPG PO Box 1127 Avon. CO 8'1620 Re: l-70 North Frontage Road - Vail Mountain School CDOT comments on noise barrier application. Dear Mr. Mauriello: On March 31, 2005, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) has reviewed your application package for the project referenced above. As you know, we are governed by CDOT Soundwall Policy (Policy Directive 1900.00) and CDOT lmplementation of Soundwall Policy (Procedural Directive 1900.1. Summarv of Reqion 3 position In consultation with all specialty units, CDOT Region 3 allows the existing berm to remain. However, we do not have sufficient information to approve any expansion of the existing berm or construction of additional berms in l-70 Right of Way. There are three options in this regard.1) Town of Vail submit proper noise modeling to support additional wall construction 2) Town of Vail decide not to build any berm in the right of way 3) Town of Vail reduces the berm height so it does not qualify as a noise barrier. In this case, the berm would have to be below a line of sound drawn between the highway (2 feet above pavement) and the receptor (5 feet above ground) Actual Review comments from GDOT specialtv units 1) Right of Way (Darrel Lowder, ROW Manage I've reviewed the plans submitted for the Vail Mtn School sound barrier berm along S.H. 6. lt is obvious that the older part of this berm is predominately on school property but the new portion of the berm on the west end is entirely in our RAy'y' which allows the school to gain a significant number of parking spaces. I realize the CDOT Policy and Directive allows this use but it seems to me they should be paying CDOT for this benefit for the full use of their property and the limited use of our property. 2) Utilities (Dwight Burgess, Utility Manager) a) lt appears that there may be several existing utilities that would be buried under the proposed berm. This could make maintenance of these facilities difficult if not impossible. b) The construction of the berm could potentially take away the ability to use this space for future utility installations. This could become an important issue as the area grows and the potential exists to add additional lanes on l-70. c) My understanding is that all berms on interstate highways must be owned by CDOT. I'm not sure we want to take on this responsibility if we don't have to. d) | would much prefer that all private facilities be constructed off our ROW and maintain the integrity of our highway system for future expansion of highway related facilities. Page 1 of 2 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Triftic & safety section Page 2 ol 2 3) Hydraulics (Stuart Gardner, R3 Hydraulic Engineer) I don't know if the drainage improvements have been built or not, but if they have not been built, I would prefer that the 15" FES shown on Sheet C1.3 on the East side of the Katsos Ranch Road be changed to a Type 13 field inlet. lf the improvements have already been constructed, the FES can remain. 4) Environmental (Tammie Smith, Environmental Manager) - paraphrased from verbal comments a) CDOT policy requires a site specific noise study and this application did not include this study. There is a document called, "Evaluation of need for noise barrier to reduce highway noise at Vail Mountain School." This is not a site specific noise study. lt just references information provided in the 2001 Noise study (WlSl for town of Vail). The "evaluation" state, "the WlSl noise study estimated that a 16 foot high noise barrier along l-70 (wall M) would result in a 5 dba noise reduction at receptor 37. lT CAN BE ASSUMED THAT THIS STRUCTURE WOULD HAVE SIMILAR EFFECTIVENESS AT THE SCHOOL LOCATION. This assumption is invalid because noise levels are highly dependent of source, receptor, and wall geometry. The proposed earth berm is not the same material, height, or location as the noise wall studied in the WlSl study. b) The "evaluation" then goes on to state, "assuming that this noise barrier would reduce highway noise by approximately 5 dba, highway noise impacts could fall below 67 dba (Leq). The policy requires modeling to properly document the 5 dba decrease. What is the ACTUAL insertion loss? c) lt would seem reasonable to allow the existing berm to stay in place while requiring that any berm extension or new berm be evaluated in full compliance with our policy. 5) Permits Unit of Traffic Section (Skip Hudson) a) The Policy says that noise barriers could be placed on public right of way if no other reasonable alternative exists. I am not sure that alternatives were evaluated. lt appears that the small site was maxed out and the berm was an afterthought. CDOT would be allowing encroachments all over the place if insufficient site size was an allowable consideration. b) There appears to be an attitude of build now and ask for forgiveness later. I personally observed expansion ofthe existing berm and have received reports that the new berm is being built as well. c) The IGA wording is acceptable. Please contact me to let me know how you want to proceed from here. Sincerely,%*4 Skip Hudson, P.E. Region 3 Permit Engineer Copy: James Nall Dan Roussin Tammie Smith Earl Weiskettel, Vail Mountain School Russ Fonest. Town of Vail Inspcctlon Requert Page 9 .A/P/D lnlormrfon Reques : Frlday, September 02, 2005 . i RFORREST : pi_AN :CD : 3160 |(AISOS RANCH RD VAIL Lotr 1l & .|2, Block 2, Vail Mllegr 12th 8O3{O79 Dl'e: CC.MBUILD Oor:upaiicy: 21 VNL MOU}ffAIN SCHOOf, SF|AW CONSTRUCT]ON COMPANY SHAW CONgTRUCTION COMPAI.IY Acttulty: Const Typa: Ownar: Appflcant: Contactor: D€scrlDllon: Motlce: Comm€nt: Comment: Ccmmeot: Commen'.: Cornln€nL Comrninl.(;ornm€nL Comm€ : comment: Comrnenl: Comrne ' Cor.'we ' 82 thtus: ISSUED ll l-F|R Inspfuea: CD , fttone: 9?0-?42-3236 Phone: 970 ?42-9t36 Rev'lsed masler r'lan for Vall Mountsln School Tl,lF EXITS ARE REOUIRED FROM TI.IE AREA UNDER CONSTRUCTIOIJ AT ALL TIMES. . GDENCKLA polns rouled to Bulldlng - CDAVIS We do not have comple plsns, €levatlons as por ORB appfo\,a|, landscap€ plan. rooling plarrs eil itant uotllled tor a selond Um€ on 516,03. Russ Forrest - CDAVIS POUTED }JE\^/ FTATIS TC RUSS,PVJ .FIRE AND ART FCR REVIEWAFFFOVALS . OFLORSS kll:hen p,lans routed t-' Blll Cgrl:cn DFLCRES addtndlme rc.uted tr'Charlie, l.lartnltu, p'ubll; '.v,;rks ;iiJ flre - C9AVIS PW rreeds to Ensul€ ea$renb ots srcuigd siirl Bui Slgp ls ln tl,b colrGci ivc,.rlioti. - GDEi.lCKll ".CDAVIS nl€ at PW S I HESE REVISED PLANS REFLEC I CHAIYGES AND RE YISIOI'IS 'IO Rts.SPONU IO (IJ'RREC IIONS S IAl'EO BY EACH C€PARIMENT. CDAVIS ILC IIOIJTED TO PLANMAIG I/A(X. GDEI{CKLA ILC m{ilsd to Clrdle Davlc and RIISS Foneli - JSt_IItlER PPFI IMINAFfY BAI-Ai|CE REPORTSUBMITTEDANDROT,|TF|TTOGRFG DFNCXLA - JSUTHER ,!fl rF1\f F^ .a.r,rr.i |-\? loal!r", ? l ,'ral lFstallbd b one. n inl: r_:d ;::phall p irr.;d recefu:'j F€im:: lor flr€ suppresllcn for kitchen hoads, ri ute,l t; Fhe LC,1i!'IPBELL t"o tl8:: Iten:: / R--qrested T!ri13: gg:cf Att!Requestor: N CONIFANY t ..t // Fhcne: .{01.i167 As:fgn,!,dr0: /l*'ft' Entersctey: DccLDEl: K €tt l.o/ I zt [u-' l/r, / go ro,,A', h q/ &,,fr- //*L/ /7-- REPT131 Run Id: 358i :, ..i SFoE:effi--- -rnsp.cEfi Requ€t R 8:?7 am lfrlt nft- cfrn i Fage 10 Commsnt ut, t(r|';,\, Comment; &r iduS Comm€nt: 0{t:.i i4t Commanl. $7r 164f6 |;ommeltl- 07t?1!t'r5 C.omment: 08,'15j05 KINDERGARTEN FOOTIII€ AS HILITED ON Do.S2.30 hiSP&CIOi. CDAUIS AC,UON: Ff PART1AL INSPECTION Foo'tlNG AT',II-lE SCI"iCOL ArtlD f65 X 925 €XCLUDEL{ FOOTING AT ELEVATOR SHAFTAND i TADS C5.C6. C'A Inspector: GCD ,dction. Pl PARIAL INSPECTIOI'I FI{ FOR BROKEN SLAB OF IWN T PER EI{G DETAIL. 08O1,03 Cornm€nt: o8r?1,O3 Commant: 00/13,,03 Commerit' 09.'15103 Corimenl. !f,'t6,'!3 12'?2:73 '!5.i?'f? Cs$rmerri. 1^ ',tl 't? 'i1'?i e3 C+mm*i,il C+n':in.,iri: l*'1e'9.1 ci'30'9.{ :i'fx'1,{ c9'1.{ 34 Scrftirienl: ::'1? 11 ComrninL lnspector. GCD Action: Pl PARnAL NSPECTIOhI },ORruERN A FOOTING APPROVED. PROVTDE WATER STOP AS SHOWN ON PLAN$Inspeclot' cdaw Aclfon: PA pARTIAL APPFOVAL footinq at qriC n9.c-n5 9xs 18.e 15 hsps;tor.- GCO Actiii{}: Pi Pi,Rfl.qL:l}:PECTION : ru.I F,qD: AITD : J-5.C tr;D ini;i-:l.,r: JR'.! Actiirl. Pl PI',F]]AL ll lSFEC'IlOl.r F,a.R-:'li.L .',f rr.a',',iL 5 liil:fi::R i,r.Bs ili THE IIWAR:A.. AtiEA:'iicl ::-:31 tT:. CN ltLAt,iS lr,..p6;iri. -rnl.'l tit:;n: Fl p,6.:11'lt.L llt:fEcT'loll ,irPRct.':: :-:3TEt?9 !'/-D3 gEaTtoti E-1t t.t':: i l l'oolTn ff.1!_ E- 1 f Tlf?Lt lr1 3"t'r1 i.'h:ra:'rl t'!s'Js Atllorr: P! PARllAt. INSPECTION Pliase iine 5 an.l ramg, i;;'.eis ln$pb\,lor. :CA', i; Aciiorr- Fi FARTIAL TNSFECT|ON f tJ\/, I r .\) L1!i | .! | l:|./ lit J r_ ii\-' r/r ,.rr tittg., irilr,n. li F.^.FT[AL lll!f,'f i:1Ctl , _-lt .F. Fl rt.Jftrl tlitr t t'-\^trl5 tttr, ^.^t. t\.tl . r_ -, Dt Faarnf l I i.rl,:r ::'J APE,I B. a(r - -rtFa--r{rr aiF^t rtFrFr r t^+ nl. ! F,., nr.}e F.a,t F.r^. {F.r -r rr^ .. +t- Firraf a^ra t|t ?t-^]rr.tF "1 :i:cn: Pl P/,:'ilAr- l|j:FEf liltl :rIrL iir rac'i':fi .4:llcn: Pl :'t,RY].r,L lt\!t!tf aTCi'J 3 :': i",::l : rl1H t:: t: :'!: ,{T f.it:11:]: t'-t1,, T: '_i::: -i: i: r, !-1n., t.,--i-a+t{rl .- . nr-!tr:rt! 1{r ? .. . ,l r.l- cr!.r- ,1r I Ff! "^e,rir q f rFTrr,L lN:l-:cx?t,t PLe.l':: rtJ_1!'r1x:ir r\t!'r rrt_ .rra liiuii.,ctor: ;.iu,:l::: r,-ll:n: l'! ll,FTI,e.L Inl:trIc?3ttl t,:chTlt c3'..tR':".".:: 3',45'.'.'"i r::;::ic: ::'....' T': r:'*'R ,';:r,1 ; ::r.:ii.']cN:. EItSTlt'IC ,a,IlE.r, l,iir lll FllE '.'.:.r.;: f '.illf'tlf'Jl FiRt,LEt '"l.:ltl saOTI',:C lni{S ALRSADY PC}URED O'/EN, :I'JLD I'ICT MOVE. 1 ) PROYIDS Dar€ !-: F',Ct tT,3.[?wl!,y firAT CCt'lf,iEC'ItO]t. :) l^flAp pLASit liFE '3C lt?T tt.,: ccNTA,:T'itTH CONCRETE. 3) KE|P REEITB l" I RCM SCIL. 4) l,tAlNTArN t4'ltiDTlt FOR FOOI1NG BELOUJ FtpE i,rsp€clur: gCO Acuon: PiFARTIALAFPROVAT NORTi{ COUR] T ARr STAIR$.Itspecrol: iSCO Acuon: l{O }.lC} iirlEi}''RA$F EM.LU!\rkc txlEs fiI() i R€u tNSPr.C f'l(}l{. IneF€cror: {'cD Acti}n: MJ t{OTIF€n ('.:Uh6 GUTTER ANt' () IHER SrT€ (lOilCRFT€ DO€$N'T REO tNSPECltOAt.Aeibn: PA PARTIAI. APPROVAL AT COFFTFRIA Actlcn: APAPPRO\./ED 'f t(: Fe^7lr-1t t It!llF!_,r?!a i I rl t-F-i- narr t J,. I u .l lv, r1l i! . rl .L,-\,.\!; lftrpa*ot: GCD DROrp OFf AREA erAlRS lnspector: GCD REPT131 Run Id: 3581 1""" ,Y. :,'1t commsnt: fiNE€RFARTE'$F'HIII{i AS HlLlrED ol'1 m.S2.30 07J14,03 tniped$r: COAvtS Actbn: P',PARTIAI INSPEqION 07J14,03 tniped$r: COAvtS Actbn: P',PARTIAI INSPEqION " . .. ' camm6d|: . FOQTITE AT Tl'jE ScFOQt GRlqq6.5 x\s251 . r .r r+\,E{CttJDES FOOTI}IG Ar ELEVAIY}R $HAF,T AND 3 PADS CS,C6 \E7A'. ' 0&01/03 lnip€c{or: GGD Actlon: Fl PARTIAL INSPECnON \ C$MMent; FIX FOR BROXEN SLAE OF TWIN T PER E}.IS DETAL. \COMMenI; FIX FOQ BFQKEN SLAB OF TWIN T PER ENS DETAIL. \ O&?1/0G lnsfctol: cCO Comment N(SITHERN A FOO.II'{G APPROVEO, PROVIOE IVA1ERSTOP A$SH , . comnbnt i.iiftrrirnH-r Footr'rc AppRovtd pRdvtbE r,vArgiiErdFl$Bnounr o|.r pr-ANs.- .r' -89i12/0q tnSactoc .cdayt$ . _ , Actlon: FAPARTnLIFPROVAIi ' Cqq'ryllt fooUiq etgdd r$.&n5.9iot&e15 - , . ^.-osrl g'oJ intedtroi:"' -ec-p ii &omment 2 F4.0 PADS AND-' FS.o PAD. ogrf€/Eti] tngpecioi:-' JR& I'-' .',' Acllon: FIPARTIALINSFCCTION C.OMMent: PARTIAC APPROVAL 5 INTERIOR PADS IN R.IE NW AREA., AREA HIGHLIGHIED O$I PLANS ( *'8(?2/03^ lmpoctor: dnfgf. ' Actfton: PlPARflAL.fFlSPEcTlOt\,\ Comqsnt\ AFpROVESFOOTERSPADS SEenOSJE-r3N{€.{d -'1 ,\ \ FOOTER WALI E-te THRIJ NlSlltil+ ',t i ' \1 i\ 10,Sgo3i\linprctoil.. idailq .\ 't-: r'\ \ )latlon:'tFFPARTtAt lNsPEc'noN CoDdard: \Phas ltrle Btnal ramD foot€(s ltytcli.o3 trqibabt: CDAVIS Asdon: Pt PARTIAL INSPECTIOTI Comnrent FObllNS pAD€ NOTED ON FlFtDlinAV$htGs 1O,130O lnsFeclor: GCE Artlon: PlpARnALlNSpEcnON Comnitnt: AREA I f.tORTl{ REMA|SI|NG FC"OT|NG. l0i/2S€3 lnsoector: G$D Actlon: Pt PARTIAL IN$Ff;CTION c{'|nr-T4nf EAST $lOE RETfrlf{tr.J6 WAt-t FQCJ1ER AND COLtJtlN p}S, 1081/03 lnspactor: GCO Ac$on: P{pAFIIAL !N$F€CnON COMTflIlit: TRAN-SFORil''ER VAULT F'TG, ? FADS IN AREA A. 11t24'43 lffip€ctor: GC$ Aciion: Pl FARTIAL INSpECI]ON CoMInont: STRIP FOCNNG ANO IN FO6IOI,T{; PADS AS hJOTED ON PLANS, ANO FIREPLACE FOOTiNG. 05'18y04 lnspedof: C'CB Actlon: CftCORRECflONREQUTR€D (KiMMANti COURT YARD FOOTINTi hJUT READY EE&S DOUSLE MAT, PROVID€ ENG AT.TERNATE FOR LARGE ROCK AND FIPE N TOOTI$JC, 0e'25/04 InsF,€ctor: lrm Acii'cn: Pl pARTIAL tNgpeCTlON Coffiinent. APF-RC\VED COURTYARD STEEL IN FOOTER O&3{rO4 lnsof,ctor; GCD Ac$oo: Pl Pp"R'nAL INSPECT1CJN Crmmsnt r$Onf{G$ f:O'l{ A?eA f3 pt'tASE ? FROM tlNE gt? A:f EX|snMi zull"B TO i-lNE S3 AS HILITES OI.'J PLANS, Og0&04 Insgecior: C+CD Artion: Pl PARTIAL INSPECT]ON Ccmmcnt: flfG AS l.lClED Of'l PIANS $t'lnft Ailltl\,Ql'{ 51 BETtfifiEl.i W, &',,\€ ANI} FTO ON REViSEtr PLAN DATED 6"2T-Od ANtr I I PAN$. @ 14,04 ln$Dectol: GCD .q6t$n: p{ PIFTIAL INSF'ECTION Commont. FOO'ttl'tG AS NOTED ON FtAt,$ 6 FAOS A$ HOTED.1li1l/&{ ||lsp€ctoi: GCO Actlon: P! FARTIALIN$PECTION Comrfi€ftt GYM NCIRTH ANF gA.sT FOrJTll.lGs. 11i19/s4 lri$$Ectc|r: GCD .4cijon: PIPARTIALINSPECTIOtI Conr{rsnt F0OnNG ON s3 W'i AND lv3 AN$ PADS AS NA1EB 0i'11105 intpectot: GCD Acfion: APAPPROVED coftftent: FooTll{G r)N w? PENI)|NG REVlStClf{ rROM glw. W27i(E ln$poctot: GeD ActiDil: APAFtItitOVEO Comm€nt: CO1JRT YARD R€TAlNli$G WALL FOOlll'lGS. 080305 Inspaclor: cgunlon Action: Pl PART1AL IN$F€CTION CO'fiMENt: IIORTH COI'RTYARD STAIRWAY F'OONNfl3S. OKAY T.} POTJR IVIT}I CONDITIO}'IS: EXISTIT'TG AREA DRAIN PIFE WAS TIUIIN.II'G PARALEL VIfiTH TOONHG WAS ALREADY FOT REB OI/ER. COIJLD l{OT fir0vF. 1) PROVIDE DGI1RELS FOR STA|RWAY IiATCOI{NECIION, 2) tt\lRAP P!"ASTIC PIPE SO NOT lN COiTTACT VrrlTH CGNCRETE. 3i KEEP REBAR f FROh'l SOIL. 4l MAINTATN 14',WIDTH FOfi FOOTING BELOyJ PfPE 08/14/06 Inspector: GCD Action: PAPARRALAPpROVAT comrnem' a{cflT}l CoURTYARD sTAlRS. 0&'?406 lffip.ctor: GCD Arflox llOtlO'IlFlED Commsr* TFASH EI.|CLOSURE OO€S Nt T REft lNSPECTlOtl, 07/1806 hsp.clor: GCD Actlon: tlol{onnED COMMEN: CURB, GUTTER AND OTHER $tTE COhICR€TE OOESIfT REO IN$Pf,STION. O7/2I,,OO I'r3piGIOr: GCD Adlon: PA PARNAL APFRCVAL Comment OtrOP OFF AREA STAIRS AT CAFETERIA. 0&'15,106 fmpec'lor: GCS Actlon: APAPPROVED REpfI31 Run Id: 3561 Ccntinu*d.l; ln::tett::imi'n*r,t: ENTRY SL,qg lie:r. i0 9Llt F', uCall:n Sleel " Atrsrcvel - C?,1503 In$pectoi: GCD l.r'.lon: tl PAR]'IAL |IiJSPECTICN l94rnrt1t1: FOOTIIIG POURED'rri: I ;lJgPECT,Ol;. STEM'f/ALt FC|R ADBliiCtl Ag HILITEO CN pg.S:.30 07, i7;03 ln$p€clsr. 6CD Actot'rr pl FAR?IAL itigPEOi.lCI-J {iir,nn.etl. il lfigE,fiG.rri iEIt rr'rALL rrir iriiCr,. 0S'0.t&3 lnqracor: OCO Action: Fl pAnTAL INSPECT1CN Cor n*nt FOUNDATICN i'LnLL €RlD LiiiE 5;i Oi,i E i{i EAG; bCU.iH AiiO rtEST T(j 5e! ON (;Rlp LNE EE Ag FIOTECI ON PLANS. O8,0&'D3 fnsosctor: CDAVIS Acllon; AP APPROVED Comment: REST0F FOOTI|IG (x'14n1 ln3p€cio.i cDAVls Acfion: AP APFROVED eommenr: ForJNoATtoN WALL GFtr.\ E5-E'10 X 91+,S??q8,i8,cv3 Insp€ctor: coAvls Actlon: pA PARTIAL AppRovAL limmen!: FoUNDAIONWALT- CPIEi E:.?8i??/C3 ln5r4*lor: .davle Ac'llrn. FF. I'a,P'lIA!- APPRCVA:- aoll\F.lent: Ele',.oicr ,.:,:il: a;i:i the;r '.',::l alc:i:l li;: [11 :1.:9'C3 lnsFec'.i;: CDA'"'ii - Actiof.. It,'.i',rtFl;rl.-,PFnC'-'.r.:- :c,:iffiEnil GRID E;g"f, i4;:S:6-Nt5 I.JORTH AREAS REVIS|ONC RECISVID I-3R TlE SA|I'. :. IITTEiT1O,q,I CF RETA|}.IIIJC WAIL AI"{D SUiLDING SEE RtE lnspector. ccc :\:JliT'if l: : l F:l l '.'.".11: ,'.: l la Insler?:r': 0CD :3aK:: ..:'.'.:'.:L: ::: :'.',-: :rt';l I',i F.{Ti iL AFFROIJAL ..,r-rF fr! rl l. 09f0410i aiiJEi!\a - - ,t?i:,.i :i l: :: -i.;* ; i Ci) !.:'ii:1e t'it. Comment: Contmant: .jl.i:ii.Ji. l; rii lC l.-,r.1:.-: A;t+:;: Pf !:iE'!'!AL qAETIAL lFrsPEanff.l ri f^Ff. j-tli.ir\ I ,\'QOtrattr,\,f,| l:::lEf,Illr :::a:Lr:r,tli A:rlicn:Fr !:ARTIAL:l r:flcTicf .l ij'li:- 4P IFFPC'.,'iI ,r,;ii-;,. i I i,:,i1Ti,f,i ii i5I :iT;:; i Fi.. ^ 1' 1'l rirrP, 'rr^ rtF.' t.:il:r,. i' :l.nT,'.L l":l:.lI:N ".:.,.i.- --. -'..*- J.. Jr *- r .,*-' l taJ..ri- jr!,.rt-Evkilir, . Actlcn: Pl PARTIAL I''ISPECIION ,f.iis I coL'-'Mt.Js A:liori: Irl F,:,PTl.r.l- ll,lf,ilf CTIC:: 3ET.'.EElt t,i: .'.f i$ il.l. Ft:r ','.i'.1: :1;: )J"1 c!lwEEll ""J:.:.A.rrD fr i. A:,.ion: Pl PAft'1141 lNsPECTlof'j ,4tr8.2 BENI,JEETJ N2 ANO tJ4, AND ON T'J'{ BE.ffiEEN !W AND W4, Ac.'lln: Pt PtiRnAL ltlSPEeTlC?'l SETId:SN l,r: A|JD t,| 1. Wp.L:- Or,i N.t BETfIEEN,,ff8 AND !.J: A.ilr.f,. Pl PAliTiL lli:PECTISlJ arl ria rrj^r| \la +1 rlr -. A.llon: Pl P.r'.,,qT]AL li{C{iEenCN ON I.\tr EE?I,/!EEN !,I.! A}JE. N. 1 AND WALL OI{ fJ. I EETd',ET}I V.E Acilon: TryALLS ONwI} Ai1;. ii: AF AFPROVED BETJ\IEEN N.2 AI.Itr N.l. \MNG WALLE CN N3 AI.JD AF,^.'PPROVED C7'19'05 Inspi::cr: G:f Action. PAPARIIAL..,FmeVAL C,;rarr,cr,i: DRCi: )ff- nn:A :TAlRg iTE:LM:qLL.Iteil. 520 PLAN-ILC Slte Plan PSpr131 .. ..' .- |.'r. Run Id: 3581 I lbm 20 REDTl31 :Apprcry.d* wo As HUrEOottl pgS2S Ar{on: IVIILASM}IED, Comn|t G'G'B Cormrnt 0Art.UB Com||nt r/'E/B Connnt fl,n7ttfl Coilnrrt 6/:t9B Comm* Co{tmar* 1Z16t0r'-'Co{ffneil: la27ro4 Comm.nt. 01/06/06 Corumnt 01/0705 Comr|Fnt GilIXftI Coriltrnt G/I6'G}CornrnE Gt:1400 Comnr|t Lilon: Fl PARML F{9PCCIION GRID ut{E 82:l ON E10 EAST soulH Al.D YEST 10 SAI Oil ORD OilPllltlS. AciloIT: APAPPRO/ED Ar'OO: AFAPFROI/ED GROESEToXST$9ZI AGOON: PAPARTAI,APPFOVAT ORDE2 wrld oFRET r$rgw LL An[) gil.o|t{O lcilon: mPARIUI APPRch/AI ffiLLS AS l.lOlED Oil Pl.Al.lS. Arilon: Pt PARIAL ll€PECTtON I FOR BI{LD B }.IORTH 4 t8r AT STTONI OF E AtrD WUYAIJ-!}. FlnJ. RE@. Afilon: PA PARIUI. APPRd/AI $Yt tfla.t $1(b .|or|h ol El3 lloil B wrlr l0O7/G} Inrproc crhr,t Acdoil PlP Rll Lll.lSPECtlON Connrnt srfl dcb! ?tdl.l | & 6c3.t 1 B ilm no.0r rld.roftv(B Conncnt rut{dr Cofln nt tffnrB Coml|dt 1O:ITB CofiumnI l0Blrm Coflnc|t Actho: APAPPfTCI,ED g|[ EBx St$19 - Arflon: Pl PARTIAL ll.l€FEcTrcil TOSt2. (, m,nlCLlJDll,lG YS2AIDtY{. usAlDwf. UEAIDF, Rrn Idr 3581 oNm.2 ts.2 $EFROil irz VUALLOTIUE Ol,l F OF ^.{on: APAPPROVED Cornril Cd'fT YARD RElitlMtlF fVALJ.lt frlrtlf,Ir t tarl I li|ll, lIE lAln.|nF lUflLlit o7rfo6 ffucbc GcD rffii,AP nnALAPPROI' t ,'t .-Goarnnt O@POFF^RE STAlRSlslEHrf,lll.'- (, f i i{hil tlO P|lf*&C*Pln "Afprorrtrd" Itam:30 Cornment: BLDQlfrqqlng m;'t7!04 Item: 50 Inspectlon Rcqueet G-Framlno * ADDroved - 07,?8/03 -lnspector: GCd' ommanL, K"f WALL AND ROCF FRA Acdon: Pl INSPECTION Comm6nL, K-f WALLANDROOF FRAMiNG. m/03i04 Insoeclor: JFM Comment: APPROVED FRAMING lN AREA' COMPI,ETE MAIN LEVEL FRAMING IN AREA'A' RELIOVE A&qNDOI.IED DIAA, O INSPECTWAGER CLOSET GRCUT UI.IUSED.PENETPSTIONS IN FLOOR. NEED TO INSPECT WAGER FLAI".IGES AIJD NOOR DRAIIJS. 0a/09,04 Somment: 03'l l;04 Comment: 0]23;M Comnrent: 03/?6:04 Conrment. WITT{ RRE 1250. TO GABEL WALL. n|17;O4 lnseectof: GCD Actlon: Pl PARIIAL INSPECTTON CoMm€nI CEILING FOR TUNNEL GRID ElC TC E1? 923 TO NI4 CORRID A220. MECHANICAL SHAFT @ARTGALLERY. 02'19.'04 iFspector: GCD F.ction: Pl PARTIAL INSPECflON CoM|ngnt, AREA A FIRE STCPPING ALL ROOIIS TO I'I11.6 LINE. REIdOVE ABANDOI.IED DIA/V A}JD lnsFeclor: cdsvls Acuon: Pl P. ARTIAL INSFECIION above celling fnmhg and lire-stopping approveC iHi.'"$'i"{Ji$8fr i li Sl;i83q3.1'"8o""" o t6.120- Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECilON lnspector: GCD Action: Pl PARTIAL FLOOR PAN FIRESTOP ANO uD FOR CHASE e N13. Inspeclor: GCC Ac'Jcn: NR IIOT READY FOR INSPECTTON TC'TJAI.,IY PENETRAllCIIS TJCT 9TCPPEI. lnxFe.toi: CCD Ai'.lcn: Pl PARTI.AL ll.lSPEeTlOll AREA A UPFEI? LEVEL CORRIOORS 21C,2I0.24C ABCVE 3EI:-IN3 FIRE STOPPING AND SFnFT NEAR STAIRS PSNE'TRqT]OTI RRE STOFPIIIG C3?0'C4 Insp€ctoi: GCD Actlon: P! PARTI.!.L INSPECTION Comment: AREA B UPPEE LEVEL FLOOR PEI;:TRATIONS C4'C9'04 ln:Dectcr: GCn Actlon: Pl |-IAFTIAL ll.lSPEe'nON !-;i,ne il. .'ln:I. : :-C'.'.:? LI..rL FiFE:TC:nlliC a3RRIDCR i.iC 01 13 0:l lr,sFertor: eCD Aciion: fl FF.RTAL INSPECTION C;ntmgnl FENETMTIOI:S ll.l RESTRCOM Al'lD SClEtlCE RCOi"4 AIJC 9HAIT FCIIETF.AI]CIJ.l4'! 1 O.{ ln3ie:toi: ACD Ac'.lon: Pl PAPTI.a,L l}isPEenoil Scmmeni: PEIIETRA.TIOIJS CORRIDOP D :13 91 17'01 Insp6:.lor: CCD Actlor':: Fl trARTlAL |I'ISPECTION CCMinCIIt: CCMMONS CCRRICOR AEOVE CE!LING PENETNATION:.05'1?04 Insp€clcl: geD Actic:r: CPCORREC-IONREOUIFED 'l ;,r:r': - r'.',.,f.EC',': CElLll l: f :l JETf ,^,::Ni nEC Fll?5 3Ta PP! IJG C5'13C4 in!;ectc.r: CCE A:ticn. Fl FARTIALII'ISPECTICN l;i.ute nl. 3C:E|JCE n fOilt 2C0,:0 1,::C,:33 FllAMiu3 CCUPLETE C6,'S4/04 Inspectcr: GCD F:tlcn: CRCORRECTICNREOUIRED Cr'mment: RRE STOP DUC-:FElJETF,:T:li .e 3T,iC[. LEAVE :l IAFT CIEN. Cl i 5 05 l, 'speclot: GCD Altion: CF, CORRE -TICIJ RECUIREC ve,uiil€rr.. :iii; ElviilJ ;i1: i-FirJJliiii' r: wir i, rerJi; ,r 1.t':RT WOOS R[eD FCn E1.lt{tl,ji :.COIIFLETE FIRESTCPF:NC 3.ACCE93 REGR FCR ACID WF,STE J.W,1.'ER PIPES I!I EXTEPION \TJAII 9:'3: 35 ii:pt:tr:: GaD ,icllo;r: Ill FART'IAL ltlSPECTlON lcc;rmer',t: ITEMS mCM 02-15-05 APPRCVEC. 03??'05 In..peclor: GCD A:Icn: PAPART:AL,1F!:ROVAL Cumintnt. /'REA C. MISC PENETRATIONS REA RRE STOPPING. 0305/fi lnsprctor: GCD 35E1 REPTl31 Run Id: "'Fm: 8: itfm: Inspcctlon Regue*t F Comm6nt BLDG-Framlng '" Apptor,e'd " 07/2&03 -h{oec{or: GCD Actlon: fl PARTIAL INSPECTIOII Comrmnt: K-{ I'VALL AND ROOF FRAMI}.}G. o{-ryLocll(ER FRAMIhIG Cl.lAilGES TO 6ABEL lrUALL. 82r'03/&4 Insnector JRH Action: Pl PARTIAL IN$PECTION COmmtnI: APFROVED FRAMIIS} IN AREA.A. LOWER TEVEL COMPI-ETE. AND IUAIN LEVEL COMPLElE 0a/17/O4 lnspsclor: GCD Ac{on: Pl PARnAL'NSFECTION Comrnont CEiLlllG FOR TUNNEL €RlD EIO TO E12 S?3'tro N14 CORRID A220. MECHAISCAL SHAF"T fiARTGALLERY, 0a/19/04 hpcctcr: GCD Ac{lon: R PARTIAL lNSptCIOr.l Comrnonl AREA A FIR€ STOPPI$IG ALL ROOMS TO NII,6 LIilE, RE}.IOVE ABANDONED DT|t'v AND GRO{JT UI.TUSED PENETRATIONS IN FIOOR. NEED TO INSPECT WAGER CTOSET FLAT{GE$ ANE FLOOR DRAINS. t gW04 Inspector: cd.vls Acdon: Pl PAr{T|AL INSPECI]ON comm€nt eb{te calllng tramlng and tiro"storprng apHoved A!.o A lst lcwl corrfth'.' DJ11.S4 inopcion GCD Acilon' Pf PAFTIALINSPSCnON con flsnr: FLOOfi PAN FIFE$TOFANDLIDFOR CI-{ASE @ Nt3. 0CY2AO4 Inspoclor: GCO Acton: Nfil hIOTREA$Y FOR INSPECTIO$I Commenl TOMANY PENETRANONS I.IOT STOPFEO. 0!v26/04 lnspector: CCD Adion: Pl PAfrTiAL INS,PECTON Ccmne : AREA A UPFEF LEVEL COfiRIOORS 21o,2!f.24tl ABOVE CEILING Fli,?E ST$FPlilr3 AI-JS SHAFT NEAR STAIRS PENETRATIOFI FIRE STOPPIf.N6 lnspector: GCD Ac{crr: Pl pARTlAl INSpECTION AREA B UPPER TEVEL FLOOR PENGTRATIO$IS. lnsp'ector: GCO Artton; Pl pARTlAt. lll$pfCflQN AREA B LOVI'ER LEVEL FIRESTOPFIFIG CORRIDOR 1dO lnsp€ctor: GCD Action: F! FARTIAL INSFqCTION PENEIRATIONS lN RESIROOM AHO $ClEt"lCF ROOM AN* SI{AFT FEN€TRATIOi.I. ln$poctor: GCD Acrion: Pl PARTIAL lN$pfnnoN I)EN€TRATIO$I$ CORRIDAR I 243 lDsp€clor: GCD Action: Fi PARTIAI. IN$pECIION COMMOf.ls CORRTDOR ABovE CEtLtt€ P€NE1RAT!ON5. tnsD€ctor: GCD Action: CF *ORREC"IICN REOUIREO AEDVE CEILINS PENETRANOfL{ REQ FIRI STOPPII'IG ln$s€ctor GCD A.ctlon: Pl ljAR'nAL II.ltSPECfiON sclENcE ROOM ?m.2C 1,2?0,?03 FRAMTT\$S C OMPL ET f lnspoclor: GCD Acllon: Cfr CORRECIIO}I REOUIRFD RRE STOP DUCT PENETRAT1ON rD $TAGE. LEAVE SPIA.FT APEN.lns'6cto|: GCD AEtfuT: CR CQRRECTISN REQUIRED lnrpoctor; GCD THIS BEGINS THE FR/ I.FftTVVOOOREQBF{ ?,COh'FI.ETE F!RE$T( 3,ACCE6S READ FOR lI IDWASTF {.WATER PIPES IN EXTERIOR WALI 0&wo4 (:ommont: O4(fiiO'l Comftant: 04/{3/04 Commsni: a42'lt0l. C.ommonf, O,427/0,1 Comnunti 06/'{2i04 f.omnrant; tI5/18/04 Co$m€nt 06/0404 Commcnt: 04,15r0s Comm6nt: C2r'??,/O5 lnsoedor: GCD Acltonr Fl PAfiTlAt lNSpfrCllON eommer.t rlEMS FPOM Oe-15-(r5 APFRDVED. 0fl22r05 InsFador: GCD Arilon: FA P&RT'IAL APpflOVAL COMfiEht: AREA C, MISC PENfTR'.TION$ REO FIRE STOPRI{G. 0S'1S05 InsF€ctor: GCO Acllon: pl PARIAL N$FECnON ComftcDl: TRACTOR SHED, OUTSIDE RESIROOM, STORAGE ROOM, AND NQR1H AABLE WALL.06'2fi06 Insmctor: GCD Acfionj CR CORRECTION REQUIRED Comm€nl: ADD X BRACllrlG TO OTHER FACE OF Sl.tEAR VrrAtL PER 5/S32? 06r'08105 Inseac&r: OCD Action: Prd PARnAL ApFRO!/AL Comment ITEM FROM 0$?5-0€ X BRACING APPROVEO. 0612306 lnrpaslor: @D Actbn: APAPPROVED Comftlcnt AS'OF 060406 AtL FRAM$I3 lS CObIFLETE.lla6: 5E BlDc'-lnsulollon 07/3or03 lnspector: GCD Acilon: pt PARIIAL tNSpECTtOfl Commcnt K-t WALL lNStLATlOf{. REpr3.31 Run Id: 3581 i.il:iliiua,:l: C{:rlire nl.: Cc ftment: 03'r 1.'c,{ Comment: c4'06'04 Curnm*iri: 0rirC0l0.l L -.ii:..+,ir: 0.1 15'0.{ C']mment. 5427:44 Csrrtmii,t. .1,ir!8't{ li' 't?,!.. Cti'.13'9'1 Somineni: c5'18C.{ ti oF6 ll | '6t rEr| I F! rfl n^ t ^fl^ ^fi.a -,. , .. ^ ^.11 r 1-{ lnspe:tcr: CCS Acti:i: F'l PAR.!'IAL IIJSFECICI!{ti?! l: {aatf,t I tl/Ft ',^/^rltr. t at ,ti4 if,4 4'-1 ,l.ac irr lrl h! { ir r rvriratlt:, I t'rr i v\r' i r,l $pe.to;: GCD Actlon: pl PARIIAL ll.lSFECTlOfJ AREA B UPPEI? LEVEL RCOMS E5C ?},IRU IE: AND I?1:2T,341 .?4,{.lnsp€;lcr: CCD ii;il;n: Pl F'ARTAL INSPECTICIJ a f:.ih:cij: n; : : :ciLI::'i is JL,lTiot'.1 Al,l3 ",Ara.n c,:.Rnif n.Inf.ti:'r,rr: :af Actlinr lrl i:!.iR.l'1,4.L llJSFECTlOl.l :ii:il.iTtc:J t:; ;:ri[ic::: .".'i.L!_: Aiin 3:lEli:I nootri Ingiectrr: C31 Actlan: Ft PARTIAL INSPEC'IION LISRANY E:TiEICR NALL: lnsF€.clor. GCn A;Ic.$: tll Fr.,ftTlAL INBPEC1]Or-I r[i.E MASTEP. & iIIFIRMf.N..';:IC'JLSINC FH.\SE LINE.lnua'.l:r: laD ArI;n" Fl F,i'.R'llAr- lf,:PEen0t] VE:T]EULE II.ITTqY ICI l;.-;,.1:: C:l .titlc.n. Pl PIFTIA!- 1!,rSFEC'llOll 5l:-1tSR "iRt L IACK 5--/.35 lnsioct::. Gel Aciicn: F! FAR,1,1A!- lNstrggllol'J -.^l!-r r^ir\-tE-a\! r'\-/ -rtvi ll.aJ -Lr'. r IL- | . lnsp€;ier: GCD Acllc;. Fl PARTIIL ll.l9FrECTlOt': sclEl'!cE RcotJS 1c0,ic.r,:l:,:c:,\.r...-.. ^^r\ r ,:- ^rFr(>Ylr.t tileF\caTr^tt :il-:l '-I'.':- .'r!ll.: I IXTIII::i .'.'.^.Ll-:. L:'.',ii '-!,'E:-,1F:'1.; :l:T::?::l .r.:,:: :XTTRlCR !Y,'.LLE, At l!, \!.'iS'lT :: :: .J L.' T 3l :'ii.n.'"\l' ::q i'*Ellul,: .Acllc r P{ PARI]AL lj'lSF'ECTl0l\t ^1 .1tE t--, n-F l.:ntr'.e;it. AFI.:. I LlEal l LICI{.lit::ll:4 !1 lnsr€.lor: CCt A.tl;;t: !r! !:qFT:.rL lll,tffcl''lcll l.: i.,.ieil. APEA i gOLt''l': J AtiD'.4IEST EAST IIALL AT GYlri. 11 r: l; l: :,;r'.:1:. C:n A:ljr;. F!, lif.l "-.';:s'!ii'|'r"/,f.L l -,:...,...1. :ir,i:;i:l -i,--i, a'-;:'::=: i:::l:;:l"i.ilil :;::,:.:: :L::::..?..''. '- , .rJ,r ...r!..,-,i :i:'.:'- :.1-;".':.;. "'J:Li'-,:.:.:-;., ili.r.il::Al:il:::t'T::l: U,uirr.t,... iFF;:\,'Il ::i Jil,';:, ;-i;;,1,., /,;;E r.liii[,f,-,,'.,rlii;i :L:\3: RO:,'.: 3;iL', 11.'1': ^' '...:.i;i:,I: 3f;D .r",lilln. Pl fARTl",l- lllgpgaTlc|! cin',,i"i,1.:ii.lC:.11 :aulli :.1,:r,iinpx:fi[;.i,f.Trcri::lt-ll'rs:ll:.r 5-'t''f:ld lr,t;"u",;-r. alA','li r,:l!r:', llFl.R'11!.1,lljlFElTltil i;ninieiir' ix?EPicF aYF SHEAT[]lf'c AT An:A," @ CR:[iiAfiii I 1i.!.;- it i : -:-. r. ; aF!'i.!I.t.!! I -1.1 ^,{t Li:C ,-:'.b.i:.tiiill , il',::'...i*:: -l..t:*ill,: 1ii tTll;r.l*in a.-::::i:! l,: :r'*ll,: ,1 i:i:'-.::: Plf? i r t:: :;r:: :a.':iiDcl. EyT:tii:P '.".13.L1_ lal::]tluilg.t 1 4t,'g F".4 Tc'.'.1![tirllEr Ati: 1':.{e REa.'-':r::tll!:: F:: :nl:-: ]"€^l::,ie i:i,r.i:li: 01 :' :.: i:1:.irit+r: Ci$ ,r,:'linr Pl I,",R]1AL ll,l:ruCION 'l:t;::r.1. :11'IERICll 3'.:- Itl L:lit f i: CET.'.EEI:li',.i ANI.N-; t t^fD*ltLlljf tlg-:F.9".1T-:tri.'iisr,*! T1"|:::FAR)':v".LLFCnFl:-15ECriS:N n6Fl?r11l1cr fi4'rn "'^::l::: ,'Pl!l .';li:r': 131 r',:ll.'1, :l'l:::f:lct.i ?- t- - r !'ts,.,-. r- r-.i -t r ;l:i:'-.1; ;.. ..'. ..-..;-,"i:'.,i. ::D /;11. -r -l :.'5i.1.L li::::f T!:ll lur:.r'ir.i...'.::/..,'. lJl.i:IJLE'dfLi:C3l,i:lC:A:1'J:::,i::Xl:l-'i::, l::,:::,'.'.'. 1i:?.'-':;;,f.:]t ':5t :'!-lEU l5-! A!"fD lrlEC:J trl::3r.i::ljg.1: -t3 nj''? 24 l:.:;:ltcr CCD i,:ti:r.. fi PAPn.^.r- ltlSFlcTal.: 1; ii:,irsni. :l ir iT Llil[R lCRg Et.!,RD FCtr ':"!-ti'lIJlL At,lB IqE3F{ 1H{f'T. l:'15 C.l i:,:pectcr. GCD Aiiir r.: Pl PAIITAL IIJSPECTION Conune ni. LC',^.IR LE /€L ARCr', A :CnRl:,fn 10, nCal,,il ::,1:, :.1,35,16 1: :l !'i l:'-pe;tor: f aD l;',i:-'q. Fl l..,F'lli.L lll3FEf .:'l0f l ii;r1::;;r;1. lliTERlC:l 6Yfr AEC'J= ::lLiUC fOn li:RTl;'.i,,ALL..r,T FRCPERY Llill f'CR l-lRE nEt:tTlvg col,ts?RucTl :: r. 0? 35.'04 hspr:lor: OCD Actlon: pl PARTIAL lfJSFECTlOtl 1,,r,;;r.e,il: Al':.i A i,i'i*PER LEUIL::1,??2,:41,:50,:51,:52,253,:5i,:55. C3C&C4 liici&llcr: CDAVIS A.tl+ni Fl ElARnAt- IIJSPECT]ON Ccmment UFF:P LEVEL r.RE/. ". :39,:1 1. :'l :.: i 3.1 14. LC'I,ER LEVE'- /.REr 4 I10.C't2.0':;,C14.C1g :: :: e1 ' ,.F- i'-: cJ-,I- .tctt.n. Fl i'.FT:r-L :ll:9ECnON C;;i,;iarl. ,\ti.i AAdGallery20t. liviii;,n Field !11 ani.j rtom2l l 33 I i. J"r lnEp";lor: StrD Aition; Pl PART]AL lllSPECTlCii cr,|lrrrcr'il AREAA idAii'i LEUEL coi?Rli]ii?ii PEI{ETRATIoN riigPECTtON i00.1lO.l20. SOU]iD *',{LL AuLilORiiiM I Jg. 03,'16CJ lnspecicr. GCD Action: Fl FARTIALINSPECTION Comnrnl. AREA A MAIN LE}.EL sCREW II./SPECIION CORRIPORS 10O.110 1 i0.120.1ii. RiIOM 136, AND STAIR 2 COMPLETE. LOI ,ER tFyEt ROOM 011 AND LECTUFE HALL O2N 03'?2iM InsD€ctor: GCD Action: Pl PARIAL NSPECTION Rspr131 Run Id: 3581 AREAA lrDactor AREABI Inroctrr:ccililcNs Inioacbn G Iilou^nOll |lr|D.cbc IIffiARY |rrD.dot: t{ElD ltt Conllnu.d: Com|tre|il: Codrn ft 03/1104 Cofimff ocodoa Coflmrrt o*'txytlt CoflIrr]t ot/tilu Comrnft O.firyO{Coilrnnt uf?7M Commnt unlnul Cdrit|dU 0a11Oil Cool|rrt (E/l90.1 Coilmnt tplg04 Conrner*@nw Co{nnEnt 0t/reoa Co,ilrnnU w17[,- Cofi[r|nfr @,t26fryt Cofirt|nt @,t1t7/o, Commnt: BWO{Co|ttt||t:Gl'G/(x Coonut r"EvEL aor2e28211 A.don: r+t,r60,151 A.ilon: lMIPECllOl.l ROOrf,l tEvEt Rooits 250 Ttfru tNs}r.LATON{ eoifrrcils$r LtsA'{)ROOir Acdon:PARTUL INSPECTOI.I UYALI-S.) Acdon: Pl PARI|AL lN9'PEcTlOil & ffilRnARY fi€Ltr Dltlo PIIASE LINE. rg0 InrDacSr: EXlERIOR BACI(STAEE no$l Acton: Pl PARTIAL IIISPECTION 4.ilo0: Arilon: PI PART1AL II.ISPECIION PI PARIUL IT{SPECNOil Fl PARIUL ltlSPECffON InrDacbr: C}cD Acdo{r: scf Etf cE Roorfi ' 20020 1 2g2 28 fbm: E EXIERIORWATIS. ACID lVASlE lttf$UlLilnON U|R/qP FOR PLEM.H. 0E1{i06 lme.ctor: GCO Ac{on: Pl P RTIAL INSPECnON ComrrNL AREA C IECH IEZZANINE @nqgi lftl!.don GCD Acuon: Pl TrAl IM}PECnON ComIFil AREA C SOUTH AT.ID YLEST EAST WALL AT gYM, 0g1706 IGD€cTof: GCD A.ilON: PAPARIIALAPPRO/AI ComrEnt TRACTOR SIGD, OUTSIDE RESIROOil AND STORAGE CIOSET.BLDos,h..toctl.Lu "eoo|owd- OA/oi/(}3 lrpprcbr: JRM " Acilon: Pl PARnAL lt\|slPECTlOtl Cotnnrtt APPRO/ED IST GRADE C|ISSRM At\D KINDERC'A,RTEN Ct,lSS Rootl ONLY t1l18(B lnsocctor: GCD Actlon: PIPARnALINSIPECTIOf.I Conumnt Ul{E S-?2 SOt rH E IIT& IIORTH EIEVAilONS TO Llt€ l,l-16.1 IIED.Cb|: GCO AdoN: FI PARTru |NSPECTION IPPER LEVEL AREA B EXERIOR UUATLS}, TOVIER LEVEL AREA B INTERIOR AT{) : CDAVIS Acllon: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTIO$I MiATAREAAEGRID 0112{,O4 Co|rr|tr.nt wBta Conmnu m/t3,U4 ConIrEnt G/BIX Coilnxt @11,I)4 Cornnnt B/|gr04 Coiln|'rt wau Arilon: Pl PARTIAI IMiFECTIChI SCREW ||I#IPECTION CORRDORS ROOM I38, AID STAIR 2 COTIPLETE. Lot'ER LA/EI Rtr'T O{1 AiD l.[on: Pl PAI{TUIL II,ISPECTON lrr|pacbr:tumAAn |n.o.er AREAAI REp[131 Rrn Id: 3561 9cnlinurJ: l.i i;i;irE;.'.- c4',0!,'c1 Ccntrrent: 04,c6 5,4 Conrrnrni: o4:QeE4 CJ flriii€ nt: i"l115,c,1 Ct-'.fliii€l"rt. ?-i'1:'] 1 Cciiarte,',1. 34,'i1 C{ c.tr2?'1"'l 06'8?'1'1 ;..i:rmriii.. 't!.i: [,:Aur:_l'.'::r-'f?t.:l :::,1,4i.1 i: l4: :{ 1.'::Jdj rF^ (ta tE.4?1,.ru t,i\r! . rrvrirf'r, rv!.In:;ectir: eCD Aclion: Fl FARTII,L lNgPECTlOll ,ir-.I,i ,.. 'i?t cn '-E'.':L :T,itR l t-13 AUD c:RRtDcRS ic0,3 i c,::0,340. lnspect0r: GCD Actlon: CR CORRECTIOT'! REOUIRED PRb\,1DE RATED ASGEMPLY FCR CCTITROL'CO},IST,.iCINT PER S? USC 'EC ?C6, CR E'*IM'I]ATE IFTA!L ln: re:!ri: 3CD Aciicn: Pl FARI]AL !NSpECTIO'', T,'NilEL aatiRtDci? e : rc. Inso€:i( i' Gef: ;l;tlci: frl PART]AL lf.lSPECTlOtJ TL'l,:iJ:L tSRnlDC:? Ct i3 lr,J Lr.f[R [,r PROGRI15 CK TC !'tRE TI.PE UF TC St-i"qFT.lr:;+.10r: CCB ,tsusi: Fl i.l.RTl/\l- INSpaCTO!.! APIA 0 UPPER LEVEL 2: r "t:11:,{:,:44,25C,251.:52 rs3.t54.355. f :,s; icl?r: GCD AilJri: F! PARTIAL IIJSPEC:ION AI?IA E IPPEP LEVTL SHAFT ENCLCsL}RE.t-.:--,a, a.^'1 4r-f !-+!!i tr_r-r:FF-r.,!it t.vt,,-v.": .,r.' !-..Yr.::l,lLi:ii:iii:I,:. iii..:;-F.iiEOn''i'.r.Li-: i;ITir:i,i::Lil.iE.AnEAI3tt4fT..lt{Dt;Cli::' :1tT FrajrFE:t ti : ,r r t: : l:. R:ai.l: :f ' .:1 1 .:':,: 13. :1 r,:-1.'",::1 ir:;a:t:; 3CD Aclj;n: Pl I',^.n,''! L iNgfE:Tlof.J [{JP: :HAFT A}JD IAALL! :TN.:N C.j-:I tnF I rtr,r t;^n I r- ,{ ia.t ,t a\^ I n1 r ^ . riis;';3ir,t' G:D iiiicit. F! PARTIAL INSFECTIOiI ?Jt'llr1:l:5 C:i3;?:ECR5 1 : :. : l:. HEAIITiASTEP !1i.J 1:.1 14 11f , l17.1'18. :1iTi!.t!:.J i i:: lJ,iT5 lrlil..::l t.r:.n.:1.!: +a i,-F ' rt!n!.'r? 3T,!.lR! lf'l PO0M,,r.!37 FEOD T3 9r FFf it:TEs Pll:'l'-rii :f: 1l:: :'' :ii:;'.:1',i ::l .r.-ii'. fl: Fl i;.|?''llir,i.. :ll:ff':rlat: .r t:.'. : ,_':l::, ::'_':; ::i:1::::t :it '',,;"-!": :i: T; i:.'.T: : -,:-.i I : ;-'.' f..r q i... r' r^n Fis PccK otJ E'l: ,r,::: . i:. :l I.iIFti'fl::; nFt'"'!Fin tr.'.:'1_i{t=. ;!...'1.;:t l'l - 1l"Tl.',1- lll:fSaTlCil r:i:;:-l-: :i3 .:,.:i':i-r l't! f:n.!14L1:,|S!'rC.l1CN ErT:?i:P 3'.',' :i"T.r.l E::',':.7101: :e TC : l: l..,i,nii.,l ,'.tig -: .'riaER L['".:L:. ."8:T :'_[1"",ta1.i '_':1::r:r'.':'_ :ti :- ::11€lri:' 'l!: :::li.,;:-::,' ;:: .:.i'.i;,:. Fl flFllAL:ij-rF:C]]:il ^..t--.^- ^\,F ':--q !- -F-.Frr' :li t: gEli.:Eit s?,',1:: :'l : ::ia:-'l-}tilc Ta"":n.;i!i,-:i-i. 3Cl A:ll:n: Pl PI.|?TIAL lM:Ec:lcll fXTEi'iCF GYI' Cti E: DrT,'.tEli !E AtlO $2 ,r.N3 C;..- !: BETI'J|I:I J ".Y1 A: i3 i]'v?.th+F.-r-, aa, rr ltFrr '.rr.r $r lftr_:r+itr rrr?FFa'Yr^rI ARE,tr B UFPEF AND LCWtn EXCEPT CORRI::li!l) :JMFL:TE RRg s..,n':-.' Ana'Jt:n T! cait.':Jtrjg t,t ADD:CRE!1,5'.".tEF,E 9rACiFl6 lt C'/[R i?" C C.ni-iccioi. ;ijs';is .r'.;li;rrr. FI FF.nli..L;f iiFgCTl:il irierili Gyp JiGcr.r.i,rg ai e,;d 3:,S: .;: '."G.LV.I itrratlr,r s.rrrrl t ucl Lurt;r,rdir trr q&t*, '- arid rovrlt CZ:8,;2L.,.2-7 arril uailin r fol collti&l An.lO tnsp€dior. iiCD Actron. Pl FATiTIAL it*iPECnON AREA B CORRloOfi 8220 C€,lLllrlc.iospectol: (X;O Acuon: Pl PARTIAL lN$pE(]Tlolrl AREA A CORRIDOR 8120.fn rrecto. G.lfJ Aetion: Pl PARTIAL INSpEC'fK)l\l AR€A B ppFR I tVFf.. UOF?f nC}fa lrr.rnec?^r' *CD Acinn' Pl PARnAL lt{SPFC,TlCtl.l $TAIF S cilCr_Ocr rRE ANfl RO4t c frF*qTFO4MS e{?q 1?G .27 QFF|.CF Ct 11,11?, FOYEF e.,r,r0.,t 4.r,rp r{tToR c I ?1 . srogE c r3? Ftrr,rE3s Roolv! c 1 ?0.'r ?2 PFOVIDE U! !!S'n!!G FOF "Fttt !_FlF JO[.trTTREA7lrlElf1' Insr'r,ct: - 6CF Acflcn: F! P.{RIA!- TN9PECIION AFEA : :':ECPT I'lljl'il.tG nSeM AFID GYivt. lill;n. Pl f.n,RTl.r'.L :ll5PECl':Cil C;lI.i,i€i-rt- Comrn€nt: ilc905 lgrlrlt16ilh 03r*6 C4$unaf*: O.>'22,05 C.ommant: fr??d,05 comrnerrl O3r3f),r]5 comm?nt' 0410so5 Comment- RSpf131 Run Id: 3581 r6t.r5a,lilD.cbr: AREAAT lmg.cbr: PRbN/|DE Cocumd AREAB ROOI|S fi1,1 11,1 &,1 4l,l'll,l t0 LEIEL STAIR 3 UD AI{D Acdon: ASSElrlBl-Y FOR 8210. sEc 706, oR rr.tsP€cTtoN o|( TO FIRE TAPE t'P TO S}IAF?. I}{SFECnON cfiilnr 3rffifi{imr1-{r srAcE KEEp ccfrffiR cFE}i FitR-nnE s-rriffiirc.tlg(}g/Ix hsD.ctof: GCD Acllon: CRCORRECnONREOUIRED C;ommsnI BASEMENT PENETRANONT} NOT CAULKED. 08/26,(X lncD.clor: GCD Acflon: Pl PARTIIL lNsPECTlOtl Cormcnt TT{EATERCANOPY 0l/11/06 lrE9cdon C€D Aclton: PIPARTIALINSP€CnO}I 0l/11/06 lrspcrlon C€D Connbrt PRE ROCK Oltl E12 fi/1405 lnspocbc GCD Acllon: PIPARTIAIINSPECTKTN CoNrmnt EXTERIOf, GYP SOI,T?I ELEVATION 38 TO S12 HA,N AND I.,PPER LEVELS. UEST ELEVATION UPPER LEVEL ON 88 BETIfEEN E7 AND E13 0t/21,O5 l]t3Desbr: GCD Ac{on: P{ PARTUT- INSPECTIO}I Co||m.nt EXIERFnGYp}IORTIIELEVAnOhIo|*lEt3BETYIEENSgAltDSll.SOuTHELEVATIO|.| ON E7 BETNEEN S9ANDS1I IT.ICLUU}.IG TOIIER, Uu/3{fllis l|Eeccnor: C€D Acilon: Fl PARnAL INSPECTION Connrnt EXTERIOR GYP Otl E7 BETITEEN sg AID 92 Al€ Ot{ s2 BETU,EEN lu Ar.lO UF. cott.nfiE Rrf oc.; PI PARIUL I}.ISPECTION 'w'tbo!-t_qa?8,Q???,_C,47_!nd c.5he lof corLfor Et2O PI PARTIAL INSPECTIO}.I PI PARTIAL INSPECTION com'|||du AREA BCORBmR F220CEtUlrI).qy:Zl,O6 lmD.cior: OCD lrdon: Pl PARML ll.lgPECTKf.l W:Arl6 ln g.cior: CICD cott|rn.nr AFEA BCORiIDOR 8120.6flil06 lntD.ctDr: OCD Acilon: Pl PAVfl\L lMlPECTrcf{Comlrnt AREA B I,.FPERIEVELCORR|I)oR. A,:XY05 Inrpcdor (lcD Conm.il: STNRGEI,ICLOBUREAI.ID CEClll,ll2.FOYER cr lo, 120, J 1{ToR ctzr. sToRE PRCMDE I'. LISTNGFORTRIM U o{/tErIlS l|EncloE OCD A.ilon' Pl PARllAt I,ISPECIION Cornm.ft AFEA C EXECPT Ut$.lll.tO ROOH Ato GYn Co{{hl|.d:Conmcil o{m/of Cotrmant 01/@,o{ Co,m||.nu O'UEIX Co'fir|Int 0s80a Co{rmt{: t}tt/f3V0.t Cocmut Ealo2r|dll LEriElfl.n$ Commnt l{ChZ SI{AFT ANO IJYALLS STAIR (D,1 LIBRARY ROOiaS 1m,l02,10O,10i1. O4liEtto1 lniD.cbr: GCD Arilon: Pl PARIIAL INSFECIION O{1ry04 lEo.cbr: GCD AEilofl: Pl PARI|AL I]*iPECTION COM'|InT ARE/A B UIPPER LEVEL SHAFT EI.ICLOSURE.0{lSO4 krDrcbn C€D Arilon: PIPARII^IIMPECION ConrfFnfi CCnmrc0{S AREA lll. CORRImR VUALLS} ll0 TO sltAFT BEII'EEN 25a At{D 256. R@itS 20r 2t 1i onrfFnfi CCnmrc0{S AREA I I l. CORRImR VUALLS} I l0 TO PHrSE UilE. AIIEA B SFIIFT AI.ID FIORZ slfAFT BEII'EEN 25a At{D 256. R@itS 2Or 3t 1 21221?, 214,r.3/.'3{5 G4f2104 |ttrDrctfi GCD Acil'orr Pl PARIAL lNSPECllOll : GCD Conrn flt COhffrct€ CORRIDORS I 10,1 12. FEADil STER I t2,r r3,t 14,1 16,t I 7,1 18. B/tPl(F ltl|9.c5fi CgJllON A.ilon:COIilD.E AREA B I,PPER AIO LO/YER EXCEPT C 06112104. lnsDecbr: GCD Acdon: Pl PARTTAL INSPECTIO}I Coffimnu BACK STAG€ SOUTHU,TLL SCRAjIA}.orytg(X In*pocbr: GCD Actton: Pl PARlru hlSPECnOil Colrmnt SOeNCE ROOIIS Zoo.?mr(}3 GYP, EXCLUONT{O SINKS.0fl1904 InsDcctor: GCD Acllon: PIPARTIALINSPECilON Com|r|rnU SCIEiICE ROOMS an2o1 ,'cP3rJ3 Og2EOa Insp.6f: Att Acilon: COfTDAPPROI/ECYCOi€|TIOM}Co.ntmnt WALK ftnOUGH YttTt GREG Otl METTOO OF lOEimFYlM) LOCATlOtlti WI{ERE trl,oRK lS IN PROCESS AND FIRE STOPPIM} WtL NEED TO BE VERIFIEO USABLE gPACE I.'NDER STAIRS IN ROOTi AI27 REOD TO BE PROTECTEO 1ms.3.39.Ofll(yu InaDccbr: GCD Acilori: Pl PARIIAL INSPECTION COmMent AREA B UPPER LEVET CORRIMR 2IO 061tFyfl llriDeslofi GCD Actbn: Pl PARTIII INSPECIIOII rs2 BETU,EEN lvl Ar.rOUUt. INSPECTKN Acilon: Pl PARTnL lt{SFECllOtl REPTl31 Run Id: 3581 Comment: 04'13.0€ Commenl: 04t27toF Goflrmont: 05/t6r(F commenl: 05?5'O5 Commsnt: 06f17rtl5 Commenl: 06i23j05 Comnrent: llern. 7C BLDG.Mlsc. 05,/25',04 Comrnsnt; c€'10i04 r+ -E-- -a Flt'|lrit'F /| r^- F.-^^a F|F'/\ f rira sr !r't tJt, C., i,:;:'ie nt: 06/'13'05 Cunrmer,t: 0E'11,:i5 ,^-$'.-^^. Ills$€ctor: GCD Actlon: Pl PARnAL NSPECIION EXTERIOfrGYP FOR TRACTOR SHED, OI'TSID€ RESTROC'M AND STORAGE RC'Oi,|.hsFector GCD Acllon: Pl PAR1IAL ltlSPEeTlON NrcIRTH WALL ON !VI.3 BETIfI'EEN Nl.2 AND N2. Insp€clor: GCD Actlon: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL GYM PARTITIONWALL. lnspeclor: GCD Adton: AP APPROVED TRACTOR SHED, OUTSIDE RESTROOM AND STROAGE. ,"ffitou"c*Acdon: APAPPROVED PENETRAIIONS AREA A CTiLY LEVELS i AND 2. STICI(ERS APPLIED TC ) RRE CAULKING Irispsctor: BASEMEIJT Actlon: !:! PARTIAL INSFECT]ON APPROVED. A:IIcn: PA PARNAI APPROVAL ln*pcction Request CFIASE, ROCK. FS DAMPER REOS ANGIE. Inspoctor: GCD DIMI.|G hNLL Inspccto(: GCD 15 DEC gIELEIF. l-,--.t.r i?/^n OUTSIDE rTo 2rN A,clbn: Pl FARTIAL lNSPECTlOl.l Actlon: NR }|OTREADY FOR INSPECTION AcIon: CR CORRECTIOIIREOUIRED REOUIPED ROOM. OKTO SHEET lnsg€ctof. GCD Actlcn: AP APPROVED FINAL PETJETPNTOII FIRE STOPPING.lrspectot: GCD AcUcn: llO NCTIFIED REviE\N,ED EXPA.}TSION JOINT MATERIA.LS AND INSTRUCTICNS. 'n:;ect:.r. G:S A:lion. ,r F A.f lRCVEl E,V.FA!.!!I'IJ -IC:IIT TREATI.IE}.IT FER APPROVED ASSEfuIEL\.' iTJSU!-AT'IOTi AiJC :TAII,ILESS Er.tr! i.rr rE,o rt...- nn E|t nt Ftn:l !??1i05 ln"D€ctcr: CCD Acllon: l'.lOtlOTlFlED Ccmment. DISCUSSEC TCO .",tlD KITCHEN EIUIPMEI.IT lNSPECTlOtt.ll€m: 53O BLDG Ternp. a'O CA'0C'93 Inspector. CDAIIS Artion: PApARTIALAPPROVAL COIN;igiII l ST Lf,'JEL :iJ.sSfiCgili AND ii;D LEVEL flIJDEI]JAR;EI.I ;LAS9RCDI$I BOTTT RCCT.i$ LCC,TTED rli Exlerr:r,:3 PORT-'CIr Cr gCrioCL ltL'..T U.!LL SE rlE:CtJ:TF?UCTED [.{ f .!EIT at t.1:E or- aot.lsTt?ucTloN !n,it.".tor. .19T OCi' A:'.1:;i llC N:Il-lED t'^rtnFrtr ^r,-F,FFrr t-..-?^rrl I ri{a!r'''rll-v.r\ !v.ri.alylr- v.! vtr'J 'tl iJ'1.- r'r Ll1aI l-./\le ir- g,\ rEllvryl{ rv lJ |Jc' r- V\I'III.l1IE 'UTSID: OF T}IE E} DEG TJRN RELIEVED ,A,T 45 DEG. ]}IE P.{II-3 AT TF{E ITTTERT",IEDIATE CCLU}J!iI3 CAII RETURI'J \fuIftCUT THE 1:' EXTE}IgICN, I,}ID F['\','S T!'IE c7:f '11 09,'1 1,'cr Commrnt: 0&1zo4 Comment: ca'l3'04 Comrnent oBf26iil Comnrent 0q02/&{ Cbrffil.nt: o84't/05 Cofl mnt: i.CAULK APOUIID GRlLLg AT AUDITORIUM. 2,GASPIPE ?EGS 5'CLR FTIOtt! GRCI,:I.ID DR 'C,q.TD PiltE ,.| Ftir.r:r t ^^DrrEt? 4i | ^r n/e.p .trT FLAT pooF. :ibiDE' Leg-vuL 'l .!=F !?S h: Flt.!'11 ll.'S FEST1Cl-1. ?-qD.a g,6,l,tP !?Ecg lrlt.Jl a[ e?T|-1 DES. :.I.!IRE GLAgS DOISI.IT MEET II,4PACT FIEOUIRE:.IT. InsD€ctc r: ADAI'IOT Actton: CR C LAVATORIES ANDWATER lnip€ct: r: OKFOR' : PAP REINSFEC] REO RETLTRN AtR), 5,6. SEE INSPECTIC LEgTURE FIALL ARE EXCLUCED FROM lnsp_e.cto.-r: - cdsvls Acilon: PA PARTIAI IAT APPROVAL Adrlodum. Lecrure ha!! rlse and run of Etit half ol school approwd for occupancy. ercludlne AdLilorlum. Locture hal! rlss and rur I funrilurc fiom. benches arid som6 typ€ of I funrilurc fiom benches !o funitire bclrg used. lftFscll)r: CDAVIS Actbn: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL AUDITOR|UM AFPROVED FOR OCTUPAISY Itrcorctor: GCD Aclion: CR CORREC loil REOI |RED l.STALLS REOOFOR AOA oEMNSrcNS. REPT131 Id:Run 3581 l tnspectlo*r Rqqucet L'NTR FOR C|.|IASE, FRO[' PHASE 1 TO PFIASE i IN SCIEI{C ROOT', OK TO SHEE? F$ DAI'FER REQS AT.IGLE" 04/1$06 lffiFrclori GCD Actlon: PIPARTIALINSp€CnON Commant D,lNlt{O i{AL[ O#l7,gF lrcs.ctsri GCD fictisd: NRI-IOTRSADYFORINSP€CIION cofnm6 t: 05/16/05 lmF€ibr: GCD AdlDo: PIFARTIALIN$PECnOi{ COMmrnI: EXTERIOR GYP FOR TRACTOR sHED, OIJT$IDE RE$TROOM AND STORAGE ROOII,05'2fi06 tnspecior: GCD Action: p{ FAFnft lNSFfiCTtOfil Comrn€ot: tlCnTH WALL ON lit7.3 BETWrEN Nt, AND t€. 05/1?/0Q ln*ecbr: CiCD Acffon: PApART|ALAPPF.OVAL Comrrcnt GYM PARTITON WALL"06"3/05 Inspecbf: GCD Ac&cn: APAPPftOVED Commtnt TRACTOR Sl"lED, OUT$tm RESTROOtut AtlD $TROAGE.ttem: 7O Btoc.frasc. *Asprowd" 05/?5/G inspccior: JRM Actlon: APAPFRQVED COMMEfit I''Idi.IBRANE FENETHAIIONS AREA A OI.ttY tEVgL,S t AhID 2. STICK€R5 APPLIED TO AftEAS hIEEO RRE CAIJLilIN€ 06110/04 lnsp€clor: GCB Actbn: pl PARIIAL INSpECIiON COMMTNI: BASEIIENT PFN€TRANONS APPROVED. A7lug.tD4 ins*)actor: ARTIGCD Aclisn: PAPARIIALAPpROI/AL CDrflmgnl. IJNSER STAG€ PENETRATIONS. 0flO4/96 ln$$acto.: GCD Aclion: AFAPPR*VES Comftent: FITJAL FJENETRATIO}J RRE STOPPING. 06,'1305 lnspactor: GCD AelJon: htrol^lollFlFD Comnrsnt: REVIEV\ED EXPANSISN JOINT ITdATERIALS Ai{O lN.$TRlJC"tlONS.06i1j#t$ Insp€cto.: GCD Action: APAPPI-+.OVfD Ccm|mnt EXFAI.ISIOI.I JOINT TREATMENT PTR APPROVED AS$SMBLY INSULATIO$'I ANS $TAINLTSS FOIL COVER, SO BLC&Fin€l 0?,t1O5 lnspector: GCtr Actiwr: l.lOlr&TlFlED Commsnt; DISCUSSED TCo,ANO KITCHEN EOUtPt IEMT IN$P€CIION. 530 BLBC*Tsmo. c/0 0&0&0d inspector: CDAVIS Action: PAPARTIALAPPROVAL Comffi€ni: 1ST LEVEI- C["As$Rl3Ofr{ Al.lD ?NlP LEVET i{IhIDERGARTEN C,-ASSRfi)t{ BOTH HOOM$ IOCATED !N EXISMNG POfTIION OF SCFIOOL T?{ATW!I-L BE FiECCNSTRU{;TEC IN NEXT Pr"rASE OF C(}NSTRUC1ICf.'O72904 ,r\spactor: ARIiGCB A*tlon: NOI}OTIF|EO commsnr: FIANDRAILS ll.l COMtdoNs t.)},1 s(}tfi4 RAlt olJ SAST nAtL 't}{E exlENst0}.t t5 To BE te" VIITF{ THS OUTSID€ OF TI.{E S$ D€G TURN RELIEVEO AT {5 OfiG. ]}IE RAfLS.{T ]T{E IHIERMEDIA1E COLUMNS {':Ald Rf rutdN t!!ft{OUT THE 13" EX'rEN$lOf-1. Al.lD !-fiVE THA 45 DES RgLgtF. O*'1 1(}4 insnecloil GCD Actlon: {:RCOR|1E(;TI('},IREQUIREO Cornrlent. OtfTSlD€ T.CAUL8 AROUND €RILLS AT A{.IO{TORIUm ?.(;ASPIPE REOS 6- CLR I'ROId $ROLIND OR COATED FIFE. S.F|NISH COnNER @ LOLryHR ATFLATF$OF. INSIDE I.FP REAS flNAI. IIJ$PECNON. zADA FAMP REQS HAI.JDRAIL BOTT S$ES. 3.IMRS SLASS D0ESMT MEET IfoIPACT REAURFMT 4.lrl0 RETURN AIF A123. Al14- Commsnt: tnrla04 Conmsnt 06,13/04 Cgmflrsnt 0826/04 Comrnent 09/tlZrO4 C&mmenlj 0€v3{/05 Commant lftgp€c{oi: ADANOT TURE lnsprctof: eq€vF ADA AND SCREEN AT END. ANDDCIORS. REQUIRED Ailhn: PAPARNALAPPROVAT TEAC|-|ERS. SOME rlElr$ FROil 0&O11"o4 ]tAVg t|oT BEEN fEY ARE I'IEMS OUTSID€ tTEMsl,2. lNslDE ITEMS 3. ,(RM ?14 Do€Sl{T r, $.6. SEE INSPECTION FRO[{ Tt'tAT OAIE. THE AUDITORIUM A}iD .6. SEE INSPECTION FRO[{ 1 EXCLUDED F'ROII lHE TCO. Ac{bn: PA PAR.IIAL APPROI/AL East hed ol schoot app.ovod tor occuF.ftcy ixchdlno Adutodum. L6ctur6 halt rho and run of stalrs aDprovrd Bs cirirstructad. Mffii renow a[ fumnurc trom b€ncher and lomc tt !a of stalts aj}prgvr-{!.p$ ca,ns.tructad. Mu3l ren|ow. afl.ft$nnurG trom.b€ncher and lomc tyFa ot 8!a[3 approvr{l 8$ con$ruclad. Muls tefix reaoldfun tor tsll protsctton must be rnEdo reaolr$on tor tsll pr6tsctt0n must be rnEdo prbr to fumltu€ b.fl|g used. ALt OTHER CORRECNONS COMPLEIED Ine$ector: COAV(S Ac{on: pd PARTIAL APPROVAL AUD{TORIUM AFPROVED FOR OCCTJPANCY Inspsctor: GCf, Acthn: CRCORRECIIO}IREAUIRED I.STALLS REQB TOR ADA D€MINSIO''{S. REPTl31 Run Id! 3581 l+niniel',1. :-Jf? :-lF[ ?i srgTAl'{cI !r I rr rl... lll1F\r r tratn'r ALLO',lgD ALLC\iiJED. Ci'e5 t5 lnrp+:1ol GCD Acl:in: CR aCFntCnCll REOUIRED t.:r,,,,t<.rt: 1.t :Al lDFAil- til!:li l C itiii:Iis AELC RECL TC BE SS- iJA)(. ?.nnA LALITaRY,1FRa.rJ$ T'rf'n:C lr :9" t{rN ?.:El'lClI:'1RATE 1?,r.T l}igI;T[R gCt:E5 ilLr*',rr'lll-l:,T]lJ i?]tFLlEg ',!t'l]l LIEE 5!t .tin?nnt!:Y^ a .-r rr .!11 , + 15t rr rFretF itt- '_-raF t\ +,ra Fl. 4rr rfrt t (,,JLra1l 1L' {r I L(.I:r,Jll {J 1-, e ! I' t v L- r- ..Ir,l. i.ilATCI-i l-i:Lf li{ ll,-:t.itflJ: {l::l?Ti'ial!1 :-if? :-lF {.lcf !t , | :: tn,r,t.i: : t:: tinS *: 3: l-',s'::s"{.lcf !t , | :: ln,r,l.i: : t:: linS *: 3: l-.',s'::t :.riP! 9T3;: nrliETP"iTl0rug..J$ FATCFT HCLE i: l,n 'l l:- Et,1I t?n Ff.\all, t-rt!,nft i:trr. '-rn:f I r.!F lirn: 5:I FiRE-'lEt'l!1. a.'l lir:'.: ili !'lJ rElllf . : : * t;r;"- j'- C:31 :l :iip.;tL;: :: Jutnflie;rl i jtt R*ndy. .D& i3.J4 iiil'pscior: ir, Cgntfi]alrL Iterrr: 533 tLAN-;ElltP. C.O " Apgvved " i&'lr"-.O+ {tispncior. RF - - Actrar;. LtJ.irlfj AF,I}ROVEL CObI'rlTiOiiS Coniirtrlni,. l}lu'l $Ut rtlti rr€i rn p4rfitrl lo !L,0 i thw{ tu Atigktl.ruli} rlent. r]3i ii-ir.i-Fifvar- ui0 .'lem. 53t Flir€_f ii.i4L fj,4 ii€?r. 4'to PW cl(lnl ..fl !te.x' !,1+ ilL.1F .trrnnl n,n llir"r.. ^1 ei! .^c! r! f! -i:'r.1:!1+!. 51i1 rr ! tii:rFr.'a,i 't 11 -{? 11 :L:if Cr.|f : F!: .:t;:!tii: rP,^$r-1!:Ot/El t;n::-,.l rt-tJlt- t-,/r I L-/L-l\attr t AEuon: AfAI5PROVED REPT131 Run Id: 3581 Itcm: lbrni 511 53a Csnilnusd: Cdmftsftt ?.GIJAFS AT CLTMBI}IG PIT REQD TO B€ {2. $IIN, 3"FATCH I{OLE lN tlilDtllEN$ RESTROOI, FoR FIRE RE$|STANCF. d,DOOR AND FRAME Cl?O REOi]'!1} BE LAELED. 5.F|RE STOP pENETRAIONS ANf! PATCH rm{.E lN EIECT ROOftt B1?3. 6.ADJU$TEOARD ROoldl SOOR PASME LEAF. 7.FfiOVlDS LETIER TO BUILD OFF|CIAL RE 1EACHCRS lN BUlLDll.rG. TEACHERS ARE ALLOII/ED TO rrOVE lN?O CLAS$ ROOT S lE FF&E. l.& OCCUPAfiICV Oft B{-$|NE$S ALLOUIEO. 09/01./t}5 lnsp.ctor: ScD Actlon: CR CORnECfiON RECUIREO Comnrent I.HANDRAIL $OR,It{ COMMNS AREA REOD TO BE 3tr },AX. z"ADA LAVITORY APROI.IS READ TO SE ?g MIN, S.DEMONSTRAIE T}I{T THEATEF EGNESS ILLUMIHATION COMPL'ES TMTH UBE SEC 1t!03.t.9.1 EX 2. FIRE.TEHP,C;/O PiV.TEHP. C,0 @09i0q lnspector: h . ' Actlan: DN D€MEO CofinroDt Not Reacly.o&'1I04 InsF*tori b Ac{on' APAPPflOVED cafinrent:Itsm. 533 FL,qN-TEMP. CrO * ArD(owd '- o&'r3r04 lr|ipGclor: RF Actbni COfiIDAPPROI/EBCOND|TIONS Cotrimonl: M$sil $utlrnlt b€rm psrmlt |o CmT p{lor !o August 3$th ilrm: 5i7 flLAilnrq{L C/O !tam: 53S fiR€-flNAL(].iO l,"l llsstl 539 Ft^I'FINAL+/O llsm. dr0 FLDG-F]n&|CJO Iteff: ?1 PLAN-SLC F$unelatbn Plan 01'{9,C4 tftsF€ctcr: ftF Ccmmerll: ".Approva$" Acthn: APAFFROVED REpfl31 Run Id: 3561 I nNI BR.ALIN ASSoCIIAIIES, lNC" PLANNING and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT July 3, 2003 Russell Forrest, AICP Director of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 S0 J'--?l?tox Re: Application for Vail Mountain School Entry Sign Dear Russ: Included with this lctter is an application fbr a frecstanding sign proposed at the entry to the Vail Mountain School parking lot from Boothfalls Road. All of the submittal requirements are included with this submittal. The sign is proposed on the entry monument wall that was dcpicted in the approved plans. The wall is a landscape feature at approximately 3 feet 6 inches in height. This wall connects to a split rail fence which was approved in the original application. The proposed sign consists of cast bronzc letters at 10" in height mounted to a rough (hammered) sandstone face. The sandstone face is tlanked by the stone veneer ofthe wall. The proposed sign is I I sq. ft. in area. Below the sign is the address ofthe school, also ofcast bronze letters but at 6" in height. The sign will bc washed with recessed site lighting sufficient to illuminate the sign area with soft lighting without spilling over beyond the sign area. Given the quality of the proposed sign and the prcvious review of thc plans, wc would request a staffapproval of the proposal. Thank you again for your help on this projcct. If you have any questions please feel fiee to call me. Dominic Mauriello, AICP Edwards Village Centet Suite C-209 0 | 05 Edwards Village Boulevard Post Office Box 2658 Edwards, Colorado 8l 532 Ph - 9109267575 Fax 970976.757 6 www.braunassocrales.com Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.cl.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department, The poect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the apprcval. Description of the Request: Front Entrv Sion for Vall Mountain School (freestandino sion) LocataonoftheProposal: Lotl l Block:_Subdivision: Vail MountainSchool Sub. Physlcal Address: 3000 Boothfalls Road Parcel No.: 21010230108 ( Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Zoning: GU Name(s) of Owner(s): Vail Mountain School c/o Peter Abuisi Mailing Address: 3000 Boothfalls Road. Vail, CO 81657 Phone: 476-3850 Owner(s) Signature(s):h.,r s"L*J Name of Applicant: Represented Bv Braun Associates, Inc. Mailing Address: PO Box 2658. Edwards. CO 81532 Phone: 926-7575 E-mail Address: dominic@braunassociates.com Fax; 926-7576 Tvoe of Review and Fee:.', Ef Signs $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. E Conceptual Review No Fee E New Construction $650 tr Addition $300 tr Minor Alteration $250 (multi-family/commercial) E Minor Alteration $20 (single-family/duplex) n Changes to Approved Plans tr Separatlon Request For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting. window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee t,l11,#i{:,r*'sDcHooL If,o, _--,- --'t:io a ro fl.o ?r: 1l't.oool'o 10tr' _41. TI Manufacfurers:"1. ASI Sign Systems, Inc.Z. A.R.K. Ramos.3. Metal Arts; Div. of L&H Mfg. Copper Alloys, Bronze: 1. Plale: AsrM B 368 36M, alloy trNS No. c28000 (muntz metai, 60 percent copper).2. Sand Castings: ASTM B 584, alloy LllrlS No. Cg3600 [.{o. 1 manganese bronze). Cast Characters: Form indjvidual letters and numbers by casting. Produce characters with smooth dimensional faces, sharp comers, and precisely formed linei and profiles, free from pits, scale, sand holes, and other defects. Cast lugs into back of cl,aractirs and tap to receive tiueaded mounting shrds. comply with requirements indicaled for finish, s1yle, and size. 1. Material: Bronze.2. Character Height as indicated 3. Character Style: Monotype Corsiva at Main Enfry site sign utfaae AAe H /uD, lW D.e. .,/,*r-Yt; ?7/E ru/W, 'q/?/lra P/eF .rr'e€ f 64E ffilNA /lr4,, \,tf.t I $4 V w Ww, fr{wtarE 4trilbT/ ltfunl#affi)p77744€f. I ==1n:-'.-:- h€as tr aiA+ u,fr:#= llaf i,' i I | -.1i;\1/i .N /n, ' .4La'' -Y -r': , '. & 6.+gf *ana+; lAffi+ /oq,futr@f',fu. 'artfl€' 6,t"H*@fa"Feq, {tr) e -o3 \.i. \r\i+'! 1.6 DRoP- 4,7 Wt$ i: 1,E li,tAlll : @ wnLi, 5.t Eouoi 1 5J nt€ti 53 90NE : 53 IAD|U r 5,5 PiAYG : 5.6 Mo U,,t 5,t m. s; _rl 5,8 R 6tt . 59 SEt'!^ -1 @ smr;r 6_l B0ut0 1 5,1 SAilD ir! 63 tnM(K @ ucrrr 7.1 PARXtri; 72 ntcEss ) 7J sIOM:O @ neur 8,1 DECDT. )r E2 DICDI ,I 8.3 wIRG .! E.4 twIGI'E 8.5 sHRUB i 8.5 9tRU8 / 8.7 GROUT i 8.E PI,AM '! t.9 sTttt i- ,; 8.10 GMVEI V 8.lt Bul Ptrr @ oul.rr 9.t hnEI D -l 9-l Mtf,IF.J\ trcoo ;- P'$ -_ Eli - p0{ P,0r %,* /^\.-// \\.F>/ /n zA \ 3 rEY PlAN NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD \ 1 i ! i]{ I I I i ultt 0f wru ca? t80vI l'(XIAi ,F I' llrr( $xt}lroN 9cil t{ttr Ar! sEclloN t'u rtET TO II'lt ATO{IRIUHI Dllwt'r6s IoN n{r t|oc rsilGiafic tA'fi{f lA'f'nnllrw. cotoi m|lAru ]F SmM a'$K(rYo6 figJ$tttrE 5I0tE Vl$fi lo u{".{ rrur!-!r'r. !'ut,. 10llttlsP :' lr,l ltlll!ql__.. Ir,lrf Colrrttr tDatt D0!ot,..c arr r,r cMu rm 880tv K)Offi rftov ri4.i..+* rrrt tr**r-.. 4rrr,t'6not.*6 .rar.ilDo |.r.r^r-. r|tr J.--dr F rtu.t -iq..J - E! * ri -i!-r Jt* aas, '|{-6 r'- {h ibi,.g!i I rdrJ d-L*..{-rrtft*ff rri 6ra*rr r.a a.-/rda. r.c_ ClYITAs 'tD !.rinoio'aa l''rdq gototrd &aOa LL '6!tl,Eg h.4.!AOan Nrrl'|ffitt|n 2001.028 I Clt5rol6 mvffY N n[$65. E\48|/}{m Ato|tlrcl r6tAl tt stoiltvEllmD r,rAKt{ Nwrit6 cMU rtl l. ltA( lto{I^r tE?r6@ It_ mrgflna(w .IIr(nm0 il|tnt ql|rmm 5hf,ttn ruttE -!0llu grtu i l{1'l A. PARrALPr.ANsEcnoN 14F!! SCAtf: l2'=1'-{)' B. WALTELEVA1ION 5gq6'tfl':l'{}' f,fFl T0 lil[ ArcHntcnJ[rl oMwfics mi rHE sroElgc GrAnig lA'rofir 1l{'Giour!fir. cot I T0 nArol llF tlDif, 1' llrfK rY0t6 tr$xDtlolt 'tontvFEnr0 MAl$ nflDrG I[\6lr€DGMDt ltvoto AI6ffIB l.ft OIIY ?'{' lwts.$ e| cl . D. SECNON AT $GN PAI{EL 'r [*tt0iE t€{El ID MArcllamfiKMt relo|0 3'fiffi rY0f6 flt tAllDtroE slctl lli[|5 I' MOMAi $D' I.|ORIAN N J$[! 10 MATC}I INE COIOR OT SAND5IOE a.lltclrYo6 filF tarsmil€ !|t- curm DiJSgto||lll V1'GnOJr,Oifi. (ft0i r0 lliAl(ll attf trO E c0ti00At cot(mt le SfK. & DgtAr.2/t1.62l0i lllfoi Amfl l'P.slU{trBlftRlL(Att 1I5, nt:ot lt/Uff mt fiLc0a{fltlrcr: r*oru{Alotl E. END PIER ELEVA1ION SCAI$ I'r1'{' SCA!-E 12'=1'{' SOqtE l.=t {' sCAE AS N0tE0 MONUMENI ADDEND Project: Vail Mountain School ProjectNumbsri 200'1.028 Owner: Vall Mountain School 3r6Ofiatsos.RaTllo"d TOWn Of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 | OFFIGE COPY Addendum No.: AD02 Date of lssuance: May 30, 2003 Architect: Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P.C. 1512 Larimer Street, Bridge Level Denver, Colorado 80202 Contract for: New Construction This Addendum is issued to modify or interpret the bidding documents, including the Drawings and Specifications. Please acknowledge receipt of this Addendum on the Bid Form. Bidders are hereby instructed that the Contract Documents, Specifications, and plans for the above referenced proj€ct are modified, corrected, orland supplemented as hereinafter described. Descrlption: ARCHITECTURAL: AD02-A.01 AD02-A.02 AD02-A.03 AD02-A.04 AD02-A.05 AD02-A.06 AD02-A.07 AD02-A.08 AD02-A.09 lssued by: Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.0, detail 1, Floor Plan - Lower Level: Modify wall section cut 03/45.2.13 to read 03/A5.1.'12. Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.0, detail 1, Floor Plan - Lower Level: Modify wall section cut O3/A5.2.0 per aftached sketch AD02-1. Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.1 Floor Plan - Main Level Area A: Modify watl section cut 02A5.2.10 (through Independent Classroom A124) to read 01/A5.2.10. Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.1 Floor Plan - Main Level Area A: Modify per attached sketch AD02-2. Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.1 Floor Plan - Main Level Area A: Modiff wall section cut 03/A5.2.12 (through Conidor 41 16) to read 021A5.2.12. Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.1 Floor Plan - Main Level Area A: Modify window tag J (at south exterior wall of Stage A135) to read J1. Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.2 Floor Plan - Main Level Area B: Modify wall section cut 03/AA5.2.1 (through Entry Vestibule 8160) to read 05/A5.2.1. Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.2 Floor Plan - Main Level Area B: In Server Room Bl(X, delete elevation tags 10,11lA7.1.7. Refer to Contract Drawing M22 Floor Plan - Main Level Area B: In Toilet Room 8132. revise elevation tags 9,10/A7.1.10 to read 7,81A7.1.1O Page 1 of 10 Date: May 30, 2003 AD02-A.10 Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.2 Floor Plan - Main Level Area B: In Library 8100 (opposite side of Resource Room 8101), delete one of the two window tag W6. AD02-A.11 Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.2 Floor Plan - Main Level Area B: In Library 8100, move to detail tag lP06 to west side of entry doors (Grid N10/E12.2). AD02-A.12 Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.2 Floor Plan - Main Level Area B: In Commons 8111/Stair001, delete O.H. to detail tag lP03 (crid 517/E10). AD02-A.13 Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.3 Floor Plan - Main Level Area C: Add sink per attached sketch AD02-3. AD02-A.14 Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.3 Floor Plan - Main Level Area C: Move wall section cut 02145.2.6 east to show through Storage C102. AD02-A.15 Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.3 Floor Plan - Main Level Area C: Modify window tag LL (at south wall of Kindergarten C121) to read G. AD02-A.16 Refer to &ntract Orawing M.23 Floor Plan - Main Level Area C: Modify window tag GG (at south wall of Foyer C124\ to read MM. AD02-A.17 Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.3 Floor Plan - Main Level Area C: Delete window tag E at east ext€rior entry of Storage C108. AD02-A.18 Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.4 Floor Plan - Upper LevelArea A: Move wall section cut 04/A5.2.10 (through Art Studio M02) north, to show through window. AD02-A.19 Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.4 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area A: Change interior elevation ta,g 101A7.1 .2 to rcad 12lAZ .'l.2 in Hall 4240. AD02-A.20 Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.4 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area A: Change interior elevation tag 251A.7.1.1O O.H. to read 331A7.1.10 O.H. in Boys 4242. ADO2-A.21 Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.4 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area A: Revise interior elevation tag 171A7.1.'lO to read 17lAl .1 .8 in Control Room A231 . AD02-4.22 Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.4 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area A: Change interior window tag 13 to read W12 in Division Head M44. AD02-A.23 Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.4 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area A: Change wall type ? to read 1D in Division Head 4244. AD02-4.24 Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.4 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area A: Change detail tag lM15 to read lM09 at counter section in Control Room A231. AD02-A.25 Refer to Contract Dtawing M.2.4 Floor Plan - Upper Levet Area A: Change detail tag E13 O.H. to read E13 in Stage A135. AD02-A.26 Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.4 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area A: Change location of wall section tag 4145.2.10 to be cut through window in Art Studio M02. AD02-4.27 Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.4 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area A: Change exterior window tag LL to read Y at Stair 003. AD02-A.28 Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.5 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area B: Change interior window tag 13 to read W12 in Division Head 8244. AD02-A.29 Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.5 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area B: Clarify dimension string in Counseling Support 8225 - dimension = 8'-0". AD02-A.30 Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.5 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area B: Change interior elevation tag 17, 18, 19,201A7.1.5 to read 14, 15,16, 171A7.1.S respectively in Entry Vestibule 8160. Page 2 of 10 Date: May 30, 2003 AD02-A.31 Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.5 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area B: Change interior elevation lag 131A7.1.7 to rcad 121A.7 .1.7 in AV Storage 8241. AD02-A.32 Refer to Contract Drawing 42.2.5 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area B: Clariry note in Toilet 8214 - note is R = 165'-4" and refers to the radius of the curved wall. This also applies to south wall of pC23. AD02-A.33 Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.5 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area B: Clarify location of N.l.C. counters in Classmoms B2OO,8202, & 8203 per attached sketch AiD024. AD02-A.34 Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.5 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area B: Clarify location of N.l.C. counters in U.S. Science Labs 8231/8234 per attached sketch AD02-5. AD02-A.35 Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.6 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area C: Change exterior window tag B to read 81 in Stair 005. AD02-A.36 Refer to Contract Drawing M.2.6 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area C: Change wall section tag 41A5.2.6 to rcad 21A5.2.7 along Grids W4 & N4. AD02-A.37 Refer to Contract Drawing A2.2.6 Floor Plan - Upper Level Area C: Delete exterior window tag A at Mechanical Mezanine C240. AD02-A.38 Refer to Contract Drawing A3.2.5 Reflected Ceiling Plan - Upper Level Area A: Modify detiail tags 1C25, lC27 and lC28 to read lCG25, lCG27 and lCG28. AD02-A.39 Refer to Contract Drawing A4.1 .0 Building Elevations, detail 1 : Change note 10200 - Architectural Louver to read 10200 - Architectural Louver L12 in reference to stage louvers. AD02-A.40 Refer to Contract Drawing A5.2.0 Auditorium Wall Sections, detail 2: Modify room name Dressing Room A025 to read Dressing Room A033. AD02-A.41 Refer to Contract Drawing A5.2.0 Auditorium Wall Sections, detail 2: Change exterior louver section per attached sketch AD02-6. AD02-4.42 Refer to Contract Drawing A5.2.4 Dining/Locker Room Wall Sections, detail 2: Modify room name Foyer C110 to read Vestibule C142. AD02-A.43 Refer to Contract Drawing 45.2.5 Auxiliary Gym/Storage Wall Sections, detail 3: Modify room name Storage C104 to read Storage Cl05 and Storage C105 to read C106. AD02-A.44 Refer to Contract Drawing A5.2.7 North West Courtyard Wall Sections, detail 3: Modify room name Independent Classroom 8226 to read Counseling Conference 8223. AD02-A.45 Refer to Contract Drawing A5.2.10 ArUComputer LabWall Sections, detail 2,3,4,5: Modify room name Gomputer Lab A00 to read M.S. Computer Lab A102 and Art Studio 4000 to read Art Studio M02. AD02-A.46 Refer to Contract Drawing 46.1.0 detail 3- At landing modiry detail tag S03 to read S19. AD02-4.47 Refer to Contract Drawing A6.1.1 detail 1 1- At landing modify detail tag S03 to read S19. AD02-A.48 Refer to Contract Drawing 46.1.1 detail 2,6- Revise per attached sketches AD02-7 - AD02-9. AD02-A.49 Refer to Contract Drawing A7.1.0 detail 4- Commons 81 1 1 East: Modify detail tag lM-? to read 1501. AD02-A.50 Refer to Contract Orawing A7.1.0 detail 7- Gymnasium C100 South: Elevation Tags to read: T.O. Sound Block: EL. 120'-0" and B.O. Sound Block: EL. 113'-4'. AD02-A.51 Refer to Contract Drawing A7.1.1 detail 4- Hall 4120 South: Delete detail tag lC-? AD02-A.52 Refer to Contract Drawing A7.1.2 detail 5- Conidor Cl20lFoyer C124 East: Extend elevation per attached sketch AD02-10. Page 3 of 10 Date: May 30, 2003 AD02-A.53 Refer to Contract Drawing A7.1.2 detail 1,2-Hall A110/Corridor4116 - Easvwest: Modiry doors to be 7"-0" doors. Pocket lor doors remains 8'-0" tall. AD02-A.54 Refer to Contract Drawing A7.1.3 detail 2- Conidor 8210 North: Revise center portion of elevation per attached sketch AD02-'t 1. AD02-A.55 Refer to Contract Drawing A7.1.3 detail 5- Corridor 8210 South: Delete horizontal line which runs through entir€ elevation at 6'-0". AD02-A.56 Refer to Contract Drawing A7.1.5 detail 14,15- Entry Vestibule 8160 South & West: Modify detail tag lC-?to read E31 . AO02-A..57 Refer to Contract Drawing A7.1.5 detail 21-Work Area 8103- South: Modify dimensions to read right side up. AD02-A.58 Refer to Contract Drawing A7.1.7 detail 2- Resource Room 8101- East: Modiry detail tag lS-? at sill to read lS21 and detail tag lS-? at header to read 1530. AD02-4.59 Refer to Contract Drawing A7.1.7 detail 3- Resource Room 8101- Southl Modify detail tag lS-? to read w10. AD02-A.60 Refer to Contract Drawing 47.1.9 detail '12- U.S. Classroom 8234- South: Modify Elevation Tag to read U.S. Science Lab 8234 - South. Modify detail tag l$? to read R09. AD02-A.61 Refer to Contract Orawing 47.1.9 detail 14- Prep 8232- West: Delete detail tag lS-? AD02-A.62 RefertoContractDrawingAT.l.l0detail 3-RoomA154&8154-West Deletenote06400-WOODTRIM; 4". AD02-A.63 Refer to Contract Drawing A7.1.10 detail 13- Room C126 - West Note on leftside of drawing (referring to backsplash) should read MT-1 . AD02-A.64 Refer to Contract Drawing A7.1.10 detail 20- Room C161 - South: MT-2 to continue at walls of showers. AD02-A.65 Refer to Contract Drawing A8.1.0 Door & Frame Type, Interior Window Type 6: Add Section Mark 45 SIM at heacl condition. AD02-A.66 Refer to Contract Drawing A8.1 .0 Door & Frame Type: Firct lnterior Window Type to read Interior Window TYPe 1. AD02-A.67 Refer to Contract Drawing A8.1.0 Door& Frame Type: Add InteriorWindow Type 14 per aftached sketch ADA2-12. AD02-4.68 Refer to Contract Drawing A8.1.0 Door & Frame Type: Modify lnterior Window Type 6 per attached sketch AD02-13. 4902-4.69 Refer to Contract Drawing 48.2.0 Window Type: Revise alphabeticat order of window types per attached sketch AD02-14 - AD02-15. AD02-A.70 Refer to Contract Drawing 48.2.0 Window Type: Add Louver Type L12 per attached sketch AD02-16. ADO2-A.71 Refer to Contract Drawing 48.2.0 Window Type: Add note to Type S window: 1" translucent insulating glazing inside at Auditorium Backstage south wall. Provide metal funing and 2 layers of gypsum board. Finish face to be flush with rough opening of wall. AD02-4.72 Refer to Contract Drawing 1D2.1.0 Main/Lower Level Floor Plans: In Mechanical Room A031, Electrical Room A038, and Boiler Room A037, delete PT-1 and RB-1. AD02-A.73 Refer to Contract Drawing 1D2.1.0 Main/ Lower Level Floor Plans; In Office A041, nrodify CN-1 to read vcT-1. Date: May 30, 2003 Page 4 of 10 AD02-A.74 AD02-A.75 AD02-A.76 ADO2-A..77 AD02-A.78 AD02-A.79 AD02-A.80 AD02-A.81 AD02-A.82 AD02-A.83 AD02-4.84 AD02-A.85 AD02-A.86 AD02-A.87 AD02-A.88 AD02-A.89 AD02-A.90 AD02-A.91 AD02-A.92 Page 5 of 10 Refer to Contract Drawing 102.1.0 Main/Lower Level Floor Plans: In Equipment Room A032, delete PT-1 and RB-1. Modify VCT-1 to read CN-1 . Refer to Contract Drawing 1D2.1.1 Upper Level Floor Plan: In Toilet Room C224, addYQT-1. Refer to Contract Specifications Section 09644 - Wood Athletic Flooring: Add "2.4C - Painted school logo: Provide an allowance of $5,000 for painting custom logo / school name, etc. on the floor. Final design / layout to be determined by Architect and Owner. All unused portions of the allowance shall be credited back to the Owner in the form of a deduct Change Orde/ Refer to Contract Specifications Section 01030 - Altemates and Section 08800 Glazing: Add the following altemate: "Altemate No. 9 (Fire Glazing): Bass Bid: Provide wire glazing at interior bonowed lights and sidelights as scheduled and shown at fire-rated partition locations. Additive Altemate: Provide a price on a souare foot basis to replace the wire glazing scheduled with 'Fire Rated Glazing". Fire rated glazing shall be "Firelite NT" by Nippon Electdc Glass Co. and distributed by Technical Glass Products or approved equal. Final determination of locations and sizes of glass to be replaced by fire glazing will be made by the Architect and Owner prior to final fmme and glass order shop drawing submittals. Refer to ContrEtct Specifications Volume ll Architectural Details: add Detail lS30 per aftached ADO2-17. Refer to Contract Specmcations Volume ll Architectural Details: add Detail E33 per attached AD02-18. Refer to Contract Specifications Volume ll Architectural Details: add Detail S19 per attached AD02-19. Refer to Contract Specifications Volume ll Architectural Details: modify Detail El8 per attached ADO2-20. Refer to Conhact Drawings Sheet 42.2.3 and Specifications Section 10801 Toilet and Bath Accessories: Delete reference to Hair Dryers in Rooms C150 Boys Locker, and C160 Girls Locker. Add the following note: '10800 - Robe Hook; (20 each) to be field located by Architect and Ownef . Provide Bobrick Model number 86707 or approved equal. Refer to Contract Drawings Sheet 42-2.4 - Upper Level Area A Floor Plan: Revise the first (2) rows of fixed seating in Auditorium A130 to be noted as'Removable". (47 seats) Refer to Contract Specifications Volume llArchitectural Details: modify Detail lMO1 per attached AD02-21. Refer to Contract Specilications Volume ll Architectural Details: modify Detail lM02 per attached ADO2-22. Refer to Contract Specifications Volume ll Architectural Oetails: modify Detail lM03 per attached AD02-23. Refer to Contract Specncations Volume ll Architectural Details: modifo Detail lM04 per aftached AO02-24. Refer to Contract Drawings Sheet A7.1.11, Elevation 4 - Auditorium lnterior Elevation and Sheet E3.2.4, Upper Level Lighting Plan Area A: Add step lighting (fixture type SWl1)in Auditorium (both east and west elevations) as shown on attached sketch AD02-25. Circuit added fixtures to Circuit #93 to match existing. Verify exact location of fixtures with Architect. (12 total fixtures ADDED to electrical sheet). Refer to Contract Specifications Section 12345 - Manufactured Casework: Clarification to part 2.6 (C), 2.6 (D): The foflowing rooms shall receive Chemical Resistant Countertops: 8202, 8,203. The following rooms shafl receive Epo4y Resin Countertops and Sinks: 8200, 8201 , 8,231 ,8,232, and 8234. Refer to Contract Specmcations Section 12610 - Fixed Audience Seating: Revise part 2.1 (A) as follows: 1. Quaftm S3H3S with DP donor plate and Q style end panel (plats to be installed by mfr.) 2. Inrin 4586H8 with donor plate (plate to be installed by mfr.) 3. American Seating Refer to Contract Specifications Section 12610 - Fixed Audience Seating: Delete part 2.1 (F). Refer to Contract Drawings Sheet A8.2.0 - Window Types: Add note "08800 - Translucent Glazing" to window type A- Date: May 30, 2003 END OF ARCHITECTURAL ITEMS STRUCTURAL: AD02-S.01 Reference Contract Oocuments - Sheet Sl .00 - Section 11/S1.00 - Revise the remarks for embedded Dlate mark EP3 to include W14 beams as well as W16 beams. AD02-S.02 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.21 - Add the top of pier elevation of 100'{ to the pier at the steel column 6'-9 south of grid E5 and 4'-10 % east of grid S24. AD02-S.03 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.22 - Change the column size for the column located at grids Eg and S17 from a C4 column to a COA column. AD02-S.04 Reference Contract Documents - She6t 52.24 - Revise the north/south dimension string near grid N14 from grids E12 to El3 from 6'-O yz and 11'-7, to 6'-6 518 and 1't'-6718. AD02-S.05 Reference Contract Documents - She€t 52.24 - Revise the north/south dimension string between grids N12 and N14 from grids E12trc El3from 1'-7 %and 'l3'-6, to 'l'-7 114 and13'-6 114. AD02-S.06 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.25 - Revise the north/south dimension string near grid N7 from grids E12 to E13 from 6'-6 y2 and 11'-7,to 6'-65/8and 11'-67l8. AD02-S.07 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.25 - Revise the north/south dimension string between grids N7 and N9fmmgridsEl2toEl3from'l'-772and 13'-6, to 1'-7 114 and 13'-6 114. AD02-S.08 Reference Contract Documents - Sheets 52.21 and 52.24 - Add W16x31 as the size of the sloping auditorium beams between grids E8 and El0 and grids S20 and S21 refened to in the notes in these areas as sloping W16's. AD02-S.09 Reference Contract Documents - Sheets 51.00, 52.20 through 52.25 and Section 14lS3.11 -As a clarification, concrete pilasters integral in continuous concrete walls, shall be sized per the pier schedule in Section 2/S1.00. As noted on the plans, the pier size shall be taken as a P1 or 14"x14" pier centered under the column unless noted on the plan. This would indicate that the typical pilaster should be 14'wide and the face of the pilaster should be 7" from the column centerline unless noted. Other pilasters shall be sized per the designaUon on the plan and the schedule. To match this requirement, the typical pier dimensions shown on sheet 52.20 at grids S22 and E2 on sheet 52.20 and on the pierjust west of grids N14 and E18 on sheet 52.21 shall be deleted. The 10" dimension from column centerline to face of pilaster shown in section 14lS3.11 shall be adjusted acmrdingly. AD02-S.10 Reference Contract Documents - Sheets 52.20 and 52.21 - Add a pitaster to the wall at grids E7 and 522 on sheet 52.20. This same pilaster shall be shown projecting from the east side of the wall as well as the west side projection already shown on sheet 52.21. AD02-S.11 Reference Contract Documenls - Sheets S2.20 and 52.21 - Modify the pilaster width at grids S20 and E2 to ac@mmodate the embedded plate for the W16 beam to frame into it. The pilaster shall be 1'-9 wide extending 1'-2 west of grid S20 and 7" east of grid S20. AD02-S.12 Reference Contract Documents - Sheets 52.20 and 52.21 - Modiry the pilaster width at grids S22 and E2 to accommodate the embedded plate for the W16 beam to frame into it. The oilaster shall be 1'-5 wide extending 7" west of grid S22 and 10" east of grid S22. AD02-S.13 Reference Contract Documents - Sheets 52.21 and 52.22 - The pilasters on the north curved ramp walls iust north of grids E12 between N7 and N10, and N1 1 and N14 shall be 14" wide and project 7" north of the north face of the wall. No projection is required on the south face of the wall. Set the south anchor bolts on the 5' and 6" tube column base plates in 2" from the south face of the wall (3 l/i south of the column centerline). AD02-S.14 Reference Contract Documents - Sheets 52.21, 52.22 and S3.1 1 - Revise the pilasters for the three columns 1 l'-1 % west of grid Ng and the three columns 11'-'l % east of grid N12, between grids E13 and E15. The pilasters shall poect 1 %" past the face of the wall on the library side and 4" past the face of the wall on the classroom side. Revise Section '10/53.11. See Addenda Drawing SX-11. Page 6 of 10 Date: May 30, 2003 AD02-S.15 Reference Contract Documents - Sheets 52.24 - Revise the too of steel elevation for the W18x35 beam running north on grid S25 from the column on grid E6.5 from 114'-3 to '107'-0. AD02-S.16 Reference Contract Documents - Sheets 52.25 - Revise the top of steel elevation for the W16x26 beam running easvwest on grid El3neargrid N5 from 114 -3 to 107-0. AD02-S.17 Reference Contract Documents - Sheets 52.24 and 52.25 - Eliminate the C15x33.9 on grid S17 from grid E8 to grid E10. Extend the beam on grid E10 to the west to frame into the north/south W24x55. Revise the W1Bx35 to be a W18x40. See Addenda Drawing SX-12. AD02-S.18 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 32.24 -Revise plan to include Rigging Support Framing over stage area as required by TS5.0.0. See Addenda Drawing SX-13. AD02-S.19 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 53.16- Revise detail 2/S3.16. See Addenda Drawing SX-14. AD02-S.20 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet S3.'16- Revise detail 6/53.16. See Addenda Drawing SX-15. AD02-5.21 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet S3.14 - Add detail 3/53.14. See Addenda Drawing SX-16 AD02-S.22 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 53.18 - Add detail '17lS3.18. See Addenda Drawing SX-17 AD02-S.23 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet 52.22 - Change spread footings at grids 516/Eg and 317/Eg from F3.0 t'c F4.0. AD02-S.24 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet S3.19 - Section 1/53.19 - The channel welded to the bottom of the steel beam should be an 8" long secton of C8x11.5. END OF STRUCTUML ITEMS MECHANICAL: AD02-M.01 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M2.21 - Partial Piping Plan Main Level Area A - Plumb sink per attached sketch MXl . AD02-M.02 Reference Contract Documents - SheetM2.21- Partial Piping Plan Main Level Area A - Plumb sinks per attached sketch MX2. AD02M.03 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M2 .22 - Parlial Piping Plan Main Level Area A - Modify gas and acid waste piping per attached sketchMx3 AD02-M.04 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M2.22 - Paftial Piping Plan Main Level Area A - Add plumbing to sinks per aftached sketch MX4. AD02M.05 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M2 .22 - Paftial Piping Plan Main Level Area A - Add Flag Notes to drawing per attached sketch MXs. AO02-M.06 Refurence Contract Documenb - Sheet M2 .23 - Parlial Piping Plan Main Level Area C - Add plumbing to drinking fountain PO per attached sketch MX6. AD02-M.07 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M2.23 - Partial Piping Plan Main Level Area C - Modify wall cleanout to ffoor cleanout and shower designations per attached sketch MX7. AD02-M.08 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M2.23 - Partial Piping Plan Main Level Area C - Modify shower fixture designations per attached sketch MX8. AD02-M.09 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M2.25 - Partial Piping Plan Upper Levsl Area B - Add Flag Note per attached sketch MXg. AD02-M.10 Reference Contract Documenb - Sheet M2.25 - Partial Piping Plan Upper Level Area B - Modify gas piping and sink designations per attached sketch MXI0. Page 7 of 10 Date: May 30,2003 AD02-M.11 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M2.26 - Partial Piping Plan Upper Level Area C - Modify location of refrigerator box per attached sketch MX1 1. AD02-M.12 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M3.20 - Partial Basement Level HVAC Plan- Add Notes oer attached sketch MX12. AD02-M.13 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M3.20 - Partial Basement Level HVAC Plan - Modifo Return Air size per attached sketch MX13. AD02-M.14 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M3.22 - Partial HVAC Plan Main Level Area B - Remove roturn air gdlle per attached sketch MX14. AD02-M.15 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M3.22 - Partial HVAC Plan Main Level Area B - Modify diffuser layout per attached sketch MX15. A002-M.16 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M3.22 - Partial HVAC Plan Main Level Area I - Modifv locaUon of retum air grille per attached sketch MX16. AD02-M.17 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M3.25 - Partial HVAC Plan Upper Level Area B - Modiry diffuser layout per attached sketch MX17. AD02-M.18 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M5.1 1 - Waste and Vent lsometrics, Drawing #3 - Modify vent connection per attached sketch MXt8. AD02-M.19 Reference Contract Documents - Sheets M2.2'l , l\n.22, M2.24, M2.25 Piping Plans: Revise Toilet P-2 to P-1 in the following rooms: A1 54, B'l il, C122, AQ54, 8254. AD02-M.20 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet M2.25 Upper Level Area B Piping Plan: Revise all P-9 sinks in rooms 8200 and 9201 to be P-20. Sinks revised to epoxy resin top and sinks these two rooms. END OF MECHANICAL ITEMS ELECTRICAL: AD02-E.01 Reference Contract Specifications - Section 16650 - Section 2.00, Pmducts - 2.01, Manufacturers - Add Generac Power System as an approved manufacturer lor generator. AD02-E0.2 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E0.2 - Eleckical Schedule: Fixture type 55 to have black finish. AD02-E.03 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E0.2 - Electrical Schedule: Add note #2 below General Notes of Specialty Fixture schedule to read as follows: "Refer to architectural detail lM19 for fixture design and dimensions." For fixture type SP9 add '2" in Notes column. ADA2-E.Q4 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E.02 - Electrical Schedule: Add note #3 below General Notes of Specialty Fixture schedule to read as follows: "Refer to architectural detail lM20 for fixture design and dimensions." For fixture type SPS add "3" in Notes column. AD02-E.05 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E1.0 - Electrical Site Plan: Add note #2 to read as follows: "For mounting detail of type 55 not located within a wall refer to architectural detail E32." AD02-E.06 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E2.23 - Powe rlAuxiliary Plan - Main Level Area C - Delete (4) j- boxes and flag note #15's (for hair dryers) located in Girls Locker C160 and Boys Locker C150. AD02-E.07 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E2.23 - Power/Auxiliary Plan - Main Level Area C - Add receptacle, voice/data outlet and flag note #12 on south wall of gym near backboard switches. AD02-E.08 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E2.24 - PowerlAuxiliary Plan - Upper Level Area A - Add receptacle, voice/data outlet and flag note #10 on north wall of Auditorium A130 (south wall of control room A231). AD02-E.09 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E2.25 - Power/Auxiliary Plan - Upper Level Area B - Add receptacle, voice/data outlet and flag note *Fg on north wall of Lab M.S. Science 8200. Page 8 of 10 Date: May 30, 2003 AD02-E.10 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E3.24 - Lighting Plan - Upper Level Area A: Add three (3) type SW3 to Stair 001. See architectural sheet 46.1.0, Detail I for exact location and height of wall sconces. AD02-E.11 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E3.21 - Lighting Plan - Main Level Area A: Provide emergency battery ballast for recessed light CR2 over vanity in Rm. A142. AD02-E.12 Reference Contract Documents - SheetE3.22- Lighting Plan-Main Level Area B: Provide emergency battery ballast for recessed light CR2 over vanity in Rm. 8142. AD02-EJ3 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E3.23 - Lighting Plan - Main Level Area C: Provide emergency battery ballast for recessed light CR2 over vanity in Rm. C126. AD02-E.14 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E3.23 - Lighting Plan - Main Level Area C: Provide emergency battery ballast for recessed light CR2 over vanity in Rm. C127. AD02-E.15 Referenco Contract Documents - Sheet E3.24 - Lighting Plan - Upper Level Area A: Provide emergency battery ballast for recessed light CR2 over vanity in Rm. 4242. AD02-E.16 Reference Contract Documents - Sheet E3.25 - Lighting Plan - Upper Level Area B: Provide emergency baftery ballast for recessed light CR2 over vanity in Rm. 8242. END OF ELECTRICAL ITEMS LANDSCAPE: AD02-L.1 Refer to Contract Drawings sheets L1.1.0- Partial Grading Plan- West: Change sheet title to read Partial Layout Plan- West AD02-L.2 Refer to Gontract Drawing L1.1.1- Partial Layout Plan-East Pod: modify per attached sketch LX-S AD02-L.3 Refer to Contract Drawing L1.2.1- Partial Grading Plan West Classroom Pod: modify grading per attached sketch LX-3 AD02-L.4 Refer to Contract Drawing L1.2.1- Partial Grading Plan- East: modify grading and modifu retaining walls per attached sketch LX4 AD02-L.5 Refer to Contract Drawing L1.4.2- Playground Layout: modify ski rack locations and hard-scape per attached sketch LX-1 AD02-L.6 Refer to Contract Drawing L1.5.2- Playground Grading: modify grading and hard-scape per attached sketch LX-2 END OF LANDSCAPE ITEMS ACOUSTICAL: AD02-TS.01 Refer to Contract Specmcations, Section 11060 - THEATRE SYSTEMS: Revise paragraph 1.08, B, to read "A minimum of (8) elght hours of instruction in equipment operation and maintenance shall be fumished for the Theatre lighting system. Instruction shall be furnished as two discrete 4-hour sessions. AD02-rs.02 Refer to contract iliflifiHi;,iil,:T t , oE?;ttTH_. SYSTEMS: Add item to parasraph 2.11 , L., 't.: "with Optosplitter ETC lsM 'l' AD02-TS.03 Refer to Contract Drawing TS5.0.0 - Stage Rigging Plan: Revise rigging support beam locations per Structural drawings. Add (6) unistrut rigging supports between rigging beams (by Theatre Contractor) refer to attached sketch AD02-TS03. AD02-TS.04 Refer to Contract Drawing TS2.2.1 - Lighting System Floor Plan: Change symbol from "CF" to "FB" refer to attached sketch AD02-TS04. AD02-TS05 Refer to Contract Drawing TS5.0.1 - Performance Systems Details: Delete "DMX2Out'from "C1" Page 9 of 10 Date: May 30, 2003 description in one{ine diagram. END OF ACOUSTICAL ITEMS FOOD SERVICE: AD02-K01 Refer b @ntract SpeciEcations, Section 11400, Foodsewice Equipment, lbm 23, Range with Griddle and Two Ovens, Change tVlodel Numbor to Rsad: Garland H284. Add Line No. 8 to read: K.E.C. b verify owners prefercnce of bumer / gdddle conflguration prior to ordering. AO02-K.O2 Refer b Conbact Speclffcations, Sec{ion 114fi}, FoodseMco Equlpment, lbm 17 and 31, Drctrln D,ouble Bowl Sink, Change Model Numbsr to Read: Advanca Tafu Dl-2.n12. END OF FOOD SERVICE ITEMS ENO OFADDENDUM NO.2 Date: May 30, 2003 Page 10 of 10 ilp u fooo I flm nfl - um laE_ DRAtfi BY: VP ftlEClGO BY:TM DAIE: 5/i0/0i SCAII: l/8"-l'-0" ISSUE Addendum 1 5l?3103 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks 0uBois Archltects, P. C. 1512 Larlmer St..ct Brldee Levet Denver Cotorado 8020?. l0l-893n99o Far : 303-693-2201 REftRENCE: M.2.0 Addendum 2 5/J0/0i I)MTING NUIIBIR: AD02-1 ARCH. PROI. N0.: 2001-02E.0( ADddi lE nis dmnptl b on idnrnd d sdrk!. ord o. sd! rdft8 lh Fq.rtt ol th lrdit&l Pdrissbo lof 6. ol llir dodnE l P:\2001-028.00 Voil llln $hool\2 Drc ngs\01 Archilecluro\Eidding ond Negoliotion\m-A2 2 00.drq tloy 29, 200J @)', TECH 0mcE @ rEcH. suPmRr l! Rm fl.f,i - Iil tttE tnHA DR{lll,l BY: VP CHECKEO BY:Ilia DAIE 5/i0/03 SCAII: t/A'=t'-0' ISSUE Addendum I 5/23/03 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBols Architects, P, C. l5l2 Larimer Street Bridge Level Denver Colo|ado 80202, 301-893-1990 Fax : 301-E 3'2?(X RffERtl{ff:A2.2.1 Addendum 2 5/J0/0J DMI1ING NUIIBER: AD02-2 IRCH. PR0J. l{0.: 2001-028.ff C4trld mJ: nlis docomft is on ioslrlin nt ol stoicr, oid P:\2001-028.00 Voil llln School\2 Dro'inqs\o] Archileclurol\Bidding ond Neqoliotion\rm-A2 2.0l.drq lloy 29, 200J rl rl0 codRtmR ^^.- [E''ll m rl-*tiOT ', 'l* s{ffi)rz Y--Fl-. -l-v; I r tn V-r ln -r T[++_lta ilI lm,r.al) to bt-1---+-'*t--{\\- J'-1 114" -l KilotRcrfirEll I [Tr2r I ^^. tl /u /lJ'r ill|n tw- Pttl I{000I -Hl pi IIIE. FI @ @ DMI{N SY: VP Cl{Efi0 gY: Ili,| MTE: 5/30/03 SCIII: t/a'lt'-0" ISSUE: Addendum I 5/23103 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. l5i2 Larlmer Street Brldge Levet Oenver Cotorado 80202, 103-893.190 F x: 303-891-22(X REFTRENCE: A2.2.J Mdendun 2 51&/0J DMITING I{IIMETR; AD02-3 ARCH, PR0J. N0.: 2001-02E.00 Co0tilt 2OS nis dootrid is on iBtitml ol !.ni.!, ord os s0ch, Eminr th. Fopd{y P:\2001-028.00 Voil tlln Shool\Z oro{ings\01 Architecluro\Bidding ond l,leq0ti0tionvm-M.2.0i.drg tloy 29, 200J P:\2001-028.00 Voil Mtn School\2 Drowings\01 Architecturol\Biddi-- ADO2-4 STAR @ K Lrpp CoLUssy JENKs DuBots A i cHlTt cr t, P c M.66ri Ar-i6 r".risi. ot rhn6 wnr.. Sqlon, t5t 2 Loda- SLd AdCa. L.v.l, Orc, Cd6da 6Om2 FJr 3oo-493- | irgo tor 3ot.693_22o. 6qf Ee etdtf 2 DM. HAD @ o .a (J (./) .;< T PE a'i o ia o z, F E - = -L T0rul-@ 1"lr I thl l',-6 J/4' UIJ CORRIt)OR @ \lt L.t!J t L!_J A t_!_i J_J I I rN l. L|.I.Y, 54 8'- r0"j f- 4 u.s.scrtilcE u8 lJ8 C R|lm Pu[ - FPn ErE f,f^ B DRAlll{ 8Y: tC CHECKED 8Y: iM ADDENDUM2 ISSUE: Addendum I Addendum 2 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. t5l2 [arimer S(re€r Brtdge Level Denve. Colo6do 80202, ]01-891-1990 Fa.x: 10l-893-22 AD02-5 oqd 2qB lhis doo,rneot is 0i hsll,m€nl 0f rdvte, P\2001-02E00 voil ln Sch00l\2 Drorings\ol Architeclurol\Bidding ond Negotiolion\m-M.2 05 drg [|oy 29, 2mJ T.0. FASCh r2r'-s' (EJ57.S') O54OO_ SIEEL STUDS I()2()() - ARCHITECTURAL il. sEflt AISUE DMlfll BY: tC CHECKTD BY:T[,|ADDENDUM 2 DArE: 5ii0l0J S0'qlf: l/2'= l'-0" ISSUE: Addendum I 5/23/03 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larimer Street Erldge Levit Denver Cotorado 80202, 10l-893-1990 Far:301.893.2?04 REFIXENCI A5.2 0 Addendum 2 5/i0/03 DMIIII{G I{U[|BER: AD02-6 ARCH. PRN. N0.: 2001-028.0( C.gfird ml lhir do.uric0t ii on indrnEnl ol P:\2001-02E 00 Voil tltn School\2 ororings\o! Archilecturol\Bidding ond Negotiotion\m A5200dr9 lloy 29,200J -l I ?-) DMITN 8Y: CHEfiED 8Y: DATE: 5/i0/0J S0llf: AS SH0WN ISSUE: Addendum I 5l2J/0J VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. l5l2 Larlmer Street Eridge Level Denver Colorado 80202, 103.893-190 Far : l0l-891.22(X REIIRENCE: A6 I I Addendum 2 5/J0i0i I)RAIIII{G NU}ItrR: AD02-7 ARCH. PROI. l{0.: 2001-028.00 o?'ri,t2m}Ihisdoq'n.ilbonns|omdlo|s't|ct.dioscEh.tfninsthF0e.nyo|tlEkdi|cclPdniribn'olr6.o||hbdotlbh P:\2001-02E00 Voil tn $hoo\2 ororirBs\o| Archit€clurol\Bidding ond egoti0tonvm-A6.l.0l.drq lloy 29, 200J Jr@11" I -(o @ STAIR @ OMWN BY: OIIECKEI) Bf: OATE: 5/j0/0J SCAII: AS SH0V{N ISSUE: Addenlum l 5/2J/DJ VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Cotussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larimer Sireet Brldge Level oenver Cotorado 60202, 303-891-1990 Far : 103-891-22(X REFEENCE: A6.l.l Addendum 2 5/J0/0J DMIIING NUMEER: AD02-8 ARCH, PR0J. N0.: 2001-028.0{ &grif fIl lh;s daun*nt 6 @ {slnnc ol sdri!, ond os such, r€fdas lh Fop.rb ol P:\2001-028.ffi Vol Mtn School\2 orodngs\0| kchileclur0\Siddinq ond Neqotiotion\vrn-A6101drg [oy 29, 200i O55OO- PREFAERICATTD SIITL STAIR I\'ITH CONCRFIT FILLED SIttL iRtADS ()55{)() - GUARDMIL O55O()- HNDRAIL SUPPORI ()JJ{)()- CONCRTIE ON MttAL DECK ON SIEEL BEAMS AT PIRIMIIER I lrArr{ u\R tL r00'-d tAl{ilt{c fl_ et-s r/E' _l LANOING EL gJ'-I 3F i,- o!oq,{Ft LL. d0 -u ORA|{il BY: CHEfiID BY: MTE: 5/i0/0J SCllf: AS SH0lfll r55Ut: Addendum I 5123/03 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. l5l2 Larlmer Street Brldge Level Denver Cotorado 80202, 101.893-1990 F.x : 301.893-22(X REFERII{CE: A6.1.1 Addendum 2 5/J0/0i [)MI{ING NUMBER: AD02-9 ARCH. PR0J. N0.: 2001-02E.0( Clppilt ![l lhs documol b oi iNlrrxnl ot snrkr, sd o suci, Gnor$ llp Fop.rtt ol uE Ird'illrl P!frisiorl ld P:\2001-028m vo'l lln $.hool\2 Drorings\ol lrchilecturol\Bidding ond tl€90ti0ti0n\rn-A6 | 0t drg Mq 29, 200J tg 09200- CYP. B0ARD; typ.- t100D MSEBOARD; 6' typ. OR{fi{ 8Y: vP CtltCKtD 8Y: IM Sflf: l/4"=l'-0' ISSUE: Addendum I Addendum 2 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larlmc. St.ect Brldg. Level D.nwr Cotor.do 60202, 303-693'1990 Flx: 303-891.229 AD02-10 oqtti l[& ni! d6na i! or;!ttit6l d sriq d{ 6 ed,.rifiE [r fof..lt ol lh. frdrlc,l. P.mision ld us. ol lb do6rna{ b r d dd Pr\2ml-028m v0il lln $hoo\z tloriigs\o| lrcfiteclu'o\Biddng ond Npgololion\m-A/.1 02.dr9 llq 29, 200J I SCONCT;l/ALL YPr 09200- cONTR0l. J0|NT I6000 _ LIGHTING FIXIURT RTCISSID iNTRY 06400-t!000 TRIM CORNIR: 4: 06400 - lv00D BASI0OARD; 6' typ. o (J (./) .;< T l-J z Fti 4 (d Y- KrrPp Corussy JENKs DuBors ARCHf€Cr5, P C M6b- an.'r(dn tdnu'. ot A,.hr-B w.tr& Squor., l -5r 2 Lonm., 516.l s.rdg. L.v.l, Onvd, CdoGdo AO2O2 prr 3o3.a93- t99o t6,3(]3_693 22Oa EENEM fr'darfun 2 E H I6000- TIGHIING FIXTURT ':I P:\2001-02800 Voil li,|ln School\2 Drowings\01 Architecturot\Bidding ond Negotiotion\vm.A7 l0Jdwq Moy 29,200J AD02- I I " 2'-0" L 2'-0" [ 2'-A' I '1/2" I I I INIERIOR W|NDOW TYPI 14 DRAtll{ BY: VP CHECKEO BY:TM Mlt: 5/J0/0i S0{.E: l/+"=t'-o' IS$JI: Addendum l- 5/23103 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Kllpp Colussy Jenk DuBois Architects, P. C. l5l2 LErlmer Str€et Bddge t"evet Denver Colorddo 80202, l0l-891-t90 Fax:301-693-?2M REfE0'tcE A8.1.0 Addendum 2 5lJ0l03 t)fiAIIING NUIIBER: ADO2-12 ARCH. PROI. t{0.r 2001-028.00 forift mlnb do6rn il b d i'rdrunat ol sdtin, orld G efh, rmnhs lk Fqerly ol th klilat. P.ftrissirh lor !s. ol P:\2001-028.00 Voil llln Schooft Drorir{s\0l tochiteclura\Bidding ond tl€90ti0ti0n\til1-A6.100.dr9 |,oy 29, 200J 06400 - INT-[R|0R ARCHIIICTURqI VII00DW0RK;I' x 6" llf0OD TRIM I 06400- INTTRIOR ARCHIJICTUML 1' x 8' l|{000 IRIM W IYPE 7 -U tl sc. INTERIOR I/VINDOIV ilPt 6 SCALE: 1f4" = 1' - 0' t)mW|{ 8Y: VP CIIECKED BY: Tl/ DArE s/io/oi S,0llE t/+'=1'-O' I$IJE: Addendum I 5/23/03 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P, C. t5l2 Ladmer Street Brld8e Lcvet Denver Colorado E0202,303.E93-1990 Fax:301-891.22(N RffEREIICE: A8.1.0 Addendum 2 5/i0/0J OMIIING NUIjEER: ADO2-13 ARCH. m0J, t{0.: 2001-028.fi q''i'tm}Iii5docum€itiionimlrmao|$nr!'ddossxh.ldl'0iclkEoprdyo||htctil!ttPanisixr|o.ueo|||is|bhldd P:\20S1-02E.00 voil tltn thod\2 0r0rings\01 Arciitecturo\Bidding ond ltegot;olion\m-A8 I 00 drg tloy 29, 200J I ."1 _1 I .?l l I fl l K I.IPP CoLUssY JENKs DUBoIS ARCI II EC'I5, P C M.mb.. an-.dn t.dilb oa Arthir.d w.rr.rSqvor., r5r2 L6.i6.r Srrd e.idC. L.{1, Ddv.., a-t@do 60202 ph 3O3 493-1990 lor 303-493.220. E|fEM ffirt|2 i (,) U)c.''i €cg5 .uz ); FI t t E I Il22 S|lJ Y{ot $lt IYPE L ilPE K I"YPE J I(PE H IYPE G w07 silr ET ITPED INDOW P:\2001-028.00 Voil Mtn School\2 Drowings\O1 Architecturol\Brdding ond Negotiotion\vm A82.00dwg Moy 29, 200j ryPTS ADO2-14 It0t ttoJ FI IJ WINDOW IYPES KLrPP C o LUss\ J ENKs DuBors AtcHrrE c T s, P c M6b-- Anrr@n 16 ur. ol A'.1i.fn w.lr.. Sq0o6, 1512 Lo.im.. 5id' ardC. t-v.|, O-.d, C-tltdo 6d2O2 Fh 3oit'693. | 99O lo,303-693.220. Eq:ED ,r tdn 2 (-,) U) I o O E * E e T P:\2ffi1-028.00 Voil Mtn School\2 Drowings\Ol Architecturol\Bidding ond Negotiotion\m-ffi.2.00.dwg Moy 29,2003 AD02- I 5 I r-0" |+1 r'-4" I E TYPE 112 LOUVER TYPE L12 DMtlil gY: tC CflEO(fl) BY: lM ADDENDUM2 0ATE: 5/J0/01 SCAIE l/+"= t'-0" IS$JT: Addendum I 5123103 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Archltects, P. C. 1512 Larlm.r Street Bridge Levet Denw Cotorado t0202, 103-891.1990 Fax : 303.893-2204 REFIXII{CE: A8,2.0 Addendum 2 5/J0/0i DRAITING NUIIEER: AD02-16 ARCH. PR0J. t{0.: 2$l-02E.0( c{Drictdl}ni'doojiahom5lrnEnlo|'!'v'cq0ndo'9Jdt,t.hoin'|htprop!rtyo||heAlriit.c|'Pc||!i|cEd E\2001-028.00 V0il tlln thoo\2 0r0ri'{s\01 &chitectur0\ilidd;n9 ond tlegotiolion\n-l8 2.00 trg ttoy ?9, ?003 061ff- t{,000 tRtM; 07900- sHrM sPACt SIAUNT EOIH SIDES OSIOO- HOLLOW MEIAL FMME 08t00- ctAZ|NG sToP IS30: SECTION @ WINDOW HEAD IN LIBRARY DRA||N SY: KS CHECKED BY: CC INTERIOR SECTION DETATLS DATE: 5/i0/0i SCIIE: l" = 1'-0' ISSUE: Addendum I 5123103 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. t5l2 [arlmer Street Brldge Level Denver Cotorado 80202, ]03-891-1990 Fax: !01.891-?20a REFIXEI{CE A/.I.7 Addendum 2 5/30i0J DMIIING NUMBIX: ADO2-17 ARCH. PRN. N0,: 2tl0l-028.0( C{grritt 2OJ: Ihis docurErl i5 on hslnrml 0l idvkr, ond 0s $ch, Gioins ll€ Fop.rly ol P:\200t 028.00 Voil lltn School\2 0r0rin9s\0t Architecturot\Bijding ond €goliotion\thl0;ts\m-6ln-lD02.drg lloy A. 200J 09200- MITAI- SIUDS: J 5/8" O62M- LNE OF ltlOOD IRIM 8tL0I{; re: E04 04800- sToNt \/ENttR BILOW; dry-stocked 06200- 2X rilOOD ELOCKINC 06200- vi00D STD|NG: lxJ botten @ 14'0.c. 06200- ri00D srDrNG; lx boord ()51()O- SITEL STUDS 09200- s/8' IYPI ')(' GYP. BD. O72OO- MTI INSUI-ATION 09200- 5/8" En. GYP. SHIATHTNG - EXPANSION JOINT ASSEMBLY - 1il00D TRIM; 2x8 ()58O()- IXPANSION JOINT ASSEMBLY: re: lCG05 E33: EXPASION JOINT DETAIL ISSUE: Addendum l Addendum 2 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larimer St.crt Srldge Leve( Denwr Cotorado 60202, ]{'3'891.1990 Fax : 101-893'22(X R$IRO{CE: 1/A6 l l AD02-18 C.gritt ml: Ihis do.vnd't P:\2001-02800 voil ltln Sclrool\2 Droring\01 lrchil€cturol\Eidding ond lleqoliotioo\oetoils\yrn - tiJ-002 drg 0y 29, moJ BASE AS SCHEDULTD 06200 - Ir|l00D slDrNG; boord & botten 06t00 - l,v00D EL0CK|NG; 2x4 @ 16" o.c. vert. 09200- EXrtRroR cYP. BOARD SHEA-IHINC O54OO- SIETT SIUDS ()72OO- SAII INSUI]TION OJJ{)O- CONCRTiI ON MIIAL DEC|( O55M- STEEL STRINGIR (}5IOO- SIRUCTUML STETL O51OO - STEEL CHANNEL; beyond O92M- SUSPENDED GYPSUM BOARD CTILING LANDING AT EXTERIOR WALL S 19: STAIR DRATiN 8Y: KS CHECKED 8Y: MIE: 5/i0/0J SCllE: I 1/2"=l'-0" ISSUE: Addendum 1 5123/03 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Ltrlmer Street Brldge Levet oenver Cotorado 60?02, 103'891.1990 Fax : l0l.89l-220,{ REFTREI{CE: Addendum 2 5/30/0J DMIIII{G NUIIBER: AD02-r9 ARCH. PR0J. N0.: 2001-028.0( CogriCt lq[: nis docurnenl is on hstrndrl ol servk., P:\2001-028m Voil lttn School\2 Drorings\o| ArcNlecluro\Bidding ond Ne{0li0li0n\0etoils\vm-S 19-4002 drg [oy 29, 200J 0$00- c{sr rN Pr.AcE 09200- 7/8' HAr CHANNET FURRING 09200- 5/8' En. GYP. SHIATH|NG 07200- BA1I tNSUr-AiloN 054{N- STEEL SIUDS 09200- 5/8' TYPI 'X' GYP. BD, E18: PLAN CORNER@ - W000 TRIM; 2xl0 00200- lY00D IRIM; 2xB 002(X)- ul00D TRIM; 2x8 06200- l'lOOD SIDING;'lx boord 06200- v{00D srDrNG; 1xJ botten 0 14- o.c. 06200- 2x w00D BLOCKING ()4E(1O- STONT VINIER BELOlt; dry-stocked 06200- uNt 0F v{000 TRII/ BILOlill; re: [04 GYM/FOYER Cl10 DRAff{ 8Y: 16 CHE0(0 SY:IM mfE: 5/i0/0J SCAIE 1'=l'-0" ISSIJE; Addendum I 5123103 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. t5l2 L.rlmer Str€€t Brldge Levet Denver Colorado E0202, !03-893.1990 F.x 1303-E93'220,t REtfittrlCrE: t18 Addendum 2 5/30/0J I)MTIII,IG NUllffiR: AD02-20 ARCH. PRql. il0.: 2001-028.0{ coP'i'tm}Itsdoom6tbonin5tnnolo|s'th,ondos$ch,rqfir6lh!y!0crlyo|ttrkciit.cl'Pdni$in|o'6 P.\201-028.00 Voil lltn Schoo\2 Drorings\0l ,{rch;laluro\&?din9 ond NEoto[on\&ldls\vm-tl0-AD02.dr9 oy 29, 200J | -J / -0 | -J d d 2 -4' T- r0200 05t00 r0J00 i t- I I -{ I I ")t tr/ .T TI --l -a "l 'i q =l 5"i -r T-it -- i r/a I HV)r-l ) ri :-----l----- UNE UI{E BASE tu06 10'-0" - DIMINSIONAL SIONE VENTIR I . 8, Cl!|U _ FIRTBRICK - GAS tOG - STETL COLUMN _ 20' DIA. FLUE; smoke chomber UNE OF STONE IIII{IEL AEOVE ur{E 0F cMU/sroNE BASE BELOI{ UNI OF SIOI{E HEARTH DETAIL AT BASE OF FIREPLACE t)MllN BY: KS CHECKEI) BY: IM FIREPLACE DETAILS DATE: 5/i0/03 SClll J/8" = t' o" ISSUE: Addendum | 5/2J/03 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. '1512 Larlmer Street Bddge Level Denver Co(orado 80202,303'891-1990 Fax:103.893.2204 RTFIXET{CE: Addendum 2 5/i0/0i DMIIING NUMBIR: ADO2-21 ARCH. PR0J. N0.: 2001-02E.00 P\2ml-028m Voil tltn $hoo\2 ororinls\ot lrchileclurol\Bidding ond Negoliolion\oeloih\m -l[1ol -ADD2 drg uoy 29,200J 1'-0' - or[1|ENst0riAi- sIONt VINEER - 8' CMU IOO- STTTL COLU[,|N t5000- 20" DrA. FLUI ctAss A rNsuttTtD DOUBLE I{AIL FLUI. ATTACH IO MASONRY AI S|.|OKE CHAMBIR I|/IIH U,L, APPROVED BOI]-ON CONNECTOR UNT S STONE MNIEL BtrOW DETAIL AT FIREPLACE DMlll{ 8Y: Tll $|ECK[I) BY:Gc FIREPLACE DETAILS DAIE: 5/30/01 SCAU: i/8" = 1'-0" ISSIJE: Addendum 1 5/23103 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Lrrlmer Street Brldqe Levet oenver Cotorado E0202, 103-893-1990 Fax : 301-893-22(X REFERENCE: Addendum 2 5/30/0J DMIIING NU|IEER: AD02-22 ARCH. PROI. M.: 2001-028.00 fgrif fl: lhs dammt P\2m1-02E00 Vol lltn Schoo\2 ororings\0l tuchileclurol\Eidding ond Negotiolion\Del0;ls\vm-[,t02-A002 drg l/oy 29, 200J r'-0" 5' 6" 1'-0" - DIMENSIONAI STONE VtNTiR IOO- STTEL COLU|IN - E" CMU - MIIAL STUOS _ SLOPE I5()()()- DOUELI tlALL FLUE, offset os shown - ORNAMENTAL SHTIT 0N J/4'PLYII000 y{/ $rR SIRAPS 01800- cl,AY FLUI TrLt PLAN DETAIL AT CHI DMlfll BY: IM CHECKO BY: CC FIREPLACE DETAILS DAIE: 5/J0/01 scAlE i/8" - r'-0" ISSUE: Addendum 1 5/2J103 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Kllpp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 15'12 Larlmer Street BrldBe Levet Denver Cotorado 80202,303-t93-199O Fax: l0l-891-22(X RIfIRO{CE: Addendum 2 5/J0/0J DRAIIII'IG NUIIBER: AD02-23 ARCH. PR0J. N0.: 2001-028.0( c.'Ut2m}niieg6oiElMEo|s.'Yic!.ondos$4h'lembslhF,dt,o|the|,c+il!clPami$bi|o.ol.o|l|is| P:\2001-0?800 voil uln Sciool\2 0r0riiS\01 lchitecturo\Bidd;ng ond ll,e90t0t;oi\Drl0;ts\m-lM0J-AD02.drg xoy 29, 200J - ORNAMENTAL SHIIT SIITL PANELS 0N y4" PLYI{0OD - 8' CMU - 6' CMU -l _l I -l I5OOO- DOUBTI IIIALL FLUE - $,OOD VIRAPPTD STEEL COLUMN PLAN DETAIL AT CHIMNEY I I)MIltl BY: TM CHECKED 8Y:GC INTERIOR PLAN DETAILS MIE: 5/30i03 SCAIf: J/8'= l'-o' rs$Jt: Addendum 1 5/23103 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. l5l2 Larlher Street Brldge Levet oenver Colorado 8020?, !01-893-1990 Far:101.893-229 RffEREI{CT: Addendum 2 5iJ0l0J DMllIt{C NUIIEER: AD02-24 ARCH. PKiJ. N0.: 2ffi1-028.00 Cogddi Ul hk dooridl b o iGtnnci ol snin, ond os suci, rFmins tlE pofnlt of lh kchilect. Pefission lor P:\2001-0?8.00 Voil ltn $hoo\z 0rorin$\01 Architecturo\Birlding ond llegotiotion\0etoils\rn*1M04-AD02.drg l/ay 29, 200J - MilAL CATIiALK O5IO- STITL CHANNTL; w/exposed fosteners 06400- w00D BOx - CYP BOARD; curved, re: l/N2.4 for loyout ill${O 0? B0ARD T0 uilomgm tr ffiur{G BEAM 06400 - w00D c0tuMN INCtOSURt 06fi0- w00D TRIM; lx6 K LrPP Cor.ussy rENKs DuBots AICHiItCT', P C M.6btr: &n-ko. rdh ol /!i}i.<L wnhrSqudr.. l5l2 lodm.r Srd s.ls. 1...1, Drr, Cdo6do gO2O2 ph 3O3 S93- | 99O tor 3O3,493.22Oa Nlfm lddodn 2 a- c./) a{lJ o E I E 06100- li/000 PAt'rftrNG; typ 01100 - D|MENSTONAI ST0Nt; typ P:\2001-028.00 Voil Mtn School\2 Orowings\0l Architecturot\Bidding ond Negotiotion\m-Ai.l.lt.dwg Moy i0,200J AD02-25 flAff Z?xllx?'-lf 1t. I t/4 lr'ffiJr t6'unf Ptustm A002/t8502' AT TOF I l-fr x lYl t4 pftsot2' RUII YAII ftflNf nlRwel Hustm FMlillo 8ErW0 /</K. 5 ,^'sgs <4 E CA{.Ailil DRAltl SY: SEVI Slt0@ Btr m DATE IF/S{B sc,[E J/t'; t'{ I$UE p 2 tElxy0r VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 15'12 Larher Street Erldge Levet 0enver Cotorado 8020?,303-891-1990 Fax l30l-893.2204 *N,,* t)RAtttrs ilumR s-tl ,mHl lR0l. Pfl0,. Ml.: 2001-028.00 W & nir dodrhrt b o ird!,Ft ol $ic!, di o! $d[ drdN h. Flpatf of h. Ardrlcct P.n*i6 k ui. ol tt dodriot b Hd qd id h B{and att 6t niltat .Elaert Ogdf lml nic ddrdtl h o i'rtuncnl o{ sa*r, od c sdt. raidts }r Fpctt ot Ut lrdtccl- Pfisi$ ld '!. ot dit d@nc{ is li'r d od WlaEnfdotE'tbat6tui.itd!aYir.qiornd.Gtd6th!Fq.r{yo|tEHitcd.Pati$ibf(Bror0itdoc1rtuibhirdanc0'h.{adda{,brr{oEtgf& yt2 l2 SECTION SCALE: 3/4" fl,2,ftlfr SUE D2 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 15.|2 Larlmer Street ErldBe Levet Denver Coloado 80202, 303-891-1990 Fax : 303.893-2204 04f$l & nir dornat h m iEhnr o{ svir. dd G srdr, Endru h. F!0cty o{ h. Irdilct PmhCo. f( Gr d {tit docrrncnt i! tn1.d dd co1 J'nM oEA( dtr BililfEt( ffitos s20 e szl u6'-J7s t25'-5b SECTION SCALE: 3/+" mAfi{ Bf: S[t 0f0(o W: m mrE 6/fl,/0J $nE yf'; l-{t rsrE p2 cilnn3 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBols Architects, P. C. t5l2 Larimer Street Bridge Levet Denver Cotorrdo 60?02, 303-893- 1990 Fax:103-893-2?(X REFEnflcEmDm. ffiAiltl{G ]{Ultffi s-|5 ARCH. PRq,. N; 2{10l{128.0( OtUt & ll* &ori6tl b o istmq oa sv't!, di c $ch, driE th. Fqdty of h ld ec,l- Priik*r td c 0f [i doclrrq{ i! fritd qd co ut{ ffi6 [s.J 2tl lfihJx, STAtr RIMI{6 SI/PPffiI EEAA &T 52.21 SECTION SCALE: 3/+" mffi{ 8Y:S[t O|E0(E) BY: m NE tb/t0/tE scflry+':t{f t$UE m 2 6l$/A VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larher Street Eridge Level o€nv€r Cotorado 80202,103.891.1990 Fax : 303.893.22(N *lftll'" mffi$ ilulr8Eft sx-t6 lRSl. PROI, ffi.: 2Ol-028.00 olttut 20t nit dnun it b or h*um.nt ol sctir, ad G $dr, nn*$ {x Fqdtt of h tdLct Pdrikin ta 0!. ol tit doonui i h&d ad tnz (srAE flMil? suPPffir ffiil0 PLAN DTTAIL 3/4" = 1'-0 ORlffi{ Bf: $[ Of0fiD SY: m rr{rE tb/I/ut scllE yt'I t-0 $ue m 2 6/S/t3 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. t5t2 LrrlDer Slreet Brtdge lrvel Denyer Colorado 8m02, 103-8931990 Fax : 303-E93-2204 ffirBilcelf, Etx. tTlsf.tE MilT$ Mfl8ER s-t7 slsl mfi, PR0,. N; 2{Ill-028.00 Mf m ntb edictt k !n ilturdit oa !dtic., dd 6 rx[ rnoiE ttr F!0ct, .f hc hltcct Psnir*h Ir E !f hb &driE{ b tn{d dd .e h .rkrncd rft bt mta oq!fcrt th"sMS/sMR ro SYSTEM. REFER TO SHEET Ml.O FOR CONTINUATION, REFER TO DRAWNG I SHEET M4.10. FOR WASTE & VENT ISOMETRIC AND DRAWING 2, THIS SHEET FOR DOMESTIC WATER PIPING. lv2"cw/Hw & 1!zz"w UP. ',vz"cw'/Hw DN & t/2"w To u' Vc t2lH-€R+oF- --CLASSROOM @ 7/1 |-\li r ltrlr/\ o at ,rrT illli-i ** PARTIAL PtPtNG PLAN BE^'JIID MAIN LEVEL AREA A $ffiff-K;" V2'--"f ill VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 tarimer Street Eridte Levet Denver Cotorado 8t Z0Z, 303'893-1990 Fax : 303'691'2204 slE Mdendum 2 CoOdgH2OlEdoqiHlioiduEloltri*d6ldrrqriEltrpAito(h.lrdrLd-Pqni'ttcG.oltta&qnrttbli{dttd.otb.aldtddi.tttila L\Gdd6 Prcisctd?5l t.00 voil ltu{oii ttno|\tsl t0l\80ct Codd\7sllollfrz2t.drg llry ?9.200J 8IH GRADI CLASSR(JO|',j trsE TO DRAWNG 2. SHEET FOR WASTE & VENT C 'AND DRAWING 3. SHEET FOR DOMESTIC Y2"Cw/Hw & lvz"w, vz"Cw/Hw DN & f TO SINK. ---w 1'l2"SMS/SM SHEET M2.10 PARTIAL PIPING PLAN *r'NjD MAIN LEVEL AREA A ulE 5/J0/0J $[E l/8', = t'-0" VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P' C. 1512 Lanmer Street Bridge tevel Denver Colorado 80202,303-E93-1990 Fax:301-891-2204 NIE Addendum 2 ARCH. PROJ. N0.: 2001- Cqtrit{ mJ: irdcnEtbo irdnrEt ol rait, dd G rd\ @ri6 [t F!9.rlt ol IE Lcflc.l Ptnissir lcE d Uit &orrrnl b lnild ci Gal h atdd.d d*t t l-\Gddor Propk\7511.00 Voil Uorrloh Schml\75 | I.0l\SCt Codd\751l0llfi22l drg Iq A, ?00J %"cw,/Hw uP rlr"w utltc.OA]A @ tI | | -l+u 1/z"W UP 1V2"W VP I e lL,,/\-r vz"w uP %"cwlHw uP @-,u,'* u, 1%"W UP ACID DILUTION BASIN ABOVE. PARTIAL PIPING PLAN BEi-l/';XD MAIN LEVEL AREA A fiffiT-K; VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Lnrimer Street Bridee Levet oenver Colorddo Eo202, ]0.3'E93'1990 Fax : 103-891'2201 NIE Addendum 2 cay'i1*moln*ao''otboi6l'r''atolFb.ados3d1t!''ri!thF!,''.f$.t.dtl.df|,ct'dlt.hI*i.Ehidcnc6hai!ndd|'rdt6og!r''r'|hrFcdrqJci€qAis|'diR t\Cdden Proilctr\7sll.m ltail lla&'loh Schoo\751l.0l\Str C0d{75ll0lu022.dr9 IE A, 200J G , SHEET M5.1'I NT IN THIS AREA. 1 V^'t a\ t /uut I to PARTIAL PIPING PLAN ^_:H;it MAIN LEVEL AREA A /-"/fT-a 1%"w uPrr Yc"Cw.,/HW TO MAINS IN CORRIDOR. t-!!l VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Archltects, P. C. 1512 Larimer Street Bridge Levet oenve. Cotorado 80202, 10l-893'1990 Fax:303'E93 2204 FSIE Addendum 2 ARCH. PR0J. N0.: 2001 co''ri'{m}n*d6tt!'|hoidu!'loliaie!n6rr[4iIiEl}tFa.d'ot{'!^idlctp'ininb6.otl|it&.urn{bHddGo'bd'fa''jii|''r.drGi'rFcdqJr|g0|'i|ldqA l-\bldar Proitls\75t t.O Voil llanloh Schm\7511.01\8ctr hddv5ll0llfl22z.drg loy 29, 200J FLAG NOTES: u-) a (J) PLUMB FOR FUTURE FLOOR MOUNTED WATER CLOSET. PLUMB FOR FUTURE SINK. UP TO FUME HOOD. NOTES: 1.REFER TO PIPING TO REFER TO ON SHEET FIXTURES. REFER TO PIPING TO DTAGRAM O , sHEEr M4.r'r, FoR Hws/HwR CABINET HEATERS AND UNIT HEATERS. PLUMBING FIXTURE CONNECTION SCHEDULE MO.1 FOR CONNECTION SIZES TO INDIVIDUAL DTAGRAM O , sHeEr M4.t1, FoR Hws,/HwR DUCT COILS. PARTIAL PIPING PLAN MAIN LEVEL AREA A Reaunnr A *, H'Iry EHffi^'. ffiF_ mffi il: CHECKEO BY: EPH llUft tf,lE s/30/oJ SOIE l/8'= l'-0" NIE lddendum 2 5lfilill VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C, 1512 tarimer Street Eridge Level Deo\€t Colorado 80202, 301-893-1990 Fax: 303-893.22$ REEETE [,|2.22 MffiG ruM MX5 ARCH. PR0J. N0.: 2001-028.00 C4ttdght X$ nir dru r{barirt rl ol sa$ce, an 0r rdr 6 tE th Fogrlt ot [E lrdLd fih f( G. ol ll* dqr6{ b dd cd @ b.rlt}d!d dtt t d a U\Cdddr Pt0icctsvsll.0() voil ltqntoin SdrmN5l l.0l\S6 Coddv5llollfrzz2.drq llot ?9, 200J REFER TO DRAWNG J, SHEET M5,11. FOR WASTE & VENT ISOMETRIC AND DRAWING 2, THIS SHEET, FOR DOMESTIC WATER PIPING. i! vl ii a =_r EI =(,II, 4"W UP. %" lt, lL_1-_zU. 2V2" J 4"W UP. w 1%"W DN.--x-.- ll I l= OC- 1!A"W UP. REFER TO DRAWNG 5, SHEET Ms.II FOR WASTE AND VENT ISOMFTRIC. PARTIAL PIPING PLAN *-win MAIN LEVEL AREA C LI-.r*.1 =-=5w: I th"CW, 1Yz"Y't & lVz"Y DN TO DRINKING FTN, VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larimer street Bridge Level Denver Colorado 80202' 301"E93'1990 Fax : 303-893-2204 slE Addendum 2 c!9'4l'l100}E&.'r,r'tboi!hn.i|o|''ti',ddcir[u|'.iE|l'!wd'o|lbdrl.d-fin|'6.dt|*dG!iFtbhidoncalb.at!'dddt''tk'0'aG'lri|f|cpcdF'J6rg4f L\Gdd€o Proiecld?5ll.m Voil llcurloin $hoo\?51lnl\mff C0dd\nl l0ll002J.dq roy 29, 200J CONNECT 2''V TO LOCKER ROOM VENTS. I I @ ARI WASH @ = l I SHEET M5.10 I lN TH|S i I _e.r / A( rJc.o.,rto .l"H-( piETI'?:-'(v'l- i b Li I -\H 1Y2"W 1V?"W PARTIAL PIPING PLAN MAIN LEVEL AREA C *-w;i, r/n n qEFER $HEET I FLOOF CLEANOUT ro o[acuu O, DIE 5/30/03 slE l/8" = t'-0' VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Cotussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larimer Street Eridge Levet Denver Cotorado 80202,303'891'1990 Fax:303-893-22& NIE Mdmdun 2 - CAlnilf* AOI nc Or,r* b @ idrunr{ 0l r*1 odG srh nrf h Flfdt ol 0t ldlct PrriEb lf tE d ltit ddnE{ b fd atd cqt t ebtd.d s*t bt 1116 L\Goldrl Pr0i'cld?511.00 Vol l{fldoin Sh00\751l0l\8ctr C0dA75ll0llfi2zJ.drg loy ?9, 200J = REFER TO DRAWING 4. SHEET M5.11 FOR WASTE & VENT IN THIS AREA.@-- SP-2, SUMP TO DIAGRAM PUMP, REFER O, snrrr u+.r0. c. o. T.G. 2OOO GALLON GREASE INTERCEPTOR. REFER TO DTAGRAM O, surrr M4.10. , , , 1E', l ; I PARTIAL PIPING PLAN MAIN LEVEL AREA C I i iltL_ **:ffiiD VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larlmer strect Bridge Level Denver Colorado 80202,301 693 1990 Fax: 303-893-2204 ESIE Mdendum 2 ARCH. PROJ. N0.: 2001-02E. co''dqm0J:ni9&.untbalh|n,na{olgYi.!'ad6'd,GdEth.Fq!'ito|th^drlcd-P''iiinld6.ollti9do6'E|btnd!don@haladdqtb''it.|'rt!Yr{tiln|c L\Coldell Proierts\7s | 1.00 voil uurtoh Sdrod\i5ll.0l\86{t C0dd\75ll0lllx22J.d4 Iq A' ?00J R. BING NOTES: l.ROUTE VTR'S UP IN ARCHITECTURAL CHIMNEY FEATURES AS REOUIRED. \ERIFY EXACT CHIMNEY LOCATION WITH ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. REFER TO PLUMBING FIXTURE CONNECTION SCHEDULE ON SHEET MO.l FOR CONNECTION SIZES TO INDIViOUAL FIXTURES. REFER To DTAGRAM@, snErr M4.11, FoR Hws/HwR PIPING TO DUCT COILS. PARTIAL PIPING PLAN UPPER LEVEL AREA B Renunn n ,^*HTry Ejtffi'* ffi*- FLAG NOTES: PROMDE FAUCET, ORAIN STOPS AND ACCESSORIES ONLY, SINK SPECIFIED BY ARCHITECT. ffiflll Bf: tPH CHECKEO BY: [|Dt{ NE s/JoloJ SolE NoilE slE Addendum 2 YlOlOL VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Ktipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larjmer Street Sridge Levet Denvet Colorado 80202, 103-893'1990 fax:301'893'22& EUErcEM2.25 MB iltm MX9 ARCH. PROJ. N0.: 2001-028.0C oogtij nol f dctnd ; o iEhrEl o{ $i+ od 6 erlr GrdE tr Flp.tv ol [E frdrtd. Ptnisdo lq 6. ol lh! eqrE{ b tttiLd !d cal !. dctdd 6, h nitl@ tj\Cddm PDFcls\75ILm Voil llourtoir Sd0o\751l-01\8trt CodA?5llollfizztdq lol ?9, 200J COUNSTTING 0tflct r@ 'JG - 2"V DN T0 -"BATHROOM GROUP' tt{t tttl I .-F- ---1-r I .'.i--|- ,l tl II ACID O|LUT|ON BASTN - | !€NT DIRECTLY TO OUTDOOR. i DO NOT CONNECT TO PLUMBINIG \GNI SYSTEM. I PARTIAL PIPING PLAN *.'Nifu UPPER LEVEL AREA B VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P' C' . t5t2 Lahmer'street Bridge Levet Denver Colorado 80202' 103'893'1990 Fax:303'E9l'22M NIE Addendum ? or"oa or t tnr" ogt *r nh sD c.*!t J!r6 h|s(i. r|qlldr' R u\Cdm ft0irk\7511.00 voil uo'd{i4 Sle0\751l.ol\ffi C!dd\75l l0lld2?5 drg lloy A' 200J 2''CW UP TO AHU_6. 2h"HWS/HWR UP TO AHU-6. DRAWNG 5, SHEET WASTE & VENT ,--1 1" I I I I t I I l l l l J i I I i I I I }l,|8 GALLTRY t4 I I I I I I PARIAL PIPING PLAN **wiD UPPER LEVEL AREA C *ffiffi'" *tox" o-HWS llj\, $ltE l/8'= l'-0" VruI MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klloo Colussv Jenks DuBois Architects, P' C' tst2 fanmerit'reet Brldee L-evel Denver Colorado 80?02,303'893'1990 Fax:303'893'22fi [srE Mdendum 2 t r'lt6r .t!6rEi dh rtp C.&q Jdc [8e hildx R uiiuot priecrNsr rm vol llo$to!' SdtooNsl lol\Dffi cddv5l l0llfra6 drg lbt A' 200J 26x12 SA DUCTWORK TO SERVE STAGECRAFT AREA. STAGECRAFT TO BE SUPPLIED W/ FLOOR MOUNTED DIFFUSERS. PARTIAL BASEMENT LEVEL HVAC PLAN *'ffiin NOTES: 1. ALL S.A. DIFFUSERS TO BE TYPE ,'A'' U'N.O. 2, ALL R.A. GRILLES TO BE TYPE .,8" U.N.O. SIXE l/f = l'-o' VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Ar€hitects, P' C' , t5l2 Larimer tireet 8r'idge level Denver colorado 80202,303'E93'1990 Fax l30l'893-22M 6StE Mdendum 7 ARCH. PROI. N0.: 2001 i * a uir aor*r* ir na drd car tc ldsild rt t nilor ogldrs{ dh rt9 Cds7 ,lcr|s lt&it ldit .tr R U\6"' p,oicts\tlrr.m v0il lhttoi' !ho0\751lnl\0cc C0ddv5ll0ttdJz0drg Xoy A 200J 24x16 R.A. DUCT UP. REFER TO St.iEET M3.I3 FOR CONNNUATION. LtcTURE / RTHEARSAL HALL PARTIAL BASEMENT LEVEL HVAC PLAN Vrul ITIOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P' C'^- t5r2 Larimer itlet 8rid4e ievel Denver Colorado E0202' 303-E93'1990 Fax : 103"891'2204 slE Mdendum 2 n un. rl\w. rtv.. .w I v4v wL cdrf 2ml ni dr,rd i o ird'urt or savc, qn 6 $d\ Gfri6ltr Fqqt ol m ronoa p.,fG or [* oo,n-r t rd{Gd dtd cor h altdd tlr t nitti q'!td $ Fm uifoL *oi*rNsrr.m voit tlnrtoh sdno\isl l0l\ffitr coddvsl10110620'drq tlot 29' 2005 l_ I 'lT _,-,ot; I TYP. 14 | -.- lil =F+ Fa-_F-fl_--tr PARTIAL HVAC PLAN *'H;i, MAIN LEVEL AREA B tr'E $fl.E t7a'' = t'-o' Vntl MoUNTAIN scHool Vail' Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P' C'. t512 Larimerlireet 0ridee Levet Denver Colorado 8O2O2,3Ol'E93-'1990 Fax:303'893-22M NIE lddendum ? .A.raO rry y "nU ry-r"+ rih rp C.lfEry JqiG Mldr ftdtlds' P( u\id*n p.intdlit '.m Yoil u0oto'r 5d'0dt5l l.0l\80[ C0d\751l0llflJ22'dr9 tlov E 200J , ilr, rN iGH -f- @ lo Dc-,nl(o *ljt t **N*r"o rl*f hlB 16x12 16x12 s ls": I 6- na-lR f I I I AV STOR 1fi 1e6l ffil9l,- 48x20 R.A. DUCT ----) ',!n# PARTIAL HVAC PLAN MAIN LEVEL AREA B *:Nifu VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larimer itreet Bridge Level Denver colorado 80202' 303-893'1990 Far : 303'893-22{X NIE Addendum 2 * Urc fcrlU, psnir*n lr G. ot hb &.utrn{ '6 hltrd oi .ar h atsd.d ott t ttldt ogrl.|rrttl rih ffm ftfrg &{s UAit fd{..15 K U\Cddcr Proieclsvsl t.00 Voil Mqintoh Sdodvsl lol\Bft Coddvsl lolltxJ22.drg lhv n, 2mI IN c.l I x -lN t- r00 tlxtz 30x18 oc-24 -:I--_ 130 24x24 160 24x24 TYP. 2 PARTIAL HVAC PLAN MAIN LEVEL AREA B *:Nih to 48x18 S.A. DUCT UP IN CHASE. 1 4x1O {--p--\i Drvftofllllrr-+ I $tE l7s'= l'-0' VnII MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Cotussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P' C' t5t2 t-arimer itieet gridge Levet Denver colorado E0202' 10l-8931990 Fax I 301-893-?2M FSE Mdendum 2 NCH. PR0J. N0.: 2001-028. i 11i1d q, .ot b. dlid st t n !t qtatrrr di xltp &rrst }dq nOG ldti.cq R Ai*ar noi:cts\llrl.m Vo ltonton Sdnd\i5l l.0l\mff Codd!5l l0ll0tJ22 dq llov A' 200J iill -i _\ -ll-l]-;15*l=ii 6- CONNECT 28x18 SA 58x32 SA DUCT lN M MEZZANINE. TRANSITION 14x8 TO 12x8 AND DROP DN CHASE. 16x10 fiFl 2l toxtu ril+ |3lH---+- l#-I ;l- Dc-ait --F+I44[ 52x26 AV SiOR q-1111 | PARTIAL HVAC PLAN UPPER LEVEL AREA B VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 1512 Larimer itreet Sridge Level Denver Co(orado 60202, 303'893-1990 Fat:303'893'220'4. NIE Mdendum 2 C,fFbl{ ,mi.lb d,,"r"{ b r i*n*f or :rnrq. .A . Irfr orur th poltty ol [r rrdlccl. Ftririi ft rE! d tl* &dnd a ttid ad co t c{rdd 6lf ty nfh otldrltl db fP L\Gddql Pmiecld?511.00 vail uoonloin Scno0\7511.01\Btrt Coddv5llolldJ25.drg lhy 29' 2OJ aa -->-nE[rn To_ sxFEl-M2.23 FOR CONTINUATION. WASTE & VENT ISOMETRIq NO SCALE: REAUDIil f -\ *,wr%* ontrr{a uaL l![I-ttx -.d r |!|u g$liHk'* ffir"" VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Ktipp Colussy Jenks Du8ois Architects, P' C' . 1512 Larimer itreet Bridge Level 0enver Cotorado E0202, 10l'893"1990 Fax | 303-893'22M ssE Mdendum 2 r'na rO .d| t oUlaa*ybr 16 otrm.il dh |(hg CrlF .l!{6 OX& fcii!.h R U\CA*n proieANlrr.m voil llqnloirn Sdrool\7511.01\8c6 C0dd\75ll0lld5l ldrg {0v A' 2mJ R 18',-6' N 10243.?r0 -- N 1or3/.i4r8 u14',8r ) E 4728.096 .-;l { i:.' l.: .: ,turw r l\1. ,t:! : fYi t -.:.r,,*:r. _: -i/ \: , i .' ,t,.'. 't,1 .t, PLAYGROUND LAYOUT :)iiailiii iy i,,1ti :.iiil.(:l tY: i;\j llii: 58002 ii.Ai: :it'=i i' j::;Ijt. Addendun 1 58i03 vAli_ M*i-,uvTAiru sf, i{ilot Vail. Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. l512 Larimer Street Bridge Level 3Denv€ Solorado 80202,303-893-1990 Fax: Itiilri'l(l: 11.4.? Addendum2 58003 J],;,.r iii: illiri!i:i. t"x-1 i\'i',lj tiii). iiir liil"?:i ri Itndoonntiiii$JurotolF*t.d6!dr,Fid$d€pqclydfAdiFd&fibmlddeol 6dNriB irlhtdrd.Nrhah*ddfiffrr8l4Mrnl 116-.ol}s l:o--.oolrs ftili}s TC r@lm :f,lnr :;@nr \.. r.' .- 1 :\-\:..i -. i..r.. .:; 1.; . .. :. ...*"":.-:. '., '.. ,.,..1\-x \\! ' 1... 4..t .t. ''','''',: \., flICH sU86M0t '\ 216 T0 D8AN 7tP l ,-\*- ;'\'\..".''-".. .\. .-. : .'_ . ., .' PLAYGROUND GRADING fi,A!',riilY. i#l i..i;il{:. ii'ir l-yl iiit 580n2 -riliil 1;'!'.1 .'j" i!ltl Addendum 1 5fi0l VAIL MilUrulAIN silHfiilt Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. 1t12 L.rim€r Skeet ariOge Level ,f;ej[$.lglorado 80202, 303-893-1990 tar : lliltriiir: U.5.2 Addendum2 5/3003 IiAi]iri iri;ir;:HI tx-2 r:,ii li liii):. fia) ?f1,i"4,:r..,1 Ihirdoo{ilnl6anhtfu! o{ sris eJi d nd, Brrf fr popdtt ol U. Adnld knitio l0r & 01dti, daf*lr i hitld I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PARTIAL GRADING PIAN WEST CLASSROOM POD t! I ,T A ,. ,. ,\ ,. ,. N. A! tii,|11;lil'. ll4; '.i.iiiiliit,tY. isl ,A:'i 5130102 :i.r:iii: | '*ii-i" :!1|fl Addendutnl 50fi vAll_ tu{ ilr-JNTAil\ 5C H COt. Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. 'l5'l2 Larimer Street 8ridge L€vel Denv€ Jolorado 80202, 303-893-1990 Fax : ,lliftiirai il,2,1 Addedu!2 t8003 li1l.o,!'J ii"iili.l u-3 i\;l(.I. iiiil. riC :iil-iii irr li!dcUmnlbi5hIEltdstb'xisqd1'di&i|h,qgtyd$!Ad.u(frnbihhuI0|fbd!0]meit6|rn*ddtoihMd0{'br$inFis!irrittl&pc@MhbMf'[' ^.., '.,:'t ('/,5 I t---------- ,.','"/ PARTIAL G RADING PI-.AN.EAST i,s,t6; //i .. / ,'"'at I --------J VERIFY )it}:v\ij lY i''irr r.lii(:) ?i. ii;' :':,''.1-)l . Mdendum 1 Addendum 2 VAI|- IUOUNTAIN 5CH**L Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy lenks DuBois Architects, P. 1sl2 Larimer street Bridge Level 3?T;gf;lorado 80202. 303{93-1990 Fa( : lriFq:rji. [1,2.1 ,,,,"ir:,1 . : '.,_.,11 r: nidmm0ilbmiMurs olgrh, dIc'd,Ei!t$fpqstyol$rAdildkni$$Idurd$ijdfuMtairli -:.- ?t;,--:-t-------'------T;r.K;r--i---,ll " " "S'''.',1 'l : "{n-x -l''r; '.' t ( ;:--".""..-':. , \/'v \. x- ,' ,: " ,.<'/,,.' ,/t qTED r--------- '.4 llt,,'11 6 PARTIAL LAYOUT PIAN.EAST ././i I.t -' / , .n {.'/ t/ tAlir 58002 )i.Al.i ! ;lil { )'i.r',:!ttl; ]i1 ljAir i.rii(:l ill: i-lv VAIL MilIJNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Colussy jenks DuBois Architects, P. 1512 Larimer sveet ariOge ievetrf;|[$jllorado 80202,303€931990 Faxl tlrIlilt]ii: 11.1.1 Itiii!l Addendum I Addmdum 2 ;r;ii |: liljl. :,jC . Lili)i.Ili). ::]''rl;];:i1tbdooflli'i6ufol$h,d4rdl,F$i|h[wt'o||h[dihChlll6!ik!r0|d1hdoCu!ldt6Inilrd0da[hdqmM0lf& !^^ r\r rn^ r^lb. 100?l L,:::-J f;l^L I : , 1. 'I I + I 60 fa ' 5'-2112" a 2 112'' t: 6'-8" 7'-10" .l'-10":i'-10" i'-10" 3'-10"| 3'-10" j'-10" 7'5" 1'-1" 5'-0" 1?'-1" 6'-0" aa a ,,,aa.a a a a a o a a a. la.,^' I a a ,, o,,a,,o ar g' ' 1',-0'1 ', |-u |-b 15' J" )'-0" /' 8" ',)'-A" 7' 8" 2' 0" 1' 8" 2'+0" 40' 6" aQaaalataI 86'9"aa UPSTACE TRAVELIR CYCLORAMA 60" L Locr sL K I rI't' (l('r.r)ssy ,riNKs I)llP'ols AF(rrrL(T5,Ir W'lrrt i!I'ur!, I rl2 Lu,imr, 5r,rrr gnrls. L!v!|, n v.', I .lodJ. 8a,t()2 Dh l('r 3t! rtr\' le,:t\tt 79-i-r'ir'4 o o -C O a .lb -{-J - l9 o _o 3 = a 6SUt Rtcofi0. Mendun 2 ADO2-TSO3 KttcHtil @ ltU! OFF tr =S\{-.tJ --r_.,f28 -_t_29 r"{-,t$-\)-- -4 fiu K IL-ffistr-fi lji_-, tnrnF srslu Rm Hfl - [r ltE trrA $rE l^'=r'-d DRAlll{ BY: OMP CHECKTD BY: SM DAI[: 5/30/03 SC[t: l/8'= l'-0' ISSUE Addendum 1 5/9103 VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail. Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. 15'|2 Larlrner Street Bdd8e Level Denver colondo 8020?,303-E93-1990 Fax: ml-891-22(X RSTRENCE: TS2.2.1 Addendum 2 5ii0l0J ()MITING NUIIBIR: ADO2TS4 ARCH. PR0,. M.: 2001-02E.0( cq'Urm}Ihd0.U||cnl6dliElMblo|$nc'qd0s!Ei't.'mistlEFop.qolh|tdi|ctPdnisio.|o|t6.ol[EddIt'bhildddCo0b..nd1d4rdlare P:\200l-028.00Voi|tttnschoo|\jc0nkoc|fminislr0lio0\0|0ocrrmenls\8PtojeclCommunico|ions\0JconsU||0n|s\mkorrslico|\|ncominvm-lS2.2.0l2'dl9 HOUST IIFI RUR TNIRY STATIO{ IIOUST IEFI Ff,OI{I TNIRI SIAIION HqJs[ no{r Rtln O'l$lt slAll(ll Hdr{ n5$ anoNl IMFY STATX]'I l+B+c+c+c+c+0+E+[+[ 'r!T RFHT c no swnl +c+D+t+trI 4N tl ]-Pfi'SE, I-IIRE + Gfl'OUND, 120/206 V^C, a004 60H, f,IRI ITGIND 4 ! (r) 8[L0tN 6a7l B = (r) tErDtN 9r2t c = (t) E 0tx 9729 D : (2) ,16 AvrC SrRrxotD t . (r) fra alvc srFNoED r cotxtqqr 0f ru ntu m|llc aY tLEcrnc^t 2. r.,st ,r0 ltHx rnNG roR corl{EcnoN 0t t|{an|ct|. ucfirirc t0rD5 I COtSttCt |I(,st LTGHIr{G l0 0ututR Mcx A5 sPtctflEo Rl tLtcIRraL { stPlnAlt }tturMt E aLQUrno roa trcH o|.|rtD c|nctrl. DRAWN BY: SM CHICKID BY: SM DArt: 5/J0l03 SCALE: NTS ISSUI: Addendum 2 5/i0/0J VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Vail, Colorado Klipp Colussy Jenks DuBois Architects, P. C. l5l2 Larimer Street Bridge Level Denver Colorado E0202, 303-891-1990 Far ' 10l'891.2204 REFTRENCE: T55 0 1 DRAWNG NUMBTR: ADO2TS5 ARCH. PROJ N0.: 2001-028.0C FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT TOWN Of V AIL MOT]NTAIN SCIIOOL OFFIGE G0 IL, co',o RECEIVED SIP T N ZOOZ Revised September 16, 2002 Cc: I t I t t t I I t T I I I T t I t T I September 16,2002 Mr. Thomas Kassmel Town of Vail Public Works Department 1309 Elkhom Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Final Drainage Report - Vail Mountain School JVA Job No. I l42c Dear Tom: We have utilized the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District design manuals for Rational Method hydrological criteria, and incorporated the Town of Vail rainfall intcnsity-duration-frequency curves. Weighted runoff coeflicient values and time of concentration calculations produce similar flow results to the SCS method. It is our understanding that the information provided herein meets all requirements of the Town of Vail. Ifyou have any questions regarding this submission, please call. Very truly yours, JVA. Inc. JVA, Incorporated 1319 Spru(e Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 301 444 1951 Fax.303 444.1951 Tol Free: 877 444 1951 Web site www.ivajva.com Emal info@jvaiva.(om Principals Robcrt B Hunncs Dav d M HoLrdeshell Thonrds S Soell Thc following submittal is the revised final drainage report for the proposed improvements at the Vail Mountain School, located off Booth Falls Road. Part of this structurar Ensineerine study is the additional faculty housing units proposed in Tract C to the east of the School cr'i5topr,er r chop and the modification to the Katsos Ranch Road alignment. We have included an Daniel E CooLe analysis of the offsite drainage basins contributing flow from above the site and the Mark c cormier impacts of development along the North Frontage Road on the culvert crossings of I-70. Mirhdel R Hope Most of the storm sewer system has been sized to handle the 100-year event and bring Nancv R Hudson flows to the existing highway culvert crossings. Water quality considerations have been Ron L rincrh,,rq met by the numerous grassed swales and the parking lot drainage has been separated 41d ruaLatie n Nrore,-Renn desrgned to pass through a "Stormceptor" oiVsand interceptor orver w Rice Thomas P skrnner Sdrah E Wdtts Charles B W lkerson Civil Engineering Kevin A Tone M.hae R Kramer Offrce Manager Crndera t Ward Prepared by: Melissa F. Allen, EIT Project Engineer Dominic Mauriello Braun & Associates Greg Cromer - KCJD evin A. Tone, BOULDER FORT COLLINS WINTER PARK Finol Droinoge Report Voil Mountoin School ot 3.|60 Kotsos Ronch Rood JVA, lnc. Consulling Engineers l3l9 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 444-195r . fox (303) 444-1957 JVA Project No. I l42c Revised September 1 6, 2002 Moy I 4,2002 I I I Corurerurs FtNnt DRerNecr RrpoRr Contenfs... ........................ I I t I t I I I t I I I Vail Mountain School - Final Drainage Report I I I I t t I I l I I t I T I t T t I Frrual DnnrNaor RepoRT lurnopucroN GrNrRel LocATroN euo DtscRrploN The Vail Mountain School property as proposed is broken up into two parcels that are separated by the realigned right-of-way of Katsos Ranch Road. Part of this project's scope includes shifting Katsos Ranch Road to the east that would require that part of the existing right-of-way of Katsos Ranch Road be vacated and become part of the Vail Mountain School propefiy and that the school dedicate a portion of land to the east (Tract C) to become part of the new Katsos Ranch right-of-way. Once this shift in the Katsos Ranch right-of-way is complete, the school will be split into two parcels, the main School facilities on the west side of Katsos Ranch Road and the faculty housing and faculty and staffparking on the east side. The 7.99-acre western parcel is located on part of Lots 1l and 12, Block 2, of the Vail Village l2th Filing. This parcel is bounded to the south by the northerly right-of-way of the I-70 North Frontage Road,.to the east by Katsos Ranch Road, to the north by residential lots in Vail Village 12th filing, and to the west by Booth Falls Road. The site generally slopes from north to south. The newly created 1.19-acre eastem parcel is located on Tract C, Block I of the Vait Village, l2'n Filing and is bordered on the south by the I-70 North Frontage Road, to the east by a residential lot and to the north and west by Katsos Ranch Road. The site slopes generally from north to south. Drainage boundaries were determined using field survey data. peak flows were determined using the Rational Method and the Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for the Town of Vail. Time of Concentrations (L) and runoff coefficients were determined by the information provided in the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Storm Drainage Criteria Manual. PRoposeo PRoJEcT The proposed development consists of a variety of improvements and alterations to the Vail Mountain School property, including work in the intersection of Katsos Road, along the I-70 North Frontage Road, and Tract C which is the property to the east of the Katsos Road/North Frontage Road intersection. ln order to provide adequate space for the new school building, Katsos Ranch Road will be realigned so that it intersects the I-70 North Frontage Road approximately 160 feet east of its current location. This will alter the right-of-way thus increasing the size of the property to the west and reducing the size of the parcel to the east. The slope of this road will not exceed 8o/o and therefore will not be steeper than existing conditions. Vail Mountain School - Final Drainage Report I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I T I The portion of the land to the east of the relocated intersection described above will be acquired by Vail Mountain School and be used for two new multi-family faculty housing buildings, consisting offour units each, and new parking facilities The existing school building and parking facilities (with the exception of the historic cabin being relocated) will be demolished in phases to make room for the new 76,000 square foot school building and associated parking facilities. The existing play field to the west of the building will be reconfigured and become a competition-sized soccer freld. Several play areas will also be developed around the School site. The School also has acquired a 1.26-acre parcel (the northern portion of Lot 12, "Booth Falls Parcel') of land to the north of the soccer field. This parcel of land will serve as the site for Future Head ofthe School residence and additional soccer field use. This study addresses the site-specific drainage design for the proposed school property and assesses the design's impact on the existing arca. The total on-site drainage basin area considered for this report was 12.25 aues. HrstoRrc DRnrNnce Mn:oR DRRrNeor Bnsrru DescRrpnoN The school property lies in a drainage basin that is tributary either directly or indirectly tributary to Gore Creek, a tributary to Eagle River. Sre DBerruecE AND Extsnxo Fecrurrrs There are four existing drainage outfalls. Three of them convey flows from both the school site and the residential areas to the nodh and routes them into one ofthree 24" culverts that cross under both the I-70 North Frontage Road and I-70 Highway. These three culverts eventually discharge into Gore Creek on the south side of I-70 The remainder of the school site, a small area at the westem comer of the property, flows into an 18" culvert which discharges into Booth Creek on the west side of Booth Falls Road. Currently the central drainage line discharging from the School is partially buried with debris and the adjacent highway crossing has been partially filled with rock. There is also a drainage line carrying runoffunder the gymnasium. There is a substantial amolnt of off-site drainage entering from the north side of the site that is intercepted by a rock-fall berm. This berm routes runoff to the east where it enters a culvert and is conveyed across both the I-70 North Frontage Road and I-70 to Gore Creek. Vail Mountain School - Final Drainage Report I I T I T I I t I I I I I I I t I t t PRoposro (Drvruoeeo) Denrunce DRltuacr DesrcN CRrrnrR The proposed drainage facilities on the school site and in the I-70 North Frontage Road right-of-way wero designed to comply with Urban Drainage and Flood Control District's Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual (USDCM) and the Town of Vail Drainage Criteria. HyoRor-ocrc MrrHoo AND DEstcN SroRu FReouExcrrs The Rational Method (Q=CIA) was used to determine the storm runoff (Q) from the School site, with composite runoff coefficients (C) and contributing areas (A) given for design points in sub-basins. The runoffcoe{ficients for various land usages were obtained from the USDCM. Intensities (I) were determined using the Town of Vail's Time-Intensity-Frequency Values and a calculated Time of Conoentration (G). Time ofConcenhation as calculated was not adjusted by the urbanized check developed in the USDCM for the Denver Metro Area. Post development Time of Concentration calculations for each sub-basin, conesponding rainfall intensities, composite runoff coefficients, and storm flows for the Z-year and 100-year storms for each sub-basin are provided in the Appendix. Routed storm flows through each sub-basin were calculated using the Rational Method procedure, and are also provided in the Appendix. Pipe sizing, flow capacities and velocities were estimated using computer program, Flowmaster v6.0, by Haestad Methods, Inc. ScHoot- srr Bnsrxs AND SUB-BAsrNs The proposed site was graded to generally follow existing drainage patterns. The proposed site was broken up into 26 sub-basins (see attached Figurel- Developed Drainage Map). The sub-basin boundaries were established based on the proposed grading, position of storm inlets, and limits of the property line. Like the historic site drainage, the developed site captures runoff and routes it to the existing l8-inch culvert that crosses Booth Falls Road or into one of the three existing 24-inchculverts that cross the I-70 North Frontage Road and I-70. Some drainage from the north plaza areas will have to be routed under the proposed building, but most offsite drainage has been routed to the east of the building (see appendix for storm sewer schematics). The majority of the site's storm sewer facilities were sized to capture the 100-year storm to prevent flooding in low areas adjacent to the School building and I-70 North Frontage Road. The storm sewer line north of the soccer field (Storm Sewer system C) was sized for the 2-year event. In the event of a major storm in that area, runoff would flow across the soccer field and enter Storm Sewer system B. There may be minor surcharging during the major event, but the overflow will occur at the low point in the berm and the flow will continue overland, reaching Design Point 20 prior to crossing I-70, and discharge to Gore Creek. Vail Mountain School - Final Drainage Report T t I I I I I t t I t I I T I I I I Runonr RNo Drterurorl Runoff rates for the various design points have been shown on the included Developed Drainage Map (Figure I in pocket). calculations showing how the runoff rates were determined are shown in the Rational Method procedure (Sec Appendix for calculations). Due to its proximity to direct drainage connections to Gore Creek and the presence of school-age children, there has been no detention or retention requirement given for this site. StonuwnteR QUALITY In an effort to address stormwater quality issues, we have placed grass swales along the paths of direct runoff before it enters the storm sewer system. The Colorado Division of Wildlife considers Gore Creek drainage prime fish habitat; therefore direct discharge from parking areas to the stream requires sand/oil interception. We have designed a separate collection system for the parking lot that directs all of the runoff fiom the area into a "Stormceptor" apparatus before joining the outfatl. This unit effectively separates sand and oil from the low flow storm events and bypasses the major events. This unit will require maintenance by the Town and has been Iocated close to the bike path near the bus stop. SroRptwRtrR MANAGEMENT PLAN Erosion control features will be installed at strategic locations on the site as soon as construction activities commence. These feafures, which include vehicle tracking control construction entrance of the site, silt fences along the drainage perimeter, and straw bale barriers around inlets, are components of the stormwater managcmcnt plan. This will be included in the Erosion Control plan and detail sheets within the bid documents. Non-structural BMP's, such as reseeding efforts and schedule, will also be addressed in the bid package. CoNclustor.ts Although the improvements to the Vail Mountain School are quite extensive, the historic drainage pattems will remain virtually the same. Because of the poor condition of many of the existing drainage facilities, we feel that the proposed facilities will improve the drainage of the site. Vail Mountain School will also havc incorporated sand/oil interception for all parking area drainage. The recommendations of this report are in conformance with all applicable storm drainage regulations and criteria for the Town of Vail. Calculations, a vicinity map, and other reference materials used are attached in the Appendix. Vail Mountain School - Final Drainage Report I RerenrrucEs l. "Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual," Urban Drainage and Flood Control District, 1992,2001. 2. Town of Vail "Development Standards Handbook", and Section l3-10-9: Design Criteria. 3. "Drainage Report for Vail Mountain School", Alpine Engineering, July 2000. Vail Mountain School - Final Drainage Report t t t I Apprruolx t I T I I I I t I I I I I I I Vail Mountain School - Final Drainage Report Vrcrrumv Map I !t I I Llo I-- s tRaNlAA€€O € \ t-70 -... -\ I I I I R" \ Vail Motrntain School - Final Drainage Report e E O:E Fi: €EFr lSiid N -. -:<:F"Fg3; 6A o " 6EA E ztxh 6:l q$Es;88 a,c .9 {-,g 5 s |lt o =o -|g L *.,c o o tr o J()Arts YO \J -r .r- c (),=v, l-zq :\c Fd,t'-E =.9 E XE ,,38 = t --s -1 o IE A E ,F >E =J 6E o =o o CL E o o E o o.o o o cl I I I I I I I I I I I I T t I I t I I :; E€ €- i9n E6J 3 3 3ES3 s i3 S3 SHSE S es * A ! ! E: s : ;.' i ; ! 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(Ac) (MtN) (cFs) (cFs) 1 A 0.14 0.63 0.81 5.00 0.18 0.63 Developed Direct Runoff 1'142c MFA KAT 9t16tO2 DIRECT RUNOFF c100 B c D E F G H I J K L M N o P o R S T U W X z oh ob Oc od Oa oj ok On Oe o.14 0.07 0.87 0.67 o.22 0.32 0.32 0.10 o.22 0.18 0.10 0.94 0.30 0.57 0.45 o.72 o.44 1.30 0.16 1 .19 0.15 o.71 0.41 0.10 1.45 1.80 4.00 0.58 0.84 3.10 2.72 3.29 7.39 0.09 0.81 0.36 0.58 0.36 0.45 0.67 0.39 0.81 0.20 0.57 0.05 0.19 o.28 0.05 0.69 0.56 0.39 0.57 0.55 0.18 0.18 0.05 0.39 0.81 0.21 0.25 0.21 0.18 0.32 0.09 0.16 0.33 0.13 0.05 0.90 5.00 0.67 5.00 0.75 20.02 0.65 5.00 0.71 5.00 0.82 5.00 0.66 9.74 0.90 5.00 0.58 5.00 0.78 5.00 0.50 5.24 0.57 20.73 0.62 14.26 0.50 17.62 0.80 5.00 0.74 5.00 0.66 8.26 0.76 5.23 0.74 5.00 0.56 15.71 0.57 ',t5.74 0.50 17.62 0.66 7.91 0.90 5.00 0.58 6.84 0.60 5.00 0.58 9.52 0.57 6.31 0.64 5.00 0.52 12.06 0.55 10.33 0.64 9.47 o.il 17.83 0.50 6.97 0.23 0.05 0.61 0.5'l 0.21 0.46 o.21 0.17 0.09 0.22 0.01 0.21 0.'t2 0.04 0.65 0.85 0.31 1.55 0.18 0.30 0.04 0.05 0.30 0.17 0.58 0.96 1.45 0.20 0.57 0.42 0.70 1.87 1.25 0.01 0.69 0.27 2.16 2.50 0.89 1.52 0.95 0.52 o.73 0.81 0.28 1.74 o.71 1.01 2.O8 3.06 1.42 5.58 0.67 2.49 0.32 1.26 1.35 o.52 4.4'l 6.16 10.62 1.77 3.06 6.74 6.63 9.64 14.02 0.25 1 142drain.xls, DIRECT Q-DEV E JVA, lncorporated 4710 South College Ave. Suite 1 12 Fort Collins, CO 80525 Ph:970.225.9099 Fax: 970.225.6923 %zs!t'/!44 .rZS'zP Date: _ Page: ot By: ,'1,;'A chkd.By: _ rcb no: //{2o D Preliminary tr JVA" Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph; 303.444.1951 tar.: 303.444.1957 I t")ro llt t\ r\ q2 fn N.{ ^ --- t-\ ) n ,, f*,r T33 t tr> \{ G \t b,.q ei "\.>rn< lq -lu t! t--:s- l\$ .;i {: : -sJ .3 \i ,-t .-r'. i\ tt' \ c$ \ ".'X L t\{\o s {D o- t.\:r\"1 0'1 | . > F.- Vs:\8 l> rJq - (.^ *l\; : tt I All2 3 r', *==.*..S- :r E -o ^ cl r. +-".bs I j 3 €.---,,ir l? -+c./9 >= FN a;z< E-<'X. - $J ! <<- '- -vz s 'R\ ti- cio tv s [F \al :t u- I -eg rJ) ns cri ,l Ll_ -\ >'. .b:N t o) s AJ L -T .. s., \ -J ef rs $ c, I- se _f D ^gN Y.r + Y z5 <t Y >->$<P o tJr :(.}r* f\5 v.?-s'€I 0 ':t'utkl ,,r,e t-' &1 -i lr -.*r /-, tt '-rQ \ Gz E .lVA, Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph:303.444.1951 Fax: 3O3.444.1957 aD,,9t l7 L'gL D ,VA, Incorporated 4710 South Coll€ge Ave. Suite 112 Fort Collins, CO 80525 Ph:970,225.9099 Date: _ Page: of By: z4 t=fl chkd.sy: - rob tlo: / / //c Ptoi.yrrt 1/./, // /r f(.. Client: E PEliminary tr Final !\ : T I .225.6923 Fax: 970 R ::- ir ,ta \5 -:{.L'is- \c 7' *- S-; ,i . -la*ft \{- :. >LL\5=i is.\ss N,. ;,A\e\I^".-6 *Gii l!e q rfi F.g tor n-5 +\3 >r\s t \'J I rlJ ! ..r s9 .$ tr ;rl*- ,.r s/1 -: :. rrla-<&si *-5 <5 \-. t I T I il: fl-.'o :r c\S r r tr S t-.t ..l \(i U\6: I $; viatl t, .. 'l q.r \ lDldt s i l!, !t sO N s{,Nqt -l!$54 >f t:_.9 1 SJ t/., €E _: .>x: EJ {bi \9 I rrt tto:: .l vl-'-.s t - e) I at\ :. 9\ !F' (ti;-4a\e* a4e.'!|,!et :;9's a j 'ryfr w9+.Yr" I I T T I I I I t I i', -roi i't I,F =z -dC 4":{\Z \5 fo\ \') C) \Yj a,/ .\r /.-- / $/oe {\o LiY \)-sl k{''' -: -',. na >t >r{g :' i-: s tl'.. {iw <r--6-rr =>E5= H I IL \r' "5 \ a- \,\) t ^rq S.t :;xi =s-+ >s v\Si. -9 -GY\d 33-rl$J\S\ {t:'38 tt*ss STOKM 3TWTK B StlFrP 4a1 ":;is r- \t F -,,1 7-3 =rK j (vlcd I \l;Z Y,,-, € \"r ra s>>3-&+:e;'u'> > t T I I I T T I I I I I I I t t t I I D ,vA, Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder CO 80302 Ph:303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444 1957 E JVA" Incorporated 4710 South College Ave Suite 112 Fort Collins, CO 80525 Ph: 970 225 9099 Fax: 970.225.692) Date: Page: -----3L- By: ,.'//'/'1 chkd. By: _ Job No: ./- -t..,'--Proiecli /\ |'r:/. .a,' tr Preliminary O Final tlt o N-) 14: \,n 'i -\- t\ .2',-:5 ., >.\€:rr \-.''--' - s-l :o \'- nl ., i'r- at-r: € l- \5: :qq aoS ^N-' i^]> a 2O lr >, >H Y? ?- U- \D 96za'z A J/Qzz. z ' 4/. \\:\ r,a $., ,,::H', q '- GS + )-_ E F -"7 .\:. 4\'v/ I r_5 S Ccr. A- \) fv n'\ =< \-|\-_) . ,o rilri Date: .=- Page: ot Byt 44-chkd.By:- na Noz /i /7 € /o i ,"11/r: :{)) D Preliminary _> Proi"ct: Client: O JVA" lncorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.I951 Fax: 303 AM .1951 D JvA, tncorpo.ated 4710 South College Ave. Suite 112 Fort Collins, CO 80525 Ph: 970.225.9099 Fax 97O.225.6923 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I ! Final s t o {tL dJ -(.'t A H '{,.4 .>s LI] q t?s =- \r s: l s 1"-r = 3 l<- <,-<>-i.Q=>< -Ul sF_w_rK D lCaEMftTtc I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL JVA Job #1142 Job No Vail BY: MFA Chscked by: KAT Date: 9116102 |NLET SIZING CHECK e = cA(2gd)^.s c=.67 All inlets are designed for the Major storm event (1oo-year) All inlets are in sump Assume 50% clogging factor for all inlets Grated lnlets Area Drain Ao= 62.7 in^2 = L = 13.25 in =W= 13.5 in = Field lnlet Ao= 3334 in^2 = L = 39.25 in =W= 22.5 in= Grated MH Ao= 3.7 ft 2 0.435 ft^2 1.104 ft 't.125 tt 2.315 ft 2 3.271 ft 1.875 ft (NEENAH open grate R1792-JG) 1 Area 2 Atea 3 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Area 8 Field 25 Area I Area 10 Field 1 1 Area 12 Field 58 Field 13 Field 14 Area 15 Field 19 Fleld 20 21 Field 22 Area 23 Field Curb Inl6ts (Using Figure 3-1) Design Q100 Pt (cfs) L=5 16 2.08 17 3.06 0.435 0.435 z.5ta Z,J IC 2.315 0.435 2.315 0.435 0.435 2.315 0.435 z.J tc z.,t I c 2.315 0.435 2.315 2.315 3.700 2.315 0.435 2.315 0.348 0.348 1.852 1.852 1.852 0.348 1.8s2 0.348 0.348 1.852 0.348 1 .852 1.852 1 .852 0.348 1 .852 1 .852 2.960 1 .852 0.348 1.852 0.63 0.'l1 yes 0.09 0.14 yes 0.27 0.00 yes 2.50 0.06 yes 1.64 0.03 yes 1 .52 0.66 no- overllow to DP6 0.95 0.01 yes 0.52 0.08 yes 0.52 0.08 yes 0.73 0.01 yes 0.81 0.19 yes 0.28 0.00 yes 0.25 0.00 yes 1.74 0.03 yes 0.71 0.14 yes 1.01 0.01 yes 5.58 0.31 yes 0.67 0.00 yes 2.49 0,06 yes O.32 0.03 yes 1 .26 0.02 yes d=2" Oaccept= 0.76 cfs Qoverllow 0.75 to DP 6 ok yolh oK? 0.42 0.51 yes 0.61 0.66 yes Q/L 1142drain.xls Fl pr l? OZ O7:52a 1.1,5 1,2> 4.Zo 4. 05 4.-to gLP I NE ENGINEERING s7092633?3 Vo.l fnr..Jo.r. b-71- oD . p.1 a,k,ol /NrEA/S/rY - DURATToN - FREQUEIVCY CURVES k tI- = t-- v)e IU F-e .J J ,.{tl .7 <{ rY ?n ( Tt*tE VAIL,COLORADO 30 40 M/NUTES) t t I DRAINAGE CRITERIA I"IANUAL TABLE 3-1 (42) RECOMMENDED.RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS AND PERCENT IMPERVIOUS LAND USE OR FREQUENCY 510 RUNOFF PERCENT IMPERVIOUS i, .90 .90 .05 -20 .65 .55 .47 . +J t T t t I I I I I T SURFACE C CTERI STI CS Business: Commercial Areas Neighborhood Areas Residential: S i ng I e-Fami ly Multi-Unit (detached) Multi-Unit (attached) L/2 Acre Lot or Larger Apartments Industrial: Light Areas Heavy Acres Parks. Cemetaries: Pl aygrounds : School s : Railroad Yard Areas 95 70 * 50 70 * 70 80 90 l3 50 20 .87 .60 .40 .45 .60 .30 .65 11 -t L .80 .10 .15 .45 .20 .87 .65 .45 .50 .65 .35 .70 .tl .80 .18 .?0 .50 .25 .88 .70 .50 .60 .70 .40 . tu .76 .85 .25 .30 .60 .35 .89 .80 .60 .70 .80 .60 .80 .82 .90 .45 .50 .70 .45 Undeveloped Areas: Historic Flow Analysis- 2 Greenbel ts, Agricul tural 0ffsite Flow Analysis 45 (when land use not defined) Streets: Paved Gravel (Packed) Drive and l,lalks: Roofs: Lawns, Sandy Soil Lawns, Clayey SoiI N0TE: These Rational Formula coefficients may not be .25 .50 valid for large basins. (See "Lawns") I T I t I t .87 .40 .87 .88 .45 .87 .90 .50 .88 .93 .60 .89 100 40 96 90 0 0 .80 .85 .00 .01 .05 . 15 *See Figure 2-I for percent impervious. r1-1-90 URBAN DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT Wetland Technical RePort Vail Mountain School Eagle CountY, Colorado Prepared for: Braun Associates, Inc. P.O. Box2658, Edwards, Colorado 81632 Prepared by: Daiva Katieb, Principal Watershed Environmental Consultants, Inc. P.O. Box 3722,Ea$e, Colorado 81631 November 2001 Page 1 I J 5 5 5 6 I. il. III. w. v. VI. VII. TABLX OF CONTENTS rNTRODUCTION................ DESCRIPTION OF STI.]DY AREA.......'". METHODS.. RESULTS.... CONCLUSION REFERENCES................. APPENDICIES.................... LIST OF TABLES Table l. WetlandPlantSpeciesList...'.'......'-.. LIST OF FIGT]RES Figure l. Project LocilionMap LIST OF APPEI\DICES Appendix A. Data forrrs for routine wetland determination for areas less than five acres in size' . . ' . . '. ' Page 4 Page 2 I. INTRODUCTION: The Vail Mountain School is located onLot 12, Block 2 ofthe Vail Village 12& Filing' a zubdivision of part ofrc sorttrweJ % of Section 2 and the southeaS % of Section 3' Township 5 South and Range 80 west, in vail, colorado. . currently, an historic cabin, a school building' a soccer field, a tennis "oo*, *a u* sheher exist on theirast. The proposed future use ofthe pr"p."ry ,Jr"a", "*puoora *rrool frciliries. This study also includes Lot 11, Block 2 ofthe V"iiViif"g" 126 Filing *J i*" C, Slock I ofthe vait vittage l2h Filing- Watershed Environmental Conzultanti it". ffitpCt reviewed the site for the pres€nce of wetlands on the pirp"rrv irN"vember zooi "s commissioned byBraun Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 2658, Edwards. co 81632. rrt" i"*ttlg"tion was *ogo"a to the east of Booth Falls Road, at the request of Braun Associates' II. DESCRIPTION OT'STUDY AREA: The site is located on the alluvial terrac.e of Booth and Gore Creeks with an approximate elevation of 8,400 feet above sea level. The general topography is gently sloping' The Natural Resowce Conservation Service (NRCS) did not map the soils in this region' However, some site-specific geologic studies are available, the most recent produced by Collins andAssociatesofSilt,Cobrfro,ai"af*u*y 15,2001.'ffupfinary focusofthe geologic studies is potential -" 1 t *ia. The soils of the area were primarily formed in mixed alluvium and glacial gravel at the mouth of Booth Creek. The zurface soils have been *Goin"*tfy d'isturbei and are composed ofwell-drained, generally stable-unconsolidated material Field observation revealed a mostly cobbty sandy loam texnre tluoughout the soil profile. Climatic data for the project site is unavailable; however, values have been obtained at station CO0909, Breckemidge, elevation 9,580 feet, located approximately 16 miles, straight-line distance, souheast oftlre project site. The recorded mean annual precipitation is 19.58 hches and the nrcan annual ternperatqre is 35.5" F, both values were averaged ovet 29 years ofrecord (National Clirnatic Data -enter, 1999). Precipitation is relatively evenly distributed tlroughout tha y"*, with slightly higher amounts occurring in late summer and autumn. The growing season, days with the low teryerature above 32o F, is less tban 90 days' Range grasses, forbs and sonre trees characterize the flora. Cool season glasses such as western wheatgass (Agropyron smithi{) and orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata) dominate the vegetation. ttre rist "o.mon fotU on tfog site is western yarrow (Achiltea millefolium). Some distrnbed areas contain musk thr9tb (Carfuus mttans) and houndstongw (Cynoglossum fficinale)' Contour interval -- 20 ft t N Figure l. Project location maP. ilI. METHODS: wetlands were evaluated by errploying procedures described in the u's' Army corps of Engineers (Corp$ Wetlais o"ii"J*m Ut""a (1987)' f' ror{me 3ysite inspection for wetland areas equal to or less tlun 5 acres in size was conducted onNovember l' 2001' Atypical situations exist on portions ofthe PrcPeflV, in these cases; procedures for atypical situatigns.yere followed. Wetland bo"nd"ti;t;; basea on tle prevale'rxe of hydrophytic vegetation' hydric soils, and indicators of wetland hydrology' FieldformsforthevegetatiorLsoils,arrdhydrologyarelnc.ludgd.inAppendixA.Tablellists the dominant vegetation "G*"a on the project Jite' Wettand plant status follows that established by Reed (1988)' IV. RESULTS: upland grasses such as orchard grass, and westem wheatgrass compose a-latge portion ofthe vegetation ofthe stgdy area A berm had been constructed along the northern boundary ofthe soicer field and school buildings and, at the time of construction, was seeded with westem wheatgrass, Indian ricegra ss (dryzopsis hymenoides), crestgd wheatgrass.(l gropyron cristatum), cicer milkvetc n (astragoli )i"ir), uoa#ot"t6t (Ceratoides lonata)- It is now vegetated by timothy (Phleum pratense), western yarrog western wheatgrass, crested wheatgrass, smooth bronrc (Bromus inermis), and musk thistle. Two srnall (-145 ff) isolated areas of mature narrowleaf willow (Sa/6 exigua) were identified along the eastern edge ofBooth Falls Road. The willows are growing in association with or"li.d gr*r, ,mooih brome and Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratenlil, see plot #02 (Appendix . A). The-grasses are the dominant plant species when basal area of the vegetation was sampled in a 3O-foot radius. Mountain alder (Alnus incana\ were identified on the eastern and a portion of the northem boundary ofthe iennis court. These plants are growing in association with orchard grass and smooth 6rome, data for plot #01 (Appendix A) was collected in this location Table I lists the most corunon plant species found in the study are4 including the scientific name, corrunon name, frmily, origin, and wetland status. The soils examined inthe field have similar characteristics to the Forsey cobbly loam soil series. These soils are found on alluvial frns, motmtainsides, and ridges with an elevation between 7,500 and 9,500 feet. The soils displayed well-drained properties with a dark grayish b'rown surfrce layer about l0 inches thick and a loamy to cobbly loamtexture. The surface soils on much of the property displayed evidence ofdisturbance- No open waterbodies are pres€nt on th€ property east of Booth Falls Road- West of the road is Booti Creek that flows into Gore Creek sogth of Highway 70. In addition to Booth Creek" there exists a ditch, which conveys water approximatoly parallel to Booth Creek' This water is dispersed though a wet;dow adjaceut to tbe riparian zorr for Booth Creek. Some ofthis wet meadow has been filled for utilities. The riparian zone is also discontinuous because of land disturbance along the creek bank' Table l. - Wetland Plant Species List Scientific Comrnon Family Origin* Wetland* Name Name Status **,r*************:t*:rr*t,t****:|,1***:t***********,t*****:t*'********{'**{'**********t'*** Achittea millefolium Westem Yarrow Asteraceae N FACU Agropyron cristatum Crested wheatgrass Poaceae I NL Agropyron smithii Western wheatgrass Poaceae N FACU Alnus incana Mountain alder Betulaceae N FACW Bromus inermis Smoothb'rome Poaceae I NL Carduusnutqns Muskthistle Asteraceae : I NL Ci;;it;* oficinale Houndstongue Borageaceae I NL tiortil* gto^ioto orchard $ass Poaceae I FACU Elymus cinereus Basin wildrye Poaceae N NI Juniperus monospeftno Juniper Cupressceae N FACU Phleum pratense Tit"othy Poaceae I FACU Piceo pungens Blue spruce Pinaceae N FAC- Poapratensis Kentuckybluegrass Poaceae I FACU fopitus tremuloides Aspen Salicaceae N FAC Rasa twodsii Wood rose Rosaceae N FAC- Solix exigua Narrowleafwillow Salicaceae N OBL Introduced Native Wetland Status Not Listed No Indicator Obligate Upland Facultative Upland Facultative Facuftative Wet Obligate * Oriqin I N NL NI UPL FACU FAC FACW OBL V. CONCLUSION: d insPection revealed no School . The clumPs ofwillow, Falls roadside were growing in plants' These willows are rnature plants with deep roots; this probably a:coY*: for their continued existence. At one ti.", td *ii;o,, *"r"'purt of a larger wetlan4 -yhich fas been disrupted by the development ofBoothFalls Road. The areas containing tne wiltoy clumps do not meet all three criteria O'atoptr'tic "el"tutlou hydric soils, and wetland hydrology) necessary to be considered a wetland (Appendix A)' ng the tennis court suPPort in association with uPland m ria necessary to constitute a wetlan' (Appendix A). The alder probably survive on the excess water hat flows offthe hillside to the torth *d fiom the impermeable surface ofthe court' No jurisdictional wetlands exist on the vail Mountain School property east of Booth Falls Road' Noiegulatory action conceming wetlands needs to be taken for development on this parcel' YI. REFERENCES: Reed, B.R. 1988. National List ofplant Species that occur in wetlands; Colorado. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. St. Petersburg, FL. Stubbendieck, J., Hatcb S.L., Butterfield, C.H. 1997. North American Range Plants, Fifth Edition. The University ofNebraska Press, Lincoln, Nebraska. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1987. Wetlands Delineation Manual, Technical report y-87-1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. USDA NRCS 1999. The PLAI.{TS Database (hrltlr://plants.usda gory'plants). National Plants Data Center, Baton Rouge,Louisiana 70874-'1490 USA' USDA" NRCS 2000. Hydric Soils ofthe United States (http://\,r\r'w statlab iastate.cdu/soils/hvdricr)' Iowa State University Statistical Laboratory. USDA Soil Conservation Service. 1992. Soil Survey of Aspen-Gypsum Area, Colorado, Parts ofEagle, Garfield, and Pitkin Counties. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washingtorl DC. APPENDIX A Data forms for routine wetland determination for areas less than five acres in size' HYTNOLOGY Bdrrdd Da,. ![k5,. rl9 .n nnrE.r' l sts€fi.l lra. .. iftr crrsj, - rqdil| r4vrog{rFx ./ &l Rs(YrrlFo otra &ar.'tni w.ilrir* *i\at,trrlY lFf :r:/.'. /rtiary rr't:6iYr !/ Sav',*t a. Tttt '2 twrt* w rr uFtl 5d.$-!6', Ltro.rtF, $rir!r{'r Pelrft. n wfts}t!:ta :iro.rhy trlcarr* r/.a |.r{t t.il{!Rl: anltr 6d nixrl Cnrr,rdt n \f,45 ! 7 hr i*i E/itar S,rtria Lrnt rls !ffl}r sna sri.,.^ i.\ar5 I rY: ildnrC : Gl iityt. rta'.r . r+rart<, t:.#h d slrrfi'F w'rlt O'aytfi 'rr l-roo Wtter n P+l Lrqrn vl sai/dt, s.i .0-l Ft,"n*xs f,atn l3.. rxikt' tL 1.,:'hk ^' zoa tlg aL.)e... Iio,'^ '-,;:f ; (!.' fe^o4" /7p7a,,n71!t,.nsdb/t'.,r,,,at t H.Sm*, f$r,.r''f l&rb0errn| .r4'.rqa co18 ,a.zri!: Aet'm y' Frdr Ctr.frdhtx Csafdr |.$''cd li-Par /c' tll|rl Coba t a'lt.r 6'fft ld Ar"dtt\'a/ _f4*r{t'' C''.,.tttrora tlilrart *^ or.ipr.w,r ---- 5&trcodrl---'* $qr' ! crc --*----'- '--- Hr{{b 9d hddrrrnrl ___ Fldd -- fitb &o'dd' - efidk Odo. * A4ric l/b*rfr Fl.lrni *. h6r.'l0 Cofi.l|lor. --, {tbyd 6t t ry"G1r6'ra Cohtr! , Cart-tfia,ll io" Cfto*rc C,".'n. tr g{rrttct Lrtt' u" "r/{lt So'r Orgt Jc a/..rrB Y\ S|r\dt S(,* - _ - Lr.hd r'' tocd lltdb 6d.3 LS L;*M o.. t$ib.d Hr$*c Sob t 6l ._ c}Flar i€Jqf.trr ir f*nE k3, * uel.r4urcJ tLtn/a,.crol ra'el se'! 9n.u:7 ioog" f tt!,t,| i),",1' rn,/ori {A,o,,qA ro! y;i"t ttrdudryic rtorehc Frrs.dc1 d) q o,'t"i Lttfi t Hit'*rdy Fr€Bcrii Ys .{9' f+stc Sdt! Fflraifl to (89) ici"s) b f6 Sr''Fliq Peff W$*r t wdiflid' ,* iA Fgrrff16: ]AFProi 6d rrY o oATA Foair m9S'H#ffiHS, w.rh.# rl^rfd.\'r r!:sntr: p.-!q/Y i.l1jclrfr htn(2n{.5 // irl|rd.lrr, i! .-\"!lr 'l nt n-B Wl1.n t lrl'a t ns i-tll,t !xli,!dr' ilcrtf,lr'! iliasqo Dt l.!'r!€' tl.'.i'riY's :tfr:r.nt'f !k$ Atwi i ']r rli.ts r{ncr{ ' , i)fifarj liit alntErdlr 't !l)lt!r. r? ttt'qr .& ,YF. 'i'rr!r,: I fiavr,t L(l:tr sit' slrtoY ItA . . g4(, |Si,ir I'r'{t' ,:'nr|!' r[ af,t: 4. I t{t":qft;1 !lr.<r.rYr lldt li).!r. 'Jr fl r:drrdt i . *,taEar .,rlo 4f li'.i& {illgi'xc Altrrd Ftll'rtd(r ' / f*r lirl*11:i iJarn *irirlxrl ijr!Etrr5',.ni'ri,Rr -1 '," lj{tih b !rr:}i rlvtlr" L: P ,tn0rn h s,ilrdm J{:. fo,n 1* xbr&/ Prolt lg$iffi-, z"L ulg/--tt / .i orshtrso fts A4l'-](trt d' tt$'{L- ffi.Jiltc)- rfrnra-lpst--- s'!a&@td---- }|tii- 6.'l hihc.t|rl: Hgroaol - ltlk Eohdo4 -A,t|&Odo. - ^{tF lbiri|tt R.tfirt _-. tu6t,.tig CorffbrB - &ytd o{ Lot*Olnc.tE Cobrt -. - Ycr n Sa'dY S'J" : Et TEN Itdrcctdc lbgdtfrql Ptt.dtr., (a g tci*t yrrfrd Ht6.lJt'gytudi? Y6, rtsr I'6atir S* l+6d.tt? Ye3 t9 lCicbl h lli6 Srnfig Pdn lv'|h , Wdtd' to @ RdndlG: fA,s Atcl ins bPn :',//r/4 lfl h//e,&,/, /4 /,a,\f*/l Lzr/ rVoar"/en {42,( h7 A4.oqd bry mlsrcE 3/9il l0 OATA FOSM ,1B,TS'H'H3##Iifs c".""r*, n d3.- - Transecl lD. Prrt ll) It .6D .IE Do l$rrnsl CircttnsiarDes erid.on tls site? 'J-g> ts tlr sitg sigritlcartly dsruoeo ^(Atypical SrtElbn'' I'; i; E ;;; i'pouaiit Proble'n A'ea" - R.rcmBo Ott r()rtf,cnb4 h F{rrifts ' . Suaitr td(o n f'rdo Gtrx€ ..-, ar.d Ptottgr{ttF / ,.- c,,lar /- rb R.tcorel od, N^b\tle Wolh.i! ltl.toLxY ttdr:A!'ts P'rn€.Y lntet(Y< :i*('l'.ri n ll{dr '? frA,s Wit1 tr ift.rc . scd.r. D@sr3 -_ {)r:rin€F Pelttt6 t4 W€lLrYJs Sr-rrxtdy htt(ar'ri (? ir 'n(re raxl|'ffil Oaird ntYf Chttta,3 $ r-,n)o-r l? hcrE Wa{d.Sltndt Ltiver . Lrcd Sdl Su\.v Dd. FACt$rld T6' Clrs lE|ttn h iterarl(4! ft-rh /, |ilrtx:n gv$lt t 6rth kr frea Wstt V| Pll oorrn to gtflrttrdi Fiod ...a':.-.,.' -{...r.,D.:.1. {in i trn,tl",tL. /1-,, 30 {/^b"* 1fu*y'1rvt a/ f-*'t';: iE ll ',ry'".4n6s i'.i(//'ZlraurJ f-.b Ctt!.rtlo'. ,:.anlF l,lDO.6 tYPd' io* r') H*s*t rrri cob. rr.,| cer _.tpg* r.,.rn cd,r."*r tHL tre - txd-ErL -- 'ffitldL -- stEffi - - l6oe G--_ -- rl'l b Sl h.t rEr -,.lba - l"S EPtg.do' Srrtfi Odor - . Ad. rb,.! nigrtr - Fbd,cF{ Cdn<trh€ Oatt or Ltt Ch'ctrrD C*rrg ' !.t ' r St.dY 9'.' fi.rd oa hriond lttdr* .i6l6 rI1 . (thrr €drrr n fbt'r'ltt r*r-r. ablrh /rro., /dr'),,re fL.trll'rrrEryrEl!" v* df icwcr v..'&to,S (Ct{l b ItB SE ngS$ Pcdl wiln a wcdarl'" voe (tlo-J lrJcE 1l t2