HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT B HOLIDAY HOUSE UNIT 1J LEGAL.pdf*1 -' t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 816s7 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEJ:LIPMENT, ,,SJ 13..-^-\ \)\a.4* -'1 Oo.^-\ \t'\- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES t{ T8 ADDiALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 806-0338 Job Address.: 9 VAIL RD VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......; 9 VAIL ROAD #18 Applied...: lll0gl2ffi Parcel No....: 210107106m9 Issued ...: Llll4l2ffi6 Legal Description: pR=.G _ 6 :-6 :- Expires...: O5ll3l2ffi7 hoject No...: OWNER I,AUGHIJIN, PATRICK R. TT/OS/ZOOS 4301- FEAGAN ST HOUSTON TX 77007 APPI.,ICANT I,AUGI{I,IN, PATRICK R. LL/O9/2OO6 4301 FEAGA}I ST HOUSTON TX 77007 coNTRAcroR WELTTENDoRF coNTRAcroRs, rNc. LL/ 09 /2006 phone3 (G08) 269-7890 30804 OLD I{ICHEY IJANE IrA CRESEli|lI MN 55947 License: 875 -B Desciption: REMODEL EXISTING BATHROOM AND KITCHEN Occupancy: R2 Type Construction: I B Valuation: $14,000.00 Revision Valuation: Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplac€ Infonnation: Resfricted: # ofGas Applianccs: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 't:lt++!a+t*f :L+********,1:f :t:t+++'|+{llt,l*'***:t**+*:t,N*:r:f :}:i:til{.i.**d!**'t****t *:F* FEE SUMMARY # of Wood Pellet: 0 Building--- > 1231 -25 Restuarant Plan Review--> Plan Chcck-- > S154 .21 Recreation Fee-------> Investigation-> 1237.25 ToTAL FEES-------------> So. oo Additional Fees-----> wilt cdl---- >Paynrents---------- > BALANCE DUE--------- > 50.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $631.71 $631.71 Total Permit Fee----- > S631- ?1 s0. 00 s531 - 71 $0. o0 93-00 Approvals: Item: 05L00 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 1-L/t4/2oo6 JRvt Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTI4ENT tL/o9/2OO6 JS Action: AP IIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS la I bereby acknowledge tbat I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, cornpleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances ard state laws, and to build this struchre according to the towns zoning ard review approved, International Building and Residentid Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town REQT'ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWEMY.FOTJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2149 PM. design 8:00 AM - 4 HIMSELF AND rv I PAGE 2 ****'t***********!3:lr*******************'t******,***'t**********************{.1.*****:}*****'f******'f ****rt,ttr**{r:f !i* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 80fi338 as of 11-14-2006 Status: ISSUED :|.!F{.!8{(:N.:t:t:},t,i.**:F*t**{.l8*!:t*,|t'*:t't**'}**:i*'i*'t***{.'t*|.'}*'|**'t't'f******** PermitType: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: lll0Dl2ffi Applicant: LAUGHLIN, PATRICK R. Issued: 11114120[,6 To Expire: 0511312007 Job Address: 9 VAIL RD VAIL Location: 9 VAIL ROAD #18 Parcel No: 210107106009 Descriptidn: REMODEL EXISTING BATTIROOM AND KITCI{EN *********{.:t'****:t****,t!**'**{.r!***********r*********conditions, **{.t :t*!t*r.{.,}***!Fd.**r.{.*{.*****t!******!t{.*{r*dr**{.** Cond: 12 @LDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLIRED To CHECK FoR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALIS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQTJIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: ,{0 (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIRE ALARM REQLJIRED PER NFPA 72. t*+*lt't*+tll++*'lll*'ll*++f*f**ftt***t{t***tlf+++l'l'******+**tt**fl+*+*{"}****l'f******+*i+++**'+**'} TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement **+*t+'f+++++****t**tft**t*******+++*++*******'il'**+t*+**l+++++*'i**t*'}'t'l*'l***{r+++*+a+**{"}***'}* StsaternenE Number: R050001969 Pa)ment Method: Check bank check Amount: $531.71 L1-/t4/2o'6o3 :45 PM Init,: DDG Notation: Laughlin - Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: This Payment: BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 PN 00100003153000 wc 001000 031128 00 BO5-0338 TIT)E: ADD,/AIJT MF BUTIJD PERMIT 2101-071-0600-9 9 VAII., RD VATL 9 VAII., ROAD #18 Total Fees: $531.71 Total AJ,L Pmts : Bal-ance: BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES INVESTIGATION FEE (BLDG) WILL C3],IJ INSPECTION FEE $631 . 71 $63r.7L $0.00 **'+*******lf +**+'l**'***'i*,i*+*+f f +++**++*******'lr** *+*****tl+++*'i**'i********* *t* +++'l"lr++****,!* * * ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account code DescriDtion Current Pmts 237 .25 L54.2t 237 .25 3 .00 APPLICATIoN WILL NoT BE ACCEPTED IF INCoMPLETE oR UNSIGN@$ b .O.S\..7 606.o338 LB ired for I APPLI plumbing,etc.l 75S.F Vail, Separate H'1",f a-/ra) Lob - CONTRACTOR INFORMATION - are requrred lor 6ts:l,7 -79?o COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & Materials BUILDING: $ ?Vl0?'ELECTRICAL: S )gqt)" "OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ -f ooou,MECHANICAL:$rorAL: $ /aloje.ou Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit nesieH#7to t rt+ I 06 DN Job Name:i i,t&rlw 9+.vwoLil,4 t"oToff;fu *,t f tt r- J Legar DeJcription ll lot: ll euJr, ll r,r,nn,Subdivision: ?s"f U"4""; httv Address:rtr" I LarrYrl t^ fr24 t Phone: \1pfesfesi{ner:Address: fu.urvQrf ,oo (0Zoz 'fl"frj-ut -t?/ z Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work'- FnU [u7- 2i ; i *1, Utrn v;qyt J \,/WorkClass: New() Addition() Remodet ()$ Repair()Demo( ) Other() Work Type: Interior frJ Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Blctg.: single-family ( ) Two-famity ( ) Mutti-famity f( corrn"r"irr 1 1 n"ttaurant ( ) olher ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buitding: -( $No. of Accommodation Units in this building: ./ No/Type of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances DQ Gas Logs ( )LNood/pellet ( ) wood Burning ( ) No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes lQ No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No X) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY For Y$ F: \cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\buildingJermil DOC Page 1 of 16 021091200s th ASBESTOS TESTTNG REQUTREMENTS THE TOWN OF VAIL AND STATE OF COLORADO DEPAR:IMENT OF PUBUC HEALTH REQUIRE ASBESTOS TEfiNG ANY TIME WHEN MORE THAN 160 S.F. OF MATERI,AL VVILL BE DISTURBED OR REMOVED. AN ASBESTOS TEST AND REPORT IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WTTH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR ALL REMODEL, ADDMON OR OTHER PROJECTS INVOLVING ANY DEMOLTTION OR REMOVAL OF BUILDING MATERIAI-S THAT MAY CONTAIN ASBESTOS. BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED AFTER OCTOBER 12, 1988 THAT HAVE NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERI,AIS ARE EftMPT. o I have included the asbestos test and report with my building permit application applicant signairre OR date o I certifr my will not disturb or remove more than 160 s.f. of building material. The construction plans submitted my application clearly indicate this information. frhis will be verified during plan will your project if found to be inaccurate) o The building was constructed after October 12, 1988. The date of construction was original consbuction date apdicant signaUrre F:\cdev\FORJtlS\Permits\Building\buildingJermit. DOC rr [tlo date Page 4 of 16 04091200s BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TITIIE FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Enginee/s (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning DeparUnent review or Health Departnent review, and a review by the Building Departnent, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments wiUr regard to necessary review, these p@ects may also take three (3) week to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this departrnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also undersbnd that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Print name Signature Project Name: Date: F: \cdev\FoRMs\Permits\Buildin g\buildin gjermil DOC Page 5 of 15 0?/09n00s j- -0b &{ i ti 4 i ?&.- a6l a4f ' Pt,'r-V d,*Q le'" riF ll J I l--l lr- +(/) DEMO ME |e ln\ lill lul LJ IL tr@Erv Nov 07 2006 TOWN OE va n lDl lf\l ,En,"".io PRoJEcr' GRANT-LALIcHLTN coNDo ra M1"O scALE: r/4' .l -a)' ,r {..." .)e l1 tr..r,i lh '+" Btt u'c)rrb PANAgONIC Fv-o8vQ3 (EXI-.]AUgT FAN) @ "0 u MECHANICAL 9CA!E. l/4' = t'-@' OPTIONAL A'O DUCTu-,,ORK FOR RANGE I+OOD PANAgONIC .Fv-a3vQ3 (tF) (EXI..IAU3T FANF-,' vo;t c 1^....L al ftr' I -a-IgLr",- + 5 P^"t'u't -- r\Lg'Lr,'c , @- ifr'r- i;{;:i'&"< 1?','O"-o qzie Ri Q/ a) /^v. i: 745 CHApeL phCe. SUfie 200 p.o. Eox f,40, AvoN, ca u6zo pH 6'10) 4q.6000 tAx, @0) 141-1451 PRoJEcr: GRANl-g4uGHLrN coNDo ra u20 DATE: ll_O3-O6 DRAWN BY: KJJo SCALET t/4, = t,-@. f. ! .. I ', ?t - .ir - ".' -': '' ri ----------q;-- 1' clJ.) --t-ltza a-|l /-| | I' CUJ 34' Aa (E) \ =./ )/ r /-|l L! (E)- ?" l (E) v (E) I'CuJ )t+' AUJ 9t-.loujER ?r i- 2"W 2r l T/_) lll t'- lt./^' tt l T/1 IIECHANICAL LEGEND Q eotur or - | a/^ /z')N l\ lE /^ T 6| eoiur oF NEUJ - CONNECTION (E) EXISTING TO REI'1AIN ',//, oeno PIPING/DUCTIJJORK #*Hfl *=iffif: \s '+^\ ,rJ B #t H-E ENqWEEPS,INC. z4s cHAp €L p uca iufi e ?00 p.o. gox940, AvoN, c0 91Q0 pH, @0) 44q4000 tAx,6t0) 441-11s1 PRoJEcr: GRANT- LAuGr-.lL IN coNDo ra SHEET NO. tr1"O DATE: t_A3_@6 JoB No vvo6o24 DRAWN BY: KlJo SCALE; t/4, = l, _O, CI-€CKED:IIPD REF OWG: 3t+' AU 2r ul tv ?'t|l l"cr.r.J 3/.'t'ltl )'|l j/4'l{W 2',A I ?'v Itzz' V ?' t ,3'V 3' LU r '-..- lt/2'll 'zo' l)u l"cuj il DEMO PLUMBING P aLE, V4' = l',-O' nTf"tt=,Eq !:ir,trh zqE cHApeL puE, tufie ?00 p.0. eox 9q0, AvoN, co c16?0 DH' n0) 141,&00 FN, mil.tq44qs4 PROJECT: GRANI- LATTGHL rN coNDo ra F1"1 DATE t-a,-ob ?r ||l v (E) (E) ._tu 5 k 2' ||t /E )a, u (E)-__-1 a{ lll T/'-) lllr- 2'v lvz'y )tn' cu) ?/4, Aw 3',v (E) a" , /tr ) 3',UJ (E) 2r w (E) ?' [l /tr ) 'T a'\ |l/- ltz2' U (E) T/a Tl lF, I-lECHANICAL LEGEND (E) POINT OF NEIJ] CONNECTION EXIgTING TO REIlAIN #'":,H i9e'z.u!i 74s CH Ap EL D UCa tUfi e 20 0 D.o. EoX gqo, AV1N, co 91620 pH (n0) 141-6000 fAx, @0) tq444s4 PRoJECT: cRANT-LAuGHLTN coNDo ra DATE: 1-o3_a6 SCALE: V4, .1,_6, 2' W (E) GUY GRAY BIH A']9 rICE I-1AKER BOX) z',v It,/z, w (E z', W (E) -/4 HW (tr) I' CW (E) NEW WORK 5CALE, l/4' = t'-o' 3' W (E) 3',v (E) 1' t'- ll I t'E ) 1/4' AA (E) 3'v (E) ?' ll /tr ) | \J W.\-- ffi:t{;:;eX ${,zffr*f-->: PRoJEcr: GRANT- LauGr..lL lN coNDo ta tr 2"1 DATE] VO3_O6 SCALE: t/4, . t,_O. 1A 10 I I I DEI-IO EXIgTING 'ZINgCO' INTERIOR AggEI1BLY AND ALL BREAKERg OR DEHO COI1PLETE LOAD CENTER. DO NOT REUgE.ELECTRICAL -Tr I '?_ Y ,// i d"ft3?;.T.:tTp +ll":*ut'ni; "$.i -\, o. ; ="e e7++X-! 245 CHADqL pAC€ t\fiE200 p.o. cox 9t$, AvoN, co 91620 pH, @0) 1q.(000 fAx, m0) 44t-11s1 PBOJECT: GRANT- LAuGILTN coNDo ra DATE: l-07-O6 SCALE: V4, = l,_e. v I II REPLACE PANEL BOARD INTERIOR A99EI1BL Y I]JI TI-.{ CUTL E R - I..IAI1I,1E R RE TROF I T KIT RACH24LI25 OR REPLACE COI1PLETE PANEL BOARD IJ,JITII A 12> Ar:P,24 CKT, IIAIN LUG PANEL BOARD. IJ 10 #::*:;.9 3 (J' o1 ,ij,w,\ ?qs cHApEL ptAu. sunez0l P.o. ga[ 9t+0, AV0N, Co 91620 pH, (n0) q$4000 FAx,6)0) qr$-11s1 PRoJECT: GRANT- LAucr{LrN coNDo 19 =2. O OATE: FO3_O6 SCALE: V4, .l,_O, "ffi*;l-ry Kr*r# -t- t'Y ._t- IV I)*l 21 2 HI J ot9 (o qi A (,) (! () o c E E ''I i; =l z j.Y :<u E u (_)()(-)o z €- c :c a =r I o g o- o- I () E )< =o E s2 a (J o- () u \n L! ()s I O L! cx <n J (J o- O v. (.) o_ O (L a O o_ln o o- @ o 0 4.. ra) ol I >l I ot I .,r | | bt,^t.-tl ot I et I ?l I I o r,il=l*lllll- ( ln-lNl Nl Nl Nl Nl Nl N xtRtStslSt Rt 8t 3t 3 al-l-l t-l t-t t- ri o! I o O ttt ^o.: ot ei z I A o N cl tol t"l t>t Idl l ril tFl tzl t=l 101 lol tFl F.:A)t\l N AI (\, o a -l 'l ct (D (D CD co .l a-N Ir *l'lslsl'l;l'l*|;lul I I' -3 :o bo c,9E! Ji9b ir!E 2I ^-(L lh o z o o t^ F o * F z . I o o o o o o o o o co o ! o O C' ot I CQ o +x ".Y o=:e $NO o ! z F a <)z E O o e u a z I L z I (-)t :< z I =z - h Y I F (n C\] - (D () (L a (J o- I o- (-) (! v1 C) o- @ o. I 07 )<u t (_.)(J o zqs cHAPeL PUce, SWe ?oo M-E ENqNEERS, INC. D,o. BoX 9tt0, AV0N, Cn U620 PH m0) fu1-(000 FN' @0) 1t+1-11s4 PRO'ECT: GRANI-LAuGHLTN coNDo ra tr-7 a)| \J " L -,/ SHEET NO, OATE: -@3_O6 JOB NO: \A/O6O24 DRAv\,\ BY KUJo SCALE: V4, = t,_O. IlPD CHECKED:REF DWG: Specification Data Panasonic Ventilation Fan Description Ventilating fan shall be Low Noise ceiling mount type rated for continuous run. Fan shall be ENERGY STAR rated and certilied by the Honre Ventilating Institute (HVI). Evaluaced by Undenvritcrs Laboratories and contbrrn to botll UL and cUL safety standards. Motor/Blower:. Four-pole totally enclosed condenser motor rated for continuoLs run.. Porver Rating shall be 120 volts and 60 hz.. Fan shall be UL listed for tub/shorver enclosure when used with a GFCI branch circuit wiring.. Motor equippcd with thermal-cutoff fuse.. Rernovable rvith permanenrly lubricated plug-in motor. Housing:. Rust proof paint, galvanized stcel body.. Detachable :1" dianreter duct adapter.. Built in backdraft damper.. Expandable extension bracket up to 24". ' Double hanSar bar sy-stem allowing for idcal positioning. Grille: . Attractive design using PP material.. Attaches directly to holrsing with torsion springs. Warranty:. The factory warranty shall b€ a minimLrm of 3 years limited warranty on parts. Typical Specifi cations: Ventilating fan shall be of the ceiling mount. ENERCY STAR rated rype, wi.h no less than 80 CFM and no more than O.3 sone as ccr-tified by the Horle Ventilating Institute (l{VI) at 0.1 static pressure in inches water gauge. Pow,er consurnption shall be no grearer rhan 22.8 wats anri ENERGY STAR rated uritlr emciency rating ofno less than 3.5 CFM/watt. The motor shall be totally enclosed. four pole conderser tlpe engineered to run continuousl]-. Po\a,er rating shall be l?Ov /6OHz.. Duct diamctcr shall be no less *nn 4". Fan shall be UL and cUL listed for tub/shower enclosure rvhen used with GFCI branch circuit \ririns. Panasonic Wrti".rg,prtris1772g" W'O8VQ? o,ocF', @ B@EI e 0.60 t E ! 0.s0 I ota E o.3o Fan Cun e FV-OaVO3 0.20 0.r0 0.00 For Complete Installation Instructions Visit www.panasonic.com/building 50 r00 Airflow (CFM) Specilications: F-lt-oaYQ3 Static Prossure in incheg wq.0.1 0.25 Air volum€ (CFM)80 Noise (sonesl o.3 Power Consumption (watts)22.8 22.6 Energy Efticieocy: CFMS / Watt 2.5 Speed (RPM)716 ENERGY STAR Rated Washington Slato VIAQ Code Yes ,@*H$i; Model Quantity Comments Project: Location: Architect: Engineer: Contractor: Submilted bv: Date: Panasonic Buildinq Dept. I Three Panasonic Wav 4A-1 | Secaucus. NJ 07C 94 | ffi6-292-7292 | www.oanasonic.com/buildin Building Dept.way Secaucus,www.panasonrc. $ r.i J ro X c\t F.c F IJ F o 6 ti rrr !,8 -o-i><o -(-) @@ L _ ___Y _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _Y_ _ _ _ J J trJ trj a ct ol @ d'Oz !=€oF \(J trt LrJz \z F()o-^zd <ai @o r\ c!r.) lr) s8 F-i< 2E GUY GRAY MFG. CO. INC. MODEL NO. BIM875 FjT.ill Electrical Page 1 Eaton Electrical Launches New Options for Upgrading Existing Panelboards. More and more customers need to upgrade lheir existing electrical systems to meet their growing power demand. The digital age coupled with the aging infrastruclure is driving these opportunities as well as a desire for improved building safety and reliability through adding arc fault, ground fault, and/or surge protection. In the specific situation of upgrading an existing panelboard, the question becomes when is it better to upgrade reusing the existing box versus doing a full replacement. Situations where reusing the existing box is the right choice . The panel is flush mounted so that replacing with a new panel will require major wall repair. This is especially relevant with plaster, concrete, or block walls ' Other difficulties exist with disturbing the existing installation such as existing asbestos insulation . When limiting downtime is beneficial - total installation time of a retrofit is much quicker than total wall repair . When total project completion time is critical. More steps are required in com plete removal, new installation and wall repair. lt also requires coordination with other subcontractors However there are many challenges to retrofitting into an existing box including:. Sometimes the box is too shallow or short to accommodate upgrading the existing box . lt can be tricky to get the interior mounted to the right elevation within the existing box to work properly with the cover . Sometimes the contractor is hesitant to do a detailed take off of the existing box specs.. When doing a job walk through, it is not quick and easy for the contractor to determine if the box can accom modate the upgrade . The lead times can be too long for the project time line To address these concerns, we are expanding our offering to include a new loadcenter based (plug on style breaker) solution. This new offering will meet the needs of especially size constrained 240V panelboard applicalions. The new loadcenter based (plug on siyle breaker) solution takes advantage of its compact design to handle even the most challenging upgrade needs. ll features an innovative field adjustable interior assembly that is adaptable between 4" and 6" of box depth, which relieves the pressure of the precise field measurement. To satisfo the need of quick lead times and desire for easier selection we have developed a k itted offering that you select based on your existing box size. This way you know literally at the walk through whether an upgrade will work in the application thus saving retur n trips to the job site. Our interiors are UL recognized under UL67, the panelboard standard, and the approved box sizes provide the contractorthe right guidance to comply with current NEC wire bend space requirements. The standardized kils are available with quick lead-times to meet tight project timelines. This documenl contains detailed information on this new addition to our offering. lf you have further questions or need a quotation on these retrofit kits please contact our Lincoln Flex Center at 800-330-6479. lf however you would like more information about Eaton Electrical's other panelboard retrofit solutions, contact your local satellite or Eaton Electrical/ Cutler- Hammer sales office. FlT.ll Electrical Retrofit Kits Consist of cover assembly and field adjustable interior assembly Page2 lnteriors are UL recognized under UL67, Panelboard Standard Field Adjustable Interior Assembly Gover assembly consists of a picture frame and trim. The picture frame adapts the trim assembly to the existing box size and provides some additional coverage over the wall. The picture ftame is drilled in the field for attaching it to the existing box flange. The amount of coverage over the wall is the difference between the standard picture frame size (shown in the selection chart) and the existing box dimensions. lf different dimensions are required, then choose the custom cover option. The interior assembly includes a field adjustable riser that sets the interior at the right depth within the existing box. The assembly is field adjustable to accommodate box depths between 4" and 6'. The existing box is drilled in the field to mount the riser assembly. F:T.f,|Electrical Gutler.Hammer offers two tlpes of Retrofit kits GH and BR Type GH Panelboard Retrofit Kits - Most Gompact Option Page 3 3 Phase Panels Typical construction for 3 phase main breaker and main lug CH panels feature copper bus & tin-plated copper bus stabs. of Branch I Phase Panels Typical construction for 1 phase main breaker and main lug CH panels feature one piece copper bus construction $ub Feed Lug Panels Typical construction for sub feed lug panels both 1 and 3 phase feature copper bus & tin-plated copper bus stabs. All Gutler.Hammer Designs Featurc Sturdy tetal lnterior Construction Breakers -T"n Pet Pole Format Gatalog Numbers Voltase Poles Ai,|P Alc ipecial Protection or features cHt{0 - cH160''t20 1 l0-60 10K Trips to ofr cH2l0 - cH2100*120t210 2 {0 - {00 10K I 'rips to ofi cH3t0 - cH3{00*240V 3 t0 - 100 10K I 'rips to ofr CHlIsAF, CHlzOAF 120 1 15 -20 10K Arc Fault Tr Ds to off CHII6AFGF -CHt2OAFGF 120 1 15 -20 't0K Arc Fault, 5 tA GFl, Trlp3 to off cH2tSAF - CH220AF*120t2,,0 2 t5-20 l0K Arc F Ds to off CH2lsAFGF. CH22OAFGF 120t210 2 15-20 10K Arc Fault 5 MA GFl. Triqs to off cHl15GF - CH130GF*120 1 15-30 10K 5 tA GFl, Tr sMA GFl. Td Ds to ofi CH21sGF. CH26OGF 120r240 2 15-60 10K ps to off CHllsEPD - CHl3OEPD 120 1 t5-30 10K 3OMA GI Ds to ofr CH2IsEPD - CH26OEPD 120t210 2 t5-60 t0K 30MA GFl. Trios to off GH215SW - CH250SW 1mv 2 t5-50 10K Switching neutral, Trips to off GH315SW - CH350SW'120n240 3 15 - 5{t t0K Switching neutral, Trips to off cHrrSHrD - cHl30HlD 120t24iJ I t5-30 t0K Sul&able for {lD loads, Trips to off GH2IsHID - CH2SOHID 2 t5-30 10K s iuitabh for HID loads. TrlDs to off cH3lsHrO - CH330HID 240 3 15-30 t0K Suitable for HID loads, Trips to off cHNTtsls - CHNT2020 120 2)l 15 -20 10K Twin bEakar oty 2 - I Dole in %" soace cH1rsr50 - cHl60M50 120 1 15-50 t0K Hlgh Ambient Tripe to ofr cH2tSltlto - cH270M50 120t240 2 l5-70 1 Hish Ambiont Trips to off cHllsHt - CH,120 1 l5-20 10K F th Uagnedc, Trips to off cH2lSHU - CH220HM.120t240 2 l5-20 I h llegn€tic, Trlps to off * - denoteg breakers available an blp to center position by * - denotes brcakerc available with indeoendent trlo bv s a HP for CH In the part numbet for AF ln the oari number independent trlp by substituting part number I FlT.il I Hectrical Tlpe BR Panelboard Retrofit Kits Page 4 All Cutler-llammer Deslgns Feature Sturdy Metal Interior Constructlon 3 Phase Panels Typical construction for 3 phase main breaker and main lug BR panels with tin-plated aluminum bus. I Phase Panels Typical construction for 1 phase main breaker and main lug BR panels with tin-plated aluminum bus. Branch Breakers - It Per Pole Forrnat Catalog Numberc Voltage Poles AMP Atc Special Protectlon or features BRllo - BRt70 1 1 t0-70 10K BRHI15. BRH17O 120 I 15-70 22K Hiqher AIC ratinq BR2l0 - BR2l25 120t24iJ 2 10 - 125 t0K BR2IOH. BR2IOOH 24/JV 2 10 - 100 r0K Rated for voltase to qround of 240V BRH2I5 - BRH2I25 't20t240 2 15 - 125 22K Higher AIC rating BR3l0 - 8R3100 24 3 10 - l(X,l0K BRH3Is - BRH3I 24 3 15 - 100 22K Hiqher AIC ratinq BR115AF - BRI2OAF*120 1 18 -20 {0K Arr Fault BRlIsAFGF. BR.I2OAFGF 120 1 t5-20 10K Arc Fault, 5 tA GFI BR215AF - BR22OAF*120t210 2 t5-20 t0K Arr Fault BR2IsAFGF - BR22OAFGF 120t210 2 l5 -20 10K Arc Fault,5 AGFI GFCB115 - GFCBI4O 120 1 t5-40 l0K 5 TA GFI GFCB215 - GFCB2SO 120t21tt 2 15 -50 10K SiIA GFI GFCBH115 - GFCBH125 120 I 15-25 22K SilA GFl, Hlqher AIC GFCBH215 - GFCB H23O 120t240 2 15-30 22K 5tA GFl, Hiqher AIC GFEPl15 - GFEPI30 120 1 15-30 t0K 3OTA GFI GFEP2{5 - GFEP2sO 120t240 2 15-50 10K 3OMA GFI BRSN215 - BRS]{230 120V 2 15-30 t0K Switching neutral BRIISH - BR{2OH 120t210 1 15-20 10K Suitable for HID loads BR3IsH. BR32I AO 3 15-20 10K Suiteble for HID loads 8J2125-8J2225 120t240 2 125 -225 10K Branch mounts In .l circuits B,H2125-5JH2225 12W210 2 126 - 225 22K Branch mounts In 4 circuits, Higher AIC BJ3t25 - 8.13225 2n 3 125 -225 10K Branch mounts in I circuits BJH3I25. RJH3225 2to 3 126 - 225 22K Branch moun6 ln 6 circults, Higher AIC BD10{0 - 8D5030 1mt24 tzl1 l0-50 10K Twln breaker qtv 2 - I Dole in 1" sDace Type BQ 120t24 1t2 15 .50 t0K Quad brcakers qty tl poler in 2" space, see int met catalog for detailed offering available by part number Fjf.il Eleclrical Page 5 Detailed product Guide All standard retrofit kits are suitable for a range of existing box sizes Box Width's ranging from 14 %' to 22" Box Depth's ranging from 4" for BR and 4%" for CH to 6' Box Height's ranging from 21" to 45" For box dimensions outside of these ranges contact the Lincoln Flex Center at 800-330- 6479. Be sure to provide the existing incoming line wire size. To select the retrofit kit 1. Decide which type of interior you want (CH or BR) - see descriptions pages 34 2. From the existing box size determine which retrofit groups are suitable (may be more than one). Existing Box Height Determines Retro Size Group I .""" "*E 21"29" 30'34" 36" 37" 41" 3. Use type of interior, # of phases, and type of main to find the selection chart 4. Select part number from chart (if main breaker, replace XXX with specific amp rating 5. Note that the overlap of the existing wall is the retro cover size minus the existing box size. lf specific measurements are needed communicate that you need a custom trim size. 6. Contact the Lincoln Flex Center at 800-330-6479 for pricing, lead{imes, and order entry instructions. FlT.lll Electrical Page 6 * Specific cover sizes are available. Be sure to specify the custom cover option and provide exact dimensions required. Type CH Interior Single Phase with Main Breaker Selection Chart I Main Breaker Existing Box Height Wire Size #of CktB Part Number (XXX b tor Ualn Brsakor 3peclflc .mp rating) Retro Size Group Retro Cover Size* Amp Ratinq Atc Ratinq Min Max H w 60 - 125 t0K 21"30",i2 - 1n 22 RACH22BXXX A 33"2 60 - 125 10K 29"36"*12 - 1lo 30 RBCH3OBXXX B 21" 100 - 200 25K 29"30,'t2 - 2soitcu 21 RBCH2/+BXXX 30.5"36"t2 - 300[cfl 100 - 225 25K 11"t2 - 300ucf 32 RCCH32BXXX c a3"2 100 - 223 25R 37"/+5" *2 - 300MCU 42 RDCH4zBXXX D 47"24" t00K *t - 3ootttcil RDCH42HXXX Type GH Interior Single Phase Main Lug Only Selection Chart 2 Max. Bus Amp Rating Existing Box Height Wire Size #ot Ckts Part Number Retro Size Group Retro Cover Size* Min Max H w 125 21"30"A-zt!21 RACH2'11125 A 33"24" 125 25"30",4-*1 12 RBCH42LI25 B 10"21"26%"30"*1- 1n 225 29"36",t - 300mc[32 RBCH32L225 225 2A v,"36"*4 - aro 12 RBCH42L225 223 34"11"#t - 300mcfl 12 RCCH42L225 c 13"21" 226 37"45"*1 - 300tucil 42 RDCH42L225 D 47"21" Type CH Interior Single Phase with Sub Feed Lugs Selection Chart 3 Max, Bug Amp Rating Existing Box Height Wire Size*#of Ckts Part Number Retro Size Group Retro Cover Size' Min Max H w 225 29"36"16 - 300mc 21 RBCH24D225 B 24"31"33.5"#6 - 2s{'t$Cil 30 RBCH30D225 36",6 - 300[c[ 226 11"*5 - 3oo[cf 32 RCCH32D225 c 225 37"45"*5 - 300MCM 12 RDCH42D225 D 17"21" Fif.lll Electriual Page 7 Type CH Interior Three Phase with Main Breaker Selection Chart 4 Main Breaker Existing Box Height Wire Size #ot Ckts Part Number (XXX lE tor [ain Br8akor spocific amp rsting) Retro Size Group Retro Gover Size* Amp Ratinq Arc Ratinq Min Max H w 60 - 125 r0K 21"30"#2- 1n 't8 RACH1SB3XXX A 33"21" 16 - 225 10K 37"tl5"z0 - 300ucu 12 RDCH42B3XXX D 17"24" t00K 37"3E.5"2,|t - 250[C[ Rr)cH42H3XXX 39"15"2/0 - 300[cu Type CH Interior Three Phase with Main Lugs Only Selection Ghart 5 Max. Bus Amp Ratinq Existing Box Heiqht Wire Size #of Ckts Part Number Retro Size Group Retro Cover Size* Min Max H w 125 21"30"#-2t0 21 RACH24L3t25 A 33"21" 125 22"30"u-fi 30 RACH30L3125 't50 22v,"30"*4-1n 30 RACH30L3225 225 21v,"30" '4-1/0 225 29"36"#4 - 300mcm 30 RBCH30L3225 B 40"21"123 25"24"t4-*1 12 RBCH42L3t25 225 28 y,"36"*4- UO 12 RBCH42L3225 223 3't"11"*'[ - 300UCM 12 RCCH42L3225 c /t3"21" 225 17"45"*4 - 300flc[12 RDCH42L3225 D 17"21" Type CH Interior Three Phase with Sub Feed Lugs Selection Chart 6 Max. Bus Amp Ratinq Existing Box HeiEht Wire Size #ot Ckts Part Number Retro Size Group Retro Cover Size* Min Max H w 225 29"36'*6 -300t|c[21 RBCH24D3225 B 40"31"33.5"#6 - 260MC[ 30 RBCH30D3225 35"16 - 300Mc 225 11",8 {oomcm 30 RCCH30D3225 c ,[3"21" 225 37"15"t6 - 300McM 12 RDCH42D3226 D 17"24" c over sizes are available. Be sure to specifu the custom cover option and provide exact dimensions required. specify option and provide Hif.[u Electrical Page 7 * Specific cover sizes are available. Be sure to specify the custom cover option and provide exact dimensions required. Type CH lnterior Three Phase with Main Breaker Selection Chart 4 Main Breaker Existing Box Height Wire Size #ol Ckts Part Number (XxX is for Main Breaker specific amp rating) Retro Size Group Retro Gover Size* Amp Ratinq Alc Ratinq Min Max H w 60 - 125 10K 21"30"*2 - 1lO 18 RACHlSB3XXX A 33"21" 100 - 225 10K 37"45"z0 - 300McM 42 RDCH42B3XXX D 47"24" 100K 38.5"z0 - 2soMcM RDCH42H3XXX 39"45"z0 - 300McM Type CH Interior Three Phase with Main Lugs Only Selection Chart 5 Max. Bus Amp Ratinq Existing Box Heiqht Wire Size #ot Ckts Part Number Retro Size Group Retro Cover Size* Min Max H w 125 2't"30"#6 - 2tO 24 MCH24L3,t2s A 33"21" 125 22"30"*1-t1 30 RACH30L3t25 22 V""30"#4 - 1tO 30 RACH3013225 225 24 y,"30"*1- 4lO 225 29"36"t4 - 300McM 30 RBCH30L3225 B 40"24"125 25"24"t4-t1 12 RBCH42L3t25 225 2a 1/,"36"*4 - 4tO RBCH42L3225 225 34"11"#4 - 300MCM 12 RCCH42L3225 c 43"21" 225 37"45"#4 - 300MCM 42 RDCH42L3225 D 17"24" Type CH lnterior Three Phase with Sub Feed Lugs Selection Ghart 6 Max. Bus Amp Ratinq Existing Box Heisht Wire Size #of Ckts Part Number Retro Size Group Retro Cover Size' Min Max H w 225 29"36"#6 -300MCM 24 RBCH2'1D3225 B 40"21"31"33.5"f5 - 250MCM 30 RBCH30D3225 34"36"#6 - 300MCM 225 3il"11"f6 -300McM 30 RCCH30D3225 43"21" 225 37"45"f6 - 300McM 42 RDCH42D3225 D 47"24" FlT.lll Electriml Page 8 Type BR Interi or Single Phase with Main Breaker Selection Ghart 7 Main Breaker Existing Box Heiqht Wire Size #ot Ckts Part Number (XXX b for [ein Bl€aker spcclflc amp rating) Retro Size Group Retro Cover Size* Amp Ratinq Atc Ratins Min Max H w 60 - 125 t0K 21"30" A-2n 20 RABR2OBXXX A 33" 22K A-AO RABR2OHXXX 60 - 100 10K 29"36" il4-ln 30 RBBRSOBCXXX B 21" 22K *1- ln RBBRiX'HCXXX too - tso 2sK 29"30.5"t2 - 250MCU 20 RBBR2OHXXX 31"35"fil - 300[cM 100 - 200 2SK 35.5"fil - 2somcu 30 RCBR3OHXXX c 21" 36"11"#l - 3o{r[cu to0 - 200 25K 37"3E.5"t2-4to &ROBR4{tHXXX D 17"21"39"'10.5"*2 - 250|UCM 11"t+5"12 - 300[cM Type BR Interior Single Phase with Main Lugs Only Selection Chart 8 Max. Bus Amp Rating Existing Box Height Wire Size #of Ckts Part Number Retro Size Group Retro Cover Size* Min Max H w 125 21"30"*11- 2n 20 MBR2OLI25 A 33"24" 200 25"31.5"#1 - 250UCU 30 RBBR3OL2M B 21" 32"36"tl - 300[cH 200 36.5"tt - 250fcu &RCBR4OL2q'c 21" 37"11"tl - 300Mc[ 223 s7"38.5"#1 - 260flCM 12 RDBR42UI25 D 17"21" 39"/15"#l - 300flc ' Speclflc covet sizes are avallable. Be sure to specify the custom cover option and provide exact dlmenslons requlred. Fif.lU Eleutrical Page 9 Type BR Interior Three Phase with Main Breaker Selection Chart 9 Main Breaker Existing Box Height Wire Size #ot Ckts Part Number (XXX i8 tor flrin Brcaker spoclflc amp rating) Retro Size Group Retro Cover Size" Amp Ratinq Atc Ratinq Min Max H w 60 - l(x)10K 21"30"*4 - 1/0 12 RABRI2B3XXX A 33"21" 22K RABR12H3XXX 60 - too 10K 29"36"*.t - lO 3o RBBRTOBXXX B 40"21" 22K RBBR3OH3XXX l(n - 2(x' 10K 37"15"2/0 - 300[cm 30 RDBR3OB3XXX D 17"21" 100K 37"38.5"2/0 - 250[C[ RDBR3OH3XXX 39"15"2ro - 300[cu 10iD-225 10K 45"2,0 - 300mc[12 REBR42B3XXX E 24" r(xlK REBR'2H3XXX Type BR Interior Three >hase with Main Lugs Only Se lection Chart 10 Max. Bus Amp Ratinq Existing Box Height Wire Size #of Ckts Part Number Retro Size Group Retro Gover Size* Min Max H w 125 21"30"#-2n 12 RABRI2L3125 A 33" 100 29"36" t8-2/0 30 RBBR3OL3lOO B r50 f4 - /t!21 RBBR:t/t131 50 200 3/t"36.5"14 - 2g{'ltcM 30 RCBR30L32tt0 c 13"21" 36"11"#4 - 300tttcM 225 37"38.s"#4 - 250[Ctl 12 RDBR42L3225 D 17"21" 39"45"ta - 300[cl| 225 /15"#,f - 300MC[12 REBR/1213225 E 21" * Specific cover sizes are available. Be sure to speclfy the custom cover optlon and provide exact dimensions required. TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2135 Job Address: 9 VAIL RD VAIL [,ocation.....: 9 VAIL ROAD #18 ParcelNo...: 210107106009 Project No : Q,q3dG -O t65- OWNER I,AUGIILIN, PATRICK R. 4301 FEiAe,Alt ST HOUSTON TX 77007 APPIJICA}IT ACME AIARM COMPANY P.O. BOX 883 RIFI,E co 81650 License: 154-S CONTRACTOR ACME AITARM COMPANY VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMFS ALARM PERMIT 406-0108 3oG oSSSr- Desciption: Valuation: P.O. BOX 883 RIFLE co 81650 License: 154 -S FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FOR UNIT 18 $2,325.W ISSUED tuzlt20n6. lt/2U2006 05/20/2W7 Lt/2L/2005 tL/2I/2006 Phone: 970-625-3398 1-L/21-/2006 Phone: 97O-625-3398 FEE SUMMARY +r++rrrrtittirti**********,r:t*:t*tr:r'r****t trr:1.**r.:i:t*:*:a'*:r:r*:r:a+:r++:r Toal Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees----* > Total Permit Fe€----- > Payrnents------------ ;' BALANCE D[JE---.... > Electrical----- > DRB Fee--:..- > Investigation-- > lvill Call--*--- > TOTAL FEES- > $0.00 s0. 00 $8? .19 $0.00 s4 06 .38 $405.38 s0. 00 $405.38 $406.38 s0. 00 Approvals: Iten: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMB{T 1-L/2L/2OO6 VN Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge ttrat I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordirwrces and siate laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, tnternational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the thereto, REQUESTS TOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOT'R HOURS TN ADV FROMT:(X)AM-5PM. SIGNA CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNBT TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO R050002016 Arnount: check Statement $406.38 LL/2L/2OO6O8 :49 Alr Init: DDG Notation: Patrlck Staternent Number: Palment Method: L,aughlin 1O05 Permit No: Parcel No: Site AddreeE : Locations This Payment: ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300' PN 00100003153000 A06-0108 TIE)e3 ALARM PERIT{IT 2101-071-0600-9 9 VAIIJ P.D VAIIJ 9 ]IAIIJ ROAD *18 $405.38 Description Total Feea: Total AlL, Pmts: Balance: $405.38 $405.38 90.00 Current Pmts FIRE AIARM PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES INVESTIGIATION FEE (FIRE) 87.19 232.O0 87.19 APPLICA N WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Project #:OJil\.r L-orob Commercial & Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at time of application submittal and must include information listed on the 2no page of this form. Application will not be accepted without this information. Building Alarm Permit MWIIWVAIL 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado Rd. 8t657 Fire Alarm Contractor: c n€ AHR,rtr rNc, Town of Vail Reg. No.: 154 5 Contact and Phone #'s:lint E-Maif Address: C, r 41t@*-n?o-lc-l rn,&rA CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Fire Alarm: $ a3 -J Contact Assessorc Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # *qa-)9 Other Fees:Date Received: Public Way Permit Fee:Accepted By: Occupancy Group: \Wail\data\cdev\FoRMS\PERMITS\ALRMPERM. DOC Parcel # /l "ii H5' rhil Rd. lrn r t lg rtrer'L Pd. tlnltrj Var t heeA VAIL V I llaqe Hilng: F,lr'no + a tta9-3t8-11t> q : (i.e., floor, unit #,;+ rs E Alar^m SvsT€A ;* r( WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (() Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family(X Commercial (2Q Restaurant( ) Other( ) No, of Accommodation units in this building:Units in this building: Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes 0712612002 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT PROCESS FOR COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL FTREALARM SYSTEMS Commercial and Residential Fire Alarm shop drawing requirements at time of submittal must include the following: 7 - V 7 A Colorado Registered Enginee/s stamp. Device locations on reflected ceiling plans. Typical device wiring diagrams. Baftery calculations. A list of specific device model numbers. Equipment cut sheets of each type of device. The number of each type of device. Information indicating the specific zones. Circuit diagrams. Point to point wiring diagram. Wiring type, size, and number of conductors. The source of AC power circuits. Fire alarm panel locations. Knox Box location. Information indicating monitoring method and monitoring agency. Information regarding property managers and contact numbers. Owner's primaly residence location and contact numbers. Instructions for fire alarm system operations and any peftinent code numbers for proper operations. This check list has been provided to ensure that our review process may be handled in a timely manner. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project name: Contractor Signat r@ /r Date Sisnedz 1//6/6/ TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT GUIDELINES FOR PREVENTING NON.EMERGENCY FIRE ATARMS In order to prevent a non-emergency response from the Vail Fire Department Suppression crews to the construction location you may be working on we ask that you perform the following tasks: Determine what kind of fire alarm system exists within the structure you are working in with the owner or the manager of the property involved or by contacting the Vail Fire Depaftment. Determine with the owner or manager of the property, which alarm company services the system for them. Become familiar with the different components that are associated with the fire alarm system and how they operate before the DEMO begins. Never paint a smoke detector, thermal detector, or any other component of the fire alarm system, and never paint a sprinkler head. For small projects bag detector within the area you will be working in before you staft, and remove the bags after work is done for the day. For larger projects, please contact the Vail Fire Depaftment so that we can work with you in determining what needs to be done to alter or "Zone Out" specific areas of the alarm system for the structure, Please contact the Town of Vail Fire Marshall, Mike McGee at 479-2L35 or the Town of Vail Fire Prevention Officer, Mike Vaughan at 4T9-2252. I have read and understand the above guidelines. Project Name: /U;. W'^/ fu U"/4/f Contractor Signature: Date Signed: ,r/ / _/ \/ F : \Users\cdev\FORMs\PERMITSU|armperm.doc oel2l,l2004 PREPI.AN INFORMATION SHEET VAIL FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES BI'ILDING INFORMI\TION: Building name:Nie \b.;l ?*/ Street address & phone #:qIM M Knox box location: Alarm panel location: Alarm silence & reset RPS': NAMES & PHOI\IE NUMBERS (work & home): Owner: codes: NOn? Property manager: Property maintenance manager: Alarm service company: BIIILDING UTILITIES: Gas: Main location: -z&zg Other locations: Electric: Main location: Sub-panel locations: Water: Main valve location: Main fire valve location: ( Secondary \pater valve locations: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 Electrical----- > DRB Fee----- > Investigation-- > Will Call----- > TOTAL FEES- > DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 9 VAIL RD VAIL Location.....: 9 VAIL ROAD #18 ParcelNo...: 210107106009 Project No : ?3,S 66 -6 r6{ ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: Status . . Applied. Issued . Expires . Ffr6-0244 bc-0339 . : ISSLIED .: ll/W/20f'6 . : llll5l20f,6 .: 05114/2007 O$INER LAUGHIJIN, PATRICK R. TL/O9/2006 430]- FEAGAN ST HOUSTON TX 77007 APPITICAIIT PROFESSIONAT-, Er-,ECTRTC SERVIC11/09/2006 phone z (72O) 427-7236 3046 S. WACO STREET AI'RORA eoLoR.,ADO 80013 License:382-E CoNIR.ACTOR PROFESSTONAT-, ELECTRTC SERVIC11,/09/2006 Phone. (7201 427-7236 3046 S. WACO STREET AURORA cor.,oRiADo 80013 Lricense: 382-E Desciption: REMODEL EXISTING BATHROOM AND KITCHEN Valuation: $0.00 Square feet: 792 FEE SUMMARY s51.7s s0. 00 $0. 00 $3.00 $s4 . ?s s54 .75 $0. 00 $54 .75 $54 . ?s s0. 00 Total Calculated Fees--> Additional Fees----- > Total Permit Fe€---- > Paynents--------- > BALANCE DUE..-..-.- > Approvals: Items 05000 EIJECTRfCAIT DEPARTMSNT ]-]-/t+/zooe sHArrN ITEN: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{EI{T Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an acsurat€ plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according p the towns review approved, lntemational Building and Residential Codes and other REQI,'ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOI,'R HOURS IN ADVANCE PM. OR AT OUR OITFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 and suMivision codes. desien applicable thereto. SIGNATURE OF of the CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Number: R0600019?6 Amount: $54.75 LL/L5/200601 :13 PM Palment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: er gRAliff 2980 Permj.t No: EO5-0244 Type: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101- 071- 0500 - 9 Site Addreg6: 9 VAIL RD VAII L,ocation: 9 VArIJ ROAD #18 Total Fees: $54.75 This Payment: $54.75 Total AIJIJ Pmts: $54.75 Balance: 50.00 ***************f t+f t***++***+t**'+*'t**'l'i{.**'}'}* *****'} **'*'*'}*'}*'l*{'{.f +{'+*'}'}t**'}*+*{.+* ++****+++*** ACCOI.]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code De8cription Current Pmta EP OO1OOOO31111OO EI,ECTRICAIJ PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WTLI, CAIJII INSPECTION FEE 5L.75 3.00 APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNS Project #: Building Permit #:"}8 r 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, Colol€do 81657 A)L-6?qY Electrical Permit #: 97 O- 47 I - 2149 (I nspections) TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Electrical Contractor: ?o\ess,o\^o.l FIL{r,c- .9trt icps. tt Town of Vail Reg. No.: 36J- F Contact Person and Phone #'s: l,,I,rr rt Krert (no) 4e7'7A3 6 E-MailAddress: (^1,rrlr4 72*eoq) @r-rc,.hct., (a\.^A Fax#. ffip'.?)3'7L6- A1r'0 Contractor Signature: 7 f -----> '/) <..., Sll COMPLETE SO. FOOTAGE FOH. AREA OF WORK AND VALUATION OF WORK (tabor & Materials ELECTRICALVALUATION: $ 5,3(N, OO AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: Contact A*ssts Offie at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # rob'Address: q Vill W+rc V"^1,(p ,/ao-3t &-r|l ' Stc zt' ''LD &tL.zD Engineer: fll f Eflai,tee( Detaifed descriptiori of work:,{acO j::?{-Vi(€, iDe,.rc soiri',r ?,a &d"ootA) T3**hf K,l-ck^A .-. ".1 ent\**y ' WorkClassr New() Addition( ) Remodel(r,/) Repair( ) TempPower( ) other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior (VJ Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single.hmily( ) Duplex( ) Multi-Family(vJ Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist:Yes( ) No( )Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) F: \cdev\FoRJ4s\PERMm\Building\electicalJermill 1-23-2005.DoC Page I of 2 rLl23l200s Amendment to the 2002 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 4, Series of 2005 o Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail.o Underground services shall be in conduit (PVC) from the utility transformer to the electric meter, main dlsconnect switch, and to the ffrst electrical dlsffibution circuit breaker panel.o The main disconnect switch shall b radily acrcslble, andlocated next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench.o In mulU-family dwelling unib, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common waffs and spaces are exempt o NM Cabfe (Romex) an b ud only in single and multi-family dwellings net uding 3 sbries.lW tlE annot b ud ln any building mixd with Upe A.B.EftH,4M &S occupncie.a Alumlnum @ndu.lotssmaller than size #8 are not permifted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES o All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable).o If this permit is for installation of an e)derior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. o If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will suppoft the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application.o If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required.o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. Electrical one4ine and panel schedulu are required if load is added or distribution is alhred. I have read and understand the above. Signature Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions' pfease contacttheTown of Vail Electrical Inspector at970-479-2147. The inspectorcan be reached on Monday thru Friday mornings between the hourc of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. F:\cdev\FoRMS\PERMJTS\Building\electicalJermit-t 1-23-2005.DoL Page 2 of 2 rLl23lz0os TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 816s7 970-479-2138 Job Address: l,ocation.....: Parcel No...: Legal Description: Project No : DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLI.JMBING PERMIT 9 VAIL RD VAIL 9 VAIL ROAD #18 210107106009 ?R-soo- o5?5- Permit #:P06-0154 30 G -6 j38' ISSUED tU14/20M rU14/2006 0str3/2ffi7 # of Wood Pallet: ?? owNER r,AUGHr.,rN, PATRTCK R. tt/L4/2006 4301 PEJLGAN ST HOUSTON TX 77007 APPITICANT AI{ERICAN PIJUMBING & HEATING tI/L4/2006 phone: 970-390-5955 4490 S COT,EWAY MORRISON co 8046s Iricense z 265-P coNrRAcToR AI{ERTCAN PIJITMBING & HEATING \L/14/2006 phone: 970-390-5955 4490 S COIJEWAY MORRISON co 80455 License:265-P Desciption: PLUMBING FOR REMODEL EXISTING BATHROOM AND KITCHEN Valuation: $4,000.00 Fireplacr Information: Restrictedi ?2 # of Gas Appliances: ??# of Gas Logs: FEE SUMMARY Plumbing--- > Plan Check--> Invesdgation- > Will Call--- > $50. 00 Resfiarant Platr Review- > $ls.00 ToTALFEES--------------> 90. 0o s3.00 $0.00 $?8.00 $z8 . oo s0.00 s78.00 97e.00 s0.00 Total Calculated Fees-- > Additional Fees------> Tohl Permit Fe€----- > Payments---------- > BALANCE DUE--------- > IIEM: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARTME}IT lL/a4/20o6 JRYL Action: AP IICM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPITIA}{CE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN PM. -2149 OR AT OLlR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement Number: Palment Method: 5200 R060001968 Amount: $78.00 check Statement |L/14/200603:09 PM Init: DDG Notation: American P & H Permit No: Pa.rcel No: Sile Address : IJocatiorr : Thie Payment: P06-01s4 2101-0?1-0500-9 9 VAII, RD VATIJ 9 VAIIJ ROA.D #18 $78 .00 q4)e: PLITMBING PERMTT Total Fees ! Total ALL Pmt6 : Balance: $78.00 $78.00 $0.00 ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code PF 00100003112300 PP 00100003111100 wc 00100003112800 PI,AN CHECK FEES PLUI{BTNG PERMIT FEES WILI, CAI,I, TNSPECTION FEE {.'t'}l"t'tl****f ** * ***'}'l*'l'***'} ***'}++*,lr+{.*'}** *t***t ******'}** * Degcription Current Pmts 15.00 50 - 00 3 .00 ApplrcArroN wrLL r{or BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLErE.oJr,#ft$ru}q t-r0r Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 970-479-2149 ?o6-o/.ff CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Town of Vail Res. No.: Parcel # b!lf;tnJ'' Work Class: Nel,., ( ) Addition ({ Rltention $() Repairffi Other ( ) Type of Btdg.: sing|e..ramry ( ) Dupler ( ) Multi-family ( ) commerclal ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Accommodatlon Unlts in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in thls bullding: ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*****:t******************************* 78 '-'--' F:\cdev\FoRM5\PERMITS\Building\plumbing-permit-1 1 -23-2005.doc Page 1 of I LLl23l2005 i., ASI.-A [.\s/* J nwwnnV HOW DID WE RATE WTTH YOU? Town ofVailSunrey Community Development Deparbnent Russell Fonest Director, (970) 479.213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you conhct? Building _ Environmental_ Housing Admin _Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Was your infial contact witr our stsfiimmediate_ slow _or l no one available . ? ' 3. lf you were required b wail how long was it before you were helped?_ 4. Was your.proj,rt reviemred on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why no0 5. Was his your first lime b file a DRB app- PEC app- Bldg Permit_ f{/A 6. Please rate $e performance of he sffiperson who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, avaf, ability) 7. Overall eftcliveness oifire Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 t 8. What is the best lime of day for you to use he Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking ttre lime to complete this survey. We are commifred b improving our service. ?2rle#07 In"p"$on F"duF?t nepotting p"g" +t Reeuested lnsgerct lag: JHf; io"y, February 20, 2007 SiteAddrcss: MLRDVAIL 9 VAL ROAD #18 A/P/D lnformatlon Activitv: 8064338 TvDe: A-MF ConstTvo6: Occuoah'cv: Oufrier: LAUGHLIN. PATRICK R. AoDlicant: LAUGHLIN. PATRICK R. Cohtractor: WELLENDORF CONTRACTORS, lNC. Descriotion: REMODEL EXISTING BATHROOM AND KITCHEN Cominent: ROUTED TO JR. JOE AND FIRE - JSUTHER Reouested Inspection(s) Item: 90 BLDG-Final Requestor: WELLENDORFCONTMCTORS, lNC. AMF Status: FINAL I B Insp Area: JRM (608) 769.7890 rt'(,1 it"'u f Action: DN DENIED Action: AP APPROVED rn * Aooroved * lnspector: JRM ' Action: AP APPROVED Nail * ADDroved * ioector: JRM ' ' Action: AP APPROVED ReQuestedrims, PiiSi#-,' n.'. Comments: olumbino final is also scheduled, will call (720) 31&1913, unit #1Pnt"r"d By: DGOLDEN K Assi91;doTo: GDENCKLA COMMENT: Af,ARNI-AMTPIME PCNTilif RE T;IREFIIVArINSPECTION Comment: Inspsc'tion Hlstorv Item: 226 Item: 30 Item: 50 Item: 60 Item: 90 . NOTIFICATION lnsDector: JRM Action: DN DENIED ALARM AND PLMB PERMIT REOUIRE FINAL INSPECTION lnspector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED ,c '^lt REPTl31 Run Id: 6399 ra- l'r1n"#ot 'n"*"{l:ll,F"dyF:lffp"n'ng t"n"o' Requested lnspect Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 ' Inspection Area: JRM Site Addrecs: MIL RD VAL 9 VAIL ROAD #18 A/P/D lniormation Activitv: P06{154 Tvoe: B-PLMB ConstTvo6: Occuoahbv:Orrfien LAUGHLIN. PATRICK R. Applicant: AMERICAN PLUMBING & HEATING SERVICE Contractor: AMERICAN PLUMBING & HEATING SERVICE SubTgne: AMF Status: FINAL Insp Ar€a: JRM Phone: 970-390-5955 Phone: 970-390-5955 Description: PLUMBING FOR REMODEL EXISTING BATHROOM AND KITCHEN Reouested Inspectlon(sl Item: 290 PLMB-Flnal Requeston AMERICAN PLUMBING & HEATING SERVICE _ Commeqts: buil_dlnS_fnAf is.?lso scheduled, will call (720) 318-1913 AssiqnedTo: JMONDRAGON - Action: Time ExD:Exp: _ FOR ACCESS. 03:30 PM 970-390-5955 DGOLDEN K AP APPROVED AP APPROVED DN DENIED AP APPROVED ;;;il#; q 9 \ tA"nQ**Id\€\J Requested Tlme:' Phone: Entered By: Comment: Comment: Comment: Insoec{lon Historv CODE Action: rved * Action: Action: FORACCESS. Action: REPT131 Run Id: 5399 12;36"#06 lnspe$on,FhquFqt Reeorting eage t Request€d Inspect Date: Wednesday, December 06, 2006 ' Asiiqned To: SHAHN Insoecti-on Tvoe: ELEG tnsirec{ion Aiba: SH Site Address: I VAIL RD VAIL 9 VAIL ROAD #18 A/PID lnformatlon Activitv: E06-0244 Tvoe: B-ELEC Const Tvo5: Occuoahbv:Oafrien LAUGHLIN. PATRICK R.Applicant PROFESSIONAL ELECTRIC SERVICES, LLC Contracton PROFESSIONAL ELECTRIC SERVICES. LLC Description: REMODEL EXISTING BATFIBOOM AND KITCHEN SubTgOe: AMF Phone: (720)427-7236 Phone: (720) 427-7236 Status: ISSUED lnso Area: SH Requestor: Comments: Assioned To:- Action: Comment: l> DN DENIED Item: 130 Item: 140 Item:190 Action: NR NOT READY FOR INSPECTION Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIRED FORT-STAT IN BEDROOM. LIVING ROOM AND KITCHEN. IT IS COVERED WITH DRYWALL. ;LE IS NOT PROTECTED BY GFI PER NEC. ffi.*€ fr*'r1' Time Exo: Fl6es€-i6irTh-edJfe I fu,rn uJ S+rJ N.-!-- 'w ll'l ' Inspection Historv Item: 1't0 Item:120 Comment: ELEC-Conduit ELEC-Misc. 11/30/06 |11/30/06 lnspector: shahn Comment: olebse reschedule ELEC-Final 12105106 Insoector: shahn Comment 1)MISSINGFIXTU PROFESSIONAL ELECTRIC SERVICES, LLC g'fii,gtnip".,ry *hat kind of inspection, unit | 8 I Approved * 11t20t06 v(o a Requested Time: 10:00 AM - Phone: (720\427-7236 Entered By: DGOLDEN K CONTRACTOR WAS INFORMED III, IV, & V CONSTRUCTION PER NEC ALL SHALL BE REPTl31 Run Id: 607L *-f t- ReQuested lnsgect Bx]:: lpfio"r, February le, 2007 Slte Address: 9 VAL RD VAIL 9 VAIL ROAD #T8 A/P/D lnformation Ac{ivitv: P06-01t4 TvDe: B-PLMB Const Twt6: Occupah'cv: Omier: LAUGHLIN. PATRICK R. App|Icant: AMERICAN PLUMBING & HEATING SERVICE Conhaclon AMERICAN PLUMBING & HEATING SERVICE lnsoec{lon Historv Item: 220 PLMB-Rouoh/D.W.V. " Aooroved * 11/16/06 InsDector: GCD Action: Comment: WATERCOLUMNTEST Item: 230 PLMB-RouohMater ** AoDroved * 11116106 InsDector: GCD ' ' Action: Comment: STREETPRESSURE Item: 290 PLMB-Final 02115107 InsDector: GCD Action: Comment: PROVIDE DOOR CODE FOR ACCESS. f /,'Ju Status: ISSUED lnsp Area: JRM SubTgoe: AMF AP APPROVED AP APPROVED Phone: 970-390-5955 Phone: 970-390-5955 Description: PLUMBING FOR REMODEL EXISTING BATHROOM AND KITCHEN Reoueeted Inso€ction(s) Item: 290 PLMB-Final Requestor: AMERICAN PLUMBING / Mustafa . Conimeo_ts: U4i! 19-l_W[Sqll Mustafa 45 min notice, please AssionedTo: JMONDRAGON - Action: Time Exo: Comment: PROWDFDOOR CODE FOR ACCESS:- Requ€sted Tlme: 10:30 AM ' Phone: 970-390-5955 Entered By: LTILLMAN K \ REPTl31