HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT D2 SKAAL HUS UNIT 1 LEGAL.pdf( n Atlditions-Residential or Commercial ;-ffi !7 6)o (rf o b V) Application for Design Review Department of Community Dsrelopment 75 Soub Fronbge Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2L28 fax| 97 0.479.2457 web: www.vallgov.com All projecb requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit refer to the submittal .reguirements for the particular approval that ls requested, An appticauon for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapses unless a building permlt is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Physical Address: Parcef No.: 2loloZ to.le I (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: AAn4i Name(s) of owner(s): lJar{u"t'la*-'F- ,o- Mailing Address: ,1 Owner(s) Signature(s): Mailing Address: Phone: Fax:-i IYpe of Review and Feei tr Signs tr Conceptual Review D jew Construction Fnddition tr Mlnor Alteration (Multi-Family/Commercial) tr Minor Alteration (Singl+Family/Duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 Consbuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 An addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re'roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining wall+ etc. $20 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, windov additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design RE iew Board. No Fee For Office Use Onlv: Ft .t Fee Paid: ?d)- an".* *o.' / J @ 7 ev:o-(q-9{Meeting Date:DRB No,: PZ,Jo'- OVEU Routed To:Georqe Chalberg, PW Date Routed:09t28105 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:10/05/05 Status: I Approved Comnttuury DEVELopMENT Rounne Fonul X Approved with conditions J Denied Description of work:Addition of 61 square feet on both levels of Skaal Hus unit #1 ; extension of deck on upper level Address:141 W. Meadow Drive, Unit #1 Legal:Lot:D-2 Block:I Subdivision: I Skaal HusA/ail Villase 2"o Comments:Date Reviewed: 10/03/05 Fire rtment lssues. Need additional review bv Fire De 'l SKAAL HUS PHASE 1 CONDOMINIIJM AS SOCIATION 141 W. MEADOWDRTVE VAILCO.81657 5th October,2005 The Town ofVail Vail. Co.81657 Dear Sir, The above Association gives approval for the alterations to Skaal Hus # I as per plans and drawings submitted by RALArchitects. Yours faithfully, Peter McEnnally President 40 /1ar/-/2w'z//-',fp*m **t+++********a*******++**+*++*********t*++++*****a+*t t*+*+++++***t**t******f++*++**+******+ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement a+l'*'t't't*t'l'l**'i***f++*i****+********+**+'t'i't'i{'*f*****+++*******t*******i++t*******f*'}****faf*+ Staternent Nurnber: R050001565 Amount: $300.00 09/22/2OO5L1 :15 Alt Payment Method: Check PROPERTY GROUP Init: iIS Notation: 1554/BAKER Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: Thie Payment: DR8050503 Type: DRB - Addition of GRFA 2101-071-0400-1 141 E ME,JADOW DR VAIL SKAAL HUS CONDOS T'NIT *1 s300.00 Total Fees: Total AJ,L Pmta : Balance: $300.00 $300.00 $0. 00 *+*{.+t+*******a+*+*:r.********t*{.+:t'r**{.*1.*'}+ft++*+**{"***'f*+***+ia++a'*+****r***tf++i****:}*****f ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmt a DR 00100003 tt2200 DESIGN REVIEI| FEES 300.00 IOWNffi ADDMONS . RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of GRFA (gross residential floor area). This includes proposals for 250 addiUons and interior conversions. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross ResidenUal Floor Area for specific regulations. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** E/Rll pages of Application is complete t\l€hecklist is completed and signed tlzJtamped Topographic Suruey* ,, [D'Site and Grading Plan* 6{oF_Landscape Plan* Qlrchitectural Elevationsx (1 set of Redlined elevations)' {S*terior lobr and material samples and specifications. 1, [I Architectural Floor Plans* (1 set of Redlined floor plans)1, [I Architectural Floor Plans* (1 set of Redlined floor plar fl$ Ef;ignUng Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures [a' Title reoort, includino Schedules A & B to verifv owne ts'Jitle report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* MPtrotos of the existino site and adiacent structures, where aoolicable.qrPhotos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. EI Written aooroval from a condominium associaUon. landlord. and approval from a condominium associaUon, landlord, and joint owner, if NA -applicable ff lite-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* trzThe Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (j) copies of the materials noted with an astefisk (*). **For interior conversions with no elterior chanoes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requircments: Project Name: Contractor Signatur€ 12t09t04 IOUIN ADDMONS . RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Sewer Gas Water Electric Topographlc suryey:r Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor o Date of survey . North arrow and graphic bar icale . Scale of 1"=10'or I"=20). Legal description and physical address . Lot size and build able area (build able area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain). Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey r Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.. Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title repoft. List any easement restrictions.. Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot interuals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals . Existing trees or groups of hees having Sunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade.. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.).. All existing improvemenB (including foundaUon walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).o Environmental Hazards (ie. Rock fall, debris flow, avalanche, wetands, floodplain, soils)o Watercourse setbacks, lf applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback)o Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include:o Cable W . Telephone r Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from properfl. Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of L"=20'or larger o Property and setback lines r Existing and proposed easements o Existing and proposed grades . Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line,. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown undemeath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height. 12/09/04 PROPOSED MATERIATS Tvpe of Material Color Buildins Materials Roof Siding O*Ier l#all Material+ Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trinr Handor Deck Kails Ftues Flashing Chimneys Trash fuoswes Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other 5{r=r+ltru tzc/"**of A*+S*r*+ *o gf,"ar""$f Afieruti- .E traf\Ai!+ @ A!{lA tuAr> -je-lzr.Gs-* woo- A.tJytAt*Urt t rr r ttll+ t ttr N{A fv^ Notes: Please specifo the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Itn'a-t ga*rrtet rheqs..{ ocsrr{.t M.w.[ exsnnfa I .t I NTA "-**" * E"*"r..i ttb La*-%hae k> €g*e- brra€N l-tf. (,&^- r\t^ l-rn-trt T%? Chicago Policy No. 721C6-1376627 Our Order IYo. v50008822 Scbcdulc A Amon $975,0)0.00 Anepcrty iddrss: 141 I€ADOW DRIVA VAIL @ 81657 l. Policy Date Junc 21, 2005 at 5;00 P.M. 2. Nerneol Insuredr ALFRED L. BAKERAND MARY H. BAKBR I I 3. n€ cstrt or intcrct -n fle lard dercri-bcd or tdlrlrd b h tib Sdtddr td *hith is cmard tt -thni Tdoy -ls: A FEESIMPLE 4. TldelD-ttr Etrte rinlrtsttlytrtdtt rbDolic?fl rhcdrft Mis rt*ed la: AL?RED L. T*ER A}.ID MARY H. AAKER 5. Ihc laod rcfcrred ro ir tbig $oli{y is describcd ar follows: CONDOMINIIM UNtn l, SI<,IAL HUS APARTMENTS, AcmRDING TO THE CoNDOMINIUM MAP fII-ED FoR RECORD FEBRUARY 13, 1964 IN tvIAP C^SE 2, DRAWER I AND rHE FIR-ST AMENDBD . CONDOMIMUM MAP OF S{<AAL HUS APARTMENTS RECORDM MAROI 22. 1983 TN BOOK 35J AT PAGB 82I AND AS DESCRIBS IN TI{E CONDOMINIUM DECT.ARATION RECORDBD FBRI]ARY 7,. 1964 IN BOOK.IE2AT PA6E 33 AND AMBNDED CONDOMII{IT'M DECLARATION RECORDED I4ARCH 22, 1983 TN B@K 955 AT PAGE 822, @IJNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. fhir Policy vrlid only if Sciedulc B is ettrchcd. Lud Tidc Guarartce Conpely *cnresertir8tD|cago TfCc llslruoc &opoy 0fB'0l1 Lflv0i:li E00z 't 'dls Forrn A Oricago Folicy No. 72106'-1376627 OurkNo. v50008822 S"treflE A This policy does aot ilsrrc agaiut los6 or dtdrgc (aad tbc Colryany will aot pay costs, attoreys' whic& arise by reaso! of: Croeral Exc4tionS: Rights or clrros of partics ia possessiol lot sboun by thc public rccords . Fes.ilr€dts, or deims of easemeols, lot Shoqrn by thc public rccords. i Discreparcies, coof,icts in boudrry litrss, $oruge il rrta, ctrcroaebncots, and rqy face rvhich a conect n*ey and inspcction of tbc prcciscs would disclosc ald vhrch are lot slox'E by tlr trrblic rccords. ; i fees or cioclses) F I t. 1 4. 6. Aay lleo, or righr to a trco, fot sctrices, la-bor, or Eatrdd not sho1v!by drc grblic rccords. AT.TY "A,ND ALL TAXES AND ASSESSIV{EN?S. heretoforc ornrraellq bmisbctl, iaposcdby bwlr!tr 7 zuGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VETN OR I,DE TO H(TRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE TIEREFROM 5TTTX{I} T{{E SAME 3E P{X'ND TO PE$ISITATB OR I$ITER.SECT TtrtE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITBD STATBS PATE}{T RE@RDED MAY 24, 1904, IN BOOK 46 AT ?*€E 503 A}F IlI I'NITED ST3TES PATINT RECORDED STPTEMBER 04, t923. IN SOK 93 AT PAGE 98. RIC,I{T OF WEYI|OR.DITOIES OR CANAIJ @NSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHOR,ITY OF THE UNITAD STATES AS RESERVED IN I'hNTED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 24. 1904, II{ 'BOOK 48. AT IA@ 5O3 AND RB@RDED SEPTEMBER, (X, 1923, TN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 8. THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS AI'ID @IIDITIONS, EASEMENTS, AND RESTRICTIONS, WHICH ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONDOMINTUM IJNIT DESCRISED IN SCI{EDUIJ A, BUT OMITTINGANf COVE}I.ANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE. COLOR' RELIGION, SEX, SBXUA! ORIENTATION, FAMIIIAL STATIIS, I'IARITAL STATUS' DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOMB, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICADIS STA'IE ORTEDER,AL IA1['S, ErcEPTTO TITE HTTENT TIIAT SAID SVENANT OR RESTRICT}ON IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE I,]|W AS CONTAINED IN IIiISTRUMEFITItsC('RD@FEBRUAffO7' t964, n{ tool( 1t2 AT PA€E 33 Af{D AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMEM RECORDED MARCI{ 22, I9E3, tr'I BOOK 355 AT PAGBE?2. 9. eASEMENTS, covEi{AvrS,(tt€IfiONS AND*ESI*ICTIONS,*ESRVATIONS/q,}rD }K)TES AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE @NDOMINIIJM T4AP FOR SKAALHUSAPARTMEI{TS RE@RDED fEBRUARY T3, T961 IN C^S' ?, DRA{'ER I AND fNST AME}DED CONDoMNTM MAP FOR SilAL HUS APARTMEMS RE@RDED TVIARCII 22' 19E3 TN BOOK 355 AT PA@t21. 0i8 Oft u'{vot:il E00u l 'dls 10. ANY COVBNANTS, ACREEIvlE1ti|"fS, ASSESSMENTS AND'OR EASEMENTS FOR PUBL1C I UTIIJTIES, SSrilER, DRAINAGE AND OTHER INCIDEIITAL PURPOSES rHAT AFFECT 1I1t - ^-r COMMON'ETJMENTS ONLY As sltowN ON T]IE MAp OF SAID U)$IDOI\,nCIUM OR, AS CREffiEq oR RESERVED fN VARIOUS INSTRUMENTS oF PUBtlC RECORD' j Fonn €hicegp Folicy t{o. TzrM'137621 OurordcrNo. v5000E82? ScHulcB OF ALFRED L. BAI(ER A}ID MARY H. BAKER. 1T. DEED OF TRUST DATED JUNEO},AN5,FROM AI.FRED L.IAKER I}tD MARYTI' BAKER TO THE PTJBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAOLB COUNTY FOR TIIE USE OF FIRST HORIZON HOME I-OAN CORPORATION TO SECIJRETHEST'M€Fi73IJSO.€O RECORDED 'TF{B 2T, ?OO'' IJNDER RBCEPTION NO. 9I998I. n.DEEDoFTRLfsTDATED'tJNEo9,2005'fRoMAI.FR3DL.EdcxBR'TNDMARYH'3Af,ER TO TI{E PUBUC TRUSTEE OF EAC'I-E COUNTY FOR THE USB OP FIRST HORIZON HOME LOAN CORPORAfiON TO SSC{JRE T]€ SIJMOF $48,?5O.OO{E@8DEDJUNE2T' 2!05' UNDBR RECEPTION NO. 9199E2. ITEM NOS. T TI{*OUGT{ 3 OF TI{E @{EBAL F{fIFPITONS ARE I{EREBY DELETED' ITEMNo'4oFTHBGBIERALExcEFTIoNSIsDBLETEDD(CEPTASToANYLIENS nnsuiriNcrnou woxg oR MATERIAL coNTRAmED FoR oR FURNISHED Ar rHB RBQUESTI 0f 0'0N [1V0i:ti E00u 't 'd]s I I "t t ,t ,{ Elisabeth Eclcel -1 From: Elisabeth Eckel To: ralarch@vail.net Date: Ogl28l20O510:39:M AM Sublect Baker additiorVSkaal Hus Hello Bobby: Hopefully the remainder of your vacation was good. I have received the Baker application. Everything looks good from the Planning Departmenl perspective, with the exception of needing the HOA signature or a letter of approval within the application. Onca I have received that fom 1ou, and comments from the Public Workg Department, we should be set to go. Thanks a lotl Elisabeth Elisabeth Eckel Planner, Tontn of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970.479.2454 ofc 97O.479.2452fax Lcgal on: Lot Addrxs Olncr Architcct Zonc disrri Lot sizc Sitc Covcragc LI^; ^L } Sctbacks | ^-)--- 4-zas Block ZONE CFIECK Phonc Phonc hoposcd usc Allorvcd Total ,|Total GRFA Prinrary CRFA + (425) (675r) =-- Sccondary GRFA + (125) (675*) =_ t 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Arldition? ( 4fu Horv much of thc allorved 25C Addition is uscil with this rcqucst? =l_(&l_ /5{ft [cmzunrng /a \ I 2tuL4 /,/ ) ,er.*./ (3PtQ3) Front Sidcs Rcar / / Z^ . 20.F"' ,-.'f u suort3r4ssl lsld SJf,IIELIPA sJoPP'o3 ^lerA 2z '/l/l /?? /zzon , bz = bfr* A5/g .-'" "/ tkbz ,/ea/ rz.--7-/'z/h?4- sstcsY clrJ c3aolg aroug (cpe.6 puz ssorm) fe,tr,ruq cnmrzrr 9rnnr- ' c3ereg7f,uqre4 srcut:I s1Je6 i'ururEcg cdols\apeJD clts Fd tl IJ tNl NI N N ,N, \ ! o l> t<to lrt ll lvt (-o o> 'l o.E;a) al N o t. N a) .r 'J ao I t (n 6 .? I I I I I t,'t- tJ o\\) * ' I I I I I I I I q?,P TrLr:,=:.4 3Ai =-43 ;(ri = E|. .:. o ts a) r 6 :i t. I I I I t\ t -\ tN- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o o o' ut .\, o o. N. \N I q + A l..J Or ._l I ll 5 ln ./o /o 'l I I I I I \|r!! ,ue hl lo t-4 l({t')l"n lc.t n tx >d o. (t I N N + 0\ -l ll f.., rt t-) o ffiN-9\N rlN NN N;-t\ ts I t'\llN tl tl IN lls tl ll$ 'l\ INH l\s lR t'- I ll z z l-lo i-iN ,,s r\ IN l\\ N \$\,s \ a' o c) l\) .\' I I h..t-\ tN>l\' I I I I I o 5 o A' c) N' s. (' .\, s \ u_1 r cA !lo='c;'o at w; o=!, b<o U:}() FVt* qaiy -\;l1t Llr O \ \' w N' t\.lL IN\rG\ N- I I I o\ Tf?eg q flc € #v98.?o 9a1 A 8.6 * F il'Bo E 35 '"1,i{ 19;x Lrr tr'.= o)5B R (t t-t\ I I I Or N) N >4 o (l 0c c' N D' c! o tt) II il .c| o o (t l rrt o ?l' 'Ea af fi E ?€.E?egg Bf'E;fiEc3g# E 5 s i E $ $ E g f $ F H5F5f;trl 3llllrr,,,d,,,,lllllll 8 = B B''>l $.,()H EA'4 €it ?a E€ gE .4 s s € 3 n $ $ g g f; F'g E | | tE |l lfrtl ;' 5 oEf g eS YqF fl g - s € € E f, i 'ff E g s cgF{ssggE,$,$$FEg g F fi E E E E E E g E H E f E $|tllll||lltlll H IA 5 (J FI C) B t'] H z () aD r'I a :1 € .,8E Vt vt gE €€9Ee6 g F s 9E ,fiFS-o | | | | ,7 rtlttd ah D E 'a o o !.'x o o -ap +1 'Fd>r irfr62a €EEdEE$*f;_TSE,flg gt t-t I I tl x D rn tr (J .J 'F ,t t'\Project Application + 1'11-a t b z- Date *^ ", t4aLb-\);g,Jlt) 44u4wT Project Project Contact Description: Person and Phone owner, Address and phone: Y'-\f ' +a=r;t V'1*-',rr-y.-tt+clJ, t-tt -l L V '=Fn?sf--g- Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Descriprio n: tot Q , etock | , rlthg VY, 7*t') . zone - Com ments: Design Review Board ou,"(A.;T A,laq I D ISA PPROVAL Su mmary: v( tc,rk"*jtl o^r". o€T.?,laal P ro lrl r- H F € H o z I H €z rrj ),t-l Er c) rr 3t },€ E4 P ufd Pro '-l trt E'l l-{o OF r-rl Fl FZ 3 trl rri o r{ rrl H l-.1 H<zvt OU q z H Hrl F{t H !ca F FP tt Fl!EIF |oH qo Htt FA IEE I !x- I IZ€ I lrtrH:lOF I iEl. i lEe I HH o z@ Itl H @y o qro qF,tro trH HEI HU |l F'o 'l'0 lo lc-{ It'i c, lo fi lFl al c)lH vtz H lF{ru lo Hl<ol}'Z lFl .. lH lz E o F. to o 0. or F co (o ts s -l € a.)-..i ;'(? Ird I I I ,z OH €<ro otr, (t rll ar c rrj o<riH o€ <, N) .l I I I L^l r'60 I -l'x I t B F o n o (-r H.o 4> N) c) o o d r' p, P o P.o € oq, 9JO o (t (t ot/)E 0ro Ef 0ro. rT ott o (rc oo P Or (D 0-o F ftl +(I Xc{ N z H z 3Z OJP P-3 H. lQF{ 3,2 OJP P-3 PCt P. tq r'J rl @ H o z v Fl c F tr, @ B OJ P. P. q ! r,t o u)(t lrrl o€0r0rdu o It4 5 F--orJ 5)0 O fr.! cD t-O! O t! 5 I 1PEP o ltn Fi n< ct rrJ O lc) o o, or P'P- lrl 7 lH n ..+ r-r = rd ff'J rrLJ-O \Q O.. A f(f >'t H.fc o (n < H)o u t fEr (-r0rOH|F 7 Itr' O PB Td l'. ocrc a Y ' H 50r o c h| lJ F.t O(-f tto u o P-tt 3 o r-'l c H|o c P's, o cl' O 5 P'rt\o P(-f g,Hr O O0r 0, p o q| H|P.Hg)oo 5 P-O cr tQ O o Hr P.O J FN:'a n or5 0 0r o o u{ 15 t! P-rO B id 5 ! ^: >1 Fi=|-rl rr F.IQ O P. 9) P.e. t' ri or (t o . crO-rdO PJ oo rd< u Itrl pl5 HO ts lFl riPtsP'\ O lFl it.oo I o ororo Itt o rt6 lF rrFto P.o lH o5 o It tto P'5 cf 1.. ts o. o I O "lO l{D 05 tt I tt{.i O }|l | /h rr rJ. Fa -l I i:-ttbo y:\I OO<dA' a,| 3 *.,9 X' -t | <t:'* cn I doJO 0i \At I OP. €rt lPlJ l9F I I c v) r|in )t 6 c) tt ro H z r{o rr >l il i F h. ls H (t P. @ P.o OJ o.H at (D Ftl fi6 or o'd oF n r5rf,arriO o P- f1 oir d5< P. P.o15 o H oroO r50rO ro|oA Po o P.B OlJ P.o t-l ('rrOO P-< o oP. . o< ('r{rrO lJjv ),@.,(- Fj f-{<Fn o <n o oO oP-€n P-O (t h P. o 0, o d B o .1 Cf P 3 TI1 o rrl €z tt U) P o ooo PPPO OOUIP ooo(n(tP oooo oooo )'>6 lrl BE<OF{oo (, )t ..2 Fl ],rJ ro tr{ H Iv z F] rd z Fl F F] H rn E o a a :J tr Fil H z ttll ) {^ {, </} v} A3 POJ olJ drJ 0.) P- r-,1 o oo, .rt s.. ro o rfl o J o -.t \|,:J N \tJ ll (., $l .J- l ,5 )-'.' x.k 2.'t L ./ +/f,'J '{\ '1 -),'do 9t,7 +...a 2.r. 4? . ,., ) ) s>.(-l 1591 HcENNCLLY I ND. SliAA Lltt's {iOl{t-)014 I N I l.rM Atisoct I A1'l 0}l i4l Wer-rL M<.rcrqic,u Irt'lve. Varl . (lir. 8It-,i,/ I '(rr:; I, tr I Addi' e s s : I 'r'e e i d c: ri t l'.it. Iqcuririirl ly U i't';rc;rrt. ie Iii),td, IJe I l'r-rse , 2tt8lr , tyt!rrey, N.1; .W. Auf-i'j'lil1,1A. Irit , I'iicirael Mc'i.,auqfr I rir. f,.t f'r l.,n jr. €; i: h or r, Irr jve. 1.i t l. I etcrlr, ('c'lor trdr.r tJltl2:J With fef et'urrce t <, yr-'111' r t-;t,rrJe:r'|.. to repi ilc:€. t hr:: slly I I rti;t :.tl Unil- i , 14i h'est Meadc'w I.)r ivc., V.ri l , ttre irisr:rclatitrrr wt l i o[,r.'l'(-,\'e t]ril:, h(rwr-.,er t lie t-ei-,.1 i.r{'ettref:t i"t.J l1 }.,il ri i- yi)u}' Hx!-rsn6*. C)t het r (,Wlret'ii lrave r-eL, lerr-:ed tlrett ;ky j ii:lr1 r; ':r 1: '!-llri I f ov/Fr €)il]€:t-;.: .-- .,iI VOi I r-.Cl t i,r.. t r Z-. e i c. 1.'!ie qrf jrlitrr; I 1 ).,_,e arrd deslgrr irrstel i ed. ;'lr;tls.C, rrrite t)'rr.it it r"r I I ir6' '.7,-,r11- t'e--aFr,iteiifii I f l:y tC, lr6r:e, i hc I(rOI cf l crLtr,d t]].:. jtev, stiylt,:T]rt 1.r-, l lnrrjteii, tr l eir_, dl. ycll] ei:L)i.] rie lir:t)rfrrlly Ddo.AFF(,(' . P. H. Mc'Drrrrai ly i''t-r;..; i clet-rt 975 P,@2 ,'j lf,' Fil$\,= I tEe ll 5 = sf$5HI F-3s eFb 3".o ,. tr1 < td''I l. 9; ; D' j TFF:?I'l r;-o- n -:GP A i i^:;F'.ili"a=;--se ?Et:- -o 'z |..r =Sn Cnm =I'-r -i - '! f A c >"1 >-:'=z :-. =:: - r'- ;l'-'-) --- r -i- - 7 -? r. ,a :i i --4,'.- -t\.--..'\ \ : '\*\ \\ sr \5 \*I tt- |$\ i .+, I a' I \3,>\ t ifFi * €aF>sa{ 883 s*l $9 1 i ,s, f t\ L (. .l .:\ r t\ { ,I \$\q \--. \' .\--- o z tr =ul (t- c c c c LN o rt)N co o o o sr U) Lu UJ u- E = uJ ad w- t+//h//Q C) ?qf bd#x)$u \<\iB - il Ji. ; Sr SP E IJ,J I o F t F u,z o z a UJ F o z z o .J (Il E6 z llt z 3 o uJ I F z sl \o (-)- = c l\cD l#o ^ tu,9X t= &N. ls o !r\\ t- cv \\ ti '-.- =\\\l;i.' )tE ;FNI8 p; rJlS b€ \l* cfrl=Fs\ \o No \Yx ,^ c r . ll-I E\ '.YH - 9 \\. \{i I N\H E grd; oo \ PE r€oo () /1 (!cD @ "'C F\ tt= x ;6 co Be..,3 p' .c'=- \ o- r-p- = an ?x co !; (d(J erO 0)i!-!oE o3 EG ci- EgEE O;(!-=o(/)dip 9X: c.9 q o- 9? =xY F.: h Elc ':.9- .E: ; =3F ! 5=c9o 35;_E>,!2 (!:qrE= :=!c .! .; tq: c d(5 o O:- '- -c:qr!o. 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F uJ (L IL +,UJ E<ctl o9 Eet a9 vG ctr E 'L t-- =ut:-E h>C'qfY () dtr E 56 P 5p t x>O::iF cl-o-Tttr ul o F -E ntln )..i5 \.,/ ,-/ = ==?dd= |l tl lln tt tl tl tr4 t<4 I trr tq tct td t{ =t J>- trt g; ol =.1 ol uJl El JI <l >l ttl ol zl Bl ol Fl ol =.1 (51 uJl 1l <l >I ll-l ol zl 3t 9t r-l "l =l ol r!l qI <l >l 5l zl 3l ol FI I I I I el cjl r!l rl <l >l t!l ol Pl e z -j tr UJ z cl -:') F o o E. r z 2 r IJJ t !-t ;\ = \J Z. <F uJ<zE (aZ E F O F z zt =<ZE !z F UJ F I trnn 2ro. t, n7r 7r, Coau zQoQs, ,4tr^r? feszae^'r 7%-a*<- e{ /}. Sraz z /out. (a*'zas t, A^,/F.+z' ,b //ar fr. Co--,ao r4s"orrz7te-t 2",/-az.- /.-o ,/rr'uo*/uoau 7/o /u.zoa. / of t,,:,f J 82,6^'*/--., 4 7t ,{rbt ,42-a, o lrl-sts o ru ua.r/h*'^t o INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMI DATE AM PM T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEr- tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER - PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR m ,'. | ':t \,. PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR PM FRI B tr tr o tr tr o tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL T] APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t[F-] |} JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON t NSP PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECI ECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES THUR FRI AM REAOY FOR LOCATION: B tr tr tr tr o tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. O ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr o tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR fffil * NSP PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: ECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI PM READY FOR LOCATION: B tr E o cl o o tr UILD!NG: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr o tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONOUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tml I l. \ \ t\bt \ v \ \, .\ s") ;'1 f a \ \\ o UJ rL F =t! o llJ F o z 4 I z z o \., rP \ i \ o :.: (! .Y''=O.,XiO s5E: S *; cEF a=6-(tl Flc:() EgEgB :n55S :i-pF -9c:9 F:i E';; *->.5 3 g E P) P -.€s!E' eeeFE 3it'eb'E.i:!FE;gi € t -'e;oEE€t XU,."OO 6rr c !? (J -c.9x^o (E='-:' idHg€:ii€EF E,*i t:g?;EJ B H::a iiSsP 'v Y or-r ii ei:89 e5$ao c \: Sl $,\ I (\ N N (,\ \) N V) ,] \ \ \ v? \^ cl l,/^ v|, E tr llJ z - z F o J gJ z =f . () uJ = IJJ uJ z F 3 g uJ z 6 IJJ F 6 lLl o z Ll,l C) F uJ o at) uJ LU 14- Fi a 0a' IJJ J F F z =l I F UJ J IJ,J z =J J o z o uJ NOrM'tvA I u.,F t\ , l,h IN tr E\ ET Fr EN ot\ :i N zz tr^6 Xf =^=E; 6O 7, \.ez .., f E(J >(J rN =co ) N {l q .N N ?l .U E x \u \ s N \l \! ./1 z tr cr ti UJ t! \ e\- \--/ -(L uJ z tr o <> tr F _l =l vl Jl sl =t ul l (E I tr )l U)z tl tl tl tl F z l z 9o <O o< > iii >E xrr dci <2 a =z. Ltz _iF EO ;tr z t z F CD CV7 \ r\ F u, t.l- : ^qr EZ =E < zaY o y) =<E sl coo l o =z : F --\e !E ',^ : 4 rs|T-'lt--l i i ,_r ral_r tJ = uJ -l E hEI I , ^l w a) -s_u/ v (-. o -'-.-) ."i6 =.-i .68= 8trtr JF t!-h= =E o- L|>(L Ou-9o =ru :> J u,t @ o (, 0 i , Il Id | ?l t\l ;S | 1\l le.t N l(,tz F- v- \,, I I Y { N \ o .rl a u; =z -)1 ) t\l t$ $NE $Bu !J tg; $$$ d!s I \il 'l\ ;l $ccl t-ilrr Els zl ]u1 9t tr FIF I .l \l rl N w \ .l =l ol url 5l <l >l l!t ol zl BI 9l s \ \ $ \o :il {l * flr zt ., FI E tl tl tl tl l.l lil tol I tlll l:l t<l l>l I ttl lol dflr I I I ,l ol HI _Jl <l >l hl \rt r! UJ z = F t! F r <F r!<zE [iF (rz o C) <o C)F FO E< I?F =z UJO I 9P ;o =s fF d6 C) <= :ZF z()3t ;i, z =o -c) =o2 -)<(J o?3H &,h.6 q*r/,*,,e.gd -{a^r"u9,-J. RUSSELL PITTO FRANK R. UBHAUS JAMES J. EUEF NICHOLAS B. \iVAITE NICHOLAS C. FEDELI, JR. sutTE 1300 2 NOFTH SECOND STREET SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA 95113 TELEPHONE (408) 287-9001 March 4, 1983 Peter Patton Planning Departmeng - Town of VaiI 750 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Skaal Hus, Unit #I Dear Mr. Patton: This will confirm last week's telephone conversation wherein I agreed to take the necessary steps to convert Skaal Hus unit lA into a lock-off unit. In that regards, I have contacted Mr. Murrain of the town of Vail Building Department. we are schedul-ed to meet the week of March 12th in Vail and inspect the unit. In keeping with the foregoing agreement' I have notified my tenant that his lease will be terminated if he is unwilling to reside in the unit without the convenience kitchen. He has chosen to move. your courtesy and cooperation was appreciated. f will be looking forward to meeting you in the very near future. Very truly yours, PITTO & UBHAUS, P.C.eaa6 J. RUSSELL PITTO JRP: nmo cc: Ross Davis 75 soulh fronlage road veit, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 February 24, .l983 Folson Investments, Inc. c/o Ross Davis P.0. Box .l90 Vail, Colorado 81 658 Re: Skaal Hus Dear Ross, I've comp'leted my review and calculations of the detailed f1 oor plans submitted to me by Rudi Fisher on February 23, .l983. These plans are suffjcient for my review, and the following statistjcs concerning existing and allowable density on the site can be relied upon: 'l . Existing Gross Resjdential Floor Area = 6,962 square feet 2- Existing number of dwell ing units = 7 3. Allowable GRFA = .|3,305 4. A1 lowable number of dwelling units = 12 It should be noted that Mr. Russ Pitto, owner of units lA(basement stud'io) and unit I has contacted me concerninq his desire to convert lA to an acconmodation unit (lock-off). When inis is accomplished, it wjl'l eliminate one dwel'l ing unit. All of the statistics relatjng to densities within this letter are subject to future changes 'in the Town of Vail Municipal Code. If i can be of further assistance please contact me...' A PETER PATTEN, JR Senior Pl anner APP: bpr