HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT D2 SKAAL HUS UNIT 2 LEGAL.pdfPFOJECT ORIENTATION / MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Briftain Hans Woldrich Melissa Greenauer Doug Cahill (PEC) SITE VISITS DESIGN REVIEW BOABD AGENDA Wednesday, January 1 9, 2000 3:00 P.M. MEETING RESULTS LUNCH - Community Development Department MEMBERS ABSENT Bill Pierce 12:00 pm 2:00 pm 1 . Connors - 1750 S. Frontage Rd. West 2. Norris - 141 West Meadow Drive 3. Mountain Adventure Center - 31 1 Bridge Street 4. Campo di Fiori - 100 E. Nleadow Drive Driver:Allison Connors residence - Final review of front deck enclosure. 'l 750 S. Frontage Road West, Spruce Creek #C4i Applicant: Frank & Claire Connors MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Melissa Greenauer TABLED UNTIL FEBRUARY 2, 2OOO 2. Norris residence - Final review of 250 addition. 141 W. Meadow Drive, Skaal Haus #2/Part of Lot 5, Vail Village 2"d. Applicant: Joan Norris, Skaal Haus Homeowner's Assoc. MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Melissa Greenauer APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1. That all the materials match the existing materials.2. That the skylight be set into the roof.3. That the flashing of the skylight match the roof. VOTE:4-0 VOTE:4-0 3:00 pm Allison Allison Allison 3. Campo de Fiori - Conceptual review of airlock. 100 E. Meadow Drive tfz4lLoI O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1". Applicant: Scoppiati Inc., dba Campo de Fiori, represented by Annie Egan CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE o 4. Vail Mountain Adventure Center - Signs. _. George 311 Bridge StreevLot L, Block 5C, VtilVillage t"t. Applicant: Blanche Hill MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE: 4-0 WITHDRAWN 5. Butfehr Creek Park - Final review of proposed park expansion. Allison 1953 N. Frontage Rd. WesVLot 40, Buffehr Creek Subdivision and 1950 Chamonix Lane/Lot 34, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Applicant; Town of Vail, represented by Gregg Barrie MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Douo Cahill VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 'I . That a dry-stack be used on the restroom, with no sandstone cap.2. That 2 rails be used on the solit-rail fence. Staff Aporovals Breeze and Max - Signs. Allison 244Wall Street, One Vail Place/Block 5C, Vail Village 1"t. Applicant: Intrawest Retail Group Dore' residence - Revised landscape plan. Brent 100 Vail Fload/Lot 35, Block 7, Vail Village 1"'. Applicant: Bill Dore' The Zneimer Company - Temporary site development sign. Brent Lots 1-6, Leni Zneimer Subdivision, Buffehr Creek Road. Applicant: John Nilsson, Vail Lionshead Real Estate Ann Shane residence - Hot tub placement. 2945 Booth Creek Drive (A)/Lot 3, Block 2, Vail Village 11'n Filing. Applicant: John and Beverly Shane The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular otfice hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. ! SKAAL HUS (a'aocu)--LlNlT r 2 lo - Lr -14 --<€- : /F-\t (H ** t* - lr: p.f q$ \J+v IJ IO ?fi c,U'DI (' 3i t!, ,/r'\+ $ rO : l-4 "rll +tl HI zll ll ,.r'r4 L_-- _l I I J +b 7 -= : I I I I &\t frl fril $$ x6 ?d (t\It tr _l i$ls r8 ,J F$F, -lll 4>-E (r)-- FR +t-:L - Yl'-l'-e" rJiltr+l Jilff Fo je rJl- Elt]Er<|re z u xlert ols 4 atne; a)NL y*yH Ex s1 u c1 SOUTLI ELEVATION UNrl f 2 rl l-- --J drH anr4.rrEa'rrz' rJUrl*, illii 'r@+li Udt:. lll '1 iil V{=1t-p-alz.Atlspe, I o"p",t,"", .rt;H;llil *u",o',n"n, O 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Proiect: Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL No. Code # iCost Each Uniform Buildino Code - 1 997 - Volume 1 &2 lnternational Mechanical Code - 1 998 Uniform Mechanical Code -1997 Uniform Fire Code 001 0000314 I110 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 3141112 001 0000 3141112 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 lvlodel Enerov Code - 1995 001 0000 314 1 1 12 Analvsis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes 001 0000 314 I112 iotherCode Books 001 0000 314 121 1 iBlue Pri 001 0000 314 1111 ixerox Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80/$1.60) l\ilaster Plans, etc. Penaltv Fees/Re-lnsoections Plan Review Re-check Fee ($40/per PF Off Hours Inspection Fees Contractors License Fees Fee SP Add itional S_!g!_4pp_!99!Sn EC!or Review Board Fee ncl 001 0000 315 3000 Buildino lnvestioation Fee q! 1 0!!!110=3190 iD"""r"p"' Irp-"f"""r PN AD gll iqqo s12 lQ99_l!ee!eqs!!!lsens{egl]ov) j IRL i 001 0000 230 2000 iSpec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev. SA i 001 0000 230 2000 iSoec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to C Rev. SA i '001 0000 201 1009_rae!.!g_@ +.!%_Lstg!q)-: :q.Pgyao]g_ _ ___lP _.001 0000 310 1100 Taxable @ 14%_EowU: tqellleleg-al i ,r7 . .j9!!94ules,j-- -- I & 001 0000 311z5oo Ec ApPLlcArtoN ress - ' .- Oor oooO Sr r zsOil-noOr'tronal 6qFA "o.0" - lpv- SzoonO prfppo-o _:_zEob-e_""gjljS""r u_eelgr.!__ _ _ .Tv- : -$2o0.og__ _ 001 0000 311 2500 iExterior Alteration - Less than .100 so. ft. | 'PV $200.00 U01 0U0U 311 2500 iEnerlor Ateralon - Less lnan IUU sq, n. _ 001 0000 311 2500 iExterior Alteratron - More than 100 so. ft. 200.00 PV $500.00 001 0000 311 2500 01 0000 319 3100 Greenstar P I iTOTAL: 001 0000 314 1112 - | $12'75 a-Q BF i $7.00 001 00003141111 001 0000 3141111 001 0000 31s 3000 001 0000 311 2300 001 0000 315 2000 001 0000 312 3000 001 0000 312 4000 001 0000 312 4000 001 0000 311 2200 001 0000 311 2500 001 00003112s00 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 cn*x* ,5'f ? Received oy, ilg F JEveryone/Forms'/salssacl.exo Tmt of l|ail ilf ClgflfR f,EtEIPT +rr Df,lEr t?lttl9ll el RECEIPT: Ol9t3l , ItESCRIpTItil grY ffirxl n il -l€sltil nEUIElt FE I f50.t rDR 0{,mt NnRts ISOET FTAIL q( fll f5e.m ANEz l?lfrt$ TIE: la:36,1{ IoTfl. OfOr fsc.m Hrf{r rEoE@ a50.aa Irflt( Yq, Fm nn mYE{rl DATE RECEIPT - Thc To*n ofYdl et(l N9 50631 CEIVED FROM: ? DOLL,ARS I \I$nit Numbers t'14 'SOW PAID-'Cssh-Oreckl I i 'c D /RI%-e soY PTION tuI k,, H. &lOl Oql O\Ufcon,o., Eaglc co. Asscssors officc at g70-128-864ofor parcel #) F, U. NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADD OWNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT:'<t)1f7 t S MAILING ADDRESS: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr Nerv Construction - $200 Construction of a ncw buitding. Includcs any addition rvhcrc square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or comrncrcial briilding. )d, n oaition -$50 t'minor nltcration -$20 Includcs nrinor changes to buildings and site itnprovcmcnts, such as. rcroofing. painting. rvindorv additions. landscaping. fcnccs and rctaining walls, ctc. DRB fccs arc to be paid at the timc of submittal. Latcr, rvhcn applying for a building pennit. pleasc identify thc accurate valuation of thc project. Thc Town of Vail rvill adjust the f'cc according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL. coLoRADO 8r657. s? Call thc Pll:rning Stafl'ri 47i-Zl2ti APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This applicatiorr is for any projcct rcquiring Dasign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign revierv must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to subnritting for a building pcrnrit. For specific information, scc thc subr ttal rcquircnrcrrts for thc particular approval that is rcquastcd. Thc application caffiot be acccpted until all thc requircd inforntation is subnrittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council and,/or thc Planning and Environnrcntal Conrnrission. Dcsign Reviov Board approval cxpircs onc ycar afrer final approval unlcss a buildingpelmitisissuedandconstructionisstartcd. l/rl D L 1,.\ru L'rLl-.r\11' hLlNq }-; ,Jtjo,,ria, ge.?ahonr lg LEd; Pnn o A. DESCRIPTIOJ oF THqR^EQUEST: !:XPAlt o Qucstiou c. D. E, B.LocATtON OF PROPOSAL: lorfrrfJE BLOCK:- FILING: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #: ZONING: TOI'//N OF VAIL BUILDINC MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materi'als Fascia Sof fits Windows Windorv Trinr Doors Door 'I'rinr l{and or Dcck Rails Flucs Flaslrings L nrrrrncys Trash Enclosurcs Crccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting*+ Other TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:r tgh, - tJoao -S* .troEXrfl'rrd,- l^ffrc++ EX6Tt,€p MR-re* t F(t6Tll-lr lAft<as EXfu N+. tvlnrc* Etrc,Tt]5?1 l$s. N.S. N.ft. t$.4. i4ATCJt E.'( lv\n-rc* EXte,T$$_:__ * Pleasc specify the nranufachrrer's color, nunrber and attach a small color chip ++AIl cxtcriorlightingmustnreettheTown'sLightingOrdinanccl8.54.050(J). Ifextcriorlightingisproposed, plcase indicatc thc nunrbcr offixturcs and locations on a separatc lighting plan. Identify cach fixture type and provide the height above grade. Iunrens output, luminous arca. and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixtures. Updated 6/97 { Ouantity Sizc* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: -a t- ,,'.J l:'.:' 1.., .t".*..,r,'.EXISTINGTREESTd'' BEREMOVED..,.;, l',... t i;'il .\ 1 . a-l t ' r.*..r ! 'i .:.;-::-;--1L..*;61- -_- , .."r- r,,l '* Mininririrr riquircnrcnts'foi idndscaping:dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr . ,l&nifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shntbs . ;:.1 , - 5 gallons Squarc Footagc Typc - t') .,'l i'' .. - r., .-.1 ^.r l CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF , , ri!! .l ., ': "I ERosroN coNTlP.L.. OTHER LANDSCAPEFEI ;;;;fffinr,*-.iHi-l#Yli:li$ii,fl,IihitlTl[TTiH',s,Hl,:::JJln;r,**,*Tf;:1,ili, walls clscwherc on the propcrty is 6 fect. Updated 5D7 t ':':':' Lzi3s el3T4-33s5 RONANDERSON CONTRACTTNG RON ANDERSON CONTR PAGE g2 I 722 NEBRASKA AV'ENUE HOLTON. r(Ai.lSAS 66436 Town of VaiI Al1 member/owner s of have no objection to the Joan Noffis. this inprovement ia four and dated t0-25-99. wall exteneLon of 4r4' + of the deck. December 13, 1999 the Skaaf HuB Condlorniniurn Asgociation propoeed irnprovsments requested by repreeenteil by drawing sheeto one thru Basically, the improvement is a front or - at both levelE vrith no extension Ronald Anderson Vice-PreEident (9r3)364-3355 o LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOTffgIE PKYSICAt, ADDRESS:k,,B. D. E,. F, tr 3,lOl tt tt e\Uf*n,o., Eagtc Co. Asscssom office at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) rcrl s MAILING ADOUf;SS: /a / h'/ ne4l'..J t7 2--- - - PHONE: tt',''76*3+ --l PHONE: 'o)<f7 t s Constructiou of a ncrv building. Includcs ary addition rvhcre squarc footagc is.addcd to any rcsidential or comrncrcial building. Includcs niinor changcs to buildings and site improvcnicnts' such as, rcroofing. painting. wittdorv additions. landscaping' fcnccs and rctaining rviills, ctc. DRB fccs arc to be paid at thc time of submittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying for a building pennit. pleasc idcntify thc accr.rratc valuation of thc rrroicct. Thc Town of Vait rvill adjust the tte according to the projcct va'luafion' PLEASE SUBIIIIT THIS AI'PLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND TIIE FEE TO TFIE DEPARTMENT OF COI}IIVIUNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' vArL, COLORADO lll657. PARCEL #: ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: OWNEI{(S) SICNAT URE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: -s2t ]YPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Nerv Construction - $200 )d, noaition -$50 s20 fftlino. Altcration - Pptrq-e s53 Qucstions? Call tlrc Plitlnirrg Stai':ri 479-: ilS APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL FILINC: 5 GENERAL INFORMATION This applicatiol is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign revicrv ntust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvi6v approval pnoi to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific informatiot.t. sce thc submittal rcquircrrrcqts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until all thc requircd infornration is submittcd. fhc piojcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environurcntal Conttnission. Dcsign RCviclv Board approval expilcs onc year after finr-l aLproval unlcss I buildingpcrmitisissucdandconstructionisstartctl. {-i- D'l '"\tu Ituci-ttF.hctnraf L.A r#:##KTjs'ffSt *e, 6+.7:-tonr ls L=.* q{t, TOl'/iN OF VAIL 6L/L4/2BAA l7:51 l,rr 3-354 o -3355 Al.tDERSO.r CII{TR o PAGE 6L Ron Aldcnon Corrtrrcting 722 Ncbraska Aveirue Holton Kansas 66436 EAX Darc: Jaa (4-oo 'ourlPagcr. I, 913-361.3355 Fax 913-36t-3155 f-[. ^JUl F- L'r[.l,,r, ron 11o.{lq -2({L gLl14/2A66 17:51 913-354-3355 rE. a I FEOU, TOv-g6r;_6g1,7_DEPT. ANDERS(N CT]NTR o PAGE A2 JAN- t a -o9 D. E, &tIl <aYl I A\U.bo**, Eagtc co. Assessors oftcc ar 970-32s-s640 for Darccl #) 'rtllt S APPLICATION F'OR DESTCN REVIEW APPROVAL 1--- PHONE: ,, e-- PHONE; 40 t{-TYPEOF REVIEVAND FEE: E Ncw Conrnirctton - 1200 Xraemon -s50 t'Mtnor {tcradon.- SZ0 Constoction of t ncw building lncludcs uy a&lition whcrc aquarc fooalcir3dticd to any rcddartial or corunccid bdllding Includcg nrinot chenges to buildings and sira irnpro"bmlps. srch as. rcrooling painting. windorv additions, lurdscaging. fcnccs and rdeining TOWNOF GENERAJT, TNFORMATTON Thir rpplic-rtion is for any projcd rcquiring Dcsign Rcvics, rflpro\al. Any projccr rcquiring dcsign rcvicrv must rcccivc Dcsign Rcviov alproval ptior to wbmitting for I building pctmit. For qccific informatioa. scc thc srrbmital rcguircnrotts for thc psticula 8p[,rovd that ir rcquestcd. Thc application cannot bc rcccp(cd until all tho rcquircd infcrmadbn is subraittd. Thc projcct nrry also nccd to bc rcviovcd by thc Town Cquqit and/or thc Planninj and B. LOCATION OFPROESAL: LOT BLOCK:_-FILIh|G; DRB lbes arc ro bc yaid at tho timc of submitsl. Lrtcr. whcn applying for a buildirg pcrnit. plaasc idcnhfy thc ascuGtc valu{tioa of thc pmjcrt. The Town of Vail rvilt adjust thc fcs accotding to ths project valuation. PLEASE SUBiIflTTHIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBtutTTAL REQUTRSME,'\TSAilD THE FEE TOTHE DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT, 73 SOIITH FRONTACE ROAD. . VAIL.COLORADQ 81657. lO rg?Oa?944s2 PAGE Z/2 / n.J t / Qucstion.;? Chll rhc Ptr::ning Strfirri 4?9-3 i Zlt P}TYSIEAL ADDRESS:k, F. c. PARCEL #: ZONING: NAMEOFOWNER(S): M.{ILING ADDRESS: owNER(9 SIGNATURE(S): NAME OFAPPLICANT: NIAILINC ADDRESS: P E' 0, cf o x o o o ts- o tt K o o 7 at r"K l-t o o F o ro 3 o rt o E q, n rr 4 o (? q, r"o o H) r.d trj E o o t" H. iq o n 9.,-r P.X x H*idtH . 9 EE L t-l a) t<Pxtrt - ::!'' tll 3sR r..,-Y F t d H'i 'rP v|J Fi, Fi r.9 \o FEZ ooq, 0rPo rt P.P-50 orQHl o FN h.t Fr o o a P. o o o z o Fn t Ft o 15 o B ct € o FJ E ts- rO Ft o UI o o FN o { o Fl o { o E a H o z z tt .l 3 t t o {a o I o @ F.a tr t fr I Ft o o o :t H. P. 3 It o UI P. E E rl o o,P Y. Ht 0,E ? P.o q,(t P o P|dhcr>.FtdorSF Oe'O|{-)HENfI; 'Otlt,ol'-.- H|l3'dl PlorrUF-'o o F1 yol 6 < q, o ii F---r r-l O rt l-J lf='0, P. o. o I'EO€Ol Prtlozl q,{.Pol 50Pl P.ol €o5El P-o\ol rt fJ q, I JP.>I O0r5l oo <a, l P-Xl 50 trP. l oH)o5l 3tl urdtrzl P.:trtl ooP.ol 5F,Al OHrP.Cl oNg'l ot-,or-ll HIPpJOI OI 9r{HtFnl PP.OOI PSnol tadl BOOI OF.lo|05tlol 5|iol uroc,.ol |1H|l rrlol o0rJ\ol rrool ErP-ol oot!l Ir.tol 9..olal oo,Fl o)rq, l oHlBl pol ol ol HIOOUIOHTHN q,oatr€oH)oulJuSc)P-OOo,OP.!'PFlnP.F.l}J P. F.dttP-rriOOOorJdOo F.OOOP.SUOCt'qOT-t odts-oooro,fitoolP-mdSOg.|d/q,rydloFlF-rrrt \FlOSO JrrP. lnP\ O:t tlq,nr=,OOSO'OV'OO ooo{oJlP'NFlq.lJ a:'\rrOSu'JlttoPt,tr, J oo|1rr3lP ul It tt o HFiOOtuOq'l(Dr5Eor5rr q,g,Fluq,qt nO{Prts.t(rtrtOO)({tD P.OEnjHilt:tOrrts-P-rOF,{r,.X!,{/}OOO:|n 0,P.5rrF-OO{ftFnF1qJ |1rrodSorr.PrO tt F.- Fl O q / o < Hr Fl'rJ p- rt 9'O-=|5Oo!'FPAJ 'OOm(nofjP.OOCO oqrrdforJPoo,oo pr!,EqrFlo9,r.lonq.n<ol5oo!,r-ttr:rPo op,,oFloFl rt Fo ha SP.OOOP.OOJOOOP-OPO<r-,.OOQ'O'EP€<gP.!Joo5r5ooorPf !rttq,|JFlP-PP.tSrrP.d.O{rr oP-o!rnFldftP-oo OOxttsO5OOHr..g o^5Cl,FIF-rtftO\5!rryft F,.Oito<P.ooD'Hrn o.oo('fttrdJttP-ox oPo{:'daoH'tdP.\OPrigrrc,9,Opr5 (D5]'not'orfP.|noo otsoFlP.!'tftottP..O5Oo<ttBOHrj o Fl r5 qO |l c.oJ:.ooxa,ooflFtr-lP.P,'aOl5TdOUOOO trndrLn|l<oJo[,rrts-OCOOOOrfETT r-1 EBr5r5\5 POO O !,orfPoooorFlo oo 7.Xrift33 5^ots orrH9,!'nrr-o P |1P oP-uro UI D' rf l-{o tq H o o o Fl P.tt rt li o rr I i\J I in v A. I I I l- P. o I *---t\r\.r\IN I' I t\N\N {.\ o -f c-l = tt=.D oJ.'vr grt € (DE -o -tl 30 r.O o cr.D t!.o..+E -'oo 1t 1 (D O!.at' 1 rD OA ID rrl a a = =rn o 'n 'u !t- c-) -{ ct m l-/1 l/1 G' =3 o -n a- c, z.1 t/, m rrl a,/1 m z -l m :-, = m o -.rl o €z.rn g =.ci o 1 al' o i- l"\(l \ l\\ I t' I I l\*- lN'.h I I I I I I I \ N I tt c)p m -.1 a tno =.o \-. '.r.I \-Er-\FI ''/'' \\->- :: r \B NF \-'D5 \r-r-LPN lrl -\N- i \F\t\. O\[ ,t\s-\IN I F 2.-6t a crt c, z,Frn rn7 U1 at a,/1 an 6) r-ti lv rtrl UI E t- c) I o z. -n o C)o 2 --t 9r O, C a+ ar'troo rrl -o .n -n m '!-o :i rrro OE -{=(Do (D0,(+ (+ =o oJo r)1 (D0, .-t o -co = (J. ct aD o cf 9, -l .D -o 1(D oo'1.3.?gro a+o oq J.t t= tt 0t cr(.l 3o 5 ciG fDci o-.o 0, T' m \ I\ \\ -- S'\) s-{ q rn '-l FI m o o >-l c) tn rrl 'o -Tl -lm m o= .-.l -o o rrl o!lr7 >> F-.rc, G'm "r'l o m -{ m (f m .It m z OG' +[ = l._ Eli el tl =t Fl ':-. cttt at ! =>@{> E al Crnor F<OmO -rrc) io m -l= 'o rrl r o'? < (, za)mrq F-. 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(D r j'n = c,7 D -. ct ! m Hm;o>F. Z-t | >r F m-o(, a_ qr F< -E> rn>.Q -l; = O s='u rn r->.-{ OJ'.r _ oF 2,> F(1 V Ft= =-<o -{-om>o F),@ F1 >< tt1 '0lJ12. rnf --1 r'> . O ,-1 G) (-)(O |,T - HcDor- *l c -{ z. -< 2. < oJ C'Gl ]: -o -t )> O- CJ.r'= ; =18., tr o ro lr --{ O rrr--C O-t r)cJ a) znrct vo <-r F -qfr i ra rir tn m --aJl t J rn l/'t tt E t mo o aJr u1 o -1 r?| ('' 'o =o'.D -1 q s \ lo t-T I-i-Rli I c,t{ L: J-- -r I tl^'la/r /r)./ ,/,t'P*txYJz 6 '{/ / nfTL h*4' Tnhnn',,ytnru1 cM" trldr/t -, U,/'t 'lo/r"'lWtu ffi* n/'/-^t/" J l.w .l\' rt I 'fJti4tr.. l\'t- I Uou. Trrr L-..to",,o T,r,t, l7,t lr.),',(,Ht3oE G; 1,U,,oou , Fi', IJlu,rTo [,,u,r'Ur' !-1,'', S^',;;' l3rt ', /luu 13*anr,,ntr A cc6tlowrtol).'' , f, s f. f7osr D;r;;ii,7u,,-To 17,, /J^c.,/usri /J .t"'ac. /3rir: /J", lSo,rru^sr'O?,r^.i-rolu f s lr r= Vi,.y 7yr,i E-lrr,.or,,,.r,i L)ti Sn,.rw,, 5.Jpr:c,rrT 1,r.r Y A,t lLar,.,,r,, TrrAru D,r.*,*o ,._, /--cc,uo*rc.6, T,lc,r,nrs O} Tr-,rs li/lruNL y'r-ru- -S**,, Tor)usr I-,,. l,,tvrcr-.c,ri Or fi nro? rt,(t Vl,, (!-tAr ll,t,,o, /Uor Cruu'rsr( ll'ic.,r.s t Or- C,>sT,, lYont /J u,, P,t,, QprLL/noos lJlu,-fJr. cprt,> /-l tr,i V,, Qro:G fa_Tooay -;,- h,,Yuu Douur-fr ) Q" A Ptrusc,*rtc llJor,r; ]o,r^, P,.()a A rtt ' l-.jrirrrrj Ty,, /Jr,r,r,uNAr l,!co&ri fu O.o ,zuTu C;,r. j/,u, L,u,:,-A, S*-,rn. H, s 4r J,r,, l-lo:. {oo f'lt ru7 \',r, os " .!,u,. lf, T,*, Oo:y Pno,rA^rf^rr [Zns,Dr,uT t; ?,,i !u,. t)tLtLt Auu Trn,u,FJ*r H''u Pn,u,rr. o tlro;, -|,',*trty -L 0,u,.' St.uo,"1A^,u Day T- /)ar lYwqpHEpT, { r HAtcy , ,-f ;paur Po" L fuur-lrrlty 15,, l{e, a /U,tuoa Hlo /J (,o^prrt,or IZti t,aw,t,r, T.rtu On l-/,rt- , Rrro ,/uo i3ur.,ttt t)sr. e,r,r -L / 4." , l,),r,r,tr,ru* 4o, A )uu,.rr,,,, A ruo.^rn Cr Vu, Iiou()t,r hr^nnno, Tu Ar lov Lr.tutt l-l r,u l3r:. 9 fitlut_ ?o, ,. fAgf'*./ryDlittrDrr N S N $ s o $'\\),,$ \ N N ,s N N s s N Q,* o O DtrFMRTMtrNT E@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXXXX TALEs AcTroN FoRM XXXXXXX ACCoUNT f 01 0000 41330 COM. DEV. APPUCATION FE=S 1 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 1 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFOR}I BUILDING CODE 1 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORI.I PLUIIBINC CODE 1 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFOR}I MECHANICAL CODE 01 0000 4241s 1988 UNIFORII FIRE CODE 1 0000 42415 1987 NAT]ONAL EIICTRICAL CODE 1 0000 42115 OTHER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 41548 ELUE PRTNTS (Mn-qRs) 01 0000 42+12 XEROX CopiES ,/ STUOTES 1 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIoN 1 0000 41322 OFF HOURS TNSPECTION FE= CONIRACTORS UCENSES 1EES 1 0000 41330 0l 0000 41413 ,SIGN APPLICATION COMI,IENTS: I r -rakJl,f flF Lrfl I t_ l'liscel laneous Cash F4-:t-!F-r Fg! Erff: lLl F:F':siFt. # B46Effl Er,:':unt # t:li: # Sig .-TlrFti li!:rF.'eI5 '.gFF FEE5 fini':,un t t endp red :i l rlB, BF Iten paid Hnotrnt paid EJlr3r:]r3rai+lff,gEBg 1r3Ei.gEr f,h.snqe r'= t.u rne'J .i E. Fl:t THFIhI|< VOIJ 'rl':u r c.:gh ier 5T - , rlit'0 DEC 4 p90 RONANDERSON CONTRACTING 727 Pennsylvania Avenue Holton,Kansas 66436 (913 3355 August 2C, L990 Town Council Town of VaiI As President of the Skaal Haus Condominium Association, I wish to inform you, that during our annual Association meet- ing in July, we agreed to allow Joan Norris of Unit Number 2, an additional parking space on a "when available" basis. This action is for the purpose of accommodation of guests while utilizing her Bed and Breakfast operation. Ronald Anderson, President, Skaal Haus Condo Assoc. I { t- " L)AT[ 0F i[-['f ] iiG: 11il'19:i.ls Pit[I'illT ; DtSl Gll Ri:\'1t','l BC;itD l'ebruary 13, i975 Dudl e1' Abbott Bil I lianlon Lou Parker Bi l1 Rouff Jen l'iright SUBJECT: Skaul1 llouse -- remodeling of Unit 2 ., i i I I t ! i I I I i I i I ACTI0ll TAl(trii B'f B0ARD: ll0TIOii: i?r isht V0'f E: i 0R;AGAiIIST: APPROVED: ; Unanimouslv DIS/rPPR0\tED: SECOi'iDID BY Parker d/r*rl'441#-Applicant \ i 7.'.\. \ l tuwn u ual box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 off ice of the town manager FebruarY 18, 1975 I'Ir. Dean E. Norris L225 Orehard Rr-rad Gol.den, Colorado 80401 Dear trIr. Norri-s : Enclosed you will find a Certificate of -Approval from the tlesign Review Board and a Buitding Permi-t application' The Building Perrnit has to be filled out and returned to the Torvn of Vail; you have been credited $10'00 for the building permi-t ieL. I would also like to remj-nd you that there arc a number of inspectj-ons that' have to be done in regard to the remodeling of l'our Unit in the Skal1 House' i.e. frar,rine j-ns;ecii";: WhLn the framing has been completed' pi"""" ."ff-tit" iown of Vail for an inspection before the frame is covered. If you have any questions, please give either myself of Bill Pierce a call Sincerely, DEPARTIIIENT OF COMilIUNITY DEVELOPIIENT Jo Kramer /ik enc losures CERTIFICATE 0F APFR(rVAL llaine of Hpplicant- D"^n E' No""ti Acjdress of App'licunt 1225 O""hot9 Rood' n' Colorado 8040I Telephone i{umber of APrr'llcant I hereby certify that the plan(s) for Skal1 House the remodeling of Unit 2, have been approved (disapproved) by the Design Reviet't Board oh3iljlp with the fol lovring conditions---3!-- retary to sign Review o .l225 Orchard Road Golden, C0 80401 February ll,'1975 Building Department City of Vail Vai 1 , Col orado 8'1657 Gentl emen : Please accept this letter and the accompanying rough plans as my application for a building permit to remodel Unit 2, Schu'll House Townhouses in the City of Vail. The plans roughly describe the following work. I wish to separate the upstairs unit from the downstairs bedroom, move the present stairs from inside the building to a location on the east wall under the exist'ing porch; cut the headroom and stairwell out of the porch and install a three-foot rail around the open'ing; remove the temporary wal'l djviding the downstairs room and complete installation of the ou I 'lman ki tchen . The bath and shower is presently instal'led and complete, and the water and waste return are stubbed-in in the indicated location. I was informed that there are sufficient parking spaces allotted to this comp'l ex to allow the division of Unit 2 into "A" unit and "B" unit. Since I have a purchase agreement on the property subject to approval by the City of Vail as proposed, I wou'l d appreciate your early decision on the acceptability of the proposed change. I am ful1y aware of the requirement for a building permit, and my check for $35 is enclosed--$10 building permit fee and $25 design review fee. Since I don't see more that $250 in total expense'in the change, the design review fee seems extremely high--.l0 percent of my estimated cost of construction. If this percentage figure were applied to large con- struction projects, the costs wou'ld be prohibit'i ve. I wou'ld 'l ike to appeal the design rev the City Manager. S'i ncerely yours, dr*))*'tA-'---- )r*\ goo: Enci osures Dean E. Nomis ('.'. (t,\: t- l\-G \s.f\tr' 6 n 4c e,iF qc t.s sr @t --\ -/'-/r v-nR |< J-fr ^.i -r-:-n.r't \ -"i. , (\ \v -n :-" - ./.--(\^\ q\^ 5 r,,i t, u-. -|: \ '--t (.n It -J \J s)- br^ '-,-- -l, _ _-,.1 E_--:==:.--._ .< ^- -t\ =_-_:= --1.,"j -.\ |!::._ _ -., _- -_ _--\a ,:=€::;<\v r -r-t ,* U. < 3 ts 9- t\ (- s :r t f\) -L D c. L.\ h U1 n H ft o \- c.\ ^-( S o \l a s-' lt c- tf, \l A (- \J .\u "- Tt l {- :r '\ ^' a c>. ,.- l\ f-. (,/ L< ._ \/1 n 't-1 L-t '\ :- -t llr --{ n ff, ' af. ll t rl o -T' ^.: 7\ (" '4. >-i -r- i, !', 7l " lttt '=\ lr q ':.) a, r.i\ -l ;- (-- ( n t/' ^D ( \ r-l J\ -l D <- n Y--\ -:(J o I I l,'r rl ._)r I 'ir 'rl '-{ tl ll 'lt tll ,--l-' r\ {l D\::: r-: -J a c -.t rj t i\ E {lr <-/ i"' it l\l "Q io 4,.-7 -{9 r-\ t -\G l|7n ll w fl tu I t--i \ \*- \- ):i.^ _- Itr\ tt ,j l--n s,--{ /r.z ' n 'Jr' Tu b t Slnc*en -7 1 G-\ t- ll (ll q\ :1 '\J ( __J \ --l (l a v) I ^F tu tr u r\,>--t I f$ 11 3.: - q+- I. Ita S\- r[ d 4 V' '\ -T i.Ir - - t.l I - - - - -- | r ll t-b----r I I .____--l I ll I ,, {-, ,l I ,' t )--r :' +- : l' I I ft\ la -t t (- L,,'J \t\ tf c \1 lJ -r!1-t pi :- .-^- :: ^"+t'\-\'P> A r\ af.t|:.s. 0.< c\-$,*Ll ,-' l\V: s I ..1.e'T ^'ry -.'v l$.\ \ c\ l(, 5 0a C- f\. \e. c\tn6 T 4f- c :>'rl -i 1 r.5-_ Q'r r>v-^N .{s -/n -;_(-\'trb - i-F -'1 i a+- -\.) t^-.i 5 n'i h,A fr \(i >.: -5 (i il c .\-'\J) s.> -t -t ,: b v'i ? t'l q- .i ?-x t '(\ .5\ilr. !+'x 5). aq --l- I O/ U l'. 7 3 e t)_ a |r\ s -J \ lr n c. I o (.. 1,1 h o q n lr-- n ::r:--., -.} -- ,_ ,t t_in \- ..-f \ ft-' s" c_ \ ( , '\.i"IT ll UJ \ t, I n : f'I rt \ (. t-I -t N ( I c >., ,-n 6- ." (- /' L< >> 0_ !\. -{N ^.'r ' ^= ':r t' ftr -{n . ' u. f- /,i \.^J o'{ r\1 ili^\ (-t \ 5 |..L F (r i-. t.' I ,-\i.-\'s t-, 7w C' Y-ao l'O ^7 iii i-pTN r;.'i: r F i 1L' : A i s- -l,:i.2,i, l! -.I_:-]{;;:-a"<,}t '' EE v.7:' :!+ ?/,^,1 r\g;* /, i_ /ra, ".{i To n t Shcn'.-n I I I ,l ,I I I 'l /\-) , Q i' ]r:t i ': ^'; t r -. \( )-v)4 !n -/ ll UJ \n c ( ( -v --\ a a ; LI 1 r.\i (v F u a F 4 >\ \ 1 -+ f1.'*t- s Y- UT, S>- al I' - - - - .l I lplcfi \. \ 'r, ll1-\\ llh -v ,l I ll I I ,I ,l I F.-r a a \ I I fi1 u t t c tiJ +.. r\ :t\\J ^-\ ^at t.r<\/ .N \/ n i-' 'l I 'l t ,' t I' t tr, \ r-l .J\ :, -/-T\ n n Y--\ -<G o I t'r Ili -5'r I 'll rll (r 1l Do(;srl t - -: _L\ ) c---;\+I , --F v\ .Y. cl .v ^_^l /-'' -+.ti, o 's \ 4: