HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT D2 SKAAL HUS UNIT A LEGAL.pdfTOITIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 l- DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNTTY DEVEI,OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 898-0175 Job Address: 141 W MEADOW DR LOCATiON. . . : 141W MEADOW DR (I'NIT A Parcel No.. : 2101-071-04-007 Project No.: Status...: ISSIIED PllApplied . . :LO6 / 29 /L998 fssued...: 07/24/1998 E>cpires.. : 0t/20/1999 APPLTEANT CONTRACTOR OhINER Descript.ion: PEPITTR WATER Occupancy: TfG)e Construction: Valuat,ion:46, 000 Fileplace Infonsation: Reetsricted: Clean-up Deposit Refund . '1 approved YK= _ STIMACK CONSTRUCTION CO., rNC. |('eL - phone 970-949-9490 P. O. BOX 1532, VAIL, CO 8L558 " vl'1,4u STIMACK CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. i- _1. ..rr Phone: 970-949-9490 P. O. BOX 1-532, VArL, CO 81558 v\alo7' TAKTON MAR.JORIE .J -TRUST amount date *Of Caa IJogB:*of wood/Pallet: Buil,ding-----> Plan ch€ck- - - > IrrvcstigaEion> will call----> Restuarant Plan Rcvicw--> DRB Fee-------- Recrealion Fee----------> CLean-Up Depo6lt- - ------> TOTAIJ FEES- - -'- Tota1 calculaCed Fec6- - - > Addilional Fe€6----- -- - -> Total Pcrlnil Fee--------> PalmenE6------- BAIANCE DT'E- - -- 462 .00 300.30 .00 3-00 . o0 50.o0 . o0 2S0. O0 1,065.30 1,055.30 -50.00 1, 01s .3 0 1,01s.30 .00 ITCM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTI'IEIVT O6/29/L998 Jw Action: APPR APPROVED It,EM: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTI4ENT 06/29/L998 JR]4 ACt,iON: APPR N/A IECM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 06 / 2e /L998 Item:05500 06/29/L998,JR!l ACTiON: APPR N/A ORKS ACTiON: APPR N/A ACTiON: APPR N/A ,fRM PUBLIC WO Dept: BUILDING Di-vision: JRM-Dept: PLANNING Divisj-on: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PIIB WORK Division: See Page 2 of this Document, for any conditsions that may apply to this pennit. DECI,ARA'TIONS I heleby acknowledge lhaE I havc lead thiB aplrlj.caeion, fillcd oul in fuLl thc inforuation rcquired, compL.l.d an accuratc plots plan, and state that all the information plovided ae rcquired iB cor!.c!. I aErcc t'o coEply nith t'hc infomatsion and plot p1an, to codltly wj.Eh a1l Toth ordinanc.a tnd BEate 1an6, rnd to build thl6 atructurc according to the ToMt, B zoning and .ubdivigion codes, deEign review approved, Uniforu Building code and ogher ordinances of the Toi.n altplicabLe Ehereto. REQUESTS FOR IN9PESIIONS SHALL 88 MADE TIdEMrY-FOUR HOITRS I}I ADVA.NCS By Selrd Cf6an-I4r Depo.it To: STIl,lACl( CONST 1s0s cREENwAy TERRACE, Er.,M GROVE wi slu??e$mm. Dev. DAI'i!AGE NEW CABINETS R1 Mult.i-Famil-v Add Sq Ft: *of cag Appliances: FEE SWMARY &f rrlor c'Ys' $u(k'r Page 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 898-0175 as of 07/24/98 Status---: ISSTED J.******************************************************************************* Permit \pe: ADD/AL,T SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied-- t O6/29/L998 Applicant,--: STIFIACK CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. IEsued---: O7/24/L998 970-949-9490 To E:q>ire: 0L/2O/L999 ,Job Address: 141 l{ MEADOW DR tocaLion---: 141W MEADOW DR (UNIT A PHASE 2)SKAAL HOUSE Parcel No-- : 2101-071-04-007 Descript,ion: REPAIR WATER DAI\4AGE NEW CABINETS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r_. FIELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTFSD TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETE TORS ARE REOUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AI{D EVERY STORY AS PER SEC,12]-O OF THE 1991 UBC.3. NO EXTERIOR CIIANGES o TOI|N Ot VAr&, @[.ORIDO 8Eri.E!t tl|t!!nC lutrb.ri ruc-Oa2a llpu$tt 1,013.30 O7f21l9a L3.56 Pr!r!.nC Lthod3 CK foCrtlon: 132{ lnlC: ||NI P.rrlc tlo: Palccl l{o t glc6 itddr..r ! LoqaEionr 5trlr P.lrnsnt Tolll Pcc! ! l,01s.30 Aot l lL& PEgr: 898-017s Typ.: A-BUTLD LDIt/rlT sPR BUtLtt PE 2101-071-04-00? tar r ENrow DR lalrf nEllrolt DR (Irf,rf r PBISE 2) sKArIj Eouat rrrrir at at rra ittalrtrt t.rr tt!a !rttt ai tr rt trt 1r* ttt a.l, trr * t t t t, * l, r rr r rr ,rccounE coda Da.c!l,ptston Btltnc.r 1,015.3O 1, 015.30 .oo AuounE 462.00 3 00.3 0 250.OO 3.OO BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PEHrrl FlEs P? 00100003112300 Plllf cHBcK PEES A.D )2-DBPO8 cljlelluP DBPOlIlTs tfc oo1oo003112800 lflLE cu.t lngPlerlof FEB (! ,li oz .o or j F a,.o a A lq E (\ al 6 E I E c q ql (\l F .E o ET n ri !l e d c .J o F' !l I :.na rtD ao g: 8H 5E n A l. E n x H o (, d I f I N F I. 6 I ql It{|.H ota :8 OB oo F re ota t'|o e o OF zz PD &o Ei c E E.( Er :.zz PD =o Ert oac p e AE '(9 tl3 o E EE qt it 83 P{o q H rt F F ,{a x H E l. 2 o H E l.{Ed t<, '( ql AE ca E =E o or E. l|A qr ao p tu oo l{l0 q 2 A gl d I q E o z e E ct F qt F ir9 q|nl :>6 F-r..&4 0 ' atl ao c H8e AAIT Soncac E fob Name: LegaL DescriPtion: Lot Jwners Nahe: rrchitect: ;eneral DescriPtion: 0f f lce TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE: PERMIr fNFORIIATION tt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l-Electricat [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other ) ]UIIJDING: ?LUMBING:I t46, aoa rqOf eSS: Ph^no Nrrr:rl-rar. )Iumblng Contractor: Town of VaiI Reo No rddf €SS : 1ph.1tro Nrrrnhor. lechanical Contractor: Town of VaiJ- Reg. NO._\ddress: _ phone Nunber: )RB FEE: \\\::____-^1N\-YF TSTAL PERMIT FEES: TYPE IGROUP I SQ.FT,ION IBUTLDING: -I-I-I'- I SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: 'o rE 97{128-8640 l.dr Parcel 17.\R,ELOW K r*** * * **** *****rr ***** ** ******* b -pQ-Building I l-Plumbing t ^ APPLICATION MT'ST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED I PEfu\IIT i! Job Address. l!il__l,yEsr Mffuyt/ttp, tttv{ rt Block- - riling /,a,vzr n' fffioftrstou, stl4ar , En .E |,, , U,W74 Address : 11,/ Wf S7 futE,tr>".,t^t D/" uK. Address: , ph. rork class: [ ]-New [ ]-Arteration [ ]-Additional- []>Q-Repair [ ]-other Iumber of Dwelling Units:Number of Accornrnodation Units : 'I,Fmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances , , * * * * * * * * * * * * t< * tr * * * * * *'* * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATfONS ******)t*** ********** ** ** **** rt* * *rt ToTAL: { Gas Logs_ Wood/pe11et / EI'ECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ MECFIANICAL: $ 1 :t :t >t :rr :t rt * rt :t * * * * * * * * *' * * * * * * * * * coNTRAcToR IN.FORMATJoN ***.&***********rr**r(***,*****leneral contractor. strfur4c../<- ea^/(r/uczk\,/ Town of Vair Reg. No.405-6 :*rt*rr**rt*rt******************-f;*CffircE;; *******************,rrr*rrrr******rk )UILDING PERMIT FEE: .^{.:i': \!i."-\"*FUILDIN6 PLAN CHECK FEE:)LUMBINGPERMITFEl:--R'---_,-$:Erc'lINGPI,ANcrrncxriii IECHANICAL PERMIT TF-Frfti.-------.--.Sr^.. ;IdFCT]ANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE :;LECTRTCAL FEE: '\S\\'. :. ___-___a5 *-., try.fbsnEATION FEE:;LECTRICAIJ !'lls: ',r\t\__:______ilq_ * . \ \yIEOREATION FEE: )THER rypE oF FEE: \Ntj__J\N:s{C\.v!LEAN-up DEposrr: lonnents: CLEAN I]P DEP.OSIT REFTIND TO: o . - .. ?.1ronlhnrcralrgc?rrJ -' ' 'i &rilr'torlEdo 8:6FJ ,,, riit;ol).tt5.-2i33,,ar_. i&i/g.- :.39 ..:_. IROI'I: DATE: . ;]isttBTEC:r: . .. . .';:.l.iAlii-,i;COtf,nR$CfaHBS..CttFBAtflyI,..AimSSSR:;:..1IIAE TEE '';iSwN..DF -VAIL OLIN Or .VA{L..PI,'BLI C WORKS/ COITIMUNIT Y, DE\'E LO P}IENT llARcH a6, a98e ,".. r'COidS:m[,IcA:SO]t)g,hEEtrG, ..A. ltIA:EKfi&iSCOR]G:I 6",i n,..fl r.1.I.,, "rltl easo to obtaj-n ? copy- " :-'.elDagsi rc,sortsar:jr:d'trtcrp m e n t ,Ft.cp:b.r.'the Sown of .Thank you for. your . i ,.r'*l-t .tiF.tt!|r0a,tlr,{ r'Sfdinqnce..1,.1*{r;;.,:g1.g!g!g5..that. ,i.:._f!-.s,***ortf1 :JFnr -.4q2 ', ; ,ri,P.€ESo';.*.o.,.'f,.jiter.r..,traClr,r.3q?deposi-t-.arri, ,s6,i],r=-J,,-Gil;;;i='' '| "r"Dr';snteEiatr.. ..inqr.u.dj-ng, ,frasbr;r.lrqp=reri.-r1rGia>r€:t!_i1qt=.?-i - ...{;pr.k$e,n _yetricles;.q4ponl,aq4r..rstrr:e-1,":eiaelraiilrr]f.el- .or .prb]-i=..., 1. 1 1pl.&cs.. ;or;'u7yp-.1.p,pa.91on,,rthsieof- .,,gn":..c1;hi_;i_r"y ro'' all To€D .xd ' ,.i..llai.J- str.eefs E'.d;r,oadsi,.i;;;ppr""i*"Giyls-.it- o.t..pav.*tuerrt-' - ; t{th5-s.. crdi-flar\ce vi r rr,1.be ,.ierr.larv."egforclc .ti,--+lr. ro."111 .of r"vair.. rj.''-rb}icr1iorks iDepartment, .pp;;;;-"ria "j;raclng .this or:dinance t1l. be given-a 24. hour rriit.r, notice to i.mov. saio material.',r Lhe "r..!. t|r." f."r.gn so hotifieci does-r,lI "o*pJ-y with the .notice within t.he- ?4 hou.r. ti.me... speci.f ieci, the pubLic works 'Department lri-11 remove said mate.ri"r .t in"--"*pu'se of person notifi-ed. The provision=-"r tni= orai.,ance sharr not be applicable to construction, maintenan"" oi-a"pair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in ti.,"-ri9f,i_;:;,.;::" "^ onlRe (i.e. contraitor, owner) 75 3oulh ,ronlage road vall, colorsdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 ottlco ol communlly devolopme l BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMNE If this permi.t requi.res a Tov,n of Vajl flire Department Approval ,Engineer''s. (Pub1 ic,orks) reyiew anJ approvat,' a piinnini-bepartment Migy or. Heat th Departm6nt review, unb'a-r"ui"; ti-.i;;"Eriiain; - - Department, the estimated time for a total ruuiun-i,uy'iaia'a, t6ng as three weeks. All commercial (.iarge or smal'l ) and a'l r murti-family permits wi.l .l have to follow the above rnentioned maximum requiremenis. iesraential and.small projects shourd take a resser amount of time. However, if residential or snraller projects 'impaci the various above mentioned departmcnts wi.th regard to necessary review, th;;; i;;j;.ti ,ouy al so ta ke the three we"l peiioJ . -"i-' r' vJr;\' '|'J Every attempt vri'l'l be Tgge uv this deparLnrent to expedite this pet'mtlt.as s,eon as possible. - I' the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time frame. jE= Erzr ' 72 4u - HroJect Name qa Communi ty Devel opment Departrnent. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 't994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED Job Name: Dale: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires lhe use of lhe right of way, easemenls or public propeqty? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed lo site other than exisling driveway? ls any drainage worh being done affecling the right ol way, easemenls, or public property? ls a "Fevocable Right CI Way permit' required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public properly to be used lor staging, I have read and answered all abo questions. need for a "Public Way Permit": YES 1) 2) NO \,/.-\ ,/,/\ 4 X X .rJ 4) 5) 6) 7) B) parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging A or fencing plan required by Community .Development? . . lf you answered yes 1o any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Commulity Deve.lopment. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Conslruction Inspedor, at 479-2158 Date Job Name Con or's Signature STllocf, oon8Enrclrfr oole$|l, urconPottrrD D.O. 80r 1532 v.tl, oo 81658 (970) 919-9{90 (970)9{9-9{91 trr SGOPI 06126/98 Client: c|rrt B. Trau ReE. Ph: (414)241-9250 Address: 5900 North WaBhington Rd Bus. Fh: (414)963-9534 Milwaukee, VfI 5321? Fax: (414)963-1882 Property Mdr: 141 West Mcadow Drlve Unit A Vail, @ 81658 Contact ! Charlie Shcrman (Plopcrty MN)Res. Ph: (970)47L-1215 BuE. Pb: (970)940-502s Fax: (9?o) 949-9677 vail, co Estimate: CIrRT B, IRAU ?tf - ct1 5 STI}IACK CONSTRUCTION CO}IPAI{Y, INCORPORATBD curt B. Trau Ro@: Kitchsrr I.lls.iag wall: 1 - Itlaeiag tlall: 1 - MLeeing ltall.: 0 - Subroo 1: Eallway llleeing lfall: 1 - MiseLng llall: 2 - 253 SF Wal1s 243 SF Floor 210 SF Long WalI SF ceiling SY Flooring SF Short Wa1l 06/26/98 Page:2 9n x 12,5r x 9r0n Goer to Floor/C€lllng Gloes to Floor/CeJ.llng 6t x 5r0r x 9r0rl Gloaa to Floor,/Celllag Ooca to Floor/Celllng Wa1ls & Ceiling Floor Perimeter Cei1. Perimeter 16'9r L2. 6. 0r0r 6r6r 5.0t 9r0n 9r0i 0r0r 9r0! 9r0! 243 31 158 x :3 tt :t * Lrcl{:<l: 15 | ODcna Iato E OIrclB Into E OIrcnB Itrto E LxlCxE: 5 | Op6ns Iato 0 Op6aa IDto E 505 SF 29 LF 29 LF R&R 5/8n drywall - hung, taped, floated, WC ready for paint Texture drywal1 - J.ight hand texture Wc R&R Batt insulation - 10" - R30 WC Paint the wal1s & ceiling - two coats WC Mask and prep for paint PC R&R Recessed lighE fixture - High grade 6 R&R Tile floor covering - Premium grade 100 The tile iE stained by the iEland cabinets and is also cracked by the frige. statsed Ehat, this waE not like this prior to the Ioss. the floor is wood with lightweight below this. R&R cabinetry lump sum bid EI,ECTRICAI, Cooktop-Detach&re6et carbage disposal - Detach & reset Microwave oven - over range type - Detach & I I 1 1 1 resec Built-in oven - Detach & reset 1 Refrigerator - Detach & reEet 1 Tra6h compactor - Detach & reset 1 Sink - double - Detach & reset 1 Sink - single - Detach & re6et 1 Sink faucet - Detach & reaet 2 Drain, detach and reset hot water heat at 1 island cabinet 'Ine 505 SF f,uo b.r 5U6 s.tr Z> lrE b llA 100 sF owner I!D I l.rJ 1- EA 1EA 1EA 1EA 1EA 1EA I lAA I !;A I !;A NOTES: STIUAER CONSTRUETION COUPII{T, INCORPORATED Curt B. Trau Ro6r IJMNC ROOU MJ.seJ.ug ltall r 1 MleeJ.ag ttall: 0 , 719 SF 6s4 SF 256 SF - 2310! - 0r0! Wal1s Floor Long WaIl x 9'0! x 0'0r 654 SF 84 SY 207 SF Cei ling Flooring Short, Wa1I 06/26/98 Page:3 LxWxE, 28r5n x 23'0r :r g,on Ott6us Iato E eoes Eo Floor/Celllng OpatrB Iato E 1,373 SF Wa11s & Ceiling 80 LF Floor Perimeter 80 LF Ceil. Peri.meter R&R 5/8" drywall - h*9, taped, floated, ready for paint Texture drywall - heavy hand texture R&R Batt inEul.ation - 10n - R30 PainE the walle c ceiling - two coatg Mask and prep for paint R&R Ca4)et - (material and labor) - Premium grade The owner has agreed to on replace !/2 the carpet in thie room intends to replace the carpet with wood flooring in thia area. with Ehe owner creditj.ng back carpet for wood floor. ContentE - move out then reaet - Large room 1 R&R ExEerior door 1 front door ia dragging needs to detached trimed at bottsom & re6eE Recessed light fixture - Detach & reset 3 entire unit I/2C + Ll2Lw I/2C +I/2Lw r/2c+L/2Lw l{c PC L/2SY 455 SF 455 SF 455 SF 1,3?3 SF 80 LF 42 SY where it is stained. He We wilL work directly 1EA l.!D NOTES: Rom: Panl.Iy Ro@ ItiesLng Wall: 1 540 SF 336 SF 189 SF - 1lr0i x WaIle Floor Long WaII 9 | 0r 336 SF Ceiling 43 SY Flooring 144 SF Short WaIl Lxl{lrE: 21! 0r ,r 16|0r x 9 r 0n Oirena Into E Gio€s to Floor/Ceiling 876 SF Walle & Ceiling 50 LF Floor PerimeEer 50 LF Ceil. Perimeter R&R 5/8" drywall - hung, taped, floated, ready f or pai.nt Texture drywall - heavy hand texture R&R Batt insulation - 10" - R30 Paint tshe walls & ceiling - tvro coats Mask and prep for paint ReceEged light fixture - Detach & reset entire unit R&R Baseboard - 6rr hardwood 45 v|c 45 wc PC L o 45 SF 876 SF +5 -t 875 SF 60 LF 1EA b!! Curt B. Trau STITIACK CONSTRI'qTION CO}IP}II?, INCORPORATED Continued - Family Room 06/26/98 Page:4 Paint baseboard - two coatE t!! NOTES: Rod: MaBtor Badro@ L*W:rIl: 19r4n x 13r0t x 9r0n 582 SF Walls 252 SF Ceiling 834 SF WaLLs & Ceiling 252 SF Floor 32 SY Flooring 65 IJF Floor Perimeter 174 SF Long Wall 11? SF Short Wall 65 LrF CeiL. Perimeter R&R 5/8n drywal l - h*9, taped, floated, C + LW 426 SF ready for paint Texture drywal1 - heavy hand texture C+LW 426 SF R&R Batt insulat.ion - 10" - R30 C+LW 426 SF Paint the walls & ceiling - t$ro coats WC 834 SF Mask and prep for paint Pc G5 LF R&R Baaeboard - 6n hardwood L/ 2PF 32.5 LF Paint baseboard - two coats llzPF 32.5 LF Clean and deodorize carpet F 252 SF There is some dark Etaining by the trim edge the carpet may or may not come clean NOTES: Ro@t IIASTER BATE L,xIflrE: 14 | 0n x 10 r 0n x 9 | 0n Subro@ 1: lfiast€r Closat LrxI{lrE: 9i9n ,c 5r0o x 9r0n 698 SF WaIIE 189 SF Ceiling 88? SF Walls & ceiling 189 SF Floor 24 SY Flooring 78 IJF Floor Perimeter 214 SF Lrong lrlall 135 SF Short Wall 78 LF Ceil. Perimet.er Drywa11 patch, ready for paint 3 3 EA we do not at this time how wet the ceiling got in this area we will know once the ceiling is removed in the bedroom and the insulation is replaced, if the inaulation in the bathroom iE wet we will need to add replacement of ceiling drywaI1 and ingulation at this time it is not included in our Ecope, Paint the waIla & ceiling - two coatB wC 887 SF NOTES: Curt B. Trau Ro@s EALIJWAY 3tz 58 762 Wa11g Floor Long Wall SF SY SF SF SF SF gTrtitcK CONT'TRI'qIION EOUPIITY, INCORPORATBD 06/26/98 Page:5 Lxlf:tll: 18r0n tc 3r9tr tc 9r0' Ceiling 460 sF Walls & Ceiling Flooring 44 IJF Floor PerimeEer Short Wa]1 44 L.,F CeiL. Perimet.er 68 9 34 Paints the wal1s & ceiling - two coat6 wc 460 SF 1,117 SF Wa11s 319 SF Floor 360 SF Long WalL No items entered Rooo: Batbrooo MaLn Floor 196 SF Wa1ls 37 SF Floor 5I SF Irong Wal,l No items entered NOTES: Ro@: Bcdro@ #1 Subrom 1: Batb Subrom 2: VaaJ. ty MLsaing Wall r 1- Subrom 3: Cloect Roo: Bedroo *2 516 SF 202 SE 147 SF No items entered Ro@! BITEROOU #2 Subrooo 1r Vaaity uiEsiag wrl].r 1 260 SF 45 SF 90 SF No items entered 9r0n 319 SF Ceiling 41 SY Flooring 240 SF ShorE Wall LxWrrE: 16'0n x 14r0n x 9r0n Lxlt:<8: 5r0r x 4r6n x 9'0n LxltxH: 5'0n x 4'6n x 9r0n Opcna Into 0 GoeE to Floor/Cciling Lxl{:tII: 1{'Otr :a 3r6n x 9r0n 1.436 SF WalLs & Ceiling 125 IJF Floor Perimeter 125 IJF Ceil. Perimeter 4 | 5tr x VfalIs Floor Long WaIl - 416. waI IE FIoor Long WaIl 37 SF Ceiling 5 SY Flooring 40 SF Short Wall LxW:lE: 7t3n x 5r0tr ,E 8r0|l 233 SF Walls & Ceiling 25 LF Floor Perimeter 25 LF Ceil. Perimeter 202 SF Ceiling 26 SY Flooring 112 SF Short WaII IJ:l|lFr!: 16r3n x 12'5n x 9r0n ?18 SF Walls & Ceiling 5I L,F Floor Peri.meter 58 LF Ceil. Perimeter x 9 | 0|l Lrxl{lt$: 5r0r x 4r5n tc 9r0tr L:tSlxE r 5r0n x 4r5r ,< 9r0ll OE€D! IBto 0 Goes to Floor/Ceiling 306 SF Wa1ls & Ceiling 29 IrF Floor Perimeter 28 LrF Cei1. Perimeter 45 SF Ceiling 5 SY Flooring 82 SF Short WaIl STTUACT CONSTRUCTIOTT COUPII{T, INC9RDORITED Curt B. Trau 06/26/98 Page:6 Roo: Lrauadry Ro@ Lxl$cl: 6r0i x 5t0r x 9,0n 198 SF Walle 30 SF Ceiling 228 SF Walls & Ceiling 30 SF Floor 4 SY Flooring 22 IrF Floor Perimeter 54 SF lJong WaIl 45 SF Short Wa1l 22 LF Cell. Perimeter No itemg entered Roo: GBNERA.LT ITEIIS CONTENT MAI{IPUIJATION J- !;A NOTES: Ro6: Crawl Sprcc locllSiE: 30 | Ot :3 20r0r x 9 | 0'| 900 SF 9lallg 600 SF Celling 1,500 SF Wa11s & ceiling 600 SF Floor 77 SY Flooring 100 LF Floor Perimeter 270 SF L,ong IilaII 180 SF Short Wall. 100 L,F Ceil. Perimeter R&R 5/8" drywall - hung, taped, floated, C ready for paint Texture drywall - light hand texture Paint the eurface area - two coatB R&R Batt i.nsulat.ion - 5" - R19 Detach & Reset garage door opener c L200 c 1 500 sF 600 sF 1,200 sF 600 sF 1EA NOTES: Curt B. Trau Roo: Kl.tcben HLssi[g WaIl: 1- 16r9n x 9t0n llLeaiug I{a11: 1- 1215! x 9.0r DlJ.eeiug l{a11: 0 - 0t0n x 0r0n Subro@ 1: Eallway MJ.eeLag Wallr 1 - 616' :< 9.0n Ml.eeiag Wall: 2- 5r0' x9r0! 253 SF Walls 243 SF Floor SII}IACK CONSTRUETION COUPA}TY, TNCORPORATED Itult C 06/26/98 Page: ? IJ:.W:rIl: 15'9n x 12r6tr x 9r0n Ogcns Iato E Go€s to Floor/CeJ.llag Opcns Iato E Go€s to Floor/Celllag OpcnB Iato B Lxlf:<Il: 615r x 5r0'x 9r0rr Op.ns Into 0 Goes to Floor/Ceitlug OIrcDs Into E Gocs to Floor/Cei1{ag 505 SF Vfalls & Ceiling 29 IJF Floor Perimeter 29 IJF Ceil. Perimeter 243 SF Ceiling 31 SY Flooring 210 SF Long Wall 158 SF Short wa]1 Sand, stain, and finish wood floor 276 276 SF R&R Hardwood floor covering - Premium grade F 243 SF CABINETRY Repair baee cabinet 1 1 tS NOTES : Roq: LIVIIIO ROOltl [xW:lE r 28t5t x 23'0tr x 9r0n MJ.ssing WalI: 1 - 2310! :c 9r0' Opeas Into E Goca to Floor/Cciling MJ.sslng Wallr 0 - 0r0' x 0r0n Open3 Into B 719 SF Wall.E 654 SF Ceiling 1,373 SF walls & Ceiling 554 SF Floor 84 SY Flooring 80 LF Floor Perimeter 255 SF Long Wall 20? SF Short V{alI 80 LF ceil. Perimeter Sand, gtain, and finish wood floor 554 SF NOTES: sTIt[ACr CONSTRUCTION COUPANY, INCORPORATED CurE B. Trau 06/26/98 Page:8 Rom: Faml Iy Ro@ LrxWxH: 21.0n x 15'0" x 9 | 0t Misal.ng lfallr 1 - 14r0n x 9.0n O[r3nr Into B eoes to Floor/Ceillag 540 SF Walls 336 SF Ceiling 875 SF Walle & Ceiling 336 SF Floor 43 SY Ffooring 50 IrF Floor Perimeter 189 SF Long WalI 144 SF Short wa11 60 LF Ceil. Perimeter Sand, stain, and finigh wood floor 335 SF NOTES: Roon: HALIJWAY IJ:lStxH ! 18 r 0t x 3r9r x 9 | 0n 392 SF Walls 68 SF Ceiling 460 SF walls & Ceiling 68 SF Floor 9 SY Flooring 44 LF Floor Perimeter L62 SF Long WaII 34 SF Short Vfall 44 LF Ceil. Perimeter Sand & finish !'rood floor (natural finish) F 58 SF NOTES: Rom: GENERAL ITB[9 Contenls - move out then reEet - Extra large 1 room packout of a1I wood floor areas in order to sand etain and refinish. Dumpster load - Extra large 2 2 EA NOTES: Grand TotaL AreaE : 8,295 SF Wa1ls 4,271 SF Ceiling L2,572 SF WalLs & Ceiling 4,277 SF Floor 549 SY Flooring 927 lrr. Floor Perimeter 3,001 SF L,ong WaIl 2,037 SF Short Wa1I 927 I'F Cei1. Perimeter 1EA a' TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArt, co 8L557 970-479-2L38 DEPARIS{ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE AT ALL TTMES PermiE #: E98-0211 sracus...: IssuED HAUApplied. . : 09/03 /L998 Issued...: 09/03/L998 E>q)iree. . : 03/02/!999 Phone:. 970-748-L849 Phone,: 970-748-L849 ELESIRICAL PERMIT Job Addres6: 141 W MEADOW DR tocation...: 141 W MEADOW DR SKAI,IJ Parcel No.. : 2101-071-04-OO7 Project No.: 53r22L6L2 Valuation:1, 500 . 0o pEE SU,[i,lARy APPI.,ICAI\TT,JOHNIfY CROSS CONSTRUCTION p.o- box 3968, avon co 81620 CONTRACTOR,JOHNNY CROSS EONSTRUCTION p.o. box 3968, avon co 81_520 OhINER TAKTON MAR.]ORIE J -TRUST 1505 GREENWAY TERRACE, ELM GROVE WI Descript.ion: ELECTRICAL FOR REMODEL ELectlical- - - > DRB F€C InvesEigat'ion > WiIl call----> TOTAL FEES- - - > ToEal calculaced Fee6---> Addilignal Fee6--- ---- -- > Total Pefinit Fee------ -- > Pa! nent€-------- BATANCE DT'E" -. - 50 .00 .00 .00 3.OO 53-O0 .00 53-OO .00 r * r * * * * * r r t r i r * * * * r r r * i * * i t r * t * + IT,em: -06000 EI.,ECTRICAL DEP.A,RTT'IENT Dept: BUILDING Division:O9/03/L998 iIRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED .]RI"T ^rEeqri .956q0 FIRE DEPARTvENT Depr: FrRE Divisionr O9/O3/L998 JRM Act.ion: AppR N/A r****1f,*tr***it CONDITION OF APPROVAI-, 1. FrELD rNspEerroNs ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIIANCE. DECI,ARAITIONS I heroby acknoxledgc lhat I have lead chia application, fillcd out in fult tshc infor-uafion tcquired, conplcted an accuralc pl,ot p1an, and 6caEe tshat all the lnfoffialion plovided aa rcquired is corrac!. I agrec go conply rith ghc inforalatsion rnd plot pIan,lo conply with all Tovn ordinancca and etate lar6, and to build this slructule according to th€ Totrn,s zoning and eubdiviaion codee, design r6viGir approved, Uniforn Bui,Iding Code and olher ordina.ce€ of the Toyn appl,icable lhereto. Ol,tR OFFICE FROM 8:o0 AM S:00 PM REQUESTS FOR XNSPEqIIONS SHAI]L BE MADE TWENTY. FOUR HOt'Rg IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47 OR COIfTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ****************************************!r*********************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO SLat,emnt **************************************************:t************* stat,emlt, Number: REC-0445 Amount:53.00 09/09/98 13:30 Init.: iIRt4 Payment. Method: eK Notat,ion: 1335 Permit. No: E98-021_1 Tlpe: B-BLEC ELEqfRICAL Parcel No: 2101-O7L-O4-O07 Site Address: i_41 W MEADOW DR LOcaeion: 141 W MEADOW DR SI(AIJIJ HAUS A Total Fees:This PaymenE,53.00 ToE.al ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Account Code Descriptj-on EP OO].OOOO31]-]-4OO ELEqTRICAI PERMIT FEES WC OO]-OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE PERMIT 53.00 s3.00 .00 Amount 50.00 3.00 ''f*aoni"". Eagle co (;;_i sit$:;; o ; " ;::"f : : ; " t ft T;wlr oF vArL .o""t*u"rrF PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE: PEzu\IIT /'---8.7?-ot7s, JAPPLrcATroNMUsTBErrLI,EDoUTcoMPI,E?ELYoRrT]'lAYNoTBEAccEP?ED }t**************2k******rr******* PERMJTT rNronrtarroN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,r * Jr )r * )t )r ,r * * * * , f l-Etrri'lAii'- r' .t L r-'o."rrrur''g 1 i-plumbing {-Electricar. I i-Mechani-cal [ ]-other . + ITECHANICAL: $ ru: i : : : i . : ; : :: : i : ::..J:. ; y : : -coNrRAc_roR Job Name:Job Address: /?/ w Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing Owners Name: n ',- * TPt Sr -- t .: \-il .-E -). Acloress: Architect:Address: ceneral Description: 1 ilnepair f :-oti,..Number of Dwerlinq' units: ..- . -- L J r\ePctr'r L J -uEner---. .> vrrrr.->. Number of Accornmodation Units: BUf LDING: $ Fr..,'.hh+^i + ,. ,z--2 ."-n2 prirdiii;; f_.- 3.-*:T:l:11: !-64. e orHER: $ TOTAL: $_--_.-- Phone Number: -a,z/?"ml iiff::::lcontracto" 7-jwn or Vail Ree. No. 3irlrnuils "on..u" 6 Phone Number: 7?n t' Addre.ss: -'H Town of Vail Re- xr^ Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor: Address:Town of Vail Reg. NO.Pnone Number: . PLUMBING PERMTT T'EE: MEC}I,ANICAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE:NDtr Ff.F. FOR oFFIcE usE ******************************x BUTLDING PI,AN CHEC.K FITtr.Pt,ullBING PI"AN dil;i.. ;#;MEcHANrcAr tr"cN-;;il"'x"irn, RECREATTON FXE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURX: VALUATION \ \i/ i\\ \i \{ |..'' _| " " q l.t n nrn nT; sc^LE Y.2"'lto ' ptv€. vfi\t, c.o