HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BLOCK 2 LOT E TIVOLI LODGE_011 LEGAL.pdfo o o o o o o o o o o o O o o o o o o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O o o o a DETAIL MAI{UAL ffl\A APPROVED rivoli Lodge Tor|l{hililfl ffi tsirtss,ff'q{,Hs#fffbffi f;R""d sectton- Vail- Colorado - Intemdonrl Bulldlng Coddlntlrnatlonat ReCldenthl Code Vatldlry of permlt The bsuanca or $anting of a pemil shall not be constrired to be a pemlt for, or an approval of, any violation d env of the Drovtsions of lhb cods or of any oth€r otdinanco of tho luriioiaion. P€nnlb pr€sumlng to glvo adhotity to violate or cancel tho bwisiors of tlrls code ot dterildlnancos d he luridilion shall nol bc ialid. The issuance cr a pcm|it bes€d on construaion docr:ments atd o$er dala shall not orsron0 t€ buildlno official from requiring the coneclion ol enors iir fre conetrugtion -documentrs and oth€t data. Tll|o$er data shall not orsron0 t€ buildlno official from requiring the -. conedion of orors iir fre conetrrrtbn documentrs and othet data. Tll| A ffii'ffiffi%4r. r\F' +-A0q4rr t building official is atso aufiotlz4Jlefl€vent-ocatpancy or.use of a rrr.rctu-re where in violation qltlf,coih or of any btheiordinancog d Permit and Construction Town of Vail OFFICIE COPY f,ESOf,lT DESIGN -I ASSOCTATES it\ w ll'ry.6,G#ry October 28.2004 o/zap o o o o o o O o -: TIVOLI LODGE t PRoJECT #23t7g.oo O 386 Hanson Ranch Road O Vail. CO O Lot E, Block 2,Yail Village First Filing O pRoJEcrDrRECToRy o a owNER : Bob and DianeLazier O 386 Hanson Ranch Road O vail, Co 81657 a Contact: Name: Bob Lazier a Phone: (970)476-5616 o 8xi,, "rlr'lr!:;:f:,"o .. PLANNING CONSULTANT t E"tt""""oP"t"".*O l0S So. Frontage Road West, Suite 204 O Vail, CO 81657 O Contact: Name: Jay Peterson a Phone: (970)476-0092 O Fax: (970)479-0467 O ARCHITECT a Resort Design Associates, International : 1434 Spruce Street, Suite ll0 O Boulder. CO 80302 O Contact: Name: Mike Foster a Phone: (303)449-4433 O Fax: (303)449-3366 O GENERAL CONTRACToR O Bob Lazier a 386 Hanson Ranch Road v Vail. CO 81657 O Contact: Name: Bob Lazier O Phone: (970)476-5616 O Fax: (970)476-660r O Cell: (970')390-1919 o O F:\pri\23096 Tivoli I-odse\230e6Cadd\DETAILS\PROJECT DIRECTORY.doc, 12/21/04 Page 1 of 3 O f,ESOf,T DESIGN E -.t6-Er!fl ASSOCIATES o o o o o o a a o o o o PROJECT DIRECTORY (con't) O SURvEYENGINEER O eu@!,r* O 41199 Highway 6 &24,Ezgle-Yd. ,r. P.O. Box 1230 : Edwards, CO 81632 O Contact: Name: Michael Post O Phone: (970)949-1406 O Survey: Job#, Dated: - a crv[ ENGTNEER O ffir*lco.*riilt' O 1000 Lions Ridge Loop a Vail- CO 81657 : Contact: Name: Mark Luna O Phone: (970')476-8644 a Fax: (970) 476-8616 ? GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER t @".O 5oioRoad ts4 O Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 O Contact: Name: - Steve Pawlack o ;Hl"' [?13\31:;niX o ! STRU.TURALENGINEER t ,V1.** N-"*"tt t-gt"* O l70l Wynkoop StrJet, Suite 200 O Denver, CO 80202 O Contact: Name: Kristen Fox or Peter Monroe o i*r"'t131,,231_tZ?],o o o o O F:\pri\2096 Tivoli Lodge\23096Cadd\DETAIIS\PROJECT DIRECTORY.doc,|2/21/O4 Paige 2 of 3 o RESORI DESIGN ASSOCIATES o o a o o o o o o o o o o a PROJECT DIRECTORY (con't) . MECHATVCAL DESIGN-BUILD ENGINEER a Beaudin Ganze Consulting Engineers : 110 E. Beaver Creek Blvd,O Suite 202 O P.O.Box 9650 a Avon.CO 81620 - Contact: Name: Ray Engen /Dan Koelliker . i*l"'8ill31,i:2',it o o O ELEcTRIcAL DEsIGN-BUILD ENGINEER O Beaudin Ganze Consulting Engineers O I l0 E. Beaver Creek Blvd.- ;t31X"." O Avon,CO 81620 O Contact: Name: Patrick Burns O Phone: (303)278-8784 O Fax: (970)949-6rs9 o o o o o o o o o o o O F:\pri\2096 Tivoli Lodge\Z096Cadd\DETAIIS\PROJECT DIRECTORY.doc,r2/27/04 Page 3 of 3 o RESORT DESIGN @ ASSOCTATTS RtrSOBT DESIGN t5socraTEs TIVOLI LODGE PROJECT #23179.00 DETAIL MANUAL Section l: Code Tivoli Lodge code review Section 2: WalUFloor 2.1 Exterior Wall Details 2.10 Entry Arch Detail 2.ll Cantilever 2.12 Header @Garage Opening 2.13 Stone to Stucco Transition 2.14 EIFS to "Wood" Siding 2.15 Cantilever @ Tower 2.16 WalV Railing (Ramp) Section 3: Roof o o o o o o a o o o O o o o o o a o o o o o o o o O a I o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o 3.1 Roof Assembly Details - refer to system notes 3.2 Eave Details 3.20 Eave at Simulated Slate Roof 3.20a Eave at Simulated Slate Roof @ Column 3.21 Eave at Copper Roof 3.21a Eave @ Towers 3.22 Soffit @ Mansard Roof 3.3 Rake Details 3.30 Rake at Simulated Slate Roof Ridge & Valley Details 3.4O Ridge@MainRoof 3.41 Ridge @ Dormer Roof/Wall Details 3.50 Recessed Balcony Section @ Apartment Chimney Details 3.60 TypicalChimneyDetail Snow Guard Details 3.70 Typical Snow Guard Detail Gutters/Downspouts Details 3.80 Gutter/Downspout @ Concrete Wall 3.80a Gutter/Downspout @ Stud Wall Gutters/Downspouts Details 3.9 2 HR. Column Detail 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.9 F:\pti\23096 Tivoli l-odge\23096Cadd\DETAIIS\INDEILdoc, 12 / 21 / 04 Page 1 of3 o o o o o o o o o o O Section 4: Stair & Railine : 4.1 Guardrails o o i.l? i'Xi::?":ll""conyRa' section O 4.12 Balcony Over Wesi Ski Locker O 4.13 Recessed Balcony Section @ Apartment - Re: D3.50 o section 5: l::.. t"ot @ SPa area O 5.1 Door Schedule (NOT inctuded) Re: 10.0 a 5.2 Door Types o ii; T#i:tlHifi"6H;:,"f"., a 5.23 Typical Janft @ Interior Door O 5.3 Doors @ Stone Veneer O 5.30 Door Head @ Stone Veneer o itr: 3::t{ffij,9,:'6il;:T:""". O 5.33 Door Head @Battered Stone Veneer with Transom O 5.34 Door Jamb @ Battered Stone Veneer o s.4 3::.,6Tl#3'#:li@ Battered Stone Veneer O 5.60 Door Head @ Siding with Transom O 5.60a DoorHead @ Siding o i2; 3:::iil;',9i61',u*, O 5.5 Doors @ EIFS a 5.70 DoorHead@EIFS O 5.71 DoorJamb @ EIFS o section 6: i/,10"3r""'rhreshold @ EIFS o o o o o o a o o t F:\pri\23096 Tivoli I-odge\Z096Cadd\DETAIIS\INDEXdoc, 12/21/04 o 6.1 Window Schedule RE: A9.0 BESOR/T DESIGN - ASSOCIATES Prge 2 of 3 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ) o o a o o o I o O o o O o a o o o o a o o o a o o o O 6.2 Window Types - refer to window schedule A9.0 6.3 Windows @ Stone Veneer 6.30 Window Head at Stone Veneer 6.31 Window Jamb at Stone Veneer 6.32 Window Sill at Stone Veneer 6.33 Window Head at Battered Stone Veneer 6.34 Window Jamb at Battered Stone Veneer 6.35 Window Sill at Battered Stone Veneer 6.4 Windows @ Wood Siding 6.40 Window Head @ Wood Siding 6.41 Window Ianft @ Wood Siding 6.42 Window Sill @ Wood Siding 6.5 lVindows @ EIFS 6.50 Window Head @ EIFS 6.51 Window Jamb @ EIFS 6.52 Window Sill @ EIFS 6.6 Miscellaneous Window Details 6.60 Window Sill @ Transom 6.61 hon Grate @ Small Window 6.62 Plan Detail @ Window Shutter/Section at Head of Shutter 6.63 Detail of Flower Box Section 7: Interior and Miscellaneous Architectural Details 7.1 Ceiling Details 7.10 Ceiling Furring Detail 7.ll BuiltUp Beams 7.12 Swface Applied Box Beams 7.13 Single Crown Molding l.l4 2Piece Crown Molding - Flat 7.15 2 Piece Crown Molding - Angled 7.2 Fireplace Details 7.20 Fireplace Mantel 7.21 Fireplace Hearth 7.3 Kitchen Details 7.30 Kitchen Counter @Bar 7.31 T1p. Kitchen CabineVCounter 7.4 Bathroom Details 7.40 Vanity Countertop 7-41 Shower Wall 7.42 Roll - in shower detail XESONT DESIGN -.€- IiI ASSOCIATES F:\pti\23096 Tivoli Lodge\23096Cadd\DETAIIJ\INDE)Ldoc, 12/ 21 / 04 Pzge 3 of 3 a o o o O Tivoli Lodge O Code Review O June 21"'. 2004 o o o o a o o o o o o o a o o o o o o a o I o a o o o o o o t o o o o - Tivoli Lodge o I997 UBC Building Program First Floor 10,010 Second Floor t0,4t6 Third Floor t0,298 Fourth Floor 10,739 Fifth Floor a '715 Total Finished S.F.45,238 Garage S.F.rr,263 Total S.F.56,506 Height Max 56'-0" Stories 5+1 Item Section Requirement Occupancy (310.1)Finished Space R-1 (303.1.1)Assembly Space A-3 (31r.l)Garage s-3 Occupancy Separation Table 3-B, exception I /2 302.4 RI/53 2hr Table 3-B RI/A3 lhr Table 3-B, exception I / 2 302.4 A3lS3 2hr Parking Garage - Enclosed "S3" Area Unlimited with spinkler Re; 505.2 Heieht 7'-0 Min Re: 311.2.3.2 Tvpe of Construction Tvpe II-F.R Base Allowable HeighUStories/Area Table 5-B 312.2.2 P.l;160'l12/29,900 S; nall/39,900 Multi-Storv Increase 504.2 29,900x2 59,800 Separation on all Sides Increase 505.1.3 Sq.ftx5%Additional2,990 sq ft Automatic Sprinkler Svstem 505.3 Double the sq ft = 61.295 x2 122,590 Fire Resist Rating (hours) Table 6-A Table 5-A Struct frame 2 Bearing Walls - Int Ext I 2 Floor 2 Page I 6/23/2004 o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Roof I NonBearing Walls - Int Ext NC 2 Shaft Enclosure Table 6-,4'2 Iv >:4 stories Opening Rat'g Table 5-A - 503.2 2 hr wall : I % hr opng Door Ratings 20 min. Fire Protection Req'd Yes Fire Alarm 310.10 Not Req'd Smoke Alarm ln each bedroom. Outside each sleeping area. In each story. Alarm Power / lnterconnection Hard wire w/ battery backup. Shall be interconnected. Min Egress Req'ts Table l0-A Occupant Load Rl- 200 sf per person S - 200 sfper person Two exits required Stairways 44" wide clear Riser 7" Max Tread 11" Min Landing 44" min. Handrail both sides Handrail Ht 34" - 38" Grasp 1.25" -2" dia. Handrail Extension - 12" min. beyond face oftop/bottom riser Exits Required 2 for Occ load > R- l0 s-50 Accessibilitv t103.1.9.2 2 accessible rooms required - one with roll in shower 3 rooms are to equipped for persons with hearing impairments Tivoli Lodge Page2 6/23/2004 o o o o o a o o o o o a o o o O o o o o O o O o o o o o o a o o O o o o o o o o o o o o COLORADO CODE CONSULTING, LLC BUILDING CODE DATA Project: Tivoli Lodge Client: Resort Design Associates Date= 312112O05 Buildinq Glassificati 17.1 1. BUILDING DESCRIPTION icable Godes Edition Code Buildinq 1997 UBC Mechanical 1997 UMC Plumbinq 1997 UPC Electrical 2002 NEC Fire 1007 UFC Energy Accessibility 1992 ANSIAl Local Amendmentsi Yes/No on Tvpe of Construction Type ll-FR Occupancy Classification A, R-1, B, S-3 Automatic Fire Sprinklers?Yes Mixed Occupancy Yes Mechanical E 1.1 Actual Buildinq Area Description Occupancy Floor Area Basement Garaqe s-3 1't,263 Lobby / Lounqe A-3 3717 Conference 1111113 A-3 849 Office 112 + Mts. 114 B 616 Hotel First Floor R-1 5234 HotelSecond Floor R-1 10416 HotelThird Floor R-1 10298 HotelFourth Floor R-'l 10739 Hotel/Dwellinq Fifth Floor R-1 3775 TotalBuilding Area 56907 1.2 Actual Building Height Page 1 of6 o o O Stories: s O Height 60' O o O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o o o o o o O Pase2of6 o o : 2.1 Allowable Floor Area Calculations U o o O Tivoli Lodge o a 2. BUILDING REVTEW o o o o a a O o a o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o o o Y " Includes 1/2 distance of public ROW where applicable (Section 503.3)o o : 2.1 Exterior Wall Protection and Openin rt O 2.2 Building Fire-Resistance a O Type of Contraction:fype ll-FR Occupancy R-1 A-3 B BAA 29,900 29,900 39,900 Yards (505.1 2 Side Increase for 50o/o 1.5x 1.5x 1.5x Sprinklers (505.3)2x 2x 2x Stories (504.21 2x 2x 2x Maximum Building Area 179,400 179,400 239,400 on an Wall Location Distance to Property Line* Exterior Bearing Wall Exterior Non- Bearing Wall Opening Protection North Cannot be Determined on plans submitted for review. 4hr NC 4hr NC if <5'Protected <20' East 4hr NC 2hr NC if <2O'Not Permitted <5' South 4hr NC thr NC if ,40' West 4hr NC NR elsewhere Building Element Fire-Resistive Ratinq Exterior Bearinq Wall 4 (or per Table 5-A) Interior Bearinq Wall 2 Exterior Non-Bearing Wall 4(or per Table 5-A) StructuralFrame 2 Permanent Partitions 1 Shaft Enclosures 2 Floors & Floor/Ceilings 2 Roofs & Roof/Ceilings 1 Page 3 of 6 o o O Tivoli Lodge o o 3. MEANS OF EGRESS : pl-ee" o o o o o o a o o O 3.2 Number of Exits per Floor 3.3 Gorridor Requirements Floor Required Width Width Provided Fire Resistive Ratinq Opening Protection First 44 66"1HR 20min Type S Second 36 66"1HR 20min Type S Third 36 66"1HR 20min Type S Fourth 36 66"1HR 20min Type S Fifth 36 54 1HR 20min Type S o o o o a o o o o o o o o a o o O 3.4 Miscellaneous Requirements O Exit Enclosure Rating:2 Hours O Door Swing Direction: the direction of egress for First Floor and Exit Str O Exit lllumination: Required a lllumination Emergency Power: Required : Exit Sign Requirements: Required + Low Level per Section 1007.6.2.! Fire Alarm System Requirements: Required o o o O Pase4of6 o 3.1 Occupant Load/Exit Width per Floor (Tables 1004.1 .2 & 1005.1 Location Use Floor Area OL Factor Occupant Load Exit width Stair width Basement Parking Garage/ Laundry 1't263 200 57 11.26 17.1 1st Floor Mixed use 10010 Varies 351 70 NA 2nd Floor Residential 10416 300 35 7 11 3rd Floor Residential 10298 300 34 7 11 4th Floor Residential 10739 300 36 7 11 5th Floor Residential 3775 300 13 3 4 Total Occupant Load 526 Floor Occupant Load Exits Required Min. DoorWidth (per each door) Min. StairWidth (per each stair) Reqd.Prov.Reqd.Prov. Fifth 13 2 32 32 36 54 Fourth 36 2 32 32 36 M Third 34 2 32 32 36 54 Second 35 2 32 32 36 54 First 351 2 32 32 NA Basemenl 57 2 32 32 44 54 O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o o Colorado Code Consulting, L.L.C. 811 Fourth Street Berthoud, CO 805 l3 Ph. : 303-895-9988 Fru:970-5 32-2789 March 21,2005 Mr. Charlie Davis Building Official Town of Vail. Colorado 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Tivoli Lodge Dear Mr. Davis: This is letter is intended to address your concems with the construction plans submitted by Resort Design Associates for construction of the five story Tivoli Lodge on Hanson Road in Vail. I have had the opportunity to do a cursory review ofthose plans and compare them to the plan review comments provided by Goodell Consulting @esponse dated July 16,2004 with redlined comments). I am not in possession of the referenced letter regarding outstanding structural issues. I understand that those concerns have been addressed by subsequent communication between the engineer of record and Goodell Consulting. I conducted a site visit and received revised plans on March 17, 2005. During that visit I made numerous recommendations to ensure overall code compliance. The comments in this letter reflect that visit and revised plans provided. A copy ofthis letter will be sent to the architect to for advise on necessary revisions before resubmittal to you. For the most part, the revised plans appear to address the majority of Mr. Goodell's concerns. I have outlined the following areas that need additional consideration: Smoke and Fire Management: The 1997 Uniform Building Code uses a balanced approach for fire life-safety. The code employs a combination of active and passive fire protection feafures. The active component will consist of the automatic fire sprinkler system and the electronic fire alarm (including single station in-room smoke alarms). Review of these items is typically deferred until shop drawings are produced. The passive component consists largely ofthe building's fire resistive construction and the smoke management features of the exiting system. Responsibility for the efficacy of these systems falls largely on the performance of the contractor and the inspection process. The bulk of my review will address issues related to this part of the construction. The code's intent is to control the growth of the fire via the active sprinkler and passive fire resistance requirements. The tenability of the time of egress is largely controlled by smoke management and early detection/alarm devices. o o o o o o o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o The smoke management system for this building relies heavily on passive protection between floors and at corridor barriers. This building has 5 floors communicating via stair and elevator openings. These openings are protected with 2 hour shaft wall assemblies. Openings into the shaft wall are required to rated for 90 minutes. Elevator lobbies are not specifically required when additional doors are provided for fire and smoke containment. The following concems should be addressed by the architect: . Fifth Floor Doors 503 and 506 should be revised to 90 minutes. . All stairway doors on the door schedule should be listed as 90 minute, with a 450 degree F. endpoint temperature at 30 minutes in accordance with UBC Standard 7-2. Since these doors coincidently open directly into the rated corridor, it is my opinion that they should also pass the positive pressure test ofUBC Standard 7-2 and carry an "S" label. The positive pressure testing should only be required for the 20 minute duration indicated in Section 1004. All 20 minute doors indicated on the door schedule having communication with the corridor should be indicated as having an "S" label. Section 1004.3.4.3,2.1. All penetrations into the corridor and shaft wall assemblies should be provided with tested and approved through or membrane firestop assemblies as required by Sections 709 and 710. Submittals for firestopping methods are usually deferred until construction commences (when specific penetrations are ascertained). I highly advise that the contractor employ one firm to handle all penetration firestopping for all trades. Acknowledgement of these requirements should be provided in the construction documents. Since the majority of peneffations will occur through a concrete floor assembly, grout frll around the penetrating items may be employed pursuant to Section 710.2.1 Exception 2. Duct penetrations shall be provided with fire and/or smoke dampers as required by Section 713. Penetrations shall be appropriately sealed around ducts NOT provided with required dampers. As of this date, I have not reviewed mechanical plan submittals. Construction joints: It appears that the 8" precast concrete floor slabs will be provided with 3" of continuous concrete topping spanning across the slab joints. If any joints are provided between floors or walls, appropriate frrestopping assemblies will be required per Section 706. Acknowledgement of these requirements should be provided in the construction documents. During previous discussions with the architect, I feel confident that the various wall, floor, and skuctural assemblies have been assessed for their required fire-resistive requirements. The vast majority of this building relies on pre-cast concrete assemblies. This tlpe of masonry construction has a good historical track record. Other assemblies (wall) comprise of metal studs with glpsum board fire-resistive membranes. Efficacy of these assemblies is largely reliant on the quality of their construction. The architect has indicated that the walls are to be constructed in accordance with Gypsum Association File# WP8205 or Underwriter's Laboratory assembly U408. A copy of these assemblies should be provided to the drywall trades PRIOR to construction. These copies should also be available during freld inspections. Be advised that wall board orientation, joint ofFset spacing, joint width and backing, screw size and frequency, and finishing techniques are frequently specified in these assemblies. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o o o The following plan corrections should be made: . Add listed assemblies indicated on BC-2, etc. to BC-4 as appropriate. The roof assembly must be qualified for fire resistance. Tlpe tr-FR construction requires a one hour roof ceiling assembly. The owner has proposed the following modified assembly: l. Spray apply fire proofing to all beams and girders used to carry repetitive framing members to a depth sufficient to provide one-hour fire resistance. This is permitted pursuant to Section 704.2.6. The fire proofing material and thicknesses shall be verified by an approved third party inspection agencyper Section 1701.5 Item 10. 2. Spray apply fire proofing to all columns used to carry roof structure to a depth sufficient to provide two-hour fire resistance. The fire proofrng material and thicknesses shall be verihed by an approved third party inspection agency per Section I 701 .5 Item I 0. 3. Provide resilient metal channel perpendicular to the repetitive steel "rafters" at 24" minimum spacing on center. Apply two layers of 5/8" Type X Gypsum board at right angles to the channels in accordance to the application criteria in UBC Table 7 -C Item 21 . This assembly is derived from UBC Table 7-C, Item 2 I . The 7 -Cl2l assembly acknowledges that the ASTM E-l 19 test for horizontal assemblies applies fire exposure from underside the ceiling. This assembly uses 2 layers of gypsum board applied to combustible wood joists or rafters. One can conclude that the sole fire resistance is achieved bythe glpsum board alone and not by the framing members. It appears logical that identical application to noncombustible framing members would achieve a similar level of perfornance. In order to increase the probability ofachieving the necessary one hour performance, the owner has agreed to individually protect all horizontal beams/girders even though Section 704.2.6 may assume that they are protected when embedded within the ceiling assembly. It is my opinion that this assembly when consfructed as indicated above will provide the necessary fire resistance assumed for Tlpe II-FR construction under the 1997 UBC. Interior Finishes: I was not provided with a copy of the specifications for this project. The provided plans indicate that various materials will be used for interior finishes. I understand that this permit is intended to be used for core and shell only. Interior finishes are to be included with the interior package. I am somewhat confused by the references to interior wall and floor finishes indicated in the key provided at the top of the A3.XX series of sheets. I would suggest eliminating these references or otherwise indicating that interior finishes will be addressed on the tenant finish permit. Based on the provided information, the following should be considered: o Wood species used as wall and ceiling finish are usually not labeled for flame spread. The Handbook for the 1997 WC contains a table of common wood species and their respective average flame spreads. I suggest using this as compliance documentation for the Cedar species indicated. I have also included a recent AF&PA document on wood species flame spreadwith this submittal. o Exit stair enclosures will require Class tr (includes reduction for the sprinkler system) minimum wall and ceiling finish per Table 8-B. Section 603.4 requires the stairs to be constructed of concrete, iron or steel. Finish on treads and risers is limited to brick, marble, tile or other hard noncombustible materials. Finish o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o O o o o o o o o o o o o o o materials for landings is not specified by the code. Means of Egress Issues: During the course of my review, the following means of egress issues were observed that do not appear to have been addressed during previous correspondence: o Sheet C I . I : The stairway at the northwest comer (exterior) of the building appears to have a landing that is intemrpted abruptly by an intersecting driveway into the parking garage. UBC Sections 1006.3.3.1 and 1003.3.3.5. I suggest adding one additional tread (readjust riser heights for consistency) and extending the driveway curb line back to and in line with the last tread. This will allow the roadway to effectively act as the level landing. r Stairway to the roof: {JBC Section 1003.3.3.1I requires one of the exit stairways to extend to the roof in buildings of four stories or more when the roof is pitched 4:l2orless. Itappearsthatthisbuildinghasaroofpitched2:l2and3:l2directly over the Fifth Floor stair enclosures. It is my understanding that this code requirement is intended to assist fire operations for roof top operations. The code does not contemplate climactic conditions such as those prevalent in the Vail Valley during the majority of the year. I assume that the presence of ice and snow prohibits fire fighter access to roofs with any pitch and no parapet to act as a guard for falls. I also assume that the Vail fire authority compensates by using snorkels and other equipment to provide safe access to these areas. Should these assumptions be correct, it is probably appropriate for the Vail Building Department to consider allowing only a roof hatch (or eliminating the opening altogether) with the fire department's concurrence. This may be done under the auspices of Section 104.2.8 - Altemate Methods provisions. r Disconnected stairways (Stairs I and 3) between Floors Four and Five: At first glance, the Fifth Floor Stair 3 appears to violate Section 1005.3.1. This section states that, "once a given level of fire-resistance is achieved in an exit component, the fire-resistance time-period ofsuch component shall not be reduced until arrival at the exit discharge or at the public way. As designed, an occupant using this stair is forced to exit into the Fourth Floor corridor. then travel to one ofthe two other exit stair enclosures. The corridor is ofmodified one-hour construction (permitted for corridor construction) which is less than that employed in any of the exit stair enclosures. Section 1005.3.3.1 recogrrizes that an exit enclosure would NOT have to be provided for this stair if it meets the requirements in Exception l. Basically, the stair could have remained wide open to the common corridors of both floors. Should that have been the case, the 250 feet travel distance required by Section 1004. would have to be assessed from the most remote point on the Fiflh Floor, through the exit stair, through the Fourth Floor corridor up to the nearest exit enclosure door. I have checked these distances and find that the building complies. It is my opinion that the architect has met the spirit and intent of the code by providing the higher degree of fire resistance for Stair 3. It certainly is preferable to an open stair between these floors that would be permitted by 1005.3.1 (and may still be considered an option by the owner). The travel distance appears to meet the 1004. tlresholds. In my opinion, this stair complies as designed. o o o o t o o o o I o o o o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o C I o o t o o a o o o o a o Cross corridor doors at first floor Corridor 123 and exiting concems from revised Conference Room I I 1/l I 3. The 1997 UBC requires a fire resistance rated corridor to be continuous to the exit without intemrption by intervening rooms. Section 1004.3.4.4 Exception I allows a "lobby" to intervene if designed in accordance with the corridor provisions. It appears that the cross corridor doors open directly into an area labeled "lobby''that has two compliant exit doors adjacent to the revolving entry door. The cross corridor doors are designed to swing in the direction of the "lobby''. In my opinion, this is the correct orientation to avoid having a "dead end" condition. I do not believe that individuals exiting from the "lobby''and attached adjacent "lounge" will use this exit in the event of an emergency. Multiple other exits are provided from this area. All are sized in excess of minimum requirements and are evenly distributed around the perimeter of the space served. Doors depicted at the 107 Entry shall be reversed to swing in the direction of egress. ALL exit doors located on the first floor are associated with A occupancies and therefore shall be provided with panic hardware. This applies to doors serving Conference room I I l/l 13 and Entry/Lounge 107 /102 and doors from Corridor 123 to exterior exits or lobbies/vestibules servinq those exits. Disabled Accessibility: This building is intended to be used for short term lodging of guests. As such, it falls under the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. 1997 UBC Section 1103.1.9.2 attempts to correlate with these provisions byrequiring 2 "accessible guest rooms". Additionally, Table I l-B will require at least 3 rooms for persons with hearing impairments. r The term "accessible" means complying with the non-dwelling unit, general requirements of ANSI All7.l-1992. I would suggest that the architect also review the current ADAAG requirements and determine if any of the provisions are more restrictive than that contained in the 1992 ANSI. . The Federal Fair Housing Act will likely apply to the room labeled "employee". It will also apply to the Fifth floor penthouse if non{ransient housing is provided. The 1997 UBC does not scope these requirements and should be used with caution for compliance. Currently, only 2 residences are being provided. The FFHA is not enabled until 4 or more dwelling units are provided. o No interior accessible route is provided to the Ski Locker. There is an exception for providing the accessible route under Section 1103.2.2 that would be applicable. Only this level may be used for the 3000sf exception. o Employee Toilet Room 010 is not accessible as required by I105.2.1. This may be exempt under the Exception to 1105.2.2 if the owner can verif, that it is not intended for "common or public use" and that it is "adaptable". o A platform lift is used for access between levels on the first floor. Historically, the UBC has been hesitant to allow the platform lift to be used for access between levels. The current IBC allows it in more O o t o I o o a o I applications than previous. It is recognized in Section 1007.2 Item 4 as an accessible means of egress component. I would consider its use as an alternate under UBC Section 104.2.8. Other Issues: o Positive pressure ventilation relative to the adjacent parking area is required for the employee occupied laundry in the basement per Section 1202.2.7. O Hopefully this helps address your concems and will allow this project to move forward. Please O feel free to contact me at any time should you have any questions about this report. ? Respecttully,o o ; Thomas Meyers : Colorado Code Consulting, LLC.a o o o o o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o C o o o o I o o o o o o o )I o I o o o J o O o o o a o c o o o o o I o o o o o a o o o o o o Glassification in Codes are: Class lorA ll orB lll or C Flame Spread Range 0-25 26-75 76-200 Example Locations Enclosed vertical exits Exit access corridors Other rooms and areas Flame Spread Performance of Wood Products Wood and wood-based products are widely used in interior wall, ceiling, and floor surfaces in all types of buildings. Appearance, acoustical qualities, and interior design versatility have made wood surfaces highly desired by architects, designers, and building occupants. This publication briefl y describes building code flame spread regulations on products used in interior finish and presents performance data on a range of wood products. Flame Spread Requirements Most code requirements for wood interior finish materials are expressed in terms of flame spread index numbers. These values are determined in a standard fire test which evaluates the surface burning characteristics of a material. Different maximum flame spread indices are permitted depending upon building occupancy, location of the material in the building, and the presence of sprinklers. Flame spread indices in this publication are provided for wood materials that qualify for various building design requirements. Test Method The standard fire test used to evaluate flame spread characteristics of wood building materials in the United States is ASTM E-84, Standard Test Method for Surtace Buming Cha ractenstlcs of Building Mateials. o o c o I o o I o a a o o o o o o O o o o t O a o a o o o O o o o o o o o o a o o o o o The test procedure exposes candidate materials in a horizontal, rectangular tunnel 17 3/4" wide by 12" in height and 25 feet long. The tunnel is equipped with two gas bumers at one end that direct a flame onto the surface of the test material under a controlled air flow. Flame spreads along the surface of lhe material as the test progresses. Distance of the flame travel and the rate at which the flame front advances during a 10 minute exposure determine the calculated flame spread index. To provide standard conditions for each test, the tunnel is calibrated to an index of 0 for noncombustible materials and 1O0 for 23132" red oak flooring. Indices for lested materials can range from 0 to over 1000. Wood Products Lumber, plywood, and other wood- based materials exhibit a relatively narow range of flame spread. Differences result from factors such as density, thickness, surface characteristics and chemical constituents. lf the material is homogeneous, flame spread may be considered nearly independent of material thickness at thicknesses greater than 1/4". Flame spread indices for a number of species of lumber, plywood, particleboard, shakes and shingles are listed in Table 1. In products such as softwood and hardwood plywood, the arrangement and type of components may also influence surface ffame spread. Some such products are described by face species and core composition in Table 1. All ratings are based on the ASTM E-84 test method. Flame spread indices for a number of commercially available wood products with factory applied overlay finishes are listed in Table 2. Factory finished wall panels are typically tested and labeled to identify the flame spread classification of the finished Droduct. Finish composition, adhesive, and finish thickness may, however, affect flame spread. As can be seen from the listed indices, most tested wood products have a flame spread index /ess than 200, making them acceptable under current building codes for a wide range of interior finish uses. Flame spread indices for a range of proprietary wood- based interior finish materials are also available from their manufacturers. Commercially available fi re retardant treatments for wood and panel products can reduce flame spread performance to an index of 25 or less. Check with the manufacturer for flame spread index. A smoke-developed index was also measured for some of the wood products listed in Table 1 and Table 2. This index also has a value of 100 for red oak. None of the products tested exceeded 450, a limiting value commonly used in building code reoulations. Copyright @ 1997, 1998, 2001,2002 Ameracan Forest & Paper Association, Inc. effort has been made to ensure the accuracv the info.mation in this Dublication. the American & Pap€r Assocjation, and the Companies Associations identified, do nol assume for the accuracy of lhe indices the applicability or extension of the flame spread values to specitic products, their acceptanc€ for use in particular o o a o o o o o o a O o o I o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o I o o o t I o o o o o o Reported Flame Spread lndices Materiall ASTM E€.+ Flame Spread2 source3 Materiall AST E{4 Flame Spread2 source3 Bircl; Yellow t 05-l t0 UL Ced l/8"70-95 APA C€dar, Pacific Coast Ycllow 78 cwc Douglas Fir l/4't50 APA Cedar, Western Red 70 HPVA Douglas Fir 5/16"I l5-155 APA Cedar, Westem Red 73 cwc Douglas Fir 3/8"I l0-150 Ctrctry 3/4"76 HPVA Douglas Fi. l/2"t30-150 Cottonwood lt5 t'I.Douglas Fir 5/8"95-130 APA Cypress 145- 150 UL Hemlock l/8"75-160 APA Elm 314"I IPVA Southern Pine l/4"95-l r0 Fir, Douglas 70- 100 UL Southern Pinc 3/8"100- 105 APA Fir, Douglas 3/4" flooring 8l-98 WEY Southem Pine 5/8"90 APA Fir, Amabilis (Pacific Silver)69 cwc Redwood 3/8"95 UL Fir, r#hite 5 HPVA2 lRedwood 5/8' l|15 lul- HPVA2 Gum, Red l4G 155 Hem-Fir Specres Groups 60 Larch, Westem 5 HPVA2 Ash 3/4" . Particleboard Core 134 HPVA Maple (flooring)104 cwc Birch l/4" - Douelas Fir V€necr Core 135-t73 IIPVA oak, Red or white 100 UI,Birch l/4" - Fuma Veneer Core t27 HPVA Oak, Red l/4'84 I-IPVA Birch f/4" - Douslas Fir Veneer Core I l4 I{PVA Oak, White 3/4'7'1 HPVA Birch 3/4' - High Density Vene€r Corg ll4 TII'VA Pecan 3/4'84 HPVA Birch f/4" - Particleboard Core t24 IPVA Pine, Eastcm Whit€85 cwc Birch 3/4" - MDF Core t34 HPVA Pine, Idaho White 72 HPVA llonduras Mahogany 3/4" - Particl€board Core 105 TIPVA Plne, Idaho white 82 WF]Y l/.\u\ 11164"t67 NIST Pine, Lodgepole 98 WEY Lauur l14"150 IIPVA Pine, Northern White t20-2t5 UL Oak l/4" - Douglas Fir Veneer Core 153 HPVA Pine, Ponderov4 105-230 uL loak 3/4" - MDF core ltzt lrnve I{PVA2 Pine, Pondcrosa ll5 Pine- Southcrn Yellow 130-195 UL 3/16' (Aromatic Cedar Flakeboard)156 HPVA Pine, Sugar 95 HPVA2 l3/8'200 T'L Pine, Westem White 75 UL lt2'135 HPVA Poplar, Yellow 70-185 UL I t2"156 NIST Redwood 10 UL st8'153 NIST Redwood 3/8't02 UL I l/16"168 T'L Spruce, Engelmann 5 HPVA2 3/4',145 L'L Spruce, Nonhem UL 3/4"(Exterior Glue!88-98 APA2 Sprucl, w€stem 00 UL 3/8'140 TJL Walnut 30- 140 UL ' t6'.| ?t T{PVA Walnut 3/4"0l ITPVA 5/8'120 HPVA n^6'140 TJL 5^6', I t27-t38 l,{PA2 3t4',40 HPVA 7n6', I s6-r50 |{PA2 3t4',40 TIPVA tD"I t4-t72 l,{PAz 3t4'30 TIPVA 3t4"r47- r 58 l,{PA2 I )0 UL Copyright @ 1997, 1998, 2001, 2002 American Forest & Paper Association, Inc. westem Red Ccdar Shakes l/2" l,59 HPVA Westem Red Ccdar Shingles l/2" l.t9 HPVA o o o o o o o a o a o o o o a o o O e o o o o a o a o a o t o o o o o , a a o o o o o o I Thickness of marcrial tested is one-inch nominal €xceDt where indicaled. - Thc ASTM E-84 test melhod has been revised a numb€r oftimes during thc ycan referenced by the sourcc relrods. I lowcvcr, the E-84 t€st apparatus has changed litrle over this period. Slightly differcnt flam€ sprcad indices, usually lower, result when recent E-84 oame spread calculation techniques are applied !o older wood product data. These changes in flame spr€ad indices arc not sufficient to chang€ the flame spread class for thc wood products described in this r€pon. 3 sour""rt APA -APA-The Engineered Wood Association, Res€arch Repons 128, Revised, August 1979. APA2 - APA-The Engineered Wood Association Test Results CWC - Fire Safety D*ign in Buidings, Canadian Wood Council, 1996 HPVA -Hardwood Pfywood and Veneer Associatio4 Tca Reports,202,203,335,336,337, 592, and 596; Special flame spread performance tests, Aue. 1974;T9234,T9237,T9317,T9344,T9354.May 1995,T9422,T943O,T 3l,T9453, T9665, Febr'July 1997. HPVA2 - Hardwood Plywood and V€neer Association, Marcl/April 1995, October/December 2000. NIST-National Instituie of Shndards and Technology (formerly National BureEu of Standards), Technical Notes 879 and 945. UL -Underwritels Labontory,UL 527, |^l{.ay 197l; Subje.t 723, Assignm€nt 71SC509, Mar l5 &16,1971: Assignment 84NK I898, File Rl09l7, Mar 9, 1984. WEY -Weyerhaueser Fir€ t boratory, 1973, 1987,luttluy & February 1988. 4 AveraEe of I8 ksts was 154 wi$ three values over 200 Slhe Hem-Fir Species Group repres€nts six spccics: Califomian Red Fir, Grand Fir, Nobel Fir, Pacific Silver Fir, Westem Hemloclq and White Fir. The reported flame sp.ead index rcpresents a product conlaining a mixorc ofthese species. When lumb€r is from a single speci€s refer to the specific sp€cies flame spread index. 6 E*por*" I or exterior ' Flame spr€ad of plywood is aflect€d by the sp€cies of the face veneer but can also be influenced by the speci€s of the underlying core v€neer. various panel constructions involving certain core sp€cies show a relatively high degee ofvariability and pocntial to yield flame spread values abov€ 200. Panel consauctions involving cores ofaspen, sumauma, yellow poplar and white fir have exhibited this behavior wrth average flame spread indices ranging from 78 to 259. Oth€r factors, in addition to species, including malerial and process variables rclatcd to specific manufacturers can also affect llame sprcad. Thus, for plywood parcls with certain core species, lest data from the aciual manufacturer is particularly important in establishing the flame spread classification ofthe Droduct. Copyright @ l9!r7, l99&2ffi1,2002 Amcrlcrtr Forest & Prper Associatiotr, Itrc. ,1130 'lt? t o o o o o o o a o o o o o t o o o a o a o a o a o a a o o O o o o o o o o I o o o o o a l5132" vinyl Ov€rlay lill; vinla o,err"y l3/8" VinylOverlay ,llrzs ll/2" vinyl Overlay 155-166 l/8" Paper Overlay I /4" Facrory Finished Prinred llauan 3 6mm Vinyl Overlay llauan 3.6mm Paper Ovcrlay l /4" Factory Finished l/4' Facrory Finished Douglas Fir w/High Density Overlay 3 ll l6l7s wfvledium Density Overlay 3 6" Faaory Finished Printed l5l8" Vinyl Overlay /16' Phenolic Paper Overlay 3 Copyright @ 1997, 199E, 2002 Forest & Paper Association, Inc. Factory Finished Prinled Q 'r-;4-##NGPorNr ENTRY ARCI.i DETAIL TIVOLI LODGE y41y,@aftADO Revision:Detail No: 2.lO RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES lasa @nocl st- suttl lto EOIIDIB OoUrnrDO S{r90A INTERNATIONAL lar 318-{J0-8866 tG|: 3Gl-,'!fF{JSg ROOF -RE; ROOF TLAI FOR T]?E CONCRETE TOFtlr.,rG - RE, STF.|C'N8RAL PRECAgT CONCRElE 9TFLICTI,IRE . RE:gTFIJCTIFAL B,Ae'ErcARD .1O BE SITPPLIED BY ANNER 2xtr F.3'- nD TRlfl BD D< uD gofflT CANTILEVER TIVOLI LODGE Revision:Detail No: 2.ll RESORIr DESIGN ASSOCIATES ttEa sPmrct !'L lturl 110 EOUIE OoIm|DO 606@ INTERNATIONAL l.a 806-,aag-tE66 LL 3os-aae-aa{B TIVOLI LODGE YAIL,cpLoRr'Do Revision:Detail No: 2.12 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES l€f gnocl $t ntnl u0 EUt8 ootoGtno 6@ INTERNAfiONAL tlr S-{tl9-St l* E0g-.LH|gt --\- FL/agHrhrs EI€EEOAFD .IOEE aFPLIED EY anlER H-/A9Hltg eLocKlr€ car€RErE ToPFlr€ - RE,9TRI.EII.RA FFECAST CANCREIE g?RICTuFE . RB ETFJCN.RA- I lf2'.1'-Ot TIVOLI LODGE vAlL,@LORr'D,O 2.13 RESORf, DESIGN ASISOCIATES tataffiSt Grto mE oilcrDo @ INTERT{A:IIONAL rb s-ar}-sc l* !G-1,|e{$3 BAgEB{,ARP.TOBlE STFPI-IED BY OIIT€R ElFg ro 'wooD" glDlNG TIVOLI LODGE VAIL,@RADO Revision:Detail No: 2.14 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES t(L SPBUCE 8E gl,lll llo BOUuln OOIOnlIn 8{Xm Ili|:TERNATIONAL lar 303-449-$[6 t & 3oo-aae-.l.lIl fbalc: illF r l l'-ox F,r'€iEEp.rc - lO dE gr.[.Pt-tED EY OUltER ffi T1ETAL FLASI{II{6 CONCRE1E TOPTII{G - RE:9TRlCllRA FRECA'9T COT.ICRETE gIFIICIIJFE . RE, OrIAIcruFA FAINT D<FOgED cot{c ErE . #Fl7 6' D@qFE9 gatrtf AtovE u,r.lDoulr fil?) ct lt ulaLl x uJl) cA9ll.t6 - lBD LhE cF cAslN6 EEYO?{P BACKER rcP A@ €EAA{T FLA9|{ht3 ,tx,f ar.ld-E lFcr.l 2X u,D lRll,t - RIP TO FIT uJh.lDoru rNlT - FE, u,llDo0r ocl€DULE CANTILE\€R TIVOLI LODGE vAaL,@Lffir'D,O Revision:tail No: 2.19 RESORf, DESIGN ASSOCIATES taSa smt s?. stllt uo E@lm odclDo 0@ INTtsRNATIONAL lha 8G-aae-t3a6 t L S-+ae-aaSS ctl 2n T.g- \€]T CAL 9/44 }'€Rf ICAL . 4-ln" oE q 6 _l I'x I lD" 1.2 60t1lL?A\'€rc ,1 ..l' I ,l { A A 4A VARIE9 7 AKE 2INII VERI- FOgT 2'-O. ?ASf ToP G 91I?IIdT- SLAB A.|D EXP- Ar.tcf.loR 70 glDiE G Fq}DATIOi{ IIALL I'9/6}.|DBED aq o UALL/ RAILING (RAI'1P) TIVOL] LODGE Revision:Detail No: 2.lb RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES rasa rPnlrcl $?. gultl 110 EOttE COTOSIDO E(xm INTERNATIONAL l.8 g{F40-S100 lcl 3Gl-l4F4ltl3 R3A BATT INSULATION 91EEL ROOF I'1ET"IEERg gIEEL ROOF DECK >/6. IYft,glEArHh€ z ln' FOLYIgOCYAIJRA'IE lNgrjLATlan lntl cDx FIFE. "xr 6YF9Lr,l FETAT?PAT TL 9ELF-ADI€FEh€ U, TERFROOFIT€ FEHBRAIG POLYI'1ERIC CEDAR 9H4KE9 'Z'cl{A*ltlElg w RILLY AFPLIEP gFRAY ON FIREPROOFING l. rrp .x, Gy? e/o- .ROOF A99EI1tsLY ffi TIVOLI LODGE Revision:Detail No: 3.lo RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES 1,'l8a 8PE[rcI SL SUlll ll0 EOOIm cotlnrDio E00@ INTERNATIONAI. Lr S{'3-,l4g-936t I.! E{FF+I9-aaSE r|l-E- FROOFII€ 9/A'' DRNTUALL ON 2Xb 97tJO u'ALL - ALIA{ EXT- ED6E UJIE>4.EDGiE OF STUE COLWII BEYOi.ID 6'NOI-IINAL .I{ARDIPA|EL" r4arERlAL oN l"PL'ruD ON gTEEL @G JOlStS 2" HJRRll.ta u'lNgtlL. l" ELOCKlhlG A9 READ TO ALIC+I 9IDIN6 HATERIAL TI)/OLI LODGE VAIL, @LORA.DO Revision:Detail No: 320 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES lasL g8[rc] st st'ltt ilo EdIm odmlDo 8Gm INTERNATIONAL l.E t6+aaF$Eo lct g6-He-4||n FIRE- PROOFIN6 l'cre ec- 9TriB COLr.Ftl - f, gTFUCT_ 6. l.toi.tlNAL "HARDIPAIEL' FraTERlaL oN I' PLYUD OhI gTEEL ROOF JOIgTg 2" RlRRlhlG lUllN3uL EAVE a 9II-IULATED 9LATE ROOF a COLUl"ll.l TIVOLI LODGE vAlL, AORAOO Revision:Detail No: 32Oa RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES tat4 gmrcG s?- sntm 1ro EOUIDIB Oolm|IlO 80t{}3 INTERNATIONAL tr 303-14$-3SC6 lc|: gt3-{4Hal]S STEEL BEA}' - RE gTRuCTURAL F]RE.FROOFIN6 PER CODE GYP BD FE; @OF FLr'}{ gCI.IEDULE EAVE A CO?PER ROOF TIVOLI LODGE VAIL, COI-CRADO Revision:Detail No: 321 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES r.r3tl SmrCG S?. gtm U0 EOttDtB O(trrrn|Do 8(xtrg INTERNATIONAL hr 3GF{e-38tt Lt 308-a,ae-,tl.l$l 2X4 Rr'figET TO STEEL A{CLE d,JTTE FIRE-PROOFIFIG A5 REOD EY CODE r"€,gtlc.A- 2x4 tLOc,< ATTACHED to 2xl2 u/(4) 3x I RE' 9TRUCT NAILg FL9l+13 2X.l2 V(4 RAFTSET PlNg AIT/CIED TO I-tsEAH IIEB l,'6vp go-otl 2x4 FRA,t"l[.t6 6. NOt,tlNA ,HARDIPA\|EL' IIATERIAL A.I 2y.4 r"fTL gruD FRA},llltc 3" eeru+L otr 2Xb 971.D UrALL - ALI@.I EXT.EDG U/EXI.ED&, G gltE co|-r^]-hl EEYOND I]EADER - FE,gTRI.ETURAL tlJlNDOtlJ - REz scl€puLE EAVE A TOIJTER ROOF S TIVOLI LODGE YAIL,@LoF'r'EIO Detail No: 32la RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES lasl snxtct at sttl tlo EOII& Oq nm AGilt INTERNATIONAL ,rE 308-.l|0-$lt6 !* 36-,!a.ag-aaSs 6' HARDIFLAI.IK MATERIAL or.l l' PLYUD oN FRA|-llr.l6 9OFFIT a I'1AN9ARD ROOF INTERNATIONAL Faa 3{}3-,'!fe-$fo LL 8Gt-,ta{C-.1{}9 TI)/OL] LODGE YA]L,@LoF'A{,.O RT DESIGN ASSOCIAIES sBtcG st gtnlt 110 Detail No: 322 Revision: GOIOnTDO E08{X! 3/4' FIre, RETARDAT PLYurooD o}/€R 5/a', CYF- RA|1EET TO 91EEL \R/ T I I aN6LE_ RE, ROOF PLAN FlREPRooFll.|G PER CODE 'I]ARDIPAEL' I.IAIERIAL OT.t I' PLYUJD ON gTEEL rcOF JOIST5 I'ITL DECKING - RE, gTRUCT- IUBE STEEL . RE: 9TRuCT. ._1+----/--ttttt- - - +- - - -llll llll llll llll lnl llu llll lnl nll llll Inl llll TIVOLI LODGE vAtL,@Lofer'E)o Revision:Detail No: 3.30 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES laSa sPntuct $r, sum ll0 BOITu)R qoU)R LO 8(xtr2 INTERNATIONAL lax E08-{te-9{!6C L& S{t3{40-44:lE RIDGE CA? II'F. UP OVER ELOCK CONT- ROOF gYSlEfl )''"- ,.\ 1 !i ..// /l :'\ ''. == RE, S1RIIC1URA FOR ROoF FRAFlll.l6 ll$o. 5FRAY CN FIREPROOFhI6 I' rr x" Gyp aD- .\ \. I ''r... l\ !'\l E= ==z ''r,.,.i \ \i i\'j -{.:./# RIDGE A I1AIN ROOF I lf2"=l'-@" TIVOLI LODGE Revision:Detail No: 3.40 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES 1l8,r snltcB sr. suTlt 1r0 EOTI.I)B goUTRADO 808{}2 INTERNATIONAL Fa* 903-149-39CC TcL 308-{.49-*ttl3 Scale: l!!1.. f RID4 CAT RIN IIJF- UF O\€R RID4 tsLOCK, CONT. ROOF 5Y9TEF1 ===?z al===== RE' gTF,ICIURAL FOR ROOF FRAl'lli.l6 lr.Fo- gFRAY OhI FlREPRooFll.lc e" TYF x" GYP e,D. R]DGE @ DORI1ER TIVOL\ LODGE oot , cpL6p,\Dto Revision:Detail No: 3.41 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES 1*94 SmrCE Sr. SI'Itt rl0 SoITIDIR @Irn|Ix) 80302 INTERNATIONAL fa:E 803-a49-E366 TGL 809-449-44t13 Scalc: llh. . I COFFER OtrR 2'(1 2r2 19. PFr'J"|E (P) @t{t. v1. wftql PLA1E - EOLT TO FLY. A ON 9/A' FLY.. I,U g.OPE COFFER ON CLEA 9/4. tuY. f,-Af A.l 3 5rA. gtl-. STUD FRAF I€ TYP CI{II-1NEY TIVOLI LODGE VAIL, @LofeADO Detail No: 3bo RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES 1434 gPnUCE tlt SttTl 1r0 BOIrU)n OOUTRADO 80902 INTERNATIONAL Fa- 803-149-E386 tcl: 803-a{9-44{Xl COffi< FINEAL f.4q $r i'={,E y"'6i\ slc.. ww (a; e n-asrrrue Wl ,n ,7i'sntos M 9 nru 4" t4rrJ UP UNOCR,I TOIUER CUPOLA tl \7 ttr2"=t'-@,, T\VOLI LODGE Revision:Detail No: 3.61 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES la{l,l gPBUcE sr. sum 110 EOrntlR oolonaDo SGna INTERNATIONAI, Far: 803-149-St66 T.L 8o3-44e-/l{txl 91EEL FLATE cor.lr-lfDlaHgrEEL PIPE 9ET EXPADED FITL ME$I u/@NT. CAF - U-tsOLT TO PIPE SAUJCUT ftLE . 5EA-cOl.lT tllRAP tUF- P KNIFE FLATE . 2'-A' MN IU/A'.I EXTRA LAYER OF IlfiERA|E KNIFE PLATE ' 5'-@" oc.t'1Ax n&E dJT G 3. a-are u4.taLF RotND gLEE\/E5 IIJELDED TO IT -CONT DOTIN TO EAgE PI-AIE UELDED TO AI.IGLEg IIELDED TO ROOF STFTICTTJRE TYP- 9NOIU GUARD TIVOLI LODGE Revision:Detail No: 3.10 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES 1434 SSn Ct tlL St ltl llo EOoUrn ooloRlDo qxloz INTERNATTONAL t 8 803-,t149-8:m LL 3O8-149-{l{Xl o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O o o o o o O o o T,9. OR iI,,F. COLUHN RE' 9TRUCruRE 3 LAYERg I/2U TYPE UXU 6YP9I^F1 EOARD PER UB-C.TAtsLE 14, ITEFI I-12 FOR 2 HOTJR RATIT.IG TIVOLI LODGE VAIL, COLOPADO Revision:Job No:2311E@,Detail No: 33 Ihara Ep lC RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES usa gnrcE st 8rrtll u0 g'I,IE @IIn|DO 6OEG INTERNATIONAL hs 3GF110-EE66 l.L 306-.4{0-4aSE Datc: @t6lol Scale: W.14 l r' DIAH- lRohr ropRAtL 4X4 gTEEL PO T BEYOI.ID 1,, lRohl PICKE' gLOFE Coi,lc. TOPPI}{G |/2" FER FOOT TO DRAIN uteAP coFFER FlA9r.llr.t6 OV€R CURts ' FRO1ECT FROT,T DAF1AGE T.O. CONC TOPPING RE' PLAN9 COFFER FLA9I{II.I6 2 X u,ooD TRll.l PAINT I^O.IDERgIDE C EXPOSED FfEEFAts CO}IC. PANEL- @LOR7tsD 5lJrcO gYgTEl.l tsALCONY EDGE 4 3'-@" TIVOL] LODGE Revision:Detail No: 4.lo RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATBS t.sa $n['ct sL tntrr tlo EOI,IIIB CUTBTDO sxros INTERNATIONAL !!r E08-,a.fg-$166 ?cL 908rtl9-+lg3 | ," Dlr'J.1. tRoN ToPRA|L I" IRON PICKET \s I cc\ SLOPE coNc. ToPPlN,lG l/2" PER FOOT TO DRAIN (-.l X I I"fi {fr-J9-g=tNq. rci=o'*o"' T RE' PLAN9 COPPER FLASI]IhIC 2 X IIJOOD TRIM 1 >/8" 5TONE VENEER TIVCLI LODGE VAIL, COLORAPo Revision:Job No:Detail No: 4.ll RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES 1t134 SPBUCE ST. SUm llo BOITU)m COIORADO 80302 INTERNATIONAL Far 303-449-3366 TeL 303-449-44{t3 i.# @on 2ll EI.IFLOYEE I'..IIT I I {#FffRrcruRAL sLAB TI)/OLI LODGE uorr, "oy6p,t|JDo Revision:Detail No: 4.12 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES t.l8a snoct st sum 110 EOOIDTB OO!!RrDO 8Gm INTERNATIONAL tl* 8(F-a4e-$trC ?d SGI-rlle.{||Il TYP INTERIOR DOOR 9TYLE TIVOLI LODGE Revision:Detail No: b.2l RESORT DESIGN ASSOCHTES r,'l34 SPiUCI SL SUIIE Uo EOTTu)R COIORADO 8(xt02 INTERNATIONAL f!r: 3O8-{J9-3{166 LU 808-149-a4{13 I]EADER - RE, STRUCTURAL CASII.IC FROFILE TO BE SELECTED BY OI$.IER DOOR RE: €HEDULE rcR srzE. zulr'lc A{D FIRE RATII..IG LINE OF CASINIG BEYOND T|VOLI LODGE VAIL, C,OLCRADO Revision:Detail No: b.22 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES 1.104 EPRI Ct Sl. SUI|A UO BOITIDR OOIOnII)O 8080i1 INTERNATIONAL F.r 808-99-3:188 lcl: 808-a4e-44{lB LINE OF BAff BELOIU cAgf l.,16 10 0E SELECTED BY OIINER DOOR RE, gCI..IEDULE FOR SIZE. SUJII.IG. AND FIRE RATINIG TIVOLI LODGE VAIL, @LORADO Revision:Detail No: b.23 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES r,l3{ sPnxrcE sL st'ltl r10 BOUU)n COU)RIDO 80802 INTERNATIONAI-. trr 808-{4F3{m lcl: 3{13-,!149-41{18 LAP BIJILDhC PAFER blTO DooR ROUGH oFENll.lG FRIoR To sErrhc uAoan oerelmfiYp-ALL Ms) tu3-9ll-l I.IEADER RE; gTRI.ICT- FILL GAPg AROTJND ALL DOO# tU,/ INSTJLATION, TYP- COPFER E-A,9I{bG /{I.D SEAA..IT, EXTEND A" HII{ UP 9HEATH T3 DOOR r,.hllT RE: 9CFIEDULE FOR 9lZE, gtl,IhIG, AtD FIRE RATII{G FROVIDE JAME EXTBI9ICi..I AT ALL DOOre AS REA'D CASI}I6 TO BE 9ELEC1ED BY OUNER 3" .l'-Otl TIVOLI LODGE VAIL,@L&,ADO Revision:Detail No: 530 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES lasa @Rlrcl sL solll tto EOIIDIB OOImIDO A0E02 Ili|'TERNATIONAL F.r 3dl-{aF386G L& s{}C-{ao-4lslS LAP BUILDING PAPER INTO DOOR ROLI6I.I OPENING PRIOR TO gETTI}..IG DOOR OR TRIH (TYP- ALL 9IDE3) ru3-gtH gTOIIE \€NEER gTONE VENEER BEYOND FILL 6AF9 AROLITID ALL DOOreUl INSTILATION, TYP. FROVIDE JA}'B D<IEHSICiI AT ALL DOORS A9 REO'D CA9IN6 TO EE 9ELECTED BY OUNER DOOR I,,INIT RE' gCI{EDULE FOR gIZE, SUJIbIG, AND FIRE RATING TIVOLI LODGE Revision:Detail No: 531 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES 1a34 SRUCE ST. St m 110 EOttu)tRcou)nrDo 80802 INTERNATTONAL Far 309-.49-8It88 TGt 808-{49-44{!a I|QAP II.I' I.IEIIBRAE UP tt |DER DooR IHRE+IOLD DooR re' 9cl.lEDuLE FOR 9lZE, 9ruhl6, AID FIRE RATING FLOOR AgsEI1BLY VARIES I2' EXPA5ION JOINT FIA1ERIAL PAVING YARIES DOOR T}1RE9HOLD a gTONE \€NEER I l/2u - t' -ou TIVOLI LODGE v41y,6plofRADO Revision:Detail No: ,.32 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES tasa sPBuct sL sum r10 BOITUIEB COLBADO 808ff1 INTERNATIONAL trlr: 3{Xt-|40-gEl66 TcL 803-4!19-l{13 }.IEADER RE, gTRLICT. BLOCKIN6 A5 REA'D CA5h.{C TO SELECTED BY ou,.lER gEALAttIT AlD tsACKING ROD ---1-- sroNE \zeNEER BEY'ND FILL GAPS AROUND ALL DooRs u/ lNsuLATtoN. rYP. PROVIDE JAFIB EXTENSION AT ALL DOORg A5 REA'D DooR IUITFI TRA}.ISoI1 Ae,c^,,E RE: gcFlEDuLE FoR glZE. gUJll.|G r FIRE RATlt 16 DOOR I.{EAD A FATTERED LAP BUILDIT.IC FAPER INTO DOOR ROrJ6r.l OPENli.tC PRIOR TO 9ETTIN6 IUINDOTI, OR TRIII (TYP- ALL 9IDE9,) TIVCLI LODGE VAIL, @LORr'tr)O Revision:Detail No: 9.33 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES r€4 gPRUst ln. sultt 110 BOUU)m COITRIDO 0090A INTERNATIONAL F.r: 3o8-{a$-8t188 Tcl: 303-{49-{tl{l HEALltrl< |<E:9lKU(-1, I T CaP?ER FLASHING .I ,/ SEALANT, EXTEND 6' I,IIII- ,. / uP sHEAr..tll.rc BLOCKII{G A9 REA'D CAgING TO BE gELECTED BY OuNER PRo\/IDE JAmB EXTENgION AT ALL DOORS AS REA'D DOOR UNIT RE, gCI.IEDULE FOR SIZE, S,tUll.,lG. A{D FIRE RATINC CA9ll.lG TO BE 9ELECTED BY OIINER DOOR IJEAD A BATTERED STONE VENEER Detail No: b33a Revision:TIVOLI LODGE VAIL, @LORADO RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES r{a4 wHrct ItT. sltttB 110 BOITu)ES (x)UlRAlX) 80802 INTERNATIONAL Iar: 803-449-3{16O lc& 803-{4Fattttl LAP E|JILDIIIG FAFER INTO DOOR Rou6r.l OFENII{G PRIOR TO gETTll.lC ll,lNDotl, OR TRIFI (TYP. AL 9lDE9) LINE OF BATTERED 9TOI.IE BEYOND STONE gILL BELOIIJ IIEADER RE:9TRIICT- FILL 6AP9 AROIJFID ALLDOOreU/ INSIILATION, TYF. BLOCKING Ag REOD PROVIDE JA4B EXTENgION AT ALL D@ A9 REA'D TIVOLI LODGE vAlL,@tOe,AOO Revision:Detail No: ,34 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES r{3{ smcl sr. $'lrl 110 BOTTMB OOlmrDO 8090e INTERNATIONAL tlE 8l}3-rL9-glt!O L& S(}g-.4e-aasg BATTERED STOhIE \GNEER BEYOI{D RE, DOOR gCIIEDULE rcR FIRE RATING /6i.lD SUTING PROVIDE JAI"1B EXTENgION AT ALL DOOPS A9 REAIRED CAgIIIG BEYOND tuooD DooR THRE$IOLD II,RAP II'ATERPROOF I'4EI,IBRAE I..}.IDER THRErcLP t lo, rcEcA9T UJALL DOOR TI-{RE9HOLD @ tsATTERED gTONE TIVOLI LODGE VAIL, C,OLoF.ADO Revision:Detail No: b.3b RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES lasa lFnltcE 8t gum lto BOITUTEn q)U'RAIIO 60302 INTERNATIONAI, F.a 808-,149-9860 161 303-149-4a{tg LAP BTJILDING PAPER INTO DOOR ROIJGI] oPENlll|c PRIoR TO SETTIhIC DOOR OR TRII,I (TYP- ALL 5IDE9) COPPER FLA$.IING . SEALANT. EXTEND 6" Mh.I- UP 9HEATI-IING HEADER RE, STRLICT. FILL GAPS AROU.ID ALL DOORg rul INSULATION. TYF. DOOR UNIT RE; SCHEDULE FOR 'IZE,zulNc, . FIRE RATll.r6 PROVIDE JAF1B EXTEN9ION AT ALL DOOFS A9 REA'D DooR l-.lEAD a 9lDlNG rlJl TRAN90I.'1 3"=l'-@' T|VOLI LODGE VAIL, @LORADO Revision:Detail No: b.bo RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES la{L gPEucB sL IrrJIlB 110 BOTIITER OOU)RADO 80302 INTERNATIONAL Frr 809-r149-8{t68 T.L g{t8-,4{9-4488 w6-gtn lx uJooD glDlhlc UJRAP BI,IILDI}.IC PAPER INTO DOOR RC{.JGH OPENIN6 PRIOR TO SETTING DOOR (TYF- ALL 9lDE5.) DooR r.^[.llT RE, gCI{EDULE FOR SIZE. zult{G. r FIRE RATlr.l6 DOOR I.]EAD AT g]DING TIVOL| LODGE Revision:Detail No: bbo RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES 1,184 SPnXTCE $L SUm 110 EOLu)ER C()I{TRADO 8{t802 INTERNATIONAL lax 903-449-3{!86 lcL 8ff1-{4}-t{8tl w6-gtn lx ul?oD glDll.lc FILL GAPg AROI^hID ALL DOORS tDl INAJLATION, TYP- UIRAP gUlLP1N6 PAPER INTO DOOR Rorl6r.l OPENII..IG PRIOR TO SETTII.IG DOOR (TYP ALL 9tDE9) DOOR IAIIT RE; rcHEDULE FOR gIZE, 9r,lr.{6. . FIRE RATlr.r6 CA5II.IG TO BE gELECTED EY OII'{ER DOOR JAI'18 AT 9IDING TIVOLI LODGE VAIL, C;OLORADO Revision:Detail No: b.bl RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES 1A?r SPROCI St Suttt 110 EOT'u)B @IORADO 8(xN2 INTERNATIONAL laa 303-99-3t166 TcL 803-449-4a{ltl D@l E,a.rtq|.!Fr ae!, r/r€, rao tl- tarrs -a[- i : a .i ''|'<i <i Ato.cotc,.Y RE' PL4I{S DOOR TT{RESHOLD AT 9IDING TIVOL| LODGE VAIL,@L&ADO Revision:Detail No: ,b2 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES 148{ SnUCt St $rm lto AOUIJIEE OOIOn^IN EGl()z INTERNATIONAL Fa:: 303-l4e-3{168 to} 303-1,49-.t{ttt FROVIDE JAIB EXTENSlot l AT ALL DOORS A9 RE@'D DOOR IJNIT RE' SCHEDULE FOR 3IZE. SII,IhIG, AID FIRE RATIT.{C CAgll.lG TO BE SELECTED BY OIINER DOOR I..IEAD AT EIF9 TIVOL| LODGE Revision:Detail No: 8.10 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES la{ta sRuct gt st nB 110 BOUU)n COU'RIDO 8{XlO2 INTERNATIONAL F.8 g)3-44&-$m TGL 30{l-aae-a4{Xl DOOR I.JNIT RE,gCI.IEDULE rcR iEE,gUlhlc. . FIRE RArll.lC DOOR JAI1B AT EIF9 T\VOLI LODGE Revision:Detail No: 5,Jl RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES 1484 SPR[rCt St SI'Itt llo EOnUlm oourRADo 80802 INTERNATIONAI, Far. 308-.L9-9966 lcl 308-.149-41{tS gTEEL A}{CLE - RE, 9 I.]EADER - RE' STRUCTURAL SEALANT A|D BACKII.&3 ROD T|VOLI LODGE VAIL, @LORADO Revision:Detail No: b.3 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES la{ta gPRucE st !ilr}tl 110 BOI'IDB @IrnADO 8$tO2 INTERNATIONAL laa 303-{.10-8366 T.L 8o3-49-ta:lS I.IEADER - RE:9TRIJCTURAL cagh.tc 10 BE 3ELECTED EY OTIAIER 3".1,-@'' TlVOLl LODGE VAIL, @LORADO Revision:Detail No: b.3l RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES t{sa sRucB st sttfft uo BOl,IDln oot RADo 80902 INTERNATIONAL P.! SG'-.4F3368 T6L g)3-|{e-a4g{l KE, UINDOTU r.A T scl..fEDuLE FoR 5lzE AID \GNTII{6 cAstr.,lG To BE gELECTED BY OUNER TIVOLI LODGE VAIL, @LoF,ADO Revision:Detail No: b.32 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES 1{S{ gRttCE St Som UO BOIUIB CI,IOnIIX] Eog{rz INTERNATIONAI lex 308-.149-8{166 Ic[- 803-{J9-4ltl3 gEALAIT AND BAcKll{c ROD gLOFE O HEAD W COFFER FLASHI}..IG PLYIJJOOD CAgING TO tsE gELECTED BY OUNER BLOCKING A9 REAUIRED TIVOLI LODGE VAIL, CPLCRADO Revision:Detail No: bAo RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES l'l{L gBnCl Sr. SUllE U0 BOUU}IA @IrRlIXr 80802 INTERNATIONAL F.r. g)3-99-8866 L& 3OS-4J9-Lg3 gEALAIT AID BACKIhIG ROD PLYTI'OOD CAgING TO BE GLECTED EY OIINER BLOCKING AS REAUIRED TIVOLI LODGE VAIL, @LoF'ADO Revision:Detail No: bAl RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIAIES 1.184 Sn[rCE $L llulll 110 BOlruEn ooutnlDo 809t2 INTERNATIONAL laa 3O3-al9-S188 IGL 803-a{g-l43:l TIVOL\ LODGE Revision:Detail No: b.42 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES t,l8a sPmrct s?. stm lro 8oltu)tB oourRrDo 60tx)2 INTERNATIONAL laa 3qFaa9-$l6O lo& 8Gl-Lg-*ltXt 3/4" ElF9 gLOPE T@ I w, EtFs PLrllrooD CASINC TO BE qEI E/'-TEN B\' our{ER ELOCKlr.lG A9 REALIIRED IUINDOTU I]EAD a E]F3 TIVOLI LODGE VAIL, COLORADO Revision:Detail No: b.b RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES r.rs{ sPRtrcE sr. $rm 1ro EOnU)n @II)RADO 80SO2 INTERNATIONAL Fax 803-{49-31186 ft& 8{t3-{J9-aa{Xl PLYIIOOD cAglt{670 eE GLECTED BY OIII{ER BLOcKlr.lc A9 REAUIRED UJINDOIU JAIIB a EIF9 T\VOLI LODGE VAIL, @LOPADO Revision:Detail No: b.bl RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES t{3a snlrct sL sttlTt 110 EoIrrDER @Uln DO 80S0S INTERNATIONAL Fax 803-a{9-8:l06 IGL 8{rg-l{o-{4lXl SEALANT I BACKIT{C ROD LUINDOIU 9ILL A EIF9 TIVOLI LODGE Revision:Detail No: b.r2 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES 1.l3{ SBT CE t}L Slrtt llo BOtUltB @u)n In 8(xn2 Ilil]TERNATIONAL Far 803-4{e-9866 Le 3OS-,'ge-"gSg t t= a-i I r rIt( . -:t: , cAgll{c TO BE gELECTED BY oul{ER u,ooD slDll.{6 BLOCKINC A9 REO'D DOOR U.,ITFI TR,4N9OF1 AB,O)'€ RE' SI{EDULE FORglzE,9.!lhl6, FIRE RATII.I6 TIVOLI LODGE Revision:Detail No: 6bo RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES l.sa snuct st st ll8 uo BOIIM OOUTRIDO 0(xn2 INTERNATIONAL lax 803-14F8{186 lc[: 808-44F4alB IRON GRATE A gfrALL I.UINDOI,U ll \7 t"=t'-o' TlVOLl LODGE VAIL, @LORADO Revision:Detail No: bbl RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES l.sa pnlrcl st sum 110 EOrrIDtn @urnrDo 80(m8 INTERNATIONAL lax 809-449-E{188 ?G& 8o8-{40-a,rgg aECTION AT BLOCKIN6 TYP- REFER 10 ELEVATI6I9 FOR g}IJTTER IYPE 1.G UO@ glDll{6 An PLYu,D. gHUTTER SEAAI..|T ' BACKI}I6 ROO HEAD OF gI.]UTTER TIVOL| LODGE VAIL, @LC/RADO Revision:Detail No: b.b2 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES l{84 gPn[rcE st gultl u0 BOI'IDB OOI'NADO 8Og)'I INTERNATIONAL La EO3-149-8366 ?c& SOg-aJC-|JgS ta"6A. gTRAPg o l,6, OC- - 5ET lNrO KERF ' NAILED rOP G HANDRAIL IRRIGATION LINE gCREII' TIIROI,J6H RAIL INTO FLOI,I.ER BOX - DO NOI PENETRATE LINER GALVAIZED gHT. F|TL, LINER UJl @LDERED JOINTS gET INTo KERF tlj/ nasTtc €REIIED 16LUED TO6ETI{ER I ln' FLOTUER BOX TIVOL| LODGE Revision:Detail No: bb3 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCHTES 143.1 gPXUCt St $,ltt llo EOITIDIROOU'RIIX' A0$2 INTERNATTONAL lar: 3Gt-,149-8866 t u 90t-,149-448{l gTAINED U,OOD BUILT.UP BE,4I.1 V IN" clHATfER ln BiEr'f,l RJLL tsEAI-I tsUILT-UP BEAI1g TIVOLI LODGE vAlL,c,/LoFaoo Revision:Detail No: J,ll RESORT DESIGN ASSOCHTES t43a gPnltcr sL slrut 110 Borruln corcBrDo 8(xr0:, INTERNATIONAL Fa= 808-l{9-$166 lcl 803-149-,H38 BUILT-UF BEA1 Ul IN" C.+{ATJFER sEE R'cP-'g FOR LAYOI,IT ?n =l'-@u TIVOLI LODGE VA]L, @LORAD.O Revision:Detail No: 1.12 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES 143{ SRITCE St SIrItt lr0 BOrruER GOUtRtIn W?tM INTERNATIONAL Lr: 3Gl-449-33G8 T.L 3{Xl-149-,L9{l CROUJN I.IOULDING TIVOLI LODGE VAIL,CpL,ORADO Revision:Detail No: 1.13 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES taEa gnocG st som uo wla odmrDo 6m INTERNATIONAL lba S-aae-8864 ItaL S=lrlHl3t FIREPL AciE I{EARTI.{ll \_7 t'.1'-@" TIVOLI LODGE ,ort, @yqRr'D,o Revision:Detail No: 121 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES l.aEa Snocl 8rt SItm 110 BOtl![8 ooLFADO 6aEtO2 INTERNATIONAL l.r 36-..{0-EE6C l& 30O-r319-4lEE 3/4I GRAT.IITE gLAE W UA'? ETILLNOSE gLAB 6RAIITE SKIRT 6x l+ 6R'AlllTE + TILE tsACK9FLA9I{ w *LlO UOOD BLOCKII.I6 x 901-lD u,ooD ERACKEf9 II'l cr{A}fER9 .24',OC. 6'STIID II'ALL Ul ELEC. OUTLETg RAIL IgTILE TIJOOD F,/6NELflla (Sll.1 10 CABh€T gTYLE) O}I ln" tuYuooD Gl b, 6ruD9 BI TIVOLI LODGE vAaL,40R&O Revision:Detail No: 130 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES rasa stoct a?. Suttt lro toul& odm|Do &lcl INTERNATTONAL lrr t08-{ae-$CC ?cL 0G-.LH4$l INPERCOLF{rER Ll€rl-lT RE; ELEC- 3/4'crRAllTE 9LAE ul 3/8" e_ aJLLNOSE Revision:Detail No: 131 TIVOLI LODGE v41y,6flQpADO RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES Irlsa SKICI gL Stlll ltO EOUIA OoI4|DO 00t@ INTtsRNATIONAL t r S-.440-33!6 lc} E03-$HIEE STOI€ SLAE 9IDEgFLAgI{ 3t4'ftY EASE CABh{ET gF{OU,ER II'ALL ?" rl' -@tt TI/OLI LODGE vAlL, ccl-cRtllDo tail No: 1.41 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES t.rsa smtc8 8t $rm lto E@tm @rn|Do 6Gm INTERNATIONAL l.r 808+He-8866 LL ErS-ale..+9E o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o , SLO?E 'va" / Fr. x E q 9LOPE l/8" / FT-' TIVOLI LODGE vAlL, cpL&Atro Revision:Job No:zgl1ElDO Detail No: 1.42 Ihara By: fC RESORT DESIGN ASISOCIATES tasa smrct sl. sum lro mrE odonrDo 808@ INTERI'.IATIONAL ILE 80O-|{C-8866 lcL 86-1|c-*rgg Datp: @iltol Soalc: W.l4