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HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB1201921 VANTAGE POINT • VAIL CONDOMINIUMS May 10, 2012 Town of Vail Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 To Whom It May Concern: Regarding the window replacement in unit 210; the Vantage Point Condominium Association approves the window replacement in this unit as long as all Town of Vail building codes are adhered to and they match the existing style and color of the rest of the building. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, � r f Michael D'Anci, General Manager M D /dmd 508 East Lionshead Circle • Vail, CO 81657 970 - 476 -0364 Floor Plans br br L-A _ J KO • Ya . MI at1 1 bslooay n fors s�aa�w; .taw ____ f C•7 tom.. p I i ,bubmn ca m am`q ��lt i I br br L-A _ J KO • Ya . MI at1 1 bslooay n fors s�aa�w; .taw ____ f C•7 tom.. p I i ,bubmn �� % 10 7 /0 �/�4 � �C �tJ tl-4 o w w;--vx Seth 3 )32706319 07:35:40 a.m. 05 -23 -2012 t)epartrttent of COmrievirtity Development 75 Soufn Frontage Road o OF NAIL � Vail, cis 81657 <?' Ter: 970-479 -2128 - vrvrwr- va� DeveloPment Review Corrrdirtator i Application for Design Review !Minor Exterior Alteration General into This applicabon ;s reaused For all prop05a #s invdvitg ffik" charxges to buiida and site improve- ments, such as roofM painting, Wind Ow additions, laandsc aping, fences. retaOirig waft, ems. icab#e Vail Tovrr? Code se ions can be fsx,rtct at www.v osw.�tr, uruier Mail !nfiWTnat*n - Towr: Code Ontme_ All projects requ f. m de- sign review must receive approval prior to submitting a hu ?.si!N permit ap lication. An aWica — ter Design R view Cannot be accepted urttf ail required intormabon is received by the Ccmrnunity Devetopme: if Department, as o zttined in the submittal requirements. The project may also reed to be reviewed by the Town Councii and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission, Design: review apnrnval expires one year from the date of approval, unless a l~uf` sting per- mit is issued anal constnxtion commertces- - -- - -- - - -- -- - - - - -- Fee: for Mule- Farnily,Commercial 24 for Single FamilylOuplex — Single Family Duplex Mulfi- Farnily Comrrrercial Description of t! Req uest- , i - f in Physical Ads#ess: —� _ Parcel Numb: _ ,Contact Eag+e Co. Assessor at 970 for part;t no - ) Property Owner_ € ' 6 s ; i 'wiling Address: '1z A1'VF l= ritnary Gonfiac V fl Representative: P4ailinq Address: -, u /'- 3- /4�) _ Phi_ Fax: For Office Use Only Casa CC- 'Asa ! FG Last 4 C # gee Paid: Meetme fate: Planr er: Exp- Dale: P ived Fnxn: ORB No.: Prcjcct Pte: .c ing: -- - -- Lan=d Use: Location of dve prnposat: Lot- B dc: l _ sub&jtsbow VA :h # che-ex # 2/2 ---'� 0F VAIL PROPOSED MATERIALS Building Materials Type of Material Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits J (n A Windows / 1� �' /"�'� C Ab 1� - 1 Window Trim I �`Gl,'�L/ D� Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Color - bAaw� �fl� M OO Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. GRAVINA SIDING AND WINDOWS CO. 950 W. Evans Ave. • Denver, CO 80223.303 -938- 7023.303- 922 -3188 fax • ybµ Date < ,_ Ave . -- ,1 01 1Uay p -r / 1_ Address �D P!. Blvd. Ln. Gr. Rd Name __._L__ City t/ vte� County Stata `f Zip �11� E•Mail Home Ph L�7�, Phone Busness one_(_ = ) V _ (__ ) Geil_( Boyar (welch means an rcM..sers. joint' a cave rally), residing at the address shown above, hereby agree to curchase from Sel;e+, open ita aC`ePlanCe hied, subjpcl to the terms end condnlons on the lace and Teve -rse tide hergol, the following described goods andror Services for repair, alterations. additions, acceS ions or improvements apart or In connection with the real property located at: JOB ADDRESS: — WE , THE UNDERSIGNED, AGREE THAT GR_AV_1N_A SIDING & WINDOW_ CO_S14A_LL PEAFOR_M_T_HE_ FOLLOWING: Remove old____, apf-y windows. Build and install ( _vinyl —Lv -od clad _fiberglass aluminum) new windows and doors. Total N of replacement windows 1. J e eN 3 Total N of replacement doors t• c - 2. 3' C Gravina's to haul away old windows. ^p 11 c Qs°} a``J� `o -11� Special Situations er 4 , 5 In /Out d fal r A I A d ® 1� X X X X �b X ! i X -: X X X {' / E, X IgstallattTh will begin on or about weeks �'(Q 7i� Seller reserves the right to commence work Subject to the provisions of section 10 of the terms and condltioAls on the reverse side hereof. no later that 30 days after this date. SH = Single Hung F = Fixed Window FRO = French Door ND tcs. DH = Double Hung Hop = Hopper ETD = Entry Door �1 f�y � -1 r SS = Single Slider Sp = Special Shape SDR = Storm Door fl 0 Double Slider SPD = Sliding Door 3L 3 Lite Slider Gar = Garden = Casement Bay/ Bow = Bay/ Bow' Awn = Awning Or = Oriel _ Contract Price (including sales tax) $ Lt, C1 Lifetime/ Limped lManufacturers Warranty Tmited Manufacturers Warranty p Remove & Reinstall Burolar Bars M, Customer to remove and reinstall blinds Lead Test Fee' S ❑ Remove & Reinstall Bllnds (Gravina's not responsible for breakage) d .Customer to coordinate for alarm sys'em to be disconnected and reinstalled Less: Down Payment S Q �G Customer to stain, paint, or touch up where applicable 06xlsting Sills Remaln 0Permit needed, customer to reimburse Gravina'S, not in contract prlce. Balance to be paid on completion 5 eb O Gravina's not responsible for any stucco/ E.I.FS. damage. Customer responsible for repairs. Gravina's accepts the following forms of peymen sh ck astercar Finance. Pieace make checks payable to Graving 5eding and windows ' ADDITIONALC OSTSFORRENOVATI ONS:LeadtestfeeisNon ondable. IfleadIspresentanadditionalmllaitttnentfeewillbeRidasPertheaddItImWsurchargeferm. NOTICE TO BBYER:1) DO NOT SIGN THIS AGREEMENT BEFORE YOU READ IT, OR IF IT CONTAINS ANY BLANK SPACE YOU ARE ENTITLED TO A COMPLETELY FILLED IN COPY OF TRUSAGREEMENT. BUYERS ACKNOWLEDGE THAT SELLER HAS MADE NO REPRESENTATIONS, PROMISES OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WITH REGARD TO THE GOODS AND / OR SUMCH SOLD UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, EXCEPT UNDER TERMS AND CONDITIONS Of THE BACKSIDE OF TH15 PAGE. BUYER WARAWSTHAT THE PPOPERT"Y BEING 110FAMO 15OWNEDBYTHEBUYa BUYEU RICHTITZiW; IF ?HIS AGREEMENT WAS SOLICITED AT YOUR RESIDENCE AND YOU DECIDE YOU DO NOT WANT THEM DS OR SERVICES, YOU MAY CANCEL THIS NREEMENT BY MAILING A NOTICE TO THE SELLER. THE NOTICE MUST SAYTHAT YOU DO NOT WANTTHE GOODS OR SERVO AND MUST BE MAILED CERTIFIED BEFORE MIDNIGHT Of THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY, INCLUDING SATURDAY AFTER YOU SIGN THIS AGREEMENT. THE NOTICE MUST BE MAILED TO GMVINA SIDING AND WINDOWS COMPANY, 950 WEST EVANS AVENUE, DENVER, COLORADO 80223. NOIRE; ANYHOLDER OF THIS CONSUMER CREDIT CONTRACT IS SUBJECT TO ALL CLAIMS AND DEFENSES WHICH THE DEBTOR COULD ASSERT AGAINST THE SELLER OF GOODS OR SERVICES OBTAINED PURSUANT HERETO OR WITH THE PROCEEDS HEREOF, RECOVERY HEREUNDER BY THE DEBTOR SHALL NOT EXCEED AMOUNTS PAID BYTKE DEBTOR HEREUNDER, EXCEPT ASSET FOURTH INMAAGRAPH2ONREVERSESIDEHEREOF, NOA10D1FIC ATIN OFTHISAGREEMIQWL LBEVALIDUNLESSRISINWRITINGSIGNEDBYBUYERAND SELLER, Titeutdrhgnedxknavid�ys). 7tnzstmottxmticna 'thts�ttmcm,i�atthcbrr< um—st� Seller'smitals 42 hai d this a; re2 >zri as rntt mpp of tl B aertesrnc fnmdttty f nM Ir. By fRUY accepte ' Se ler thi day of 20 GravinaSiding& indow Company, A Colorado Corporation THE TFAM50F THIS AGREEMENT ARE CON rAINEDONEIMS1DESOFTHISPAGE. gy (officer) (Title) •r 9r SAIEs' GLNJVCi L - No Grids '. ;'' Flat GdG` �Coritau(c ,'•�t' ?CenrbynedGBt:;:- '.:.::• rF cTOSt,. Z?isr_ • d:G9C+; SCE" Cllr SHGC.. :9 U -kct R SHGC:.; .. - 044 050 '.U- CACTOR'' - SHGC' :VT 0,53 Lay. 2.70 031 0. 28 0.49 0.44 D.31 0.24 015 0.50 0.44 0. 0.53 . 0.33 Latw= 270 Arrscn 028 .).26 D•24 0.45 0.49 0.28 0.24 --- Law-E 3E 6 0 0 .• 15 0.30 424 Q. n 0.46 0.45 0.3 t 0.18 0.41 0.3'2 Law-E: .66 Argon 0.48 0.19 0.18 _ 0.41 0.46 0.28 0.17 0 0.16 0.41 O.iS Triple Glazo - 36a,CL Cr 0, 27 0.18 - 0.18 0.41 0.•12 0.27 .38 P!Irr.:d Ca r.�r!t "iriPle GFu7e Argon - 366,CI, Cl - 11.38 D.27 0.17 024 0. i8 U.42 L). 2.1 i ri .c Gla - T I 0.17 0.3824 0.17 0.38 F 8 5, CI, 3 U.23 0,17 i 0.33 0 :23 0.16 ,).' 0.23 Triple Glaze Ar ,an - 366• Cl. W 0.40 Q 17 - - - -"" -- 0. M 0 .3 0 _ 033 020 0.16 illy 020 -- Triple Glaze - 270, Cl. CI EL27 0.24 0 0,30 nay O.z7 0.2? 0 0.27 0.22 Tr!:Ie Glue ;lrgnn - '1.7q CI, CI .- _ 0.2d 0.20.41 045 0.24 0.22 -3.41 TrIpL. Gfszc • 270, ia. 27 0.22 0.19 02J 0 0.27 - D.24 0.27 0.41 Trrcla GI!rie r\rgcn • 270, Cr, 270 0.20 0.22 O.J9 010 0.35 0.23 0.20 0,36 :: .. • ..•.: C rar . .: - 0.35 0.20 0 020 •.. ;.•.•' '.,' . .. 0 ) : 0.35 . „ '095 20 • • . '- ' � ... -E l0 . • 0:70. r.._ -.. ... . ?rir!d,Caxerrent:F4turr ,to E' rOAi on 9 ( ' :0.77`: • : ` 0.29. : O. S . 0,30 '0:22 QS2 ' n • •••' 427.'. -- , - _ craw _ 0.43 0.55 0. °d ... ' :.. ': •. '; ', ?rim ^.,d Casemcm7ln -Sash Low-E 270 i n.31 0,26 _ O49 ,- OperdCrig Geo L.. E 2 70 �lrgua_ 0.28 0,28 0.49 0.71 _ 0.20 - LW E. 366.trgon 0.28 rj 1 -- - -- - .. • .1].41: � '. '0:57. . PrimcctAlrsir.0ut - .;Casailwrtf•: .: .L64E 366 Aig On'' , •: 0.24. ':: - -- Clear - 9.•14 0.51 05; - r' ?rlmcU ?u3tr0ut LaArE Z70 0.31 019 0.54 Casmne , Fired LWAE 270,Lgan 0.27 229 O. A _ -- Lvx E :sf 8 - 0.30 0.21 -_ -- La E36,r'igon 6.'27 021 OSU ar I Ca N E 270' MO,H: A r Pd •, .. crhnnlal SlidFr.' t - m'FF 7A A)g^_m 0-a .. - : ',0.28 ' 0.52::.: - - - . .0'21''.. � .q:48.:..!:: ,,. „ LovrE 58'Argcn .. . < :;::: _. U:2t D 48 Clete 0.48 7.51 Lu%ha= 270 1 0.33 0.33 O.Si 4 ?rin -t Daude -Hung Lair[ 270 Argon 0.30 r ! 0.27 0.52 Uiv. 366 0.33 0.21 0.4A L.'ME 366 ?f9on 9.30 010 0.48 - -- - >~ �� i� r� I���i�� �� � ��TI � �I F� 1�l�1 � � � � � ������� � �� � �,�, �� ��������,��t � �� ��tF� Fr� rr���� F���� �� i I� �I�f��� � 1��� t�l: ���.��.�1�� ���: ���.���.���� ��T �r��: �w�r.��i I��.�orr� Project Name: HOLBERT WINDOW REPLACEMENT DRB Number: DR6120192 Project Description: REPLACE LIVING ROOM WINDOW. Participants: OWNER HOLBERT, PHILIP M. & KAREN D 05/25/2012 9346 N CORRAL LN CASTLE ROCK CO 80104 APPLICANT HOLBERT, PHILIP M. & KAREN D 05/25/2012 9346 N CORRAL LN CASTLE ROCK CO 80104 CONTRACTOR RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES INC. 05/25/2012 Phone: 970-476-4374 PO BOX 1517 VAI L CO 81658 License: C000003070 Project Address: 508 E LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: VANTAG E POI NT U N IT 210 Legal Description: Lot: 2 Block: 1 Subdivision: VANTAGE POINT/VAIL COND/ Parcel Number: 2101-063-1002-0 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of Approval: 05/30/2012 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 ***+**************************************************+********************************�**** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 12-27-2012 at 16:13:36 12/27/2012 Statement ************************+**********+************************************************�******* Statement Number: R120000596 Amount: $250.00 05/25/201210:09 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DR Notation: CK# 10087 RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES ---------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: DRB120192 Type: DRB-Minor Alt,Comm/Multi Parcel No: 2101-063-1002-0 Site Address: 508 E LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: VANTAGE POINT UNIT 210 Total Fees: $250.00 This Payment: $250.00 Total ALL Pmts: $250.00 Balance: $0.00 ********************************************************+**********************************� ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts ---- ------------------------------ ------------ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 250.00 ---------------------------------------------------------