HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB120131 comment letter responseHey Tom, Pursuant to Section 12-11-3, Design Approval, Vail Town Code, there is a one-time exemption from the requirements to pave the existing gravel driveway if the proposes addition is no more than 500 sq.ft. in size. Please verify that the proposed garage addition is less than 500 sq.ft. Any vaulted spaces created by the addition with a floor-to-ceiling height of 16 feet or greater must be calculated as an additional story of GRFA. If the garage addition is less than 500 sq.ft., then the existing driveway can remain. If the existing driveway remains, snow storage calculations and driveway specifications are not required to be submitted. If the house is less than 2,000 sq.ft. of GRFA, then two parking spaces are required. If the house is 2,000 to 4,000 sq.ft. of GRFA, then three parking spaces are required. Spaces in the garage and on the driveway can be counted toward this requirement. “Landscaping” includes all naturally vegetated areas and is not limited to only formal, built landscapes. The limits of disturbance fence establishes the boundaries for the construction area. The fences help prevent damage/disturbance to neighboring properties, existing trees/vegetation, etc. Silt fences and chain link with green construction fabric are the two types of fence most commonly used to establish the limits of disturbance. From a design review perspective no additional exterior lights are required; however, you should consult with the Town of Vail Building Department to determine if any additional lights will be required by the Building Code or Fire Code. Similar to the driveway paving requirements, Section 12-11-3, Design Approval, Vail Town Code, grants a one-time exemption from the requirements to replace existing non-conforming exterior lights if the proposed addition is less than 500 sq.ft. in size. Sincerely, Bill From: tom [mailto:tnt-s-c@hotmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 8:35 PM To: Bill Gibson Subject: RE: DRB120131 - Remmert Garage Addition Hello Bill, Most of your requests are simple enough….However, Just a few questions…. - Snow storage; Any particular requirements? Or simply an area adjacent driveway equal to 30% of the driveway surface area? - Driveway is existing, natural dirt/gravel. Must we change? - Can the driveway encompass the “parking spaces”? How many spaces are required? - No landscaping was planned. It’s all currently natural occurring….Must there be landscaping? Am I to understand that 60% of the lot area must be “landscaped”? - What is a “disturbance fence” & is it a requirement, and if so, what are the requirements? - No new exterior lighting was planned, Is there a requirement? IOW’s; Do all existing ext. fixtures need to be replaced if no changes? Also; Is there a requirement that must be fulfilled as to exterior lighting? - No trees will be removed Thanks, Tom TNT Specialty Constructors, Inc. 970-328-1689 From: Bill Gibson [mailto:BGibson@vailgov.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 5:24 PM To: 'tnt-s-c@hotmail.com' Subject: DRB120131 - Remmert Garage Addition Hey Tom, The Town of Vail has completed its review of the proposed garage addition at 5147 Gore Circle. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: · Submit a Title Report, schedules A & B. · Submit Completed Utility Approval and Verification Forms. · Submit a Stamped, Topographic Survey. · The site plan must be corrected as follows: o Must be drawn at the same scale as the topographic survey. o Show setback lines. o Show existing and proposed easements. o Show existing and proposed grading. o Show the proposed building roof. o Label the proposed roof ridge and eave elevations. Show the roof height calculations as measured to both natural grade and proposed grades below. o Driveway: label type/surface material, label snowmelt heated or unheated, show proposed grades, show percent slope, show spot elevations at street edge and garage slab. o Show snow storage and snow storage calculations (min. equivalent of 30% of driveway area is unheated, min. 10% of driveway area if heated). o Show proposed parking spaces with a 9’ x 18’ box for enclosed spaces and a 9’ x 19’ box for unenclosed spaces. o Show proposed surface drainage. o Show landscaped areas. o Show limits of disturbance fencing and tree preservation. · Submit a proposed landscape plan. · Submit landscape area calculations (min. 60% of lot area). · The elevation drawings must be corrected as follows: o Show existing and finished grade. o Label dimensions. o Label finished elevations of floors and roofs. o Show and label exterior materials and colors. o Show utility meter locations and screening. o Show all exterior light fixtures. · Submit red-lined floor plans (depicting roofs above) showing how the existing and proposed site coverage and gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. · Submit an exterior lighting plan depicting the number, location, and type of exterior fixtures. All exterior light shall be full cut-off style, Dark Sky compliant, fixtures pursuant to Section 14-10-7, Vail Town Code. Any existing, non-conforming exterior light fixtures must be replaced. · Submit photographs of the existing conditions. Please submit revised plans and the additional information necessary to address these comments at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact by email or at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, Bill Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Community Development 970.479.2173 970.479-2452 fax vailgov.com twitter.com/vailgov 킩佅ꇀ䃯朚谛䁭�н盉ୃ�ꑋ탁烐�ﹼ갊ྙ띇㗩暢ᔠ䤡஠ꞝ휈ꛁ귤魌鴾鲓ﵜﰁ鎼鵎澏▿㈲秒棨⴪�┩᠌䍝ꂢ᫐⣵甜ᦗ䡂ꏱ뀏㑔䈄⸃꿾妃潀娴㐮銈뿫䠄생捣틇䎱淪ﳸ銏ግĚ⣆묨�ᔻ带㆘⺓멝뀀�虺ᬍ쀆喪榫룜잱徉᭢쩁㠊⦗㜑膢콤﷼끩艖ꐡ坾ꥥퟻ钔䀙胿먤裻︀蠛ᡌି叒쏠끩ᕣ孭挴닩뱥梹㴑㤢餹賊炽郪㜴뒨㸐▙߽翞緿뙚䚔瑇ᴺउ�冓䚣㽹䑹尯쎑ᔐ崋숆薚롕诸ⴴ䥑㤪ᇪ겜䆶廻汰�ퟌ℀ꛀ띀巟഼숈ਛ� ᠡ匵䈀댏०즓퐤瘸飬辈ត䂀ᆣ땨㙂葜ꭖ윕ᾏ甗듅퍩㪤洄㢺폫㑨鍡嬄׋쵛䶂甥泿ࡷ糦풮鍫ﻝ㪀䮻⃐ꍍ貐迧쁦ꖶ쓄냄쭹ᘖ夯拢Ã试홴宭豆酰税麽㫠쇠것땚琢㍳⸟ҝﱠ庬骽邐翱돠鋙ꠇ퐷૱驥鬌ⴈ舻崴牷䒀ཷ酃䋦䥃_뇘ᦌ옳ꅧ뢸鸸ىᨍ椐㛫瘟쿳윿獦ᬍ菠妬蚳麧詺猹䣦ノ⥜墩䎇뫲䇼ꡰ飴↓�ٽ긊ꖨ卯内�☙䭻誌炫⚓屍㯾ผ䈏蛔늲瘲�鋭ꋖ୅굖蕚棑瞝⇞㜷඗㘛椆ᖕ喴賚炑ヺ鰲㑾ๆ籩逕睄ႆǠ嚭䱋豌Nj�埬ᴅ瘻 赴姱咭₿�段믧㶤�乳峃쫁⮕螡㾤뽻랆䬧ळ趂왈�ᚽ絞䧐ꌠ죑釈彾╷쏗甁ࣨ澴ꃐ팁侧㥷羢�皻䫭걬벎㲼ᮿᘐ☖㳙␪┥橹㙠�蒥�ﳁ炱᫣ꪄ㙭ᄡꥠ惄〰牬牲穸另聁䀱㮃ೃ�摓杧낋グ垧곔㍙婑林栵⃐㥧ﱀ࿡꡿枓믖潷奧솃爠牲㡵戜鳎㔹诧⥭鑹萻덠끉䊭ꂸ걁萀棑⤔⤩愦ጒ轖띓塷ڀ虷胍゘艡䈐ຈ㨝뢸駪香酾怒␮�뎹�繬럭盟햖鏉⶷璳勩㑡ꔚⅲ艡齙刈芬䋝杅⭽걖⥰凷믖䑢惊ꃑꑝ枒聆ᚇุ韋ℋᢄ縿 ஼�뼍灈웣턍斲靋�ソ�㨤ﱾ킸닎绩㮕ᢄ怰쵀ﭹᚏﱼꂓᭉ蠁⎑멇�ﮑᢃⶺ豁㟟둒�⥌槷઀䟵툤ꑀ펳料᯦∗쟄诇띛핮驙戀ꃐ쉁땪䷺膤܃쬺宮캷狯ꭖ뱕훵㕛㢪䨬햠䀉✤㬧嗳꨻ៅ쬹髄⬳珅⚇뚋둏칖揷઀䟵ꀻ惒蠰Ⅼႄ껗፝퇑⻑돬ﳏ䳪�ሮጓ◫蓉ច灞鮖眻鵮�⾗ᙟꟓᝏ鵺ꁄᴎ࠺�捜ोႇ衂柵譗篑衇羞ꫬ⾜䀳徭ǣ䑀䑄ꮈ꽗漺银匩衜ᴐ�郭鮛㍛ȜꝂ觓縟쇸늯珍鮖紾ꢺ鸯ﹿŹ랈统菂퇢蘟잋⛶䆉칕⹷ῗÑ茆킁僐㦜屳ⶆ�즼榴꣓견涼ⶅ둚ﵠ 䝄͇띠駛紾场岮涹ꛙ魍缺◗쿧砃�ອ欫糎땁ꎰ娑⊂栌֤ꄂሁ῕䩑⚜꠨ࡦ瞡�ㄞ瓴䶦⑗徺线�얲밙췌柙붟奭鄵诫䞣늏콧☞鱎뷈�狫쵬⾙挸䔺⺈疂൨聽ڇꍀ⣑ꑏ謓ⴖ殢껗椮ퟫ枯铊縩뉅༇䰞牲焲煱ꐀꚦ떧䄻뭶◝夀氟냘老弗텼紥ﹿ㙞宜끋ᕎ퓔鑪䪥š㊏畅굘䮮ꏗꊢ띘鵮Ӈ꾲ﺿ冚䚣ﵱ四瀾䃠䗚ᚋ-㞘ṯ产뾙꒤䕦췦糫霱弯�斲揘ᴌ퐺卑癞ঁ❭ጓࣜ낻톣부᪪춇倁”ﵑੑ壒啗镕쇇�鎻銒�涶퉝쏙臀㴃䴆ꆽ靋氮볞嚙媭幑칞藂紋뷦 �綾糫꼱บ莇譅礖笜ﶪ뒳襈⛵둚햠⭠䚯и▀蕀ꏺ怳ญᘎ侧ᘔ訖鍉뤦汸鏈廅ﵿ兵兑孱⦏⬫쑋䫆Ⴣᤙ帙쳳㆘C⨢䨪훦⏉≓详⼗競댼䌸�郾ᇏ蟶轩�岮噋઀䟵ꀃက༇밞䝭ꚥ誦﷾篻ꦐ靋縮顅卓Փ帠量꽥闇泌짤ꁄ䜣ࢎ庽鸯꼙诇誫Ꝼꒈ憔蟶�࿭➋㿶㨪�륖ﶆ甁罖Δ⃅�ᶹආ옛΁䠇乎⤦줩ؙ礸⓲㰏ðᘋ꠬వ氰ヘϠ꽖녃i䰦׷로腰ꏑ㍇陀崮燪⇜簜뤾쯦쉪䈖핀꜍㬖ꀝ鷂㭡鸠㫙鷎✻磞෣㆗캳㮝쎋྇嫗쑮ᆈ핢喪䄞鵊❎ఆ倘 ࢧꭵ굖䉄艂�⬆ⵎ茕輗㏾豑黝䤤ᶢ謏勇ᄟ崱⨛黭逓睄咆貀ಌᵄ⾗涷雛譅焖噩岮齉紾컈ꛎ뽟땾뇘⹣��晶髍ퟥ뎹뎳�㾿㪝扵廝慧⼞芧虴䬵喤᭸䋬ۚꭇ勗앶輖˧렴䐅塘뢘뢂�盭麑⺞༆Ⱎ띦뷛緦뷯䓷慡쮡�箽쳻욯鷎䔻䑄预笽炶᰸媕蕊滅攑㋖틱槾쌏笥텑깧꣓຾ӄ턤瀌벵鲼ﭽ�䕑굚Ɩ؃澰㻟짜嶮碻釤屇袂ᐊꖩ틠䮥﮼믮땨瞵苧ଅ㒘ቩ繟◹粟觲遇◔ᗖ䔔㚐辈�賣ᓩ괆䊴D㼅烟⇆褀㳮둖怏矍튭쓄牄牲�궶핗邖袌啗酕钔ᇤ 吠⼣輯燆탨㈡㈲Ꙫ�줆㚗㞱ᔯ庣肊瑫갚⬦뿅̸箛뀡䎡ꆝ棑잟澁竴餽香矏䈃눈늲퓨鎩ͳ몇�疺宬躷厩㊧퉩D걅㓩㥿鿲툴₢顃ஞ껛뽯吀봢恼僉ㄝ쉡帄�ꂶꂠ헓헕�ラො��鬪鶝蛍ᬍ誈把髍⸵ぃ魦꬙䋃灴힌斲家驼㻵魦႙뱥͌譶⮃鷛舛ɬߎ儤怽ᨴ稹ꣴ⣻翷l蝯�涶뽜鵾⌑큆嶮輻欼껎곤㓩窋ʕ例䡾ꗲ९䐷팸䛴휽恳凮怡Їಖ᧕ᔕ䰕㢜ᮑ渷鎨˗뿹噕퉖宭昷鳎闩㥀➥站፩ਇᗝ跏盏�훁魋栰낃갺䟒녘ꯛ뼹닩ⶒⅅ䠐芻ٴ˚胍滦嚟⽈焭 ⮱웒�檀좠磭ꑓⱗ鐵⦏쑆쀽䢽舛酫퇞툅쀢漹瘀ᇹྐྵᷩⴘ⪁힤볥脭ﷹ໒륲⵺ᇈ㝧쩄퓹ꏷ粅䕍ꎀꂠ狲ጒ뤓ᘖꖋ㼼뼿乱칎苀ʂ㔚葪坎奊ᥙᤙᬓ藂龐侟瑴螴⏭规鰓缿邞႐榗蔞薅晤扦餲�ㆸ贚ꂆ₠㘚۵겘�壊兀ᅕ먡丐鲖宠ཌ蔚䫞▭㶬◻荆�壐莢榣퐘媍㕰輵毣⩎ﵕ嵌哜쭑륧漪뀴畤⾞�볻纜휉淅哛㹥ꕔ鏷⻓쪇场￉㤧薽♌툛朼큿ᖽ㛪劾ꑡﮏ辐帴ᤦڙ㄃ㄱ䝄ፇጓ塃塘䀿᭸嶐撲‰Ꝅ鵎☼ꯟ�㴟푺帣㙣鶛嬭碶评뼀픣訧讏 斿ሮ뙣␿﹆ꃰ⯠콢�묶塍嗬�ࣼ䐡兡潴ꔧ宝濜ẘ雈遯椝邻륰⻳㟊柭﹕삅ꐘ๕‟ꎽ⧫㧠ₙ৊哲є겉쨆᧟볔ⷔ椄῟璵빓酃ﶘ턤夒崂穆亣䣷离卬暋儕쀬奡藒봠탑ꘙ�ᑬ묗눈샋謭ዅ噙牲ﷅ㈟衤ꒋ笹⳶轇洺霌ᳩꨊꪪ䚜﮼浒ꕅꞺ䋻峖켭�䍡톫�襼욦릚穇ậ�밳乍鳥䉒缚裵ű酣鴦ꈿ䭒ǯ連뭶♘얧ጁ�擳촒ꎑ誖儴䭰ᑅⷪꀓꕚᕊ哴뉔괪䲡┢⍿ᤕ玕ﮔǢ嵥诱褲ꭦ�⽠䳪킑胃脇눁굴蝭宨䷲䵆錢쓉鏉鴧鶞﬚拇Ⴑ἟쀏폩掞薙薅뫜�裎࢈掗릹ኹᯫ 䒋콫䥾㦮봗胖ꍖ꟟ꌾⷻ�ﭾ謭⼗﹖៾㙞퓾疺튚救⛫ᜟ㊀捸湖뮜⧽ݿ좩灜䷌椒襥鮆比䬢午騮䦸㲊䝴奧驅馩勻檡ﮣ鞠進�繦듛뷊췈痍駖隖幆Ṟㄱḱꐱ揗ᨴ㬙걶�朳⨼쿍쟏띮ᐓᵃф묆㎰婐랅�赑㡃貍㕬贚/㌪匳ḽ쎷慎⥷ꜝὒ盞坏쀤⁍﹗蘝어犈헓吷䓈ఐ鉮➨䗐廃韎ꬫ曏￲啰ﰻ둁쇪匨쪩㝰ꯕ熠嚠嫯ᑱ鯝�ꗛ䷋䩊襲ᓕᐔ䇠짬緃ꉊ垫垥葫蒄䡸䔢壟褣ᩴ餝踷厑ቺ횃亀ꎣ늰풀㭫⡤⠨쩠⦔ᘔ∖㚛૱㔫풉卛뭸쪁 娓炌䢙觊ⓔ쪲䢒⓹촢㤽銭詒΄眫弦덖�跔鶿뒬뫻쵊졆牄띯䇢蟖졄Ҏ㚛쩭쯊篋瀕뢎☧먦�疺ᮌ踷잹웅ㅱ䉹醑⺑馞曍벣퉜�̶익芁곽﬽ࠥ겨꒮몲퀒窐❽칫視䕅䕅᪌䨵썑닥篝埙竝똯ꕀ颏骇㙄⒕嘊뙵鵚틎⍸▤㞷ࣝ�ףּ�씦␿䖧ꋖ歲鄣牚ꦅ呈雠丿僵锍㫳ڐ漛칷Ó┥鴥氷웿ᦌ뇘꽣喙矷烙ᾕ鑿ὖ쏑�뒧ᒴ얋닢쵮㉤褹隢ᙄ얋灩␫㖬ꩈ먿◍ᭈꇤ䋦ꇴ萸괃䭆慡跆죣⎑﷈ᔼ꽈溭鞽嶛⏢퉾쯈ᨓꬮ謬샊衖Ꙙ鄢ར凭葵青离橈呉㪢౧뫐銎ꦢ皏 醻克ꎛ迥㓲䒃狊ڌ旎ꋑ楅ꭖẕ稽뻐ﭽㄚ剟껂뭝誈ꊊ齏頾曍،┃┥呔롔ꢐ咴㤲㖛≲褵야풅ᇨ罳ϡ丧悜鳱笽兖俏�껞굮亗덱穚‘ꫡ딴嶁⊮ࡢ黊銆ꏇ�狭⼠癞�舥庢ꩍ囀誌ꔔ鉾떨잛隨晲༷䰯᲍쟆씎誾�顬Ꙍ'ሒ丒㑨풲견訬誊틨஥醑蒑蚆ᘒ䘖䥉잉圆�뻣姳幭絛銐슒ᗃ餂佥ꍼ政뷝蔳�秒呍憝㍱謲杇㒙�젢Ê仔䞻쭥ꧤ밼땘뒼薻皏涫힥壥棒姠쌿ꔉ㈪ж搒ꐹ籽¬絟闵槤᠌얀ꅢ견만婴ꐱ◝ﮑ뉚벼㭶쇁ề孞恝鬶鞥㤘⑲䕅쩅 ﻽ﲝ僠቗꺵৥儏I鞓⺎珃釽⚢좺妞岺㪷㐾﹔刾᪋ꚺ纒啽惞ᾮៗ助앏깞鷕䙄褕⟑능༪Ε휂ᴏ琺ⴶ洭〭櫈ꚤʦ碰拱㘚䡬軇鴝᷉ᳩ郲⎽⦏બ苙莃ⷫ㚉�띈�뉘襤Ჽ﯏⺩ꣵꉭ땦갘⨑綾ឺ嗩◮銦ય엦璩ꕫ캪题ꍻ뛕腉ꡬ㣱탅Ꟶ쎓�画漑⊥帑ꀷ⩚쀱驃頌굖䕚噖釖ﭽﷶ꧇ꝓ艒莃趉얍띮톣⡨⸮ꪦ쪪ਥ㙮鶛爤֏鬩䐼䙆Ḓ帞䚧㠞聰ꧦ倗쩖ᆣ헯㘱䋦ꂢ�ꄚ霪뫼挗삻饋镢ôⷩ꣇礚겏匎璽願婌岳땏뇜旝慩珂ퟐ褗붂뮴ྵ황䕀类구⅑ಇ쩚#꽎闊岬ኹਹ�綾 믝ꐷ늲Dz톣쓈ᎉ룙ꍱ狋늠㊲㷛ꐖ릨뢸뼸摈墱룘⍱嘫€㴽䜝ۍ짬毀쇜ῒ䪭쐪�⅕껿ꂪნ媹떢㮗齽닕辨酖巋藲풪饤損�뿂믥⫕⫒冶ꛅ玾�蟊ꮚ਋흕Ợď簸곺견䘡 决䚣Ğ덇賙担閩魞㢷폓㽏뭍㪘⩵楩㡩ผ笡觃潈뺞欫嫇㟉졎鵮辑̗௡ᬡ涽䙗ײ�આ㭡⫈졌�쟝謐붐攲⑸啅䧟ݜ絰樆筥졋뮝湜邋厇緜럣蛝斃皪琞혻빑ݦ痐蓂ࠉ뀡泙ᴌ琺둎縊茶鹦产犝鄙ﱿ쟱 㔚⑪⯭뿮绿ꏑཇ뿑罿ᗊ빧쭥ꦖ≧Ŕ菿嘴흺姑吵㪩籠옜뗭⩅廼 띋䅐㔉룫붽䀟᪙䡲ꪡ尺Ὓ០皷可ᶅ壔ἥ緟腲㳪릯鬝ꜮŸꊂꎣ俓垕찳驂削ி똡ꖧ閥ꈃꋆ뢸藘䥄䥉巎핪ᛗᤙ긩뭝쳦缷ﳾꐢ격ꨯ蕝약뿋젯₆牙쫄큶른Ⲭ寎埈ベꐆ灉奺巺懲듋햕◖�丨妾㫦靵롭狫␾Ͳ൙깝㷧醍ʝ繥륔ϛⴔ翗诉�뀚堮ﳜ៭帯쾌쿏衏趍᝭἟域햫霶藳뱟텸幐깞♞╔や卺皻컭瓨಺쳠ւซ尮낸很1;氠懞㽞䂃