HomeMy WebLinkAboutB12-0281IVOT�� THIS PERMIT IVIUST �E POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIIV�ES .• �wxo�vAU, . Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Permit #: B12-0281 Project #: PRJ12-0312 Job Address: 1788 GORF_ CREEK UR VAI� Applied.....: U7/05/2G12 Lacation......: COMMON EL��MENT: �EtiT�RE TRiPLEX ROOF I��uec�. ..: 07/05/2012 Parcel No....: 210312307002 OWNER RONALD D. DE LONG TRUST FUND 07/05/2012 LONG, DENT D. % ROGERS, CLEM & CO 1041 W BADILLO ST STE 112 COVINA CA 91722 APPLICANT G& G ROOFING 07/05/2012 Phone: 970-668-5552 W. ROLEY GREER 699 TEN MILE DR / PO BOX 817 FRISCO CO 80443 Lirense: C�J00003183 CONTRACTOR G& G ROOFING 07/05/2012 Phone: 970-668-5552 W. ROLEY GREER 699 TEN MILE DR / PO BOX 817 FRISCO CO 80443 License: C000003183 Description: REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF EXISTING ROOF. lNSTAl.L �" POLliISO�CYA�iIiRAT AFJ� 7i1S" 6S8 PLYWGOD TO DECKING. i�JSTA�L HIGH TEMPERATURE ICE AND WATER SHIELD OVER ENTIRE ROOF AREA AND UP CHIMNEY WALLS. INSTALL PL150 STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING SYSTEM WITH ALL REQUIRED FLASHING. Occupancy: R-3 Building Permit -----------> Electrical Permit ---------> Mechanical Permit ------> Plumbing Permit --------> Type Construction: VB Valuation: $25,350.00 ....................................... FEE SUMMARY .........,,._,_,.._..............,.........,�...,..........,.....,,,.,,.,....,., $401.35 Bldg Plan Check ----------> $260.88 Use Tax Fee-----------------------> $307.00 $0.00 Elec Plan Check -----------> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review--------> $0.00 $0.00 Mech Plan Check ---------> $0.00 Additional Fees--------------------> $0.00 $0.00 Plmb Plan Check ---------> $0.00 Recreation Fee--------------------> $0.00 Investigation----------------------> $0.00 Wifl Call------------------------------> $5.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES--------------> 5974.23 Payments-------------------------------> 5974.23 BALANCE DUE-----------------------> 50.00 Yk�k�1'kA'f#'1wi1'trt��ili(iritt4fiiR#f4tiiitfi�4R4d*fR�i4�R+lf'X'kYrf##trtril'i1'#fffil'Y`ft�RLf �RfffNtl`44f 44441`1`4fi(fl�4tfff�lfff44fefRtefR4f#fhA'�kfhR�kfY`tfi4YYeff4fRy'1ffY4'ki#44Riifntf4*1d1`ft111f##/#/ffltlrfiif4fifffl DECLARATIONS I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR IiJSPECTION SHALL BE IVIIADE Ti(dEf�TY-F�UR Fi0i1R5 iN A�ii'AiVCE BY TEi.�PHON� AT 973.4'f9.�149 �?R AT �?UR OFFICE FRQ!►1! 8:QU AM - 4:OQ PM. combination permit_012811 i_ � .. combination permit_012811 � r �� �� �� 1 +..::..x•.x+x•..++....x++xx.......:+:+....+.••x.....x...rr.•..........:.....+....+.x...+.+:+......+.+.••....x::.x+....++.....x ...............x...w::.w..+.xx+.+x:........r••..•..r... CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF ' Permit #: B12-0281 Address: 1788 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Owner: RONALD D. DE LONG TRUST FUND - DE Location: COMMON ELELMENT: ENTIRE TRIPLEX ROOF •44#�k�kfLirf#f444Nf#44lff�twtfrffMYrf4Y`Y`Y`iY`rtirirfff4i44ff1`RtetrxxteteRlrxRf#4#ff�k4fi1'ftrhYr�k�k�RRY`rtrt�R�F�A'i`A4f4Yf`i441`1`f�444+tt�R4fRRlRlrtxtitltrA'MOfrYIYeY'rtfYeYrR�kltti#Y(4it��f��f+��fr�lfffffl`R!lRR+twwwRRR��RffR V f c�mbination permit_Q12811 �o�voFV�u ***�**************.....******.*�***�***********�******..***************,*******..***,************�*�*�***�**�*******.*�************************...*�* REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES ' Permit #: 612-0281 Address: 1%88 GORE CRE�K UR VAIL Owrer. ROlVALD Q. D� LONGTRJ�T FUI��� - DE Location: COMMON ELELMENT: ENTIRE TRIPLEX ROOF ..*x*„*«.*,.***�«*****..*********««****..***********.,,,*„*��****.....*****««,.««**,,,,«*,..*..*****.****.««*.«„******��*«�„*„***.*.,,*«..**«***�*��***«.*,...*. Item: 00070 BLDG-Misc. Item: 00030 BLDG-Framing Item: 00050 BLDG-Insulation Item: 00090 BLDG-Final . . .,. �... . . , . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .� _ . _ . „- combination permit_012811 ******++*+****************�****************************+************+*********************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement +***********************************************************+****�**************+*********** Statement Number: R120000860 Amount: $974.23 07/05/201211:42 AM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #39739 / G & G ROOFING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B12-0281 Type: COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Parcel No: 21G.i-123-•070i;-2 Site Addr.ess; 17$8 GORE CREEK UR �AI:L Location: COMMON ELELMENT: ENTIRE TRIPLEX ROOF Total Fees: $974.23 This Payment: $974.23 Total ALL Pmts: $974.23 Balance: $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 401.35 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 260.88 UT 11000003106000 USE TAX 4% 307.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CAI:L INSPECTION FFE 5.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tOWN OF VAII � Z � I Department of Communiry Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Tel: 970-4T9-2128 www.vaiigov.com Development Review Coordinator BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (Separate applications are required for alarm & sprinkler) Project Street Address: 001788 W Gore Creek Drive (Number) (Street) (Suite #) Building/Complex Name: V811 Village WeSt Contractor Information Business Name: G& G Roofing, Inc. eusiness Address: 699 Ten Mile Dr. #4 / PO Box 817 City Frisco State: CO Zip: 80443 Contact Name: Carolyn Crist Contact Phone: �970) 668-5552 Contact E-Mail: 99roofingl@earthlink.net I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, fiiled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ocdinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review ap- proved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. � , � � �, ,, , Owner/Owner's Rep ,sentative Signature (Requiredj Applicant Information Applicant Name: G& G Roofing, Inc. Applicant Phone: �970) 668-5552 Project #: �Y`��'t —v � / Z DRB #: �... n..:u:__ n_�:� .u. Lot #: Block # Subdivision: Work Class: New �) Addition �j Alteration (Q Type of Building: Single-Family �j Duplex �j Multi-Family � Commercial �j Other �j Work Type: �nterior O Exterior O Both � Work Included Electrical �Yes �No Mechanical �Yes O}No Plumbing �Yes OjNo Building �s Yes �No Plans Included OYes ONo aYes ONo QYes �No QYes �No Valuation of Work 25350.00 Value of all work being performed: g 25350 (value based on IBC Section 109.3 & IRC Section 108.3) Electrical Square Footage Detailed Scope and �ocation of Work: Remove & dispose of existing roof. Install 2'" Polyisocyanurate and 7/16" OSB Plywood to decking. Install High Temperature Ice Applicant E-Mail 99roofing1 @earthlink.net & Water Shield over entire roof area and up chimney Project Information walls. Install PL150 standing seam metal roofing Owner Name: Ronald D. DeLong Trust Fund system with alt required flashing. Parcel #: 2103-123-07-002 �For Parcel 0, contact Eagle County Aasesson Offica at (970-328-8640 or visit www.eag lecou nty. ua/pa tie) For Oftice Use Only: Fee Paid: Received From: Cash Check # CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # Auth # exp date: (use additional sheet if necessary) Datc Rcccived: RECEI VED By David Rhoades at . , , I'_-b1ar-2012 State of Colorado Asbestos Testing & Abatement Requirements Asbestos testir�g and abatement protects workers, homeowners, neighbors and emergency services responders from ex- posure to harmful asbestos. It is your responsibility to be in compliance with the State. Please contact the State directiy for their requirements at the contact info listed below. When is a5bestos testing required? ANY building projects disturbing more than these threshold levels of building materiais require asbestos testing: One- and Two-Family Dwellings: 32 square feet Aii Others (commercial spaces, hotel rooms, etc): 160 square feet r}c;finition of a sin�i�-f. ��,+�y dwelliny: ar�y dwelling unit tlyat is used primarily far a single family, including �T�ulti-tan�ily/cunJun�iniu+�i ur�its, and fractional fee units. Asbestos testing results must be provided with your application for a building permit. Tests which identify POSITIVE results at more than 1% require abatement by a State-certified abatement contractor. The clearance letter must be submitted to the Town of Vail before the building permit will be issued. Project Checklist My �s oject fa11s into the category checked below: � Will not disturb more than the threshold limits identified above. � Tested negative, or at 1°/a or below (1 copies of test results included) � Tested positive at more than 1%, requires abatement (1 copies of test results included) Tip, & Facts: � �� �� �� � , ��� � � °�� �� , , , �ci� � F �,�.����.�; �; �. cont��ir �,;; ;c, ;;��,terials, so buildings of a� age require testing. • fhe "1989 ban" on asueslos-con[aining materials is commonly misunderstood. "In fact, in 1991 the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals vacated much of the so-called "Asbestos Ban and Phaseout° rule and remanded it to the EPA. Thus, much of the original 1989 EPA ban on the U.S. manufacturing, importation, processing, or distribution in commerce of many asbestos-containing product categories was set aside and did not take effect." - CDPHE Asbestos test results and abatement permit applications should be submitted to: Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 S Frontage Rd, Vail, CO, 81657. ��?��.�n of Vai! Contart: �. , , � , � , y/U-4/y-G151 State af Colorado Contact: �����������•�,'�; i-���n�rtrnr.ntof F'ubliC Health � ...�,,., �• � � , � a�,sistance Group asuesws�W s�a ce.ec�. us oi-���-i i PL > 5 0 �� �1� �B� t� �� tttt t� ��t�+ tvlG�v ��i�� PLYWOUD DECK DETAILS PREMIUM PANELS IltiiC. STE P 1 RAW PANEL 'EP 3 '�RFOLD MECHANICAL PANEL ENDS 48 P2 SNIP LEGS OFF STEP 4 FLANGE TO MAKE TIGHT � PREMIUM PANELS INC. MECHANICAL SEAMS 49 �� , NOTE8: MALL CL1P8 ARE NO MORE THAN 3 " F'ROM EAVE rCAULK VER77CALL.Y BETWEEN ENDS OF PANELS TO PREYENT MOISTURE PENETRATiON �`���� ,." .... PREMIUM PAI`IELS iNC. ��E ��'�°►�� '7 Y8' RIVET 12" O.C. ROOFING PANEL CAULK SEAMS VERTICALLY BOX END (OPTIONAL) PLYWOOD SUBSTRATE PANEL CLIP HIGH TEMP ICE & WATER SHIELD OR HIGH STRENGTH SYNTHETIC UNDERLAYMENT 3�6■ X ��gM BUTYL TAPE 1" PANCAKE SCREW 1" PANCAKE SCREWS (2 PER CLIP) RIDGE WITH ZEE RIDGE CAP �- ZEE METAL PERFORATION (OPTIONAL) �, DECKTITE DETAIL CAULKING (Sx) Y4" HEX HEAD� 1" SCREW - W/ NEOPRENE WASHER �° 12" �. TRIPLE BEAD BUTYL TAPE HIGH TEMP ICE � WATER � SHIELD OR HIGH STRENGTH SYNTHETIC UNDERLAYMENT �� TRIPLE BEAD BUTYL � - ��-. 4",MIN. LAP � iL��i _ ` e� � e-_._�!, "A" ROOF CUI TRIPLE BEAD BUTYL TAPE — STAINLESS STEEL PIPE BAND RUBBER DECKTITE� r— ROOFING PANEL I � PLYWOOD 3/g" x �/8" SUBTRATE BUTYL TAPE LINE OF CURB "A" STITCH SCREW (6 PER PANEL) SECTION "A-A" — APPLY GENEROUS AMOUNT OF CAULKING �— CAP STRIP �— ROOF PANEL PREMItJ1Wi PANELS II�C� y+: PREMIUM LOGK 150 35 i i NOTE8: •MATERIAL USAGE: APPROX.1i" •UL 90 RATED � OVER 3'Z" PLYWOOD � i 6�' WIDE WI CLIPS � 48" O.C. 1 1 ,�� � , -� ti .��=�P;�: � e . .-� ` Y- 3/8" PREMIUM PANELS INC. I I �� ROOFING PANEL W/ 1" HEM PLYWOOD SUBSTRATE STRUCTURAL ONE PIECE RECEIVER VALLEY YALLEY DETAILB CAULKING PANEL CLIP 1" PANCAKE SCREWS (2 PER CLIP) HIGH TEMP ICE & WATER SHIELD OR HIGH STRENGTH SYNTHETIC UNDERLAYMENT ONE PIECE RECEIVER VALLEY 11 PREMIUM PAN�LS INC. HIGH TEMP ICE & WATER SHIELD OR HIGH STRENGTH SYNTHETIC UNDERLAYMENT DRIP EDGE DETAILS 13 PLYWOOD SUBSTRATE PANEL CLIP �� I 1" PANCAKE SCREWS (2 PER CLIP) Y4" HEX HEAD,1" WOODGRIP SCREW W/ NEOPRENE WASHER D-STYLE DRIP EDGE ROOFING PANEL W� 1" IiEM CAULKING D�TYLE DRIP EDGE FASCIA PREMIUM PANELS INC. HEADWALL DETAILS 29 SIDING —� I BOX END OF PANEL VERTICAL CAULKING ZEE FLASHING (PERFORATION OPTIONAL) Ya" RIVETS —� � 12" O.C. ROOFING PANEL � PANEL CLIP 2 -1" PANCAKE SCREWS PER CLIP HEADWALL WEATHER BARRIER FOR WALL MATERIAL 3�6� X ��8� BUTYL TAPE 1" PANCAKE SCREW HIGH TEMP ICE $ WATER SHIELD OR HIGH STRENGTH SYNTHETIC UNDERLAYMENT ��j6.X�j8. BUTYL TAPE PLYWOOD SUBSTRATE HEADWALL W/ ZEE STRUCTURAL PREMIUM PAIII�LS INC. DRIP EDGE DETAILS 14 _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ I HIGH TEMP ICE & WATER SHIELD OR HIGH STRENGTH ' SYNTHETIC UNDERLAYMENT ' ROOFING PANEL i ;- PANEL CLIP t ........ ..... ... � . \\ \ 1" PANCAKE SCREWS (2 PER CLIP) �/4" HEX HEAD�1" WOODGRIP SCREW W/ NEOPRENE WASHER STRUCTURAL - FASCIA D-STYLE DRIP DRIP EDGE W/ GUTTER Y4" HEX HEAD; 1 Y2" WOODGRIP SCREW W/ NEOPRENE WASHER GUTTER HANGER (EVERY 2' FEE� CANTED BOX GUTTER DOWNSPOUT PREMIUM PANELS INC. GABLE DEfA1L.8 15 VERTICAL CAULKING I ROOFING PANEL PLYWOOD � SUBSTRATE STRUCTURAL --� GABLE W/ STARTER HIGH TEMP ICE � WATER SHIELD OR HIGH STRENGTH SYNTHETIC UNDERLAYMENT CAULK GENEROUSLY STARTER CLIP GABLE 1" PANCAKE SCREWS PREMIUM PAl`IELS II�IC. SIDEWALL DETAILS � 9 R40FING PANEL VERTICAL CAULKING HIGH TEMP ICE & WATER ', SHIELD OR HIGH STRENGTH ' SYNTHETIC UNDERLAYMENT SIDING SIDEWALL STARTER CLIP CAULK GENEROUSLY 1" PANCAKE SCREW WEATHER BARRIER FOR WALL MATERIAL PLYWOOD � � �� SUBSTRATE SIDEWALL W/ STARTER STRUCTURAL PREMIUM PANELS II�IC. HALF RIDGE DETAILS __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ROOFING PANEL W/ BOX END f►� �? PERFORATION (OPTIONAL) 3'8" RIVET 12" O.C. PANEL CLIP HIGH TEMP ICE 8� WATER SHIELD OR HIGH STRENGTH SYNTHETIC UNDERLAYMENT 1" PANCAKE SCREWS (2 PER CLIP) 3� 6■ X ��8w BUTYL TAPE � � f STRUCTURAL ° Iil� HALF RIDGE W/ ZEE HALF RIDGE 25 1" PANCAKE SCREW CLEAT PLYWOOD SUBSTRATE � - � - : � € ° . � ; 1 t i � s E j,_.. .. i i - ' __ e : f ... � �� . _ _ . .. . .... . _ ._ ; $..._ � C_. i � i � ;. , � .._— 4 i ;. ; . . � i. .. � . : ' . ` .. .. . . . : + �..:. i : :- : , a .. , '. � ; . � � � i ' i ' i �,..... � . __ i. _....._.._�_�....__..-._.._._-•—_ . , . � + � � �30 � � :DE l..c� ' { i ; �c-� �.s � � � i� 8 t� G�oa� icR.�� D�. , �-� - , � �. , � , t�4�+tt_. �.r. �.t� ; , , , . }. ; _ . j = ;_ _. � I � i i , � ��- -j �`J� � " � __�.. ' ,..���_.e._ � � -+ ! _� , . � V I , � , — ' � ' , ! t , = � , � : � � i � �. c..�.�... �.,C.l�, _ , -� � � I ; �� , �_ . ,.. _ �. f - - -.__.� ____. � __ �. � _�-- �. ._ � _. _ ; , ( , --� � -I � � � � ! ' i � � � t ; �,...._.�_ _�_ � ' ,_ , { .i . . ,. 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A,tt: Martia �acberle �5 S. Fronta�c �toAd West Vail; Calorado 81657 9ubject: Roofing Repincement � DcLong Residence 1786 Gore Creek Arive Vaa1, Colorado Dear Mar1�n:. '�his is tv con�rm that I xeviewed the matCrials proposed fox #�►e x�eplaceRnent o� the existing roof�mg iooE►tezaal at tha 46ove �aoted residencc. The existing roofmg material consiais of �eavy sb�lGes aa�d weigl�s ap�mxi�.tely 3.75 powads pez square foox � � Thc proposed new tiystem wi11 eonaiat of Dicexel 24 gauge prefnushed motAl, Englert IIigh Temp ice and watcr shicld, 7/16" OSB, nnd 2' of polyisocyanurnte. Tbis new system will wcigl� approximately 3.(1 pounds per squarc foot,� Since the new syst�cm wil� weagk� les� than tho existing eystcm,l feel i�t tlae ex�iating roof stn�cturc v�n�l be capable of supporking t�e Aew pzove of this roplac�mcnt. Plcase give me a call if you have any questions or comnr►euts or► ' _ .��r',: _ 7imothy Bo •� Pr�sidcnt i I 1 I � i � . r . 08-01-20 A.A7 o.w. Inspection Request Reporting��-�Zr �/ail C:n _ Cltv Of Requested Inspect Date: Thursday, August 02 2012 Site Address: 2508 AROSA DR VAI� 2508 AROSA DR Page 12 A/P/D Information Activity: B12-0312 Type: COMBO Sub Type: OTHER Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupancy : Use: Insp Area: Owner: BECKLEY, KATHLEEN FOSTER, KATHLEEN Contractor: QQ ELECTRIC Phone: 970-471-1954 Description: CHANGING MAIN SERVICE TO 300 AMPS. REPLACING CONDUIT AND WIRE. 2" PVC FOR 250' THEN ALUMINUM 90'. FRONT OF BUILDING TO STREET. Requested Inspectionlsl ^ ���� Item: ""- -' "" R t d Time• 11 •00 AM Requestor: Comments: Assigned To: Action: Comment: Time Exp: eques e . Phone: 970-471-1954 Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Inspection Historv Item: 110 ELEC-Service Item: 120 ELEC-Rough "` Approved "" 08/01/12 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 130 ELEC-Conduit Item: 190 ELEC-Final Item: 90 BLDG-Final REPT131 Run Id: 14674 • ` ir: Inspection Request Re�orting����2 ,�3� � Page 11 va�i �n _ ��+" n Requested Inspect Date: Thursday, August 02, 2012 Site Address: 1788 GORE CREEK DR VAIL COMMON ELELMENT: ENTIRE TRIPLEX ROOF A/P/D Information Activity: 612-0281 Type: COMBO Sub Type: AMF Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupancy : Use: R-3 Insp Area: Owner: RONALD D. DE LONG TRUST FUND - DE Contractor: G& G ROOFING Phone: 970-668-5552 Description: REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF EXISTING ROOF. INSTALL 2" POLUISOCYANURAT AND 7/16" OSB PLYWOOD TO DECKING. INSTALL HIGH TEMPERATURE ICE AND WATER SHIELD OVER ENTIRE ROOF AREA AND UP CHIMNEY WALLS. INSTALL PL150 STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING SYSTEM WITH ALL REQUIRED FLASHING. Requested Inspection(s) Item: 90 BLDG-Final Requestor: G& G ROO I Comments: 66 - 5 Assigned To: J O ON Action: Time Exp : Comment: s ow c ips over walking surFaces ed all inspections to pass Requested Time: 01:00 PM Phone: 970-668-5552 Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Inspection HistoN Item: 70 BLDG-Misc. ""` Approved "' 07/25/12 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: NA Item: 30 BLDG-Framing ** Approved *" 07/25/12 Inspector: . sgremmer Action: DN DENIED Comment: No inspection��performed 07/30/12 Inspector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 50 BLDG-Insulation ** Approved "* 07/25/12 Inspector: . sgremmer Action: DN DENIED Comment: No inspection ever performed 07/30/12 Inspector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 90 BLDG-Final 07/25/12 Inspector: sgremmer Action: DN DENIED Comment: Need snow clips over walking surFaces need all inspections to pass REPT131 Run Id: 14674