HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Valley Medical Center 1995 � � '
75 South Frontage Road Department of Community Development
vail, Colorado 81657
FAX 970-479-2452
October 10, 1995
Dan Feeney
181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100
Vail, Colorado 81657
Dear Dan:
At their meeting on October 9, 1995, the Planning and Environmental Commissian (PEC) approved
your request for a Conditionaf Use Permit to allow the Medical Center to park and operate a Mobile ,
MRI lab as a temporary use until a date certain of December 1, 1995, when the (ab must be removed.
Electrical connection to an internal power supply must be made so that the use of exterior generators
is not necessary except as a back-up power supply. If you have any questions regarding this
matter please call me at 479-2150.
Design review approval will not be necessary, but you must submit information regarding ;
electrical hook-ups and any other utility connection necessary to run the lab, to the building ,
department along with a construction permit application. For more information on '
construction permit requirements, please call 479-2138 and ask for a building inspector.
� '
Rand S�uder �I
Town Planner
� �
I �
TO: Planning and Environmental Commission
FROM: Community Development Department
DATE: October 9, 1995
SUBJECT: A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the Vail VaNey Medical Center to
park a mobile magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) lab along the north side of the
hospital just west of the emergency entrance to the building, located at 181 West
Meadow Drive/Lots E and F, Block 1, Vail Village 2nd Filing.
Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center, represented by Dan Feeney
Planner: Randy Stouder
The Vail Vallev NLedical Center (VVMC) is seeking a Conditional Use Permit to locate a
mobile MRI lab�lon�the_north wall of the main hospital building,just west of the
- --
�n�lgenc�room entrance, in an area that is currently used for emergency room and
handic�p parkinq. The lab is a self-contained mobile facili�, that would be brought in and
parked at the sit� until the existinq MRI unit inside the hospital can be replaced. The
a�plicant�es to com Pte the pro�ect by Thanksgiving of this year, but has requested a
60-day window, beqinninq October 10 and ending December 10, 1995.
The VVMC is located in the Public Use District. The hospital is listed as a conditional use
in this district, and the development standards used to evaluate proposed changes to the
hospital use are established by the PEC through the conditional use permitting process.
Thus, the applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to park and operate the
mobile MRI lab as a temporary use at the medical center.
The attached site plan shows the proposed lab location. An elevation drawing has been
provided to give the PEC a perspective of how the lab will appear in the proposed
In the Public Use District, hospitals are considered to be conditional uses. Any expansion
of the hospital is subject to review using the conditional use permit criteria and findings, in
accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.60 of the Town of Vail Zoning Code. The
mobile MRI lab is considered to be an accessory use to the hospital and is an expansion
of an existing conditional use.
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A. Consideration of Factors:
1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the
The proposed temporary use will have a positive benefit to the community
in that MRI facilities will remain available throughout the time it takes to
� replace and upgrade current MRI facilities inside the hospital.
2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population,
transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation
facilities, and other public facilities needs.
The proposed use will have no impact on light and air, distribution of
population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation
3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion,automotive
and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control,
access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and
parking areas. �
The temporary lab would�lisplace emergency room drop-off parking and 3
handicap spaces. This.�ecitl ire friends or r�lativs�_�f siriv_e-u�
emergency_room�atients to park_elsewher�i�L.he�arkin�c _lo�_The
handicap spaces will be reloc�ted_to spaces adja�nt_SQ the att�n anYs
booth. These temporary sRaces will be Sign�d fo[ h�dicao parkinq during
the time the_lab is parked at the hQS�L The busiest season for the
hospital starts with the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Thus, staff feels
that the lab should be removed bPfnrP Than�inq week to avoid�arking
4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to
be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in
relation to surrounding uses.
The lab will be clearly visible fram the Evergreen L9�ge,_Pam Stenmar ,
General Manager at the Evergreen, has been contacted �n� did.not have
an�r_maLor concerns wiLh the MRLI��s long as it is removed b�r th�
be�inning of the peak ski season.
Staff feels that the tab should be removed before Thanksgiving week. Staff
feels that the 60 days requested by the applicant is excessive. We believe
that a Thanksgiving week deadline is more appropriate.
The a,pplicant_will construct temqorarv nower hook-uns from thQ main
building so the generator on the lab will not be needed unless a power
- --___ _
outage occurs. . �s will eliminate noise problems.
• �
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B. Findinas
The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before
gr nting a conditional usep rmit•
1. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of the
conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the
district in which the site is located.
2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it
would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public
health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or
improvements in the vicinity.
3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable
provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code.
Staff recommends that the PEC approve the Conditional Use Permit request with the
conditions outlined below Staff feels that the proposal will have minimal impacts to the
surrounding community based upon a review of the criteria contained in Section III of this
�1.`� The lab must be removed, and the Conditional Use Permit shall expire on '
Friday, November 17, 1995.
��. An electrical hook-up shall be provided from the main building so the lab's
`-- � generator will not run, except in the event of an unforseen power outage.
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�r"evised 10/5/9
°�.�; �ate of App,�ication September 11, 1995
� � SEP � � 1995 ���:�te of PEC Meeting October 9, 1995
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I . This procedure is required for any projec�: required to obtain a
conditional use permit .
The application will not be accepted unti� all information is
A. NAME OF APPLICANT Vail Valle.y Medical Center
ADDRESS 181 West Meadow Drive
Vai 1 , CO 81657 PHONE 479-7271
ADDRESS 181 West Meadow Drive
Vai 1 . CO 81657 PHONE 479-7271
C. NAME OF OWNER(S) (print o t p Vail C1iniC, Inc.
ADDRESS 8 West Meadow Dr'
dl , PHONE 479-7271
ADDRESS 181 West Meadow Drive Vail CO 81657
E. FEE $200 . 00 PAID �(�,'�-'' � �� CK # 04853 By �J
F . Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners of all
property adjacent to the subject pro��erty INCLUDING PROPERTY
BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a lis� of names and mailing
A pre-application conference with a plann-�ng staff inember is
strongly suggested to determine if any adc�itional information is
needed. No application will be accepted unless it complete (must
include all items required by the zoning ��dministrator) . It is
the applicant' s responsibility to make an appointment with the
staff to find out about additional submit�=a1 requirements .
Four (4) copies of the following information must be
1 . A description of the precise nat=ure of the proposed use
and its operating characteristic:s and measures proposed
to make the use compatible with other properties in the
The description must also addre:�s :
a . Relationship and impact of the use on development
objectives of the Town .
b. -fect of the use on light � air, distribution
`� �opulation, transportati�i facilities,
utilities, schools, parks and recreation • �
facilities, and other public facilities and pu`�li�
facilities needs .
c . Effact upon traffic, with particular reference to
congestion, automotive and pedest.rian safety and
convenience, traffic flow and control, access,
man�uverability, and removal of snow from the
str�ets and parking area. �
d. Eff�ct upon the character of the area in which the
pro�osed use is to be located, including the scale
and bulk of the proposed use in relation to
surrounding uses .
2 . A site plan at a scale of at least 1" = 20' showing
proposed development of the site, including topography,
building locations, parking, traffic circulation, - I
useable open space, landscaped areas and utilities and
drainage features . ,
3 . Preliminary building elevations and floor plans .
4 . A title report to verify ownership and easements . ,
5 . If the building is condominiumized, a letter from the
condominium association in support of the proposal must
be submi�ted to staff. I
6 . Any additional material necessary for the review of the
application as determined by the zoning administrator.
** For interior modifications, an improvement survey
and site plan may be waived by the zoning
administrator .
A. The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd
and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form
and all accom�anying material (as described above) must be
submitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of
the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as
determined by the zoning administrator) will be accepted by
the planning staff before or after the designated submittal
date .
B. All PEC apprcved conditional use permits shall lapse if
construction is not commenced within one year of the date of
approval and �iligently pursued to completion, or if the use
for which the approval is granted is not commenced within
one year.
V. A. If this appli�ation requires a separate review by any local,
State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the
application f�e shall be increased by $200 . 00 . Examples of
such review, �ay include, but are not limited to : Colorado
Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of
Engineers 404, etc .
B . The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing
fees which ar� in excess of 50% of the application fee . If,
at the applic3nt' s request, any matter is postponed for
hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the
entire fee fo� such re-publication shall be paid by the
applicant .
. �
. C. Applications deemed by the Community D�elopment Department
� , � to have significant design, land use or other issues which
may have a significant impact on the community may require
review by consultants other that tow:i staff. Should a
determination be made by the town staff that an outside
consultant is needed to review any a?�plication, Community
Development may hire an outside cons��zltant, it shall
estimate the amount of money necessa�,y to pay him or her and
this amount shall be forwarded to thc� Town by the applicant
at the time he files his application with the Community
Development Department . Upon comple�=ion of the review of
the application by the consultant, any of the funds
forwarded by the applicant for paymellt of the consultant
which have not been paid to the cons,,iltant shall be returned
to the applicant . Expenses incurred by the Town in excess
of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to
the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by
the Town.
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11931 WICKCHESTE��ANE ST E VAII,, CO 81657 .
108 S. FRONTAGE RD. V�%?E 25�t S. FRONTAGE RD. �
VAIL, CO 81657 VAII., CO 81657
DENVER, CO 80220 � VA.IL, CO 81657
VAIL, CO 81657
CHICAGO, IL 60611 - - 1'�cQNNEAPOLIS, MN 55436 �
VAIL, CO 81657 141 W. MEADOW DR. #2
VAIL, CO 81657
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�ames U. King, Jr. '�-��ib B. and Mary A�ITu� �,,�. �
c/o Kross Petroleum, Inc. C� "12(���ac Ho�se Court �?�� r`''
900 Threadneedle Suite 650 �,� -; Potomac, ��� n '
Houston, T� 77079 !l���G ����X',���E S�� �I ��'��
�G`: � � ,��'
Lot#l0i -_ _�/ �J�l `� ,�,C�;.
�Town of Vail !� � �� ���
75 South Frontage Rd. W. �
Vail, CO 81657 I ' � �p�S
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� v' The Evergreen Lodge ` p ���w � ���
250 S. Frontage Rd. � � �` �e�^K� ;�
Vail, CO 81657 � ��EO �`rfi \
��3 � _-�
�'°� �(��-
( ��ail Professional Building ��G�
'" (Vail National Bank) _._-
1910 Pacific Ave. #1700
Dallas, TX 75201
�,,� , �Yt. / �/0`7�-�
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Va31 Inn Owners List � �'(���1�� Y . F '�';
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� �-5!,`�' JUL 2 0 ��95
250 Sauth Frontage Rd West
�7a i 1, CO 816 5 7 � ` ���`r`��'I, ���` �����
June 23 , 1994 , f ��
5A 502-503 Michael R. Storace 1 ,196 5.00
59�75 Sunset Drive �� Valley
Crossroads Realty M�.ami�, F1 33143 �;
(U) 303-476-0676 (I�) ( 305) 661-2711
(0�� ( 305) G61-4221
, (F'� ( 305) 665-2334
5B 504 O'�onner, Levy, and Holden
Attn: Gail GJ. �, 1 ;371 5.72
Crossroads Realty P.a. Box ��78 1 Valley
(U) 303-47G-5187 S�vrinqfielci,._NJ 070�X
(Q�) ( 201) 912-7200 �
( �'j ( 201 ) 912-7272
5C 522-523 p,�.�n & Laura Rubin 1 ,196 5. 00
1��08 Blackhorse Cou�t Mountain
- Evergreen Lodge Pc�tomac, MD �20854
(��) ( 301 ) 983-94G8 .
(4�) ( 301 ) 415-G77G �
5D 520-521 D�.vid & Marqo White 1 , 200 5.00 �
�� Reid Street - Mountain
Bt��t HM 15 41
�a:anilton, Bermuda H�FX
(F�:) (S09 ) 292-5450 . -
(�'� ( 809.) 292-0131
5E 519, 618 !� P�i�i Partners, Inc. 1 , 371 5 .72
TP�•e Evergreen Lodge Mountain
Attn: Bruce Keith
2.�fl South Frontage Road West
� � ' � -� Va.il , CO 8 1 6 5 7----
f,3���3) 476-7810�
6A 614 ( tz�_ Gregorio and Haydee Kor�
4 �ountry Club Village
Vail Management P��blo, CO 81008 865 � 3 .61
(U) 303-476-31G9 (�) (719) 545-654G Corner
((�:j (719 ) 546-4147 NW
� (H)= Home (C�;�= Office (F)= Fax (U)= Unit
. 1
' ,. ' � �.
V�:il Inn Owners List
6B 601 J"�es G. Hunter 795 3 . 32
�3�3 South Wacker Drive Valley
��ite 5800
: C�icago, IL 60606
� (�t) (312) 876-7700
(�") (312) 993-9767
� 6C 602 �'c�hn and Suetta Stewar�
&��89 W. Boynton Beach B1
_ „ _ , Vail Management ��nton Beach, FL 33437
(U) 303-476-4773 (�) (407) 734--24�2--- --�-'"l
(6�) (407) 734-926G & 734-0007 Valley
('�') (407) 734-6856 1 , 533 6. 40
" 6D 604 �c�hn and Maryann � sso
�ard Member 1 , 454 G. 07
Vail Management G�.0 Washington Street Valley
(U) 303-476-2263 'L"mms River, NJ 08753
�3�) ( 908 ) 349-6338
('�) (908) 349-2800 and 240-2220
(�') (908) 349-9239 attn: Marilyn
�CC�) (G09 ) 39G-S838 Trenton Office
GE G05 l�s . Chloe Held Morar�., 1 , 383 5.77
c,�� First Bank NA . \ Corner .
Rttn: Tom Woldum � . NW � �
(U) 303-476-3176 PE7� Box A55
I�"i�neapolis, MN 55480
(I�'� (G12) 471-7478 or (813 ) 472-8715
(�) (G12) 973-1111 Tom Woldum
- GF 613 ���� � (��� � Mr. Eugene A. Petra�ca
Bc�ard Member `�� 1 , 205 5.04
No Rental Agent , I3s Woods Rd � J CornerSW
(U) 303-476-7615 Ne� Fairfield, CT 0"6812
(I�) (516) 3G5-3347 or ( 203) 746-7141
(E�) (718) 74G-8000
(�� (718) 321-8476
6G 611 Mr_ Eugene A. Petracca
saane as above 890 3 . 82
� Vail Resort Rentais Mountain
(H)= Home (0�= Office (F)= Fax (U)= Unit
� Q � '
• " . • � •
. Va:il Inn Owners List
6H 609 , 610 �' M�na Marie Olean-Lambril ,
2� Inwood Close �
Crossroads Realty Faget, Bermuda PL05 _.-}�, 196 4 .99
(U) 303-47G-7532 (H) (S09 ) 236-0710 Mountain
6I 607 Ge�rge Cavanaugh 1 , 454 6 .07
2470 Country Club Loop Mountain
Westminster, CO 80234-2G38
(Q) (303) 469-1857
6J G06 Dcanald R. and MargaX t Maisel r
19319 Birdsong East
S�n Antonio, TX 7825 Mountain
(U) 303-476-8178 (�) (210) 494-3902 = ? 1, 383 5. 77
7A 700 P�tzl Amen 1 , 493 G . 23
Be�ard Member ' Corner
No Rental Agent Tr.�nswestern Exp�ess Limited NG7
(U) 303-476-818G 5�31 Monroe Str`eet
De:nver, CO 8021G �• aa �
(�) ( 303 ) 777-1161 �°��r�d� O
((�) ( 303 ) 29G-69G9
(F� ( 303 ) 296-085G
7B 701 �� 3�cahn S. and Janet b� Haines
. �f�.2S Fairway Ln ���
Crossroads Realty G��enwood Springs, C0� 81601 Valley
(U) 303-479-9996 (&�) (303 ) 945-9392 1 , 39G 5. 83
(t)) ( 303 ) 945-7444
7C 705 � W�yne and Miriam Roth 1 , 349 5. 63
�3a� � /� Jc��in and Mary Vacant�' Corner
�� jGL�-�5 fCJ-�- 18�1 Wadsworth Blvd � SW
� t La.�ewood, GO 80 21.5-�
nQl��b�� L� . ���(� (�;� ( 303 ) 232-7878
J �
7D 707,708 Rc�ert Miller 1, 199 5.01
- • • - . _. . 5�35 Bridle Path Mountain
Fa��etteville, NY 13� OG
(F�.) ( 3i5). 446-5115�
(C�� ( 315) 446-"544�
(F`� (315) 446-5719
(H)= Home (0��= Office (F)= Fax (U)= unit
� � . .
. , _ _ . .. .� ,� .
� Vail Inn Owners List
Robert C. Kenney, P.0 John Dunn
P.O. Box 1835 108 S. Frontage Rd Suite 300
Vail, CO 81658 Vail, CO 81657 ��
(0) 303-949-1015 (0) 303-47G-7552
(F) 303-949-9044 (F) 303-476-4765
� . _ USF & G PHM Partners, Inc.
�• Agent: DeBord-Smith-Blackburn 425 S. Cherry Street
Attn: Gerry F. Blackburn Suite 600
6551 S. Revere Pkwy �J205 denver, CO 80222
- Englewood, CO 80111 �O) 303-333-3737
(0) 303-790-�.537 i '
(F) 303-730-2245 _______�_
, or 71G-238-8865
- Property and Hotel Mgmt Inc. �an H. Graham Insurance
c/o The Evergreen Lodge 132�� Riverside Dr //310
250 S. Frontage Rd W. P.O. Bo� G058 ,
Vai 1 , CO 81657 Sherman Oa]ts�;�..CA 9141
(0) 303-47G-7810 (0) 818-985-2324
(F) 303-47G-4504
Bruce Keith, President HOTEL ENGINEER �
Pam Stenmark, Vice Pres
Vera Miller, Exec Asst The Evergreen Lodge
(same as General Manager)
� (H)= Home (0)= Office (F)= Fax (U)= Unit
� i
� - .
. _/� I
. . _ � /'s,�d w� j'��z� f�.11 '�j-3'�d r �/�"/
, ��f S .(J��l�5� ' � ,,,� � �
• �" .� �'�� �f.QSc��S�lt"7
� � , ���r�S• ��.� f ,
" nit Av�r �J 81 G�7 ` • -
� Neil G. and Barbara S. Bluhm
900 S. Michigan Ave., Suite 1900
Chicago, IL 60611
nit B
Ronald and Kristine Erickson
5123 Lake Ridge Rd.
�` Mumeapolis, MN 55436
Lot#2 !l
Otto Weist _ ���a �� �-;�'�
c/o Brandes Cadmus � ��� �� ��(�
281 Bridge St. � �� � .�
Vail, CO 81657 �i�' � G �.r�
� �
�� ` ��
�Lot#3 � �t�� y'
Morgan and Catherine Douglas 6 f �u�(� � �V �d
142 W. Meadow Dr. � f��' d a�'
. 81657 � � �� �
Vail, CO ��- �Q �r�
/ ,� ✓�� ci�
�✓ Lot #s
Mr. Benjamin Duke ��
5550 S. Steele Street
Littleton, CO 80121
✓� Lot#6
Mr. Irving J. and Mrs. Carol J. Schwayder
5910 Happy Canyon Dr.
Englewood, CO 80110
;� Lot #7
Mervyn Lapin
232 West Meadow Dr.
Vail, CO 81657
� Lot#8
H.F. Kepner Manged by Calva Corporation
5161 Juniper c/o Century 21
Littleton, CO 80123 P.O. Box 611
Avon, CO 81620 �,��
_ ��� "�
� �,
�' ,��
� �� ���
., � ���,
s�� �� .
. . • ` � � .
NOTICE � HEREBY GIVEN thai the Pfanning and Enviror.mental Commission of the Town of
Vail will h;old a public hearing in accordance �vith Section 13.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the
� Town of�atail on October 9, T99�, at 2:00 P.tJI. in the To�vr. of Vail Municipal Building. In
- - consider-��.�i�on of:
1. A�equest for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a permanent tent for the Vail
Associates ski schoo! and chitdren's pavilion to be located at the Lionshead ski base,
Tc�ct D, VaiVLionshead, 1 st Filing.
�pticant: Vail Associates, tnc., represented by Joe Macy
P�nner: Randy Stouder .
2. - /-�sequest for a density (GRFA) variance to allow for the conversion of attic space to
G�RFA focated at 3130 Booth Fa(Is CourtlLot 6-A, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing.
�aplicant: Jeffrey & Eileen Schiffrin
P�nner: �Randy Stouder
R�.xequest for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for :�e temporary placement of a mobile
h,�:�l 12b to be located at the Vail V2iiey t��edic2l Ce�;ter, 181 West Neadow DrivelLots E &
F.,Vai1 Vill2ge Filing �2.
Appticant: Vail Valiey Nedical Center, represented by Dan Feeney.
Pt,anner: Randy Stouder
4. A�equest for a Conditional Use Permit to allow ior a private club to be located on the 3rd
arr�d 4th i(oors of the SeRanos Building located 2t 298 Hansen Ranch Ro2d/Lot C, Block
� �.Vail Village i st Filing. �
�plicant: Gretta Parks, represented by Glen He21an.
P�ar�mer: Jim Cumurie
5. a�equest for a mino� CCI exterior alteration and a site c overage variance to allow for the
ad��iition of a bay�vindo�v to the Lord Latigo Shop (ocate i in the A & D Building, 286 Gore
C�ek DrivelLots A-D, Btock 5D, Vail Vill2ge 1 st Filing.
Appi'�nt: Barry Fforescue represented by Sage Pi�:rson .
Pfac�ner: Lauren Waterton
6. . J��;e�uest for a minor subdivision to allo�v for a shi�t in the location of a building envelope
� la�ated on Lot 3, Spraddle Creek Subdivision.
A�!'�t: Luis A. D'Agostino �
P��: George Ruther �
7. ' A�.xequest for a conditional use to allo�v the First Bank of Eagle County to locate a branch
of�ce at the Vail Gateway Building/12 Vail Road/Lot N, Block 5-D, Vail Village 1st Filing.,.
A�I',c�nt: Mountain Bancshares. Inc. � ` S,
PCanc�es: Mike MollicalAndy Knudtsen . � �, �(((������..��///
4 �
. _�._. . . . � ' . . . - - - - . � .. . . . .
8. _ A request for a worksession to discuss a Proposed amendment to Chapter 18.39 of the
Vail Municipai Code (Ski Base Recreation) and an amendment to the previously approved
development pian to aifow for the redeve)opment of the Golden Pea{c Ski Base, located at
' - _..,-.485,Vail Vailey DrivelTract F, Vail Village 5th filing and_Tract B, Vail Viilage 7th Fiing.: .
��_ Applicant:�. `- Vaii Associates�Inc., �epresented by_�David�Corbin � . : - �
Planner. � Jim Curnutte and Lauren Waterton � � �_ _
. � � �
F��. E coPY
75 South Frontage Road Department of Community Development
Yai� Colorado 81657
FAX 970-479-2452
August 21, 1995
Dan Feeney
181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100
Vail, Colorado 81657
Dear Dan:
At their meeting on August 14, 1995, the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) approved
your request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the Medical Center to park and operate a Mobile
Catheter Lab as a temporary, intermittent use. The PEC approved the request with the following five
1. The VVMC shall bring the mobile lab to the hospital for a maximum of three days per
month. The mobile lab shatl not be brought to, or removed from the hospital between the
hours of 9:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m.
2. The lab shall not be scheduled for use on weekends, on days that the Eagle Care Clinic
is open, and during the peak skier days beriveen Christmas and New Years and the
PresidenYs Day holiday weekend.
3. A permanent water, sewer and electrical hook-up shall be installed so that the lab can
operate wi h the use of the generators attached to the lab. The lab's generators
shall not be run while the lab is parked at the hospital, except during unforseen power
4. The proposed landscaping shall be installed before the lab is used and shall be properly
irrigated and maintained at all times. Dead or dying trees shall be replaced immediately.
The VVMC shall work with Town Staff on the final details of the landscape plan. Plan
Option B shall be implemented with trees being 1-2 feet taller than the plan indicates.
5. The Conditional Use Permit shall be valid for a one year period, and shall be re-
evaluated by the PEC one year from the date of this approval.
Please cantact me to review the final details and construction plans. Landscaping issues should be 1
resolved with Pam Stenmark of the Evergreen Lodge.
Randy Stouder
Town Planner
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TO: Planning and Environmental Commission
FROM: Community Development Department
DATE: August 14, 1995
SUBJECT: A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the Vail Valley Medical Center to
park a mobile catheter lab west of the Ambulance DistricYs Building, located at
181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E and F, Block 1, Vail Village 2nd Filing.
Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center, represented by
Ray McMahan and Dan Feeney
Planner: Randy Stouder
The Vail Valley Medical Center (VVMC) is seeking a Conditional Use Permit to locate a
mobile catheterization lab along the retaining wall adjacent to the Ambulance District
Building as a temporary, (intermittent) use. The lab is a self-contained mobile facility, that
would be brought in and parked at the site for one to three days per month. The lab
would enable Dr. Larry Gaul, the only resident cardiologist in the upper Eagle Valley area,
to perform heart catheritization procedures in Vail. This service is currently performed at
hospitals in Denver, and is not available locally. The purpose of the catheritization
process is to diagnose potential heart problems and determine the need for surgical
The VVMC is located in the Public Use District. The hospital is listed as a conditional use
in this district, and the development standards used to evaluate proposed changes to the
hospital use are established by the PEC through the conditional use permitting process.
� Thus, the applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to park and operate the
mobile catheter lab as a temporary use (1-3 days per month) at the medical center.
The attached site plan shows the proposed lab location. An elevation drawing has been
provided to give the PEC a perspective of how the lab will appear in the proposed
location. A concrete pad is required to level and support the mobile lab. The proposed
location will not require the removal of any vegetation. A light post will need to be
removed and 6 large spruce trees are proposed on the bank above the lab to screen it
from the Evergreen Lodge.
On June 19, 1995 the VVMC brought the mobile catheter lab unit to the hospital. Several
PEC members, the planning staff and neighboring property owners attended this meeting
to get a visual image of what the catheter lab will look like and how it would fit in with the
surrounding neighborhood. Pictures of the mobile unit are attached to this memorandum
for reference purposes.
� � , > , � ,
At an earlier worksession with the PEC (June 16, 1995), the applicant proposed to locate
the lab in the alley leading to the parking structure from West Meadow Drive. The PEC
felt that an alternative location behind the hospital was more appropriate. The PEC felt
that the location initially proposed would not be compatible with the adjacent low density
residential neighborhood and the pedestrian corridor along West Meadow Drive.
Operational issues and parking needs were also discussed with the PEC at the
In the Public Use District, hospitals are considered to be conditional uses. Any expansion
of the hospital is subject to review using the conditional use permit criteria and findings, in
accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.60 of the Town of Vail Zoning Code. The
mobile catheter lab is considered to be an accessory use to the hospital and is an
expansion of an existing conditional use.
A. Consideration of Factors:
1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the
The proposed use will have a positive benefit to the community in that a
service that currently must be provided by traveling to Denver will be
available to community residents in Vail. The temporary nature of the use
will minimize the impacts to surrounding properties and the only
permanent improvements that will be located on the property include a
concrete pad that will replace a section of asphalt, and the utility hook-up
Much needed landscaping will be provided along the hillside between the
proposed location for the lab and the Evergreen Lodge. This hillside is
currently devoid of any vegetation that would provide an effective screen,
thus the proposal of landscaping in this area will have a significant benefit
to the residents in the Evergreen. Staff believes the landscaping will not
only screen the catheter lab when it is on its pad but it will also provide a
permanent screen between the hospital and the Evergreen Lodge.
2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population,
transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation
facilities, and other public faciiities needs.
The proposed use will have no impact on light and air, distribution of
population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation
facilities. The proposed use will have a positive impact on public facilities
needs, in that a valuable medical service will be provided within the
community that is not currently available.
•' � . • •
3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive
and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control,
access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and
parking areas.
The proposed lab will be parked on its pad for less than a 24-hour period,
no more than three days per month. Thus it will have little to no impact on
traffic, traffic flow and control, access and snow removal from the medical
center's parking lot area. The proposed location will temporarily displace
four parking spaces currently dedicated for emergency room drop-off, for
injured skier transport. Additional emergency room drop-off parking
spaces exist across from the proposed location along the north side of the
building. These spaces should be adequate to provide the desired
emergency parking during the 1-3 days per month that the mobile lab is in
Staff feels that the lab should not be scheduled during peak skier periods.
A condition regarding this issue is proposed. The applicant has agreed to
schedule the lab on days when the Eagle Care Clinic is not open. Four (4)
parking spaces are allotted for clinic use currently. This will allow the lab
operating staff and patients to utilize the four vacant spaces.
4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to
be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in
relation to surrounding uses. �
The lab is proposed to be located against the retaining wall between the
hospital and the Evergreen Lodge. A steep bank begins at the top of the
retaining wall, up to the path along the back side of the Evergreen Lodge.
First story lodge room windows are located about 20 feet above the
hospital parking lot level. The trailer is approximately 13 feet tall and thus
will not block any views from the first story windows at the Evergreen
Lodge. The 6 large spaces proposed by the applicant should provide
adequate screening along the north side of the trailer.
Staff believes additional screening should be added from the proposed
location of the trailer west to the parking structure, since no effective
screening is provided along this bank area currently. The applicant has
proposed to locate six large blue spruce trees on the bank behind the
trailer. Three of the trees are to be 10 to 13 feet tall, and three are to be
12 - 15 feet tall. Staff feels that smaller vegetation in larger numbers
should be utilized along the bank area and extended all the way to the
parking garage. A mix of deciduous and evergreen material along with
complimentary shrubs would provide a dense, effective screen that will
block views of the hospital and parking areas but will not block views of
the mountain over the top of the hospital building. Staff feels that if an
effective screen can be provided by the applicant, that the proposed
temporary use will have little to no effect on the character of the area.
� � , .
B. Fin in
Th� Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followin� findings before
granting a conditional use ermit:
1. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of the
conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the
district in which the site is located.
2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it
would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public
health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or
improvements in the vicinity.
3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable
provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code.
Staff recommends that the PEC approve the Conditional Use Permit request with the
conditions outlined below. Staff feels that the proposal will have minimal impact to the
surrounding communiry based upon a review of the criteria contained in Section IV of this
1. The VVMC shall bring the mobile lab to the hospital for a maximum of
three days per month. The mobile lab shall be brought to the hospital
between 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. on the evening before the services are
to be provided to the patients, and will depart no later than 4:00 p.m. the
day the catheterization processes are scheduled.
2. The lab shall n�be scheduled for use on weekends, on days that the
� Eagle Care Clinic is open, and during the peak skier days between
Christmas and New Years and the PresidenYs Day holiday weekend.
3. A permanent water, sewer and electrical hook-up shall be installed so that
the lab can operate wi h the use of the generators attached to the lab.
The lab's generators shall not be run while the lab is parked at the
4. The proposed landscaping shall be installed before the lab is used and
shall be properly irrigated and maintained at all times. Dead or dying trees
shall be replaced immediately.
5. The Conditional Use Permit shall be valid for a one year period, and shall
be re-evaluated by the PEC at the end of this term.
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�. vail valley 181 West Meadow Dnve, Suite 100 '
�� Vail, Colorado 81657
medical center (303)476-2451
August 7, 1995
Mr. Randy Stouder
Community Development Department
Town of Vail
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, CO 81657
RE: Mobile Catheterization Lab
Dear Randy:
We wish to revise our application for a conditional use permit for
the mobile catheterization lab, as shown on the attached drawings.
Essentially, we are proposing that the lab be located in our west
parking lot, next to the timber retaining wall .
To mitigate the visual impact to the Evergreen Hotel, we will plant
a total of six blue spruce trees on the sloped bank between our two
properties . Three of the trees will be 10-13 feet tall, and three
will be 12-15 feet tall .
When the lab is in place, it will occupy four parking spaces . Our
Eag1e Care Clinic, which is open only three days per week, has four
spaces available to it on a full-time basis. (See my letter to
Shelly Mello, dated 23 August 1993 , copy attached, which recaps
parking availability and needs . ) We will propose limiting cath lab
visits to days that the Eagle Care Clinic is closed, days on which
these four spaces are not needed.
As stated in my previous letter of 20 June 95, the lab should be
treated as the equivalent of one exam room, thus requiring one
parking space . We have one surplus space presently available . The
two technicians who operate the lab will arrive in a separate
vehicle, which they will park adjacent to the lab, thus creating a
new parking space during lab visi�s .
As stated previously, the generator which is housed in the lab will
not normally be run. However, if a patient is undergoing a
catheterization when a power outage occurs, it will be necessary to
run the generator until the procedure is complete. Although the
probability of this occurring is quite low, it may happen from time
to time .
Ray McMahan
Chief Executive Officer
' ` • �
In working with you, the PEC and our neighbors, we believe we have
developed a plan that addresses pressing medical needs, in a way
that is sensitive to other community goals . We look forward to
final approval of our application by the PEC. Please call if you
have any other concerns or questions .
r �
`Dan Feene
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�. vaii valley 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100
► medicai center Voil, Colorado 81657
� (303)476-2451
August 11, 1995
Mr. Randy Stouder
Community Development Department
75 South Frontage Road West
Vail, CO 81657
RE: Mobile Catheterization Lab
Dear Randy:
Attached is a revised landscaping plan to accompany our application I
for the mobile catheterization lab. Following is a list of
materials :
3 each blue spruce, 6 feet tall
6 each blue spruce, 8 feet tall
2 each blue spruce, 10 feet tall
2 each aspen, 1 1/4" inch trunk
6 each aspen, 1 1/2" inch trunk
2 each aspen, 2" inch trunk
S ' cerely,
enclosure i
,Ray McMahan
Chief Executive Officer
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of
Vail will hold a p�blic hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the
Town of Vail on August 14, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In
consideration of::
1. A reques# for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an addition to the Town of Vail Public
Works Administration Building and a renovation to the Transportation and Fleet
Maintenance Buildings located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/on an unplatted tract, located
north of Vail Village, Eighth Filing.
Applicant= Town of Vail
Planner: Andy Knutdsen
2. A request for a site coverage variance to allow for additions to the existing residence
located at 1868 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 47, Vail Village West Filing #1.
Applicant_ John and Bobbi Ann Houtsma
Planner: George Ruther
3. A request for a setback variance to allow for an addition ot the existing residence located
at 5119 Black Bear Lane/Lot 8, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivisian.
Applicar�t: Ron and Chris Yaros
Planner: George Ruther
4. A request for a major SDD amendment, located at the Vail Athletic Club/352 East
Meadow Drive and more specifically described as follows:
A parcel of land in Tract B,Vail Vllage First Filing,Town of Vail,Eagle County,Colorado,commencing at the
IVortheast comer of said Tracl B;thence N 79°46'00"W along the Northerly line of Vail Village,First Filing,and
afong the Northerly line of said Tract B 622.86 feet;thence S 06°26'S2"W a distance of 348.83 feet to the
Southwest comer of that parcel of land described in Book 191 at Page 139 as recorded January 10,1966 and filed
in Reception No.102978 in the Eagle County Records,said comer also being ihe True Point of Beginning;thence
S 79°04'OS"E ar�d along ihe Southeriy line of said parcel 200.00 feel to the Southeast comer thereof;thence N
62°52'00"E and along the NoAherly line of that parcel of land described in Book 222 at Page 513 as recorded in
1971 in the Eagle County Records,a distance of 66.78 feet to the Northeasterly comer of said parcel of land;said
comer being on the Westeriy right-of-way line of Gore Creek Road,as platted in Vail Village,Fifth Filing;thence N
27°13'37"W a dstance of 77.37 feet along said Weslerly right-of-way line of Gore Creek Road;thence N
89°29'22"W a distance of 12.80 feet to the Northeasterly comer of that parcel of land described in Book 191,
Page 139 as recorded January 10,1966 and filed in Reception No.102978 in ihe Eagle County Records;thence '
Northwesterly 26.51 feet along the arc of a 37.50 feet radius curve to the left having a central angle of 40°30'00"
whose chord bears N 53°40'00"W a distance of 25.96 feet to a point of tangency;thence N 73°55'00"W and I
abng said tangent 166.44 feet;thence N 85°10'21"W a distance of 50.40 feet to the Northwesterfy comer of the !
Mountain Haus Parcel;thence S 02°18'00"W and along the easterly line of said Mountain Haus Parcel a distance '
of 100.00 feet to the Southeasterly comer thereof;thence S 45°13'S3"E a distance of 38.70 feet to lhe True Point
of Beginning,containing 30,486 square feet,more or less.
Applicant: JWT 1987 Vail Limited Partnership, (d/b/a Vail Athletic Club), repre,se ted � ;
by Stan Cope and Michael Barclay ,
Planner: Mike Mollica , ��"j ����� r , �'
. � � , �g YS
F:�everyone\pec�notices\081495 �
� • �
A request for a conditional use permit to allow the Medical Center to park a mobile
catheter lab/trailer at the Meadow Drive loading area, located at
181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E & F, Vail Village 2nd Filing.
Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center, represented by Dan Feeney
Planner: Randy Stouder
6. A request for a major SDD amendment to allow for the expansion of the Glen Lyon Office
Building, located at 1000 S. Frontage Rd./Area D, Cascade Village SDD #4.
Applicant: Gordon Pierce for Glen Lyon Partnership
Planner: Randy Stouder
7. A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the remodel of the Golf Course
Maintenance Facility, located at 1278 Vail Valley Drive/Parcel E, Vail Village 7th Filing.
Applicant: Vail Recreation District, represented by Ernie Bender
Planner: Russell Forrest
� ' i
" I
. �T ��
'�- � �.
. l es _
� '�
David&Margo White Robert C. Kenney PC �
#9 Reid St. P.O. Box 1835
Box HM 1541 Vail, CO 81658
Hamilton, Bermuda HNiFX . --------------
John Dunn
Mona Marie Olean-Lambrill 108 S. Frontage Rd,. Suite 300
22 Inwood Close Vail, CO 81657
Paget, Bermuda PLOS
l '� DeBord, Smith& Blackburn
Mr. Ben Boutell Attn: Gerry F. Blackburn
Alphorn Condominiums 6551 S. Revere Pkwy, #205
121 West Meadow Drive Englewood, CO 80111
Vail, CO 81657
PHM Partners, Inc.
Mr. James U. King, Jr. 425 S. Cherry St., Ste. 600
C/O Kross Petroleum Denver, CO 80222 ;-" ,�
11931 Wickchester Lane, Ste. E .��,� � �'-` ` �
Houston, TX 77079 The Evergreen Lodge `
250 S. Frontage Rd. W. �
George Cavanaugh Vail, CO 81657
2470 Country Club Loop
Westminister, CO 80234-2638 Ian H. Graham Insurance
13245 Riverside Dr., #310
Donald R. &Margaret Maisel P.O. Box 6058
19119 Birdsong East Sherman Oaks, CA 91413
San Antonio, TX 78258
Mrs. Chloe Held Moran
Paul Amen C/O First Bank NA
Transwestern Express Limited Attn: Tom Woldum
5231 Monroe Street P.O. Box A55
Denver, CO 80216 Minneapolis, MN 55480
John S. & Janet L. Haines Mr. Eugene A. Petracca .��'��
0028 Fairway Lane 13 Woods Rd. 1�.��v��
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 New Fairfield, CT 06812 J`,� � ���
Wayne&Mariam Roth PHM Partners, Inc. "�V J �� �
John&Mary Vacanti The Evergreen Lodge � d�
1841 Wadsworth Blvd. Attn: Bruce Keith ^��
Lakewood, CO 80215 250 S. Frontage Rd. W. �.
Vail, CO 81657
Robert Miller
5115 Bridle Path Dr. Gregorio &Haydee Kort
Fayetteville,NY 13006 4 Country Club Village
Pueblo, CO 81008
� I
. � �..r�
James G. Hunter Vail Inn, Inc.
233 South Wacker Dr., Ste. 5800 C/O Robert Kenny
Chicage, IL 60606 P.O. Box 1835
Vail, CO 81658
John& Suetta Stewart
8289 W. Boynton Beach Blvd. Michael R. Storace
Boyton Beach, FL 33437 5975 Sunset Dr.
Miami, FL 33143
John& Maryann Russo
616 Washington St. O'Conner, Levy & Holden
Toms River,NJ 08753 Attn: Gail
P.O. Box 478
Mr. Dick Eddy Springfield,NJ 07081
162 W. Meadow Dr.
Vail, CO 81657 Alan& Laura Rubin
11208 Blackhorse Ct.
Mr. Mervyn Lapin Potomac, MD 20854
232 West Meadow Dr.
Vail, Co 81657 The Evergreen Lodge
250 S. Frontage Rd.
Mr. Benjamin Duke Vail, CO 81657
550 S. Steele St.
Littleton, CO 80121 Mr. Ross Davis, Jr.
108 S. Frontage Rd. W., #307
Morgan& Catherine Douglas Vail, CO 81657
142 W. Meadow Dr.
Vail, CO 81657 Neil& Barbara Bluhm
900 S. Michigan Ave., Ste. 1900
Ronald&Kristine Erickson Chicage, IL 60611
5123 Lake Ridge Rd.
Minneapolis, MN 55436 Mr. &Mrs. Irving Schwayder
5910 Happy Canyon Dr.
Ms. Joan Norris Englewood, CO 80110
Skaalhus Condominium Association
141 W. Meadow Dr., #2 Mr. Otto Weist
Vail, CO 81657 C/O Brandess-Cadmus
281 Bridge St.
Town Of Vail Vail, CO 81657
75 S. Frontage Rd.
Vail, CO 81657 Mr. H. F. Kepner
5161 Juniper
Vail Professional Building Littleton, CO 80123
(Vail National Bank)
1910 Pacific Ave.,#1700
Dallas,TX 75201
. � �
Dr. &Mrs. Richard Garbe West Star Bank
80 Edara St. 108 S. Frontage Rd. W. �
Denver, CO 80220 Vail, CO 81657 ',
Clib&Mary Ann Hurit Wayne&Mariam Roth '
272 W. Meadow Dr. John&Mary Vacanti
Vail, CO 81657 6325 E. Tufts Ave.
Englewood, CO 80111
� �
�� vail vailey 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100
Vail, Colorado 81657
�� medical center (303)476-2451
August 11, 1995 '
Mr. Randy Stouder
Community Development Department
75 South Frontage Road West
Vail, CO 81657
RE: Mobile Catheterization Lab
Dear Randy:
Attached is a revised landscaping plan to accompany our application
for the mobile catheterization lab. Following is a list of
materials :
3 each blue spruce, 6 feet tall
6 each blue spruce, 8 feet tall
2 each blue spruce, 10 feet tall
2 each aspen, 1 1/4" inch trunk
6 each aspen, 1 1/2" inch trunk
2 each aspen, 2" inch trunk
S ' cerely,
Ray McMahan ,
Chief Executive Officer I
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June 26, 1995
Bob Armour Dalton Williams Susan Connelly
Henry Pratt Mike Mollica
� Jeff Bowen Randy Stouder
Greg Moffett Andy Knudisen
Greg Amsden Jim Curnutte
Kevin Deighan Judy Rodriguez
Public Hearing
The meeting was called to order at 2:05p.m. by Bob Armour.
� 1. A request for a worksession for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the Vail Valley
! Medical Center to park a mobile catheter lab/trailer at the Meadow Drive loading area,
located at 181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E & F, Vail Village 2nd Filing.
�, Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center, represented by Dan Feeney
� Planner: Randy Stouder
Jeff Bowen stated that he would step down on this matter.
Randy Stouder gave an overview of the request for a worksession for a Conditional Use Permit.
The Medical Center representatives stated that the mobile lab is the only cost effective way to
provide the catheterization service locally. Randy stated that the Medical Center had many
discussions with the community. Randy summarized the discussion issues contained within the
staff memo. Randy stated that many neighbors had expressed concern over how to control
future expansion of the Vail Valley Medical Center and this is a question that needs to be
addressed. Will construction of the truck pad be an incentive to bring in other mobile units?
Mike Mollica brought up the master plan designation. The proposed location is in a designated
transition area where commercial growth needs to be carefully considered. West Meadow Drive
is a connection between the Village and Lionshead and therefore, commercial use should be
Randy Stouder said it was important to promote the pedestrian environment in the transition area
between the Village and Lionshead. Pedestrian traffic is now in ihe street and additional truck
traffic is not desirable.
Bob Armour asked if the applicant was ready with his presentation.
Ray McMahan stated that the Vail Valley Medical Center (VVMC) approached the Hospital's
board of directors after careful consideration of the mobile service. The medical staff felt that the
procedure was safe and would provide a benefit to the community.
F:�everyone�pec�minutee\062695 1
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Ray McMahan stated there were 5 reasons to approve this request:
1. This lab would deliver additional health care to our community. As it is now, a patient must
drive to Denver or Grand Junction to have this procedure done.
2. The Vail Valley Medical Center's Community Needs Assessment determined that Vail
residents and visitors are aging and that additional heart care services were needed.
4. The service can be provided to the Community even at a low level of demand for use, since
the overall cost is shared between many communities.
5. The VVMC has had two meetings with the Community and believes that the Community's
concerns can be resolved.
Ray McMahan, director of Vail Valley Medical Center introduced cardiologist Dr. Gaul and
Stephanie Arbanowit.
The Catheterization process is a diagnostic test to determine if there is blockage of the arteries
of the heart. A tube that injects dye is inserted into an artery in the groin to view any blockage. X-
rays are taken to give the Doctor a visual image of the blood flow patterns for the heart. This is
an outpatient procedure that takes about 1 hour. The recovery period is from 4-8 hours long, and
patients will be brought into the hospital during recovery.
Dr. Gaul said that he was trained never to do this procedure except in a large hospital because
with a heart catheterization something could go wrong. However, it is not true that a cardiologist
team needs to stand by. If something does goes wrong it would take 2-4 hours before a team
could be scheduled to perform surgery and that is the transport time from Vail to Denver. Dr.
Gaul stated that generally if something goes wrong, the patient dies immediately. Catastrophic
complications would be if the catheter caused damage in the artery causing the artery to close
down. Death is the result. Dr. Gaul said there are criteria to help select patients for the
procedure performed by a mobile unit. This screening process will only allow patients who fall
within this healthy profile to have the test.. Studies done by the Association of American
Cardiologists at Duke University and the Mao Clinic, both major heart centers, have moved into
doing this procedure in mobile units. The complication rate is 1/3 that of hospitals performing the
Kevin Deighan inquired if patients have chest pains, do they want to wait for the lab to show up
or is immediate care required?
Dr. Gaul said that it was the patient's choice. People who would be safe to wait are the people
that this procedure was meant for.
Henry Pratt asked if the Edwards facility would be a better site to serve the local community,
rather than serve the tourist.
Dr. Gaul said that the recovery period requires that monitoring be done by expert nurses. The
Edwards facility is not anticipated to be the type of facility that would have the necessary
personnel for routine monitoring.
Ray McMahan stated that the Edward's site is only slated to be a physicians office; a hospital will
not be duplicated there.
F:�everyone�pac�ailnutea\062695 2
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Bob Armour asked if moving the catheter lab to within the hospital made sense, since moving
personnel down valley to the Edwards site opened up room in the existing hospital.
Dr. Gaul said on a non economic basis, it takes 250 procedures per year to break even with an in
house catheter lab. The Vail hospital will not come close to those numbers.
Ray McMahon stated that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US. 75% of
admissions in the VVMC are heart related, not knee injuries.
Bob Armour said the appropriateness of the trailer is the issue, not whether or not the procedure
is needed.
Kevin Deighan stated that it was the hospital's job to determine if this was needed. If the medical
staff says we need this, IeYs try to accommodate them, but with minimal impact to the
Greg Moffet was in favor of the level of inedical care increasing. A new site behind the hospital
would be more appropriate. The lab should also not be present on the busiest weekends.
Bob Armour invited the public to come up front to look at the map during a discussion of potential
alternative locations.
Dan Feeney said that utility hookup requirements would not be a problem in eithe�� of the two
alternative locations being discussed, since the existing utilities could conceivably work.
Greg Moffet said landscaping, possibly with spruce trees, could hide the mobile lab.
Pam Stenmark, from the Evergreen Lodge, stated that only a 40' tree would make a difference.
Pam also said that the hospital parking structure is jammed in the winter and a loss of parking
spaces should not be considered.
Henry Pratt would not like to see any loss of parking spaces currently dedicated to the public.
Greg Amsden stated that the proposed location was not appropriate. He felt that the location
closer to the retaining wall below the Evergreen Hotel would be better. At the nexi meeting, he
suggested updating the elevation drawings and analyzing the impacts of this location to the
Evergreen Hotel. He also asked if the dumpster in the alley was supposed to be temporary?
Ray McMahan said the dumpster was necessary for construction projects that were on-going.
Greg Amsden asked if fire sprinklers were required in the parking garage.
Dan Feeney, from the VVMC, said the Uniform Fire Code doesn't require sprinklers and that the
fire lane could be narrowed down from the existing 20', only if sprinklers were installed in the
parking garage.
F:�everyone�pac�minutes\062695 3
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Bob Armour summarized the PEC's comments as follows. The PEC agrees that this is a needed
procedure, but an alternate site was necessary. This was a heavily used pedestrian area with a
residential feeling. It is the transition area between Lionshead and the Village. Having it
� positioned in back of the building would eliminate neighborhood impacts, with the exception of
the Evergreen. We can work with the parking problem. Shifting the lab to the back of the building
with a cap on the number of days of use and prohibiting use on peak days, seems to be the
,_ _
feeling of the Commission.
Jim Lamont with the East Village homeowners Assoc. applauded the hospital for keeping up the
dialog with community . The neighborhood homeowners didn't know this was a hospital area
when they bought their properry. A clinic existed and it was zoned for special use, so the
neighborhood had no expectations. Jim Lamont urged the hospital to create a master plan for
the site to resolve conflicts that have not been addressed, such as snow removal, etc. There is a
need to address future mobile units as they evolve. The unit pad should be housed in a
permanent facility for a long term solution so another conditional use permit won't be necessary
when another mobile unit is needed. Jim Lamont was disappointed with Staff's analysis of the
parking issue. Parking problems will be continuous. Delivery vehicles will have a problem
delivering. Truck parking is already a problem in the area of the truck dock. Semi's show up
next to the Skaal Haus at 5am . The neighborhood and hospital need to bring a better plan to
the Commissioners, so that they can make a better determination.
Jim Viele, a 26 �r. resident of Vail, considers the level of hospital service very important to our
aging community. He felt that the hospital provides an excellent quality of service for the
community. Jim Viele was on the PEC when the hospital was in its expansion process. He said
the hospital has been a good neighbor. The hospital's landscaping and parking facility function
very well. The hospital has demonstrated a great track record in doing what they said they
would, and felt that the proposal should be approved.
Robby Robinson stated that he was a heart patient. He has lived in the valley since 1966 when
health care was the ski patrol. The catheter lab as a mobile unit can save money, so why make
the hospital turn it into a permanent structure? He was strongly in support of the project.
`Pam Stenmark, manager of Evergreen Lodge, invited the Commission and Staff to view the
hospital from the Evergreen Hotel's corridors and rooms.
� ` Bob Armour said a site visit to the Evergreen would occur as part of the next meeting on the
j project.
Pam Stenmark said that the parking requirements for the hospital should be consistent with other
commercial projects. She toured the catheter lab. Looking up the alley one sees the entrance to
the parking structure, a dumpster and a weeded hillside. The view from Meadow Drive up the
alley is not attractive now and won't be further harmed by the proposed mobile lab. She
supported the proposed location, and did not like the alternative sites discussed by the PEC.
Joan Norris, a resident of the Skaal Haus, wants the service, but at an alternate location.
Jim Lamont said the landscaping on the Skaal house side of the alley is non-existent, because
the residents allow snow removal to be stored there. If they weren't nice enough to allow snow
to be stored there, it would be landscaped.
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Greg Moffet doesn't have any problem with the proposed site.
2. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a liquor store to be located at the
Cascade Crossing Retail Center, 1031 S. Frontage Road West/an unplatted parcel
located west of the Vail Professional Building and south of I-70. -
Applicant: Andrew Woods, D.B.A. Local's Liquor
Planner: Mike Mollica
Mike briefly gave an overview of the request. Staff recommended approval with no conditions.
The retail center was constructed in such a way as to allow for heavy use of vehicles. No
exterior changes to the building will be made.
, Bob Armour said a liquor store Conditional Use Permit was requested in 1991.
Mike Mollica concurred and stated that in 1993, more sq. footage was approved to be added and
that there had been no public complaints over the years.
Bob Armour asked if the applicant , Andy Woods, was present. He was not.
Greg Moffet made a motion to grant the request per the Staff memo.
The motion was seconded by Kevin Deighan.
All voted unanimously in favor, with a vote of 6-0.
3. A request for a setback variance to allow for an addition to a residence, located at 1390
Greenhill CourULot 12, Glen Lyon.
Applicant: Summit Vacation Properties
Planner: Andy Knudtsen
� Henry Pratt abstained from this item, as a member of his office has been retained to represent.an
adjacent property owner.
Andy Knudtsen gave a presentation. The applicant wanted to enclose an existing patio and
convert it to a greenhouse, using 163 sq. foot.
John Railton, the architect for the applicant, spoke on behalf of his client. The applicants are
from Florida and use the residence during the winter and want more sun. The suggested solution
was a glass enclosure to minimumly change the design. John stated that this was an
underdeveloped site and the ApplicanYs agreed not to develop it further. He said that it was a
hardship which justified the variance.
Ned Gwathmey represented the owner of the lot. He did not feel a precedent for extending into
the side setback should be set and recommended denial.
Jeff Bowen said there was not a hardship on the site and was not in favor of granting the
Kevin Deighan felt the same as Jeff.
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Greg Moffet didn't have a tremendous problem with granting the request, but was concerned
about the precedent. There was no hardship as far as he was concerned.
Greg Amsden inquired as to what the hardship was.
John Railton said the Applicant lived here during the winter and couldn't use the deck. They
were reluctant to use canvas enclosures, instead opting for it to be dane well. Snow falling on
the deck presents the hardship. A glass enclosure would also conserve energy.
Greg Amsden said it was a dangerous precedent having a variance subject to tradeoffs and was
not interested in deed restricting the lot and limiting future GRFA potential. A variance is not
needed, since there is a good expanse of lot to the rear.
John Railton responded, as an architect, that the impact to future homes was more desirable with
the proposed site addition, rather than building on the back. It seems to him that this is a minor
setback and they are only trying to make the deck more useable during the winter months when
they are here.
Bob Armour stated that the GRFA in the setback is the problem.
Greg Amsden said it was dangerous to set this precedent, since others may want to do the
Bob Armour sai�i the additional GRFA is aggravating the situation. This was a very tough site to
develop and granting the variance request would be granting a special privilege.
Jeff Bowen moved that the request be denied.
Greg Moffet seconded the motion.
The request was unanimously denied by a vote of 5-0-1. Henry Pratt abstained.
4. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for exterior seating at the West Vail Mall,
located at 2151 North Frontage Road/Lot 4A, Vail Das Schone 3rd Filing.
Applicant: West Vail Mall Corporation
Planner: Randy Stouder
Randy Stouder gave a brief background of the request. The need for seating was based on
existing uses. In summer the seating is inadequate. Owners tried to add seating with a preview
request to the PEC. The current seating plan is a scaled down version: Dark green wrought iron
furniture is now proposed in place of the white plastic that was proposed earlier. The number of
tables has been reduced and additional landscaping is proposed. The Applicants are here to ask
for reconsideration. Staff is recommending approval with the following 6 conditions:
1. The outdoor dining areas shall be maintained free of trash and debris at all times. Tables
shall be bused on a regular basis and trash containers stiall be promptly emptied when
fult (by either the West Vail Mall maintenance crew or by the individual restaurant
tenants). No matter who is responsible for the maintenance of the outdoor dining area,
this condition must be complied with in full. If the trash receptacles are overflowing, or
debris and trash is found out on tables or on the ground surrounding the tables, the Town
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staff shall bring the Conditional Use Permit back to the PEC for reconsideration and
possible revocation.
2. Pedestrian and ADA access along sidewalks must be adequately maintained at all times.
Access to all store front areas, and especially to the handicap restrooms, must be
maintained at a minimum width of 4' on the sidewalks.
3. The DRB shall review the proposed materials and the general aesthetics of the proposal
(i.e. tables, chairs and trash receptacles) in accordance with Chapter 18.54 of the Zoning
� Code.
4. No umbrellas may be installed, except as expressly permitted through the Town's design
review process. Any umbrellas authorized nn contain any advertising. Umbrella
requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
5. No alcohol may be served or consumed at the outdoor tables.
6. This Conditional Use Permit shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of PEC
approval. The permit shall be reconsidered following a full year of operation.
No public input came forvvard for this request.
Kevin Deighan's only concern was policing for trash. With additional tables clear. up needs to be
done on a regular basis.
Greg Moffet stated that the solutions provided by the applicant are great. He would like to see
the term of the Conditional Use Permit end on May 1, 1996.
Henry Pratt had no problem with the request, but would like to share one comment. He feels the
traffic flow at Taco Bell may aggravate the parking problem.
Jeff Bowen thinks the proposal offers a great improvement, but feels the trash problem is critical.
Greg Amsden had no additional comments.
Bob Armour agreed that the proposal has come a long way, but echoes Henry Pratt's concern
that parking may be a problem. Bob also likes the May 1 st sunset clause.
Jeff Bowen moved that the Conditional Use Permit request be approved in accordance with the
staff analysis contained on pages 4-5 of the memo, with a change in condition number 6, so that
the permit will expire on May 1, 1996.
Henry Pratt seconded the motion.
, This motion was unanimous, approved by a vote of 6-0.
F:�eve�yone�px�agenda�062695 7
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5. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an outdoor dining deck at the Daily
Grind Coffee Company, located at 288 Bridge StreeULot B, Block 5H, Vail Village 1 st
Applicant: The Daily Grind Coffee Company -
Planner: George Ruther
Jim Curnutte, (representing George Ruther), stated that the request was already talked about on
April 10th and May 8th. The tables up against the Rucksack Building are presenting a problem.
The location of the tables doesn't make sense and therefore, Staff is recommending denial. Jim
pointed out that there are four Criteria to consider when reviewing a Conditional Use Permit. It is
Staff opinion that the Criteria have not been met, specifically with regard to Criteria No. 1. ADA
requirements have also not been provided for. Criteria 2 and 3 appear to be met, however the
character of the area provision has not been met. Therefore Staff is recommending denial
because Criteria A 1 & 4 have not been met. If approved Staff is recommending the following
conditions be complied with:
1. The applicant should install an outdoor trash receptacle for use by the patrons of
the outdoor dining area. Additionally, the applicant shall monitor the area on a
regular, daily basis to insure the area remains free of trash and debris.
2. The tables be securely fastened to the ground to insure that they are not moved
out of the locations approved by the PEC.
3. The Staff monitor the proposed outdoor dining area situation over the next year.
Should problems result, Staff will then "call up" the approval of the Conditional
Use Permit.
Henry Pratt had concerns regarding the chain proposed to separate fhe private dining and public
seating are�s.
Kaye Ferry, from the Daily Grind, said the chain would come down during the winter months.
Kevin Deighan said this area is unable to be delineated in an acceptable way.
Greg Moffet agreed with Kevin that it would be a difficult area to chain off.
Henry Pratt agreed with Kevin and Greg Moffet regarding the chain fencing.
Jeff Bowen stated that this was too small an area to be restricted. As it is now, it is being used
for "brown baggers" and this seems to be a fine use.
Greg Amsden asked about the existing trash receptacle.
Kaye Ferry said the receptacle is the Rucksack's. She then pointed out that the reason for the
delineation is to obtain a liquor license only.
Mike Mollica stated that if the property is going to be restricted to patrons of the Daily Grind, then
a Conditional Use Permit must be granted.
Kaye Ferry said that this was her property and The Daily Grind was very generous in allowing
"brown baggers," but not to assume its use was for "brown baggers."
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Mike Mollica reiterated that although the property was private, to restrict its use to the public at
large would require a Canditional Use Permit to be granted.
Greg Amsden asked what happened to the old proposal ?
Kaye Ferry explained that the landlord didn't want railings cutting across the patio creating a
pathway or the liability of having any posts on the property.
Greg Amsden agreed with the findings made by the Staff.
Bob Armour doesn't see what could be done to make the request agreeable to the PEC. It
seems to him the granting of this request would be injurious to property.
Jeff Bowen moved that the request be denied.
It was seconded by Bob Armour.
It was unanimous with a vote of 6-0.
Jeff Bowen had suggestions regarding the writing of the minutes . There was no reason to
restate the Memorandums. It is important to relay conversations and the discussion following
questions. Don't recite dialog from the Memorandums.
Jeff Bowen moved that PEC minutes of June 12, 1995 be approved and that the meeting be
Greg Moffet seconded the motion.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:33pm.
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TO: Planning and Environmentai Commission
FROM: Community Development Department _
DATE: June 26, 1995
SUBJECT: A request for a worksession concerning a request for a conditional use permit to
allow the Vail Valley Medical Center to park a mobile catheter lab in the fire lane
adjacent to the hospital's loading area, adjacent to West Meadow Drive, located at
181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E and F, Block 1, Vail Village 2nd Filing.
Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center, represented by
Ray McMahan and Dan Feeney
Planner: Randy Stouder
;' The Vail Valley Medical Center (VVMC) is seeking a Conditional Use Permit to locate a
j mobile catheterization lab at the southeast corner of the subject property. The lab is a
self-contained mobile faciliry, that would be brought in and parked at the site for one to
' three days per month. The lab would enable Dr. Larry Gaul, the only resident cardiologist
� in the upper Eagle Valley area, to perform heart catheritization procedures in Vail. This
; service is currently performed at hospitals in Denver, and is not available locally. The
� purpose of the catheritization process is to diagnose potential heart problems and
� discover the need for surgical intervention. Dr. Gaul will attend the Planning and
� Environmental Commission (PEC) meeting to explain the technical aspects of the
t/� catheritization process.
On June 19, 1995 the VVMC brought the mobile catheter lab unit to the hospital and
parked it at the approximate, proposed location adjacent to the loading platform at the
southeast corner of the medical center. Several PEC members, the planning staff and
neighboring property owners attended this meeting to get a visual image of what the
catheter lab will look like and how it would fit in with the surrounding neighborhood.
Pictures of the rnobile unit are attached to this memorandum for reference purposes.
The VVMC is located in the Public Use District. The hospital is listed as a conditional use
in this district, and the development standards used to evaluate proposed changes to the
hospital use are established by the PEC through the conditional use permitting process.
Thus, the applicant is requesting a worksession to discuss whether the PEC will
consider the mobile catheter lab as an acceptable, temporary use. If the PEC
determines that the use is acceptable, the VVMC wishes to establish appropriate
development standards and conditions of operation. Specifically, the VVMC wishes
to discuss landscaping and operational standards for the lab so that impacts to adjacent
residential areas can be minimized and/or mitigated.
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- The proposed location, the dimensions, and the required changes to the configuration of
the fire lane are shown on the attached plan sheets. A concrete pad must be poured to
level and support the mobile lab. The proposed location will require the removal of some
sodded area, one spruce tree and the light post located just east of the trash cor��pactor
enclosure. _
In the Public Use District, hospitals are considered to be conditional uses. Any expansion
. of the hospital is subject to review using the conditional use permit criteria and findings, in
accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.60 of the Town of Vail Zoning Code. The
mobile catheter lab is considered to be an accessory use to the hospital and is an
expansion of an existing conditional use.
Upon review of Section 18.60 of the Vail Municipal Zoning Code, the Community
Development Department has developed discussion issues and has set these issues
forth in Section IV of this memorandum. The standard review criteria and findings that
follow were used to develop this list of discussion issues, and are listed here for PEC
reference only (no staff analysis has been provided at this time).
A. Consideration of Factors:
1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the
2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population,
transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation
facilities, and other public facilities needs.
3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive
and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control,
access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and
parking areas.
4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to
be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in
relation to surrounding uses.
B. Findinas
The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findin�s before
granting a conditional use ep rmit:
, 1. That the proposed Iocation of the use in accord with the purposes of the
conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the
district in which the site is located.
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2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it
would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public
health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or
improvements in the vicinity.
3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable
provisions of the conditional use permit section of the ioning code.
The following discussion issues highlight several potential impacts to adjacent residential
areas and to the pedestrian environment along West Meadow Drive that need to be
resolved if the mobile lab is found to be acceptable in this community.
1. Why does the hospital not purchase the necessary equipment to pertorm the
catheterization process inside existing hospital operating rooms?
Medical Center Res op nse:
The VVMC has stated that although there is demand for this type of service in the
community, the demand is not sufficient enough to justify the large capital
expenditure necessary for a permanent installation of the required equipment
within the existing hospital. The mobile lab is an efficient, cost effective way to
provide an important service to the community that would otherwise be available
only through travel to the Denver Metro area.
The catheterization process is fairly invasive and requires a substantial recovery
period that does not allow for immediate travel through remote mountain areas.
There is substantial risk of arterial bleeding associated with the procedure.
Patients must remain prone and inactive for a minimum of six to eight hours
following the procedure. With facilities only available in Denver, many patients
have to remain in the hospital overnight, separated from the company and support
of relatives and toved ones.
Staff Res op nse:
Based on discussions with patients who have gone through the catheterization
process, and Dr. Gaul the supervising cardiologist, staff feels that the mobile
facility is indeed a cost effective way of providing a necessary service in the
2. Are there any alternative sites for the lab?
Medical Center Res�gnse:
The lab must be located in close proximity to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at the
hospital in case of an emergency. The medical center explored locations within
the western parking lot, but determined that the lab would take up so many
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necessary parking spaces that this location was ruled out. The medical center
also looked at putting the mobile catheter unit on the top level of the parking
structure. This option was discarded due to parking place displacement and
because of the extreme weight of the catheter lab. Apparently, the struct�ral
supporting ability of the existing parking structure was fourld to be inadequate.
The medical center feels that the only feasible place to park the mobile lab is the
proposed location.
�taff Response:
Staff agrees that the loss of parking in both the wesi parking lot and on the
parking structure would be significant if the mobile lab were to be placed in these
two locations. Staff also recognizes that these two locations would place the lab
further from an entrance to the hospital building, which could substantially
lengthen travel time to the ICU in the event of an emergency.
The proposed location is within an existing fire lane and emergency
ingress/egress for the parking structure. Thus, Fire Department issues must be
addressed, and are discussed below.
3. What are the potential impacts to the surrounding residential properties?
Medical Center ResQonse:
The mobile lab would be parked at the hospital for a maximum of three days per
month. The hospital feels that the lab can be brought to the site, operated and
removed in a quiet, timely fashion that will not adversely effect the adjacent
residential communities. The medical center has held at least two neighborhood
meetings and invited the surrounding neighborhood to the demonstration that took
place on June 19th. Issues raised by the community to date concern visual
impacts, noise and the potential for more intense use of the lab pad site. There is
also a concern that the lab will hinder access to the Skaal Hus' parking spaces
and trash dumpster that are accessible only from the VVMC fire lane (easement
agreement in force).
The medical center is willing to install additional landscaping in an attempt to
buffer the lab from the Skaal Hus property. Landscaping materials would have to
be carefully chosen and placed due to conflicts with existing snow storage areas
and due to the fact that the VVMC property line is almost directly adjacent to the
eastern side of the fire lane. Off-site landscaping will most likely be needed to
mitigate visual impacts from adjacent residential structures and from pedestrian
areas along West Meadow Drive.
�taff Res op nse:
Staff feels that the temporary nature of the use will minimize impacts to the
surrounding neighborhood. There are certain operational issues which could
impact the neighborhood, such as running the excessively loud power generators
on the mobile lab (that provide air conditioning and control the temperature inside
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the lab). The hospital has agreed not to run the generators, and to connect
directly to the power source within the medical center building. This would
effectively eliminate the noise issue as far as staff is concerned.
Staff feels that additional landscaping should be installed along West Meadow
Drive, in front of the VVMC trash compactor and in front of the Skaal Hus, in an
attempt to screen the mobile lab from pedestrian traffic on West Meadow Drive.
Staff would also recommend that additional landscaping be placed on the east
side of the fire lane, adjacent to the western-most Skaal Hus condominium unit, in
order to help buffer the trailer from views out the window of this unit. This would
require approval by the Skaal Hus since the landscaping would be located directly
on Skaal Hus property.
Timing of arrival and departure of the lab is also critical due to conflicts with heavy
traffic and pedestrian rush hours associated with ski day activities in the winter.
Staff feels that the lab should arrive and leave at off-peak periods so conflicts do
not arise.
4. What is the parking requirement for the lab?
Medical Center Res o�
The parking formula agreed to by the VVMC and the Town in 1986, established
the hospital's overall parking requirement. Parking is based on the summation of
the number of examining rooms, patient beds, and daytime employee numbers.
Currently, the medical center has one surplus space as stated in a letter from the
medical center to Shelly Mello of Community Development Department staff,
dated August 23, 1993. VVMC representatives have stated that a maximum of
four to six procedures would be performed in any one day. Only one procedure
can be performed at any one time, so the one excess parking space should
provide adequate parking for the patients using the mobile lab service. The
medical center states that the catheterization lab should be treated as the
equivalent of one examining room, with one parking space required.
Staff Res op nse: ,
Staff agrees with the medical center's analysis and also agrees that there is one
excess parking space available that could be used when the mobile lab is actually
providing services on the property.
5. Can the width of the fire lane be reduced on a temporary basis without
sacrificing safety?
Medical Staff Res op nse:
The medical center has entered into discussions with Mike McGee, the Town of
Vail Fire Marshall. Mike feels that a temporary narrowing of the fire lane could be
accomplished without sacrificing safety if the VVMC will agree to install an
automatic fire sprinkler system in the unsprinklered level of the existing parking
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structure. According to the applicant, the existing fire lane width of 20 feet would
be narrowed to approximately 11 feet when the lab is in place. This would still
allow for a fire truck to get around the lab in case of an emergency. Section
10.203, Exception 1, of the 1991 Uniform Fire Code allows the Fire Marshall to
agree to narrowing of a standard fire lane width if the building to be accessed (the
parking structure) is protected by an automatic fire sprinkler system. Hence, the
medical center has agreed to equip all covered levels of the parking structure with
an automatic fire sprinkler system. Also, the lab will remain attached to the cab or
tractor that pulls it at all times. It would take approximately 15 to 20 minutes to
prepare the trailer to move in an emergency.
�taff Res onse:
The Fire Department will agree to the narrowing of the fire lane if the parking
structure is fully sprinklered. The detaits regarding the gate structure and its
operation will need to be worked out to the satisfaction of the Fire Department .
6. What permanent physical changes are needed to accommodate the mobile
Medical Center Res op nse:
A flat, concrete pad capable of supporting the heavy weight of the mobile catheter
lab will have to be constructed adjacent to the medical center building and trash
compactor structure along the western portion of the existing fire lane. The
concrete pad and the fire lane will be reconfigured so that the pad will be flush
with the asphalt of the fire lane and will not protrude above grade.
The medical center will also need to install electric, phone and fire alarm
connections on the southeast corner of the existing medical center building so
that the mobile lab can be hooked up to these services. The connections can be
accommodated within a 3 foot, by 3 foot, by 1 foot deep enclosure that would be
� designed on the existing brick wall of the building.
A manhole, which would supply access to existing sanitary sewer and water lines,
will also have to be constructed in the concrete pad so that sanitary effluent from
the mobile lab can be discharged directly into the sanitary sewer system. Water
hookups are necessary due to the hand washing requirements inside the lab.
Some medical waste will be generated by the use and will be disposed of through
the medical centers existing hazardous waste handling process.
Connections to the sanitary sewer and the water line will be made directly beneath
the trailer and will not be visible to the surrounding public areas due to skirting and
metal structures along the sides of the trailer. The connections, once detached,
will not be apparent due to the fact that all connections will be made below grade
through the proposed manhole.
. • •
Staff Re�ponse:
These physical changes will be analyzed further and more details will be provided
by staff prior to final PEC review of the mobile lab.
7. Should a cap be placed on the number of days the lab can be operated at the
hospital, and when should the trailer be brought in and removed from the
Medical staff res o�
The VVMC would like to bring the mobile lab to the hospital for a maximum of
three days. The staff that operates the mobile lab normally brings the lab into a
hospital facility the evening before the services are to be provided to the patienis
and departs sometime in the early afternoon hours after performing the scheduled
catheterization processes.
Staff Res op nse:
Staff feels that a maximum of three days per month is appropriate. Staff feels that
the lab arrival and departure should occur at off-peak times, thus avoiding
potential conflicts that would most likely occur if the lab were to be brought in and
removed on the same day.
With the lab set up the night before, the procedures could begin much earlier in
the morning and be completed early in the afternoon so the lab could pull out
before the afternoon skier rush. Staff feels that this arrangement would work best
rather than trying to bring the trailer in and out on the same day.
In order to bring the trailer in the same day, the mobile lab would have to be
trucked in either during the early morning hours before skier and pedestrian traffic
got heavy on West Meadow Drive or after the morning rush. Staff feels that
bringing the trailer in during the extremely early a.m. hours would be very
disruptive to the neighborhood due to the noise of the trailer backing and being
set up on the concrete pad. Bringing the trailer in, in the evening before the day
of service, would allow the trailer to access the pad and get set up during the
early evening hours after the post-ski rush hour and before the dinner crowds get
out onto the streets.
8. Should use of the lab be prohibited during prime times of the year such as
Christmas/New Year and Presidents Weekend?
Staff Res oR nse:
Staff feels that the lab should not be scheduled for use during the high tourist
season periods of the year. The special interests of the neighborhood should also
be respected with regards to this issue. The Skaal Hus has two parking spaces
that are accessed via the fire lane, and the lab could cause a problem with getting
rr' r,�' .
to these spaces. Staff recommends that the PEC explore this issue with the
neighborhood and the applicant at the public meeting.
9. Can the lab be scheduled so that its use will not conflict with trash,removal
operations at the Skaal Hus?
Staff Res oR nse:
The Skaal Hus located their trash dumpster in an enclosure at the north edge of a
small parking area that can only be accessed from the fire lane at the medical
center. The Skaal Hus has an access agreement that allows them to use the fire
lane to access the parking and the trash dumpster. The agreement allows
general access but allows the hospital to disrupt access from time to time. Staff
feels that the lab should not be scheduled on the regular trash removal days.
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�� VC�II VQIIey 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100
► medical center Vail, Co�orado 81657
� (303)4 76-2451
r� . , ���-��:
June 20, 1995 � � %.°� �
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Mr. Randy Stouder ,r , , � T
Community Development Department : i��,�' - �������,��, ��1�, � �� 4
Town Of Vail
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, CO 81657
RE : Mobile Catheterization Lab
Dear Randy:
Following are the hospital ' s responses to certain issues and
concerns which have been raised by members of the Town staff, as
well as the community, with regard to our application for a
conditional use permit for the mobile catheterization lab:
► Mobile versus permanent facilitv. A number of interested
persons have asked why the hospital does not simply purchase
and install catheterization equipment within its present
building. The answer lies in utilization rates . While we feel
that catheterization is a desirable service to make available
to our community, we do not anticipate doing enough of these
procedures to justify the large expenditure necessary for a
permanent installation. In the interests of controlling health
care costs, a mobile facility is the only responsible way for
the hospital to provide this important service for our
► Alternate sites. The lab must be sited somewhere on the
hospital campus, near the Intensive Care Unit . We considered
our west parking lot as an alternate site, but abandoned this
when we determined that required parking spaces would be lost
whenever the lab was on-site.
► Width of fire lane. During periods that the lab is parked on-
site, the existing 20 foot wide fire lane will be narrowed to
approximately 11 feet . After discussions with Mike McGee, we
have determined that Section 10 . 203 of the 1991 Uniform Fire
Code allows such a narrowing, if the building to be accessed
is protected by an automatic fire sprinkler system. If our
application is approved, we will equip the covered levels of
the parking structure with� a fire sprinkler system.
Ray McMahan �,
Chief Executive Officer �
� � .
► ParkinQ. Under the formula negotiated with the Town in 1986,
the hospital ' s overall parking requirement is�the summation of
exam rooms, patient beds and daytime employees . Currently, we
have one surplus space . (See my 23 August 1993 letter to
Shelly Mello, copy attached, which recaps parking availability
and requirements, and is still current . ) The mobile
catheterization lab should be treated as the equivalent of one
exam room. The one surplus space will be used for this
purpose . The two technicians who operate the unit will arrive
in one vehicle, which they will park in the east driveway,
immediately north of the lab, thus creating a new parking
space .
► Permanent chanqes to appearance of hospital The physical
changes we propose for the southeast corner of our property
will be fairly inconspicuous during times the lab is not on-
site . The phrase "truck docking port, " which has been used by
some parties, somewhat overstates the extent of the proposed
changes documented in the construction plans that accompanied
our application. In reality, the concrete pad on which the lab
will park will blend in with the elevation and grades of the
driveway. The electrical, telephone and fire alarm connections
will be located on the southeast wall of the hospital, and
will be concealed in a 3 'x3 'xl ' enclosure when not in use . The
water and drain connections will be made in a small, below-
grade manhole, having a cover flush with the driveway surface.
Indeed, the only above-grade changes are the electrical
enclosure, relocation of one spruce tree, and removal of one
light pole.
. ► Location of southern propertv line The entire mobile
catheterization lab, including the tractor, will be parked on
hospital property. The attached drawing shows the location of
our property lines . '
► Use of facilitv for other mobile units The hospital has no
intention of using the facility for other types of mobile
medical vans . If approved, we anticipate that our conditional
use permit will apply only to the mobile catheterization lab.
In addition, we are prepared to agree to limit visits of the
mobile catheterization lab to a maximum of three per month.
► Use of aenerator. The generator which is housed in the lab
will not be run at any time. Instead, the lab will be fully
powered with hospital electricity, which will not cause any
noise .
. , • �
We appreciate the input we have already received from the
community, and are committed to continuing to" work with all
interested persons in developing solutions to allow us to provide
this important service in the most acceptable way possible . Please
call if you have any further questions .
' cere ,
Faci ' tie Engineer
Enclosures (2)
cc : Larry Gaul, M.D. , (No Enclosures)
Ray McMahan, (No Enclosures)
Wally Stevens, (No Enclosures)
� i , _
D � �
`+` x c. C,�c,u-�- :
� 1f � � .
June 8, 1995 r iOM�I.. J
Vail Town Council ' QV. ����j� ���"� � �' �� � V
75 South Frontage ����ti ���
Vail, Colorado 81657
SUBJECT: Medical Center Mobile Lab Port
Dear Council Members,
As owners of Unit #202 , Scorpio Condominiums on West Meadow
� Drive, we are particularly concerned about the Medical Center
Mobile Lab Port being considered by the Town Council at this
Although we understand the importance of diagnostic equipment
for area residents, we question if this is the appropriate
location of this facility. A major docking port of this
magnitude hardly is in keeping with the residential environment
of this area.
Considering heart surgery is not conducted at the Medical Center
and it is not anticipated that there is sufficient local need to
permanently house the lab in the building, another location not
within a residential area of the village makes more sense.
Also, once the docking port is in, other uses for it are
available to the Medical Center. We already have noise from the
Frontage Road and don't want the possibility of adding more.
A permanent docking port for a 60 ' long 15 ' high semi-truck
trailer has commercial/industrial elements incompatible with
residential environment. This is not the appropriate location
for the catherization lab and/or any other truck-trailer usage.
We urge you to consider the negative effect upon the character
of the area and impact on property values, as you proceed with
your review of this conditional use permit application.
Please advise the scheduled date for public hearing on this
issue. We also are interested in attending any neighborhood
meetinc� prior to the Town Council ' s public hearing, and would
appre���ate bei.^.g a3vised of tY:� sa^.:e, so we can make p?an� t� be
We appreciate your consideration of our comments and concerns
and your response to this letter.
` Sincerely, �
�-_,: �-
5420 Renaissance Avenue
� San Diego, CA 92122
(619) 756-3795
Fax (619) 756-9591
cc: Ken Barber, Rawhide Company
East Village Homeowners Association
�__ �
• Officers: Presiclent - Bob Galvin Secretary - Gretta Parks Treasurer - Patrick Gramm
� Directors - Judith Berkowitz - Dolph Bridgewater - Ellie Caulkins - Ron Langley - Bill Morton - Connie Ridder
To: Planning and Environmental Commissioners �,���f�����, � �
,`'� �' �
From: Jim Lamont, Administrator '
�y JU� Z 3 1�J95
Date: June 23, 1995 .
RE: Vail Valley Medical Center � ���
Mobile Catherization Lab Conditional Use Pernut Application
0� - COMN�� DE
It has been brought to the attention of the Homeowners Association, that a conditional
use permit has been requested for a mobile laboratory port to accommodate a 60 x 15 foot diesel
tractor truck and trailer on the east side of the Vail Valley Medical Center.
As a concept, the Homeowners Association does not question the need for a mobile labo-
ratory port. However, in practice, the functional and practical difficulties created by this particu-
lar proposal are an indication that at present, a permanently enclosed truck dock and port should
be installed elsewhere on the medical center site.
A permanent facility is recommended, rather than allow a temporary use in a location that
is not compatible with the sunounding residential neighborhood. Even if the applicant contrac-
tually limits the extent and duration to this specific provider, including prohibitions on any addi-
tional or ancillary use of the docking port, a permanent facility should be required by zoning to be
constructed on the site.
Any grant of a temporary conditional use, should not extend beyond the time necessary
for the medical center to design, approve, and construct a permanently enclosed truck dock and
port. If commenced today, the design and review process would allow construction during the
next building season.
We note that there is discussion of a major expansion to accommodate the Steadman
Hawkins Clinic, in the near future, on the medical center site. Fundraising is underway for the ex-
pansion. As well, medical center of�icials want to locate a "helipad" on the roof of the present
medical center.
Each case by itself, may not appear to be of consequence. Viewed as a cumulative effect,
over the next two to three years, the resulting negative effects could escalated rapidly. The pro-
posals are of sufficient magnitude that off-site neighborhood impacts such as nuisances and safety
concerns are criteria for evaluation.
West Meadow Drive has been established as the primary pedestrian and mass transit link
between Vail Village and Lionshead. During the summer and winter tourism seasons the street is
often thronged with pedestrians. The commingling of recreational pedestrians with hospitai traf-
fic, including emergency vehicles, workers and patients speeding to their jobs or appointments,
and large delivery trucks, promotes hazardous safety conditions.
Before deciding the merits of this application, there is a need to complete a planning pro-
cess, whereby, the entire medical center site, including the mobile laboratory port, is analyzed for
the purpose of establishing standards to insure that any further expansion of buildings or uses are
Post Office Box 238 Vail, Colorado 81658 II
Telephone:(970)827-5680 Message/FAX:(970)827-5856 •
� �
EVHA/PEC 6/23/95 page 2 ,
compatible with the surrounding residential neighborhood. Compatibility, includes the resolution
of nuisances, hazards, disposal, and safety issues.
Any investment made by the medical center should meet a standard that maintains the resi-
dential qualities of adjacent residential properties, including landscaped buffering on medical cen-
ter property adjacent to residential property. In the legal sense, conditions must be avoided that
present the opportunity for "reverse condemnation" of adjacent residential properties.
It is recorded that there may be unacceptable adverse impacts upon adjacent residential
property owners and the neighborhood. The proposal creates adverse conditions for parking; pe-
destrian, vehicular and fire access; streetscape views; and snow removal. Noise and other nui-
sances could result.
The Homeowners Association does not wish to distinguish between the merits of using a
mobile laboratory port for vehicles that provide either diagnostic or treatment services. The As-
sociation notes that medical center officials have stated that without sufficient market, the medical
center cannot afford to permanently house a heart "catherization" diagnostic laboratory. Present-
ly, the center does not have, nor does it plan to have a heart treatment (surgical) facility on its
premises in Vail. Diagnostic centers that have permanently enclosed catherization facilities are
located at nearby hospitals. Convenience of location, for a purely diagnostic procedure, while a
consideration, is not of itself sufficient cause to approve the application.
The doctor responsible for the Vail mobile catherization lab proposal has said that the mo-
bile catherization laboratory in Vail will not be used for patients in life threatening circumstances.
It is of concern to the Association, that because there is a risk of life threatening complications
from the "catherization" diagnostic procedure, that a patient's condition could be aggravated by
not having adequate heart treatment facilities available in the medical center.
The development of the Edwards Medical Center site, under consideration by Eagle
County, should be considered as a location to provide mobilized laboratory facilities because the
site is more centrally located to the full time residential population centers on the I-70 corridor.
The Edwards Medical Center is proposed for construction next building season.
Standard zoning practices require that equal treatment be applied to all similar professional
services delivered by private purveyors. It is doubtful that this reyuested special privilege would
be a privilege generally extended to all other professional and business services in the community.
It is doubtful that the community would be tolerant of a private business being conducted from a
semi truck trailer, on either a permanent or semi-permanent basis, particularly if it was adjacent to
a residentiai street that is often teeming with visitors who are trying to admire the beauty of the
neighborhood and it environs.
The statement by the applicant that the primary aim of the proposal is to improve health
care for the community is both a problematic and arguable statement, subject to factual scrutiny
and challenge from a wide range of sources and professional opinions. The Association urges the
reviewing authorities to focus on the impacts upon adjacent properties and the permanent re-
mediation of those impacts to the benefit of the sunounding residential neighborhood.
It is the view of the Homeowners Association that in its present form the application fails
to meet criteria 3 and 4 of for the Conditional Use Permit provision of the zoning code. The
Homeowners Association does not recommend approval of the application at this time in its pres-
ent form.
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� ��� 2 1 1995 TE��ME:My�y
�OV�f�t��, (�EPT. �RS.P���N�UL1Z.H1rtA�PA.
� i�0 N011TM OUMIAP
April 28, 1995
To Whou� It May Concern:
RE: The plan by Vail 'Valley Medical Center to place a cement pad on Lhe east
szde of Vai1 Valley Medical Center for the purposes of temporary trailors and
serv�ce of vehicles. It is my understanding that Vail Vall�y Medical Center
has applied to tlie Vail planning board for permiesion to build a concrete pad
on the eaF;C s�de of the Vai1 Va11ey Medical Center in the front of the building
close to the �treet and adjacent to the Skaihaus townhooses on West Meadow Drive.
My concenvehat the towi� of Vail wi11 approve this comes from my interest as a
homeowner, as a physician and as an Eag1e Guunty tax p�yer.
My first concern is as an owner of Skalhaus ��1 at 14I �,'. Meadow Drive. Puttin�
:� concrete pad for parking of a trxilor or service vehicle on the east side
of the Hospital property with great streec visability is detremental to �he
neighborhood for several reasons. First, it is a cosmetic eyesore to one
af the prettiest residentiaZ neighborhoods in Vail. Second, es a parking lot
for trucks it mzght affect propexty values negat�ve�y. Third, there are other
places on the Hospital grounds that are away from publlc view that could be used.
As a phyaician I am concerned that the establishment of a parking pad for
specialty i,nvasive medical care, �,n particular, invastve cardiovascular procedures,
is not in the besC interest of the Vail citizens, In Minnesota where I practice
colon and rectal surgery there is a dadicated operating room and stand—by surgical
heart team availabZe during cgrdiology procedures. Should a cardiology procedure
become complicated or catastrophic it �.s im�ediately available. To wy knowledge .
' this kind of service and facility is not available at Vazl Medical Center. There
are excellent kiospitals in the Denver area that cauld and should be utilized.
With the current phi].oaphy of inedicsl economics, centrallzation of speciaZty
medical skills is in the patiencs best interest. Outlying med.ical facilities
work best as a triage and emergency center, stabiliz•ing seriously i11 or injured
and then moving them to a specialty hospital where all surgical and medical
specialltis are represen�ed and immediaee care �s available. Medically, this is
best for Va1I citizens.
As :�n Eaglc county taxpayer, I am concerned that should che Vail Valley Medical
Center be invoZved zn a lawsuiC=� over a cardiovasculax cata,�trophe, the town
might he ittcluded in the suit for failure to adequately conerol and evaluate
the Hospitals demands versus capabiiieies.
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Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wiest A� ��-s� June 22 1995
JUN 2 1 1995 �
122 West Meadow Drive
�a��, CO 81657 �J� - ���M. DEV, DEPT.
Dear Mayor and Town Council Members:
We are long time property owners of Vail, since 1965. Our Vail home is at 122 West
Meadow Drive. We are concerned about the plan to place at mobile laboratory port for large
trucks on our residential street at the east side of the Vail Valley Medical Center. We are directly
affected by this plan. The parking of large trucks in this area is not compatible with our
residential neighborhood.
We do not believe this is a good location to park trucks. It will be a bad thing to looks at
frc,m our beautiful streel and neighboi hood. The many people wha walk down our street, from
all over the world, enjoy its beauty as much as we do. With your help, someday we hope to make
it even more beautiful. We would like a view corridor for our street so that we can keep
industrial uses and other ugly things from being seen by the people who use our street.
People drive their automobiles too fast on our street. Driving and parking large trucks
will make the safety problem worse.
We like the hospital in our neighhorhood, but it is getting too big. We do not know what
they are doing in the future. It is not right that the hospital can ask for many small changes, one
at a time, so they don't appear to be important. When all the small changes are added up, they
will make a big change to our residential neighborhood and beautiful street. We do not believe
this is fair or honest.
The hospital should be used for people who are injured skiing. To make the hospital even
bigger in its present location should not happen. You cannot continue to squeeze everything into
such a small area. It will be bad for Vail, bad for the hospital and our neighborhood. The area
that needs a community hospital is bigger than Vail. The new hospital that is being built in
Edwards should be the location where people go for general health care and treatment.
The mobile laboratory port will be permanent. There are no written promises that it will
not be used more and more. The bigger the ho�pital grows the more trucks have come down our
street and parked at the east end of the hospital. Trucks parking and loading at the hospital
should be fully enclosed in an attractive manner and completely hidden from public view.
We ask you not to approve the mobile laboratory port conditional use permit request.
Otto and Elke Wiest S��,� �
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June 13 , 1995
Vail Town Council
75 South Frontage Road
Vail , CO 91657
Subject : Medical Center Mobile Lab Port
Dear Members of the Council ;
We are original owners of Alphorn #306 and have lived at that location
full time since 1982 .
The purpose of this letter is to express our concern about the
proposed location of the Mobile Lab Port . We do not believe that its
proposed placement , between the Skull House and the Medical Center is
consistent with the residential environment of the area. Regardless of
the worthy purpose of the Lab, it simply does not fit with its
surroundings .
We therefore urge the Council to reject this proposed placement and
select a more suitable location, should the Council determine that
having such a facility in the valley for two days per month is
appropriate and necessary.
cer ,
� G�L�1t/N F /�%� L�i �k
Ronald L. and Luanne M. Smith
121 W. Meadow Dr . #306
Vail , CO 81657
PH/FAX: 970/476-69782
04i28i95 10�59 �6 ��602 DR PAUL SCHULTZ� �0p2
Thc granting of the Hospital's request fnr a parking pad WouZd elso open a
hosti of requests by others for tempozary structures which could be detremencal
to a11 Vail neighborhaads and homeowners.
Finally, Vail is a resort community. It is hame to many people. It wasn't
designed to be a medical mecca, like Rocheseer, Minnesota, nor cotisidered
as such in the long �ange plan for Vail. Va:tl Medical Center would work
best as a tz�zage center and HospiCal with easy axzd rapid access Co Che
large specialty centers ire Denver, especially serious medical and surgical
problems. The exgansion as envisioned by Vail Medical Ccnter is a vested
3elf interest and is not in the best interest o£ the tawn pf Vail noz' it&
L��fi' � �
Paul E. Schaltz� M.D. �
, � �
� •
NOTICE IS HEREBY GtVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of
Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the
Town of Vail on June 26, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In
consideration of:
1. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for exterior seating at the West Vail Mall
located at 2151 North Frontage Road/Lot 2A, Vail Das Schone 3rd Filing.
Applicant: West Vail Mall Corporation
Planner: Randy Stouder
2. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a liquor store to be located at the
Cascade Crossing Retail Center, 1031 S. Frontage Road West .
Applicant: Andrew Woods
Planner: Mike Mollica
3. A request for a setback variance to allow for an addition to a residence located at 1390
Greenhill CourULot 12, Glen Lyon.
Applicant: Summit Vacation Properties
Planner: Andy Knudtsen
4. A request for a parking variance and a conditional use permit to allow the Medical Center
to park a mobile catheter lab/trailer at the Meadow Drive loading area, located at 181
West Meadow Drive/Lots E & F, Vail Village 2nd Filing. �
Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center, represented by Dan Feeney
Planner: Randy Stouder
5. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an outdoor dining deck at the Daily
Grind Coffee Company located at 288 Bridge Street/Lot B, Block 5H, Vail Village 1 st
Applicant: The Daily Grind Coffee Company
Planner: George Ruther
. _ 9�� ��
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HOUSTON, TX 77079 �'
VAIL, CO 81657 VAIL, CO 81657
DENVER, CO 80220 VAIL, CO 81657
LITTLETON, CO 80123 VAIL, CO 81657
VAIL, CO 81657
VAIL, CO 81657 141 W. MEADOW DR. #2
VAIL, CO 81657
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�,�Jnit A l •
V Neil G. and Barbara S. Bluhm _
900 S. Michigan Ave., Suite 1900
Chicago, IL 60611
�nit B
Ronald and Kristine Erickson
5123 Lake Ridge Rd.
Minneapolis, MN 55436
_%� Lot #2 �/
Otto Weist � �t �� �-� �
c/o Brandes-Cadmus v� ��� � �(�
281 Bridge St. � �� � J � �
Vail, CO 81657 ���- � C ar�
v�° � �
�Lot#3 � � ��Z�` .L_
Morgan and Catherine Douglas G� �� � S0 �d
142 W. Meadow Dr. � ��' tl �'
Vail CO 81657 =� � �� �
� �.�- Q
/ , $ �
�✓ Lot #s ''� ✓�,
� �
Mr. Benjamin Duke
5550 S. Steele Street
Littleton, CO 80121
� Lot #6
Mr. Irving J. and Mrs. Carol J. Schwayder
5910 Happy Canyon Dr.
Englewood, CO 80110
;� Lot #7
Mervyn Lapin
232 West Meadow Dr.
Vail, CO 81657
� Lot #8
H.F. Kepner Manged by Calva Corporation
5161 Juniper c/o Century 21
Littleton, CO 80123 P.O. Box 611
Avon, CO 81620 ��
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� Lot #9 i-��` ��� (� � C'���.� � ��
�James U. King, Jr. ` —� Chb B. and Mary Ann Hurtt ,ti,, ',
` c/o Kross Petroleum, Inc. _Fi; 11205�ac�House Court ���- � ��
t 900 Threadneedle, Suite 650 Potomac, 1VID 20854
Houston, TX 77079 �� � � - '� �
�`6�� �t,� TX , ,�, ,
l , �
Lot #10 `� ,�'" l �
Town of Vail � �` `:�i��`
� 75 South Frontage Rd. W.
Vail, CO 81657 �p S
� ��
�, The Evergreen Lodge Q �,Q ��w � ���
250 S. Frontage Rd. � a�`� �e�^K� ��
Vail, CO 81657 G'l0 �`rfi i
��3 �� i
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�ail Professional Buildmg u�,,�G�
(Vail National Bank)
1910 Pacific Ave. #1700
Dallas, TX 75201
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' Vail Inn Owners List V ��?��` � � I
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a5o South Frontage Ra west ��� Z 0 1995 '�
Vail , CO 81657 r����� (��,f ����
June 23 , 1994 , �
5A 502-503 Michael R. Storace 1 , 196 5. 00
5975 Sunset Drive Valley
Crossroads Realty Miami, F1 33143
(U) 303-476-0676 (H) ( 305) 661-2711
(0) ( 305) G61-4221
(F) ( 305) 665-2334
5B 504 O'Conner, Levy, and Holden
Attn: Gail W. 1 ;371 5.72
Crossroads Realty P.O. Box 478 Valley
(U) 303-476-5187 SprinqPield, NJ 07081
(0) ( 201 ) 912-7200
( F) ( 201 ) 912-7272
5C 522-523 Alan & Laura Rubin 1 , 196 5 . 00
11208 Blackhorse Court Mountain
Evergreen Lodge Potomac, MD �20854
(H) ( 301 ) 983-9468
(0) ( 301 ) 415-6776
5D 520-521 David & Marqo White 1 , 200 5 .00
�y9 Reid Street Mountain
Box HM 1541
Hamilton, Bermuda HMFX
(H) ( 809) 292-5450
(F) ( 809) 292-0131
5E 519, 618 PHM Partners , Inc. 1 , 371 5 .72
The Evergreen Lodge Mountain
Attn: Bruce Keith
250 South Frontage Road West
�� " �� Vail , CO 81657
(303) 476-7810
6A 614 Dr. Gregorio and Haydee Kort
4 Country Club Village
Vail Management Pueblo, CO 81008 865 3 . 61
. (U) 303-476-3169 (H) (719) 545-654G Corner
(0) (719 ) 546-4147 NW
(H)= Home (0)= Office (F)= Fax (U)= Unit
, i
� �� , '
w • � �
Vail Inn Owners List •
6B GO1 James G. Hunter 795 3 . 32
233 South Wacker Drive Valley
Suite 5800
: Chicago, IL 60606
(0) ( 312) 876-7700
(F) ( 312 ) 993-9767
6C 602 John and Suetta Stewart
8289 W. Boynton Beach Blvd.
.. , _ ,, Vail Management Boynton Beach, FL 33437
(U) 303-476-4773 (H) (407) 734-2422
(0) (407) 734-926G & 734-0007 Valley
(r) (407) 734-685G 1, 533 6. 40
� 6D 604 John and Maryann Russo
Board Member 1 , 454 G. 07
Vail Management G1G Washington Street Valley
(U) 30�-476-2263 Toms River, NJ 08753
(H) ( 908 ) 349-6338
(�O) ( 908) 349-2800 and 240-2220
(F) (908) 349-9239 attn: Marilyn
(0) (609 ) 39G-6838 Trenton Office
GE 605 Mrs . Chloe Held Moran 1 , 383 5 .77
c/o First Bank NA . Corner .
Attn: Tom Woldum NW � �
(U) 303-476-317G PO Box A55
Minneapolis, MN 55480
(H) (612) 471-7478 or (813 ) 472-8715
(0) ( G12) 973-1111 Tom Woldum
� GF 613 ;��� � ��� Mr. Eugene A. Petracca
Board Member 1, 205 5 .04
No R�ntal Agent 13 Woods Rd � CornerSW
(U) 303-476-7615 New Fairfield, CT 06812
(H) (516) 3G5-3347 or ( 203 ) 746-7141
(0) (718) 746-8000
(F) (718) 321-8476
6G 611 Mr. Eugene A. Petracca ,
. same as above 890 3 . 82
Vail Resort Rentals Mountain
(H)= Home (0)= Office (F)= Fax (U)= Unit
f� � �
� � • " -
_ _ � �
, Vail Inn Owners List
6H G09 , 610 Mona Marie Olean-Lambrill
22 Inwood Close
Crossroads Realty Paget, Bermuda PL05 1 , 196 4 .99
(U) 303-47G-7532 (H) (S09) 236-0710 Mountain !
6I 607 George Cavanaugh 1 , 454 6 . 07
2470 Country Club Loop Mountain
Westminster, CO 80234-2638
(0) ( 303) 469-1857 I
6J G06 Donald R. and Margaret Maisel '
19119 Birdsong East I�
San Antonio, TX 78258 Mountain
(U) 303-476-8178 (H) ( 210) 494-3902 1 , 383 5. 77
7A 700 Paul Amen 1 , 493 6 . 23
Board Member Corner '
No Rental Agent Transwestern Express Limited NG]
(U) 303-476-8186 5231 Monroe Street
Denver, CO 80216
(H) ( 303 ) 777-1161 ��L���'�"v�l '• O�aO
(0) ( 303 ) 296-G969
(F) ( 303 ) 296-0856
7B 701 John S. and Janet L. Haines
. 0025 Fairway Ln i
Crossroads Realty Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Valley
(U) 303-479-9996 (H) ( 303 ) 945-9392 1, 39G 5. 83
(0) ( 303 ) 945-7444
7C 705 Wayne and Miriam Roth 1 , 349 5. 63
�3a5 �-Y'��� � John and Mary Vacanti Corner
1841 Wadsworth Blvd SW
Lakewood, CO 80215
�h������, L� , ��� �� (H) ( 303 ) 232-7878
� •
7D 707,708 Robert Miller 1, 199 5.01
�� � - �. 5115 Bridle Path Mountain
Fayetteville, NY 13006
(H) ( 315) 446-5115
(0) ( 315) 446-5444
(F) (315) 446-5719
(H)= Home (0)= Office (F)= Fax (U)= Unit
. _ � - I
�+' � . .
. ' .. � �
_ . �
, Vail Inn Owners List
Robert C. Kenney, P.0 John Dunn
P.O. Box 1835 108 S. Frontage Rd Suite 300
Vail , CO 81658 Vail, CO 81657
(0) 303-949-1015 (0) 303-47G-7552
(F) 303-949-9044 ( F) 303-47G-4765
USF & G PHM Partners, Inc.
� � " •• Agent: DeBord-Smith-Blackburn �25 S. Cherry Street
Attn: Gerry F. Blackburn Suite 600
6551 S. Revere Pkwy �/205 Denver, CO 80222
. Englewood, CO 80111 (0) 303-333-3737
(0) 303-790-1537 or 71G-238-8865
(F) 303-730-2245
Property and Hotel Mgmt Inc. Ian H. Graham Insurance
c/o The Evergreen Lodge 13245 Riverside Dr #310
250 S. Frontage Rd W. P.O. Box 6058
Vail, CO 81657 Sherman Oaks , CA 91413
(0) 303-476-7810 (0) 815-985-2324
(F) 303-476-4504 .
Bruce Keith, President HOT�L ENGINEER
Pam Stenmark, Vice Pres
Vera Miller, Exec Asst The Evergreen Lodge
(same as General Manager)
� (H)= Home (0)= Office (F)= Fax (U)= Unit
� � � � �
,� ' �
. , � � .�
I• �
` J ��
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Cornmission of the Town of
Vail will ho{d a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the
Town of Vail on August 14, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In
consideration of�
1. A reques# for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an addition to the Town of Vail Public
Worics Administration Building and a renovation to the Transportation and Fleet
Maintena:nce Buildings located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/on an unplatted tract, located
north of Vail Village, Eighth Filing.
Applicant= Town of Vail
Planner: Andy Knutdsen
2. A request for a site coverage variance to allow for additions to the existing residence
located at 1868 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 47, Vail Village West Filing #1.
Applicant_ John and Bobbi Ann Houtsma
Planner: George Ruther
3. A request for a setback variance to allow for an addition ot the existing residence located
at 5119 Black Bear Lane/Lot 8, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision.
Applicant: Ron and Chris Yaros
P�anner: George Ruther
4. A request for a major SDD amendment, located at the Vail Athletic Club/352 East
Meadow Drive and more specifically described as follows:
A parcel oi land in Tract B,Vait Vllage First Filing,Town of Vail,Eagle County,Colorado,commencing at the
tJortheast comer oi said Tract B;thence N 79°46'00"W along the Northerly line of Vail Village,First Filing,and
atong the Norlheriy line of said Trac1 B 622.86 Teet;thence S 06°26'S2"W a distance of 348.83 feet to the
Soulhwest comer of that pariel oi land described in Book 191 at Page 139 as recorded January 10,1966 and filed
in Reception No.102978 in the Eagle County Records,said comer also being the True Point oi Beginning;thence
S 79°04'08"E and along the Southerly line oi said parcel 200.00 feel to the Southeast comer thereof;thence N
62°52'00"E and along the Northerly line oi that parcel of land described in Book 222 at Page 513 as recorded in
1971 in the Eagle County Records,a distance of 66.78 feet to the Northeasterty comer of said parcel of land;said
comer being on the Westeriy righi-of-way line ot Gore Creek Road,as platted in Vail Village,Fihh Filing;thence N
27°13'37'W a dstance of 77.37 feet along said Westerly right-of-way line of Gore Creek Road;thence N
89°29'22"W a c�istance of 12.80 feet to the Northeasterly comer oi that parcel of land described in Book 191,
Page 139 as recorded January�0,1966 and filed in Reception No.102978 in the Eagle County Records;thence '
Northwesterly 26.51 feet along the arc of a 37.50 feet radius curve to the lefl having a cenlral angle of 40°30'00'
whose chord bears N 53°40'00"W a distance of 25.96 feet to a point of tangency;ihence N 73°55'00"W and
along said tangent 166.44 feet;thence N 85°10'21"W a dislance of 50.40 feet to the Norlhwesterty comer of the
Mountain Haus Parcel;thence S 02°18'00"W and along the easterly line of said Mountain Haus Parcel a distance
of 100.00 teet to the Southeasterly comer ihereof;thence S 45°13'S3"E a d"�stance of 38.70 teet to lhe True Point
of Beginning,containing 30,486 square feet,more or less.
Applicant: JWT 1987 Vail Limited Partnership, (d/b/a Vail Athletic Club), represented
by Stan Cope and Michael Barclay
Planner. Mike Mollica
� � • .
A request for a conditional use permit to allow the Medical Center to park a mobile
catheter lab/trailer at the Meadow Drive loading area, located at
181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E & F, Vail Village 2nd Filing.
Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center, represented by Dan Feeney
Planner: Randy Stouder
6. A request for a major SDD amendment to allow for the expansion of ihe Glen Lyon Office
Building, located at 1000 S. Frontage Rd./Area D, Cascade Village SDD #4.
Appticant: Gordon Pierce for Glen Lyon Partnership
Planner: Randy Stouder
7. A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the remodel of the Golf Course
Maintenance Faciliry, located at 1278 Vail Valley Drive/Parcel E, Vail Village 7th Filing.
Applicant: Vail Recreation District, represented by Ernie Bender �
Planner: Russell Forrest
� �
: D ���
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• June 20, 1995
"`.'�i�'� ����, ����
Tov�rn Of Vail Municipal Building !
Planning & Environmental Commission '
75 S. Frontage Road ',
Vail , CO 81657 RE: Mobile Catherization '
Lab- Vail Medical Center
Att: Mr. Randy Stouder
Dear Mr. Stouder:
This letter is to protest a parking variance and a
conditional use permit to allow the Medical Center to
park a mobile catheter lab/trailer at the Meadow Drive
loading area at 181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E & F, Vail
Village 2nd Filing.
When we first received the public notice by the
Planning and Environmental Commission back in May, 1995,
there was a mention by the Medical Center that the
mobile catheter was to be "temporary" and the latest
notice has completely deleted the mention of this.
One of our owners of property on West Meadow Drive,
recieved a letter from Ray McMahan, Administrator of
the Medical Center indicating that the mobile catheri-
zation lab would be brought to Vail one or two days per
month. Who is going to monitor the goings and comin�s?
Where will the unit be park�d the remaining 28 days of
the month?
Denver is only 12 to 2 hours from Vail and it seems
ludicrous to have a catherization lab for two days each
month in the heart of Vail .
We strongly appose granting the Medical Center any
type of "temporary" or permanent mobile catherization
lab. The homeowners on West Meadow Drive were told by
Medical Center and the Town of Vail that our street
would become a walking street and to date there has
never been any mention again.
Promises Promises Promises Promises
Somedayperhaps, this dream of mine will come true.
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell E. Haley
252 West Mead ow Drive
Vail , CO
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75 South Frontage Road Department of Community Development
Yai� Colorado 81657
FAX 970-479-2452
June 22, 1995 .
Ms. Roni Telmosse
5420 Renaissance Avenue
San Diego, CA 92122
RE: Vail Valley Nledical Center's Proposed Mobile Catheter Lab
Dear NTs. Telrnasse:
Thank you for yoi:r letter dated June 8, 1995 expressing your concerns about the proposed
mobile lab. Your input is very hel�ful to the Town sta:f, advisory boards and Town Council.
To answer your questions ahout additional opnortunities to participate in the decision-making on
this proposal, a worksession will be beld�y the Town's Pla�ning and Environmental Commission
(PEC)on Monday, June 2b at 2:00 p.m. A public hearin� will be scheduled sometime after that
meetine. Two individuals who are active un this issue on the neighborhood level are Joan I�'orris
on behalf of Skaal Hus(970-476-3250) and Jim Larr�ont on behalf of the East Village
Homeowners Associatio�(970-827-5680). Dan Feeney at the Vail Valley Medical Center(970-
479-7271)is most helpful.
We will share your letter with the PEC on June 26 and will inform you of the dates of future
meetings. If you have specific questions for Town staff,please contact Randy Stouder at 970-
479-2138. Thank you for your interest.
Very truly yows,
C� .
an Connelly
Director of Community Development
xc: Town Council
Planning and Environmental Comtnission
Tom Moorhead
Pam Brandmeyer �
l�andy Stouder
� � ,�
D -- �� .
�� xc: �eu,u.�.�.
�NIN 2 1 �9S J �
June 8, 1995 Ift�31�1. J
Vail Town Council ���. �•���� n��^�p� � �' �� � • ✓
75 South Frontage �+ T i
Vail, Colorado 81657
SUBJECT: Medical Center Mobile Lab Port
Dear Council Members,
As owners of Unit #202 , Scorpio Condominiums on West Meadow
Drive, we are particularly concerned about the Medical Center
Mobile Lab Port being considered by the Town Council at this
Although we understand the importance of diagnostic equipment
for area residents, we question if this is the appropriate
location of this facility. A major docking port of this
magnitude hardly is in keeping with the residential environment
of this area.
Considering heart surgery is not conducted at the Medical Center
and it is not anticipated that there is sufficient local need to
permanently house the lab in the building, another location not
within a residential area of the village makes more sense.
Also, once the docking port is in, other uses for it are
available to the Medical Center. We already have noise from the
Frontage Road and don't want the possibility of adding more.
A permanent docking port for a 60 ' long 15 ' high semi-truck
trailer has commercial/industrial elements incompatible with
residential environment. This is not the appropriate location
for the catherization lab and/or any other truck-trailer usage.
We urge you to consider the negative effect upon the character
of the area and impact on property values, as you proceed with
your review of this conditional use permit application.
Please advise the scheduled date for public hearing on this
issue. We also are interested in attending any neighborhood
meeting prior to the Town Council ' s public hearing, and would
appr�Cl�t@ ri°�::`.� ?�V2.cr-2C� Of t�':° S�?'.:@� SO 4d2 C3T2 :::"'uk? T>>3riS t0 �P
We appreciate your consideration of our comments and concerns
and your response to this letter.
�'- c` -
5420 Renaissance Avenue
San Diego, CA 92122
(619) 756-3795
Fax (619) 756-9591
cc: Ken Barber, Rawhide Company
East Village Homeowners Association
' t � �
. <
�� VQ�I Vall�y 1Ff1 Wesl Mecadow Diivc�, Si�ite 100
� medical centei_ Vc�il, Coloiado Z3165/
(303)�176 2��1
Shelly Mello
Community Development Department
Town of Vail
75 S. Frontage Road
Vail, CO 81657
August 23 , 1993
Dear Shelly:
A recent reconfiguration of our parking structure has resulted in
a net increase of three spaces. As shown on the attached
plans, we now have 207 spaces in the structure. After deducting
the recently approved Human Resources relocation, we now have six
surplus spaces, tabulated as follows:
Parking Structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 spaces
Surface Parking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 spaces
Lot10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 spaces
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 spaces
Available Parking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 spaces
Evergreen Parking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 20 spaces
Learning Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 17 spaces
MRI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 2 spaces
Vail National Bank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 8 spaces
Existing Hospital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -272 spaces
1992 Expansion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 3 spaces
Human Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 2 spaces
Surplus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 spaces
We are currently applying for a building permit that will
affect four different areas of the hospital. For purposes of
explaining the recalculation of our parking requirements, I will
define the four areas as follows:
Area "A" : Space on the second floor of the hospital
currently used as an office by my secretary and
Area "B" : Located on level 0 of the southeast corner of
the parking structure. This space currently
serves as an office for the Housekeeping
supervisor and bulk storage of housekeeping
Ray McMohan
Chief Fxecutive Oi(icer
, , • � �
. r
. �
Shelly Mello
August 23 , 1993
page: 2
Area "C" : The old Human Resources office suite, located
adjacent to level 1 of the parking structure.
Area "D" : A storage room at the southwest corner of our
A description of remodel work and the resulting changes in
parking requirements follows:
"A" Vacated by me and my secretary. -2 spaces '
Converted to storage room for
Data Services. 0 spaces ,
"B" Vacated by Housekeeping Supervisor. -1 spaces
Will be remodeled into a smaller bulk
storage room for Housekeeping and a 0 spaces
new Drug Testing Facility, consisting
of two restrooms (which, under the
parking formula, should be considered
2 exam rooms) , and two employees. 4 spaces
"C" Human Resources will vacate the -3 spaces
3-office suite.
Space will be remodeled into the
EagleCare Clinic, consisting of two
exam rooms and two part-time employees. 4 spaces
"D" Area will be remodeled into offices
for the Housekeeping supervisor, my
secretary and myself. 3 spaces
Net Change: 5 spaces
Several clarifications are appropriate. Although we have not
previously counted restrooms in calculating our, parking
requirements, I have made an exception in the case of the Drug
Testing Facility. Since these restrooms will be used for
collecting urine specimens, I feel they are more appropriately
considered as exam rooms under the parking formula.
� � � � � �
. l
- '�
Shelly Mello
August 23 , 1993
page: 3
The EagleCare Clinic will treat indigent members of our
community who could not otherwise afford health care services. It
will be staffed by a hospital-provided nurse and a physician who
donates his time. Although it will be open only two mornings a
week, I have increased our full-time parking requirements by four
In summary, we will have one surplus parking space when all
these changes are implemented. In view of the two clarifications
offered above, I believe my calculations of parking requirements to
be quite conservative in adhering to the letter and spirit of the
previously agreed parking formula.
S ' cerely,
Facili ' e Manager
cc:Ray McMahan
� , ,
. • � � �
Vail Valley Medical Center
Parking Structure Level 3
5 4 3 2 1
23 73 60
24 72 59
25 71 58 I
26 70 57 �
t3 27 gg 56
14 28 gg 55
29 6� 54 �
16 3� 66 53
17 31 65 52
18 32 64 51 �
19 33 63 SO
20 34 62 49
21 35 61 48
22 47 I
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 42 44
� { �
• �� � �
Vail Valley Medical Center
Parking Structure Level 2
78 77 76 75 74
79 93
80 94 141 128
81 95 � 140 127
82 96 139 126
O 125 �
83 97 138
84 98 � 137 124 ,
85 99 136 123 I
86 100 135 122
g7 101 134 121
gg 102 133 120
89 103 132 119
90 104 131 118
91 105 130 117
92 116
106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114
� �
� . , - -
. •♦ � �
Voil Valley Medical Center
Parking Structure Level 1
147 146 145 144 143
150 160
151 161 206 193
152 162 205 192
153 163 204 191
154 164 203 190
155 165 2�2 189
❑ 166 201 188
167 200 187 ,
168 199 186 '
169 198 185 II
156 170 197 184 �I
157 183
�7� 196
158 172 195 182
159 181
� O
173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 �/�
� ---___
Printed by Randy Stouder ,�,, 6/15/95 5: 58pm �
From: Randy Stouder
To: Dick Duran, Mike Mcgee
Subject: fwd: vvrnc mobile catheter lab
===NOTE====------=====6/14/95=12 : 17pm==
please try to attend a demonstration of
the catheter lab on monday, june 19 at
3pm. the med center will park the lab
on the proposed location and discuss
its use and frequency of operation.
mike- have you been negotiatimg with
the med center? please inform (asap)
if comments (written) are to change.
Fwd=by:=Mike=Mcgee====6/14/95==1: lOpm==
Fwd to: Randy Stouder
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • - - - - - - - - - -
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Page: 1
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June 6, 19 9 5 � ' ::.''`'
Randy Stouder
Department of Community Development
Town of Vail
75 South Frontage Road W
Vail, CO 81657
Dear Mr. Stouder,
Vail Valley Medical Center is seeking approval to locate a mobile
catherization lab at the southeast corner of its property. The lab
is self-contained in a mobile facility, and would be brought to
Vail one or two days per month. This service will enable Dr. Larry
Gaul, the only cardiologist in the region, to perform heart
catherization procedures here in Vail, rather than requiring
patients to travel to Denver.
In an effort to provide accurate information on the proposed
service, and to facilitate community comment, we have made
arrangements to have the lab brought to Vail on Monday, June 19 at
3 : 00 p.m. It will be parked at the southeast corner of the
hospital, off of West Meadow Drive . Dr. Gaul and representatives
. of Vail Valley Medical Center will be present to answer questions
and receive community input . Please plan to attend.
Ray McMahan
RM/bph I
"Your Care Is Our Mission"
181 West Meadow Drive • Vail, Colorado 81657 • 303-476-2451
� �
1 �
� �
revised 10/5/92
Date of Application March 24, 1995
Date of PEC Meeting pri ,
I . This procedure is required for any project required to obtain a
conditional use permit .
The application will not be accepted until all information is
A. NA1KE OF APPLICANT Vail Valley Medical Center
ADDRESS 181 West ea ow rive
Vai 1 , Colorado 81657 PHONE -
ADDRESS 181 West Meadow Drive
Vai 1 . Col orado 81657 PHONE 479-7271
C. NAME OF OWNER (S) (print o ty )_ Vdil Clinic. InC.
ADDRESS 181 West Meadow Driv
� Vail Colorado 8165 P HONE 479-727
�Dx�S S 181 West Meadow Drive, Vail Colorado 81657
--- � , i
E . FEE $200 . 00 PAID ��� ' CK # �',y�^ �l � BY I� �' !��-
c;- �� ��
F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners of all
property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY
BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a list of names and mailing
A pre-application conference with a planning staff inember is
strongly suggested to determine if _any additional information is I
needed. No application will be accepted unless it complete (must
include all items required by the zoning administrator) . It is
the applicant' s responsibility to make an appointment with the
staff to find out about additional submittal requirements .
Fou.r (4) copies of the following information must be
l . A description of the precise nature of the proposed use
and its operating characteristics and measures proposed
to make the use compatible with other properties in the
The description must also address :
a. Relationship and impact of the use on development
objectives of the Town .
b. � �-ect of the use on light �� air, distribution
.� population, transportation facilities,
utilities, schools, parks and recreation .
facilities, and other public facilities and public
facilities needs .
c . Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to
congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and
convenience, traffic flow and control, access,
maneuverability, and removal of snow from the
streets and parking area.
d. Effect upon the character of the area in which the
proposed use is to be located, including the scale
and bulk of the proposed use in relation to
surrounding uses .
2 . A site plan at a scale of at least 1" = 20' showing
proposed development of the site, including topography,
building locations, parking, traffic circulation,
useable open space, landscaped areas and utilities and
drainage features .
3 . Preliminary building elevations and floor plans .
4 . A title report to verify ownership and easements .
5 . If the building is condominiumized, a letter from the
condominium association in support of the .proposal must
be submitted to staff .
6 . Any additional material necessary for the review of the
application as determined by the zoning administrator.
** For interior modifications, an improvement survey
and site plan may be waived by the zoning
administrator .
A. The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd
and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form
and all accompanying material (as described above) must be
submitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of
the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as
. determined by the zoning administrator) will be accepted by
the planning staff before or after the designated submittal
date .
B. All PEC approved conditional use permits shall lapse if
construction is not commenced within one year of the date of
approval and diligently pursued to completion, or if the use
for which the approval is granted is not commenced within
one year .
V. A. If this application requires a separate review by any local,
State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the
application fee shall be increased by $200 . 00 . Examples of
such review, may include, but are not limited to : Colorado
Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of
Engineers 404, etc .
B. The applicant shall be resnonsiblP for paying an1� Fublish; ^g
fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. If,
at the applicant' s request, any matter is postponed for
hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the
entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the
applicant .
. � ,
, C. Applications deemed by the Community�velopment Department
, to have significant design, land use or other issues which
may have a significant impact on the community may require
review by consultants other that town staff. Should a
determination be made by the town staff that an outside
consultant is needed to review any application, Community
Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall
estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and
this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant
at the time he files his application with the Community
Development Department . Upon completion of the review of
the application by the consultant, any of the funds
forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant
which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned
to the applicant . Expenses incurred by the Town in excess
of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to
the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by
the Town.
� � .
t � I
The Vail Valley Medical Center is requesting a Conditional
Use Permit to accomplish certain improvements at the
southeast corner of its property, to enable it to
accommodate a mobile catherization laboratory. The lab is
self-contained in a trailer that is approximately 52 feet
long, and will be parked in an area adjacent to the
hospital' s existing truck delivery zone. Site improvements
consist of reconstructing the existing east-end driveway to
provide a different grade, replacing 182 sq. ft . of
landscaped area with a concrete pad, relocating a small
spruce tree, and extending utilities to the site .
Once or twice a month, the mobile unit will be transported
to Vail in the morning, parked on the site, connected to
building utilities, used to perform one or more procedures,
and removed, all in the same day.
• �,.;�'�
`' l. Relationship and impact of the use on development
L`-+�� �, objectives of the Town.
�'�,, i - ,
' �f � The mobile catheterization laboratory will have a
f /.� l/�..: � ♦
f ��v �a � � positive effect on the community, in the sense
� that local patients will have the opportunity to
�^T �"�� have this essential medical service provided to
b � them locall , rather than at a more distant
\ � � Y
' � ss� � hospital . See the attached letter from Dr. Larry
y Gaul, dated December 28, 1994 , for a more detailed
� ,�' ���� discussion of this service .
, : ' "�
- -- - � r �� 2 . The effect of the use on li ht and air, ;
Y - distribution of population, ) ransportation
` ',.
facilities, utilities, school�',� � parks and
� " recreation facilities, and other public facilities
�� � �:4�" needs �'� ' ` , � �
�. . ' . !
� � �����'`' No noticeable effect is foreseen. -� � ,
�� ����
��� 3 . Effect upon traffic with particular reference to
�4 congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and
� ,,
convenience, traffic flow and control, access,
� maneuverability, and removal of snow from the
� street and parking areas.
�ti ` Access of the lab to the hospital site will be via '
��!r' West Meadow Drive . The anticipated usage of once
s or twice a month will result in 2 to 4 trips on
� West Meadow Drive . In addition, patients using I
the service will often arrive in a private �
• � � II
vehicle . Assuming three patients per month, this
will result in a maximum of six trips per month.
Given the present distribution of parking spaces
(one third are in the west parking lot, two thirds
are in the parking structure) , it seems reasonable
that the lab will generate a maximum of two
additional trips on West Meadow Drive, and four
additional trips on South Frontage Road. In
short, the incremental impact of the lab on
traffic flow and control will be inconsequential .
��'��.y Effect upon the character of the area in which the
'�' proposed use is to be located, including the scale
and bulk of the proposed use in relation to
surrounding uses.
� ��'�,L'° °-,
�,.,. � The mobile catherization laboratory is entirely
" consistent with the present use of the site as a
� medical center. In addition, the lab will be
parked in an area on the hospital campus already
reserved for vehicular traffic .
. 71r+' �
�'�'�, VGI� V�!;:�.`,;,
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i�iIEG�LC,; :.`,� � , .,�
Your Cure '� �... .'�,-��._
December 28, 1994
Ray McMahan
Vail Valley Medical Center
181 West Meadow Drive, Suite #100
Vail, CO S 1657
Dear Ray,
Thank you very much for your support of my request to bring the mobile cardiac catheterization
laboratory to Vail Valley Medical Center. As you know, the other internists and I, that take
care of the majority of coronary disease here in the Eagle Valley, feel that this would be a II
significant addition to the services we provide locally. As our population ages and more retired !I
people move here, the prevalence of coronary artery disease will increase. Currently many �I
people leave the valley, both to go to Denver on an acute basis and to other parts of the country I
where they have established cardiologists on a sub-acute basis, for invasive testing. I believe
we can provide better service to many of these people by offering cardiac catheterization on a
local level.
As I have mentioned to you, it is very difficult to estimate the exact number of coronary
angiograms that could be done here locally. There are certa.in safety issues which I address
below, but which must be kept in mind. Additionally, until now no-one has tracked the number
of coronary arteriograms that are being referred out from local physicians. The only hard
numbers that�we have come from the Intensive Care Unit. I have reviewed this, and found that
between twenty-five and thirty people have been sent out each year from the ICU itself for
coronary arterioQraphy. Some of these patients were of an acute nature and would not be
candidates for catheterization in a mobile lab. However, many others were sent more for the
convenience of doing it sooner, rather than later. Some of these patients, had cardiac
catheterization been available here in Vail, would have been safely done by discharging them
from the hospital and bringing them back on an elective basis. Additionally, many patients are
sent directly from our and Dr. Stephens' office for non-uroent arteriography. In discussions
with Dr. Stephens and the other physicians in my group, as well as Dr. Numerof, I believe that
we would be able to do approximately one hundred (100) coronary arteriograms in the first three
years. This is a conservative number and based on discussions with Dr. Godfrey in Denver,
who is associated with the catheterization lab, he expects that number is very conservative. He
remarks are based primarily on watching what has happened in other towns where coronary
arterioaraphy has become available, Nonetheless, I feel that one hundred (100) cases in the fust
three years would be a safe conservative number from which to operate.
. - .. , :�:�._ _.
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. ��� �..li'.i��v . �- _ - -. - . . . - � _J
� � .
Ray McMahan
December 28, 1994
Page 2
One issue that I would like to address is that of safety. During our preliminary discussions with
other physicians safety concerns were raise�. We have done research consisting of review of
the local mobile laboratory's safety data, as well as the published literature on the subject and
personal conversations with physicians who run mobile catheterization laboratories elsewhere in
the country. The published data indicates that using the American College of Cardiology
guidelines for outpatient cardiac catheterization, the overall safety rate and complication rate is
much more tavorable than the rate seen in tertiary care hospitals. As I mentioned to you, this
is not because it is inherently safer to do it in the mobile laboratory, but rather the selection
criteria do in fact work in identifying low risk individuals. In over two thousand cases published
from a clinic in North Carolina, there were zero cases of death, emergency bypass surgery, or
other highly advanced invasive procedures that are available on the mobile laboratory in case
of a catastrophic event. I think it reflects very favorably on the selection criteria that there were
none of these advanced procedures required out of these two thousand people.
Finally, although I don't wish to base our decision totally on patient's feelings or consumer
demand, I was curious as to the patient's impressions of having a had coronary arteriogram in
a mobile catheterization laboratory. lfierefore, I asked the Western Heart Institute to provide
me with their survey data. Many of their patients have had previous coronary arteriograms in
large cities. Universally, people felt that having the procedure in the mobile catheterization
laboratory was a very favorable experience and was a far greater convenience for themselves
and their families. I have also preliminarily mentioneri this idea to a few of our patients that
have had catheterization in the city and although a couple of them feel that going back to Denver
if they require another coronary arteriogram would not be a big deal, others have said that they
would welcome the ability to have this done locally. It would save them having to transport
their whole farnily to Denver, spending a night in a motel room and dealing with the city.
Obviously this is not a major concern when it comes to appropriate patient care but nonetheless
I think it is a consideration for us as we try and provide the best service possible for our local
Thanks again for your help and consideration, Ray. If I can answer any other questions for
either you, or the Board of Directors, please don't hesitate to call.
wrence W. Gaul, M.D.
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Eng�neerdng: �,��`� ��-�'�' ,t�f,/
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Reviewed by: Datc:
Reviewed by: Dale:
Fire Dept.:
Reviewed by: Dalc:
Comments: - � ---, � --t��/ ��'�-
�/� �-;s2__ /�;��,���
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Distributed to the Fire Department, f'ublic Wor{<s, and Landscaping on �' � `1
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� �
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42 West Meadow Drive Yail Fire Department
Vail, Colorado 81657
DATE: MARCH 30, 1995
We reviewed the plans submitted for the WMC proposal for the
, �,,(J�%+ Catheter Lab. The proposed location of the semi-trailer is in the
Y�� fire lane at WMC. The proposal leaves 11 feet of width in the
��� fire department access to the parking structure and the fire
p� department fire sprinkler connections. The Fire Code requires a 20
`G�ifoot width in the fire lane.
� G
(�i' We were also curious how patients are expected to get to the
�C trailer. The proposed location is adjacent to the exterior doors
��,� to the shipping and receiving department, and the housekeeping
�� t department. General public and especially patients, are not
� 15y�� usually allowed down the interior corridors in that part of the
building. Are they expected to go outside and around the building
to get to the trailer?
If there is going to be access from the interior, then we need
�'� to see the exiting plan and review the changes in use of the
� , existing interior spaces.
� The presence of the internal generator in the trailer may
j�� cause some concern for the tenants in the Skoll Haus Condos next
The water lines shown on the drawing may tend to freeze in
��� �� cold weather unless they use some type of "heat tape. " The plans
do not clearly indicate how they intend to keep the pipes beneath
�.}+c, the trailer from freezing.
We need to know the proposed duration of what appears to be a '
� "�' �C���temporary" condition. I
���'-6_ e.�,� In short, we do not think the ro osed location will work. '
� J p p
�� w WMC should propose alternative(s) .
� cc: Chief Duran
Gary Murrain ��
� �.r+'' .
� �
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Re;urn to
Towr Fi�rner
PROJECT: C? ,'-� '�``>�:I�' /' .�„ ?� i !�=� r� '- .,; j��, .�..�
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Reviewed by: ��tr, r'�U�nc�eL Date: A�x�� �q �qq,
��t�j ha�% SYtewrl v� �laxdrGah i�'1 t1��i�ib - l� ti,e� �ea�1y wanlr to
��s�-c��� �t- at Nn,e, h.iqY� (bin�? �h�r�5 nn s�e ��haw�5 u •`drour "_� a�a ru9n pc�r�.
�,.ihexe doe5 tt�dro�n c c�nnecx �nra ? �
TY�.� ne�� �nstu�� U P°� ar ��x�oc S�'
-� �(}� �G �W��CkI l�.x>.-tCJC� Or �.(�aCC: ol CCY.1cx�iCl`��tlO�l.L'L
�-o d��PX�' Slab d;rC�r�G Fr� N�e. �oo,Q•�•ro�y.
�e,��,:r, �a�Ms�t�QC;arcjrrlPS� obc�� rree c��o�r�,Mu� ����;e�c�c,a�t"� . �
Reviewed by: Date:
Fire Dept.:
Reviewed by: Date:
Distributed to the Fire Departmenl, Pubiic Wor{<s, and Landscaping on
� ~
, .
�=--- - -- . �.__
_ _ _ __ ;—
_ ._ .�
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, ( <
Noise Noise Noise Noise
� �
It is evident from the surveys that laboratories adjacent to residential proper-
// \` noise problems from late niQht revelers, ties on West Meadow Drive.
trucks, and buses exist throughout the resi- The truck dockin�port is in full view
dential areas of Vail Villa�e. The Home- of neiQhborhood residences and the West
o���ners Association��•ill continue to seek Meado�v Drive pedestrian mall. Parkin�of
solutions to these problems. the trailer,or other mobile laboratories that
could also use the dockin�facility,is on an
Open Space Issues as needed basis. No contractual limitation
The Vail To���n Council has under re- on the lenoth of stay at the docking port or
��iew the rezoning of se��eral To�i�n of Vail other regulatin�conditions has been
Noise Abatement Program In the and Vail Associates o��ned open space presented.
�'�'orks tracts throughout the communitl�. For the Local doctors,usin�the catherization
The Homeowners Association has re- most part the sites are being downzoned lab,say they expect it to be at the port at
ceived over 200 responses to its Vail Vil- to Natural Area Preser��ation (NAP). In a �east t���ice a month into the indefinite fu-
fe��•cases some To���n Council members
la�e Noise Survey. The Town of Vail ture. Even thou�h the diagnostic procedure
(TOV)has received 100 responses. The re- are reluctant to do�ti�nzone sites that in can be done in several Denver hospitals,
sults from the surveys are bein�used to their view could be placed on the develop- doctors say they need the mobile lab for the
ment market. Some of these sites ���ere ac-
formulate a consensus on the Town of patient's convenience and trainin�of
Vail's Noise Committee. quired by the To�+�n of Vail because they nurses. It is noted that the lab is for dia�-
The most favored methods to better ��'ere found to be in natural hazard areas. nostic purposes not for surgery or treat y
control outdoor amplified sound in the sur- It is the personal��ie���point of some coun- ment. Heart sur�ery cannot be conducted
vey indicated that respondents favor proac- cil members that the threat of natural at the Medical Center. Local doctors nor
tive enforcement from the Police hazard can be mitigated by defensi��e Center administrators do not anticipate a
Department based upon improved noise structures. Others are concerned that the sufficient"local"or"national"market to
monitorin�capability. Also desired are �mpact of the defensi��e structure���ould be permanently house the catherization lab or
limitations upon amplified sound to out- an onus upon surrounding property o�vn- heart sur�ery facilities�vithin the hospital
door decks and patios���hich offer food ser- ers. buildina. The Medical Center Administra-
vice. Ordinance chanQes are�vanted that Council debate continues o��er the tor does not preclude the use of the dockin�
would prohibit entertainers and sound «'isdom of a proposed To���n Charter ref- port by other mobile laboratories that may
speakers from "playing to the street." In erendum that���ould require a vote of the become available in the future.
' addition,there�vould be a requirement for a electorate to change the zoning status or Review criteria for the Qranting of a
town approved engineered "amplified o��"oership of publicly o���ned open space. "conditional use permit"requires the plan-
sound control"plan before sound permits It is the position of the Homeowners As- nin�commission to consider the effect
are issued. sociation that open space once designated, �on the character of the area in�+�hich the
A consensus is emeroing from the should be neither upzoned or sold. If the proposed use is to be located, including the
Committee to restrict further amplified mu- To���n of Vail is unable to provide perma- scale and bulk of the proposed use in rela-
sic coming from inside or outside a busi- nent protection to open space tracts,then tion to surroundinQ uses. As�vell,public
ness. It appears that previously its responsibility for open space preser��a- officials must find that the proposed loca-
uncontrolled indoor amplified music that tion should be transferred to a more ap- tion of the use and the conditions under
emanates from a business through open propriate institution. which it���oaald be operated or maintained
„�indows and doors will be subject to the � , �vill not be detrimental or materiallv injuri-
amplified sound pennitting process. Action `Medical Center Wants Mobile Lab ous to prooerties or improvements in the vi-
Port On �'�est Meado�v Dri�-e
on amending the noise control ordinance is The Vail Vallev 1�9edical Center has C1°�rv'
expected prior to the summer season. The Medical Center is located in a Gen-
The most sionificant findin�from both made a�plication to the Town of Vail for a
� � „ eral Public Use Zone District. The District
conditional use�ermit"to allo�v for the
the Town of Vail and Homeo���ners As- has no development standards other than
sociation surveys is that respondents be- location of a dockin}port for a 60 foot lon� those imposed at the time of To��m approv-
semi-truck trailer. The 1� foot heiQht
lieve separate re�ulations are needed for al. The application for the dockin�port has
S ecial Events. Comments from ro e trailer(one and a half stories) is a mobile
p p p rty not provided for setbacks, landscaping,
catherization lab used to diaQnose heart
o�vners adjacent to special events sites indi- �roblems. The proposal establishes a.per- screening,or buffer areas with adjacent
cate significant noise problems result from manent unenclosed truck dockina�port�+�ith residential properties or the primary
special events. a sanitarv/utilin�hook�for mobile
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H\�AC CONTROI UNIT UGHT FIXTURE 12 e t � XPAWD a� sjQE •� additional$19.25 per$100,000 of valua-
I � �� tion.
`, `:��; The Association's opposition���as di-
' ��� . rected at ill-conceived proposals for a
";:�.�;, 15 f t sales tax to fund a$30 million county
. �vide Mass Transportation and Trail
� ' '�� -- System,a property tax for a�15 mil-
i `i •
� Q � lion county���ide Open Space Acquisition
� � -,� ..,_ _ ._.._.._ :;.,._._._..._. .. _ _ ._ ..
...._. . . _ .` 1
. �. _......_'_""_ '_ _•' - '
- Fund,and a sales tax to unden�rite a�22
coto w VTER suPP�Y Ar�� million Vail Convention/Performance
SANI7AR, DRAIN. CONtvECT10NS Tqobile Catherization Lab
The resources of the Association are
pedestrian corridor on West Meado�v Steadman Ha���kins Clinic indicates there available to those seeking to find accept-
Drive. is a need for the Medical Center to update able means and methods to encoura�e a
West Meadow Drive is the major pe- its Master Plan. well planned and economical regional
destrian and shuttle bus route for visitors "Incremental solutions"are successfu] mass transportation system. The Associ-
beti��een Lionshead and Vail VillaQe. Dur- if thev are completed���ithin the context of ation is supportive of municipal govern-
ing the tourism season hundreds of vis- a publiclv approved Master Plan. With ments, special districts, and private
itors use this route on a daily basis. the sco�e of chan�e bein}proposed on the foundations to pursue the funding and ac- '
The proposed location. use. scale,and Medical Center site. it is important that the quisition of open space„�ithin and adja-
bulk of the lab�ort does not annear to be process of updating the Master Plan in- cent to their jurisdictions.
comDatible„�ith adiacent residential nron- clude adjacent propertv o���ners. Association's Territorv and
erties. The Homeo„�ner Association does The Nomeo�vners Association,as it nTembershi� E�panding
not favor allo«�ing unenclosed truck and has���ith Vail Associates in the Golden The Association has expanded it
mobile lab dockin�ports in residential Peak Redevelopment planning process membership area. Membership is a��ail-
nei�hborhoods and on major pedestrian is a��ailable to assist the Medical Center able to propertv o���ners and condomini-
corridors. and adjacent propertv owners in a joint um associations in the area from the
Further. plans are pendin;for a major neighborhood plannin�effort. It is the South Fronta�e Road bet�ti�een the Dob-
expansion of the Steadman Ha���kins Clin- intent of the Homeo���ners Association to son Arena and the eastern end of the
ic and an accompanvin�helipad on the a��oid the common urban phenomena of Vail Golf Course.
Medical Center Site. It is the position of creating circumstances at the 1�ledical The expansion is a result of requests
the Homeo�vners Association that it is the Center that�vill cause the deterioration for membership from several property
responsibilitv of the Medical Center to of surrounding residential neighbor- owners and condominium associations in
follo�v a "Qood neiQhbor policv" bv noti- hoods. the neighborhoods adjacent to Vail Vil-
fi�ing and solicitins comment and concerns CountV Trans�ortatlon Ta� 1aae. The Association's ne���sletter is now
in a timelv manner from the nei_hbor- Pro�osed: bein�circulated�vithin the expanded
hood�prior to makinQ aoolication to the Transportation interests are seekinQ to membership area.
To���n of Vail. The Homeo���ners Associ- a�ain place a countv�vide transportation Throu�h the Vail Villa�e Noise Sur-
ation is no�v monitoring all expansion aR sales tax on the November ballot. Propo- vev tNe Association began an effort to
alications of the Medical Center. nents have not reached an accommodation communicate directiv�vith Vail VillaQe
Town of Vail public hearinQs far the �i�ith local�overnments,which have in the business o�i�ners. The Association be-
mobile lab port"conditional use permit" past opposed the tax. If the item is placed lieves that improved understandin_and
are tentatively scheduled for June. At the on the ballot,the tax increase�vill be a communication beh��een residential and
Homeo��-ners Association's urginQ,the matter of concern to the Homeo�vners As- business o�vners�vill result in substantial
Medical Center���ill host a neighborhood sociation. improvements to Vail Villa�e.
meeting prior to the Town's public In the past two vears the Association New and rene�ving memberships are
hearin�s. has directiv or indirectiv influenced the �+�ell ahead of previous years. Several
A Master Plan for the Medical Center defeat of four tax increase ballot issues condominium associations have recently
was completed in 1986. The plan���as not totaling$67 million. In Vail,the cumula- become members. Condominium o���ner�
adopted or approved by the To��m of Vail. tive effect of tax increase ballot issues should consult with their Board of Direc- '
The cumulative requests for a Heliport,a would have resulted in a 2.5°'o increase in tors to detennine if their Condominium
Mobile Lab Port, and the expansion of sales tax and raised property ta�es by an Association is a member of the
12 �
� � , t i
� .
�t a k
p �/�I
. 1� -
Vail Valley Medical Centei• has applied for a
conditional use permit to locate a rnobile
catherization Iab at the east end of its property. k
You are invited to an informal reception
at the home of Mrs. Cathie Douglas, s�
142 West Meadow Drive, f��
at 4:00 p.m., Friday, Apri128. �
Representatives of the the hospital will be available
to explain the project, and to consider your `
comments and questions.
Light refreshments will be served.
� Please plan to attend.
� -
„_._ . __ _ �_ - -
_ .
_ �_ .� ��
°_ ^ � `r/
, ( <
Noise Noise Noise Noise
� �
It is evident from the surveys that laboratories adjacent to residential proper-
// `` noise problems from late niaht revelers, ties on West Meado�v Drive.
trucks,and buses exist throuQhout the resi- The truck dockina port is in full view
dential areas of Vail Villase. The Home- of neiQhborhood residences and the West
o���ners Association�;�ill continue to seek Meado�v Drive pedestrian mall. Parking of
solutions to these problems. the trailer,or other mobile laboratories that
could also use the dockin�facility, is on an
Open S�ace Issues as needed basis. No contractual limitation
The Vail To«�n Council has under re- on the lenQth of stay at the dockin�port or
vie���the rezoning of se��erai To�sn of Vail other reQulatin�conditions has been
Noise Abatement Program In the and Vail Associates o��ned open space presented.
VVorks tracts throughout the community. For the Local doctors,using the catherization
The Homeowners Association has re- most part the sites are being do���nzoned ]ab,say they expect it to be at the port at
ceived over 200 responses to its Vail Vil- to Natural Area Preservation(NAP). In a ]east ri��ice a month into the indefinite fu-
lage Noise Survey. The To���n of Vail fe���cases some To���n Council members ture. Even thou�h the diagnostic procedure
(TOV)has received 100 responses. The re- are relactant to do���nzone sites that in can be done in several Denver hospitals,
sults from the surveys are being used to their�•iew could be placed on the develop- doctors say they need the mobile lab far the
formulate a consensus on the Tow�n of inent market. Some of these sites��ere ac- patient's convenience and traininQ of
Vail's Noise Committee. quired by the To���n of Vail because they nurses. It is noted that the lab is for diag-
The most favored methods to better ��'ere found to be in natural hazard areas. ❑ostic purposes not for surgery or treat-
control outdoor amplified sound in the sur- It is the personal�•ie���point of some coun- ment. Heart sur�ery cannot be conducted
vey indicated that respondents favor proac- cit members that the threat of natural at the Medical Center. Local doctors nor
tive enforcement from the Police hazard can be mitigated by defensi��e Center administrators do not anticipate a
Department based upon improved noise structures. Others are concerned that the sufficient"local"or"national"market to
monitorin�capability. Also desired are impact of the defensi�e structure���ould be permanently house the catherization lab or
limitations upon amplified sound to out- an onus u�on surrounding property o�►�n- heart suroery facilities within the hospital
door decks and patios���hich offer food ser- ers. buildinQ. The Medical Center Administra-
vice. Ordinance chanQes are wanted that Council debate continues over the tor does not preclude the use of the docking
�vould prohibit entertainers and sound ��'isdom of a proposed To���n Charter ref- port by other mobile laboratories that may �
speakers from "playing to the street." In erendum that�►ould require a�•ote of the become available in the future.
' addition,there�vould be a requirement for a electorate to change the zoning status or Review criteria for the aranting of a
to�vn approved engineered "amplified o��'oership of publicly o���ned o�en space. °conditional use permit"requires the plan-
sound control"plan before sound permits It is the position of the Homeo��•ners As- ❑�n�commission to consider the effect
are issued. sociation that open space once designated, �on the character of the area in�+�hich the
A consensus is emerain�from the should be neither upzoned or sold. If the proposed use is to be located, including the
Committee to restrict further amplified mu- To���n of Vail is unable to provide perma- scale and bulk of the proposed use in rela-
sic comin�from inside or outside a busi- nent protection to open space tracts,then tion to surroundin;uses. As�vell,public
ness. It appears that previously its responsibility for open space preser��a- officials must find that the proposed loca-
uncontrolled indoor amplified music that tion should be transferred to a more ap- tion of the use and the conditions under
emanates from a business through open propriate institution. �vhich it�i�o,uld be operated or maintained
���indows and doors���ill be subject to the �vill not be detrimental or materiallv injuri-
amplified sound pennitting process. Action `Medical Center�'Vants Mobile Lab ous to properties or improvements in the vi-
Port On �'�est i�7eado�v Dri�•e
on amendin�the noise control ordinance is cini .
The Vail Vallev Medical Center has
expected prior to the summer season. The Medical Center is located in a Gen-
The most significant finding from both made ap�lication to the To�e�n of Vail for a eral Public Use Zone District. The District
conditional use permiY'to allo�v for the
the Town of Vail and Homeo���ners As- has no development standards other than
sociation surveys is that respondents be- �ocation of a dockin}port for a 60 foot lons those imposed at the time of To��m approv-
semi-truck trailer. The 1� foot heiQht
lieve separate re�ulations are needed for al. The application for the dockina port has I
Lrailerlone and a half storiesl is a mobile
Special Events. Comments from property not provided for setbacks, landscapina,
catherization lab used to diaQnose heart
o�vners adjacent to special events sites indi- problems. The proposal establishes a�er- screenin�,or buffer areas with adjacent
cate si�nificant noise problems result from manent unenclosed truck dockin}port with residential properties or the primary
special events. a sanitarv/utilin^hookup for mobile
� � �� �_y
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HVAC CONTROI UNIT LIGHT FIXIURE ,�2 f � XPAi�D B� 5 E t 1� additional$19.25 per$100,000 of valua-
i � �► tion.
`, :r; The Association's opposition���as di-
� �� ' rected at ill-conceived proposals for a
�_.' ��`: 1S f t sales tax to fund a$30 million counry
���ide Mass Transportation and Trail
` ' -- System,a property tax for a$I S mil-
' �� ' Q Q lion county„�ide Open Space Acquisition
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: Fund,and a sales tax to unden�rite a$22
SANITARY DRAiN. CONNECT�ONS �qobile Catherization Lab million Vail Convention/Performance
The resources of the Association are
pedestrian corridor on West Meadow Steadman Ha���kins Clinic indicates there available to those seekin�to find accept-
Drive. is a need for the Medical Center to update able means and methods to encoura�e a
West Meadow Drive is the major pe- its Master Plan. well planned and economical regional
destrian and shuttle bus route for visitors "Incremental solutions"are successful mass transportation system. The Associ-
behmeen Lionshead and Vail Villase. Dur- if thev are completed�i�ithin the context of ation is supportive of municipal�overn-
ing the tourism season hundreds of vis- a publiclv approved Master Plan. With ments, special districts,and private '
itors use this route on a daily basis. the sco�e of chan�e bein}proposed on the foundations to pursue the fundin�and ac-
The proposed location. use. scale. and Medical Center site. it is important that the quisition of open space���ithin and adja-
bulk of the lab oort does not annear to be process of updating the Master Plan in- cent to their jurisdictions.
comoatible with adiacent residential nron- clude adjacent propertv o���ners. Association'S Territo ,r�and
erties. The Homeo���ner Association does The Homeo�ti�ners Association,as it n7embershi� Es�anding
not favor allowinQ unenclosed truck and has���ith Vail Associates in the Golden The Association has e�panded it
mobile lab docking ports in residential Peak Redevelopment plannin�rocess, membership area. Membershi�is a��ail-
neiQhborhoods and on ma,jor pedestrian is a��ailable to assist the Medical Center abie to propertv o��•ners and condomini-
corridors. and adjacent propertv o�vners in a joint ❑m associations in the area from the
Further. plans are pendin�for a major neighborhood planning efTort. It is the South Frontage Road bet���een the Dob-
expansion of the Steadman Ha�vkins Clin- intent of the Homeo���ners Association to son Arena and the eastern end of the
ic and an accompanvin�helipad on the a�•oid the common urban phenomena of Vail Golf Course.
Medical Center Site. It is the position of creating circumstances at the Medical The expansion is a result of requests
the Homeo"�ners Association that it is the Center that���ill cause the deterioration for membership from several property
responsibilit��of the Medical Center to of surrounding residential neighbor- o���ners and condominium associations in
follow a "aood neiQhbor policv" bv noti- hoods. the neighborhoods adjacent to Vail Vil-
fi�in;and solicitin;comment and concerns Coun , Trans�ortation Ta!� 1aQe. The Association's ne���sletter is now
in a timelv manner from the nei�hbor- Pro�osed: bein�circulated within the expanded
hood,prior to makin�ap�lication to the Transportation interests are seekin�to membership area.
To���n of VaiL The Homeo���ners Associ- a�ain place a countv�vide transportation Throu�h the Vail Villa�e Noise Sur-
ation is no�v monitoring all expansion aR sales tax on the November ballot. Propo- vev th`e Association be�an an effort to
plications of the Medical Center. nents have not reached an accommodation communicate directly with Vail Villa�e
Town of Vail public hearings for the �vith local govemments,�vhich have in the business o���ners. The Association be-
mobile lab port"conditional use permit" past opposed the tax. If the item is placed lieves that improved understandin;and
are tentatively scheduled for June. At the on the ballot,the tax increase will be a communication behaeen residential and
Homeo�ti�ners Association's urging,the matter of concern to the Homeowners As- business o���ners�vill result in substantial
Medical Center���ill host a neighborhood sociation. improvements to Vai] Villase.
meeting prior to the Town's public In the past two��ears.the Association Ne�v and rene�ving memberships are
hearinos. has directiv or indirectl�� influenced the �+'ell ahead of previous years. Several
A Master Plan for the Medical Center defeat of four tax increase ballot issues condominium associations have recently
�vas completed in 1986. The plan�+�as nQt totaling$67 million. In Vail,the cumula- become members. Condominium o���ners
adopted or approved by the To��m of Vail. tive effect of tax increase ballot issues should consult with their Board of Direc-
The cumulative requests for a Heliport,a would have resulted in a 2.5°% increase in tors to detennine if their Condominium
Mobile Lab Port,and the expansion of sales tax and raised property taxes by an Association is a member of the
� � ' , s,
� •
`� i
� .
Vai1 Valley Medical Cente�- has applied for a
conditional use permit to locate a mobile
� catherization 1ab at the east end of its property. ;
� You are invited to an informal reception ,
at the home of Mrs. Cathie Douglas,
� 142 West Meadow Drive, ! ��
at 4:00 p.m., Friday, April 28.
Representatives of the the hospital will be available
to explain the project, and to consider your �
comments and questions. � `
Light refreshments wi11 be served.
Please plan to attend.
� �j -
Uail �`�`�`�':�..�
Center �'�'�"
May 4 , 1995
Randy Stouder
Department of Community Development
Town of Vail
75 S. Frontage Road
Vail, CO 81657
Dear Randy:
We would like to delay the PEC' s consideration of our application
for the mobile catherization lab until the meeting of June 26,
1995 . This delay will provide us with more time to attempt to
resolve various issues raised by the Town staff, as well as our
neighbors on West Meadow Drive .
As you requested, I am enclosing three photographs of the lab,
showing an actual set-up in the Denver area. I will also arrange
for the lab to be brought to Vail in early June, so that all
interested parties can inspect it . I will advise you of the date .
S ' erely,
Dan Fee �
1 iti anager
xc : Larry Gaul, MD
Ray McMahan
Wally Stephens
"Your Care Is Our Mission"
181 West Meadow Drive • Vail, Colorado 81657 • 303-476-2451
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April 14, 1995 ����"` � , ���
At �� i ��: `���9�
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Randy Stouder
Department of Community Development
Town of Vail
Vail, CO 81657
RE: Mobile Catherization Lab
Dear Randy:
As discussed in our telephone conversation this morning, we would
like to delay consideration of our mobile catherization lab
application until the PEC meeting of May 8, 1995 . This delay will
allow us more time to study and resolve the various issues the Town
staff has identified.
Thank you for your cooperation.
S ' erely,
� �2��yt(,�.
Dan ee y
Facilitie anager
"Your Care Is Our Mission"
181 West Meadow Drive • Vail, Colorado 81657 • 303-476-2451
� •
� �
� '�
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the
Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the
Municipaf Code of the Town of Vail on April 24, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail
Municipal Building. In consideration of:
1. A request for a major SDD amendment to allow for the expansion of the Glen Lyon Office
Building located at 1000 South Frontage Road West/Area#4, SDD #4, Cascade Village.
Applicant: Glen Lyon Partners
Planner: Randy Stouder
2. A request for a parking variance and a conditional use permit to allow for a temporary ;
building to house a laboratory for the Vail Valley Medical Center, located at 181 West
<$', Meadow Drive/Lots E & F, Vail Village Second Filing.
Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center, represented by Dan Feeney
Planner: Randy Stouder
3. A request for a minor subdivision to allow for the relocation of a building envelope,
located at 1139 Sandstone Drive/Lot 3, Block A, Lionsridge, Filing #1/Indian Creek
Townhomes. '
Applicant: Michael Lauterbach ��,
Planner: Jim Curnutte '
4. A request for a minor exterior alteration in the CCII zone district and a landscape variance
to allow for the addition of handicap access located at the Lifthouse Lodge/549 East
Lionshead Circle/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing.
Applicant: Robert Lazier
Planner: Jim Curnutte
5. A request for a worksession for a major Special Development District amendment to
allow for the expansion of the Cascade Club located in Area A of the Cascade Village
SDD (SDD#4)/1295 Westhaven Drive.
Applicant: L-0 Westhaven, Inc. represented by Bill Pierce
Planner: Andy Knudtsen
6. A request to amend the Vail Land Use Plan for 16 properties throughout the Town of Vail.
Fifteen properties are proposed to be changed from their current designation to open
space and one property would be changed to the public semi public designation. See the
attached Exhibit A for legal descriptions.
Applicant: Town of Vail
Planners: Jim Curnutte and Russell Forrest �
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