HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Valley Medical Center 2001-2002 FEB-13-20e2 10:58 FROM:BRAUN ASSOCIATES 9709267576 T0:9704'92452 P.001��1 �' `� � � � � � ' �A�/�RA�BN ASS��B�.��S. INC. PLANNING and COMMl1NtIY DEV[LOPMENT I February 1 �, 2002 �S � � George Ruther � Chief of Plann�ng ���O Yown of Va�l d� 75 S. Prontage Road � Vail, CO 81657 � r � Re� Change +n E�u�ld�n Mater�af - Vail Valley Med�cal Center ; � � � , � Dear George: � i � After much del�berat�pn, reSEarch, and costing the VVMG would hke to chan9e the mater�al on the "knuckl�," the tr�nsltion area on the 5outh elev�t�on between the new ' bu�ldmg and the exist�ng building on the we�t, back tc� the �r�9mally approved Corten Steel. i `�Based or� d��cu���on� we ha� la5t TueSday, you and the DRB seem to prefer th�s material over that approved by the DRB on D�c. I J. i ; Let me lu�ow if you need any add�t�onal documentat�on for your record5. If ypv have any auestions please call me at 926-7575. � 5i _ .r � 1 Dom�n�� F. Maur�eilo, AIGP � ; . 4 � , G� Ru35 Sedmak � i Stan Andersori I i a�ds Yillage Center,Suite C-209 Ph,-970.925.7575 0105 Edwards Villa�e&wizvard Fxz-970.9z6.7576 Post O�ce aox 2658 wwwbnu�na�ociates.com i Edwards.Colorado 81632 ( � - - � -- - - --. _ _ -- --- - - ------- -- - - — - - I . , . � • ��� ,!� I�,�II/I�ll��lil� ,�����IIA��(�IE�9 III��Ce � � �` >; � PLANNING and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT � November 13, 2001 George Ruther Chief of Planning Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Minor Changes to Vail Valley Medical Center Dear George: Enclosed is an application for a minor DRB modification to the Vail Valley Medical Center approval. As we discussed the changes include modification of the roof-top mechanical screen, a color change to the north elevation of the building (adding rust color), and a material change on the south elevation from rusticated metal to a smooth finish stucco (rust color). As previously indicated we would like to be scheduled for the December 8, 2001 DRB meeting. If you need additional information, please do not hesitate to call. � Si c e , Dominic F. Mauriello, AIC Edwards Village Center,Suite C-209 Ph.-970.926.7575 0105 Edwards Village Boulevard Fax-970.926.7576 Post Office Box 2658 www.braunassociates.com Edwards,Colorado 81632 I NOV-07-2001 10:13 FRG�'I:VUMC 970 479 7192 T0:9709a57576 P.002�0a2 "��.=Fa6-Z001 10:18 f�I:�,AtJn �aOCii�rES 97E'l�c6i5T6 Ta:�7F�]793.,,,i �.t�P�� �02 �,. f - _ Application for Design Re�iew bepartrnent ot Commueity oeveloprr►ent �O�O���� 7"5$o.�FrorR2ye Road,uat�,t=olorad5 81657 tel:47i}.979.1134 WX: 97Q•A79.2452 vVBb:WWW-GI.Vd�.00.J5 Genersl�Rbrmat�on: This applit�tJcn is foi atry pro]ec� requinny Ge�g� itCVlBw aq�pn�val. Any projeQ requiring Qesqs� revikw+ rnust readve approval t�rrlor ta s�mlttinG a buiklinq permik applio�ron. Ptea5e refer to the.ubmlt*al requir'emer�kS for xhe partkdar �pproval that i3 requested. An appfi�atl�n for D�sfgn R�view� cannot Du ac�epbed until all required v,fprnta�pn is reteived by tt�e Cornmunihr Devdopmerzt DeparCmcnt. 7.�e pro�ect m�y also nee�eo be reviewed try the rovm�AUndl ar�d/a Me P�anning and Ernionmvlta!Certv�tisslOrt. D�sign Review�vird sPP*o+►�� �� unless a buildinq perndt!s f�,luod and�tructiwn Wmq►encas wiCFtin one yra�r af the ap��l. qesCr�pbon d�the RequCSt: DRB apnr'wal of ml madi to m n' f r and b in I L.oc�ti0n otlhe Pro�iL• Lot,�_B1oCk:�5ubdivi5qn: Vail Vill "'fili , Physi WI Address: W w i '� parrxl No,: 2101,07101013 __ _ {Gpr�tact Eagle Ca,ASSeSSOr aC 970-32�-$fi40 for parc� n4,J Zon;ng:���r'i Use[Gu I Nam�(a)of Owrnart�): �(~�'"all� e4 I Center,,�C�i ,Ffor�M �re�k�e. Pr� entand C�� lyailing Addr+as�: 181 Meadow D� ite104,;_,Val)�f?$1657 Pho�+�: 979_12�2. pw�nr(�)Signature(s): !/ ,,..�. .. �/'��...�.�-� �n � Name of A►vdicant: _ 5a K Anove - Maiiiny Address: _..^ , � — - Phone:�. 7ype of ReVi�w and Fee: C7 ►+�ew Cpn�t�x:tion $20o FCx C4rRr�x'tion of a new bu�ding er aemp/rebuild, D Addition S50 For�n e0d'Ri0r1 w+�ere �quar�kro�a9e�ad�EY!LO an1/ residrntldt�7r �mrnerdil�fuildrng(indud�Z54 additions&ir�kp�ip'COn�EtSiorls). G� Hinar ARerad�x� #20 For minor atian�es tD Cuil�itgs and site �n�►oversents, S�1Cn as, rerootrg, painbng, wnndpw �dd;tiGns, lands'caping, fer�ce5 8nd reraln;ng walls,eec. O ChangQS to Ap0►Oved Pl�ins �ZO For rtwislons tv dans already approved by P�dnning StaH or the Desiyn fieview 9oard RLF115E SII�Mf'f 1'HIS APPLICATION,ALL SlIBMI1TAL REQUIREMEfVTS ,arjC 7riE F�E r4 r�4�PARTt�H'r bF CbMMUtli7'�r DEVE1.4Pr1ErTf, 75 SOUTt1 FRONTAGE RpAp,VAIl,CaLORAOd 81bS�. For OR1ce Use ar11y: Fee Pa�4;. 'y(� Check Na: -��,C�BY=, apcttcatlo�Dare: orta Na; ;z��J �� Planner; --- f'fpject No.:� '� ' t / - - REC�I�� n " +.�y,��`. y; ,.;i�a� � � . . . �kll�► '"'� ******************************************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL. COLORAllO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: R000001755 Amount: $20.00 11/16/200104:00 PM Payment Method: Check Init: JAR Notation: 2976 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: DRB010392 Type: DRB - Minor Alteration Parcel No: 210107101013 Site Address: 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location: Total Fees: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- �� . . � � � u �y TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 7S South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www ci.vail.co.us December 6,2001 Dominic F.Mauriello BAIBraun Associates,Inc. P.O.Box 2658 Edwards,Colorado 81632 Re: Vail ValleyMedical Center—Design ReviewBoard 12/OS/01 Dear pominic: Thank you for appearing at the Town of Vail Design Review Board meeting on Wednesday,December 5, 2001. As you are aware,the Board approved the proposed changes the roof top parapet as requested.The Board did not,however,approve the requested changes to the exterior wall materials. According to the comments provided,the Board suggested that the darker stucco color be use at the top portion of the new addition and that a color somewhat similar to the existing brick be used underneath the cantilevered area of the addition. The Board was clear in their direction that a transitional material be used on the recessed vertical element (a.k.a"The Knuckle"). The Board suggested copper or another type of siding that accentuates the building. I have you scheduled for final review with the Design Review Board on Wednesday,December 19`h. In order to remain on the agenda for that meeting,you will need to submit the revised information to me by no later than noon,Monday,December 1 g`n Should you have any questions,or need additional information,please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, t��''l�...t George Ruther,AICP ' � Chief of Planning Town of Vail ���RECYCLEDPAPER DEC-06-2001 10:07 FRDM:BRAUN ASSOCIATES ' 9709267576 T0:9704792452 P.001��62 � - � `d' �1��/IBRALIN ASSC� CIA��S, nN�. pLANNING and COMMUNITY DEVfl.UPMENT December 6, 200 I George Ruther Ch�ef of Plann�ng , Town of Va�l 75 5. Frontage Road Va�l, GO S I 657 Re: DRB ilearing of Dec. 5, 200 I - Vaii Valley Med+cal Genter Dear G�orge: 7h�5 letter �5 �ntended to summarize our understandmg of the re�ulty of our meetmg w�th the DRB on mmor modifications to the Pha�e i VVMG pro�eGt- , 7he DRB voted unan�mau5ly to approve the mod�f�cat�on of the mecharncal screen by ' add�ng two "dormer" elements, one on the east s�de and one on the west side. 7h�s wa5 approved as pre5ented and w�thout �ond�t�ons. The DRB also gave direction that the light colored �tucco on the top floor of the south elevatiOn Gould be d�rkened to a GolOr that mirrOrS the 5tone GOIOr bein9 u5ed vn the b��l�i�ng, per the sample prov�ded. The DRB was �n agreem�nt that Ehe rnetal sid�n9 mater�al within the colonnade and east end of the bu�lding could be chanc�ed to stucCO. ' 7hey also agreed that the stucco in the colonnade, the east side of the bu�lding, and the north 5�de oF the bu�ld�ng �ould be a darker "r�dd�5h" color. �he DRB reque5ted that the f,nal st��co color for these elevat�on5 be prov�ded for fm:�l approval. Yhe only rea! i5sue from this meet�ng was the color and mater�al to be used on the "trans�t�an" element between the ex�,tmg concrete and br�ck building on the west and the new Phase I bu�ldmg. The DRB, m general, �tated that they (�ked the or�g�nal Cortan �teel application. 7hey were not exc�t�d about havmg redd i5h stucco �n th�5 area. 5ugge5t�on� were m�de to consider concrete, copper, and other metal s,d�ng opportun�t�es. The Board reque5ted that we th�nk thru the design and materials and develop a rev�sed concept for the DRB to con��der. • The item was tabled to the Dec. 19 meeting for fu�ther considerat�on. EdwarYlsYllagc Center,S��ite G209 � �� � Ph.-970.9267575 0105 Edwarcls Vill3ge eoulev�rd � Fax-970_92fi.7576 Post Office Box 2658 r www.breunassoc.ialc;.ccxn Edwards.Culorado B I G32 •DEC-06-2001 10:07 FROM:BRAUN ASSOCIATES 9709267576 T0:9704792452 P.002�W2 . � "`�' '�' In gcneral t�rms, I believe th�, represents th�. statement� anr� actions of the DRB on our propo�al. If you d�Sao�ree, plea5e let me know so that we Can �lar�fy the issues. If you have any q�e5t�ons ple�5e call me at 926-7575. S re t Domi ic F. Mauriello, AICP C: Russ Sedmak ' Stan Ander�on ' I � �� ' II I I � i z - - --- --- --- -... � � �� � � �� A . � e'�="� '� DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA � � Wednesday, June 6, 2001 �,�� 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department 11:30 pm MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Andy Blumetti Charles Acevedo SITE VISITS 1:00 pm 1. Weiss residence — 3838 Bridge Rd. 2. Darby Vail II — 3847 Lupine Drive 3. Edwards Medical Campus ( to look at cemplank) 4. Hobbit Hill — 1546 Matterhorn Circle 5. Northridge Condominiums—2437, 2439, 2447 Chamonix Lane 6. Lionsmane Condos— 1063 Vail View Drive 7. Riva Ridge North — 133 Willow Road 8. Joe's Famous Deli —220 Bridge Street Driver: Allison PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:00 pm 1. Vail Valley Medical Center— Final review of proposed Phase I additions. George 181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E & F, Vail Village 2"d Filing. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center, represented by Braun Associates MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH ONE CONDITION: 1. That the mansard roof be extended for run-off controL , 2. Lionsmane Condos — Repaint. Bill i, 1063 Vail View Drive/Lot A5-1, Lion's Ridge 1 S' Filing. Applicant: Lionsmane Phase II Condo Association, represented by Arrigoni, Inc. MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH TWO CONDITIONS: �. TowN o�yar� �' � � I � � � R 1. That the buildings be painted with the following paint scheme: Walls — Dry Dock SW 2022 Trim — Castle Beige SW 2025 Facia, Soffits, Railings, Doors, Concrete driveway walls —Thicket SW 2027 2. An appropriate trash enclosure must be constructed and painted to match the building facia and soffits. 3. Northridge Condominiums — Repaint. Bill 2437, 2439 & 2447 Chamonix Lane/Lots 23, 24, 25, Block A, Vail das Schone Filing 1. Applicant: Northridge Condominium Association MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH TWO CONDITIONS: 1. That the buildings be painted with the following paint scheme: Siding — Sand Castle SW 3006 Facia— Greenbrier SW 3050 Soffits — Orchard SW 3036 Window trim — Navajo White SW 3005 Hand & Deck Rails - Greenbrier SW 3050 Chimneys - Navajo White SW 3005 2. An appropriate trash enclosure must be constructed and painted to match the building soffits. 4. Hobbit Hill - repaint of condominium complex Allison 1546 Matterhorn Cr./Hobbit Hill Applicant: Eagle Eye Management MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Andy Blumetti VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH ONE CONDITION: 1. That the colors be reviewed by staff in accordance with the direction of the Design Review Board. 5. Weiss residence — Conceptual review of proposed addition. Ann 3838 Bridge Road/Lot 12, Bighorn 2"d Addition. Applicant: Steve Riden CONCEPTUAL— NO VOTE 6. Vail Village Inn — Conceptual review of a remodel to units 335 & 337. Brent 100 E. Meadow Drive #335 & 337 —Vail Village Inn / Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village #1 Applicant: Patricia and Gerardo Schroeder, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects CONCEPTUAL— NO VOTE 7. Darby Vail II — Proposed change from P/S to SFR. Allison 3847 Lupine Drive/Lot 6, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision. Applicant: The Mulhern Group, Ltd. . MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charles Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH THREE CONDITIONS: 2 t , � . 1 1. That on the south elevation where the decks previously joined, there be no stone above the wood shake shingles. 2. That on the south elevation, the "flying fascia" be returned to the original approved building permit plans 3. That the applicant submit a new landscape plan to Town staff for approval 8. Golden Peak—Conceptual review of proposed entry addition Ann ' 458 E. Vail Valley Drive/Tract F, Block 3, Vail Village 5th Filing Applicant: Vail Resorts Development Company, represented by Patrick Hirn MOTION: Andy Blumetti SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH FOUR CONDITIONS: 1. That the stucco arch piece be removed and replaced with vertical siding to the underside of the dormer roof. 2. That the stone pillar be terminated with a stone cap and post. 3. That windows adjacent to the entry doors shall have the same trim treatment as existing windows on the building. 4. That proposed lighting be reviewed by staff. 9. Information Update • June 19'h roofing materials discussion with the PEC, Town Council, & DRB. Staff Aprovals Zopf residence— Roof replacement. Brent 894 Spruce Court/Lot 9, Block 3, Vail Village Filing 9. Applicant: 894 Spruce LLC Tyrolean Condos — Replace concrete driveway with heated pavers. Ann 2648 Arosa Drive/Tyrolean Condos. Applicant: Ben Tobin CO LTD Lodge at Lionshead — Replace two exterior doors with windows/window addition. Ann 380 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 7, Lodge at Lionshead. Applicant: B&C Properties LLC Schmidt residence —Changes to approved landscape plan. Bill , 1410 Buffehr Creek Road/Lot G-1, Lions's Ridge Filing 2. Applicant: Leroy S. Schmidt ! Angelo residence —Addition to an existing dwelling unit. George 352 E. Meadow Drive/Vail Club Condominiums. Applicant: John M & Judith H. Angelo Golden Peak Skier Tunnel — Fill storage. Brent � 458 Vail Valley Drive/Golden Peak. Applicant: The Vail Corp. Vail Clothing Company— New sign. Allison 244 Wall St./One Vail Place Condominium. Applicant: Intrawest Retail Group, Inc. 3 � � � . t Linn residence — Driveway entrance piers and exterior lighting. Brent 1350 Greenhill Court/Lot 14, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Alexandra Palmer Linn Walker residence — Reroof. Judy 5089 Gore Circle/Lot 9, Block 2, Bighorn 51h Addition. Applicant: Steven A. Walker& Lori L. Walker McLean residence— Entry deck, stair treads & railing replacement. Judy 2821 Kinnickinnick Rd., Unit A1-2/Columbine North. Applicant: Gordon A. & Heidi P. McLean Tanka Corp residence — New dormer, addition and balcony extension. Allison 600 Vail Valley Drive/Northwoods Condominiums. Applicant: Tanka Corp. Austrian residence — Change to approved landscape plan. Bill 696 Forest Rd./Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village 6'h Filing. Applicant: Neil R. & Nancy R. Austrian Okubo residence— Revisions to approved plans. Bill 5027 Ute Lane/Lot 31, Block 19, Vail Meadows 15� Filing. Applicant: Larry T. & Renee Okubo Dreyer residence —Change chimney cap to copper flashing. Allison 5114 Grouse Lane/Lot 6, Block 12, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Raymond & Margarita Dreyer Cascade Resort—Street banners. Bill 1300 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Inn. Applicant: L-O Vail Holding Inc. Columbine North — Replace deck railings and pickets. Judy 2773 Kinnickinnick Rd., Bldg. B&D/Lot 4, Block 4, Columbine North. Applicant: Jeffrey Rodeen Passages— Extend existing window out 6". Judy 201 Gore Creek Drive, Bell Tower Building/Lot 3, Block 5B, Vail Village 15t Filing. Applicant: Peter Apostle The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing Impaired, for information. � 4 • • Application for Design Review '` �,p,� ��b Department of Community Development (�T,��, T� t T ��� 75 South Frontage Road,Vail, Colorado 81657 TV VY�1; O� V1`IIL �� tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: DRB approval of an addition to the Vail Valley Medical Center of approximately 2Q�00 sa. ft. (Phase 1). Location of the Proposal: �ot: E and F Block: Subdivision: Vail Villaqe 2"d Filing Physical Address: 181 West Meadow Drive Parcel No.: 210107101013 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: General Use (GU) Name(s) of Owner(s): Vail Valley Medical Center, Clifford M. Eldredge, President and CEO , Mailing Address: 181 Meadow Drive, Suite 100, Vail CO 81657 Phone: 479-7272 , Owner(s) Signature(s)ti�—��1� J.,� ���y-z�� �� ��� Name of Applicant: Same As Above Mailing Address: Phone: Type of Review and Fee: ❑ New Construction $200 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. j � Addition $50 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions&interior conversions). ❑ Minor Alteration $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. I ❑ Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the ! Design Review Board PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS ' AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, �I 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. � For office us�ons�.• D Fee Paid: �Ji. Check No.: ,%�C �� By: Application Date: DRB No.: r � � � � �� Planner: Project No.: - -��'i�j_�;j._...��,:1� ��. ��C�(?/���� � � I Design Review Board �����"���4��� �� N. ACTION FORM „ �� � Department of Community Development ���1�F ���� 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te1: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Vail Valley Medical Center DRB Number: DRB010081 Project Description: Vail Valley Medical Center Addition �, Participants: I OWNER VAIL CLINIC INC 04/16/2001 Phone: 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 License: APPLICANT Dominic Mauriello 04/16/2001 Phone: 926-7575 Braun Associates Po Z658 Edwards, Co 81632 License: Project Address: 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: E&F Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 Parcel Number: 210107101013 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Pierce Action: APPROVED Second By: Woldrich Vote: 4-0 Date of Approval: 06/06/2001 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entry: 06/20/2001 By: George Action: AP Cond: CON0004814 That the new metal roof atop the Phase I addition be extended out over the parapet wall. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $50.00 � � Vail Valley Medical Center Application for Conditional Use Permit Proposed Phase 1 Building Addition April 16, 2001 , � � I. Introduction A. Summary of Request The Vail Valley 1�ledical Center (WMC) is submitting an application to amend the existing Conditional Use Permit and a Design Review application for an addirion to the hospital. The WMC refers to this addition as the "Phase 1" project. The VVNIC is also submitting a conceptual master plan for the entire campus to show the context of the proposed Phase 1 addition. Following the approval of Phase 1, the conceptual master plan will be converted into a development plan for the site and submitted for Town review. It is the WMC's intent to begin construcrion of the Phase 1 addition in August of this year (for completion in November of 2002). Phase 2 (the overall campus plan) is intended to begin construcrion in the spring of 2003. The Phase 1 project includes an approxitnately 22,866 sq. ft. (gross) addition to the hospital. The project removes the roof of the current two-story structure (originally constructed in 1972), redevelops the second floor and adds a third floor. The addirion will attach to the e�sting in-patient care building to the west that was constructed in 1990 and will match this structure in building height (three-stories). The second floor will house an improved and expanded Women's and Children's Center (obstetrics) and the third floor will provide for an Ambulatory Surgery faciliry (outpatient surgery). In Phase 1, the interior space on the ground level of this structure will be utilized for interim functions, such as storage, pending completion of Phase 2. In conjuncuon with the changes being made to the WMC campus, the Edwards campus will be completed in July 2001 and many uses currendy housed on the Vail campus will be relocated to the Edwards campus (materials management, shipping and receiving, transportation personnel, some medical office spaces, etc.). The opening of space in Edwards allows the Vail campus to complete qualitarive changes to the uses on-site (less cramped condirions) in order to improve service to the community. B. Conceptual Master Plan The Conceptual Master Plan (Phase 2) of the hospital Yedevelopment is represented in the plans provided as information with this submittal. The WMC is not requesting foYmal approval of the overall master plan at this time but has provided the document in order to show the context of the Phase 1 addition. The Phase 2 development plan will be submitted for formal review by the Town later this year. Vail Valley Medical Center—Phase 1 Braun�lssociates,Inc. 1 � � The Phase 2 redevelopment includes razing the current one and two-story medical office buildings built in 1967 and 1972 respectively, and located on the east end of the facilin�, eliminating the surface parking area accessed from Meadow Drive, razing the curYent parking structure, and removing the ambulance facility. The current emergency room facilit���vill remain in its current location. These facilities are replaced with a ne�v medical office facility and an extensive underground and structured parking facility that takes diYect access from the South Frontage Road in a revised entrance facility. The entrance not only provides for all visitor and staff access,but also accommodates all emergency vehicles and service vehicles entering the site. Phase 2 eliininates ALL vehicular access to the hospital via West Meadow Drive, except for Fire Department access in an emergency. In order to allow access from the South Frontage Road, the WMC is in the process of negoriating a land swap with the Evergreen Lodge, as the lodge currently own the entire frontage along S. Frontage Road adjacent to the hospital. The Evergreen Lodge would acquire a paYCel of land, appYOxirriately equal in size, on the west side of the VVMC pYOperty, appYOxirriately in the location of the e�sting surface parking area adjacent to the Evergreen property. The WMC and the Evergreen have an agreement in principal to the land swap. The land swap would occur before a formal approval of the Phase 2 project (before the Spring of 2002). The concept plan also shows the library parking lot being changed to more of a park-like setting with a potential WMC building addirion encroaching upon it. Any use of TOV land will require the Town's review and approval. C. Key Elements of the Phase 1 Proposal Key elements of the plan include: • Impxoved obstetrics facility (NovembeY 2002 completion) • Improved outparient surgery facility (November 2002 complerion) • Elurunation of materials management facility including staff Yeductions and the reducrion of large delivery trucks accessing the site from Meadow Drive Quly 2001) • Reduction in medical office space including a reduction in staff and related patient visits resulting in less traffic to the site (July 2001) • A net reduction in parking space needs for the site • The pYOject complies with the Condition Use Permit criteria �'ail�'alley Medical Center—Phase i Brau��lssociatcs,Inc. � I � • D. Review Process The WMC property is currendy zoned General Use. The General Use zone district allows hospital and medical office uses subject to the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). A CUP is acted upon b�� the Planning and Environmental Coinmission (PEC) and the PEC has fmal review authority on a CUP. In the General Use zone district the PEC is also required to determine the development standards for the project including, building height, setbacks,parking, and site coverage. The VVMC has submitted the required Condirional Use Permit application materials. The role pf the PEC is to review the Phase 1 project with respect to the criteria listed in the Zoning Regulations for a Conditional Use Permit The Design Review Board will be responsible for reviewing the proposed architecture and design of the building. Review by the PEC and the DRB will occur concurrently in order to allow the VVMC to achieve its goal of beginning construction in August of this year. Although the Town Council is not required to take acrion on this project,we intend to keep the Town Council up-to-date on the project through worksessions and project updates. In order to better understand the concerns of its neighbors, the WMC has also hosted two neighborhood meetings on March 26 and March 27 of this year and has conducted several other meetings with neighbors on an individual basis. The VVMC also parricipated in a two-day charette with the Town and the EvergYeen Lodge, resulting in many of the ideas displayed on the Phase 2 conceptual mastex plan. �'ail�"allcy�Icdical Ccn[cr—Yhasc 1 Braun:�,sociates,Inc. 3 . , II. Description of the Project A. Background The Vail Valley l��iedical Center is currendy comprised of five individual structures that are all linked together. The original clinic building, constructed in 1967,is located on the east end of the campus. Other buildings were added over the years such as the emergency room, the ambulance barn, and additional clinic space (all one and two-story structures). In 1990 the three-story structure located on the�vest end of the campus was constructed. This building contains in-patient faciliries, surgery, medical offices, the Howard Head Sports Medicine Center, and other medical uses. Since this addition in 1990, thexe have been no expansions of the WMC facilities. The campus also contains a 209 space parking structure and a 120 space surface parking lot (re-striped in 2000 to acquire 19 additional parking spaces for a total of 329). B. Existing Land Uses The e�sting hospital currendy has approxirriately 146,584 sq. ft. of gross floor area, containing 49 licensed beds, 14 emergency room exam beds, surgery, obstetrics, unaging,laboYatory,medical office facilities, and other clinical and administrative functions. C. Phase 1 Addition The Phase 1 project includes an approxirriately 22,866 sq. ft. (gross) addition to the hospital. The project removes the roof of the current two-story structure (originally constructed in 1972), redevelops the first and second floor and adds a third floor. The first floor space will be redeveloped as interim use space during Phase 1 and will be detailed in the Phase 2 redevelopment plan. The addition will attach to the e�sting in-patient care building to the west that was constructed in 1990 and will match this structure in building height. The e�sting two-story structure to be redeveloped contains obstetrics, hospital administrative functions, and medical offices. The following changes will occur: • First Floor The first floor of the building will be completed as a shell and will not be finally finished out. The area will be used for interim funcuons, such as storage, until Phase 2 comes online, at which time a specific facility and use plan will be created for the space. , > > III �ail�alley Medical Center—1 hase 1 i Braun�issociates,Inc. � i, � � • Second Floor The proposed redevelopment of this space�vill pro�-ide a new home for obstetrics on the second floor. The current obstetrics faciliry is cramped,was developed under 1970's code requirements, and is in need of qualitative improvements,which require more floor area. Upon completion of the remodel, the obstetrics aYea will fully comply with builcling and hospital codes. The proposed obstetrics facilit��will improve upon the quality of care and capacity resulting in improved efficiency for caYe of obstetrics patients and newborns. It will also allow for the development of a Level II nursery. • Third Floor The new third floor of this structure will provide for ambulatory (outparient) surgery. Currently outpatient surgery and inpatient surgery compete for operating Yoom and recovery space. While this use will expand the capaciry of outpatient surgery it will also improve the quality and efficiency of the space designed specifically as an outpatient facility. In conjunction with these improvements as well as the completion of the Edwards medical campus, many uses located on the Vail campus will be shifted to the Edwards campus. Probably the most dramatic of the changes is the removal of "matexials management" from the Vail campus. This means that the majority of large trucks that deliver supplies to the Vail campus will now deliver materials to a central receiving and distribution center at the Edwards facility. Supplies needed in Vail would be delivered with smaller vans. Not only does this represent a xeduction in loading and delivery needs but also a reducrion of staff suppoYt for this function. Additionally, another major change to the Vail campus will be in the reduction of medical office uses. The reassignment of several medical offices to the Edwards campus will reduce the number of staff and parients utilizing parking facilities on the site thus improving parking availability and traffic to the site. D. Zoning Analysis for Phase 1 Below is the Zoning Analysis for the Phase 1 addition to the WMC. 1. Lot Area The lot area of the WMC is 3.811 acres or 166,007 sq. ft. The lot area for the Phase 1 addition will remain unchanged. 2. Setbacks The setbacks for the W1�1C are contained in the proposed development plan. The proposed addition will have a setback of 20' miniinum along the West Meadow Drive frontage. No other changes to e:�isting setbacks are proposed. �'ail Vallcy Medical Ccntcr—Phase 1 �� Braun r�ssociates,Inc. 5 I � � 3. Height The proposed builcling height for the Phase 1 addition will match that of the existing three-story building to the west. The proposed building height is approximately 41' to the roof and 44' to the top pf the parapet. The sloping roof proposed as a mechanical screen is approxunately an additional 10'in height. 4. Site Coverage The site coverage for Phase 1 project is as shown on the proposed development plan. 5. Landscaping and Site Development The proposed landscaping is as proposed on the site development plan. The only change to the landscaping on-site is in the aYea of the proposed building addirion. 6. Parking There are currently 329 parking spaces located at the VVMC. The number of parking spaces was increased on the site last year to the 329-space figure based on a revised parking space layout. This revision resulted in a net increase of 19 parking spaces. The plan approved by the Town in 1990 required 291 for the WMC. The parking capacity is further expanded by the use of"managed parking" or valet parking. The VVNIC employs full-time staff that helps visitors to the site find parking and offers the ability to valet cars thus allowing very efficient use of the parking facilities. The management allows for a significant increase in parking capacity. This valet service is provided voluntarily by the WMC at no cost to patients or visitors and has not been mandated by the Town. Addirionally, the WMC has a shuttle and carpooling pxogram. Many of the employees at this facility live in Suminit County,Lake County, ox down-valley areas of Eagle Counry. The program is incenrivized in numerous ways, one of which is offering shutde riders a `free lunch' at the hospital for every day that they utilize the shutde service. Last year shuttle rider-ship alone accounted for over 10,000 day-shift employees for an average of 39 people per day. The WMC is very aware of the importance of paYking and has been very innovative in managing its parking needs. In the past 3 years theYe have been virtually no parking complaints from patients and visitors at the faciliry. Vail�'alley Medical Center—Phase 1 Braun�lssociatcs,Inc. � � � The formula utilized by the Town for developing the parking requirements on-site over the past 20 years has been to assess: • 1 parking space per hospital bed • 1 parking space per emergenc��room exam bed • 1 space per employee/doctor on largest shift (both hospital and medical offices) • 1 space per medical office exam room Based on this formula, the proposed Phase 1 addition generates the following parking demand: • Obstetrics remodel requires the same number of employees as currently e�st and increases the number of beds by 2 (2 new spaces required) • New outpatient surgery creates 10 beds that can be in use at any one time (10 new spaces required) • Net increase in employees due the proposed addition of 6 employees (suYgery) (6 new spaces required) • Decrease of 5 material management employees on Vail campus (5 space reduction) • Decrease of 8 medical office staff on Vail campus (this number may also increase based on the availability of inedical office space at the Edwards facility) (8 space reduction) • Decrease of 6 medical office exam rooms on the Vail campus (6 space reducrion) • Decrease of 5 transportation employees on the Vail campus (5 space reduction) The net result for Phase 1 is a reduction in parking demand equivalent to 6 parking spaces. Therefore, the proposed Phase 1 project is able to occur given the current parking allocation for the hospital,without the need to create additional parking on the Vail campus. 7. Loading The loading requirements for the hospital are being reduced prior to and as part of the Phase 1 redevelopment activities. The materials management for the Vail campus will be relocated to the EdwaYds campus. TherefoYe, the need to have large delivery vehicles has been essentially eliminated from the Vail campus. There will remain a need for deliveries to the hospital but the majority of these deliveries will be smaller panel trucks or vans. Vail Valley Medical Center—Yhase 1 Braun.Associates,Inc. � � � III. Conditional Use Permit Criteria Below is the criteria used by the staff and the Planning and Environmental Commission�vhen reviewing a request foY a Conditional Use Permit. We have addressed each of these criteria and fmd that the proposal fully complies with each. A. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Our Anal��sis: The Vail Valley Medical Center is part of the public or quasi-public infrastructure of the Town and the county. Approximately one-half of the services provided at this medical center service direcdy those needs of the permanent popularion. Without such a faciliry located in our community many would be required to travel to Denver or elsewhere to receive quality health care. It is largely the growth in demand placed on this facility by the local popularion that has created a need for improved obstetrics and out parient surgery faciliries. The WMC is responding to these demands for service with the proposed Phase 1 addition. The proposed addition will have little impact on utilities, schools, parks and recreation faciliries. The proposed addition will add an addirional story to the building;however, this addirion will not affect the light and air of adjacent propexty owners and will have little impact on the public in general. Transportarion faciliries will not be negatively impacted by the proposed Phase 1 addition because of the overall net reduction in the numbex of trips to the site by employees, the reduction in the number of deliveries by large trucks to the facility, and since the hospital has comnutted to a shuttle program which delivexs over 10,000 employee trips to the hospital in a year. B. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safery and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverabiliry, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Our Analysis: The proposed Phase 1 addition will have litde if any impact on these issues. The proposed addition, given the uses that are being Yemoved from the site (materials management employees, medical office employees, medical office exam Yooms, transportation department employees, etc) will actually reduce the number of vehicles coming to the site. Large delivery vehicles (especially semi-trailer) trips will all but be eliininated from the site. The hospital has a parking management program, V'ail V'allcy i�icdical Ccntcr—Phasc 1 Braun:1,sociatc,,Inc 8 � � which allo��s visitors to the hospital to be valet paxked and therefore the WMC is effectively able to accommodate visitors to the site. This program will remain intact at this facility. C. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Our Anal�sis: The WMC site has long been a medical facilin� characterized by hospital and medical office uses. The property to the north of the hospital, the Evergreen Lodge, is a large, 7-story lodge and condominium facility. To the east is the Weststar Bank building, a 3 to 4-story office building. r,lso to the east is the Skaal Hus, a 2-story condoininium project. The WMC campus is bordered on the south by West Meadow Drive. Beyond West Meadow Drive to the south are single-family homes. The properry to the west of the WMC is the Dobson Ice Arena and the Library. The existing VVMC facility is comprised of a series of one, two, and three-story structuYes that have been connected over the years. The cuYrent access to,way finding, and locarion of these buildings is very inefficient, not to menrion confusing to the visitor. The proposed Phase 1 addirion improves the circularion pattern within the hospital and adds an additional story to an e�sting two-story builcling. The pxoposed addition will be within the bulk and scale of the existing facility while unproving the overall design and aestherics of the campus. The proposed addition will have little impact on the surrounding uses with respect to the bulk,mass, and character of the area. IV. Land Use Plan Goals Below is a list of Goals from the Vail Land Use Plan that aYe applicable to the WMC. The proposed Phase 1 addition is consistent with these goals as the proposal is responcling to the needs of the community,is being developed in an area where development is currendy located, and is upgrading an older builcling and improving upon its character. 1. General Growth/Development 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residenrial, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.2 The quality of the environment including air, water and other natural resources should be protected as the Town grows. Vail Valley Medical Ce�ter—Phase 1 Braun�lssociates,Inc. � � � 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. 1.10 Development of Town owned lands by the Town of Vail (other than parks and open space) may be permitted where no high hazards exist, if such development is for public use. 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas (infill areas). 6. Community Services 6.1 Services should keep pace with increased growth. 6.2 The Town of Vail should play a role in future development through balancing growth with services. 6.3 Services should be adjusted to keep pace with the needs of peak periods. V. Streetscape Master Plan The WMC has parricipated in the streetscape planning for West Meadow Drive and remains pleased with the progress of that planning effort. We believe our goals for this street are consistent with those of the Town and the neighbors. With the Phase 1 addition to the WMC,we are not proposing drastic changes to the streetscape improvements along West Meadow Drive. The addition is also not precluding the ability of the Town or the WMC the abiliry to introduce quality pedestrian improvements. The Phase 1 addition still provides ample separation of the building to the properry line/right-of-way. With the Phase 2 conceptual master plan, the WMC fully intents to assist with the implementarion of the streetscape plan for this area. Detailed planning for Phase 2 will begin later this year beginning with a formal applicarion to the Town. I �'ail V'alley I�fedical Ccnter—Phasc] � Braun.1,sociates,Inc. 10 � i Vail Valley Medical Center Application for a Conditional Use Key Issues with Respect to Proposal • Proposed Phase 1 expansion of 22,866 sq. ft. o Improved Women's and Children's Center o Improved outparient surgery facility o Begin construction in August of this yeaY (complerion in November 2002) o Central shipping and receiving relocated to the Edwards campus ■ Substanrial xeducrion in large trucks to Vail campus ■ Edwards shipping and receiving opens in July 2001 o Relocation of some medical office uses and other adininistrative staff to Edwards campus o Net reducrion in parking requirements for Vail campus (based on uses removed from site) o Expansion adds an addirional floor to an e�sting 2-story structure o Renovation improves access and way-finding within WMC structures o New architectuYal style for Phase 1 builcling • Conceptual Master Plan (Phase 2) provided for VVMC o Provides for all vehicular access from South Frontage Road o Provides for all service and delivery vehicles accessing from South Frontage Road o Requires a land swap with the Evergreen Lodge to gain access to FYOntage Road o Accommodates multiple levels of structured parking o Removes surface parking lot on the west end of the campus o Replaces the existing parking structure and medical office buildings on the east end of the campus constructed in 1967 o Provides for state of the art and consolidated medical office facilities on east end of campus o Provides for interior connection to EvergYeen Lodge o New architectural style for the entire campus o Begin application for approval latex this year. Begin construcrion in Spring of 2003. MAY-08-2001 16:34 FROM:BRAUN AS��CIATES 9709267576 TO'Q704?92452 P.e02��2 � �� � ' . � 1BA�/BRA�IN ASS�C�AT�S. IIN�. PLMINING and COMMUNIIY DEVELOPMENT � MEMORANDUM i I TU: CTearge Ruther CC: C1iE�Eldridge Stan Andcrson �RpM: Tom l�raun DATE: Niay 4,2(l01 � RL: WMC Ex ansion/Lmployee Housin Thatafcs.f.or youz time this morning. As a follow-up,to Uur COnversati0n,pleasc consider the follpwing: 1 • The proposed Phase T�xpa�tsian is essentially a;qualitative move to brinfi the OB and out- patient surgety facilitics up to standards. � � � • It is estimated that only 6 n4w employecs will be added as a result of thi.s expansi�n. • As a result af shifts in various operations,a total of 18 employees will be.relacated Irom the Vail facility. � . Titere will be a nct reduction of 12 employees at the VVMC at the completion of Phase I. ' . I . Whi.le the WMC is�nteresleci in doing what is right,it is also important to consider that the T�wn has not adopted an cmployec housing rcquirement d that the critena for a Conditional Usc Pcrmii docs not address employee housing. Tha#said e are certainly willing to work with the"1'own on the issue o�housin�,but feel that any housin requir�ment is more appropriate rel.ative to Pha�e ii. The VVMC`,has been very uivolved iu providin�employee housing. 13y way of example,the WMC oums 42 beds in the Tarnes project. Tn addition,the WMC has bistoric•,aJly master ileased units throu�out the Va11ey. For example,this past year the WMC master leased 15 units and 39 beds. These unic,ti are located in Vail, Avon,E�gle-Vai! and Edwarci,5, While the numbcr of units thc VVMC owns or controls may vary fiom year to year{the number has bezn � gradually increasing each year) and thrc►u�hout thc ycar(theu gn,atcst nccd is during thc ski season),this past season the WMC had over 80 �eds available for employees. As yau prepare your rccommendation,I would�,tik ypu t'c�c;2�ider,both the nature of this proposcd cxpansion and the Centcr's currcnt cmployee housing pro�am. i will laak fi�rw d ta meeting with you to further discuss this issue. "1'haiil:s again for your timc. -- I Edwarrls VJlage C�nur,5uite C-209 F'ii.-`J70.9ZG.7575 0105 Edwards ViAa�e Boulevard fax-97U.9"L6.7576 Post OHice Box 1658 vwvw.braw�sociates.cor�i Edwards.Colorado$I 632 � � , ' � � � , � �' ��a r�l � �V< � � ,,�. ;�� .� �,� ` �` �`---,\ �' `��•.� �� ;�— � , ,--'�,� �- - - ��.� � U�� --;-, i � '. � � � i � � � � .. � r. � �'� � � µ � � i I k � �j c.`�-� � �/ � \� v . � - � ,. �'� � � n �� ��, � � �;��;� � � � � o '�f- � p I J 7/`\ �� \� � \ y� n ',\ t' �� �� ' \.���\ , ti`' I ��.+ �' ' i \`\ ,` • �.Ri �'� �� �� ��, " . �� � ,, --� � i � � -. 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Consultrng Engirr86r3 M�y l�l,20�1 �r.o�a�t�w►tvs�c.wnn , Mr, Torn Hraun Bra�uz.Associates,Inc. ''� �dws►rds Village Center,SuiW C-2Q9 p105 Edwnrds Vill�ga Boulevard Edwards, CO 81G3z � _ _ RI�: Prcliminary TrAffic An�[ysis for the Vail Valley Medieal Centor�xpan�ion preje�t Ue�r Torn: 'X'11i5 letter Scivos �S a preliminary traffic analysis for the proposed expansion of the cxisting Vo�il V;�Iley Medical Centerin Vai1,Colorado. The site is locate�]b�twccn S.Frontagc Road at�d Meadow Urive west of Vail Road. The existing Facility is proposin�an expansion in two priivary ph�ses. Thc first pbase involves thc rclocation oFscvcral existing oper,ations to thcir ncw Edwa�c�s facility 1nd the expansion of thc existing obstetrics and surgery areas. With Phase I,the daily dclivery of I supplie.�wiJl signific.�ntly bc rcduced by moving the materiais manaacment operations and malical office uses to thc Edwards facility. Thc sccond phase would i�e morc entailcd wilh tha construction of edditionul hospita.l �p1ce and a parking structure. The second phase would formalize tha S. �ront�ge Road aceess as tlie ptimmy peint of aecess to the faeility a��d close the Meaclovv Drive • access. Thc followin�describes the exis#ing a�d proposcd hospital usos. Frio;w preparia�this a,�alys{s,siW visits and tours of the existing Vail Valley Medicat Ccnter snd the Edwatds faeiliti�s wera conducicd. �xistircg�onditions T11c existing hospital has an approximate buildi�tg floor arta a�146,585 squarc fcct with SO becis. TWO pa�ki�g Q,rcas Aro located pn the site. A surface parkin�lo�"Z�ant�ining 120 p�rking sp�ces with access fiom Me-adow Drivc is uscd as d�e primary visitor access and cm�rgency accrss to the hospital. At times of pcak us�, the parking spaces in the lot ar�maximized by valci parjdng. All hospital ccltued vehicle parking demands are maintained on tho sitc. A pazking structurc with?d9 spaccs scrves the hospit4I slaff gariting dernands R�ith aca:ss from thc S. I'rontagc Road. The parking stiuctuTe is gace controlled_ Hospital dali�er�es acccss tlYC hospital from a loaciing�Yeu and I small drivcway offuf Mcx�dow Drive. 17ue to the minimal amount Qf storage space at the cxisting ihospitml facility. numerous dclivcrics per day t�rc rcquircd. � Metti�low Drivc is�two-lanc roadway with sidewallcs alolig thc north sidc at�bo hospital frontagc. The pos�ed speed li�nit alnns Maulow Drive is 1 S mil�s per haur. Me,�dow Drive servcs�lll modcs of transportation including l�eavy pcdcstrian,bicyelt,and transit use. S.l�routage Road is a three- lane c�aciway adjacent to the hospital parking structure and wideris to a S-lane section east of Lhe hospital accass. Thc S,firontagc Road is planucd for futurc widcning to a S-lanc scctian wcst of thc � hospital�eeess, 'Ilic existu�g hospital ptuking structure access curb cut nloug S. �rontagc Road is widv and currently sharcd with iha adjacent Wcststar Ba�uk pttrking lot access. 9ased on oxisting f3y5 Walr,er�SJmdf, SulOe 2f f• 8ould�r, Calvrmdo 803Q2-52E3 Ti!lBpJlOV�e:(30.?)r442�130■ �aesrmib:(309)442•3139 � , MAY-14-2001 10:45 FROM:BRAUN ASSOCIATES 9709267576 T0:9704792452 P.003�004 � MAY-10-�OOI THU 12:59 PM T �PLAN ASSOC, INC, FAX N0, 303 i139. t', u� ... 1Vir.Tom Bruun Pagc 2 May 10,2QQ1 � . obscn+ations,the closo praximity of thcse two acccss poinis aru!thc shsrcd curb cut scem to crcatc vahicutar conilicts and drivet confusion_ The proposed PhaBC Ii expansion should correct this existiug issue by relotating the parkin�structuze access further west, Froposed Hospit�l�xpansiou The hos�itai is proposino �n itutial Fha90 I�xpausioa to begin within the next yeaz. A Ph�s� I1 expansion is planricd and is more cntailed Ihan the 6rst phase. "X'ha twa pl�ascs ofdcvctopmtnt are discussed in the followutg texk ;Qhase.l_r�cidi ti nn_ The first phs�sc of thc hospitnl addiCion involves thc conehvctibn o£�pp�oximatoly�2,865 squ are foet of gross floor area. The existing obstetrics area is cunently constraincd. This Phase Y additioii will �xpand the obstGtrics ntoa and movo onCO the sownd floor. T'he fu�t floor will be used for additional storage inirially. A third tloor additi�n wil l expand the existuig outpatieut and inpatient sut'gery aYc� that aurnntly campcts fdr tho same space. Aithou�h additio�tal squaro footaoc will bc added to tho existing facility with thc Phesc t co��stn�ction,severalcxistingoperabans wilI be reipautod tq tho�tw Edwards facifity beginningti�is sunuz��;r, The relocation o f the materiaLs managemcnt operation5 to chc Edwardg f�cility vuill ct:sult in � significant reduction iu tr�#'ic volumcs, prirnarily deliveries and staff related trips, of tho existiug fucility. Several medicai offices wilt�lso be ralocated,ko thc new Edwards facility. This retocaeion o f existing aperatians from the Vail Valley Medical Ccnter ta tho new�dw3rds facility will offset any adclitianal traffic volumes associaitd witf�ih�Phase Y expansion. Aithous�h the ph�I additional floor arca may cresto a B}ig�t increase in parkin�and traC�ic.demands at the hospital, ttie additiol�ul spae� is mainly needed to e�cpand axisting space limitations in the obstctrics and tho surgcry azcas. Incre�sed ehiId bitche or surgcries per day arc not�ntieipated with this expansion. Wl�en eousidering the reduction in tra�c voltunes arid parking demand with thc rclocRCion ofsevcrai of thc existing oparationa to the Edwards facility,it is anticipatcd th.�t ther�will be a net decrcase in,�xaff C Md parking at the existina�aeility with thc Phase I cxpansio�l. P�i_�Se I(AtidiNon The second phase of the expansiou to the hospitaI is more involved with tIie relocation of emergency acces$,paricin�access,and!he construction of ade'lition�l hospitai space. Thc rcconst�uetion of thc pa�king stnuture will occur with Pk��se tI and the�locat�on of tbe sc�ess pvint along S.FrotttagC Roac� With the eonstruetion ofa much lazger parking structure,the existing Mesdow Drive aecess to thc hospital will be closed. Au vchicul�c acccss to the hospital will bc from the recu�gurcd S. Frontlge Road accc sss. T1ie reittoval of all hospital rola.ted�hicular traffic from tho oxistin� Meaclow Chive accoss will�oatly improve the pedestrian and bicycic acccss plann�d on this corridor by the Town. The cxpansion for Phase II is only in the conceptua!plan stage at this paint. A more detailed analysis af trtt.ffic aad parking wilt be und�tak�n oace a marc de�incd plan has bec:r� dcvclopcd. MAY-14-2001 10:46 FROM:BRAUN AS��CIATES 9709267576 T0:�70479245z P.004�004 �AY-10-2001 THti 12:59 PM T ;PLAN ASSOC, INC, FAX N0. 3p3�139 P. 03 �,. • Mr. Tom Hraun �'agc 3 May 10, 2QQ1 � , Site Acceys and Circnlstlon � For Putue 1, the cxisting sito access drivew�ys alorig Meadow Drive and S. Frontagc Road will • remaiu unchanged. The 329 parking spaces on the site will also remain. Currendy,the S.FrortG1ge Ro�d accass curb cut tu tha purkino stcvctuc�is sha,ctd with the �djacent Wcststar Bank buildino parkinb area. The close proximity of the two parking lot acccss drivcways and the use of the s�ne curb cut crcate confliGts at the S,FrOnta$e Roaci ticcess points. When cansidering the projectecl net reducrion in site gerierated traFfic valumes for Phase I of the project with the reloeaii on ofoperations to thc Ldwards facility,the si[e access driveways aad adjaccnt roadways should function in thc samc znaruier they do tvciay azid should not experience any trafhc in�eases. The Ph�se TI expansion will improve the current vehicular conflicts at the S. I%contaae Road access by rcloclting thc parking structurc accoss west of tho txisting point. Thus, creating a greater stparati4n between the existing driveways anci min�mi•r.ing turning movement eonfliets. It is also anticipateci thut lhe aeadon of S.�mntage Road adjaceut to the site wiIl bc widcncd to the ultimate 5-la�ia section vcZth th�phase II constzuction. This widening is a�ticipaied alang the site Frontage and will crcntc an addidonal 1anC fot'right tuming vehicles acce�sing iho parking si;uCturr, With this actdidonal lane, the inierruption in eastbound thmu�h ttnE'f"ic flaw on S.Frontage Road will bc rninimized. Access volumes will inare�d at the new park'ing sttucture intersectioa along the S. Frontage Roacl,but should be served by the o ffset drivc°way and additional e�.stbound lane along tho frontage. Conclusion ' It is concluded thst thc proposed expansion anc�resultant acccss improvamcnts to the��ail Yalley M�dical Ceiltcr will cnhssncc thc cxisting conditions. The Phaso I plan will have a net reduction in traffic and p:t�king dcuiand due to thc xclocatioiY of operations to thc Edwurde facility. The Phasc II expausion will have a dircct�enrfit to tl�e Mcadow,Drivc corridor with thc clos-urc and relocation of the aceess to S, rrontage IZoaci. Tlie S. Frontage Road access is planned further wcst of the existing sliared access with Weststar Bank,thus will result in improvcd int�rsection operations sutd reductions in tiuming rnovemencs conBiet6 in the firture. A qua�t�ve traffic impact study will be undertakon in the hiture to dctcrmi� udjacenC inters�caon operatians with thr const�uctivn ofthe T'hase 7I proposaL (f you sliould have any questions or nccci adclitional informuion.please feel Freo to conta�t mcs, Sinccrely, TrnnsPl� Assotistcs, , Ann Higgins, AIC Sznior Plaucmer ec: Stan Anclerson,Vail Vallcy 1Vledical Ccntar,via FAX(970)479-5117 � • • Vail Vallev Medical Center PW Comments: 5-04-01 1. Access off Frontage Road must meet GDOT State highway Access Code. 2. Design must reflect proposed changes to the Frontage Road. 3. All access must be made off Frontage Rd., how will the access off West Meadow Drive be regulated? What is the primary purpose of this access? 4. Will the pedestrian easement and path be maintained between the Evergreen and the VVMC Property? 5. Show all delivery and other truck turning movements in all loading/delivery/trash areas, cul-de-sac, and traffic circles. 6. Show match points to existing path and road on West Side of property. 7. All parking requirements must be met as per the TOV handbook. (i.e. all covered regular spaces must be a minimum of 9'x18' and all open spaces must be 9'x19', stalls at 90 deg. must have a 24' drive aisle, etc...) 8. Show pedestrian bridge clearance at West end of structure. 9. Show all pertinent elevations 10. Show all grades. 11. Show all centerline radii 12. Show all drainage, provide a drainage study and how it will be handled. All storm water shall pass through a sand/oil separator prior to discharge. 13. Show additional survey of Frontage Rd. including E�JP's, travel lanes, ROW, from the Town Municipal Building to the western most pro rty line of the Evergreen property. 14. Show circulation for lower parking levels 6.DbE oF 'P�wEr+'��ur 15. Helipad discussion 16. Westbound bus stop in West Meadow Drive Cul-De-Sac will not be acceptable 17. Eastbound bus stop may be more acceptable further east for ADA accessibility. 18. Further discuss how TOV property and parking will be used and compensated. 19. Improvements on West Meadow Drive shall match the approved W. Meadow Drive plan. Cost of the W. Meadow Drive Improvements shall be covered by Medical Center from Skaal Haus to Stream Tract. This includes all pavement, streetscape, landscape, lighting, bus shelters, drainage improvements and AIPP. 20. Coordinate acess with TOV Traffic consultant and adjacent property owners. Provide a traffic study stating existing traffic numbers and proposed traffic numbers at the various access points. Any increase in peak traffic numbers will be subject to traffic impact fee of$5000 per generated trip. 21. Design must preserve Frontage Road Corridor identified in Washington Infrastructure functional plan. 22. Provide a pedestrian easement and path between West Star Bank and W. Meadow Drive. „ : George Ruther-WMC Proposal ,M " .: e: ^ . ,. . Page 1 From: Mike Mcgee To: George Ruther Date: 5/2/01 8:20AM Subject: VVMC Proposal I have looked at the plans. The comments are as follows: 1. The conversion of the existing OB to storage violates a critical element of the facility's smoke management and patient relocation plan. They wili need to either construct a rated corridor through the "new storage”are or redesign their plan. Sheet 3 2. The elevator lobbies and north corridor and doors in the antepartum section need to be able to accommodate a stretcher, gurney, or rolling bed to relocate (evacuate) non-ambulatory patients. Sheet 4 3. The security plan will need to address access to the southeast stairway through the new OB ward. Sheet 4 4. The security plan will need to address access to the southeast stairway through the new OR ward. Sheet 5 5. Access to the southeast stair has not been provided with sufficient width. Sheet 5 6. The elevator lobbies and north corridor and doors in the new OR suite section need to be able to accommodate a stretcher, gurney, or rolling bed to relocate (evacuate) non-ambulatory patients. Sheet 5 7. Phase II Sheet 2 fire department access via the circular drive is not approved. A demonstrated history of inability to control parking within such tight confines is not approved. Ramps are generally not designed to carry the imposed laods of fire appraratus. No staging area has been provided. 8. The conceptual master plan fails to show a helipad on site. Fire Department access is woefully inadequate. The level of detail is insufficient for review. Phase II plans are not approved. '� � � � Page 1 of 1 I am going to try to have the existing floor plans for the first and second floors to you today. They are being plotted this morning. On the turning radius stuff for trucks in phase 2, I spoke with Russ Sedmak and they will have that for the phase 2 plan. The ramp and loading area is intended to accommdate semi-trucks. It still needs to be engineered. We fully intend to accomodate the largest possible truck Greg can find. However, VVMC only anticipates such trucks for the occasional delivery of some huge equipment (MRI and crap like that). Hope that will work for you. 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DUKE QUALIFIED PERSONAL RESIDENCE TRUST 5550 S STEELE ST LITTLETON, CO 80121 SHWAYDER, IRVING J. 1900 E GIRARD PL 1501 ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 LAPIN, MERVYN 232 W MEADOW DR VAIL, CO 81657 KEPNER, H.F. - HALEY, A.D. - MARTZ, M. - HOLMAN, R. & R. - BEAUREGARD, M. 3033 E 1 ST AVE#810 DENVER, CO 80206 COLVA CORP NV C/O CENTURY 21 AT VAIL PO BOX 7390 AVON, CO 81620 HURTT, CALEB B. & MARYAN F. 272 W MEADOW DR VAIL, CO 81657 KING, JAMES U., JR 11931 WICKCHESTER LN STE 401 HOUSTON, TX 77043 Vail International VAIL INTERNATIONAL CONDO ASSOC 300 E LIONSHEAD CIR VAIL, CO 81657 Evergreen Lodge EVERGREEN LODGE AT VAIL LTD 12211 W ALAMEDA PKWY STE 202 LAKEWOOD, CO 80228 � Vail Valley Medical Cent`e� '"'�" List of Adjacent Property Owners Apri12001 Vail Associates VAIL CORP PO BOX 7 VAIL, CO 81658 Evergreen (Vail Inn) Condo Owners JOHN & MARY ANN RUSSO FAMILY LP 488 MADISON AVE TOMS RIVER, NJ 08753 GAMBRILL, MONA MARIE OLEAN- 22 INWOOD CLOSE PAGAT BERMUDA PG05 STEWART, JOHN & SUETTA PO BOX 740266 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33474-0266 SEPIC, JIM & CARMEN -JT 6075 W MERCER WY MERCER ISLAND, WA 98040 SCHICKLI, JEANNE HLAVKA 345 E 94TH ST APT 17A NEW YORK, NY 10128 RUBIN, ALAN & LAURA 11208 BLACK HORSE CT POTOMAC, MD 20854 NELSON, GARY S. &ANN N. -JT PO BOX 146 STANLEY, ND 58784-0146 WHITE, DAVID A.J.G. & MARGOT L. BOX HM 1541 HAMILTON BERMUDA HMFX KORT, GREGORIO & HAYDEE C. -JT 4 COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE PUEBLO, CO 81008-1634 MALONEY, KENNETH J. 371 GARDEN CITY DR CRANSTON, RI 02920 � Vail Vallev Medical Cen�F ""�+ List of Adjacent Property Owners Apri12001 EUGENE & LORRAINE PETRACCA ASSOC LLC 933 PORT WASHINGTON BLVD BOX 230 PORT WASHINGTON, NY 11070 HOCHGESANG, ANTHONY C. & KAREN H. - GIBBS, SHERRY M. & STEVEN M. 596 W PRESTWICK WAY CASTLE ROCK, CO 80104-2761 CAVANAUGH, GEORGE D. & MARY K. 2470 COUNTRY CLUB LOOP WESTMINSTER, CO 80234 HAINES, JANET L. 28 FAIRWAY LN GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 AMEN, PAUL D. 3202 COUNTRY CLUB PKWY CASTLE ROCK, CO 80104 LOPEZ, LAURA J. & CARLOS M. C/O ECLAC -SANTIAGO PO BOX 5750 NEW YORK, NY 10163-5750 SALLERSON, PETER L. 300 E 85TH ST NEW YORK, NY 10028 PETRACCA, EUGENE & LORRAINE -JT 13 WOODS RD NEW FAIRFIELD, CT 06812 SULLIVAN, SHAWN M. 150 N WACKER DR 612 CHICAGO, IL 60606 Skaal Hus SUSAN H. SCHULTZ REVOCABLE TRUST SUSAN H. SCHULTZ TRUSTEE 6495 IDEAL AVE N MAHTOMEDI, MN 55115 NORRIS, JOAN M. 141 W MEADOW DR 2 VAIL, CO 81657 ANDERSON, RONALD V. &WILMA L. 722 NEBRASKA AVE HOLTON, KS 66436 . Vail Valley Medical Center °'� List of Adjacent Property Owners April 2001 DUDZINSKI, KATHERINE W. 3309 CANADIAN PKWY FT COLLINS, CO 80524 MCENNALLY, PETER &JUDITH 143 OAKS AVE DEE WHY NSW 2099 AUSTRALIA CAPUTO, STEVEN J. & CATHERINE L. 24 VIKING DR ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110-7001 TAKTON, MARJORIE J. TRUST 1505 GREENWAY TERRACE ELM GROVE, WI 53122-1612 FLINN, LAWRENCE, JR 209 TACONIC RD GREENWICH, CT 06831 ALTI CORP 3655 NOBEL DR STE 260 SAN DIEGO, CA 92122 � Bank Buildinq VAIL 108 LTD C/O WESTSTAR BANKADMIN CENTER PO BOX 1210 GYPSUM, CO 81637 � r �S ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPE� PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on May 14, 2001, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for an addition to the Vail Valley Medical Center, ocated at 181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E & F, Vail Village 2"d Fiiing. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center, represented by Braun Associates Planner: George Ruther A request for a variance from Title 14 (Development Standards), Vail Town Code, to allow for snow storage and parking within the public right-of-way, located at 2437 Garmisch Drive / Lot 12, Block H, Vaii das Schone 2"d Filing. Applicant: William H. Mentlik, represented by John Martin, AIA Planner: Ann Kjerulf A request for a work session to discuss amending certain residential zone districts in the Town of Vail to allow home day care facilities subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit and a home occupation permit. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: George Ruther A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage within the required front setback, located at 1956 Gore Creek Drive/ Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing #2. Applicant: David Irwin Planner: Ann Kjerulf A request for a worksession to discuss a new special development district, to allow for the redevelopment of the Vail Racquet Club, located at 4695 Vail Racquet Club Drive/Vail Racquet Club Condominiums, Bighorn 5'h Addition. Applicant: Racquet Club Owners Association, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects. Planner: Brent Wilson A req�aest for a final review of a proposed special development district, to allow for the construction of a new conference facility/hotel; and a final review of a conditional use permit, to allow for Type III employee housing units and fractional fee club units, located at 13 Vail Road/ Lots A, B, C, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 2. Applicant: Doramar Hotels, represented by the Daymer Corporation Planner� Brent Wilson A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of a soccer field, located 610 N. Frontage Rd. West/A portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. A full metes & bounds legal description is available at the Department of Community Development. Applicant: Town of Vail l�`,v Planner: Allison Ochs , t ,�� . V � �_�, � �� � „ v ii TOWIV OF YAIL � ��� �r� \ 1 � � •� ��� • � • A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of Phase I of Donovan Park improvements, generally located southeast of the intersection of Matterhorn Circle and the South Frontage Road. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: George Ruther A request for the review of a proposed text amendment to Chapter 11, Design Review, of the '� Zoning Regulations tc allow for procedural changes to the performance bond process as � prescribed in the Vail Town Code. -�� Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: George Ruther A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-10 of the Town Code, to allow for a reduction in the landscaping and site development requirements, located at 383 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3`d Filing. Applicant: A2Z Holdings, LLC Planner: Bill Gibson A requESt for a minor subdivision and a variance from Section 12-6D-5 of the Town Code to allow for the resubdivision of Lot 1, Strauss Subdivision, a resubdivision of Lots 46 & 47, Vail Village West Filing No. 2, re-creating Lots 46 & 47, located at 1916 & 1936 West Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais, representing Richard Strauss Planner: Allison Ochs The apolications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection dunng regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Depar:ment, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing Impaired, for information. Community Development Department Publish�d April 27, 2001 in the Vail Trail. 2 � � • � u �y To��v aF vAr� � 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970-479-213 8 FAX 970-479-2452 CONTMUNITY DEVELOPMENT F�� TRANSMITTAL SHEET To: �C'� ►'Y1EvVl{��RS COMPANY NAME: FAX TELEPHONE NUMBER: FROM: C1CD�Z(at �c11'E-If� DATE: TIME: # OF PAGES IN DOCUlV1ENT (NOT INCLUDING COVER SHEET) RESPONSE REQUIRED? SENT BY TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX # 970-479-2452 TOWN OF VAIL COMMU�IITY DEVELOPMENT TELEPHONE # 970-�79-2138 SPECIAL CONIlVIENTS AND NOTES: Hey PEC Members, I am faging to you a copy of the written description of the conditional use permit application and accompanying reductions. This anvlication will be reviewed with the Co�ission on May 14th. This is a complex project and I thought that some early reading might help in getting your hands around the project. Enjoy! ! George F:E V�RYONE�FORIvIS�FaxSheet APR-25-2001 10:15 FROM:BRAUN AS�nCIATES 9709267576 T0:9704792452 P.001�001 ... � �A[/�IRA�N ASS�CIA��S, INC. PL/�NNING arxi COMMUNITY DEVELOPMFNT �� April 24,2001 George Ruther Chief of Planning Tqwn pf Vail 75 S.Frontage Road ' Vail,CO 81657 , � Re: Sq. ft..numbers on VVMC project ', Dear George: '' At our meeting today you indicated that you would like to undc.'rstand the squarc footages of the phases of ' the V VMC. Below are the gross and net squ.'�re footdgCS of the existing building,Phase 1,and Phase 2. ! These numbers were�eneralcd for the floor plans you have by NLM Design. Keep in mind that Phase 2 ' is rtally conc�`pCual and so are the numbers. � i Buildin�Phase Gross sn.ft. Net sp.f� II Existinb WMC Building 14G,584 65,G20 II U]xm Completion of Yhase 1 169,450 78,861 ', I �! ' Upon Completion of Phase 2 218,472 133,270 '� � �� , � ' lf you have any questions,please feel free contact me aC 926-7575. �, ' ' Sinc ly ' i ' I � i ' Dominic r_Mauriello,A1 .P �'�� I I � I' � V�• Edwards Village Center,Suite G209 Ph.-97U.�32G_7575 0105 EdvwardsVillage C�ilevard F�-970.9`L6.7576 Post C)�ice Box 1658 www.bnu,nas,wciates.com Edwards,Cdorado e I G32 i ! I AUG-03-99 14 : 16 FROM:LAND TITLE GUARANTEE ID= 19704764534 PAGE 3/il _ . �; Chic�g0 T�t1C InSUT'dnc�COInp3IIy ALTA COMMITM �NT Om�-Order No. VC26S538-2 Schedule A Cust.Ref._ Prope�ty A,d�ess: 'V'AII..VALLEY MEDICAL CEN'IER 1. Effec�ive Date: Jnlv 12, 1999 at 5:00 P.M. ' 2. Policy to be Lssued,and Propased�n�saared: I , � Infozmadon Bi�dec � $0.00 I�� Pzoposed Insiu�ed: ' VAII,CT�v�C,INC.,A TE,7�AS I10N-pROkTT CORPORATION I 3. The estate or interesrt,in the land described or refen-ed to in this Commitment and covered herein is: 3EE ATTA,CI�,D . 4. T'ifle to the estate or interest ruvered herein is at the e�ective date hereof�ested in: . 5. Tbie land referred to ir�this Commitment is described as�o�lows: SFE ATT.A,CHED PAGE(S)FOR LEGAL DESCRIP170N , AUG-03-99 14= 16 FROM=LAND TITLE GUARANTEE ID: 19704764534 PRGE 4/11 - . �� � O�Order No. VC265538-2 3.T6e estate or interest ie the tand deseribed or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein ir PARCFII: .A.FEE SIIv�LE ' PARC�L 2: AN EASEMENT DESCRTBED IN INS'TRUMFI�IT RECO�ZbID 7UNE 30, 1989 IN BOOR 509 AT PAGE 327 . AUG-03-99 14: 16 FROM�LAND TITLE CUARANTEE ID= 19704764534 PAGE 5/1� I Oor Ordec No. VC265538-2 � LEGAL DESCR1P710N i r.A.xcEt,i: � ALL OF LOT B,AND LOT F,A.MENDED 1V1,�p 0�SHEET 1 OF 2 OF'VAIL VII_IAGE, SfiCOND I' �ILING,ACCORbING TO 7�MAp TH$REOr RECORDED IN THE OFFYCE OF EACrLE COUNTY, COLORADO, CLERK AND RECORAER, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATB OF COLORADO. PARCEL 2: AN EASEMF.NT bESCRIBED AS F�LLOWS,AND AS CONVfiYED IN Y1�TSTRUMENT iZECORDED JUNE . 30, T989 SN BOOK 509 AT PAGE 327: T�iAT PART O�LOT 2, BLOCg 1,VAIL LIONSHEAD S�COND FILIlvC,ACCORDIl�TG TO TT�MAP THEREOp RECORDED IN BOO1C 221 AT PAGE 990 YN�OPFICE OF�EAGLE COUN�', COLORADQ,CLERK ANb RECORAER, DESCRIBED A�FOT.tOWS: BEGINNINCr AT TT�SOUTf�ASTERLY CORNER OP SA,�D LOT 2, TI�.NCE�ALONG TI� SOUT�TERLy I INE OF SATD LOT 2, NORTI�79 DEGREES 41 MYNUTES 13 SECONDS WEST 177.31 FEET; THENCE, DEPARTII�IG S�ID SOUTHERLY�LIN,E,NORTH 49 AEGREES 10 MTNUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 28.72 FEET;'�iENCE NORTH 6 DEGREES 54 MII�l1�S 46 S�CONAS BAST 50_96 FEET;THF.NCE SOUT.E�85 D�GREES 50 MIN[JT`F.S 00 SECONDS EAST 53.59 FEB1'TO TI�NORTHEASTERLy LINE 0�SAID LOT 2;THLNCE THE FOLLO'GVIlVG�'WO COY7RSES ALpNG SAID NOIZTHEASTERLy LrNE: 1_ SOYTI"H 38 DEGREES 35 MINUTES 3I SECONDS EAST 2129 FEET 2_ I03.33 FEET ALONG TI�ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFI', HAVII�G A RA.DNS OF 469_30 FEET, A C�N�RAL ANCLE OF 12 DEGREES 36 MTNUTES 53 SECONDS, AND A CHORD THAT B�.ARS SOUTH 54 bEGREES OS MINUIES 06 SECONDS EA,ST 103.12 PE��';TT�NCE,ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 2, SOUTH 10 DEGREES 18 M�S 47 SECONDS VV�ST 20.42 FEET TO THE POTNT OF BEGIIINING_ . AUG-03-99 14 � 16 FROM=LAND TITLE GUARANTEE ID: 19704764534 PACE 6/11 . � ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B-Section l (Req�i,r�euts) Our Order No_ VC265538-2 The folIowing are t6e req►ureiments to be complied with: Icem(a)Yayment co or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of rhe full consxdczarion for the estate or i.nterest to be iaslu�cd_ '� Icem(b)Pzoper�Lenc(s}cz�ti�che esrace or incezest to be insured must bc�zecated and duly filed for ztcord, to-wit: rtem(c)Payment of all taxes,chazges or assessments�evied and assessed a;gainst the sabject pz�i�ses which aze due and payable. Item(d)Additionral reqnirements,if a�ory disclosed below: THIS COMMITMP,NT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY,AND NO FOLICY'G�TT I_BE ISSUED PURSY7ANT HPRETO. . AUG-03-99 14. 16 FROM=LAND TITLE GUARANTEE ID: 19704764534 PAGE 7/11 ALTA COMMITM�NT Schedule B-Section 2 � (Exceptions) O�Order No. 'V'C265538-2 ' The policy oz�pvlicies to be i�sued will w�tain exceptions to the follnvving u�ess the same are disrwsed I'I of to t�e satisfaction of the Company: � 1. Rights or c]a�oas of parties in possession not showu by tbc public records. � 2_ F�,seiments, or claims of easemencs,not shown by che public zecords. ' 3. biscz�epaucies,conflicts in botmdary]z�ats,shonage in area, enc.roachmenrs, and any facu which a c�zzect s�vey and iaspecrion of the�renaiszs would disclose and wl�ic]x are not shown by the publac zecords. 4. Any Iien, or xxght to a lien, for services, laboz or mat�zzal theretofore or hereafzer fw�aished,�posed by 1aw and n,ot showia by the public records_ 5. befects,lie�enc�biances, adverse claims oz othtr matceis,if any,a�eaied, Srst appeating in che ptiblic records or atta,chi� sabsequenc co che e�ective datt hcreof buc prior[o the dare rhe pzoposed insured acquires of zecozd for va�vc the estace or ineerest or moztgage thereon covered by thzs Co�mmi�ient. 6. Taxes or special as�ments whicb�az�not shown as existing liens by t�e pablic records_o the T`reas-az�ez's vffice. 7. Liens foz un�aid water and sewet cbarges, if any.. 8. In additio� the ow�oer's policy will be s�bjzct to thz�vztgage,if any,nflted in Secxion 1 of Schednle B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF P120PRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LObE TO EXTR.ACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THF..REFROM SHOULD'IT�SAME BE FOUND TO PEIv��TRATE OR IIITERSECT TI�PR�MYS�S AS RESERVED IN U1V'7TEb STATES PATEN7.R�CORDID 1V�AY 24, 1905, IN BOOXC 4-8 AT PACE 503 AND IN UNITED STA?ES �'A�'ENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER,04, I923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR D�I'CHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCI�A BY TF�AUTHORIT'Y'OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESBRVED IN LTNITED STATES PATENT RECORDEb MAY?sl�, 1905, IN BOOK 48,,A.T PAGE 503 AND RECORDED SEPTEMBER 04, 1923,IN BOOg 93 AT pAGE 98. 11. RE.STRICTIVE COVENANTS�CI�DO NOT CONTAIN A FO1t�E�'tJRE OR REVFIZTER CLA'USE, BUT OMITTiNG RLS�RICTiONS, IF ANY, BA�ED ON RAC�,COLOR,RELiGION, OR NA7TONAL ORIGIN,AS CONTATrIED Il�t�1S'�UIv�ENT RECORDEb YANUARY 09, 1963,]N BOO�174 AT PAGE 431_ . 12_ EAS�MENT ALONG THE EASI'ERLX 20 FEET OF LOT E,VAIL VII.I.ACE, SBCOND FII,ING AS GRANTED TO THE TOWN OF'�'AZL�N INSTRiJMII�IT REC012bED SE�'EMBER 8, 1971 IN BOOK 221 AT PAGE 610_ AUG-03-99 14 : 17 FROM:LAND �ITLE GUARANTEE ID= 19704764534 PAGE 6/11 ALTA COMMYTMENT Schedtile B-Scction 2 {Exce�tioas) Our Order No. VC265538-2 T6e pulicy or poliaes to be ks.sved will contain�e�ceptions to the fol�owing unless the same are d�spwsed o£to the satisfaction of t6e Compauy: 13. RESTRICTION AS CONTAINED 1N WA,�tR.pN�'Y DEED RECOR.DED DEC�.MBER 2, 19'771�1 BOOK ' 263 AT PAGE?�3, .AFFECTIl�TG ALL OF LOT�AND PART OF�.OT E, VAII.VIT_,LAGE, SBCOND�T�,ZNG: �I THE�REMTS�S SHALL BE USED O:�TLY FOR PURPOS�S DZRBCTL�'REI�TIl�iG TO THE MEDICAL SERVICFS PROVTbED BY VA1L CLYNTC INC. OR�Y SOME 01�R NON-PROFTT , CORl'ORA.TION QUALTF�D TO DO BUSINESS IN COL01.tAD0,INCLUDII�TG BUT NaT � T_.Ilv!ITED TO PIZOVIDING PARI�ING FOR VAIL CLTNZC INC. IF THE pREMISES ARE US�D FOR ANY OTH�R PURPOSES,T�iE PREMISES SHALL AT TT�E Op'I�ON OF TI� S�,L.I.�R OR 1�NY CORPORATION SUCCEEDING TO ITS BUSINESS, AUTOMA7ICALLY REVFRT IN ITS ENT�RE�Y TO SELLER O�t SUCH SUCCESSOR CORPORATTON_ 14. TERMS, CONDTIIONS AND PRO'VISIONS OF ASSIGNMENT OF RF.AL ESTA,TP LEA�E AND AGREBMF.NT BE'I'WEEN VATr,CLZNIC PHARMACY, INC. (LESSE�)AND VAYL CLINIC, INC. (I,�SSO�t)RECORDED OCTOBPR 31, 1980 IN BOOK 312 AT PAGE 111 AND LEASE AGR�M�NT RfiCORDED NOVETv�BER 15, 1979 IN BOOK 294 AT PAGE 705. 15_ CONVEYANC�OF EASEMENT TO VAII,PRO�ESSIONAL BUTY DTNG GROUP, LTD_,A COLORADO PARTN�RSHIP Il�T INSTR�(7MENT RECORDED MARCH 13, 1981 7.N BOOK 319 AT PAGE 888. 16. 1'ERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF LEASE BETWE�N VAIL CLINIC, II�TC., A COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORPORA.TION, (LANDLORD)AND EAGLE COUNTY�.MERGENCY SERVICES HOSPTTAL DISTRZCT('rENAN'T')R&CORDED MARCH 04, 1985]N$OOK 407 AT PAGT 475 AND RERECORDED MAY 28, 1985 IN BOO�K 415 AT PAG�32. 17. '(7NDERGROiTND RiGHT OF WAY EASEMENTS AS GRANTED'I'O�TOLX CROSS F.L�CT�C ASSOCIA'1�ON,INC.,IN]NSTRUMBNT RECORDED JULY 2, 1986 IN BOOK 444 AT�AGE � 626 AND IN INST7tYJMENT RECORDED JANU,A.RY 2'l, 1987 IN BOOg 456 AT PAGE 321. 18. TERMS,CONDTTIONS AND�ROVISI�NS OF HOL'a'CROSS EI_ECTKIC ASSOCTA'�ON, INC. CONTRACT POR F�C'Z'RIC SERVICE(CORPORATIONS)RECORDEb AUGUST 24, 199U�T BOOg 536 AT PAGE 365. 19_ TERMS,�ONDITIONS AND pROVZSIONS OP MEMORANDUM O�LICENSE AG1tfiEMENT RECORDID A,UGIJST l9, 1991 IN BOOK 560 AT PACrE 322_ 20. Tfi�LMS, CONDTTIONS.AND PRO'VISIONS OF AGREEMENT FOlZ A REVOCABLE EASBMENT AUG-03-99 14= 17 FROM.LAND TITLE GUARANTEE ID= 19704764534 PAGE 9/11 i ALTA COMMTTM&NT Schedule B-Secrion 2 (Exc�tio�) Oux On-der No. 'V'C265538-2 The policy or�olicies to be issued will c��ain exce�pti�ms to the following oudess the same are disposed of to t7ne satisfaction of the Company: RECORDED A�(J'GU�'02, 199S YN BOOK 672 AT pAGE 424. (AFFEC'I'S LOT E OF PAT2CEL 1) (�T'EMS 9 THROUGH 20 AFF&CT PARCEL�) 21. �tIGHT OF PROPRZ�'OR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMO'VE HIS ORE THERE�'ROM SHOULD THE SA,ME BB FOCJNb TO PENETRATE OR�NTERSECT TI�PRFMISES AS RfiSfiRVED IN UN��D STATFS PAT�N'T RECORDED MAY?�, 1904, IN BOOK 48 AT PAG�503 AND IN UNITED STATPS PATENT RECORDfiD SEPTEMBER 04, 1923, TN BOOK � 93 AT P,A,GE 98, 22. RIG�T OF WAY POR DTTC�-TES OR CANALS CONS'I�UCTED B'Y'THE AUTHORTTY' OF THE UNITEA STATES AS RESERV�D IN UNTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY?•4, 1904, IN BOOg 48,AT PAGE 503 AN'b RECORDED SEPTEMBER 04, 1923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAG�98. ' 23. R�STRICTIVE C�VENAN�S WHIC�-T DO NOT CONTAIN A�ORFEITURE OR REVER'�R CLAUSE, BUT ONIITTIl�'G RESTRICTIONS, T�ANY,BASBD ON RAC�, COLOR,RELYGiON, OR NATIONAL OR�G�1V, AS CONTATNEA ZN INSTRUMEN�'RECORDBD OCTOBER 15, 1971, IN BOOK 221 AT PAGE 989_ ?A. INS�JRANCE TRUST AGRE�MENT BY TALBLICK ASSOCIATION, PARTY OF THE FIRST PART, TOTAL TPAM 70INT VENT[TRE, PARTY OF T�E SECOND PART,AND'I'HE FIRST NA'I'�ON,A.L BANK OF DEN'V'�,R,PA,RTY OF TfiE THIRD PART,RECORbED AUGUST 6, 1974 IN BOOK 235 AT PAGE 942. 25. EASEMENT FOR UTII.P.fY ANb 1'�D�STRIAN PURpOSE AS SHOWN ON T�RECO1ZbED PT..,AT OF'V�AIIJLION5HEI�D, SBCOND FILING,S,A.ID EASEMENT BEING 20 FEET YN'V1�TH . OVER TI-�E SOUTHERLY LOT LINE OF SAID LOT 2. 26. EASEMBNT FOR LfTII1'IY PURPOSES AS S�IOWN ON Tf�RECORDED PLAT O� VAIL/I.IONS�TEAD, SECOND FTLYNG, SAID EASEMENT��ING 30 FEPT lN WIDTH OVP.R TI�NORTHERLY AND NORTHEASTERLY PORTiONS OP SAID LOT 2_ 27. THOSE pROVISIONS,CO'V'ENANTS AND CONDT'I'iO�TS, EASEMENTS,ANA RESIRICTTONS. AUG-03-99 14 : 17 FROM=LAND �ITLE GUARANTEE ID: 19704764534 PAGE 10/11 .. �d � . ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B-Section 2 (Exoe�tions) O�Order No. VC265538-2 Tt�e policy or pouries to be iissued vvill contain eycceptioms to the Eo�lowing�mless the same are�sposed oF tn tl�e satisfadion of the Compaay: 'GVHICH ARE A�URDEN TO THE CONDOMIl�'TC7M UN1T D�SCRIBED TN SCHEDUT�,A,, AS CON7AINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MAY 24, 1974,IN BOOl�234 AT PA.GE 871 AND AS AMEI�DED IN 1NSTR�MENT RECORDED AUGUST 06, 1974, IN BOOK 235 AT PAGE 941 AND AS AMEI�TDED TN INSTRUMENT RECORDED NO'V�MBER 15, 1977,IN BOOK 262 AT PAGE 327. I 28_ EASEMENTS,RESER'VATIONS ANA RESTRTCTiONS AS ST�OWN dR 12ESERVPD ON T�FiE ' RECOIZDED CONDOlvfIlVtU1vI MAP OF'VAII,INN CONDOMIl�IUM, FORMERLY TALBY.,TC.E� ' CONDOb�Il�tIUMS. � I I 29. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISXONS OF AGREEMENT RECORDHb JUNE 30, 1989 IN ' B007�509 AT PAGE 326. � (IT'EMS 21 THItOUGH 29 AFFECT PARCEL 2) 30. TERMS, CONDITTONS AND pROVISIONS OF AGREE�T RECORDED AUGUST 24, 1989 IN BOOK 512 AT pAGE 290_ (AFFEC?S PARCEL 1) 31. UNDB�CrROUNA RIG�TI'OF WAY EA,SED�NT AS GR.ANTED TO HOLY CROSS EL�CTRIC ASSOCYATiON, INC., INC. IN TNSIRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 18, 1989 IN BOOK 511 AT P�GE 849. (.A.FFEC'TS PA.RCEL 1) � AUG-03-99 14= 16 FROM=LAND TITLE GUARANTEE ID= 197P^764534 PAGE 11/li X.A,ND TITL� GUARANTEE COMPA,NY DISCLOSURE STA1TdV�N'f Required b�C.R.5. 10-11-].22 A) The snbject xeal propetty may be located in a sp�cial taxing di.str�ct. B) A Certif cate of Tazes Due lis`ting each taxi�o�g jurisdiction may be obtained fro�m,the County Treas�er's authoz�zec�agent. C) The info�omarion regardizb speciai disuicts and rhe bowo,daries of svch di,staicts may be obtained fra�m the Board of Co�nty Commissionczs,the Cotmty Clerk and R�rd.er, or the County Assessor_ Effecdve September 1, 1997, CRS 30-IO-446 requires tha.t a11 documenrs recczved for recordi�atg or 51ing in tb,e clerk and z�corder's o�ice shall contain a�op margin of at Ieas�one inch and a left, zight and bottom xoaz�n of at lease a��iaif of an inch..The ciGrk and recorder may refuse to record or filt any docume�t ttaat does not confor� ezccpt that, the z�ui�ment foz the top margjn sb�all not apply to documents os�fomu on cvhich � space is provided for recozding or�ilir�iufomia�ou at cbe top mar�,in of the docum�nt. **************************�,x*********a*************************��********************* TOWN OF VAII., COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: R000000596 Amount: $200.00 04/16/200101:28 PM Payment Method: Check Init: JAR Notation: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: PFsC010030 Type: PEC - Conditional Uee Parcel No: 210107101013 Site Addreas: 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location: Total Fees: $200.00 This Payment: $200.00 Total ALL Pmts: $200.00 Balance: $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ PV 00100003112500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 200.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I �i II I **************************��************************************�********************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: R000000597 Amount: $50.00 04/16/200101:30 PM Payment Method: Check Init: JAR Notation: 07046 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: DRBO10081 Type: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 210107101013 Site Address: 181 W MFsADOW DR VAIL Location: Total Feea: $50.00 This Payment: $50.00 Total ALL Pmte: $50.00 Balance: $0.00 #####****#*#*######*###*###*#**:k########*+k#**#*####**#*#####*##*#*####***#*#**##*##+k##*###*# �� ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: � Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 50.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------